? ^ DNVSOV^ ' I would like to express my obligation to Mr. R. D. Boys of the Public Library, Melbourne, who was good enough to read through > the whole Catalogue, both in manuscript and proof, and made many valuable suggestions. I would also thank Mr. J. Kemp, the Govern- ^ ment Printer, for many courtesies while the work was passing through the press. 3 ARTHUR WADSWORTH, Librarian. Library of the Parliament of the Commonwealth, 12th January, 1912. 4C8379 RULES FOR THE MANAGEMENT OF THE LIBRARY OF THE PARLIAMENT OF THE COMMONWEALTH. As ADOPTED BY THE JOINT LIBRARY COMMITTEE. 1. Members may not have on loan from the Library more than six volumes at any one time, and when taking out a book shall report it to an officer of the Library. 2. Books may not be kept for more than seven days, but, except in the case of books inquired for, this rule will not be strictly enforced. Books newly received shall be issued according to priority of appli- cation. 3. Works of special value, works of reference, law books, and maps, and. on the direction of the Chairman of the Library Com- mittee, any books likely to be in request in relation to any debate, shall not be removed from the Parliament Buildings. 4. Bound volumes of newspapers shall not be removed from the Library, except to the Chamber of the Senate, or House of Repre- sentatives, for use in debate, and shall be returned as soon as done with. 5. The Librarian shall report to the Chairman of the Library Committee any cases in which books held by Members, or others entitled to the use of the Library, have been unduly retained when applied for. 6. Any one entitled to the use of the Library losing or defacing a book shall replace it, or the set, if it jform part of a set, to the satis- faction of the Committee. 7. Once in each year the Librarian shall cause an account of stock to be taken, and shall subsequently submit a report to the Library Committee, with a list of the books lost or unduly retained during the year. 8. No magazine, periodical, or weekly newspaper shall be removed from the Library after its arrival until the receipt of the next issue. 9. Except by permission of the Librarian, no stranger shall be admitted to the Library unless accompanied by or having an order from a Member of Parliament. 10. While Parliament is in session persons actually engaged in reporting the proceedings of Parliament may be allowed access to the Library for purposes of reference. 11. The Library shall not be used for the purpose of receiving deputations, for the meetings of Royal Commissions or Select Com- mittees (except the Library Committee), or for meetings of any sort whatever, without the express consent of the Library Committee previously obtained, 12. Any Senator or Member of the House of Representatives of flu- first Parliament of the Commonwealth shall he entitled for lift- to all such privileges connected with the Commonwealth Library as are from time to time enjoyed by the sitting Members of the Par- liament. 13. The like privileges shall also be enjoyed for life by any person who shall have, for a period of not, less than five years, occupied a seat in the Parliament of the Commonwealth, or shall for any period have held office as President, Speaker, or as a Minister of the Crown. 14. Such Officers of Parliament as are approved by the Presid- m or Speaker shall be entitled to the use of the Library. 15. Smoking in any part of the Library is prohibited. 16. The Librarian is required to report, to the Chairman of the Committee any infringement of these Rules. 17. Any person infringing any of the foregoing Rules is liable to the forfeiture of all privileges connected with the Library. vn EXPLANATION OF THE DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION. " The field of knowledge is divided into nine main classes, which are numbered by the digits, 1 to '9. Cyclopaedias, periodicals, &c., so general in character as to belong to no one of these classes, are marked 0, and form a tenth class. Each class is similarly separated into nine divisions, general works belonging to no division having in place of the division number. Divisions are similarly divided into nine sections, and the process is repeated as often as necessary." Thus of the ten divisions of Class 5, Natural Science, 59 represents Zoology, and is subdivided into 590, General Works ; 591, Physio- logical Zoology ; 592, Invertebrates ; which are treated in more detail in Classes 593, Protozoans; 594, Molluscs; and 595, Articulates. 596 deals with Vertebrates generally, and 597, 598, 599, treat of Fishes, Reptiles and Birds, and Mammals respectively. Among the sub- divisions of 595 is 595 '7, Insects, and this again is divided into further subdivisions 595 '71 to 595 '79, which deal with the different orders of Insects. For instance, Class 595' 76 r- lates to the Coleoptera or Beetles,- and in a Library paying special attencion to Entomology, this class may be still further subdivided by the addition of more numbers to deal with the genera or species of Beetles as minutely as may be desired. A feature of the system is a device by which the figures relating to the history of a country may be added to, or combi ,ed with, the figures relating to a subject, in order to give a number indicating that subject in reference to that country. Thus, 310 being the number for General Statistics, and 942 that for History of England, the 9 representing the class History is dropped, and also the of 310, denoting its general character ; and, the numbers then being combined, Statistics of England would be found under the number 314-2. In the same way the number 994 '4 representing History of New South Wales, a like combination gives 319 44 for Statistics of New South Wales, under which number would be placed such a book as Coghlan's Wealth and Progress of New South Wales. So, Geo* gy being 550, and History of Victoria 994 '5, works on the Geology of Victoria would be found under the number 559 '45. Two summaries of the system are given here, the first of which shows the classes into which all subjects are divided, and the second the divisions of each of the ten classes. A more minute summary has not been given, but in the Catalogue further subdivision has been carried out to such extent as was found necessary. s DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION. FIRST SUMMARY. CLASSES. 0. GENERAL WORKS. 1. PHILOSOPHY. 2. RELIGION. 3. SOCIOLOGY. 4. PHILOLOGY. 5. NATURAL SCIENCE. 6. USEFUL ARTS. 7. FINE ARTS. 8. LITERATURE. 9. HISTORY. * F.8720. SECOND SIM MARY. DIVISIONS. 000 General Works. 010 BIBLIOGRAPHY. 020 LIBRARY ECONOMY. 030 GENERAL CYCLOPAEDIAS. 040 GENERAL COLLECTIONS. 050 GENERAL PERIODICALS. 060 GENERAL SOCIETIES. 070 NEWSPAPERS. 080 SPECIAL LIBRARIES. POLYGRAPHY. 090 BOOK KARITIES. 100 Philosophy. 1 10 METAPHYSICS. 120 SPECIAL METAPHYSICAL TOPICS. 130 MIND AND BODY. 140 PHILOSOPHICAL SYSTEMS. 150 MENTAL FACULTIES. PSYCHOLOGY. 160 LOGIC. DIALECTICS. 170 ETHICS. 180 ANCIENT PHILOSOPHERS. 190 MODERN PHILOSOPHERS. 200 Religion. 210 NATURAL THEOLOGY. 220 BIBLE. 230 DOCTRINAL THEOLOGY. DOGMATICS. 240 DEVOTIONAL AND PRACTICAL. 250 HOMILETIC. PASTORAL. PAROCHIAL. 260 CHURCH. INSTITUTIONS. WORK. 270 RELIGIOUS HISTORY. 280 CHRISTIAN CHURCHES AND SECTS. 290 ETHNIC. NON-CHRISTIAN RELIGIONS. 300 Sociology. 310 STATISTICS. 320 POLITICAL SCIENCE. 330 POLITICAL ECONOMY. 340 LAW. 350 ADMINISTRATION. 360 ASSOCIATIONS AND INSTITUTIONS. 370 EDUCATION. 380 COMMERCE AND COMMUNICATION, 390 CUSTOMS. COSTUMES. FOLK-LORB. 400 Philology. 410 COMPARATIVE. 420 ENGLISH. 430 GERMAN. 440 FRENCH. 450 ITALIAN. 460 SPANISH. 470 LATIN. 480 GREEK. 490 MINOR LANGUAGES. 500 Natural Science. 510 MATHEMATICS. 520 ASTRONOMY. 530 PHYSICS. 540 CHEMISTRY. 550 GEOLOGY. 560 PALEONTOLOGY. 570 BIOLOGY. 580 BOTANY. 590 ZOOLOGY. 600 Useful Arts. 610 MEDICINE. 620 ENGINEERING. 630 AGRICULTURE. 640 DOMESTIC ECONOMY. 650 COMMUNICATION AND COMMERCE. 660 CHEMICAL TECHNOLOGY. 670 MANUFACTURES. 680 MECHANIC TRADES. 690 BUILDING. 700 Fine Arts. 710 LANDSCAPE GARDENING (not used). 720 ARCHITECTURE. 730 SCULPTURE. 740 DRAWING. DESIGN. DECORATION. 750 PAINTING. 760 ENGRAVING. 770 PHOTOGRAPHY. 780 Music. 790 AMUSEMENTS. 800 Literature. 810 AMERICAN. 820 ENGLISH. 830 GERMAN. 840 FRENCH. 850 ITALIAN. 860 SPANISH. 870 LATIN. 880 GREEK. 890 MINOR LANGUAGES. xii 900 10 920 930 940 950 960 970 980 990 History. GEOGRAPHY AND TRAVELS. BIOGRAPHY. ANCIENT HISTORY. EUROPE. ASIA. AFRICA. NORTH AMERICA. SOUTH AMERICA. OCEANIC AND POLAR REGIONS. 000. General Works. 010. Bibliographies. 011. General bibliographies. ALLIBONE, S. AUSTIN. Critical dictionary of English literature and British and American authors, living and deceased. 3 v., 8vo. Phila., 1877. Same: supplement. 2 v., 8vo. Phila., 1891. BELOE, Rev. WILLIAM. Anecdotes of literature and scarce books. 6 v., 8vo., Lond., 1808-14. BRUNET, JACQUES CHARLES. Manuel du libraire et de 1' amateur de livres. 5th ed. 6 v., 8vo. Paris, 1860-65. Same: supplement: by P. Deschamps and G. Brunet. 2 v.. 8vo. Paris, 1878-80. DIBDIN, THOMAS FROGNALL. Bibliomania; or, book-madness, a bibliographical romance; illust. 8vo. Lond., 1842. SONNENSCHEIN, WILLIAM SWAN. The best books ; a reader's guide to the choice of the best available books in every de- partment of science, art, and literature. 2nd ed. 4to. Lond., 1901. Reader's guide to the choice of the best available books in every department of science, art, and literature. 4to. Lond., 1901. 012. Bibliography of authors. THOMSON, J. C. Bibliography of the writings of Charles and Mary Lamb: a literary history. 8vo. Hull, 1908. WOODS, Rev. JULIAN EDMUND TENISON. List in chronological order of [his] scientific writings, pp. 13, 8vo. n.p. [1887] Pam., v. 47, no 785. 015. Bibliography of countries. AMERICAN catalogue. Books recorded, 1890-1900. 2 v., la. 410. N.Y., 1896-1901. Same: 1900-05, 1905-07. 2 v., la. 8vo. N.Y., 1905-08. ANNUAL American catalogue, 1908 to date. 8vo. N.Y., 1909 to date. Same: Cumulated, 1900-01, 1900-02, 1900-03. 3 v., 4to. N.Y., 1902-04. BRITISH catalogue of books published : index, 1837-1857 [with appces. to .1858]. 8vo. Lond., 1858. COURTNEY, WILLIAM PRIDEAUX. Register of national biblio- graphy, with a selection of the chief bibliographical books and articles printed in other countries. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., F.8720- BIBLIOGRAPHY. ENGLISH catalogue of books, giving in one alphabet under author and subject the size, price, month of publication, and pub- lisher of books issued in the United Kingdom, and of some of those issued in the United States, 1835 to date. 8vo. Lond., 1864 to date. Annual volumes are at intervals cumulated into volumes containing several years in one alphabet. There are at present issued 1835-63, 1863-71, 1872-80, i88i-8 Memoirs, class 559.44. ETHERIDGE, ROBERT, and JACK, ROBERT LOGAN. Catalogue of works, papers, reports, and maps, on the geology, palaeon- tology, mineralogy, mining, and metallurgy, &c., of the Aus- tralian continent and Tasmania. 8vo. Lond., 1881. Same: another ed. 4to. Syd., 1882. (In H. Wood. Mineral products of New South Wales, c'ass 550.44.) GILL, THOMAS. Bibliography of South Australia. 8vo. Adelaide, 1886. GROSS, CHARLES. Bibliography of British municipal history, in- chviing gilds and parliamentary representation. 8vo. N.Y., 1897. (Harvard historical studies, v. 5.) BIBLIOGRAPHY. HALL, THOMAS SERGEANT. Catalogue of the scientific and technical periodical literature in the libraries in Melbourne. 8vo. Melb., 1899. HOCKEN, THOMAS MORLAND. Bibliography of the literature re- lating to New Zealand. 8vo. Well., 1909. A continuation and enlargement of J. Collier's work. kl\G, P. S., and SON. Catalogue of parliamentary papers. 1801- 1900; with a few of earlier date. 4to. Lond., n.d. L ANIo. WILLIAM COOLIDGE, and BROWNE, NINA E., eds. A.L.A. [i.e., American Library Association] portrait index to portraits contained in printed books and periodicals. 8vo. Wash., 1906. (Library of Congress.) LARNACH, JAMES McD. Bibliographical history of Australia. pp. 16, 8vo. Fitzroy, 1885. Pam., v. 178, no. 3411. LEE, SIDNEY. Four quarto editions of plays by Shakespeare, the property of the trustees and guardians of Shakespeare's birth- place; 5 illust. in fac-simile. pp. 63, 8vo. Stratford-upon- Avon, 1908. Para., v. 152, no. 2940. Notes and additions to the census of copies of the Shakespeare first folio pp. 30, 8vo. Oxford, 1906. Pam., v. 152, no. 2943. MAIDEN. JOSEPH HENRY. Bibliography of Australian economic botany, pt. i. pp. 61, 8vo. Syd., 1892. Pam., v. 26, no. 449. MARTIN, WILLIAM. Catalogue d'ouvrages relatifs aux iles Hawaii; essai de bibliographic Hawaienne. pp. 92, 8vo. Paris, 1867 ROYAL society of Tasmania. Register of papers published in the Tasmanian journal and the Papers and Proceedings of the Royal society of Tasmania from the year 1841 to 1885 : compiled by Alexander Morton, pp. 58, 8vo. Hobart, 1887. Pam., v. too, no. 1830. UNITED STATES: Library of Congress Benjamin Franklin papers in the Library of Congress, la. 8vo. Wash., 1905. [Bibliographies.] 8vo. Wash., v.d. Theory of colonization, government of dependencies, protectorates, and related topics, 1900. Reciprocity, 1902. Industrial arbitration, 1903. Negro question, 1903. Constitution of the United States, 1903. Labour, particularly relating to strikes, 1903. Federal control of commerce and corporations, 1903. Government ownership of railroads, 1903. Cabinets of England and America, 1903. Anglo-Saxon interests, 1903. Old age and civil service pensions, 1903. Mercantile marine subsidies, Books, with references to periodicals, on the Philippine islands in the Library of Congress, by A. P. C. Griffin ; list of maps, by P. L. Phillips, la. 8vo, Wash, 1903. Geographical atlases in the Library of Congress, with biblio- graphical notes. 2 v., la. 8vo. Wash., 1909. A 2 LIBRARY AND SALE CATALOGUES. Lincolniana in the Library of Congress : by George T. Ritchie. pp. 86. rev. ed. la. 8vo. Wash., 1906. List of books, with references to periodicals, relating to trusts. PP- 93- 3 f d ed. la. 8vo. Wash., 1907. Papers of James Monroe, listed in chronological order from the original manuscripts in the Library of Congress, la. 8vo. Wash., 1904. Preliminary check list of American almanacs, 1639-1800; by Hugh A. Morrison, la. 8vo. Wash., 1907. Select list of references on the British tariff movement (Cham- berlain's plan), pp. 60. 2nd ed. la. 8vo. Wash., 1906. VICTORIA: Public library, museums, and national gallery. Cata- logue of current periodicals received at the Public library of Victoria. 8vo. Melb., 1905. WALKER, ROBERT COOPER. Works on New South Wales : com- piled at the Free public library, Sydney. pp. 56, 8vo. Syd.. 1878 017. Library and sale catalogues. AUSTRALIAN subscription library and reading rooms. Catalogue, systematically arranged, with the rules, regulations, and by- laws, and list of members. 2 v. in i, 8vo. Syd., 1843-53. BOHN, HENRY G., publisher. Catalogue of books. 8vo. Lond., 1841. BOOK-PRICES current; a record of the prices at which books have been sold at auction, v. 19, 1904 to date. 8vo. Lond., 1905 to date. BRITISH Museum. Catalogue of the printed books in the library of the British museum, and supplement. Bound in 100 v., 4to. Lond., 1881-1905. Shews all books in the library at end of 1899. Subject index of the modern works added to the library of the British museum in the years 1881-1900; ed. by G. K. For- tescue. 3 v., 8vo. Lond., 1902-3. Same: 1901-1905. 8vo. Lond., 1906. CUMULATIVE book index; author, title, and subject catalog in one alphabet of books published, 1909 to date : ed. by Marion E. Potter. 8vo. Minneapolis. Current monthly parts are received as issued and also the cumu- lated vol. at the end of the year. LIVINGSTON, LUTHER SAMUEL, ed. Auction prices of books, from the commencement of the English Book-prices current in 1886, and the American Book-prices current in 1894, to 1004. 4 v., 8vo. N.Y , 1905. LONDON library. Catalogue, by C. T. Hagberg Wright. 410. Lond., 1903 Same: ist and 2nd supplements. 2 v., 4to. Lond., 1904-05. Same: Subject-index. 410. Lond., 1909. MACMILLAN and Co. Bibliographical catalogue of publications from 1843 to 1889: [2 portrs.]. 8vo. Lond., i8gi. MASSACHUSETTS state library. Catalogue. 8vo. Boston, 1880. NATIONAL liberal club. Gladstone library; catalogue of books and pamphlets. 8vo. Lond., 1908. LIBRARY ADMINISTRATION. PUBLIC library of New South Wales. Catalogue, 1869-87. 4*0 Syd., 1895. Same: supplement, 1888-95. 2 v. in i, 4to. Syd., 1895-97. Subject index of the books in the author catalogues, 1869-95. 4to. Syd., 1903. Supplementary catalogue and subject-index, 1896-1900. 410. Syd., 1902. Same: 1901-1905. 4to. Syd., 1906 [1907]. QUEENSLAND : Parliament library. Analytical and classified catalogue of the library of the Parliament of Queensland : by Denis O'Donovan. 3 v., 8vo. Brisb., 1899-1900. SOUTH AUSTRALIA: Parliament: Library. Catalogue of the Parliamentary library of South Australia: [by J. P. Morice: with two supplements]. 4to. Adel., 1902-04. TASMANIAN public library. Alphabetical catalogue; with the rules, regulations, and by-laws, pp. 83, 8vo. Hobart Town, 1862. TORCH, The. and colonial book circular; ed. by E. A. Petherick. v. 1-4. 8vo. Lond., 1887-91. 020. Library Economy. BOSTWICK, ARTHUR ELMORE. The American public library i illust. 8vo. N.Y., 1910. CHAMPNEYS, AMIAN L. Public libraries; a treatise on their design, construction, and fittings ; with chapter on the prin- ciples of planning, and a summary of the law : illust. 8vo. Lond., 1907. LAUGHTON, Rev. JAMES B. Lecture delivered at the opening of the Bathurst mechanics' school of arts, on Wednesday, 29 August, 1855. pp. 20, 8vo. Syd., 1855. Pam., v. 62, no. 1005. LIBRARY association of Australasia. Account of the proceedings of the first Australasian library conference, held at Melbourne, April, 1896; with the papers read, list of delegates, &c., and the constitution and office bearers of the Library association of Australasia, pp. 65, 4to. Melb., 1896. Proceedings of the Sydney meeting, October, 1898; with three appces. : The programme, guide to \iie loan exhibition, and library statistics of New South Wales. 8vo. Syd., 1899. Transactions' and proceedings at the second general meeting, held at Adelaide, October, 1900. 8vo. Adel., 1901. Transactions and proceedings at the third general meeting, held at Melbourne, April, 1902. 8vo. Melb., 1902. 025. Library administration. AMERICAN library association. List of subject headings for use in dictionary catalogs. 2nd ed. 8vo. Boston, 1903. BLACKBURN, CHARLES F. Hints on catalogue titles, and on index entries. 8vo. Lond., 1884. BROWN, JAMES DUFF. Subject classification, with tables, indexes, &c., for the subdivision of subjects. 8vo. Lond., 1906. 6 LIBRAEIES. CUTTER, CHARLES AMMI. Rules for a dictionary catalogue. 3rd ed. 8vo. Wash., 1891. DEWEY, MELVIL. Decimal classification and relativ index. 6th ed. 8vo. Boston, 1899. INSTITUT international de bibliographic. Manuel du repertoire bibliographique universel ; organisation, e"tat des travaux, regies, classifications. 8vo. [Bruxelles], 1907. PUBLIC library of New South Wales. Guide to the system of cataloguing of the reference library, with rules for cataloguing, the relative decimal classification, and headings used in the subject index: by H. C. L. Anderson. 4th ed. 4to. Syd., 1902. UNITED STATES: Library of Congress. Classification. 410. Wash., 1905-10. Contents. Class G, Geography, Anthropology, Sports and games. Class J, Political science. Class N, Fine Arts. Class Q, Science; preliminary. Class R, Medicine. Class T, Technology. Class U, Military science. Class V, Naval science. Class Z, Bibliography and library science. In progress. 027. General libraries. ARMSTRONG, EDMUND LA TOUCHE. Book of the Public Library, Museums, and National Gallery of Victoria, 1856-1906: [portrs. and illust.]. 8vo. Melb., 1906. HOLGATE, CLIFFORD W. Account of the chief libraries of Aus- tralia and Tasmania, -pp. 51, la. 8vo. Lond., 1886. LEWIN, PERCY EVANS. The empire and the public library; the relations between the libraries of the empire. pp. 20. 8vo. Lond., 1909. Pam., v. 178, no. 3412. MELBOURNE mechanics' institution and school of arts. Report of the committee of management for 1857. pp. 12, 8vo. Melb., 1858. Pam. v. 20, no. 3768. PUBLIC library of New South Wales. Report from the select committee of the Legislative Assembly on the working of the Free public library ; with the proceedings of the committee, minutes of evidence, and appx. fscp. fo. Syd., 1900. SOUTH AUSTRALIAN institute. Addresses delivered at the laying of the foundation by Sir W. F. Drummond Jervois, Rowland Rees, J.P., and Hon. Thos. King, M.P. pp. 29, 8vo. Adel., 1879. Pam., v. 178, no. 3413. TASMANIAN public library. Programme for Monday, 22nd February, 1904. pp. 4, 8vo. Hobart, 1904. Pam., v. 87, no. ij63A. UNITED STATES : Library of Congress. Report of the librarian for the fiscal years ended 30 June, IQOI, 1902, 1903, 1905, 1906. 5 v., 8vo Wash., 1901-06. For other years, see United States Congressional documents, class 328-73. GENERAL PERIODICALS : MAGAZINES. 028. Reading and aids : Indexing. MATSON, HENRY. References for literary workers, with introduc- tions to topics and questions for debate. 4th ed. 8vo. Chic., 1899. WHEATLEY, HENRY BENJAMIN. How to make an index. i2mo. Lond., 1902. 030. General Cyclopaedias. ENCYCLOPAEDIA Britannica : 9 th ed. 24 v., and index. 25 v., 4to. Edinb., 1875-89. Same.- new volumes, constituting with the 9th ed. the loth ed. ,11 v. (v. 25-35 f complete work.) 4to. Edinb., 1902-03. v. 10 contains maps; v. n, index to whole work. Same: nth ed. 29 v., 4to. Camb., 1911. HAZELL'S annual : a cyclopaedic record of men and topics of the day; 1902 to date. 8vo. Lond. LAROUSSE, PIERRE. Grand dictionnaire universel du xix e siecle : Frangais historique, geographique, mythologique, biblio- graphique, litteraire, artistique, scientifique, &c. 15 v., 4to. Paris, [1866-76]. Same: supplement. 410. Paris, [1877]. Same: 2e. supplement. 4to. Paris, [1887]. P ANN ELL'S reference book for home and office. New ed. 8vo. Lond., 1907. 040. Scrap Books, Cuttings, Pamphlets. [CUTTINGS from Melbourne illustrated newspapers, 1863-64.] Fo. [CUTTINGS relating to political and parliamentary affairs from New South Wales newspapers with some from Victorian news- papers during the years 1891-94.] 13 v., fo. PAMPHLETS: Nos. 1-3661, bound in 189 v. 8vo. and izmo. The great majority of these pamphlets either relate to Australasian affairs or are published in Australasia. They are set out in this catalogue in their proper classes. 050. General Periodicals : Magazines. ANNUAL literary index, aftw. Annual library index; including periodicals, American and English, essays, book-chapters, &c. ; with author-index, bibliographies, necrology, and index to dates of principal events, 1902 to date; ed. by W. I. Fletcher [and others]. 8vo. N.Y., 1903 to date. AUSTRALASIAN critic: a monthly review of literature, science, and art; October, 1890, to September, 1891. 4to. Melb. All published. AUSTRALIA Felix monthly magazine. Parts 1-3. June, August, October, 1849. 8vo. Geelong. All published. AUSTRALIAN gold digger's monthly magazine and colonial family visitor ; conducted by James Bonwick. October and Novem- ber, 1852. pp. 36, 38, i2mo. Melb., 1852. Pam., v. 117, nos. 2169-70. 8 MAGAZINES. AUSTRALIAN magazine: 1899. 8vo. Syd. n.t.p. AUSTRALIAN monthly magazine: 1865-67. 4 v., 8vo. Melb. All published. AUSTRALIAN youth's magazine: v. i, 1854. 8vo. n.-p. n.t.p. BLACKWOOD'S magazine: vol. 67, January to June, 1850; vol. 73, January to June, 1853; vol. 75, January, 1854, to vol. 94, December, 1863; vol. 96, July, 1864, to date. 8vo. Edinb. CENTENNIAL magazine: August, 1888, -to September, 1890. 2 v. 8vo. Syd. Comprises v. i, v. 2, and v. 3, pts. i and 2. All published. CHAPMAN'S New Zealand monthly magazine, literary, scientific, and miscellaneous: v. i, August to December, 1862. 8vo. Auckland. All published. COLONIAL magazine and commercial -maritime journal, ed. by R. M. Martin: v. i, Jan. -Apr., 1840; v. 2, May- Aug., 1840; v. 4, Jan. -Apr., 1841. 3 v., 8vo. Lond. Same. Continued as Fisher's Colonial magazine and commer- cial maritime journal: v. 1-4, Aug., 1842, to Dec., 1843. 2V., 8vo. Lond. Same. Continued as Fisher's Colonial magazine and journal of trade, commerce, and banking: new series, v. 1-2, 1844-45. 8vo. Lond. COLONIAL monthly; an Australian magazine, 1867-70: New series. 5 v., 8vo. Melb. CONTEMPORARY review: 1871 to date. 8vo. Lond. COSMOS; an illustrated Australian magazine; v. i and 4, parts of v. 2; September, 1894, to December, 1895. 2 v - 8vo - Syd. DUBLIN review; v. 108, January, 1906, to date. 8vo. Lond. EDINBURGH review; 1901 to date. 8vo. Lond. FORTNIGHTLY review; 1901 to date. 8vo. Lond. GLEAM, The; an illustrated monthly magazine: v. i, July to December, 1900. 8vo. Adel. HAWAIIAN, The; ed. by Julian D. Hayne : v. i, no. 2. June, 1895. 8vo. Honolulu, 1895. Pam., v. 154, no. 2975. HOBART Town magazine; March to August, 1833. 8vo. Hobart Town. ILLUMINATED magazine; ed. by Douglas Jerrold : v. i and a, May, 1843, to April, 1844. (2 v., 8vo. Lond. ILLUSTRATED Australian magazine; July, 1850, to December, 1851. 3v., 8vo. Melb. ILLUSTRATED journal of Australasia, formerly Journal of Aus- tralasia : v. 1-4, July, 1856, to June, 1858. 8vo. Melb. LONE hand, the Australian monthly; v. ,i, Nov., 7907, to date. 8vo. Syd. MELBOURNE monthly magazine of original colonial literature : v. i, May to November, 1855. 8vo. Melb. MELBOURNE review: v. i-jo, January, 1876, to October, 1885. 10 v., 8vo. Melb. All published. MAGAZINES. 9 MELBOURNE review. [Articles from.] 8vo. Melb. v.d. Contents. Port Phillip : C. G. Duffy. Our first legislature : C. G. Duffy. Some aspects of religious thought in Melbourne : G. Walters. Victoria's vicissitudes : G. S. Griffiths. Our sister cities : Brisbane : L. Beaton. Our sister cities : Dunedin : anon. Agricultural col- leges and French agriculture for Australia : G. Le Roy. European enterprise in Australia : E. A. Petherick. MONTH, The; an Australian journal: ed. by Frank Fowler: v. 1-2, July, 1857, to June, 1858: [illust.]- 8vo. Syd. No t.p. or index : wrappers missing. MONTHLY review : v. 25, October, 1906, to date. 8vo. Lond. MURRAY, ROBERT L. Murray's Austral-Asiatic review, v. i, 1828. 8vo. Hobart Town. NATIONAL review; 1901 to date. 8vo. Lond. NATIVE companion; an Australian magazine of literature and life: v. i, January to June, 1907. 8vo. Melb. NEW Quarterly; ed. by Desmond MacCarthy : v. i, November, 1907, to date. 8vo. Lond. NEW SOUTH WALES magazine; August, 1833, to March, 1834. 2 v. in i. 8vo. Syd. All published. NEW SOUTH WALES magazine; or, journal of general pplitics, literature, science, and the arts : January to November, 1843. 8vo. Syd. No title page. All published. NEW ZEALAND magazine; 1876-1877. 2 v., 8vo. Dunedin. No title page. All published. NINETEENTH century and after: 1901 to date. 8vo. Lond. NORTH American review : 1901 to date. 8vo. N.Y. NOTES and queries : a medium of intercommunication for literary men, artists, antiquaries, genealogists, &c. v. i, 1849 * date. In 10 series with cumulated index at end of each series. OBSERVER miscellany; issued as a supplement to the Adelaide Observer : i July, 1876, to 30 June, 1877. 2 v., 8vo. Adel. ONCE a month; a magazine for Australasia: v. 1-4, July, 1884, to June, 1886; illust. 4 v., 8vo. 'Melb. May, 1886, wanting. All published. PARTHENON, The. v. i, 1889. 410. Syd. PASQU1N ; the pastoral, mineral, and agricultural advocate; ed. by E. R. Mitford : v. 1-3, January, 1867, to Nov., 1869. 3v. in i, 4to. Lond. POOLE, WILLIAM FREDERICK, and FLETCHER, WILLIAM I., eds. Index to periodical literature, 1802-1881, and supplements. to i Jan., 1902. 5 v. in 6, 4to. Boston, 1893-1903. PORTFOLIO, The: v. 3, No. 10, May, 1844. 8vo. Lond. Pam., v. 66, no. 1128. QUARTERLY review : 1901 to date. 8vo. Lond. QUEENSLAND review; ed. by G. C. Craig: v. i, No. i, Aug., 1885. 8vo. Brisb. Pam., v. 160. no. 3070. REVIEW of reviews for Australasia : v. i, 1892, to date. 4to. Melb. 10 NEWSPAPERS. SATURDAY magazine: v. 8 11, 1836-37 2 v., fo. Land. SOUTH-ASIAN register: Oct., 1827, to Apr., 1828. 8vo. Syd. AH published. SOUTHERN spectator: a magazine of religious, philanthropic, social, and generaF literature; August, 1857, to June, 1859; ed. by rev. R. Fletcher. 2 v. in i. 8vo. Mell>. All published. STEELE RUDD'S magazine : May, 1904. pp. 78, 8vo. Syd. Pam., v. 50, no. 843. Same: 1905- 2v., 8vo. Syd. SYDNEY magazine; ed. by G. R. Maclean: March to July, 1878. 8vo. Syd. SYDNEY magazine of science and art; containing the proceedings of the Australian horticultural and agricultural society and the Philosophical society of New South Wales. 2 v. in i, la. 8vo. Syd., 1858-59. All published. SYDNEY once a week: v. i, Jan. to June, 1878. 8vo. Syd., n.t.p. SYDNEY Quarterly magazine: Oct., 1883, to Dec,, 1892. 9 v., 8vo. Syd. Oct., 1884, wanting. SYDNEY university magazine: v. i., 1855. 8vo. Syd. Same: no n, 8vo. Syd., 1855. Pam., v. 62, no. 1021. SYDNEY university magazine : a literary, scientific, and educational journal; v. 1-2, April, 1878, to January, 1879. 2 v. in i, 8vo. Syd. All published. SYDNEY university review: November, 1881, to July, 1883; Nos. 1-5. la. 8vo. Syd. All published. TASMANIAN monthly magazine, Sept., 1853. pp. 48, 8vo. Hobart Town. Pam., v. 117, no. 2171. UNITED Australia: a quarterly review; Jan., 1900. to July, 1902. 4to and fscp. fo Syd. Monthly from July, 1901. All published. VICTORIAN review: v. 1-13, November, 1879, to February, 1886. 13 v., 8vo. Melb. All published. ZEALANDIA: a monthly magazine of New Zealand literature: July, 1889, to June, 1890. 8vo. Dunedin. All published. 070. General Newspapers. GREAT BRITAIN : Australian and New Zealand gazette: i9th October, 1850, to nth December, 1852. 2 v., fo. [Lond.] Punch; or, the London Charivari: v. i, July, 1841, to date 4to. Lond. Vols. i to ioo a reprint bound in 25 v. NEWSPAPERS. 11 Times : 1861-1886, July, 1901, to date. fo. Lond. Same: annual index, 1908 to date. 8vo. Lond. Same: Palmer's index to the Times newspaper, 1860 to 1909. 200 v., sm. 4to. Shepperton-on-Thames. NEW SOUTH WALES : Atlas : Sydney weekly journal of politics, commerce, and litera- ture, v. 1-4. 1844-48. 4 v., fo. Syd. Bookfellow and Australia: v. i, January to June, 1907. fo. Syd. Bulletin: 1880 to date. fo. Syd. No. i wanting, and a few of the early numbers slightly damaged. Colonial literary journal and weekly miscellany of useful infor- mation : v. i., June to December, 1844. fo. Syd. Colonial observer, v. i, Oct., 1841, to v. 3, Dec., 1844. 3 v. fo. Syd. Colonist, The; a weekly journal of politics, commerce, agricul- ture, literature, science, and religion for the colony of New South Wales: v. i, 1835. fo. Syd., 1835. Wants last page; p. 423. Daily telegraph : July, 1901, to date. fo. Syd. Duncan's weekly register of politics, facts, and general litera- ture, from No. i, 29 July, 1843, to No. 75, 28 December, 1844. 3 v., 4to. Syd. Empire: August, 1851, to March, 1856; May, 1859, to Decem- ber, 1863; April, 1864. to March, 1869. 55 v., fo. Syd. Heads of the people, 1847-48 : an illustrated journal of litera- ture, whims, and oddities; ed. by William Baker. 2 v. in i, 4to. Syd. Lictor : v. i., 8 July, to 23 December, 1869. 410. Syd. Stockwhip : February, 1875, to September, 1876. 4 v. in i, fo. Syd. Sydney gazette and New South Wales advertiser: v. i, March 5, 1803 February 26, 1804. fo. Syd., 1899. Reproduction in facsimile. Same: v. 8, 1810. fo. Syd. From no. 314 to no. 365. No. 333, May 19, wanting. Sydney morning herald : January, 1850, to date. fo. Syd. Wanting January-June, 1881. Worker ; official organ of the Trades unions and labor organiza- tions : v. 18, 1909 to date. fo. Syd. VICTORIA : Age: 1 88 1 to date. fo. Melb. Argus : June, 1852, to date. fo. Melb. Wanting, July, 1854, to June, 1855; July to December, 1856; July to December, 1857, 1881. Australasian sketcher with pen and pencil : v. 1-5, 7-13, 1873- 78, 1880-85. Bound in 7 v., fo. Melb. None published after 1885. Melbourne bulletin : nos. 1-115, X 5 October, 1880, to 22 Decem- ber, 1882. 4 v., fo. Melb. J2 NEWSPAPERS. Melbourne Punch: 1856 to 1886. 38 v., 4to. Melb. Same: March, 1896, to date. fo. Melb. My note- book : v. i, December, 1856, to June. 1857; v. 5, January to June, 1859. 2 v., 4to. Melb. Port Phillip herald: 6th January, 1846, to 3ist December, 1846. fo. Melb. Incomplete. Port Phillip patriot : i January, 11845, to 30 June, 1846. fo. Melb. Incomplete. Spectator: v. i, 1865, to v. 4, 1867. Bound in 3 v. fo. Melb. All published. Touchstone: a Saturday journal of criticism, commentary, and satire: [illust.]; v. 1-3, October, 1869, to December, 1870. Bound in i v., 410. Melb. Two worlds, The; a weekly supplement to the Maryborough advertiser : 30 June, 1876, to 5 July, 1878. 4 v. in 2, fo. Maryborough, Viet. All published. QUEENSLAND : Brisbane courier : July, 1901, to date. fo. Brisb. Brisbane telegraph: July, 1901, to date. fo. Brisb. Queensland Punch : v. 2-5, 1879-83. 4to. Brisb. Street : September, 1897, to September, 1898. fo. Brisb. Worker: journal of the associated workers of Queensland: v. i, March, 1890, to date : [illust.]. fo. Brisb. Wanting, nos. 2 W 22, 24, 25, 48, 342, 376, 384, 385, 402, 408, 448, 567, 607, 611, 613, 621, 640. Monthly till i October, 1890; fort- nightly till ii July, 1891; thereon weekly. SOUTH AUSTRALIA: South Australian advertiser: July, 1901, to date. fo. Adel. South Australian register : July, 1901, to date. fo. Adel. WESTERN AUSTRALIA : Morning herald: July, 1901, to date. fo. Perth. West Australian : July, 1901, to date. fo. Perth. TASMANIA: Colonial times: 1836, 1839, 1840, 1842 to 3oth June. 1857. 21 v., fo. Hobart Town. Hobart Mercury: July-December, 1865; July-December, 1867; July, 1901, to date. fo. Hobart. At first Hobart Town Mercury. Hobart Town courier: November 3, 1827, to 30 June, 1857. 20 v., fo. Hobart Town. Irish exile: v. 1-2, 9 February, 1850, to 19 April, 1851. Bound in i v. fo. Hobart Town. Launceston examiner: July, 1901, to date. fo. Launceston. Tasmanian : 1830-32, 1834-37. 5 v., fo. Hobart Town. Tasmanian : 1875. fo. Hobart Town. Tasmanian athenaeum ; or, journal of science, literature, and art : October, 1853, to March, 1854. 4to. Hobart Town. All published. BOOK RARITIES. 13 Tasmanian daily news : October- December, 1855 ; January- June, 1857. to. Hobart Town. Zeehan and Dundas herald: v. i and 2, 14 October, 1890, to 9 August, 1892. 2 v., fo. Zeehan. HAWAII : Hawaiian, The: v. i., Feb to Nov., 1898. nd., 1905. SOUTH AUSTRALIAN total abstinence society. Annual report, 1853. pp. 12, 8vo. Adel., 1854. Pam., v. 70, no. 1183. STARKE, J. Alcohol; the sanction for its use scientifically established and popularly expounded : from the German. 8vo. N.Y., 1907. SULLIVAN, W. C. Alcoholism; a study in social pathology. 8vo. Lond., 1906. T AS MAN I AN temperance alliance. Constitution and rules, pp. 8, sm. 8vo. Hobart Town, 1856. Pam., v. 70, no. 1179. THORNE, EBENEZER. The heresy of teetotalism in the light of scripture, science, and legislation. 8vo. Lond.. 1903. UNITED licensed victuallers' association, New South Wales. Local option with compensation; opinions of leading English states- men, clergy, [&c.]. pp. 26, 8vo. Syd., n.d. Pam., v. 99, no. 1797. VALE, JOHN. Local option, pp. 15, 8vo. Melb., 1883. Pam., v. 178, no. 3418. VAN DIEMEN'S LAND total abstinence society. Annual report, 1850. pp. 7, 8vo. n. p., 1850. Pam., v. 70, no. 1182. VICTORIAN temperance pioneer, Aug. to October, 1851. 8vo. Melb., n.t.p. WALKER, EDWARD. [Draft licensing reform bills for the six states of the Commonwealth.] 4:0. Dunedin, [1905]. n.t.p. WALKER, THOMAS. The reign of Bacchus : first series. 8\o. Syd., 1892. WOLLASTON, TULLIE. The federal liquor service, pp. 91. 8vo. Melb., 1910.- WOOLLEY, JOHN G., and JOHNSON, W. E. Temperance pro- gress of the century. 8vo. Toronto, 1905. (Nineteenth century ser.) PHILOSOPHERS. 27 179. Other ethical topics. BACKHOUSE, JAMES. The question " Are judicial oaths lawful?' answered, pp. 2$, 2nd ed. 12010. Syd., 1835. Pam., v. 40, no. 681. Same: another copy. Pain., v. 95, no. 1725. 180. Ancient Philosophers. 181. Oriental philosophers. MULLER, FRIEDRICH MAX. Six systems of Indian philosophy. 8vo. Lond.. 1899. Three lectures on the Vedanta philosophy. 8vo. Lond., ,1894. 182. Greek philosophers. ARISTOTLE. ' Apiaro-iX^c itepl ^v^fjc : Aristotle's psychology in Greek and English : [ed.] with introd. and notes, by Edwin Wallace. 8vo. Cambridge, 1882. Moral philosophy ; consisting of a translation of the Nicoma- chean ethics, and of the paraphrase attributed to Andronicus of Rhodes, with an introductory analysis of each book : by Walter M. Hatch, completed by others. 8vo. Lond., 1879. 190. Modern Philosophers. 192. British philosophers. BERKELEY, GEORGE, bishop of CLoyne. Works : [with] account of his life [by the Right rev. Joseph Stock :] ed. by the Rev. G. N. Wright. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1843. HOBBES, THOMAS, English works : ed. by Sir William Moles- worth : [portr., illust., and figures]. n v., 8vo. Lond., 1839-45- LOCKE, JOHN. Works: [portr.]. i2th ed. 9 v., 8vo. Lond., 1824. MILL, JOHN STUART. Examination of Sir William Hamilton's philosophy, and of the principal philosophical works dis- cussed in his writings. 8vo. Lond., 1865. STEPHEN, Sir LESLIE. History of English thought in the eighteenth century. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1876. 193. European philosophers. COMTE, AUGUSTE. System of positive polity. 4 v., 8vo. Lond., I875-77- Contents. v. i. General view of positivism and introductory principles : v. 2. Social statics, or the abstract theory of hum-m order : v. 3. Social dynamics, or the general theory of human progress: v. 4. Theory of the future of man; with appx. of early essays on social philosophy. FICHTE, JOHANN GOTTLIEB. Popular works. 8vo. Lond., 1873. Contents. The nature of the scholar : The vocation, of man : The doctrine of religion : Memoir by William Smith. 28 RELIGION. KANT, IMMANUEL. Text book to Kant : the critique of pure reason; aesthetic, categories, schematism; translation, repro- duction, commentary, index, with biographical sketch ; by James Hutchison Stirling. 8vo. Edinb., 1881. MARTINEAU, JAMES. A study of Spinoza: porrr. 3rd ed. 8vo. Lond., 1895. MILLER, EDMUND MoKRis. Moral action and natural law in Kant, and some developments, pp. 59, 8vo. Melb., 1911. NIETZSCHE, FRIEDRICH WILHELM. Beyond good and evil; pre- lude to a philosophy of the future : tr. by Helen Zimmern. 8vo. Edinb., 1907. Complete works; the first complete and authorised English translation: ed. by Oscar Levy. 8vo. Edinb., 1909-11. Contents. v. 1-2. Thoughts out of season. v. 3. The birth of tragedy. v. 4. Thus spake Zarathustra. v. 6. The future of our educational institutions ; Homer and classical philology. v. 7. Human, all-too-human. v. 9. The will to power; books i and 2. v. 10. The joyful wisdom. v. 13. The genealogy of morals; Peoples and countries. v. 15. The will to power; books 3 and 4. In progress. The dawn of day; tr. by Johanna Volz. 8vo. Lond., 1910. POLLOCK, Sir FREDERICK, 3rd bart. Spinoza; his life and philosophy: [portr.]. 8vo. Lond., 1880. SPINOZA, BENEDICTUS DE. Short treatise on God, man and his well-being; tr., and ed. with introd. and commentary, and a life of Spinoza, by A. Wolf: [illust.]. 8vo. Lond., 1910. 200. Religion. 201. Philosophy. Theories. JAMES, WILLIAM. Varieties of religious experience; a study in human nature, being the Gifford lectures on natural religion, 1901-1902. 8vo. Lond., 1910. 203. Dictionaries. SMITH, Sir WILLIAM, and CHEETHAM, SAMUEL, eds. Dictionary of Christian antiquities ; being a continuation of ' The dictionary of the Bible " : illust. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1876-80. 204. Essays : Lectures : Disputations. ARNOLD, MATTHEW. Last essays on Church and religion. 8vo. Lond., 1877. BENSON, Rev. ROBERT HUGH. Papers of a pariah. 8vo. Lond., 1907. BERRY, Rev. DIGBY MARSH. Judgment without evidence; a cross- examination of "Religion without superstition." pp. 28, 8vo., Melb., 1885. Pam., v. n, DO. 247. CARR, THOMAS JOSEPH, Roman catholic archbishop of Melbourne. Lectures in reply to Dr. Rentoul. 8vo. Melb., 1897. [Various works]. 8vo. Melb., 1893-96. Contents. Origin of the Church of England. The church and the Bible. Primacy of the Roman Pontiff. RELIGION. 29 CLARKE, MARCUS ANDREW HISLOP. Civilization without delu- sion; by Marcus Clarke and the bishop [Moorhouse] of Mel- bourne, pp. 32, 8vo. Melb., 1880. Pam., v. 118, no. 2200. COOPER, Rev. JOHN. [Various works.] pp. 73, 8vo. Geelong and Melb., 1856-66. Contents. Inquiry into the relation of Christ to the world, and of the church to the state. Christianity as a human system an impossi- bility. True Sabbath versus the so-called Sunday. CRAWFORD, JOHN. The man of sin sitting in the temple of God. pp. 31, 8vo. Syd. ? 1882. Pam., v. 49, no. 819. GRAHAM, Rev. JOHN. Currents and counter-currents of the age. pp. 16, 8vo. Syd., 1874. Pam., v. 49, no. 817. HENDERSON, Rev. WILLIAM. Christianity and modern thought : twelve lectures, 8vo, Ballarat, 1861. LAMB, CORBIN. Lecture on theology. pp. 8. 8vo. Port Adel., 1874. Pam., v. 117, no. 2176. McINTYRE, Rev. WILLIAM. Is the service of the mass idolatrous? pp. 62, 8vo. Syd., 1838. Pam., v. 118, no. 2202. MOORHOUSE, JAMES, bis hop of (i) Melbourne (ii) Manchester.' The bishop of Melbourne in reply to Judge Williams on Religion without superstition, pp. 14, 8vo. Melb., 1885. Pam., v. 89, no. 1592. MORAN, PATRICK FRANCIS, cardinal archbishop of Sydney. Letters on the Anglican reformation, and other papers. 8vo. Syd., 1890. Same : another copy. Pam., v. 161, no. 3092. MORI SON, Rev. ALEXANDER. The out-pouring of the seventh vial; or, coming events : two lectures, pp. 18, 8vo. Melb., 1848. Pam., v. 161, no. 3O93A. The sixth vial poured out ; or, the present condition of Europe and the East : two lectures, pp. 26, 8vo. Melb., 1848. Pam., v. 161, no. 3093. STANLEY, ARTHUR PENRHYN, dean of Westminster. Essays, chiefly on questions of church and state from 1850 to 1870. 8vo. Lond., 1870. SUTHERLAND, Rev. GEORGE. The true church; letters to the Roman catholics of Australia. 8vo. Syd., 1877. TYERMAN, JOHN. Hidden springs uncovered : three lectures. pp. 93, 8vo. Syd., 1876. Pam., v. 161, no. 3091. WILLIAMS, Sir HARTLEY. Religion without superstition, pp. 98, i2mo. Melb., 1885. Contents. Doctrine of the Trinity ; deity of Jesus Christ. The Son of God ; the Incarnation. Inspiration of the Bible ; miracles. Doctrines of the atonement and advent. Pure faith; "God." 30 RELIGION. 205. Periodicals. AUSTRALIAN free religious press; ed. by James Pillars; v. 2, February, iSyi-January, 1872. 8vo. Syd. AUSTRALIAN messenger; a religious magazine: ed. by Hev. J. Ballantyne; v. 2 and 3, 1857-61. 5 v. in 2, 8vo. Melb. AUSTRALIAN protestant banner; a journal of political and reli- gious freedom: nos. 1-38, June, 1868, to February, 1869. fo. Syd. All published. AUSTRALIAN protestant's remembrancer; or, Biblical Christian's miscellany : January- June, 1851. 8vo. Melb. CHRISTIAN advocate and Wesleyan record : June, 1858, to July, 1 86 1. 2v., 4to. Syd. GLEANER: v. i, August, 1847, to January, 1848. 8vo. Syd. MELBOURNE Church of England messenger: v. 2-4, 1851-53. 3 v., 8vo. Melb. PREACHER, The, for the city and the bush : ed. by Rev. A. J. Campbell; January, 1869, to December, 1870. 2 v. in i, 8vo. Geelong. PROTESTANT standard : a journal of political and religious free- dom; v. i, ist May, 1869, to 23rd April, 1870. fo. Syd. A revival of the Australian protestant banner : see above. STANDARD, The: Free Presbyterian magazine of Victoria; v. T and 2, January, 1859, to December, 1860. 2 v., 8vo. Melb., TASMANIAN messenger; a religious magazine: v. 1-6, May, 1859, to December, 1865. 8vo. Hobart Town. WEEKLY review and messenger, aftw. Christian review and messen- ger of the Presbyterian church of Victoria : Jan., 1864, to- March, 1865. fo. Melb. WESLEYAN chronicle, 1861-63, 1866, 1868, 1869, 1871-74. TO v., 4to. Melb. 206. Societies. Transactions : Reports. BARROWS, Rev. JOHN HENRY, ed. The World's parliament of religions; an illustrated and popular story of the world's first parliament of religions held in Chicago, 1893. a v., 8vo. Chic., 1893. . BRITISH and foreign Bible societv. Abstract of the fortieth re- port, 1844. pp. 14, 8vo. , [Lond.]. Pam., v. 70, no. nq^\. Abstract of the fiftieth report, 1854. pp. 8. 8vo. Lond. Pam., v. 62, no. ion;. Abstract of report, 1886. pp. 16. 8vo. Lond. Pam., v. 64, no. 1061. [Full report] 82nd anniversary, 1886. pp. 32, 8vo. Lond. Pam., v. 64, no. 1062. NEW SOUTH WALES auxiliary Bible society. Report for 1851. pp. 24, 8vo. Syd., 1852. Pam., v. 70, no. 1196. NEW SOUTH WALES Religious tract and book society. Report, 1853. pp. 40, 8vo. Syd., 1854. Pam., v. 74, no. 1280. Report, 1854. pp. 30, 8vo. Syd., 1855. Pam., v. 62, no. 1012. NATURAL THEOLOGY. 31 SOCIETY for promoting Christian knowledge, N.S.W. Rules and regulations of the district committee. pp. 9, 8vo. Syd., 1826. Pam., v. 118, no. 2193. SOCIETY for promoting Christian knowledge and for propagating the Gospel. Report of the Northern branch of the Van Diemen's Land committee, pp. 15, 8vo. Launceston, 1846. Pam., v. 75, no. 1296. SOUTH AUSTRALIAN auxiliary of the British and foreign Bible society. Eleventh annual report, pp. 15, 8vo. Adel., 1856. Pam., v. 70, no. 1197. SYDNEY Bethel union. Annual reports, 1851-55, 1857. 8vo. Syd., v.d. Pam., v. 71, nos. 1210-1215. TASMANIAN auxiliary Bible society. Thirty-eighth annual report, 1858. pp. 28, 8vo. Hobart Town. Pam., v. i6i 3 no. 3094. Annual report of the Southern branch, 1885, 1886, 1889, 1893, 8vo. Hobart, v.d. Pam., v. 71, nos. 1206-1209. VAN DIEMEN'S LAND auxiliary Bible society. Reports, 1843, 1845, 1846, 1850, 1851, 1853, 1855, 1857. 8vo. Hobart Town, v.d. Pam., v. 70, nos. 1198-1205. Same: 1854. pp. 24, 8vo. Hobart Town, 1854. Pam., v. 62, no. 1014. 208. Collected works. GLADSTONE, WILLIAM EWART. Correspondence on church and religion; selected and arranged by D. C. Lathbury : portrs. and illust. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1910. IRVING, Rev. EDWARD. Collected works; ed. by his nephew, the Rev. G. Carlyle: [portr.]. 5 v., 8vo. Lond., 1864-65. 210. Natural Theology. BROWNE, HUGH JUNOR. The conflict between authority and reason; or, artificial and natural religion. pp. 56, 8vo. Melb., 1885. Pam., v. 89, no. 1599. Rational Christianity; or, a special divine revelation incom- patible with the intellectual development of man and with natural evolution. 8vo. Melb., 1879. CLARKE, Rev. GEORGE. "Robert Elsmere " ; a lecture. 2nd ed. pp. 23, 8vo. Hobart, 1889. Pam., v. 74, no. 1277. HENSOLDT, HENRY. Breaking the fetters; an appeal to en- lightened humanity, pp. 36, 8vo. Syd., 1907. Pam., v. 140, no. 2686. MILL, JOHN STUART. Nature The utility of religion Theism, [Three essays on religion.] 2nd ed. 8vo. Lond., 1874. MULLER, *KIEDRTCH MAX. Natural religion ; the Gifford lectures, 1888. 2nd ed. 8vo. Lond., 1892. 32 RELIGION AND SCIENCE. "ROBERT ELSMERK"; a reply to the Rev. George Clarke's lecture, pp. 25, 8vo. Hobart, 1889. Pam., v. 74, no. 1278. WELLS, HERBERT GEORGE. First and last things; a confession of faith and rule of life. 8vo. Lond., 1008. 211. Deism: Atheism. BROWNE, HUGH JUNOR. Atheism philosophically refuted, pp. 17, 8vo. Melb., 1887. Pam., v. 89, no. 1592. BROWNRIGG, Rev. M. BLAKE. Christianity contrasted with modern unbelief, pp. 12, 8vo. Launceston [1884]. Pam., v. 161, no. 3095. BUCHANAN, DAVID. Freethought ; the divine character of Jesus of Nazareth, pp. 12, 8vo. Syd., n.d. Pam., v. 161, no. 3096. FITCHETT, Rev. WILLIAM HENRY. The beliefs of unbelief; studies in the alternatives to faith. 8vo. Lond., 1908. HENSLOW, Rev. GEORGE. Present-day rationalism critically ex- amined. 8vo. Lond., 1904. LECKY, WILLIAM EDWARD HARTPOLE. History of the rise and influence of the spirit of rationalism in Europe. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1900. First published in 1865. ROGERS, ARTHUR KENYON. The religious conception of the world; an essay in constructive philosophy. 8vo. N.Y., 1907. TYERMAN, JOHN. A plea for free-thinkers. pp.ii,%\Q. Syd., i875- Pam., v. 162 , no. 3097. VIVIAN, PHILIP. The churches and modern thought; an inquiry into the grounds of unbelief, and an appeal for candour. 2nd ed. 8vo. Lond., 1907. WRIXON, Sir HENRY JOHN. The religion of the common man. 8vo. Lond., 1909. 213. Creation: Evolution. BLACK, J. Creation; a lecture, pp. 25, 8vo. Maitland, 1882. Para., v. 140, no. 2674. PERRY, CHARLES, bishop of Melbourne. Creation v. develop- ment; a review of a lecture by the Rev. J. E. Bromby. pp. 24, 8vo. Melb., 1870. Pam., v. 75, no. 1302. YOUNG, JOHN. Essays on evolution and design; ed., with introd., by W. Boyd. 8vo. Glasgow, 1905. 215. Religion and Science. BARRY, Very rev. D. F. The Church and science; the "Nemo" letters, pp. 41, 8vo. Syd., 1889. Pam., v. 89, no. 1602. BOUTROUX, EMILE. Science and religion in contemporary philo- sophy : tr. by Jonathan Nield. 8vo. Lond., 1909. RELIGION AND SCIENCE. BRIGHT, CHARLES, and SPICER, Rev. EDWARD CLARKE. Are the statements of science and Genesis contradictory? public debate, pp. 54, 8vo. Melb., 1883. Pam., v. 118, no. 2201. CHAPMAN, Rev. WILLIAM STAGEY. Is the modern scientific doc- trine of evolution consistent with theism? pp. 26, 8vo. Melb., 1889 Pam., v. 89, no. 1595. CORLETTE, Rev. J. C. The final and sustaining cause of creation; a sermon, pp. n, 8vo. Hobart, 1892. Pam., v. 49, no. 816. CRESSVVELL, Rev. ARTHUR WILLIAM. Science and religion; a review of Mr. Justice Higinbotham's lecture, pp. 13, gvo. Melb., 1883. Pam., v. 178, no. 3421. DRAPER, JOHN WILLIAM. History of the conflict between religion and science. i;th ed. 8vo. Lond., 1883. (Internal, sc. ser.) HAND, Rev. JAMES EDWARD, ed. Ideals of science and faith ; essays by various authors. 8vo. Lond., 1904. HIGINBOTHAM, GEORGE, chief justice of Victoria. Science and religion; or, the relations of modern science with the Chris- tian churches, -p-p. 24, 8vo. Melb., 1883. Pam., v. 75, no. 1311. Same : another copy. Pam., v. 89, no. 1596. HILL, Rev. JAMES. The attitude of the church to modern life and thought, pp. 21, 8vo. Syd., 1886. Pam., v. 49, no. 815. LEGGE, Rev. JOHN. The attitude of modern science to the theology of the Bible, pp. 24, 8vo. Melb., 1874. Pam., v. 89, no. 1601. LODGE, Sir OLIVER JOSEPH. Man and the universe; a study of the influence of the advance in scientific knowledge upon our understanding of Christianity. : 2nd ed. 8vo. Lond., 1908. Reason and belief. 8vo. Lond., 1910. The substance of faith allied with science; a catechism for parents and teachers. 2nd ed. 8vo. Lond., 1907. MALLOCK, WILLIAM HURRELL. The reconstruction of belief. 8vo. Lond., 1905. MERCER, JOHN EDWARD, bishop of Tasmania. The science of life and the larger hope 8vo. Loud., 1910. PERRY, CHARLES, bishop of Melbourne. Science and the Bible. pp. 24, 8vo. Melb., 1869. Pam., v. 65, no. 1309. RENWICK, Sir ARTHUR. The realm of knowledge and the realm of faith, pp. 28, 8vo. Syd. [1882]. Pam., v. 49, no. 822. ROBINSON, Rev. SAMUEL. Review of lecture delivered by Mr. Justice Higinbotham on modern science and the Christian churches, pp. 23, 8vo. Melb., 1883. Pam., v. 162, no. 3098. SMITH, GOLDWIN. In quest of light. 8vo. N Y.. 1906. F.8720. 34 BIBLE. SPICER, Rev. EDWARD CLARKE. Harmony between geology and Genesis, pp. 18, 8vo. Syd., 1883. I'.im., v. 89, r.o. 1600. TEBBUTT, JOHN. The testimony which astronomy furnishes fo the attributes of the Creator, pp. 22, 8vo. Syd., n.d. I'.im., v. 89, no. 1594. WILKINSON, CHARLES SMITH. The church and modern thought. pp. 9, 8vo. Syd. [1889]. Pam., v. 8(j, no. 1605. 216. Evil. BOAKE, Rev. BARCROFT. The teaching of Holy Scripture respect- ing the origin of evil. pp. 68, sm. 8vo. Melb., n.d. Pam., v. 89, no. 1609. SELVVYN, ARTHUR EDWARD, dean of Newcastle. The origin of evil; its course and end. pp. 7, 8vo. Newcastle, 1899. Pam., v. 89, no. 1597. 218. Future Life: Immortality. RLBlC, Louis. Future life in the light of ancient wisdom and modern science; tr. [from the French]: portr. 8vo. Lond., 1907. EXLEY, HENRY. The problem of problems : is man all material ? pp. 88, 8vo. Auckland, 1885, Pam., v. 89, no. 1604. FRANK, HENRY. Modern light on immortality ; being an original excursion into historical research and scientific discovery point- ing to a new solution of the problem. 8vo. Lond. [1910]. HYSLOP, JAMES HERVEY. Science and a future life. 8vo. Boston, 1905. TWEEDALE, Rev. CHARLES LAKEMAN. Man's survival after death; or, the other side of life in the light of human experience and modern research. 8vo. Lond., 1909. 220. Bible. BLACK, J. Mysteries of revelation revealed. 8vo. West Mait- land, 1888. BON WICK, JAMES. Bible stories for young Australians : pt. i. ii>mo. Melb., 1857. n<*itnd with his Astronomy for young Australians, class 523. POYD, HANNAH VILLIERS. A voice from Australia; or, an inquiry into the probability of New Holland being connected with the prophecies relating to New Jerusalem and the spiritual temple. t2mo. Syd., 1851. CARPENTER, Rev. J. ESTLIN. The Bible in the nineteenth cen- tury. 8vo. Lond., 1903. CRUDEN, ALEXANDER. Complete concordance to the Old and New Testament; or, a dictionary and alphabetical index to the Bible; with a memoir by W. Youngman. 8vo. Lond., n.d. GOSMAN, Rev. ALEXANDER. The future use of the Bible. Pp. 19, i2mo. Melb., 1904. I'am., v. 59, no. 976. BIBLE. 35 HALL, EDWARD SWARBRECK. Who translated the Bible? or, Biblical memoranda concerning the holy Scriptures, showing the part taken by the Catholic church in their translation and dissemination. 8vo. Hobart Town, 1875. HASTINGS, Rev. JAMES, ed. Dictionary of the Bible; with the co-operation of John A. Selbie, and the assistance of John C. Lambert and Shailer Mathews. 4to. Edinb., 1909. WARNER, Rev. DAVID S., and OLMSTEAD, Rev. WILLIAM B. Arnold's practical Sabbath-school commentary of the inter- national lessons, 1910. 8vo. Chic., 1909. 220.9. Biblical archaeology. FF^NELON, Vicomte FRANCOIS DE SALIGNAC. L'arche, le taber nacle, et le temple de Jerusalem. Eleph". fo. Paris, 1904. 221. Old Testament. BOYCE, Rev. WILLIAM B. Six lectures on the higher criticism upon the Old Testament. 8vo. Syd., 1878. DAY, WILLIAM. House of the forest of Lebanon ; or, the Proverbs of Solomon. 8vo. Hobart, 1862. EWING, Rev. R. K. Moses and Colenso : ten lectures. 8vo. Hobart, 1864. HOWARD, HENRY. The Shepherd psalm, pp. 65, 8vo. Adel., 1904. P;im., v. 140, no. 2681. MORI SON, Rev. ALEXANDER. Bishop Colenso' s criticisms on the Pentateuch and the book of Joshua answered, -pp. 30, 8vo. Melb., 1863. Pam., v. 89, no. 1603. 225. New Testament. BROMILOW, Rev. W. E., translator. Buki tabu auauna ; the gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, with the Acts, translated into the language of Dobu, British New Guinea. 8vo. Syd., 1898. BUCHANAN, WILLIAM. Observations on the book of the Revela- tion addressed to the church of Christ : ed. by his son, David Buchanan. 8vo. Syd., 1874. CLARKE, Rev. GEORGE. Notable women of the New Testament; Mary of Magdala and her friends. pp. g, 8vo. Hobart [1896]. Pam., v. 75, no. 1.295. DEISSMANN, ADOLF. Light from the ancient East) the New Testament illustrated by recently discovered texts of the Grseco-Roman world; tr. by L. R. M. Strachan. 68 illust. 8vo. Lond., 1910. GREEN, ARTHUR VINCENT, bishop of (i) Graf ton and Armidalc (ii) Ballarat. The Ephesian canonical writings ; an elemen- tary introduction to the Gospel, Epistles, and Apocalypse com- monly attributed to the apostle John. 8vo. Melb., 1910. (Moorhouse lectures.) 36 THEOLOGY. MOORHOUSE, JAMES, bishop of (i) Melbourne (ii) Manchester. The Galatian lapse: six lectures. pp. 39. 8vo. Melb., 1885. Tarn., v. 140, no. 2675. PEARSON, JOSIAH BROWN, bishop of Newcastle. New light on the old page; eight sermons on the revised version of thf New Testament, pp. 64, 8vo. [Syd.,] 1882. Pam., v. 90, no. 1611. 226.7. Gospels and Acts : Miracles. ADDIS, Rev. WILLIAM E. The miracles of the Bible: six lectures. pp. 47, sm. 8vo. Melb., 1889. Pam., v. 54, no. 896. BUTLER, SAMUEL. The fair haven; a work in defence of the miraculous element in Our Lord's ministry upon earth : by John Pickard Owen, [i.e., S. Butler]. 8vo. Lond , 1873. 229. Apocrypha : Apocryphal writings. BIBLE : New Testament: Apocrypha. Apocryphal New Testament, being all the gospels, epistles, and other pieces now extant attributed in the first four centuries to Jesus Christ, His apostles, and their companions and not included in the New Testament by its compilers : translated. 8vo. Lond., 1820. New sayings of Jesus, and fragment of a lost gospel from Oxy- rhyncus : with plate, and text of the " Logia " discovered in 1897 : ed. by Bernard P. Grenfell, and Arthur S. Hunt : illust. pp. 45. 8vo. Lond., 1904. Pam., v. 57, no. 946. 230. Doctrinal Theology. ARNOLD, MATTHEW. Literature and dogma; an essay towards a better apprehension of the Bible. 8vo. Lond., 1883. God and the Bible; a sequel to " Literature and dogma." 8vo. Lond., 1854. BE VAN, Rev. LLEWELYN DAVID. The battle of faith in the nine- teenth century. 2nd ed. pp. 30, 8vo. Melb., 1888. Pam., v. 178, no. 3422. BRERETON, JOHN LE GAY, snr. One teacher, one law ; with appx. on the scriptural use of certain anatomical terms, pp. 67, 8vo. Melb., 1883. Pam., v. 90, no. 1612. FFROST, J. P. Ho marturos; or, great leading lives of scripture and prophecy, pp. iv, 49, 8vo. Melb., 1877. Pam., v. 56, no. 926. JACO'BS, S. Errors of the Christian churches. pp. 28, 8vo. Melb., 1868. Pam., v. n, no. 233. MARTINEAU, JAMES. The seat of authority in religion. 2nd ed. 8vo. Lond. 1890. SMITH, WILLIAM SAUMAREZ, archbishop of Sydney. The character of God, as presented in the Old Testament scriptures, pp. 20, 8vo. Birkenhead, 1888. Pam., v. 162, no. 3099. THEOLOGY. 37 WICLIF, JOHN. Latin works : published by the Wyclif society. 30 v., 8vo. Lond., 1884-1907. (In progress.) 232. Christology. ABRAMOWITCH, LEWIS. Essay on the genealogy of Jesus of Nazareth, based upon the New Testament, pp. 74, sm." 8vo. Syd., 1891. Pam., v. 162, no. 3100. " CLIENT of Mary." The miraculous conception and virgin birth of Christ, pp. 48, 8vo. Melb., n.d. Pam., v. 140, no. 2676. DICKINSON, Rev. RIVERS BEACHCROFT. The reconciliation or at-one-ment of the world to God through Jesus Christ. PP- 95> 8vo. [Melb., 1910.] GILLINGS, G. W. " Maranatha " ! Is it true? 2nd ed. izmo. Melb., 1886. Pam., v. 59, no. 973. JEFFERSON, THOMAS, jrd president of the United States. Life and morals of Jesus of Nazareth, extracted textuaCy from the Gospels in Greek, Latin, French, and English : [introd. by C. Adler]. 8vo. Wash., 1904. LA BROISE, RENE MARIE DE. Saint Mary the Virgin: tr. by Harold Gidney. 8vo. Lond., 1906. ROBERTSON, Rev. JOSEPH. The facts of the Christian faith. pp. 1 6, 8vo. Adel., 1898. Pam., v. 178, no. 3423. ROSADI, GIOVANNI. The trial of Jesus j tr. from the 3rd Italian edition: ed., with pref., by Emil Reich. 8vo. Lond., 1905. SCHWEITZER, ALBERT. The quest of the historical Jesus; a critical study of its progress from Reimarus to Wrede; tr. by W. Montgomery: pref. by F. C. Burkitt. 8vo. Lond., 1910. SMITH, WILLIAM SAUMAREZ, archbishop ^ of Sydney. Poena vicaria; or, to what extent was Christ's death a suffering for sin? pp. 53, 8vo. Birkenhead, 18.76. Pam., v. 162, no. 3101. TAIT, Rev. GEORGE. The virgin-birth as a test of office in thft Christian church, pp. 64, narrow 8vo. Melb. [1905]. Pam., v. 75, no. 1298. VAUGHAN, ROGER WILLIAM BEDE, Roman catholic archbishop of Sydney. Christ's divinity, proved by His, character and claims and enforced by His parables and miracles. 8vo. Syd., 1882. 23!. Salvation. MORRISON, Rev. J. Election; the doctrine stated, objections considered, and its moral tendency ascertained, pp. 17, 8vo- Launceston, 1838. Pam., v. 61, no. 984. 236. Esehatology. BARKER, WILLIAM. On the ultimate destiny of the human race; a biblical study, pp. 47, 8vo. Adel., 1883. Pam., v. 118, no. 2190. 38 THEOLOGY. BAXTER, Rev. MICHAEL PAGET. The coming battle and appalling national convulsions expected from Scriptural prophecy be- tween 1866 and 1875. pp. 32, 8vo. Melb. [1866]. Pam., v. 75, no. 1297. BROMBY, Rev. JOHN EDWARD. Beyond the grave: a lecture. pp. 24, 8vo. Melb., 1870. I'am.j v. 46, no. 778. COMING struggle among the nations of the earth ; or, the political events of the next fifteen years described in accordance with prophecies in Ezekiel, Daniel, and the Apocalypse, pp. 32, 8vo. Syd., 1854. Pam., v. 89, no. 1610. IREN^US, pseud. Truth for the time; notes on the views of Sir Hartley Williams on the subject of death and beyond. pp. 48, i2mo. Melb., n.d. Pam., v. 59, no. 975. KELLY, Rev. WILLIAM, " Verax." The truth of " eternal punish- ment " vindicated against the Rev. Dr. Bromby. pp. 28, vii., 8vo. Melb., 1870. Pam., v. 178, no. 3424. KING, Rev. ROBERT LETHBRIDGE. "The Lord is at hand"; a guide to the study of the prophecies, pp. 28, 8vo. Syd., 1854. Pam., v. 162, no. 3103. NEW, Rev. ISAAC. Millenium blessedness ; or, the spiritual reign of Christ upon earth, pp. 20, 8vo. Melb., 1861. Pam., v. ii, no. 232. POLACK, THOMAS. Modern Babylon's downfall followed by the triumphant millenium after Armageddon. 8vo. Adel., 1888. STEPHEN, Sir GEORGE. Heaven or hell? a letter addressed to his Sunday school, pp. 32, 8vo. Melb., n.d. Pam., v. n, no. 229. TYERMAN, JOHN. Is there a hell ? pp. 20, 8vo. Melb., 1873. Pam., v. 162, no. 3102. WINCHESTER, ELHANAN. Good news; or, the final restoration of all men. pp. 47, i2mo. Adel., 1866. Pam., v. 118, no. 2189. 237. Future state. ERASER, Rev. THOMAS MCKENZIE. Lecture on the theory of annihilation, pp. 19, 8vo. Melb., 1870. Pam., v. 162, no. 3104. HAMILL, J. A. Christ or Wollaston? a reply to H. N. Wollas- ton's " Christ or Plato." pp. 54, 8vo. Melb., 1874. Pam., v. 74, no. 1287. WEBB, Rev. ALLAN W. Does the soul live after death? pp. 74, 8vo. Geelong, 1892. Pam., v. 178, no. 3425. 238. Creeds. OWEN, Rev. JOHN W. The Atharmsian-hymn question, pp. n, 8vo. Mount Barker, 1885. Pam., v. 178, no. 3426. CHRISTIAN EVIDENCES : DEVOTIONAL WORKS. 39 239. Christian evidences. CHRISTIAN evidence society of New South Wales. Witness for Christ: lectures. 8vo." Syd., 1886. Contents. i. Christian evidence and Christian faith. By A. Barry, bishop of Sydney. 2. The Bible and science in their mutual rela- tions. By Rev. R. Steel. 3. Christianity and Buddhism. By Rev. J. Jefferis. 4. Christ the only credible explanation of the history, scriptures and principles of Israel. By Rev. M. Archdall. 5. Man's need of religion. By Rev. J. Kinross. 6. How does the theory of evolution bear upon religious belief. By Rev. Canon Sharp. 7. The person of Jesus Christ the source of his power. By Rev. F. Hibberd. 8. The Bible the only credible explanation of what man was, is, and will be. By Hon. A. Gordon. FRODSHAM, GEORGE HORSFALL, bishop of North Queensland. Honest faith ; Christian evidences from an Australian stand- point. 8vo. Syd., 1905. HARRIS, CHARLES. Pro fide; a defence of natural and revealed religion. 8vo. Lond., 1905. MERCER, JOHN EDWARD, bishop of Tasmania. The soul of pro- gress. 8vo. Melb., 1907. (Moorhouse lectures.) POTTER, Rev. ROBERT. An examination of secularism, -pp. 16, 8vo. Melb., 1883. Pam., v. n, no. 234. SCOTT, Rev. JAMES. Story of primeval man. pp. 60, 8vo. Hobart, 1890. Pam., v. 89, no. 1598. VAUGHAN, ROGER WILLIAM BEDE, Roman catholic archbishop of Sydney. Arguments for Christianity. 8vo. Syd., 1879. Pam., v. 162, no. 3105 YULE, Rev. ALEXANDER. 'Practical Christian certainty ; seven lectures on the testimony of the Holy Spirit, pp. 95, i2mo, Melb., 1905. 240. Devotional: Practical. BROWNING, COLIN ARROTT. Address to the prisoners debarked from the Surry, at Sydney, 1831 ; the Arab, at Hobart Town, 1834; and the Elphinstone, at Hobart Town, i83>6. i2mo. Hobart Town, 1836. CHRISTIAN convention, Geelong. Reports of addresses, Sept., 1891. pp. 97, 8vo. Ballarat, 1891. Pam., v. 54, no. 898. CHRISTIAN convention, Launceston. Reports of addresses, Jan., 1892. 8vo. Ballarat, 1892. Pam., v. 56, no. 923. COX, FREDERICK H., dean of Hobart Town. The primitive rockj a tract for the times, pp. 12, sm. 8vo. Hobart Town, 1864. Pam., v. 74, no. 1274. DAVIS, JAMES. Spiritual soul travelling in the wilderness [auto- biography], pp. 81, i2mo. Lond. [1894]. FAITH and duty of a Christian, pp. 48. 8vo. Hobart Town, 1851. Pam., v. 74, no. 1279. 40 DEVOTIONAL WORKS. HAMILTON, Rev. ROBERT. The combat and the victory ; a narra- tive of the means by which the darkness of infidelity was dispelled from the death-bed of Charles Jardine Don. 8vo. Melb., 1866. HENNINGES, E. C, and HENNINGES, R. B. Bible talks for heart and mind. 8vo. Melb., 1909. HOSKING, Rev. JOHN. God's aristocracy in rags; and, Stray thoughts for spare moments, -pp. 68, 8vo. Ballarat, 1887. Pam., v. 56, no. 924. MACARTNEY, Rev. HUSSEY BURGH. The doctrine of the higher Christian life. pp. 8, 8vo. Melb., 1875. Pam., v. 56, no. 925. MESSAGE of compassion to all sorrowful, afflicted, visited, tempted, suffering seed : reprint of original written in 1665 by J. C. pp. 8, 8vo. Brisb., 1871. Pam., v. 74, no. 1285. OWEN, Rev. JOHN W. The letter of the larger hope, being a ren- dering into modern English of the first Epistle of Saint Peter : illust., and notes. 8vo. Adel., 1888. SOCIETY of Friends. Address of Christian counsel and caution to emigrants to newly settled colonies, pp. 7, 8vo. Lond., 1841. Pam., v. 74, no. 1284. STRONG, Rev. CHARLES. Unsectarian services ; outlines of lessons in religion ; and a selection of hymns for the young, pp. 85, 8vo. Melb., 1888. WALKER, GEORGE WASHINGTON. Friendly counsel addressed to the working classes, pp. 20, sm. 8vo. Hobart Town, 1854. Pam., v. 74, no. 1275. Same: another copy. Pam., v. 93, no. 1673. WHITE, Mrs. E. G. Steps to Christ. 8vo. Melb., n.d. 241. Didactic: Meditative: Hortatory: Miscellany. BACKHOUSE, JAMES, and WALKER, GEORGE WASHINGTON. Christian address to the free inhabitants of New South Wales and Van Diemen's Land. pp. 28, sm. 8vo. Syd., 1837. Pam., v. 90, no. 1616. BUNYAN, JOHN. The pilgrim's progress : illust. : [life by Rev. T. Scott]. 8vo. Glasgow, n.d. C., E. O. Twelve years in the land of Beulah. pp. 23, sm. 8vo. Melb., 1880. Pam., v. 90, no. 1617. DE MONTMORENCY, JAMES EDWARD GEOFFREY. Thomas a Kempis, his age and book : illust. 8vo. Lond. [1906!. JEMMY Mullins ; or, the little Irish sailor boy ; by one of H.M. chaplaias, N.S.W. pp. 19, 8vo. Syd.,' 1856. Pam., v. 7, no. 150. MACARTNEY, Rev. HUSSEY BURGH, ed. Conference addresses de- livered at St. Mary's, Caulfield, by ministers and laymen of different denominations, August, 1875. sm. 8vo. Melb., 1875- SERMONS. 41 NICHOLSON, Rev. WILLIAM. Musings when alone. 2nd ed. 8vo. Hobart, 1888. Pam., v. 178, no. 3427. POWER, Rev. P. Manual of religious instruction explanatory of the " Catechism approved for general use." i2mo. Syd., 1908. SMITH, JOHN THOMAS. Three addresses, pp. 38, 8vo. Melb., 1858. TAIT, ASA OSCAR. Heralds of the morning. 8vo. Warburton, Viet., 1908. 245. Hymnology. CHURCH of England : New Zealand. Hymns for special ser- vices, pp. 16, 8vo. Syd., n.d. Pam., v. 64, no. 1056. New Zealand hymnal : compiled under authority of the General synod. i2mo. Melb., 1867. 246. Ecclesiology : Religious art. GREGORY, Rev. JOHN HERBERT. Letter to the bishop 01 Mel- bourne on church music, pp. 28, 8vo. Melb., 1857. Pam., v. n, no. 240. 250. Homiletic : Pastoral : Parochial. 252. Sermons. BARRY, ALFRED, bishop of Sydney. First words in Australia ; sermons preached in April and May, 1884. 8vo. Syd., 1884. BARTON, Rev. FREDERICK GEORGE. The uses and responsibilities of affliction : a sermon, pp. 15, 8vo. Melb., 1858. Pam., v. 54, no. 903. BIRD, Rev. THOMAS FAIRFOOT. Christ; a series of sermons; with memorial sketch by the Rev. W. H. Fitchett. 8vo. Melb., 1876. BROMBY, Rev. JOHN EDWARD Sermons on the earlier chapters of Genesis, preached in St. Paul's church, Melbourne, pp. 89, 8vo. Melb., 1880. BROUGHTON, WILLIAM GRANT, bishop of Sydney. Sermon preached on Whit Sunday, 1833, Hobart Town. pp. 16, 8vo. Hobart Town, 1833. Pam., v. n, no. 254. Sermons on the Church of England ; its constitution, mission, and trials; ed., with memoir, by B. Harrison. 8vo. Lond., 1857- " Take heed " ; a sermon preached in the female factory at Paramatta, 4th June, 1844. pp. 21, sm. 8vo. Syd., 1844. Pam., v. 90, no. 1619. CAIRNS, Rev. ADAM. Two discourses, preached at the opening of the Free church, Eastern Hall, 2oth November, 1853. pp. 33, 8vo. Melb., 1853. Pam., v. 162, no. 3111. 42 SERMONS. CAMPBELL, Rev. ALEXANDER JAMES. What the world wants; Paul's prayer for strength : a sermon, igth March, 1871. pp. 20, 8vo. Geelong, 1871. Pam., v. 71, no. 1220. CLARKE, Rev. GEORGE. Behind and before; a jubilee sermon preached before the Congregational union of Tasmania, June, 1890. pp. 15, sm. 8vo. Launceston, n.d. Pam., v. 71, no. 1229. The guileless disciple ; a sermon in memory of James Henry Brett Walch, November, 1897. pp. 8, 8vo. Hobart, n.d. Pam., v. 71, no. 1231. Inspiration not the ground of our faith ; a sermon, 3oth August, 1885. 2nd ed. pp. 14, 8vo. Hobart, 1885. Pam., v. 71, no. 1232. Religion and morals ; a sermon to young men. pp. 8, sm. 8vo. Hobart, 1890. Pam., v. 71, no. 1230. Work and rest ; a sermon preached in memory of the Rev. Frederick Miller, pp. -23, 8vo. Hobart Town, 1862. Pam., v. 71, no. 1217. CLARKE, HENRY LOWTHER, archbishop of Melbourne. Addresses delivered in England and Australia. 8vo. Melb., 1904. CLARKE, Rev. WILLIAM BRANWHITE. The dead which are blessed ; a sermon preached after the funeral of Rear- Admiral PhiTip Parker King. pp. 29, 8vo. Syd., 1856. Pam., v. 90, no. 1620. COX, FREDERICK H., dean of St. David's, Hobart. How to work for God; a sermon, pp. 12, 8vo. Hobart Town, 1872. Pam., v. 71, no. 1218. Our widowed Queen ; a sermon on the occasion of the general mourning for H.R.H. the late Prince Consort, pp, 10, 8vo. Hobart Town, 1862. Pam., v. 71, no. 1221. The prophetic office in the church; a sermon. pp. 15, 8vt>. Hobart Town, 1867. Pam., v. 71, no. 1222. DAVIES, Rev. ROWLAND ROBERT. " The offertory " not an inno- vation; a sermon, May 18, 1845. pp. 16, 8vo. Launceston, Pam., v. 71, no. DUNN, Rev. SAMUEL. The missionary of Australasia and Poly- nesia ; illustrated from the character and labours of the late Rev. John Waterhouse. pp. 17, sm. 8vo. Lond., 1842. Pam., v. 90, no. 1623. EWING, Rev. JOHN F. The unsearchable riches of Christ, and other sermons ; with a biographical sketch by Henry Drum- mond: memorial volume: [portr.]. 8vo. Melb., 1890. EWING, Rev. R. K. Plea for the fast day ; an oration delivered in St. Andrew's church, Launceston. pp. 47, sm. 8vo. Launceston, 1854. Pam., v. tjo, no. 1618. FERNIE, Rev. B. N. Outlines of sermons. pp. 69, 8vo Kapunda, 1883. SERMONS. FIELDING, Rev. SYDNEY GLANVILLE. The greatest question of the age ; two Easter sermons. pp. 43, 8vo. Parramatta, 1892. Pam., v. 140, no. 2678. GELL, Rev. JOHN PHILIP. Sermon preached in St. David's, Hobart Town, at the primary visitation of Francis Russell, bishop of Tasmania, 1846. p'p. 13, 8vo. Hobart Town, 1846. Pam., v. 117, no. 2178. GELLIBRAND, Rev. J. T. Tracking. 8vo. Hobart Town, 1868. A collection of sermons. GILMORE, Rev. HUGH. Sermons ; being full reports of occasional sermons preached at the Primitive Methodist church, North Adelaide, 1889-1891. 8vo. Adel., 1892. Same. 2nd ed. 8vo. Adel., 1892. HARPER, Rev. JAMES. Sermon on occasion of the ordination of the Rev. Archibald Macarthur as missionary minister to Van Diemen's Land. -pp. 48, 8vo. Edinb., 1822. Pam., v. 117, no. 2180. HARRIS, Rev. EDWARD. Brotherly unity; inaugural sermon preached at St. Andrew's cathedral, at the first clerical con- ference of the diocese of Sydney, July 16, 1891. -pp. 10, 8vo. Parramatta, 1891. Pam., v. 162, no. 3113. HODGSON, Rev. EVELYN G. Sermons preached in the temporary chapel of St. Paul's college within the University of Sydney. 8vo. Syd., 1881. Bound with Sharp, Rev. W. H. Sermons. HODGSON, Rev. WILLIAM. " The preaching of Christ crucified "; a sermon preached in Melbourne, December 18, 1864, at the general ordination of the bishop of the diocese, pp. 17, 8vo. Melb., 1865. Pam., v. 162, no. 3112. JARRETT, Rev. W. Farewell discourse; a sermon, pp. 25, 8vo. Syd., 1838. Pam., v. 90, no. 1621. Same: another copy. Pam., v. 117, no. 2177. JOHNSON, Rev. RICHARD. Address to the inhabitants of the colo- nies established in New South Wales and Norfolk Island. pp. 74, i2mo. Lond., 1794. LEGGE, Rev. JOHN. Memorials; with memoir by James Legge, 8vo. Lond., 1880. The "Memorials" consist of sermons. Mr. Legge was minister of the Congregational church, Brighton, Viet. M'GARVIE, Rev. JOHN. Sermons preached in St. Andrew's church, Sydney, New South Wales. 8vo. Syd., 1842. M'INTYRE, Rev. I. K. " How the first disciples were won for Jesus," ; sermon, November 3, 1889. pp. T, sm. 8vo. Hobart, 1889. Pam., v. 71, no. 1224. MARRIOTT, FITZHERBERT ADAMS, archdeacon. Sermon at the second visitation of Francis Russell, bishop of Tasmania. pp. 24, 8vo. Hobart Town, 1851. Pam., v. 117, no. 2181. 44 SERMONS. MENZIES, Rev. PETER SINCLAIR. " Am I my brother's keeper"? A sermon preached in aid of the funds of the Hornbrook ragged schools Association. pp. 15, 8vo. Melb., 1869. Pam., v. 162, no. 3108. Christian limits to the desire of wealth, and tne Christian way of using it. pp. 15, 8vo. Melb., 1871. Pam., v. 162, no. 3109. Sermons. 8vo. Melb., 1875. MERCER, Rev. HENRY FREDERICK. Men only. pp. 95, 8vo. Melb., IQII. MOFFAT, Rev. ADAM. Sermons : [portr.]. 8vo. Melb., 1878. MOORHOUSE, JAMES, bishop of (i) Melbourne (ii) Manchester. " The expectation of the Christ " ; being a series of lectures on the Messianic prophecies. 8vo. Melb., 1878. The teaching of Christ ; its conditions, secret, and results. 8vo. Lond., 1891. MOYSEY, Rev. G. BICKFORD. Is modern sectarianism Christianity? or, How shall I find the church of Christ? pp. 14, 8vo. Hobart Town, 1875. Fam., v. 71, no. 1226. NEW, Rev. ISAAC. A dead Christ the life of the world; a sermon at the opening of Wesley church, Melbourne, August 26, 1858. pp. 15, 8vo. Melb., n.d. Pam., v. 54, no. 902. OWEN, Rev. JOHN W. Some Australian sermons. 8vo. Adel., 1891. PEARSE, Rev. MARK GUY. Witnessing for Christ, pp. 15, 8vo. Adel., n.d. Pam., v. 117, no. 2174. PEARSON, JOSIAH BROWN, bishop of Newcastle. Conversation be- tween David and Araunah, read as a lesson in the building of churches, pp. 12, sm. 8vo. Maitland, 1881. Pam., v. 162, no. 3107. PERRY, CHARLES, bishop of Melbourne. The Christian's light shining to God's glory ; a sermon before the University of Cambridge, pp. 28, 8vo. Camb., 1847. Para., v., 140, no. 2682. Foundation truths ; four sermons before the University of Cam- bridge. 8vo. Lond., 1864. POTTER, Rev. ROBERT. A voice from the church in Australia ; eight sermons in New South Wales and Victoria. i2mo. Lond., 1864. ROSS, Rev. ROBERT. The last sermon, with his letter to the church and their answer, with his reply, pp. 27, sm. 8vo. Syd.^ 1854. Pam., v. i6i, no. 3106. RUSDEN, Rev. GEORGE KEYLOCK. Sermon at St. Peter's church, Miitland, on nth February, 1849. PP- 16. 8vo. Maitland. 1849. Pam., v. ii, no. 250. RUSSELL, Rev. ROBERT. Memorials of a colonial ministry; ser- mons : ed. with biographical notice by Rev. Robert S. Duff. 8vo. Edinb., 1883. SERMONS. 45 RYAN, VINCENT WILLIAM, bishop of Mauritius. Two sermons preached at Baslow, April, 1882, on the occasion of the funeral of Frederick Barker, bishop of Sydney, pp. 32, 8vo. Lond., [1882]. SELWYN, GEORGE AUGUSTUS, bishop of (i) New Zealand (ii) Lich- field. Sermon at the consecration of the Rev. J. C. Patteson to act as missionary bishop among the western islands of the South Pacific, pp. n, 8vo. Auckl., 1861. Pam., v. 117, no. 2182. Thanksgiving sermon on his arrival in his diocese. pp. 13, 8vo. Paihia, 1842. Pam., v. 140, no. 2680. The work of Christ in the world ; four sermons before the Uni- versity of Cambridge, 1854. pp. 69, 8vo. Camb., 1855. Pam., v. 140, no. 2677. SERVICE, Rev. JOHN. Sorrow not as those that have no hope; a sermon, pp. 20, 8vo. Hobart Town, 1868. Pam., v. 71, no. 1219. SHARP, Rev. WILLIAM HEY. Sermons in the temporary chapel of St. Paul's college within the University of Sydney. 8vo. Syd., 1881. SIMMONS, Rev. JOHN WILKES. Social questions; an address. pp. 7, 8vo. Launceston, 1885. Pam., v. 70, no. 1189. SMITH, WILLIAM SAUMAREZ. archbishop of Sydney. " The Epiphany of sovereignty " ; a sermon, pp. 16, 8vo. Birken- head, 1884. Pam., v. 162, no. 3110. STACKHOUSE, Rev. ALFRED. Eight lectures on the signs of the times. i2mo. Launceston, 1849. STEEL, Rev. ROBERT. The King and his minister; a discourse on i9th January, 1890, after the decease of the Rev. W. Nicolson, D.D. pp. n, 8vo. Hobart, 1890. Pam., v. 71, no. 1228. STILES, Rev. HENRY. Sermon in St. John's church, Parramatta, on the occasion of the death of the Rev. Samuel Marsden. pp. 18, 8vo. Syd. [1838]. Pam., v. 117, no. 2179. STORIE, Rev. J. The Sacraments; four discourses, pp. 50, 8vo. Hobart Town, 1861. Pam., v. 71, no. 1223. STRONG, Rev. CHARLES. Christianity re- interpreted, and other sermons. 8vo. Melb., 1894. The speaking dead ; a sermon on the occasion of the death of the Rev. John Service, D.D. pp. 50, sm. 8vo. Melb., 1884. Pam., v. 71, no. 1227. TUCKER, Rev. HORACE FINN, ed. The church and the Common- wealth ; twelve national sermons preached on the occasion of the opening of the first Australian parliament. 8vo. Melb., 1901. WILLOUGHBY, HOWARD. The critic in church; or, Melbourne preachers and preaching, [anon.] 8vo. 'Melb., 1862. 4(i PASTORALS. WILTON, Rev. C. PLEYDELL N. Twelve plain discourses ad- dressed to prisoners in the colony of New South Wales ; with appx. containing a manual of prayers for their use. pp. 90, 8vo. Syd., 1834. 252.1. Episcopal charges. Pastorals. ROMAN CATHOLIC. BYRNE, JOSEPH PATRICK, Roman catholic bishop of Bathurst. Pastoral letter to the catholic clergy and laity of the diocese of Bathurst. pp. 15, 8vo. Bathurst, [1886]. Pam., v. 163, no. 3127. MORAN, PATRICK FRANCIS, cardinal archbishop of Sydney. [Letter to the clergy of the archdiocese on the eve of his departure for Europe.] pp. 7, 8vo. Syd., 1885. Pam., Y. 163, no. 3140. Pastoral appeal to the clergy and faithful laity in aid of St. Mary's cathedral, pp. 16. 8vo. Syd., 1899. Pam., v. 118, no. 2198. Pastoral letter : [with encyclical letter of the Pope], pp. 20, 8vo. Syd., r886. Pam., v. 118, no. 2196. Pastoral letter to the clergy and faithful of the diocese on the infallible authority of the church, -pp. 19, 8vo. Syd., 1896. Pam., v. 141, no. 2690. Pastoral letter to the clergy and faithful of the diocese on the perpetuity of the church, pp. 21, 8vo. Syd., 1895. Pam., v. 163, no. 3141. Pastoral letter to the clergy and faithful of the diocese on the unity of the Church, pp. 27, 8vo. Syd., 1894. Pam., v. 91, no. 1635. Pastoral letter to the clergy and laity of the archdiocese for the feast of the Immaculate conception of the B.V.M. pp. 15, 8vo. Syd., 1884. Pam., v. 163, no. 3139. Pastoral letter to the clergy of the diocese [in aid of St. Mary's cathedral building fund], pp. 8, 8vo. Syd., 1892. Pam., v. 141, no. 2691. FOLDING, JOHN BEDE, Roman catholic archbishop of Sydney. Pastoral letter for the holy year of jubilee, 1875. pp. 31, 8vo. Syd., 1875. Pam., v. 163, no. 3128. Pastoral letter to the faithful, clergy and laity, of the arch- diocese, at the commencement of the Lent of the year 1873. pp. 16, 8vo. Syd., 1873. Pam., v. 163, no. 3136. Pastoral letter to the faithful, clergy and laity, of the arch- diocese, at the commencement of the I/ent of the year 1876. pp. 16, 8vo. Syd., 1876. Pam., v. 163, no. 3129. Second pastoral letter to the faithful, clergy and laity, of the archdiocese, on the building of St. Mary's cathedral. pp. 8, fcvo. Syd., n.d. Pam., v. 163, no. 3130. PASTORALS. 41 ROMAN catholic church : Australia. Pastoral letter of the arch- bishop and bishops of the province [of Australia], 1869. pp. 1 8, 8vo. Melb., 1869. Pam., v. 118, no. 2195. Pastoral letter of the archbishop and bishops of Australia in second plenary council assembled. pp. 47, 8vo. Syd., 1895. Pam., v. 163, no. 3143. VAUGHAN, ROGER WILLIAM BEDE, archbishop of Sydney. Catho- lic education, no. ii ; a pastoral letter to the clergy and laity of the archdiocese of Sydney, pp. 12, 8vo. Syd., 1879. Pam., v. 163, no. 3135. Encyclical of Leo. XIII. ; a pastoral letter, pp. 37, xii., 8vo. Syd., 1878. Pam., v. 163, no 3131. The great alternative; a pastoral letter. pp. 21, 8vo. Syd., 1879. Pam., v. 163, no. 3137. Letter to the clergy on the trials and consolations of Pope Leo. XIII. pp. 16, 8vo. Syd., 1878. Pam., v. 163, no. 3132 Letter to the clergy ordering prayers for rain. pp. 6, 8vo. Syd., 1878. Pam., v. 163, no. 3133. Letter to the clergy ordering prayers for the repose of the soul of Pope Pius IX. pp. n, 8vo. Syd., 1878. Pam., v. 163, no. 3134. A suggestion for Lent; a pastoral letter, pp. 13, 8vo. Syd., 1881. Pam., v. 163, no. 3138. WILLSON, ROBERT WILLIAM, bishop of Hobart Town. Pastoral on the state of St. Joseph's church, Hobart Town, 1845. pp. 24, sm. 8vo. Hobart Town, 1845. Pam., v. 91, no. 1637. CHURCH OF ENGLAND. BARKER, FREDERIC, bishop of Sydney. Charge delivered at his primary metropolitan visitation of the dioceses of Tasmania, Adelaide, Melbourne, and Newcastle in 1860. pp. 75, 8vo. Syd., n.d. Pam., v. 59, no. 513. BROUGHTON, WILLIAM GRANT, bishop of Australia. Charge to the clergy of the diocese of Australia delivered at the tri- ennial visitation in May, 1844. pp. 70, 8vo. Syd., 1844. NIXON, FRANCIS RUSSELL, bishop of Tasmania. Charge de- livered to the clergy of the diocese of Tasmania at the primary visitation, 23rd April, 1846 : [with appx. of notes]. 8vo. Hobart Town, 1846. Same : another copy. Pam., v. 72, no. 1240. Charge delivered to the clergy of the diocese of Tasmania at the visitation held in Hobart Town, 22nd May, 1855, and in Launceston, 3ist May. pp. 54, 8vo. Hobart Town, 1855. Pam., v. ii, no. 244. 48 CHURCH INSTITUTIONS. SELWYN, GEORGE AUGUSTUS, bishop of New Zealand. Charge delivered to the clergy of the diocese of New Zealand, Sep- tember 23, 1847. 2n d ed. i'(2mo. Lond., 1849. Pam., v. 118, no. 2186. 260. Church: Institutions and work. STANLEY, ARTHUR PENRHYN, dean of Westminster. Christian in- stitutions ; essays on ecclesiastical subjects. 3rd ed. 8vo Lond., 1882. WALTERS, Rev. CHARLES KNSOR, ed. The social mission of the church. 8vo. Lond., 1906. WRIGHT, JOHN CHARLES, archbishop of Sydney. Thoughts on modern church life and work. 8vo. Lond., 1909. i 262. Ecclesiastical polity. COWIE, WILLIAM GARDEN, bishop of Auckland. Apostolic order; a sermon preached at the consecration of the bishop of Waiapu in Napier. pp. u, 8vo. Auckland, 1887. Pam., v. 162, no. 3115. FLETCHER, Rev. JOSEPH H. The^ right objects of a Christian minister's ambition; an ordination charge. pp. 19, 8va Syd., 1875. Pam., v. 162, no. 3114. FRY, Rev. HENRY PHIBBS. Answer to the Right rev. F. R. Nixon, D.D., lord bishop of Tasmania; being a vindication of the clergy condemned for asserting the right of private judgment. 8vo. Hobart Town, 1853. Scriptural evidence of the apostolic ministry and tradition of the Church catholic. 8vo. Hobart Town, 1843. GOSMAN, Rev. ALEXANDER. Creeds and conscience ; a plea for the abolition of subscription to the doctrinal standards, pp. 20, 8vo. Melb., 1 88 1. Pam., v. 162, no. 3117. IRENICUM, An. pp. 36, 8vo. Syd., 1885. Pam., v. 140, no. 2688. PERRY, CHARLES, bishop of Melbourne. Clerical education con- sidered with an especial reference to the universities, pp. 30, 8vo. Lond., 1841. Pam., v. 99, no. 1808. ROSS, Rcr. ROBERT. The Church, the foundation and the keys. pp. 39, 8vo. Syd., 1848. Pam., v. 178, no. 3429. RUSKIN, JOHN. Notes on the construction of sheepfolds. 4th ed. pp. 52, 8vo. Orpington, 1879. SADLEIR, RICHARD. Reply to the " Country curate " : [Apostolic succession what is it?] pp. 10, 8vo. Syd., 1876. Pam., v. 90, no. 1613. SELWYN, ARTHUR EDWARD, dean of Neiucastle. " I believe one catholic and apostolic church " ; a sermon. pp. 16, 8vo. Newcastle, 1885. Pam., v. 178, no 3428. WORSHIP. 49 TURNBULL, Rev. ADAM. Presbyterian ordinations v. the apos- tolic succession. pp. 17, 8vo. Hobart Town, 1867. Pam., v. 162, no. 3116. 262.6. General Councils. BUNGENER, LAURENCE Louis F LIX. History of the Council of Trent ; from the French, the author's last corrections and additions communicated to the translator [D. D. Scott]. 2nd ed. 8vo. Edinb., 1853. WATERWORTH, Rev. JAMES. Canons of the sacred and oecu- menical Council of Trent ; to which are prefixed essays on the external and internal history of the Council. 8vo. Lond., 1848. 263. Sunday. CAIRNS, Rev. ADAM. Reply to Sir Redmond Barry's attack on the sanctity of the Lord's day or Christian sabbath. pp. 19, sm. 8vo. Melb., 1879. Pam., v. ii, no. 243. HARDSHIPS of provincial letter carriers, pp. 20, 8vo. Lond., 1870. Pam., v. 69, no. 1174. PRESBYTERIAN church of Victoria. Pastoral address on sabbath observance, pp. 7, 8vo. Melb., 1871. Pam., v. 162, no. 3118. 264. Public worship : Ritual. CHURCH of England. Form and order of service recommended for use throughout His Majesty's empire on Thursday, 26th June, 1902, being the coronation day of their Majesties King Edward and Queen Alexandra, pp. 12. 8vo. Syd., 1902. Pam., v. 92, no. 1657. Service for the fifth of November, pp. n, i2mo. Lond., 1843. Pam., v. 118, no. 2185. CHURCH of England : New South Wales. Form of prayer, with fasting, to be used upon Friday, 2nd November [1838, on ac- count of] the long and painful drought now prevailing, pp. 8, 8vo. Syd., 1838. Pam., v. 19, no. 359. Form of prayer for the celebration of the centenary of the colony and of the Church of England therein. pp. 7, sm. 8vo. Syd., [1888]. Pam., v. 92, no. 1655. Order of service for the golden jubilee of Christ Church, in the parish of St. Lawrence, Sydney, 1895. pp. 14, 8vo. Syd., 1895. Pam., v. 92, no. 1656. CHURCH of England : Tasmania. Order of service authorised to be used in the diocese, 2nd February, 1901, being the day of the funeral of Queen Victoria, pp. 8, 8vo. Hobart, [1901]. Pam., v. 72, no. 1249. f>" MISSIONS. CHURCH of England -.Victoria. St. Paul's cathedral ; order of service, 2ist Sept.. 1905 [recognition of metropolitan bishop]. pp. 8, 8vo. Melb.. 1905. Pam., v. 72, no. 1250. St. Paul's cathedral ; service of intercession and thanksgiving held on Empire day, 24th May, 1906. pp. 7, 8vo. Melb., 1906. Pam., v. 141, no. 2693. H EATON, JOHN HENNIKER. Short account of a canonisation at St. Peter's, at Rome : [illust.]. 8vo. Lond. [1881]. 265. Sacraments: Ordinances. CONFESSIONAL, The; the Divine institution of the sacrament of penance, pp. 12, 8vo. n.p., n.d. Pam., v. 91, no. 1650. HOARE, Rev. EDWARD. Baptism as taught in the Bible and Prayer-book, pp. 28, 8vo. Melb. [1851]. Pam., v. 90, no. 1614. HOGAN, WILLIAM. Auricular confession : nuns and nunneries. 40th ed. 8vo. Syd., 1869. ROMAN catholic church : Australia. The rite of the consecration of a bishop in the Catholic church. pp. 30, 8vo. Syd., 1880. Pam., v. 178, no. 3430. 266. Missions. ANDERSON, Rev. RUFUS. History of the Sandwich Islands mis- sion. 8vo. Lond., 1872. ARMSTRONG, E. S. History of the Melanesian mission. 8vo. Lond., 1900. BE^RENGIER, Rev. THEQPHILE. Nouvelle-Nursie; histoire d'une colonie Benedictine dans PAustralie Occidental, 1846-1878 : illust. and map. 8vo. Paris [1878]. BONAR, Rev. ANDREW REDMAN, ed. Incidents of missionary enter- prise, illustrative of the progress of Christianity in heathen countries, and of the researches, sufferings, and adventures of missionaries. 3rd ed. 8vo. Edinb. , 1842. BROWN, Rev. GEORGE. Brief account of Methodist missions in Australasia, Polynesia, and Melanesia : [map], pp. 31, 8vo. Syd., n.d. Pam., v. 162, no. 3121. BURTON, Rev. J. W. Australasian Methodist missionary society; our Indian work in Fiji : [illust.]. pp. 64, 8vo. Suva, 1909. Pam., v. 162, no. 3120. CAMPBELL, Rev. JOHN, D.D. Maritime discovery and Christian missions considered in their mutual relations : illust. 8vo. Lond., 1840. The martyr of Erromanga ; or, the philosophy of missions : illus- trated from the labours, death, and character of the late Rev. John Williams. 8vo. Lond., 1842. Same: 3rd ed., i2mo. Lond., 1843. MISSIONS. 51 CARGTLL, Rev. DAVID. Refutation of Chevalier Dillon's slan- derous attacks on the Wesleyan missionaries in the Friendly islands, pp. 40, 8vo. Lond., 1842. Pam., v. ii, no. 236. CHAPMAN, Rev. S. Glimpses of China, pp. 28, 8vo. Melb., n.d. Pam., v. 53, no. 878. CHRISTIANITY in Melanesia and New Zealand, pp. 42, 8vo. [Lond., 1854.] Pam., v. 140, no. 2685. From the Quarterly review. CHURCH missionary society. Church missionary atlas; with 31 maps, a chronological chart, &c. 6th ed. la. 8vo. Lond., 1879. Tasmanian auxiliary to the Church missionary society : report for 1854. pp. 8, 8vo. Launceston. Pam., v. 62, no. ion. CHURCH of England : New Guinea mission. Report for the year ending 3ist March, 1906 [illust.]. pp. 62, 8vo. Syd., 1906. Pam., v. 140, no. 2683. Same: 1907. Pam., v. 162, no. 3119. COATES, D., BEECHAM, Rev. JOHN, and ELLIS, Rev. WILLIAM. Christianity the means of civilization; shown in the evidence given before a committee of the House of com- mons on aborigines. 8vo. Lond., 1837. COLONIAL Church 'society. Second report of the Australian Church missionary society, now formed into the Colonial Church society ; with a statement of the design and constitu- tion of the society, pp. 38, 8vo. Lond., 1838. Pam., v. 140, no. 2684. COOPER, Rev. ASTLEY. Christ and heathendom; a sermon on behalf of Bishop Patteson's Melanesian mission, pp. 15, 8vo. Geelong, 1867. Pam., v. 140, no. 2679. 'COWIE, WILLIAM GARDEN, bishop of Auckland. The Melanesian mission; notes of a visit to Norfolk island in November, 1872. pp. 28, 8vo. Auckland, 1873. Pam., v. 118, no. 2191. EVENTS in Feejee; narrated in recent letters from several Wes- leyan missionaries, pp. 32, 8vo. Lond., 1855. Pam., v. 178, no. 3433. FLOOD, Rev. JAMES. New Norciaj the remarkable aborigines institution of the Australian Commonwealth situated in Wesrtern .Australia : a monument 'of Benedictine courage, patience, and chanty : [illust.]. -[anon.] 8vo. Lond.. 1908. GILL, Rev. WILLIAM. Gems from the coral islands; or, incidents of contrast between savage and Christian life in the South Sea islanders. 8vo. Lond., n.d. HARTZER, Rev. FERNAND. Les iles blanches des mers du sud; histoire du vicariat apostolique des archipels Gilbert et Ellice : [illust.]. 8vo. Paris, 1900. 52 MISSIONS. HOB ART Town city mission. Second annual report, 1854. -pp. 14. 8vo. Hohart Town, 1855. Pam., v. 70, no. 1194. HUTTON, JAMES. Missionary life in the southern seas. 2nd ed. 8vo. Lond., 1874. INGLIS, Rev, JOHN. Report of a missionary tour in the New Hebrides, pp. 33, 8vo. [Lond., 1854.] Pam., v. 178, no. 3434. ISLAND mission, The; being a history of the Melanesian mission from its commencement. 8vo. Lond., 1869. KAYE, Sir JOHN WILLIAM. Christianity in India; an h : storical narrative. 8vo. Lond., 1859. KING, Rev. JOSEPH. Christianity in Polynesia; a study and a defence. 8vo. Syd., 1899. Ten decades [1795-1894]; the Australian centenary story of the London missionary society. 8vo. Lond. [1895], LONDON missionary society. Narrative of the mission at Otaheite, and other islands in the South seas, commenced in the year 1797 : map. pp. 86, 8vo. Lond., 1818. LOVETT, RICHARD. History of the London missionary society, 1795-1895: portrs. and map. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1899. LUNDIE, GEORGE ARCHIBALD. Missionary life in Samoa, during the revival in Tutuila in 1840-41. i2mo. Edinb., 1846. McFARLANE, Rev. SAMUEL. Among the cannibals of New Guinea ; being the story of the New Guinea mission of the London missionary society : illust. [and map]. 8vo. Lond., 1888. Story of the Lifu mission: illust. 8vo. Lond., 1873. MANGE RET, Le pere. Mgr. Bataillon et les missions de 1'Oc^anie centrale : [illust.]. new ed. 2 v., 8vo. Lyon, 1895. MAYET, Rev. C. M. Le premier vicaire apostolique de la Nouvelle Cal6donie, ou Mgr. Douarre. eveque I'Amata et la Nouvelle- Caledonie. 8vo. Lyon, 1861. MELANESIAN mission, The. pp. 4, 8vo. Well., n.d. Pam., v. 118, no. 2192. Isles of the Pacific; account of the Melanesian mission and wreck of the mission vessel ; also, the Bishop of New Zealand's sermon on the consecration of the Rev. J. C. Patteson. pp. 24, 8vo. Melb., 1861. Pam., v. ii, no. 242. MISSIONARY narratives. i2mo. Dublin, 1830. Contents. Polynesia; or, Christianity in the islands of the South sea. 4th ed., 1828. A new year's day in the island of Raiatea. 4th ed., 1830. Greenland ; principally from the German of David Crantz. 2nd d., 1828. The missionaries at Ava in the Burman empire : by Mrs. Judson. 3rd ed., 1831. An African valley : by James Montgomery. 3rd ed., 1828. MONFAT, Rev. A. Les Tonga; ou, archipel des Amis, et le R. P. Joseph Chevron de la Societe de Marie; etude historique et religieuse: [illust.]. 2nd ed. 8vo. Lyons [1893]. MONTGOMERY, HENRY HUTCHINSON, bishop of Tasmania. The light of Melanesia; a record of thirty-five years' mission work in the South seas : [illust.] 8vo. Lond., 1896. MISSIONS. 53 MONTGOMERY, JAMES. Journals of voyages and travels by the Rev. Daniel Tyerman and George Bennet in the South sea islands, China, India, &c., between the years 1821 and 1829: [illust.]. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1831. MORTIMER, Mrs. FAVELL LEE. The night of toil; or, a familiar account of the labours of the first missionaries in the South Sea islands : [illust.]. 2nd ed. 8vo. Lond., 1844. MURRAY, Rev. ARCHIBALD WRIGHT. Forty years' mission work in Polynesia and New Guinea, from 1835 to 1875 : [maps and illust.]. 8vo. Lond., 1876. Missions in Western Polynesia ; being historical sketches of these missions from their commencement in 1839 to the present time: [illust.]. 8vo. Lond., 1863. ORME, WILLIAM. Defence of the missions in the South sea and Sandwich islands, against the misrepresentations contained in the Quarterly review. 8vo. Lond., 1827. PATON, Rev. FRANK H. L. Lomai of Lenakei, a hero of the New Hebrides ; a fresh chapter in the triumph of the Gospel : illust. 2nd ed. 8vo. Lond., 1908. PATON, Mrs. MAGGIE H. Short account of missionary labours on one of the islands of New Hebrides group, pp. 47,*i2mo. Edinb., 1876. Pam., v. 39, no. 662. PATTESON, JOHN COLERIDGE,- bishop of Melanesia. Extract from a letter to ... pp. 3, 8vo. n.p., n.d. Pam., v. 178. no. 3431. Lecture on the Melanesian mission, Sydney, 1864. pp. 18, 8vo. [Syd., 1864.] Pam., v. 178, no. 3435. Letter to ... pp. 19, 8vo. n.p., 1862. Pam., v. 178, no. 3432. PILLEY, Rev. HENRY MILES. The New Zealand missionary. pp. 67, i2mo. Cheltenham, 1838. PRESBYTERIAN women's missionary union of South Australia. nth annual report, 1904. pp. 12, 8vo. Adel., 1904. Pam., v. 118, no. 2194. PRITCHARD, GEORGE. The missionary's reward; or, the success of the Gospel in the Pacific: introd. by the Rev. J. A. James: [illust.]. i2mo. Lond., 1844. PYNE, Rev. ALEXANDER. Reminiscences of colonial life and mis- sionary adventure in both hemispheres. 8vo. Lond., 1875. ROBERTSON, Rev. H. A. Erromanga, the martyr isle: ed. by- John Fraser : [portrs., map, and illust.]. 2nd ed. 8vo. Lond., 1903. SCHOLZ, JOSEPH, publisher. Illustrations of missionary scenes. ob. fo. Mayence, n.d. SELWYN, GEORGE AUGUSTUS, bishop of (i) New Zealand (ii) Lich- field. New Zealand mission; views respecting the Church missionary society's mission in New Zealand. 2nd ed. pp. 39 i2mo. Lond., 1843. SMITH, STANLEY P. Abide satisfied, pp. 11, 8vo. Melb.. n.d. Patn., v. 53, no. 878. STALKY, THOMAS NETTLESHIP, bishop of Honolulu. Five years' church work in the kingdom of Hawaii : [illust.]. 8vo. Lond., 1868. 54 MISSIONS : RELIGIOUS HISTORY. TASMANIAN colonial missionary and Christian instruction society. Tumty- fifth report, pp. 15, 8vo. Hobart Town, 1861. I'am., v. 74, no. 1283. TUCKER, SARAH. Southern cross and southern crown; or, the Gospel in NY\v /ealand : [map and illust.]. i2mo. Lond., i&55- VAN Diemeirs Land colonial missionary and Christian instruc- tion society. Eighth report, 1843. pp. 13, 8vo. Hobart Town, 1844. Pam., v. 74, no. 1282. VEKGUET, Rev. LEOPOLD. Histoire de la premiere mission Catho- lique au vicariat de Melane"sie : illust. 8vo. Carcassone, 1854. WESLEYAN missionary auxiliary society of Van Diemen's Land. Seventeenth report, 1840. pp. 39, 8vo., Hobart Town, 1841. Tarn., v. 74, no. 1281. WESLEYAN missionary society. Papers relative to the Wesleyan missions and to the state of heathen countries : [published quarterly]. Nos. 9, 20, 27, 30, 72, 87, 88, 95, iu, 117, 118, 120, 122, 123, 126, 127, 132, 137-140, 184. Unbound. / portfolio. 8vo. Lond., 1822-52. WEST, Rev. THOMAS. Ten years in south-central Polynesia ; being reminiscences of a personal mission to the Friendly islands and their dependencies : maps. 8vo. Lond., 1865. WHEELER, DANIEL. Extracts from his letters and journal when engaged in a religious visit to the inhabitants of some of the islands of the Pacific Ocean, Van Diemen's Land, and New South Wales. 8vo. Lond., 1839. WILLIAMS, Rev. JOHN. Narrative of missionary enterprises in the South Sea islands : introd. by Hev. [A.] Tidman : illust. 8vo. Lond., 1840. WILLIAMS, WILLIAM, bishop of Waiapu. Christianity among the New Zealanders : illust. 8vo. Lond., 1867. 267. Religious Associations. BOOTH, Miss S. C. Dinna forget; stories from real life: [illust.] 8vo. Melb., [1908]. VAN Diemen's Land Sunday school union. Second annual report. pp. 14, 8vo. Hobart Town, 1844. Pam., v. 162, no. 3122. 287.15. Salvation Army. HAGGARD, HENRY RIDER. Regeneration; being an account of the social work of the Salvation army in Great Britain : [illust.]. 8vo. Lond., 1910. 270. Religious history. BOWDEN, JOHN WILLIAM. Life and pontificate of Gregory the seventh. 2 v., 8vo., Lond., 1840. GILES, Rev. JOHN ALLEN. Apostolical records of early Christi- anity, frona the date of the crucifixion to the middle of the second century. 8vo. Lond., 1886. RELIGIOUS HISTORY. 55 GLOVER, TERROT REAVELEY. The conflict of religions in the early Roman empire. 8vo. Lond., 1909. MERIVALE, CHARLES, dean of Ely. Conversion of the Roman empire; the Boyle lectures for the year 1864. 2nd ed. 8vo. Lond., 1865. MILNER, Rev. JOSEPH. History of the church of Christ; with additions and corrections by the late Rev. Isaac Milner : new ed., revised and corrected by the Rev. Thomas Grantham. 4 v., 8vo. Lond., 1847. MORAN, PATRICK FRANCIS, cardinal archbishop of Sydney. Lecture on " Julian, the apostate." pp. 16, 8vo. , Syd., 1889. Pam., v. 89, no. 1607. NEANDER, JOHANN AUGUSTUS WILHELM. General history of the Christian religion and church : tr. from the German by Joseph Torrey. 9 v. in 10, 8vo. Lond., 1852-67. SOUTH EY, ROBERT. Vindiciae ecclesiae Anglicanas : letters to Charles Buller, comprising essays on the Romish religion and vindicating the book of the Church. 8vo. Lond., 1826. STEPHENS, WILLIAM RICHARD WOOD, dean of Winchester. Saint John Chrysostom, his life and times ; a sketch of the church and the empire in the fourth century : portr. 3rd ed. 8vo. Lond., 1883. TAYLOR, JOHN W. The coming of the saints; imaginations and studies in early church history and tradition : illust. 8vo. Lond., 1906. WESTCOTT, BROOKE Foss, bishop of Durham. The two empires; the church and the world : [ed. by A. Westcott.] 8vo. Lond., 1909. 270.6. The Reformation. LINDSAY, Rev. THOMAS M, History of the Reformation. 2 v., 8vo. Edinb., 1906-07. (Internat. theol. lib.) RANKE, LEOPOLD VON. History of the Reformation in Germany : tr. by Sarah Austin; ed. by Robert A. Johnson. 8vo. Lond., 1905- 271. Monastic orders. TIRON, abbe. Histoire et costumes des ordres religieux, civils et militaires: [illust] 2nd ed. 2 v., la. 8vo. Paris, 1848. 272. Persecutions. FOXE, JOHN. The acts and monuments of John Foxe; with a life of the martyrologist, and vindication of the work, by the Rev. George Townsend. 8 v., 8vo. Lond., 1843-49. LIMBORCH, PHILIPPUS VAN. History of the Inquisition : tr. by Samuel Chandler : [with] introd. concerning the rise and pro- gress of persecution: [illust.] 2 v. in i, 410. Lond., 1731- MAITLAND, Rev. SAMUEL ROFFEY. Facts and documents illus- trative of the history, doctrine, and rites, of the ancient Albigenses and Waldenses. 8vo. Lond., 1832. 5ti RELIGIOUS HISTORY. 273. Heresies. MANSEL, HENRY LONGUEVILLE, dean of St. Paul's. Gnostic heresies of the first and second centuries; with a sketch of his work, life, and character by the Earl of Carnarvon; ed. by J. B. Lightfoot. 8vo. Lond., 1875. S.MN'TE-BEUVE, CHARLES AUCUSTIN. Port Royal. 3rd ed. 7 v., 8vo. Paris, 1867-71. 274. Ganeral reliiious history. BRITTEN, EMMA HARDINGE. Faiths, facts, and frauds of reli- gious history. 8vo. Melb., 1879. PARKER, E. R. A plain book for plain people and a warning to the churches. 8vo. Melb., 1894. 274.15. Religious history. Ireland. BICKFORD, Rev. JAMES. A lecture for the times; Irish Christi- anity, its origin and growth ; also, a paper on Ireland's demands and the coming elections in the United Kingdom. pp. 16, 8vo. Adel., 1889. Pam., v. 179, no. 3436. MORAN, PATRICK FRANCIS, cardinal archbishop of Sydney. Early Irish missions, i. Fruits of Irish piety in the British church. PP- 37> 8vo - Dublin, 1877. Pam., v. 179, no. 3437. 274.2. Religious history. England. BROUGHTON, WILLIAM GRANT, bishop of Sydney. True account of the Anglican ordinations in the reign of Queen Elizabeth : part i. pp. 57, 8vo. Syd., 1843. Pam., v. 54, no. 897. CAMPBELL, DOUGLAS. The Puritan in Holland, England, and America ; an introduction to American history. 2 v.. 8vo. Lond., 1892. MARSDEN, Rev. JOHN BUXTON. History of the early Puritans, from the Reformation to the opening of the Civil war in 1642. 3rd ed. 8vo. Lond., 1860. History of the later Puritans, from the opening of the Civil war in 1642, to the ejection of the non-conforming clergy in 1662. 2nd ed. 8vo. Lond., 1854. MOLLOY, JOSEPH FITZGERALD. Faiths of the people. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1892. SEEBOHM, FREDERIC. The Oxford reformers, John Colet, Erasmus, and Thomas More ; being a history of their felloW- work. 2nd ed. 8vo. Lond., 1869. 275.4. Religious history. India. LYALL, Sir ALFRED COMYNS. Asiatic studies; religious and social. 8vo. Lond., 1882. CHRISTIAN CHURCHES. 57 279. Religious history. Australia. BICKFORD, Rev. JAMES. Christian work in Australasia; with notes on the settlement and progress of the colonies: [illust.]. 8vo. Lond. [1878.]. BURTON, Sir WILLIAM WESTBROOKE. State of religion and education in New South Wales. 8vo. Lond., 1840. CHINIQUY, Rev. CHARLES. Pastor Chiniquy's visit to Hobart Town, with account of the disturbances and closing lecture on " Dangers ahead." pp. 29, 8vo. Hobart Town, 1879. Pam., v. 91, no. 1641. GRAHAM, JOHN, ed. Full account of the Hobart Town riots in connection with pastor Chiniquy's lectures, pp. 37, 8vo. Dunedin, 1879. Pam., v. 23, no. 398. Same: another copy. Pam., v. 91, no. 1642. RELIGIOUS wants of the colony of New South Wales, pp. 15, 8vo. Lond., 1840. Pam., v. 89, no. 1608. ULLATHORNE, WILLIAM BERNARD, archbishop. Reply to Judge Burton- on the state of religion in the colony, pp. 98. 8vo. Syd., 1840. Same: another copy. Pam., v. 67, no. 1145. 280. Christian churches and sects. ARNOLD, MATTHEW. St. Paul and Protestantism, with other essays. 8vo. Lond., 1887. BINNEY, Rev. THOMAS. Church of the future as depicted in the Adelaide correspondence examined and estimated [with the Adelaide correspondence]. 8vo. Hobart Town, 1859. Lights and shadows of church-life in Australia, including, Thoughts on some things at home, [and] Two hundred years ago; then and now. 8vo. Lond., 1860. BUCHANAN, DAVID. The heresy and sham of all the leading so-called Christian sects ; a Christmas chant in prose, pp. 50, 2nd ed. 8vo. Syd., 1876. Same: another copy. Pam., v. 140, no. 2687. MORAN, PATRICK FRANCIS, cardinal archbishop of Sydney. Re* union of Christendom and its critics. 8vo. Syd., 1896. 281.9. Eastern Church. STANLEY, ARTHUR PENRHYN, dean of Westntinster. Lectures on the history of the Eastern church; with introd. on the study of ecclesiastical history, 3rd ed. 8vo. Lond., 1864. 282. Foman Catholic Church. ALL WOOD, Rev. ROBERI. Lectures on the papal claim of juris- diction. 8vo. Syd., 1843. 58 ROMAN CATHOLIC CHUBCH. ARCHER, \\ILLIAM HENRY. Nix-ti-s ( ;itholicae; lecture on Catholic education and civilization, past and present, pp. 26, 8vo. Melb., 1856. ram., v. 12, no. 259. Same another copy. Pam., v. 91, no. 1633. AUSTRALASIAN Hibernian Catholic benefit society. Address to Cardinal Moran, and his reply thereto, Easter Sunday. 25th April, 1886. pp. 15, 8vo. Syd., 1886. Pam., v. 163, no. 3142. BARRY, Rev. ZACHARY. Do catholic bishops swear to persecute protestants ? answered in a series of letters between the Rev. Z.Barry and " Icolmkill." pp. 30, sm. 8vo. Syd., 1867. Pam., v. 179, no. 3445. BARSANTI, Rev. ATTAVIO. Laying of the foundation stone of St. Mary's cathedral, Sydney, N.S.W> ; sermon preached on the occasion, pp. 55. i2mo. Melb., 1871. Pam., v. 59, no. 974. BEG, Rev. WAZIR. Reply to Archbishop Yaughan's first Advent conference, or attack on the protestant church, called "The church of Christ indefectible." pp. 48, 8vo. Syd., 1876. Pam., v. 179, no. 3454- BODLEY, JOHN EDWARD COURTENAY. The church in France. 8vo. Lond., 1906. BROUGHTON, WILLIAM GRANT, bishop of Sydney. Letter in vindication of the principles of the Reformation, addressed to Roger Thierry, pp. 27, 8vo. Syd., 1832. Pam., v. ii, no. 255. Same : another copy. Pam., v 67, no. 1136. CAREY, Rev. SAMUEL PEARCE. The doctrines o> Jesus v. the dogmas of Rome; first series, pp. 74, 8vo. Syd., 1905. Pam., v. 75, no. 1303. CATHOLIC association for the promotion of religion and education in the archdiocese of Sydney. Second annual report of the central council, 1869; [with] a short report of the second annual meeting, pp. 43, 8vo. Syd.. 1869. Pam., v. 179, no. 3439. Fourth annual report of the central council, 1871; [with] a report of the fourth annual meeting, pp. 67, 8vo. Syd., 1871. Pam., v. 180, no. 3458. CATHOLIC home annual and directory of Australasia, 1892 : Illustrated biographical sketches, memoirs, &o. pp. 48, 8vo. Syd., 1892. Pam., v. 180, no. 3460. CATHOLIC times newspaper. Month's memory of Archbishop Folding, pp. 16, 8vo. Syd., 1877. Pam., v. 179, no. 3442. CHAPMAN", Dom JOHN. Bishop Gore and the catholic claims. 8vo. Lbnd., 1905. Pam., v. 56, no. 929. EOMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH. 59 CHAPMAN, Rev. WILLIAM STAGEY. Alleged papal supremacy of the first two centuries, pp. $2, sm. 8vo. >Melb., 1895. Pam., v. 54, no. 901. . CHINIQUY, Rev. CHARLES. The Chiniquy lectures delivered in the Protestant hall, Sydney, pp. 48, 8vo. Melb., n.d. Pam., v. 91, no. 1644. Papal idolatry ; an exposure of the dogma of transubstantiation and Mariolatry. pp. 48, 8vo. Melb., 1879. Pam., v., 91, no. 1643. The perversion of Dr. Newman to the Church of Rome, in the light of his own explanations, common sense, and the word of God. pp. 31, 8vo. Melb., n.d. Pam., v. 49, no. 820. Same: another copy. Pam., v. 54, no. 899. CLARKE, Rev. WILLIAM BRANWHITE. Claims and supremacy of the scriptures as the rule of faith and practice, applied to the doctrine of the Church of Rome; a sermon, pp. 60, 8vo. Syd., 1848. Pam., v. n, no. 253. CREIGHTON, MANDELL, bishop of London. History of the Papacy from the great schism to the sack of Rome. 6 v., 8vo. Lond., 1897-99. CUTCLIFFE, CHARLES C. A few words on the doctrines and practices of the Catholic church, pp. 31, sm. 8vo. Syd., 1866. Pam., v. 91, no. 1632. DILLON, Rev. G. F. Ireland; what she has done for religion and civilization: a lecture, pp. 35, 8vo. Syd., 1870. Pam., v. 179, no. 3443. DOWIE, Rev. JOHN ALEXANDER. Rome's polluted springs; an examination of and a reply to Archbishop Vatighan's address on Hidden springs, pp. 88, 8vo. Syd., 1877. Pam., v. 179, no. 3455. DUNCAN, WILLIAM AUGUSTINE. Appeal from the unjust decision of Vicar-general Murphy to the Archbishop of Sydney. pp. 16, 8vo. Syd., 1843. Pam., v. 179, no. 3447 Letter to the Bishop of Australia containing remarks upon his lordship'' s protest against the metropolitan and (episcopal jurisdiction of the Archbishop of Sydney, pp. 24, 8vo. Syd., 1843. Pam., v. ii, no. 248. Reply to the Reverend W. Stack's attempted defence of his lecture on The man of sin, from the remarks of W. A. Duncan, pp. 23, 8vo. Syd., 1839. Pam., v. 179, no. 3450. Second letter to the Bishop of Australia, in reply to the lectures of the Rev. R. Allwood, minister of St. James's, against the bishop of Rome's supremacy, pp. 40, 8vo. Syd., 1843. Pam., v. 179, no. 3449. DUNNE, Rev. P. Copy of a statement addressed to Dr. Folding, archbishop of Sydney, pp. 28, xxiv., 8vo. Dublin, 1859. Pam., v. 179, no. 3451. 60 ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH. KNGLISH Catholic. Controversy between an English catholic and the Rev. John M 'Gibbon, Presbyterian minister, on the Bible and the Reformation, pp. 52. 8vo. Syd., 1865. I'.un., v. 91, no. 1651. FFOULKES, EDMUND S. The church's creed or the crown's creed? a letter to Archbp. Manning. loth ed. pp. 32, 8vo. Syd., 1869. I '..in., v. 74, no. 1289. FRY, Rev. HENRY PHIBBS. Forty reasons for leaving the church of Rome. 8vo. Hobart Town, 1854. Pam., v. 163, no. 3124. FULTON, Rev. HENRY. Letter to the Rev. W. B. Ullathorne, in answer to A few words to the Rev. Henry Fulton, and his readers, &c. pp. 55, 8vo. Syd., 1833. Pam.j v. ii, no. 231. GALTON, Rev. ARTHUR HOWARD. Church and state in France, 1300-1907. 8vo. Lond., 1907. GRAY, VICTOR L. Catholicism in Queensland; fifty years of pro- gress : [illust.] 8vo. Brisb., 1910. HAWKSLEY, EDWARD. The worship of the Catholic church not idolatrous; reply to the Rev. William M'Intyre's candid in- quiry into the doctrine maintained by Bishop Folding. pp. 40, 8vo. Syd., 1838. Pam., v. 1 80, no. 3457. KEMMIS, Rev. THOMAS. The pope, the cardinal, and the prior ! or, "The pope's manifesto; the cardinal's apology; the prior's mission"; a reply, pp. 38, 8vo. Syd., 1895. Pan., v. 91, no. 1638. KENNY, JOHN, R.C. dean of Sydney. History of the commence- ment and progress of catholicity in Australia, up to the year 1840: [portrs.]. 8vo. Syd., x886. LA GU^RONNIERE, Louis ETIENNE ARTHUR DE, vicomte de. The Pope and the congress ; Napoleon's celebrated pamphlet : tr. from the French, pp. 16. 8vo. Hobart Town, 1860. Pam., v. 74, no. 1294. LANG, Rev. JOHN DUNMORE. Popery in Australia and the southern hemisphere, and how to check it effectually. pp. 48, 8vo. Edinb., 1847. Pam., v. 91, no. 1647. LILLE Y, Rev. A. LESLIE. Modernism; a record and a review. 8vo. Lond., 1908. McCABE, JOSEPH. The decay of the Church of Rome. 2nd ed. 8vo. Lond., 1909. MCCARTHY, MICHAEL JOHN FITZGERALD. Rome in Ireland. 8vo. Lond., 1904. MILMAN, HENRY HART. History of Latin Christianity ; including that of the Popes to the pontificate of Nicholas V. 2nd ed. 6 v., 8vo. Lond., 1857. MORAN, PATRICK FRANCIS, cardinal archbishop of Sydney. Commemoration discourses at St. John's college, 1888-91. pp. 43, 8vo. Syd., 1891. Pam., v. 91, no. 1634. ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH. 61 The heritage of blessings in the Catholic church, pp. 31, 8vo. Syd., 1900. Pam., v. 91, no. i6j6. Our primates, pp. 23, 8vo. Dublin, 1881. Pam., v. 179, no. 3444. Panegyric of the blessed John Perboyne. pp. 16, 8vo. Syd., 1890. Pam., v. 118, no. 2199. MORGAN, JOHN. Give us light; an exposition of the power and influence of the Romish priesthood, and the effects upon civil and religious liberty, pp. 16, 8vo. Hobart Town, 1850. Pam., v. 91, no. 1646. NEILD, JOHN CASH. The Jesuits and Ultramontanism; a speech in reply to Cardinal Moran. pp. 38, 8vo. Syd., 1892. Pam., v. 141, no. 2689. NICOLSON, Rev. WILLIAM. A parting word. pp. 6, 8vo. Hobart Town, 1866. Pam., v. 91, no. 1649. Protestant truth asserted and popish error exposed. pp. 16, 8vo. Hobart Town, 1865. Pam., v. 91, no. 1645. Truth and error tested by the word of God ; being a refutation of certain heresies recently avowed and promulgated in Hobart Town. pp. 20, 8vo. Hobart Town, 1871. Pam., v. 74, no. 1288. NIELSEN, FREDRIK, bishop of Aarhus. History of the Papacy in the xixth century : tr. under the direction of A. J. Mason, D.D. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1906. O'CONNOR, J. G. St. Mary's cathedral, old and new; with historical and biographical notices : illust. pp. 64, 8vo. Syd., 1882. Pam., v. 42, no. 712 O'FARRELL, P. A. C. Reply to the pamphlet of the Rev. William Trollope, entitled, "Are the catholics of Port Phillip Tri- dentine Romanists"? pp. 35, 8vo. vlelb., 1850. Pam., v. 179, no. 3441. PUTNAM, GEORGE HAVEN. Censorship of the Church of Rome, and its influence upon the production and distribution of literature; a study of the history of the prohibitory and expurgatory indexes, with some consideration of prote&tant censorship and of censorship by the state. 2 v., 8vo. N.Y., 1906. ROMAN Catholic church: Australia: Acta et decreta concilii plenarii Australasiae haBiti apud Sydney, a.d. 1885, a sancta sede recognita. 8vo. Svd., 1887. Acta et decreta concilii primi provinciae Australiensis a re- verendissimo archiepiscopo Sydneiensis una cum praesulibus proviciae suae suffraganeis anno domini MDCCCXLIV Pontificates Gregorii Papae XVI. decimo quarto celebrati a sancta sede approbata. 8vo. Syd., n.d. Australasian catholic congress : proceedings of the first, held at St. Mary's cathedral, Sydney, xoth [to i4th] September, 1900. 8vo. Syd., 1900. ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH. Australasian catholic congress : Proceedings of the second, Mel- bourne, 24th to 31 st Oct., 1904: [illust.]. 8vo. Melb., 1905. Same: medical section. 8vo. Melb., 1905. Catholic directory for the diocese of Melbourne, 1855. pp. go, i2mo. Melb., 1855. Correspondence and statement of facts relathv to the Roman catholic mission in Western Australia. 8vo. n.p., 1852. Report containing the pastoral address of the bishop, and the proceedings of the Roman catholics of Nt-w South Wales convened at the Cathedral church of St. Mary, Sydney, on Sunday, July 3, 1836. pp. 19, 8vo. Syd., 1836. Report of the inauguration of the Catholic association in St. Mary's cathedral [Sydney], January, 1853. pp. 17. 8vo. Syd.', 1853. Pam., v. 179, no. 3438. Sketch of the rise and progress of the Yass mission, from its foundation, 1838, to the present time: [illust.]. pp. 64, 8vo. Goulburn, 1861. Pam., v. 179, no. 3440. SCONCE, Rev. R. K. Reasons for submitting to the Catholic church, pp. 34, 8vo. Syd., 1848. Pam., v. 1 80, no. 3459. Testimony of antiquity to the supremacy of the Holy See; appended. View of the scripture proof of St. Peter's pre- eminence, and a list of Anglican misrepresentations. 8vo. Syd., 1848. SCRUTATOR. The mystery unveiled ; an exposure of the agencies at work for the world- wide defamation of the catholic Irish Australian clergy, pp. vii, 50, 8vo. Melb., 1883. Pam., v. 179, no. 3452. SHADOW of Rome, The; by one who has emerged. 2nd ed. pp. 91, 8vo. Syd., 1899. Pam., v. 163, no. 3123. SLADEN, DOUGLAS BROOKE WHEELTON. Secrets of the Vatican; illust. and plans. 8vo. Lond., 1907. STACK, Rev. W., and DUNCAN, WILLIAM AUGUSTINE. Corre- spondence; with remarks on Mr. Stack's lecture upon the man of sin. pp. 20, 8vo. Syd., 1839. Pam., v. 179, no. 3448. SUTHERLAND, Rev. G. Papal domination, embracing, The present claims of the papacy, the famous syllabus of intole- rant dogmas, the proceedings of the late Vatican council, and the culmination of apostacy in the assumed infallibility. pp. 46, 8vo. Syd., 1879. Pam., v. 91, no. 1640. THERRY, Sir ROGER. Appeal on behalf of the Roman catholics of New South Wales, pp. 52, 8vo. Syd., 1833. Same: another copy. Pam., v. 67, no. 1137. TREGEAR, Rev. GEORGE. Rome, the enemy of civil and religious freedom ; being a series of letters in reply to the Rev. Father McBride, of Swan Hill. 8vo. Melb., 1902. Pam., v. 163, no. 3126. CHURCH OF ENGLAND. 03 TROLLOPE, Rev. WILLIAM. The Roman catholics of Port Phillip and their champion ; a parting word on Tridentine Romanism, -pp. 19, 8vo. Melb., 1850. Pam., v. 163, no. 3125. ULLATHORNE, WILLIAM BERNARD, archbishop. The Catholic mission in Australasia. 4th ed. pp. vi, 44, 8vo. Syd., 1838. Pam., v. 179, no. 3453. A few words to the Rev. Henry Fulton, and his readers ; with a glance at the archdeacon, pp. 56, 8vo. Syd., 1833. Pam., v. 179, no. 3456. VAUGHAN, ROGER WILLIAM BEDE, Roman catholic archbishop of Sydney. Advent conferences. 8vo. Syd., 1876. Contents. i. The church of Christ indefectible. 2. The church of Christ and the Bible. 3. Is the Protestant church the church of Christ? 4. The Church of Christ the Catholic church. Hidden springs ; or, perils of the future and how to meet them. pp. 76, 8vo. Syd., 1876. Pam., v. 75, no. 1308. WARD, BERNARD, monsignor. The dawn of the Catholic revival in England, 1781-1803: [portrs. and illust.]. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1909. 233. Church of England. ALL Saints' church, East St. Kilda. The jubilee of All Saints' church, East St. Kilda, 1858-1908. pp. 41, 8vo. Melb., 1907. Pain., v. 141, no. 2692. ANDERSON, Rev. JAMES STUART MURRAY. History of the Church of England 'in the colonies and foreign dependencies of the British empire : [map]. 2nd ed. 3 v., 121110. Lond., 1856. AUSTRALIAN college of theology. Manual for the year 1906. pp. 62, 8vo. Syd., 1906. Pam., v. qi, no. 1652. BROUGHTON, WILLIAM GRANT, bishop of Sydney. The church in Australia, parts 1-3. 12010. Lond., 1847. Contents. i. Two journals of visitation to the northern and southern portions of his diocese. 2. Two journals of missionary tours in the districts of Maneroo and Moreton Bay, New South Wales. 3. Journal of visitation in 1845. CARPENTER, WILLIAM BOYD, bishop of Ripon. Popular history of the Church of England, from the earliest times to the present day : [illust.]. 8vo. Lond., 1900. CHRISTIAN observer newspaper. Reprint of a review of the Rev. Mr. Maskell's letter on the dogmatic teaching of the church, pp. 23, 8vo. Hobart Town, 1851. Pam., v. 74, no. 1.290. CHURCH of England. Answer of the archbishops of England to the apostolic letter of Pope Leo XIII. [on Anglican orders]. pp. 48, 8vo. Lond., 1897. Pam., v. 118. no. 2203. 64 CHURCH OF ENGLAND. CHURCH of England: Australia. General synod; proceedings of the second general synod of the dioceses in Australia and Tasmania. 8vo. Syd., 1877. Bund -with Church of England : New South Wales : Diocese of Goulburn. Reports, v. 3. Papers read at the Church congress held at Melbourne 1882. 8vo. Melb., 1882. Papers read at the Church congress held at Sydney, 1889. 8vo. Syd., 1889. Proceedings of the annual meeting of the synod of eastern Australia, Nov., 1861. -pp. 12, i2rno. Syd., 1861. Pam., v. 118, no. 2188. Report of the Church congress held at Melbourne, i9th to 24th November, 1906. 8vo. Melb., n.d. CHURCH of England: New South Wales. Correspondence be- tween the Bishop of Sydney and the Reverends F. T. C. Russell and P. T. Beamish, deacons, pp. 58, 8vo. Syd., 1849. P.im., v. 117, no. 2183. Proceedings of the third provincinal synod held at Sydney. 1875. 8vo. Syd., 1875. Sydney diocesan synod; proceedings ist synod, 1866-69, 4th to nth synods, 1877-99. 8vo. Syd., 1867-99. Diocese of Goulburn; reports of the ist to i4th annual meetings of the Church society. 3 v., 8vo. Goulburn, 1864-1878. Minutes of the proceedings of the first session of the third synod, 1876. 8vo. Goulburn, 1879. Diocese of Newcastle; Report of the Newcastle church society for the years 1851-1865 and 1867. 2 v., 8vo. Syd., 1860-68. CHURCH of England: New Zealand. Letter to the Bishop of New Zealand from members of the Church of England in that colony, pp. 1 8, sm. 8vo. Auckland, 1850. Pam., v. u, no. 251. CHURCH of England : South Australia. Account of the proceed- ings of the laity and clergy of the Church of England in South Australia, occasioned by the publication of certain minutes of a meeting held in Sydney by the Australasian bishops in October, 1850. pp. 65, 8vo. Add., 1851. Pam., v. n, no. 245. Adelaide diocesan synod ; opinion of Her Majesty's solicitor- general (and others], on behalf of the bishop of Adelaide [in reference to the legality of holding synods in Adelaide diocese]; [also], opinion of A. J. Stephens on Adelaide dio- cesan constitutions, pp. 45, 8vo. n.p., 1854. Same: another copy. Pam., v. 92, no. 1663. CHURCH of England: Victoria. Acts of the assembly of the Church of England. 8vo. Melb., 1878. Same: another ed. 8vo. Melb., 1888. Statistics of the diocese of Melbourne for the years 1865 to 1906. Bound in 7 v., 8vo. Melb. After i8qo title altered to Year-book of the diocese of Melbourne; aft. 1900-1 [added] (also of Bendigo, Wangaratta, and Gippsland.) CHURCH OF ENGLAND. 65 CHURCH of England : Tasmania. Digests of acts and resolutions passed in the diocesan synod of Tasmania : to which are appended the Church constitution act and other documents. pp. 44, 8vo. Hobart Town, 1868. Pam., v. 72, no. 1243. Same: another copy. Pam., v. 180, no. 3463. Papers and correspondence relative to the ordination held at Campbell Town, Tasmania, on December 21, 1865. pp. 50, 8vo. Hobart Town, 1866. Pam., v. 141, no. 2695. Proceedings of the conference of lay delegates, convened by the Lord Bishop of Tasmania, pp. 40, 8vo. Hobart, 1852. Pam.j v. 180, no. 3461. St. David's cathedral, Hobart, Tasmania; order of the service; laying the corner stone of the choir, 3rd February, 1891. pp. 9, sm. 8vo. Hobart, 1891. Piv.n. , v. 72. no. 1247. Solemn declaration of ministers of the Church of England in Van Diemen's Land on the present condition of the Church in that colony, pp. 32, 8vo. Hobart Town, 1851. Para., v. 62, no. 1003. Supplement to the digest containing the acts and resolutions of synod passed in the sessions of 1877, 1878, and 1879. pp. 23, 4, 8vo. Hobart Town, 1880. Pam., v. 72, no. 1245. Same: another copy. Pam., v. 92, r;o. 1660. Year book, 1891 ; with the official record of the proceedings of the diocesan synod at the third session of its eleventh synod, pp. 91, 8vo. Hobart, 1891. Pam., v. 72, no. 1248. COLONIAL church chronicle and missionary journal, 1847 to 1864. 1 8 v., 8vo. Lond. CROCKFORD'S clerical directory for 1908; being a statistical book of reference for facts relating to the clergy and the church. 8vo. Lond., 1908. CROSS, ARTHUR LYON. The Anglican episcopate and the American colonies. 8vo. N.Y., 1902. (Harvard historical studies, v. 9.) DAVENPORT, Rev. ARTHUR. History of synodal proceedings in Tasmania; with appx. containing the act of Parliament by which the diocesan synod is constituted. pp. 24, 8vo. Hobart Town, 1858. Pam., v.' 72, no. 1242. DAVID, Rev. ARTHUR EVAN. Handbooks of church extension; Australia: illust. and map. 8vo. Lond., 1908. DITCHFIELD, Rev. PETER HAMPSON. The old-time parson : 17 illust. 2nd e'd. 8vo. Lond., 1909. FREE, Rev. JOHN. Certain articles proposed to the serious consi- deration of the Court of assistants of the worshipful company of Salters in London, &c. pp. 23, 8vo. Lond., 1758. Pam., v. 6i 3 no. 983. F.8720. C 66 CHURCH OF ENGLAND. FRY. Rr,<. HENRY PHIBBS. Appi-al to the Bishop of Sydnt-y. nit-tropolitan of the dioceses of Australia, Tasmania, &c. : [with the bishop's reply and rejoinder]. 8vo. Hobart Town, 1856. FULLERTON, Rev. JAMES. Ten lectures; with historical notices, illustrative of the anti-scriptural nature and pernicious ten- dency of the doctrines of Puseyism. i2mo. Syd., 1844. GODFREY, FREDERICK RACE. Guide to St. Paul's cathedral, Mel- bourne : [illust.]. pp. 50, 8vo. Melb., 1906. Pam v. 141, nci. 2604. GOODMAN, Rev. GEORGE. The Church in Victoria during the episcopate of Charles Perry, first bishop of Melbourne. 8vo. Melb., 1892. HALES, Rer. FRANCIS. "Tell it to the Church" : an appeal from the bishop to the Church, pp. 35, 8vo. Launceston. i853- Pam., v. ()2, no. 16^4. HARPER, JOHN HENRY CHJTTY, bishop of Christ church. Letter to the editor of the New Zealand church news on an article entitled "The no Popery cry." pp. 14, 8vo. Christchurch, 1876. Pam., v. 180, no. 3462. HUGHES, Rev. ERNEST SELWYN. Correspondence re the closing of the mission of the Holy Redeemer. pp. 23, 8vo. [Melb.], 1893. Pam., v. 54, no. 904. KEMMIS, Rev. THOMAS. Five lectures on the antiquity and in- dependence of the British church ; with a brief sketch of the English Reformation, pp. 77, 8vo. Syd.. 1876. Pam., v. 163, no. 3145. MARTIN, Sir WILLIAM. Church legislation in 1874. pp. 30. 8vo Cambridge, 1876. Pam., v. 117, no. .2184. MOXON, ROBERT J., archdeacon of Graf ton. Short history of the work of the Anglican church in the north coast districts of New South Wales: [illust.]. pp. 42, 8vo. Graf ton, 1904. NIXON, FRANCIS RUSSELL, bishop of Tasmania. The Church in the colonies ; diocese of Tasmania, or Van Diemen's Land ; an appeal from the bishop to the British .public, pp. 20, 8vo. Lond., 1848. Pam., v. 72, no. 1241. Same: another copy. Pam., v. 92, no. 1662. NORRIS, Rev. WILLIAM. Annals of the diocese of Adelaide. pp. 95, 8vo. Lond., 1852. PERRY, CHARLES, bishop of Melbourne. Letter to the honorary secretary of the special committee for that diocese, dated Nov., 1849 : map. i2mo. Lond., 1850. (Gives account of visitations ind pastoral work.) Bound with Hrouyhton. Church in Australia. PUSEY, Rev. EDWARD BOUVERIE. Letter to the Bishop of London, in explanation of statements made by the Rev. W. Dods- worth. pp. 1 6, 8vo. Hobart Town, 1851. Pam.. v. 74. no. 1286. CHURCH OF ENGLAND: PROTESTANT SECTS. 67 RUSDEN, GEORGE WILLIAM. Remarks on the status of colonial bishops and the law concerning bishops in Victoria, -pp. 16, 8vo. Melb., 1868. Pam., v. 92, no. 1658. RUSSELL, Rev. FRANCIS T. CUSACK. Statement, with the docu- ments in confirmation, furnished to his parishioners and con- gregation, pp. 53, 8vo. Syd., 1849. Pam., v. 92, no. 1653. ST. MARK the Evangelist, Church of, Fitzroy. Historical notes on the church and parish of St. Mark the Evangelist, Fitzroy. i2mo. Melb., 1868. SELWYN, ARTHUR EDWARD, dean of Newcastle. D'ocese of New- castle, New South Wales ; address to the synod, July 22nd, 1890. pp. 16, 8vo. West Maitland, 1890. Pam., v. 180, no. 3464. Two papers ; On the relation of the Church of England to all protestant churches, [and] On prayer for rain. pp. 14, 8vo. Syd., 1883. Pam., v. 163, no. 3144 SELWYN, GEORGE AUGUSTUS, bishop of (/) New Zealand, ii. Lich- field. New Zealand; letters and journals: [map]. Contents. Part I. Letters to the Society for the propagation of the gospel ; together with extracts from his visitation journal, from July, 1842, to January, 1843. 3 r< ^ e( J-> 121110. Loud., 1847. Part II. Journal of his visitation tour, from August to December, 1843 ; to which is prefixed an extract of a letter from him to a friend in England. 3rd ed., pp. 64, I2mo. Lond., 1847. Part IIT. Journal of his visitation tour, from December, 1843, to March, 1844 ; in- cluding an account of his visit to the southern island, jrd ed., pp. 48, 121110. Lond., 1851. Part IV. Letter to the Society for the propagation of the gospel ; containing an account of the affray between the settlers and the natives at Kororarcka. 2nd ed., pp. 40, i2mo. Lond., 1847. Part V. Journal of his visitation tour through his diocese ; including a visit to the Chatham islands in the year 1848. i2mo. Lond., 1849. SELWYN, J. S.. and SELWYN, L. F. Annals of the diocese of New Zealand: [map and illust.]. T2mo. Lond., 1847. STANLEY, ARTHUR PENRHYN. dean of Westminster 1 . Historical memorials of Westminster Abbey : illust. 7th ed., 8vo. Lond., 1890. SYMONDS. EDWARD. The story of the Australian church : map. i2mo. Lond.. 1898. . (Colonial church histories.) VALENTINE, WILLIAM. Controversy on Romish preparations in St. David's cathedral and Romish teaching, between M. J. and Dr. Valentine, pp. 27, 8vo. Hobart Town, 1873. Pam., v. 72, no. 1246. WEBBER. WILLIAM THOMAS THORNHILL, bishop of Brisbane. Inaugural address delivered at the opening of the first session of the twelfth synod of the diocese of Brisbane, pp. 32, 8vo. Brisb., 1899. Pam., v. 141, no. 2696. 284 Protestant Sects. McGIBBON. Rev. JOHN. " Orangeism and its slanderers"; a lecture, -pp. 16, 8vo. Syd., 1871. Pam., v. 49, no. 823. ORANGEISM versus Mr. Gordon, pp. 19, 8vo. Syd., n.d. Pam., v. 179, no. 3446. C 2 PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. 284.5. Huguenots. BACKHOUSE, JAMES. "Honour to whom honour"; a lecture on French protestantism in the i;th and i8th centuries. pp. 60, 8vo. Lond., 1884. 285. Presbyterian church. BALFOUR, Rev. R. GORDON. Presbyterianism in the colonies, with special reference to the principles and influence of the Free church of Scotland. 8vo. Edinb., 1900. BEG, Rev. WAZIR. Manual of Presbyterian principles; with a letter dedicatory to the Moderator, pp. 57, 8vo. Syd., 1870. Pam., v. 164, no. 3146. CHISHOLM, Rev. JAMES. Fifty years syne; a jubilee memorial of the Presbyterian church of Otago: [illust.]. 8vo. Dunedin, 1898. GELLIE, JOHN. Presbyterian church of Tasmania, St. Andrew's, Hobart : an address to the extruded members, pp. 16, 8vo. Hobart, 1884. Pam., v. 73, no. 1262. HAMILTON, Rev. ROBERT. Jubilee history of the Presbyterian church of Victoria. 8vo. Melb., 1888. HAY, Rev. ALEXANDER. Jubilee memorial of the Presbyterian church of Queensland, 1849-99. 8vo. Brisb., 1900. HISLOP, JOHN. History of Knox church, Dunedin. 8vo. Dune- din, 1892. HOWIE, ROBERT. Plea for equity; or, statement of facts and principles in the Scottish churches case, [with] report of com- mittee on statistics for 1905. 8vo. Lond., 1905. LANG, Rev. JOHN DUNMORE. Free church morality, in three of its developments in New South Wales : embodying a history of the founding of St. Andrew's college. pp. 45, 8vo. Syd., 1876. Narrative of the settlement of the Scots church, Sydney, New South Wales. 8vo. Syd., 1828. St. Andrew's; or, the Presbyterian college, pp. 31, 8vo. Syd., 1872. Bound with his Free ckurch moralitv.. MACPHERSON, Rev. PETER. The ca'se of Messrs. Smith, Bates, and Ashley in connexion with the Presbyterian church of eastern Australia, pp. 32. 2nd ed, 8vo. Syd., rfci. Pam., v. 73, no. 1.256. PRESBYTERIAN Church: Australia. -Acts of the synod of the Free Presbyterian church of Victoria, formerly called Australia Felix : part first,, containing the acts from June, 1847, to March, 1851, inclusive, with the Model trust deed, aaid appx. of documents, forms, &c. pp. 60, 8vo. Melb., 1851. Pam., v. 92, no. 1664. Authentic statement of the proceedings before the Supreme court of New South Wales in the case of Macpherson and others v.~ Sutherland and others, 1884 and 1885, to annul a sentence of expulsion from, the synod of eastern. Australia, and repone three of the plaintiffs as members of the synod. pp. 96, 8vo. Syd., 1886. Pam., v. 144, no. 2765. PRESBYTEKIAN CHURCH. 69 Case of Hbel ; Rev. C. Simson and Rev. J. Mackersey versus the Rev. John Storie. pp. 90, 8vo. Hobart Town, 1864. Pain., v. 144, no 2766. Gellie and the congregation of St. Andrew's v. Budge and the Presbytery of Tasmania ; argument addressed to the Supreme court of Tasmania by the Rev. John Storie. pp. 24, 8vo. Hobart Town, 1877. Pam., v. 73, no. 1261. Interlocutory deliverance of the Presbytery of Tasmania upon the deliverances of the kirk session of St. Andrew's, Hobart Town, in prosecution of the Rev. John Storie against Mr,. Thomas Young : correspondence of Mr. Young and the Rev. Dr. Turnbull. pp. 45, 8vo. Hobart Town, 1863. Pam., v. 73, no. 1259. Letter from ministers of the Free church of Scotland to the Free Presbyterian synod of Victoria ; with an introductory statement and address by the Presbytery of Tasmania, pp. 31, 8vo. Launceston, 1857. Pam., v. 73, no. 1257. Same: another copy. Pam., v. 92, no. 1665. Narrative of proceedings at the formation of the Presb}'tery of the Free Presbyterian church in South Australia, embodying the fundamental act of the Presbytery, [etc.], pp. 14, 8vo. Adel., 1885. Pam., v. 73, no. 1258. Pastoral letter of the Presbytery of Van Diemen's Land, to the Presbyterian inhabitants of the colony, pp. 15, 8vo. Hobart Town, 1850. Pam., v. 92, no. 1667. Plain truth plainly stated ; or, the real state of the Presbyterian denomination in Van Diemen's Land. pp. 45, 8vo. Laun- ceston, 1854. Pam., v. 73, no. 1252. Same: another copy. Pam., v. 92, -no. 1666. Presbyterian doings in Tasmania, pp. 10, 8vo. Hobart, 1875. Pam., v. 73, no. 1260. Proceedings of the commission of the General assembly, Vic- toria : Nov., 1895, Nov., 1896; May, 1897; November, 1897; May, 1898; May, 1899; March, 1900, (in hunc effectum meeting). 6 v., 8vo. Melb., v.d. Proceedings of the Federal assembly of the Presbyterian churches of Australia and Tasmania: Sydney, Sept., 1895; Melbourne, Sept., 1896; Sydney, Sept., 1898; Sydney, April, 1899. 4 v. in i, 8vo. Syd., v.d. Proceedings of the synods, Tasmania, for the years 1881, 1882-3, 1883, 1884-5, 1885, 1886, 1887, 1887-8, 1890, and 1891. 8vo. Hobart, v.d. Pam., v. 73, nos. 1263-1272. The Scots' church case ; by the promoters of the Bill. pp. 43, 8vo. Melb., 1884. Pam., v. 164, no. 3147. Same: another copy. Pam., v. 180, no. 3465. "" Scots' church property bill " ; [statement by a committee of the general assembly.] pp. 6, 8vo. Melb., 1884. Pam., v. 164, no. 3I47A. 70 PRESBYTEEIAN CHURCH; CONGREGATIONAL CHUBOH. PRESBYTERY of Sydney. Authentic statement of the facts and circumstances of the deposition of Dr. John Dunmore Lang from the Christian ministry, by the synod of Australia. 1842. pp. 16. 8vo. Syd.. 1860. Pam., v. 115, no. 2137. ROSS, Rcr. C. STUART. Colonization and church work in Victoria. 8vo. Melb.. 1891. Storv of the Otago church and settlement. 8vo. Dunedin, 1887. STANLEY, ARTHUR PENRHYN, dean of Westminster. Lectures on the history of the church of Scotland, delivered in Edinburgh, 1872. 8vo. Lond., 1872. STEWART, Rev. D. MACRAE. Growth of fifty years. 1859-1909. [of the Presbyterian church of Victoria : illust.]. 4to. Melb., rioi.ll. SUTHERLAND, Rer. ROBERT. History of the Presbyterian church of Victoria, from the foundation of the colony down to the abolition of state aid in 1875. 8vo. Lond., 1877. THOMSON, JAMES. Remarks on the status of the Presbyterian church in the British colonies. 8vo. Hobart Town. 1835. Vindication of the Presbytery of Van Diemen's Land and the Presbyterian community. 8vo. Hobart Town, 1839. TURNBULL. Rev. ADAM. Remarks upon the new doctrines pro- posed by the sacramental committee, pp. 48. 8vo. Hobart Town, 1863. Pam., v. 74, no. 1291. 285.8. Congregational church. ALETHES. Independent Congregationalism; will it promote or will it destroy true religion? pp. TO, 8vo. [Brisb.] n.d. Pam., v. 64, no. 1038. ALETHIA. Australian Congregational independency reviewed. pp. 30, 8vo. n.p., n.d. Pam., v. 64, no. 1040. BOSTON Congregationalist. Church guilds in England, pp. 4, 8vo. n.p., n.d. Pam., v. 64, no. 1047. CLARKE, Rev. GEORGE. Letter to the Congregational churches of Tasmania ; together with a sermon on Preaching the gospel. pp. 15, 8vo. Hobart, 1885. Pam., v. 71, no. 1216. Past and present; an address to the Congregational union of Tasmania, 22nd March. 1880. pp. 18, 8vo. Hobart Town, 1880. Pam., v. 72, no. 1238. CONGREGATIONAL church -.Australia. Key to 25 years' de- velopment of church history in Queensland ; Australian Con- gregational independency reviewed, pp. 8, 8vo. n.p., n.d. Pam., v. 64, no. 1039. Minutes of proceedings at the conference of delegates, &c., from the Congregational churches of Australia, held in Ade- laide, November, 1859. pp. n, 8vo. Adel.. 1860. Pam., v. 180, no. 3466. Record volume ; jubilee of Queensland Congregationalism, and Australasian inter-state conference, Brisbane-Ispwich, 1903 : [illust.]. 8vo. Brisb., 1903. CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH. 71 Report of the intercolonial conference, Sydney, 1883, to cele- brate the jubilee of the introduction of Congregationalism to Australia. 8vo. Syd., 1883. Twenty- five years' development of church history in Queens- land [and other pamphlets], -p-p. 4, 18, 12, 8vo. n.p., n.d. Pam., v. 64, no. 1042. CONGREGATIONAL church, George-street, Bathurst. Church manual and report for 1887-8. pp. 12, 8vo. Bathurst, 1888. Pam., v. 64, no. 1066. CONGREGATIONAL union and home mission of South Australia (incorporated). Annual meeting, 1894; report of the pro- ceedings ; reports of organizations ; addresses delivered, pp. 68, 8vo. Adel., 1894. Pam., v. 141, no. 1702. South Australian Congregational year book and calendar for 1879. sm. 8vo. Adel., 1879. Pam., v. 72, no. 1233. CONGREGATIONAL union and mission of Tasmania. Jubilee year : meeting of the general council, Hobart Town, 1880. pp. 66, 8vo. Hobart Town, 1880. Pam., v. 72, no. 1237. Meeting of the general council held at Launce.ston. pp. 14, 8vo. Launceston, 1883. Pam., v. 72, no. 1239. Proceedings at the meetings of the general council, held at Hobart Town, 1876. pp. 20, 8vo. Hobart Town, 1876. Pam., v. 72, no. 1234. Proceedings at the meetings of the general council, held in Launceston, 1877. pp. 32. 8vo. Launceston, 1877. Pam., v. 72, no. 1235. Proceedings at the meetings of the general council, held in Launceston, 1879 : appended, the constitution of the union and rules of allied societies, pp. 36, 8vo. Launceston, 1879. Pam., v. 72, no. 1236. CONGREGATIONALISM as the vanguard of Christ's church. pp. 15, 8vo. Brisb., n.d. Pam., v. 64, no. 1048. CONGREGATIONALISM; is it religious freedom? or, the Son of Man in the midst of the seven golden candlesticks, pp. 21, 8vo. Brisb., n.d. Pam., v. 64, nos. 1049-50. CONGREGATIONALISM, past, present, and future; an ap- peal to the Congregationalists of Christendom, pp. 12, 8vo. Brisb., 1886. Pam., v. 64, no. 1044. COX, Rev. FRANCIS WILLIAM. Jubilee record, 1837-1887 : the Congregational churches of South Australia. 8vo. Adel., 1887. JUBILEE volume of Victorian Congregationalism, 1888. 8vo. Melb., 1888. MURRAY, Rev. ARCHIBALD WRIGHT. Appeal to the Congregational churches of Australia, pp. 12, 8vo. Syd., 1881. Pam., v. 164, no. 3148. 72 CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH: METHODIST CHURCH. STOW, Rev. THOMAS QUENTIN. Congregationalism in the colonies ; an address delivered before the conference of Congregational ministers and delegates in Melbourne, 1855 ; with the con- ference minutes of each day's proceedings, pp. 27, 8vo. Syd., 1855. Pam., v. 92, no. 1671. STOW memorial church, Adelaide. Some Stow church milestones : sermons and addresses on special occasions in the history of Stow memorial church, pp. 58., 8vo. Adel., 1897. Pam., v. 141, no. 2703. VlCTORIAN T Congregational year book and calendar, 1876; ed. by Rev. John Legge. 8vo. Melb., 1875. Pam., v. 164, no. 3149. WATSON, GEORGE C. The Congregational pillar of witness; or, the voice of God to the Congregational churches of Christen- dom, pp. 4, 8vo. Brisb., 1886. Pam., v. 64, no. 1043. Is the Congregational church consummated? pp. 12, 8vo. Brisb., n.d. Pam., v. 64, no. 1042. Is the Congregational church consummated? Congregational avowals and Congregational practice, pp. 18, 8vo. Brisb., 1887. Pam., v. 64, no. 1041.4. WIGHT, GEORGE. Congregational independency ; its introduction to Queensland, with reminiscences of the churches, and photo- graphs of pioneers. I2mo. Brisb., n.d. 286. Baptist church. BLACK, Rev. JOSEPH. Anabaptism briefly examined. pp. 16, 8vo. Bacchus Marsh, 1866. Pam., v. 75, no. 1310. 287. Methodist church. ANNEAR, Rtv. SAMUEL. Appeal to the public, being correspon- dence and a statement of facts relating to himself, pp. 15, 8vo. Melb., 1863. Pam., v. 7, no. 156. BATH, Rev. HENRY. Religion and the state ; an address delivered before the Methodist conference, pp. 8, 8vo. Melb., 1885. Pam., v. 141, no. 2698. BLAMIRES, Rev. W. L., and SMITH, Rev. J. B. Early story of the Wesleyan Methodist church in Victoria : a jubilee volume. 8vo. Melb., 1886. BONWICK, JAMES. Wesleyan Methodism in South Australia. pp. iv., 49, i2mo. Adel. [1851]. Pam., v. *8o, no. 3468. DYSOX, Rev. MARTIN. Australasian Methodist ministerial general index: [portr.]. 2nd. ed., 8vo. Melb., 1896. My story of Samoan Methodism ; or, a brief history of the Wesleyan Methodist mission in Samoa. 8vo. Melb., 1875. FLETCHER, Rev. JOSEPH H. Second century of Australian his- tory, and the Christian principles most likely to influence it. pp. 13, 8vo. Melb., 1888. Pam., v. 92, no. 1699. METHODIST CHURCH. 73 HALL, Rev. W. HESSEL. The basis of membership question; the problem stated, and the remedy suggested. -pp. 8, 8vo. Syd., 1889. Pam., v. 141, no. 2700. LANE, Rev. GEORGE. Some words of greeting and counsel. pp. 34, 8vo. Syd., 1902. Pam., v. 165, no. 3168. MACARTHUR, Rev. GEORGE F., ed. Methodism of 1870 opposed to the Holy Scripture, apostolic order, and John Wesley ; a correspondence between the Rev. Ralph Mansfield and the Rev. G. F. Macarthur: pref. and notes. pp. 46, 8vo. Parramatta, [1870]. Pam., v. ii, no. 2,39. MORLEY, Rev. WILLIAM. Australasian Methodism ; its position, needs, and outlook : an address, pp. 18, 8vo. Auckland, 1897- Pam,, v. 164, no. 3155. Doctrinal and ecclesiastical position of the Methodist church : a lecture, pp. 40, 8vo. Christchurch, 1887. Pam., v. 164, no. 3154. NYE, Rev. EDWARD WASON. Ordination charge to young minis- ters, 1891. pp. 19, 8vo. Melb., 1891. Pam., v. 164, no. 3152. ORIGIN of the United Methodist free churches in England and at Hobart Town ; also the doctrines, the religious ordinances, and the polity of the church in Hobart Town. pp. 24, sm. 8vo. Hobart Town, 1870. Pam., v. 73, no. 1251. SUGDEN, Rev. EDWARD HOLDSWORTH. Standards of Methodist doctrine; a study in Methodist law and usage, pp. 26, 8vo. Melb., 1908. Pam., v. 141, no. 2701. SYMONS, Rev. JOHN C. Life of the Rev, Daniel James Draper, representative of the Austrajasian conference ; with historical notices of Wesleyan Methodism in Australia. 8vo. Melb,, 1870. Methodism ; its relation to the catholic church of Christ ; an ad- dress, pp. 36, 8vo. Melb., 1890. Pam., v. 164, no. 3153. TOWNSEND, Rev. WILLIAM JOHN, WORKMAN, Rev. HERBERT BROOK, and EAYRS, GEORGE, eds. New history of Methodism: illust. 2 v., 8vo. Lond,, 1909. WATKIN, Rev. EDWIN I. John Wesley ; an address delivered in Wesley church, loth March, 1891. pp. 16, 8vo Melb., 1891. " Pam., v. 141, no. 2699. Official charge addressed to Henry J. Brownell, Henry J. Cock, Samuel Harris, William T. Hiatt, and Arthur John Wade, on their ordination to the Christian ministry, 26th January, 1886. pp. 23, 8vo. Melb., 1886. Pam., v. 164, no. 3150. WESLEYAN branch missionary society of Hobart Town. First re- port, 1824. pp. 26, 8vo. Hobart Town, 1824. Pam., v. 180, no. 3467. 74 METHODIST CHURCH. WESLEVAN home missionary society. List of subscriptions for Tasmania for the year ending 31*1 December, 1853. pp. 8, 8vo. Hobart Town. 1854. Pam., v. 62, no. 1007. \VESLKYAX Methodist church : Australia. Methodist conference act in relation to the Australasian Methodist church, passed by the Imperial parliament in 1876. pp. 13. 8vo. Syd., 1877. 1'am., v., 164, no. 3151. Minutes of the fourth to the seventh general conferences in Christchurch, Melbourne, Sydney, and Adelaide. 1884, 1888, 1890. and 1894. 8vo. n.p. 1884-94. "Pam., v. 166, nos. 3173-3176. Minutes of the twentieth annual district meeting of the repre- sentatives of the United Methodist free churches of Australia. pp. 16. 8vo. Melb.. 1882. Pam., v. 73, no. 1255. Records of the United Methodist free churches, Australian dis- trict, 1867, 1875. pp. 16, 31, .8vo. Melb., 1867, 1875. Pam., v. 73, nos. 1253 and 1254. WESLEYAN Methodist church : South Australia. Minutes of the fourth South Australia annual conference, begun in North Adelaide, 23rd January. 1877. pp. 42, 8vo. Adel., 1877. Pam., v. 165, no. 3162. Minutes of the third general conference, begun in Adelaide, nth May. 1881. pp. 99. 8vo. Adel., 1881. Pam., v. 165, no. 3163. Minutes of the twenty-eighth South Australia annual conference, begun in Adelaide, 26th February, 1901. 8vo. Adel., 1901. Pam., v. 165, no. 3164. WESLEYAN Methodist church : Queensland. Minutes of the first and third Queensland annual conferences, 1893 and 1895. pp. 62, 78, 8vo. Brisb.. 1893-95. Pam., v. 165, no. 3165-3166. Minutes of the third Queensland annual conference, begun in Brisbane. 24th February. 1904. 8vo. Brisb., 1904. Pam., v. 165, no. 3167. WESLEYAN Methodist church: New South Wales. Minutes of the first conference, begun in Sydney, on Thursday. i8th January, 1855. 8vo. Syd., 1855. Minutes of the twentieth and twenty-first New South W,ales annual conferences, 1893 and 1894. 8vo. Syd., 1893-94. Pain., v. 165, nos. 3169-3170. New South Wales conference ; order of public proceedings in connexion with the first annual conference, begun in Sydney, 25th February, 1902. pp. 40, 8vo. Syd., 1902. Pam., v. 166, no. 3172. New South Wales conference ; agenda for the use of members of the 3rd annual conference, 1904. 8vo. Syd., 1904. Pam., v. 166, no. 3171. WESLEYAN Methodist church: Victoria. Minutes of the second conference, begun in Melbourne. Thursday, 24th January, 1856. 8vo. Melb., 1856. Minutes of several conversations between the ministers at their fourteenth annual conference, Melbourne, 23rd January. 1868. 8vo. Melb., 1868. Pam., v. 180, no. 3469. METHODIST CHURCH : OTHER CHURCHES. 75 Minutes of several conversations between the ministers and the ministers and lay representatives of Victoria and Tasmania at the fifth, seventh, eighth, and fifteenth annual conferences in Melbourne, 1878, 1880, 1881, and 1888. 8vo. Melb., 1878-88. 1'um., v. 164, nos. 3158-3161. WESLEY AN Methodist church: Fiji. Report of deputation ap- pointed by board of missions to visit Fiji. pp. 32, 8vo. Syd., 1900. Pam., v. 164, no. 3157. Report of the commission appointed by the New South Wales conference to inquire into the state of public affairs in Fiji affecting our mission in that colony. pp. 16, 8vo. Syd. Pam., v. 104, no. 3150. YOUNG, Rev . ROBERT. The southern world ; journal of a depu- tation from the Wesleyan conference to Australia and Poly- nesia : including notices of a visit to the gold-fields. 8vo. Lond., 1854. 288. Unitarian church. CAMM, Rev. A. B. Phases of Unitarianism, orthodoxy, and free- thought in Sydney, pp. 16, 8vo. Syd., 1885. Pam., v. 141, no. 2707. UNITARIAN church, Melbourne. Addresses delivered in con- nexion with the opening of the new Unitarian church, East Melbourne, by chief -justice Higinbotham, Mjs. Webster, James Lambie, Alexander Sutherland, Matthew Macfie, &c. pp. 22, 8vo. Melb., 1887. Pam., v. ii, no. 246. 289. Minor Christian sects. ALL WORTH. Rev. WILLIAM. Anglo- Israel ism -versus " The Aus- tralian churchman :) ; being a review of an article which appeared in that paper, 26th January, 1882. pp. 16, 8vo. Syd., 1882. Pam., v. 49, no. 821. BROWNE, HUGH JCJNOR. Religion of the future; or, the higher law of truth and right. 8vo. Melb., 1883. BUGNION, F. L. New church; abridged catechism, for the use of Christian believers in Mauritius, Bourbon, India, the Southern States, Cuba. Russia, and Australia. 8vo. Syd., 1874. DOWIE, Rev. JOHN ALEXANDER. Sin in the camp; an account of nine months' work in the tabernacle, Sackville- street, Col- lingwood, and a vindication of character. 8vo. Melb., 1883. Pam., v. 141, no. 2706. 289.6. Society of Friends. BACKHOUSE, JAMES. Concise apology for the peculiarities of the Society of Friends, commonly called Quakers, in their language, costume and manners. pp. 13, 8vo. Hobart Town. n.d. Pam., v. o 2 , n - 1668. 76 NON-CHRISTIAN RELIGIONS : MYTHOLOGY. M., J. F. Notes on the principles and practices of the Society of Friends, pp. 26. 8vo, Hobart, 1889. I'.nn., v. 74, no. 1276. SOCIETY of Friends. [Collection of tracts, printed in the colonies of New South Wales and Van Diemen's Land in the years 1833 to 1837.] i2mo. n.t.p. A testimony to the authority of Christ in His Church and the spirituality of the Gospel dispensation ; also against some of the corruptions of professing Christendom, pp. 12, sm. 8vo. Hobart, 1851. Pam., v. 74, no. 1273. 290. Non-Christian Religions. COOK, Rev. FREDERICK CHARLES. The origins of religion and language considered in five essays. 8vo. Lond., 1884. JEFFERIS, Rev. JAMES. Other Bibles and other beliefs : a series of eight lectures as a help to young men of free thought, pp. 66, 8vo. Syd., 1882. Pam., v. n, no, 241. LILLIE, ARTHUR. India in primitive Christianity : [illust.] 8vo. Lond., 1909. PRESSENS, EDMOND DE. The religions before Christ: an in- troduction to the history of the first three centuries of the church : tr. by L. Corkran : pref . by the author. 8vo. Edinb., 1862. 291. Comparative and general mythology. AVEBURY, JOHN LUBBOCK, 1st baron. Marriage, totemism, and religion; an ans\ver to critics. 8vo. Lond., 1911. CHURCHWARD, ALBERT. The signs and symbols of primordial man ; being an explanation of the evolution of religious doc- trines from the eschatology of the ancient Egyptians. 186 illust. 8vo. Lond., 1910. COX, Sir GEORGE WILLIAM, bart. Mythology of the Aryan nations. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1878. FRAZER, JAMES GEORGE. Adonis, Attis, Osiris; studies in the history of Orient*! religion. 8vo. Lond., 1906. The golden bough; a study in magic and religion. 2nd ed. 3 v., 8vo. London., 1900. Same: 3rd ed., 3 v., 8vo. Lond., 1911. Contents. Pt. i. The magic art and the evolution of kings. 2 v. Pt. 2. Taboo and the perils of the soul. LANG, ANDREW. Custom and myth. 2nd ed., 8vo. Lond., 1885- Magic and religion. 8vo. Lond., 1901. MYTHOLOGY : BRAHMANISM : BUDDHISM. 77 WAKE, C. STANILAND. Serpent worship, and other essays; with a chapter on totemism, 8vo. Lond., 1888. WESTR0PP, HODDER M. Primitive symbolism as illustrated in phallic worship or the reproductive principle : introd. by General Forlong. pp. 68, &vo. Lond., 1885. 292. Greek and Roman mythology. FOWLER, WILLIAM WARDE. Tlie religious experience of the Roman people from the earliest times to the age of Augustus. 8vo. Lond., 1911. (Gifford lectures.) GUERBER, HELEXE MARIE ADELINE, The myths of Greece and Rome; their stories, signification, and origin: [64 illust. and map.] 8vo. Lond., 1907. LAWSOX, JOHN CUTHBERT. Modern Greek folklore and ancient Greek religion; a study in survivals. 8vo. Camb., 1910. 293. Teutonic and northern mythology. EBBUTT, M. I. Hero myths and legends of the British race: 64 illust. 8vo. Lond., 1910. GUERBER, HBLENE MARIE ADELINE. Myths and legends of the middle ages ; their origin and influence on literature and art : [illust.]. 8vo. Lond., 1909. Myths of the Norsemen, from the Eddas and Sagas : [illust.]. 8vo. Lond., 1908. 294. Brahmanism and Buddhism. COLE BROOKE, HENRY THOMAS. Essay on the religion and philosophy of the Hindus. 8vo. Lond., 1858. DAHLKE, PAUL. Buddhist essays: tr. from the German by Bhikkhu Sltacara. 8vo. Lond., 1908. DAWSON, W. H. Buddha and Buddhism, pp. 24, 8vo. Hobart, 1888. Pam., v. 75, no. 1313. HALL. HENRY FIELDING. The inward light. 8vo. Lond., 1908. HARDY., ROBERT SPENCE. Manual of Budhism, in its modern development; tr. from Singhalese mss.. -2nd ecL, 8vo. Lond., 1880. LLOYD, Rev. ARTHUR. The wheat among the tares; studies of Buddhism in Japan. 8vo. Lond., 1908. MOOR, EDWARD. The Hindu pantheon; new -ed., with additional plates ; condensed and annotated by the Rev. W. 0. Simp- son. 8vo, Madras, 1864. WILLIAMS, Sir MONIER MONIER. Indian wisdom; or, examples of the religious, philosophical, and ethical doctrines of the Hindus ; with a brief history of the chief departments of Sanskrit literature, and some account of the past and present condition of India, moral and intellectual. 8vo. Land., 1875. 78 NON-CHRISTIAN RELIGIONS. 295. Parseeism. HAUG, MARTIN. Essays on tho sacred language, writings, and religion of the Parsis: ed. and enlarged by K. \V. \\'.->t. 3rd ed., 8vo. Lond., 1884. MULLER, FRIEDRICH MAX. Physical religion. 8vo. Lond., 1891. (Gifford lectures.) 296. Judaism. ABBOTT, GEORGE FREDERICK. Israel in Europe. 8vo. Lond., 1907. CAIRNS, Rev- ADAM. The Jews; their fall and restoration: two discourses, pp. iv., 32, 8vo. Melb., 1854. Pam., v. 166, no. 3177. CHEYNE, Rev. THOMAS KELLY. The two religions of Israel, with a re-examination of the prophetic narratives and utter- ances. 8vo. Lond., 1911. HVAMSON, ALBERT M. History of the Jews in England: portrs. and maps. 8vo. Lond., 1908. RUDDER, E. W. Ephraim; or, the identification of the lost ten tribes of Israel ; also, Who was Melchizedek ? : by an Israelite of 1873. pp. 56, 8vo. Syd., 1879. Pam., v. 8<), no. 1606. T AS MAN, pseud. Refutation of the Anglo- Israel theory ; being a reply to Canon Titcomb. pp. 12, 8vo. Launceston, 1878. Pam., v. 75, no. 1299. 297. Mohammedanism. KORAN. The Koran; commonly called the Alcoran of Moham- med ; tr. from the original Arabic, with explanatory notes from the most approved commentators : to which is prefixed a preliminary discourse by George Sale. New ed., 8vo. Lond., n.d. 299. Minor Non-Christian religions. CROOKE, WILLIAM. The popular religion and folk-lore of northern India : illust. [and bibliog.] 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1896. HARTLAND, EDWIN SIDNEY. The " High Gods " of Australia : [in reply to Andrew Lang.] pp. 40, 8vo. [Lond.] 1898. Pam., v. 18, no. 335. LANG, ANDREW. Secret of the totem. 8\o. Lond., 1905. SHORTLAND, EDWARD. Maori religion and mythology ; illus- trated by translations of traditions, Karakia, &c. ; [with] notes on Maori tenure of land. 8vo. Lond., 1882. SOUTH Sea island mythology, pp. 20, 8vo. n.p., n.d. Pam., v. 129, no. 2480. THORNTON, EDWARD. Illustrations of the history and practices of the Thugs, and notices of some of the proceedings of the government of India, for the suppression of the crime of thuggee. 8vo. Lond., 1851. POLITICAL SCIENCE. 79 300. Political and Social Science. GIDDINGS, FRANKLIN HENRY, ed. Readings in descriptive and historical sociology. 8vo. N.Y., 1906. PATTEN, SIMON NELSON. The new basis of civilization, 8vo. N.Y., 1907. (American social progress ser.) 301. Philosophy : Theories. BASCOM, JOHN. Social theory ; a grouping of social facts and principles. 8vo. N.Y., 1895. BIRD, Rev. THOMAS F. Social photographs: a lecture, pp. 24, 8vo Hobart Town, 1871. I'am.. v. 14.2, no. 2716. BRYCE, Rt. hon. JAMES. Address on the aims and programme of the Sociological society : with first annual report and list of members : [map.] pp. 47, 8vo. Lond., 1905. I'am., v. 88., no. 1582. COOLEY, CHARLES HORTON. Social organization; a study of the larger mind. 8vo. N.Y., 1909. HILL. GEORGE CHATTERTON. Heredity and selection in sociology. 8vo. Lend., 1907. HUEFFER, FORD MADOX. The heart of the country; a survey of a modern land, sm., 410. Lond., 1906. The spirit of the people; an analysis of the English mind. 8vo. Lond., 1907. KIDD. BENJAMIN. Principles of western civilisation. 8vo. Lond., 1902. Same : 2nd ed., entitled Principles of western civilisation; a sociological study. 8vo. Lond., 1908. Social evolution; [3rd ed.] with appx. containing a reply to criticisms. 8vo. Lond., 1906. PEABODY, FRANCIS GREENWOOD. The approach to the social question ; an introduction to the study of social ethics. 8vo. N.Y., 1909. PEARSON, CHARLES HENRY. National life and character; a forecast. 8vo. Lond., 1894. RUSSELL, T. BARON. A hundred years hence; the expectations of an optimist. 8vo. Lond., 1905. SPENCER, HERBERT. Principles of sociology. 5 v., 8vo. Lond., 1877-97. The study of sociology : [postscript and notes], gth ed., 8vo. Lond., 1880. Same: i2th ed.,- 8vo. Lond., 1885. (International scientific ser.) TEMPLE, Rev. WILLIAM. Principles of social progress, pp. 63, 8vo. Melb., 1910. TENNEY, EDWARD PAYSON. Contrasts in social progress. 8vo. N.Y., 1907. THOMSON. JOHN ARTHUR. Suggestions of sociology, pp. 14. n.p., n.d. Pam., v. 88, no. 1583. 80 POLITICAL SCIENCE. 303. Dictionaries: Cyclopedias. BLISS, Rev, WILLIAM DWIGHT PORTER, ed. Encyclopaedia of social reforms. 2nd ed., 8vo. N.Y., 1898. Same: New ed., entitled The new Encyclopedia of social reform: ed. by W. D. P. Bliss, R. M. Binder, and E. P. Gaston. 2 v., 8vo. Loud., 1908. LALOR, JOHN J., cd. Cyclopaedia of political science, political economy, and of the political history of the United States. 3 v., 8vo N.Y., 1899. 304. Essays : Lectures : Addresses. BARXETT, Rev. SAMUEL AUGUSTUS, and Mrs. BARNETT. To- wards social reform. 8vo. Lond., 1909. Contents. Introduction. Social reformers. Poverty. Education. Recreation. Housing. BRVCE, Rt. /ton. JAMES. Relations of the advanced and backward races of mankind, -pp. 46, 8vo. Oxf., 1902. Pam., v. 119, no. 2206. CLEVELAND, STEPHEN GROVER, president of the United States. Presidential problems. 8vo. Lond., 1904. Contents. i. Independence of the Executive. 2. Government in the Chicago strike of 1894. 3. The Bond issues. 4. The Venezuelan boundary controversy. HARLEV, J. H. The new social democracy; a study for the times. 8vo. Lond., 1911. Contents. i. The question stated. 2. Can society be transformed? 3. A forecast in 1901. 4. The situation in 1910. 5. Anatole France as a socialist. 6. Proudhon and the labour movement. -. The collapse of collectivism. 8. Are Labourists Radicals? 9. The rights of reason. 10. Revision and conclusion. JONES, HENRY. The working faith of the social reformer, and other essays. 8vo. Lond., 1910. Contents. The working faith of the social reformer. The moral aspect of the fiscal question. The child and heredity. Idealism and politics. Social and individual evolution. Social responsibilities. KNIGHTON, WILLIAM. Struggles for life. 3rd ed. rev. 8vo. Lond., 1888. LILLY, WILLIAM SAMUEL. Idola fori ; being an examination of seven questions of the day. 8vo. Lond., 1910. Contents. Apologia pro hoc libro. The question of popular government. The social question. The question of parental right. The Irish question. The Indian question. The question of cheap- ness. The criminal question. LOCH, CHARLES STEWART, ed. Methods of social advance; short studies in social practice by various authors. 8vo. Lond., 1904. Contents. Preface. Introduction : Distress and its prevention. C. S. Loch. I. Out-patient departments and the rearing of children. Edmund Cautley. II. The work uf a hospital almoner. Helen G. Nussey. III. CV^aritable action in phthisical cases. E. E. Mudd. IV. Physical education. Col. O. T. Duke. V. A policy of hustling ; or, the lock and the key. J. R. Motion. VI. Agriculture and the unemployed question. H. Rider Haggard. VII. Past experience in relief works. Helen Bosanquet. VIII. Emigration and want of employment. John Martineau. IX. Municipal labour bureaux. T. Hancock Nunn. X. Industrial partnership and the prevention of distress. George Livesey. XI. Apprenticeship. Miss M. K. Brady and Miss F. H. Durham. XII. Wages and housekeeping. Helen Bosanquet. XIII. The separate payment of rates. C. S. Loch. XIV. Poor law reform. T. Mackay! XV. A charities board. C. S. Loch. XVI. A school of sociology. E. J. Urwick. XVII. " If citizens be friends." C. S. Loch. POLITICAL SCIENCE. 81 SPALDING, JOHN LANCASTER, Roman catholic bishop of Peoria. Socialism and labour, and other arguments, social, political, and patriotic. 8vo. Chic., 1902. 305. Periodicals. JOHNS HOPKINS University studies in historical and political science : ed. by H. B. Adams. V. i to date. 8vo. Balti- more, 1883 to date. V. i. Local institutions. V. 2. Institutions and economics. V. 3. Maryland, Virginia, and Washington. V. 4. Municipal government, and land tenure. V. 5. Municipal government, history and politics. V. 6. History of co-operation in the United States. V. 7. Social science, municipal and federal government. V. 8. History, politics, and education. V. 9. Education, history, and politics. V. 10. Church and state : Columbus and America. V. ii. Labour, slavery, and self-government. V. 12. Institutional and economic history. V. 13. South Carolina, Maryland, and Virginia. V. 14. Baltimore, slavery, and constitutional history. V. 15. American economic history. V. 1 6. Anglo-American relations, and Southern history. V. 17. Economic history, Maryland, and the South. V. 18. Taxation in Southern states: church and education. V. 19. Diplomatic and constitutional history. V. 20. Colonial and economic history. V. 21. Indiana, North Carolina, and Maryland. V. 22. Social and industrial history. V. 23. Colonies, revolution, reconstruction. V. 24. Diplomatic history : Trade unions. V. 25. International and colonial history. V. 26. [Colonial. Boer war, &c.]. JOHNS HOPKINS University studies in historical and political science : ed. by H. B. Adams. Extra volumes. V. 2 to date. 8vo. Baltimore. Wanting, v. 5, 9, 13, 14, 19 V. 2. Allinson, E. P., and, Penrose, Boies. Philadelphia, 1681-1887. V. 3. Brown, G. W. Baltimore and the igth of April, 1861. V. 4. Howard, G. E. Introduction to the local constitutional history of the United States. V. i. V. 6. Brackett, J. R. The negro in Maryland. V. 7. Willoughby, W. W. Supreme Court of the United States. V. 8. Nitobe, I. 0. Intercourse between the United States and Japan. V. 10. Blackmar, F. W. Spanish institutions of the South- west. V. ii. Cohn, M. M. Introduction to the study of the consti- tution. V. 12. Andrews, C. M. The old English manor. V. 15. Weeks, S. B. Southern Quakers and slavery. 82 POLITICAL SCIENCE: STATISTICS. V. 16. Hazen. C. D. Contemporary American opinion of the French revolution. V. 17. Lord. E. L. Industrial experiments in the British colonies of North America. V. 1 8. Adams, C. K.. and others. State aid to higher educa- tion. V. 20. Hollander. J. H. Financial history of Baltimore. V. 21. Callahan. J. M. Cuba and international relations. V. 22. Levasseur, Emile. The American workman. V. 23. Adams. Herbert B. Tributes of friends; with a biblio- graphy of the department of history, politics, and economics of the Johns Hopkins university. 1876-1901. V. 24. Ballagh. J. C. History of slavery in Virginia. V. 25. Stokes, H. K. Finances and administration of Provi- dence. V. 26. Flack, H. E. Adoption of the fourteenth amendment. STATESMAN'S year-book, ed. by J. S. Keltic; 1902 to date. 8vo. Lond. 306. Societies ; Transactions, Reports. AMERICAN academy of political and social science. Annals, v. i r 1890, to date. 8vo. Phil. 308. Collected Works. COBDEN, RICHARD. Political writings. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1867. Contents. England, Ireland, and America. Russia, 1836. 179.5 and 1853 [Protest against feai of French invasion]. Letter to Henry Ashworth [Law of war]. How wars are got up in India ; the origin of the Burmese war. What next and next? [Crimean war]. The three panics; an historical episode [On national defence]. MILL, JOHN STUART. Dissertations and discussions, political, philo- sophical, and historical. 4 v. 8vo. Lond., 1875. v. 1-2, 3rd ed. ; v. 3, and ed. PAINE, THOMAS. Political and miscellaneous works: [portr.]. 2 v., 8vo. Lond.. 1819. WASHINGTON, GEORGE. Writings; ed., with introd., and notes r by Lawrence B. Evans: [p'ortr.]. 8vo . N.V., 1908. (Writings of Aineruan statesmen.) 310. Statistics. ROYAL statistical society. London. Journal, 1903 to date. 8vo. Lond. Same: General index, part v., vols. LI. to LXXI., 1888 to 1908, 8vo. Lond., 1909. WEBB, AUGUSTUS D. The new dictionary of statistics; a com- plement to the fourth edition of Mulhall's " Dictionary of sta- tistics." la. 8vo. Lond., 1911. STATISTICS. 83 311. Theory : Methods. BOWLEY, ARTHUR Lvox. Elementary manual of statistics. 8vo. Lond., 1910. HAYTER, HENRY HEYLYN. Three papers read before the Aus- tralasian association for the advancement of science, pp. 37, 8vo. Melb., 1890. Contents. Official statistics. The coming census. Our meat supply. Pam., v. 25. no. 425. KNIBBS, GEORGE HANDLEY. " Evolution and significance of the census.' pp. 16, 8vo. Melb., 1910. Pam., v. 180, no. 3471. On the statistical opportunities of the medical profession, and tuberculosis duration frequency curves. pp. 13, 8vo. Melb., n.d. Pam.. v. 180, no. 3474. The problems of statistics. pp. 22, 8vo. Brisb., 1910. Pam., v. 180, no. 3473. YULE, G. UDNEY. Introduction to the theory of statistics : 53 illust. 8vo. Lond., IQII. 312. Population : Vital Statistics. BEALE, OCTAVIUS CHARLES. Racial decay; a compilation of evidence from world sources. 4to. Svd.. 1910. BESANT, Mrs, ANNIE. The prosecuted work ; the law of popula- tion : its consequences and its bearing upon human conduct and morals, pp. 56, 8vo. Syd., 1889. Pam., v. 142. no. 2700,. GODWIN, WILLIAM. Of population; an enquiry concerning the power of increase in the numbers of mankind, being an answer to Mr. Malthus's essay on that subject. 8vo. Lond., 1820. JOHNSTON", ROBERT MACKENZIE. The problem of Malthus stated. pp. 8, 8vo. n.p.. 1888. Pam., v. 77, no. 1.355- KNIBBS, GEORGE HANDLEY. On the influence of infantile mortality on birth-rate, pp. 13, 8vo. Syd., 1908. Pam., v. 142, no. 2710. Another work: same title, pp. 3, 8vo. Syd., 1910. Pam., v. 180. no. 3470. McLEAN, WILLIAM. The declining birth-rate in Australia, pp. 18, 8vo. Melb., 1904. Pam., v. 142, no. 2711. SADLER, MICHAEL THOMAS. The law of population ; a treatise in disproof of the superfecundity of human beings, and de- veloping the real principle of their increase 2 v., Svo. Lond., 1830. Statistics of Special Countries. Note. The official statistics of the countries of the British Empire will generally be found in their Parliamentary papers. 314.2. Great Britain. COODE, Sir JOHN. Respective values of British and Irish produce exported to British possessions and of the imports to the United Kingdom from those possessions during the years 1874 and 1884 : diagrams, pp. 7. Svo. Lond., 1886. Pam., v. 146, no. 2819. * 84 STATISTICS. " DAILY mail " year book, 1904 to date. 8vo. Lond. FINA\< L\L reform almanac, 1903 to date. 8vo. Lorn I. MULHALL. MICHAEL GEORGE. Fifty years of national progress, 1837-1887. i^mo. Load., 1887. I'am., v. 139, no. 2666. WALL, EDGAR O.. cd. British empire year book; an annual statis- tical volume of reference, 1903. 8vo. Lond., 1903. All published. \VHITAK ER'S almanac, 1875, 1877, 1879-1900, 1902 to date. 8vo. Lond. 315.2. Japan. FINANCIAL and economical annual, 1905 to date. 410. Tokyo. 316. South Africa. ORANGE River Colony. Census, 1904. fo. Bloemfontein, 1905. SOUTH African year-book, 1903-04; compiled and edited by S. M. Gluckstein. 8vo. Lond., 1903. 317.1. Canada. CANADA : Agriculture department. Statistical year book of Canada, 1896, 1898, 190 ij 1903 to date. 8vo. Ottawa. Census and statistics office. Canada year book, 1905 to date. 8vo. Ottawa. Fourth census of Canada, 1901. 4 v., 8vo. Ottawa. Contents, v. i. Population. v. 2. Natural products. v. 3. Manu- factures, v. 4. Vital statistics, &c. 317.3. United States. UNITED STATES : Census bureau. Census reports, twelfth census of the United States, 1900. 10 v. Wash., 1901-02. Contents. v. 1-2. Population. v. 3-4. Vital statistics. v. 5-6. Agri- culture. v. 7-10. Manufactures. Statistical atlas. 1903. Abstract -of twelfth census. 8vo. Wash., 1902. A century of population growth from the first census to the twelfth, 1790-1900 : [maps]. 41,0. Wash., 1909. Manufactures, 1905 : part i. United States by industries, part 2. States and territories. parts 3-4 Selected industries. 4 v., 4to. Wash., 1907-08. Official register ; persons in the civil, military, and naval services of the United States, and list of vessels, 1909. 2 v., 410.. Wash., 1909. Special reports. 18 v., 4to. Wash., 1903-10. Contents. Benevolent institutions, 1904. 1905. The blind and the deaf, 1900. 1906. Central electric light and power stations, 1907. 1907. Employees and wages. 1903. Marriage and divorce, 1867- 1906 (2 v.). 1908. Mines and quarries, 1902. 1905. Mortality sta- tistics, 1900-04. 1906. Occupations at the twelfth census, 1904. Religious bodies, 1906 (2 v.). 1910. Street and electrk railv 1902. 1905. Same,. 1907. 1910. Telephones, 1907, 1910. Trans- portation by water, 1906. 1908. Twelfth census : supplementary analysis and derivative tables. 1906. Wealth, debt, and taxation,. 1907, Women at work, 1900. 1907, WORLD almanac and encyclopaedia, 1902 to date. 8vo. N.Y. STATISTICS. 85- 318. South America. ANUARIO estadistico de la Republica oriental del Uruguay, 1902- 1903. v. i. 4to. Montevideo, 1905. ARGENTINE year book [1903]. 8vo. Buenos Aires. 319.31. New Zealand. MEARS, W. DEVENISH. Statistical chart showing the progress- and position of New Zealand, 1851-1889. fldg. Christ- church, 1889. NEW ZEALAND -.Agent- general. Official handbook of New Zealand : maps. 8vo. Lond., 1883. Registrar-general's office. Official year-book, 1901 to date, by E. J. von Dadelszen. 8vo. Well. Report on the results of a census of the colony of New Zealand taken for the night of the 3ist March, 1901 : by E. J. von- Dadelszen. 4to. Well., 1902. Results of a census of the colony taken for the night of the 3ist March, 1901. fscp. fo. Well., 1902. Results of a census of the colony of New Zealand taken for the night of the 29th April, 1906. fscp. fo. Well., 1906. Statistical view of fifty years' progress in New Zealand, 1855- 1904: compiled by E. J. von Dadelszen. $p. 10. 8vo. Well., 1905. Pam., v. 58, no. 959. Statistics of the colony of New Zealand, 1902 to date. fscp. fo. Well. STOUT, Sir ROBERT. Notes on the progress of New Zealand for twenty years, 1864-1884: [diagrams.] 8vo. Well., 1886. Same: another copy. Pam., v. 34, no 554. 319.4. Australia. AUSTRALIA : Censm and statistics bureau. Official year book of the Commonwealth of Australia, containing authoritative statistics for the period 1901-1907, and corrected statistics for the period 1788 to 1900. TIO. i : by G. H. Knibbs. 8vo. Melb., 1908. Same: no. 2, 1901-1908: by G. H. Knibbs. 8vo. Melb., 1909. Same: no. 3, 1901-1909: by G. H. Knibbs. 8vo. Melb., 1910. Same: no. 4, 1901-10: by G. H. Knibbs. 8vo. Melb., 1911. Publications of the Commonwealth bureau of census and statis- tics from November, 1906, to June, 1907. fscp. fo. Melb. r 1907. Contents. Report of conference of statisticians on the unification of Australian methods. Official bulletins, Nos. 1-6. Trade, ship- ping, and oversea migration. Official bulletin No. i. Population and vital statistics (Population). Official bulletin No. 2. Popula- tion and vital statistics (Commonwealth demography). Shipping, and oversea migration of the Commonwealth of Aus- tralia for the year 1906 to date: by G. H. Knibbs. fscp. fo. Syd., 1907. STATISTICS. Trade and customs and excise revenue of the Commonwealth of Australia for the year 1906 to date: by G. H. Knibbs. fscp. fo. Syd., 1907. Trade and customs department. Annual statement of the trade of the Commonwealth of Australia for the years 1903 [and] 1904, and of the customs and excise revenue: compiled by T. A. Coghlan. 2 v., 4to. Syd., 1904-5. COGHLAN, TIMOTHY AUGUSTINE. Statistical account of the seven colonies of Australasia, aftw. Statistics : Six states of Aus- tralia and New Zealand, 1892, 1893, 1894, 1895-6, 1897-8, 1899, 1900 to 1903-4. 10 v., 8vo. Syd. Statistics: Six states of Australia and New Zealand, 1861 to 1900. -pp. 78. 8vo. Syd., 1901. Six states of Australia and Ne\v Zealand, 1861 to 1903, com- piled from official sources, pp. 94. 8vo. Syd., 1904. DUNCAN, P. N. Commonwealth annual review for the year ending 3oth June, 1909: [illust. and map], fo. Melb., 1909. Contents. Exports oversea from Australia. Directory of Aus- tralian exporters. Resources and production. Ports, harbours, and covstal lights of Australia. Customs tariff of Australia. A supplement to the " Daily shipping index of Australasia." HARVEN, EMILE DE. L'Australasie; esquisse sur ses ressources, mercantiles, industrielles, agricoles, et minieres : [maps]. 8vo. Anvers, 1881. 319.41. Western Australia. WESTERN AUSTRALIA -.Registrar-general's office. Census, 1891 ; general report, with appces., by W. A. Gale. fscp. fo. Perth, 1892. Results of the seventh census of Western Australia taken for the night of 3ist March, 1961 : by M. A. C. Eraser, fscp. fo. Perth, 1902. Seventh census of Western Australia, taken for the night of 31 st March, 1901 : v. i. Superintendent's report, v. 2. Detailed tables, v. 3. Maps. 3 v., fscp. fo. Perth, 1904. Statistical register, 1899 to date. fscp. fo. Perth. WESTERN AUSTRALIAN yearbook, 1889-1891, 1893-4, 1896-7 to date. 8vo. Perth. 319.42. South Australia. BOOTHBY, JOSIAH. Statistical sketch of South Australia. 8vo. Lond., 1876. SOUTH AUSTRALIA : Colonial secretary's office. Statistics of South Australia, compiled from official records in the Colonial secretary's office, 1845-6 and 1847. - v -> fscp. fo. Adel., 1846-48. Statistical department. Statistical register, 1900 to date. fscp. fo. Adel. STATISTICS. 87 319.43. Queensland. QUEENSLAND : Government statistician's department. A. B.C. of Queensland statistics, 1905 : compiled by Thornhill Weedon. pp. 35, 8vo. Brisb., 1905. Pam., v. 88, no. 1580 Statistics of the state, 1901 to date. fscp. fo. Brisb. Registrar-general's office. Census of Queensland; report by the Registrar-general with summary and detailed tables, illustrative maps, and diagram : ninth enumeration of popu- lation, made on the 3ist March, 1901. fscp. fo. Brisb., 1902. Ninth census of Queensland, taken on the thirty-first of March, 1901. fscp. fo. Brisb., 1902. Queensland official year book, 1901 : by J. Hughes. 8vo. Brisb. [1902]. 319.44. New South Wales. CQGHLAN, TIMOTHY AUGUSTINE. Decline in the birth-rate of New South Wales, and other phenomena of child-birth: an essay in statistics, pp. 69, 8vo. Syd., 1903. Handbook of New South Wales statistics for 1887 and previous years : being an abridgment of the tables contained in the Statistical register. 8vo. Syd.. 1888. Handbook to the Statistical register of the colony of New South Wales, for the year 1886. 8vo. Syd., 1887". Wealth and progress of New South Wales, 1886-7 to 1900-01. 15 v.. 8vo. Syd. HALL, WILLIAM HENRY. Official year-book of New South Wales, 1904-5. 8vo. Syd., 1906. Practically a continuation of Coghlan's " Wealth and progress." MANSFIELD, RALPH. Analytical view of the census for the years 1841 and 1846, with tables showing the progress of the popu- lation. 2 v., 8vo. Syd., 1841-47. NEW, SOUTH WALES : Government statisticians office. Census of the colony, 1861, 1871. 1881. 3 v., fscp. fo. Syd., 1862- 84- New South Wales; growth during 25 years: comparative view: by John B. Trivett : [diagrams]. pp. 4, 8vo. Syd. [1907]. Pam., v. 158, no. 3023. New South Wales statistical register, 1893 to date. 8vo. and fscp. fo. Syd. Results of a census taken for the night of the 3ist March, 1901 : [by] T. A. Coghlan. 4to. Syd., 1904. Vital statistics for 1904 and previous years : [with report by] T. A. Coghlan. 8vo. Syd., 1905. ' PULSFORD, EDWARD. Freedom in New South Wales versus oppres- sion in Victoria: a reply to the " Age" articles: [diagrams]. pp. 60, 8vo. Syd., 1887. Pam., v. 5, no. 129. New South Wales statistics and Victorian critics : an address. pp. 31, 8vo. Syd., 1889. Pam., v. 5, no. 128. 88 STATISTICS. TREGARTHEN, GREVILLE. New South Wales; 1860 to 1889: a statistical sketch : eleven coloured diagrams, pp. 76, 8vo. Syd., 1890. Pam., v. 114, no. 2115. 319.45. Victoria. AGE annual; a political and statistical register of the colony of Victoria, 1874-77, 1879-86, 1888-91, 1893. 17 v., 8vo. Melb. ARCHER, WILLIAM HENRY. The progress of Victoria; a statis- tical essay. 8vo. Melb., 1867. Same: another copy. 8vo. Melb., 1873. Statistical notes on the progress of Victoria from the founda- tion of the colony, 1835-1860. 2nd ed. 4to. Melb., n.d. Statistical register of Victoria from the foundation of the colony; with an astronomical calendar for 1855. 8vo. Melb., 1854. HAYTER, HENRY HEYLYN. Notes on the colony of Victoria : historical, geographical, meteorological, and statistical, and ed. 8vo. Melb., 1876. VICTORIA: -Government ^statists' s office. Census of Victoria, 1 88 1 ; general report, with summary tables, diagrams, and map: by H. H. Hayter. 4to. Melb., 1883. Census, 1891 ; general report, with references to results of cen- suses in the other Australasian colonies : summary tables, diagrams, and maps. 410. Melb., 1893. 'Census of Victoria, 1901. fscp. fo. Melb., 1902-04. Victorian year-book, 1873 to date. 8vo. Melb. Registrar -general's department. Report of the registrar-general [Norman Campbell] on the progress and statistics of Vic- toria from 1851 to 1858 [appx., Negotiation of the railway loan], pp. 46, 8vo. Melb. [1858]. Same: another copy. Pam., v. 116, no. 2154. Statistical summary of the progress of the colony of Victoria to the year 1865. pp. 24, 8vo. Melb., 1865. Pam., v. 20, no. 372. AVESTGARTH, WILLIAM. Commerce and statistics of Victoria, from the commencement of the colony, pp. 48, 8vo. Melb., 1856. Pam., v. 68, no. 1161. 319.48. Tasmania. CALDER, JAMES ERSKINE. Tasmanian industries; with some notices of those of the Australian colonies and New Zealand. 8vo. Hobart Town, 1869. Same: another copy. P;im., v. 13, no. 272. JOHNSTON, ROBERT MACKENZIE. Handbook of Tasmania for the years 1891, 1892, and 1893: [maps]. 8vo. Hobart, 1891-94. Pam., v. 86, nos. 1556-1558. POLITICAL SCIENCE. 89 TASMANIA: Colonial secretary's office. Statistical returns of Van Diemen's Land, 1824-1849, 1860, 1861, 1865, 1867- 1870, 1872, 1875, 1879-1882, 1886, 1889 and 1895, 1900 to date. fscp. fo. Hobart. From 1869 published by Government statistician's office : from i86c entitled Statistics of Tasmania. Government statistician's office. Official record, 1890, 1891, 1892 : by R. M. Johnston : [map]. 3 v., Svo. Hobart. Registrar-general's office. Census of the colony of Tasmania : with introductory report by the Registrar-general [R. M. Johnston], fscp. fo. Hobart, 1893. 320. Political Science. GODARD, JOHN GEORGE. Racial supremacy ; being studies in< Imperialism. Svo. Edinb., 1905. HADLEY, ARTHUR TWINING. Relations between freedom and re- sponsibility 'in the evolution of democratic government. Svo. X.Y., 1904. JORGE XSON, JORGEN. Observations on the funded system : con- taining a summary view of the present political state of Great Britain, and the relative situation in which the colony of Van Diemen's Land stands towards the mother country. Svo Hobart Town, 1831. KELLY, EDMOND. Government; or, human evolution. 2 v., Svo. Lond., 1900-01. Contents. v. i, Justice;' v. 2, Individualism and collectivism : [with appx. on trusts]. LE ACOCK, STEPHEN. Elements of political science. Svo. Lond., 1906. LECKY, WILLIAM EDWARD HARTPOLE. Democracy and liberty. 2 v., Svo. Lond., 1896. O'BRIEN, WILLIAM SMITH. Principles of government; or, medita- tions in exile. 2 v., Svo. Dublin, 1856. POLLOCK, Sir FREDERICK. Introduction to the history of the science of politics. New ed. Svo. Lond., 1902. POPE, JAMES H. The state; the rudiments of New Zealand sociology. Svo. Well., 1887. REICH, EMIL. Success among nations. Svo. Lond., 1904. SHALER, NATHANIEL SOUTHGATE. The citizen: a study of the individual and the government. Svo. N.Y., 1904. SIDGWICK, HENRY. Elements of politics. 2nd ed. 8vo. Lond., 1897. SNOWBALL, JOHN. Publicity ; or, representative government per- fected by the use of a cementitious element ensuring its uniform adhesion to the general welfare. pp. 96, Svo. Melb., 1859. TOWNSEND, MEREDITH. Asia and Europe : studies of the rela- tions between Asia and Europe. 2nd ed. 8vo. Lond., 1903. VAMBERY, ARMINIUS. Western culture in eastern lands : a com- parison of the methods adopted by England and Russia in> the middle East. Svo. Lond., 1906. WRIXON, Sir HENRY JOHN. The pattern nation. Svo. Lond., 1906. 90 THEORY OF THE STATE. 320.1 Theory of state : Ideal commonwealths. BARKER, E. Political thought of Plato and Aristotle. 8vo. Lond., igo6. BELLAMY, EDWARD. Equality. 8\o. Lond., 1897 Looking backward, 2000-1887. 8vo - Lond., n.d. BLUXTSCHLI, JOHANN KASPAR. The theory of the state: tr. from the 6th German ed. 8vo. Oxf., 1885. DAWSON, W. H. " Forecasts of the future in modern literature." pp. 10, 8vo. Hobart, 1899. I'am., v. 85, no. 1533. DUGDALE, Mrs. H. A. A few hours in a far-off age. i2mo. Melb., n.d. n. t. ]). DUNNING, WILLIAM ARCHIBALD. History of political theories, from Luther to Montesquieu. 8vo. N.Y., 1905. EGERTON, HAKLUYT. Patriotism : an essay towards a construc- tive theory of politics. 8vo. Lond., 1905. FOX, Lady MARY, ed. Account of an expedition to the interior of New Holland. 8vo. Lond., 1837. Same: 2nd ed. i2mo. Lond., 1849. Same: 3rd ed. entitled The Southlanders : an account, &c., with poem, The land of contrarieties. i2mo. Lond., 1860. HUTCHINSON, ALFRED L. The limit of wealth. 8vo. N.Y., 1907. JOHNSTON, ALEXANDER W. New Utopia; or, progress and pros- perity, pp. 90, 8vo. Syd., 1890. MAcCUNN, JOHN. Six radical thinkers; Bentham, J. S. Mill, Cobden, Carlyle, Mazzini, T. H. Green. 8vo. Lond., 1907. MONTESQUIEU, CHARLES DE SECONDAT, baron de. Spirit of laws; tr. 3rd ed. 2 v., 8vo. Edinb., 1762. MORE, Sir THOMAS. Utopia; in Latin from the ed. of March, 1518, and in English from the first ed. of Ralph Robynson's translation in 1551 : with additional translations, introd. and notes, by J. H. Lupton. 8vo. Lond., 1895. REICH, EMIL. Imperialism: its prices; its vocation. 8vo. Lond., 1905. RITCHIE, DAVID GEORGE. Principles of state interference; four essays on the political philosophy of Herbert Spencer, J. S. Mill, and T. H. Green. 8vo. Lond., 1891. (Social science ser.) STEPHEN, Sir LESLIE. The English utilitarians. 3 v., 8vo. Lond., 1900. Contents. v. i. Jeremy Bentham. v. 2 James Mill. v. 3. John Stuart Mill. VAIRASSE o'ALAIS, DENIS. Histoire des Sevarambes : peuples qui habitent une partie du troisieme continent, communement apelle la terre australe. . i2mo. Amsterdam, 1715. WELLS, HERBERT GEORGE. A modern Utopia. 8vo. Lond., 1905. WOODHOUSE, ARTHUR. Foundations of national greatness. 8vo. Melb., 1905. WOOLSEY, THEODORE DWIGHT. Political science; or, the state, theoretically and practically considered. 2 v., 8vo. Lond. POLITICAL SCIENCE. 91 320.4. Essays. ADDAMS, JANE. Newer ideals of peace. 8vo. N.Y., 1907. (Citizens' library of economics, politics, and sociology.) ARNOLD, Rev. THOMAS. Miscellaneous works. 8vo. Lond., 1874. "CAVENDISH," pseud. What Australia lacks, pp. 58, 8vo. Syd., 1905. Pam., v. 93, no. 1684. COLE. EDWARD WILLIAM, ed. Cyclopaedia of short prize essays on the federation of the whole world, containing fifty essays by fifty Australasian writers. 8vo. Melb., n.d. HAND. Rev. JAMES EDWARD, ed. Science in public affairs : pref. by R. B. Haldane. 8vo. Lond., 1906. Contents. Preface Introduction. [J. E. Hand]. Science and physical development. ('. H. Denver and J. E. Hand. Science and city suburbs. Mrs. S. A. Barnett. Science in national education. M. E. Sadler. Science and colonial development. H. de R. Walker. Science and industry. J. A. Hobson. Science and administration. C. M. Douglas. Science and citizenship. V. V. Branford. HARRISON, FREDERIC. National and social problems. 8vo. Lond., 1908. OSBORNE, Rev. Lord SIDNEY GODOLPHIN. Letters of S.G.O. j a series of letters on public affairs, published in ' ' The Times," 1844-1888: ed. [with introd.] by Arnold White . portr. 2 v.. 8vo. Lond. [1890]. 320.5. Periodicals. POLITICAL science quarterly : v. 18. 1903 to date. 8vo. N.Y. , YALE review: a quarterly journal for the scientific discussion of economic, political, and social questions; v. 12, May, 1903, to date. 8vo. New Haven. 320.8. Collected works. BOLINGBROKE. HENRY SAINT-JOHN, viscount. Miscellaneous works. 4 v., 8vo. Edinb., 1768. HAMILTON, ALEXANDER. Works : federal [2nd] ed. ; ed. by Henry Cabot Lodge: [portrs.]. 12 v., 8vo. N.Y., 1904. MOLTKE, HELMUTH C.B., graf von. Essays, speeches, and memoirs : tr. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1893. 321. Form of State. ASHBEE. C. R. The building of Thelema. 8vo. Lond., 1910. CAN, C.. pseud. The great statesman; a few leaves from the history of Antipodea : anno domini 3000. pp. 44, 8vo. Syd., 1885. Pam., v. 50, no. 833. CHAPMAN, DAVID. Prize essay in favour of the federation of the whole world, pp. 6, 8vo. Melb., n.d. Pam.. v. 10. no. 221. DAVENPORT, ROBERT. South Australia; remarks on govern- ment, &c., at the close of the session, pp. 18, 8vo. Adel., 1862. Pam.. v. 138, no. 2648. :f>2 FORM OF STATE: DEMOCRACY. HEARN, WILLIAM EDWARD. The Aryan household; its structure and its development : an introduction to comparative jurispru- dence, [new ed.]. 8vo. Lond., 1891. HOOK, ALFRED. Humanity and its problems. 8\o. Lond., 1908. HOWE, FREDERIC CLEMSON. Privilege and democracy. 8vo. Lond., 1910. JENKS, EDWARD. History of politics, xanio. Lond., 1910. LE ROY, G. Australia's welfare. 8vo. Adel., 1892. MUIRHEAD, JOHN HENRY. The service of the state; four lec- tures on the political teaching of T. H. Green. 8vo. Lond., 1908. PARSONS, Hon. JOHN LANGDON. The present political crisis; address on the evolution of the present social and political conditions, pp. 16, 8vo. Syd., 1894. Pam., v. 6. no. 142. PEMBERTON, ROBERT. The happy colony : [2 plans]. 8vo. Lond., 1854. A scheme for a model colony, suggested to be founded in New Zealand. ROBERTSON, A. NUGENT. Federation and afterwards, a frag- ment of history (A.D. 1898-1912). pp. 60, 8vo. Syd., 1897. Pam., v. 4, no. 86. SIDNEY, ALGERNON. Life, memoirs, &c. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1794. T. p. to v. 2 reads Discourses on government : with his letters, &c. TOURVILLE, HENRI DE. Growth of modern nations; a history of the particularist forms of society : tr. by M. G. Loch. 8vo. Lond., 1907. 321.1. Family. BOSANQUET, Mrs. HELEN. The family. 8vo. Lond., 1906. McLENNAN, JOHN FERGUSON. The patriarchal theory; based on [his] papers ; ed. and completed by Donald McLennan. 8vo. Lond., 1885. STARCKE, C. N. The primitive family in its origin and develop- ment. 8vo. Lond., 1889. (Internal, scientific ser.) 321.2. Village eonmunities. MAINE, Sir HENRY JAMES SUMNER. Village-communities in the East and West. 7th ed., 8vo. Lond., 1895. 321.4. Democracy : Referendum. ABBOTT, Rev. LYMAN. Spirit of democracy. 8vo. Lond., 1911. ARGUS newspaper. Enquiry into the principles of representation; a reprint of several letters and leading articles : introd. by Edward Wilson, pp. 43, 8vo. Melb., 1857. Pam., v. 37, no. 638. Same: another copy. Pam.. v. 93, no. 1682. BROWN, WILLIAM JETHRO. The referendum, pp. 24, 8vo. Laun- ceston, 1897. Pam., v. 77, no. 1369. DEMOCRACY: FEDERAL GOVERNMENT. 93 BUTLER. NICHOLAS MURRAY. True and false democracy. 8vo. N.Y., 1907. Contents. True and false democracy. Education of public opinion. Democracy and education. CREE, NATHAN. Direct legislation by the people. 8vo. Chic., 1892. DEPLOIGE, SIMON. The referendum in Switzerland ; with letter on the referendum in Belgium, by J. Van Den Heuvel ; tr. by C. P. Trevelyan; ed. by Lilian Tomn. 8vo. Load., 1898. (Studies in. economics and poHtical science.) HOBSON, JOHN ATKINSON. The crisis of liberalism; new issues of democracy. 8vo. Lond., 1909. Contents. i. Democracy. 2. Liberalism and socialism. 3. Applied democracy. HUGHES, CHARLES EVANS. Conditions of progress in democratic government. 8vo. New Haven, 1910. (Yale lectures on the responsibility of citizenship.) LOBINGIER, CHARLES SUMNER. The people's law; or. popular participation in law-making from ancient folk-moot to modern referendum : a study in the evolution of democracy and direct legislation; introd. by George E. Howard. 8vo., N.Y., 1909. MOTLEY, JOHN LOTHROP. Democracy the climax of political progress and the destiny of advanced nations : an historical essay, pp. 18, 8vo. Melb., 1869. Pam., v. 37, no. 636. OBERHOLTZER, ELLIS PAXSON. The referendum in America. 8vo. N.Y., 1900. PLAIN politics for plain people, pp. 7, 8vo. n.p., n.d. Pam.. v. 120, no. 2220. STEPHEN, REGINALD, dean of Melbourne. Democracy and character. 8vo. Melb., 1908. (Moorhouse lectures.) WISE, BERNARD RINGROSE. Australasian federal convention ; speech on the referendum, pp. 16, 8vo. Syd., 1898. Pam., v. ^ no. 122. 321.7. Constitutional monarchy. ALLEN, JOHN. Inquiry into the rise and growth of the royal pre- rogative in England : new ed., with . . . biographical notes : [appended] Inquiry into the life and character of King EadAvig. 8vo. Lond., 1849. KEITH, ARTHUR BERRIEDALE. Responsible government in the dominions. 8vo. Lond., 1909. 321.8. Republic: Federal government. BAKER, Sir RICHARD CHAFFEY. The executive in a federation. pp. 19, 8vo. Adel., 1897 Pam., v. 88, no. 1587. FARNBOROUGH, THOMAS ERSKINE MAY, baron. Democracy in Europe; a history. 2 v. 8vo. Lond., 1877. FISHER, HERBERT ALBERT LAURENS. The republican tradition in Europe. 8vo. Lond., 1911. GARDNER, ROBERT. In the heart of democracy. 8vo. Lond., 1909 94 CHURCH AND STATE. GIDDIXGS. FRANKLIN HENRY. Democracy and empire; with studies of their psychological, economic and moral founda- tions. 8vo. N.Y., 1901. LTXTON*. WILLIAM JAMES. The English republic: ed.. with intrtxL and notes, hy Kineton Parkes. 8vo. Lond., 1891. (Social science ser.) MAIXR. Sir HENRY JAMES SUMNER. Popular gOYernment ; four essays. SYO. Loud., 1890. Contents. i. Prospects of popular government. 2. Nature of democracy. 3. The age of progress. 4. Constitution of the United States. MILL. JOHN STUART. Considerations on representative government. 2nd ed.. SYO. Lond.. 1861 Presentation copy from the author to Sir Henry Parki-. Same: another cd. SYO. Lond., 1875. PIERCE. FRANKLIN. Federal usurpation. 8vo. X.V.. 1908. KUSDEX, GEORGE WILLIAM. The old road to responsible govern- ment ; or. the development of the representative principle in government historically considered. pp. ^4. 8vo. Mdb., 1856. Pam.. v. 6, no. 130. 322. Church and State. BROUGHTOX. WILLIAM GRANT, bishop of Sydney. Letter to the Right Rev. Xicholas Wiseman, with the bishop's protest, 25th March, 18:43. ar >d the resolutions of a special meeting. pp. 40, 8vo. Lond.. 1852. Pam., v. ii, no. 237. DAXIELLS, A. G. Echoes of liberty ; religion and the state pp. 1 6, 8vo. Melb., n.d. Pam., v. 6, no. 132. EQUAL legal status of all the churches in the Australian colonies ; the result of the meeting of the Presbyterian inhabitants of Van Diemen's Land, held in St. Andrew's church, Hcbart Town, on i2th August, 1846. pp. xiv, 51. 8vo. Hobart Town, 1851. Pam., v. 91, no. 1631. EWIX T G. Rev. THOMAS CAMPBELL. Letter to the R-v. William Law on the subject of his address on the Xew Testament doc- trine of Church support, pp. 33, 8vo. Syd. [1855]. Pam., v. 75, no. 1300. Same: another copy. Pam., v. 92. no. 1670. The voluntary system exposed ; a civil establishment of religion justified, pp. 26, 8vo. Syd., n.d. Pam., v. 74, no. 1293. Same: another copy. Pam.. v. QI, no. 16^0. LAX T G, Rcr. JOHN DUNMORE. Three lectures on the impolicy and" injustice of religious establishments, or the granting of money for the support of religion from the public treasury in the Australian colonies, pp. 76, 8vo. Syd., 1856. Pam., v. 62, no. 1004. DOMESTIC RELATIONS. LILLIE, Rev. JOHN. Letter in reply to the observations made on the preliminary remarks to his introductory sermon, in a letter published by the Rev. William Hutchins. pp. 38, xxiii., 8vo. Hobart Town, 1837. Pam., v. 22, no. 400. Same: another copy. Pam., v. 91, no. 1629. MARKS, W. Review of Dr. Fullerton's tract on the national duty of Christian states, pp. 32, 8vo. Syd., 1856. Pam., v. 61, no. 987. PLUNKETT, JOHN HUBERT. Report of two speeches on the bill " To abolish state aid to religion," in the Legislative council of New South Wales, 1862. pp. 32, 8vo. Syd., 1862. Pam., v. 154, no. 2971. SHOULD state aid be abolished? pp. 45, 8vo. Syd., 1860. Pam., v. 180, no. 3476. 323. Internal or domestic relations. BUTCHERS, Rev. B. Modern notions of liberty; a complete re- port of the recent controversy between the Rev. P. Birming- ham, D.D., and the Rev. B. Butchers, pp. 68, 8vo. Melb., 1874. Pam., v. 94, no. 1704. Same : another copy. Pam., v. 141, no. 2708. DUNIWAY, CLYDE AUGUSTUS. Development of freedom of the press in Massachusetts. 8vo. N.Y., 1906. (Harvard historical studies, v. 12.) KING, Rev. JOSEPH. Duty of the Commonwealth in relation to coloured races, pp. 8, 8vo. Melb., n.d. Pam., v. 142, no. 2717. MACKINNON, JAMES. History of modern liberty. 3 v., 8vo. Lond., 1906-08. Contents. v. i. Introduction (Origins The Middle ages). 1906. v. 2. The age of the Reformation. 1906. v. 3. The struggle with the Stuarts, 1603-1647. 1908. MILL, JOHN STUART. On liberty, pp. 68, 8vo. Lond., 1890. SIMPSON, BERTRAM LENOX, " B. L. Putnam Weale." The con- flict of colour ; being a detailed examination of racial prob- lems throughout the world, with special reference to the Eng- lish-speaking peoples. 8vo. Lond., 1910. 324. Suffrage. VILLEY, EDMOND. Legislation electorale comparee des principaux pays d'Europe. 8vo. Paris, igoo. 324.1. Qualifications. .STEPHEN. Sir ALFRED- Electoral bill; speech in the Legislative council of New South Wales on the second reading, pp. 38, 8vo. Syd... 1858. Pam., v. 5, no. 114. Same: another copy. Pam., v. 44, no. 735. 90 SUFFRAGE. 324.2. Methods of Voting. ASHWORTH, THOMAS RAMSDEN. and ASHWORTH, HENRY PATRICK CHANDOS. Proportional representation applied to party government; a new electoral system. 8vo.. Melb., 1900. BROWX, WILLIAM JETHRO. The Hare system in Tasmania ; being a paper read before the Royal society of Tasmania, pp. 13, 8vo. Hobart, 1897. Pam., v. 77, no. 1370. COMMONS, JOHN ROGERS. Proportional representation. 8vo. N.Y., 1906. (Library of economics and politics.) Same: 2nd ed., with chapters on the initiative, the referendum, and primary elections. 8vo. X.Y., 1907. JOHXSTOX, ROBERT MACKENZIE. Observations on the working results of the Hare system of election in Tasmania : [dia- grams], pp. 32, 8vo. Hobart, 1897. Pam., v. 77, no. 1371. Same: another copy. Pam., v. 93, no. 1683. Further observations of the Hare system, pp. n, 8vo. Hobart, n.d. Pam., v. 77, no. 1372. NAXSOX, EDWARD JOHN. Electoral reform ; an exposition of the theory and practice of proportional representation, pp. 16, 8vo. ' Melb., 1899. Pam., v. 48, no. 801. The real value of a vote and how to get it at the coming Federal elections, pp. 32, 8vo. Melb., 1900. Pam., v. 4, no. 87. PHILLIPS, PHILIP D. On a law for compulsory voting, pp. 8, 8vo. Melb., 1905. Pam., v. 58, no. 962. Same: another copy. Pam., v. 77, no. 1373. SPEXCE, CATHERINE HELEN. A plea for pure democracy : Mr: Hare's Reform bill applied to South Australia, pp. 24, 8vo. Adel., 1861. Pam., v. 6, no. 141. 324.3. Woman suffrage. BEVILL, FREDERICK E. " A citizen." The female suffrage move- ment; its claims, objects, and consequences. pp. 16, 8vo. Syd., 1896. Pam., v. 41, no. 692. Same: another copy. Pam., v. 142, no. 2712. SMITH, W. SIDNEY. Outlines of the women's franchise movement in Xew Zealand. 8vo. Christchurch, 1905. 324.42. Suffrage; England. BAGEHOT, WALTER. Essays on parliamentary reform. 8vo. Lond., 1883. Contents. -Parliamentary reform (1859). History of the unre- formed parliament and its lessons (1860). Reform act of 1867; and- the function of the House of peers (1872). SUFFRAGE : IMMIGRATION. 97 FRASKR, HUGH. Law of parliamentary elections and election petitions, with suggestions on the conduct and trial of an election petition, [&c.]. 2nd ed., 8vo. Lond., 1910. KING, JOSEPH. Electoral reform; an inquiry into our system of Parliamentary representation. 8vo. Lond., 1908. ROGERS, FRANCIS X. Rogers on elections; v. i, i6th ed., by M. Powell [v. 2-3. iyth ed., by S. H. Day]. 3\-.,8vo. Lond., 1894-1900. Same: i7th ed. 8vo. Lond., 1909. Contents. v. i. Registration. By Maurice Powell. WARD, DANIEL. Practice at parliamentary elections, and the law relating thereto, with appx. of statutes. 3rd ed., by S. G. Lushington and F. J. Coltman. 8vo. Lond., 1906. 324.94. Suffrage; Australia. I.KWIS, Sir NEIL ELLIOTT. Law relating to parliamentary elec- tions in Tasmania; map. i2mo. Hobart, 1886. Same: 2nd ed., i2mo. Hobart, 1886. WRIXOX. ARTHUR XICHOLAS. Electoral law of Xew South Wales and Victoria. i2mo. Syd.. 1851. 325. Colonies and immigration. ARISTOBULUS, pseud. The universal destruction of aboriginal races by colonizing nations, and eventually of the New Zealanders : the cause of this evil and its sure preventive. pp. 31, 8vo. Lond., 1847. Para., v. 119, no. 2204. COLOXIAL office journal: v. i. June. 1907. to date. 8vo. Lond. COLOXISATIOX^Mr. Wakefield's theory, pp. 20, 8vo. Edinb., 1849. From Biackwood's magazine. May, 1840. Pam., v. 119, no. 2211. 325.1. Immigration. ALIEN immigration; should restrictions be imposed? Pro., by Frederick Bradshaw, contra, by Charles Emanuel. 8vo. Lond., 1904. (Pro and con series.) BLADEX, FRANK MURCOTT. Peopling Australia; being notes on immigration, pp. 19, i2mo. Syd., 1904. Pam., v. 59, no. 969. CHEOXG, Rev. CHECK HONG. Chinese remonstrance to the Par- liament and people of Victoria ; together with correspondence with government of same and address to Sydney conference. pp. 43, 8vo. Melb., 1888. Pam., v. 77, no. 1350. Same: another copy. Pam., v. 93, no. 1690. CHINESE in Australia, pp. 24, 8vo. Lond., 1889. From The Quarterly review, 1889. Pam., v. 119, no. 2208. COMMOXS. JOHN ROGERS. Races and immigrants in America : [illust.]. 8vo. N.Y., 1907. F.8720. D 98 IMMIGRATION. EMIGRATION to Tasmania ; being the personal experiences of a recent settler : with appx. containing hints to emigrants and statistical information: map. pp. 44, 8vo. Lond.. n.d Pam., v. 77, no. 1347. EXPENDITURE of the land-fund of New South Wales in the colony as a means of promoting and supporting immigration. pp. 24, 8vo. Syd., 1842. Pam., v. 120, no. 2244. Same: another copy. Pam., v. 142, no. 2722. GIPPS. Sir GEORGE. Speech in council, gth September, 1842, on the resolutions proposed by the Colonial secretary, in appro- val of the report of the committee on immigration. pp. 31, 8vo. Syd., 1842. Pam., v. 180, no. 3477. HULL, HUGH MUNRO. Practical hints to emigrants intending to proceed to Tasmania : with a paper on local industries, by E. C. Nowell. pp. 48, sm. 8vo. Hobart Town, 1871. Pam., v. 77, no. 1346. IMMIGRATION league of Australia. Third annual report, for the year ending ^oth September, 1908. Pam., v. 142, no. 2719. KONG MENG, L., CHEONG, CHECK HONG, and AH MOUY, Louis, eds. The Chinese question in Australia, 1878-79. pp. 31, 8vo. Melb., 1879. Pam., v. 37, no. 635. LAND A, M. J. The alien problem and its remedy. 8vo. Lond., 191 1. LANG, Rev. JOHN DUNMORE. The fatal mistake ! or, how New South Wales has lost caste in the world, through misgovern- ment in the matter of immigration. pp. 33, 8vo. Syd., 1875- Pam., v. 19, no. 358. PARKES, Sir HENRY. The Chinese in Australia : speech on moving the second reading of the Chinese restriction and regulation bill, i6th May, 1888. pp 17, 8vo. Syd., 1888. Pam., v. 44, no. 747. PATRIOTIC sentiments on the Chinese and Polynesian question : by a future legislator and probable premier, pp. 24. 8vo. Syd., n.d. Pam., v. 53, no. 883. POTTS, JOHN. One year of anti-Chinese work in Queensland with incidents of travel, pp. 32, 8vo. Brisb., 1888. Pam., v. 93, no. 1691. REAY, WILLIAM THOMAS. A white Australia ; the Kanaka labour question, pp. 85, 8vo. Melb., 1901. Pam., v. 119, no. 2205. ST. ANDREW'S immigration society. Rules. pp. 19, sm. 8vo. Launceston, 1855. Pam., v. 77, no. 1345. SCHULTZ, ALFRED P. Race or mongrel. 8vo. Boston, 1908. SQUATTER'S plum ; or, immigration exposed, pp. 45, 8vo. Syd., 1878. Pam., v. 93, no. 1689. STEINER, Rev. EDWARD A. On the trail of the immigrant : illust. 8vo. N.Y., 1906. EMIGRATION. 99 325.2. Emigration and Emigrants' Handbooks. AUSTRALIAN agricultural company. Emigration to Australia : [plan], pp. 16, 8vo. [Lond.], n.d. BIRKETT, MILES. The emigration snare; practical letters showing the true facts in relation to emigration and its bitter disap- pointments, pp. 86, 8vo. Lond., 1908. CHAMBERS, W. and R., publishers. Emigrants' manual; Aus- tralia, New Zealand, America, and South Africa ; preliminary dissertation by John Hill Burton. 8vo. Edinb., 1851. CHISHOLM, Mrs. CAROLINE. Advice to emigrants, pp. 27, i2ino. Liverpool, 1853. COLONISTS' handbooks: maps. i2mo. Lond., 1882-86. Contents. i. Canada. 2. Queensland. 3. New South Wales. 4. South Australia. 5. Cape of Good Hope and Natal. 6. New Zea- land. [7]. Handy guide to emigration to the British colonies. EWING, ALEXANDER, bishop of Argyle and the Isles. " Che til ma tuille " ; a sermon on emigration from the Highlands and islands of Scotland to Australia. pp. 23, 8, 8vo. Lond., 1852. Pam., v. 93, no. 1687. GREAT BRITAIN : Colonial land and emigration commissioners. Colonization circular. 8vo. Lond.. 1877. Emigrants' information office. Handbooks, consisting of the fol- lowing 10 handbooks : Canada, New South Wales, Victoria, South Australia, Queensland, Western Australia, Tasmania. New Zealand, Cape Colony. Natal : maps. 8vo. Lond., 1888. Handbooks on British colonies : compiled by Walter B. Paton : [maps]. 8vo. Lond., 1907. Contents. Canada : New South Wales : Victoria : South Aus- tralia : Queensland : Western Australia : Tasmania : New Zealand : Cape Colony : Natal : Transvaal : Orange river colony : professional handbook : emigration statutes and general handbook. Same: another ed. 8vo. Lond., 1909. HAZELL, WALTER, and HODGKIN, HOWARD. The Australasian colonies: emigration and colonisation, pp. 89, 8vo. Lond.. 1887. Pam., v. 119, no. 2210. HETHERTNGTON'S useful handbook for intending emigrants; life at sea and the immigrants' prospects in Australia and New Zealand. 8vo. Lond., n.d. HODGSON. ARTHUR. Emigration to the Australian settlements; being the substance of lectures delivered in 1849. PP- 43- 2nd ed., sm. 8vo. Lond., 1849. Pam., v. 87, no. 1559. IMMIGRATION league of Victoria, Victorian land settlement divi- sion of. The peril of Melbourne, pp. 40, sm. 8vo. Melb., 1907. Pam., v. 94, no. 1707. JACKSON, J. A. National emigration : considered chiefly with reference to the Australian colonies, pp. 20, 8vo. Lond., 1848. Pam., v. 8, no. 174. JENKINS, EDWARD. State emigration : an essay. pp. 19, and ed., 8vo. Lond., 1869. Pam., v. 77, no. 1351. D 2 100 EMIGRATION. LANG, Rev. JOHN DUNMORE. Emigration ; considered chit-fly in reference to the practicability and expediency of im|>orting and settling throughout the territory of Xew South Wales a numerous . . . population, pp. 18, 8vo. Syd., 1833. I'.iiu.. v. nt), no .2214. Immigration ; the grand desideratum for New South Wales ; and how to promote it effectually, pp. 46, 8vo. Syd., 1870. MACKENZIE, Rer. DAVID. Emigrant's guide to Australia; with a memoir of Mrs. Chisholm. T2mo. I.ond., n.d. MARTIN, ROBERT MONTGOMERY. The British colonies; their his- tory, extent, condition, and resources : [maps and illust.]. 6 v. in 3; la. 8vo. Lond., 1850. MATTHEW, PATRICK. Emigration fields; North America, the Cape, Australia, and New Zealand. 8vo. Edinb.. 1839. MORRISON, JOSEPH ROBERT. What should the government do for Australia? 2nd ed., pp. 44, 8vo. Lond., 1851. Pam., v. 93, no. 1685. NEW SOUTH WALES -.Legislative Council. Debate and other documents on the subject of immigration to the colony, Octo- ber, 1840. pp. 51, 8vo. Syd., 1840. Same: another copy. Pam., v. IIQ, no. 2213. OBSERVATIONS on the advantages of emigration to New South Wales ; comprising valuable extracts from the minutes of evi- dence taken before a committee of the council at Sydney, also the report of the Chief Justice to his excellency Sir R. Bourke in 1835. 2nd ed., pp. 84, sm. 8vo. Lond., 1836. Pam., v. 93, no. 1676. OPINION of the ministers of religion in Van Diemen's Land on emigration to that colony. Sheet. Hobart, n.d. Pam v , v. 62. no. ioog. PARKES, Sir HENRY. Freehold homes in a gold country : two pub- lic addresses, pp. 15, 8vo. Birmingham, [1861]. Pam., v. 139, no. 2670. RETIRED officer, pseud. Australia a mistake, New Brunswick for the emigrant. -pp. 30, 8vo. Lond.. 1855. Pam., v. 93, no. 1688. SIDNEY, SAMUEL. Female emigration as it is as it may be. pp. 43, i2mo. Lond., 1850. Pam.. v. IIQ. no. 2212. SIDNEY, SAMUEL, and SIDNEY. JOHN, eds Emigrant's journal ; information, advice, and amusement for emigrants and colo- nizers: v. i, nos. 1-41, October, 1848 to July, 1849. fo. Lond., 1848-9. STEPHENS, JOHN. A voice from Australia ! ! being an "address to the starving or suffering millions of Great Britain and Ireland," and including a general and earnest invitation to emigrate to that colony, pp. 22, sm. 8vo. Blackburn, 1848. Pam., v. 142, no. 2718. TASMANIA : Legislative council. Report of the committee of the whole council upon immigration, with minutes of evidence, &c. pp. 82, fscp. fo. Hobart Town, 1841. COLONIZATION. 101 WAGHORN, THOMAS. Emigration to Australia on the broadest possible principles, for the future amelioration and prosperity of Great Britain, -pp. 16, 8vo. Lond., 1848. Pam., v. 93, no. 1686. WHELPLEY, JAMES DAVENPORT. The problem of the immi- grant ; a brief discussion with a summary of -conditions, laws, and regulations governing the movement of population to and from [various countries]. 8vo. Lond., 1905. 326.3. Colonization. BANNISTER, SA-XE. British colonization and coloured Bribes. 8vo. Lond., 1838. Humane policy ; or, justice to the aborigines of new settle- ments. 8vo. Lond., 1830. BEECHAM, JOHN. Colonization; being remarks on colonization in general, with an examination of the proposals of the asso- ciation which has been formed for colonizing New Zealand. pp. 67, 8vo. Lond., 1838 Pam., v. 34, no. 560, BIGELOW, POULTNEY. Children of the nations; a story of coloni- zation and its problems. 8vo. N.Y., 1901. BRUCE, Sir CHARLES. The broad stone of empire; problems of Crown colony administration, with records of personal experi- ence : [portr.] and maps. 2 v., 8vo. Lond-> 19*0- CALDECOTT, ALFRED. English colonization and empire: [maps]- 8vo. Lond,, 1891. COLQUHOUN, ARCHIBALD Ross. The mastery of the Pacific: [3] maps and 122 il'lust. 8vo. Lond., 1902. Contents. Introduction. The United States in the Pacific. Great Britain in the Pacific. The Dutch in the Pacific. ^Japan in the Pacific. Other powers in the Pacific. CROMER, EVELYN BARING, ist eerl of. Ancient and modern im- perialism. 8vo. Lond., 1910. HERTZ, GERALD BERKELEY. The old colonial system- 8vo. Man- chester, 1905. HO WITT, WILLIAM. Colonization and Christianity; a popular history of the treatment of the natives by the Europeans in all their colonies. 8vo. Lond., 1838. IRELAND, WALTER ALULYNE. The far eastern tropics; .studies in the administration of tropical dependencies : Hong Kong, British North Borneo, Sarawak, ^urmah, .the Federated Malay States, the Straits Settlements, French Indo-China, Java, the Philippine islands. 8vo. Westminster, 1905. JKNKYNS, Sir HENRY. British rule and jurisdiction beyond the seas: pref. by Sir Courfcenay JJbert : [porjtr.] 8vo. Oxf., 1902. J EHVOIS, Sir WILLIAM J*ANCIS DRUMMOND, lie vt..- general. Colonisation; a lecture, pp. 75, 8vo. Adel.., i>832. Pam., v. 180, no. 3478. JOYCE, E. D. How half a million of the surplus revenue should be invested for the benefit of England and her polonies. pp. 40, 8vo. Lond., 1851. Pam., v. 66, no. 1116. 102 GEE AT BRITAIN; COLONIES. ^ LEWIS, Sir GEORGE COKNEWALL, 2nd bart. Essay on the govern- ment of lr|H-nlencies : ed.. with introd., by C. P. Lucas. 8vo. Oxf., 1891. (First published in 1841.) NAPIER, Sir CHARLES JAMES, general. Colonization; particularly in southern Australia ; with some remarks on small farms and over population. 8vo. Lond.. 1835. REINSCH. PAUL SAMUEL. Colonial government: an introduction to the study of colonial institutions. 8vo. N.Y., 1902. Contents. Motives and methods of colonization. Forms of colonial "overnniept. Institutions of colonial government. TORRENS, ROBERT, colonel. Colonization of South Australia: [map]. 8vo. Lond., 1835. WAKEFIELD, EDWARD GIBBON. View of the art of colonization; with present reference to the British empire ; in letters between a statesman and a colonist. 8vo. Lond., 1849. 325.42. Great Britain ; Colonies and Dependencies. BEER, GEORGE Louis. British colonial policy, 1754-1765. 8vo. N.Y., I9 o 7 . The origins of the British colonial system, 1578-1660. 8vo. N.Y., 1908. BELL, SYDNEY SMITH. Colonial administration of Great Britain. 8vo. Lond., 1859. BIGGE, JOHN THOMAS, [Commissioner from the Colonial office to enquire into the state of New South Wales]. Instructions and reports, fscp. fo. Lond.. 1823. Contents. Instructions given by Karl Bathurst to Mr. Bigge, 1819. 1823. Report of the Commissioner of inquiry into the state of the colony of New South Wales, 1822, with appx. of estimates, directions and regulations. 1822. Report of the Commissioner of inquiry on the judicial establishments of New South Wales and Van Diemen's Land, [1822]. 1823. Report of the Commissioner of inquiry on the state of agriculture and trade in the colony of New South Wales, 1823. 1823 BOURNE, HENRY RICHARD Fox. Story of our colonies : with sketches of their present condition. 8vo. Lond., 1869. BOW-EN, Sir GEORGE FERGUSON. Thirty years of colonial govern- ment : a selection from his despatches and letters ; governor successively of Queensland, New Zealand, Victoria, Mauritius and Hong Kong; ed. by S. Lane-Poole : portr. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1889. CLARK, CHARLES. Summary of colonial law, the practice of the Court of appeals from the plantations, and of the laws and their administration in all the colonies, with charters of justice, orders in council, &c. 8vo. Lond., 1834. COLONIAL and Indian exhibition, 1886. Her Majesty's colonies ; a series of original papers issued under the authority of the Royal commission. 8vo. Lond., 1886. COLONIAL office list: 1904 to date. 8vo. Lond. COLONIES, The, and the Cannon street meetings, pp. 36, i2mo. Lond., 1870. Pam., v. 119, no. 2217. GEE AT BRITAIN; COLONIES. 103 DILKE, Rt. hon. Sir CHARLES WENTWORTH, 2nd bart. Problems of Greater Britain: maps. 8vo. Lond., 1890. EGERTON, HUGH EDWARD. Short history of British colonial policy; re-issue with supplementary chapter. 8vo. Lond., 1905- ENGLAND and her colonies, pp. 29, 8vo. Lond., 1885. From the Quarterly review. Pam., v. 119, no. 2215. FROUDE, JAMES ANTHONY. Oceana; or, England and her colonies. 8vo. Lond., 1886. GALT, Sir ALEXANDER TILLOCK. The relations of the colonies to the empire, present and future: two addresses, pp. 30. 8vo. Lond., 1883. Pam., v. 77, no. 1352. GIBBS, PHILIP. Romance of empire : illust. 8vo. Lond., 1906. GLYNN, PATRICK McMAHON. Imperial union and fiscal reciprocity. pp. 29. 8vo. Adel., 1904. Pam., v. 48, no. 795. GREAT BRITAIN : Colonial land and emigration commission. Index to the first seven general reports, 1840 to 1847 ; and to the instructions to the commissioners from the Secretary of state, pp. 67, 8vo. Lond., 1847. GREAT BRITAIN -.Colonial office. Rules and regulations for Her Majesty's colonial service. 8vo. Lond., 1843. Same : another ed. 8vo. Lond.. 1856. GREAT BRITAIN : Parliament. [Papers relating to colonial con- ferences.] 2 v., fscp. fo. Lond. Contents. Correspondence respecting a proposed conference of colonial representatives in London, 1870. Same. Further correspon- dence, 1870. Proceedings of the colonial conference, 1887 ; with appx. of papers laid before the conference. Ottawa conference : Report by the Right Hon. the Earl of Jersey on the colonial con- ference at Ottawa, with the proceedings of the conference and certain correspondence, 1894. Same: Despatches from the Secretary of State for the colonies on questions of trade and commercial treaties, 1894. Same : Further correspondence between Sir Charles Tupper and Sir John Pender on the subject of a proposed Pacific cable, 1804. Pro- ceedings of a conference between the Secretary of State for the colonies and the premiers of the self-governing colonies, at the Colonial office, London, June and July, 1897. Correspondence relating to the proposed publication of the report of the proceedings of the colonial conference ir. London in 1902. Colonial conference 1902. Memorandum on sea power and the principles involved in it. Papers relating to a conference between the Secretary of State for the colonies and the prime ministers of the self-governing colonies, June to August, 1902. Correspondence relative to the Fiji islands, fscp. fo. Lond., 1862-77. {Papers, mainly relating to Australasia.] 41 v., fscp. fo. Lond., v.d. Contents. Aborigines, 3 v. Australasia general, i v. Australia constitutional, 2 v. Australian crown lands, 2 v. Convicts and trans- portation, 12 v. Discovery of gold, 3 v. Ecclesiastical affairs of the colonies, i v. Emigration, 4 v. New Zealand, 8 v. Registration of title, Australian colonies, i v. Report on state of gaols, i v. South Australia, 2 v. Van Diemen's Land ; Western Australia, i v. 104 GREAT BRITAIN; COLONIES. Report from the select committee on the accounts of colonial receipt and expenditure; with the minutes of evidence, appx. and index, fscp. fo. Loncl., 1837 Reports from select committee oil colonial military expenditure ; with the minutes of evidence, appx. and index, fscp. fo. Lond.. 1834-35. Reports on colonial possessions: pt. i, West Indies and Mauri- tius; pt. 2, North American colonies, Australian colonies, and New Zealand, &c. fscp. fo. Lond., 1862-63. South Sea islanders. Correspondence relating to their importa- tion into Queensland and deportation. 2 v., fscp. fo. Lond., 1871-72. GREY, HENRY GEORGE GREY, 3rd earl. Colonial policy of Lord John Russell's administration. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1853. HOWISON, JOHN. European colonies in various parts of the world viewed in their social, moral, and physical condition. 2 v., 8vo. Lond.. 1834. HURLBURT, J. BEAUFORT. Britain and her colonies. 8vo. Lond., 1865. IMPERIAL Institute, London. Bulletin, v. i and 2, 1903, 1904. 2 v., 8vo. Lond. Issued as a quarterly supplement to the Board of trade journal. JEBB, RICHARD. Studies in colonial nationalism. 8vo. Lond., 1905. KIRKPATRICK, F. A. Lectures on British colonization and empire: ist series (1600-1783): introd. by H. E. Egerton. 8vo. Lond., 1906. LABILLIERE, FRANCIS PETER. Federal Britain; or, unity and federation of the empire : with chapter on imperial defence, by Major Sir George S. Clarke, R.E., K.C.M.G. 8vo. Lond., 1894. LANG, Rev. JOHN DUNMORE. The coming event ! or, freedom and independence for the seven united provinces of Australia [map]. 8vo. Lond., 1870. Freedom and independence for the golden lands of Australia; the right of the colonies and the interest of Britain and the world: [map and appx.] 8vo. Lond., 1852. The prospect for Australia in the event of war with France; with appx. containing correspondence on the subject, pp. 32, 8vo. Syd., 1858. Pum., v. 159, uo. 3057. LEROY-BEAULIEU, PIERRE PAUL. Les nouvelles socie'te's anglo- sax'onrves ; Australie Xouvelle Zelande Afrique du sud. 2 ed. 8vo. Paris, 1901. ME AKIN, WALTER. The life of an empire. 8vo. Lond., 1907. MEEKINS, T. C. MOSSOM. Parliamentary reform: should the colonies be represented? -pp. 24, 8vo. Lond., 1859. Pam., v. i.jo, no. 2228. MOLES WORTH, Sir WILLIAM, bart. Selected speeches on ques- tions relating to colonial policy; ed., with introd., by Hugh Edward Egerton: [appx. on transportation and portr.]. 8vo. Lond., 1903. COLONIES AND DEPENDENCIES. 105 NORTON, CHARLES BOWYER ADDERLEY, ist baron. Review of ' The colonial policy of Lord J. Russell's administration," by Earl Grey, 1853 ; and of subsequent colonial history. 8vo. Lond., 1869. PAYNE, EDWARD JOHN. Colonies and colonial federations. 8vo. Lond., 1904. POWNALL, THOMAS. Administration of the colonies : wherein their rights and constitutions are discussed and stated. 4th ed. 8vo. Lond., 1768. PROPOSED Imperial museum for India and the colonies : opinions of the press, pp. 33, 8vo. Lond., 1876. Pam., v. 77, no. 1354. PULSFORD, EDWARD. The British empire and the relations of Asia and Australasia : immigration restrictions in Australasia. pp. 24, 8vo. Syd., 1905. ROWE, CHARLES JAMES. Bonds of disunion; or, English misrule in the colonies. 8vo. Lond., 1883. ROYAL colonial institute, London. Proceedings, 1874/5-1875/6, 1878/9-1901/2, v. 6-7, 10-33. 26 v., 8vo. Lond. Report of the council, 1888. pp. 15. [Lond., 1888.] Pam., v. 76, no. 1325.4. SALMON, C. S. Crown colonies of Great Britain; an inquiry into their political economy, fiscal systems, and trade. 2nd ed. 8vo. Lond., n.d. SEELEY, Sir JOHN ROBERT. The expansion of England. 8vo. Lond., 1902. First published in 1883. SOirfH AUSTRALIA: Colonization commissioners. Annual reports to the Secretary of state for the colonies, 1836-1840 : [maps and plans], fo. Lond. SPEYER, H. La constitution juridique de 1'empire colonial britan- nique. 8vo. Paris, 1906. TARRING, CHARLES JAMES. Chapters on the law relating to the colonies : [appended], index of cases decided in the Privy council on appeal. 2nd ed. 8vo. Lond., 1893. WELD, Sir FREDERICK ALOYSIUS. Speech on the relation between England and her colonies and their duties in reference to defence, pp. 12, 8vo. Launceston, n.d. Tarn., v. 77, no. 1353. 325.44. France ; Colonies and Dependencies. ANNUAIRE des tablissements Francais de 1'Oceanie et du protec- torat des lies de la Societe et dependances pour 1863. 1885- 87, 1891-95. 8vo. Papeete. BON WICK, JAMES. French colonies and their resources. 8vo. Lond., 1886. ETABLISSEMENTS francais de 1'oceanie. Proces-verbaux des seances du conseil general ; sessions, ordinaire budgetaire extraordinaire de 1886-1887. 8vo. Papeete, 1887. FRANCE: Minister e de la marine et des colonies. Notices statis- tiques sur les colonies Franchises. 8vo. Paris, 1883. NORMAN, CHARLES BOSWELL. Colonial France: [map]. 8vo. Lond., 1886. ROY, E. Les colonies Franchises en 1858; histoire commerce productions, &c. : [illust.]. 8vo. Paris, 1858. 106 SLAVERY: FOEEIGN RELATIONS. 325.46. Spain ; Colonies. A< it'll. Ak. J. X. Colonizacion de Filipinas; estudios practices acerca de la colonizacion con elementos peninsulares de nuestras posesiones oceanicas. 8vo. Madrid, 1893. 325.469. Portugal; Colonies. CASTRO, AFFONSO DE. As possessoes Portuguezas na Oceania. 8vo. Lisbon, 1867. 325.492. Holland ; Colonies and Dependencies. BRANTS, VICTOR. L'etablissements des Hollandais aux Indes orientales. 1595- r 609. pp. 33. 8vo. Louvain, 1884. I'um., v. 119, no. 2218. 325.73. America ; Colonies and Dependencies. COLQUHOUN, ARCHIBALD Ross. Greater America. 8vo. Lond., 1904. 326. Slavery. AIML'S, HUBERT H. S. History of slavery in Cuba, 1511 to 1868; [with bibliography]. 8vo. N.Y., 1907. DU BOIS. WILLIAM EDWARD BURGHARDT. Suppression of the African slave trade to the United States of America, 1638- 1870. 8vo. N.Y., 1904. (Harvard historical scries, v. i.) MACDONALD. Rev. D. Labour traffic versus Christianity in the South Sea islands, pp. 32, sm. 8vo. Melb., 1878. Pam., v. 48, no. 810. PATERSON, WILLIAM ROMAINE. The nemesis of nations; studies in history : the ancient world. 8vo. Lond., 1907. 327. Foreign Relations. CHADWICK. FRENCH ENSOR. rear-admiral. The relations of the United States and Spain : Diplomacy. 8vo. N.Y., 1909. COLQUHOUN 1 . ARCHIBALD Ross. 1912? Germany and sea power. 8vo. Lond., 1909. COOLIDGE, ARCHIBALD GARY. The United States as a world power. 8vo. N.Y., 1908. ESCOTT, THOMAS HAY SWEET. Story of British diplomacy; its makers and movements. 8vo. Lond.. 1908. FOSTER, JOHN WATSON. Diplomatic memoirs : illust. 2 v., 8vo. Boston, 1910. HILL, DAVID JAYNE. History of diplomacy in the international devlopment of Europe: maps and tables. 2 v, 8vo. N.Y., 1905. Contents. v. i. The struggle for universal empire. v. 2. The establishment of territorial sovereignty. IXAGAKT. MANJIRO. Japan and the Pacific ; and, A Japanese view of thr Eastern question: maps. 8vo. Lond.. 1890. MACKNTGHT, THOMAS. Thirty years of foreign policy ; a history of the secretaryships of the Earl' of Aberdeen and Viscount Palmerston. 8vo. Lond.. 1855. PARLIAMENTAKY PEACTICE. 107 MAHAN, ALFRED THAYER, captain, U.S.N. Interest of America in international conditions. 8vo. Lond., 1910. TARDIEU, ANDRE PIERRE GABRIEL AMEDEK. France and the alliances; the struggle for the balance of power. 8vo. N.Y., 1908. WALPOLE, Sir SPENCER. Foreign relations. 8vo. Lond., 1882. (English citizen ser.) 328.1. Parliamentary Practice; Handbooks. AUSTRALASIA : Federal council. Standing rules and orders of the Federal council of Australasia. 8vo. Hobart. 1886. AUSTRALIA : PARLIAMENT : House of representatives. Stand- ing orders relative to public business temporarily adopted by the House [6th June, 1901], reprinted i2th August, 1907. pp. 91, 8vo. Melb. AUSTRALIA : PARLIAMENT : Senate. Commonwealth of Aus- tralia; part i. The constitution; part 2, Standing orders adopted by the Senate. i9th August, 1903. and in force on and from ist September. 1903. With alterations and additions to iqo;. BLACKMORE, EDWIN GORDON. Decisions of Arthur Wellesley Peel, Speaker of the House of commons, on points of order, rules of debate, and general practice of the house, 1884-1889. 2 v., i>mo. Adel., 1887-1890. Manual of the practice, procedure, and usage of the House of assembly of the province of South Australia. 8vo. Adel., 1885. BOURINOT, Sir JOHN GEORGE. Parliamentary procedure and practice in Canada. 2nd ed. 8vo. Montreal, 1892. Same: 3rd ed.. by T. B. Flint, entitled Parliamentary pro- cedure and practice in the Dominion of Canada, with his- torical introd.. and an appx. 8vo. Toronto, 1903. CANADA: -PARLIAMENT: House of commons. Rules, orders, and forms of proceeding, pp. 79, i2mo. Ottawa, 1905. CANADA : PARLIAMENT : Senate. Standing rules and orders adopted during the session of 1906. i2mo. Ottawa, 1906. CAPE OF GOOD HOPE : PARLIAMENT : House of assembly. Standing rules and orders and forms of procedure of the House of Assembly. i2mo. Cape Town, 1906. CLOUGH, E. M. O. South African parliamentary manual : 1909 ed. : [4 maps]. i2mo. Lond. [1909]. CUSHING, LUTHER STEARNS. Lex parliamentaria Americana : elements of the law and practice of legislative assemblies in the United States of America. 9th ed. 8vo. Boston. 1899. DICKINSON, R. Summary of the constitution and procedure of foreign parliaments. 2nd ed. 8vo. Lond.. 1890. FARNBOROUGH, THOMAS ERSKINE MAY, baron. Treatise on the law. privileges, proceedings and usage of parliament ; loth ed., books 1-2, ed. by Sir R. F. D. Palgrave. book 3, ed. by A. Bonham Carter. 8vo. Lond., 1893. Same: nth ed., books i-n. ed. by T. Lonsdale Webster; book in. ed. by William Edward Gre;' 8vo. Lond.. 1906. 108 PARLIAMENT AEY PRACTICE. FRANCE : ASSEMBLE NATIONALS: Chambre des deputes. Reglement de la Chambre des de'ptite's. i2tno. Paris, 1902. FREEMAN. WILLIAM MARSHALL, and ABBOTT, J. C. A.B.C. of parliamentary procedure; a handbook for use in public debate. 8vo. Lond., 1906. HATS ELL, JOHN. Precedents of proceedings in the House of commons, with observations. 3rd ed. 4 v., 410. Lond., 1796. Contents. i. Relating to privilege of parliament. 2. Relating to members, speaker, &c. 3. Relating to lords and supply. 4. Relat- ing to conference and impeachment. HINDS, ASHER C. Hinds' precedents of the House of representa- tives of the United States, including references to provisions of the constitution, the laws, and decisions of the United States Senate. 8 v., 410. Wash., 1907. (U.S. House docs. 59 Cong., .znd sess. vv. 79-85, pt. a.) McCONACHIE, LAUROS G. Congressional committees; a study of the origins and development of our national and local legislative methods. 8vo. X.Y., 1898. (Library of economics and politics.) NEW SOUTH WALES : PARLIAMENT. Parliamentary com- panion, and ed. i2mo. Syd., 1895. Parliamentary handbook. 7th ed. Compiled and revised by Richard A. Arnold and W. L. Edwards. 8vo. Syd., 1903. NEW SOUTH WALES : -PARLIAMENT : Legislative assembly. Standing rules and orders of the Legislative assembly. 8vo. Syd., 1894. .Vote. Additions and alterations to 1905 are inserted. NEW SOUTH WALES : PARLIAMENT : Legislative council. Rulings of the Presidents [1856-1895] on points of order, rules of debate, and the general practice of the house. 8vo. Syd., 1896. NEW ZEALAND : PARLIAMENT : House of representatives. Standing orders and forms of proceeding relating to public business (amended to end of session 1904) and to private bills. i2mo. Well., 1905. NEW ZEALAND: PARLIAMENT: Legislative council. Standing rules and orders relating to public and private business, 1906. i2mo. Well., 1905. NOWELL, EDWIN CRADOCK. Parliamentary handbook; showing, the practice of the English House of commons in cases not specially provided for by the standing orders of the Legis- lative council, Tasmania. i2mo. Hobart, 1887. ONTARIO '.Legislative assembly. Members' manual. 3rd ed. 8vo. Toronto, 1904. Includes " Ru'es, orders, and forms of pioredure.'' ORANGE RIVER COLONY -.Legislative council. Standing rules, and orders for procedure. 8vo. Bloemfontein, 1904. PALGRAVE, Sir REGINALD F. D. The House of commons: illus trations of its history and practice. New ed. 8vo. Lond.,. 1878. PARLIAMENTARY PRACTICE. 109 PENNSYLVANIA: General assembly. Smull's legislative hand- book and manual of the state of Pennsylvania, 1906 : com- piled [by] Thomas B. Cochran and Herman P. Miller. 8vo. Harrisberg, 1906. QUEBEC : PARLIAMENT : Legislative assembly. Manual [in French and English]. i2mo. Quebec, 1895. Contents. Parliamentary usages. Standing orders. Code of par- liamentary procedure. QUEENSLAND : PARLIAMENT : Legislative assembly. Standing rules and orders, together with the joint standing orders of the two houses, -pp. 84, 8vo. Brisb., 1901. QUEENSLAND : PARLIAMENT : Legislative council. Standing rules and orders, together with the joint standing orders of both houses of Parliament, p-p. 59, 8vo. Brisb., 1899. REDLICH, JOSEF. Procedure of the House of commons : a study of its history and present form : tr. from the German by A. Ernest Steinthal, with introd. and a supplementary chapter by Sir C. Ilbert. 3 v., 8vo. Lond., 1908. REINSCH, PAUL SAMUEL. American legislatures and legislative methods. 8vo. N.Y., 1907. (American state ser.) SOUTH AUSTRALIA: PARLIAMENT: House of assembly. Standing rules and orders. i2mo. Adel., 1859. Standing rules and orders. i2mo. Adel., 1865. Standing rules and orders for regulating the public business. 8vo. Adel., 1870. Standing rules and orders for regulating the public business of the House of assembly. i2mo. Adel., 1897. .\(>te. Additions and alterations to 1903 are inserted. SOUTH AUSTRALIA : PARLIAMENT : Legislative council. Standing orders, pp. 65, i2mo. Adel., 1862. Standing rules and orders relating to public business and private bills. i2mo. Adel., 1878. Standing orders relating to public business and joint standing orders, pp. 87, fscp. fo. Adel., 1904 TASMANIA : PARLIAMENT : House of assembly. Standing rules and orders : [with appx. of acts relating to Parliament]. J2mo. Hobart, 1897. Xiiff. Additions and alterations to 1903 are inserted. TASMANIA : PARLIAMENT : Legislative council. Standing rules and orders, and forms of proceeding. i2mo. Hobart, 1886. Xote. Additions and alterations of later date are inserted. TODD, ALPHEUS. On parliamentary government in England; its origin, development, and practical operation. 2nd ed., by his son. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1887. Parliamentary government in the British colonies. 8vo. Lond., 1880. Same: 2nd ed., by his son. 8vo. Lond., 1894. VICTORIA : PARLIAMENT : Legislative assembly. Standing rules and orders relating to public business ; also the joint standing orders. i2mo. Melb. , 1902. Xt'te. Additions and alterations to 1904 are inserted. VICTORIA : PARLIAMENT : Legislative council. Standing orders, together with the joint standing orders. i2mo. Melb., 1895. Xote. Additions and altera*ions to 1904 are inserted. 110 PARLIAMENT ; GREAT BRITAIN. WESTERN AUSTRALIA: PARLIAMENT. Standing rules and orders for regulating the proceedings of the houses of Par- liament ; part i, Standing rules and orders of the Legislative council relating to public business ; part 2, Standing rules and orders of the Legislative assembly relating to public business; part 3, Joint standing rules arid orders relating to private bills; part 4, Acts relating to Parliament. 8vo. Perth, 1901. WESTERN AUSTRALIA : PARLIAMENT : Legislative assembly. Standing rules and orders : reprinted as amended from time to time. 8vo. Perth, 1905. WHEELER, GERALD JOHN. Practice of private bills, with the standing orders of the House of lords and House of com- mons, and rules as to provisional orders. 8vo. Lond., 1900. Legislative Bodies of Special Countries. 328.42. Great Britain. BOSCAWEN, ARTHUR SACKVILLE TREVOR GRIFFITH. Fourteen years in Parliament. 8vo. Lond., 1907. DASENT, ARTHUR IRWIN. The Speakers of the House of com- mons from the earliest times to the present day, with a topo- graphical description of Westminster at various epochs and a brief record of the principal constitutional changes during seven centuries, with notes on the illustrations by John Lane, and a portrait of every speaker where one is known to exist. 8vo. Lond., 1911. DOD'S parliamentary companion, 1905 to date. i2mo. Lond. E SCOTT, THOMAS HAY SWEET. Gentlemen of the House of com- mons. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1902. FIRTH, CHARLES HARDING. The House of lords during the civil war. 8vo. Lond., 1910. GNEIST, HEINRICH RUDOLF VON. The English parliament in its transformations through a thousand years : tr. by R. Jenery Shee. 8vo. Lond., 1886. Same: 4th ed., entitled History of the English parliament; its growth and development through a thousand years, 800 to 1887 [tr.]. 8vo. Lond., 1895. GRAHAM, HARRY, captain. The mother of parliaments : illust. 8vo. Lond., 1910. " HAZELL'S annual" guide to the new House of commons. 8vo. Lond., 1906. HOPE, JAMES FITZALAN. History of the 1900 Parliament: v. i, 1900-1901. 8vo. Lond., 1908. JENNINGS, GEORGE HENRY. Anecdotal history of the British parliament, from the earliest periods to the present time; with notices of eminent parliamentary men and examples of their oratory. 8vo. Lond., 1880. KING. CHARLES T. The Asquith Parliament (1906-1909); a popular historv of its men and its measures. 8vo. Lond., IQTO. PARLIAMENT ; GEE AT BRITAIN. Ill LUCY, Sir HENRY W. The Balfourian parliament, 1900-1905 : illust. by E. T. Reed and Phil May. 8vo. Lond., 1906. Diary of the Home rule parliament, 1892-1895. 8vo. Lond., 1896. Diary of the Salisbury parliament, 1886-1892 : illust. by Harry Furniss. 8vo. Lond., 1892. Diary of the unionist parliament, 1895-1900 : illust. by E. T. Reed. 8vo. Bristol, 1901. Later peeps at Parliament taken from behind the Speaker'? chair: illust. by F. C. Gould. 8vo. Lond., 1905. Memories of eight parliaments; pt. i, men: pt. 2, manners: portr. 8vo. Lond., 1908. MACDONAGH, MICHAEL. Parliament ; its romance, its comedy, its pathos. 8vo. Lond. [1902]. McKECHNIE, WILLIAM SHARP. Reform of the Hcuse of lords; with a criticism of the report of the select committee of 2nd December, 1908. 8vo. Glasgow, 1909. MASTERMAN, Rev. JOHN HOWARD BERTRAM. The House of commons ; its place in national history : with introds. by Sir William Anson, J. Ramsay Macdonald, J. \V. Lowther, L. V. Harcourt. 8vo. Lond., 1908. PARLIAMENTARY poll book of all elections from the Reform act of 1832 to March, 1906, with alphabetical lists of mem- bers and candidates : originally compiled by F. H. 'McCal- mont. 6th ed. i2mo. Lond., 1906. SCHWAXN, DUNCAN. The spirit of Parliament. 8vo. Lond., 1908. SMITH. GEORGE BARNETT. History of the English Parliament; together with an account of the Parliaments of Scotland and Ireland: [illust. and facsimiles]. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1892. Contents. v. t. From the earliest times to the death of Charles II. v. 2. From the Revolution to the Reform acts of 1884-85. Same: 2nd ed. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1894. WALPOLE, Sir SPENCER. The electorate and the legislature. 8vo. Lond., 1 89*2. (English citizen ser.) WILKINSON, KOSMOS. Personal story of the upper house. 8vo. Lond.. 1905. GREAT BRITAIN : PARLIAMENT : Debates. Parliamentary his- tory of England from the earliest period to 1803. 36 v., 8vo. Lond. Parliamentary debates, ist series, 1803-20. 41 v., 8vo. Lond. Parliamentary debates. 2nd series, 1820-30. 25 v., 8vo. Lond. Parliamentary debates, 3rd series, 1830-91. 356 v., 8vo. Lond. Parliamentary debates, 4th series, 1892-1908. 199 v., 8vo. Lond. Subsequent to this, see under name of each house. GREAT BRITAIN: PARLIAMENT: House of commons. [Papers] Bills introduced ; reports from select committees ; reports of commissioners : accounts and papers : session 1901 to date. fsrn. fo. Lond. Parliamentary debates (official report) ; 4th session of the 28th Parliament. 1909 to date. 8vo. Lond. 112 PARLIAMENTARY PROCEEDINGS AND PAPERS. GREAT BRITAIN : PARLIAMENT : Home of lords. [Pap-rs] Bills introduced ; reports from select committees : session 1901 to date. fscp. fo. Lond. Parliamentary debates (official report) ; 4th session of the 28th Parliament, 1909 to date. 8vo. Lond. NORTHCROFT, A. Parliamentary chronicle; embracing impartial and authentic reports of all the speeches delivered in both houses ; the various petitions presented ; and the divisions : index. 3 v. in 5, 8vo. Lond., 1833-35. 328.485. Sweden. SWEDEN: PARLIAMENT. [Papers of the Riksdag, 1901/2 to date.] sm. 410. Stockholm. 328.682. Transvaal. TRANSVAAL : Legislative council. Debates of the Legislative council of the Transvaal. 1903-06. 5 v., 410. Pretoria. Minutes of proceedings of the Legislative council, 1903/4-06. 4 v., fscp. fo. Pretoria. After session 1903-4, title altered to Votes and proceedings. Reports of select committees, 1903/4-06. 4 v., fscp. fo. Pretoria. TRANSVAAL : PARLIAMENT. Debates of both houses of Par- liament, 1909 [special union session] and 1910. 2 v., 410. Johannesburg. Previous to this, see under name of each house. TRANSVAAL : PARLIAMENT : Legislative assembly. Debates, first session of the first parliament, 1907 to 1909. 3 v., 8vo. Pretoria. Votes and proceedings, ist session, ist parliament, 1907 to 1909. 4 v., fscp. fo. Pretoria. TRANSVAAL : PARLIAMENT : Legislative council. Minutes of proceedings, ist session, ist parliament, 1907 to 1910 : with papers. 4 v., fscp. fo. Pretoria. 328.684. Natal. NATAL : PARLIAMENT : Legislative assembly. Debates, v. 30, 33'48, 1901, 1903-09. 17 v., 410. Pietermaritzburg. Sessional papers, 1905 to 1909/10. 5 v., fscp. fo. Pieter- maritzburg. Votes and proceedings, 1905 to 1909/10. 5 v., fscp. fo. Pietermaritzburg. 328.685. Orange River Colony. ORANGE RIVER COLONY -.Legislative council. Debates, 1903 to 1907. 8 v., 8vo. Bloemfontein. Minutes of the proceedings, 1903 to 1907. 5 v., 8vo. Bloem- fontein. PARLIAMENTARY PROCEEDINGS AND PAPERS. 113 328.687. Cape of Good Hope. CAPE OF GOOD HOPE : PARLIAMENT : House of assembly. Reports from select committees, 1902 to 1909. 24 v., 8vo. Cape Town. Votes and proceedings, Acts of Parliament, annexures, 1903 to 1910. 45 v., fscp. fo. Cape Town. CAPE OF GOOD HOPE : PARLIAMENT : Legislative council. Minutes and annexures, 1902 to 1910. 9 v., fscp. fo. Cape Town. Reports from select committees, 1902 to 1909. 7 v. , 8vo. Cape Town. Note. After 1910, the States of South Africa were united in the Union of South Africa. 328.71. Canada. CANADA : PARLIAMENT. Sessional papers, 1897 to date. 8vo. Ottawa. CANADA : PARLIAMENT : House of commons. Journals, v. 1-3, 1867/8-70, v. 6-15, 1874-1880/81, v. 22, 1888, v. 34, 1899 to date. 8vo. Ottawa. Official reports of the debates, 1875 to date. 8vo. Ottawa. CANADA : PARLIAMENT : Senate. Journals, v. 1-3, 1867/8-70, v. 6-15, 1874-1880/81, v 22, 1888, v. 34, 1899 to date. 8vo. Ottawa. 328.711. British Columbia. BRITISH COLUMBIA -.Legislative assembly. Journals, 1905 to date. la. 8vo. Victoria. Sessional papers, from 2nd session, tenth parliament of the province, 1905 to date. la. 8vo. Victoria. 328.712. Manitoba. MANITOBA: Legislative assembly. Journals from 6th Decem- ber, 1904, to date. 8vo. Winnipeg. 328.73. United States. EVERHART, ELFRIDA. Handbook of United States public documents. 8vo. Minneapolis, 1910. FULLER, HERBERT BRUCE. The Speakers of the House [of repre- sentatives. U.S.]. 8vo. Boston, 1909. UNITED STATES: CONGRESS. Congressional record; v. 1-8, TO, n, 13, 15-22, 23-26, 1873-1894; v. 35, 1901 to date; with indexes. 4to. Wash. Some parts of vols. to v. 22 are wanting. Reports, Senate and House documents and miscellaneous docu- ments from 1873 to date, fo., 41.0., and 8vo. Wash. Note. The earlier sessions are incomplete. 114 PARLIAMENTARY PROCEEDINGS AND PAPERS. UNITED STATES: CONGRESS: Senate. Journals, 1873-4, 1877, 1878-9 to date. 8vo. Wash. UNITED STATES: CONGRESS: House of representatives. Journals, 1875-6, 1876-7, 1878-9, 1885-6, ,1887-8 [index only], 1888 9, 1893-4, 1901-2 to date. 8vo. Wash. 328.931. New Zealand. NEW ZEALAND : PARLIAMENT. Hills introduced, 1904 to date. 4to. Well. NEW ZEALAND : PARLIAMENT : House of representatives. Journals and appendices to the journals, 1901 to date. fscp. fo. Well. NEW ZEALAND : PARLIAMENT : Legislative council. Journals and appendix to the journals. 1901 to date. fscp. fo. Well. OTAGO : Provincial council. Votes and proceedings, session I., 1853, to session xxxiv., 1875. 9 v., fscp. fo. Dunedin. 328.94. Australia. AUSTRALASIA : Federal council. Journals and printed papers, 1886-99. 8 v.. fscp. fo. Hobart. Official record of debates, 8th session, held at Melbourne, 1899. 8vo. Melb. AUSTRALIA: -PARLIAMENT. Debates, session 1901-2 to date. 8vo. Melb. Journals of the Senate and printed papers : votes and proceed- ings of the House of representatives, with papers : papers presented to parliament, session 1901-2 to date. fscp. fo. Melb. AUSTRALIA: PARLIAMENT: House of representatives. Bills introduced with printed amendments, session 1901-2 to date. 4to. Melb. Miscellaneous papers circulated, but not by order of the house, 1901-2. fscp. fo. Melb. [Notices of motion and orders of the day]; session 1901-2 to date. fscp. fo. Melb. AUSTRALIA : PARLIAMENT : Senate. [Bills introduced, with printed amendments], session 1901-2 to date. 4t<>. Melb. 328.941. Western Australia. WESTERN AUSTRALIA : PARLIAMENT. Bills introduced, ses- sion 1904 to date, n.t.p. 4to. Perth. Debates, 1890/1 to date. 8vo. Perth. Minutes, and Votes and proceedings [with papers] 1890/1 to date. fscp. fo. Perth. 328.942. South Australia. SOUTH AUSTRALIA -.Legislative council. Votes and proceed- ings of the Legislative council of South Australia ; with pai>ers. 1853-56. 5 v.. fscp. fo. Adel., 1854-56. Before responsible government. PARLIAMENTARY PROCEEDINGS AND PAPERS. 115 SOUTH AUSTRALIA: PARLIAMENT: Bills introduced, 1904 to date. 4to. Adel . Debates, 1857-95. 41 v., 8vo. Adel. Note. No volumes were published for the sessions 1863, 1864. 1879 anJ 1880 wanting. Same: Legislative council, 1896-1899, 1901 to date. 8vo. Adel. Same: House of assembly, 1896-1899, 1901 to date. 8vo. Adel. Proceedings, with copies of documents ordered to be printed, 1857-58 to date. fscp. fo. Adel. SOUTH 'AUSTRALIA : PARLIAMENT : Legislative council. Index to the minutes of the proceedings, and to the printed papers connected therewith from the first session of the first parlia- ment (22nd April, 1857), to the third session of the seventh parliament (6th November, 1874). fscp. fo. Adel., 1875. Same : from the first session of the eighth parliament (6th May, 1875), to the first session of the eleventh parliament (i4th November, 1884). fscp. fo. Adel., 1885. Same : entitled General index of the minutes of the proceedings, 1885-1904, with supplementary schedule of printed papers and petitions (both houses), 1900-1904; and a schedule of all bills introduced into either house. 1857-1904. fscp. fo. Adel., 1905. All the above are bound together. 328.943. Queensland. QUEENSLAND : PARLIAMENT. Bills introduced, 1904 to date. n.t.-p. 4to. Brisb. Debates, 1864 to date. 8vo. Brisb. Journals of Parliament and parliamentary papers, 1902 to date. fo. Brisb. QUEENSLAND : PARLIAMENT : Legislative assembly. Votes and proceedings with the various documents connected therewith, .session 1860 to session 1901. 107 v., fscp. fo. Brisb. 328.944. New South Wales. NEW SOUTH WALES -.Legislative council. Minutes of pro- ceedings, 1824-31 ; Votes and proceedings, 1832-37, 1845- 49, 1851. 1854. 12 v.. fscp. fo. Syd. Before responsible government. NEW SOUTH WALES : PARLIAMENT. Bills introduced, session 1904 to date. 4to. Syd. Joint volumes of papers presented to the Legislative council and Legislative assembly, and ordered to be printed, 2nd session 1904 to date. fscp. fo. Syd. Parliamentary debates, v. i, 1879 to date. 8vo. Syd. NEW SOUTH WALES : PARLIAMENT : Legislative assembly. Votes and proceedings [with papers ordered to be printed and papers presented to Parliament by command], session 1856-7 to ist session. 1904. 241 v., fscp. fo. Syd. Votes and proceedings, with the various documents connected therewith, 2nd session, 1904, to date. fscp. fo. Syd. 116 PARLIAMENTARY PEOCEEDINGS AND PAPERS. NEW SOUTH WALES: PARLIAMENT: Legislative council Journals [with papers ordered to be printed and papers presented to Parliament by command], session 1856-7 to ist session, 1904. 112 v., fscp. fo. Syd. Journals [with papers ordered to be printed], 2nd session, 1904, to date. fscp. fo. Syd. 328.945. Victoria. VICTORIA: Legislative council. Votes and proceedings, 1852-3. to 1855-6. 10 v., fscp. fo. Melb. Before responsible government. VICTORIA: PARLIAMENT. Debates, 1856-7 to date. 8vo. Melb. VICTORIA : PARLIAMENT : Legislative assembly. Bills intro- duced, session 1904 to date. 4to. Melb. Index to the parliamentary papers, reports of select committees, and returns to orders, bills, &c., 1851-1909 : compiled by J. M. Worthington. 8vo. Melb. [1910]. Votes and proceedings, with copies of various documents ordered to be printed [and] Papers presented to Parliament, 1856-7 to date. fscp. fo. Melb. VICTORIA : PARLIAMENT : Legislative council. Minutes of pro- ceedings [with copies of papers ordered to be printed], 1856-7 to date. fscp. fo. Melb. 328.946. Tasmania. TASMANIA: Legislative council. Papers of the Legislative council of Van Diemen's Land, 1840, 1842, 1844, 1847 8- 1851. 8 v., fscp. fo. Hobart. Votes and proceedings of the Legislative council of Van Die- men's Land during the administration of His Excellency Sir John Franklin, 1837-50. 3 v., fsc"p. fo. Hobart. Votes and proceedings of the Legislative council of Van Diemen's Land, with the various papers connected therewith, 1 852-55. 6 v., fscp. fo. Hobart Town, 1852-56. Before responsible government. TASMANIA: PARLIAMENT. Bills introduced, 1904 to date. 4to. Hobart. Journals and papers of Parliament, 1884 to date. fscp. fo. Hobart. [Miscellaneous Parliamentary papers of special interest.] fscp. fo. Hobart, v.d. TASMANIA: PARLIAMENT: House of assembly. Journals, 1856 to 1883. 45 v., fscp. fo. Hobart. TASMANIA: PARLIAMENT: Legislative council. Journals, with papers, 1856 to 1883. 35 v., fscp. fo. Hohart. 829. Political Parties. AGE newspaper, Melbourne. Evils of party government : proposals for the elective system of selecting cabinet ministers, pp. 32, 8vo. Melb., 1904. Pam., v. 43, no. ~2], BELLOC, HiLAiRE, and CHESTERTON. CECIL. The party system. 8vo. Lond., 1911. The object of this book is to expose and ridicule the partv system as it exists at present in England. POLITICAL HISTORY AND AFFAIRS. 117 NEW ZEALAND: PARLIAMENT. Party government: a debate in the House of representatives, Aug. 15, 1890. pp. 23, 8vo. Well., 1890. Parn., v. 120, no. 2231. OSTROGORSKI, MOISEI IAKOVLEVICH. Democracy and the organization of political parties : tr. from the French by Frederick Clarke, with a pref. by James Bryce. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1902. Political History and Affairs. 329.941. Scotland. BLACKIE, JOHN STUART. The union of 1707 and its results; a plea for Scottish home rule. pp. 15, sm. 8vo. Glasgow, 1892. ram., v ~6, no. 1340. HUNTER, WILLIAM ALEXANDER. Financial relations of England and Scotland, pp. 17, 8vo. Edinb., 1892. Pain., v. 76, no. 1337. MITCHELL, WILLIAM. Bannockburn; a short sketch of Scottish history, pp. 19, 8vo. Edinb., 1893. Pam., v. 76, no. 1342. Home rule for Scotland and imperial federation, pp. 81, 8vo. Edinb., 1892. Pam., v. 76, no. 1343- Is Scotland to be sold again? Home rule for Scotland; with a retrospect of 1891 and 1892. 8vo. Edinb., n.d. Pam., v. 765 no. 1344. Lord Rosebery and home rule for Scotland : a challenge. pp. 20, 8vo. Edinb. [1890]. Pam., v. 76, no. 1336. Seven years of home rule legislation, pp. 16, 8vo. Edinb., n.d. Pam., v. 76, no. 1335. NAPIER, THEODORE. The arrogance of Englishmen a bar to imperial federation; also, remarks on the apathy of Scots- men, pp. 16, 8vo. Edinb., 1895. Pam., v. 76, no. 1334. SCOTTISH home rule association. Objects; and reasons for home rule for Scotland, pp. 2, 8vo. n.p., n.d. Pam., v. 76, no. 1339. Report of the debate in the House of commons, June, 1893. on Dr. G. B. Clark's motion in favour of home rule for Scotland : with an analysis of the division list, and introd. by Charles Waddie. pp. 23, 8vo. Edinb. [1893]. Pam., v. 76, no. 1338. Statement of Scotland's claim for home rule. pp. 14, 8vo. Edinb., 1888. Pam., v. 76, no. 1333- WADDIE, CHARLES. The application of the home rule principle: an address, 7th February, 1893. pp. 15, sm. 8vo. Edinb., 1893. Pam., v. 76, no. 1341. Inquiry into the principle of national and local self-government.. pp. 19, sm. 8vo. Edinb., 1892. Pam., v. 78, no. 1390. 118 POLITICAL HISTORY AND AFFAIBS. 329.9415. Ireland. ANDERSON, Sir ROBERT. Side lights on the Home rule move- ment. 8vo. Lond., iqo6. CELTIC club, Melbourne. Home rule for Ireland; the Irish envoys in Australia : verbatim report of addresses delivered at Mel- bourne, 3oth April, 1889, by J. Dillon, J. Deasy, Sir T. G. Esmonde, Sir B. O'Loghlen, and others. pp. 53. 8vo. Melb., 1889. Pam., v. s6, no. 917. IRISH national land league: Gym-pie branch. Address to the Queensland Irish and to Irishmen at large, pp. 13, 8vo. Gympie, 1882 1'am., v. 181, no. 347';. O'BRIEN, WILLIAM. An olive branch in Ireland and its history : [portrs.] 8vo. Lond., 1910. PACIFICUS, pseud. Federalism and Home rule. 8vo. Lond., 1910. REDMOND, JOHN EDWARD. Ireland's case stated; three lectures: r. Aims and objects of the Irish national league. 2. Home rule; its real meaning. 3. Was the late Land league re- sponsible for the outrages ? pp. 36, 8vo. Melb., 1883. Pam., v. 563 r.o. qi6. 329.942. England. BUCHANAN, DAVID. Observations on the public affairs and public men of England, contained in five letters, pp. 36, 8vo. Syd., 1871. Pam., v. 159, no. 3041. GAMMAGE, ROBERT G. History of the Chartist movement, I 837-54 : portrs. 8vo. Newcastle, 1894. GORST, HAROLD E. The fourth party. 8vo. Lond., 1906. GREGO, JOSEPH. History of parliamentary elections and elec- tioneering in the old days : illust. from . . caricatures of the time. 8vo. Lond., 1886. HARRIS, WILLIAM. History of the radical party in parliament. 8vo. Lond., 1885. JENNINGS, Sir PATRICK ALFRED. The Berlin congress from an Australian standpoint ; also, an essay on knighthood, pp. 38. 8vo Syd., 1878 Pam., v. 181, no. 3480. KEBBEL, THOMAS EDWARD. Lord Beaconsfield and other Tory memories: [portr.] 8\o. Lond., 1908. KENT, C. B. ROYLANCE. Early history of the Tories/ from the accession of Charles II. to the death of William III., 1660- 1702. 8vo. Lond., 1908. LETTERS from a veiled politician. 8vo. Lond., 1910. MONTGOMERY, HUGH, and CAMBRAV, P. G. Dictionary of political phrases and allusions, with a short bibliography. 8vo. Lond., 1906. MUIR, RAMSAY. Peers and bureaucrats ; two problems of English government 8vo. Lond., 1910. RUSSELL, JOHN RUSSELL, ist earl. Recollections and suggestions, 1813-1873. 8vo. Lond., 18715. POLITICAL HISTORY AND AFFAIRS. 119 SHERBROOKE, ROBERT LOWE, viscount. Speeches and letters on reform. 8vo. Loud., 1867. SMALLEY, GEORGE WASHBURN. London letters, and some others. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1890. Contents. v. i. Personalities Two Midlothian campaigns. T. 2. Notes on social life Notes on parliament Pageants Miscellanies. 329.954. India. CHIROL, VALENTINE. Indian unrest; a reprint, revised and en- larged, from "The Times''; introd. by Sir Alfred Lyall. 8vo. Lond., 1910. 329.968. Transvaal. PHILLIPS, LIONEL. Transvaal problems; some notes on current politics. 8vo. Lond., 1905. 329.973. United States. DALLINGER, FREDERICK WILLIAM. Nominations for elective office in the United States. 8vo. N.Y., 1897. (Harvard historical studies, v. 4.) FULLER, ROBERT HIGGINSON. Government by the people; the laws and customs regulating the election system and the for- mation and control of political parties in the United States. 8vo. N.Y., 1908. SMITH, THEODORE CLARKE. The liberty and free soil parties in the north-west. 8vo. N.Y., 1897. (Harvard historical studies, v. 6.) WHITE, WILLIAM ALLEN. The old order changes; a view of American democracy. 8vo. N.Y., 1910. 329.9931. New Zealand. MOORHOUSE, WILLIAM SEFTON. Address on opening the seven- teenth session of the Provincial council of Canterbury, N.Z., 22nd October, 1861. -pp. 15, 8vo. Christchurch, 1861. Pam., v. 142, no. 2721. PHIZ. Political portraits, pp. 53, 8vo. Christchurch, 1892. Pam., v. 6, no. 149. REES, WILLIAM LEE. The coming crisis; a sketch of the financial and political condition of New Zealand ; with the causes and probable results of that condition, -pp. 49, 8vo. Auckland, 1874. Pam., v. 34, no. ^59. WAKEFIELD, EDWARD JERNINGHAM. What will they do in the General assembly? pp. 37, 8vo. Auckland, 1863. Pam., v. 34, no. ^48. 329.994 Australia. ASTLEY, WILLIAM, " Price Waning." Labor in politics; the con- ference of November, 1893. pp. 8, 8vo. Syd., n.d. Pam., v. 1 20, no. 2221. AUSTRALASIAN national league : Victorian section: Camperdown branch. Sixth annual report, pp. 7, 8vo. Camperdown. 1901. Pam., v. 142, no. */ij 120 POLITICAL HISTORY AND AFFAIB8. DEAKIN, ALFRED. The federal duel ; Mr. Deakin answers Mr. Reid: from " The Argus." pp. 3, 8vo. Melb., 1905. Pam., v. 56, no. 922. The federal situation; Mr. Deakin on Mr. Reid: from " The Age.'' pp. 7, 8vo. Melb., 1905. Pam., v. 56, no. 921. Presessional speech to his constituents at the Alfred Hall, Ballarat, 24th June, 1905. pp. 16, 8vo. Melb., 1905. Pam., v. 56, no. 920. EDMOND, JAMES. A policy for the Commonwealth; being a series of articles reprinted from the "Bulletin"; with an appendix dealing with the fiscal question, la. 8vo. Syd., 1900. GROOM, Hon. LITTLETON ERNEST. Nation building in Australia : the work of the second Deakin administration, 1905-1908. pp. 31, 4to. Melb., n.d. Pam., v. 160, no. 3075. OBSERVER of the national trend. The dear Australian Common- wealth; a satire, pp. 36, 8vo. Adel., n.d. Pam., v. 120, no. 2226. . O'LOUGHLIN, LAWRENCE. Northern Territory of South Aus- tralia ; proposed transfer of the Northern Territory to the Commonwealth of Australia, pp. 15, 8vo. Adel., 1907. Pam., v. 159, no. 3058. RUSSELL, FRANCIS ALFRED ALLISON. An Australian point of view, being set out in a series of letters addressed to my fellow citizens of the Commonwealth, pp. 56, 8vo. Syd., I905- Pam., v. 143, no. 2763. .SMITH, ARTHUR BRUCE. The Inter-state commission bill. pp. 14, 8vo. Melb., 1901. Pam., v. 8, no. 187. SPENCE, WILLIAM GUTHRIE. Australia's awakening; thirty years in the life of an Australian agitator: [illust.]. 8vo. Syd., 1909. WEDDERBURN, DAVID. English liberalism and Australasian democracy, pp. 17, 8vo. Lond., 1876. Pam., v. 120, no. 2229. WISE. BERNHARD RINGROSE. An Australian appeal to the English democracy, pp. 22, 8vo. Syd., 1885. Pam., v. 5, no. 117. 329.9942. South Australia. BOUCAUT, Sir JAMES PENN. Speeches on railways and public works, September and October, 1875 : [2 maps], pp. 59, 8vo. Adel., 1875. Pam., v. 6, no. 143. 329.9943. Queensland. CENTRAL Queensland territorial separation league. The case for separation; letter to Lord Ripon. pp. 30, 8vo. Rockhamp- ton, 1893. Pam., v. 21, no. 381. Report of the proceedings of the second meeting, held at Rock- hampton, on the 9th February, 1894. pp. 34, 8vo. Rock- hampton, 1894. Pam., v. 21, no. 380. POLITICAL HISTORY AND AFFAIRS. 121 QUEENSLAND: PARLIAMENT: Legislative assembly. [Debate on] central separation, pp. 44, 8vo. Brisb.. 1893. Pam., v. 120, no. 2225. STEPHENS, ALFRED GEORGE. The Griffihvraith. pp. 87, 8vo. Brisb., 1893. Pam., v. 120, no. 2224. Why north Queensland wants separation, pp. 47, 8vo. Lond., 1893. Pam., v. 97, uo. 1763. 329.9944. New South Wales. A., J. I'm not the same old George. Sheet, n.p., n.d. Pam., v. 3, no. 66. ADAMS, WALTER MARSHAM. The Rhinoceros ministry; a series of letters upon the principal decisions of the session, -pp. iv., 22, 8vo. Syd., 1867. Pam., v. 180, no. 3475. BLACK, GEORGE. Labour in politics : the New South Wales labour party, pp. 8, 8vo. Syd., n.d. Pam., v. 120, no. 2222. The labour party in New South Wales : a history from its for- mation in 1891 until 1904. pp. 40, sm. 8vo. Syd., n.d. Pam., v. 1 20, no. 2223. BLAND, WILLIAM. Letter to Sir Charles Augustus Fitzroy, governor-in-chief of New South Wales, nth January, 1850. pp. 14, 8vo. Syd., 1850. Pam., v. 159, no. 3059. BUCHANAN, DAVID. Political portraits of some of the members of the parliament of New South Wales, pp. 56, 8vo. Syd., [1863]. Pam., v. 19, no. 353. BULLETIN newspaper, Sydney. [17 political leaflets attacking Sir George H. Reid.] 8vo. [Syd.], 1898. Pam., v. 44, no. 732. " COLONY of Australia, The " ; views of Sir Alfred Stephen and Sir John Robertson, pp. 11, 8vo. [Syd.], 1887. Pam., v. 32, no. 109. DAILY Telegraph newspaper, Sydney. Election issue, 25th July, 1898. pp. 16, 4to. Syd.', 1898. DALLEY, WILLIAM BEDE. Speech delivered in the Legislative council of New South Wales, 22nd July, 1879, on certain resolutions submitted to that chamber by the hon. Joseph Docker, pp. 26, sm. 8vo. Syd., 1879. Pam., v. 44, no. 736. Speech delivered at the Masonic hall, on Monday night, 2Oth May, 187)2. pp. 13, 8vo. Syd., 1872. Pam., v. 181, no. 3481. DOUGHTY Dalley's doubtful device: by an obscure sceptic, pp. 7, 8vo. Syd., 1885. Pam., v. 44, no. 749. ENGLISH, JOHN. " Reid the wriggler " ; or, the false prophet of free-trade, tried and convicted on his professions, promises, and performances, pp. 72, 8vo. Syd., 1895. Pam., v. 53, no. 881. 122 POLITICAL HISTORY AND AFFAIBS. ENGLISH press on the policy of the Parkes administration, pp. 15, 8vo. SycL, n.d. Pam., v. 44, no. 738. FRANCIS, HENRY. The present and future government of the colony of New South Wales, pp. 48, 8vo. Syd., 1869. Pam., v. 8, no. 178. INTRODUCTION of parliamentary government in New South Wales ; dinner of the surviving members of the first Legisla- tive assembly at Parliament house, z^rd May, 1887. 8vo. Syd.. 1887. LANG, Rev. JOHN DUNMORE. Brief sketch of my parliamentary life and times, from ist August, 1843, till the late dissolution of parliament, pp. 32, 8vo. Syd., 1870. Pam., v. 181, no. 348.2. OUR present parliament, what it is worth : by an ex-M.L.A. 8vo. Syd., 1887. Pain., v. 5, no. 104. PARKER, Mrs. SARAH. The Soudan, and the iniquitous action of Mr. Dalley in sending our troops. pp. 15, i2mo. New- castle. 1885. Pam., v. 150. no. 3060. PARKES, Sir HENRY. Chronological record of the principal events and occurrences in the parliamentary and official life of Sir Henry Parkes. pp. 4, 8vo. Syd., n.d. Pam., v. 44, no. 744. The Electoral act [N.S.W.], and how to work it. pp. 20. 8vo. Syd., 1859. Pam., v. 120, no. 2227. The labour party in New South Wales, pp. 8. 8vo. Lond., 1892. From the Contemporary review. Pain., v. 120, no. 2230. The '' mandate of the people " and the Reid fraud. pp. 20, 8vo. Syd., 1895. Pam., v. 44, no. 741. [Policj and conduct of the Reid ministry]. 8vo. Syd., 1895. Contents. ' Mandate of the people " and the Reid fraud. Union of the colonies : speeches iL-'ivered in the Legislative assembly of New South Wales. Speech on the policy of the Reid ministry as opposed to federation. Chronological record of the principal events and occurrences in the parliamentary and official life of Sir H. Parkes. Present state of public affairs ; speech delivered at Granville, i6th August, 1886. pp. 12, 8vo. Syd., 1886. Pam., v. 44, no. 742. Reflections on the government ; speech in the Legislative assem- bly [of New South Wales] in reply to an attack by Mr. McElhone. M.P., i3th October. 1887. pp. 7, 8vo. "Syd., 1887. Pam., v. 44, no. 748. Speech delivered in the Legislative assembly, i6th February, 1869, on the report of Mr. Macleay's committee, appointed to inquire into " The existence of a conspiracy for purposes of treason and assassination." pp. 42, 8vo. Syd., 1869. Pam., v. 44 no. 743. Same: another copy. Pam., v. 96, no. 174&A. POLITICAL HISTORY AND AFFAIRS. Speech in reply to attacks upon the government, delivered in the Legislative assembly [of New South Wales], ipth June, 1874. -pp. 22, 8vo. Syd., 1874. Pam., v. 44, no. 740. Speech to the citizens of Sydney, in the Gaiety theatre, Satur- day, i3th June, 1891 : " One people, one destiny." pp. 29, 8vo. Syd., 1891. Pam.. v. 44, no. 746. PATERSOX, ANDREW BARTON. Australia for the Australians; a political pamphlet, shewing the necessity for land reform, combined with protection, pp. 31, 8vo. Syd. [1889]. Pam., v. 167, no. 3178. ROYDHOUSE, THOMAS R., and TAPERELL, H. J. The labour party in New South Wales : a history of its formation and legislative career. 8vo. Lond., 1892. WALDOW, C. O. Present depression in trade, its cause and remedy ; an enquiry ; and some observations on the political career of Sir Henry Parkes. pp. 32, 8vo. Syd., 1887. Pam., v. 146, no. 2820. WALKER, THOMAS. Oration on Mr. Dalley's offer of troops for the Soudan campaign. 2nd ed. pp. 15, 8vo. Syd., 1885. Pam., v. iqej, no. 3061. WHITELOCK, NELSON P. Our turbulent democracy; a protest. pp. 1 6, 8vo. Bathurst, 1895. Pam., v. 93, no. 1679. WISE, BERNHARD RINGROSE. The position of the liberal party : pref. and appx. pp. 24, 8vo. Syd., 1888. Pam., v. 5, no. 118. Speech on motion of censure proposed by Sir Henry Parkes, 2ist May, 1895. pp. 13, 8vo. Syd., 1895. Pam., v. 5, no. 120. Speech on the address-in-reply to the Governor's opening speech, 25th July, 1899. pp. 5, 8vo. Syd., 1899. Pam., v. =;, no. 124. Speech on the programme of the Carruthers government, pp. 6. 8vo. Syd.. 1904. Pam., v. 5, no. 125. " A year's stewardship " ; a letter to the electors of Flinders division, pp. 21. 8vo. Syd.. 1895. Pam., v. t;, no. 121. 329.9945. Victoria. BELPHEGOR, le diable boiteux. Intended addresses of the Vic- torian candidates to the constituencies at the approaching elec- tions. 2nd ed. pp. 27, 8vo. Melb., 1859. Pam., v. 142, no. 2714. BLACK and white list ; and the Victorian electors' guide, pp. 28, 8vo. Melb., 1856. Pam., v. 62, no. 1018. DEMOCRATIC government in Victoria : reprinted from the " West- minster review " for April, 1868. pp. 40, 8vo. Melb., 1868. Pam., v. ^5, no. 909 Same : another copy. Pam., v. 93, no. 1681. 124 POLITICAL HISTORY AND AFFAIRS. FITZGERALD, JOHN FOSTER LESLIE VESEY FOSTER. Three letters to the Hon. James Frederick Palmer, Speaker of the Legislative council of Victoria. pp. 23, 2nd ed., 8vo. Melb., 1855. 1'am., v. 7, no. 169. Fourth letter to the Hon. James Frederick Palmer, Speaker of the Legislative council of Victoria. pp. u, 8vo. Melb., i855- Pant., v. 7, no. 170. McCULLOCH, Sir JAMES. The ministerial policy : [speech] at Warrnambool. pp. 24, 8vo. Melb., 1877. Pam., v. 6, no. 139. MICHIE, Sir ARCHIBALD. Lecture on the Westminster reviewer's version of Victorian history, pp. 28, 8vo. Melb., 1868. Pam., v. 87, no. 1566. Victoria, retrospective and prospective: a lecture, ipth Novem- ber, 1866. pp. 16, 8vo. Melb. [1866]. Pam., v. 68, no. 1146. Victoria suffering a recovery : a lecture, pp. 23, 8vo. Melb., 1860. Pam., v. 93, no. 1680. O., Y. Proclamation ! a paper for every one; the storm in a tea -cup; or, the end of the crisis in Victoria, 1878. pp. 15, 8vo. Melb., 1878. Pam., v. 87, no. 1567. PARSO>s 7 S, THOMAS. Sixth letter to the Duke of Buckingham. pp. 8, 8vo. Melb., 1868. Pam., v. 167, no. 3179. PREXDERGAST, GEORGE MICHAEL, compiler. Black and white- list, containing all the important division lists of the Vic- torian Legislative assembly for session 1902-3, special Strike session of May, 1903, session 1903. and other information. pp. 68, 8vo. Melb., 1904. Pam., v. 43, no. 730. Same : another copy. Pam., v. 142, no. 2713. PRIVATE papers of the " Victorian parliamentary co-operative association (limited)" in liquidation, pp. 12, 8vo. Melb. [about 1876]. Pam., v. 6, no. 140. Same: another copy. Pam., v. 167, no. 3180. ROWE, CHARLES JAMES. An Englishman's views on questions of the day in Victoria. 8vo. L,ond., 1882. TREN \VITH, WILLIAM ARTHUR. Extracts from the Syme-Tren- with controversy, pp. 12, 8vo. Richmond, 1902. Pam., v. 87, no. 1568. 329.9946. Tasmania. BARTLEY, THEODORE. The new premier of Tasmania; a letter to the representatives of the people in both Houses of Par- liament, pp. 16, 8vo. Launceston, 1876. Pam., v. 76, no. 1314. POLITICAL ECONOMY. JEXSEX, A. Democratic Denmark and tory Tasmania; a com- parison and some suggestions, pp. 8, 8vo. Hobart, 1905. Pam., v. 143, no. 2736. WALCH, J., and SONS, editors. Political and official record of members of both Houses of Legislature constituting the Parliament of Tasmania: ninth parliament, /first session, opened, 24th Aug., 1886. pp. 8, sm. 8vo. Hobart, 1886. Pam., v. 76, no. 1315. 330. Political Economy. AIKENHEAD, J. Principles of political economy, pp. 40. 8vo. Launceston. 1856. Pam., v. 61, no. 993. Same: another copy. Pam., v. 66, no. 1117. BASTIAT, FREDERIC. Harmonies of political economy : tr. from the French, with a ' notice of the life and writings of the author, by Patrick James Stirling. 8vo. Lond., 1860. BLACKHAM, GEORGE. Equal opportunity. i2mo. Melb., 1902. BUXDEV, WILLIAM HENRY, judge of the Supreme court, South Australia. Land reform and land taxation: Education; free, compulsory, and secular : Trades unions ; the rights and obli- gations of their members, pp. 77, 8vo. Adel., 1889. Pam., v. 181, no. 3484. CAIRX T ES. JOHN ELLIOTT. Character and logical method of poli- tical economy. 2nd ed. 8vo. Lond., 1875. CARLILK, WILLIAM WARRAND. Economic method and economic fallacies. 8vo. Lond., J9O4. CASTBERG, P. H. Production; a study in economics. 8vo. Lond., 1907. CHALMERS, Rev. THOMAS. Political economy in connexion with the moral state and prospects of society. Xew ed. 2 v. 8vo. Edinb., 1850-52. First printed in 1832. CHAMPlOX, HENRY HYDE. The root of the matter; being a series of dialogues on social questions. 8vo. Melb., 1895. CLARK, JOHN BATES. Essentials of economic theory. 8vo. N.Y., 1907. COOPER, Sir WILLIAM EARNSHAW. Britain for the Briton; co- operative working of agriculture and other industries a neces- sity ; an earnest appeal for land, economic, and other vital reforms. 8vo. Lond., 1909. CROZIER, JOHN BEATTIE. The wheel of wealth; being a recon- struction of the science and art of political economy on the lines of modern evolution. 8vo. Lond., 1906. CL'XXIXGTOX, SUSAN. Home and state; an introduction to the study of economics and civics. 8vo. Lond., 1910. DYER, HENBY. Evolution of industry. 8vo. Lond.. 1895. GL'YOT, YVES. Economic prejudices : tr. by Fred. Rothwell. 8vo. Lond., 1910. (Soc. sc. ser.) HEARX, WILLIAM EDWARD. Plutology ; or, the theory of the efforts to satisfy human wants. 8vo. Melb., 1863. 126 POLITICAL ECONOMY. HOBSOX. JOHN ATKINSON. The industrial system; an inquiry into earned and unearned income. 8vo. Lond., 1909. JEANS, JAMES STEPHEN. England's supremacy; its sources, eco- nomics, and dangers. 8vo. Lond.. 1885. JEVONS, WILLIAM STANLEY. Principles of economics ; a frag- ment of a treatise on the industrial mechanism of society and other papers: pref. by H. Higgs. 8vo. Lond., 1905. KELLY. EDMOND. Practical programme for working men. 8vo. Lond., 1906. LAUGHLIN. JAMES LAURENCE. Industrial America : Berlin lec- tures of 1906: maps and diagrams. 8vo. Lond., 1907. Contents. American competition with Europe. Protectionism and reciprocity. The labor problem. The trust problem. The railway question. The banking problem. Present status of economic: thinking in the United States. LAWSOX, W. R. British economics in 1904. 8vo. Edinb., 1904. LAYCOCK, F. U. Economics and socialism; a demonstration of the cause and cure of trade depressions and national poverty. 8vo Lond., 1895. Political economy in a nutshell. 8vo. Lond.. 1907. Contents. Prologue : Natural demand and supply : Exchange and its medium. Evil of restrictions on trade : Science progressive towards liberty. LEGISLATOR. The coming reaction; a brief survey and criticism of the vices of our economic system. 8vo. Lond., 1903. LLOYD, HENRY DEMAREST. Man the social creator [ed. by Jane Addams and Anne Withington]. 8vo. X.Y., 1906. Lords of industry. 8vo. N.Y., 1910. LOXG. JAMES. The coming Englishman. 8vo. Lond., 1909. McCULLOCH, JOHN RAMSAY. Principles of political economy ; with some inquiries respecting their application, and a sketch of the rise and progress of the science. 4th ed. 8vo. Edinb., 1849. First published in 18^5. Treatises and essays on subjects connected with economical policy ; with biographical sketches of Quesnay. Adam Smith, and Ricardo. 8vo. Edinb., 1853. MACLEOD, HENRY DUNNING. Elements of economics, v. i and v. 2, pt. i. 2 \. 8vo. Lond., 1899. All published. MARSHALL, ALFRED. Principles of economics. 5th ed.. v. i. 8vo. Lond., 1907. All published. MILL, JOHN STVART. Principles of political economy; with some of their applications to social philosophy. 3rd ed. 2 v. 8vo. Lond., 1852. First published in 1848. Same: 7th ed. > v. 8vo. Lond., 1871. MILLS, WALTER THOMAS. The struggle for existence. 7th ed. r 8vo. Chic.. 1904. (International school of social economy.) MOLESWORTH, Sir GUILFORD LINDSEY. Economic and fiscal facts and fallacies 8vo. Lond., 1909 MOXTGOMERY. HARRY EARL. Vital American problems; an at tempt to solve the " Trust." " Labour," and " Xegro" prob- lems. 8vo. N.Y., 1908. POLITICAL ECONOMY. 127 NICHOLSON, JOSEPH SHIELD. Principles of political economy. 3 v.. 8vo. Lond., 1901-03. V. 1-2, and ed., v. 3, ist ed. A project of empire; a critical study of the economics of im- perialism, with special reference to the ideas of Adam Smith. 8vo. Lond., 1909. PEABODY. FRANCIS GREENWOOD. Jesus Christ and the social question. 8vo. N.Y., 1904. POST, Louis FREELAND. Social service. 8vo. N.Y., 1909. REEVES, WILLIAM PEMBER. State experiments in Australia and New Zealand; maps. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1902. Contents. v. i. A continent and some islands. Progressive move- ment. Women's franchise. Federation. Preferential voting. Land question. Index. v 2. Labour question. Old-age pensions. Liquor laws. Exclusion of aliens and undesirables. Index. RICARDO, DAVID. Letters to T. R. Malthus, 1810-1823 : ed. by James Bonar. 8vo. Lond., 1887. ROBERTSON, WILLIAM BELL, ed. Political economy; exposi- tions of its fundamental doctrines, selected from the best writers; introd. by W. B. Robertson. 8vo. Lond., 1905. ROGERS, JAMES EDWIN THOROLD. Economic interpretation of history. 8vo. Lond., 1888. Same: 5th ed., 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1902 SENIOR, NASSAU WILLIAM. Political economy. 4th ed., 8vo. Glasgow. 1858. SMITH, ADAM. Inquiry into the nature and causes of the wealth of nations : \\ith life of the author : also view of the doctrine of Smith, from the French of M. Gamier. 3 v., 8vo. Lond., 1811. Short account of his life and writings in v. i, -p-p. i.-xi. First pub- lished in 1776. Same: another ed. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1904. SMITH, C. M. Trade depression and wasted resources ; with some remarks on popular government in New South Wales, -pp. 41, 8vo. Syd., 1887. Pam., v. 5, no. 112. TORRENS, ROBERT. The budget: on commercial and colonial policy [&c.]. 8vo. Lond., 1844. TOWARDS a social policy; or. suggestions for constructive reform. 8vo. Lond. [1905]. VIGOUROUX, Louis. L'evolution sociale en Australasie. i2mo. Paris, 1902. WALKER, FRANCIS AMASA. Political economy. 3rd ed., 8vo. Lond., 1887. WATSON, J. The problem solved; or, work and food before regeneration. 8vo. Syd., 1907. WHITE, HARRY J. In the school of reform. pp. 48, 8vo. n.p., n.d. Pam., v. 181, no. 3483. WICKSTEED, Rev. PHILIP HENRY. The common sense of poli- tical economy, including a study of the human basis of economic law. 8vo. Lond., 1910. 330.3. Dictionaries. PALGRAVE, ROBERT HARRY INGLIS, ed. Dictionary of political economy. 3 v., 8vo. Lond., 1901. 128 POLITICAL ECONOMY. 330.4. Essays. B AGE HOT, WALTER. Economic studies ; ed. by Richard Holt Hutton. 2nd ed., 8vo. Lond., 1888. BASTIAT, FRKDERIC. Essays on political economy. i2mo. Lond., 1853. Contents. Capital and interest. That wbicb is seen and that which is not seen. Government. What is money? The law. CARNEGIE, ANDREW. The gospel of wealth, and other timely essays: [portr.] ; 3rd ed. 8vo. Lond., 1903. Contents. Introduction : how I served my apprenticeship. Gospel of wealth. Advantages of poverty. Popular illusions about trusts. Employers view of the labour question. Result of the labour struggle. Distant possessions : the parting of the ways. Americanism versus imperialism. Democracy in Kngland. Home rule in America. Does America hate England? Imperial federation. Hritish pessimism. CHURCH and life of to-day, The; by the bishop of Bristol [and others]. 8vo. Lond., 1910. CUNNINGHAM, Rev. WILLIAM, D.D. The wisdom of the wise; three lectures on free-trade imperialism. 8vo. Camb., 1906. Contents. The Right hon. R. B. Haldane and economic science. Mr. St. Loe Strachey and imperial sentiment. Lord Rosebery and the unemployed. Religion and political life. The imj>erialism of Cromwell. ELY. RICHARD THEODORE. Problems of to-day; a discussion of protective tariffs, taxation, and monopolies. 8vo. N.Y., 1890. GIF FEN, Sir ROBERT. Economic inquiries and studies. 2 v. 8vo. Lond., 1904. GOSCHEN. GEORGE JOACHIM GOSCHEN, ist viscount. Essays and addresses on economic questions, 1865-1893, with introductory notes, 1905. 8vo. Lond., 1905. Contents. Seven per cent. Two per cent. Our cash reserves and central stock cf gold. Depreciation of silver. Condition and pro- spects of trade. Increase of moderate incomes. Laissez-faire and government interference. Ethics and economics. Insurance ; volun- tary or compulsory. MILL. JOHN STUART. Essays on some unsettled questions of political economy. 2nd. ed. 8vo. Lond.. 1874. RICARDO, DAVID. Letters to Hutches Trower and others, 1811- 1823 : ed. by James Bonar and J. H. Hollander. 8vo. Oxf., 1899. SHAW, LESLIE MORTIER. Current issues. 8vo. Lond., 1908. Contents. i. The nation and the state. 2. Individualism. 3. The tariff question. 4. Reciprocity. 5. Merchant marine. 6. Trusts. 7. The rate question. 8. Our money. 9. Miscellaneous topics. SISMONDI. JEAN CHARLES LEONARD SIMONDE DE. Political economy and the philosophy of government ; a series of essays selected from [his] works ; with an historical notice of his life and writings by M. Mignet : tr. from the French. 8vo. Lond.. 1847. 330.5. Periodicals. ECONOMIC journal; the journal of the Royal economic society; 1903 to date. 8vo. Lond. SOCIALIST review; a monthly review of modern thought; v i~ March, 1908, to date. 8vo. Lond. POLITICAL ECONOMY : CAPITAL : LABOUR AND WAGES. 129 330.6. Societies. AMERICAN economic association; Economic studies. 4 v., 8vo. N.Y., 1896-99. Xo more published : forms 2nd series of publications. Publications. 12 v., 8vo. N.Y., 1886-96. Same: 3rd series. 4 v., 8vo. N.Y., 1900-03. 330.8. CDllsetel Works. BASTIAT, FREDERIC. OEuvres completes ; raises en ordre, revues et annotees d'apres les manuscrits de 1'auteur. 6 v. 8vo. Paris, 1854-55. Contents. v. i. Correspondance : melanges. v. 2. Le libre- echange. v. 3. Cobden et la ligue ; ou, 1'agitation Anglaise pour la liberte des echanges. v. 4. Sophismes economiques : petits pamphlets, i. v. 5. Petits pamphlets, 2. v. 6. Harmonies economiques, 3rd ed. GEORGE, HENRY. Writings : [memorial ed.]. v. 1-8, 8vo. N.Y., 1898. Contents. v. 1-2. Progress and poverty. v. 3. Social problems. v. 4. Land question : property in land : condition of labour. v. 5. Protection or free-trade. v. 6. A perplexed philosopher. v. 7-8. Science of political economy : Moses ; a lecture. 330.9. History. ROGERS, JAMES EDWIN THOROLD. Industrial and commercial history of England ; lectures delivered to the University of Oxford: ed. by Arthur G. L. Rogers. 8vo. Lond., 1892. SMART. WILLIAM. Economic annals of the nineteenth century : v. i, 1801-1820. 8vo. Lond., 1910. . In progress. WELSFORD, J. W. The strength of England; a politico- economic history of England from Saxon times to the reign of Charles the first: pref. by W. Cunningham, D.D. 8vo. Lond., 1910. WOOD, Sir HENRY TRUEMAN. Industrial England in the middle of the eighteenth century. 8vo. Lond., 1910. 331. Capital : Labour and Wages. BOHM-BAWERK, EUGEN VON. Capital and interest; a critical history of economic theory : tr. with a pref. and analysis by William Smart. 8vo. Lond., 1890. BRASSEY, THOMAS BRASSEY, ist earl. Papers and addresses: work and wages : ed. by J. Potter : introd. by George Howell, M.P. 8vo. Lond., 1894. BROADHEAD, HENRY. State regulation of labour and labour disputes in New Zealand ; a description and a criticism. 8vo. Christchurch, 1908. BROWN, DAVID. Wealth and wages in New South Wales; an examination of the income of the community, its source and its application, pp. 42. sm. 8vo. Syd., 1891. Pam., v. <)4, no. 1702. CARNEGIE, ANDREW. Problems of to-day : wealth labour socialism. 8vo. Lond., 1908 F.8720. E ]30 CAPITAL : LABOUB AND WAGES. CHAPMAN, SYDNEY JOHN. Work and wages; in continuation of Lord Brassey's "Work and wages" and r< Foreign work and English wages." 2 v. 8vo. Lond., 1904-08. Contents. Pt. i. Foreign competition : introd. by Lord Brassey. Pt. 2. Wages and employment : introd. by Lord Brassey. CLARK, VICTOR SELDEN. The labour movement in Australasia; a study in social-democracy. 8vo. Lond., 1907. COMMONS, JOHN ROGERS and others, eds. Documentary history of American industrial society: pref. by R. T. Ely, introd. by J. B. Clark. 10 v. and suppt. 8vo. Cleveland, 1910. * Contents. v. 1-2. Plantation and frontier. Ulrich B. Phillips. v. 3-4, and suppt. Labor conspiracy cases, 1806-1842. J. R. Commons and E. A. Gilmore. v. 5-6. Labor movement, 1820-1840. J. R. Commons and E. A. Gilmore. v. 7-8. Labor movement, 1840-1860. J. R. Commons. v. 9-10. Labor movement, 1860-1880. J. R. Com- mons and J. B. Andrews. DAWBARN, CLIMENSON YELVERTON CHARLES. Liberty and pro- gress. 8vo. Lond., 1909. Contents. i. The employed. 2. The principles of employment. 3. Our underpaid and unemployed. DAWSON, ALBERT, ed. Adam Black, miner ; his letters to his son, Jim, on matters interesting and important to workers. 8vo. Syd., 1904. Pam., v. 167, no. 3182. DICKINSON, GOLDSWORTHY LOWES. Justice and liberty ; a political dialogue. 8vo. Lond., 1908. ELIOT, CHARLES WILLIAM. The future of trades-unionism and capitalism in a democracy. 8vo. N.Y., 1910. (Larwill lectures for 1909.) EON. New industrial era of wealth and prosperity; or, social and other problems solved, -pp. 49. 8vo. Melb., 1897. Pam., v. 167, no. 3181. FOXALL, EDWARD WILLIAM. Claims of "capital," involving an inquiry into the subjects of currency and banking, and finan- cial crises. lamo. Syd., 1895. HISTORY of capital and labour in all lands and ages : their past condition, present relations, and outlook for the future : to- gether with an encyclopaedia of Australasian and foreign statistics, in respect to manufactures, mining, agriculture, commerce, &c. ; illust. 8vo. Syd., 1888. HOBSON, JOHN ATKINSON. Evolution of modern capitalism; a study of machine production. 2nd ed. 8vo. Lond., 1901. (Contemporary science ser.) HUGHES, WILLIAM MORRIS. M.P. The case for labour. 8vo. Syd., 1910. INTERNATIONAL labour office. Bulletin, v. i, 1906 to .late. 8vo. Lond. IRESON, FRANK. The people's progress; a study of the facts of national wealth, with some answers to socialists: dia- grams. 8vo. Lond., 1910. Contents. i. The distribution of income. 2. The rewards of capital. JOHNSTON, ROBERT MACKENZIE. Root matters in social and economic problems; second series, pp. :i. 8vo. Hobart, 1890. Pam., v. 77, no. 1360. CAPITAL : LABOUR AND WAGES. 131 KEEBLE. SAMUEL E.. ed. The citizen of to-morrow ; a hand- book on social questions. 8vo. Lond. [1906.] LAFARGUE, PAUL. Evolution of property from savagery to civilization. 8vo. Lond., 1890. (Social science ser.) LONDON. JACK. War of the classes. 8vo. N.Y.. 1905. MAI, LOCK. WILLIAM HURRELL. The nation as a business firm; an attempt to cut a path through jungle. 8vo. Lond.. 1910. MARX. KARL. Capital: a critical analysis of capitalist produc- tion: tr. from the 3rd German ed. by S. Mcore. and E. Aveling : ed. by F. Engels. 8vo. Lend.. 1903. Capital ; a critique of political economy : v. 2, the process of circulation of capital : ed. by Frederick Engels : tr. from the 2nd German ed. by Ernest L'ntermann. 8vo. Chic., 1907. MASSACHUSETTS : Bureau of statistics of labor. Labor laws of Massachusetts, pp. 60, xiv.. 8vo. Boston, 1906. Pam., v. 120, no. 2239. MENGER, ANTON. The right to the whole produce of labour; the origin and development of the theory of labour's claim to the whole product of industry: tr. by M. E. Tanner: introd. and bibliography by H. S. Foxwell. 8vc. Lond., 1899. MONEY. LEO G. CHIOZZA Riches and poverty. 8vo. Lond.. 1905. Same: (1910). 8vo. Lond., 1911. MONGREDIEN. AUGUSTUS. The western farmer of America. pp. 30. i2mo. Lond., 1880. Pam., v. 139, no. 2668. OGILVY, A. J. Is capital the result of abstinence? pp. 15. 8vo. Hobart, 1892. Pam., v. 37, no. 647. PONSONBY, ARTHUR. The camel and the needle's eye. 8vo. Lond., 1910. POWER, GEORGE WASHINGTON, ed. The labour laws of Queens- land. 8vo. Brisb., 1909. ROGERS, JAMES EDWIN THOROLD. Six centuries of work and wages; the history of English' labour. 8th ed. 8vo. Lond., 1906. SMITH, C. McKAY. Capital, labour, and taxation : some pleas for common sense, pp. 35. 8vo. Syd., 1894. Fam f v. 43, no. 718. WEBB, SIDNEY JAMES, and. WEBB, BEATRICE, Mrs. S. J. Prob- lems of modern industry. 8vo. Lond., 1902. Contents. Introd. to 1902. ed. Diary of an investigator. Jews of East London. Women's wages. Women and the factory acts. Regulation of the hours of labour. How to do away with the sweat- ing system. Reform of the poor law. Relationship between co-opera- tion and trade unionism. The national dividend and its distribution. Difficulties of individualism. Socialism, true and false. WRIGHT, CARROLL DAVIDSON, cd. Compilation of the labor laws of the various states and territories, and the district of Columbia. 8vo. \Vash., 1892. In United States -.House reports, 52nd Congress ist session, v. n. E 2 132 CAPITAL AND LABOUR : ARBITRATION. 881.1. Relations of Capital to Labour: Arbitration. ADDISON, GEORGE CAMPBELL, and WEIGALL, CECIL E. Indus- trial arbitration act, 1901, the Industrial arbitration (tempo- rary court) act, 1905.. and regulations and rules of at, with explanatory notes, &c. 8vo. Syd., 1906. AUSTRALIA: _ Court of conciliation and arbitration. Common- wealth arbitration reports; a report of cases decided and awards made, including a report of cases under the Excise tariff, 1906: 1905 to date. 8vo. Melb. BAY, N. Anomalies of the Industrial arbitration act, 1901. pp. 47, 8vo. Syd., 1905. l':itn., v. 1 20, no. 2.238. COPELAND, HENRY. Adam's curse and labour saving inventions: an enquiry into the labour question of the future, pp. 73, 8vo. Syd., 1885. Pam., v. 95, no. 1713. DIBBS, Sir GEORGE RICHARD. Address to the trades and labour council, October 12, 1882. pp. 14, 8vo. Syd., 1890. Pam., v. 42, no. 713. Same: another copy. Pam., v. 77, no. 1361. EMPLOYERS' mutual defence association of New South Wales. Rules, pp. 12, 8vo. Syd., 1891. Pam., v. 64, no. 1057. GEORGE, HENRY. Menace of privilege : a study of the dangers to the republic from the existence of a favored class. b"vo. N.Y., 1905. JEFFERIS, Rev. JAMES. Enfranchisement of labour; a lecture. pp. 23, 8vo. Syd., 1878. Pam., v. 95, DO. 1714. KNOOP, DOUGLAS. Industrial conciliation and arbitration : introd. by Sydney J. Chapman: [bibliography]. 8vo. Lond., LABOR crisis, The; report of a meeting of employers and com- mercial men, 2nd Sept., 1890, Centenary hall, Sydney. pp. 29, 8vo. Syd., n.d. Pam., v. 64, no. 1058. LABOUR and capital in Australia, pp. 6, 8vo. Edinb. , 1887. From Blackwood's magazine.. Pam., v. 120, no. 2236. LLOYD, HENRY DEMAREST. A country without strikes : a visit to the compulsory Arbitration court of New Zealand. 8vo. N.Y., 1900. MACGREGOR, J. Industrial arbitration in New Zealand; is it a success? pp. 22, 8vo. Dunedin, 1901. Pam., v. 51, no. 850. MORAN, PATRICK FRANCIS, cardinal archbishop of Sydney. Lecture on the rights and duties of labour. pp. 23, 8vo. Syd., 1891. Pam., v. 95, no. 1713. NEW SOUTH WALES: Court of arbitration. Industrial arbi- tration reports and records; v. i, 1902 to date: ed. by G. C. Addison. 8vo. Syd. CAPITAL AND LABOUR : ARBITRATION : WAGES. 133 NEW SOUTH WALES employers' union. The labour crisis. pp. 29, 8vo. [Syd.] 1890. Pam., v. 64, no. 1058. Second and third annual reports, pp. 15, 15. 8vo. Syd., 1890-91. Pam., v. 64, no. 1059-60. NEW ZEALAND : Labour department. Awards, recommenda- tions, agreements, &c., made under the Industrial concilia- tion and arbitration act, 1894 to date. 8vo. Well. OGILVY, A. J. Labour v. capital, pp. 16, 8vo. Hobart, 1895. Pam., v. 77, no. 13.58. PIGOU, ARTHUR CECIL. Principles and methods of industrial peace. 8vo. Lond., 1905. SMITH, GOLD WIN. Labour and capital ; a letter to a labour friend, pp. 38, 8vo., N.Y., 1907. TOYNBEE, ARNOLD. Lectures on the industrial revolution of the 1 8th century in England, popular addresses, notes and other fragments: together with a short memoir by B. Jowett : 4th ed. 8vo. Lond., 1894. W ALP OLE, ROBERT S. The industrial relation between employers and employees in Australia, pp. 15, 8vo. [Syd.] 1903. Pam., v. 95, no. 1715. WESTERN AUSTRALIA: Board of conciliation. Reports of proceedings before the boards of conciliation and the court of arbitration, 1902 to date. 8vo. Perth. WISE, Hon. BERNHARD RINGROSE. Industrial arbitration act of New South Wales : a reply to critics, pp. 16, 8vo. Syd., 1904. Pam., v. 5, no. 124. Industrial arbitration bill: "An answer to critics"; speech in reply on the second reading of the bill, delivered in the Legislative assembly, 23rd August, 1900. pp. 16, 8vo. Syd., 1900. Pam., v. 44, no. 752. Industrial arbitration bill : speech when moving the second reading of the bill, delivered in the Legislative council, 3ist October, 1900. pp. 32, 8vo. Syd., 1900. Pam., v. 44, no. 751. Speech when moving the second reading of the Industrial arbitration bill, 4th July, 1900. pp. 20, 8vo. Syd., 1900. Pam., v. 44, no. 750. 331.2. Wages : Social Insurance. AUSTRALIA: Census and statistics bureau. Social insurance; report by G. H. Knibbs. 8vo. Melb., 1910. BLACK, CLEMENTINA. Sweated industry and the minimum wage: introd. by A. G. Gardiner. 8vo. Lond., 1907. RYAN, Rev. JOHN A. A living wage; its ethical and economic aspects: introd. by R. T. Ely. 8vo. N.Y., 1906. WALKER, FRANCIS AM ASA. The wages question; a treatise on wages and the wages class. 8vo. Lond., 1891. WILLOUGHBY, WILLIAM FRANKLIN. Workingmen's insurance. 8vo. N.Y., 1898. (Library of economics and politics.) 134 LABOUR : LABOURING CLASSES. 331.3. Labour of Children. GEORGE, WILLIAM REUBEN. The Junior republic; its history and ideals: introd. by Thomas M. Osborne: illust. 8vo. N.V . 1910. MACKIKDY, OLIVE CHRISTIAN, nee Malvery, Mrs. A. Baby toilers. 8vo. Lond., 1907. SHKRAKD. ROBERT HARBOROUGH. Child-slaves of Britain. 8vo. Lond., 1905. SPARGO, JOHN. Bitter cry of the children: introd. by Robert Hunter: [illust.]. 8v6. N.Y.. 1906. UNITED STATES -.Commerce and labor department. Laws relating to the employment of women and children in the United States. July. 1907. 8vo. Wash., 1907. 331.4. Labour of Women. ABBOTT, EDITH. Women in industry; a study in American economic history : intrody. note by Sophonisba P. Breckin- ridge. 8vo. N.Y., 1910. AUSTRALASIAN exhibition of women's work, 1907. Catalogue: [illust.]. pp. 21, 8vo. [Lond., 1907.] Pam., v. 181, no. 3485. CADBURY, EDWARD, MATHESON, M. C., and SHANN, G. Women's work and wages; a phase of life in an industrial city [Birmingham] : [illust.]. 8vo. Lond.. 1906. 331.5. Convict Labour. WELCH, ROBERT P. Observations on convict and free labour for New South Wales, pp. 29, 8vo. Lond., 1847. Pam., v. 181, no. 3486. 331.6. Cheap Foreign Labour. CHINESE labour: by the "South African news" special corre- spondent, pp. "15, 8vo. Cape Town, n.d. Pam., v. 119, no. 2209. FARRAR, Sir GEORGE. The South African labour problem: speech in Legislative council of Transvaal, pp. 48, 8vo. Johannesburg, 1903. Pam., v. 120, no. 2237. MAXWELL, WALTER. The sugar question: an argument made before the members of the Commonwealth Senate, pp. 12, 8vo. Melb. [1902]. Pam., v. 108, no. 2006. 331.8 Labouring Classes. ASHLEY, W. J. Progress of the German working classes in the last quarter of a century. 8vo. Lond.. 1904. AVELING, EDWARD, and AVELING, ELEANOR MARX. The working-class movement in America. 2nd ed. 8vo. Lond., 1891. BELL, FLORENCE, lady; Mrs. Hugh Bell. At the works; a study of a manufacturing town : [illust.]. 8vo. Lond., 1907 LABOURING CLASSES. 13o BEST, R. H., DAVIS, W. J., and PERKS, C. Brassworkers of Berlin and of Birmingham : a comparison, ^rd ed. pp. 82, 8vo. Lond., 1905. BRADLAUGH, CHARLES. Labor and law : with a memoir, and 2 portrs. 8vo. Lond., 1891. BROOKS, JOHN GRAHAM. The social unrest; studies in labour and social movements. 8vo. N.Y., 1904. DAWSON, WILLIAM HARBUTT. The German workman ; a study in national efficiency. 8vo. Lond., 1906. Social Switzerland; studies of present-day social movements and legislation in the Swiss republic. 8vo. Lond., 1897. Contents. Organisation and protection of labour. Industrial peace. Problem of the unemployed. Poor-law agencies. Technical educa- tion. Control of the drink traffic. FINDLEY, EDWARD, senator, cd. The sunrise; the souvenir of the labour fair: [illust.]. pp. 44, xvi., 8vo. Melb. [1907]. Pam., v. 160, no. 3074. GEORGE, W'. L. Engines of social progress. 8vo. Lond., 1907. Contents. i. Introductory^ remarks 2. Organised emigration. 3. Small holdings. 4. Garden city ; with appx. : cheap cottages and rural housing. 5. Model villages : Port Sunlight and Bournville. 6. Housing schemes. 7. Co-operation. 8. Trust public-house move- ment. 9. Rescue. Concluding remarks. GOMPERS, SAMUEL. Labor in Europe and America; personal observations from an American viewpoint of life and condi- tions of working men in Great Britain, France, Holland, Germany, Italy, &c. : [portr.]. 8vo. N.Y., 1910. HASBACH, W. History of the English agricultural labourer : new ed., tr. by Ruth Kenyon : pref. by Sidney Webb. 8vo. Lond., 1908. HAW, GEORGE, ed. Christianity and the working classes. 8vo. Lond., 1906. Contributors. George Haw. G. W. Kitchin, dean of Durham. Will Crooks, M.P. Dr. R. F. Horton. Rev. Canon Barnett. Arthur Henderson, M.P. Silas K. Hocking. Bramwell Booth. George Lansbury. Rev. Ensor Walters. T. Edmund Harvey. The hon. the rev. J. G. Adderley. JEVONS, WILLIAM STANLEY. The state in relation to labour: ed., with introd. by Michael Cababe. 3rd ed. 8vo. Lond., 1894. LLOYD, HENRY DEMAREST. Men, the workers. 8vo. N.Y., 1909. NEW ZEALAND : Labour department. Handbook to the labour laws of New Zealand, pp. 61, 8vo. Well., 1906. Pam., v. 120, no. 2240. Journal of the department, v. 9, 1901, to date. 8vo. Well. PARKES, Sir HENRY. Condition of the working classes in 1860. pp. 12, i2mo. [Syd.], n.d. Pam., v. 143, no. 2733. ROWNTREE, B. SEEBOHM. Land and labour; lessons from Bel- gium: [maps, plans, and illust.]. 8vo. Lond.,. 1910. RUSSELL, CHARLES EDWARD. The uprising of the many : [illust.]. 8vo. Lond., 1907. THOMPSON, C. BERTRAND. The churches and the wage earners; a study of the cause and cure of their separation. 8vo. N.Y., 1909. 13G LABOUR : TRADE UNIONS. THOMPSON, HOLLAND. From the cotton field to the cotton mill ; a study of the industrial transition in North Carolina. 8vo. N.Y., 1906. WISE, Hon. BERNHARD RINGROSE. The labour question; or, social revolt and its causes : address to the working men of New South Wales, pp. n, 8vo. Syd., 1890. Pam., v. 5. no. 119. 331.81. Hours of Labour. GUMMING, Rev. JOHN. Lecture on labour, rest, and recreation. pp. 34, 8vo. Hobart;' 1855. Pam., v. 85, no. 1532. EARLY closing association of New South Wales. A few facts concerning the hours worked by shop assistants in Sydney and suburbs, pp. 15, sm. 8vo. Syd., 1898. Pam., v. 167, no. 3183. MURPHY, WILLIAM E. History of the eight hours movement. i2mo. Melb., 1896. 331.82. Places of Labour : Dangerous occupations. MEAKIN, BUDGETT. Model factories and villages ; ideal condi- tions of labour and housing. 8vo. Lond., 1905. OLIVER, THOMAS, ed. Dangerous trades-; the historical, social, and legal aspects of industrial occupations as affecting health : by a number of experts: illust. 8vo. Lond., 1902. PARRY, LEONARD A. Risks and dangers of various occupations and their prevention. 8vo. Lond., 1900. 331.83. Housing. KAUFMAXN, Rev. MORITZ. Housing of the working classes and of the poor. 8vo. Lond., 1907. (Social problems ser.) 331.84. Thrift. MELBOURNE Savings bank trustees. Seven useful papers on thrift, pp. 20. 8vo. Melb., n.d. Pam., v. 77, no. 1357. 331.86. Apprenticeship. MYER, ERNEST ALEX. Apprenticeship law; a practical hand- book for the use of apprenticeship committees and persons interested in the apprenticeship system. pp. 76. 8vo. Lond., 1910. 331.88. Trade Unions and other Labour societies. BELL, RICHARD. Trade unionism. 8vo. Lond., 1907. (Social problems ser.) BOGUS union, The; its methods, exposed before the Arbitration court, pp. 27. 8vo. Syd., 1902. Pam., v. 143, no. 2738. TRADE UNIONS : BANKS. 137 DRAGE, GEOFFREY. Trade unions. 8vo. Lend., 1905. GREENWOOD, JOHN HENRY. The law relating to trade unions. 8vo. Lond., 1911. HOLLANDER, JACOB H., and BARNETT, G. E., eds. Studies in American trade unionism. 8vo. Lend., 1906. Contents. i. Introduction. J. H. Hollander. 2. Government of the typographical union. G. E. Barnett. 3. Structure of the cigar makers' union. T. W. Glocker. 4. Finances of the iron moulders' union. A. M. Sakolski. 5. The minimum wage in the machinists' union. W. H. Buckler. 6 Collective bargaining in the typographical union. G. E. Barnett. 7. Employers' associations in the United States. F. \V. Hilbert. 8. Trade-union agreements in the iron moulders' union. F. W. Hilbert. 9. Apprenticeship in the building trades. J. M. Motley. 10. Trade-union rules in the building trades. S. Blum. ii. The beneficiary features of the railway unions. J. B. Kennedy. 12. The knights of labor and the American federation of labor. William Kirk. HURRELL, WALTER. Unionism; capital and labour as exempli fied in the milling and baking industries. 8vo. Mel.b., 1893. MACKINNON, HAMILTON, ed. Second intercolonial trades union congress; an official report of the debates, April, 1884, Melbourne. 8vo. Melb., 1884. Pam., v. 43, no. 717. MARTIN, W. A. Treatise on the la\v of labor unions; containing a consideration of the law relating to trade disputes in all its phases, internal administration of unions, union labels, and a collection of approved forms of pleadings, injunctions, and restraining orders. 8vo. Wash., 1910. MITCHELL, JOHN. Organized labor; its problems, purposes, and ideals, and the present and future of American wage- earners. 8vo. Phila., 1903. SPENC'E, WILLIAM GUTHRIE. Trade unionism as an investment. pp. n. 8vo. Syd., 1908. Pam., v. 143, no. 2737. WARNE, FRANK JULIAN. Coal-mine workers; a study in labor organization. 8vo. Lond., 1905. WEBB, SIDNEY JAMES, and WEBB, BEATRICE, Mrs. S. J. His- tory of trade unionism: new ed., [with introd.]. 8vo. Lond., 1902. Industrial democracy: new ed., with introd. 8vo. Lond., 1902. 331.89. Strikes. JEFFERIS, Rev. JAMES. The Chinese and the seamen's strike; a lecture. pp. 12. 8vo. Syd., 1878. Pam., v. 143, no. 2734. 332. Banks. Money. ANDREADES, A. History of the Bank of England: tr. by Christabel Meredith : pref. by H. S. Foxwell. 8vo. Lond.. 1909. AUSTRALASIAN insurance and banking record and statistical register; v. i, 1877, to date. 4to. Melb. CLEVELAND. FREDERICK ALBERT. The bank and the treasury. 8vo. N.Y., 1905. 13S BANKS AND BANKING. CON ANT, CHARLES ARTHUR. Principles of money and banking. 2 v., 8vo. N.Y., ipop. K ASTON, H. T. Money, exchange, and banking in their practical, theoretical, and legal aspects. 8vo. Lond., 1905. EVANS. DAVID MORIER. History of the commercial crisis, 1857-58, an(l tne Stock. Exchange panic of 1859. 8vo. Lond.", 1859. HYNDMAN. HENRY MAYERS. Commercial crises of the nine- teenth century. 3rd ed. 8vo. Lond., 1908. (Social science ser.) MILLS. RICHARD HORNER. Principles of currency and banking. 8vo. Lond., 1857. OVERSTONE, SAMUEL JONES LOYD, ist baron. Evidence given before the select committee of the House of commons in 1857, on bank acts, with additions. 8vo. Lond., 1858. Tracts and other publications on metallic and paper currency : [ed. by J. R. M. i.e. J. R. MacCulloch.] 8vo. Lond., 1858. WITHERS, HARTLEY. The meaning of money. 8vo. Lond., 1909. 332.1. Banks and Banking. BAGEHOT, WALTER. Lombard-street; a description of the money market: new and rev. ed. with notes by E. Johnstone. 8vo. Lond.. 1904. Same: another ed. By Hartley Withers. 8vo. Lond., 1910. BAXTER, A. B. Banking in Australasia, from a London official's point of view : with some remarks on mortgage and finance companies. 8vo. Lond., 1883. CONANT, CHARLES ARTHUR. History of modern banks of issue, with an account of the economic crises of the nineteenth cen- tury and the crisis of 1907. 4th ed. 8vo. N.Y., 1909. DAVIS. J. F. Bank organisation, management, and accounts. 8vo. Lond. [1910]. DUNBAR. CHARLES FRANKLIN. Economic essays: ed. by O. M. W. Sprague; introd. by F. W. Taussig. 8vo. N.Y., 1904. Contents. i. Economic science in America, 1776-1876. 2. Reaction in political economy. 3. Academic study of political economy. 4. Ricardo's use of facts. 5. Same precedents followed by Alexander Hamilton. 6. Direct tax of 1861. 7. New income tax. 8. Early banking schemes in England. 9. Bank of Venice. 10. Accounts of the first bank of the United States. n. Deposits as currency. 12. Bank-note question. 13. Safety of the legal tender paper. 14. National banking system. 15. Can we keep a gold currency? 16. Crisis of 1857. 17. Crisis of 1860. 18. State banks in 1860. 19. Establishment of the national banking system. 20. Circulation of the national banks, 1865-1900. EX-BANKER. Popular manual of banking; being a brief and concise exposition of the law, principles and practice of bank- ing in the Australian colonies. 8vo. Syd., 1891. FISKE, AMOS KIDDER. The modern bank; a description of its functions and methods, and a brief account of the develop- ment and present systems of banking. 8vo. N.Y., 1904. GREAT BRITAIN: PARLIAMENT: House of commons. Reports from the secret committee on the expediency of the bank re- suming cash payments, fscp. fo. Lond.. 1819. BANKS AND BANKING. 139 HULL, WALTER HENRY, ed. Practical problems in banking and currency ; being a number of selected addresses delivered in recent years by prominent bankers, financiers, and economists : introd. by the hon. C. F. Phillips. 8vo. N.Y., 1907. Contents. Introduction. General banking section. Banking re- form and currency section. Trust company section. INSTITUTE of bankers, London. Questions on banking practice. 6th ed. 8vo. Lond., 1909. KERR, ANDREW WILLIAM. Scottish banking during the period of published accounts, 1865-1896. 8vo. Lond.. 1898. KINGSBURY, JOHN JAMES Financial position of the colonies in relation to banking: "Rocks ahead.'' pp. 15. 8vo. Brisb., 1894. Pam.j v. 94, no. 1699. MACLEOD, HENRY DUNNING. Lectures on credit and banking. 8vo. Lond., 1882. Theory and practice of banking. 2 v. 8vo. Lond., 1902-1893. v. i, 6th ed. : v. 2, 5th ed. NASH, ROBERT LUCAS. Banking institutions of Australasia. 8vo. Lond. [1890]. NEW ZEALAND: PARLIAMENT: House of Representatives. Re- port of the Banking committee; with minutes of the proceed- ings and evidence, and appx. fscp. fo. Well., 1896. ROOT, JOHN WILSON. Banking and currency reform. pp. 30, 8vo. Lond., 1908 Pam., v. 143, no. 2741. STEWART, A. P. Handbook for bank clerks. pp. 36, sm. 8vo. Syd., 1904. Pam., v. 109, no. 2034. TENNANT, CHARLES. The Bank of England and the organisa- tion of credit in England : with the evidence of MM. Isaac and Emile Pereire before the French commission of inquiry into the Bank of France : also, abstract of the American Free banking act. 2nd ed. 8vo. Lond., 1866. THOMSON, WILLIAM. Dictionary of banking : a concise ency- clopaedia of banking law and practice. 4to. Lond. [1911]. 332.11. National and State Banks. DOWNER, Sir JOHN WILLIAM, A public national bank of issue; speech delivered in the House of assembly, 2 2nd Sept., 1886. pp. n. 8vo. Adel., 1886. Pam., v. 52, no. 872. ECONOMIST. A proposed federal bank of issue, pp. 12. 8vo. Melb., 1905. Pam., v. 120. no. 2233. ELL, HENRY GEORGE. A state bank for New Zealand with sole right of note issue, pp. 24. 8vo. Christchurch, 1906. Pam., v. 94, no. 1693. FORREST, Sir JOHN. Speech in the Legislative assembly [W.A.] on moving the second reading of the Agricultural bank bill, 1894. pp. 13. 8vo. Perth [1894]. Pam., v. 52, no. 877. NOMOS. A national currency ; or, state bank of issue, pp. 32. 8vo. Well., n.d. Pam., v. 167, no. 3184. 140 BANKS : LOAN INSTITUTES, ETC. SIGMA. Money: how the banks make it scarce and dear; the remedy; the banks and their stability. pp. ii., 28, 8vo. Melb.", 1871. Pam., v. 69, no. 1169. UNITED STATES: TREASURY DEPARTMENT: Currency bureau. National bank act as amended, with other laws relating to national banks; from the revised statutes. 8vo. Wash., 1906. Same: [brought down to 1907]. 8vo. Wash., 1907. 332.13. Banking Companies and Private Banks. BANK of Australasia. Bank of Australasia v. Thomas Chaplin Breillat, chairman of the Bank of Australia; report of the trial, Supreme court, Sydney, pp. 96, 8vo. Syd., 1845. BANK of Australasia v. the Bank of Australia : judgment of the judicial committee of the Privy Council. pp. 28. 8vo. Lond., 1848. Pam., v. 120, no. 3234. BANK of New Zealand. Report of joint committee of both houses, debates in the House of representatives and Legislative coun- cil, and " The Bank of New Zealand and banking act, 1895." 8vo. Well., 1895. COMMERCIAL bank of Australia, limited, Melbourne. Opinions of the city and country press, pp. 32. 8vo. Melb., 1866. Pam., v. 57, no. 940. COMMERCIAL banking company of Sydney. Deed of settlement, act of incorporation and amending acts. 8vo. Syd., 1859. POYAL bank of Queensland, limited. Memorandum and articles of association, pp. 32. 8vo. Brisb. 1885. Pam., v. 64, PO. 1076. SHERRIN, RICHARD A. A. Inquiry into the financial condition of the Bank of New Zealand. pp. 15. 8vo. Auckland, 1881. Pam., v. 122, no. 22/5 332.3. Loan Institutes. TORRENS, Sir ROBERT RICHARD. Project for the establishment of a South Australian land bank, on principles similar to those of the " Institution des credit foncier." pp. 12, 8vo. Adel., 1858. Pam., v. 24, no. 413. WOLFF, HENRY WILLIAM. Co-operative banking; its principles and practice : with a chapter on co-operative mortgage-credit. 8vo. Lond., 1907. People's banks ; a record of social and economic success, ^rd ed. 8vo. Lond., 1910. 332.32. Building Associations. INTERCOLONIAL investment land and building company, limitedr Sydney. Memorandum of association, pp. 25, 8vo. Syd., 1885. Pan., v. 64, no 1078. COINAGE : CURRENCY. 141 332.4. Coins and Coinage. CHALMERS, ROBERT. History of currency in the British colonies. 8vo. Lond., 1893. DEL MAR, ALEXANDER. History of money in ancient countries from the earliest times to the present. 8vo. Lond., 1885. Money and civilization; or, a history of the monetary laws and systems of various states since the dark ages, and their in- fluence upon civilization. 8vo. Lond., 1886. HBtLICA-R., VALENTINE. Coin and currency; being an inquiry into the probable effect of legalising as currency the coinage of the Sydney mint. pp. 16, 8vo. Melb., 1856. Pum., v. 66, no. 1126. HYMAX. COLEMAN P. Account of the coins, coinages, and cur- rency of Australasia. 8vo. Syd., 1893. JEYOXS. WILLIAM STANLEY. Investigations in currency and finance : ed. with introd. by H. S. Foxwell : 20 diagrams. 8vo. Lond., 1884. KIXLEY. DAVID. Money : a study of the theory of the medium of exchange. 8vo. N.Y., 1904. PARSOXS. FRANK. Rational money ; a national currency intelli- gently regulated in reference to the multiple standard. 8vo. Phila'., 1898. 332.41. Coinage Metals ; Production and Value. A' BECKETT, THOMAS TURNER. The gold and the government. pp. 22, 8vo. Melb., 1851. Pam., v. 95 ; no. 172.1. BAXKERS' magazine of Australasia. Silver coinage, Common- wealth of Australia, pp. u, 8vo. Melb., n.d. Pam., v. 160, no. 3077. CORXISH. THOMAS. Our gold supply ; its effect on finance, trade, commerce, and industries. Svo. Lond. , 1884. DEL MAR. ALEXANDER. History of the precious metals from the earliest times to the present. Svo. Lond., 1880. LAUXAY, L. DE. The world's gold: tr. by O. C. Williams, introd. by C. A. Conant. Svo. Lond.,, 1908. MURRAY, DAVID. Appreciation of gold. pp. 19, Svo. Adel.. 1893. Pam., v. 120, no. 2232. SMITH. MICA. Gold; a lecture, pp. 15, Svo. Ballarat, 1882. Pam., \. 167, no. 3181;. STIRLIXG, PATRICK JAMES. Australian and Californian gold discoveries, and their probable consequences. Svo. Edinb., 1853- TEGOBORSKI, L. VON. Essai sur les consequences eVentuelles de la decouverte des gites auriferes en Californie et en Aus- tralie. Svo. Paris, 1853. 332.42. Bimetallism. ALISOX T , WILLIAM. Bimetallism : wool and gold : prices and wages : the historical aspect of the currency, pp. 18, Svo. Syd., n.d. Pam., v. 37, no. 646. 14 o STOCKS: INTEREST: LAND. BEN J API ELD, Dr. Bimetallism, the remedy for our depression. pp. 17, 8vo. Hobart, 1895. Pam., v. 77, no. 1363. LUCAS. R J. Bimetallism pp. 15, 8vo. Hobart, 1895. Pam., v. 77, no. 1364. 332.45. Comparative Value of Moneys. GOSCHEN, GEORGE JOACHIM GOSCHEN, ist viscount. Theory of the foreign exchanges. 3rd ed. 8vo. Lond., 1903. ^ 332.6. Stocks and Stock Exchanges. MELBOURNE stock exchange agency and banking corporation, limited. Memorandum and articles of association, pp. 37, 8vo. Melb., 1888. Pam., v. 57, no. 941. POLEY, ARTHUR PIERRE, and GOULD, F. H. CARRUTHERS. His- tory, law, and practice of the [London] Stock exchange. 8vo. Lond., 1907. WARREN, HENRY. How to deal with your broker. 8vo. Lond., 1905. WITHERS, HARTLEY. Stocks and shares. 8vo. Lond., 1910. 332.7. Credit. MACLEOD, HENRY DUNNING. Theory of credit. and ed., 8vo. Lond., 1897. 332.8. Interest. FISHER, IRVING. The rate of interest; its nature, determination and relation to economic phenomena. 8vo. N.Y., 1907. CONNER, E. C. K. Interest and saving. 8vo. Lond., 1906. MONEY versus wealth; or, the origin of interest clearly explained by a pupil of Henry George and John Ruskin. pp. 15, 8vo. Syd., 1890. Pam., v. 167, no. 3186. 333. Land ; Ownership, Rights, and Rent. COLLINGS, Rt. hon. JESSE. Land reform ; occupying ownership, peasant proprietary, and rural education : illust. 8vo. Lond., 1906. HILL, A. FRASER. The land and wealth of New South Wales; in- cluding some economic weapons for political warfare. 8vo. Syd., 1894. LAND question from various points of view. 8vo. Phila., 1898. Contents. i. Brief history of land tenures and titles. 2. Distri- bution of land in various countries. 3. Alien landlordism in America. 4. Our system of distributing the public lands. 5. Constitutions and comments. 6. Religion of the land question. 7. Two parables. 8. Forestry. 9. A criticism of the single tax. 10. Reply to "A criticism of the single tax." n. Memorandum in relation to "A criticism of the single tax." 12. John Stuart Mill's plan of land reform. LAND tenure reform league, Melbourne. Tract No. ?. pp 16. 8vo. Melb., n.d. Pam., v. 68, no. 1148 LAND. 143 MACKAY, JAMES. Our dealings with Maori lands; or, comments on European dealings for the purchase and lease of native lands, and the legislation thereon. pp. 60, 8vo. Auck- land, 1887. Pam., v. 32, no. 527. ME LINE, FELIX JULES. The return to the land : pref. by Justin McCarthy. 8vo. Lond., 1906. O'REILLY, T. The people's heritage; a history of English land tenure, pp. 68, 8vo. Syd., 1891. Pam., v. 142, no. 2725. POLLOCK, Sir FREDERICK, jrd bart. The land laws, and ed. 8vo. Lond., 1887. (English citizen ser.) SMITH, STEPHENSON PERCY. Land system of New Zealand, and description of land districts, pp. 84, 8vo. Well., 1897. Pam.j v. 34, no. 558. TAYLOR, HENRY C. Introduction to the study of agricultural economics. 8vo. N.Y., 1905.1 THACKERAY, Rev. S. WILLIAM. The land and the community : pref. by Henry George. 8vo. Lond., 1889. TURNOR, CHRISTOPHER. Land problems and national welfare: introd. by Viscount Milner. 8vo. Lond., 1911. WALKER, THOMAS. Letter to members of the Legislative assembly of New South Wales [concerning the land laws]. pp. 18, 8vo. Syd., 1884. Pam., v. 41, no. 697. 333.1. State Ownership. ALEXANDER, JAMES. The unemployed settled on the land; or, poverty annihilated, and progress triumphant, pp. 16, 8vo. Syd., 1884. Pam., v. 42, no. 709. ASHTON, JAMES. The great land question, pp. 28, 8vo. Naran- dera, 1894. Pam., v. 5, no. no. BALLANCE, JOHN. A national land policy based on the principle of state ownership ; with the regulations of the Tillage home- stead system, pp. 26, 8vo. Well., 1887. Pam., v. 142, no. 2723 BARBOUR, ROBERT. The land question, leasing not selling; or, homes for all. pp. 37, 8vo. Syd., 1879. Pam., v. 78, no. 1380 BOLT, W. M. Land and labour; a lecture, pp. 16, 8vo. Dune- din, 1882. Pam., v. 6, no. 148. FLURSCHEIM, MICHAEL. Rent, interest, and wages; or, the real bearings of the land question. 8vo. Lond. [1891]. LAND ho! a conversation of 1933, on the results of the adoption of the system of " Nationalizing the Jand of New Zealand, adopted in 1883." pp. 16, 8vo. Lyttelton, 1881. Pam., v. 6, no. 147. 144 LAND : CO-OPERATION. LAND league of New South Wales. Manifesto, 26th April, 1859. pp. ii. sm. 8vo. Syd., 1859. I'am., v. 142, no. 2730. WALLACE, ALFRED RUSSEL. Land nationalisation, its necessity and its aims ; being a comparison of the system of landlord and tenant with that of occupying ownership, ^rd. ed. 8vo Lond. [1882!. 333.2. Community Ownership. HAGGARD, HENRY RIDER. The poor and the land; being a report on the Salvation army colonies in the United States, and at Hadleigh, England : with a scheme of national land settlement : illust. 8vo. Lond., 1905. 333.3. Private Ownership. BRODRICK, Hon. GEORGE CHARLES. English land and English landlords ; an inquiry into the origin and character of the English land system, with proposals for its reform. 8vo. Lond., 1 88 1. FUSTEL DE COULANGES, NUMA DENIS. Origin of property in land : tr. by Margaret Ashley, with introductory chapter on the English manor by W. J. Ashley. 2nd ed. 8vo. Lond., 1892. (Social science ser.) HONE, NATHANIEL J. The manor and manorial records: illust. 8vo. Lond., 1906. JEBB, L. Small holdings of England; a survey of various existing systems: [illust.]. 8vo. Lond., 1907. MACKENZIE, ALEXANDER. History of Highland clearances; containing a reprint of Donald Macleod's " Gloomy memories of the Highlands " ; Isle of Skye in 1882 ; and a verbatim report of the trial of the Braes crofters. 8vo. Inverness, 1883. MUNRO, WILLIAM BENNETT. The seigniorial system in Canada ; a study in French colonial policy. 8vo. N.Y., 1907. (Harvard historical studies, v. 13.) PRATT, EDWIN A. Small holders; what they must do to suc- ceed :_ with a chapter on the revival of country life. 8vo. Lond., 1909. 333.5. Rent. NICHOLSON, JOSEPH SHIELD. Relations of rents, wages, and profits in agriculture, and their bearing on rural depopula- tion. 8vo. Lond., 1906. (Social science ser.) 334. Co-operation. AVES, ERNEST. Co-operative industry. 8vo. Lond , 1907 CO-OPERATIVE wholesale societies limited. Annual, 1906.' 8vo. Manchester. FAY, C. R. Co-operation at home and abroad ; a description and analysis. 8vo. Lond., 1908. CO-OPERATION: SOCIALISM. 145 HOB SON, JOHN ATKINSON, ed. Co-operative labour upon the land and other papers : the report of a conference upon ' ' Land, co-operation and the unemployed," held at Holborn town hall in October, 1894. 8vo. Lond., 1895. HOLDEN, GEORGE KENYON. Inquiry into the new relations be- tween labour and capital induced by co-operative societies, labour partnerships, and other forms of productive industry. PP- 35- Svo. Syd., 1867. Pam., v. 181, no. 3487. HOLYOAKE, GEORGE JACOB. History of co-operation: [new ed.] revised and completed. 2 v. 8vo. Lond., 1906. Self-help a hundred years ago. 3rd ed. 8vo. Lond., 1891. (Social science ser.) KROPOTKIN, PETR ALEKSYEEVICH, prince. Mutual aid; a factor of evolution. Rev. ed. 8vo. Lond., 1908. LACY, GEORGE. Co-operation : the social equalizer, the pacifica- tion of all antagonism between capital and labour, pp. 20. 8vo. Syd., 1880. Pam., v. 95, no. 1717. NEW ZEALAND'S great want; organisation of labour, pp. 38, 8vo. Gore, 1894. Pam., v. 34, no. 549. ROSS, JOHN. From competition to co-operation; or, socialism in the making. 8vo. Melb., 1906. 334.7. Friendly Societies. BAERNREITHER, J. M. English associations of working men : tr. by Alice Taylor, pref. by J. M. Ludlow. 8vo. Lond., 1891. 335. Socialism and Communism. BAX, ERNEST BELFORT. Ethics of socialism; being further essays in modern socialist criticism. [5th ed.]. 8vo. Lond., 1902. (Social science ser.) Religion of socialism; being essays in modern socialist criti- cism. [6th ed.]. 8vo. Lond., 1902. (Social science ser ) BERNSTEIN, EDWARD. Evolutionary socialism; a criticism and affirmation: tr. by Edith C. Harvey. 8vo. Lond., 1909. (Sociali-it library.) BLISS, Rev. WILLIAM DWIGHT PORTER. Handbook of socialism; a statement of socialism in its various aspects, and a history of socialism in all countries [etc.]. 8vo. Lond., 1895. CATHREIN, Rev. VICTOR, S.J. Socialism; its theoretical basis and practical application : tr. of 8th German ed. , with special reference to the condition of socialism in the United States : revised and enlarged by V. F. Gellelmann. 8vo. N.Y., 1904. ELY, RICHARD THEODORE. Socialism; an examination of its nature, its strength and its weakness, with suggestions for social reform. 8vo. N.Y., 1894. (Library of economics and politics.) 146 SOCIALISM. ENGELS, FRIEDRICH. Socialism, Utopian and scientific : tr. by E. Aveling : special introd. by the author. 8vo. Lond., 1892. (Social science ser.) ENSOR, R. C. K., cd. Modern socialism as set forth by socialists- in their speeches, writings and programmes : introd. by R. C. K. Ensor. 8vo. Lond., 1904. FERRI, ENRICO. Socialism and modern science Darwin Spencer Marx: tr. by R. R. La Monte. 2nd ed. 8vo. N.Y., 1904. FLINT. ROBERT. Socialism. 8vo. Lond., 1895. GOSMAN, Rev. ALEXANDER. Socialism in the light of right con- duct and religion: eight lectures, pp. 57. 8vo. Melb., 1891. Pam., v. 37, no. 637. GRONLUND, LAURENCE. The co-operative commonwealth; an exposition of modern socialism. 8vo. Lond., 1886. (Social science ser.) Our destiny ; the influence of socialism on morals and religion t an essay in ethics. 2nd ed. 8vo. Lond., 1891. (Social science ser.) GUTHRIE, WILLIAM B. Socialism before the French revolution;, a history. 8vo. N.Y., 1907. Contents. Introduction. Beginning of social unrest in England. Social theories of Sir Thomas More. Life and times of Cam- panella. Socialism of Campanella. Eighteenth century radicalism in France. Social teachings of Morelly. Revolutionary radicals. General conclusion. GUYOT. YVES. Socialistic fallacies : [pref . to the English ed.. by the author] 8vo Lond., 1910 HARDIE, JAMES KEIR. From serfdom to socialism: [with appx. of quotations]. i2mo. Lond., 1907. (Labour ideal ser.) HIRSCH. MAXIMILIAN. Democracy versus socialism; a critical examination of socialism as a remedy for social injustice, and an exposition of the single tax doctrine. 8vo. Lond., 1901. An exposure of socialism ; three lectures on socialism ; and a debate on socialism between Mr. Max. Hin-ch and Mr. H. Scott Bennett, M.L.A. pp. 73, 8vo. Melb., 1904. Pam., v. 43, no. 719. HUNTER, ROBERT. Socialists at work: [illust.]. 8vo. N.Y., 1908. KAUFMANN", Rev. MORITZ. Socialism and modern thought. 8vo. Lond., 1895. (Sodal questions of to-day.) KELLY, EDMOND. Twentieth century socialism; what it is not; what it is; and how it may come. 8vo. N.Y., 1910. KIRKUP, THOMAS. History of socialism; new ed. 8vo. Lond., 1900. Inquiry into socialism. 3rd ed. 8vo. Lond., 1907. KROPOTKIN, PETR ALEKSYEEVICH, prince. The conquest of bread. 8vo. Lond., 1906. LE ROSSIGNOL, JAMES EDWARD. Orthodox socialism; a criti- cism. 8vo. N.Y., 1907. (Library of economics and politics.) SOCIALISM. 147 LONDON municipal society. The case against socialism; a hand- book for speakers and candidates : prefatory letter by A. J. Balfour. 8vo. Lond., 1908. MALLOCK. WILLIAM HURRELL Critical examination of socialism. 8vo. Lend., 1908. MILLAR, FREDERICK, ed. Socialism, its fallacies and dangers. 8vo. Lond., 1906. RUSSELL, CHARLES EDWARD. Why I am a socialist. 8vo. N.Y., [1911]. SCHAFFLE, ALBERT EBERHARD FRIEDRICH. The quintessence of socialism: tr. from the 8th German ed., under the super- vision of Bernard Bosanquet. 4th ed. 8vo. Lond., 1892. (Social science ser.) SMITH, ARTHUR BRUCE, M.P. Liberty and liberalism; a protest against the growing tendency towards undue interference by the state with individual liberty, private enterprise, and the rights of property. 8vo. Melb., 1887. SNOWDEN, ETHEL, Mrs. P. The woman socialist. lamo. Lond., 1907. (Labour ideal ser.) SOMBART, WERNER. Socialism and the social movement : tr. from the 6th German ed., with introd. and notes, by M. Epstein. 8vo. Lond., 1909. SPARGO. JOHN. Socialism ; a summary and interpretation of socialist principles. 8vo N.Y., 1906. STODDART, JANE T. The new socialism; an impartial inquiry. 8vo. Lond., 1909. STRACHEY, JOHN ST. LOE. Problems and perils of socialism ; letters to a working man. 8vo. Lond., 1908. TUGAN-BARANOWSKY, M. Modern socialism in its historical development : tr. from the Russian by iM. J. Redmount. 8vo. Lond., 1910. WEBB, SIDNEY JAMES. W 7 hat socialism means; a call to the un- converted, pp. 8, 8vo. Syd.. 1893. Pam., v. 143, no. 2735. WELLS, HERBERT GEORGE. New worlds for old. 8vo. Lond., 1908. WILSON, H. ARTHUR. The failure of modern socialism; a reply to Blatchford's " Not guilty." 8vo. Lond., 1907. WILSON, W. LAWI.ER. The menace of socialism : diagrams. 8vo. Lond., 1909. WRIXON, Sir HENRY JOHN. Socialism; being notes on a poli- tical tour : [with] appces. on trade relations of the Empire, [&c.]. 8vo. Lond., 1906. 335.1. English and American Socialism. BARKER, J. ELLIS. British socialism; an examination of its doctrines, policy, aims, and practical proposals. 8vo. Lond., 1908. BARNETT, Rev. SAMUEL AUGUSTUS, and BARNETT, HENRIETTA OCTAVIA, Mrs. S. A. Practicable socialism; essays on social reform. 2nd ed. 8vo. Lond., 1895. BLATCHFORD, ROBERT. Britain for the British. 8vo. Lond., n.d. The sorcery shop; an impossible romance. 8vo. Lond., 1907. 148 SOCIALISM: COLLECTIVISM. COOPER, Sir WILLIAM KARNSHAW. Socialism and its perils; a critical survey of its policy, showing the fallacies and im practicabilities of its doctrines. 8vo. Lend., 1908. FORSTER, Rt. hon. HUGH OAK.ELEY ARNOLD-. English socialism of to-day ; its teaching and its aims examined. 8vo. Lond., 1908. HILLQUIT. MORRIS. History of socialism in the United States. 4th ed. 8vo. N.Y., 1906. JUDGE, MARK HAYLER, ed. Political socialism; a remonstrance: a collection of papers by members of the British constitution association. 8vo. Lond., 1908. MACDONALD, JAMES RAMSAY. Socialism and society. 8vo. Lond., 1906. (Socialist library.) MACKAY, THOMAS, ed. A plea for liberty ; an argument against socialism and socialistic legislation : consisting of an introd. by Herbert Spencer, and essays by various writers. 8vo. Lond., 1891. SINCLAIR, UPTON. The industrial republic; a study of the America of ten years hence: illust. 8vo. Lond.. 1907. VILLIERS. BROUGHAM. The socialist movement in England. 8vo. Lond.. 1908. 335.11. Australian Socialism. JENSEN, HAROLD INGEMANN. The rising tide; an exposition of Australian socialism. 8vo. Syd., 1909. MAGAREY, W. A. Individualism or socialism? 8vo. Adel., , 1895. METIN, ALBERT. Le socialisme sans doctrine; la question agraire et la question ouvriere en Australie et Nouvelle-Zelande. 8vo. Paris, 1901. ST. LEDGER, ANTHONY JAMES JOSEPH, senator. Australian socialism; an historical sketch of its origin and developments 8vo. Lond., 1909. SOCIALISM as defined in the Australian Labor party's objective and platform; official report of a public debate between G. H. Reid and W. A. Holman. pp. 63, sm. 8vo. Syd., 1906. Para., v. 78, no. 1388. Same: another copy. Pam., v. 121, no. 2245. 335.41. Collectivism. LEROY-BEAULIEU. PIERRE PAUL. Collectivism; a study of some of the leading social questions of the day : tr. and abridged by Sir Arthur Clay. 8vo. Lond., 1908. NAQUET, JOSEPH ALFRED. Collectivism and the socialism of the liberal school ; a criticism and an exposition : tr. by William Heaford. 8vo. Lond., 1891. (Social science ser.) SALEEBY, CALEB WILLIAMS. Individualism and collectivism; four lectures; introd. and appx. by members of the British constitutional association. 8vo. Lond., 1906. Contents. Introduction, including remarks by Sir Arthur Clay, bart. The child and the state. The parent and the state. The family and the state. The individual and the state. Appx. i Re- marks ; ii. British constitutional association. SOCIALISM : STATE DOMAIN. 149 335.5. German Socialism. DAW T SON, WILLIAM HARBUTT. German socialism and Ferdinand Lassalle: [portr.]. 2nd ed. 8vo. Lond., 1891 (Social science ser.) 335.6. State Socialism. LAVER, Rev. THOMAS. State socialism in principle and method compared with the socialism of Christ, pp. 14, 8vo. Melb.,. Pam., v. 43, no. 721. 335.7. Christian Socialism. ADDERLEY, Rev. JAMES. Behold the days come; a fancy in Christian politics. 8vo. Lond., 1907. BIGGS, LEONARD VIVIAN. Christian socialism; a lecture: and a letter on English socialists and home sanctity by Canon Scott Holland, pp. 14. 8vo. [Melb.], 1905. Pam., v. 78, no. 1389. FORSYTH, Rev. PETER TAYLOR. Socialism, the church, and the poor. pp. 73, 8vo. Lond., 1908. HARRIS, Rev. EDWARD. Socialism and the church : a lecture. pp. 15, 8vo. Syd., 1890. Pam., v. 49, no. 814. HEADLAM, Rev. STEWART DUCKWORTH. The socialist's church. pp. 84, i2mo. Lond., 1907. (Labour ideal ser.) NITTI, FRANCESCO SAVERIO. Catholic socialism : tr. from the 2nd Italian ed. by Mary Mackintosh : introd. by David G. Ritchie 8vo. Lond., 1891;. WOOD WORTH. ARTHUR V. Christian socialism in England. 8vo. Lond., 1903. 335.8. Anarchism. ZENKER, ERNST VICTOR. Anarchism; a criticism and history of the anarchist theory : tr. from the German. 8vo. Lond. T 1898. 335.9. Socialistic Communities. CULLEN, ALEXANDER. Adventures in socialism; New Lanark establishment and Orbiston community. 8vo. Glasgow, 1910. 336.1. State Domain and Properties ACOCKS, WILLIAM GEORGE. Settlers' synopsis of the land laws of New South Wales. 8vo. Syd., 1901. Same: 2nd ed., revised. 8vo. Syd., 1906. CAMPBELL, COLIN. The squatting question considered, with a view to its settlement, pp. 30, 8vo. Melb., 1861. Pam., v. 120, no. 2243. CAMPBELL, WILLIAM. Crown lands of Australia : the land regulations, [&c.J. 8vo. Glasgow, 1855. ]50 STATE DOMAIN AND PROPERTIES. COALITION between the squatters and free selectors : the true policy for reducing and opening the lands, and letting in the tide of immigration, pp. 11, 8\o. Syd., n.d. I'.un., v. 94. no. 1711. DUFFY, Sir CHARLES GAVAN. Guide to the land law of Vic- toria, pp. 31, 8vo. Melb., 1862. Tarn., v. 6, no. 134. FAWKNER, JOHN PASCOE. Squatting orders; orders in council: locking up the lands of the colony in the hands of a small minority. 8vo. Melb., 1854. Same; another copy. Pam., v. 61, no. 1002. GIPPS, Sir GEORGE. Speech in council, on 9th July, 1840, on the second reading of the Bill for appointing commissioners to enquire into claims to grants of land in New Zealand. pp. 30, 8vo. Syd., 1860. [1840]. Pam., v. 67, no. 1144. HANSON, WILLIAM. Pastoral possessions of New South Wales, with names of holders [&c.] : with map. 8vo. Syd., 1889. KENTISH, NATHANIEL LIPSCOMB. Question of questions; show- ing how to make food plentiful and cheap, and the agricul- tural interests prosperous in Victoria. 8vo. Melb., 1855. LAND systems of the Australasian colonies, pp. 24, 8vo. Melb., n.d. Pam., v. 78, no. 1384. LUCAS, JOHN. Darling Harbour compensation case; Lucas v. Minister for works: [plan], pp. 30, 8vo. Syd., 1883. Pam., v. 94, no. 1706. MACPHAIL, MYLES. Australian squatting directory, 1871. 8vo. Adel. Victorian squatting directory, 1874-75 [with explanation of the various land acts 1 of Victoria, South Australia, Queensland, and New South Wales]. 8vo. Melb., 1874. MALLEE district of Victoria, pp. 18, 8vo. Melb., 1880. Pam., v. 20, no. 376. MILLEN, EDWARD DAVIS, senator. Our western lands : a vanish- ing asset, pp. 36. 8vo. Syd., 1900. Pam., v. 94, no. 1710. MORAL effect of the land laws. pp. 22, 8vo. Syd.. n.d. Pam., v. 167, no. 3189. NEW SOUTH WALES: Lands department. Crown lands amendment act of 1905, No. 412 : the new tenure, pp. 30, sm. 8vo. Syd., 1906. Pam., v. 94, no. 1708. New assessment of pastoral holdings. pp. 14, 8vo. Syd., 1887. Pam., v. 41, no. 702. NEW SOUTH WALES: Law: statutes. Crown lands acts of 1884, 1889, and 1895 : [and other acts], and regulations thereunder: map. 8th ed. 8\o. Syd., 1898. Land act of 1884 (48 Viet. no. 18), with explanatory notes by A. Armstrong. 8vo. Syd., 1884. Pastures and stock acts, with regulations and forms: annotated, indexed, and ed. by F. A. A. Russell. 8vo. Syd. [1903]. STATE DOMAIN AND PROPERTIES. 151 NEW SOUTH WALES -.National Park: [Deed of grant, and acts for the regulation and protection of parks : maps.] 8vo. Syd-, n.d. PARK, GAVIN M. The unemployed and the remedy, pp. 9, 8vo. Well., 1886. Pam., v. 167, no. 3188. RIVERINE question; speeches in the Legislative assembly of New South Wales. 8vo. Melb., 1864. STEPHENSON, T. ALFRED. The peril of the empire: [portr.]. pp. 64, 8vo. Melb., 1907. Deals with crown lands of King island. Pam., v. 94, no. 1692. Same : another copy. Pam., v. 142, no. 2728. TASMANIA : Lands and surveys department. Crown lands guide. 1884, 1885. 1891, 1896, 1898, 1901, 1905, 1909. 8vo. Hobart, v.d. TASMANIA : Survey office. Abstract of the various land regula- tions in force in Tasmania since 1843, including the Waste lands act and the Unsettled waste lands act. pp. 24, 8vo. Hobart Town, 1859. Pam., v. 78, no. 1376. Same: another copy. Pam., v. 94, no. 1705. Abstract of the Waste lands act of Tasmania, 1863. pp. 22, 8vo. Hobart Town, 1864. Pam., v. 78, no. 1377. UNITED STATES -.General land office. Decisions of the De- partment of the interior and the General land office in cases relating to public lands : v. 2, 1883-84, v. 29, 1899 to date. 8vo. Wash. VICTORIA: Lands department. Land act 1862; with the regu- lations and forms approved by the Governor in council : [map], pp. 52, 8vo. Melb., 1862. Pam., v. 6, no. i34-\. Land act, 1869, with the rules, regulations, and orders- [&c.]. 8vo. Melb., 1870. Pam., v. 6, no. 133. VICTORIAN 'Convention. Resolutions, proceedings, and docu- ments, pp. 31, 8vo. Melb., 1857. Pam., v. 6, no. 135. Same: another copy. Pam., v. 142, no. 2731. WESTERN AUSTRALIA -.Lands department. West Australian selector's guide, 1907 : [illust. and map]. pp. 56, 8vo.. Perth, 1907. Pam., v. 167, no. 3187. 336.11. Management and Income from Rents. APPEAL of western crown tenants: by a pastoral delegate, pp. 27, 8vo. Syd., 1893. Pam., v. 41, no. 698. BUCKLAND, THOMAS, ed. New assessment of pastoral holdings; evidence taken by the Land board at Dubbo, 1887. pp. 14. 8vo. Syd., 1887. Pam., v. 41, no. 702. 152 STATE DOMAIN AND PROPERTIES. PASTORAL association. The land question considered with refer- ence to pastoral occupation in Victoria, pp. 2%, 8vo. Melb., 1867. Pam., v. 55, no. 910. WILCANNIA pastoral protection association. Western division; the Land act and the rabbits, pp. 29, 8vo. Syd., 1886. Pam., v. 94, no. 1709. Same: 2nd. ed., with appx., Mr. Copeland's amending hind bill. pp. 32, xv., 8vo. Syd., 1887. Tarn., v. 41, no. 699. 336.12. Sale. BLACK, REGINALD J. New South Wales land laws; the central division; land legislation and the leases. pp. 32, 8vo. Syd., n.d. Pani., v. 41, no. 701. BROWN, AUSTIN GRAHAM. Digest of the Land acts [Victoria]; with descriptive and school maps of Victoria, and notes on vermin destruction: [illust.]. pp. 45, 8vo. Melb., 1901. Pam., v. 43, no. 731. COMMERCIAL, pastoral, and agricultural association [Land system of N.S.W. : map], pp. 92, 8vo. Syd., n.d. Pam., v. 54, no. 892. COOK, SAMUEL. The " Wagga Wagga Advertiser" prize essay- on the future land policy of New South Wales, pp. 47, 8vo. Syd., 1870. Pam., v. 43, no. 715. MELBOURNE chamber of commerce. Proceedings of the Mel- bourne chamber of commerce and the special committee appointed to consider and report on the best means of pro- moting agriculture and settling the waste lands of the colony. pp. 35, 8vo. Melb., 1855. Pam., v. 61, no. 997. NEW SOUTH WALES -.Lands department. Crown land alienation act, and Grown lands occupation act, 25 Victorias, nos. i and 2, 1861 ; and, Lands acts amendment act, 39 Victorias, no. 13, 1875; w ^ tn regulations thereunder, pp. xxiv., 84. 2nd ed. 8vo. Syd., 1876. Pam., v. 41, no. 700. O'SULLIVAN, EDWARD WILLIAM. The new land policy, pp. 16, 8vo. Syd., 1904. Pam., v. 142, no. 2726. STEPHENSON, T. ALFRED. That gilded coach: [portr.]. pp. 46, 8vo. Melb., 1909. Pam., v. 142, no. 2729. WESTERN _ AUSTRALIA: Lands and surveys department Conditions of land selection : a brief resume of existing land laws, October, 1907. pp. 8, 8vo. Perth, 1907. Pam., v. 142, no. 2732. 336.1S. Land Claims. VAN DIEMEN'S LAND company. Report made to the twenty- ninth yearly general meeting, i7th March, 1854. pp. 19, 8vo. Lond., 1854. Pam., v. 181. no. 3489. Report made to a special general meeting, 2^rd November, 1854. pp. 14, 8vo. Lond., 1854. Pnm., v. 181, no. 3488. TAXATION. 153 336.2. Taxation. COOLEY, THOMAS M'!NTYRE. Treatise on the law of taxation, including the law of local assessments: 3rd ed., by A. P. Jacobs. 2 v., 8vo. Chic., 1903. CRITO. The present crisis; are Tasmanians oppressively taxed? pp. 8, 8vo. Launceston, n.d. Pam., v. 77, no. 1366. Same: another copy. Pam., v. 94, no. 1696. DAWBARN, CLIMENSON VELVERTON CHARLES. The social con- tract, more particularly in relation to taxation. 8vo. Lond., 1910. DOWELL, STEPHEN. History of taxes and taxation in England from the earliest times to the year 1885. 2nd ed. 4 v., 8vo. Lond.. 1888. ELY, RICHARD THEODORE, and FINLEY, J. H. Taxation in American states and cities. 8vo. N.Y., 1888. (Library of economics and politics.) FINANCIER. Our financial system: indirect versus direct taxa- tion ; or, the ways and means : addressed to the people of Victoria, pp. 8, 8vo. Melb., 1858. Pam., v. 68, no. 1157. JOHNSTON, ROBERT MACKENZIE, "Economist." Taxation; cur- rent popular fallacies, pp. 9, 8vo. Hobart, 1893. Pam., v. 77, no. 1365. KELLY'S customs tariffs of the world,- 1904. la. 8vo. Lond. "ME an' George": talks on topics of popular interest, pp. 46, sm. 8vo. Maitland, n.d. Pam., v. 95, no. 1716. NICHOLSON, JOSEPH SHIELD. Rates and taxes as affecting agri- culture. 8vo. Lond., 1905. RITCHIE. WILLIAM. Letters on fiscal and land law reform, pp. 43, 8vo. Launceston, 1884. Pam., v. 78, no. 1383. SELIGMAN, EDWIN ROBERT ANDERSON. The shifting and inci- dence of taxation : 2nd ed. revised and enlarged. 8vo. N.Y., 1902. With bibliography. SMITH, C. McKAY. Taxation of property; a treatise on Sit Henry Parkes's proposed " Short method " with capitalists. pp. 30, 8vo. Syd., 1888. Pam., v. 43, no. 716. Same: another copy. Pam., v. 53, no. 882. SMITH, G. ARMITAGE. Principles and methods of taxation. 8vo. Lond., 1906. TAYLOR, NEWTON M. Elements of taxation ; a popular historical and general discussion of the different methods of levying and collecting taxes, with reasons for and against [&c."l. 8vo Phila., [1905]. 154 TAXATION : LAND TAX. 336.21. Direct Taxation. HOUSE, ALBERT E. Income tax acts, [Victoria] ; with explanatory notes and specimen forms. 8vo. Melb., 1905. LEVINSON, BERTRAM ARTHUR. The income tax acts of Victoria annotated. 8vo. Melb., 1910. SURPLUS wealth tax league. Present taxation and its inequality pp. 8, 8vo. Camperdown, n.d. Pam., v. 43, no. 722. WITHV, ED\VARD. Ground rent the true source of public revenue. pp. 95, 8vo. Auckland, 1893 Pam., v. 1 2O S no. 2241. 336.22. Taxation of Real Estate. CHOMLEY, CHARLES HENRY, and OUTHWAITE, R. L. The essential reform ; land values taxation in theory and prac- tice. 8vo. Lond., 1909. FORSVTH, ARCHIBALD. Land taxation and nationalisation; being an enquiry into municipal taxation on the unimproved value of land and state taxation based on the single tax theory. pp. 1 6, 8vo. Syd., 1890. Pam., v. 94, no. 1697. FOX, ARTHUR WILSON. Rating of land values; notes upon the proposals to levy rates in respect of site values. 8vo. Lond., 1906. G AN DON, P. J. " Ecce homo" in political economy; the aboli- tion of poverty by the single tax : letters addressed to Henry George, pp. 35, 8vo. Syd., 1890. Pam., v. 142, no. 2724. HIRSCH, MAXIMILIAN. Land values taxation in practice; a record of progress in legislation of the principles of land values taxation: [portr.]. 8vo. Melb., [1910]. JOHNSTON, ROBERT MACKENZIE, " Economist." Fallacies of the single tax panacea, pp. 8, sm. 8vo., n.p., n.d. Pam., v. 77, no. 1368. KORORIA, pseud. A question to colonists of every grade; is ' ' single tax ' ' a remedy ? being the substance of Henry George's doctrine, together with a short biographical sketch. pp. 72, 8vo. Well., 1890. Pam., v. 167, no. 3190. OGILVY, A. J. The land : published by the Tasmanian land nationalisation society, pp. 28. 8vo. Hobart, 1887. Pam., v. 78, no. 1378. PIESSE, FREDERICK WILLIAM. Letter to the members of the Legis- lature of Tasmania, being a plea for the imposition of a tax upon the unimproved capital value of land. pp. 8. sm. vo. Hobart, 1886. Pam., v. 77, no. 1367. State improved (or, unimproved capital) value of land ; a cate- chism, pp. 16, sm. 8vo. Hobart, 1887. Pam., v. 78, no. 1374. RITCHIE, WILLIAM. Assessment of real property in Tasmania. Pp. 1 6, 8vo. Launceston, 1885. Pam., v. 78, no. 1379. TAXATION : CUSTOMS. 155 SAMPSON, A. H. " To every man his own ! " land betterment taxation; no betterment no tax. pp. 15. i2mo. Tarn- worth, 1895. Pam., v. 37, no. 641. SEALY, H. J. Are we to stay here? a paper on the Xew Zealand public works policy of 1870 : considered specially with re- ference to the question of the settlement of the Crown lands and the incidence of taxation, pp. 86, 8vo. n.p., 1881. Pam., v. 78, no. 1382. SOUTH AUSTRALIAN land nationalization society. Second edi- tion of the manifesto. pp. 32, 8vo. Adel., 1884. Pam., v. 78, no. 1381. 338.26. Customs. ATTON, HENRY, and HOLLAND, HENRY HURST. The King's Customs ; an account of maritime revenue and contraband traffic in England. Scotland, and Ireland from the earliest times to 1800: pref. by F. S. Parry: [4 illust.]. [v.i.]. 8vo. Lond., 1908. Same, v. 2 : entitled The King's Customs, v. n. ; an account of maritime revenue, contraband traffic, the introduction of free trade, and the abolition of the navigation and corn laws, from 1801 to 1855 : [7 illust.]. 8vo. Lond.. 1910. AUSTRALIA: Trade and customs department. Customs tariff. 1908: [index], n.t.p., 8vo. Melb., 1908. Guide to the customs tariff. 1908, alphabetically arranged, showing rates of duty under the general tariff and under the British preference provisions, also statistical classification. 8vo. Melb., 1909. Supplementary guide to the customs tariff. 1908-10. 8vo. Melb.. 1911. GREAT BRITAIN -.Tariff. Imperial tariff, 1905 to date; con- taining the laws and regulations governing the importation ana warehousing, the exportation or transhipment of mer- chandise : by T. E. O'Reilly. i2mo. Lond. NEW SOUTH WALES -.Customs department. Comparative tables of the tariffs of Xew South Wales, Victoria, South Australia, Queensland, Tasmania. New Zealand, and Western Australia, discriminating between specific and ad -valorem duties, pp. 27, 8vo. Syd., 1879. Pam., v. 76, no. 1326. SOUTH AUSTRALIA -.Customs department. Custom house handbook ; being the merchants' and importers' guide to the business of the Customs department. 8vo. Adel., 1878. Same: another ed.. compiled by Arthur Searcy. pp. 89, 8vo. Adel., 1883. 336.27. Excise : Licences : Legacies. ROWXTREE, JOSEPH, and SHERWELL, ARTHUR. Taxation of the liquor trade: [illust.]. v. i. 8vo. Lond.. 1906. Contents. Public-houses, hotels, restaurants, theatres, railway bars and clubs. THOMPSON, FREDERIC W. High licence; a critical examina- tion of the licence duties prevailing in the United Kingdom and the United States : [diagrams]. pp. 74, 8vo. Lond., 1909. 156 TAXATION: NATIONAL FINANCE. 336.28. Local Taxes. ARNOLD, GEORGE C. Local taxation : the proposal to exempt im- provements from rating, pp. 12, 8vo. Melb., 1902. Pam., v. 88, no. 1581. 333.3. Loans. HAMILTON 1 . Sir EDWARD WALTER. Conversion and redemption; an account of the operations under the National delt conver- sion act 1888, and the National debt redemption act 1889. pp. 63, 8vo. Lond., 1889. . 336.36. Repudiation. SCOTT, WILLIAM AMASA. The repudiation of state debts ; a study in the financial history of Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Louisiana, Arkan- sas, Tennessee, Minnesota, Michigan, and Virginia. 8vo N.Y., 1893. (Library of economics and politics.) Finance of Special Countries. 336.42. Great Britain. BUXTON, SYDNEY CHARLES. Finance and politics ; an historical study, 1783-1885. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1888. CHURCHILL, Lord RANDOLPH HENRY SPENCER. Our public ex- penditure, its amount, nature, and results; speech at Wolver- hampton, 3rd June, 1887. pp. 31, 8vo. Lond. [1887]. Pam., v. 76, no. 1325. CROSS, JOHN WALTER. The rake's progress in finance. 8vo. Edinb., 1905. GLADSTONE, Rt. /ton. WILLIAM EWART. Financial statements of 1850, 1860-63 : [appended] speech on tax-bills, 1861. and on charities, 1863 : 2nd ed. including the " financial state- ment of 1864." 8vo. Lond., 1864. GREAT BRITAIN -.Law: Statutes. [Acts relating to the South Seas.] fo. Lond., 1731-1750. Contents. South Sea annuities, 1731. do. do. 1736. do. do. 1750- Reduction of interest on stock, 1750. IDDESLEIGH, STAFFORD HENRY NORTHCOTE, ist earl of. Twenty years of financial policy ; a summary of the chief financial measures passed between 1842 and 1861. 8vo. Lond., 1862. ROOT, JOHN WILSON. British national finance. 8vo. Lond., 1909. SNOWDEN, PHILIP. The socialist's budget. i2mo. Lond., 1907. (Labour ideal ser.) WILLIAMS, W. M. J. The king's revenue; being a handbook to the taxes and public revenue. 8vo. Lond., 1008. WILSON, ALEXANDER JOHNSTONE. An empire in pawn; bein^ lectures and essays on Indian, colonial, and domestic finance, " preference," free trade, &c. 8vo. Lond., 1909. NATIONAL FINANCE. 157 336.494. Switzerland. SWITZERLAND: Assemblee federate. Rapport du Conseil federal a 1'Assemblee federale sur le compte d'etat de 1'armee, 1905. 8vo. Berne, 1906. 336.73. United States. .LAWSON, W. R American finance: part first domestic. 8vo, Edinb., 1906. 336.94. Australia. 'CAPPER, RICHARD. A question for electors ! why should we go to England to borrow money? -pp. 14. 8vo. Melb., 1868. Pam., v. 37, no. 642. DEBTS and assets of Australasia. -pp. 13, 8vo. [Melb.], n.d. From the " Official directory and year-book of Australia." Pam., v. 76, no. 1327. .FENTON, JAMES JEMISON. Public finances, loans, and statistics of Australia and Tasmania ; compiled for the Year-book of Australia, pp. 31, 8vo. Melb., 1888. Pam., v. 94, no. 1700. PULSFORD, EDWARD. Notes on capital and finance in Aus- tralasia, pp. 43, 8vo. Syd., 1892. Pam., v. 5, no. 113. ROGERS, E. N. The Australian case against John Bull and co. , politicians and financiers. 8vo. Syd., 1905. 336.944. New South Wales. BLAND, WILLIAM. Objections to the project of ... Sir George Gipps for raising a loan, 1341. pp. 20, 8vo. Syd., 1842. Pam., v. I2O 3 no. 2219. DIBBS, Sir GEORGE RICHARD. The public finances of New South Wales; reprint of letters to the press, October- November, 1897. pp. 8, 8vo. Syd., 1897. Pam., v. 167, no. 3192. -EAGER, GEOFFREY. Financial statement, 2;th September, 1866 : with appx. containing the project for the establishment of a national bank. pp. 39, 6, 8vo. Syd., 1866. Pam., v. 5, no. 115. LLOYD. GEORGE ALFRED. Ways and means; the financial state- ment of the colonial treasurer of New South Wales, igth November, 1874. pp. 59, 8vo. Syd., 1874. Pam., v. 44, no. 733. PALMER, JOHN R. National credit ; how to use it : a system of finance w r hich offers a solution of the unemployed problem. pp. 12, 8vo. Syd., 1895. Pam., v. 167, no. 3191. THOMSON, JAMES, ed. Financial statements of the colonial trea- surer of New South Wales, from the introduction of respon- sible government to 1881 : with ?ppx. by editor : [portrs.]. 8vo. Syd., 1 88 1. 158 NATIONAL FINANCE : PROTECTION AND FREE TRADE. 336.946. Tasmania. HARTLEY, THEODORE. Present financial crisis in Tasmania, with remarks and suggestions as to the most legitimate mode of obtaining a revenue. pp. 52. 8vo. Launceston, 1872. Pam., v. 76, ro. 1317. Same: another copy. Pam., v. 94, no. 1694. DODDS, Hon. Sir JOHN STOKELL. Finance statement delivered in- the House of assembly, ipth July, 1882. pp. 27, 8vo. Hobart. 1882 Pam., v. 76, no. 1328. Finance statement delivered in the House of assembly, i6th July, 1884. pp. 24, 8vo. Hobart, 1884. Pam., v. 76, PO. 1329. NICHOLAS, ALFRED. Letter to the Hon. T. D. Chapman, minis- ter of finance, on the subject of ways and means. pp. 8,. 8vo. Hobart Town, 1857. Pam., v. 94, no. 1695. 337. Protection and Free Trade. ABBOTT, WILLIAM EDWARD. Protection and the Hunter district.. pp. 31, 8vo. Syd., n.d. Pam., v. 43, no. 726. ADVANTAGES of protection, pp. 20. 8vo. Port Adel., 1883. Pam., v. 181, no. 3492. AGE newspaper, Melbourne. Protection in Victoria versus free- trade in New South Wales, pp. 20, 8vo. Melb., 1887. Pam., v. 37, no. 648. A wages question; how free-trade injures the workers, pp. 24, 8vo. Melb.. 1904. Pam., v. 121, no. 2248. AMERY. LEOPOLD CHARLES MAURICE STENNETT. Fundamental fallacies of free-trade ; four addresses on the logical ground- work of the free-trade theory. 8vo. Lond., 1906. ARGUS newspaper, Melbourne. Free-trade versus protection, pp. 21, 8vo. Melb., 1864. Pam., v. 69, no. 1176. ASHLEY, PERCY. Modern tariff history: Germany United States France; with preface by R. B. Haldane. 8vo. Lond., 1904. AVEBURY, JOHN LUBBOCK. baron. Free-trade. 8vo. Lond., 1904. BALL OUR, Rt. hon. ARTHUR JAMES. Economic notes on insular free trade, pp. 32. 8vo. Lond., 1903. Pam., v. 43, no. 7*5. Fiscal reform: speeches from June, 1880, to December. 1905; with reprmt of pamphlet " Economic notes on insular free trade" and letters from and to J. Chamberlain: pref. 8vo. Lond., 1906. BASTABLE, CHARLES FRANCIS. Commerce of nations. 2nd ed. 8vo. Lond.. 1899. Same. 5th ed., 8vo. Lond., 1911. PROTECTION AND FREE TRADE. 159 BELL, FREDERICK A. Industry and commerce relieved and in- creased by means of free-trade and direct taxation, -pp. 68, 2nd ed., 8vo. Syd., 1866. Pam., v. 37, no. 640. BRASSEY, THOMAS BRASSEY, ist earl. Sixty years of progress and the new fiscal policy. New ed. 8vo. Lond., 1906. BROWN, JOHN K. Our fiscal policy in relation to protection and our intercolonial trade, pp. 10, 8vo. Melb., 1871. Pam., v. 68, no. 1160. CANNING, Rt. lion. GEORGE. Corrected report of the speech de- livered in the House of commons, ist March, 1827, on the Corn laws. -pp. 43, 8vo. Lond., 1827. Pam., v. 67, no. 1134. CECIL, C. Free-trade in every age ; a historical, philosophical, and statistical review of the subject, pp. 32, sm. 8vo. Syd., 1867. Pam., v. 43, no. 724. CHAMBERLAIN, Rt. lion. JOSEPH. Imperial union and tariff reform : speeches delivered from i5th May to 4th November, 1903. 8vo. Lond., 1903. CHEEK, J. W. Protection, as it affects the farming industry of Tasmania : a lecture, pp. 13, 8vo. Launceston, 1888. Pam., v. 167, no. 3194. CHOMLEY, CHARLES HENRY. Protection in Canada and Aus- tralasia. 8vo. Lond., 1904. COLE, GEORGE WARD. A policy of action in employment for the people, pp. 16, 8vo. Melb., 1871. Pam., v. 6, no. 138. Same: another copy. Pam., v. 69, no. 1171. COX, HAROLD, ed. British industries under free-trade : essays by experts. 8vo. Lond., 1903. DAWSON, WILLIAM HARBUTT. Protection in Germany : a history of German fiscal policy during the nineteenth century. 8vo. Lond., 1904. DUCIE, HENRY GEORGE FRANCIS REYNOLDS MORETON, 2nd carl of. Strictures on the speech of, on the Corn laws, delivered London, 29th May, 1843. pp. 22, 8vo. Lond., 1843. Pam., v. 66, no. 1125. FARRER, THOMAS HENRY FARRER, ist baron. Free trade versus fair trade. New ed., with notes by C. H. Chomley. 8vo. Lond., 1904. FORSYTH, ARCHIBALD. Free, fair, and protected trade; which is the best for England, New South Wales, and Australia? pp. 42, 8vo. Syd., 1885. Pam., v. 167, no. 3193. Freetrade or protection ; a discussion between a freetrader and protectionist as to which is the best policy for New South Wales, pp. 34, 8vo. Syd., n.d. Pam., v. 43, no. 729. FRANCIS, FRANCIS. National independence; or, a commonsense policy, sm. 8vo. Lond., 1909. 1(JO PROTECTION AND FREE TRADE. FREE trade and tariff reform, la. 8vo. Syd. [1903]. Contents. The fiscal position : G. H. Reid. Prefert-iui.il trade : Sir W. McMillan. The Commonwealth free-trade position : Sir J. Svmon. A ring fence : D. Thomson. Moral influence of free-trade : B. Smith. Deluded democrats : J. W. Kirwan. Federal tarilT an. GILMOUR, T. L., ed. All sides of the fiscal controversy ; speeches by Mr. Chamberlain, Mr. Balfour, Sir M. Hicks Beach, Viscount Goschen [and others]. 8vo. Lond., 1903. GUYOT, YVES. The comedy of protection: tr. by M. A. Hamil- ton. 8vo. Lond., 1906. HEROD, JOSEPH ROGERS. Favored nation treatment: an analysis of the most favored nation clause. 8vo. N.Y., 1901. HIRSCH, MAXIMILIAN. The fiscal superstition. i2mo. Melb., 1895. HIRST, FRANCIS W;., ed. Free trade and other fundamental doctrines of the Manchester school set forth in selections from the speeches and writings of its founders and followers : introd. by editor. 8vo. Lond., 1903. HOARE, BENJAMIN. Preferential trade: a study of its esoteric meaning. 8vo. Melb., 1904. Twenty-five years of protection : how r it has helped Victoria. pp. 36, 8vo. Melb., 1896. Pam., v. 43, no. 7^8. HOBSON, JOHN ATKINSON. International trade; an application of economic theory. 8vo. Lond., 1904. HOGARTH, THOMAS. Protection to colonial industries, pp. 32, sm. 8vo. Launceston [1886]. Pam., v. 78, no. 1387. INTERCOLONIAL protectionist conference. Report, April 18 to 26, 1900. pp. 32, sm. 8vo. Syd., 1900. Pam., v. 95, no. 1719. INTERNATIONAL free trade congress, London, August, 1908. Report of the proceedings. 8vo. Lond., 1908. (Cobden club.J JAMES, GEORGE PAYNE RAINSFORD. Some remarks on the corn laws, with suggestions for an alteration in the sliding scale, in a letter to Col. Charles Wyndham, M.P. pp. r8, 8vo. Lond., 1841. Pam., v. 66, no. 1123. LEADAM, ISAAC SAUNDERS. What protection does for the farmer and labourer: a chapter of agricultural history. 3rd ed. i2Tno. Lond., 1881. Pam., v. 139, no. 2667. LOW, A. MAURICE. Protection in the United States : a. study of the origin and growth of the American tariff system, and its economic and social influences. 8vo, Lond., 1904. PEOTECTION AND FEEE TRADE. 161 LUCAS, JOHN. Whether is protection or freetrade the better fiscal policy for New South Wales, pp. 52, 8vo. Syd., 1889. Pam.. v. 43, no. 727. LUDOWICI, CHARLES E. Farmers and manufacturers undei federation, pp. 64, sm. 8vo. Syd., 1900. Pam., v. 96, no. 1753. LYNE, Sir WILLIAM JOHN. Imperial reciprocity; lecture before the Preferential trade league, Sydney, pp. 24, 8vo. Syd.. 1904. Pam., v. 167, no. 3196. McKINLEY, WILLIAM. The tariff; a review of the tariff legisla- tion of the United States from 1812 to 1896. 8vo. N.Y., 1904. MACNAMARA, THOMAS JAMES. Tariff reform and the working man. 8vo. Lond., 1910. MACNISH, FREDERICK C. Australian federal tariff ,and the Queensland sugar industry. pp. 7, 8vo. Mackay, 1901. Pam., v. 95, no. 1721. MALLET, Sir Louis. Reciprocity: a letter addressed to Thomas Bayley Potter, M.P., as chairman of the committee of the Cobden club. pp. 32, 8vo. Lond., 1879. Pam., v. 37, no. 634. MANUFACTURERS' and producers' association, Tasmanian interests in the proposed reciprocity treaty [with Victoria]. pp. 12, 8vo. Hobart, n.d. Pam., v. 76, no. 1316. MASSINGHAM, HENRY WILLIAM, ed. Labour and protection: a series of studies. 8vo. Lond., 1903. Contents. Preface : H. W. Massingham. Political dangers of pro- tection : J. Burns, M.P. Protection as a working policy : i. The general case : J. A. Hobson. 2. Protection and wages : J. A. Hobson. In the days of protection ; i. By G. J. Holyoake. 2. HOW the workers lived. The workman's cupboard : T. Lough, M.P. The co- operative housewife : R. Nash. The people on the margin : B. S. Rowntree. Protection in the staple trades : G. N. Barnes. An object- lesson from Germany : W. H. Dawson. MAUDE, ARTHUR HAY. The tariff question; Chamberlain appeals unto Caesar : with pref. by R. J. Seddon, and prefatory notices by Alfred Deakin, and T. W. Hislop. pp. 58, 8vo Dunedin, 1905. Pam., v. 88, no. 1589. MEREDITH, HUGH OWEN. Protection in France. 8vo. Lond., 1904. (Protection in various countries.) MONEY, LEO GEORGE CHIOZZA. Money's fiscal dictionary. 8vo. Lond., 1910. MONTAGU, EDWIN S., and HERBERT, BRON. Canada and the empire; an examination of trade preferences: pref. by the Earl of Rosebery. 8vo. Lond., 1904. MOSELEY, JOHN. Inquiry into the probable results consequent to the repeal of the Corn law. pp. 20, 8vo. Woodbridge, 1839. Pam., v. 66, no. 1124. NICHOLSON, JOSEPH SHIELD. History of the English com laws. 8vo. Lond., 1904. OUR country; a federal free-trade organ; 7th July, 1900, to i6th March, 1901 : ed. by Edward Pulsford fo. Syd., 1901. F.8720. P H\>> PEOTECTION AND FEEE TEADE. PARKER, Sir GILBERT. A national policy ; our fiscal system and imperial reciprocity : a speech, pp. 18, 8vo. Gravesend. n.d. Pam., v. 181, no. 3491. PARKES, Sir HENRY. Protectionists of New South Wales. pp. 9, 8vo. Lond., 1892. From the Fortnightly review for May. Pam., v. iai, no. 2251. PERRIS, GEORGE HERBERT. The protectionist peril ; an exami- nation of Mr. Chamberlain's proposals. 8vo. Lond., 1903. PIGOU, ARTHUR CECIL. Protective and preferential import duties. 8vo. Lond., 1906. PORRITT, EDWARD. Sixty years of protection in Canada, 1846- 1907, where industry leans on the politician. 8vo. Lond., 1908. PROTECTION or free trade, pp. 20, 8vo. Adel., 1880. Pam., v. 181, no. 3493. PULSFORD, EDWARD. Address to the farmers of New South Wales, pp. n, 8vo. Syd., n.d. Pam., v. 5, no. 127. Blessings of taxation, pp. 7, 8vo. Syd., 1886. Pam., v. 94, no. 1701. Free trade and protection; an answer to Mr. Forsyth's pamphlet, pp. 23, 8vo. Syd., 1885. Pam., v. 95, no. 1720. Preferential proposals of the Deakin government with regard to the United Kingdom and New Zealand, pp. 12, 8vo. Melb., 1906. Pam., v. 121, no. 2250. Protection, its inconsistency, absurdity, and injustice versus Free trade, its simplicity, truth, and power, pp. 16, 8vo. Syd., 1887. Pam., v. 5, no. 126. RANDALL, DAVID. Intercolonial free trade and' reciprocity. pp. 10. 8vo. Adel., 1870. Pam., v. 167, no. 3195. REID, Sir GEORGE HOUSTOUN. Protection or free trade? speech in favour of free trade delivered at a public discussion with David Buchanan, pp. 18, 8vo. Syd., 1880. Pam., v. 37, no. 639. Same: another copy. Pam., v. 95, no. 1718. ROBERTSON, JOHN MACKINNON. Trade and tariffs. 8vo. Lond., 1908. ROOT, JOHN WILSON. Colonial tariffs. 8vo. Liverpool, 1906. SALMON, C. S. Depression in the West Indies: free trade the only remedy, pp. 31, i2mo. Lond., 1884. Pam., v. 139, no. 2669. SCHEY, WILLIAM FRANCIS. What about Victoria? pp. 8, 8vo. Syd., 1897. Pam., v. 143, no. 2739. SMART, WILLIAM. The return to protection. 8vo. Lond., 1904. SMITH, FRANCIS GOULD. The Australian protectionist, pp. 94* 8vo. Melb., 1877. Pam., v. 69, no 1164. PROTECTION AND FREE TRADE : PRODUCTION. 163 SMITH, H. B. LEES. India and the tariff problem. 8vo. Lond., 1909. (Studies in economics and political science.) SMYLIE, A. Free trade v. protection, pp. 31, 8vo. Syd., n.d. Pam., v. 121, no. 2249. TRAILL, R. W. Common sense view of the commercial union of the British empire: by an Argentine fanner. pp. 12, 8vo. Rosario, 1903. Pam., v. 181, no. 3490. WELSFORD, J. W. The strength of nations; an argument from history. 8vo. Lond., 1907. WISE, BERNHARD RINGROSE. Facts and fallacies of modern pro- tection : being the Oxford Cobden prize essay for 1878. 8vo. Lond., 1879. Industrial freedom: a study in politics. 8vo. Lond., 1892. The influence of free trade on wages ; or, Why working men should be free traders, pp. viii., 39, 8vo. Syd., 1884. Pam., v. 5, no. 116. YEAR-BOOK of Australia. Prize essays on free trade and protec- tion : [by Edward Pulsford and J. W. Meaden]. pp. 16, 8vo. Syd., 1887. Pam., v. 143, no. 2740. 338. Production : Manufacture : Prices. KROPOTKIN, PETR ALEKSYEEVICH, -prince. Fields, factories, and workshops ; or, industry combined with agriculture and brain work with manual work. 8vo. Lond., 1907. LYNE, CHARLES. Industries of New South Wales. 8vo. Syd., 1882. PINCHOT, GIFFORD. The fight for conservation. 8vo. Lond., 1910. SHADWELL, ARTHUR, M.D. Industrial efficiency : a comparative study of industrial life in England, Germany, and America. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1906. 338.3. Fisheries. GREAT international fisheries exhibition, London, 1883. Cata- logue of the exhibits in the New South Wales court, by E. Ramsay, pp. 56, 8vo. Lond., 1883. Pam., v. 82, no. 1481. Catalogue of the exhibits in the Tasmanian court, pp. 14, 8vo. Lond., 1883. Pam., v. 82, no. 1480. Same : another cop v. Pam., v. 128, no. 2448. NEW SOUTH WALES : Royal commission on fisheries. Report, 8vo. Syd., 1880. OLIVER, ALEXANDER. The fisheries and oyster fisheries acts, 1881, and the regulations thereunder : introd. and summary. pp. 43, 8vo. Syd., 1893. Pam., v. 15, no. 310. THOMPSON, LINDSAY G. History of the fisheries of New South Wales: [illust., plates, and maps]. 8vo. Syd., 1893. F 2 164 COMPANIES : CORPORATE INDUSTRIES. . 338.5. Prices. JOHNSTON, ROBERT MACKENZIE. Primary law of value or price: [diagrams], pp. 19, 8vo. Hobart, 1895. Pam., v. 77, no. 1359. 338.6. Guilds. STALKY, EDGCUMBE. Guilds of Florence: illust., with biblio- graphical and chronological tables. 8vo. Lond., 1906. UNWIN, GEORGE. The gilds and companies of London: 37 illust. 8vo. Lond., 1908. 338.7. Corporate Industries. AUSTRALIAN agricultural company. Annual reports for the years 1856 and 1863 : [maps']. Syd., 1856-63. Pam., v. 98, nos. 1789-90. Report, half-yearly meeting, 3rd February, 1863. pp. 17, 8vo. Lond., 1863. Pam., v. 98, no. 1788. AUSTRALIAN gas-light company, Sydney. Historical sketch is- sued on the completion of its diamond jubilee, 1837-1897 [illust.]. pp. 42, sm. 410. Syd., 1897. AUSTRALIAN mutual investment and building company, limited. Issue of contributing shares, also balance-sheets from 1883 to 1889. pp. 14, 8vo. Syd.. 1890. Pam., v. 64, no. 1082. COMMERCIAL, pastoral, and agricultural association. [Report, &c.]. pp. 92, 8vo. Syd. [1886]. I'am., v. f)8, no. i~()2. HANDY register of mining companies for Tasmania : [maps], pp. 76, 8vo. Hobart, 1891. 1'am., v. 83, no. 1496. HORACK, FRANK EDWARD. Organization and control of indus- trial corporations. 8vo. Phila., 1903. NASH, ROBERT LUCAS. Australasian joint stock companies year- book ; a complete official record of all Australasian invest- ments, 1899, 1904, 1907, and 1909. 8vo. Syd. NEWCASTLE coal and copper company. Deed of settlement. pp. 48, 8vo. Syd., 1854. Pam., v. i8i, .10. 3521. NORTH British Australasian company, limited. 23rd annual re- port, 1864. pp. 35, 8vo. Lond. Pam., v. 98, no. 1791. SULLIVAN, JOHN J. American corporations ; the legal rules governing corporate organizations and management : with forms and illustrations. 8vo. N.Y., 1910. TASMANIAN mining association. First report of committee. pp. 6. 8vo. Launceston, 1880. Pam., v. 83, no. 1497. VAN DIEMEN'S LAND company. List of proprietors, March, 1854. pp. 21, sm. 8vo. Lond., 1854. Pam., v. 98, no. 1787. Report to isth yearly general meeting [map], pp. 19. 8vo. Lond., 1840. MONOPOLIES : TRUSTS. 1(55 VICTORIA coal company, limited. Subscription contract and deed of covenant, pp. 17. 8vo. Melb., 1864. Pam., v. 7, no. 158. VICTORIAN manufacturers' and exhibitors' association. Second annual report and balance-sheet, year ending 3ist March, 1879, w ith rules, bye-laws, etc. pp. 23. 8vo. Melb., 1879. 338.8. Monopolies : Trusts. ARCHBOLD, JOHN DUSTIN. From facts and figures regarding the Standard oil company, 'pp. 12. 8vo. Melb., n.d. Pam., v. 146, no. 2812. COOKE, FREDERICK H. The law of combinations, monopolies, and labor unions. 2nd ed., 8vo. Chic., 1909. DOS PASSOS, JOHN RANDOLPH. Commercial trusts: the growth and rights of aggregated capital ; an argument delivered before the Industrial commission at Washington. 8vo. N.Y., 1901. In favour of trusts. EDDY, ARTHUR JEROME. Law of combinations, embracing mono- polies, trusts, and combinations of labour and capital, con- spiracy, and contracts in restraint of trade. 2 v., 8vo. Chic., 1901. HALLE, ERNST VON. Trusts; or, industrial combinations and coalitions in the United States. 8vo. N.Y., 1895. HIRST, FRANCIS W. Monopolies, trusts, and kartells. 8vo. Lond., 1905. HOWE, FREDERICK CLEMSON. Confessions of a monopolist. 8vo. Chic., 1906. LAWSON, THOMAS WILLIAM. Frenzied finance, v. i. The crime of Amalgamated. 8vo. N.Y., 1905. MACGREGOR, D. H. Industrial combination. 8vo. Lond., 1906. MACROSTY, HENRY W. The trust movement in British industry : a study of business organisation. 8vo. Lond., 1907. MONTAGUE, GILBERT HOLLAND. Rise and progress of the Stan dard oil company. 8vo. N.Y., 1903. PIERCE, FRANKLIN. The tariff and the trusts. 8vo. N.Y., 1907 PRICE, WILLIAM HYDE. English patents of monopoly [with bibliography]. 8vo. Lond., 1906. (Harvard economic studies.) Dealing with patents of monopoly issued under royal authority in the reigns of Elizabeth, James I., and Charles I. RAVENSHEAR, A. F. The industrial and commercial influence of the English patent system. 8vo. Lond., 1908. RIPLEY, WILLIAM ZEBINA, ed. Trusts, pools, and corporations: introd. by editor. 8vo. Camb., Mass., 1905. RUSSELL, CHARLES EDWARD, The greatest trust in the world. 8vo. N.Y., 1905. ^SPELLING, THOMAS CARL. Bossism and monopoly. 8vo. Lond., 1906. TARE ELL, IDA MINERVA. History of the Standard oil company: illust. 2 v. 8vo. Lond., 1905. TRUTH newspaper, London. The great oil octopus : by Truth's investigator. 8vo. Lond., 1911. 166 INDUSTRIAL LEGISLATION : UNEMPLOYED. 338.9. Industrial Legislation. FOX ALL, E. W. Colorphobia : an exposure of the " White Aus- tralia" fallacy. By Gi/en-no-teki, [i.e., E. W. Foxall]. 8vo. Syd., 1903. KELLEY, FLORENCE. Some ethical gains through legislation : [with appces. of legal decisions, &c.]. 8vo. N.Y., 1905. MARKHAM, VIOLET R. Factory and shop acts of the British dominions, with a general view of the English law. 8vo. Lond., [1908]. NEW ZEALAND: Labour department. Labour laws of New Zealand; 3rd ed. 8vo. Well., 1902. SENHOUSE, ROBERT METCALF MINTON. Work and labour; being a compendium of the law affecting the conditions under which the manual work of the working classes is performed in Eng- land. 8vo. Lond., 1904. 339. Poor and Pauperism : Unemployed. ALDEN, PERCY. The unemployed; a national question: pref. by Sir John Gorst. 8vo. Lond., 1905. BANNOW, WALDEMAR. Practical solution of the unemployed problem, pp. 32, 8vo. Melb., 1903. Pam., v. 120, no. 2242. BEVERIDGE, W. H. Unemployment; a problem of industry. 8vo. Lond., 1909. BOSANQUET, HELEN, Mrs. B. The Poor law report of 1909; a summary explaining the defects of the present system and the principal recommendations of the Commission. 8vo. Lond., 1909. BOYD, BENJAMIN. Letter to Sir William Denison, lieut. -governor of Van Diemen's Land, on the expediency of transferring the unemployed labour of that colony to New South Wales, pp. 20, 8vo. Syd., 1847. DAWSON, WILLIAM HARBUTT. The vagrancy problem ; the case for measures of restraint for tramps, loafers, and unemploy- ables ; with a study of continental detention colonies and labour houses. 8vo. Lond., 1910. DRAGE, GEOFFREY. Problem of the aged poor. 8vo. Lond., 1895. FAWCETT, Rt. hon. HENRY. Pauperism : its causes and reme- dies. 8vo. Lond., 1871. FOWLE, THOMAS WELBANK. The Poor law. 8vo. Lond., 1893. (English citizen ser.) FREE, RICHARD. Seven years hard. 8vo. Lond., 1904. HENLEY, THOMAS F. Poverty, pp. 20, 8vo. Melb., n.d. Pam., v. 37, no. 635.*. HIGGS, MARY. How to deal with the unemployed. 8vo. Lond., 1904. HOBSON, JOHN ATKINSON. Problem of the unemployed ; an inquiry and an economic policy. 2nd ed.. 8vo. Lond., 1904. HOW the old-age pensions came to New South Wales : [correspon- dence that appeared in "The Daily Telegraph" in August and September, 1904]. pp. 15, *8vo. Syd., n.d. Pam., v. 144, no. 2769. POOR : UNEMPLOYED. 167 HOW to relieve the poor of Edinburgh and other great cities without increasing pauperism : a tried, economical and success- ful plan. pp. 32, 8vo. Melb., 1868. Pam., v. 157, no. 930. Same : another copy. Pam., v. 63, no. 1034. HUNTER, ROBERT. Poverty. 8vo. N.Y., 1904. JACKSON, CYRIL. Unemployment and trade unions : pref . by Viscount Milner. pp. 92, 8vo. Lond., 1910. KELLOR, FRANCES A. Out of work ; a study of employment agencies : their treatment of the unemployed and their in- fluence upon homes and business. 8vo. N.Y., 1904. KELLY, EDMOND. Elimination of the tramp by the introduction into America of the labour colony system. 8vo. N.Y., 1908. LANGRIDGE, G. E. Side lights of "labour; incidents of the bad times : a contribution to the literature of the unemployed problem, pp. 20, 8vo. Hobart, 1893. Pam., v. 77, no. 1356. LEIGH, LEIGHTON. "Brother east and brother west": a search- light on the unemployed. 8vo. Lond., 1905. LONDON, JACK. People of the abyss: [illust.]. 8vo. Lond., 1904. The road : illust. 8vo. N.Y., 1907. MACKAY, THOMAS. The State and charity. 8vo. Lond., 1898. (English citizen ser.) MACKIRDY, OLIVE CHRISTIAN, nee Malvery, Mrs. A. The soul market; with which is included "The heart of things": [illust.]. 2nd ed., 8vo. Lond., 1907. MANUFACTURE of paupers; a protest and a policy. 8vo, Lond., 1907. Contents. Introduction. J. St. Loe Strachey. Feeding of school- children. Sir Arthur Clay, bart. State school-feeding : an argu- ment. Outdoor relief. Sir Wm. Chance, bart. Old-age pensions. Sir E. Brabrook. Old-age pensions in Australia. Sir E. Brabrook. The unemployed. W. A. Bailward. Shelters and refuges. Miss K. V. Bannatyne. Attractiveness of poor law institutions. Thomas Mackay. The hospitals. Colonel E. Montefiore. Lessons of the old poor law. W. A. Bailward. The better way. Mrs. E. T. Ogilvy. The wiser policy. RIDGE, WILLIAM PETT. Speaking rather seriously : [portr.]. 8vo. Lond., 1908. SELLERS, EDITH. Foreign solutions of poor law problems. 8vo. Lond. [1908]. WEBB, SIDNEY JAMES, and WEBB, BEATRICE, Mrs. S. J. English poor law policy. 8vo. Lond., 1910. WEBB, SIDNEY JAMES, and WEBB, BEATRICE, Mrs. S. J., eds. The break-up of the poor law ; being part one of the minority report of the Poor law commission : introd. 8vo. Lond., 1909. The public organisation of the labour market ; being part two of the minority report of the Poor law commission. 8vo. Lond., 1909. WORK for the unemployed : by one of them. pp. 16, 8vo. Melb., 1880. Pam., v. 167, no. 3197. 108 JURISPRUDENCE. 340. Jurisprudence. ASSOCIATION of American law schools, ed. Select essays in Anglo- American legal history; by various authors. 3 v., 8vo. Camb., 1907-09. BEAL, EDWARD. Cardinal rules of legal interpretation. 2nd ed., 8vo. Lond., 1908. H ROUGH AM and VAUX, Henry Peter Brougham, isl baron. Present state of the law : speech in the House of commons. 3rd ed., 8vo. Lond., 1828. Pam., v. 67, no. 1132. BRYCE, Rt. /ton. JAMES. Studies in history and jurisprudence. 2 v., 8vo. Oxf., 1901. Contents. v. i. Roman empire and the British empire in India. -- Extension of Roman and English law throughout the world. I-'lexible and rigid constitutions. Action of centripetal and centrifugal forces on political constitutions. Primitive Iceland. Constitution of the United States as seen in the past. Two South African constitutions. Constitution of the Commonwealth of Australia. V. 2. Obedience. Nature of sovereignty. Law of Nature. Methods of legal science. Relations of law and religion. Methods of law-making in Rome and in England. History of legal develop- ment at Rome and in England. Marriage and divorce in Roman and in English countries. DICKINSON, Sir JOHN NODES. Letter to the Lord chancellor on law consolidation, pp. 50, 8vo. Lond., 1861. Pam., v. 181 no. 3404- HARGRAVE, JOHN FLETCHER, fudge of Supreme court, N.S.W. Syllabus of the two courses of lectures on general jyris- prudence delivered at the University of Sydney, 1859-61. pp. 31, 8vo. Syd.. 1861. Pam., v. 7, no. 165. [Various legal pamphlets]. 8vo. Syd., 1860-71. Contents. Introductory lecture on general jurisprudence. Syllabus of lectures on general jurisprudence. Genera' jurisprudence : examina- tion questions for the yearly examination at the Sydney university, De- cember i2th, 1861. Chronological chart of constitutional law. In- augural address to the Law institute of New South Wales. HOLLAND, THOMAS ERSKINE. Elements of jurisprudence. loth ed., 8vo. Oxf.. 1906. Same: nth ed., 8vo. Oxf.. 1910. MOORE. WILLIAM HARRISON. Act of state in English law. 8vo. Lond., 1906. QUICK, Sir JOHN, and GROOM. LITTLETON ERNEST. Judicial power of the Commonwealth, with the procedure and practice' of the High Court. 8vo. Melb., 1904. TAYLOR, HANNIS. The science of jurisprudence. 8vo. N.Y., 1908. 340.1. Philosophy: Theory. BROWN, W. JETHRO. The Austinian theory of law; being an edition of lectures I., V., and VI. of Austin's " Juris- prudence " and of Austin's " Essay on the uses of the study of jurisprudence" with critical notes and excursus. 8vo. Lond., 1906. DICEY, ALBERT VENN. Lectures on the relations between law and public opinion in England during the nineteenth century. 8vo. Lond., 1905. JURISPRUDENCE. 169 HARGRAVE, JOHN FLETCHER. Inaugural address to the law institute of New South Wales, -pp. 27., 8vo. Syd., 1871. Pam., v. 41 , no. 685. HEARN, WILLIAM EDWARD. Theory of legal duties and rights; an introduction to analytical jurisprudence. 8vo. Melb., 1883. SALMOND, JOHN WILLIAM. Jurisprudence; or, the theory of the law. 3rd ed., 8vo. Lond., 1910. 340.3. Antiquities. MAINE, Sir HENRY JAMES SUMNER. Ancient law ; its connection with the early history of society and its relation to modern ideas. [New ed., from loth ed.]. 8vo. Lond., 1905. Dissertations on early law and custom. 8vo. Lond., 1891. Lectures on the early history of institutions. 7th ed., 8vo. Lond., 1897. 340.4. Trial by jury. REMARKS with reference to the introduction of trial by jury, and a representative assembly in the colony of New South Wales. pp. 30, 8vo. Lond., 1831. Pam.. v. 121, no. 2256. THERRY, Sir ROGER. Letter to the right hon. Wm. E. Gladstone, M.P., with the address to the jury at the opening of the first circuit court at Brisbane, Moreton bay, i3th May, 1850. pp. 40, 8vo. Syd., 1850. 340.5. Comparative legislation. BEDWELL, C. E. A., ed. The legislation of the Empire; being a survey of the legislative enactments of the British dominions from 1898 to 1907; pref., by the Earl of Rosebery, introd., by Sir John Macdonell : [portrs.]. 4 v., 8vo. Lond., 1909 SOCIETY of comparative legislation. Journal, new series, v. i, 1899 to date. 8vo. Lond. 340.6. Medical Jurisprudence. SMITH, WILLIAM RAMSAY. Medico-legal aspects of infanticide and concealment of birth, pp. 20, 8vo. Adel., 1907. Pam., v. 95, no. 1726 TAYLOR, ALFRED SWAINE. Principles and practice of medical jurisprudence; 6th ed., revised and brought up to date by Fred. J. Smith. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1910. 340.9. Miscellany. KYSHE, JAMES WILLIAM NORTON. Dictionary of legal quota- tions; or, selected dicta of English chancellors and judges. 8vo. Lond., 1904. OLD stager. A punch for the bench and a kick for the bar. pp. 20, 8vo. Syd., 1882. Pam., v. 167, no. 3198. 170 INTERNATIONAL LAW. 341. International law. BATY, THOMAS. International law. 8vo. Loud., 1909. COBBETT, PITT. Cases and opinions on international law and various points of English law connected therewith : part I. ; Peace. 3rd ed., 8vo. Lond., 1909. HALL, WILLIAM EDWARD. Treatise on the foreign powers and jurisdiction of the British crown. 8vo. Oxf., 1894. LAWRENCE, Rer. THOMAS JOSEPH. The principles of inter- national law : 4th ed., revised and rewritten. 8vo. Lond., 1910. MOORE. JOHN BASSETT. Digest of international law as embodied in diplomatic discussions, treaties, and other international awards, the decisions of municipal courts, and the writings of the jurists, and especially in documents, published and un- published, issued by presidents and secretaries of state of the United States, the opinions of the Attorneys-general, and the decisions of courts, Federal and State. 8 v., 8vo. Wash., 1906. /;/ U.S. House documents, 56th Congress, 2nd sess., vv. 128-132 : S v. in 8. OPPENHEIM, LASSA FRANCIS LAWRENCE. International law; a treatise. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1905-06. Contents. v i. Peace v. 2. Wa^ an^ neutrality. PHILLIPSOX, COLEMAN. International law and custom of ancient Greece and Rome. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1911. SNOW, FREEMAN. International law ; a manual based upon lectures delivered at the Naval war college [U.S.] : [ed.] by Com- mander C. H. Stockton. 2nd ed., 8vo. Wash., 1898. TAYLOR, HANNIS. International public law. 8vo. Chic., 1901. UNITED STATES: Stale department. Digest of the published opinions of the Attorneys-general and of the leading decisions of the federal courts with reference to international law, treaties, and kindred subjects, rev. ed., 8vo. Wash., 1877. UNITED STATES : Naval ivar college. International law topics and discussions : [appx., Geneva convention]. 8vo. Wash., 1907. WESTLAKE, JOHN. International law. 2 v.. 8vo. Camb. 1904-07. Contents. Part t. Tear* 1 P;irt 2. War. WHEATOM, HENRY. Elements of international law; 4th English ed., bringing the work down to the present time, by J. B. Atlay. 8vo. Lond., 1904. 341.1. International Congresses. WHITTUCK, E. A., ed. International documents ; a collection of international conventions and declarations of a law-making kind : introd. and notes. 8vo. Lond.. 1908. 341.2. Treaties. GREAT BRITAIN -.Treaties. Treaties, &c., of commerce and navigation between Great Britain and foreign powers wholly or partially in force on January i, 1907. 8vo. Lond., 1907. INTERNATIONAL LAW. 171 HERTSLET, Louis. Complete collection of the treaties and con- ventions and reciprocal regulations subsisting between Great Britain and foreign powers, v. i, to date. 8vo. Lond., 1840 to date. V. i-ir compiled by L. Hertsiet; v. 12 unwards. by Sir Edward Hertslet and others. 341.3. Law of war. BENTWICH, NORMAN. Law of private property in war; with a chapter on conquest. 8vo. Lond., 1907. BOWLES, THOMAS GIBSON. Sea law and sea power as they would be affected by recent proposals, with reasons against those pro- posals. 8vo. Lond., 1910. Deals largely with the Declaration of London. CIVIS, -pseud. Cargoes and cruisers; Britain's rights at sea: introd. by Admiral Sir Cyprian Bridge. 8vo. Lond., [1911]. HERSHEY, AMOS SHARTLE. International law and diplomacy of the Russo-Japanese war. 8vo. N.Y., 1906. HIGGINS, ALEXANDER PEARCE. The Hague peace conference and other international conferences concerning the laws and usages of warj texts of conventions with commentaries. 8vo. Camb. 1909. HOGAN, ALBERT E. Pacific blockade. 8vo. Oxf., 1908. HOLLAND, THOMAS ERSKINE. Laws of war on land, written and unwritten. 8vo. Oxf., 1908. JONES, LLEWELLYN ARCHER ATHERLEY, and BELLOT, H. H. L. Commerce in war. 8vo. Lond., 1907. LATIFI, ALMA. Effects of war on property ; being studies in inter- national law and policy ; with notes on belligerent rights at sea, by John Westlake. 8vo. Lond., 1908. LAWRENCE, Rev. THOMAS JOSEPH. War and neutrality in the Far East. 8vo. Lond., 1904. MAINE, Sir HENRY JAMES SUMNER. International law. 8vo. Lond., 1890. (Whewell lectures.) SPAIGHT, J. M. War rights on land. 8vo. Lond., 1911. 341.4. International criminal law. BIRON, HENRY CHARTRES, and CHALMERS, K. E. Law and practice of extradition. 8vo. Lond., 1903. 341.5. International private law. FOOTE, JOHN ALDERSON. Foreign and domestic law; a concise treatise on private international jurisprudence based on the decisions of the English courts. 3rd ed. 8vo. Lond., 1904. HOGAN, JAMES FRANCIS. "Costa Rica Packet;" what may happen to a British captain, -pp. 16, 8vo. Syd., 1894. Pam., v. 100, no. 1821. MEILI, F. International civil and commercial law, as founded upon theory, legislation, and practice: tr. and supplemented with additions of American and English law by A. K. Kuhn. 8vo. N.Y., 1905. 172 CONSTITUTIONAL LAW AND HISTORY. PIGGOTT. Sir FRANCIS. Foreign judgments and jurisdiction, Part iii. Bankruptcy Parties out of the jurisdiction. 8vo. Hongkong, 1910. WESTLAKE. JOHN, and TOPHAM, ALFRED FRANK. Treatise on private international law, with principal reference to its prac- tice in England. 4th ed. 8vo. Land., 1905. 341.6. International arbitration. LAWRENCE, Rev. THOMAS JOSEPH. International problems and Hague conferences. 8vo. Lond., 1908. UNION interparlementaire pour 1'arbitrage international: session de 1904; compte rendu de la xiime conference tenue a Saint Louis, Missouri, la. 8vo. Wash., 1905. 342. Constitutional law and history. ALSTON. LEONARD. Modern constitutions in outline; an intro- ductory study in political science. 8vo. Lond., 1905. BAKER, Sir RICHARD CHAFFEY. Manual of reference to authorities for the use of the National Australasian convention, 1891. 8vo. Adel., 1891. BORGEAUD, CHARLES. Adoption and amendment of constitutions in Europe and America : tr. by C. D. Hazen, with introd. by J. M. Vincent. 8vo. N.Y., 1895. BURGESS, JOHN WILLIAM. Political science and comparative con- stitutional law: v. i. Sovereignty and liberty; v. 2, Govern- ment. 2 v., 8vo. Bost., 1900. CLOSER UNION SOCIETY: [South Africa]. The framework of union ; a comparison of some union constitutions : with a sketch of the development of union in Canada, Australia, and Germany, and the text of the constitutions of the U.S., Canada, Germany, Switzerland, and Australia. 8vo. Cape Town, 1908. CREASY, Sir EDWARD SHEPHERD. Imperial and colonial constitu- tions of the Britannic empire, including Indian institutions : maps. 8vo. Lond., 1872. DODD, WALTER FAIRLEIGH. Modern constitutions ; a collection of the fundamental laws of twenty-two of the most important countries of the world, with historical and bibliographical notes. 2 v., 8vo. Chic., 1909. Contents. i. Argentine nition. Australia. Austria-Hungary. Belgium. Brazil. Canada. Chile. Denmark. France. Germany. 2. Italy. Japan. Mexico. Netherlands. Norway. Portugal. Rus- sia. Spain. Sweden. Switzerland. -United States. JAMESON. JOHN ALEXANDER. Treatise on constitutional conven- tions; 4th ed. 8vo. Chic.. 1887. MARRIOTT, JOHN ARTHUR RANSOME. Second chambers; an in ductive study in political science. 8vo. Oxf., 1910. MILLS, ARTHUR. Colonial constitutions; an outline of the constitu- tional history and existing government of the British depen- dencies ; with schedules of the orders in council, statutes, and parliamentary documents relating to each dependency. 8v<>. Lond., 1856. CONSTITUTIONAL LAW; GREAT BRITAIN. 173 QtJICK, Sir JOHN. Digest of federal constitutions. 8vo. Bdgo., 1896. Same : another copy. Pam., v. 2, no. 32. TEECE, RICHARD CLIVE. Comparison between the federal consti- tutions of Canada and Australia, pp. i\. 8vo. Syd., 1902. TEMPERLEY, HAROLD WILLIAM VAZEILLE. Senates and upper chambers, their use and function in the modern state: with a chapter on the reform of the House of lords. 8vo. Lond., 1910. THOMAS, ERNEST C. Leading cases in constitutional law ; yd. ed. by C. L. Attenborough. 8vo. Lond., 1901. 342.37. Ancient Rome. BOTSFORD, GEORGE WILLIS. The Roman assemblies from their origin to the end of the republic. Svo. N.Y., 1903. 342.42. Great Britain. AMOS, SHELDON. Fifty years of the English constitution, 1830- 1880. Svo. Lond., 1880. AXSON, Sir WILLIAM REYNELL. Law and custom of the constitu- tion : part i. Parliament: part 2. The crown. 2nd ed. Svo. Oxf.. 1892. Same: yd ed. The Crown, pts. i and 2. 2 v., Svo. Oxf. r 1907-8. Same: 4th ed. v. i. Parliament. Svo. Oxf., 1909. BAGEHOT, WALTER. The English constitution. Svo. Lond., 1904. BENTHAM, JEREMY. Plea for the constitution, pp. 68. Svo, Lond., 1803. BOUTMY, EMILE. The English constitution; tr. by J. M. Eaden; introd. by Sir F. Pollock. Svo. Lond., 1891. BURROWS, MONTAGU. Constitutional progress; lectures delivered before the University of Oxford. 2nd ed. Svo. Lond., 1872. COURTNEY, LEONARD HENRY COURTNEY, ist baron. The working constitution of the United Kingdom and its outgrowths. Svo. Lond., 1901. Same: 2nd ed. condensed. i2mo. Lond., 1905. DICEY, ALBERT VENN. Introduction to the study of the law of the constitution. 5th ed. Svo. Lond., 1897. Same: 7th ed. Svo. Lond., 1908. The Privy council : the Arnold prize essay, 1860. Svo. Lond., 1887. DUNCKLEY, HENRY; " Verax." The crown and the cabinet; five letters on the biography of the Prince consort, pp. 50, 121110. Manchester, 1878. Pam., v. I3Q, no. 2665. FARXBOROUGH, THOMAS ERSKINE MAY, baron. Constitutional history of England since the accession of George the third, 1760-1860. 2 v. Svo. Lond.. 1861-63. FEILDEN. HENRY ST. CLAIR. Short constitutional history of England. 3rd ed. Revised and in part re-written by W. Gray Etheridge. Svo. Oxf., 1910. 174 CONSTITUTIONAL LAW; GREAT BRITAIN. FORTESCUE, Sir JOHN, chief justice of the King's bench. The governance of England, otherwise called The difference be- tween an absolute and a limited monarchy : a revised text, ed., with introd., notes, and appces., by Charles Plummer. 8vo. Oxf., 1885. First published in 1714. FREEMAN, EDWARD AUGUSTUS. Growth of the English consti- tution from the earliest times: [with notes]. 8vo. Lond., 1906. HALLAM, HENRY. Constitutional history of England, [1485-1760]; 8th ed. 3 v., 8vo. Lond., 1867. Begins where Stubbs concludes. HARCOURT, LEVESON WILLIAM VERNON. His grace the Steward and trial of peers; a novel inquiry into a special branch of constitutional government. 8vo. Lond., 1907. HEARN, WILLIAM EDWARD. The government of England; its structure and development. 8vo. Melb., 1867. Same, 2nd ed. 8vo. Melb., 1886. LANGMEAD, THOMAS PITT TASWELL. English constitutional history from the Teutonic conquest to the present time; 4th ed., revised, with notes and appces., by C. H. E. Carmichael. 8vo. Lond., 1890. Same, 6th ed., revised, with notes, by Philip A. Ashworth. 8vo Lond., 1905. LAPSLEY, GAILLARD THOMAS. The county palatine of Durham; a study in constitutional history. 8vo. N.Y., 1900. (Harvard historical studies, v. 8.) LOW, SIDNEY JAMES. The governance of England. 8vo. Lond., 1904. McKECHNIE, WILLIAM SHARP. Magna carta; a commentary on the great charter of King John. 8vo. Glasg., 1905. MACPHERSON, WILLIAM CHARTERIS. The baronage and the senate ; or, the House of lords 1n the past, the present, and the future. 8vo. Lond., 1893. MAGNA CHARTA: translation of the " Articles of the Charter " and the " Great Charter " of King John, granted i5th June, 1215; also a translation of the covenant made between King John and the barons of England : [tr. by W. Holden]. pp. 31, 8vo. Lond., 1887. Pam., v. 78, no. 1391. MAITLAND, FREDERIC WILLIAM. Collected papers: ed. by H. A. L. Fisher. 3 v., 8vo. Camb., 1911. Constitutional history of England: [ed. by H. A. L. Fisher]. 8vo. Camb., 1908. MARRIOTT, JOHN ARTHUR RANSOME. English political institu- tions; an introductory study. 8vo. Lond., 1910. Contents. i. Classification of constitutions. 2. Salient features of the English constitution. 3-5. The executiv2. -6-10. The legislature. ii. The process of legislation. 12-13. Local government. 14. The judiciary. 15. The state and the empire. PIKE, LUKE OWEN. Constitutional history of the House of lords from original sources. 8vo. Lond., 1894. RIDGES, EDWARD WAVELL. Constitutional law of England. 8vo. Lond., 1905. CONSTITUTIONAL LAW AND HISTORY. 375 STUBBS, WILLIAM, bishop of Oxford. Constitutional history ot" England, in its origin and development ; 6th ed. 3 v., 8vo. Oxt., 1903 Closes with the reign of Richard III., where Hallam begins. SYME, DAVID. Representative government in England : its faults and failures; 2nd ed. 8vo. Lond., 1882. THOMSON, RICHARD. Historical essay on the Magna charta of King John ; to which are added, the Great charter, in Latin and English, [&c.]. 8vo. Lond., 1829. WHITE, ALBERT BEEBE. The making of the English constitution, 449-1485. 8vo. N.Y., 1908. 342.492. The Netherlands. B AT AVI A : Assemblee constituante. Constitution du peuple Batave, decretee par 1' Assemblee constituante et accepted par les peuples. 8vo. Paris, 1798. 342.494. Switzerland. ADAMS, Sir FRANCIS OTTIWELL, and CUNNINGHAM, C. D. The Swiss confederation. 8vo. Lond., 1889. SWITZERLAND: Assemble federate. Manuel a 1'usage des chambres federates. i2mo. Berne, 1903. VINCENT, JOHN MARTIN. Government in Switzerland. 8vo. N.Y., 1900. (Library of economics and politics.) 342.54. India. IYENGAR, A. RANGASWAMI. The Indian constitution ; an intro- ducFory study. 8vo. Madras, 1909. 342.68. South Africa. BRAND, Hon. ROBERT HENRY. The Union of South Africa : [appx. containing South Africa act]. 8vo. Oxf., 1909. 342.71. Canada. BOURINOT, Sir JOHN GEORGE. Federal government in Canada. 8vo. Baltimore, 1889. How Canada is governed ; a short account of its executive, legislative, judicial, and municipal institutions : illust. 8vo. Toronto, 1895. CANADA : Archives department. Documents relating to the consti- tutional history of Canada, 1759-1791; selected and ed., with notes, by Adam Shortt and Arthur G. Doughty. 8vo. Ottawa, 1907. CARTWRIGHT, JOHN R. Cases decided on the British North America act in the Privy council, the Supreme court of Canada, and the provincial courts. 5 v., 8vo. Toronto, 1882-97. EGERTON, HUGH EDWARD, and GRANT, W. L. Canadian con- stitutional development shown by selected speeches and de- spatches; introds., and explanatory notes. 8vo. Lond., 1907. 376 CONSTITUTIONAL LAW ; UNITED STATES. HASSARD, A. R. Canadian constitutional history and law. 8vo. Toronto, 1900. LEFROY, AUGUSTUS HENRY FRASER. Law of legislative power in Canada. 8vo. Toronto, 1897-98. MUNRO, J. E. C. Constitution of Canada. 8vo. Camb., 1889. 342.73. United States. ASHLEY, ROSCOE LEWIS. The American federal state. 8vo. N.Y., 1902. BAKER, A. J. Annotated constitution of the United States. 8vo. Chic., 1891. BANCROFT, GEORGE. History of the formation of the constitu- tion of the United States of America; 6th ed. 2 v., 8vo. N.Y., 1889. BEARD, CHARLES AUSTIN. Readings in American government and politics. 8vo. N.Y., 1909. BLACK, H. C. Handbook of American constitutional law ; 2nd ed. 8vo. St. Paul, 1897. BOYD, CARL EVANS, ed. Cases on American constitutional law. 8vo. Chic., 1898. BRYCE, Rt. hon. JAMES. .The American commonwealth. 2 v., 8vo. N.Y., 1901. Contents. v. i. The national government. The state government, v. 2. The party system. Public opinion. Illustrations and reflec- tions. Social institutions. Same: new ed., completely revised throughout, with additional chapters. 2 v., 8vo. N.Y., 1910. CONSTITUTIONAL history of the United States as seen in the development of American law : [ed. by Professor H. W. Rogers]. 8vo. N.Y., 1890. Contents. Introduction- : H. -W. Rogers. The federal Supreme court; lU place in the American constitutional system : T. M. Cooley. Constitutional development in the United States as influenced by chief-justice Marshall : H. Hitchcock. Constitutional development in the United States as influenced by chief-justice Taney : G. W. Biddle. Constitutional development in the United States as in- fluenced by the decisions of the Supreme court since 1865 : C. A. Kent. The state judiciary ; its place in the American constitutional system : D. H. Chamberlain. Table of cases. Index. CONSTITUTIONS of the several states of the union and United States including the Declaration of independence, and articles of confederation. 8vo. N.Y., 1854. COOLEY, THOMAS MC!NTYRE. General principles of constitutional law in the United States of America ; 3rd ed. by A. C. McLaughlin. 8vo. Bost., 1898. Treatise on the constitutional limitations which rest upon the legislative power of the states of the American union; 6th ed. by \. C. Angell. 8vo. Bost., 1890. Same.- 7th ed., by V. H. Lane. 8vo. Bost., 1903. COXE, BRINTON. Judicial power and unconstitutional legislation. 8yo. Phila., 1893. DAVIS, GEORGE BRECKENRIDGE. Elements of law : introduction to the study of the constitutional and military law of the United States. 8vo. N.Y., 1897. CONSTITUTIONAL LAW ; UNITED STATES. 177 FEDERALIST, The; a commentary on the constitution of the United States : from the original text of Alexander Hamilton, John Jay, and James Madison; ed. by H. C. Lodge. 8vo. N.Y., 1902. FOSTER, ROGER. Commentaries on the constitution of the United States, v. i, 8vo. Lond., 1896. All published. HARDING, SAMUEL BANNISTER. The contest over the ratification of the federal constitution in the state of Massachusetts. 8vo., N.Y., 1906. (Harvard historical studies.) HARE, JOHN INNES CLARK. American constitutional law. 2 v., 8vo. Bost., 1889. HART, ALBERT BUSHNELL. Actual government as applied under American conditions. 8vo. Lond., 1903. HAYNES, GEORGE HENRY. The election of senators. 8vo. N.Y., 1906. (American public problems.) McCLAIN, EMLIN. Constitutional law in the United States. 8vo. N.Y., 1905. Selection of cases on constitutional law. 8vo. Bost., 1900. MARSHALL, JOHN, chief justice of the United States. Complete constitutional decisions; ed., with annotations, historical, cri- tical, and legal, by J. M. Dillon: portr. 8vo. Chic., 1903. MILLER, SAMUEL FREEMAN. Lectures on the constitution of the United States. 8vo. N.Y., 1893. ORDRONAUX, JOHN. Constitutional legislation in the United States; its origin and application to the relative powers of Congress and of state legislatures. 8vo. Phila., 1891. PATTERSON, CHRISTOPHER STUART. The United States and the states under the constitution. 8vo. Phila., 1888. POMEROY, JOHN NORTON. Introduction to the constitutional law of the United States; loth ed. revised and enlarged by E. H. Bennett. 8vo. Indianapolis, 1888. PRENTICE, EZRA PARMELEE, and EGAN, J. G. Commerce clause of the federal constitution. 8vo. Chic., 1898. RAWLE, WILLIAM. View of the constitution of the United States of America. 8vo. Phila., 1825. SMITH, JAMES ALLEN. The spirit of American government; a study of the constitution, its origin, influence, and relation to democracy. 8vo. N.Y., 1907. (Citizen's library of economics, &c.) STEVENS, CHARLES ELLIS. Sources of the constitution of the United States considered in relation to colonial and English history. 8vo. N.Y., 1894. STIMSON, FREDERIC JESUP. Laws of the federal and state con- stitutions of the United States, with an historical study of their principles, a chronological table of English social legis- lation, and a comparative digest of the constitutions of the forty-six states. 8vo. Bost., 1908. STORY, JOSEPH. Commentaries on the constitution of the United States: 5th ed., by M. M. Bigelow. 2 v., 8vo. Bost., 1891. THAYER, JAMES BRADLEY. Cases on constitutional law. 2 v., 8vo. Camb., Mass., 1895. 178 CONSTITUTIONAL LAW AND HISTORY. THORPE, FRANCIS NEWTON. Federal and state constitutions, colonial charters, and other organic laws of the states, terri- tories, and colonies now or heretofore forming the United States of America: [bibliog.]. 7 v., 8vo. Wash., 1909. In U.S. : House t. 3. TOCQUEVILLE, ALEXIS DF. Democracy in America: tr. by Henry Reeve; new eel. with a biographical notice by the translator and pref. 2 v., 8vo. Loiui.. 1889. TUCKER, JOHN RANDOLPH. Constitution of the United States: ed. by H. St. G. Tucker. 2 v., 8vo. Chic., 1899. WILLOUGHBY, WESTEL WOODBURY. The American constitutional system ; an introduction to the study of the American state. 8vo. N.Y., 1904. (American state ser.) WILSON, WOODROW. State and federal governments of the United States. 8vo. Bost., 1891. Congressional government ; a study in American politics. 8vo. Bost., 1900. 342.931. New Zealand. GREY, Sir GEORGE. The constitution of New Zealand; despatch to Earl Grey. pp. 40, 8vo. Auckland, 1891. Pam., v. 121, no. 2268. NEW ZEALAND constitution act, together with correspondence between the Secretary of state for the colonies and the Governor-in-chief of New Zealand in explanation thereof. 8vo. Well., 1853. Same : another co-py. Pam., v. 34, no 546. NEW ZEALAND: Crown law o~ffi.ce. Compilation of acts relating to the constitution of New Zealand and the privileges of Parliament, pp. 84, 8vo. Well.. 1882. Pam., v. 144, no. 2764. PURNELL, CHARLES W. New Zealand confederation; an inquiry into the present state of political affairs, with suggestions as to the best form of government for the colony, pp. 32, 8vo. Dunedin, 1877. Pam., v. 34, no. 555. 342.94. Commonwealth of Australia. (a). Prior to the enactment of the Constitution. ALLIN, C. D. The early federation movement of Australia. 8vo. Kingston, Ontario, 1907. AUSTRALASIAN federal conference, 1890. Official record of the proceedings and debates, Melbourne, 1890 : [portrs.]. 8vo. Melb., 1890. AUSTRALASIAN federal convention, 1897-98. Debates. 4 v., 8vo. Adel., Syd., Melb. Draft of a bill to constitute the Commonwealth of Australia, as formally adopted at Melbourne, 1898. pp. 30, 8vo. Melb., 1898. Pam., v. 2, no. 30. CONSTITUTIONAL LAW ; AUSTRALIA. 179 Proceedings. 3 v., fscp. fo. Adel., Syd., Melb., 1897-98. Speeches made on i7th March, 1898, on Mr. Barton's motion for distribution to the electors of copies of the Common- wealth of Australia draft constitution bill. -pp. 57, 8vo. Melb., 1898. Pam., v. 3, no. 68. AUSTRALASIAN federation league, Auckland branch. Report of public meeting, i2th July, 1899. 2nd ed., pp. 63, 8vo. Auckland, 1899. Pam., v. 2, no. 37. AUSTRALASIAN federation league, New South Wales. Annual report for the years ending 3oth June, 1894, 1895, 1896, 1897, 1898, 1899, 1900. 8vo. Syd., 1894-1900. Pam., v. 2, nos. 39, 41-46. Federal enabling bill ; report of the sub-committee, pp. 8, 8vo. Syd., 1895. Pam., v. 2, no. 40. [Invitation (blank) from Mr. Edmund Barton to attend meeting to form league ; with draft resolutions, rules, and circulars.] pp. 34, 8vo. Syd. [1893]. Pam., v. 2, no. 34. [Office bearers, rules, and proposals.] -pp. 16, 8vo. [Syd., 1894.] Pam. 3 v. 2, no. 33. Report of the Sydney select committee, March, 1894. pp. 32, 8vo. Syd., 1894. Pam., v. 2, no. 47. Rules and proposals, pp. 33, 8vo. Syd., 1894. Pain., v. 2, no. 38. AUSTRALASIAN federation league, South Australia. Federation commercially considered. Leaflet, n.p.; n.d. Pam., v. 2, no. 53. Report of the inaugural meeting, August i, 1895. pp. 5, 8vo. Adel., 1895. Pam., v. 2, no. 51. Rules, pp. 8, 8vo. Adel., 1895. Pam., v. 2, no. 50. Why not federate. Leaflet. Adel., n.d. Pam., v. 2, no. 52. AUSTRALASIAN federation league, Victoria. Annual report for the year ending i6th July, 1895. pp. 8, 8vo. Melb., 1895. Pam., v. 2, no. 35. Rules, pp. 12, 8vo. Melb., 1894. Pam., v. 2, no. 48. AUSTRALIAN federalist, Nos. 1-8, 10-15. 23rd April to 23rd July, 1898. fo. Syd., 1898. 21 numbers published. AUSTRALIAN federation. [Collection of parliamentary papers of the six States of the Commonwealth relating to federation, from 1857 to 1901.] Bound in 6 \., fscp. fo. Published in the various capitals. AUSTRALIAN natives' association, Bendigo branch. Tne new federal movement from the Corowa conference, ist August, 1893, to the A.N.A. conference, 27th March, 1894. pp. 64, 8vo. Bendigo, 1894. Pam., v. 4, no. 88. 180 CONSTITUTIONAL LAW ; AUSTRALIA. MAKER, Sir RICHARD CHAFFEY. Federation, pp. 20, 8vo. Adel., 1897. Pam., v. 4, no. 82. BARTON, Sir EDMUND. Dr.ift federation bill ; speech delivered in the Legislative council [N.S.W.], July 14. 1897. pp. 40, 8vo. Syd., 1897. Pain., v. 3, no. 72. BARTON, l8 97- Pam., v. 3, no. 79. FORREST, Sir JOHN. Speech on the draft Commonwealth bill, 5th October. 1899. pp. 24. 8vo. Perth, 1899. P:im., v. 3, no. 76. FORSYTH, ARCHIBALD. Australian national federation on demo- cratic lines, pp. 26, 8vo. Syd., 1891. Pam., v. 4, no. 8gA. Suggestions on Australian federation ; including the prevention of preferential railway rates, pp. 12, 8vo. Melb., 1897. Pam., v. 4, no. 83. . GANDOX, P. J. Federation; national and imperial, pp. 16, 8vo. Syd.. 1890. Pam., v. 4, no. 95. GARRAN, ROBERT RANDOLPH. The coming Commonwealth; an Australian handbook of federal government. 8vo. Syd., 1897. A problem of federation under the Crown; the representation of the Crown in Commonwealth and States, pp. 10, 8vo. Brisb., 1895. Pam., v. 4, no. 91. GIBLIN, WILLIAM ROBERT. Federation of Australia; speech in moving the adoption by the House of assembly of resolutions endorsing the proceedings of the Sydney convention, 1883. pp. 22, 8vo. Hobart, 1884. Pam., v. 76, no. 1320. Same : another copy. Pam., v. g6 t no. 1755. GLYNN, PATRICK MCMAHON. " Federalism, its principle and application." pp. 5, 8vo. Adel., 1890. Pam., v. i, no. 21. Federation; speech, 7th July, 1897. pp. 7, 8vo. Adel., 1897. Pam., v. i, no. 22. Same : another copy. Pam., v. 3, no. 70. The working of federation, pp. 6, 8vo. Adel., n.d. Pam., v. i, no. 23. GREAT BRITAIN: Law: Statutes. Act to constitute a federal council of Australasia, pp. 4, 8vo. Syd., 1890. Pam., v. 3, no. 73. Act to constitute the Commonwealth of Australia, 63 and 64 Viet., ch. 12. 4 copies, pp. 25, la. 8vo. [Lond.. 1900.] GREAT BRITAIN : PARLIAMENT : Debates. Commonwealth of Australia constitution bill; Debates in Parliament; and other papers. 8vo. Lond., 1900. Contents. Debates : House of Commons. Debates : House of Lords. Bill as introduced into House of Commons, showing changes from Australian draft. Amendments in committee. Correspondence with delegates and Governors prior to introduction of bill. Corre- spondence as to the inclusion of Western Australia as an original state and addresses from the legislature. Order of the Queen in council approving draft proclamation fixing the date for the union of the colonies. Constitution act. CONSTITUTIONAL LAW ; AUSTRALIA. 183 GRIFFITH, Sir SAMUEL WALKER. Notes on Australian federa- tion; its nature and probable effects, pp. 34, 8vo. Brisb., 1896. Pam., v. 4, no. 98. Some conditions of Australian federation, pp. 24, 8vo. Brisb., 1896. Pam., v. 4, no. 99. HAYNES, H. VALENTINE. Federation; or, a Machiavellian solu- tion of the Australian labour problem, pp. 14, 8vo. Syd., 1891. Pam., v. 4, no. 93. HENRY, JOHN. Address to the electors of Tasmania on the Federal constitution bill. pp. 12, 8vo. Devonport, 1898. Pam., v. i, no. 10. To the electors in Tasmania for the federal parliament; a note of warning, pp. 15, 8vo. Devonport, 1900. Pam., v. i, no. n. HEYDON, Louis FRANCIS. Prudence in federation : [3 maps]. pp. 20, 8vo. Syd., 1897. Pam., v. i, no. 4. HOLME, Rev. T. Federation: sermon, pp. 16, i2mo. Syd., 1898. Pam., v. 143, no. 2743- HORNE, RICHARD HENGIST. United states of Australia, pp. 15, 8vo. Lond., 1871. Pam., v. 138, no. 2653. From the Contemporary review. JACKSON, J. A. Colonies and constitutions; embracing a concise statement of the principles of the Australian bill. pp. 12, 8vo. Launceston, 1850. Pam., v. 97, no. 1766. Same : another copy. Pam., v. 121, no. 2259. JEFFER1S, Rev. JAMES. Australia confederated; a lecture: with speeches by Sir W. F. D. Jervois, Hon. W. Morgan, Hon. W. Giblinj Sir H. Ayers. pp. 38.. 8vo. Syd., 1880. Pam., v. i, no. 5. Same : another copy. Pam., v. 4, no. 94. JOHNSTON, ROBERT MACKENZIE. Aids to the consideration of the financial problems involved in the federation of the Aus- tralasian colonies, pp. 14, obi. 8vo. Hobart, 1897. Pam., v. i, no. 13. Australasian federation; the financial data of the problem exhibited in tables : introd. by A. Inglis Clark : [4 diagrams]. pp. 19, 8vo. Hobart, 1891. Pam., v. 76, no. 1322. Federal finance ; observations on the difficulties of the problem ; appx. by A. Inglis Clark, pp. viii., 42. 8vo. Hobart, 1897. Pam., v. i, no. 15. The federal finance problem ; further observations : introduc- tory note by Mr. Justice Clark, pp. 17, 8\o. Hobart, 1900. Pam., v. i, no. 14. Observations upon federal finance proposals. pp. 4, 8vo. Hobart, n.d. Pam., v. i, no. it 184 CONSTITUTIONAL LAW ; AUSTRALIA. KILLVVORTH, ARTHUR. Federation of Australia. 8vo. Syd., 1892. KINGSTON, CHARLES CAMERON. The democratic element in Australian federation, pp. 21, 8vo. Adel., 1897. Pam., v. 96, no. 1754. LANG, Rev. JOHN DUNMORE. Remarks on the proposed constitu- tion for the Australian colonies, pp. 16, 8vo. Lond., 1849. Pam., v. 97 no. 1768. LEFROY, HENRY BRUCE. Federation : speech, pp. 15, 8vo. Perth, 1900. Pam., v. 4, no. 100. McDOUGALL, DUGALD GORDON. Lecture on " Commonwealth and states; their relations explained." pp. 8, 8vo. Hobart, n.d. Pam., v. 143, no. 2745. MACLAURIN, Sir HENRY NORMAND. Draft federation bill : [speech], pp. 16, 8vo. Syd., 1897. Pam., v. 96, no. 17158. McMILLAN, Sir WILLIAM. Federal finance, pp. 16, 8vo. Syd., n.d. Pam., v. 4, no. 84. MATHESON, AXEXANDER PERCEVAL. Federation as it affects Western Australia, pp. 24, 8vo. Perth, 1899. Pam., v. 4, no. 101. MOORE, WSLLIAM HARRISON. Commonwealth of Australia; four lectures on the Constitution bill. 8vo. Melb., 1897. NASH, ROBERT LUCAS. Federal finance; an inquiry into the probable influence of federation on finance and trade. pp. 24, 8vo. Syd., 1897. Pam., v. 3, no. 78. NATIONAL Australasian convention, 1891. Official report of debates. 8vo. Syd. Official report of the proceedings and debates, held in the Par- liament house, Sydney, (March and April, fscp. fo. Syd. Appended. Draft of a bill to constitute the Commonwealth of Australia and reports of committees of the convention. NEW SOUTH WALES: Law: Statutes. Australasian federa- tion enabling act [with regulations], pp. 6, 8vo. Syd., 1896. Pam., v. 2, no. 29. NEW SOUTH WALES: PARLIAMENT: Debates. Common- wealth of Australia draft constitution bill : report of debates in the Legislative assembly and Legislative council, i2th May, to 26th August, 1897. 8vo. Syd., 1897. PARKES, Sir HENRY. Federal government of Australia; speeches delivered on various occasions, November, 1889 May, 1890. 8vo. Syd., 1890. Union of the colonies; speech delivered in the Legislative assembly, New South Wales, pp. 28, 8vo. Syd., 1895. Pam., v. 4, no. &i. Union of the colonies; speeches delivered in the Legislative assembly of New South Wales, i6th and 2jrd May, 1895. pp. 45' 8y o- Syd., 1895. Pam., v. 2, no. 36. Same: another copy. Pam., v. 3, no. 71. CONSTITUTIONAL LAW ; AUSTRALIA. 185 PIDDINGTON, ALBERT BATHURST. Popular government and federation, pp. 31, 8vo. Syd., 1898. Pam., v. 143, no. 2746. QUEENSLAND : PARLIAMENT: Debates. Federation of Aus- tralasia; speeches of Sir S. W. Griffith and B. D. Morehead on the motion for the adoption of the draft federal bill adopted by the convention held in Sydney in 1883. pp. 17, 8vo. Brisb., 1884. Pam., v. 4, no. 07. REVIEW of reviews for Australasia [Federation number], April, 1901. 4to. Melb., 1901. ROGERS, E. N. Is federation our true policy? 8vo. Melb., 1898. ROSA, S. A. Ungrammatical statesmen; an exposure of the bad English contained in the Australian federal constitution. pp. 16, 8vo. Leichhardt, 1900. Pam., v. 4, no. 80. SALOMONS, Sir JULIAN EMANUEL. Australian federation : speech delivered in the Legislative council [N.S.W.], 4th June, 1890. pp. 33, 8vo. Syd., 1890. Pam., v. 96, no. 1756. Draft federation bill: [speeches], pp. 57. 8vo. Syd., 1897. Pam., v. 96, no. 1757- SCHEY, WILLIAM FRANCIS. Some essentials of a national federa- tion : an address, pp. 6, 8vo. Redfern, 1897. Pam., v. 143, no. 2744. SERVICE, JAMES. Federation of Australasia ; speech in moving the adoption by the Legislative assembly [Vic.] of resolutions endorsing the proceedings of the Sydney convention, 1883. pp. 20, 8vo. Melb., 1884. Pam., v. 76, no. 1321. Same: another copy. Pam., v. 96, no. 1752. SMITH, ARTHUR BRUCE. " Honour to whom honour is due"; a federal retrospect, pp. 48, 8vo. Syd., 1899. Pam., v. i, no. 18. A recognition of the work of Sir Henry Parkes. SYDNEY morning herald newspaper. Australian federation ; a review of Mr. Forster's paper " Fallacies of federation " read before the Colonial institute, January, 1877. pp. 20, 8vo. Syd., 1877. Pam., v. 143, no. 2742. SYMON, Sir JOSIAII HENRY. Australian Commonwealth bill ; ob- servations in reply to Chief justice Way's attack upon the delegates and Mr. Chamberlain's " compromise " as to clause 74. pp. 9, 8vo. Adel., 1900. Pam., v. 181, no. 3405. Australian Commonwealth bill; the "Spectator's" criticism: a reply, pp. 8, 8vo. Adel., 1900. Pam., v. 181, no. 3496. TASMANIA : Chief secretary's office. Regulations for submis- sion of the Australasian federal constitution to the electors of Tasmania, pp. 8, 8vo. Hobart, 1898. Pam., v. 143, no. 2747. THOMSON, ROBERT. Australian nationalism : an earnest appeal to the sons of Australia in favour of the federation and inde- pendence of the states of our country. i2mo. Syd., 1888. 186 CONSTITUTIONAL LAW ; AUSTRALIA. UNITED Australia : public opinion in England as expressed in the leading journals of the United Kingdom. 8vo. Syd., 1890. UNKNOWN, The. Prospects and considerations of a future for the Australian colonies, pp. 21, 8vo. Hobart Town, 1865. Pam., v. 8, no. 180. VICTORIA : PARLIAMENT. Papers on federation circulated on consideration of draft federal constitution, 1897, by legis- lature of Victoria. Fscp. fo. Melb. Contents. Draft of a bill to constitute the Commonwealth of Australia. The Commonwealth bill showing tin- variations from the bill of 1891. Report upon the financial proposals of the Common- wealth bill ; by the accounts committee appointed by the acting Pre- mier. Statistical tables bearing on the question of federation ; com- piled in the Government statist's office. Memorandum re jailway proposals of the draft federal constitution ; by the Railway commis- sioner. Comparative analysis of the Australian Commonwealth bill 180,1 and four federal constitutions; by the Parliamentary draftsman. Synopsis of constitution of Australasian parliaments ; bv the Par- liamentary draftsman. Notes on the draft Federal constitution ; by Sir S. W. Griffith.- Federal finances; address by Mr. McMillan, M.P. The convention dilemma ; by R. I>. Xash. Memoranda and statistics with reference to federal finance ; by Sir Philip Fysh. VICTORIA : Royal commission on a federal union of the Aus- tralian colonies. Documents and correspondence [with first report], pp. 86, 8vo. Melb., 1871. Pain., v. 4, no. 103. WALDRON, JAMES BELLORD. [Address upon a few of the sub- jects having reference to the Commonwealth of Australia constitution act.] pp. 79, 8vo. Launceston, 1900. Pam., v. i, no. 8. WALKER, HENRY DE ROSENBACH. Australasian democracy. 8vo. Lond., 1897. WALKER, JAMES THOMAS. Draft Commonwealth bill ; speeches delivered in the Australasian federal convention, Sydney. pp. 14, 8vo. Syd., 1897. Pam., v. 3, no. 6q. Federation of British Australasia ; a sketch from a political and economic point of view. pp. 24, 8vo. Syd., 1898. Pam., v. i, no. i. Another pamphlet: same title: abstract of foregoing, pp. 4, 8vo. Syd., 1899. Pam., v. i, no. 2. Glance at the prospective finance of the Australian federation or common wealth, pp. 31, 8vo. Syd., 1896. Pam., v. i, no. 3. Notes on federal finance, pp. 25, 8vo. Syd., 1897. Pam., j. i, no. iq. Remarks on federal finance, pp. 15, 8vo. Syd.. 1898. Pam., v. i, no. ^o WEST AUSTRALIAN federal league. Federation; an appeal to democrats, being extracts from the Sydney Bulletin, pp. 16, 8vo. Perth, 1900. Pam., v. 4, no. 102. WILLOUGHBY, HOWARD. Australian federation ; its aims and its possibilities. 8vo. Melb., 1891. CONSTITUTIONAL LAW ; AUSTRALIA. 187 \b). Subsequent to the enactment of the Constitution. ARGUS newspaper, Melbourne. The first federal issue; Australia's tariff policy, pp. 16, 8vo. Melb., n.d. Pam.. v. 3, no. 75. BARTON, GEORGE BURNETT. Troubles of Australian federation. pp. 12, 8vo. n.p., 1901. Pam., v. 121, no. 2264. BOPPARD, WILHELM NIKOLAUS DOERKES. Das " Commonwealth of Australia " ; seine Vorfassung uncl staatsrechtliche Stellung. 8vo. Munich, 1903. Pam., v. 157, no. 3008. CLARK, ANDREW INGLIS, judge of the Supreme court of Tasmania. Studies in Australian constitutional law. 8vo. Melb., IQOI. Same: 2nd ed. 8vo. Melb., 1905. GUYON, RENE. La constitution Australienne de 1900. 8vo. Paris, 1904. MOORE, WILLIAM HARRISON. Constitution of the Commonwealth of Australia. 8vo. Lond., 1902. Same: 2nd ed. 8vo. Melb., 1910. Same: Students' ed. 8vo. Melb., 1910. QUICK, Sir JOHN, and GARRAN, ROBERT RANDOLPH. Annotated constitution of the Australian Commonwealth. 8vo. Syd., 1901. SMITH, ARTHUR BRUCE. Our Commonwealth : a handbook of the Australian commonwealth constitution. 8vo. Syd., 1904. 342.941. Western Australia. CONSTITUTION bill for Western Australia ; from the debates in " The Times " with articles from the English journals, pp. 33, 8vo. Syd., 1889. Pam., v. 20, no. 366. NEW SOUTH WALES : PARLIAMENT : Debates. The new con- stitution for Western Australia ; debate in the Legislative assembly of New South Wales, 7th August, 1889. pp. 33, 8vo. Syd., 1889. Pam., v. 20, no. 367. 342.942. South Australia. BAKER, Sir RICHARD CHAFFEY. Notes on the constitution of South Australia; reprinted from " Adelaide and its vicinity." 4to. Adel. [1901]. BLACKMORE, EDWIN GORDON. Law of the constitution of South Australia : a collection of imperial statutes, local acts, and instruments relating to the constitution and government of the province, with notes historical and constitutional. 4to. Adel., 1894. FINNISS, BOYLE TRAVERS. Constitutional history of South Aus- tralia, from 1836 to 1857. i2mo. Adel., 1886. 188 CONSTITUTIONAL LAW ; AUSTRALIA. 342.944. New South Wales. CONSTITUTIONALIST. Responsible government; what is it? pp. 1 6, 8vo. Syd., 1872. Pam., v. 44, no. 737. DK'KINSON, Sir JOHN NODES, judge of the Supreme court, N.S. W. Letter on the formation of a second chamber in the legislature of New South Wales, pp. 32, 8vo. Syd., 1852. Pam., v. 5, no. 108. Same : another copy. Pam., v. 97, no. 1773. DUNCAN, WILLIAM AUGUSTINE. Plea for the New South W.ik-s constitution, pp. 23, 8vo. Syd., 1856. Pam.. v. 181, no. 3497. NEW SOUTH WALES : Legislative council. New South Wales constitution bill; speeches on the second reading: ed. by E. K. Silvester. 8vo. Syd., 1896. Reprint of 1853 ed. NEW SOUTH WALES : PARLIAMENT : Debates. Debate on the prerogative of pardon as involved in the release of Gardiner and other prisoners : pref. by "Vindex." 8vo. Syd., 1874. Pam., v. 7, no. 166. PARKES, Sir HENRY. Case of the prisoner Gardiner; the prero- gative of pardon: a chapter of history, pp. 25, 8vo. Melb., 1876. Pam., v. 44, no. 739. SHERBROOKE, ROBERT LOWE, viscount. Speech on the Aus- tralian colonies bill, ist June, 1850. pp. 32, 8vo. Lond., n.d. Pam., v. 53, no. 884. 342.945. Victoria. A'BECKETT, THOMAS TURNER. The power of the purse con- sidered constitutionally, pp. iv., 32, 8vo. Melb., 1867. Pam., v. 68, no. 1153. FELLOWS. THOMAS HOWARD. New constitution of Victoria. pp. 1 6. 8vo. Melb., 1853. Pam., v. 97, no. 1767. JENKS, EDWARD. Government of Victoria, Australia. 8vo. Melb., 1897. QUICK, Sir JOHN. The inauguration of parliamentary govern- ment in Victoria, pp. 22, 8vo. Sandhurst, 1888. Pam., v. 20, no. 375. VICTORIA : Parliament. Correspondence respecting differences which have arisen on certain constitutional points between the two houses of the legislature of Victoria : [with reform bills], fscp. fo. Melb., 1878-79. WALDUCK. W. W. Constitutionalism in Victoria, pp. 16, 8vo. Melb., 1873. Pam., v. 69, no. 1165. WEST Victoria separation league. West Victoria separation move- ment for the union of western Victoria and the south-eastern district of South Australia into an independent colony, pp. 27, 8vo. Portland, 1862. Pam., v. 8, no. 186. CRIMINAL LAW. 189 WILSON, WALTER MONRO. Taxation by one chamber or two; or, the council, the assembly and the ministry ; a view of the present constitutional difficulties, pp. 19, 8vo. Melb., 1865. Pam., v. 94, no. 1698. 342.946. Tasmania. D'EMDEN, HENRI J. Parliamentary guide; a manual for the electors of both houses of the Parliament of Tasmania, pp. 25, 8vo. Hobart, 1856. Pum., v. 6, no. 145. Same: another copy. Pum., v. 93, no. 1678. NOWELL, EDWIN CRADOCK. History of the relations between the two houses of Parliament in Tasmania and South Australia, in regard to amendments to bills containing provisions relat- ing to the public revenue or expenditure. 8vo. Hobart, 1890. TASMANIA : Legislative council. Acts, reports, petitions, and proceedings of the Legislative council in connection with the introduction and subsequent amendments by Parliament of the Constitution act of Tasmania, pp. 94. 8vo. Hobart Town, 1879. Pam., v. 78, no. 1392. 343. Criminal law: Crime. BARRINGTON, GEORGE. New London spy; or, the frauds of London detected : appx. containing a sketch of night scenes and notorious characters. 9th ed. izrro. Lond., n.d. About 1805 ; probably not written by Harrington. BINGLE, JOHN. Letter to Viscount Glenelg; with documentary evidence. 8vo. Lond., 1837. BUNDEY, WILLIAM HENRY, judge of Supreme court, S.A. Con- viction of innocent men. pp. 31, 8vo. Adel., 1900. FERRERO, GINA LOMBROSO. Criminal man according to the clas- sification of Cesare Lombroso, briefly summarised : introd. by Cesare Lombroso : illust. 8vo. N.Y., 1911. MAITLAND, FREDERIC WILLIAM. Justice and police. 8vo. Lend., 1885. (English citizen ser \ MORRIS, WILLIAM ALFRED. The frankpledge system. 8vo. N.Y., 1910. (Harvard historical studies, v. 14 ) NEW SOUTH WALES :Law reform commission. Report on Criminal law consolidation bill. pp. 20, 8vo. Syd., 1876. Pam., v. 181, no. 3498. ROCHER, CHARLES A. W. Analysis of the criminal law of Eng- land, as applicable to this colony [Van Diemen's Land]. 8vo. Hobart Town, 1839. Analysis of the criminal law of Van Diemen's Land. 8vo. Launceston, 1848. VICTORIA: Law: Statutes. Criminal law and practice statute 1864. fscp. fo. Melb., 1864. Sir Redmond Barry's copy, interleaved with copious MS. notes. WHITE, CHARLES. History of Australian bushranging. 2 v. 8vo. Syd., 1900-06. 190 CRIMINAL TRIALS. 343.1. Criminal trials. BARBER, WILLIAM HENRY. Case of Mr. W. H. Barber; pth ed., with declaration by the jury retracting verdict, &c. 8vo. Lond., 1853. Government and Mr. W. H. Barber: a Treasury prosecution; the exculpatory evidence [with] report of the select committee, loth ed., 8vo. Lond., 1866. BERTRAND, HENRY Louis. Bertrand and Kinder tragedy; being the account of the extraordinary trial . . . for the murder of Henry Kinder : portrs. pp. 64, 8vo. Melb., 1866. Pam., v. 96. no. 1744. Complete report of the trial in the alleged murder case of the late Henry Kinder: 4 photos, pp. 76, 8vo. Syd., n.d. Pam., v. 96, no. 1745. BUND, JOHN WILLIAM WILLIS. Selection of cases from the state trials. 2 v. in 3, 8vo. Camb., 1879-82. Contents. v. i. Trials for treason, 13.27-1660. v. 2, pt. i. Same, 1660-1678. v. 2, pt. 2. Same, 1678-1681 [Popish plot]. BURTON. JOHN HILL. Narratives from criminal trials in Scot- land. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1852. COLENSO, WILLIAM. Fiat justitia ; being a few thoughts respect- ing the Maori prisoner Kereopa, now awaiting his trial for murder, pp. 23, 8vo. Napier, 1871. Pam., v. 32, no. 531. DEAN, GEORGE. Regina versus Dean; report of the royal commis- sion appointed 7th May. 1895. fscp. fo. Syd., 1895. FROST, JOHN. Trial of John Frost for high treason under a special commission held at Monmouth. 8vo. Lond., 1840. FULL and particular account of the trial of eleven men for the most horrible and cold-blooded murder and afterwards burning ! of twenty-eight individuals, men women, and children, without any provocation : copied from the Sydney gazette of i5th November, 1838. pp. 16, 8vo. Glasgow, 1839. HASTINGS, WARREN. Debates of the House of lords on the evi- dence delivered in [his] trial ; proceedings of the East India company in consequence of his acquittal : [&c.]. 410. Lond., 1797. LANG, Rev. JOHN DUNMORE. Abstract and analysis of the evi- dence taken by a select committee of the Legislative assembly of Victoria in the case of George Dunmore Lang and Frederick Lee Drake [&c.]. pp. 95, 8vo. Melb., 1857. Pam., v. 61, no. 994; pp. 65-80 wanting. The convicts' bank ; or a plain statement of the case of alleged embezzlement on the part of G. D. Lang and F. L. Drake. pp. 58, 8vo. Syd., 1855 Hound with his Free Church morality, class 285. LUCKIE, DAVID MITCHELL. The Maungatapu mountain murders. 8vo. Nelson, 1890. Pam., v. 32, no. 525. MOORE, JOSEPH SHERIDAN. Case of Dr. Frederick Beer, with a comment and notes, pp. 55, 8vo. Syd., 1868. Pam., v. q6, no. 1742. MURRAY, Mrs. M. The late stabbing case in Tasmania : truth ; or, seventeen years of married life. pp. 34, 8vo. Launceston, 1866. Pam., v. 96, no. 1741. CRIMINAL TRIALS : PUNISHMENTS. 191 NEW SOUTH WALES: -^-PARLIAMENT: Legislative assembly. The O'Farrell papers; being a correct reprint of the papers laid upon the table by Mr. Parkes. pp. 24, 8vo. Syd., n.d. Pam., v. 96, no. 1746. NICHOLS, GEORGE ROBERT, and LESTER, ALFRED. Exciting trial of, the noted Parramatta river murderers ; with the life and confession of the condemned, pp. 34, 8vo. Sycl., 1872. Pam., v. 96, no. 1743. O'HAGAN, THOMAS. Address at the trial of a Catholic priest on the alleged charge of Bible burning. pp. xi., 32, i2mo. Hobart Town, 1856. Pam., v. 121, no. 2255. PALMER, Rev. THOMAS FYSH. Account of [his] trial before the circuit-court of justiciary at Perth, September, 1793, for sedition. 8vo. Perth, [1793]- QUEEN'S magazine, The. Trial of Queen Caroline upon charges of adulterous intercourse. 2 v.. 8vo. Loncl., 1821. REEVES, CHARLES EVANS. Queen v. Beaney ; extraordinary charge of murder against a medical man. 8vo. Melb., 1866. ROGERS F. E., ed. Short report of the evidence in the case of Regina v. Murphy, August, 1867 ; with the speech of W. B. Dalley in defence of the prisoner, pp. 20, 8vo. Syd., 1867. Pam., v. 181, no. 3499. SEWELL, RICHARD CLARKE. Speech in defence of George Cham- berlain and William Armstrong charged with shooting with intent to murder William Green, pp. 22, 8vo. Melb., 1859. Pam., v. 10, no. 223. STATE trials. Complete collection of state trials and proceed- ings for high-treason and other crimes and misdemeanours from the reign of King Richard II. to the end of the reign of King George I. 2nd ed., 6 v., fo. Lond., 1730. STEPHENS, ALFRED GEORGE. The Suffield case. pp. 64, 8vo. Syd., 1897. Pam., v. 121, no. 2257. WAKE FIELD, EDWARD GIBBON. Trial of Edward Gibbon Wake- field, William Wakefield, and Frances Wakefield, indicted with Edward Thevenot for conspiracy and for the abduction of Miss Ellen Turner. 8vo. Lond., 1827. WEKEY, S. The institutions of the land we live in. pp. 18., 8vo. Melb., n. d. Pam., v. 10, no. 226. 343.2. Punishments. ANTI-DRACO ; or, reasons for abolishing the punishment of death in cases of forgery, pp. 46, 8vo. n.p., n.d. Pam., v. 67, no. 1133. AUSTRALIAN patriotic association. Report of the proceedings of the general meeting of the supporters of the petition to His Majesty and the House of commons held May, 30, 1836. pp. 51, 8vo. Syd., 1836. Report of the provisional committee laid before the general meeting of the members, 5th August. 1835. pp. 15, 8vo. Syd.. 1835. The above relate to transportation. 192 PUNISHMENTS. BOBBIN, TIM, pseud. Revelations of P. [ort] A. [rthur]; or, news from our penal settlement, pp. 42, 8vo. Hohart Town. 1868. Pam., v. 22, no. 394. COLONIAL magazine. The regeneration of the British colony of Van Diemen's Land. pp. 15, 8vo. Loncl., 1848. Pam., v. 23, no. 401. CRIMK and criminals in Australia from 1785 to 1880. pp. 40. 8vo. [Lond.], 1882. Pam., v. 181, no. 31500. CUTLER, JAMES. Lynch law; an investigation into the history of lynching in the United States. 8vo. Lond.. 1905. DION, pseud. Letters [on transportation], pp. 48, 8vo. Hobart Town, 1857. Pam., v. 23, no. 397. GREAT BRITAIN: PARLIAMENT: House of commons. Report from select committee on transportation ; with letter from the archbishop of Dublin [Whately] and notes by Sir William Molesworth. pp. 54, 8vo. Lond., 1838. GREAT BRITAIN : Royal commission on capital punishment. Report, with the minutes of evidence and appx. 8vo. Syd., 1868. GRELLET, HENRY ROBERT. Case of England and Western Aus- tralia in respect to transportation. pp. 51, 8vo. Lond., 1864. HILL, MATTHEW DAVENPORT. Papers on the penal servitude acts and on the regulations of the Home department for carrying them into execution, pp. 23, 8vo. Lond., 1864. Pam., v. 79, no. 1401. KENTISH, NATHANIEL LIPSCOMB. Essay on capital punishment. pp. 58, 8vo. Hobart Town, 1842. LACKLAND, JACOB. Common sense; an enquiry into the influence of transportation on the colony of Van Diemen's Land. pp. 23. 8vo. Launceston, 1847. Pam., v. 121, no. 2253. LAUNCESTON examiner newspaper. Memoir of the proceedings taken by the colonists in connexion with the proposed cessation of transportation to Van Diemen's Land. pp. 32, 8vo. Launceston, 1847. Pam., v. 95, no. 1730. LOWES. T. Y. Address intended to be delivered at the public meeting, 6th May, 1847, Hobart Town, on the transportation question, pp. 8, 8vo. Hobart Town, ^847. Pam., v. 95, no. 1729. M'ARTHUR, ALEXANDER. Transportation to Western Australia; with introd. pp. 16, 8vo. Lond., 1864. Pam., v. 95, no. 1732. MACDONALD, ALEXANDER CAMERON. Dark days at Botany Bay. Pp. ii, 8vo. Melb., 1902. Pam., v. 19, no. 357. MOLESWORTH, Sir WILLIAM, bart. Speech on the discontinuance of transportation to Van Diemen's Land. pp. 16, 8vo. Lond., 1851. Pam., v. 22, no. 396. PUNISHMENTS. 193 NEW SOUTH WALES association for preventing the revival of transportation. Report of the proceedings and financial state of the association formed at a great public meeting, i6th September, 1850. pp. 72, 8vo. Syd., 1851. Pam., v. IQ, no. 351. NIXON, FRANCIS RUSSELL, bishop of Tasmania. Transportation > copy of a communication upon the subject addressed to Earl Grey. Pp. 24, 8vo. Launceston, 1847. Pam., v. 7, no. 168. Same: another copy. Pam., v. 62, no. 1010. NORTON, CHARLES BOWYER ADDERLEY, ist baron. Transporta- tion not necessary, pp. 74, 8vo. Lond., 1851. Pam., v. 66, no. 1127. PHILLIPS, CHARLES. Vacation thoughts on capital punishments. 8vo. Lond., 1858. Same : another copy. Pam., v. 68, no. 1150. QUESTION of transportation considered. By a colonist of New South Wales, pp. 16, 8vo. Lond., 1832. TAYLOR, ALFRED JOSEPH. Capital punishment; reasons why the death penalty should be abolished, pp. 32, 8vo. Hobart Town, 1877. Pam., v. 79, no. 1402. Additional notes on capital punishment, pp. 16, 8vo. Hobart Town, 1878. Pam., v. 79, no. 1403. TORRENS, Sir ROBERT RICHARD. Transportation considered as a punishment and as a mode of founding colonies, pp. 23, 8vo. Lond., 1863. Pam., v. 95, no. 1731. TRENCH, ROBERT LE POER. Standard of measurement of sen- tences in criminal cases, and a reformed system of penal discipline, pp. 24, 8vo. Melb., 1886. Pam., v. 96, no. 1740. WAKEFIELD, EDWARD GIBBON. Facts relating to the punish- ment of death in the metropolis: appx., concerning murder for the sale of the dead body. 2nd ed. 8vo. Lond., 1832. WARDLEY, EDWARD, " Fiat justitia." Abolition of capital punishment considered, pp. 20, 8vo. Syd., 1869. Pam.. v. 8, no. 177. WILLIAMS, WILLIAM. Secondary punishments discussed, with some comments on convict discipline in New South Wales. pp. 58, 8vo. Syd., 1834. Pam.. v. 96, no. 1739. WILLOUGHBY, HOWARD, correspondent of the Melbourne "Argus." Transportation; the British convict in Western Australia : a visit to the Swan river settlements. pp. 62, 8vo. Melb., 1865. Same : another copy. Pam., v. 20, no. 365. F.8720. G 194 STATUTES. 345. Statutes. 346.41. Scotland. ACTS of the Parliaments of Scotland, 1424-1707. rev. ed. 8vo. Edinb., 1908. 345.415. Ireland. STATUTES and ordinances and Acts of the Parliament of Ireland, King John to Henry V. : ed. by Henry F. Berry. 8vo. Dublin, 1907. 345.42. Great Britain. CHRONOLOGICAL table and index of the statutes; v. i, Chrono- logical table of all the statutes; v. 2, Index to the statutes in force, ipth ed., 1903 to date. la. 8vo. Lond. Published annually. ILBERT, Sir COURTENAY PEREGRINE. Legislative methods and forms. 8vo. Oxf., 1901. KING, HUMPHREY HASTINGS, ed. Butterworth's twentieth century statutes annotated ; being the public general acis passed in the years 1900-1909. 5 v., 8vo. Lond., 1910. PUBLIC general acts from i Edw. VII., 1901, to date. la. 8vo. Lond. STATUTES, 1866 to date. 8vo. Lond. Law reports ser. STATUTES at large from Magna charta to 33 Viet. 108 v., 8vo. Camb. and Lond., 1762-1869. Pickerings's edition. STATUTES of practical utility arranged in alphabetical and chronological order, with notes and indexes, being the fifth ed. of " Chitty's statutes," by J. M. Lely. 12 v., 8vo. Lond., 1894-95. Same: v. 13: supplement. Table of short and popular titles, table of regnal years and chapters, and a general index and addenda. 8vo. Lond., 1895. Same: v. 14. Statutes of practical utility passed in 1895- 1901, with notes. 8vo. Lond., 1902. Same: annual volumes, 1902 to date, by J. M. Lely. 8vo. Lond. STATUTES. Second revised edition from 20 Hen. III. to 49 and 50 Viet. 16 v., 8vo. Lond., 1888-1900. In progress. This edition gives only statutes in force of general utility. 345.682. Transvaal. ORDINANCES, 1902 to 1906. 5 v., 8vo. Pretoria, 1904-1906. ACTS of the Parliament: ist session, ist Parliament, 1907. fscp. fo. Pretoria. Bound with Transvaal : Legislative Council : Minutes and with Transvaal : Legislative assembly: Votes and Proceedings. STATUTES, 1908 09. 2 v., 8vo. Pretoria. STATUTES. 346.685. Orange River Colony. ORDINANCES, 1902 to 1907. 5 v., 8vo. Bloemfontein, 1902-07. STATUTE law; tr. by C. L. Botha. 8vo. Lond., 1901. STATUTE law; ed. by P. L. Lefebvre and B. B. L. Jackson. 8vo. Bloemfontein, [1907]. 345.687. Cape of Good Hope. ACTS of parliament, 1904 to 1909. 6 v., 8vo. Cape Town, 1904- 1909. In 1909 the South African colonies were incorporated in the Union of South Africa. 345.71. Canada. ACTS of the legislatures of the provinces now comprised in the Dominion, and of Canada, which are of a public nature, and are not repealed by the revised statutes. 8vo. Ottawa, 1887. ACTS of the parliament of the Dominion, 1888, 1892, 1895, 1896. 1898 to date. 8vo. Ottawa. REVISED statutes, 1886. 2 v., 8\o. Ottawa, 1887. REVISED statutes, 1906. 4 v., 8vo. Ottawa, 1906. 345.711. British Columbia. REVISED statutes, 1897. 2 v., 8vo. Victoria, B.C.. 1897. STATUTES, 1905 to date. 8vo. Victoria, B.C. 345.712. Manitoba. REVISED statutes, 1902. 2 v., 8vo. Winnipeg, 1903. STATUTES, 1904 to date. 8vo. Winnipeg. 345.73. United States. CURTIS, RUSSELL H., cd. Important federal statutes annotated. 8vo. Chic., 1891. FEDERAL statutes annotated: ed. by W. M. McKinney [and others]. 8vo. N.V., 1903-09. Contents. v. 1-7. Laws in force, ist January, 1903. v. 8-9. Notes on the Constitution of the United States, by Thomas H. Cal- vert. v. 10. Appx. bringing the Acts down to January i, 1906, tables of Statutes ?nd general index supplement, 1907 [superseded by following volume]. -Supplement, 1909. GOULD, JOHN M., and TUCKER, G. F. Notes on the revised statutes of the United States and the subsequent legislation of Congress. 3 v., 4to. Bost., 1889-1904. REVISED statutes, passed 1873-74, with appx. 2nd ed. 8vo. Wash., 1878. Same: supplement, v. i, 1874-1891. 8vo. Wash., 1891. SCOTT, GEORGE WINFIELD, and BEAMAN, MIDDLETON G. Index analysis of the federal statutes together with a table of repeals and amendments : v. i, 1873-1907 : general and permanent law. 8vo. Wash., 1908. STATUTES at large: v. 23, 48th Congress. 1883-85; v. 25-29, 5oth to 54th Congresses, 1887-97 ; v. 3^, 57th Congress, 1901-03, to date. 4to. Wash. MASSACHUSETTS. Revised laws of the commonwealth. 3 v., 8vo. Bost., 1902. G 2 196 STATUTES. 345.931. New Zealand. AUCKLAND. Acts of the superintendent and provincial council of the province of Auckland, passed in sessions i. to xxiv. 2 v., 8vo. Auckland, 1866-69. CONSOLIDATED statutes of the Dominion. 6 v., 410. Well., 1908. Also contains final report of the Consolidation Commission, his- torical table of the legislation of New Zealand, and alphabetical index. HAYVKE'S BAY. Acts of the province, session i., 1858, to session x., 1866, including Acts of the province of Wellington in force in Hawke's Bay [&c.]. 8vo. Napier, 1866. INDEX to the laws, general, local, provincial; b>eing i4th ed. of " Cumin's " index: to end of session 1904. Ed. by E. V. Redward. 8vo. Well., 1905. Same: i6th ed. to the end of 1908. Ed. by E. Y. Redward. 8vo. Well., 1909. NEW MUNSTER. Ordinances, 1849, and of the province of Nelson, 1853 to 1863. 8vo. Nelson, 1864. ORDINANCES of New Zealand passed in the first ten sessions of the general Legislative council, 1841 to 1849 : appended, acts of parliament, charters, and royal instructions relating to New Zealand. 8vo. Well., 1850. ORDINANCES of the Legislative council and of the Legislative council of the province of New Munster, 1841 to 1853. fscp. fo. Well., 1871. PRACTICAL statutes, with notes and index: ed. by G. B. Barton. 2 v., la. 8vo. Dunedin, 1876-77. STATUTES, 1870, 1872, 1874-78, 1881, 1884 to date. fscp. fo. and 4to. Well. 345.94. Australia. ACTS of the Parliament of the Commonwealth, 1901-2 to date, with indexes. 8vo. Melb., 1903 to date. STATUTES of the Commonwealth of practical utility, v. i, 1901, with index: compiled by H. M. Cockshott and S. E. Lamb. 8vo. Syd., 1902. All published. 345.941. Western Australia. ACTS of Parliament, 1896 to date. 4to. Perth. STATUTES, 1832-95: ed. by J. C. H. James. 3 v., 8\o. [Perth] 1896. Same: historical table and index, by J. C. H. Tames. 8vol [Perth] 1896. 345.942. South Australia. ACTS of the legislative council, 1854. 4to. Adel., 1854. ACTS of Parliament [in force, 1901] 1840-1900. 9 v., 410. Adel. v.d. Same: index up to 1893, by G. H. Castle and A. C. Thomas. 4to. Adel., 1894. Title up to 1856 read Acts and ordinances. STATUTES. 197 ACTS of the Parliament, 1901 to date. 4to. Adel. CONSTITUTIONAL, Electoral, and Parliamentary privilege Acts. i2mo. Adel., 1862. Bound with South Australia : Parliament: House of Assembly. Standing rules and orders, 1865, class 328.1. INDEX to public acts and ordinances of South Australia, to the close of the session of 1903 ; with schedule of private acts and list of acts which are obsolete or repealed : by James Hugh Sinclair and A. C. Thomas. 8vo. Adel., 1904. 345.943. Queensland. ACTS of the Parliament, 1889 to date. 8vo. Brisb. STATUTES in force: ed. by Ratcliffe Pring. 3 v., 8vo. Brisb., 1862-64. STATUTES. 4 v., 4 to. Brisb., 1874. STATUTES : ed. by A. Pain and J. L. Woolcock. 5 v., 8vo. Brisb., 1889. 345.944. New South Wales. ACTS and ordinances of the Governor and Council, 1824-1837. 2 v. fscp. fo. Syd., n.d. ACTS and ordinances of the Governor and Council, and Acts of Parliament enacted for and applied to the colony, with notes and index : by T. Callaghan. 2 v. in i, 8vo. Syd., 1844-45. Same: supplement. 8vo. Syd., 1846. COLLECTION of statutes affecting New South Wales, containing all the statutes of practical utility: ed. by H. Gary. 3 v., la. 8vo. Syd., 1861. COMPARATIVE tables showing the English laws and statutes in force in New South Wales and the English statutes corres- ponding to New South Wales enactments : by Herbert R. Curlewis. 8vo. Syd., 1904. PRIVATE acts, from 3 Will. IV.. 1832, to date. fscp. fo. and 410. Syd. PUBLIC general statutes, from 5 George IV., 1824, to date. fscp. fo. and 4to. Syd. STATUTES of practical utility with index, 1894 to date: by H. M. Cockshott and S. E. Lamb. 8vo. Syd. STATUTE index: by A. Oliver, fscp. fo. Syd., 1874. 345.945. Victoria. ACTS and ordinances [of the Legislative council] in force in Vic- toria : ed. by T. Adamson. 2 v., 8vo. Melb., 1855-56. ACTS of the Parliament, 1901 to date. 4to. Melb. PUBLIC general statutes and the rules, regulations, by-laws, &c., of Victoria; v. i, 2 & 3 Edward VII., 1902-1903 to date, with index, la. 8vo. Melb., 1904. 345.946. Tasmania. ACTS of Parliament, 1888 to date. fscp. fo. and 4to. Hobart. INDEX to statutes and acts of Federal council; by J. K. Reid. 8vo. Hobart, 1897. LAW EEPOETS AND DIGESTS. INDEX to the statutes in force on June i, 1907; by J. K. Reid. 8vo. Hobart, 1907. STATUTES, 1826-88: arranged, with notes, by F. Stops. 5 v., 8vo. Hobart, 1883-90. Same 7 George IV., 1826 to 64 Viet., 1901 : arranged, with notes, by F. Stops. 5 v., 8vo. Hobart, 1902-05. 345.95. Papua. LAWS and ordinances of British New Guinea. 8vo. Brisb., 1898. For subsequent years see the Government gazette, class 354.95. 345.961. Fiji. ORDINANCES from ist Sept., 1875, to 3ist December, 1878. 8vo. Syd., 1880. 346. Law reports and Digests. 346.42. Great Britain. KANT, A. N. Index of cases judicially noted, 1865-1904. con- taining every case cited in judgments reported in the Law reports. 8vo. Lond., 1905. LAW reports : 1865-75. 84 v. Lond. Contents. Admiralty and ecclesiastical cases, 4 v. Chancery ap- peals, 10 v. Common pleas cases, 10 v. Crown cases reserved, a v. English and Irish appeal cases, 7 v. Equity cases, 20 v. Ex- chequer cases, 10 v. Privy council appeal cases, 6 v. Probate and divorce cases, 3 v. Queen's bench cases, 10 v. Scotch and divorce appeal cases, 2 v. Same: 1875-6 to date. 8vo. Lond. Content;. Appeal cases. Chancery division. King's bench divi- sion from 1901. Probate division. Queen's bench division to 1900, 45 v. LAW reports digest of cases, 1865-1890: ed. by A. P. Stone. 3 v., 8vo. Lond., 1892. Same: 1891 to 1900; compiled by Meryon White. 8vo. Lond., 1901. Same: 1901 to 1905; compiled by Meryon White. 8vo. Lond., 1906. MEWS, JOHN. Annual digest of all the reported decisions of the superior courts, 1902 to date. 8vo. Lond. MEWS, JOHN, ed. Digest of English case law, containing the re- ported decisions of the superior courts, and a selection from those of the Irish courts, to the end of 1897. 16 v., 8vo. Lond., 1898. v. 16 contains table of cases. Same.- supplement from 1898 to 1907 inclusive; by Edward Manson. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1908. Cumulates the annual digest for those years. WOODS, WILLIAM ANDREW GEORGE, and RITCHIE, JOHN. Digest of cases overruled, approved, or otherwise dealt with in the English and other courts, with a selection of extracts from judgments referring to such cases. 3 v., 8vo. Lond., 1907. LAW EEPOETS AND DIGESTS. 199 346.71. Canada. SUPREME court. Reports, v. 35, 1905, to date. 8vo. Ottawa. 346.73. United States. CASES argued andrletermined in the Supreme court, [1754 to date], la. 8vo. Rochester, N.Y., 1901 to date. In 1911 these consisted of 214 v. bound in 53 v. and include reprints of the following: Dallas, 1754-1805; Cranch, 1801-15; Wheaton, 1816-27; Peters, 1828-42; Howard, 1843-57; Black, 1861-62; Wallace, 1863-76; Otto, 1876-81; and U.S. reports, 1881 to date. DIGEST of the Supreme court reports, U.S. vols. 1-206; L[awyers'j ed, books 1-51. 6 v., 8vo. Rochester, N.Y., 1908. THOMPSON, CHARLES L. Notes on the Supreme court reports, showing the present authority of each case as disclosed by the citations. 5 v., 8vo. San Francisco, 1904-09. UNITED STATES -.Justice department. Federal anti-trust de- cisions ; cases decided in United States courts arising under, involving, or growing out of the enforcement of the anti-trust act of July 2, 1890, [Sherman act], 1890-1906 : ed. by J. A. Finch. 2 v., 8vo. Wash., 1907. 346.931. New Zealand. BROAD, LOWTHER, and COOKE, F. H. Digest of cases in the Court of appeal, Supreme court, Superior court of bankruptcy, &c. ; 1861-86. 2nd ed., 8vo. Nelson, 1887. SMITH, THOMAS SCOTT. Digests of the reported cases in the Court of appeal and Supreme court, from 1861 to 1885. 410. Dunedin, 1885. 346.94. Australia. " ARGUS " law reports; ed. by A. H. Davis, v. 10, 1904 to date, sm. 410. Melb. AUSTRALASIAN annual digest : ed. by G. W. Power, C. Stumm, and A. D. Graham: 1902 to date. 8vo. Brisb. COMMONWEALTH law reports. v i, 1903-4 to date. 8vo. Melb. DIGEST of all the cases reported in the Commonwealth law reports, vols. i. to viii., 1903 to 1909; compiled by James C. Ander- son and Bennet Langton. 8vo. Melb, 1910. P IRANI, SAMUEL G., Index of cases judicially noticed in the High court of Australia, 1903-1909. 8vo. Melb., 1910. 346.941. Western Australia. WESTERN AUSTRALIAN law reports, 1899 to date. 8vo. Perth. 346.942. South Australia. REPORTS of cases argued and determined in the Supreme court and in the Vice-admiralty court from July, 1865, to Decem- ber, 1866. 8vo. Adel., 1867. ,, LAW REPORTS AND DIGESTS. SOUTH AUSTRALIAN law reports: v. 1-25, 1867-92. J5 v. 8vo. Adel., 1868-95. SOUTH AUSTRALIAN law reports : [new series], 1899, 1900. 1904 to date. 8vo. Adel. % 346.943. Queensland. LAW journal reports: cases decided from i June, 1881, to n No- vember, 1901. ii v. in 6. 4to. Brisb., 1884-190.:. POWER, GEORGE WASHINGTON, and GRAHAM, AUSTIN DOUGLAS. Second Queensland digest, 1897 to 1905, and 1859 to 1881. 8vo. Brisb., 1907. SCOTT, GEORGE, GROOM, L. E., and GRAHAM, A. D. Reports of cases in the Supreme court of Queensland, 1860-81. 5 v., 8vo. Brisb., 1898-1903. STATE reports: decisions of the Supreme court, 1902, to date. 8vo. Brisb. 346.944. New South Wales. CASES argued and determined in the Supreme court in its common law jurisdiction, 1877 ; by G. Knox. 8vo. Syd., 1878. COCKSHOTT, HAROLD MURRAY, and LAMB, S. ERNEST. Digest of cases decided in the Supreme court from 1884 to 1896. 2 v., 8vo. Syd., 1892-97. COCKSHOTT, HAROLD MURRAY, and others. Digest of the re- ported cases decided in the Supreme court, 1825-1904. 8vo. Syd., 1905. LEGGE, J. GORDON. Selection of Supreme court cases in New South Wales from 1825 to 1862. 2 v., 8vo. Syd., 1896. NEW SOUTH WALES law reports, 1880-1900: by G. H. Fit/- hardinge, G. Knox, and others. 21 v., 8vo. Syd. 1881- 1900. NEW SOUTH WALES state reports, 1901 to date. 8vo. Syd. REPORTS of cases in the Supreme court: by W. H. Wilkinson. W. Owen, and others [1862-76]. 14 v., 8vo. Syd., 1863 93. Same: by G. Knox and F. H. Linklater, [1878-79]. 2 v.. 8vo. Syd., 1879-80. RESERVED and equity judgments, Supreme court, delivered during 1845. 8vo - Syd., 1846. W ATKINS, JOHN LEO, and O'CONNOR, RICHARD EDWARTX Di- gest of criminal and magistrates' cases decided from 1840 to 1 88 1. 8vo. Syd., 1882. WATKINS, JOHN LEO, and others. Digest of reported cases decided in the Supreme court from 1860 to 1884. 8vo. Syd., 1885. 346.945. Victoria. AUSTRALIAN law times, v. i, 1879-80, to date. 4to. Melb. DAVIS, PETER STEVENSON. Analytical digest of the cases decided in the Supreme court, 1871 to 1873. 2 v., i2mo. Melb.^ l8 73-74- LAW REPORTS AND DIGESTS. 201 EAGLESON. JAMES GRATTAN, and WASLEY, JOSIAH S. Digest of reported cases in the Supreme court, Court of insolvency, and the courts of mines, from 1885 to 1890. 8vo. Melb., 11893. Same: 1890 to 1895: by J. G. Eagleson, L. F. S. Robinson, and W. A. Sanderson. 8vo. Melb., 1897. Same: 1895 to 1901 : by J. G. Eagleson, L. F. S. Robinson, and M. A. Brennan. 8vo. Melb., 1902. KERFERD, GEORGE BRISCOE, and BOX, J. B. Digest of the cases decided in the Supreme court from 1846 to 1871. 410. Melb., 1871. PIRANI, SAMUEL G. Index of cases judicially noticed in the Supreme court and in the Court of insolvency, 1846 to 1904. 8vo. Melb., 1905. ROBINSON, LLEWELLYN FARRANT SAMUEL. Digest of reported cases in the Supreme court, Court of insolvency, and courts of mines, and appeals therefrom to the High court of Australia and the Privy council for 1901 to 1905, inclusive. 8vo. Melb., 1907. VICTORIAN reports, 1870-72 : ed. by G. H. F. Webb. 3 v., 8vo. Melb., 1874. VICTORIAN law reports, 1875 to date. 8vo. Melb. \YATERHOUSE, G. W., and EDMONDSON, F. W. Digest of reported cases in the Supreme court, Court of insolvency, and the courts of mines and vice-admiralty, from 1861 to 1885. 8vo. Melb., 1886. WVATT. ALFRED, and WEBB, GEORGE H. F. Reports of cases argued and determined in the Supreme court, 1861-63. 2 v., 8vo. Melb., 1863-65. WVATT, ALFRED, WEBB,' GEORGE H. F., and A'BECKETT, T. Reports of cases argued and determined in the Supreme court, 1864-69. 6 v., 8vo. Melb., 1866-71. 346.946. Tasmania. HO RE. LESLIE FRASER STANDISH. Digest of cases decided in Tasmania, 1856-1896. 8vo. Hobart, 1897. REPORTS of cases determined in the Supreme court : by H Nicholls and W. J. T. Stops, containing the cases in the years 1897-1904. 2 v., 8vo. Melb.. 1906-07. TASMANIAN law reports, 1905 to date: ed. by H. Nicholls and W. J. T. Stops. 8vo. Hobart. 347. Private Law. Treatises on law. CARSON, THOMAS HENRY. Prescription and custom : six lectures. 8vo. Lond., 1907. DICEY. ALBERT VENN. Digest of the law of England, with refer- ence to the conflict of laws : with notes of American cases by J. B. Moore. 8vo. Lond., 1896. Same: 2nd ed. : \ivitlwut Moore']. 8vo. Lond., 1908. MAXWELL, Sir PETER BENSON. On the interpretation of statutes : 4th ed., by J. A. Theobald. 8vo. Lond., 1905. 202 TREATISES ON LAW. ODGERS, WILLIAM BLAKE, and ODGERS, WALTER BLAKE. The common law of England; being the tenth edition of Broom's " Commentaries on the common law." 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1911. POLLOCK, Sir FREDERICK, and MAITLAND, FREDERIC WILLIAM. History of English law before the time of Edward I. 2nd ed., 2 v., 8vo. Camb., 1898. STEPHEN, HENRY JOHN. New commentaries on the laws of Eng- land, partly founded on Blackstone : i4th ed., under the general editorship of Edward Jenks. 4 v., 8vo. Lond., 1903. 347.03. Dictionaries. STROUD, FREDERICK. Judicial dictionary of words and phrases judicially interpreted; to which has been added, statutory definitions. 2nd ed., 3 v., 8vo. Lond., 1903. Same: supplement. 8vo. Lond., 1909. WHARTON, JOHN JANE SMITH. Wharton's Law-lexicon, forming an epitome of the law of England. loth ed., by J. M. Lely. 8vo. Lond., 1902. Same: nth ed., by W. H. Aggs. 8vo. Lond., 1911. 347.05. Periodicals. COMMONWEALTH law review; ed. by Everard Digby : v. 1-6, 1903-4 to 1908-9. 6 v., 8vo. Syd. All published. 347.06. Societies : Bar associations. DOUTHWAITE, WILLIAM RALPH. Gray's Inn; its history and associations. 8vo. Lond., 1886. LEGAL and historical debating society, Ireland. Address delivered by George Mackay, president, at its first meeting, eighth session, pp. 23,' 8vo. Melb., 1853. Pam., v. 68, no. 1151. PULLING, ALEXANDER. The order of the coif : [illust.]. 8vo. Lond., 1897. RITCHIE, A. MACDONALD. The legal profession in Tasmania; its statutory establishment and present position. pp. 31, xxiv., 8vo. Hobart, 1886. Pam., v. 79, no. 1407. WILLIS, W T ILLIAM. The society and fellowship of the Inner Temple: an address, 24th May, 1897. pp. 40, 410, n.p. 347.08. Polygraphy. HALSBURY, Hardinge Stanley Giffard, isl earl of, and other law- yers. Laws of England; being a complete statement of the whole law of England, v. 1-16. 8vo. Lond., 1907-11. In -progress. Now com-pleted to Income tax. LAW : PERSONS ; REALTY. 203 RENTON, ALEXANDER WOOD, ed. Encyclopaedia of the laws of England ; being a new abridgment by the most eminent legal authorities: general introd. by Sir. F. Pollock. 12 v., 8vo. Lond., 1897-98. Same: v. 13, supplement, ed. by A. W. Donald, and exhaus- tive index to the entire work prepared by Wm. Bow stead. 8vo. Lond., 1903. 347.1. Persons. BURDETT, Sir FRANCIS. [Address] to his constituents, denying the power of the House of commons to imprison the people of England, pp. 20, 8vo. Lond., 1810. Pam., v. 66, no. 1122. (Imperfect.) NESBIT, E. PARIS. Lunacy laws and procedure in Victoria, pp. 8, 8vo. Melb. [1896.] Pam., v. 181, no. 3501. TIEDEMAN, CHRISTOPHER GUSTAVUS. State and federal control of persons and property in the United States considered from both a civil and criminal stand jx>int. 2 v., 8vo. St. Louis, 1900. VAN DYNE, FREDERICK. Citizenship of the United States. 8vo. Rochester, N.Y., 1904. 347.2. Realty. CARSON", THOMAS HENRY, and BOMPAS, HAROLD BUCKLAND. Carson's Real property statutes ; based on Shel ford's Real property statutes. 2nd ed., 8vo. Lond., 1910. HOGG, JAMES EDWARD. Australian Torrens system : a treatise on the system of land transfer and registration of title in [Aus- tralasia]. 8vo. Lond., 1905. HUNTER, WILLIAM HOWARD. Torrens title cases: being cases de- cided [in] England, Australasia, and Canada upon the transfer of land; introd. by J. H. Hunter. v. i, 8vo. Toronto, 1895. IRVINE, MALCOLM M. D'ARCY. Land and income tax law of New South Wales. 8vo. Syd., 1905. OLIVER, ALEXANDER. Collection of acts relating to the transfer of, or dealing with, land; with the cases decided in the Supreme court noted. 8vo. Syd., 1877. POWER, GEORGE WASHINGTON, GROOM, LITTLETON ERNEST, and GRAHAM, A. D. "Real property acts" of Queensland, with annotations. 8vo. Brisb., 1902. QUICK, Sir JOHN, M.P. History of land tenure in the colony of Victoria. 8vo. Bendigo, 1883. TORREXS, Sir ROBERT RICHARD. Handy book on the Real property act of South Australia : also, index to the act. pp. 67, fm. 8vo. Adel., n.d. Pam., v. 78, no. 1375. South Australian system of conveyancing by registration of title, with the Real property act. 8vo. Adel., 1859. 204 LAW : FAMILY ; COMMERCIAL. 347.6. Family law and Inheritance. BEAR'S Proctors' guide to extracting probates and letters of ad- ministration, [with] digest of Victorian decisions. 3rd ed., 8vo. Melb., n.d. EVEYISLEY, WILLLIAM FINDER, and CRAIES, WILLIAM FEILDEN. The marriage laws of the British empire. 8vo. Lond., 1910. J ARM AN 7 , THOMAS. Treatise on wills : 6th ed., by Charles Sweet assisted by Charles Percy Sanger. 2 v., 8vo. Lond, 1910. JENKS, EDWARD. Husband and wife in the law. sm. 8vo. Lond., 1909. SIMPSON, ARCHIBALD HENRY, judge of the Supreme court, N.S.W. Treatise on the law and practice relating to infants ; 3rd ed., by Edgar J. Elgood. 8vo. Lond., 1909. VICTORIA : Registrar-general's department. Instructions for the guidance of clergymen relative to the celebration and registra- tion of marriages, (pp. 24, 8vo. Melb., 1876. Pam., v. 76, ro. 1330. WOOD, JOHN DENNISTOUN. Laws of the Australasian colonies as to the administration and distribution of the estates of deceased persons : with a preliminary part on the foundation and boun- daries of those colonies, and the law in force in them. 8vo. Lond., 1884. 347.7. Commercial and Maritime. ALFORD, CHARLES J. Mining law of the British empire. 8vo. Lond., 1906. ARNOULD, Sir JOSEPH. Law of marine insurance and average: 8th ed., by E. L de Hart and R. I. Simey. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1909. AUSTRALIA : Trade and customs department. Customs law and regulations, with notes and references. By H. N. P. Wollas- ton. 8vo. Syd., 1904. Law relating to the trade description of imports and exports, with official notes, p-p. 42, vii. 8vo. Syd., 1906. BURTON, Sir WILLIAM WESTBROOKE. Insolvent law of New South Wales. 8vo. Syd., 1842. CARR, WILLIAM WILKINS. Judicial interpretation by the United States courts of the acts of Congress relating to the tariff. 8vo. Phila., 1894. CASTIEAU, JOHN BUCKLEY. History of the ship Melville Island case. pp. 32, 8vo. Melb., 1906. Pam., v. 121, no. 2258. CHALMERS, Sir MACKENZIE DALZELL, and OWEN, DOUGLAS. Marine insurance act, 1906. 8vo. Lond., 1907. COLLES, WILLIAM MORRIS, and HARDY, HAROLD. Playright and copyright in all countries. 8vo. Lond., 1906. COPINGER, WALTER ARTHUR. Law of copyright in works of literature and art, with international and foreign copyright, with the statutes relating thereto: 4th ed., by J. M. Easton. 8vo. Lond., 1904. COULSON, H. J. W., and FORBES, U. A. Law relating to waters : sea, tidal, and inland, including rights and duties of riparian owners, canals, fishery, navigation, ferries, bridges,. and tolls, and rates thereon. 3rd ed., 8vo. Lond., 1910. LAW : COMMERCIAL AND MARITIME. 205 DE HART, EDWARD Louis, and SIMEY, RALPH ILIFF. Marine insurance act, 1906, 6 Edw. 7, c. 41, with notes and appx., containing the material provisions of the statutes relating to ihe stamping of marine policies. 8vo. Lond., 1907. DE LISSA, ALFRED. Bankruptcy and insolvency law: proposal of a new system and of theories for more comprehensive legisla- tion, -pp. 72, 8vo. Syd., 1881. Pam., v. 48, no. 799. DUCKWORTH, LAURENCE. Encyclopaedia of marine law. 8vo. Lond., 1907. DUFFY, FRANK GAVAN, and HIGGINS, HENRY BOURNES. The Insolvency statute [Vic.] 1871, and the amending statute, no. 411. 8vo. Melb., 1882. ELDRIDGE, WILLIAM HENRY. Marine policies; a complete state- ment of marine insurance. 8vo. Lond., 1907. FAIRVVEATHER, WALLACE CRANSTON. Foreign and colonial patent laws. 8vo. Lond., 1910. FARNHAM, HENRY PHILIP. The law of waters and water rights, international, national, state, municipal, and individual, in- cluding irrigation, drainage, and municipal water supply. 3 v., 8vo. Rochester, N.Y., 1904. FINCH, HENRY MILES. Law relating to the Merchandise marks acts, 1887 to 1894. 8vo. Lond., 1904. FITZ GERALD, JOHN VESEY VESEY. Law affecting the pollution of rivers and water generally. 8vo. Lond., 1902. FROST, ROBERT. Treatise on the law and practice relating to letters patent for inventions; with appx. of statutes, inter- national conventions, rules, &c. 3rd ed., 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1906. GILKISON, ROBERT. Law of gold mining in New Zealand. 8vo. Dunedin, 1905. GRANT, JAMES. Treatise on the law relating to bankers and bank- ing companies; 6th ed., by A. M. Langdon and H. Jacobs. 8vo. Lond., 1910. HAMILTON, WILLIAM FREDERICK. Company law; 3rd ed., by the author and Percy Tindal-Robertson. 8vo. Lond., 1010. HAMLIN, CHARLES SUMMER. Act to regulate commerce [U.S.] as amended, and acts supplementary thereto, indexed, digested, and annotated. 8vo. Boston, 1907. HENDRICK, FRANK. The power to regulate corporations and com- merce; a discussion of the existence, basis, nature, and scope of the common law of the United States. 8vo. N.Y., 1906. HIGHMORE, Sir NATHANIEL JOSEPH. Customs laws, including the Customs consolidation act, 1876, and the present customs tariff for Great Britain and Ireland. 2nd ed., 8vo. Lond., 1907. HINKSON, HENRY A. Copyright law. 8vo. Lond., 1903. JACOBS, PHILIP ACLAND, and HOLM AN, WILLIAM ARTHUR. Australian mercantile law. 8vo. Melb., 1909. JOLLIFFE, WILLIAM. Workers' compensation act, 1908 [N.Z.], with notes and regulations under the act. 8vo. Well., 1910. KEMP, RICHARD EDGAR. Law of mines and minerals [N.S.W.], being a collection of the statutes relating thereto: annotated by R. E. Kemp. 8vo. Syd., 1910. 206 LAW : COMMERCIAL AND MARITIME. K.ERLY, DUNCAN MCK.ENZIE. Law of trade-marks, trade-name, and merchandise marks, with chapters on trade secret and trade libel; 2nd ed., by the author and F. G. Underhay. 8vo. Lond., 1905. LAWES, EDWARD THORNTON HILL. The law of compensation for industrial diseases ; being an annotation of section 8 of the Workmen's compensation act, 1906. 8v<>., Lond., 1909. McFARLAND, JOHN. Digest of the law of mining in Victoria, 1858-1873. 8vo. Melb., 1873. Digest of mining cases, 1869-1870. 8vo. Melb., [1870]. MACGILLIVRAY, EVAN JAMES. Treatise upon the law of copy- right in the United Kingdom and the dominions of the Crown and in the United States of America. 8vo. Lond., 1902. MARSDEN, REGINALD GODFREY. Treatise on the law of collisions at sea; 6th ed., by E. S. Roscoe and H. M. Robertson. 8vo. Lond., 1910. MARTIN, WILLIAM. English patent .system. 8vo. Lond., 1904. MEAGHER, JOHN SHEEHY. Licensing law in Victoria. 8vo. Melb., 1908. MORLEY, ALBAN CYRIL, ANDREWS, C. L., WINNEKE, H. C., and BAINBRIDGE, J. P., eds. Australian manual of ac- countancy and commercial law. 8vo. Melb., 1908. OBSERVATIONS on a bill now before the Legislative council of New South Wales entitled a Bill for giving relief to insolvent persons, [&c.]. -pp. u, 8vo. Syd., 1838. Pam.j v. 67, no. 1141. PARSONS, ALBERT, and ALLEN, RAYMOND. Workmen's compen sation act, 1906 : 3rd ed. of Parsons and Bertram on the Work- men's compensation acts. 8vo. Lond., 1907. PIRANI, SAMUEL G. Index of cases judicially noticed in the reports of patent, design, trade mark, and other cases from 1884 to 1909, with indexes of subject matter. 8vo. Lond., 1910. PORTER, JAMES BIGGS, and CRATES, WILLIAM FEILDEN. Laws of insurance: fire, life, accident, and guarantee. 4th ed., 8vo. Lond., 1904. PRENTICE, EZRA PARMELEE. Federal power over carriers and corporations. 8vo. N.Y., 1907. ROBERTS, JAMES. Grant and validity of British patents for in- ventions : diagrams. 8vo. Lond., 1903. Inventors' guide to patent law and new practice. 8vo. Lond., 1905- ROBERTS, WALWORTH ROWLAND, and WALLACE, GEORGE. Common law and statutory duty and liability of employers as well to the public as to those employed; '4th ed. by 'the authors and A. H. Graham. 8vo. Lond., 1908. ROSCOE, EDWARD STANLEY. The measure of damages in actions of maritime collisions, with notes of American cases, and epitomes of the laws of Scotland, by John A. Spens ; France by Leopold Dor ; and Germany by Dr. O. Schroeder. 8vo. Lond.. 1909. LAW: COMMERCIAL AND MARITIME. 207 RUEGG, ALFRED HENRY. Employers' liability act, 1880, and the Workmen's compensation act, 1906, with statutes and cases; notes and cases decided in the Canadian courts : the Canadian notes by F. A. C. Redden. 8th ed., 8vo. Lond., 1910. Laws regulating the relation of employers and workmen in England. 8vo. Lond., 1905. RUSSELL, FRANCIS ALFRED ALISON. Law relating to banker and customer in Australia. 8vo. Syd., 1907. RUSSELL, FRANCIS ALFRED ALISON, ed. Pastures and stock acts, with regulations and forms [N.S.W.] : annotated, indexed, and edited by F. A. A. Russell. 8vo. Syd., [1903]. RUSSELL, THOMAS GREGORY. Commercial law as applicable to New Zealand. 8vo. Christchurch, 1908. SANDERSON, WILLIAM ALEXANDER. Exposition of the law re- lating to factories and shops in Victoria. 8vo. Melb., 1906. SAUNDERS, ALBERT. Maritime law, illustrated by the history of a ship from and including the agreement to build her until she becomes a total loss. 2nd ed., 8vo. Lond., 1910. SCRUTTON, THOMAS EDWARD. Contract of affreightment as ex- pressed in charterparties and bills of lading : 5th ed., by T. E. Scrutton and F. D. Mackinnon. 8vo. Lond., 1904. SIEVEK1NG, ALFRED. The German law relating to the carriage of goods by sea. 8vo. Lond., 1907. SMITH, DAVID WRIGHT. Law relating to the rule of the road at sea: diagrams. 8vo. .Glasgow, 1910. STEPHENS, JOHN EDWARD ROBERT. Law relating to bills of lading. 8vo. Lond., 1908. SWAN, KENNETH RAYDON. Law and commercial usage of patents, designs, and trade marks. 8vo. Lond., 1908. TALFOURD, Sir THOMAS NOON. Speech in the House of com- mons on moving for leave to bring in a bill to consolidate the law relating to copyright, pp. 16, 8vo. Lond., 1837. Pam., v. 67, no. 1138. TASMANIA : Registrar- general's department. Patents, designs, and trade marks act, 1893; brief instructions, pp. 24, 8vo. Hobart, 1893. Pam., v. 76, no. 1331. TEGG, THOMAS. Remarks on the speech of Sergeant Talfourd on moving for leave to bring in a bill to consolidate the law relating to copyright, pp. 23, 8vo. Lond., 1837. Pam., v. 67, no. 1139. TENTERDEN, CHARLES ABBOTT, ist baron. Treatise of the law relative to merchant ships and seamen: i4th ed., by J. P. Aspinall, B. Aspinall, and H. S. Moore. 8vo. Lond., 1901. TERRELL, THOMAS. Law and practice relating to letters patent for inventions: 5th ed., by Courtney Terrell. 8vo. Lond., 1909. TILLYARD, FRANK. Introduction to commercial law. 8vo. Lond., 1907. UNITED STATES -.Court of appeals. Digest of patent and trade mark cases decided by the Court of appeals of the Dis- trict of Columbia, and of copyright cases. 8vo. Wash. r 1909. SJ08 LAW : CIVIL PROCEDURE AND PRACTICE. WESTERN AUSTRALIA i Government. Goldfields act, 1895, with regulations. 8vo. Perth, 1896. WILLIS, WALTER ADDINGTON. Workmen's compensation act, 1897, with copious notes and appx. containing the Employers' liability act, 1880. />p. 81. 2nd ed., 8vo. Loud., 1897. Workmen's compensation act 1906, with notes, and rules and regulations under the act. 8vo. Lond., 1907. 347.9. Civil Procedure and Practice. A'BECKETT, Sir WILLIAM. Magistrate's manual for the colony of Victoria. 8vo. Melb., 1852. ANNUAL practice: being a collection of the statutes, orders and rules relating to the general practice, procedure, and jurisdic- tion of the Supreme court, with notes, forms, &c.. 1902, 1905, 1911. 6 v., 8vo. Lond. 190.2. By T. Snow, C. Burney, and I 1 '. A. Stringer. 1905. By same. 1911. By B. F. Lock, R. White, and F. A. Stringer. CURLEWIS, HERBERT RAINE, and EDWARDS, DAVID SUTHER- LAND. The law of prohibition : Victorian ed., including the law as to " orders to review " : with appx. of forms, ed. by W. A. Sanderson. 8vo. Melb., 1910. DESTY, ROBERT. Manual of practice in the courts of the United States, with notes of decisions: pth ed., by M. A. Folsom, with volume of forms by C. H. Tebbs. 4 v., i2mo. San Francisco, 1899. DUTTON, H. P. The expositor, pp. 14, 8vo. Maitland, 1856. Pam., v. 11, no. 252. FOSTER, ROGER. Tieatise on federal practice, including equity pleading and practice, receivers, and injunctions in the state courts, 3rd. ed., 2 v., 8vo. ' Chic., 1901. FOSTER, WILLIAM JOHN. District courts act of 1858. and the District courts act amendment act of 1859; with practical notes, appx., and index. 8vo. Syd., 1859. HARRISON, EDWARD. Victorian justices' manual ; being a guide to the performance of the duties imposed on police magis- trates, justices of the peace, coroners, and others : with a selec- tion of decisions. 8vo. Melb., 1910. INCORPORATED council of law reporting for England and Wales. County court rules, 1903. la. 8vo. Lond., 1903. LINKLATER, FREDERICK HARVIE. Statutes relating to equity and lunacy, and in force in New South Wales, with the rules of court from 1863 to 1874. 8vo. Syd., 1879. LOVELAND. FRANK O. The appellate jurisdiction of the Federal courts. 8vo. Cincinnati, 1911. Forms of federal practice. 2 v., 8vo. Cincinnati, 1903. MACNEVIN, THOMAS E. Manual for clerks of petty sessions; also an appendix of acts relating to duties of clerks of petty sessions. 8vo. Syd., 1880. MOON, B. C. Removal of causes from the courts of the several states to the circuit courts of the United States. 8vo. N.Y., 1901. NEW SOUTH WALES : Supreme court. Consolidated standing rules, 1863. 8vo. Syd.. 1863. Rules and orders, 1831. 8vo. Syd. Title page wanting. LAW: CIVIL PROCEDURE; CIVIL TRIALS. 209 NEW SOUTH WALES : Vice-Admiralty Court. [Acts, rules of court and regulations, fees, &c.]. 4to. Lond., and Syd., 1832-65. With fees for Vice-admiralty court, Van Diemen's Land. PLUNKETT, JOHN HUBERT. Australian magistrate : or, a guide to the duties of a justice of the peace for the colony of Ne\v South Wales : also, a brief summary of the law of landlord and tenant. 8vo. Syd., 1835. RICH, GEORGE E., NEWHAM, ARTHUR, and HARVEY, J. M. Practice in equity [N.S.W.]; being the Equity act, 1901, the Trustee act, 1898, the Conveyancing and law of property act, 1898, pt. iv., with the rules of court. 8vo. Syd., 1902. ROLIN, TOM, and INNES, G. M. LONG. Practice of the Supreme court of New South Wales at common law. 8vo. Syd., 1903. :S AFFORD. FRANK, and WHEELER, GEORGE. Practice of the Privy council in judicial matters in appeals from courts of civil, criminal, and admiralty jurisdiction in the colonies, possessions, and foreign jurisdictions of the crown . with forms and precedents. 8vo. Lond., 1901. SHERIDAN, JOHN BEAL, and BAKEWELL, JOHN WARREN. South Australia; the magistrates' guide. 8vo. Adel., 1879. SMVTHIES, HENRY. Report on the case of, on the hearing of his application under " The law practitioners act amendment act 1871 " for readmission to practice at the bar of New Zealand. pp. 28, 8vo. Well., 1872. Pam., v. 32, no. 526. SPELLING, THOMAS CARL. Treatise on injunctions and other ex- traordinary remedies, covering habeas corpus, mandamus, pro- hibition, quo warranto, and certiorari or review. 2 v., 8vo. Bost., 1901. STEPHEN, Sir ALFRED. Constitution, rules, and practice of the Supreme court of New South Wales. 8vo. Syd., 1843-45. Speech, nth February, 1860, on his departure for Europe, pp. 15, 8vo. Syd., 1 88 1. Pam., v. 41, no. 6q4. STEPHEN, Sir JAMES FITZJAMES. Digest of the law of evidence : 7th ed., by Sir Herbert Stephen and H. L. Stephen. 8vo. Lond., 1905. Same: New South Wales ed., by Henry Giles Shaw. 8vo. Lond., 1909. STOUT, Sir ROBERT, and SIM, WILLIAM ALEXANDER. Practice of the Supreme court and Court of appeal of New Zealand : 2nd ed., by W. A. Sim. 8vo. Christchurch, 1902. 347.91. Civil trials. ABBOTT, v. the Crown, pp. 28, sm. 8vo. Hobart Town, 1849. Pam. v., 95, no. 1728. BRVCE, JOHN. [Bryce v, Rusden.} 8vo. [Lond., 1887]. n.t.p. Report of proceedings in court of Queen's bench on the nction for libel in March, 1886, on account of statements in Mr. G. W. Rusden's " History of New Zealand." CHIRURGEON. On "What a surgeon may suffer in Victoria" from trial by jury : being a report of the suit Turner v. Van Hemert, &c. pp. 71, 8vo. JMelb., 1872. Pam., v. 7, no. i;;. 210 LAW : CIVIL TRIALS ; FOREIGN LAW. ('LARSON, WILLIAM. Truth not libel ; being the statement of a few facts in regard to the late action for libel brought against William Clarson by John Blair, pp. 24, 8vo. Melb., 1871. Pam., v. ^67, no. 3199. EDDIE, JOHN A. Facts against "facts"; being reply to Mr. Gilles's pamphlet entitled, " Facts connected with the case of arbitration, Eddie v. Gilles." pp. 24, 8vo. Launceston, 1836. Pam., v. 95, no. 1727. GREAT- Northern run case; being the opinions of the press in the matter of the runs Ludwig, Dura, and Kilmore, Queens- land, with report of the Supreme court trial Macdonald v. Tully. 8vo. Syd., 1871. J. G. WARD farmers' association and the Colonial bank of New Zealand; examination of the Hon. J. G. Ward and the Hon. G. MacLean. 8vo. Dunedin, 1897. MEDICAL society of Victoria. The medical embassy to England ; being a report of the trial Bailliere v . Beaney in the Supreme court, Melbourne, May, 1880. pp. 31, 8vo. Melb., 1880. Pam., v. 65, no. 1114. PRIESTMAN, EDWARD. The Tichborne mystery on the verge of a solution midst the ashes of a dead past. 8vo. Syd., 1899. RE I BEY, THOMAS. Reibey v. Blomfield : the great libel case. Supreme court, Launceston, 1870. 2nd ed., pp. 72, 8vo. Launceston, n.d. Pam., v. 22, no. 395. Same: another copy. Pam., v. 53, no, 879. REID, JOHN ARBUCKLE. Battling with waves and lawyers: [illust.] i2mo. Melb., 1896. RUSDEN, GEORGE WILLIAM. Letter on an article in the " Times " of i3th March, 1886 : the law of libel, pp. 16, 8vo. Lond., 1890. Pam., v. 121, no. 2254. Tragedies in New Zealand in 1868 and 1881 discussed in Eng- land in 1886 and 1887 : [plan and appces.]. 8vo. Lond.. 1888. ZERO, pseud. Secret history of the Coningham case. 8vo. Syd., 1901. 347.96. Justices of the Peace. LAMBARDE, WILLIAM. Eirenarcha : or, Of the office of justices of the peace. 8vo. Lond., 1607. 349.37. Roman law. JUSTINIAN I., emperor of the East. Institutiones juris civilis, cum annotationibus Sylvestro Aldobrandini ; addita earumdem institutionum epitome Dionisii Gothofredi. 8vo. Venice, 1648. LEAGE, RICHARD WILLIAM. Roman private law; founded on the "Institutes" of Gaius and Justinian. 8vo. Lond., 1906. 349.43. German law. WANG, Chung Hui. German civil code: tr., and annotated, with- an historical introd. and appces. 8vo. Lond., 1907. GOVEENMENT : LOCAL GOVERNMENT. 211 350. Administration ^WILSON, WOODROW. The state; elements of historical and practical politics : revised ed., with introd. by O. Browning. 8vo. Lond., 1900. 351. Administration of Central Goveinment. FISH, CARL RUSSELL. The civil service and the patronage. 8vo. N.Y., 1905. (Harvard historical stu-lics, y. u.) 351.1. Organisation of Civil service. MEYER, HUGO RICHARD. British state telegraphs ; a study of the problem of a large body of civil servants in a democracy. 8vo. N.Y., 1907. 351.5. Pensions. CANSDELL, CHARLES STUART. New method of providing for superannuation : an address to the members of the Imperial, Indian, and Colonial services, and others. pp. 13, 8vo. Lond., 1880. Pam., v. 48, no. 798. SUTHERLAND, WILLIAM. Old age pensions in theory and prac- tice, with some foreign examples. 8vo. Lond., 1907. 352. Local Government. ASHLEY, PERCY. Local and central government ; a comparative study of England, France, Prussia, and the United States. 8vo. Lond., 1906. FAIRLIE, JOHN ARCHIBALD. Essays in municipal administration. 8vo. N.Y., 1908. FITZGERALD, J. D. Municipal statesmanship in Europe: what municipal reform has done. pp. 48, 8vo. Syd., 1899. Pam., v. 168, no. 3200. GOMME, GEORGE LAURENCE. Lectures on the principles of local government. 8vo. Lond., 1897. HARRIS, G. MONTAGU. Problems of local government. 8vo. Lond., 1911. HAW, GEORGE. To-day's work; municipal government the hope of democracy. 8vo. Lond., 1901. MUNRO, WILLIAM BENNETT. Government of European cities. 8vo. N.Y., 1909. Contents. Government of French cities. Government of Prussian cities. Government of Knylish cities. Sources and literature. ODGERS, WILLIAM BLAKE. Local government. 8vo. Lond., 1899. (T-Cnglish citi/en ser.) ROWE, LEO STANTON. Problems of city government. 8vo. N.Y., 1908. SEAVER, THOMAS W. The engineering aspect of local self- government, pp. 22, 8vo. Syd., n.d. Pam., v. i68 5 no. 3201. 212 LOCAI, GOVERNMENT. SHAW, ALBERT. Municipal government in continental Europe r [appces.]. 8vo. N.Y., 1901. Appendices. i. Budget of Paris, 1894. 2 - Condensed budget of Berlin. 3. French municipal code. TOWLER, W. G. Socialism in local government : introd. by Captain H. M. }essel. 8vo. Lond., 1908. 352.041. Scotland. GLASGOW : City corporation. Municipal and other public accounts, 1909-1910. fo. Glasgow, [1910]. 352.042. England. ASHLEY, PERCY. English local government. 8vo. Lond., 1905. HOWE, FREDERIC CLEMSON. The British city ; the beginnings of democracy. 8vo. Lond., 1908. LAUDER, ALBERT E. Municipal manual ; a description of the constitution and functions of urban local authorities. 8vo. Lond., 1907. MEYER, HUGO RICHARD. Municipal ownership in Great Britain. 8vo. N.Y., 1906. MUNICIPAL year-book of the United Kingdom: ed. by R. Donald, 1904 to date. 8vo. Lond. PALGRAVE, ROBERT HARRY INGLIS. The local taxation of Great Britain and Ireland. 8vo. Lond., 1871. WEBB, SIDNEY JAMES. Municipal development in England : a lecture delivered in Sydney, pp. 24, 8vo. Syd., 1898. Pam., v. 37, no. 645. WEBB, SIDNEY JAMES,' and WEBB, BEATRICE, Mrs. S. J. English local government, from the Revolution to the Muni- cipal corporations act. 3 v.,'8vo. Lond., 1906-08. Contents. v. i. The parish and the county. 1906. v. 2 and 3. The manor and the borough. 1908. 352.043. Germany. LUNN, HENRY SIMPSON. Municipal lessons from southern Ger- many : introd. by Sir John Gorst : [illust.]. 8vo. Lond. [1908]. 352.073. United States. PARSONS, FRANK. The city for the people; or, the municipaliza- tion of the city government and of local franchises. 8vo. Phila. [1902]. 352.0931. New Zealand. MUNICIPAL handbook of New Zealand, 1905. 8vo. Well., 1906. TIMARU Herald newspaper. History of local government [in. New Zealand], pp. 40, lamo. Timaru, [1868]. 352.0942. South Australia. ADELAIDE: Corporation. Mayor's reports, 1877/8 to 1898/9.. 20 v., 8vo. Adel. KENSINGTON and Norwood : Corporation. Mayor's report,, 1901/2. 8vo. Adel. LOCAL GOVERNMENT. 352.0943. Queensland. BRISBANE: Corporation. Minute of mayor for year ending 4th February, 1904. fo. Brisb., 1904. 352.0944. New South Wales. BROWNING, ROBERT J., YOUNG, J., and, TEBBUTT, E. H. N.S.W. local government manual. 2 v., 8vo. Syd., 1908. Contents. v. i. Local government act, no. 56, 1906, annotated and explained. v. 2. The subsidiary acts and regulations relating to local government or administered by municipal councils annotated and explained. DAILY telegraph newspaper, Sydney. Sydney municipal finance : the needs of the city corporation and the suburban municipali- ties, pp. 15, 8vo. Syd., 1898. Pam., v. ig, no. 348. MUNICIPAL association of New South Wales. [Proceedings and reports, 1888-1897.] 2 v., 8vo. Syd., 1893-98. NEW SOUTH WALES: Law: Statutes. Metropolitan water and sewerage act of 1880 [and of 1888]. pp. 46, 8vo. Syd., 1887-88. NEW SOUTH WALES -.Legislative council. Act to incorporate the inhabitants of Sydney, and other acts connected there- with, fscp. fo. Syd., 1843. OFFICIAL municipal year book and shires directory of New South Wales for 1907 : ed. by W. W. Clarke. 8vo. Syd. REID, Sir GEORGE HOUSTOUN. Speech, explanatory of the provi- sions of the Local government bill, delivered in the Legis- lative assembly, 2ist March, 1895. pp. 16, 8vo. Syd., 1895. Pam., v. 5, no. 105. WISE, BERNHARD RINGROSE. Speech on the Local government bill at Muswellbrook. pp. '29, 8vo. Syd., 1904. Pam., v. 121, no. 2267. 352.0945. Victoria. COLLINS, JOSEPH THOMAS, and MEADEN, C. H. Local government law and practice. 8vo. Melb., 1905. KING, JOHN CHARLES. Acts of council relating to the corpora- tions of Melbourne and Geelong, with bye-laws. 8vo. Melb., 1850. MELBOURNE : Corporation. By-laws, regulations, &c. : com- piled by E. G. FitzGibbon. 8vo. Melb., 1870. MORLEY, ALBAN CYRIL, and HOLMES, THOMAS WILLIAM HENRY. Manual of local government law and municipal guide [Victoria], v. i, 4to. Melb., 1905. MUNICIPAL association of Victoria. Minutes of proceedings and resolutions of the second half-yearly group meetings of the association, and the central committee meeting, March, 1880. pp. 36, 8vo. Melb., 1880. Pam., v. 168, no. 3202. 214 MUNICIPAL TRADING: UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT. MUNICIPAL finance; articles by J. H. McDonagh and replies thereto by W. Cattanach. pp. 10, 8vo. Melb., 1903. Pain., v. 181, no. 3302. MUNICIPAL service association of Victoria. Report of proceed- ings at inaugural conference, December 28, 1899. pp. 8, 8vo. Melb., 1900. Piim., v. 168, no. 3203. 352.2. Police. TAYLOR, THOMAS EDWARD. The shadow of Tammany : the trutl\ about the New Zealand police force; its condition and needs : [portrs.]. 4to. Christchurch, n.d. 352.9. Municipal Ownership: Trading. AVEBURY, JOHN LUBBOCK, ist baron. On municipal and national trading. 8vo. Lond., 1906. DARWIN, LEONARD. Municipal ownership; four lectures delivered at Harvard university, 1907. 8vo. Lond., 1907. PORTER, ROBERT ^ERCIVAL. Dangers of municipal trading. 8vo. Lond., 1907. SHAW. GEORGE BERNARD. Common sense of municipal trading. 8vo. Lond., 1904. 353. United States and State Government. BALDWIN, SIMEON EBEN. The American judiciary. 8\o. N.Y., 1905. (American shite ser.) CARTER, HOWARD M. Jurisdiction of federal courts as limited by the citizenship and residence of the parties. 8vo. Bost., 1899. CURTIS, BENJAMIN ROBBINS. Jurisdiction, practice, and peculiar jurisprudence of the courts of the United States: 2nd ed., by H. C. Merwin. 8vo. Bost., 1896. FAIRLIE, JOHN ARCHIBALD. National administration of the United States of America. 8vo. N.Y., 1905. FINLEY, JOHN HUSTON, and SANDERSON, JOHN F. . The American exjecutive and executive methods. 8vo. N.Y., 1908. (American state ser.) HOLT, GEORGE CHANDLER. Concurrent jurisdiction of the federal and state courts. 8vo. N.Y., 1888. THAYER, AMOS MADDEN. Jurisdiction of the federal courts, rev. ed. 8vo. St. Louis, 1895. UNITED STATES: Commerce and labour department. Organi- zation and law of the Department of commerce and lalxmr. 8vo. Wash., 1904. UNITED STATES : Congress: Joint committee on printing. The abridgment, 1906, containing the annual message of the President to Congress ; with reports of departments, and selections from accompanying papers. 2 v., 8vo. Wash., 1907. Same: 1908. 2 v., 8vo. Wash., 1909. Same: 1909. 2 v., 8vo. Wash., 1910. GOVERNMENT AND ADMINISTRATION. 215 UNITED STATES: Customs department. Compilation of cus- toms laws and digest of decisions thereunder rendered by the courts and board of United States general appraisers. 8vo. Wash., 1908. Customs regulations of the United States, prescribed for the in- struction and guidance of officers of customs. 8vo. Wash., 1900. UNITED STATES: Justice department. Official opinions of the attorneys-general of the United States advising the president and the heads of departments in relation to their official duties, v. 13-15, 1873-1880, v. 23, 1902. 8vo. Wash. UNITED STATES -.Treasury department. Laws of the United States relating to customs, together with portions of certain commercial treaties: compiled by M. P. Andrews. 8vo. Wash, 1899. Organization of Central Government. 854.42. Great Britain. BLACK BOOK. The Black Book; or, Corruption unmasked; being an account of places, pensions, and sinecures, [&c.]. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1820-23. BLACK BOOK. The extraordinary Black Book ; an exposition of abuses in church and state, courts of law, representation [&c.]. 8vo. Lond., 1832. CHAMBERLAYNE, JOHN. Magnae Britanniae notitia; or, the present state of Great Britain, with divers remarks upon the ancient state thereof: 3oth ed. of the south part, called Eng- land, and 9th of the north part, called Scotland. 8vo. Lond., 1729. GREAT BRITAIN : Board of trade. Instructions and regula- tions relating to the measurement of ships and tonnage under the Merchant shipping act, 1894. 8vo. Lond., 1903. Pam., v. 151, no. 2933. Instructions and regulations relating to the measurement of ships and tonnage under the Merchant shipping acts. 8vo. Lond. r 1907. " Merchant shipping act, 1894," part III. : Notice to passengers. pp. 87, 8vo. Lond., 1903. Pam., v. 144, no. 2771. GREAT BRITAIN : Civil service commission. Abstract of rules and regulations respecting examinations for the home civil service, the army, the navy, the civil service of India, &c. 8vo. Lond., 1904. Pam., v. 144, no. 2774. Orders in council and notices in the London Gazette relative to examinations for the home civil service, the army, the civil service of India, &c. pp. 86, 8vo. Lond., 1903. Pam., v. 144, no. 2770. GREAT BRITAIN : Home department. Statutory rules and orders, 1903, No. 286 : Cremation, England and Wales : re- gulations, pp. 12, 8vo. [Lond.], 1903. Pam., v. 144, no. 2773. 2 Hi IMPERIAL FEDERATION. GREAT BRITAIN: Irish land commission. Provisional rules under Irish land act, 1903. pp. 56, 8vo. Dublin, 1903. Pam., v. 144, no. 2772. GREAT BRITAIN -.Statute law committee. Statutory rules ;md orders issued prior to 1890, other than those of a local, per- sonal, or temporary character. 8 v., 8vo. Lond., n.d. Same: annual volumes, 1900 to date. 8vo. Ixmd. Same: index to December, 1899. 8vo. Lond., 1900. Same: index to December, 1903. 8vo. Lond., 1904. Same : index to December, 1906. 8vo. Lond., 1907. HKRTSLET, Sir EDWARD. Recollections of the old Foreign office: portrs. and illust. 8vo. Lond., 1901. LOWELL, ABBOTT. The government of England. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1908. PASCOE, CHARLES EYRE. No. 10, Downing-street, Whitehall : its history and associations : illust. [and portrs.]. 8vo. Lond., 1908. PORRITT, EDWARD. The Englishman at home; his responsibili- ties and privileges. 8vo. N.Y., 1893. THOMSON, JOCELYN HOME, captain. Guide to the Explosives act, I 875, (38 Viet, c.i 7) and to the orders in council under that act [&c.j. 2nd eel., izmo. Lond., 1905. TRA1LL, HENRY DUFF. Central government. 8vo. Ix>nd., 1892. (English citizen ser ) British Empire. 354.42 E. Imperial Federation. ACTON, RICHARD. Our colonial empire. lamo. Lond. [1881]. BARKER, J. ELLIS. Great and greater Britain; the problems of motherland and empire, political, naval, military, industrial, financial, social. 8vo. Lond., 1909. BEADON, ROBERT. Solution of the colonial question, pp. 20. 8vo. Woking, 1893. Pam., v. 36, no. 625. BRASSEY, Hon. THOMAS ALLNUTT. Problems of empire: pref. by G. R. Parkin. 8vo. Lond., 1904. BRITISH empire league. Report of speech by the Right hon. Joseph Chamberlain, M.P., at the Canada Club dinner, 25th March, 1896. pp. 12, 8vo. Lond. [1896]. Pam., v. 36, no. 621. BRITISH empire league in Canada. Its origin, constitution, and by-laws, including report of special general meeting held at Ottawa, 4th March, 1896. pp. 21, 8vo. Toronto, 1896. Pam., v. 36, no. 616. BRYCE, Rt. hon. JAMES. Address on colonial policy in Aberdeen. sm. 8vo. [Lond.], 1892, Pam., v. 36, no. 589. CANSDELL, C. STUART. Federation, colonial and British ; being an exposition of the federal systems of Switzerland, the United States of America. Canada, and Germany : [maps]. 8vo. Syd., 1891. IMPERIAL FEDERATION. 217 CLEARY, P. Imperial federation; an essay, pp. 12, 8vo. Melb., 1866. Pam., v. 365 no. 595. COMPATRIOTS' club lectures; eel. by the Committee of the Compatriots' club. ist ser., 8vo. Lond., 1905. Contents. i. Principles of constructive economics, as applied to the maintenance of empire : by J. L. Garvin. 2. Tariff reform and national defence : by H. W. Wilson. 3. Imperial preference and the cost of food : by Sir N. Caillard. 4. Evolution of empire : by Sir J. A. Cockburn. 5. Proper distribution of the population of the empire : by H. A. Gwynne. 6. Political economy and the tariff problem : by W. J. Ashley. 7. Colonial preference in the past : by J. W. Hills. 8. Tariff reform and political morality : by Rev. W. Cunningham. CRISP, CHRISTOPHER. Wanted; a cosmology. -pp. n, 8vo. Bacchus Marsh, 1895. Pam., v. 37, no. 628. DERRISON, GEORGE TAYLOR, colonel. The struggle for imperial unity; recollections and experiences: [portr.]. 8vo. Lond., 1909. DE RIDDER, Louis E. Federation; federation of the British Empire and federation of the race. pp. 6, 8vo. Bath., n.d. Pam., v. 121, no. 2265. DRAGE, GEOFFREY. The imperial organization of trade. 8vo. Lond., 1911. EMPIRE and the century: a series of essays on imperial problems and possibilities, by various writers; with introd. by C. S. Goldman and poem by R. Kipling; maps. 8vo. Lond., 1905- Contents. Part i. The imperial organism. I. Principles of empire. II. Mechanism of empires. Part 2. Constituents of empire. T. Nations in making : Canada Australasia South Africa. II. Realms in trust. ENGLAND and her colonies ; five best essays on imperial federation, submitted to the London chamber of commerce for their prize competitions. 8vo. Lond., 1887. ENOCK, C. REGINALD. An imperial commonwealth; being a dis- cussion of the conditions and possibilities underlying the unity of the British empire. 8vo. Lond., 1910. FEDERAL union committee. Statement of objects, pp. 4, 8vo., n.p., n.d. Pam., v. 36, no. 623. FEDERATION of the British empire; is it desirable? Can it be accomplished? and how? pp. 16, 8vo. Syd., 1886. Pam., v. 36, no. 618. FORSTER, Rt. hon. WILLIAM EDWARD. Imperial federation. pp. 23, 8vo. Lond., 1885. Pam., v. 36, no. 627. FRANKLYN, HENRY MORTIMER. The unit of imperial federation; a solution of the problem. 8vo. Lond., 1887. GLYNN, PATRICK McMAHON. Great Britain and its colonies ; the obstacles to imperial federation, pp. u, 8vo. Adel., 1892. Pam., v. 8, no. 183. GORDON, ALEXANDER. Future of the empire; or, a brief state- ment of the case against imperial federation. i2mo. Lond., 1889. HERVEY, MAURICE H. The genesis of imperial federation, pp. 34, 8vo. Syd., 1887. Pam., v. 143, no. 2750. 218 IMPERIAL FEDERATION. HOBSON, JOHN ATKINSON. Imperialism; a study. 2nd ed., 8vo. Lond., 1905. IMPERIAL' federation. Report of the conference held July 29, 1884, at the Westminster Palace Hotel. 8vo. Lond., 1884. Pam., v. 36, no. 597. At this meeting the Imperial federation league was formed. IMPERIAL federation (defence) committee. The burden of empire: by H. B. Bignold. pp. 14, 8vo. Lond., 1901. Pam., v. 36, no. 603. The colonies and the navy : speech of Sir M. Hicks- Beach, M.P., 30th June, 1897. pp. 4, 8vo. Lond., n.d. Pam., v. 36, no. 609. Conference at Ottawa ; the colonies and maritime defence, pp. 8, 8vo. Lond., n.d. Pam., v. 36, no. 610. Deputation to Sir J. Gordon Sprigg, premier of Cape Colony. pp. 13, 8vo. London, n.d. Pam., v. 36, no. 608. Imperial representation, pp. 15, 8vo. Lond. [1900]. Pam., v. 36, no. 605. Is it too late? by F. Blake Crofton. pp. 22, 8vo. Lond., n.d. Pam., v. 36, no. 604. Progress in 1897. pp. 7, 8vo. Lond., n.d. Pam., v. 36, no. 607. Right hon. J. Chamberlain, M.P., on imperial federation, pp. 7, 8vo. Lond. [1906]. Pam., v. 36, no. 6ir. Summary of the situation, pp. 8, 8vo. Lond., n.d. Pam., v. 36, no. 606. IMPERIAL federation league, London. Australian arguments: by H. D'Esterre Taylor, pp. 16, 8vo. Lond., n.d. Pam., v. 36, no. 614. The case for Canada ; an address delivered at Winnipeg by G. M. Grant, pp. 16, 8vo. Lond. [1889]. Pam., v. 36, no. 612. Expressions of opinion on imperial federation, by public men at home and in the colonies, pp. 15, 8vo. Lond. [1885]. Pam., v. 36, no. 592. Imperial conference of 1887. pp. 32, 8vo. Lond., 1887. Pam., v. 36, no. 600. Report of adjourned conference and of the first meeting of the league, November, 1884. pp. 20, 8vo. Lond. [1884]. Pam., v. 36, no. 598. Three great federations ; Australasian, national, and racial : by H. D'Esterre Taylor, pp. 16, 8vo. Lond., n.d. Pam., v. 36, no. 615. IMPERIAL federation league of Australia. Addresses, 1909 : Annual report for 1907-8 : No. i Some observations on imperial problems : by E. Morris Miller, pp. 8, 8vo. Melb.. 1909. Pam., v. 143, no. 2753. Addresses, 1909 : No. 2. Military training for our schoolboys: by lieut. -colonel T. Brodribb. pp. 7, 8vo. Melb., 1909. Pam., v. 143, no 2754. IMPERIAL FEDERATION. 219 Addresses and proceedings, 1 909 : Nos. 3-4. Proceedings of the dinner in honour of Sir Charles Lucas : Canada and the empire a study in history and sentiment: by J. Castell Hop- kins, pp. 20, 8vo. Melb., 1909. Pam., v. 144, no. 2775. Addresses and proceedings, 1909 : No. 5. Imperial federation the educational factor: by James W. Barrett: league notes. pp. 12, 8vo. Melb., 1909. Pam., v. 168, no. 3204. Imperial federation and its aspirations : by Rivers Langton. pp 6, 8vo. Melb., 1908. Pnm., v. .143, no. 2759. Imperial federation and social reform : by L. V. Biggs, pp. 12, 8vo. Melb., 1908. Pam., v. 143, no. 2758. Imperial unity and how to promote it : by Sir John Quick, pp. 8, 8vo. Melb., 1908. Pam., v. 143, no. 2756. Legal relations of the several states of the empire : by Professor Harrison Moore, pp. 10, 8vo. Melb., 1908. Pam., v. 143, no. 2755. Our empire in the Pacific: by C. Carry Salmon, M.P. pp. 6, 8vo. Melb., 1908. Pam., v. 143, no. 2760. Principles of alliance and federation contrasted: by E. Morris Miller, pp. 8, 8vo. Melb., 1908. Pam., v. 143, no. 2749. "School-power," an imperial necessity: by Frank Tate. pp. n, 8vo. Melb., 1908. Pam., v. 143, no. 2757. IMPERIAL federation league, Tasmanian branch. [General rules and by-laws.] pp. 7, 8vo. Hobart, 1888. Pam., v. 36, no. 593. IMPERIAL federation league, Victorian branch. Advantages of imperial federation; prize essay: by Henry D'Esterre Taylor. pp. 13, 8vo. Melb., 1888. Pam., v. 36, no. 619. An Australian navy a necessary part of imperial defence; an address by C. Carty Salmon, M.P. pp. 9, 8vo. Melb., 1905. Pam., v. 88, no. 1586. Same: another copy. Pam., v. 96, no. 1751. Colonial nationalism ; an address by Professor W. Harrison Moore, pp. 7, 8vo. Melb., 1905. Pam., v. 88, no. 1585. First presidential address delivered by the hon. Alfred Deakin, M.P., June, 1905 : being a manifesto of the aims and objects of the league, pp. 24, 8vo. Melb., 1905. Pam., v. 56, no. 919. Same: another copv. Pam., v. 96, no. 1747. Imperial federation and the Imperial conference of 1902 : an address by H. D'Esterre Taylor, pp. 16, 8vo. Melb., n.d. Pam., v. 36, no. 613. Same: another copy. Pam., v. 143, no. 2751. 220 IMPERIAL FEDERATION. " In the future by some form of federation " : an address by Donald Mackinnon, M.L.A. pp. 6, 8vo. Melb., 1905. Pam., v. 88, no. 1584. Same : another copy. Pam., v. 96, no. 1748. Paths to federation : a criticism of present methods : an addres^ by R. A. Crouch, M.P., at Melbourne, pp. 7, 8vo. Melb., 1905. Pam., v. 96, no. 1750. President's address: by Mr. Justice Holroycl. pp. 8, 8vo. Melb., 1900. Pam., v. 36, no. 601. Presidential address: by Mr. Justice Holroyd. pp. 12, 8vo. Melb., 1903. Pam., v. 143, no. 2752. Report of public meeting, Melbourne, June, 1885. pp. 30, 8vo. Melb., 1885. Pam., v. 36, no. 599. Same: another copy. Pam., v. 143, no. 2748. ' The world to-morrow " ; or, " Great federal ideals " : by Col. George W. Bell. pp. 20, 8vo. Melb., n.d. Pam., v. 36, no. 602. JOSE, ARTHUR WILBERFORCE. Growth of the empire; a hand- book to the history of Greater Britain : [maps]. 2nd ed. 8vo., Syd., 1900. LONDON City Corporation. The city of London, the Prince cxnd Princess of Wales, and the colonies, pp. 68, i2mo. Lond., 1902. Pam., v. 135, no. 2592. MACDONALD, JAMES RAMSAY. Labour and the empire. i2mo. Lond., 1907. (Labour ideal ser.) MARTIN, ARTHUR PATCHETT. Australia and the empire. 8vo. Edinb., 1889. MILNER, ALFRED MILNER, viscount. Imperial unity; speeches delivered in Canada in the autumn of 1908. pp. 93, sm. 8vo. Lond., 1909. OPPENHEIMER, Baron FELIX VON. British imperialism : tr. with introd. by D. Hayman. 8vo. Lond., 1905. PLAYFAIR, LYON PLAYFAIR, ist baron. Address at Leeds [as president of the Leeds branch of the Imperial federation league], sm. 8vo. [Lond.] 1892. Pam., v. 36, no. 591. ROSEBERY, ARCHIBALD PHILIP PRIMROSE, 5th earl of. Speech at a public meeting in Edinburgh, sm. 8vo. Lond., 1888. Pam., v. 36, no. 590. SILBURN, PERCY ARTHUR BAXTER, major. The governance of empire: map. 8vo. Lond., 1910. SMITH, FRANCIS GOULD. Danger ahead ! anti imperial federa- tion of Australasia, pp. 32, 8vo. Melb., 1889. Pam., v. 36, no. 617. TAYLOR, ALFRED JOSEPH. Imperial federation versus Australian independence. pp. 10, 8vo. Hobart, 1889. Pam., v. 76, no. 1323. GOVERNMENT AND ADMINISTRATION. 221 TOTTENHAM, HENRY LOFTUS A., major-general. Imperial federation ; a scheme for discussion preparatory to an early submission of the great question to the electors throughout 'the British empire, pp. 9, 8vo. Hobart, 1887. Pam., v. 36, no. 594. Letters on imperial federation, pp. 12, 8vo. Hobart, n.d. Pam., v. 181, no. 3503. WADDIE, CHARLES. Federation of Greater Britain, pp. 16, 8vo. Edinb., 1895. Pam., v. 36, no. 620. YOUNG, Sir FREDERICK, ed. Imperial federation of Great Britain and her colonies. 8vo. Lond., 1876. 354.494. Switzerland. LLOYD, HENRY DEMAREST. A sovereign people ; a study of Swiss democracy : ed. [with pref.] by John A. Hobson. 8vo. N.Y., 1907. 354.54. India. MORLEY, JOHN MORLEY, viscount. Indian speeches, 1907-1909. 8vo. Lond., 1909. 354.62. Egypt. DICEY, EDWARD. Egypt of the future. 8vo. Lond., 1907. 354.68. Cape of Good Hope. 'CIVIL service list, 1904 to 1909. 6 v., 8vo. Cape Town. 354.685. Orange River Colony. CIVIL service list, 1905 to 1909. 5 v., 8vo. Bloemfontein. 354.71. Canada. HAYDON, A. L. The riders of the plains; a record of the Royal North-west mounted police of Canada, 1873-1910 : illust. and maps. 8vo. Lond., 1910. 354.931. New Zealand. NEW ZEALAND [government] gazette, 1867 to 1876, 1904 to date. fo. Well. NEW ZEALAND : Labour department. The Department of labour; its organization and work: [illust.]. pp. 20, 8vo. Well., 1906. Pam., v. 120, no. 2235. Same: another ed. pp. 32, 8vo. Well., 1907. Pam., v. 144, no. 2768. OTAGO. Correspondence between the premier of New Zealand and the superintendent of Otago on the subject of the pro- posed abolition of the provinces of New Zealand, pp. 36, 8vo. Dunedin, 1876. Pam., v. 32, no. 523. 222 GOVERNMENT AND ADMINISTRATION. OTAGO provincial government gazette, v. i, 1853. to v. 20, 1876. 20 v. /'// 18. fo. Dunedin, 1862-78. WILSON, JOHN ALEXANDER, captain. The modus operand! of judgment without trial ; or, how I lost my judgeship. pp. 84, 8vo. Auckland, 1844. Pam., v. 8, no. 172. 354.94. Australia. AUSTRALIA : Defence department. Commonwealth military cadet corps : regulations and standing orders, 1909. pp. 38, 8vo. Melb., 1909. Pam., v. 144, no. 2778. Standing orders for the equipment of the Commonwealth mili- tary forces : part 2, section i ; Infantry. pp. 30, 8vo. Melb., 1909. P;im., v. 144, no. 2779. Same: part 2, section ii. ; Light horse, pp. 34, 8vo. Melb., 1909. Pam., v. 144, no. 2780. AUSTRALIA : Home affairs department: Electoral branch [Constitution, referendum and electoral acts, regulations and instructions under the Electoral and Referendum acts.] n.t.p. 8vo. [Melb., 1910.] Electoral rolls, 1908: maps. 75 v., 8vo. v.p., 1909. Contents. New South Wales, 27 v., Syd. Queensland, 9 v., Brisb. South Australia, 7 v., Adel. Tasmania, <; v., Hobart. Vic- toria, 22 v., Melb. Western Australia, 5 v., Perth. AUSTRALIA: Public service commissioner's office. Classifica- tion of the public service [as on 3ist March, 1904]. fo. Melb., 1904. From the Commonwealth of Ai'stralia gazette. Examinations nos. 2 and 3, i5th, i6th, and i7th April. 1903 : papers set at the examinations for appointment to the clerical and general divisions, under the provisions of the Common- wealth public service act, 1902. pp. 23, 8vo. Syd. [1903]. Pam., v. 48, no. 800. List of permanent officers of the Commonwealth public ser- vice, 1906 to date. fscp. fo. Melb. From the Commonwealth of Australia gazette. Regulations under the provisions of the Commonwealth public service act, 1902. 4to. Melb., 1908. AUSTRALIA : Trade and customs department. General orders for officers of the department. 8vo. Melb., 1909. COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA gazette, v. i, 1901 to date. fscp. fo n.t.p. Melb. COMMONWEALTH statutory rules, &c. : a collection of rules of court, regulations under statutes, by-laws, orders-in- council, proclamations, &c., of practical utility, 1901 to date. 8vo. Melb. 354.941. Western Australia. GOVERNMENT gazette, 1904 to date. fscp. fo. Perth. GOVERNMENT AND ADMINISTRATION. 223 354.942. South Australia. CIVIL service association of South Australia. Civil service of South Australia; a review: part i, History of the civil ser- vice. Part ii. The civil service commission : appx. pp. 75, sm. 8vo. Adel., 1890. Pam., v. 46, no. 767. GOVERNMENT gazette, 1849-187 ^, 1904 to date. 4to and fscp. fo. Adel. SOUTH AUSTRALIA : Government. [Miscellaneous administra- tive, executive, and financial papers relating to South Australia, 1835-1850.] Bound in i v., fscp. fo. Lond., Adel. .SOUTH AUSTRALIA: Surveyor-general's office. Past and present land systems of South Australia. pp. 23, 8vo. Adel., 1881. Pam., v. 181, no. 3504. 354.943. Queensland. GOVERNMENT gazette, v. i, Dec., 1859, to Dec., 1860, July, 1904, to date. fscp. fo. Brisb. 354.944. New South Wales. COOPER, ROBERT. Appeal against the prohibition of colonial distillation, to the Governor, and the Legislative Council. pp. 15, 8vo. Syd., 1839. Pam., v. 6~, no. 1140. GOVERNMENT gazette, 1832 to date. fscp. fo. Syd. LITTLE, GEORGE LYNN. Public service retrenchment in New South Wales, 1896. pp. 85, 8vo. Syd., 1902. Pam., v. 168, no. 3205. NEW SOUTH WALES -.Government. Official lists of the governors, judges of the Supreme court, and members of the Legislature, from the foundation of the colony to 1883. pp. 49, 8vo. Syd., 1887. Pam., v. 116, no. 2159. NEW SOUTH WALES: Lands department. Gold fields act of 1866, and regulations of 24th September", 1869. pp. 27, 8vo. Syd., 1869. Pam., v. 78, no. 1385. STEPHEN, Sir ALFRED. Judges' salaries. pp. 7, 8vo. Syd. [1876]. Pam., v. 95, no. 1724. 354.945. Victoria. COOMBE, MATTHEW. Local court rules for the Avcca district, including Mount Ararat and Pleasant Creek ; together with government regulations for the Chinese on the gold fields. pp. 28, sm. 8vo. Melb., 1857. Pam., v. 83, no. 1495. GOVERNMENT gazette, 1901 to date. fscp. fo. Melb. VICTORIA: Mines department. Acts, oiders in council, and notices relating to the gold fields, pp. 78, 8vo. Melb., 1863. Pam., v. 83, no. 1504. 224 GOVERNMENT AND ADMINISTRATION. 354.946. Tasmania. HOBART TOWN' gazette. 1817, from igth April; 1818; 1821; July, 1825 to date. 4to and fscp. fo. Hobart. (After 1881 the title was changed to Hobart gazette.) TASMANIA : Convict department. General prison regulations, made 28th April, 1859, for the gaols situate within the police district of Hobart. pp. 22, 8vo. Hobart Town, 1859. Pam., v. 79, no. 1405. General prison regulations made 25th June. 1866, tor the house of correction for females, situate within the police district of Hobart Town. pp. 17, 8vo. Hobart Town. 1866. Pam., v. 79, no. 14056. General prison regulations made 2nd July, 1866, lor the house of correction for females, situate witmn the police district of Launceston. pp. 8, 8vo. Hobart Town, 1866. Pam., v. 79, no. I405E. General prison regulations made 25th June, 1866, for the house of correction for males, situate within the police district of Hobart. pp. 37, 8vo. Hobart Town, 1866. Pam., v. 79, no. 1405.4. General prison regulations made 2nd July, 1866, for the house of correction for males, situate within the police district of Launceston. pp. 10, 8vo. Hobart Town, 1866. Pam., v. 79, no. 14050. General prison regulations made 2nd July. 1866, for the penal establishment, situate within the police district of Launceston. pp. 12, 8vo. Hobart Town, 1866. Pam., v. 79, no. 14050. Rules and regulations for the coxswains and marine, Tasman's peninsula, pp. S, 8vo. Hobart Town, 1868. Pam., v. 79, no. 1404. TASMANIA : Electoral office. Electoral rolls of the Legislative council and the Legislative assembly, 1859-60, 1860-61, 1864-65. 3 v., fo. Hobart Town. TASMANIA: -Government. Proclamations, government orders, and notices, issued by his excellency Colonel George Arthur, lieutenant-governor of Van Diemen's Land, 1824-5. 1826-1828. 1832 1836. fscp. fo. Hobart Town, 1829-37. Proclamations, government orders, and notices, issued by his excellency Sir John Franklin, lieutenant-governor of Van Diemen's Land, 1837, 1838, 1840-1843. fscp. fo. Hobart Town, 1837-44. Part of last volume belongs to administration of Sir J. E. Eatdley-Wilmot. TASMANIA : Lands and works department. Regulations under the Gold fields regulation act, 1880, and the several acts amending the same. pp. 60, 8vo. Hobart, 1887. Pam., v. 78, no. 1386. TASMANIA : Lau>: Statutes. Act to amend the act lately passed for the more perfect constitution of courts of general quarter sessions and to provide for the more effectual punishment and control of transported and other offenders, pp. 38, vii., 8vo. Hobart Town, 1839. Pam., v. 181, no. 3505. MILITARY HISTORY AND SCIENCE. 354.95. New Guinea. BRITISH NEW GUINEA : Government gazette. vv. 1-15, September, 1888, to December, 1905. 18 v. in 2. fscp. fo. Port Moresby. PAPUA: Government gazette. 1906 to date. fscp. fo. Port Moresby. 354.969. Hawaii. HAWAII. [Various pamphlets, official and otherwise.]. 8vo. v.p., v.d. HAWAII : Judicature. The evolution of the Hawaiian judiciary, pp. 25, 8vo. n. p., n.d. Pam., v. 144, no. 2767. 355. Army: Military Science. ANGELL, NORMAN, psend. The great illusion ; a study of the rela- tions of military power in nations to their economic and social advantage. 8vo. ^ Lond., 1910. ARMY annual and year Book, 1910 to date: ed. by Major B. F. S. Baden-Powell and Lieut-col. H. M. E. Brunker. 8vo. Lend. ARTEMIDORUS. New Zealand in the next great war : a note of warning, pp. 25, 8vo. Nelson, 1894. Pam., v. 34, no. 551. ASTON, GEORGE GREY, brigadier-general. Letters on amphibious wars: maps and plans. 8vo. Lond., 1911. AUSTRALIA -.Defence department. Defence acts 1903-1904: regulations and standing orders (provisional) for the military forces of the Commonwealth. 8vo. Melb., 1905. Same: another edition. 8vo. Melb., 1908. Same: another edition. 8vo. Melb., 1910. Financial and allowance regulations for the military forces of the Commonwealth. 8vo. Melb., 1905. Memorandum on the proposed organization of a national guard for the land defence of Australia : [by] S. A. Pethebridge. Pp. 8, 8vo. Melb.. 1908. Pam., v. 160, no. 3069. Military cadet forces list of the Commonwealth of Australia, 3oth June, 1907 to date. 8vo. Melb. Military forces list of the Commonwealth of Australia, 1904 to date. 8vo. Melb. [Military orders, 1906 to date.] 8vo. Melb. For 1905 see below [Naval and military orders]. [Naval and military orders, 1905.] 8vo. Melb., 1905. Not subsequently published together. BAKER, HAROLD. The territorial force; a manual of its law, organization, and administration : introd. by Rt. hon. R. B. Haldane. 8vo. Lond., 1909. BALFOUR, Rt. hon. ARTHUR JAMES. Imperial defence; speech delivered in the House of commons, May ir, 1905. pp. 31, 8vo. Lond., 1905. Pam., v. 88, no. 1588. BATTLE of Morclialloc; or, how we lost Australia. pp. 67, 8vo. Melb., 1888. Pum., v. 98, no. 1782. F.8720 H 220 MILITARY HISTORY AND SCIENCE. BETHELL, HENRY ARTHUR, colonel. Modern artillery in the fit-Id : illust. 8vo. Lond., 1911. BEZAR, FX, sergeant-major. Some reminiscences of the " Die hards ?! (57th West Middlesex regiment). 8vo. Dum-din, 1891. (Relates mainly to New Zealand.) BROOMFIELD, FREDERICK J. The national defence of Australia and assisted immigration: a lecture, pp. 15, ismo. Syd.. 1906. Pam., v. 122, no. 2269. CALLWELL, CHARLES EDWARD, colonel. Small wars; th ir prin- ciples and practice : [plans.] 3rd ed. 8vo. Lond., 1906. CAMPBELL, J. B. The rifle club movement; a distinct factor in the defence problem. pp. 15. 8vo. Melb.. 1909. Pum., v. 181, no. 3507. CHESNEY, Sir GEORGE TOMKYNS. The battle of Dorking; remi- niscences of a volunteer, pp. 44, 8vo. Melb., 1871. Pam., v. 68, no. 1159. Same: another copy. Pam., v. 79, no. 1406. CHTLDKRS, ERSKINE. German influence on British cavalry. 8vo. Lond., 1911. War and the arme blanche: introd. by Earl Roberts. 8vo. Lond., 1910. COLBURN'S United Service magazine and naval and military journal: parts n. and in, 1843. 2 v.. 8vo. Lond., 18.13. COLOMB, Sir JOHN CHARLES READY, captain. Defence of Great and greater Britain ; sketches of its naval, military, and political aspects : map. 8vo. Lond., 1880. CORBETT, JULIAN STAFFORD. England in the Seven years' war; a study in combined strategy : maps and plans. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1907. CRAIG, GEORGE CATHCART. Federal defence of Australasia : illust. 8vo. Syd., 1897. DODDS, THOMAS HENRY, captain. Cadet rifle exercises and musketry instruction, adapted for the Westley-Richards and Francotte rifles, pp. 48, i2mo. Brisb.. 1908. Pam., v. 144, no. 2783. DUNCAN, FRANCIS, colonel. History of the Royal regiment of artillery; compiled from the original records : poitrs. 3rd ed., 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1879. EDMONDSON, ROBERT. John Bull's army from within; facts, figures, and a human document from one who has t>een " through the mill " : introd. by Arnold White. 8vo. Lond., 1907. ENGLISH invasion of Germany. Bv a French staff officer : map. pp. 70, 8vo. Lond., n.d. FORSTER, Kt. lion. HUGH OAKELEY ARNOLD. TLe army in 1906; a policy and a vindication. 8vo. Lond., 1906. Military needs and military policy : introd. by field-marshal Earl Roberts. 8vo. Lond., 1969. GAWLER, GEORGE, colonel. Essentials of good skirmishing: second edition : to which are now added, a brief system of common light infantry drill [&c.]. pp. 63, 8vo. Lond.. 18=52. MILITARY HISTORY AND SCIENCE. 227 GREAT BRITAIN -.War office. Field service pocket book: [illust. and plans.] i2mo. Lond., 1908. King's regulations and orders for the army : provisional ed. 8vo. Lond., 1901. Same: 8vo. Lond., 1904. Moltke's projects for the campaign of 1866 against Austria : map. pp. 74, 8vo. Lond., 1907. Official army list for the quarterns] ending September, 1903 to date. 8vo. Lond. Regulations under which commissions in the British army may be obtained by officers of colonial military forces. pp. 25, 8vo. Lond., 1907. Para., v. 181, no. 3506. GREAT BRITAIN -.War office: Adjutant- generals office. Ex- tracts from regulations for conducting the musketry instruction of the army. pp. 67, 8vo. Adel., 1859. GREAT BRITAIN : War office .- Royal military college. Text book of military administration and law. 8vo. Lond., [1903]. HALDANE, RICHARD BURDON HALDANE, viscount. Army reform and other addresses. 8vo. Lond., 1907. Contents. The army. Fiscal policy. Miscellaneous. Modern logicians and economic methods. The dedicated life. HAMILTON, Sir IAN STANDISH MONTEITH, general. Compulsory service; a study of the question in the light of experience: introd. by the right hon. R. B. Haldane; 2nd ed., with notes on the Admiralty view of the risk of invasion. 8vo. Lond., 1911. HART, HENRY GEORGE, lieut. -general. Annual army list, militia list and imperial yeomanry list, 1905 to date. 8vo. Lond. HUTTON. Sir EDWARD THOMAS HENRY, major-general. Defence and defensive power of Australia. 8vo. Melb., [1902.] JAMES, WALTER HAWEIS, lieut. -colonel. The campaign of 1815, chiefly in Flanders : [maps and sketches]. 8vo. Edinb., 1908. LEA, HOMER. The valor of ignorance: maps [and portr.]. 8vo. N.Y., 1909. LEGGE. JAMES GORDON, colonel. Suggestions for an Australian defence force, pp. 22, 8vo. Syd., 1901. MAHAN, ALFRED THAYER, captain, U.S.N. Some neglected aspects of war. 8vo. Lond., 1907. Contents. The power that makes for peace : by Henry S. Pritchett. The moral aspect of war. -The practical aspect of \var. War from the Christian standpoint. Capture of private property at sea : by- Julian S. Corbett. The Hague conference in 1907, and the question of immunity for belligerent merchant shipping. MARLBOROUGH, JOHN CHURCHILL, ist duke of. Letters and dispatches from 1702 to 1712: ed. by general Sir George Murray: [portr.]. 5 v., 8vo. Lond., 1845. MAUDE. FREDERIC NATUSCH. colonel. War and the world's life : diagrams and map. 8vo., Lond., 1907. MAURICE, Sir JOHN FREDERICK, major-general. National de- fences. 8vo. Lond., 1897. MAY, EDWARD SINCLAIR, colonel. Introduction to military geo- graphy: maps and sketches. 8vo. Lond.. 1909. H 2 228 MILITARY HISTORY AND SCIENCE. NASH, A. Soldiers or citizens ? pp. 7. 8vo. Syd., 1885. Pam., v. 48, no. 806. NORMAN . < 'MARLES BOSWELL. Battle honours of the British army, from Tangier, 1662, to the commencement of the reign of KiiiLT F,y ftrld- marshal Earl Rol>erts, V.C., K.G. : [illust.]. pp. 63, 8vo. Lond., 1908. REPINGTON, CHARLES A : COURT, lieut. -colonel. Foundations of reform: by the military correspondent of the "Tim 1 maps. 8vo. Lond., 1908. Imperial strategy; by the military correspondent of ' The Times " : maps. 8vo. Lond., 1906. ROBERTS, FREDERICK SLEIGH ROBERTS, earl. A nation in arms; speeches on the requirements of the British army. 8vo. Lond., 1907. ROBERTS, FREDERICK SLEIGH ROBERTS, carl, [and others]. Falla- cies and facts; an answer to "Compulsory service." 8vo. Lond.. IQII Contents. i. The nation's peril : by Earl Roberts. 2. The military and naval situation. 3. The argument from history. ROSS, CHARLES, major. Representative government and war. 8vo. Lond., 1903. ROYAL United Service institution. Journal : [plates and illust.]. v. 52, 1908 to date. 8vo. Lond. SCHELLENDORFF, BRONSART VON, general. Duties of the general staff: revised by Major B. von Schellendorff : tr. : 4th ed., 8vo. Lond., 1905. SCRATCHLEY, Sir PETER HENRY, major -general. Australian de- fences and New Guinea; compiled by C. Kinloch Cooke : with memoir: [maps and appces.]. 8vo. Lond., 1887. Lectures on defence subjects, pp. 70, 8vo. Melb.. 1880. Para., v. 37, no. 644. SHEE. GEORGE K. The Briton's first duty; the case for conscrip- tion. 8vo. Lond., 1901. SOUTH AUSTRALIA -.Defence department. List of officers and warrant officers in the South Australian military forces, pp. 45, 8vo. Adel., 1901. Pam., v. 122, no. 2271. Regulations under Defence forces act 1886: pts. i & 2, re- lating to the militia force, pp. 33, i2mo. Adel., 1888. Pam. v. 122, no. 2268. Revised infantry manual, for the drill and instruction of the South Australian volunteer military force, 1859. pp. 69, 8vo. Adel., 1859. MILITARY HISTORY AND SCIENCE. 22> STEWART, BERTRAND. Active service pocket book. sq. i2mo. Lond., 1906. STRACHEY, JOHN ST. LOR. A new way of life. i2mo. Lond., 1909. STRICKLAND, Sir EDWARD. Letters embodying suggestions for a volunteer force in Xe\v South Wales, pp. 23, 8vo. Syd., 1883. Pam., v. 51, no. 853. SUTHERLAND, GEORGE. The capture of Adelaide: a possibility of 1894. pp. 46, 8vo. Adel., n.d. I'uin., v. 122, no. 2270. THIRLMERE, ROWLAND. The clash of empires. 8vo. Lond., 1907. THUILLIER, HENRY FLEETWOOD, major. Principles of land de- fence and their application to the conditions of to-day : illust. 8vo. Lond., 1902. TOVEY. HAMILTON, lieut. -colonel. Elements of strategy: revised and ed. by T. Miller Maguire: [n maps]. 2nd ed., 8vo. Lond., 1906. UNITED service institution, New South Wales. Inaugural address by the president, Major-general Richardson, 1889. -pp. 16, Svo. Syd., 1889. Pam., v. 98, no. 1784. Lecture i . Organisation and equipment of harbour defences : by Lieutenant-colonel F. B. Boddam : [diagram], pp. 18, Svo. Syd., 1891. Pam., v. i68 3 no. 3206. UNITED service magazine, 1902/3 to date. Svo. Lond. UNITED STATES -.National board for the promotion of rifle practice. Report on the feasibility and advisability of some policy to inaugurate a system of rifle practice throughout the public schools of the country, pp. 9, Svo. Wash,, 1907, Pam., v. 144, nu. 2784. UNITED STATES -.War department. Drill regulations for cavalry. i2mo. Wash.. 1909. Manual of visual signalling of the U.S. signal corps; prepared by Captain D. J. Carr : [illust.]. i2mo. Wash., 1905. VICTORIA: Defence department. Artillerists' manual, for the use of the Victoria volunteer artillery corps. 8vo. Melb., 1856. [Various papers]. fo. Melb. Contents. Correspondence respecting naval defences of Austral- asia, 1886. Same [including papers not presented to Parliament]. Report of Mr. Verdon's proceedings as the delegate of Victoria to H.M. Government upon the subject of the colonial defences and other matters, 1867. WALKER. W. H. The invasion. Svo. Syd., 1877. WILKINSON, FRANK. Australian cavalry; the N.S.W. Lancer regiment and the First Australian Horse: [illust.]. 4to. Syd., 1901. WILKINSON, SPENSER. Britain at bay. Svo. Lond., 1909. YOUNGHUSBAND, GEORGE JOHN, colonel. The story of the Guides: illust. Svo. Lond., 1908. NAVAL HISTORY AND SCIENCE. 359. Navy: Naval Science. BEAN, C. E. W. With the flagship of the south: illust. 8vo. Syd. [1909]- BRASSEY, THOMAS BRASSEY, ist earl. Observations on navy estimates, 1903-4. revised ed. pp. 52, 8vo. Lond., 1903. Pam., v. 144, no. 2782. Papers and addresses, naval and maritime, from 1872 to 1893 : arranged and ed. by Capt. S. Eardley-Wilmot. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1894. Contents. v. i. Admiralty administration. Shipbuilding. v. 2. Naval reserves and merchant seamen. Naval artillery volunteers and a colonial naval volunteer force. Auxiliary cruisers. Colonial de- fence and coaling stations. Naval training and education. Naval manoeuvres. BRASSEY, Hon. THOMAS ALLNUTT. major, ed. Naval annual, 1886 to date. 8vo. Portsmouth. BRIDGE, Sir CYPRIAN ARTHUR GEORGE, admiral. Art of naval \varfare: introductory observations. 8vo. Lond., 1907. Sea-power and other studies. 8vo. Lond., 1910. CALLWELL, CHARLES EDWARD, colonel. Effects of maritime command on land campaigns since Waterloo: maps and plans. 8vo. Edinb., 1897. CARNARVON, HENRY HOWARD MOLYNEUX HERBERT, ^th earl of. Defence of the empire; a selection from [his] letters and speeches: ed. by It. -col. Sir George Sydenham Clarke: map. 8vo. Lond., 1897. CIVIS. State of the navy in 1907 : a plea for inquiry : [with introd. by J. St. Loe Stracheyj. 8vo. Lond., 1907. COLOMB, Sir JOHN CHARLES READY. Increase of the German navy", pp. 4, 8vo. Lond.. 1889. Pam.j v. 36, no. 622. CORNFORD, L. COPE. The defenceless islands; a study of the social and industrial conditions of Great Britain and Ireland, and of the effect upon them of the outbreak of a maritime war. 8vo. Lond., 1906. CUSTANCE, Sir REGINALD NEVILLE, vice-admiral, " Barfleur.'' Naval policy; a plea for the study of war. 8vo. Edinb., 1907. EVANS, ROBLEY DUNGLISON, rear-admiral, U.S. An admiral's log ; being continued recollections of naval life : illust. 8vo. N.Y.. 1910. " EXTRACTS from my diary " ; being an account of an attack on Sydney Harbour: by a colonist: [charts]. 8vo. Syd., 1883. An imaginary account of an attack by a Russion fleet. FIENNES, GERARD. The ocean empire; its dangers and defence: illust. 8vo. Lond., 1911. FOX. FRANK. Ramparts of empire; a view of the navy from an imperial stand-point: illust. 8vo. Lond., 1910. FRASER, EDWARD. Champions of the fleet; captains and men of war and days that helped to make the empire: illust. 8vo. Lond., "908 [1907]. NAVAL HISTORY AND SCIENCE. 231 GREAT BRITAIN : Admiralty. British signal manual, authorised for use between His Majesty's ships and British merchant vessels: [illust.]. pp. 78. 8vo. Lond.. 1907. King's regulations and admiralty instructions for the govern^- ment of His Majesty's naval service, 1906. rev. ed., 8vo. Lond., 1906. Same.- addenda (1907). 8vo. Lond., 1907. Same.- addenda (1908). 8vo. Lond.. 1908. Same: addenda (1909). 8vo. Lond., 1909. Navy list, 1903 to date. 8vo. Lond. HIGGINSON, FRANCIS JOHN, rear-admiral. Xaval battles in the century. 8vo. Toronto, 1906. (Nineteenth century ser.) HILL, FREDERIC STANHOPE. The romance of the American navy, as embodied in the stories of certain of our public and private armed ships, from 1775 to 1909 : illust. 8vo. N.Y., 1910. HISLAM, PERCIVAL A. The admiralty of the Atlantic ; an enquiry into the development of German sea power, past, present, and prospective: illust. and map. 8vo. Lond., 1908. IMPERIAL federation league of Australia. Naval defence of Aus- tralia : by Lieut. L. H. Hordern, R.N. : an address, Mel- bourne, May, 1908. pp. 7, 8vo. Melb., 1908. P;im., v. 144, no. 2781. JAMES, WILLIAM. Naval history of Great Britain, from the de- claration of war by France in 1793 to the accession of George IV. : a new ed.. with additions and notes, and an account of the Burmese war and the battle of Navarino. by Captain Chamier, R.N. : [portrs.] 6 v., 8vo. Lond., 1837. JANE, FRED. T. Heresies of sea power : maps and illust. 8vo. Lond., 1906. LONDON chamber of commerce. The city and the navy : report of proceedings at the meeting of citizens held at the Guild hall, London, 3ist March, 1909. pp. 23, 8vo. Lond. [1909]. Pam., v. 144, no. 2776. MAHAN, ALFRED THAYER, captain, U.S.N. From sail to steam; recollections of naval life. 8vo. Lond., 1907. The influence of sea power upon history, 1660-1783 : [4 maps and 21 plans]. 8vo. Lond., 1890. Naval administration and warfare ; some general principles : with other essays. 8vo. Lond., 1908. Contents. Principles of naval administration. United States navy department. Principles involved in the war between Japan and Russia. Retrospect upon the war between Japan and Russia. Objects of the United States naval war college. Practical character of the United States naval war college. Subordination in historical treatment. The strength of Nelson. Value of the Pacific cruise of the United States fleet, 1908. The Monroe doctrine. Map of seat of war in Manchuria. MALTZAHN, KURT L. W., friedherr von. Naval warfare; its his- torical development from the age of the great geographical discoveries to the present time : tr. by John Combe Miller. 8vo. Lond., 1908. MASEFIELD. JOHN. Sea life in Nelson's time: illust. 8vo. Lond., 1905. MORRELL, G. A. Harbour defences, pp. 6, 8vo. [Syd.], 1869. Pam., v. 144, no. 2777. NAVAL HISTORY AND SCIENCE. ML'KkAV, ARTHUR MORDAUNT, colonel. Imperial outposts from a strategical and commercial aspect, with special reference to the Japanese alliance: pref. by field-marshal Earl Roberts: maps and illust. 8vo. Lond.. 1907. NAVY league annual: ed. by Alan H. Burgoyne: [illust.], 1909 to date. 8vo. Lond. NAVY records society. Publications, v. 1-38. 8vo. Lond. Contents. vv. i and 2. State papers relating to the defeat of the Spanish Armada anno 1588 : ed. by J. K. Laughton. 2 v., 1894. v. 3. Letters written [by Samuel, ist Viscount Hood] in 1781-3-3 : illustrated by extracts from logs and public records : ed. by David Hannay. 1895. v. 4. Index to James' Naval history, edition 1886 : prepared by C. G. Toogood : ed. by T. A. Brassey. ' 1895. v. 5. Life of captain Stephen Martin, 1666-1740 : ed. by Sir Clements Robert Markham. 1895. v. 6. Journal of [rear-admiral Bartholomew James] : ed. bv John Knox Laughton with the assistance of James Young F. Sulivan, 1896. v. 7. Two discourses of the navy, 1638 and 1650 [by John Hollond] ; also, A discourse of the navy, 1660 : by Sir Robert Slyngesbie : ed. by J. R. Tanner. 1896. v. 8. Naval accounts and inventories of the reign of Henry VII., 1485-8 and 1495-7 : er '- ky Michael Oppenheim. 1896. v. 9. Journal [of Admiral Sir George Rooke] 1700-1702 : ed. by Oscar Browning. 1897. v 10. Letters and papers relating to the war with France, 1512- 1513 : by Alfred Spont. 1897. v. n. Papers relating to the navy during the Spanish war, 11:85- 1587 : ed. by Julian Stafford Corbett'. 1898. v. 12. Letters and papers [of Admiral Sir Thomas Byam Martin] : ed. by Sir Richard Vesey Hamilton, v. 2, 1898. v. 13. Letters and papeis relating to the first Dutch war, 16:2-1654 : ed. by Samuel Ra\vson Gardiner, v. i, i&yi. v. 14. Dispatches and letters relating to the blockade of Brest, 1803-1805 : ed. by John Leylancl. v. i, 1899. v. 15. History of the Russian fleet during the reign of Peter the Great : by a contemporary Englishman (1724) : ed. by admiral Sir Cyprian Arthur George Bridge. 1899. v. 16. Logs of the great sea fights, 1794-1805 : ed. by admiral Sir Thomas Sturges Jackson, v. i, 1899. v. 17. Letters and papers relating to the first Dutch war, 1652-1654 : ed. by Samuel Rawson Gardiner. See v. 13. v. 2, 1900. v. 18. Logs of the great sea fights, 1794-1805 : ed. by admiral Sir Thomas Sturges Jackson. Set v. 16. v. 2, K>OO. v. 19. Letters and papers [of Admiral Sir Thomas Byam Martin] : ed. by Sir Richard Vesey Hamilton. See v. 12. v. 3, 1901. v. 20. The naval miscellany: ed. by John Knox Laughton. v. i. 1902. v. 21. Dispatches and letter-; relating to the blockade of Brest, 1803-1805 : ecf. by John Ley land. See v. 14. v. 2, 1902. YV. 22 and 23. Naval tracts in six books [by admiral Sir William Monson] : ed. with commentary drawn from the state papers and other original sources, by M. Oppenheim. 2 v., 190.2. v. 24. Letters and papers [of admiral Sir Thomas Byam Martin] : ed. by Sir Richard Ve>t-y Hamilton. See w. 12 and 19. v. i, 1903. v. 25. Nelson and the Neapolitan jacobins; documents relating to the suppression of the jacobin revolution at Naples, June, 1799 : ed. by Harold Cooke Gutteridge. 1903. v. 26. Descriptive catalogue of the naval manuscripts in the Pepyslan library at Magdalene college, Cambridge : ed. by Joseph Robson Tanner : v. i. General introduction. Register of ships. Register of sea officers. 1903. NAVAL HISTORY AND SCIENCE. 233 v- 27. Descriptive catalogue of the naval manuscripts in the Pepysian library at Magdalene college, Cambridge : ed. by J. R. Tanner, v. 2, Admiralty letters. See v. 26. 1904. v. 28. Selections from the correspondence of admiral John Mark- ham during the years 1801-4 and 1806-7 : ec ^- by Sir Clements Ma/k- ham. 1904. v. 29. Fighting instructions [Royal navy], 1530-1816 : ed. with elucidations from contemporary authorities, by Julian S. Corbett. 1905. v. 30. LeUers and papers relating to the first Dutch war, 1652-1654 : f.t\. by Samuel Rawson Gardiner and C. T. Atkinson. See vv. 13 and 17. v. 3, 1906. v. 31. Recollections of James Anthony Gardner, commander, R.N. (1775-1814) : ed. by Sir R. Yesey Hamilton, G.C.B., admiral, and John Knox Laughton. 1906. v. 32. Letters and papers of Charles, lord Barham, admiral of the red squadron, 1758-18^ : ed. by John Knox Laughton. v. r, 1907. v. 33. Naval songs and ballads : selected and ed. by C. H. Firth. .1908. v. 34. Drawings illustrating the battle of Sole bay, May 28, 1672, and the battle of the Tesel, August n, 1673; with note by Julian S. Corbett. pp. 45, and 10 col. pi. fo. 1908. v. 35. Signals and instructions, 1776^794, with addenda to v. 29 : ed. by Julian S. Corbetf. 1908. v._36. Descriptive catalogue of the naval manuscripts in the Pepysian library at Magdalene college, Cambridge: ed. by J. R. Tanner: v. 3, Admiralty letters. See vv. 26 and 27. rqog. v. 37. Letters and papers relating to the first Dutch war, 1652-1654 : ed. by C. T. Atkinson. See vv. 13, 17, and 20. v. 4, 1910. v. 38. Letters and papers of Charles, lord Barham, admiral of the red squadron, 1758-1813 : ed. by Sir John Knox Laughton. See v. 32. v. 2, 1910. In -progress. SEMENOFF, VLADIMIR, captain. Battle of Tsu-shima, between the Japanese and Russian fleets, fought on zyth May, 1905 : tr. by Capt. A. B. Lindsay: pref. by Sir George Sydenham Clarke. 8vo. Lond., 1906. SHEARSTOX, JOHN S. H.M.S. "Nelson" ; an account of her first commission on the Australian station : with a detailed account of the establishment of British protectorate at New Guinea in 1884. pp. 78, 8vo. Syd., 1885. Pam., v. 51, no. 852. SILBURN, PERCY ARTHUR BAXTER, major. The colonies and imperial defence. 8ro. Lond., 1909. SOME figures concerning the defence of the empire, leaflet. n.-p., n.d. Pam., v. 36, no. 624. THURSFIELD, JAMES RICHARD. Nelson, and other naval studies: illust. 8vo. Lond., 1909. Contents. The anniversary of Trafalgar. Trafalgar and the Nelson touch. The life of Nelsoa. The secret of Nelson. Duncan. Paul Jones. The Dogger bank and its lessons. The strategy of position. The attack and defence of commerce. The higher policy of defence. Index. UNITED STATES -.Navy department. Regulations for the government of the navy, 1905. 8vo. Wash., 1905. WHITE, ARNOLD, and MOORHOUSE, E. HALLAM. Nelson and the twentieth century. 8vo. Lond., 1905. YEXLEY, LIONEL. The inner life of the navy : [illust.]. 8vo. Lond., 1908. 234 CHARITIES. 360. Associations and Institutions. GRAY, B. KIRKMAN. History of English philanthropy from the dissolution of the monasteries to the taking of the first census. 8vo. Lond., 1905. Philanthropy and the state; or, social politics: ed. by Eleanor Kirkman Gray and [Miss] B. L. Hutchins. 8vo. Lond.> 1908. HENDERSON. CHARLES RICHMOND. Modern methods of charity; an account of the systems of relief, public and private, in the principal countries having modern methods. 8vo. N.V., 1904. O'SULLIYAN, EDWARD WILLIAM, compiler. Social, industrial, political, and co-operative associations, &c., in New South Wales, Australia, pp. 24, 8vo. Syd., 1892. Pam., v. 145, no. 2702. 361. Charities. BENEVOLENT society of Hobart Town. Eighth annual report, for 1867. pp. 12, 8vo. Hobart Town. 1868. Pam., v. i68 3 no. 3212. Thirty-fourth annual report, 1893. pp. n, 8vo. Hobart, 1894. Pam., v. 79, no. 1399. BENEVOLENT society of New South Wales. Reports for the years, 1830-31. 1831-32, 1835-36, 1837-38, 1839-40, 1840-41, 1842-43, 1843-44, 1844-45, 1845-46, 1846-47. 8vo. Syd., 1831-47. Report for the year ended 3ist December, 1854. pp. 38, 8vo. Syd., 1855. Pam., v. 145, no. 2789 Same: 1858. pp. 38, 8vo. Syd., 1859. Pam., v. 145, no. 2788. Same: 1860. pp. 36, 8vo. Syd., 1861. Pam., v. 182, no. 3508. BRITISH ladies' female emigrant society. First annual rt-port. pp. 48, 8vo. Lond., 1850. Pam., v. 122, no. 2273. BROOKS. Rev. S. W. Charity and philanthropy; a prize essay on the institutions in Sydney which aim at the diminution of vice, or the alleviation of misery, pp. 47, 8vo. Syd., 1878. Pam., v. 145, no. 2790. CHARITY organisation society of Melbourne. Annual report ; with a statement of receipts and expenditure, and list of contribu- tors, 1888/9, 1890/91 to 1893/4. 8vo. Melb., 1889-94. Pain., v. 97, no. 1774-78. Eighteenth annual report, and charities directory of Victoria, for the year ended 30th June, 1905. pp. 52. 8vo. Melb., 1905. Pam., v. -t), no. 1395. Guide to the Melbourne charities, giving their objects, manage- ment, finances, and statistics of relief, pp. 90, 8vo. Melb., 1888. Pam., v. 97. no. 1779. Proceedings of the first Australasian conference on charity,. held in Melbourne, 1890. Melb., 1890. Same : another copy. Pam., v. 98, no. 1780 CHARITIES : HOSPITALS AND ASYLUMS. 235 Proceedings of the second Australasian conference on charity, held in Melbourne, 1891. 8vo. Melb., 1891. I'aiii., v. 53, no. 890. Same: another copy. Pam., v. (j8, no. 1781. Twentieth annual report List of contributors Victorian charities directory, 1906-1907. pp. 52, 8vo. Melb. . 1907. Pam.. v. 145, no. 2794. HAWKESBURY benevolent society. History. pp. n, 8vo. Syd., 1887. Pam.. v. 145, no. 2795. HOBART TOWN general dispensary and humane society. [Pro- spectus], pp. 8, sm. 8vo. Hobart Town, 1847. Pam., v. 79, no. 1393. OLD colonists' association of Victoria. Rules and regulations. pp. 12, 8vo. n.p., 1877. Pam., v. 7, no. 161. SALVATION Army. ^10 for a soul ! a sketch of the Salvation army rescue and prison gate work : by "An Outsider " : with which is incorporated the annual report, 1907-8. pp. xix., 84, 8vo. Melb., n.d. Pam., v. 168, no. 3207. 362. Hospitals: Asylums. BARRETT, JAMES WILLIAM. The hospital problem, pp. 16, 8vo. Melb., 1908. Pam., v. 145, no. 2793. BEDFORD, E. S. P. [Letter re St. Mary's hospital, Hobart.] pp. n, 8vo. Hobart Town, 1859. Pam., v. 61, no. 992. CUIMMINS, W. JACKSON. "' Prevention better than cure/' an in- troductory lecture delivered at the Cork South Infirmary and county hospital, pp. .22. 8vo. Cork, 1870. Pam., v. 69, no. 1168. MATERNAL and Dorcas society, Hobart Town. Reports for 1848, 1849, 1854, and 1860. sm. 8vo. Hobart Town, 1849-61. Pam., v. 168, nos. 3208-3211. MELBOURNE benevolent asylum. Fourteenth and twenty-first annual reports of the committee of management, with the rules, and list of subscriptions and donations for the years 1863 and 1870. pp. 24, 19, 8vo. Melb., 1864-71. Pam., v. 168, nos. 3213-3214. MELBOURNE hospital. First annual report of the committee of management; with rules and list of subscriptions and donations for the year 1848. pp. 10, 8vo. Melb. [1849]. Pam., v. 97, no. 1772. MELBOURNE lying!-in hospital and infirmary for diseases of women and children. First annual report of the committee of management for the year ending 3Oth June, 1857, with the rules, list of subscriptions, [&c.]. pp. 15, 8vo. Melb., 1857- Pam., v. 168, no. 3215. ST. MARY'S hospital, ' Hobart Town. Report 1856. pp. 15, 8vo. Hobart Town, n.d. Pam., v. 168, no. 3216. ASYLUMS: INSTITUTIONS. 362.2. Lunatic asylums. 1-' ARM" MR, PAUL WARD. Three weeks in the Ke\v lunatic asylurru 2nd ed. pp. 64, 8vo. Melb., 1900. J'.im., v. 168, no. 3.217. LATE iiKjuiry at the Varra Bend asylum; describing, in the words of witnesses, the Western gaol, the Yarra Bend, and the proceedings of the Board <>l visitors, -pp. $2, 8vo. Melb., 1859. 1'am., v. 63, no. 1027. MANNING, FREDERICK NORTON. Address delivered on resigning charge as medical superintendent of the hospitals for the in- sane at Gladesville and Callan Park. pp. 14. 8\o. Syd.. n.d. Pniii., v. 182, no. 3- in. 362.4. Blind : Deaf and Dumb. NEW SOUTH WALES institution for the deaf and dumb, and the blind. Thirty-fifth to thirty-ninth annual reports, 1896-1900. 8vo. Syd. 362.7. Children: Orphans. BARNARDO, THOMAS JOHN. ''Dr. Barnardo's homes" for orphans and destitute children; annual report for 1890. pp. 64, 8vo. Lond., 1891. Pam., v. 64, no. 1063. CAkMICHAEL, G. E. JENNINGS ; aftw. Mrs. Francis Mullis. Hospital children; sketches of life and character in the Children's hospital, Melbourne. 8vo. Melb., 1891. COTTAGE home for destitute children, Newport. Sixth report, 1885. pp. 7, 8vo. Syd., 1885. Pum., v. 64, no. 1067. Eighth report, 1887. pp. 19, 8vo. Syd., 1887. Pam., v. 64, no. 1068. HEATH, H. LLEWELLYN. The infant, the parent, and the State ; a social study and review : introd. by Professor G. Sims Woodhead : [illust.]. 8vo. Lond., 1907. HOBART TOWN ragged school association. First and second reports, pp. 21, 16, sm. 8vo. Hobart Town. 1856-57. Pam., v. 79, nos. 1396-1397 INDUSTRIAL home for destitute boys in Venice. Seventh, ninth. and tenth annual reports.- 8vo. Venice, 1887-91. Pam., v. 64, nos. 1073-1075. SOCIETY for the relief of destitute children, [N r S.W.]. Annual reports for the years 1860, 1864 to 1867. 8vo. Syd., 1861-68. Pam., v. 182, nos. 3511-3515. SPENCE, CATHERINE HELEN. State children in Australia; a history of boarding out and its developments : [illust.]. 8vo. Adel., 1907. 362.8. Other Institutions. VAN DIEMEN'S LAND asylum. Address, &c. pp. 12, sm. 8vo. Hobart Town, 1848. Pnm., v. 79, no. 1398. First annual report, pp. 16, 8vo. Hobart Town, 1849. Pam., v. 182, no. 3509. REFORMATORIES : PRISONS. 237 363. Political Associations. GORDON, ALEXANDER. Three letters to the editor of " The Sydney morning herald " on Orange associations. pp. 27, 8vo. Syd., 1871. Pam., v. 182, no. 3516. 364. Reformatories. BRITISH ladies' society for promoting the reformation of female prisoners. Concise view of the origin and progress of. i2mo. Lond., n.d. Reports for the years, 1841, 1843, 1845, 1847, and 1849. 8vo. Lond. Pain., v. 79, nos. 1415-1419. EWING, Rev. R. K. Sunday evening lectures on iarrikinism. pp. 47, 8vo. Inverell, 1888. Pam., v. 168, no. 3218. GUILLAUME, GEORGE, and CONNOR, EDWARD C. Develop- ment and working of the reformatory and preventive systems in the colony of Victoria, Australia, 1864-1890: with papers on reformatory questions, pp. 42, 8vo. Melb., 1891. Pam., v. 145, no. 2787. HOBART suppression of vice, or Magdalene society. [Report.] pp. u, 8vo. Hobart Town, 1843. Piim., v. 79, uo. 1394. LONGMORE, JAMES. Modern treatment of juvenile offenders in Tasmania and elsewhere, pp. n, 8vo. Hobart, 1895. Pam., v. 79, no. 1400. LYDSTCiS T , GEORGE FRANK. The diseases of society; the vice and crime problem : [illust. : ^th ed.] 8vo. Phila., 1908. REFORMATORIES and reformatory treatment in France. 8vo. Syd., 1868. Contents. Account of the agricultural colony of Mettray : by M. de Met/,. Regulation of young prisoners of the Seine : by M. Mathieu. Mettray; reformatory colony and paternal house: by L. B. de Marsaugy. Some observations on the mode of treatment to be adopted towards the prisoners in the reformatories : by Felix Despine. TRAINING school, Hobart. Rules and regulations, pp. 12, 8vo. Hobart, 1884. Pam., v. 80, no. 1440. TRAVIS, THOMAS. The young malefactor; a study in juvenile delinquency, its causes and treatment : introd. by B. B. Lindsey. 8vo. N.Y., 1908. 365. Prisons; Discipline. ALHOY, PHILADELPHE MAURICE. Les bagnes ; histoire, types, mceurs, mysteres : illust. la. 8vo. Paris, 1845. ANLEY, CHARLOTTE. Prisoners of Australia : a narrative. 8vo. Lond., 1841. ARTHUR, Sir GEORGE. Defence of transportation, in reply to the remarks of the Archbishop of Dublin, in his second letter to Earl Grey. 8vo. Lond., 1835. ATKINSON, JOSEPH B. Penal settlements and their evils ; peni- tentiaries and their advantages : including an examination of Captain Maconochie's system. pp. 84, 8vo. Lond., 1847. 238 PRISONS ; DISCIPLINE. BALFOUR, JABEZ SPENCER. My prison life : [portr.]. 8vo. Lond., 1907. BEN NET, Hon. HENRY GREY. Letter to Viscount Sidmouth, secretary of state for the home department, on the transporta- tion laws, and the colonies in New South Wales. 8vo. Lond , 1819. BROWNING, COLIN ARROTT. Convict life; and England's exiles : in two parts. 2nd ed. 8vo. Lond., 1847. England's exiles; or, a view of a system of instruction and discipline as carried into effect during the voyage to the penal colonies of Australia. 8vo. Lond., (842. CARPENTER, MARY. Our convicts. 2 v., 8vo. Lond.. 1864. COMBE, GEORGE. Remarks on the principles of criminal legisla- tion and the practice of prison discipline. 8vo. Lond., 1854. CROFTON, Sir WALTER. Convict systems and transportation. pp. 23, 8vx>. Lond., 1863. DU CANE, Sir EDMUND FREDERICK, colonel. The punishment and prevention of crime. 8vo. Lond., 1885. EDWARDS, WILLIAM. What shall we do with our criminals? with an original scheme of a reformatory institution, pp. 71, 8vo. Melb., 1857. FRY, Mrs. ELIZABETH. Observations on the visiting, superintend- ence, and government of female prisoners, pp. 76. i2mo. Lond., 1827. FRY, Rev. HENRY PHIBBS. Systems of penal discipline, with report on the treatment of prisoners in Great Britain and Van Diemen's Land. 8vo. Lond., 1850. GIBSON, Rev. CHARLES BERNARD. Life among convicts. - 1 v., 8vo. Lond., 1863. GREAT BRITAIN : PARLIAMENT : House of commons. Convict system, Norfolk Island: copies or extracts of correspondence respecting the convict system administered in Norfolk Island, &c. fscp. fo. Lond., 1846. Report from select committee on transportation, fscp. fo. Lond., 1812. Gives evidence of Governor Hunter, A. Macleay, Governor Bliyh, Capt. Flinders, Rev. R. Johnson, &c. HARVIR, JOSEPH C. History of the convict hulk Success and Success prisoners ; a vivid fragment of colonial history, pp. 80, 8vo. Lond., 1897. INNES, FREDERICK MAITLAND. Secondary punishments: the merit of a home and of a colonial process, of a social and of a separate system of convict management discussed, pp. 55, 8vo. Lond., 1841. KINGSMILL, Rev, JOSEPH. Prisons and prisoners. izmo. Lond., 1849. LANG, Rev. JOHN DUNMORE. Transportation and colonization; or, the causes 'of the comparative failure of the transportation system in the Australian colonies. 8vo. Lond., 1837- LA PILORGERIE, JULES DE. Histoire de Botany-bay; ou, examen des effets de la deportation. 8vo. Paris, 1836. PRISONS ; DISCIPLINE. 239 MACOXOCHIE, ALEXANDER, captain. Crime and punishment; the mark system, pp. viii., 74. 8vo. Lend., 1846. Same: another copy. Pain., v. 61. no. 998. General views regarding the social system of convict manage- ment. pp. 44, 7, 8vo. Hobart Town, 1839. Pam., v. 61, no. 991. Same: another copy. Pam., v. \)^, no. 1736. The mark system, pp. 7, 8vo. Loud. [1847], Pam., v. 95, no. 1738.4. Same: another ed. pp. 4, 8vo. Lond. [1848]. Pam., v. 95, no. 1738. The mark system of prison discipline, pp. 24. 8vo. Lond., Norfolk Island, pp. 27, 8vo. Lond., 1847. On the management of transported criminals, sm. 410. Lond., 1845. Principles of the mark system now sought to be introduced into transportation, imprisonment, and other forms of secondary punishment, pp. 6, 4to. [Lond.], n.d. Pam., v. 95, no. 1734. Prison discipline, p-p. 28, 8vo. Lond., 1856. Secondary punishment : the mark system, pp. 20, 8vo. Lond., 1848. Pam., v. 95, no. 1737. Thoughts on convict management, and other subjects connected with the Australian penal colonies. 8vo. Hobart Town, 1838. Supplement to Thoughts on convict management, pp. 15, 8vo. Hobart Town, 1839. Pam., v. 95, no. 1735. MACQUARIE, LACHLAN, major-general. Letter to Viscount Sid- mouth, in refutation of statements made by the hon. Henry Grey Bennet, M.P., in a pamphlet " On transportation laws, the state of the hulks, and of the colonies in New South Wales." pp. 95. 8vo. Lond., 1821. MERRUAU, PAUL. Les convicts en Australie, (1851-1852). i2mo. Paris, 1853. MONCELON, LEON. Le bagne et la colonisation penale a la Nouvelle-Caledonie. 8vo. Paris, 1886. MUDIE, JAMES. Vindication of James Mudie and John Larnach from, certain reflections on their conduct relative to the treat- ment by them of their convict servants, pp. 90, 8vo. Syd., 1834. MURPHY, GEORGE READ. Prison reform, pp. 47, 121110. Melb., 1906. * Pam.. v. 121, no. 2252. MURRAY, PATRICK JOSEPH. Not so bad as they seem ; the trans- portation, ticket-of-leave, and penal servitude questions plainly stated. 8vo. Lond. [1857]. 240 PRISONS ; DISCIPLINE. NEW SOUTH WALES -.Legislative council. [Miscellaneous papers.] fscp. fo. Syd., v.d. Contents. Minutes of evidence taken before the Committee on immigration, 1835. Final report of the Committee on immigration, 1835. Minutes of evidence taken before the Committee on police, 1835. Appx. to above, 1835.- -Minutes of further evidence taken before the Committee on police and gaols, 1835. Final report of the Committee, and ist, and, and $rd reports, 1835. Report and minutes of evidence from Committee on gaol at Darhnghurst, 1836 " OLD Time." The convict hulk Success; the story ot her life and the lives of those who filled her cells : [illust.]. pp. 77, 8vo. Melb., 1891. PALMER, Rev. THOMAS FYSHE. Narrative of the sufferings of T. F. Palmer and W. Skirving during a voyage to Xew South Wales, 1794, on board the Surprise transport. 8vo. Lond., 1797. QUINTON, RICHARD FRITH. Crime and criminals, 1876-1910. 8vo. Lond., 1910. REID, THOMAS. Two voyages to New South Wales and Van Diemen's Land ; including facts and observations relative to the state and management of convicts of both sexes. 8vo. Lond., 1822. RITCHIE, DANIEL, ed. Voice of our exiles; or, stray leaves from a convict ship. i2mo. Edinb., 1854. ROSS, JAMES. Essay on prison discipline, in which is detailed the system pursued in Van Diemen's Land. 12010. Hobart Town, 1833. Bound -with his Van Diemen's Land annual, class 919.46. Same: 2nd ed. pp. 96, 8vo. Hobart Town, 1833. Pam., v. 22, no. 392. "SUCCESS'' convict ship. The Australian convict ship Success exhibition (on tour), catalogue, pp. 16, 8vo. Lond., n.d. Pam., v. 182, no. 3517. Catalogue; only remaining Victorian floating prison, pp. 16, 8vo. Hobart, 1894. I'um.. v. 10. no. 222. ULLATHORNE, WILLIAM BERNARD, archbishop. Address on the horrors of transportation, pp. 31, 8vo. [Lond.] n.d. Pam., v. 182, no. 3518. WHAT ELY, RICHARD, archbishop of Dublin. Remarks on trans- portation, and on a recent defence of the system in a second letter to Earl Grey. 8vo. Lond., 1834. Thoughts on secondary punishments in a letter to Earl Grey : 8vo. Lond., 1832. WHITE, CHARLES. Early Australian history : convict lift- in New South Wales and Van Diemen's Land. 8vo. Bathurst, 1889. WHITE, HENRY AUGUSTUS. Crime and criminals; or, remini- scences of the penal department in Victoria. 8vo. Ballarat, 1890. 366. Secret Societies. CUNNINGHAJM, JAMES H., compiler. Constitutions of the Ancient fraternity of free and accepted masons under the Grand lodge of South Australia : containing the general laws and regulations for the government of the craft, antient charges, landmarks, &c. 8vo. Adel., 1885. SECRET SOCIETIES : CLUBS. 241 .FREE masons. Constitutions of the Ancient fraternity of free and accepted masons of New South Wales ; containing the charges, regulations, &c. : published by authority of the Grand lodge of New South Wales, Nicholas Weekes, grand secretary, pp. 56, 8vo. Syd., 1885. GRUNDY, EUSTACE BEARDOE. Freemasonry during the nineteenth century; a retrospect and contrast, pp. 26, 8vo. Adel., 1902. Pam., v. 145, no. 2786. HUGO, WILLIAM MARKS. Origin and antiquity of freemasonry, its rites and ceremonies ; traced from ancient to modern times, in a series of essays. 8vo. Adel., 1885. INDEPENDENT order of Oddfellows, Manchester unity friendly society in South Australia. Laws for the government of. pp. 75, i2mo. Adel., 1867. Pam., v. 122, no. 2272. JENNINGS, HARGRAVE. The Rosicrucians ; their rites and mys- teries : illust. 3rd ed. \2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1887. LAMONBY, W. F. Some notes on freemasonry in Australasia, from the earliest times to the present day : [illust.]. 8vo. Lond., 1906. 367. Social Clubs. AUSTRALIAN club, Sydney. Rules and regulations, pp. 24, sm. 8vo. Syd., 1855. Pam., v. 98, no. 1793. EXCHANGE, The ; Collins street west, Melbourne. [Prospectus : illust.]. pp. 24, 8vo. Melb., 1880. Pam., v. 182, no. 3520. HUGO, WILLIAM MARKS. History of the first bushmen's club in the Australian colonies, established at Adelaide, South Aus- tralia. i2mo. Adel., 1872. MELBOURNE club. Rules and regulations, January, [1857 : list of members], pp. 23, sm. 8vo. Melb., 1857. Pam., v. 145^ no. 2785. MELENG, F. E. Fifty years of the Port Adelaide institute: with supplementary catalogue [of library]. 8vo. Adel., 1902. NEW SOUTH WALES -.Railway department. Opening of the Railway institute, i4th March, 1891. pp. 48, 8vo. Syd., 1891. Pam., v. 182, no. 3519. RUSSELL, CHARLES E.' B., and RIGBY, LILIAN M. Working lads' clubs: [illust.]. 8vo. Lond., 1908. SHEEHAN, Rev. PATRICK AUGUSTINE. The Intellectuals; an ex- periment in Irish club-life. 8vo. Lond., 1911. 368. Insurance. AUSTRALIAN mutual provident society. Proceedings at laying the foundation stone of new offices, Pitt street, Sydney, Tuesday, 23rd January, 1877. pp. 25, 5, 8vo. Syd., [1877]. Pam., v. 182. no. 3522. Report on mortality experience for the forty years 1849 to 1888. 4to. Syd'., 1891. _':.' INSURANCE: ASSOCIATIONS. FAIRFAX. W. Lecture on benefit societies and life assurance,. 1869. pp. 16. 8vo. Warrnambool. 1869. Pam., v. 68, ni>. 1156. GARVAN, JOHN J. Government of life assurance offices, pp. zo r 8vo. Syd., 1907. Pam., v. 145, no. 2-^1. GIBBON, I. G. Unemployment insurance; a study of schemes of assisted insurance : prrf . by L. T. Hobhousr. 8vo. Lond., 1911. HENDRICK. BURTON J. Story of life insurance: [10 portrs.]. 8vo. Lond., 1907. KENTISH, NATHANIEL LIPSCOMB. Proposal for establishing in Melbourne the Victoria sheep and cattle assurance company. 8vo. Melb.. 1850. MUTUAL life insurance company of New York. The mishaps of the Australian mutual provident society ; or. shells which failed to explode, pp. 12, 8vo. Syd., n.d. Pam., v. 168, no. 32.20. SCHLOSS, DAVID F. Insurance against unemployment. 8vo. Lond., 1909. WILSON, ALEXANDER JOHNSTONE. The business ot insurance. 8vo. Lond., 1904. 369. Other Associations. AUSTRALIAN natives association. Constitution. pp. 4, i2mo. Syd., n.d. Pam., v. 52, no. 854 Federation manifesto, pp. 12, 8vo. Melb., n.d. Pam., v. 52, no. 859. Same: 1899. pp. 3, 8vo. Melb., 1899. Pam., v. 52, no. 861. General laws for the government of: 1889, 1891, 1896, and 1898. sm. 8vo. Adel. and Melb., 1889-98. Pam., v. 52, nos. 857, 855, 856, 856.*. Report of quarterly meeting of the Victorian board of directors, Melbourne, November, 1899. pp. 18, 8vo. Ballarat [1899]. Pam,., v. 52, no. 860. Twenty-seventh anniversary : report of proceedings of the annual conference of Victorian branches, Bendigo, 1898. pp. 77, 8vo. Ballarat, [1898], Pam., v. 52, no. 858. Victorian board of directors; annual report, list of branches, funds, &c., and statement of receipts and expenditure for the year ending December y, 1893. pp. 37, 8vo. Ballarat, 1893. Pam., v. 52, no. 859.^. Victorian board of directors ; report of proceedings of the annual conference, QueensclifT. 1905. pp. 63. 8vo. Ballarat, 1905. Pam., v. r>8, no. 1794. FORESTER, J. W. The Victorian united licensed victuallers' association ; its past history and future prospects : together with a statement of the circumstances surrounding the impo- sition of the new licensing act. pp. 24, 8vo. Melb., 1877. Pam., v. 58, no. 948. EDUCATION. 243 to July, 1858. 4to. Adel. 370.9. History of Education. PAULSEN, FRIEDRICH. German education, past and present tr. by T. Lorenz. 8vo. Lond., 1908. 371. Teachers: Methods: Discipline. ADDRESS on school education, pp. 15, 8vo. Hobart Town, 1880. Pam.. v. So, no. 1427. BLEASDALE, Rev. JOHN IGNATIUS. Practical education; a brief review of its present condition on the continent of Europe and in Great Britain, pp. 28, 8vo. Melb., 1869. Pam., v. 169. nj. 3222. BON WICK, JAMES. Spirit of the true teacher; being a lecture delivered before the Geelong teachers' association, pp. 24, 8vo. Melb., 1857. Pam., v. 99, no. 1004. BROWN. ELMER ELLSWORTH. Government by influence, and other addresses. 8vo. N.Y., 1910. COLE. PERCIVAL RICHARD. Herbart and Froebel ; an attempt at synthesis. 8vo. N.Y., 1907. ECCLESTONE, JAMES. Address to the members of the College of preceptors, London, pp. 29, 8vo. Hobart Town, n.d. Pam., v. 80, no. 143:'. HEARN, WILLIAM EDWARD. Payment by results in primary edu- cation, pp. 22, 8vo. Melb., 1872. KVXNERSLEY, E. M. SNEYD. H.M.I.; some passages in the- life of one of H.M. inspectors of schools. 8vo. Lond.. 1908. EDUCATION. 245 REID, Sir GEORGE HOUSTOUN. Sydney training college; annual opening ceremony, Saturday, uth April, 1908: address. pp. 12, 8vo. Syd., 1908. Vain., v. iSjj i\:>. 3523. TAYLOR, ALFRED JOSEPH. Overpressure in education an inevit- able consequence of payment by results : a protest and warn- ing to parents, pp. 8, 8vo. Hobart, 1885. i'am., v. &o, no. 1442. WARD, MARY AUGUSTA, Airs. Humphry. The play-time of the poor. pp. 28, 8vo. Lond., 1906. Pam., v. 77, no. 1362. WOOLLEV, JOHN. Two lectures delivered at the School of arts. pp. 51, 8vo. Syd. [1885]. Contents. i. Oral instruction and self culture. " 2. The office of Christian associations towards the state and the church. Tain., v. 62, K.OS. 1019-20. 371.32. Text Books. DUNN, HENRY, and CROSSLEY, JOHN THOMAS, ed*. Daily lesson book for the use of schools and families : no. 3. 8vo. Hobart Town, 1849. 372. Elementary Education. CARD, ARTHUR. The teaching of juniors, pp. 12, 8vo. Melb., 1901. Pam., v. 169, no. 3.221. INFANT school society of Hobart Town. Report, 1844. pp. 15,. 8vo. Hobart Town, 1844. I'am., v. 80, no. 14:58. KINDERGARTEN union of New South Wales. Annual report, 1905-06 : [illust.]. pp. 18, 8vo. Syd. WEIGALL, MARIAN, Mrs. Theyre. How shall I prepare my little boy for school? pp. 30, 8vo. Melb., 1895. Pam., v. 58, no. 947. 372.942. Great Britain. GREAT BRITAIN -.Education board. The education acts (elementary), England and Wales: 1870-1902. 8vo. Lond., 1903. Pam., v. 145, no. 2808. 373. Secondary Education. 373.42. Great Britain. LYTE, Sir HENRY CHURCHILL MAXWELL. History of Eton college, 1440-1^84: illust. 8vo. Lond., 1889. RUSSELL, JOHN. Schools of Greater Britain; sketches of the- educational systems of the colonies and India : [illust.]. 8vo. Lond. [1887]. 373.931. New Zealand. ROSS. Rev. C. STUART. Education and educationists in Ota go. 8vo. Dunedin, 1890. 246 SECONDARY EDUCATION. 373.944. New South Wales. SYDNEIAN, The; a magazine edited by members of the Sydney grammar school: nos. 1-41, September, 1875, to August, 1882. 2 v., 8vo. Syd., 1875-82. SYDNEY Church of England grammar school. Register, July, 1889, to October, 1905. 8vo. [Syd.], n.d. SYDNEY college, New South Wales. Annual reports, with a short statement of the proceedings of the committee of management: first, 1831, to third, 1833, and eighth, 1838, to tenth, 1840. 8vo. Syd., 1831-1840. Pam., v. 145, nos. 2802-2806. Deed of association, pp. 27, 8vo. Syd., 1841. Pam., v. 145, no. 2807. Prospectus; with a short statement of the committee of manage- ment, pp. 14, 8vo. Syd., 1830. Pam., v. 145, no. 2801. 373.945. Victoria. CHURCH of England grammar school, Geelong. History and register, jubilee, 1907 : [illust.]. 8vo. Geelong, 1907. CHURCH of England giammar school, Melbourne. Liber Mel- burniensis; the book of the Church of England grammar school, Melbourne; its history, register, and various memo- randa. 8vo. Melb., 1879. LORETTO eucalyptus blossoms, no. 17, Christmas, 1899. 8vo. Ballarat, [1899]. 373.946. Tasmania. HIGH school of Hobart Town. Address delivered to the members of the College of Preceptors, London, by James Ecclestone. pp. 29, 8vo. Hobart Town, 1848. Pam., v. 80, no. 1432. Deed of association, pp. 19, 8vo. Hobart Town, 1848. Pam., v. 99, no. 1801. Report of the council at the annual general meeting of share- holders and subscribers, pp. 8, 8vo. Hobart Town, 1849. Pam., v. 169, no. 3224. HUDSPETH, FRANCIS. Hutchins school jubilee; a memory by the first boarder, pp. n, 8vo. Hobart, 1896. Pam., v. 8o 3 no. 1433. 374. Self-education : Culture. HAMERTON, PHILIP GILBERT. The intellectual life. 8vo. Lond., 1904. HEARN, WILLIAM EDWARD. Lecture on the proposed formation of adult education classes, pp. 8. 8vo. Melb., 1856. Pam., v. 63, no. 1036. RUSDEN, GEORGE WILLIAM. Gathering together for the good of work and learning: a lecture. 1854. pp. 24, 8vo. Melb., 1857- Pam., v. 99, no. 1812. VAN DIEMEN'S LAND mechanics' institution. Report, 1842, 1846, 1848, 1855-1858. 8vo. Hobart Town, 1842-59. Pam., v. 79, nos. 1408-1414. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION. 247 374.2. Reading Circles. PENNY readings; both what they unfortunately now are in Mel- bourne and its vicinity, and what they ought to be. -pp. 32, 8vo. Melb., 1866. I 'am., v. 69, no. 117;. 374.4. Debating Societies. JERROLD, WILLIAM BLANCHARD. Amateur local parliaments. pp. 8, 8vo. [Hobart], n.d. Pain., v. 76, no. 1324. SMITH, Rev. THOMAS JOLLIE. Dialectic society of Trinity college, Melbourne University; address, the third annual meeting. pp. 24, 8vo. Melb., 1881. Pam., v. 12, no. 258. 375. Curriculum. SCOTT. WALTER. What is classical study? Inaugural lecture in the University of Sydney, pp. 36, 8vo. Melb., 1885. Pam., v. 182, no. 3524. 377. Religious Education. ARCHER, WILLIAM HENRY. Noctes catholicse; the position of catholics in Victoria in relation to public education, pp. 46,. 8vo. Melb., 1884. Pam., v. 56, no. 927. AUSTRAL light magazine. Review of the Scripture council cam- paign, pp. 1 6, 8vo. Melb., 1904. Pam., v. 49, no. 830. AUSTRALIENSIS. Payment by results; a fair, simple, just, and equitable solution of the vexed question Is religious education to be included in, or absolutely extruded from our public school plan? pp. 19, 8vo. Hobart, 1883. Pam., v. 80, no. 1441. BROUGHTON, WILLIAM GRANT, bishop of Sydney. Speech de- livered at the committee of Protestants, pp. 23, 8vo. Syd., 1836. Pam., v. u, no. 230. BUCHANAN, DAVID. Mitred mountebanks and lay and surpliced lunacy in contention with sound reason and common sense : an address on the education question, pp. 16, 8vo. Syd., 1879. Pam., v. 182, no. 3525. CHURCH OF ENGLAND and the Sydney University : documents and correspondence, pp. 70, sm. 8vo. Syd., 1852. Pam., v. 12, no. 256. Same.- another copy. Pam., v. 92, no. 1661. CLARKE, Rev. GEORGE. Objections to the policy of perpetuating state aid to religion in Tasmania. pp. 34, 8vo. Hobart Town, 1867. Pam., v. 74, no. 1292. j i , RELIGIOUS EDUCATION. COOK, Rev. JOSEPH. The Bible in our state schools, pp. 7, 8vo. Adel., 1882. r.un., v. 141, no. 260,8.*. DALLEY, WILLIAM BEDE. Sydney platforms and European cabinets : an address to the catholics of New South Wales on the education question, pp. 38, 8vo. Syd., 1879. Pam., v. 44, no. 734. HARPER, Rev. ANDREW. State schools and religion: the Canadian system, pp. 16, 8vo. Melb., n.d. Pam., v. 70, no. 1193. HEYDON, JABEZ KING. Civil and religious liberty in education, advocated in a series of letters to the Sydney morning herald. pp. 34, 8vo. .Syd., 1877 Pam., v. 183, no. 3534. HOW the money goes; or, the state aid question examined, pp. 45, 8vo. Melb., 1856. Pam., v. 62, no. 1017. LEAGUE for the introduction of Scripture reading in state schools. Appeal to the people of Victoria, pp. 19, 8vo. Melb., 1882. Pam., v. 70, no. 1195. MOORE, Rev. A. M. The Bible in the schools of the nation; or, a plea for a complete education : a lecture, pp. 18, 8vo. Geelong, 1872. Pain., v. 140, no. 2673. PEARSON, CHARLES HENRY. Religious teaching in schools; a speech with some prefatory remarks, pp. 32, 8vo. Melb., 1889. Pam., v. 54, no. 894. PROTESTANT proceedings vindicated from the imputations of po- litical faction, misconception of the Irish system, and dis- respect to His Majesty's government, pp. 8, 8vo. Syd., 1836. Pam., v. ii. no. 238. ROBERTSON, Rev. ANDREW. Letter to [Sir] James McCulloch on the educational question, with a special view to the solution of the Roman catholic difficulty, pp. 12, 8vo. Melb., 1868. Pam.. v. 12, no. 268. ROMAN catholic church: Australia. Catholic education; a pas- toral letter of the archbishop and bishops exercising jurisdic- tion in New South Wales, pp. 20, 8vo. Syd., 1879. Pam., v. 182, no. 3526. SPILLER, GUSTAV, ed. Papers on moral education communicated to the first International moral education congress, 1908. 8vo. Lond., 1908. VAUGHAN, ROGER WILLIAM BEDE, R.C. archbishop of Sydney. Pastorals and speeches on education. 8vo. Syd., 1880. WALCH, CHARLES EDWARD. Gospel sickness : its symptoms, causes, and cure. pp. 12, 8vo. Launceston, 1893. I'ain., v. 75, no. 1301. WESLEYAN church of Victoria: Education committee. The Wesleyan church and the Education bill. pp. 16, 8vo. Melb., n.d. Pam., v. 141, no. 2697. UNIVERSITIES. 249- 378. Colleges and Universities. KERNOT, WILLIAM CHARLES. Examinations; their uses and abuses, pp. 24, 8vo. Melb., 1889. Pam., v. 122, no. 2277. Some anomalous circumstances connected with education, pp. 12, sm. 8vo. Melb., 1897. Pam.. v. 122. no. 2276. 378.41. Scotland. GRANT, Sir ALEXANDER. Story of the University of Edinburgh during its first three hundred years: illust. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1884. MILL, JOHN STUART. Inaugural address, delivered to the University of St. Andrews, ist Feb., 1867. -pp. 48, 8vo. Lond., 1890. 378.42. England. GODLEY, ALFRED DENIS. Oxford in the eighteenth century: 16 illust. 8vo. Lond., 1908. 378.73. United States. HARPER, WILLIAM RAINEY. The trend in higher education in America. 8vo. Chic., 1905. 378.931. New Zealand. NEW ZEALAND : Parliament. Report of the Royal commission to inquire into and report upon the operations of the University of New Zealand and its relations to the secondary schools of the colony ; with minutes of proceedings, minutes of evidence, and appendix, fscp. fo. Well., 1879. NEW ZEALAND university calendar, 1896/7, 1898/9. 2 v., 8vo! Well., 1896-98. 378.942. South Australia. UNIVERSITY of Adelaide. Acts, statutes, and regulations, -pp. 28, 8vo. Adel., 1877. Pam., v. 145., no. 2811. Calendar, 1905 to date. 8vo. Adel. 378.944. New South Wales. BADHAM,. CHARLES. Adhortatio ad juventutum academicam Sydneiensem. pp. 34, 8vo. Syd., 1869. Pam., v. 99, no. 1813. BARFF, HENRY E. Short historica.1 account of the University of Sydney. 8vo. Lond., 1902. CATHOLIC college of St. John the Evangelist. Corrected report of the aggregate meeting in St. Mary's cathedral, 3rd of August, 1857. pp. 40, 8vo. Syd., 1857. Pam., v. 182, no. 3=527. UNIVERSITIES. HERMES [the magazine of the University of Sydney]: jubilee number issued to commemorate the jubilee of the University, 1852-1902 : [illust.]. 8vo. Syd. [1902]. ST. JOHN'S college, Sydney. By-laws and rules, pp. 16, 8vo. Syd., 1874. Pain., v. 182, no. 35-iy. Handbook, pp. 72, 8vo. Syd., 1881. Pam., v. 182, no. 3530. St. John's college case stated : by a Catholic colonist, pp. 6, 8vo., n.p., [1877]. P.im., v. 182, no. 3528. ST. PAUL'S college, Sydney. Origin and foundation of St. Paul's college, established within the University of Sydney and in- corporated by act of the legislature, 1855. pp. 26, 8vo. Syd., 1856. Pam., v. 99. no. 1811. STEPHENS, WILLIAM JOHN. Literae humaniores; a letter to the chancellor of the Sydney university concerning the literary side of the arts course, pp. 16, 8vo. Syd., 1887. Pam., v. 131, no. 2535. UNIVERSITY of Sydney. Annual commemoration, 1901: pro- gramme of songs to be sung by students, pp. 8, 8vo. Syd.. 1901. Pam.. v. 99. no. 1814. Calendar, 1852-57, 1860-62, 1865-68, 1870. 1873-77. 1879/80, 1884 to date. 8vo. Syd. Inaugural addresses, delivered on the occasion of the opening of the University of Sydney, by the vice-provost and the pro- fessor of classics in 1852 ; also, report of addresses at various commemorations held in subsequent years, and delivered by the chancellor, Sir Charles Nicholson, pp. 71, 4to. Syd., n.d. VAUGHAN, ROGER WILLIAM BEDE, R.C. archbishop of Sydney. Higher education; inaugural address at St. John's college. 8vo. Syd., 1875. WENTYVORTH, WILLIAM CHARLES. Speech on moving the second reading of the University bill, on 4th October, 1849. pp. u, 8vo. Syd., 1896. Pam.. v. 145, no. 2800. 378.945. Victoria. UNIVERSITY of Melbourne. Act ot incorporation, statutes, and regulations, pp. 43, 8vo. Melb., 1855. P.un.. v. 12, no. 265. Same: pp. 76, 8vo. Melb.. 1857. Pam., v. 169, no. 3226. Calendar, 1858-9 to date. 8vo. Melb. Chancellor's address at the annual commencement, 191!! March, 1892: [by Sir Anthony Coiling Broxvnless]. pp. 33. 8vo. Melb., 1892. Pam., v. 169, no. 3225. Chancellor's address at the annual commencement, i8th March, 1893: [by Sir Anthony Colling Brownless]. pp. 16. 8vo. Melb., 1893. Pam., v. 145, nix 2810. UNIVERSITIES : STATE EDUCATION. 251 Chancellor's address at the annual commencement, i6th March, 1895: [by Sir Anthony Colling Brownless]. pp. 19, 8vo. Melb., 1895. Pam., v. 122, no. 2289. Chancellor's address at the annual commencement, 2ist March, 1896 : [by Sir Anthony Colling Brownless]. pp. 24, 8vo. Melb., 1896. Pam., v. 122, no. 2290. 378.946. Tasmania. C ANA WAY, ARTHUR P. Tasmanian scholarship scheme considered. pp. i2, Svo. Hobart. 1882. Pam., v. 80, no. 1439. CHRIST'S college, Tasmania. Appeal, pp. 12, 8vo. St. Helier, n.d. ['am., v. 183, no. 3532. Commencement, October 6. 1846 : [service on laying foundation stone], pp. 3, Svo. Launceston, 1846. Pam., v. 80, no. 1434. [Prospectus], pp. 27, Svo. Hobnrt Town, 1846. Pam., v. 183, no. 3531. Scheme for the future constitution : with appx. containing a reprint of early documents, pp. 40, Svo. Hobart Town, 1877. Pam., v. 80, no. 143 S- UNIVERSITY of Tasmania. Calendar, 1891. 1894, 1896-7, 1898, and 1901 to date. Svo. Hobart. WALKER, JAMES BACKHOUSE. Can we afford it? The Tas- manian university : its cost and work. pp. 4, Svo. Hobart, [1893]- Pam., v. 80, no. 1436. : another copy. Pam., v. 99, no. 1810. 379. State Education. BEECHER, Rev. HENRY WARD. Compulsory education: a lecture. pp. 23, Svo. Melb., 1873. Pam., v. 69. no. 1166. 379.73. United States. BUTTON, SAMUEL TRAIN, and SNEDDEN, DAVID. Administra- tion of public education in the United States : introd. by N. M. Butler. Svo. N.Y., 1908. MOSELEY educational commission. Reports of the Moseley edu- cational commission to the United States of America, 1903. Svo. Lond., 1904. 379.94. Australia. COMBES, EDWARD. Education in Australia; a paper read before the Society of arts pp. 28, Svo. Lond., 1887. STATE EDUCATION. 379.943. Queensland. DUNCAN. WH.UAM Ai GUSTINE. 1 /-chirp on national education, 2oth June. 1850. pp. 23. 8vo. Brisb., 1850. l' - v 183, no. 3533. 379.944. New South Wales. ANDERSON, FRANCIS. The public school system of X Wales, pp. 31, 8vo. Syd., 1901. Pam., v. 12, no. 270. BROUGHTON, WILLIAM GRANT, bishop of Sydney. Speech in the Legislative council upon resolutions for establishing a system of general education, 2yth August, 1839. pp. 43, 8vo. Syd. [1839]- Pam., v. \2, no. 267. GREENWOOD, Rev. JAMES. New South Wales public school league for making primary education national, secular, conv pulsory. and free; summary of facts and principles, pp. 15, 8vo. Syd., 1874. Pam., v. 64, no. 1086. HOLT, THOMAS. Two speeches on the subject of education in New South Wales, delivered in the Legislative assembly, De- cember, 1856. pp. 39, 8vo. Syd., 1857. Pam., v. 12, no. 263. Same.- another copy. Pam., v. 99, no. 1806. LYNCH, Rt. Rev. J. T. Letters on the Education bill of \ South Wales, 1880. pp. 54, 8vo. Syd. [1880]. NATIONAL education; a series of letters in defence of the national system against the attacks of an anonymous writer in the Sydney morning herald, by the teachers of the national schools of Sydney, pp. viii., 48, 8vo. Syd., 1857. Pam., v. 12, no. 262. JNEW SOUTH WALES: Board of national education. Regula- tions for the establishment and conduct of national schools in New South Wales, pp. 30, 8vo. Syd., 1853. Pam., v. I2j no. 266. Same.- another copy. Pam., v. 122, no. 2280. Statement explanatory of the system of .education. 2nd ed., pp. 36, 8vo. Syd., 1861. Pam., v. 12, no. 261. NEW SOUTH WALES -.Council of education. Reports, 1867-79. 13 v., 8vo. Syd. NEW SOUTH WALES;- Education department. Report of the minister of public instruction, 1880-1902. 23 v., fscp. fo., 410., and 8vo. Syd. NEW SOUTH WALES: Parliament. [Acts relating to Board of national education, reports from board ajtw. commissioners, 1848-66 ; reports of denominational school board, 1849-65 (in- complete) with other papers relating to education], fscp. fo. Syd., 1848-67. STATE EDUCATION : COMMERCE. 253 PARKES, Sir HENRY. The Public schools act; speech on opening the public school at Dundas, 4th September, 1869. pp. 26, 8vo. Syd., 1870. Pam., v. 44, no. 745. WILKIXS. WILLIAM. National education; an exposition of the national system, pp. 58, 8vo. Syd., 1865. Pam., v. 99, no. 1803. 379.945. Victoria. CAMPBELL, Rev. COLIN. History of public education in Vic- toria, pp. 20, 8vo. Melb., 1896. Parn., v. c,4, no. 895. FAIRFIELD, pseud. Criticisms on state education in Victoria. pp. 43, 8vo. Ballarat, 1886. Pam., v. 154, no. 2799. MARSHALL, JAMES, " A young Australian." Education of the people ; the corpse revived : a pamphlet on the defects of the Victorian education act, and their " safe cure," including a cure for the Catholic difficulty, pp. 44, 8vo. Brunswick. 1886. Pam., v. 145, no. 2809. O'SHANASSY, Sir JOHN. Primary education in Victoria; with his amending bill, and the Imperial act with reference to inter- mediate education in Ireland, pp. 72, 8vo. Melb.. 1879. Pam., v. 12, no. 260. Same.- another copy. Pam., v. 69, no. 1163. ROBERTSON, Rev. ANDREW. The past and future of the educa- tion question; or the late bill, its merits and defects, with suggestions on the subject, pp. 16, 8vo. Melb., 1869. Pam., v. 12., no. 257. RUSDEN, GEORGE WILLIAM. National education. 8vo. Melb., 1 8.53- The schoolmaster abroad ; a letter to the electors of Victoria, on State education, by a schoolmaster, pp. 16, 8vo. Melb., n.d. 379.946. Tasmania. GREGSON, THOMAS GEORGE. Speech in the Legislative council, on the state of public education in Van Diemen's Land. pp. 22, 8vo. Hobart Town, 1850. Pam., v. 99, no. 1807. TAYLOR, ALFRED JOSEPH. Free education ; a word in favour of the system, pp. 4, 8vo. Hobart, 1885. Pam., v. 80, no. 1443. AUSTRALASIAN commercial congress, 1888. Report of proceed- : ngs of the congress of chambers of commerce in Melbourne, 1888. 8vo. Melb., 1889. BERARD, VICTOR. British imperialism and commercial supremacy : tr. by H. W. Foskett. 8vo. Lond., 1906. 254 COMMERCE. COWDEROY, BENJAMIN. Melbourne's commercial jubilee; notes from the records of fifty years' work of the Melbourne cham- ber of commerce : [portrs.]. 8vo. Melb.. 1901. DA \VSON, ROBERT. Statement of [his] services as chief agent of the Australian agricultural company ; with a narrative of the treatment he has experienced from the late committee at Sydney, and the board of directors in London: [appx. Mr. James McArthurs report to the committee.]. 8vo. Lond., 1829. FLVHS, CARL JOHANNES. Trade policy of Great Britain and ln-r colonies since 1860: tr. by C. H. M. Archibald; pref. by J. P. Smith. 8vo. Lond., 1905. HATFIELD, HENRY RAND. ed. American commerce and finance: lectures delivered at the University of Chicago by representa- tive business men. 8vo. Chic., 1905. Contents. Higher commercial education : J. L. Laughlin. Railway management and operation : A. W. Sullivan. Railway mail service : G. G. Tunell. Railways as factors in industrial development : L. Jackson. Some railway problems : P. Morton. Railway consolida- tions : E. D. Kenna. Steel industry : F. H. Head. History of the art of forging : H T. J. Porter. Commercial value of advertising : J. L. Makin. At wholesale : A. C. Bartlett. Credit department of modern business : D. A. Kimbill. Comptroller of the currency : J. H. Eckels. Methods of banking : J. H. Eckels. Investments : D. R. Forgan. Foreign exchange : H. K. Brooks. Fire insurance : A. F. Dean. HILL, JAMES J. Highways of progress. 8vo. Lond.. 1910. HOWARD, EARL DEAN. Cause and extent of the recent industrial progress of Germany. 8vo. Lond., 1907. KELLY'S directory of merchants, manufacturers, and shippers, and guide to the export and import, shipping and manufacturing industries of the world, 1904. la. 8vo. Lond. McKONOCHIE, captain, R.\. Summary view of the statistics- mid existing commerce of the principal shores of the Pacific- ocean ; with a sketch of the advantages, political and commer- cial, which would result from the establishment of a central free port within its limits: [map]. 8vo. Lond.. 1818. MELBOURNE chamber of commerce. Forty-third annual report by the council, also the eighth report of the corn tradf sec- tional committee ; with addresses by the president, &r. pp. 85, 8vo. Melb., 1894. Pain., v. i6y, no. 32.27. MORGAN, BENJAMIN H. The trade and industry oi Australasia; being a report on the state of and openings tor trade, and the condition of local industries in Australia and New Zea- land : tables and illust. 8vo. Lond., [1908]. NLW ZEALAND industrial exhibition, 1885. Prize essays I'.rukcn Hill railway; report, June i, 1891. pp. 17, 8vo. Broken Hill, 1891. J'ain. v., 41, no. 695. CORBETT. FRANCIS A. Railway economy in Victoria, pp. 71, 8vo. Melb., 1857. Pam., v. 61, no. 1000. rKlTO. Launceston and western railway no loss to the country: promoters v. antagonists, pp. 20, 8vo. Launceston. 1872. Pam., v. 83, no. 1487. Same: another copy. Pam., v. 129, no. 2472. DOWLING, H. The western railway. The cost working ex- penses and traffic returns, pp. 16, 8\o. Launceston. 1863. Pam., v. 61, no. 999. GRAFTON chamber of commerce. North coast railway proposal pp. 20, 8vo., n.p., 1905, Pam., v. 100, no. 1819. HOBART TOWN Mercury newspaper. History of the Launceston and western railway, from its inception to its present stage of progress, pp. 37, 8vo. Hobart Town, 1869. Pam., v. 98, no. 1/85. JOHNSTON. ALEXANDER W. Free railways; or, the abolition of tolls and taxes: a lecture, pp. 20, 8vo. Syd., 1890. Bound with his New Utopia, class 320.1. KENT, PERCY HORACE. Railway enterprise in China; an account of its origin and development: maps. 8vo. Lond., 1907. LAUNCESTON and western railway, Tasmania. [Letter from landholders of the district to Charles Du Cane, governor of Tasmania.] pp. 20, 8vo. Launceston, n.d. Pam., v. 151, no. 2927. LIGHT on the law: reference book on " The act to regulate com- merce." 8vo. Chic., 1887. MENINDIE railway committee. Broken Hill, Menindie and Con- dobolin railway, pp. 8, 8vo. Broken Hill, 1896. Pam., v. 100, no. 1822. MEYER, HUGO RICHARD. Government regulation of railway rates : a study of the experience of the United States, Germany, France, Austria-Hungary, Russia, and Australia. 8vo. N.Y., 1905. PARSONS, FRANK, and ALBKRTSON, RALPH. The railways, the trusts, and the people. 8vo. Phila., 1906. PRATT, EDWIN A. Railways and nationalisation. 8vo. Lond., 1908. State railways ; object lessons from other lands : with transla- tion of M. Marcel Peschaud's articles on " Les chemins de fer de 1'etat Beige." 8vo. Lond.. 1907. RAILWAY rate; The. A letter to the governor [of Tasmania] by the magistrates of the railway district, pp. 23. sm. 8vo. [Launceston], 1873. Pam., v. 98, no. 1786. RAILWAY systems of New South Wales and Victoria ; Union of : celebration at Albury, on i4th June. 1883. pp. 99. 8vo. Syd., 1883. RORER, DAVID. American interstate law. 8vo. Chic.. 1893. RAILWAYS : TRANSPORT. 259 SYDNEY and its city railway ; a dialogue on Sydney matters be- tween Sydney Cornstalk and his cousin Jonathan, pp. 28, 8vo. Syd., 1896. Pam., v. 45, no. 764. Same: another copy. Pam., v. 146, no. 2821. TA^MANIAN railway and progress association. Official report on the main line parliamentary survey : by Messrs. Doyere, Major, and Willett. pp. 23, sm. 8vo. Hobart, 1869. Pam., v. ioo, no. 1815. UNITED STATES: Interstate commerce commission. Reports and decisions, v. i, 1887 to date. 8vo. N.Y. VAILE, SAMUEL. The railway problem in New Zealand, pp. 48, 8vo. Auckland, 1890. Pam., v. 64, no. 1037. Railways and social conditions : the Vaile stage system, pp. 64, 8vo. Auckland, 1894. Pam., v. 169, no. 3228. WESTERN AUSTRALIA: Government. Midland railway of Western Australia: Mr. John Waddington's concession. pp. 36, 8vo. [Perth, 1884.] Pam., v. 183, no. 3540. The western union railway of Australia : [map], pp. 27, 8vo, Perth, 1904. Pam., v. 183. no. 3539. 386. Canal Transport. SHELDON. HENRY ISAAC. Notes on the Nicaragua canal: 25 illust. and 5 maps. 3rd ed., 8vo. Chic., 1902. 387. River and Ocean Transport. AGE newspaper, Melbourne. A mercantile marine for Australasia, an urgent necessity, pp. 48, 8vo. Melb., [1900]. Pam., v. 129, no. 2475. BOGUE, ADAM. Of the expediency of forming a settlement at Cape York. Torres Strait: [map], pp. 16, 8vo. Syd., 1848. Pam., v. 61, no. 986. Steam to Australia: its general advantages considered, the dif- ferent proposed routes for connecting London and Sydney compared, and the expediency of forming a settlement at Cape York, in Torres Strait, pointed out. pp. 70. 8vo. Syd., 1848. Same.- another copy. Pam., v. 61, no. 985. CHAMBERS, T. W. Locking of the River Darling, considered in its political and commercial phases, pp. 5, 8vo. Adel., 1884. Pam., v. loo, no. 1824. CHAMBERS of commerce, Australia: General council. Reports on bills of lading and the Navigation bill. pp. 28, 8vo. Melb., 1904. Pam., v. 129, no. 2476. I 2 260 RIVER AND OCEAN TRANSPORT. CROWE. ROBERT. Lower freights and better shipping address to the meeting of representatives of butter also, notes taken at the conference, -pp. r;, 8vo. Melb., 1904. Pam., v. 129, no. 2478. GAY, A. E. England's duty to her merchant seamen. 2nd ed., 8vo. Adel., 1907. GLYNN, PATRICK McMAiiON. The interstate rivers question ; n-port of an address, July, 1902. pp. 15, 8vo. Adel.. 1902. Pam., v. 8, no. 185. Review of the River Murray question, riparian rights. &<\ pp. n, 8vo. Adel., 1891. Pam., v. 8, no. 188. GREAT BRITAIN: PARLIAMENT: House of Comm. Lond., 1907. FISON, Rev. LORIMER. Tales from old Fiji. 8\o. Lond., 1904. FITZGERALD, MARY A. King Bungaree's pyalla, and stories illustrative of snaaajiers aoasi custooas that prevailed among Aus- tralian, aborigines : [illust.]. sm. 410. Syd., 1891. GILL Rev. WILLIAM WYATT. Myths and songs from the South Pacific. &vo. Lond., 1876. GROOME, FRANCIS HINDES. Gypsy folk-tales. 8vo. Lond., 1899. HUON, of Bordeaux, due de Guienne. Huon of Bordeaux; done into English by Sir John Bourchier, lord Berners, and now retold by Robert Steele : [illust. by Fred. Mason], sm. 410. Lond., 1895. KER, ANNIE. Papuan fairy tales: illust. 8ro. Lond., 1910. LESSON, PIERRE ADOLPHE. Legendes des iles Hawaii, tirees de Fornander et commentees avec une reponse a M. de Quatre- fages. 8vo. Clermont, 1884. MALORY, Sir THOMAS. The birth, life, and acts of King Arthur, of his noble knights of the round table, their marvellous en- quests and adventures, the achieving of the San gueal, and 1 in the end le morte Darthur ; text as written by Sir Thomas Malory and imprinted by William Caxton, 1485, now spelled in modern style; introd. by Professor Rhys, and many original designs by Aubrey Beardsley: [tr. from the French by Sir Thomas Malory]. 4to. Lond., 1909. MARTINENGO-CESARESCO, Countess EVELYN L. H. The place of animals in human thought : [illust.]. 8vo. Lond., 1909. MATHEWS, ROBERT HAMILTON. Folklore of the Australian aborigines, pp. 35, i2mo. Syd., 1899. Pam., v. 39, no. 671. PRATT, Rev. GEORGE, translator. Some folk-songs and myths from Samoa: introd. and notes by John Fraser. $p. 46, 8vo. [Syd.], 1891. Pam., v. 103, no. 1887. REXAUD of Montauban; first done into English by William Cax- ton, and now abridged and retranslated by Robert Steeie: [ilrust. by Fred. Mason], sm. 4to. London., 1897. STOW. CATHERINE SOMERVILLE, nee Field, formerly Mrs. L. Parker, Mrs. P. R. Australian legendary tales ; folk-lore of the Noongahburrahs : introd. by Andrew Lang. 8vo. Lond., 1897. More Australian legendary tales : introd. by Andrew Lang. 8vo. Lond., 1898. FOLK LORE. 25 SWYNNERTON, Rev. CHARLES. Indian nights' entertainment; or, Folk-tales from tr*e Upper Indus : il'hist. by native hands. 8vo. Lond., 1892. THRUM, THOMAS G., ed. Hawaiian folk tales; a collection of native legends: illust. 8vo. Chic., 1907. 398.3. Popular Superstitions. BASTIAN, ADOLF. Die Samoanische Schopfungs-Sage und Auscti- liessendes aus der Siidsee. pp. 51, 15vo. Berlin, 1894. Pam., v. 156, no. 2996. GREY, Sir GEORGE. Polynesian mythology, and ancient traditional history of the New Zealand race: [illust.]. 8vo. Lond., HENDERSON, GEORGE. Survivals in belief among the Celts. 8vo. Glasg., 1911. KNOWLSOX, THOMAS SHARPER. The origins of popular super- stitions and customs. '8vo. Lond., [1910]. SKEAT, WALTER WILLIAM. Malay magic ; being an introduction to the folklore and popular religion of the Malay peninsula : pref. by Charles Otto Blagden : [illust.]. 8vo. Lond., 1910. WHITE, JOHN. Maori superstitions, pp. 33, 8vo. Auckland, 1856. I'.nn., v. 183, JX>. 3541. 398.4. Fairies. HAZLITT, WILLIAM CAREW. Fairy tales, legends and romances illustrating Shakespeare and other early English writers, [with] two dissertations; i. On pigmies. 2. On fairies, by Joseph Rkson. 8vo. Lond., 1875. 398.8. Songs. ECKENSTEIN, LINA. Comparative studies in nursery rhymes. 8vo. Lond., 1911. EMERSON, NATHANIEL BRIGHT. Unwritten literature of Hawaii; the sacred songs of the Hula: collected and tr., with notes and an account o the Hula: [illust.]. 8vo. Wash., 1909. (Smithsonian Instn. : Bu:eau of Amer. ethnology, bull. 38.) McGREGOR, JOHN, compiler. Popular Maori songs, as written by the Maoris of Waikato, February, 1864. 8vo. Auck- land, 1893. 398.9. Proverbs. GREY, Sir GEORGE. Proverbial and popular sayings of the ances- tors of the New Zealand race. 8vo. Cape Town, 1857. PHILOLOGY. 400. Philology. 401. Philosophy : Origin of Language. RITZ, HERMANN -B. Essay on the psychology of language, pp. 55, 8vo. Hobart, 1902. 404. Essays. COLENSO, Rev. WILLIAM. Three literary papers read before the Hawke's Bay philosophical institute, 1882 : i and 2, On nomenclature. 3, On " Macaulay's New Zealander. " -pp. 41, 8vo. Napier, 1883. Pam., v. e;o, no. 839. 408.9. Universal Languages. O'CONNOR, J. C. Dr. O'Connor's Esperanto made easy. 8vo. Lond., 1910. 409. History of Language. TUCKER, THOMAS GEORGE. Introduction to the natural history of language. 8vo. Lond., 1908. 410. Comparative Philology. HERSCHEL, Sir JOHN FREDERICK WILLIAM. [Ethnographic sug- gestions], pp. 28, fscp. fo., Melb., [1867]. N.f.p. Suggestions for transliteration of words of native languages into other languages. MULLER, FRIEDRICH MAX. Lectures on the science of language. neW ed., 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1882. 411. Orthography : Alphabets. SMITH, DANIEL. Ancient ones of the earth ; being the history of the primitive alphabet. 8vo. Melb., 1864. TAYLOR, Rev. ISAAC. The alphabet; an account of the origin and development of letters. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1883. Contents. v. i. Semitic alphabets. v. 2. Aryan alphabets. 420. English Language. WYLD. HENRY CECIL. The historical study of the mother tongue; an introduction to philological method. 8vo. Lond., 1906. 422. Etymology : Derivation. CHAPMAN. HENRY S. Specimens of fossilised words; or obsolete words embedded in modern compounds. pp. 47, 8vo. Dunedin, 1876. Pam.. v. 10, no. 216. TOOKE, JOHN HORNE. 'Y.ittu impottTH : or, the diversions of Purley: new ed., by Richard Taylor. 2 v., 8vo. Lond.,. 1829. ENGLISH LANGUAGE. 267 423. English Dictionaries. CENTURY dictionary; an encyclopedic lexicon of the English lan- guage. 6 v., fo. N.Y. [1888-91]. FOWLER, HENRY WATSON, and FOWLER, F. G. The concise Oxford dictionary of current English : adapted from the Oxford dictionary. 8vo. Oxf., 1911. MURRAY, Sir JAMES AUGUSTUS HENRY, ed. New English dictionary on historical principles, v. 1-7, A-Py. 7 v. in 8, 4to. Oxf., 1888-1909. In progress : letters Q, R, and parts of S and T are issued. WEBSTER, NOAH. New international dictionary of the English language : W. T. Harris, editor in chief : Australasian ed. 4to. Springfield, Mass., 1910. First published in 1828. 424. Synonyms: Homonyms. CRABB, GEORGE. English synonyms explained. 8vo. Lond., 1904. ROGET, PETER MARK. Thesaurus of English words and phrases classified and arranged : enlarged and improved by John Lewis Roget. new ed., 8vo. Lond., 1884. 425. Grammars, &c. BONWICK, JAMES. First grammar for young Australians, pp. 37, 2nd ed., i2mo. Melb., 1858. Pam., v. 38, no. 651. Grammar for Australian youth. i2mo. Adel., 1851. Bound with his Astronomy for young Australians, class 520. Reader for Australian youth, pt. i, i2mo. Adel., 1852. COBBETT, WILLIAM. Grammar of the English language. i2mo. Lond., 1838. FOWLER, HENRY WATSON, and FOWLER, F. G. The King's English. 2nd ed., 8vo. Oxf., 1906. 426. Prosody. SAINTSBURY, GEORGE EDWARD BATEMAN. History of English prosody from the twelfth century to the present day. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1906-08. 427. Dialects : Slang : Early Forms. BARTLETT, JOHN RUSSELL. Dictionary of Americanisms ; a glos- sary of words and phrases usually regarded as peculiar to the United States. 3rd ed., 8vo. Boston, 1860. ELLIS, ALEXANDER JOHN. On early English pronunciation, with especial reference to Shakspere and Chaucer: maps. 3 v., 8vo. Lond., 1869-89. FARMER, JOHN STEPHEN, and HENLEY, WILLIAM ERNEST. Slang and its analogues, past and present ; a dictionary, his- torical and comparative, of the heterodox speech of all classes of society for more than three hundred years : with synonyms in English, French, German, Italian, &c. 7 v., sm. 410. Lond.. 1890-1904. v. 1-2 by Farmer : v. 3-7 by Farmer and Henley. PHILOLOGY. MACKAV, CHARLES. Glossary of obscure words and phrases in the writings of Shakespeare and his contemporaries. 8vo. Lond., 1887. MOkKIS, EDWARD ELLIS. Austral English; a dictionary of Aus- tralasian words, phrases, and usages. 8vo. Lond. 3 1898. WRIGHT, JOSEPH, ed. The English dialect dictionary; being the complete vocabulary of all dialect words still in use, or known to ha\ T e been in use during the last two hundred years: with supplement, bibliography, and grammar. 6 v., 4:0. Lond., 1898-1905. 439. Dutch Language. TEN BRUGGENCATE, K. Engelsch woordeuboek; 4th ed., re- vised and enlarged by L. Van Der Wai. 2 v. in i, 8vo. Groningen, [1907]. Contents. v. i. Engelsch-Nederlandsch. v. 2. Nederlnnc'i- Eogelsch. 440. French Language. JONES. ROBERT. Simultaneous French and English reader, sm. 8vo. Melb., 1909. SMITH, LEON, and HAMILTON, HENRY. International English and French dictionary, v. i. English-French, v. 2. French- English, new ed.. 2 v., la. 8vo. Lond., 1892. 470. Latin Language. STRONG, HERBERT AUGUSTUS, and LEEPER, ALEXANDER. Guide to classical reading, pp. 36, sm. 8vo. Melb., 1880. Cam., v. 146, no. 2822. 480. Greek Language. I.IDDELL, Rev. HENRY GEORGE, and SCOTT, Rev. ROBERT. Greek-English lexicon. 8th ed., 4to. Oxf.. 1901. 490. Minor Languages. LATHAM, ROBERT GORDON. Opuscula; essays, chiefly philological and ethnographical. 8vo. Lond., 1860. 499. Australasian and Polynesian Languages. ANDREWS, LORRIN. Grammar of the Hawaiian language. 8vo. Honolulu, 1854. Vocabulary of words in the Hawaiian language. 8vo. Lahaina- luna, 1836. ATKINSON, ARTHUR S. Notes on the Maori- Polynesian compara- tive dictionary of E. Tregear. pp. 69. 8vo. Nelson, 1893. Pam., v. 37, no. 630. AUBERT, Sister MARIE JOSEPH. New and complete manual of Maori conversation, with a few general rules of grammar, and a comprehensive vocabulary. 12010. Well.. 1885. AUSTRALASIAN AND POLYNESIAN LANGUAGES. 269 BERXIEK, JULIEN. Etude sur ks dialectes Neo-Caledoniens, Aus- traliens, et autres. 8vo. Noumea. 1899. BRADY. Very rev. J. Descriptive vocabulary of the native lan- guage of \V. Australia, -pp. 50, 121110. Rome, 1845. Turn., v. 38, no. 654. BROMILOW, Rev. WILLIAM E. Vocabulary of English words, with equivalents in Dobuan, (British New Guinea), Fijian, and Samoan, with a short Dobuan grammar. 4to. Geelong, 1904. BL'XCE, DANIEL. Language of the aborigines of the colony of Vic- toria and other Australian districts, -pp. 60, J2mo. Melb., 1851. Same: 2nd ed., pp. 60, i2mo. Geelong, 1859. CHURCH missionary society. Grammar and vocabulary of the lan- guage of New Zealand. 8vo. Lond., 1820. CHCRCHILL, WILLIAM. The Polynesian wanderings; tracks of the migrations deduced from examination of the Proto- Samoan content of Efate and other languages of Melanesia. 410. Wash., 1911. I Carnegie Institute of Wash.) CODRINGTON, Rev. ROBERT HENRY. Melanesian languages [map]. 8vo. Oxf., 1885. COLENSO, Rev. WILLIAM. Maori- English lexicon; being a com- prehensive dictionary of the New Zealand tongue; part i, Maori-English [A to Angutu] ; part 2. English-Maori [A to Come]. 8vo. Well., 1898. All published. COLOMB, Rev. A. Vocabulaire Arorai (iles Gilbert). 8vo., n.p., n.J. DICTIOXXAIRE Latin-Uvea a 1'usage des eleves du College de Lans, par les missionaires Maristes : revue par le P.A.C. i2ino. Paris, 1886. DICTIOXXAIRE Toga-Frangais et F rancais-Toga- Anglais : pre- cede d'une grammaire et de quelques notes sur 1'archipel, par les missionaires Maristes. 8vo. Paris, 1890. DORDILLOX, Mgr. Essai de grammaire de la langue des iles Marquises. 8vo. Valparaiso, 1857. GELL, JOHN PHILIP. South Australian aborigines ; the vocabulary of the Adelaide tribe, pp. 7, 8vo., n.p., u.d. Piim., v. 146, no. 2824. GREY. Sir GEORGE. Vocabulary of the dialects of south-western Australia. 2nd ed., i2mo. Lond., 1840. GREZEL, le pert. Dictionnaire Futunien-Francais, avec notes grammaticales. 8vo. Paris. 1878. HAZLEW'OOD, Rev. DAVID. Compendious grammar of the Fee- jeean language; with examples of native idioms, pp. 72, 8vo. Vewa, 1850. Fijian and English, and an English ami Fijian dictionary, and a grammar of the language: 2nd ed., with map. eel. by James Calvert. 8vo. Lend., [1872]. IXGLIS. Ra>. JOHN. Dictionary of the Anyeitumese language, in two parts: i. Anyeitumese and English. 2. English and An- vcirumese; also outlines of Anyeitumese grammar. 8vo. Lond., 1882. 270 AUSTRALASIAN AND POLYNESIAN LANGUAGES. JAUSSEN, TEPANO. Grammaire et dictionnaire de la langin- Mai.ri ; dialecte Tahitien. 8vo. Paris, ti.d. KERN, J. HENDRIK. C. De Fidjitaal Vergelekni met hare Ycr- wanter in Indonesie en Polynesie. 4to. Amsterdam, n.d. LAWES, Rev. W. G. Grammar and vocabulary of language spoken by Motu tribe, New Guinea: introd. by Rev. (.1. Pratt. 3rd ed., 8vo. Syd., 1896. LONDON missionary society. Tahitian and English dictionary : with introductory remarks on the Polynesian language and short grammar of the Tahitian dialect. 8vo. Tahiti, 1851. MACDONALD, Rev. DANIEL. Asiatic origin of the Oceanic lan- guages : etymological dictionary of the language of Efate (New Hebrides). 8vo. Melb.. 1894. Oceania, linguistic and anthropological : 7 illust. and compara- tive table of alphabetic characters. 8vo. Melb., 1889. The Oceanic languages; their grammatical structure, vocabulary, and origin. 8vo. Lond., 1907. Three New Hebrides languages : Efatese, Erromangan, Santo. 8vo. Melb., 1889. MACKINLAY, WILLIAM E. W. Handbook and grammar of the Tagalog [Philippines] language. 8vo. Wash., 1905. MACPHERSON, Rev. PETER. The aboriginal names of riv< -r> in Australia philologically examined. pp. 29. 8vo. [Syd., 1887.] Pam., v. 18, no. 340. MAUNSELL, ROBERT, archdeacon of Auckland. Grammar of the New Zealand language. 3rd ed.. i2mo. Melb., 1882. MILLIGAN, JOSEPH. Vocabulary of the dialects of some of the aboriginal tribes of Tasmania, pp. 36, 8vo. Hobart Town, 1866. Para., v. 23, no. 403. Same: another ed. pp. 6o ? 8vo. Hobart, 1890. Pam., v. 103, no. 1886. MOORE, GEORGE FLETCHER. Descriptive vocabulary of the lan- guage in common use amongst the aborigines of Western Aus- tralia; with copious meanings, embodying much interesting, information regarding the habits, manners, and customs of the natives, and the natural history of the country, urno. Lond., 1842. Same.- another copy. Bound with his Diary of ten years, class 919.41. MOORE, Rev. WILLIAM. Handbook of the Fijian language. />/. 42, i2mo. Hobart Town, 1866. MOSBLECH, BONIFACE, abbe. Vocabulaire Ocanien- Franca is et Francais-Oc&inien, des dialectes paries aux iles Marquises, Sandwich, Gambier, &c. 8vo. Paris, 1843. NGATA, A. T., ed. Complete manual of Maori grammar and con- versation, with vocabulary, rev. ed., 8vo. Christchurch, n.d. RABONE, Rev. S. Vocabulary of the Tonga language arranged in alphabetical order; [with] a list of idiomatic phrases. 8vo. Vavau, 1845. AUSTRALASIAN AND POLYNESIAN LANGUAGES. 271 1'AV. SIDNEY HERBERT, compiler. Comparative vocabulary of the dialects of British New Guinea: pref. by Dr. R. N. Cust: [map], pp. 40, 8vo. Lond., 1895. Pam., v. 146, no. .2823. KAY. SIDNEY HERBERT, and HADDOX, ALFRED CORT. Study of the languages of Torres straits, with vocabularies and gram- matical notes: ut. I. 8vo. Dublin, 1893. RIDLEY, Rev. WILLIAM. Gurre Kamilaroi; or, Kamilaroi say- ings, pp. 24, 8vo. Syd., 1856. Kamilaroi, and other Australian languages; 2nd ed.. with com- parative tables of words and songs, traditions, laws, and cus- toms of the Australian race. 4to. Syd., 1875. Kamilaroi, Dippil, and Turrubul ; languages spoken by Aus- tralian aborigines, pp. 88. 8vo. Syd., 1866. TAYLOR, Rev. RICHARD. Maori and English dictionary ; new and enlarged ed. of " A leaf frcm the natural history of New Zealand." 8vo. Auckland, n.d. TEICHELMAXX, C. G., and SCHURMANN, Rev. C. W. Out- lines of a grammar, vocabulary, and phraseology of the abori- ginal language of South Australia spoken by the natives in and around Adelaide, pp. 76, 8vo. Adel., 1840. Same : anollier copy, Pam., v. 55, no. ()is- THRELKELD, LANCELOT EDWARD. Australian grammar : compre- hending the principles and natural rules of the language, as spoken by the aborigines in the vicinity of Hunter's river, Lake Macquarie, New South Wales. 8vo. Syd., 1834. An Australian language, as spoken by the Awabakal, the people of Awaba, or Lake Macquarie, being an account of the lan- guage, traditions, and customs : re-arranged, condensed, and ed., with appx. by John Fraser : [map]. 8vo. Syd., 1892. Australian spelling book, in the language as spoken by the aborigines in the vicinity of Hunter's river, Lake Macquarie, Xew South Wales, pp. 16, 8vo. Syd., 1836. TREGEAR, EDWARD. Dictionaiy of Mangareva, or Gambier islands. 8vo. Well., 1899. Maori- Polynesian comparative dictionary. 8vo. Well.. 1891. Paumotuan dictionary, with Polynesian comparatives. 8vo. Well., 1895. The Paumotuan islands; a Paumotuan dictionary, pp. 16. 8vo. [Loud.], n.d. Pam., v. 183, no. 3:4*2. TREGEAR, EDWARD, and SMITH, STEPHENSON PERCY. Vocabu- lary and grammar of the Xiue dialect of the Polynesian lan- guage. 8vo. Well., 1907. TUXGARAR JEHOVALD. Yarildewallin; extracts from the Holy Scriptures in the language of the tribes inhabiting the lakes and lower Murray, and called Narrinyeri. pp. 56, i2mo. Adel., 1864. VIOLETTE, Rev. Louis. Dictionnaire Samoa- Frangais- Anglais, et Frangais- Samoa- Anglais ; precede d'une grammaire de la langue Samoa. 8vo. Paris, 1879. WILLIAMS, WILLIAM, bishop of Waiapu. Dictionary of the New Zealand language, and a concise grammar. 2nd ed., 8vo. Lond., 1852. 272 SCIENCE. 500. Science. 501. Philosophy : Theories. CHAMBERS, ROBERT. Vestiges of the natural history of creation : illust. loth ed., 8vo. Lond., 1853. SNYDER, CARL. New conceptions in science; with a foreword on the relations of science and progress. 2nd ed., 8vo. X.V., 1904. 504. Essays : Lectures : Addresses. BULLER, Sir WALTER LAWRY. Anniversary address before the Wellington philosophical society, pp. 6, 8vo. Well., 1875. Pam., v. 100, no. 1833. CLARKE, Rev. WILLIAM BRANWHITE. Address delivered to the Royal society of New South Wales at the anniversary : ing, 1872. pp. 68, 8vo. Syd., 1872. Pam., v. 100, 110. 18.27. FOORD, GEORGE. Address on the mission of the man of science. pp. 9, 8vo. Melb., n.d. I'am., v. 25, no. 426. FORBES, EDWARD. Literary papers. 8vo. Lond., 1855. FORSTER, JOHANN REINHOLD. Observations made during a voyage round the world on physical geography, natural history, and ethic philosophy. 410. Lond., 1778. HAMILTON, Sir ROBERT GEORGE CROOKSHANK. President's ad- dress at the meeting of the Royal society of Tasmania, 1889. pp. 6, 8vo. Hobart, n.d. Pam., v. 123, no. 2297. President's address at the meeting of the Royal society of Tas- mania, 1892. pp. 9, 8vo. Hobart, n.d. Pam., v. 123, no. 2298. INDUSTRIAL and technological museum, Melbourne. I .vtures delivered during the spring session of 1870. 8vo. Melb., 1871. JACK, ROBERT LOGAN. The higher utilitarianism, pp. 8, 8vo. Brisb., 1895. Pam., v. 123, no. 2291. LANKESTER, Sir EDWIN RAY. From an easy chair. 8v<>. Lond., 1908. Same: 2nd ed., entitled Science from an easy chair: 84 illust. 8vo. Lond., 1910. The kingdom of man : [illust.]. 8vo. Lond., 1907. Contents. i. Nature's insurgent son. 2. Advance of sn-nre, 1881- 1906. 3. Nature's revenge : the sleeping sickness. LINDSAY, WILLIAM LAUDER. The place and power of natural history in colonization ; with special reference to Otago. pp. 28, 8vo. Dunedin, 1862. Pam., v. 51, no. 849. LIVERSIDGE, ARCHIBALD. President's address dclhvrfd to the Royal society of New South Wales, 1886. pp. 41, 8vo. [Syd., 1886.] Pam., v. 105, no. 1921. SCIENCE. 273 RAWLIXSOX, THOMAS E. Papers and reports read before the Philosophical institute and the Royal society of Victoria ; and other documents, pp. 86, 8vo. Melb., 1865. F.OYAL society of Victoria. [Various papers.] 8vo. Melb.. u.t.p., n.d. Contents. Quantity of water consumed in irrigation : W. W. Culcheth. Electric lighting : R. K. Joseph. Experiments upon the hardwoods of Australia : -F. A. Campbell. Influence of -light on the development of bacteria : J. Jamieson. Methods of election : E. J. Nanson. The Oceanic languages Shemitic : Rev. D. Macdonald. Influence of light on bacteria : J. Jamieson. The rocks of Noyang : A. W. Howitt. Incandescent lamps for surgical and microscopical purposes : R. E. Joseph. Electric lighting for mines : R. E. Joseph. On the evidence of a glacial epoch in Victoria during post-rniocene times : G. S. Griffiths. Shingle on the east coasts of New Zealand : W. W. Culchelh. Supplementary notes nn the diabase rocks of the Buchan district : A. W. Howitt. On the recent earth-tremors and the conditions which they indicate : G. S. Griffiths. The sedimen- tary, metamorphic, and igneous rocks of Ensay : A. W. Howitt. The Oceanic languages Shemitic ; the personal pronouns : Rev. D. Macdonald. Th-e stability of structures in regard to wind pressures, paper no. i ; paper no. 2, Bridges : F. A. Campbell. Plants col- lected in capricornic Western Australia by II. S. King, recorded by Baron von Mueller. Evidences of a glacial epoch from Kerguelen's land : G. S. Griffiths. On the official reports of the Tarawera out- break : G. S. Griffitlis. Notes on the area of intrusive rocks at Dargo : A. W. Howitt. On the section of tTie delta of the Yoira displayed in the Fisherman's bend cutting: A. H. S. Lncas. On the sound organs of the green cicada : A. H. S. Lucas. RUSSELL, &ENRY CHAMBERLAINE. Anniversary address before the Royal society of New South Wales, 1877. pp. 20, 8vo. Syd., 1877. Pam., v. 123, no. .2294. Anniversary address before the Royal society of New South Wales, 1882. pp. 30, 8w. Syd., 1*83. Pam., v. 123, no. 229.5. Anniversary address delivered to the Royal society of New South Wales, 1885. pp. 27, 8vo. [Syd.], 1885. Pam., v. 105, no. 1920. President's address at the first meeting of the Australasian asso- ciation for the advancement of science, pp. 21, 8vo, [Syd., 1887.] Pam., v. 123, no. 2293. Royal society of New South Wales; president's address, 1892. pp. 51, 8vo. Syd., 1892. Pam., v. 123, no. 2296. Scientific notes, pp. 16, 8vo. Syd., 1875. Pam., v. 123, no. 2312. :SALEEBY, CALEB WILLIAMS. The cycle of life according to modern science ; being a series of essays designed to bring science home to men's business and bosoms : illust. 8vo. Lond., 1904. SCHAW, HENRY, major-general. Address of the president before the Wellington philosophical society, 1893. pp. 15. 8vo. Well., 1893. Pam., v. 169, TK>. 3230. ;SEWARD, ALBERT CHARLES, cd. Darwin and modern science: essays in commemoration of the centenary of the birth of Charles Darwin and of the fiftieth anniversary of the pub- lication of The origin of species. 8vo. Camb., 1909. 274 SCIENCE. THRELFALL, RICHARD. Royal society of New South Wales: anniversary addrrs*. 1895. pp. 30, 8\o. Syd.. 1895. Pam., v. 2$, no. 4^7. WILKINSON, CHARLES SMITH. Address delivered at th- annual meeting of th* 1 Liimran society <>l New South Wales, 1884. pp. 50, 8vo. Syd., [1884]. Pam., v. 100, no 1826. Anniversary address delivered to the Royal society of New South Wales, 1888. pp.. 43, 8vo. [Syd.], 1888. Pam., v. 105, no. 11)22. 505. Scientific Magazines : Periodicals. NATURE; a weekly illustrated journal of science, v. i, Nov., 1869, to date. 4to. Lond. ROYAL geographical society of Australasia, Queensland branch. Some critical notes on the Queensland volume of the Inter- national catalogue of scientific literature. pp. 14, 8vo. Brisb., 1889. Pam., v. 123, no. 2292. SCIENCE progress in the twentieth century; a quarterly journal of scientific thought, v. i, July, 1906, to date. 8vo. Lond. TASMANIAN journal of natural science, statistics, &c. 3 v., 8vo. Hobart and Launceston, 1842-49. Published by the Tasmanian society, which came to *n end in 1849^ merging in the Royal Society of Van Diemen's Land. 506. Societies ; Transactions, &c. AUSTRALASIAN association for the advancement of science. Re- ports of meetings. 9 v., 8vo., v.p., v.d. ist meeting, Sydney, 1887. 2m ' meeting, Melbourne, 1890. 3rd meeting, Christchurch, 1891. 4th meeting, Hobart, 1892. 5th meet- ing, Adelaide, 1893. 6th meeting, Brisbane, 1895. "th meeting. Sydney, 1898. 8th meeting, Melbourne, 1901. gili meeting, Sydney, 1911. BRITISH association for the advancement of science. Reports of the meetings, 1831 to date. 8vo. Lond., 1833 to date. Same: index to reports. 1831-1860. 8vo. Lond., 1864. L1NNEAN society of New South Wales. Proceedings, v. i, 1875- to date. 8vo. Syd. MORTON, ALEXANDER. Some account of the work and workers oi the Tasmanian society and the Royal society of Tasmania- from 1840 to 1900. pp. 18, 8vo. ' Hobart, 1900. Pam., v. 169, no. 3229. NATURAL history society of Queensland. Transactions, v. i, 1892-94. 8vo. Bri'sb.. 1895. NEW ZEALAND institute. Transactions and proceedings, v 1-16 1868-1903, 8vo. Well., 1875-1904. NEW ZEALAND society. Rules, pp. 14, 8vo. Well.. 1851. Pam., v. 183, no. 3543. PHILOSOPHICAL institute of Victoiia. Transactions, v i-i, 1 8 55-59- 4 v., 8vo. Melb. Aftw. Royal society of Victoria, q.v. SCIENTIFIC SOCIETIES. 275 PHILOSOPHICAL society of Adelaide; South Australia. Trans- actions and proceedings, and report, 1877-1881. 8vo. Adel. Aftw. Royal society of South Australia, q.v. PHILOSOPHICAL society of New South Wales. Transactions, 1862-65. 8vo. Syd., 1866. Aftw. Royal society of New South Wales, q.v. PHILOSOPHICAL society of Queensland. Transactions, 1859 to 1872. 8vo. Brisb., 1872. PHILOSOPHICAL society of Victoria. Transactions, v. i, 185}- 55. 8vo. Melb. All published. In 1855 merged into the Philosophical institute of Victoria, q.v. ROYAL society, London. Philosophical transactions, 1820-1861, 1882 to date. 4to. Lond. Obituary notices of fellows of the Royal society. Pt. i. 8vo. Lond., 1904. ROYAL society of New South Wales. Rules, and list of members, 1876-77. pp. 25, 8vo. Syd., n.d. Pam., v. ioo 3 no. 1828. Transactions: aftw. Journal and proceedings, v. i, 1867 to date. 8vo. Syd. Formerly Philosophical society of New South Wales, q.v. ; \. 1-9 entitled Transactions; from v. 10 entitled Journal and proceedings. ROYAL society of Queensland. Proceedings, v. 1-5, 1884-1888: v. 14, 1899 to date, 8vo. Brisb. ROYAL society of South Australia. Transactions and proceedings and reports, v. 3, 1879-80. 8vo. Adel., 1880. v. i and 2 published, under the name of Philosophical society of Adelaide, q.v. JR.OYAL society of Tasmania. History of: portrs. pp. 6, 8vo. Hobart, 1895. Pam., v. 100, no. 1829. Report for the years 1856, 1857, 1862, 1864, 1866, 1867, 1869, and 1871. History, 1895. Rules, 1848. Register of papers published in the Tasmanian journal and the papers and pro- ceedings of the Royal society of Tasmania, 1841-1885. Bound in i v., 8vo. Hobart. Papers and proceedings : v. 1-3, [1848-59]. Same : continued as Monthly notices of papers and proceedings, 1863, 1865-67, 1868 (incomplete), 1869-74. Same: Papers and proceedings, 1875-1901. Bound in 13 v., 8vo. Hobart. v. i and 2 are : Papers and proceedings of the Royal society of Van Diemen's Land ROYAL society of Van Diemen's Land. aftw. Royal society of Tasmania. Sec Royal society of Tasmania. ROYAL society of Victoria. Transactions : 1860 to date. 8vo. Melb. ist ser., v. <; 24, 1860-1887; new ser., v. i, to date, 1888 to date; vols 1-4 of ist ser., published under name of Philosophical institute of Victoria, g.v. VICTORIAN institute for the advancement of science. Transactions and proceedings : 1854-55. 8vo. Melb. Subsequently merged in Philosophical institute of Victoria, q.v. WOODWARD. HORACE BOLINGBROKE. History of the Geological society of London : [portrs.]. 8vo. Lond., 1908. SCIENCE. 507. Museums. AUSTRALIAN museum, Sydney. By-laws, pp. 16, 8vo. Syd. r 1879. Pain., v. 100, no. 1831. Records: ed. by the curator [at first E. P. Ramsay; at: R. Etheridge.] v. i. 1890 to date. 8vo., Syd. McCOY, Sir FREDERICK. On the formation of museums in Vic- toria. pf>. 20, 8vo. Melb., 1857. Pain., v. 100, no. 1832. MUSEUMS association of the United Kingdom. The Australian museum: by S. Sinclair, pp. 5, 8vo. Glasg., 1900. Pam., v. roc, no. 18^2 \. NK\V ZEALAND: Colonial museum and geological survey. An- nual reports on tlie Colonial museum and laboratory. Bound in 2 v., 8vo. Well., 1868-93. From the third to the twenty-seventh report, excepting th -ixth. Ol'KENSLAND museum. Report of the board of trustees for 1884. pp.. 35, 8vo. Brisb., 1885. Pam., v. 146, no. 2825. 508. Collected Works : Polygraphy. DAKWIN, CHARLES ROBERT. Journal of researches into the natural history and geology of the countries visited during the voyage of H.M.S. Beagle round the world. 8vo. Lond., 1879. DAVIS, J. R. AFNSWORTH, ed. Science in modern life; a survey of scientific development, discovery, and invention, and their relations to human progress and industry, [illust.]. 6 v., 8vo. Lond., 1908-10. Contents. v. i. Astronomy : A. C. D. Crommelin. Geology : O. T. Jones. v. 2. Geology (could.) Chemistry : J. P. MilPington. Physics : J. H Shaxby. v. 3. Physics (conld.)- General biology : H. J. Fleure. Botany : J. M. F. Drummoud. v. 4. Botany (conid.) Zoology : J. R. A. Davis. Science and the sea fisheries : J. T. Jenkins. v. 5. Agriculture: J. Wilson. Philosophical biology: |. Board.- Physiology and medicine : B. Moore. Anthropology : H. S. Harrison. T. 6. Engineering : J. W. French. DAVY. Sir HUMPHRT. Collected works ; ed. by his brother, John Davy. 9 v., 8vo. Lond., 1839-40. FLINT, Rev. WILLIAM, and GILCHRIST, JOHN Dow FISHER. Science in South Africa : [map and illust.]. 8vo. Cape Town, 1905. (IL'l'PV. HENRY BROUGHAM. Observations of a naturalist in the Pacific between 1896 and 1899. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1903-06. <',-ntenfs.\. i. Vanua I.cvu. l-iji. v. t. Plant divpersal. ML" LOAN, EDWARD KER. New Zealand nature-study book. 8vo. CJhristchurch, [1904]. 508.931. Scientific Travels ; New Zealand. CHILTON. CHARLES, ed. The subantarctic islands of New Zea- land; reports on the geo-physics, geology, zoology, and botany of the islands lying to the soirth of New Zealand. 2 v. r 4to. Well., 1909. SCIENCE : MATHEMATICS. 277 508.99. Scientific Travds; Antarctic Regions. BRITISH museum (Natural history). National Antarctic expedition, 1901-1904: Natural history : illust., plates, and maps. 4 v., 4to. Lond., 1907. Contents. v. i. Geology (Field-geology; petrography). v. 2. Zoology (Vertebrata, mollusca, Crustacea). v. 3. Zoology and botany (Invertebrata, marine algae, musci). v. 4. Zoology (Various invertebrata). 509. History of Science. . t \ , MUKLLER. Baron Sir FERDINAND VON. On the advancement of natural sciences through ministers of the Christian church. pp. 35, 8vo. Melb., 1877. Pam., v. 100, no. 1836. THOMSON. JOHN ARTHUR. Progress of science in the century. 8vo. Toronto, 1906. (Nineteenth century ser.) WHEW ELL, WILLIAM. History of the inductive sciences from the earliest to the present time. 2nd ed., 3 v., 8vo. Lond., 1847. 510. Mathematics. CLIFFORD, WILLIAM KIN.GDON. The common sense of the exact sciences: 100 figures. 3rd ed.. 8vo. Lond., 1892. [International scientific ser.) 510.8. Logarithmic and Other Tables : Instruments. COLYER, M. J. G. The calculigraph ; a description of this new logarithmic calculating instrument and its use : [2 plates]. pp. 13, 8vo. Syd., 1900. Pam., v.j 146, no. 28-28. GOLD ready reckoner, from ^3 IDS. to ^4 as. 6d. per ounce. pp. 26, i2mo. Melb., 1854. MA( 'DOUGALL, A. Australian gold calculator and gold dealers guide. 8vo. Hobart Town, 1851. 511.8. Mensuration :Gauging. ALBRECHT, C. E. Measurement and dimensions of tanks and dams, with instructions for their setting out and calculation : [illust.]. sm. 8vo. Melb.. 1909. 513. Geometry. FLEURI, G. On certain geometrical observations : pt. i : [figures]. pp. 10, 8vo. Syd.. 1892. Pam., vt 12;, no. 2308 PAUL, ARTHUR. Essay for solution of Euclid's twelfth axiom. pp. 14. 8vo. Melb., 1909. Pam., v. 183, no. 3=544. 514. Trigonometry. HANNINGTON, SMITH. Text book of right-angled trigonometry pp. 22, sm. 8vo. Rockhampton, 1907. Pam., v. 146, no. 282-. 278 ASTRONOMY. 520. Astronomy. BONWICK, JAMES. Astronomy for young Australians. i2mo. Melb., 1864. BROWNE, HUGH JUNOR. Astronomy and its bearing on the popular faith; or, what is truth? pp. 31, 8vo. Melb., 1887 Pam., v. 101, no. 1838. MACDONNELL, WILLIAM JOHN. British astronomical association, N.S.W. branch; annual meeting, 1904: President's address. pp. 8, 8vo. Syd., 1904. Pam., v. 123, no. 2300. RUSSELL, HENRY CHAMBERLAINE. Astronomical and meteorological workers in New South Wales, 1778 to 1860. pp. 49, 8vo. Syd., 1888. Pam., v. 123, no. 2304. On the proposed Leake school of practical astronomy, pp. t>, 8vo. Hobart, 1892. Pam., v. 123, no. 2303. 521.6. Theory of Satellites. NOLAN, JAMES. Satellite evolution; the evident scope of tidal friction; the meaning of Saturn's rings, izmo. Melb., 1895. 522. Practical Astronomy. RUSSELL, HENRY CHAMBERLAINE. Some results of an astronomical experiment on the Blue mountains, pp. g, 2 plates. 8vo. Syd., 1878. Pam., v. 123, no. 2306. 522.1. Observatories. RUSSELL, HENRY CHAMBERLAINE. The Sydney observatory ; his- tory and progress, pp. 16, 8vo. Syd., 1882. Pam., v. 123, no. 2323. TEBBUTT, JOHN. Astronomical memoirs; being a popular and complete account of the astronomical work done by him at Windsor, New South Wales, 1853-1907: [portr. and illust.]. 8vo. Syd., 1908. History and description of [his] observatory, Windsor, New South Wales : [with bibliography of his publications], pp. 74, 8vo. Syd., 1887. Pam., v. 19, no. 350. Same: another copy. Pam., v. 123, no. 2330. The Sydney observatory and the " Sydney morning herald " ; a plea for astronomy in New South Wales. pp. 8. 8vo. Syd., 1891. Pam., v. 101, no. 1840. 522.3. Astronomical Instruments. RUSSELL, HENRY CHAMBERLAINE. Another form of micrometer for measuring star positions, pp. 2, 3 plates, 8vo. Lond., 1902. Pam., v. 123, no. 2301. Design for a photographic transit circle, pp. 5, plate. 8vo. n.d., n.p. Pam., v. 123, no. 2318. On a new form of actinometer. pp. 2, 8vo. Syd., 1885. Pam., v. 124, no. 2354. ASTRONOMY. 279 522.6. Astronomical Photography. RUSSELL, HENRY CHAMBERLAINE. Description of the star camera at the Sydney observatory : [plates]. pp. 12, qto. Syd.. 1892. Preparations now being made in Sydney observatory for the photographic chart of the heavens. pp. 10, plate, 8vo. Syd., 1891. Pam., v. 123, no. 2314. Progress of astronomical photography. pp. 27, 8vo. Syd. [1893]- Pam., v. 123, no. 2305. 523. Descriptive Astronomy. GREAT BRITAIN -.Board of education. Demonstrations and practical work in astronomical physics at the Royal college of science, South Kensington. 1905 : [diagrams], pp. 77, 8vo. Lond., 1905. Pam., v. 146, no. 2826. Same: 1907. pp. 80. 8vo. Lond., 1907. Pam., v. 183, no. 3545. WADSWORTH, ARTHUR. Modern astronomy. pp. 31, 8vo. Melb. [1904]. Pam., v. 123, no. 2336. 523.1. Universe. ADAMS, JOHN LOWRY. The infinity of the starry universe : [6 dia- grams], pp. 39, 8vo. Syd., 1906. ARRHENIUS, SVANTE. The life of the universe as conceived by man from the earliest ages to the present time : tr. by Dr. H. Borns. 2 v., sm. 8vo. Lond., 1909. Worlds in the making ; the evolution of the universe : tr. by Dr. H. Borns: illust. 8vo. Lond., 1908. BICKERTON, ALEXANDER WILLIAM. Copy of letters sent to " Nature " on partial impact. pp. 16. 8vo. Canterbury, N.Z.. 1879. Pam., v. 169, no. 3237. Evidence and scope of the theory of impact. pp. 12, 8vo. Christchurch, n.d. Pam., v. 169, no. 3232. " The latest astronomical heresy." -pp. 7, 8vo., n.p., n.d. Pam., v. 169, no. 3233. A new story of the stars, pp. 20, 8vo. Christchurch, 1894. Pam., v. 169, no. 3234. Partial impact; paper No. 3. On the origin of the visible uni- verse, pp. 4, 8vo. Christchurch, 1879. Pam., v. 169, no. 3235. Partial impact ; paper Xo. 4. On the general problem of stellar collision, pp. 4, 8vo. Christchurch, 1879. Pam., v. 169, no. 3236. CLERKE, AGNES MARY. Modern cosmogonies. 8vo. Lond., 1905. D'ALBE, E. E. FOURNIER. Two new worlds: i. The infra- world : 2. The supra-world. 8vo. Lond.. 1907. LOWELL. PERCIVAL. The evolution of worlds : illust. 8vo. N.Y., 1909. 80 ASTRONOMY. SNYDER. CARL. The world machine; the first phase; the cosmic mechanism. 8vo. Lond., 1907. TYNDALL, JOHN. Constitution of the universe. pp. 32. 8vo. Melb., 1869. I'iiui., v. .169, no. 3231. WALLACE, ALFRED RUSSRL. Man's place in the uniu-rsej a study of the results of scientific research in relation to the unity or plurality of worlds : [diagrams and charts]. 3rd ed. 8vo. Land., 1904. 523.2. Solar System. MACDONALD, JAMES. The origin and the destiny of comets; or, a change in the ecliptic of the earth, pp. n, 8vo. Prahran, 1869. Pam., v. ,25, no. 437. POOR, CHARLES LANE. The solar system; a study of recent obser- vations : illust. 8vo. Lond.. 1908. (Progressive science ser.) 523.3. The Moon. FAUTH, PHILIP. The moon in modern astronomy ; a summary of twenty years' selenographic work and a study of recent problems; r. by Joseph McCabe ; introd. by J. E- Gone: illust. 8vo. Lond. [1907]. PICKERING, WILLIAM HENRY. The moon.; a summary of ihe existing knowledge <$f our satellite, with a complete photo- graphic atlas; illust. 4to. N.Y., 1903. 523.4. Planets. LOWELL, PERCIVAL. Mars and its canals: illust. 8vo. N.Y., 1906. Mars as the abode . Fletcher. 8vo. Lond., 1906. ASTEONOMY. 281 RUSSELL, HENRY CIIAMBERLAINE. Aurora Australia, pp. 8, 8vo. Syd., 1897. Pam., v. 124, no. 2351. Great meteor of May 7, 1895. pp. 13, 8-vo. Syd., 1895. Pam., v. 123, no. 2321. Meteor of June 27, 1894. pp. 3, 8vo. Syd., 1894. Pam., v. 123, no. 2326. On meteorite no. 2, from Gilgoiu station, pp. 2, 8vo Syd. r 1893- Pam., v. 123, no. 2320. ULRICH, GEORGE HENRY FREDERICK. On a meteoric stone found at Makariwa, near Iuvercargill r New Zealand [illust.]. pp. 12, 8vo. Lond., 1893. Pam., v. 169, no. 3238. 523.6. Comets. CHAMBERS, GEORGE FREDERICK. The story of the comets, simply told for general readers: illust. 8vo. Oxf., 1909. RUSSELL, HENR.Y CHAMBERLAINE. Comet Gale (b, 1894). p-p. 4, 8vo. Lond., 1894. Pam., v. 123, no. 2302. Comet Swift, March, 1892. -p-p. 4, 8vo. Lond., 1892. Pam., v. 123., no. 2308. Spectrum and appearance of the recent comet, -pp. 6, 2- plates, 8vo. Syd., 1 88 1. 4 Pam., v. 123, no. 2329. TEBBUTT, JQSIN. On the orbit elements o-f comet i r 1880. pp. ID, 8vo. Syd., 1880. Pam.,. v. 123, no-. 2334. 523.7. The Sun. AUSTRALASIAN association for the advancement of science : Solar physics committee. Memorandum upon the proposed solar observatory in Australia, pp. 15, 8vo. A del.,. 1909. Pam., v. 169, no. 3239. ROYAL observatory: GreemvicJi. Results of measures made under the direction of Sir W. H. M. Christie of photographs of the sun taken at Greenwich, in India,' and in Mauritius in the year 1904. pp. 97, 4:0. Edinb., 1906. 523.8. Stars. BONWICK, JAMES. Orion and Sinus. i2mo. Lond., 1888 . RUSSELL, HENRY CIJAMBERLAENE. The coloured cluster about Kappa Crucis : [diagram], pp. 12, 8vo. Syd., 1872. Pam., v. 101, no. 1839. The nebula and stars about Eta Argus. pp. 6, 8vo. Syd., 1871. Pam., v. 123, no. 2319. New double stars, pp. 6, 8vo. Syd., i&Sj. Pam., v. 123, no. 2328. Notes on some photographs recently taken at Sydney observa tory Transit of Mercury, 1891, May 9. pp. 5, 8vo. Lond., 1891. Pam.. v. 123, no. -2315. MI ASTRONOMY. Kl SSI 1. 1.. HENRY ( 'MAMBERLAINE continued. Observations of double stars made at Sydney observatory, pp. .?, Svo. Lond., 1893. Pam., v. 123, no. 2307. Observations on the stars and nrlnila about Kta Argus, pp. 6, plate, Svo. Syd., n.d. Pam., v. 123, no. 23191. On some celestial photographs recently taken at Sydne\ observa- tory On an electrical control for driving clocks. pp. 7, plate, 8vo. Lond., 1890. Pam., v. 123, no. 2316. On some photographs of the Milky-way recently taken at Sydney observatory, pp. 6, plate, Svo. Syd., 1890. Pam., v. 123, no 2324. On the increasing magnitude of Eta Argus, pp. 2, Svo. Syd., 1888. Pam., v. 123, no. 2325. ? Results of double star measures made at the Sydney observa- tory, 1871 to 1881. pp. 68, Svo. Syd., 1882. Results of double star measures made at Sydney observatory. pp. 22. Svo. Syd.. 1891. Pam., v. 123, no. 2327. Star cluster 3315 A second's contact-maker for astronomical clocks, pp. 4, 2 plates. Svo. Lond., 1894. Pain., v. 123, no. 2311. I 523.9. Transits : Occuitations : Conjunctions. RUSSELL, HENRY CHAMBERLAINE. Xote on the conjunction of Mars and Saturn, July i, 1879. pp. 2, Svo. Syd.. 1879. Pam., v. i .'.3, no. 2313 \. Observations of the transit of Venus, 9 December, r874: illust. 4to. Syd., 1892. Transit of Mercury. November 8, 1881. pp. i^. Svo. Syd., 1881. Pam., v. 123, no. 2310. Transit of Mercury, 1894, November 10. pp. 4. Svo. Lond., 1882. P.i:n.. v. i23j no. 2309. 524. Observations : Maps. CAPE OF GOOD HOPE : Royal observatory. Annals, v. p; revision of the Cape photographic durcKmusterung : pt. t, by R. T. Innes. 410:, n.-p.. 1902. Same: v. n, pt. i; Southern circumpolar researches; helio- meter triangulation of the southern circumpolar area : by S. S. Hough. 410., n.p.. n.d. Catalogue of 1680 stars for the equinox 1900.0, from observa- tions made during the years 1905-1906: introd. by S. S. Hough, pp. 44, 410. Edinb.. 1907. Catalogues of stars for the equinox 1900.0 from observations made during the years 1900-1904. 410. Edinb.. 1906. Results of meridian observations of stars in the years 1900 to 1904. 410. Edinb., 1906. ASTRONOMY. 283 ELLERY, ROBERI LEWIS JOHN. Astronomical observations made at the Melbourne observatory in the years 1863-1884. 6 v., 8vo. Melb., 1866-88. Astronomical observations made at the Williamstown observatory in the years 1861-63. 8vo. Melb., 1869. First Melbourne general catalogue of 1227 stars for the epoch 1870. deduced from observations extending from 1863 to 1870. made at the Melbourne observatory. pp. 63, 410. Melb., 1874. PERTH observatory, W.A. Catalogue of 1846 stars between 33 deg. and 35 deg. south declination for the equinox 1900.0, selected as reference points for the astrographic catalogue, from observations made under the direction of W. E. Cooke. pp. 54. 4to. Perth, 1909. Meridian observations, vol. 4 : a catalogue of 2047 stars be- tween 30 deg. and 33 deg. south declination for the equinox 1900.0 ; from observations made under the direction of W. E. Cooke. 4to. Perth, 1910. RICHARDSON, WILLIAM. Catalogue of 7385 stars, chiefly in the southern hemisphere, prepared from observations made in the years 1822-1826 at the observatory at Paramatta [sic]. New South Wales. 410. Lond., 1835. ROYAL observatory : -Edinburgh. Annals, v. 2 : New reduction of Henderson's catalogue for the epoch 1840.0, by Jacob Halm. 410. Glasgow. 1906. ROYAL observatory : Grcetnvich. Astrographical catalogue, 1900.0, Greenwich section, dec. + 64 deg. to 90 deg., from photo- graphs taken and measured under the direction of W. H. M. Christie. 2 v., 4to. Edinb., 1904-08. Astronomical and magnetical and meteorological observations, 1902 to date. 4to. Edinb. Observations of the planet Eros. 1900-1901, for determination of the solar parallax. 4to Edinb., 1908. Results of astronomical observations in the years 1904 to date. 4to. Edinb. RUSSELL, HENRY CHAMBERLAINE. Chart of circumpolar stars. pp. 3, plate. 8vo. Syd.. 1894 Pam., v. 123, no. 2322. Notes on the star chart; how to use it. pp. 7, 8vo. Syd., n.d. Pam., v. 123, no. 2299. On a new method of printing star maps. pp. 2. 8vo. Syd., 1879. Pam., v. 123, no. 2313. Results of astronomical observations made at the Sydney obser- vatory in the years 1877 arj d 1878. 8vo. Syd., 1881. SCOTT, Rev. WILLIAM. Astronomical observations made at the Sydney observatory in the year 1859. 8vo. Syd., 1860. Astronomical and meteorological observations made at the Syd- ney observatory in the year 1860. 8vo. Syd., 1861. TEBBUTT, JOHN. Report of Mr. Tebbutt's observatory, Windsor. N.S.W., for the years 1888. 1890, 1891. pp. 33, 28, 24. 8vo. Syd., 1889-92. Pam., v. 123, nos. 2331-3. 284 GEODESY: SURVEYING. VICTORIAN," institute of surveyors. Catalogue of 100 stars of magnitude i to 5 bet\v<.n the Smith pole and declination south 34 dog. for the epoch 1880, with logarithmic constants for 1880 and 1890: by William Jahn. pp. 13, 8vo. Melb., 1880. WALES, WILLIAM, and BAYI.Y. WILLIAM. Original astronomical . observations made in the course of a voyage towards the South pole and round the- world in His Majesty's ships the Resolution and Adventure ir Hie years 1772-1775: [maps and iilust.]. 4to. Lond., 1777 525. The Earth. BLACK, FREDERICK A. Problems in time and space; a collection of essays relating to the earth physically and astronomically, and cognate matters : [iilust.]. 8vo. Lond., [1910]. 526. Geodesy. BEILBY, JAMES WOOD. Eureka; an elucidation of mysteries in nature. -pp. 32, 8vo. Melb., 1883. Pam., v. 100, no. 1838. HAYFORD. JOHN FILLMOEE. Geodesy ; the figure of the earth, and isostasy from measurements in the United States : [maps and plans]. 4to. Wash., 1909. 5. Toast and georletic survey.) N T EW SOUTH WALKS: Surveyor-general's department. Direc- tions for determining latitude and the true meridian : map. pp. 8, 4 to., n.t.p. [1872]. i'XTTED STATES: Coast and geodetic survey. Geodesy: tables for a polyconic projection of maps. 4to. Wash., 1910. 526.9. Surveying. CAMPBELL, WILLIAM DUGALD. Account of the surveys of Au> tralasia, and the changes in the methods of dealing with land. pp. 5, 8vo. Syd.. 1887. Tarn., v. 183, no. 3546. CONGRESS of engineers, architects, surveyors, and others inter- ested in the building of the Federal capital of Australia held in Melbourne in May, 1901. pp. 51, 8vo. Melb., [1901]. Pam., v. 5.2, no 870. Same: another copy. Pam., v. 98, no. 1795. KNIBBS, GEORGE HANDLE Y. Prize essay on the nature and public utility of trigonometrical, general, and cadastral survey : [plates], pp. 43, 8vo. Syd., 1891. Sant : another copy. Pam., v. 101, no. 1841. MITCHELL, Sir THOMAS LIVINGSTONE, li cut. -col. Outlines of a system of surveying for geographical and military purposes : [plans], pp. 96, 8vo. Lond., 1827. PHYSICS. B6i PICKETT, J. E. Short comparison of the NVw /ealasiod and Vic- torian survey system, 'pp. 8, 8vo., t/.p., 1891, Pam., v. 8, no. 176. 1TBLIC surveys of New South Walts. 8vo. Svd., 3866. Tt'RN T ER, E. W. Remarks on a method proposed to be used for defining the direction of lines in surveying. pp. TO, 8vo. Tumut, 1878. F'arn., v. 149, no. 2281. VICTORIAN institute of surveyors. Transactions and proceedings. v. i and 2, 1874-1884; v. 4, 1891-1899. v i v.. 8vo. Melb,. 1881-1900. 528. Ephemerides. -GREAT BRITAIN* : Admiralty. Nautical almanac and astro- nomical ephemeris for the years 1906 to date, for the meridian of ... Greenwich, 8vo. Edinb., 1902. UNITED STATES : Navy department. American ephemeris and nautical almanac, for the years 1907 to date. la. 8vo. Wash. 529. Chronology. UROMBY, Rev. JOHN EDWARD. Time and its earliest records : a lecture, pp. 20. Svo. Melb., 1873. Pam., v. 183, no. 3548. CUNYNGHAME, Sir HENRY HARDINGE SAMUEL. Time and clocks ; a description of ancient and modern methods of measuring time : illust. Svo. Lond., 1909. Re-issue : first published in 1906. WTLLETT, WILJJAM. The waste of daylight : with opinions of eminent men, the press, &c. pp. 44, Svo. 'Lond., [1909]. Pam., v. 183, no. 3547. 530. Physics. BLACK, F. A. Natural phenomena; a collection of descriptive and speculative essays on some of the by-paths of nature : [illust.]. Svo. Lond., [1906]. Contents. The turn of the day. The North pole and its peculiari- ties. Apparent enlargement of heavenly bodies near the horizon. Does the weather move in cjcles? Sargasso Sea. Zodiacal light, the Zodiacal band and the Gegenschein. The \vimk their causes and characteristics. The dav and the place of its birth. Rotation of the earth and other members of the solar system. The daily baro- metric tide. LE BON, GUSTAVE. The evolution of forces : illust. Svo. Lond., 1908. (International scientific ser.) MACLAURIN, COLIN. Account of Sir Isaac Newton's philo- sophical discoveries : [ed.] -by P. Murdoch : appended, Account of the life and writings jof the author. 410. Lond., 1748. ^, LUCIEN. The new physics and its evolution: tr. Svo. Lond., 1907. (International scientific ser.) 286 PHYSICS. SHENSTONE, WILLIAM ASHWELL. Tin- n \\ physics and chemistry : a series of popular essays on physical and chemical subjects. 8vo. Lond., 1906. Contents. Matter, motion, and molecules. Some recent specula- tions on the constitution of matter. Some recent theories of the ether. Modern theories of light. Weighing n world. On weighing atoms. Some aspects of the new chemistry. Mechanics of chemical change. Radium. Radium and the interpretation of radio-active changes. Carbon rind the shapes of atoms. Ferments ond fermenta- tions. About solutions. Origin of life. WHETHAM, WILLIAM CECIL DAMPIER. Recent development of physical science: [illust.]. 8vo. Lond., 1904. 530.7. Teaching of Physics. CARPENTER. WILLIAM LANT. Science demonstration in elemen- tary schools, pp. 12. 8vo. Syd.. 1883. Pam., v. too, no. 1837. 531.5. Gravity. LOVE, ERNEST FREDERICK JOHN. On the value of gravity at the Sydney observatory, pp. 3. 8vo. Syd.. 1892. Pam., v. 125, no. 2399. RUSSELL, HENRY CHAMBERLAINE. Proposed method of recording variations in the direction of the vertical. pp. 3, 8vo. [Syd.], 1888. Pam., v. 124, no. 2349. 532.5. Liquids in Motion. CORNISH, VAUGHAN. Waves of the sea and other water waves r 50 photographs. 8vo. London.. 1910. 533.6. Aeronautics. (For mechanical side, see class 621.17) AERO club of America, ed. Navigating the air; a scientific st>it< ment of the progress of aeronautical science up to the present time: illust. 8vo. N.Y., 1907. HILDEBRANDT, A. Airships past and present; with chapters on the use of balloons: tr. by W. H. Story: [illust.] 8vo. Lond., 1908. 535.2. Ether. LODGE, Sir OLIVER JOSEPH. The ether of space: [illust.]. 121110. Lond.. 1909. 537.4. Atmospheric Electricity. RUSSELL, HENRY CHAMBERLAINE. Notes about two photographs of lightning taken at Sydney observatory, Deceml>er yth, 1892. pp. 2, 8vo. Syd., 1893. Pam., v. 124, no. 2347. PHYSICS : MINERALOGY. 538. Magnetism. CIVIL engineer. Magnetic observations ; are they as useful as neces- sary, pp. T2, 8vo. Melb., ,1857. Pam., v. 101, no. 1834. NEUMAYER, GEORG BALTHASAR VON. Results of the magnetic survey of the colony of Victoria, executed during the years 1858-1864: [maps]. 4:0. Mannheim, 1869. RUSSELL, HENRY CHAMBERLAINE. On magnetic observations in New South Wales: [charts], pp. 5, 8vo., n.p.. 1871. Pam., v. 124, no. 2342. 539. Molecular Physics. BOTTONE, SELIMO ROMEO. Radium and all about it. 8vo. Lond., 1904. BRAGG, WILLIAM HENRY. On the ionisation of various gases by the particles of radium, pp. 15, 8vo. Adel., 1905. Pam., v. 169, no. 3240. LODGE, Sir OLIVER JOSEPH. Modern views on matter : the Romanes lecture, 1903. pp. 27, 8vo. Oxf., 1903. Pam., v. 46, no. 772. MAKOWKR. WALTER. The radioactive substances ; their proper- ties and behaviour : [illust.]. 8vo. Lond., 1908. (International scientific ser.) SODDY, FREDERICK. The interpretation of radium : illust. 8vo. Lond., 1909. (Progressive science ser.) 540. Chemistry. RENNIE. EDWARD HENRY. An apology for chemistry, pp. 14, 8vo. Adel., 1893. Pam., v. 124, no. 2337. 549. Mineralogy. AUSTRALIAN museum. Catalogue of the minerals and rocks in the collection of the Australian museum : by G. Krefft. 8vo. Syd., 1873. Descriptive catalogue, with notes, of the general collection of minerals in the Australian museum: by A. F. Ratte. 8vo. Syd., 1885. Bound with Australian museum. Catalogue of a collection of fossils, class 560. BLEASDALE, Rev. JOHN IGNATIUS. Introductory lecture delivered at the School of mines, Ballaarat, on some aspects of mineralogy, pp. 15, 8vo. Ballarat, 1874. Pam., v. 170, no. 3242. BROWN, HENRY YORKE LYELL. Catalogue of South Australian minerals, with the mines and other localities where found. pp. 34, 8vo. Adel., 1893. Pam., v. i28j no. 2463. MINERALOGY : GEOLOGY. LIVERSIDGE, ARCHIBALD. Minerals of N-w South Wales, pp. 63, 8vo. Syd., 1876. Phm., v. 16, no. 317. Same: 2nd ed.. 4to. Syd.. 188-'. In Wood, H. Mim-r.il products of New Sojiih YV.iU's, class 559.44, sub-entry under N.S.W. : Geological survey. Same: anotJier cd. la. 8vo. Lend.. 1888. Map wanting. MURRAY, REGINALD AUGUSTUS FREDERICK. Descriptive catalogue of rocks, minerals, and fossils, illustrative of the geology, mineralogy, and mining resources of Victoria, pp. 56, 8vo. Melb., 1886. Pam., v. 16, no. 323.^. PETTERD, WILLIAM FREDERICK.. Notes on unrecorded and other minerals occurring in Tasmania, pp. 16, 8vo. Hobart Pam., v. 170, no. 3245. SMYTH, ROBERT BROUGH. Catalogue of minerals, rocks, and fossils, which have been collected in the colony by die Mining department. Melbourne, Victoria. 8vo. M-lb., 1866. SPENCER, LEONARD JAMES. Marshite, rniersite, and iodyrite from Broken Hill. New South Wales; crystallised stannrte from Bolivia: [plate], pp. 26, 8vo. Lond., ipor. Pam., v. 170, no. 324.6. Mineralogical notes on Western Australian tellurides; the non- existence of " Kalgoorlite " and " Coolgardite " as mineral species, pp. 23, 8vo. . n.p., 1902. Pam., v. 126, no. 2406. TWELVETREES, WILLIAM HARPER, and PETTERD, W. F. On some igneous rocks from the Hazlewood [Tas.] district. pp. 15, 8vo., n.p., 1897. Pam., v. 170, no. 3243. On the occurrence of limurite in Tasmania, pp. 6, 8vo., n.p., 1897. Pam., v. 170, no. 3244. VICTORIA: Geological survey. Descriptive catalogue of the rock specimens and minerals in the National museum, pp. 96, 8\o. Melb., 1868. Pam., v. 126, no. 241 j. VICTORIA: Mines department. Catalogue of foreign minerals in the possession of the Mining department; compiled by W. Vazie Simons, pp. 74, 8vo. Melb., 1866. Pam., v. 149, no. 2882. Supplementary catalogue of minerals, rocks, and fossils which have been collected, by the Mining department, Melbourne. pp. 50, 8vo. Melb., 1869. Pam., v. 185, no. 3555. 550. Geology. BOYD. A. J. The earth's historv for boys-; or, geology in verse: [illust.]. pp. 66. r i2mo. Brisb., 1889. DARWIN. CHARLES ROBERT. Geological observations on South America ; being, the third part of The geology of the voyage of the Beagle: [maps.] 8vo. Lond., i8-p. GEOLOGY : SEISMOLOGY. 289 Geological observations on the volcanic islands visited during the voyage of H.M.S. Beagle; together with some brief notices on the geology of Australia and the Cape of Good Hope ; being the second part of The geology of the voyage of the Beagle: [maps]. 8vo. Lond., 1844. Bound with his Structure and distribution of coral reefs, c-ass 5.5 i -9&- 550.4. Essays. GEIKIE. JAMES. Fragments of earth lore; sketches and addresses, geological and geographical: maps and illust. 8vo. Edinb., 1893. 550.6. Societies. GEOLOGICAL society of Australasia. List of members ; also cata- logue of works in the library of the society : compiled by Robert T. Litton, -pp. 32, 8vo. Melb., 1886. Pam., v. 101, no. 1843. 550.7. Study and Teaching. SMYTH. ROBERT BROUGH. Hints for the guidance of surveyors and others in collecting specimens of rocks, &c. -pp. 20, 8vo. Melb., 1871. Pam., v. 104, no. 1898. 551. Physical and Dynamical Geology. DARWIN. CHARLES ROBERT. Geological observations on the volcanic islands and parts of South America visited during the voyage of H.M.S. Beagle: maps and illust. 2nd ed. 8vo. Lond.. 1876. SCHWARZ, E. H. L. Causal geology: [illust.]. 8vo. Lond., 1910. 551.2. Seismology. GUST, H. E. PUREY, commander. The eruption of Ambryn island, New Hebrides, 1894: [maps and illust.]. pp. 18, 8vo. Lond . 1896. Pam., v. 183, no. 3549. HUTTON, FREDERICK WOLLASTON, captain. Report on the Tara- wera volcanic district : [illust.]. pp. 20, 8vo. Well., 1887. Pam., v 28, no. 473. RUSSELL, HENRY CHAMBERLAINE. Local variations and vibrations of the earth's surface: [5 diagrams.], pp. 31, 8vo. [Syd., 1886.] Pam., v. 25, P.C\ 433. SMITH, STEPHENSON PERCY. The eruption oi Tarawera ; a report to the Surveyor-general: [maps and illust.]. 8vo. Well., 1886. F. 87-20. K 290 GEOLOGICAL AGENTS : PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. 551.3. Erosion and Deposition. McCOY, Sir FREDERICK. Geological action of ice, and nature of the geological period, pp. 15, 8vo. [Melb., 1872.] Pam., v. 101, no. 1852. RUSSELL, HENRY CHAMBERLAINE. Icebergs in the Soutnern Ocean. [No. i, map.] pp. 31, 8vo. [Syd.], 1895. Pam., v. 1.25, no. 2390. Same.- No. 2 [map], pp. 31, 8vo. [Syd.], 1897. Pam., v. 125, no. 2391. TYNDALL, JOHN. Glaciers of the Alps ; being a narrativ,- of excursions and ascents, an account of the origin and pheno- mena of glaciers, and an exposition of the physical principles to which they are related : illust. 8vo. Lond, 1906. Reprint : first published in 1860. WHITE. C. DAVID. Carboniferous glaciation in the southern and eastern hemispheres, with some notes on the glossopteris flora. pp. 32, 8vo. Minneapolis, 1889 Pam., v. 101, no. 1853. 551.31. Glacial Action. AUSTRALASIAN association for the advancement of science, Adelaide meeting, 1893. Report of the research committee appointed to collect evidence as to glacial action in Australia in tertiary or post tertiary time: [plate], pp. 12, 8vo. Adel., 1904. Pam., v. 28, no. 471. HOWCHIN, WALTER. New facts bearing on the glacial features: of Hallett's cove. .pp. 9, 8vo. [Adel., 1895.] Pam., v. 35, no. 587. JOHNSTON, ROBERT MACKENZIE. The glacier epoch of Aus- tralia ; review of the evidences of former glaciation in Aus- tralasia : [plan], pp. 62, 8vo. Hobart, 1893. Pam., v. 81, no. 1461. 551.4. Surface Features of the Earth : Physical Geography. BARTON, CHARLES HASTINGS. Outlines of Australian physio- graphy. 8vo. Maryborough [Q.], 1895. FAVENC, ERNEST. The physical configuration of the Australian continent: maps and diagrams, pp. 50, sm. 8vo. Syd.. 1905. Pam., v. 87, no. 1572. GREGORY, JOHN WALTER. Geography; structural, physical, and comparative: [illust. and maps]. 8vo. Lond., 1908. PALLAS, PETER SIMON. Observations sur la formation des mon- tagnes et les changemens arrives a notre globe, pp. 93. 8\o. St. Petersburg, 1782. Bound with Forster, G. De plantis esculentis, chiss 58i.<)(>6. ROBINSON, Sir WILLIAM CLEAVER FRANCIS. Physical geography of the south-west of Western Australia, pp. 18, 8vo. Adel., 1886. Pam., v. 183, no. 3550. PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY : OCEANS. 291 RUSSELL. HENRY CHAMBERLAINE. Physical geography and climate of New South Wales : [diagrams and map], pp. 33, 8vo. Syd., 1884. Pam., v. 124, no. 2360. Same: 2nd ed. : [3 maps], pp 35, 8vo. Syd., 1892. Pam.. v. 25. no. 418. Physical geography and climate, pp. 6, 8vo. Syd., 1896. P:im.. v. 124. no. 2361. STRZELECKI, Sir PAUL EDMUND DE, count. Physical descrip- tion of New South Wales and Van Diemen's Land : map and diagrams. 8vo. Lond., 1845. Gold and silver : supplement to [the above]. pp. 33, 8vo. Lond., 1856. THOMSON, JAMES PARK. Physical geography of Australia. 2nd ed., 8vo. Brisb., 1895. Pam., v. 112, no. 2086. UNIVERSITY of Sydney. Physiography; synopsis of lectures, 1905-6. pp. 32, 8vo. Syd., 1905. Pam.. v. 125, no. 2400. WALL, HENRY BERESFORD DE LA POER. Manual of physical geography of Australia. i2mo. Melb., 1883. 551.46. Oceans. CHALLENGER expedition. Reports on ocean soundings and temperature, Antarctic sea, Australia, New Zealand, 1874 : [charts], pp. 20, fo. Lond. [1874]. Reports on ocean soundings and temperature, New Zealand to Torres strait, Torres strait to Manila and Hong Kong, 1874 : [charts], pp. 7. fo. Lond. [1875]. KING, PHILLIP PARKER, rear-admiral. On the specific gravity of sea water in different parts of the North and South Atlantic oceans and in the South Pacific near the western coast of South America, pp. 14, 8vo., n.p., n.d. Pam., v. 147, no. 2839. RUSSELL, HENRY CHAMBERLAINE. Current papers, Nos. 1-7: [charts]. 8vo. Syd., v.d. Pam., v. 125, ros. 2375-2381. On a self -register ing tide-gauge, and electrical barograph, leaflet, 8vo., n.p., n.d. Pam., v. 124, no. 2346. Source of the periodic waves which are recorded from time to time on the Sydney and Newcastle tide-gauges. pp. 6, 8vo. Syd., 1898. Pam., v. 124, no. 2353. Water-spouts on the coast of New South Wales : [plates], pp. 18, 8vo. [Syd., 1898]. Pam., v. 125, no. 2388. SMYTH, WILLIAM HENRY, admiral. The Mediterranean; a memoir, physical, historical, and nautical. 8vo. Lond., 1854. THOMSON, Sir CHARLES WYVILLE. The depths of the sea; an account of the general results of the dredging cruises of H.M.SS. Porcupine and Lightning during the summers of 1868, 1869, and 1870: maps and illust. 8vo. Lond., 1873. VAN DYKE, JOHN CHARLES. The opal sea. 8vo. Lond., 1906. K 2 292 METEOROLOGY. 551.5. Meteorology. ABBOTT, FRANCIS. Meteorological observations taken at the obser- vatory, Hobart Town: from January, 1856, to June, 1860 inclusive. 4to. Hobart Town, 1859 [1860]. Results of meteorological observations for twenty years for Hobart Town, made at the Royal observatory, Ross Bank, from January, 1841, to December, 1854; and at the private observatory from January, 1855, to December, 1860 inclusive. 4to. Hobart Town, 1861. Results of meteorological observations for Hobart Town. 1841- 70. 4to. Hobart Town, 1861-72. Results of twenty-five years' meteorological observations [1841- 1865] for Hobart Town : [appended] meteorological sum- mary for Adelaide, Melbourne, Sydney, Auckland, &c. pp. 46, 410. Hobart Town. 1866. Bound with his Results of met. observ. for 20 years. Results of five years' meteorological observations [1866-1870] for Hobart Town. pp. 37. 4to. Hobart Town, 1872. Bound with his Results of met. observ. for 20 years. GREAT BRITAIN: Meteorological office. Meteorological charts of the Southern ocean between the Cape of Good Hope and New Zealand. 2nd ed., obi. 410. Lond., 1907. KING, PHILIP PARKER, rear-admiral. Abstract from a meteoro- logica' journal kept at Port Stephens, New South Wales, during the years 1843-47. pp. 4. 8vo. Launceston, n.d. Pam., v. lor, no. 1833. Selections from a meteorological journal kept on board H.M. ship Adventure during the survey of the southern coasts of South America, pp. 42, 8vo. n.p., n.d. Pam., v. 147, no. 2840. METEOROLOGICAL society of Australasia. History; rules and regulations; list of members, pp. 17, 8vo. Adel., 1886. Pam., v. ioi, no. 1837. MOORE, WILLIS LUTHER. Descriptive meteorology: 45 charts and 81 illust. 8vo. N.Y., 1910. MOSSMAN, ROBERT COCKBURN. ' Scottish national Antarctic ex- pedition : meteorology: [illust.]. pp. 13, 8vo. Edinb., 1905. Pam., v. 124, no. 2340. Some meteorological results of the Scottish national Antarctic expedition : [plates]. pp. 22, 8vo. Edinb., 1906. Pam., v. 124, no. 2341, NEUMAYER, GEORG BALTHASAR VON. Results of the meteoro- logical observations taken in the colony of Victoria during the years 1859-62 ; and of the nautical observations collected and discussed at the Flagstaff observatory. Melbourne, during the years 1858-62 : [charts.]. 410. Melb. , 1864. PEPPERCORNE, FREDERICK S. Australian meteorology and hydrography. pp. 27, 8vo. Napier, 1879. Pam., v. 147, no. 2837. QUEENSLAND : Registrar-generals department. Meteorological and mortality charts, 1887-91. fldg. Brisb., 1891. METEOROLOGY. 293 Rl SSELL, HENRY CHAMBERLAINE. Abstract of meteorological observations made in New South Wales up to the end of 1869, with remarks on the climate: [diagrams]. pp. 37, 8vo. Syd., 1871. Pam., v. 125, no. 2395. Diagrams of barometer, thermometer, wind, and rain on the east coast of Australia for forty -eight years, pp. 3, 8vo. Syd., 1889. Pam.,, v. 124, no. 2366. Instructions for meteorological observations in the colony of New South Wales: [diagrams]. pp. 12. 8vo. Syd., 1873. Pam., v. 124, no. 2362. Same: [new eel.] : Nos. i and 2. pp. 16, 9, 8vo. Syd., 1885-87. Pam., v. 124, nos. 2363-4. The metograph : [diagram], pp. 3, 8vo., n.p., n.d. Pam., v. 125, no. 2383. Results of meteorological observations made in New South Wales, 1870-73, 1890, and 1898-1902. 3 v., 8vo. Syd., 1871-1904. SM ALLEY,, GEORGE R. Abstract of meteorological observations made in New South Wales during the years 1865 and 1866. pp. 4, 8vo. Svd., 1869. Pam., v. 125, nc. 2387. SMYTH, ROBERT BROUGH. Instructions for taking meteorological observations. pp. 14, 8vo. Melb., n.d. Pam., v. 124, no. 2338. TEBBUTT, JOHN. Meteorological observations made at the private observatory, the Peninsula, Windsor, New South Wales, in the years 1863 to 1866. la. 8vo. Syd., 1868. WRAGGE, CLEMENT LINDLEY. Meteorology of Tasmania : report. pp. 16. 8vo. Launceston, 1896. Pam., v. 81, no. 1473. Same: another copy. Pam., v. 101, no. 1836. 551.51. Winds: Air Currents. HUNT, HENRY AMBROSE. Essay on southerly bursters : [diagrams and plates], pp 48, 8vo. Syd., 1894. Pam., v. 125, no. 2385. KIDDLE, HUGH CHARLES. Small whirlwinds. pp. n, 8vo. [Syd.] 1893. Pam., v. 125, no. 2386 RUSSELL, HENRY CHAMBERLAINE. Moving anticyclones in the southern hemisphere: [2 diagrams], pp. 8, 8vo., n.p. 1893. Pam., v. 25, no. 439. New self-registering anemometer and pluviometer for Sydney observatory, pp. 4, 8vo. Syd., 1885. Pam., v. 124, no. 2343. Russell's anemometer, pp. 3, 8vo. [Syd.] n.d. Pam., v. 124, no. 2344. WILKES, CHARLES, captain, U.S.N. Theory of the winds ; [with] map showing the extent and direction of the winds : [ap- pended] sailing directions for a voyage round the world, la. 8vo. Phila., 1856. 294 METEOROLOGY. 551.52. Thermometry : Heat. Kl'SSII.!.. HENRY CHAMBERLAINE. Diagram of isothermal lir- \<\v South Wales: [chart], leaflet, 8vo. Syd., 1892. Pam., v. 125, no. 2382. Notes on some remarkable errors shown by therrnonn-t- is : [diagram]. pp. 8, 8vo. Syd., 1876. Pam., v. 125, no. 2374. On a new self-recording thermometer : [diagram], pp. 3, 8vo. Syd., 1888. Pam., v. 124, no. 2350 551.54. Barometry. RUSSELL. HENRY CHAMBERLAINE. Note on a method of printing barometer and other curves: [diagrams], leaflet, 8vo. Syd., 1880. Pam., v. 125, no. 2369. Note upon a sliding scale for correcting barometer readings to 32 deg. Fahr., and mean sea level : [diagram], pp. 3. 8vo. Syd., 1880. Pam., v. 125, no. 2368. Notes on some recent barometric disturbances. pp. 6. 8vo.- Syd., 1877. Pam., v. 125, no. 2373. 551.55. Storms. FLAMMAKION, CAMILLE. Thunder and lightning: tr. by Walter Mostyn : illust. 8vo. Lond., 1905. RUSSELL, HENRY CHAMBERLAINE. Cyclonic storm or tornado in the Gwydir district. pp. 3, 8vo. [Syd.] 1891. Pam., v. 125, no. 2392. Dust storms in New South Wales, leaflet, 8vo. [Lond.] 1887. Pam., v. 125, no. 2371. Hail storms: [chart], pp. 4, 8vo. [Syd.] 1892. Pam., v. 125, no. 2355. Note on the recent rain storm, pp. 3, 8vo. Syd., 1889. Pam., v. 125, no. 2396. The storm of 2ist Septemter, 1888. pp. 3, 8vo. [Syd.] 1888. Pam., v. 125, no. 2393. Storms on the coast of New South Wales: [4 maps.] pp. 22, 8vo. Syd., 1878. Pam., v. 124, no. 2358. Thunder and hail storms in New South Wales : [diagrams], pp. it, 8vo. Syd., 1880. Pam., v. 125, no. 2367. Thunderstorm of 26th October. 1888. pp. 2. 8vo. [Svd.T 1888. Pam., v. 125, nu. 2394. The Wentworth hurricane: [map.] pp. TO, 8vo. Syd.. 1889. Pam., v. 124, no. 2359 Wind storm at Sydney, Jan. 27th, 1889. pp. 2, 8\o. [Sy!."j 1889. Pam., v. 124, no. 2348. 551.56. Climate. AUSTRALIA: Home affairs department. On the climate of the Yass-Canberra district; by H. A. Hunt: [map]. pp. 8, fscp. fo. Melb., 1910. METEOROLOGY. 295 AUSTRALIA: Meteorology bureau. Climate and meteorology of Australia: by H. A. Hunt. Bulletin no. i. pp. 34, 8vo. Melb., 1908.' I'am., v. 147, no. 2838. EGESON, CHARLES. Egeson's weather system of sun-spots causality ; being original researches in solar and terrestrial meteorology, pp. 63, 8vo. Syd., 1889. GIDDOXS, JOHN HARCOURT, compiler. The Commonwealth weather chart for 1905. pp. 20, 8vo. Syd. [1905]. Pam., v. 57, no. 935. Same: for 1906. pp. 20, 8vo., n.p., 1906. Pam., v. 81, no. 1472. Same: for 1908. pp. 40, 8vo., n.p., n.d. Pam., v. 124} no. 2339. GREGORY, JOHN WALTER. The climate of Australasia in reference to its control by the Southern ocean : [diagrams], pp. 96, 8vo. Melb., 1904. Same: anotlier copy. Pam., v. 46, no. 769. HUNT, HENRY AMBROSE. Types of Australian weather: ["40 diagrams], pp. 39, 8vo. Syd., 1895. Pam., v. 125, no. 2384. RUSSELL, HENRY" CHAMBERLAINE. Climate of Lord Howe island, leaflet, 8vo. [Syd.] 1895. Pam., v. 124, no. 2352. Climate of New South Wales ; descriptive, historical, and tabu- lar. 8vo. Syd., 1877. Fallacy of assuming that a wet year in England is followed by a wet year in Australia : [diagram], leaflet, 8vo. Syd.. 1902. Pam., v. I2C. no. 2707. On periodicity of good and bad seasons : [plate], pp. 47, 8vo. Syd., 1896. Pam., v. 124, no. 2357. TEPPER, J. G. OTTO. Influence of vegetation on climate and the rainfall, pp. 3, 410. Adel., 1898. Pam., v. 150, no. 2896.*. WARD, ROBERT DE COURCY. Climate considered especially in re- lation to man : illust. 8vo. Lond., 1908. (Progressive science ser. ) 551.57. Rainfall: Floods. CLAVDEN, ARTHUR WILLIAM. Cloud studies: [illust.] 8vo. Lond., 1905. RUSSELL, HENRY CHAMBERLAINE. Map showing the average monthly rainfall in New South Wales, pp. 3, 8vo. Syd., 1894. Pam., v. 125, no. 2389. The moon and the rain: [diagram], pp. 3, 8vo. Syd., 1903. Pam., v. 124, no. 2356. Notes upon floods in Lake George: [4 diagrams], pp. 20, 8vo. [Syd., 1887]. Pam., v. 25, no. 434. Notes upon the history of floods in the river Darling : [diagram], pp. 56, 8vo. [Syd., 1887.] Pam., v. 25, no. 435. Pictorial rain maps: [map], pp. 4, 8vo. Syd., 1892. Pam., v. 125, no. 2370. 800 METEOROLOGY : CORAL REEFS. ' Recurrence of rain " : the relation between the moon's motion in declination and the quantity of rain in N. S. Wales: [diagram], pp. 3, 8vo. [Syd.] 1901. I'.im., v. 124, no. 2365. Results of rain, river, and evaporation observations made in New South Wales during 1901-2: maps and diagrams. 8vo. Syd., 1904. The river Darling ; the water which should pass through it. pp. 2, 8vo. Syd., 1879. Pam., v. 123, no. 23151*. Self -register ing pluviometer, leaflet, 8vo. Syd., 1871. Pam., v. 124, no. 2345. Source of the underground water in the western districts, pp. 7, 8vo. [Syd.l 1889. 1'um., v. 12;, no. 2372. Tropical rains: [6 maps]., pp. 10, 8vo. Syd., 1883. Pam., v. 147, no. 2835. STIRLING, JAMES. Notes on the hydrology of the Mitta Mitta. pp. 20, 8vo. Melb., n.d. Pam., v. 102, no. 1856. SYDNEY morning herald newspaper. Account of the great flood on the Hawkesbury of June, 1864, and the lesser flood of July following, pp. 20, 8vo. Parramatta, 1864. Pam., v. 147, no. 2836. 551.78. Stratigraphical Geology. JOHNSTON", ROBERT MACKENZIE. Observations with respect to the nature and classification of the tertiary rocks of Aus- tralasia; general features of the tertiary system, pp 7-1 8vo. [Hobart, 1887.] Pain., v. 183, no. 3552. 551.96. Coral Reefs. AUSTRALIAN museum. Memoirs. Atoll of Funafuti, Ellice group : its zoology, botany, ethnology, and general structure, based on collections made by Charles Hedley. 8vo. Syd., j 896-1900. DARWIN, CHARLES ROBERT. Structure and distribution of coral reefs ; being the first part of The geology of the voyage of the Beagle: [map]. 8vo. Lond., 1842. ROYAL society, London. Atoll of Funafuti; boring into a coral reef- and the result : being the report of the Coral reef com- mittee of the Royal society: [map and figures]. 4to. Lond., 1904. Maps [to above], fldg. Lond., 1904. SOLLAS, WILLIAM JOHNSON. Funafuti; the story of a coral atoll: [figures], pp. 37, 8vo. [Lond., 1898.] Pam., v. 126, no. 2402. 551.99. Agents of Geological Work. HALL, THOMAS SERGEANT. On certain incrustations on wood in dune sand: 2 plates, pp. 6, 8vo. Melb., 1901. Pam., v. 183, no. 35-1 ECONOMIC GEOLOGY. 297 552. Lithology : Petrology. CURRAN, Rev. JOHN MICHAEL MILNE. Contributions to the microscopic structure of some Australian rocks : plates, -pp. 59, 8vo. Syd., 1892. Pam., v. 1 02, no. 1863. DUNN, EDWARD JOHN. Pebbles: illust. by 250 figures. 8vo. [Melb., 1910.] HOWITT, ALFRED WILLIAM. Sedimentary, metamorphic, and igneous rocks of Ensay : [plates], pp. 63, 8vo. Melb., 1885. Pam., v. 102, no. 1864. MOULDEN, J. COLLETT. Petrographical observations upon some South Australian rocks, pp. 9, 8vo. [Adel.] 1895. Pam., v. 35, no. 579. 553. Economic Geology. CARD, GEORGE W. Handbook to the mining and geological museum, Sydney. 8vo. Syd., 1902. MONTGOMERY, ALEXANDER. Mineral resources of Tasmania. pp. 28, 8vo. Hobart, 1894. Pam., v. 171, no. 3267. PARK, JAMES. Text-book of mining geology : illust. 8vo. Lond., 1906. TATE, RALPH. Geology in its relation to mining and subterranean water supply in South Australia, pp. 22, 8vo., n.p., n.d. Pam., v. 126, no. 2404. 553.1. Ore Deposits. BARNARD, W. HENRY. Letters on faults in mining, pp. u, 8vo. Ballarat, 1887. Pam., v. 128, no. 2468. BELT, THOMAS. Mineral veins; an enquiry into their origin, founded on a study of the auriferous and quartz veins of Australia: [diagrams], pp. 52, 8vo. Lond., 1861. Pam., v. 101, no. 1844. D AVI SON, SIMPSON. New theory of the origin of gold. 8vo. Lond., 1855. In Hargraves, E. H. Australia and its gold fields, class . 2410. 553.4. Ores of Metals. AURIFEROUS deposits of the Annandale estate, near Gladstone, Queensland; reports: [map], pp. 16, 8vo. Brisb., 1889. Pam., v. 53, no. 887. BAEL, LIONEL CLIVE. Gold workings in the Perry scrub, Burnett district, [Q. : plan, illust.]. pp. 14, 8vo. Brisb., 1903. 1'am., v. 171, no. 3261. Late discovery of gold near Pratten, Talgai gold field : Some mines on the Talgai gold field : and, Discovery of gold at Mount Sturt and Freestone Creek, Warwick district, [Q. : plans], pp. 21, 8vo. Brisb., 1903. Pam., v. 171, no. 3263. Some manganese deposits in the Gilgin, Degilbo, and Warwick districts, [Q. : plans], pp. 10, 8vo. Brisb., 1904. Pam., v. 171, no. 3264 Young Australian gold mine, and Commonwealth bismuth mine, Degilbo, [Q. : illust.]. pp. 7, 8vo. Brisb., 1903. Pam., v. 171, no. 3262. BECKER, EUDWIG. Native zinc embedded in basalt, pp. 3. 8vo., n.p., n.d. Pam., v. 106, no. i<)43. CARNE, JOSEPH EDMUND. Mercury or "quicksilver"' in New South Wales, with notes on its occurrence in other colonies and countries : [plates], pp. 36, 8vo. Syd., 1900. Pam., v. 101, no. 1845. (N.S.W. Geological survey.) Notes' on chromic iron ore. pp. 16, 8vo. Syd., 1898. Pam., v. 107, no. 1975. Notes on the occurrence of tungsten ores in New South Wales, with a register of localities. pp. 8, 8vo. Syd., 1898. Pam.. v. 171, no. 32615. CLARKE, Rev. WILLIAM BRANWHITE. On the progress of gold discovery in Australasia from 1860 to 1871. pp. 23, 8vo., n.p., n.d. Same : another cop r. Pam., v. 16, no. 321. DAVISON, SIMPSON. Discoverv and geognosy of gold deposits in Australia : map. 8vo. Eond., 1860. Same: 2nd ed., entitled Gold deposits in Australia: their dis- covery, development, and geognosy : maps and illust. 8vo Eond.. 1861. DUNN, EDWARD JOHN. Bayley's reward mine, Coolgardie, Western Australia : [plans], pp. 16, 8vo. Melb., 1894. Pam., v. 28, no. 4-7. GIPPS, FREDERICK B., and CAMPBELL, W. Description of the Wattle flat goldfield, western district, New South Wales : [plans], pp. 16, 8vo. Syd., 1873. Pam., v. 16, no. 322. OEES : PEECIOUS STONES. 299 GRODDECK, ALBRECHT VON. Zur Kenntniss tier Ziaaerzlagestatte des Mount Bishoff in Tasmanien. pp. n, 6, 8vo., n.p., 1884-86. Pam., v. 170, nos. 3.247-48. HUME, WALTER CUNNINGHAM. Report on the Queensland tin field: [map]. PP' 3 1 , 8vo., n.p., 1874. Pam., v. 126, no. 2409. LECTURES on gold; for the instruction of emigrants about to proceed to Australia : by J. Beete Jukes, and others. 8vo. Load., 1852. Same: 2nd ed. 8vo. Load., 1853. MACLAREX, J. MALCOLM. Gold; its geological occurrence and geographical distribution : 278 illust. 8vo. Lond., 1908. NISSER, PEDRO. On the geological distribution of gold, with special reference to some auriferous rocks in South America. pp. 26, 8vo. Melb., 1859. Pum., v. 28, no. 470 tULRICH, GEORGE HENRY FREDERICK. Observations on the mode of occurrence aad the treatment of auriferous, lead, aad silver ores at Schemaitz, Upper Hungary : plates, pp. 54. 8vo. Melb., 1868. Pam., v. i6 > no. .319 On the discovery, mode of occurreace aad distributioa of the aickel-iroa alloy awaruite oa the west coast of the South island of New Zealand: [plate]. pp. 14, 8vo. [Load.], 1890. Pam., v 101, no. 1854. 'WATT, JOHN ALEXANDER. Notes oa the occurreace of bismuth ores ia New South Wales, pp. n, 8vo. Syd., 1898. Pam., v. 171, no. 3266. WYLD, JAMES. Goldfields of Australia : aotes oa the distributioa of gold throughout the world, iacludiag Australia, Califoraia, aad Russia : to which is added a gazetteer of the gold diggiags of Australia : five maps. pp. 83, 3rd ed., 8vo. Load., 1853. 553.8. Precious Stories. BLEASDALE, Rev. JOHN IGNATIUS. Oa gems aad precious stoaes fouad ia Victoria, pp. 12. 8vo. Melb., 1867. Pam., v. 128. no. 2470. HAHN. A. Topas von Japaa; Topas von Neu-Sucl-Wales. pp. 6, 8vo. Leipzig, 1893. Pam., v. 128, no. 2469. LIVERSIDGE, ARCHIBALD. The Biagera diamond field, pp. n, 8vo. Syd., 1893- Pam., v. 16, no. 316. McLACHLAN, DUNCAN CLARK. Diamonds; their occurreace in New South Wales, pp. 18, 8vo. Syd. ; 1899. Pam.j v. 16, no. 324. MERCER, THOMAS. Speculations oa the origia aad formatioa of the diamond, with especial reference to its formatioa aad positioa at Biagara, N.S.W. pp. 12, 8vo [Melb., 1895]. Pam., v. 171, no. 3268. 800 GEOLOGY ; NEW ZEALAND. Geology of Special Countries. 556. Africa. BARRON, T., and HUME, W. F. Geology of the eastern desert of Egypt, pp. 8, 8vo. Lond., 1901. Pam., v. 183, no. 3553. 559. Australasia : Pacific Islands. HOOD, THOMAS H. COCKBURN. The Pacific region in the past and present, pp. 26, 8vo., n.p., 1880. Pam., v. 48, no. 812. Same : another copy. Pam., v. 112, no. 2092. 559.31. New Zealand. HAAST, Sir JOHN FRANCIS JULIUS VON. Geology of the provinces of Canterbury and Westland, New Zealand : [maps and illust.]. 8vo. Christchurch, 1879. HECTOR, Sir JAMES. Abstract report on the progress of the geological survey of New Zealand during 1866-7 ' [plates]. pp. 48, 8vo. Well., 1868. Pam., v. 88, no. i sgo. HOCHSTETTER, FERDINAND VON. Geologic von Neu-Seeland. 4to. Vienna, 1864. HOCHSTETTER. FERDINAND VON, and PETERMANN, AUGUST HEINRICH. Geological and topographical a^las of New Zea- land : .six maps 01 the provinces of Auckland and Nelson. 410. Auckland, 1864. Geology of New Zealand : in explanation of [the above], from the scientific publications of the Novara expedition : tr. by Dr. C. F. Fischer: also, Lectures by Dr. F. Hochstetter. 8vo. Auckland, 1864. HOOD, THOMAS H. COCKBURN. Was New Zealand a post-glacial centre of creation? " pp. 27, 8vo. Well., 1876. Pam., v. 101, no. 1855. HUTTON, FREDERICK WOLLASTOX, captain. Origin of the fauna and flora of New Zealand; II. The Antarctic and north tem- perate elements, pp. 26, 8vo. Dunedin, 1884. Pam., v. 183, no. 3554. Report on the geology of the Thames gold field : [plan], pp. 12 1 8vo. [Well., 1867.] Pam., v. 28, no. 474. Sketch of the geology of New Zealand, pp. 30. 8vo. [Lond.] r 1885. Pam., v. 28, no. 472. HUTTON. FREDERICK WOLLASTON, captain, and ULRICH, GEORGE HENRY FREDERICK. Report on the geology and gold fields of Otago: [plates and map]: appces. by J. G. Black. 8vo. Dunedin, 1875. McKAV. ALEXANDER. Report on the older auriferous drifts of central Otago: [map]. 2nd ed., 8vo. Well., 1897. GEOLOGY ; AUSTRALIA. 301 NEW ZEALAND : Geological survey. Reports of geological explorations, from 1874 to 1893. 4 v., 8vo. Well., 1877-94. PARK, JAMES. Geology of New Zealand ; an introduction to the historical, structural, and economic geology : illust. and map. 8vo. Christchurch, 1910. TAYLOR, Rev. RICHARD. The age of New Zealand, pp. 26. 8vo. Auckland, n.d. Pam., v. 126, no. 2403. 559.32. New Caledonia. LIVERSIDGE, ARCHIBALD. Notes upon some minerals from New Caledonia, pp. 20, 8vo. Syd., [1880]. Pam., v. 101, no. 1847. RATTE, A. F. Nouvelle-Caledonie ; catalogue des roches, mineraux, et minerals recueillis en 1876-1879. pp. 9, 8vo. Syd., 1880. Pam., v. 108. no. 190,2 559.4. Australia. CLARKE, Rev. WILLIAM BRAN\VHITE. Recent geological discoveries in Australasia : 2nd ed., with notes and addenda, pp. 60, 8vo. Syd., 1861. Pam., v. 102, no. 1857. FITTON, WILLIAM HENRY. Account of some geological specimens from the coasts of Australia : [map and illust.]. 8vo. Lond., 1826. JOHNSTON, ROBERT MACKENZIE. Historical sketch of the geo- logical relations of Australia and Tasmania : [tables], pp. 29, 8vo. Hobart. n.d. Pam., v. 81, no. 1461. How far can Australian geologists safely rely upon the order of succession of the characteristic genera of fossil plants of a far distant region in the determination of the order and relationship of Australian terrestrial formations? [plates]. pp. 10, 8vo. Hobart, 1888. Pam.. v. 81. no. 1462. JUKES, JOSEPH BEETE. Sketch of the physical structure of Aus- tralia, so far as it is at present known: [2 maps], pp. 95, 8vo. Lond., 1850. LEICHHARDT, FRIEDRICH WILHELM LUDWIG. Notes on the geology of parts of New South Wales and Queensland made in 1842-43: tr. by G. H. F. Ulrich, ed. by Rev. W. B. Clarke, pp. 24, 8vo.. n.p., n.d. Pam., v. 126, no. 2407. MOORE, CHARLES. On Australian mesozoic geology and palaeon- tology, and on a plant- and insect-bed on the Rocky river,. New South Wales: [9 plates], pp. 38, 8vo. [Lond.], 1870. Pam., v. 126, no. 2411. STOCKDALE, HARRY. Legend of the petrified or marble man,, with press extracts for and against, pp. 40, 8vo. Syd., 1889. Pam., v. 103^ no. 1880. WOODS, Rev. JULIAN EDMUND TENISON. The desert sandstone: [plates], pp. 46. 8vo. [Syd.], 1888. Pam., v. 47, no. 792. 302 GEOLOGY ; AUSTRALIA. 559.41. Western Australia. WESTERN AUSTRALIA: Geological survey. Bulletin no. 4: The mineral wealth of Western Australia, by A. Gibb Mail- land : [maps]. 8vo. Perth, 1900. Pam., v. 170. no. 3251. Bulletin No. 5 : The Phillips river mining district, by Torring- ton Blatchford : [map], pp. 21, 8vo. Perth, 1900. Tarn., v. 170, no. 3252. Bulletin No. 9 : Geological features and mineral resources of Northampton, by A. Gibb Maitland : appces. by H. P. Woodward, John Provis, and E. S. Simpson : map and sec- tions, pp. 28, 8vo. Perth, 1903. P.im.. v. 170, no. 3253. Bulletin No. 15: Preliminary report on the geological features and mineral resources of the Pilbarra goldfield, by A. Gibb Maitland: 8 maps and 25 figures. 8vo. Perth, 1904. Pam., v. 170, no. 3254. Bulletin No. 16 : Mineral production of Western Australia up to the end of 1903, by A. Gibb Maitland and C. F. V. Jack- son: map. 8vo. Perth, 1904. Pam., v. 170, no. 3255. ' Bulletin No. 19: Minerals of economic value, by Edward S. Simpson, pp. 75, 8vo. Perth, 1906. Pam., v. 170, no. 3256. Palaeontological contributions to the geology of Western Aus- tralia : i . Descriptions of carboniferous fossils from the Gas- coyne district, by Robert Etherirlge : [plates and map], pp. 41, 8vo. Perth, 1903. Pam., v. 103, no. 1875. WOODWARD, HARRY PAGE. Western Australia; annual report for 1888-1889, by [the] government geologist. pp. 60, 8vo. Perth, 1890. ' Pam.. v. 101, no. iS.^i. 559.42. South Australia. BROWN, HENRY YORKE LYELL., Government geologist. [Various reports], fscp. fo. Adel. Contents. Notes on the Echunga gold-fields. 1885. Geological cha- racter of country from Port Augusta to Eucla. 1885. Geological map of Barossa and Parra Wirra. 1885. Geological map of the tertiary deposits of the hundred of Barossa, with explanatory notes. 1889. Report on a journey from Adelaide to Hale river. 1888. Report on journey from Warrina to Musgrave ranges. 1889. BURR, THOMAS. Remarks on the geology and mineralogy of South Australia, pp. 32, sm. 8vo. Adel., 1846. Pam., v. 40, no. 680. Same: another copy. Pam., v. 101, no. 1846. CALDWELL, ROBERT. Plea for a geological survey of the Mount Lofty ranges, pp. 3, 8vo. Mount Barker, 1901. Pam., v. 184, no. 3556. CHEWINGS, CHARLES. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Geologic Slid und central-Australiens, nebst einer Uebersicht des lake Eyre Beckens und seiner Randgebirge. pp. 41, 8vo. Heidelberg. 1894. GEOLOGY ; AUSTRALIA. 305 CLARK, EDWARD VINCENT. Notes on the geology of the Ninety- mile desert : [plate], -pp. 8, 8vo. [Adel., 1896.] Pam., v. 35, no. 580. SCOULLAR, GAVIN. Geology of the hundred of Munno Para; part i ; the newer tertiary rocks, pp. n, 8vo. [Adel., 1879.] Pam., v. 35, no. 581 Same. Part 2 j the upland miocene and fundamental rocks and economics, pp. 23, 8vo. [Adel., 1880.] ' Pam., v. 35, no. 582. Sketch of the geology of the southern and western parts of the Lake Eyre basin, pp. 16, 8vo. [Adel., 1886.] Pam., v. 35, no. 580. TEPPER, J. G. OTTO. Introduction to the cliffs and rocks at Ardrossan, Yorke's peninsula, pp. 9, 8vo. [Adel., 1879.] Pam., v. 35, no. 570. WOODS, Rev. JULIAN EDMUND TENISON. Geological observations in South Australia: [illust.]. 8vo. Lond., 1862. 559.421. Northern Territory. WOODS, Rev. JULIAN EDMUND TENISON. Report upon the geology and mineralogy of the Northern territory of South Australia. pp. 38, 8vo. [Palmerston, 1886.] Pam., v. 102, no. 1859. 559.43. Queensland. CLARKE, A. W. Catalogue of the minerals exhibited in the Queensland court, Colonial and Indian exhibition, 1886. 8vo., ;/./>., 1886. Pam., v. 16. no. 318. DAINTREE, RICHARD. Notes on the geology of the colony of Queensland; with appx. containing descriptions of the fossils by R. Etheridge and W. Carruthers : [map, illust., and plates]. 8vo. [Lond.,] 1872. JACK, ROBERT LOGAN. Artesian water in the western interior of Queensland, pp. 16, 8vo. Brisb., 1895. Pam., v. 16, no. 323. Handbook of Queensland geology : [map]. 8vo. Lond., 1886. Same : another copy. Pam., v. 21, no. 384. Mineral wealth of Queensland: [map], pp. 71, 8vo. Brisb. r 1888. Stratigraphical notes on the Georgina basin with reference to the question of artesian water, pp. 5, 8vo. , n.p., 1895. Pam., v. 126. no. 2408. JACK, ROBERT LOGAN, and ETHERIDGE, ROBERT. Geology and palaeontology of Queensland and New Guinea : 68 plates and geological map of Queensland. 2 v., la. 8vo., and i case maps. Brisb., 1892. QUEENSLAND : Mines department. Geological survey, bulletin no. 2 : Notes on the Pikedale goldfield, by A. Gibb Maitland. pp. TO, 8vo. Brisb., 1895. Pam., v. 170, no. 3257. Geological survey, bulletin no. 4 : Notes on the present condi- tion of the Hodgkinson gold field, by R L. Jack. pp. 16, 8vo. Brisb., 1896. Pam., v. 170, no. 3258. 304 GEOLOGY ; AUSTRALIA. Geological survey, bulletin no. 5 : Notes on the Palmer as a reefing district, by R. L. Jack. pp. 8, 8vo. Brisb., 1897. Pam., v. 170, no. 3259. Geological survey, bulletin no. 12 : Corals from the coral lime- stone of Lion creek, Stavvell, bv R. Etheridge : Oolitic lime- stones from Lion creek, by G. W. Card. pp. '32, 8vo. Brisb., 1900. Pam., v. 103, no. 1876. Geological survey, bulletin no. 13: Additional notes on the paleontology of Queensland, part 2, by R. Etheridge: 4 plates, pp. 37, 8vo. Brisb., 1901. Pam., v. 103, no. 1877. Geological survey, bulletin no. 16: Report on the geological and mineral features of Diglum creek. Barmundoo, Gladstone district ; with remarks on the paragenesis of some of the rock-forming minerals, by B. Dunston : map. pp. 12, 8vo. Brisb., 1901. Pam., v. 170, no. 3260. Geological survey, bulletin no. 18 : Notes on fossil plants from Duaringa, Ipswich, Dawson river and Stawell ; [&c.] by John Shirley, n plates, pp. 16, 8vo. Brisb., 1902. Pam., v. 146, no. 2829. WOODS, Rev. JULIAN EDMUND TENISON. Geology of northern Queensland: [2 illust.]. pp. 16, 8vo. Brisb., 1880. Pam., v. 47. no. 787. 559.44. New South Wales. AUSTRALIA: Home affairs department. Reports on the geology of the Federal capital site; by E. F. Pittman : [map], pp. 7, fscp. fo. Melb., 1911. AUSTRALIAN museum. Lord Howe Island ; its zoology, geology, and physical characteristics: [maps and plates]. 8vo. Syd., 1889. Pam., v. 51, no. 847. Memoirs, no. 2. CARNE, JOSEPH EDMUND. The copper-mining industry and the distribution of copper ores in New South Wales : [illust. and map]. 8vo. Syd., 1899. Kerosene shale deposits of New South Wales : maps, plates, and sections. 4to. Syd., 1903. CLARKE, Rev. WILLIAM BRANWHITE. Remarks on the sediment- ary formations of New South Wales: map. 4th ed., 8vo. Syd., 1878. Researches in the southern gold-fields of New South Wales : [map]. i2mo. Syd., 1860. CURRAN, Rev. JOHN MICHAEL MILNE. Contribution to the geo- logy and petrography of Bathurst, New South Wales : [illust.]. pp. 64, 8vo. Syd., 1891. Same: another copy. Pam., v. 28, no. 475. Geology of Dubbo: part ii. : [plates], pp. 18, 8vo. Syd., [1885]. Pam., v. 102, no. 1862. Geology of Sydney and the Blue mountains. 8vo. Syd., 1899. GEOLOGY ; AUSTRALIA. 305 Note on a leucite-basalt from central New South Wales. pp. 2, 8vo. Syd., 1887. Pam., v. 102, no. 1860 Notes on the geology and water supply of the interior of New South Wales: plale pp. 4, 8vo. Syd., 1885. Pam., v. 102. no. 1861. DAVID. TANNATT WILLIAM EDGEWORTH. Notes on a collection of igneous rocks from Lord Howe island pp. 6, 8vo. [Syd., 1889]. Pam., v. 171, no. 3270. On evidence of glacial action in the carboniferous and Hawkes- bury series, New South Wales : [illust.]. pp. 7, 8vo. [Lond.] 1887. Pam., v. 171, no 3269. KING, GEORGINA. Palaeozoic carboniferous formations in Xew South Wales and the occurrence of our mineral wealth, pp. 6, 8vo. Syd., 1895. Pam., v. 16, no. 314. NEW SOUTH WALES : Geological survey. Geology of the Vegetable creek tin mining field ; maps and sections : by T. W. Edgeworth David. 4to. Syd., 1887. Same: Memoirs. 4to., Syd. Contents. Ethnological str. No. i. Aboriginal carvings of Port Jackson and Broken bay : by \V. D. Campbell. i&Qy. Geology, No. 2. Iron ore deposits of New South Wales : with maps, plates, and sections : by J. B. Jaqaet. 1901. No. 3. Kerosene shale deposits of New South Wales : with maps, plates, and sections : by J. E. Carne. 19*33- No. 5. Geology of the Broken Hill lode, and Barrier ranges mineral field : with maps, plates, and sections : by J. B. Jaquet. 1894. Palaeontology, No. i. Invertebrate fauna of the Hawkesbury- Wianamatta series : by R. Ktheridge. 1888. No. 2. Contributions to the tertiary flora of Australia [with map] : by Baron von Ettings- hausen. 1888. No. 3. Geological and palaeontological relations of the coal and plant-bearing beds of palaeozoic and mesozoic age in eastern Australia and Tasmania with special reference to the fossil flora : by O. Feistmantel. 1890. No. 4. Fossil fishes of the Hawkesbury series at Gosford : by A. S- Woodward. 1890. No. 5. Monograph of the carboniferous and permo-carboniferous invertebrata of New South \ales: part i, Coelenterata ; part 2, Echinodermata, annelida, and Crustacea. No. 6. Descriptions of the palaeozoic fossils of New South Wales : by L. G. de Koninck. 1898. No. 7. Mesozoic and tertiary insects of New South Wales : by R. Etheridge and A. S. Olliff. 1890. No. 8. Contributions to a catalogue of works, reports, and papers on the anthropology, ethnology, and geological history of the Australian and Tasmanian aborigines; in 3 parts: by R. Ktheridge. 1890-95. No. n. Monograph of the cretaceous inverte- brate fauna of New South Wales [with plates] : bv R. Etheridge. 1902-3. NEW SOUTH WALES: Geological survey. Records: v. 1-6, 1889-1900. 6 v., 8vo. Syd., 1890-1901. NEW SOUTH WALES: Mines department. Mineral products of New South Wales : by Harrie Wood ; Notes on the geology of New Soufh Wales: by C. S. Wilkinson; Description of the minerals of New South Wales: by A. Liversidge ; Cata- logue of works, &c., on the geology, palaeontology, mineralogy, of the Australian continent and Tasmania : by R. Etheridge and R. L. Jack. 410. Syd., 1882. Mineral products of New South Wales : by Harrie Wood ; Notes on the geology of New South Wales: by C. S. Wilkinson; Description of the seams of coal worked in New South Wales : by J. Mackenzie. 4to. Syd., 1887. 306 GEOLOGY ; AUSTRALIA. WILKINSON, CHARLES SMITH. Notes on the occurrence of re- markable boulders in the Hawkesbury rocks. pp. 3, 8vo. Syd., [1880]. Pam., v. 101, no. 1848. WOODS, Rev. JULIAN EDMUND TENISON. The Hawkesbury sand- stone, pp. 38, 8vo. Syd., 1882. Pam., v. 47, no. 790. 559.45. Victoria. HALL, THOMAS SERGEANT. Victorian hill and dale; a series cf geological rambles: [illust.]. 8vo. Melb., 1909. MURRAY. REGINALD AUGUSTUS FREDERICK. Victoria: geology and physical geography: [map and plates]. 8vo. Melb., 1887. PRITCHARD, GEORGE BAXTER. Geology of Melbourne as told by a few rambles in and around the city: [illust., maps and plans]. 8vo. Melb., 1910. SELWVN, ALFRED RICHARD CECIL, and ULRICH, GEORGE HENRY FREDERICK. Notes on the physical geography, geology, uiul mineralogy of Victoria : [maps], pp. 92, 8vo. Melb., 1866. VICTORIA : Geological survey. Reports of progress by the Secretary for mines : with reports on the geology, mineralogy, and physical structure of various parts of the colony. Nos. 1-7. 2 v., 8vo. Melb., 1874-84 WOODS, Rev. JULIAN EDMUND TENISON. Geology of Portland : two lectures, pp. 19, 8vo. Portland, 1865. Pam., v. 47, no. 791. On some tertiary deposits in the colony of Victoria ; with a note on the corals, by P. Martin Duncan : abridged, pp. 6, 8vo., n.p., 1865. Pam., v. 171, no. 3271. 559.46. Tasmania. GREGORY, JOHN WALTER. Contribution to the glacial geology of Tasmania : [plates], pp. 17, 8vo. [Lond.] 1904. Pain., v. 126, no. 2413. JOHNSTON, ROBERT MACKENZIE. " Are all the colossal igneoes caps of the Tasmanian tiers and of the Lofty mountain plateaux true sills"? pp. 4, 8vo. Hobart, 1899. Pain., v. 81, no. 1460. Further notes on the " permo-carbohiferous fossil cliffs " at Darlington, Maria Island.: [plans and illust.]. pp. 12, 8vo. [Hobart, 1900]. Pam., v. 171, r.o. 3272. Geology of Tasmania : [review of his systematic account of the] reprinted from the Tasnianion news. pp. 12, 8vo. Hobart [1888] Pam., v. 81, no. 1465. Geology of Tasmania : review [of his systematic account of the] from the Mercury, pp. 7, 8vo Hobart, 1889. Pam., v. 81, no. 1463. Guide to the rocks and minerals of Tasmania : [plates], pp. 51, 4to. Hobart, 1888. From his feolo<*v of Tasmania. PALEONTOLOGY. 307 Notes on the geology of Bruni island : [illust.]. pp. 8, 8vo. Hobart, 1886. Pam., v. 81, no. 1464. Notes showing that the estuary of the Derwent was occupied by a fresh-water lake during the tertiary period : [illust.]. pp. 14, 8vo. Hobart, 1881. Pam., v. 81, no. 1453. Story of an old lake of the Derwent. pp. 22, 8vo. Hobart, 1894. Pam., v. 81, no. 1452. Systematic account of the geology of Tasmania : [maps, plates, and illust.]. 4to. Hobart, 1888. .STEPHENS, T. Notes on the diabase of Tasmania and its re- lations to the sedimentary rocks with which it is associated. pp. 13, 8vo. Hobart, n.d. Pam., v. 101, no. 1849. THUREAU, GUSTAV. Notes on the occurrence of native copper at Mount Lyell, with observations upon the genesis of the ores. pp. ii, 8vo. Melb. , 1900. Pam., v. 102, no. 1858. TWELVETREES, WILLIAM HARPER. Report on kerosene shale, and coal seams in the parish of Preolenna : [map]. pp. 1 6, 8vo. Hobart, 1903. Pam., v. 126, no. 2414. 560. Palaeontology. AUSTRALIAN museum. Catalogue of a collection of fossils in the Australian museum; with introductory notes [by A. F. Ratte]. 8vo. Syd., 1883. LANKESTER, Sir EDWIN RAY. Extinct animals: illust. 8vo. Lond., 1905. 560.9931. New Zealand. WOODS, Rev. JULIAN EDMUND TENISON. Palaeontology of New Zealand. Part iv. Corals and bryozoa of the neozoic period : [plates], pp. 34, 8vo. Well., 1880. Pam., v. 103, no. 1882. 560.994. Australia. AUSTRALIAN museum. Guide to the Australian fossil remains [in the museum], arranged and named by Gerard Krefft. pp. 15, 8vo. Syd., 1870. Pam., v. 103, no. 1881. ETHERIDGE, ROBERT. Catalogue of Australian fossils, strati- graphically and zoologically arranged. 8vo. Camb., 1878. 560.9941. Western Australia. FOORD, ARTHUR H. Western Australian fossils : [4 plates], pp. 20, 8vo. Lond., 1890. Pam., v. 102, no. 1865. HINDE, GEORGE JENNINGS. Western Australian fossils : [2 plates]. -pp. n, 8vo. [Lond., 1890]. Pam., v. 1 02, no. i865A. 308 PALEONTOLOGY ; AUSTRALIA. 560.9942. South Australia. ETHERIDGE, ROBERT. Additional plant remains from the Creek coal-field, central Australia : [plates]. pp. 8, 8vo. [Adel.] 1905. Pam., v. 10}, no. 1879. Additions to the Cambrian fauna of South Australia : [plate]. pp. 6, 8vo. [Adel.] 1905. Pam., v. 103, no. 1878. ROYAL society of South Australia. Memoirs : Fossil remains of Lake Callabonna : [plates]. 4to. Adel., 1899-1901. Part I. Description of the manus and pes of Diprotodon Australia : by E. C. Stirling and A. H. C. Zietz. Part II. i. Genyornis New- toni : a new genus and species of fossil struthious bird : by E. C. Stirling and A. H. C. Zietz. 2. Physical features of Lake Calla- bonna : by E. C. Stirling. 560.9943. Queensland. ETHERIDGE, ROBERT. Description of the palaeozoic and mesozoic fossils of Queensland: [plates], n.t.p., pp. 36, 8vo. [Lond.] 1872. Same: anotJier copy. Parr.., v. 126, no. 2416. On a collection of fossils from the Bow en river coalfield and the limestone of the Fanning river, North Queensland : [plates], pp. 66, 8vo. Edinb., 1880. Pam., v. 102. no. 1874. 560.9945. Victoria. ETHERIDGE, ROBERT. Evidence of the existence of a Cambrian fauna in Victoria: [plate], pp. 13, 8vo. Melb., 1895. Van 1 .., v. 102, no. 1871. McCOY, Sir FREDERICK. Prodromus of the palaeontology of Vic- toria ; or, figures and descriptions of Victorian organic re- mains : decades 1-7. la. 8vo. Melb., 1874-82. (Geological survey of Victoria.) 560.9946. Tasmania. ETHERIDGE, ROBERT. Description of a collection of Tasmanian silurian fossils [in the] Australian museum. pp. 18, 8vo. Hobart, 1896. Pam., v. 81. no. 1457. Same: another copy. I 'am., v. 102. no. 1868. JOHNSTON, ROBERT MACKENZIE. General observations regarding the classification of the upper palaeozoic and mesozoic rocks of Tasmania, with description of all the known Tasmanian coal plants, pp. 18, 8vo. Hobart, 1885. Pam., v. 81, no. 1458. Reference list of the tertiary fossils of Tasmania, pp. 17, 8vo. Hobart, 1886. Pam., v. 81. no. 14S^>. PALEONTOLOGY. 561. Plants. ARBER, E. A. NEWELL. Catalogue of the fossil plants of the glossopteris flora in the department of geology, British museum (Natural history) ; being a monograph of the permo- carboniferous flora of India and the southern hemisphere. 8vo. Lond., 1905. BATHER, F. A. Haplocrinus Victoriae, N.S., Silurian, Melbourne and its relation to the Platycrinidse : [plate]. -pp. 9, Svo. Lond., 1897. Pam., v. 171, no. 3273. CURRAN, Rev. JOHN MICHAEL MILNE. On some fossil plants. from Dubbo, N.S.W. : [plate], pp. 4, Svo. [Syd., 1884]. Pam., v. 102. no: 1866. ETHERIDGE, ROBERT. Observations on the swollen condition of carboniferous crinoid stems: 2 plates, pp. 16, 8vo., n.-p. Pam., v. 101, no. 1850. ETTINGSHAUSEN, Freiherr CONSTANTIN VON. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der fossilen Flora Neuseelands . 9 plates. pp. 52, 410. Vienna, 1887. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Tertiarflora Australiens : 2nd. s^r. : 8 plates, pp. 66, 4to. Vienna, 1886. Both the above hound -with his Die genetische Glietleruny der Flora Australiens, class 581.994. FEISTMANTEL, OTTOKAR. Notes on the fossil flora of Eastern Australia and Tasmania, pp. 16, Svo. [Syd., 1880]. Pam., v. 102, no. 1867. JOHNSTON, ROBERT MACKENZIE. Fresh contributions to our knowledge of the plants of mesozoic age in Tasmania, pp. 22, Svo. Hobart, 1886. Pam., v. 81, no. 1466. Further contributions to the history of the fossil flora of Tas- mania ; part ii. : [plates], pp. 7, Svo. Hobart, n.d. Pnm.. v. 81. no. 1455. MUELLER, Baron Sir FERDINAND VON. Observations of new vegetable fossils of the auriferous drifts : [plates], la. 8vo. Melb., 1874. (Geological survey of Victoria.) WOQDS, Rev. JULIAN EDMUND TENISON. On the fossil flora of the coal deposits of Australia : [plates]. Svo. Syd., [1885]. Pain., v. 47, no. 789. WOODWARD, HENRY. Notes on some mesozoic plant-remains from South Australia: [plate], pp. 4, Svo. Hertford, 1885. Pam., v. 126,. no. 2415. 563. Protozoa: Radiates. DUNCAN, P. MARTIN. On the fossil corals (madreporaria) of the Australian tertiary deposits: plates, pp. 35, Svo. , n.p., 1870. Pam., v. 27, no. 457. ETHERIDGE, ROBERT, sen. Description of a new species of the genus Hemipatagus, Desor, from the tertian- rocks of Victoria [&c.]. pp. 7, Svo. [Lond., 1875]. Pam., v. 171, no. 3274 310 PALEONTOLOGY. NICHOLSON, HENRY ALLEYNE, and ETHERIDGE, ROBERT. Description of palaeozoic corals from northern Queensland, with observations on the genus Stcnopora: [plates], pp. 32, 8vo. [Loncl., 1879]. Pam., v. 102, no. 1869. WOODS, Rev. JULIAN EDMUND TENISON. On some new corals from the Australian tertiaries. pp. 3, 8vo. [Adel., 1880.] Pam., v. 35, no. 565. 564. Mollusca. .BRITISH museum (Natural history). Catalogue of tertiary mollusca in the Department of geology : part i, The Australian tertiary mollusca, by George F. Harris: [8 plates]. 8vo. Lond., 1897. CRICK, G. C. On a collection of Jurassic cephalopoda from West- ern Australia, obtained by H. P. Woodward: [2 plates]. -pp. 18, 8vo. Hertford, 1894. Pam., v. 184, no. 3557. ETHERIDGE, ROBERT. An operculum from the Lilydale lime- stone: [plate], pp. 6, 8vo. Melb., 1893. Pam., v. 102, no. 1873. HUDLESTON, WILFRED H. Notes on some mollusca from South Australia, pp. 4, 8vo. [Lond., 1884.] Pam., v. 127, no. 2445. HUTTON, FREDERICK WOLLASTON, captain. Catalogue of the tertiary mollusca and the echinodermata of New Zealand in the collection of the Colonial museum. 8vo. Well., 1873. LUNDGREN, BERNHARD. On an inoceramus from Queensland : plate, pp. 6, 8vo. Stockholm, 1886. Pam., v. 148. no. 2861. TATE, RALPH. Gastropods of the older tertiary of Australia: parti: [plates], pp. 86, 8vo. [Adel., 1887.] Pam., v. 35, no. 563. Same: part iv., including supplement to part in. pp. 30, 8vo. [Adel., 1893.] Pam., v. 35, no. 564. Plates wanting. On new species of belemnites and salenia from the middle ter- tiaries of South Australia: [illust.]. pp. 4, 8vo. n.p., 1877. Pam., v. 171, no. 3275. On the Australian tertiary palliobranchs. pp. 31, 8vo. [Adel., 1880.] Pam., v. 35, no. 567. Plates wanting. Supplemental notes on the palliobranchs of the older tertiary of Australia, and a description of a new species of rhynchonella : The lamellibranchs of the older tertiary of Australia, part i. pp. 65, 8vo. Adel., [1885]. Pam., v. 35, no. 561. WOODS, Rev. JULIAN EDMUND TENISON. On some recent and fossil species of Australian selenariadae ; (polyzoa). pp. 12, 8vo. [Adel., 1880.] Pam.. v. 35, no. 576. PALEONTOLOGY : BIOLOGY. 311 565. Articulates. ETHERIDGE, ROBERT. The largest Australian trilobite hitherto discovered: [plates], pp. 6, 8vo. Melb., 1893. Pam., v. 102, no. 1872. On turrilepas and annelid jaws from upper silurian, N.S.W. : [plate], pp. 4, 8vo. Lond., 1890. Pam., v. 1 02, no. 1870. WOODWARD, HENRY. Wing of a neuropterous insect from Aus- tralia Fossil shells from S. Australia New trilobites from South Australia: [plate], pp. 8, 8vo. Lond., 1884. Pain., v. 127, no. 2445. 568. Reptiles. DE VIS. CHARLES W. Extinct fresh-water reptiles of Queensland: illust. pp. 7, 8vo. Brisb., 1897. Pam., v. 171, no. 3276. (Annals of the Queensland museum, no. 3.) HECTOR, Sir JAMES. On the fossil reptilia of New Zealand: [plates], pp. 32, 8vo. Well., 1873. Pam., v. 184, no. 3558. 569. Mammalia. BRITISH museum (Natural history). Catalogue of the fossil mam- malia ; part v., containing the group Tillodontia, the orders siren ia, cetacea, edentata, marsupialia, monotremata ; supple- ment by Richard Lydekker : [55 illust.]. 8vo. Lond., 1887. OWEN, Sir RICHARD. Researches in the fossil remains of the ex- tinct mammals of Australia ; with a notice of the extinct mar- supials of England. 2 v.. /(.to. Lond.. 1877. SCOTT. ALEXANDER WALKER. Mammalia, recent and extinct [section B Pinnata ; seals, dugongs. \vhales, &c ]. 8vo. Syd., 1873. WOODWARD, HENRY. On the fossil sirenia in the British museum: [illust.]. pp. 14, 8vo. Hertford, 1885. Pam., v. 126, no. 2417. 570. Biology. BENNETT, GEORGE. Gatherings of a naturalist in Australasia > being observations on the animal and vegetable productions of New South Wales, New Zealand, &c. : illust. 8vo. Lond., 1860. DARWIX, CHARLES ROBERT. Journal of researches into the geology and natural history of the various countries visited by H.M.S. Beagle from 1832 to 1836: [map]. 8vo. Lond., 1839. FRASER, MALCOLM ALEXANDER CLEMENT. Notes on the natural history, &c., of Western Australia: [map and illust.]. 8vo. Perth, 1903. GILLIES, WILLIAM, and HALL, ROBERT. Nature studies in Aus tralia, with a natural history calendar, summaries, and index : introd. by Frank Tate : [illust.]. 8vo. Melb., 1905. HANNAFORD, SAMUEL. Sea and riverside rambles in Victoria. i2mo. Geelong, 1860. 312 BIOLOGY. HEDLEY, CHARLES. On the relation of the fauna and flora of Australia to those of New Zealand. pp. 5, 8vo. Lond., 1893. Pom., v. 105, no. IQ27. LINNAEUS, CARL. Reflections on the study of nature. 8vo. Lond., 1785. Bound with Forster, Geo. De plantis esculentis, class 1581.996. SMITH, GEOFFREY. A naturalist in Tasmania : [illust.]. 8vo. Oxf., 1909. SMITH, Sir JAMES EDWARD. Tracts relating to natural history : [plates]. 8vo. Lond., 1798. WARD, THOMAS. Rambles of an Australian naturalist; written by Paul Fountain from the notes and journals of Thomas Ward. 8vo. Lond., 1907. WOODS, Rev. JULIAN EDMUND TENISON. On the natural history of New South Wales, pp. 50, 8vo. Syd., 1882. Pam.. v. 47. no. 794. WOODWARD, BERNARD H. National parks, and the fauna and flora reserves of Australasia, pp. 8., 8vo. Perth, 1907. Pam., v. 127, no 2479. 570.1. Philosophy. SPENCER, HERBERT. Principles of biology. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1880. (Synthetic philosophy, v. 2-3.) \yALLACE, ALFRED RUSSEL. The world of life; a manifestation of creative power, directive mind, and ultimate purpose: [illust.]. 8vo. Lond., 1911. 570.4. Essays. HARRISON, AMY E. f nee Mack, Mrs. Launcelot. A bush calendar : 42 illust. sm. 8vo. Syd., 1909. LINNEAN society of New South Wales. Macleay memorial volume: ed. by J. J. Fletcher: [portr.]. 4to. Syd., 1893. Contents, The Hon. Sir William Macleay, kt., F.L.S., M.L.C. : J. J. Fletcher. Contributions to our knowledge of Ceratodus; part i., the blood vessels : W. Baldwin Spencer. The pliocene mollusca of New Zealand : F. W. Hutton. Monograph of the Temnocephaleae : William A. Haswell. On an apparently new type of the Platy- helminthes (Trematoda?) : William A. 'Haswell. Observations on the myology of Palinurus Kdwardsii : T. Jeffery Parker and Josephine Gordon Rich. Observations upon the anatomy of the muzzle of the Ornithorhynchus : J. T. Wilson and C. J. Martin.- On the peculiar rod-like tactile organs in the integument and mucous membrane of the muzzle of Ornithorhynchus': J. T. Wilson and C. J. Martin. On Parmacochlea Fischeri : C. Hedley. On the geographic relations of the floras of Norfolk and Lord Howe islands : Ralph Tate. Notes on an undescribed Acacia from New South Wales : Baron von Mueller. Description of a new Ilakea from ^astern New South Wales: Karon von Mueller and J. II. Maiden. Description of some of the weapons and implements of the Alligator tribe, Port F.ssington, North Australia : R. Ktheridge, jr. Nematodes, mostly Australian and Fijian : N. A. Cobb. [42 plates.] WAI, T, ACE. ALFRED RUSSEL. Studies, scientific and social: illust. 2 v.. 8vo. Ix>nd., 1900. Tropical nature, and other Assays. 8vo. Lond., 1878. PREHISTORIC MAN : ETHNOLOGY. 571. Prehistoric Archaeology. BROMBY, Rev. JOHN EDWARD. Pre-historic man : a lecture, -pp. 1 6, 8vo. Melb., 1869. Pam., v. 25, no. 428. WILSON, Sir DANIEL. Prehistoric man ; researches into the origin of civilisation in the old and the new world. 3rd ed., 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1876. WINDLE, BERTRAM COGHILL ALAN. Remains of the prehistoric age in England: illust. 8vo. Lond., 1904. 571.1. Stone Age. SMITH, Rev. FREDERICK. The stone ages in North Britain and Ireland ; introd. by Augustus H. Keane*: illust. 8vo. Glas- gow, 1909 571.81. Dwellings. DAWKINS, WILLIAM BOYD. Cave hunting; researches on the evi dence of caves respecting the early inhabitants of Europe : illust. 8vo. Lond., 1874. 571.9. Monoliths. LOCKYER, Sir JOSEPH NORMAN. Stonehenge, and other British stone monuments astronomically considered : [illust.]. 8vo. Lond., 1906. 572. Ethnology. ABORIGINES' protection society. Annual report, second to fourth and sixth to tenth, [with, Extracts from the papers and pro- ceedings, October to December, 1839, and January to June, 1841]. 8vo. Lorid-, v.d. Report of the parliamentary committee on aboriginal tribes (British settlements) : reprinted with comments. 8vo. Lond., Pam., v. 18, no. 334. ABORIGINES society. Report of the meeting for sufferings re- specting the aborigines, 1841. pp. 12, 8vo. Lond., 1843. Pam., v. 81. no. 1470. AVEBURY, JOHN LUBBOCK, ist baron. Origin of civilisation and the primitive condition of man; mental and social condition of savages: [illust.]. 8vo.' Lond., 1870. BON WICK, JAMES. Our nationalities. 8vo. Lond., 1 880-81. Contents. 'Who are the Irish ? Who are the Scotch ? Who are the Welsh? Who are the English? COLONIAL intelligencer, or aborigines' friend : comprising the Transactions of the Aborigines protection society. 4 v., 8vo. Lond., 1847-54. Same: New series. The Aborigines' friend and colonial in- telligencer. v. i, 1855-58. 314 ETHNOLOGY. ETHNOLOGICAL society of London. Journal, v. 3, 8vo., Lend., 1854. Contains articlc-s on Australian and New Zealand ethnology. Same: \. 4. 8vo. Lond., 1856. Contains a paper " On the KamHuroi tribe of Australian* and their dialect," by Rev. \Y. Ridley. Same: Transactions, v. 3, new ser. 8vo. Lond., 1865. Contains an article on the aborigines of Australia, by Augustus Oldfield. FEATHERMAN, AMERICUS. Social history of the races of man- kind. 7 v., 8vo. Lond., 1881-91. Contents. Div. i. Nifjritians. Div. 2. P-ipuo and Malayo Melanesians; Oceano Melanesians. Div. 3. Aoneo-Maranomans ; Chiapo- and Guarano-Maranonyms. Div. 4. Dravido-Turanians, Turco-Tarlar-'l'uranians, t T jjrio-Turanians. Div. ;;. Aramaeans. FRAZER, JAMES GEORGE. Totemism and exogamy ; a treatise on certain early forms of superstition and society : [maps]. 4 v., 8vo. Lond., 1910. LIVING races of mankind; a popular illustrated account of the customs, habits, pursuits, feasts, and ceremonies of the races of mankind throughout the world : by eminent specialists. [R. Lydekker, A. H. Keane, and others]. 2 v.. 4to. Lond., PICKERING, CHARLES. Races of man and their geographical dis- tribution ; to which is prefixed an analytical synopsis of the natural history of man. by John Charles Hall : [map and illust.]. 8vo. Lond., 1850. SHOBERL, FREDERIC, cd. The world in miniature; the Asiatic islands and New Holland ; being a description of the various tribes by which they are inhabited: [col. illust.]. 2 v. in i, i2mo. Lond., 1824. STUART. MARTIN. De Mensch, zoo als hij voorkomt op den l>ekenden Aardbol : illust. by Jacques Kuyper : [col. illust.]. 6 v.. 8vo. Amsterdam, 1802-07. THOMAS, NORTHCOTE W., cd. Anthropological essays presented to Edward Burnett Tylor in honour of his 75th birthday. 2 Oct., 1907: [2 portrs. and illust.]. la. 8vo. Oxf.. 1907. WEBSTER, HUTTON. Primitive secret societies; a study in early politics and religion. 8vo. N.Y.. 1908. 572.1. Unity of the Human Race. FIN'OT, JEAN. Race prejudice: tr. by Florence Wade-Evans. 8vo. Lond., 1906. 572.7. Scattered Races : Jews. FISHBERG, MAURICE. The Jews ; a study of race and environ- ment: [illust.]. 8vo. Lond., 1911 [1910]. (Contemporary science ser.) ' Ethnology of Special Countries. 572.942. Great Britain. NICHOLAS, THOMAS. British ethnology; the pedigree of the English people : an argument on the formation and growth of the nation: [illust. and maps]. 4th ed., 8vo. Lond., 1874- ETHNOLOGY. 315 . 572.942 E. British Empire. ERASER, JOHN FOSTER. Quaint subjects of the King : 68 illust. 8vo. Lond., 1909. LATHAM, ROBERT GORDON. Ethnology of the British colonies and dependencies. i2mo. Lond., 1851. 572.954. India. CROOKE, WILLIAM. Natives of northern India : illust. [and map]. 8vo. Lond., 1907. (Native races of the British empire.) STACK, EDWARD. The Mirkirs ; from; [his"] papers : ed., arranged, and supplemented by Sir Charles Lyall : illust. 8vo. Lond., 1908. THURSTON. EDGAR, and RANGACHARI, K. Castes and tribes of southern India: fillust.]. 7 v., 8vo. Madras, 1909. 572.967. Central Africa. ROUTLEDGE, W. SCORESBY, and ROUTLEDGE, KATHERINE. With a prehistoric people ; the Akikiiyu of British East Africa : being some account of the method of life and mode of thought found existent among a nation on its first contact with European civilisation: illust. and map. 8vo. Lond., 1910. WERNER, ALICE. Natives of British Central Africa: illust, 8vo. Lond., 1906. (Native races of the British empire.) 572.968. South Africa. KIDD. DUDLFY. Kafir socialism and the dawn of individualism; an introduction to the study of the native problem. 8vo. Lond., 1908. THEAL, GEORGE McCALL. The yellow and dark-skinned people of Africa south of the Zambesi ; a description of the Bush- men, the Hottentots, and particularly the Bantu : 15 illust, 8vo. Lond., 1910. 572.97. North America. BANCROFT, HUBERT HOWE. Native races [of the Pacific states] : [maps and illust.]. 5 v., 8vo. San Francisco, 1882-83. Contents. v. i. \Vild tribes. v. 2. Civilized nations. v. 3. Myths and languages. v. 4. Antiquities. v. 5. Primitive history. [Index. | CATLIN, GEORGE. Letters and notes on the manners, customs, and condition of the North American Indians : written during eight years' travel in 1832-1839 : 400 illust. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1841. Reprinted in 1902 from the original plates. JOHNSTON, Sir HARRY HAMILTON. The negro in the new world : illust. and maps. la. 8vo. Lond., 1910. McLAUGHLIN, JAMES. My friend the Indian: illust. 8vo. Lond , 1910. TOUT, C. HILL. British North America: i. The far west, the home of the Salish and Dene: illust. and map. 8vo. Lond. r 1967. (Native races of the British empire.) 316 ETHNOLOGY. WASHINGTON, BOOKER TALIAFERRO. The story of the negro; the rise of the race from slavery : [portr.]. 2 v. . 8vo. Lond., 1909. WASHINGTON, BOOKER TALIAFERRO. and DU BOIS, WILLIAM EDWARD BURGHARDT. The American negro (Southern states) ; his economic progress in relation to his moral and religious <1< '\vlopment. 8vo. Lond., 1909. 572.99. Oeeana. BASTIAN. ADOLF. Inselgruppen in Oceanien ; Reseergebnisse und Studien : 3 illust. 8vo. Berlin, 1883. CAUVIN, CHARLES. Memoire sur les races de 1'Oceanie. 8vo. Paris, 1882. HAMV, ERNEST THEODORE. L'oeuvre ethnographique de Nicolas- Martin Petit, dessinateur a bord du Geographe, 1801-1804. pp. 24, 8vo. Paris, 1891. Pam., v. 147, no. .2843. 572.991. Malaysia. EARL, GEORGE WINDSOR. Native races of the Indian archipelago : Papuans: [illust.]. 8vo. Lond., 1853. Also includes the East Indian archipelago, Malaya, and northern Australia. MARTIN, RUDOLF. Die Inlamlstamme der Malayischen Halbinsel ; \\-issenschaftliche Ergebnisse einer Reise diirch die vereinigten Malayischen Staaten : illust. 4to. Jena. 1905. 572.9911. Borneo. McDOUGALL. FRANCIS THOMAS, bishop of Ldbuan. On the wild tribes of the north-west coast of Borneo, pp. n, 8vo. Lond., 1862. Pam., v. 184, no. 3562. ST. JOHN, Sir SPENSER BUCKINGHAM. Wild tribes of the north- west coast of Borneo, pp. 12. 8vo. Lond., 1862. Pam., v. 184, no. 3561. 572.993. Melanesia. CODRINGTON, Rev. ROBERT HENRY. The Melanesians ; studies in their anthropology and folk-lore: illust. 8vo. Oxf., 1891. WHEELER, DANIEL. Effects of the introduction of ardent spirits and implements of war among the natives of some of the South-sea islands and New South Wales, and ed., pp. 21, 8vo. Lond., 1843. Pam., v. 103, no. 1884. 572.9931. New Zealand. ANDERSEN, JOHANNES C. Maori life in Ao-tea : [illust.]. 8vo. Christchurch, [1907]. ANGAS, GEORGE FRENCH. The New Zealanders illustrated: [col. plates], to. Lond., 1847. ETHNOLOGY ; NEW ZEALAND. 317 BROWN, J. MACMILLAN. Maori and Polynesian; tht-ir origin, his- tory, and culture. 8vo. Lond., 1907. COWAN, JAMES. The Maoris of New Zealand : illust. 8vo. Christchurch, 1910 [1909]. (Makers of Australia ser.) DRUMMOND. JAMES, ed. John Rutherford, the white chief; a story of adventure in New Zealand : [illust.]. 8vo. Christ- church, [1908]. FENTON, FRANCIS DART. Suggestions for a history of the origin and migrations of the Maori people. 8vo. Auckland. 1885. Pam., v. 34, no. 547. FOLEY, ANTOINE EDOUARD. Eki Tou-mata-ouengha, pere et dieu des cruels humains. 8vo. [Paris], 1874. GRACE, ALFRED A. Tales of a dying race. 8vo. Lond.. 1901. MARTIN, MARY ANN, lady. Our Maoris: [map and illust.]. 8vo. Lond., 1884. NEW Zealanders, The. pp. 17, 8vo. Edinb., 1851. From Blackwood's magazine, Oct., 1851. Pam., v. 126, no. 2418. POLACK, JOEL SAMUEL. Manners and customs of the New Zealanders, with notes corroborative of their habits, usages, &c. : illust. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1840. ROBLEY, HORATIO GORDON, major-general. Moko, or Maori tattooing: illust. 410. Lond., 1896. SAVAGE, JOHN. Some account of New Zealand, particularly the Bay of Islands, and surrounding country ; with a description of the religion and government, language, arts, manufactures, manners, and customs of the natives, &c. [illust.]. 8vo. Lond., 1807. SHORTLAND, EDWARD. Traditions and superstitions of the NVw Zealanders, with illustrations of their manners and customs. 8vo. Lond., 1854. SMITH, STEPHENSON PERCY. History and traditions of the Maoris of the West Coast, North Island of New Zealand, prior to 1840: illust. and maps. 8vo. New Plymouth, 1910. (Memoirs of the Polynesian society, v. i.) TREGEAR, EDWARD. The Aryan Maori. 8vo. Well., 1885. The Maori race. 8vo. Wanganui, 1904. WHITE, JOHN. Ancient history of the Maori, his mythology and traditions, 6 v., and supplementary vol. of illust. 7 v., 8vo. Well, 1887-90. WILSON, JOHN ALEXANDER. The story of Te Waharoa ; a chapter in early New Zealand history, with sketches of ancient Maori life and history: [illust.]. 8vo. Christchurch, [1906]. 572.9932. New Caledonia. LAJMBERT, le fere. Moeurs et superstitions des Neo-Caledcniens : [illust.]. 4to. Noumea, 1900. MONCELON, LEON. Les Canaques de la Nouvelle-Caledonie, et des Nouvelles-Hebrides : la colonisation europeene, en face de la sauvagerie locale, pp. 32, 8 vo. Paris. 1886. Pam., v. 103, no. 1897. :; 1 x ETHNOLOGY ; AUSTRALIA. 572.9934. New Hebrides. BENNETT, GEORGE. Account of Elau, a Malayan Papuan child, native of the island of Erromanga. pp. 10, 8vo. Syd., >/.nd.. 1893. Pam., v. 184, no. 3560. 572.9935. Solomon Islands. RIBBE, CARL. Zwei Jahre unter den Kannibalen der Salomo- Inseln, Reiserlebnisse und Schilderungen von Land und Lenten ; unter Mitwirkung von Heinrich Kalbf us : maps and illust. 8vo. Dresden, 1903. 572.9936. Bismarck Archipelago. DANK.S, Rcr. BENJAMIN. Marriage customs of the New Britain group, pp. 14, 8vo. Lond., 1889. Pain., v. 147, no. 2844. 572.994. Australia. AUSTRALIAN languages and traditions, pp. 45, 8vo. [Lond.],, 1898. From Journal of the Anthropological institute Pam., v. 127, no. 2423. BEVERIDGE, PETER. The aborigines of Victoria and Riverina : [with vocabulary]. 8vo. Melb., 1889. Title page wanting. CURR, EDWARD MICKLETHWAITE. The Australian race; its origin, languages, customs, place of landing in Australia, and the routes by which it spread itself over that continent. 3 v., 8vo., and i v".. fo. Melb., 1886. [CUTTINGS from old Sydney newspapers relating to the aborigines of Australia.] 8vo., n.t.p., n.d. ETHKRIDGE. ROBERT. An Australian aboriginal musical instru- ment, pp. 5, 8vo. Lond., 1894. Pam., v. 103, no. 1804. Notes on Australian shields, more particularly the Drunmung : [plates], pp. 8, 8vo. Lond., 1896. Pam., v. 103, no. 1893. On a modification of the Australian aboriginal weapon termed the leonile, langeel, bendi, or buccan, &c. pp. 4, 8vo. Lond., 1894. Pam., v. io}, no. i8(>v FISON. Rev. I.ORIMER, and HOWITT, ALFRED WILLIAM. Kami- la roi and Kurnai ; group-marriage and relationship, and mar- riage by elopement, chiefly from the usage of the Australian aborigines: also the Kurnai tribe ; their customs in peace and war: introd. by Lewis H. Morgan. 8vo. Melb., 1880. FLANAGAN, RODERICK J. Aborigines of Australia. i2mo. Syd., 1888. GENNEP, ARNOLD VAN. Mythes et legendes d' Australia; etudes d'ethnographie et de sociologie : [biographical notice and introd.]. 8vo. Paris, 1905. ETHNOLOGY ; AUSTRALIA. 319 GRIBBLE, Rev. JOHN B. " Black but comely " ; or, glimpses or aboriginal life in Australia. 8vo. Lond., [1884]. HOWITT, ALFRED WILLIAM. Notes on Australian message sticks and messengers : [plate], pp. 19, 8vo. Lond., 1889. Pam., v. 103, no. 1888. Notes on songs and songmakers of some Australian tribes. pp. 9, 8vo. Lond., 1887. Pam., v. 1 8. no. 336. Notes on the Australian class systems : [map], pp. 16, 8vo. Lond., 1883. Pam., v. 126, no. 2422. On some Australian ceremonies of initiation. pp. 29, 8vo. Lond., 1884. Pam., v. 103. uo. 1889. HOWITT, ALFRED WILLIAM, and FISON, Rev. LORIMER. On the dome and the horde, pp. 29, 8vo. Lond., 1884. Pam., v. 103, no. 1890. KOSMIXSKV, ISIDORE. Occultism of the Australian aboriginal: no. 2. pp. 8, 8vo. Melb., n.d. Pam., v. 126, no. 2421. KRAUSE, W. Australien. pp. 32, 8vo. Leipzig, 1897. Pam., v. 127, no. 242(5. LANG, GIDEON SCOTT. Aborigines of Australia in their original condition and in their relations with the white men ; a lecture, revised and enlarged, pp. 86. 8vo. Melb., 1865. LUMHOLTZ, CARL. Au pays des cannibales ; voyage d'exploration chez les indigenes de 1' Australia orientale, 1880-1884: traduit du Norvegien par V. et W. Molard : maps and illust. 410 Paris, 1890. MANNING, JAMES. Notes on the aborigines of New Holland. pp. 19, 8vo. Syd., 18*83. Pam., v. 18., no. 339. MATHEW, Rev. JOHN. The cave paintings of Australia, their authorship and significance: [plates], pp. n, 8vo. Lond., i893- Pam., v. 18, no. 338. Eaglehawk and crow ; a study of the Australian aborigines, in- cluding an inquiry into their origin and a survey of Australian languages. 8vo. Lond., 1899. MATHEWS, ROBERT HAMILTON. Divisions of Australian tribes pp. 4, 8vo. Phila., 1898. Divisions of north Australian tribes, pp. 5, 8vo. Phila., 1899. Ethnological notes on the aboriginal tribes of New South Wales and Victoria. 8vo. Syd., 1905. Organisation sociale des tribus aborigines de 1'Australie. pp. 5, 8\o. Paris, n.d. Origin, organization, and ceremonies of the Australian abori- gines : map. pp. 22, 8vo. Phila., 1900. Some aboriginal languages of Queensland and Victoria, pp. 10, 8vo. Phila., 1902. The Wombya organization of the Australian aborigines, pp. 8, 8vo. Wash., 1 900. All the above bound together. ORTON, Rer. JOSEPH. Aborigines of Australia; with introductory letter dated 1836. pp. 12, n.t.p., Lond., n.d. ETHNOLOGY ; AUSTRALIA. PARKER, KUVVARD STONE. Aborigines of Australia, pp. 31, 8vo. Melb., 1854. KKCLUS, ELIE. Le primitif d' Australia; ou, les non-non et le oui-oui : etude d'ethnologie comparee. 8vo. Paris, n.d. RIDLEY. Rev. WILLIAM. Aborigines of Australia, pp. 28, umo. Syd., 1864. Pain., v. 30, no. 670. SADLKTR, RICHARD. Aborigines of Australia : [illust.]. pp. 69, 4to. Syd., 1883. SMITH, WILLIAM RAMSAY. Place of the Australian aboriginal in recent anthropological research: [plates], pp. 22, 8vo. Adel., 1907. Pam., v. 103, no. 1883. SPENCER. WALTER BALDWIN. Guide to the Australian ethno- graphical collection in the National museum of Victoria: [14 plates], pp. 88, 8vo. Melb., n.d. THOMAS, NORTHCOTE W. Kinship organisations and group mar- riage in Australia. 8vo. Camb., 1906. Natives of Australia: illust. and map. 8vo. Lond., 1906. TUPINARD, PAUL. Etude sur les races indigenes de 1'Australie. 8vo. Paris, 1872. WESTGARTH, WILLIAM. Report on the condition, capabilities, and prospects of the Australian aborigines. pp. 40, 8vo. Melb., 1846. Same : another copy. Pam., v. 103, no. 1885. WHEELER, GERALD C. The tribe, and intertribal relations in Australia : prefatory notes by Edward A. Westermarck. 8vo. Lond., 1910. WORSNOP, THOMAS. Prehistoric arts, manufactures, works, weapons, &c., of the aborigines of Australia: [illust.]. 8vo. Adel., 1897. 572.9941. Western Australia. ABORIGINES 1 protection society. [Correspondence concerning the aborigines of Western Australia.] pp. 12, 8vo., n.t.p., n.p., 1841. BATES, DAISY M. Efforts made in Western Australia towards the betterment of her aborigines : compiled from statistics, records, &c. pp. 31, 8vo. Perth, 1907. Pam., v. 147, no. 2848. BRIEF account of the natives of Western Australia, their character, manners, and customs : prepared to illustrate the collection of weapons, &c., sent to the exhibition at Sydney, 1879. pp. 15, 8vo. Perth, 1879. Pain., v. 18, no. 343. Same: another copy. Pam., v. 127, no. 24,24. MATHEWS, ROBERT HAMILTON. Ethnological notes on the abori- ginal tribes of Western Australia: [illust.]. pp. 28, 8vo. Brisb., [1904]. Native tribes of Western Australia, pp. 3, 8vo. Phila., 1900. (Bound together.) ETHNOLOGY ; AUSTRALIA. 321 ROBERTSON, A. MILNE. Report upon certain peculiar habits and customs of the aborigines of Western Australia, pp. 8, 8vo. Perth, 1879. Pam., v. 18, no. 343.* Same : another copy. Pam., v. 127, no. 2427. WITHNELL, JOHN G. Customs and traditions of the aboriginal natives of north-western Australia, pp. 37, i2mo. Roe- bourne, 1901. Pam., v. 38, no. 653. 572.9942. South Australia. EYLMANN, ERHARD. Die Eingeborenen der Kolonie Siidaustra- lien : illust. and map. la. 8vo. Berlin, 1908. GASON, SAMUEL. The Dieyerie tribe of Australian aborigines : [with vocabulary], pp. 51, 8vo. Adel., 1874. Pam., v. 18, no. 333. HALE, MATTHEW BLAGDEN, bishop of Brisbane. Aborigines of Australia ; being an account of the institution for their educa- tion at Poonindie, in South Australia. i2mo. Lond., [1889]. MATHEWS, ROBERT HAMILTON. Divisions of the South Austra- lian aborigines: map. pp. 14. 8vo. Phila., 1900. Phallic rites and initiation ceremonies of the South Australian aborigines, pp. 17, 8vo. Phila., 1900. Bound together. XATIVE tribes of South Australia: [illust.]. 8vo. Adel., 1879. Contents. Introduction : J. D. \Voods. The Narrinyeri : Rev. George Taplin. The Adelaide tribe : Dr. Wyatt. The Encounter Bay tribe : Rev. A. Meyer. The Port Lincoln tribe : Rev. C. W. Schurmann. The Dieyerie tribe : S. Gason. Vocabulary of Woolner district dialect (Northern Territory) : J. W. Ogilvie Bennett. SMITH, Mrs. JAMES. Booandik tribe of South Australian abori- gines ; a sketch of their habits, customs, legends, and lan- guage. i2mo. Adel., 1880. STRETTOX, WILLIAM GEORGE. Customs, rites, and superstitions of the aboriginal tribes of the Gulf of Carpentaria, with a vocabulary, pp. 27. 8vo. [Adel., 1893.] Pam., v. 35, no. 583. TAPLIN, Rev. GEORGE. The Narrinyeri ; an account of the tribes of South Australian aborigines inhabiting the country around the lakes Alexandrina. Albert, and Coorong, and the lower part of the river Murray. 8vo. Adel., 1874. TAPLIN, Rev. GEORGE, ed. Folklore, manners, customs, and lan- guages of the South Australian aborigines : [illust.]. 8vo. Adel., 1879. WILLSHIRE, W. H. Aborigines of central Australia; with a vocabulary of the dialect of the Alice Springs natives. , pp. 32, i2mo. Port Augusta, 1888. Pam., v. 39, no. 669. 572.99421. Northern Territory. BASEDOW, HERBERT. Anthropological notes on the western cen- tral tribes of the Northern Territory of South Australia : [19 plates], pp. 62, 8vo. Adel., 1906. Pam., v. 147, no. 2849. F.8720. L 322 ETHNOLOGY ; AUSTRALIA. ETHERIDGE, ROBERT. On an unusual form of rush basket from the Northern Territory: [plate], pp. 2, 8vo. Loncl.. 1894. Pam., v. 103, no. 1891. MATHEWS, ROBERT HAMILTON. Ethnological notes on the aboriginal tribes of the Northern Territory, pp. 21, 8v<>. Brisb., 1901. Bound with his Divisions of the South Aust. aborigines, clas-s 57.:. 0042. SPENCER, WALTER BALDWIN, and GILLEN, FRANCIS JAMES. Native tribes of central Australia: [illust., maps, and glossary]. 8vo. Loncl., 1899. .Northern tribes of central Australia. 8vo. Loncl., 1904. 572.9943. Queensland. ETHERIDGE, ROBERT. The game of teetotum as practised by certain of the Queensland aboriginals : [plate], pp. 4, 8vo. Lond., 1896. Pam.. v. 103, no. 1892. GUNN, Airs. JEANNIE. The little black princess; a true tale of life in the never-never land : [illust.]. 8vo. Lond., 1905. MATHEW, Rev. JOHN. Two representative tribes of Queensland, with an inquiry concerning the origin of the Australian race : introd. by A. H. Keane : map and 6 illust. 8vo. Lond., 1910. MATHEWS, ROBERT HAMILTON. Aboriginal rock pictures in Queensland, pp. 2, 8vo. Phila., 1901. Divisions of Queensland aborigines: map. pp. 9, 8vo. Phila., 1898. Language, organization, and initiation ceremonies of the Kogai tribes, Queensland, pp. n, 8vo. Berlin, 1904. The Murawarri and other Australian languages, pp. 17, 8vo. Brisb., 1903. The Toara ceremony of the Dippil tribes of Queensland, pp. 6, 8vo. Wash., 1900. All the above bound together. MESTON, ARCHIBALD. Queensland aboriginals; proposed system for their improvement and preservation, pp. 35, 8vo. Brisb., 1895. Pam., v. 147, no. 2850. ROTH, WALTER EDMUND. Ethnological studies among the north- west-central Queensland aborigines: illust. 8vo. Brisb., * 1897. North Queensland ethnography; bulletins 1-6. (Issued by the Home secretary's department, Brisbane): [plates and illust.]- fscp. fo. Brisb., 1901-03. Contents. i. String and other forms of strand : buskttry-, woven bag-, and net-work. 2. Structure of the Koko-Yimidir language. 3. Food, its search, capture, and preparation. 4. Games, sports, and amusements. 5. Superstition, magic, and medicine. 6. Elementary grammar of the Nggerikudi language, by the Rev. N. Hey ; rev. and ed. bv W. E. Roth. ETHNOLOGY; AUSTRALIA. 323 572.9944. New South Wales. AUSTRALIAN museum. Descriptive list of Australian aboriginal weapons, implements, &c., from the Darling and Lachlan rivers, collected by Mr. K. H. Bennett, pp. 8, 8vo. Syd., 1887. Pam., v. 147, no. 28:51. CLARK, JOHN HEAVISIDE. Field sports, &c., of the native in- habitants of New South Wales : 10 plates. 4to. Lond., 1813. FRASER, JOHN. The aborigines of New South Wales, pp. 41, 8vo. [Syd.], 1882. Pam., v. 18, no. 344. The aborigines of New South Wales : [map, illust., and appx. on anthropometry]. 8vo. Syd., 1892. Pam.. v. 18. no. 346. HILL, RICHARD, and THORNTON, GEORGE. Notes on the abori- gines of New South Wales, pp. 8, 8vo. Syd., 1892. Pam., v. 18, no. 345. HOWITT, ALFRED WILLIAM. Native tribes of south-east Aus- tralia. 8vo. Lond., 1904. HULL. WILLIAM. Remarks on the probable origin and antiquity of the aboriginal natives of New South Wales : [with cave drawings], pp. 40, 8vo. Melb., 1846. Same: another copy, Pam., v. 126, no. 2419. MATHEWS, ROBERT HAMILTON. Australian class systems, pp. 3, 8vo. W T ash., 1897. Australian rock carvings: plate, pp. 14, 8vo. Phila., 1897. The Bunan ceremony of New South Wales: [plate], pp. 18, 8vo. Wash., 1896. Gravures et peintures sur rochers par les aborigenes d'Australie; [illust.]. pp. 8, 8vo. Paris, 1898. The Gundungurra language, pp. 9, 8vo. Phila., 1901. Initiation ceremonies of Australian tribes : map. pp. 19, 8vo. Phila., 1898. Initiation ceremonies of the Wiradjuri tribes : [plate], pp. 3, 8vo. Wash., 1901. Langage des Kurnu, tribu d'indigenes de la Nouvelle Galles du Sud. pp. 7, 8vo. Paris, n.d. Le langage Wailwan. pp. 13, 8vo. Paris, n.d. Languages of the New England aborigines, New South Wales. pp. 15, 8vo. Phila., 1903. The Murrawin ceremony, pp. 7, 8vo. Brisb., 1900. Rock carvings of the Australian aborigines : plate, pp. 3, 8vo. Brisb., 1899. The Thoorga language, pp. 25, 8vo. Brisb., 1901. The Walloonggurra ceremony, pp. 8, 8vo. Brisb., 1900. All the above bound together. STOW, CATHERINE SOMERVILLE, nee Field, formerly Mrs. L. Parker, Mrs. P. R. The Euahlayi tribe; a study of aboriginal life in Australia: introd. by Andrew Lang; illust. 8vo. Lond., 1905. L 2 324 ETHNOLOGY ; AUSTRALIA. THOMPSON, JAMES. Curious and intnvstin;^ account of the original natives of New South Wales, including particularly Botany Bay, Port Jackson, &c. : [illust.]. 8\o.. n.p., n.d., n.t.p. From " The new wonderful museum and extraordinary rr v. 2, -pf. 815-822. 572.9945. Victoria. DAWSON, JAMES. Australian aborigines; the languages and cus- toms of several tribes of aborigines in the western district cf Victoria: [illust.]. 4:0. Melb., 1881. EDGAR, LUCY ANNA. Among the black boys ; being the history of an attempt at civilising some young aborigines of Australia. 8vo. Lond., 1865. HALFORD, GEORGE BRITTON. Crania of .the [Australian] natives; [plates], pp. 40, la. 8vo. [Melb.], 1876. From R. B. Smyth's Aborigines of Victoria. HINKINS, JOHN T. Life amongst the native race. 8vo. Melb., 1884. HOWITT, ALFRED WILLIAM. On the migrations of the Kurnai ancestors. pp. 12, 8vo. Lond., 1886. Pam., v. 18, no. 337. MATHEWS, ROBERT HAMILTON. Language of the Wuddyawurru tribe, Victoria, pp. 6, 8vo. Berlin, 1904-. Native tribes of Victoria : their languages and customs, pp. 17, 8vo. Phila., 1904. Bound together. SMYTH, ROBERT BROUGH. Aborigines of Victoria, with notes re- lating to the habits of the natives of other paits of Australia and Tasmania: [illust.] 2 v., 4to. Melb, 1878. 572.9946. Tasmania. BONWICK, JAMES. Daily life and origin of the Tasmanians. 2nd ed., 8vo. Lond., 1898. CALDER, JAMES ERSKINE. Some account of the wars, extirpa- tion, habits, &c., of the native tribes of Tasmania. i2mo. Hobart Town, 1875. DAVIS, JOSEPH BARNARD. Osteology and peculiarities of the Tas- manians, a race of man recently become extinct: [plates]. pp. 20, 410. Haarlem, 1874. GIGLIOLI, ENRICO HILLYER. I Tasmaniani, cenni storici cd etnologici di un popolo estinto : illust. and map. 8vo. Milan, 1874. HULL, HUGH MUNRO. Lecture on the aborigines of Tasmania. pp. 16, 8vo. Hobart Town, 1870. "Pam., v. 18, no. 341. PHOTOGRAPHS (31) of aborigines of Tasmania, 14 from sketches by Bock, and 17 taken from life in 1866 by the Bishop [Bromby] of Tasmania, fo., n.t.p., n.p., n.d. ROTH, HENRY LING. Aborigines of Tasmania : pref . by Edward B. Tylor: map and illust. 2nd ed., 41.0. Halifax,' 1899. ROTH, HENRY LING, and BUTLER, M. E. The aborigines of Tasmania : chapter on osteology by J. G. Garson, pref. by E. B. Tylor, illust. by Edith May Roth. 8vo. Lond., 1890. ETHNOLOGY ; NEW GUINEA : POLYNESIA. 325 TAYLOR, ALFRED JOSEPH. Chat about the aborigines of Tas- mania : also, Some notes on the shell-mounds at Little Swan- port, -pp. 23, 8vo. Hobart, 1891. Fam., v. 81, no. 1469. TVLOR, EDWARD BURNETT. On the Tasmanians as representatives of palaeolithic man: plates, pp. 12, 8vo. Lond., 1893. Pam., v. 81, no. 1471. 572.995. New Guinea. .ABEL, CHARLES W. Savage life in New Guinea; the Papuan in many moods: 70 illust. sm. 41.0. Lond., [1902]. CAMBRIDGE anthropological expedition to Torres straits. Reports. 410. Camb., 1901-07. Contents. v. 2. Physiology and psychology. v. 3. Linguistics. v. 5. Sociology, magic, and religion of the western islanders. EARL, GEORGE WINDSOR. On the leading characteristics of the Papuan, Australian, and Malayu-Polynesian nations. pp. 8. 8vo. Singapore, 1849. Pam., v. 184, no. 3563. LUSCHAN, F. VON. Beitrage zur Ethnographic von Neu-Guinea. pp. 84, 8vo. Berlin, 1899. From Krieger's Neu-Guinea. SELIGMANN, C. G. The Melanesians of British New Guinea: chapter by F. R. Barton, appx. by E. L. Giblin : [illust."]. 8vo. Camb., 1910. 572.996. Pacific Islands. 13ROWN, GEORGE. Melanesians and Polynesians ; their life-his- tories described and compared: illust. 8vo. Lond.. 1910. FORNANDER, ABRAHAM. Account of the Polynesian race, its origin and migrations : and the ancient history of the Hawaiian people to the time of Kamehameha I. 2nd ed., 3 v., 8vo. Lond., 1890. v. 3 contains Comparative vocabulary of the Polynesian and Indo- European language. v. 2 is ist ed., 1880. GILL, Rev. WILLIAM WYATT. The South Pacific and New Guinea, past and present ; with notes on the Hervey group, an illus- trative song and various myths, pp. 38, 8vo. Syd., 1892. Pam., v. 24, no. 418. LANG, Rev. JOHN DUNMORE. View of the origin and migrations of the Polynesian nation, demonstrating their ancient discovery and progressive settlement of the continent of America. 8vo. Lond., 1834. Bound -djith his Transportation and colonization, class 365. LESSON, PIERRE ADOLPHE. Les Polynesiens; leur origine, lours migrations, leur langage: [maps]. 4 v., 8vo. Paris, 1880-84. POLYNESIAN society. Journal; containing the transactions and proceedings of the society : v. 1-12, 1892-1903. 12 v. in 6, 8vo. Well. QUATREFAGES, JEAN Louis ARMAND DE. Les Polynesiens et leurs migrations : 4 maps. 4:0. Paris, [1886]. ROONEY, Rev. ISAAC. Origin of the Melanesian and Polynesian races, pp. 6, 8vo. Adel., 1907. Pam., v. 147, no. 2845. .",-., ETHNOLOGY : NATURAL HISTORY OF MAN. SCHMKLT/. JOIIANN D. E. Kleidung und Schmuck der Eingf- boivnrn d-s Stillen Oceans; em Beitrng zur Kenntmss der ersten Entwicklung von Kleidung und Schmurk. pp. 28, Svo. Altona, 1880. SERRURIER, I-. Ethnologische Feiten en Verwantschappen in Oceanie: [plates], pp. 21, Svo. Leyden, 1885. I'.im., v. 127, no. 2426. SMITH. STEPHENSON PERCY. Hawaiki. the original home of the Maori : with a sketch of Polynesian historv : [illust.]. 2nd ed.. Svo. Christchurch, 1904. WHITMORE, Rev. S. J. Ethnology of the Pacific: [with] dV cussion. pp. 1 6, Svo. Lond., 1879 Pam., v. 126, no. 2421. WISEMAN. Sir WILLIAM SALTONSTALL, 8th barf., rear-admiral. Catalogue of curiosities from the South sea islands, pp. 38, Svo. Syd., 1865. Pam., v. 184, no. 3564. 572.9961. Fiji. FISON, Rev. LORIMER. The Nanga, or sacred stone enclosure of Wainimata, Fiji : [illust. and map], pp. 18, Svo. Lond. ; 1884. Pam., v. 147, no. 2846. THOMSON, BASIL. The Fijians ; a study of the decay of custom : illust. Svo. Lond., 1908. 572.998. Arctic Regions. RASMUSSEN. KNUD. The people of the polar north; a record' compiled from the Danish originals and ed. by G. Herring : illust. by Count Harald Moltke. Svo. Lond., 1908 573. Natural History of Man. CHAMP, WILLIAM THOMA." NAPIER, colonel. The animal called man ; his antiquity, origin, and development to his present condition: a lecture, pp. 20, Svo. Melb., n.d. Pam., v. 171, no. 3277. DUCKWORTH, WYNFRID LAWRENCE HENRY. Studies from the Anthropological laboratory, the Anatomical school, Cam- bridge: [illust. and tables]. Svo. Camb., 1904. HOPF, LUDWIG. The human species considered from the stand- points of comparative anatomy, physiology, pathology, and bacteriology : [tr. from the German]. 216 illust. and 7 plates. Svo. Lond., 1909. METCHNIKOFF, ELII:. The nature of man; studies in opti- mistic philosophy : translation ed. by P. Chalmers Mitchell : [illust.]. 3rd ed., Svo. Lond., 1906. PRICHARD, JAMES COWLES. Natural history of man, comprising inquiries into the modifying influence of physical and moral agencies on the different tribes of the human family : 4th ed., ed. and enlarged by Edwin Norris : illust. 2 v., Svo. Lond., 1855- MAN : EVOLUTION. 327 Ethnographical maps illustrative of [his] Natural history of man. fo. Lond., 1843. Folded in 8vo. case. Researches, into the physical history of mankind: [illust.]. 5 v., 8vo. Lond., 1837-51. v. i, 4th ed. : v. 2-4, ^rd ed. 573.1. Man's Place in Nature. LAXKESTER, Sir EDWIN RAY. Nature and man. pp. 61, 8vo. Oxf., 1905. (Romanes lecture.) Pam., v. 147, no. 2854. 573.3. Antiquity of Man. WOODS, Rev. JULIAN EDMUND TENISON. Not quite as old as the hills ; a lecture on the evidences of man's antiquity. pp. 24, 8vo. Melb., 1864. Pam., v. 4-3 no. 784. 573.4. Influence of Climate and Surroundings. MACFIE, MATTHEW. How can tropical and sub-tropical Aus- tralia be effectively developed? pp. 24, 8vo. Adel., 1907. Pam., v. 113, no. 2103. 573.6. Anthropometry. GREAT BRITAIN -.Metropolitan -police. Memorandum on the working of the finger print system of identification, pp. n, 8vo. Lond., 1904. Pam., v. 147, no. 2842. HENRY, Sir EDWARD RICHARD. Classification and uses of finger prints : [illust.]. 3rd ed., 8vo. Lond., 1905. 575. Evolution. ARCHDALL, Rev. MERVYN. Darwinism; the latest German criti- cism of an exploded theory, pp. 12, 8vo. Syd., 1906. Pam., v. 160, no. 3078. ARGUE, ROBERT MILLER. Evolution -exploded by many infallible proofs. 8vo. Syd., 1910. BUTLER, SAMUEL. Evolution, old and new; or, the theories of Buffon, Dr. Erasmus Darwin, and Lamarck as compared with that of Mr. Charles Darwin. 8vo. Lond., 1879. Life and habit. 2nd ed., 8vo. Lond., 1878. Unconscious memory ; a comparison between the theory of Dr. Ewald Hering and the " Philosophy of the unconscious " of Dr. Edward von Hartmann. 8vo. Lond., 1880. FITCHETT, Rev. ALFRED ROBERTSON. The ethics of evolution; or, the relation of the doctrine of development to theism and Christianity: a lecture, pp. 20, 8vo. Dunedin, 1876. Pam., v. 171, no. 3278. FLETT, WILLIAM SIMPSON. The claims of Darwinism rationally and scientifically considered in the light of Danvin's Life and letters. pp. 27, 8vo. Melb., 1888. Pam., v. 25, no. 429, Same.- another copy. Pam., v. 54, no. 893. EVOLUTION : HEREDITY. HUTTON, FREDERICK WOLLASTON. captain, Darwinism: a lecture. pp. 30, 8vo. Christchurch. 1887. Tain., v. 171, no. 3279. LOCK, ROBERT HEATH. Recent progress in the study of variation. heredity, and evolution : [portrs., illust., and diagrams]. [2nd ed.]. 8vo. Lond., 1909. POULTON, EDWARD BAGNALL. Charles Darwin and the Origin of species: addresses, &c., in America and England. 8vo. Lond., 1909. Essays on evolution, 1889-1907. 8vo. Oxf., 1908. SVME, DAVID. On the modification of organisms. 8vo. Melb., [1890]. THOMSON, JOHN ARTHUR. Darwinism and human life: [portr. and hihliog.]. 8vo. Lond., 1909. (South African lectures for 1909.) WALLACE, ALFRED RUSSEL. Contributions to the theory of natural selection; a series of essays. 2nd ed., 8vo. Lond., 1871. 575.1. Heredity. BATE SON, WILLIAM. Mendel's principles of heredity : [illust.]. 8vo. Camb., 1909. GALTON, Sir FRANCIS. Hereditary genius; an inquiry into its laws and consequences. 8vo. Lond., 1869. Natural inheritance. 8vo. Lond., 1889. PUNNETT, REGINALD CRUNDELL. Mendel ism : [illust.]. 3rd ed., 8vo. Lond., 1911. REID. GEORGE ARCHDALL O'BRIEN. The laws of heredity; with [appx.] a diagrammatic representation [of some of the ideas connected with inheritance] by Herbert Hall Turner. 8vo. Lond., 1910. THOMSON, JOHN ARTHUR. Heredity: [illust.]. 8vo. Lond., 1908. (Progressive science ser.) WHETHAM, WILLIAM CECIL DAMPIER, and WHETHAM, CATHERINE DURNING, Mrs. W. C. D. The family and the nation ; a study in natural inheritance and social re- sponsibility. 8vo. Lond v .1909. 575.2. Variation. DARWIN, CHARLES ROBERT. Variation of animals and plants under domestication: illust. 2nd ed.. _> v.. 8vo. Lond., 1875- 575.4. Natural Selection. DARWIN, CHARLES ROBERT. The descent of man, and selection in- "relation to sex : illust. 2nd ed., 8vo. Lond., 1879. WALLACE, ALFRED RUSSEL. Darwinism ; an exposition of the- theory of natural selection, with some of its applications z portr., map, and illust. 8vo. Lond., 1901. ORIGIN OF SPECIES : COLLECTORS' MANUALS. 329 575.8. Origin of Species. DARWIN, CHARLES ROBERT. The foundations of the origin of species; two essays written in 1842 and 1844; ed. by Francis Darwin: [portr.]. 8vo. Camb. , 1909. The origin of species by means of natural selection ; or, the preservation of favoured races in the struggle for life. 6th ed., 8vo. Lond., 1878. First published in 1859. DEWAR, DOUGLAS, and FINN, FRANK. The making of species: 15 illust. 8vo. Lond., 1909. 576. Origin and Beginnings of Life. BASTIAN, HENRY CHARLTON. The evolution of life: with dia- grams and many photomicrographs. 8vo. Lond;, 1907. The origin of life; being an account of experiments with cer- tain superheated saline solutions in hermetically sealed ves- sels : 10 plates, la. 8vo. Lond., 1911. BURKE, JOHN BUTLER. The origin of life; its physical basis and definition: [illust.]. 8vo. Lond., 1906. 577. Properties of Living Matter. MACNAMARA, NOTTIDGE CHARLES. The evolution and function of living purposive matter: illust. 8vo. Lond., 1910. (Internal, scientific ser.) 579. Collector's Manuals. ADELAIDE philosophical society. Natural history of South Aus- tralia; a scheme for the organization and direction of the efforts of amateur collectors : ed. by the president and hon. treasurer, -pp. 10, 8vo. Adel., 1880. Pam., v. 184, no. 3564. BRITISH museum (Natural history). Handbook of instructions for collectors : illust. 3rd ed., i2mo. Lond., 1906. OLIFF, ARTHUR SIDNEY, and others. Directions for collecting, packing, and forwarding specimens of insects, plants, and fungi: [illust.]. pp. 14, 8vo. Syd., 1890. Pam., v. 171, no. 3280. RAMSAY, EDWARD PIERSON. General directions for the preserva- tion of specimens of natural history, pp. 18, 8vo. Syd., n.d. Pam., v. 104, no. 1899. Hints for the preservation of specimens of natural history. 4th ed. pp. 32, 8vo. Syd., 1890. Bound with Ratte, A. F. Hints for collecting geological specimens. RATTE, A. FELIX. Hints for collecting geological and mineral- ogical specimens, pp. 13, 8vo. Syd., 1886. Same.- 2nd ed., revised and enlarged: [plate], pp. 26, 8vo. Syd., 1887. 330 BOTAUY. 580. Botany. 580.1. Classification : Nomenclature. LINDLEY, JOHN. Appendix to the first twenty-three volumes of Edwards' Botanical register, consisting of a complete alpha- betical and systematical index of names, synonyms, and matter j with a sketch of the vegetation of the Swan River colony: part i. 9 col. plates, pp. 64, 8vo. Lond., 1839. 580.6. Societies. BOTANICAL and horticultural society of Van Diemen's Land. Rules, 1843. pp. 13, sm. 8vo. Hobart Town, n.d. PUP i., v. ioo, no. 1834. 580.7. Study : Botanic Gardens. BAILEY, FREDERICK MANSON. Catalogue of plants in the Bris- bane botanic garden and Bowen park. 8vo. Brisb., 1885. BALFOUR, JOHN HUTTON. Class book of botany; being an intro- duction to the study of the vegetable kingdom : illust. 8vo. Edinb., 1859. DENDY, ARTHUR, and LUCAS, ARTHUR HENRY SHAKSPEARE. Introduction to the study of botany ; with a special chapter on some Australian natural orders : illust. 8vo. Melb., 1892. GUILFOYLE, WILLIAM ROBERT. Catalogue of plants under cul- tivation in the Melbourne Botanic gardens : plans and illust. la. 8vo. Melb., 1883. JOHNSTON, ROBERT MACKENZIE. Field memoranda for Tas- manian botanists, ob. 8vo. Launceston, [1874]. MAIDEN, JOSEPH HENRY, and others. Guide to the Botanic gar- dens, Sydney: [plan]. 8vo. Syd., 1903. Pain., v. 171, no. 3281. MUELLER, Baron Sir FERDINAND VON. Introduction to botanic teachings at the schools of Victoria through references to leading Victorian plants. 8vo. Melb., 1877. Bound with his Index perfectus, class 581. SCHOMBURGK, RICHARD. Catalogue of the plants under cultiva- tion in the Government Botanic garden, Adelaide. 8vo. Adel., 1878. Papers read before the [S.A.] Philosophical society and Cham- ber of manufactures. 8vo. Adel., 1873. 581. Physiological and Structural Botany. BONWICK, JAMES. How does a tree grow? or, botany for young Australians, pp. 42, i2mo. Melb., 1857. Pam., v. 38, no. 652. MUELLER, Baron Sir FERDINAND VON. Index perfectus ad Caroli Linnaei species plantarum. pp. 40, 8vo. Melb., 1880. WITTSTEIN, G. C. Organic constituents of plants and vegetable substances, and their chemical analysis: tr., with numerous additions, by Baron Ferd. von Mueller. 8\o. Melb., 1879. BOTANY. 331 581.15. Variation. DARWIN, CHARLES ROBERT. Different forms of flowers on plants of the same species: illust. 8vo. Lond., 1877. 581.16. Fertilisation. DARWIN, CHARLES ROBERT. Effects of cross and self fertilisation in the vegetable kingdom. 2nd ed., 8vo. Lond., 1878. Various contrivances by which orchids are fertilised by insects : illust. 2nd ed., 8vo. Lond., 1877. 581.5. Habits. DARWIN, CHARLES ROBERT. Insectivorous plants : illust. 8vo. Lond., 1875. Movements and habits of climbing plants: illust. 2nd ed., 8vo. Lond., 1875. DARWIN, CHARLES ROBERT, and DARWIN, FRANCIS. Power of movement in plants: illust. 8vo. Lond., 1880. 581.6. Economic Botany. BAILEY, FREDERICK MANSON. Sketch of the economic plants of Queensland, pp. 73, 8vo. Brisb., 1888. Pam., v. 13, no. 276. Official guide to the Museum of economic botany. 8vo. Brisb., 1891. PREEMAN, W. G., and CHANDLER, S. E. The world's com- mercial products ; a descriptive account of the economic plants of the world and their commercial uses : with contributions by T. A. Henry, C. E. Jones, and E. H. Wilson: [12 col. plates and illust.] 4to. Lond., 1907. MAIDEN, JOSEPH HENRY. Useful native plants of Australia, including Tasmania. 8vo. Syd., 1889. Industrial plants deserving culture in the colony of Victoria : Tea. -pp. 21, sm. 8vo. Ballarat, 1876. Pam., v. log, no. 2021. MUELLER, Baron Sir FERDINAND VON. Natural capabilities of the colony of Victoria considered in reference to indigenous or introduced vegetation, -pp. 19, 8vo. Melb., 1875. Pam., v. 184, no. 3566. Select extra-tropical plants readily eligible for industrial culture or naturalization, new ed., 8vo. Melb., 1885. Select plants readily eligible for industrial culture or naturaliza- tion in Victoria, with indications of their native countries and some of their uses. 8vo. Melb., 1876. Botany of Special Countries. 581.95. India. HOOKER, Sir JOSEPH DALTON. On the climate and vegetation of the temperate and cold regions of east Nepal and the Sikkim Himalaya mountains, pp. 65, 8vo. Lond., n.d. Pam., v. 147, no. 2841. 332 BOTANY. 581.968. South Africa. DRKGK, JOHANN FRANZ. Herbarien der Siidafricanischen ausser- tropischen Flora, pp. 25, 8vo. Hamburg, 1847. Pain., v. i2(), no. 2487. 581.99. Oceania. HOOKER. Sir JOSEPH DALTON. Botany of the Antarctic voyage of H.M. ships Erebus and Terror in the years 1839-1843, under the command of Sir James Clark Ross : 528 col. plates. 6 v., 4to. Lond., 1844-60. Contents. i. Flora Antarctica, 2 v., 1844-47. 2. Flora Novae- Zelandia:, 2 v., 1853-55. 3. Flora Tasmaniae, 2 v., 1860. HOOKKR, Sir WILLIAM JACKSON. Notes on the botany of the Antarctic voyage conducted by Captain James Clark Ross, in H.M. discovery ships Erebus and Terror, with observa- tions on the tussac grass of the Falkland islands : 2 plates. pp. 83, 8vo. Lond., 1843. Pam., v. 104, no. 1915. 581.992. Sumatra. ERNST, A. The new flora of the volcanic island of Krakatau : tr. by A. C. Seward : maps and photographs, pp. 74, la. 8vo. Camb., 1908. 581.9931. New Zealand. BUCHANAN, JOHN. Botanical notes on the Kaikoura mountains and Mount Egmont. pp. 16, 8vo. Well., 1867. Pam.. v. 88, no. itjcJoA. COLENSO, WILLIAM. Essay on the botany of the North'island of New Zealand, pp. 58, 8vo. Dunedin, 1865. Pam.. v. 26, nc. 448. FEATON, EDWARD H. and FEATON, Mrs. S. Art album of New Zealand flora ; being a systematic and popular descrip tion of the native flowering plants of New Zealand and the adjacent islands: [40 col. pi.], v. i, 4to. Well., 1889. All published. HETLEY, Mrs. GEORGINA BARNE. Native flowers of New Zea- land: col. illust. fo. Lond., 1887-88. HOOKER, Sir JOSEPH DALTON. Handbook of the New Zealand flora ; a systematic description of the native plants of New Zealand and the Chatham, Kermadec's, Lord Auckland's, Campbell's, and Macquarie's islands. 8vo. Lond., 1867. KIRK, THOMAS. Forest flora of New Zealand: [9 plates], fo. Well., 1889. Notes on recent Additions to the New Zealand flora, pp. 4, 8vo. Lond., 1882. Pam., v. 104, no. 1902. LAING, R. M., and BLACKWELL, E. W. Plants of New Zea- land : illust. 8vo. Christchurch, 1906. MUELLER, Baron Sir FERDINAND VON. Vegetation of the- Chatham islands: plates, pp. 86, 8vo. Melb., 1864. BOTANY ; AUSTRALIA. 581.9932. New Caledonia. VIEILLARD, EUGENE. Notes sur quelques plantes interressantes de la Nouvelle-Caledonie. pp. 23, 8vo. Caen, 1866. Pam., v. 147, no. 2853. Plantes de la Nouvelle-Caledonie. -pp. 21, 8vo. Caen, 1865. Pam., v. 147, no. 2852. 581.994. Australia. ARMSTRONG, W. D. . Table showing the genera contained in vol. 2 of Bentham and Mueller's Flora Australiensis, arranged according to the number of styles and stamens in each genera : [8 plates], pp. 7, n.t.p., n.d. BANKS, Sir JOSEPH, bart., and SOLANDER, DANIEL. Illustra- tions of Australian plants collected in 1770, during Captain Cook's voyage round the world in H.M.S. Endeavour : with determinations by James Britten: [maps]. 3 v., fo. Lond., 1900-05. (British museum.) BAUER, FERDINAND. Illustrationes florae Novas Hollandiae; sive, icones generum quse in prodromo florae Novae Hollandiae- et insulae Van Diemen descripsit Robertus Brown. fo. Lond., 1813. BENTHAM, GEORGE, and MUELLER, Baron Sir FERDINAND VON, Flora Australiensis ; a description of the plants of the Aus- tralian territory. 7 v., 8vo. Lond., 1863-78. BROWN, ROBERT. Botanical appendix to Captain Sturt's expedi- tion into Central Australia, pp. 29, 8vo. [Lond., 1849.] Pam., v. 104, no. 1911. Same : another copy. Pam. 5 v. 113, no. 2097. Prodromus floras Novae Hollandiae et insulae Van Diemen,. exhibens characteres plantarum. v. i, 8vo. Lond., 1810. Same. Supplementum primum, exhibens proteaceas novas . . . - in Australasia. 8vo. Lond., 1830. All published. Prodromus floras Novas- Hollandiae et insulae Van Diemen : 2nd ed., taken from German periodical "Isis" for 1819. 4to. Leipzig, 1821. See also above, Bauer, Ferdinand. CUNNINGHAM, ALLAN. A few general remarks on the vegeta- tion of certain coasts of Terra Australis, and more especially of the north-western shores, pp. 69, 8vo., n.p., n.d. Pam., v. 26, no. 440. ETTINGSHAUSEN, Freiherr CONSTANT/IN VON. Die genetische Gliederung der Flora Australiens. pp. 74, 41.0. Vienna, i7S- FORSTER, JOHANN GEORG ADAM. Florulae insularum Australium prodromus. 8vo. Gottingen, 1786. FORSTER, JOHANN REINHOLD, and FORSTER, JOHANN GEORG ADAM. Characteres generum plantarum quas in itinere ad insulas maris Australis, collegerunt, descripserunt, de- inearunt: [plates]. 4to. Lond., 1776. (Botany of Cook's second voyage.) 334 BOTANY ; AUSTRALIA. GUILFOYLR, WILLIAM ROBERT. Australian botany, specially designed for the use of schools. 2nd ed., 8vo. Melb., 1884. Australian plants suitable for gardens, parks, timber reserves, &c. : [illust.]. 8vo. Melb., [1911]. GUILLEMIN, J. B. A. Icones lithographicae plantarum Aus- tralasiae rariorum; decades duae quas botanisis offert : [20 plates], fo. Paris, 1823. HOOKER, Sir JOSEPH DALTON. Flora of Australia, its origin, affinities, and distribution ; being an introductory essay to the Flora of Tasmania. 4to. Lond., 1859. LABILLARDIERE, JACQUES JULIEN HOUTOU DE. Novae Hol- landiae plantarum specimen: [plates]. 4to. Paris, 1804. MUELLER, Baron Sir FERDINAND VON. Account of some new Australian plants: [plates], pp. 16, 8vo., n.p., 1857. J'iim., v. 104, no. 1910. Additions to the census of the genera of plants hitherto known as indigenous to Australia, pp. 3, 8vo. [Syd.], 1883. Para., v. 104, no. iqo8. Census of the genera of plants hitherto known as indigenous to Australia, pp. 86, 8vo. Syd., 1882. Pam., v. 104, no. 1907. Definitions of rare or hitherto undescribed Australian plants. pp. 53, 8vo. Melb., 1855. Pam., v. 104, no. 1906. Fragmenta phytographige Australiae : [plates], n v.. 8vo. Melb., 1858-81. Further additions to the census of plants hitherto known as indigenous to Australia, pp. 3, 8vo. [Syd.], 1886. Pam., v. 104, no. 1909. Notes sur la vegetation indigene et introduite de 1'Australie : traduit de 1'Anglais par E. Lissignol. pp. 53, 8vo. Melb., 1866. Pam., v. 127, no. 2434. Plantae Muellerianae. 8vo. , n.p., n.d. Pam., v. 184, nos. 3567-3569. PREISS, LUDWIG. Plantae Preissianaej sive, enumeratio plantarum quas in Australasia occidental! et meridionali-occidentali annis 1838-1841 col legit : ed. by C. Lehmann. 2 v. in i, 8vo. Hamburg, 1844-45. RUSSELL, HENRY CHAMBERLAINE. Notes on the rate of growth of some Australian trees, pp. 4, 8vo. Syd., 1891. Pam., v 127, no. 2432. SMITH, Sir JAMES EDWARD. Specimen of the botany of New Holland: figures by James Sowerby. v. i, 410. Lond., All published. SWEET, ROBERT. Flora Australasica ; or, a selection of handsome or curious plants, natives of New Holland and the South Sea lands : illust. by E. D. Smith. 8vo. Lond., 1827-28. WOOLLS, WILLIAM. Contribution to the flora of Australia. 8vo. Lond., 1867. Author's copy, with MS. corrections. Same: 8vo. Syd., 1867. Lectures on the vegetable kingdom, with special reference to the flora of Australia. 8vo. Syd., 1879. BOTANY ; AUSTRALIA. 335 581.9941. Western Australia. D1ELS, L. Die Pflanzenwelt von West-Australien sudlich des Wendekreises : map and illust. 8vo. Leipzig, 1906. (Die Vegetation der Krde.) HUGEL, CARL ALEXANDER ANSELME, Freiherr VON. Enumeratio plantarum quas in Novae Hollandiae ora austro-occidentali ad fluvium Cygnorum et in sinu Regio Georgii collegit. 8vo. Vienna, 1837. LIXDLEY, JOHN. Sketch of the vegetation of the Swan river colony: plates, 8vo. Lond., 1839. Sound with his appendix, &c., class 580-1. 581.9942. South Australia. BLACK, J. M. Naturalised flora of South Australia : 206 illust. sm. 8vo. Adel., 1909. BROW'N, JOHN EDNIE. Forest flora of South Australia: [col. plates], fo. Adel., 1882. KKMPE, Rev. J. Plants indigenous to the neighbourhood of Her- mansburg, on the river Finke, central Australia, pp. 9, 8vo. [Adel., 1880.] Pam., v. 35, no. 577. TATE, RALPH. Botany of Kangaroo island : plan. pp. 56, 8vo. [Adel.], 1883. Pam., v. 104, no. irji2. Census of the indigenous flowering plants and ferns of extra- tropical South Australia, pp. 45, 8vo. [Adel., 1880]. Pam., v. 35, no. 568. Handbook of the flora of extra tropical South Australia. i2mo. Adel., 1890. TEPPER, J. G. OTTO. Descriptive list of native plants of South Australia recommended for cultivation, pp. 20, 8vo. Adel., n.d. Pam., v. 184, no. 3570. Discovery of Tasmanian plants near Adelaide, pp. n, 8vo. Lond., 1882. Pam., v. 104, no. iqo4A. On the characteristics and distribution of the native and naturalised plants about Ardrossan, Yorke's peninsula, pp. 16, 8vo. [Adel., 1880]. Pam., v. 35, no. 572. 581.9943. Queensland. ARMIT, WILLIAM E. Notes on certain plants of north-western Queensland, possessing valuable medicinal properties : [plate]. pp. 3, 8vo. [Lond.], 1882. Pam., v. 104, no. 1904. BAILEY, FREDERICK MANSON. Botany abridged; or, how to dis- tinguish some of our common plants, &c. pp. 24, 8vo. Brisb., 1894. Pam., v. 171, no. 3282. Classified index of the first supplement of the indigenous and naturalised plants of Queensland, pp. 24, 8vo. Brisb., 1886. Pam., v. 184, no. 3571. 336 BOTANY ; AUSTRALIA. Sketch of the economic plants of Queensland, pp. 73, 8vo. Brisb., 1888. Pam., v. 13, n'j. .276. Synopsis of the Queensland flora. 8vo. Brisb., 1883. Same: Final supplement. 8vo. Brisb., 1886. [Various botanical works.] 8vo. Brisb. Contents. Classified index of the indigenous and naturalised plants of Queensland, with suppl. and index, n.d. Contributions to the Queensland flora : 3 parts, illust. 1895-6. Pestiferous fungi, by M. C. Cooke, and, Peculiarities of the Queensland flora. 1895. Companion for the Queensland student of plant life. 1893. Flora of Queensland, n.d. Catalogue of indigenous v.oods in the Queens- land court, Colonial and Indian exhibition. 1886. Catalogue of in- digenous and naturalised plants of Queensland. 1890. BAILEY, J. F. Report on the timber trees of the Herberton dis- trict, North Queensland : [illust.] pp. 15, 8vo. [Brisb.], 1899. Pam., v. 171, no. 3283. BANCROFT, JOSEPH. Contributions to pharmacy from Queens- land, pp. 15, 8vo. [Brisb.], 1886. Pam., v. 21, no. 384A. Pituri and Duboisia : [plate], pp. 13, 8vo. Brisb., 1877. Pam., v. 104, no. 190*5. Further remarks on the Pituri group* of plants : [2 plates], pp. 2, 8vo. Brisb., 1878. Pam., v. 104, no. igo;.\. Pituri and tobacco: [plates], pp. 16, 8vo. Brisb., 1879. Pam., v. 109, no. 2017. THOZET, A. Notes on some of the roots, tubers, bulbs, and fruits used as a vegetable food by the aborigines of northern Queensland, pp. 20, 8vo. Rockhampton, 1866. Pam., v. i8j no. 332. 581.994*. New South Wales. DIXON, W. A. Plants of New South Wales; an analytical key to the flowering plants and ferns of the State. i2mo. Syd., 1906. ENDLICHER, STEPHEN. Prodromus florae Norfolkicae; sive, catalogus stirpium quse in insula Norfolk, annis 1804 et 1805 a Ferdinando Bauer collects et depictae. 8vo. Vienna, 1833. MAIDEN, JOSEPH HENRY. Forest flora of New South Wales, v. i and 2, 410. Syd., 1902-05. In progress. MAIDEN, JOSEPH HENRY, and CAMPBELL, WALTER SCOTT. Flowering plants and ferns of New South Wales : col. plates. Parts 1-7, 4to. Syd., 1895-98. MOORE, CHARLES. Census of the plants of New South Wales. pp. 97, 8vo. Syd., 1884. MOORE, CHARLES, and BETCHE, ERNST. Handl)ook of the flora of New South Wales ; a description of the flowering plants and ferns indigenous to New South Wales. 8vo. Syd., 1893. MUELLER, Baron Sir FERDINAND VON. Plants of New South Wales ; with introductory essay and occasional notes by William Woolls. 8vo. Syd., 1885. Pam., v. 27, no. 446. BOTANY ; AUSTRALIA. 337 TURNER, FRED. Botany of the Darling, New South Wales. pp. 37, 8vo. [Syd., 1903]. Pam., v. 26, no. 444. Vegetation of New England, New South Wales, pp. 36, 8vo. [Syd., 1903]. Pam.. v. 26, no. 445. WALKER, Miss A. F. Flowers of New South Wales: [col. plates], fo. Syd., 1887. WOOLLS, WILLIAM. Plants indigenous and naturalised in the neighbourhood of Sydney, arranged according to the system of Baron F. von Mueller, pp. 71, 8vo. Syd., 1891. Pam., v. 104, no. 1919. Plants indigenous in the neighbourhood of Sydney, arranged according to the system of Baron F. von Mueller, pp. 59, 8vo. Syd., 1880. Pam., v. 26, no. 443. Plants of New South Wales, according to the census of Baron F. von Mueller, with introductory essay and occasional notes. 8vo. Syd., 1885. Same : another copy. Pam., v. 26, no. 446. Species plantarum Paramattensium secundum ordines naturales disposuit. pp. 49, 8vo. Gottingen, 1871. Bound with his Contributions to the flora of Australia, class 581.994. Same : another copy. Pam., v. 127, no. 2431. 581.9945. Victoria. BUNCE, DANIEL. Hortus Victoriensis ; a catalogue of the most generally known flora of the colony of Victoria, pp. 23, sm. 8vo. Melb., 1851. Pam., v. 104, no. 1901. CHARSLEY, FANNY ANNE. Wild flowers around Melbourne: [col. plates], fo. Loncl., 1867. HANNAFORD, SAMUEL. Jottings in Australia; or, notes- on the flora and fauna of Victoria, with a catalogue of the more common plants. i2mo. Melb., 1856. MUELLER, Baron Sir FERDINAND VON.' Key to the system of Victorian plants; illust. 2 v., 8vo. Melb., 1885-87. Native plants of Victoria succinctly defined. Part i, 8vo. Melb., 1879. All published. 581.9946. Tasmania. BUNCE, DANIEL. Hortus Tasmaniensis j or, a guide to the flora of Van Diemen's Land. pp. 72, sm. 8vo. n.p., n.d. Pam., v. 104, no. 1900. HANNAFORD, SAMUEL. Wild flowers of Tasmania; with lists of indigenous ferns and instructions for their cultivation. 8vo. Melb., 1866. BOTANY. HOOKER. Sir JOSEPH DALTON. Description of a new genus of compositae and a new species of plantago from the mountains of Tasmania, pp. 4, 8vo. n.p., n.d. Pam., v. 104, no. 10,14- Florae Tasmaniae spicilegium ; or, contributions towards a flora of Van Diemen's Land. pp. 19, 8vo. n.p., n.d. Pam., v. 104, no. 1913. Another work. Same title, pp. 40, 8vo., n.p., n.d. Pam., v. 104, no. iyi3A. MEREDITH, LOUISA ANNE, Mrs. C. Some of my bush friends in Tasmania ; native flowers, berries, and insects drawn from life and briefly descril>ed. fo. Lond., 1860. Same: Last series, fo. Lond., 1891. MUELLER, Baron Sir FERDINAND VON. Census of the plants of Tasmania, pp. 32, 8vo. [Hobart, 1879]. Bound with his Index perfectus, class 581. ROD WAY, LEONARD. Tasmanian flora: plates. 8vo. Hobart, 1903. SPICER, Rev. W. W. Handbook of the plants of Tasmania. i2mo. Hobart Town, 1878. 581.995. New Guinea. MUELLER, Baron Sir FERDINAND VON. Descriptive notes on Papuan plants. 8vo. Melb., 1875-86. 581.996. Pacific Islands. FORSTER, JOHANN GEORG ADAM. De plantis esculentis insularum oceauj Australis commentatis botanica. 8vo. Berlin, 1786. LABILLARDIERE, JACQUES JULIEN HOUTOU DE. Sertum Austro-Caledonicum : [80 plates], fo. Paris, 1824. ROYAL society, London. Account of the botanical collections made in Kerguelen's Land during the transit of Venus expedition, 1874-5. 410. Lond., 1879. No title-page : from the Philosophical Transactions. 581.9961. Fiji. SEEMANX, BERTHOLD. Flora Vitiensis; a description of the plants of the Viti or Fiji islands, with an account of their history, uses, and properties: 100 plates by Walter Fitch [and portr.]. 4to. Lond., 1865-73. 582. Phanerogamia. BERGGREN, S. Nagra nya eller ofullstandigt kanda arter af Ny- Zeelandsker fanerogamer : [7 plates], pp. 48, 4to. n.p., 1877. n.t.p. Written in Latin. MUELLER. Baron Sir FERDINAND VON. Systematic census of Aus- tralian plants: Part i vasculares ; with 2 annual supple- ments. 4to. Melb., 1882-85. BOTANY. 33ft 583. Dieotyledonae. 583.1. Polypetalae. MUELLER, Baron Sir FERDINAND VON. Plants indigenous to the colony of Victoria, v. i, Thalamiflorae ; v. 2, Lithograms. 2 v., 4to. Melb.. 1860-65. 583.32. Leguminosse. MUELLER, Baron Sir FERDINAND VON. Iconography of Aus- tralian species of acacia and cognate genera, decades 1-13 : [plates]. 410. Melb., 1888. 583.4. Myrtales. BAKER, RICHARD THOMAS. On some new species of eucalyptus : [plates], pp. 1 8, 8vo. Syd.. 1900. Pam., v. 184, no. 3572. JOLY, CHARLES. Note sur les eucalyptus geants de 1'Australie. pp. 19, 8vo. Paris, 1885. Pam., v. 127, no. 2428. MUELLER, Baron Sir FERDINAND VON. Eucalyptographia ; a de- scription of the eucalypts of Australia and adjoining islands ; decades 1-9 : [plates]. 4to. Melb., 1879-84. 583.7. Gentianales. MUELLER, Baron Sir FERDINAND VON. On the genus eremophila. pp. 7, 8vo. n.p., n.d. Pam., v. 184, no. 3573. 583.871. Myoporinese. MUELLER, Baron Sir FERDINAND VON. Description and illus- trations of the myoporinous plants of Australia. v. 2, Lithograms. 410. Melb., 1886. 583.914. Chenopodiaceae. MUELLER, Baron Sir FERDINAND VON. Iconography of Aus- tralian salsolaceous plants; decades 1-9: [plates]. 410. Melb., 1889-91. 584. Monocotyledons. 584.15. Orehideae. FITZGERALD, ROBERT DAVID. Australian orchids: [col. plates]. 2 v., fo. Syd., 1882. SANDER, FREDERICK. Reichenbachia j orchids illustrated and described : [col. plates], ist and 2nd ser. 4 v., fo. Lond., 1892-94. Text in English, French, and German. 340 BOTANY. 585. Gymnospermae. CROSSE, HIPPOLYTE, and MARIE, E. Catalogue des cones de la Nouvelle Cale"donie, et des lies qui en dependent : [2 plates], pp. 26, 8vo. Paris, 1874. Pam., v. 127, no. 2435. SHIRLEY, JOHN. On Baiera (or Jean paulia) bidens, and, Two new species of pterophyllum : 3 plates, pp. 7, 8vo. [Brisb., 1886]. Pam., v. 171, no. 3286. 586. Cryptogamia. HOOKER, Sir JOSEPH DALTON. Cryptogamic botany of the Antarctic voyage of H.M. discovery ships Erebus and Terror in the years 1839-43 : [plates]. 410. Lond., 1845. 587. Pteridophyta. BAILEY, FREDERICK MANSON. Fern world of Australia. 8vo. Brisb., 1881. Handbook to the ferns of Queensland, and an introduction ta fern study : plates by H. G. Eaton. i2mo. Brisb., 1874. Lithograms of the ferns of Queensland. 8vo. Brisb.j 1892. BAKER, JOHN GILBERT. On a collection of ferns made by the Rev. R. B. Comins in the Solomon islands, pp. 5, 8vo. [Lond.], 1882. Pam., v. 104, no. 1903. BRAUN, ALEXANDER. Uber die Australischen Arten der Gattung Isoetes. pp. 24, 8vo. Berlin, 1868. Pam., v. 127, no. 2433. COLENSO, WILLIAM. Classification and description of some newly discovered ferns collected in the northern island of New Zealand, pp. 29, 8vo. Launceston, 1845. Pam., v. 26, no. 447. Same: another copy. Pam., v. 66, no. 1118. HOOKER, Sir WILLIAM JACKSON, and BAKER, JOHN GILBERT. Synopsis filicum; or, a synopsis of all known ferns, accom- panied by figures representing the essential characters of each genus. 2nd ed., 8vo. Lond., 1874. THOMSON, GEORGE MALCOLM. Ferns and fern allies of New Zealand : plates. 8vo. Melb., 1882. 588. Bryophyta. BASTOW, RICHARD A. Mosses of Tasmania as described irr Hooker's Flora of Tasmania, with the addition of forty- three new species from various authois. pp. 64, 8vo. Hobart, 1886. Pam., v. 26, no. 442. HOOKER, Sir JOSEPH DALTON, and TAYLOR, THOMAS. Hepa- ticae Antacticse supplementum ; or, specific characters with brief descriptions of some additional species of the Hepaticae of the Antarctic regions, New Zealand, [&c.]. pp. 19, 8vo., n.p., n.d. Pam., v. 104, no. 1916. BOTANY. 341 HOOKER, Sir JOSEPH DALTON, and WILSON, W. Musci Ant- arctic! ; being characters with brief descriptions of the new species of mosses discovered during the voyage of H.M. dis- covery ships Erebus and Terror, pp. 23, 8vo., n.p., n.d. Pam., v. 104, no. iqiy. HOOKER, Sir WILLIAM JACKSON. Musci exotici ; containing- figures and descriptions of new or little known foreign mosses and other cryptogamic subjects : [176 col. plates]. 2 v., 410. Lond., 1818-20. MUELLER, Baron Sir FERDINAND VON. Analytical drawings of Australian mosses. ist fascicle, 8vo. Melb., 1864. All published. TAYLOR, ALFRED JOSEPH. Notes on Tasmanian mosses for young students, pp. 18, 8vo. Hobart, 1886. Pam., v. 8i 3 no. 1468. 589. Thallophyta. 589.1. Lichenes. BABINGTON, Rev. CHURCHILL. Lichens of New Zealand : plates, pp. 47, 410. Lond., [1867]. Reprinted from Hooker's Flora of New Zealand. HOOKER, Sir JOSEPH DALTON, and TAYLOR, THOMAS. Lichenes Antarctica; being characters and brief descriptions of the new lichens discovered during the voyage of H.M. discovery ships Erebus and Terror. -pp. 25, 8vo., n.p., n.d. Pam., v. 104, no. 19178. 589.2. Fungi. COOKE, MORDECAI CUBITT. Fungi Australian! : [plates], pp.. 72, 8vo. Melb., 1883. Same: another copy. Pam., v. 26, no. 441. Handbook of Australian fungi: plates. 8vo. Lond., 1892. McALPINE, DANIEL. Systematic arrangement of Australian fungi, with host-index and list of works on the subject. 410. Melb., 1895. 589.3. Algae. HARVEY, WILLIAM HENRY. Nereis Australis; or, algae of the Southern ocean, being figures and descriptions of marine plants: [50 col. plates], la. 8vo. Lond., 1847. Phycologia Australica; or, a history of Australian seaweeds, and a synopsis of all known Australian algae : col. plates. 5 v., 8vo. Lond., 1858-63. HOOKER, Sir JOSEPH DALTON, and HARVEY, WILLIAM HENRY. Algae Tasmanicae; being a catalogue of the species of algae collected on the shores of Tasmania by Ronald Gunn [and others], pp. 20, 8vo., n.p., n.d. Pam., v. 105, no. 1928. 342 BOTANY : ZOOLOGY. 589.6. Zygosporeae. BURBURY, F. E. Tasmania!! diatomaceae. pp. 7, 8vo., n.p., Pam., v. 171, no. 3287. 589.95. Bacteria. BULL, RICHARD JOSEPH. The world without microbes: [illust.]. pp. 16, 8vo. Melb., 1907. Pam., v. 171, no. 3283. KATZ, OSCAR. Zur Kenntniss der Leuchtbakterien. pp. 34, 8vo. Jena, 1890. Pam., v. 148, no. 2855. NAGELI, CARL VON. On the minutest fungaceous organisms in relation to infectious diseases and sustenance of health : brief excerpts from, by Baron Sir F. von Mueller, pp. 20, 8vo. [Melb.], n.d. Pam., v. 171, no. 3289. 590. Zoology. CAMBRIDGE natural history : ed. by S. F. Harmer and A. E. Shipley: [illust. and maps]. 10 v., 8vo. Lond., .1895-1910. Contents. v. i. Protoxoa : Marcus Hartog. Porifera (sponges) : Igerna B. J. Sollas. Coelenterata and ctenophora : S. J. Hickson. Echinodermata : E. W. MacBride. v. 2. Flatworms and mesozoa : F. W. Gamble. Nemertines : Miss L. Sheldon. Threadworms and sagitta : A. E. Shipley. Rotifers : Marcus Hartog. Polychnet worms : W. Blaxland Benham. Earthworms and leeches : F. E. Beddard. Gephyrea and Phoronis : A. E. Shipley. Polyzoa : S. F. Harmer. v. 3. Molluscs : Rev. A. H. Cooke. Brachiopods (recent) : A. K. Shipley. Brachiopods (fossil) : F. R. C. Reed. v. 4. Crus- tacea : Geoffrey Smith. Trilobites : Henry Woods. Introduction to Arachnida and King-crabs : A. E. Shipley. Eurypterida : Henrv Woods. Scorpions, spiders, mites, ticks, &c. : Cecil Warburtop. Tardigrada (water-bears) : A. E. Shipley. Pentastomida : A. E. Shipley. Pycnognida : D'Arcy W. Thompson. v. 15. Peripatus : Adam Sedgwick. Myriapods : F. G. Sinclair. Insects, part i : David Sharp. v. 6. Insects, part 2 : David Sharp. v. 7. Hemi chordata : S. F. Harmer. Ascidians and Amphioxus : W. A. Herdman. Fishes : T. W. Bridge. Fishes (systematic account of Teleostei) : G. A. Boulenger. v. 8. Amphibia and reptiles : Hans Gadow. v. g. Birds : A. H. Evans. v. 10. Mammalia : Frank Evers Beddard. 590.6. Societies. ACCLIMATISATION society of Victoria. 5th annual report. pp. 31, 8vo. Melb., 1867. Pam., v. 58, no. 949. Continued as Zoological and acclimatisation society of Victoria, q.v. NEW SOUTH WALES zoological society. ist to 24th annual reports, 1880-1902. 8vo. Syd. ZOOLOGICAL and acclimatisation society of Victoria. Proceed- ings and reports of annual meetings, 1872-75, and 1878. 5 v., 8vo. Melb. ZOOLOGICAL society of London. Transactions, v. i, 1833 to date. 410. Lond. ZOOLOGY. 34J 590.7. Study and teaching. KOFOID, CHARLES ATWOOD. The biological stations of Europe. 8vo. Wash., 1910. (U.S. : Bureau of education.) 591.1. Animal Physiology. OSBORNE, WILLIAM ALEXANDER. Elements of animal physiology : [illust.] : 8vo. Melb., 1910. 591.52. Acclimatisation. BENNETT, GEORGE. Acclimatisation; its eminent adaptation to- Australia. pp. 40, 8vo. Melb., 1862. Pam., v. 69, no. 1178. Same: another copy. Pam., v. 105, no. 1923. BUCKLAND, FRANCIS TREVELYAN. Acclimatisation of animals. pp. 38, 8vo. Melb., 1 86 1. Pam., v. 15, no. 299. ROYAL SOCIETY of Tasmania. Report on the introduction of salmon into Tasmania, pp. 8, 8vo., n.p., 1858. Pam., v. 127, no. 2444. TASMANIAN acclimatisation society. Rules and objects, pp. 10, 8vo. Hobart, 1862. Pam., v. 171, no. 3290. 591.9. Geographical Distribution of Animals. WALLACE, ALFRED RUSSEL. Geographical distribution of animals, with a study of the relations of living and extinct faunas as elucidating the past changes of the earth's surface : maps and illust. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1876. Island life; or, the phenomena and causes of insular faunas and floras, including a revision and attempted solution of the problem of geological climates: [maps]. 2nd ed., 8vo. Lond., 1892. 591.92. Marine Zoology. CHALLENGER, H.M.S. Report of the scientific results of the voyage of H.M.S. Challenger during the years 1873-1876, under the command of captain George S. Nares and captain Frank T. Thomson : prepared under the superintendence of Sir C. Wyville Thomson and Dr. John Murray. 48 v., 4to. Lond., 1880-91. Contents. Narrative of the cruise; i v. (in 2 pts.). Narrative: meteorological results ; i v. Botany ; 2 v. Report on deep-sea de- posits; i v. Physics and chemistry; 2 v. Zoology; 32 v. (in 40 pts.). Presented by the Imperial government. HAMILTON". A. Deep-sea fauna of New Zealand: extracted from the reports of the "Challenger" expedition: [chart]. pp. 29, 8vo. Well.. 1896. Pam., v. 105, no. 1925. 344 ZOOLOGY. Zoology of Special Countries. 591.992. East Indian Archipelago. ADAMS, ARTHUR, cd. Zoology of the voyage of H.M.S. Santa- ran^ under the command of captain Sir Edward Belcher during the years 1843-1846 : [54 plates]. 4to. Lond., 1850. 591.9931. New Zealand. HUTTON, FREDERICK WOLLASTON, captain. On the origin of the fauna and flora of New Zealand, pp. 20. 8vo. Dunedin, 1884. Pam., v. 105, no. 1926. HUTTON, FREDERICK WOLLASTON, captain, ed. Index faunae Novae Zealandiae. 8vo. Lond., 1904. POTTS, THOMAS. Out in the open; a budget of scraps of natural history gathered in New Zealand. 8vo. Christ- church, 1882. 591.994. Australia. AFLALO, FREDERICK GEORGE. Sketch of the natural history of Australia; with some notes on sport. 8\o. Lond., 1896. KENT, WILLIAM SAVILLE. The naturalist in Australia: illust. 410. Lond., 1897. The Great Barrier reef of Australia ; its products and poten- tialities : illust. 410. Lond., [1893]. LE SOUE,F, WILLIAM HENRY DUDLEY. Wild life in Australia: illust. 8vo. Christchurch, [1907]. MICHAELSEN, W., and HARTMEYER, R., eds. Die Fauna sudwest-Australiens : Ergebnisse der Hamburger Sudwest- Australischen Forschungreise, 1905: illust. v. i, la. 8vo. Jena, 1907. SHAW, GEORGE. Zoology of New Holland : figures by James Sowerby. v. i, pp. 33, 410. Lond., 1794. All published. SPENCER, WALTER BALDWIN. [Biological monographs : illust.]. 410. Melb., 1888-90. Contents. Anatomy of Me^ascolides Australis (the giant earth- worm of Gippsland). Anatomy of Amphiptyches urna. New family of Hydroidea, with a description of the structure of a new species of Plumularia. Structure of Ceratella fuscn. 591.9944. New South Wales. STEAD, DAVID GEORGE. Zoological notes from Sydney : [plate]. pp. 13, 8vo., n.p., 1900. Pam., v. 106, no. 1954. 591.9945. Victoria. McCOY, Sir FREDERICK. Prodromus of the zoology of Victoria; or, figures and descriptions of the living species of the Vic- torian indigenous animals. 2 v., la. 8vo. Melb., 1885-90. WHEELWRIGHT, HORACE WILLIAM, " Old bushman." Bush wanderings of a naturalist ; or, notes on the field sports and fauna of Australia Felix: [illust.]. i2mo. Lond., 1865. ZOOLOGY. 345 591.9946. Tasmania. KREFFT, JOHANN LUDWIG GERHARD. Notes on the fauna of Tas- mania, pp. 14, 8vo. Syd., 1868. Pam., v. 105, no. 1924. 591.996. Pacific Islands. FORSTER, JOHANN REINHOLD. Descriptiones animalium quse in itinere ad maris Australis terras per annos, 1772, 1773, et 1774 suscepto col legit, observavit, et delineavit : nunc demum editae . . . curante H. Lichenstein. 8vo. Berlin, 1844. MS. title page. WILLEY, ARTHUR, ed. Zoological results based on material from New Britain, New Guinea, Loyalty islands, and elsewhere, collected during the years 1895-97. parts i-vi., 4:0. Camb.^ 1902. 591.999. Antarctic Regions. BRITISH museum (Natural history). Report on the collections of natural history made in the Antarctic regions during the voyage of the Southern Cross: [53 plates]. 8vo. Lond., 1902. 592. Invertebrates. 593. Protozoa. AUSTRALIAN museum. Catalogue of the Australian hydroicF zoophytes, by W. M. Bale. 8vo. Syd., 1884. 593.12. Foraminifera. HOWCHIN, WALTER. Anniversary address to the Royal society of South Australia, 1897. pp. 16, 8vo. Adel., 1897. Pam., v. 35, no. 588. 593.4. Sponges. AUSTRALIAN museum. Descriptive catalogue of the sponges in> the Australian museum, by R. von Lendenfeld. 8vo. Lond., 1888. LENDENFELD, ROBERT VON. "Monograph of the horny sponges: [plates]. 4to. Lond., 1889. 593.6. Corals. CHAPMAN, FREDERICK, and MAWSON, DOUGLAS. On the im- portance of Halimeda as a reef -forming organism; with a description of the halimeda-limestones of the New Hebrides : [plates], pp. 10, 8vo. Lond., 1906. Pam., v. 184, no. 3574-. DANA, JAMES DWIGHT. Corals and coral islands: [illust.]. 8\o. Lond., 1872. VAUGHAN, THOMAS WAYLAND. Recent madreporaria of the Hawaiian islands and Laysan : [96 plates]. 410. Wash. r 1907. (United States National museum, bulletin 59.) 34(i ZOOLOGY. 593.7. Hydro zoa. AGASSIZ, ALEXANDER, and MAYER, ALFRED GOLDSBOROUGH. Acalephs from the Fiji islands: 17 plates, pp. 33, 8vo. Camb., U.S., 1899. AUSTRALIAN museum. Descriptive catalogue of the medusae of the Australian seas: pt. i, Scyphomedusae ; pt. 2, Hydro- medusae; by R. von Lendenfeld. 8vo. Syd., 1887. Sound with its Catalogue of fishes, class 597. HUXLEY, THOMAS HENRY. Oceanic hydrozoa ; a description of the calycophoridae and physophoridae observed during the voyage of H.M.S. Rattlesnake in the years 1846-1850: with general introduction: [plates], fo. Lond., 1859. (Ray society.) 593.9. Echinodermata. AUSTRALIAN museum. Catalogue of the echinodermata in the Australian museum, by E. P. Ramsay : pt. i, Echini : [plates], pp. 54, 8vo. Syd., 1885, Same. 2nd ed., including also Desmosticha and Petalosticha : [6 plates], pp. 59, 8vo. Syd., 1891. Pam., v. 127, no. 2436. BUTTON, FREDERICK WOLLASTOX. captain. Catalogue of the echinodermata of New Zealand, with diagnosis of the species. pp. vi., 18, 8vo. Well., 1872. Pam., v. 184, no. 3575. WOODS, Rev. JULIAN EDMUND TEKISON List of Australian star- fishes, pp. 5, 8vo. [Adel., 1879.] Pam., v. ^5, no. 575. 594. Mollusca. -ADCOCK, D. J., compiler. Hand list of the aquatic mollusca in- habiting South Australia, pp. 14, 8vo. Adel., 1893. Pam., v. 148, no. 2858. AUSTRALIAN museum. Catalogue of the marine shells of Aus- tralia and Tasmania, by J. Brazier: pt. i, Cephalopoda; pt. 2, Pteropoda ; pt. 3, Gasteropoda (Murex). pp. 74, 8vo. Syd., 1892-93. BEDDOME, CHARLES EDWARD. Catalogue of Tasmanian marine shells for the International fisheries exhibition, pp. 14, 8vo., n.p., 1883. Pam., v. 105, no. 1930. BEDNALL, W. T. Australian trigonias and their distribution. pp. 8, 8vo. [Adel.], 1878. Pam., v. 171, no. 3291. BRAZIER, JOHN. Catalogue of land and marine shells from Aus- tralia and the adjacent islands, pp. 81, sm. 8vo. Syd., 1869. Pam., v. 105, no. 1932. List of land shells collected on Fitzroy island, with notes on their geographical range, pp. 7, 8vo.' Leeds, 1878. Pam., v. 184, no. 3578. CAXEFRI, C. TAPPARONE. Fauna malacologica della Nuova Guinea e delle isole adiacenti : pt. i, Molluschi estramarini. 8vo. Genoa, 1883. ZOOLOGY. 347 COX, JAMES C. Catalogue of the specimens of the Australian land shells in [his] collection, pp. 46, i2mo. Syd., 1864. Pam., v. 40, no. 683. Description of new land-shells from Australia and the Solomon islands: [col. plate], pp. 6, 8vo. Lond., 1873. Pam., v. 27, no. 455. Exchange list of land and marine shells from Australia and the adjacent islands, pp. 81, i2mo. Syd., 1868. Pam., v. 40, no. 682. Monograph of Australian land shells: plates. 8vo. Syd., 1868. HEDLEY, CHARLES. Additions to the marine molluscan fauna of New Zealand, pp. 12. 8vo. Syd., 1904. Pam., v. 184, no. 3577. HUTTON, FREDERICK WOLLASTON, captain. Catalogue of the marine mollusca of New Zealand, with diagnoses of the species. 8vo. Well., 1873. Title-page wanting: bound with his Catalogue of tertiary mollusca, Class 564. Manual of the New Zealand mollusca ; a systematic and descrip- tive catalogue of the marine and land shells, and the soft mollusks and polyzoa of New Zealand and the adjacent islands. 8vo. Well., 1880. Pam.j v. ^7, no. 458. JOHNSTON, ROBERT MACKENZIE. Critical observations on recent contributions to our knowledge of the fresh water shells of Tasmania, pp. 7, 8vo. n.p., 1888. Pam., v. 81, no. 1448. Provisional aid to the study of the Tasmanian mollusca : Fur- ther observations upon the fishes and fishing industries of Tasmania. 8vo. [Hobart], n.d. LEGRAND, W. Collections for a monograph of Tasmanian land shells: [plates], pp. 41, 8vo. Hobart Town, 1871. Pam., v. 105, no. 1931. MARTYN, THOMAS. Universal conchologist, exhibiting the figure of every known shell, accurately drawn and painted after nature, with a new systematic arrangement by the author. 2 v., obi. fo. Lond., 1784. MELVILL, JAMES COSMO, and STRANDEN, ROBERT. Report on the marine mollusca obtained during the first expedition of Prof. A. C. Hadclon to the Torres straits in 1888-89: [plates], pp. 57, 8vo. Lond., 1899. Pam., v. 148, no. 2859. NEW ZEALAND: Colonial museum. Catalogue of the land mollusca of New Zealand, with descriptions of the species. pp. 27, 8vo. Well., 1873. Pam., v 28. no. 479. Same: another copy. Pam., v. 148, no. 2856. PETTERD, WILLIAM FREDERICK. Description of new Tasmanian. shells, pp. 15, 8vo. Lond., n.d. Pam., v 184, no. 3576. Monograph of the land shells of Tasmania. pp. 56, 8vo. Launceston, 1879. 3 ts ZOOLOGY. REEVE, LOVELL AUGUSTUS. Conchologica systematica; or, com- plete system of conchology : in which the lepades and conchi- ferous mollusca are described and classified according to their natural organization and habits : [300 col. plates]. 2 v., 410. Loml., 1841-42. VERCO, JOSEPH C. Descriptions of new species of marine mol- lusca of South Australia : [plates], pp. 16, 8vo. [Adel., 1896]. Pam., v. 148, no. 2857. WOODS, Rev. JULIAN EDMUND TENISON. Malaysian essays : no. iii., Malaysian land and freshwater mollusca: [plates], pp. 93, 8vo. Syd., 1888. Pain., v. 47, no. 793. 594.3. Gastropoda. BRAZIER, JOHN. List of cypraea found in Moreton bay, Queens- land pp. 6, 8vo., n.p., 1879. Pam., v. 171, no. 3292. COX, JAMES C. Distribution of Australasian volutes, pp. 20, 8vo. Syd., 1872. Pam., v. 27, no. 456. Label list compiled from Tryon's Manual of conchology : pul- monata. pp. 20, 8vo. Syd., 1892. Pam., v. 27, no. 453. List of cyprsea as arranged by S. Ramond Roberts in Tryon's Manual of conchology. pp. 19, 8vo. ' Syd., 1891. Pam., v. 27, no. 452. TATE, RALPH. Description of some new species of South Aus- tralian pulmonifera : description of a new species of belem- nite from the mesozoic strata of central Australia, pp. 4, 8vo. [Adel., 1880.] Pam., v. 35, no. 566. 594.8. Braehiopoda. SARS, GEORGE OSSIAN. On cyclestheria hislopi, [Baird], a new generic type of bivalve, pp. 65, 8vo. Christiana. 1887. Pam., v. 148, no. 2860. TATE, RALPH. Description of some new species of South Aus- tralian marine and fresh-water mollusca : a revision of the recent lamellibranch and palliobranch mollusca of South Australia. pp. 50, 8vo. Adel., [1886]. Pam., v. 35, no. 562. 594.9. Tunicata. AUSTRALIAN museum. Descriptive catalogue of the tunicata in the Australian museum, by W. A. Herdman : [42 plates]. 8vo. Liverpool, 1899. 595. Articulates. 595.1. Worms. DARWIN, CHARLES ROBERT. Formation of vegetable mould through the action of worms, with observations on their habits: illust. 8vo. Lond., 1881. ZOOLOGY. 349 WOODWORTH, W. McM. Some planarians from the Great Barrier reef of Australia : plate, pp. 5, 8vo. Camb., U.S., 1898. Pam., v. 105, no. 1939. 595.3. Crustacea. AUSTRALIAN museum. Catalogue of the Australian stalk- and sessile-eyed Crustacea, by William A. Haswell. 8vo. Syd-, 1882. COX, JAMES C. Observations on a cytherea found in Bass straits. pp. 8, 8vo. Syd., 1895. Pam., v. 105, no. 1938. EDWARDS, ALPHONSE MILNE-. Recherches sur la faune car- cinologique de la Nouvelle Caledonie: [plates]. 4*0. Paris, n.d. MIERS, EDWARD JOHN. Catalogue of the stalk- and sessile-eyed Crustacea of New Zealand. 8vo. Lond., 1876. (N.Z. Colonial museum and geological survey department.) SARS, GEORGE OSSIAN. On a small collection of fresh water entomostraca from Sydney, pp. 9, 8vo. Christiana, 1889. Pam., v. 171, no. 3293. .STEAD, DAVID GEORGE. Crustaceans, ancient, modern, and mythical ; with notes on edible crustaceans of New South Wales: [diagrams], pp. 62, 8vo. Syd., 1905. Pam., v. 105, no. 1929. "WYATT, WILLIAM. Monograph of certain Crustacea entomostraca : illust. pp. 17, 8vo. Adel., 1883. 595.33. Ostracoda. .SARS, GEORGE OSSIAN. On some freshwater ostracoda and cope- poda raised from dried Australian mud. pp. 79, 8vo. Christiana, 1889. 595.36. Malaeostraca : Crabs, Lobsters. HESS, WILLIAM. Beitrage zur Kentniss der Decapoden-Krebse Ost- Australiens : 2 plates, pp. 47, 8vo. Bonn., 1865. Pam., v. 28, no. 470. PARKER, THOMAS JEFFERY. Studies in biology: no. 4. The skeleton of the New Zealand crayfishes. pp. 25, 8vo. Well., 1889. Pam., v. 184, no. 3579. 595.7. Insects. DONOVAN, EDWARD. Epitome of the natural history of the in- sects of New Holland, New Zealand, New Guinea, Otaheite, and other islands in the Indian, Southern, and Pacific oceans : [41 col. plates]. 4to. Lond., 1805. ENTOMOLOGICAL society of New South Wales. Proceedings, v. 1-2, 1862-73. 8vo - Syd. t.p. wanting. FROGGATT, WALTER WILSON. Australian insects : plates and illust. 8vo. Syd., [1907]. 350 ZOOLOGY. HUDSON, GEORGE VERNON. Elementary manual of New Zealand entomology ; being an introduction to the study of our native insects: col. plates. 8vo. Lond., 1892. HUTTON, FREDERICK. WOLLASTON, captain. Catalogues of the New Zealand diptera, orthoptern, hymenoptera ; with descrip- tions of the species. 8\o. Well., 1881. Pam., v. 27, no. 450. List of the insects recorded as having been found in New Zealand previous to 1870. pp. 25, 8vo. [Otago], 1873. T:un., v. 184, no. 3580. TEPPER, J. G. OTTO. Insects of South Australia; an attempt at a census, pp. 27, 8vo. [Adel., 1879]. Pam., v. 35, no. 569. 595.72. Orthoptera. TEPPER, J. G. OTTO. The blattariae of Australia and Polynesia; supplementary and additional descriptions and notes. pp. 21, 8vo. [Adel., 1894]. Pam., v. 35, no. 573. Remarks on the " manna " or lerp insect of South Australia. pp. 3, 8vo. Lond., 1883. Pain., v. 105, no. IQ33- 595.73. Pseudoneuroptera. FROGGATT, WALTER WILSON. White ants, with some account, of their habits and depredations : [plate]. pp. 8, 8vo. Syd., 1897. Pam., v. 105, no. 1935. 595.76. Coleoptera. BLACKBURN, Rev. THOMAS. Further notes on Australian cojeop- tera, with descriptions of new genera and species, pp. n, 8vo. [Adel., 1897]. Pam., v. 35, no. 585. BROUN, THOMAS, captain. Manual of the New Zealand coleop- tera. i v. in 2, 8vo. Well., 1880-1893. DATTARI, P. Remarks on the new Australian beetle, " phala- grognathus muelleri." pp. 8, 8vo. * Melb., 1886. Pam., v. 105, no. 1936. IE A. ARTHUR MILLS. Description of some new species of Aus- tralian and Tasmanian chrysomelidae. pp. 48, 8vo. , n.p . , n.d. Pam., v. i2~, no. 2437. MASTERS, GEORGE. Catalogue of Australian coleoptera. 8vo. Syd., 1885-95. A collection of the various [.arts as published by the Linnean Society of N.S.W. in its Proceedings, with index, MS. additions and notes by the :mthor. PASCOE, FRANCIS P. List of the Australian longicorns, with addi- tional localities by George Masters, pp. 27, 8vo. Syd., 1868. Pam., v. 25, no. 431. On the longicornia of Australia, with a list of all the described species: [2 plates], pp. 63, 8vo. Lond., 1866. Pam., v. 148, no. 2862. ZOOLOGY. 351 595.77. Diptera. RAINBOW, WILLIAM JOHN. Mosquitoes, their habits and distribu- tion? 20 plates, pp. 67, sm. 8vo. Melb., 1908. Pam., v. 148, no. 2863. THEOBALD, FRED V. Monograph of the culicidae or mosquitoes; mainly compiled from the collections at the British museum in connection with the investigation into the cause of malaria. 4 v. text and i \. plates. 8vo. Lond., 1901-07. 595.78. Lepidoptera. ANDERSON, ERNEST, and SPRY, FRANK PALMER. Victorian butterflies and how to collect them: [illust.]. pp. 80, 8vo. Melb., 1893. BUTLER, ARTHUR GARDINER. Catalogue of the butterflies of New Zealand: [5 plates], pp. 23, 8vo. Christchurch, 1880. Pam., v. 127, no. 2438. HUDSON, GEORGE VERNON. New Zealand moths and butterflies; (macro- lepidoptera) : 13 plates. 4to. Lond., 1898. LEWIN, JOHN WILLIAM. Natural history of lepidopterous insects in New South Wales ; collected, engraved, and faithfully printed after nature: [19 col. plates]. 410. Lond., 1805. OLLIFF, ARTHUR SIDNEY. Australian butterflies ; a brief account of the native families, with a chapter on collecting and pre- serving insects: illust. pp. 49, 8vo. Syd., 1889. Pam., v. 25, no. 430. RAINBOW, WILLIAM JOHN. Guide to the study of Australian butterflies. 8vo. Melb., 1907. .SCOTT, ALEXANDER WALKER. Australian lepidoptera and their transformations ; with illustrations drawn from the life by his daughters, Harriet Morgan, and Helena Forde. 2 v., la. 4to. Lond. and Syd., 1864-98. v. 2, ed. and revise. 1 by Helena Forde and Arthur Sidney Olliff. TRYON, HENRY. Rhopalocera collected in British New Guinea during 1889-90. pp. 7, 8vo. Brisb., 1890. Pam., v. 171. no. 3294. WATERHOUSE, G. A. Memoirs of the New South Wales Natu- ralists' club: no. i, Catalogue of the rhopalocera of Aus- tralia, pp. 52, 8vo. Syd., 1903. Pam., v. 105, no. 1937. 595.79. Hymenoptera. MAETERLINCK, MAURICE. Life of the bee : tr. by Alfred Sutro. 8vo. Lond., 1904. ROTH, HENRY LING. Notes on the habits of some Australian hymenoptera aculeata. pp. n, 8vo. Lond., 1884. Para., v. 105, no. 1934. 596. Vertebrates. .AUSTRALIAN museum. Catalogue of the specimens of natural history and miscellaneous curiosities. 8vo. Syd., 1837. FITZGERALD, MARY ANNE. Australian furs and feathers: illust 410. Syd., 1889. 35:2 ZOOLOGY. FLETCHER, PRICE. Popular sketch of the natural history of Queensland, -pp. 32, 8vo. [Brisk, 1886.] Pam., v. 21, no. 3848. HUTTON, FREDERICK WOLLASTON, captain, and DRUMMOND, JAMES. Animals of New Zealand ; an account of the colony's air-breathing vertebrates: [illust.]. 8vo. Christ- church, 1904. Same. New ed., 8vo. Christchurch, 1905. KRKFFT, JOHANN LUDWIG GERHARD. Australian vertebrata, fossil and recent, pp. 96, 8vo. Syd., 1865-73. Contents. Mammals of Australia; ornithodetphia and didelphia, 1873. Vertebrata of the lower Murray and Darling and the snakes of Sydney. 1865. Fauna of Tasmania. 1868. Same: another copy. Pam., v. 25, no. 4^2. LUCAS, ARTHUR HENRY SHAKESPEARE, and LE SOUEF, WILLIAM HENRY DUDLEY. The animals of Australia ; mammals, rep- tiles, and amphibians: [illust.]. 8vo. Melb., 1909. SHAW, GEORGE. Museum Leverianum, containing select specimens from the museum of Sir Ashton Lever : [col. plates], pp. 48, 4to., n.p., 1796. WAITE, EDGAR RAVENSWOOD. Mammals, reptiles, and fishes of Funafuti: [plates]. pp. 61, n.p., n.d. . Pam., v. 184, no. 3582. 597. Fishes. AUSTRALIAN museum. Catalogue of the fishes in the collection of the Australian museum: part i, Recent palaejichthyan fishes, by J. Douglas Ogilby. 8vo. Syd.. 1888. Bound with its Catalogue of the marine shells, class 594. CASTELNAU, FRANCOIS DE, Comte. Notes on the edible fishes, of Victoria, pp. 17, 8vo. Melb., 1873. Pam., v. 184. no. 31583. GUNTHER, ALBERT. Description of ceratodus, a genus of ganoid- fishes discovered in rivers of Queensland : [plates]. 4to. Lond., 1871. JOHNSTON, ROBERT MACKENZIE. General and critical observa- tions on the fishes of Tasmania, with a classified catalogue. pp. 91, 8vo. Hobart, 1882. Pam., v. 184, no. 3584. MACLEAY, Sir WILLIAM. A Descriptive catalogue of Australian fishes. 2 v., 8vo. Syd., 1881. OGILBY, J. DOUGLAS. Catalogue of the fishes of New South Wales, with their principal synonyms. 410. Syd., 1886. Edible fishes and crustaceans of New South Wales : illust. 8vo. Syd., 1893. Notes of some fishes new to the Australian fauna, pp. 8, 8vo. Lond., 1889. I'um., v. 28, no. 469. RAMSAY, EDWARD PIERSON, and OGILBY, J. DOUGLAS. Con- tribution to the fish-fauna of New Guinea, pp. 13, 8vo., n.p., n.d. Pam., v. 148, no. 2864. ZOOLOGY. 353 SHERRIN, RICHARD A. A. Handbook of the fishes of New Zea- land : [map].- 8vo. Auckland, 1886. STEAD, DAVID GEORGE. The edible fishes of New South Wales ; their present importance and their potentialities: 81 plates and map. 8vo. Syd., 1908. Fishes of Australia; a popular and systematic guide to the study of the wealth within our waters: illust. 8vo. Syd., 1906. Notes on eggs and breeding habits of fishes, with special refer- ence to Australian species: illust. -pp. 61, i2mo. Syd., 1907. WAITE, EDGAR RAVENSWOOD. Memoirs of the New South Wales naturalists' club : no. 2. Synopsis of the fishes of New South Wales, pp. 59, iv., 8vo. Syd., 1904. Pam., v. 106. no. 1951. WOODS, Rev. JULIAN EDMUND TENISON. Malaysian essays ; no. x. The fisheries of the Oriental region: [plates], pp. 91, 8vo., n.p., 1888. Pam.. v. 47. no. 788. 598.1. Reptiles. KREFFT, JOHANN LUDWIG GERHARD. Snakes of Australia; an illustrated and descriptive catalogue of all the known species : [12 col. plates]. 4to. Syd., 1869. STEJNEGER, LEONARD. Herpetology of Japan and adjacent ter- ritory : 35 plates and 409 figures. 8vo. Wash., 1907. (U.S. National museum, Bulletin 58.) 598.2. Birds. AUSTRALIAN museum. Catalogue of the Australian birds in the Australian museum ; parts t and 2, accipitres and striges, by E. P. Ramsay, 2nd ed. by A. J. North: part 3, psittaci: part 4, picariae, suborder halycones, by E. P. Ramsay. 8vo. Syd., 1891-98. BARRETT, CHARLES. From range to sea; a bird lover's ways: illust. pp. 62, 8vo. Melb., 1907. Pam., v. 148, no. 2871. BARTLETT, ABRAHAM DEE. Remarks on the mode of preparing and keeping thrushes and other,, birds intended for shipment to Australia, pp. 6, 8vo., n.p. [1862]. Pam., v. 148. no. 2867. BECKER, LUDWIG. The nest, egg, and young of the lyre-bird, (Menura superba). pp. 2, 8vo., n.p., n.d. Pam., v. 106, no. 1943. BONHOTE, J. LEWIS. Birds of Britain : 100 illust. in colour by H. E. Dresser. 8vo. Lond., 1907. BROINOWSKI, GRACIUS JOSEPH. Birds of Australia; compris- ing three hundred full-page illustrations, with a descriptive account of the life and characteristic habits of over seven hundred species. 6 v., fo. Melb., 1890-91. F.8720. * 354 ZOOLOGY ; BIRDS. B CILLER, Sir WALTER LA WRY. Essay on the ornithology of New Zealand, pp. 20, 8vo. Dunedin, 1865. Pam., v. 105. no. 194.2. History of the birds of New Zealand: [50 plates]. 2nd ed., 2 v., fo. Lond., 1888. Manual of the birds of New Zealand: [illust.]. 8vo. Well., 1882. On some new species of New Zealand birds. pp. 7, 8v<>. Wanganui, 1868. Pam., v. 105, no. 1941. CAMPBELL, ARCHIBALD JAMES. Nests and eggs of Australian birds, including the geographical distribution of the species and popular observations thereon : map, plates, and illust. 8vo. Sheffield, 1900. Nests and eggs of Australian birds, embracing papers on " Oology of Australian birds," supplemented by other notes and memoranda, &c. 8vo. Melb., 1883. CAYLEY, NEVILLE. Australian birds ; a beautiful coloured series : 10 plates]. 8vo. Syd., n.d. Pam., v. 127. no. 2440. CHALLENGER, H.M.S. Reports on the collection of birds [of the Challenger expedition] : from the Proceedings of the Zoological society of London. 8vo. Ix>nd., 1877-78. Contents. General remarks on the collections : by P. L. Sclater. Birds of the Philippine islands : by Arthur, marquis of Tweeddale. Birds of the Admiralty islands : by P. L. Sclater. Birds of Tongatubu, the Fiji islands, Api (New Hebrides), and Tahiti : by Dr. O. Finsch. Laridae collected during the expedition : by Howard Saunders. Birds of Ternate, Amboyne, Banda, the K6 islands, and the Aru islands : by T. Salvador!. Birds of Cape York and the neighbouring islands (Raine, Wednesday, and Booby islands) : by W. A. Forbes. Birds of the Sandwich islands : by P. L. Sclater. Birds of Antarctic America : by P. L. Sclater and Osbert Salvin. Birds of the Atlantic islands and Kerguelen's Land, and the mis- cellaneous collections : by P. L. Sclater. Steganopodes and im- pennes : by P. L. Sclater and Osbert Salvin. Procellariidae : by Osbert Salvin. DE VIS, CHARLES WALTER. Report on birds from British New Guinea, pp. 17, 8vo., n.p., 1891. Pam., v. 106, no. 1950. EMU, The; a quarterly magazine to popularise the study and pro- tection of native birds : the official organ of the Australian ornithologists' union, v. i, 1901-2 to date. 8vo. Melb. GOULD, JOHN. The birds of Australia : [introd. and 600 col. plates]. 7 v., fo. Lond., 1848. Same. Supplement: [81 col. plates], fo. Lond., 1869. The birds of New Guinea and the adjacent Papuan islands, including many new species recently discovered in Australia : completed by R. Bowdler Sharpe: [320 col. plates]. 5 v., fo. Lond., 1875-88. Handbook to the birds of Australia. 2 v., la. 8vo. Lond., 1865. Introduction to the birds of Australia. 8vo. Lond., 1848. Synopsis of the birds of Australia and the adjacent islands: [plates], la. 8vo. Lond., 1837-38. ZOOLOGY ; BIEDS. 355 GRAY, GEORGE ROBERT. List of species composing the family megapodiidae, with descriptions of new species and some ac- count of the habits of the species, -pp. 9, 8vo. Lond., j86i. Pam.. v. 148, no. 2868. GRAY, GEORGE ROBERT, and SHARPE, RICHARD BOWDLER. Zoology of the voyage of H.M.S. Erebus and Terror : Birds : [36 col. plates], pp. 39, 4to. Lond., 1846-75. Contains also 4 cancelled pages. GREENE, WILLIAM THOMAS. Parrots in captivity : col. plates. 3 v., la. 8vo. Lond., 1884. HALL, ROBERT. Glimpses of Australian bird life: 31 original photographs direct from nature, with notes, pp. 63, sm. 8vo. Melb., 1906. Pam., v. 127, no. 2441. Insectivorous birds of Victoria; with chapters on birds more or less useful : [illust.]. 8vo. Melb., 1900. Useful birds of southern Australia, with notes on other birds: [illust.]. 8vo. Melb., 1907. HARTERT, ERNST. On the birds collected by Robert Hall on the banks of the Lena river, between Gigalowa and its mouth : introd. and field-notes by Robert Hall : [illust.]. pp. 32, 8vo. n.p., 1904. Pam.. v. 106. no. 1945. HINSBY, G. K. List of Tasmanian birds, pp. 30, 8vo. Hobart, 1886. Pam., v. 27, no. 460. HOOD, THOMAS H. COCKBURN. Remarks upon the footprints of moas at Poverty bay, and upon their recent extinction, pp. 30, 8vo. n.p., 1872. Pam., v. 105, no. 1940. HULL, A. F. BASSETT. List of the birds of Australia, pp. 31, 8vo. Syd., 1909. Pam., v. 184, no. 3586. HUTTON, FREDERICK WOLLASTON, captain. Catalogue of the birds of New Zealand, with diagnosis of the species : [notes], pp. x., 85, 8vo. Well., 1871. Pam., v. 27, no. 462. JACKSON, SIDNEY W. Egg collecting and bird life in Australia ; catalogue and data of the " Jacksonian oological collection " : illust. 4to. Syd., 1907. LEACH, JOHN ALBERT. An Australian bird book; a pocket book for field use: introd. by Frank Tate : illust. 8vo. Melb.. 1911. LEGGE. WILLIAM VINCENT, colonel. Systematic list of Tasmanian birds, pp. n, 8vo. Hobart, n.d. Pam., v. 81, no. 1449. LE SOUEF, WILLIAM HENRY DUDLEY. Description of some nests and eggs from New Guinea : [illust.]. pp. 6, 8vo. n.p., 1900. Pam., v. 106, no. 1949. Description of some new or rare eggs of Australian birds, pp. 7> 8vo. n.p., 1900. Pam., v. 106, no. 1947. LEWIN, JOHN WIILIAM. Natural history of the birds of New South Wales, engraved and faithfully painted after nature. New ed., fo. Lond., 1838. ! 2 356 ZOOLOGY ; BIRDS. LITTLER. FRANK MERVYN. Handbook of the birds of Tasmania and its dependences : [illust.]. 8vo. Launceston, 1910. LUCAS, ARTHUR HENRY SHAKESPEARE, and LE SOU HE, WIL- LIAM HENRY DUDLEY. The birds of Australia: [illust.]. 8vo. Melb., 1911. MARRINER, GEORGE R. The kea; a New Zealand problem: [illust.]. 8vo. Christrhurch, 1908. MATHEWS, GREGORY M. The birds of Australia: hand- coloured plates, v. j. fo. Lond., 1910-11. In progress. NORTH, ALFRED JOHN. Birds of the county of Cumberland. pp. 49, i2mo. .#., n.d. Pam.. v. 42. no. 705. Description of the nests and eggs of six species of Australian birds, pp. 4, 8vo. Melb., 1899. Pam., v. 148. no. 2866. Descriptive catalogue of the nests and eggs of birds found breeding in Australia and Tasmania : [plates]. 8vo. Syd., 1889. List of bircls collected by the Calvert exploring expedition in Western Australia, pp. 68, 8vo. Adel., 1898. Pam., v. 27, no. 461. List of the insectivorous birds of New South Wales : [col. plates], pp. 18, 8vo. Syd., 1896. Pam., v. 106, no. 1044. Nests and eggs of bircls found breeding in Australia and Tas- mania : [illust.]. v. 1-2. 410. Syd., 1901-09. Australian museum, special catalogue. In progress. OWEN, Sir RICHARD. Memoirs of the extinct wingless birds of New Zealand, with an appx. on those of England. Australia, Newfoundland, Mauritius, and Rodriguez, i v. text, and i v. plates. 4to. Lond., 1879. JPARKER, THOMAS JEFFERY. On the skeleton of Notornis man- lelli: [plates], pp. 14, 8vo. [Otago, 1881.] Pam., v. 184, no. 3585. RAMSAY, EDWARD PIERSON. List of birds met with in north- eastern Queensland, chiefly at Rockingham bay. pp. 26, 8vo. I progress and resources: [map]. 2nd ed., pp. 46, 8vo. Syd., 1886. Official catalogue of exhibits from the colony. 2nd ed., 8vo. Syd., 1886. Bound with foregoing. New Zealand court : New Zealand geological survey depart- ment ; detailed catalogue and guide to the geological ex- hibits; by Sir James Hector: map. 8vo. Well., 1886. Royal commission for Victoria. Report. fscp. fo., Melb., 1886. GREATER BRITAIN exhibition, Earl's court, London, 1899. Official catalogue: [illust.]. 8vo. Lond., 1899. FRANCO-BRITISH exhibition, 1908. Illustrated review: ed. by F. G. Dumas. 410. Lond., n.d. 606.436. Austria. INTERNATIONAL exhibition, Vienna, 1873. Catalogue of the natural and industrial products of Queensland, pp. 63, 8vo. Brisb., 1873. Pam.. v. 128. no. 2447. 606.44. France. PARIS universal exhibition, 1855. Catalogue of the natural and industrial products of New South Wales exhibited in the Aus- tralian museum, November, 1854. pp. 88, 410. Syd., Tasmanian contributions, fscp. fo. Hobart Town. [1855]. PARIS universal exhibition, 1867. Catalogue of the natural and industrial products of New South Wales. 8yo. Syd., 1867. PARIS universal international exhibition, 1878. Catalogue of the South Australian court, pp. 36, 8vo. Lond., 1878. P:im., v. 185, no. 3587. MONOD, EMILE. L'Exposition universelle de 1889 ; grand ouvrage illustre, historique. encyclopedique, descriptif. 3 v., and album. 4to. Paris, 1890. 606.492. Netherlands. INTERNATIONAL, colonial, and export trade exhibition, 1883, Amsterdam. Official catalogue of the exhibits from New South Wales, pp. 76, viii. 8\o. Syd., 1883. P'im , v. 172, re. 3296. EXHIBITIONS. 361 608.54. India. CALCUTTA exhibition, 1883-84. Catalogue of exhibits in the Victorian court. 4to. Melb., 1883. Catalogue of products ot the Northern Territory of South Australia, -p-p. 9, 8vo. Aclel., 1883. Pam., v. 185, nu. 3588. Official record of the New South Wales commission : [illust.]. 8vo. Syd., 1885. Report of the royal commission for Victoria, fscp. fo. Melb., 1884. Tasmanian court: special catalogue of exhibits, pp. 52, 8vo. Calcutta, 1883. Pam., v. 82, no. 1482. 606.73. United States. PHILADELPHIA centennial exhibition, 1876. Official record [for Victoria, with] essays on the social and economic re- sources of the colony. 8vo. Melb., 1875. WORLD'S Columbian exposition, Chicago, 1893. Catalogue of the exhibits in the New South Wales courts. 8vo. Syd., 1893. 606.931. New Zealand. NEW ZEALAND exhibition, 1865. Reports and awards of the jurors. 8vo. Dunedin, 1866. NEW ZEALAND industrial exhibition, 1885. Official record. 8vo. Well., 1886. Home-industry branch : memorandum by Sir Julius Vogel, official programme [&c.] pp. 10, 8vo. Well., 1885. Pam., v. 106, no. 1959. NEW ZEALAND and South Seas international exhibition, 1889-90. Illustrated handbook of Victoria, with the official catalogue of exhibits in the Victorian court. 4to. Melb., 1889. NEW ZEALAND international exhibition, 1906-1907. Official catalogue and souvenir: [illust.]. 8vo. Christchurch, n.d. 606.942. South Australia. ADELAIDE jubilee international exhibition, 1887. Reports of juries and official list of awards. 8vo. Adel., 1889. Report of the royal commission [for Great Britain]. 8vo. Lond., 1888. 606.943. Queensland. QUEENSLAND international exhibition, 1897. [Prospectus, regu- lations, &c., with descriptive articles on Queensland]: maps and illust. fscp. fo. Brisb., 1896. 606.944. New South Wales. DYER, JOSEPH. Proposal for a grand international exhibition to be held in Sydney in 1870 to celebrate the centenary of the discovery and taking possession of Australia in 1770. pp. 8, 8vo. Syd., 1868. Pam., v. 149, no. 2874. EXHIBITIONS. SYDNEY intercolonial exhibition, 1870. Industrial progress of New South Wales, with papers illustrative of the industrial resources of the colony: [map]. 8vo. Syd., 1871. AUSTRALIAN international exhibitions. Report of the royal commission [for Great Britain]. 8vo. Lond., 1882. Sydney, 1879, and Melbourne, 1880-81. SYDNEY" international exhibition, 1879. Notes, with phototype illust. 8vo. Syd., 1880. Official record. 8vo. Syd., 1881. 606.945. Victoria. MELBOURNE exhibition, 1854. Official catalogue, in connexion with the Paris exhibition, 1855. 8vo - Melb., 1854. VICTORIAN exhibition, 1861. Catalogue; with prefatory essays indicating the progress, resources, and physical characteristics of the colony, by W. H. Archer, F. Mueller, R. B. Smyth, Prof. Neumayer, F. McCoy, A. R. C. Selwyn, and W. Birkmyre. 8vo. Melb., 1861. Same: another ed. 4to. Melb., 1861. Die Colonie Victoria in A'ustralien; ihr Fortschritt, ihre Hilfs- quellen, und ihr physikalischer Charakter mit Zugrundelegung amtlicher Quellen dargestellt in Ahbandlungen. 4to. Melb., 1861. Same: another ed. 8vo. Melb., 1861. Essais divers, servant d' introduction au catalogue de 1'exposition des produits de la colonie de Victoria : mettant en relief les progres, resources et caractere physique de la colonie. 4to. Melb., 1861. INTERCOLONIAL exhibition of Australasia, Melbourne.. 1866-67. The Australasian colonies at the International exhibition, Lon- don, 1862 : extracts from the reports of the jurors and other information: compiled by J. G. Knight. 8vo. Melb., 1865. Catalogue of the contributions made by Tasmania. -pp. 24, 8vo. Hobart Town, 1866. Para., v. 128. no. 2446. Documents relating to the Intercolonial exhibition : by F. von Mueller [and others]. 8vo. Melb., 1867. Official catalogue. 8vo. Melb. [1866]. Pam., v. 172, no. 3295. Official record. 8vo. Melb., 1867. Photographs. J. Ellis and Co. 410. [Melb.], n.d. MELBOURNE international exhibition, i88o-8r. Catalogue of the Queensland court, with essay descriptive of the colony of Queensland. 8vo. Brisb., 1880. Catalogue to accompany an index cabinet of the minerals and rocks of Tasmania; by T. C. Just. pp. 43, 8vo. Hobart Town, 1880. Pam., v. 82. no. 1477. Fijian court : catalogue of exhibits, with a short description of .. .".".' the colony of Fiji. pp. 23, 8vo. Melb., 1880. Pam., v. 82, no. 1484 EXHIBITIONS. Massina's popular guide, by R. P. Whitworth. 2nd ed., 8vo. Melb. [1880]. Pam., v. 82. no. 1474. Official catalogue of the exhibits, with introductory notices of the countries exhibiting. 2 v. in i, 8vo. Melb., 1880. Official record. 8vo. Melb., 1882. Photographic views, obi. fo. Melb., 1880. Report of the executive commissioner for New South Wales : [illust.]. 8vo. Syd., 1881. CENTENNIAL international exhibition, Melbourne, 1888-89. Catalogue of the exhibits in the New South Wales court. 8vo. Syd., 1888. Catalogue of the exhibits in the Queensland court, -pp. 56^ 5vo. Brisb., 1888. Pam., v. 13, no. 277. Inaugural ceremony. From The Argus, -pp. 4, 4to. Melb., 1888. New South Wales mineral court ; descriptive catalogue of exhibits. 8vo. Syd., 1888. New Zealand court catalogue. 8vo. Melb., 1888. Pam., v. 82. no. 1483. Northern Territory of South Australia. Catalogue of exhibits. pp. 12, 8vo. [Adel., 1888]. Official catalogue of Tasmanian exhibits, pp. 32, 8vo. Hobart, 1888. Pam., v. io6 3 no. 1958. Official guide to the picture gallery and catalogue of fine arts. 5th ed., 8vo. Melb., 1889. Official record, containing a sketch of the progress of the Aus- tralasian colonies during the first century of their existence and of the exhibition held to commemorate the close of that period; also awards, catalogue of exhibits, illust., &c. 8vo. Melb., 1890. Report by R. Burdett Smith, executive commissioner [for New South Wales] : with views of New South Wales court. 8vo. Syd., 1890. Report of the royal commission [for Great Britain]. 8vo. Lond"., 1889. Special exhibition edition of the Year-book of Tasmania. 8vo. Hobart, 1888. Pam., v. 82, no. 1479. Tasmanian court : catalogue of exhibits, pp. 27*, 8vo. Hobart, 1888. Pam., v. 82. no. 1476. 606.946. Tasmania. TASMANIAN international exhibition, Launceston, 1891-2. Official record. 8vo. Launceston, 1893. TASMANIAN international exhibition, Hobart, 1894-5. Official catalogue of exhibits, pp. 78, 8vo. Hobart, [1894]. Pam., v. 82, no. 1478. 364 TECHNICAL EDUCATION. 607. Technical Education. AUSTRALIAN technical journal. Technical college annual exhibi- tion: special number, January, 1900 [illust.] -pp. 44, 4to. Syd., 1900. CAMPBELL, FREDERICK A. Education and industry in Victoria. pp. 30. 8vo. Melb., 1907. Pam., v. 145, no. 2798. The industrial training of the people; a problem, pp. 9, 8vo. Melb., 1899. Pam., v. 145, no. 2797. Some facts, opinions, and conclusions about technical education. pp. 23, 8vo. [Melb.], 1898. Pam., v. 145, no. 2796. COMBES. EDWARD. Report [to the governor of New South Wlales] on technical education, fscp. fo. Syd., 1887. DAVIES, Rev. J. LLEWELYN, ed. The Working men's college, 1854-1904; records of its history and work for fifty, years: by members of the college. 8vo. Lond., 1904. DIXOX, WILLIAM A. Technical education; outlines of a practical scheme, pp. 20, 8vo. Syd., n.d. Pam., v. 122, no. 2286. KERXOT, WILLIAM CHARLES. Address at the annual demonstra- tion of the Working men's college, Melbourne, April, 1894. pp. 16, 8vo. Melb., 1894. Pam., v. 172, no. 3297. MAIDEN, JOSEPH HENRY. Hints for the colKttion and preserva- tion of raw products suitable for technological museums. 2nd ed., pp. 23, 8vo. Syd., 1891. Pam., v. 172, no. 3298. NEW SOUTH WALES: Board of technical education. Presi- dent's annual address, delivered by Norman Selfe, at the annual meeting, March, 1887. pp. 34, 8vo. Syd., 1888. Pam., v. 80, no. 1428. Same : another copy. Pam., v. 122, no. 2282. Same: 1888. pp. 35, 8vo. Syd., 1888. Pam., v. 122, no. 2283. Same: 1889. pp. 38, 8vo. Syd., 1889. Pam., v. 122, no. 2284. Report. 1888, and calendar of Sydney technical college for 1889 : [illust.]. 8vo. Syd., [1888]. The Sydney technical college, and suburban and provincial technical schools: [illust.]. pp. 28, 8vo. Syd., 1888. Pam., v. 80, no. 1429. NEW SOUTH WALES -.Public instruction department. A quarter century of technical education in New South Wales : [illust.]. 4:0. Syd., 1909. PLUMMER, JOHN. Technical education ; suggestions for a prac- tical scheme, pp. 12, 8vo. Syd., 1880. Pain., v. 122, no. 2287. SELFE, Norman. [Letter to meml)ers of the Board of technical education of New South Wales], pp. 9, 8vo. [Syd.], 1888. Pam., v. 122. no. 2281.1. TECHNICAL EDUCATION : MEDICINE. 365 SYDNEY mechanics' school of arts. Commemorative address on the celebration of the fiftieth anniversary, 22nd March, 1883: by Mr. Justice Windeyer. pp. 24, 8vo. Syd., 1883. Pam., v. IQ, no. 360. Same : another copy. Pam., v. 80, no. 1430. TASMANIA : Board of technical education of Hobart. Presi- dent's address by G. P. Fitzgerald, ist July, 1889; also, ceremony in connection with the laying of the foundation- stone of the Hobart Technical school, pp. 24, 8vo. Hobart, 1889. Pam., v. 80, no. 1431. Same : another copy. Pan., v. 122, no. 2285. WOOLLEY, JOHN. Social use of schools of art. pp. 24, 8vo. Syd., 1860. Pam., v. 122, no. 2281. 608. Patents : Inventions. AUSTRALIA : Patents department. Australian official journal of Trade marks, v. i, 1906 to date. la. 8vo. Melb. ILES, GEORGE. Inventors at work; with chapters on discovery: illust. 8vo. N.Y., 1906. 609. History. BLAIR, WILLIAM NEWSHAM. The industries of New Zealand. pp. 96, 8vo. Christchurch, 1887. Pam., v. 100. no. 1817. CALDER, JAMES ERSKINE. Tasmanian industries; with some notices of those of the Australian colonies and New Zealand. 8vo. Hobart Town, 1869. Same: another copy. Pam., v. 13, no. 272. 610. Medicine. 610.5. Periodicals. AUSTRALIAN medical journal, 1856-89. 34 v. in 25, 8vo. Melb. NEW SOUTH WALES medical gazette; v. 1-5, 1871-75. 5 v., 8vo. Syd. 610.6. Societies : Directories. AUSTRALASIAN medical congress, formerly Intercolonial medical congress of Australasia. Transactions, 2nd session, 1889 to 1908. 7 v., 8vo., v.p. INTERCOLONIAL medical congress, Melbourne, 1889. Address, by T. P. Anderson Stuart, pp. 20, 8vo. Melb., 1889. Pam., v. 106, no. 1961. Same: another copy. Pam., v. 128, no. 2453. LOXTON'S medical directory of Australia, Tasmania, New Zealand, Pacific islands, Malay states, China, Japan, Hong Kong, &c. 8vo. Syd., 1910. 3G6 MEDICINE: PERSONAL HYGIENE. 610.7. Study and teaching : Nursing. MLAIR, JOHN. Opening address to nurses; with notes to nurses and rules for nurses under training, pp. 22, 8vo. Melb., 1880. Pum., v. 58, no. 954. MAYO. THOMAS. Medical examinations and physicians' require- ments considered, pp. 21, 8vo. Lond., ^57. 1'ani., v. 63, no. 10.26. SYDNEY infirmary. Reports of the sub-committees on the capabili- ties of the nursing staff, &c., and the expenses of the insti- tution generally, pp. 33, 8vo. [Melb.], 1871. Pam., v. 7, no. 162.4. 611. Anatomy. RANNEY, AMBROSE L. Practical medical anatomy ; a guide to the physician : [illust.]. 8vo. Lond., 1882. STUART, THOMAS PETER ANDERSON. Function of the hyaloid canal, and some other new points in the mechanism of the accommodation of the eye distance : [9 figures], pp. 13, 8vo. n.p., 1904. Pam., v. 128, no. 2456. 612. Physiology. HILL, ALEXANDER. The body at work ; a treatise on the principles of physiology: 46 illust. 8vo. Lond., 1908. T7SHER, JOSEPH FRANCIS. Lecture on human physiology. pp. 27, 8vo. Ballarat, 1882. Pam., v. 172, no. 3299. WILSON, ALBERT. Education, personality, and crime; a practical treatise built up on scientific details dealing with difficult social problems: [illust.]. 8vo. Lond., 1908. 612.6. Reproduction : Development : Longevity. FINOT, JEAN. The philosophy of long life: tr. from the French by Harry Roberts. 8vo. Lond., 1909. METCHNIKOFF, ELIE. The prolongation of life; optimistic studies: English translation, ed. by P. C. Mitchell. 8vo. Lond., 1907. MI NOT, CHARLES SEDGWICK. The problem of age, growth, and death; a study of cytomorphosis : illust. 8vo. Lond., 1908. [Progressive science ser.) 613. Personal hygiene. BRODRIBB, THOMAS. Manual of health and temperance: appx. on infectious diseases and ambulance work, by J. W. Spring- thorpe. 8vo. Melb., 1891. BROWNE, Sir JAMES CRICHTON. Prevention of senility; and, A sanitary outlook. 8vo. Melb., 1905. IREDELL, CHARLES. Ten years' practice in Australia. 12010. Melb., 1896. Same: another copy. Pam., v. 7, no. 153 PERSONAL HYGIENE. 367 MUSKETT, PHILIP EDWARD. The art of living in Australia; with 300 Australian cookery recipes by Mrs. H. Wicken. 8vo. Lond., 1893. SIGNS of the times publishing association, ltd. Home and health; a household manual. 8vo. Warburton, Vic., 1908. 613.1. Climate. BROWN, ISAAC BAKER. Australia for the consumptive invalid ; the voyage, climate, and prospects for residence : map. 8vo. Lond., 1865. KILGOUR, JAMES. Effect of the climate of Australia upon the European constitution in health and disease. pp. 41, 8vo. Geelong, 1855. Pam.j v. 63, no. .1029. ROSS, ANDREW. The climate of Australia viewed in relation to health, especially its influence on the constitution of the Euro- pean immigrant, pp. 59, 8vo. Syd., 1904. Pam., v. 101, no. 1835. SYDER, MINGAY. The voice of truth in defence of nature, and opinions antagonistic to those of Dr. Kilgour upon the effect of the climate of Australia upon the European constitution. pp. 56, 8vo. Geelong, 1855. Pain., v. 63, no. 1028. 613.2. Food : Dietetics. ABRAMOWSKI, OTTO Louis MORITZ. Eating for health; the evolution of a commonsense conception of disease and a natural system of its prevention and cure. 8vo. Mildura, 1907. BEHREND, HENRY. The communicability to man of diseases from animals used as food. pp. 16, 8vo. Syd., 1882. Pam., v. 46, no. 776. DOUGLAS, LONDON M. The bacillus of long life ; a manual of the preparation and souring of milk for dietary purposes : illust. 8vo. Lond., 1911. JONES, ROBERT. Vegetarianism,; with special reference to its con- nection with temperance in drinking: 2nd ed., ed. by Joseph Knight, pp. 32, sm. 8vo. Melb., 1889. Pam., v. 70, no. 1185. KRESS, DANIEL HARTMAN. Dietic errors; how they may be avoided, their relation to disease, pp. 59, 8vo. Warburton, Vic., 1906. Pam., v. 172, no. 3300. MUSKETT, PHILIP EDWARD. The attainment of health, and the treatment of the different diseases by means of diet. 8vo. Syd., [1908]. SNYDER, HARRY. Human foods and their nutritive value : [illust.]. 8vo. N.Y., 1908. THOMPSON, Sir HENRY, ist bart. Food and feeding: [portr."|. i2th ed., 8vo. N.Y., [1910]. TIBBLES, WILLIAM. Food and hygiene; an elementary treatise upon dietetics and hygienic treatment. 8vo. Lond., 1907. 368 PERSONAL HYGIENE. 613.4. Cleanliness. Clothing. BRERETON, JOHN LE GAY, snr. The Turkish bath. pp. 24, 8vo. Hobart Town, 1869. Pam., v. 83, no. 1491. HEADLEV, WALTER BALLS. Dress, with reference to heat. pp. 39, 8vo. Melb., 1876. Pam., v. 10, no. 219. Same: another copy. Pam., v. 58, no. 953. 613.5. Human Habitation and Resort. AUSTRALIAN health society. A bad smell, pp. 4, 8vo. Melb., 1880. Pam., v. 65, no. 1109. DAY, JOHN. Attempt to show that the walls and flooring of ordi- nary hospitals are largely concerned in the production of pyaemia, erysipelas, and puerperal fever. pp. 7, 8vo. Melb., 1875. Pam., v. 65, no. 1104. 613.6. Hygiene of employment. OLIVER, THOMAS. Diseases of occupation, from the legislative, social, and medical points of view. 8vo. Lond., 1908. 613.67. Military hygiene. SEAMAN, Louis LIVINGSTON. The real triumph of Japan ; the conquest of the silent foe: [illust.]. 8vo. N.Y., 1906. SKIRVING, ROBERT SCOTT. Our army in South Africa, pp. 43, 8vo. Syd., 1901. Pam., v. 185, no. 3589. 613.7. Physical training. HANCOCK, HARRIE IRVING. Japanese physical training : illust. 8vo. N.Y., 1904. 613.8. Hygiene of mind. CLOUSTON, Sir THOMAS SMITH. Hygiene of mind : illust. 8vo. Lond., 1906. SMITH, JAMES. The nervous system ; its use and abuse. pp. 1 6, 8vo. Melb., 1881. Pam., v. 58, no. 952. 613.81. Stimulants and Narcotics. ALFORD, STEPHEN SHUTE. Dipsomania ; its prevalence, causes, and treatment, pp. 29, 8vo. Lond., 1877. Pam., v. 63, no. 1023. The Habitual drunkards act of 1879; with an account of a visit to the American inebriate homes, pp. 20, 8vo. Lond., 1880. Pam., v. 63, no. 1022. PERSONAL HYGIENE : PUBLIC HEALTH. 360 LIZARS, JOHN. Practical observations on the use and abuse of tobacco, pp. 32, 5th ed., 8vo. Edinb., 1856. Pam., v. 63, no. 1025. MCCARTHY, CHARLES. Dipsomania, or drink-craving; its his- tory, nature, consequences, treatment, and cure. pp. 16, 8vo. Melb., 1881. Pam., v. 63, no. 1024. 613.9. Hygiene of Offspring : Heredity. See also Class 575.1- CHAPPLE, WILLIAM ALLAN. The fertility of the unfit: pref. by Rutherford Waddell. 8vo. Melb. [1903]. GORST, Sir JOHN ELDON. Children of the nation; how their health and vigour should be promoted by the state. 8vo. Lond., 1906. HUTH, ALFRED HENRY. The marriage of near kin considered with respect to the laws of nations, the results of experience and the teachings of biology: [bibliog. ]. 2nd ed., 8vo. Lond., 1887. NYULASY, FRANCIS ARMAND. The inter-marriage of disease, pp. 24, sm. 8vo. Maryborough, Vic. {1903]. Pam., v. 128, no. 2450. 614. Public Health. AUSTRALIAN health society, Melbourne. Health lectures for the people; first ser. 8vo. Melb., 1886. Contents. What is disease ? W. Simpson Flett. Food and drink as carriers of disease : James Jamieson. Cheerfulness as a factor of health : James Smith. The mortality and management of infancy : T. R. H. Willis. The results of unhealthy education : J. W. Spring- thorpe. The food \ve eat and how to cook it : C. R. Blackett. Publications. First ser. 8vo. Melb., 1 880-81. Twenty-five years' record of the work and progress of the society. pp. 32, 8vo. Melb., 1900. Pam., v. 149, no. 2876. BORTH.WICK, THOMAS. Contribution to the demography of South Australia. 8vo. Lond., 1891. BRADLEY, HENRY BURTON. Health, pp. 19. 8vo. Syd., 1877. Pam., v. 46, no. 774. Life and death, pp. 15, 8vo. Syd., 1879. Pam., v. 46, no. 775. CANTLIE, JAMES. Physical efficiency; a review of the deleterious effects of town life upon the population of Britain, with sug- gestions for their arrest. 8vo. Lond., 1906. JOHNSTON, ROBERT MACKENZIE. The health of Hobart : paper and discussion thereon. pp. 21, 8vo. Hobart, 1896. Pam., v. 83, no. 1492. MACKIN, CHARLES TRAVERS. Report on the health and sanitary condition of the town and suburbs of Geelong. pp. 32, 8vo. Geelong, 1856. Pam., v. 185, no. 3590. MOORE, BENJAMIN. The dawn of the health age. 8vo. Lond., 1911. 370 PUBLIC HEALTH. SMITH, WILLIAM RAMSAY, ed. Instructions concerning the mea- sures to be taken against endemic, epidemic, and com- municable diseases, issued by the French minister of the colonies: tr. 8vo. Adel., 1906. STEVENSON, THOMAS, and MURPHY, SHIRLEY F., eds. Treatise on hygiene and public health. 3 v., 8vo. Lond. 1892-94. Contents. v. 1-2. Hygiene and public health. v. 3. Sanitary law. TASMANIA: Central board of health. Regulations, &c., for the guidance and instruction of local boards of health and others under the Public health act, 1885. pp. 30, 8vo. Hobart, 1886. Pam., v. 83, no. 1493. THOMPSON, JOHN ASHBURTON. Record of the sanitary state of New South Wales on 3ist Dec., 1887. pp. 23, 8vo. Syd., 1890. Pam., v. 172, no. 3301. WEBB, SIDNEY JAMES, and WEBB, BEATRICE, Mrs. S. J. The state and the doctor. 8vo. Lond., 1910. 614.1. Registration and Vital Statistics. JOHNSTON, ROBERT MACKENZIE. How far can the general death-rate for all ages be relied upon as a comparative index of the health or sanitary condition of any community ? pp. 23, 8vo. Hobart, [1887]. Pam.. v. 84. no. 1489. MCCARTHY, CHARLES. On the excessive mortality of infants and its causes, with statistical tables, pp. 32, 8vo. Melb., 1865. Pam., v. 28. no. 465. Same: another copy. Pam., v. 65, no. 100,7. MACKENNA, J. WILLIAM. Mortality of children in Victoria, with means for the prevention and cure of the diseases of children, pp. 23, 8vo. Melb., 1858. Pam., v. 65, no. ioq6. MAGAREY, S. J. Our climate and infant mortality, pp. 10, 8vo. [Adel., 1879]. Pam., v. 35, no. 578. MOORS, ELPHINSTONE MCMAHON. and DAY, WILLIAM REGINALD. On the rates of mortality in New South Wales and Victoria and the construction of a mortality table : [diagrams], pp. 40. 8vo. Lond. [1901]. Pam., v. 128, no. 2452. MUSKETT, PHILIP EDWARD. An Australian appeal; the evil, the cause, and the remedy, pp. 60, 8vo. Syd. [1892], Pam., v. 41. no. 684. NATIONAL conference on infantile mortality. Report of the pro- ceedings, March. 1908. 8vo. Lond., 1908. NEWMAN, GEORGE. Infant mortality ; a social problem. 8vo. Lond., 1906. RENTOUL, ROBERT REID. Rare culture or racv suicide? A plea for the unborn. 8vo. Lond., 1906. SALEEBY, CALEB WILLIAMS. Parenthood and race culture; an outline of eugenics. 8vo. Lond., 1909. UNITED STATES : Census bureau. International classification of causes of sickness and death. 4:0. Wash., 1910. PUBLIC HEALTH. 371 614.27. Nostrums : Patent Remedies. BRITISH medical association. Secret remedies; what they cost and what they contain. 8vo. Lond., 1909. 614.3. Adulterations : Inspection of Food. DONKIN, JOHN B. Our Sydney meat. pp. 8, 8vo. Syd.. 1887. Pam., v. 52, no. 874. WILEY, HARVEY WASHINGTON. Foods and their adulteration ; origin, manufacture, and composition of food products ; description of common adulterations, food standards, and national food laws and regulations: n col. plates and 86 illust. 8vo. Lond., 1907. 614.4. General contagious diseases. HUTCHINSON, WOODS. Preventable diseases. 8vo. Lond., 1909. 614.47. Protective Inoculation. AUSTRALIAN health society. Small-pox and vaccination. By James P. Ryan. pp. 4, 8vo. Melb., 1881. Pan., v. 65. no. 1112. HARRISON, George, ed. Culpable compulsion; a word to legis- lators, pp. 21, 8vo. Hobart, 1889. Pam., v. 83, no. 1485. MORTON, JOHN. Vaccination and its evil consequences, cow-pox and its origin, small-pox, &c. p-p. 16, 8vo. Parramatta, i875- Pam., v. 128, no. 2451. SIMON, Sir JOHN. Letter on vaccination : abridged by Richard Greenup. pp. 35, 8vo. Syd., 1859. Pam., v. 149, no. 2879. TAYLOR, ALFRED JOSEPH. Some facts and figures relating to vaccination, illustrating errors of the anti-vaccinationists. pp. 21, 8vo. Hobart, 1891. Pam., v. 83, no. 1486. 614.4. Special Contagious Diseases. AUSTRALIAN health societv. Hints about the prevention of scarlet fever, pp. 4, 8vo. [Melb.], n.d. Pam., v. 65, no. 1105. Infectious and contagious diseases of children. pp. 7, 8vo. Melb., 1 88 1. Pam., v. 65, no. mi. BAGE, CHARLES. Consumption : with a note on the tuberculin test. pp. 16, 8vo. Melb., 1899. Pam., v. 172, no. 3302. BOYCE, Sir RUBERT WILLIAM. Mosquito or man? The conquest of the tropical world : illust. 8vo. Lond., 1909. 372 PUBLIC HEALTH ; CONTAGIOUS DISEASES. CITIZENS' vigilance committee, Sydney. Rats and the plague; how to catch and trap rats. pp. vi., 9. sm. 8vo. Syd.> 1900. Pain., v. 106, no. 1962. FOX, WILLIAM ROBERT. Bubonic plague, or the black death. pp. 23, 8vo. Melb., 1900. Pam., v. 149, no. 2878. JACKSON, HENRY WILLAN. Contagious diseases acts as measures- of social reform. 8vo. Syd., 1882. Pam., v. 53, no. 880. JAMIKSON, JAMES. Diseases which should be prevented, pp. 16, 8vo. Melb., 1879. Pam., v. 65, no. 1108. JENNER, EDWARD. Inquiry into the causes and effects of the variolae vaccinae, a disease discovered in some of the western counties of England and known by the name of the cow pox. 4to. Syd., 1884 Reprint of the 2nd London cd., 1800. KNOPF, S. ADOLPHUS. Tuberculosis a preventable and curable disease ; modern methods for the solution of the tuberculosis- problem: [illust.]. 8vo. N.Y., 1909. MOFFITT, A. Papers on typhoid pp. 14, 8vo. Syd., 1883. Pam., v. 46, no. 777. NEW SOUTH WALES : Public health department. Prevention of tuberculosis in man and in cattle : application of the tuberculin test to the ox. pp. 24, 8vo. Syd., 1898. Pam., v. 149, no. 2880. NKWSHOLME, ARTHUR. The prevention of tuberculosis. 8vo. Lond., 1908. REES, CHARLES EVANS. Consumption in Australia. 8vo. Melb.., 1874. ROSS, EDWARD HALFORD. The reduction of domestic mosquitos ; instructions for the use of municipalities, town councils, health officers, sanitary inspectors, and residents in warm- climates : illust. 8vo. Lond., 1911. SPRINGTHORPE, JOHN WILLIAM. Typhoid fever and diphtheria. pp. 8, 8vo. Melb., 1889. Pam., v. 64, no. 1051. SPROTT, GREGORY. Cause and prevention of typhoid fever, pp. 15, 8vo. Hobart, 1898. Pam., v. 83, no. 1494. SQUIRE, WILLIAM. On sanitary precautions against the infectious eruptive diseases. p$. 16, 8vo. Lond., 1876. Pam., v. 65, no. 1098. STUART, THOMAS PETER ANDERSON. The bubonic plague, pp. 36, 8vo. Syd., 1900. Pam , v. 106, no. 1963. THOMPSON, JOHN ASHBURTON. Contribution to the history of leprosy in Australia : [map]. 8vo. Lond., 1897. THOMSON, WILLIAM. The germ theory of disease applied to- eradicate phthisis from Victoria, pp. 77, 8vo. Melb., 1882. Histo-chemistry and pathogeny of tubercle, pp. 54, 8vo. Melb., 1876. On phthisis and the supposed influence of climate ; with remarks on the causes of the increase of that disease in Melbourne. 8vo. Melb., 1870. PUBLIC HEALTH : MEDICINE. 37* Remarks on a review of the report on the cause and extent of typhoid fever in Melbourne. pp. 79, 8vo. Melb., 1879. Bound -with his Typhoid fever. Third analysis of the statistics of phthisis in Victoria, pp. 95^ 8vo. Melb., 1876. Typhoid fever ; its cause and extent in Melbourne, 3rd ed., 8vo. 'Melb., 1878. UXITED STATES : Treasury department. The rat and its relation to the public health. 8vo. Wash., 1910. 614.6. Disposal of the Dead. CREED, JOHN MILDRED. Cremation, pp. 16. 8vo. Syd., 1890. Pam., v. 46, no. 773. 614.7. Hygiene of the Air and Ground. AUSTRALIAN health society. Pure air and ventilation. pp. 8, 8vo. Melb., 1875. Pam., v. 65, no. 1106. DEXISOX, Sir WILLIAM THOMAS, major-general. On drainage and sewerage, &c., of towns, with special reference to the late epidemics in Hobart Town and Launceston. pp. 12, 8vo. Hobart Town, 1853. Pam., v. 84, no. 1488. HARD IE, DAVID. Xotes on some of the more common diseases in Queensland in relation to atmospheric conditions, 1887-1891 : charts. 2 v., 8vo. Brisb., 1893. WALKER. WILLIAM. On the philosophy of stinks, pp. 32, 8vo. Melb.. 1870. Pam., v. 46, no. 770. 615. Materia Medica and Therapeutics. REYXOLDS, Sir JOHN RUSSELL, bart., cd. A system of medicine. 5 v., 8vo. Lond., 1870-79. 615.1. Drugs. JOHX T SOX, LAURENCE. Medical formulary ; based on the United States and British pharmacopoeias, with numerous French,. German, and unofficial preparations. 8vo. Lond., 1882. O'HARA, HENRY MICHAEL. On some therapeutic uses of icdoform. pp. 4, 8vo. Melb., 1880. P-.im., v. 65, no. 1103. WITTHAUS, R, A. General medical chemistry for the use of practitioners of medicine. 8vo. Lond.. 1882. 615.4. Pharmacy. WOOTTOX, A. C. Chronicles of pharmacy. 2 v., 8vo. Lond.,. 1910. 615.53. Homoeopathy. CrUXST, JOHANNES WERNER. Allopathy versus homoeopathy in the Australian medical journal, and homoeopathy versus allo- pathy, pp. 23, 8vo. Melb., 1870. Pam., v. 28, no. 467. 374 MEDICINE : MENTAL HEALING. HEADLEY, WALTER BALLS-. Homoeopathy, past and present. pp. 40, 8vo. Melb., 1878. Pam., v. 63, no. 1030. Same: another copy. Pam., v. 65, no. 1088. JAMIESON, JAMES. Homoeopathy ; its claims and fallacies, pp. 18, 8vo. [Melb., 1874.] Pam., v. 65, no. 1089. MEYMOTT, CHARLES. New truths and their reception, pp. 29, i2mo. Syd., 1858. Pam., v. 172, no. 3303. NOTES on homoeopathy: September, 1870, to July, 1871. 8vo. Hobart Town, 1871. 615.71. Drugs : Stimulants. LUCAS, THOMAS PENNINGTON. My hospital campaign ; or, reasons against prescribing indiscriminately alcoholic beverages for the sick. pp. 19, 8vo. Melb., 1883. Pam., v. 172, no. 3304. SINGLETON, JOHN. Alcohol as a medicine, pp. 8, 8vo. Melb., n.d. Pam., v. 65, no. 1093. 615.78. Anaesthetics. LYMAN, HENRY M. Artificial anaesthesia and anaesthetics : [illust.]. 8vo. Lond., 1882. 615.8. Other remedies. ERB, WILHELM. Handbook of electro- therapeutics : tr. by L. Putzel: illust. 8vo. Lond., 1883. CINDERS, ALFRED. The thermal spring district of New Zealand and the government sanatorium at Rotorua. pp. 12, 8vo. Well., 1890. Pam., v. 172, no. 3306. HECTOR, Sir JAMES. Mineral waters of New Zealand and the Rotorua sanatorium, pp. 32, 8vo. Well., 1893. Pam., v. 172, no. 3305. 615.851. Faith healing : Christian Science. CLEMENS, SAMUEL LANGHORNE, " Mark Twain." Christian science ; with notes containing corrections to date : illust. 8vo. N.Y., 1907. EDDY, Mrs. MARY BAKER GLOVER. Science and health, with key to the Scriptures. 8vo. Bost., 1906. First published in 1875. MARTIN, CHARLES JAMES. Mind over matter; or, the influence of will power on disease, pp. 78, 8vo. Syd., 1903. Pam., v. 128, no. 2455. PAGET, STEPHEN. Faith and works of Christian science : by the writer of " Confessio medici." 8vo. Lond., 1909. TUCKEY, C. LLOYD. Treatment by hypnotism and suggestion, or psycho-therapeutics. 4th ed., 8vo. Lond., 1903. POISONS : PATHOLOGY. 375 615.9. Poisons. CAMPBELL, FRANCIS. Commentary on the influence which the use of tobacco exerts on the human constitution. i2mo. Syd., 615.94. Animal poisons. BERXCASTLE, JULIUS. Australian snake-bites; their treatment and cure. Use and abuse of tobacco. pp. 31, i2mo. Melb., 1868. Pain., v. 39. no. 663. Same: another copy. Pam., v. 59, no. 968. CREED, JOHN MILDRED. Fear as a factor in producing many of the alarming symptoms following the bite of Australian snakes, pp. n, 8vo. [Adel.], n.d. Pam., v. 46. no. 7.71. HALFORD, GEORGE BRITTON. New treatment of snake-bite, with plain directions for injecting, pp. 16, 8vo. Melb., 1869. Pam., v. 65, no. 1090. Thoughts, observations, and experiments on the action of snake venom on the blood. 8vo. Melb., 1894. Treatment of snake-bite in Victoria, pp. 22, 8vo. Melb., 1870. Pam., v. 285 no. 464. MESSER, A. B. Enquiry into the reputed poisonous nature of the arrows of the South sea islanders, pp. 15, 8vo., n.p., n.d. Pam.. v. 24. no. 424. MUELLER, AUGUSTUS. Snake-poison ; its action and antidote : [portr.]. pp. 85, 8vo. Syd., 1893. 616. Pathology. Diseases. Treatment. 616.1. Diseases of circulatory system. REEVES, CHARLES EVANS. Heart diseases in Australia, with ob- servations on aneurism of the aorta. 8vo. Melb.. 1873. 616.2. Diseases of respiratory system. TURNER, DUNCAN. Air and diet in chronic chest diseases. 2nd ed., 8vo. Melb., 1896. 616.3. Diseases of digestive system. BANTING, WILLIAM. Corpulence; a letter addressed to the public. pp. 24, 3rd ed., sm. 8vo. Melb., 1864. Pam., v. 65, no. 1094. KELSEY, CHARLES B. Diseases of the rectum and anus. 8vo. Lond., 1883. McMILLAN, T. C. Physiology and diseases of the caput caecum coli. pp. 12, 8vo. Melb., 1876. Pam.. v. 65, no. 1102. NEALE, ALFRED. Dyspepsia or indigestion, pp. 42, 8vo. Syd., 1903. Pam.. v. 172, no. 3307 376 PATHOLOGY. 616.6. Diseases of Genito -urinary BLOCK, I WAN. The sexual life of our time in its relations to modern civilization: tr. from the 6th German ed., by M. Eden Paul. 8vo. Lond., 1908. FOREL, AUGUST. The sexual question ; a scientific, psychological, hygienic, and sociological study for the cultured classes : tr. by C. F. Marshall : illust. 8vo. Lond., 1908. KRAFFT-EBING, RICHARD, Freiherr VON. Psycopathia sexualis, with especial reference to the antipathic sexual instinct ; a medico- forensic study : [tr.] from the i2th German ed. : portr. 8vo. N.Y., 1906. 616.7. Diseases of organs of locomotion. WEBB, J. HOLDEN. Treatment of spinal curvature and abscess by inflation, pp. 32, 8vo. Melb., n.d. Pam., v. 05, no. 1113. 616.8. Diseases of nervous system. BLACKBURN, I. W. Illustrations of the gross morbid anatomy of the brain in the insane ; 75 plates showing the patho- logical conditions found in post-mortem examinations of the brain in mental diseases. 4:0. Wash., 1908. CRIVELLI, MARCEL URBAIN. Alcoholism; its pathological phy- siology and its treatment, pp. 16, 8vo. Melb., 1900. Pam., v. 172, no. 3308. PUTZEL, L. Treatise on common forms of functional nervous diseases. 8vo. Lond., 1883. 616.9. General diseases. AUSTRALIAN health society. Sunstroke. pp. 3, 8vo. Melb., n.d. Pam.. v. 6^, no. noyA. BIRD, SAMUEL DOUGAN. On hydatids of the lung ; their diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment, and observations on their relations to pulmonary consumption and other diseases of the chest. pp. 44, 8vo. Melb., 1874. Pam., v. 28, no. 463. CAYLEY, C. H. The plague ; its causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment : ed. by C. Reissmann. pp. 25, 8vo. Adel. [1900]. Pam., v. 28, no. 466. CHARCOT, J. M. Clinical lectures on the diseases of old age : tr. by L. H. Hunt, with additional lectures by Alfred L. Loomis. 8vo. Lond., 1882. CORLETTE, CYRIL ERNEST. General account of beri beri, as seen in Sydney. pp. 15, 8vo. [Syd., 1895]. Pam., v. 172, no. 3309. DEWAR. JAMES. On the application of sulphurous acid, gaseous and liquid, to the prevention, limitation, and cure of con- tagious diseases. pp. 48, 8vo. Syd., 1868. Pam., v. 128, no. 2454. PATHOLOGY : SURGERY. 377 FOX, WILLIAM ROBERT. The urethroscope ; its development and its use in gonorrhoeal diseases of the urethra : [plates], pp. 60, 8vo. Melb., 1909. Pam., v. 185, no. 3592. HILLIER, F. Consumption and its prevention. pp. 12, 8vo. Syd., 1878, Pam., v. 64, no. 1084. HOLD EN, FRANCES GILLAM. What typhoid is, and how to nurse it; its simple and successful treatment: enlarged ed., with chapter on its " packing " treatment, pp. 54, sm. 8vo. Syd.^ 1889. Pam., v. 46, no. 768. IMPERIAL cancer research fund. Third scientific report on the investigations of; [ed.] by Dr. E. T. Bashford : [illust.]. sm. 4to. Lond., 1908. Embodies substance of ist and and reports. LIDWILL, MARK COWLEY. Patients' guide to the open air treat- ment of consumption. pp. 25, 8vo. Syd., 1908. Pam., v. 149, no. 2877. RALPH, THOMAS SHEARMAN. Notes of a recent case of soft cancer of the liver co-existent with hydatids : [plate]. pp. 12, 8vo. Melb., 1879. Pam., v. 65, no. 1099. SALEEBY, CALEB WILLIAMS. The conquest of cancer; a plan of campaign : being an account of the principles and practice of the treatment of malignant growths by specific or can- crotox ferments. 8vo. Lond., 1907. SINGLETON, JOHN. On fever, and the mode of treatment adopted at the Free medical mission dispensary, Collingwood. pp. 6, 8vo. Melb., 1878. Pam., v. 65., no. 1091. Phthisis in Victoria, pp. 7, 8vo. Melb., 1876. Pam., v. 65, no. 1092. STUART, THOMAS PETER ANDERSON. Report to the governments of New South Wales, South Australia, and New Zealand on the Koch method of treating tuberculosis : [2 plates]. 8vo. Syd., i8qi. Pam., v. 15, no. 312. TURNER, DUNCAN. Notes on the treatment of typhoid fever, pp. 61, 8vo. Melb., 1883. WELSH, DAVID ARTHUR. Some recent observations on cancer and tumour growths, pp. 46, sm. 8vo. Syd., 1905. Pam., v. 128, no. 2449. 617. Surgery. BEANEY, JAMES GEORGE. Contributions to practical surgery. pt. i, 8vo. Melb., 1 86 1. Surgical diagnosis, pp. 32, 8vo. Melb., 1877. HOLMES, T., ed. A system of surgery, theoretical and practical ; in various treatises, by various authors. 2nd ed. 5 v., 8vo. Lond., 1870-71. COOPER, Sir ASTLEY, bart. Treatise on dislocations and fractures of the joints ; new ed., much enlarged by Bransby B. Cooper : [illust.]. 8vo. Lond., 1842. 378 SURGERY. 617.6. Dentistry. AUSTRALIAN health society. Preservation of the teeth, pp 4, 8vo. Melb., 1881. Pam., v. 65, no. 1 1 10. FOX, WILLIAM ROBERT. The " X " rays and other electric illumi- nation as applied to dentistry, pp. 12, 8vo. Melb., 1901. Pam., v. i6g, no. 3241. LYON, W. RITCHIE. Dental education for the public. pp. 15, 8vo. [Melb.], 1909. Pam., v. 172, no. 3310. TUNNOCK, J. T. The dental student's technical course in rhyme: 115 diagrams. 8vo. Melb., 1909. 617.7. Diseases of the eye. AUSTRALIAN health society. Ophthalmia, pp. 4, 8vo. [Melb.], n.d Pam., v. 65, no. 1107. NOYES, HENRY D. Treatise on diseases of the eye: [illust.] 8vo. Lond , 1882 618. Diseases of Women and Children. FRITSCH, HEINRICH. The diseases of women ; a manual for physicians and students: tr. by Isidor Furst: 159 wood engravings. 8vo. Lond., 1883. HEADLEY, WALTER BALLS-. On a case of placenta praevia. pp. 12, 8vo. Melb., 1879. Pam., v. 65, no. 1101. Remarks on a clinical lecture on placenta praevia. pp. 6, 8vo. Melb., 1879. Pam., v. 65, no. noo. HENOCH, EDWARD. Lectures on diseases of children ; a handbook for physicians and students. 8vo. Lond.. 1883. HORNE, GEORGE. Practical gynaecology; a manual for students and general practitioners. 8vo. Melb., 1911. MACKENNA, J. WILLIAM. The causes of the diseases of children; with a comparative table of the infantile mortality in the Aus- tralian colonies, pp. 16, 8vo. Melb., 1859. Pam., v. 65, no. 1095. 620. Engineering. HAYS, W. BENNETT. Engineering in South Australia ; being an account of the principal public works now executed, preceded by a historical sketch of the colony, pp. 45, 8vo. Lond., 1856. Pam., v. 129. no. 2483. 620.6. Societies. BAZALGETTE, Sir J. W. Address of president, Institution of civil engineers, January, 1884. pp. 66, 8vo. Lond., 1884. Pam., v. 151, no. 2917. ENGINEERING. 379 DARE, HENRY HARVEY. Presidential address before the Sydney university engineering society, 1900. -pp. 8, 8vo. Syd., 1900. Pam., v. 129, no. 248^. ENGINEERING association of New South Wales. Minutes of proceedings, 1885-86 to 1894-95; also, act of incorporation, rules and by-laws, and list of members. 10 v., 8vo. Syd., 1886-95. SIMPSON, BENJAMIN CRISPIN. Chairman's address to the engi- neering section of the Royal society of New South Wales. 1895. pp. 7, 8vo. Syd., 1895. Pam., v. 129, no. 2484. SYDNEY university engineering society. Constitution, rules, by- laws, and printing regulations, pp. 9, 8vo. Syd., n.d. Pam., v. 122, no. 2288. VICTORIAN institute of engineers. Proceedings, 1910, March 9th. pp 25, 8vo. Melb., 1910. Pam., v. 185, no. 3593 621.1. Steam engineering. GARNETT, W. H. STUART. Turbines. 8vo. Lond., 1906. SOCIETE des ingenieurs-civils, Paris. Crampton's new design for locomotive engines : [tr.] pp. 5, 8vo. Lond., 1886. Pam., v. 151, no. 2924. 621.2. Water engines. INSTITUTION of civil engineers. Theory and practice of hydro- mechanics : a series of lectures, session 1884-85 : [plates]. 8vo. Lond., 1885. Contents. Physiography : John Evans. Water-supply : William Pole. Water-motors : Prof. W. C. Unwin. Inland navigations in Europe : Sir Charles A. Hartley. Tides and coast-works. T. Steven- son. Forms of ships. Sir E. J. Reed. WOORE, THOMAS. Remarks on what New South Wales might become by introducing the light of science into it. pp. 19, 8vo. Goulburn, 1876. Pam., v. 185, no. 3594. 621.3. Electrical engineering. AUSTRALIAN gaslight co., -publishers. Electric lighting of muni- cipalities; correspondence published in the "Sydney daily- telegraph," with introductory note. pp. 32, 8vo. Syd., 1890. Pam., v. 64, no. 1054. LYNDON, LAMAR. Development and electrical distribution of water power: [plans and illust.]. 8vo. N.Y., 1908. SYDNEY university engineering society. Considerations governing the establishment .of a power station to supply the various buildings within the University area : [plan], pp. 23, 8vo. Syd., 1905. Pam., v. 129, no. 2486. 380 MINES AND MINING. 621.4. Air, Gas, and Oil engines. LOUGH EED, VICTOR. Vehicles of the air; a popular exposition of modern aeronautics with working drawings : [illust.]. 8vo. Lond., IQIO. MIXXIS, \V. J. Hvdro-carhon motors. pp. 10. 8vo. Adel., Pam., v. 151, no. TURNER. CHARLES C. Aerial navigation of to-day ; a popular account of the evolution of aeronautics: illust. 8vo. Lond., 1910 [1909]. 622. Mines and Mining. BALLARAT School of mines. Constitution, statutes, and examina- tion regulations : [also] inaugural address delivered by Sir Redmond Barry, pp. 52, 8vo. Ballarat, 1870. Pam., v. 107, no. 1983. Report of the administrative council to the president and coun- cil, 1872. pp. 16, 8vo. Ballarat, 1872. Pam., v. 107, no. 1984. Report, annual, 1874, 1881, 1883. 8vo. Ballarat, 1874-84. Pam., v. 172, nos. 3312-14. Same: 1884. pp. 66, 8vo. Ballarat, 1885. Pam., v. 107- no. 1987. Same: 1887. pp 93. 8vo. Ballarat. 1888. Pam., v. 173, no. 3315. Statement of the objects and present resources of the school, with introd. by the vice-president, report of the administrative council, 1873: [illust. and plans], pp. 38, 8vo. Ballarat, n.d. Pam., v. 107, no. 1985. BARRY, Sir REDMOND. Address on the opening of the School of mines, Ballarat, October, 1870. pp. 23, 8vo. Melb., 1870. Pam., v. 149, no. 2884. BENDIGO school of mines and industries. Annual report, [1886] ; with popular science lectures. 8vo. Sandhurst, [1887]. Pam., v. 173, no. 3316. COLONIAL mining journal of Victoria, Australia, and adjacent colonies, v. 1-3, Sept., 1858, to Nov., 1861. 3 v. , fo. Melb. INTERXATIOX T AL exhibition of mining and metallurgy, London, 1890. Catalogue of the exhibits in the New South Wales court. 8vo. Lond., 1890. Pam., v. 106, no. 1961. Catalogue of the minerals, rocks, and gold-bearing quartz ex- hibited by the local committee, Charters Towers gold field, North Queensland. pp. 24, 8vo. Lond., 1890. Pam., v. 107, no. iq68. Catalogue of specimens of gold, &c., exhibited by the New Zealand government, pp. 39, 8vo. Lond., 1890. Pam., v. io6j no. 10,66. Mineral products of New South Wales : [map]. pp. 8, 8vo. [Syd.], 1890. Pam., v. 107, no. 1970. Report, by D. D. Rosewarne : [illust.]. pp. 30, 8vo. Adel., 1891. Pam., v. 149, no. 2885. MINES AND MINING. 381 JACK, ROBERT LOGAN. The mineral wealth of Queensland : [map], -pp. 71, 8vo. Brisb., 1888. Pam., v. 107, no. 1972. MACARTNEY, JOHN NEILL. Bendigo goldfield registry. 8vo. Melb., 1872. MINERAL industry, The; its statistics, technology and trade, v. 12, 1903 to date. 8vo. N.Y., 1904 to date. MINING institute of Victoria. Transactions, v. i, 1857-58. 8vo. Melb., 1859. MINING manual: by Walter R. Skinner; a record of information concerning mining companies . . . lists of mining directors and secretaries, mining engineers, and a dictionary of mining terms : 1907, 1910 to date. 8vo. Lond. NEW ZEALAND: Mines department. Handbook of the New Zealand mines: maps and illust. 8vo. Well., 1887. New Zealand mining handbook: ed. by P. Galvin : maps and illust. 8vo. Well., 1906. Reports on the mining industry, aftw. Papers and reports re- lating to minerals and mining, 1887-98. 12 v., fscp. fo. Well. PARKER, CRITCHLEY. Mines and minerals of New South Wales: Royal exchange exhibition, [Sydney], 1906. 8vo. Syd., [1906]. Mining register of Australasia, pp. 16, 8vo. Lond., 1908. Pam., v. 149, no. 2886. ROBERTS, J. WHEAR. The mining industry of New South Wales : by the special mining reporter of " The Daily telegraph " : [plans], pp. 97, 8vo. [Syd.], n.d. Pam., v. 149, no. 2883. SMYTH, ROBERT BROUGH. Mining and mineral statistics, [Vic- toria], pp. 42, 8vo. Melb., 1866. Pam., v. 69, no. 1177. Same.- another copy. Pam., v. 82, no. 1475. SOUTH AUSTRALIA: Mines department. Short review of mining operations in the state of South Australia for 1903, and half-years ended 3oth June, 1904, and 3ist December, 1904. 8vo. Adel., 1904-05. Pam., v. 128, nos. 2458-60. SOUTH AUSTRALIAN school of mines and industries, and tech- nological museum. Annual report; 1895, 1897, 1898. 3 v., 8vo. Adel., 1896-99. STOKES, RALPH S. G. Mines and minerals of the British empire ; being a description of the historical, physical, and industrial features of the principal centres of mineral production in the British dominions bevond the seas : illust. 8vo. Lond., 1908. TASMANIA: Mines department. Progress of the mineral in- dustry of Tasmania f6r the quarter ending 3ist March, 1889, by J. Harcourt Smith, pp. 12, 8vo. Hobart, 1899. Pam., v. 83, no. 1499. VICTORIA: Alines department. Acts, orders in council, and notices relating to the gold fields. 8vo. Melb., 1864. YEAR-BOOK of Australia. Mineral products of Australia and Tasmania, pp. 32, 8vo. [Syd.], n.d. Pam., T. 107, no. 1971. 382 MINES AND MINING. 622.1. Prospecting: Descriptions of Mines. ANDREWS, E. C. Report on the Hillgrove gold-field: [plates and map], -pp. 44, 8vo. Syd., 1900. Pam., v. 146, no. 2832. (N.S.W. Geological survey. Mineral resources, no. 8.) Report on the Kiandra lead : [plates and map], pp. 32, 8vo. Syd., 1901. Pam., v. 146, no. 2834. (N.S.W. Geological survey. Mineral resources, no. 10.) Report on the Yahval gold-field : [plates and map], pp. 46, 8vo. Syd., 1901. Pam., v. 146, r.o. 2833. (N.S.W. Geological survey. Mineral resources, no. 9.) AUSTIN, J. B. Mines of South Australia; including also an account of the smelting works in that colony. 8vo. Adel., 1863. AUSTRALIAN mining standard newspaper. Mines and minerals of New South Wales: [illust.]. sm. 4to. Syd., 1906. BARKER, W. H. Gold fields of Western Australia, with large geological map, and plans of the various gold fields, pp. 86, 8vo. Lond., 1894. Map wanting. BASCH AND CO. Mineral guide and prospectors' companion . . . showing the exact localities where gold, silver, tin, copper, &c., are to be found: [plates], pp. 68, 8vo. Syd., 1872. BRADFORD, WILLIAM. The " Indicator" series on gold mining: no. i, The Ballarat field; its minerals, mines, and ma- chinery: [illust. and map], pp. 80, 8vo. Melb., 1895. Pam., v. i28 3 no. 2466. BROWN, HENRY YORK LYELL. Record of the mines of South Australia: [map]. 8vo. Adel., 1890. Record of the mines of South Australia : the Balhannah mine : plans, pp. 12, 8vo. Adel., 1898. Pam., v. 107, no. 1978. Same: The German reef: notes and plan. pp. 7, 8vo. Adel., 1897. Pam., v. 107, no. 1976. Same: The Mannahill gold field: notes and plan. pp. n, 8vo. Adel., 1898. Pam., v. 107, no. 1979. Same: Report on the gold discovery at Tarcoola : plan. pp. 7, 8vo. Adel., 1900. Pam., v. 107. no. 1980. Same: Tarcoola and the north-western district : plans, pp. 29, 8vo. Adel., 1902. Pam., v. ro7, no. 1981. Same: The Wadnaminga gold field, with report and plans. pp. 12, 8vo. Adel., 1898. Pam., v. 107, no. 1977. CALVERT, ALBERT FREDERICK, Mineral resources of Western Australia. 8vo. Lond., 1893. CLARKE, EDWARD. An hour with Mount Stewart ; a paper read to the Muclgee shareholders, pp. 16, 8vo. Mudgee, 1888. Pam., v. 107, no. 1969. MINES AND MINING. 383 DICKER, THOMAS. Mining record and guide to the gold mines of Victoria, showing the bearings, depths, thicknesses, dips, and underlies of the auriferous lodes, the progress and cost of works in operation, containing also a variety of valuable interesting and statistical information, v 1-8, in 6 v., fo. Sandhurst, 1862-67. GOYDER, G. A. Australian prospector's pocket book. 8vo. Melb., [1888]. GREGORY, JOHN WALTER. Mount Lyell mining field, Tasmania; with some account of the geology of other pyritic ore bodies. 8vo. Melb., 1905. HALL, EDGAR. Mount Morgan gold mine: a review, -pp. 6, 8vo. n.p., n.d. Pam., v. 128, no. 2461. HOWARD, THOMAS, and CONCRETE, H. J. History of the Inglewood reefs from their discovery in 1859 to 1866, with summaries to 1879. 2nd ed., i2mo. Inglewood, 1883. JUST, THOMAS COOK. Iron ore deposits of the River Tamar district, -pp. 14, 8vo., n.p., n.d. Pam., v. 83, no. 1501. KIXGSWELL, GEORGE H. Coal mines of Newcastle, N.S.W. ; their rise and progress, pp. 66, 8vo. Newcastle, 1890. Pam., v. 107, no. 1973. NEWMAN, H. W. Extracts and reports on the Lucknow or Wentworth gold-field, near Orange, N.S.W. : [plans]. 8vo. Orange, 1888. PATTERSON, J. A. Gold fields of Victoria in 1862. i2ino. Melb., 1862. PITTMAN, EDWARD F. Mineral resources of New South Wales : [illust.]. 8vo. Syd., 1901. POWER, FREDERICK DANVERS. Mineral resources of New Cale- donia: [plates], pp. 44. 8vo. Lond., 1900. Pam., v. 126, no. 2401. PRIOR, S. H., ed. Handbook of Australian mines; a historical, statistical, and descriptive record of the mines and minerals of Australia, Tasmania, and New Zealand : by the corre- spondents of the Australian mining standard. 410. Syd., 1890. RANDS, WILLIAM H. Report of the gold mines at the Fanning and Mount Success: [map], pp. 10, 8vo. Brisb., 1898. Pam., v. 146, no. 2830. (Queensland geological survey. Bulletin no. 8.) Third report on the Eidsvold gold field, with notes on McKon- key's Creek diggings and antimony lode. pp. 16, 8vo. Brisb., 1901. Pam., v. 146, no. 2831. (Queensland geological survey. Bulletin no. 14.) SCHMEISSER, KARL AD. A., and VOGELSANG, KARL. The gold-fields of Australia : tr. by H. Louis : maps, plans, and illust. 8vo., and 13 plans in portfolio. Lond., 1898. SMYTH, ROBERT BROUGH. Gold fields and mineral districts of Victoria, with notes on the modes of occurrence of gold and other metals and minerals: [plans and illust.]. 4to. Melb., 1869. 384 MINES AND MINING. SOUTH AUSTRALIA -.Mines department. Record of the mines of South Australia: supplementary issue. 8vo. Adel., 1905. P;im., v. 107, no. 1982. See also above. Brown, H. Y. L. SWINNEY, ALFRED J. G. Collieries, coalfields, and minerals of New South Wales: [plans], pp. 51, 8vo. Lond., 1884. TASMANIA : Mines department. Mineral resources of Tasmania r by A. Montgomery, pp. 28, 8vo. Hohart, 1894. P;im., v. 83, no. 1498. ULRICH, GEORGE HENRY FREDERICK. Mount Bischoff tin mines : report, pp. 5, 8vo. Launceston, [1874]. Pam., v. 108, no. 1991. WALLERAWANG iron and coal mines, [N.S.W.]. Prospectus, with reports : [plan]. 8vo. Syd., [1875]. Piim., v. 128, no. 2465. WATT, J. A. Report on the Wyalong gold-field. pp. 40, 8vo. Syd., 1899. Pam., v. 128. no. 2457. (N.S.W. Geological survey. Mineral resources, no. 5.) WESTERN AUSTRALIAN gold-fields: [maps]. 4 to. n.p., n.d. From the Western Australian Year-book for 1803. WOODWARD, HARRY PAGE. Mining handbook to the colony of Western Australia: [maps]. 2nd ed., 8vo. Perth, 1895. Report on the gold-fields of the Kimberley district. pp. 38^ 8vo. Perth, 1891. Pam., v. 126, no. 2405. (W.A. Mines department.) 622.2. Practical Mining. CHAMPION, HENRY V. The Briseis water race: [illust.]. pp. 36, 8vo. n.p., n.d. Pam., v. 172, no. 3311. CLARK, DONALD. Australian mining and metallurgy. 8vo. Melb., 1904. West Australian mining and metallurgy : [illust. and plans]. 8vo. Kalgoorlie, n.d. Pam., v. 46. no. 783. CLARKE, Rev. WILLIAM BRANWHITE. Plain statements and prac- tical hints respecting the discovery and working of gold in- Australia, pp. 32, 8vo. Syd., 1851. Pam., v. 1 08. no. 1990. CURLE, J. H. Gold mines of the world : plans and illust. 3rd ed., la. 8vo. Lond., 1905. DICK, WILLIAM H. A mountain of gold ; origin, history, geological features, latest developments, &c., of the famous Mount Morgan mine. pp. 50, 8vo. Brish., 1889. Pam.. v. 83, no. i^oo. Same: another copy. Pam., v. 108, no. 1989. GOLD fields, ancient and modern, pp. 16, 8vo. Melb., 1855. Pam., v. 83, no. 1502. GORDON, HENRY ANDREW. Miners' guide : [diagrams]. 8vo. Well., 1889. JAQUET, JOHN BLOCKLEY. Notes on gold dredging, with reference to the introduction of the industry into New South Wales, [map, plates, and illust.]. 2nd ed., 8vo. Syd., 1899. ENGINEERING. KAYSER, H. W. F. Early history of colonial mining in con- nection with " Is scientific management a success? " -pp. 6, 8vo. n.p., n.d. Pam., v. 128, no. 2464. MACGEORGE, E. F. The patent bore-hole test or clinograph : [plates], -pp. 24, 8vo. Melb., 1883. Pam., v. 16, no. 315. PHILLIPS, JOHN ARTHUR. Gold-mining and assaying; a scientific guide for Australian emigrants. i2mo. Lond., 1852. SYKES, FRANK W. Mount Morgan gold mine, Queensland; an authentic treatise on the mines, works, and treatment, with a history of the mine and district, [&c.]. 410. Syd., 1893. THUREAU, G. Synopsis of a report on mining in California and Nevada, U.S.A. : [plates], pp. 60, la. 8vo. Melb., n.d. 623. Military and Naval Engineering. HEARNE, R. P. Aerial warfare : introd. by Sir Hiram Maxim : 57 illust. 8vo. Lond., 1909 [1908]. 624. Bridges. FRASER, J. H. The design of bridges : [diagrams], pp. 12, 8vo. [Melb., 1892.] Pam., v. 173, no. 3317. 625. Railway and Road Engineering. ADAMS, WILLIAM BRIDGES. Railway practice and railway possi- bilities as affecting dividends and safety ; with diagrams of engines, trains, and brakes, pp. 26, 8vo. Lond., 1868. Pam., v. t;7, no. 937. CAMPBELL, ALLAN. Light railways, pp. 13, 8vo. n.p., n.d. Pam., v. 151, no. 2023. COOK, JOSEPH, and Co. Railway and steam navigation guide for New South Wales, izmo. Syd., 1857. KERNOT, MAURICE EDWIN. Railway construction in Victoria under the butty gang system, pp. 8, 8vo. Melb., 1900. Pam., v. 151, no. 2926. MAXWELL, JOSEPH PRIME. New Zealand government railways : i., Wellington to Woodville. ii.. Napier to Manawatu : [plates], pp. 16, 8vo. Lond., 1880. Pam., v. 151, no. 2928. NORWAY: Interior department. [Break of gauge in railways]. pp. 10, 8vo. Christiana, 1876. Pam., v. 1151, no. 2921. OLDHAM, THOMAS, and RAWLINSON, THOMAS E. Treatise on railway and harbor accommodation for Victoria ; with remarks on the formation of storage reservoirs for water supply : plates, pp. 36, 8vo. Melb., 1855. Pam., v. 61, no. 995. SANDBERG, CHRISTER PETER. On rail-joints and steel rails. pp. 38, 8vo. Lond., 1886. Pam., v. 151, no. 2925. SHEARD, CHARLIE KILNER. Descriptive paper of railway prac- tice and mountain railways of a similar description to the Tasmanian railways now under construction : [map], pp. 68, 8vo. Hobart. 1886. F.8720. N 386 ENGINEERING. SYDNEY morning herald news-paper. Australian railways; uni- forming the gauges, pp. 4, 8vo. Syd., 1904. Pain., v. 151, no. .2922. TYLER, HENRY WHATLEY, captain. On simplicity as the essential element of safety and efficiency in the working of railways : ed. by James Forrest, pp. 35, 8vo. Lond., 1874. Pam., v. 151, no. 2919. WHITE. ROBERT A. Safe working of railway traffic, pp. 13, 8v<>. Adel., 1882. Pam., v. 151, no. 2920. 625.7. Roads: Highways. COANE, JOHN MONTGOMERY, COANE, H. E., and COANE, J. M., jnr. Australasian roads; a treatise, practical and scien- tific, on the location, design, construction, and maintenance of roads and pavements : illust. 8vo. Melb., 1908. FROST, HARWOOD. The art of roadmaking, treating of the various problems and operations in the construction, and main- tenance of roads, streets, and pavements : bibliography : [illust.]. 8vo. N.Y., 1910. 625.8. Pavements. BELL, GEORGE W. Street-paving in Sydney : [map and illust.]. pp. 27, 8vo. Syd., 1895. Pam., v. 52, no. 876. MOUNTAIN, ADRIEN CHARLES. Wood-paving in Australia ; its origin and subsequent development : [2 plates]. 8vo. Melb., 1887. Pam., v. 150, no. 2916. 626. Canal engineering. ABBOT, HENRY LARCOM. Problems of the Panama canal. 8vo. N.Y., 1905. CORNISH, VAUGHAN. The Panama canal and its makers : mnps, plans, and photos. 8vo. Lond., 1909. 627. River, Harbour, and Hydraulic Engineering. COODE, Sir JOHN. [Reports on New South Wales rivers]. fo. Syd., 1888. Contents. Entrance to Clarence River : [plans]. Lake Macquarie harbour works : [plans]. Entrance to Richmond, river : [plans]. CULCHETH, W. W. The late flood in Melbourne, pp. 15, 8vo. Melb., 1891. Pam., v. 173, no. 3325. McKAY, ROBERT THOMAS. The Murray river ; irrigation and navigation : [illust. and maps], pp. 68, 8vo. Syd., 1903. (Sydney university engineering society.) MURRAY, STUART. River gauging: [illust.]. pp. 7, 8vo. Melb., 1892. Pam., v. 173, no. 3326. POLLITZER, S. A study about the River Murray, with promi- nent notes about the utilization of its potential energy: [diagrams], pp. 50, 8vo. Adel., 1883. Pam., v. 8, no. 189. SANITARY ENGINEERING : WATERWORKS. 387 VIGARS, FRANCIS ERNEST. Tank and other measurements; also, form of agreement and suggestions re letting contracts, -p-b 33, 8vo. Syd., [1910]. WALKER, WILLIAM: "Tom Cringle." Australian sand-bar harbours and rivers, with hints on the sea defence of Mel- bourne, pp. 15, 8vo. Melb., 1866. Pam.. v. 57, no. 936. WHITE, J. H. Why is Hobson's Bay neglected? [plans], pp. 24, 8vo. Melb., 1890. WILLCOCKS, Sir WILLIAM. The Nile in 1904. 8vo. Cairo, 1904. WOORE, THOMAS. Supply of water from the Warragamba river. pp. 27, 8vo. Syd., 1876. Pam., v. 185, no. 3595. 627.9. Lighthouses. BELL, IMRIE. The Corbiere lighthouse, Jersey : [plate]. pp. 10, 8vo. Lond., 1880. Pam., v. 151, no. 2931. CHANCE, JAMES T. On optical apparatus used in lighthouses, with an abstract of the discussion upon the paper : [plates]. pp. 66, 8vo. Lond., 1867. Pam., v. 151, no. 2932. 628. Sanitary Engineering. Waterworks. 628.1. Water supply of towns. ADELAIDE -.Water supply. Specifications, tenders, plans, &c., for the Adelaide and Port Adelaide extension water-works, the Adelaide water-works extensions, &c., 1869-73. n.t.p., fscp. fo. Adel. BELLAMY, HERBERT E. Our water supply: report on varied services by the city engineer [of Rockhampton]. pp. 13, 8vo. Rockhampton, 1901. Pam., v. 173, no. 3319. Report on a new water supply scheme for the municipality of Rockhampton. pp. 14, 8vo. Rockhampton, 1901. Pam., v. 173, no. 3320. FORREST, Sir JOHN. The Coolgardie water supply : souvenir of the opening of the works, pp. 20, 8vo. [Melb.], 1903. Pam., v. 20, no. 364. GIPPS, FREDERICK B. Comparison between the Prospect and Kenny Hill schemes for Sydney water supply : [plan], pp. 26, 8vo. Syd., 1880. Pam., v. 45, no. 765. Same: another copy. Pam., v. ioo, no. 1818. Reply to E. O. Moriarty's report on the Kenny Hill scheme for Sydney water supply, with an opinion appended signed R. J. R. : [maps], pp. 58, 8vo. Syd., 1881. Pam., v. 45, no. 766. N 2 388 SANITAEY ENGLNEEBINQ. MANNING, JAMES. Sydney water supply: review of the report of William Clark on the question: [map]. pp. 75, 8vo. Syd., 1877. Pam., v. 129, no. 2481. MELBOURNE and metropolitan board of works. Chairman's re- port from commencement, March, 1891, to June, 1893. pp. 85, 8vo. Melb., 1894. Pam., v. 173, no. 3318. Same: October, 1899, to September, 1901. 8vo. Melb.. 190?. Pam., v. 129, no. 2482. Water supply, sewerage, &c. : photographic views, obi. 8vo. Melb., 1905. THWAITES, WILLIAM. Melbourne and metropolitan board of works: Melbourne water supply and. sewerage: [portr.]. pp. 65, 8vo. Melb., 1901. Pam., v. 149, no. 2889. WILKIE, DAVID E. Failure of the Van Yean reservoir : [map]. pp. 52, sm. 8vo. Melb., 1855. Pam., v. 149, no. 2887. On the expected water supply of the city of Melbourne from Van Yean. pp. 29, sm. 8vo. Melb., 1855. Pam., v. 149, no. 2888. WRIGHT, JOHN. Water conservation, &c. pp. 20, 8vo. Syd., 1882. Pam., v. 109, no. 2031. 628.11. Artesian wells. COX, WALTER GIBBONS. Artesian wells as a means of water sup- ply. 8vo. Brisb., 1895. DARLEY, CECIL WEST. Notes on boring and drilling artesian wells as practised in the United States: [illust.]. pp. 31, 8vo. Syd., 1884. Same: another copy. Pam., v. iog. no. 2028. 628.2. Sewerage works. BRADY, F. B. Sanitary plumbing : [illust.]. pp. 12, 8vo. Syd., 1894. Pam., v. 173, no. 3321. DAVIS, JOSEPH. The sewerage systems of Sydney and its suburbs : [plates], pp. 51, 8vo. Lond., n.d. Pam., v. 149, no. 2893. LIERNUR, CHARLES T., captain. Pneumatic drainage; being some account of [his] pneumatic system of drainage, pp. 36, 8vo. Syd., 1884. Pam., v. 173, no. 3322. SHONE, ISAAC. Supplement in corroboration of Mr. Shone's critique upon Mr. Mansergh's report on the drainage of Mel- bourne, [&c.]. pp. 41, 8vo. Lond.. 1891. Pam., v. 149, no. 2892. SMAIL, JOHN M. First report on the result of enquiries made by him in Great Britain, Europe, and America in regard to water supply and sewerage services, pp. 30, 8vo. Syd., 1903. Pam., v. 149, no. 2894. Same: Second report, pp. 24, 8vo. Syd., 1904. Pam., v. 149, no. 2895. SANITARY ENGINEERING : AGRICULTURE. 389 SOUTH AUSTRALIA -.-Central board of health. Rules and regulations made under Adelaide sewers act, 1878, [&c. ; plates.] pp. 18, 8vo. Adel., 1882. Pnm., v. 160, no. 3079. STYLES, JAMES. Lecture on sanitary reform for greater Mel- bourne, pp. 20, 8vo. Williamstown, 1888. Pam., v. 149, no. 2890. Testimonials in favour of James Styles, and comments on Mr. Mansergh's drainage scheme for Melbourne and suburbs, 1891. pp. 27, 8vo. Williamstown, 1891. Pam., v. 149, no. 2891. THOMPSON, JOHN ASHBURTON. Sewerage of country towns : the separate system, pp. n, 8vo. [Syd.], 1891. Pam., v. 173, no. 3324. THWAITES, WILLIAM. Report to the Melbourne and metro- politan board of works on the various schemes submitted by James Mansergh on the drainage of Melbourne and suburbs. pp. 48, 8vo. Melb., 1891. Pam., v. 173, no. 3323. 628.3. Disposal of Sewage. HIGGINS, J. FIELDING. Sewage matters ; their treatment and application : [plates], pp. 16, 8vo. Melb., 1868. Pam., v. 68, no. 1147. MARTIN, ARTHUR J. The sewage problem; a review of the evidence collected by the Royal commission [Great Britain] on sewage disposal. 8vo. Lond., 1908. 628.7. Rural sanitation. SMITH, WILLIAM RAMSAY. Theory and practice of sanitation in country places, including the bacteriolytic tank system: [figures], pp. 20, 8vo. Adel., 1907. Pam., v. 106, no. 1964. 630. Agriculture. ATKINSON, JAMES. Account of the state of agriculture and grazing in New South Wales : illust. 8vo. Lond., 1826. AUSTRALASIAN farmer; a practical handbook for the farm and station : by the agricultural, horticultural, and pastoral staff of the Australasian. 8vo. Melb., 1885. BERNAYS, LEWIS ADOLPHUS. Cultural industries for Queens land : papers on the cultivation of useful plants. 8vc. Brisb., 1883. CAMPBELL, WALTER SCOTT. Extracts from reports on certain agricultural districts of New South Wale.;, pp. 47, 8vo. Syd., 1888. Pam., v. 13, no. 280. CLARKE, WILLIAM HENRY, ed. Farmers' and fruit-growers' guide: [maps and plates]. 8vo. Syd., 1897. COLLINS, T. BYARD. The new agriculture; a popular outline of the changes which are revolutionizing the methods of farming and the habits of farm life: [illust.]. 8vo. N.Y., 1906. 390 AGRICULTURE. COLONIAL handbook for farmers and gardeners, pp. 72, 12010, [Geelong], 1860. Pam., v. 38, no. 661. CUNNINGHAM, PETER. Hints for Australian emigrants. 8vo. Lond., 1841. DAVENPORT, Sir SAMUEL. Some new industries for South Australia; silkworms, mulberry, olives, tobacco, &c. pp. 82, sm. 8vo. Adel., 1864. Pam., v. 13, no. 271. EARLE, FRANKLIN SUMNER. Southern [U.S.] agriculture : [illust.]. 8vo. N.Y., 1908. GRASBY, WILLIAM CATTON. Conditions and prospects of fann- ing, dairying, and fruit growing in Western Australia : [illust.] pp. vii., 68, 8vo. Adel., 1904. Pam., v. 150, no. 2897. HAGGARD, HENRY RIDER. Rural Denmark and its lessons : 28 illust. 8vo. Lond., 1911. HALL, A. D. Book of the Rothamsted experiments: [portrs. and illust.]. 8vo. Lond., 1905. HALL, BOLTON, and POWELL. R. F. Three acres and liberty: introd. by George T. Powell : [illust.]. 8vo. N.Y., 1908. HARWOOD, W. S. The new earth ; a recital of the triumphs of modern agriculture in America: illust. 8vo. N.Y., 1906. HAY, GEORGE W. Catechism of practical agriculture. pp. 36, 8vo. Hobart Town, 1856. HOW to farm and settle in Australia : by an old colonist. pp. 70, i2mo. Lond., 1856. Pam., v. 13, no. 279. JEANNENEY, A. La Nouvelle-Caledonie agricole; nature mineralogique et geologique du sol ; renseignements pratiques pour les emigrants. i2mo. Paris, 1894. KRUKOFF, NICHOLAS A. Australiya; selskoe khozyaistvo u Australii, u suyazi se obschim razuitiem stranbi [Australia ; Agriculture in Australia in connection with the general de- velopment of the country] : illust. 8vo. Moscow, 1906. LEADER newspaper, Melbourne. Agriculture in South Australia. pp. 59, 8vo. Melb., [1874]. Pam., v. 13, no. 278. McCOLL, JAMES HIERS. Agriculture and irrigation; information collected during his recent trip through America. pp. 37, 8vo. Bendigo, 1906. Pam., v. 160, no. 3072. MAcIVOR, R. W. EMERSON, ed. Australasian agricultural annual. i2mo. Melb., 1883. MACKAY, ANGUS. Australian agriculturist and colonists' guide. 2nd ed., 8vo. Syd., 1890. Grazing, farm, and garden soils of New South Wales, pp. 85, i2mo. Syd., 1888. Introduction to Australian agricultural practice, pp. 55, 8vo. Syd., 1891. Semi-tropical agriculturist and colonists' guide; plain words upon station, farm, and garden work, house-keeping, and the useful pursuits of colonists. 8vo. Brisb.. 1875. OGILVIP;. WILLIAM [WILL] HENRY. My life in the open. 8vo^ Lond., 1908. AGRICULTURE. 391 Q'HEA, WILLIAM JOSEPH. Introduction of new rural industries into Victoria, with observations on the best means towards the attainment of that end. pp. 91, 8vo. Melb., 1871. Pam., v. 13, no. 275. PASTORALISTS' review propy., ltd. The pastoral homes of Australia : New South Wales : [illust.]. 4to. Melb., 1910. PRATT, EDWIN A. Organisation of agriculture. 8vo. Lond., 1904. Transition in agriculture: [illust.] 8vo. Lond., 1906. RITCHIE, WILLIAM. Letters on the decay of agriculture in Tas- mania, pp. 43, 8vo. Launceston, [1885]. Pam., v. 84, no. 1513. RUSSELL, FRANK, compiler. Farm life on the Richmond and Tweed rivers [N.S.W.] : illust. fo. Syd., [1907]. SHEPHERD, THOMAS. Lectures on the horticulture of New Souih Wales, pp. 80, 8vo. Syd., 1835. Pam., v. 13, no. 273. SILVER, S. W., and co. Australian grazier's guide, pp. 81, 8vo. Lond., 1879. STORY, WILLIAM. Essay upon the agriculture of Victoria, with reference to its climate advantages and the geological and chemical character of its soils : plan [and map]. 8vo. Melb . 1861. Victorian government prize essay. Same : another copy. Pam., v. 69, no. 1173. TARDENT, HENRY A. Science as applied to agriculture, and other essays : [illust.]. pp. 60, 8vo. Toowoomba, 1907. Pam., v. 150, no. 2899. TEPPER, J. G. OTTO. Plants, insects, and birds; their relations to each other, the soil, and man. pp. n, 8vo, n.p., n.d. Pam.j v. 127, no. 2439. On leaves, flowers, fruit, pp. 8, 8vo. Adel., 1898. Pam., v. 150, no. 2896. TURNER, FRED, ed. Anderson's manual of the farm; a practical treatise on the cultivation of farm crops, forage plants, and grasses. 8vo. Syd., [1907]. VICTORIAN agricultural and horticultural gazette. Colonial hand- book for farmers and gardeners, 1860. pp. 72, sm. 8vo. Melb., 1860. Pam., v. 38, no. 661. Same : another copy. Pam., v. io8 3 no. 19193. WILKINS, WILLIAM. Agriculture in New South Wales, pp. so, 8vo. Syd., 1893. Pam., v. 173, no 3327. WILLIS, JOHN C. Agriculture in the tropics ; an elementsiy treatise: [illust.]. 8vo. Camb., 1909. 630.3. Encyclopaedias. ENCYCLOPAEDIA of agriculture, by the most eminent authori- ties : ed. by C. E. Green and D. Young: [illust.]. 3 v., 8vo. Edinb., 1907-08. Contents. Aberdeen-Angus ' attle to Drains.- v. 2. Drills to Joint-ill. v. 3. Kainit to Zelkov.i. 392 AGRICULTURE. WRIGHT, ROBERT PATRICK, ed. Standard cyclopedia of modem agriculture and rural economy, by the most distinguished authorities and specialists: [plates and illust.] v. i-n, A-Tri., la. 8vo. Lond., 1908-11. In progress. 630.5. Periodicals. AGRICULTURAL society of New South Wales. Journal, 1877- 78. 3rd ser. 2 v., 8vo. Syd. FARM and garden: ed. by Edward William Andrews; v. i, July, 1858, to v. 4, July 1862. 4 v., 4to. Adel. GREAT BRITAIN : Board of agriculture. Journal, v. 10, 1903, to date. 8vo. Lond. NEW SOUTH WALES: Agriculture department. Agricultural gazette of New South Wales, v. i, 1890 to date. 8vo. Syd. v. 8 wanting. QUEENSLAND : Agriculture department. Queensland agricul- tural journal, v. i, July, 1897, to date. 8vo. Brisb. ROYAL agricultural society of New South Wales. R.A.S. annual; journal of the Royal agricultural society of New South Wales : compiled and ed. by H. M. Somer : [illust.]. 8vo. Syd., 1907. VICTORIA : Agriculture department. Journal of the department of agriculture of Victoria. v. 3, 1905, to date. 8vo. Melb. 630.6. Societies. EASTERN agricultural society. Rules and regulations, pp. 8, 8vo. Hobart Town, 1840. Pam., v. 84, no. 1512. HOBART horticultural society. Annual report and financial state- ment, 1894-5. pp. 34, 8vo. Hobart, [1895]. Pam., v. 84, no. 1510 NEW SOUTH WALES chamber of agriculture. Constitution and rules, pp. n, 8vo. Syd., n.d. Pam., v. 41, no. 704- PORT PHILLIP farmers' society. Transactions: comprising the rules and regulations, annual report, and list of subscribers, June, 1856 to July, 1857. pp. 49, 8vo. Melb., 1857. Pam., v. 20, no. 374. Same: June, 1859, to July, 1860. pp. 87. 8vo. Melb. r 1860. Pam., v. 13, no. 274. ROYAL agricultural and horticultural scciety of South Australia. Report, &c., for the year ending 3ist March, 1880. pp. 58, sm. 8vo. Adel., 1880. Pam., v. 130, no. 2504. 630.7. Study and teaching. VICTORIA: Council of agricultural education. Dookie agricul- tural college; Longerenong agricultural college: principals' reports for session ended 3ist January, 1908 : [illust.]. pp. 28, 8vo. Melb., 1908. Pam., v. 150, no. 2900. AGRICULTURE. 393 630.8. Official reports : Conferences. NEW SOUTH WALES -.Agriculture department. Bulletins 1-4. 8vo. Syd., 1890-91. Contents. Report of the conference of fruit-growers and vine- growers; together with appces. 1890. The points of stock and their relative values : by Alexander Bruce, -p-p. 53, 1891. Report of the conference of delegates from agricultural societies, -p-p. 87. 1891. Report of the conference of fruit-growers; together with appces., fp. 61. 1891. Report of the conference of delegates from agricultural societies, March 1891. pp. 87, 8vo. Syd., 1891. Tarn., v. 173., no. 3330. Report of the proceedings of the agricultural conference, Hawkesbury agricultural college, July, 1897. pp. 77, 8vo. Syd., 1897. Fam., v. 173, no. 3328. NEW ZEALAND : Agriculture department. Eleventh report of the department, 1903 : [illust.]. 8vo. Well., 1903. QUEENSLAND : Agriculture department. Report of agricul- tural conferences held at Beenleigh, Bundaberg, Rockhamp- ton, and Mackay. 8vo. Brisb., 1893. Pam., v. 45, no. 759. Bulletin no. 25. TASMANIAN agricultural conference. Proceedings, held at the Town Hall, Hobart, January 1891. pp. 59, 8vo. Hobart, 1891. Pam., v. 173. no. 3329. VICTORIA : Agriculture department. Report, 1905-07 : [illust. ]. 8vo. Melb., 1907. Pam., v. 160, no. 3071. Year-book of agriculture for 1905: [illust.]. 8vo. Melb. r 1905. 631. Soil : Fertilizers : Drainage : Irrigation. ABBOTT, WILLIAM EDWARD. Water supply in the interior of New South Wales: [map], pp. 27, 8vo. Syd., 1885. Parn., v. 129, no. 2471. ALLAN, PERCY. Drought antidote for the north-west; or, the utilisation of the artesian resources of New South Wales : [illust. and maps]. 8vo. Syd., 1906. ANDERSON, HENRY CHARLES LENNOX. Sulphate of ammonia as a manure, pp. 16, 8vo. Syd., 1895. Pam., v. 108, no. 2013. ASSOCIATION of official agricultural chemists of Australasia. Methods of analysis adopted at its meeting, August, 1906. pp. 15, 8vo. Syd., 1906. Pam., v. 129, no. 2492. BARTLEY, THEODORE B. Golden fields for Tasmania; a few words as to the value and importance of Peruvian guano as a manure, pp. 28, sm. 8vo. Launceston. 1855. BELL. W'ALTER F. Irrigation for farmers and engineers. 8vo. Melb., 1890. CAMPBELL, HARDY W. Campbell's 1907 soil culture manual; a complete guide to scientific culture as adapted to the semi- arid regions : [illust.] 8vo. Lincoln. Nebr., 1907. 391 AGRICULTURE . CHEW1NGS, CHARLES. Rock phosphates and other mineral fer- tilisers; their origin, value, and sources of supply, with map of the Clinton deposit, -pp. 48, 8vo. Adel., 1903. COX, W. GIBBONS. Irrigation with surface and subterranean waters, and land drainage, with special reference to the geo- logical development and utilisation of artesian and sub- artesian supplies : illust. and map. 8vo. Syd., 1906. DAINTREE, RICHARD. Analyses of Queensland sugar and wheat soils, with [analyses of soils by J. Hughes and] Dr. Voelcker's report on their fertility, with description of newly- explored sugar lands in northern Queensland, pp. 41, 8vo. n.p., 1874. Pam., v. 109, no. 2018. DEAKIN, ALFRED. Irrigated India; an Australian view of India and Ceylon, their irrigation and agriculture : map. 8vo. London, 1893. Irrigation in western America, so far as it has relation to the circumstances of Victoria : a memorandum for the members of the Royal commission on water supply. 8vo. Melb., 1885. GREY, JOHN. Account of some experiments with guano and other manures on turnips, &c. pp. n, 8vo. Hexham, 1843. Pam., v. 61, no. 982. GUTHRIE, FREDERICK B. On the choice and use of artificial manures, pp. 26, 8vo. Syd., 1894. Pam., v. 129, no. 2489. GUTHRIE, FREDERICK B., and GURNEY, E. H. Analysis of commercial fertilisers obtainable in New South Wales, pp. 7, 8vo. Syd., 1899. Pam., v. 129, no. 2490. JACK, ROBERT LOGAN. Artesian water in the stale of Queens- land, pp. 15, 8vo. Lond., 1902. Pam., v. 109, no. 2027. KRICHAUFF, FRIEDRICH EDWARD HEINRICH WULF. Fertilizing field and garden : [plates.], pp. 94, 8vo. Adel., 1901. Pam.; v. 150, no. 2898. MACK AY, ANGUS. Analysis of grazing, farm, and garden soils of New South Wales, pp. 83, sm. 8vo. Syd., 1887. Pam., v. 109, no. 2016. McKEAGUE, JOHN. Practical irrigation: introd. by Professor Bickerton and a review by Professor Black. 8vo. Ash- burton, N.Z., 1899. McKINNEY, HUGH GIFFEN. Irrigation in its relation to the pas- toral industry of New South Wales : [2 maps.], pp. 22,. 8vo. Syd., 1889. Pam., v. 41, no. 703. NEW SOUTH WALES: Public works department. Conference on water conservation and irrigation; report containing minutes of proceedings and debates: maps. 8vo. Syd., 1905. NEWELL, FREDERICK HAYNES. Irrigation in the United States: [68 plates and 94 figures.]. 2nd ed. 8vo. N.Y., [1906.] (Library of economics and politics.) AGRICULTURE. 395 RANKEN, GEORGE. The dry country; also, letters addressed to Mr. Brodribb by gentlemen in the western districts of the colony, pp. 34, sm. 8vo. Syd., 1884. Pam., v. IOQ, no. 2030. RIDDOCH, GEORGE. Irrigation and other matters in Egypt, America, and India, pp. 38, 8vo. Adel., 1905. Pam., v. 150, no. 2901. RUSSELL, HENRY CHAMBERLAIKE. Some facts bearing upon irri- gation, pp. 3, 8vo. Syd., 1883. Pam., v. 129, no. 2488. SMYTHE, WILLIAM ELLSWORTH. The conquest of arid America : illust. new ed. 8vo. N.Y., 1905. SOUTH AUSTRALIA: Royal commission on the River Murray. Report of the interstate royal commission on the river Murray representing the states of New South Wales, Vic- toria, and South Australia, with minutes of evidence, appen- dices and plans, fscp. fo. [Adel., 1903]. TASMANIA: Government. Papers relative to the irrigation of lands in Tasmania, pp. 47, 8vo. Hobart Town, 1855. Pam., v. 185, no. 3596. VINCENT, E. MATTHEW, compiler. Colonisation of greater Britain; viticulture, fruit-farming, &c., in Australia at the extensive irrigation colonies in Victoria and South Australia of Chaff ey brothers : illust. pp. 60. xxxiv., 8vo. Melb.,. [1887]. Pam., v. 173, no. 3331. YOUNG, JAMES. Irrigation: a lecture. pp. 12, 8vo. Bacchus Marsh, 1866. Pam., v. 68, no. 1149. 632. Agricultural pests. BAILEY, FREDERICK MANSON, and GORDON, P. R. Plants reputed poisonous and injurious to stock. 8vo. Brisb., 1887. BENSON, ALBERT H. Principal insect and fungus pests on fruit and fruit-trees found in New South Wales with a few well known and tested remedies: [plates], pp. n, 8vo. Syd., 1893. Pam., v. 108, no. 2004. <'OBB, NATHAN AUGUSTUS. Abandoned orchards of Cumberland county: [illust.]. pp. 10, 8vo. Syd., 1897. Pam., v. 108, no. 2003. Letters on the diseases of plants : illust. 2nd ser. 8vo. Syd., 1904. Notes on the diseases of plants: [illust.]. pp. n, 8vo. Syd., 1894. Pam., v. 108, no. 1997. CRAWFORD, FRAZER S. Report on the fusicladiums (black spot, scab, and mildew diseases) the codlin moth, and certain othei fungus and insect pests attacking apple and pear trees in South Australia: [illust.]. pp. 70, 8vo. Adel., 1886. Pam., v. 13, no. 282. 396 AGRICULTURAL PESTS. CROMMELIN, JAMES C. W. Rabbits and how to deal with them. pp. 43, 8vo. Syd., 1886. Pani., v. 84, no. 1511. P. WART, ALFRED JAMES, and TOVEY, J. R. Weeds, poison plants, and naturalized aliens of Victoria : [col. plates.]. 8vo. Melb., 1909. 1'RENCH, CHARLES, snr. Handbook of the destructive insects of Victoria with notes on the methods to be adopted to check and extirpate them : [plates.] v. 1-5, 8vo. Melb., 1891-1911. The work will be completed with the issue of v. 6. Some vols. contain chapters on insect-destroying birds. i/ROGGATT, WALTER WILSON. Coccids (scale insects) in Sydney gardens : [plates.], pp. 7, 8vo. Syd., 1897. Pam., v. 1 08, no. 1998. Forest moths that have become orchard and garden pests:, [plate.], pp. 3, 8vo. Syd., 1897. Pam., v. 108, no. 2000. Fruit-maggot fly : [plate.], pp. 7, 8vo. Syd., 1897. Pam., v. 108, no. 2001. Fruit-tree and vine pests : [plate.], pp. 7, 8vo. Syd., 1898 Pam., v. 108, no. 1999. Report on parasitic and injurious insects : [illust.]. 8vc Syd., 1909. San Jose scale (aspidiotus perniciosus, Comstock) : [plate.] pp. 9, 8vo. Syd., 1898. Pam., v. 108, no. 1996. KIRK, THOMAS. Fruit-blights and diseases of fruit-trees : in- terim report, pp. ix., 64, 8vo. Syd., 1889. Pam., v. 1 08, no. 1994. LEA, ARTHUR MILLS. Remedies for insect and fungus pests of the orchard and farm: [illust.]. 2nd. ed. 8vo. Hobart, 1903. Pam., v. 174, no. 3332. Me ALPINE, DANIEL. Fungus diseases of citrus fruits in Aus- tralia and their treatment: 12 col. plates and 186 figures. 8vo. Melb., 1899. Fungus diseases of stone-fruit trees in Australia and their treat- ment : col. plates and figures. 8vo. Melb., 1902. Report on rust in wheat experiments, 1892-3 : [2 maps.]. 8vo. Melb., 1894. rAcCARRON, BIRD, and company. Descriptive chart of destructive insects: revised by C. French: [plates.], obi., 8vo. Melb., n.d. MAIDEN, JOSEPH HENRY. The Noogoora-burr, or cockle-burr: [plate.], pp. 5, 8vo. Syd., 1899. Pam., v. 14, no. 290. Plants reputed to be poisonous to stock in Australia, pp. 32, 8vo. Melb., 1901. Pam., v. 174, no. 3347. MASKELL, WILLIAM MILES. Account of the insects noxious to agriculture and plants in New Zealand : the scale-insects (coccidae) : [plates.] 8vo. Well., 1887. MORGAN, CHARLES L. The rabbit question in Queensland : [map.] 8vo. Brisb., 1898. AGRICULTURAL PESTS : GRAINS, ETC. 397 OLLIFF, ARTHUR SIDNEY. Australian entomophytes. or entomo- genous fungi, and some account of their insect-hosts : [4 plates.], pp. 15, 8vo. Syd., 1895. Pam., v. 13, no. 283. Same: another copy. Pam., v. 104, no. 1918. Codling moth, (carpocapsa pomonella) ; its life history and habits: [plate.] pp. 14, 8vo. Syd., 1892. Pam., v. 108, no. 2002. Insect pests ; the codlin moth (carpocapsa pomonella, Linn.) : [plate.], pp. 8, 8vo. Syd., 1890. Pam., v. 13, no. 284. TASMANIA : Agriculture department. Handbook to the insect pests of farm and orchard, their life history and methods of prevention: part i., by Edward H. Thompson: [plates.]. pp. 96, sm. 8vo. Launoeston, 1892. Pam., v. 84, no. 1505. Bulletin no. i. Same: part 2, entitled Insect and fungus pests of the field, farm, and garden : by Edward H. Thompson, ed. by F. W. J. Moore: [plates.]. 8vo. Hobart, 1895. Pam., v. 84, no. 1506. Bulletin No. 6. TEPPER, J. G. OTTO. Red rust; its nature, approximate causes, and probable cure. pp. 6, 8vo. [Adel., 1880]. Pam., v. 35, no. 571. TURNER, FRED. Supposed poisonous plants of Western Austra- lia, pp. 10, 8vo. Syd., 1899. Pam., v. 130, no. 2502. TRYON, HENRY. Grub pest of sugar cane (lepidiota squamulata) of the Mackay district, pp. 56, 8vo. Brisb., 1896. Pam., v. 130, no. 2505. 633. Grains : Grasses : Sugar : Tea : Tobacco, &c. AUSTRALIAN sugar journal. Issued by the Australian sugar producers' association: ed. by E. J. T. Barton, v. i, 1909 to date. 4to. Brisb. BAILEY, FREDERICK MANSON. A few Queensland grasses, with short notes, range of each species, &c. pp. 30, 8vo. Brisb., 1888. Pam., v. 14, no. 288. Inquiry for seeds of grasses and other fodder, plants, with a list of the grasses of Queensland, pp. 21, sm. 8vo. Brisb., 1877. Pam., v. 109, no. 2022. BAKER, RICHARD THOMAS, and SMITH, HENRY GEORGE. Re- search on the eucalypts, especially in regard to their essential oils : illust. 4to. Syd., 1902. BELL, Sir FRANCIS DILLON, and YOUNG, FREDERICK. Reasons for promoting the cultivation of New Zealand flax. pp. 34, 8vo. Lond., 1842. Pam., v. IOQ, no. 2015. BELL, FREDERICK A. Sugar-cane planting, sugar making, and the distillation of rum. 8vo. Syd., 1866. BUCHANAN, JOHN. Manual of the indigenous grasses of New Zealand: illust. 8vo. Well., 1880. 398 GRAINS, GRASSES, ETC. BURKETT, CHARLES WILLIAM, and POE, CLARENCE HAMILTON. Cotton ; its cultivation, marketing, manufacture, and the problems of the cotton world : [illust.]. 8vo. N.Y., 1906. CAMPBELL, FRANCIS. Treatise on the culture of flax and hemp; being a reprint of the letters of Robin Goodfellow. pp. 93, 2nd. ed. 8vo. Syd., 1845. Pam., v. 185, no. 3597. CANDOLLE, ALPHONSE DE. Origin of the sugar cane; tr. from his work " Origine des plantes cultivees ;! by H. Ling Kcth, with notes, pp. 8, 8vo. Lond., 1886. Pam., v. 84, no. 1516. CENTENNIAL international exhibition, Melbourne, 1888-89. Catalogue of the grasses in the Queensland court, pp. 30, 8vo. Brisb., 1888. Pam., v. 185, no. 3598. COBB, NATHAN AUGUSTUS. Plant diseases and their remedies; diseases of the sugar-cane, pp. 56, 8vo. Syd., 1893. Pam., v. 13, no. 281. Same: another copy. Pam., v. 1 08, no. 1995. Seed wheat ; an investigation and discussion of the relative value as seed of large plump and small shrivelled grains. pp. 60, 8vo. Syd., 1903. Pam., v. 109, no. 2019. FARRER, WILLIAM. The making and improvement of wheats for Australian conditions, pp. 57, 8vo. Syd., 1898. Pam., v. 14, no. 291. GIRAUD, A. A. The sugar cane ; its culture and manufacture : specially adapted to Queensland, pp. 47, 8vo. Brisb., 1883. Pam., v. 150, no. 2902. GOODWIN, WILLIAM. Wheat growing in the Argentine republic: [illust.]. pp. 76, 8vo. Liverpool, 1895. Pam., v. 84, no. 1523. GcTHRIE., FREDERICK B. Analysis of Tumut tobacco. pp. 6, 8vo. Syd., 1894. Pam., v. 130, no. 2510. History of a grain of wheat : [illust.]. pp. 28, 8vo. Syd., 1901. Pam., v. 130, no. 2512. Interpretation of analyses of fodders and feeding stuffs, pp. 5, 8vo. Sycl., 1899. Pam., v. 130, no. 2511. Notes on the milling qualities of the varieties of wheat most commonly grown in New South Wales, pp. 8, 8vo. Syd., 1899. Pnm., v. 130, no. 2513. GUTHRIE, FREDERICK B., and GURNEY, E. H. Notes on the milling qualities of different varieties of wheat, pp. 24, 8vo. Syd., 1895. Pam., v. 14, no. 292. Notes on the milling qualities of different varieties of wheat, and judging the milling qualities of prize wheat at shows.. pp. 47, 8vo. Syd., 1898. Pam., v. 130, no. 2514. HART, JOHN HINCHLEY. Cacao j a manual on the cultivation and curing of cacao : [illust.]. 8vo. Lond., 1911. GRAINS, GRASSES, ETC. 399 HECTOR, Sir JAMES. Phormium tenax as a fibrous plant: [2 plates]. 8vo. Well., 1872. HOLROYD, ARTHUR TODD. Prickley comfrey ; its history, cultiva- tion, extraordinary production and uses. pp. 15, 8vo. Syd., [1876]. Pam., v. 14, no. 285. How to feed our crops, pp. 8, 8vo, n.p., n.d. Pam., v. 64, no. 10152. HOWELL, FREDERICK JOHN. Soil problems in wheat growing: [illust.]. 8vo. Melb., 1911. KRUGER, WliLHELM. Das Zuckerrohr und seine Kultur, mit besonderer Berucksichtigung der Verhaltnisse und Untersuchungen auf Java: plates. 8vo. Magdeburg, 1899. LEVI, NATHANIEL. Sugar beet; its adaptability tor cultivation in the colony: [Victoria]. 8vo. Melb., 1870. MACKAY, ANGUS, ed. The sugar cane in Australia; a series of essays upon cultivation and manufacture : [illust.]. 8vo. Brisb., 1870. MACKAY, THOMAS. Manual of the grasses and forage-plants use- ful to New Zealand: pt. i, 8vo. Well., 1887. MAIDEN, JOSEPH HENRY. Manual of the grasses of New South Wales. 8vo. Syd., 1898. MATHIEU, C. Para rubber cultivation; manual of the planter in Malaysia : [in French and English : illust.]. 4to. Paris, 1909. MORRIS, AUGUSTUS. Tobacco; its culture, and the curing of its leaf. pp. 52, 8vo. Syd., 1877. Pam , v. 130, no. 2509. NATIVE grasses of Queensland : [8 plates, without letterpress]. 8vo, n.p., n.d. NEW ZEALAND: Colonial museum. Catalogue of the samples of fibres and manufactured articles prepared from the phor- mium tenax. pp. 35, 8vo. Well., 1871. Pam., v. 14, no. 287. Manual of the indigenous grasses of New Zealand, by John Buchanan : illust. 8vo. Well., 1880. QUEENSLAND : Agriculture department. Annual report of the Bureau of sugar experiment stations for the year 1903-1904. pp. 61, 8vo. Brisb., 1904. Pam., v. 150, no. 2904. ROTH, HENRY LING. Animal parasites of the sugar cane. pp. 15, 8vo. Lond., 1885. 1'uin., v. 130, no. 2506. The Mackay (Queensland) sugar crop as affected by the weather and want of labour, pp. 4, 8vo. Mackay, 1884. Pam., v. 130, no. 2507. SHORT treatise upon the cultivation, manufacture, and adultera- tion of tea. pp. 20, 8vo. Syd., n.d. Pam., v. 52, no. 873. SINCLAIR, JAMES MC!NNES. Report on the sugar-beet industry and tobacco culture of the United States : [illust]. pp. 47, 8vo. Melb., 1895. Pam., v. 174, no. 3333. SUGAR question in Queensland : a series of papers, pp. 68, 8vo. Brisb., 1901. Pam., v. 150, no. 2903. 400 GRAINS, GRASSES, ETC.: FRUITS. SUTHERLAND, G. F., Tobacco as a farmer's crop for South Wales: appces. by F. B. Guthrie and Dr. Forbes Watson: [illust.] pp. 58, 8vo. Syd., 1894. Pam., v. 14, no. 286. TASMAN, pseud. On the growth of flax in Tasmania, pp. 24, 8vo. Hobart Town, n.d. Pam., v. 109, no. 2014. TRYON, HENRY. Gumming of cane ; being a report of an inquiry into the origin and nature of a disease affecting the sugar- cane in the Wide Bay and Burnett districts, pp. 64, 8vo. Brisb., 1895. Pam., v. 130, no. 2508. TURNER, FREDERICK. Australian grasses: illust. v. i, 8vo. Syd., 1895. Census of the grasses of New South Wales, with a popular description of each species, pp. 57, 8vo. Syd., 1890. Pam., v. 14, no. 289. Same : another copy. Pam., v. 26, no. 451. Forage plants of Australia: illust. 8vo. Syd., 1891. VICTORIAN geographical journal. Papers on cotton culture and the cotton industry : by Dr. Thomatis and A. C. Macdonald, with discussion thereon, pp. 18, 8vo. Melb., 1904. Pam., v. 150, no. 2906. WICHERLEY, W. The whole art of rubber growing: [illust.]. 8vo, Lond., 1911. WRIGHT, HERBERT. Hevea Brasiliensis, or Para rubber; its botany, cultivation, chemistry, and diseases : plates and diagrams. 3rd ed., 8vo. Colombo, 1908. 634. Fruit : Orchards : Vineyards. ALLEN, W. J. Pruning, grafting, and budding: [plates], pp. 18, 8vo. Syd., 1897. Pam., v. 108, no. 2005. BAILEY, FREDERICK MANSON. A half-century of notes for the guidance of amateur fruit-growers ; appended, a compre- hensive list of the fruit bearing plants introduced into Queens- land, pp. 32, 8vo. Brisb., 1895. Pam., v. 174, no. 3334- BEAR, J. W. The coming industry of Victoria; viticulture. 8vo. Melb., 1894. Pain., v. 185, no. 3600 BERNAYS, LEWIS ADOLPHUS. The olive and its products. 8vo. Brisb., 1872. BLEASDALE, Rev. JOHN IGNATIUS. Essay on the wines sent to the late intercolonial exhibition by the colonies of Victoria, New South Wales, and South Australia, [&c.]. pp. 35, 8vo. Melb., 1876. Pam., v. 14, no. 294. Same: another copy. Pam., v. 54, no. 891. FRUITS : VINES. 401 BLUNNO, Michele. Manuring vineyards, -pp 10, 8vo. Syd., 1898. Pam., v. 108, no. 2009. Notes on wine making, pp. 13, 8vo. Syd., 1897. Pam., v. 174, no. 3340. Pruning the vine: [plates], pp. 12, 8vo. Syd., 1897. Pam., v. 108, no. 2011. Report on the Murray and Hunter river vine districts, pp. 6, 8vo. Syd., 1897. Pam., v. 174, no. 3339. Summer pruning of the vine: [figuies]. pp. 7, 8vo. Syd.. 1897. Pam., v. 108, no. 2010. BRAGATO, R. Hints on grafting vines : [figures], pp. 8, 8vo. Melb., 1895. Pam., v. 174, no. 3335. BUSBY, JAMES. Journal of a tour through some of. the vine- yards of Spain and France. 8vo. Syd., 1833. Manual of plain directions for planting and cultivating vine- yards and for making wine in New South Wales. 8vo. Syd., 1830. Treatise on the culture of the vine, and the art of making wine. 8vo. [Syd.], 1825. CASTELLA, HUBERT DE. John Bull's vineyard ; Australian sketches. 8vo. Melb., 1886. Notes d'un vigneron Australien. pp. 87, 8vo. Melb., 1882. COUESLANT, F., Disease of the vine; or, oidium tuckeri and its remedy, pp. 15, 8vo. Melb., 1876. Pam., v. 58, no. 951. COUSLANDT, F. Where, when, and how to plant the vine. pp. 20, 8vo. Mooroopna, 1883. Pam., v. 14, no. 295. DESPEISSIS, A. Handbook of horticulture and viticulture of Western Australia. 8vo. Perth., 1895. DESPEISSIS, J. A. The vineyard and the cellar : [plate and illust.]. pp. 86, 8vo. Syd., 1894. Pam., v. 14, no. 297. DUBOIS, RAYMOND. Report for the year 1900 ["on the viticultural station, Rutherglen : illust. and maps]. pp. 46, 8vo. Melb., 1900. Pam., v. 130, no. 21516. DUBOTS, RAYMOND, and WILKINSON, WILLIAM PERCY, com- pilers. Trenching and subsoiling for American vines : [plates]. 8vo. Melb., 1901. EXPOSITION internationale des vins, Bordeaux, 1882. Colonie de Victoria, Australie. pp. 12, 8vo. Bordeaux, 1882. Pam., v. i so, no. 2908. FRUITGROWERS, Proceedings of conference of Australasian, held in Parliament buildings, Wellington, N.Z., May, 1896. 8vo. Well.. 1896. FRUITGROWERS' conference held at Hobart. 1890: Report. pp. 22, 8vo. Hobart, 1890. Pam.. v. 84. no. 1517, TRUITGROWERS' union, New South Wales. Report of the fruitgrowers' conference held in the Town hall, Sydney, March, 1889. pp. 65, 8vo. Parramatta. 1890. Pam., v. 52, no. 875. 102 FEUITS : VINES. GAYOX, U. Studies on wine-sterilizing machine? : tr. by Raymond" Dubois and W. Percy Wilkinson : [illust.]. 8vo. Melb., 1901. P.un., v. 174, no. 3338. GRASBY, WILLIAM CALTON. Coonawarra fruit colony and Vallum estate, near Penola, South Australia : [map and illust.]. pp. 36, 8vo. Adel., 1899. Pain., v. 130, no. 2503. GREIG, W. Coco-nut industry of Trinidad, pp. 6, 8vo. Melb., 1906. Pam., v. 150, no. 2905. GUYOT, JULES. Culture of the vine and wine making : tr. by L. Marie. 8vo. Melb., 1865. HARDY, THOMAS. A vigneron abroad; trip to South Africa. pp. 33, sm. 8vo. Adel., 1899. Pam., v. 150, no. 2907. IRVINE, HANS WILLIAM HENRY. Report on the Australian wine trade. pp. 35, 8vo. Melb., n.d. Pam., v. 174, no. 3337. KELLY, ALEXANDER C. The vine in Australia. 8vo. Melb., 1861. Wine-growing in Australia, and the teachings of modern writers on vine-culture and wine-making. 8vo. Adel., 1867. KING, JAMES. Australia may be an extensive wine-growing coun- try, pp. 16, 8vo. Edinb., 1857. Pam., v. 108, no. 2007. MAC ARTHUR, Sir WILLIAM. Letters on the culture of the vine, fermentation, and the management of wine in the cellar. i2mo. Syd., 1844. MAI ; DEN, JOSEPH HENRY. The olive and olive oil ; being notes on the culture of the tree and extraction of the oil as carried out in South Australia and the continent of Europe, pp. 25. 8vo. Syd., 1887. Pam., v. 174, no. 3341. MAZADE, MARCEL. First steps in ampelography : tr. by R. Dubois and W. P. Wilkinson, pp. 95, 8vo. Melb., 1900. Same: another copy. Pam., v. 14, no. 296. MITCHELL, Sir THOMAS LIVINGSTONE, lieut.-col. Notes on the cultivation of the vine and the olive, and on the methods of making wine and oil, &c., in the southern parts of Spain : [illust.]. pp. 38, 4to. Syd., 1849. MOONEN, LEO. Australian wines, pp. 20, 8vo. Melb., 1883. Pam., v. 174, no. 3336. PLANCHON, JULES EMILE. Papers on phylloxera in Europe and America and vine-culture and wine-making in the United States: tr. by Amelia Homersham. pp. 52, 8vo. Adel., 1877. Pam., v. 108, no. 2008. QUINN, GEORGE. Pruning of fruit trees; practical hints: [illust.]. 2nd ed., 8vo. Adel., 1901. ROOS, L. Wine-making in hot climates : tr. by Raymond Dubois and W. Percy Wilkinson. 8vo. Melb., 1900. SUTHERLAND, GEORGE. South Australian vinegrower's manual; a practical guide to the art of viticulture in South Australia. 8vo. Adel., 1892. FORESTRY. 403 SUITOR, GEORGE. Culture of the grape-vine and the orange in Australia and New Zealand. 8vo. Lond., 1843. WALCH, GARNET, compiler. A glass of champagne; the story of the king of wines. pp. 47, 8vo. Melb., 1885. Pam., v. 185, no. 3599. WARD, EBENEZER. The vineyards and orchards of South Aus- tralia, pp. 78, 8vo. Adel., 1862. Pam., v. 14, no. 293. WILKINSON, WILLIAM PERCY. Alcoholic strength of Victorian wines, pp. 16, 8vo., n.p., n.d. Pam., v. 130, no. 2515. 634.9. Forestry. ABBOTT, WILLIAM EDWARD. Ringbarking and its effects. pp. 6, 8vo. Syd., 1880. Pam., v. 129, no. 2499. BROWN, JOHN EDNIE. Practical treatise on tree culture in South Australia: illust. [2nd ed.]. 8vo. Adel., 1881. The tree; what it is, how to plant and tend it. pp. 10, 8vo. Syd., 1891. Pam., v. 129, no. 2496. COOPER, ELLWOOD. Forest culture and eucalyptus trees : [illust.]. i2mo. San Francisco, 1876. Much of this work is taken from Baron von Muellers works. HULL, HUGH MUNRO. Economic value of the forests of Tas- mania, pp. 8, 8vo. Lond., 1874. Pam., v. 84, no. 1507. MAIDEN, JOSEPH HENRY. Wattles and wattle-barks; being hints on the conservation and cultivation of wattles : illust. pp. 79, 2nd ed., 8vo. Syd., 1891. Same: another copy. Pam., v. 26, no. 450. Same: 3rd ed., 8vo. Syd., 1906. Pam., v. 174, no. 3343. MOLINEUX, A. Forest culture in South Australia. 410. Adel., [1886]. MUELLER, Baron Sir FERDINAND VON. Forest culture in its re- lation to industrial pursuits, pp. 52, 8vo. Melb., 1871. Pam.j v. 129, no. 2497. Principal timber trees readily eligible for Victorian industrial culture, pp. 30, 8vo. Melb. [1871]. Pam., v. 129, no. 2493. NILSON, AVID. Timber trees of New South Wales. 8vo. Syd., 1884. RODWAV, L. Forestry for Tasmania, pp. 5, 8vo. [Hobart], 1899. Pam., v. 84, no. 1508. TARGET, C. B. On the advantages of forest conservation, pp. 7, 8vo., n.p., n.d. Pam., v. 174, no. 3342. VICTORIA: Wattle bark board of inquiry. Report, together with a statement showing the profit to be derived from the systematic cultivation of wattles. pp. 27, 8vo. Melb [1878]. Pam., v. 129, no. 2500. 4H4 FLOWER AND KITCHEN GARDEN. WESTERN AUSTRALIA : Government. General information respecting the present condition of the forests and timber trade of the southern parts of the colony ; together with a report on the forest resources of the colony by Baron Ferd. von Mueller: [2 maps and 2 illust.]. pp. 27, 410. Perth, 1882. 635. Flower garden : Kitchen garden. ADAMSON, WILLIAM. Australian gardener: nth ed., by W. Elliott. 8vo. Melb., 1884. AUSTRALIAN horticultural magazine and garden guide : ed. by D. A. Crichton. v. 1-2, 2 v. in i, 8vo. Melb., 1877-78. BROWNE, Mrs. T. A. " Mrs. Rolf Boldrewood." The flower garden in Australia; a book for ladies and amateurs. 8vo. MeJb., 1893. BUNCE, DANIEL. Australian manual of horticulture. 2nd ed., i2mo. Melb., 1850. Manual of practical gardening adapted to the climate of Van Diemen's Land. 121110. Hobart Town, 1838. CAMPBELL, Rev. ALEXANDER JAMES. Among the flowers, pp. 19, 8vo. Melb., 1873. Pam., v. 127, no. 2430. CL ARSON, WILLIAM. The flower garden and shrubbery. i2mo. Melb., 1885. COLE, T. C. Gardening in Victoria. 8vo. Melb., 1860. DICKINSON, JAMES. The wreath; a gardener's manual ar- ranged for the climate of Tasmania : ed. by John Morgan. 8vo. Hobart Town, 1855. ETABLISSEMENTS Frangais de 1'Oceanie. Essais d'horti- culture faits a Taiti de 1847 au 1849. pp. 28, 8vo., n.p. t n.d. Pam., v. 156, no. 2995. HALSTED, JOHN. Notes on gardening and elementary agricul- ture; a text-book suitable for schools: [illust.]. 8vo. Syd., 1910. HORTICULTURAL improvement association of the western dis- trict [Victoria]. Transactions, including the papers read, and extract of proceedings during the year 1861 : ed. by S. Hannaford. pp. 75, 8vo. Geelong, 1862. Pam., v. 130, no. 2501. JAMES, H. A. Practical horticulture for Australian readers. 8vo. Syd., 1890. LAWLESS, Hon. EMILY. Garden diary, September, i899-Sep- tember, 1900. 8vo. Lond., 1901. LOCKLEY, JOHN G. Rose growing made easy : [illust.]. 8vo. Syd. [1907]. McEWIN, GEORGE. South Australian vigneron and gardener's manual. i2mo. Adel., 1843. SHEPHERD, THOMAS. Lectures on landscape gardening in Aus- tralia, pp. 95, 8vo. Syd., 1836. TUCKETT, Mrs. ARTHUR. A year in my garden : [illust.]. 8vo. Melb., 1905. DOMESTIC ANIMALS. 405- TURNER, FRED., ed. Anderson's manual of the flower garden- and shrubbery ; a scientific and practical treatise on the cul- tivation of trees, shrubs, flowering and foliage plants: [illust.]. 8vo. Syd. [1907]. Anderson's manual of the vegetable garden and orchard ; a practical treatise on the cultivation of vegetables, fruit trees,, and fruit-bearing plants. 8vo. Syd. [1907]. WRIGHT, T. Queensland horticulturist and gardener's guide; also, hints to new-comers by Price Fletcher. 8vo. Brisb., 1886. 636. Domestic animals. AUSTRALASIAN pastoralists' review. Anthrax and inoculation. pp. 12, 8vo. Melb., 1899. Pam., v. 174, no. 3345. BRUCE, ALEXANDER. The points of stock and their relative values; the advantages of the point system of judging, pp. 53, 8vo. Syd., 1891. Para., v. 15, no. 307. Report on the infectious and contagious diseases in stock pre- vailing in Europe ; with directions for inoculation for pleuro- pneumonia. pp. 40, 8vo. Syd., 1874. Pam., v. 174, no. 3346. HAMLET, WILLIAM M. Anthrax in Australia, with some account of Pasteur's method of vaccination demonstrated at Junee,. N.S.W. pp. 15, 8vo. Melb., n.d. Pam., v. 130, no. 2519. HOLDER, Sir FREDERICK WILLIAM. Our pastoral industry, pp. 62, 8vo. Adel., 1892. Pam., v. 84, no. 1515. LOIR, ADRIEN. Pasteur's vaccine of anthrax in Australia as a preventative against Cumberland disease in sheep, cattle, and horses, pp. 10. 8vo. Syd. [1888]. Pam., v. 174, no. 3344. ROYAL agricultural society of Western Australia. Perth royal annual ; live stock of Western Australia : [illust.]. 8vo. Perth, 1907. WRIGHT, W. T. Live stock annual of Australia, 1905 : [illust.]. 8vo. Melb., 1905. 636.1. Horses. AUSTRALIAN" stud book, containing pedigrees of racehorses, &c. : compiled by W. C. Yuille. v. 1-9, 8vo. Melb., 1878-1909. BOUCAUT, Sir JAMES PENN. The Arab, the horse of the future: pref. by Sir Walter Gilbey : [illust.]. 8vo. Lond., 1905. CURR, EDWARD MICKLETHWAITE. Pure saddle-horses, and how to breed them in Australia. 8vo. Melb., 1863. LACKEY, Sir JOHN. History of horses and horse-breeding in- New South Wales, pp. 29, 8vo. Syd., 1873. Pam., v. 150, no. 2912. NEW ZEALAND stud book, containing the pedigrees of race- horses, v. j, 3-9: v. i, 3-5, compiled and ed. by Charles Elliott : v. 6-9, by George Elliott. 8 v., 8vo., v.p., 1862-90. 406 DOMESTIC ANIMALS. PRICE, RICHARD ATKINSON. Army remounts : papers on the sub- ject of the export trade in army remounts, reports on breed- ing, sale, and adaptability of New South Wales for such pur- poses: [illust.]. pp. 22, 8vo. Syd., 1901. Pam., v. 130. no. 2517. RYAN, J. S. The horse in Australia : [illust.]. pp. 32, 8vo. Syd., n.d. Pam., v. 130, no. 2518. STUD book of New South Wales, v. i, compiled and t-d. 1>\ I- . 15. Price, v. 2, compiled and ed. by H. P. Mostyn. 2 v. in i, 8vo. Syd., 1859-68. VICTORIAN stud book, containing pedigrees of race-horses, &c., from the earliest accounts to the year 1874: compiled by William Yuille, jun. : [illust.]. v. 3 and 4. 2 v., 8vo. Melb., 1871-75. 636.2. Cattle. AUSTRALASIAN Jersey herd book. v. i, 8vo. Syd., 1901. AYRSHIRE herd book society of Australasia. Ayrshire herd book of Australasia, containing pedigrees of tmlls, cows, and heifers of the Ayrshire breed, v. i, 8vo. Melb., 1892. -GIBSON, RICHARD, AND Co. Brunswick herd; catalogue of pure shorthorn cattle bred by Samuel Gardiner, to be sold ;.t Heidelberg, 8th Jan., 1878: [illust.]. 8vo. Melb., 1877. Catalogue of pure shorthorn and Hereford cattle bred at Colac by Messrs. Robertson Bros., to be sold at Colac, 4th Jan., 1878: [illust.]. 8vo. Melb., 1877. Priced catalogue of pure shorthorns and Hereford cattle bred at Colac by Messrs. Robertson Bros., sold at Colac, 7th Jan., 1876: [illust.]. 8vo. Melb., 1876. CIBSON, RICHARD, AND Co., and POWERS, RUTHERFORD AND Co. Catalogue of the pure stud herd of shorthorns the property of C. B. Fisher, to be sold at Woodlands estate, 4th November, 1878 : [illust.]. 8vo. Melb., 1878. JOBSON, DAVID WEMYSS. Essay on pleuro-pneumonia, its symptoms and treatment, pp. 71, 8vo. Melb., n.d. Pam., v. 174, no. 3348. NEW SOUTH WALES herd book, containing the pedigrees of improved Durham, Hereford, and Devon cattle: ed. by M. Lowe. 2 v., 8vo. Syd., 1873-76. VICTORIAN herd book of 1870-1875 : ed. by Robert McDougall. 8vo. Melb., 1875. 636.3. Sheep: Goats. BARTLEY, THEODORE B. The Tasmanian scab acts and the chief inspector of sheep, pp. 30, 8vo. Launceston, 1875. Pam., v. 84, no. 1514. BEAN, C. E. W. On the wool track: illust. 8vo. Lond., 1910. BLACKLOCK, AMBROSE. Treatise on sheep ; with the best means for their improvement, general management, and the treat- ment of their diseases. i2mo. Lond., 1841. DOMESTIC ANIMALS. 407 BROWN, GEORGE A., " Bruni." Sheep breeding in Australia, con- taining an historical sketch of the merino sheep, the pedigrees- of the principal stud flocks of Australia, a treatise on breed- ing, &c. 2nd ed., 8vo. Melb., 1890. BRUCE, ALEXANDER. Scab in sheep and its cure. 3rd ed. pp. 32, 8vo. Syd., 1867. Pam., v. 15, no. 304. The treatment of sheep for worms : [plates]. pp. g, 8vo.. Syd., 1891. Pam., v. 174, no. 3350. BURFITT, CHARLES T. History of the founding of the wool in- dustry of Australia, sm. 8vo. Syd., 1907. CURR, EDWARD MICKLETHWAITE. Essay on scab in sheep, -pp.. 36, 8vo. Hobart Town, 1870. Pam., v. 174, no. 3349- FARRER, WILLIAM. Grass and sheep farming; a paper, specu- lative and suggestive, pp. 88, 8vo. Syd., 1873. Pam., v. 15, no. 300. Same: another copy. Pam., v. 45, no. 763. FISON, E. HERBERT. Flocks and fleeces; being a concise history of the sheep and its wool in all countries, with a special chapter on the frozen mutton industry : [illust.]. pp. 94,. 8vo. Lond., 1894. Pam., v. 109, no. 2025. GRAHAM, JOHN RYRIE. Treatise on the Australian merino. 8vo. Melb., 1870. L., W. R. Our wool staple; or, a history of squatting in South Australia, pp. 44, 8vo. Adel., 1865. Pam., v. 130, no. 2520. McIVOR, CLARENCE. History and development of sheep farming from antiquity to modern times : [illust.]. 8vo. Syd., 1893. Contents. i. Account of its first introduction to civilised coun- tries. ii. The great merino stud flocks of Australasia. iii. British long and short wool breeds. MERCURY newspaper, Hobart. The fluke, what it is, why it is, how to get rid of it. pp. 15, 8vo. [Hobart Town, 1868]. Pam.. v. 109, no. 2020. MITCHELL, GRAHAM. Cumberland disease, the so-called " new disease " in Australian sheep. 8vo. Melb., 1877. RILEY, WILLIAM E. Introduction of the Cachemere- Angora and Angora goat into New South Wales and Van Diemen's Land pp. 48, 8vo. Lond., 1832. Pam., v. 150, no. 2911. SCHMIDT, J. S. HERMANN. Wool growing and merino breeding: illust. pp. 44, 8vo. Brisb. [1882]. SHAW, THOMAS. Practical treatise on sheep farming. pp. 27, 8vo. Syd., 1860. Pam., v. 15, no. 301. WESTERN, CHARLES CALLIS, baron. Letter on the management of his flock of merino sheep, addressed to James Bischoff r [illust.]. pp. 16, 8vo. Lond., 1842. Pam., v. 130, no. 2521. Letter to Earl Spencer [on a new breed of sheepl pp. 12. 8vo Kelvedon, 1838. Pam., v. 130, ti<\ 25-jiA. 408 DOMESTIC ANIMALS : DAIRYING. WILSON, Sir SAMUEL. The Angora goat, with an account of its introduction into Victoria, pp. 61, 8vo Melb., 1873. YOU ATT, WILLIAM. Sheep; their breeds, management, and diseases : illust. 8vo. Lond. [1837]. 636.5. Poultry. BRADSHAW, GEORGE. Farmers' fowls: [illust.]. 8vo. Syd., 1907. Profitable poultry breeding for the local and English markets. pp. 44, 8vo. Syd., 1897. Pam., v. 15, no. 309. FORSCUTT, H. How to develop Victoria's crippled and un- developed poultry industry. pp. 8, 8vo. [Melb.], n.d. Pam., v. 150, no. 2910. HARRIS, H. R. The poultry book of Australasia: [illust.]. sm. 8vo. Syd. [1909]. 636.6. Birds. ROGERS, JAMES. Pigeon-keeper's guide; a complete directory for the proper treatment and management of fancy and other pigeons: [illust.]. 3rd ed. pp. 50, i2mo. Lond., n.d. Pam., v. 60, no. 981. 636.7. Dogs. BEILBY, WALTER. The dog in Australasia: [illust.]. 8vo. Melb., 1897. 636.9. Other Animals. BENBOW, C. A. The eland for western district of New South Wales and central Australia: [plate], pp. 22, 8vo. Syd., 1901. Pam., v. 109, no. 2026. LEDGER, GEORGE. The alpaca; its introduction into Australia, and the probability of its acclimatisation there, pp. 35, 8vo. Melb., 1861. Pam., v. 15, no. 306. 637. Dairying. DOWL1NG, JAMES P. Dairying in Australia : [map and illust. \ pp. 64, 8vo. Syd., 1888. Pam., v. 45, no. 762. LOWE, SAMUEL. The dairy industry in the colonies, pp. 22, 8vo. Lond., 1897. Pam., v. 174, no. 3351. NEW SOUTH WALES '.Agriculture department. Report of the proceedings of the dairy conference, Hawkesbury agri- cultural college, Richmond, 1897. 8vo. Syd., 1897. Pam., v. 174, no. 3352. DAIRYING : BEES, ETC. O'CALLAGHAX, MICHAEL ANGELO. Testing milk and cream, with milk and cream charts for dairy factories and fanners. pp. 84, 2nd ed., 8vo. Syd., 1907. THOMSON, GEORGE SUTHERLAND. The dairying industry: part i, The milk and cream supply city, farm, and factory : [illust.]. 8vo. Brisb., 1907. VICTORIA : Agriculture department. Report on dairying and the export trade, season 1907-8, by R. Crowe : [illust. and map.] pp. 47, 8vo. Melb , 1909. Pam.j v. 150, no. 2909. 638. Bees: Silkworms. BRADY, CHARLES. The Ailant silkworm; observations on its habits, management, food, and value. pp. 35, 8vo. Syd. r 1868. Pam., v. 15, no. 302. Silk. pp. 25, 8vo. [Syd., 1870.] Pam.. v. 174, no. 3353. CAMPBELL, WALTER SCOTT. Report on silk culture; its general history and productiveness, with its acclimatisation in Aus- tralia. pp. 67, 8vo. Syd., 1893. Pam., v. 15, no. 311. FEDERLI, G. B.~ Silkworm rearing: [plates], pp. 7, 8vo. Christ- church, 1883. Pam., v. 174, no. 3354. HOPKINS, ISAAC. Illustrated Australasian bee manual, and com- plete guide to modern bee culture in the southern hemisphere ; with which is incorporated the New Zealand bee manual. 4th ed., i2mo. Auckland, n.d. HOPKINS, ISAAC, ed. New Zealand and Australian bee journal, v. i, July, 1883, to June, 1884. 4to. Auckland. NEW SOUTH WALES '.Government. Correspondence relating to cultivation of silk. pp. 50, 8vo. Syd., 1870. Pam., v. 185, no. 3601. PETERSON, PETER O. The hive and the honey bee. pp. 24,. 8vo. Melb., 1878. Pam., v. 15, no. 298. 639. Fish: Oysters. CALDER, JAMES ERSKINE. Oyster culture; a compilation of facts. pp. 30, 8vo. Hpbart Town, 1868. Pam., v. 174, no. 3355. COHEN, PHILIP. The marine fish and fisheries of New South Wales, past and present, in their commercial aspect : [chart]. pp. 30, 8vo. Syd., 1892. Pam., v. 15, no. 308. JOHNSTON, ROBERT MACKENZIE. Notes on the development of the fishing industries of Tasmania, pp. 6, 8vo. Launceston r n.d. Pam., v. 84, no. 1518. Further observations upon the fishes and fishing industries of Tasmania, with a revised list of indigenous species, pp. 25, 8vo. [Hobart], 1890. Pam., v. 84, no. 1519. NICOLS, ARTHUR. Acclimatisation of the salmonidae at the anti- podes, its history and results. 8vo. Land., 1882 410 DOMESTIC ECONOMY. OGILBY, J. DOUGLAS. The fish industry. pp. 9, 8vo. Syd., 1896. Pam., v. 174, no. 3357. .SEAGER, PHILIP SAMUEL. Concise history of the acclimatisation of the salmonidae in Tasmania, pp. 26, 8vo. n.p. t n.d. Pam., v. 174, no. 3356. WHITELEGGE, THOMAS. Report on the \vorm disease affecting the oysters on the/ coast of New South Wales : [plates], pp. 15, 8vo. Syd., 1890. Pam., v. 174, no. 3358. WILSON, Sir SAMUEL. Salmon at the antipodes ; l>eing an ac- count of the successful introduction of salmon and trout into Australian waters. 8vo. Lond., 1879. WOODS, Rev. JULIAN EDMUND TENISON. Fish and fisheries of New South Wales: [illust.]. 8vo. Syd., 1882. 640. Domestic Economy. 'EVERYTHING a lady should know ; a book of every-day require- ments, comprising 1,100 useful recipes. i2th ed., 8vo. Syd., [1909]. RANKIN, HANNAH. Handbook of domestic economy specially adapted for use in Australia : [appended], The early rearing and handling of children, by Hannah McLeod. 8vo. Syd., [1907]. WILKINSON AND Co. LTD. "Ye-gide"; useful everydai hintes for ye horn. pp. 98, 8vo. Adel., 1907. Pam., v. 130, no. 2522. 641. Cookery. AUBURN Methodist Church : Methodist ladies' guild. 600 tested recipes. 8vo. Melb., 1906. Same: 2nd ed., 8vo. Melb., 1907. H., E. F. L., compiler. The "staff of life"; a short history of milling; some hints on bread-making, [&c.]. pp. 59, 8vo. Adel., 1883. Pam., v. 185, no. 3602. HOLY Trim'ty church, Port Melbourne. Ladies' working guild. Guild cookery book. -pp. 88, 8vo. Melb., 1909. SCHAUER, Miss A., and SCHAUER, Miss M. The Schauer cookery book. 8vo. Brisb., 1909. SMITH, H. NORA CURLE. Thermo-electrical cooking made easy; proved recipes for guidance in the use of the " Rational '' electric cooking stove. pp. 60, 8vo. Kalgoorlie, 1907. WOMEN'S missionary union, Queensland. Cookery book of ever 588 tried recipes. 8vo. Brisb., 1908. 649. Children. TAYLOR, ALFRED JOSEPH. Advice gratis; being friendly hints to parents touching the training and education of their children, and a few words on the subject of courtship and marriage. pp. 20, 8vo. Hobart.. 1885. Pam., v. 84, no. 1490. COMMERCE : TRANSPORT. 4ir 650. Commerce. HOLME, ERNEST RUDOLPH. Aspects of commercial education in Europe : being a report to the . . . University of Sydney. 8vo. Syd., 1906. JOURNAL of commerce of Victoria; a weekly record of trade and shipping intelligence, 31 March, 1855, to 27 December, 1856. 2 v., 4to. Melb. 652. Cipher: Telegraph codes. GREAT BRITAIN : Foreign office. Lexicon for secret corre- spondence, pp. 77, fscp. fo. Lond., 1812. THUE, W. CLAUSON. A. B.C. universal commercial electric tele- graphic code. 5th ed., 8vo. Lond., 1901. 653. Shorthand. AUSTRALASIAN phonographic news, 1861-63, 3 v. in i, 8vo.. Melb. 654. Telegraphy. MAZZOTTO, DOMENICO. Wireless telegraphy and telephony; tr. from the Italian by S. R. Bottone : illust. 8vo. Lond.,- 1906. PIERCE, George Washington. Principles of wireless telegraphy: illust. and ed., 8vo. N.Y., 1910. ROBISON, S. S. Manual of wireless telegraphy for the use of naval electricians : [illust.]. 8vo. Wash., 1906. 654.9. Signals. UNITED STATES -.Hydro graphic office. International code of signals: American ed. 8vo. Wash., 1907. Same: another ed,. 8vo. Wash., 1909. 655. Printing. GRAPHIC arts and crafts year book, 1908 ; the American annual' review of the engraving, printing, and allied industries : ed. by Joseph Meaden. 4to. Ohio, [1908]. 655.5. Publishing. Bookselling. MUMBY, FRANK A. The romance of book selling; a history from the earliest times to the twentieth century ; bibliography by W. H. Peet : [portrs. and illust.] . 8vo. Lond., 1910. 656. Transport : Rail, River, and Ocean. GORDON, DAVID J. The "Nile" of Australia; nature's gate- way to the interior: a plea for the greater utilization of the Murray and its tributaries: [illust.]. pp. 74, 8vo. Adel.,. 1906. JOHNSON, EMORY RICHARD. Ocean and inland water transporta- tion. 8vo. N.Y., 1906. 412 TRANSPORT: NAVIGATION. MARINE underwriters' association of Victoria, limited. Register of Australian and New Zealand shipping, including shipping registered at Fiji, 1905/1906 to date. obi. 8vo. Melb., 1905 to date. PERRY, CHARLES JAMES CLOWES. Brief treatise on collisions at sea and shipwrecks : diagrams, pp. 70, 8vo. MHb., 1860. REES, VV. COLLINS. Mercantile navy list of Victoria, 1868, 1870, 1876. 3v., 8vo. Melb. SHILLINGLAW, JOHN JOSEPH. Australian shipmaster's guide; a handbook of mercantile and maritime information relating to merchant ships and seamen in Victoria. 8vo. Melb., 1858. WELLBANK'S nautical almanac for Australia. 1880, 1885. -2 v., 8vo. Syd., YEAR-BOOK of Australia. Railways of Australia and Tasmania: [map], pp. 47, 8vo. Melb., '1888. Pam., v. 109, no. 2035. 656.1. Sailing directions : Navigation : Lights. .AUSTRALIA directory, v. i. Directions for the southern shores of Australia from Cape Leeuwin to Port Stephens, including Bass' strait and Van Diemen's Land. 8vo. Lond., 1830. BOWDITCH, NATHANIEL. The American practical navigator ; being an epitome of navigation and nautical astronomy, la. 8vo. Wash., 1906. 'GREAT BRITAIN : Admiralty. Australia directory : v. i : South and south-east coasts from Cape Leeuwin to Port Jackson, including Bass' strait and Tasmania. loth ed., 8vo. Lond., 1907. See also Australia directory above. Same : v. 2 ; East coast from Port Jackson to Cape York, Torres strait and approaches, the Coral sea, and part of the Gulf of Carpentaria. 6th ed., 8vo. Lond., 1907. Same: v. 3 ; North, north-west, and west coasts from Torres strait to Cape Leeuwin. 4th ed., 8vo. Lond., 1905. List of lights ; pt. 6, South Africa, East Indies, China, Japan, Australia, Tasmania, and New Zealand, 1905. Rvo. Lond., 1905. Same: another ed. 8vo. Lond., 1909. New Zealand pilot: revised supplement to /th ed., 1901. pp. 89, 8vo. Lond., 1906. KING, PHILIP PARKER, rear-admiral. Directions for the inner route from Sydney to Torres strait. pp. is. 8vo. Lond., 1847. Pam., v. 9, no. 212. KING, PHILIP PARKER, rear -admiral, and BLACKWOOD, F. P., captain. Directions for the inner and outer route from Sydnev to Torres strait, pp. 31, 8vo. Lond., 1849. Pam., v. 185, no. 3603. ^UNITED STATES -.Navy department: Hydrograpliic oftce. Asiatic pilot. '8vo. Wash., 1910. v. 2. The Japan Islands, 1910. v. 3. Coast of China, Yalu river to Hongkong with Formosa. BUSINESS. 413 656.2. Ships' logs. LADY DENISON, ship. Log book of the proceedings on board the brig Lady Denison from Sydney to Launceston, Adelaide, and Swan River, commanded by Captain McKinlay, April 19, 1861, to Jan. 17, 1862. 4to. MS. n.t.p. SIR WILLIAM WALLACE, ship. Log of the brig Sir Wm. Wal- lace, William Cracknel 1, commander, on a whaling voyage from Hobart Town, April i, 1850, to Nov. i, 1850. 410. M.S., n.t.p. ZEEWYK, ship. Typewritten copy of Journal or daily register, 'kept in the [Dutch East India] company's ship " Zeewyk." commanded by skipper Jan Steyns, going with the company's ship " Barbersteyn " : kept by Adriaen van der Graeffj second mate. [Nov. 1726 to April 1728.] fscp fo. The " Zeewyk " was wrecked on the Abrolhos o(T the coast of Western Australia in June, 1727. This log was translated from the original at the Hague. 658. Business : Methods : Tables. BUSINESS; a monthly magazine for the business man. v. i, March, ipos-February, 1906. 8vo. Syd. COOMBS and company, limited. Coombs' commercial articles [1909] on legal subjects of mercantile interest as they ap- peared in Coombs' Trade circular : written up by Austin Baker. 8vo. Melb., n.d. Same: [1910]. 8vo. Melb., n.d. HUNTER, CHRISTOPHER. Guide for merchants, storekeepers, branch proprietors, and general distributors. pp. 31, 4to. Melb., 1906. JORDAN, H. R. H. Jordan's grain calculator; a ready reckoner for use in the sale or purchase of grain, ismo. Syd., [1906]. KIRKBRIDE, F. B., and STERRETT, J. E. S. The modern trust company; its functions and organization 8vo. N.V., 1905. RANDOM recollections of a commercial traveller: illust. Svo. Lond., 1909. VEBLEN, THORSTEIN. Theory of business enterprise. 8vo. N'.Y , 1904. 660. Chemical Technology. 662.8. Artificial fuel. BRACHVOGEL, JOHN K. Industrial alcohol, its manufacture and uses; a practical treatise based on Dr. Max Maercker's " In- troduction to distillation," with special chapters by C. J. Thatcher. Svo. N.Y., 1907. WRIGHT, F. B. Practical handbook on the distillation of alcohol from farm products, and the de-naturing of alcohol. 8vo. N.Y., 1906. 414 FOODS, ETC. 663. Beverages. WILKINSON, WILLIAM PERCY, translator. The estimation of fusel- oil in spirits : official method of the German government, pp. 8, 8vo. Syd., 1898. Pam., v. 175, no. 3359. 664. Foods. 664.1. Sugar. COLSON, LEON. Culture et Industrie de la canne a sucre aux Iles- Hawai et a la R6union ; 2me e"d., avec pre'f. de Louis Brunet : [illust.]. 8vo. Paris, 1905. (Bibliotheque d'agriculture coloniale.) DEERR, NOEL. Cane sugar; a text-book of the sugar cane, the manufacture of cane sugar, and the analysis of sugar house products ; with a chapter on the fermentation of molasses : [illust.]. 8vo. Manch., 1911. Sugar and sugar-cane; an elementary treatise on the agriculture of the sugar-cane and on the manufacture of cane sugar : [illust.]. 8vo. Manch., 1906. GEERLIGS, H. C. PRINSEN. Cane sugar and its manufacture. la. 8vo. Manch., 1909. JONES, LLEWELLYN, and SCARD, FREDERIC I. The manufacture of cane sugar : illust. 8vo. Lond., 1909. NEWLANDS, JOHN A. R., and NEWLANDS, B. E. R. Sugar; a handbook for planters and refiners : [illust.]. 8vo. Lond.,. 1909. SURFACE, GEORGE THOMAS. The story of sugar : illust. 8vo. N.Y., 1910. 664.9. Preservation of meat and fish. DANNEVIG, HARALD C. Some of the Scottish methods of smoking fish: [illust.]. -pp. ii, 8vo. Syd., 1903. Pam., v. 175, no. 3360. 665.5. Petroleum : Kerosene. REDWOOD, Sir BOVERTON. Petroleum; a treatise on the geo- graphical distribution and geological occurrence of petroleum and natural gas ; the physical and chemical properties, pro- duction, and refining of petroleum and ozokerite ; the char- acters and uses, testing, transport, and storage of petroleum products ; and the legislative enactments relating thereto ; with a description of the shale oil and allied industries, and a full bibliography: maps, plates, and illust. 2nd eel., 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1906. 666. Ceramics. GRAHAM, Rev. JOHN MALCOLM ALEXANDER. Cup and saucer land;, being a simple descriptive account of the present day methods- of earthenware productions : illust. 4to. Lond., [1908]. Se.g also Class 738. Pottery : Porcelain METALLURGY. 415 669. Metallurgy and Assaying. BLACK, JAMES G. Chemistry for the gold fields ; including lectures on the nonmetallic elements, metallurgy, and the testing and assaying of metals, &c. 8vo. Dunedin, 1885. BROWNE, THOMAS FREDERIC DE COURCY. Manual of minerals, ores, and gems commonly found in Australia ; how to dis- tinguish, test, and assay, and calculate their value : [diagrams]. 3rd ed., p-p. 49, 8vo. Syd., 1887. Pam., v. 107, no. 1967. CAMPBELL, JOSEPH. Simple tests for minerals; or, every man his own analyst. [4th ed.], i2mo. Syd., 1898. DIXON'S patent for the extraction of gold, silver, and copper from pyrites or sulphides : [figures], -p-p. 7, 8vo. Syd., 1877. Pam., v. 128, no. 2467. INCORPORATED institute of analysts, assayers, and metallurgists. Annual report and presidential address [on] advances in chemi- cal knowledge, by A. H. Jackson, pp. 8, 8vo. Melb., 1905. Pam., v. 175, no. 3362. [Origin and formation, memorandum of association, rules and regulations], pp. 27, 8vo. Melb., 1903. Pam., v. 175, no. 3361. THOMSON, ALEXANDER M. Guide to mineral explorers in dis- tinguishing minerals, ores, and gems : [diagrams]. pp. 55, iv., 8vo. Hobart, 1882. Pam., v. 107, no. 1974. 669.1. Iron and Stesl. KRAUSE, FERDINAND M. Iron ores, and their conversion into crude iron, bar iron, and steel, pp. 19, 8vo. Ballarat, 1883. Pam., v. 128, no. 2462. 669.2. Gold and silver. CLARK, DONALD. Gold refining : [illust.]. 8vo. [Melb.], 1909. DENISON, Sir WILLIAM THOMAS, major-general. Results of a series of experiments for determining the relative value of specimens of native gold. pp. 26, 8vo. Hobart Town, 1852. Pam., v. 108, no. 1988. ROSS, W. J. CLUNIES. Metallurgy of silver, pp. 12, 8vo. Syd., 1885. Pam., v. 175, no. 3363. SCOFFERN, JOHN C., and HIGGINS, W. M. Victoria gold valuer's ready reckoner and assayer's chemical guide, umo. Melb., [1853]. 669.6. Tin. THIBAULT, P. J. Metallurgy of tin: [illust.] 8vo. Syd., 1908. 670. Manufactures. McLEOD, DONALD. Melbourne factories, pp. 68, 8vo. Melb., 1868. 416 MANUFACTURES. 672. Iron and Steel. JEANS, J. STEPHEN. The iron trade of Great Britain ; illust. 8vo. Lond., 1906. JEANS, J. STEPHEN, ed. American industrial conditions and com- petition : reports of the commissioners appointed by the British iron trade association to inquire into the iron, steel, and allied industries of the United States. 8vo. Lond., 1902. Pam., v. 151, no. 2918. SMITH, JOSIAH T. Iron and steel institute; president's address, [1881]. -pp. 24, 8vo. n.p., n.d. 674. Timber. BAILEY, FREDERICK MANSON. Queensland woods; with a brief popular description of the trees, their distribution, qualities,. uses of timber, &c. 8vo. Brisb., 1888. Pam., v. 17, no. 326. Same: another copy. Pam., v. 186, no. 3604. Same." another ed. 8vo. Lond., 1899. Pam., v. 171, no. 3284. BALFOUR, J. M. Results of a series of experiments on the strength of New Zealand and other colonial woods, pp. 37, 8vo. Well., 1875. Pam., v. 17, no. 327. CHAMIER, GEORGE. Australian timber. pp. 9, 8vo. Lond., 1887. Pam., v. 150, no. 2913. CHERRY, G. RODNEY. Comparative combustibility of timbers : [illust.]. pp. 15, 8vo. [Syd.], 1903. Pam., v. 175, no. 3364. DUCKWORTH, A. Timber industry and forests of New South Wales, pp. 12, sm. 8vo. Syd., 1902. Pam., v. 109, no. 2032. Same: another copy. Pam., v. 129, no. 2498. GREEN, ALFRED OSBORN. Tasmanian timbers; their qualities and uses : [illust.]. pp. 45, 8vo. Hobart, 1902. Pam., v. 150, no. 2914. Same.- 2nd ed. pp. 63, 8vo. Hobart, 1903. Pam., v. 175, no. 3366. KIRK, THOMAS. Report on the durability of New Zealand timbers in constructive works, pp. 28, 8vo. Well., 1875. Pam., v. 17, no. 327. MAIDEN, JOSEPH HENRY. Notes on the commercial timbers of New South Wales, pp. 32, 8vo. Syd., 1895. Pam., v. 109, no. 2033. MAIDEN, JOSEPH HENRY, and others. Report on spotted gum,, with special reference to its value for wood-paving, pp. 46, 8vo. Syd., 1896. Pam., v. 175, no. 3365. MANN, JAMES. Australian timber; its strength, durability, and identification. 8vo. Melb., 1900. TIMBERS. 417 PETTIGREW, WILLIAM. Habitat and peculiarities of some of our timbers, pp. 10, 8vo. Brisb., 1878. Pam., v. 186, no. 3605. PUBLIC library, museums, and national gallery of Victoria. De- scriptive catalogue of the specimens in the Industrial and technological museum, Melbourne, illustrating the economic woods of Victoria : by J. Cosmo Newbery. pp. 48, 8vo. Melb., 1894. Pam., v. 171, no. 3285. KOCKINGHAM jarrah timber company limited, Western Australia. Jarrah, or Swan River mahogany (eucalyptus marginata) of Western Australia, pp. 18, sm. 8vo. Ballarat, 1873. Pam., v. 129, no. 2494. SMITH, WALTER ALEXANDER. On Australian hard woods for London pavements, pp. 10, 8vo. Syd., 1894. Pam., v. 129, no. 2495. TASMANIA: Lands and works department. Tasmanian forestry; timber products and sawmilling industry : compiled by J. C. Penny: [map], pp. 69, 8vo. Hobart, 1905. TASMAXIAN international exhibition, 1894-95. Tasmanian tim- bers; their qualities and uses. pp. 15, 8vo. Hobart [1894]. Pam., v. 84, no. 11509. VICTORIA: Railways department. Carriage timber board: official report, pp. 13, 8vo. Melb., 1884. Pam. 3 v. 150, no. 2915. WARD, EDWARD WOLSTENHOLME, captain. Report on experiments made at the Royal mint, Sydney, on New Zealand woods. pp. 5, 8vo. Well., 1875. Pam.. v. 17, no. 327. WARREN, WILLIAM HENRY. Australian timber: [map and 44 plates]. pp. 67, 8vo. Syd., 1892. Pam., v. 17, no. 329. Strength and elasticity of New South Wales timbers of com- mercial value: [15 plates], pp. 24, 8vo. Syd., 1887. Pam., v. 17, no. 330. Transverse strength of Australian timbers, pp. 9, tables, 8vo. Syd., 1890. Pam., v. 17, no. 328. 675. Leather. SMITH, SAMUEL SYDNEY. Suggestions for the introduction into this colony [Tasmania] of new branches of fellmongering and tanning, pp. 15, 8vo. Hobart Town, 1857. Pam., v. 109, no. 2O23A. 677. Wool : Cotton. AUSTRALIAN wools. The sale of Australian wools in London : minutes of committees, and evidence. 8vo. Lond., 1870. BLAND, WILLIAM. Suppression of spontaneous combustion in wool ships: [illust.]. 2nd ed. pp. 16, 8vo. Syd., 1845. BOXWICK, JAMES. Romance of the wool trade. 8vo. Lond., 1894. F.8720. o 418 WOOL : BUILDING. BURNLEY, JAMES. History of wool and wool combing. 8vo. Lond , 1889. JEFFREY, GEORGE. Principles and practice of Australasian wool -classing, with chapters on other branches of the industry. 8vo. Adel., 1899. LISTER, JOHN. Cotton manufacture; a manual of practical in- struction in the processes of opening, carding, combing, draw- ing, doubling, and spinning of cotton, and the methods of dyeing and preparing goods for the market: illust. 8vo. Lond., 1894. SKAMP, R. B. The wool trade; its history and growth in Aus- tralia and Tasmania, -pp. 16, 8vo. Melb., 1888. Pam., v. 109, no. 2024. SMITH, SAMUEL SIDNEY. Important suggestions for a better de- velopment of colonial wool and leather, and the effectual cure and prevention of scab in sheep. pp. 55, 8vo. Hobart Town, 1857. Pam., v. 109, no. 2023. SOUTHEY, THOMAS. Rise, progress, and present state of colonial wools, with some account of the goat's wool of Angora and India. 8vo. Lond., 1848. TECHNOLOGICAL museum, Sydney. Descriptive catalogue: raw wools and specimens to illustrate the woollen manufac- ture; by Alfred Hawkesworth. 8vo. Syd., 1890. 678. India rubber. CLOUTH, FRANZ. Rubber, gutta-percha, and balata : tr. [from the German : illust. and maps]. 8vo. Lond., 1903. TERRY, HUBERT L. India-rubber and its manufacture, with chapters on gutta-percha and balata: [illust.]. 8vo. Lond., 1907. 690. Building. 693.8. Fire Proofing of Buildings. SULMAN, JOHN. The fireproofing of city buildings : [plans]. pp. 19, 8vo. Syd., 1888. Pam., v. 64, no. 1053. 697. Ventilation. BOYLE, ROBERT, AND SON. Natural and artificial methods of ventilation. pp. 66, xvi., 8vo. Lond., 1899. Pam., v. 151, no. 2934. 699. Ship Building. FLETCHER, R. A. Steam-ships; the story of their development to the present day: 150 illust. 8vo. Lond., 1910. FINE ARTS. 7OO. Fine Arts. 704. Essays : Lectures. WEST, Rev. JOHN. The fine arts; a lecture, pp. 41, sm. 8vo. Launceston, 1848. Pam. v. 109, no. 2036. 708. Art Galleries. BALLARAT fine art public gallery. Retrospective synopsis of the origin and progress of the Ballarat fine art public gallery from its inception to 1886 : with a plea for art culture, by J. A. Powell. pp. 45, 8vo. Ballarat, n.d. CENTENNIAL international exhibition, Melbourne., 1888. Official guide to the picture galleries and catalogue of fine arts, by J. Lake. 8vo. Melb., 1888. Pam. v. 58, no. 956. HARE, T. LEMAN, ed. The National gallery: [illust.] v. 2, 4to. Lond., 1909. NATIONAL art gallery of New South Wales. Catalogue : [illust.]. 7th ed. 8vo. Syd., 1899. Loan exhibition to inaugurate the first completed portion of the gallery, 24th May, 1897. 8vo. Syd., 1897. VICTORIA: Public library, museum*, and national gallery. Illustrated catalogue of the National gallery. 8vo. Melb., 1905. Same: another ed. 8vo. Melb., 1908. 709. History of Art. CROUCH, JOSEPH. Puritanism and art; an inquiry into a popular fallacy: introd. by the Rev. C. Silvester Home: 16 illust. 8vo. Lond., 1910. HAMILTON, AUGUSTUS. The art workmanship of the Maori race in New Zealand ; a series of illustrations from specially taken photographs, with descriptive notes and essays on the canoes, habitations, weapons, ornaments and dress of the Maoris, [&c.]. 410. Dunedin, 1896-1901. (New Zealand institute). LUBKE, WILHELM. History of art: tr. by F. E. Bunnett : [illust.]. 2nd ed., 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1869. MUNTZ, EUGENE. Histoire de 1'art pendant la renaissance : illust. 3 v., 410. Paris, 1889-95. Contents. v. i. Italic les primitifs. v. 2. Italic 1'age d'or. v. 3. Italic la fin de la renaissance. SHARP, WILLIAM. Progress of art in the century: [appended] History of music in the nineteenth century, by Elizabeth A. Sharp. 8vo. Toronto, 1906. (Nineteenth renti'ry r.er.) 4120 ARCHITECTUBE. 720. Architecture. 723. Mediaeval Architecture. GOULD, Rev. SABINE BARING-. Cliff castles and cave dwellings of Europe: 51 illust. and diagrams. 8vo. Lond., 1911. 724. Modern Architecture. BARLOW, JOHN B. Plea for colour in colonial architecture, pp. 8, 8vo. Syd., 1892. Pam. v. 109, no. 2037. BARRY, Sir REDMOND. Address to the workmen employed in building the great hall of the Melbourne public library and museum, -pp. 40, 8vo. Melb., 1866. Pam. v. 57, no. 943. FLETCHER, BANISTER, and FLETCHER, BANISTER F. His- tory of architecture on the comparative method: 5th ed. by B. F. Fletcher : illust. 8vo. Lond., 1905. FREEMAN, EDWARD AUGUSTUS. Historical and architectural sketches, chiefly Italian : 22 illust. from drawings by the author. 8vo. Lond., 1876. HADDON, ROBERT J. Australian architecture; a technical manual for all those engaged in architectural and building work : 94 illust. 8vo. Melb. [1908]. RUSKIN, JOHN. The seven lamps of architecture: illust. by the author. 2nd ed., la. 8vo. Lond., 1855. VIOLLET-LE-DUC, EUGENE EMMANUEL. Dictionnaire raisonni de 1'architecture francaise du xi e au xvi e siecle : [illust.]. 10 v., 8vo. Paris, 1867-73. 725. Public Buildings : City Design. JENKINS, Sir GEORGE HENRY. Short history and description of the Parliament house, Melbourne : [plans and illust.]. 4to. Melb., 1886. KERR, PETER. The Melbourne Houses of Parliament: illust. pp. 18, 8vo., n.t.-p. Melb., 1904-05. From Journal of the Royal Victorian institute of architects. KNIBBS, GEORGE HANDLEY. Theory of city design : [figures]. PP- 35, 8vo. Syd., 1901. Pam. v. 109, no. 2038. MAWSON, THOMAS H. Civic art; studies in town planning, parks, boulevards, and open spaces: [illust.]. fo. Lond., 1911. SULMAN, JOHN-. The federal capital: [plans], pp. 20, 4to. Syd., 1909. Pam. v. 160, no. 3076. UNVVIN, RAYMOND. Town planning in practice: an introduction to the art of designing cities and suburbs : 300 illust. 4to. Lond., 1909. 728. Residences. WHITELAW, A. E. Suggestions for the interior decoration of the Australian home : col. plates and illust. pp. 55, 8vo. Melb., 1907. Pam. v. 160, no. 3073. SCULPTURE : DRAWING. 421 730. Sculpture. 736. Carving. BOND, FRANCIS. Wood carvings in English churches : illust. 2 v., 8vo. Oxf., 1910. Contents. v. r. Misericords. v. z. Stalls and tabernacle work : bishop's throne and chancel chairs. DAVIES, GERALD S. Renascence: the sculptural tombs of the fifteenth century in Rome ; with chapters on the previous cen- turies from noo : illust. 4to. Loud., 1910. 737. Numismatics. HOCKING, WILLIAM JOHN. Catalogue of the coins, tokens, medals, dies, and seals in the museum of the Royal mint : v. i. Coins and tokens. 8vo. Lond., 1906. TANCRED, GEORGE, captain. Historical record of medals and honorary distinctions conferred on the British navy, army, and auxiliary forces from the earliest period : [illust.]. la. 8vo. Lond., 1891. 738. Pottery: Porcelain. AUDSLEY, GEORGE ASHDOWN, and BOWLES, JAMES LORD. Keramic art of Japan : [32 plates and illust.]. 8vo. Lond., 1 88 1. METEYARD, ELIZA. The Wedgwood handbook; a manual for collectors. 8vo. Lond., 1875. 740. Drawing: Decoration: Design. 741. Free hand : Caricature. BROADLEY, ALEXANDER MEYRICK. Napoleon in caricature, 1795-1821: introductory essay by J. Holland Rose: illust. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1911. CARTOON portraits of prominent Victorians, 1873-75 ; with cuttings of various dates from English illustrated newspapers relating to Australia, fo. n.t.-p. EVERITT, GRAHAM. English caricaturists and graphic humourists of the nineteenth century ; how they illustrated and interpreted their times : a contribution to the history of caricature from the time of the first Napoleon down to the death of John Leech in 1864: [illust.]. 2nd ed., 8vo. Lond., 1893. GREGO, JOSEPH. Rowlandson, the caricaturist; a selection from his works, with anecdotal descriptions of his famous carica- tures, and a sketch of his life, times, and contemporaries : illust. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1880. HOPKINS, LIVINGSTON, (" Hop " of The Bulletin). On the hop ! a selection from the Australian drawings of Livingston Hop- kins, fol. Syd., 1904. MAY, PHIL. Phil May in Australia, fo. Syd., 1904. PUNCH newspaper, London. Right hon. W. E. Gladstone, M.P. ; Benjamin Disraeli, earl of Beaconsfield ; Right hon. John Bright, M.P. : cartoons from 1845 to 1878. 4to. Lond., 1878. 422 PAINTING. 745. Ornamental Design. RACINET, AUGUSTE. L'ornement polychrome : planches en couleurs, or et argent : recueil historique et pratique. 2 v., fo. Paris, [1869-87]. v. i. 3rd ed. v. 2. xst ed. 750. Painting. GILL, HARRY P. The straight and devious paths of studentship. pp. 43, 8vo. Adel., 1894. Pam. v. 152, no. 2938. ,'VJEW SOUTH WALES art students' league. Art instruction in New South Wales : a plea for the establishment of a national art school : [illust.]. pp. 12, 8vo. [Syd., 1903.] Pam v. 175, no. 3374. ROYAL art society of New South Wales, formerly Art society of New South Wales. Annual report to June 30, 1880. pp. 17, 8vo. Syd., Pam. v. 175, no. 3369. Fourth annual exhibition : catalogue, with memoranda sketches by the artists, pp. 20, 8vo. Syd., 1883. Pam. v. 175, no. 3367. Fifth annual exhibition: catalogue, pp. 26, 8vo. Syd., 1884. Pam. v. 175, no. 3368. Illustrated catalogues of spring exhibition: 1889, 1899, 1904, 1905. 8vo. Syd., Pam. v. 175, nos. 3370-73. ROYAL society of Tasmania. Catalogue of the art treasures ex- hibition, 1862-3. PP- l8 > 8vo. Hobart Town, 1862. Pam. v. 84, no. 1522. RUSKIN, JOHN. Modern painters: [illust.]. 5 v., la. 8vo. Lond., 1856-57. v. i, 6th ed. : v. 2, 4th ed. : v. 3-5, ist ed. SOUTH AUSTRALIAN society of arts. Annual exhibition, cata- logue, 1864, 1865. 8vo., Adel. Pam. v. 84, nos. 1520-21. 759. Schools of Painting. CHAMPLIN, JOHN DENISON, ed. Cyclopedia of painters and paintings: critical editor, Charles C. Perkins: illust. 4 v., la. 8vo. N.Y., 1888. FTNBERG, A. J. Turner's sketches and drawings : 100 illust. la. 8vo. Lond., 1910. JUSTI, CARL. Diego Velasquez and his times : tr. by A. H. Keane : portr. and illust. la. 8vo. Lond., 1889. 769. Plates : Engravings. General and Historical. [ALBUM of portraits, maps and views relating to Australia, New Zealand, and Polynesia.] fo., n.p., n.d. BATMAN, JOHN. [Facsimile of agreement between John Batman and the native chiefs of the Port Phillip district, 6th June, 183$ i sheet. [Melb.,] PLATES AND ENGRAVINGS. 423 BLIGH, WILLIAM. Arrest of Bligh [when governor of New South Wales : col. plate, with facsimile of memorial to Lieut. - governor Johnson], obi. fo., n.p. } n.d. Reproduction by Government printer, Sydney. DAVEY, THOMAS, colonel. [Governor Davey's proclamation to the aborigines of Tasmania, 1816]. col. plate, i6| inches by 10 inches, n.p., n.d. DODD, ROBERT. The mutineers turning Lieut. Bligh and part of the officers and creAV adrift from H.M.S. the Bounty: en graved by the artist: published by R. B. Evans. 23! inches by i6| inches. Lond., 1790. GILL, STEPHEN THOMAS. Kangaroo hunting, plates 2 and 3 ; lithographed by Allan & Wigley ; published by F. Mader. 19^ inches by 12 \ inches. Syd., n.d. KING'S empire, The; introd. By W. H. Fitchett : illust. from photographs and drawings in colour by J. H. Bacon. 2 y., 4to. Lond., 1906. MELVILLE, HARDEN S. Sketches in Australia and the adjacent islands, taken during the surveying voyage of H.M.S. Fly and Bramble during the years 1842-46. obi. 8vo. Lond., n.d. MENZEL, ADOLF FRIEDRICH ERDMANN. Illustrations des oeuvres de Frederic le grand : pref . et notice par Louis Gonse : texte explicative par L. Pietsch. 2 v., fo. Lond., n.d. {MISCELLANEOUS cuttings from illustrated and other newspapers from 1860 to 1890.] 4to., n.t.p. NUTTALL, CHARLES. H.R.H. the Duke of Cornwall and York opening the first Commonwealth Parliament, May 9, 1901 : [photogravure by] Goupil, with key. 37 inches by i8j inches. Paris, n.d. PARSONS, ARTHUR JEFFREY. Catalog of the Gardiner Greene Hubbard collection of engravings presented to the Library of Congress. 410. Wash., 1905. SEYMOUR, ROBERT. Humourous sketches, comprising ninety-two caricature etchings; illustrated in prose by R. B. Peake. 8vo. Lond., 1846. Portraits. ARTOUD, W. Portrait of Andrew Kippis, [biographer of Cap tain Cook]: engraved by F. Bartolozzi : published by Thomas Macklin. n inches by 9 inches. Lond., 1792. BAXTER, GEORGE. [Portrait of Rev. John Williams, the martyr of Erromanga : coloured lithograph by the artist.] lof inches by 8| inches. [Lond., about 1841.] BRITISH museum. Catalogue of engraved British portraits pre served in the Department of prints and drawings : by Freeman O'Donoghue. v. i, A-C. 8vo. Lond., 1908. In progress. BUCKNER, C. Portrait of Sir Charles Augustus Fitzroy, gover- nor of New South Wales, 1846-50, governor-general of Aus- tralia, 1850-55 : engraved by Samuel Bellin : published by Henry Graves. 26 inches by 16 inches. Lond., 1856. DANCE, GEORGE. Portrait of Sir Joseph Banks : engraved by William Daniel, n inches by 8 inches. London, 1811. 424 PLATES AND ENGEAVINOS. HOLBEIN, HANS. Facsimiles of original drawings in the collec- tion of His Majesty for the portraits of illustrious persons at the court of Henry VIII. : engraved by Francis Bartolozzi, with biographical notices by Edmund Lodge: published by John Chamberlaine. fo. Lond., 1884. First published in 1792. LAWRENCE, Sir THOMAS. Portrait of Sir Joseph Banks as pre- sident of the Royal society : engraved by A. Garden. 15 inches by 12 inches. Lond., 1810. LEIGH HARDT, FRIEDRICH WILHELM LUDWIG. [Portrait], 1846. 1 8 inches by 12 inches. Artist and engraver not given. LOCH, HENRY BROUGHAM LOCH, ist baron. [Portrait] : engraved by C. Troedel. oval, n inches by 9 inches. Melb., n.d. MAGUIRE, T. H. Portrait of Sir James Clark Ross, Antarctic explorer. n| inches by 9^ inches, n.p. 1851. RICHMOND, GEORGE. Portrait of Augustus Short, first bishop of Adelaide : engraved by James Thomson : published by J. Hogarth. 13 inches by n inches. Lond., 1849. SADD, H. S., engraver. Portraits of the first five Chief justices of New South Wales: Sir Francis Forbes, Sir James Dowling, Sir Alfred Stephen, Sir James Martin, Sir Frederick Darley : published by Thomas Shine, oval, each 8 inches by 6 inches. Syd., n.d. TWEEDIE, W. M. Portrait of Sir William Thomas Denison, governor-general of the Australian colonies : engraved by J. J. Chant : published by Henry Graves. 23^ inches by 14 inches. Lond., 1863. WEST, BENJAMIN. Portrait of Sir Joseph Banks, in Maori robe: [engraved by J. R. Smith]. 14 inches by 10 inches. [Lond., about 1778.] Pacific islands. BAXTER, GEORGE. Landing of John Williams at Tanna, i8th Nov., 1839: [coloured lithograph by the artist]. 12^ inches by 8 inches. Lond., 1841. Murder of John Williams at Erromanga, 2oth Nov., 1839 : [coloured lithograph by the artist]. \2\ inches by 8 inches. Lond., 1841. CLEVELEY, JOHN. South seas : four coloured plates ; Queen Charlotte sound ; Morea ; Huaheine ; Death of Captain Cook at Owyhee. each 24 inches by 17 inches. Lond., 1780. SMIRKE, R. Cession of the district of Matavai, in the island of Otaheite, to Captain James Wilson, for the use of the missionaries sent by the London missionary society, in the ship Duff: engraved by F. Bartolozzi: published by W. Jeffryes : coloured. 29^ inches by 15 inches. Lond., 1803. New Zealand. DUIGAN, JAMES. Tiki's trip to town: sketches by G. S. obi. 1 2 mo. Wanganui, n.d. Pam. v. 30, no. 496. EARLE, AUGUSTUS. Sketches illustrative of the native inhabitants and islands of New Zealand, fo. Lond., 1838. PLATES AND ENGRAVINGS. 425 NEW ZEALAND : Lands department. Sounds, lakes, and rivers of New Zealand, from photographs and sketches. 4to. Well., 1885. UNDER the southern cross: sketches by G. S. obi. i2mo. Wanganui, n.d. Pam. v. 30, no. 495. Australia. AN GAS, GEORGE FRENCH. Views of the gold regions of Austra- lia, fo. Lond., 1851. AUSTRALIA a nation; illustrations of the first year of the Com- monwealth ; being cuttings from illustrated newspapers. 410. Syd., 1901. GILL, STEPHEN THOMAS. Australian sketch book. obi. 4to. Melb. [1855]. GUERARD, JEAN EUGENE VON. Australian landscapes ; a series of 24 tinted lithographs illustrative of the landscape scenery of Victoria, New South Wales, South Australia, and Tas- mania, with letterpress description of each view. fo. Melb., n.d. LYCETT, J. Views in Australia; or, New South Wales and Van Diemen's Land delineated in fifty views; with descriptive letterpress: [maps], obi. fo. Lond., 1824-25. MASON, WALTER G. Australian picture pleasure book, illustrating the scenery, architecture, historical events, natural history, public characters, &c., of Australia: engraved, selected, and arranged by Walter G. Mason, pp. 62, 4to. Syd., 1857. WE STALL, W. Views of Australian scenery, obi. fo. Lond., 1814. AYESTMACOTT, R. M., captain. Sketches in Australia. fo. Exeter, n.d. Western Australia. KING GEORGE'S sound: panoramic view: [coloured]. fldg. Lond., 1834. South Australia. FITLER, W. C. Gawler, S.A. : [wash drawing]. 14 inches by 10 inches, n.d. UGHT, WILLIAM, colonel. View of the country, and of the tem- porary erections, near the site for the proposed town of Ade- laide : coloured : engraved by Robert Harvell : [published by Smith, Elder, & Co.]. 22 inches by 15 inches. Lond., 1839- NIXON, F. R. Twelve views in Adelaide and its vicinity, obi. 8vo., n.p.. 1845. Queensland. PLOOS VAN AMSTEL, J. W. Sweers island, Gulf of Carpen- taria : three views of landscapes : -water colour, with two photographs of groups of natives, each 7 inches by 5 inches, mounted together, [about 1860.] 420 PLATES AND ENGRAVINGS. New South Wales. ANGAS, GEORGE FRENCH. Six views of the gold field of Ophir, at Surnmerhill and Lewis Ponds' creeks, obi. fo. Syd., 1851. ASHTON, JULIAN R. Arrival of Governor Phillip's fleet in Botany Bay: [water colour]. 15 inches by 9 inches, n.d. EYRE, JOHN. [Four views of New South Wales] : published by A. West, each 17 inches by n inches. Syd., 1812. Contents. Two views of the town of Parramatta : one engraved by P. Slaeger, one by W. Preston. Native camp near Cockle bay, Parran.atta river : engraved by P. Slaeger. Hunter river, near New- castle : engraved by W. Preston. LHOTSKY, D. Captain Cook's tablet at Cape Solander, Botany bay : lithographed by G. E. Madeley : published by J. Lhotsky. 16 inches by 12^ inches. Lond., 1839. Sydney. COOPER, D. E. Double bay: [water colour]. n inches by 7 1 inches. 1854. EYRE, JOHN. [Two views of Sydney, taken from Dawes's point] : engraved by W. Preston : published by A. West. each 17 inches by n inches. Syd., 1812. [Four views of] Sydney : [two] from the east side, [and two] from the west side of the Cove : engraved by Clark : pub- lished by J. Booth, iach 2i\ inches by 16 inches. Lond., 1810. GILL, STEPHEN THOMAS. Six lithographic sketches of scenery in and around Sydney, part i. obi. 8vo. Syd., [1856]. GRAPHIC ART Co. Gems of old Sydney: 5 views, each 7 inches by 4 inches. [Syd.], 1889-1901. Contents. Lady Macquarie's chair : Old Fort Macquarie : Man-of- war stairs, Argyle-street, Miller's Point, by J. R. Ashton. Old George-street market, by W. 13. Spong. MARTENS, CONRAD. [Five views.] each 9! inches by 5^ inches. [Syd., about 1850.] Contents. Sydney from North Shore : Botanic gates and Lower lodge. Domain : Elizabeth bay : North head : Part of Port Jackson, with Garden island. Sketches illustrative of the scenery of New South Wales, from nature and on stone: printed by J. Allan, obi. 4to. Syd., 1851. Contents. Sydney cove : Entrance to the Govt. house : View in Domain : View in the Botanic garden : Double bay : The lighthouse. Sketches in the environs of Sydney: drawn on stone and tinted: printed by J. Allan, obi. 4to. Syd., 1850. Contents. Statue of Sir Richard Bourke : Government house and Macquarie fort, from the Domain : Trees on the road to Mrs. Dar- ling's point : Rocks called Mrs. Macquarie's chair. View of Sydney : on stone by T. Picken : published by F. Mader. 20 inches by u inches. Syd., 1855. View of Sydney, 1842. from the North shore: drawn on stone by T. S. Boys : lithographed by C. Graf. 20 inches by ii inches. Lond., 1843. [SYDNEY: view: oleograph.] 33 inches by 13 inches, n.p., n.d.: [about 1860.] PLATES AND ENGRAVINGS. 427 Victoria. FITLER, W. C. Clunes : [wash drawing]. iy| inches by 7 inches, n.-p., n.d. Bendigo; Pall Mall and public buildings: [wash drawing.] 17 inches by 8J inches, n.p., n.d, GILL, STEPHEN THOMAS. Sketches of the Victorian gold diggings and diggers as they are: 48 plates. 2 v., sm. 410. Melb., 1852. v. 2 is undated. GOLD diggers' portfolio; consisting of a series of sketches of the Victoria gold fields, taken by talented artists on the spot : engraved by Thomas Ham. 8vo. Melb., 1854. ISMIR, CLARKE. [Mining] Commissioner's camp, Castlemaine, in 1852 : lithographed and published by Edwd. Gilks. 16 inches by n inches. Melb., n.d. LUXTLEY, J. and Co. Sketches of the gold diggers, comprising 1 6 lithographic plates. each 8| inches by 5^ inches. Lond., n.d. PROUT, JOHN SKINNER. Views of Melbourne and Geelong. fo., n.p., n.d. THOMAS, EDMUND. Geelong; Corio bay: lithographed by D. James: published by F. Varley. ioi inches by 6 inches. Melb., 1853. TIBBITS, W. Geelong in 1873 : water-colour. 29 inches by 15 inches. TULLOCH, D. Five views of the gold fields of Mount Alexander and Ballarat, in the colony of Victoria, obi. fo. Melb., 1852. Great meeting of gold diggers, Deer. i5th, 1851 : engraved by Thomas Ham. nj inches by 8 inches. [Melb.], n.d. VICTORIA illustrated; plates from drawings by S. T. Gill. obi. 8vo. Melb., 1857. Same. Second series, with descriptive letterpress, obi. 8vo. Melb., 1862. Melbourne. ADAMSON, J. Melbourne from the south side of the Yarra Yarra : engraved by J. Carmichael for J. Clint. 15 inches by 7 1 inches. Syd., 1839. ARRIVAL of the first gold escort, William- street, Melbourne, 1852 : by an eye witness: [lithograph]. 18 inches by 10 inches., n.p., n.d. BURN, HENRY. Melbourne from the south, near St. Kilda-road: chromo-lithograph, printed by Campbell and Ferguson. 24 inches by 13 inches. Melb.. 1855. COGNF,. F. Botanical gardens: lithographed by F. Cogne: printed by C. Troedel. 15 inches by n inches. Melb., 1863. Collins-street, from Queen-street, [looking east]: lithographed by ,F. Cogne": printed by C. Troedel. 15 inches by n inches. Melb.. [1863]. PLATES AND ENGRAVINGS. DE GRUCHY and LEIGH, publishers. Panoramic view of Mel- bourne: lithographed by the publishers from photographs taken on the summit of the Parliament houses. 74 inches by loj inches. Melb., 1863. GILL, STEPHEN THOMAS. Collins-street, Melbourne, looking west from the intersection of Russell -street. 19 inches by 12 inches. Melb., 1853. GLOVER, HENRY. 12 hours' road scraping in Melbourne, obi. 8vo. Melb., [1857]. LIARDET, W. F. EVELYN. John Batman's house in 1836, with MS. notes by the artist written in 1863 : water colour, 9! inches by 6J inches. John Pascoe Fawkner's house in 1836, with MS. notes by the artist written in 1863 : water colour. 9! inches by 6 inches. View of Melbourne : engraved by J. W. Lowry, with photo- graphic reproduction of key. 20 inches by 9 inches. Lond., [1846]. MELBOURNE, 1906 : [photogravure]. 36 inches by n inches, n.p. Artist and engraver not given. MELBOURNE album : published by Troedel and co. fo. Melb., 1863-64. THOMAS, EDMUND. Hobson's bay: lithographed by D. James: published by F. Varley. n inches by 6 inches. Melb., 1853- Junction of Elizabeth and Lonsdale streets : lithographed by Stringer, Mason, and Co. 13 \ inches by 8 inches. Melb., [about 1853]. Post office, Melbourne: lithographed by J. B. Philip: pub- lished by Huxtable and Co. 13 J inches by 8 inches. Melb., 1853. Tasmania. BULL, K. City of Hobart Town: coloured lithograph by E. Walker: published by Day and son. 24 inches by 13^ inches. Lond., 1855. EATON, H. C. Hobart Town: 6 views: printed by T. Bluett. each 12 inches by 8f inches. Hobart Town, 1844. Contents. New wharf. St. David's cathedral. St. Joseph's church. St. Andrew's church. Liverpool-street. Hobart Town from Kangaroo bay. HUGGINS, W. J. Hobart Town: coloured lithograph; engraved by E. Duncan. 18 inches by uj inches. Lond., 1830. PROUT, JOHN SKINNER. Tasmania illustrated. 10 plates, v. r, fo. Hobart Town, 1844. 770. Photography. 779. Collections of Photographs. Miscellaneous. ALEXANDRA, Queen consort of Edward VII., king of Great Britain and Ireland. Queen Alexandra's Christmas gift book: photographs from my camera. 4to. Lond., 1908. PHOTOGRAPHS. 429 BEATTIE, J. W., -photographer. Members of the Parliaments of Tasmania, obi. fo. Hobart, n.d. SOUTHERN CROSS, steamship. 10 photographs; sailed from Sydney, i8th Jan., 1900, for Cape Town, with portion of N.S.W. second contingent, obi. 8vo., n.p., n.d. Australasia. AUSTRALASIA: 97 photographs, obi. fo., n.t.-p., n.d. VIEWS of Australia, New Guinea, Pacific islands, and Ceylon. fo. , n.p., n.d. VIEWS of New Zealand: 24 photographs, obi. fo., n.p., n.d. Australia. AUSTRALIAN views, fo., n.p., n.d. GLIMPSES of Australia; a rare and elaborate collection of photo- graphic views depicting sceneries, cities, industries, and in- teresting phases of Australian life. obi. fo. Lond., n.d. VIEWS of Victoria, South Australia, New South Wales, and Tas- mania. 145 photographs, obi. fo. [about 1883.] VISIT of the Duke and Duchess of Cornwall and York; Common- wealth arches and illuminations : by C. F. Longmore. obi. 8vo. Melb., 1901. Photographic views of the arches and decorations, fo., n.t.p., [1901]. South Australia. ADELAIDE : views of the city. 20 photographs, fo., n.p., n.d. Views, fldg., n.p., n.d. FREEMAN and WIVELL. South Australia; photographs for the Philadelphia exhibition, fo. Adel., 1876. Queensland. DEAZELEY, J. Photographic views of Brisbane: ist ser. obi. 8vo. Brisb., 1873. GLOBE photographic co., Sydney. Photographic views of Towns- ville. obi. 8vo., n.p., n.d. WRIGHT, G. P. Photographic views of Brisbane. 12 photo- graphs, fo. Brisb.. n.d. New South Wales. FROST, LAWRENCE. Sydney views; with descriptive letterpress. 25 photographs. 4to. Syd., n.d. GENERAL post office, Sydney. Album of 51 photographs of the exterior and interior of the building, obi. To., n.p., n.d. PHOTOGRAPHIC illustrations of New South Wales: 34 photo- graphs obi. fo., n.t.p., 1878. PHOTOGRAPHS of pictures illustrating the earliest times of New South W T ales. obi. fo. Syd., n.d. PLUMMER, JOHN, ed. International exhibition [Sydney], 1879-80, illustrated by original photographs by Richards and Co. obi. fo. Sv'd.. 1880. 430 PHOTOGRAPHS : MUSIC. PRINCIPAL buildings in the city of Sydm-y, 1890. obi. fo. Syd. SYDNEY Technical college. Photographs of premises occupied by the Board of technical education of New South Wales, 1889. 14 photographs, obi. fo., n.p., n.d. TUTTLE and Co. Views of New South Wales. 8vo., n.p., n.d. VIEWS of New South Wales, fo., n.p., n.d. VIEWS of New South Wales, 1872: 50 photographs, fo. Syd. Victoria. ANGLO-Australasian photographic co. Photographic views of Vic- toria, with descriptions, fo. Melb., n.d. BARDWELL'S photographic views of Ballarat, 1882: [24 photo- graphs], obi. 8vo. Ballarat. NETTLETON, CHARLES. Panorama of Melbourne, taken from the tower of the Law courts: u photographs, each 15 inches by 10 J inches. Melb., 1881. Photographic views of Melbourne and suburbs. 53 photo- graphs. 4to. Melb., n.d. Photographic views of Victoria. 56 photographs. 4to. Melb., n.d. View of Melbourne, from the terrace of the Exhibition build- ing : 4 photographs, each 14^ inches by 10^ inches. Melb., 1883. Views of Melbourne streets, &c. 9 photographs, each \\\ inches by io| inches. Melb., [about 1883]. VICTORIA: Lands department. Melbourne: 7 photographic views taken from the tower of Dr. Fitzgerald's house, by the Government of Victoria, for presentation to the officers of H.M. Flying squadron: mounted, each 15 inches by n inches. Melb., 1869. Tasmania. TASMANIAN scenes: 72 photographs, obi. fo., n.p., n.d. TASMANIAN scenes: 24 photographs, by Anson Bros. obi. fo., n.p., n.d. 780. Music. ADELAIDE musical herald and journal of literature, &c., 2ist Nov., 1862, to i9th June, 1863. 4to. Adel., 1862-63. ARMSTRONG, NELLIE, Mrs. C. N. F., (Madame Melba}. On the science of singing. On the selection of music as a profession. In Murphy, Agnes G. Melba ; a biography, 1909. Class 920. BLACKBURN, Rev. THOMAS. The story of Calvary; a contem- plation of the sacred passion of the Holy Redeemer : music by William Briggs. pp. 40, 8vo. Adel., 1908. Pam., v. 151, no. 2935. COMBARIEU, JULES L^ON JEAN. Music; its laws and evolution: tr. 8vo. Lond., 1910 [1909]. (International scientific ser.) GIORZA, PAOLO, cavaliere. Cantata written for the opening cere- mony of the Sydney International exhibition, 1879-80: words by Henry Kendall, fo. Syd. AMUSEMENTS. 431 KING, GEORGE OSCAR. The present state of music in Victoria. pp. 24, 8vo. Melb., 1902. Pam.. v. 53, no. 889. KING, HENRY JOHN. Centennial cantata : words by Rev. William Allen : written for the Centennial International Exhibition, Melbourne, pp. 89, 8vo. Melb., 1888. NIETZSCHE, FRIEDRICH WILHELM. The case of Wagner; Nietz- sche contra Wagner : tr. by Anthony M. Ludovici. 8vo. Edinb., 1910. WILLIAMS' S musical annual and Australian sketch book for 1858. pp. 33, 8vo. Melb., [1858]. 790. Amusements. EARLY closing association, Melbourne. Early closing almanac and guide to recreations for 1874. sm. 8vo. Melb., 1874. Pam., v. 87, no. 1562. 791. Public Entertainments. COOGEE palace aquarium co., ltd. Illustrated guide, pp. 22, 8vo. Syd., n.d. Pam., v. 113, no. 2112. EXHIBITION trustees, Melbourne. Illustrated official handbook to the aquarium, picture galleries, and museum collections under the control of the Exhibition trustees : compiled by J. E. Sherrard. 8vo. Melb., n.d. 792. Theatres. ELLIS, EDWARD. Pets of the public; a book of beauty containing 25 portraits of favourite actresses of the Australian stage. 8vo. Syd., 1888. FITZ-GERALD, SHAFTO JUSTIN ADAIR. Dickens and the drama; being an account of Charles Dickens' connexion with the stage, and the stage's connexion with him: illust., portrs., and reproductions of playbills. 8vo. Lond., 1910. SHAW, GEORGE BERNARD. Dramatic opinions and essays, with an apology; containing as well, a word on the dramatic opinions and essays of Bernard Shaw, by James Huneker. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1907. 794. Games of Skill. BIGNOLD, H. B., ed. Australian chess annual. i2mo. Syd., 1896. 796. Out-door Sports. ATHLETIC Queensland ; a history of amateur rowing, boxing, and physical development, pedestrianism and cycling in Queens- land : illust. 8vo. Brisb., 1900. BUCHANAN, DAVID. Donkey worship v. hero worship ; or, cricket and boat-pulling amongst Australians, pp. 20, 8vo. Syd., 1882. Pnm., v. 109, no. 2039. 432 SPORTS. 797. Cricket: Football: Boating. AUSTRALIANS in England, The; a complete record of the cricket tour of 1882. 8vo. Lond., 1882. BEESTOX, R. D. St. Ivo and the ashes; a correct, true, and par- ticular history of the Hon. Ivo Bligh's crusade in Australia: illust. by M. C. B. Massie. pp. 22, 8vo. Melb., 1883. Pam., v. 58, no. 955. BUNDEY, WILLIAM HENRY, judge of Supreme court, South Aus- tralia. Reminiscences of twenty-five years' yachting in Aus- tralia, &c. 8vo. Adel., 1888 CLARKE, ALFRED E. East Melbourne cricket club; its history, 1860 to 1910, jubilee year: [portrs. and illust.]. 4to. Melb., 1910. COLLINS, Wl. E. W. Leaves from an old county cricketer's diary. 8vo. Edinb., 1908. DAVIS, J. C., ed. Australian cricket annual ; a complete record of Australian cricket in 1896-7. 8vo. Melb., 1897. GLYNN, M. S. Victorian rowing register and oarsman's companion, 1878. pp. 49, 8vo. Melb., 1878. Pam. v. 151, no. 2936. HEDLEY, HARRY W. At the wickets ; New South Wales versus Victoria, pp. 90, 8vo. Melb., 1888. Pam., v. 7, no. 163. LAVER, FRANK. An Australian cricketer on tour; reminiscences, impressions, and experiences of two trips, with records of matches and views on English cricket: illust. 8vo. Lond., 1905. WEST AUSTRALIAN yachting and motor boat annual : ed. by "Anchor": season 1906-7. 8vo. Perth, 1907. 798. Horseracing. GRIFFITH, SAMUEL. Turf and heath : Australian racing remi- niscences : [illust.]. 8vo. Melb., 1906. J. J. MILLER ptg. co. Australian racing chronicle: v. 31, Aug. ist., i9io-Jan. 3ist, 1911. i2mo. Melb., [1911]. 799. Fishing : Hunting : Rifle shooting. ANDERSON, H. H. Guide to fishing in Tasmania: [map and illust.]. pp. 54, 8vo. Hobart, 1900. Pam., v. 151, no. 2937. BLANNIN, A. Hasty notes of a flying trip with the Victorian rifle team to England and America in 1876. 8vo. Melb., 1877. EDW ; ARD, 2nd duke of York. The master of game; the oldest English book on hunting: ed. by Wm. A. and F. Baillie- Grolimann : foreword by Theodore Roosevelt: [illust., appx. of hunting terms, bibliog., and glossary.] 8vo. Lond., 1909. LESLIE, ARTHUR G. Rifle sketches. 8vo. Melb., [1906]. NEW SOUTH WALES : Railway commissioners. Trout fishing in New South Wales: [maps and illust.]. pp. 53, 8vo. Syd., J 95- Pam., v. 101, no. 2040. NEWTTT, E. J. D. The citizen rifleman : [illust.]. 8vo. Lond., 1906. SPOET : LITERATURE. 433 PATTERSON, JOHN HENRY, lieut.-colonel. In the grip of the Nyika ; further adventures in British East Africa : illust. [and maps]. 8vo. Lond., 1909. The man-eaters of Tsavo, and other East African adventures : illust. 8vo. Lond., 1907. ROOSEVELT, THEODORE, president of the United States. African game trails ; an account of the African wanderings of an American hunter-naturalist : illust. 8vo. Lond., 1910. SCHILLINGS, C. G. In wildest Africa; tr. by Frederic Whyte: with photographic studies and other illust. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1907. .SENIOR, WILLIAM. Near and far; an angler's sketches of home sport and colonial life. 8vo. Lond., 1890. SPACKMAN, WILLIAM HENRY. Trout in New Zealand; where TO go and how to catch them: [plan and map]. 8vo. Well., 1892. 800. Literature. 801. Criticism. ^GLYNN, PATRICK MCMAHON. Sincerity in literature, pp. 12, 8vo. Adel., 1907. Pam., v. no, no. 2043. Taste and time : being the presidential address to the Literature society of Melbourne, pp. 28, 8vo Melb., 1908. Pam., v. 152, no. 2942. HUTTON, RICHARD HOLT. Brief literary criticisms : ed. by Elizabeth M. Roscoe. 8vo. Lond., 1906. LORD, WALTER FREWEN. The mirror of the century : portrs. 8vo. Lond., 1906. Contents. [Dedicatory letter]. George Eliot. W. E. Norns. Jane Austen. The Brontes. W. M. Thackeray. Charles Dickens. Lord I.ytton. The Kingsleys. Lord Beaconsfield. Anthony Trol- lope. Charles Reade. MURDOCH, WALTER. The enemies of literature pp. 36, sm. 8vo. Melb., 1907. Pam., v. 131, no. 2530. ROE, FREDERICK WILLIAM. Thomas Carlyle as a critic of litera- ture. 8vo. N.Y., 1910. TUCKER, THOMAS GEORGE. Literature and life; presidential address delivered to the Literature society, Melbourne, 1905. pp. 2*1, 8vo. Melb., n.d. Pam., v. 85, no. 1536. The supreme literary gift. pp. 49, 8vo. Melb., 1900. Pam., v. 186, no. 3606. 803. Dictionaries: Cyclopaedias. .BREWER, EBENEZER COBHAM. Dictionary of phrase and fable; giving the derivation, source or origin of common phrases, allusions and words that have a tale to tell ; to which is added a concise bibliography of English literature, new ed., 8vo. Lond., 1894. Reader's handbook of famous names in fiction, allusions, re- ferences, proverbs, plots, stories, and poems, rev. ed., Svo. Lond., 1902. 434 LITERATURE. 804. Essays. ARNOLD, MATTHEW. Friendship's garland. 8vo. Lond., 1903. DAWSON, Rev. WILLIAM JAMES. Makers of English fiction. 8vo. Lend., 1905. ELTON, OLIVER. Modern studies. 8vo. Lond., 1907. Contents. Giordano Bruno in England. Literary fame : a Re- naissance note. Colour and imagery in Spenser. Recent Shakes- peare criticism. Meaning of literary history. A word on mysticism. Tennyson : an inaugural lecture. Mr. Swinburne's poems. Mr. George Meredith. The novels of Mr. Henry James. Living Irish literature. Notes. KER, WILLIAM PATON. Essays on mediaeval literature. 8vo. Lond., 1905. Contents. Earlier history of English prose. Historical note on the similes of Dante. Boccaccio. Chaucer. Gower. Froissart. Gaston Paris. TORT ADELAIDE institute library. Articles reprinted from the " S.A. Register " : to which are added critical notes, -pp. 33, 8vo. Adel., 1893. Pam., v. 131, no. 2526. 805. Periodicals. ANTIPODEAN, The: an illustrated annual; ed. by George Essex Evans and John Tighe Ryan: introd. by the Countess of Jersey, and ed., 8vo. Lond., 1893. BOOKFELLOW, The: a monthly magazine for book-buyers and book-readers: Nos. 1-5, January to March, 1899. i6mo., and i2mo. Syd. All -published. COMMONWEALTH, The: an annual of Australian art and litera- ture: illust. 4to. Syd., 1901. SAVAGE club annual, The: 1885. 8vo. Adel. 806. Societies. SOUTH AUSTRALIAN literary societies' union. Yearbook for 1890. 8vo. Adel., 1890. Pam., v. 131, no. 2~,2~. TASMANIAN literary and debating societies' union. The literary competitor. 8vo. Hobart, 1889. Pam., v. 85, no. 1537. TURNER, HENRY GYLES. Aims and objects of a literary society. pp. 36, 8vo. Melb., 1903. Pam., v. no, no. 2041. 807. Study of Literature. HUDSON, WILLIAM HENRY. Introduction to the study of litera- ture. 8vo. Lond., 1910. 808. Rhetoric: Treatises. EARLE, Rev. JOHN. English prose; its elements, history, and usage. 8vo. Lond., 1890. MACULLY, Rev. ALEXANDER. The art of reading. 8vo. Melb., 1887. MEREDITH, GEORGE. Essay on comedy and the uses of the comic spirit. i2mo. Lond., 1905. MILES, EUSTACE. Essays in the making. 8vo. Lond., 1906. LITERATURE. '435 808.5. Oratory. BAD HAM, Rev. CHARLES. Address to the University debating society, -pp. 13, 8vo. Syd., 1875. Pa.m., v. 131, no. 2534. LAYCOCK, CRAVEN, and SCALES, ROBERT LEIGHTON. Argumen- tation and debate. 8vo. NY., 1905. MARS, LEO. The Australian book of ready-made speeches, toasts, sentiments and responses. 8vo. Melb., 1911. NEWMAN, GEORGE G. Caccethes loquendi : the rage for speak- ing, pp. 62, 8vo. Adel., 1893. Pam., v. 131, no. 2536. 808.8. Quotations. BARTLETT, JOHN. Familiar quotations; a collection of passages, phrases, and proverbs traced to their sources in ancient and modern literature. 9th eel., 8vo. Lond., 1907. BENHAM, W. GURNEY. Cassell's book of quotations, proverbs, and household words:- with full verbal index. 8vo. Lond., 1907. HOYT, J. K. Cyclopaedia of practical quotations; English, Latin, and modern foreign languages. 8vo. N.Y., 1896. KING, W. FRANCIS H. Classical and foreign quotations; a poly- glot manual. 3rd ed. 8vo. Lond., 1904. .SWAN, HELENA. Dictionary of contemporary quotations, (Eng- lish), with authors index. 8vo. Lond., 1910. 809. History of Literature. FARRER, JAMES ANSON. Literary forgeries : introd. by Andrew Lang. 8vo. Lond., 1907. MILLER, ROBERT C. Books ; their history and influence. pp. 93, 8vo. Melb., 1883. Pa:n., v. 131, no. 2529. TURNER, HENRY GYLES, and SUTHERLAND, ALEXANDER. Development of Australian literature: portrs. 8vo. Lond., 1898. Contents. General sketch of Australian literature: by H. d. Turner. Biography of Adam Lindsay Gordon : by A. Sutherland. Biography of Hnry Kendall : by A. Sutherland. Biography nf Marcus Clarke : by H. G. Turner. 810. American Literature. BROWNELL, WILLIAM CRARY. American prose masters; Cooper Hawthorne Emerson Poe Lowell Henry James. 8vo. N.Y., 1909 FISHER, MARY. General survey of American literature. 2nd ed., 8vo. Chic., 1901. 811. American Poetry. ,SLADEN, DOUGLAS BROOKE WHEELTON, ed. Younger American poets, 1830-1890; with appx. of younger Canadian poets; ed. by Goodridge Bliss Roberts. 8vo. Lond., 1891. 436 ENGLISH LITERATURE. 814. American Essays. CHANNING, WILLIAM ELLERY. Works : ed. by Rev. R. E. 13. Maclellan. 2 v., 8vo. Belfast, 1843. (People's edition.) 815. American Oratory. CLEMENS, SAMUEL LANGHORNE, "Mark Twain." Mark Twain's speeches : introd. by W. D. Howells : [portr.]. 8vo. N.Y., 1910. ROOSEVELT, THEODORE. African and European addresses: introd. by Lawrence F. Abbott. 8vo. N.Y., 1910. 820. English and Australian Literature. BARTON, GEORGE BURNETT. Literature in New South Wales. 8vo. Syd., 1866. Study of English literature, pp. 16, 8vo. Syd., 1866. Pain., v. 186, no. 3607. BARTON, GEORGE BURNETT, ed. Poets and prose writers of New South Wales. 8vo. Syd., 1866. Contents. Introduction. W. C. Wentworth. J. D. Lang. Charles Harpur. W. Forster. James Martin. Henry Pnrkes. D. H. Deniehy. Robert Se.ily. W. B. Dalley. Henry Kendall. Henry Halloran. Sir T. L. Mitchell. J. L. Michael. G. R. Morton. BYRNE, DESMOND. Australian writers. 8vo. Lond., 1896. Contents. Introduction. Marcus Clarke. Henry Kingsley. Ada Cambridge. Adam Lindsay Gordon. Rolf Boldrewood. Mrs. Campbell Praed. Tasma. DALE, EDMUND. National life and character in the mirror of early English literature. 8vo. Camb., 1907. HADOW, G. E., and HADOW, W. H. Oxford treasury of English literature: v. i. Old English to Jacobean. 8vo. Oxford, 1906. MACCALLUM, MUNGO WILLIAM. George Meredith ; poet and novelist, pp. 56, i2mo. Syd., 1892. Pam., v. 40, no. 673. MARTIN, ARTHUR PATCHETT. Beginnings of an Australian litera- ture : [portr.]. pp. 46, 8vo. Lond., 1898. Pam., v. 131, no. 2528. O'DOWD. BERNARD. Poetry militant; an Australian plea for the poetry of purpose, pp. 55, 8vo. Melb., 1909. Pam., v. 152, no. 2939. Same: another copy. Pam., v. 175, no. 3376. SCHELLING, FELIX EMANUEL. English literature during the lifetime of Shakespeare. 8vo. Lond., 1910. SECCOMBE, THOMAS, and NICOLL, WILLIAM ROBERTSON. The Bookman illustrated history of English literature. 2 v., la. 8yo. Lond., 1906. Contents. v. i. Chaucer to Dryden. v. a. Pope to Swinburne. SUTHERLAND, ALEXANDER. The pioneeis of Australian litera- ture, pp. 12, 8vo. Hobart, 1892. Pam., v. 85, no. 1534. Same: another copy. Pam., v. no, no. 2044. TATNE- HIPPOLYTE ADOLPHE. Histoire de litterature Anglai.se- 5 v.. 8vo. Paris, 1877-78. ENGLISH POETEY. 437" TUCKER, THOMAS GEORGE. The foreign debt of English litera- ture: [with synoptical tables]. 8vo. Lond., 1907. TUCKER, THOMAS GEORGE, and MURDOCH, WALTER. Illus- trative prose and verse ; a companion to " A new primer of English literature." 8vo. Melb. [1908]. 821. English Poetry. AUSTIN, ALFRED. The door of humility. 8vo. Lond., 1907. Sacred and prof ane love ; and other poems. 8vo. Lond., 1908. AYTOUN, WILLIAM EDMONSTOUNE. The execution of Montrose : tr. into Gaelic for the Highland society of New South Wales- by G. A. Murray. Pp- 14, 8vo. Syd., n.d. Pam., v. no, no. 2062. BLACK, GEORGE. In defence of Robert Burns ; the charge of plagiarism refuted. 8vo. Syd., 1901. BRADLEY, ANDREW CECIL. Oxford lectures on poetry. 8vo. Lond., 1909. BRONTE, EMILY. Complete poems; ed. by Clement Shorter: in- troductory essay by W. Robertson Nicoll. 8vo. Lond., 1910. v. i of her Complete works. CALVERLEY, CHARLES STUART. Fly leaves : Australian ed. i2ino. Melb., 1873. Translations into English and Latin, sm. 8vo. Lond., 1897. First published in 1866. Verses and fly leaves, sm. 8vo. Lond., 1901. CAMBRIDGE prize poems; being a complete collection of the English poems which have obtained the chancellor's gold medal in the University of Cambridge 4th ed., 8vo. Lond., 1828. Contains Australasia by W. M. Praed. COLLIER, JOHN PAYNE, ed. A book of Roxburghe ballads: [illust.]. sm. 4to. Lond., 1847. COLLINS, JOHN CHURTON. Greek influence on English poetry : ed. with pref. by M. Macmillan : [portr.]. 8vo. Lond., 1910. Contents. Greek as a factor in modern education. Introduction of Greek into England. Influence of Greek poetry. Influence of Greek criticism. Influence of Greek philosophy. COURTHOPE, WILLIAM JOHN. History of English poetry. 5 v., 8vo. Lond., 1895-1905. CRICHTON, A. The land o' the leal : who wrote it, Lady Nairne- or Burns? introd. by Wm. M. Stenhouse. -pp. 32, 8vo. Dunedin, 1903. Pam., v. 175, no. 3378. DAVIES, WILLIAM H. Nature poems and others, -pp. 62, sm. 8vo. Lond., 1910. DUFFY, Sir CHARLES GAVAN, ed. Ballad poetry of Ireland. 4th ed., i2mo. Dublin, 1845. ELLIS, GEORGE. Specimens of the early English poets; [with] an historical sketch of the rise and progress of the English poetry and language. 3 v., 8vo. Lond., 1801. Specimens of early English metrical romances ; [with] an his- torical introduction on the rise and progress of romantic com- position in France and England : new ed. revised by J. O, Halliwell. 8vo. Lond., 1848. 438 ENGLISH POETRY. FITZGERALD, Rev. GERALD. The injured islanders; or, the in- fluence of art upon the happiness of nature: [vignette by Isaac Taylor], -pp. 28, 410. Lond., 1779. Suggested by the discoveries in the South Seas. FITZGERALD, W. Ode to the memory of the late captain James Cook: [anon.], pp. 16, la. 8vo. Lond., 1780. HERBERT, GEORGE. English works; newly arranged and anno- tated, and considered in relation to his life, by George Herbert Palmer: [portrs. and illust.]. 3 v., 8vo. Lond., 1905. Contents. v. i. Essays and prose. v. 2. Cambridge poems, v. 3. Bemerton poems. HORNE, RICHARD HENGIST. Orion; an epic poem in three books: [portr. inserted], pth ed. 8vo. Lond., 1872. Prometheus, the fire-bringer. pp. 60, 8vo. Melb., 1866. Pam., v. 57, no. 934. The South-sea sisters ; a lyric masque ; written for the opening of the Intercolonial exhibition of Australasia, 1866 : with translations into French and German verse. pp. 31, 8vo. Melb., [1866]. Pam., v. 57, no. 933. [Various poems]. 8vo. Melb., 1854-66. Contents. Orion : " Australian ed. Prometheus, the fire-bringer : Australian ed. South Sea sisters; with translations into French and German verse. KIPLING, RUDYARD. Barrack-room ballads, and other verses. 2Oth ed. 8vo. Lond., 1905. The dead king. pp. 20, 8vo. Lond., 1910, Departmental ditties. 8vo. Lond., 1904. The five nations. 8vo. Lond., 1903. The seven seas. loth ed., 8vo. Lond., 1905. LANG, ANDREW. Sir Walter Scott and the Border minstrelsy. 8vo. Lond., 1910. LOCKWOOD, LAURA E. Lexicon to the English poetical works of John Milton. 8vo. N.Y., 1907. MACAULAY, THOMAS BABINGTON MACAULAY, baron. Lays of ancient Rome; with Ivry, and the Armada : illust. 8vo. Lond., 1904. MANNING, FREDERIC. The vigil of Brunhild ; a narrative poem. pp. 62, 8vo. Lond., 1907. MASON, REDFERN. The song lore of Ireland ; Erin's story in music nnd verse. 8vo. N.Y., 1910. MEREDITH, GEORGE. Poems. 3 v., 8vo. Lond., 1910. v. 23-25 of his Works, class 823. MILTON, JOHN. Poetical works. 3 v., i2mo. Lond.. ti.J. MITFORD, MARY RUSSELL. Christina; the maid of the South seas. 8vo. Lond., 1811. MONTGOMERY, JAMES. Pelican island, and other poems. 3rd ed., i2mo. Lond., 1828. Suggested by a passage in Capt. Flinders' " Voyage to Terra Aus- tralis." MORRIS, WILLIAM. Collected works, with introd. by his daughter, May Morris: [portrs.]. v. 1-8. 8vo. Lond.. 1910-11. Contents. v. i. The defence of Guenevere, The hollow land. v. 2. The life and death of Jason. v. 3-6. The earthly paradise. v. 7. Grettir the strong, The Story of the Volsungs, and Niblungs. v. 8. Journals of travels in Iceland, 1871-1873. [map.] In progress. ENGLISH POETRY. 439> Some rhyming ware. -pp. 80, 8vo. Lond., Songs of memory and hope. sm. 8vo. MUNRO, WALTER. 1901. NEWBOLT, HENRY JOHN. Lond., 1909. NOYES, ALFRED. Collected poems. 2 v., 8vo. Edinb., 1910. PHILLIPS, C. The ocean cavern; a tale of the Tonga isles : in three cantos. 8vo. Lond., 1819. PHILLIPS, STEPHEN. The new Inferno. 8vo. Lond., 1911. New poems. 8vo. London., 1908 [1907]. POPE, ALEXANDER. Works; poetry : portrs., illust. [and facsimiles]. 4 v., 8vo. Lond., 1871-82. Being v. 1-4, Works of Alexander Pope : ed. by Elwin and Court- hope. PRAED, WINTHROP MACKWORTH. Australasia. 1828. (In Cambridge prize poems.) RICHMOND, MARY E. Poems. 8vo. Lond., 1903. SEWARD, ANNA. Elegy on Captain Cook; [with] an Ode to the sun. pp. 23. 4to. Lond., 1780. SHERARD, CHARLES ALLAN. A daughter of the south; and other poems, pp. 99, 8vo. Lond., 1889. SHERBROOKE. ROBERT LOWE, viscount. Poems of a life. 2nd. ed., 8vo. Lond., 1885. STONE, CHRISTOPHER, ed. Sea songs and ballads : introd. by Admiral Sir Cyprian Bridge. 8vo. Oxf., 1906. SWINBURNE, ALGERNON CHARLES. William Blake; a critical essay, new ed. 8vo. Lond., 1906. SYMOXS, ARTHUR. The romantic movement in English poetry. 8vo. Lond., 1909. TENNYSON, ALFRED TENNYSON, ist baron. [Works] : annotated by Alfred, lord Tennyson : ed. by Hallam, lord Tennyson. 9 v., 8vo. Lond., 1907-08. Contents. i and 2. Poems. 3. Enoch Arden, and In memoriam. 4. The Princess, and Maud. 5. Idylls of the king. 6. Ballads, and other poems. 7. Demeter, and other poems. 8. Queen Mary; and, Harold. 9. Becket, and other plays. Suppressed poems. 1830-1868: ed. by J. C. Thomson, sm^ 8vo. Lond., 1910. THOMPSON, FRANCIS. Pcems. loth ed., sm. 4to. Lond., [1909]. Shelley; introd. by the rt. hon. George Wyndham. pp. 91, sm. 8vo. N.Y., 1909. THRELFALL, EVELYN. Starlight songs, pp. 98, 8vo. Lond., 1895. TUPPER, MARTIN FARQUHAR. England " Catholic." n.d. Pam., v. 49, no. SaoA. Half-a-dozen ballads for Australian emigrants, &c. 8vo. Lond.. 1853. Pam., v. 85, no. 1524. WATSON, WILLIAM. Sable and purple, with other poems. pp.. 48, 8vo. Lond., 1910. WELSH, CHARLES, ed. Golden treasury of Irish songs and lyrics. 2 v., 8vo. N.Y.. 1907. W1LKINS, WILLIAM WALKER, ed. Political ballads of the seven- teenth and eighteenth centuries : annotated. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1860. WORDSWORTH, WILLIAM. Poetical works : ed. by William* Knight: [illust.]. 8 v., 8vo. Lond., 1882-86. leaflet, n.p.,. pp. 18, sm.. 440 NEW ZEALAND POETRY. New Zealand Poetry. ALEXANDER, W. F., and CURRIE, A. E., eds. New Zealand verse. i2mo. Lond., 1906. B., J. Y. Pictures and dreams: verses, -pp. 63, 8vo. Invercargill, 1906. BAUGHAN, B. E. Shingle-short, and other verses : [4 illust.]. 8vo. Christchurch, n.d. BRACKEN, THOMAS. Lays of the land of the Maori and rnoa : introd. by the Rev. Rutherford Waddell : [portr.]. 12010. Lond., 1884. Musings in Maoriland : with historical sketch by Sir R. Stout, and pref. by Sir G. Grey : illust. 4to. Dunedin, 1890. Not understood, and other poems, -pp. 99, 8vo. Well., 1905. BURN, DAVID WILLIAM MURRAY. Cantilenosae nugae : being v. i of his poetical works. 8vo. Oamaru, 1891. CLYDE, ALAN. " Te Kooti," and other poems, pp. 48, sm. 8vo. Dunedin, 1872. Pam., v. 31, no. 510. COWAN, FRANK. Australia ; a charcoal sketch. 8vo. Greens- burg, U.S., 1886. Fact and fancy in New Zealand ; terraces of Rotomahana ; a poem : to which is prefixed a paper on geyser eruptions and terrace formations, by Josiah Martin : [notes], pp. 61, 8vo. Auckland, 1885. Pam., v. 30, no. 501. DOMETT, ALFRED. Ranolf and Amohia ; a dream of two lives, rev. ed. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1883. (iILES, JOSEPH. Poems, sm. 8vo. [Christchurch], 1908. IN WOOD, Rev. F. R. The Christian year beneath the Southern Cross. 8vo. Christchurch, 1906. JEFFREYS, FRANCIS J. Immanuel, and other poems. pp. 55, 8vo. Nelson, 1898. Pam., v. 29, no. 489. LAWSON, WILL. Between the lights, and other verses. 8vo. Well., 1906. " Quilp N." The red west road, and other verses: illust. by \V. Macbeth, pp. 55, sm. 410. Well., 1903. Pam., v. no, no. 2066. Stokin', and other verses. 8vo. Well., 1908. MACKAY, JESSIE. The land of the morning: illust. sm. 8vo. Christchurch. [1909]. The spirit of the Rangatira, and other ballads. 8vo. Melb., 1889. MONTGOMERY, E E. M. Hinemoa ; a poem : sketches by G. S. pp. 14, sq. 8vo. Wanganui, n.d. Pam., v. 50, no. 834. The land of the moa; a poem: sketches by G. S. pp. 14, sq. 8vo. Wanganui, n.d. Pain., y. 50, no. 831;. The Tohunga ; and incidents of Maori life: sketches by K. Watkins. pp. 14, sq. 8vo. Wanganui, n.d. Pam., v. 50, no. 836. NEW ZEALAND AND AUSTRALIAN POETRY. 441 O'REGAN, CORNELIUS. Poems : ed., with prefatory notice, by John Christie, pp. 52, 8vo. Well., 1896. Pam., v. 133, no. 2572. PADDY MURPHY'S annual, pp. 70, 8vo. Dunedin, [1886]. Pam., v. 10, no. 228. Same: another copy. Pam., v. in, no. 2068. PURNELL, CHARLES W. Poems. i2mo. Christchurch, 1868. RICHARDSON, CATHERINE H. Gabrielle, and other poems. i2mo. Dunedin, 1875. ROSLYN, pseud. The Huia's homeland, and other verses. 8vo. Lond., 1897. SMITH, LUCY, " A New Zealander." Poems. 8vo. Lond., 1897. STENHOUSE, WILLIAM M. Lays from Maoriland ; being songs and poems, Scottish and English. 8vo. Paisley, 1908. STEWARD, Sir WILLIAM JUKES, " Justin Aubrey." Carmina varia ; being miscellaneous poems. 8vo. Dunedin, [1871]. WILLIAMS, GEORGE PHIPPS, and REEVES, WILLIAM PEMBER. Colonial couplets, pp. 65, i2mo. Christchurch, 1889. In double harness, pp. 79, i2mo. Christchurch, 1891. WILSON, Mrs. ELIZA. New Zealand, and other poems. T2mo. Lond., 1851. Australian Poetry. A., R. D. International exhibition of New South Wales, September 17, 1879: a poem. pp. 14, 8vo. Syd., 1879. Pam.. v. no, no. 2054. VBECKETT, Sir WILLIAM. The earl's choice, and other poems. sm. 8vo. Lond., 1863. ADAMS, ARTHUR HENRY. Maoriland, and other verses. 8vo. Syd., 1899. ADAMS, FRANCIS WILLIAM LAUDERDALE. Songs of the army of the night. 8vo. Syd., n.d. ADAMS, ROBERT, "Alpha Crucis." Songs of the stars, and other poems. 8vo. Lond., [1882]. AILEC, pseud. Patriotic and other lines, pp. 81, i2mo. Melb., 1907. AITKEN, JOHN DANIEL KERR. The coming day, and other verses. pp. 40, 8vo. Melb., 1908. Pam., v. 152, no. 2957. ALFRED, JAMES. Allegoria; a poem. pp. 27, sm. 8vo. Syd., 1897. Pam., v. 132, no. 2547. ALLEN, ALFRED. Australian verse drift : poems. pp. 93, 8vo. Syd., 1883. ALLEN, Rev. WILLIAM. Random rhymes, pp. 23, 2nd ed., 8vo. Melb., 1888. Pam.j v. 31. no. 522. ALLISON, FRANCIS. Collection of poems and stanzas. pp. 40,, sm. 8vo. Hobart, 1885. Pam.j v. 85, no. 1526. 442 AUSTRALIAN POETRY. ANDERSON, ANDREW. A jubilee gift; or. scenes on sundry shores, pp. 64, 8vo. Adel., 1887. Poems, pp. 12, 8vo. Adel., 1905. Pam., v. 152, no. 2946. Poems, pp. 12, 8vo. Adel., 1906. Pam., v. 152, no. 2047. Poems, pp. 12, 8vo. Adel., 1907. Pam., v. 152, no. 2948 Poems of the sea. pp. 12, 8vo. Adel., 1907. Pam., v. 152. no. .2940.. Scenes in Scotia (part first) ; Archibald Forbes and his lecture "Kings and princes I have met"; and Spring flowers: verses descriptive and local, pp. 64, 8vo. Adel., 1886. ANDERSON, FRANCES; Mrs. William J. Colonial poems. 8vo. Lond., 1869. ANDERSON, GEORGE. The agnostic, and other poems. 8vo. Lond., 1894. ANDERSON, THISTLE; Mrs. Herbert Fisher. The reveller; and vagabond verses, pp. 48, 8vo. Adel., 1905. Pam., v. 85, no. 1530. ANDREW, ARTHUR WILLOUGHBY. Poems, pp. 18, 8vo. Syd., n.d. Pam., v. 29, no. 482. ANDREWS, CHARLES LEONARD. Poems. 8vo. Melb., 1911. ANDREWS, E. J. Cy Cyfer, and other poems. 8vo. Adel., 1895. ANDREWS, J. A., " Sebastian Bach." Temple mystic, and other poems. 8vo. Ballarat, 1888. Teufelswelt; an epic. i2mo. Melb. [1896]. ANGAS, GEORGE FRENCH. Wreck of the " Admella," and other poems. pp. 91, 8vo. Lond., 1874. ARTHUR, HENRY. In extremis, and other poems, pp. 62, 8vo. Adel., 1901. Pam., v. 31, no. 512. ASHTON, ROWNHAM. The writing on the wall; a call to the Australian people, pp. 12, obi. i2mo. Syd.. 1905. Pam., v. 133, no. 2552. ASTON, TILLY. Maiden verses. 8vo. Melb.. 1901. ATKINSON, E. J. RUPERT. By a midnight sea ; poems : [portr.]. 8vo. Melb., 1908. The shrine of desire; poems, pp. 83, ismo. Melb.. 1906. AUSTRALIAN, An. Australian gleanings; a reverie, pp. 80, 8vo. Lond., 1865. AUSTRALIAN babes in the wood; a true story told in rhyme for the young: by the author of " Little Jessie " : illust. pp. 47, 8vo. Lond., 1866. B., J. A. Meta of Gaindara; an Australian poetical romance. pp. 97, 8vo. Melb., 1868. B., R. G. Incidental memoirs; or, poetical musings on passing events, pp. 98, i2mo. Lond., 1855. B., S. Pakipika. pp. 22, 8vo. Ballarat, 1883. Pam., v. 155, no. 2982. B., W. A. The dead march of the waters, and other verses written in Australasia, pp. 45, 8vo. Lond., 1897. Para., v. 31, no. 519. AUSTRALIAN POETRY. 443- BANKS, SAMUEL HAWKER. An ethical, serio comical, and satirical essay in verse, intituled, The vision of truth; in two parts. pp. 24, 8vo. Syd., 1874. Pam., v. no, no. 2065. The pic-nic party, and The stranger's story ; a tale of an Aus- tralian Christmas, pp. 28, 8vo. Melb, 1867. Pam., v. 155, no. 2986. BARBOUR, A. J. Clara; a romance of rural life, and other poems. pp. 57, 8vo. Melb... 1888. Same: another copy. Pam., v. 29, no. 485. BARBOUR. JAMES. Pencillings on the wallaby, and other verses. pp. 52, 8vo. Ballarat, 1906. Pirn., v. 133, no. 2558. BARRY, PHILIP FRANCIS GOULD. Book of Chiistmas verses, pp. 79, i2ino. Hobart Town, 1865. "BATCHER", pseud. Rosalie, and other verses including poems of beautiful Bathurst. pp. 76, 8vo. Syd., 1910. BAYLDON, ARTHUR ALBERT D. Poems. i2mo. Brisb. [1899]. The sphinx, and other poems, pp 73, 8vo. Hull, 1889. BAYNE, EMILY. Truth and trust, pp. 71, 8vo. Melb., 1880. BEDFORD, RUTH MARJORY. Rhymes by Ruth. pp. 31, i2mo. Syd., 1896. P.im., v. 132, no. 2538. BENNETT, SAMUEL VIVIAN. Songs and verses, pp. 56, 8vo. Syd., 1903. Pam., v. 132, no. 2550. BEVERIDGE, MITCHELL KILGOUR. Gatherings among the gum- trees. 8vo. Melb., 1863. BLANCHE, JOHN F. The Prince's visit, and other poems. pp. 62, 8vo. Melb., 1869, BOND, CHARLES G. Cast away, and other poems, pp. 71, 8\xx Syd., 1893. Pam., v. 31, no. 513. BONNEY, FLORENCE ADELAIDE. Words of light; poems. 8vo. Syd., 1889. BRADY, EDWIN JAMES. The ways of many waters. i2mo. Syd., 1899. BRAZIER, AMOS WILLIAM. Music and light, and other verses: [illust.]. 4to. Melb., 1907. BRERETON, JOHN LE GAY, snr. Beyond, and other poems, pp. 98, 8vo. Syd., 1886. The goal of time; a poem. pp. 56, 8vo. Melb., 1883. Poems. i2mo. Lond., 1865. Travels of Prince Legion, and other poems. 8vo. Lond., 1857. Triumph of love. 8vo. Syd., 1887. BRERETON, JOHN LE GAY, jnr. Perdita; a sonnet record, [anon.]. pp. 34. 8vo. Syd., 1896. Pam., v. 29, no. 486. Sea and "sky. pp. 78, sm. 410. Melb., 1908. The song of brotherhood, and other verses. i2mo. Lond., 1896. Sweetheart mine; lyrics of love and friendship, pp. 39, 8vo. Syd., 1897. Pam., v. no, DO. 2063. 444 AUSTRALIAN POETBY. BROWN, ARCHIBALD CRAWFORD. Sprays of language in leaf and flower, pp. 71, 8vo. Bundaberg, 1897. BROWNE, MARGERY. Weeds in verse. pp. 44, 8vo. Drutn- moyne, n.d. Pam., v. 31, no. 520. BRUCE, ROBERT. The dingoes, and other tales. 8vo. Adel., 1875- Echoes from Coondambo. 8vo. Adel., 1893. A voice from the Australian bush: 3 illust. 8vo. Adel., 1877. BUDDIVENT, P. LUCIEN. The "Centennial"; or, simple rhymes of an "idle rhymster." pp. 32, 8vo. Syd., 1888. Ptm., v. 133, no. 2560. BUFTON, JOHN. Federation: a poem. pp. 18, i2mo. Melb., n.d. Pun., v. 133, no. 2555. Hymns of the night, pp. 20, i2mo. Hobart, 1902. P;im., v. 132, no. 2537. The light of Eden, and other poems. i2mo. Melb., 1890. BULLETIN reciter : a collection of verses for recitation from rhe Bulletin, 1880-1901. 8vo. Syd., 1901. BUSH flowers from Australia: by a daughter of the soil. 8vo. Lond., n.d. BYRNE, M. B. Fern fronds and wattle whispers, pp. 47, 8vo. Geelong, 1885. BYRNE, W. E. "Devotion." The ode of federation. pp. 8, i2mo. Syd., n.d. Pam., v. 133, no. 2554. C., D. A few poetical scraps from the portfolio of an Australian pioneer, pp. 48, i2mo. Melb., 1882. C., M. The explorers, and other poems. 12 mo. Melb., 1874. CALDWELL, ROBERT. The German band ; and, The morning minstrels; also, Occasional pieces, pp. 84, i2mo. Adel., 1908. In our great north-west; or, incidents and impressions in cen- tral Australia: illust. pp. 72, 8vo. Adel., 1894. Pam., v. 186, no. 3609. The lady Alice; or, love triumphant: a poem. pp. 62, 8vo. Adel., 1874. Same: another copy. Pam., v. 155. no. 2985. The pioneers, and other poems, pp. 88, 8vo. Adel., 1898. Summer fruits and autumn flowers. 8vo. Adel., 1900. A vision of toil, and other poems. i2mo. Adel., 1875. CAMERON, Rev. CHARLES INNES. Poems and hymns. 8vo. Geelong, 1870. CAXDISH, SYDNEY. Love; a poetical tssay. pp. 66. la. 8vo. Syd., 1887. Whispering voices. 8vo. Syd., 1888. CANTOR, STANLEY J. Israel vindicanclus, and other poems, pp. 82, 8vo. Melb., 1906. CAREY, JESSE. Kings of the reefs : a poem. 410. Melb., 1891. CARLETON, WILLIAM. The warden of Galway ; a metrical tale, in six cantos: and other poems. 8vo. Melb., 1868. CARMICHAEL, JENNINGS; Mrs. Francis Mullis. Poems. 8vo. Lond., 1895. AUSTRALIAN POETRY. 445 CASTILLA, ETHEL. The Australian girl, and other verses, -pp. 92, 8vo. Melb., 1900. CAWTHORNE, W. A. Legend of Kuperree; or, the red kangaroo : an aboriginal tradition of the Port Lincoln tribe : a metrical version. 2nd ed., 8vo. Adel., n.d. Pam., v. 31, no. 518. CHAMBERS, HUGH JOHN. Lines written on first seeing the comet [of September, 1882]. pp. 7, 8vo. Syd., 1882. Pam.. v. no. no. 20^. CHANDLER, ALFRED T. Songs of the sunland. 8vo. Adel., 1889. CHINNER, GEORGE F. Spray from the war wave ; rhymes of war and empire, 1898-1900. pp. 55, i2mo. Syd., 1900. Pam.. v. 132, no. 2^40. " 'Twixt shadow and shine " ; a volume of poems. 8vo. Adel., 1890. CHUBB, CHARLES FREDERICK. Fugitive pieces, prologues, &c. i2mo. Brisb., 1881. CHURCH, HUBERT. Egmont. pp. 79, 8vo. Melb., 1908. West wind. 1904. (In Southern garland.) CLOUD, Mrs. T. C., "Lindsay Duncan." Drift; a volume of stray verse. 8vo. Adel., 1891. COLONY, The; a poem in four parts, pp. 40, i2mo. Lond., 1853. Pam., v. 155, no. 2979. COMMONWEALTH hymns: i. God save our Austral land: by Rev. William Allen. 2. God of the nations : by Rev. W. H. Ash. leaflet, n.p., n.d. Pam., v. 3, no. 63. COOK, Hon. JAMES NEWTON HAXTON HUME. Australians true ! music by Henry Walton, leaflet, Melb., n.d. Pam., v. 3, no. 67. CORBETT, W. J. " Fontenoy " ; an historical poem : introd. and notes by Warragul. pp. 56, 8vo. Melb., 1888. Pam., v. 30, no. 500. CORNWALLIS, KINAHAN. Yarra Yarra ; or, the wandering abori- gine : a poetical narrative. 8vo. Lond., 1857. CRAWFORD, ROBERT. Lyric moods; various verses. pp. 56, sm. 8vo. Newtown, 1904. Pam., v. no, no. 2057. CREED, MARIE LOUISE, nee Mack; Mrs. J. P. Dreams in flowers. pp. 48, 8vo. Syd., 1901. CUTHBERTSON, JAMES LISTER. Barwon ballads. 8vo. Melb., 1893. DALE, PHILIP, and HAVILAND, CYRIL. Voices from Australia. i2mo. Lond., 1892. Contents. Part i. Poems by Philip Dale : part 2. Poems by Cyril Haviland. . DALEY, VICTOR JAMES. [A tribute to: illust.]. pp. 31, 8vo. Syd., 1902. Pam., v. 134, no. 2575. Wine and roses: ed., with a memoir by Bertram Stevens: [portr.]. 8vo. Syd., 1911. DAVIES, ROWLAND LYTTELTON ARCHER. Poems ; and other literary remains : ed. with biographical sketch by Charles Tomlinson. 8vo. Lond., 1884. 446 AUSTEALIAN POETRY. DAWK, WILLIAM. Love and the world, ami other poems. 8vo. Melb., 1886. DAWSON, W. H. War songs, 1899-1900. -pp. 24, sm. 410. Hobart, IQOI. DEAN, WILLIAM. Home and camp. 8vo. Marrickville, 1906. DEBNEY, Mrs., " Ellie." Poems. 8vo. Adel., 1873. DELANY, RALPH. Poems and songs. i2mo. Brisb., 1869. DEMON McGUIRE, The. pp. 47, 4to. Syd.. n.d. DERHAM, FRANCIS PLUMLEY. Murrin and Wonga ; a serio-comic Australian poem. -pp. 47, 8vo. Melb., 1867. Pam., v. 133, no. 2561. DICKSOX, BASSETT. Honi Heki, in two cantos ; Warbeck, in two cantos, and miscellaneous pieces. 8vo. Launceston, 1847. DINGO, DOGBERRY, pseud. Australian rhymes and jingles, pp. 35, sm. 8vo. Fitzroy, 1871. 1'am., v. 2Q. no. 481. DOCKER, ERNEST BROUGHAM. Hymns of the kingdom, pp. 71, i2mo. Syd., 1876. DOLLMAN, WALTER. Bush fancies and campfire yarns, pp. 78, 8vo. Adel., 1898. Pam., v. 155, no. 2981. DOWN, RICHARD Ruminations and reminiscences ; being a col- lection of incidental pieces and poems. i2mo. Melb., 1878. Second thoughts ; being a collection of ballads, poems, and fugi- tive pieces. i2mo. Melb., 1872. Stray thoughts, pp. 96, i2mo. Melb., 1871. DULLRAZOR, JAMES N. Yowyang, a poem. pp. 41, sm. 8vo. Launceston, 1859. Pam.. v. 31, no. 517. DUNNE, LYELL. A knight of the Southern cross, and other po?ms. pp. 56, i2mo. Adel., n.d. Music of the spheres, pp. 57, i2mo. Adel., 1898. DUSK, pseud. To the spirit of the twilight hour, and other poems. i2mo. Melb., 1874. DYSON, EDWARD. Rhymes from the mines, and other lines. 8vo. Syd., 1898. E., J. F. Poems. i2mo. Syd., [1881]. EASDOWN, W. R. Editha; a poetical tale founded on certain Kentish legends. 8vo. Syd., 1883. EAST, LEWIS FINDLAY. The quest of love, and other poems, pp. 44, I2mo. Melb., 1895. EDEN, GUY. Bush ballads, and other verses. 8vo. Lond., [1907]. ELLIOTT, A. McK. In the heart of things : illust. pp. 47, sm. 4*0. Syd., n."d. Pam.. v. 133, no. 2562. ELODIE, pseud. Wheat and tares, sm. 410. Adel., 1910. ELSUM, WILLIAM H. Australia, and other poems. 8vo. Melb., n.d. ELVERY, Rev. WILLIAM RICHARD. The city of God, and other poems, pp. 32, sm. 8vo. Bendigo, n.d. Pam., v. no, no. 2059. EMANUEL, FLORENCE MARION. [Poems]. i2mo. Lond., n.d. AUSTRALIAN POETRY. 447 EVANS, GEORGE ESSEX. Federal song, leaflet. Perth, n.d. Pam., v. 3, no. 61. Loraine, and other verses. 8vo. Melb., 1898. Repentance of Magdalene Despar, and other poems. 8vo. Lond., 1891. The secret key, and other verses: [portr.]. 8vo. Syd., 1906. The sword of pain. -pp. 7, sm. 8vo. Tcowoomba, 1905 Pam., v. 8^, no. 1528. EVANS, SAMUEL. Yarra Bend, and other poems and verses. 8vo. Melb., 1877. EVANS, W. J. Rhymes without reason. pp. 89, 8vo. Adel., 1898 EXON, EDWIN. Cranmer ; historical poem. pp. n, i2mo. Melb., 1907. Pam., v. 155. no. 2980. The lost flower found, and other poems, pp. 94, i2mo. Melb., 1862. Lyrical dramas, poems, and translations. i2mo. Melb., 1888. Poems : [portr.]. pp. 55, i2mo. Melb, 1907. Victorian jubilee ode : [music] composed by Alfred Plumpton. pp. 67, 8vo. Melb., n.d. Pam., v. 50, no. 844. FAIRFAX, J. GRIFFYTH. Poems. 8vo. Lond., 1908. FARRELL, JOHN. Australia to England, pp. n, 8vo. Syd.. 1897. Pam., v. 30, no. 499. How he died, and other poems. 8vo. Syd., 1887. My sundowner, and other poems: memorial edition; ed., with memoir and notes, by Bertram Stevens. 8vo. Syd., 1904. FAVENC, ERNEST. Voices of the desert : illust. pp. 77, 8vo. Lond., 1905. FEDERAL ode. A leaflet, n.p., n.d. Pam., v. 3, no. 57. FEDERATION cantata: words by various Australian and British poets, music by William Forbes Hutchinson. pp. 20, 8vo. Syd., 1897. Pam., v. 3, no. 54. FERRES, ARTHUR. The free selector, and other verses. 8vo. Syd., [1901]. FIELDING, Rev. SYDNEY G. The castaway, and other poems. pp. 64, i2mo. Syd., ^884. FISHER, Mrs. HANNAH. Original poems. 8vo. Ballarat, 1889. FLANAGAN, RODERICK J. Australian and other poems, pp. 97, i2mo. Syd., 1887. FOOTT, MARY HANNAY. Where the pelican builds, and other poems, pp. 43, 8vo. Brisb., 1885. FORSTER, WILLIAM. Midas; [appended. Poems]. 8vo. Lond., 1884. FRY, FLORENCE MILDRED, and FRY, EDITH MAY. Poems, pp. 31, 8vo. Syd., 1906. FULLERTON, MARY E. Moods and melodies; sonnets and lyrics. pp. 62, 8vo. Melb., 1908. GARDNER, RUBY. Poems: [portr.]. 8vo. Syd., 1909. ourne; a satire, social and political, pp. 57, sm. 8vo. Melb., i$52. Pam., v. 29, no. 494. Same : another c<>P\>. Pam., v. 53, no. 886. Last hours of a lion heart ; a threnody : fportr.J. 8vo. Melb., n.d. The living pillars of the Colosseum ; with lyrics from Catullus. pp. 35, i2mo. Mell)., n.d. LONDON; a fragment, pp. 22, 8vo. Syd., 1867. Pam., v. no, no. 2058. LONGMORE, GEORGE. Pilgrims of faith; with minor poems. 8vo. Cape Town, 1860. t.p. wanting. LOUGHRAN, EDWARD BOOTH. The ivory gate; poems. 8vo. Melb., 1907. 'Neath Austral skies; poems. 8vo. Melb., 1894. LOYAU, GEORGE E. Colonial lyrics; original poems. //>. 48, sm. 8vo. Syd., n.d. Pam., v. 50, no. 831. LYNCH, ARTHUR. Religio athletae. pp. 96, 8vo. Lond., 1895. McCRAE, GEORGE GORDON. Mambra, "the bright-eyed": an aboriginal reminiscence, pp. 48, 8vo. Melb., 1867. Pam., v. 18, no. 331. Same: another eopv. Pam., v. 30, no. 507. The man in the iron mask. i2mo. Melb., 1873. Story of Balladeadro. pp. 31, 8vo. Melb., 1867. Pam.. v. 30. no. 506. McCRAE, HUGH. Satyrs and sunlight; silvarum libri: with pic- tures and decorations by Norman Lindsay 4to. Syd., 1909. MACDONALD, ANNIE. At the sign of the Southern cross: illust. 8vo. Melb., [1911]. McEDOO, M. M. A Commonwealth memento; poems, &c. pp. 93, 8vo. Ararat, 1900. MACK, LOUISE. Dreams in flower. 8vo. Syd., 1904. (In Southern garland.) MACKAY, JAMES ALEXANDER KENNETH, colonel. A bush idyl. pp. 81, 8vo. Syd., 1888. Songs of a sunlit land : [portr.]. 8vo. Syd., 1908 Stirrup jingles from the bush and turf, and other rhymes, pp. 83. 8vo. Syd., 1887. Pam., v. no, no. 2061. MACKELLAR, DOROTHEA. The closed door, and other verses. 8vo. Melb., [1911]. McNAUGHTON, CATHARINE ANNIE. Sunshine and shadow. 8vo. Melb., 1885. McNICOL, Rev. ALEXANDER. Wreaths of love ; or, musings irom the manse. 8vo. Melb., 1886. MAIN, WILLIAM. Bush solitudes, and other verses, pp. 92, izmo. Melb., 1896. MARTIX, ARTHUR PATCHETT. Lays of to-day ; verses in jest and earnest, pp. 40, sm. 4to. Melb., 1878. MATHEW, JOHN. Australian echoes, including The corroboree and other poems. 8vo. Lond., 1902. AUSTRALIAN POETRY. 453 MEADEN, JOHN WILLIAM. Poetical works; ed., with biographical sketch, by John Vale. 8vo. Melb., 1899. MEREDITH, LOUISA ANNE, Mrs. C. Grandmamma's verse-book for young Australia: part i. -pp. 56, 8vo. Hobart Town, 1878. Same : another copy. Pam., v. 22, no. 388. Loved and lost ! the true story of a short life ; told in gossip verse : illust. pp. 96, 8vo. Lond., n.d. MICHAEL, JAMES LIONEL. John Cumberland. 8vo. Syd., n.d. MILLER, J. W. Australian gems; (second series) : Legends of the Australian Alps. pp. 52, iamo. Lond., n.d. MILLER, MARION. Songs from the hills. 8vo. Lond., 1898. MONA MARIE, pseud. Ballarat chimes. i2mo. Ballarat, n.d. Casket of gems. 8vo. n.p., n.d., n.t.p. MOODIE, DUNCAN CAMPBELL FRANCIS, "Austral." Lays from an Australian lyre. 8vo. Lond., n.d. Poems, pp. 73, 8vo. Adel., 1873. MOORE, JOHN A. Tasmanian rhymings. pp. 38, sm. 8vo. Hobart, 1860. Pam., v. 31, no. 509. Same : another cop y. Pam., v. 85, no. 1525. MOORE, JOSEPH SHERIDAN. Spring-life lyrics. 8vo. Syd., 1864. MOSS, JAMES. Farnham, and other poems. pp. 85, i2mo. Melb., 1882. MOYNIHAN. CORNELIUS. Feast of the Bunya ; an aboriginal ballad: illust. i2mo. Brisb., 1901. MYLREA, EMILY. Reminiscences of the past. pp. 64, i2rno. Geelong, 1872. NATIVE companion songster, -pp. 24, 8vo. Brisb., 1889. Pam., v. 30, no. 505. NEALE, AGNES. Shadows and sunbeams, pp. 96, i2mo. Adel., 1890. NEILD, JOHN CASH. Songs 'neath the Southern Cross. 8vo. Syd., 1896. NEW YEAR'S gift: miscellaneous poems: by a Tasmanian. pp. 50, i2mo. Hobart Town, 1865. NICHOLSON, JOHN H. Hubert, and other poems; with a metrical translation of Schiller's " Lied von der glocke." pp. 96, i2mo. Brisb., 1879. NIGHT fall in the ti-tree; woodcuts by Geraldine Rede and Violet Teague. pp. 31, 8vo. Melb., 1905. NINNIS, JAMES. Australian poems and songs, descriptive of Aus- tralian life, character, and scenery: [portr.]. 8vo. Lond., 1906. NIXON, FRANCIS H. Legends and lays of Peter Perfume. 8vo. Melb., 1865. NUTT, THOMAS W. Melbourne international palace of industry : poem. pp. 31, i2mo. Melb., 1880. O'CONNOR, J. Ich dien. pp. 39, 8vo. Melb., x872. Pam., v. 30, no. 498. 454 AUSTRALIAN POETRY. O'DOWD, BERNARD PATRICK. Dawnward? 8vo. Syd., 1904. In Southern garland. Dominions of the boundary, pp 65, sm. 8vo. Melb., 1907. Pam., v. 175, no. 3375. The seven deadly sins, a series of sonnets ; and other verses. pp. 53, sm. 4to. Melb., 1909. Pam., v. 175, no. 3377. The silent land, and other verses, pp. 64, i2mo. Melb., 1906 OGILVIE, \VILLIAM HENRY. Fair girls and grey horses, with other verses: [portr.]. 2nd ed., 8vo. Syd., 1905. Hearts of gold, and other verses : [illust.]. 8vo. Syd., 1903. The land we love. 8vo. Dalbeattie, 1910. Rainbows and witches, pp. 88, i2mo. Lond., 1907. O'HARA, JOHN BERNARD. Books of sonnets. i2mo. Melb., 1902. Lyrics of nature. i2mo. Melb., 1899. Odes and lyrics. 8vo. Melb., 1906. Songs of the south, second series; The wild white man, and other poems. 8vo. Lond., 1895. O'HARA, P. K. The maid of Millewa; an Australian poem: first canto, pp. 46, 8vo. Melb., 1878. Pam., v. 29, no. 484. Same: canto the second, pp. viii., 48, 8vo. Melb., 1879. Pam., v. 133, no. 2569. OLD gumtree lyrics : by a daughter of South Australia : illust. pp. 36, 8vo. Adel., 1897. Pam., v. 186, no. 3610. O'REILLY, DOWELL. A "pedlar's pack." pp. 88, 8vo. Syd., 1888. Pam., v. in, no. 2079. OSBORNE, WILLIAM ALEXANDER. The laboratory, and other poems, pp. 34, sq. i2mo. Melb., 1907. P., D. The wave of life; a poem. pp. 90, i2mo. Syd., 1857. P., J. M. The rail-sitter's complaint, leaflet, 8vo. , n.p., n.d. Pam., v. 3, no. 59. PARKES, Sir HENRY. The beauteous terrorist, and other poems. pp. 90, 8vo. Melb., 1885. Fragmentary thoughts. 8vo. Syd., 1889. Murmurs of the stream. 8vo. Syd., 1857. Same: another copy: [portr.]. Sonnets, and other verse, pp. 48. i2mo. Lond., 1895. Stolen moments; a short series of poems. 8vo. Syd., 1842. Studies in rhyme: with notes by A . pp. 31, sm. 8vo. Syd., 1870. Pam., v. no, no. 2048. PARKES, MENIE. Poems. 8vo. Syd., [1866]. PASCOE, WILLIAM. A voice from the golden city. 8vo. Bendigo, 1895. PATERSON, ANDREW BARTON. The man from Snowy River, and other verses: pref. by Rolf Boldrewood : [portr.]. 8vo. Syd., 1902. Rio Grande's last race, and other verses. 8vo. Syd., 1902. 1'ATERSON, ANDREW BARTON, ed. Old bush songs composed and sung in the bushranging, digging, and overlanding days, 8vo. Syd., 1905. AUSTRALIAN POETRY. 455 PEACOCKE, GEORGIANA. Rays from the Southern cross : illust. 8vo. Lond., 1876. PERRY, DOROTHY FRANCES, nee McCrae, Mrs. C. E. Lyrics in leisure, pp. 84, i2mo. Melb., 1909. PIPER, MARY ANDREWINA, aftw. Mrs. Edgar Cox. Poems, pp. 48, 1 2mo. Syd., n.d. PITT, MARIE E. J. The horses of the hills, and other verses. i2mo. Melb., 1911. POLICEMAN, pseud. Headlong rhymes, pp. 24, 8vo. Hobart Town, [1837]. Pam., v. 133, no. 2557. PORTER, FRANK. Blossom and fragrance. 8vo. Adel., 1906. PRIMROSE, ADELAIDE. Australian idylls, and other poems: a collection of verse and prose sketches, pp. 74, 8vo. [Adel.] 1902. PUDNEY, HAROLD. Isles of Una, and other verses. pp. 58, 8vo. Melb., 1906. Pam., v. 133, no. 2564. PUTTMAN, H. W. In lengthening shadows; meditations in sonnet form. pp. 27, sq. i2mo. Melb., 1902. Pam., v. 59, no. 965. QUINN, RODERIC JOSEPH. Circling hearths. 8vo. Syd., 1904. In Southern garland. The hidden tide. pp. 34, 8vo. [Syd., 1899.] Same: another copy. 8vo. Syd., 1904. In Southern garland. RAE, JOHN. Chirps by an Australian sparrow : first series. 8vo. Melb., 1885. Same: fourth series. 8vo. Melb., 1888. Same: fifth series. 8vo. Melb., 1890. Gleanings from my scrap-book: third series, pp. 96, 8vo. Syd., 1874. . Lines suggested by a letter from my sister, pp. 4, 8vo. Dai linghurst, 1895. Pam., v. no, no. 2056. RAYMOND, J. Poems. 8vo. Melb., 1910. REAY, WILLIAM. Poems and lyrics. 8vo. West Maitland, 1886. REDMAN, WILL XAVIER. Australia; an epic. pp. 31, 8vo. Adel., 1903. Pam., v. 133, no. 2574. RENTOUL, ANNIE R. Australian songs for young and old; music' by Georgette Peterson: illust. by Ida S. Rentoul. pp. 32, obi. sm. fo. Melb., [1907]. RENWICK, F. S. Betrayed; an Australian tragedy, and other poems. 8vo. Melb., 1883. RICHARDS, Rev. JAMES. Ada, and other Australian poems. 8vo. Ballarat, 1888. RICHARDS, WILLIAM PEARCE. Poems. pp. 96, 8vo. Adel., 1881. RICHARDSON, FREDERICK. Hesper and Hedone; and English verses, pp. 73, 8vo. Melb., 1903. RICHARDSON, ROBERT. Willow and wattle, pp. 87, xamo--- Edinb.., 1893. 456 AUSTRALIAN POETRY. RIX, HENRY F. Australians, rise and federate. Leaflet. Moss Vale, n.d. Pam., v. 3, no. 65. Federation songs : Australians, rise and federate ; Australia for ever, leaflet. Melb., n.d. Pam., v. 3, no. 56. ROBERTSON, ROSE. Rose leaves; poems: [illust.]. pp. 51, sm. 4to. Geelong, 1873. ROGERS, J. The new rush, and other poems and songs, pp. 80, i2mo, Melb., 1864. ROLFE, A. J. A sheaf of sonnets, pp. 13, 8vo. Maitland, 1892. Pam., v. 31, no. 516. ROSENBLUM, IVAN ARCHER. The drama eternal, pp. 80, sm. 4to. Lond., 1910. ROSS, Mrs. S. Rhymes and recitations : by a Queenslander. pp. 24, 8vo. Brisb., n.d. Pam., v. 133, no. 2571. RUSDEN, GEORGE WILLIAM, " Yittadairn." Moyarra; an Aus- tralian legend, pp. 96, 8vo. Lond., 1891. RUSSELL, ALEXANDER, dean of Adelaide. The seeker, and other poems. 8vo. Adel., 1881. Voices of doubt; Australian scenes, and other poems, izmo. Adel., 1884. RUSSELL, Mrs. H. E. The federation of Australia; a poem. pp. 10, sm. 8vo. Syd., 1898. Pam., v. 152, no. 2950. RYAN, J. S., " Narranghi Boori." " Splinters on the wall," and other verses: illust. pp. 64, 8vo. Syd., 1909. S., J. H. Some old memories of the Field naturalists' club. pp. 8, sm. 8vo. Brisb., 1893. Pam., v. no, no. 2050. SADLER, JAMES. Lyrics and rhymes. i2mo. Adel., 1890. SANDERS, BENJAMIN STUART. Autumn leaves and Christmas joys. pp. 62, i2mo. Adel., 1891. SANDES, JOHN, "Oriel." Ballads of battle. pp. 35, 8vo. Melb., 1900. Pam., v. 152, no. 2954. The house of empire; a song in season, pp. 8, 8vo. Syd., 1909. Pam., v. 155, no. 2983. SCHARKIE, Louis EDWARD. Fragments; poems, pp. 35, 8vo. Maitland, 1896. Pam., v. 29, no. 487. War drums, pp. 94, 8vo, n.p., 1899. SCHLANK, RACEV. Australian poems and ballads : illust. by H. S. Power, pp. 61, 8vo. Adel., 1902. Poems, pp. 85, i2mo. Adel., 1895. SEALY, ROBERT, "Menippus." Scraps, pp. 62, i2mo. Syd., 1859- SHANAHAN, PATRICK. The exile; a poem. pp. 18, 8vo. Melb., 1869. Pam., v. 152, no. 2953. SHELDON, CHARLES. Chewin' the rag, and other things in prose and verse. 8vo. Brisb.. [1909.] AUSTRALIAN POETRY. 457 SIMCOX, HOWARD. Outward bound; a poem, &c. -pp. 96, 3rd ed. i2mo. Melb., 1864. Pam., v. 59, no. 966. Rustic rambles, in rhyme, collected in various parts of Vic- toria, pp. 92, iamo. Ballarat, 1866. SIMMONDS, JAMES. Lyrics; a collection of songs, ballads, and poems. 8vo. Syd., 1858. SKITTISH VEIN, pseud. All about love. pp. 91, 8vo. Melb., 1874. Pam., v. 132, no. 2548. SLADEN, DOUGLAS BROOKE WHEELTON. Australian lyrics, &c. pp. 68, 8vo. Melb., 1883. Same: 2nd ed. pp. 99, i2mo. Lond., 1885. Frithjof and Ingebjorg, and other poems. 8vo. Lond., 1882. In Cornwall and across the sea ; with poems written in Devon- shire, &c. 8vo. Lond., 1885. Poetry of exiles, and other poems. i2mo. Syd., 1883. A summer Christmas; and a sonnet upon the s.s. Ballaaratt. 8vo. Lond., [1884]. .SLADEN, DOUGLAS BROOKE WHEELTON, ed. Australian ballads and rhymes ; poems inspired by life and scenery in Australia and New Zealand. i2mo. Lond., 1888. Australian poets, 1788-1888; being a selection of poems upon all subjects, written in Australia and New Zealand : introd. by A. P. Martin. 8vo. Lond., 1888. Century of Australian song: centenary ed. 8vo. Lond., 1888. SLATER, F. Sea foam and passion flowers; verses: [illust.]. pp. 48, 8vo. Gulgong, 1897. SMILLIE, J. Original poems, pp. 24, 8vo. Adel., 1890. Pam., v. 29, no. 488. SMITH, G. M., " Steele Grey." The days of Cobb and Co., and other verses. 8vo. Parramatta, 1906. SMITH, WALTER, "Old Saltbush." Death of Oswald. pp. 90, 8vo. Syd., 1887. Pam., v. 31, no. 514. SOTHERN, JOHN RUSSELL. Zephyrus, and other poems. pp. 87, i2mo. Melb., 1862. SOUTHERN garland. 8vo. Syd., 1904 Contents. The hidden tide : Roderick Quinn. A rose of regret : James Hebblechwaite. Circling hearths : Roderick Quinn. Dreams in flower : Louise Mack. West wind : Hubert Church. Dawnward? : Bernard O'Dowd. SPENCER, THOMAS EDWARD. Budgeree ballads.: 8 illust. 8vo. Syd., 1908. How M'Dougall topped the score, and other verses and sketches: illust. 8vo. Syd.. 1906. STANI FORTH, Mrs. AMY SUSANNA. Australia, and other poms. 8vo. Melb., 1863. STEEL, H. PEDEN. A crown of wattle, pp. 63. i2mo. Syd., 1888. .STEPHENS, ALFRED GEORGE. Oblation: illust. by Norman Lindsay, pp. 36, fscp. fo. Syd., n.d. 458 AUSTRALIAN POETRY. STEPHENS, JAMES BRUNTON. Convict once, and ether poems. 8vo. Melb., 1888. The Godolphin Arabian; the story of a horse. i2mo. Brisb. r 1894. Miscellaneous poems. 8vo. Brisb., 1880. Poetical works. 8vo. Syd., 1902. STEVEN, ALEXANDER GORDON. The witchery of earth, pp. 36, 8vo. Melb., n.d. STEVENS, BERTRAM, ed. Anthology of Australian verse. 8vo. Syd., 1906. The golden treasury of Australian verse : [introd. and notes], sm. 8vo. Syd., 1909. STEWART, HUBERT. Poems and plays. i2mo. Melb., 1894. Contents. Poems. Songs. Plays : The scapegrace : Beaten ways. 'STEWART, P. Australian tales and verses, and the poem Scot- land, -pp. 72, 8vo. Melb., 1906. Same.- new ed., with additional poems, pp. 91, 8vo. Melb. r 1908. STYLES, EMMA. Australian poems. i2mo. Adel., 1883. SUFF.IELD, THOMAS. Thro' prison bars; songs of servitude. 8vo. Lambton, 1899. (With autograph letter of author to A. G. Stephens.) SUPPLE, GERALD HENRY. Dampier's dream, and some ballads. pp. 85, 12010. Melb., 1892. .SURRY HILL, pseud. Christian fantasy; or, the defence of Antichrist: a poem. pp. 20, 8vo. Melb., 1884. Pam., v. 152, no. 2951. SUTHERLAND, ALEXANDER. Thirty short poems. i2mo. Melb., 1890. TAYLOR, CHARLES F. Summer dreamings ; a poem. pp. 62, 8vo. Melb., 1882. TAYLOR, Toso. Buds and blossoms. 8vo. Melb., 1885. TEMPLE, MABLE S., and KERR, HILDA C. TEMPLE. Australian poetry. 8vo. Melb., 1905. TOMPSON, CHARLES. Wild notes from the lyre of a native minstrel, pp. 68, 410. Syd., 1826. TRIPOD, pseud. Australian anthologies. pp. 84. 8vo. Syd.,. 1887. Pam., v. 132, no. 2549. TUCKER, Rev. HORACE FINN. After many days ; songs of travel, with the Angel's story : [illust.]. pp. 78. 8vo. Melb., 1905- Same: another copy. Pam., v. 85, no. 1529. TUCKER, JOHN OWEN. The golden spring; a tale of Tasmania, and other poems. i2mo. Melb , 1865. The mute, and other poems. 8vo. Melb., 1870. TULLY, MICHAEL J. Verses from a pocket-book, pp. 84, sm. 8vo. Melb., 1909. UNION ; a plea for Australian federation [verse] in mejnory of Sir Henry Parkes. leaflet. Syd., n.d. Pam., v. 3, no. 55. UROUHART. FREDERIC CHARLES. Camp canzonettes; being^ rhymes of the bush and other things, pp. 32, 8vo. Brisb. r [1891]. AUSTEALIAN POETRY. 459 YOWLES, GEORGE. Sunbeams in Queensland. i2mo. Brisb., 1870. WAKEFIELD, PERCY. Fair trade; prologue for the inauguration of a fair trade league for New South Wales, pp. 24, i2mo'. Syd., 1889. Pam., v. 132, no. 3543. WALCH, GARNET. Head over heels; a Christmas book of fun and fancy. 8vo. Melb., 1874. A little tin plate, and other verses. pp. 56, 8vo. Melb., 1881. WALKER, THOMAS. Bush pilgrims, and other poems. i2mo. Syd., 1885. WALKER, WILLIAM. Poems, pp. 28, i2mo. Syd., 1884. Same: another copy. Pam., v. 155, no. 2984. WALLACE, 'RENA. A bush girl's songs. 8vo. Syd., 1905. WARDLEY, EDWARD. Lectiones Tarbanse; or, tall talk from Tarban. 8vo. Syd., 1870. WATSON, Rev. MICHAEL. Australian sonnets and lyrics, pp. 29, ob. i2mo. Melb., n.d. Pam., v. 133, no. 2553. A happy Christmastide ; lyrics: [illust.] pp. 16, 2nd ed., i2mo. Melb., n.d. Pam., v. 132, no. 2542. [Poems: illust.] pp. 30, i2mo. Melb., n.d. Pam., v. 132, no. 2541. 'WAYFARER, pseud. Pen and pencil in Collins Street: illust. by Walter Withers, pp. 32, 8vo. Melb., n.d. Pam., v. 50, no. 837. WEBBER, CLARA. Flotsam and jetsam; stray verses and .sketches : [portr.]. pp. 94, 8vo. Syd., 1905. WENTWORTH, PAUL. Amos Thorne, and other poems, pp. 83, i2mo. Melb., 1870. WENTWORTH, WILLIAM CHARLES. Australasia; a poem written for the Chancellor's medal, at the Cambridge commencement, July, 1823. pp. 36, i2mo. Lond., 1873. WEST, ALBERT E. Tasmania, queen of southern isles. pp. 57, i2mo. Syd., 1887. WETHERSPOON, JOHN. Warblings from the bush. izmo. Syd., 1890. WHALAN, ADA. Fragments in prose and verse, pp. 92, 2nd ed., 8vo. Bathurst, 1905. WHITE, HARRY J. Australia; Old associations; The bush; and other poems, pp. 44, 8vo. Port Augusta, 1888. Pam., v. 30, no. 504. Fireside and camp fire; song and story. 8vo. Adel.. 1894. Homeland and outland ; song and story. 8vo. Adel., 1908. Recreations of toil : ed. by J. Nicholson, pp. 52, 8vo. Port Augusta, 1889. Pam., v. 133, no. 2573. WHIT EM AN, JOHN. Sparks and sounds from a colonial anvil. 8vo. Melb., 1873. WHITNEY, W. M. When winds awake: illust. pp. 67, 8vo. Syd., 1901. 400 AUSTRALIAN POETEY : DRAMA. WILSON, FREDERICK SYDNEY. Australian songs and poems. 8vo. Syd., 1870. WINTLE, S. H. Fragments of fern fronds. -pp. 51, lamo. Hobart Town, 1870. WOOD, GEORGE. Loyalty in Sydney as demonstrated on the mar- riage of H.R.H. the Prince of Wales, pp. 28, sm. 8vo. Syd., 1866. Pam., \. 110, no. 2049. WOODWARD, ARTHUR T. Songs from a studio. sq. i2mo. Melb., 1899. WOOLLEY, SIGISMUND. A spray of gum leaves, pp. 38, 8vo. Melb., 1907. Pam. v. 133, no. 2563. WOOLLS, WILLIAM. Lines written to commemorate the passing of "A bill to incorporate the ' University of Sydney.' ' pp. 8, 2nd ed., sm. 8vo. Parramatta, n.d. Pam., v. no, no. 2047. WREN, JENNY, pseud. Leaves of love. pp. 57, 8vo. Syd., 1890. WRIGHT, HORACE. Victoria; in commemoration of the jubilee year of Her Majesty, 1887. pp. 7, 8vo. Melb., 1887. Pam., v. 31, no. 511. YARRINGTON, Rev. WILLIAM HENRY HAZELL. Australian verses. 8vo. Melb., 1892. Calestia, and other Australian poems. 8vo. Lond., 1905. University prize poem, and other verses, pp. 48, i2mo. West Maitland, 1880. ZILLMANN, Rev. JOHN HERMANN LEOPOLD Ancient and modern Pharisees, pp. 8, i2mo. Syd., n.d. Pain., v. 132, no. 2544. 822. Drama. (a) Dramatic works. AKHURST, W. M. Battle of Hastings; or, the Duke, the Earl, the witch, the why and the wherefore : a historical bur- lesque, pp. 32, sm. 8vo. Melb., n.d. Pam., v. no. no. 2046. AMBIENT, MARK. Oh, Susannah ! a farcical comedy in three acts. pp. 74, 8vo. N.Y., 1904. Pam., v. 153, no. 2961. AUSTRALIA Felix; or, Sir Valiant Love. pp. 72, 8vo. Syd., 1892. Pam., v. 31. no. 521. BAYER, L. " Federation "; opera in 2 acts. pp. 15, 8vo. Melb., 1887. Pam., v. 133, no. 2565. Muutchaka; or, the last of his tribe: opera in 2 acts. pp. 16, 8vo. Melb, 1888. Pam., v. 133, no. 2559. BRERETON, JOHN LE GAY, jnr. To-morrow; a dramatic sketch of the character and environment of Robert Greene, izmo. Syd. i 1910. DRAMA. 461 BURN, DAVID. Plays and fugitive pieces in verse. 2 v. in i, 8vo. Hobart Town, 1842. Contents. v. i. Queen's love. Regulus. De Rullecourt ; or Jersey invaded. Loreda. Fancy's gathering of waifs and strays. v. 2. Our first lieutenant. The three sisters of Devon. Blarney. Five days at St. Salvador. The castaway's funeral. The " Phoebe." CALDWELL, ROBERT. The philosopher; or, fragments of a nineteenth century drama. 8vo. Adel., 1881. CAPPER, RICHARD. Dramatic illustrations of ancient history, ar ranged for representation on the stage. i2mo. Melb., 1868. Contents. Judith. Mummy-makers of Egypt. Eurynome. Cen- theres. Eadburija. Babylon. Nimroud. The mummy-makers of Egypt ; a comedy in five acts. -pp. 48, i2mo. Melb., 1868. Pam., v. 59, no. 963. CARR, J. W. COMYNS. Tristram and Iseult ; a drama in four acts. pp. 71, 8vo. Lond., 1906. CHURCHILL, WINSTON. The title-mart ; a comedy. 8vo. N.Y., 1905. Note. This author, an American, must not be confused with Winston Spencer Churchill. D ARNLEY, JAMES HENRY. Facing the music ; an original farcical comedy. 8vo. Lond., n.d. Du MAURIER, GUY Louis BUSSON, major. An Englishman's home: by a patriot: [4 illust.]. pp. 96, 8vo. Lond., 1909. FINNAMORE, JOHN. Carpio; a tragedy. 8vo. Melb., 1875. FORSTER, WILLIAM. The brothers ; a drama : [appended, Poems]. 8vo. Lond., 1877. The weir wolf; a tragedy: [appended, Sonnets, &c.]. 8vo. Lond.. 1876. GILL, FRANCES TYRELL. Cleopatra, pp. 8, 8vo. Melb., 1892. Pam.. v. 152. no. 2944. GRATTAN, HARRY. Packing up; farce in one act. pp. 10, 8vo. Lond., 1904. Pam., v. 153, no. 2959. GWYNNE, A. M. A social experiment; a comedy, pp. 68, 8vo. Melb., 1907. Pam., v. 153, no. 2962. H., R. T. Under the shadow of dread; a drama. 8vo. Christ- church, n.d. HANSON, THOMAS. Australian opera entitled Federation; written by Thomas Hanson: composed by Thomas Hanson, son, and daughters, pp. 48, 8vo. Melb., 1885. Pam., v. 3, no. 60. HARPUR, CHARLES. The bushrangers ; a play in five acts : and other poems. 8vo. Syd., 1853. HENLEY, WILLIAM ERNEST, and STEVENSON, ROBERT Louis. Plays. 8vo. Lond., 1907. Contents. Deacon Brodie. Robert Macaire. Beau Austin. Ad- miral Guinea. HEWLETT, MAURICE HENRY. The agonists; a trilogy of God and man : Minos, king of Crete : Ariadne in Naxos : The death of Hippolytus. 8vo. Lond., 1911. 462 DRAMA. HOARE, BENJAMIN. Polling day; or, wooed and won: a drama of Australian political life. pp. 41, 8vo. Melh., 1883. Pam., v. 6, no. 131. HONEY, W. R. Glaucus ! a drama in three acts. pp. 38, 8vo. Hobart, 1870. Pam., v. 22, no. 387. HOPKINS, FRANCIS R. C. Clay and porcelain ; a drama of the present day. pp. 77, 8vo. Melb., 1875. Pam., v. 153, no. 2960. KEOGH, M. J. King Henry the ninth; or, the rival water sch- a comedy of errors, pp. 40, 8vo. Syd., n.d. Pam., v. 30, no. 502. LAW, ARTHUR. The new boy ; a farcical play in three acts. 8vo. Lond., n.d. MAGAREY, EDITH MAY. True love runs smoothly ; (a short comedy), and, His last voyage; (a short story), pp. 63, 8vo. [Adel.], n.d. MONCRIEFF, W. T. Van Diemen's Land ! an operatic drama, in three acts. pp. 76, i2mo. Lond., n.d. PATRICK, GARRET. True to the Southern cross, pp. 38, 8vo. Melb.. 1907. Pam., v. 134, no. 2582. PHILLIPS, STEPHEN. Nero. 8vo. Lond., 1906. Pietro of Siena; a drama, pp. 51, 8vo. Lond., 1910. The sin of David. 8vo. Lond., 1904. REAPING the whirlwind ; an Australian patriotic drama for Aus- tralian people. 8vo. Syd., 1909. RUTHERFORD, WILLIAM HAMILTON. Penthus ; an Australian dramatic tragic tale. pp. 43, 8vo. Melb., 1887. Same.- another copy. Pam., v. 30, no. 497. SHAW, GEORGE BERNARD. The doctor's dilemma; Getting married; and, The shewing-up of Blanco Posnet. 8vo. Lond., 1911. John Bull's other island [with Preface for politicians], and Major Barbara [with preface, First aid to critics], also, How he lied to her husband. 8vo. Lond., 1907. Man and superman ; a comedy and a philosophy : [with epistle dedicatory to A. B. Walkley]. 8vo. Lond., 1903. The philanderer; a topical comedy. 8vo. Lond., 1906. SLADEN, DOUGLAS BROOKE WHEELTON. Edward the Black prince; an epic drama, izmo. Lond., 1886. SMITH, SPENCER THEYRE. A happy pair; an original comedietta. pp. 22, 8vo. Lond., n.d. Pam., v. 153, no. 2958. SOUTER, DAVID HENRY. The grey kimona ; an operetta : music by F. Wynne Jones, pp. 16, 8vo. Syd., 1902. Pam., v. 133, no. 2567. STEPHENS, JAMES BRUNTON. Fayette; or, bush revels: an aboriginal Australian comic opera: composed by G. B. Allen. pp. 47, 8vo. Brisb., 1892. Pam., v. no. no. 2053. STEPHENS, WILLIAM JOHN. The fatal ambition; being an adaptation of Macbeth to the service of the young, pp. 55, 8vo. Syd., 1876. DRAMA. 46? SUPPE, FRANZ VON. Complete opera libretto of Fatinitza; a comic opera: tr. by T. T. Barker and S. Baxter, pp. 56, 8vo. Syd., 1882. Pam., v. 132, no. 2546. SWINBURNE, ALGERNON CHARLES. The Duke of Gandia. 8vo. Lond., 1908. SYNGE, JOHN MILLINGTON. Works: [portrs.]. 4 v., 8vo. Dublin, 1910. Contents. v. i. In the shadow of the glen; Riders to the sea; The tinker's wedding; The well of the saints. v. 2. The play boy of the western world; Deirdre of the sorrows; Poems; and, Translations, v. 3. The Aran islands. v. 4. In Wicklow ; In west Kerry ; In the congested districts ; and, Under ether. UNDA, pseud. A dream of the past; or Valerian: a dramatic poem. pp. 54, i2mo. Melb., 1874. VANBRUGH, Sir JOHN. [Dramatic works]: ed. by W. C. Ward: [portr.]. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1893. WALCH, GARNET. Beauty and the beast; or, harlequin king Glorio the millionth, the island of apes and the fairies of the magic roses, -pp. 69, 8vo. Syd., 1875. Pam., v. no, no. 2045. WHITWORTH, ROBERT PERCY. Under the holly; a cantata: music composed by James C. Fisher, pp. 15, 8vo. Syd., 1865. Pam., v. 133, no. 2570. (b) Works on the Drama. BRERETON, JOHN LE GAY, jnr. Elizabethan drama; notes and studies. 8vo. Syd., 1909. BREWER, F. C. The drama and music in New South Wales. pp. 95, 8vo. Syd., 1892. Pam., v. IQ, no. 363. COLLIER, JOHN PAYNE. History of English dramatic poetry to the time of Shakespeare, and annals of the stage to the Restoration. 3 v., 8vo. Lond., 1831. FLEAY, FREDERICK GARD. Biographical chronicle of the English drama, 1559-1642. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1891. GENEST, Rev. JOHN. Some account of the English stage from the Restoration in 1660 to 1830. 10 v., 8vo. Bath. 1832. SHAKESPEARE society. Publications. 48 v., 8vo. Lond., i84i-53- Contents : Memoirs of Edward Alleyn, founder of Dulwich college : by J. P. Collier, ^i. The School of abuse : by Stephen Gosson : introd. [by J. P. Collier]. 1841. Ludus Coventrire ; a collection of mysteries : ed. by J. O. Halliwell. 1841. The debate between Pride and Lowliness : by Francis Thynn : introd. and notes by J. P. Collier. 1841. Patient Grissil ; a comedy by Thomas Dekker, H. Chettle, and W. Haughton : introd. and notes by J. P. Collier. 1841. Extracts from the accounts of the revels at court in the reigns of Queen Elizabeth and James I. : introd. and notes bv Peter Cunningham. 1842. Notes of Ben Jonson's conversations with William Drummond of Haw- thornden, January, 1619 : [ed. by D. Laing]. 1842. The first sketch of Shakespeare's Merry wives of Windsor, 1602 : ed by J. 0. Halliwell. 1842. Fools and jesters; with a reprint of Robert Armin's Nest of ninnies, 1608 r introd. and notes [by J. P. Collier]. 1842. 464 DRAMA. SHAKESPEARE society. Publications continued. Timon; a play; now first printed : ed. by Alexander Dyce. 1842. Pierce Penniless's supplication to the Devil : by Thomas Nash : introd. and notes by J. P. Collier. 1842. The first and second parts of King Edward IV. ; histories by Thomas Heywood : introd. and notes by Barron Field. 1842. Treatise against dicing, dancing, plays, and interludes, with other idle pastimes : by John Northbrooke : introd. and notes [by J. P. Collier]. 1843. The first sketches of the second and third parts of King Henry the sixth : ed. by J. O. Halliwell. 1843. Oberon's vision in the Midsummer night's dream : by N. J. Halpin. 1843.. The Chester plays; a collection of mysteries founded upon Scriptural subjects : ed. by T. Wright. 2 v. 1843-47. The Alleyn papers : introd. by J. P. Collier. 1843. Honour triumphant; and, A line of life; two tracts by John Forde. 1843. Tarlton's Jests; and, News out of Purgatory : with notes by J. O. II. il- liwell. 1843. The true tragedy of Richard the third ; to which is appended the Latin play of Richardus tertius, by Dr. T. Legge : introd. and notes by Barron Field. 1844. The ghost of Richard the third ; a poem printed in 1614 : introd. and notes by J. P. Collier. 1844. Sir Thomas More ; a play : ed. by A. Dyce. 1844. The Shakespeare society's papers. 4 v. 1844-49. The old Taming of a shrew, upon which Shakespeare founded his comedy. 1844. Illustrations of the fairy mythology of a Midsummer night's dream : ed. by J. O. Halliwell. 1845. Shakespeare's play of King Henry the fourth : ed. by J. O. Halliwell. 1845. The diary of Philip Henslowe from 1591 to 1609 : ed. by J. P. Collier. 1845. The Fair maid of the Exchange; a comedy by Ihomas Heywood; and, Fortune by land and sea; a tragi-comedy by Thomas Heywood and William Rowley : ed. by Barron Field. 2 parts. 1846. The marriage of wit and wisdom : ed. by J. O. Halliwell. 1846. Memoirs of the principal actors in the plays of Shakespeare : by J. P. Collier. 1846. Eight novels employed by English dramatic poets of the reign of Queen Elizabeth : [ed. by J. P. Collier]. 1846. Ralph Roister Doister, a comedy, by Nicholas Udall ; and, The tragedie of Gorboduc, by T. Norton and T- Sackville : ed. by W. D. Cooper. 1847. The moral play of wit and science, and early poetical miscellanies : ed. by J. O. Halliwell. 1848. Extracts from the registers of the Stationer's company of works entered for publication between the years 1557 and 1587 : with notes and illus- trations by J. P. Collier. 2 v. 1848-49. Inigo Jones; a life of the architect, by Peter Cunningham : Remarks on some of his sketches for masques and dramas, by J. R. Planche" : and, Five court masques, ed. from the original MSS. of Ben Jonson, John Marston, &c., by J. Payne Collier : facsimiles of drawings by Inigo Jones and j>ortr. by Vandyck. 1848. The first and second parts of the Fair maid of the west; or, a girl worth gold ; two comedies bv Thomas Heywood : introd. and notes by J. P. Collier. 1850. The remarks of M. Karl Simrock on the plots of Shakespeare's plays : notes and additions by J. O. Halliwell. 1850. The Royal kin-,' and loyal subject: A woman killed with kindness; two plays bv Thomas Heywood : introd. and notes by J. P. Collier. 1850. Two historical plays (" If you know not me, you know nobody," parts i and 2) on the life and reign of Queen Elizabeth, by Thomas Heywood : introd. and notes by J. P. Collier. 1851. The golden and silver ages; two plays by Thomas Heywood : introd. and notes by J. P. Collier. 1851. SHAKESPEARE. 465 John a Kent and John a Cumber; a comedy, by Anthony Munday : introd. and notes by J. P. Collier. 1851. Notes and emendations to the text of Shakespeare's plays : ed. by J. P. Collier. 1852. A defence of poetry, music, and s'age-plays (a reply to S. (iosson's Schoole of abuse) ; by Thorr.as Lodge : to which are added, by the same author, An alarum against usurers, and The history of Forbonius and Prisceria : introd. and notes [by D. Laing]. 18^3. .SWINBURNE, ALGERNON CHARLES. The age of Shakespeare. 8vo. Lond., 1908. Contents. Christopher Marlowe. John Webster. Thomas Dekker. John Marston. Thomas Middleton. William Rowley. Thomas Hey- wood. George Chapman. Cyril Tourntur. SYMONDS, JOHN ADDINGTON. Shakespeare's predecessors in the English drama. 8vo. Lond., 1884. THEATRE, The. 1889-90: [illust.]. n.t.p., 8vo. [Melb.] WARD, ADOLPHUS WILLIAM. History of English dramatic litera- ture to the death of Queen Anne. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1875. 822.33. Shakespeare. Works. -SHAKESPEARE, WILLIAM. Complete works; revised from the original editions, with historical and analytical introductions to each play, and notes explanatory and critical, and a life of the poet : by J. O. Halliwell and other eminent com- mentators : illust. 3 v., la. 8vo. Lond., n.d. Mr. William Shakespeare's comedies, histories, and tragedies faithfully reproduced in facsimile from the edition of 1623. fo. Lond., 1910. New variorum edition of Shakespeare : ed. by Horace Howard Furness/ 16 v., 8vo. Phila., 1878-1908. Contents. i. Romeo and Juliet. 2. Macbeth. 3 and 4. Hamlet. 5. King Lear. 6. Othello. 7. Merchant of Venice. 8. As you like it. 9. The Tempest. 10. A midsommer nights dreame. n. The winter's tale. 12. Much adoe about nothing. 13. Twelfe night. 14. Loue's labour's lost, [is]- The tragedie of Anthonie and Cleopatra. [16]. The tragedy of Richard the third. In progress. Works, [Cambridge edition], ed. by William Aldis Wright : with prefaces and notes. 9 v., 8vo. Lond., 1902-05. Works ; Caxton edition : with annotations, and [ed. with] a general introd. by [Sir] Sidney Lee: [illust.]. 20 v.. 8vo. Lond. [1911]. Study. BAKER, GEORGE PIERCE. Development of Shakespeare as a dramatist: [illust.]. 8vo. N.Y., 1907. BARTLETT, JOHN. New and complete concordance or verbal index to words, phrases, and passages in the dramatic works of Shakespeare with a supplementary concordance to the poems. 410. N.Y., 1896. BROOKE, Rev. STOPFORD AUGUSTUS. On ten plays of Shakes- peare. 8vo. Lond., 1905. Contents. i. Midsummer night's dream. 2. Romeo and Tuliet. 3, Richard II. 4. Richard III. 5. Merchant of Venice. 6. As vmi like it. 7. Macbeth. 8. Coriolanus. o- Winter's tale. 10. The Tempest. CASTLE, EDWARD JAMES. Shakespeare, Bacon, Jonson, and Greene; a study. 8vo. Lond., 1897. 4B SHAKESPEARE. DOUCE, FRANCIS. Illustrations of Shakespeare and of ancient manners: illust. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1807. DVCE, Rev. ALEXANDER. A few notes on Shakespeare; with occa- sional remarks on the emendations of the manuscript-corrector in Mr. Collier's copy of the folio, 1632. 8vo. Lond., 1853. F URN ESS. Mrs, HORACE HOWARD. Concordance to Shakespeare's poems: an index to every word therein contained. 8vt>. Phila., 1875. GLYNN, PATRICK McMAHON. The disposition of Shakespeare. pp. 10, 8vo. [Melb., 1902]. Pam., v. 176. no. 3380. Some of Shakespeare's women ; a lecture delivered to the Shakespeare society, pp. 21, 8vo. [Melb.]. n.d. Pam., v. 50. no. 832. GULLETT, HENRY. The making of Shakespeare, and other papers, pp. 72, 8vo. Syd., 1905. HAMLET controversy, The; Was Hamlet mad? or, the lucubra- tions of Messrs. Smith, Brown, Jones, and Robinson : pref_ by the editor of the " Argus." pp. 34, 8vo. Melb., 1867 Pam., v. 152, no. 2941. HARWOOD, Mrs. SEPTIMUS. Shakespeare cult in Germany from the sixteenth century to the present time. pp. 52, 8vo. Syd., 1907. Pam., v. 176, no. 3379. HAZLITT, WILLIAM CAREW, ed . Shakespeare's library ; a collec tion of the plays, romances, novels, poems, and histories- employed by Shakespeare in the composition of his works. 2nd ed., 6 v., 8vo. Lond., 1875. HIGGINS, HENRY BOURNES. Shakespeare's aims and ideals; a lecture, pp. 32, 8vo. Melb., 1907. Pam., v. 131, no. 2532. LEE, Sir SIDNEY. Shakespeare and the modern stage; with other essays. 8vo. Lond., 1906. Contents. Shakespeare and the modern stage. Shakespeare and the Elizabethan p'ayyoer. Shakespeare in oral tradition. Pepys- and Shakespeare. Mr. Benson and Shakespearean drama. The muni- cipal theatre. Aspects of Shakespeare's philosophy. Shakespeare and patriotism. A peril of Shakespearean research. Shakespeare iri France. The commemoration of Shakespeare in London. LUCE, MORTON. Handbook of the works of William Shakespeare. 8vo. Lond., 1906. MACCALLUM, MUNGO WILLIAM. Shakespeare's Roman plays and their background. 8vo. Lond., 1910. MADDEN, DODGSON HAMILTON. Diary of Master William Silence ; a study of Shakespeare and of Elizabethan sport. 8vo. Lond., 1897. MASSEY, GERALD. The secret drama of Shakespeare's sonnets sm. 4to. Lond., 1888. MOORE, Rev. A.M. " Shakesperian readings," and their apolo- gists : with reply to the Rev. T. McKenzie Eraser's attack on the Reformed Presbyterian church, pp. 40, 8vo. Geelong, 1868. Pam., v. 186. no. 3611. PENZANCE, JAMES PLAISTED WILDE, baron. The Bacon- Shakespeare controversy ; a judicial summing-up : ed. by- [Mrs.] Mary H. Kinnear. with biographical note by F. A^ Tnderwick ("and portr.]. 8vo. Lond., 1002. ENGLISH FICTION. 467 THOMSON, WILLIAM. On Renascence drama; or, history made visible. 8vo. Melb., 1880. TUCKER, THOMAS GEORGE. The making of a Shakespeare : an address, -pp. 29, 8vo. Melb., 1906. Pam., v. 131, no. 2531. WILLIS, WILLIAM. Shakespeare- Bacon controversy : a report of the trial of an issue in Westminster Hall, 2oth June, 1627. la. 8vo. Loud. [1902]. The Baconian mint; its claims examined: being a supplement to [the foregoing], la. 8vo. Lond., 1903. 823. English Fiction. AUSTEN, JANE. Works : illust. : introds. by Austin Dobson. 5 v., 8vo. Lond., 1903-06. Contents MansPeld park. 1903. Northanger abbey; and. Per- suasion. 10.06. Pride and prejudice. 1903. Emma. 1904. Sense and sensibility. 1905. BENSON, ARTHUR CHRISTOPHER. Beside still waters. 8vo. Lond., 1907. CAINE, HALL. Drink; a love story on a great question: [illust.]. 8vo. Lond. [1906]. Pam., v. 134. no. 2583. CHESTERTON, GILBERT KEITH. Appreciations and criticisms of the works of Charles Dickens: illust. 8vo. Lond., 1911. DAWSON, Rev. WILLIAM JAMES. A soldier of the future. 8vo. Lond., 1908. ^ DE FOE, DANIEL. Voyage round the world by a course never sailed before : to which is prefixed the life of the author by W r illiam Shiells. 3 v., i2mo. Lond., 1787. .DICKENS, CHARLES. Works : [with biographical introductions] illust. 19 v., 8vo. Lond., v.d. Contents. r. Sketches by Box.. 1906. 2. Posthumous papers of the Pickwick club. 1905. 3. Oliver Twist. 1906. 4. Nicholas Nickleby. 1906. 5. Old curiosity shop. 1905. 6. Barnaby Rudge. 190^. 7. American notes : Pictures from Italy : Child's history of England. 1902. 8. Life and adventures of Martin Chuzzlewit. 1902. 9. Christ- mas books; and, Hard times. 1906. 10. Dombey and Son. n.d. n. Personal history of David Copperiieid. 1906. 12. Bleak House, n.d. 13. Little Dorrit. 1903. 14. Christmas stories, and other stories. 1906. 15. A tale of two cities. 1906. 16. Great expectations : The uncommercial traveller, n.d. 17. Our mutual friend, n.d. iS. Edwin Drood ; and, Reprinted pieces. 1905.' 19. Collected papers. 1903. (Biographical edition.) DOYLE, Sir ARTHUR CONAN. Rodney Stone : illust. 8vo. Lond., 1896. FURNISS, HARRY. Poverty Bay, a nondescript novel : illust. [by the author]. 8vo. Lond., 1905. GASKELL, Mrs. ELIZABETH CLEGHORN. Novels and tales : illust. 7 v., 8vo. Lond., 1896-1907. Contents. -i. Wives and daughters. 1907. 2. North and south. 1904. -3. Sylvia's lovers. 1906. 4. Cranford ; find other laics. 1902. 5. Mary Barton; and other tales. 1906. 6. Ruth; and other tales. 1902. 7. Lizzie Leigh; and other tales. 1806 HALL, HENRY FIELDING. One immortality. 8vo. Lond., 1909. HISTORY of Bullanabee and Clinkataboo, two recently discovered islands in the Pacific. i2mo. Lond., 1828. 468 ENGLISH FICTION. HORT, Mrs. DORA. Hena ; or, life in Tahiti. 2 v., 8vo. Lond. r 1866. KINGSLEY, HENRY. Hornby mills; and other stories. 8vo. Lond., 1872. KINGSTON, WILLIAM HENRY GILES. The emigrant's home; or, how to settle; a story of Australian life for all classes at home and in the colonies. i2mo. Lond., 1856. How to emigrate ; or, the British colonists : appx. forming manual for intending colonists. 3rd ed., i2mo. Lond., 1855. KIPLING, RUDYARD. Actions and reactions. 8vo. Lond., 1909. Just so stories. 4to. Lond., 1902. Puck of Pook's hill. 8vo. Lond., 1906. Rewards and fairies: illust. 8vo. Lond., 1910. Traffics and discoveries. 8vo. Lend., 1904. LEE, EDGAR. Pharaoh's daughter; a story of the ages: illust. pp. 92, 8vo. Lond., 1887. Pam.. v. in, no. 2072. LYTTON, EDWARD GEORGE EARLE LYTTON BULWER-LYTTON, ist baron. [Novels: Knebworth edition]. 29 v., 8vo. Lond., v.d. Contents. i. Pelham. n.d. 2. Falkland; and, Zicci. 1895. 3- Devereux. 1902. 4. The disowned, n.d. 5. Paul Clifford, n.d. 6. Eugene Aram. n.d. 7. Godolphin. 1903. 8. Last days of Pom- peii, n.d. 9. Rienzi. n.d. 10-11. The last of the barons. 1902. 12. Leila ; or, The siege of Granada : Calderon : Pausanias, the Spartan. 1902. 13. Harold, the last of the Saxon kings, n.d. 14. A strange story, n.d. 15. Zanoni. n.d. 16. The pilgrims of the Rhine : The haunted and the haunters, n.d. 17. Ernest Maltravers. n.d. 18, Alice; or, The mysteries, n.d. 19. Lucretia ; or, The chil- dren of night, n.d. 20. Night and morning, n.d. 21. Kenelm Chillingly ; his adventures and opinions, n.d. 22-23. The Parisians. 1897. 24. The Caxtons ; a family picture. 1904- 25-27. " Mv Novel " : by Pisistratus Caxton. 1898. 28-29. What will he do with- it? 1902. M., A. Tales of Australia and Japan. 8vo. Lond., 1892. MELVILLE, HERMAN. Typee; a narrative of the Marquesas islands. 8vo. Lond., n.d. (First published in 1850.) The whale; [or, Moby Dick]. 3 v., 8vo. Lond., 1851. Same: another ed. entitled Moby Dick; or. the white whale. 8vo. Lond. [1907]. MEREDITH, GEORGE. Works : memorial edition : portr. and illust. 26 v., 8vo. Lond.. 1909-10. Contents. i. The shaving of Shagpat, an Arabian entertainment. 1909. 2. The ordeal of Richard Feverel ; a history of father and son. 1909. 3 and 4. Sandra Belloni ; originally, Emilia in England, iqoq. 5. Rhoda Fleming : a story. 1910. 6. Evan Harrington : o novel. 1910. 7 and 8. Vittoria. 1910. 9 and 10. The adventures of Harry Richmond. 1910. n and 12. Heauchamp's career. 1910. 13 and 14. The egoist; a comedy in narrative. 1910. if.. The tragic comedians; a study in a well-known s(ury. 1910. 16. Diana of the crosswavs. 1910 17. One of our conquerors. 1910. 18. Lord Ormont and his Aminta. 1910. 19. The am.izing marriage. 1910. 20. Celt and Saxon (unfinished). 1910. 21. Farina : General Ople : Tale of Ch!.;e. 1910. 22. The house on the beach : The gentleman of fifty : The sentimentalists. 1910. 23. Miscellaneous prose. 1910. 24-26. Poems. 1010. MOUAT, JAMES. The rise of the Australian wool kings; a romance of Port Phillip. 8vo. Lond., 1802. NIEMANN, AUGUST. The coming conquest of England: tr. bjr J. H. Freese. 8vo. I.ond., 1904. ENGLISH FICTION. 469' PERCY POMOj or, the autobiography of a South Sea islander. 8vo. Lond., 1881. PHILIP, ALEXANDER J. A Dickens dictionary; the characters and scenes of the novels and miscellaneous works alphabetically arranged. 8vo. Lond., 1909. QUARLL, PHILIP. The hermit; or, the uriparalled [sic] suffering and surprising adventures of Philip Quarll : map and illust. 8vo. Westminster, 1727. READE, CHARLES. The cloister and the hearth; a tale of the middle ages: introd. by Sir Walter Besant. 8vo. Lond., 1907. First published in 1861. RICHARDSON, SAMUEL. Works : with a prefatory chapter of biographical criticism by Leslie Stephen : [portr.]. 12 v., 8vo. Lond., 1883. Contents. v. 1-3. Pamela; or, Virtue rewarded, v. 4-8. History of Clarissa Harlowe. v. 9-12. History of Sir Charles Grandison. History of Sir Charles Grandison in a series of letters. 8vo. Lond., 1812. SCOTT, HUGH STOWELL, " Henry Seton Merriman." Barlasch of the guard. 8vo. Lond., 1903. SCOTT, Sir WALTER, bart. The Waverley novels; with intro- ductory essays and notes by Andrew Lang : Border edition,. illust. 24 v., 8vo. Lond., 1901-08. Contents. i. Waverley; or, 'Tis sixty years since. 1906. 2. Guy Mannering; or The astrologer. 1905. 3. The antiquary. 1901. 4. Rob Roy. 1906. 5. Old Mortality. 1907. 6. Heart of Midlothian. 1906. 7. A legend of Montrose ; and, The black dwarf. 1901. 8. The bride of Lammermoor. 1908. 9. Ivanhoe. 1906. 10. The monastery. 1907- n. The abbot. 1907. 12. Kenilworth. 1906. 13. The pirate. 1901. 14. The fortunes of Nigel. 1907. 15. Peveril of the Peak. 1906. 16. Quentin Durward. 1908. 17. St. Rouan's well. 1901. 18. Redgauntlet. 1901. 19. The betrothed; and, The talis- man. 1904. 20. Woodstock. 1006. 21. The fair maid of Perth. 1907. 22. Anne of Geierstein. 1901. 23. Count Robert of Paris; and, The surgeon's daughter. 1901. 24. Castle Dangerous; and, Chronicles of the Canongate, &c. 1901. SOMERVILLE, EDITH CE., and MARTIN, VIOLET. Some ex- periences of an Irish R.M. : illust. by E. CE. Somerville. 8vo. Lond., 1902. Further experiences of an Irish R.M. : 35 illust. by E. CE. Somerville. 8vo. Lond., 1908. THACKERAY, WILLIAM MAKEPEACE. Works ; with biographical introductions by his daughter, Anne Ritchie : portrs. and illust. (Biographical edition). 13 v., 8vo. Lond., 1899- '1907. Contents. i. Vanity Fair. 1907. 2. History of Pendennis. 1907. 3. Memoirs of Mr. Charles J. Yellowplush : History of Samuel Tit- marsh and the great Hoggarty diamond: Cox's diary, &c. 1899. 4. Memoirs of Barry Lyndon, Esquire : The FitzBoodle papers : Men's wives : Catherine, &c., 1902. 5. Sketch books : The Paris sketch book : The Irish sketch book : Notes of a journey from Corn- hill to Grand Cairo, &c. 1902. 6. Contributions to " Punch," 1906. 7. History of Henry Esmond, Esquire : The English humourists of" the eighteenth century : The four Georges : and, Charity and humour. 1906. 8. The Newcomes. 1906. 9. Christmas books of Mr. M. A. Titmarsh, &c. 1902. 10. The Virginians. 1906. u. The adventures of Philip ; to which is prefixed, A shabby genteel story. 1902. 12. Tae wolves and the lamb : Lovel the widower : Roundabnut papers : Denis Duval. 1903. 13. Ballads and miscellanies: with, Life of the author by [Sir] Leslie Stephen, and a bibliography. 1902. 470 FICTION. TROLLOPE, ANTHONY. Harry Heathcote of Gangoil ; a tale of Australian bush life: [illust.]. 8vo. Lond., 1874. American Fiction. ALLEN, JAMES LANE. A Kentucky cardinal; and Aftermath. 8vo. Lond., 1901. ATHERTON, Mrs. GERTRUDE FRANKLIN. Ancestors; a novel. 8vo. Lond., 1907. The conqueror: being the true and romantic story of Alexander Hamilton. 8vo. Lond., 1902. CHURCHILL, WINSTON. Coniston: illust. 8vo. N.Y., 1906. The crisis : illust. 8vo. Lond., 1903. Mr. Crewe's career: illust. 8vo. Lond., 1908. ESTANCIERO, An, pseud. Ponce de Leon; the rise of the Argen- tine republic. 8vo. Buenos Aires, 1910. LEWIS, ALFRED HENRY. The Boss; and how he came to rule New York : illust. 8vo. N.Y., 1903. LONDON, JACK. Call of the wild. 8vo. N.Y., 1904. The iron heel. 8vo. N.Y., 1908. The sea-wolf : illust. 8vo. Lond., 1904. LORIMER, GEORGE HORACE. Letters from a self-made merchant to his son. 8vo. Lond., 1903. NORRIS, FRANK. The octopus; a story of California. 8vo. Syd., 1902. The pit; a story of Chicago. 8vo. Lond., 1903. SINCLAIR, UPTON. The jungle. 8vo. Melb., 1906. New Zealand Fiction. BLACKE, S. E. Flights from the land of the bell-bird and rata; a collection of short stories illustrative of life in New Zea- land. 8vo. Auckland, 1900. GRACE, ALFRED A. Atareta, the belle of the Kainga. pp. 93, 8vo. Well., n.d. Pam., v. 134, no. .2581. Maoriland stories. 8vo. Nelson, 1895. HALL, J. H. L. Potona; or, unknown New Zealand. 8vo. Well., 1892. NEW Zealander on London Bridge, The; or, Moral ruins of the modern Babylon: by a M.L.C. -pp. 67, 8vo. Lond., 1878. Pam., v. 152, no. 2945. PYKE, VINCENT. The story of wild Will Enderby. 3rd ed., 8vo. Dunedin, 1873. SOUTHAM, W. Mi The two lawyers; a novel. 8vo. Dunedin, 1881. TUA-0-RANGI, pseud. Utu ; a story of love, hate, and revenge: [illust.]. 8vo. Auckland, 1894. WESTON, JESSIE. Ko Me>i ; or, "A cycle of Cathay": a story of New Zealand life. 8vo. Ix>nd., 1890. WHITE, JOHN. Te Rou ; or, the Maori at home: a tale ex- hibiting the social life, manners, habits, and customs of the Maori race. 8vo. Lond., 1874. WILSON, GEORGE HENRY. Ena ; or, the ancient Maori. 8vo. Lond., 1874 AUSTRALIAN FICTION. Australian Fiction. ABBOTT, JOHN HENRY MACARTNEY. The sign of the serpent : 4? illust. by Percy F. S. Spence. 8vo. Syd., 1910. ADAMS, ARTHUR H. The new chum, and other stories : illust. 8vo. Syd., 1909. Tussock land ; a romance of New Zealand and the Common- wealth. 8vo. Lond., 1904. ADAMS, FRANCIS WILLIAM LAUDERDALE. Australian life. 8vo.- Lond., 1892. Short stories. John Webb's end. 8vo. Lond., 1891. AGAR, F. Eros ! Eros wins. 8vo. Syd., 1910. ALFRED Dudley; or, the Australian settlers: [illust.]. 8vo. Lond., 1830. Same: 2nd ed. i2mo. Lond., 1842. "ANCIENT BRITON." The discriminators. pp. 72, 8vo.. Melb., 1906. Pam., v. 1 86, no. 3612. ANDREWS, A. M. Card only ; a tale of Christmas and the west coast of Tasmania, pp. 17, 8vo. Hobart, 1891. Pam., v. 85, no. 1540. ANDREWS, Mrs. T. R. A glimpse of hell. pp. 52, obi. 8vo. Melb., 1895. ASTLEY, WILLIAM, "Price Waning." Half-crown Bob, and tales of the Riverine. 8vo. Melb., 1898. Tales of the convict system. 8vo. Syd., 1892. Tales of the early days. 8vo. Lond., 1894. Tales of the isle of death (Norfolk island). 8vo. Melb., 1898. Tales of the old regime; and The bullet of the fated ten. 8vo. Melb., 1897. AUSTRALIAN, pseud. Adventures in Queensland. 8vo. Hobart Town, n.d. AUSTRALIAN Christmas box; a series ot stories by Marcus Clarke, Grosvenor Bunster, Garnet Walch, Donald Cameron,- Herr Scalper, Robert Whitworth, Waif Wander : illust. pp. 44, 8vo. Melb., n.d. Pam., v. in, no. 2073. AUSTRALIAN ladies' annual: ed. by F. R. C. Hopkins. 8vo. Melb., 1878. AUSTRALIAN souvenir; or, New Year's gift for 1859. 8vo. Brisb., 1859. AUSTRALIAN stories in prose and verse: illust. 8vo. Melb., 1882. BALDWIN. GERALD ROBERT, -'Cecil Bramley." Dr. Joe Cassidy ; his student days and subsequent career. 8vo. Melb. [1907], BARONI, pseud. Adrian North. 8vo. Hobart, 1889. BARRY, JOHN ARTHUR. Red lion and blue star; with other stories. 8vo. Lond., 1902. BATLEY, BERTHA. Wattle blossoms and heather, pp. 97, 8vo. Syd., 1900. Pam., v. 10, no. 227. BAYLDON, ARTHUR ALBERT D. The tragedy behind the curtain, and other stories. 8vo. Syd., 1910. 472 AUSTRALIAN FICTION. BECKE, GEORGE LEWIS, "Louis Becke." Adventures of a super- cargo. 8vo. Lond., 1905. By reef and palm; introd. by the earl of Pembroke. 3rd ed., obi. 8vo. Ix>nd., 1895. The call of the south. 8vo. Lond., 1908. Notes from my South sea log: [portr.j. 8vo. Lond. [1905]. BECK?:, GEORGE LEWIS, and JEFFKRY. WALTER. A first fleet family ; a hitherto unpublished account of certain remarkable adventures compiled from the papers of Sergeant William Dew of the Marines. 8vo. Lond., 1896. Largely historical. The mystery of the Laughlin islands, -pp. 94, izmo. Lond., 1896. BEDFORD, RANDOLPH. Billy Pagan, mining engineer : illust. 8vo. Syd., 1911. The snare of strength. 8vo. Lond.. 1905. True eyes and the whirlwind. 8vo. Lond.. 1904. BELL, G. T. Tales of Australian adventure and humorous sketches ; Coolgardie ten years hence, and other verses. 8vo. Fremantle, 1898. BLITZ, Mrs. A. An Australian millionaire; a novel. 8vo. Lond., 1894. BLOXHAM, H. K. The double abduction : 4 illust. 8vo. Syd., 1910. On the fringe of the Never-never. 8vo. Syd., 1906. BON WICK, JAMES. Little Joe; a tale of the Pacific railway. 8vo. Lond., n.d. Mike Howe, the bushranger of Van Diemen's Land. 8vo. Lond., 1873. The Tasmanian lily. 8vo. Lond., 1873. BOYD, A. J., "Old chum." Old colonials. 8vo. Lond., 1882. BOYNE, MABEL. That Australian family: [illust.]. 8vo. Syd. [1907]. BRABIN, DAISY. Filaments unweft. 8vo. Melb., 1908. BRADY, EDWIN JAMES. Tom Pagdin, pirate: 4 illust. 8vo. Syd., 1911. BRASH, ALFRED. The adventures of Mr. Barnes: illust. by J. E. Scott. 8vo. Syd., 1909. BRIDGES, Rov. The barb of an arrow : illust. 8vo. Syd., 1909. By his Excellency's command : illust. 8vo. Syd., 1910. BRIGGS, G. SPENCE. Australians all; a back-block foregathering. 8vo. Toowoomba, 1903. BROWNE, J. CAMPBELL. Under life's changing sky; a tale of the early days. pp. 77, 8vo. Melb., 1898. BROWNE, R. SPENCER. Romances of goldfield and bush. 8vo. Lond., 1890. BROWN K, ROSE, " Rose Boldrewood/' The complications at Collaroi. 8vo. Lond., 1911. BROWNE, THOMAS ALEXANDER, "Rolf Boldrewood." A colonial reformer. 3 v., 8vo. Lond., 1890. A modern buccaneer. 8vo. Lond., 1894. Plain living; a bush idyll. 8vo. Lond., 1898. AUSTRALIAN FICTION. 473 The sealskin cloak, 8vo. Lond., 1896. The sphinx of Eaglehawk ; a tale of old Bendigo. 8vo. Lond., 1895. Ups and downs; a story of Australian life. izmo. Lond., 1878. BROWNE, Mrs. W. C. Encora. 8vo. Parramatta, 1892. BUDGE, PRICE. Dora West; a novel: a story of Gippsland bush life. 8vo. Melb. [1909]. BUNSTER, GROSVENOR, and THATCHER, RICHMOND. It runs; in the blood; a colonial serio comicality. pp. 64, 8vo. Bathurst [1872]. CAFFYN, MANNINGTON. Miss Milne and I. 4th ed., 8vo. Lond., 1894. CALVERT, Mrs. CAROLINE LOUISA WARING, nee ATKINSON. Cowanda; the veteran's grant: an Australian story. 8vo. Syd., 1859. CAMERON, JOHN X. The spell of the bush: illust. by H. Carter. 8vo. Syd., 1909. CHADS, Mrs. ELLEN AUGUSTA. The snowdrop's message; and other tales. 8vo. Melb., 1888. Tracked by bushrangers, and other stories : together with, ' ' Work for the Master " ; a series of papers for women. . 8vo. Melb., 1891. Tried as pure gold, and other tales. 8vo. Melb., 1882. CHAMIER, DANIEL. Philosopher Dick; adventures and contem- plations of a New Zealand shepherd 8vo. Lond., 1891. CHECKLEY, GEORGE. The girl at Blue creek; a book of the bush, with some mention of town. 8vo Melb., 1906. CHOMLEY, CHARLES HENRY. Mark Meredith; a tale of socialism. i2mo. Melb., 1905. CHRISTIE, WILLIAM HARVEY, major, "A bushman." A love story. 2 v. in i., 8vo. Syd., 1841. CLARKE, MARCUS ANDREW HISLOP. Australian tales of the bush : with a biography by Hamilton Mackinnon. 8vo. Melb., 1896. Same: another ed. 8vo. Melb., 1897. Chidiock Tichbourne; or the Catholic conspiracy. 8vo. Lond., 1893. For the term of his natural life. 8vo. Syd., 1899. Holiday Peak, and other tales. i2mo. Melb., 1873. Long odds. 8vo. Melb., 1869. Memorial volume; containing selections from his writings, with Lord Rosebery's letter, &c., and a biography: compiled and' ed. by Hamilton Mackinnon. 8vo. Melb., 1884. Mystery of Major Molineux. and, Human repetends. 8vo~ Melb., 1 88 1. Old tales of a young country. 8vo. Melb., 1871. The peripatetic philosopher. 8vo. Melb., .1869. Sensational tales. 8vo. Hobart, 1886. Four stories high. 8vo. Melb., 1879. Future Australian race. 8vo. Melb., 1877. (The three above bound in one vol.) CLARKE, PHYLLIS MARY. Two stories. 8vo. Melb., 1906,. Contents. Love or clutv. -Sonia. 474 AUSTRALIAN FICTION. CLOW, ROBERT JOHN. The pillar of salt ; a story of station life viewed from the plains of Austral-Asia. 8vo. Balaclava, S.A., 1903. 1'am., v. 1 86, no. 3615. COLLINS, TOM. Such is life; being certain extracts from the diary of Tom Collins. 8vo. Syd., 1903. COUVREUR, Madame J. C., "Tasma." Penance of Portia James. 8vo. Lond., 1894. A Sydney sovereign; and other tales. 8vo. Lond., 1890. Uncle Piper of Piper's hill. 2nd ed., 8vo. Lond., 1889. COZENS. B. The princess of the Mai lee ; a typical story of Aus- tralian life in the Mallee. 8vo. Melb., 1903. CRAWFORD, REGINALD. Echoes from bushland ; tales and sketches. 8vo. Syd., 1881. CREED, LOUISE, nee Mack ; Mrs. J. P. An Australian girl in London. 8vo. Lond., 1902 CRITCHLY, FRANK. A society story: a king of shreds and patches. 8vo. Melb., 1891. Pam., v. 153, no. 1963. CROSS, ADA, "Ada Cambridge," Mrs. G. F. Fidelis: a novel. 4th ed., 8vo. Lond. [1896]. A little minx; a sketch. 8vo. Lond.. 1893. A marriage ceremony. 4th ed., 8vo. Lond. [1896]. Materfamilias : illust. 8vo. Lond. [1898]. Not all in vain. 8vo. Lond., 1895. The three Miss Kings. 8vo. Lond., 1897. . BRENNAN, MARTIN. Reminiscences of the gold fields and else- where in 'New South Wales, covering a period of forty-eight years as an officer of police. 8vo. Syd., 1907. MISCELLANY. BURKE, Right hon. EDMUND.' Works: [portr.]. 12 v., 8vo. Lond., 1899. BUTLER, CHARLES. Reminiscences. 2 v. in i, 8vo. Lond., 1822-27. v. i. 3rd ed. CALDWELL, ROBERT. Granite rocks and ozone : [and, Strangers and pilgrims]: by Andrew Cochrane, [i.e., Robert Caldwell]. 8vo. Adel., 1902. CALVERLEY, CHARLES STUART. Literary remains ; with a memoir by Sir Walter J. Sendall : [portr.]. sm. 8vo. Lond., 1896. CHAMBERS'S repository of instructive and amusing tracts. 12 v. in 6, 8vo. Edinb., n.d. CHRISTMAS bush; or, entertaining stories for the season: a colo- nial serial for 1876. -pp. 48, 8vo. Syd., 1876. Pam. v. in, no. 2077. CLARKE, MARCUS ANDREW HISLOP. Selected works; together with a biography and monograph. Compiled and ed. by Hamilton Mackinnon. Austral ed., 8vo. Melb., 1890. Contents. Australia of the past. Australian tales and sketches. Stories, imaginative and fanciful". Essavs, humorous. Critical. Verses, grave and gay. COLERIDGE, MARY ELIZABETH. Gathered leaves, ' from [her] prose; with a memoir by Edith Sichel : [portr.]. 8vo. Lond., 1910. COLERIDGE, SAMUEL TAYLOR. Biographia literaria; ed., with his aesthetical essays [and introd.], by J. Shawcross. 2 v., 8vo. Oxf., 1907. First published in 1817. CRABBE, GEORGE WALLACE. Scottish humour, songs and lore. 8vo. Melb., [1908]. ERASMUS, DESIDERIUS. Colloquies; tr. by N. Bailey: ed., with notes, by the Rev. E. Johnson. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1878. EVENING hours ; or, the unpublished gatherings and experiences of a lifetime: by a freemason, v. i, i2mo. Melb., 1869. Pam. v. 38, no. 659. FITZGERALD, EDWARD. Works and literary remains: [ed. by W. A. Wright: portrs. and illust.]. 7 v., 8vo. Lond., 1902-03. FOX, FRANK. From the old dog ; being the letters of the hon. , ex prime minister, to his nephew. 8vo. Melb., 1908. FURNISS, HARRY. Harry Furniss at home: written and illust. by himself. 8vo. Lond., 1904. GEACH, EDWINA C. The soul of the ti-tree: [portr.]. 8vo. Melb., 1909. GLENNY, HENRY. Jottings and sketches at home and abroad. 8vo. Belfast [Port Fairy], 1889. GRANGER, EDITH, ed. Index to poetry and recitations. 8vo. Chic., 1904. HAY, Mrs. AGNES. After-glow memories. 8vo. Lond., 1905. HEART of the rose; a quarterly magazine. pp. 35, sm. 4to. Melb., 1907. Pam. v. 187, no. 3616. 499. MISCELLANY. HENSLOWE'S annual; an artistic and literary annual, written by Australian authors and illustrated by Australian artists, 1901. pp. 78, 8vo. Melb., 1901. Pam. v. 50, no. 840. Same, 1902. pp. 76, 8vo. Syd., 1902. 1'am. v. 170, no. 3386. Same, 1903. pp. 79, 8vo. Melb., 1903. Pam. v. 50, no. 841 Same, 1904. pp. 80, 8vo. Syd., 1904. Pam. v. 85, no. 1544. HERBERT, GEORGE. Works, in prose and verse: [portr.]. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1853. HONE, WILLIAM. The everyday book; or, a guide to the year: 436 engravings. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1888-89. The table book of daily recreation and information: 116 engrav- ings. 8vo. Lond., 1878. The yearbook of daily recreation and information: 114 engrav- ings. 8vo. Lond., 1892. HORNE, RICHARD HENGIST. [Miscellaneous works.] n.t.p., v.d. Contents. Ode to the Mikado of Japan. Portraits ami memoirs. Bygone celebrities. Psyche Apocalypte. Death of Marlowe. New arrivals. Great fairs and markets of Europe. Australia and New Zealand. LAKE, JOSHUA, ed. Childhood in bud and blossom: a souvenir book of the Children's hospital bazaar: [illust.]. 4to. Melb., 1900. LITERARY chatelaine, The; a souvenir of the Launceston Mechanics' institute bazaar. i2mo. Launceston. 1858. LYTTON, EDWARD GEORGE EARLE LYTTON BULWER LYTTON, ist baron. Miscellaneous prose works. 3 v., 8vo. Lond., 1868. LYNCH, ARTHUR. Religio athletse. pp. 96, 8vo. Lond., 1895. MARTIN, ARTHUR PATCHETT. Fernshawe; sketches in prose and verse. 8vo. Melb., 1882. MONTHLY almanac and illustrated commentator, July, 1850. pp. 24, 8vo. [Adel.], 1850. Pam. v. 134, no. 2584. NATHAN, ISAAC, ed. The Southern Euphrosyne and . Australian miscellany; containing Oriental moral tales, original anecdote, poetry and music ; an historical sketch, with examples of the native aboriginal melodies put into modern rhythm. 410. Lond., n.d. PUNCH staff papers; a collection of tales, sketches, &c., in prose and verse by the members of the staff- of Sydney Punch: illust. 8vo. Syd., 1872. REEVE, WYBERT. From life. 8vo. Lond., 1891. ROBB, EMMIE, Mrs. W. J. Jetsam, pp. 44, 8vo. Melb., 1907. Pam. v. 154, no. 2973. ROBINSON, WILLIAM ASHTON COOMER. Truth stranger than fic- tion; a miscellany of interesting, instructive, and startling facts from personal observation, with moral comments on the same. 8vo. Melb., 1861. ROWLANDSON'S success. 8vo. [Syd., 1907.] A collection of prose and verse by various authors, in continuation of the Commonwealth annual. MISCELLANY. 493 SCOTT, Sir WALTER, bart. Prose works: [illust.], 28 v., 8vo. Lond., 1834-40. Contents.- v. i. Life of Dryden. v. 2. Memoirs of Jonathan Swift. v. 3-4. Biographical memoirs of eminent novelists, and other dis- tinguished persons, v. 5. Paul's letters to his kinsfolk, and abstract of the Eyrbiggia-saga. v. 6. Essays on chivalry, romance, and the drama. v. 7. Provincial antiquities of Scotland. v. 8-16. Life of Napoleon Buonaparte, with preliminary view of the French Revolu- tion, v. 17-21. Periodical criticism, v. 22-26. Tales of a grand- father : Scotland, v. 27-28. Tales of a grandfather : France. SHADOW on the hill j being the third number of the Heart of the rose. pp. 36, sm. 4to. Melb., 1908. Pam. v. 187, no. 3618. SIDNEY, Sir PHILIP. Miscellaneous works : with a life of the author and illustrative notes, by William Gray. 8vo. Lond., 1893- SILVER WATTLE, pseud. South Australian acrostics, pp. 95, i2mo. Adel., 1879. SINNETT, PERCY F. Wattle blossom; an Australian annual: illust. by Herbert J. Woodhouse. pp. 47, 8vo. Adel., i88r. Pain. v. 85, no. 1542. SOUTH AUSTRALIAN annual; Australian tales by well-known writers: Christmas, 1887. pp. Si, 4to. Adel., 1887. Pam. v. 187, no. 3620. SOUTH AUSTRALIAN Christmas annual, 1881 : containing tales by Maude Jeanne Franc, George E. Loyau, and others, pp. 52, 410. Adel., 1881. Pain. v. 187, no. 3621. STANLEY reading room committee. Fourth, fifth, and sixth annual literary competitions in poetry, tales, and riddles. 8vo. Stanley, 1875-77. Pam. v. 134, nos. 2589-2591. STEPHEN, HAROLD WILBERFORCE H., ed. Fizz; home-made for Christmas use: consisting of tales, poetry > &c. pp. 98, 8vo. Maitland, [1881]. STEPHEN, HAROLD WILBERFORCE H., and BUNSTER, GROSVENOR. Our Christmas budget ; a collection of tales, sketches, &c., in prose and verse: together with contributions from Richmond Thatcher and Fred. S. Wilson : illust. pp. 96, 8vo. Syd., 1872. SWIFT, JONATHAN, dean of St. Patrick's. Works, containing addi- tional letters, tracts, and poems not hitherto published ; with notes and a life of the author, by Sir W 7 alter Scott, bart. 2nd ed., 19 v., 8vo. Edinb., 1824. THOMAS, JULIAN. "The Vagabond," ed. The "Vagabond" annual, Christmas, 1877 : [illust.]. 8vo. Syd. TREVELYAN, Sir GEORGE OTTO. Interludes in verse and prose. 8vo. Lond., 1905. Contents. Horace at the university of Athens. Cambridge Dionysia. Modern ecclesiazusae ; or, ladies in parliament. Anglo- Indian Ivn'cs. Letters from Patna. The dawk bungalow. An ancient Greek war. VANCE, JOHN WILLIAM. Poetry and writings. 8vo. Brisb., 1885. VOLCANIC gold, and other tales and sketches, &c. , humorous and satirical, being crisp, characteristic contributions, collaborated by colonial celebrities: [illust.]. -pp. 40, 8vo. Melb., n.d. Pam. v. 124, no. 2588. 494 MISCELLANY : FRENCH LITEEATUEE. WALCH, GARNET, ed. An Easter omelette. pp. 84, 8vo. Melb., n.d. Pam. v. 154, no. 2970. Garnet Walch s annual, Christmas, 1882, New Year, 1883 : illust. pp. 82, 8vo. Melb., 1883. Pam. v. 154, no. 2977. " Hash," a mixed dish for Christmas, with ingredients by various Australian authors, pp. 84, 8vo. Melb., 1877. Pam. v. 154, no. 2976. Victorian jubilee book, in commemoration of the fiftieth anni- versary or Her Majesty Queen Victoria's accession to the throne. 8vo. Melb., 1887. WALSH, WILLIAM SHEPARD. Handy-book of literary curiosities. 8vo. Lond., 1892. WILD, Mrs. E. " Bess of the forest." "Long Bay," [and other miscellanies]. i2mo. Syd., n.d. WILSON, JOHN, "Christopher North." Works; ed. by his son- in-law, Professor Ferrier. 12 v., 8vo. Edinb., 1855-58. Contents. v. 1-4. Nodes ambrosianae. v. 5-8. Essays, critical and imaginative. v. 9-10. Recreations of Christopher North. v. n. Tales. v. 12. Poems. WOLCOT, JOHN, " Peter Pindar." The works of Peter Pindar, Esq. 5 v., 8vo. Lond., 1794-1801. WOOLLS, WILLIAM. Miscellanies in prose and verse. 8vo. Syd., 1838. 830. German literature. THOMAS, CALVIN. History of German literature. 8vo. Lond., IQOQ. 840. French literature. BRUNETIERE, FERDINAND. Manual of the history of French literature; tr. by Ralph Derechef. 8vo. Lond., 1898. DUCLAUX, AGNES MARY FRANCES, nee Robinson, formerly Madame J. Darmesteter, Madame E. The French proces- sion; a pageant of great writers: [6 portrs.]. 8vo. Lond., 1909. EDWARDS, MATILDA BETHAM. French men, women, and books; a series of nineteenth century studies: 8 portrs. 8vo. Lond., 1910. 841. Poetry. BELLOC, HILAIRE. Avril; being essays on the poetry of the French renaissance. 8vo. Lond., 1910. 842. Drama. CORNEILLE. PIERRE. CEuvres completes, [avec la Vie de Cor- neille par Fontenelle] : suivies des ceuvres choisies de Th. [omas] Corneille: avec les notes de tous les commentateurs. 4 v., 8vo. Paris, 1838. FRENCH LITERATURE. 495 MOLIERE, JEAN BAPTISTE POQUELIN DE. [Plays]: tr. by Curtis Hidden Page: introd. by Brander Matthews: [portr.]. 2 v., 8vo. N.Y., 1908. 843. Fiction. BALZAC, HONORE DE. Works: illust. 53 v., 8vo. Lond., n.d. Caxton edition. CHATEAUBRIAND, FRANQOIS AUGUSTE, vicomte de. CEuvres completes ; nouvelle edition, revue avec soin sur les Editions originales, precedee d'une etude litteraire sur Chateaubriand par M. Sainte-Beuve: portrs. and illust. 12 v., 8vo. Paris, n.d. SUE, MARIE JOSEPH EUGE.NE. The wandering Jew : [illust.]. 8vo. N.Y., n.d. THIBAULT, JACQUES ANATOLE, " Anatole France." Balthasar, [and other stories]: tr. by Mrs. John Lane. 8vo. Lond., 1909. The garden of Epicurus, [and other stories] : tr. by Alfred Allinson. 8vo. Lond., 1908. The well of St. Clare: tr. by Alfred Allinson. 8vo. Lond., 1909. WENZ, PAUL, " Paul Warrego." A 1'autre bout du monde; aven- tures et moeurs Australiennes. 8vo. Paris, 1905. 844. Essays. HUGO, VICTOR MARIE, viscount. Intellectual autobiography (post- scriptum de ma vie) ; being the last of [his] unpublished works and embodying the author's ideas on literature, philosophy, and religion : tr., with a study of the last phase of Hugo's genius, by L. O'Rourke. 8vo. N.Y., 1907. MAETERLINCK, MAURICE. The double garden: tr. by Alexan- der Teixeira de Mattos. 8vo. Lond., 1904. Life and flowers : tr. by Alexander Teixeira de Mattos. 8vo. Lond., 1907. SAINTE-BEUVE, CHARLES AUGUSTIN. Causeries du Lundi. 3rd ed., 15 v., sm. 8vo. Paris, n.d. THIBAULT, JACQUES ANATOLE, "Anatole France." On life and letters: tr. by A. W. Evans, ist ser. 8vo. Lond., 1911. 847. Satire and Humour. RABELAIS, FRANCOIS. [Gargantua; and Pantagruel] : selected and ed. [with introd.] by C. H. Page. 8vo. N.Y., 1905. Discourse in praise of debtors, borrowers, and lenders ; abridged from [his] works, pp. 8, 8vo. Melb., 1883. Pam. v. 7, no. 160. 496 LATIN LITERATUBE. 850. Italian literature. DANTE, ALIGHIERI. The Inferno; literally translated into English verse in the measure of the original by Sir Samuel Walker Griffith. 8vo. Syd., 1908. MAZZINI, JOSEPH. Life and writings. 6 v., 8vo. Lond., 1890-91. Contents. v. i, 3, and 5. Autobiographical and political, v. a, 4, and 6. Critical and literary. 860. Spanish literature. T1CKNOR, GEORGE. History of Spanish literature. 4th American ed. 3 v., 8vo. Bost, 1879. 870. Latin literature. ABELARD, PIERRE. Lettres completes d'Abelard et d'Heloise; texte Latin, traduction nouvelle, precedee d'une etude philosophique et litteraire, par O. Greard. 8vo. Paris, n.d. BRAIM, THOMAS HENRY. Eutropii historiae Romanae, libri duo; Cornelii Nepotis selectae vitae excellentium imperatorum, et quaedam fabellae ex Ovidio, omnes ad usum tironum Australae accommodi ; quibus accedunt notulse Anglicae et quaestiones. pp. 72, i2mo. Syd., 1844. CONINGTON, JOHN. The ^Eneid of Virgil; tr. into English verse. 8vo. Lond., 1903. DELPHIN classics, with the variorum notes, [intituled the Regent's edition]. Scriptores latinum in usum Delphini cum notis variorum, &c. : cura et imp. A. J. Valpy. 160 v., 8vo. Lond., 1819-1830. Contents. Apuleius, Lucius : 7 v. Aurelius Victor, Sextus : 2 v. Ansonius, Decimus Magnus : 3 v. Boethius, Anicius Manlius Tor- quatus Severinus : i v. Caesar, Caius Julius. : 4 v. Catullus, Caius Valerius : 2 v. Cicero, Marcus Tullius : 14 v. Claudianus, Claudius : 4 v. Curtius Rufus, Quintus : 3 v. Dictys Cretensis, and Dares Phrygius : i v . Eutropius, Flavius : i v. Florus, Lucius Annaeus : 2 v. Gellius, Aulus : 3 v. Horatius Flaccus, Quintus : 4 v. Justinus : 2 v. Juvenalis, Decimus Junius : 3 v. Livius, Titus : 20 v. Lucretius, Titus : 3 v. Manilius, Marcus : 2 v. Martialis, Marcus Valerius : 3 v. Nepos, Cornelius : 2 v. Ovidius, Publius : 9 v. Panegyrici veteres : 5 v. Phaedrus : i v. Plautus, Titus Mac- cius : 5 v. Plinius Secundus, Caius : 12 v. Propertius, Sextus Aurelius : 2 v. Prudentius Clemens, Aurelius : 3 v. Sallustius, Crispus Caius : 2 v. Statius, Publius Papinius : 4 v. Suetonius Tranquillus, Caius : 3 v. Tacitus, Publius Cornelius : g v. Teren- tius, Publius : 4 v. Tibullus, Albius : i v. Valerius Maximus : 3 v. Velleius Paterculus, Caius : i v. Verrius Flaccus, Marcus : 2 v. Virgilius Maro, Publius : 9 v. PLAUTUS, TITUS MACCIUS. Comedies: tr. into familiar blank verse by Bonnell Thornton [and Richard Warner]. 5 v., 8vo. Lond., 1759-74. GREEK LITERATURE. 497 880. Greek literature. AESCHYLUS. Agamemnon : freely translated into English, pp. 35, 8vo. Syd., 1886. Pam. v. no, no. 2052. The Oresteia : tr. and explained by G. C. W. Warr : illust. 8vo. Lond. 1900. (The Athenian drama.) ARNOLD, MATTHEW. On translating Homer. 8vo. Lond., 1896. Same: another ed: with F. W. Newman's "Homeric trans- lation" and Arnold's "Last words." i2mo. Lond., n.d. BLACKIE, JOHN STUART. Homer and the Iliad. 4 v., 8vo. Edinb., 1866. Contents. v. i. Homeric dissertations, v. 2. The Iliad in English verse, books 1-12. v. 3. The Iliad in English verse, books 13-24. v. 4. Notes philological and archaeological. BUTCHER, SAMUEL HENRY. Harvard lectures on the originality of Greece. 8vo. Lond., 1911. Contents. Greece and Israel. Greece and Phoenicia. The Greek love of knowledge. Art and inspiration in Greek poetry. Greek literary criticism. EURIPIDES. [Plays]: tr., [with introductory essay and notes], by Gilbert Murray : illust. 4th ed. 8vo. Lond., 1908. (The Athenian drama.) GLADSTONE, Rt. lion. WILLIAM EWART. Homeric synchronism; an enquiry into the time and place of Homer. 8vo. Lond., 1876. Studies on Homer and the Homeric age. 3 v., 8vo. Oxf., 1858. HERODOTUS. History; a new English version: ed;, with notes, by George Rawlinson, assisted by Major-general Sir Henry Rawlinson and Sir J. G. Wilkinson: maps and illust. 4th ed., 4 v., 8vo. Lond., 1880. MURRAY, GILBERT. History of ancient Greek literature. 8vo. Lond., 1907. (Short studies of the literatures of the world.) PLATO. Dialogues : tr. into English, with analyses and introds., ' by B. Jowett. 2nd ed., 5 v., 8vo. Oxf., 1875. SOPHOCLES. [Plays]: tr. and explained by J. S. Phillimore: illust. 2nd ed., 8vo. Lond., 1910. (The Athenian drama.) 891.2. Sanskrit literature. MULLER, FRIEDRICH MAX. History of ancient Sanskrit literature as far as it illustrates the primitive religion of the Brahmans. and ed., 8vo. Lond., 1860. WILSON, HORACE HAYMAN. Works. 8 v., 8vo. Lond., 1861-66. Contents. v. 1-2. Essays and lectures on the religions of the Hindus: ed. by Reinhold Rost. v. 3-5. Essays, analytical, critical, and philological on subjects connected with Sanskrit literature : ed. by Reinhold Rost. v. 6-8. The Vishnu Purana : a system of Hindu mythology and tradition -. tr. from the original Sanskrit : ed. by FitzEdwa'rd Hall. 498 HISTORY. 891.7. Russian literature. BARING, MAURICE. Landmarks in Russian literature. 8vo. Lond., 1910. 900. History. 901. Philosophy : History of Civilization. ALISON, ALEXANDER. Philosophy and history of civilisation. 8vo. Lond., 1860. BALFOUR, ARTHUR JAMES. Decadence, -pp. 62, 8vo. Camb., 1908. (Henry Sidgwick memorial lecture.) BUCKLE, HENRY THOMAS. History of civilization in England. 3 v., 8vo. Lond., 1905. CONDER, CLAUDE REIGNIER, colonel. The rise of man. 8vo. Lond., 1908. FRAZER, JAMES GEORGE. Lectures on the early history of the kingship. 8vo. Lond., 1905. FREEMAN, EDWARD AUGUSTUS. Methods of historical study ; eight lectures read in the University of Oxford, 1884 : with the inaugural lecture on the office of the historical professor. 8vo. Lond., 1886. HENDERSON, Rev. ANQUETIL MATTHEW. History: a lecture. pp. 32, 8vo. Melb., 1870. Pam., v. 176, no. 3387. MACDONALD, GREVILLE. The child's inheritance; its scientific and imaginative meaning : [illust.] 8vo. Lond., 1910. MAHAFFY, JOHN PENTLAND. What have the Greeks done for modern civilisation ? 8vo. N.Y., 1909. (Lowell lectures, 1908-09.) NORDAU, MAX. The interpretation of history ; tr. from the Ger- man by M. A. Hamilton. 8vo. Lond., 1910. PETRIE, WILLIAM MATTHEW FLINDERS. The revolutions of civilization: [illust.] sm. 8vo. Lond., 1911. SEIGNOBOS, CHARLES. History of ancient civilization. 8vo. Lond., 1907. 902. Chronologies. HAYDN, JOSEPH. Dictionary of dates and universal information relating to all ages and nations : revised and brought up to date by eminent authorities : '23rd ed. by Benjamin Vincent, to the end of 1903. 8vo. Lond., 1904. Same : 24th ed., to the summer of 1906. 8vo. Lond., 1906. Same: 25th ed., to midsummer, 1910. 8vo. Lond., 1910. ROBINSON, H. J. Colonial chronology; a chronology of the prin- cipal events connected with the English colonies and India, from the close of the fifteenth century to the present time : maps. la. 8vo. Lond., 1892. HISTORY. 499 903. Dictionaries: Cyclopaedias. HARBOTTLE, THOMAS BENFIELD. Dictionary of historical allu- sions. 8vo. Lond., 1903. MORERI, Louis. Grand dictionnaire historique; ou, le melange curieux de 1'histoire sacree et profane, igth ed., 8 v., fo. Paris, 1743-49- 904. Essays: Lectures. ACTON, JOHN EMERICH EDWARD DALBERG-ACTON, baron. Historical essays and studies : ed. by J. N Figgis and R. V. Laurence. 8vo. Lond., 1907. History of freedom and other essays : ed., with introd., by J. N. Figgis and R. V. Laurence: [portr.]. 8vo. Lond., 1907. ARNOLD, THOMAS. Introductory lectures on modern history de- livered in Lent term, 1842, with the inaugural lecture delivered in December, 1841. 8vo. Oxf., 1842. CREASY, Sir EDWARD SHEPHERD. The fifteen decisive battles of the world, from Marathon to Waterloo: [plans]. loth ed., 8vo. Lond., 1860. FREEMAN, EDWARD AUGUSTUS. Historical essays : first series. 4th ed., 8vo. Lond., 1886. Same: second series, ^rd ed., 8vo. Lond., 1889. Same: third series. 8vo. Lond., 1879. FROUDE, JAMES ANTHONY. The Spanish story of the Armada, and other essays. 8vo. Lond., 1892. LECKY, WILLIAM EDWARD HARTPOLE. Historical and political essays. 8vo. Lond., 1908. Contents. Thoughts on history. Political value of history. The empire, its value and growth. Ireland in the light of history. Formative influences. Carlyle's message to his age. Israel among the nations. Madame de Stael. Private correspondence of Sir Robert Peel. The fifteenth Earl of Derby. Mr. Henry Reeve. Dean Mil- man. Queen Victoria as a moral force. Old age pensions. Index. RHODES, JAMES FORD. Historical essays. 8vo. N.Y., 1909. Contents. i. History. 2. Concerning the writing of history. 3. The profession of historian. 4. Newspapers as historical sources. 5. Speech, Harvard university. 6. Edward Gibbon. 7. Samuel Raw- son Gardiner. 8. William E. H. Lecky. 9. Sir Spencer Walpole. 10. John Richard Green. n. Edward L. Pierce. 12. Jacob D. Cox. 13. Edward Gaylovd Bourne. 14. The presidential office. 15. Re- view of President Hayes's administration. 16. Edwin Lawrence Godkin. 17. Who burned Columbia. 18. A new estimate of Columbus. VILLARI, PASQUALE. Studies, historical and critical : tr. by Linda Villari : 7 illust. 8vo. Lond., 1907. Contents. Is history a science? The youth of Cavour. Luigi Settembrini. Francesco de Sanctis. Domenico Morelli. Donatello. Girolamo Savonarola and the present day. VINOGRADOFF, PAUL, ed. Oxford studies in social and legal history, v. i, 8vo. Oxf., 1909. Contents. English monasteries on the eve of the dissolution ; by Alexander Savine : Patronage in the later Empire ; by F. De Zulueta. 905. Periodicals: Magazines. ANNUAL register ; a review of public events at home and abroad, 1903 to date. 8vo. Lond. FOREIGN office list, 1903 to date. 8vo. Lond. 500 HISTORY. 906. Societies. AUSTRALIAN historical society. Rules and regulations, pp. 8. 8vo. Sycl., 1901. 1'iim., v. 116, no. 2151. HISTORICAL society pf Australasia. Transactions : ed. by Robert T. Litton, v. i. 8vo. Melb., [1891]. (All published.) ROYAL historical society, London. [Camden series of publications] : 3rd ser. v. 10, [1906] to date. sm. 4to. Lond. Contents. v. 10. Collectanea Anglo-Premonstratensia : v. 2 : ed. by F. A. Gasquet. 1906. v. ii. Acts and ordinances of the Eastland company : ed. by Maud Sellers. 1906. v. 12. Collectanea Anglo-Premonstratensia : v. 3 : ed. by F. A. Gasquet. 10,06. v. 13. Camden miscellany : v. ri. 1907. v. 14. Relation of Sydnam Poyntz, 1624-1636 : ed. by A. T. S. Goodrick. 1908. v. 15. Diary of the Rev. Ralph Josselin, 1616-1683 : ec ^- by K. Hockliffe. 1908. v ib. Despatches from Paris, 1784-1790 : v. i : 1784-1787 :- ed. by Oscar Browning. 1909. v. 17. The Bardon papers : ed. by Conyers Read. 1909. v. 18. Camden miscellany : v. 12. 1910. Transactions : new ser. v. 19-20. 8vo. Lond., 1905-6. Same: 3rd ser. v. i, 1907 to date. 8vo. Lond. 907. Study and Teaching. LONG, CHARLES RICHARD. The aim and method in history and civics, -pp. 86, 8vo. Melb., 1909. Pam., v. 143, no. 2762. 908. Polygraphy : Collected works. DAILY news newspaper. The wonderful year, 1909 : an illustrated record of notable achievements and events. 4to. Lond., [1909]. HEYLYN, PETER. Ccsmographie, in four books,, containing the chorographie and historic of the whole world and all the principal kingdoms, provinces, seas, and isles thereof : [maps], 3rd ed., 4 v. in i, fo. Lond., 1666. LARNED, JOSEPHUS NELSON. History for ready reference, from the best historians, biographers, and specialists ; their own words in a complete system of history, [to 1901] : maps. 6 v., la. 8vo. Springfield, Mass., 1901. Seventy centuries of the life of mankind in a survey of history from the earliest known records ... to the present time, with an introductory account of prehistoric peoples : illust. 2 v., 8vo. Springfield, Mass., 1905. ROBERTSON, WILLIAM. Works; with account of his life and writings by the Right rev. G. Gleig. 12 v., 8vo. Edinb., 1819. Contents. v. 1-3. Life of Dr. Robertson : Situation of the world at the time of Christ's appearance ; a sermon : History of Scotland during the reigns of Queen Mary and of King James VI. till [1603]. v. 4-7. History of the reign of the emperor Charles V., with a view of the progress of society. in Europe. v. 8-u. History of America. v. 12. Historical disquisition concerning ancient India. TRAVEL. 501 909. Universal Histories. HELMOLT, H. F., ed. The world's history; a survey of man's- record. v. 5. South-eastern and eastern Europe. la. 8vo. Lond., 1907. PREISSIG, EDWARD. Notes on the history and political institu- tions (5f the old world : [maps]. 8vo. N.Y., 1906. RALEGH, Sir WALTER. Historic of the world, in five books :. [portr. and maps], fo. Lond., 1666. READE, WILLIAM WINWOOD. The martyrdom of man. iyth ed. 8vo. Lond., 1903. 910. Geography and Travels. ATKINS, Rev. THOMAS. Reminiscences of twelve years' residence in Tasmania and New South Wales ; Norfolk island and Moreton bay ; Calcutta, Madras, and Cape Town ; the United States of America ; and the Canadas : [illust.]. 8vo. Mal- vern, 1869. ATLAS geographus ; or, a compleat system of geography, ancient and modern, for America, v. 5, sm. 4to. Lond., 1717.' Pp. 1-22 relate to Australia, with map by Moll. BATES, E. KATHERINE. Kaleidoscope; shifting scenes from eastr to west. 8vo. Lond., 1889. BAXTER, C. E. Talofa; letters from foreign parts. 8vo. Lond. r 1884. BELL, WILLIAM MORRISON, major. Other countries : maps and illust. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1872. BENNETT, Mrs. ALFRED. Vignettes of travel. 8vo. Syd., 1886. BENNETT, GEORGE. Wanderings in New South Wales, Batavia^ Pedir coast, Singapore, and China : being the journal of a naturalist during 1832, 1833, and 1834. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1834. BLOUET, L. PAUL, " Max O'Rell." John Bull and Co. ; the great colonial branches of the firm : Canada, Australia, New Zea- land, and South Africa : [illust.]. 8vo. Lond., 1894. La maison John Bull et Cie; les grancles succursales : le Canada, PAustralie, la Nouvelle-Zelande, 1'Afrique du Sud. 3rd ed. r 8vo. Paris, 1894. BOEGLI, LINA. Forward ; letters written on a trip around the world. 8vo. Phila., 1904. BOYLE, ROBERT. A sanitary crusade through the East and Aus- tralasia : [illust.]. -p-f. 44, 8vo. Lond., 1892. BUCKHUR'ST, WILLIAM PARTON. Jottings by an Australian abroad : India, Egypt, Rome, Venice, Paris, &c. pp. 91, 8vo. Melb., 1873. BURSTON, G. W., and STOKES, H. R. Round about the world on bicycles. 8vo. Melb., 1890. BURTON, JOHN HILL. Emigrants' manual; Australia, New Zealand, America, and South Africa : with a preliminary dissertation. 8vo. Edinb., 1851. CHAPMAN, F. T. Sketches over 50,000 miles. i2mo. [Hobart r 1880.] 502 TRAVEL. CLEMENS, SAMUEL LANGHORNE, " Mark Twain." More tramps abroad. 8vo. Lond., 1897. CLERK, ALICE, nee Frere, Mrs. G. The Antipodes and round the world ; or, travels in Australia, New Zealand, Ceylon, China, Japan, and California : illust. 2nd ed., 8vo. Lond., 1870. COLQUHOUN, ARCHIBALD Ross. Dan to Beersheba; work and travel in four continents : portr. 8vo. Lond., 1908. CORNWALLIS, KINAHAN. Panorama of the new world. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1859. COTTEAU, EDMOND. En Oceanic; voyage autour du monde en 365 jours, 1884-1885 : illust. and maps. 8vo. Paris, 1888. COWDEROY, BENJAMIN. Notes of a holiday tour round the world in 1883-4. 8vo. Melb., 1884. CRAEMER, CURT. Aus meiner Wanderzeit; Reiseeindriicke eines jungen Kaufmanns in Siid-Afrika, Indien, Ceylon, Singapore, Java, China, Japan, Australien, Neuseeland, Samoa, Hawaii, den Vereinigten Staaten, und .Canada : 100,000 Kilometer zu Wasser und zu Lande : illust. 2nd ed., 8vo. Berlin, 1907. DAISH, WILLIAM CHRISTIAN. Melbourne to Tokio; notes by the way. 8vo. South Melb., 1900. DAVIDSON, G. F. Trade and travel in the far east: or, recol- lections of twenty-one years passed in Java, Singapore, Aus- tralia, and China. 8vo. Lond., 1846. D'EWES, J. China, Australia, and the Pacific islands, in the years 1853-56. [illust.]. 8vo. Lond., 1857. DILKE, Rt. hon. Sir CHARLES WENTWORTH, 2nd bart. Greater Britain ; a record of travel in 1 English-speaking countries dur- ing 1866 and 1867 : maps and illust. 2nd ed., 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1869. DOBBIE, A. W. Rough notes of a traveller; being an account of a trip round the world, via Ceylon, Arabia, Egypt, Italy, France, England, America, Sandwich islands, Fiji, &c. 8vo. Adel., 1877. EGERTON, CHARLES. A trip round the world. 410. Melb., 1904. ESMOND E, Sir THOMAS HENRY GRATTAN, bart. Round the world with the Irish delegates : illust. 8vo. Dublin, 1892. FAR off ; or, Australia, Africa, and America described ; with anecdotes and numerous illust: Part II., by the author of "The peep of day." 8vo. Lond., 1860. FER, N. DE. Introduction a la geographic, avec une description historique sur touttes les parties de la terre : [maps]. 2nd ed., 8vo. Paris, 1717. This curious book is lithographed from MS. FRANCK, HARRY A. A vagabond journey round the world; a narrative of personal experience : illust. 8vo. Lond., 1910. Deals with Europe, Palestine, Egypt, India, Malay, and Japan. FRASER, JOHN FOSTER. Life's contrasts : portr. and illust. 8vo. Lond., 1908. FRASER, P. P. Jottings of travel. 8vo. Melb., 1894. GEORGE, HEREFORD B. Historical geography of the British empire: map. 8vo. Lond., 1904. TRAVEL. 503. GUTHRIE, WILLIAM. New system of modern geography; or, a geographical, historical, and commercial grammar : and, present state of the several kingdoms of the world. 4to. Lond., 1795. HAY, ALEXANDER. Journey from Australia to Europe, pp. 21, 8vo. n.-p., 1895. Pam. v. 112, no. 2083. HOCHBERG, Count FRITZ VON. An eastern voyage; a journal of travels through" the British empire in the east, and Japan : illust. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1910. HOGAN, JAMES FRANCIS. The Australian in London and America. 8vo. Lond., 1889. The sister dominions : through Canada to Australia, by the new imperial highway. 8vo. Lond., 1896. HOWELL, H. SPENCER. An island paradise, and reminiscences of travel : [illust.]. 8vo. Toronto, 1892. JOBSON, Rev. FREDERICK J. Australia : with notes by the way,, on Egypt, Ceylon, Bombay, and the Holy Land. 2nd ed.,- 8vo. Lond., 1862. JOSEPH, ALFRED. A Bendigoniun abroad : being sketches of travel" made during a ten months' tour through Europe and America. 8vo. Melb. [1892]. JOUBERT, JULES. Shavings and scrapes from many parts. i2mo. Dunedin, 1890. KENNEDY, DAVID. Colonial travel: a narrative of four years^ tour through Australia, New Zealand, Canada, &c. 8vo. Edinb., [1876]. KINGDOM, WILLIAM. Abstract of information relative to the United States of America and the British colonies of Canada, and the Cape of Good Hope, New South Wales, and Van Die- men's Land. 2nd ed., 8vo. Lond., 1820. LEIGH, W. H. Reconnoitering voyages and travels, with adven- tures in the new colonies of South Australia, and an account of the present state of Sydney and parts adjacent during the- years 1836, 1837, 1838 : illust. 8vo. Lond., 1839. MACDONALD, ALEXANDER. In search of El Dorado: a wan- derer's experiences ; introd. by Admiral Moresby : illust. 8vo. Lond., 1905. MACLEAN, Rev. DONALD. Travels in sunny lands : illust. 8vo.. Edinb., 1911. McMILLAN, R., "Gossip." There and back; or, notes of a voyage round the world : illust. 8vo. Syd., 1903. MALONE, Rev. JAMES J. The purple east; notes of travel: [illust.]. 8vo. Melb., 1910. MATTERS, CHARLES H. From Golden gate to Golden horn, and many other world wide wanderings. 8vo. Adel., 1892. Joy in many lands, on five continents ; records of travel : illust^ 8vo. Melb., [1909]. MENPES, MORTIMER. W r orld pictures : text by Dorothy Menpes. 8vo. Lond., 1902. World's children: text by Dorothy Menpes. 4to. Lond., 1903. MILLEAR, MILLICENT M. Journal of a wandering Australian; illust. 8vo. Lond., 1902. 504 TRAVEL. MONTEGUT, EMILE. L'Angleterre et ses colonies Australes : Australia, Nouvelle-Zelande, Afrique Australe. i2mo. Paris., 1880. O'DONNELL, Rev. D. Vignettes from a tourist's note-book. pp 93, 8vo. Adel., 1886. OGILVIE, EDWARD. Diary of travels in three quarters of the globe. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1856. OTTER, Rev. R. H. Winters abroad; some information respecting places visited by the author on account of his health. 8vo. Lond., 1882. PODMORE, Sx, MICHAEL. Rambles and adventures in Australasia, Canada, India, &c. : [illust.]. 8vo. Lond., 1909. RAINS, FANNY L. By land and ocean : [illust.]. 8vo. Lond., 1878. RECOLLECTIONS of a ramble from Sydney to Southampton, vid South America, Panama, the West Indies, the United States, and Niagara. 8vo. Lond., 1851. SHAW, JOHN. A gallop to the Antipodes, returning overland through India. 8vo. Lond., 1858. SMITH, JOHN. Wayfaring notes; a holiday tour round the world. 2nd ser., i2mo. Aberdeen, 1876. SMITH, SIDNEY. The settler's new home : or, whether to go and whither : Pt. i. British America : the United States. Pt. 2. Cape of Good Hope: Natal: Australia. i2mo. Lond., 1850. SPIELVOGEL, NATHAN F. A gumsucker on the tramp, pp. 91, 8vo. Ballarat, 1905. STEPHENS, ALFRED GEORGE. A Queenslander's travel notes: [illust.]. 8vo. Syd., 1894. TANGYE, RICHARD. Reminiscences of travel in Australia, America, and Egypt : illust. 4to. Birmingham, 1883. TRAIN, GEORGE FRANCIS. The merchant abroad in Europe, Asia, and Australia : a series of letters. 8vo. Lond., 1857. Same: another ed., entitled A young American abroad. 8vo. Lond., 1857. VAY DE VAYA AND LUSKOD, count, monsignor. Empires and emperors of Russia, China, Korea, and Japan ; notes and recollections. 8vo. Lond., 1906. VINCENT, FRANK. Through and through the tropics; thirty thousand miles of travel in Polynesia, Australasia, and India. i2mo. Lond., 1876. WALKER, ROBERT. The five threes; 33,333 miles by land and sea: holiday notes. 8vo. Lond., 1884. 910.3. Gazetteers. CHAMBERS'S concise gazetteer of the world ; topographical, statis- tical, historical, pronouncing: ed. by D. Patrick. rev. ed., 8vo. Edinb., 1906. CHISHOLM, GEORGE G., ed. Longmans' gazetteer of the world. 4to. Lond., 1902. MELVEN, WILLIAM. Commercial gazetteer of the world : maps. 8vo. Lond., 1905. MEYER, F. Universum; oder die schonsten Ansichten der Erde: illust. 2 v., obi. 8vo. Amsterdam, 1835-42. VOYAGES. 505 910.4. Circumnavigations, Ocean Travel, Shipwrecks. ABERCROMBY. H'on. RALPH. Seas ;md skies in many latitudes; or, wanderings in search of weather : maps .and illust. 8vo. Lond., 1888. ALBERT VICTOR, Prince, aftia. Duke of Clarence, and Prince GEORGE, of Wales, aftw. King George V. Cruise of Her Majesty's ship Bacchante, 1879-1882 : compiled from private journals, letters, and note-books, with additions by J. N. Dal ton : [illust., maps, and plans]. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1886. AMEZAGA, CARLO DE, commandante. Viaggio di circumnaviga- zione della regia corvette C'araccioli negli anni 1881-4 : [maps and illust.]. 4 v., la. 8vo. Rome, 1885-86. ANSON, GEORGE ANSON, admiral, ist baron. Voyage round the world in the years MDCCXL., i., n., in., iv., by George Anson, Esq. \aftw. George, baron Anson] : compiled by R. Walter: illust. 4to. Lond., 1748. ARAGO, JACQUES ETIENNE VICTOR. Beide Oceane; eine Reise nach Chili, Californien, Taiti, den Marquesas-inseln, Brazilien, &c. : im Auszuge deutsch bearbeitel von A. Kretz- schmar. 8vo. Leipzig, n.d. [1857?]. Narrative of a voyage round the world in the Uranie and Physicienne corvettes commanded by Captain Freycinet, 1817-20: [with] report to the Academy of sciences. 4to, Lond., 1823. BANKS, Sir JOSEPH, bart. Journal during Captain Cook's first voyage in H.M.S. Endeavour in 1768-71 ; ed. by Sir J. D. Hooker: portrs. and maps. 8vo. Lond., 1896. BARCLAY, H. VERE, captain. Au travers du continent australien r [map], pp. 6, 8vo. Paris, 1899. Pam., v. 176, no. 3388. BARRINGTON, GEORGE. Account of a voyage to New South Wales : [with] a detail of his life, trials, speeches, &c. : illust. 8vo. Lond., 1810. BARROW, Sir JOHN. Eventful history of the mutiny and piratical seizure of H.M.S. Bounty: its cause and consequences: illust. i2mo. Lond., 1831. BARRY, WILLIAM JACKSON, captain. Up and down ; or fifty years' colonial experiences in Australia, California, New Zealand, India, China, and the South Pacific. 8vo. Lond., 1879. BAYLY, GEORGE, captain. Sea life sixty years ago: a record ^ of adventures which led up to the discovery of the long-missing expedition commanded by the Comte de la Perouse. 8vo, Lond., 1885. BAYS, PETER. Narrative of the wreck of the Minerva, whaler of Port Jackson, New South Wales, on Nicholson's shoal, 24* S., 179 W. 8vo. Camb., 1831. BEAR, J. Impressions of a Victorian abroad; also, Confessions of a naughty boy of the fifties (being sketches of early Mel- bourne), pp. 96. i2mo. Melb., n.d. 506 VOYAGES. BECKET, THOMAS, ed. Journal of a voyage round the world in H.M.S. Endeavour, 1768-1771. 410. Lond., 1771. BEECHEY, FREDERICK WILLIAM. Narrative of a voyage to the Pacific and Beering's strait to co-operate with the Polar ex- peditions in 1825-28: [map and illust.]. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1831. BEHRENS, CARL FRIEDRICH, " M. de B. . . ." Histoire de 1'expedition de trois vaisseaux aux terres australes en MDCCXXI. 2 v., 8vo. Hague, 1739. BELCHER, Sir EDWARD, admiral. Narrative of the voyage of H.M.S. Samarang, during the years 1843-46; employed surveying the islands of the Eastern archipelago : accompanied by a brief vocabulary of the principal languages, with notes on the natural history of the islands, by Arthur Adams : [maps and illust.]. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1848. Narrative of a voyage round the world, performed in Her Majesty's ship Sulphur, during the years 1836-1842 ; includ- ing details of the naval operations in China, from Dec., 1840, to Nov., 1841 : [maps and illust.]. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1843. BLIGH, WILLIAM, vice-admiral. Account of the dangerous voyage performed by Captain Bligh, with a part of the crew of His Majesty's ship Bounty, in an open boat, over twelve hundred leagues of the ocean. i2mo. Lond., 1818. BOEHM, Sir EDGAR COLLINS. The Persian gulf and South sea isles. 8vo. Lond., 1904. BOEKEREN, GERRIT RINSE VOORMEULEN VAN. Reizen en ont- dekkingstogten van Abel Jansz Tasman van Lutkegast. sm 8vo. Groningen, 1849. Pam., v. 87, no. 1560. BOISDUVAL, JEAN ALPHONSE. Voyage de la corvette V Astrolabe pendant les annees 1826-29 : Faune entomologique de I'oce'an Pacifique : [12 plates]. 2 v., 8vo. Paris, 1832-35. Plates bound with -plates to Lesson, P. A. and A. Richard, Voyage, &c., Botanique. In Dumont d'Urville, J. S. C. Voyage, etc. BOOTH BY, GUY. On the wallaby ; or, through the East and across Australia : illust. 8vo. Lond., 1894. BOUGAINVILLE, Comte Louis ANTOINE DE. Voyage autour du monde par le fregate du roi La Boudeux, et la flute L'Etoile en 1766-69. 2nd ed., 2 v. in i. i2mo. Neuchatel, 1773. Voyage round the world in the years 1766-1769, in the frigate La Boudeux and the store-ship L'Etoile: tr. from the French by John Reinhold Forster : [pi. and 5 maps]. 4to. Lond., 1772. BRADSHAW, W. S. Voyages to India, China, and America, with an account of the Swan River settlement. 8vo. Lond., 1857. BRASSEY, ANNIE, lady. Last voyage, 1887 : [memoir and appx. by Lord Brassey : maps and illust.]. 8vo. Lond., 1889. BROUGHTON, WILLIAM ROBERT, captain. Voyage of discovery to the North Pacific ocean in the years 1795 to 1798: [maps and illust.]. 4to. Lond., 1804. VOYAGES. 507 BRUCE, Sir JAMES ANDREW THOMAS, vice-admiral. Cruise round the world of the flying squadron, 1869-1870, under the com- mand of rear-admiral G. T. Phipps Hornby : [illust. and map.] 8vo. Lond., 1871. BULKELEY, JOHN, and CUMMINS, JOHN. Voyage to the South seas in the years 1740-1, containing a faithful narrative of the loss of His Majesty's ship the Wager. 8vo. Lond., 1743. Same: another copy: with which is bound Sequel to Bulkeley and Cummins's Voyage; by A. Campbell, and Narrative of the dangers and distresses which befel Isaac Morris and seven more of the crew belonging to the Wager ; by I. Morris. BUNDEY, WILLIAM HENRY. Notes of a return voyage from Eng- land to South Australia, pp. 49, 8vo. Adel., 1882. Pam., v. 135, no. 2597. BYRON, Hon. JOHN, vice-admiral. Narrative of, containing an account of the great distresses suffered by himself and his companions on the coasts of Patagonia, 1740-1746. i2mo. Morpeth, 1812. First published in 1768. CAMERON, KEITH, ed. The Gull : a weekly newspaper published on board the Ota go during a four months' voyage from Glas- gow to Brisbane : illust. 8vo. Brisb., 1884. CAMPBELL, ALEXANDER. Sequel to Bulkeley and Cummins's Voy- age to the South-seas ; or, the adventures of capt. Cheap [and others] late of H.M.S. the Wager. 8vo. Lond., 1747. Bound with Bulkeley, J-, and Cummins, J. Voyage to the South seas. CAMPBELL, ARCHIBALD. Voyage round the world from 1806 to- 1812; in which Japan, Kamschatka, the Aleutian islands and the Sandwich islands were visited : with an account of the present state of the Sandwich islands and a vocabulary of their language : chart. 8vo. Edinb., 1816. CAMPBELL, Lord GEORGE. Log letters from the Challenger.- [map.] 8vo. Lond., 1876. CHAMPION of the Seas times : published on board the Champion of the Seas, July 16, to September 24, 1855. pp. 40, 410. Melb. CLARKE, JAMES STANIER. Naufragia ; or, historical memoirs of shipwrecks and of the providential deliverance of vessels. 8vo. Lond., 1805. COATS, JOSEPH. Notes on sea and land; being the diary of a journey to New Zealand, Australia, Ceylon, and Egypt, October, 1897, till April, 1898 : [illust.]. 8vo. Glasgow, 1898. COLLINGRIDGE, GEORGE. Discovery of Australia : an investiga- tion concerning the priority of discovery in Australasia : illust, charts, maps, diagrams, &c. 4to. Syd., 1895. COLNETT, JAMES, captain. Voyage to the South Atlantic and round Cape Horn into the Pacific ocean, for the purpose of extending the spermaceti whale fisheries and other objects of commerce: [charts.]. 410. Lond., 1798. 4 ' COMMISSARY", review : published on board the clipper ship Commissary during a voyage from London to Sydney, 1870. Ed. by Rev. T. Smith. 8vo. Syd., 1870. 508 VOYAGES. COOK, JAMES, captain. Atlas with engravings to accompany quarto edition of Cook's voyages, fo. Loud., 1785. Compendious history of Captain Cook's last voyage, performed in the years 1776-1780; in which all the interesting transac- tions are recorded, particularly those relative to his unfortu- nate death, with a map of the new discoveries, and the track of the ships. 8vo. Lond., 1784. Journal during his first voyage round the world, made in H.M. bark Endeavour, 1768-71; a literal transcription of the original MSS ; with notes and introd. : ed. by captain W. J. L. Wharton : maps and facsimiles, la. 8vo. Lond., 1893. Journals of the Resolution's voyage in 1772-1775; also a journal of the Adventure's voyage in the years 1772-1774 : map. 8vo. Dublin, 1776. New, authentic, and complete edition of Captain Cook's first, second, third and last voyages round the world : ed. by cap- tain John Hogg : [maps and illust.]. 3 v., 8vo. Lond., v.d. Contents. v. i. First voyage, 1768-1771. n.d. v. 2. Second voy- age, 1772-1775. 1795. v. 3. Third voyage, 1776-1780. 1785. Original voyages round the world ; containing the whole of his discoveries in geography, navigation, astronomy, &c. : with memoirs of his life, and particulars relative to his unfortunate death: engravings [and portr.]. 4to. Lond., 1815. Voyage to the Pacific ocean for making discoveries in the Northern hemisphere : performed under the direction of capts. Cook, Clerke and Gore, in His Majesty's ships the Resolu- tion and Discovery, in the years 1776-80: [maps, charts, and illust.]. 3 v., 4to. Lond., 1784 v. i and 2 by captain Cook. v. 3 by captain James King. Same: another ed. 4 v., 8vo. Lond., 1784. Voyage dans 1'hemisphere austral, et autour du monde, fait sur les vaisseaux de roi, VAventure et la Resolution en 11772-75 ; dans lequel en a insere la relation du capitain Furneaux, et celle de MM. Forster: traduit de 1'Anglois: plans, maps, and illust. 4 v., 4to Paris, 1778. Voyage towards the South Pole and round the world : per- formed in His Majesty's ships the Resolution and Adventure in the years 1772-1775: in which is included Captain Fur- neaux's narrative of his proceedings in the Adventure during the separation of the ships; maps, charts, and illust. 2 v., 4to. Lond., 1777. Cook's second voyage. COPPINGER, RICHARD WILLIAM. Cruise of the Alert; four years in Patagonian, Polynesian, and Mascarene waters, 1878-82 : '16 illust. 8vo. Lond., 1883. COULTER, JOHN. Adventures in the Pacific; with observations on the natural productions, manners, and customs of the natives of the various islands. 8vo Dublin, 1845. CRAMP, W. B. Narrative of a voyage to India. 8vo. Lond., 1823. CROZET, captain. Voyage to Tasmania, New Zealand, the La- drone islands, and the Philippines in the years 1771-1772: tr. by H. Ling Roth, with pref . and brief reference to the litera- ture of New Zealand by Jas. R. Boos6 : illust. [and chart]. 8vo. Lond., 1891. VOYAGES. 509 CURREY, E. HAMILTON, commander. Sea-wolves of the Mediter- ranean ; the grand period of the Moslem corsairs : portrs. and illust. 8vo. Lond., 1910. CURTIS, JOHN. Shipwreck of the Stirling Castle ; to which is added, Narrative of the wreck of the Charles Eafon. 8vo. Lond., 1838. CUZCO note book; record of a voyage from Australia to London, April-June, 1890. -pp 62, 8vo. Lond., 1890. Pam., v. 112, no. 2082. DAMPIER, WILLIAM, captain. Dampier's voyages; consisting of a new voyage round the world, a supplement to the voyage round the world, two voyages to Campeachy, a discourse of winds, a voyage to New Holland, and a vindication, in answer to the chimerical relation of William Funnell : ed. [with life and appx. Dampier's associates] by John Masefield : [maps, illust. and portrs.]. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1906. New voyage round the world : voyages and descriptions : voyage to New Holland : maps and illust. 3 v., 8vo. Lond., 1703-05- A made-up set; v. i is 5th ed., 1705 : v. 2 is 3rd ed., 1705. v. 3, no ed. given, but probab'y only one was published, 1703. v. 3 contains index to vv. i and 2. Same: another copy of,v. i. 3rd ed., 8vo. Lond., 1698. Nieuwe reistogt rondom de wereld : tr. from the English by W. Sewel : maps and illust. 3 v., 4to. Nymegen, 1771-72. DUMONT D'URVILLE, JULES SEBASTIAN C^SAR, captain. Rapport a 1' Academic Royale des sciences de 1'institut, sur la marche et les operations du voyage de decouvertes de la corvette /' Astrolabe, en 1826, 1827, 1828, et 1829. -pp. 48, 8vo. Paris, 1829. Pam. v. 156, no. 2994. Voyage au pole sud et dans 1'Oceanie sur les corvettes r Astro- labe et la Zelee, pendant 1'annees, 1837-40. 23 v., 8vo., and 6 v., fo. Paris, 1842-54. Contents. Physique : par MM. Vincendon-Dumoulin et Coupvent- Desbois, i v., 8vo. Histoire du voyage : par M. Dumont-d'Urville, 10 v., 8vo., and 2 v., fo. Zoologie : par MM. Hombron et Jacquinot, 5 v., 8vo., and i v., fo. Hydrographie : par M. Vincendon-Dumou- lin, 2 v., 8vo., and i v., fo. 'Botanique : par MM. Hombron et Jac- quinot, 2 v., 8vo. Geologic, mineralogie, et geographic physique de voyage : par J Grange, 2 v. , 8vo., and i v., fo. (which includes illustrations to Botanique.) Anthropologie : par Dr. Dumontier, 8vo., and fo. Voyage de la corvette V Astrolabe, execute par ordre du Roi pendant les annees 1826-29. 20 v., 8vo., and 5 v., fo. Paris, 1830-35. Contents. Histoire du voyage. 5 v. in 10, 8vo. and 2 v. fo., with portr., 8 maps, 195 plates. Zoologie; par MM. Quoy et Gaim- ard. 4 v. in 6, 8vo., and 2 v. fo., with 198 plates. Botanique; par A. Lesson et A. Richard. 2 v. 8vo., and i v. fo., with 78 plates. Faune entomologique de 1'ocean Pacifique ; par le docteur Boisduval. 2 v. 8vo. [12 pi. in Atlas to Botanique]. Voyage pittoresque autour du monde : resum g6n6ral des voyages de decouvertes: maps and illust. 2 v., 4:0. Paris, 1839. DUNCAN, SINCLAIR THOMSON. Journal of ,a voyage to Australia. i2mo. . Edinb., 1869. 510 VOYAGES. DUPERREY, Louis ISIDORE. Voyage autour du monde, sur la corvette de Sa Majest La Coquille, pendant les annees, 1822, 1823, 1824, et 1825: Hydrographie : [maps]. 410. Paris, 1829. ELLIS, WILLIAM. Authentic narrative of a voyage performed by Captain Cook and Captain Clerke in His Majesty's ships Resolution and Discovery during the years 1776-80, in search of a north-west passage between the continents of Asia and America: chart and illust. 2nd ed., 2 v., 8vo. Lond.r 1783- ELWES, ROBERT. A sketcher's tour round the world : illust. 8vo. Lond., 1854. FERNANDAS DE QUIROS, PEDRO, captain. Account of a memorial presented to His Majesty, concerning the popula- tion and discovery of the fourth part of the world, Australia the unknown, its great riches and . fertility, discovered by the same captain : with licence of the royal council of Pampeluna, printed by Charles de Labayen, anno 1610 : from the Spanish : with introductory notice by W. A. Duncan [and facsimile of the original work in Portuguese]. 8vo. Syd., 1874. Historica del descubrimiento de las regiones austriales : publicada [con prologo] por don Justo Zaragoza. 3 v., 8vo. Madrid, 1876-82. FITZROY, ROBERT, captain, and KING, PHILIP PARKER, captain. Narrative of the surveying voyages of His Majesty's ships Adventure and Beagle between the years 1826 and 1836 : [with journal and remarks by Charles Darwin : maps and illust.]. 4 v., 8vo. Lond., 1839. Darwin's journal in v. 3. FLEURIEU, CHARLES PIERRE CLARET, comte DE. Voyage round the world, performed during the years 1790, 1791, and 1792, by Etienne Marchand; preceded by a historical introd. and illust. by charts, &c. : tr. from the French. 2 v., 4to. Lond., 1801. FLINDERS, MATTHEW, captain. Voyage to Terra Australis, in the years 1801-1803, in His Majesty's ship the Investigator, and subsequently in the armed vessel Porpoise and Cumber- land schooner, with an account of the shipwreck of the Por- poise, arrival of the Cumberland at Mauritius, and imprison- ment of the commander during six and a half years in that island : [illust.]. 2 v., 4to., with fo. atlas. Lond., 1814. FOIGNY, GABRIEL DE, " Jacques Sadeur." La terre australe connue; c'est a dire, la description decepays inconnu jusqu'ici, de ses mceurs et de ses cofitumes. i2rno. Vannes, 1676. FONTANIER, V. Voyage dans 1'archipel Indien. 8vo. Paris, 1852. FORSTER, JOHANN GEORG ADAM. Reply to Mr. Wales's remarks. pp. 53. 4to. Lond., 1778. Williarr. Wales criticised Forster in his " Remarks on Mr. Forster's account of captain Cook's last voyage round the world," Forster being naturalist on Cook's second voyage. Voyage round the world, in His Britannic Majesty's sloop Resolution, commanded by Captain James Cook, during the years 1772-5 [map.]. 2 v., 410. Lond., 1777. VOYAGES. 511 FORSTER, W. T. Wreck of the Maria; or, adventures of the New Guinea prospecting association : [map.] pp. 34, 8vo. Syd., 1872. Pam., v. 135, no. 2596. FOWLER, FRANK. Wreck of the Royal Charter ; compiled from authentic sources, with some original matter, -pp. 80, 121110. Lond., 1859. FREYCINET, Louis CLAUDE DESAULSES DE. Voyage autour du monde sur les corvettes de S.M. VUranie et la Physicienne, pendant les annees 1817-1820 : plates. 3 v., fo. Paris, 1824-26. Contents. Historique Botanique Zoologie. See also Peron. FUNNELL, WILLIAM. Voyage round the world : containing an account of Captain Dampier's expedition into the South seas in the ship St. George in the years 1703 and 1704; to- gether with the author's voyage from Amapalla on the west coast of Mexico to East India: maps and illust. 8vo. Lond., 1707. GERSTAECKER, FRIEDRICH. Narrative of a journey round the world. 3 v., 8vo. Lond., 1853. GILBERT, THOMAS, captain. Voyage from New South Wales to Canton in the year 1788, with views of the islands dis- covered: [illust.] pp. 85. 4to. Lond., 1789. GOODRIDGE, CHARLES MEDYETT. Narrative of a voyage to the South seas and the shipwreck of the Princess of Wales cutter ; with an account of two years' residence on an uninhabited island: [illust.]. 6th ed., 8vo. Lond., 1847. GRANT, JAMES, lieutenant. Narrative of a voyage of discovery performed in H.M.S. Lady Nelson in the years 1800, 1801, and 1802, to New South Wales : illust. [and charts]. 410. Lond., 1803. GREGORY, Rev. WILLIAM. A visible display of Divine providence; or, the journal of a captured missionary, designated to the Southern Pacific Ocean, in the second voyage of the ship Duf, commanded by Captain Thomas Robson, captured by Le Grand Buonaparte, off Cape Frio: [illust. and map.] 8vo. Lond., [1800]. GUILLEMARD, ARTHUR G. Over land and sea ; a log of travel round the world in 1873-1874. 8vo. Lond., 1875. GUILLEMARD,, FRANCIS HENRY HILL. Cruise of the Marchesa to Kamschatka and New Guinea : with notices of Formosa, Liu-Kiu, and ;vark>us islands of the Malay archipelago : maps and illust. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1886. HAMILTON, GEORGE. Voyage round the world in His Majesty's frigate Pandora, performed under the direction of Captain Edwards, in the years 1790, 1791 and 1792 : with the dis- coveries made in the South- Sea [&c.] : [portr.]. 8vo. Ber- wick, 1793. HAWKESWORTH, JOHN. Account of the voyages for making discoveries in the southern hemisphere, and successively per- formed by Commodore Byron, Captains Wallis, Carteret, and Cook, in the DolpJtin, the Swallow, and the Endeavour: drawn up from the journals which were kept by the several commanders and from the papers of [Sir] Joseph Banks : with charts, maps, and illust. 3 v., 4to. Lond., 1773. Cook's first voyage. 512 VOYAGES. HOCKEN, THOMAS MORLAND. Abel Tasman and his journal ; a paper read 'before the Otago institute: [map.] pp. 13, 8vo. Otago, 1895. 1'am., v. 87, no. 1565. HOLMAN, JAMES. Voyage round the world; including travels in Africa, Asia, Australasia, America, &c., 1827-32 : [illust]. 4 v., 8vo. Lond., 1832. HORN, WILLIAM AUSTIN. Notes by a nomad ; an olla-podrida : illust. 8vo. Lond., 1906. HOWITT, WILLIAM. Some interesting particulars of the second voyage made by the missionary ship, the Duff, which was captured by the Buonaparte privateer in the year 1800. 8vo. Knaresbrough, 1809. HUBNER. JOSEPH ALEXANDER, graf VON. A travers 1'empire Britannique, 1883-84. 2 v., 8vo. Paris, 1886. INTERESTING narrative of the loss [of] His Majesty's armed vessels the Porpoise and Cato, of London, upon Wreck reef, on their passage from New South Wales to China; with re- marks on New South Wales, its productions, inhabitants, &c. : by an officer of the Porpoise: also, the loss of the Dodding- ton, East Indiaman. pp. 28, 8vo. Lond., [1808]. JACOBS, THOMAS JEFFERSON. Scenes, incidents, and adventures in the Pacific Ocean , or the islands of the Australasian seas, during the cruise of the clipper Margaret Oakley under Capt. Benjamin Morrell : illust. 8vo. N.Y., 1844. JARMAN, ROBERT. Journal of a voyage to the South Seas, in the Japan, employed in the sperm whale fishery, under the command of Capt. John May. 8vo. Lond., 1838. JARRETT, F. C., ed. Jottings from the log of a New South Welshman; or, six years in the opium trade : being a captain's yarn of several voyages in the above trade, and the conse- quent encounters with pirates, pp. 26. 8vo. Syd., 1867. Pam., v. 115, no. 2136. JENKYNS, CATHERINE CARLYON, ed. Hard life in the colonies, and other experiences by sea and land ; compiled from pri- vate letters : illust. 8vo. Lond., 1892. Contents. Shang-nied ; or, round the Horn. A. C. Jenkins. A voyage to China. G. C. Jenkins. Voyages to Melbourne and Cal- cutta. G. C. Jenkins. Hard life in the colonies (i) Australia. (2) New Zealand. (3) Australia and 'Frisco. G. C. Jenkins and H. K. Dunbar. JONES, [ ]. Life and adventure in the South Pacific : by a roving printer: [illust.]. 8vo. Lond,, 1861. JOURNAL of a voyage round the world in His Majesty's ship the Dolphin, commanded by the Hon. Commodore Byron : by a midshipman on board the said ship. pp. 93, i2mo. Lond., n.d. KENNEDY, A., and KENNEDY, J. Authentic account of the wreck of the Royal Charter steam clipper, on her passage from Australia to Liverpool, October 26th, 1859 : with an interest- ing addition of subsequent events and incidents : engravings. 8vo. Dublin, 1860. KING, PHILIP GIDLEY. Comments on Cook'-s log (H.M.S. Endea- vour, 1770), with extracts, charts, and sketches. pp. 22. 4to. Syd., 1892. VOYAGES. 513 KIRBY, J., captain. Narrative of a voyage from Melbourne to the Gulf of Carpentaria, f-p. 16, 8vo. Melb., 1862. Pam., v. 9, no. 190. KOTZEBUE, OTTO VON. Voyage of discovery into the South Sea .and Beering's Straits, for the purpose of exploring a north- east passage, undertaken in the years 1815-1818, in the ship Rurick: plates and maps. 3 v., 8vo. Lond., 1821. KRUSENSTERN, ADAM JOHANN VON, captain. Voyage round the world in the years 1803-1806, on board the ships Nadeshda and Neva: tr. from the original German by Richard Belgrave Hoppner: [map and illust.]. 2 v. in i. 410. Lond., 1813. LABILLARDIERE, JACQUES JULIEN HOUTOU DE. Relation du voyage a la recherche de La Perouse, pendant les annees 1791, 1792, 1793, 1794. 2 v., 4to., with fo. atlas. Paris}, 1799. Voyage in search of La Perouse performed during the years 1791-1794 : tr. from the French : illust. [and maps.] 4to. Lond.. 1800. LAMBERT, CHARLES J., and LAMBERT, S., Mrs. C. J. Voyage of the Wanderer ; from the journals and letters of C. and S. Lambert : ed. by Gerald Young : illust. [and map]. 8vo. Lond., 1883. LA PEROUSE, comte JEAN FRANCOIS GALAUP DE. Voyage autour du monde. Ed. by L. A. Milet-Mureau : [portr.]. 4 v., 4to. Paris, 1797. Voyage round the world, performed in the years 1785, 1786, 1787, and 1788, by the Boussole and Astrolabe: [illust. and charts]. 3rd ed., 3 v., 8vo. Lond., 1807. LAPLACE, CYRILLE PIERRE THEODORE. Voyage autour du monde par les mers de 1'Inde et de Chine, execute sur la corvette de 1'etat la Favorite, pendant les annees 1830, 1831, et 1832 : [map and notes]. 4 v., 8vo. Paris, 1833-35. LA SALLE, A. DE. Voyage autour du monde . . : sur la cor- vette \a.Bonite: relation du voyage. 3 v. 1845-52. See Vaillant, A. N. Voyage autour du monde. LESSON, RENE PRIMEVERE. Voyage autour du monde sur la cor- vette La Coquille: illust. 2 v., 8vo. Paris, 1839. LEWIS, C. M., commander. Voyage to Torres Strait in search of the survivors of the ship Charles Eaton, which was wrecked upon the Barrier reefs in the month of August, 1834, in His Majesty's colonial schooner Isabella: arranged from the jour- nal and log book of the commander, [with pref.] by Philip P. King, capt. R.N. : [chart.] 8vo. Syd., 1837. LUCETT, E. Rovings in the Pacific, from 1837 to 1849; with a glance at California : illust. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1851 McLEOD, JOHN. Voyage of His Majesty's ship Alceste to China, Corea, and the Island of Lewchew : with an account of her shipwreck. 3rd ed., 8vo. Lond., 1820. MADGE, M. H. Ten months' holiday, and how it was spent, f-p, 88, 8vo. Adel., 1879. Pam., v. 135, no. 2598. F.8720. R 514 VOYAGES. MAGELLAN, FERDINAND. First voyage round the world : tr. from the accounts of Pigafetta, and other contemporary writers : accompanied by original documents, with notes and introd. by Lord Stanley of Alderley : [portr., illust., and maps.] 8vo. Lond., 1874. (Hakluyt soc.) MARCEL, GABRIEL. La Perouse; recit de son voyage; expedition envoyee a sa recherche; le capitaine Dillon; Dumont D'Urville; reliques de 1 'expedition : illust. and map. 8vo. Paris, n.d. MELANCHOLY disaster of His Majesty's ship the Guardian, bound to Botany Bay with stores and convicts, Lieut. Riou, commander, which struck on an island of ice, December 24, 1789; also, an account of an Indian woman, &c. pp. 28, i2mo. Lond., n.d. MEREWETHER, HENRY ALWORTH. By sea and by land; being a trip through Egypt, India, Ceylon, Australia, New Zealand, and America; all round the world. 8vo. Lond., 1874. MILLER, ROMAN J. Around the world with the battleships; introd. by James B. Connolly : illust. 8vo. Chic., 1909. MILNER, Rev. JOHN, and BRIERLEY, Sir OSWALD W. Cruise of H.M.S. Galatea, Captain H.R.H. the Duke of Edin- burgh, K.G., in 1867-1868 : maps and illust. 8vo. Lond., 1869. MORRIS, ISAAC. Narrative of the dangers and distresses which befel Isaac Morris, and seven more of the crew, belonging to the Wager store-ship, which attended Commodore Anson, in his voyage to South Sea. 8vo. Lond., n.d. Bound with Bulkeley, J., and Cummins, J. Voyage to the South Seas. MORTIMER, GEORGE, lieutenant. Observations and remarks made during a voyage to the islands of Teneriffe ; Amsterdam ; Maria's islands, near Van Diemen's Land : Otaheite, Sand- wich islands; Owhyhee; the Fox islands on the north-west coast .of America; Tinian, and from thence to Canton, in the brig Mercury, commanded by John Henry Cox : illust. pp. 72. 4to. Lond., 1791. MOSELEY, HENRY NOTTIDGE. Notes by a naturalist on the Challenger ; being an account of various observations made during the voyage of H.M.S. Challenger round the world, in the years 1872-1876 : map, plates, and illust. 8vo. Lond., i879- MOSSMAN, SAMUEL. Narrative of the shipwreck of the Admella on the southern coast of Australia. i2mo. Melb., 1859. MUNRO, J. K. The Mary Ira: a yachting expedition from Auck- land to the South Sea islands. 8vo. Lond., 1867. MURRAY, HUGH, ed. Adventures of British seamen in the Southern Ocean, displaying the striking contrasts which the human character exhibits in an uncivilized state. i2mo. Edinb., 1827. NARRATIVE of the melancholy wreck of the Dunbar, merchant ship, on the South head of Port Jackson, August 20th, 1857 : illust. pp. 15. 8vo. Syd., .1857. Same: another copy. Pam., v. 53, no. 885. VOYAGES. 515 NARRATIVE of the shipwreck of the Antelope, East India pacquet on the Pelew islands in August, 1783. 8vo. Perth, 1788. NARRATIVE of the wreck of the ship All Serene, by one of the survivors : pref. by the Rev. Thomas Smith, pp. 24. 8vo. Syd., 1864. Pam., v. 42, no. 7i3-\. NETHERBY gazette; a journal published en board the ship Netherby, captain Owens, bound from London to Brisbane, containing an account of the shipwreck on the western side of King's Island : ed. by H. D. Vincent and Townsend. pp. 87, 8vo. Melb., 1866. Pam., v. 112, no. 2080. NORMAN, WILLIAM H., captain, and MUSGRAVE, THOMAS, compilers. Journals of the voyage and proceedings of H.M.C.S. Victoria in search of shipwrecked people at the Auckland and other islands : [map], pp. 45. 8vo. Melb. [1865]. Pam., v. 58, no. 957. NOUVEAU voyage a la mer du Sud, commence sous les ordres de M. Marion, et acheve sous M. Duclesmeur, [avec] un ex- trait de celui de M. de Surville dans les memes parages. 8vo. Paris, 1783. NOVARA, Austrian frigate. Reise der osterreichischen Fregatte Novara um die erde, 1857-59 : geologischer Theil. 2 v. in 3, 4to. Vienna, 1864-66. Contents. Geologic von Neu-Seeland. Palaontologie von Neu- Seeland. Geologische beobachtungen. Palaontologische mittheil- ungen. See also Scherzer. PALMER, GEORGE, commander. Kidnapping in the South Seas; being a narrative of a three months' cruise of H.M. ship Rosario : [illust.]. 8vo. Edinb., 1871. PARKER, Mrs. MARY ANN. Voyage round the world, in the Gorgon man of war, captain John Parker. 8vo. Lond., 1795- PARKINSON, SYDNEY. Journal of a voyage to the South seas : in His Majesty's ship the Endeavour: map and illust. 4to. Lond., 1773. Cook's first voyage. Same: another ed., with appx. containing an account of the voyages of Commodore Byron, Captains Wallis, Carteret, M. Bougainville, Captains Cook and Clerke. 410. Lond., 1784. Voyage autour <^u monde, sur le vaisseau de sa Majeste Britan- nique I' Endeavour, precede d'un discours en forme d'intro- duction sur les principaux navigateurs anglais et frangais qui ont precede I' Endeavour: suivi d'un abrege des deux derniers voyages du capitaine Cook, avec les planches de 1'auteur: ouvrage traduit de 1' Anglais, par le C. Henri. 2 v. in i, 4to. Paris, 1797. PARRAMATTA times: issued on board the s.s. Parramatta during her voyage from Sydney to London, April 2nd to May 25th, 1886. 8vo. Liverpool, 1886. PASCO, CRAWFORD, commander. A roving commission; naval reminiscences : [portrs. and illust.]. 8vo. Melb., 1897. R 2 516 VOYAGES. PATTERSON, SAMUEL. Narrative of the adventures and suf- ferings experienced in the Pacific Ocean and many other parts of the world ; with an account of the Feegee, and Sandwich Islands. i2mo. Palmer, 1817. PEARLING disaster, The: a memorial; [charts and illust.] pp. 71, 8vo. Brisb., 1899. PEEBLES, JAMES MARTIN. Around the world; or, travels in Polynesia, China, India, Arabia, Egypt, Syria, and other " heathen " countries. 2nd ed., 8vo. Boston, 1875. PERON FRANCOIS. Memoires sur ses voyages aux cotes d'Afrique, en Arabic, a 1'ile d'Amsterdam, aux iles d'Anjouan et de Mayotte, aux cotes nord-ouest de 1'Amerique, aux iles Sand- wich, a la Chine, &c. : [illust. and maps.] 2 v. in i, 8vo. Paris, 1824. PERON, FRANCOIS, and FREYCINET, Louis CLAUDE DESAULSES DE. Voyage de decouvertes aux terres australes, sur les corvettes le Geographe, le Naturaliste, et la goelette le Ca- suarina pendant les annees 1800-1804. 2 v., 4:0., and fo. atlas of plates. Paris, 1807-16. PHILLIP, ARTHUR, vice-admiral. An old time story ; an historical narrative of the discovery of New Holland and New South Wales : [reprinted from " An authentic journal of the expedi- tion under Commodore Phillips (A. Phillip) to Botany Bay," 1789. By an officer.] pp. 83, i2mo. Hobart, 1897. Pam., v. 38, no. 656. PIGAFETTA, ANTONIO. Magellan's voyage around the world : the original text of the Ambrosian MS., with English trans- lation, notes, bibliography and index, by James Alexander Robertson : portr. and fac-similes of the original maps, and plates. 2 v., and index v., 8vo. Cleveland, U.S., 1906. PIGEARD, CHARLES. Voyage dans I'Oce'anie centrale, sur la cor- vette frangais le Bucephale. 8vo. Paris, 1846. PORTER, DAVID, captain. Voyage in the South seas in the years 1812, 1813, and 1814, with particular details of the Galli- pagos and Washington islands : 3 illust. 8vo. Lond., 1823. PROUT, JOHN SKINNER. Journal of a voyage from Plymouth to Sydney in Australia, on board the emigrant ship Royal Sovereign ; with a short description of Sydney : to which is added a brief account of Port Phillip, pp. 23, 8vo. Lond., 1844. RAYNAL, F. EDOUARD. Les nauf rages ; ou, vingt mois sur un re"cif des iles Auckland : map and illust. la. 8vo. Paris. 1870. REEVES, EDWARD. Homeward bound after thirty years; a colonist's impressions of New Zealand, Australia, Tangier, and Spain : illust. 8vo. Lond., 1892. REID, JOHN ARBUCKLE, ed. Battling with the waves : wreck of the s.s. Alert, and narrative of Robert Ponting, the sole- survivor, pp. 88, 8vo. Melb., n.d. RENEY, WILLIAM. Narrative of the shipwreck of the Corsair, in the month of January, 1835. [illust.]. pp. 80, 8vo. Lond., 1836. VOYAGES. 517 RIOU, EDWARD, captain. Guardian: a journal of the proceedings on board the above ship, Lieutenant Riou, commander, as delivered into the Admiralty board by Mr. Clements, -pp. 47, sm. 8vo. Lond., 1790. Pam., v. 156, no. 2990. Journal of the proceedings on board His Majesty's ship the Guardian bound to Botany Bay, from the 22nd of December 1789 to the 1 5th of January 1790 : with authentic copies of his letters to the board of Admiralty, pp. 45, 8vo. Lond., 1790. ROBERTS, JANE. Two years at sea; being the narrative of a voyage to the Swan River and Van Diemen's Land, during the years 1829-31 : [illust.]. 8vo. Lond., 1834. ROBERTSON, , pseud. Voyage de Robertson aux terres australes ; traduit sur le manuscrit Anglois. i2mo. Amster- dam, 1766. ROGERS, WOCDES, captain. Cruising voyage round the world ; first to the South Seas, thence to the East Indies, and home- ward by the Cape of Good Hope; begun in 1708, and finished in 1711; with maps, [and illust.] 2nd ed., 8vo. Lond., 1726. Two of the plates dated 1739. ROQUEFEUIL, CAMILLE DE. Voyage round the world between the years 1816-1819, in the ship Le Bordelais. 8vo. Lond., 1823. ROSSEL, ELIZABETHE PAUL EDOUARD DE. Voyage de D'Entre- casteaux; envoye a la recherche de La Perouse. 2 v., 4to., and fo. atlas. Paris, 1808. SCHERZER, KARL. Narrative of the circumnavigation of the globe by the Austrian frigate Novara (commodore B. von Wullerstorf-Urbair) in the years 1857-1859 : [maps, illust., and facsimiles]. 3 v., 8vo. Lond., 1861-63. SCORESBY, Rev. WILLIAM. Journal of a voyage to Australia and round the world, for magnetical research : ed. [with introd.] by Archibald Smith: [map]. 8vo. Lond., 1859. SEEMAXX, BERTHOLD. Narrative of the voyage of H.M.S. Herald during the years 1845-51, being a circumnavigation of the globe, and three cruises to the Arctic regions in search of Sir John Franklin: [map and illust.]. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1853. :SERIMAN, Count ZACCARIA. Delli viaggi de Enrico Wanton alle terre australi. 4 v. in 2, 8vo. Lond., 1772. SHELVOCKE, GEORGE. Voyage round the world by the way of the great south sea, performed in the years 1719-22 : [map and plates]. 8vo. Lond., 1726. SHIPWRECK ot the Antelope East-India packet in August 1783, on the Pelew Islands : by one of the unfortunate officers. 4th ed. 8vo. Lond., 1790. SPARRMAX", ANDREW. Voyage to the Cape of Good Hope, towards the Antarctic polar circle, and round the world : but chiefly into the country of the Hottentots and Caffres, from the year 1772 to 1776: tr. from the Swedish: plates [and map]. 2 v., 8vo. Dublin, 1785. SPRY, WILLIAM JAMES JOSEPH, captain. Cruise of Her Majesty's ship Challenger; voyages over many seas, scenes in many lands : map and illust. 8vo. Lond., 1876. 518 VOYAGES. STEWART, Rev. CHARLES SAMUEL. Visit to the South Seas in the United States ship Vincennes during the years 1829 and 1830; including scenes in Brazil, Peru, Manilla, the Cape of Good Hope and St. Helena. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1832. STODDART, CHARLES WARREN. Summer cruising in the South Seas: illust. new ed., 8vo. Lond., 1881. SUTTER, ARCHIBALD. Per mare, per terras ; being a visit to New Zealand by Australia, for the examination of certain lands there during 1883-84, and America in 1885 : [maps.]. 8vo, Lond., 1887. SWART, JACOB. De eilanden Dina en Maerseveen in den Zuider Atlantischen Oceaan. pp. 13, 8vo. n.p., 1868. Pam., v. 158, no. 3O32A. TASMAN, ABEL JANSZOON. Journal of his discovery of Van Die- men's Land and New Zealand in 1642, with documents relat- ing to his exploration of Australia in 1644, being photo-litho- graphic facsimiles of the original manuscript in the colonial archives at the Hague : with an English translation and fac- similes of original maps ; to which are added Life and labours, of Abel Janszoon Tasman; by J. E. Heeres : and, Observa- tions made with the compass on Tasman's voyage by Dr. W. van Bemmelen. fo. Amsterdam, 1898. THIERCELIN, Louis. Journal d'un baleinier; voyages en Oceanic. 2 v., 8vo. Paris, 1866. THOMAS, PASCOE. True and impartial journal of a voyage to the South seas and round the globe in His Majesty's ship the Centurion, under the command of commodore George Anson : 8vo. Lond., 1745. THOMSON, Sir CHARLES WYVILLE. Voyage of the Challenger: The Atlantic ; a preliminary account of the general results of the exploring voyage of H.M.S. Challenger, during the year 1873 an d the early part of the year 1876 : \ illust. and maps.] 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1877. THOMSON, JAMES PARK. Round the world : maps, plates, and' illust. 8vo. Brisb., 1904. TICKLISH Times; published fortnightly on board the Red Jacket, during the voyage from Liverpool to Melbourne, 1865-6 : ed. J. W. Blackburne. pp. 68, 8vo. Melb., 1866. Pam., v. 187, no 3623. TUCKEY, JAMES KINGSTON, commander. Account of a voyage to establish a colony at Port Phillip in Bass's Strait, on the south coast of New South Wales, in His Majesty's ship Cal- cutta, in the years 1802-3-4. 8vo. Lond., 1805. TURNBULL, JOHN. Voyage round the world in the years 1800- 1804 : in which the author visited Madeira, the Brazils, Cape of Good Hope, the English settlements of Botany Bay and Norfolk island ; and the islands in the Pacific ocean. 2nd" ed., 410. Lond., 1813. URE, JOHN. Tour round the world. 2 v., 8vo. Glasgow, 1885. VAILLANT, AUGUSTE NICOLAS. Voyage autour du monde execute pendant les annees 1836 et 1837 sur la corvette lo Bonite, commandee par M. Vaillant : Relation du voyage,, par A. de La Salle. 3 v., 8vo. Paris, 1845-52. VOYAGES. 519 VANCOUVER, GEORGE, captain. Voyage of discovery to the North Pacific ocean and round the world, in the years I 79-95- 3 v - 4 to -> an d fo. atlas. Lond., 1798. VEERSCHUUR, G. At the antipodes; travels in Australia, New Zealand, Fiji islands, the New Hebrides, New Caledonia, and South America, 1888-1889 : tr. by Mary Daniels : illust. [and map]. 8vo. Lond., 1891. VOYAGE round the world in His Majesty's ship the Dolphin, com- manded by Commodore Byron : by an officer. 2nd ed.j, 8vo. Lond., 1767. .WAIFS and strays ; or, sea life and adventure picked up between London and Melbourne : being fragments of a diary kept on board the Tudor, pp. 47, 8vo. Melb., 1857. Pam., v. 187, no. 3622. WALPOLE, Hon. FREDERICK. Four years in the Pacific in Her Majesty's ship Collingwood, 1844-48. [illust.]. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1849. WEST INDIES. Nieuwe Werelt, anders ghenaempt West-Indien : [maps]. 3 pts. fo. Amsterdam, 1621-22. Contents. Beschrijvinge van de eylanden, en t'vaste landt in de Oceansche zee, die men noemt West-Indien. By Antonio de Herrera Tordesillas. 1622. Eyghentlijcke beschryvinghe van West Indien, hoe die Landen en Provintien gheleghen zijn. By Pedro Ordonnez de Cevallos. 1621. Spieghel der Australische Navigatie. By Jacob Le Maire. 1622. WILD, JOHN JAMES. At anchor; a narrative of experiences afloat and ashore during the voyage of H.M.S. Challenger, from 1872 to 1876 : illust. by the author, fo. Lond., 1878. WILKES, CHARLES, captain. Narrative of the United States ex- ploring expedition during the years 1838, 1839, 1840, 1841, 1842: [illust.] 5 v. and atlas, la. 8vo. Phila., 1845. Same: abridged. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1852. WILKINSON, DAVID. Whaling in many seas, and cast adrift in Siberia : illust. 8vo. Lond. [1905]. WILSON, ALEXANDER. Letters written on a voyage from England to Port Phillip, with a log of the same. pp. 41, 8vo. Lond., 1854. Pam., v. 115, no. 2133. WILSON, 1'. B. Narrative ot a voyage round the world : compre- hending an account of the wreck of the ship Governor Ready in Torres Straits ; a description of the British settlements on the coasts of New Holland ; also the manners and customs of the aboriginal tribes: [map and illust.] 8vo. Lond., 1835. WOODARD, DAVID, captain. Narrative of Captain David Wood- ard and four seamen, who lost their ship while in a boat at sea, and surrendered themselves up to the Malays in the island of Celebes : [ed.] with introd. and appx. [by William Vaug- han] : map and portr. 8vo. Lond., 1805. WRECK of the London. 8vo. Lond., 1866. 910.6. Geographical Societies. KONINKLIJK Nederlandsch Aardrijkskundig Genootschap : Tijd- schrift. 2nd ser., v. i, 1884 to date. 8vo. Amsterdam and Leiden. 520 OEOOEAPHIOAL SOCIETIES : COLLECTIONS OF VOYAGES. ROYAL geographical society of Australasia, -formerly Geographical society of Australasia : New South Wales and Victorian branches. Proceedings, v. 1-2, 1883/4-1884. 8vo. Syd., 1884-85. Special volume of the proceedings ; ed. by A. C. Macdonald, J. H. Maiden, and T. H. Myring. 8vo. Syd., 1885. Same: New South Wales branch. Proceedings, v. 3-5, ,1885- 92. 8vo. Syd., 1888-93. New constitution, -pp. 10, 8vo. Syd., 1886. Pam., v. 100, no. 1835. Same: Queensland branch. Proceedings, aftw. Proceedings and transactions, v. i, 1885-6 to date. 8vo. Brisb. From v. 15, 1899, entitled Queensland geographical journal, in- cluding the proceedings. Constitution and rules, pp. 12, 8vo. Brisb., 1891. Pam., v. 112, 110. 2084. Same: South Australian branch. Proceedings, v. i, ist ses- sion, 1885-6. 8vo. Adel., 1886. Same: Victorian branch. Transactions and proceedings, aftw. Transactions, v. 3, 1885 to date. From v. 20, 1902, entitled Victorian geographical journal. ROYAL geographical society, London. Journal, v. i, 1832 to v. 12, 1842. v. 28, 1858. v. 32, 1863. v. 36, 1866. v. 40, 1870 to v. 50, 1880. 26 v., 8vo. Lond. Same: Proceedings v. i, 1855 to v. 9, 1865. Bound in 5 v., 8vo. Lond. 910.7. Study and teaching of geography. MITCHELL, Sir THOMAS LIVINGSTONE, lieut. -colonel. Australian geography, with the shores of the Pacific and those of the Indian ocean : [map]. 8vo. Syd., 1850. STRACHEY, Sir RICHARD, lieut. -general. Lectures on geography, delivered before the University of Cambridge. 8vo. Lond., 1888. 910.8. Collections of Voyages. ANDERSON, GEORGE WILLIAM, ed. New, authentic, and complete collection of voyages round the world : [maps and illust.] fo. Lond., [1784], Contents. Captain Cook's first voyage. Captain Cook's second voyage. Byron's voyage. Wallis's voyage. Carteret's voyage. Lord Mulgrave's voyage. Lord Anson's voyage. Sir Francis Drake's voyage. Captain Cook's third voyage. Conclusion. BARROW, JOHN. Collection of authentic, useful, and entertaining voyages and discoveries digested in a chronological series : [maps]. 3 v., i2mo. Lond., 1765. BROSSES, CHARLES DE. Histoire des navigations aux terres aus- trales : 2 v., 4to. Paris, 1756. BURNEY, JAMES, admiral. Chronological history of the discoveries in the South sea or Pacific ocean : charts. 5 v., 4to. Lond., 1803-17. CALLANDER, JOHN. Terra Australis cognita ; or, voyages to the terra Australis, or southern hemisphere during the sixteenth, seventeenth, and eighteenth centuries: [maps]. 3 v., 8vo. Edinb., 1766-68. COLLECTIONS OF VOYAGES. 521 CHURCHILL, AWNSHAM, and CHURCHILL, JOHN. Collection of voyages and travels now first printed from original manu- scripts, others now first published in English : maps and illust. 6 v., fo. Lond., 1732. DALRYMPLE, ALEXANDER. Account of the discoveries made in the South Pacific ocean previous to 1764 : [maps]. 8vo. Lond., 1767. Historical collection of the several voyages and discoveries in the South Pacific ocean : [maps and' illust.]. 2 v. in i, 4-to. Lond., 1770. Voyages dans le mer du Sud par les Espagnols et les Hollan- dois : traduit par M. de Freville. 8vo. Paris, 1774.- DRAKE, Sir FRANCIS, CAVENDISH, THOMAS, DAMPIER, WILLIAM, ca-ptain. Lives and voyages of Drake, Cavendish, and D ampler, including a history of the buccaneers : 3 portrs. 3rd ed., 8vo. Lond., 1837. FREVILLE, A. F. J. DE. Histoire des nouvelles decouvertes faites dans le mer du Sud en 1767, 1768, 1769, et 1770: redigee d'apres les dernieres relations : map. 2 v., 8vo. Paris, 1774 HAKLUYT, RICHARD. The principal navigations, voyages, traf- fiques, and discoveries of the English nation, made by sea or overland to the remote and farthest distant quarters of the earth, at any time within the compass of these 1600 years. 3 v. in 2, fo. Lond., 1599-1600. The map is a reproduction by the Autotype company from the copy in the British museum, the original being very rare. The volumes are in excellent preservation, bound in full crushed levant, full gilt edges. The principal navigations, voyages, traffiques, and discoveries of the English nation : [maps and illust.]. 12 v., 8vo. Glasg., 1903-04. HARRIS, JOHN. Navigantium atque iterantium bibliotheca; or, a complete collection of voyages and travels, consisting of above six hundred of the most authentic writers. 2 v., fo. Lond., 1744-48. HEERES, J. E. The part borne by the Dutch in the discovery of Australia, 1606-1765 : [maps and charts]. 4to. Lond., 1899. In English and Dutch. HISTORICAL account of all the voyages round the world per- formed by English navigators, faithfully extracted from the journals of the voyagers; together with the voyage of M. Bougainville round the world : illust. with maps, charts, and historical prints : appx., containing the journal of a voyage to the North Pole by the Hon. Commodore Phipps and Captain Lutwidge. 4 v., 8vo. Lond., 1774-75. Vols. i and 2 were compiled by David Henry, the rest by another hand. HISTORICAL account of the circumnavigation of the globe, and of the progress of discovery in the Pacific ocean from the voyage of Magellan to the death of Cook. 2nd ed., i2mo. Edinb., 1837. KERR, ROBERT. General history and collection of voyages and travels arranged in systematic order. 17 v., 8vo. Edinb., 1811-16. 522 COLLECTIONS OF VOYAGES. LA HARPE, JEAN FRANCOIS DE Abre'ge' de 1'histoire ge'ne'rale des voyages. 24 v., 8vo. Paris, 1820. Atlas pour servir a 1 'intelligence de 1'histoire ge'ne'rale des voyages: dresse" par Ambroise Tardieu. fo. Paris, 1821. LEUPE, PIETER AREND. De Reizen der Nederlanders naar net Zuidland of Nieuw-Holland in de iye en i8e Eeuw : [chart.]. 8vo. Amsterdam, 1868. McCORMICK, ROBERT, surgeon, R.N. Voyages of discovery in the Arctic and Antarctic seas, and round the world, being personal narratives of attempts to reach the north and south poles ; and an open boat expedition up the Wellington channel in search of Sir John Franklin : to which are added, an auto- biography, appx., portrs., maps, and illust. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1884. MAGAZIN von mertwurdigen neuen Reisebeschreibungen : aus fremden Sprachen iibersetzt, und mit erlauternden unmertungen begleitet : [illust. and maps]. 25 v., 8vo. Vienna, ;i792- 1801. MASEFIELD, JOHN. On the Spanish main; or, some English forays on the isthmus of Darien, with a description of the buccaneers, and a short account of old time ships and sailors : illust. and map. 8vo. Lond., 1906. MOERENHOUT, J. A. Voyages aux iles du grand ocean; conte- nant des documens nouveaux sur la geographic physique et politique, le langue, la litterature, la religion, les mceurs, les usages, et les coutumes de leurs habitans : map and illust. 2 v., 8vo. Paris, 1837. NARBROUGH, Sir JOHN, admiral, TASMAN, ABEL JANSZOON, WOOD, JOHN, MARTEN, FREDERICK. Account of several late voyages and discoveries to the south and north, towards the straits of Magellan, the South seas, &c. : charts and figures. 8vo. Lond.. 1694. NEDERLANDSCHE Reizen, tot bevordering van den Koophandel, na de meest afgelegene Gewesten des Aardkloots : illust. [and map], v. 13, 8vo. Amsterdam, 1787. NEW discoveries concerning the world and its inhabitants; compre- hending all the discoveries made in the several voyages of Admiral Byron, Captains Wallis, Carteret, and Cook : maps and prints. 8vo. Lond., 1778. PELHAM, CAVENDISH. The world ; or, the present state of the universe : being a general and complete collection of modern voyages and travels : 130 engravings [and maps]. 2 v., 410. Lond., 1806-08. PORTLOCK, WILLIAM HENRY. New complete and universal collec- tion of authentic and entertaining voyages and travels to all the. various parts of the world, fo. Lond., 1794. PROVOST, Abbe ANTOINE FRANCOIS. Histoire generate des voy- ages : ou, nouvelle collection de toutes les relations de voyages par mer et par terre. 25 v., 4to. Hague, 1747-80. Vols. 19-25 published at Amsterdam. PRIOR, SAMUEL, captain, ed. All the voyages round the world, from the first by Magellan, in 1520, to that of Krusenstern, . in 1807 : illust. and chart. i2mo. Lond., 1820. Same: 2oth ed. ismo. Lond., 1834. COLLECTIONS OF VOYAGES : HISTORY OF GEOGRAPHY. 523 PURCHAS, SAMUEL. Purchas his pilgrimes. In five books. The first, contayning the voyages and peregrinations made by ancient kings, patriarkes, . . . and others, to and thorow the remoter parts of the knowne world, The second, A de- scription of all the circumnavigations of the globe, The third, Navigations and voyages of English -men ... to the Cape of Good Hope, The fourth, English voyages beyond the East Indies to the ilands of Japan, The fifth, Navigations, voyages, trafnques_, discoveries of the English nation in the Easterne parts of the world. 5 v., fo. Lond., 1625. v. i has also an engraved title-page, containing a portrait of Pur- chas. The fifth vol. is the fourth edition of the '' Pilgrimage," first published in 1613. The work is in excellent preservation, and is full bound in crushed levant, finely tooled, full gilt edges. RENNEVILLE, R. A. CONSTANTIN DE. . Collection of voyages undertaken by the Dutch East India company for the im- provement of trade and navigation, with historical introd., giving an account of the rise, establishment, and progress of that great body : tr. : charts. 8vo. Lond., 1703. SMITH, WILLIAM, ed. Voyages autour du monde et dans les contrees plus curieuses du globe, depuis Christophe Colomb jusqu'a nos jours ; par les plus celebres navigateurs : illust. 12 v., 8vo. Paris, n.d. THEVENOT, MELCHISEDECH. Recueil de voyages : [maps and illust.]. 8vo. Paris, 1681. Contents. Decouverte de quelques pays et nations de 1'Amerique septentrionale. Voyage d'un ambassadeur que le Tzaar de Moscovie envoya par terre a la Chine, 1'annee 1653. Discours sur 1'art de la navigation. Les histoires naturelles de 1'ephemere et du cancellus, ou, Bernard Thermite. Le cabinet de Mr. Swammerdam. 910.9. History of Geography, Explorations, &c. KEANE, JOHN. The evolution of geography; a sketch of the rise and progress of geographical knowledge from the earliest times to the first circumnavigation of the globe : [illust. and maps]. 8vo. Lond., 1899. LAUT, AGNES C. Vikings of the Pacific; the adventures of the explorers who came from the west eastward : Bering ; the outlaw hunters of Russia ; Benyowski ; Cook and Vancouver ; Gray ; Drake ; Ledyard ; and other soldiers of fortune : [illust.]. 8vo. N.Y!, 1905. McCLYMONT, JAMES R. The theory of an antipodal southern continent during the sixteenth century, pp. 23, 8vo. Hobart, 1892. Pam., v. 81, no. 1447. MARGRY, PIERRE. Les navigations Franchises et la revolution maritime du xiv e au xvi siecle : d'apres les documents inedits tires de France, d'Angleterre, d'Espagne, et d' Italic: [illust.]. 8vo. Paris, 1867. ROBERTS, CHARLES GEORGE DOUGLAS. Discoveries and ex- plorations in the century. 8vo. Toronto, 1906. (Nineteenth century ser.) WINSOR, JUSTIN. Christopher Columbus, and how he received and imparted the spirit of discovery: [portrs., illust, and maps]. 8vo. Lond., 1890. 524 MAPS AND ATLASES. 911. Changes in Political Divisions. FREEMAN, EDWARD AUGUSTUS. Historical geography of Europe, i v. text and i v. maps. 8vo. Lond., 1881. Maps : Atlases : Plans. 912. General. BARTHOLOMEW, JOHN GEORGE, ed. Atlas of the world's com- merce; a new series of maps, with descriptive text and diagrams showing products, imports, exports, commercial con- ditions, and economic statistics of the countries of the world, fo. Lond. [1907]. BLAEU, WILLEM. Nova totius terrarum geographica ac hydro- graphica tabula: auctore Giulelmo Blaeuw. sheet, n.-p. [1630?]. BUACHE, PHILIPPE. Carte des terres australes; dressee sur les memoires et sur la carte originale de Loisier Bouvet par Philippe Buache. sheet. Paris, 1739. GEOGRAPHICAL and physical map of the world, showing the British possessions, fldg. Lond., 1852. GRENET, Abbe. Atlas portatif a 1'usage des colleges, pour servir a 1'intelligence des auteurs classiques. 410. Paris, 1781. R., I. C. Tabula geographica hemisphserii australis ad emendatiora quae adhuc prodierunt exempla jussu Acad. reg. scient. et eleg. litt. Boruss. [i.e., Prussia] sheet: no imprint [1760?]. REICH, EMIL. Atlas antiquus; in forty-eight original graphic maps, with elaborate text to each map and full index. 4to. Lond., 1908. 912.7. America. MOLL, HERMAN. New and exact map of the coast, countries, and islands within ye limits of ye South sea company, from the River Oranoca to Terra del Fuega. sheet, n.p. [1711]. ORTELIUS, ABRAHAM. Americse, sive novi orbis, nova descriptio. coloured, sheet, n.p., 1587. 912.71. Canada. CANADA : Interior department. Atlas of Canada, fo." Toronto 1906. 912.93. Australasia. (See also 912.96, Polynesia). A. H. Oceanic, ou cinquieme partie du monde, com- prenant 1'archipel d'Asie, 1'Australasie, et la Polynesie, partie de 1'Amerique et des cotes de 1'Asie. In 4 sections, coloured, sheets. Paris, 1814. From his Grande Atlas universal, 1816. MAPS AND ATLASES. 525 HERBERT, L. J. Australasia, fldg. Lond., 1813. From Pinkerton's Modern atlas. KARTE von Australien oder Polynesian, sheet. Nuremberg, 1808. LA'PIE, P. Oceanic, ou Australasie et Polynesie. coloured, sheet. Paris, 1819. PHILIP, GEORGE, AND SON. Imperial atlas of Australasia; a series of maps of the Australian colonies, New Zealand, and Oceania, with a complete index to eacn map. fo. Lond., 1900, PROESCHEL, F. Atlas containing map of Australasia; [with] maps of New South Wales, Victoria, South Australia, Queensland, North Australia, fo. Lond., 1863. STREIT, FRIEDRICH WILHELM. Charte von Australien. coloured, sheet, Niirnberg, 1817. Includes Eastern Archipelago, Pacific islands, and New Zealand, with insets of the English colonies in New South Wales and plan of Sydney. SWART, JACOB. Kaart van de Reizen van Abel Janz [oon] Tasman, gedaan in 1642 en 1644. sheet. Amsterdam, 1859. THOMSON, JOHN. New Holland and Asiatic isles, sheet. Lond., 1814. From Ms New general atlas, 1817. WALCH, J. Australien, Siidland, auch Polynesien, oder Inselwelt. sheet. Augsburg, 1816. WEILAND, C. F. Australien, nach Krusenstern, Flinders, Frey- cinet, Oxley, King, Sturt, und Mitchell. coloured, sheet. Weimar, 1838. Includes Eastern Archipelago, Pacific islands, and New Zealand, with insets of Swan River colony, New South Wales, and Van Diemen's Land. WIT, FREDERIK DE. Tabula Indise Orientalis, emendata F. de Wit. coloured, sheet. [Amsterdam], 1662. Shows Tasman's discoveries in North-western Australia. 912.931. New Zealand. GREAT BRITAIN: Admiralty. New Zealand; Hokitika to Otago harbour, including Cook strait, sheet. Lond., 1907. New Zealand, North Island ; Bream head to Tepaki point, in- cluding Hauraki gulf, sheet. Lond., 1906, corrections to 1907. Same: sheet 2. Manganui bluff to Manukau harbour, and Tutukaka harbour to Mayor island, sheet. Lond., 1908.' Same: Great Barrier island, sheet. Lond., 1906. Same: Hauraki gulf : Omaha bay to Tiri-Tiri Matangi, in- cluding Kawau bay. sheet. Lond., 1906. Same: sheet 3. Mayor island to Poverty bay. sheet. Lond., 1906. Same : Port Nicholson : Lambton harbour and Evans bay. sheet. Lond., 1906. JOHNSTON, W. AND A. K. New Zealand, fldg. Edinb., n.d. STANFORD, EDWARD. Province of Canterbury, showing free- hold sections and pasturage runs. fldg. Lond., 1856. Map of New Zealand, fldg. Lond., 1863. 526 MAPS AND ATLASES. WYLD, JAMES. Chart of New Zealand from original surveys. fldg. Lond., n.d. Islands of New Zealand, from the Admiralty surveys of the English and French marine, from the observations of the officers of the New Zealand company, and from private sur- veys and sketches, fldg. Lond., 1843. 912.934. New Hebrides. GREAT BRITAIN -.Admiralty. Banks group, sheet. Lond., 1908. Malo island to Efate island, sheet. Lond., 1894, corrections to 1904. New Hebrides islands and New Caledonia. sheet. Lond., 1899, corrections to 1903. 912.94. Australia. ASPIN, J. Chart of New South Wales, Van Diemen's Land, &c. fldg., Lond., [1824?]. ARROWSMITH, JOHN. Australia, fldg. Lond., 1838. Same: fldg. Lond., 1840. Same: fldg. Lond., 1842. Same: fldg^ Lond., 1850. Map of the eastern provinces of Australia, constructed from official and other documents adjusted to the maritime surveys of Flinders, King, Wickham, Stokes, Blackwood, Stanley, &c. fldg. (6 sheets in case.) Lond., 1852. Includes South Australia. BLACK, ADAM AND CHARLES, publishers. Atlas of Australia, with all the gold regions, fldg. Edinb., [1856?]. CASSELL and Co., publishers. Australia: emigrant's map, with guide, fldg. Lond., n.d. CLINT, R. Map of the south and eastern parts of Australia, with the present state of knowledge of the interior derived from the exploration of Major Mitchell and others, from New South Wales to Adelaide, coloured, sheet. Syd. [1839]. FERGUSSON and MITCHELL, publishers. Road map and guide to the gold fields with the newest tracks to the Snowy river, compiled from the most authenticated government maps [of] Victoria and New South Wales, coloured, sheet. Melb. [1860?]. HARRIS, JOHN. Complete map of the Southern continent surveyed by Capt. Abel Tasman, and depicted by order of the East India company in Holland : facsimile from Harris's voyages and travels, 1744: photolithographed at Dept. of Lands and survey, Melbourne, sheet. Melb., 1886. JOHNSTON, W. AND A. K. New South Wales, Victoria, and South Australia: emigration map. fldg. Edinb., 1865. KING, PHILIP PARKER, captain. [Charts of the north, north-east, north-west, and west coasts of Australia.] n.i.-p. fo. Lond., 1826. LAURIE, R. H. Australia, fldg. Lond., 1840. Same: fldg. Lond., 1855. MAPS AND ATLASES. 5U7 LIZARS, \V. Australia, fldg. Edinb., n.d. LONG, C. R. Exploration map of the Commonwealth of Aus- tralia : compiled for use with " Stories of Australian ex- ploration." mounted. Melb., n.d. MEEK'S Historical and descriptive atlas of British colonies in con- tinental and insular Australia, with statistics, history, &c. sheet. Melb., 1861. MITCHELL, Sir THOMAS LIVINGSTONE, lieut. -colonel. General map of the south-eastern portion of Australia, showing the colony of New South Wales as surveyed and divided by the Sr.-Genl. between the years 1827 and 1850. fldg. Syd., n.d. PHILIP, G. AND SON. Australia, fldg. Liverpool. [1851?]. Australia ; the gold producing colonies, comprising New South Wales. Victoria, and South Australia. fldg. Liverpool, i853- New South Wales: [also] Van Diemen's Land. coloured, sheet. Liverpool, 1852. PUBLIC library of New South Wales. Facsimiles of old charts of Australia now in the British museum : portfolio. Lond.,. 1885. Produced in conjunction with the Public libraries of Melbourne and Adelaide. ROBINSON, H. E. C. Commonwealth of Australia, mounted. [Syd., 1909?]. SANDS, JOHN. New atlas of Australia; containing maps and full descriptive geography, with numerous illust. and copious indices, fo. Syd., 1886. SCHMIDT, J. M. F. Australien. sheet. Berlin, 1820. STANFORD, EDWARD. Map of Australia in four divisions. fldg. Lond., 1879. Australia, fldg. Lond., 1882. Four sheets in case. Australia, fldg. Lond., 1884. Australian colonies, fldg. Lond.. n.d. VALLARD, NICHOLAS. [Nicholas Vallard's map of the coast of Greater Java, chromo-lithographed from the ms. atlas in Sir Thomas Phillipps' library], coloured, sheet. [Chester], n.d. Probably the first map of Australia. VICTORIA : Board of land and works. General map of Aus- tralia, showing the routes of the explorers, mounted. Melb 1861. VICTORIA: Lands department. Australia; general map, showing the routes of the explorers, fldg. Melb., 1859. WYLD, JAMES. . Australia : compiled from nautical surveys made by order of the Admiralty, fldg. Lond., 1833. Same: fldg. Lond., 1841. 912.941. Western Australia. BARTHOLOMEW, J. G. Albert F. Calvert's map of Western Australia, showing the goldfields. fldg. [Lond.], n.d. GREAT BRITAIN -.Admiralty. South-west coast of Australia : Koombanah bay ; Hamelin inner harbour ; Hamelin bay. sheet. Lond., 1898, corrections to 1906. Swan river; North Fremantle to Perth, sheet. Lond., 1904. 528 MAPS AND ATLASES. STANFORD, EDWARD. Western Australia. 4 sheets, fldg. Lend., 1896. WESTERN AUSTRALIA: Surveyor-general's department. Map of Western Australia, mounted. Perth, 1908. 912.942. South Australia. ARROWSMITH, JOHN. South Australia; showing division into counties of the settled portions of the province, fldg. Lond., 1846. CREFFIELD, J., publisher. Wool district map of South Aus- tralia. mounted. [Melb., 1908], GREAT BRITAIN: Admiralty. Kangaroo island: Nepean bay. sheet. Lond., 1907. NIVEN, F. W., -publisher. Map of South Australia as divided into counties and hundreds, showing post towns, telegraph stations, main roads, and railways, fldg. Ballarat, n.d. PLAN of Blanche town, sheet, n.p., n.d. PLAN of county sections, &c., in the vicinity of the city of Ade- laide. fldg. Lond., n.d. PRESGRAVE AND EDWARDS. Williams' map of the colony of South Australia, shewing the .... settled districts. fldg., n.p., n.d. STEPHENSON, R. Hundred of Port Gawler. sheet. Adel., 912.943. Queensland. AUSTRALIA: Commonwealth electoral office. State of Queens- land: electoral maps, n sheets. Brisb., 1906. BARTHOLOMEW, J. Queensland, fldg. Lond., n.d. BUXTON, J. W. Queensland, fldg. Brisb., 1863. CREFFIELD, J., publisher. Queensland and British New Guinea. mounted. Melb., 1908. GILKS, EDWARD, lithographer. Emigrants' guide map to the Port Curtis gold fields and part of north-eastern Australia, in- cluding the Moreton bay district, sheet, n.p., 1858. GREAT BRITAIN '.Admiralty. Cape Byron to Lady Elliot island, sheet. Lond., 1907. Marion reef, Coral sea. sheet. Lond., 1908. HODGKINSON, W. O. Map showing route traversed by north- western exploration party commanded by W. 0. Hodgkinson. fldg. Brisb., 1877. MOUNT MORGAN. Plan showing mining properties at Mount Morgan, fldg. Syd., n.d. QUEENSLAND : compiled and lithographed from official maps. fldg., n.p., 1885. QUEENSLAND : Lands department. Queensland ; showing the principal stock routes, main roads, . . . artesian bores and tanks. 2 sheets. Brisb., 1910. QUEENSLAND: Surveyor-general's office. Atlas of the colony of Queensland, fo. Brisb., 1865. SLATER, GEORGE, AND Co. Queensland, fldg. Brisb., 1872. Same: fldg. Brisb., 1874. WYLD, JAMES. Province of Queensland, fldg. Lond., n.'d. MAPS AND ATLASES. 529 912.944. New South Wales. AGRICULTURAL map and general statistics of New South Wales. fldg. Syd., 1878. Pam., v. 41, no. 691. ARROWSMITH, JOHN. South-eastern portion of Australia, [showing explorers' routes], fldg. Lond., 1838. AUSTRALIA: Commonwealth electoral office. New South Wales ; electoral divisions, sheets. Syd., 1906. AUSTRALIA: Home affairs department. Canberra contour survey. sheet. Syd., 1911. Map of contour survey of the site for the Federal capital of Australia, mounted. Syd., 1910. Map of New South Wales, showing Commonwealth territory. Sheet. Syd., 1911. Map of part of New South Wales, showing position of Com- monwealth territory, sheet. Syd., 1911. Topographical map of the Federal territory, Australia. mounted. Syd., 1910. BARTHOLOMEW, JOHN. New South Wales, fldg. Lond., n.d. BASCH and Co. Atlas of the settled counties of New South Wales, fo. Syd., n.d. BECKE, E. H. Map of New South Wales showing gold fields, copper districts, distances from Sydney, &c. fldg. Syd., 1872. CARTE agricole et statistique generale de la Nouvelle Galles du Sud. fldg. Syd., 1878. Pam., v. 41, no. 699. CARTE mineralogique et statistique generale de la Nouvelle Galles du Sud. fldg. Syd., 1878. Pam., v. 41, no. 689. CREFFIELD, J., publisher. Map showing the postal stations, mail roads, and telegraph lines in New South Wales. mounted. Melb., 1900. CROSS, J. Chart of part of New South Wales, with plans of the harbours, fldg. Lond., 1827. 'New South Wales, with plans of the harbours, fldg. Lond., 1834. DIXON, ROBERT. Map of the colony of New South Wales, ex- hibiting the appropriated lands, fldg. Lond., 1837. Same: 2nd ed. fldg. Lond., 1841. GREAT BRITAIN: Admiralty. Australia; East coast: Beecroft head to Port Jackson, sheet. Lond., 1869, corrections to 1906. Australia : East coast : Port Jackson to Cape Byron, surveyed by Commander F. W. Sidney, [and others], 1862-6. sheet. Lond., 1907. HIGINBOTHAM and ROBINSON. New South Wales; electoral and political map. fldg. Syd., 1892. Pam., v. 5, no. in. MITCHELL, Sir THOMAS LIVINGSTONE, litut. -colonel. Map of the colony of New South Wales, coloured, sheet. Syd., 1834. NEW SOUTH WALES. Electoral and police districts. fldg. n.p., 1859. 530 MAPS AND ATLASES. NEW SOUTH WALES. Gazetteer map. fldg. Melb., 1866. NEW SOUTH WALES. Map showing postal stations and roads. fldg. Syd., 1876. NEW SOUTH WALES: Surveyor-generaV s office. General plan of the country between Port Hacking and the Hawkesbury river, fldg. Syd., n.d. South eastern portion of Australia, showing the colony of .\ South Wales as surveyed and divided by the Surveyor-general' between the years 1827 and 1850. fldg. n.-p., n.d. OXLEY, JOHN. Chart of part of the interior of New South Wales. coloured, sheet. [Lond., 1822]. TOURISTS' map showing the Great western railway of New South Wales crossing the Blue mountains from the Xepean river to Bowen fells, fldg. Syd., n.d. WYLD, JAMES. New South Wales, fldg. Lond., 1872. Sydney. CARMICHAEL,JoHN, engraver. Map of the town of Sydney, 1837. sheet. Syd., 1837. From Tegg's N.S.W. pocket almanac. GIBBS, SHALLARD & Co. New map of Sydney and suburbs, with key. fldg. Syd., n.d. GREAT BRITAIN: Admiralty. Survey of Port Jackson, by John Septimus Roe, 1822. sheet. Lond., 1826. HIGINBOTHAM and ROBINSON. Sydney suburban borough maps. fo. Syd., n.d. MEEHAN, JAMES. Plan of the town of Sydney in New South Wales, mounted. Syd., 1807. Reproduction by the Government Printer, Sydney. SANDS, JOHN. Map of city of Sydney and adjacent municipali- ties, fldg. Syd., n.d. SANDS and KENNY. Map of Sydney and its environs, fldg. Syd., 1858. SMITH and GARDINER. Map of Sydney and suburbs, sheet. Syd., 1855. SMITH and HINTON. Map of Sydney and suburbs. fldg. Syd., 1854. SYDNEY MAIL newspaper. Map of Sydney, shewing in contrast the town of 1802 with the city of 1873. coloured, sheet. Syd., [1873?]. WELLS, WILLIAM HENRV. Key to map of city of Sydney, 1850. pp. 32, i2mo. Syd., n.d. Pam., v. 39, no. 666. WOOLCOTT and CLARKE. Map of the city of Sydney, fldg. Syd., 1854. 912.945. Victoria. AUSTRALIA : Commonwealth electoral office. Electoral maps> of the state of Victoria, sheets. Melb., 1906. BARTHOLOMEW, J. Victoria, fldg. Lond. [1866?]. BLUNDELL and FORD. Squatting map of Victoria, fldg. Melb. r - 1864. MAPS AND ATLASES. 531 DANGERFIELD, F., lithographer. [Map of Port Phillip and adjacent country, showing territory ceded by the native chiefs to John Batman, June, 1836 ; also, map showing Batman's route : facsimile of maps accompanying reports of a select committee of the House of commons, 1836.] sheet. Melb., 1871. GILKS, EDWARD, lithographer. Digger's road guide to the gold mines of Victoria and the country extending 210 miles around Melbourne, coloured, sheet. Melb., 1853. GREAT BRITAIN : Admiralty. Entrance to Port Phillip ; sur- veyed by Commander H. L. Cox, 1864: corrected sheet. Lond., 1903. Port Phillip; surveyed by Lieuts. T. M. Symonds and H. R. Henry, and Mr. F. Shortland of H.M.S. Rattlesnake, 1836. sheet. Lond., 1838. Same: with additions, 1843; [further] additions to 1854. sheet. Lond., 1854. Port Phillip, West channel; surveyed by Commander H. L. Cox, 1864. sheet. Lond., 1903. HAM, THOMAS. Map of Australia Felix, compiled and carefully revised from the Colonial government surveys, crown lands commissioners' and explorers' maps, private surveys, &c. : [with key], fldg. Melb., 1847. Map of the purchased and measured lands, counties, parishes, &c., of the Melbourne and Geelong districts, fldg. Melb., 1849. Squatting and gold diggers' map of the colony of Victoria, fldg. Melb., 1854. HIGINBOTHAM and ROBINSON. Yachting and excursion map of Port Phillip and the surrounding country, fldg. Melb. [1886]. KING, C. S. Wonthaggi, county of Mornington; [showing the Powlett river coal fields.] sheet. Melb., 1910. NORTH-WESTERN canal co. [Irrigation map of] Grand Vic- toria, coloured, sheet. Melb. [1879?]. PEARSON, J. W., and CO. New pocket map of Victoria, with key. fldg. Melb., 1866. PHILP, J. B., lithographer. Map of the roads to all gold mines in Victoria, showing the cross roads from one mine to another, coloured, sheet, n.p. [1854?]. ROSS, JOHN LIDGATE. New map of Gipps Land, [shewing] gold fields, tracks, &c. sheet, n.p., 1864. SKENE, ALEXANDER JAMES. Map of the district of Geelong. sheet. Geelong, 1845. Shows most of the western part of Victoria from the east side of Port Phillip. SLATER, GEORGE. Map of Victoria, and guide to Melbourne and suburbs, fldg. Melb., 1857. Same: another copy. Pam., v. 38, no. 657. TUCKEY, JAMES KINGSTON. Port Phillip in Bass's strait ; sur- veyed by J. H. Tuckey, 1804: from the original in the British museum by E. Dossette. sheet, n.p., 1902. TULLOCH and BROWN. Map of the colonv of Victoria, com- prising part of New South Wales, fldg. Melb., 1856. 532 MAPS AND ATLASES. VICTORIA. Government irrigation scheme, sheet, n.p.> n.d. VICTORIA: Lands department. Map of Victoria: by William Collis. sheet. Melb., 1865. Map of Victoria: electoral map. coloured, 4 sheets. Melb., n.d. Shows alterations in State electoral boundaries, 1903. VICTORIA: Mines department. Geological map of Victoria: [by E. J. Dunn], coloured, sheet. [Melb.] 1909. Mineral map of Victoria, showing principal localities: by E. J. Dunn, coloured, sheet. [Melb.] 1909. VICTORIA: Railways department. Railway map of Victoria, re- vised to June, 1908. mounted. Melb. [1908], WHITEHEAD'S New map of Victoria, with alphabetical key. fldg. Melb., 1868. WHITEHEAD'S Map of Victoria, revised to date, with the new counties distinctly coloured, and alphabetical key. fldg. Melb., 1879. Melbourne. ANDERSON, J. L., and Sons, publishers. The city of Mel- bourne, mounted. Melb., 1907. MELBOURNE. Plan of town of Melbourne [as in] 1837, [shewing] first land sales held in Melbourne on ist June and ist November, 1837 [giving prices realised and names of pur- chasers], mounted, no imprint. MELBOURNE and metropolitan board of works. Map of Mel- bourne and suburbs, sheet. [Melb.], 1909. PURCHAS, ALBERT, major. Map of settled districts around Mel- bourne, Victoria, with book of reference. 8vo. Melb., 1853. RANSOM, R. [Plan of] Melbourne, sheet. Melb. [1845?]. RUSSELL, ROBERT. Map showing the site of Melbourne and the position of the huts and buildings previous to the foundation of the township by Sir Richard Bourke, [1837]. mounted. [Lond.], n.d. STEPHEN'S Map of Melbourne and suburbs, fldg. Melb., 1863. TUXEN, AUGUST M. J., and TUXEN, P. V. Plan of Mel- bourne and suburbs. 12 sheets, fo. Melb., 1904. WHITEHEAD'S New map of Melbourne and suburbs. fldg. Melb., 1894-95. Ballarat. BALLARAT. Mining district of Ballarat: compiled from the maps in the Surveyor-general's office and the Mining sur- veyors' plans at the offices of the Board of science, fldg. Melb., 1859. 912.946. Tasmania. ALLAN, D., lithographer. Chart of the river Tamar, Van Die- man's Land, sheet, n.p. 1833. MAPS AND ATLASES. 53a ARROWSMITH, AARON. Carte du de"troit de Basse, entre la Nouvelle Galles Meridionale et la Terre de Diemen, Iev6e par M. Flinders en 1798 et 1799- sheet. Paris, [1800]. A French reproduction of a chart by A. Arrowsmith, London. 1800, but giving the meridians west of Paris. Chart of several harbours in the south-east part of Van Die- man's Land, mounted. Lond., 1798. Chart of Van Diemen's Land and Bass' Strait, coloured, sheet. Lond., 1822. Van Diemen's Land. fldg. Lond., 1842. CROSS, JOSEPH. Van Dieman's Land. fldg. Lond., 1826. CRUCHLEY, G. F. Van Dieman's Land. fldg. Lond., 1832. EVANS, GEORGE WILLIAM. Chart of Van Diemen's Land, fldg; Lond., 1821. FRANKLAND, GEORGE. Map of Van Diemen's Land. fldg. Lond., 1839. FURNEAUX, TOBIAS, ca-ptain. Kaart van Van Diemen's Land, opgenoomen door Kapitein Furneaux in Maart, 1773. sheet, n.p. [i774?]. Shows only south-east corner. GREAT BRITAIN : Admiralty. Albatross I. to Circular Hd. sheet. Lond., 1908. Bass's strait showing the line of submarine cable, sheet. [Lond.], n.d. Entrance to Macquarie harbour, sheet. Lond., 1905. Entrance to River Tamar. sheet. Lond., 1907. Hunter passage. sheet. Lond., 1904. Port Davey : Bramble and Schooner coves. sheet. Lond., 1903. River Mersey [and] Emu bay. sheet. Lond., 1908. River Tamar: Low head to Launceston. sheet. Lond., 1908. HOB ART TOWN. Chart of the approaches to the port of Hobart Town. fldg. Hobart Town, n.d. SANDS and McDOUGALL. Map of Tasmania, showing all the railways and roads, fldg. Melb., 1884. SCOTT, THOMAS. Map of the settled part of Van Diemen's Land. fldg. Hol)art Town, 1830. SMYTHE, H. W. H. Plan of the town of Launceston, V.D.L., from actual survey, mounted. Syd., 18315. SPRENT, JAMES. Map of Tasmania, fldg. Hobart Town, 1859. TASMANIA : Surveyor- general's office. Map of Tasmania : pub- lished by J. Creffield. mounted. Hobart [1908]. TASMANIA. [Atlas of Tasmania, showing surveys of counties,, plans of towns, &c.]. 2 v., fo. [Hobart], n.d. 912.95. New Guinea. GREAT BRITAIN: Admiralty. Plans of anchorages on the north coast of New Guinea, sheet. Lond., 1895, corrections to 1906. South coast : Hall sound ; Fyfe bay ; Vari Vari anchorage. sheet. Lond., 1889, corrections to 1906. Torres straits: Goode island anchorage, sheet. Lond., 1904. MULLER, FREDERICK, publisher. Atlas van [7] Kaarten over Nieuw-Guinea, behoorende tot het naturhistorisch en ethno- graphisch Verlag daarover. 4to. Amsterdam, 1862. 534 MAPS AND ATLASES : ARCHEOLOGY. 912.96. Polynesia : Pacific ocean. APRES Di; MANNEVILLETTE, J. B. M. D.D'. Chart of the Indian ocean, with a part of the Pacific ocean, tracks of the principal discoveries, <[&c.] : improved by L. S. de la Rochette. coloured, sheet. Lond., 1803. CHART of the islands within two thousand miles of Otaheite. fldg. Lond., 1797. GOOS, PIETER. Pascaerte van de Zuyd-Zee tussche California en Ilhas de Ladrones. sheet. Amsterdam, 1666. Shews the discovery of Van Diemen's Land and New Zealand by Tasman. PINKERTON, JOHN. Polynesia, sheet. Lond., 1813. From Pinkerton's Modern atlas. ROGGEVEEN, ARENT. Paskaerte beschreven door Arent Rogge- veen. sheet, n.fl., n.d. Reproduction of a rare map, Amsterdam, 1676. THOMSON, JOHN. Map of the islands in the Pacific ocean, sheet. Lond., 1814. From his New general atlas, 1817. 912.961. Fiji Islands. FIJI or Viti group, fldg. Lond., 1859. 912.97. Isolated Islands. GREAT BRITAIN -.Admiralty. Gambier islands :. Manga Reva island: from the French government survey, 1894-5. sheet. Lond., 1908, corrections to 1909. 913. Archaeology. HOGARTH, DAVID GEORGE. Accidents of an antiquary's life: 40 illust. 8vo. Lond., 1910. . LEMPRIERE, JOHN. Classical dictionary, containing all the pro- per names mentioned in ancient authors : new ed., revised by Rev. T. Smith. 8vo. Lond., 1863. REEVE, EDWARD. Catalogue of the museum of antiquities of the Sydney university, 1860-70. 8vo. Syd., 1870. SMITH, WILLIAM. Classical dictionary of biography, mythology, and geography : 750 illust. 9th ed., 8vo. Lond., 1868. Archaeology of special countries. 913.32. Egypt. HICHENS, ROBERT. Egypt and its monuments: illust. by Jules Gurin, and with photographs, la. 8vo. Lond., 1908. KING, LEONARD WILLIAM, and HALL, H. R. Egypt and western Asia in the light of recent discoveries : 100 plates and illust. 8vo. Lond., 1907. MASPERO, Sir GASTON CAMILLE CHARLES. Egypt; ancient sites and modern scenes: tr. by Elizabeth Lee; 17 illust. 8vo. Lond., 1910. New light on ancient Egypt : tr. from the French by Elizabeth Lee: [illust.]. 8vo. Lond., 1908. ARCHEOLOGY. 535- NICHOLSON, Sir CHARLES, bart. yEgyptiaca. 8vo. Lond.,. 1891. WEIGALL, ARTHUR EDWARD PEARSE. Guide to the antiquities of Upper Egypt, from Abydos to the Sudan frontier : 69 maps and plans. 8vo. Lond., 1910. Life and times of Akhnaton, pharaoh of Egypt : [illust.]. 8vo. Edinb., 1910. The treasury of ancient Egypt ; miscellaneous chapters on ancient Egyptian history and archaeology : [illust.]. 8vo. Edinb., 1911. WILKINSON, Sir JOHN GARDNER. Manners and customs of the ancient Egyptians, including their private life, government, laws, arts, manufactures, religion, and early history : illust. 2nd ed. 3 v., 8vo. Lond., 1842. Second series of the Manners and customs of the ancient Egyp- tians, including their religion, agriculture, &c. : [illust.].. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1841. Same: supplement : index and plates. 8vo. Lond., 1841. 913.35. Medo-Persia. LAYARD, Sir AUSTEN HENRY. Nineveh and its remains : with an account of a visit to the Chaldean Christians of Kurdistan, and the Yezidis or devil-worshippers, and an enquiry into the manners and arts of the ancient Assyrians : [illust., map, and plans]. 6th ed. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1854. Same : new td. , entitled Nineveh and its remains ; a narrative of an expedition to Assyria during the years 1845, 1846, and 1847 : illust. 8vo. Lond., 1867. 913.36. Kelts. ALLEN, JOHN ROMILLY. Celtic art in pagan and Christian times: illust. 8vo. Lond., 1904. 913.37. Rome: Italy. BURTON, Sir RICHARD FRANCIS. Etruscan Bologna; a study: [illust.]. 8vo. Lond., 1876. FOWLER, WILLIAM WARDE. Social life at Rome in the age of Cicero. 8vo. Lond., 1908. FRIEDLANDER, LUDWIG. Roman life and manners under the early empire : tr. of seventh [German] ed. by Leonard A. Magnus. 8vo. Lond., 1908. FROTHINGHAM, ARTHUR LINCOLN. Roman cities in northern Italy and Dalmatia : 61 illust. 8vo. Lond., 1910. MACKENZIE, W. M. Pompeii; painted by Alberto Pisa, de- scribed by W. M. Mackenzie : [20 illust. in colour, 5 in black and white]. 8vo. Lond., 1910. SEYMOUR, FREDERICK. Up hill and down dale in ancient Etruria : map and 12 illust. 8vo. Lond., 1910. TAYLOR, Rev. ISAAC. Etruscan researches : [illust.]. 8vo. Lond., 1874. TUCKER, THOMAS GEORGE. Life in the Roman world of Nero- and St. Paul. 8vo. Lond., 1910. 536 ARCHEOLOGY. WALDSTEIN, CHARLES, and SHOOBRIDGE, LEONARD. Hercu- laneiim, past, present, and future: illust. la. 8vo. Lond., 1908. 913.38. Greece. ALLINSON, FRANCIS GREENLEAF, and ALLTNSON, ANNE CROSBY EMERY. Greek lands and letters : [illust. and maps], 8vo. Lond., 1910. BECKER, WILHELM ADOLPH. Charicles; or, illustrations of the private life of the ancient Greeks : tr. by the Rev. F. Met- calfe. 7th ed., 8vo. Lond., 1886. GARDINER, E. NORMAN. Greek athletic sports and festivals : [illust.]. 8vo. Lond., 1910. GUHL, ERNST, and KONER, WILHELM. Life of the Greeks and Romans described from antique monuments : tr. from the third German ed. by F. Hueffer : 543 illust. 8vo. Lond., 1889. MACDONALD, LOUISA. Catalogue of the Greek and Etruscan vases [&c.], in the Nicholson museum, University of Sydney. pp. 51, 8vo. Syd., 1898. Pam., v. 135, no. 2606. MAHAFFY, JOHN PENTLAND. Greek life and thought from the death of Alexander to the Roman conquest. 2nd ed., 8vo. Lond., 1896. TUCKER, THOMAS GEORGE. Life in ancient Athens ; the social and public life of a classical Athenian from day to day. 8vo. Lond., 1907. 913.391. Grecian Archipelago. BAIKIE, Rev. JAMES. The sea-kings of Crete: 32 illust. 8vo. Lond., 1910. 913.392. Western Asia Minor. BRITISH museum. Excavations at Ephesus; the archaic Artemisia, by David George Hogarth : with chapters by C. H. Smith, A. H. Smith, and A. E. Henderson: [illust.]. 4to. and fo. atlas. Lond., 1908. SCHLIEMANN, HEINRICH. Ilios ; the city and country of the Trojans : the results of researches and discoveries on the site of Troy and throughout the Troad in the years 1871-72-73-78- 79 : including an autobiography of the author : pref., appces., notes, maps, plans, and about 1,800 illust. 8vo. Lond., 1880. Tiryns ; the prehistoric palace of the kings of Tiryns ; the results of the latest excavations: pref. by Professor F. Adler, and contributions by Dr. Wm. Dorpfeld : 188 woodcuts, 24 plates, map and 4 plans. 8vo Lond., 1886. Troja; results of the latest researches and discoveries on the site of Homer's Troy and In the heroic tumuli and other sites, made in the year 1882 : and a narrative of a journey in the Troad in 1881 : pref. by professor Sayce : 150 woodcuts, 4 maps and plans. 8vo. Lond., 1884. SEYMOUR, THOMAS DAY. Life in the Homeric age : [maps and illust.]. 8vo. N.Y., 1907. ARCHEOLOGY. 537 913.393. Eastern Asia Minor. PALM A DI CESNOLA, LUIGI, conte. Cyprus; its ancient cities, tombs, and temples : a narrative of researches and excavations during ten years' residence: map and illust. 8vo. Lond., 1877. 913.394. Syria. GARSTANG, JOHN. The land of the Hittites ; an account of recent explorations and discoveries in Asia Minor, with descriptions- of the Hittite monuments : maps, plans, 99 photographs, and bibliography. 8vo. Lond., 1910. 913.415. Ireland. MARTIN, W. G. WOOD-. Pagan Ireland ; an archaeological sketch ; a handbook of Irish pre-Christian antiquities: illust. 8vo. Lond., 1895. 913.42. Great Britain. JOHNSON, WALTER. Folk-memory; or, the continuity of British; archaeology : illust. 8vo. Oxf., 1908. MACDONALD, GEORGE. The Roman wall in Scotland: illust. and map. 8vo. Glasgow, 1911. RIMMER, ALFRED. Ancient stone crosses of England : illust. 8vo. Lond., 1875. 913.68. South Africa. HALL, RICHARD NICKLIN. Great Zimbabwe, Mashonaland, Rho- desia; an account of two years' examination work in 1902-4 r introd. by Prof. A. H. Keane : illust., maps, and plans. 8vo. Lond. v [1905]. Pre-historic Rhodesia; an examination of the historical, ethno- logical, and archaeological evidences as to the origin and age of the rock mines and stone buildings : with a gazetteer of South- east Africa, 915 A.D. to 1760 A.D. [&c.] : illust., maps, and plan. 8vo. Lond., 1909. 913.7 America. NADAILLAC, JEAN FRANCOIS ALBERT DU POUGET, marquis de. Prehistoric America : tr. by N. D'Anvers, ed. by W. H. Dall : 219 illust. 8vo. Lond., 1885. Travel and description. 914. Europe. A'BECKETT, Sir WILLIAM, chief justice of Victoria. Out of har- ness. 8vo. Lond., [1854]. BOUCAUT, Sir JAMES PENN, judge of Supreme court, South Aus- tralia. Letters to my boys ; an Australian judge and ex- premier on his travels in Europe: [illust.]. 8vo. Lond., 1906. 538 EUROPE ; TRAVEL AND DESCRIPTION. MADGE'S trip to Europe and back; by herself: [illust.] 8vo. Melb., [1911]. STOWE, Mrs. HARRIET BEECHER. Sunny memories of foreign lands: illust. 8vo. Lond., 1854. 914.1. Scotland. -DLIPHANT, Mrs. MARGARET OLIPHANT W. Royal Edinburgh; her saints, kings, prophets, and poets : illust. by George Reid. 8vo. Lond., 1890. SKENE, WILLIAM FORBES. The Highlanders of Scotland : ed. with excursus and notes by A. Macbain : [portr., 2nd ed.]. 8vo. Stirling, 1902. With autograph letter from author to the late T. Skene, M.P. 914.15. Ireland. DUBOIS, Louis FRANQOIS ALPHONSE PAUL. Contemporary Ire- land: introd. by T. M. Kettle, M.P. 8vo. Lond., 1908. FITZPATRICK, SAMUEL A. OSSORY. Dublin; a historical and topographical account of the city : illust. by W. Curtis Green. 8vo Lond., 1907. HALL, SAMUEL CARTER, and HALL, ANNA MARIA, Mrs. S. C. Ire- land; its scenery, character, &c. : [maps and illust.]. 3 v., 8vo. Lond., 1841-43. LYND, ROBERT. Home life in Ireland : illust. 8vo. Lond., 1909. McCARTHY, MICHAEL JOHN FITZGERALD. Irish land and Irish liberty ; a study of the new lords of the soil : [illust.]. 8vo. Lond., 1911. O'RIORDAN, Rev. M. Catholicity and progress in Ireland. 8vo. Lond., 1905. 914.2. England. ABBOTT, JOHN HENRY MACARTNEY. An outlander in England. 8vo. Lond., 1905. AYONT the seas: by a young New Zealander. pp. 93. 8vo. Dunedin, 1892. Pam., v. 187, no. 3624. BAILEY, JAMES MONTGOMERY, " The Danbury news-man." Tour through Great Britain ; or, England from a bark-window. 8vo. Melb., 1870. BESANT, Sir WALTER. Fifty years ago: [portr. and] illust. 8vo. Lond., 1888. BLEIBTREU, KARL. Deutschland und England. 2nd ed., 8vo. Berlin, 1909. BRADLEY, ARTHUR GRANVILLE. The Avon and Shakespeare's country : 30 coloured illust. by A. R. Quinton. 8vo. Lond., 1910. EUROPE ; TRAVEL AND DESCRIPTION. 539* DITCHFIELD, Rev. PETER HAMPSON. Vanishing England r illust. by Fred Roe. 8vo. Lond., 1910. GARRETT, JOHN HENRY. The idyllic Avon; being a simple de- scription of the Avon from Tewkesbury to above Stratford-on- Avon, with songs, and pictures of the river and its neighbour- hood. 8vo. N.Y., 1906. HACKWOOD, FREDERICK W. The good old times; the romance of humble life in England : 44 illust. 8vo. Lond., 1910. HOLMES, Sir RICHARD RIVINGTON. Windsor; painted by George M. Henton : [20 coloured plates]. 8vo. Lond., 1908. HOWELLS, WILLIAM DEAN. Certain delightful English towns, with glimpses of the pleasant country between: illust. 8vo.. Lond., 1906. London films, [illust.]. 8vo. Lond., 1905. HUDSON, WILLIAM HENRY. Afoot in England. 8vo. Lond., 1909. A shepherd's life ; impressions of the South Wiltshire downs : illust. by Bernard C. Gotch. 8vo. Lond., 1910. LELAND, JOHN. Itinerary, in or about the years 1535-1543: ed. [with introd. and map] by Lucy Toulmin Smith. 5 v. Lond., 1907-10. Itinerary in Wales in or about the years 1536-1539 : ed. [witri introd. and map] by Lucy Toulmin Smith. 8vo. Lond., 1906. MASTERMAN, CHARLES FREDERICK GURNEY. The condition of England. 8vo, Lond., 1909. PARKES, Sir HENRY. Australian views of England ; eleven let- ters written in the years 1861 and 1862. 8vo. Lond., 1869. PETERS, CARL. England and the English. 8vo. Lond., 1904. TEARLE, CHRISTIAN. Rambles with an American: 21 illust. 8vo Lond., 1910. VINCENT, JAMES EDMUND. The story of the Thames : illust. and map. 8vo. Lond., 1909. 914.21. London. BESANT, Sir WALTER. London; City: [illust.]. 4to. Lond., 1910. London in the nineteenth century : illust. 4to. Lond., 1909. HUEFFER, FORD MADOX. The soul of London; a survey of a modern city. sm. 410. Lond., 1905. LUCAS, EDWARD VERRALL. A wanderer in London : illust. 7th ed., 8vo. Lond., 1909. STEPHENSON, HENRY THEW. Shakespeare's London : illust. 8vo. Lond., 1905. Almanacs and Directories. POST office London directory, 1904, 1905, 1908, 1911. 4 v., la. 8vo. Lond. 540 EUROPE ; TRAVEL AND DESCRIPTION. 914.2 E. British Empire. ASHLEY, WILLIAM JAMES, ed. British dominions; their present commercial and industrial conditions : a series of general re- views for business men and students. 8vo. Lond., 1911. Contents. The Empire. Alfred Lyttelton. Australia. Sir George Reid. Australia. Sir Albert Spicer. New Zealand. William Pem- ber Reeves. South Africa. Sir W. Hely-Hutchinson. South Africa. Henry Birchenough. West Indies. Sir Daniel Morris. Notes on the oil resources of the West Indies. John Cadman. Canada. W. L. Griffith. Canada. Sir Edmund Walker. Appx. The Editor. KNIGHT, EDWARD FREDERICK. Oversea Britain; a descriptive record of the geography, the historical, ethnological, and poli- tical development, and the economic resources of the Empire, [v. 1.]. The nearer Empire The Mediterranean, British Africa, and British America. 8vo. Lond., 1907. LE COUTEUR, WILSON. Great outposts of the Empire : illust. 8vo. Lond., 1907. .SMITH, SIDNEY. Whether to go, and whither? or, the Cape and the Great South Land : being a practical view of the whole southern field of settlement, with full information for intending emigrants. 12010. Lond., 1849. Pam., v. 60, no. 978. 914.3. Germany. DAWSON, WILLIAM HARBUTT. The evolution of modern Germany. 8vo. Lond., 1908. ELTZBACHER, O. Modern Germany; her political and eco- nomic problems, her policy, her ambitions, and the causes of her success. 8vo. Lond., 1905. HARRISON, AUSTIN. England and Germany : republished from the Observer. 8vo. Lond., 1907. SIDGWICK, CECILY, Mrs. ALFRED. Home life in Germany : illust. 8vo. Lond., 1908. WADLEIGH, HENRY RAVVLE. Munich ; history, monuments, and art: illust. 8vo. Lond., 1910. 914.36. Austria. COLQUHOUN, ARCHIBALD Ross, and COLQUHOUN, ETHEL, Mrs. A. R. The whirlpool of Europe; Austria-Hungary and the Habsburgs: map, diagrams, and illust. 8vo. Lond., 1907. DRAGE, GEOFFREY. Austria-Hungary: maps. 8vo. Lond., 1909. FREEMAN, EDWARD AUGUSTUS. Sketches from the subject and neighbour lands of Venice : illust. 8vo. Lond., 1881. 914.39. Hungary. BOVILL, W. B. FORSTER. Hungary and the Hungarians : illust. 8vo. Lond., 1908. 914.4. France. BRACQ, JEAN CHARLEMAGNE. France under the Republic. 8vo. Lond., [1910]. EUROPE ; TRAVEL AND DESCRIPTION. 541 FOX, SHIRLEY. An art student's reminiscences of Paris in the eighties : illust. by John Cameron. 8vo. Lond., 1909. GEORGE, W. L. France in the twentieth century. 8vo. Lond., 1908. LE BRAZ, ANATOLE. The land of pardons : tr. by Frances M. Gostling : 12 illust. in colour by T. C. Gotch, and 40 other illust. 8vo. Lond., 1906. LUCAS, EDWARD VERRALL. A wanderer in Paris : 48 illust. 8vo. Lond., 1909. SHERARD, ROBERT HARBOROUGH. My friends the French, with discursive allusions to other people: illust. 8vo. Lond., [1909]. 914.5. Italy. FERRERO, FELICE. The valley of Aosta; a descriptive and his- torical sketch of an Alpine valley noteworthy in story and monument : 39 illust. and maps. 8vo. N.Y.,. 1910. FORBIN, Comte de. Recollections of Sicily. 8vo. Lond., 1823. Bound -with Cramp, W. B. Narrative of a voyage to India, class 910.4. HUTTON, EDWARD. Siena and southern Tuscany : 16 illust. in colour by O. F. M. Ward, and 12 other illust. : [map]. 8vo. Lond., 1910. MKXPES, MORTIMER. Venice : text by Dorothy Menpes : illust. 410. Lond., 1904. 914.6. Spain. 'ELLIS, HENRY HAVELOCK. The soul of Spain. 8vo. Lond., 1908. JLUFFMANN, C. BOGUE. Quiet days in Spain. 8vo. Lond., 1910. A vagabond in Spain. 8vo. Lond., 1895. ROSE, Rev. HUGH JAMES. Untrodden Spain and her black coun- try ; being sketches of the life and character of the Spaniard of the interior. 2nd ed., 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1875. SHAW, RAFAEL. Spain from within: [16 illust.]. 8vo. Lond., 1910. WARDELL, Mrs. JANIE VILLIERS. Spain of the Spanish : [illust.]. 8vo. Lond., 1909. WOOD, WALTER. A corner of Spain: introd. by Martin Hume: illust. from pictures by Frank H. Mason and photographs. 8vo. Lond., 1910. 914.7. Russia. BARING, Hon. MAURICE. A year in Russia. 2nd ed., 8vo. Lond., 1907. BEVERIDGE, ALBERT J. The Russian advance. 8vo. N.Y., 1903. TRASER, JOHN FOSTER. Red Russia: illust. 8vo. Lond., 1907. GANZ, HUGO. The downfall of Russia ; under the surface in the land of riddles. 8vo. Lond., 1904. GERRARE, WIRT. Greater Russia ; the continental empire of the old world. 8vo. Lond., 1903. 542 EUROPE ; TRAVEL AND DESCRIPTION. JOUBERT, CARL. The fall of Tsardom. 2nd ed., 8vo. Lond., 1905. Russia as it really is. 8vo. Lond., 1905. MARTIN, RUDOLF. The future of Russia : tr. from the German by Huldah Friederichs. 8vo. Lond., 1906. NEVINSON, HENRY W. The dawn in Russia; or, scenes in the Russian revolution : illust. 8vo. Lond., 1906. NORMAN, HENRY. All the Russias. 3rd ed., 8vo. Lond., 1904. OLIPHANT, LAURENCE. The Russian shores of the Black sea in the autumn of 1852 ; with a voyage down the Volga, and a tour through the country of the Don Cossacks : [maps and' illust.]. 8vo. Edinb., 1853. PARES, BERNARD. Russia and reform. 8vo. Lond., 1907. PERRIS, GEORGE HERBERT. Russia in revolution : illust. 8vo. Lond., 1905. RUSSIA : Ministry of ways of communication. Guide to the great Siberian railway : ed. by A. J. Dmitriev-Manoov and A. F. Zdziarski : photo-types, maps, and plans. 8vo. St. Petersb., 1900. TRUBETZKOI, Prince MICHAEL. Out of chaos; a personal story of the revolution in Russia : tr. by Edith Livermore. 8vo. Lond., 1907. VILLARI, LUIGI. Fire and sword in the Caucasus : illust. 8vo. Lond., 1906. WALLACE, Sir DONALD MACKENZIE. Russia : new and enlarged ed., revised, reset, and in great part re- written : portr. and maps. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1905. WELLESLEY, FREDERICK ARTHUR, colonel. With the Russians in peace and war; recollections of a military attache. 8vo. Lond., 1905. 914.71. Finland. RENWICK, GEORGE. 'Finland to-day : 44 illust. and map. 8vo. Lond., IQII. 914.8. Scandinavia. BUTLIN, F. M. Among the Danes: illust. 8vo. Lond., 1909. GODWIN, Mrs. MARY WOLLSTONECROFT. Letters written during a short residence in Sweden, Norway, and Denmark. 8vo. Lond., 1796. 914.92. Holland; Belgium. LUCAS, EDWARD VERRALL. A wanderer in Holland : illust. 8th ed., 8vo. Lond., 1908. SCOTT, JOHN. Paris revisited in 1815, by way of Brussels, in- cluding a walk over the field of battle at Waterloo. 3rd ed., 8vo. Lond., 1816. EUROPE ; TRAVEL AND DESCRIPTION. 543 914.94. Switzerland. CONWAY, Sir WILLIAM MARTIN. The Alps: [illust.] by A. D. McCormick. 8vo Lond., 1904. FORBES, JAMES DAVID. Travels through the Alps of Savoy, and other parts of the Pennine chain, with observations of the phenomena of glaciers : [illust. ]. la. 8vo. Edinb., 1843. .SOWERBY, J. The forest cantons of Switzerland; Lucerne, Schwyz, Uri, tTnterwalden : [map]. 8vo. Lond., 1892. TYNDALL, JOHN. Hours of exercise in the Alps: [illust., with notes on ice and glaciers, &c.]. new ed., 8vo. Lond., 1906. WHYMPER, EDWARD. Scrambles amongst the Alps in the years 1860-69: maps and illust. 8vo. Lond., 1871. 914.95. Greece. FERRIMAN, Z. DUCKETT. Home life in Hellas; Greece and the Greeks : illust. 8vo. Lond., 1910. 914.961. Turkey in Europe. BAKER, B. GRANVILLE, captain. The walls of Constantinople: [illust. by the author]. 8vo. Lond., 1910. GARNETT, LUCY M. J. Turkey of the Ottomans : [illust.]. 8vo. Lond., IQII. The Turkish people ; their social life, religious beliefs, and domestic life : 21 illust. 8vo. Lond., 1909. UPWARD, ALLEN. The east end of Europe; the report of an un- official mission to the European provinces of Turkey on the eve of the revolution; pref. by Sir E. F. Law : illust. 8vo. Lond , 1908. 914.97. Balkan States. FRASER, JOHN FOSTER. Pictures from the Balkans : map and illust. 8vo. Lond., 1906. STEAD, ALFRED, ed. Servia ; by the Servians : map. 8vo. Lond., 1909. 24 articles by prominent Servians, with introd. by the King. 915. Asia. FITZPATRICK, JOHN CHARLES LUCAS. Eastward ho! being a record of a trip to Manila, China, and Japan, pp. 63, 8vo. Parramatta, 1905. Pam., v. 176., no. 3380. LYNCH, GEORGE. The path of empire. 8vo. Lond., 1903. MALONEY, WILLIAM ROBERT NUTTALL, M.P., and MYERS, FRANCIS. Flashlights on Japan and the East ; notes and ob- servations on a trip by the Taiyuan, March to June, 1905. 8vo. Melb., [1905]. RELATION d'un voyage aux Indes Orientales : par un gentil- homme Fra^oi?. i2mo. Paris, 1655. 544 ASIA ; TRAVEL AND DESCRIPTION. RONALDSHAY, LAWRENCE JOHN LUMLEY DUNDAS, earl of. On the outskirts of empire in Asia : [map and illust.]. 8vo. Lond., 1904. SIMPSON, BERTRAM LENOX, " B. L. Putnam Weale." The com- ing struggle in eastern Asia. 8vo. Lond., 1908. STORY, DOUGLAS. To-morrow in the East. 8vo. Lond., 1907. 915.1. China. BLAKESLEE, GEORGE HUBBARD. ed. China and the far east. 8vo. N.Y., IQIO. (Clark university lectures.) CECIL, Rev. Lord WILLIAM GASCOYNE, and CECIL, Lady FLO- RENCE. Changing China : [illust.]. 8vo. Lond., 1910. DOOLITTLE, Rev. JUSTUS. Social life of the Chinese; a daguer- reotype of daily life in China : ed. and revised by the Rev. Paxton Hood : 150 illust. 8vo. Lond., 1868. EITEL, Rev. Dr. China and the Far Eastern question; a study in political geography, -p^p. 21, 8vo. Adel., 1900. Pam., v. 156, no. 2989. ELLIS, Sir HENRY. Journal of the proceedings of the late embassy to China [Lord Amherst's, 1816-17], comprising a correct narrative of the public transactions of the embassy, of the voyage to and from China, and of the journey from the mouth of the Pei-ho to the return to Canton : maps and illust. 410. Lond., 1817. KEMP, E. G. The face of Manchuria, Korea, and Russian Tur- kestan : 24 plates and map. la. 8vo. Lond., 1910. MOULE, ARTHUR EVANS, archdeacon. Half a century in China; recollections and observations : illust. [and map]. 8vo. Lond., [1911]. SMITH, ARTHUR HENDERSON. China and America to-day; a study of conditions and relations. 8vo. Edinb., 1907. THOMAS, JULIAN, "The Vagabond." Occident and Orient; sketches on both sides of the Pacific. 8vo. Melb., 1882. THOMSON, JOHN STUART. The Chinese : illust. 8vo. Indiana- polis, 1909. TRICKETT, WILLIAM JOSEPH. Notes of a trip to China and' Japan: [illust.]. -pp. 48, 410. Syd., [1892]. WILLIAMS, SAMUEL WELLS. The Middle kingdom ; a survey of the geography, government, literature, social life, arts, and history of the Chinese empire and its inhabitants : illust. and maps, revised ed., 2 v., 8vo. N.Y., 1883. 915.15. Tibet. CANDLER, EDMUND. The unveiling of Lhasa. 8vo. Lond., 1905. CROSBY, OSCAR TERRY. Tibet and Turkestan ; a journey through old lands and a study of new conditions: illust. 8vo. N.Y., 1905- FERGUSSON, W. N. Adventure, sport, and travel on the Tibetan steppes: illust. and maps. 8vo. Lond., 1911. GRENARD, F. Tibet; the country and its inhabitants. 8vo. Lond., 1904. ASIA ; TRAVEL AND DESCEIPTION. 545 HEDIN, SVEN. Trans-Himalaya; discoveries and adventures in Tibet : 388 illust. and 10 maps. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., ,1909. LANDON, PERCEVAL. Lhasa ; an account of the country and people of central Tibet, and of the progress of the mission sent there by the English government in the year 1903-4. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1905. RAWLING, CECIL GODFREY, captain. The great plateau ; being an account of exploration in central Tibet, 1903, and of the Gartok expedition, 1904-1905: illust. and maps/ 8vo. Lond., 1905. 915.18. Manchuria: Korea. HAMILTON, ANGUS. Korea ; illust. 8vo. Lond., 1904. WHIGHAM, H. J. Manchuria and Korea. 8vo. Lond., 1904. 915.2. Japan. BELL, GEORGE WILLIAM, colonel. The little giants of the East; or our new allies: fportr.]. -pp. 69, 8vo. Syd., 1905. Pam., v. 176, no. 3390. COLVILLE, Sir HENRY EDWARD, major-general. The allies. 8vo. Lond., 1907. DAVIDSON, AUGUSTA M. CAMPBELL. Present-day Japan : illust. 8vo. Lond., 1904. DYER, HENRY. Dai Nippon, the Britain of the East; a study in national evolution. 8vo. Lond., 1904. JAPAN : Agriculture and commerce department. Japan in the be- ginning of the twentieth century. 8vo. Lond., 1904 JAPAN year-book ; a complete cyclopaedia of information and sta- tistics on Japan for the year 190.7 : by Y. Takenob and G. Takeda. 8vo. Tokyo, 1907. LLOYD, Rev. ARTHUR. Every-day Japan: introd. by Count Haya- shi : 104 illust. 8vo. Lond., 1909. MENPES, MORTIMER. Japan; a record in colour: transcribe ] by Dorothy Menpes : [illust.]. 8vo. Lond., 1903. MOCHIZUKI, KOTARO. Japan to-day ; a souvenir of the Anglo- Japanese exhibition held in London, 1910 : [map and illust.]. 4to. Tokyo, [1910.] MONTGOMERY, H. B. The empire of the East: illust. 8vo. Lond., iqo8. OKUMA, Count SHIGBNOBU, compiler. Fifty years of new Japan; (Kaikoku gojunen shi) : English version by Marcus B. Huish : [map]. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1909. PONTING, HERBERT G. In lotus-land; Japan: 8 illust. in colour and 96 in monochrome. 410. Lond., 1910. SUYEMATSU, Bear on K. The risen sun. 8vo. Lond., 1905. WATSON, GILBERT. Three rolling stones in Japan : illust. 8vo. Lond., 1904. WATSON, W. PETRIE. The future of Japan, with a survey of pre- sent conditions. 8vo. Lond., 1907. WEBSTER, ROBERT GRANT. Japan; from the old to the new: illust. 8vo. Lond., 1905. F.8720. s 546 ASIA ; TRAVEL AND DESCRIPTION. 915.21. Formosa. TAKEKOSHI, YOSABURO. Japanese rule in Formosa : pref. by Baron Shimpei Goto; tr. by George Braithwaite: illust. and map, [and bibliography]. 8vo. Lond., 1907. 915.3. Arabia. BURTON, Sir RICHARD FRANCIS. The land of Midian revisited : map and illust. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1879. Personal narrative of a pilgrimage to El Medinah and Mecca : [maps and illust.]. 2nd ed., 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1857. DOUGHTY, CHARLES MONTAGU. Wanderings in Arabia ; being an abridgment of "Travels in Arabia deserta " ; arranged, with introd., by Edward Garnett: [portr.]. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1908. HOGARTH, DAVID GEORGE. The penetration of Arabia ; a record of the development of western knowledge concerning the Arabian peninsula. 8vo. Lond., 1904. (Story of exploration ser.) 915.4. India. ABBOTT, GEORGE FREDERICK. Through India with the Prince : [illust.]. 8vo. Lond., 1906. CHAILLEY, JOSEPH. Administrative problems of British India : tr. by Sir William Meyer. 8vo. Lond., 1910. COMPTON, HERBERT. Indian life in town and country : illust. 8vo. Lond., [1904]. CROOKE, WILLIAM. Things Indian; being discursive notes on various subjects connected with India. 8vo. Lond., 1906. DEAKIN, ALFRED. Temple and tomb in India. i2mo. Melb., 1893. FULLER, Sir JOSEPH BAMPFYLDE. Studies of Indian life and sentiment: [map]. 8vo. Lond., 1910. HOLDICH, Sir THOMAS HUNGERFORD, colonel. India : maps and diagrams. 8vo. Lond., 1904. (Regions of the world ser.) HOOKER, Sir JOSEPH DALTON. Himalayan journals ; or, notes of a naturalist in Bengal, the Sikkim and Nepal Himalayas, the Khasia mountains, &c. : maps and illust. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1854. JONES, Rev. JOHN P. India; its life and thought : [illust.]. 8vo. N.Y., 1908. KOENIGSMARCK, Count HANS VON. A German staff officer in India ; being the impressions of an officer of the German gene ral staff of his travels through the peninsula : tr. by P. H. Oakley Williams : illust. 8vo. Lond., 1910. LOW, SIDNEY JAMES. A vision of India as seen during the tour of the Prince and Princess of Wales : illust. 8vo. Lond., 1906. MACDONALD, JAMES RAMSAY. The awakening of India. 8vo. Lond., IQIO. MORISON, MARGARET COTTER. A lonely summer in Kashmir. 8vo. Lond., 1904. MORRISON, Rev. JOHN. New ideas in India during the nine- teenth century; a study of social, political, and religious de- velopments. 8vo. Lond., 1907. ASIA ; TRAVEL AND DESCRIPTION. 547 TREVELYAN, Sir GEORGE OTTO, bart. The competition wallah. 2nd ed., 8vo. Lond., 1866. . VIAUD, Louis MARIE JULIEN, " Pierre Loti." India : tr. by G. A. F. Inman, ed. by R. H. Sherard : [portr.]. 8vo. Lond., [1906]. WHITE, JOHN CLAUDE. Sikkim and Bhutan; twenty-one years on the north-east frontier, 1887-1908 : illust. and map. 8vo. Lond., 1909. YUSUF-ALI, ABDALLAH. Life and labour of the people of India : illust. 8vo. Lond., 1907. 915.48. Ceylon KNOX, ROBERT. An historical relation of Ceylon, together with somewhat concerning severall remarkeable passages of my life that hath hapned since my deliverance out of my cap- tivity : [short autobiography, portr., and illust. : ed., with pref., by James Ryan.] 8vo. Glasgow, 1911. First published in 1681. 915.5. Persia. HEDIN, SVEN. Overland to India : illust. and maps. 2 v., 8vo, Lond., IQIO. LOREY, EUSTACHE DE, and SLADEN, DOUGLAS BROOKE WHEEL- TON. Queer things about Persia ^52 illust. 8vo. Lond., 1907. MALCOLM, NAPIER. Five years in a Persian town : [illust.]. 8vo. Lond., iqo8. 915.6. Turkey in Asia. BURNABY, FREDERICK GUSTAVUS, heut. -colonel. On horseback through Asia Minor: portr. and maps. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1877. BURTON, Sir RICHARD FRANCIS, and DRAKE, CHARLES FREDE- RICK TYRWHITT. Unexplored Syria ; visits to the Libanus. the Tuhll el Safa, the Anti-Libanus, the northern Libanus, and the 'Alan : [illust. and map]. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1872. DE BUNSEN, VICTORIA. The soul" of a Turk : 8 illust. 8vo. Lond., 1910 [1909]. GEERE, H. VALENTINE. By Nile and Euphrates; a record of dis- covery and adventure : maps and illust. 8vo. Edinb., 190.4. WALPOLE, Hon. FREDERICK. The Ansayrii, or assassins ; with travels in the further East in 1850-51, including a visit lo Nineveh. 3 v., 8vo. Lond., 1851. WILKINS, LOUISA, nee Jebb, Mrs. Roland. By desert ways to Baghdad : illust. and map. 8vo. Lond., 1908. 915.69. Palestine. CONDER, CLAUDE REIGNIER, colonel. Tent work in Palestine; a record of discovery and adventure : published for the com- mittee of the Palestine exploration fund : illust. by J. W. Whymper : [map]. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1878. DUNNING, H. W. To-day in Palestine : illust. 8vo. Lond , [1908]. S 2 548 ASIA; TRAVEL AND DESCRIPTION. SMITH, Rev. HASKETT. Patrollers of Palestine: illust. Lond., 1 006. STANLEY, ARTHUR PENRIIYN, dean of Westminster. Sinai and Palestine in connection with their history : maps and plans>. new ed., 8vo. Lond., 1866. 915.7. Siberia. BATES, LINDON. The Russian road to China : illust. 8vo. Lond., 1910. CURTIN, JEREMIAH. A journey in southern Siberia; the Mongols, their religion and their myths: map and illust. 8vo. Lond., [1910]. FRASER, JOHN FOSTER. The real Siberia ; together with an ac- count of a dash through Manchuria. 8vo. Lond., 1903. SEEBOHM, HENRY. Siberia in Asia; a visit to the valley of the Yenesay in east Siberia : with description of the natural his- tory, migration of birds, &c. : maps and illust. 8vo. Lond., 1882. TURNER, SAMUEL. Siberia ; a record of travel, climbing, and ex- ploration : introd. by Baron Heyking : illust. [and maps]. 8vo. Lond., 1905. 915.8. Afghanistan. HOLDICH, Sir THOMAS HUNGERFORD, colonel. The gates of India; being an historical narrative: maps. 8vo. Lond., 1910. MARTIN, FRANK A. Under the absolute Amir : illust. 8vo. Lond., 1907. PENNELL, T. L. Among the wild tribes of the Afghan frontier ; a record of 16 years' close intercourse with the natives of the Indian marches: introd. by F. M. Earl Roberts: 37 illust., 2 maps. 8vo. Lond., 1909. 915.9. Further India. CLIFFORD, HUGH. Further India ; being the story of exploration from the earliest times in Burma, Malaya, Siam, and Indo- China : illust. and maps. 8vo. Lond., 1904. (Story of exploration ser.) EARL, GEORGE WINDSOR. The Eastern seas ; or, voyages and ad- ventures in the Indian archipelago in 1832-33-34 : also an account of the present state of Singapore: [maps]. 8vo. Lond., 1837. HALL, HENRY FIELDING. A people at school. 8vo. Lond., 1906. O'CONNOR", VINCENT CLARENCE SCOTT. Mandalay and other cities of the past in Burma : 6 maps and plans, 8 coloured plates, and 235 illust. 8vo. Lond., 1907. 916. Africa. ALEXANDER, BOYD, lieutenant. From the Niger to the Nile: illust. and maps. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1907. AFRICA ; TRAVEL AND DESCRIPTION. 549 FRASER, JOHN FOSTER. The land of veiled women; some wanderings in Algeria, Tunisia, and Morocco : 44 illust. 8vo. Lond., 1911. GRANT, JAMES AUGUSTUS, lieut. -colonel. A walk across Africa; or, domestic scenes from my Nile journal. 8vo. Edinb., 1864. 916.12. Tripoli. FURLONG, CHARLES WELLINGTON. The gateway to the Sahara; observations and experiences in Tripoli : illust. 8vo. Lond.. 1909. 916.2. Egypt. TLETCHER, WILLIAM ROBY. Egyptian sketches. 8vo. Adel., 1892. FYFE, H. HAMILTON. The new spirit in Egypt. 8vo. Edin'b., 1911. GUERVILLE, A. B. DE. New Egypt : illust. 8vo. Lond., 1905. LANE, EDWARD WILLIAM. Account of the manners and customs of the modern Egyptians, written in Egypt during the years 1833-35: [illust.]. 3rd ed., 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1842. MARGOLIOUTH, DAVID SAMUEL. Cairo, Jerusalem, and Damas- cus ; three chief cities of the Egyptian sultans : illust. in colour by W. S. S. Tyrwhitt and plates by R. Barrett. 8vo. Lond., 1907. "SLADEN, DOUGLAS BROOKE WHEELTON. Egypt and the English, showing British public opinion in Egypt upon the Egyptian question, with chapters on the success of the Sudan, [&c.] : illust. and map. 8vo. Lond., 1908. WILKINSON, Sir JOHN GARDNER. Modern Egypt and Thebes; being a description of Egypt, including the information re- quired for travellers in that country : woodcuts and map. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1843. 916.26. Sudan. ARTIN, YACOUB, -pasha. England in the Sudan : tr. by George Robb : illust. and map. 8vo. Lond., 1911. HOLROYD, ARTHUR TODD. Suakin and the country of Soudan : [map], pp. 25, 8vo. Syd., 1885. Pam., v. 115, no. 2144. 916.4. Morocco. BENSUSAN, SAMUEL LEVY. Morocco: painted by A. S. Forrest. 8vo. Lond., 1904. :SAVORY, ISABEL. In the tail of the peacock. 8vo. Lond., 1903. 550 AFRICA ; TRAVEL AND DESCRIPTION. 916.5. Algeria. LEEDER, S. H. The desert gateway; Biskra and the reabouts : id illust. 8vo. Lond., IQIO. PHILLIPPS, L. MARCH. In the desert: illust. 8vo. Lond., 1905. 916.6. North Central Africa. ALLDRIDGE, THOMAS JOSHUA. A transformed colony ; Sierra Leone as it was and as it is, its progress, peoples, native customs, and undeveloped wealth : 66 illust. and map. 8vo. Lond., 1910. CHURCHILL, Right Hon. WINSTON SPENCER. My African jour- ney : 6 1 illust. and 3 maps. 8vo. Lond., 1908. JOHNSTON, Sir HARRY HAMILTON. Liberia : appx. on the flora of Liberia by Dr. Otto Stapf : illust. and maps. 2 v., la. 8vo. Lond., iqo6. KUMM, HERMANN KARL WILHELM. From Hausaland to Egypt through the Sudan : illust. 8vo. Lond., 1910. LANG, JOHN. The land of the golden trade, (West Africa) : 12 illust. by A. D. McCormick. 8vo. Lond., [1910]. (Romance of empire ser.) TREMEARNE, A. J. N., captain. The Niger and the West Sudan; or, the West African's note book. 8vo. Lond., n.d. TREVES, Sir FREDERICK, barf. Uganda for a holiday : 72 illust. and map. 8vo. Lond., 1910. WOODWARD, EDWARD MABBOTT, lieut. -colonel. Precis of infor- mation concerning the Uganda protectorate, compiled in ihe Intelligence division, War office : [maps]. 8vo. Lond., 1902. 916.7. South Central Africa. BURTON, Sir RICHARD FRANCIS. The lake regions of central Africa; a picture of exploration: [illust. and map]. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1860. CAMERON, VERNEY LOVETT, commander. Across Africa : illust. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1877. DAVIS, RICHARD HARDING. The Congo and coasts of Africa : illust. 8vo. Lond., 1908. DUGMORE, A. RADCLYFFE. Camera adventures in the African wilds, being an account of a four months' expedition in British East Africa : map, and photographs by the author. 410. Lond., IQIO. GREAT BRITAIN :War office. Military report on Somaliland : v. i, geographical, descriptive, and historical : [maps and illust.]. i2mo. Lond., 1907. GREGORY, JOHN WALTER. The Great Rift valley, being the narra- tive of a journey to Mount Kenya and Lake Baringo; with some account of the geology, natural history, anthropology, and future prospects of British East Africa : maps and illust. 8vo Lond., 1896. JENNINGS, JAMES WILLES, major, and ADDISON, CHRISTOPHER. With the Abyssinians in Somaliland : illust. and map. 8vo- Lond., 1905. AFEICA ; TRAVEL AND DESCRIPTION. 551 JOHNSTON, Sir HARRY HAMILTON. George Grenfell and the Congo; a history and description of the Congo independent state and adjoining districts of Congoland : 496 illust. and 14 maps. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1908. The Kilima-Njaro expedition ; a record of scientific exploration in eastern equatorial Africa and a general description of the natural history, languages, and commerce of the Kilima-Njaro district: 6 maps, and illust. by the author. 8vo. Lond., 1886. MOREL, EDMUND D. King Leopold's rule in Africa. 8vo. Lond., 1904. SPEKE, JOHN HANNING. Journal of the discovery of the source of the Nile : maps, portr., and illust. 8vo. Edinb., 1863. STANLEY, Sir HENRY MORTON. The Congo and the founding of its Free state ; a story of work and exploration : illust. and maps. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1885. STIGAND, CHAUNCEY HUGH, captain. To Abyssinia through an unknown land ; an Account of a journey through unexplored regions of British East Africa by Lake Rudolf to the king- dom of Menelek : 36 illust. and 2 maps. 8vo. Lond., 1910. SWAN, ALFRED J. Fighting the slave-hunters in central Africa; a record of twenty-six years of travel and adventure round the great lakes and of the overthrow of Tip-Pu-Tib, Rumaliza, and other great slave dealers : introd. by Sir H. H. Johnston : 45 illust. and map. 8vo. Lond., 1910. 916.8. South Africa. BACKHOUSE, JAMES. Narrative of a visit to the Mauritius and South Africa : maps and illust. 8vo. Lond., 1844. BAINES, THOMAS. Explorations in south-west Africa, being an account of a journey in the years 1861 and 1862 from Wal- visch bay, on the western coast to Lake Ngami and the Vic- toria falls : [maps and illust.]. 8vo. Lond., 1864. CALVERLEY, EDMOND L., major. Guide to Bloemfontein, with a short history and description of the Orange River Colony : [illust.]. pp. 71, i2mo. Bloemfontein, 1905. Pam., v. 135, no. 2594. COLQUHOUN, ARCHIBALD Ross. Africander land. 8vo. Lond., 1906. FREMANTLE, HENRY EARDLEY STEPHEN. The new nation; a survey of the condition and prospects of South Africa. 8vo. Lond., 1909. FULLER, ROBERT H. South Africa at home: [illust.]. 8vo. Lond., [1908]. HONE, PERCY F. Southern Rhodesia: [maps and illust.]. 8vo. Lond., 1909. JOHNSTON, Sir HARRY HAMILTON. Britain across the seas : Africa ; a history and description of the British empire in Africa: [illust. and maps.] 8vo. Lond., [1910]. 552 NOETH AMERICA ; TRAVEL AND DESCRIPTION. PARLEY, SAMUEL, major. Hints to emigrants ; in which the cli- mate, capabilities, and geographical position of the British colony of the Cape of Good Hope are submitted for examina- tion and consideration, -pp. 84, i2mo. Lond., 1838. WILSON, Ladv SARAH ISABELLA AUGUSTA. South African memo- ries; social, warlike, and sporting, from diaries written at the time: illust. 8vo. Lond., 1909. 917. North America. ENOCK, C. REGINALD. The great Pacific coast ; twelve thousand miles in the golden west : being an account of life and travel in the western states of North and South America : 64 illust. and map. 8vo. Lond., 1909. FALK, ALFRED. Trans-Pacific sketches ; a tour through the United States and Canada. 8vo. Melb., 1877. PRACTICAL guide for emigrants to North America, including the United States, Lower and Upper Canada, and Newfound- land : by a seven years' resident in North America, pp. 57, lamo. Lond., 1850. Pam., v. 60, no. 979. RUSSELL, ISRAEL COOK. North America. 8vo. Lond., 1904. SMITH, SIDNEY. The settler's new home ; or, the emigrant's loca- tion, being a guide to emigrants: British America Canada- the United States. i2mo. Lond., 1849. Pam., v. 60, no. 980. 917.1. Canada. BURPEE, LAWRENCE J. The search for the western sea : the story of the exploration of north-western America : [illust.]. 8vo. Lond., 1908. CAMPBELL, W IL FRED. Canada: [77 coloured illust.] by T. Mower Martin. 8vo. Lond., 1907. CANADIAN almanac and miscellaneous directory, 1905 to date : ed. by A. W. Thomas. 8vo. Toronto. ELKINGTON. E. WAY. Canada, the land of hope: [illust. and maps]. 8vo. Lond., 1910 FRASER, JOHN FOSTER. Canada as it is: illust. 8vo. Lond., 1905- GRIFFITH, W. L. The Dominion of Canada: [illust.]. 8vo. Lond., 1911. (All red ser.) JOHNSON, GEORGE. Canada; its history, productions, and natu- ral resources : [maps]. 8vo. Ottawa, 1886. For the Colonial and Indian exhibition, London. 1886. MORGAN, HENRY J., and BURPEE, LAWRENCE J. Canadian life in town and country : illust. 8vo. Lond.. 1905. 917.11. British Columbia. TALBOT, F. A. The new garden of Canada; by packhorse and canoe through undeveloped new British Columbia : map and 48 plates. 8vo. Lond., 1911. 917.16. Nova Scotia. WILLSON, BECKLES. Nova Scotia ; the province that has been- passed by: illust. 8vo. Lond., 1911. NORTH AMERICA ; TRAVEL AND DESCRIPTION. 553 917.19. Labrador. GOSLING, W. G. Labrador; its discovery, exploration, and de- velopment : [illust. and charts]. 8vo. Lond., 1910. GRENFELL, WILFRED THOMASON, and others. Labrador; the country and the people: [illust., with appces. on the biology of Labrador]. 8vo. N.Y., 1909. 917.2. Mexico. ENOCK, C. REGINALD. Mexico : its ancient and modern civilisa- tion, history and political conditions, topography, and natural resources, industries, and general development : map and 75 illust. 8vo. Lond., 1909. LATROBE, CHARLES JOSEPH. The rambler in Mexico, 1834 : [map]. 8vo. Lond., 1836. MARTIN, PERCY F. Mexico of the twentieth century : [illust. and 2 maps]. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1907. TURNER, JOHN KENNETH. Barbarous Mexico; an indictment of a cruel arid corrupt system : 48 illust. 8vo. Lond., 1911. WINTER, NEVIN 0. Mexico and her people of to-day; an account of the customs, characteristics, amusements, history, and ad- vancement of the Mexicans, [&c.] : illust. 8vo. Bost., 1908. 917.28. Central America. BELL, C. NAPIER. Tangweera ; life and adventures among gentle savages : illust. 8vo. Lond., 1899. WEIR, HUGH C. The conquest of the Isthmus; the men who are building the Panama canal, their daily lives, perils, and ad- ventures : illust. [and maps]. 8vo. N.Y., 1909. 917.29. West Indies. FROUDE, JAMES ANTHONY. The English in the West Indies; or, the bow of Ulysses: illust. 8vo. Lond., 1888. TREVES, Sir FREDERICK, bart. The cradle of the deep; an ac- count of a voyage to the West Indies : 54 illust. and 4 maps. 8vo. Lond., 1908. 917.3. United States. AMES, Mrs. MARY CLEMMER. Ten years in Washington; or, life and scenes in the national capital as a woman sees them : illust. 8vo. Hartford, 1882. ARCHER, WILLIAM. Through Afro- America ; an English reading of the race problem. 8vo. Lond., 1910. BURTON, Sir RICHARD FRANCIS. The city of the saints, and across the Rocky mountains to California : [illust., maps, and plan]. 8vo. Lond., 1861. CARNEGIE, ANDREW. Triumphant democracy; or, fifty years' march of the Republic. 8vo. N.Y., 1886. CLARKE, HELEN ARCHIBALD. Longfellow's country : [illusf.]. 8vo. N.Y., 1909. FRASER, JOHN FOSTER. America at work : illust. 8vo. Lond., 1905. 554 AMEBICA ; TRAVEL AND DESCRIPTION. GREY, J. GRATTAN, and GREY, Mrs. With Uncle Sam and his- family ; about people and things American : illust. 8vo. Melb., 1909. JAMES, HENRY. The American scene. 8vo. Lond., 1907. JONES, Sir PHILIP BURNE. Dollars and democracy. 8vo. Lond.. 1904. LOW, A. MAURICE. America at home: [illust.]. 8vo. Lond., [1908]. MUNSTERBERG, HUGO. The Americans; tr. by E. B. Holf. 8vo. Ji^ond., 1905. ROBINSON, H. PERCY. The twentieth century American; being a comparative study of the peoples of the two great Anglo- Saxon nations. 8vo. N.Y., 1908. SALA, GEORGE AUGUSTUS. My diary in America in the midst of war. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 186=;. VAY DE VAYA AND LUSKOD, ' Count. The inner life of the United States. 8vo. Lond., 1908. VOICE from the diggings. [Review of W. Shaw's " Golden dreams "]. -pp. 18, 8vo. Edinb., 1851. Pam., v. 135, no. 2607. From Blackwood's magazine. WELLS, HERBERT GEORGE. The future in America ;' a search after realities. 8vo. Lond., 1906. WILSON, WALTER HORATIO. The Pacific route; Brisbane to New York. -p-p. 40, 8vo. Brisb., n.d. Pain., v. 187, no. 3625. 917.99. Alaska. HIGGINSON, ELLA, Mrs. R. C. Alaska, the great country : [illust. and map.] 8vo. N.Y., 1908. 918. South America. CLARK, FRANCIS EDWARD. The continent of opportunity ; the South American republics their history, their resources, their outlook : [illust.]. 8vo. N.Y., 1907. FIFE, CHARLES W. DOMVILIE. The great states of South America ; a concise account of their condition and resources, with the laws relating to government concessions : illust. and maps. 8vo. Lond., 1910. HERRERA, ANTOINE DE. Description des Indes Occidentales, qu'on appelle aujourdhuy le Nouveau monde: translated d'Espagnol en Frangois: a la quelle sont adjoustees quelques autres descriptions des mesmes pays, avec la navigation du vaillant capitaine de mer Jaques le Maire et de plusieurs autres: [maps and illust.]. fo. Amsterdam, 1622. PEPPER, CHARLES MELVILLE. Panama to Patagonia: the isthmian canal and the west coast countries of South- America: maps and illust. 8vo. Lond., 1906. SPRUCE, RICHARD. Notes of a botanist on the Amazon and Andes : ed and condensed bv Alfred Russel Wallace, with biographical introd., pot:r., 71 ilh:st., and 7 maps. -2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1908. SOUTH AMERICA ; TRAVEL AND DESCRIPTION. 555 918.1. Brazil. ADALBERT OF PRUSSIA, Prince, in full, Heinrich Wilhelm Adalbert. Travels of His Royal Highness Prince Adalbert of Prussia in the south of Europe and in Brazil, with a voyage up the Amazon and the Xingu : tr. by Sir Robert H. Schom- burgk and John Edward Taylor : [portr. and maps]. -2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1849. 918.2. Argentine Republic. HIRST, W. A. Argentina; introd. by Martin Hume: map and 64 illust. 8vo. Loud., 1910. (South American ser. ) KOEBEL, W. H. Argentina, past and present: illust. 8vo. Lond., 1910. Modern Argentina, the El Dorado of to-day, with notes on Uruguay and Chile: illust. 8vo. Lond., 1907. LARDEN, WALTER. Argentine plains and Andine glaciers; life on an estancia, and an expedition into the Andes : map and 91 illust. 8vo. Lond., 1911. 918.3. Chile. ELLIOT, G. F. SCOTT. Chile; its history and development, natu- ral features, products, commerce, and present conditions ; introd. by Martin Hume: illust. [and map]. 8vo. Lond., 1908. (South American ser.) 918.5. Peru. ENOCK, C. REGINALD. The Andes and the Amazon; life and travel in Peru : 58 illust. 8vo. Lond., 1910. Peru ; its former and present civilisation, history and existing conditions, [&c.] : introd. by Martin Hume: map and 72 illust. 8vo. Lond., 1908. (South American ser.) PERU : Foreign office. Inter-oceanic communication across the Peruvian Andes, the Amazon river, and its great navigable affluents : [map and illust.]. p-p. 39, 8vo. Lima, 1903. Pam., v. 48, no. 804. Mines and mining in Peru : [map and illust.] -pp. 39, 8vo. Lima, 1903. Pam., v. 48, no. 803. PERU : Public works department. Sketch for capitalists, trades- men, and settlers ; a report on the industries that can be deve- loped and those that might be introduced : [map and illust.]. 1>P- 59> 8vo. Lima, 1903. Pam., v. 48, no. 802. 918.6. Colombia. PETRE, FRANCIS LORAINE. The republic of Columbia; an account of the country, its people; its institutions, and its resources : illust. and map. 8vo. Lond., 1906. 556 AUSTRALASIA ; TRAVEL AND DESCRIPTION. 918.9. Uruguay. KOEBEL, W. H. Uruguay : map and 55 illust. 8vo. Lond., 191 1. (South American ser.) 919. Australasia and Polynesia. ALCAN, EUGENE. Les cannibales et leur temps; souvenirs de la rampagne de 1' oceanic sous le commandant Marceau. 8vo. Paris, 1887. DESCHANEL, PAUL. Les interets Frangais dans 1'ocean Paci- fique. 8vo. Paris, 1888. FOLJAMBE, CECIL G. S., lieutenant. Three years on the Aus- tralian station : [illust. and maps.] 8vo. Lond., 1868. GREGORY, JOHN WALTER. Australia and New Zealand. See Stanford, below. GUILLEMARD, FRANCIS HENRY HILL. Malaysia. See Stanford, below. IRELAND, A. Geography and history of Oceania; comprising a detailed account of the Australian colonies, and a brief sketch of Australasia, Malaysia, Polynesia, and Antarctica, and ed. i2mo. Hobart Town, 1865. JACOBS, ALFRED. L'Oceanie nouvelle, les Chinois et les Euro- peens Migrations des peuples Contact des races Caracteres nouveaux De la colonisation a xix e siecle. 8vo. Paris,. 1861 LEVEY, GEORGE COLLINS. Handy guide to Australasia ; its re- sources, physical features, and indebtedness : with tariffs of the various colonies: [map.] 8vo. Lond., [1891]. Hutchinson's Australasian encyclopaedia. 8vo. Lond., 1902. MANES, ALFRED. Ins Land der sozialen Wunder; eine Studien- fahrt durch Japan und die Siidsee nach Australien und Neuseeland : 125 illust. and map. 8vo. Berlin, 1911. NORDDEUTSCHER Lloyd. "Lloyd" guide to Australasia: illust. ed. by A. G. Plate: [maps and plans], 8vo. Lond. r 1906. O'CONNELL, JAMES F. Residence of eleven years in New Hol- land and the Caroline islands : ed. from his verbal narration. 12010. Boston, 1836. PICQUENOT, F. V. Geographic physique et politique des etab- lissements Frangaises de 1'Ocianie 8vo. Paris, 1900. RIENZI, G. L. DOMENY DE. Oceanic; ou, cinquieme partie du monde : [maps and illust.]. 3 v., 8vo. Paris, 1836-38. ROMILLY, HUGH HASTINGS. Letters from the Western Pacific and Mashonaland, 1878-1891 : ed. with memoir by his brother, Samuel H. Romilly : illust. 8vo. Lond., 1893. Western Pacific and New Guinea ; notes on the natives, Christian and cannibal, with some account of the old labour trade : map. 8vo. Lond., 1886. SEMON, RICHARD. In the Australian bush and on the coast of the coral sea; being the experiences and observations of a natu- ralist in Australia, New Guinea, and the Moluccas : illust. and maps. 410. Lond., 1899. EAST INDIES ; TRAVEL AND DESCRIPTION. 557 STANFORD'S Compendium of geography and travel: Aus- tralasia: maps and illust. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1893-94. Contents. v. i. Australia and New Zealand. Alfred Russel Wallace, v. 2. Malaysia and the Pacific archipelago, ed. and greatly extended from Dr. A. R. Wallace's Australasia, by Francis Henry Hill Guillemard. Same: 2nd ed., re-written : maps and illust. 2 v., 8vo. 1907-08. Contents. v. i. Australia and New Zealand. John Walter Gregory, v. 2. Malaysia and the Pacific archipelagoes. Francis Henry Hill Guillemard, revised by Augustus Henry Keane. WALLACE, ALFRED RUSSEL. Australia and New Zealand. See Stanford, d-bove. 919.1. Malaysia. BERNSTEIN, HEINRICH AGATHON. Dagboek van [zijn] laatste Reis van Ternate naar Nieuw-Guinea, Salawati en Batanta, 17 October, 1864-19 April, 1865; bewerkt door S. C. J. W. van Musschenbroek, met Aanteekeningen, Bijlagen, en eene Kaart. 8vo. Hague, 1883. BOUDYCK-BASTIAANSE, J. H. VAN. Voyages faits dans les Moluques a la Nouvelle- Guinea et la Celebes, avec le comte C. de Vidua de Conzano, a bord de la goeleta royale Vlris. 8vo. Paris, 1845. FORREST, THOMAS, ca-ptain. Voyage to New Guinea and the Moluccas from Balambangan ; including an account of Magin- dano, Sooloo, and ether islands ; performed in the Tartar galley, during the years 1774-76 : to which is added a vocabu- lary of the Magindano tongue : illust. [and maps.] 4to. Lond., 1779. KEPPEL, Sir HENRY, admiral. Visit to the Indian Archipelago, in H.M.S. M (zander: with portions of the private journal of Sir James Brooke: illust. [and map.] 2 v., la. 8vo. Lond., 853- KOLFF, DIRK HENDRIK, lieutenant. Voyages of the Dutch brig of war Dourga through the southern parts of the Moluccan archi- pelago, and along the southern coast of New Guinea : tr. by G. W. Earl : [map.] 8vo. Lond., 1840. LEITH, Sir GEORGE, barl. Short account of the settlement, pro- duce, and commerce of Prince of Wales island, in the Straits of Molacca. -pp. 94, 8vo. Lond., 1805. LENTHIOLLE, vicomte de. Relation d'un voyage aux iles de la Sonde, ou les colonies Neerlandaises des Indes Orientales. 8vo. Rotterdam, 1876. MARSDEN, WILLIAM. Memoirs of a Malayan family, written bv themselves, and translated from the original by W. Marsden. pp. 84, 8vo. Lond., 1830. REINWARDT, C. G. C. Reis naar het oostelijk Gedeelte van den Indischen Archipel in het Jaar 1821 : 19 plates. 8vo. Amster- dam, 1858. VOLLINER, W. F., " W.F.A. Zimmermann." Die Inseln des Indischen und Stillen Meeres ; Reise von Java iiber Timor, die Molucken. Neu-Guinea und Neu-Zeeland, [&c.] : illust. 3 v.. Svo. Berlin, 1863-65. 558 EAST INDIES ; TRAVEL AND DESCRIPTION. WALKER, H. WILFRID. Wanderings among South sea savages, and in Borneo and the Philippines: 48 illust. 8vo. Lend., 1909. WALLACE, ALFRED RUSSEL. The Malay archipelago; the land of the orang-utan and the bird of paradise : a narrative of travel, with studies of man and nature: [maps and illust.]. 7th ed., 8vo. Lond., 1880. WEBBER, JOHN. Views in the South Seas, from drawings by the late James Webber, draftsman on board the Resolution, Capt. James Cooke [sic], from the year 1776 to 1780: with letter- press descriptive of the various scenery, &c. fo. Lond., 1808. t.-p. gives his name wrongly as James Webber. 919.11. Borneo. BECCARI, ODOARDO. Wanderings in the great forests of Borneo; travels and researches of a naturalist in Sarawak : tr. by Dr. E. H. Giglioli, revised and ed. by .F. H. H. Guillemard : [maps and illust.]. 8vo. Lond., 1904. BOCK, CARL. The head-hunters of Borneo ; a narrative of travel up the Mahakkam and down the Barito; also, Journeyings in Sumatra: illust. and map. 2nd ed., la. 8vo. Lond., 1882. BOYLE, FREDERICK. Adventures among the Dyaks of Borneo. 8vo. Lond., 1865. HATTON, FRANK. North Borneo ; explorations and adventures on the equator : biographical sketch and notes by Joseph Hatton : illust. 8vo. Lond., 1885. KEPPEL, Hon. Sir HENRY, admiral. Expedition to Borneo of H.M.S. Dido for the suppression of piracy : with extracts from the journal of James Brooke, Esq., of Sar.wak : with an additional chapter, comprising recent intelligence, by W. K. Kelly: [illust. and maps.] 3rd ed., 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1847. LOW, HUGH. Sarawak; its inhabitants and productions: being notes during a residence in that country with H.H. the Rajah Brooke. 8vo. Lond., 1848. ST. JOHN, Sir SPENSER BUCKINGHAM. Life in the forests of the far east; or, Travels in northern Borneo: illust. [and maps.] 2nd ed., 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1873. SCHWANER, C. A. L. M. Borneo; Beschrijving van het Stroom- gebied van den Barito, en Reizen langs eenige voorname Rivieren van het Zuidoostelijk Gedeelte van dat Eiland: illust. and map. 2 v., 8vo. Amsterdam, 1853-54. WHITEHEAD, JOHN. Exploration of mount Kina Balu, North Borneo: col. pi. and illust. fo. Lond., 1893. 919.12. Celebes. GERVAISE, NICHOLAS. Description historique du Royaume de Macagar. i2mo. Paris, 1688. VAN DER HART, C., captain. Reize rondom het Eiland Celebes, en naar eenige der Moluksche Eilanden, gedaan in den Jare 1850: plates and maps. 8vo. The Hague, 1853. EAST INDIES ; TRAVEL AND DESCRIPTION. 559 919.13. Moluccas. OLIVIER, JOHANNES. Reizen in den Molukschen Archipel naar Makassar, Enz : in het Gevolg van den Gouverneur-generaal van Nederland's Indie: [portr.]. 2 v. in i, 8vo. Amsterdam, 1834-37- 919.14. Philippines. BOWRING, Sir JOHN. Visit to the Philippine islands: [illust.]. 8vo. Lond., 1859. LA GIRONIERE, PAUL DE. Twenty years in the Philippines : [tr.] i2mo. Lond., [1853]. MARCHE, ALFRED. Lucon et Palaouan; six annees de voyages aux Philippines : 68 illust. and 2 maps. 8vo. Paris, 1887. MORERA, RAMON JORDANA Y. Bosquejo geografico e historico- natural del Archipielago Filipino : [illust.]. 4to. Madrid, 1885. MOSES, Mrs. EDITH. Unofficial letters of an official's wife. 8vo. N.Y., 1908. PALGRAVE, WILLIAM GIFFORD. Malav life in the Philippines. n.t.p. pp. 21, 8vo. [Lond., 1878.] From Cornhill magazine. 919.2. Sunda. CABATON, A. Java, Sumatra, and the other islands of the Dutch East Indies: tr., with pref., by Bernard Miall : map and 47 illust. 8vo. Lond., 1911. HOGENDORP, Comte C. S. W. DE. Coup d'ceil sur 1'ile de Java, et les autres possessions Neerlandaises dans 1'archipel des Indes. 8vo. Brussels, 1830. WALCKENAER, baron CHARLES ATHANASE. Le monde maritime; ou, tableau geographique et historique de 1'Archipel d'Orient> de la Polynesie et de 1' Australia : illust. and map. 2 v., 8vo. Paris, 1819. 919.21. Sumatra. ANDERSON, JOHN. Mission to the east coast of Sumatra in 1823, under the direction of the government of Prince of Wales Island: [illust.] 8vo. Edinb., 1826. 919.22. Java. DE WIT, AUGUSTA. Java : facts and fancies : illust. 8vo. Lond., 1905. EAST INDIES : Generate Nederlandsche Geoctroyeerde Oos't Indische Compagnie. Beginende Voortgangh vandeVeree- nighde Nederlandtsche Geoctroyeerde Oost-Indische Com- pagnie. Vervatende de voornaemste Reysen, by de inwoon- deren der selver Provincien derwaerts gedaen [ed. by Isaak Commelin]. 2 v., obi. 8vo. [Amsterdam], 1646. NEDERBURGH, SEBASTIAAN CORNELIS. Journaal der Reize langs Java's noordoostkust, in 1798: introd. 8vo. Amsterdam, 1804. 560 NEW ZEALAND ; TRAVEL AND DESCRIPTION. ROY, JUST JEAN ETIENNE. Quinze ans tie sejour a Java et dans les principales iles de 1'archipel de la Sonde et des posses- sion Neorlandaises des Indes orientales ; souvenirs d'un ancien officier de la Garde royale : [illust.]. 2nd ed., 8vo. Tours, 1863. VETH, P. J. Java, geographisch, ethnologisch, historisch : [map.] 2 v., 8vo. Haarlem, 1875-78. 919.31. New Zealand. ADAM, JAMES. Twenty-five years of emigrant life in the south of New Zealand : [map and 4 illust.] 2nd ed., 8vo. Edinb., 1876. ADAMS, C. WARREN. A spring in the Canterbury settlement. 8vo. Lond., 1853. ASHBY, WILLIAM, captain. New Zealand, the land of health, wealth, and prosperity. 8vo. Lond., 1889. BAEYERTZ, C. N. Guide to New Zealand: [illust.]. 8vo. Dunedin, 1904. BARLOW, P. W. Kaipara ; or, experiences of a settler in north New Zealand. 8vo. Lond., 1888. BARR, JAMES, "Old identity." The old identities: being sketches and reminiscences during the first decade of the province of Otago, N.Z. 8vo. Dunedin, 1879. BARRAUD, CHARLES DECIMUS. New Zealand, graphic and de- scriptive : ed. by W. T. L. Travers. fo. Lond., 1877. BATEMAN, WILLIAM. The colonist; a work on the past and pre- sent condition of the colony of New Zealand. 8vo. Christ- church, 1 88 1. BATHGATE, ALEXANDER. Colonial experiences; or, sketches of people and places in the province of Otago. 8vo. Glasgow, 1874. New Zealand; its resources and prospects. 8vo. Edinb., 1880. BATHGATE, ALEXANDER, ed. Picturesque Dunedin; or, Dunedin and its neighbourhood in 1890 : illust. 8vo. Dunedin, 1890. BELL, GEORGE W. Mr. Oseba's last discovery. 8vo. Well., 1904. 13EST, ELSDON. Waikare-Moana, the sea of the rippling waters; the lake, the land, the legends : with a tramp through Tuhoe land: [maps and illust.]. pp. 66, 8vo. Well., 1897. Pam., v. 33, no. 544. BIDWILL, JOHN CARNE. Rambles in New Zealand : [map.] 8vo. Lond., 1841. BISHOP, WALTER K. Guide to Wellington and district; with com- plete map of the city. 2nd ed., 8vo. Well., 1883. BOWDEN, THOMAS A. Introduction to the geography of New Zealand : part i. containing an outline of the general geo- graphy of the colony of New Zealand : 3 maps. pp. 37, i2mo.' Well., 1868. Pam., v. 59, no. 971. BO\VEN, Sir GEORGE FERGUSON. Overland journey of the governor of New Zealand : notes of the journey of Sir G. F. Bowen in April, 1872, from Wellington to Auckland across the centre of the North island of New Zealand, pp. 51, sm. 8vo. Lond., 1872. NEW ZEALAND ; TRAVEL AND DESCRIPTION. 561 BRACKEN, THOMAS. The New Zealand tourist : [map.] pp. vii., 90, 8vo. Dunedin, 1879. Pam., v. 112, no. 2087. BRADSHAW, JOHN. New Zealand as it is. 8vo. Lond., 1883. New Zealand of to-day (1884-1887). 8vo. Lond., 1888. BRAME, SAMUEL, ed. Voices from New Zealand : being a com- pilation of authentic letters from emigrants who have located in New Zealand since 1863, also, a series of questions an- swered, pp. 64, 8vo. Lond., [1865]. Pam., v. 33, no. 541. BREES, SAMUEL CHARLES. Pictorial illustrations of New Zealand, fo. Lond., 1849. BRETT'S Auckland almanac, provincial handbook and stranger's vade mecum for 1891 : ed. by Thomson W. Leys. 8vo. Auckland. BRIGHT, JOHN. Handbook for emigrants, and others ; being a his- tory of New Zealand, its state and prospects : also, remarks on the climate and colonies of the Australian continent. 2nd ed., i2mo. Lond., 1841. BROOKS, EDWIN STANLEY. Frontier life, Taranaki, New Zea- land : with maps and sketches. 8vo. Auckland, 1852. BROOME, MARY ANN, Lady. Station life in New Zealand, new ed., 8vo. Lond., 1871. BROWN, WILLIAM. New Zealand and its aborigines, being an ac- count of the aborigines, trade, and resources of the colony. 8vo. Lond., 1845. BULLER, Rev. JAMES. New Zealand, past and present : [map and illust.]. 8vo. Lond., 1880. New Zealand, the future England of the southern hemisphere ; or, the natural advantages of New Zealand compared with those of the Australian colonies, pp. 21, i2mo. Well., 1857. Pam., v. 40, no. 675. BURFORD, ROBERT. Description of a view of the Bay of Islands, New Zealand, and the surrounding country ; now exhibiting at the panorama, Leicester square: [plate.] pp. 12, 8vo. Lond., n.d. BUTLER, ANNIE ROBINA. Glimpses of Maori land : [illust.]. 8vo. Lond., 1886. BUTLER, SAMUEL. A first year in Canterbury settlement : [map.] 8vo. Lond., 1863. CAMPBELL, JOHN LOGAN. Poenamo; sketches of the early days of New Zealand ; romance and reality of antipodean life in the infancy of a new colony : [map]. 8vo. Lond., 1881. CARRICK, ROBERT. New Zealand's lone lands; being brief notes of a visit to the outlying islands of the colony : [maps and illust.]. pp. 71, 8vo. Well., 1892. Pam., v. 8, no. 175. . Romance of Lake Wakatipu ; being episodes of early goldfields .life in New Zealand, with notes. 8vo. Well., 1892. CHAPMAN, GEORGE T. Centenary memorial of Captain Cook's description of New Zealand one hundred years ago: [maps and plates.] 4:0. Auckland, 1870. 562 NEW ZEALAND ; TRAVEL AND DESCRIPTION. CHAPMAN, HENRY S. The New Zealand portfolio; embra ing a series of papers on subjects of importance to the colonists. 8vo. Lond., 1843. Six monthly numbers, July-Dec., 1842, containing papers by H. S. Chapman, Charles Terry, and Arthur T. Holroyd. COL EN SO, WILLIAM. Excursion in the northern island of New Zealand, in the summer of 1841-2. pp. 95, 8vo. Launceston, 1844. Pam., v. 66, no. 1119 In memoriam ; an account of visits to and crossings over, the Ruahine mountain range, Hawke's Bay, New Zealand, and of the natural history of that region, performed in 1845-1847. pp. 72, 8vo. Napier, 1884. Pam., v. 32, no. 532. COOPER, G. S. Journal of an expedition overland from Auckland to Taranaki, by way of Rotorua, Taupo, and the west coa. c t, undertaken in the summer of 1849-50 by His Excellency the Governor-in-chief of New Zealand [Sir George Grey]. i2mo. Auckland, 1851. COOPER, I. RHODES, captain. New Zealand settler's guide; a sketch of the present state of the six provinces ; with a digest of the constitution and land regulations : 2 maps. i2mo. Lond., 1857. COURTE, comte de. La Nouvelle-Zelande ; pref. by Baron Hulot : illust. 8vo. Paris, 1904. Contains chapter on the relation of New Zealand to the Common- wealth. COUTTS, JAMES. Vacation tours in New Zealand and Tasmania : illust. 8vo. Melb., 1880. CRAIK, GEORGE LILLIE. Die Neuseelander : noch dem Englischen bearbeitet : [tr. from the English] : map and 44 illust. sm. 8vo. Leipzig, 1833. The New Zealanders : [map and illust.]. 8vo. Lond., 1830. CRAWFORD, JAMES COUTTS. Recollections of travel in New Zea- land and Australia: maps and illust. 8vo. Lond., 1880. CRUISE, RICHARD A., captain. Journal of a ten months' residence in New Zealand. 8vo. Lond., 1823. D'AVIGDOR, E. H., " Wanderer." Antipodean notes collected on a nine months' tour round the world. 8vo. Lond., 1888. DIEFFENBACH, ERNEST. Travels in New Zealand; with contri- butions to the geography, geology, botany, and natural his- tory of that country : [illust.]. 2 v., Svo. Lond., 1843. DOMESTIC scenes in New Zealand: map. izmo. Lond., 1845. DOUGLAS, Sir ARTHUR PERCY, bart. The Dominion of New- Zealand: [illust.]. Svo. Lond., 1909. (All red ser.). EARLE, AUGUSTUS. Narrative of a nine months' residence in New Zealand in 1827, with a journal of a residence in Tristan d'Acunha: [illust.]. Svo. Lond., 1832. EARP, GEORGE BUTLER. Hand-book for intending emigrants to the southern settlements of New Zealand. 3rd ed., i2mo. Lond., 1851. ENDERBY, CHARLES. The Auckland islands ; a short account of their climate and productions: map. Svo. Lond., 1849. NEW ZEALAND ; TEAVEL AND DESCRIPTION. 563 FITTON, EDWARD BROWN. New Zealand; its present condition, prospects, and resources: [map]. i2mo. Lond., 1856. FITZGERALD, EDWARD ARTHUR. Climbs in the New Zealand Alps ; being an account of travel and discovery : with contri- butions by Sir Martin Conway, Professor T. G. Bonney, C. L. Barrow : illust. and map. 8vo. Lond., 1896. FOX, Sir WILLIAM. Colonization and New Zealand, pp. 24, 8vo. Lond., 1842. Pam., v. 33, no. 358. The six colonies of New Zealand, izmo. Lond., 1851. FULLER, FRANCIS, captain. Five years' residence in New Zea- land; or, observations on colonization. 8vo. Lond., 1859. GORST, Sir JOHN ELDON. New Zealand revisited ; recollections of the days of my youth: [illust.]. 8vo. Lond., 1908. GRANT, S., and FOSTER, J. S. New Zealand; a report on its agricultural conditions and prospects: map. 8vo. Lond., [1880]. GREAT BRITAIN: Emigrants' information office. New Zea- land handbook: map. pp. 36, 8vo. Lond., 1890. Pam., v. ri2, no. 2088. GREEN, Rev. WILLIAM SPOTSWOOD. The high Alps of New Zea- land ; or, a trip to the glaciers of the antipodes ; with an ascent of Mount Cook : [illust. and plans]. 8vo. Lond., 1883. GRIFFIN, GILDEROY WELLS. New Zealand; her commerce and resources. 8vo. Well., 1884. GRIMSTONE, SAMUEL EDWARD. The southern settlements of New Zealand ; comprising statistical information from the earliest period to the close of the year 1846 ; together with a sum- mary of the local ordinances, proclamations, &c. 8vo. Well., 1847. Pam., v. 33, no. 545. GULLY, JOHN. New Zealand scenery : with descriptive letterpress by Dr. Julius von Haast. fo. Lond., 1877. HAAST, Sir JOHN FRANCIS JULIUS VON. Report of a topo- graphical and geological exploration of the western districts of the Nelson province, New Zealand. 8vo. Nelson, 1861. HARPER, ARTHUR P. Pioneer work in the Alps of New Zealand; a record of the first exploration of the chief glaciers and ranges of the southern Alps: maps and illust. 8vo. Lond., 1896. HAY, WILLIAM DELISLE. Brighter Britain ! or, settler and Maori in northern New Zealand. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1882. HAYTER, HENRY HEYLYN. Notes of a tour in New Zealand. pp. 34, 8vo. Melb., 1874. Pam., v. 33, no. 536. HEALE, THEOPHILUS. New Zealand arid the New Zealand com- pany ; being a consideration of how far their interests are similar, pp. 63, 8vo. Lond., 1842. Pam., v. 34, no. 552. HEAPHY, CHARLES. Narrative of a residence in various parts of New Zealand. 8vo. Lond., 1842. 564 NEW ZEALAND ; TRAVEL AND DESCRIPTION. HECTOR, Sir JAMES. Handbook of New Zealand: maps amJ plates. 8vo. Well., 1879. For the Sydney international exhibition, 1879. Same: 2nd ed. 1880. Same: another copy. Pam., v. 32, no. 528. Same: 3rd ed. 1883. Same.- 4th ed., 1886. Pam., v. 32, no. 529. HENDERSON, captain, " Aliquis." Otago and the Middle island of New Zealand ; a warning to emigrants, pp. 56, sm. 8vo. Melb., 1886. Pam., v. 33, no. 534. HOCHSTETTER, FERDINAND VON. New Zealand, its physical geography, geology, and natural history, with special refer- ence to the results of government expeditions in the provinces of Auckland and Nelson: tr. by Edward Sauter, with addi- tions up to 1866 : maps and illust. 4to. Stuttgart, 1867. HODDER, EDWIN. Memories of New Zealand life. 8vo. Lond., 1862. HOT lakes wonderland ; a pictorial guide to the thermal phenomena ot New Zealand : illust. obi. 8vo. Auckland, [1895]. HUNT, FREDERICK. Twenty-five years' experience in New Zealand and the Chatham islands: an autobiography. 2nd ed., pp. 64, 8vo. Well., 1866. Pam., v. 135, no. 2603. HURSTHOUSE, CHARLES F. Account of the settlement of New Plymouth in New Zealand: illust. 8vo. Lond., 1849. New Zealand, the " Britain of the south." 8vo. Lond., 1861. HUTTON, FREDERICK WOLLASTON, ed. Handbook of Christ- church, for the use of the members of the Australasian asso- ciation for the advancement of science: [plans], pp. 35, sm. 8vo. Christchurch, 1890. Pam., v. ioo, no. 1825. INGLTS, Hon. JAMES. Our New Zealand cousins. i2mo. Lond., 1887. JOHNSTONE, J. C., captain. Maoria; a sketch of the manners and customs of the aboriginal inhabitants of New Zealand. 8vo. Lond., 1874. KENNEDY, ALEXANDER. New Zealand: [maps]. 2nd ed., 8vo. Lond., 1874. LEYS, THOMSON WILSON. The volcanic eruption of Tarawera ; with an account of the thermal springs district of New Zea- land : [map and illust.]. pp. 55, 4to. Auckland, 1886. LLOYD, HENRY DEMAREST. Newest England; notes of a demo- cratic traveller in New Zealand, with some Australian com- parisons. 8vo. N.Y., 190.1. LOUGHNAN, ROBERT ANDREW. New Zealand at home : [12 illust.} 8vo. Lond., [1908]. LOWTH, ALYS. Emerald hours in New Zealand : [illust.] 410. Christchurch, n.d. McHUTCHESON, WILLIAM. Camp-life in Fiordland, New Zea- land ; a tale of the Sutherland falls : [map and illust.]. 8vo. Well., 1892. NEW ZEALAND ; TRAVEL AND DESCRIPTION. 565 McINDOE, JAMES. Sketch of Otago, from the initiation of the settlement to the abolition of the province. 8vo. Dunedin, 1878. MANNERING, GEORGE EDWARD. With axe and rope in the New Zealand Alps : illust. [and map]. 8vo. Lond., 1891. MARJORIBANKS, ALEXANDER. Travels in New Zealand. 2nd ed., 8vo. Lond., 1850. MARSHALL, WILLIAM BARRETT. Personal narrative of two visits. to New Zealand in His Majesty's ship, Alligator, A.D. 1834. 8vo. Lond., 1836. MARTIN, S. M. D. New Zealand, containing an account of the country, with historical remarks; also a description of the various settlements. 8vo. Lond., 1845. MAUNOIR, C. La Nouvelle-Zelande, colonie Anglaise. pp. 28, 8vo. Paris, 1863. Pam., v. 156, no. 2992. MEADE, Hon. HERBERT. A ride through the disturbed districts; of New Zealand ; with some account of the South sea islands r ed. by R. H. Meade : [illust.]. 8vo. Lond., 1870. Same: 2nd ed., 8vo. Lond., 1871. MONEY, CHARLES L. Knocking about in New Zealand. i2mo. Melb., 1871. % MORELAND, A. MAUD. Through South Westland ; a journey to> the Haast and Mount Aspiring, New Zealand : 48 illust. 8vo. Lond., 1911. MOSER, THOMAS. Mahoe leaves; being a selection of sketches of New Zealand and its inhabitants. 2nd ed., i2mo. Wan- ganui, 1888. MUSGRAVE, THOMAS, captain. Castaway on the Auckland isles ;:. a narrative of the wreck of the Grafton; with a map, and some account of the Aucklands : ed. by J. J. Shillinglaw. 8vo. Melb., 1865. NEW ZEALAND ; a lecture, by a young missionary about to sail for that island. -pp. 20, 8vo. Lond., 1849. NEW ZEALAND handbook; or, guide to the "Britain of the south " : [map]. 7th ed., 8vo. Lond., 1862. NICHOLAS, JOHN LIDDIARD. Narrative of a voyage to New Zea- land, performed in the years 1814 and 1815, in company with the Rev. Samuel Marsden : [maps and illust. ]. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1817. NICHOLLS, JAMES HENRY KERRY. The King country; or, ex- plorations in New Zealand : a narrative of 600 rniles of travel through Maoriland : map and illust. 8vo. Lond., 1884. NORMAN, WILLIAM H., captain, and MUSGRAVE, THOMAS, captain. Journals of the voyage and proceedings of H.M.C.S. Victoria in search of shipwrecked people at the Auckland and other islands; with sketch of islands, pp. 45, 8vo. Melb.,. [1865]. NOTES of a tour through various parts of New Zealand, including- a visit to the hot springs : by a German lady. pp. 31, 8vo. Syd., 1877- Pam.. v. 112. no. 2090. ,566 NEW ZEALAND ; TRAVEL AND DESCRIPTION. PAUL, ROBERT BATEMAN, archdeacon. Letters from Canterbury, New Zealand: map by Edward Jollie. izmo. Lend., 1857. New Zealand as it was, and as it is: [map]. i2mo. Land., 1861. Some account of the Canterbury settlement, New Zealand, pp. 51, i2mo. Lond., 1854. P:im., v. 40, no. 676. PEXNEFATHER, FREDERICK WILLIAM. Handbook for travellers in New Zealand : maps and plans. i2mo. Lond., 1893. (Murray's handbooks.) PETRE, Hon. HENRY WILLIAM. Account of the settlements of the New Zealand company: [map and 2 illust.]. 2nd. ed., pp. 94, 8vo. Lond., i84r. Same : 3rd ed., pp. 94, 8vo. Lond., 1841. PHILIPS, P. A. Memories of the past; Auckland from 1847: by an old hand. pp. 52, n.p., [1897]. Pam., v. n, no. 249. PICTORIAL New Zealand: pref. by Sir W. B. Perceval: illust. 8vo. Lond., 1895. POLACK, JOEL SAMUEL. New Zealand ; being a narrative of tra- vels and adventures during a residence in that country between the years 1831 and 1837 : [map and illust.]. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1838. POWER, Sir WILLIAM TYRONE. Sketches in New Zealand with pen and pencil ; from a journal kept in that country from July 1846 to June 1848. 8vo. Lond., 1849. PYKE, VINCENT. The province of Otago in New Zealand ; its pro- gress, present condition, resources and prospects : [map and illust.]. 'pp. 70, 8vo. Dunedin, 1868. REEVES, WILLIAM PEMBER. New Zealand : [75 coloured illust.] by F. and W. Wright. 8vo. Lond., 1908. RICHARDSON, Sir JOHN LARKIN CHEESE. Sketch of Otago, New Zealand, as a field of British emigration : illust. [anon.] pp. 80, 8vo. Edinb., 1862. Frontispiece and map wanting. Same : another copy. Pam. v., 156, no. 2993. A summer's excursion in New Zealand. 8vo. Lond., 1854. RITTER, KARL. Colonization of New Zealand : tr. from the Ger- man, pp. 56, 8vo. Lond., 1842. Pam., v. 33, no. 539. Die Colonisation von Neu Seeland ; ein Vortrag im wissen- schaftlichen Vereine zu Behlin, am 22 Januar, 1842 : [map]. pp. 52, 8vo. Berlin, 1842. ROCHFORT, JOHN. Adventures of a surveyor in New Zealand and the Australian gold diggings. pp. 73, 8vo. Lond., 1853. ST. JOHN, J. H. H., lieut. -colonel. Pakeha rambles through Maori lands: [map]. 8vo. Well., 1873. SCHOLEFIELD, GUY H. New Zealand in evolution, industrial, economic, and political ; introd. by W. P. Reeves : [illust.]. 8vo. Lond., 1909. SCOT, THOMAS A. Chowbokiana ; or, notes about the Antipodes and the antipodeans. 8vo. [Bombay, 1875]. n.t.p. NEW ZEALAND ; TRAVEL AND DESCRIPTION. 567 SEGUR, GASTON DE. Un saison en Nouvelle-Zelande : map and illust. 8vo. Paris, 1901. SHORTLAND, EDWARD. The southern districts of New Zealand : a journal, with passing notices of the customs of the abori- gines : [map and illust.]. 8vo. Lond., 1851. SIEGFRIED, ANDIK. La democratic en Nouvelle-Zelande. 8vo. Paris, 1904. SIMMONS, ALFRED. Old England and New Zealand; the govern- ment, laws, churches, public institutions, and the resources of New Zealand popularly and critically compared with those of the old countrv, with an historical sketch of the Maori race. 8vo. Lond., 1879. SMITH, STEPHENSON PERCY. The Kermadec islands; their capa- bilities and extent: [map and illust.]. -pp. 29, 8vo. Well.. 1887. SWAINSON, WILLIAM. New Zealand and its colonization : map. 8vo. Lond., 1859. TAYLOR, Rev. RICHARD. Past and present of New Zealand, with its prospects for the future : illust. 8vo. Lond., 1868. Te ika a Maui ; or, New Zealand and its inhabitants : map and illust. 8vo. Loud., 1855. Same: 2nd ed., 8vo. Lond., 1870. TE MANUWIRI, pseud. Sketches of early colonisation in New Zealand, and its phases of contact with the Maori race. 8vo. Christchurch, n.d. TERRY, CHARLES. New Zealand; its advantages and prospects as- a British colony ; with a full account of the land claims, sales of crown lands, aborigines, &c. : [map and illust.]. 8vo. Lond., 1842. THOMSON, Mrs. CHARLES. Twelve years in Canterbury, New Zealand, with visits to the other provinces, and reminiscences of the route home through Australia, &c. i2mo. Lond.,. [1867]. THOMSON, JAMES TURNBULL. Rambles with a philosopher; or, views at the Antipodes. 8vo. Dunedin, 1867. TWENTY months in Southland, New Zealand, in 1867-8-9 : by a Tasmanian. -pp. 65, i2mo. Hobart Town, 1870. Pam., v. 40, no. 678. UNION steam, ship company of New Zealand. Maoriland : illus- trated handbook to New Zealand : [maps]. 8vo. Melb., 1884. VOGEL, Sir JULIUS, ed. Official handbook of New Zealand; a collection of papers on the colony as a whole, and on the several provinces: [maps and illust.]. 8vo. Lond., 1875. WADE, WILLIAM RICHARD. Journey in the northern island of New Zealand. i2mo. Hobart Town, 1842. WAKEFIELD, EDWARD. New Zealand after fifty years: [map and illust.]. 8vo. N.Y., [1889]. New Zealand illustrated ; the story of New Zealand, and de- scription of its cities and towns : also, by various writers,, the natural wonders of New Zealand, obi. fo. Wanganui, 1889. 568 NEW ZEALAND ; TRAVEL AND DESCRIPTION. WAKEFIELD, EDWARD JERNINGHAM. Adventure in New Zea- land from 1839 to 1 ^44, with some account of the beginning of the British colonization of the islands. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1845. Same: another ed.: ed., [with introd.], by Sir R. Stout: illust. 8vo. Christchurch, 1908. Hand-book for New Zealand ; consisting of the most recent in- formation, compiled for the use of intending colonists. i2mo. Lond., 1848. WAKEFIELD, EDWARD JERNINGHAM, and WARD, JOHN. British colonization of New Zealand ; being an account of the prin- ciples, objects, and plans of the New Zealand association : charts and illust. i2mo. Lond., 1837. WALTON, JOHN. Twelve months' residence in New Zealand ; con- taining a correct description of the customs, manners, &c., of the natives of that island, with other valuable information to emigrants, pp. 79. 8vo. Glasg., 1839. Pam., v. 33, no. 543. WARD, JOHN. Information relative to New Zealand, compiled for the use of colonists : [maps]. 4th ed., i2mo. Lond., 1841. New Zealand : Nelson, the latest settlement of the New Zealand company, by Kappa, pp. 44. 8vo. Lond., 1842. Pam., v. 34, no. 553. WARD, Rev. ROBERT. Life among the Maories of New Zealand; being a description of missionary, colonial, and military achievements : ed. by Rev. Thomas Lowe, and Rev. William Whitby. 8vo. Lond., 1872. WILSON, Rev. JAMES P. From the "city of the plain" to the city of the "Grey." pp. 18, 8vo. Christchurch, 1876. Pam. 3 v. 112, no. 2091. WILSON, Mrs. ROBERT. In the land of the Tui ; my journal in New Zealand: map and illust. 8vo. Lond., 1894. YATE, Rev. WILLIAM. Account of New Zealand, and of the for- mation and progress of the Church missionary society's mission in the northern island: [map]. 2nd ed. 8vo. Lond., Directories. HARNETT'S Dunedin directory, 1867. 8vo. Dunedin. NEW ZEALAND post office directory, 1902 to date: H. Wise and co. 8vo. Dunedin. 919.32. New Caledonia. BIGUET, PAUL FAURE. Geographic de la Nouvelle-Cale'donie : 5 maps. 8vo. Paris, 1876. DAVILLE\ ERNEST. Guide pratique du colon en Nouvelle- Caledonie: map and illust. 8vo. Paris, 1901. DELABAUME, P. La Nouvelle-Caledonie devant la France. pp. 55. 8vo. Paris, 1886. Pam., v. 156, no. 3004. GALLET, GUSTAVE. Notice sur la Nouvelle-Cale'donie. pp. 61, 8vo. Noumea, 1884. Pam., v. 137, no. 2632. PACIFIC ISLANDS ; TRAVEL AND DESCRIPTION. GARNIER, JULES. La Nouvelle-Caledonie, cote orientale : map. I2mo. Paris, 1871. GAUHAROU, LEON. Geographic de la Nouvelle-Caledonie et dependances. 8vo. Noumea, 1882. GUILLAIN. M. Note sur la Nouvelle-Caledonie, destinee a servir d'instruction aux colons immigrants dans cette colonie : [2- maps]. pp. 21, 8vo. Paris, 1864. Pam., v. 156, no. 3^03. LA HAUTIERE, ULYSSE DE. Souvenir de la Nouvelle-Caledonie- 8vo. Paris, 1869. Contents. Voyage sur la cote orientale. Un coup de main chez les Kanacks. Pilou-j)ilou a Naniouni. LEMIRE, CHARLES. La colonisation Francaise en Nouvelle- Caledonie et dependances : maps and illust. 8vo. Paris,. [1878]. Voyage a pied en Nouvelle-Caledonie, et description des Nouyel les- Hebrides: maps and illust. 8vo. Paris, 1884. PATOUILLET, JULES. Trois, ans en Nouvelle-Caledonie; [illust.]. 8vo. Paris, 1873. UNION agricole Caledonienne. Notice sur la Nouvelle-Caledonie: ses richesses. son avenir: redigee pour 1'Exposition universelle de 1900. 8vo. Paris, 1900. 919.33. Loyalty Islands. JOUAN. M. Les iles Loyalty, pp. 12, n.t.p. 8vo. [Paris, i86ij. From the Revue coloniale. 919.34. New Hebrides. BOURGES. GEORGES. Les Nouvelles- Hebrides de 1606 a 1906 r 1 6 photographs. 8vo. Paris, 1906. COPELAND, Rev. JOSEPH. Lecture on the New Hebrides islands. the New Hebrides natives, and the New Hebrides mission : [map], pp. 1 8. 8vo. Dunedin, 1866. Pam., v. 48, no. 8oq. DAVILLE, ERNEST. La colonisation Frangaise aux Nouvelles- Hebrides : 2 maps and 12 plates. 8vo. Paris, 1895. HAGEN, Dr. Etudes sur les Nouvelles- Hebrides, pp. 67, 8vo. Nancy, 1893. Pam., v. 156, no. 3000. INGLIS, Rev. JOHN. In the New Hebrides; reminiscences of missionary life and work, 1850-77. 8vo. Lond., 1887. LAMB, ROBERT. Saints and savages : the story of five years in the New Hebrides. 8vo. Edinb., 1905. MARKHAM, ALBERT HASTINGS, admiral. The cruise of the Rosario amongst the New Hebrides and Santa Cruz islands, exposing the recent atrocities connected with the kidnapping of natives in the South seas : map and illust. 8vo. Lond., 1873- 919.35. Solomon Islands. DISCOVERY of the Solomon islands, pp. 20, 8vo. Lond., i88S. Pam., v. 137, no. 2633. From the Westminster review. -57U AUSTRALIA ; TRAVEL AND DESCRIPTION. GL'PPY, HENRY BROUGHAM. The Solomon islands and their natives: [map and illust.]. 8vo. Lond., 1887. The Solomon islands ; their geology, general features, and suit- ability for colonization: [maps]. 8vo. Lond., 1887. \VOODFORD, CHARLES MORRIS. A naturalist among the head- hunters; being an account of three visits to the Solomon islands in the years 1886, 1887, and 1888 : [maps and illust.]. 8vo. Melb., 1890. 919.36. Bismarck Archipelago. BADOUIN, ALEXANDRE. L'aventure de Port-Breton et la colonie libre, dite Nouvelle France : souvenirs personnels et docu- ments : illust. and maps. 8vo. Paris, n.d. PARKINSON, RICHARD HEINRICH ROBERT. Dreissig Jahre in der Siidsee ; Land und Leute, Sitten und Gebrauche im Bismarck - archipel und auf den Deutschen Salomoinseln : hrsg. von Dr. B. Unkermann : maps and illust. 8vo. Stuttgart, 1907. POWELL, WILFRID. Wanderings in a wild country ; or, three years amongst the savages of New Britain : illust. 8vo. Lond., 1883. RAYS, CHARLES BONAVENTURE DU BREIL, marquis de. La colonie libre de Port Breton ; Nouvelle France en Oc6anie : [map]. pp. 20, 8vo. Marseilles, 1879. Pam., v. 156, no. 3001. 919.4. Australia. ADAMS, FRANCIS WILLIAM LAUDERDALE. The Australians ; a social sketch. 8vo. Lond., 1893. AEBI, JAMES. Mitteilungen iiber Australien ; seine landwirtschaft- lichen und bergmannischen Verhaltnisse : illust. i2mo. Kempten, 1896. ALLEN, JAMES. Journal of an experimental trip by the Lady Augusta on the river Murray, pp. 86, 8vo. Adel., 1853. AMERO, CONSTANT. Les squatters et 1'Australie : illust. 8vo. Paris, n.d. ANGAS, GEORGE FRENCH. Australia; a popular account of its physical features, inhabitants, natural history, and produc- tions, with the history of its colonization. 8vo. Lond., [1862]. Savage life and scenes in Australia and New Zealand. 2nd ed., 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1847. ARGUS newspaper, Melbourne. The Burke and Wills exploring expedition ; an account of the crossing the continent of Aus- tralia from Cooper's creek to Carpentaria. pp. 32, 8vo. Melb., 1 86 1. Pam.. v (|, no. IQI. Supplementary pamphlet to [above] ; containing the evidence taken before the commission of inquiry: portrs. pp. 32, 8vo. Melb., 1 86 1. Pam.. v. o. no. iqa. ATKINS, Rev. THOMAS. Wanderings of the clerical Eulysses described in a narrative of ten years' residence in Tasmania and New South Wales, at Norfolk island and Moreton bay, &c. 8vo. Lond., 1859. AUSTRALIA ; TRAVEL AND DESCRIPTION. 571 AUSTRALASIAN traveller news-pa-per. Australia to-day ; an epitome of Australia's resources and attractions, 1905, 1907, 1910, 1911. 4 v., fo. Melb. AUSTRALIA and its settlement. i2mo. Lond., n.d. AUSTRALIA; its scenery, natural history, and resources, with a glance at its goldfields. 8vo. Lond., [1854]. AUSTRALIA; or, which is the best colony for the emigrant? with a few practical suggestions, -pp. 48, i2mo. Dublin, 1840. Pam., v. 151, no. 300^. AUSTRALIA, Van Diemen's Land, and New Zealand ; their his- tory and present state, with their prospects in regard to emigration impartially considered, pp. 59, i2mo. Lond., AUSTRALIAN gold diggings ; where they are, and how to get to them ; with letters from settlers and diggers telling how to work them. i2mo. Lond., 1852. BACKHOUSE, JAMES. Extracts frcm the letters of James Back- house [while engaged in religious visits to Van Diemen's Land, Australia, Mauritius, South Africa], accompanied by George Washington Walker. 3rd ed.. 8vo. Lond., 1838-41. Narrative of a visit to the Australian colonies : illust. 8vo. Lond., 1843. BAIRD, Rev. JAMES. Emigrants' guide to Australasia, comprising Australia, Tasmania, and New Zealand. 8vo. Lond., [1871]. BAKER, CHARLES JOHN. Sydney and Melbourne ; with remarks on the present state and future prospects of New South Wales. 8vo. Lond., 1845. BARTLETT, THOMAS. New Holland ; its colonization, produc- tions, and resources, with observations on the relations sub- sisting with Great Britain. 8vo. Lond., 1843. BARTLEY, NEHEMIAH. Opals and agates ; or. scenes under the Southern cross, being memories of fifty years of Australia and Polynesia. 8vo. Brisb. , 1892. BEAUVOIR, Marquis LUDOVIC DE. Australie; voyage autour du monde : maps and illust. new ed., 8vo. Paris, 1874. BIARD D'AUNET, GEORGES. L'aurore australe. 8vo. Paris, 1907. BON WICK, JAMES. Geography of Australia and New Zealand. i2mo. Melb., 1855. Notes of a gold digger, and gold diggers' guide, pp. 42, I2mo. Melb., 1852. BOOTH, EDWIN CARTON. Australia: iTlust. 2 v., 4to., Lond.. n.d. BOURNE, GEORGE. Journal of Land.sborough's expedition from Carpentaria in search of Burke and Wills. -pp. 53, 8vo. Melb., 1862. Pam., v. q, no. 193. BOUSSENARD, Louis. A travers 1'Australie; les dix millions de I'opossum rouge. 8vo. Paris. [1879!. BOWIE, JOHN. Notes on Australia for the information of in- tending emigrants, pp. 24, 8vo. Edinb., 1837. Pam., v. 135, no. 2602. BRAIM, THOMAS HENRY. New homes ; the rise, progress, present position, and future prospects of each of the Australian colonies and New Zealand regarded as homes for all classes of emigrants : illust. 8vo. Lond.. 1870. 572 AUSTRALIA ; TRAVEL AND DESCRIPTION. BRETON, WILLIAM HENRY, lieutenant. Excursions in New South Wales, Western Australia, and Van Diemen's Land, during the years 1830-33. 8vo. Lond., 1833. BUCHANAN, ALFRED. The real Australia. , 8vo. Lond., 1907. BULEY, E. C. Australian life in town and country : illust. 8vo. Lond., 1905. BULLEN, FRANK THOMAS. Advance Australasia; a day-to-day record of a recent visit to Australasia. 8vo. Lond., 1907. BUNCE, DANIEL. Australasiatic reminiscences of twenty-three years' wanderings in Tasmania and the Australias ; including travels with Dr. Leichhardt in north or tropical Australia. i2mo. Melb., 1857. BURRA school. Geography and reader. 8vo. [Kooringa], 1891. BURROWS, WILLIAM. Adventures of a mounted trooper in the Australian constabulary ; being recollections of seven years' experience of life in Victoria and New South Wales. i2mo. Lond., 1859. BUSBY, JAMES. Authentic information relative to New South Wales and New Zealand: [map]. -pp. 72, xxviii., 8vo. Lond., 1832. BUTLER, SAMUEL. Hand-book for Australian emigrants; being a descriptive history of Australia, and containing an account of the climate, soil, and natural productions of New South Wales, South Australia, and Swan River settlement : [map]. i2mo. Glasgow, 1839. BYRNE, J. C. Emigrants' guide to New South Wales proper, Australia Felix, or Port Phillip, and South Australia : map. i2th ed., i2mo. Lond., 1849. Twelve years' wanderings in the British colonies, from 1835 to 1847 : [maps]. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1848. CALVERT, ALBERT F. Discovery of Australia: [maps and illust.} 2nd ed., la. 8vo. Taunton, [1901]. Exploration of Australia: [illust.]. 2nd ed., 2 v., 410. Lond., 1901. CANNEY, EDWARD H. The land of the dawning. 8vo. Lond., 1894. CAPPER, JOHN. Emigrants' guide to Australia: maps, and ed., 8vo. Liverpool, 1853. Philips' Emigrants' guide to Australia, containing the fullest particulars relating to the recently discovered gold-fields, &c. pp. QO, i2mo. Liverpool, 1852. Map wanting. Pam., v. 40, no. 674. CARRINGTON, GEORGE. Colonial adventures and experiences, by a university man. 8vo. Lond., 1871. CHIPS by an old chum; or, Australia in the fifties. 8vo. Lond. [1893-] CHRISTMANN, FR. Australien ; Geschichte der Entdeckungsreisen und der Kolonisation ; Bilder aus dem Leben in der Wildniss und den Statten der Kultur der neuesten Welt : illust. 8vo. Leipzig, 1870. AUSTRALIA ; TRAVEL AND DESCRIPTION. 573 CLACY. ELLEN, Mrs. CHARLES. Lady's visit to the gold diggings of Australia, in 1852-53. 8vo. Lond., 1853. Lights and shadows of Australian life. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1854. CLARKE, PERCY. The "new chum " in Australia ; or, the scenery. life, and manners of Australians in town and country : illust. 2nd ed., 8vo. Lond., 1886. COCKBURN, F. J. Letters from the southern hemisphere: map and illust. 8vo. Calcutta, 1856. COMETTANT, OSCAR. Au pays du kangourous et des mines d'or. 8vo. Paris, 1890. COOPER, FREDERIC DE BPEBANT. Wild adventures in Australia and New South Wales, beyond the boundaries; with sketches of life at the mining districts : illust. 8vo. Lond., 1857. CORNISH, HENRY. Under the Southern cross. 8vo. Madras, 1879. DALE, Rev. ROBERT WILLIAM. Impressions of Australia. 8vo. Lond., 1889. DAVIS, JOHN- Tracks of McKinlay and party across Australia: ed. by William Westgarth : [map and illust.]. 8vo. Lond., i86 3 / DAVITT, MICHAEL. .Life and progress in Australasia: maps. 8vo. Lond., 1898. DAWSON, ROBERT. Present state of Australia; a description of the country, its advantages and prospects with reference to emigration, and a particular account of the manners, cus- toms, and condition of its aboriginal inhabitants. 8vo. Lond., 1830. DEMARR, JAMES. Adventures In Australia fifty years ago, 1839-44. 8vo. Lond., 1893. DENTON, SHERMAN F. Incidents of a collector's rambles in Aus- tralia, New Zealand, and New Guinea : illust. 8vo. Boston, 1889. DE WINTON, GEORGE JEAN, major. Soldiering fifty years ago: Australia in " the forties." 8vo. Lond., 1898." DIXON, JAMES. Narrative of a voyage to New South Wales and Van Diemen's Land in the ship Skelton during the year 1820 : with observations on the state of these colonies. 12 mo. Edinb., 1822. EARL, GEORGE WINDSOR. Enterprise in tropical Australia : [map]. 8vo. Lond.., 1846. Handbook for colonists in tropical Australia : [maps]. 8vo. Lond., 1882. Observations on the commercial and agricultural capabilities of the north coast of New Holland, and the advantages to be de- rived from the establishment of a settlement in the vicinity of Raffles' bay. pp. 47, 8vo. Lond., 1836. EARP, GEORGE BUTLER. Gold colonies in Australia ; comprising their history, territorial divisions, produce, and capabilities : map. i2mo. Lond., 1852. 574 AUSTRALIA ; TRAVEL AND DESCRIPTION. EARP, GEORGE BUTLER, ed. What we did in Australia; being the practical experiences of three clerks, in the stock-yard and at the gold-fields. i2mo. Lond., 1853. EDEN, CHARLES HENRY. The fifth continent; with adjacent islands : l>eing an account of Australia, Tasmania, and New Guinea : map. 8vo. Lond., [1877]. ELDER scientific exploration expedition, 1891-1892: photographs 2 v., ob. fo., n.p. [1893]. See also Lindsay. D. ELDERSHAW, F. Australia as it really is, in its life, scenery, and adventure. i2mo. Lond., 1854. EMIGRANT in Australia, The; or, gleanings from the goldfields : by an Australian journalist : illust. by J. S. Prout, and maps. pp. 91, 8vo. Lond., 1852. EMIGRANT'S manual: Australia. 8vo. Edinb., 1851. Pam., v. 1 88, no. 3632. EYRE, EDWARD JOHN. Journals of expeditions of discovery into central Australia in the years 1840-1, including an account of the manners and customs of the aborigines: [illust.] 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1845. FAIRFAX, JOHN The colonies of Australia : their formation, progress, and present state : the discovery of the geld fields, 2nd ed. pp. 60, 8vo. Lond., 1852. Fain., v. 8, no. 181. FAIRFAX, WILLIAM, ed. Handbook to Australasia : map. i2mo. Melb., 1859. FAVENC, ERNEST. Explorers of Australia and their lifework : [maps, portrs., and illust.] 8vo. Christchurch, 1908. (Makers of Australia. ) History of Australian exploration, from 1788 to 1888: [maps and facsimiles], la. 8vo. Syd., 1888. FERGUSON, DUGALD. Vicissitudes of bush life in Australia and New Zealand. 8vo. Lond., 1891. FITZGERALD, JOHN FOSTER LESLIE VESEY FOSTER. Australia : map and illust. i2mo. Lond., 1881. New colony of Victoria, formerly Port Phillip ; together with some account of the other Australian colonies, pp. 85, i2mo. Lond., 1851. FORREST, Sir JOHN. Explorations in Australia: i. Explorations in search of Dr. Leichhardt and party. 2. From Perth to Adelaide, around the Great Australian bight. 3. From Champion bay, across the desert to the telegraph and Adelaide : with appx. on the condition of Western Australia : illust. [and maps]. 8vo. Lond., 1875. Exploring expedition in search of the remains of the late Dr. Leichhardt and party, pp. 20, 8vo., n.p., 1870. Pam., v. 1 88, no. 3629. Journal of an expedition to explore the country from West Aus- tralia to Port Eucla, and thence to Adelaide: [map], pp. 12, 8vo. , n.p. 1870. Pam., v. 188, no. 3628. AUSTRALIA ; TRAVEL AND DESCRIPTION. 575 Journal of proceedings of the Western Australian exploring expedition through the centre of Australia from Champion bay on the west coast to the overland telegraph line between Adelaide and Port Darwin : [plates and map], pp. 39, fscp. fo. Perth, 1875. Same, another ed. pp. 50., 8vo., n.p., 1875. Pam., v. 188, no. 3630. Presidential address delivered at the geographical section of the Australasian association for the advancement of science. pp. 4, 8vo. Syd., 1888. Pam., v. 135, no. 2593. FOWLER, FRANK. Southern lights and shadows; being brief notes of three years' experience of social, literary, and political life in Australia. 2nd ed., i2mo. Lond., 1859. FOX, FRANK. Australia : [col. illust.] by Percy F. S. Spence. 8vo. Lond., 1910. FRANKLYN, HENRY MORTIMER. A glance at Australia in 1880; or, food from the south : also, a pastoral and agricultural directory of the whole of Australia. 8vo. Melb., 1881. FRASER, JOHN FOSTER. Australia: the making of a nation; 56 illust. 8vo. Lond., 1910. GAGLIARDI, FERDINANDO. L' Australia : lettere alia Gazzetta d' Italia. 8vo. Florence, 1881. GALLOWAY, WILLIAM JOHNSON. Advanced Australia; a short account of Australia on the eve of federation. 8vo. Lond., 1899. GANE, DOUGLAS M. New South Wales and Victoria in 1885. 8vo. Lond., 1886. GARDINER, ALLEN FRANCIS, commander. The friend of Aus- tralia ; or, a plan for exploring the interior and for carry-in" on a survey of the whole continent of Australia : map and plates, [anon.] 2nd ed., 8vo. Lond., 1836. GARNSEY, EDWARD R., " Edward Kinglake." The Australian at home; notes and anecdotes of life at the Antipodes. 8vo. Lond., 1892. GARRAN, ANDREW, ed. Picturesque atlas of Australasia: illust. [and maps]. 3 v., fo. Syd., 1886. GEOGRAPHICAL description of Australasia; comprising New Holland, Van DiemaiVs Land, New South Wales, the Swan River settlement, &c., and including a faithful account of the first discoveries, pp. 74, 8vo. Hull, 1830. GILES, ERNEST. Australia twice traversed: maps and illust. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1889. Geographical travels in central Australia from 1872 to 1874: [map and introd. : appx. of plants by Baron von Mueller]. 8vo. Melb., 1875. Journey of exploration from South to Western Australia in 1875: [map], pp. 30, 8vo., n.p., n.d. Pam., v. 188, no. 3631. GOLDEN gates of Australia, with its temptations and perils; by an Australian, pp. vii., 71, 8vo. Lond., n.d. Pam., v. 112, no. 2085. GOUGER, ROBERT, ed. Letter from Sydney, the principal town of Australasia ; together with the outline of a system of colonization, sm. 8vo. Lond., 1829. 57G AUSTRALIA ; TRAVEL AND DESCRIPTION. GRAD, A. CHARLES. L' Australia interieure; explorations et voyages a travers le continent australien, de 1860 a 1862. 8vo. Paris, 1864. GREGORY, AUGUSTUS CHARLES, and GREGORY, FRANCIS THOMAS. Journals of Australian explorations. 8vo. Brisb., 1884. GRIMM, Rev. GEORGE. Australian explorers; their labours, perils, ami achievements. 8vo. Melb., 1888. HAMILTON, GEORGE. Experiences of a colonist forty years ago; journey from Port Phillip to South Australia in 1839; voyage from Port Phillip to Adelaide in 1846: illust. 8vo. Adel., 1880. HARRIS, ALEXANDER. Settlers and convicts : or, recollections of sixteen years' labour in the Australian backwoods. i2mo. Lond., 1847. HATTOX, Hon. HAROLD FINCH. Advance Australia ! an account of eight years' work, wandering, and amusement in Queens- land, New South Wales, and Victoria. 2nd ed., 8vo. Lond.,. 1886. HAYGARTH, Rev. HENRY WILLIAM. Buschleben in Australien : aus den englischen vcn M. B. Lindau. 8vo. Dresden, 1849. Recollections of bush life in Australia during a residence of eight years in the interior, new ed., i2mo. Lond., 1861. HENDERSON, JOHN, captain. Observations on the colonies of New South Wales and Van Diemen's Land : [with letter on nomenclature], 8vo. Calcutta, 1832. HEYWOOD, BENJAMIN ARTHUR. Vacation tour at the antipodes, through Victoria, Tasmania, New South Wales, Queensland, and New Zealand in 1861-1862. [maps and illust.]. 8vo. Lond., 1863. HILL, CLAUDE H. Australia's aspirations. pp. 99, 8vo. Lond., 1906. HILL, ROSAMOND, and HILL, FLORENCE. What we saw in Aus- tralia. 8vo. Lond., 1875. HODGKINSON, CLEMENT. Australia, from Port Macquarie to Moreton bay ; with description of the natives, their manners and customs: [illust.]. 8vo. Lond., 1845. HODGSON, CHRISTOPHER PEMBERTON. Reminiscences of Austra- lia; with hints on the squatter's life. 8vo. Lond., 1846. HOWARD Smith company, ltd. Tourists' hand-book of Australia ; written and ed. b Donald Macdonald. ob. 8vo. Melb., HOWITT, RICHARD. Australia; historical, descriptive, and statis- tic ; with an account of a four years' residence in that colony ; notes of a voyage round the world ; Australian poems, &c. i2mo. Lond., 1845. HOWITT, WILLIAM. History of discovery in Australia, Tasmania, and New Zealand from the earliest date to the present day : maps. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1865. HUGHES, WILLIAM. The Australian colonies; their origin and present condition. i2mo. Lond., 1852. AUSTRALIA ; TRAVEL AND DESCRIPTION. 577 HUME, ALEXANDER HAMILTON. Brief statement of facts in con- nexion with an overland expedition from Lake George to Port Phillip in 1824: ed. by Rev. William Ross. pp. 34, 8vo. Syd., 1855. Pam., v. 113, no. 2100. Same: jrd ed., 8vo. Yass, 1874. HUSSEY, H. The Australian colonies; with notes of a voyage from Australia to Panama, [&c.]. i2mo. Lond., [1855]. HUW, D. AP. Gwlad yr aur ; neu Gydymaith yr ymfudwr Cymreig i Australia. Gan D. ap G. ap Huw, feddyg hefyd, can yr ymfudwr gan Eben Fardd. pp. 51, sm.. 8vo. Carnarvon, [1852?]. Pam., v. in, no. 2069. IMPARTIAL examination of all the authors on Australia; official documents and the reports of private individuals, as evidences of the advantages of emigration, pp. 92, i2mo. Lond., 1838. Bound with S. Parlby's Hints to emigrants, class 916.87. INGLIS, JAMES. Our Australian cousins. 8vo. Lond., 1880. Queensland and New South Wales. JACKSON, ANDREW. Robert O'Hara Burke and the Australian exploring expedition of 1860: [map]. 8vo. Lond., 1862. JACOLLIOT, Louis. Voyage humoaristique au pays des kangou- rous. 8vo. Paris., n.d. JAMES, THOMAS HORTON. Six months in South Australia; with some account of Port Phillip and Portland bay in Australia Felix; with advice to emigrants: [map]. i2mo. Lond., 1838. JAMESON, R. G. New Zealand, South Australia, and New South Wales ; a record of recent travels in these colonies, with special reference to emigration: [map]. 8vo. Lond., 1842. JESSOP, WILLIAM ROWLESTONE HENRY. Flindersland and Sturt- land ; or, the inside and outside of Australia. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1862. JONES, Rev. H. BERKELEY. Adventures in Australia in 1852 and 1853. 8vo. Lond., 1853. JOURNET, F. L'Australie; description du pays, colons, et natifs, gouvernement, institutions, productions, travaux publics, mines: [map]. 8vo. Paris, 1885. JUNG, KARL EMIL. Australia ; the country and its inhabitants : abridged: illust. 8vo. Lond., 1884. Der Weltteil australien: [illust. and maps]. 4 v., 8vo. Leipzig. 1882-83. JUST, P. Australia ; or, notes taken during a residence in the colonies from the gold discovery in 1851 till 1857 : [map]. 8vo. Dundee, 1859. KING, PHILIP PARKER, captain. Narrative of a survey of the intertropical and western coasts of Australia performed be- tween the years 1818 and 1822 : with appx. containing various subjects relating to hydrography and natural history : plates, charts, and woodcuts. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1827. Description of the north-east corner of Australia. pp. 23. [Lond., 1834], n.t.p. Incomplete. From Nautical magazine. T.8720. T 578 AUSTRALIA ; TRAVEL AND DESCRIPTION. KNIGHT, JOHN GEORGE, compiler. International exhibition, Lon* don, 1862: the Australian colonies; extracts from the reports of the jurors and other information taken from official sources. 8vo. Melb., 1865. I'.im., v. 55, no. 911. KOTZE, STEFAN VON. Australische Skizzen, fern im Slid. 8vo. Berlin, n.d. l.ANCELOTT, F. Australia as it is; its settlements, farms, and gold-fields: [illust.]. 2nd ed., 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1853. LANDSBOROUGH, WILLIAM. Exploration of Australia from Carpentaria to Melbourne : ed. by James Stuart Laurie, with chart, and a systematic arrangement of Carpentarian plants, by F. Mueller. i2mo. Lond., [1867]. Journal of expedition from Carpentaria in search of Burke and Wills: map. 8vo. Melb.; 1862. LANG, Rev. JOHN DUNMORE. Australian emigrants' manual ; or, guide to the gold colonies of New South Wales and Port Phillip. i2mo. Lond., 1852. LEICHHARDT, FRIEDRICH WILHELM LUDWIG. Journal of an overland expedition in Australia, from Moreton bay to Port Essington, during the years 1844-1845: maps [and illust.]. 8vo. Lond., 1847. Journal of [his] overland expedition to Port Essington in the years 1844-45. pp. 32, sm. 8vo. Syd., 1846. Pam., v. 113, no. 2101. Lectures [on his overland expedition to Port Essington]. pp. 34, 8vo. Syd., 1846. Pain., v. 113, no. 2ioiA. LINDSAY, DAVID. Journal of the Elder scientific exploring ex- pedition, 1891-2 : maps. 8vo. Adel., 1893. LLOYD, E. Visit to the antipodes; with some reminiscences of a sojourn in Australia. 12010. Lond., 1846. LLOYD, GEORGE THOMAS. Thirty-three years in Tasmania and Victoria: [map]. 8vo. Lond., 1862. LUMHOLTZ, CARL. Among cannibals ; an account of four years' travels in Australia, and of camp life with the aborigines of Queensland: map and illust. 8vo. Loud., 1889. MAcALISTER, CHARLES. Old pioneering days in the sunny south: [illust.]. 8vo. Goulburn, 1907. McCOMBIE, THOMAS. Australian sketches. 2nd ser., i2mo. Melb., 1866. MACDONALD, ALEXANDER. In the land of pearl and gold; a pioneer's wanderings in the backblocks and pearling grounds of Australia and New Guinea: [illust.]. 8vo. Lond., 1907. MACDONALD, DONALD ALISTER. Gum boughs and wattle bloom, gathered on Australian hills and plains. 8vo. Lond., 1887. MACGREGOR, JAMES. Fifty facts about Australasia: map. 8vo. Lond., 1883. AUSTRALIA ; TRAVEL AND DESCRIPTION. 579 MACKENZIE, Rev. DAVID. The gold digger; a visit to the gold fields of Australia in February, 1852 : [map]. i2mo. Lond., n.d. Ten years in Australia; with an introductory chapter contain- ing the latest information regarding the colony : [map]. 8vo. Lond., 1851. Pam., v. 8, no. 171. Same: 3rd ed., 8vo. Lond., 1852. McKINLAY, JOHN. Journal of exploration in the interior of Aus- tralia; Burke relief expedition: 3 maps. 8vo. Melb., n.d. MACQUEEN, THOMAS POTTER. Australia, as she is, and as she may be. pp. 60, 8vo. Lond., 1840. Pam., v. 116, no. 2150. MAISTRE, PAUL. Dans la brousse australienne : [illust.]. 8vo. Paris, n.d. MAJOR, RICHARD HENRY, ed. Early voyages to Terra Australis, now called Australia: with introd. 8vo. Lond., 1859. (Hakluyt society.) Same : supplement : On the discovery of Australia by the Portu- guese in 1601 : [map], pp. 13, 8vo. Lond., 1861. Same: another copy. Pam., v. 9, no. 208. Further facts relating to the early discovery of Australia ; with supplementary observations on the same subject, pp. 26, 4to. Lond., 1873. MAJOR, THOMAS. Leaves from a squatter's note-book. 8vo. Lond., 1900. MALONE, R. EDMOND. Three years' cruise in the Australian colonies. 8vo. Lond., 1854. MANN, JOHN F. Eight months with Dr. Leichhardt, in the years 1846-47. pp. 85, 8vo. Syd., 1888. MANN, WILLIAM. Six years' residence in the Australian provinces, ending in 1839; exhibiting their capabilities of colonization, and containing the history, trade, population, extent, re- sources. &c. [map]. 8vo. Lond., 1839. MARIN, LA MESL35E, EDMOND. L'Australie nouvelle : pref. de L. Simonin : illust. and map. 8vo. Paris, 1883. MARSH, MATTHEW HENRY. Overland from .Southampton to Queensland : [maps], pp. 87 , 8vo. Lond., 1867. MARSHALL, ARCHIBALD. Sunny Australia ; impressions of the country and the people: introd. by Sir George Reid: illust. 8vo. Lond., [1911]. MARSHALL, JOHN. Twenty years' experience in Australia, de- monstrating the advantages of emigration to New South Wales. i2mo. Lond., 1839. MARTIN, ROBERT MONTGOMERY. Australia, comprising New South Wales, Victoria, or Port Phillip, South Australia, and Western Australia : their history, topography, condition, re- sources, statistics, gold discoveries, mines of copper, lead, &c., [maps and illust.]. 4to. Lond., [1853]. MARTINEAU, JOHN. Letters from Australia. 8vo. Lond., 1869. MASSARY, ISABEL. Social life and manners in Australia; being the notes of eight years' experience. 8vo. Lond., 1861. MATTHEWS, Rev. CHARLES HENRY SELFE. A parson in the Aus- tralian bush: illust. 8vo. Lond., 1908. T 2 580 AUSTRALIA ; TEAVEL AND DESCRIPTION MEIDINGER, HEINRICH. Die britischen Colonien in Australien, in ihrer gegenwartigen Entwicklung. : map. i2mo. Frank- furt-on-Maine, 1860. MELVILLE, HENRY. Australasia; and, Prison discipline: [map]. 8vo. Lend., 1851. Same: another ed., entitled. Present state of Australia; with practical hints on emigration. 8vo. Lond., 1851. Contents. Australasia and emigration. Prison discipline. MEREWEATHER, Rev. JOHN DAVIES. Diary of a working clergyman in Australia and Tasmania kept during the years 1850-1853. 8vo. Lond., 1859. MITCHELL, Sir THOMAS LIVINGSTONE, lieutenant-colonel. Journal of an expedition into the interior of tropical Australia, in search of a route from Sydney to the Gulf of Carpentaria : [maps and illust.J 8vo. Lond., 1848. Three expeditions into the interior of eastern Australia ; with de- scriptions of the recently explored region of Australia Felix, and of the present colony of New South Wales : [maps and illust.]. 2nd ed., 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1839. MORHANGE, SALVADOR. tude sur 1'Australie, 1862-69; rap- ports adresses au ministre des affaires e"trangeres [de Bel- gique], 8vo. Brussels, 1869. MORRIS, EDWARD ELLIS, ed. Cassell's Picturesque Australasia: illust. 4 v., 4to. Lond., 1887-89. MORRISON, Rev. JOHN. Australia as it is; or, facts and fea- tures, sketches and incidents of Australia and Australian life, with notices of New Zealand. 8vo. Lond., 1867. Same: 2nd ed. : maps and appx. 8vo. Lond., 1868. MORTON, Mrs. CAROLINE, " Dio." Heroes of Notasia; a record of Australian exploration, pp. 40, 8vo. Hobart, 1888. Pam., v. 9, no. 194. Same.- another copy. l';im., v. 113, no. 2102. MOSSMAN, SAMUEL. Gold regions of Australia ; a descriptive account of New South Wales, Victoria, and South Australia : [map]. 2nd ed., i2mo. Lond., 1852. A voice from Australia giving practical advice and true infor- mation to gold-seekers, labourers, mechanics, farmers, gra- ziers, &c. 2nd ed., pp. 32, 8vo. Lond., 1852. MOSSMAN, SAMUEL, and BANISTER, THOMAS. Australia visited and revisited ; a narrative of recent travels and old experiences in Victoria and New South Wales : maps. 8vo. Lond., 1853. MUDIE, ROBERT. Picture of Australia; exhibiting New Holland, Van Diemen's Land, and all the settlements, from the first at Sydney, to the last at the Swan river : [map : anon.] 8vo. Lond., 1829. MLJNDY, GODFREY CHARLES, lieutenant-colonel. Our antipodes: or, residence and rambles in the Australasian colonies, with a glimpse of the gold-fields: [illust.]. 3 v., 8vo. Lond., 1852. V. /, ist. ed. : v. 2-1, 2nd ed. Same: 3rd ed., 8vo. Lond., 1855. AUSTRALIA ; TRAVEL AND DESCRIPTION. 581 MURRAY, A. S. Twelve hundred miles on the River Murray: with facsimile illustrations in colours by the author, ob. fo. Lond., 1898. NAPIER, FRANCIS. Notes of a voyage from New South Wales to the north coast of Australia: from his journal, ed. by James R. Napier: [maps and plates]. 8vo. Glasgow, 1876. NATIONAL society. Colonies of Great Britain: part iii., Australia and New Zealand: map. -pp. 28, i2mo. Lond., 1855. Pam., v. 38, no. 649. NELSON, WALLACE. Foster Fraser's fallacies, and other Aus- tralian essays. 8vo. Syd., [1911]. NESFIELD, HENRY W. A chequered career; or, fifteen years' experiences in Australia and New Zealand. 8vo. Lond., 1887. .NEUMAYER, N. GEORG BALTHASAR. On a scientific exploration of central Australia: [map], pp. 18. 8vo., n.p. 1868. Pam., v. 9, no. 198. Same: another copy. Pam., v. 58, no. 950. NISBET, HUME. A colonial tramp; travels and adventures in Aus- tralia and New Guinea: [illust.]. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1891. NORTH Australian association ; summary of extracts from a forthcoming account of the country of northern Australia as a site for a proposed British colony : [map.] i2mo. Lond. 1862. Pam., v. 40, no. 672. PARKER, Sir GILBERT. Round the compass in Australia : [illust.]. 8vo. Melb. [1892]. PERILS, pastimes, and pleasures of an emigrant in Australia, Vancouver's island, and California. 8vo. Lond., 1849. PERON, FRANCOIS, and FREYCINET, Louis DE. Voyage of discovery to the southern hemisphere, performed by order of the Emperor Napoleon, during the years 1801-04 : illust. 8vo. Lond., 1809. Voyage de decouvertes aux terres Australes, sur les corvettes le Geographe, le Naturalisle, et la goelette le Casuarina, pendant les annees, 1800-04. 2 v -> 4 to -> w i tn f- atlas of plates. Paris, 1807-16. Same: 2nd ed., 4 v., 8vo., with fo. atlas of plates. Paris, 1824. PERRON D'ARC, HENRI. Aventures d'un voyageur en Australie ; neuf mois de sejour chez les Nagarnooks: illust. 2nd ed., i2mo. Paris, 1870. PERRY, RICHARD. Contributions to an amateur magazine in prose and verse. 8vo. Lond., 1857. Contains Australian sketches. PETHERICK, EDWARD AUGUSTUS. The Australian colonies in 1896; three letters describing the country and its resources, population, public works and finances, pp. 56, 8vo. Lond., 1897. Pam., v. S, no. 182. Same. 2nd ed., entitled Australia in 1897; the country, &c. PP- 55> 8vo - Lond., 1897. Pam., v. 46. no. 780. PHOQ, PHILLIPE. De la colonisation de 1'Australie, et de son developpement economique. pp. 12, 8vo. Rochefort, 188,6. Pam., v. 138, no. 2645. 582 AUSTRALIA ; TRAVEL AND DESCRIPTION POLEHAMPTON, Rev. ARTHUR. Kangaroo land. 8vo. Lond., 1862. POLLET, E. Australasia: colonie de Victoria. NoUvelle-G;ill-s- du Sud. Queensland. Australia de 1'Ouest. Australia du Sud. Tasmania. Nouvelle-Zelande. 8vo. Brussels, 1898. Tarn., v. 157, no. 3006. Same: another ed. 8vo. Brussels, 1900. Pum., v. 157, no. 3007. POWELL, Sir GEORGE SMYTH BADEN. New homes for the old country ; a personal experience of the political and domestic life, the industries, and the natural history of Australia and New Zealand: illust. 8vo. Lond., 1872. PRAED, ROSA; Mrs. CAMPBELL. Australian life, black and white: illust. 8vo. Lond., 1885. PRESHAW, G. O. Banking under difficulties ; or, life on the gold- fields of Victoria, New South Wales, and New Zealand. 8vo. Melb., 1888. PRIDDEN, Rev. WILLIAM. Australia; its history and present con- dition, containing an account both of the bush and of the colonies, with their respective inhabitants: [map]. i2mo. Lond., 1843. PROGRESS of Australia, pp 15, 8vo. Lond., 1851. Pam., v. 136, no. 2619. From the Eclectic review. PROUT, JOHN SKINNER. Illustrated handbook of the voyage to Australia, and a visit to the gold fields, pp. 32, 8vo. Lond., n.d. PUSELEY, DANIEL. Rise and progress of Australia, Tasmania, and New Zealand. 8vo. Lond., 1857. RADCLYFFE, RAYMOND. Wealth and wild cats; travels and re- searches in the gold-fields of Western Australia and New Zealand : illust. 8vo. Lond., 1898. RANKEN, GEORGE, " Capricornus. " Bush essays. i. Facts- about Australia. 2. Co-operative settlement. 3. New South Wales in 1872. pp. 47, 8vo. Edinb., 1872. Federal geography of British Australasia: maps. 8vo. Syd., 1891. RANKEN, W. H. L. The dominion of Australia; an account of its foundations : [map]. 8vo. Lond., 1874. READ, C. RUDSTON. What I heard, saw, and did at the Austra- lian gold fields: [illust.]. 8vo. Lond., 1853. REDMOND, WILLIAM. Through the new Commonwealth : [illust.]. 8vo. Dublin, 1906. ROWAN, MARIAN ELLIS, Mrs. FREDERICK. A flower hunter in Queensland and New Zealand: map and illust. 8vo. Lond., 1898. ROWE, Rev. GEORGE. Colonial empire of Great Britain ; considered chiefly with reference to its physical geography and industrial productions. The Australian group: [maps]. i2mo. Lond., [1865]. ROWLAND, PERCY F. The new nation; a sketch of the social, political, and economic conditions and prospects of the Aus- tralian Commonwealth. 8vo. Lond., 1903. AUSTRALIA ; TRAVEL AND DESCRIPTION. 583 ROYAL society of Victoria. Progress reports and final report of the exploration committee: fscp. fo. Melb., 1858-63. RUSSELL, A. Tour through the Australian colonies in 1839, with notes and incidents of a voyage round the globe, calling at New Zealand and South America. 2nd ed., i2mo. Glasgow, 1840. RYAN, JAMES T. Reminiscences of Australia. 8vo. Syd., [1895]. SALVADO, RODESINDO, R.C. bishop of Victoria, Port Essington, North Australia. Memorias historicas sobre la Australia, y particularmente acerca la mision Benedictina de Nueva Nursia y los usos y costumbres de los salvajes : [illust. and map.] 8vo. Barcelona, 1853. Memoires historiques sur 1'Australie, et particulierement sur la mission de la Nouvelle-Nursie j traduits par 1'Abbe Falci- magne, avec des notes et une histoire de la decouverte de 1'or. 8vo. Paris, 1854. SAUNDERS, EDWARD. Our Australian colonies; notes on what I saw, heard, or thought during a visit to Australia, Van Dieman's Land, and New Zealand in the years 1852-3. pp. 56, i2mo. Bath, 1853. 'SAUNDERS, TRELAWNY. The Asiatic Mediterranean, and its Aus- tralian port ; the settlement of Port Flinders, and the pro- vince of Albert, in the Gulf of Carpentaria, practically pro- posed : illust. and maps. 8vo. Lond., 1853. SCEUSA, FRANCESCO. Hail Australia ! morituri te salutant. pp. 24, 8vo. ^Syd., 1888. I'arn., v. 188, no. 3633. SCHACHNER, ROBERT. Australien in Politik, Wirthschaft, Kultur. la. 8vo. Jena, 1909. Same: v. 2, entitled Die soziale Frage in Australien und Neuseeland. 8vo. Jena, 1911. SCOTT, G. FIRTH. Romance of Australian exploring : maps and 'illust. 8vo. Lond., 1899. SCOTTISH agricultural commission to Australia. Australia; its land, conditions, and prospects : the observations and experi- ences of the Scottish agricultural commission of 1910-11 : illust. 8vo. Edinb., 1911. SHAW, JOHN. A tramp to the diggings ; being notes of a ramble in Australia and New Zealand in 1852. 8vo. Lond., 1852. SHAW, WILLIAM. The land of promise; or, my impressions of Australia. 8vo. Lond., 1854. SHERER, JOHN. The gold finder of Australia: illust. 8vo. Lond., [1853]. Same: another ed., entitled Life and adventures of a gold- digger: illust. 8vo. Lond. [1856]. SIDNEY, JOHN. Sidney's Australian hand-book : how to settle and succeed in Australia. i2mo. Lond., 1848. Same : another copy. Pam., v. 40. no. 679. Same: 9th ed., 12 mo. Lond., 1849. Pam., v. 60, no. 977. A voice from the far interior of Australia. #*. 79, 12010. Lond., 1847. .-."I AUSTRALIA; TRAVEL AND DESCRIPTION. SIDNEY, SAMUEL. Australien; Geschichte und Beschreibung l8 77> 1879-95, i9 2 - 6 - 8vo. Lond. None published after 1906 AUSTRALIAN pastoral directory: list of stockowners in the States of New South Wales and Queensland, la. 8vo. Syd., 1907. NEW SOUTH WALES and Port Phillip general post office direc- tory for 1839. i2mo. Syd. SAPSFORD'S Australasian almanac for land and sea, 1905. 8vo. Brisb. TURNER'S Directory of manufacturers, Australia and New Zea- land, 1909-10. 8vo. Syd., [1909]. YEAR-BOOK of Australia, 1883-1892, 1895-1898, 1900 to date. 8vo. Syd. 919.41. Western Australia. AUSTIN, ROBERT. Report of an expedition to explore the in- terior of Western Australia. 8vo. Lond., 1856. CALVE RT, ALBERT FREDERICK. The Coolgardie goldfield, Western Australia: [map]. 8vo. Lond., 1894. Western Australia and its welfare; a reproduction of articles which have appeared in the West Australian review, 1893- 1894. 8vo. Lond., 1895. Western Australia ; its history and progress : [maps, plans, and illust.]. 8vo. Lond., 1894. CARNEGIE, Hon. DAVID WYNFORD. Spinifex and sand; a narra- tive of five years' pioneering and exploration in Western Aus- tralia. 8vo. Lond., 1898. CHAMBERS, TRANT. A land of promise; a brief and authentic account of the condition and resources of Western Australia: [map], pp. 60, 8vo. Fremantle, 1897. Pam., v. 157, no. 3009. COWEN, L. LINDLEY, ed. West Australian settler's guide and farmer's handbook: [maps and illust.]. 8vo. Perth, 1897. Contents. Pt. i. Agricultural areas ana Crown lands open for selection. Ft. 2. Settler's outfit, clearing, ringbarking, cultivating, harvesting, &c. Pt. 3. Native grasses and salt bushes : fodder and forage plants : special products of the farm. &c. Pt. 4. Sheep hus- bandry. CROSS, JOSEPH, ed. Hints on emigration to the new settlement of the Swan and Canning rivers on the west coast of Aus- tralia : [map]. 3rd ed. pp. 70, 8vo. Lond., 1829. Journals of several expeditions made in Western Australia, dur- ing the years 1829-1832: map. i2mo. Lond., 1833. EXTRACTS of letters from Swan river, Western Australia, pp. 23, 8vo. Lond., 1830. Pam., v. 116, no. 2161. FAVENC, ERNEST. Western Australia; its past history, its pre- sent trade and resources, its future position in the Australian group: [map], pp. 84, 410. Syd., 1887. FORREST, Sir JOHN. Notes on Western Australia; with statistics for 1884; second year of issue: map. pp. 25, 8vo. Perth, 1885. Pam., v. 157, no. 3010. Same: 1885. pp. 30, 8vo. Perth, 1886. Pam., v. 157, no. 3011. 588 WESTERN AUSTRALIA ; TRAVEL AND DESCRIPTION. FRASER, CHARLES. Visit to the Swan river in 1827 ; with his opinion on the suitableness of the district for a settlement ; with copious notes by J. G. Hay : added, the Journal of H.M.S. Success, captain James Stirling, R.N. : [map and illust.]. pp. 40, 8vo. Perth, 1906. I'am., v. 188. no. 3635. GILL, W. Western Australia ; with account of the Western Aus- tralian company's settlement of Australind. 8vo. Lond., 1842. GREY, Sir GEORGE. Journals of two expeditions of discovery in- north-west and western Australia, during the years 1837-1839 : [maps and illust.]. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1841. HART, FRANCIS. Western Australia in 1891 : maps and illust. 8vo. Perth, 1892. 1RWIN, FREDERICK CHIDLEY, captain. State and position of West- ern Australia, commonly called the Swan river settlement : 8vo. Lond., 1835. KNIGHT, WILLIAM HENRY. Western Australia; its history, pro- gress, condition, and prospects. 8vo. Perth, 1870. LANDOR, EDWARD WILSON. The bushman ; or, life in a new country: [illust.]. 8vo. Lond., 1847. MARSHALL, JOHN. Battling for gold; or, stirring incidents of gold-fields life in West Australia. 8vo. Melb., 1903. MENNELL, PHILIP. The coming colony ; practical notes on West- ern Australia: [map and illust.]. 2nd ed., 8vo. Lend.,. [1892]. MILLETT, Mrs. EDWARD. An Australian parsonage ; or, the settler and the savage in Western Australia. 2nd ed., 8vo. Lond., 1872. MOORE, GEORGE FLETCHER. Diary of ten years' eventful life of an early settler in Western Australia; and also a descriptive vocabulary of the language of the aborigines. 8vo. Lond., 1884. Extracts from his letters and journals : ed. by Martin Doyle : [map]. i2mo. Lond., 1834. NORTH Western Australia; its soil, climate, and capacity for pastoral enterprise: map. pp. 24, 8vo.' Melb., 1864. Pam., v. 21, no. 377. Same: another copy. Pam., v. 68, no. 1155. OGLE, NATHANIEL. Colony of Western Australia ; a manual for emigrants ; map. 8vo. Lond., 1839. PARSONS, HAROLD G. Handbook to Western Australia and its goldfields. i2mo. Lond., 1894. POWELL, Rev. J. GILES. Narrative of a voyage to the Swan river; and an account of that settlement from an authentic source, containing useful hints to those who contemplate an emigration to Western Australia : map and notes. 8vo. Lond., 1831. PRICE, JULIUS MENDES. The land of gold ; the narrative of a journey through the West Australian goldfields in the autumn of 1895: illust. 8vo. Lond., 1896. SOUTH AUSTRALIA ; TRAVEL AND DESCRIPTION. 589 SHOLL, R. J. Journal of an expedition from the government camp, Camden harbor, to the southward of the Glenelg river in north-western Australia, pp. 41. 8vo. Lond. From the Journal of the Royal Geographical Society. SPEAR, R. CLARKE, ed. The golden west; a special illustrated annual, fo. Perth, 1906. STOKES, JOHN LORT, admiral. Narrow escape of his life when lieutenant in H.M.S. Beagle, discovering the Victoria river in north-west Australia, 1839. pp. n, 8vo. Haverfordwest, 1870. Pam., v. 188, no. 3634. TAUNTON, HENRY. Australind ; wanderings in Western Aus- tralia and the Malay East. 8vo. Lond., 1903. TRAVELLER'S guide to Western Australia: with maps and plans and a directory of mining companies, pp. 52, 8vo. Perth, 1894. VIVIENNE, MAY. Travels in Western Australia; being a descrip- tion of the various cities and towns, goldfields, and agricul- tural districts of that state: illust. 8vo. Lond., 1901. WESTERN AUSTRALIA: Lands department. A land of pro- mise; a brief and authentic account of the condition and re- sources of Western Australia : [map]. pp. 60, 8vo. Fre- mantle, 1897. Pam., v. 135, no. 2601. WESTERN AUSTRALIA : Royal commission for the Paris inter- national exhibition, 1900. Illustrated handbook of Western Australia: [maps]. 8vo. Perth, 1900. Almanacs and Directories. " HERALD " Western Australian almanack and commercial direc- tory, 1874 and 1882. 2 v., 8vo. Fremantle. SHENTON, ARTHUR. Western Australian almanack for 1849. 8vo. Perth, [1849]. STIRLING BROS. Western Australian almanack and directory, 1884 and 1887. 2 v., 8vo. Perth. WISE and Co. Western Australian post office directory, 1902 to date. 8vo. Lond. 919.42. South Australia. ADELAIDE: Corporation. Official illustrated guide to Adelaide and environs: [plan]. 8vo. Adel., 1906. ALGAR, FREDERIC. Handbook to the colony of South Australia : [map], pp. 1 6, 8vo. Lond., 1863. Bound with his Handbook to ... Victoria, class 919.45. ANDERSON. THISTLE, aftw. Mrs. HERBERT FISHER. Arcadian Adelaide, pp. 39, 8vo. Adel., 1905. Pam., v. 48, no. 796. The Arcadians ; sequel to Arcadian Adelaide. pp. 38, 8vo. Adel., 1905. Pam., v. 85. no. 1531. ANGAS, GEORGE FRENCH. South Australia illustrated : [coloured plates], fo. Lond., 1847. BENNETT, JAMES F. Historical and descriptive account of South Australia. 8vo. Lond., 1843. 590 SOUTH AUSTRALIA ; TRAVEL AND DESCRIPTION. BRUCE, ROBERT. Reminiscences of an old squatter. 8vo. Adel., 1902. BULL, JOHN WRATHALL. Early experiences of colonial life in South Australia. 8vo. Adel., 1878. CAPPER, HENRY. South Australia; containing hints to emigrants, proceedings of the South Australian company, [&c.]. 2nd ed., 8vo. Lond., 1838. COLLISSON, MARCUS. South Australia in 1844-45; a description of the actual state of the colony. 8vo. Adel. [1845]. P.un., v. 24. no. 414. COLONY we live in, The. pp. 10, 8vo. Adel., 1878. Pam., v. i3bj no. 2614. Same: part 2. pp. 13, 8vo. Adel., n.d. Pam., v. 136, no. 2015. CONIGRAVE, JOHN FAIRFAX. South Australia; a sketch of its history and resources: compiled for the Colonial and Indian exhibition : illust. 8vo. Lond., 1886. CURTIS, LEONARD SAMUEL, compiler and ed. Adelaide, " the Queen city of the south " : [illust.]. 4to. Adel., 1907. BUTTON, FRANCIS. South Australia and its mines; with an his- torical sketch of the colony : [map and illust.]. 8vo. Lond., 1846. ELLIS, Mrs. F. A scratch from an Adelaide " Cat"; in vindi- cation of Adelaide and its people, in reply to " Arcadian Adelaide." pp. 16, 8vo. Adel., 1905. Pam., v. 154, r,o. 2974. GALL, DAVID, ed. Scrymgour's sixpenny guide to Adelaide; with map and description of the city [&c.]. pp. 92, 8vo. Adel., 1887. Pam., v. 157, no. 3012. GOUGER, ROBERT. South Australia in 1837 ; in a series of letters: with a postscript as to 1838: [map]. 2nd ed., i2mo. Lond., [1838]. "GREAT south land, The''; four articles on emigration designed to exhibit the principles and progress of the new colony of South Australia: [maps], pp. 31, 8vo. Stirling, 1838. GREGORY, JOHN WALTER. The dead heart of Australia; a journey around Lake Eyre in the summer of 1901-1902, with some account of the Lake Eyre basin and the flowing wells of central Australia : maps and illust. 8vo. Lond., 1906. HALLACK, E. H. Kangaroo island, "Adelaide's sanatorium": map and illust. pp. 45, sm. 8vo. Adel., 1905. Pam., v. 113, no. 2104. HARCUS, WILLIAM. Handbook for emigrants proceeding to South Australia: map. pp. 94, i2mo. Adel., 1873. Pam., v. 30, no. 667. HARCUS, WILLIAM, ed. South Australia; its history, resources, and productions; maps and iiiust. 8vo. Lond., 1876. HARRISON. ROBERT. Colonial sketches; or, five years in South Australia. i2mo. Lond., 1862. LOYAU, GEORGE E. Gawler handbook; a record of the rise and progress of that important town ; added, Memoirs of McKinlay, the explorer, and T)r. Nott. 8vo. Adel., 1880. MELBOURNE international exhibition, 1880: Royal commission for South Australia. Sketch of South Australia : maps and statistical diagrams, pp. 83, 8vo. Adel., 1880. SOUTH AUSTRALIA ; TRAVEL AND DESCRIPTION. 591 MILLER, Rev. E. K. Reminiscences of forty-seven years' clerical life in South Australia. i2mo. Adel., 1895. MURIF, JEROME J. From ocean to ocean, across a continent on a bicycle; an account of a solitary ride from Adelaide to Port Darwin. 8vo. Melb., 1897. SCOTT, H. J. South Australia in 1887 ; a handbook for the Ade- laide jubilee international exhibition : [with catalogue]. 8vo. Adel., 1887. SINNETT, FREDERICK. Account of the colony of South Australia : [map], pp. 99, 8vo. Adel., 1862. SOUTH AUSTRALIA -.Parliament. Northern exploration ; re- ports, &c., of explorations into the interior by Messrs. Babbage, Warburton, Geharty, and Parry: [map], pp. 51, fo. [Adel., 1858]. SOUTH AUSTRALIAN association. Plan of a company to be established for the purpose of founding a colony in southern Australia, purchasing land therein, and preparing the land so purchased for the reception of immigrants. pp. 72, 8vo. Lond., 1831. South Australia ; outline of the plan of a proposed colony to be founded on the south coast of Australia; with an account of the soil, climate, rivers, &c. ; maps. pp. 80, 8vo. Lond., 1834. Prepared by E. G. Wakefield for the association. SOUTH AUSTRALIAN register. South Australia ; an account of its history, progress, resources, and present position, pp. 59. 8vo. Adel., 1879. Pam., v. 24, no. 409. SPEXCE, CATHERINE HELEN. Some social aspecjts of South Aus- tralian life. pp. 17, 8vo. Adel., 1878. Pam., v. 136, no. 2600. STEPHENS, JOHN. The land of promise; being an authentic and impartial history of the rise and progress of the new British province of South Australia : [maps and illust.]. 8vo. Lond., 1839. Same: 2nd ed., entitled History of the rise and progress, &c. 8vo. Lond., 1839. STOW, JEFFERSON PICKMAN. South Australia ; its history, pro- ductions, and natural resources : [map, plan, and illust.]. 8vo. Adel., 1883. STUART, JOHN McDouALL. Exploration of the interior [of Aus- tralia], pp. 16, 8vo. Adel., 1860. Pam., v. 113, no. 2098. Explorations across the continent of Australia, 1861-62: charts. pp. 97, 8vo. Melb., 1863. Explorations in Australia; journals during the years 1858 to 1862 : ed. by William Hardman : maps and illust. 2nd ed., 8vo. Lond., 1865. SUTHERLAND, GEORGE. Our inheritance in the hills; a series of articles: [map: anon.], pp. 65, 8vo. Adel., 1889. Pam., v. 1363 no. 2608. THOMAS, W. K., AND Co. Tourist's road guide for motorists and cyclists: [maps]. 3rd ed. pp. 87, 8vo. Adel., 1906. Pam., v. 157, no. 3013. 592 SOUTH AUSTRALIA ; TRAVEL AND DESCRIPTION. TIETKENS, \VILLIAM HARRY. Lake Amadeus and the vicinity. pp. 7, 8vo. AdeL, 1887. i'aiu., v. 136, no. jbu. The Nullabor plains and the west boundary of the province. pp. 7, 8vo. Adel., 1889. Tain., v. 136, no. 2611. VIVIENNE, MAY. Sunny South Australia . . . from 1837 to 1908: illust. 8vo. Adel., 1908. WAKE FIELD, EDWARD GIBBON. New British province of South Australia; or, a description of the country, illustrated by charts and views; with an account of the principles, objects, plan and prospects of the colony. i2mo. Lond., 1834. Same: 2nd ed. i2mo. Lond., 1835. WARD, EBENEZER. South-eastern district of South Australia ; its resources and requirements, pp. 95, 8vo. Adel., 1869. Map wanting. WATSON, HENRY. Lecture on South Australia, 29th November, 1837. pp. 24, 8vo., n.t.p. WATTS, Mrs. ALFRED. Memories of early days in South Aus- tralia. 8vo. Adel., 1882. WHITE, GILBERT, bishop of Carpentaria. Across Australia; being the diary of a journey from Port Darwin to Adelaide during June, July, and August, 1901 : [maps]. pp. 36, 8vo. Brisb., n.d. Pam., v. 157, no. 3014. WILKINSON, GEORGE BLAKISTON. South Australia; its advan- tages and its resources ; being a description of that colony, and a manual of information for emigrants : [map]. 8vo. Lond., 1848. WOODS, JAMES DOMINICK. Province of South Australia ; with a sketch of ' the Northern territory, by H. D. Wilson. 8vo. Adel., 1894. WORSNOP, THOMAS. Adelaide and its environs; a descriptive guide, pp. 96, i2mo. Adel., 1880. South Australian tourist's guide; containing accurate and full particulars of the watering places, scenery, shooting, fishing, &c. : railway and road map and plans. 8vo. Adel., 1887. Almanacs and Directories. BAILLIERE'S South Australian gazetteer and road guide, contain- ing the most recent and accurate information as to every place in the colony : compiled by Robt. P. Whitworth. 8vo. Adel., 1866. Map wanting. BOOTHBY, JOSIAH. Adelaide almanac and directory for South Australia, 1864-70, 1872, 1873, 1876-79. 6 v., 8vo. Adel. DUN, R. G., AND Co. South Australian firms directory. 8vo. Adel., 1908. HOWELL, JOHN. Adelaide almanack, city and port directory, and guide to South Australia, 1872, 1873. 2 v., 8vo. Adel. Directory for the city and port of Adelaide, and South Aus- tralian almanac for the year 1858. 8vo. Adel. MORRIS, HAYTER and BARRY. Commercial and trades direc- tory of South Australia, 1882-3. 8vo. Adel., 1882. NORTHERN TERRITORY ; TRAVEL AND DESCRIPTION. 593 ROYAL South Australian almanack and general directory for 1843, 1845, 1847-1849, 1854, 1855, 1857 and 1858. 9 v., i2mo. Adel., 1843-58. SANDS and McDOUGALL. South Australian directory, 1903 to date. 8vo. Adel. SOUTH AUSTRALIAN* almanack and general directory, 1841 and 1850. 2 v., 8vo. Adel., 1841-50. WISE and Co. South Australia post office directory, 1902-03, 1905-06, 4 v., 8vo. Lond. 919.421. Northern Territory. DALY, Mrs. HARRIET W. Digging, squatting, and pioneering life in the Northern Territory of South Australia. 8vo. Lond., 1887. JENKINS, JOHN GREELEY. Northern Territory of South Australia; its development: proposals of the government, -pp. n, 8vo. Adel., 1904. Pam., v. 188, no. 3637. KNIGHT, JOHN GEORGE. Northern Territory of South Australia. pp. 55, 8vo. Adel., 1880. NEWLAND, S. The far north country. pp. 39, 8vo. Adel., 1887. Pam., v. 136, no. 2613. NEWMAN, GEORGE M. The Northern Territory and its gold-fields. pp. 24, 8vo. Adel., 1875. Pam., v. 68, no. 1152. OP PEN, EDWARD A. Description of the Northern Territory of South Australia : map. pp. 33, 8vo. Hertford, 1864. Same: another copy. Pam, v. 9, no. 201. PARSONS, HERBERT ANGAS. The truth about the Northern Terri- tory : an inquiry. pp_. 77, 8vo. Adel., 1907. Pam., v. 1365 no. 2616. QUIRIS, pseud. Port Darwin; its soil, climate and resources, and prospects as a goldfield : also, a descriptive sketch of Charters Towers : map. pp. 19, 8vo. Melb., 1872. Pam., v. 21, no. 378. Same: another copy. Pam., v. 24. no. 410. SEARCY, ALFRED. By flood and field: adventures ashore and afloat in North Australia: [map and illust]. 8vo. Melb., [1911]. In Australian tropics : map and 56 illust. 8vo. Lond., 1907. In northern seas; being experiences on the north coast of Aus- tralia as recounted to E. Whitington : [portrs., illust., and bibliog. of the Northern Territory]. pp. 63, 8vo. Adel., 1905. SMITH, ROBERT BARR. Protest against joining the Oodnadatta and Pine Creek railways, and against land grant railways. pp. 28, 8vo. Adel., 1907. Pam., v. 1 88, no. 3636. 594 QUEENSLAND ; TRAVEL AND DESCRIPTION. SOUTH AUSTRALIA: Northern Territory. Annual report of the Government resident, with report by Rev. J. E. Tenison Woods on the geology and mineralogy of the Territory. 1>P- 55, 8vo. Adel., 1888. Northern Territory of South Australia : map. pp. 54, 8vo. Adel., 1863. Same: another copy. Pam., v. 24, no. 412. SOWDEN, WILLIAM J. The Northern Territory as it is; a narra- tive of the South Australian parliamentary party's trip: appx. containing reports on the general resources of the Territory : by Professor Tate. 8vo. Adel., 1882. WHITE, GILBERT, bishop of Carpentaria. Some problems of northern Australia, pp. 22, 8vo. Melb., 1907. Pam., v. 157, no. 3015. Almanacs and Directories. NORTHERN Territory times almanac and directory for 1887 ; written and compiled by V. L. Solomon. 8vo. Palmerston, 1887. 919.43. Queensland. ALGAR, FREDERIC. Handbook to the colony of Queensland, Aus- tralia : [mapj. 2nd ed., pp. 16, 8vo. Lond., 1861. Bound with his Handbook to ... Victoria, class 919.45. ALLEN, CHARLES H. -Visit to Queensland and her goldfields. 8vo. Lond., 1870. ARCHER, THOMAS. History, resources, and future prospects of Queensland, pp. 16, 8vo. Lond., 1881. Pam.j v. 136, no. z6i~A.. BAN FIELD, E. J. Confessions of a beachcomber; scenes and in- cidents in the career of an unprofessional beachcomber in tropical Queensland: map and illust. 8vo. Lond., 1908. My tropic isle: [illust.]. 8vo. Lond., 1911. Within the Barrier ; tourists' guide to the North Queensland coast : [illust.]. 8vo. Townsville, 1906. BONWICK, JAMES. Resources of Queensland : map. 8vo. Lond., 1880. Bound with his Early days of Melbourne, class 004.5. BOYD, A. J. Queensland, pp. 96, 8vo. Lond., 1882. BROCK ETT, WILLIAM EDWARD. Narrative of a voyage from Sydney to Torres' Straits in search of the survivors of the Charles Eaton. 8vo. Syd., 1836. CARRON, WILLIAM. Narrative of an expedition undertaken under the direction of E. B. Kennedy for the exploration of the country lying between Rockingham bay and Cape York : map. 8vo. Syd., 1849. Same: another ed. i2mo. Fressingfield, 1859. DIARY of a three months' trip to the outlying districts of the north and north-west of Queensland, during the period of the late disastrous floods : by a commercial traveller, pp. 74, sm. 8vo. Brisb., 1887. Pam., v. 113, no. 2107. QUEENSLAND ; TRAVEL AND DESCRIPTION. 595 DIJK, LUDOVICUS CAROLUS DESIDERIUS VAN. Medeelingen uit het Oost-Indisch Archief. Twee togten naar de Golf von Carpentaria; J. Carstenz, 1623; J. E. Gonzal, 1756; bene- vens lets over den togt van G. Pool en Pieter Pietersz. 8vo. Amsterdam, 1859. EDEN, CHARLES HENRY. My wife and I in Queensland; an eight years' experience in the above colony, with some account of Polynesian labour: [map]. 8vo. Lond., 1872. FLETCHER, PRICE, ed. Queensland ; its resources and institu- tions : essays prepared [for the] Colonial and Indian exhibi- tion, London. 8vo. Brisb., 1886. Same: another copy. Pam., v. 21, no. u> 83. 1VIMEY, ALECK J. All about Queensland; a book for the people. 8vo. Maryborough, Q., 1889. Pam., v. 45 3 no. 758. Mining and descriptive Queensland ; or, travels through the Queensland gold fields, n.t.p. 8vo. Brisb., 1889. IVIMEV, ALECK J., ed. Rockhampton and Mount Morgan; a mining and descriptive account of central Queensland, -pp. 84, 8vo. Brisb., 1887. J'am., v. 45, no. 760. JARDINE, FRANCIS LASCELLES, and JARDINE, ALEXANDER WILLIAM. Narrative of the overland expedition of the Messrs. Jardine from Rockhampton to Cape York, northern Queensland : ed. by Frederick J. Byerley : [portr. and map]. pp. 88, 8vo. Bris., 1867. JORDAN, HENRY. Queensland; emigration to the new colony of Australia, the future cotton field of England, its geography, climate, agricultural capabilities, and land laws : [map], pp. 20, sm. 8vo. Lond., 1863. Pam., v. 93, no. 1674. KENNEDY, EDWARD'S. The black police of Queensland: remi- niscences of official work and personal adventures in the early days of the colony: illust. 8vo. Lond., 1902. Four years in Queensland: map. i2mo. Lond., 1870. KING, PHILIP PARKER, captain. Description of the north-east coast of Australia, pp. 23. n.t.p. 8vo. Lond., [1834]. Incom-plete : -from Nautical magazine. LANG, Rev. JOHN DUNMORE. Cooksland in north-eastern Austra- lia, the future cotton field of Great Britain : with a dis- quisition on the origin, manners, and customs of the abori- gines : [map]. i2mo. Lond., 1847. Queensland, Australia ; with a disquisition on the origin, man- ners, and customs of the aborigines: [map]. 8vo. Lond., 1861. LUCK, H. COURTENAY. Queensland; a sketch. pp. 51, 8vo. Melb., [1888]. Pam., v. 21. no. 382. MACDONALD, JOHN GRAHAM. Journal, on an expedition from Port Denison to the Gulf of Carpentaria and back : [portr. and map], pp. 60, i2mo. Brisb., 1865. MARCET, EDWARD. Australie; un voyage a travers le bush: illust. 8vo. Geneva, 1868. MESTON, ARCHIBALD. Queensland railway and tourists' guide: map and illust. 8vo. Brisb., [1891]. 596 QUEENSLAND ; TRAVEL AND DESCRIPTION. MIDGLEY, ALFRED. Queensland illustrated guide, for the use of farmers, fruit growers, viguerons, and others : map. 8vo. Brisk, 1888. MISSING friends; being the adventures of a Danish emigrant in Queensland, 1871-1880: illust. 8vo. Lond., 1892. NELSON, Sir HUGH MUIR. Anniversary address to the Royal geographical society of Australasia, Queensland [on the dis- covery of the Brisbane river ; with appx. giving Lieut. Oxley's notes of his survey of it: 4 maps], pp. 40, 8vo. [Brisb.], 1900. Pam., v. 25, no. 436. NORTON, ALBERT. Settling in Queensland, and the reasons for doing so, with special reference to drought, pp. 14, 8vo. Brisb., 1902. Pam., v. 113, no. 2106. PERKINS, GEORGE J. Mackay; an essay upon the rise, progress, industries, resources, and prospects of the town and district. pp. 63, 8vo. Mackay, 1888. Pam., v. 158, no. 3017. PETRIE, TOM. Reminiscences of early Queensland : recorded by Constance Campbell Petrie. 8vo. Brisb., 1904. POLLET, E. Australasie; la colonie du Queensland; agriculture e*levage industries commerce general. pp. 38, 8vo. Brussels, 1898. Pum., v. 158, no. 3016. SMITH, JOSEPH W., and DALRYMPLE, GEORGE ELPHINSTONE. Report of the proceedings of the Queensland government schooner Spitfire, in search of the mouth of the river Burde- kin, on the north-eastern coast of Australia; and of the ex- ploration of a portion of that coast extending from Gloucester island to Halifax bay : [with botanical appx.] pp. 42, 8vo. Brisb., 1860. Same : another copy. Pam., v. 9, no. 210. STIRLING, ARCHIBALD WILLIAM. The never-never land; a ride in north Queensland: illust. 8vo. Lond., 1884. THOMSON, JAMES PARK. Queensland : [map and illust.]. pp. 75, 8vo. [Edinb.], 1897. Pam., v. 113, no. 2105. THORN E, EBENEZER. The queen of the colonies; or, Queensland as I knew it: [map: anon.]. 8vo. Lond., 1876. TRAILL, WILLIAM HENRY. A queenly colony; pen sketches and camera glimpses : illust. 4to. Brisb., 1901. TYRWHITT, WALTER SPENCER STANHOPE. The new chum in the Queensland bush: new ed., 8vo. Lond., 1888. WEEDON, THORNHILL. Queensland, past and present : an epi- tome of its resources and development, 1896. 8vo. Brisb., 1896. Same: 1897. 2nd ed. : [maps and illust.]. 8vo. Brisb., 1898. WHITE, J. C. Queensland the progressive; an account of the colony: [map.] pp. 80. 8vo. Lond., 1870. Pam., v. 136, no. 2617. WIGHT, GEORGE. Queensland, the field for British labour and enterprise, and the source of England's cotton supply : map. 3rd ed., 8vo. Lond., 1863. NEW SOUTH WALES ; TEAVEL AND DESCRIPTION. 597 Almanacs and Directories. EAILLERE'S Queensland gazetteer and road guide: compiled by R. P. Whitworth : map. 8vo. Brisb., 1876. GROOM, W. H. and Sons. Darling Downs book almanac and local business directory, 1902 to date. 8vo. Toowoomba. PUGH'S (Queensland) official almanac, directory and gazetteer,. 1866, 1883, 1884, 1886, 1905 to date. . 8vo. Brisb. Title changed slightly several times. QUEENSLANDER deutscher Kalender fur 1883. 8vo. Brisb. WISE and Co. Queensland post office and official directory, 1902- to date. 8vo. Lond. 919.44. New South Wales. AFFLECK, WILLIAM. The federal capital site; [a letter to the editor of the Yass courier], leaflet, 8vo., [Syd.], n.d. Pam., v. 52, no. 866. ALGAR, Frederic. Handbook to the colony of New South Wales; [map], pp. 1 6., 8vo. Lond., 1863. Bound with his Handbook to ... Victoria, class 919.45. ARMIDALE federal capital league. Particulars of the Gostwyck site. pp. 4, 8vo., Armidale, n.d. Pam., v. 52, no. 864. ARMSTRONG, JOSEPH S. The Robertson district, and its claims- for a railway ; with agricultural and industrial statistics, pp.. 14, 8vo. Moss Vale, 1897. Pam., v. 1583 no. 3022. ASTLEY, WILLIAM. The federal capital ; a ratio of values : an argument and an exposition, pp. 6, 8vo. Bathurst, 1904. Pam., v. 52, no. 871. The federal capital : an argument for the western sites, pp. 16, 8vo. Bathurst, 1903. Pam., v. 52, no. 869. AUSTRALIAN newspaper. New South Wales; review of the ex- amination of James M' Arthur's work, " New South Wales, its present state and future prospects," by a member of the Australian patriotic association, pp. 62, 8vo. Syd., 1839. Pam., v. 159, no. 3062. BALFOUR, J. O. Sketch of New South Wales. 8vo. Lond., 1845 BARNET, DONALD M'KAY, Trip with a Government surveying party in search of a horse track from Katoomba to the Jenolan caves, pp. 11, 8vo. Syd., 1854. Pam., v. 9, no. 206. BARRIER silver and tin fields in 1888; being a series of letters written by a special correspondent of the " South Australian register," &c. : [plans], pp. 86, 8vo. Adel., 1888. Pam., v. 81, no. 1467. Same: another copy. Pam., v. 83, no. 1503. BARRINGTON, GEORGE. Voyage to New South Wales ; with a description of the country, the manners, customs, religion r &c., of the natives in the vicinity of Botany Bay. pp. 31, 8vo. Lond., 1795. Same: another ed. pp. 48, 8vo. Manchester, n.d. 598 NEW SOUTH WALES ; TRAVEL AND DESCRIPTION. BATHURST National advocate newspaper. The capital for the west : Bombala condemned by natural conditions, pp. 4, 8vo. Bathurst, 1903. I'am., v. 52, no. 867. BATHURST progress committee. Bathurst guide, embracing par- ticulars descriptive of the rise and progress of the city and its public institutions: illust. pp. 51, 410. Syd., 1893. BELLINGHAM, SID. R. Ten years with the palette, shot gun and rifle on the Blue mountains, N.S.W. 8vo. Syd., 1899. BENNETT, GEORGE. \Vandcrings in New South Wales, Batavia, Fed ir coast, Singapore, pp. 20, 8vo. Lond., 1836. Pam., v. 176^ no. 3391. From the Quarterly review, v. 53. BLAXLAND, GREGORY. Journal of a tour of discovery across the Blue mountains, New South Wales, in the year 1813. pp. 46. 2nd ed. 12010. Syd., 1870. Same: pp. 48, 8vo. Edinb., 1893. A line for line reprint of the edition of 1823, 55 copies printed, of winch this is no. 32. BLUE MOUNTAINS guide: [illust.]. pp. 48, 8vo. Syd., 1887. Many of the pages are advertisements. Pam., v. 9, no. 202. BOND, GEORGE. Brief account of the colony of Port- Jackson in New South Wales; its native inhabitants, productions, &c. pp. 24, 6th ed., 8vo. Dublin, n.d. BRADY, EDWIN JAMES, ed. Sydney, the commercial capital of the Commonwealth ; being a consideration and recognition of her national pre-eminence as the civic mother ... of the Australian states. 410. Syd., 1904. BUCHANAN, W. F. Australia to the rescue; a hundred years' progress in New South Wales. 8vo. Lond., 1890. BULLETIN newspaper, Sydney. The Federal capital, leaflet, 8vo. Bombala, 1903. Pam., v. 52, no. 865. BURFORD, ROBERT. Description of a view of the town of Sydney, New South Wales, the harbour of Port Jackson and surround- ing country now exhibiting in the panorama, Leicester- square : [plate]. 8vo. Lond., 1829. BURTON, EDWIN. Visitors' guide to Sydney, the tourists' hand- book, and the resources of New South Wales: plan. 2nd. ed., sm. 8vo. Syd., 1874. Pam., v. 42, no. 706. CAMDEN harbour pastoral association. Description of Camden harbour ; its climate and adjoining country : map. pp. 8, 8vo. . Melb., 1864. Pam., v. 114, no. 2118. CAMPBELL, JOSEPH. Norfolk island and its inhabitants, pp. 30, sm. 8vo. Syd., 1879. Pam., v. 22, no. 389. Same: another copy. Pam., v. 48, no. 807. CAMPBELL, W. B. Guide to Sydney, pp. 32, 8vo. [Syd.], n.d. Pam., v. 64, no. 1083. NEW SOUTH WALES ; TRAVEL AND DESCRIPTION. 599* CARMICHAEL, Rev. HENRY. Hints relating to emigrants and emigration ; embracing objects and facts intended to display the real advantages of New South Wales. -pp. 48, i2mo. Lond., 1834. Bound with Parlby, S. Hints to emigrants, class 916.87. CITY of Sydney, The; story of its growth, from its foundation tx> the present: [illust.]. -pp. 78, fo., n.p., n.d. CL ARSON, WILLIAM. The island of Lord Howe; "the Madeira of the Pacific." pp. 23, sm. 8vo. Syd., 1882. Pam., v. 24, no. 421. CLIFFORD, FREDERICK CHUDLEIGH. Richmond river district of New South Wales; New Italy, a brief sketch of a new and thriving colony founded and established by the Italian immigrants who were sufferers by the Marquis De Ray's New Ireland colonization scheme: [map], pp. 30, 8vo. Syd., 1889. COGHLAN, TIMOTHY AUGUSTINE. Picturesque New South Wales ; an illustrated guide for settler and tourist : [map]. 8vo. Syd. [1906]. COLLINS, DAVID. Account of the English colony in New South Wales, with remarks on the dispositions, customs, manners, &c., of the native inhabitants of that country : added, some particulars of New Zealand compiled from the MSS. of Lieutenant-governor King : [maps, illust.] 2 v., 410. Lond., 1798-1802. Same: ed., with introd. and notes, by James Collier : [portr. and illust.] 8vo. Christchurch, [1910]. COLONIAL and Indian exhibition : Commissioners for New South Wales. New South Wales ; its progress, present condition, and resources, with detailed statistical information. 8vo. Syd., 1886. COOK, SAMUEL. The Jenolan caves; an excursion in Australian wonderland : illust. 4to. Lond., 1889. COOPER, WILLIAM. Track from Katoomba to Jenolan caves : [map], pp. 6, sm. 410. Syd., 1885. Pam., v. 136, no. 2620. COX, W T ILLIAM. Narrative of proceedings in constructing a road from Capt. Woodriffe's farm on the Nepean river, over the Blue mountains to Bathurst plains on the banks of the Mac- quarie river, in the years 1814 and 1815. pp. 33, 8vo. Syd., 1888. Pam., v. 9, no. 204. Same : another copy. Pam., v. 116, no. 2158. CUNNINGHAM, PETER. Two years in New South Wales; com- prising sketches of the actual state of society in that colony, of its peculiar advantages to emigrants, of its topography, natural history, &c. : [map]. 2nd. ed., 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1827. Same: 3rd ed., 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1828. Map wanting. CURTIS, LEONARD SAMUEL. History of Broken Hill; its rise and progress : [illust.] 410. Adel., 1908. '600 NEW SOUTH WALES ; TRAVEL AND DESCRIPTION. -CYCLOPEDIA of New South Wales, illustrated; an historical and commercial review, descriptive and biographical, facts, figures, and illust. ; an epitome of progress. 410. Syd., 1907. DAILY TELEGRAPH newspaper, Sydney. The Gloucester es- tate, north coast, New South Wales : map. pp. 25, 8vo. Syd., 1904. Pam., v. 58, no. 960. D ALGETY as a federal capital site ; some of its recommendations : map. pp. 4, sm. 8vo. Cooma, 1902. I'am., v. 152, no. 868. D ALGETY progress committee. Unique site for the federal city. pp. 3, 8vo., n.p., n.d. Pam., v. 52, no. 863. DELESSERT, EUGENE. Souvenirs d'un voyage a Sydney, Nou- velle-Hollande, fait pendant 1'annee 1845. i2mo. Paris, 1847. DESCRIPTIVE notes and views, Milson's point to Hornsby : [illust.]. pp. 31, 8vo. Syd., n.d. Pam., v. 136, no. 2618. ERSKINE, JOHN ELPHINSTONE, commodore. Short account of the .late discoveries of gold in Australia; with a few notes of a visit to the gold district : [map]. 8vo. Lond., 1851. FEDERAL capital, The: Dalgety or Canberra, which? a paper read at Queanbeyan, 1907. pp. 17, 8vo. Queanbeyan, 1907. Pam., v. 158, no. 3O2OA FEDERAL capital site; reasons why Dalgety on the Snowy river is the best site for the Federal capital, pp. 3, 8vo., n.p., n.d. Pam., v. 52, no. 863. FIELD, BARRON, ed. Geographical memoirs of New South Wales; with papers on the aborigines, geology, botany, &c., of New 'South Wales and Van Diemen's Land : with appces. including " First fruits of Australian poetry " : [maps and plates]. 8vo. Lond., 1825. FLYNN, E., ed. Tourists' 7 guide to Newcastle, New South Wales, and its neighbourhood, obi. 8vo. Newcastle, 1907. FOOTT, Mrs. JAMES. Sketches of life in the bush; or, ten years in the interior, pp. 72, 2nd ed., 8vo. Syd., 1878. FOSTER, J. J. The Jenolan caves, pp. 96, 8vo. Syd., 1890. Pam., v. 42, no. 714. FOWLES, JOSEPH. Sydney in 1848: illustrated by copper-plate engravings of its principal streets, public buildings, churches, chapels, &c. 4to. Syd., n.d. GRIFFIN, GILDEROY WELLS. New South Wales; her commerce and resources. 8vo. Syd., 1888. GULLETT, HENRY. Tropical New South Wales: [map], pp. 27, 8vo. Syd., n.d. Pam., v. 41, no. 696. HAMLET, WILLIAM M., ed. Handbook of Sydney, for the use of the members of the Australasian association for the advance- ment of science. i2mo. Syd., 1888. Pam., v. 39, no. 664. HANSON, WILLIAM. Geographical encyclopaedia of New South Wales, including the counties, towns, and villages within the colony: map. 8vo. Syd., 1892. HARRIS, ALEXANDER. Guide to Port Stephens in New South Wales: map. i2mo. Lond., 1849. NEW SOUTH WALES ; TRAVEL AND DESCRIPTION. 601 HAWKINS, THOMAS FITZHERBERT, lleut., R.N. [Typewritten copy of letter, dated 7th May, 1822, describing his journey across the Blue mountains], pp. 10, 410., n.t.p., n.a. HENDERSON, JOHN, captain. Excursions and adventures in New South Wales, with pictures of squatting, and of life in the bush : [maps and illust.] 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1851. HOOD, JOHN. Australia and the East; being a journal narrative- of a voyage to New South Wales in the years 1841 and 1842. 8vo. Lond., 1843. HORROCKS'S Handy guide to the Blue mountains and caves of New South Wales: [map]. 2nd ed., 8vo. Syd., n.d. Pam., v. 158, no. 3025. HOWE, JOHN. [Typewritten copy of diary written on his journey of discovery to the Hunter river in the year 1818]. pp. n r fo., n.t.p., n.d. HUTCHINSON, FRANK, ed. New South Wales; "the mother colony of the Australias " : [maps and illust.] 8vo. Syd., 1896. INTERNATIONAL exhibition, Melbourne, 1880-1. Introduction to the New South Wales exhibits in the official catalogue, pp. 8, 8vo., n.p., n.d. Pam., v. 114, no. 2119. INTERNATIONALE coloniale und ausfuhrhandel ausstellung, Amsterdam, 1883. Neu-Sud- Wales : fortschritt und hiilfs- quellen : tr. by B. van Leer. pp. 23, 8vo. Amsterdam,. '1883. Pam., v. 158, no. 3019. INVERELL chamber of commerce, publishers. Inverell ; a rich and neglected district : five articles written for the ' ' Sydney Morning Herald," by their special commissioner, pp. 16, 8vo. Syd., 1904. Pam., v. 42, no. 710. JAMES, GEORGE LACON. Shall I try Australia ; or, health, busi- ness, and pleasure in New South Wales. 8vo. Liverpool, 1892. LANA, pseud. West of the Bogan ; the coming granary of New South Wales: a million acres of wheat land. pp. 7, 8vo. Syd., n.d. Pam., v. 113, no. 2113. LANDSCAPE scenery illustrating Sydney, Parramatta, Richmond,. Maitland, Windsor, and Port Jackson, New South Wales. ob. 8vo. Syd., 1855. LORCK, W., ed. New South Wales picturesque resorts convenient to the railways ; an illustrated guide to some of the principal towns and districts. 8vo. Syd., 1907. LUCAS, JOHN. The McKewen, Fish river, Binda, or Jenolan caves. pp. 20, 8vo. Syd., n.d. Pam., v. 114, no. 2117. MACARTHUR, JAMES. New South Wales; its present state and future prospects: [map]. 8vo. Lond., 1837. McFARLAND, ALFRED. Illawarra and Manaro, districts of New South Wales. i2mo. Syd., 1872. MACLEHOSE, J. Picture of Sydney, and strangers' guide in- New South Wales for 1838: illust. [and map.] 8vo. Syd., 1838. 602 NEW SOUTH WALES ; TRAVEL AND DESCRIPTION. MACPHERSON, Mrs. A. My experiences in Australia; being re- collections of a visit to the Australian colonies in 1856-57. 8vo. Lond., 1860. MADDOCK, WILLIAM, publisher. Visitor's guide to Sydney, com- prising description of the city and its institutions ; with the tourists' handbook and description of the resources of New South Wales: plans and illust. 4th ed., 8vo. Syd., n.d. MARJORI BANKS, ALEXANDER. Travels in New South Wales. 8vo. Lond., 1847. MEREDITH, LOUISA ANNE, Mrs. C. Notes and sketches of New South Wales, during a residence in that colony from 1839 to 1844. new ed., 8vo. Lond., 1861. MYERS, FRANCIS. Coastal scenery, harbours, mountains, and rivers of New South Wales: illust. by J. C. Hoyte. pp. 77, 4to. Syd., 1886. NEW SOUTH WALES -.Government. New South Wales; its history and resources : special edition of the year-book of New South Wales: [map]. 8vo. Syd., 1890. Pam., v. 158, no. 3024. New South Wales ; its mineral wealth, history, and resources : [map.] 8vo. Lond., 1890. Pam., v. 113, no. 2111. NEW SOUTH WALES -.Immigration and tourist bureau. Aus- tralia ; New South Wales for the settler : [map and illust.] pp. 70, 8vo. Syd., 1909. Pam., v. 158, no. 3021. NEW SOUTH WALES '.Intelligence department. New South W 7 ales for the emigrant : [illust. and map.] pp. 64, sm. 8vo. Syd., 1907. Pam., v. 136, no. 2621. New South Wales for the immigrant; what the mother state of Australia has to offer: [illust.] pp. 28, 8vo. Syd., 1906. Pam., v. 113, no. 2114. New South Wales ; the mother state of Australia : a guide for immigrants and settlers : [ed. by Percy Hunter : illust.]. la. 8vo. Syd., 1906. NEW SOUTH WALES -.National park trust. Official guide to the National park : map and illust. pp. 72, 8vo. Syd., 1893. NEW SOUTH WALES -.Railway department. New South Wales railway tourists' guide: Division i. Southern and Illawarra lines: [maps and illust.] pp. 73, 8vo. Syd., 1889. Pam., v. 113, no. 2110. Same: Division n. Western and northern lines: [maps and illust.]. pp. 80, 8vo. Syd., 1889. Pam., v. 113, no. 2ioo> NEW SOUTH \VALES; its past, present, and future condition; with notes upon its resources and capabilities: by a resident of twelve years' experience. i2mo. Lond., 1849. NEW SOUTH WALES; its progress and resources, pp. 31, 8vo. Syd., 1876. Pam., v. 41, no. 686. NEW SOUTH WALES : map, illust. and descriptive text, n.t.p. fldg. Syd., 1884. NEW SOUTH WALES ; TRAVEL AND DESCRIPTION. 60S NORTH coast steam navigation co.. ltd. North ccast guide to the northern coastal and rivers districts of New South Wales: [illust. and maps.] 8vo. Syd., 1909. NORTON, ALBERT. New England, K.S.W. : reminiscences during, the fifties, pp. 26, 8vo. Brisb., 1902. Pam., v. 116, no. 2160. NORTON, JAMES. The condition of the colony of New South Wales, pp. 16, 8vo. Syd., 1860. Pam., v. 19, no. 352. Same : another copy. Pam., v. 61, no. 988. NOTES of an excursion to the Blue mountains and the " Zig-zag; works '' of the Great Western railway, New South Wales, in May, 1869. pp. 8, 8vo. Melb., 1869. Pam., v. 9, no. 205. " OLD CHUM," pseud. Some fragments of Sydney : [illust.]. pp. 31, 8vo. Syd., 1898. Pam., v. 113, no. 2108. OXLEY, JOHN, journals of two expeditions into the interior of New South Wales, in the years 1817-18 : maps and illust. 4to. Lond., 1820. PECK, B. C. Recollections of Sydney : plan. i2mo. Lond., 1850. PHILLIP, ARTHUR, vice-admiral. Copies and extracts of letters from Governor Phillip, giving an account of the nature and" fertility of the land in and adjoining to any settlement irt New South Wales. 410. Lond., 1792. Bound with White, J. Journal of a voyage to New South Wales. POLLET, E. Australasiej la Nouvelle-Galles du Sud : agriculture elevage industries commerce general. pp. 54, 8vo. Brussels 1898. Pam., v. 158, no. 3018. RAE, JOHN. Sydney illustrated : plates by J. Skinner Prout. fo. Syd., 1843. RAILWAY guide of New South Wales, for the use of tourists, ex- cursionists and others : maps and illust. 3rd ed., la. 8vo. Syd., 1886. RAMBLES in New South Wales, pp. 36, 8vo. Lond., 1827. From Colburn's New Monthly magazine. REDMOND, WILLIAM. A shooting trip in the Australian bushu i2mo. Du-blin, 1898. REID, Sir GEORGE HOUSTON. Essay on New South Wales, the mother colony of the Australias : [illust.]. 8vo. Syd., 1876. RICHARDS, THOMAS, ed. New South Wales in 1881 ; being a brief statistical and descriptive account of the colony. 8vo. Syd., 1882. Same: another copy. Pam., v. 19, no. 361. ROBINSON, CHARLES. New South Wales; the oldest and richest of the Australian colonies : maps. 8vo. Syd., 1873. Progres et ressources de la Nouvelle Galles du Sud : tr. from the English by E. Marin la Meslee. pp. 24, 8vo. Syd., 1878. Pam., v. 41, no. 688. Progress and resources of New South Wales. pp. 25, 8vo_ Syd., 1877. Pam., v. 114, no. 2116. <604 NEW SOUTH WALES ; TRAVEL AND DESCRIPTION. ROLLESTON, CHRISTOPHER. Condition and resources of New South Wales, pp. 30, 8vo. Syd., 1867. Pnm., v. 41, no. 687. New South Wales ; -the oldest colony of the Australias : its pro- gress during ten years, from 1862 to 1871. pp. 28, 8vo. Lond., 1873. ST. JULIAN, CHARLES, and SILVESTER, EDWARD KENNEDY. Productions, industry, and resources of New South Wales. i2mo. Syd., 1853. SLATER, JOHN. Description of Sydney, Parramatta, Newcastle, &c., settlements in New South Wales; with some account of the manners and employment of the convicts., pp. 12, 8vo. Nottingham, 1819. SYDNEY international exhibition, 1879. Visitor's companion: [plan of Sydney]. 8vo. Syd., 1879. Pam., v. 4.2, no. 707. THERRY, ROGER. Reminiscences of thirty years' residence in New South Wales and Victoria; with chapter on transportation and the ticket -of -leave system. 8vo. Lond., 1863. TOMPKINS, HENRY JAMES. With swag and billy; tramps by bridlepaths and the open road; introd. by W. M. Hamlet: [illust.]. 8vo. Syd., 1906. (Government tourist bureau.) TOWNSEND, JOSEPH PHIPPS. Rambles and observations in New South Wales ; with sketches of men and manners, notices of the aborigines, glimpses of scenery, and some hints to emi- grants. 8vo. Lond., 1849. TREGARTHEN, GREVILLE. Sketch of the progress and resources of New South Wales: diagrams, pp. 47, 8vo. Syd., 1893. Pam., v. icj, no. 362. WAKEFIELD, EDWARD GIBBON. Letter from Sydney, the prin- cipal town of Australasia : ed. by Robert Gouger : together with the outline of a system of colonization : [map]. i2mo. Lond., 1829. WALKER, CRITCHETT. Railway map of New South Wales : with a brief account of the character and resources of the colony : [illust.]. pp. 20, 8vo. Syd., 1885. Pam., v. 87, no. 1573. WALKER, WILLIAM. Account of the flood on the Hawkesbury of August, 1857. pp. 8, 8vo. Windsor, 1884. Pam., v. 138, no. 2659. WAUGH, JAMES. Three years' practical experience of a settler in New South Wales ; being extracts from letters to his friends in Edinburgh, from 1834 to 1837 : map. pp. 72. 2nd ed. I2mo. Edinb., 1838. Same: 6th ed. i2mo. Edinb., 1838. Bound with Parlby's Hints to emigrants, class 916-87. WAUGH, JAMES WILLIAM. Stranger's guide to Sydney, arranged in a series of walks: [illust.] pp. 71, i2ino. Syd., 1861. Pam., v. 39, no. 668. VVENTWORTH, WILLIAM CHARLES. Statistical, historical, and political description of the colony of New South Wales and its dependent settlements in Van Diemen's Land. 8vo. Lond., 1819. NEW SOUTH WALES ; TRAVEL AND DESCRIPTION. 605 WHITE, JOHN. Journal of a voyage to New South Wales: sixty- five plates of nondescript animals, birds, lizards, serpents, curious cones of trees, and other natural productions. 4to. Lond., 1790. Voyage a la Nouvelle Galles du Sud, a Botany-Bay, au Port Jackson, en 1787, 1788, 1789: traduit de 1'Anglais par Charles Pougens. 8vo. Paris, 1795. WILKINS, WILLIAM. Geography and history of New South Wales. i2mo. Sycl., 1871. WILLIAMS, WILLIAM. [Memorandum of a trip to the Big river, 1839.] fo. n.t.p., 1904. Typewritten from the original manuscript. WILSON, JOHN BOWIE. Report on the state and future prospects of Lord Howe island : [map and illust.] pp. 40, 410. Syd., 1882. WOOLCOTT, WILLIAM C. Tourists' pocket guide to the Blue mountains, Jenolan caves, Hawkesbury river, and sights of New South Wales, [also Melbourne and Brisbane]. i2mo. Syd., n.d. Almanacs: Directories: Gazetteers. AUSTRALASIAN pocket almanack, 1824: Robert Howe. i2mo. Syd. AUSTRALIAN almanack, 1828-31 : Robert Howe 4 v. 8vo. Syd. Those for 1830-31 published by Ralph Mansfield for the executors of Robert Howe. AUSTRALIAN almanac, 1855-56: Waugh and Cox. 2 v., 8vo. Syd. AUSTRALIAN almanac, 1857-58: J. Cox and Co. 2 v., 8vo. Syd. AUSTRALIAN almanac, 1858-67, 1869-70: J. W. Waugh, aftw. Sherriff and Downing, aftw. J. L. Sherriff. 12 v., i2mo. Syd. AUSTRALIAN almanack and general directory for 1835 : com- piled by E. W. O'Shaughnessy. 8vo. Syd. BAILLIERE'S New South Wales gazetteer and road guide : com- piled by R. P. Whitworth. 8vo. Syd., 1866. COX and Co. 's Sydney post office directory, 1857. 8vo. Syd. FORD'S Australian almanac, 1851-54: W. and F. Ford. 4 v., 8vo. Syd. That for 1854 published by Waugh and Cox. FORD'S Sydney commercial directory, 1851. 8vo. Syd. LEIGH, S. T. and Co. Handbook to Sydney and suburbs, with a plan of the city, and map of the roads of the colony. 8vo. Syd., 1867. LOW, FRANCIS. City of Sydney directory, 1844-45. kl. 8vo. Syd., 1844. Directory of the city and district of Sydney, 1847. obi. 8vo. Syd. ' MOORE'S Australian almanac and hand-book, 1876-80, 1882, 1884- 86, 1888-89, 1892-95, 1897-1903. 20 v. 8vo. Syd. VICTORIA ; TRAVEL AND DESCRIPTION. NEW SOUTH WALES almanac and remembrancer, 1848 : W. A. Colman. 8vo. Syd. NEW SOUTH WALES calendar and general post office directory, 1832-34, 1836-37 : by James Raymond. 5 v., 8vo. Syd. Those for 1832-34 published by Stephens and Stokes; for 1836-37 by W. Moffitt. NEW SOUTH WALES pocket almanack, 1813, 1814, 1820, 1821 : George Howe. 4 v., i2mo. Syd. READING and WELLBANK'S Metropolitan almanac for 1861. 8vo. Syd. SANDS and KENNY. Commercial and general Sydney directory, 1858-59. 8vo. Syd., 1858. SAND'S commercial and general Sydney directory, 1863. 8vo. Syd. SAND'S Sydney directory, 1870. 8vo. Syd. SAND'S Sydney, suburban, and country commercial directory, 1902 to date. 8vo. Syd. SHERRIFF and DOWNING. Gazetteer of New South Wales. i2mo. Syd. [1862.] TEGG'S New South Wales pocket almanac and remembrancer, 1837, 1840, 1842, 1844: James Tegg. 4 v., i2mo. Syd. VOX stellarum ; or, the Sydney almanack, 1828: by Francis Pere- grine Moore, pp. 16, 8vo. Syd. WAUGH and COX'S directory of Sydney and its suburbs, 1855. 8vo. Syd. WILSON and Co. Authentic directory, Sydney and suburbs, 1908- 09. sq. i2mo. Syd., 1908. WISE and Co. New South Wales post office commercial directory, 1902 to date. 8vo. Syd. YEWEN'S directory of the landowners of New South Wales, 1900. 410. Syd. 919.45. Victoria. ACORN, pseud. The future of Victoria. 8vo. Melb., n.d. ALGAR, FREDERIC. Handbook to the colony of Victoria, Aus- tralia : [map], pp. 40, 8vo. Lond., 1863. ARDEN, GEORGE. Recent information respecting Port Phillip, and the promising province of Australia Felix; including their history, geography, and important natural resources. 8vo. Lond., 1841. ARGUS newspaper. Squatters' directory. pp. 22, 8vo. Melb., 1849. Pam., v. 136, no. 2623. ARMOUR, JAMES. The diggings, the bush, and Melbourne; or, reminiscences of three years' wanderings in Victoria, pp. 56. 8vo. Glasgow, 1864. ASP IN ALL, CLARA. Three years in Melbourne. 8vo. Lond., 1862. AUSTRALASIAN newspaper. The " Black forest" of Victoria : [with] meteorological tables, pp. 21. 8vo. Melb., 1851. Pam., v. 57, no. 942. VICTORIA ; TRAVEL AND DESCRIPTION. 607 BALLANTYNE, Rev. JAMES. Homes and homesteads in the land of plenty : a handbook of Victoria as a field for emigration. [2nd ed.] 8vo. Melb., 1871. Same: Supplement: illust. pp. 32. sm. 8vo. Melb., 1874. Pam., v. 20, no. 370. Our colony in 1880; pictorial and descriptive. 8vo. Melb., n.d. (Hutchinson's Handbook of Victoria.) BANNOW, WALDEMAR. Colony of Victoria, socially and materi- ally ; map. 8vo. Melb., 1896. BONWICK, JAMES. Sketch of Boroondara. pp. 39, i2mo. Melb., 1858. Pam., v. 138, no. 26=58. Western Victoria : its geography, geology, and social condition ; the narrative of an educational tour in 1857. 8vo. Geelong, 1858. The wild white man, and the blacks of Victoria, pp. go. 2nd ed. 8vo. Melb., 1863. Bound with his Early days of Melbourne, class 994.=;. BOOTH, EDWIN CARTON. Another England ; life, living, homes, and homemakers in Victoria. 8vo. Lond.. 1869. BRIDE, THOMAS FRANCIS, ed. Letters from Victorian pioneers; being a series of papers on the early occupation of the colony, the aborigines, &c., addressed to his excellency Charles Joseph La Trobe : [with sketch of the Port Phillip country]. 8vo. Melb., 1898. BRIGHT Alpine club. Illustrated guide to the Australian Alps and Buffalo ranges: [map.] pp. 71, 8vo. Bright, n.d. Pam., v. 114, no 2121. BROWN, HENRY. Victoria as I found it during five years of ad- venture, in Melbourne, on the roads and the goldfields. 8vo. Lond., 1862. BUNDEY, WILLIAM HENRY. A winter cruise on Australia's great waterway, and what I saw at Mildura. pp. 24, 8vo. Adel., 1890. Pam., v. 176, no. 3392. BURTON, A. R. E. Mildura, the true Australia Felix : how to get rich in Victoria, pp. 24, i2mo. Melb., 1892. Pam., v. 38, no. 6q8. CALDWELL, ROBERT. Gold era of Victoria : being the present and future of the colony in its commercial, statistical, and social aspects : [map.] 8vo. Lond., 1855. CARTER, CHARLES ROOKING. Victoria, the British " El dorado" : or, Melbourne in 1869, showing the advantages of that colony as a field for emigration : map and illust. 8vo. Lond., 1870. CHUCK, THOMAS. One story is good till another is told; or, a reply to Mr. Anthony Trollope on that part of his work, en- titled " Australia and New Zealand," relating to the colony of Victoria, pp. 48., 8vo. Liverpool, n.d. CLUTTERBUCK, JAMES BENNETT. Port Phillip in 1849 : map. i2mo. Lond., 1850. COMPANION guide to Healesville and district : illust. [and map.] pp. 72, i2mo. Melb., 1904. Pam, v. 136, no. 2622. 008 VICTORIA ; TRAVEL AND DESCRIPTION. CROSS, ADA, "Ada Cambridge," Mrs. G. F. Thirty years in Australia. 8vo. Lond., 1903. CURR, EDWARD MICKLETHWAITE. Recollections of squatting in Victoria, then called the Port Phillip district, from 1841 to 1851. 8vo. Melb., 1883. CYCLOPEDIA of Victoria; an historical and commercial review; descriptive and biographical, facts, figures, and illustrations; an epitome of progress: ed. by James Smith: illust. 3 v., 4to. Melb., 1903. DOBIE, WILLIAM WILSON. Recollections of a visit to Port Phillip, Australia, in 1852-55. i2mo. Glasgow, 1856. DUNDERDALE, GEORGE. The book of the bush ; containing many truthful sketches of the early colonial life of squatters, whalers. convicts, diggers, and others : illust. 8vo. Lond., 1898. FAUCHERY, ANTOINE. Lettres d'un mineur en Australie : precedees d'une lettre de Theodore de Banville. 8vo. Paris, 1857- FINN, Rev. W. M. Glimpses of north-eastern Victoria, and Al- bury, New South Wales, pp. 35, 8vo. Melb., 1870. Pam., v. 151, no. 848. FREEMAN, JOHN. Lights and shadows of Melbourne life. 8vo. Lond., 1888. GRIFFITH, CHARLES. Present state and prospects of the Port Phillip district of New South Wales. 8vo. Dublin, 1845. GUIDE for excursionists from Melbourne. 2nd ed. 8vo. Melb., 1869. HAYDON, G. H. Five years' experience in Australia Felix, com- prising a short account of its early settlement : illust. 8vo. Lond., 1846. HAYTER, HENRY HEYLYN. Handbook to the colony of Victoria ; prepared under the direction of the Victorian government : [map.] pp. 63, 8vo. Melb., [1884.] Pam., v. 20, no. 373. HORNE, RICHARD HENGIST. Australian facts and prospects : to which is prefixed the author's Australian autobiography. 8vo. Lond., 1859. HOWITT, Richard. Impressions of Australia Felix during four years' residence in that colony, notes of a voyage round the world, Australian poems, &c. 8vo. Lond., 1845. HOWTTT, WILLIAM. Land, labour, and gold ; or, two years in Victoria; with visits to Sydney and Van Diemen's Land 2 v., 8vo. Ix>nd., 1855. Two years in Victoria: [a review of the above.] pp. 16, 8vo. Lond., 1855. From the Eclectic review. Pam., v. 136, no. 2624. KELLY, WILLIAM. Life in Victoria : or, Victoria in 1853, and Victoria in 1858; [map.] 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1859. KERR, J. H. Glimpses of life in Victoria : by a resident : [anon.] 8vo. Edinb., 1872. KIMBERLEY, W 7 . B., compiler. Bendigo and vicinity; a com- prehensive history of her past and a resume of her resources; with biographies of her representative . . men. 4to. Melb., 1895. VICTORIA ; TRAVEL AND DESCRIPTION. 609 KIRBY, JAMES. Old times in the bush of Australia; trials and experiences of early bush life in Victoria during the forties. 8vo. Ballarat, [1895]. KNIGHT, JOHN GEORGE. A few particulars relative to the colony of Victoria, Australia: issued under the authority of the Victoria emigrants' assistance society, pp. 16, 8vo. Lond., 1862. Pam., v. 114, no. 2122. Narrative of the visit of His Royal Highness the Duke of Edinburgh to the colony of Victoria, Australia : [portrs.]. 4to. Melb., 1868. LANG, Rev. JOHN DUNMORE. Phillipsland : or, the country hither- to designated Port Phillip ; its present condition and pros- pects : [maps.] i2mo. Lond., 1847. LETTERS from Highland emigrants in Australia, [Victoria], 1852. 8vo. Lond., n.d. MACARTNEY, JOHN NEILL. Sandhurst as it was and as it is. 8vo. Bendigo. 1882. M'CUTCHEON, ROBERT GEORGE. To Lome and back, with gos- sipings by the way. pp.* 25, 8vo. Melb., 1880. Pam., v. 20, no. 368. MEREDITH, LOUISA ANNE, Mrs. C. Over the straits; a visit to Victoria. 8vo. Lond., 1861. MICHIE, Sir ARCHIBALD. Readings in Melbourne; with an essay on the resources and prospects of Victoria : [map.] 8vo. Lond., 1879. MOODY, PETER. New Mount Alexander and Australian Golconda : the Ovens River ; or, great south-western gold fields, pp. 33, 8vo. Syd., 1852. Pam., v. 158, no. 3026. MOOX. JONATHAN GEORGE. Tarrangower, past and present; a historv of Maldon from 1853 : guide, business directory, and calendar, pp. 30, 8vo. Maldon, 1864. Pam., v. 116, no. 21^6. MURRAY, Hon. ROBERT DUNDAS. A summer at Port Phillip. i2mo. Edinb. [1843.] ORBOST and East Gippsland railway league. Railway extension through East Gippsland : [map and illust.] pp. 79, 8vo. Melb., 1908. Pam., v. 176, no. 330,3. PERIODICALS publishing company. Ballarat and district in 1901 ; a concise history of its rise, progress, and present prosperity in its mining, engineering, agriculture, architecture, art, trade, and manufactures: illust. 410. Melb., 1901. PERRON D'ARC, HENRI. Les champs d'or de Bendigo. 8vo. Paris, 1863. POLLET, E. Australasie: la colonie de Victoria: agriculture elevage industries commerce general, pp. 50, 8vo. Brus- sels, 1898. Pam., v. 158, no. 3027. ROYAL society of Victoria. Report on the resources of the colony of Victoria, pp. 79, 8vo. Melb., 1860. Pam., v. ;8, no. qq8. SANDS and McDOUGALL, limited, publishers. Victoria; its history, resources and prospects : an exhibition memorial, 1888-89. 8v o- Melb., 1888. F.8720. u 610 VICTORIA ; TRAVEL AND DESCRIPTION. SKENE, ALEXANDER JOHN, and SMYTH, ROBERT BROUGH. Re- port on the physical character and resources of Gippsland : map and geological sections, pp. 65, 8vo. Melb., 1874. Pam., v. 28, no. -468. SLATER, WILLIAMS, and HODGSON. Guide to the gold-fields of Victoria, with map, and the new regulations for the gold- fields and local courts, pp. 43, i2mo. Melb., 1855. Pam., v. 38, no. 651;. SPENCER, WALTER BALDWIN, ed. Handbook of Melbourne for the use of members of the Australasian association for the advancement of science: Melbourne meeting, 1890. i2mo. Melb., 1890. STONEY, HENRY BUTLER, captain. Victoria : with a description of its principal cities, Melbourne and Geelong; and remarks on the present state of the colony : [map and illust.] 8vo. Lond., 1856. TANJIL, pseud. Centennial guide to the Gippsland lakes and rivers ; with map. views from photographs, early reminisi of the discovery of Gippsland, by John King and Rev. W. S. Login, pp. 53, sm, 8vo. Melb., n.d. Pam. v. 53, no. 888. Our trip to Gippsland lakes and rivers, with map : early reminiscences of the discovery of Gippsland, by John King; with a chapter on South Gippsland by D. Macdonald. pp. 52, sm. 8vo. Melb., 1882. Pam.,. v. 88, no. 1574. THOMAS, JULIAN. The lakes entrance, Gipps Land. pp. 28, 8vo. Melb., 1886. Pam., v. 20, no. 371. Vagabond papers ; sketches of Melbourne life, in light and shade. 3 v., 8vo. Melb., 1877. Victoria en 1889. 8vo. Melb., 1889. THOMSON, JAMES, ed. Illustrated handbook of Victoria : [map]. 8vo. Melb., 1886. For the Colonial and Indian exhibition. VICTORIA, as she is and as she may be. pp. 18, 8vo. Melb., 1853- Pam., v. 114, no. 212^. VICTORIA -.Government. "Victoria illustrated"; an illustrated trip through some of the most important and picturesque towns, with short articles touching upon the industries of the state of Victoria : ed. by W. Lorck. 8vo. Melb., 1909. Victoria, the garden state of Australia, a handbook for rural home seekers : [illust. and ! 2 maps]. 8vo. Melb., [1909]. VICTORIA: Railways department. Picturesque Victoria and hovr to get there; a handbook for tourists. 8vo. Melb., 1905. Summer at the seaside: [illust.] pp. 32, obi. i2mo. Melb., n.d. WALCH, GARNET. Victoria in 1880: illust. by Charles Turner. 4to. Melb. [1881]. WATHEN, GEORGE HENRY. The golden colony; or, Victoria in 1854: illust. and map. 8vo. Lond., 1885. VICTORIA ; TRAVEL AND DESCRIPTION. 611 WESTGARTH, WILLIAM. Australia Felix: or, a historical and descriptive account of the settlement of Port Phillip, New South Wales ; including full particulars of the manners and condition of the aboriginal natives : illust. 8vo. Edinb., 1848. This copy contains an autograph letter of John Batman. Same : another copy. Same: 2nd ed., entitled Victoria, late Australia Felix; being an historical and descriptive account of the colony and its gold mines : [map.] 8vo. Edinb., 1853. The colony of Victoria : its history, commerce, and gold-mining ; its social and political institutions down to the end of 1863 : with remarks upon the other colonies : [map]. 8vo. Lond., 1864. Commercial, statistical and general report on the district of Port Phillip, New South Whales, for the half year ended 3oth of January, 1846. pp. 40, 8vo. Melb., n.d. Pam., v. 158, no. 3028. Personal recollections of early Melbourne and Victoria. 8vo. Melb., 1888. Report, commercial, statistical and general on the district of Port Phillip, New South Wales, for the half year ended ^ist July, 1846. pp. 74, 8vo. Melb., 1846. Pam., v. 55, no. 907. Same: another copy. Pam., v. 116, no. 2153. Victoria and the Australian gold mines in 1857 ; with notes on the overland route from Australia, via Suez : [maps]. 8vo. Lond., 1857. WESTWOOD, JOSEPH JEWELL. Journal : or, an account of eight years' itineracy to the townships and squatting stations in Vic- toria, New South Wales, South Australia, and Tasmania. 8vo. Melb., 1865. WHIT WORTH, ROBERT P., ed. Official handbook and guide to Melbourne, and to the cities, principal towns, mining and other districts of Victoria: maps, plans, &c. izmo. Melb., 1880. Almanacs: Directories: Gazetteers. BAILLIERE'S Victorian gazetteer and road guide: compiled by R. P. Whitworth : map. 8vo. Melb., 1865. BALLARAT and Ballarat district directory for 1865-66 : compiled by F. M. Dicker. 8vo. Ball., 1865. BLUNDELL, JAMES J. and Co. Map of Melbourne and suburbs, with street guide and index, fldg. Melb. [1859?] Squatters' directory : with squatting map of Victoria and key. i2mo. Melb., 1862. Same: 1865. Blundell and Ford. 8vo. Melb. BLUNDELL, JAMES J. and Co., publishers. Melbourne com- mercial, squatters', and official directory for 1854: compiled by Joseph Butterfield. 8vo. Melb. GEELONG commercial directory and almanac, 1854 : map. 8vo. Geelong. D 2 612 TASMANIA ; TEAVEL AND DESCRIPTION. HEATH and CORDELL'S Geelong, Ballarat, and Creswick's creek directory and almanac, 1856 : map of Geelong. 8vo. Geelong. KERR, WILLIAM. Melbourne almanac and Port Phillip directory, 1842. 8vo. Melb., 1842. MELBOURNE commercial directory, including Collingwood and Richmond, and almanac for the year 1853 : compiled by P. W. Pierce. 8vo. Melb. MELBOURNE commercial directory, 1855 : compiled by J. Butter- field. 8vo. Melb. MELBOURNE commercial, professional, and legal directory, 1856 ; by John Needham : map. 8vo. Melb. MELBOURNE directory, 1857 to date. 8vo. Melb. From 1857 to 1861, published by Sands and Kenny; from 1862 to date by fcands and McDougall. OFFICIAL post office directory, Victoria, 1870. 8vo. Melb. PORT PHILLIP almanac and directory, 1847 : compiled by J. J. Mouritz. 1 2mo. Melb. SANDS and McDOUGALL'S annual register and almanac, 1864. i2mo. Syd. VICTORIAN almanac, 1859, containing gardener's calendar, colonial information, and table of moonlight nights. pp. 60, i2mo. Melb. Pam., v. 59, no. 970. VICTORIAN almanac, 1863, with farmers' and gardeners' calen- dar, gold ready reckoner, abstract of important acts, &c. pp. 84, 8vo. Melb. Pam., v. 114, no. 2124. VICTORIAN municipal directory, also waterworks and irrigation trusts records 1902 to date. 8vo. Melb. WISE and Co. Victoria post office commercial directory, 1902 to date. 8vo. Melb. 919.46. Tasmania. ALGAR, FREDERIC. Handbook to the colony of Tasmania, pp. 1 6, 8vo. Lond., 1863. Bound with his Handbook to . . Victoria, class 919.45. BEATTIE, J. W. Port Arthur [Tas.], past and present: [18] photographs, obi. i2mo. Hobart, n.d. Pam., v. 136, no. 2625. BROWNRIGG, Rev. M. BLAKE. The cruise of the Freak : a nar- rative of a visit to the islands in Bass and Banks straits, with some, account of the islands : illust. and chart. 8vo. Launceston [1872]. BUCK, FREDERIK. Den Britisk-Australiske koloni Tasmanien. PP" 55' 8vo. Copenhagen, 1870. Pam., v. 86, no. 1550. BUCKLER, C. DUGALD. The colony of Tasmania; recent statis- tics with map : also letters from settlers containing useful in- formation for intending emigrants, pp. 80, 8vo. Lond., 1883. Pam., v. 86, no. 1555. BURFORD, ROBERT. Description of a view of Hobart Town, Van Diemen's Land, and the surrounding country, now exhibiting at the panorama, Strand: [plate], pp. 12. 8vo. Lond., 1831. TASMANIA ; TRAVEL AND DESCRIPTION. 613 CALDER, JAMES ERSKINE. The woodlands, &c., of Tasmania.. pp.' 15, 8vo. Lond., 1874. Pam., v. 84, no. 11507. CORNWALL chronicle newspaper. Tasmaniana ; a description of the island of Tasmania and its resources. pp. 56, 8vo. Launceston, 1876. Pam., v. 114, no. 2129 CRAWFORD, ANDREW, lieutenant-colonel. Letter to the officers of H.M. Indian services, civil and military: [plan.] pp. 53, 8vo. Hobart Town, 1865. Pam., v. 8, no. 179. CURR, EDWARD. Account of the colony of Van Diemen's Land; principally designed for the use of emigrants. i2mo. Lond., 1824. DIXON, JOHN. Condition and capabilities of Van Diemen's Land, as a place of emigration. i2mo. Lond., 1839. EMIGRATION to Tasmania: by a recent settler. i2.mo. Lond , 1879. EVANS, GEORGE W T ILLIAM. Geographical, historical, and topo- graphical description of Van Diemen's Land; with important hints to emigrants : with a view of Hobart Town. 8vo, Lond., 1822. FAWNS, CECIL. A trip to Beaconsfield. pp. 7, sm. 8vo. Hobart, 1881. Pam., v. 86, no. 1547- FENTON, JAMES. Bush life in Tasmania fifty years ago. i2mo. Lond., [1891]. FORSTER, Rev. THOMAS HAY. Account of a voya'ge in a convict ship. pp. 36, i2mo. Lond., 1850. Pam., v. 118, no. 2187. GODWIN, Rev. BENJAMIN. Emigrants' guide to Van Dierr.en's Land, more properly called Tasmania : containing a descrip- tion of climate, soil, and productions : [map and view of Hobart Town]. 8vo. Lond., 1823. HAYWOOD, HOWARD. Through Tasmania; Haywood's visitors' and colonists' guide: where to go; how to get there, and what it will cost. 8vo. Hobart, 1885. .HULL, HUGH MUNRO. Experience of forty years in Tasmania. i2mo. Lond., 1859. Guide to Tasmania, pp. 96, 8vo. Hobart Town, 1858. Pam., v. 188, no. 3638. Tasmania as a field for British emigrants; its productions, re- sources, lands, commerce, and population : with a gazetteer. . 8vo. Hobart Town, 1875. Tasmania in 1870; or, hints to emigrants, intending settlers, and capitalists, pp. 36, i2mo. Hobart Town, 1870. Pam., v. 176, no. 3394. JEFFREYS, CHARLES, lieutenant. Van Dieman's Land; geo- graphical and descriptive delineations of the island of Van Dieman's Land. 8vo. Lond., 1820. JUST, THOMAS COOK. Official hand-book of Tasmania. 8vo. Launceston, 1883. Same: [map]. 2nd ed, 8vo. Launceston, 1883. Same: [map]. 3rd ed, 8vo. Launceston, 1887. 614 TASMANIA ; TRAVEL AND DESCRIPTION. JUST, THOMAS COOK, ed. Tasmania ! a description of the island of Tasmania and its resources, pp. 85, 8vo. Launa-ston. 1879. i'um., v. 23, no. 408. LAUNCESTON city and suburbs improvement association. Pic- turesque Tasmania ; an illustrated pocket-l>ook of matter-of- fact information : [maps and plans], sq. 8vo. Launceston, 1893. l j am., v. 36, no. 1545. LEGGE, WILLIAM VINCENT, colonel. The highlands of Lake St. Clair. pp. 14, 8vo. [Hobart], 1887. Pam., v. 81, no. 1450. LETTERS from Lufra : Eagle Hawk Neck, Tasmania, pp. 23. 8vo. Lond., n.d. Pam., v. 188, no. 3630- LUDWIG, SALVATOR, archduke of Austria. Hobarttown; oder Sommerfrische in den Antipoden. 410. Prague, 1886. MACQUARIE harbour bar delegation. Facts and figures relating to the progress and development of the west coast mineral district, Tasmania, pp. 28, 8vo. Zeehan, 1898. Pam., v. 86, no. 1551. MELVILLE, HENRY, ed. Van Diemen's Land; comprehending a variety of statistical and other information. i2ir_o. Hobart Town, 1833. MEREDITH, LOUISA ANNE, Mrs. C. My home in Tasmania during a residence of nine years. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1852. Tasmanian friends and fees, feathered, furred, and finned ; a family chronicle of country life, natural history, and veritable adventure: plates and illust. 4to. Hobart Town, 1880. MOOSAFIR, pseud. The north-west coast of Tasmania; a serit-s of letters reprinted from the Melbourne "Age." pp. 31. 8vo. Melb., 1889. Pam., v. 23, no. 402. MORTON, ALEXANDER, ed. Handbook for the use of members of the Australasian association for the advancement of science: Hobart meeting, 1892 : [maps]. i2mo. Hobart, 1891. Same: another copy. Pam., v. 39. no. 665. MORTON, Mrs. CAROLINE, " Dio. " Maria island, its past, pre- sent, and probable future : [map], pp. 48, 8vo. Hobart, 1888. Pam., v. 22. no. 300. MURRAY, A. S. Tasmanian rivers, lakes, and flowers : with fac- simile reproductions in colours of numerous sketches by the author, fo. Lond., 1900. NIXON, FRANCIS RUSSELL, bishop of Tasmania. Cruise of the Beacon: a narrative of a visit to the islands in Bass's straits : [illust.]. 8vo. Lond., 1857. NORTH-western tourist association, Devonport, Tasmania. Tas- mania's north-west coast, the Switzerland of Australia: the popular tourist resort: [illust.]. pp. 48, 8vo. Devonport, 1908. Pam., v. 158, no. 3020. PARKER, HENRY WALTER. Van Diemen's Land : its rise, progress, and present state : with advice to emigrants : [map]. 2nd' ed., i2mo. Lond., 1834. TASMANIA ; TRAVEL AND DESCRIPTION. 615 PIGUENIT, WILLIAM CHARLES. Among the western highlands of Tasmania: [illust. and map], pp. 10, 8vo. Hobart, 1892. Pam., v. 81, no. 1451. Same : another copy. Pam., v. 113. no. 2009. POWER, G. A. Geography of Tasmania, 1876. pp. 8, sm. 8vo. Launceston, 1876. Pam., v. 86, no. 1548. PRINSEP, Mrs. AUGUSTUS, ed. Journal of a voyage from Cal- cutta to Van Diemen's Land, comprising a description of that colony during a six months' residence: [map]. i2mo., with 4to. illustrations. Lond., 1833. SALIER, FREDERICK I. Cruise of the Isabel; a pleasant fort- night spent sailing in calm waters, pp. 17, 8vo. Hobart, 1885. Pnm., v. 86, no. 1554. SENIOR, WILLIAM. -Travel and trout in the antipodes ; an angler's sketches in Tasmania and New Zealand. 8vo. Melb., 1880. STATISTICAL view of Van Diemen's Land: [map and plan]. 8vo. Exeter, 1872. STEPHENS, T. Land routes for exploration of the western country, pp. 8, 8vo. Hobart, 1896. Pam., v. 86, no. 1553. "STONE Y, HENRY BUTLER, major. A residence in Tasmania, with a descriptive tour through the island, from Macquarie harbour to Circular head. 8vo. Lond., 1856. A year in Tasmania, including some months' residence in the, capital ; with a descriptive tour through the island, and a short notice of the colony in 1853 ; [map]. 8vo. Hobart Town, 1854. SYME, J. Nine years in Van Diemen's Land : comprising an account of its discovery, possession, settlement, progress, population, value of land, herds, flocks, &c. ; added, an essay on prison discipline. lamo. Dundee, 1848. TASMAN'S Peninsula. Sketch of Tasman's Peninsula; its soil and timber, pp. u, 8vo. Hobart Town, 1878. Pam., v. 86, no. 1552. TASMANIA: Government. Handbook of Tasmania; hints to in- tending settlers and immigrants: [map]. pp. 16, 8vo. Hobart, 1897. Pam., v. 77, no. 1349. Handbook of Tasmania : [map], pp. 32, 8vo. Launceston, 1899. Pam., v. 136, no. 2626. Information regarding the colony of Van Diemen's Land. pp. 21, 8vo. Hobart Town, 1853. Pam., v. 114, no. 2127. TASMANIA : Railway department. Illustrated guide to Tas- mania, the holiday resort of Australia, ob. fo. Launceston, TASMANIAN journal newspaper. An excursion to Port Arthur in 1842. pp. 22, sm. 8vo. Hobart, 1892. Pam., v. 86, no. 1546. 'TASMANIAN tourist association. Guide book and gazetteer: [illust.]. pp. 86, sm. 8vo. Hobart, 1905. Pam., v. 86, no. .1549. 616 TASMANIA ; TRAVEL AND DESCRIPTION. THOMAS, H. Guide to excursionists between Australia and Tas- mania. 2nd ed., i2mo. Melb., 1870. Guide to Tasmania. 8vo. Melb., n.d. TILLEY, WILBERTON. The wild west of Tasmania; being a de- scription of the silver fields of Zeehan and Dundas : [illust.]. 8vo. Zeehan, 1891. UNION Steam-ship Company. Guide for visitors to Tasmania ; or, how to spend my holiday : [map and plans]. 4th ed., 8vo. Launceston, 1891. VET, The, pseud. Old time echoes of Tasmania. 8vo. Laun- ceston, 1896. WAIT, BENJAMIN. Letters from Van Dieman's Land, written during four years imprisonment for political offences committed in Upper Canada; [with] letters on behalf of her husband by Mrs. B. Wait. 8vo. Buffalo, 1843. WALCH'S Tasmanian guide-book: a hand-bcok of information for all parts of the colony. i2mo. Hobart Town, 1871. WALCH, GARNET. Huddart, Parker and Co. 's guide to Tasmania : [map]. 8vo. Melb. [1890]. WHITING, GEORGE. Products and resources of Tasmania as illustrated in the International exhibition, 1862. pp. 49, 8vo. Hobart, 1862. Pam, v. 176, no. 3395. WIDOWSON, HENRY. Present state of Van Diemen's Land : com- prising an account of its agricultural capabilities ; with obser- vations on the present state of farming, &c., &c. [map]. 8vo. Lond., 1829. Almanacs: Directories: Gazetteers. BAILLIERE'S Tasmanian gazetteer and road guide: compiled by R. P. Whitworth. 8vo. Hobart Town, 1877. EVERYBODY'S almanac, 1871 : published by Hudson and Hop- wood. 8vo. Launceston. GUIDE to Tasmania, aftw. Royal kalendar and guide to Tasmania, 1858-60: H. M. Hull. 3 v., i2mo. Hobart Town. HOBART TOWN almanack, aftw. Van Diemen's Land anniversary and Hobart Town almanack, aftw. Van Diemen's Land annual and Hobart Town almanack, 1829-36: James Ross. 8 v.,. i2mo., and 8vo. Hobart Town. HOBART TOWN almanack and Van Diemen's Land annual, 1838: W. G. Elliston. 8vo. Hobart Town. A continuation of Ross. HOBART TOWN general directory, 1854 12010. Hobart Town. HULL, HUGH MUNRO. Hobart Town directory, 1859. i2tno Hobart Town. LAUNCESTON almanac, 1866. pp. 36, sm. 8vo. Launceston. Pam., v. 114, no. 2128. MACPHAIL, MYLES. National directory of Tasmania, 1867-68. 8vo. Hobart Town MANING, F. B. Tasmanian directory for 1881-2. 8vo. Hobart. MIDDLETON, A. M., and MANING, F. B. Tasmanian direc- tory and gazetteer, 1887. 8vo. Syd. NEW GUINEA ; TRAVEL AND DESCRIPTION. 617 MOORE, J. Hobart Town general directory, 1847. ob. 8vo. Hobart Town. Hfcbart Town directory and general guide, 1852. ob. Svo. Hobart Town. MOORE'S Comic almanac for the year 1842. -pp. 46, Svo. Laun- ceston, 1842. TASMANIAN almanac, 1825, 1829-30: Andrew Bent. 3 v., i2mo. Hobart Town. VAN DIEMEN'S Land almanack, aftw. Van Djemen's Land annual, 1832, 1834-37 : Henry Melville. 5 v., Svo. Hobart Town. VAN DIEMEN'S Land almanack and law and commercial remem- brancer, aftw. Van Diemen's Land royal kalendar and alman- ack, aftw. Tasmanian almanack, 1846-57. 12 v., i2mo. Launceston. WALCH'S Tasmanian almanac: 1864-68, 1871-72, 1874-75, 1 &T7> 1879-81, 1884 to date. Svo. Hobart. WISE and Co. Tasmanian post-office directory, 1902 to date. Svo. Lond. 919.5. New Guinea. BAUERLIN, WILLIAM. Voyage of the Bonito ; an account of the Fly river expedition to New Guinea, pp. 38, Svo. Syd., 1886. Pam., v. 55, no. 912. Same : another copy. Pam., v. 112, no. 2081. BEVAN, THEODORE FRANCIS. Fifth expedition to British New Guinea. Svo. Syd., 1888. Gold rush to British New Guinea, 1887, and the discovery of the Aird and Purari rivers : [mapj. pp. 9, Svo. Melb., 1898. Pam., v. 112, no. 2095. Toil, travel, and discovery in British New Guinea. Svo. Lond., 1890. BONAPARTE, ROLAND, prince. La Nouvelle-Guinee : le golfe Huon : [maps], pp. 62, 4to. Paris, 1888. BRITISH NEW GUINEA -.Government. Handbook of infor- mation for intending settlers: [map], pp. 34, Svo. Brisb., 1892. Pam., v. 112, no. 2094. Same: another copy. Pam., v. 188, no. 3640. BURNS, PHILP and Co. Limited. British New Guinea : [illust.]. pp. 36, 4to. Syd. 1886, CHALMERS, Rev. JAMES. Adventures in New Guinea : illust. i2mo. Lond., 1886. Pioneering in New Guinea: map and illust. 2nd ed., Svo. Lond., 1887. CHALMERS, Rev. JAMES, and GILL, Rev. WILLIAM WYATT. Neu-guinea ; Reisen und Missionsthatigkeit wahrend der Jahre 1877 bis J 885 : illust. and map. Svo. Leipzig, 1886. Work and adventure in New Guinea, 1877 to 1885 : illust. and maps. Svo. Lond., 1885. 618 NEW GUINEA ; TRAVEL AND DESCRIPTION. CHESTER, HENRY MAJORIBANKS. Narrative of expeditions to New Guinea, in a series ot letters addressed to tne v olonial Secretary of Queensland, pp. 37, 8vo. Brisb., 1878. P.un., v. 10, no. 207. Same: another copy. Pam., v. 24, no. 415. CHIGNELL, Rev. ARTHUR KENT. An outpost in Papua: pref. by the Archbishop 01 Brisbane: illust. 8vo. ix>nd., 1911. COLLINS, A. KEITH. Lecture on New Guinea. pp. 22, 8vo. Syd., 1867. Pam., v. 158, no. 3030. CRAB, P. VAN DER, and others. Reizen naar Xederlandsch Nieuw- Guinea in de Jaren 1871, 1872, 1875-76: met geschied- en aard-rijkskundige. Toelichtingen door P.J.B.C.R. Van der Aa : maps. 8vo. Hague, 1879. D'ALBERTIS, LUIGI MARIA. Journal of the expedition for the exploration of the Fly river. 8vo. Syd., 1877. New Guinea; what I did and what I saw: illust. and map. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1880. ESTREY, GUILLAUME HENRY JEAN MEYNERS, comte D'. La Papouasie; ou, Nouvelle Guinee occidentale: map and illust. la. 8vo. Paris, 1881. FLEURIEU, CHARLES PIERE CLARET, comte de. Decouvertes des Francois en 1768-69 dans le sud-est de la Nouvelle Guinee: et reconnoissances posterieures des memes terres par des navi- gateurs Anglois qui leur ont impose de nouveaux noms : [maps]. 4to. Paris, 1790. Discoveries of the French in 1768 and 1769 to the south -oa.st of New Guinea, with the subsequent visits to the same lands by English navigators who gave them new names : tr. from the French: [maps]. 410. Lond., 1791. GRIMSHAW, BEATRICE. The new New Guinea : illust. and map. 8vo. Lond., 1910. HAMY, ERNEST THEODORE. Memoires pour servir a 1'histoire des deoouvertes geographiques et ethnographiques en Oceanic: [2 maps], pp. 71, 8vo. Paris, 1878. Pam., v. 158, no. 3032. HARTOG, P. C. L. Brief extract from the report of the voyages of the steamer Egeron to the south-western isles, the south- eastern islands, New Guinea and the Papoea-isles. pp. 9, 8vo. Sourabaya, 1876. Pam., v. 188, no. 3461. KEYSER, ARTHUR. Our cruise to New Guinea. pp. 54, 8vo. Syd., [1884]. KONINKLIJK Instituut voor Taal- Land- en Volkenkund.- van Neclerlandsch Indie. Nieuw Guinea, ethnographisoh en natuurkundig Onderzocht en beschreven in 1858 door een Nederlandsch Indische Commissie : illust. 8vo. Amsterdam. 1862. LAWES, Rev. WILLIAM GEORGE. Recent exploration in south- eastern New Guinea, with Trotter's New Guinea map. pp. 3. 8vo. [Lond., 1884.] Pam., v. 177, no. 1396. LAW.SON, J. A., ca-pt. Wanderings in the interior of New Guinea : map. 8vo. Lond., 1875. An impudent fie 1 ion throughout. NEW GUINEA ; TRAVEL AND DESCRIPTION. 619 LEUPE, PIETER AREND. Geschied en zeevaartkundige toelichting betreffende eene kaart van de Geelvinksbaai (N. Guinea) volgens de opname van Jacob Weyland in 1705. pp. 32, 8vo. Hague, 1866. Pam., v. 137, no. 2627. LINDT, J. VV. Picturesque New Guinea; with an historical intro- duction and supplementary chapters on the manners and cus- toms of the Papuans: illust. with photos, la. 8vo. Lond., 1887. LYNE, CHARLES. New Guinea; an account of the establishment of the British protectorate over the southern shores of New Guinea: illust. 8vo. Lond., 1885. MACGILLIVRAY, JOHN. Narrative of the voyage of H.M.S. Rattlesnake, commanded by Captain Owen Stanley, during the years 1846-50: including discoveries and surveys in New Guinea, the Louisiade archipelago, &c. : to which is added the account of Mr. E. B. Kennedy's expedition for the ex- ploration of Cape York peninsula: [map and illust.] 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1852. MACKAY, JAMES ALEXANDER KENNETH, colonel. Across Papua ; being an account of a voyage round, and a march across, the territory of Papua, with the Royal commission: illust. and map. 8vo. Lond., 1909. MARIN LA MESLEE, EDMOND. Past explorations in New Guinea, and a project for the scientific exploration of the great island, pp. 22, 8vo. Syd., 1883. Pam., v. 9, no. iqs- Same; another copy. Pam., v. 27, no. 417. -MICHIE, Sir ARCHIBALD. Great Britain and New Guinea, pp. 20, 8vo. Lond., 1875. Pam., v. 137, no. 2629. MOD ERA, J. Verhaal van eene Reize naar en langs de zuid- westkust van Nieuw-Guinea in 1828, door Z.M. Corvel Triton,, en Z.M. colom'ale schoener de Iris: mag. 8vo. Haarlem, 1830. MORESBY, JOHN, admiral. Discoveries and surveys in New Guinea and the D'Entrecasteaux islands; a cruise in Poly- nesia and visit to the pearl-shelling stations in Torres Straits of- H.M.S. Basilisk: maps and illust. 8vo. Lond., 1876. MORTON, ALEXANDER. Notes of a trip to New Guinea, pp. 13, 8vo. Hobart, n.d. Pam., v. 88, no. 1575. MURRAY, Rev. ARCHIBALD WRIGHT, and MACFARLANE, Rev. S. Journal of a missionary voyage to New Guinea: [map and illust.]. pp. 44, 8vo. Lond., 1872. Pam., v. 24, no. 416. NEW GUINEA. Adventures in New Guinea : the narrative of Louis Tregance, a French sailor, nine years in captivity among the Orangwokes : ed. with introd. by the Rev. Henry Crocker. 8vo. Lond., 1876. A fabrication. "NISBET, HUME. The Papuan and his master. pp. 14, 8vo. Lond., 1877. Pam., v. 138, no. 2661. From the Fortnightly review. 620 NEW GUINEA ; TRAVEL AND DESCRIPTION. P. Een togtje in de Binnenlanden van Nieuw-Guinea. pp. 6, 8vo. n.p., n.d. Pam., v. 158, no. 3031. PITCAIRN, VV. D. Two years among the savages of New Guinea; with introductory notes on North Queensland : map. 8vo. Lond., 1891. PRATT, A. K. Two years among New Guinea cannibals: a naturalist's sojourn among the aborigines of unexplored New Guinea. 8vo. Lond., 1906. PRITCHARD, Rev. WILLIAM CHARLES. Papua ; a handlxx>k to its history, inhabitants, physical features, and resources, &c., compiled from government ^records and other sources : appx on the health conditions of Papua, by R. Fleming Jones : [maps and illust.]. sm. 8vo. Lond., 1911. RAF FRAY, ACHILLE. Voyage a la cote nord de la Nouvelle- Guinee : [map], pp. 35, 8vo. Paris, 1878. Pam., v. 137, no. 2628. ROMILLY, HUGH HASTINGS. From my verandah in New Guinea; sketches and traditions : introd. by Andrew Lang : map. 8vo. Lond., 1889. ROSENBERG, C. B. H. VON. Reistochten naar de Geelvinkbaai op Nieuw-Guinea, in de jaren 1869 en 1870: map and illust. 4to. Hague, 1875. ROYAL geographical society of Australasia. Instructions issued for the guidance of the New Guinea exploration expedition, [by Edward Pulsford]. pp. 40, 8vo. Syd., 1885. Pam., v. 9, no. 196. Special record of the proceedings in fitting out and starting the exploratory expedition to New Guinea : compiled by Edward Pulsford. pp. 80, 8vo. Syd., 1885. Pam., v. (). no. 197. SMJTH, MILES STANIFORTH CATER. Handbook of the territory of Papua. 8vo. Melb., [1907]. SONNERAT, PIERRE. Voyage a la Nouvelle Guinee; dans lequel on trouve la description des lieux, des observations physiques- et morales, et des details relatifs a Phistoire naturelle dans le regne animal et le regne vegetal : illust. 4to. Paris, 1776. STONE, OCTAVIUS C. A few months in New Guinea: illust. [and maps]. 8vo. Lond., 1880. STRACHAN, JOHN, captain. Explorations and adventures in New Guinea: [illust. and maps]. 8vo. Lond., 1888. THOMSON, JAMES PARK. British New Guinea : map and illust. 8vo. Lond., 1892. Exploration and discoveries in British New Guinea since the proclamation of sovereignty. pp. 13, 8vo. [Manchester, 1892]. Pam., v. 177, no. 3397. TROTTER, COUTTS. New Guinea : a summary of our present knowledge with regard to the island: map. pp. 21, 8vo. [Lond., 1884.] P.im., v. 177, no 3396. WEBSTER, HERBERT CAYLEY. Through New Guinea and the can- nibal countries : illust. 8vo. Lond., 1898. POLYNESIA ; TRAVEL AND DESCRIPTION. 321 919.6. Polynesia. ANGAS, GEORGE FRENCH. Polynesia; physical features, inhabit- ants, natural history and productions of the islands of the Pacific. 8vo. Lond., [1867]. BECKE, GEORGE LEWIS, "Louis Becke. " Wild life in the south- ern seas. 8vo. Lond., 1897. BRENCHLEY, JULIUS L. Jottings during the cruise of H.M.S. Curacoa among the South Sea islands: illust. 8vo. Lond., 1873- BURNETT, FRANK. Through tropic seas; introd. by Bram Thompson: illust. 8vo. Lond., 1910. CAMPBELL, F. A. A year in the New Hebrides, Loyalty islandi, and New Caledonia : with appx. containing a contribution to the phytography of the New Hebrides, by Baron von Mueller : illust. 8vo. Geelong, 1873. CHE EVER, Rev. HENRY THEODORE. Tlv> island world of the Pacific. i2mo. Lond., 1852. CHURCHWARD, WILLIAM B. Blackbirding in the South Pacific: or, the first white man on the beach : [illust.] 8vo. Lond., 1888. COOPER, H. STONEHEWER. Coral lands of the Pacific; their peoples and their products: illust.: new ed. 8vo. Lond., 1882. Same: 2nd ed., entitled Islands of the Pacific; their peoples and their products. 8vo. Lond., 1888. COOTE, WALTER. The western Pacific; being a description of the groups of islands to the north and east of the Australian continent: map and illust. i2mo. Lond., 1883. GUMMING, CONSTANCE FREDERICA GORDON. A lady's cruise in a French man-of-war: map and illust. 2 v., 8vo. Edinb., 1882. DILLON, PETER, captain. Narrative and successful result of a voyage in the South seas to ascertain the actual fate of La Perouse's expedition: [map and illust.]. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1829. ELKINGTON, E. WAY. The savage South seas ; painted by Norman H. Hardy: [68 plates]. 8vo. Lond., 1907. ELLIS, Rev. WILLIAM. Polynesian researches during a residence of nearly six years in the South Sea islands: [illust.]. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1829. Same : 2nd ed., entitled Polynesian researches during a residence of nearly eight years in the Society and Sandwich islands : [map and illust.]. 4 v., i2mo. Lond., 1831-33. ERSKINE, JOHN ELPHINSTONE, commodore. Journal of a cruise among the islands of the Western Pacific: maps and plates. 8vo. Lond., 1853. GARNIER, JULES. Voyage autour du monde: Oceanie, les iles des Pins, Loyalty, et Tahiti : [map and illust.]. 2nd ed, 8vo. Paris, 1875. C22 POLYNESIA ; TRAVEL AND DESCRIPTION. GILL, Rev. WILLIAM WYATT. From darkness to light in Polynesia. 8vo. Lond., 1894. Historical sketches of savage life in Polynesia : with illustrative clan songs. 8vo. Well., 1880. Jottings from the Pacific. 8vo. Lond., 1885. Life in the southern isles ; or, scenes and incidents in the South Pacific and New Guinea: [illust.]. 8vo., Lond., [1876]. GRIMSHAW, BEATRICE. From Fiji to the -Cannibal islands: [illust.]. 8vo. Lond., 1907. HALL, DOUGLAS B., and OSBORNE, Lord ALBERT. Sunshine and surf ; a year's wanderings in the South seas : map and illust. 8vo. Lond., 1901. HALLIGON, J., rear-admiral. Six mois a travers 1'Oceanie; sou- venirs d'un officier de la corvette 1' Ariane. 8vo. Brest, 1888. HOOD, T. H. Notes of a cruise in H.M.S. Fawn in the Western Pacific in the year 1862 : [chart and illust.]. 8vo. Edinb., 1863. HOPE, JAMES L. A. In quest of coolies : illust. 8vo. Lond., 1872. KRAMER, AUGUSTIN. Hawaii, Ostmikronesien und Samoa; meine zweite Siidseereise, (1897-1899), zum Studium der Atolle und ihrer Bewohner : illust. 8vo. Stuttgart, 1906. LAMONT, E. H. Wild life among the Pacific islanders : [illust.]. 8vo. Lond., 1867. McCARRON. STEWART and Co., publishers. Stewart's Handbook of the Pacific islands ; a reliable guide to all the inhabited islands of the Pacific ocean: [illust.]. 8vo. Syd., 1907. MELVILLE, HERMAN. Mardi, and a voyage thither. 2 v., 8vo. N.Y., 1849. Omoo ; a narrative of adventures in the South Seas ; a sequel to " Typee " : new ed., with memoir : illust. 8vo. Lond., 1893. MOSS, FREDERICK JOSEPH. Through atolls and islands in the great South sea: [illust.]. 8vo. Lond., 1889. NIGHTINGALE, THOMAS. Oceanic sketches; with a botanical appx., by [Sir J. D.] Hooker: [illust.]. 8vo. Lond., 1835. ORANGE, Rev. JAMES. Narrative of the late George Vason, of Nottingham ; one of the first missionaries sent out by the London missionary society, in the ship Duff, 1796: [with an introductory essay on the South sea islands]. i2mo. Derby, 1840. ORLEBAR, J., lieut., R.N. Midshipman's journal, on board H.M.S. Seringapatam, during the year 1830 : containing brief observations on Pitcairn's island, and other islands in the South Sea. pp. 83. 8vo. Lond., 1833. PEMBROKE, GEORGE ROBERT CHARLES HERBERT, ijth earl of, and KINGSLEY, GEORGE HENRY. South sea bubbles: by the earl and the doctor. 8vo. Lond., 1872. Same: another ed. sm. 8vo. Melb., 1872. PENNY, Rev. ALFRED. Ten years in Melanesia : chart and illust. 8vo. Lond., 1887. PERIPATETIC parson. Parts of the Pacific: illust. 8vo. Lond., 1896. POLYNESIA ; TRAVEL AND DESCRIPTION. 6^3 PERKINS, EDWARD T. Na motu; or, reef-rovings in the South Seas : a narrative of adventures at the Hawaiian, Georgian, and Society islands : maps and illust. 8vo. N.Y., 1854. PRITCHARD, WIL-LIAM THOMAS. Polynesian reminiscences; or, life in the South Pacific islands : illust. 8vo. Lond., 1866. REEVES, EDWARD. Brown men and women; or the South sea islands in 1895 and 1896 : map and illust. 8vo. Lond., 1898. ROSS, Rev. C. STUART. Fiji and the Western Pacific. 8vo. Gee- long, 1909. ROSTOSCHNY, HERMANN. 'Europas Kolonien; die Deutschen in der Sudsee : ein Beitrage zur Geschichte deutschen Han dels und deutscher Kolonisation : 78 illust. and 6 maps. 4to. Leipzig, n.d. RUSSELL, MICHAEL, bishop of Glasgow and Galloway. Polynesia; or an historical account of the principal islands in the South sea including New Zealand : map. i2mo. Edinb., 1842. ST. JOHNSTON, ALFRED. Camping among cannibals. 8vo. Lond., 1886. SHIPLEY, CONWAY, -licut. Sketches in the Pacific; the South sea islands, fo. Lond., 1851. THOMAS, JULIAN. Cannibals and convicts; notes on personal ex- periences in the Western Pacific : portrs. and map. 8vo. Lond., 1886. THOMPSON, Rev. R. WARDLAW. My trip in the John Williams: 62 illust. sm. 4to. Lond., 1900. TICHBORNE, HERBERT. Rambles in Polynesia. 8vo. Lond., 1897. TURNER, Rev. GEORGE. Nineteen years in Polynesia; missionary life, travel, and researches in the islands of the Pacific : [illust.]. 8vo. Lond., 1861. UNION steam ship company of New Zealand limited. A cruise in the islands; Tonga, Samoa, Fiji: [maps and illust.]. pp. 40. 8vo. [Dunedin, 1895]. Pam., v. 177, no. 3398. VARIGNY, CHARLES DE. L'Ocean Pacifique. 8vo. Paris, 1888. WAWN, WILLIAM T. South sea islanders and the Queensland labour trade; a record of voyages and experiences in the Western Pacific, from 1875 to 1891 : illust. 8vo. Lond., 1893. WEBSTER, JOHN. The last cruise of the Wanderer. 8vo. Syd., n.d. WEGENER, GEORGE. Deutschland im Stillen Ozean ; Samoa, Karolinen, Marshall-Inseln, Marianen, Kaiser-Wilhelms- Land, Bismarck-Archipel und Salomo-Inseln : illust. 8vo. Leipzig, 1903. WHETHAM, JOHN WHETHAM BODDAM. Pearls of the Pacific: [illust.]. 8vo. Lond., 1876. WILSON, JAMES, captain. Missionary voyage to the South Pacific ocean, performed in the years 1796-1798 in the ship Duff : compiled from the journals of the officers and missionaries : maps and illust. 410. Lond., 1799. 624 PACIFIC ISLANDS ; TRAVEL AND DESCRIPTION. WOOD, C. F. Yachting cruise in the South seas : illust. 8vo. Lond., 1875. WRAGGE, CLEMENT LINDLEY. Romance of the South seas: illust. 8vo. Lond., 1906. 919.61. Fiji, Tonga, and Samoa. ANDERSON, J. W. Notes of travel in Fiji and New Caledonia; with some remarks on South Sea islanders and their languages : map and illust. 8vo. Lond., 1880. ARTHUR, WILLIAM. What is Fiji, the sovereignty of which is offered to Her Majesty? -pp. 8, 8vo. Lond., 1859. BAST I AN, ADOLF. Einiges aus Samoa und andern Inseln der Siidsee. 8vo. Berlin, 1889. BRITTON, HENRY. Fiji in 1870: with map and gazetteer of the Fijian archipelago, pp. 87, 8vo. Melb., 1870. Lolcma ; or two years in cannibal-land: a story of old Fiji. 8vo. Melb., 1884. BURTON, JOHN WEAR. The Fiji of to-day; introd. by the Rev. A. J. Small : 75 illust. 8vo. Lond., 1910. CASTLE, WILLIAM McCoy FITZGERALD, captain, R.N. Round about Apia, Samoa, pp. 12, 8vo. Syd., 1890. I'am., v. 88, no. 1576. CHURCHWARD, WILLIAM B. My consulate in Samoa; a re- cord of four years' sojourn in the Navigators islands. 8vo. Lond., 1887. CUMMING, CONSTANCE FREDERICA GORDON. At home in Fiji : map and illust. 2 v., 8vo. Edinb., 1881. CYCLOPEDIA company of Fiji. The cyclopedia of Fiji : illust. 4to. Syd., 1907. CYCLOPEDIA of Samoa, Tonga. Tahiti and the Cock islands: illust. 4to. Syd., 1907. (Bound with above.) DANKS, Rev. BENJAMIN. Our hygienic mission in Fiji : instructing the people, saving the children, pp. 13, 8vo. Syd.. 1901. Pam., v. 177, no. 3399. DE RICCI, JAMES HERMAN. Fiji, our new province in the South seas : maps. 8vo. Lond.. 1875. FIJI, colony of, 1880; by the committee to promote the representa- tion of the colony at the Melbourne international exhibition. 8vo. Levuka, 1880. FORBES, LITTON. Two years in Fiji. 8vo. Lond., 1875. HORNE, JOHN. A year in Fiji ; or, an enquiry into the botanical, agricultural, and economic resources of the colony. 8vo. Lond., 1 88 1. LAWRY, Rev. WALTER. Friendly and Feejee islands ; a missionary visit to the various stations in the South Seas in the year 1847 : ed. by the Rev. Elijah Hoole: map. 8vo. Lond., 1850. Second missionary visit to the Friendly and Feejee islands in the year 1850: ed. by the Rev. Elijah Hoole. 8vo. Lond., 1851. LONDON review, January, 1859. [Review of! Fiji and the Fijians, by Thomas Williams and James Calvert. pp. 30, 8vo. Lond., 1858. Pam., v. 48, no. 811. LUCAS, THOMAS PENNINGTON. Cries from Fiji and sighings from the South seas. 8vo. Melb.. n.d. PACIFIC ISLANDS ; TRAVEL AND DESCRIPTION. 625 MACDONALD, JOHN DENIS. Proceedings of the expedition for the exploration of the Rewa river and its tributaries : map. -pp. 36, 8vo. Lond., 1857. Pam., v. 9, no. 203. MARINER, WILLIAM. An account of the natives of the Tonga islands ; with an original grammar and vocabulary of their language by John Martin. 2nd. ed., 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1818. MOSS, FREDERICK JOSEPH. A month in Fiji ; by a recent visitor. pp. 32, 8vo. Melb., 1868. Pam., v. 58, no. 961. A planter's experiences in Fiji ; being a concise account of the country as a field for emigration : maps. pp. 64, 8vo. Auckland, 1870. PECHEY, W. C. Fijian cotton culture, and planters' guide to the islands. 8vo. Lond., [1870]. ROWE, GEORGE STRINGER, ed. Fiji and the Fijians : [map and illust.]. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1858. Contents: v. i. The islands and their inhabitants, by Thomas Williams. v. 2. Mission history, by James Calvert. Same: another ed. 8vo. Lond., n.d. SEEMANN, BERTHOLD. Viti; an account of a government mission to the Vitian or Fijian islands in the years 1860-61 : [illust. and map]. 8vo. Camb., 1862. SMYTH, Mrs. S. M. Ten months in the Fijian islands : maps and illust. 8vo. Lond., 1864. STAIR, Rev. JOHN B. Old Samoa; or, flotsam and jetsam from the Pacific ocean : [illust.]. 8vo. Lond., 1897. THOMSON, BASIL. Savage island ; an account of a sojourn in Niue and Tonga : [illust.]. 8vo. Lond., 1902. South sea yarns: illust. 8vo. Edinb., 1894. THOMSON, JAMES PARK. The island of Kadavu. pp. 12, 8vo., n.p., 1889. Pam., v. 188, no. 3642, TURNER, Rev. GEORGE. Samoa, a hundred years ago and long before; with notes on the cults and customs of twenty-three other islands: [maps and illust.] 8vo. Lond., 1884. VASON, GEORGE. Authentic narrative of four years' residence at Tongataboo, one of the Friendly islands, [ed.] by the Rev. S. Pigott. 8vo. Lond., 1815. WALTHER, FREDERIK LODEWIJK. Natuur en aardrijkskundige beschrijving der Vriendlijke eilanden in de Groote zuidzee, volgens de nieuwste Ontdekkingen : illust. 8vo. Amsterdam, 1787. WATERHOUSE, Rev. JOSEPH. The king and people of Fiji; containing a life of Thakombau ; with notices of the Fijians previous to the great religious reformation in 1854: [illust.]. 8vo. Lond., 1866. Vah-ta-ah, the Feejeean princess ; with occasional allusions to Feejeean customs : illust. i2mo. Lond., 1857. 919.62. Society islands. AGOSTINI, JULES. Tahiti: [illust.]. 8vo. Paris, 1905. BRASSEY, ANNIE, lady. Tahiti ; a series of photographs taken by . Col. Stuart Wortley ; letterpress by Lady Brassey. 8vo. Lond., 1882. 62(i PACIFIC ISLANDS ; TRAVEL AND DESCRIPTION. CHRISTIAN, FREDERICK WILLIAM. Eastern Pacific lands ; Tahiti and the Marquesas islands: 64 illust. 8vo. Lond., 1910. CUZENT, GILBERT. lies de la Societe: Tahiti: [map and plates]. 8vo. Kochefort, 1860. GARNOT, PROSPER. Notice sur Tile de Ta'iti. pp. 60, 8vo. Louviers, 1836. HORT, DORA, Mrs. Alfred. Tahiti ; the garden of the Pacific. 8vo. Lond., 1891. LUTTEROTH, HENRI. O-Taiti, histoire et emjuete. 8vo. P.iris, 1843- PRITCHARD, Rev. GEORGE. Queen Pomare and her country : [Tahiti], pp. 93, i2mo. Lond., n.d. SENN, NICHOLAS. Tahiti, the island paradise: 50 illust. 8vo. Chic., [1906]. 919.63. Marquesas islands : Tuamotu islands. DUMOULIN, CLEMENT ADRIEN VINCENDON, and DESGRAZ, ('. lies Marquises ou Nouka-Hiva; histoire, geographic, moeurs et considerations generales. 8vo. Paris, 1843. EYRIAUD DES VERGNES, P. E. L'archipel des iles Marquises. pp. 98, 8vo. Paris, 1877. FLEURIAS, G., captain. Note relative aux positions gecgniphiques des iles Tuamotu. pp. 20, 8vo. Paris, 1882. Pam., v. 156, no. 2998. G. . . ., le pere MATHIAS. Lettres sur les iles Marquises: [map]. 8vo. Paris, 1843. MELVILLE, HERMAN. Narrative of a four months' residence among the natives of a valley of the Marquesas islands. [map]. 8vo. Lond., 1846. Same: another ed., entitled Typee; a peep at Polynesian lift- during a four months' residence among the natives of a valh y of the Marquesas islands: revised, with sequel. i2mo. Lond., 1850. RADIGUET, MAX. Les derrriers sauvages; souvenirs de 1'occupa- tion Franchise aux iles Marquises. 1842-1859. 8vo. Paris, n.d. 919.66. Caroline and Pelew islands. CHRISTIAN, FREDERICK WILLIAM. The Caroline islands; travel in the sea of the little lands: illust. and maps. 8vo. Lond., 1899. DAVID, Mrs. TANNATT WILLIAM EDGEWORTH. Funafuti ; or, three months on a coral island: portrs., map and illust. 8vo. Melb., 1899. HOCKIN, JOHN PEARCE. Bericht von den neuesten Reisen nach den Pelew-Inseln, besonders des Kapt. McClures und seiner Gefahrten; aus den Englischen von T. F. Ehrmann. 8vo. Weimar, 1805. KEATE, GEORGE. Account of the Pelew Islands, composed from the journals and communications of Capt. Henry W 7 ilson, and some of his officers, who, in 1783, were there shipwrecked: [illust. and map]. 8vo. Dublin, 1793. PACIFIC ISLANDS ; TRAVEL AND DESCRIPTION. 627 MIGUEL, GREGORIO. Estudio sobre las Islas Carolinas. 8vo. Madrid, 1887. PEREIRO, A. CABEZA. La isla de Ponape; geografia, etnografia, historia: [maps and illust.]. 8vo. Manila, 1895. SEMPER, KARL. Die Palau-Inseln im Stillen Ocean: Reiseer- lebnisse : map. 8vo. Leipzig, 1873. 919.67. Ladrone islands. LE GOBIEN, Rev. CHARLES S.J. Histoire des isles Marianes, nouvellement converties a la religion Chretienne. 2nd ed., i2mo. Paris, 1701. 919.69. Hawaiian islands. ACCOUNT of a visit to the volcano of Kiranea in Owhyhee in 1844. pp. 5, 8vo. Edinb., 1845. Pam., v. 137, no. 26.31. ANDERSON, RUFUS. The Hawaiian islands, their progress and condition under missionary labors: illust. 2nd ed., 8vo. Bost., 1864. BATES, G. W., "a Haole." Sandwich island notes: [illust., anon.]. 8vo. N.Y., 1854. BISHOP, Mrs. ISABELLA L., formerly Bird. The Hawaiian archi- pelago ; six months among the palm groves, coral reefs, and volcanoes of the Sandwich islands: illust. 6th ed., 8vo. Lond., 1886. BYRON, GEORGE ANSON BYRON, jtli baron. Voyage of H.M.S. Blonde to the Sandwich islands in the years 1824-25. 4to. Lond., 1826. CHEEVER, Rev. HENRY THEODORE. Life in the Sandwich islands ; or the heart of the Pacific as it was and is : illust. 8vo. N.Y., 1851. CLIFFORD, EDWARD. Father Damien; a journey from Cashmere to his home in Hawaii. 8vo. Lond., 1889. CUMMING, CONSTANCE FREDERICA GORDON. Fire fountains ; the kingdom of Hawaii ; its volcanoes and the history of its missions: maps and illust. 2 v., 8vo. Edinb., 1883. ELLIS, Rev. WILLIAM. Narrative of a tour through Hawaii, or Owhyhee. 8vo. Lond., 1826. HILL, S. S. Travels in the Sandwich and Society islands: [map]. 8vo. Lond., 1856. JARVES, JAMES JACKSON. Kiana; a tradition of Hawaii : [illust.]. 8vo. Lond., 1857. LYMAN, HENRY MUNSON. Hawaiian yesterdays ; chapters from a boy's life in the islands in the early days : illust. and maps. 8vo. Chic., 1906. MACDONALD, J. M. The great volcano of Kilauea, Hawaiian islands, as described in the report of a visit to that extra- ordinary wonder of nature, pp. 32, 8vo. Honolulu, 1889. Pam., v. 24, no. 423. til's PACIFIC ISLANDS ; TRAVEL AND DESCRIPTION. McKONOCHIE, ALEXANDER, captain. Considerations on the pro- priety of establishing a colony in one of the Sandwich islands. pp. 24, 8vo. Edinb., 1816. Pam., v. 112, no. 2oq6. MARTIN, WILLIAM. Notice sur les iles Hawai. pp. 21, 8vo. Paris, 1867. Pam., v. 156, no. 2999. NOTTAGE, CHARLES G. In search of a climate: 34 illust. 8vo. Lond., 1894. SAUVIN, G. Un royaume Polynesien; iles Hawai. 12010. P;iris, 1893. STEWART, Rev. CHARLES SAMUEL. Private journal of a voyage 'to the Pacific ocean and residence at the Sandwich islands in the years 1822-25: [illust. and map]. i2mo. N.Y., 1828. VARIGNY, CHARLES DE. Quatorze ans aux iles Sandwich: [2 maps]. 8vo. Paris, 1874. 919.7. Isolated Pacific islands. CUZENT, GILBERT. Les possessions Franchises de 1'Oceanie; voyage aux iles Gambier : [map and illust.]. 8vo. Paris, 1872. Les iles Gambier, archipel de Manga Reva. pp. 30, 8vo. , n.-p., n.d. Pam., v. 56, no. 3002. GOODRIDGE, CHARLES MEDYETT. Narrative of a voyage to the South seas; with the shipwreck of the Princess of Wales cutter; to which is added a further narrative of near eight years' residence in Van Diemen's Land : [map and plan]. i2mo. Lond., 1832. Same: 6th ed. Omits Narrative of residence in Van D lemon's Land. i2mo. Exeter, 1847. HARPER'S new monthly magazine. The Pitcairn islanders: [illust.]. pp. 17, 8vo., n.p., n.d. Pam., v. 158, no. 3033 MURRAY, Rev. THOMAS BOYLES. Pitcairn ; the island, the people, and the pastor ; to which is added a short notice of the original settlement and present condition of Norfolk island : [illust.]. 1 2th ed., i2mo. Lond. [1860]. SHILLIBEP;R, JOHN. Narrative of the Briton's voyage to Pit- cairn's island ; including an interesting sketch of the present state of the Brazils and of Spanish South America : [illust.]. 8vo. Lond., 1817. 919.8. Arctic regions. COLLINSON, Sir RICHARD, admiral. Journal of H.M.S. Enter- prise on the expedition in search of Sir John Franklin's ships: ed.. with memoir, by T. B. Collinson : [maps]. 8vo. Lond., 1889. FRANKLIN, Sir JOHN, captain. Narrative of a journey to the shores of the Polar sea, in the years 1819-1822 : plates and maps. 410. Lond., 1823. Same.- 2nd ed. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1824. ARCTIC AND ANTARCTIC REGIONS. 629 GREELY, ADOLPHUS WASHINGTON, major-gen., U.S.A. Three years of Arctic service; an account of the Lady Franklin bay expedition of 1881-4, an d the attainment of the farthest north: illust., maps, and charts. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1886. KANE, ELISHA KENT. The United States Grinnel expedition in search of Sir John Franklin: a personal narrative: [illust.]. new ed., 8vo. Phila., 1857. KENNEDY, WILLIAM. Short narrative of the second voyage of the Prince Albert in search of Sir John Franklin : illust. and map. 8vo. Lond., 1853. McDOLJGALL, GEORGE FREDERICK. Eventful voyage of H.M. discovery ship Resolute to the Arctic regions in search of Sir John Franklin and the missing crews of H.M. discovery ships Erebus and Terror, 1852-54: [illust. and map]. 8vo. Lond., i857. MULGRAVE, CONSTANTINE JOHN PHIPPS, 2nd baron. Voyage towards the North pole [in command of the Racehorse'] under- taken by His Majesty's command, 1773 : [maps and illust,]. 4to. Lond., 1774. NAN SEN, FRIDTJOF. "Farthest north"; being the record of a voyage of exploration of the ship From, 1893-96 : maps and illust. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1898. The first crossing of Greenland : tr. by Hubert Majendie Gepp : maps and illust. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1890. PEARY, ROBERT EDWIN, commander, U.S.A. Nearest the Pole; a narrative of the polar expedition by the Peary Arctic club in the s.s. Roosevelt: -2 maps and frontispiece. la. 8vo. N.Y., 1908. The North Pole: introd. by Theodore Roosevelt: 116 illust. 4to. Lond., 1910. SVERDRUP, OTTO. New land; four years in the Arctic regions: tr. by Ethel Harriet Hearn : illust. and maps. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1904. 919.9. Antarctic regions. 'BERNACCHI, Louis. To the South Polar regions: expedition of 1898-1900: illust. 8vo. Lond., 1901. BORCHGREVINK, C. E. First on the Antarctic continent ; being an account of the British Antarctic expedition, 1898-1900: portrs., maps, and illust. 8vo. Lond., 1901. BROWN, R. N. RUDMOSE, MOSSMAN, R. C., and PIRIE, J. H. H. Voyage of the Scotia; being the record of a voyage of exploration in Antarctic seas : [maps and] illust. 8vo. Edinb., 1906. BULL, H. J. Cruise of the Antarctic to the South polar regions. [1894-5: illust.]. 8vo. Lond., 1896. CHARCOT, JEAN BAPTISTE ETIENNE AUGUSTE. The voyage of the Why Not? in the Antarctic; the journal of the second French South polar expedition, 1908-10: [tr.] by Phillip Walsh: illust. la. 8vo Lond., [1911]. FRICKER, KARL. The Antarctic regions: maps, plates, and illust. 8vo. Lond., 1900. 630 ANTAECTIC REGIONS : BIOGRAPHY. MARKHAM, ,S/> CLEMENTS ROBERT, captain. Antarctic explora- tion; a plea for a national expedition: map. pp. 15, 8vo. Lond., 1898. NORDENSKJOLD, N. OTTO G., and ANDERSSON, JOHANN GUNNAR. Antarctica ; or, two years amongst the ice of the South Pole. 8vo. Lond., 1905. ROSS, Sir JAMES CLARK, rear-admiral. Voyage of discovery and research in the Southern and Antarctic regions, during the years 1839-43 : plates, maps and illust. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1847. ROYAL society, London. National Antarctic expedition, 1901-04: album of photographs and sketches, with a portfolio of panoramic views : [with descriptive letter press]. 2 v., 410. Lond., 1908. SCOTT, ROBERT FALCON, captain. Voyage of the Discovery: illust. and maps. 2 v., 8vo. Lond.. 1905. Captain Scott commanded the Antarctic expedition, 1901-04. SHACKLETON, Sir ERNEST H. The heart of the Antarctic; being the story of the British Antarctic expedition, 1907-09: introd. by H. R. Mill: [illust. and maps]. 2 v., la. 8vo. Lond., 1909. SOUTH Polar times, [ed. by E. H. Shackleton : illust.] 2 v., 4to. Lond., 1907. A reproduction in facsimile of the original, published monthly during the winters of 1902-03 on the Discovery, then held fast in the Antarctic ice : 8 numbers in all. SPRENT, CHARLES PERCY. Antarctic exploration, pp. 15, 8vo. Hobart, n.d. Pam., v. 81, no. 1446. WED DELL, JAMES. Voyage towards the South Pole in the years 1822-24. 8vo. Lond., 1827, 920. Individual Biography. ABBOTT, EDWIN ABBOTT. Francis Bacon; an account of his life and works. 8vo. Lond., 1885. ACTON, JOHN EMERICH EDWARD DALBERG, baron. Lord Acton and his circle: ed. by Abbot Gasquet. 8vo. Lond., [1906]. .Contents. Lord Acton and his circle. Letters of Lord'Acton. ADAMSON, B., and ADAMSON, M. Letters of Adam Adamson: [portrs.]. 8vo. Melb., 1901. ADDLESHAW, PERCY. Sir Philip Sidney: 12 illust. 8vo. Lond., 1909. AIRY, OSMOND. Charles II. : portr. 8vo. Lond.. 1904. AITKEN, GEORGE ATHERTON. Life of Richard Steele : [portrs.]. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1889. ALARD, MARIE JOSEPH Louis FRANCOIS ANTOINE. loge his- torique de Francois Peron, redacteur du Voyage de dcouverres aux terres Australes. pp. 55, 4to. Paris, 1811. ALDERSON, J. P. Mr. Asquith : 5 illust. 8vo. Lond., 1905. ALEXANDER, Louis C. The autobiography of Shakespeare; a fragment. 8vo. Lond., 1911. ALGER, JOHN GOLDWORTH. Napoleon's British visitors and cap- tives, 1801-1815. 8vo. Lond., 1904. BIOGRAPHY. 631 ALISON, Sir ARCHIBALD, bart. Lives of Lord Castlereagh and Sir Charles Stewart. 3 v., 8vo. Edinb., 1861. ANDERSEN, HANS CHRISTIAN. Correspondence: ed. by Frederick Crawford: portrs. and memoir. 8vo. Lond., [1891]. ARBLAY, FRANCES, nee BURNEY, Madame D'. Diary and letters, 1778-1840; ed. by Charlotte Barrett: portrs. 4 v., 8vo. Lend., 1891. ARCHER, WILLIAM. Life, trial, and death of Francisco Ferrer: illust. 8vo. Lond., 1911. ARGYLL, JOHN DOUGLAS SUTHERLAND CAMPBELL, gth duke of, Passages from the past: illust. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1907. ARNOLD, MATTHEW. Letters, 1848-1888: collected and arranged by George W. E. Russell. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1895. ARNOLD, THOMAS. Passages in a wandering life. 8vo. Lond., 1900. ASHBOURNE, EDWARD GIBSON, zst baron. Pitt; some chapters of his life and times: [portrs.]. 8vo. Lond., 1898. ASHLEY, ANTHONY EVELYN MELBOURNE. Life and correspon- dence of Henry John Temple, viscount Palmersion. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1879. ATKINS, JOHN BLACK. Life of Sir William Howard Russell, the first special correspondent: portrs. and illusts. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1911. AUCKLAND, WILLIAM EDEN, ist baron. Journal and correspon- dence; pref. and introd., by the Bishop of Bath and Wells [Lord Auckland: portrs.]. 4 v., 8vo. Lond., 1861-62. AUDUBON, MARIA R. Audubon and his journals; with zoological and other notes by Elliott Cones : portrs. and illust. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1898. BACKHOUSE, JAMES, and TAYLOR, CHARLES. Life and labours of George Washington Walker, of Hobart Town, Tasmania. 8vo. Lond., 1862. BACKHOUSE, SARAH. Memoir of James Backhouse. 8vo, Lond., 1870. BACON, EDGAR MAYHEW. Henry Hudson; his times and his voyages: illust. 8vo. N.Y., 1907. (American men of energy.) B AGOT, JOSCEHNE, capt. , ed. George Canning and his friends ; containing hitherto unpublished letters, jeux d'esprit, &c. : illust. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1909. BALFOUR, GRAHAM. Life of Robert Louis Stevenson. 4th ed., 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1902. BALLANTINE, WILLIAM. Some experiences of a barrister's life: [portrs.]. 4th ed., 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1882. BALLANTYNE, ALEXANDER, and others. Refutation of the mis- statements and calumnies contained in Mr. Lockhart's life of Sir Walter Scott, bart., respecting the Messrs. Ballantyne, by the trustees and son of the late Mr. James Ballantyne. 8vo. Lond., 1838. BALLANTYNE. ARCHIBALD. Lord C'arteret; a political bio- graphy, 1690-1763. 8vo. Lond., 1887. BARCLAY. ANDREW, captnin. Life of ; written from his own dicta- tion at Cambock, igth February. 1836, to Thomas Scott. pp. 8, 8vo., n.p., n.d. Pam., v. 159, no. 3063. 632 BIOGRAPHY. BAR^RE DE VIEUZAC, BERTRAND. Memoirs : tr. by De V. Payne-Payne: [portrs.]. 4 v., 8vo. Lond., 1896. BARRAS, PAUL FRANCOIS JEAN NICHOLAS, comte de. Memoirs; ed., with general introd., prefaces, and appces., by George Duruy : tr. by Charles E. Roche: portrs., facsimiles, and plans. 4 v., 8vo. Lond., 1895-96. BARRETT, Rev. ALFRED. Life of the Rev. John Hewgill Bumby [of New Zealand] ; with a brief history of the commence- ment and progress of the Wesleyan mission in that country. i2mo. Lond., 1852. HARRINGTON, GEORGE. Genuine life and trial from his birth in June, 1755, to the time of his conviction in September, 1790. pp. 48, 8vo. [Manchester], n.d Life, times, and adventures of George Barrington, the celei- brated thief and pick-pocket, embracing the whole of his history and a full account of all his extraordinary feats : illust. 2nd ed., pp. 73, 8vo. Lond., [1839]. Memoir of George Barrington. . . ; with the whole of his celebrated speeches. 8vo. Lond., [1790]. BARRINGTON, Sir JONAH. Personal sketches of his own times; 3rd ed., with memoir; an essay on Irish wit and humour; and notes and corrections by Townsend Young: [portr.]. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1869. Same: 3rd ed. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1869. BARROW, Sir JOHN, ist bart. Auto-biographical memoir; in- cluding reflections, observations and reminiscences at home and abroad, from early life to advanced age: [portr.]. 8vo. Lond v 1847. BARRY, ALFRED, bishop of Sydney, ed. Life and works of Sir Charles Barry: [portr. and illust.]. 8vo. Lond., 1867. BARRY, Rev. WILLIAM FRANCIS. Newman. 8vo. Lond., 1904. (Literary lives.) Ernest Kenan. 8vo. Lond., 1905. (Literary lives.) BASTARD, THOMAS. Autobiography of " Cockney Tom." 8vo. Adel., 1 88 1. BAYER, FREDERICK CHARLES. In memoriam. pp. 28, 8vo. [Adel.]. n.d. Pam., v. 177, no. 3400. BEACONSFIELD, BENJAMIN DISRAELI, earl of. Lord George Bentinck ; a political biography : introd. by Charles Whibley. 8vo. Lond., 1905. BELLOC, HILAIRE. Marie Antoinette : 31 illust. and 4 maps. 8vo. Lond., 1909. BENJAMIN, LEWIS S., "Lewis Melville." Life and letters of William Beckford of Fonthill, author of " Vathek." la. 8vo. Lond., 1910. William Makepeace Thackeray ; a biography, including hitherto uncollected letters and speeches, and a bibliography : illust. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1910. BENNETT, Rev. FREDERICK. Story of Wl. J. E. Bennett, and of his part in the Oxford church movement of the nineteenth century: portr. 8vo. Lond., 1909. BIOGRAPHY. 633 BENNETT, GEORGE. [Memoir], pp. 7, 8vo., n.p., n.d. Pam., v. 137, no. 2638. BENSON, ARTHUR CHRISTOPHER. Edward Fitzgerald. 8vo, Lond., 1905. (English men of letters.) Ruskin ; a study in personality. 8vo. Lond., 1911. BERNSTEIN, EDWARD. Ferdinand Lassalle as a social reformer: tr. by Eleanor Marx Aveling. 8vo. Lond., 1893. (Social science ser.) BERRIMAN, WILLIAM T. G. Incidents in the life of Samuel Ham ; containing reminiscences of his early life and manhood, the story of his conversion, of his first sermon, and his won- derful vision: introd. by Rev. E. I. Watkin : [portr.]. 8vo, Geelong, 1898. BERRY, MARY. Extracts of journals and correspondence, 1783- 1852 : ed. by Lady Theresa Lewis : [portrs.]. 3 v., 8vo. Lond., 1865. Same: 3rd ed. 3 v., 8vo. Lond., 1866. BERSIER, EUGENE. Coligny ; the earlier years of the great Huguenot : tr. by Annie Harwood Ho'lmden. 8vo. Lond., 1884. BESANT, Sir WALTER. Autobiography ; with a prefatory note by S. Squire Sprigge : [portr.]. 8vo. Lond., 1902. Captain Cook. 8vo. Lond., 1890. (English men of action.) BESSER, W. F. John Williams, der Missionar der Siidsee. 3rd ed. 8vo. Halle, 1863. BIOKFORDj Rev. JAMES. Autobiography of Christian labour in the West Indies, Demerara, Victoria, New South Wales, and South Australia. 8vo. Lond., 1890. BIRRELL, Right lion. AUGUSTINE. Andrew Marvell. 8vo. Lond., 1905. (English men of letters.) BISMARCK -SCHONHAUSEN, OTTO EDOUARD LEOPOLD, Prime VON. Bismarck, the man and the statesman ; being [his] re- flections and reminiscences : tr. under the supervision of A. J. Butler: portrs. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1898. BLACKIE, JOHN STUART. Notes of a life : ed. by his nephew, A. Stodart Walker: [portr.]. 8vo. Edinb., 1910. BLADES, WILLIAM. Biography and typography of William Cax- ton, England's first printer: [illust.]. 8vo. Lond., 1877. BLAND, WILLIAM. Account of the duel between William Bland and Robert Case, and the circumstances that led thereto; apT pended, a report of the trial Rex v. Bland, Randall and Fulton, before the recorder of Bombay, i4th and i?th April, 1813. 4to. Syd., 1892. Written out from Bland's original MS., and reproduced in fac simile. Services rendered to New South Wales, pp. 15, 8vo. Syd.. 1862. Pam., v. 159, no. 3038. BLENNERHASSETT, CHARLOTTE JULIA, lady. Madame de Stael ; her friends and her influence in politics and literature: portr. 3 v., 8vo. Lond., 1889. BLOWITZ, HENRI STEPHAN DE. My memoirs. 8vo. Lond., 1903. ;U BIOGRAPHY. BONNVICK, JAMES. Australia's first preacher, the Rev. Richard Johnson, first chaplain of New South Wales. 8vo. Lond., 1898. John Batman, the founder of Victoria. i2mo. Melb., 1867. An octogenarian's reminiscences : [portrs. and illust.]. 8vo. Lond., 1902. Bound with his Kurly (Jays of Melbourne, class 994.5. BOODLE, Rev. RICHARD GEORGE. Life and labours of William Tyrrell, first bishop of Newcastle, New South Wales. 8vo. Lond. [1881.] BOSWELL, JAMES. Letters to the Rev. W. J. Temple : introd. by Thomas Seccombe : [portr.] '8vo. Lond., 1908. Life of Johnson; including BoswelFs Journal of a tour to the Hebrides, and Johnson's Diary of a journey into North Wales: ed. by George Birbeck Hill: [portrs. and faesimi 6 v., 8vo. Oxf., 1887. BOULGER, DEMETRIUS CHARLES. Life of Sir Stamford Raffles: portrs., maps and illust. 8vo. Lond., 1897. Lord William Bentinck. 8vo. Oxf., 1892. (Rulers of India.) BOURNE, HENRY RICHARD Fox. Memoir of Sir Philip Sidney. 8vo. Lond., 1862. BOURRIENNE, Louis ANTOINE FAUVELOT DE. Memoirs of Napoleon Bonaparte; added, an account of the important events of the hundred days, of Napoleon's surrender to the English, and of his residence and death at St. Helen i : with anecdotes and illustrative notes from all the most authentic sources: [portrs., illust. and maps]. 4 v., 8vo. Lond., 1836. BOWRING, LEWIN B. Haidar Ali and Tipu Sultan, and the struggle with the Musulman powers of the south. 8vo. Oxf., 1893. (Rulers of India.) BRACKENBURY, Sir HENRY, general. Some memoirs of my spare time: [portr.]. 8vo. Edinb., 1909. BRADLEY, ARTHUR GRANVILLE. Captain John Smith. 8vo. Lond., 1905. (English men of action.) BRADSHAW, JOHN. Sir Thomas Munro. 8vo. Oxf.. 1894. (Rulers of India.) BRADY, CYRUS TOWNSEND. The true Andrew Jackson : illust. 8vo. Phila., 1906. BRAMPTON, HENRY HAWKINS, baron. Reminiscences : ed. by R. Harris: portr. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1904. BRANDES, GEORGE. Ferdinand Lassalle. 8vo. Lond., 1911. BREDON, JULIET. Sir Robert Hart ; the romance of a great career : portr. and illust. 8vo. Lond., 1909. BREMOND, HENRI. The mystery of Newman : tr. by H. C. Cor- rance : introd. by Rev. G. Tyrrell. 8vo. Ix>nd., 1907. BRERETON, AUSTIN.' Life of Henry Irving: illust. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1908. BREWSTER', Sir DAVID. Memoir of the life, writings, and dis- coveries of Sir Isaac Newton: [illust.]. 2 v., 8vo. Edinb.. 1855- BRISBANE, Sir THOMAS MAKDOUGALL, bart., general. Reminis- cences: [illust.]. 4to. Edinb., 1860. BIOGRAPHY. 635 BROAD LEY, ALEXANDER MEYRICK. Doctor Johnson and Mrs. Thrale; including Mrs. Thrale's unpublished journal of the Welsh tour made in 1774, and much unpublished correspond- ence of the Streatham coterie : introductory essay by T. Sec- combe : illust. 8vo. Lond. [1910.] BRODRIBB, WILLIAM ADAMS. Recollections of an Australian squatter; or, leaves from my journal since 1835. 8vo. Syd., 1883. BRODZKY, MAURICE. Genius, lunacy, and knavery ; a story of a colonial physician, [David Hailprin]. pp. 30, 8vo. Melb., 1876. Pam., v. 8, no. 173. BROOKS, NOAH. Abraham Lincoln, and the downfall of Ameri- can slavery: [illust.]. 8vo. N.Y., 1905. (Heroes of the nations.; BROOME, MARY ANN, lady. Colonial memoirs. 8vo. Lond., 1904. BROUGHAM and VAUX, HENRY PETER BROUGHAM, ist baron, Life and times: [portr.]. 3 v., 8vo. Edinb., 1872. BROUGHTON, JOHN CAM HOBHOUSE, baron. Recollections of a long life ; with additional extracts from his diaries : ed. by his daughter, Lady Dorchester : [pref . by the Earl of Rose- bery] : portrs. 6 v., 8vo. Lond., 1909-11. BROUGHTON, WILLIAM GRANT, bishop of Sydney. Farewell ad- dresses delivered in Sydney on the eve of his embarkation for England ; [with account of his death and funeral], pp. 16, 8vo. Syd., 1853. Pam., v. go, no. 1622. BROWN, GEORGE. George Brown, pioneer missionary and ex- plorer ; an autobiography ; a narrative of 48 years' residence and travel in Samoa, New Britain, New Ireland, New Guinea, and the Solomon islands: in illust. and map. 8vo. Lond., 1908. BROWNING, OSCAR. The fall of Napoleon : illust. 8vo. Lond.> 1907. Memoirs of sixty years at Eton, Cambridge and elsewhere : illust. 8vo. Lond., 1910. BRUHNS, KARL CHRISTIAN, ed. Life of Alexander von Hum- boldt : compiled in commemoration of the centenary of his birth by J. Lowenberg, Robert Ave-Lallemaut and Alfred Dove : tr. from the German by Jane and Caroline Lassell : 3 portrs. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1873. BULU, JOEL. Autobiography of a native minister in the South seas. 8vo. Lond., 1871. BUNBURY, THOMAS, lieut. -colonel. Reminiscences of a veteran; being personal and military adventures in Portugal, Spain, France, Malta, New South Wales, Norfolk Island, New Zea- land, Andaman Islands, and India: [illust.]. 3 v., 8vo. Lond., 1 86 1. BUNSEN, CHRISTIAN CARL JOSIAS, baron. Memoirs; drawn chiefly from family papers by his widow, Frances, baroness Bunsen : [portrs.]. 2nd ed., 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1869. BIOGRAPHY. BUNSEN, MARY ISABELLA, nee Warldington, Madame Charles DE. In three legations : [Turin, Florence, The Hague] : . 49 illust. 8vo. Lond., 1909. BURGESS, JOSEPH. John Burns; the rise and progress of a right honourable: [portrs.]. 8vo. Glasgow, 1911. BURNE, Sir OWEN TUDOR, major-general. Clyde and Strathnairn. 8vo. Oxf., 1891. (Rulers of India.) BURNS, ROBERT. Burns centenary, July 2ist, 1896; record of the celebration throughout New South Wales. i2mo. Syd., 1896. BURTT, JAMES. Reminiscences re George Augustus Selwyn, bishop of New Zealand: [portr.]. pp. 16, 8vo. Auckl., 1907. Pam., v. 177, no. 3402. BUSCH, MORITZ. Bismarck; some secret pages of his history. . 3 v., 8vo. Lond., 1898. Our Chancellor; sketches for a historical picture: tr. by W. Beatty-Kingston. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1884. BUTLER, SAMUEL, bishop of Lichfield. Life and letters of Dr. Samuel Butler, in so far as they illustrate the scholastic, religious, and social life of England, 1790-1840: [portr., and illust.] 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1896. BUTLER, THOMAS. Memoirs of Professor Badham. In Badham, Rev. C. Speeches and lectures, class 825. BUTLER, Sir WILLIAM FRANCIS, lieut.-gen. An autobiography: [ed. by Eileen Butler]: 4 portrs. [2 maps]. 8vo. Lond., 1911. Sir Charles Napier. 8vo. Lond., 1894. (English men of action.) BUZACOTT, Rev. AARON. Mission life in the islands of the Pacific; being a narrative of [his] life and labours. 8vo. Lond., 1886. BYRNE, MILES. Memoirs: ed. by his widow. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1907. CADOGAN, Hon. EDWARD. Life of Cavour : portr. 8vo. Ixind., 1907. CALTHROP, H. C. HOLWAY. Petrarch; his life and times: illust. 8vo. Lond., 1907. CAMPBELL, GERALD. Edward and Pamela FitzGerald ; being some account of their lives : compiled from the letters of those who knew them. 8vo. Lond., 1904. CAMPBELL, Rev. THOMAS. Diary of a visit to England in 1775 by an Irishman, [i.e., Rev. Dr. Thomas Campbell]: with notes by Samuel Raymond. i2mo. Syd., 1854. CARGILL, Rev. DAVID. (Memoirs of Mrs. Margaret Cargill ; in- cluding notices of the progress of Christianity in Tonga and Feejee. 8vo. Lond., 1841. CARLYLE, THOMAS. Correspondence of Thomas Carlyle and Ralph Waldo Emerson, 1834-1872 : ed. by Charles Eliot Norton: portrs. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1883. Early letters: ed. by C. E. Norton: [2 'portrs.]. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1886. Love letters of Thomas Carlyle and Jane Welsh : ed. by Alexander Carlyle: illust. '2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1909. BIOGRAPHY. 637 CARLYLE, JANE BAILLIE, nee Welsh, Mrs. T. Letters and memorials of Jane Welsh Carlyle, prepared for publication by Thomas Carlyle; ed. by J. A. Froude. 3 v., 8vo. Lond., 1883. New letters and memorials : annot. by Thomas Carlyle, and ed. by A. Carlyle; introd. by Sir J. Crichton- Browne : illust. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1903. CASH, MARTIN. Adventures; comprising a faithful account of his exploits while a bushranger under arms in Tasmania in com- pany with Kavanagh and Jones: ed. by J. L. Burke. 8vo. Hobart Town, 1870. Martin Cash, the bushranger of Van Diemen's Land in 1843; a personal narrative of his exploits in the bush and his ex- periences at Port Arthur and Norfolk Island. 8vo. Hobart, 1870. CARNAC, JOHN HENRY RIVETT, colonel. Many memcri; s of life in India, at home and abroad: [portr.]. 8vo. Edinb., 1910. CASANOVA DI SEINGALT, GIACOMO GIROLAMO. Memoires; ecrits par lui-meme. 6 v., 8vo.. Brussels, 1879. CAVENDISH, GEORGE. Life of Cardinal Wolsey ; from the original autograph manuscript: notes by S. W. Singer: [portrs. and illust.]. and ed., 8vo. Lond., 1827. CESTRE, CHARLES. John Thelwall ; a pioneer of democracy and social reform in England during the French revolution. 8vo. Lond., 1906. (Social science set.) CHADWICK, Mrs. ELLIS H. Mrs. Gaskell ; haunts, homes, and stories: [illust.]. 8vo. Lond., 1910. CHAMBERLAYNE, Rev. ISRAEL, ed. The Australian captive; or, an authentic narrative of fifteen years in the life of William Jackman : [illust.]. 8vo. Lond., 1853. CHATHAM, WILLIAM PITT, ist earl of. Correspondence: ed. by [W. S. Taylor and J. H. Pringle], the executors of his son, John, earl of Chatham, and published from the original manuscripts: [facsimiles]. 4 v., 8vo. Lond., 1838-40. CHILDERS, EDMUND SPENCER EARDLEY, colonel. Life and cor- respondence of the Rt. hon. Hugh C. E. Childers, 1827-1896: portrs. and illust. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1901. CHURCH, Rev. ALFRED JOHN. Memories of men and books : portr. 8vo. Lond., 1908. CHURCHILL, WINSTON SPENCER. Lord Randolph Churchill: [portrs. and illust.]. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1906. CLARKE, Rev. T. E. S., and FOXCROFT, Miss H. C. Life of Gilbert Burnet, bishop of Salisbury : introd. by C. H. Firth. 8vo. Camb., 1907. Contents; i. Scotland, 1643-1674; by T. K. S. Clarke. 2. Eng- land, 1674-1711;; with bibliographical appces. ; by H. C. Foxcroft. COATES, THOMAS F. G. The prophet of the poor; the life story of General Booth. 8vo. Lond., 1905. COCKBURN, HENRY THOMAS, baron. Life of Lord Jeffrey; with a selection from his correspondence: [portr.]. 2 v., 8vo. Edinb., 1852. 'COLEMAN, Rev. JOHN NOBLE. Mempir of the Rev. Richard Davis, for thirty-nine years a missionary in New Zealand. 8vo. Lond., 1865. 638 BIOGEAPHY. COLERIDGE, BERNARD JOHN SEYMOUR, 2nd baron. Story of a Devonshire house: [illust.]. 8vo. Lond., 1905. COLERIDGE, ERNEST HARTLEY. Life and correspondence of John Duke, Lord Coleridge, lord chief justice of England : illust. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1904. ^ COLLIER, JAMES. Sir George Grey ; governor, high commissioner, and premier; an historical biography: [5 portrs.]. 8vo. Christchurch, 1909. (Makers of Australia.) COLVIN, Sir AUCKLAND. John Russell Colvin. 8vo. Oxf., 1895. (Rulers of India.) CONWAY, MONCURE DANIEL. Life of Thomas Paine; with a history of his literary, political, and religious career in America, France, and England : appended, A sketch of Paine, by William Cobbett. 2 v., 8vo. N.Y., 1892. COOK, EDWARD TYAS. Edmund Garrett; a memoir: portr. 8vo. Lond., 1909. COOK, JAMES, captain. [Facsimiles of four letters of Cook to Sir Joseph Banks, 1772-1776.] pp. 12, 4to, n.t.p. CORBETT, JULIAN. Monk. 8vo. Lond., 1888. (English men of action.) COTTON, J. S. Mountstuart Elphin-tone. 8vo. Oxf.. 1892. (Rulers of India.) COULTON, GEORGE GORDON. Chaucer and his England : 32 illust. 8vo. Lond., 1908. COURTHOPE, WILLIAM JOHN. Life of Alexander Pope: portr. 8vo. Lond., 1889. v. 5 of the Works of Alexander Pope; ed. by W. Klwin, and W. J. Courthope. COWIE, WILLIAM GARDEN, bishop of Auckland. Our last year in New Zealand, 1887. 8vo. Lond., 1888. COWPER, WILLIAM MACQUARIE, dean of Sydney. Autobiography and reminiscences. 8vo. Syd., 1902. COWPER, WILLIAM MACQUARIE, dean of Sydney, ed. Episcopate of Frederick Barker, bishop of Sydney, and metropolitan of Australia. 8vo. Lond., 1888. COX, ALFRED. Recollections : Australia, England, Ireland, Scot- land, New Zealand. 8vo. Christchurch, 1884. COX, JOHN G. SNEAD. Life of Cardinal Vaughan: [illust.]. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1910. COX, WILLIAM. Memoirs of William Cox, lieutenant and pay- master of N.S.W. corps: [illust. and portr.]. 8vo. Syd., 1901. CRAIG, W. H. Life of Lord Chesterfield; an account of the ancestry, personal character, and public services of the fourth Earl of Chesterfield: illust. 8vo. Lond., 1907. CRANBROOK, GATHORNE GATHORNE- HARDY, ist earl of. Gathorne Hardy, first earl of Cranbrook; a memoir, with extracts from his diary and correspondence: ed. by A. E. Gathorne- Hardy : portrs. and illust. 2 v., 8vo. Lond. 1910. CREELMAN, JAMES. Diaz, master of Mexico: illust. 8vo. N.Y., 1911. BIOGRAPHY. 639 CREEVEY, THOMAS, The Creevey papers ; a selection from the correspondence and diaries of Thomas Creevey : ed. by Sir H. Maxwell : [portrs.]* 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1903. CREIGHTON, MANDELL, bishop of London. Memoir of Sir George Grey, bart., G.C.B. : pref. by Sir Edward Grey: portrs. 8vo. Lond., 1901. CROKER, JOHN WILSON. The Croker papers; [being his] corre- spondence and diaries: ed. by L. J. Jennings: portr. 3 v., 8vo. Lond., 1885. Croker was secretary to the Admiralty, 1809-1830. CROKER, THOMAS CROFTON, ed. Memoirs of Joseph Holt, gene- ral of the Irish rebels in 1798. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1838. Holt was transported to Botany bay in 1799, and pardoned in 1809. CROSS, WILBUR Lucius. Life and times of Laurence Sterne : illust. 8vo. N.Y., 1909. CUNNINGHAM, Sir HENRY STEWART. Earl Canning. 8vo. Oxf., 1891. ("Rulers of India.) DALHOUSIE, JAMES ANDREW BROUN RAMSAY, ist marquis of. Private letters : ed. by J. G. A. Baird : portrs. and illust. 8vo. Edinb., 1910. DALLEY, WILLIAM BEDE. Report of the Dalley memorial" move- ^- ment : a public statue for Australia's orator, scholar, and statesman, pp. 33, 4to., n.t.p. Reproduction in script frorr. Freeman's journal, 22nd Dec., 1888. DAMPIER, WILLIAM/ Memoirs of the life and voyages of captain William Dampier ; portr. pp. 15, n.t.p., 8vo. Lond., 1789-90. From the Universal magazine, v. 85. DANIEL, GEORGE WILLIAM, archdeacon. Bishop Wilberforce : [portr.]. 8vo. Lond., 1891. (Knglish leaders of religion.) DARWIN, CHARLES ROBERT. Life and letters; including an auto- biographical chapter : ed. by Francis Darwin : [portrs.]. 3V., 8vo. Lond., 1888. More letters of Charles Darwin ; a record of his work in a series of hitherto unpublished letters : ed. by Francis Dar- win and A. C. Seward : illust. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1903. DASENT, ARTHUR IRWIN. John Thadeus Delane, editor of " The Times"; his life and correspondence: portrs. and illust. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1908. DAVEY, RICHARD PATRICK BOYLE. The nine days' queen; Ladv Jane Grey and her times: ed., with introd., by M. [A. S.] Hume: 12 illust. 8vo. Lond., 1909. DAVIDSON, ARTHUR F. Alexandre Dumas, pere ; his life and works. 8vo. Lond., 1902. DEEMING, FREDERICK BAILEY. The criminal of the century; a complete history of the career of F. B. Deeming, alias Albert Williams, alias Baron Swanston : [illust.]. 8vo. Syd., 1892. DELEUZE, J. P. F. Notice historique sur M. Peron. 4to. Paris, 1811. Bound -with Alard, M. J. Eloge historique de Fra^ois Peron. DENISON, Sir WILLIAM THOMAS. Varieties of vice-regal life: [maps]. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1870. |M BIOGRAPHY. DE SATG&, OSCAR. Pages from the journal of a Queensland squatter: illust. vo. Lond., 1901. DE SELINGOURT, HUGH. Great Ralegh: 16 illust. 8vo. Lond. , 1908. DES VOEUX, Sir GEORGE WILLIAM. My colonial service in Bri- tish Guiana, St. Lucia, Trinidad, Fiji, Australia, Newfound- land, and Hong Kong; with interludes. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1903. DE WINDT, HARRY. My restless life: [portr. and illust.], 8vo. Lond., 1909. DICKENS, CHARLES. Letters : ed. by his sister-in-law and his eldest daughter, 1833-1870. 3 v., 8vo. Lond., 1880-82. DICKINS, LILIAN, and STANTON, MARV, eds. An eighteenth century correspondence; being the letters of Deane Swift. Pitt, the Lytteltons and the Grenvilles, Lord Dacre, Robert Nugent, Charles Jenkinson. the Karls of Guilford, Coventry, and Hardwicke . . . and others to Sanderson Miller, of Radway : portrs. and illust. 8vo. Lond., 1910. DICKINSON, EMILY MONROE. A patriot's mistake; being per- sonal recollections of the Parnell family, by a daughter of the house. 8vo. Dubl., 1905. DIEHL, ALICE M. Life of Beethoven: [portr.]. 8vo. Lond., 1908. DIRCKS, HENRY. Life, times, and scientific labours of the second Marquis of Worcester; added, a reprint of his " Century of inventions," 1663, with a commentary thereon : [portrs. and illust.]. 8vo. Lond., 1865. DIXON, WILLIAM HEPWORTH. History of William Penn, founder of Pennsylvania: [portr.]. 8vo. Lond., 1872. DOWLING, Rev. HENRY. Incidents in the life of the Rev. Henry Dowling. i2mo. Melb., 1871. DOWLING, Sir JAMES, chief justice of New South Wales. Letters to his son James, afterwards Judge Dowling. fscp. fo. , n.p., n.d. DOWDEN, EDWARD. Michel de Montaigne. 8vo. Lend., 1905. (French men of letters.) DRUMMOND, JAMES. Life and work of Richard John Seddon, premier of New Zealand, 1893-1906; with a history of the liberal party in New Zealand : introd. by Sir Joseph Ward. 8vo. Christchurch, [1907]. DRUMMOND, ROBERT BLACKLEY. Erasmus ; his life and char- acter as shown in his correspondence and works: pcrtr. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1873. DU BARRY, MARIE JEANNE BKCU, comtesse. Memoirs of countess Du Barri : tr. from the French by the translator of " Vidocq " (H. T. Riley) : [portrs.]. 4 v., 8vo. Lond., 1896. DUCLAUX, AGNES MARY FRANCES, nee ROBINSON, formerly Madame J. DARMESTETER, Madame E. Life of Ernesc Renan : [portr.]. 8vo. Lond., 1897. DUDLEY, JOHN WILLIAM WARD, ist earl of. Letters to " Ivy " : [ed. with introd.] by S. H. Romilly : illust. 8vo. Lond., 1905- BIOGRAPHY. 641 DUNCAN, DAVID. Life and letters of Herbert Spencer : [portrs. and] illust. 8vo. Lond., 1908. DUNCOMBE, THOMAS SLING SBY. Life and correspondence : ed. by Thomas H. Duncombe : [portr.] 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1868. DUNDONALD, THOMAS COCHRANE, iotk earl of. Autobiography of a seaman, and ed., 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1861. DUNHILL, SNOWDEN. Life; written by himself, pp. 59, 8vo. Howden, 1834. Pam., v. ij9, no. 3036. DURAND, Sir HENRY MORTIMER. Nadir Shah : [portrs. and illust.]. 8vo. Lond., 1908. DYSON, C. C. Life of Marie Ame'lie, last queen of the French, 1782-1866 ; with some account of the principal personages at the courts of Naples and France in her time, and of the careers of her sons and daughters: portrs. and illust. 8vo. Lond., 1910. Madame de Maintenon; her life and times, 1635-1719: portr. and illust. 8vo. Lond., [1910]. EDGCUMBE, RICHARD. Byron; the last phase. 8vo. Lond., 1909. ELIOT, GEORGE, pseud, i.e., MARIAN EVANS, aftw. LEWES, aftw. CROSS. Letters from, to Elma Stuart, 1872-1880 : ed. by Roland Stuart. 8vo. Lond., 1909. Life, as related in her letters and journals : arranged and ed. by J. W. Cross: fportrs. and illust.]. 3 v., 8vo. Edinb., 1885. ELLIOT, Hon. ARTHUR RALPH DOUGLAS. Life of George Joachim Goschen, first viscount Goschen, 1831-1907 : portrs. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1911. ELLIS, JOHN EIMEO. Life of William Ellis, missionary to the South seas and Madagascar; with a supplementary chapter containing an estimate of his character and work, by Henry Allan: portr. 8vo. Lond., 1873. ELLIS, Rev. WILLIAM. Memoir of Mary Mercy Ellis, wife of the Rev. William Ellis, missionary to the South seas. i2mo. Lond., 1838. ELTON, CHARLES ISAAC. William Shakespeare, his family and friends: ed. by A. H. Thompson, with memoir of the author by A. Lang. 8vo. Lond., 1904. ELZE, KARL. Lord Byron; a biography, with a critical essay on his place in literature: tr. and ed., with notes. 8vo. Lond., 1872. ESCOTT, THOMAS HAY SWEET. Edward Bulwer, ^first baron Lytton of Knebworth ; a social, personal, and political mono- graph : portr. 8vo. Lond., 1910. FAIRFAX, Hon. JOHN. In memoriam; obituary notices and funeral services having reference to the late Hon. John Fair- fax. i2mo. [Syd., 1877"]. FAWCETT, Mrs. MILLICENT GARRETT. Life of the Rt. hon. Sir William Molesworth, bart. : [illust.]. 8vo. Lond-., 1901. FENTON, BESSIE, nee KNOX, Mrs. M. Journal ; a narrative of her life in India, the Isle of France (Mauritius), and Tas- mania, during the years 1826-30: pref. by Sir Henry Law- rence, bart. 8vo. Lond., 1901. F.8720. x 642 BIOGRAPHY. FENTON, JAMES. Life and work of the Rev. C'harles Price, first Independent minister in Australia. 8vo. Melb., 1886. FIRTH, JOHN B. Constantine the Great; the reorganisation of the Empire and the triumph of the Church. 8vo. N.Y., 1905. (ileroes of the nations.) FISHER, HERBERT ALBERT LAURENS. Frederick [Frederic] Wil- liam Maitland, Downing professor of the laws of England; a biographical sketch: [portr.] 8vo. Camb., 1910. FITCHETT, Rev. WILLIAM HENRY. Wesley and his century; a study in spiritual forces ; portr. and facsimiles. 8vo. Lond., 1906. FITZGERALD, PERCY. Life of Charles Dickens, as revealed in his writings : portrs. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1905. Life of James Bos well, of Auchinleck; with an account of his sayings, doings, and writings: 4 portrs. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1891. Sir Henry Irving; a biography: [illust.]. 8vo. Lond., 1906. FITZMAURICE, EDMOND GEORGE PETTY, baron. Life of Gran- ville George Leveson Gower, second earl Granville: portrs. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1905. FLETCHER, CHARLES ROBERT LESLIE. Mr. Gladstone at Oxford, 1890: illust. 8vo. Lond., 1908. FORSTER, GEORGE BROOKS, commander, R.N . Correspondence between Commander Forster, R.N., and the government of Tasmania, pp. 28, 8vo. Hobart Town, 1856. Pain., v. 159, no. 3064. FORSTER, JOHN. Life and times of Oliver Goldsmith: illust. [and portrs.]. 6th ed. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1877. Lite of Charles Dickens, 1812-1870: [portrs., illust., and fac- similes]. 3rd ed., 3 v., 8vo. Lond., 1872-74. Sir John Eliot; a biography, 1590-1632: [2 portrs.]. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1864. FORSTER, MARY ARNOLD, Mrs. H. O. A. The Right honour- able Hugh Oakeley Arnol d- Forster : a memoir: [portrs. and illust.]. 8vo. Lond., 1910. FORSYTH, WILLIAM. History of the captivity of Napoleon at St. Helena, from the letters and journals of Sir Hudson Lowe, and other official documents not before made public: portr., map, [and illust.]. 3 v., 8vo. Lond., 1853. Life of Marcus Tullius Cicero: illust. and ed., 8vo. Lond., 1867. FORTESCUE, Hon. JOHN WILLIAM. Dundonald. 8vo. Lond., 1895. Ihnglish men of action.) FOURNIER, AUGUST. Napoleon I..; a biography : tr. by Annie Elizabeth Adams : introd. by H. A. L. Fisher : portrs. and maps. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1911. FOX, Rt. lion. CHARLES JAMES. Circumstantial details of [his] long illness and last moments, with strictures on his public and private life. pp. 79, 2nd ed., 8vo. Lond., 1806. Pam., v. 66, no. 1121. FRANKLIN, BENJAMIN. Autobiography; the unmutilated and correct version: compiled and ed., with notes, by John Bigelow : [portr.] 8vo. N.Y., 1909. BIOGRAPHY. 643 FR^MEAUX, PAUL. The drama of St. Helena: tr. from the French by Alfred Rieu and the author: [illust.]. 8vo. Lond., 1910. FRITH, WILLIAM POWELL. John Leech ; his life and work : portr. and illust. 2 v., 8vo. * Lond., 1891. FROUDE, JAMES ANTHONY. Cassar : a sketch : [portr. and map]. 8vo. Lond., 1879. My relations with Carlyle : [ed. by Ashley A. Froude] ; with letter from Sir James Stephen, bart., [and will and codicil of Carlyle]. 8vo. Lond., 1903. Thomas Carlyle; a history of the first forty years of his life. 1795-1835: portrs. and etchings. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1882. Thomas Carlyle ; a history of his life in London, 1834-1881 : portr. 4th ed., 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1885. FULLER, Sir THOMAS EKINS. ' The Right honourable Cecil Rhodes ; a monograph and a reminiscence : portrs. and illust. 8vo. Lond., 1910. GAINFORD, JOHN, and GAIN FORD, WILLIAM R. Memoir of incidents in the life and labours of Thomas Gainford, late of Mariners' church, Sydney : [portrs. and illust.]. 8vo. Orpington, 1886. GALTON, ARTHUR. Life and times of John, duke of Marlborough, prince of the Holy Roman Empire. -pp. 79, 8vo. Syd., 1895. i'am., v. 10, no. 21 y GALTON, Sir FRANCIS. Memoirs of my life: 7 illust. 8vo. Lond., 1908. GARDINER, J. Twenty-five years on the stage; the career of an Australian actor, his experiences and vicissitudes. 8vo. Adel., [1891]. GARDINER, SAMUEL RAWSON. Oliver Cromwell. 8vo. Lond., 1901. GARDNER, EDMUND G. The king of court poets; a study of the work, life, and times of Lodovico Anosto : [illust.]. 8vo. Lond., 1906. GARNETT, RICHARD. Edward Gibbon Wakefield ; the coloniza- tion of South Australia and New Zealand: portr. and maps. 8vo. Lond., 1898. Life of W. J. Fox, public teacher and social reformer, 1786- 1864; concluded by Edward Garnett : 7 illust. 8vo. Lond., 1910. GAUSSEN, ALICE C. C. Percy, prelate and poet : illust. 8vo. Lond., 1908. GA\VLER, GEORGE, colonel. Colonel George Gawler ; a sketch. pp. 12, i2mo., n.p., n.d. Pam., v. 137, no. 263^. GAY, WILLIAM. Walt Whitman, the poet of democracy. i2mo. Melb., 1893. GEBLER, KARL VON. Galileo Galilei, and the Roman curia : tr. i>y Mrs. George Sturge. 8vo. Lond., 1879. GEIKIE, Sir ARCHIBALD. Life of Sir Roderick I. Murchison ; based on his journals and letters, with notices of his scientifi" contemporaries and a sketch of the rise and growth of palaeozoic geology in Britain: portrs. and illust. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1875. x 2 644 BIOGRAPHY. GHEUSI, PIERRE B. Gamhetta ; life and letters: tr. by Violette M. Montagu: [portrs.]. 8vo. Lond., 1910. GIFFORD, JOHN. History of the political life of the Right hon- ourable William Pitt ; including some account of the times in which he lived : [portrs.]. 3 v., 4to. Lend., 1809. GILCHRIST, ALEXANDER. Life of William Blake, with selections from his poems and other writings; with additional letters and a memoir of the author : [portrs. and illust.j. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1880. GILL, Rev. WILLIAM. Selections from the autobiography of the Rev. William Gill; being chiefly a record of his life as a missionary in the South sea islands : [portr. and illust.]. 8vo. Lond., 1880. GIRARD, MAURICE. F. Peron, naturaliste, voyageur aux terres australes ; sa vie ; appreciation de ses travaux ; analyse rai- sonnee de ses recherches sur les animaux verte'bre's et in- vertebres. 8vo. Paris, 1857. GLEIG, Rev. GEORGE ROBERT. Life of Robert, first lord Clive: [portr. and map.]. 8vo. Lond., 1907. Memoirs of the life of the Right hon. Warren Hastings, first governor- general of Bengal : compiled from original papers : [2 portrs.]. 3 v., 8vo. Lond., 1841. GODDEN, G. M. Henry Fielding; a memoir, including newly discovered letters and records : illust. from contemporary prints. 8vo. Lond., 1910. GOETHE, JOHANN WOLFGANG VON. Correspondence between Goethe and Carlyle : ed. by Charles Eliot Norton. 8vo. Lond., 1887. GOLOVINE, BARBARA NICOLAIEVNA, countess. Memoirs of Countess Gol ovine, a lady at the court of Catherine II. : tr. from the French by G. M. Fox-Davies : [portr.]. 8vo. Lond., 1910. GOODENOUGH, JAMES GRAHAM, commodore. The Christian hero of Santa Cruz ; or, the last hours of Commodore Goodenough. -pp. 27, 8vo. Lond., n.d. Journal during his last command as senior officer on the Aus- tralian station, 1873-1875: ed., with memoir, by his widow: maps. 8vo. Lond., 1876. GORDON, C. H. C. PIRIE. Innocent the great ; an essay on his life and times: [4 maps], 8vo. Lond., 1907. GORDON, Mrs. MARY. Christopher North; a memoir of John Wilson : compiled from family papers and other soorces by his daughter: [portr.]. 2 v., 8vo. Edinb., 1862. GOSSE, EDMUND. Ibsen: [illust.]. 8vo. Lond., 1907. (Literary lives.) Life and letters of John Donne, dean of St. Paul's; now for the first time revised and collected : portrs. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1899. Sir Thomas Browne. 8vo. Lond., 1905. (English men of letters.) GOULD, GEORGE MILBRY. Concerning Lafcadio Hearn : bib- liography by Laura Stedman : [3 portrs. and 2] illust. 8vo. Lond., 1908. GOULD, NAT. The magic of sport ; mainly autobiographical : portr. and 50 illust. 8vo. Lond., 1909. BIOGRAPHY. 645 GOULD, Rev. SABINE BARING. Memorial of Horatio, lord Nelson, 8vo. Lond., 1905. GRAVES, CHARLES LARCOM. Life and letters of Alexander Mac- millan: portrs. 8vo. Lond., 1910. GREEN, ALICE STOPFORD, Mrs. J. R. Henry the second. 8vo. Lond., 1889. (Twelve English statesmen.) GREENSLET, FERRIS. James Russell Lowell; his life and work: illust. 8vo. Lond., 1905. GREGORY, EDMUND. Sketch of the residence of James Morrill among the aboriginals of northern Queensland for seventeen years ; also an account of the natural productions of northern Queensland, and manners, customs, language, and supersti- tions of the inhabitants, -pp. 23, 8vo. Brisb., 1866. Pam., v. 21, no. 385. GREVILLE, HENRY WILLIAM. Letters from his diary : ed. by Alice, countess of Strafford. 4th ser. 8vo. Lond., 190=;. GRIFFIN, JOHN. Memoirs of Captain James Wilson; containing an account of his enterprises and sufferings in India, his con- version to Christianity, his missionary voyage to the South seas, and his death: [portr.]. 8vo. Lond., 1819. GRIFFIN, Sir LEPEL. Ranjit Singh. 8vo. Oxf., 1903. (Rulers of India.) GRIFFITH, Rev. EDWARD. Memorials; by his daughter: [portr.]. -pp. 96, 8vo. Brisb., 1892. GRIFFITHS, ARTHUR GEORGE FREDERICK, major. Fifty years of public service: portr. 8vo. Lond., 1905. GROTE, Mrs. HARRIET. Personal life of George Grote : compiled from family documents, private memoranda, and original letters to and from various friends : [portrs.]. 2nd ed., 8vo. Lond., 1873. GRUYER, PAUL. Napoleon, king of Elba: illust. 8vo. Lond., 1906. GUILLEMARD, FRANCIS HENRY HILL. Life of Ferdinand Magellan, and the first circumnavigation of the globe, 1480- 1521 : [illust. and maps]. 8vo. Lond., 1890. (World's great explorers.) GUIZOT, FRANCOIS PIERRE GUILLAUME. Memoirs of Sir Robert Peel. 8vo. Lond., 1857. GWYNN, STEPHEN Lucius. Thomas Moore. 8vo. Lond., 1905. (English men of letters.) HAILE, MARTIN. Queen Mary of Modena; her life and letters: illust. 8vo. Lond., 1905. HALDANE, ELIZABETH S. Descartes; his life and times. 8vo. Lond., 1905. HALIFAX, GEORGE SAVILE, ist marquis of. Life and letters : with a new edition of his works now for the first time col- lected and revised by H. C. Foxcroft : [2 portrs.]. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1898. HALL, Miss E. B., " S. G. Tallentyre." Life of Mirabeau: portrs. 8vo. Lond., 1908. -HAMILTON, ALLAN McLANE. The intimate life of Alexander Hamilton : illust. and facsimiles. 8vo. Lond., 1910. 646 BIOGRAPHY. HAMILTON, ANTHONY, count. Memoirs of Count Gramraont : * new edition, ed., with notes, by Sir Walter Scott: 64 portrs. engraved by Edward Scriven. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1885. HANNAY, DAVID. Rodney. 8vo. Lond., 1891. ^English men of action.) HARDCASTLE, Hon. Mrs. MARY SCARLETT, cd. Life of John, lord Campbell, lord high chancellor of Great Britain, con- sisting of a selection from his autobiography, diary, and. letters: portr. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1881. HARD INGE, CHARLES STEWART, 2nd viscount. Viscount Har- dinge. 8vo. Oxf., 1891. (Rulers of India.) HARPER, Rev. ANDREW. In memoriam; her gracious majesty Queen Victoria: sermon preached in Sydney, 27th Jan., 1901. pp. 8, 8vo. Syd., 1901. Pam., v. 188, no. 3643. HARPER, GEORGE MCLEAN. Charles- Augustin Sainte-Beuve : [portr.]. 8vo. Phila., 1909. (French men of letters.) HARRIS, FRANK. The man Shakespeare and his tragic life story. 8vo. Lond., 1909. An attempt to discover the life and character of Shakespeare in his works. HARRIS, WILLIAM. Historical and critical account of the life and writings of James L, king of Great Britain ; after the manner of Mr. Bayle : drawn from original writers and state papers. 2nd ed. 8vo. Lond., 1772. Historical and critical account of the life and writings of Charles I., king of Great Britain ; after the manner of Mr. Bayle: drawn from original writers and state papers. 2nd ed. 8vo. Lend., 1772. Historical and critical account of the life of Oliver Cromwell, lord protector of the Commonwealth ; after the manner of Mr. Bavle : drawn from original writers and state papers : appx. of original papers. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1766. Historical and critical account of the life of Charles the second v king of Great Britain ; after the manner of Mr. Bayle : drawn from original writers and state papers: appx. of original papers. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1766. HARRISON, FREDERIC. Chatham. 8vo. Lond., 1905. (Twelve English statesmen.) John Ruskin. 8vo. Lond., 1903. (Fns;lish men of letters.) HARRISON, JAMES ALBERT. George Washington, patriot, soldier, statesman, first president of the United States. 8vo. N.Y., 1906. (Heroes of the nations.) HARVEY, GEORGE. Business life experiences; [also anecdotes and early Melbourne brevities: illust.]. pp. 41, 8vo. Melb., 1909. Pam., v. 189, no. 3648. HASSALL, ARTHUR. Life of Napoleon : 29 illust. 8vo. Lond., 1911. Mazarin. 8vo. Lond., 1903. Viscount Castlereagh : [portr.]. 8vo. Lond., 1908. (Makers of national history.) BIOGRAPHY. 647 HASTINGS, G. W. Vindication of W,arren Hastings : [illust.]. 8vo. Lond., 1909. HAW, GEORGE. From workhouse to Westminster : the life story of Will Crooks, M.P. ; introd. by G. K. Chesterton : illust. 8vo. Lond., 1907. HEBDITCH, Rev. SAMUEL. In memoriam : Samuel Hebditch, pastor of Brougham Place Congregational church, North Ade- laide, pp. 78, 8vo. Adel., 1888. Tarn.,* v. 188, no. 3644. HEBER, REGINALD, bishop of Calcutta. Life: [ed.] by his widow.: with selections from his correspondence, unpublished poems, and private papers ; together with a journal of his tour in Norway, Sweden, Russia, Hungary, and Germany, and a history of the Cossaks : [illust.]. 2 v., 4to. Lond., 1830. HEINE, HEINRICH. Memoirs; from his works, letters and con- versations : ed. by Gustav Karpeles : tr. by G. Cannan. portrs. 2 v., 8vp. Lond., 1910. HENDERSON, GEORGE COCKBURN. Life of Sir George Grey, pioneer of empire in southern lands: [portrs. ana illust.]. 8vo. Lond., 1907. HENTY, RICHMOND. Australiana; or, my early life: [map and portr.]. T2mo. Lond., 1886. HIGGENS, Miss H. R. Cloud and sunshine; an autobiographical sketch : ed. by Rev. J. Southey, introd. by Rev. D. S. McEachran : [illust.]. 8vo. Melb., 1906. HILL, Sir ROWLAND, and HILL, GEORGE BIRKBECK. Life of Sir Rowland Hill, and the history of penny postage: [portrs. and illust.]. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1880. HILL, WILLIAM RICHARD ONSLOW. Forty-five years' experiences in north Queensland, 1861-1905: with a few incidents in England, 1844-1861 : [portrs.]. 8vo. Brisb., 1907.- HIRST, FRANCIS W. Adam Smith. 8vo. Lond., 1904. (English men of letters.) HIRST, MARGARET E. Life of Friedrich List, and selections from his writings; introd. by F. W. Hirst. 8vo. Lond., 1909. The selections from his writings are : Petitions to the German Federal assembly on behalf of the Handelsverein : Outlines of American political economy. HOBKIRK, JOHN F. Reminiscences. 8vo. Launceston, 1904. HODDER, EDWIN. George Fife Angas, father and founder of South Australia. 8vo. Lond., 1891. Life and work of the seventh Earl of Shaftesbury : portrs. 3 v., 8vo. Lond., 1886. Same: popular ed. 8vo. Lond., 1887. HOGAN, JAMES FRANCIS. The convict king; being the life and adventures of Jorgen Jorgenson. 8vo. Lond., 1881. Jorgenson was for a short time self-proclaimed king of Iceland. He was transported to Tasmania, where he died. HOGG, Rev. DAVU. Life of Allan Cunningham; with selections from his works and correspondence : [illust.]. 8vo. Dum- fries, 1875. .HOHENLOHE-SCHILLINGFUERST, CHLODWIG, Prinz zu. Memoirs : ed. by Friedrich Curtius : tr. by W. Chrystal : [5 portrs.]. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1906. 648 BIOGRAPHY. HOLLAND, ELIZABETH, baroness. The Spanish journal of Eliza- beth, lady Holland: ed. by the [sixth] Earl of Ilchester: portr. and map. 8vo. Lend., 1910. HOLLES of Ifield, Denzil Holies, ist baron. Memoirs from the year 1641 to 1648: [written by himself; portr.]. 8vo. Lond., 1699. HOLYOAKE, GEORGE JACOB. Bygones worth remembering. 2 v. , 8vo. Lond., 1905. HOMBERG, OCTAVE, and JOUSSELIN, FERNAND. D'Eon de Beaumont ; his life and times : compiled chiefly from unpub- lished papers and letters ; tr. by A. Rieu : [portrs. and illust.]. 8vo. Lond., 1911. HUCHON, RENE. George Crabbe and his times, 1754-1832; a critical and biographical study: tr. by F. Clarke: [illust.]. 8vo. Lond., 1907. HUGHES, Mrs. F. My childhood in Australia; a story for my children: illust. 8vo. Lond., [1892]. HULOT, Baron ETIENNE. D'Entrecasteaux, 1737-1793: maps and' portrs. 8vo. Paris, 1894. HUME, HAMILTON. Life of Edward John Eyre, late governor of Jamaica. 8vo. Lond., 1867. Gives an account of Eyre's Australian explorations. HUME, MARTIN ANDREW SHARP, major. The great Lord Burghley (William Cecil) : a study in Elizabethan statecraft : [portr.]. 8vo. Lond., 1906. HUMPHREYS, H. MORIN. "Boot and saddle"* bits of South African life in bush and barracks. 8vo. Melb., 1875. HUNT, Rev. J. Memoir of the Rev. William Cross, Wesleyan missionary to the Friendly and Feejee islands. i2mo. Lond., 1846. HUNT, WILLIAM HOLMAN. Pre-Raphaelitism and the pre- Raphaelite brotherhood : illust. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1905. HUNTER, Sir W IL LIAM WILSON. The Earl of Mayo. 8vo Oxf., 1891. (Rulers of -India.) The Marquess of Dalhousie. 8vo. Oxf., 1890. (Rulers of India.) HUNTINGDON, SELINA HASTINGS, countess of. Life and times of Selina, countess of Huntingdon, by a member of the houses of Shirley and Hastings: [introd. by J. K. Foster: portr.]. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1840. HUSSEY, H. More than half a century of colonial life and Chris- tian experience; with notes of travel, lectures, publications, &c. 8vo. Adel., 1897. HUTH, ALFRED HENRY. Life and writings of Henry Thomas Buckle: [portrs.]. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1880. HUTTON, EDWARD. Giovanni Boccaccio; a biographical study: illust. 8vo. Lond., 1910. HUTTON, Rev. WILLIAM HOLDEN. Thomas Becket, archbishop of Canterbury. 8vo. Lond., 1910. (Makers of national history.) HUXLEY, LEONARD. Life and letters of Thomas Henry Huxley ^ [portrs. and illust.]. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1900. BIOGRAPHY. <549 INGRAM, JOHN H. The true Chatterton; a new study from original documents: [illust.]. 8vo. Lond., 1910. IRVING, WASHINGTON. Life and voyages of Christopher Colum- bus. 2 v. in i, 8vo. Lond., 1850. Life and voyages of Christopher Columbus ; to which are added those of his companions: [map], rev. ed., 3 v., 8vo. Lond., 1877. JAPP, ALEXANDER HAY. Robert Louis Stevenson; a record, an estimate, and a memorial : portr. and facsimile letters. 8vo. Lond., 1905. JEAFFRESON, JOHN CORDY. Life of Robert Stephenson, late president of the Institute of civil engineers ; with descriptive chapters on some of his most important professional works, by William Pole: [illust. and portrs.]. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1864. JEBB, CAROLINE, lady. Life and letters of Sir Richard Claverhcuse Jebb ; with chapters on Sir Richard Jebb as scholar and critic, by Dr. A. W. Verrall. 8vo. Camb., 1907. JEFFERSON, THOMAS, -president of the United States. Memoirs, correspondence, and private papers, now first published from the original manuscripts: ed. by T. J. Randolph: [portr.]. 4 v., 8vo. Lond., 1829. JEFFREY, MARK. A burglar's life; or, the stirring adventures of the great English burglar, Mark Jeffrey ; a thrilling history of the dark days of convictism in Australia. 8vo. Launces- ton, 1893. JERROLD, MAUD F. Francesco Petrarca, poet and humanist: [illust.]. 8vo. Lond., 1909. JERROLD, WALTER COPELAND. Thomas Hood ; his life and times: [illust.]. 8vo. Lond., 1907. JESSE, WILLIAM, ca-ptain. Life of George Brummell, commonly called Beau Brummell: [illust.]. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1844. JEYES, SAMUEL HENRY. Mr. Chamberlain; his life and public career. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1904. JOBSON, Rev. FREDERICK JAMES. The shipwrecked minister and his drowning charge; memorial tribute to the Rev. Daniel J. Draper: [portr.]. pp. 67, 8vo. Lond., [1866]. JOHNSTONE, ARTHUR. Recollections of Robert Louis Stevenson in the Pacific. 8vo. Lond., 1905. KARR, WALTER SCOTT SETON-. The Marquess Cornwallis. 8vo. Oxf., 1890. (Rulers of India.) KELSH, Rev. THOMAS. Personal recollections of the Right reverend Robert William Willson, first [R.C.] bishop of Hobart Town : introd. on the state of religion in Tasmania, prior to the year 1844: portr. i2mo. Hobart, 1882. KERR, S. PARNELL. George Selwyn and the wits: 16 portrs. 8vo. Lond., 1909. KIELLAND, ALEXANDER L. Napoleon's men and methods : tr. by Joseph McCabe: pref. by Oscar Browning. 8vo. Lond., [1907]. 650 BIOGRAPHY. KIERNAN, JAMES CHARLES. Statement of facts connected with the cruel and arbitrary treatment of Mr. J. C. Kiernan, late of Calcutta, whilst a prisoner of the crown, pp. 48, 8vo. Launceston, 1857. Fam., v. 23, no. 399. KING, Rev. JOSEPH. W. G. Lawes, of Savage island and New Guinea: map, portr. and illust. 8vo. Lond., 1909. KING, RICHARD ASHE. Oliver Goldsmith: portr. 8\o. Lond., 1910. KING, WILLIAM, archbishop of Dublin. A great archbishop of Dublin, 1650-1729: his autobiography, family, and a selec- tion from his correspondence: ed. by Sir Charles Simeon King: portrs. 8vo. Lond., 1906. KINGSLEv;, Rev. CHARLES. Letters and memorials of his life: ed. by his wife: portrs. and illust. nth ed., 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1882. < KIPPIS, Rev. ANDREW. Life of Captain James Cook: [portr.]. 4to. Lond., 1788. > KITSON, ARTHUR. Captain James Cook, "the circumnavigator": [portr., map and illust.]. 8vo. Lond., 1907. KNIGHT, THOMAS. Adventures in Holland and at Waterloo, and expedition to Portugal : proceedings in Holland under the command of General Sir Thomas Graham. pp. 42, 8vo. Syd., 1867. t*am., v. us;, no. 2147. KNIGHT, WILLIAM. Life of William Wordsworth : [portr.]. 3 v., 8vo. Edinb., 1889. v. Q-II of Wordsworth's Poetical works: ed. by W. Knight. KRAUSE, ERNST. Erasmus Darwin : tr. by W.' S. Dallas, with a preliminary chapter by Charles Darwin : portr. and wood- cuts. 8vo. Lond., 1879. KURELLA, HANS G. Cesare Lombroso, a modern man of science: tr. by Eden Paul. 8vo. Lond., 1911. LA COLONIE, JEAN MARTIN DE. Chronicles of an old campaigner, 1692-1717: tr. by W. C. Horsley. 8vo. Lond., 1904. LACOMBE, BERNARD DE. Talleyrand the man: tr. from the French of La vie privee de Talleyrand, by A. d'Alberti : [portr.]. 8vo. Lond., 1910. LAMINGTON, ALEXANDER DUNDAS Ross WISHART COCHRANE- BAILLIE, ist baron. In the days of the dandies: introd. by Sir Herbert Maxwell: [portrs.]. 8vo. Lond., 1906. LANCASTRE, ADELINE LOUISE MARIA, nee DE HERSEY, formerly Countess of CARDIGAN, comtesse DE. My recollections : [illust.]. 8vo. Lond., 1909. LANDOR, WALTER SAVAGE. Charles James Fox ; a commentary on his life and character : ed. by Stephen Wheeler : portr. 8vo. Lond., 1907. LANFREY, PIERRE. History of Napoleon the first, 1769-1811. 2nd ed., 4 v., 8vo. Lond., 1886. LANG, ANDREW. Life and letters of John Gibson Lockhart: [portr. and] illust. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1897. Life, letters, and diaries of Sir Stafford Northcote, first Earl of Iddesleigh : [illust.]. 2 v., 8vo. Edinb., 1890. The maid of France; being the story of the life and death of Jeanne d'Arc : portrs. 8vo. Lond., 1908. BIOGRAPHY. 651 LANGDALE, lion. CHARLES. Memoirs of Mrs. Fitzherbert ; with an account of her marriage with H.R.H. the Prince of Wales, afterwards King George the fourth: [portr.]. 8vo. Lond., 1856. LANGR1DGE, A. K., and PATON, FRANK H. L. John G. Paton ; later years and farewell ; a sequel to John G. Paton : an autobiography : introd. by Lord Kinnaird : [portrs.]. 8vo. Lond., 1910. LANGS FORD, Rev. W. ALFRED. Life of Mr. John Langsford. fifty years a local preacher and class leader in the Wesleyan Methodist church, with extracts from his diary : [portr.]. 8vo. Adel., 1895. LAWLESS, Hon. EMILY. Maria Edgeworth. 8vo. Lond., 1904. (English men of letters.) LAWRENCE, W. J. Life of Gustavus Vaughan Brooke, tragedian: [portr.]. 8vo. Belfast, 1892. LAWTON, FREDERICK. Balzac: illust. 8vo. Lend., 1910. LA YARD. GEORGE SOMES. Life and letters of Charles Samuel Keene: [portr. and illust.]. 8vo. Lond., 1892. LEACH, HENRY. The [eighth] Duke of Devonshire; a personal and political sketch. 8vo. Lond., 1904. LECKY, ELIZABETH, Mrs. W. E. H. Memoir of the Right hon. William Edward Hartpole Lecky : [portrs.]. 8vo. Lond., 1909. LEE, BESSIE, Mrs. HARRISON. One ol Australia's daughters; an autobiography: portr. 8vo. Lond., 1906. LEE, ROBERT E., captain. Recollections and letters of General Robert E. Lee: portr. 8vo. Lond., 1904. LEE, Sir SIDNEY. Life of William Shakespeare : portrs. and fac- similes. 4th ed., 8vo. Lond., 1899. Queen Victoria: a biography: portr. 8vo. Lond., 1902. LEGGE, EDWARD. The Empress Eugenie, 1870-1910; Her Majesty's life since "the terrible year"; together with the statement of her case, the Emperor's own story of Sedan, an account of his exile and last days, and reminiscences of the Prince imperial: illust. and facsimile letters. 8vo. Lond.. 1910. LEININGEN-WESTERBURG, CHARLES, Furst zu. Letters and journal (1848-1849): ed., with introd., by Henry Marczali : [portrs. and map]. 8vo. Lond., 1911. LEMAITRE, JULES. Jean Jacques Rousseau : tr. by Jeanne Maiiet (Madame Charles Bigot). 8vo. Lond., 1908. LENNOX, CUTHBERT. James Chalmers of New Guinea, missionary, pioneer, martyr. 8vo. Lond., 1902. LENZ, MAX. Napoleon; a biographical study: tr. by Frederic Whyte: illust. and maps. 8vo. Lond., 1907. LEWES, GEORGE HENRY. Life of Goethe : [portr.]. 2nd ed., 8vo. Lond., 1864. Same: another ed. 8vo. Lond., [1906]. LEWIS, ALFRED HENRY. An American patrician; or, the story of Aaron Burr: illust. 8vo. N.Y., 1908. LIFE and surprising adventures of Blue-eyed Patty, the valiant female soldier, p-p. 8, 8vo. Wolverhampton, n.d. Pam. , v. 159, no'. 3037. 052 BIOGRAPHY. LILLEY, Rev. W. OSBORNE. Life of the Hon. William Brookes: [illust.]. 8vo. Brisb., 1902. LINTON, SYDNEY, bishop of Riverina. Life and labours : ed. by W. Charles Pritchard : [portr. and map]. pp. 77, 8vo. Melb., 1896. LISLE, JAMES GEORGE SEMPLE, major. Life; containing a faith- ful narrative of his alternate vicissitudes of splendor and mis- fortune: [portr.]. 8vo. Lond., 1799. LITTLEMORE, Rev. GEORGE. In memoriam, Edward Lloyd Jones and Harry Berry, pp. 30, 8vo. Syd., 1894. Pam., v. 177, no. .3401. LOCKHART, JOHN GIBSON. Life of Sir Walter Scott : [portrs. and illust.]. 10 v., 8vo. Edinb., 1902-03. LONGUEVILLE, THOMAS. The first Duke and Duchess of New- castle-upon-Tyne : illust. 8vo. Lond., 1910. LOVETT, RICHARD. [James Chalmers] Tamate; the life and ad- ventures of a Christian hero. 8vo. Lond., 1904. LOWE, CHARLES. Prince Bismarck; an historical biography: portrs. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1885. LOWTH, ROBERT, bishop of London. Life of William of Wyke- ham, bishop of Winchester : collected from records, registers, manuscripts and other authentic evidences: [illust.]. 3rd ed., 8vo. Oxf., 1777. LOYAU, GEORGE E. Personal adventures ; being an account of the author's experiences and remarkable adventures in Australia during the past thirty years. 8vo. [Adel.], 1883. LUCAS, EDWARD VERRALL. Life of Charles Lamb. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1905. LUCY, Sir HENRY W. Sixty years in the wilderness; some passages by the way: portr. by J. S. Sargent. 8vo. Lond., 1909. LYNCH, HARRY. Some autobiographic chimes : [illust.]. pp. 44, 8vo. Daylesford, n.d. Pam., v. 64, no. 1085. LYNE, CHARLES E. Life of Sin Henry Parkes, Australian states. man: illust. 8vo. Syd., 1896. LYTTON, EDWARD ROBERT, ist earl of. Life, letters and literary remains of Edward Bulwer, lord Lytton : portrs. and illust. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1883. Personal and literary letters : ed. by [his daughter] Lady Betty Balfour: [illust.]. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1906. MACAULAY, GEORGE CAMPBELL. Jarr.es Thomson. 8vo. Lond., 1908. (English men of letters.* McCABE, JOSEPH. Life and letters of George Jacob Holyoake : portrs. and illust. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1908. McCARTHY, JUSTIN. Story of an Irishman. 8vo. Lond., 1904. MAcCUNN, FLORENCE A. Mary Stuart: illust. 8vo. Lond., 1905. McCURE, JOHN BUNYAN. Memorial of the loving kindness of the Lord. 8vo. Lond., n.d. MAcDERMOTT, MARSHALL. Brief sketch of [his] long and varied career, pp. 53, 8vo. Adelaide, 1874. Pam.. v. 159, no. 3030- MACDONALD, D., captain. Narrative of [his] early life and services: [map and illust.]. 8vo. Weymouth [1843]. BIOGEAPHY. MACEWEN, ALEXANDER R. Antoinette Bourignon, quietist : [portr.]. 8vo. Lond., 1910. McFARLAND, ALFRED. Captain Cook; his life and voyages; ser- vices to New Holland and to man ; a biographical sketch : [illust.]. pp. 34, 8vo. Syd., n.d. Pam., v. 42, no. 711. MACK AIL, JOHN WILLIAM. William Morris, pp. 24, 8vo. Lond., 1901. Pam., v. 88, no. i<577- MACKENZIE, ENEAS. Memoirs of Mrs. Caroline Chisholm; with an account of her philanthropic labours in India, Australia and England. i2mo. Lond., 1852. MACKENZIE, W. C. Simon Eraser, lord Lovat; his life and times : illust. 8vo. Lond., 1908. MACKINTOSH, Sir JAMES. Memoirs : ed. by his son, Robert James Mackintosh: [2 portrs.]. 2nd ed., 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1836. MAcNUTT FRANCIS AUGUSTUS. Bartholomew Las Casas ; his life, his apostolate, and his writings : portrs. and map. 8vo. N.Y., 1909. Fernando Cortes, and the conquest of Mexico, 1485-1547 : [illust. and maps]. 8vo. N.Y., 1909. (Heroes of the nations.) M ACRE AD Y, WILLIAM CHARLES. Reminiscences, and selections from his diaries and letters : ed. by Sir Frederick Pollock : [portrs.]. 2 v., 8v.o. Lond., 1875. MADDEN, RICHARD ROBERT. Life and martyrdom of Savonarola, illustrative of the history of church and state connexion : [portr. and illust.]. 2nd ed., 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1854. Memoirs, chiefly autobiographical, from 1798 to 1886 : ed. by his son, Thomas More Madden: [portr.], 8vo. Lond., 1891. MAHAFFY, ROBERT PENTLAND. Francis Joseph I. ; his life and times : an essay in politics : appx. on recent events. 8vc. Lond., 1908. > MAIDEN, JOSEPH HENRY. Sir Joseph Banks, the " Father of Australia": [illust. and maps]. 8vo. Syd., 1909. MAITLAND, FREDERIC WILLIAM. Life and letters of Leslie Stephen: [portrs.]. 8vo. Lond., 1906. MAJOR, RICHARD HENRY. Life of Prince Henry of Portugal r surnamed the navigator, and its results : maps and illust. 8vo. Lond., 1868. MALLESON, GEORGE BRUCE, colonel. Life of Warren Hastings, first governor-general of India: portr. 8vo. Lond., 1904. MALLET, BERNARD. Sir Louis Mallet ; a record of public service and political ideals: [portr.]. 8vo. Lond., 1905. MALMESBURY, JAMES HOWARD HARRIS, yd earl of. Memoir? of an ex-minister; an autobiography. 2nd ed., 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1884. MANTON, J. A. The good shepherd ; or, a short account of the life and death of Samuel Newham. pp. 14, 8vo. Hobart Town, 1879. Pam., v. 62, no. 1013. MARAU, CLEMENT. Story of a Melanesian deacon: tr. by R. H- Codrington. pp. 80, i2mo. Lond., 1894. 654 BIOGRAPHY. MARGOLIOUTH, Rev. DAVID SAMUEL. Mohammed, and the ri.se of Islam: [illust. and maps]. 8vo. N.Y., 1905. (Heroes of the nations.) MARK HAM, Sir CLEMENTS ROBERT. King Edward VI. ; an appreciation: portrs. 8vo. Lond., 1907. Life of Admiral Sir Leopold McClintock: introd. by the Rev. William Alexander: portrs., maps, and illust. 8vo. Lond., 1909. MARRIOTT, JOHN ARTHUR RANSOME. Life and times of Lucius Gary, viscount Falkland : illust. [maps, and plan]. 8vo. Lond., 1907. MARSDEN, Rev. SAMUEL. The Marsden cross : [unveiling sermon], pp. 12, 8vo. Auckland, 1907. Pam., v. 189, no. 3646. Memoirs of the life and labours of the Rev. Samuel Marsden of Parramatta, senior chaplain of New South Wales ; and of his early connexion with the missions of New Zealand and Tahiti: ed. by Rev. J. B. Marsden. izmo. Lond., [1858]. MARSTON, EDWARD. Thomas Ken and Izaak Walton; a sketch of their lives and family connection: illust. 8vo. Lond., 1908. MARTIN, ARTHUR PATCHETT. Life and letters of the Right honourable Robert Lowe, viscount Sherbrooke ; with memoir of Sir John Coape Sherbrooke: portrs. 2 v. 8vo. Lond., 1893. MARTIN, J. B,. Reminiscences, pp. 41, 8vo. Camden, 1884. Pam., v. 137, no. 2640. MARTIN, Sir JAMES, chief justice of New South Wales. Report of proceedings attending the presentation of the portrait of Sir James Martin by the bar of New South Wales, 22 May, 1885: [portr.]. pp. 20, 8vo. Syd., 1885. MARTIN, Sir THEODORE. Life of His Royal Highness the Prince Consort: portr. and illust. 5 v., 8vo. Lond., 1878-1880. Queen Victoria as I knew her: [portr.]. sq. 8vo. Edinb., 1908. MARTINEAU, JOHN. Life and correspondence of Sir Bartle Frere: [illust.]. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1895. MASSON, DAVID. Life of John Milton; narrated in connexion with the political, ecclesiastical, and literary history of his time, 1608-1674: [2 portrs.]. 6 v., 8vo. Camb. and Lond., 1859-80. Same: index. 8vo. Lond., 1894. MASSON, FREDERIC. Napoleon and his coronation: tr. by Frederic Cobb : 7 illust. 8vo. Lond., 1911. MAUDE, AVLMER. Life of Tolstoy; first fifty years: [portrs. and illust.]. 8vo. Lond., 1908. Life of Tolstoy; later years: [portr. and illust.]. 8vo. Lond., 1910. MAXWELL, Sir HERBERT EUSTACE, bart. Life and times of the Right honorable William Henry Smith, M.P. : portrs. and illust. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1893. MAXWELL, Rev. WILLIAM HAMILTON. Life of field-marshal his grace the Duke of Wellington: illust. [and charts]. 6th ed., 3 v., 8vo. Lond., 1862. BIOGRAPHY. 655 MAZADE, CHARLES DE. Life of Count Cavour : from the French. 8vo. Lond., 1877. MEEK, GEORGE. George Meek, bath-chair man, by himself : introd. by H. G. Wells. 8vo. Lond., 1910. METTERNICH-WINNEBURG, CLEMENS WENZESLAUS NEPO- MUK LOTHAR VON, -prince. Memoirs, 1773-1815: ed. by Prince Richard Metternich ; the papers classified and arranged by M. A. de Klinkowstrom : tr. by Mrs. Alexander Napier [and] Gerard W. Smith: [portr.]. 5 v., 8vo. Lond., 1880-82. MILL, JOHN STUART. Autobiography. 3rd. ed., 8vo. Lond., 1874. Letters: ed. with introd., by H. S. R. Elliot; with a note on Mill's private life by Mary Taylor: portrs. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1910. MILLER, Rev. JOSEPH AUGUSTUS. Memoir of the Rev. Thomas S. McKean, missionary at Tahiti : introd. by Rev. A. Tid- man. i2mo. Lond., 1847. MILMINE, GEORGINE. Life of Mary Baker G. Eddy, and the history of Christian science: illust. 8vo. Lond., 1909. MILNE, JAMES. The romance of a pro-consul ; being the personal life and memoirs of the Right hon. Sir George Grey, K.C.B. : [portr.]. 8vo. Lond., 1899. MISTRAL, FREDERIC. Memoirs ; rendered into English by Con- stance Elizabeth Maud : lyrics from the Provengal, by Alma Strettell, (Mrs. Lawrence Harrison). 8vo. Lond., 1907. MITCHELL, JAMES. Statement of the case of Jas. Mitchell, Esq., late surgeon of the civil establishment of New South Wales : [plan]. 8vo. Syd., n.d. MONNIER, Rev. JOSEPH FELICIEN. Memoir: tr. from the French: [portr.]. pp. 52, 8vo. Syd., 1876. Pam., v. 115, no. 2135. MONTHOLON, CHARLES TRISTAN, marquis DE. History of the captivity of Napoleon at St. Helena: [illust.]. 4 v., 8vo. Lond., 1846-47. MONYPENNY, WILLIAM FLAVELLE. Life of Benjamin Disraeli, earl of Beaconsfield : portrs. and illust. 8vo. Lond., 1910. Contents: v. i. 1804-1837. In progress. MOORE, JOSEPH SHERIDAN. Byron ; his biographers and critics. pp. 31, 8vo. Syd., 1869. Pam., v. 37, no. 629. Life and genius of James Lionel Michael ; with fifteen years' experience of literary life in Sydney, pp. 32, 8vo. Syd., 1868. Pam., v. 19, no. 349. MOORE, THOMAS. Letters and journals of Lord Byron; with notices of his life: 54 engravings. 3rd. ed., 3 v., 8vo. Lond., 1833. Memoirs, journal, and correspondence: ed. by the Right hon. Lord John Russell: [portr. and illust.]. 8 v., 8vo. Lond iZ53-56- MOORHOUSE, E. HALLAM. Samuel Pepys, administrator, ob- server, gossip: 24 portrs. and illust. 8vo. Lond., 1909. BIOGRAPHY. MORAN, PATRICK FRANCIS, cardinal archbishop of Sydney. Car- dinal Manning, -pp. 27, 8vo. Sycl., 1892. Pam., v. 114, no. 2131. Discourse on Cardinal Newman, pp. 26, 8vo. Syd., 1890. Pam., v. 159, no. 3046. MORESBY, JOHN, admiral. Two admirals; admiral of the fleet Sir Fairfax Moresby, 1786-1877, and his son John Moresby; a record of life and service in the British navy for a hundred years: portrs., illust., [and map]. 8vo. Lond., 1909. MORGAN, JOHN. Life and adventures of William Buckley, thirty- two years a wanderer amongst the aborigines of Port Phillip. 8vo. Hobart Town, 1852. MORLEY, JOHN MORLEY, viscount. Burke. 8vo. Lond., 1902. Diderot and the encyclopaedists. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1891. Lite of Richard Cobden. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1881. Life of William Ewart Gladstone: portrs. 3 v., 8vo. Lond., 1903. Same: another copy. Presented by the author through Her Excellency Lady Dudley. Oliver Cromwell. 8vo. Lond., 1901. Rousseau. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1888. MORRIS, EDWARD ELLIS. Memoir of George Higinbotham, an Australian politician and Chief justice of Victoria : [portrs.]. 8vo. Lond., 1895. MORRIS, MOWBRAY. Montrose. 8vo. Lond., 1892. (English men of action.) MORTLOCK, JOHN FREDERICK. Experiences of a convict, trans- ported for twenty-one years ; an autobiographical memoir. i2mo. Lond., 1865. MOTLEY, JOHN LOTHROP. John Lothrop Motley and his family; further letters and records, edited by his daughter, [i.e. Susan St. John Mildmay] and Herbert St. John Mildmay: illust. 8vo. Lond., 1910. MUGGE, M. A. Friedrich Nietzsche; his life and work: [portr. and bibliography]. 8vo. Lond., 1908. MUIR, JAMES. Robert Burns; an Australian appreciation, pp. 18, 8vo. Syd., 1904. Pam., v. 159, no. 3044. MUIR, Sir WILLIAM. Life of Mahomet, from original sources: (illust, and maol. 3rd ed., 8vo. Lond., 1894. MUMBY, FRANK A. The girlhood of Queen Elizabeth ; a narra- tive in contemporary letters: introd. by R. S. Rait: [portrs.]. 8vo. Lond., 1902. MURAT, CAROLINE, princess. My memoirs : [illust.]. 8vo. Lond. 1910. MURPHY, AGNES G. Melba; a biography; with chapters by Madame Melba on the selection of music as a profession, and on the science of singing : [illust.]. 8vo. Lond., 1909. NAPIER, Sir WILLIAM FRANCIS PATRICK, general. Life and opinions of general Sir Charles James Napier, G.C.B.: portrs. [and map]. 2nd ed., 4 v., 8vo. Lond., 1857. BIOGRAPHY. 657 NAPOLEON I., emjeror of the French. The Corsican ; a diary of Napoleon's life in his own words : [ed. by R. M. John- ston]. 8vo. Lond., 1911. New letters, omitted from the edition published under the aus- pices of Napoleon III. : [tr.] by Lady Mary Loyd. 8vo. Lond., 1898. NEVILL, Lady DOROTHY. Leaves from the note-books of Lady Dorothy Nevill : ed. by Ralph Nevill : [portrs.]. 8vo. Lond., 1907. Reminiscences ; ed. by her son, Ralph Nevill : portr. 8vo. Lond., 1906. Under five reigns; ed. by her son: 16 illust. 8vo. Lond., 1910. NEWCASTLE, MARGARET CAVENDISH, duthess of. Life of William Cavendish, duke of Newcastle : ed. by C. H. Firth. 8vo. Lond., [1906]. First published in 1667. NEWMAN, W. A., dean of Capetown. Biographical memoir of John Montagu. 8vo. Lond., 1855. NICOL, JOHN. Life and adventures of John Nicol, mariner: [portr.]. 8vo. Lond., 1822. NORGATE, G. LE GRYS. Life of Sir Walter Scott : illust. 8vo. Lond., 1906. NOYES, ALFRED. William Morris. 8vo. Lond., 1908. (English men of letters.) O'BRIEN, RICHARD BARRY. John Bright; a monograph: pref. by Augustine Birrell : portrs. and facsimiles. 8vo. Lond., 1910. O'CONNOR, THOMAS POWER. The immortal memory of Robert Burns: an Irishman's tribute, pp. 16, 8vo. Syd., 1904. Pam., v. 159, no. 3045. OLIPHANT, Mrs. MARGARET. Annals of a publishing house; William Blackwood and his sons, their magazine and friends: [portrs.] 3 v.. 8vo. Edinb., 1897-98. v. 3 is by Mrs. Gerald Porter, and is entitled " John Blackwood." OLIVER, FREDERICK SCOTT. Alexander Hamilton ; an essay on American union: portrs. and map. 8vo. Lond., 1906. OMAN, CHARLES WILLIAM CHADWICK. Warwick, the king maker. 8vo. Lond., 1893. (English men of action.) O'MEARA, BARRY EDWARD. Napoleon at St. Helena : [illust.]. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1888. OWEN, Rev. RICHARD. Life of Richard Owen, with the scientific portions revised by C. Davies Sherborn ; also, an essay on Owen's position in anatomical science, by T. H. Huxley : portrs. and illust. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1894. PANTON. JANE ELLEN, nee FRITH, Mrs J. Leaves from a life. 8vo. Lond., 1908. PARKER, CHARLES STUART. Life and letters of Sir James Graham, second baronet, of Netherby, 1792-1861: illust. 2 v., 8vo! Lond., 1907. PARKER, GEORGE F. Recollections of Grover Cleveland: portrs. and illust. 8vo. N.Y., 1909. 658 BIOGRAPHY. PARKIN 1 , GEORGE ROBERT. Sir John A. M.mlon.-ild : [portr.]. 8vo. Loncl., 1909. (Makers of Cfiauua. ) PARRY, Sir CHARLES HUBERT HASTINGS. Johann Sebastian Bach ; the story of the development of a great personality : illust. 8vo. N.V., 1909. PARRY, Rev. EDWARD. Memoirs of rear-admiral Sir William Edward Parry. 4th ed., i2mo. Lend., 1858. PATON, Rev. JOHN GIBSON. Autobiography : ed. by [James Paton]. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1890. PATTERSON, Rev. GEORGE. Missionary life among the cannibals ; being the life of the Rev. John Geddie; with a history of Nova Scotia: [portr.]. 8vo. Toronto. 1882. PATTISON, R. P. DUNN. The Black prince: 18 illust., 6 maps. 8vo. Lond., 1910. PAUL, HERBERT. Life of Froude. 8vo. Lond., 1905. PEARCE, ROBERT ROUIERE. Memoirs and correspondence of the most notable Richard, marquess Wellesley ; comprising numerous letters and documents, now first published from the original MSS. : [portrs.]. 3 v., 8vo. Lond., 1846. PEARSON, CHARLES HENRY. Memorials, by himself, his wifV. and his friends : ed. by William Stebbing : portr. 8vo. Lond., 1900. PEMBERTON, WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE CHILDE. Life of Lor< Norton (Right hon. Sir Charles Adderley) 1814-1905, states- man and philanthropist: illust. 8vo. Lond., 1909. PEPPER, Rev. T. J. The Hebrew pastor; or, memorials of the life and work of the Rev. S. I. Green: [portr.]. 8vo. Bendigo, 1892. PEPYS, SAMUEL. Diary : transcribed by the Rev. Mynors Bright, from the shorthand manuscript in the Pepysian library, Magdalene college, Cambridge : ed. by Henry B. Wheatley : [portr.]. 8 v., 8vo. Lond., 1904-05. PEPYS, Sir WILLIAM WELLER, bart. A later Pepys; the corre- spondence of Sir William Weller Pepys, master in chancery, 1758-1825 : ed., with introd. and notes, by Alice C. C. Gaussen. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1904. PERKINS, JANE GRAY. Life of Mrs. Norton: portrs. 8vo. Lond., 1909. PERRIN, CHARLES FREDERICK. "One thing I do"; memorials, by his widow. i2mo. Melb., 1878. PHILLIPPS, JAMES ORCHARD HALLIWELL. Outlines of the life of Shakespeare: [illust. and facsimiles]. 6th ed., 2 v., la. 8vo. Lond., 1886. PHILLIPS, CHARLES. Curran and his contemporaries: [portr.]. 8vo. Lond., 1850. PIC'KARD, SAMUEL T. Life and letters of John Greenleaf Whit- tier: illust. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1895. PIDGEON, NATHANIEL. Life, experience, and journal. i2mo. Syd., 1864. POLLARD, ALBERT FREDERICK. Thomas Cranmer and the English reformation: illust. 8vo. N.Y., 1904. (Heroes of the reformation.) BIOGRAPHY. 659 POOLE, STANLEY LANE. Life of the Right hon. Stratford Canning, viscount Stratford de Redcliffe: 3 portrs. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1888. POPE, ALEXANDER. Correspondence and prose works : portrs. and illust. 5 v., 8vo. Lond., 1871-86. v. 6-10 of Pope, Alexander. Works : ed. by Rev. W. Elwin and W. J . Courthope. POPE, JOSEPH. Memoirs of the Right hon. Sir John Alexander Macdonald, first prime minister of the Dominion of Canada : [2 portrs. and 2 facsimiles]. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1894. PRAED, ROSA CAROLINE MACKWORTH, Mrs. CAMPBELL. My Aus- tralian girlhood ; sketches and impressions of bush life : illust. 8vo. Lond., 1902. PRATT, AMBROSE. David Syme, the father of protection in Aus- tralia : introd. by the Hon. Alfred Deakin : illust. 8vo. ' Lond., 1908. PRESTWICH, GRACE ANNE, lady. Life and letters of Sir Joseph Prestwich : [portrs. and illust.]. 8vo. Edinb., 1899. PRIOR, Sir JAMES. Life of Oliver Goldsmith, from a variety of original sources. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1837. PRITCHARD, Rev. WILLIAM CHARLES. Memoir of Bishop Chalmers, second bishop of Goulburn, N.S.W. 8vo. Melb., 1904. PROTHERO, ROWLAND EDMUND, and BRADLEY, G. G., dean of Westminster. Life and correspondence of Arthur Penrhyn Stanley, late dean of Westminster: portrs. and illust. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1893. PROUT, EBENEZER. Memoirs of the life of the Rev. John Williams, missionary to Polynesia. 8vo. Lond., 1843. PURCHAS, Rev. HENRY THOMAS. Bishop Harper and the Can- terbury settlement: [illust.]. 2nd ed., 8vo. Christchurch, 1909. PUTNAM, RUTH. Charles the bold, last duke of Burgundy, 1433- 1477 : [illust. plans and maps]. 8vo. N.Y., 1908. (Heroes of the nations.) QUINLAN, MAY. Damien of Molokai ; with Father Damieni an open letter to the Rev. Dr. Hyde of Honolulu, by R. L. Stevenson : [illust.]. sm. 8vo. Lond., 1909. RACOWITZA, Princess HELENE VON. Autobiography; authorised translation from the German by Cecil Mar: [portr.]. 8vo. Lond., 1910. , RADFORD, LEWIS BOSTOCK. Henry Beaufort, bishop, chan- cellor, cardinal. 8vo. Lond., 1908. (Makers of national history.) . RALEIGH, Sir WALTER. Shakespeare. 8vo. Lond., 1907. (English men of letters.) RANNIE, DAVID WATSON. Wordsworth and his circle : illust. 8vo. Lond., 1907. RANSOME, ARTHUR. Edgar- Allan Poe; a critical study: [portr.]. 8vo. Lond., 1910. REED, THOMAS S. Memoirs of a long life. 8vo. Adel., 1896. REES, W'ILLIAM LEE, and REES, LILY. 'Life and times of Sir George Grey. 8vo. Auckland, 1892. 660 BIOGRAPHY. REGISTER newspaper, Adelaide. Colonel Light, the founder of Adelaide; unveiling of memorial, 1905: [portr. and illust.]. pp. 41, la. 8vo. Adel., 1905. REID, Sir THOMAS WEMYSS. Life, letters, and friendships of Richard Monckton Milnes, first lord Houghton: [portrs.J. 2nd ed., 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1890. Life of the Right honourable William Edward Forster: [portr.]. 8vo. Lond., 1889. Life of William Ewart Gladstone : illust. 8vo. Lond., 1899. Memoirs of Sir Wemyss Reid, 1842-1885: ed. by Stuart J. Reid : portr. 8vo. Lond., 1905. RIDLEY, ANNIE E. A backward glance; the story of John Ridley, a pioneer: [illust.]. 8vo. Lond., 1904. RITCHIE, ANNIE THACKERAY, Mrs. RICHMOND, and EVANS, RICHARDSON. Lord Amherst, and the British advance east- wards to Burma. 8vo. Oxf., 1894. (Rulers of India.) ROBBINS, HELEN H. Our first ambassador to China; an account of the life of George, earl of Macartney : illust. 8vo. Lond., 1908. ROBERTS, CHARLES F. Iniquities of lunacy-craft, and hocus- pocus of three learned judges. 8vo. Melb., 1882. ROBERTS, T. ELLIS. Samuel Rogers, and his circle: 16 illust. 8vo. Lond., 1910. ROBERTSON, ERIC. Wordswcrthshire ; an introduction to a poet's country : illust. with 47 drawings by Arthur Tucker, and maps. 8vo. Lond., 1911. ROBERTSON, Rev. JOSEPH. Victoria, Dei gratia; the Queen, the nation, God. pp. 16, i2mo. Melb., 1897. Pam., v. 137, no. 2639. ROBINSON, HENRY CRABB. Diary, reminiscences, and correspon- dence: selected and ed. by Thomas Sadler: [portr.]. 3rd ed., 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1872. ROBSON, W., ed. Brief memorials of the life of the late Rev. Reginald N. Robson. pp. 24, 8vo. Syd., 1907. Pam., v. 159, no. 3043. ROCHEFORT, HENRI. The adventures of my life; arranged for English readers by the author and Ernest W. Smith. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1896. ROCKEFELLER, JOHN DAVISON. Random reminiscences of men and events: [illust.]. 8vo. Lond., 1909. ROSCOE, Sir HENRY ENFIELD. Life and experiences: [portrs. and illust.]. 8vo. Lond., 1906. ROSE, JOHN HOLLAND. Life of Napoleon I., including new materials from the British official records : [maps and illust.]. 3rd ed., 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1903. William Pitt and national revival: [portr.]. la. 8vo. Lond., 1911. ROSE, JOHN HOLLAND, ed. Napoleon's last voyages, being the diaries of admiral Sir Thomas Ussher, on board the Undaunted, and John R. Glover, secretary to rear-admiral Cockburn, on bonrd the Northumberland: illust., introd., and notes. 2nd ed., 8vo. Lond., 1906. BIOGRAPHY. 001 ROSE, JOHN HOLLAND, and BROADLEY, ALEXANDER MEYRICK. Dumouriez and the defence of England against Napoleon : illust. and maps. 8vo. Lond., 1909. ROSEBERY, ARCHIBALD PHILIP PRIMROSE, 5th earl of. Chatham; his early life and connections. 8vo. Lond., 1910. Lord Randolph Churchill. 8vo. Lond., 1906. Napoleon; the last phase. 8vo. Lond., 1906. Same.- another copy. Presented by ihe author through Her Excellency the Countess of Dudley. ROSS, Sir JOHN FOSTER GEORGE. The Marquess of Hastings. 8vo. Oxf., 1893. (Rulers of India.) ROSS, JOHN HOWLETT. The laureate of the centaurs; a memoir of the life of Adam Lindsay Gordon ; with new poems, prose sketches, political speeches, and reminiscences, and an ." In memoriam " by H. C. Kendall: portr. 8vo. Lond., 1888. ROUND ELL, JULIA ANNE ELIZABETH, Mrs. Lady Hester Stan- hope: illust. 8vo. Lond., 1909. ROUSSEAU, JEAN JACQUES. Confessions: [ed., with introd., by S. W. Orson: illust.]. 4 v., sm. 8vo. Lond., 1897. ROWE, GEORGE STRINGER. Life of John Hunt, missionary to the cannibals. i2mo. Lond.. 1860. ROWSELL, MARY CATHARINE. Ninon de 1'Enclos and her cen- tury : illust. 8vo. Lond., 1910. ROYAL society, London. Sir Joseph Banks and the Royal society ; a popular biography, with historical introd. and sequel. 8vo. Lond., 1844. RUSDEN, GEORGE WILLIAM. William Shakespeare; his life, his works, and his teaching. 8vo. Melb., 1903. RUSSELL, GEORGE WILLIAM ERSKINE. Matthew Arnold : [portrs. and illust.]. 2nd ed., 8vo. Lond., 1904. (Literary lives ser.) Sydney Smith. 8vo. Lond., 1905. (English men of letters.) RUSSELL, GEORGE WILLIAM ERSKINE, ed. Sir Wilfrid Lawson; a memoir: portrs. 8vo. Lond., 1909. RUVILLE, ALBERT VON. William Pitt, earl of Chatham : tr. by H. J. Chaytor, assisted by Mary Morison : introd. by H. E. Egerton: [16 portrs.]. 3 v., 8vo. Lond., 1907. ST. CYRES, STAFFORD HARRY NORTHCOTE, viscount. Pascal: portr. 8vo. Lond., 1909. ST. HELIER, MARY, baroness, formerly Lady Jeune. Memoirs of fifty years : [portrs. and] illust. 8vo. Lond., 1909. SAINT-SIMON, Louis DE ROUVROY, due DE. Memoires ; public's par Cheruel et A. Regnier, fils. 19 v., sm. 8vo. Paris, I873-75- Wants v. ?o-2i, Table analytique et suppt., public par A de "Boislisle, 1886. SAINTSBURY, GEORGE EDWARD BATEMAN. The Earl of Derby: [portr.]. 8vo. Lond., 1892. (Prime ministers of Queen Victoria.) 62 BIOGRAPHY. SAMWELL, DAVID. Narrative of the death of captain James Cook; to which are added some particulars concerning his life and character, and observations respecting the introduc- tion of the venereal disease into the Sandwich islands, pp. 34, 4to. Lond., 1786. SANDEMAN, GORDON. Intercepted letters and their consequences; being a narrative written in a view to the vindication of character, pp. 12, xxx., 8vo. Syd., 1860. Pam., v. i8<), no. 3647. SANTLEY, Sir CHARLES. Reminiscences of my HtV: [illust.j. 8vo. Lond., 1909. SCHILLER, FRIEDRICH. Life of Fried rich Schiller ; comprehend- ing an examination of his works: [portr.]. 8vo. Lond., 1825. SCOTT, Sir WALTER, barf. Journal ; from the original manuscript at Abbotsford : [2 portrs. and map]. 2 v., 8vo. Edinb., 1890. SCUDDER, HORACE ELISHA. James Russell Lowell; a biography: [illust. and bibliography]. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1901. SELBORNE, ROUNDELL PALMER, ist earl of. Memorials; part i, family and personal: [illust.]. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1896. SERGEANT, PHILIP W. The courtships of Catherine the great. 8vo. Lond., 1905. SHELLEY, HENRY C. John Harvard and his times : illust. 8vo. Lond., 1907. SHEPPARD, Rev. EDGAR, ed. George, duke of Cambridge; a memoir of his private life, based on [his] journals and corre- spondence : [portrs. and] illust. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1906. SHERMAN, WILLIAM TECUMSEH, general. Home letters : ed. by M. A. de Wolfe Howe: [portr.]. 8vo. N.Y., 1909. SHIELD, ALICE. Henry Stuart, cardinal of York, and his times: introd. by Andrew Lang : illust. 8vo. Lond., 1908. SHIELD, ALICE, and LANG, ANDREW. The king over the water: portr. and illust. 8vo. Lond., 1907. SHORE, W. TEIGNMOUTH. Charles Dickens and his friends : illust. 8vo. Lond., 1909. SICHEL, EDITH. Michel de Montaigne: portrs. and illust. 8vo. Lond., 1911. SICHEL, WALTER. Sterne; a study, to which is added, "The journal to Eliza": [portrs. and illust.]. 8vo. Lond., 1910. SIMPKINSON, Rev. CHARLES HARE. Life and times of William Laud, archbishop of Canterbury: portr. 8vo. Lond., 1894. SIMPSON, PATRICK CARNEGIE. Life of Principal Rainy: portrs. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1909. SINGLETON, JOHN. Narrative of incidents in the eventful life of a physician : [illust.]. 8vo. Melb., 1891. SKEFFINGTON, F. SHEEHY. Michael Davitt, revolutionary, agitator, and labour leader: introd. by Justin McCarthy: [portr.]. 8vo. Lond., 1908. SMALLEY, GEORGE WASHBURN. Anglo-American memories: portr. 8vo. Lond., 1911. BIOGKAPHY. 663 SMILES, SAMUEL. A publisher and his friends; memoir and cor- respondence of the late John Murray : with an account of the origin and progress of the house, 1768-1843 : portrs. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1891. SMITH, EDWARD. Life of Sir Joseph Banks, with some notices of his friends and contemporaries : portrs. and illust. 8vo. Lond., 1911. SMITH, GEORGE BARNETT. Life and speeches of the Right hon. John Bright: portrs. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1881. SMITH, GOLDWIN. My memory of Gladstone. 8vo. Lond., 1904. SMITH, Sir HENRY GEORGE WAKELYN, ist bart., lieut. -general. Autobiography, 1787-1819: ed. by G. C. Moore Smith: map and portrs. 8vo. Lond., 1910. SMITH, Sir JAMES EDWARD. Memoir and correspondence; ed. by Lady Smith: [portr.]. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1832. SMITH, REGINALD BOSWORTH. Life of Lord Lawrence: portrs. and maps. 3rd ed., 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1883. SMITH, ROBERT BURDETT. Captain Arthur Phillip, first governor of New South Wales, pp. 8, 8vo. Syd., 1888. Pam., v. ii 15, no. 2141. [Record.] pp. 35, 8vo. Lond., 1886. Pain., v. 1115, no. 2140. SMITH, SOPHIE SHILLETO. Dean Swift: 16 illust. 8vo. Lond., 1910. SMITH, THOMAS. Hedley Vicars, pp. 30, 8vo. Syd., 1858. Pam., v. 159, no. 3035. SMITH, VINCENT A. Asoka, the Buddhist emperor of India. 8vo. Oxf., 1901. (Rulers of India.) SOCIETE de geographie, Paris. Centenaire de la mort de Laperouse ; celebre le 20 Avril, 1888, en seance solennelle a la Sorbonne : [portrs., illust. and map]. 8vo. Paris, 1888. SOUTH AUSTRALIA and its first two Agents-general, [Gregory Scale Walters, and Francis Stoker Button], pp. 22, 12010. Lond., n.d. Pam., v. 137, no. 2634. SPARGO, JOHN. Karl Marx; his life and work: [portrs. and illust.]. new. ed., 8vo. N.Y., 1910. SPARKS, JARED. Memoirs of the life and travels of John Led- yard ; from his journals and correspondence. 8vo. Lond., 1828. / SPENCE, CATHERINE HELEN. Autobiography: [2 portrs.]. 8vo. Adel., 1910. SPENCER, HERBERT. Autobiography. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1904.. STALKER, Rev. JAMES. John Knox: his ideas and ideals. 8vo. Lond., 1904. STANHOPE, PHILIP HENRY, ph earl. Life of the Right hon. William Pitt: [portrs.]. 4 v., 8vo. Lond., 1861-62. STANLEY, ARTHUR PENRHYN, dean of Westminster. Letters and verses, between the years 1829 and 1881 : ed. by Rowland E. Prothero. 8vo. Lond., 1895. STANLEY. Sir HENRY MORTON. Autobiography : ed. by his wife, Dorothy Stanley: 16 illust. and map. 8vo. Lond., 1909. 64 BIOGRAPHY. STEAD, WILLIAM THOMAS, ed. The M.P. for Russia; reminis- cences and correspondence of Madame Olga Novikoff: [portrs.]. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1909. STEBBING, WILLIAM. Peterborough. 8vo. Lond., 1890. (English men ot action.) STENTON, FRANK MERRY. William the conqueror, and the rule of the Normans : [illust. and maps]. 8vo. N.Y., 1908. (Heroes of the nations.) STEPHEN, Sir ALFRED. Jottings from memory, by an Australian great grandfather, pp. 34, 8vo. Syd., 1891. Pam., v. 115, no. 2134. STEPHEN, Sir GEORGE. Memoirs of James Stephen, in relation to slave emancipation. 8vo. Brighton, Victoria, 1875. STEPHEN, Sir LESLIE. Hobbes 8vo. Lond., 1904. (English men of letters.) Life of Henry Fawcett : 2 portrs. 5th ed. 8vo. Lond., 1886. STEPHENS, ALFRED GEORGE. Victor Daley; a biographical and critical notice: 2 portrs. and MS. facsimile, pp. 42, 8vo. Syd., 1905. STEPHENS, H. MORSE. Albuquerque. 8vo. Oxf., 1892. (Rulers of India.) STEPHENS, WILLIAM RICHARD WOOD, dean of Winchester. Life and letters of Edward A. Freeman : fportrs. and illust.]. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1895. STEVENSON, ROBERT Louis. Father Damien; an open letter to the Reverend Doctor Hyde of Honolulu. pp. 30, 8vo. Lond., 1890. Pam., v. 115, no. 2138. STORY, JOSEPH. Life and letters : ed. by his son, William W. Story: [portr.]. 2 v., 8vo. Boston, 1851. STOW, RANDOLPH I SHAM, judge of the Supreme court, S.A. Re- port of complimentary banquet by the bar of South Australia to Mr. Justice Stow, on his elevation to the Bench, nth June, 1875. pp. 22, sm. 8vo. Adel., 1875. Pam., v. 88, no. 1578. STRACHAN, Rev. ALEXANDER. Remarkable incidents in the life of the Rev. Samuel Leigh, missionary to Australia and New Zealand. 8vo. Lond., 1855. STRATTON, CHARLES S. Sketch of the life, personal appear- ance, and manners of Charles Stratton, the man in miniature, known as General Tom Thumb, and his wife, Lavinia Warren Stratton, Commodore Nutt, and Minnie Warren, pp. 44, sm. 8vo. Melb., n.d. Pam., v. 115, no. 2139. STRAUS, RALPH. Robert Dodsley, poet, publisher, and play- wright: portr. and 12 illust. 8vo. Lond., 1910. STRAUS, RALPH, and DENT, R. K. John Baskerville; a memoir: [portrs., illust. and bibliography]. 4to. Camb., 1907. STREATFIELD, RICHARD ALEXANDER. Handel : 12 illust. 8vo. Lond., 1909. (New library of music.) STRETTON, CHARLES. Memoirs of a chequered life. 3 v., 8vo. Lond., 1862. BIOGRAPHY. STRICKLAND, Rev. E. The Australian pastor; a record of the remarkable changes in mind and outward estate of Henry Elliott, -pp. 87, i2mo. Lond., 1862. STUBBS, WILLIAM, bishop of Oxford. Letters; ed. by William Holden Hutton : [portr. and illust.]. 8vo. Lond., 1904. STURT, Mrs. NAPIER GEORGE. Life of Charles Sturt, sometime captain, 39th regt., and Australian explorer: portrs. and maps. 8vo. Lond., 1899. SUTTOR, GEORGE. Memoirs, historical and scientific, of the Rt. hon. Sir Joseph Banks. i2mo. Parramatta, 1855. SWIFT, JONATHAN, dean of St. Patrick 's. Correspondence: ed. by F. Elrington Ball : introd. by the Very rev. J. H. Bernard, v. i, 8vo. Lond., 1910. SYMON, Sir JOSIAH HENRY, senator. Shakespeare at home. 8vo./ Adel., 190^. SYMONDS, EMILY MORSE, "George Paston." Lady Mary Wortley Montagu and her times: illust. 8vo. Lond., 1907. TAGART, EDWARD. Memoir of the late captain Peter Heywood, with extracts from his diaries and correspondence. 8vo. Lond., 1832. TAINE, HIPPOLYTE ADOLPHE. Life and letters: tr. from the French. 3 v., 8vo. Lond., 1902-08. Contents: v. i. 1828-18^,2 : tr. by Mrs. R. L. Devonshire. v. a 1853-1870 : tr. by Mrs. R. L. Devonshire, v. 3. 1870-1892 : abridged and tr. by E. Sparvel-Bayly. TALLEYRAND-PERIGORD, DOROTHEE, nee princesse DE COURLANDE, SEMIGALLE, ET SAGAN, duckesse de Dino and duchesse DE. Memoirs, 1831-1840 : ed. with notes and bio- graphical index, by the Princess Radziwill, nee Castellane. [2 portrs.] 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1909-10. TEMPERLEY, HAROLD WILLIAM VAZEILLE. Life of Canning, 8vo. Lond., 1905. TEMPLE, FREDERICK, archbishop of Canterbury. Memoirs: by seven friends; ed. by Ven. E. G. Sandford. 2 v., Svo. Lond., 1906. TENNYSON, HALLAM, 2nd baron. Alfred, Lord Tennyson; a memoir: [portr. and illust.]. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1897. TERRY, CHARLES SANDFORD. John Graham of Claverhouse, vis- count of Dundee. 1648-1689 : illust. 8vo. Lond., 1905. TERRY, ELLEN, Mrs. JAMES CAREW. The story of my life: illust. 8vo. Lond., 1908. THACKERAY, WILLIAM MAKEPEACE. Collection of letters, 1847- 1855 : portrs. and reproductions of letters and drawings. 2nd ed., 4to. Lond., 1887. Letters to an American family : introd. by Lucy W. Baxter and original drawings by Thackeray. 8vo. Lond., 1904. THATCHER, RICHMOND. Life and times of Jem Punch, pp. 87, 8vo. Syd., 1885. THIBAUDEAU, ANTOINE CLARE, comie. Bonaparte and the con- sulate; tr. and ed., [with introd.], by G. K. Fortescue- illust. 8vo. Lond., 1908. First published in French in 1827. THIBAULT, JACQUES ANATOLE, " Anatole France." Life of Joan of Arc: tr. by Winifred Stephens: [illust.]. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1909. 666 BIOGRAPHY. THOMPSON, SILTANUS PHILLIPS. Life of William Thomson, baron Kelvin of Largs: [illust.]. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1910. TINSLEY'S magazine. Criticisms on contemporaries : no. xi., Mr. R. H. Home. pp. 9, 8vo. Lond., 1871. Pam., v. 131, no. 253.1 TOLMKR, ALEXANDER. Reminiscences of an adventurous and chequered career at home and at the antipodes. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1882. TOLSTOY, LEV NIKOLAEVICH, count. Leo Tolstoy, his life and work : compiled by Paul Birukoff and revised by Leo Tol- stoy : tr. from the Russian: [illust.]. v. i., 8vo. Lond., 1906. TONE, THEOBALD WOLFE. Autobiography, 1763-1798; ed., with introd., by R. Barry O'Brien: [illust.]. 2 v., la. 8vo. Lond., 1893. TORRENS, WILLIAM TORRENS MACCULLAGH. Memoirs of the Right hon. William, second viscount Melbourne: portr. 2' v., 8vo. Lond., 1878. TOUT, THOMAS FREDERICK. Edward the first. 8vo. Lond., 1893. (Twelve English statesmen.) TOWNEND, Rev. JOSEPH. Autobiography of the Rev. Joseph Townend ; containing an account of his early life, voyage to Australia, the commencement of his missionary labour there, and a brief description of the country. 8vo. Lond., 1854. TOWNSEND, LEWIS W. Oliver Wendell Holmes: [portr.]. 8vo. Lond., [1909]. TRAILL, HENRY DUFF. Life of Sir John Franklin: maps, portrs., and facsimiles. 8vo. Lond., 1896. Lord Cromer; a biography: [portr. and] illust. 8vo. Lond., 1897. The Marquis of Salisbury: [portr.]. 8vo. Lond., 1891. (Prime ministers of Queen Victoria.) TREVELYAN, Sir GEORGE OTTO. Early history of Charles James Fox. 8vo. Lond., 1880. Life and letters of Lord Macaulay : [portr.] 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1876. TROLLOPE, HENRY M. Life of Moliere: [2 portrs.]. 8vo. Lond., 1905. TROLLOPE, THOMAS ADOLPHUS. What I remember: [portr.] 2nd ed., 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1887. TROTTER, LIONEL JAMES, captain. The Earl of Auckland. 8vo. Oxf., 1893. (Rulers of India.) Life of John Nicholson, soldier and administrator: portrs. and maps. 8vo. Lond., 1897. (Rulers of India.) TSCHUDI, CLARA. Maria Sophia, queen of Naples : tr. by E. H. Hearn. 8vo. Lond., 1905. TUCKER, Rev. HENRY WILLIAM. Memoir of the life and epis- copate of George Augustus Selwyn, bishop of New Zealand, 1841-1869, bishop of Lichfield, 1867-1878 : portrs. and map. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1879. BIOGRAPHY. 667 TURNER, HENRY GYLES. Alexander Sutherland, pp. 37, sq. v 8vo. Melb., 1908. Pam., v. 137, no. 26.36. TURNER, Rev. J. G. The pioneer missionary; life of the Rev. Nathaniel Turner, missionary in New Zealand, Tonga, and Australia. 8vo. Lond., 1872. TYERMAN, Rev. LUKE. Life and times of the Rev. John Wesley, founder of the Methodists: [portrs.]. 5th ed., 3 v., 8vo. Lond., 1880. Life of the Rev. George Whitefield : [portrs.]. 2nd ed., 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1890. ULLATHORNE, WILLIAM BERNARD, archbishop. Autobiography^ \- with selections from his letters. 8vo. Lond., 1891. Was stationed at Sydney 1833-36, 1838-40. Memoir of Bishop Willson, first bishop of Hobart, Tasmania: [portr.]. 8vo. Lond., 1887. VANDERKISTE,. Rev. R. W. Lost but not for ever; my per- sonal narrative of starvation and providence in the Australian mountain regions. 8vo. Lond., 1863. VAUGHAN, Rev. BERNARD. Life lessons from blessed Joan of Arc : illust. by Gaston Bussiere, pref . by the Archbishop of Westminster [Francis Bourne]. 8vo. Lond., 1910. VAUGHAN, ROGER WILLIAM BEDE, R.C. archbishop of Sydney. \ Life and labours. pp. 72, 8vo. Syd., 1883. Pam., v. 1 88, no. 3645. VAUX, JAMES HARDY. Memoirs; written by himself: [ed. by Barron Field]. 2 v., i2mo. Lond., 1819. Vaux was twice transported to Australia. VETCH, ROBERT HAMILTON, colonel, ed. Life of lieut. -general the Hon. Sir Andrew Clarke: pref. by Sir G. S. Clarke: illust. and maps. 8vo. Lond., 1905. VICTORIA, Queen of Great Britain and Ireland. Letters ; a selec- tion from Her Majesty's correspondence between the years 1837 and 1861 : ed. by A. C. Benson and Viscount Esher: [portrs.]. 3 v., 8vo. Lond., 1907. VIEULES, P. M. Centenaire de Laperouse : notice sur la farhille et la vie privee du celebre marin : portrs. and facsimile. pp. 71, 8vo. Albi, 1888. VINCENS, Madame LOUISE CECILE, " Arvede Barine." Madame, mother of the Regent, 1652-1722: tr. by Jeanne Mairet : illust. 8vo. N.Y., 1909. VIZETELLY, ERNEST ALFRED. Emile Zola, novelist and reformer; an account of his life and work: illust. 8vo. Lond., 1904. WALISZEWSKI, K. Peter the great : tr. from the French by Lady Mary Loyd : portr. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1897. WALKER, JAMES BACKHOUSE. Abel Janszoon Tasman ; his life and voyages : [maps, notes, and appx. on the discovery of Tasmania], pp. 56, 8vo. Hobart, 1896. Pam., v. 9, no. 199. Same: another copy. Pam., v. 23, no. 404,. BIOGRAPHY. WALKER, WILLIAM. Recollections of Sir Henry Parkes. pp. 6, 8vo. Windsor, 1896. Pain., v. 137, no. 2637*. Reminiscences, personal, social, and political, of a fifty years' residence at Windsor, on the Hawkesbury : with some per- sonal recollections of the late Sir James Martin, C.J. pp. 77, 8vo. Syd., 1890. Sir John Bayley Darval, Q.C. : some personal recollections. pp. 4, 8vo. Windsor, 1884. Pam., v. 137, no. 2637. WALKER, WILLISTON. John Calvin, the organiser of reformed Protestantism, 1509-1564: [illust.]. 8vo. N.Y., 1906. WALLACE, ALFRED RUSSEL. My life; a record of events and opinions: facsimile letters, illust. and portrs. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1905. WARD, Mrs. E. J. Out of weakness made strong: being a record of [her] life and labours: pref. by the Rev. [F. B.] Boyce. 8vo. Syd., 1903. WARD, GENEVIEVE. [Reminiscences and press notices], pp. 32, 8vo., n.p., n.d. Pam., v. 177, no. 3403. WARNER, Sir WILLIAM LEE. Memoirs of field-marshal Sir Henry Wylie Norman: portrs. and maps. 8vo. Lond., 1908. WASHINGTON, BOOKER TALIAFERRO. Frederick Douglass: [portr.]. 8vo. Lond., 1906. Up from slavery; an autobiography: [portr.]. 8vo. Lond., 1907. Working with the hands; being a sequel to " Up from slavery," covering the author's experiences in industrial training at Tuskegee: illust. 8vo. Lond., [1904]. WASHINGTON, GEORGE. Letters and recollections; being letters to Tobias Lear and others between 1790 and 1799; with a diary of Washington's last days kept by Mr. Lear : illust. 8vo. Lond., 1906. WATSON, AARON. A great labour leader; being a life of the Right hon. Thomas Burt : introd. by Fred. Maddison : [portr. and illust.]. 8vo. Lond., 1908. WATSON, Rev. John Selby. Life of William Warburton, loi'd bishop of. Gloucester from 1760 to 1779: [portr.]. 8vo. Lond., 1863. WEATHERHEAD, ALEXANDER. Leaves from my life; being fifty-six years' experience on the south coast of New South Wales, Australia, pp. 52, 8vo. Bega, 1891. Pam., v. i<;o no. 3034. WENTWORTH, WILLIAM CHARLES. Public funeral, Tuesday, 6th May, 1873. pp. 65, 8vo. Syd., 1873. Pam., v. 19, no. 355. WEST, JENNIE, formerly Lady RANDOLPH CHURCHILL, Mrs. GEORGE CORNWALLIS. Reminiscences of Lady Randolph Churchill : illust. 8vo. Lond., 1908. WEST, Rev. JOHN. The hope of life eternal ; a sermon occasioned by the death of Mrs. Sarah Hopkins, delivered at Brisbane- street chapel, Hobart Town, 25th November, 1849. 8vo. Launceston, 1850. BIOGRAPHY. (569 VVHATELY, E. JANE. Life and correspondence of Richard Whately, late archbishop of Dublin: [2 portrs.]. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1866. WHEELER, DANIEL. Memoirs of his life and gospel labours: [map]. 8vo. Lond., 1842. Memoir; with an account of his gospel labours in the islands of the Pacific. i2mo. Phila., 1859. Abridged from " Memoirs of his life and gospnl labours." WHIBLEY, CHARLES. William Pitt. 8vo. Lend., 1906. WHITINGTON, FREDERICK TAYLOR, archdeacon. Augustus Short, first bishop of Adelaide; a chapter of colonial church history. 8vo. Adel., 1887. WHITINGTON, FREDERICK TAYLOR, archdeacon, ed. Some words in memory of Alexander Russell, dean of Adelaide. pp. 15, 8vo. Adel., 1886. Pam., v. i<5Q, no. 3042. WHITMAN, SIDNEY. Personal reminiscences of Prince Bismarck: fportr.]. 8vo. Lond., 1902. WHITNEY, HENRY CLAY. Life of Lincoln: ed. by Marion Mills Miller. 2 v., 8vo. N.Y., 1908. -WILLERT, PAUL FERDINAND. Mirabeau. 8vo. Lond., 1898. WILLIAM II., emperor of Germany. Tmperator et rex; William II. of Germany : by the author of " The martyrdom of an empress " : illust. 8vo. N.Y., 1904. WILLIAMS, HUGH NOEL. The fascinating Due de Richelieu, Louis Fran9ois Armand du Plessis, 1696-1788 : 17 illust. 8vo. Lond., 1910. Madame Du Barry: 16 illust. 4to. Lond., 1904. WILLIAMS, Rev. THOMAS. Assiduity; being a memoir of the late Richard H. Hart of Stawell, some time president of the Australian natives' association : [portr.]. 8vo. Ballarat, 1886. Memoir of James Wood ; including notices of other members of his family : [portr.]. 8vo. Geelong, 1883. Triumph in suffering; memorials of Elizabeth Ann Bennett. pp. vi., 35, 8vo. Ballarat, 1879. Pam., v. 150, no. 3040. W1LLSON, BECKLES. George III., as man, monarch, and states- man: 25 portrs. and facsimilia: [appces., Letters of George III. Hannah Lightfoot, Bibliography]. 8vo. Lond., 1907. Life and letters of James Wolfe: illust. and plans. 8vo. Lond., 1909. WILLSON, ROBERT WILLIAM, ist R.C. bishop of Hobart Town. Application to the Imperial government for pension, or other assistance, pp. 29, 8vo. Hobart Town, 1860. Pam., v. 22, no. 30.1. WILSON, FRANCIS. Joseph Jefferson ; reminiscences of a fellow player: illust. 8vo. Lond., 1906. WILSON, Rev. F. R. M. Memoir of the Rev. Irving Hetherington, Scots church, Melbourne; including sketches of the history of Presbyterianism in New South Wales and Victoria. 8vo. Melb., 1876. WILSON, JAMES HARRISON. Life of Charles A. Dana : [portr.]. 8vo. N.Y., 1907. 670 BIOGRAPHY. WILSON, JOHN. Memoirs of a labour leader: introd. by the Dean of Durham. 8vo. Lond., 1910. WINSLOW, LYTTLETON STEWART FORBES. Recollections of forty years ; being an account at first hand of some famous criminal lunacy cases, English and American: 19 illust. 8vo. Lond., [1910]. WINSOR, JUSTIN. Christopher Columbus, and how he received and imparted the spirit of discovery. 8vo. Lond., [1891], WISTER, OWEN. The seven ages of Washington; a biography: illust. 8vo. N.Y., 1907. WOLFF, Sir HENRY DRUMMOND. Rambling recollections : [portrs. and illust.]. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1908. WOOD, Sir EVELYN, field-marshal. From midshipman to field- marshal : illust. and maps 3rd ed. f 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1906. WOODD, Rev. BASIL. Memoir of Mowhee, a young New Zea- lander who died at Paddington, 1816. 2nd ed. pp. 24., sm. 8vo. Lond., 1817. WRIGHT, Rev. GEORGE NEWHAM. Life and campaigns of Arthur, duke of Wellington: [porrr. and illust.]. 4 v., 8vo. Lond., 1841. Life and reign of William the fourth : [portrs. and illust.]. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1840. WRIGHT, THOMAS. Life of Daniel Defoe: [illust]. 8vo. Lond., 1894. Life of Sir Richard Burton: illust. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1906. YELLAND, Rev. CHARLES M. Mission work in Collingwood : life of the late Rev. Chas. M. Yelland, and the history of St. Saviour's church, Collingwood. 8vo. Melb., 1891. YONGE, CHARLOTTE MARY. Life of John Coleridge Patteson, missionary bishop of the Melanesian islands. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1874. 920.01. Collective Biography. ADAMS, WILLIAM HENRY DAVENPORT. English party leaders and English parties from Walpole to Peel ; including a review of the political history of the last one hundred and fifty years. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1878. ATLAY, JAMES BERESFORD. The Victorian chancellors : portrs. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1906-08. Contents: v. i. Lord Lyndhurst. Lord Brougham. Lord Cotten- ham. Lord Truro. v. 2. Lord St. Leonards. Lord ('ran worth. Lord Chelmsford. Lord Campbell. Lord Westbury. Lord Cairns. Lord Hatherley- Lord Selborne. Lord Halsburv. Lord Herschell. ATTERIDGE, A. HILLIARD. Napoleon's brothers: 18 illust. and 6 maps. 8vo. Lond., 1909. AUSTRALIAN men of mark: illust. 2 v., 4to. Syd., n.d. AUSTRALIAN portrait gallery, and memoirs of representative colonial men: appces. : Constitution act [N.S.W.]. History of the Soudan expedition. 8vo. Syd., [1885]. BAYLE. PIERRE. Dictionnaire historique et critique: nouvelle e"d~ 1 6 v., 8vo. Paris, 1820. COLLECTIVE BIOGRAPHY. 671 BROUGHAM AND VAUX, HENRY PETER BROUGHAM, ist baron. Historical sketches of statesmen who flourished in the time of George III. : first and second ser. : [portrs.]. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1839. Lives of men of letters and science, who flourished in the time of George III. : portrs. 8vo. Lond., 1845. BRYCE, Rt. hon. JAMES. Studies in contemporary biography. 8vo. Lond., 1903. Contents: Benjamin Disraeli, earl of Beaconsfield. Arthur Pen- rhyn Stanley. Thomas Hill Green. Archibald Campbell Tait. Anthony Trollope. John Richard Green. Sir George Jessel. Hugh McCalmont Cairns, earl Cairns. James Fraser. Stafford Henry Northcote, earl of Iddesleigh. Charles Stewart Parnell. Henry Edward Manning. Edward Augustus Freeman. Robert Lowe, vis- count Sherbrooke. William Robertson Smith. Henry Sidgwick. Edward Ernest Bowen. Edward Lawrence Godkin. John Err.erich Dahlberg, lord Acton. William Ewart Gladstone. BURKE, Sir JOHN BERNARD. Family romance; or, episodes in the domestic annals of the aristocracy. 8vo Lond., [1860]. Vicissitudes of families. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1869. BUTLER, HENRY MONTAGU. Tea great and good men. 8vo. Lond., 1909. Contents: Some gleanings from Burke. The second William Pitt ; two chapters in his life. Speeches of George Canning. John Wesley. William Wilberforce. Lord Shaftesbury as a social re- former. John Bright. General Charles George Gordon. Dr. Arnold and other Christian educators. Thomas Erskine of Linlathen. CADOGAN, Hon, EDWARD. Makers of modern history; three types : Louis Napoleon, Cavour, Bismarck. 8vo. Lond., 1905. CARR, J. W. COMYNS. Some eminent Victorians; personal recol- lections in the world of art and letters : [illust.]. 8vo. Lond., 1908. CHAMBERS'S biographical dictionary; the greatest of all times and nations : ed. by David Patrick and Francis Hindes Groome. 8vo. Edinb., 1889. CHANCELLOR, E. BERESFORD. The lives of the British sculptors and those who have worked in England, from the earliest days to Sir Francis Chantrey : [illust.]. 8vo. Lond., 1911. CORKRAN, HENRIETTE. Oddities, others, and I. 8vo. Lond., 1904. CUST, Mrs. HENRY. Gentlemen errant; being the journeys and ad- ventures of four noblemen in Europe during the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries: [illust.]. 8vo. Lond., 1909. Contents: The Bohemian TTlvsses : (T/ev. lord of Ro^mital and Blatna). A master of war : (Wilmott of Schaumburg). The adven- tures of a Palsgrave : (Frederick II., elector Palatine of the Rhine). An epic of debts : (Hans von Schweinichen). DEAN, W. B., "Cabby." Notorious bushrangers of Tasmania. 8vo. Launceston, 1891. 'DICTIONARY of national biography: v. 1-21, ed. by Sir Leslie Stephen: v. 22-26, ed. by Sir Leslie Stephen and Sidney Lee: v. 27-63, ed. by Sidney Lee. 63 v., 8vo. Lond., 1885-1900. Same: supplement: ed. by Sidney Lee. 3 v., 8vo. Lond., 1901. Same: index and epitome: ed. by Sidney Lee. 8vo. Lond., 1903. Same: errata. 8vo. Lond., 1904. 672 COLLECTIVE BIOGRAPHY. EDEN, CHARLES HENRY. Australia's heroes; being a slight sketch of the most prominent amongst the band of gallant men who devoted their lives and energies to the cause of science and the dt-veloument of the fifth continent: [map]. 8vo. Lond., n.d. FOSS, EDWARD. Biographica juridica; a biographical dictionary of the judges of England, from the Conquest to the present time, 1066-1870. 8vo. Lond., 1870. GARDINER, ALFRED G. Prophets, priests, and kings: [portrs.]. 8vo. Lond., 1908. GISBORNE, WILLIAM. New Zealand rulers and statesmen, 1840 to 1885. 8vo. Lond., 1886. Same: 1840 to 1897: portrs. 8vo. Lond., 1897. GOEPP, EDOUARD, and CORDIER, EMILE L. Les grands hommes de la France ; navigateurs : Bougainville La Pe"rouse D'Entrecasteaux Dumont d'Urville: maps. 8vo. Paris, 1887. GREENWOOD, ALICE DRAYTON. Lives of the Hanoverian queens of England: [portrs. and map], v i., 8vo. I-ond., 1909. Contents: Sophia Dorothea of Celle, wife of George I. Caroline of Anspach, queen of George II. GUBERNATIS, ANGELO DE. Dictionnaire international des ^crivains du jour. 2 v., la. 8vo. Florence, 1888-91. GUDGEON, THOMAS WAYTH, major. Defenders of New Zealand; being a short biography of colonists who distinguished them- selves in upholding Her Majesty's supremacy in these islands : [portrs. and plans]. 8vo. Auckland, 1887. GRUNDY, FRANCIS H. Pictures of the past: memories of men I have met and places I have seen. 8vo. Lond., 1879. HAYNIE, HENRY. The captains and the kings; intimate reminis- cences of notabilities. 8vo. Lond., 1905. HAYWARD, ABRAHAM. Sketches of eminent statesmen and writers,, with other essays. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1886. Contents: v. r. Thiers. Prince Bismarck. Count Cavour. Prince Metternich. Charles, comte de Montalembert. Lord Mel- bourne. The Marquess Wellesley. v. 2. Madame de Se'vigne'. Saint Simon. Madame du Deffand and her correspondents. Holland House. Strawberry Hill. Byron and Tennyson. The republic of Venice ; its rise, decline, and fall. HEATON, JOHN HENNIKER. Australian dictionary of dates and men of the time; containing the history of Australia from 1542 to May, 1879. 8vo. Syd., 1879. HISTORICAL portraits. Richard II. to Henry Wriothesly, 1400- 1600, lives by C. R. L. Fletcher, portraits chosen bv Emery Walker : introd. on the history of portraiture in England. 4to. Oxf., 1909. HOLLAND, Rev. HENRY SCOTT. Personal studies. 8vo. Lond., 1905. Contents: In memoriam : Queen Victoria. Jenny Lind. William Ewart Gladstone. Mr. Gladstone's religion. Gladstone and Ruskin. John Ruskin, social reformer. Mission of the Oxford movement. Edward White Benson. Brooke Foss Westcott. Henry Parry Lid- don. Life of Henry Parry Liddon. Lord Salisbury. Cecil Rhodes. Tolstoy and the Sermon on the mount. Sir James Papet. Frede- rick Temple. Mandell Creighton. William Stubbs. Richard Wil- liam Church. Lord Acton. Edward Burne-Jones. William Bright. Robert Campbell Moberly. Robert Dolling. COLLECTIVE BIOGRAPHY. 673 HOOK, WALTER FARQUHAR, dean of Chichester. Lives of the arch- bishops of Canterbury. 12 v., 8vo. Lond., 1861-76. Contents v. i. Anglo-Saxon period; 2nd ed. v. 2. Anglo-Norman period; 3rd ed. v. 3-5. Middle-age period. v. 6-n. Reformation period; [v. 1-6 of new series}. v. 12. Index. HOW, FREDERICK DOUGLAS. Six great schoolmasters: Hawtrey, Moberly, Kennedy, Vaughan, Temple, Bradley. 8vo. Lond., 1904. HUNTER, F. Origin, career, and destruction of the Kelly gang; also, the adventures of Captain Moonlight: [illust.]. 3rd ed., pp. 86, 8vo. Adel., 1899. INNER temple. Masters of the bench of the hon. society of the Inner temple, 1450-1883, and masters of the Temple, 1540- 1883. 8vo., n.-p., 1883. Same: supplement 1883-1900: appended, a list of treasurers, 1505-1901. 8vo., n.p., 1901. 1NNES, ARTHUR D. Ten Tudor statesmen: illust. 8vo. Lond., 1906. Contents: Henry VII. Cardinal Wolsey- Sir Thomas More. Thomas Cromwell. Henry VIII. Protector Somerset. Archbishop Cranmer. William Cecil (Lord Burghley). Sir Francis Walsingham. Sir Walter Raleigh. IRVING,. WASHINGTON. Lives of Mahomet and his successors. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1850. JAPP, ALEXANDER HAY. Master-missionaries; chapters in pioneer effort throughout the world: [portrs.]. 8vo. Lond., 1880. JOHNS, FRED. Notable Australians : who they are, and what they do. 8vo. Adel., 1906. Same: 2nd ed. entitled Notable Australians and who is who in Australasia. 8vo. Adel., 1908. JOHNSON, SAMUEL. The six chief lives from Johnson's " Lives of the poets," with Macaulay's "Life of Johnson": ed., with pref., by Matthew Arnold. 8vo. Lond., 1881. LEAVITT, T. W. H., ed. Australian representative men. 4:0. Melb., 1887. Same: 2nd ed. 4to. Melb., 1887. LECKY, WILLIAM EDWARD HARTPOLE. Leaders of public opinion in Ireland, new ed. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1903. LEE, Sir SIDNEY. Great Englishmen of the sixteenth century. 8vo. Lond., 1904. Contents: The spirit of the sixteenth century. Sir Thomas More. Sir Philip Sidney. Sir Walter Raleigh. Edmund Spenser. Fran- cis Bacon. Shakespeare's career. Foreign influences on Shakespeare. LODGE, EDMUND. Portraits of illustrious personages of Great Britain ; engraved from authentic pictures, with biographical and historical memoirs of their lives and actions. 12 v., la. 8vo. Lond., 1835. LOYAU, GEORGE E. Notable South Australians; or, colonists past and present: [portrs. ~|. 8vo. Adel., 1885. Representative men of South Australia : [portrs.]. 8vo. Adel., 1883. LUTHMANN, J. G. Some observations on pre-Linnean botanists. pp. 8, 8vo. [Melb. ( 1898]. Pam., v. 177" no. ^404. MAN SON, EDWARD. Builders of our law during the reign of Queen Victoria. 2nd ed., 8vo. Ixmd., 1904. F.8720 T 674 COLLECTIVE BIOGRAPHY. MEN of the time in Australia; Victorian series, 1878. 8vo. Melb., 1878. Same: and ed., compiled by C'apt. H. Humphreys. 8vo. Melb., 1882. AH published. MENNELL, PHILIP. Dictionary of Australasian biography, 1855- 92. 8vo. Lond., 1892. MOLLOY, FITZGERALD. Romance of royalty: illust. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1904. Contents: v. i. Romance of a mad monarch (I,upls. and notes, by Arthur J. Evans. 938. Ancient Greece. BURY, JOHN BAGNELL. The ancient Greek historians. 8vo. Lond., 1909. (Harvard lectures.) COX, Str GEORGE WILLIAM, bart. History of Greece : [maps]. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1874. Contents: v. i. From the earliest period to the end of the Persian war. v. 2. From the formation of the Confederacy of Delos to the close of the Peloponnesian war. CROISET, MAURICE. Aristophanes, and the political parties at Athens: tr. by James Loeb. 8vo. Lond., 1909. DUNCKER, MAXIMILIAN W. History of Greece from the earliest times to the end of the Persian war: tr. from the German by S. F. Alleyne [and E. Abbott]. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1883-86. GLADSTONE, Right hon. WILLIAM EWART. Address on the place of ancient Greece in the providential order of the world. 4th ed., -pp. 74, 8vo. Lond., 1865. Pam., v. 135, no. 2605. GRUNDY, GEORGE BEARDOE. Thucydides, and the history of his age: maps. 8vo. Lond., 1911. MAHAFFY, JOHN PENTLAND. Problems in Greek history. 8vo. Lond., 1892. The silver age of the Greek world. 8vo. Chic., 1906. A survey of Greek civilization: [illust.]. 8vo. Lond., 1897. SHUCKBURGH, EVELYN SHIRLEY. Greece, from the coming of the Hellenes to A.D. 14: [illust.]. 8vo. Lond., 1905. ( Story of the nations. ) \ 939. Minor Countries. BEVAN, EDWYN ROBERT. The house of Seleucus: illust. and maps. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1902. RAWLINSON, GEORGE. History of Phoenicia: [maps and illust.]. 8vo. Lond., 1889. 940. Europe. ACTON, JOHN EDWARD EMERICH DALBERG-ACTON, baron. Lectures on modern history: ed., with introd., by J N- Figgis and R. V. Laurence. 8vo. Lond., 1906. HISTORY OF EUBOPE. 681 ALISON, Sir ARCHIBALD. History of Europe from the commence- ment of the French revolution in 1789 to the restoration of the Bourbons in 1815. gth ed., 12 v., [with index], 8vo. Edinb., 1853-56. Same: loth ed. 14 v. and atlas, 8vo. Edinb., 1860. History of Europe from the fall of Napoleon in 1815 to the accession of Louis Napoleon in 1852. 9 v., [with index], 8vo. Edinb., 1854-59. BENEDETTI, VINCENT, comte. Studies in diplomacy: from the French : portr. 8vo. Lond., 1896. CAMBRIDGE modern history ; planned by Lord Acton : ed. by A. W. Ward, G. W. Prothero and S. Leathes. 13 v., 8vo. Camb., 1903-10. Contents: v. i. The Renai-sance. v. 2. The Reformation. v. 3. The wars of religion. v. 4. The Thirty-years' war. v. 5. The age of Louis XIV. v. 6. The eighteenth century. v. 7. The United States. v. 8. The French revolution. v. 9. Napoleon. v. 10. The Restoration. v. it. The growth of nationalities. v. 12. The latest age v. 13. Maps and index. CORBETT, JULIAN STAFFORD. The campaign of Trafalgar: charts and diagrams. 8vo. Lond., 1910. DILKE, Sir CHARLES WENTWORTH, 2nd bart. Present position of European politics; or, Europe in 1887. 8vo. Lond., 1887. DISBROWE, Miss C. A. A. Records of stirring times; based upon unpublished documents from 1726-1822: ed. by M. Montgomery-Campbell : illust. 8vo. Lond., 1908. DOLLINGER, JOHANN JOSEPH IGNAZ VON. Addresses on his- torical and literary subjects [in continuation of " Studies in European history"]: tr. by Margaret Warre. 8vo. Lond., 1894. Studies in European history ; being academical addresses : tr. by Margaret Warre: portr. 8vo. Lond., 1890. DOUGLAS, Sir ROBERT KENNAWAY. Europe and the Far East. 8vo. Camb., 1904. (Cambridge historical ser.) DYER, THOMAS HENRY. History of modern Europe from the fall of Constantinople in 1453 to the war in the Crimea in 1857 [sic]. 4 v. 8vo. Lond., 1861-64. FREEMAN, EDWARD AUGUSTUS. Chief periods of European his- tory ; six lectures read in the University of Oxford in Trinity term, 1885 : with an essay on Greek cities under Roman rule. 8vo. Lond., 1886. Western Europe in the fifth century : an aftermath. 8vo. Lond., 1904. HAGGARD, ANDREW CHARLES PARKER, lieut. -colonel. Two great rivals, Francois I. and Charles V., and the women who in- fluenced them: 21 illust. 8vo. Lond., 1910. HAZEN, CHARLES DOWNER. Europe since 1815 : 14 maps. 8vo. Lond., 1910. LILLY, WILLIAM SAMUEL. Chapters in European history ; with an introductory dialogue on the philosophy of history. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1886. LOFTUS, Lord AUGUSTUS WILLIAM FREDERICK SPENCER. Diplo- matic reminiscences from 1837-1862: ist ser. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1892. Same: 2nd ser., 1862-1879. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1894. 682 HISTORY OF SCOTLAND. LORD, WALTER FREWEN. England and France in the Mediter- ranean, 1660-1830: [map]. 8vo. Lond., 1901. REICH, EMIL. Foundations of modern Europe. 8vo. Lond., 1904. Select documents, illustrating mediaeval and modern history. 8vo. Lond., 1905. ROSE, JOHN HOLLAND. Development of the European nations, 1870-1900. 8vo. Lond., 1905. Napoleonic studies. 8vo. Lond., 1904. SKRINE, FRANCIS HENRY. Fontenoy, and Great Britain's snare in the war of the Austrian succession, 1741-48: introd. by Earl Roberts: [illust. and maps]. 8vo. Edinb., 1906. WANLISS, THOMAS DRUMMOND. The war in Europe of 1870-1; with an enquiry into its probable consequences. i2mo. Ballarat, 1871. WEIR, ARCHIBALD. Introduction to the history of modern Europe. 8vo. Lond., 1907. 941. Scotland. BROWN, PETER HUME. History of Scotland: maps. 2 v., 8vo. Camb., 1899-1902. Contents: v. i. To the accession of Mary Stuart. v. 2. To the revolution of 1689. (Cambridge historical ser.) Scotland before 1700, from contemporary documents: [maps]. 8vo. Edinb., 1893. Scotland in the time of Queen Mary. 8vo. Lond., 1904. BURTON, JOHN HILL. History of Scotland from Agricola's in- vasion to the extinction of the last Jacobite insurrection, new ed., 8 v., 8vo. Edinb., [1873]. CHAMBERS, ROBERT. Domestic annals of Scotland from the Re- formation to the rebellion of 1745 : [illust.]. 3 v., 8vo. Edinb., 1858-61. GREAT BRITAIN: Public record office, Scotland. Accounts of the Lord High Treasurer of Scotland. v. 5-7, la. 8vo. Edinb., 1903-07. In progress. Calendar of State papers relating to Scotland and Mary, Queen of Scots, 1547-1603. v. 3-5, la. 8vo. Edinb., 1903-07. In progress. Exchequer rolls of Scotland. v. 22-23, l a - 8vo. Edinb., 1903-08. In prepress. Guide to the public records of Scotland deposited in H.M. General register house, Edinburgh, la. 8vo. Edinb., 1905. The register of the great seal of Scotland under the Common- wealth, 1652-1659. la. 8vo. Edinb., 1904. The register of the Privy council of Scotland : second ser. v. 4-8, la. 8vo. Edinb., 1902-08. In progress. Registrum secreti sigilli regum Scotorum ; the rpgisti of the Privv seal of Scotland: ed. by M. Livingstone, v. i., 8vo. Edinb., 1908. In progress. HISTORY OF SCOTLAND. 683 -GREGG, WILLIAM H. Controversial issues in Scottish history; a contrast of the early chronicles with the work of modern his- torians : maps and illust. la. 8vo. N.Y., 1910. LAING, MALCOLM. History of Scotland from the union of the crowns to the union of the kingdoms : with a dissertation on the participation of Mary, Queen of Scots, in the murder of Darnley : [illust.]. 2nd ed., 4 v., 8vo. Lond., 1804. I.ANG, JEAN. A land of romance ; the Border, its history and legend: 6 plates from paintings by Tom Scott. 8vo. Lond., [1910]. MATHIESON, WILLIAM LAW. Scotland and the union; a history of Scotland from 1695 to 1747. 8vo. Glasg., 1905. NAPIER, MARK. Montrose and the Covenanters; their characters and conduct, illustrated from private letters and other original documents hitherto unpublished. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1838. NORIE, WILLIAM DRUMMOND. Life and adventures of Prince Charles Edward: illust., maps, and facsimiles. 4 v., la. 8vo. Lond., [1903]. ROBERTSON, WILLIAM. History of Scotland during the reigns of Queen Mary and King James VI. 3 v., 8vo. Edinb., 1819. v. 1-3 of his " Works." SPOTTISWOODE society. The Spottiswoode miscellany : a collec- tion of original papers and tracts illustrative chiefly of the civil and ecclesiastical history of Scotland. 2 v., 8vo. Edinb., 1844-45. TERRY, CHARLES SANFORD. The Scottish parliament ; its constitu- tion and procedure, 1603-1707 : appx. of documents. 8vo. Glasg., 1905. THOMSON, CHARLES W. Scotland's work and worth ; an epitome of Scotland's story from early times to the twentieth century ; with a survey of the contributions of Scotsmen to the growth of the British empire and the progress of the world : [illust.]. 2 v., 8vo. Edinb., [1909]. TYTLER, WILLIAM. Inquiry, historical and critical, into the evi- dence against Mary, Queen of Scots ; and an examination of the histories of Dr. Robertson and Mr. Hume, with respoct to that evidence. 4th ed., 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1790. 941.5. Ireland. * BAGWELL, RICHARD. Ireland under the Stuarts and during the interregnum: maps. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1909. BALFE, JOHN DONELLAN. Life in old Ireland in olden times. pp. 8, 8vo. Hobart Town, 1875. Pam., v. 85, no. 1535. BUSSY, FREDERICK MOIR. Irish conspiracies ; recollections of John Mallon, the great Irish detective, and other reminis- cences : [illust.]. 8vo. Lond., 1910. CHART. D. A. Ireland from the Union to Catholic emancipation; a study of social, economic, and administrative conditions, 1800-1829: ii illust. 8vo. Lond., 1910. 'CONGLETON, HENRY BROOKE PARNELL, ist baron. History of the penal laws against the Irish catholics from the year 1689 to the Union. 4th ed., 8vo. Lond., 1825. 684 HISTORY OF IRELAND. DAVITT, MICHAEL. The fall of feudalism in Ireland ; or, the study of the land league revolution. 8vo. N.Y., 1904. DENVIR, JOHN. The life story of an old rebel : [portr.]. 8vo. Dublin, 1910. DICEY, ALBERT VENN. England's case against Home rule. 8vo. Lond., 1886. DUFFY, Sir CHARLES GAVAN. The league of north and south; an episode in Irish history, 1850-1854. 8vo. Lond., 1886. DUNRAVEN and MOUNTEARL, WINDHAM THOMAS WYNDHAM- QUIN, 4th earl of. The legacy of past years ; a study of Irish history. 8vo. Lond., 1911. The outlook in Ireland ; the case for devolution and conciliation. 8vo. Dublin, 1907. FALKINER, OESAR LITTON. Essays relating to Ireland; bio- graphical, historical, and topographical : with memoir of the author by Edward Dowden. 8vo. Lond., 1909. FISHER, JOSEPH R. The end of the Irish parliament. 8vo. Lond., 1911. FROUDE, JAMES ANTHONY. The English in Ireland in the eighteenth century. 3 v., 8vo. Lond., 1872-74. GREAT BRITAIN -.Public record office, Ireland. Calendar of the Justiciary rolls ; or, proceedings in the court of the Jus- ticiar of Ireland, preserved in the Public record office: ed. by James Mills, la. 8vo. Dublin, 1905. Calendar of the state papers relating to Ireland, preserved in the Public record office, 1 600-01, 1647-69. 6 v., la. 8\o. Lond., 1903-07. Same: Adventurers for land, 1642-59. la. 8vo. Lond., 1903. In progress. GREEN, ALICE STOPFORD, Mrs. J. R. Irish nationality. i2mo. Lond., [1911]. (Home university library of modern knowledge.) The making of Ireland and its undoing, 1200-1600: [map]. 8vo. Lond., 1908. IRISH loyal and patriotic union. The Irish question for Australasian readers; a history and a plea. pp. 38, 8vo. Dublin, 1886. Pam., v. 7, no. 164. Same : another copy.' Pam., v. 48, no. 797. LAMPSON, G. LOCKER. Consideration of the state of Ireland in the nineteenth century : [appces.]. 8vo. Lond., 1907. The appces. give the administrations of England in the i8th and igth centuries : The speakers of the House of commons : the lords- lieutenant and chief governors of Ireland : the chief secretaries and under secretaries : the lord chancellors and judges : attorneys-general and solicitors-general for the same period. LECKY, WILLIAM EDWARD HARTPOLE. Clerical influences ; an essay on Irish sectarianism and English government : ed. by W. E. G. Lloyd and F. Cruise O'Brien. 8vo. Dublin. 1911'. MACDONAGH, MICHAEL. The viceroy's post-bag ; correspondence hitherto unpublished of the Earl of Hardwicke, first lord- lieutenant of Ireland after the union. 8vo. Lond., 1904. MADDEN, RICHARD ROBERT. The United Irishmen; their lives and times: portrs. and ed., 4 v., 8vo. Dublin, 1858-60. HISTORY OF IRELAND. 685 MAHON, HUGH, M.P. The Land league; a narrative of four years of Irish agitation ; with sketches and portraits of the prin- cipal Irishmen of the day : introd. by J. E. Redmond, -pp. 74, 8vo. Melb., 1883. Pam., v. 142, no. 2727. MORAN, PATRICK FRANCIS, cardinal archbisho-p of Sydney. Civilization of Ireland before the Anglo-Norman invasion. pp. 28, 8vo. Syd., 1885. Pam., v. 115, no. 2149. MULHOLLAND, J. SHAW. The predominant partner; his rights and his duties. 8vo. Dublin, 1909. O'CONNOR, G. B. Elizabethan Ireland, native and English. 8vo. Dublin, [1906]. O'DOHERTY, Rev. PHILIP. The truth about Ulster, pp. 32, 8vo. Melb., 1893. Pam., v. 137, no. 2641. O'DONNELL, FRANK HUGH MACDONALD. History of the Irish parliamentary party: portrs. and illust. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1910. Contents: v. i. Butt and Parnell : nationhood and anarchy : the curse of the American money. v. 2. Parnel 1 and the lieutenants : complicity and betrayal ; an epilogue to the present day. ORPEN, GODDARD HENRY. Ireland under the Normans, 1169-1216. 2 v., 8vo. Oxf., 1911. PAUL-DUBOIS, Louis FRANCOIS ALPHONSE. Contemporary Ire- land : introd. by T. M. Kettle. 8vo. Dublin, 1911. REDMOND, JOHN EDWARD. Home rule; speeches of John Red- mond: ed., with introd., by R. Barry O'Brien: portr. 8vo. Lond., 1910. SMITH, GOLDWIN. Irish history and the Irish question. 8vo. Lond., 1905. VAUGHAN, ROGER WILLIAM BEDE, archbishop of Sydney. Daniel O'Connell ; an oration delivered in Sydney on occasion of the centenary, 1875. pp. 56, 8vo. Syd., 1875. Pam., v. 189, no. 3649. 942. England. BIRD, SAMUEL ROBERT SCARGILL. Guide to the various classes of documents preserved in the Public Record office. 8vo. Lond., 1910. BISSET, ANDREW. History of the struggle for parliamentary government in England. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1877. DIXON, WILLIAM HEPWORTH. Her Majesty's Tower: [plan]. 4 v., 8vo. Lond., 1869-71. ELLIS, Sir HENRY. Original letters illustrative of English history; including numerous royal letters from autographs in the Bri- tish museum and one or two other collections : notes and illust. ist to 3rd ser., n y., 8vo. Lond., 1824-46. FLETCHER, CHARLES ROBERT LESLIE. Introductory history of England: maps. v. 1-4, 8vo. Lond., 1905-09. Contents: v. i. From the earliest times to the close of the middle ages. v. 2. From Henry VII. to the Restoration. v. 3. From the Restoration to the beginning of the great war. v. 4. The great European war. 68(3 HISTORY OF ENGLAND. FLETCHER, CHARLES ROBERT LESLIE, and KIPLING, RUDYARD. History of England : pictures by Henry Ford 410. Lond., 1911. FLORENCE of Worcester. Chronicle; with two continuations comprising annals of English history, from the departure of the Romans to the reign of Edward I. : tr. from the Latin, with notes and illust., by Thomas Forester. 8vo. Lond., 1854. FREEMAN, EDWARD AUGUSTUS. Lectures to American audiences. 8vo. Phila., [1882]. Contents: i. The Knglish people in its three homes. 2. The prac- tical bearings of general European history. GREAT BRITAIN: Public record office. Acts of the Privy council of England, v. 27-32, 1597-1604. 6 v., la. 8vo. Lond., 1903-07. Calendar of entries in the Papal registers relating to Great Bri- tain and Ireland: Papal letters, v. 5-7, 1396-1431. la. 8vo. Lond., 1904-06. In progress. Calendar of inquisitions post mortem, and other analogous documents. 5 v., la. 8vo. Lond., 1904-08. Contents: v. i, Henry III. v. 2-4, Edward I. v. 5, Edward II. In progress. Calendar of letters, despatches, and state papers, relating to the negotiations between England and Spain preserved in the archives at Simancas, Vienna, Brussels, and elsewhere, v. 8, Henry VIII., 1545-46. la. 8vo. Lond., 1904. In progress. Calendar of state papers and manuscripts relating to English affairs, existing in the archives and collections of Venice, and in other libraries of Northern Italy, v. 11-14, 1607-17. la. 8vo. Lond., 1904-08. In progress. Calendar of state papers, colonial series: .America and West Indies, 1693-99. 4 v -> ^ a - ^vo. Lond., '^903-08. In progress. Calendar of state papers, domestic series, 1673-1695. 5 v., la. 8vo. Lond., 1904-08. In progress. Calendar of state papers, foreign series, of the reign of Eliza- beth, 1578-82. la. 8vo. Lond., 1903-07. In progress. Calendar of the charter rolls, v. 1-3, 1226-1326. 3 v., la. 8vo. Lond., 1903-08. In progress. Calendar of the close rolls. v. 3-5, 6-10, 1288-1307, 1343- 1360. 7 v., la. 8vo. Lond., 1904-08. In progress. Calendar of the patent rolls. 15 v., la. 8vo. Lond., 1903-08. Contents: Henry III., 1232-58. Edward II., 1317-27. Edward III., 1345-54. Richard II., 1391-96. Henry IV., 1399-1408. Henry VI., 1429-46. In progress. Calendar of treasury books, v. 1-3, pt. 2, 1660-72. 4 v., la. 8vo. Lond., 1904-08. In progress. Calendar of treasury books and papers, 1742-45. la. 8vo. Lond., 1903. HISTORY OF ENGLAND. Close rolls of the reign of Henry III., 1231-34. la. 8vo. Lond., 1905. In progress. Descriptive catalogue of ancient deeds, v. 5., la. 8vo. Lond., 1906. In progress. Inquisitions and assessments relating to feudal aids ; with other analogous documents, v. 3-4, 1284-1431. 8vo. Lond., 1904-06. Letters and papers, foreign and domestic, of the reign of Henry VII., v. 19, pt. i-v. 21, pt. i, 1544-46. 5 v., la. 8vo. Lond., 1903-08. In progress. List of admiralty records, v. i, la. 8vo. Lond., 1904. List of early Chancery proceedings, v. 2-3. 8vo. Lond., 1903. In progress. List of inquisitions ad quod damnum: parts i and 2. 2 v. fo. Lond., 1904-06. List of proceedings in the Court of requests, v. i. fo. Lond. v 1906. List of volumes of state papers, foreign, fo. Lond., 1904. Patent rolls of the reign of Henry III., 1225-1320. 8vo. Lond., 1903. Year books of the reign of King Edward III. 5 v., la. 8vo. Lond., 1903-08. In progress. GREEN, JOHN RICHARD. History of the English people: maps. 4 v. 8vo. Lond., 1877-80. HENRY of Huntingdon. Chronicle comprising the history of Eng- land from the invasion of Julius Caesar to the accession of Henry II. /^also the acts of Stephen: tr. and ed. by Thomas Forester. 8vo. Lond., 1853. HUNT, WILLIAM, and POOLE, REGINALD LANE, eds. Political history of England. 12 v., 8vo. Lond., 1905-10. Contents. v. i. From the earliest times to the Norman conquest, by T. Hodgkin. 1906. v. 2. From the Norman conquest to the death of John, 1066-1216. by G. B. Adams, 1905. v. 3. From the accession of Henry III. to the death of Edward III., I2r6-i377, by T. F. Tout. 1905. v. 4. From the accession of Richard IT. to the death of Richard III., 1377-1485, by C. W. C. Oman. iqo6. v. 5. From the accession of Henry VII. to the death of Henry VIII., 1485-1547, by H. A. L. Fisher. 1906. v. 6. From the accession of Edward VI. to the death of Elizabeth, 1547-1603, by A. F. Pollard, 1910. v. 7. From the accession of James I. to the Restoration, 1603-1660, by F. C. Montagu. 1907. v. 8. From the Restoration to the death of William III., 1660-1702, by R. Lodge. 1910. v. 9. From the accession of Anne to the death of George II., 1702-1760, by I. S. Leadam. 1909. v. 10. From the accession of George III. to the close of Pitt's first administration, 1760-1801, by W. Hunt. 1905. v ii. From Addington's administration to the close of William IV's reign, 1801-1837, by G. C. Brodrick and J. K. Fotheringham. 1906. v. 12. During the reign of Vicloria, 1837-1901, by S. J. Low and L. C. Sanders. 1907. 688 HISTORY OF ENGLAND. JESSE, JOHN HENEAGE. Memoirs of celebrated Etonians : portrs and illust. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1901. LINGARD, JOHN. History of England from the first invasion by the Romans to the accession of William and Mary in 1688 : 10 portrs. 10 v., 8vo. Syd., 1903. SMITH, GOLDWIN. The United Kingdom ; a political history. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1899. SNOWDEN, C. E. Brief survey of British history, comprising an analysis and commentary. 8vo. Lond., 1905. STUBBS, WILLIAM, bishop of Oxford. Historical introductions to the Rolls series : collected and ed. by Arthur Hassall. 8vo. Lond., 1902. Lectures on early English history : ed. by Arthur Hassall. 8vo. Lond., 1906. THOMAS, FRANCIS SHEPPARD. Handbook to the public records. 8vo. Lond., 1853. TRAILL, HENRY DUFF, ed. Social England ; a record of the progress of the people in religion, laws, learning, arts, in- dustry, commerce, science, literature, and manners, from the earliest times to the present day : illust. [and maps]. 6 v., la. 8vo. Lond., 1902-04. 942.01. Anglo-Saxon period. BON WICK, JAMES. Early days of England. pp. 53, i2mo. Melb., 1857. Pam., v. 38, no. 650. CHADWICK, H. MUNRO. Origin of the English nation : [maps]. 8vo. Camb., 1907. EARLE, Rev. JOHN, ed. Two of the Saxon chronicles parallel, with supplementary extracts from the others : notes and index. 8vo. Oxf., 1865. GILES, JOHN ALLEN, ed. Six old English chronicles: Ethelwerd's chronicle : Asser's life of Alfred : Geoffrey of Monmouth's British history ; Gildas : Nennius, and Richard of Cirencester. 8vo. Lond., 1848. GREEN, JOHN RICHARD. The making of England : maps. 4th ed., 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1904. HODGKIN, THOMAS. History of England from the earliest times to the Norman conquest. 8vo. Lond., 1906. (Political history of England, v. i.) HOLMES, THOMAS RICE EDWARD. Ancient Britain and the in- vasion of Caesar: [3 maps]. 8vo. Oxf., 1907. KEMBLE, JOHN MITCHELL. The Saxons in England; a history of the English commonwealth till the period of the Norman conquest: new ed., revised by Walter de Gray Birch. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1876. POSTE, BEALE. Britannia antiqua ; or, ancient Britain brought within the limits of authentic history. 8vo. Lond., 1857. WILLIAM of Malmesbury. Chronicle of the kings of England from the earliest period to the reie:n of kin? Stephen ; notes and illust. by J. A. Giles. 8vo. Lond., 1847. HISTORY OF ENGLAND. 689 942.02. Norman period. ADAMS, GEORGE BURTON. History of England from the Norman conquest to the death of John, 1066-1216. 8vo. Lond., 1905. (Political hist, of England, v. 2.) FREEMAN, EDWARD AUGUSTUS. History of the Norman conquest of England, its causes and its results. 5 v. and index, 8vo. Lond., 1876-77. GREEN, JOHN RICHARD. The conquest of England: portr. and maps. 3rd ed., 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1899. . NORGATE, KATE. England under the Angevine kings : maps and plans. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1887. ROGER de Hoveden. Annals, comprising the history of England and of other countries of Europe, from 732 to 1201 : tr. from the Latin, with notes and illust., by Henry T. Riley. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1853. 942.03. Plantagenet period. GRAY, Sir THOMAS. Scalacronica ; the reigns of Edward I., Edward II., and Edward III. : tr. by Sir Herbert Maxwell: [18 coloured plates of heraldic shields]. 8vo. Glasg., 1907. LONGMAN, WILLIAM. History of the life and times of Edward III. : [maps and illust.]. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1869. OMAN, CHARLES WILLIAM CHADWICK. The great revolt of 1381 : 2 maps. 8vo. Oxf., 1906. PARIS, MATTHEW. English history, 1235-1273: tr. from the Latin by the Rev. J. A. Giles. 3 v., 8vo. Lond., 1852-54. RAMSAY, Sir JAMES HENRY, loth bart. Dawn of the constitution j or, the reigns of Henry III. and Edward I., 1216-1307: maps. 8vo. Lond., 1908. TOUT, THOMAS FREDERICK. History of England from the acces- sion of Henry III. to the death of Edward III., 1216-1377. 8vo. Lond., 1905. (Political history of England, v. 3.) 942.04. Lancaster and York period. JESSE, JOHN HENEAGE. Memoirs of King Richard III. and some of his contemporaries: 5 portrs. and illust. 8vo. Lond., 1901. OMAN, CHARLES WILLIAM CHADWICK. History of England from the accession of Richard II. to the death of Richard III., 1377-1485. 8vo. Lond., 1906. (Political history of England, v. 4.) PASTON letters, 1422-1509: a reprint of the edition of 1872-5; supplement [with additional letters] : ed. by James Gairdner : [portrs.]. 3 v., 8vo. Lond., 1900. STRATFORD, LAURENCE. Edward the fourth. 8vo. Lond., 1910. (Makers of national history.) 600 HISTOEY OF ENGLAND. 942.05. Tudor period. CAMDEN, WILLIAM. Annales : the true and royall history of the famous empresse Elizabeth, queene of England, France, and Ireland, &c. : [tr. from the French by Abraham DarcyJ. 8vo. Lond., 16215. FISHER, HERBERT ALBERT LAURENS. History of England from the accession of Henry VII. to the death of Henry VIII., 1485-1547. 8vo. Lond., 1906. (Political history of England, v. 5.) FROUDE, JAMES ANTHONY. The divorce of Catherine of Aragon; the story as told by the Imperial ambassadors resident at the court of Henry VIII. 8vo. Lond., 1891. English seamen in the sixteenth century : lectures delivered at Oxford, Easter terms, 1893-4: illust. [and map]. 8vo. Lond., 1901. History of England from the fall of Wolsey to the death of Elizabeth. 12 v., 8vo. Lond., 1858-70. v. ii and 12 have "to the defeat of the Armada," in place of " to the death of Elizabeth," and the history ends with that defeat. GAIRDNER, JAMES. Lollardy and the Reformation in England : an historical survey. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1908. Contents: v. i. The Lollards : Royal supremacy. v. 2. The fall of the monasteries : The reign of the English Hible. GUARAS, ANTONIO DE. The accession of Queen Mary; contem- porary narrative: ed., with an introd., translation, notes, and appx., by Richard Garnett. sm. 410. Lond., 1892. INNES, ARTHUR D. England under the Tudors : [maps]. 8vo. Lond., 1905. (v. 4. of Oman, C. W. C., ed. History of England.) JANE, L. CECIL. The coming of parliament; England from 1350 to 1660 : [illust.]. 8vo. Lond., 1905. (Story of the nations.) POLLARD, ARTHUR FREDERICK. History of England from the accession of Edward VI. to the death of Elizabeth, 1547- 1603. 8vo. Lond., 1910. (Political history of England, v. 6.) ROTHSCHILD, JAMES ARMAND EDMOND DE. Shakespeare and his day ; a study of the topical element in Shakespeare and in the Elizabethan drama. 8vo. Lond., 1906. THORNBURY, GEORGE WALTER. Shakespeare's England ; or, sketches of our social history in the reign of Elizabeth. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1856. 942.06. Stuart period. BURNET, GILBERT, bis/top of Salisbury. History of my own time: supplement derived from his autobiography: ed. by H. C. Foxcroft. 8vo. Oxf., 1902. BURTON, JOHN HILL. History of the reign of Queen Anne. 3 v., 8vo. Edinb., 1880. CARNAHAN, JOSEPH. Life and times of William the third, and" a history of Orangeism. 8vo. Auckland, 1890. HISTORY OF ENGLAND. 691 GARY, HENRY, cd. Memorials of the great civil war in England, from 1646 to 1652, from original letters. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1842. FIRTH, CHARLES HARDING. The last years of the Protectorate, 1656-1658. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1909. A continuation of S. R. Gardiner s History of the Commonwealth aud the Protectorate. .GARDINER, SAMUEL RAWSON. History of England from the accession of Jameo I. to the outbreak of the Civil war, 1603- 1642 : [2 maps]. 10 v., 8vo. Lond., 1884-86. History of England under the Duke of Buckingham and Charles I., 1624-1628: [maps]. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1875. History of the great civil war, 1642-1649: [maps]. 3 v., 8vo. Lond., 1886-91. What Gunpowder plot was: [illust.]. 8vo. Lond., 1897. GREW, EDWIN SHARPE, and GREW, MARION SHARPE. The court of William III. : 16 illust. 8vo. Lond., [1910]. GRIMBLOT, PAUL, ed. Letters of William III. and Louis XIV. and of their ministers, illustrative of the foreign and domestic politics of England from the peace of Ryswick to the acces- sion of Philip V. of Spain. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1848. GUIZOT, FRANCOIS PIERRE GUILLAUME. History of Richard Cromwell and the restoration of Charles II : tr. by Andrew R. Scoble. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1856. JESSE, JOHN HENEAGE. Memoirs of the court of England during the reign of the Stuarts, including the Protectorate: portrs. and illust. 6 v., 8vo. Lond., 1901. Memoirs of the Pretenders and their adherents : portrs. and illust. 3 v., 8vo. Lond., 1901. LODGE, RICHARD. History of England from the Restoration to the death of William III, 1660-1702. 8vo. Lond., 1910. (Political history of England, v. 3.) LUTTRELL, NARCISSUS. Brief historical relation of state affairs from September, 1678, to April, 1714. 6 v., 8vo. Oxf., 1857- MACAULAY, THOMAS BABINGTON MACAULAY, baron. History of England from the accession of James II. 7 v., 8vo. Lond., 1858. MARLBOROUGH, SARAH, duchess of. Private correspondence, illustrative of the court and times of Queen Anne; with her sketches and opinions of her contemporaries, and the select correspondence of her husband, John, duke of Marlborough : [portrs.]. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1838. MONTAGUE, FRANCIS CHARLES. History of England from the accession of James I. to the Restoration, 1603-1660. 8vo. Lond., 1907. iPoIltical history of England, v. 7.) SEELEY, Sir JOHN ROBERT. The growth of British policy; an historical essay. 2 v., 8vo. Camb., 1895. STANHOPE, PHILIP HENRY STANHOPE, 5th earl. History of England, comprising the reign of Queen Anne until the peace of Utrecht, 1701-1713. 8vo. Lond., 1870. TREVELYAN, GEORGE MACAULAY. England under the Stuarts. 8vo. Lond., 1904. 692 HISTORY OF ENGLAND. 942.07. Hanover period. ASHTON, JOHN. Social England under the Regency : illust. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1890. BRODRICK, Hon. GEORGE CHARLES, and FOTHERINGHAM, J. K. History of England, from Addington's administra- tion to the close of William IV. 's reign, 1801-1837. 8vo. Lond., 1906. (Political history of England, v. u.) BUCKINGHAM AND CHANDOS, RICHARD PLANTAGENET, T. N. B. C. GRENVILLE, 2nd duke of. Memoirs of the court and cabinets of George the third j from original family documents : [portrs.]. 4V., 8vo. Lond., 1853-55. Memoirs of the court of England during the Regency, 1811- 1820; from original family documents: [portrs.]. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1856. Memoirs of the court of George IV, 1820-1830; from original family documents: [portrs.]. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1859. FORTESCUE, JOHN WILLIAM. British statesmen of the great war, 1793-1814. 8vo. Oxf., 1911. (Ford lectures, 1911.) GREVILLE, CHARLES CAVENDISH FULKE. The Greville memoirs, ser. 1-3. 8 v., 8vo. Lond., 1875-87. Contents: i. Journal of the reigns of King George IV. aud King William IV. : ed. by Henry Reeve : 5th ed. 3 v., 1875. 2. Journal of the reign of Queen Victoria from 1837 to '852 : [ed. by Henry Reeve]. 3 v., 1885. 3. Journal of the reign of Queen Victoria from 1852 to 1860 : [ed. by Henry Reeve]. 2 v., 1887. HOLLAND, HENRY RICHARD VASSALL Fox, jrd baron. Further memoirs of the Whig party, 1807-1821 ; with some miscel- laneous reminiscences : ed. by Lord Stavordale : portrs. 8vo. Lond., 1905. HUNT, Rev. WILLIAM. History of England from the accession of George III. to the close of Pitt's first administration, 1760-1801. 8vo. Lond., 1905. (Political history of Erigland, v. 10.) JESSE, JOHN HENEAGE. George Selwyn and his contemporaries; with memoirs and notes: portrs. and illust. 4 v., 8vo. Lond., 1901. Memoirs of the court of England from the revolution in 1688 to the death of George the second: portrs. and illust. 4 v., 8vo. Lond., 1901. Memoirs of the life and reign of King George the third : portrs. and illust. 5 v., 8vo. Lond., 1901. LEAD AM, ISAAC SAUNDER.S. History of England from the acces- sion of Anne to the death of George II., 1702-1760. 8vo. Lond., 1909. (Political history of England, v. 9.) LECKY, WILLIAM EDWARD HARTPOLE. History of England in the eighteenth century. 7 v., 8vo. Lond., 1903-04. LEWIS, Sir GEORGE CORNEWALL, 2nd bart. Essays on the ad- ministrations of Great Britain from 1783 to 1830, contributed to the Edinburgh review: ed. by Sir Edmund Head. 8vo. Lond., 1864. HISTOEY OF ENGLAND. 693 MARTINEAU, HARRIET. History of England during the thirty years' peace. 1816-1846: [16 portrs.]. 2 v., la. 8vo. Lond., 1849-50. MOLES WORTH, Rev. WILLIAM NASSAU. History of the Reform bill of 1832. 8vo. Lond., i86c. NEWBOLT, HENRY JOHN. The year of Trafalgar; being an account of the battle and of the events which led up to it, with a collection of poems and ballads. 8vo. Lond., 1905. ORFORD, HORACE WALPOLE, 4th earl of. Memoirs of the reign of King George the third : ed. with notes, by Sir Dennis Le Marchant : [portrs.]. 4 v., 8vo. Lond., 1845. SANDERS, LLOYD. The Holland House circle: illust. 8vo. Lond., 1908. WHEELER, H. F. B., and BROADLEY, A. M. Napoleon and the invasion of England ; the story of the great terror : illust. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1908. WINSTANLEY, D. A. Personal and party government ; a chapter in the political history of the early years of the reign of George III, 1760-1766. sm. 8vo. Camb., 1910. WRIGHT, THOMAS. England under the House of Hanover ; its history and condition during the -eigns of the three Georges : illust. by F. W. Fairholt. 2nd ed., 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1848. 942.08. Victoria. BUCKINGHAM and CHANDOS, RICHARD PLANTAGENET T. N. B. C. GREVILLE, 2nd duke of. Memoirs of the courts and cabinets of William IV. and Victoria ; from original family documents: [portrs.]. 2 v.. 8vo. Lond., 1861. DOUBLEDAY, THOMAS. Political life of Sir Robert Peel; an analytical biography. 2 v., 8vo. Lond.. 1856. GOMM, FRANCIS CULLING CARR. Handbook of the administra- tions of Great Britain during the nineteenth century, 1801- 1900. 2nd ed, 8vo. Lond., 1901. LOW, SIDNEY JAMES, and SANDERS, LLOYD C. History of England during the reign of Victoria, 1837-1901 : [3 maps]. 8vo. Lond., 1907. (Political history of England, v. 12.) McCARTHY, JUSTIN. History of our own times, from the acces- sion of Queen Victoria to the general election of 1880 : Jubilee ed. with appx. of events to the end of 1886. 2 v., 8vo., Lond., 1887. History of our own times, from the diamond jubilee to the accession of Edward VII. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1905. MACKNIGHT, THOMAS, and OSBORNE, C. C. Political pro- gress of the nineteenth century. 8vo. Toronto, 1905. (Nineteenth century ser.) PARKER, CHARLES STUART, ed. Sir Robert Peel from his pri- vate papers; with a chapter on his life and character by his grandson: portrs. and illust. 2 v., 8w. Lond., 1899. 694 HISTORY OF ENGLAND. PEEL, Rt, hon. Sir ROBERT, 2nd bart. Memoirs: published by the trustees of his papers, Lord Mahon, now Earl Stanhope, and the Right, hon. Edward Cardwell. 2 v., 8vo. Loud., 1856-57- Contents: Part i. The Roman Catholic tjuestion, 18-28-20. 1'nrt a. The new government, 1834-35. I >art 3- Kepeal of the Corn laws, 1845-46. POLAND, Sir HARRY. Mr. Canning's rhyming despatch to Sir Charles Bagot. pp. 12, 8vo. Lond., 1905. Pam., v. 159, no. 3048. RUSDEN, GEORGE WILLIAM. The great refusal, pp. 36, 8vo. Lond., 1890. Pam., v. Jo, no. 220. An attack on the Gladstone Ministry in connection with General Gordon. SYMON, Sir JOSIAH HENRY. " 'Tis sixty years since." pp. 31, 8vo. Adel., 1897. Pam., v. 177, no. 3405. WALPOLE, Sir SPENCER. History of twenty-five years, 1856- 1880. 4 v., 8vo. Lond., 1904-08. 942.1. Middlesex. London. BESANT, Sir WALTER. Early London; prehistoric, Roman, Saxon, and Norman: [illust.]. 410. Lond., 1908. Mediaeval London: [illust.]. 2 v., 4to. Lond., 1906. Contents: v. i. Historical and social. v. 2. Ecclesiastical. CHAMBERLAIN, HENRY, ed. New and complete history and survey of the cities of London and Westminster, the borough of Southwark, and parts adjacent, from the earliest accounts to the year 1770: by a society of gentlemen: [illust. and plans], fo. Lond., [1770]. DAVEY, RICHARD PATRICK BOYLE. The pageant of London : with forty illustrations in colour by John Fulleylove. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1906. JESSE, JOHN HENEAGE. Literary and historical memorials of London: 2 portrs. and 5 illust. 8vo. Lond., 1901. Same: 2nd series. 8vo. Lond., 1901. London and its celebrities : portrs. and illust. 3 v., 8vo. Lond., 1901. KINGSFORJD, CHARLES LETHBRIDGE, ed. Chronicles of London: introd., notes, [and glossary]. 8vo. Oxf., 1905. Contemporary records, covering the period from 1200 to 1516. RICKETT, ARTHUR COMPTON. The London life of yesterday. 8vo. Lond., 1909. SINCLAIR, WILLIAM MACDONALD, archdeacon of London. Memorials of? St. Paul's Cathedral : illust. by Louis Weirter. 8vo. Lond., 1909. 942.2. Kent. CRUDEN, ROBERT PEIRCE. History of the town of Gravesend in the county of Kent and of the Port of London : [illust.] 8vo. Lond., 1843. HISTORY OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE. 695 942.6. Essex. COLCHESTER, Monastery of St. John the Baptist. Cartularium monasterii Sancti Johannis Baptiste de Colecestria; from the original manuscript in the possession of Earl Cowper: ed. by Stuart A. Moore : [facsimiles]. 2 v., 4to. Lond., 1897. 942 E. British Empire. DILKE, Sir CHARLES WENTWORTH, 2nd bart. The British empire- 8vo. Lond., 1899. EGERTON, HUGH EDWARD. Federations and unions within the British empire. 8vo. Oxf., 1911. Contents: Introduction. The articles of confederation of 1643. William Penn's plan of union. Benjamin Franklin's Albany pro- posals. The British North America Act, 1867. Report of Privy Council, constitution for the Australian colonies. The Common- wealth Act, 1900. The Union of South Africa Act, 1909. Bibliography : index. HERTZ, GEORGE BERKELEY. British imperialism in the eighteenth century. 8vo. Lond., 1908. LANG, JOHN. Outposts of empire: [with] 12 reproductions from original drawings in colour by J. R. Skelton. 8vo. Lond., 1908. (Romance of empire ser.) LECKY, WILLIAM EDWARD HARTPOLE. The empire, its value and its growth ; an inaugural address delivered at the Imperial institute, 1893. pp. 48., 8vo. Lond., 1893. MAXWELL, Sir HERBERT EUSTACE, bart. A century of empire, 1801-1900: [illust.]. 3 v., 8vo. Lond., 1909. POLLARD, ALBERT FREDERICK, ed. The British empire; its past, its present, and its future. 8vo. Lond., 1909. TILBY, A. WYATT. The English people overseas; a history, v. i, 8vo. Lond., 1908. VICTORIA: Education department. The school paper, for classes V. and VI.: Empire day number, i8th May, 1905: [map], pp. 16, 8vo. Melb., 1905. Pam., v. 57, no. 945. 943. Germany. ARMSTRONG, EDWARD. The emperor Charles V. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1902. ATKINSON, C. T. History of Germany, 1715-1815: 35 maps and plans. 8vo. Lond., 1908. BAX, ERNEST BELFORT. The peasants' war in Germany, 1525-1526. 8vo. Lond., 1899. (Social side of the German reformation, v. 2.) FRANCO-GERMAN war, 1870-1: tr. from the German official account: 2 pts. in 4 v. [maps, &c., in 5 cases]. 8vo. Lond., 1881-83. .Contents: Pt. i. History of the war to the downfall of the Empire. Pt. 2. History of the war against the Republic. GREAT BRITAIN : War office. The campaign of 1866 in Ger- many; compiled by the department of military history of the Prussian staff: tr. by Col. von Wright and Capt. H. M. Hozier. 8vo., with fo. plans. Lond., 1907. HISTORY OF EUROPEAN COUNTRIES. HATZFELDT, PAUL, graf. The Hatzfeldt letters ; letters to his wife written from the head-quarters of the King of Prussia, 1870-71 : tr. by J. L. Bashford : [illust.]. 8vo. Lond., 1905. HODGETTS, EDWARD ARTHUR BRAYLEY. The House of Hohen- zollem; two centuries of Berlin court life: 16 illust. 8vo. Lond., 1911. PETRE, FRANCIS LORAINE. Napoleon's conquest of Prussia, 1806 : with introd. by field-marshal Earl Roberts : maps, plans, portrs. and illust. 8vo. Lond., 1907. ROBERTSON, WILLIAM. History of the reign of the emperor Charles V., with a view of the progress of society in Europe. 3 v., 8vo. Edinb., 1819. In his Works, v. 4-7, class qoS. STUBBS, WILLIAM, bishop of Oxford. Germany in the early middle ages, 476-1250 : ed. by Arthur Hassall : 2 maps. 8vo. Lond., 1908. Germany in the later middle ages, 1200-1500: ed. by Arthur Hassall : 2 maps. 8vo. Lond., 1908. 943.6. Austria. PETRE, FRANCIS LORAINE. Napoleon and the Archduke Charles; a history of the Franco- Austrian campaign in the valley of ijhe Danube in 1809 : 8 illust. and 5 maps. 8vo. Lond., 1909. RUMBOLD, Sir HORACE, 8th bart. The Austrian court in the nineteenth century: 18 illust. 8vo. Lond., 1909. 943.8. Poland. BAIN, ROBERT NISBET. The last king of Poland and his contem- poraries : 16 illust. 8vo. Lond., 1909. 943.9. Hungary. ANDRA^SY, Count JULIUS. The development of Hungarian con- stitutional liberty: tr. by C. Arthur and Ilona Ginever. 8vo. Lond., 1908. Deals with period A.D. 896-1619. HUNGARIAN question, from a historical, economical, and ethno- graphical point of view : tr. by Ilona and C. Arthur Ginever. 8vo. Lond., 1908. MARCZALI, HENRY. Hungary in the eighteenth century, with an introductory essay on the earlier history of Hungary by Harold W. V. Temperley. 8vo. Camb., 1910. WATSON, R. W. SETON. Racial problems in Hungary : illust. and map. 8vo. Lond., 1908. 944. France. ACTON, JOHN EMERICH EDWARD DALBERG-ACTON, ist baron. Lec- tures on the French revolution : ed. by John Neville Figgis and Reginald Vere Laurence. 8vo. Lond., 1910. ALGER, JOHN GOLDWORTH. Napoleon's British visitors and captives, i8or-i8i5. 8vo. Lond., 1904. HISTOEY OF FEANCE. 697 ALLINSON, ALFRED. The days of the Directoire; with a note upon the costume of the period by John Colby Abbott : 4Q illust. 8vo. Lond., 1910. ASHTON, JOHN. English caricature and satire on Napoleon I. : 115 illust. by the author. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1884. AULARD, FRANCOIS VICTOR ALPHONSE. The French revolution; a political history, 1789-1804 : tr. from the French of the 3rd. ed., with pref., notes, and historical summary, by Bernard Miall. 4 v., 8vo. Lond., 1910. BARNES, ARTHUR STAPYLTON. The man of the mask; a study in the by-ways of history. 8vo. Lond., 1908. BAX, ERNEST BELFORT. The last episode of the French revolution; being a history of Gracchus Babeuf and the conspiracy of the Equals: [portr.]. 8vo. Lond., 1911. Story of the French revolution. 8vo. Lond., 1898. (Social science ser.) BERRY, W. GRINTON. France since Waterloo: illust. and maps. 8vo. Lond., 1908. BIRCH, UNA. Secret societies and the French revolution; with some kindred studies. 8vo. Lond., 1911. Contents: i. Secret societies and the French revolution. 2. The Comte de Saint Germain. 3. Religious liberty and the French revo- lution. 4. Madame de Stael and Napoleon ; a study in ideals. 5. Bibliographies. BODLEY, JOHN EDWARD COURTENAY. France, rev. ed., 8vo. Lond., 1902. FARMER, JAMES EUGENE. Versailles and the court under Louis XIV. : [illust.]. 8vo. Lond., 1906. FURSE, GEORGE ARMAND. A hundred years ago: battles by land and sea: Ulm, Trafalgar, Austerlitz. 8vo. Lond., 1905. GOSSELIN, Louis LEON THEODORE, " G. Lenotre." A Gascon royalist in revolutionary Paris; the Baron de Batz, 1792- 1795: [tr.] by Mrs. Randolph Stawell : illust. 8vo. Lond., 1910. Romances of the French revolution : [tr.] by Frederic Lees : illust. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1908. The tribunal of the Terror; a study of Paris in 1793-1795: [tr.] by Frederic Lees: illust. 8vo. Lond., 1909. HAGGARD, ANDREW CHARLES PARKER, lieut.-col. Louis XIV. in court and camp : illust. 8vo. Lond., 1904. HANOTAUX, GABRIEL. Contemporary France: portrs. v. 1-4, 8vo. Lond., 1903-09. Contents: v. i. 1870-73: tr. by J. C. Tarver. 1903. v. 2. 1873- 75 : tr. from the French. iqo^. v. 3. 1874-77 : tr. from the French. 1907. v. 4. 1877-82 : tr. by E. Sparvel-Bayly. 1909. KROPOTKIN, PETR ALEKSYEEVICH, prince. The great French revolution, 1789-1793: tr. by N. F. Dryhurst. 8vo. Lond., 1909. LAWTON, FREDERICK. The third French republic : 32 illust. 8vo. Lond., 1909. NAPOLEON III., emperor of the French. Posthumous works and unpublished autographs in exile : collected and arranged by Count de la Chapelle. 8vo. Lond., 1873. HISTORY OF FRANCE. PARDOE, JULIA S. H. Life of Marie de Medicis, queen of France, consort of Henry IV., and regent of the kingdom under Louis XIII. : [portrs. and facsimile letters], and ed., 3 v., 8vo. Lond., 1852. POUMltiS DE LA S1BOUTIE, FRANCOIS Louis. Recollections of a Parisian; under six sovereigns, two revolutions, and a republic, 1789-1863: ed. by his daughters, Mesdames A. Branche and L. Dagoury : tr. by Lady Theodora Davidson. 8vo. Lond., 1911. ROBINSON, GEORGE T. The fall of Metz ; an account of the seventy days' siege and of the battles which preceded it : [map], 8vo. Lond., 1871. SENIOR, NASSAU WILLIAM. Conversations with M. Thiers, M. Guizot, and other distinguished persons, during the second empire: ed. by his daughter, M. C. M. Simpson. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1878. SICHEL, EDITH. Catherine de Medici, and the French reforma- tion : illust. 8vo. Lond., 1905. SIMON, JULES F. Government of M. Thiers, from 8th February, 1871, to 24th May, 1873: tr. from the French. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1879. SLOANE, WILLIAM MILLIGAN. Life of Napoleon Bonaparte: [illust., portrs., and maps]. 4 v., 4(0. N.Y., 1906. STENGER, GILBERT. The return of Louis XVIII. : tr. by Mrs. Randolph Stawell : illust. 8vo. Lond., 1909. SULLY, MAXIMILIEN DE BETHUNE, due DE. Memoirs: tr. by Charlotte Lennox: new ed., with additional notes, some letters of Henry the Great, and a brief historical introd. : portrs. 5 v., 8vo. Lond., 1810. TAINE, HIPPOLYTE ADOLPHE. Les origines de la France contem- poraine : The ancient regime : tr. by John Durand. 8vo. Lond., 1 88 1. Les origines de la France contemporaine : the Revolution: tr. by John Durand. 3 v., 8vo. Lond., 1878-85. THIERS, Louis ADOLPHE. History of the consulate and the empire of France under Napoleon : tr. by D. Forbes Camp- bell and John Stebbing : 36 illust. 12 v., 8vo. Lond., 1893-94. VANDAM, ALBERT DRESDEN. Men and manners of the third republic. 8vo. Lond., 1904. WAD I A, P. A. The philosophers and the French revolution. 8vo. Lond., 1905. 944.94. Maritime Alps. MAYNE, FTHEL COLBURN. The romance of Monaco and its rulers : 27 illust. 8vo. Lond., 1910. 945. Italy. ALLEN, A. M. History of Verona: ed. by Edward Armstrong: 20 illust. and 3 maps. 8vo. Lond., 1910. CESARE, RAFFAELE DE. The last days of Papal Rome, 1850- 1870: abr. and tr. by Helen Zimmern: introd. by G. M. Trevelyan: illust. 8vo. Lond., 1909, HISTORY OF EUROPEAN COUNTRIES. 699 DENNISTOUN, JAMES. Memoirs of the dukes of Urbino, illus- trating the arms, arts, and literature of Italy, 1440-1630-: new ed., with notes, by Edward Hutton : illust. 3 v., 8vo. Lond., 1909. DUCLAUX, AGNES MARY FRANCES, nee ROBINSON, formerly Madame DARMSTETER, Madame E. End of the Middle ages; essays and questions in history. 8vo. Lond., 1889. MARIO, Madame JESSIE WHITE. The birth of modern Italy j posthumous papers: ed., with notes and epilogue by the Duke Litta-Visconti-Arese : illust. 8vo. Lond., 1909. SCEUSA, FRANCIS. The "glorious house of Savoy": the socialists' tribute to the memory of Humbert I. pp. 24, 8vo. Syd., 1900. Pam., v. 177, no. 3406. SEELEY, E. L. Artists of the Italian renaissance: tr. from the chronicles and arranged: [illust.]. 8vo. Lond., 1907. Shows how the lives of the artists were affected by the political history of their times. TREVELYAN, GEORGE MACAULAY. Garibaldi and the thousand: maps and illust. 8vo. Lond., 1909. Garibaldi's defence of the Roman republic : maps and illust. 8vo. Lond., 1907. VILLARI, PASQUALE. Mediaeval Italy from Charlemagne to Henry VII. : tr. by Costanza Hutton: 17 illust. 8vo. Lond., 1910. 945.3. Venice. HAZLITT, WILLIAM CAREW. The Venetian republic; its rise, its growth, and its fall, 421-1797 : [maps]. 3rd ed., 2 v., la. 8vo. Lond., 1900. WIEL, ALETHEA. The navy of Venice: illust. 8vo. Lond., 1910, 945.5. Tuscany. BIAGI, GUIDO. Men and manners of old Florence: 49 illust. 8vo. Lond., 1909. 945.6. Rome. GREGOROVIUS, FERDINAND. History of the city of Rome in the middle ages : tr. from the 4th German ed. by Annie Hamil- ton. 8 v. m 13, 8vo. Lond., 189*4-1902. Roman journals, 1852-1874: ed. by F. AltEaus and tr. by Mrs. G. W. Hamilton. 8vo. Lond., 1911. 945.8. Malta. HARDMAN, WILLIAM. History of Malta during the period of the French and British occupations, 1798-1815: ed., with introd. and notes, by J. Holland Rose: [2 maps]. 8va Lond., 1909. 700 HISTORY OF EUROPEAN COUNTRIES. 946. Spain. HARE, CHRISTOPHER. A queen of queens, and the making of Spain: illust. 8vo. Lond., 1906. MARK HAM, Sir CLEMENTS ROBERT The story of Majorca and Minorca: 2 maps. 8vo. Lond., 1908. PRE SCOTT, WILLIAM HICKLING. History of the reign of Fer- dinand and Isabella, the Catholic, of Spain: [portrs.]. nth ed., 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1858. History of the reign of Philip the second, king of Spain : [portrs.]. 3 v., 8vo. Lond., 1859-60. STOTHERT, WILLIAM, captain. Narrative of the principal events of the campaigns of 1809, 1810 and 1811, in Spain and Portugal, with remarks on local scenery and manners : [map]. 8vo. Lond., 1812. WARD, G. H. B. The truth about Spain: 12 illust. 8vo. Lond., 1911. WARRE, Sir WILLIAM, lieuf. -general. Letters from the Peninsula, 1808-1812: ed. by the Rev. Edmond Warre : [portr.] and map. 8vo. Lond., 1909. WHITE, GEORGE FREDERICK, lieut. -colonel, A century of Spain and Portugal, 1788-1898: [bibliography]. 8vo. Lond., 1909. 947. Russia. BAIN, ROBERT NISBET. Slavonic Europe; a political history of Russia and Poland from 1447 to 1796: [3 maps]. 8vo. Camb., 1908. (Cambridge historical ser.) COWEN, THOMAS. The Russo-Japanese war, from the outbreak of hostilities to the battle of Liaoyang : illust., maps, and plans. 8vo. Lond., 1904. HAMILTON, Sir IAN STANDISH MONTEITH, lieut. -general. A staff officer's scrap-book during the Russo-Japanese war : illust., maps, and plans. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1906-07. JAMES, DAVID H. Siege of Port Arthur; records of an eye- witness: maps and illust. 8vo. Lond., 1905. NOJINE, E. K. The truth about Port Arthur: tr. and abridged by Captain A. B. Lindsay: ed. by Major E. D. Swinton : [illust.]. 8vo. Lond., 1908. PRELOOKER, JAAKOFF. Russian flashlights; with a biographical sketch by Helena Fr^nk: illust. 8vo. Lond., 1911. REPINGTON, CHARLES A 'COURT, Ueut.-coL The war in the Far East, 1904-05, by the military correspondent of the Times: maps and illust. 8vo. Lond., 1905. SEMENOFF, WLADIMIR, captain, Russian navy. The price of blood; the sequel to " Rasplata " and "The battle of Tsushima": tr. by Leonard Lewery and Major F. R. God- frey. 8vo. Lond., 1910. Rasplata, the reckoning ; diary during the blockade of Port Arthur and the voyage of Admiral Rojestvensky's fleet : tr. by L. A. B. 8vo. Lond., 1909. HISTORY OF EUROPEAN COUNTRIES. 701 TOLSTOY, count LEV NIKOLAEVICH. The end of the age; (on the approaching revolution) : preceded by, The crisis in Russia: tr. by V. Tcherlkoff and Isabella Fyvie Mayo; notes by the latter. 8vo. Lond., 1906. UNITED STATES: War department. Epitome of the Russo- Japanese war : [maps]. 8vo. Wash., 1907. WALISZEWSKI, K. Ivan the terrible : tr. from the French bv Lady Mary Loyd. 8vo. Lond., 1904. 948. Scandinavia. BAIN, ROBERT NISBET. Scandinavia; a political history of Den- mark, Norway, and Sweden, from 1513 to 1900. 8vo. Camb., 1905. CHANCE, JAMES FREDERICK. George I. and the northern war; a study of British-Hanoverian policy in the north of Europe in the years 1709 to 1721. 8vo. Lond., 1909. NANSEN, FRIDTJOF. Norway and the union with Sweden. 8vo. Lond., 1905. 949.2. Netherlands. BARKER, J. ELLIS. Rise and decline of the Netherlands; a political and economic history, and a study in practical states- manship. 8vo. Lond., 1906. MOTLEY, JOHN LOTHROP. History uf-the United Netherlands, from the death of William the Silent to [1609] : portrs. 4 v., 8vo. Lond., 1860-67. Same: another ed. 4 v., 8vo. Lond., 1904. Life and death of John of Barneveld, advocate of Holland; with a view of the primary causes and movements of the Thirty years' war: illust. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1874. Same: another ed. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1904. Rise of the Dutch Republic: a history, new ed. 3 v., 8vo. Lond., 1889. Same: another ed. 8vo. Lond., 1904. Same: another ed. 3 v., 8vo. Lond., 1910. 949.3. Belgium. HUTTON, JAMES. James and Philip van Arteveld; two episodes in the history of the fourteenth century. 8vo. Lond., 1882. 949.5. Greece. RODD, Sir JAMES RENNELL. The princess of Achaia and the chronicles of Morea ; a study of Greece in the middle ages : map. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1907. 949.6. Turkey. BUXTON, CHARLES RODEN. Turkey in revolution : 33 illust. and map. 8vo. Lond., 1909. KNIGHT, EDWARD FREDERICK. The awakening of Turkey; a history of the Turkish revolution: illust. 8vo. Lond., 1909. 702 HISTORY OF ASIA. McCULLAGH, FRANCIS. The fall of Abd-ul-Hamid ; pref. by Mahmutl Shefket, pasha: illust. and map. 8vo. Lond., 1910. S., C. J. Sketch of Turkish history, pp. 50, 8vo. Hobart Town, 1877. Pam., v. 88, no. 1579. 949.7. Servia. LAZAROVICH HREBELIANOVICH, prince, and LAZARO- VICH-HREBELIANOVICH, princess, formerly Eleanor Calhoun. The Servian people, their past glory and their destiny : illust. [and maps]. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1910. 950. Asia. HAMILTON, ANGUS. Problems of the middle East: [3 maps]. 8vo. Lond., 1909. Contents: Story of the Young Turks party. Story of Persia and the powers. Great Britain, Germany, and the Baghdad railway. The Anglo-Russian convention. Great Britain and Afghanistan. Story of the Hedjaz railway. The passing of Korea. Turkish con- stitution of 1876. The Persian constitution. Persian articles of the Anglo-Russian convention, 1907. The Baghdad railway convention. TEMPLE, Sir RICHARD, ist bart. Oriental experience; a selection of essays and addresses delivered on various occasions : maps and illust. 8vo. Lond., 1883. 951. China. BLAND, J. 0. P., and BA~CK HOUSE, E. China under the Empress dowager; being the history of the life and times of Tzu Hsi : illust. 8vo. Lond., 1910. HAKE, ALFRED EGMONT, ed. Events in the Taeping rebellion; being reprints of MSS., copied by General Gordon; with monograph, introd., and notes : portr. and map. 8vo. Lond., 1891. PARKER, EDWARD HARPER. Ancient China simplified : [maps and illust.]. 8vo. Lond., 1908. SIMPSON, BERTRAM LENOX, " B. L. Putnam Weale." ed. In- discreet letters from Peking ; being the notes of an eye-witness which set forth the real story of the siege and sack of a dis- tressed capital in 1900. 8vo Lond., [1907]. 951.5. Tibet. YOUNGHUSBAND, Sir FRANCIS EDWARD. India and Tibet; a history of the relations which have subsisted between the two countries from the time of Warren Hastings to 1910; with a particular account of the mission to Lhasa of 1904 : maps and illust. 8vo. Lond., 1910. 951.7. Mongolia. CURTIN, JEREMIAH. The Mongols; a history: foreword by Theodore Roosevelt: [portr. and map]. 8vo. Lond., 1908. HISTORY OF ASIA. 703 951.9. Korea. McKENZIE, F. A. The tragedy of Korea: 27 illust. 8vo. Lond., 1908. 952. Japan. MILLARD, THOMAS F. The new Far East; an examination into the new position of Japan and her influence upon the solu- tion of the Far Eastern question. 8vo. Lond., 1906. -OLIPHANT, LAURENCE. Narrative of the Earl of Elgin's mission to China and Japan in the years 1857, '58, '59 : illust. [and maps]. 2 v., 8vo. Edinb., 1859. U YE KARA, GEORGE ETSUJIRO. The political development of Japan, 1867-1909. 8vo. Lond., 1910. 953. Arabia. FREEMAN, EDWARD AUGUSTUS. History and conquests of the Saracens: 2nd ed., with new pref. 8vo. Lond., 1876. 954. India. BERNCASTLE, JULIUS. Revolt of the Bengal Sepoys, pp. 31, 8vo. Syd., 1857. Pam., v. us;, no. 2148. BIRKMYRE, WILLIAM. The Secretary of state for India in coun- cil. 2nd ed., pp. 40, i2mo. Lond., 1886. Pam., v. 139, no. 2671. MUHAMMAD HAIDAR, Dughlat. The Tarikh-i-Rashidi of Mirza Muhummad Haidar, Dughlat a history of the Moghuls of Central Asia : an English version, -with commentary, notes, and map, ed. by N. Elias : translation by E. Denison Ross. 8vo. Lond., 189=;. FORREST, GEORGE WILLIAM. History of the Indian mutiny, re- vised and illustrated from original documents : maps, plans, and portrs. 2 v., 8vo. Edinb., 1904. FORREST, GEORGE WILLIAM, ed. Selections from the state papers of the Governors-general of India : Warren Hastings : portrs. and maps. v. 1-2, 8vo. Oxf., 1910. In progress. FOSTER, WILLIAM. The English factories in India ; a calendar of documents in the India office, British museum, and Public record office, v. 1-4, 1618-33, 8vo. Oxf., 1906-10. In progress. GORDON, Sir JOHN JAMES HOOD. The Sikhs. 8vo. Edinb., 1904. GRIFFITHS, CHARLES JOHN, captain. Narrative of the siege of Delhi, with an account of the mutiny at Ferozepore in 1857 : ed. by Captain Henry John Yonge : plans and illust. 8vo. Lond., 1910. .KEENE, HENRY GEORGE. Hindustan under free lances, 1770- 1820 ;. sketches of military adventure in Hindustan during the period immediately preceding British occupation : pref. by Sir Richard Temple: illust., and map. 8vo. Lond, 1907. 704 HISTORY OF INDIA. MALABAR!, PHIROZE B. M. Bombay in the making; being mainly a history of the origin and growth of judicial institutions in the western presidency, 1661-1726: introd. by Sir George Sydenham Clarke. 8vo. Lond., 1910. MALLESON, GEORGE BRUCE, colonel. Decisive battles of India from 1746 to 1849 inclusive: portr., map, and plans. 8vo. Lond., 1888. Historical sketch of the native states of India in subsidiary alliance with the British government: [maps]. 8vo. Lond., i875- MANUCCI, NICCOLAS. Storia do Mogor ; or, Mogul India, 1653-1708: tr., with introd. and notes by William Irvine: [illust., and map], v. 1-2, 8vo. Lond., 1907. (Indian texts ser.) MEATH, REGINALD BRABAZON, i2th earl of, LEGH, M. H. CORN- WALL, and JACKSON, EDITH. Our empire, past and pre- sent: v. 2, Great Britain in Asia: illust. and maps. 8vo. Lond., 1905. METCALFE, CHARLES THEOPHILUS. tr. Two native narratives of the mutiny in Delhi: from the originals. 8vo. Lond., 1898. MILL, JAMES. History of British India: 4th ed., with notes and continuation by Horace Hayman Wilson. 9 v., 8vo. Lond.. 1849. v. 7-9, entitled History of British Indin from i8oc to 1835, bv. H. H. Wilson. MITRA, S. M. Indian problems: introd. by Sir George Birdwood. 8vo. Lond., 1908. MUHAMMAD, KASIM HINDU SHAH ASTARABADE, called Firishtah. History of the rise of the Mahomedan power in India till the year A.D. i6i2:%tr. by John Briggs : added, an account of the conquest by the kings of Hydrabad of those parts of the Madras provinces denominated the ceded districts and northern circarsj with notes. 4 v., 8vo. Calcutta, 1908-10. O'DONNELL, CHARLES JAMES. Causes of present discontents in India. 8vo. Lond., 1908. ROBERTS, FREDERICK SLEIGH ROBERTS, earl. Forty-one years in India, from subaltern to commander-in-chief : portrs. ami maps. 1 7th ed., 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1897. Same: 35th ed. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1902. Presented by the author, through H.E. the Countess of Dudley. SAINSBURY, ETHEL BRUCE. Calendar of the Court minutes, &c., of the East India company, 1640-1643 : introd. and notes by William Foster. 8vo. Oxf., 1909. SHEPHERD, W. J. Personal narrative of the outbreak and mas- sacre at Cawnpore, during the Sepoy revolt of 1857 : 2nd ed., illust. : and, England's great mission to India. 8vo. Luck- now, 1879. SIEVEKING, J. GIBERNE. A turning point in the Indian mutiny: [illust.]. 8vo. Lond., 1910. STEEL, Mrs. FLORA ANNIE. India through the ages; a popular and picturesque history of Hindustan: 7 maps. 8vo. Lond. r 1908. HISTORY OF AFRICA. 705 SURRIDGE, VICTOR. India: 12 illust. by A. D. McCormick. 8vo. Lond., 1909. (Romance of empire ser.) WOOD, Sir EVELYN, field-marshal. The revolt in Hindustan, l8 57~59: illust. and maps. 8vo. Lond., 1908. 959. Farther India. SWETTENHAM, Sir FRANK ATHELSTANE. British Malaya; an account of the origin and progress of British influence in Malaya: map and illust. 8vo. Lond., 1907 [1906], 960. Africa. SANDERSON, EDGAR. Great Britain in modern Africa: portrs., [and map]. 8vo. Lond., 1907 [1906]. 962. Egypt. COLVIN, Sir AUCKLAND-. The making of modern Egypt: illust. 8vo. Lond., 1906. CROMER, EVELYN BARING, ist earl of. Modern Egypt: [portr.]. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1908. WILSON, Sir ROBERT THOMAS, general. History of the British expedition to Egypt; subjoined, a sketch of the present state of that country and its means of defence: maps and portr. 4th ed., 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1803. 964. Morocco. AFLALO, FREDERICK GEORGE. The truth about Morocco; an in- dictment of the policy of the British Foreign office with re- gard to the Anglo-French agreement: preT. by R. B. Cun- ninghame-Graham. 8vo. Lond., 1904. BARTLETT, ELLIS ASHMEAD. The passing of the Shereefian em- pire: [illust. and 2 maps]. 8vo. Edinb., 1910. 966. North Central Africa. GREAT BRITAIN -.War office. Official history of the operations in Somaliland, 1901-04: [illust. and plans]. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1907. 967. South Central Africa. FEDERATION for the defence of Belgian interests abroad. Bel- gium and the Congo. 8vo. Brussels, 1908. Pam., v. 156, no. 2991. MOREL, EDMUND D. Great Britain and the Congo; the pillage of the Congo basin: introd. by Sir A. Conan Doyle: [2 maps]. 8vo. Lond., 1909. F.8720. z 706 HISTORY OF SOUTH AFRICA. 968. South Africa. ABBOTT, JOHN HENRY MACARTNEY. Tommy Cornstalk; being some account of the less notable features of the South African war from the point of view of the Australian ranks. 8vo. Lond., 1902. BUFTON, JOHN. Tasmanians in the Transvaal war : [illust.]. 410. Launceston, 1905. CANA, FRANK R. South Africa, from the great trek to the union : [2 maps]. 8vo. Lond., 1909. COLVIN, IAN D. South Africa: 12 coloured illust. 8vo. Lond., 1909. (Romance cf empire ser.) Gives a history of South Africa to 1881. CORY, GEORGE E. The rise of South Africa ; a history of the origin of South African colonisation and of its development towards the east from the earliest times to 1857 : v. i. From the earliest times to the year 1820. 8vo. Lond., 1910. In progress. DOONER, MILDRED G. The "Last post"; being a roll of all officers, naval, military, or colonial, who gave their lives in the South African war, 1899-1902. 8vo. Lond., [1903]. DOYLE, Sir ARTHUR CONAN. The great Boer war: maps: com- plete ed. 8vo. Lond., 1902. GLENDALE, MOLLARD ALFRED. British and colonial heroes of the South African British-Boer war ; historical reminiscences and recitations, &c. -pp. 32, 8vo. Syd., 1901. Pam., v. 115, r.c. 214$. GREEN, Rev. JAMES. The story of the Australian bushmen; being notes of a chaplain: [illust.]. 8vo. Syd., 1903. GRIFFITH, ARTHUR, ed. The facts about the Transvaal; being a series of excerpts from Mr. J. A. Hobson's book : introd. and notes, pp. 24, 8vo. Syd., 1902. Pam., v. 87, no. 1569. Same.- another copy. Pam., v. 115, no. 2146. KIPLING, RUDYARD. The science 'of rebellion; a tract for the times: specially written for the Imperial South African asso- ciation, pp. 10, 8vo. Lond., 1901. Pam., v. 57, no. 944. MAURICE, Sir JOHN FREDERICK, major-general. History of the war in South Africa, 1899-1902 : compiled by direction of His Majesty's government by Major-general Sir Frederick Maurice with a staff of officers. 4 v., 8vo., with 4 cases of maps. Lond., 1906-10. v. 4 by M. H. Grant. NEWMAN, CHARLES L. NORRIS-. With the Boers in the Trans- vaal and Orange Free State in 1880- 1 : with map of the South African Republic, and text of the convention of 1884: [plans]. 2nd ed., 8vo. Lond., [1896]. ORANGE FREE STATE '.Government. War telegrams, officially issued up to the occupation of Bloemfontein. 8vo. Bloem- fontein, 1900. PARKER, Sir GILBERT. Our imperial responsibilities in the Trans- vaal, pp. 30, 8vo. Lond., 1904. Pam., v. nq, no. 2207. HISTORY OF SOUTH AFRICA. 707 QUEENSLANDERS at Elands River; the war in South Africa: notes referring to the Elands River siege, from August 4th to i6th, 1900. pp. 32, 8vo. Hertford, n.d. Pam., v. 189, no. 3650. STIRLING, JOHN, captain. The colonials in South Africa, 1899- 1902; their record, based on the despatches. 8vo. Edinb., 1907. STORY of South Africa. 2 v., 8vo. Syd., n.d. v. i, by J. C. Ridpath and E. S. Ellis, gives a history of South Africa to the annexations of the Boer republics by Great Britain : v. 2, by G. B. Barton and others, describes the despatch of con- tingents from Australasia, and their doings. T. An American view of the South African situation; how Aus- tralasia might help Great Britain, pp. 64, sm. 8vo. N.Y.. 1901. Pam., v. 1115, no. 2142. THEAL, GEORGE McCALL. History and ethnography of South Africa south of the Zambesi from the settlement of the Portu- guese at Sofala in September, 1505, to the conquest of the Cape Colony by the British in September, 1795: maps and plates. 3 v., 8vo. Lond., 1907-10. Contents: v. i. The Portuguese in South Africa from 1505 to 1700. v. 2. Foundation of the Cape Colony by the Dutch. v. 3. The Cape Colony to 1795; the Koranas, Bantu, and Portuguese in South Africa to 1800. History of South Africa since September, 1795 : maps and charts, v. 3 and 4., 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1908. Contents: v. 3. The Cape Colony from 1846 to 1860; Natal from 1845 to I ^57; British Kaffraria from 1847 to 1860; and the Orange River sovereignty and the Transvaal republic from 1847 to 1854. v. 4. The Orange Free State, the South African Republic, Zululand, Basutoland, Betshuanaland, and Matabeleland from 1854 to 1872. WITTON, GEORGE RAMSDALE, lieut. Scapegoats of the empire; the story of the Bushveldt carbineers: illust. 8vo. Melb.,* 1907. WORSFOLD, WILLIAM BASIL. Lord Milner's work in South Africa from its commencement in 1897 to the peace of Vereeniging in 1902 : portrs. and map. 8vo. Lond., 1906. 968.2. Transvaal. LEYDS, WILLEM JOHANNES. The first annexation of the Trans- vaal. 8vo. Lond., 1906. 968.3. Zululand. GREAT BRITAIN : War office. Narrative of the field opera- tions connected with the Zulu war of 1879 : [6 maps]. 8vo. Lond., 1907. First printed in 1881. LAGDEN, Sir GODFREY. The Basutos; the mountaineers and their country : being a narrative of events relating to the tribe from its formation early in the nineteenth century : 70 illust., 9 maps. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., Z 2 708 HISTORY OF NORTH AMERICA. 970. North America. DAWSON, SAMUEL EDWARD. The Saint Lawrence basin and its border-lands : being the story of their discovery, exploration, and occupation : illust. and maps. 8vo. Lond., 1905. (Story of exploration ser.) GOODRICH, SAMUEL GRISWOLD, " Peter Parley." Tales about America and Australia : ed. by the Rev. T. Wilson : [illust. 'and 2 maps]. i2mo. Lond., n.d. PARKMAN, FRANCIS. The struggle for a continent: ed., from his writings, by Pelham Edgar : illust. and maps. 8vo. Lond., 1902. PAYNE, EDWARD JOHN. History of the new world called America. 2 v., 8vo. Lond.. 1892-99. ROBERTSON, WILLIAM. History of America. 4 v., 8vo. Edinb., 1819. In his Works, v. 8-n, class qo8 WINSOR, JUSTIN, ed. Narrative and critical history of America: [maps and illust.]. 8 v., 4to. Lond., 1886-89. Contents: v. i. Aboriginal America. v. 2. Spanish explorations and settlements in America from the fifteenth to the seventeenth century. v. 3. English explorations and settlements in North America, 1497-1689. v. 4. French explorations and settlements in North America, and those of the Portuguese, Dutch, and Swedes, 1500-1700. v. 5. The English and French in North America, 1689- 1763. v. 6. The United States of North America : part i. v. 7. The United States of North America, part ii. v. 8. The later history of British, Spanish, and Portuguese America. 971. Canada. BRYCE, GEORGE. Lord Selkirk's colonists; the romantic settle- ment of the pioneers of Manitoba: [illust.]. 8vo. Lond., [1910]. GRESSWELL, Rev. WILLIAM PARR. History of the Dominion of Canada: [maps]. 8vo. Oxf., 1890. HANNAY, JAMES. How Canada was held for the empire : the story of the war of 1812 : illust. 8vo. Lond., 1905. HEAD, Sir FRANCIS BOND, bart. A narrative. 2nd ed., 8vo. Lond., 1839. HOPKINS, J. CASTELL. Canadian annual review of public affairs, v. i, 1901 to date: illust. 8vo. Toronto. LAUT, AGNES C. The conquest of the great northwest; being the story of the adventurers of England known as the Hudson's Bay company : new pages in the history of the Canadian northwest and western states : [illust. and maps]. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1909. LAWSON, W. R. Canada and the empire. 8vo. Lond., 1911. LUCAS, Sir CHARLES PRESTWOOD. The Canadian war of 1812 : [maps]. 8vo. Oxf., 1906. History of Canada, 1763-1812 : [8 maps]. 8vo. Oxf., 1909. REED, CHARLES B. The first great Canadian; the story of Pierre Le Moyne, sieur d'Iberville: illust. and maps. 8vo. Chic., 1910. REID, W. MAX. Lake George and Lake Champlain ; the war trail of the Mohawk and the battle-ground of France and England in their contest for the control of North America : 84 illust. and 2 maps. 8vo. N.Y., 1910. HISTORY OF NORTH AMERICA. 709 SIEGFRIED. ANDRE. The race question in Canada. 8vo. Lond., 1907. SMITH, GOLDWIN. Canada and the Canadian question : map. 8vo. Lond., 1891. TRACY, FRANK BASIL. Tercentenary history of Canada, from Champlain to Laurier, MDCVIII.-MCMVIII. : illust., portrs. and maps. 3 v., 8vo. N.Y., 1908. WEIR, WILLIAM. Sixty years in Canada. 8vo. Montreal, 1903. WILLSON, BECKLES. Canada: 12 coloured illust. 8vo. Lond., 1907. (Romaace of empire ser.) WOOD, WILLIAM. The fight for Canada; a sketch from the his- tory of the great imperial war: [bibliography]. 8vo. Lond., 1905. 972. Mexico. CORTES, HERNANDO or FERNANDO. Letters of Cortes ; the five letters of relation from Fernando Cortes to the emperor Charles V. : tr. and ed. with a biographical introd. and notes by F. A. MacNutt : [illust. and maps]. 2 v., 8vo. N.Y., 1908. HELPS, Sir ARTHUR. The Spanish conquest in America; and its relation to the history of slavery and to the government of colonies: [maps]. 4 v., 8vo. Lond., 1855-61. PRE SCOTT, WILLIAM HICKLING. History of the conquest of Mexico, with a preliminary view of the ancient Mexican civilization, and the life of the conqueror, Hernando Cortes : [portrs. and maps]. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1845. 972.8. Central America. HARING, C. H. The buccaneers in the West Indies in the xvn. century : 10 maps and illust. 8vo. Lond., 1910. 973. United States. ALEXANDER, EDWARD PORTER, general. The American civil war; a critical narrative: maps [and portr.]. 8vo. Lond., 1908. ANDREWS, ELISHA BENJAMIN. The United States in our own time; a history from reconstruction to expansion. 8vo. N.Y., 1903. BANCROFT, GEORGE. History of the United States from the discovery of the American continent: [portrs.]. 10 v., 8vo. Boston, 1860-75. BELLAMY, FRANCIS. Presidents of the United States in the century, from Jefferson to Fillmore. 8vo. Toronto, 1905. (Nineteenth century ser.) BRUCE, PHILIP ALEXANDER. Institutional history of Virginia in the seventeenth century ; an inquiry into the religious, moral, educational, legal, military, and political condition of the people. 2 v., 8vo. N.Y., 1910. CENTENNIAL history of the city of Washington, D.C. : illust. 8vo. Dayton, Ohio, 1892. ?]0 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. CHANCELLOR. WILLIAM ESTABROOK, and HEWES, F. W. The- United States: a history of three centuries, 1607-1904; popu- lation, politics, war, industry, civilization. v. 1-2, 8vo. N.Y., 1904-05. CHANNING, EDWARD. History of the United States: [maps], v. 1-2, 8vo. N.Y., 1905. Contents: v. i. The planting of a nation in the new world, 1000- 1660. v. 2. A century of colonial history, 1660-1760. CHASE, ELLEN. The beginnings of the American revolution ; based on contemporary letters, diaries, and other documents : [illust.]. 3 v., 8vo. Lond., 1911. CHATHAM, WILLIAM PITT, ist earl of. Correspondence, when Secretary of state, with colonial governors and military and naval commissioners in America: ed., [with introd.], by Gertrude S. Kimball : [2 portrs. and maps]. 2 v., 8vo. N.Y., 1906. CHEEVER, GEORGE BARRELL. The Pilgrim fathers; or, the journal of the pilgrims at Plymouth, New England, in 1620; with historical and local illustrations of principles, pro- vidences, and persons. 8vo. Glasg. , n.d. COCKSHOTT, WINNIFRED. The Pilgrim fathers; their church and colony: 12 illust. and map. 8vo. Lond., 1909. EGGLESTON, GEORGE GARY. History of the Confederate war, its causes and its conduct; a narrative and critical history. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1910. FORMBY, JOHN. The American civil war ; a concise history of its causes, progress, and results : 66 maps and plans, i v. text, and i v. maps. 8vo. Lond., 1910. GREENE, EVARTS BOUTELL. The provincial governor in the- English colonies of North America. 8vo. N.Y., 1907. (Harvard historical studies, v. 7.) HATCH, Louis CLINTON. The administration of the American revolutionary army. 8vo. N.Y., 1904. (Harvard historical studies, v. 10.) HENDERSON, GEORGE FRANCIS R., lieut. -colonel. Stonewall Jackson and the American civil war : introd. by Viscount Wolseley : portrs., maps, and plans, new ed., 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1906. HOUSTON, DAVID FRANKLIN. Critical study of nullification in South Carolina. 8vo. N.Y., 1896. (Harvard historical studies, v. 3.) KIMBALL, EVERETT. The public life of Joseph Dudley ; a study of the colonial policy of the Stuarts in New England, 1660- 1715. 8vo. Lond., 1911. (Harvard historical studies, v. 15.) LOW, A. MAURICE. The American people; a study in national psychology. 8vo. Lond., 1905. LOWELL, JAMES RUSSELL. Political essays. 8vo. Lond., 1890. MAHAN, ALFRED THAYER, captain, U.S.N. Sea power in its- relations to the war of 1812 : [illust. and maps]. 2 v., 8vo.. Lond., 1905. MEANY, EDMOND STEPHEN. History of the state of Washington r maps and illust. 8vo. N.Y., 1909. HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. 711 MICHAEL, WILLIAM H. The declaration of independence; illus- trated history of its adoption, with biographies and portraits of the signers. 8vo Wash., 1904. MUNFORD, BEVERLEY B. Virginia's attitude towards slavery and secession. 8vo. N.Y., 1909. OSGOOD, HERBERT LEVI. The American colonies in the seven- teenth century. 3 v., 8vo. N.Y., 1904-07. Contents: v. 1-2. The chartered colonies: beginnings of self- government. v. 3. Imperial control : beginnings of the system of rcyal provinces. PECK, HARRY THURSTON. Twenty years of the republic, 1885- 1905. 8vo. Lond., 1906. SCHARF, J. THOMAS. History of the Confederate States navy, from its organization to the surrender of its last vessel : illust. 2nd ed., 8vo. Albany, N.Y., 1894. STARK, JAMES H. The loyalists of Massachusetts, and the othei side of the American revolution : [illust]. 8vo. Bost., 1910. TILBY, A. WYATT. The American colonies, 1583-1763. 8vo. Lond., 1911. (The Knglish people overseas, v. i.) TREVELYAN, Sir GEORGE OTTO, bart. The American revolu- tion, new ed., 3 v., 8vo. Lond., 1905. -UNITED STATES: Library of Congress. Calendar of the cor- respondence of George Washington, commander in chief of the continental army, with the Continental Congress: pre- pared from the original manuscripts in the Library of Con- gress by John C. Fitzpatrick : [with facsimiles of writings], la. 8vo. Wash., 1906. Journals of the Continental Congress, 1774-1789 : ed. from the original records by W. C. Ford. v. 1-9, 11-12. 4to. Wash., 1904-08. Naval records of the American revolution, 1775-1788: pre- pared from the originals in the Library of Congress by Charles Henry Lincoln, la. 8vo. Wash., 1906. Records of the Virginia Company of London ; the court books from, the manuscript in tjhe Library of Congress : ed., with introd. and bibliography by Susan Myra Kingsbury : pref . by Herbert Levi Osgood : [illust.] 2 v., 410. Wash., 1906. TAN RENSSELAER, MARIANA GRISWOLD; Mrs. Schuyler. His- tory of the city of New York in the seventeenth century. 2 v., 8vo. N.Y., 1909. Contents: v. r. New Amsterdam. v. 2. New York under the Stuarts. WASHINGTON, GEORGE. Epistles, domestic, confidential, and official, written about the commencement of the American con- test, when he entered on the command of the army of the United States. 8vo. N.Y., 1796. 'WITT, CORNELIS DE. Jefferson and the American democracy; an historical study: tr. by R. S. H. Church. 8vo. Lond., 1862. 980. South America. AKERS, CHARLES EDMOND. History of South America, 1854- 1904: illust. 8vo. Lond., 1904. -CRICHFIELD, GEORGE W. The rise and progress of the South American republics. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1909. 712 HISTORY OF OCEANIA. MOSES, BERNARD. South America on the eve of emancipation; the southern Spanish colonies in the last half century of their dependence. 8vo. N.Y., 1908. PETRE, FRANCIS LORAINE. Simon Bolivar, "el libertador"; a life of the chief leader in the revolt against Spain irt Venezuela, New Granada, and Peru : portrs. and map. 8vo. Lond., 1910. 985. Peru. MARKHAM, Sir CLEMENTS ROBERT. The Incas of Peru: 16- illust. and map. 8vo. Lond., 1910. PRESCOTT, WILLIAM HICKLING. History of the conquest of Peru ; with a preliminary view of the civilization of the Incas: [portrs. and map]. 3rd ed., 2 \., 8vo. Lond., 1848. 990. Oceania. HENRICY, CASIMIR. Histoire de 1'Oceanie depuis son origine jusqu'en 1845. i2mo. Paris, 1845. ROGERS, JOHN DAVENPORT. Australasia: maps. 8vo. Lond., 1907. (Historical geography of the British colonies, v. 6.) 991.1. Borneo. GOULD, Rev. SABINE BARING-, and BAMPFYLDE, CHARLES AGAR. History of Sarawak under its two white rajahs r 1839-1908: [pref. by Rajah C. Brooke: illust. and map]. 8vo. Lond., 1909. 992. Sumatra: Java. COOL, W. With the Dutch in the East; an outline of the military operations in Lombock, 1894: tr. from the Dutch by E. J. Taylor, with index, glossary, and a list of authorities quoted : illust. by G. B. Hooyer : [map], la. 8vo. Lond., 1897. RAFFLES, Sir THOMAS STAMFORD. History ot Java. 2nd ed., 2 v., 8vo., and i v. illust., 4to. Lond., 1839-44. 993.1. New Zealand. ABORIGINES' protection society. On the British colonization of New Zealand, pp. vii., 67, 8vo. Lond., 1846. Same.- another copy. Pam., v. 34, no. 550. ALEXANDER, Sir JAMES EDWARD, general. Bush fighting illus- trated by remarkable actions and incidents of the Maori war in New Zealand. 8vo. Lond., 1873. Incidents of the Maori war, New Zealand, in 1 860-61. 8vo. Lond., 1863. HISTORY OF NEW ZEALAND. 713 BEECH AM, JOHN. Remarks upon the latest official documents relating to New Zealand, -pp. 58, 8vo. Lond., 1838. Pam., v. 159, no. 3050. Same: 2nd ed., entitled Remarks upon the latest official docu- ments relating to New Zealand, with a notice of a pamphlet by Samuel Hinds, D.D. pp. 75, 8vo. Lond., 1838. Pam., v. 159, no. 3051.. BERRY, ALEXANDER. Typewritten Account of the destruction of the ship Bo yd, and massacre of the captain and crew by the natives of Wangaroa, New Zealand, pp. 42, 4to., n.t.p. BROAD, LOWTHER. Jubilee history of Nelson, from 1842 to 1892 : illust. 8vo. Nelson, 1892. BRODIE, WALTER. Remarks on the past and present state of New Zealand, its government, capabilities, and prospects ; with a statement of the question of the land-claims and remarks on the New Zealand land company. 8vo. Lond., 1845. BROWNE, EDWARD HAROLD, bishop of Winchester. The case of the war in New Zealand, from authentic documents, pp. 51, 8vo. Camb., 1860. BUDDLE, Rev. THOMAS. The Maori king movement in New Zealand, with a full report of the native meetings held at Waikato, April and May, 1860: [portr.] pp. 72, 8vo. Auck- land, 1860. BUICK, THOMAS LINDSAY. Old Marlborough ; or, the story of a province: [illust.]. 8vo. Palmerston North, 1900. BURNS, BARNET. Brief narrative of a New Zealand chief; being the remarkable history of Barnet Burns, an English sailor, with a faithful account of the way in which he became a chief of one of the tribes of New Zealand, with a few remarks on the manners and customs of the people, and other interesting matter: written by himself: [2 portrs.]. pp. 26, 8vo. Bel- fast, 1844. BURROWS, Rev. R. Extracts from a diary kept during Heke's war in the north in 1845. PP- 5^> 8vo. Auckland, 1886. Pam., v. 34, no. 557. BUSBY, JAMES. Illustrations of the system called responsible government; in a letter to H. E. Colonel Gore Browne, pp. 42, vi., 8vo. Auckland, 1860. Pam., v. 189, no. 3651. Our colonial empire, and the case of New Zealand. 8vo. Lond., [1866]. CANTERBURY association for founding a settlement in New Zea- land. Full and accurate report of the public meeting, i7th April, 1850. pp. 27, 8vo. Lond., 1850. Pam., v. 112, no. 2089 CANTERBURY papers ; information concerning the principles, objects, plans, and proceedings of the founders of the settle- ment of Canterbury, in New Zealand. [Nos. 1-8]. 8vo. Lond., 1851. Nos. 9-11, and t.p. wanting. CAREY, ROBERT, lieut. -colonel. Narrative of the late war in New Zealand. 8vo. Lond., 1863. CARLETON, HUGH, " Metoikos." A page from the history of New Zealand, pp. 69, 4to. Auckland, 1854. 714 HISTORY OF NEW ZEALAND. CHAMEROVZOW, Louis ALEXIS. The New /calami question and the rights of aborigines. 8vo. Lond., 1848. CHURCH missionary society. Memorial to the Secretary of state for the colonies, with a memorandum on New Zealand affairs. pp. xi., 46, 8vo. Lond., 1861. Pam., v. i8q, no. 3652 New Zealand : further remarks on New Zealand affairs. pp. 30, 8vo. Lond., 1861. Parr.., v. 137, no. 2642. COLENSO, Rev. WILLIAM. Authentic and genuine history of the signing of the Treaty of Waitangi, New Zealand, February 5 and 6, 1840; with copies of the treaty in English and Maori: [map], pp. 42, 8vo. Well., 1890. Pam., v. 32, no. 524. DAVIS, CHARLES OLIVER BOND. Maori mementos; being a series of addresses presented by the native people to His Excellency Sir George Grey ; with introductory remarks and explanatory notes. 8vo. Auckland, 1855. FENTON, FRANCIS DART. Suggestions for a history of the origin and migrations of the Maori people. 8vo. Auckland, 1885. FIRTH, JOSIAH CLIFTON. Nation making; a story of New Zea- land savagism vs. civilization. 8vo. Lond., 1890. FITZROY, ROBERT, admiral. Remarks on New Zealand in Feb- ruary, 1846. pp. 67, 8vo., n.p., n.d. Privately printed. FOX, Sir WILLIAM. The war in New Zealand : two maps and plan. 8vo. Lond., 1866. GILBERT, Rev. THOMAS. New Zealand settlers and soldiers; or,. the war in Taranaki : being incidents in the life of a settler. 8vo. Lond., xS6i. GISBORNE, WILLIAM. The colony of New Zealand; its history, vicissitudes, and progress : [map]. 8vo. Lond., 1888. GORST, Sir JOHN ELDON. The Maori king; or, the story of our quarrel with the natives of New Zealand : [map]. 8vo. Lond., 1864. GREY, Sir GEORGE. Memorandum upon a letter addressed by Lord Lyttelton to Sir George Grey. pp. 50, 8vo. Lond., 1854. Pam., v. 137, no. 2644. GUDGEON, THOMAS WAYTH, major. History and doings of the Maoris, from the year 1820 to the signing of the treaty of Waitangi in 1840. 8vo. Auckland, 1885. Reminiscences of the war in New Zealand : portrs. [and map]. 8vo. Lond., 1879. HATFIELD, OCTAVIUS, archdeacon of Kapite. One of England's little wars; a letter to the Duke of Newcastle, secretary of state for the colonies, pp. 26, 8vo. Lond., 1860. Pam., v. 159, no. 3047. HAWTREY, Rev. MONTAGUE JOHN GREGG. Justice to New Zea- land, honour to England, sm. 8vo. Lond., 1861. Pam., v. 33, no. 535. HITIRI TE PAERATA. Description of the battle of Orakau, as given by the native chief Hitiri te Paerata, of the Ngatirau- kawa tribe, pp. 15, 8vo. Well., 1888. Pam., v. 40, no. 677. HISTORY OF NEW ZEALAND. 715 .HOCKEN, THOMAS MORLAND. Contributions to the early history of New Zealand; settlement of Otago: illust. [and plans]. 8vo. Lond., 1898. HORSLEY, REGINALD. New Zealand: 1.2 illust. by A. D. McCormick. 8vo. Lond., 1908. (Romance of empire ser.) HURSTHOUSE, CHARLES FLINDERS. Letters on New Zealand subjects. 8vo. Lond., [1865]. Contents: i. The New Zealand war. 2. New Zealand's "Home minister." 3. " Maori emigrants." IRVINE, ROBERT FRANK, and ALPERS, O. T. J. Progress of New Zealand in the century. 8vo. Toronto, 1902. (Nineteenth century ser.) JACOBSON, HOWARD CHARLES, and STACK, Rev. J. W, Tales of Banks peninsula. i2mo. Akaroa, 1884. .LANG, Rev. JOHN DUNMORE. New Zealand in 1839 ; or, four letters to Earl Durham on the colonization of that island, and on the present condition and prospects of its native in- habitants : pref. and appx. for 1873. pp. 96, 8vo. Syd., i873. .LOUGHNAN, ROBERT ANDREW. Royalty in New Zealand; the visit of their Royal Highnesses the Dke and Duchess of Cornwall and York to New Zealand, loth to 2yth June, 1901; a descriptive narrative: [illust.] 4to. Well., 1902. McDONNELL, THOMAS, lieut. -colonel. Maori history; being a native account of the Pakeha-Maori wars in New Zealand. 8vo. Auckland, 1887. In Gudgeon T. \V. Defenders of New Zealand. Survey of the confiscated lands : campaign of the West coast, 1866-69. PP- 39> 8vo., n.p., n.d. Pam., v. 52, no. 851. -MACKAY, JAMES. Narrative of the opening of the Hauraki dis- trict for gold mining : [map], pp. 32, 8vo. Auckland, 1896. Pam.. v. 33, no. 542. In Maori and English. McKILLOP, H. F. Reminiscences of twelve months' service in New Zealand as midshipman, during the late disturbances in that colony. 8vo. Lond., 1849. McNAB, ROBERT. Murihiku and the southern islands ; a history of the West coast sounds, Foveaux strait, Stewart island, the Snares, Bounty, Antipodes, Auckland, Campbell, and Mac- quarie islands from 1770 to 1829. 8vo. Invercargill, 1907. Same : 2nd ed., entitled Murikihu; a history of the South island of New Zealand, and the islands adjacent and lying to the south from 1642 to 1835: [illust. and maps]. 8vo. Well., 1909. MANING, FREDERICK EDWARD. Old New Zealand; a tale of the good old times. 2nd ed., 8vo. Auckland, 1863. Same : another ed., entitled. Old New Zealand; a tale of the good old times : and a History of the war in the north against the chief Heke in the year 1845, told by an old chief of the Ngapuhi tribe : introd. by the Earl of Pembroke. 8vo. Lond., 1884. Same: another ed. : added to 'above title; also, Maori traditions, by a Pakeha Maori : introd. by Dr. Hocken : [illust.]. 8vo. ChristchurcH, 1906. Introd. is a short, biography of Maning. 716 HISTORY OF NEW ZEALAND. MAKING, FREDERICK EDWARD, Iranslator. History of the war in the north of New Zealand against the chief Heke, in the ' year 1845, told by an old chief of the Ngapuhi tribe. pp. 52, 8vo. Auckland, n.d. MARTIN, Sir WILLIAM, chief justice of N.Z. Remarks on " Notes published for the New Zealand government," January, 1861, and on Mr. Richmond's memorandum on the Taranaki question, December, 1860. pp. 52, 8vo. Lond., 1861. I'am., v. 159, no. 3053. The Taranaki question. 3rd ed., 8vo. Lond., 1861. MOSS, FREDERICK JOSEPH. School history of New Zealand. 8vo. Auckland, 1889. MOULD, THOMAS R., major-general. Sketch of military pro- ceedings in New Zealand from the termination of the Waitara campaign in March, 1861 : [9 plans], pp. 31, 8vo., n.t.p., [1861]. NEW ZEALAND: Government. [Papers relating to native affairs], fscp. fo. Well. Contents: Facsimiles of the declaration of independence, and the treaty of Waitangi. 1877. Observations on the state of the aboriginal inhabitants of New Zealand : by F. D. Fenton. 1859. Further papers relating to native affairs; reports from Mr. Fenton as to native affairs in the Waikato district. 1861. Returns of the killed and wounded [in native wars] from i May, 1868. 1869. Papers relating to Mr. Firth's visit to the Waikato. 1869. Papers relating to military operations against the rebel natives. 1869. Further papers ; 4 series. 1869. NEW ZEALAND: Royal commission on Hawke's bay native lands alienation. Report of the inquiry into the Heretaunga purchase. 8vo. Napier, 1873. NEW ZEALAND company. Documents appended to the twelfth report of the directors, 26th April, 1844 : [map]. 8vo. Lond., 1844. Supplement to the eighteenth report of the directors, being re- cent information, pp. 62, 8vo. Lond., 1845. Pam., v. 135, no. 2604. Supplementary information relative to New Zealand; comprising despatches and journals of the company's officers of the first expedition, and the first report of the directors. i2mo. Lond., 1840. Twenty-fourth report of the court of directors, 3ist May, 1848. pp. vi., 67., 8vo. Lond., 1848. Pam., v. 189, no. 3653. NEW ZEALAND war of 1860; an inquiry into its origin and jus- tice ; with some remarks on the land question in relation to the natives, pp. 52, 8vo. Lond., [1861]. OCCASIONAL papers printed ... in support of the rights and interests of the New Zealanders: no. i. Despatch from Sir William Denison to the Duke of Newcastle, no. 2. Is it peace? pp. 8, 19, 8vo. Auckland, 1861. Pam., v. 189, nos. 3654-55. PARSONS, FRANK. The story of New Zealand, with special reference to the political, industrial, and social development : [illust., with appces. on progressive taxation, industrial courts, old age pensions, and bibliography]. 8vo. Phila., 1904. HISTOEY OF NEW ZEALAND. 717 PYKE, VINCENT. History of the early gold discoveries in Otago. 8vo. Dunedin, 1887. ROSS, Rev. C. STUART. Early Otago, and some of its notable men. 8vo. Dunedin, 1907. RUSDEN, GEORGE WILLIAM. History of New Zealand: [map] 3 v., 8vo. Lond., 1883. RUSDEN, GEORGE WILLIAM, ed. Aureretanga ; groans of the Maoris. 8vo. Lond., 1888. SHERRIN, RICHARD A. A., and WALLACE, J. HOWARD. Early history of New Zealand. 4to. Auckland, 1890. From the earliest times to 1840 by Sherrin ; from 1840 to 1845 by Wallace. STACK, Rev. JAMES WEST. Kaiapohia ; the story of a siege ; illust. -pp. 94, sm. 8vo. Christchurch, 1893. Pam., v. 33, no. 533. The sacking of Kaiapohia : [illust.]. 8vo. Christchurch, n.d. In Travers, William T. L. The stirring times of Te Rauparaha. SWAINSON, WILLIAM. New Zealand and the war. 8vo. Lond., 1862. THOMSON, ARTHUR S. The story of New Zealand, past and pre- sent, savage and civilized: [map and illust.]. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1859. TRAVERS, W T ILLIAM THOMAS LOCKE. The stirring times of Te Rauparaha, chief of the Ngatitoa. 8vo. Christchurch, n.d. WAKEFIELD, EDWARD GIBBON. Founders of Canterbury; being letters to the late John Robert Godley, and to other well-known helpers in the foundation of the settlement of Canterbury in New Zealand, v. i r 8vo. Christchurch, 1868. All published. WAKELIN, RICHARD. History and politics -, containing the poli- tical recollections and leaves from the writings of a New iZealand journalist, 1851-77. 8vo. Well., X 877. WALLACE, J. HOWARD. Manual of New Zealand history. pp. 70, 8vo. Well., 1886. WANGANUI. Interesting chapters from the early history of Wan- ganui, and Wanganui in 1856 : [2 illust.]. pp. 75, 8vo. Wanganui, 1887. Pam., v. 33, no. 540. WARD, CROSBIE. Letter to Lord Lyttelton on the relations of Great Britain with the colonists and aborigines of New Zealand, pp. 82, 8vo. Lond., 1863. Pam., v. i8g, no. 3656. WELLS, BENJAMIN. History of Taranaki. 8vo. New Plymouth, 1878. WESLEYAN missionary society. New Zealand; correspondence between the Wesleyan missionary committee and Earl Grey on the apprehended infringement of the Treaty of Waitangi. pp. 36, 8vo. Lond., 1848. Pam., v. 159, no. 3049. New Zealand ; correspondence between the Wesleyan missionary committee and Sir John Pakington on the importance of framing the bill for giving a representative constitution to New Zealand with due regard to the Treaty of Waitangi. pp. 8, 8vo. Lond., 1852. Pam., v. 159, no. 3054. 718 HISTOEY OF AUSTRALIA. WHITMORE, Sir GEORGE STODDART, major-general. The last Maori war in New Zealand under the self-reliant policy : pref. by R. A. Loughnan : [maps and illust.]. 8vo. Lond., 1902. WILLIAMS, THOMAS COLEMAN. Letter to the Right hon. W. E. Gladstone, being an appeal on behalf of the Ngatiraukawa tribe. 8vo. Well., 1873. The Manawatu purchase completed ; or, the Treaty of Waitangi broken, pp. 72, 8vo. Well., 1867. Pam., v. 34, no. 556. Same: another copy. Pam., v. 137, no. 2643. A page from the history of a record reign: [map], pp. 46, 8vo. Well., 1899. Pam., v. 159, no. 3052. 993.2. New Caledonia. MATHIEU, A. Aper^u histoiique sur la tribu des Houassios ou des Manougoes. pp. n, 8vo. Noumea, n.d. Pam., v. 159, no. 3055. MONCELON, LEON. Nouvelle-Caledonie ; adresse a ses concitoyens en reponse a 1'accusation portee contre lui, par M. Escande. pp. 39, 8vo. Paris, 1885. Pam., v. 159, no. 3056. 993.4. New Hebrides. AUSTRALASIAN New Hebrides company. Australia and the New Hebrides: [map], pp. 9, 8vo. Syd., 1892. Pam., v. 48, no. 808. LA FRANCE en Oceanic; 1'annexion des Nouvelles-He"brides. pp. 19, 8vo. Paris, 1884. From the Revue du monde Latin Pam., v. 159, no. 3067. 994. Australia. ALLEN, JAMES. History of Australia from 1787 to 1882. 8vo. Melb., 1882. ANREP-ELMT, REINHOLD, graf. Australien ; eine Reise durch den ganzen Weltheil. 3 v., 8vo. Leipzig, 1886. AUCKLAND, WILLIAM EDEN, ist baron. History of New Hol- land from its first discovery in 1616 to the present time; with a particular account of its produce and inhabitants, and a description of Botany Bay ; also a list of the naval, marine, military, and civil establishments, [and] an introductory dis- course on banishment: maps and charts. 2nd ed., 8vo. Lond., 1787. AUSTRALIAN anniversary dinner. Speeches delivered at Aus- tralian anniversary dinner, on 26th January, 1858. pp. 35, 8vo. Lond., [1858]. Pam., v. 138, no. 2646. BARTLEY, NEHEMIAH. Australian pioneers and reminiscences : ed. by J. J. Knight. 8vo. Bristol, 1896. HISTORY OF AUSTRALIA. 719 BECKE, GEORGE LEWIS, " Louis Becke," and JEFFERY, WALTER. Naval pioneers of Australia: illust. 8vo. Lond., 1899. Contents. Introductory. Dampier. Cook. Arthur Phillip. Governor Hunter. Marines and the N.S.W. corps. Governor King. Bass and Flinders. Captivity of Flinders. Bligh and the mutiny of the Bounty. Bligh as governor. Other naval pioneers. BENNETT, SAMUEL. History of Australian discovery and colonis- ation. 8vo. Syd., 1867. BLAIR, DAVID. Cyclopaedia of Australasia ; or, dictionary of facts, events, dates, persons, and places connected with the discovery, exploration, and progress of the British dominions in the south, to 1881. 8vo. Melb., 1881. History of Australasia, from the first dawn of discovery in the Southern ocean to the establishment of self-government in the various colonies: illust. and maps. 410. Glasg., 1879. BLERZY, H. L'Australie; son histoire physique, et sa colonisa- tion : les vice- roy antes anglaises. 8vo. Paris, 1864-70. Two articles from the " Revue des deux mondes." BLOSSEVILLE, BENIGNE ERNEST PORET, marquis DE. Histoire des colonies penales de 1'Angleterre dans 1'Australie. 8vo. Paris, 1831. Bibliography of Australia, pp. 527-594. BONWICK, JAMES. Curious facts of old colonial days. i2mo. Lond., 1870. The first twenty years of Australia ; a history founded on official documents. 8vo. Lond., 1882. BUCHELE, E. Australien in der Gegenwart, nach seiner histor- ischen Entwickelung und Beschaffenheit, seinen Einwohnern und Produkten, seinen socialen commerciellen und statistischen Verhaltnissen. 8vo. Stuttgart, 1856. CARNARVON, HENRY HOWARD MOLYNEUX HERBERT, 4th earl of. Annexation and confederation in Australasia, pp. 12, 8vo. Lond., 1884. Pam., v. 121, no. 2263. CHOMLEY, CHARLES HENRY. Tales of old times ; early Aus- tralian incident and adventure: illust. 8vo. Melb., 1903. CLARKE, MARCUS ANDREW HISLOP. Stories of Australia in the early days : [biography and monograph by Hamilton Mac- kinnon]. 8vo. Lond., 1897. CLARKE, MARCUS ANDREW HISLOP, ed. History of the continent of Australia and the island of Tasmania, 1787-1870. 8vo. Melb., 1877. COLLINGRIDGE, GEORGE. First discovery of Australia and New Guinea ; being the narrative of Portuguese and Spanish dis- coveries in the Australasian regions between the years 1492- 1606 : [illust.]. 8vo. Syd., 1906. COOK, JAMES, captain. The landing of lieutenant James Cook, R.N., commander, at Botany Bay, 1770: [illust.]. pp. 32, 8vo. Syd., 1901. Pam., v. 8, no. 184. DAIBER, ALBERT. Geschichte aus Australien: illust. i2mo. Leipzig, 1902. 720 HISTORY OF AUSTRALIA. FEDERATION album: [a collection of invitation cards, 6*t., for the Commonwealth celebrations at Sydney and Melbourne, 1901]. fo., n.p., n.d. FINNEY, JOSEPH. History of the Australian colonies: part i, New South Wales, part 2, The other colonies : [maps]. 8vo. Syd., 1901. FLANAGAN, RODERICK J. History of New South Wales; with an account of Van Diemen's Land, New Zealand, Port Phillip, Moreton Bay, and other Australasian settlements. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1862. GORDON, W. J. The captain-general; being the story of the attempt of the Dutch to colonize New Holland : [chart]. 8vo. Lond., 1888. An account, in the form of a tale, of the wreck of the Batavia on Houtman's Abrolhts, off the coast of Western Australia, in 1628, and of the subsequent proceedings. GRIMM, Rev. GEORGE. Concise history of Australia. 8vo. Syd., [about 1891]. HARGRAVES, EDWARD HAMMOND. Australia, and its gold fields ; a historical sketch of the progress of the Australian colonies: map. 8vo. Lond., 1855. HASSALL, Rev. JAMES S. In old Australia: records and reminis- cences from 1794 [illust.]. 8vo. Brisb., 1902. With autograph letter from the author to Mr. A. G. Stephens. HEAWOOD, EDWARD. Was Australia discovered in the sixteenth century? pp. 6, 8vo., n.p., n.d. Pam., v. 177, no. 3407. HOGAN, JAMES FRANCIS. The Gladstone colony ; an unwritten chapter of Australian history : [with letter by Mr. Gladstone]. 8vo. Lond^., 1898. The Irish in Australia. 8vo. Lond., 1887. HUNTINGTON, H. W. H. History of Australasia; or, our first century : [maps], pp. 60, 4to. Newcastle, 1888. JENKS, EDWARD. History of the Australasian colonies, from their foundation to 1893: [maps]. 8vo. Camb., 1895. JOSE, ARTHUR WILBERFORCE.- History of Australasia from the earliest times to the inauguration of the Commonwealth. 8vo. Syd., 1901. KEEN AN, J. J. Inaugural celebrations of the Commonwealth of Australia: [illust.]. 4to. Syd., 1904. KNOPWOOD, Rev. ROBERT. Typewritten copy of Journal of the proceedings on board His Majesty's ship Resolution, com- manded by the Hon. A. H. Gardner; from ist January, 1801, to 22nd July, 1802. 4to., n.p., n.d. Describes voyage, visit to Port Phillip, and proceedings in Tasmania. LANG, W. H. Australia: 12 illust. by G. W. Lambert. 8vo. Lond., [1908]. (Romance of empire ser.) LUGARD, FLORA L., nee Shaw, lady. The story of Australia. i2mo. Lond., 1897. MACDONALD, ALEXANDER CAMERON. A chapter from the history of early discovery and colonisation of Australia. pp. 19, 8vo. Melb., 1891. Pam., v. 116, no. 2166. HISTORY OF AUSTRALIA. 721 MARRIOTT, IDA, nee Lee, Mrs. C. B. The coming of the British to Australia, 1788 to 1829 : illust. ; with pref. by the Marquis of Linlithgow. 8vo. Lond., 1906. MARTIN, ROBERT MONTGOMERY. British colonial library, v. 2, i2mo. Lond., 1836. Contents: v. 2. Australasia. New South Wales : [map]. Van Diemen's Land : [map]. Western Australia. South Australia. Same: 2nd ed. entitled, History of Australasia comprising, New South Wales, Van Diemens Island, Swan river, South Australia, &c. : maps and 2 illust. i2mo. Lond., 1839. MOSSMAN, SAMUEL. Our Australian colonies ; their discovery, his- tory, resources, and prospects : map and plans. i2mo. Lond., [1866]. NEW SOUTH WALES -.Government. Official programme of ceremonial and entertainments commemorative of the inaugura- tion of the Australian Commonwealth at Sydney, ist January, 1901 : [illust.]. 8vo. Syd., 1901. Pam., v. 116, no. 2162. Official programme and memento of the Commonwealth festivi- ties, January, 1901 : illust. pp. 24, 8vo. Syd., [1900]. Published by the Federal programme and badge Co., Sydney. Pam., v. 177, no. 3408. OLD TIME, pseud. The convict hulk Success; the story of her life, and the lives of those who filled her cells : illust. 8vo. Melb., 1891. PELSAERT, FRANgoYS. Ongeluckige voyagie van't schip Batavia, nae de Oost-Indien. Gebleven op de Abrolhos van F. Hout- man . . . Mytgevaren onder den E. F. Pelsert. Nevens een treur-bly-eynde Ongheluck, des Oost Indische Compagnies Dienaers in't jaer 1636, wedervaren, in't Hof van Siam . . . Als mede de groote tyrannye van Abas, Coninck van Persien, Anno 1645 . . . Alles door een Lief-hebber uyt verscheyde Schriften te samen ghestelt, &c. : [illust.]. sm. 410. Amsterdam, 1647. Same: another ed. sm. 4to. Amsterdam, 1648. Same: [Typewritten copy of translation of those parts relating to the proceedings in Australia, by W. Siebenhaar.] fscp. fo., n.p., n.d. RALPH, EDITH. Empire builders in Australia; early days in New South Wales, Victoria, and South Australia : map. 8vo. Lond, 1911. RUSDEN, GEORGE WILLIAM. History of Australia. 2nd ed., 3 v., 8vo. Melb., 1897. SCHOOL history of Australia ; being a brief account of the pro- gress of the colonies from the earliest discoveries to 1900. pp. 94, 8vo. Melb., 1900. SCOTT, ERNEST. Terre Napoleon; a history of French explora- tions and projects in Australia : illust. and maps. 8vo. Lond., 1910. SUTHERLAND, ALEXANDER, and SUTHERLAND, GEORGE. History of Australia, from 1606 to 1888: [illust.]. i4th ed., i2mo. Melb., 1890. TREGARTHEN, GREVILLE. The Australian Commonwealth' : [maps and illust.]. 8vo. Lond., 1894. (Story of the nations.) 722 HISTORY OF AUSTRALIA. TURNER, HENRY GYLES. The first decade of the Australian Com- monwealth ; a chronicle of contemporary politics, 1901-1910. 8vo. Melb., 1911. WHITE, CHARLES. Old convict days^in Australia. 8vo. Syd., 1906. YEAR-BOOK of Australia. Historical account of New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia, Tasmania, Victoria, and Western Australia, pp. 32, 8vo. Melb., 1888. Pam., v. 116, no. 2164. 994.1. Western Australia. KIMBERLEY, W. B., compiler. History of West Australia; a narrative of her past ; with biographies of her leading men : [illust.]. 4to. Melb., 1897. WESTERN AUSTRALIA. [Article on granting of constitution.] pp. ii, 8vo. Lond., 1888. (From the Westminster review.) Pam., v. 138, no. 2647. 994.2. South Australia. AYERS, Sir HENRY. Pioneer difficulties in founding South Aus- tralia, pp. 19, 8vo. Adel., 1891. Pam., v. 136, no. 2610. BLACKET, Rev. JOHN. Early history of South Australia ; a romantic experiment in colonization, 1836-57 : [illust.]. 8vo. Adel., 1907. BULL, JOHN WRATHALL. Early experiences of life in South Aus- tralia, and an extended colonial history : illust. 8vo. Adel., 1884. FORSTER, ANTHONY. South Australia ; its progress and pros- perity : map. 8vo. Lond., 1866. GOODEN, GEORGE W., and MOORE, THOMAS L., compilers. Fifty years' history of the town of Kensington and Norwood, July, 1853, to July, 1903 : [plan and illust.]. 8vo. Adel., 1903. HODDER, EDWIN. History of South Australia from its foundation to the year of its jubilee: 2 maps. 2 v., 8vo. Lond., 1893. HODDER, EDWIN, ed. Founding of South Australia, as recorded in the journal of Mr. Robert Gouger, first colonial secretary. 8vo. Lond., 1898. PASCOE, J. J., ed. History of Adelaide and vicinity, with a general sketch of the province of South Australia, and bio- graphies of representative men. 410. Adel., 1901. TORRENS, Sir ROBERT RICHARD. Letter and a memorial addressed to Lord John Russell, pp. 13, 31, 8vo. Lond., 1842. Pam., v. 116, no. 2165. WOODS, JAMES DOMINICK. Narrative of the visit of H.R.H. the Duke of Edinburgh to South Australia. 8vo. Adel.. 1868. WORSNOP, THOMAS. History of the city of Adelaide, from the foundation of the province of South Australia in 1836 to 1877 : map. 8vo. Adel., 1878. HISTORY OF AUSTRALIA. 723 994.3. Queensland. CAMPBELL, JOHN. The early settlement of Queensland, and other articles : with " The raid of the aborigines," by William Wilks. p ( p. 58, 8vo. Ipswich, 1875. Pam., v. 21, no. 37q. 'COOTE, WILLIAM. History of the colony of Queensland from 1770 to the close of the year 1881 ; v. i, from 1770 to the separation of the district of Moreton Bay from New South Wales, and its constitution as a separate colony in December, 1859: [map]. 8vo. Brisb., 1882. All published. HOW constitutional government was won for Australia: reminis- cences of half a century, by an old colonist, pp. 79, 8vo. Rockhampton, 1898. Pam., v. 44, no. 753. KNIGHT, JOHN JAMES. In the early days; history and incident of pioneer Queensland, with dictionary of dates in chrono- logical order: illust. 8vo. Brisb., 1895. MESTON, ARCHIBALD. Geographic history of Queensland. 8vo. Brisb., 1895. PUGH, THEOPHILUS P. Brief outline of the history of the More- ton Bay settlement, from the time of the discovery of the Bay by Captain Cook, down to the present time. pp. 95, i2mo. [Brisb., 1859]. Pam., v. 59, no. 072. ^RUSSELL, HENRY STUART. The genesis of Queensland : portrs. and facsimiles. 8vo. Syd., 1888. VISIT of the detached squadron with their Royal Highnesses Prince Edward and Prince George of Wales to Brisbane, from i6th to 2Oth August, 1881 : [illust.]. pp. 39, 4to. Brisb., 1881. 994.4. New South Wales. ARMSTRONG, RICHARD RAMSAY, commander, R.N. Captain Armstrong, R.N. re Lord Howe Island, 1879-1884. -pp. 57, la. 8vo. Syd., 1884. Captain Armstrong was removed from his position as magistrate of Lord Howe island, and this pamphlet is his defence against the charges brought against him. AUSTRALIAN patriotic association. Letter to C. Buller, jnr., M.P., in reply to his communications respecting certain forms of local government proposed for this colony, March, 1839. pp. 26, 8vo. Syd., 1840. Pam., v. 67, no. 114?. Same : another copy. Pam., v. 97, no 1759 Letter from the Australian patriotic association to C. Buller, in reply to his communication of 2nd Sept., 1839. [regarding transportation], pp. 15, 8vo. Syd., 1840. Pam., v. 138, no. 2651;. Letter from C. Buller in support of the petition for the con- tinuance of transportation, 31 st May, 1839 : revised 4th March, 1843."^. 65, 8vo. Syd., 1843. Pam., v. 138, no. 26^6 724 HISTORY OF NEW SOUTH WALES. AUSTRALIAN patriotic association continued. Letter to C. Buller, in reply to his communication of 3ist May, 1840, [regarding transportation], pp. 18, 8vo. Syd., 1840. Pam., v. 97, -no. 1762. Letter to C. Buller, on the Bill for the introduction of muni- cipal institutions into New South Wales, 1840. pp. 23, 8vo. Syd., 1840. Pam., v. 97, no. 1761 Letter to C. Buller, on the Census bill of the local legislature of New South Wales, passed in 1840. pp. 27, 8vo. Syd., 1840. Pam., v. 97, no. 1760. Letter to C. Buller, in reply to his communication of July and August, 1840: February, 1841. [New South Wales govern- ment: bill], pp. 1 6, 8vo. Syd., 1841. Pam., v. 97, no. 1763. Report of the directing committee for the year ending ist July. 1836. pp. 15, 9, sm. 8vo. Syd., 1836. Pam., v. 138, no. 2654. BANNISTER, SAXE. . An appeal by a colonial law officer to the crown, pp. 6, 8vo. Lond., 1830. Pam., v. 189, no. 3660. Statements and documents relating to proceedings in New South Wales in 1824, 1825 and 1826, intended to support an appeai to the King by the attorney-general of the colony. 5 portrs. 8vo. Cape Town, 1827. BARRINGTON, GEORGE. History of New South Wales, including Botany Bay, Port Jackson, Parramatta, Sydney, with an ac- count of the English colony: illust. 2nd ed., 8vo. Lond., 1810. Sequel to Barrington's " Voyage to New South Wales," com- prising an interesting narrative of the transactions and be- haviour of the convicts, the progress of the colony, &c. 8vo. Lond., 1800. Voyage to Botany Bay ; with a description of the country, manners, customs, religion, &c., of the natives; to which is added his life and trial. 8vo. Lond., 1793. BARTON, GEORGE BURNETT. History of New South Wales, from the records: v. i, Governor Phillip, 1783-1789: [maps and illust.]. 8vo. Syd., 1889. For v. 2 see Britton, Alexander. BINGLE, JOHN. Past and present records of Newcastle, New South Wales, pp. 67, 8vo. Newcastle, 1873. Pam., v. 19, no. 347. BLAND, WILLIAM. Letters to Charles Buller, junior, from the Australian 1 patriotic association: [pref.]. 8vo. Syd., 1849. BRABOURNE papers relating to the settlement and early history of the colony [New South Wales] : a pamphlet containing a summary, pp. 48, 8vo. Syd., 1886. Pam., v. 138, no. 2652. BRAIM, THOMAS HENRY. History of New South Wales, from its settlement to the close of the year 1844. 2 v. in i. 8vo. Lond., 1846. HISTORY OF NEW SOUTH WALES. 725 BRITTON, ALEXANDER. History of New South Wales from the records: v. 2. Philip and Grose, 1789-1794; ed. by F. M. Bladen : maps and illust. 8vo. Syd., 1894. For v. i see Barton, G. B. BROWN, D. KINNEAR, ed. History of the year; a record of the chief events and topics of interest from Jan. i to Dec. 31, 1885. 8vo. Syd., 1886. Same : another copy. Pam., v. 42, no. 708. CLARKE, Rev. WILLIAM BRANWHITE. The claims of the Rev. W. B. Clarke, pp. 33, 8vo. Syd., 1860. Pam., v. 41, no. 693. COMPLETE report of the attempted assassination of H.R.H. Prince Alfred, pp. 60, 8vo. Syd., 1868. Pam., v. 138, no. 2651. COOK, JAMES, captain. Captain Cook's landing in Botany Bay, with facsimile of Cook's chart, pp. 12, 8vo. Syd., n.d. Pam., v. 138, no. 2650 Unveiling of the Captain Cook statue, Hyde Park, Sydney, on Tuesday, 25th February, 1879 : illust. pp. 6, 8vo. Syd., 1879. DONOHUE, F. J., "Arthur Gayll." History of Botany Bay: [illust.]. pp. 64, 4to. Syd., [1888?]. FITZPATRICK, JOHN CHARLES LUCAS. " The good old days "; being a record of facts and reminiscences concerning the Hawkesbury district. i2mo. Syd., 1900. GARDINER, FRANK, bushranger. Typewritten copy of Cor- respondence between His Excellency tihe Governor [of New South Wales] and His Honour the Chief justice, Sir James Martin, re the proposed liberation of Frank Gardiner, bush- ranger, in 1875. pp. 21, n.p., n.d. GOULBURN herald newspaper. Gleanings from old -Australian papers, pp. 44, 8vo. Goulburn, 1880. Pam., v. 87, no. 1571. GREAT BRITAIN: Parliament. Copies or extracts of corre- spondence relative to the default of Mr. Manning, late regis- trar of the Supreme court of New South Wales ; also, copy of any orders of the government for security taken from Mr. Manning, pp. 51, fscp. fo. Lond., 1845. [Papers relating to convicts Joseph Sudds and Patrick Thomp- son], fscp. fo. Lond., 1828. Contents: Despatches from Lieut. -Genl. Darling to Earl Bathurst. Papers explanatory of the charges brought against Lieut. -Genl. Darling by William Charles Wentworth. Despatches relative to the punisrnent and death of private Joseph Sudds. HALL, EDWARD SMITH. Reply in refutation of the pamphlets of Lieut. -genl. R. Darling and Maj.-genl. H. C. Darling, ad- dressed by them to J. Hume, M.P., and Viscount Goderich, Earl of Ripon. 8vo. Lond., 1833. HISTORICAL records of New South Wales; ed. by A. Brittonand F. M. Bladen: [illust., maps, and facsimile letters]. 6 v. in 7. 8vo. Syd., 1893-98. Contents: v. i. pt. i. Cook, 1762-80. v. i. pt. 2. Phillip, 1783- 92. v. 2. Grose and Paterson, 1793-95- v. 3. Hunter, 1796-99. v. 4. Hunter and King, 1800-02. v. 5. King, 1800-05. v - 6. King and Bligh, 1806-08. 726 HISTORY OF NEW SOUTH WALES. HUNTER, JOHN, vice-admiral. Historical journal of the transac- tions at Port Jackson and Norfolk island, with the discoveries which have been made in New South Wales and in the Southern ocean since the publication of Phillip's voyage; compiled from the official papers, including the journals of Governors Phillip and King and Lieut. Ball, and the voyages from the first sailing of the Sirius in 1787 to 1792 : maps and illust. 4to. Lond., 1793. Same: another ed.; entityed, Historical journal of the trans- actions at Port Jackson and Norfolk Island, including the journals of Governors Phillip and King, since the publication of Phillip's voyage, with an abridged account of the new dis- coveries in the Soutih seas ; to which is prefixed a life of the author : map and illust. 8vo. Lond., 1793. HUTCHINSON, FRANK, and MYERS, FRANCIS. The Australian contingent ; a history of the patriotic movement in New South Wales, and an account of the despatch of troops to ... .* 499 268 ANDREWS, Mrs. T. R. A glimpse of hell 823 471 ANDREWS, W., ed. Curious epitaphs 929-5 676 ANECDOTES of Victoria . . . . . . .v 828 490 ANGAS, G. F. Australia 919-4 570 The New Zealanders 572-9931 316 Polynesia 919-6 621 Savage life and scenes in Australia and N.Z. 919-4 570 Six views of the goldfields of Ophir 769 426 South Australia illustrated 919-42 589 Views of the gold regions of Australia 769 425 Wreck of the Admella 821 442 See Hodder, E. ANGELL, N. The great illusion 355 225 ANGLO-AUSTRALASIAN photographic co. Views of Victoria 779 430 ANGUS, R. Spiritism 133-9 16 ANLEY, C. Prisoners of Australia 365 237 ANNEAB, S. Appeal to the public 287 72 ANNUACRE des etablissements Fran?ai8 de 1'Oceanie 325-44 105 ANNUAL American catalogue 015 1 ANNUAL library index 050 7 ANNUAL literary index 050 7 INDEX. 741 Author and Short Title. ANNUAL practice ANNUAL register ANREP-ELMT, B. Australien ANSON, 1st baron. Voyage round the world ANSON, Sir W. B. Law and custom of the constitution .. ANTI-DRACO. Punishment of death in caaes of forgery . . ANTIPODEAN ANTIPODEAN APPEAL of western crown tenants APRES DE MANNEYILLETTE, J. B. M. D. D'. Chart of the Indian ocean ARABIAN nights (Burton) ARAGO, J. E. V. Beide Oceane Narrative of a voyage ARBER, E. A. N. Fossil plants of the glossopteris flora . . ARBITER in council ARBLAY, F., Madame D'. Diary ARC, H. PERRON D'. See Perron d' Arc. ARC, JEANNE D'. See Lang, A. See Thibault, J. A. See Vaughan, B. ARCHBOLD, J. D. Standard oil company AHCHDALL, M. Darwinism ARCHER, J. H. L. Orders of chivalry ARCHER, T. History, &c., of Queensland ARCHER, W. Life, trial, and death of Francisco Ferrer . . Through Afro- America .. ARCHER, W. H. Noctes Catholicae 'Progress of Victoria Statistical notes on Victoria Statistical register of Victoria, 1854 ARDEN, G. Port Phillip ARGENTINE year-book ARGUE, R. M. Evolution exploded "ARGUS " (Melbourne) Burke and Wills exploring expedition, and supple- mentary pamphlet First federal issue Free trade versus protection Principles of representation Squatters' directory Special correspondent of. See Willoughby, H. " ARGUS " law reports ARGYLL, 9th duke of. Intimate society letters Passages from the past ARIOSTO, L. See Gardner, E. G. ARISTOBULUS (ps.) Universal destruction of aboriginal races ARISTOTLE. Moral philosophy Psychology AB&HDALE federal capital league. Gostwyck site ARMIT, W. E. Certain plants of north-western Queensland ARMOUR, J . The diggings ARMSTRONG, E. The emperor Charles V. ARMSTRONG, E. L. Book of the Public library, &c., of Viet. ARMSTRONG, E. S. Melanesian mission ARMSTRONG, J. S. The Bobertson district ARMSTRONG, N. On the science of singing See Murphy, A. G. ARMSTRONG, B. B. Captain Armstrong re liOfd "Howe island ARMSTRONG, W. D. Gdnera in Bentham and Mueller's Flora Australiensis . . ARMY annual and year-book Class No. 347-9 905 994 910-4 342-42 343-2 805 828 336-11 912-96 398-2 910-4 910-4 561 172 920 338-8 575 929-71 919-43 920 9I7-3 282 319-45 319-45 319-45 919-45 318 575 070 919-4 342-94 337 321-4 919-45 346-94 826 920 325 182 182 919-44 581 J 9943 919-45 943 027 266 919-44 780 994-4 581-994 355 Page 208 499 718 505 173 191 434 490 151 534 263 505 505 309 21 631 165 327 676 594 631 553 58 '88 88 88 606 85 327 11 570 187 158 92 606 199 489 631 97 27 27 597 335 606 695 6 50 397 430 723 742 INDEX. Author and Short Title. rla^.s .Vo. AHN nt.i i, G. C. Local taxation ARNOLD, Sir J. Law of marine insurance ARNOLD, M. Culture and anarchy Essays in criticism (2 series) . . Friendship's garland God and the Bible Irish essays Last essays on church and religion Letters Literature and dogma . . . . Mixed essays On translating Homer St. Paul and Protestantism See Russell, G. W. E. ARNOLD, T. History of Rome History of the later Roman commonwealth Introductory lectures on modern history Miscellaneous works ARNOLD, T. Passages in a wandering life ARNOLD, W. T. Studies of Roman imperialism ARRHENITTS, S. The life of the universe Worlds in the making ARRIVAL of the first gold escort, Melbourne : plate ARROWSMTTH, A. Australia (map) Carte du detroit de Basse Chart of harbours in V.D.L. Chart of V.D.L. Eastern provinces of Australia South Australia South-eastern portion of Australia Van Diemen's Land ARTEMIDORUS. N.Z. in the next great war ARTHUR, Sir G. Defence of transportation ARTHUR, H. In extremis ARTHUR, W. What is Fiji ? ARTIN, Y. England in the Sudan ... ARTOUD, W. Portrait of Andrew Kippis ASHBEE, C. R. Building of Thelema ASHBOURNE, 1st baron. Pitt ASHBY, W. New Zealand ASHDOWN, Mrs. C. H. British costume during 19 centuries . . ASHLEY, A. E. M. Life and correspondence of viscount Palmerston ASHLEY, P. English local government Local and central government Modern tariff history ASHLEY, R. L. The American federal state ASHLEY, W. J. Progress of the German working classes ASHLEY, W. J., ed. British dominions ASHTON, J. British caricature and satire on Napoleon I. History of gambling in England Social England under the regency ASHTON, J. The great land question ASHTON, J. R. Arrival of Governor Phfllip'n fleet (water colour) ASHTON, R. The writing on the wall ASHWOHTH, T. R. and H. P. C. Proportional representation ASOKA. See Smith, V. A. ASPIN, J. Chart of N.S.W., &c. ASPINALL, C. Three years in Melbourne ASQUTTH, H. H. See Alderson, J. P. ASSOCIATION of American law schools, ed. Select essays in Anglo-American legal history ASSOCIATION of official agricultural chemists. Methods of analysis _ 336-28 347-7 824 824 804 229 824 204 920 230 824 880 280 937 937 904 320-4 920 937 523-1 523-1 769 912-94 912-946 912-946 912-946 912-94 912-942 912-944 912-946 355 365 821 919-61 916.26 769 321 920 919-31 391 920 352-042 352 337 342-73 331-8 914 -2s 944 174-6 942-07 333-1 769 821 324-2 912-94 919-45 340 631 INDEX. 743 Author and Short Title. ASTLEY, W. The federal capital : a ratio of values The federal capital : western sites Half-crown Bob Labor in politics Tales of the convict system Tales of the early days Tales of the isle of death Tales of the old regime ASTON, G. G. Letters on amphibious wars ASTON, T. Maiden verses . . . . ATHERTON, Mrs. G. F. Ancestors The conqueror ATHLETIC Queensland ATKINS, J. B. Life of Sir William Howard Russell ATKINS, T. Reminiscences Wanderings of the clerical Eulysses ATKINSON, A. S. The Maori-Polynesian dictionary of E Tregear ATKINSON, C. L. W. See Calvert, Mrs. ATKINSON, C. T. History of Germany, 1716-1815 ATKINSON, E. J. R. By a midnight sea The shrine of desire ATKINSON, J. State of agriculture in N.S.W. .. ATKINSON, J. B. Penal settlements . . " ATLAS "(Sydney) ATLAS geographus ATLAY, J. B. The Victorian chancellors ATTERIDGE, A. H. Napoleon's brothers ATTON, H., and HOLLAND, H. H. The King's customs . . AUBERT, M. J. Manual of Maori conversation AUBREY, JUSTIN. See. Steward, Sir W. J. ATJBTTRN Methodist church : Methodist ladies' guild. 60C tested recipes AUCKLAND, 1st baron. History of New Holland Journal and correspondence AUCKLAND, 1st earl of. See Trotter, L. J. AUCKLAND : Law : Statutes. Acts of the Superintendent and provincial council AUDSLEY, G. A., and BOWLES, J. L. Keramic art of Japan AUDUBON, M. R. Audubon and his journals AULARD, F. V. A. The French revolution AUNET. See Biard d'Aunet. AURIFEROUS deposits of the Annandale estate, Q. AUSTEN, J. Works AUSTIN, A. The door of humility Sacred and profane love AUSTIN, J. B. Mines of S.A. AUSTIN, R. Expedition to explore the interior of W.A. . . AUSTRAL. See Moodie, D. C. F. AUSTRAL light magazine. Review of the Scripture council campaign AUSTRALASIA : 97 photos AUSTRALASIA : Federal council. Journals and printed papers Official record of debates Standing rules and orders AUSTRALASIAN newspaper. The AUSTRALASIAN annual digest . . AUSTRALASIAN association for 1 Black forest " of Viet, the advancement of science : Report of committee on glacial action in Australia. . Reports of meetings : Solar physics committee. Proposed solar observatory in Australia . Class No. 919-44 919-44 823 329-994 823 823 823 823 355 821 823 823 796 920 910 919-4 499 943 821 821 630 365 070 910 920-01 920-01 336-26 499 641 994 920 345-931 738 920 944 553-4 823 821 821 622-1 919-41 377 779 328-94 328-94 328-1 919-45 346-94 559-4 506 623-7 Page 597 597 471 119 471 471 471 471 226 442 470 470 431 631 501 570 268 695 442 442 389 237 11 501 670 670 155 268 410 718 631 196 421 631 697 298 467 437 437 382 687 247 429 114 114 107 606 199 290 274 281 INDEX. Author and Short Title. t'l.i .V'.. AUSTRALASIAN commercial congress. Proceedings AUSTRALASIAS critic AUSTRALASIAN exhibition of women's work AUSTRALASIAN farmer AUSTRALASIAN federal conference, 1890. Official record AUSTRALASIAN federal convention, 1897-98. Debates . . Draft of bill aa adopted Proceedings Speeches on motion for distribution o,f copies of bill AUSTRALASIAN federation league : Auckland. Report of public meeting :~!-N,ew South Wales. Annual reports Federal enabling bill ; report of sub-committee . . Invitation from E. Barton to meeting to form league Office-bearers, rules, &c. Report of Sydney select committee Rules and proposals : South Australia. Federation commercially considered Report of inaugural meeting Rules Why not federate ? . . : Victoria. Report Rules AUSTRALASIAN insurance and banking record AUSTRALASIAN Jersey herd book AUSTRALASIAN magazine of the League of the Cross , ** AUSTRALASIAN medical congress AUSTRALASIAN national league : -Camperdoum. branch. Re- port. . AUSTRALASIAN New Hebrides co. Australia and the^ New Hebrides AUSTRALASIAN pastoral and agricultural directory AUSTRALASIAN pastoralists" review. Anftbr"* and inocula- tion AUSTRALASIAN phonographic news AUSTRALASIAN pocket alamanac . , ,,., AUSTRALASIAN ske tcher AUSTRALASIAN traveller* Australia, to-day AUSTRALIA : Census and statistics bureau. Official year book of the Commonwealth . . ; * ' Publications Shipping and oversea migration Social insurance Trade and customs and excise revenue AUSTRALIA : Commonwealth electoral office : maps New South Wales Queensland Victoria AUSTRALIA : Court of conciliation and arbitration. Com- monwealth arbitration reports . . AUST&ALIA : Defence department. Defence acts : regula- tions Financial and allowance regulations Memo, on a. national guard for land defence Military cadet? corps : regulations Military cadet forces list Military forces list Military ocders Naval and military orderp Standing orders for the equipment of the military forces AUSTRALIA : Home affairs department. Canberra survey Climate of the Yass-Canberra district Contour survey for the federal capital 380 050 331-4 630 342-94 342-94 342-94 342-94 342-94 342-94 342-94 342-94 342-94 342-94 342-94 342-94 342-94 342-94 342-94 342-94 342-94 342-94 332 636-2 178 610-6 329-994 993-4 919-4 636 653 919-44 070 919-4 319-4 319-4 319-4 331-2. 319-4 912-944 912-943 912-946 331-1 355 355 355 354-94 355 355 355 355 354-94 912-944 551-56. 912.- 944 INDEX. 745 Author and Short Title. AUSTRALIA : Home affairs department. Geology of the federal capital site . . . . n Map showing Commonwealth territory 1^ Map showing position of Commonwealth territory . . * Topographical map of the federal territory AUSTRALIA : Home affairs department : Electoral branch. Constitution, referendum, and electoral acts: regu- lations, &c. Electoral rolls AUSTRALIA : Law : Statutes. Acts of the Parliament of Ifll ff the Commonwealth Serf's Statutes of practical utility AUSTRALIA : Meteorology bureau. Climate of Australia . . AUSTRALIA : Parliament. Debates Journals, Votes, and Papers : Bouse of Representatives. Bills introduced Miscellaneous papers Notices of motion and orders of the day Standing orders : Senate. Bills introduced Standing orders . . ... AUSTRALIA : Patents department. Official journal of 3 patents AUSTRALIA : Public service commissioner's office. Classi- fication of the public service List of permanent officers Regulations AUSTRALIA : Trade and customs department. Customs law Customs tariff General orders for officers Guide to the customs tariff and supplement Law of description of imports and exports. . Trade of the Commonwealth AUSTRALIA a nation AUSTRALIA and its settlement AUSTRALIA directory AUSTRALIA Felix . . . . . . AUSTRALIA Felix monthly magazine AUSTRALIA : its scenery AUSTRAIJA Kat AUSTRALIA, or which is the best colony AUSTRALIA, V.D.L., and N.Z. AUSTRALIAN. Adventures in Queensland AUSTRALIAN, An. Australian gleanings AUSTRALIAN newspaper. New South Wales AUSTRALIAN agricultural co. Emigration to Australia . . Reports AUSTRALIAN almanac (4 entries) AUSTRALIAN almanac and general directory AUSTRALIAN and N.Z. Gazette AUSTRALIAN anniversary dinner. Speeches AUSTRALIAN babes in the wood AUSTRALIAN Christmas box AUSTRALIAN church missionary society. See Colonial church society AUSTRALIAN club, Syd. Rules AUSTRALIAN college of theology. Manual AUSTRALIAN federalist AUSTRALIAN federation. Collection of parliamentary papers of the states of the Commonwealth AUSTRALIAN free religious press AUSTRALIAN gaslight oo. Electric lighting Historical sketch AUSTRALIAN gold diggers' monthly magazine . . Class Xo. 559-44 912-944 912-944 912-944 354 -4 354-94 345-94 345-94 551-56 328-94 328-94 328-94 328-94 328-94 328-1 328-94 328-1 608 354-94 354-94 354-94 347-7 336-26 354-94 336-26 347-7 319-4 769 919-4 656-1 822 050 919-4 828 919-4 919-4 823 821 919-44 325-2 338-7 919-44 919-44 070 994 821 823 367 283 342-94 342-94 205 621-3 338-7 050 Page 304 529 529 529 222 222 365 222 222 222 204 155 222 155 204 241 63 179 179 30 379 164 7 746 INDEX. Author and Short Title. AUSTRALIAN gold diggings AUSTRALIAN handbook AUSTRALIAN health society. A bad smell Health lectures Hints about scarlet fever Infectious and contagious diseases of children Ophthalmia Preservation of the teeth Publications Pure air and ventilation Small-pox and vaccination Sunstroke Twenty-five years' record AUSTRALIAN Hibernian Catholic benefit society. Address to Cardinal Moran .. i >-. AUSTRALIAN historical society. Rules . . ,. AUSTRALIAN horticultural magazine AUSTRALIAN journal of education AUSTRALIAN ladies' annual AUSTRALIAN languages and traditions AUSTRALIAN law times AUSTRALIAN magazine AUSTRALIAN medical association. Code of ethics AUSTRALIAN medical journal AUSTRALIAN men of mark AUSTRALIAN messenger AUSTRALIAN mining standard. Mines and minerals of N.S.W. .. AUSTRALIAN monthly magazine AUSTRALIAN museum. Atoll of Funafuti Australian hydroid zoophytes Australian stalk and sessile-eyed Crustacea By-laws Catalogue of Australian birds Catalogue of Australian mammals Catalogue of fishes Catalogue of fossils Catologue of minerals Catalogue of specimens of natural history Catalogue of sponges Descriptive catalogue of minerals Descriptive list of Australian aboriginal weapons. . Echinodermata in the museum Guide to the Australian fossil remains Lord Howe island Marine shells of Australia and Tasmania Medusae of the Australian seas Records Tunicata in the museum AUSTRALIAN mutual investment and building society. Issue of shares, &c. AUSTRALIAN mutual provident society. Laying foundation stone Report on mortality experience AUSTRALIAN natives' association. Constitution Federation manifesto General laws for Quarterly meeting of Viet, board Twenty- seventh anniversary, Viet, branches Victorian board : annual conference Victorian board : annual report : Bendigo branch. The new federal movement AUSTRALIAN pastoral directory m .. Cljv^ .No. 919- 919- 613- 614 614- 614- 617- 617-6 614 614-7 614-47 616-9 614 280 906 635 370-6 823 572-994 346-945 050 174 610-5 920-01 205 622-1 050 551-96 593 595-3 507 598-2 599 597 560 549 696 693-4 549 572-9944 593-9 560-994 659-4 594 593-7 507 594-9 338-7 368 368 369 369 369 369 369 369 369 342-94 919-4 INDEX. 747 Author and Short Title. Class No. Page AUSTRALIAN patriotic association. Letters to and from C. Buller 994-4 723 Petition to His Majesty 343-2 191 Report of the provisional committee 343-2 191 See Buller, C. AUSTRALIAN portrait gallery 920-01 670 AUSTRALIAN protestant banned 205 30 AUSTRALIAN protestants' remembrancer 205 30 AUSTRALIAN souvenir 823 471 AUSTRALIAN stories in prose and verse 823 471 AUSTRALIAN stud-book 636-1 405 AUSTRALIAN subscription library catalogue 017 4 AUSTRALIAN sugar journal 633 397 AUSTRALIAN technical journal 607 364 AUSTRALIAN technical journal of science 605 359 AUSTRALIAN temperance magazine 178 25 AUSTRALIAN views 779 429 AUSTRALIAN wools, Sale of, in London 677 417 AUSTRALIAN youths' magazine 050 8 AUSTRALIANS in England, the 797 432 AUSTRALIE. See Heron, Mrs. E. M. AUSTRALIENSIS. Payment by results . . 377 247 AVEBURY, Baron. Free trade 337 158 Marriage, totemism, and religion 291 76 On municipal and national trading 352-9 214 Origin of civilisation 572 313 Peace and happiness 170 21 AVELING, E. and E. M. Working-class movement in America 331-8 134 AVES, E. Co-operative industry 334 144 AYERS, Sir H. Pioneer difficulties in founding S.A. 994-2 722 AYONT the seas 914-2 538 AYRSHIRE herd-book of Australasia 636-2 406 AYTOUN, W. E. Execution of Montrose 821 437 B . . . M. DE. See Behrens. B., J. A. Meta of Gaindara 821 442 B., J. Y. Pictures and dreams 821 440 B., Pv. G. Incidental memoirs 821 442 B., S. Pakipika 821 442 B., T. See Benson, A. C. B.. W. A. The dead march of the waters 821 442 BABINGTON, C. Lichens of N.Z. 589-1 341 BACH, J. S. See Parry, Sir C. H. H. BACH, SEBASTIAN (ps). See Andrews, J. A. BACKHOUSE, J. Apology for the Society of friends 289-6 75 Are judicial oaths lawful ? 179 27 Extracts from letters 919-4 571 " Honour to whom honour " 284-5 68 Magistracy and war . . . . . . 172-4 22 Visit to the Australian colonies . . . . 919-4 571 Visit to the Mauritius and South Africa . . ; 916-8 551 See Backhouse, S. BACKHOUSE, J., and TAYLOR, C. Life and labours of George Washington Walker 920 631 BACKHOUSE, J., and WALKER, G. W. Christian addresses 241 40 BACKHOUSE, S. Memoir of James Backhouse 920 631 BACON, E. M. Henry Hudson 920 631 BACON, F., lord. See Abbott, E. A. BADHAM, C. Address to the University debating society 8u8-5 435 Adhortatio ad juventutum academicam Sydneiensem 378-944 249 Speeches and lectures 825 488 See Butler, T. INDEX. Author and Short Title. BADOUXN,, A. L'aventure de> Pout- Breton. BABRWREITHER, J. M. English associations of working 1)1 rl) . . BABYERTZ, C. N. Guide to N.Z. BAGE, C. Consumption BAQEHOT, W. Economic studies The English constitution Lombard street. . .. .. Parliamentary reform BAQOT, J., ed. George Canning and his friends BAOWELL, R. . Ireland under the Stuarts BAIKIE, J. The sea-kings of Crete . . J )>!, < BAH.BY, F. M. Botany abridged Economic plants of Queensland Fern world of Australia Ferns of Queensland A few Queensland grasses Guide to Museum of economic botany Index of the first supplement of the indigenous anc naturalised plants of Queensland Inquiry for seeds of grasses Lithograms of the ferns of Queensland Notes for the guidance of fruit-growers Plants in the Brisbane botanic garden Queensland woods Synopsis of the Queensland flora and supplement Various botanical works BAILEY, F. M., and GORDON, P. R. Plants reputed poison- ous to stock BAILEY, J. F. Timber trees of the Herberton district BAILEY, J. M. Tour through Great Britain . ,. BAILLIERE'S New South Wales gazetteer Queensland gazetteer South Australian gazetteer Tasmanian gazetteer Victorian gazetteer BAIN, F. W. Draught of the blue In the great god's hair . . BAIN, R. N. The last king of Poland Scandinavia Slavonic Europe BAINES, T: Explorations in south-west Africa. . BAIRD, J. Emigrants' guide to Australasia BAKER, A. J. Annotated constitution of the United States BAKER, B., G. The walls of Constantinople BAKER, C. J. Sydney and Melbourne BAKER, G.. P. Development of Shakespeare BAKER, H. The territorial force BAKER, J. G. Ferns in the Solomon islands BAKER, .Sir R. C. Constitution of S.A. The executive in a federation Federation Manual of reference: to authorities BAKER, R., T. Some new species of eucalyptus BAKER, R. T., and SMITH; H. G. Research on the eucalypts BALDWIN, G. R. Dr. Joe Cassidy BALDWIN, S. E. The American judiciary .. .' ' -m BALFE, J. D. Life in old Ireland . . . . ' , BALFOFR, A. J. Decadence Economic notes on insular free]Jtrade Essays and addresses Fiscal reform Foundations of belief Imperial defence BALFOUR, G. Life of Robert Louis Stevenson . . Class Ko. 919-30 334: 919-31 614-4 330-4 342-42 332-1 324-42 920 941-5 913-391 581-9943, 581-6 587 587 633 581-6 581-9943 633 587 634 580-7 674 581-9943 581-9943 632 581-9943 914-2 919-44 919-43 919-42 919-46 919-45 398-2 398-2 943-8 948 947 916-8 919-4 342-73 914-961 919-4 822-33 355 587 342-942 321-8 342-94 342 583-4 633. 823 353 941-5 901 337 824 337 120 355 920 145 560 371 128 m .", 631 683 536 335 :m :;in 340 397 331 INDEX. 749 Author and Short Title. BALFOUR, J. H. Class-book of botany BALFOUR, J. M. Experiments on strength of woods BALFOUB, J. 0. Sketch of N.S.W. . . BALFOUK, J. S. My prison life BALFOUR, R. G. Presbyterianism in the colonies BALL,. L. C. Discovery of gold near Pratten, Q. Gold workings in the Perry scrub Some manganese deposits, Q. Young Australian gold mine BALLANCE, J. National land policy (N.Z.) BALLANTINE, W. Some experiences of a barrister's life BALLANTYNE, A. Lord Carteret BALLANTYNE, A., and others. Refutation of misstatements in Lockhart's Life of Scott BALLANTYNE, J. Homes and homesteads in the land of plenty Our Colony in 1880 BALLARAT and district directory BALLARAT fine art public gallery. Retrospective synopsis BALLARAT mining district (map) BALLARAT school of mines. Annual reports Constitution Report of administrative council Statement of objects BALZAC, H. DE. Works See Lawton, F. BANCROFT, G. Formation of the constitution of the U.S. History of the U.S. BANCROFT, J. Contributions to pharmacy from Queens- land Further remarks on pituri . . . . '. . Pituri and duboisia . . . . . . . -. Pituri and tobacco BANCROFT, H. H. Native races (of the Pacific states) . BANFIELD, E. J. Confessions of a beachcomber My tropic isle Within the Barrier BANK of Australasia v. the Bank of Australia : Judgment BANK of Australia v. T. C. Breillat BANK of N.Z. Report of joint committee of both Houses (of Parliament) BANKERS' magazine of Australasia. Silver coinage . . BANKS, Sir J. Journal See Maiden, J. H. See Royal society, London. See Smith, E. See Suttor, G. BANKS, Sir J., and SOLANDER, D. Australian plants BASKS, S. H. The pic-nic party The vision of truth BANNISTER, S. Appeal by a colonial law officer to the crown British colonization and coloured tribes Humane policy Proceedings in N.S.W. in 1824 . . BANNOW, W. Colony of Victoria Practical solution of the unemployed problem BANTING, W. Corpulence BARBER, W. H. Case of Mr. Barber Government and Mr. Barber BAKBOUR, A. J. Clara BARBOUE, J. Pencillings on the wallaby BARBOTJR, R. The land question BARCLAY, A. Life Class No. 580-7 674 919-44 365 285 553- 553- 553' 553- 333- 920 920 920 919-45 919-45 919-45 708 912-945 622 622 622 622 843 342-73 973 581-9943 581-9943 581-9943 581-9943 572-97 919-43 919-43 919-43 332-13 332-13 332-13 332-41 910-4 581-994 821 821 994-4 325-3 325-3 994-4 919-45 339 616-3 343-1 343-1 821 821 333-1 920 Page 330 416 597 238 68 298 298 298 298 143 631 631 631 607 607 611 419 532 380 380 380 380 495 176 709 336 336 336 336 315 594 594 594 140 140 140 141 505 333 443 443 724 101 101 724 607 166 375 190 190 443 443 143 631 750> INDEX. Author and Short Title. BARCLAY, H. V. Au travers du continent Australien BARDWELL'S photographic views of Ballarat BA KI:K i: DE ViEtrzAC, B. Memoirs BARFF, H. E. University of Sydney BAKINE, ARVEDE. See Vincens. BARING, M. Landmarks in Russian literature A year in Russia BARKER, E. Political thought of Plato and Aristotle BARKER, F. Charge at visitation See Cowper, W. M. BARKER, J. E. British socialism Great and greater Britain Rise and decline of the Netherlands BARKER, W. Ultimate destiny of the human race BARKER, W. H. Goldfields of W.A. BARLOW, J. B. Plea for colour in colonial architecture BARLOW, P. W. Kaipara BARNARD, F. G. A. Jubilee history of Kew BARNARD, W. H. Faults in mining BARNARDO, T. J. Dr. Bamardo's homes BARNES, A. S. The man of the mask BARNET, D. M. Trip from Katoomba to Jenolan caves . . BARNETT, S. A. and H. 0. Practicable socialism Towards social reform BARONI. Adrian North BARR, J. The old identities . . B ARRAS, P. F. J. N., Comte de. Memoirs BARRATJD, C. D. New Zealand BARRETT, A. Life of the Rev. John H. Bumby BARRETT, C. From range to sea BARRETT, J. W. The hospital problem BARRIER silver and tin fields in 1888 . . BARRINGTON, G. Account of a voyage to N.S.W. Genuine life and trial History of N.S.W. Life, times, and adventures Memoir New London spy Sequel to " Voyage to N.S.W." . . . ; . . ' Voyage to Botany bay Voyage to N.S.W. BARRINGTON, Sir J. Personal sketches BARRON, T. and HUME, W. F. Geology of the eastern desert of Egypt BARROW, J. Collection of voyages and discoveries BARROW, Sir J. Autobiographical memoirs Eventful history of the mutiny of the Bounty BARROWS, J. H., ed. World's parliament of religions BARRY, A. First words in Australia Life and works of Sir C. Barry BARRY, Sir C. See Barry, A. BARRY, D. F. The church and science BARRY, J. A. Red lion and blue star BARRY, P. F. G. Book of Christmas verses BARRY, Sir R. Address on the opening of the school of mines, Ballarat Address to workmen Addresses BARRY, W. F. Ernest Renan . . ' * . Heralds of revolt Newman BARRY, W. J. Up and down BARRY, Z. Do Catholic bishops swear to persecute Pro- testants ? 910-4 779 920 378-944 891-4 914-7 320-1 252-1 335-1 354-42B 949-2 236 622-1 724 919-31 994-5 553-1 362-7 944 919-44 335-1 304 823 919-31 920 919-31 920 598-2 362 919-44 910-4 920 994-4 920 920 343 994-4 994-4 919-44 920 556 910-8 920 997 206 252 920 215 823 821 622 724 825 920 824 920 910-4 282 INDEX. 751 Author and Short Title. BARSANTI, 0. Sermon on laying foundation stone of St. Mary's Cathedral, Syd. BARTHOLOMEW, J. New South Wales Queensland Victoria BARTHOLOMEW, J. G. Calvert's map of W.A. BARTHOLOMEW, J. G., ed. Atlas of the world's commerce BARTLETT, A. D. Mode of preparing and keeping birds . . BARTLETT, E. M. The passing of the Shereefian empire BARTLETT, J. Concordance to Shakespeare Familiar quotations BARTLETT, J. R. Dictionary of Americanisms BARTLETT, T. New Holland BARTLEY, N. Australian pioneers and reminiscences Opals and agates BARTLEY, T. The new premier of Tas. Present financial crisis in Tas. BARTLEY, T. B. Golden fields for Tasmania Tasmanian scab acts BARTON, C. H. Australian physiography BARTON, Sir E. Draft federation bill ; speech BARTON, Sir E. and others. Speeches at a dinner to Lord Rosebery BARTON, F. G. Uses and responsibilities of affliction BARTON, G. B. Australian federation History of N.S.W. Literature in N.S.W. Notes on Australian federation Study of English literature Troubles of Australian federation BARTON, G. B., ed. Draft bill to constitute the Common- wealth, 1891 Poets and prose writers of N.S.W. BASCH and Co. Mineral guide Settled counties of N.S.W. BASCOM, J. Social theory BASEDOW, H. Western central tribes ^ of the Northern territory BASKERVTLLE, J. See Straus, R., and Dent, R. K. BASSETT, W. F. Energy BASTABLE, C. F. Commerce of nations BASTARD, T. Autobiography of Cockney Tom . . BASTIAANSE. See Boudyck-Bastiaanse. BASTIAN, A. Die Samoanische Schopfungs-sage Einiges aus Samoa Inselgruppen in Oceanien BASTIAN, H. C. Evolution of life Origin of life BASTIAT, F. Essays on political economy Harmonies of political economy Oeuvres completes BASTOW, R. Mosses of Tas. . . ... BATAVIA : Assemblee constituante. Constitution du peuple Batave BATCHER. Rosalie BATEMAN, W. The colonist BATES, D. M. Efforts in W.A. towards the betterment oi aborigines . . . . . . BATES, E. K. Kaleidoscope BATES, G. W. Sandwich island notes BATES, L. The Russian road to China BATESON, W. Mendel's principles of heredity . . BATH, H. Religion and the state BATHER, F. A. Haplocrinus Victoriae Class No. 282 912-944 912-943 912-945 912-941 912 598-2 964 822-33 808-8 427 919-4 994 919-4 329-9946 336-946 631 636-3 551-4 342-94 825 252 342-94 994-4 820 342-94 820 342-94 342-94 820 622-1 912-944 301 572-99421 160 337 920 398-3 919-61 572-99 576 576 330-4 330 330-8 588 342-492 821 919-31 572-9941 910 919-69 915-7 575-1 287 561 Page 58 529 528 530 527 524 353 705 465 435 267 571 718 571 124 158 393 406 290 180 488 41 180 724 436 180 436 187 180 436 382 529 79 321 20 158 632 265 624 316 329 329 128 125 129 340 175 443 560 320 501 627 548 328 72 309 752 INDEX. Author and Short Title. Class No. Page BATHOATB, A. Colonial experiences 919-31 560 New Zealand 919-31 560 BATHOATB, A., ed. Picturesque Dunedin 919-31 560 BATHtrasT : People's federal convention : Proceedings . . 342-94 180 BATHURST national advocate. The caoital for the west. . 919-44 M BATHCRST progress committee. Bath., st guide 919-44 598 BATLEY, B. Wattle blossoms and heather 823 471 BATMAN, J. Diary whilst on an expedition to treat with aborigines of Tas., 1830 994-6 730 FacsimUe of agreement with native chiefs of Port Phillip .. .. .. .. .. 769 422 Journal shewing the first settlement of Port Phillip . . 994-5 729 See Bonwick, J. BATTLE of Mordialloc 355 225 BATT, T. International law 341 170 BAUER, F. Illustrationes florae Novse Hollandise 581-994 333 BAITBRLIK, W. Voyage of the Bonito . . 919-5 617 BAUGHAN, B. E. Shingle-short 821 440 BAWDEN, H. H. Principles of pragmatism 149 18 BAX, E. B. Ethics of socialism 335 145 The last episode of the French revolution 944 697 The peasants' war in Germany 943 695 Religion of socialism 335 145 Story of the French revolution . . . . 944 697 BAXTER, A. B. Banking in Australasia 332-1 138 BAXTER, C. E. Talofa 910 501 BAXTER, G. landing of John Williams 769 424 Murder of John Williams 769 424 Portrait of John Williams 769 423 BAXTER, M. P. Coming battle 236 38 BAY, N. Anomalies of the Industrial arbitration act . . 331-1 132 BAYER, F. C. In memoriam 920 632 BATKR, L. Federation 822 460 Muutchaka 822 460 BAYLDON, A. A. D. Poems 821 443 The sphinx 821 443 The tragedy behind the curtain 823 471 BAYLE, P. Dictionnaire historique et critique . . ; . . 920-01 670 BAYLY, G. Sea life sixty years ago 910-4 505 BAYNE, E. Truth and trust 821 443 BAYS, P. Wreck of the Minerva 910-4 505 BAZALGETTE, Sir J. W. Address to Institution of civil engineers 620-6 378 BEACONSFIELD, Earl of. Lord George Bentinck 920 632 See Monypenny, W. F. BEADOK, R". Solution of the colonial question 354-42E 216 BEADOK, R. J. Uniform penny postage 383 257 BEAL, E. Cardinal rules of legal interpretation 340 168 BEALE, O. C. Racial decay . . 312 83 BEALE, T. Natural history of the sperm whale 599-5 358 BEAN, C. E. W. On the wool track 636-3 406 With the flagship of the south 359 230 BEAITBY, J. G. Doctors differ 174 24 Practical surgery 617 377 Surgical diagnosis 617 377 BEAR'S Proctor's guide to extracting probates 347-6 204 BEAR, J. Impressions of a Victorian abroad 910-4 505 BEAR, J. W. The coming industry of Victoria : viticul- ture 634 400 BEARD, C. A. American government and politics 342-73 176 BEATTIE, J. W. Lives and times of the early Tas. gover- nors 994-6 731 Members of the parliaments of Tas. 779 429 Port Arthur 919-46 612 Port Arthur and Tasman peninsula 994-6 731 753 Author and Short Title. BEAUFORT, Cardinal. See Radford, L. B. BEAUVOIR, Marquis L. DE. Australie BECCARI, 0. Wanderings in the great forests of Borneo . . BECKE, E. H. Map of N.S.W. BECKE, G. L. Adventures of a supercargo By reef and palm The call of the south Notes from my South aea log Wild life in the southern seas BECKE, G. L., and JEFFEBY, W. A first fleet family The mystery of the Laughlin islands Naval pioneers of Australia BECKER, L. Native zinc Nest, eggs, and young of the lyre bird Tenacity of life in the platypus BECKER, W. A. Charicles BECKET, T., archibishop. See Hutton, W. H. BECKET, T., ed. Voyage round the world BECKFORD, W. See Benjamin, L. S. BEDDOMB, C. E. Tasmanian marine shells BEDFORD, E. S. P. Letter re St. Mary's hospital, Hobart BEDFORD, R. Billy Pagan Snare of strength True eyes and the whirlwind . . BEDFORD, R. M. Rhymes by Ruth . . BEDHALL, W. T. Australian trigonias BEDWELL, C. E. A., ed. Legislation of the empire BEECHAM, J. Colonization The latest official documents relating to N.Z. BEECHER, H. W. Compulsory education BEECHEY, F. W. Voyage to the Pacific BEEB, G. L. British colonial policy Origins of the British colonial system BEESTON, R. D. St. Ivo and the ashes BEETHOVEN, L. VON. See Diehl, A. M. BEG, W. Presbyterian principles Reply to Archbishop Vaughan BEHREND, H. Communicability to man of diseases from animals BEHBENS, C. F. Histoire de 1'expedition de trois vaisseaux BEILBY J. W. Eureka BEILBY, W. The dog in Australasia BELCHER, D., lady. Mutineers of the Bounty BELCHER, Sir E. Voyage of H.MJ3. Samarang Voyage round the world in H.M.S. Sulphur BELL, C. N. Tangweera BELL, F., lady. At the works BELL, F. A. Industry and commerce relieved and in- creased Sugar-cane planting BELL, Sir F. D., and YOUNG, F. Cultivation of N.Z. flax BELL, G. T. Tales of Australian adventure BELL, G. W. The little giants of the East Mr. Oseba's last discovery Street- paving in Sydney BELL, I. Corbiere lighthouse BELL, R. Trade unionism BELL, S. S. Colonial administration of Great Britain . . BELL, W. F. Irrigation for farmers and engineers BELL, W. M. Other countries BELLAMY, E. Equality Looking backward BELLAMY, F. Presidents of the U.S. BELLAMY, H. E. New water supply for Rockhampton . . Our water supply . . . Class No. 919-4 919-11 912-944 823 823 823 823 919-6 823 823 994 553-4 598-2 599-1 913-38 910-4 594 362 823 823 823 821 594 340-5 325-3 993-1 379 910-4 325-42 325-42 797 285 282 613-2 910-4 526 636-7 997 910-4 910-4 917-28 331-8 337 633 633 823 915-2 919-31 625-8 627-9 331-88 325-42 631 910 320- 320- 973 628- 628- Page 671 558 529 472 472 472 472 621 472 472 71 298 353 358 536 506 346 235 472 472 472 443 346 169 101 713 251 506 102 102 432 68 58 367 506 284 408 734 506 506 553 134 159 397 397 472 545 560 386 387 136 102 393 501 90 90 709 387 387 754 INDEX. Author and Short Title. BKLLINGHAM, S. R. Ten years on the Blue Mountains . . Bi: i.i.i ic. H. Avril Marie Antoinette On everything . . BELLOC, H., and CHESTERTON, C. Party system BELLOWS, Dr. Claims of the drama BELOE, W. Anecdotes of literature BELPHEOOB. Intended addresses of the Viet, candidates, 1859 .. .. "'..'" .^. BELT, T. Mineral veins BENBOW, C. A. The eland BENDIGO school of mines and industries: annual report BENEDETTI, V., comte. Studies in diplomacy BENEVOLENT society of Hobart Town : reports BENEVOLENT society of N.S.W. : reports BENHAM, W. G. Cassell's book of quotations BENJAFIELD, Dr. Bimetallism BENJAMIN, L. S. Life and letters of William Beckford . . William Makepeace Thackeray BENNETT, H. G. Letter on transportation laws _ BENNETT, Mrs. A. Vignettes of travels BENNETT, E. A. See Williams, T. BENNETT, F. Story of W. J. E. Bennett BENNETT, G. Acclimatisation Account of Elau Gatherings of a naturalist in Australasia Memoir Wanderings in N.S.W. Wanderings in N.S.W. (review) BENNETT, J. F. Account of S.A. BENNETT, S. History of Australian discovery BENNETT, S. V. Songs and verses BENNETT, W. J. E. See Bennett, F. BENSON, A. C. The altar fire At large Beside still waters Edward Fitzgerald From a college window . . Ruskin The silent isle The Upton letters BENSON, A. H. Principal insect and fungus pests BENSON, R. H. Papers of a pariah BENSTJSAN, S. L. Morocco BENTHAM, G., and MTJELLEB, Baron Sir F. VON. Flora Australiensis BENTHAM, J. Plea for- the Constitution SENTENCE, Lord G. See Beaconsfield, Earl of .. BENTINCK, Lord W. See Boulger, D. C. BENTWICH, N. Law of private property in war BEBABD, V. British imperialism and commercial sup- remacy . . . . M. BLADEN, F. M. Peopling Australia BLADES, W. Biography and typography of William Caxton BLAIR, D. Cyclopaedia of Australasia History of Australasia . . . . . . ... BLAIR, J. Address to nurses BLAIR, W. N. Industries of N.Z. BLAKE, W. See Gilchxist, A. BLAKESLEE, G. H., ed. China and the far east BLAMIBES, W. L., and SMITH, J. B. Wesleyan Methodist church in Viet. , W. Nov totiua terrarom geographica tabula . . ClM* No. Put:.- 252 41 301 7 325-2 '.<.. !'f>4 709 824 484 341-4 171 920 833 824 484 984-6 731 919-69 27 9 19 "SI 580 920 633 949 685 912-94 -V_'H 331-2 133 530 285 525 284 821 437 329 "9944 121 329-9944 m 342-73 17* 286 72 213 32 220 34 669 415 581-9942 335 336-12 152 329-9945 123 354-42 215 354-42 215 025 5 616-8 356 595-76 330 780 430 823 470 994-2 722 330 125 880' 497 920 633 329-941 117 636-3 406 328-1 107 342-942. 187 328-1 107 050 8 325-1 97 920 633 994 719 994 719 610-7 366 609 365 915-1 544 287 72 912 524 INDEX. 757 Author and Short Title. Class No. Page BLANCHE, H. B. Prize essay on truth 177 24 BLANCHE, J. F. The Prince's visit . . 821 443 BLAND, J. 0. P., and BACKHOUSE, E. China under the Empress dowager 951 702 BLAND, W. Account of duel with R. Case 920 633 Letter to Sir C. A. Fitzroy 329-9944 121 Letters to C. Buller 994-4 72A Objections to the project of Sir G. Gipps for raising a loan 336-944 157 Services rendered to N.S.W. 920 633 Spontaneous combustion in wool ships 677 417 BLANNIN, A. Trip with the Victorian rifle team 799 432- BLATCHFORD, R. The sorcery shop 335-1 147 Britain i'or the British 335-1 147 BLAXLAND, G. Journal of a tour across the Blue moun- tains 919-44 598 BLEASDALE, J. I. Aspects of mineralogy 549 287 Essay on [Australian] wines 634 400 Gems and precious stones 553-8 299 Practical education 371 244 BLEASE, W. L. Emancipation of English women 396-1 263 BLEIBTRETT, K. Deutschland und England 914-2 538 BLBNNERHASSETT, C. J., lady. Madame de Stael 920 633 BLEEZY, H. L'Australie 994 719 BLIGH, W. Account of a dangerous voyage 910-4 506 Arrest of Bligh (plate) 769 423 Extract from the log of the proceedings, of H.M.S. Bounty 997 734 Narrative of the mutiny on board H.M.S. Bounty. . . 997 734 Relation de 1'enlevement du navire le Bounty 997 734 Voyage to South seas in H.M.S. the Bounty 997 734 BLISS, W. D. P. Handbook of socialism 335 145 BLISS, W. D. P., ed. Encyclopaedia of social reforms (2 eds.) 303 80 BLITZ, A. An Australian millionaire 823 472 BLOCK, I. Sexual life of our time 616-6 376 BLOSSEVILLE, B. E. P., marquis de, Histoire des colonies penales dans 1' Australia 994 719 BLOUET, L. P. John Bull and Co. 910 501 ' La maison John Bull et Cie 910 501 BLOWITZ, H. S. DE. My memoirs 920 633 BLOXHAM, A. Journal at the Sandwich islands 996-9 733 BLOXHAM, H. K. The double, abduction 823 472 On the fringe of the Never-never 823 472 BLUE-EYED Patty. See Life and surprising, adventures of BLUE Mountains guide 919-44 598 BLUNDELL and FORD. Squatting, map of Viet. -. 912-945 530 BLUNDELL, J. J., and Co. Map of Melbourne and suburbs, with street guide . . 919-45 611 Melbourne directory 919-45 611 Squatters' directory 919-45 ftll BLUNNO, M. Manuring vineyards 634 401 Notes on wine making 634 401 Pruning the vine 634 401 Report on the Murray and Hunter river vine districts 634 401 Summer pruning of the vine 634 401 BLUNTCHLI, J. K. Theory of the state 320-1 90 BOAKE, B. Origin of evil 216 34 BOBBIN, T. Revelations of P.A. 343-2 192 BOCCACIO, G. -See Button, E. BOCK, C. Head-hunters of Borneo 919-11 558 BODLEY, J. E. C. Church in France 282 58 France 944 697 BOEGLI, L. Forward 910 501 BOEHM, Sir E. C. The Persian gulf 910-4 606 BOEKEREN, G. R. V. VON. Reizen van A. J. Tasman . . 910-4 506 758 INDEX. Author :m.l Short Title. Class No. Np BOOUE, A. Settlement at Cape York. . 387 259 Steam to Australia 387 259 BOGUS union, The . . 331-88 136 BOHM-BAWERK, E. VON. Capital and interest . . 331 129 BOHN, H. G. Catalogue 017 4 BOISDUVAL, J. A. Voyage de la corvette V Astrolabe 910-4 506 BOLDRBWOOD, ROLF. See Browne, T. A. BOLDREWOOD, Mrs. R. Set Browne, Mrs. T. A. BOLDREWOOD, ROSE. See Browne, R. BOLINGBROKE, viscount. Miscellaneous works 320-8 91 BOLT, W. M. Land and labour 333-1 143 BONAPARTE, R. prince. La Nouvelle-Guinee 919-5 617 BONAR, A. R. Incidents of missionary enterprise 266 50 BOND, C. G. Cast away 821 443 BOND, F. Wood carvings in English churches 736 421 BOND, G. The colony of Port Jackson 919-44 598 BONHOTE, J. L. Birds of Britain 598-2 353 BONNE Y, F. A. Words of light 821 443 BONWICK, J. Astronomy for young Australians 520 278 Australia's first preacher 920 634 Bible stories 220 34 The bushrangers 994-6 731 Curious facts of old colonial days 994 719 Daily life and orgin of the Tasmanians 572-9946 324 Discovery and settlement of Port Phillip 994-5 729 Early days of England 942-01 688 Early days of Melbourne . . 994-5 729 Early struggles of the Australian press 070 13 First grammar for young Australians 425 267 The first twenty years of Australia 994 719 French colonies 325-44 105 Geography of Australia 919-4 671 Grammar for Australian youth 425 267 How does a tree grow ? . . 581 330 John Batman 920 634 The last of the Tasmanians 994-6 731 Little Joe 823 472 The lost Tasmanian race 994-6 731 Mike Howe 823 472 Notes of a gold digger 919-4 571 An octogenarian's reminiscences 920 634 Orion and Sirius . . . . 523-8 281 Our nationalities 572 313 Port Phillip settlement 994-5 729 Reader for Australian youth 425 267 Resources of Queensland 919-43 594 Romance of the wool trade 677 417 Sketch of Boroondara 919-45 607 Spirit of the true teacher 371 244 The Tasmanian lily 823 472 Wesleyan Methodism in S.A. 287 72 Western Viet. 919-45 607 The wild white man 994-5 729 BOODLE, R. G. Life and labours of William Tyrrell 920 r.:i I BOOK of the opal 828 490 BOOKFELLOW, The 805 434 BOOKFELLOW and Australia 070 11 BOOK-PRICES current 017 4 BOOTH, E. C. Another England 919-45 607 Australia 919-4 571 BOOTH, S. C. Dinna forget 267 54 BOOTH, W. See Coates, T. F. G. BOOTHBY, G. On the wallaby 910-4 506 BOOTHBY, J. Adelaide almanac 919-42 592 Statistical sketch of S.A. 319-42 86 INDEX. 759 Author and Short Title. BOPPABD, W. N. D. Das " Commonwealth of Australia " BORCHGREVINK, C. E. First on the Antarctic continent BORGEAUD, C. Adoption and amendment of constitu- tions BORTHWICK, T. Demography of S.A. BOSANQUET, Mrs. H. The family Poor law report of 1909 BOSCAWEN, A. S. T. GRIFFITH. Fourteen years in Parlia- ment BOSTON congregationalist. Church guilds in England . . BOSTWICK, A. E. The American public library BOSWELL, J. Letters to the Rev. W. J. Temple Life of Johnson See Fitzgerald, P. BOTANICAL and horticultural society of V.D.L. Rules . . BOTSFORD, G. W. The Roman assemblies BOTTONE, S. R. Radium BOUCAUT, Sir J. P. The arab, the horse of the future . . Letters to my boys Speeches on railways and public works BOUDYCK-BASTIAANSE, J. H. VAN. Voyages fait dans les Moluques BOUGAINVILLE, L. A. DE. Voyage autour du monde Voyage round the world BOTTLGER, D. C. Life of Sir Stamford Raffles Lord William Bentinck . . BOURGES, G. Les Nouvelles-Hebrides . . '. . BOURIGNON, A. See Mace wen, A. R. BOURINOT, Sir J. G. Federal government in Canada How Canada is governed Parliamentary procedure and practice in Canada BOURKE, J. G. Scatalogic rites BOURNE, G. Journal of Landsborough's expedition BOURNE, H. R. F. Memoir of Sir Philip Sidney Story of our colonies BOURRIENNE, L. A. F. DE. Memoirs of Napoleon Bona- parte BOUSSENARD, L. A travers 1'Australie BOUTMY, E. The English constitution BOUTROUX, E. Science and religion in contemporary philo- sophy BOVILL, W. B. F. Hungary and the Hungarians BOWDEN, J. W. Gregory VII. BOWDEN, T. A. Geography of N.Z. . . BOWDITCH, N. The American practical navigator Bo WEN, Sir G. F. Overland journey of the governor . . Thirty years of colonial government BOWIE, J. Notes on Australia BOWLES, T. G. Sea law and sea power BOWLEY, A. L. Elementary manual of statistics BOWRING, Sir J. Visit to the Philippine islands BOWRING, L. B. Haidar Ali and Tipu Sultan BOYOE, Sir R. W. Mosquito or man BOYCE, W. B. Higher criticism upon the Old Testament BOYD, A. J. Earth's history Old colonials Queensland BOYD, B. Expediency of transferring unemployed from V.D.L. to N.S.W. BOYD, C. E., ed. Cases on American constitutions law BOYD, H. V. Letters on education Voice from Australia BOYD, M. Reminiscences BOYLE, F. Adventures among the Dyaks BOYLB, R. A sanitary crusade Class No. 342-94 919-9 342 614 321-1 339 328-42 285-8 020 920 920 580-6 342-37 539 636-1 , 914 329-9942 919-1 910-4 910-4 920 920 919-34 342-71 342-71 328-1 394 , > 919-4 920 325-42 920 919-4 342-42 215 914-39 270 919-31 656-1 919-31 325-42 919-4 341-3 308 919-14 920 614-4 221 550 823 919-43 339 342-73 370-4 220 828 919-11 910 Page 187 629 172 369 92 166 110 70 5 634 634 330 173 287 405 537 120 557 506 506 634 634 569 175 175 107 262 571 634 102 634 571 173 32 540 54 560 412 560 102 571 171 83 559 634 371 35 288 472 594 166 176 243 34 490 55& 601 760 INDEX. Author and Short Title. BOYLE, R., and Son. Natural and artificial methods of ventilation . . BonrE, M. That Australian family BRABIN, D. Filaments unweft BBABOURNE papers relating to the settlement of [M.S. W.I BRACHVOGEL, J. K. Industrial alcohol BRACKEN, T. Lays of the land of the Maori Musings in Maoriland . . . . . . . . The N.Z. tourist Not understood .. .. * ,',**' BRACKEN, T, ed. Tom Bracken's annual BRACKENBTTRY, Sir H. Some memoirs of my spare time BRACQ. J. C. France under the Republic BRADFORD, W. The " Indicator " . . BRADLAtTGH, C. Labour and law BRADLEY, A. C. Oxford lectures on poetry BRADLEY, A. G. The Avon and Shakespeare's country Captain John Smith BRADLEY, H. B. Health Life and death BRADSHAW, G. Farmers' fowls Profitable poultry breeding BRADSHAW, J. N.Z. as it is N.Z. of to-day BRADSHAW, J. Sir Thomas Munro BRADSHAW, W. S. Voyages to India, China, and America BRADY, C. The ailant silkworm Silk .. *-*-, BRADY, C. T. The true Andrew Jackson BRADY, E. J. Tom Pagdin, pirate The ways of many waters BRADY, E. J., ed. Sydney BRADY, F. B. Sanitary plumbing BRADY, J. Vocabulary of the native languages of W.A. . . BRAGATO, R. Hints on grafting vines BRAGG, W. H. lonisation of gases BRAIM, T. H. Eutropii histories Romanse History of N.S.W. New homes BRAME, S., ed. Voices from N.Z. BRAMLEY, C. Bee Baldwin, G. R. BRAMFTON, baron. Reminiscences BRAND, R. H. Union of S. Africa BRANDES, G. Ferdinand Lassalle BRANTS, V. L'etablissements des Hollandais atuc Indes orientales BRASH, A. Adventures of Mr. Barnes BRASSEY, earl. Navy estimates, 1903-4 Papers and addresses, naval and maritime Papers and addresses, work and wages Sixty years of progress . . BRASSEY, A., lady. Last voyage .. '-i-w'"' Tahiti.. ... .. .. -. ~ BRASSEY, T. A. Problems of empire . . .., BRASSEY, T. A., ed. Naval annual BRAUN, A. Australischen Arten der Gattung Isoetes BRAZIER, A. W. Music and light BRAZIER, J. Cyprsea found in Moreton Bay Land and marine shells from Australia Land shells collected on Fitzroy island BRBDON. J. Sir Robert Hart BREES, S. C. Pictorial illustrations of N.Z. BREMOND, H. The mystery of Newman BRKNCHLEY, J. L, Jottings during the cruise of H.M.S. Curaipa OUss No. 697 823 823 994-4 662-8 821 821 919-31 821 828 920 914-4 622-1 331-8 821 914-2 920 614 614 636-5 636-6 919-31 919-31 920 910-4 638 638 920 823 821 919-44 628-2 499 634 539 870 994-4 919-4 919-31 920 342-68 920 325-492 823 359 359 331 337 910-4 919-62 354-42 E. 359 587 821 594-3 594 594 920 919-31 920 919-6 INDEX. 761 Author and Short Title. M. Reminiscences BRERETON, A. Life of Henry Irving . . BRBRETON, J. Le G., snr. Beyond The goal of time One teacher, one law Poems Travels of Prince Legion Triumph of love The Turkish bath BRERETON, J. Le G., jnr. Elizabethan drama Perdita Sea and sky The song of brotherhood Sweetheart mine To-morrow BRETON, W. H. Excursions in N.S.W. BRETT'S Auckland almanac BREWER, C. B. Australian colonies better government act BREWER, E. C. Dictionary of phrase and fable Reader's handbook BREWER, F. C. The drama and music in N.S.W. BREWSTIR, Sir D. Life, writings, and discoveries of Sir Isaac Newton BRIDE, T. F., ed. Letters from Victorian pioneers BRIDGE, Sir C. A. G. Art and naval warfare Sea power BRIDGES, R. The barb of an arrow By his Excellency's command BRIEF account of the natives of W.A. BRIGGS, G. S. Australians all BRIGHT, C., and SPICER, E. C. Are the statements of science and Genesis contradictory ? BRIGHT, J. Handbook for emigrants BRIGHT, J. See O'Brien. R. B. See Smith, G. B. BRIGHT Alpine club. Guide to the Australian Alps BRISBANE, Sir T. M. Reminiscences BRISBANE : Corporation. Minute of mayor 1904 BRISBANE courier BRISBANE telegraph BRITISH and foreign bible society. Reports BRITISH association for the advancement of science. Re- ports of meetings BRITISH catalogue BRITISH Columbia : Law : Statutes. Revised statutes . . Statutes BRITISH Columbia : Leg. Assy. Journals Sessional papers BRITISH empire league. Speech by J. Chamberlain BRITISH empire league in Canada. Origin, constitution, and by-laws BRITISH ladies' female emigrant society. Report BRITISH ladies' society for the reformation of female prisoners. Origin and progress of Report BRITISH medical association. Secret remedies BRITISH museum. Catalogue of books printed in th 16th century Catalogue of engraved British portraits Catalogue of pamphlets, &c., relating to the Civil war Catalogue of the printed books Excavations at Ephesus Facsimiles of royal and other autographs Facsimiles of royal and other charters Subject index of modern works Class No. 828 920 821 821 230 821 821 821 613-4 822 821 821 821 821 822 919-4 919-31 342-94 803 803 822 920 919-46 359 359 823 823 572-9941 823 215 919-31 919-45 920 352-0943 070 070 206 506 015 345-711 345-711 328-711 328-711 354 -42s 354-42K 361 364 364 614-27 090 769 Olft 017 913-392 090 0!tO 017 Page 490 634 443 443 36 443 443 443 368 463 443 443 443 443 460 572 561 180 433 433 463 33 561 607 634 213 12 12 30 274 1 195 195 113 113 216 216 234 237 237 371 762 INDEX. Author and Short Title. BRITISH museum (Natural history). Collections of natural 4 history made in the Antarctic Fossil mammalia : Part V. Handbook of instructions for collectors Marsupialia and monotremata National Antarctic expedition, 1901-04 Study of meteorites Tertiary mollusca BRITISH New Guinea : Government. Handbook BRITISH New Guinea : Government Gazette BRITTEN, E. H. Faiths of religious history Spiritualism BRITTON, A. History of N.S.W. . . BRITTON, H. Fiji in 1870 Loloma BROAD, L. Jubilee history of Nelson. . BROAD, L., and COOKE, F. H. Digest of cases (N.Z.) . . BROADHEAD, H. State regulation of labour in N.Z. BROADLEY, A. M. Doctor Johnson and Mrs. Thrale Napoleon in caricature BROCKETT, W. E. Voyage from Sydney to Torres' Straits BRODIE, W. Past and present state of N.Z. Pitcairn's island and the islanders in 1860 BRODRIBB, T. Manual of health BRODRIBB, W. A. Recollections of an Australian squatter Wool trade BRODRICK, G. C. English land and English landlords.. BRODRICK, G. C., and FOTHERINGHAM, J. K. History of England, 1801-1837 .. .. .>,-.. BRODSKY, M. Genius, lunacy, and knavery BROINOWSKI, G. J. Birds of Australia BROKEN Hill railway extension committee. Cobar to Broken Hill railway Report BROMBY, J. E. Beyond the grave Pre-historic man Sermons on the earlier chapters of Genesis Time and its earliest records : . BROMTLOW, W. E. Vocabulary of Dobuan, Fijian, and Samoan BROMILOW, W. E., translator. Gospels with the Acts translated into the language of Dobu, N.G. BRONTE, E. Complete poems BROOKE, G. V. See Lawrence, W. J. BROOKE, S. A. On ten plays of Shakespeare BROOKES, E. S. Frontier life, Taranaki BROOKES, W. See Lilley, W. O. BROOKS, J. G. The social unrest BROOKS, N. Abraham Lincoln BROOKS, S. W. Charity and philanthropy BROOME, M. A., lady. Colonial memoirs Station life in N.Z. BROOMFIELD, F. J. National defence of Australia and immigration BROSSES, C. de. Navigations aux terres australes BROUGHAM, 1st baron. Contributions to the Edinburgh review Life and times Men of letters and science in the time of George HL Present state of the law Speeches Statesmen in the time of George III. BROUGHTON, baron. Recollections of a long life BROUGHTON, W. G. Anglican ordinations in the reign of Elizabeth Charge at visitation Church in Australia 691 -999 669 579 699 '2 608-99 623-6 664 919-6 354-95 274 133-9 994-4 919-61 919-61 993-1 346-931 331 920 741 919-43 993-1 997 613 920 382 333-3 942-07 920 598-2 385 236 571 252 529 499 225 821 822-33 919-31 331-8 920 361 920 919-31 355 910-8 824 920 920-01 340 825 920-01 920 274-2 262 283 INDEX. 763 Author and Short Title. Class No. Page BROUGHTON, W. G. Farewell addresses 920 635 General education 379 -944 252 Letter to N. Wiseman 322 94 Principles of the Reformation 282 58 Sermon preached on Whit Sunday 252 41 Sermons on the Church of England 252 41 Speech at the committee of Protestants 377 247 " Take heed " . . 252 41 BROUGHTON, W. R. Voyage of discovery 910-4 506 BROXTN, T. N.Z. coleoptera 595-76 350 BROWN, A. C. Sprays of language 821 444 BROWN, A. G. Digest of the Land acts (Viet.) 336-12 152 BROWN, D. Wealth and wages in N.S.W. 331 129 BROWN, D. K., ed. History of the year, 1885 994-4 725 BROWN, E. E. Government by influence 371 244 BROWN, G. George Brown 920 635 Melanesians and Polynesians 572-996 325 Methodist missions in Australia 266 60 BROWN, G. A. Sheep breeding hi Australia 636-3 407 BROWN, H. Victoria as I found it 919-45 607 BROWN, H. Y. L. Record of the mines of S.A. (7 entries) 622-1 382 S.A. minerals 549 287 Various reports 659 -42 302 BROWN, I. B. Australia for the consumptive 613-1 367 BROWN, J. D. Subject classification 025 5 BROWN, J. E. Forest flora of S.A. 581 -9942 335 On tree culture hi S.A. 634-9 403 The tree 634-9 403 BROWN, J. K. Our fiscal policy 337 159 BROWN, J. M. Maori and Polynesian 572-9931 ^ 317 BROWN, N. J. Federal finance . . 342-94 180 Federation 342-94 180 Federation of the colonies 342-94 180 BROWN, P. H. History of Scotland 941 682 Scotland before 1700 941 682 Scotland in the tune of Queen Mary 941 682 BROWN, R. Botanical appendix to Sturt's expedition . . 681-994 333 Prodromus florae Novae Holland* et supplementum . . 581 -994 333 BROWN, R. N. R., and others. Voyage of the Scotia . . 919-9 629 BROWN, T. Philosophy of the mind 150 19 BROWN, W. N.Z. and its aborigines 919-31 561 BROWN, W. J. The Austinian theory of law 340-1 168 Hare system in Tasmania 324-2 96 Referendum 321-4 92 Why federate 342-94 180 BROWNE, E. H. The case of the war in N.Z. 993-1 713 BROWNE, H. J. Astronomy and its bearing on faith . . 520 278 Atheism philosophically refuted 211 32 Conflict between authority and reason 210 31 Rational Christianity 210 31 Religion of the future 289 75 BROWNE, J. C. Under life's changing sky 823 472 BROWNE, Sir J. C. Prevention of senility 613 366 BROWNE, M. Weeds in verse 821 444 BROWNE, R. The complications at Collaroi 823 472 BROWNE, R. S. Romances of goldfield and bush 823 472 BROWNE, Sir T. See Gosse, E. BROWNE, T. A. A colonial reformer 823 472 A modern buccaneer 823 472 Old Melbourne memories 994-5 729 Plain living 823 472 The sealskin cloak 823 473 The sphinx of Eaglehawk 823 473 Ups and downs 823 473 BROWNE, Mrs. T. A. The flower garden hi Australia . . 635 404 INDEX. Author and Short Title. BROWNE, T. F. de C. Manual of minerals BROWNE, Mr*. W. C. Encora BROWNEI&, W. C. American prose master* . . BROWNING, C. A. Address to the prisoners Convict life England's exiles BROWNING, 0. The fall of Napoleon Memories of sixty years BROWNING, R. 3., and others. N.S.W. local government manual BROW.NRIGG, M. B. Christianity contrasted with modern unbelief Cruise of the Freak BRUCE, A. Infectious and contagions diseases in stock Meat trade of Australia . . . . . . The points of stock Scab in sheep Treatment of sheep for worms BRUCE, Sir C. Broad stone of empire BRUCE, Sir J. A. T. Cruise round the world BRUCE, P. A. Institutional history of Virginia in 17th century BRUOE, R. The dingoes Echoes from Coondambo Reminiscences of an old squatter Voice from the Australian bush BRUCK, L. Sweating of the medical profession BRUE, A. H. Oceanie BRUHNS, K. C., ed. Life of Alexander von Humboldt . . BRUMM^LL, G. See Jesse, W. BRUNET, J. C. Manuel du libraire . . BRUNETIERE, F. History of French literature BRUNI. See Brown, G. A. BRYCE, G. Lord Selkirk's colonists . . BRYCE, J. Address on colonial policy Advanced and backward races of mankind Aims of the sociological society The American commonwealth Hindrances to good citizenship Studies in contemporary biography . . Studies in history and jurisprudence BRYCE, J. Bryce v. Rusden BUACHE, P. Carte des terres australes BUCHANAN, A. The real Australia BUCHANAN, D. An Australian orator Donkey worship v. hero worship . . Freethought Heresy and sham of Christian sects Mitred mountebanks Political portraits Public affairs and public men of England Specimens of Australian oratory BUCHANAN, J. Botanical notes of Kaikoura Indigenous grasses of N.Z. BUCHANAN, W. Book of the Revelation BUCHANAN, W. F. Australia to the rescue BUCHELE, E. Australien in der Gegenwart BUCK, F. Den British- Australiske koloni Tasmanien BUOKHUHST, W. P. Jottings by an Australian abroad . . BUCKINGHAM AND OHANDOS, 2nd duke of. Court and cabinets of George III. Court of England during the Regency Court of George IV. Courts and cabinets of William IV. and Victoria BUCKLAND, F. T. Acclimatisation of animals .. ,, Class No. 669 823 810 240 365 365 820 920 352-0944 211 919-46 636 382 636 636-3 636-3 325-3 910-4 973 821 821 919-42 821 174 912-93 920 Oil 840 971 354-42E 304 301 342-73 172*1 920-01 340 347-91 912 919-4 825 796 211 280 377 329-9944 329-942 825 581-9931 633 225 919-44 994 919-46 910 942-07 942-07 942-07 942-08 591 '52 INDEX. 765 Author and Short Title. BUCKLANB, 1., ed. New assessment of pastoral holdings BUCKLE, H. T. History of civilization See Huth, A. H. BUCKLER, C. D. The colony of Tasmania BUCKLEY, A. F. History of prohibition BUCKLEY, W. See Morgan, J. BUCKNELL, A. W. Narrative of sittings BUCKNER, C. Portrait of Sir Charles A. Fitzroy BUDBIVEXT, P. L. The " Centennial " BUBBLE, T. The Maori king movement BUBGE, E. A. W., and KING, L. W., **. Annals of the kings of Assyria BUDGB, P. Dora West BUTTON, J. Federation Hymns of the night The light of Eden Tasmanians in the Transvaal war BUG^ION, F. L. New church BUICK, T. L. Old Marlborough BULEY, E. C. Australian life BULKELEY, J., and CUMMINS, J. Voyage to the South seas BULL, H. J. Cruise of the Antarctic BULL, J. W. Colonial life in S.A. Early experiences of life in S.A. BULL, K. City of Hobart Town BULL* R. J. The world without microbes BULLEN, F. T. Advance Australasia BULLER, J. N.Z., past and present . . X.Z., the future England BULLER, Sir W. L. Address, Wellington philosophical society History of the birds of N.Z. Manual of the birds of N.Z. On some new species of N.Z. birds Ornithology of N.Z. BULLETIN, [Sydney] The Federal capital 1 7 political leaflets attacking Sir G. H. Reid BULLETIN reciter BULC, J. Autobiography BUMBY, J. H. See Barrett, A. BUNBURY, T. Reminiscences of a veteran BUNCB, D. Australasiatic reminiscences Australian manual of horticulture Hortus Tasmaniensis Hortus Victoriensis Language of the aborigines of Viet. Manual of practical gardening BUND, J. W. W. Cases from the state trials BUNBEY, W. H. Australia's great waterway Conviction of innocent men Land reform and land taxation Notes of a return voyage from England Twenty five years' yachting BUNQKNER, L. L. F, Council of Trent BUNSEH, C. C. J., baron. Memoirs . . BuNSffiSr, M. I. In three legations BUNSTER, G., and THATCHER, R. It runs in the blood BUNY.IN, J. Pilgrim's progress BURBUBY, F. E. Tasmanian diatomace BURDETT, Sir F. The power of the House of Commons to imprison ' . . Class No. Page 336-11 151 901 498 919-46 12 178 25 133-9 16 79 423 821 444 993-1 713 935 678 823 47S 821 444 821 444 821 444 968 706 289 75 993-1 713 919-4 572 910-4 507 919-9 629 919-42 590 994-2 722 769 428 589-95 342 919-4 572 919-31 561 919-31 561 504 272 598-2 354 598-2 354 598-2 354 598-2 354 070 11 919-44 598 329-9944 121 821 444 920 635 920 635 919*4 572 635 404 581 -9946 337 581-9945 337 499 269 635 404 343-1 190 919-45 607 343 189 330 125 910-4 507 797 432 262-6 49 920 635 920 636 823 473 241 40 589-6 342 347-1 203 766 INDEX. Author and Short Title. Class No. Page BITBFITT, C. T. Founding of the wool industry of Aus- tralia 636-3 407 BURFOBD, R. Description of a view of Hobart Town . . 919-46 612 Description of a view of Sydney 919-44 BM Description of a view of the Bay of Islands 919-31 561 BUBOESS, H. T. Fruit of the vine 178 25 BURGESS, J. John Burns 920 636 BUBOESS, J. W. Political science and comparative con- stitutional law 342 172 BUBOHLEY, 1st baron. See Hume, M. A. S. BURKE, E. Works 828 491 See Morley, viscount. BURKE, J. Genealogical and heraldic history of the com- moners 929-72 677 BURKE, J., and Sir J. B. Encyclopaedia of heraldry . . 929-6 676 Extinct and dormant baronetcies 929-72 677 Boyal families 929-1 675 BURKE, Sir J. B. Colonial gentry 929 -72 677 Family romance 920-01 671 Peerage and baronetage 929-72 677 Royal descents 929-1 675 Vicissitudes of families 920-01 671 BURKE, Sir J. B., and A. P. Landed gentry 929-72 677 BURKE, J. B. Origin of life. . 576 329 BURKETT, C. W., and POE, C. H. Cotton 633 398 BURN, D. Plays 822 461 Vindication of V.D.L. 994-6 731 BURN, D. W. M. Cantilenosae nugae 821 440 BURN, H. Melbourne from the south (plate) 769 427 BURNABY, F. G. On horseback through Asia Minor 915-6 547 BURNE, Sir 0. T. Clyde and Strathnaim 920 636 BURNET, G. History of my own time ; supplement 942-06 690 See Clarke, T. E. S., and Foxcroft, H. C. BURNETT, F. Through tropic seas 919-6 621 BURNEY, J. Discoveries in the South sea 910-8 520 BURNLEY, J. History of wool 677 4ia BURNS, PHILP, and Co. Ltd. British New Guinea 919-5 617 BURNS, B. ' Brief narrative of a N.Z. chief 993-1 713 BURNS, J. See Burgess, J. BURNS, R. Burns centenary 920 636 See Muir, J. See O'Connor, T. P. BURPEE, L. J. The search for the western sea 917-1 552 BURR, A. See Lewis, A. H. BURR, T. Geology and minerology of S.A. 559-42 302 BURRA school. Geography and reader 919-4 572 BURROWS, M. Constitutional progress 342-42 173 BURROWS, R. Extracts from a diary kept during Heke's war 993-1 713 BURROWS, W. Adventures of a mounted trooper 919-4 572 BURSTON, G. W., and Stokes, H. R. Round about the world on bicycles 910 501 BURT, T. See Watson, A. BURTON, A. R*. E. Mildura 919-45 607 BURTON, E. Visitors' guide to Sydney 919-44 598 BURTON, J. H. Criminal trials in Scotland 343-1 190 Emigrant's manual 910 501 History of Scotland 941 682 History of the reign of Queen Anne 942 -06 690 BURTON, J. W. Fiji of to-day 919-61 624 Our Indian work in Fiji 266 50 BURTON, Sir R. F. The city of the saints 917-3. 553 Etruscan Bologna 913-37 535 The lake regions of central Africa 916-7 550 The land of Midian revisited 915-3 546 INDEX. 767 Author and Short Title. Pilgrimage to El Medinah and Mecca Unexplored BURTON, Sir R. F. See Wright, T. BURTON, Sir R. F., and DRAKE, C. F. T. Syria BURTON, Sir W. W. Insolvent laws of N.S.W. Religion and education in N.S.W. BURTT, J. Reminiscences re G. A. Selwyn BURY, J. B. The ancient Greek historians BUSBY, J. Authentic information relative to N.S.W. and N.Z. Culture of the vine Illustrations of the system called responsible govern- ment Our colonial empire Plain directions for planting vineyards Tour through some of the vineyards of Spain and France BUSCH, M. Bismarck Our Chancellor BUSH flowers from Australia BUSHMAN, A. See Christie, W. H BUSHMAN, A. See Sidney, J. BUSINESS ; a monthly magazine BUSSY, F. M. Irish conspiracies BUTCHER, S. H. Harvard lectures on the originality of Greece BUTCHERS, B. Modern notions of liberty BUTLER, A. G. Butterflies of N.Z. BUTLER, A. R. Glimpses of Maoriland BUTLER, C. Reminiscences BUTLER, H. M. Ten great and good men BUTLER, N. M. True and false democracy BUTLER, S. Erewhon Essays on life, art, and science Evolution, old and new The fair haven . . Ufe and habit Life and letters of S. Butler, bishop of Lichfield Unconscious memory BUTLER, S. A first year in Canterbury settlement BUTLER, S. Hand-book for Australian emigrants BUTLER, S., bishop of Lichfield. See Butler, S. BUTLER, T. Memoirs of Professor Badham BUTLER, Sir W. F. Autobiography Sir Charles Napier BUTLIN, F. M. Among the Danes . . BUXTON, C. R. Turkey in revolution BUXTON, J. W. Queensland BUXTON, S. C. Finance and politics BUZACOTT, A. Mission life BYRNE, D. Australian writers BYRNE, J. C. Emigrants guide to N.S.W. Twelve years' wanderings BYRNE, J. P. Pastoral letter BYRNE, M. Memoirs BYRNE, M. B. Fern fronds BYRNE, W. E. " Devotion " BYRON, 6th baron. See Edgcumbe, R. See Eke, K. See Moore, J. S. See Moore, T. BYRON, 1th baron. Voyage of H.M.S. Blonde . . BYRON, J. Narrative Class No. 915-3 915-6 347-7 279 920 938 919-4 634 993' 993' 634 634 920 920 821 658 941-5 880 323 595-78 919-31 828 920-01 321-4 827 824 575 226-7 575 920 575 919-31 919-4 920 920 920 914-8 949-6 912-943 336-42 920 820 919-4 919-4 252-1 920 821 821 919-69 910-4 Page 546 547 204 57 636 680 572 401 713 713 401 401 636 636 444 413 683 497 95 351 561 491 671 93 489 484 327 36 327 636 327 561 572 636 636 636 542 701 528 156 636 436 572 572 46 636 444 444 627 607 768 INDEX. Author and Short Title. Class No. I 1 :.;.-" C., D. A few poetical scraps. . 821 444 C., E.O. Twelve years in the land of Beulah . . 241 40 C., M. The explorers 821 444 CABATON, A. Java, Sumatra, and the other islands of the Dutch East Indies 919-2 .-,:,'. CADBUBY,, E., and others. Women's work and wages . . 331-4 134 CADOGAIT, E. Life of Cavour 920 636 Makers of modern history 920-01 671 CJESAR. See Froude, J. A. CAFFYN, M. Miss Milne and I 823 473 CAINE, H. Drink 823 467 CAIBNES, J. E. Character of political economy 330 125 CAIRNS, A. The Jews 296 78 Reply to Sir R. Barry's attack on the sabbath 263 49 Two discourses 252 41 CALDECOTT, A. English colonization and empire 325-3 101 CALDER, J. E. Native tribes of Tasmania 572-9946 324 Oyster culture 639 409 Tasmanian industries 319-46 88 Woodlands of Tasmania 919-46 613 CALDERWOOD, H. Relations of mind and brain 130 16 CALDWELL, R. Gold era of Victoria . . 919-45 607 CALDWELL, R. The German band 821 444 Granite rocks and ozone 828 491 In our great north-west 821 444 The lady Alice 821 444 The philosopher 822 461 The pioneers 821 444 Plea for a geological survey of the Mount Lofty ranges 559-42 302 Summer fruits . . . . . . * . 821 444 A vision of toil 821 444 CALHOTJN, E. See Lazarovich-Hrebelianovich CALKINS, M. W. Persistent problems of philosophy 110 15 CALLANDEB, J. Terra Australis cognita 910-8 520 CALLWELL, C. E. Effects of maritime commands on land campaigns 359 230 Small wars 355 226 CALTHROP, H. C. H. Petrarch 920 636 CAI/VERLEY, C. S. Flyleaves .. -.. 821 437 Literary remains 828 491 Translations into English and Latin 821 437 Verses and fly leaves 821 437 CALVERLEY, E. L. Guide to Bloemfontein -.*. 916-8 551 CALVEBT, A. F. Coolgardie goldfields 919-41 587 Discovery of Australia 919-4 572 Exploration of Australia 919-4 572 Mineral resources of W. A. . . : i 622-1 382 W.A. and its welfare 919-41 587 W.A., its history, &c. 919-41 587 CALVEBT, Mrs. C. L. W. Cowanda 823 473 CALVEBT, J. Fiji and the Fijians. See Rowe, G. S. CALVIN, J. See Walker, W. CAJCBBIDGE, Duke of. See Sheppard, E. CAMBBIDGE, Ada. See Cross, A. CAMBBIDGE anthropological expedition to Torres Straits Reports 572-995 325 CAMBBIDGE modern history 940 681 CAMBRIDGE natural history 590 342 CAMBRIDGE prize poems 821 437 CAMDEN, W. Annales . . . . . . . . 942-05 690 CAMDEN harbour pastoral association. Camden harbour 919-44 598 CAMDEN society. See Royal historical society CAMIROK, C. J. Poems and hymns 821 444 CAMIBON, J. X. The spell of the bush 823 473 INDEX. 769 Author and Short Title. CAMERON, K., ed. The gull CAMERON, V. L. Across Africa CAMM, A. B. Phases of Unitarianism CAMPBELL, baron. See Hardcastle, Mrs. M. S. CAMPBELL, A. Light railways CAMPBELL, A. Sequel to Bulkeley and Cummins's voyage CAMPBELL, A. Voyage round the world CAMPBELL, A. J. Among the flowers Nests and eggs of Australian birds (2 entries) CAMPBELL, A. J. What the world wants CAMPBELL, C. Public education in Viet. The squatting question considered CAMPBELL, D. Puritan in Holland, &c. CAMPBELL, F. Culture of flax and hemp Influence of tobacco CAMPBELL, F. A. Education and industry in Viet. Industrial training Some facts about technical education A year in the New Hebrides CAMPBELL, G. Edward and Pamela FitzGerald CAMPBELL, Lord G. Log letters from the Challenger CAMPBELL, H. W. Soil culture manual CAMPBELL, J. Modern spiritism CAMPBELL, J. Early settlement of Queensland CAMPBELL, J. Maritime discovery and Christian missions Martyr of Erromanga CAMPBELL, J. Norfolk island Simple test for minerals CAMPBELL, J. B. The rifle club movement CAMPBELL, J. L. Poenarno CAMPBELL, T. Diary of a visit to England . . CAMPBELL, W. Canada CAMPBELL, W. Crown lands of Australia CAMPBELL, W. B. Guide to Sydney CAMPBELL, W. D. Surveys of Australasia CAMPBELL, W. S. Extracts from reports Silk culture CAN, C. The great statesman CANA, F. R. South Africa CANADA : Agriculture dept. Statistical year book of Canada CANADA : Archives dept. Documents relating to the con- stitutional history of Canada CANADA : Census and statistics office. Canada year book Fourth census of Canada CANADA : Interior dept. Atlas of Canada CANADA : Law : Statutes. Acts of the legislature of pro- vinces Acts of the parliament of the Dominion Revised statutes, 1886 Revised statutes, 1906 . . . . **M- CANADA: Parliament. Sessional papers CANADA : Parliament : H. of Commons. Journals Official reports of the debates Rules, orders, and forms of proceedings CANADA : Parliament : Senate. Journals Standing rules and orders CANADA : Supreme court. Reports CANADIAN almanac CANAWAY, A. P. Notes on the Commonwealth Bill Tasmanian scholarship scheme CANDISH, E. Whispering voices CANDISH, S. Love CANDLER, E. The unveiling of Lhasa Class No. 910-4 916-7 288 625 910-4 910-4 635 598-2 252 379-945 336-1 274-2 633 615-9 607 607 607 919-6 920 910-4 631 133-9 994-3 266 266 919-44 669 355 919-31 920 917-1 336-1 919-44 526-9 630 638 321 968 317-1 342-71 317-1 317-1 912-71 345-71 345-71 345-71 345-71 328-71 328-71 328-71 328-1 328-71 328-1 346-71 917-1 342-94 378-946 821 821 915-15 Page 507 550 75 385 507 507 404 354 42 253 149 56 398 375 364 364 364 621 636 507 393 16 723 50 50 598 415 226 561 636 552 149 598 284 389 409 91 706 84 175 84 84 524 195 195 195 195 113 113 113 107 113 107 199 552 180 251 444 444 544 F.8720. 2B 770 INDEX. Author and Short Title. CANDOLLE, A. DE. Origin of the sugar cane CANEFRI, C. T. Fauna malacologica della Nouva Guinea CANNEY, E. H. The land of the dawning CANNING, Earl. See Cunningham, Sir H. S. CANNING, G. Speech on the corn laws See Bagot, J. See Teraperley, H. W. V. CANNONS, H. G. T. Bibliography of library economy . . CANSDELL, C. S. Federation, colonial and British New method of providing for superannuation CANTERBURY association. Report of public meeting, 1850 CANTERBURY papers CANTLIE, J. Physical efficiency CANTOR, S. J. Israel vindicandus CAPE of Good Hope : Law : Statutes. Acts of parliament CAPE of Good Hope : Parliament : House of Assembly. Reports from select committees Standing rules and orders Votes and proceedings CAPE of Good Hope : Parliament : Legislative Council. Minutes and annexures Reports from select committees CAPE of Good Hope : Royal observatory. Annals Catalogue of stars (2 entries) Meridian observations of stars CAPE of Good Hope. Civil service list CAPPER, H. South Australia CAPPER, J. Emigrants' guide to Australia Philips' Emigrants' guide CAPPER, R. Dramatic illustrations of ancient history The mummy makers of Egypt A question for electors CAPRICORNUS. See Ranken, G. CARD, A. Teaching of juniors CARD, G. W. Handbook to the mining and geological museum, Sydney CARDIGAN, Countess of. See Lancastre. CAREY, J. Kings of the reef CAREY, R. Narrative of the late war in N.Z. CAREY, S. P. Doctrines of Jesus CARGILL, D. Memoirs of Mrs. Margaret Cargill Refutation of attacks on Wesleyan missionaries CARGILL, Mrs. M. See Cargill, D. CARLETON, H. A page from the history of N.Z. CARLETON, W. The warden of Galway CARLILE, W. W. Economic method and economic fal lacics CARLISLE, N. Ancient family of Bland Foreign orders of knighthood CARLYLE, Mrs. J. B. W. Letters and memorials New letters and memorials See Carlyle, T. CARLYLE, T. Correspondence of T. Carlyle and R. W. Emerson Early letters Love letters of T. Carlyle and J. Welsh . . See Froude, J. A. See Goethe, J. W. von. CARMICHAEL, G. E. J. Hospital children Poems . . . . CARMICHAEL, H. Hints relating to emigrants . . CARMICHAEL, J. Map of Sydney OARNAC, J. H. R. Many memories of life in India CARNAHAN J. Life and times of William III. Class No. Page 633 594 919-4 337 016 354-42 E. 351-5 993-1 993-1 614 821 345 687 328-687 328-1 328-687 328-687 328-687 524 524 524 354-68 919-42 919-4 919-4 822 822 336-94 372 553 821 993-1 282 920 266 993 821 330 929-2 929-71 920 920 920 920 920 362-7 821 919-44 912-944 920 942-06 636 636 636 236 445 599 530 637 690 INDEX. 771 Author and Short Title. CARNARVON, 4"'..?.' yu 1 . .<' 823 473 Long odds 823 473 Memorial volume 823 473 Mystery of Major Molineux 823 473 Old tales of a young country 823 473 The peripatetic philosopher 823 473 Selected works 828 491 Sensational tales 823 473 Stories of Australia in the early days 994 719 Four stories high 823 473 Future Australian race 823 473 CLARKE, M. A. H., ed. History of Australia and Tasmania 994 719 CLARKE, P. The " new chum " in Australia 919-4 573 CLARKE, P. M. Two stories 823 473 CLARKE, T. E. S., and FOXROFT, H. C. Life of Gilbert Burnet 920 637 CLARKE, W. B. Address to Royal society of N.S.W. . . 504 272 Claims of 994-4 726 The dead which are blessed 252 42 INDEX. 777 Author and Short Title. CLARKE, W. B. Discovery and working of gold in Australia Gold discovery in Australia Recent geological discoveries in Australia Scriptures applied to doctrines of Church of Rome . . Sedimentary formations of N.S.W. Southern gold-fields of N.S.W. .. CLARKE, W. H., ed. Farmers' and fruit-growers' guide . . CLARSON, W. The flower garden Lord Howe island Truth not libel CLAYDEN, A. W. Cloud studies CLEARY, P. Imperial Federation CLEMENS, S. L. Christian science Mark Twain's speeches More tramps abroad What is man ? . . CLERK, A. The antipodes and round the world CLERKS, A. M. Modern cosmogonies CLEVELAND, F. A. The bank and the treasury CLEVELAND, S. G. Presidential problems See Parker, G. F. CLEVELEY, J. South seas : four colour plates CLIENT of Mary. The miraculous conception CLIFFORD, E. Father Damien CLIFFORD, F. C. Richmond river district CLIFFORD, H. Further India CLIFFORD, W. K. Common sense of exact sciences Lectures and essays CLINCH, G. English costume CLINT, R. Map of the south and eastern parts of Aus- tralia CLIVB, Baron. See Gleig, G. R. CLOSER union society [South Africa]: Framework of union CLOUD, Mrs. T. C. Drift CLOTTGH, E. M. 0. South African parliamentary manual CLOUSTON, Sir T. S. Hygiene of mind CLOTTTH, F. Rubber CLOW, R. J. The pillar of salt CLUTTERBUCK, J. B. Port Phillip in 1849 CLYDE, A. " Te Kooti " CLYDE, Baron. See Burne, Sir 0. T. COALITION between the squatters and free selectors COANE, J. M., H. E., and J. M., jnr. Australasian roads. . COATES, D., BEECHAM, J., and ELLIS, W. Christianity the means of civilization COATES, T. F. G. The prophet of the poor COATS, J. Notes on sea and land COBB, N. A. Abandoned orchards of Cumberland county Diseases of plants Notes on diseases of plants Plant diseases Seed wheat COBBETT, P. Cases and opinions on international law . . COBBETT, W. Grammar of the English language COBDEN, R. Political writings See Morley, viscount. COCHRANE, A. See Caldwell, R. COCKBTTRN, baron. Life of Lord Jeffrey COCKBTJRN, F. J. Letters from the southern hemisphere COCKBURN, Sir J. A. Australian federation COCKBTJKN, R. Nomenclature of S.A. COCKNEY Tom. See Bastard, T. COCKSHOTT, H. M., and LAMB, S. E. Digest of cases (N.S.W.) Class No. Page 622-2 384 553-4 298 559-4 301 282 59 559-44 304 559-44 304 630 389 635 404 919-44 599 347-91 210 551-67 295 354- 42s 217 615-851 374 815 436 910 502 170 21 910 502 523-1 279 332 137 304 80 769 424 232 37 919-69 627 919-44 599 919-5 548 510 277 824 484 391 261 912-94 526 324 172 821 445 328-1 107 613-8 368 678 418 823 474 919-45 607 821 440 336-1 150 625-7 386 266 51 920 637 910-4 507 632 395 632 395 632 395 633 398 633 398 341 170 425 267 308 82 920 637 919-4 573 342-94 180 929-4 676 346-944 200 778 INDEX. Author and Short Title. COCKSHOTT, H. M., and others. Digest of cases (N.S.W.) COCKSHOTT, W. The Pilgrim fathers . . CODRINGTON, R. H. Melanesiun languages The Melanesians COGHLAN, T. A. Decline in birth-rate of N.S.W. Financial aspect of Australian federation (3 entries) . . Hand-book of N.S.W. statistics, 1861-1887 Picturesque New South Wales Statistical account of the seven colonies of Australasia Statistics, six states of Australia and New Zealand (2 entries) Wealth and progress of N.S.W. . . COQNE, F. Botanical gardens, Melb., plate Collins-street, from Queen-street, plate COHEN, P. Marine fish and fisheries of N.S.W. COLBURN'S united service magazine COLCHESTER, Monastery of St. John the Baptist. Cartu larium monasterii COLE, E. W. [Various works ] COLB, E. W., ed. Federation of the world COLE,G. W. Policy of action in employment for the people COLE, P. R. Herbert and Froebel COLE, T. C. Gardening in Victoria COLEBROOKE, H. T. Religion and philosophy of the Hindus COLBMAN, J. N. Memoir of Rev. R. Davis COLBNSO, W. Ancient tide-lore Botany of North island of New Zealand Excursion in the northern island of New Zealand Fiat justitia History of the signing of the Treaty of Waitangi In memoriam ; visits to the Ruahine mountain range Maori-English lexicon Some newly-discovered ferns of New Zealand Three literary papers COLERIDGE, 1st baron. See Coleridge, E. H. COLERIDGE, 2nd baron. Story of a Devonshire house COLERIDGE, E. H. Life and correspondence of John Duke, Lord Coleridge COLERIDGE, M. E. Gathered leaves COLERIDGE, S. T. Biographia literaria COLIGNY, G de. See Bersier, E. COLLES, W. M., and HARDY, H. Playright and copyright COLLIER, J. Literature relating to N.Z. Sir George Grey COLLIER, J. P. English dramatic poetry COLLIER, J. P., ed. Book of Roxburghe ballads COLLTNGRIDGE, G. Discovery of Australia First discovery of Australia COLLINGS, J. Land reform COLLINS, A. K. Lecture on New Guinea COLLINS, D. Account of the English colony in N.S.W. (2eds.) COLLINS, J. C. Greek influence on English poetry COLLINS, J. T., and MEAD EN, C. H. Local government law and practice COLLINS, T. Such is life COLLINS, T. B. The new agriculture COLLINS, W. E. W. Leaves from an old country cric- keter's diary COLLTNSON, Sir R. Journal of H.M.S. Enterprise COLLISSON, M. South Australia in 1844-5 COLNETT, J. Voyage to the South Atlantic COLOMB, Sir J. C. R. Defence of Great and Greater Britain Increase of the German navy No. Page 346-944 973 499 572-993 319-44 342-94 319-44 919-44 319-4 319-4 319-44 769 769 639 355 942-6 824 320-4 337 371 635 294 920 398-2 581-9931 919-31 343-1 993-1 919-31 499 587 404 920 920 828 828 347-7 016 920 822 821 910-4 994 333 919-5 919-44 821 352-0945 823 630 797 919-8 919-42 910-4 355 359 INDEX. 779 Author and Shoit Title. COLOND, A. Vocabulaire Arorai COLONIAL and Indian exhibition. Her Majesty's colonies Commissioners for N.S. W. New South Wales COLONIAL Church chronicle COLONIAL church society. Report COLONIAL handbook for farmers COLONIAL intelligencer COLONIAL literary journal COLONIAL magazine COLONIAL magazine. Regeneration of the British colony ofV.D.L. COLONIAL mining journal COLONIAL monthly COLONIAL observer COLONIAL office journal COLONIAL office list COLONIAL times [Hobart Town] COLONIE, J. M. DE LA. See La Colonie COLONIES and the Cannon-street meeting^ COLONIST, The COLONISTS' Anti- convention bill league. Federal bill analyzed COLONISTS' handbooks COLONIZATION. Mr. Wakefield's theory COLONTJS. See A' Beckett, Sir W. COLONY, The ; a poem COLONY of Australia. Views of Sir A. Stephen and Sir J. Robertson COLONY we live in, The COLQUHOUN, A. R. Africander land Dan to Beersheba Greater America Mastery of the Pacific 1912 ? Germany and sea power . . COLQUHOTTN, A. R., and Mrs. E. The whirlpool of Europe COLSON, L. Culture de la canne a sucre COLUMBUS, C. See Irving, W. See Winsor. J. COLVILLE, Sir H. E. The allies COLVIN, Sir A. John Russell Colvin The making of modern Egypt COLVIN, I. D. South Africa COLVIN, J. R. See Colvin, Sir A. COLYEB, M. J. G. The calculigraph . . COMBARIEU, J. L. J. Music . . COMBE, G. Principles of criminal legislation COMBES, E. Education in Australia Report on technical education COMETTANT, 0. Au pays du kangourous COMING struggle among the nations of the earth COMMERCIAL bank of Australia, Melb. Opinions of the press COMMERCIAL banking company of Sydney. Deed of settle- ment COMMERCIAL, pastoral, and agricultural association. Land system of N.S.W. Report, &c. COMMISSARY review COMMONS, J. R. Proportional representation Races and immigrants in America COMMONS, J. R., and others. American industrial society COMMONWEALTH, The COMMONWEALTH, The (serial) Class Ho. Page 499 269 325 '42 102 919-44 599 283 65 266 51 630 390 572 313 070 11 050 8 343-2 192 622 380 050 8 070 11 325 97 325-42 102 070 12 325-42 102 070 11 342 -94 181 325-2 99 325 97 821 445 329 -9944 121 919-42 590 919-8 551 910 502 325-73 106 325-3 101 327 106 914-36 540 664-1 44 915-2 545 920 638 962 705 968 706 510-8 277 780 430 365 33 379-94 251 607 364 919'4 573 236 38 332-13 140 332-13 140 336-12 152 338-7 164 910-4 607 324-2 96 325-1 97 331 130 805 434 342-94 181 780 INDEX. Author and Short Title. 99, COMMONWEALTH constitution act and debates in Imperial Parliament COMMONWEALTH hymns COMMONWEALTH law reports Digest COMMONWEALTH law review COMMONWEALTH of Australia gazette COMMONWEALTH statutory rules COMPANION guide to Healesville COMPATRIOTS' club lectures COMPLETE report of the attempted assassination of H.B.H. Prince Alfred .. ''''. COMPTON, H. Indian life . . COMTE, A. System of positive polity CONANT, C. A. History of modern banks of issue Principles of money and banking CONDEB, C. R. The city of Jerusalem The rise of man Tentwork in Palestine CONFESSIO medici. Author of. See Paget, S. CONFESSIONAL, The CONOLETON, 1st baron. Penal laws against the Irish catholics CONOKEQATIONAL church : Aust. Intercolonial conference, Syd., 1883 .. Proceedings at conference of delegates, 1859 Record volume ; jubilee of Queensland Congre- gationalism 25 years of development in Queensland CONGREGATIONAL church, Bathurst. Church manual CONGREGATIONAL union of S.A. Report S.A. congregational year-book CONGREGATIONAL union of Tasmania. [Various pamph- lets.] (5 entries) CONGREGATIONALISM as the vanguard of Christ's church . . CONGREGATIONALISM : is it religious freedom ? . . CONGREGATIONALISM, past, present, and future CONGRESS of engineers, &c., interested in building of Federal capital of Australia CONIGRAVE, J. F. South Australia CONINGTON, J. The ^Eneid of Virgil CONSTANTINE, Emperor. See Firth, J. B. CONSTITUTION bill for Western Australia CONSTITUTIONAL history of the U.S. CONSTITUTIONALIST. Responsible government CONSTITUTIONS of the several states of the union and United States CONTEMPORARY review CONWAY, M. D. Demonology Life of Thomas Paine CONWAY, Sir W. M. The Alps No man's land ; a history of Spitsbergen COODE, Sir J. [Reports] Values of British and Irish produce exported COOGEE palace aquarium co., ltd. Illustrated guide . . COOK, Madame C. Comic history of N.S.W. COOK, E. T. Edmund Garrett COOK, F. C. Origins of religion and language COOK, J. Bible in our state schools COOK, J., Capt. Atlas to voyages Captain Cook's landing in Botany Bay Compendious history of Captain Cook's last voyage . . Facsimiles of four letters to Sir Joseph Banks Jouraal during his first voyage . . Jouraftls of the Reolvtion'i voyage 342-94 821 346-94 346-94 347 -05 354-94 354-94 919-45 354-42 E. 994-4 915-4 193 332-1 332 933 901 915-69 265 941-5 285-8 285-8 285-8 285-8 285-8 285-8 285-8 285-8 285-8 285-8 285-8 526-9 919-42 870 342-941 342-73 342-944 342-73 050 133 920 914-94 998 627 314-2 791 827 920 290 377 910-4 994-4 910-4 920 910-4 910-4 INDEX. 781 Author and Short Title. Cook, J. Capt. The landing of lieutenant James Cook . . New, authentic, and complete edition of Captain Cook's voyages Original voyages around the world Unveiling of Captain Cook statue Voyage dans 1'hemisphere austral. . Voyage to tiie Pacific ocean Voyage towards the South Pole . . See Besant, Sir W. See Kippis, A. See Kitson, A. See McFarland, A. See Samwell, D. COOK, J., and company. Railway and steam navigation guide, N.S.W. COOK, J. N. H. H. Australians true ! COOK, S. Future land policy of N.S.W. COOK, S. The Jenolan caves COOKE, F. H. Law of combinations, monopolies, and labour unions COOKE, M. C. Fungi Australian! Handbook of Australian fungi COOL, W. With the Dutch in the East COOLEY, A. J., compiler. Cyclopaedia of practical receipts COOLEY, C. H. Social organization COOLEY, T. M. Constitutional limitations General principles of constitutional law in U.S. Law of taxation COOLJDGE, A. C. United States as a world power COOMBE, M. Local court rules for the Avoca district, &c. COOMBS and co. Coombs' commercial articles Index to trade circular COOPER, A. Christ and heathendom COOPER, Sir A. Treatise on dislocations COOPER, D. E. Double bay COOPER, E. Forest culture and eucalyptus trees COOPER, F. DE B. Wild adventures in Australia COOPER, G. S. Expedition from Auckland to Taranaki . . COOPER, H. S. Coral lands of the Pacific .% COOPER, I. E. New Zealand settler's guide COOPER, J. Education in some of its higher aspects [Various works] COOPER, R. Appeal against the prohibition of colonial distillation COOPER, W. Track from Katoomba to Jenolan caves . . COOPER, Sir W. E. Britain for the Briton Socialism and its perils CO-OPERATIVE wholesale societies. Annual COOTE, W. History of the colony of Queensland COOTE, W. The western Pacific COPELAND, H. Adam's curse and labour-saving inven- tions Australian foreign trade COPELAND, J. The New Hebrides COPINGER, W. A. Law of copyright . . COPPINGER, R. W. Cruise of the Alert CORBETT, F. A. Railway economy in Victoria . . CORBETT, J. Monk.. CORBETT, J. S. The campaign of Trafalgar England in the seven years war . . CORBETT, W. J. " Fontenoy " COSBYN, C. A. Sydney revels CORKBAN, H. Oddities, others, and I CORLKTTE, C. E. Beri beri . . COBLITTI, J. C. Final and sustaining cause of creation Class No. 994 910 910 994 910 910 910 625 821 336-12 919-44 338-8 589-2 589-2 992 603 301 342-73 342-73 336-2 327 354-945 658 381 266 617 769 634-9 919-4 919-31 919-6 919-31 370-4 204 354-944 919-44 330 335-1 334 994-3 919-6 331-1 382 919-34 347-7 910-4 385 920 940 355 821 827 920-01 619-9 215 Page 719 508 508 725 508 508 508 385 445 152 599 165 341 341 712 359 79 176 176 153 106 223 413 255 51 377 426 403 572 562 621 562 243 29 223 599 125 148 144 723 621 132 256 569 204 508 258 638 681 226 445 490 671 376 33 782 INDEX. Author and Short Title. CORMACK, D. Australian federation . . . . Reply to 8. A. Rosa CORNEILLE, P. Oeuvres completes CORNFORD, L. C. The defenceless islands CORNISH, H. Under the Southern cross CORNISH, T. Our gold supply CORNISH, V. The Panama canal Waves CORNWALL chronicle, newspaper. Tasmaniana CORNWALLIS, C., Marquis. See Karr, W. S. S. CORNWALLIS, K. Panorama of the new world Yarra Yarra COROWA federation conference. Report CORTES, H. Letters of Cortes See MacNutt, F. A. CORY, G. E. Rise of South Africa COSMOS COTTAGE home for destitute children, Newport. Report. . COTTEAU, E. En Oceanie COTTON, J. S. Mountstuart Elphinstone COUCH, Sir A. T. Q. From a Cornish window . . COUESLANT, F. Disease of the vine COULSON, H. J. W., and FORBES, M. A. Law relating to waters COULTER, J. Adventures in the Pacific COULTON, G. G. Chaucer and his England COUNSELL, W. G. Temperance and teetotalism COTJRTE, comte de. La Nouvelle Zelande COTTRTHOBPE, W. J. History of English poetry Life of Alexander Pope COURTNEY, 1st baron. Working constitution of the United Kingdom COURTNEY, W. P. Register of national bibliography COUSLANDT, F. Where, when, and how to plant the vine COUTTS, J. Vacation tours in N.Z. and Tas. COUVREUR, Madame J. C. Penance of Portia James A Sydney sovereign Uncle Piper of Piper's hill COWAN, F. Australia *. Fact and fancy COWAN, J. The Maoris COWDEROY, B. A holiday tour round the world Melbourne's commercial jubilee COWEN, L. L., ed. West Australian settler's guide COWEN, T. The Russo-Japanese war COWIE, W. G. Apostolic order Melanesian mission Our last year in New Zealand COWPER, W. M. Autobiography Episcopate of Frederick Barker Cox and Co.'s Sydney directory Cox, A. Recollections Cox, Mrs. E. See Piper, M. A. Cox, F. H. How to work for God Our widowed Queen The primitive rock The prophetic office in the church Cox, F. W. Jubilee record, Congregational churches of S.A Cox, Sir G. W. History of Greece Mythology of the Aryan nations Cox, H., ed. British industries under freetrade Cox, J. C. Australian land shells Australian volutes Cypraea 342-94 342 '94 842 359 919-4 332-41 626 532-6 919-46 910 821 342-94 972 968 050 362-7 910 920 824 634 347'7 910-4 920 178 919-31 821 920 342-42 015 634 919-31 823 823 823 821 821 572-9931 910 380 919-41 947 262 266 920 920 920 919-44 920 252 252 240 252 285-8 938 291 337 594 594-3 594-3 INDEX. 783 Author and Short Title. Class No. Page Cox, J. C. Cytherea found in Bass straits 595 '3 349 Land and marine shells from Australia 594 347 Monograph of Australian land shells 594 347 New land shells from Australia and the Solomon islands " 594 347 Pulmonata 594-3 348 Cox, J. C. The parish registers of England 929-2 676 Cox, J. G. S. Life of Cardinal Vaughan 920 638 Cox, W. Memoirs of William Cox 920 638 Narrative 919-44 599 Cox, W. G. Artesian wells 628-11 388 Irrigation, and land drainage 631 394 COXE, B. Judicial power and constitutional legislation . . 342-73 176 COZENS, B. The princess of the Mallee 823 474 CRAB, P. van der, and others. Reizen naar Nederlandsch Nieuw- Guinea 919-5 618 CRABB, G. English synonyms explained 424 267 CRABBP:, G. See Huchon, R. CRABBE, G. W. Scottish humour 828 491 CRAEMER, C. Aus meiner Wanderzeit 910 502 CRAIG, G. C. Federal defence of Australasia 355 226 CRAIG, W. H. Life of Lord Chesterfield 920 638 CRAIK, G. L. Die Neuseelander 919-31 562 The New Zealanders 919-31 562 Romance of the peerage 929-72 677 CRAJJP, W. B. Voyage to India 910-4 508 CRANBROOK, 1st tarl of. A memoir . . 920 638 CRANMER, T. See Pollard, A. F. CRAWFORD, A. Letter to the officers of H.M. Indian ser- vices 919-46 613 CRAWFORD, F. S. The fusicladiums 632 395 CRAWFORD, J. The man of sin 204 29 CRAWFORD, J. C. Recollections of travel in N.Z. 919-31 562 CRAWFORD. R. Echoes from bushland 823 474 CRAWFORD, R. Lyric moods 821 445 CRAWLEY, A. E. The mystic rose 392-5 262 CREASY, Sir E. S. The fifteen decisive battles of the world 904 499 Imperial and colonial constitutions 342 172 CREE, N. Direct legislation by the people 321-4 93 CREED, J M. Bite of Australian snakes 615-94 375 Cremation 614-6 373 CREED, Mrs. M. L. An Australian girl in London 823 474 Dreams of flowers 821 445 CREELMAN, J. Diaz 920 638 CREEVEY, T. The Creevey papers 920 639 CREFFIELD, J. Postal stations, mail roads, &c., in N.S.W. 912-944 629 Queensland and British New Guinea 912-943 528 Wool district map of S. A. 912-942 528 CREIGHTON, M. History of the Papacy 282 59 Memoir of Sir George Grey 920 639 CRESSWELL, A. W. Science and religion 215 33 CRICHFIELD, G. W. The rise and progress of the South American republics 980 711 CRICHTON, A. The land o' the leal 821 437 CRICK, G. C. Jurassic cephalopoda from W.A. 564 310 CRIME and criminals, from 1785 to 1880 343-2 192 CRINGLE, Tom. See Walker, W. CRISP, C. Wanted : a cosmology 354-42Z 217 CRITCHLY, F. A society story 823 474 CRITIC in churclj. See Willoughby, H. CRITO. Launceston and Western railway 385 258 The present crisis (Tas.) 336-2 153 CRIVJELLI, M. U. Alcoholism 616-8 376 784 INDEX. Author and Short Title. CBOCKFOED'S clerical directory CBOFTON, Sir W. Convict systems and transportation . . CROISET, M. Aristophanes and the political parties at Athens CROKER, J. VV. The Croker papers CROKER, T. C. ed. Memoirs of Joseph Holt CROMER, 1* earl of. Ancient and modern imperial- ism Modern Egypt See Traill, H. D. CROMMELJN, J. C. W. Rabbits CROMWELL, O. See Gardiner, S. R. See Harris, W. See Morley, Viscount CBOOKE, W. Natives of northern India Religion and folk-lore of northern India Things Indian CROOKS, W. See Haw, G. CROSBY, E. E., ed. The persecutions in Tonga CROSBY, 0. T. Tibet and Turkestan CROSS, Mrs. A. Fidelia A little minx A marriage ceremony Materf amilias Not all in vain Thirty years in Australia The three Miss Kings CROSS, A. L. Anglican episcopate and the American colonies CBOSS, J. Chart of part of N.S.W. N.S.W., with plans of the harbors Van Dieman's Land CROSS, J., ed. Hints on emigration Journal of several expeditions in W.A. CROSS, J. W. The rake's progress in finance CROSS, M. See Eliot, G. CROSS, W. See Hunt. J. CROSS, W. L. Life and times of Laurence Sterne CROSSE, H., and CROSSE, M. E. Catalogue dos cones de la Nouvelle Caledonie CROUCH, J. Puritanism and art CBOWE, R. Lower freights and better shipping condi- tions CROZET, captain. Voyage to Tasmania CROZIER, J. B. Wheel of wealth CRUCHLEY, G. P. Van Dieman's Land CRUDEN, A. Complete concordance . . CRUDEN, R. P. History of the town of Gravesend CRUISE, R. A. Journal of a ten months' residence in N.Z. CCLCHETH, W. W. The late flood in Melbourne CULLEN, A. Adventures in socialism . . CULLEN, W. P. Federal systems . . . . CUMBERLAND, B. History of the Union Jack GUMMING, C. F. G. At home in Fiji Fire fountains A lady's cruise in a French man-of-war CUMMINO, J. Labour, rest, and recreation CUMMINS, W. J. Prevention better than cure CUNNINGHAM, A. Vegetation of certain coasts of Terra Australis See Hogg, D. CUNNINGHAM, Sir H. S. Earl Canning CUNNINGHAM, J. H., compiler. Constitution of free masons, 8.A... NIL 283 365 938 920 920 325-3 962 632 572-954 299 915-4 996-1 915-15 823 823 823 823 823 919-45 823 283 912-944 912-944 912-946 919-41 919-41 336-42 920 685 709 387 910-4 330 912-946 220 942-2 919-31 627 335-9 342-94 929-9 919-61 919-69 919-6 331-81 362 681-994 920' 366 INDEX. 785 Author and Short Title. CUNNINGHAM, P. Hints for Australian emigrants Two years in N.S.W. CUNNINGHAM, W. Wisdom of the wise CUNNINGTON, S. Home and state CUNYNGHAME, Sir H. H. S. Time and clocks CUPID, P. The rival physicians CURLE, J. H. Gold mines of the world CURLEWIS, Mrs. E. S. Betty and co. . . The family at misrule Fugitives from fortune Miss Bobbie Seven little Australians CURLEWIS, H. R., and EDWABDS, D. S. The law of pro- hibition CURB, E. The colony of Van Diemen's Land . . CURR, E. M. The Australian race Pure saddle-horses Recollections of squatting in Victoria Scab in sheep CURRAN, J. M. M. Fossil plants from Dubbo . . Geology and petrography of Bathurst Geology and water supply of the interior of N.S.W. Geology of Dubbo Geology of Sydney and the Blue mountains A leucite-basalt from central N.S.W. Microscopic structure of some Australian rocks CURRAN, J. P. See Phillips, C. CURREY, E. H. Sea-wolves of the Mediterranean CURTIN, J. A journey in southern Siberia The Mongols CURTIS, B. R. Jurisdiction, practice, &c., of the courts of the U.S. CURTIS, J. Shipwreck of the Sterling Castle CURTIS, L. S. History of Broken Hill CURTIS, L. S., ed. Adelaide CURZON, 1st baron. Lord Curzon in India GUSHING, L. S. Law and practice of legislative assemblies in the U.S. GUST, Mrs. H. Gentlemen errant CUST, H. E. P. Eruption of Ambryn island CUSTANCE, Sir R. N. Naval policy . . CUTCLTFFE, C. C. Doctrines of the Catholic church CUTHBERTSON, J. L. Barwon ballads CUTTEN, G. B. Psychology of alcoholism CUTTER, J. Lynch law CUTTER, C. A. Rules for a dictionary catalogue CUTTINOS from Melbourne illustrated papers CUTTINGS from N.S.W. newspapers CUTTINGS from Sydney newspapers relating to the abo rigines Cuzco. Note-book CUZENT, G. lies de la Societe Les lies Gambier Les possessions Francaises de 1'Oceanie CYCLOPEDIA company of Fiji. The cyclopedia of Fiji CYCLOPEDIA of New South Wales CYCLOPEDIA of Samoa CYCLOPEDIA of Victoria DAHLKE, P. Buddhist essays DAIBER, A. Geschichte aus Australien ""^ * f T7OQ ! Vu"fcr\lr DAILY mail year-book JJ Al.lt i 1L1C1.11 J ^<*JL- IL/WWA. DAILY news, newspaper. Tl DAILY telegraph. [Sydney] The wonderful year T Class No. Page 630 390 919-44 699 330-4 128 330 125 529 285 823 474 622-2 384 823 474 823 474 823 474 823 474 823 474 347-9 208 919-46 613 672-994 318 636-1 405 919-45 608 636-3 407 561 309 559-44 304 559-44 305 659-44 304 559-44 304 559-44 305 552 297 910-4 509 915-7 548 951-7 702 353 214 910-4 509 919-44 599 919-42 590 825 488 328-1 107 920-01 671 551-2 289 359 230 282 59 821 445 178 26 343-2 192 025 6 040 7 040 7 572-994 318 910-4 509 919-62 626 919-7 628 919-7 628 919-61 624 919-44 600 919-61 624 919-45 608 294 77 994 719 314-2 84 908 500 070 11 766 INDEX. Author and Short Title. Claw No. Page DAILY telegraph, Sydney. Attainment of federation 342-94 181 Election issue, 1898 329 -9944 121 The federal campaign 342-94 181 The Gloucester estate 919-44 600 Sydney municipal finance 352-0944 213 DATNTBEE, R. Geology of Queensland 669-43 303 Queensland sugar and wheat soils 631 394 DAISH, W. C. Melbourne to Tokio 910 602 D'ALBE, E. E. F. Two new worlds . . 523-1 279 D'ALBERTIS, L. M. Expedition for the exploration of the Fly river 919-5 618 New Guinea 919-5 618 DALE, E. National life and character 820 436 DALE, P., and HAVTLAND, C. Voices from Australia 821 445 DALE, R. W. Impressions of Australia 919-4 573 DALEY, V. J. [A tribute to] 821 445 Wine and roses 821 445 See Stephens. A. G." DALGETY as a federal capital site 919-44 600 DALGETY progress committee. Unique site for the federal city 919-44 600 DALHOUSIE, 1st marquis of. Private letters 920 639 See Hunter, Sir W. W. DALLEY, W. B. The proposed federal council 342-94 181 Report of the Dalley memorial movement 920 639 Speech in Legislative council of N.S. W. on Mr. Docker's resolutions 329-9944 121 Speech in Masonic hall, 1872 329-9944 121 Sydney platforms and European cabinets . . 377 248 DALLINQEB, F. W. Nominations for elective office in the U.S. 329-973 119 DALBYMPLE, A. Discoveries made in the South Pacific ocean 910-8 521 Historical collection of voyages 910-8 521 Voyages dans le mer du sud 910-8 621 DALY, Mrs. H. W. Digging, squatting, ... in the Northern Territory 919-421 593 DAMIEN, Father. See Quinlan, M. See Stevenson, R. L. DAMPTER, W. Dampier's voyages 910-4 609 Life and voyages 920 639 New voyage round the world 910-4 609 Nieuwe reistogt rondom de wereld 910-4 509 DANA, C. A. See Wilson, J. H. DANA, J. D. Corals and coral islands 593'6 345 DANBURY news-man. See Bailey J. M. DANCE, G. Portrait of Sir Joseph Banks 769 423 DANQERFIELD, F. [Map of Port Phillip] 912-945 531 DANIEL, G. W. Bishop Wilberforce 920 639 DANIELLS, A. G. Echoes of liberty 322 94 DANKS, B. Marriage customs of the New Britain group 672-9936 318 Our hygienic mission in Fiji 919-61 624 DANNEVIO, H. C. Scottish methods of smoking fish 664-9 414 DANTE, A. The Inferno 850 496 DARE, H. H. Address before Sydney university engineer- ing society 620-6 379 DARE, Ishmael. See Jose, A. W. DABLEY, C. W. Notes on boring 628-11 388 DARLING, E. Simple rules . . .for persons in humble life .. 177 25 DABMESTETER, A. M. F. See Duclaux. DABNLEY, J. H. Facing the music 822 461 DABROCH, A. The children . . 370-4 243 DABVAL, Sir J. B. See Walker, William. INDEX. 787 Author and Short Title. DARWIN, C. R. Coral reefs Descent of man Different forms of flowers Effects of cross and self fertilization Expression of the emotions Formation of vegetable mould through the action of worms Foundations of the origin of species Geological observations on South America Geological observations on volcanic islands Geological observations on volcanic islands and parts of South America Geology and natural history of the countries visited by H.M.S. Beagle Insectivorous plants Journal of researches, countries visited by Beagle . . Life and letters More letters Origin of species Variation of animals and plants under domestication Various contrivances by which orchids are fertilized DARWIN, C. R., and DARWIN, F. Power of movement in plants DARWIN, E. See Krause, E. DARWIN, L. Municipal ownership DASENT, A. I. John Thadeus Delane Speakers of the House of Commons DATTARI, P. New Australian beetle DAVENPORT, A. Synodal proceedings in Tasmania DAVENPORT, R. South Australia DAVENPORT, Sir S. Some new industries for South Aus- tralia DAVEY, R. P. B. The nine days' queen The pageant of London DAVEY, T. [Governor Davey's proclamation] DAVID, A. E. Handbooks of church extension : Aus- tralia DAVID, Mrs. T. W. E. Funafuti DAVID, T. W. E. Glacial action in the carboniferous and Hawkesbury series, N.S.W. Igneous rocks from Lord Howe island DAVIDSON, A. F. Alexandre Dumas [pere] DAVIDSON, A. M. C. Present-day Japan DAVIDSON, G. F. Trade and travel . . DAVTES, G. S. Sculptural tombs of the 15th century in Rome DAVEBS, J. L., ed. The Working men's college DAVTES, R. L. A. Poems DAVTES, R. R. The offertory not an innovation DAVTES, W. H. Nature poems D'AviGDOR, E. H. Antipodean notes. . DAVTLLE, E. Guide pratique du colon en Nouvelle- Caledonie La colonisation Franfaise aux Nouvelles- Hebrides . . DAVIS, A. H. Back at our selection Dad in politics The Dashwoods For life From selection to city In Australia On our selection Our new selection The poor parson Sandy's selection DAVIS, C. 0. B. Maori mementos Class No. 551-96 575-4 581-15 581-16 138 595-1 575-8 550 550 551 570 581-5 508 920 920 575-8 575-2 581-16 681-5 352-9 920 328-42 595-76 283 321 630 920 942-1 769 283 919-66 559-44 559-44 920 915-2 910 736 607 821 252 821 919-31 919-32 919-34 823 823 823 823 823 823 823 823 823 823 993-1 Page 296 328 331 331 18 348 329 288 289 289 311 331 276 639 639 329 328 331 331 214 639 110 350 65 91 390 639 694 423 65 626 305 305 639 545 502 421 364 445 42 437 562 568 569 474 474 474 474 474 474 474 474 474 474 714 788 INDEX. Author and Short Title. DAVIS, G. B. Elements of law DAVIS, J. Sewerage systems DAVIS, J. Spiritual soul travelling DAVIS, J. Tracks of McKinlay DAVIS, J. B. Osteology and peculiarities of the Tas- manians DAVIS, J. C., ed. Australian cricket annual DAVIS, J. D. Bibliography of New Zealand DAVIS, J. F. Bank organization DAVIS, J. B. A., ed. Science in modern life DAVIS, P. S. Digest of cases in Supreme court (Vic.) . . DAVIS, R. See Coleman, J. N. DAVIS, R. H. The Congo and coasts of Africa DAVISON, S. Gold deposits in Australia Origin of gold DAVITT, M. The fall of feudalism in Ireland Life and progress in Australasia See Skeffington, F. S. DAVY, Sir H. Collected works DAWBARN, C. Y. C. Liberty and progress The social contract DA WE, W. Love and the world DAWKINS, W. B. Cave hunting DAWSON, A., ed. Adam Black, miner DAWSON, J. Australian aborigines DAWSON, R. Present state of Australia Services as agent of Australian agricultural company DAWSON, S. E. The Saint Lawrence basin DAWSON, W. H. Evolution of modern Germany German socialism and Ferdinand Lassalle The German workman Protection in Germany Social Switzerland The vagrancy problem DAWSON, W. H. Buddha and Buddhism Forecasts of the future War songs DAWSON, W. J. Makers of English fiction A soldier of the future DAY, J. Hospitals and pyaemia DAY, W. House of the forest of Lebanon DEAKIN, A. The federal duel The federal situation Irrigated India Irrigation in Western America Pre-sessional speech, 1905 Temple and tomb in India DEAN, G. Regina v. Dean DEAN, W. Home and camp DEAN, W. B. Notorious bushrangers of Tasmania DEAZELEY, J. Photographic views of Brisbane DEBNEY, Mrs. Poems DE Boos, C. Conge woi correspondence Fifty years ago Settler and savage DEBRETT'S Peerage DEBTS and assets of Australasia DE BUNSIN, V. The soul of a Turk . . DEI, R. K. Mortgaged years DXKOAK, T. P. The rescue of Victoria DISKIKO, ?. B., the criminal of the century . . DEIRR, N. Cane sugar Sugar and sugar cane 342 73 628-2 240 919-4 572-9946 797 016 332-1 508 346-945 916-7 563-4 553-1 941-5 919-4 508 331 336-2 821 571-81 331 572-9945 919-4 380 970 914-3 335-5 331-8 337 331-8 339 294 320-1 821 804 823 613-5 221 329-994 329-994 631 631 329-994 915-4 343-1 821 920-01 779 821 823 823 823 929-72 336-94 915-6 823 823 920 664-1 664-1 INDEX. 789 Author and Short Title. DEFOE, D. Voyage round the world See Wright, T. DE GRTJCHY and LEIGH, publishers. Panoramic view of Melbourne DE HART, E. L., and SIMEY, R. I. Marine insurance act . . DEISSMANN, A. Light from the ancient East DELABAUME, P. La Nouvelle-Caledonie DELANE, J. T. See Dasent, A. J. DELANY, R. Poems and songs DELESSERT, E. Souvenirs, d'un voyage a Sydney DELUZE, J. P. F. Notice historique sur M. Peron DE LISSA, A. Bankruptcy and insolvency law DEL MAR, A. History of money in ancient countries History of precious metals Money and civilization . . DELPHIN classics . . DEMABR, J. Adventures in Australia D'EMDEN, H. J. Parliamentary guide (Tas.) .. DEMOCRATIC government in Victoria . . DEMOCRITUS. Faction defeated DEMON McGuire. The DE MONTMORENCY, J. E. G. Thoma a Kempis DENDY, A., and LUCAS, A. H. S. Introduction to botany DENISON, Sir W. T. Drainage and sewerage Experiments for determining value of specimens of native gold Varieties of vice-regal life DENNISTOUN, J. Memoirs of the dukes of Urbino DENTON, S. F. Incidents of a collector's rambles DENVIR, J. Life story of an old rebel D'EoN de Beaumont. See Horn berg, O., and Jousellin, F. DEPLOIGE, S. Referendum in Switzerland DEPUTATION to the Earl of Carnarvon DE QUINCEY, T. Works DERBY, 14th earl of. See Saintsbury, G. E. B. DERHAM, F. P. Murrin and Wonga DE RICCI, J. H. Fiji DE RIDDER, L. E. Federation DEHBISON, G. T. Struggle for imperial unity DE SATGE, 0. Journal of a Queensland squatter DESCARTES, R. See Haldane, E. S. DESCHANEL, P. Les interets Francais dans 1'ocean Pacifique DESCRIPTIVE notes. Milson's point to Hornsby DE SELJNCOURT, H. Great Ralegh DESPEISSIS, A. Handbook of horticulture, W.A. DESPEISSIS, J. A. The vineyard and the cellar DESTY, R. Manual of practice in the U.S. DBS VERGTJES. See Eyriaud des Vergues. DBS VOETJX, Sir G. W. My colonial service DE Vis, C. W. Birds from British New Guinea Extinct fresh-water reptiles of Queensland DEVONSHIRE, 8th duke of. See Leach, H. DEWAB, D., and FINN, F. The making of speciea DEWAR, J. Application of sulphurous acid to contagious diseases D'EwES, J. China, Australia, and the Pacific islands . . DBWXY, M. Decimal classification DE WINDT, H. My restless life DE WMTON, G. J. Soldiering fifty years ago DE WIT, A. Java DIARY of three months trip in Queensland DIAZ, P. See Creelman, J. DIBBS, B. In summer isles . . . . Class No. 823 769 347-7 225 919-32 821 919-44 920 347-7 332-4 332-41 332-4 870 919-4 342-946 329-9945 994-5 821 241 580-7 614-7 669 920 945 919 941 321-4 173 824 821 919-61 354-42B 354-42E 920 919 919-44 920 634 634 347-9 920 598-2 568 575-8 616-9 910 026 920 919-4 919-22 919-43 823 Page 467 428 205. 35 568 446 600 639 205 141 141 141 496 673 189 123 729 446 40 330 373 415 639 699 573 684 93 22 485 446 624 217 217 640 556 600 640 401 401 208 640 354 311 329 376 502 6 640 673 559 594 475 790 INDEX. Author and Short Title. DIBBS, Sir G. B. Address to the trades and labour coun- cil Australian federation Public finance of N.S.W. DIBDIN, T. F. Bibliomania PICKY, A. V. Digest of the law of England England's case against Home rule Introduction to the study of the law of the constitu- tion The Privy council Relations between law and public opinion in England DICEY, E. Egypt of the future DICK, W. B. Encyclopaedia of practical receipts DICK, W. H. A mountain of gold DICKENS, C. Letters Miscellaneous papers Works.. See Fitzgerald. P. See Forster, J. See Shore, W. T. DICKER, T. Mining record (Viet.) DICKTNS, L., and STANTON, M., eds. An eighteenth century correspondence DICKINSON, E. M. A patriot's mistake DICKINSON, G. L. Justice and liberty DICKINSON, J. The wreath DICKINSON, Sir J. N. Formation of a second chamber . . Letter on law consolidation DICKINSON, R. Constitution and procedure of foreign parliaments DICKINSON, R. B. The reconciliation, or at-one-ment DICKSON, B. Honi Heki DICTIONARY of national biography DICTIONNAIRE Latin- Uvea DICTIONNAIRE Toga-Francais et Francais-Toga DIDEROT, D. See Morley, viscount. DIEFFENBACH, E. Travels in New Zealand DIEHL, A. M. Life of Beethoven . . DIELS, L. Die Pflanzenwelt von West-Australien DUK, L. C. D. van. Medeelingen uit het Oost-Indisch archief DILKE, Sir C. W., 2nd bart. The British empire Greater Britain Present position of European politics Problems of Greater Britain DILLON, G. F. Ireland, what she has done for religion . . DILLON, P. Voyage in the south seas DINGO, Dogberry. Australian rhymes Dio. See Morton, Mrs. C. DION. Letters [on transportation] DIRCKS, H. Life of the second Marquis of Worcester . . DISBROWE, Miss C. A. A. Records of stirring times DISCOVERY of the Solomon islands DrrcHFiELD, P. H. The old-time parson Vanishing England DITTMER, W. Te tohunga DIXON'S patent for the extraction of gold DIXON, J. Conditions and capabilities of V.D.L. DIXON, J. Narrative of a voyage to N.S.W. DIXON, R. Map exhibiting appropriated lands, N.S.W. . . DIXON, W. A. Inorganic constituents of N.S.W. coala . . Plants of N.S.W. Technical education DIXON, W. H. Her Majesty's Tower History of William Perm Cla.-.- Xo. 331-1 342-94 336-944 Oil 347 941-5 342-42 342-42 340-1 354-62 603 622-2 920 824 823 622-1 920 920 331 635 342-944 340 328-1 232 821 920-01 499 499 919-31 920 581-9941 919-43 942s 910 940 325-42 282 919-6 821 343-2 920 940 919-35 283 914-2 398-2 669 919-46 919-4 912-944 553-2 581-9944 607 942 920 Pftge 132 181 157 1 201 684 173 173 168 221 359 384 640 485 467 383 640 640 130 404 188 168 107 37 446 671 269 269 562 640 335 595 695 502 681 103 59 621 446 192 640 681 569 66 539 264 415 613 673 629 297 336 364 686 640 INDEX. 791 Author and Short Titje. DOBBIE, A. W. Rough notes of a traveller DOBIE, W. W. Visit to Port Phillip DOCKER, E. B. Hymns of the kingdom DOD'S parliamentary companion DODD, R. The mutineers turning Lieut. Bligh adrift. Plate DODD, W. F. Modern constitutions DODDS, Sir J. S. Financial statement (Tas.) .. DODDS, T. H. Cadet rifle exercises and musketry instruc- tion DODSLEY, R. See Straus, R. DOLLING EK, J. J. I. von. Addresses on historical and literary subjects Studies in European history DOLLMAN, W. Bush fancies DOMESTIC scenes in New Zealand DOMETT, A. Ranolf and Amohia DONKIN, J. B. Our Sydney meat DONNE, J. See Gosse, E. DONNISON, A. Winning a wife in Australia With the banks at her mercy DONOHTJE, F. J. History of Botany Bay DONOVAN, E. Insects* of New Holland, New Zealand, &c. DOOLITTLE, J. Social life of the Chinese DOONEK, M. G. The " Last post " DOBDILLON, Mgr. La langue des iles Marquises DORRINGTON, A. Castro's last sacrament Dos PASSOS, J. R. Commercial trusts DOTTBLEDAY, T. Political life of Sir Robert Peel DOUCE, F. Illustrations of Shakespeare DOUGHTY Dalley's doubtful device DOUGHTY, C. M. Wanderings in Arabia DOUGLAS, A. Devils abroad DOUGLAS, Sir A. P. The Dominion of N.Z. DOUGLAS, L. M. The bacillus of long life DOUGLAS, Sir R. K. Europe and the Far East DOUGLASS, F. See Washington, B. T. DOUTHWAITE, W. R. Gray's Inn DOWDEN, E. Essays, modern and Elizabethan Michel de Montaigne DOWELL, S. History of taxes and taxation in England . . DOWIE, J. A. Rome's polluted springs Sin in the camp DOWLING, H. Incidents in the life of DOWLING, H. The western railway (Tas.) DOWLING, Sir J. Letters to his son James DOWLING, J. P. Dairying in Australia DOWN, R. Ruminations and reminiscences Second thoughts Stray thoughts DOWNER, Sir J. W. Public national bank of issue DOYLE, Sir A. C. The great Boer war Rodney Stone DRAGS, G. Austria-Hungary The imperial organization of trade Problem of the aged poor Trade unions DRAKE, Sir F., CAVENDISH, T., DAMPIER, W. Voyages DRAKE, J. G. Federation DRAPER, D. J. See Jobson, F. J. DRAPER, J. W. Conflict between religion and science DREGE, J. F. Herbarien der Siidafricanischen Flora DREVAR, G. Great sea serpent DRUMMOND, J. Life and work of Richard John Seddon DRUMMOND, J., ed. John Rutherford, the white chief Class No. Page 910 502 919-45 608 821 446 328-42 110 769 423 342 172 336-946 158 355 226 940 681 940 681 821 446 919-31 562 821 440 614-3 371 823 475 823 475 994-4 725 595-7 349 915-1 544 968 706 499 269 823 475 338-8 165 942-08 693 822-33 466 329-9944 121 915-3 546 170 21 919-31 562 613-2 367 940 681 347-06 202 824 485 920 640 336-2 153 282 59 289 75 920 640 385 258 920 640 637 408 821 446 821 446 821 446 332-11 139 968 706 823 467 914-36 540 354-42 217 339 166 331-88 137 910-8 521 343-94 182 215 33 581-968 332 133 16 920 640 572-9931 317 792 INDEX. Author and Short Title. DRUMMOND, R. 6. Erasmus Du BARRY, M. J. B., comtesse. Memoirs See Williams, H. N. DUBLIN review DUBOIS, L. F. A. P. Contemporary Ireland DUBOIS, Paul. See Paul-Dubois. DUBOIS, B. Report on viticultural station, Rutherglen DUBOIS, R., and WILKINSON, W. P. Trenching for Ameri- can vines DUBOIS, W. E. B. Suppression of the African slave trade DUCANE, Sir E. F. Punishment and prevention of crime DUCIE, 2nd edrl of. Strictures on his speech on the corn laws DUCKWORTH, A. Timber industry and forests of N.S.W. DUCKWORTH, L. Encyclopaedia of marine law DUCKWORTH, W. L. H. Studies from the anthropological laboratory, Cambridge DUCLAUX, A. M. F. End of the middle ages The French procession Life of Ernest Renan DUDLEY, 1st earl of. Letters to " Ivy " DUFFERIN and Ava, 1st marquis of. Speeches and ad- dresses DUFFY, Sir C. G. Guide to the land laws of Victoria . . The league of north and south Something to do DUFFY, Sir C. G., ed. Ballad poetry of Ireland DUFFY, F. G., and HIGGINS, H. B. Insolvency statute [Viet.], 1871 DUGDALE, Mrs. H. A. A few hours in a far-off age DUGMORE, A. R. Camera adventures DUIGAN, J. Tiki's trip to town DULLRAZOR, J. N. Yowyang DUMAS, A., pere. See Davidson, A. F. DUMAS, G. Sunshine and showers Du MAURIER, G. L. B. An Englishman's home DUMONT D'Urville, J. S. C. Rapport sur le voyage de I' Astrolabe Voyage au pole sud Voyage de la corvette V Astrolabe Voyage pittoresque autour du monde DUMOULIN, C. A. V., and DESGRAZ, C. Hes Marquises . . DUMOURIEZ, C. F. See Rose, J. H., and Broadley, A. M. DUN, R. G., and Co. South Australian firms directory . . DUNBAR, C. F. Economic essays DUNCAN'S weekly register DUNCAN, D. Life and letters of Herbert Spencer DUNCAN, F. History of the Royal regiment of artillery DUNCAN, Lindsay. See Cloud, Mrs. T. C. DUNCAN, P. M. Fossil corals of the Australian tertiary deposits DUNCAN, P. N. Commonwealth annual review, 1909 . . DUNCAN, S. T. Journal of a voyage DUNCAN, W. A. Appeal to Archbishop of Sydney Letter to bishop of Australia (2 entries) National education New South Wales constitution Reply to Rev. W. Stack. . DUNCKER, M. W. History of antiquity History of Greece DUNCKLEY, H. The crown and the cabinet DUNCOMBE, T. S. Life and correspondence DUNDEE, Viscount. See Terry, C. S. DUNDERDALE, G. The book of the bush ClMi No. Page 920 640 920 640 050 8 914-15 538 634 401 634 401 326 106 365 238 337 159 674 416 347-7 205 573 326 944 699 840 494 920 640 920 640 825 488 336-1 150 941-6 684 604 359 821 437 347-7 205 320-1 90 916-7 550 769 424 821 446 823 475 822 461 910-4 509 910-4 509 910-4 509 910-4 509 919-63 626 919-42 592 330-4 138 070 11 920 641 355 226 563 309 319-4 86 910-4 509 282 69 282 59 379-943 252 342-944 188 282 59 930 677 938 680 342-42 173 920 641 919-45 608 INDEX. 793 Author and Short Title. Class No. Page DUNDONALD, 10th earl of. Autobiography 920 641 See Fortescue, J. W. DUNGAN, D. R. " On the rock " 823 475 DUNOTLL, S. Life 920 641 DUNIWAY, C. A. Freedom of the press in Massachusetts . . 323 95 DUNN, E. J. Bayley's reward mine, Coolgardie 553-4 298 Pebbles 552 297 DUNN, F. On delicate ground 823 475 The trial four 823 475 DUNN, H., and CROSSLEY, J. T. Daily lesson book 371-32 245 DUNN, S. The missionary of Australasia and Polynesia 252 42 DUNNE, L. A knight of the Southern Cross 821 446 Music of the spheres 821 446 DUNNE, P. Statement to Abp. Folding 282 59 DUNNING, H. W. To-day in Palestine 915-69 547 DUNNING, W. A. History of political theories 320-1 90 DUNRAVEN and Mountearl, 4 FREEMAN, W. G., and CHANDLER, S. E. World's com- mercial products FREEMAN, W. M., and ABBOTT, J. C. A.B.C. of parlia- mentary procedure FREMANTLE, H. E. S. The new nation FREMEAUX, P. The drama of St, Helena FRENCH, C., anr. Hand-book of destructive insects of Victoria FRERE, A. See Clerk, A. FRERE, Sir B. See Martineau, J. FRK VTLLE, A. F. J. de. D6couvertes f ai tes dans le rner du Sud FREYCINET, L. C. de. Voyage autour du monde . . . PRICKER, K. The Antarctic regions . . FRIBDLANDER, L. Roman life and manners FRIEND of Australia. See Gardiner, A. F. FRITH, J. E. See Porter, Mrs. J. E. FRITH, W. P. John Leech .. .. ; . FRITSCH; H. Diseases of women FRODSHAM, G. H. Honest faith FROGGATT, W. W. Australian insects ;.... .' Coccids in Sydney . . . . . - . * . Forest moths that have become pests . . : t. Fruit-maggot fly Fruit-tree and vine pests Parasitic and injurious insects San Jos6 scale White ants No. 917-3 <)17-1 M6 910. 914-97 572-42E 915-7 914-7 624 570 910 237 901 291 572 283 339 366 337 337 779 940 342 -42 724 !-) -7 632 632 632 632 632 632 595-73 160 429 681 174 420 499 524 703 680 689 686 498 540 681 608 331 108 551 643 396 521 511 629 535 643 378 39 349 396 396 396 396 396 396 350 INDEX 806 Author and Short Title. FROST, H. Art of road-making FROST, J. Trial of Frost for high treason FROST, L. Sydney views FROST, R. Law relating to letters patent FROTHTNGHAM, A. L. Roman citi< FROUDE, J. A. Caesar The divorce of Catherine of Aragon The English in Ireland . . The English in the West Indies English seamen of the sixteenth century History of England from the fa!" death of Elizabeth My relations with Carlyle Oceana . . The Spanish story of the Armada Thomas Carlyle, first forty years of his life Thomas Carlyle : life in London See Paul, H. FRUIT-GROWERS' conference, held at Hobart. FRUIT-GROWERS. Proceedings of c FRUIT-GROWERS' union, N.S.W. I FRY, Mrs. E. Female prisoners FRY, F. M., and E. M. Poems FRY, H. P. Appeal to bishop of Sydney Forty reasons for leaving the Church of Rome Scriptural evidence of the apostolic ministry System of penal discipline FUCHS, C. J. Trade policy of Great Britain FULL and particular account of the murder FULLER, F. Five years' residence in N.Z. FULLER, H. B. Speakers of the house FULLER, Sir J. B. Studies of Indian life FULLER, R. H. Government by the pi FULLER, R. H. South Africa at home FULLER, Sir T. E. Cecil Rhodes FULLERTON, J. Lectures on Puseyism FULLERTON, M. E. Moods and melodies FULTON, H. Letter to W. B. Ullathorne FUNNELL, W. Voyage round the world FURLONG, C. W. The gateway to the Sahara FURNEAUX, T. Kaart van Van Diemen's Land FURNESS, Mrs. H. H. Concordance poems FURNESS, H. H., ed. New variorum speare. See Shakespeare. FURNISS, H. Harry Furniss at home Poverty bay FURSB, G. A. A hundred years ago . FUSTEL de Coulanges. N. D. Origin of FYFE, H. H. The new spirit in Egypt G. ., le pere M. Les iles Marquises GAGLIARDI, F. L' Australia > . GAINFORD, J., and W. R. Thomas Gaii GAINFORD, T. See Gainford, J., and W. R. GAIRDNER, J. Lollardy and the Reformation GALILEO. See Gebler, K. von. GALL, D., ed. Scrymgour's guide to Adelaide GALLET, G. Notice sur la Nouvelle-Caledonie GALLOWAY, W. J. Advanced Australia GALT, Sir A. T. Relations of the coloni GALTON, A. Life and times of Marlborough Class No. Page 626-7 386 son 343-1 190 . . 779 429 ent 347'7 205 northern Italy . . 913-37 535 MB 643 n 942 -05 690 . . . . 941-5 684 . 917-29 553 mtury 942 -05 690 of Wolsey to the 942'05 600 . 920 643 325-42 103 904 499 rf his life 920 643 920 643 >bart. Report 634 401 rence, Wellington 634 401 rt of conference . . 634 401 365 238 821 447 ey 283 66 ch of Rome 282 60 3 ministry 262 48 365 238 ritain 380 254 of eleven men for . 343-1 190 .Z. '.'. '.'. 1)19 '31 563 328-73 113 ife 915-4 546 ple (U.S.) 329 -973 119 916-8 551 !)20 643 283 66 JS 821 447 le 282 60 L v 910-4 511 Sahara . . 916-12 549 I's Land 912-946 533 to Shakespeare's 822-33 466 edition of Shake- 828 491 . . 823 467 M4 697 property in land . . 333-3 916-2 144 549 919-63 626 919-4 575 nford . . 920 643 . R. nation 942 -05 690 .elaide 919-42 590 edonie 919-32 568 919-4 675 es to the empire ough 325-42 920 103 643 806 INDEX. Author and Short Title. GALTON, A. H. Church and state in France . . GALTON, Sir F. English men of science Hereditary genius Inquiries into human faculty Memoirs of my life Natural inheritance GAMBBTTA, L. M. See Gheusi, P. B. GAMMAGE, R. G. History of the Chartist movement GANDON, P. J. " Ecce homo " in political economy Federation, national and imperial GANE, D. M. N.S.W. and Victoria . . GANZ, H. The downfall of Russia . . (_; A in .1 VKK. A. F. The friend of Australia GARDINER, A. G. Prophets, priests, and kings GARDINER, E. N. Greek athletic sports GARDINER, F. Correspondence re the proposed liberation of . . GARDINER, J. Twenty-five years on the stage GARDINER, S. R. History of England from the accession of James I. to the outbreak of the Civil war History of England under the Duke of Buckingham and Charles I. History of the great Civil war Oliver Cromwell What Gunpowder plot was GARDNER, E. G. The king of court poets (Ariosto) GARDNER, R. In the heart of democracy Poems. . GARDNER, W. A. Rhythms from my scrap-book GARNET, G. A Barrier bride GARNETT, L. M. J. Turkey of the Ottomans The Turkish people GARNETT, R. Edward Gibbon Wakefield Essays of an ex-librarian Life of W. J. Fox . . . . GARNBTT, W. H. S. Turbines GARNIER, J. La Nouvelle-Caledonie GARNIER, J. Voyage autour du monde GARNOT, P. Notice sur 1'ile de Talti GARNSEY, E. R. The Australian at home GARRAN, A., ed. Picturesque atlas of Australasia GARRAN, R. R. The coming Commonwealth A problem of federation GARRETT, E. See Cook, E. T.. GARRETT, J. H. The idyllic 'Avon GARRICK, D. Poems GARRYOWEN. See Finn, E. GARSTANG, J. The land of the Hittites GARY AN, J. J. Government of life assurance offices GASKEIX, Mrs. E. C. Novels and tales See Chadwick, Mrs. E. H. GABON, S. The Dieyerie tribe GATTHAROU, L. Geographic de la Nouvelle-Caledonie . . GAUNT, Mary. See Miller, Mrs. M. GAUSSEN, A. C. C. Percy, prelate and poet GAWLER, G. Colonel George Gawler Essentials of good skirmishing GAY, A. E. England's duty to her merchant seamen . . GAY, W. Christ on Olympus Sonnets Walt Whitman QAYIX, A.thur. See Donohue, F. J. GAYOTJ, M. Studies on wine-sterilizing machines GEACH, E. C. The soul of the ti-tree GEBLEB, K. von. Galileo Galilei CUM No. Page 282 60 151 20 575-1 328 151 20 920 643 575-1 328 329-942 118 336-22 154 342-94 182 919-4 675 914-7 541 919 '4 675 920-01 672 913-38 536 994-4 725 920 643 942-06 691 942-06 691 942-06 691 920 643 942-06 691 920 6*3 321-8 93 821 447 821 447 823 476 914-961 543 914-961 543 920 643 824 485 920 643 621-1 379 919-32 569 919-6 621 919-62 626 919-4 575 919-4 575 342-94 182 342-94 182 914-2 539 821 448 913-394 537 368 242 823 467 572-9942 321 919-32 569 920 643 920 643 355 226 387 260 821 448 821 448 920 643 634 402 828 491 920 643 INDEX. 807 Author and Short Title. GEDDIE, J. See Patterson, G. GEELONG commercial directory GEERE, H. V. By Nile and Euphrates GEERLIGS, H. C. P. Cane sugar GEIKIE, Sir A. Life of Sir R. I. Murchison GEIKIE, J. Fragments of earth lore . . PELL, J. P. Sermon at the visitation of the bishop of Tasmania Vocabulary of the Adelaide tribe GELLIBRAND, J. T. Tracking GELLIE, J. Presbyterian church of Tasmania. St. Andrew's, Hobart GENERAL post office, Sydney. Album of 51 photographs GENEST, J. The English stage GENNEP, A. van. Mythes et legendes d'Australie GEOGHEGAN, H. C. Divorce extension justified GEOGRAPHICAL and physical map of the world . . GEOGRAPHICAL description of Australia GEOGRAPHICAL society of Australia. List of members . GEORGE III. See Willson, B. GEORGE, H. Menace of privilege Writings GEORGE, H. B. Historical geography of the British Em- pire GEORGE, W. L. Engines of social progress France in the twentieth century GEORGE, W. R. The junior republic GERRARE, W. Greater Russia GERSTAECKER, F. Journey round the world Wanderings of some German emigrants GEEVAISE, N. Description historique du royaume de Macacar GHEUSI, P. B. Gambetta GIBBON, I. G. Unemployment insurance GIBBONOWSKI, Ghostoff. Extracts from the " Decline and fall of the British empire " ... GIBBS, P. Romance of Empire GIBBS, SHALLARD, AND Co. Map of Sydney GIBLLN, W. R. Federation of Australia GIBSON, C. B. Life among convicts GIBSON, G. H. Ironbark chips Old friends under new aspects GIBSON, R., and Co. Brunswick herd : catalogue Catalogue of pure shorthorn and Hereford cattle, bred at Colac Priced catalogue of pure shorthorns GIBSON. R., and Co., and POWERS, RUTHERFORD, and Co. Catalogue of the pure stud herd of shorthorns of C. B. Fisher GIDDINGS, F. H. Democracy and empire GIDDINGS, F. H., ed. Descriptive and historical sociology GIDDONS, J. H. Commonwealth weather chart GIFFEN, Sir R. Economic inquiries and studies GIFFORD, J. Political life of William Pitt GIGLIOLI, E. H. I Tasmaniani GILBERT, T. New Zealand settlers and soldiers Voyage from N.S.W. to Canton jiLCHRiST, A. Life of William Blake GILES, E. Australia twice traversed Geograph cal travels in Central Australia Journal of exploration from South to Western Aus- tralia GILES, J. Poems GILES. J. A. Early Christianity GILES,. J. A., ed. Six old English chronicles Class No. Page 919-45 611 915-6 .547 664-1 414 920 643 550-4 289 252 43 499 269 252 43 285 68 779 429 822 463 572 -994 318 173 22 912 524 919-4 575 550-6 289 331-1 132 330-8 129 910 502 331-8 135 914-4 541 331-3 134 914-7 541 910-4 511 823 476 919-12 558 920 644 368 242 827 490 325-42 103 912-944 530 342-94 182 365 238 821 448 823 476 636-2 406 636-2 406 636-2 406 636-2 406 321-8 94 300 79 551 -56 295 330-4 128 920 644 572-9946 324 993-1 714 910-4 511 920 644 919-4 576 919-4 575 919-4 575 821 440 270 54 942-01 688 808 INDEX. Author and Short Title. GILKISON, B. LAW of gold-mining, N.Z. ' : 1 1 i. -. E. Guide to the gold-fields of Victoria Port Curtis gold-fields Gnx, F. T. Cleopatra GILL. H. P. The straight and devious paths of student- ship . . . . . . .. GILL, S. T. Australian sketch-book . . ,i. : Collins-street, Melbourne (plate) Kangaroo hunting (2 plates) Six lithographic sketches of scenery in and around Sydney .. .. .. '*.* Sketches of the Victorian gold diggings GILL, T. Bibliography of S.A. GILL, W. Gems from the coral islands Selections from [Ms] autobiography GILL, W. Western Australia . . . . ' * | GILL, W. W. From darkness to light in Polynesia Jottings from the Pacific Life in the southern isles Myths and songs from the South Pacific Savage life in Polynesia The South Pacific and New Guinea GILLIES, W., and HALL, B. Nature studies in Australia GILLTNGS, G. W. " Maranaths " GILMORK, H. Sermons GILMORE, Mrs. M. Marri'd . . GILMOTJR, T. L., ed. All sides of the fiscal controversy . . GINDERS, A. The thermal spring district of N.Z. GIORZA, P. Cantata GIPPS, F. B. The Prospect and Kenny Hill schemes Reply to E. 0. Moriarty's report on Sydney water supply GIPPS, F. W., and CAMPBELL, W. Wattle flat gold-field, N.S.W GIPPS Sir G. Speech on immigration Speech on N.Z. land grants claims bill v* GIPPS, W. L. B. Sin GERARD, M. F. Peron GrftAUD, A. A. The sugar cane GIRL life in Australia . . . . GISBORNE, W. The colony of N.Z. New Zealand rulers and statesmen GIZEN-NO-TEKL See Foxall, E. W. GLADSTONE, W. E. Correspondence on church and religion Financial statements Homeric synchronism . . . . Place of ancient Greece in the providential order of the world . . ,. . . -,..> Studies on Homer Vatican decrees . . . . .. See Fletcher, C. B. L. See Morley, Viscount. See Beid, Sir T. W. See Smith, G. GLASGOW : City Corporation. Accounts, 1909-10 GLASS, C. E. Spiritual revelations Uu .. GLEAM, The < '''..-. .. .. . . > .v GLEANEB, The " . ' . . . GLEIG, G. B. Essays Life of Lord Clive . . Memoirs of the life of Warren Hastings . . GLENDALE, M. A. British and colonial heroes of the South African war . . GLENNY, H. Jottings and sketches GLIMPSES of Australia 347-7 912*946 912-943 822 760 769 769 769 769 769 016 266 920 919-41 919-6 919-6 919-6 398-2 919-6 572-996 570 232 252 821 337 615-8 780 628-1 628-1 663-4 325-1 336-1 821 920 633 823 993-1 920-01 208 336-42 880 938 880 172 352-041 133-9 050 205 824 920 920 968 828 779 Pge Ml 631 528 461 422 m 428 423 426 427 i 51 644 588 622 622 622 264 622 325 311 37 43 448 160 374 430 387 387 298 98 150 448 644 398 476 714 672 31 156 497 680 497 21 212 16 8 30 485 644 644 706 491 429 INDEX. 809 Author and Short Title. GLOBE photographic co., Syd. Photographic views of Townsville GLOBE trotter. See McMillan, R. GLOVER, H. 12 hours' road scraping in Melbourne GLOVER, T. R. Conflict of religions in the early Roman empire GLTNN, M. S. Victorian rowing register GLYNN, P. M. The disposition of Shakespeare Federalism . . . . . . ^ . Federation Great Britain and its colonies Imperial union Interstate rivers question River Murray question Sincerity in literature Some of Shakespeare's women .. .*' Taste and time The working of federation GNEIST, H. R. von. The English Parliament through 1,000 years History of the English Parliament GODARD, J. G. Racial supremacy GODDEN, G. M. Henry Fielding GODFREY, F. R. St. Paul's Cathedral, Melb. GODLEY, A. D. Oxford in the 18th century GODLEY, J. R. Selections from his writings GODWIN, B. Emigrants' guide to V.D.L. GODWIN, Mrs. M. W. Letters written in Sweden, &c. . . GODWIN, W. Of population GOBPP, E., and CORDIER, E. L. Les grands hommes de la France ; navigateurs GOITHE, J. W. von. Correspondence between Goethe and Carlyle See LEWES, G. H. GOLD diggers' portfolio GOLD fields, ancient and modern GOLD ready reckoner GOLDEN gates of Australia GOLDEN secret GOLDEN shanty GOLDIE, J. Shades of memory GOLDSMITH, H. Euancondit Our Alma GOLDSMITH, 0. See Forster, J. See King, R. A. See Prior, Sir J. GOLOVINE, B. N., countess. Memoirs . . GOMM, F. C. C. Administrations of Great Britain during the nineteenth century GOMME, G. L. Folklore Principles of local government GOMPERS, S. Labour in Europe and America . . GOBTNER, E. C. K. Interest and saving GOODCHILD, G. F., and TWENEY, C. F., eds. Techno- logical and scientific dictionary GOODCHILD, K. Who are you ? GOODEN, G. W., and MOORE, T. L. History of Kensinerton and Norwood GOODENOUGH, J. G. The Christian hero of Santa Cruz . . Journal ... GOODMAN, G. The Church in Viet. GOODRICH, H. N. Poetical works Raven Rockstrow GOODRICH, S. G. Tales about America and Australia . . Class No. 77 7<>9 270 797 822-33 342-94 342-94 342-42E 325-42 387 387 801 822-33 801 342-94 328-42 328-42 320 920 283 378-42 825 919-46 914-8 312 920-01 920 769 622-2 510-8 919-4 823 823 821 823 823 920 942-08 398 352 331-8 332-8 603 821 920 920 283 821 823 970 Page 429 428 56 432 466 182 182 217 103 260 260 433 466 433 182 110 110 89 644 66 249 488 613 542 83 672 644 427 384 277 575 476 476 448 476 476 644 693 263 211 135 142 359 448 722 644 644 66 448 476 708 610 INDEX. Author and Short Title. GOOURIDGE, C. M. Voyage to the South seas GOODWIN, W. Wheat growing in the Argentine Goos, P. Pascaerte van de Zuyd-Zee GORDON and GOTCH. Australasian newspaper directory . . GORDON, A. Future of the empire GORDON, A. Orange associations GORDON, A. L. Ashtaroth Bush ballads Poems Reminiscences and unpublished poems See Ross, J. H. GORDON, C. H. C. P. Innocent the great GORDON, D. J. The " Nile " of Australia GORDON, H. A. Miners' guide GORDON, J. Botany bay The emigrant barque GORDON, Sir J. J. H. The Sikhs GORDON, Mrs. M. Christopher North GORDON, W. J. The captain-general GORST, H. E. The fourth party GORST, Sir J. E. Children of the nation The Maori king. . N.Z. revisited GOSCHKN, 1st viscount. Essays and addresses on economic questions Theory of the foreign exchanges See Elliot, A. R. D. GOSLING, W. G. Labrador GOSMAN, A. Creeds and conscience Future use of the Bible Socialism GOSSB, E. Ibsen Life and letters of John Donne Sir Thomas Browne GOSSELIN, L. L. T. A Gascon royalist in revolutionary Paris . . . . Romances of the French revolution The tribunal of the Terror GOSSIP. See McMillan, R. GOTH, The. Lyrics from the line GOXTGER, R. South Australia in 1837.. GOTTGER, R. ed. Letter from Sydney GotTLBURN herald. Gleanings from old Australian papers GOULD, G. M. Lafcadio Hearn GOULD, J. Birds of Australia Birds of New Guinea Handbook to the birds of Australia Introduction to the birds of Australia Introduction to the mammals of Australia. . Mammals of Australia Monograph of the macropodidse Synopsis of the birds of Australia GOULD, J. M., and TUCKER, G. F. Notes on the revised statutes of the United States GOULD, N. The magic of sport GOULD, S. B. Cliff castles Family names Memorial of Lord Nelson GOULD, S. B., and BAMPFYLDE, C. A. History of Sarawak GOYDER, G. A. Australian prospector's pocket book GRACE, A. A. Atareta . . . . ... Maoriland stories Tales of a dying race GRAD, A. C. L'Australie interieure GRAEME, R. From England to the back blocks 910-4 633 912-96 070 354-42E 363 821 821 821 821 920 656 622-2 821 824 954 920 994 329-942 613-9 933-1 919-31 330-4 332-45 917-19 262 220 335 920 920 920 944 944 944 821 919-42 919-4 994-4 920 598-2 598-2 598-2 598-2 599 599 599-2 598-2 345-73 920 723 929-4 920 991-1 622-1 823 823 572-9931 919-4 823 ftp 511 398 534 13 217 237 448 448 448 448 644 411 384 448 485 703 644 720 118 369 714 563 128 142 553 48 34 146 644 644 644 697 697 697 448 590 575 726 644 354 354 354 354 357 357 358 354 195 644 420 676 645 712 383 470 470 317 576 476 INDEX. 811 Author and Short Title. GRAFTON chamber of commerce. North coast railway proposal GRAHAM, H. The mother of parliaments GRAHAM, J. Currents and counter- currents Lawrence Struilby Spiritualism and Christianity GRAHAM, Sir J. See Parker, C. S. GRAHAM, J. ed. Hobart town riots GRAHAM, J. M. A. Cup and saucer land GRAHAM, J. R. The Australian merino GRAMMONT, Count. See Hamilton, A., Count GRANGER, E., ed. Index to poetry GRANT, Sir A. University of Edinburgh GRANT, A. C. Bush life in Queensland GRANT, J. Law relating to bankers GRANT, J. Voyage to N.S.W. GRANT, J. A. A walk across Africa . . * GRANT, M. H. History of the war in South Africa. See Maurice, Sir J. F. GRANT, R. Kapiolani GRANT, S., and FOSTER, J. S., New Zealand GRANVILLE, Earl. See Carteret, 2nd baron. GRANVILLE, 2nd earl. See Fitzmaurice, E. G. P., baron. GRAPHIC art co. Gems of old Sydney. GRAPHIC arts and crafts year book GRASSY, W. C. Conditions and prospects of farming in W.A. Coonawarra fruit colony GRATTAN, H. Packing up . . GRAVES, C. L. Life and letters of Alexander Macmillan . . GRAY, B. K. History of English philanthropy Philanthropy and the state GRAY, G. R. Megapodiidae GRAY, G. R., and SHARPS, R. B. Zoology of the voyage of H.M.S. Erebus and Terror ; Birds GRAY, Sir T. Scalacronica GRAY, V. L. Catholicism in Queensland GREAT Britain : Admiralty. Australia directory, (v 1-3) British signal manual Drawings of the flags in use King's regulations and admiralty instructions List of lights (2 eds.) Nautical almanack and astronomical ephemeris Navy list New Zealand pilot GREAT Britain : Admiralty. Charts. Albatross I. to Circular Hd. Anchorages on the north coast of New Guinea Australia ; East coast Banks group Bass's strait showing line of submarine cable Cape Byron to Lady Elliot island Entrance to Macquarie harbour Entrance to Port Phillip Entrance to River Tamar Gambier islands Hunter passage Kangaroo island Malo island to Efate island Marion reef New Guinea, south coast . . . . New Hebrides islands New Zealand Port Davey Class No. Page 385 258 328-42 110 204 29 823 476 133-9 16 279 57 666 414 636-3 407 828 491 378-41 249 823 476 347-7 205 910-4 511 916 549 821 448 919-31 563 769 426 655 411 630 390 634 402 822 461 920 645 360 234 360 234 598-2 355 598-2 355 942-03 689 282 60 656-1 412 359 231 929-9 677 359 231 656-1 412 528 285 359 231 656-1 412 912-946 633 912-95 533 912-944 529 912-934 626 912-946 533 912-943 528 912-946 633 912-945 631 912-946 633 912-97 634 912-946 533 912-942 528 912-934 526 912-943 528 912-95 533 912-934 526 912-931 625 912-946 533 612 INDEX. Author and Short Title. GREAT Britain : Admir Port Phillip Port Phillip ; west channel River Mersey River Tamar .. .. .. .. South-west coast of Australia Survey of Port Jackson Swan river . . . . . . . . Torres straits QBEAT Britain : Board of Agriculture. Journal GBBAT Britain : Board of Education. Demonstrations in astronomical physics Education Act* ; elementary . . . . GBBAT Britain : Board of trade. Instruction and regu- lations relating to the measurement of snipe and tonnage Merchant shipping Act notice to passengers GREAT Britain : -Civil service commissioners. Orders in council and notices relative to examinations . .-..' Rules and regulations respecting examinations GBBAT Britain : Colonial land and emigration commis- tioners. Colonization circular Index to reports GREAT Britain : Colonial office. Rules and regulations for H.M. colonial service GREAT Britain : Emigrants' information office. Hand- books. (2 entries) .. .. New Zealand handbook GBBAT Britain : Foreign office. Lexicon for secret correspondence GBEAT Britain : Home department. tStatutory rules and orders, cremation GREAT Britain : Irish land commission. Rules under Irish land act GBEAT Britain : Law reports ,, ,, digest of cases GREAT Britain : LAW : Statutes. Acts relating to the South seas ButterwortVs twentieth century statutes annotated . . Chronological table and index of the statutes Commonwealth of Australia constitution act Federal council of Australasia constitution act .... Public general acte, 1 Edw. VIL, 1901, to date Statutes, 1866 to date. (Law report ser.) .'. Statutes, 2nd rev. ed. from 20 Hen. III. to 50 Viet. (The revised statutes) Statutes at large from Magna charta to 33 Viet. (Pickering's ed.) Statutes ot practical utility (Chitty's), in alphabetical and chronological order GREAT Britain : Meteorological office. Meteorological charts of Southern ocean GBEAT Britain : Metropolitan police. Finger print system of identification GBBAT Britain : Parliament. Correspondence relative to the default of Mr. Manning . . . . .. Correspondence relative to Fiji Correspondence relative to South Sea islanders Papers mainly relating to Australasia Papers relating to colonial conferences Papers relating to convicts Joseph Sudds and Patrick Thompson Reports on colonial military expenditure Reports on colonial possessions Reports on colonial receipt and expenditure flaw Xo. 912-945 912-945 912-946 912-946 912-941 912-944 912-941 912-95 630-6 523 372-942 354-42 354-42 354-42 354-42 325-2 325-42 325-42 325-2 919-31 652 354-42 354-42 346-42 346-42 336-42 354-42 354-42 342-94 342-94 345-42 345-42 345-42 354-42 345-42 551-5 573-6 994-4 325-42 325-42 325-42 325-42 9f)4 -4 325 -42 325-42 325-42 531 531 533 533 527 630 627 533 392 27 Ml 216 216 215 99 103 103 99 563 411 215 21 198 198 156 194 194 182 182 194 194 194 194 194 292 327 725 103 104 103 103 725 104 104 104 INDEX. 813 Author and Short Title. GEAT Britain : PARLIAMENT. Debates. Common- wealth constitution bill Parliamentary debates Parliamentary history GREAT Britain : PARLIAMENT. House of commons. Con- vict system, Norfolk Island Parliamentary debates ... Parliamentary papers Report from select committee on transportation . . Reports from select committee on the resumption of cash payments Steam communication with India. Report of com- mittee GREAT Britain : PARLIAMENT. House of lords. Par- liamentary debates Parliamentary papers GREAT Britain : Public record office. Publications GREAT Britain : Public record office. Ireland. Publica- tions GREAT Britain : Public record office, Scotland. Publica- tions GREAT Britain : Royal commission on capital punish- ment. Report GREAT Britain : Statute law committee. Statutory rules and orders GREAT Britain : Tariff. Imperial tariff GREAT Britain : Treaties. Treaties of commerce between Great Britain and foreign powers GREAT Britain : War office. The campaign of 1866 in Germany Field operations, Zulu war of 1879 Field service pocket book King's regulations Military report on Somaliland Moltke's projects for the campaign of 1866 Official army list Official history of the operations in Somaliland Regulations for commissions to colonial officers GREAT Britain : War office. Adjutant-general?* office. Regulations for musketry instruction GREAT Britain : War office. Royal military college. Text book of military administration and law . . GRBAT international fisheries exhibition. Catalogue of exhibits GREAT northern run case GREAT south land, The GREELY, A. W. Three years of Arctic service . . GREEN, A. 0. Tasmanian timbers GREEN, Mrs. A. S. Henry the second Irish nationality The making of Ireland GREEN, A. V. Ephesian canonical writings GREEN, J. The lost echo The selector GBEEN, J. Story of the Australian bushmen . . GREEN, J. R. The conquest of England History of the English people The making of England . . GREBtf, S. I. See Pepper, T. J. GBEEN, W. S. The high alps of New Zealand . . GREENE, E. B. The provincial governor in the English colonies of North America GBEENE, W. T. Parrots in captivity GBKENIDGE, A. H. J. History of Rome GBBBNSLET, F. James Russell Lowell Class No. Page 342 '94 328'42 328-42 365 328-42 328-42 365 332-1 387 328 -42 328-42 942 941-5 941 343-2 354-42 336-26 341-2 943 968 $ 355 355 916-7 355 355 966 355 365 355 338-3 347-91 919-42 919-8 674 920 941-5 941-6 225 823 823 968 942-02 942 942-01 919-31 973 598-2 937 920 238 111 111 238 138 112 112 686 684 682 192 216 156 170 696 707 227 227 550 227 227 705 227 227 227 163 210 690 629 416 645 684 684 35 476 476 706 689 687 688 563 710 355 679 45 814 INDEX. Author and Short Title. GREENWOOD, A. D. Hanoverian queens of England GREENWOOD, J. , New South Wales public school league . . GREENWOOD, J. H. Law relating to trade unions GREGG, W. H. Controversial issues in Scottish history . . GREGO, J. History of parliamentary elections and electioneering . . . . iv-'-I Rowlandson, the caricaturist GREGOROVIUS, F. The emperor Hadrian History of the city of Rome in the middle ages Roman journals, 1852-1874 GREGORY, A. C., and F. T. Journals of Australian ex- plorations GREGORY, E. James Morrill. . GREGORY, J. H. Letter on church music GREGORY, J. W. Australia and New Zealand Climate of Australasia The dead heart of Australia . . .> i^ Geography . . . . . . > V Glacial geology of Tasmania The Great Rift 'valley .. .. .-'',** Mount Lyell field GREGORY, W. A visible display of Divine providence . . GREGSON, T. G. Public education in Van Diemen's Land GREIG, W. Coco-nut industry of Trinidad GRELLET, H. R. Case of England and Western Australia in respect to transportation GRENARD, F. Tibet GRENET, . Atlas des auteurs classiques GRENFELL, W. T., and others. Labrador GRESSWELL, W. P. History of the Dominion of Canada GREVILLE, C. C. F. The Greville memoirs GREVTLLE, H. W. Letters from his diary GREW, E. S., and M. S. The court of William III. GREY, 3rd earl. Colonial policy of Lord John Russell's ft% administration GREY, 4th earl. Inaugural address to the Women's Canadian club of Montreal GREY, D. Only the aftermath GREY, Sir G. Constitution of New Zealand Konga mahinga Memorandum upon a letter by Lord Lyttelton to . . Polynesian mythology Proverbial and popular sayings of the New Zealand race Two expeditions of discovery in Australia Vocabulary of the dialects of south western Australia . . See Collier, J. See Henderson, G. C. See Milne, J. See Rees, W. L., and L. GREY, Sir G., bart. See Creighton, M. GREY, Lady J. See Davey, R. P. B. GREY, J. Experiments with guano GREY, J. G., and Mrs. With Uncle Sam and his family. . GREY, Steele. See Smith, G. M. GREZEL, le pere. Dictionnaire Futunien-Fran?ai8 GRIBBLE, J. Black but comely GRIFFIN, G. W. New South Wales New Zealand . . . . GRIFFIN, J. Memoirs of Capt. J. Wilson GRIFFIN, Sir L. Ranjit Singh GRIFFITH, A., ed. The facts about the Transvaal GRIFFITH, C. Port Phillip district GRIFFITH, E. Memorials Ota Kb Page 020-01 379 -944 331 '88 941 329-942 741 937 945-6 945-6 919-4 920 246 919 551-56 919-42 551-4 559 -46 916-7 622-1 910-4 379-946 634 343-2 915-15 912 917-19 971 942-07 920 942 -06 325-42 369 823 342-931 398 993-1 398-3 398-9 919-41 499 631 917-3 499 572-994 919-44 919-31 920 920 968 919-46 920 INDEX. 815 Author and Short Title. GRIFFITH, S. Turf and heath . . GRIFFITH, Sir S. W. Australian federation Some conditions of Australian federation See Dante. GRIFFITH, W. L. The Dominion of Canada GRIFFITHS, A. G. F. Fifty years of public service GRIFFITHS, C. J. Narrative of the siege of Delhi GRIMBLOT, P., ed. Letters of William III., and Louis XIV. GRIMM, G. Australian explorers Concise history of Australia GRIMSHAW, B. From Fiji to the Cannibal Islands The new New Guinea GRIMSTONE, S. E. The southern settlements of New Zealand GRODDECK, A. von. Zinnerzlagestatte des Mount Bishoff GRONLUND, L. The co-operative commonwealth Our destiny GROOM, L. E. Nation building in Australia GROOM, W. H., and Sons. Darling Downs almanac GROOME, F. H. Gypsy folk tales GROSS, C. Bibliography of British municipal history . . GROTE, G. See Grote, Mrs. H. GROTE, Mrs. H. Personal life of George Grote GRUNDY, E. B. Freemasonry during the 19th century . . GRUNDY, F. H. Pictures of the past GRUNDY, G. B. Thucydides GRUYER, P. Napoleon, king of Elba GUARAS, A. de. The accession of Queen Mary GUBERNATIS, A. de. Dictionnaire des ecrivains du jour . . GUDGEON, T. W. Defenders of New Zealand History and doings of the Maoris, 1820 to 1840 Reminiscences of the war in New Zealand GUERARD, J. E. von. Australian landscapes GUERBER, H. M. A. Myths and legends of the middle ages Myths of Greece and Rome Myths of the Norsemen . . GUERVILLE, A. B. de. New Egypt . . GUHL, E., and KONER, W. Life of the Greeks and Romans GUIDE for excursionists from Melbourne GUIDE to Tasmania GUILFOYLE, W. R. Australian botany Australian plants Plants in the Melbourne Botanic gardens GUTLLAIN, M. Note sur la Nouvelle-Caledonie. . GUILLAUME, G., and CONNOR, E. C. Reformatory and preventive systems in Victoria GUILLEMARD, A. G. Over land and sea GUILLEMARD, F. H. H. Cruise of the M archesa .. Life of Ferdinand Magellan Malaysia GUILLEMIN, J. B. A. Icones plantarum Australasiae rariorum GUIZOT, F. P. G. History of Richard Cromwell and the restoration Memoirs of Sir Robert Peel GULLETT, H. The making of Shakespeare Tropical New South Wales GULLY, J. New Zealand scenery GUNN, Mrs. J, The little black princess We of the Never-never GUNST, J. W. Allopathy versus homoeopathy . . GUNTHER, A. Description of ceratodus Class No. 798 342-94 342-94 917-1 920 954 942-06 919-4 994 919-6 919-5 919-31 553-4 335 335 329-994 919-43 398-2 016 920 366 920 -01 938 920 942-05 920-01 920-01 993-1 993-1 769 293 292 293 916-2 913-38 919-45 919-46 581 -994 581 -994 580-7 919-32 364 910-4 910-4 920 919 581 '994 942-06 920 822-33 919-41 919-31 572 -9943 823 615-53 597 Page 432 183 183 552 645 703 691 576 720 622 618 563 299 146 146 120 597 264 2 645 241 672 680 645 690 672 672 714 714 425 77 77 77 549 536 608 616 334 334 330 569 237 511 511 645 556 334 691 645 466 600 563 322 477 373 352 1ff INDEX. Author ami Short Titlo. Class No. l^l GUFTV, H. B. Homes of family names 929-4 76 Observations of a naturalist in the Pacific 508 270 The Solomon islands and their natives 9I9-35 .-,711 . The Solomon islands, their geology, &c. !'l>-36 570 GITRNER, H. F. Chronicle of Port Phillip W4-6 Ml GUTHRIE, F. B. Analysis of Tumut tobacco 633 HI Choice and use of artificial manures . . 631 IN History of a grain of wheat . . ...:.' 633 398 Interpretation of analyses of fodder 633 M Milling qualities of wheat 633 398 GUTHRIE, F. B., and GUBNEY, E. H. Analysis of com mercial fertilizers 631 394 The milling qualities of different varieties of wheat (2 entries) 633 398 GUTHRIE, W. New system of modern geography 910 503 GUTHRIE, W. B. Socialism before the French revolution 335 146 GTTYON, R. La constitution Australienne . . . . 342 -94 187 GUYOT, J. Culture of the vine 634 402 GFYOT, Y. Comedy of protection . . . . ' . *: " 337 160 Economic prejudices 330 125 Socialistic fallacies . . . . . . . . 335 146 GWYNN, S. L. Thomas Moore . . 920 645 GWTHNE, A. M. A social experiment. . 822 461 H., E, F. L. The staff of life 641 410 H., R. T. Under the shadow of dread 822 461 H., W. Labour's rest 821 448 HAAST, Sir J. F. J. von. Geology of the provinces of Canterbury and Westland, N.Z. 559-31 300 Topographical and geological exploration of Nelson province 919-31 563 HACKWOOD, F. W. The good old times 914-2 539 Inns, ales, and drinking customs of England . . 394-1 262 HADDON, R. J. Australian architecture 724 420 HADLEY, A. T. Freedom and responsibility 320 89 Standards of public morality 172 21 HADOW, G. E., and W. H. Oxford treasury of English literature 820 436 HAECKEL, E. H. Wonders of life 147 18 HAOA, A. Nederlandsch Nieuw Guinea ende Papoesche eilander 995 732 HAGEN, Dr. Etudes sur les Nouvelles- Hebrides 919-34 569 HAGGARD, A. C. P. Louis XIV. in court and camp 944 697 Two great rivals 940 681 HAGGARD, H. R. The poor and the land 332-2 144 Regeneration 267-16 ^ 54 Rural Denmark 630 390 HAHN, A. Topas 549 299 HAIDAR ALI. See Bowring, L. B. HAILE, M. Queen Mary of Modena . . 920 645 HAILPRIN, D. See Brodzky, M. HAKE, A. E., ed. Events in the Taeping rebellion 951 702 HAKLUYT, R. Voyages. 2 eds. .. . 910-8 521 HALDANE, Viscount. Army reform 355 227 HALDANE, E. S. Descartes . . 920 645 HALE, M. B. Aborigines of Australia 572-9942 321 HALES, A. A. G. Poems 821 448 Wanderings of a simple child 823 477 HALES, F. Tell it to the church 283 66 HALFORD, G. B. Crania of the natives 572-9945 324 New treatment of snake-bite .i^.H 615-94 375 Not like man 599-8 358 INDEX. 817 Author and Short Title. HALFOBD, G. B. Thoughts on snake venom Treatment of snake- bite HALIFAX, 1st marquis of. Life and letters HALKETT, S. and LAINO, J. Anonymous and pseudony- mous literature HALL, A. D. Book of the Rothamsted experiments HALL, B. and POWELL, R. F. Three acres and liberty . . HALL, D. B., and OSBOBNE, Lord A. Sunshine and surf. . HALL, E. Mount Morgan gold mine HALL, Miss E. B. Life of Mirabeau HALL, E. S. Reply [to] Lieut-general R. Darling and Major-general H. C. Darling HALL, E. S. Who translated the Bible ? HALL, G. W. L. M. Hymns, ancient and modern HALL, G. S. Adolescence HALL, H. F. The inward light One immortality A people at school HALL, J. H. L. Potona HALL, R. Glimpses of Australian bird life Insectivorous birds of Victoria Useful birds of southern Australia HALL, R. N. Great Zimbabwe Pre- historic Rhodesia . . . . . . .'. HALL, S. C., and HALL, Mrs. A. M. Ireland HALL, T. S. Incrustations on wood Scientific periodical literature in Melbourne libraries Victorian hill and dale HALL, W. E. Foreign powers and jurisdiction of the British crown HALL, W. H. Basis of membership question HALL, W. H. Official year-book of N.S.W. HALLACK, E. H. Kangaroo island HALLAM, H. Constitutional history of England 1485- 1760 HALLE, E. VON. Trusts or industrial combinations in the U.S. HALLIGON, J. Six mois a travers 1' Oceanic HALLIWBLL, J. O. See Phillipps, J. 0. H. HALLOCK, W., and WADE, H. T. Evolution of weights and measures HALLOBAN, H. The centenary . . . . ''*' . . Centennial ode Discovery of eastern Australia. In memoriam Poems HALSBTJBY, 1st earl, and others. Laws of England HALSHAM, J. Idlehurst Lonewood corner HALSTED, J. Notes on gardening HAM, S. See Berriman, W. T. G. HAM, T. Map of Australia Felix Map of purchased lands, Melb. Squatting and gold diggers' map of Victoria HAMEBTON, P. G. Intellectual life HAMILL, J. A. Christ or Wollaston ? HAMILTON, A. Art workmanship of the Maori-race HAMILTON, A. Deep sea fauna of N.Z. HAMILTON, A. Korea Problems of the middle East HAMILTON, A. Works See Hamilton, A. M. See Oliver, F. S. HAMILTON, A., JAY, J., and MADISON, J. The Federalist. See Federalist. Class No. Page 615-94 375 615-94 375 920 646 015 2 630 390 630 330 919-6 622 622-1 383 920 645 994-4 725 220 35 821 448 150 19 294 77 823 467 915-9 548 823 470 598-2 355 598-2 355 598-2 355 913-68 537 913-68 537 914-15 538 551-4 296 016 3 559-45 306 341 170 287 73 319-44 87 919-42 590 342-42 174 338-8 165 919-6 622 389 261 821 448- 821 448 821 448 821 448 821 448 347 '08 202 824 485 824 485 635 404 912-945 531 912-945 531 912-945 631 374 246 237 38 709 419 591-92 343 915-18 545 950 702 320-8 91 818 INDEX. Author and Short Title. HAMILTON, A., count. Memoirs of Count Grammont HAMILTON, A. M. The intimate life of Alexander Hainilto HAMILTON, Sir E. W. Conversion and redemption HAMILTON, G. Experiences of a colonist Voyage round the world HAMILTON, Sir I. S. M. Compulsory service . . Russo-Japanese war HAMILTON, M. L. The hunter of the years HAMILTON, R. Combat and the victory Jubilee history of the Presbyterian church of Victoria HAMILTON, Sir R. G. C. President's address. Roya society of Tas. (2 entries) HAMILTON, W. Parodies HAMILTON, W. F. Company law HAMLET controversy HAMLET, W. M. Anthrax in Australia HAMLET, W. M., ed. Handbook of Sydney HAMLIN, C. S. Act to regulate commerce [U.S.] HAMY, E. T. Les decouvertes geographiques et 'sthno graphiques en Oceanie L'ceuvre ethnographique de N. M. Petit HANCE, J. L. Atlas series of Australian pamphlets HANCOCK, H. I. Japanese physical training ... HAND, J. E., ed. Ideals of science and faith . . Science in public affairs HANDEL, G. F. See Streathfield, R. A. HANDY register of mining companies for Tae. HANNAFOED, S. Jottings in Australia Sea and riverside rambles in Victoria Wild flowers of Tas. HANNAY, D. Rodney HANNAY, J. How Canada was held for the empire HANNINGTON, S. Right-angled trigonometry HANOTAUX, G. Contemporary France HANSELL, H. At the " Labour in vain " The Plum street brethren HANSON, Sir R. D. Law in nature HANSON, T. Federation HANSON, W. Geographical encyclopaedia of N.S.W. . . Pastoral possessions of N.S.W. HAOLE, A. See Bates, G. W. HARBINSON, J. W. Love lyrics HARBOTTLE, T. B. Dictionary of historical allusions HARCOTTRT, L. W. V. His grace the steward HARCUS, W. Handbook for emigrants to S.A. HARCUS, W., ed. South Australia HARDCASTLE, Mrs. M. S., ed. Life of Lord Campbell HARDIE, D. Common diseases in Queensland HARDIE, J. K. From serfdom to socialism HARDING, S. B. Ratification of the federal constitution in Massuchusetts HARDINGE, Viscount. See Hardinge, 2nd Viscount. HARDINGE, 2nd Viscount, Viscount Hardinge HARDMAN, T. H. Parliament of the press HARDMAN, W. History of Malta, 1798-1815 .. HARDSHIPS of provincial letter carriers ... HARDWICKE, Mrs. E. Poems HARDY, A. Aunt Augusta's dream HARDY, R. S. Manual of Budhism HARDY, T. A vigneron abroad HARDY, W. J. Book-plates . . HARE, C. A queen of queens HARE, J. I. C. American constitutional law HARE, T. L., ed. The National gallery i i .-, N.,. Pi* 920 920 336-3 919-4 910-4 355 947 821 240 285 504 827 347-7 822-33 636 919-44 347-7 919-6 572-99 824 613-7 215 320-4 338-7 581-9945 570 581 -9945 920 971 514 944 823 823 104 822 919-44 336-1 821 903 342-42 919-42 919-42 920 614-7 335 342-73 920 070 945-8 263 821 823 294 634 090 946 342-73 708 INDEX. 819 Author and Short Title. HABGRAVE, J. F. Inaugural address to the Law institute of N.S.W. Syllabus of lectures on jurisprudence Various legal pamphlets HABGRAVES, E. H. Australia, and its gold fields The gold discovery of the 12th of February, 1851 . . HARING, C. H. The buccaneers in the West Indies HARLEY, J. H. New social democracy HARMONIDES. A land redeemed HARNETT'S Dunedin directory HARPER'S new monthly magazine. The Pitcairn islanders HARPER, A. Queen Victoria State schools and religion HARPER, A. P Pioneer work in the Alps of New Zealand HARPER, G. M. Sainte-Beuve HARPER, J. Sermon [at] ordination of Rev. A. Macarthur HARPER, J. H. C. Letter on article " The no Popery cry." See Purchas, H. T. HARPER, S. Australia and Mnason Musings HARPER, W. R. Higher education in America HARPUR, C. The bushrangers Poems HARRINGTON, G. H. Direct steam route from England to Australia HARRIS, A. The emigrant family Guide to Port Stephens Martin Beck Settlers and convicts HARRIS, C. Pro fide HARRIS, E. Brotherly unity Socialism and the church ... HARRIS, F. The man Shakespeare HARRIS, G. M. Problems of local government HARRIS, H. R. The poultry book HARRIS, J. Map of the southern continent HARRIS, J. Navigantium atque iterantium bibliotheca . . HARRIS, W. History of the Radical party in Parliament HARRIS, W. Life and writings of James I. Life and writings of Charles I. Life of Oliver Cromwell Life of Charles the second HARRISON, A. England and Germany HARRISON, A. E. Bush calendar HARRISON, E. Victorian justices' manual HARRISON, F. Chatham Creed of a layman John Ruskin Memories and thoughts National and social problems Philosophy of common sense Realities and ideals HARRISON, G., ed. Culpable compulsion HARRISON, J. A. George Washington HARRISON, J. E. Kara Yerta tragedy HARRISON, R. Colonial sketches HART, A. B. Actual government HART, F. Western Australia hi 1891 HART, H. G. Annual army list HART, J. H. Cacao HART, Sir R. See Credon, J. HART, R. H. See Williams, T. HART, T. Poems HARTEBT, E. Birds collected by Robert Hall on the Lena Class Ho. Page 340-1 169 340 168 340 168 994 720 994-5 729 972-8 709 304 80 821 449 919-31 568 919-7 628 920 646 377 248 919-31 563 920 646 252 43 283 66 821 449 821 449 378-73 249 822 461 821 449 387 260. 823 477 919-44 600 823 477 919-4 576 239 39 252 43 335-7 149 920 646 211 352 636-5 408 912-94 526 910-8 521 329-942 118 920 646 920 646 920 646 920 646 914-3 540 570-4 312 347-9 208 920 646 146 18 920 646 824 485 320-4 91 146 18 824 485 614-47 371 920 646 823 477 919-42 590 342-73 177 919-41 588 355 227 633 398 821 449 598-2 355 820 INDEX. Author nd Short Title. HARTLAJTD, E. S. The " High Gods " of Australia Primitive paternity HABTOG, P. C. L, Voyages of the steamer Egeron HABTZEB, F. Les lies blanches des mere du and HABVABD, J. See Shelley, H. C. HARVEN, E. de. L' Australasie, sea ressourcee HABVEY, G. Business life experiences HABVEY, L. Tyrant mammon HABVEY, W. H. Nereis Australia Phycologia Australica HABVIE, J. G. Convict hulk " Success " HABWOOD, Mrs. S. Shakespeare cult in Germany HABWOOD, W. S. The new earth HASBACH, W. History of the English agricultural labourer HASSALL, A. Life of Napoleon Mazarin Viscount Castlereagh HASSALL, J. S. In old Australia HASSABD, A. R. Canadian constitutional history and law HASTINGS, 1st Marquis of. See Ross, Sir 3. F. G. HASTINGS, G. W. Vindication of Warren Hastings HASTINGS, J., ed. Dictionary of the Bible HASTINGS, W. Debates of the House of lords on [his trial] See Gleig, G. R. . See Hastings, G. W. See Malleson, G. B. HATCH, L. C. The American revolutionary army HATITELD, H. R., ed. American commerce and finance HATFIELD, O. One of England's little wars HATSELL, J. Precedents of proceedings in the House of commons . . HATTON, F. North Borneo . . . . 4 . . HATTON, H. F. Advance Australia ! . . HATZFELDT, P., graf. The Hatzfeldt letters HAXTG, M. Sacred language, etc., of the Parsis HAW, G. From workhouse to Westminster To-day's work HAW, G., ed. Christianity and the working classes HAW AH : Judicature. Evolution of the Hawaiian judi- ciary ' ' . . ;' HAWAII : [Various pamphlets, official and otherwise] . . HAWAIIAN. Magazine HAWAIIAN. Newspaper HAWKE'S BAY. Law : Statutes. Acts of the province. . HAWKESBUBY benevolent society. History HAWKESWOBTH, J. Voyages for making discoveries in the southern hemisphere HAWKINS, E. J. Fitzdolphus papers .. HAWKINS, T. F. Journey across the Blue mountains . . HAWKSLEY, E. Worship of Catholic Church not idolatrous HAWTREY, M. J. G. Justice to New Zealand HAY, Mrs. A. After-glow memories HAY, A. Journey from Australia to Europe HAY, A. Jubilee memorial of the Presbyterian church of Queensland HAY, G. W. Catechism of practical agriculture HAY, W. D. Brighter Britain ! . . .> HAYDN, J. Dictionary of dates HAYDON, A. L. Riders of the plains -;. * HAYDON, G. H. The Australian emigrant Five years in Australia Felix HAYFOBD, J. F. Geodesy HAYOABTH, H. W. Buschleben in Australian Recollections of bush life in Australia Class No. 299 392 '3 919-5 266 319-4 920 821 589-3 589-3 365 822-33 630 331-8 920 920 920 994 342-71 920 220 343-1 973 380 993-1 328-1 919-11 919-4 943 295 920 352 331-8 354-969 354-969 050 070 345*931 361 910-4 823 919-44 282 993-1 828 910 285 630 919-31 902 354-71 823 919-45 526 919-4 919-4 INDEX. 821 Author and Short Title. HAYNES, G. H. The election of senators HAYNES, H. V. Federation . . HAYNIE, H. The captains and the kings HAYS, C. D. Steam communication with the Austra- lian colonies HAYS, W. B. Engineering in South Australia . . HAYTER, H. H. Handbook to Victoria My Christmas adventure Notes of a tour in New Zealand Notes on the colony of Victoria Three papers (statistical) HAYWARD, A. Eminent statesmen and writers HAYWOOD, H. Through Tasmania .. .. '.;.v' HAZELL'S annual HAZELL'S annual guide to the House of commons HAZKT.T., W., and HODGKIN, H. The Australasian colonies HAZEN, C. D. Europe since 1815 .. .. ;. HAZLEWOOD, D. Compendious grammar of the Feejeean language . . . . . . . . - . . Fijian and English, and English and Fijian Dic- tionary HAZLITT, W. C. Fairy tales illustrating Shakespeare, etc. The Venetian republic .. .. .. .. HAZLITT, W. C., ed. Shakespeare's library HEAD, Sir F. B. A narrative HEAD, H. That heathen Chinee in Australia . . HEADLAM, S. D. The socialist's church HEADLEY, W. B. Case of placenta prsevia Dress Homoeopathy Remarks on placenta prsevia HEADS of the people HEALE, T. New Zealand and the New Zealand company HEALEY, D. The cornstalk . . HEAPHY, C. Residence in various parts of New Zealand HEARK, L. See Gould, G. M. HEARN, W. E. Adult education classes Aryan household The government of England Payment by results in primary education Plutology TJieory of legal duties and rights HEARNE, R. P. Aerial warfare HEART of the rose HEATH and Cordell's Geelong, Ballarat, and Creswick creek directory . . HEATH, H. L. Infant, parent and State HEATON, J. H. Account of canonisation at Rome Australian dictionary of dates and men of the time HBAWOOD, E. Was Australia discovered in the sixteenth century ? HBBBLETHWAITE, J. Rose of regret Verse HEBDITCH, S. In memoriam HEBEB, R. Life HECTOR, Sir J. Fossil reptilia of New Zealand Geological survey of New Zealand, 1866-7 Hand-book of New Zealand (4 entries) Mineral waters of New Zealand Phormium tenax Report on coal deposits, N.Z HEDIN, S. Overland to India Trans-Himalaya Class No. Page 342-73 177 342 '94 183 920-01 672 387 260 620 378 919-45 608 821 449 919-31 563 319-45 88 311 83 920-01 672 919-46 613 030 7 328-42 110 325-2 99 940 681 499 269 499 269 398-4 265 945-3 699 822-33 466 971 708 821 449 335-7 149 618 378 613-4 368 615-53 374 618 378 070 11 919-31 563 823 477 919-31 563 374 246 321 92 342-42 174 371 244 330 125 340-1 169 623 385 828 491 919-45 612 362-7 236 264 50 920-01 67t> 994 720 821 449 821 449 920 647 920 647 568 311 559-31 300 919 31 564 615-8 374 633 399 553-2 297 915-5 54T 915-15 545 S22 INDEX. Author and Short Title. HBDLEY, C. Marine molluscan fauna of New Zealand Relation of fauna and flora of Australia to those of N.Z. .. HEDLEY, H. W. At the wickets HEEBES, J. E. Part borne by the Dutch in the discovery of Australia HEINE, H. Memoirs HBITLAND, W. E. The Roman republic HELLICAR, V. Coin and currency HELMONT, H. F., ed. The world's history HELPS, Sir A. The Spanish conquest in America HENDERSON, Capt. Otago and the Middle island HENDERSON, A. M. History HENDERSON, B. W. Civil war and rebellion in the Roman empire HENDERSON, C. R. Modern methods of charity HENDERSON, G. Survivals in belief among the Celts HENDERSON, G. C. Life of Sir George Grey HENDERSON, G. F. R. Stonewall Jackson HENDERSON, J. Excursions and adventures in N.S.W. . . Observations on the colonies of N.S.W. and V.D.L. HENDERSON, T. An evening with Tennyson HENDERSON, W. Christianity and modern thought HENDRICK, B. J. Story of life insurance HENDRICK, F. Power to regulate corporations and com- merce HENEY, T. In middle harbor HENLEY, T. F. Poverty HENLEY, W. E., and STEVENSON, R. L. Plays HENNINOES, E. C., and R. B. Bible talks HENOCH, E. Lectures on diseases of children HENRICY, C. Histoire de 1' Oceanic HENRY II. See Green, Mrs. A. S. HENRY of Huntingdon. Chronicle HENRY of Portugal, Prince. See Major, R. H. HENRY, Sir E. R. Classification and uses of finger prints HENRY, J. On the federal constitution bill To the electors for the Federal parliament HENRY, T. S. Spookland HENSLOW, G. Present day rationalism HENSLOWE'S annual. (4 entries) HENSOLDT, H. Breaking the fetters HENTY, E. A. See Starkey, E. A. HENTY, E. G., and STARKEY, E. A. Australian idylls . . HENTY, R. Australiana " HERALD." Western Australian Almanack HERBERT, G. English works Works HERBERT, L. J. Australasia.. HERMES. Jubilee number HEROD, J. R. Favoured nation treatment HERODOTUS. History HERON, Mrs. E. M. The balance of pain HERRERA, A. de. Description des Indes Occidentales . . HERSCHEL, Sir J. F. W. Ethnographic suggestions HERSHEY, A. S. International law and diplomacy of the Russo-Japanese war HERTSLET, Sir E. Recollections of the old Foreign office . . HERTSLET, L. Treaties between Great Britain and foreign powers HERTZ, G. B. British imperialism in the eighteenth century The old colonial system HBRVEY, M. H. Genesis of imperial federation Clii-i No. 594 670 797 910-8 920 937 332-4 909 972 919-31 901 937 360 398-3 920 973 919-44 919-4 821 204 368 347-7 821 339 822 240 618 990 942 573-6 342-94 342-94 133-9 211 828 210 821 920 919-41 821 828 912-93 378-944 337 880 821 918 410 341-3 342-42 341-2 942E 325-3 354-42E INDEX. 822 Author and Short Title. HEBVEY, T. K. Poetical sketch-book HESS, W. Die Decapoden-Krebse Ost-Australiens HETHEBINGTON'S useful hand-book for emigrants HETHEBINGTOST, I. See Wilson, F. R. M. HETLEY, Mrs. G. B. Native flowers of N.Z. . . HEWLETT, M. H. The agonists HEYDON, J. K. Liberty in education HEYDON, L. F. Prudence in federation HEYLYN, P. Cosmographie HEYWOOD, B. A. Vacation tour at the antipodes HEY WOOD, P. See Tagart, E. HICHENS, R. Egypt and its monuments HICKSON, J. B. He will not drink wine HIGGENS, H. R. Cloud, and sunshine HIGGINS, A. P. The Hague peace conference . . HIGGINS, H. B. Shakespeare's aims . . HIGGINS, J. F. Sewage matters HIGGINSON, Mrs. E. Alaska HIGGINSON, F. J. Naval battles in the century HIGGINSON, T. W. Common sense about women HIGGS, M. How to deal with the unemployed HIGH school of Hobart Town. Address to the College o preceptors Deed of association Report of the council HIGHMOBE, Sir N. J. Customs laws . . HIGINBOTHAM and ROBINSON. N.S.W. electoral map Sydney suburban borough maps Yachting map of Port Phillip HIGINBOTHAM, G. Science and religion See Morris E. E. HTLDEBBANDT, A. Airships past and present . . TTTT.T,, A. The body at work HTT.L, A. F. Land and wealth of N.S.W. HILL, C. H. Australia's aspirations . . HILL, D. J. History of diplomacy in Europe . . HILL, F. S. Romance of the American navy . . HILL, F. S. T. Poems and recollections of the past HILL, G. History of English dress HILL, G. C. Heredity and selection in sociology HILL, H. E. England and Australia HILL, J. Attitude of the church to modern life and thought HILL, J. J. Highways of progress HILL, M. D. Penal servitude acts HILL, R., and F. What we saw in Australia HILL, Sir R., and G. B. Life of Sir Rowland Hill HILL, R., and THOBNTON, G. Aborigines of N.S.W. HILL, S. P. Tarquin the proud HILL, S. S. Travels in the Sandwich and Society islands . . HILL, Mrs. T. P. Checkmated HILL, W. R. 0. Forty-five years in North Queensland . . HILLIEB, F. Consumption . . HILLIEB, S. Popular drugs . . HILLQUIT, M. History of socialism in the U.S. HINDE, G. J. Western Australian fossils HINDS, A. C. Precedents of the House of Represen tatives of the U.S. HINKINS, J. T. Life among the native race HINKSON, H. A. Copyright law HINSBY, G. K. List of Tasmanian birds HIBSCH, M. Democracy versus socialism Exposure of socialism The fiscal superstition Land values taxation . . Class No. 821 595-36 325-2 581-9931 822 377 342-94 908 919-4 913-32 178 920 341-3 822-33 628-3 917-99 359 396-3 339 373-946 373-946 373-946 347-7 912-944 912-944 912-945 215 533-6 612 333 919-4 327 359 821 391 301 821 215 380 343-2 919-4 920 572-9944 821 919-69 823 920 616-9 178 335-1 560-9941 328'1 572-9945 347-7 598-2 335 335 337 336-22 Page 449 349 99 322 461 248 183 500 576 534 25 647 171 466 389 554 231 263 166 246 246 246 205 529 530 531 33 286 366 142 576 106 231 449 262 79 449 33 254 192 576 647 323 449 627 477 647 377 25 148 307 108 324 205 355 146 146 160 154 INDEX. Author and Short Title. HIBST, E. H. Rotmd the camp fire . . HIRST, F. W. Adam Smith Monopolies, trusts, and kartells HIRST, F. W., ed. Free trade and other doctrines of the Manchester school .. *\- .. * ,. : HIBST, M. E. Life of Friedrich List .. . . _ ' ' .. HIBST, W. A. Argentina . . . . . . ' . . HISI.AM, P. A. Admiralty of the Atlantic HISTX>P, J. History of Knox church, Dunedin HISTORICAL account of all the voyages round the world . . HISTORICAL account of the circumnavigations of the globe HISTORICAL portraits. Richard II. to Henry Wriothesly HISTORICAL records of New South Wales HISTORICAL society of Australasia. Transaction HISTORY of BuHanabee HISTORY of capital and labour in all lands and ages HISTORY of the island of Van Diemen's Land from 1824 to 1835 HITCBI Te Paerata. Description of the battle of Orakau . . HOARE, B. Figures of fancy . . . The Maori .. .'. ..', .. Polling day .. .. .. *, "*i>2 Preferential trade Twenty-five years of protection HOARE, E. Baptism HOBART gazette HOB ART horticultural society. Annual report .. .* HOBART Mercury Launceston and western railway' HOBART suppression of vice, or Magdalene society. [Re- port] HOBART Town. Chart of approaches to the port HOBART Town almanack HOBART Town almanack and Van Diemen's Land annual HOBART Town chamber of commerce. Reports Rules .. .. .. .. "J.. ' ' .w HOBART Town city mission. Report HOBART Town Courier .. ',. .< r, , HOBART Town general directory .. ... HOBART Town general dispensary and humane society. [Prospectus] .. .. .. '' HOBART Town Magazine HOBART Town ragged school association. Report HOBART Town total abstinence society. First report Rules . . . . . . . . . . ~ HOBBES, T. English works . . . . "' . ,' See Stephen, Sir L. HOBKIRK, J. F. Reminiscences .. nu^ui HOBSON, J. A. Crisis of liberalism Evolution of modern capitalism . . . : Imperialism The industrial system . . International trade . . . . A modern outlook . . . . . . ***< Problem of the unemployed - ; ..'' HOBSON, J. A., ed. Co-operative labour upon the land . . HOCHBERO. F. von. An eastern voyage HOCHSTETTER, F. von. Geologic von Neu-Seeland New Zealand HOCHSTETTER, F. von, and PETERMAITN, A. H. Geological atlas of New Zealand . . . . ',.' Geology of New Zealand HOCKEST, T. M. Abel Tasman and his journal Bibliography of New Zealand Contributions to the early history of New Zealand . . No. 821 920 338-8 337 920 18-2 3T>9 285 810-8 010-8 20-01 904-4 906 823 094 -ft 993-1 821 821 822 337 337 265 354 '946 830 -ft 070 385 364 912-94* 919 -4ft 919-46 381 381 266 070 910-46 361 050 362-7 178 178 192 920 321-4 331 354-42E 330 337 824 33$ 334 910 559-31 919-31 559-31 559-31 910-4 016 993-1 INDEX. Author and Short Title. HOCKIN, J. P. Beise nach den Peleif-Inseln. HOCKING, W. J. Catalogue of coins, tokens, medals, dies, and seals HODDER, E. George Fife Angas History of South Australia Life and work of the seventh Earl of Shaftesbury . . Memories of New Zealand life HODDER, E., ed. Founding of South Australia HODQETTS, E. A. B. The House of Hohenzollern HODGKIN, T. History of England to the Norman conquest HODQKDTSON, C. Australia, from Port Macquarie to Morton bay . . . . HODGKINSON, W. O. Route of north-weetem exploration party HODGSON, A. Emigration to the Australian settlements HODGSON, C. P. Reminiscences of Australia HODGSON, E. G. Sermons HODGSON, W. The preaching of Christ crucified HOGAN, A. E. Pacific blockade HOGAN, J. F. Austialian Christmas collection The Australian in London The convict king Costa Rica Packet The Gladstone colony . . The Irish in Australia The sister dominions HOGAN, W. Auricular confession HOGARTH, D. G. Accidents of an antiquary's life The penetration of Arabia HOGARTH, T. Protection to colonial industries HOGENDORP, Comte C. S. W. de. Coup d'oeil sur 1'ile de Java HOGG, C. E. The two spirits HOGG, D. Life of Allan Cunningham HOGG, J. E. Australian Torrens system HoHBNLOHE-ScHiLLrNGFTTERST, Prim zu. Memoirs HOLBEIN, H. Facsimiles of portraits HOLDBN, F. G. Her father'-s darling .. K V. What typhoid is HOLDEN, G. K. New relations between labour and capital induced by co-operative societies HOLDER, Sir F. W. Our pastoral industry HOLDICH, Sir T. H. The gates of India India HOLDSWORTH, P. J. Station hunting on the Warrego . . HOLGATE, C. W. Chief libraries of Australia HOLLAND, 3rd baron. Further memoirs of the Whig party HOLLAND, E., baroness. Spanish journal HOLLAND, H. S. Personal studies HOLLAND, T. E. Elements of jurisprudence Laws of war on land HOLLANDER, J. H., and BARNETT, G. E M eds. Studies in American trade unionism HOLLES of Ifield, 1st baron. Memoirs HOLMAN, J. Voyage round the world HOLME, E. R. Aspects of commercial education HOLME, T. Federation sermon HOLMES, J. B. Rationalism of Christianity HOLMES, 0. W. See Townsend, L. W. HOLMES, Sir R. R. Windsor HOLMES, T., ed. System of surgery HOLMES, T. R. E. Ancient Britain HOLROYD, A. T. How to feed our crops Prickly comfrey . . . . . . Suakin and the country of Soudan . ! Class No. Page 919 '66 626 737 421 920 647 994-2 722 920 647 919-31 564 994-2 722 943 696 942-01 688 919-4 676 912-943 528 325-2 99 919-4 676 252 43 262 43 341-3 171 824 485 910 503 920 647 341-5 171 994 720 994 720 910 603 265 50 913 534 916*3 646 337 160 919-2 559 821 449 920 647 347-2 203 920 647 769 424 821 449 616-9 377 334 145 636 405 915-8 648 915-4 646 821 450 027 6 942-07 692 920 648 920-01 672 340 168 341-3 171 331-88 137 920 648 910-4 512 650 411 342-94 183 821 450 914-2 539 617 377 942-01 688 633 399 633 399 916-26 549 826 INDEX. Author and Short Title. Claw Xo. HOLT, 6. C. Concurrent jurisdiction of the federal and state courts HOLT, J. See Croker, T. C. HOLT, T. Education in N.S.W. HOLTHAM, T. E. On Yarra banks HOLY Trinity church, Port Melbourne : Ladies' working guild. Guild cookery-book HOLYOAKE, G. J. Bygones worth remembering History of co-operation Self-help a hundred years ago See McCabe, J. Ho M BERG, O., and JOUSSELIN, F. D'Eon de Beaumont . . HONE, N. J. The manor and manorial records HONE, P. F. Southern Rhodesia .. .. HONE, W. The everyday book . The table-book .. .v The year-book HONEY, W. R. Glaucus HOOD, J. Australia and the East The land of the fern HOOD, T. See Jerrold, W. C. HOOD, T. H. Notes on a cruise in H.M.S. Fawn HOOD, T. H. C. Footprints of moas at Poverty Bay The Pacific region in the past and present Was New Zealand a post-glacial centre of creation ? HOOK, A. Humanity and its problems HOOK, W. F. Lives of the archbishops of Canterbury . . HOOKER, Sir J. D. Botany of the Antarctic voyage of H.M.S. Erebus and Terror Climate and vegetation of the Himalayas Cryptogamic botany of the Antarctic voyage Flora of Australia Florae Tasmania spicilegium (2 entries) Himalayan journals . . New genus of composite and a new species of plantago from Tasmania New Zealand flora HOOKER, Sir J. D., and HARVEY, W. H. Algse Tasma'nicse HOOKER, Sir J. D., and TAYLOR, T. Hepatic Ant- arctic supplementum Lichenes Antarctic* HOOKER, Sir J. D., and WILSON, W. Musci Antarctica . . HOOKER, Sir W. J.' Musci exotici Notes on the botany of the Antarctic voyage of H.M.S. Erebus and Terror HOOKER, Sir W. J., and BAKER, J. G. Synopsis filicum HOPE, J. F. History of the 1900 Parliament HOPE, J. L. A. In quest of coolies HOPE, T. Costume of the ancients HOPF, L. The human species HOPKINS, F. R. C. Clay and porcelain HOPKINS, I. Illustrated Australasian bee manual HOPKINS, I., ed. New Zealand and Australian bee journal HOPKINS, J. C. Canadian annual review HOPKINS, L. On the hop ! . . . . . ." ' ; HOPKINS, M. Hawaii HOPKINS, Mrs. S. See West, J. HORACK, F. E. Organization and control of industrial corporations HOBE, L. F. S. Digest of cases (Tas.) HORN, W. A. Notes by a nomad HOBNE, G. Practical gynaecology HORNE, J. A year in Fiji HORNE, R. H. Australian facts and prospects Miscellaneous works 353 379 -944 821 '641 920 334 334 920 333-3 916-8 828 828 828 822 919-44 821 919-6 598-2 559 559-31 321 920-01 581-99 581-95 586 581-994 581-9946 915-4 581-9946 581-9931 589-3 588 589-1 588 588 581-99 587 328-42 919-6 391 573 822 638 638 971 741 996-9 338-7 346-946 910-4 618 919-61 919-45 828 INDEX. 827 Author and Short Title. HORNE, R. H. Orion Prometheus . . . . . . The South-sea sisters United States of Australia Various poems See Tinsley's magazine. HORROCKS'S Handy guide to the Blue Mountains HORSLEY, R. New Zealand . . HORT, Mrs. D. Hena Tahiti HORTICULTURAL improvement association. Transactions HOSKINO, J. God's aristocracy in rags HOT lakes wonderland HOUGHTON, Lord. See Reid, Sir T. W. HOUISON, A. History of the post office, N.S.W. HOULDING, J. R. Australian capers Australian tales and sketches Investing Uncle Ben's legacy Rural and city life HOUSE, A. E. Income tax acts (Vic.) HOUSTON, D. F. Nullification in South Carolina How, F. D. Six great schoolmasters How constitutional government was won for Australia . . How the money goes ; or, the state-aid question How the Old-age pensions came to N.S.W. How to farm and settle in Australia How to relieve the poor HOWARD SMITH company, ltd. Tourists' handbook HOWARD, E. D. Recent industrial progress in Germany . . HOWARD, H. The Shepherd psalm HOWARD, T., and CONGREVE, H. J. History of Inglewood reefs HowcHnsr, W. Address to Royal society of S.A. Glacial features of Hallett's cove HOWE, F. C. The British city Confessions of a monopolist Privilege and democracy HOWE, J. Diary of a journey to the Hunter River HOWELL, F. J. Soil problems in wheat-growing HOWELL, H. S. An island paradise HOWELL, J. Adelaide almanack Directory for Adelaide ... HOWELL, J. Rose leaves from an Australian garden HOWELL, Mrs. W. M. Reminiscences of Australia HOWELLS, W. D. Certain delightful English towns London films HOWIE, R. Plea for equity . . HOWISON, J. European colonies Tales of the colonies Howrrr, A. W. Migrations of the Kurnai ancestors Native tribes of south-east Australia Notes on Australian message sticks Notes on songs and song-makers of some Australian tribes Notes on Australian class systems On some Australian ceremonies of initiation Rocks of Ensay Ho WITT, A. W., and FISON, L. On the dome and the horde Howrrr, R. Australia Impressions of Australia Felix HOWTTT, W. A boy's adventures Colonization and Christianity History of discovery in Australia Land, labour, and gold . . Class No. Page 821 438 821 438 821 438 342-94 183 821 438 919-44 601 993-1 715 823 468 919-62 626 635 404 240 40 919-31 564 383 257 823 477 823 477 823 477 823 477 336-21 154 973 710 920-01 673 994-3 723 377 248 339 166 630 390 339 167 919-4 576 380 254 221 35 622-1 383 593-12 345 551-31 290 352-042 212 338-8 165 321 92 919-44 601 633 399 910 503 919-42 592 919-42 592 821 450 823 477 914-2 539 914-2 539 285 68 325-42 104 823 477 572-9945 324 572-9944 323 572-994 319 572-994 319 572-994 319 572-994 319 552 297 572-994 319 919-4 576 919-45 608 823 477 325-3 101 919-4 576 919-45 608 828 INDEX. Author and Short TitK Howrrr, W. cont. [Review of] Two years in Victoria Second voyage made by the Duff. . HOTT, J. K. Cyclopaedia of practical quotations HUBHER, J. A. von. A travers 1'empire Brittonique HUCHON, R. George Crabbe . . HUDLESTON, W. H. Mollusca from S.A. HUDSON, G. V. New Zealand entomology New Zealand moths and butterflies HUDSON, H. See Bacon, E. M. HUDSON, T. J. Law and psychic phenomena HUDSON, W. H. Afoot in England Introduction to the study of literature A shepherd's life HUDSPETH, B. M. Santa Claus and the shadow ,;+ HUDSPETH, F. Hutchins' school jubilee HUEFFER, F. M. Heart of the country The soul of London . . . . Spirit of the people HUGEL, C. A. A., von. Enumeratio plantarum Novae Hol- landiae . . . . . . ., 1 1 > HUGGINS, W. J. Hobart Town (plate) . .-, HUGHAN, F. M. The emigrant HUGHES, C. E. Conditions of progress in democratic government HUGHES, E. F. The millenium . . / w >i HUGHES, E. S. Mission of Holy Redeemer HUGHES, Mrs. F. My childhood in Australia HUGHES, W. The Australian colonies HUGHES, W. M. Case for labor . . ,.,.!, HUGO, V. M. Intellectual autobiography . v HUGO, W. M. Bushmen's club, S.A. .. ?r . ... v Origin and antiquity of freemasonry HULL, A. F. B. List of birds of Australia A strange experience HULL,, H. M. Aborigines of Tasmania Economic value of the forests of Tasmania Experience of forty years in Tasmania Guide to Tasmania Hints to emigrants to Tasmania . . ,..*,', Hobart Town directory .. .. .. .. Tasmania as a field for British emigrants Tasmania in 1870 HULL, W. Origin and antiquity of the aboriginal natives ofN.S.W. .. ... ,.)**:-. HULL, W. H., ed. Practical problems in banking and currency HULME, E. Total abstinence defended . . >:.. HULOT, E., baron. D'Entrecasteaux . . . . , ,. HUMBER, H. I should smile HUMBOLDT, A. von. See Bruhns, K. C. HUME, A. H. Overland expedition from Lake George to Port Phillip . . . . . . ..* Life of Edward John -Eyre HUMB, F. W. Mystery of a hansom cab HUME, M. A. S. 'The great Lord Burghley .. .,. .. ,. HUME, W. C. Queensland tin-field .. .. ,. HUMPHREY, G. D. Read the bill HUMPHREYS, H. M. Boot and saddle HUNGARIAN question HUNT, F. Twenty-five years' experience in New Zealand HUNT, H. A. Australian weather . . .... Southerly bursters .. .. , HUNT, J. Memoir of Rev. William Cross . . v < See Rowe, G. S. HUNT, J. L. Hunt's book of bonanzas Class No. P 919-45 m 910-4 808-8 435 910-4 512 920 648 564 310 595-7 360 595-78 361 ' 134 17 914-2 539 807 434 914-2 639 823 477 373-946 24ft 301 79 914-21 539 301 79 581-9941 335 789 428 821 450 321 4 93 821 450 283 66 920 648 919-4 576 331 130 844 496 367 1241 366 241 598-2 355 823 477 572-9946 324 634-9 403 919-46 613 919-46 613 325-1 96 919-46 616 919-46 613 919-46 613 .172-9944 323 332-1 139 178 26 ' 920 648 823 477 919 4 677 920 648 823 477 920 648 .--.13-4 299 821 450 920 648 943-9 696 919-31 Ml 551-56 295 561-51 293 920 U48 823 477 INDEX. 829 Author and Short Title. Hmrr, W. History of England, 1760-1801 HUNT, W., and POOLE, R. L., eds. Political history of England HUNT, W. H. Pre-Rapkaelitism HUNTER, C. Guide for merchants HUNTER, F. Origin, career, and destruction of the Kelly gang HUNTER, ,1. Historical journals of the transactions at Port Jackson and Norfolk island HUNTER, R. Poverty SocijJists at work HUNTER, W. A. Financial relations of England and Scotland . . . .... .... HUNTER, W. H. Torrens title cases HUNTER, Sir W. W. The Earl of Mayo The Marquess of Dalhousie . . . . ... HUNTINGDON, S. H., countess of. Life and times HUNTINGTON, H. W. H. History of Australasia HUON, of Bordeaux .. .. .. v 'l. . HURLBURT, J. B. Britain and her colonies HURRELL, W. Unionism HUBSTHOUSE, C. F. Account of the settlement of New Plymouth New Zealand Letters on New Zealand subjects ..-,. . ... HUSKISSON, W. Shipping interests HUSSEY, H. The Australian colonies ,}\ . ui Colonial life .. .. .. uJ'jC. .. ,.--< HUTCHINSON'S Australasian encyclopaedia. See Levey, G. C. HUTCHINSON'S handbook of Victoria. See Ballantyne. HUTCHINSON, A. L. Limit of wealth HUTCHINSON, F., ed. New South Wales . HUTCHINSON, F., and MYERS, F. The Australian con- tinent HUTCHINSON, W. Preventable diseases HUTH, A. H. Life and writings of H. T. Buckle ,-:+ Marriage of near kin HUTTON, E. Giovanni Boccaccio Siena and southern Tuscany . . . . . . HUTTON, Sir E. T. H. Defence and defensive' power of Australia HUTTON, F. W. Birds of New Zealand Darwinism Echinodermata of New Zealand Geology of the Thames gold-field Geology of New Zealand Insects found in New Zealand previous to 1870 . Marine mollusca of N.Z. New Zealand diptera, orthoptera, hymenoptera New Zealand mollusca Origin of the fauna and flora of New Zealand Origin of the fauna and flora of N.Z. The Antarctic and north temperate elements Tertiary mollusca and echinodermata of New Zealand Tarawera volcanic district HTJTTON, F. W., ed. Handbook of Christchurch Index faunae Novas Zealandise HUTTON, F. W., and ULRICH, G. H. F. Geology, and gold- fields of Otago HUTTON, F. W., and DRUMMOND, J. Animals of New Zealand HUTTON, J. James and Philip van Arteveld Missionarv life in the southern seas Class No. 942-07 942 920 658 920 01 994-4 339 335 329-941 347-2 920 920 920 994 398-2 325-42 331-88 919-31 919-31 993 1 387 919-4 920 320-1 919-44 994-4 614-4 920 613-9 920 914-5 355 598-2 575 593-9 559-31 559-31 595-7 594 595-7 594 591-9931 559-31 564 551-2 919-31 591-9931 559-31 596 949-3 266 Page 692 687 648 413 673 726 167 146 117 203 648 648 648 720 264 104 137 90 601 726 371 648 369 648 541 227 355 328 346 300 300 350 347 350 347 344 300 310 289 5(>4 344 300 352 701 52 830 INDEX. Author and Short Title. Class No. Page HUTTON, R. H. Brief literary criticisms 801 433 HUTTON, W. H. Thomas Becket 920 648 Huw, D. ap. Gwlad yr aur 919-4 577 HUXLEY, L. Life and letters of T. H. Huxley. . 920 648 HTTXLEY, T. H. Oceanic hydrozoa 593 7 346 See Huxley, L. HYAMSON, A. M. Jews in England 296 78 HYLAND, I. K. In sunshine and shadow 821 450 HYMAN, C. P. Coins, coinage, and currency of Aus- tralasia 332-4 141 HYNDMAK, H. M. Commercial crises of the 19th century 332 138 HYSLOP, J. H. Enigmas of psychical research 134 17 Science and a future life . . .. .. . . 218 34 IBSEN, H. See Gosse, E. ICHNEUMON, To Bourke's statue 821 450 ICOLMKILL. See Barry, Z. IDDESLEIGH, 1st earl of. Twenty years of financial policy 336-42 156 See Lang, A. IHNE, W. History of Rome 937 679 ILBEKT, Sir C. P. Legislative methods and forms 345-42 194 ILES, G. Inventors at work 608 365 ILLUMINATED magazine 050 8 ILLUSTRATED Australian magazine 050 8 ILLUSTRATED journal of Australasia 050 8 IMMIGRATION league of Australia : Report 326-1 98 IMMIGRATION league of Victoria. The peril of Melbourne 325-2 99 IMPARTIAL examination of all authors on Australia 919-4 577 IMPERIAL cancer research fund, third report 616-9 377 IMPERIAL federation. Report of conference 354-42E 218 IMPERIAL federation (defence) committee. Various pamphlets 354-42E 218 IMPERIAL federation league, London. Various pamphlets 354-42E 218 IMPERIAL federation league of Australia. Naval defence of Australia 359 231 Various pamphlets 354-42E 218 IMPERIAL federation league, Tasmanian branch. Rules . . 354-42E 219 IMPERIAL federation league, Victorian branch. Various pamphlets 354-42B 219 IMPERIAL institute. Bulletin 325-42 104 INAGAKI, M. Japan and the Pacific 327 106 INCORPORATED council of law reporting of England and Wales. County court rules, 1903 347-9 208 See Great Britain : Law reports. INCORPORATED institute of analysts. Annual reports 669 415 Origin and foundation 669 415 INDEPENDENT order of Oddfellows (Manchester) in S.A. Laws 366 241 INDUSTRIAL and technological museum, Melbourne. Lectures 504 272 INDUSTRIAL home for destitute boys in Venice. Report 362-7 236 INFANT school society of Hobart Town. Report 372 245 INGLIS, J. The Commonwealth 821 450 Our Australian cousins 919-4 577 Our N.Z. cousins 919-31 564 INGLIS, J. Dictionary of the Aneityumese language 499 269 In the New Hebrides 919-34 569 Missionary tour in the New Hebrides 266 52 INGRAM, J. H. The true Chatterton 920 649 INGSTON, Mrs. Spindrift 821 450 INJURED islanders. See Fitzgerald, G. INNER temple. Masters of the bench 920-01 673 INNES, A. D. England under the Tudors 942-05 690 Ten Tudor statesmen 920-01 673 INDEX. 831 Author and Short Title. INNES, F. M. Secondary punishments INNOCENT III., pope. See Gordon, C. H. C. P. INSHALLAH. Tall tales of Tasmania INSTITUT international de bibliographie. Manuel du repertoire bibliographique INSTITUTE of bankers. Questions on banking practice . . INSTITUTION of civil engineers. Theory of hydromechanics INTERCOLONIAL investment land and building co. Me- morandum of association INTERCOLONIAL library conference. Melbourne. Cata- logue of loan exhibition INTERCOLONIAL medical congress. Address by T. P. A. Stuart INTERCOLONIAL protectionist conference. Report INTERESTING narrative of the loss of the Porpoise and Cato INTERNATIONAL council of women. Fourth meeting . . INTERNATIONAL exhibition, Melbourne. Introduction to N.S.W. exhibits INTERNATIONAL exhibition of mining and metallurgy, London. Catalogue and reports INTERNATIONAL free trade congress. Report INTERNATIONAL labour office. Bulletin INTERNATIONALE coloniale und aussuhrhandel Ausstellung. Neu-Siid Wales INTRODUCTION of Parliamentary government in N.S.W. INVERELL chamber of commerce. Inverell INWOOD, F. R. The Christian year . . IHEDELL, C. Ten years' practice IRELAND, A. Geography and history of Oceania IRELAND, W. A. The far eastern tropics IRELAND : Law : Statutes. Statutes, [etc.] of the Parlia- ment of Ireland, King John to Henry V. IREN^EUS. Truth for the time IBENICUM, An IRESON, F. The people's progress IRISH exile, Hobart IRISH loyal and patriotic union. The Irish question IRISH national land league : Oympie branch. Address to the Queensland Irish IRONBARK. See Gibson, G. H. IRVINE, G. A. d'A. New South Wales Poems (2 entries) IRVINE, H. W. H. Australian wine trade IRVINE, M. M. D. Land and income tax law of N.S.W. IBVINE, R. F., and ALPERS, O. T. J. Progress of N.Z. in the century . . IRVINO, E. Collected works IRVING, Sir H. See Brereton, A. See Fitzgerald, P. IRVING, W. Christopher Columbus Lives of Mahomet and his successors IRWIN, F. C. State and position of W.A. Is war reconcilable with the teaching of Christ ? ISAACS, G. Not for sale Rhyme and prose ISIDORE, Saint. De summo bono ISLAND mission, The ISMIR, C. Mining commissioner's camp, Castlemaine (plate) IVIMEY, A. J. All about Queensland Mining and descriptive Queensland IVIMEY, A. J., ed. Rockhampton and Mount Morgan IYENGAR, A. R. The Indian constitution IZETT, J. Maori lore Class No. 365 ' 821 025 332-1 621-2 332-32 090 610-6 337 910-4 396 919-44 622 337 331 919-44 329-9944 919-44 821 613 919 325-3 345-415 236 262 331 070 941-5 329-9415 821 821 634 347-2 993-1 208 920 920-01 919-41 172-4 823 821 090 266 769 919-43 919-43 919-43 342-54 398-1 Page 238 450 6 139 379 140 13 365 160 512 263 601 380 160 130 601 122 601 440 366 556 101 194 38 48 130 12 684 118 450 450 402 203 715 31 649 673 588 22 477 450 13 52 427 595 595 595 175 263 832 INDEX. Author and Short Title. J., M. R. Poems . . J. G. Ward farmers' association and the Colonial bank of N.Z. J. J. Miller ptg. co. Australian racing chronicle JACK, R. L. Artesian water in Queensland Artesian water in the western interior of Queensland Handbook of Queensland geology The higher utilitarianism Mineral wealth of Queensland Stratigraphical notes on the Georgina basin JACK, B. L., and ETHERIDGE, R. Geology and palaeon- tology of Queensland and New Guinea . . JACKMAN, W. See Chamberlayne, I. JACKS, L. P. Alchemy of thought JACKSON, A. Robert O'Hara Burke JACKSON, A. See Brady, C. T. JACKSON, C. Unemployment and trade unions JACKSON, H. W. Contagious diseases acts ' '.. " JACKSON, J. A. Colonies and constitutions National emigration JACKSON, L. d'A. Modern metrology JACKSON, S. W. Egg collecting and b'ird life in Australia JACOBS, A. L'Oceanie nouvelle JACOBS, P. A., and HOLMAN, W. A. Australian mercan- tile law JACOBS, S. Errors of the Christian churches JACOBS, T. J. Scenes, incidents, and adventures in the Pacific JACOBSON, H. C., and STACK, J. W. Tales of Banks peninsula . . . . . . '* f* JACOLLIOT, L. Voyage au pays des kangourous JAMES I. See Harris, W. JAMES, old Pretender. See Shield, A., and Lang, A. JAMES, B. The mystery of the boxing contest JAMES, D. H. Siege of Port Arthur JAMES, G. L. Shall I try Australia ? . . JAMES, G. P. R. Some remarks on corn laws JAMES, H. The American scene . . '..'" JAMES, H. A. Practical horticulture JAMES, T. H. Six months in S.A. JAMES, W. Naval history of Great Britain JAMES, W. Meaning of truth Pluralistic universe Pragmatism Principles of psychology .. .. -.'.'' Psychology .. .. .. .'**' Talks to teachers on psychology Varieties of religious experience Will to believe JAMES, W. H. The campaign of 1815 JAMESON, J. A. Constitutional conventions JAMESON, R. G. N.Z., S.A., and N.S.W. JAMIESON, J. Diseases which should be prevented Homoeopathy .. .. .. .".'' JANE, F. T. Heresies of sea power . . JANE, L. C. The coming of parliament Japan : Agric. and commerce dept. Japan in the beginning of 20th century JAPAN. Financial and economical annual JAPAN year-book JAPP, A. H. Master-missionaries Robert Louis Stevenson JAQTTET, J. B. Gold dredging JARDINE, F. L., and A. W. Narrative of overland expe- dition Clasa Jfo. 621 347-81 798 631 559-43 559-43 504 559-43 659-43 559-43 149 919-4 339 614-4 342-94 325-2 389 598-2 919 347-7 230 910-4 993-1 919-4 823 947 919-44 337 917-3 635 919-4 359 149-9 104 149 150 150 370-1 201 104 355 342 919-4 614-4 615-53 359 942-05 915-2 315-2 915-2 920.01 920 622-2 919-43 595 INDEX. 833 Author and Short Title. JARMAN, R. Voyage to the South seas JARMAN, T. Wills . . JARRETT, F. C., ed. Jottings from the log of a New South Welshman JARRETT, W. Farewell discourse JABVIS, J. J. History of the Hawaiian islands Kiana JAUSSBN, T. La langue Maori .. hi JEAFFRESON, J. C. Life of Robert Stephenson JEANNE d'Arc. See Arc, Jeanne d'. JEANNENEY, A. La Nouvelle Caledonie agricole JEANS, J. S. England's supremacy Iron trade of G.B. JEANS, J. S., ed. American industrial conditions JEBB, C., Lady. Life and letters of Sir R. C. Jebb .- JEBB, L. Small holdings of England . . ;,, .. ... See Wilkins, Mrs. L. JEBB, R. The Bulletin Studies in colonial nationalism JEBB, Sir R. C. See Jebb, C., lady. JEFFERIS, J. Australia confederated The Chinese and the seamen's strike Enfranchisement of labour Other Bibles and other beliefs JEFPERIS, M. In sun and shade JEFFERSON, J. See Wilson, F. JEFFERSON, T. Life and morals of Jesua of Nazareth . . JEFFERSON, T. Memoirs JEFFREY, lord. Contributions to the Edinburgh review . . See Cockburn, baron. JEFFREY, G. Australasian wool-classing JEFFREY, M. A burglar's life JEFFREYS, C. Van Dieman's Land JEFFREYS, F. J. Immanuel JEMMY Mullins JENKINS, E. State emigration JENKINS, Sir G. H. Short history and description of Parliament house, Melbourne JENKINS, J. G. Northern Territory of S.A. JENKS, E. Government of Viet. . . . . |- rj *, r History of politics History of the Australasian colonies Husband and wife in the law JENKYNS, C. C., ed. Hard life in the colonies . . JENKYNS, Sir H. British rule and jurisdiction beyond the seaa JENNER, E. Causes of variolas vaccinae . . h rf JENNINGS, G. H. Anecdotal history of the British par- liament JENNINGS, H. Rosicrucians JENNINGS, J. W., and ADDISON, C. With the Abyssinians in Somaliland JENNINGS, Sir P. A. The Berlin congress JENSEN, A. Democratic Denmark and tory Tasmania . . JENSEN, H. J. The rising tide JEPHSON, H. Fata morgana .. .. ,.' 'Vi.u JERROLD, M. F. Francesco Petrarca .. tfi *rtr.r JERROLD, W. B. Amateur local parliaments JERROLD, W. C. Thomas Hood . . ...... . JERVOIS, Sir W. F. D. Colonisation JESSE, J. H. The court of England from 1688 to the death of George II. George Selwyn and his contemporaries Life and reign of George III. Literary and historical memorials of London F.8720. 2 1> Class No. 910-4 347-6 910-4 252 996-9 919-69 499 920 630 330 672 672 920 333 3 070 325-42 342-94 331-89 331-1 290 821 232 920 824 677 920 919-46 821 241 325-2 725 919-421 342-945 321 994 347-6 910-4 325-3 614-4 328-42 366 916-7 329-942 329-9946 335-11 821 920 374-4 920 325-3 942-07 942-07 942-07 942-1 Page 512 204 512 43 733 627 270 649 390 126 416 416 649 144 13 104 183 137 132 76 460 37 649 485 418 649 613 440 40 99 420 593 188 92 720 204 512 101 372 110 241 550 118 125 148 450 649 247 649 101 692 692 692 694 834 INDEX. Author and Short Title. JESSE. J. H. contd. London and ite celebrities Memoirs of celebrated Etonians Memoirs of Richard III. Memoirs of the court of England during the Stuarts Memoirs of the Pretenders JESSE, W. Life of George Brummel . . JESSEL, E. E. The unknown history of the Jews JESSOP, W. R. H. Flindersland and Sturtland JETTNE, Lady. See St. Holier. JEVONS, W. S. Investigations in currency and finance . . Principles of economics The state in relation to labour JEYES, S. H. Mr. Chamberlain JOAN of Arc. See Arc, Jeanne d'. JOBSON, A. E. Adventures of Russell Howard JOBSON, D. W. Essay on pleuro-pneumonia Metrical version of the Sermon on the Mount JOBSON, F. J. Australia The shipwrecked minister JOHNS Hopkins university studies JOHNS, F. Notable Australians JOHNSON, E. R. Ocean and inland water transportation JOHNSON, G. Canada JOHNSON, G., ed. The all red line JOHNSON, J. C. F. An Austral Christmas JOHNSON, L. Medical formulary JOHNSON, R. Address to the inhabitants of N.S.W. and Norfolk I. . . . . . , See Bonwick, J. JOHNSON, S. The six chief lives from Johnson's " Lives of the poets " See Boswell, J. See Broadley, A. M. JOHNSON, W. Folk-memory JOHNSTON, A. W. Free railways . . . . . . , New Utopia JOHNSTON, G. General court-martial for the trial of JOHNSTON, Sir H. H. Britain across the seas ; Africa . . George Grenfell and the Congo The Kilima-Njaro expedition Liberia The negro in the new world JOHNSTON, R. M. Australasian federation Coal seam at Compton Death-rate and health .. ' ';'.' 11 '';'." ' i'? Estuary of the Derwent Fallacies of the single tax panacea Federal finance The federal finance problem Federal finance proposals Field memoranda for Tasmanian botanists Financial problems involved in federation j Fishes of Tasmania Fishing industries of Tasmania (2 entries) Fossil flora of Tasmania, part ii. . . Fresh water shells of Tasmania Geological relations of Australia and Tasmania Geology of Bruni Island ?\' Vt Geology of Tasmania (2 entries) Glacier epoch of Australasia Handbook of Tasmania, 1891-93 Hare system (2 works) Health of Hobart Igneous caps of the Tasmanian tiers An old lake of the Derwent Class Xo. 942-1 942 942-04 942-06 942-06 920 933 919-4 332-4 330 331-8 920 823 636-2 821 910 920 305 920-01 656 917-1 384 823 615-1 252 920-01 913-42 385 320-1 994-4 916-8 916-7 916-7 916-6 572-97 342-94 553-2 614-1 559-46 336-22 342-94 342-94 342-94 580-7 342-94 597 639 561 594 559-4 559-46 559-46 551-31 319-46 324-2 614 559-45 559-46 INDEX. 835 Author and Short Title. JOHNSTON, R. M. Order and relationship of Australian terrestrial formations Palaeozoic and mesozoic rocks of Tasmania Permo-carboniferous fossil cliffs at Darlington, Maria Island Plants of mesozoic age in Tas. Primary law of value or price Problem of Mai thus stated ' Proposed psychometer index Rocks and minerals of Tas. Root matters in social and economic problems Systematic account of the geology of Tas. Tasmanian mollusca Taxation Tertiary fossils in Tas. Tertiary rocks in Australasia JOHNSTON, W., and A. K. N.S.W., Viet., and S.A. (map) New Zealand (map) JOHNSTONE, A. Recollections of R. L. Stevenson JOHNSTONS, F. D. Dickens in our Commonwealth JOHNSTONE, ~J. C. Maoria JOLLIFFE, W. Workers' compensation act, N. Z. JOLY, C. Les eucalyptus geants de 1'Australie JONES. Life and adventure in the S. Pacific JONES, E. L. See Littlemore, G. JONES, H. Idealism Working faith of the social reformer JONES, Mrs. H. Broad outlines of long years in Aus- tralia JONES, H. B. Adventures in Australia JONES, H. S. The Roman empire JONES, J. P. India JONES, L., and Scard, F. I. Manufacture of cane sugar JONES, L. A. A., and BELLOT, H. H. L. Commerce in war JONES, Sir P. B. Dollars and democracy JONES, R. Simultaneous French and English reader JONES, R. Vegetarianism JORDAN, H. Queensland JORDAN, H. R. H. Jordan's grain calculator . . JORGENSON, J. Observations on the funded system See Hogan, J. F. JOSE, A. W. Growth of the empire History of Australasia Sun and cloud JOSEPH, A. A Bendigonian abroad JOUAN, M. Les iles Loyalty JOUBERT, C. The fall of Tsardom Russia as it really is JOUBERT, J. Shavings and scrapea JOURNAL of a voyage round the world in H.M.S. the Dolphin JOURNAL of commerce of Victoria JOURNET, F. L'Australie JOYCE, E. W. How half-a-million should be invested . . JUBILEE volume of Victorian Congregationalism JUDGE, M. H., ed. Political socialism JUKES, J. B. Physical structure of Australia JUNG, K. E. Australia Der Weltteil Australien JUST, P. Australia JUST, T. C. Iron ore deposits Official handbook of Tas. JUST, T. C., ed. Tasmania JUSTI, C. Diego Velasquez JUSTINIAN Institutiones juris civilis 2D 2 Class No. Page 559-4 301 560-9946 308 559-46 306 561 309 338-5 164 312 83 150 19 559-46 306 331 130 559-46 307 594 347 336-2 153 560-9946 308 551-78 296 912-94 526 912-931 525 920 649 823 478 919-31 564 347-7 205 583-4 339 910-4 512 141 18 304 80 823 478 919-4 577 937 679 915-4 546 664-1 414 341-3 171 917-3 554 440 268 613-2 367 919-43 595 658 413 320 89 354-42E 220 994 720 821 450 910 503 919-33 569 914 7 542 914-7 542 910 503 910-4 512 650 411 919-4 577 325 3 101 285-8 71 335-1 148 559-4 301 919-4 577 919-4 577 919-4 577 622-1 383 919-46 613 919-46 614 759 422 349-37 210 836 INDEX. Author and Short Title. KANE, E. K. The United States Grinnel expedition KANT, A. N. Index of cases judicially noted . . KANT, I. Text book to Kant KAPPA. Let youth but know KARR, E. The Australian guest KARR, W. K. S. The Marquess Corn wall ia ,.-'.'''' KARTE von Australien KATZ, 0. Zur Kenntniss der Leuchtbakterien KATTFMANN, M. Housing of the working classes Socialism and modern thought . . " . . ' KAYE, Sir J. W. Christianity in India KAYSER, H. W. F. Early history of colonial mining KEANE, J. The evolution of geography KEARNAN, A. Amethysts KEARNAN, A. H. Mona's mite KEARNEY, G. M. V. Ode for Queen Victoria . . KEATK, G. Account of the Pelew Islands KEBBEL, T. E. Lord Beaconsfield and other Tory memories . . . . . . 1 ft lo KEEBLE, S. E., ed. The citizen of to-morrow KEENAN, J. J. Inaugural celebrations of the Common- wealth KEBNE, C. S. See Layard, G. S. KEENE. H. G. Hindustan under free lances KEESE. Oline. See Leakey, C. W. KEITH, A. B. Responsible government in the dominions KELLEY, F. Some ethical gains through legislation KELLOR, F. A. Out of work .. VCI.HH ::*. I KELLY'S customs tariffs of the world KELLY'S directory of merchants, etc. KELLY, A. C. The vine in Australia . . . pii< u tif Wine growing in Australia KELLY, E. Elimination of the tramp . . .I..? Government .. .. .. J M -3 ,' V.' Practical programme for working men Twentieth century socialism . . . . i'i .v. KELLY, W. Life in Viet. .. .. >" ' Truth of " eternal punishment " .. "'.. ;f> KELSEY, C. B. Diseases of the rectum ' ">jvi-.i KELSH, T. The Rt. rev. R, W. Willson '>i& nc ,:-.>^ KELVIN, baron. See Thompson, S. P. KELYNACK, T. N., ed. The drink problem 'fliqj; --"fj^i KEMBLE, J. M. The Saxons in England KEMMIS, T. British church The Pope, the Cardinal and the Prior fro-[< jiiy;i KEMP, E. A voice from Tas. KEMP, E. G. The face of Manchuria KEMP, R. E. Law of mines and minerals, N.S.W. KEMPE, J. Plants indigenous to central Australia KEN, T. See Marston, E. KENDALL, H. C. Leaves from Australian forests Orara Poems . . . . ' . . . . . . .<# Poems and songs . . . . Ft g^i'f Songs from the mountains KENNA, F. Songs of a season ,, v KENNEDY, A. New Zealand. . KENNEDY, A., and J. Wreck of the Royal Charter K :NXKOY. D. Colonial travel .. KENNEDY, E. B. The black police of Queensland Blacks and bushrangers Four years in Queensland KENNEDY, W. Second voyage of the Prince Albert j&i KENNY, J. History of Catholicity in Australia KBNSINQTON and Norwood -.Corporation. Mayor's report Class Nc.. Page 910-8 629 346-42 198 198 28 370 243 823 478 20 649 912*91 ttfi 589-95 342 331-83 136 335 146 266 52 622-2 385 910-9 523 821 450 821 450 821 450 919-66 626 329 942 118 331 131 994 720 954 703 321 7 93 338-9 166 339 167 33 2 153 380 254 634 402 034 402 339 167 320 89 330 126 335 146 919-45 608 236 38 616-3 375 920 649 178 25 942-01 688 283 66 282 60 821 451 915-1 544 347-7 205 581-9942 335 821 451 821 451 821 451 821 451 821 451 821 451 919-31 (N 910-4 512 910 503 919-43 595 823 478 919-43 595 919 8 629 282 60 352-0942 212 INDEX. . 837 Author and Short Title. KENT, C. B. R. Early history of the Tories KENT, P. H. Railway enterpriae in China KENT, R. A. A Chinese vengeance KENT, W. S. The Great Barrier reef Naturalist in Australia KENTISH, N. L. Capital punishment Question of questions Viet. Sheep and cattle assurance co. KEOGH, M. J. King Henry IX. KEPPEL, Sir H. Expedition to Borneo Visit to the Indian Archipelago KEK, A. Papuan fairy tales KEB, Mrs. A. M. Australian poems KEK, W. P. Essays on mediaeval literature KEBFEBD, G. B., and Box, J. B. Digest of cases (Viet.) KEBLY, D. M. Law of trade-marks . . KEBN, J. H. C. De Fidjitaal KERNOT, M. E. Railway construction in Viet. KEBNOT, W. C. Address at the Working men's college . . Anomalous circumstances in education Examinations KEBB, A. W. Scottish banking KEBB, B. The SiHiad KEBB, Mrs. J. " Twixt heather and wattle " . . KEBB, J. H. Life in Victoria KEBB, P. The Melbourne Houses of Parliament KEBB, R. Collection of voyages and travels . . *. . KEBB, S. P. George Selwyn and the wits KERB, W. Melbourne almanac KEBSHAW, M. Colonial facts and fictions KETTLEWELL, Mrs. A. L. Poems KEYSEB, A. Our cruise to New Guinea KIDD, B. Principles of western civilisation (2 eds.) ^' Tj Social evolution KIDD, D. Kafir socialism KIDDLE, H. C. Small whirlwinds KIELLAND, A. L. Napoleon's men and methods KIEBNAN, J. C. Statement of facts .. . KILGOTTB, J. The climate of Australia KILLWOBTH, A. Federation of Australia KIMBALL, E. The public life of Joseph Dudley KIMBEELEY, W. B., compiler. Bendigo and vicinity History of W.A. . . . . . . ' . f ^ KrNDEBGARTEN union of N.S.W. Report KINO, C. S. Wonthaggi KING, C. T. The Asquith parliament, 1906-1909 KINO, G. Palaeozoic carboniferous formations in N.S.W. KINO, G. 0. State of music in Victoria KINO, H. J. Centennial cantata KINO, J. Australia may be an extensive wine-growing country KINO, J. Christianity in Polynesia Duty of the Commonwealth in relation to coloured races Ten decades W. G. Lawes KING, J. Electoral reforms . . KING, J. C. Act of council relating to the corporations of Melbourne and Geelong KING, L. W., and HALL, H. R. Egypt and western Asia KING, P. G. Comments on Cook's log KING, P. P. Charts of Australia Description of the north-east corner of Aiistralia Inner route from Sydney to Torres strait Meteorological journal (2 entries) Class No. 329-942 385 823 591-994 591-994 343-2 336-1 368 822 919-11 919-1 398-2 821 804 346-945 347-7 499 625 607 378 378 332 1 821 821 919-45 725 910-8 920 919-45 823 821 919-5 301 301 572-968 551-51 920 920 613-1 342-94 973 919-45 994-1 372 912-945 328-42 559-44 780 780 634 266 323 260 920 324-42 352 0945 913-32 910-4 912-94 919 4 656 1 551-5 Page 118 258 478- 344 344 192 150 242 462 55& r>r>7 264 451 434 201 206. 270 385. 364 24ft 249 139 451 451 608. 420 521 649 612 478 451 618 79 79 315 293 649 650 367 184 710 608 722 245 531 110 30r> 431 431 402 95 52 650 97 213 534 512 526 577 412 292 838 INDEX. Author and Short Title. KING, P. P. contd. The north-east coast of Australia . . Specific gravity of sea water Survey of the intertropical coasts of Australia KING, P. P., and BLACKWOOD, F. P. Inner and outer route from Sydney to Torres strait KING, P. S. and SON. Parliamentary papers, 1801-1900 KING, R. A. Oliver Goldsmith .. .. KINO, R. L. " The Lord is at hand " KING, W. A great archbishop of Dublin '>'. KING, W. F. H. Classical and foreign quotations KING GEORGE'S sound ; panoramic view KING'S empire, The KINGDOM, W. Abstract of information KINGLAKE, E. See Garnsey, E. R. KINGSBTIRY, J. J. Financial position of the colonies in relation to banking KINQSFORD, C. L., ed. Chronicles of London KINGSLEY, C. Letters and memorials KINGSLEY, H. Hornby mills KENGSMILL, J. Prisons and prisoners KINGSTON, C. C. The democratic element in federation . . KINGSTON, W. H. G. The emigrant's home How ;to emigrate KINGSWELL, G. H. Coal mines of Newcastle . . KENLEY, D. Money KIPLING, R. Actions and reactions Barrack-room ballads The dead king Departmental ditties The five nations Just so stories Puck of Pook's hill Rewards and fairies . . (f?iJo The science of rebellion . . . . The seven seas Traffics and discoveries . . KIPPIS, A. Life of Captain James Cook KIRBY, J. Old times in the bush Voyage from Melbourne to the Gulf of Carpentaria . . KIRBY, J. C. Remedy for the great evil KIRK, T. Durability of N.Z. timbers Forest flora of N.Z. Fruit-blights Recent additions to the N.Z. flora KIRKBRIDK, F. B., and STERRETT, J. E. S. The modern trust company KTBKPATRICK, F. A. British colonization and empire KERKUP, T. History of socialism KTTSON, A. Captain James Cook KITTLE, S. Concise history of the colony and natives ofN.S.W. .. Krrz, H. W. Wayside muses KNAGGS, S. T. Recreations of an Australian surgeon KNIBBS, G. H. Evolution and significance of the census Influence of infantile mortality on birthrate . Nature and utility of trigonometrical survey Problems of statistics . . . . . . ,. Statistical opportunities of the medical profession . Theory of city design KNIGHT. E. F. The awakening of Turkey Oversea Britain KNIGHT, J. " One people one destiny " . . f , KNIGHT, J. G. Northern Territory of S.A. Particulars relative to the colony of Viet. . . Visit of H.R.H. the Duke of Edinburgh to Viet. 919-43 551-46 919-4 656-1 016 920 236 920 808-8 769 769 910 332-1 942-1 920 823 365 342-94 823 823 622-1 332-4 823 821 821 821 821 823 823 823 968 821 823 920 919-45 910-4 176 674 581 9931 632 581-9931 658 325-42 335 920 994-4 821 824 311 312 526-9 311 311 725 949-6 914-2 E. 821 919-421 919-45 919-45 INDEX. 839 Author and Short Title. KNIGHT, J. G., compiler. The Australian colonies KNIGHT, J. J. In the early days KNIGHT, T. Adventures in Holland and at Waterloo KNIGHT, W. Life of William Wordsworth KNIGHT, W. H. Western Australia . . KNIGHTON, W. Struggles for life KNIGHTSBRIDGE papers KNOOP, D. Industrial conciliation and arbitration KNOPF, S. A. Tuberculosis KNOPWOOD, R. Journal of proceedings on board H.M.S. Resolution KNOWLSON, T. S. Origins of popular superstitions KNOX, J. Poetic trifles KNOX, J. See Stalker, J. KNOX, R. Historical relation of Ceylon KOEBEL, W. H. Argentina Modern Argentina Uruguay KOENIGSMARCK, H. von. A German staff officer hi India KOFOID, C. A. Biological stations of Europe . . KOLFF, D. H. Voyages of the Dourga KONG MEN T G, L. and others. Chinese question in Australia KONINKLIJK Instituut voor Taal land en volkenkunde van Nederlandsch Indie. Nieuw Guinea KONINKLIJK Nederlandsch Aardrijkskundig Genootschap. Tijdschrift .. KORAN, The KOR.ORIA. Is single tax a remedy ? . . KOSMINSKY, I. Occultism of the Australian aborigines KOTZE, S. von. Australische Skizzen KOTZEBUE, 0. von. Voyage of discovery into the South sea . . KKAFT-EBCNG, R. Psycopathia sexualis KRAMER, A. Hawaii, Ostmikronesien und Samoa KRATJSE, E. Erasmus Darwin KRAUSE, F. M. Iron ores KRAUSE-, W. Australien KREFFT, J. L. G. Australian natural history : ornitho- delphia and didelphia Australian vertebrata Mammalia of the Australian Museum Mammals of Australia Notes on the fauna of Tasmania Snakes of Australia KRESS, D. H. Dietic errors . . KRICHAUFF, F. E. H. W. Fertilizing field and garden . . KROPOTKIN, P. A. prince. Conquest of bread Field, factories, and workshops The great French revolution Mutual aid KRUGER, W. Das Zuckerrohr KRTTKOFF, N. A. Australiya.. KRUSENSTERN, A. J. von. Voyage round the world KtrMM, H. K. W. From Hausaland to Egypt . . KURELLA, H. G. Cesare Lombroso KURTZ, B. P. Studies in the marvellous Kuz. See Dunn, F. KYNNERSLEY, E. M. S. H.M.I. KYSHE, J. W. N. Dictionary of legal quotations L., N.O. The times L., W.R. Our wool staple . . LABILLARDIERE, J. J. H. de. Novae Hollandiae plan- tarum specimen Sertum Austro-Caledonicum Class No. 919-4 994-3 920 920 919-41 304 823 331-1 614-4 994 ' 398-3 821 915-48 918-2 918-2 918-9 915-4 590-7' 919-1 325-1 919-5 910-6 297 336-22 572-994 919-4 910-4 616-6 919-6 920 669-1 572-994 599-1 596 599 599 591 -9946 598-1 613-2 631 335 338 944 334 633 630 910-4 916-6 920 157 371 340-9 821 636-3 581 -994 581 -996 Page 578 723 650 650 588 80 478 132 372 720 265 451 547 555 555 556 546 343 557 98 618 519 78 154 319 578 513 376 622 650 415 319 358 352 357 357 345 353 367 394 146 163 697 145 399 390 613 550 650 20 244 169 451 407 334 338 840 INDEX. Author and Short Title. L.4HIM.ARDIEBK. J. J. H. de. contd. Voyage fc la rechercho de La P6rou.se Voyage in search of La Perouae . . LABTLLJERE, F. P. Early history of Viet. Federal Britain LABOR crisis : report of meeting, Sydney . ft >jj LABOUR and capital in Australia LA BROISE, R. M. de. Saint Mary the virgin LACKEY, Sir J. History of horses in N.S.W. LACKLAND, J. Influence of transportation on V.D.L. LA COLONIE, J. M. de. Chronicles of an old campaigner LACOMBB. B. de. Talleyrand the man LACROIX, P. Manners, customs and dress during the middle ages . . LACY, G. Co-operation .. .. ,.,.,;>. r., LADY Denison, ship. Log book LAFARQUE, P. Evolution of property LAGDEN, Sir G. The Basutos LA GIRONIERE, P. de. Twenty years in the Philippines . . LA GUERONNIERE, L. E. A. de. The Pope and the congress LA HARJPE, J. F. de. L'histoire generale dee voyage* . . LA HATJTIERE, U. de. Souvenir de la Nouvelle-Cal&lonie LAING, M. History of Scotland, 1603-1707 LAING, R. M., and BLACKWELL, E. W. Plants of N.Z. .. LAKE, J., ed. Childhood in bud and blossom LALOK, J. J., ed. Cyclopaedia of political science LAMB, C. Lecture on theology LAMB, C. See Lucas, E. V. LAMB, R. Saints and savages LAMBARDE, ^y. Eirenarcha LAMBERT, . Moeurs et superstitions des Neo-Caledoniens LAMBERT, C. J., and Mrs. S. Voyage of the Wanderer . . LA MESLEE. See Marion la Meslee. LAMING, J. Steim communication with Australia LAMINGTON, 1st baron. In the days of the dandies LAMONBY, W. F. Freemasonry in Australia LAMONT, E. H. Wild life among the Pacific islanders . . LAMPSON, G. L. State of Ireland in the 19th century . . LANA. West of the Bogan . . LANCASTRE, A. L. M., comtesse de. My recollections LANCELOTT, F. Australia as it is . . *,-&!. LAND ho ! . . . . . . . . . . ... LAND league of N.S.W. Manifesto LAND question from various points of view LAND systems of the Australasian colonies LAND tenure reform league. Tract LANDA, M. J. The alien problem LANDON, P. Lhasa LANDOR, E. W. The bushman . . . . n , LANDOR, W. S. C. J. Fox . . LANDSBOROUGH, W. Exploration of Australia Journal of expedition in search of Burke and Wills . . LANDSCAPE scenery illustrating Sydney, etc. LANE, E. W. Manners and customs of the modern Egypt-inn* LANE, G. Some words of greeting and counsel LANE, W. The workingman's paradise LANE, W. C.. and Browne, N. E. A.L.A. portrait index LANFBEY, P. History of Napoleon L. . .. LANG, A. Adventures among books Custom and myth . . . . . . ' . . Life and letters of J. G. Lockhart Life and letters of Sir Stafford Northcote Magic and religion Secret of the totem Sir W. Scott and the Border minstrelsy Class No. Page 910-4 .-,13 910-4 513 994-6 729 325-42 104 331-1 132 331-1 132 232 37 686-1 405 343-2 192 920 650 920 660 390 261 334 145 656-2 413 331 131 968-2 707 919-14 559 282 60 910-8 622 010 -32 569 941 683 581 -9931 332 828 492 303 80 204 29 919-34 569 347-96 210 572-9932 317 910-4 513 387 260 920 650 366 241 919-6 622 941-5 684 919-44 601 920 650 919-4 678 333-1 143 333-1 144 333 142 336-1 160 333 142 325-1 98 916-16 645 919*41 688 920 650 919-4 678 919-4 678 919-44 601 91<>-2 549 287 73 823 478 016 3 920 650 824 486 291 76 920 660 920 650 291 76 299 78 8-21 438 INDEX. 841 Author and Short Title. LANG, G. S. Aborigines of Australia . . LANG, J. A land of romance LANG, J. Botany bay The convict's wife LASO, J. The land of the golden trade Outposts of Empire LANG, J. D. Australian emigrant's manual Brief sketch of my parliamentary life and times Case of Lang and Drake. . The coming event Convicts' bank Cooksland Emigration The fatal mistake Free church morality Freedom and independence for Australia Historical and statistical account of N.S.W. Immigration Impolicy of religious establishments New postal route from Sydney to England N.Z. in 1839 On the proposed constitution for the Australian colonies Origin and migrations of the Polynesian nation PhUlipsland Poems . . . . . . Popery in Australia Prospect for Australia in the event of war with France Queensland St. Andrew's college Scot's church, Sydney Separation of Viet, from N.S.W. Transportation and colonization . . LANG, W. H. Australia LASGDALE, C. Memoirs of Mrs. Fitzherbert LANGMEAD, T. P. T. English constitutional history LANGRIDGE, A. K., and PATON, F. H. L. J. G. Paton . . LANGRIDGE, G. E. Side lights of labour LANGSFOBD, J. See Langsford, W. A. LANGSFORD, W. A. Life of J. Langsford LANK ESTER, Sir E. R. Extinct animals From an easy chair . . . . . . . , The kingdom of man Nature and man Science from an easy chair LA PBROUSE, J. F. G. de. Voyage autour du monde Voyage round the world See Societe de geographic, Paris. See Vieules, P. M. LAKE, P. Oceanic LA PILORGERIE, J. , Memorials LEGGE, J. G. Selection of Supreme court cases, N.S.W. Suggestions for an Australian defence force LEGGE, W. V. The highlands of Lake St. Clair Systematic list of Tasmanian birds LEGISLATOR. The coming reaction LE GOBIEN, C. Histoire des isles Marianes LEGRAND, W. Tasmanian land shells. . LEICHHARDT, F. W. L. Geology of parts of N.S.W. and Queensland Journal of an overland expedition .'.' " Journal of his expedition to Port Essington Lectures on his expedition to Port Essington Portrait . . . . LEIGH, L. Brother east and brother west LEIGH, M. Q.E.D. LEIGH, S. See Strachan, A. . . LEIGH, S. T. and co. Handbook to Sydney LEIGH, W. Various verses , . . LEIGH, W. H. The emigrant Reconnoitering voyages . . LEININGEN-WESTERBETRG, C., Furstzu. Letters and journal LEITH, Sir G. Short account of the settlement of Prince of Wales island LELAND, J. Itinerary t'^n'sv Itinerary in Wales LEMA!TRE, J. Jean Jacques Rosseau LEJURE, C. La colonisation Fran9aise en Nouvelle- Caledonie Voyage & pied en Nouvelle-Caledonie u . o . . LEMPRIERE, J. Classical dictionary . ; LENCLOS, N. de. See Rowsell, M. C. LENDENFELD, R. von. Horny sponges LENNOX, C. James Chalmers of New Guinea . . LENOTRE, G. See Gosselin LENTHIOLLE, vicomte de. Voyage aux ties de la Sonde LENZ, M. Napoleon LE ROSSIGNOL, J. E. Orthodox socialism LE ROY, G. Australia's welfare . . . . Q LEROY-BEAULIEU, P. P. Collectivism d)Ti> f , Les nouvelles societee Anglo-Saxonnes . . . . LESLIE, A. G. Rifle sketches LE SOUEF, 'W. H. D. Nests and eggs from New Guinea Some new or rare eggs of Australian birds Wild life in Australia . . . . .. LESSON, P. A. Legendes des lies Hawaii . . ' TT Les Polynesiens LESSON, R. P. Voyage autour du monde LETTER on question of marriage with a deceased wife's sister LETTERS and correspondence in re Tongan affairs . . LETTERS from a veiled politician . . Uift,* /; LETTERS from Highland emigrants . . . . . . LETTERS from Lufra LEUPE, P. A. De Reizen der Nederlanders Geschied en zeevaartkundige toelichting betreffende eene kaart van de Geelvinksbaai LEVEY, G. C. Handy guide to Australasia Hutehinson's Australasian encyclopaedia LEVI, "N'. Sugar beet t u~ 342-94 347 -06 U20 215 252 346-944 355 919-46 598-2 330 inn -67 594 559 919 919 919 769 339 823 919-44 821 823 910 920 919-1 914-2 914-2 920 919-32 919-32 913 593-4 920 919-1 920 335 321 335 41 32f>-42 799 598-2 598-2 591-994 398-2 572-996 910-4 173 996-1 329-942 919-45 919-46 910-8 919-r. 919 919 633 INDEX. 845 Author and Short Title. LEVINSON, B. A. Income tax acts of Viet. LIWES, G. H. History of philosophy Life of Goethe . . LEWIK, F. S. Abel Tasman Songs of the south LEWIS, J. W. Birds of N.S.W. Lepidopterous insects in N.S.W. . . LEWIN, P. E. The empire and the public library LEWIS, A. H. An American patrician : Aaron Burr The Boss LEWIS, C. M. Voyage to Torres strait LEWIS, Sir G. C. Administrations of G. B. 1783 to 1830 Government of dependencies Influence of authority in matters of opinion LEWIS, Sir N. E. Law relating to parliamentary elections in Tas. LEYDS, W. J. The first annexation of the Transvaal * . . LEYS, T. W. The volcanic eruption of Tarawera LHOTSKY, D. Captain Cook's tablet (plate) LIARDET, W. F. E. John Batman's house (water colour) J. P. Fawkner's house (water colour) Views of Melbourne LIBRARY association of Aust. Proceedings LICTOR LIDDELL, H. S., and SCOTT, R. Greek-English lexicon . . LIDWELL, M. C. Patient's guide to open air treatment LIERNUB, C. T. Pneumatic drainage . . LIFE and adventures of Blue-eyed Patty LIFE'S work as it ia LIGHT, W. View of the country near Adelaide See Register newspaper, Adelaide. LIGHT on the law LILIAN. Poems LILLEY, A. L. Modernism LILLEY, W. 0. Life of William Brookes LILLIE, A. India in primitive Christianity LILLIE, J. Letters in reply to observations, etc. LILLY, W. S. Chapters in European history Idola fori LIMBORCH, P. van. History of the Inquisition LINCOLN, A. See Brooks, N. See Whitney, H. C. LIKDLEY, J. Appendix to Edwards' Botanical register Vegetation of the Swan river colony LINDSAY, D. Journal of the Elder expedition LINDSAY, T. M. History of the Reformation LINDSAY, W. L. Place of natural history in colonization LENDSLEY, R. Songs LINDT, J. W. Picturesque New Guinea LINGARD, J. History of England to 1688 LINGHAM, H. C. J. Juvenal in Melbourne Last hours of a lion heart The living pillars of the Colosseum LINKLATER. F. H. Statutes relating to equity and lunacy LINNAEUS, C. Reflections on the study of nature LINNEAN society of N.S.W. Macleay memorial volume . . Proceedings LESTON, S. Life and labours LINTON, W. J. The English republic LISLE, J. G. S. Life LIST, F. See Hirst, M. E. LISTER, J. Cotton manufacture LITERARY chatelaine, The LITTLE, G. L. Public service retrenchment in N.S.W. . . LITTLE Jacob. Colonial pen scratchings Class No. 336-21 109 920 821 821 598-2 595-78 027 920 823 910-4 942-07 325-3 171 324-94 968-2 919-31 769 769 769 769 020 070 480 616-9 628-2 920 823 769 385 821 282 920 290 322 940 304 272 580-1 581-9941 919-4 270-6 504 821 919-5 942 821 821 821 347-9 570 570-4 506 920 321-8 920 677 828 354-944 823 Page 154 15 651 451 451 355 351 6 651 470 513 692 102 21 97 707 664 426 428 428 428 5 11 268 377 388 651 478 425 258 451 60 652 76 95 681 80 55 330 335 578 55 272 451 618 688 452 452 452 208 312 312 274 652 94 652 418 492 223 478 846 INDEX. Author and Short Title. LITTLEMORE, G. In memoriam E. L. Jones and H. Berry LITTLER, F. M. Birds of Tas. LrvERSiDOE, A. Bingera diamond field Minerals of N.S.W. President's address to Bx>yal Society of N.S.,W. Some minerals from New Caledonia LIVING races of mankind LIVINGSTON, L. S. Auction prices of books LIZARS, J. Use and abuse of tobacco LIZARS, W. Australia LIX>YD, A. Every-day Japan Wheat among the tares LLOYD, E. Visit to the antipodes . . . ."'" LLOYD, G. A. Ways and means LLOYD, G. T. Thirty-three years in Tas. LLOYD, H. D. Country without strikes Lords of industry ' Man, the social creator Men, the workers Newest England A sovereign people .. .. -v^vMri LOBINGIER, C. S. The people's law LOCH, 1st baron, (Portrait) LOCH, C. S., ed. Methods of social advance LOCK, R. H. Recent progress in the study of variation, heredity and evolution ! ".''. LOCKE, J. Works LOCKEYEAR, J. R. Goulburn Mary LOCKHART, J. G. Life of Sir W. Scott See Lang, A. LOCKLEY, J. G. Rose growing LOCKWOOD, L. E. Lexicon to the English poetical works of John Milton LOCKYER, Sir J. N. Education and national progress . . Stonehenge LODGE, E. Portraits of illustrious personages LODGE, Sir O. J. Ether of space Life and matter Man and the universe Modern views on matter Reason and belief . . . . . . l . Substance of faith allied with science . . , Survival of man LODGE, R. History of England, 1660-1702 LOFTUS, Lord A. W. F. S. Diplomatic reminiscences LOIR, A. Pasteur's vaccine of anthrax LOMBROSO, C. After death what ? . . See Kurella, H. G. LONDON, J. Call of the wild The iron heel . . , People of the abyss The road The sea-wolf . . . . .".' ' War of the classes ( '*'.'.' LONDON ; a fragment LONDON catalogue LONDON chamber of commerce. City and the navy Commerce and legislation of Australia LONDON City Corporation. The city, the Prince and Princess of Wales and the colonies LONDON library. Catalogue LONDON missionary society. Brief statement of the aggression of the French on the island of Tahiti . . Mission at Otaheite Tahitian and English dictionary . . . . . . N,.. 920 598-2 553-8 549 504 559 32 572 017 613-81 912-94 915-2 294 919-4 336-944 919-4 331-1 330 330 331-8 919-31 354-494 321-4 769 304 575 192 823 920 635 821 370-4 571-9 920-01 535-2 147 215 539 215 215 133 942-06 940 636 133-9 823 823 339 339 823 331 821 015 359 382 354-42E 017 996-2 266 499 INDEX. 847 Author and Short Title. LONDON municipal society. Case against socialism LONDON review. Review of " Fiji and the Fijians " LONE Hand LONG, C. R. The aim and method in history Exploration map of Australia LONG, G. Decline of the Roman republic LONG, J. The coming Englishman LONGMAN, W. History of the life and times of Edward III. LONGMANS' gazetteer. See Chisholm, G. G. LONGMOKE, G. Pilgrims of faith LONGMOBE, J. Treatment of juvenile offenders LONGUEVILLE, T. The first Duke and Duchess of New- castle-upon-Tyne LORCK, W., ed. N.S.W. picturesque resorts LORD, W. F. England and France in the Mediterranean The mirror of the century LORETTO eucalyptus blossoms LOREY, E. de, and SLADEN, D. B. W. Queer things about Persia LORIMER, G. H. Letters from a self-made merchant LOTI, Pierre. See Viaud LOTTGHEED, V. Vehicles of the air LOTJGHNAN, R. A. N.Z. at home Royalty in N.Z. LOUGHRAN, E. B. The ivory gate 'Neath Austral skies LOUISE. See Dumas, G. LOVAT, Lord. See Mackenzie, W. C. LOVE, E. F. J. Value of gravity at Sydney observatory LOVELAND, F. 0. Appellate jurisdiction of the federal courts Forms of federal practice LOVELL, S. 0. Free will and determinism ' . . LOVETT, R. History of the London missionary society . . Tamate (James Chalmers) Low, A. M. America at home .. .. .-..sr. The American people Protection in the U.S. Low, F. City of Sydney directory Directory of Sydney Low, H. Sarawak Low, S. J. The governance of England .. H jj A vision of India Low, S. J., and SANDERS, L. C. History of England, 1837-1901 .. LOWE, C. Prince Bismarck LOWE, R. See Sherbrooke. LOWE, S. The dairy industry LOWELL, A. Government of England LOWELL, J. R. Latest literary essays . . . ^ Literary and political addresses . . . . f | fl ., Literary essays Political essays See Greenslet. See Scudder. LOWELL, P. Evolution of worlds Mars and its canals Mars as the abode of life LOWES, T. Y. Address on the transportation question LOWLES, J. Inter- British trade LOWNDES, G. The speculator LOWNDES, W. T. Bibliographer's manual of English literature LOWTH, A. Emerald hours in N.Z. . . LOWTH, R. Life of William of Wykeham Class No. 335 919-61 050 907 912-94 937 330 942-03 821 364 920 919-44 940 801 373-945 915-5 823 621-4 919-31 993-1 821 821 531-5 347-9 347-9 123 266 920 917-3 973 337 919-44 919-44 919-11 342-42 915-4 942-08 920 637 354-42 824 824 824 973 523-1 523-4 523-4 343-2 382 823 015 919-31 920 Page 147 624 8 500 527 679 126 689 452 237 652 601 682 433 246 547 470 380 564 715 452 452 286 208 208 15 52 652 554 710 160 605 605 558 174 546 693 652 408 216 486 486 486 710 279 280 280 192 256 478 2 564 652 848 INDEX. Author and Short Title. LOXTON'S medical directory . . LOTAU, G. E. Colonial lyrics Gawler handbook .. ''.. .. Notable South Australians Personal adventures .. '*;.'/ Representative men of S.A. . . '' LUBBOCK, Sir J. See Avebury. LUBKE, W. History of Art LUCAS, A. H. S., and LE SOUEF, W. H. D. Animals of Australia .. .. .. ...''*' Birds of Australia LUCAS, Sir C. P. The Canadian war of 1812 .'. " History of Canada, 1763-1812 LUCAS, E. V. Life of Charles Lamb The second post . . . . .V T A wanderer in Holland . . A wanderer in London .. .. ,-.. A wanderer in Paris . . ! . : ' ' *?,-* LUCAS, J. Darling harbour compensation case J. The Jenolan caves Whether is protection or free trade the better for N.S. W. LUCAS, R. J. Bimetallism .. .. .;'' LUCAS, T. P. Cries from Fiji .. .. H.-'' My hospital campaign LUCE, M. Handbook of the works of Shakespeare LUCETT, E. Rovings in the Pacific LUCK, H. C. Queensland LUCKIE, D. M. Maungapatu mountain murders LUCY, Sir H. W. The Balfourian parliament . . Diary of the Home rule parliament Diary of the Salisbury parliament Diary of the Unionist parliament Later peeps at parliament . . '"''' Memories of eight parliaments .": Sixty years in the wilderness LUDOWICI, C. E. Farmers and manufacturers under federation LUDWIQ, Salvator, archduke. Hobarttown . . f. LtTFFMANN, C. B. Quiet days in Spain .(. 1<>? A vagabond in Spain LUGABD, F. L., lady. The story of Australia LUMHOLTZ, C. Among cannibals Au pays des cannibales . . , LUNDGREN, B. An inoeeramas from Queensland LUNDIE, G. A. Missionary life in Samoa LUNN, H. S. Municipal lessons from southern Germany LUNTLEY, J. and co. Sketches of the gold diggers LCSCHAN, F. von. Ethnographic von Neu-Guinea LUTHMANN, J. G. Pre-Linnean botanists LUTTEBOTH, H. 0-Taiti LUTTKELL, N. Relation of state affairs LYALL, Sir A. C- Asiatic studies LYCETT, J. Views in Australia LYDEKEEB, R. Marsupialia and monotremata Mostly mammals LYDSTON, G .F. Diseases of society .. ..*'' LYMAN, H. M. Artificial anaesthesia Hawaiian yesterdays LYNCH, A. Religio athletae LYNCH, G. The path of empire LYNCH, H. Some autobiographic chimes LYNCH, J. T. Education bill of N.S.W. LYND, R. Home life in Ireland LYNIK>N, L. Development and electrical distribution of water power . . No. 610-6 821 019-42 920 01 920 920-01 709 596 598 2 971 971 920 826 914-92 914-21 914-4 336 1 919-44 337 332 42 919-61 615-71 822-33 910-4 919-43 343-1 328-42 328-42 328-42 328-42 328-42 328-42 920 337 919-46 914-6 914-6 994 919-4 572-994 564 266 352-043 769 572-995 920-01 919-62 942-06 275-4 769 599-2 599 364 615-78 919-69 821 915 920 379 944 914 16 621-8 379 INDEX. 849 Author and Short Title. Class No. Page LYNE, C. Industries of N.S.W. 338 163 New Guinea 919-5 619 LYNE, C. E. Life of Sir Henry Parkes 920 652 LYNE, Sir W. J. Imperial reciprocity 337 161 "Speeches at the Colonial conference 382 256 LYON, W. R. Dental education (517-6 378 LYTE, Sir H. C. M. History of Eton college . . 373-42 245 LYTH. See Thomas, Mrs. LYTTON, 1st baron. Miscellaneous prose works j&j 828 492 Novels 823 468 See Escott, T. H. S. See Lytton, 1st earl of. LYTTON, 1st earl of. Life of Edward Bulwer, lord Lytton . . 920 652 Personal and literary letters . . . . . 920 652 M., A. Tales of Australia and Japan 823 468 M., J. F. Principles of the society of Friends . . jo.ai 289-6 76 M., Mrs. M. J. Emily Graham .. '(\<\.l './, 823 478 MACALISTER, C. Old pioneering days 919-4 578 McALPiNE, D. Australian fungi 589-2 341 Fungus diseases of citrus fruits 32 396 Fungus diseases of stone-fruit trees 32 396 Rust in wheat experiments 632 396 McABTHtTR, A. Transportation to W.A. 343-2 192 MACARTHUR, Sir E. Colonial policy of 1840 and 1841 .. 994-4 726 MACABTHUR, G. F., ed. Methodism of 1870 287 73 MACARTHTTR, J. New South Wales .. .'. ' !.?*. 919-44 601 MACARTHTJR, Sir W. Culture of the vine 634 402 MACARTNEY, earl of. See Robbins, H. H. MACARTNEY, H. B., jr. Doctrine of the higher Christian life .. 240 40 MACARTNEY, H. B., jr., ed. Conference addresses 241 40 MACARTNEY, H. B., sr. Spiritism 133-9 17 MACARTNEY, J. N. Bendigo goldfield register 622 381 Sandhurst as it was and as it is .. 919-45 609 MACAULAY, Baron. History of England from the accession of James IL . . . . . . . . ... 942-06 691 Lays of ancient Rome 821 438 Miscellaneous writings 824 486 Speeches 825 488 See Trevelyan, Sir G. 0. MACAULAY, G. C. James Thompson . . > 'ju;' 920 652 McCABE, J. Decay of the Church of Rome > .1 j>h 282 60 Life and letters of George Jacob Holyoake 920 652 MACCALLUM, 11. W. George Meredith i* :i 820 436 Shakespeare's Roman plays 822-33 466 McCARRON, Bird and co. Chart of destructive insects . . 632 396 McCARRON, Stewart and co. Stewart's handbook of the Pacific islands 919-6 622 McCAHTER, M. A. Looranna 823 479 MCCARTHY, C. Dipsomania 613 81 369 Excessive mortality of infanta 614-1 370 MCCARTHY, J. History of our own times to 1880 942-08 693 History of our own times, 1897-1901 942-08 693 Story of an Irishman 920 652 MCCARTHY, M. J. F, Irish land and Irish liberty 914-15 538 Rome in Ireland .. ' . ,i;<; 282 60 MAOCARTIE, J. C. Making his pile . . ... 823 479 McCLAiN, E. Cases of constitutional law 342 73 177 Selection of cases on constitutional law . . 342-73 177 MCCLINTOCK, Sir L. See Markham, Sir C. R. McCLYMONT, J. R. Theory of a southern continent 910-9 523 McCoLL, J. H. Agriculture and irrigation 630 390 850 INDEX. Author and Short Title. MoCoMBiE, T. Australian sketches The colonist in Australia Frank Henley . . . . . . ' . . History of the colony of Victoria McCoNAOHiE, L. G. Congressional committees McCoRMicK, R. Voyages in the Arctic and Antarctic seas McCoy, Sir F. Formation of museums in Victoria Geological action of ice Palaeontology of Victoria Prodromus of the zoology of Victoria MoCRAE, Dorothy. See Perry, D. F. McCBAE, F. Correspondence between, and surgeon Bland McCBAE, G. G. Manilla .. M.iW The man in the iron mask Story of Balladreado McCRAE, H. Satyrs and sunlight McCuLLAGH, F. The fall of Abd-ul-Hamid McCuLLOCH, Sir J. The ministerial policy (Viet.) MCCULLOCH, J. R. Principles of political economy Treatises on subjects connected with political economy MACCUNN, F. A. Mary Stuart MACCUNN, J. Six radical thinkers . . atim' McCuKE, J. B. Memorial . . . . nJ.iiui McCuTCHEON, R. G. To Lome and back MACDERMOTT, M. Brief sketch of his career MACDONAGH, M. Parliament The viceroy's post-bag MACDONALD, A. At the sign of the Southern cross MACDONALD, A. In search of El Dorado In the land of pearl and gold MACDONALD, A. C. Dark days at Botany bay The early discovery and colonisation of Australia . . MACDONALD, D. Asiatic origin of the Oceanic languages Labour traffic versus Christianity Oceania, linguistic and anthropological The Oceanic languages Three New Hebrides languages MACDONALD, D. Narrative of his early life MACDONALD, D. A. Gum boughs and wattle bloom ; . Tourists' handbook. See Howard Smith co. MACDONALD, G. The child's inheritance MACDONALD, G. The Roman wall in Scotland MAODONALD, J. Origin and destiny of comets MACDONALD, Sir J. A. See Parkin, G. R. See Pope, J. MACDONALD, J. D. Exploration of the Rewa river MACDONALD, J. G. Expedition from Port Denison to the Gulf of Carpentaria . . . . . . [">... MACDONALD, J. M. The great volcano of Kilauea .0-4 J[ MACDONALD, J. M. Roll up MACDONALD, J. R. The awakening of India Labour and the empire Socialism and society MACDONALD, L. Greek and Etruscan vases in Nicholson museum MCDONNELL, T. Maori history Survey of the confiscated lands (N.Z.) MACDONNELL, W. J. Address, British astronomical assocn. MACDOUGALL, A. Australian gold calculator McDouoALL, D. G. Commonwealth and states McDouGALL, F. T. Wild tribes of the N.W. coast of Borneo McDouGALL, G. F. Voyage of H.M.S. Resolute to the Arctic Class No. 919-4 823 823 994-5 328-1 910-8 507 551-3 560-9945 591-9945 174 821 821 821 821 949-6 329-9945 330 330 920 320-1 920 919-45 920 328-42 941-5 821 910 4 2 919 343 994 499 326 499 499 499 920 919 901 913-42 523-2 919-61 919-43 919-69 823 915-4 354-42E 335-1 913-38 993-1 993-1 520 510-8 342-94 572-9911 919-8 INDEX. 851 Author and Short Title. McEDOO, M. M. A Commonwealth memento . . MACEWEN, A. R. Antoinette Bourignon . . H i'i McEwiN, G. S.A. vigneron and gardener's manual MCFARLAND, A. Captain Cook Illawarra and Monaro Mutineers of the Bounty Mutiny in the Bounty MCFARLAND, J. Law of mining in Victoria Mining cases, Victoria MCFARLANE, S. Among the cannibals of New Guinea . . Story of the Lif u mission MACFIE, M. How can tropical Australia be developed . . McGARViE, J. Sermons . . . . MACGEORGE, E. F. Patent bore-hole test McGiBBON, J. Orangeism MACGILLIVRAY, E. J. Law of copyright MACGILLIVRAY, J. Voyage of H.M.S. Rattlesnake MACGREGOR, D. H. Industrial combination MACGREGOR, J. Fifty facts about Australia MACGREGOR, J. Industrial arbitration in N.Z. MCGREGOR, J. Popular Maori songs . . McHuTCHESON, W. Camp-life in Fiordland MclNDOE, J. Sketch of Otago MclNTYRE, I. K. How the first disciples won for Jesus MclNTYRE, W. Is the service of the mass idolatrous MAC!VER, H. R. Rivals for supremacy in the Pacific . . MclvoR, C. Sheep farming MclvoR, R. W. E., ed. Australasian agricultural annual MACK, A. E. See Harrison, A. E. MACK, L. Dreams in flower See also Creed, M. L. MACKAIL, J. W. William Morris MACKAY, A. Australian agricultural practice Australian agriculturist Analysis of soils of N.S.W. Grazing, farm, and garden soils of N.S W. Semi-tropical agriculturist MACKAY, A., ed. The sugar cane in Australia . . McKAY, A. Auriferous drifts of central Otago MACKAY, C. Glossary of obscure words and phrases in Shakespeare, &c. MACKAY, G. History of Bendigo MACKAY, J. The land of the morning Spirit of the Rangatira MACKAY, J. Opening of the Hauraki district Our dealings with Maori lands MACKAY, J. A. K. Across Papua A bush idyl Out back Songs of a sunlit land Stirrup jingles McKAY, R. T. The Murray river MACKAY, T. Manual of grasses, N.Z. MACKAY, T. The state and charity . . MACKAY, T., ed. A plea for liberty . . McKEAGUE, J. Practical irrigation .. .'."" McKEAN, T. S. See Miller, J. A. MCKECHNIE, W. S. Magna carta Reform of the House of lords MACKELLAR, C. K. Parental right and parental responsi- bility MACKELLAR, D. The closed door . . " 7nl MACKENNA, J. W. Diseases of children Mortality of children MACKENZIE, A. History of the Highland clearances Class No. 821 920 635 920 919-44 997 997 347-7 347-7 266 266 573-4 252 622-2 284 347-7 919-5 338-8 919-4 331-1 398-8 919-31 919-31 252 204 996 636-3 630 821 920 630 630 631 630 630 633 559-31 427 994-5 821 821 993-1 333 919-5 821 823 821 821 627 633 339 335-1 631 342-42 328-42 173 821 618 614-1 333-3 Page 452 653 404 653 601 734 734 206 206 52 52 327 43 385 67 206 619 165 578 132 265 564 565 43 29 732 407 390 452 268 730 440 440 716 143 619 452 479 452 452 386 399 167 148 394 174 111 23 452 378 370 144 INDEX. Author and Short Title. Class Jfo. Paut- MACKENZIE, D. Emigrant's guide to Australia 325-2 100 The gold digger .. . i< 919-4 579 Ten years in Australia 919-4 579 MACKENZIE, E. Memoirs of Mrs. Caroline Chisholm 920 653 McKuNziE, F. A. The tragedy of Korea ; . ',' : 951-9 703 MACKENZIE, J. S. Lectures on humanism 149 19 MACKENZIE, W. C. Simon Fraser, lord Lovat 920 653 MACKENZIE, W. M. Pompeii 913 37 McKiLLOP, H. F. Twelve months' service in N.Z. 993-1 715 MACKIN, C. T. Health of Geelong 614 369 McKiNLAY, J. Exploration in the interior of Australia 919 4 579 MACKINLAY, W. E. W. Handbook and grammar of the Tagalog language . . . . .. 499 270 McKiNLEY, W. The tariff . . 337 161 McKiNNEY, H. G. Irrigation in relation to the pastoral industry 631 394 MACKINNON, H., ed. Second intercolonial trades union congress 331-88 137 MACKINNON, J. History of modern liberty 323 95 MACKINTOSH, Sir J. Memoirs 920 653 MACKIRDY, O. C. Baby toilers 331-3 134 The soul market . . . . . . 339 167 MACKNIOHT, T. Thirty years of foreign policy . . 327 106 MACKNIGHT, T., and OSBORNE, C. C. Political progress of the nineteenth century 942 08 693 McKoNOCHiE, A. Propriety of establishing a colony in the Sandwich islands 919-69 628 Statistics and commerce of the Pacific 380 254 McLACHLAN, D. C. Diamonds in N.S.W. 553-8 299 MACLAREN, J. M. Gold 553-4 299 MCLAUGHLIN, J. My friend the Indian 572-97 315 MACLATTRIN, C. Sir I. Newton's philosophical discoveries 530 285 MACLAURIN, Sir H. N. Draft federation bill 342-94 184 MACLEAN, D. Travels in sunny lands 910 503 McLEAN, W. Declining birth-rate in Australia 312 83 McLBAN, W. Spiritualism vindicated 133-9 17 MACLEAY, Sir W. Australian fishes 597 352 See Linnean society of N.S.W. MACLEHOSE, J. Picture of Sydney 919-44 601 McLBNNAN, J. F. Patriarchal theory 321 1 92 Studies in ancient history 392-5 262 McLEOD, D. Melbourne factories 670 415 McLEOD, G. For empire, home, and honour 823 479 McLEOD, H. D. Elements of economics ;>,,., 330 126 Lectures on credit and banking . . . . ,, 332-1 139 Theory and practice of banking 332-1 139 Theory of credit 332-7 142 McLEOD, J. Voyage of H.M.S. Alceste 910-4 513 MACMILLAN and co. Bibliographical catalogue 017 4 MACMILLAN, A. See Graves, C. L. McMiLLAN, R. Australian gossip and story 823 479 There and back . . . . v ./ 910 503 Unsuccessful competitors 823 479 McMiLLAN, T. C. Physiology of the caput caecum coli . . 616-3 375 McMiLLAN, Sir W. Federal finance . . . n0 ( 342-94 184 McNAB, R. Murihiku and the southern islands 993-1 715 MACNAMABA, N. C. Evolution and function of living purposive matter 577 329 MACNAMABA, T. J. Tariff reform and the working man . 337 161 McNAUGHTON, C. A. Sunshine and shadow 821 452 MACNKVTN, T. E. Manual for clerks of petty sessions 347-9 208 McNicoL, A. Wreaths of love 821 452 MAOSTISH, F. C. Australian federal tariff and the Queens- land sugar industry . . ~ 337 161 INDEX. 855 Author and Short Title. MACNUTT, F. A. Bartholomew de Las Casas Fernando Cortes . . . . . . . p ., MACONOCHIE, A. Crime and punishment ... .# Management of transported criminals : . ., Mark system Mark system of prison discipline Norfolk island . . . . . . . .'%..'"'. Principles of the mark system Prison discipline .. ... ,.. rtluc uom Secondary punishment Social system of convict management Thoughts on convict management and supplement . . MACPHAIL, M. Australian squatting directory National directory of Tasmania . . . . r v, Victorian squatting directory MACPHERSON, Mrs. A. My experiences in Australia MACPHERSON, H. A century of intellectual development MACPHERSON, P. Aboriginal names of rivers in Australia Case of Smith, Bates, and Ashley MACPHERSON, W. C. The baronage and the senate .,. MACQTTARIE, L. Letter to viscount Sidmouth MACQUARIE harbour bar delegation. Facts and figures . . MACQUEEN, T. P. Australia as she is. . MACBAE, D. Scottish honour versus English vanity MACREADY, W. C. Reminiscences MACROSTY, H. W. The trust movement in British industry McTAViSH, S., ed. Chowla .. MAOULLY, A. The art of reading MADDEN, D. H. Diary of Master William Silence MADDEN, R. R. Life and martyrdom of Savonarola Memoirs The united Irishmen MADDOCK, W. Visitor's guide to Sydney -I**K> | MADGE'S trip to Europe and back . . ^n-. MADGE, M. H. Ten months' holiday .. ,~J .-. MADISOX. J. W. Victorian prophecy .. -rt-'i' MAETERLINCK, M. The double garden " ..^. , , Life and flowers Life of the bee . . MAGAREY, E. M. True love runs smoothly MAGAREY, S. J. Our climate and infant mortality M.U;AREY, W. A. Individualism or socialism . . _,\ ... MAGAZIN von mertwurdigen neuen Reisebeschreibungen . . MAGELLAN, F. First voyage round the world . . See Guillemard, F. H. H. MAGNA charta. Translation, &c. MAGPIE. More chatter MAGUIRE, T. H. Portrait of Sir James Clark Ross MAHAFFY, J. P. The empire of the Ptolemies Greek life and thought Problems in Greek history Prolegomena to ancient history The silver age of the Greek world Survey of Greek civilization What have the Greeks done for modern civilization ? MAHAFFY. R. P. Francis Joseph I. . . MAHAN, A. T. From sail to steam '. . Influence of sea power upon history Interest of America in international conditions Naval administration and warfare Sea power in its relation to the war of 1812 Some neglected aspects of sea power MAHON, H. The land league MAIDEN, J. H. Bibliography of Australian economic botany Class No. Page 920 653 920 653 365 239 365 239 365 239 365 239 365 239 365 . 239 365 239 365 239 365 239 365 239 336-1 150 919-46 616 336-1 150 919-44 602 104 14 499 270 285 68 342-42 174 365 239 919-46 614 919-4 579 929-4 676 920 653 338-8 165 823 479 808 434 822-33 466 920 653 920 653 941-5 684 919-44 602 914 538 910-4 513 133 16 844 496 844 495 595-79 351 822 462 614-1 370 335-11 148 910 8 522 910-4 514 342-42 174 824 486 769 424 932 678 913-38 536 938 680 930 677 938 680 938 680 901 498 920 653 359 231 359 231 327 107 359 213 973 710 355 227 941-5 685 016 3 854 INDEX. Author and Short Title. MAIDEN, J. H. contd. Commercial timbers of N.S.W. Forest flora of N.S.W. Hints for the collection of raw products Industrial plants deserving culture in Viet. Manual of grasses of N.S.W. The Noogoora-burr The olive Plants reputed to be poisonous to stock Sir Joseph Banks Useful native plants of Australia Wattles and wattle- barks MAIDEN, J. H., and CAMPBELL, W. C. Flowering plants and ferns of N.S.W. MAIDEN, J. H., and others. Guide to the Botanic Gardens Sydney Spotted gum for wood paving MAIN, W. Bush solitudes MAINE, Sir H. J. S. Ancient law Early history of institutions Early law and custom .. -'I.'"' International law .. .. .?'" Popular government Village- communities MAINTENON, Madame de. See Dyson, C. C. MAISTRE, P. Dans la brousse Australienne MAITLAND, F. W. Collected papers Constitutional history of England Justice and police Life of Leslie Stephen See Fisher, H. A. L. MAITLAND, S. R. Albigenses and Waldenses MAJOR, R. H. Life of Prince Henry of Portugal MAJOR, R. H., ed. Early voyages to Terra Australis Further facts relating to the discovery of Australia On the discovery of Australia by the Portuguese MAJOR, T. Leaves from a squatter's note-book MAKOWER, W. Radioactive substances MALABARI, P. B. M. Bombay in the making MALCOLM, N. Five years in a Persian town MALLEE district of Viet. MALLESON, G. B. Decisive battles of India Life of Warren Hastings Native states of India MALLET, B. Sir Louis Mallet MALLET, Sir L. Reciprocity. . See Mallet, B. MALLEUS maleficarum MALLOCK, W. H. Critical examination of socialism The nation as a business firm Reconstruction of belief MALMESBTTRY, 3rd earl of. Memoirs of an ex-minister . . MALONE, J. J. The purple east MALONE, R. E. Three years' cruise in the Australian colonies MALONEY, W. R. N., and MYERS, F. Flashlights on Japan and the East MALORY, Sir T. Birth, life, and acts of Bang Arthur . . MALTZAHN, K. L. W. von. Naval warfare MANES, A. Ins land der sozialen Wunder MANOERET, . Mgr. Batailles et les missions de 1'Oceanie MANINO, F. B. Tasmanian directory MANINO, F. E. Old New Zealand MAKING, F. E., tr. History of the war against the chief Ueke 674 581 -9944 607 581-6 633 632 634 632 920 581-6 634-9 581 -9944 580-7 674 821 340-3 340-3 340-3 341-3 321-8 321-2 919-4 342-42 342 -42 343 920 272 920 919-4 919-4 919-4 919-4 539 954 915-5 336-1 954 920 954 920 337 090 335 331 215 920 910 919-4 915 398-2 359 919 266 919-46 993-1 993-1 416 336 364 331 399 396 402 396 653 331 403 336 330 416 452 169 169 169 171 94 92 579 174 174 189 653 55 653 579 579 579 579 287 704 547 150 704 653 704 653 161 13 147 131 33 653 503 679 543 264 231 556 52 616 715 716 INDEX. 855 Author and Shoit Title. MANITOBA : Law : Statutes. Revised statutes, 1902 Statutes, 1904 to date MANITOBA : Legislative assembly. Journals MANN, J. Australian timber MANN, J. F. Eight months with Dr. Leichhardt MANN, W. Six years' residence in the Australian provinces MANNERING, G. E. With axe and rope in the N.Z. alps MANNEVILLETE, A. de. See Apres de Mannevillette. MANNING, F. The vigil of Brunhild MANNING, F. N. Address on resigning MANNING, H. E., cardinal. See Moran, P. F. MANNING, J. Aborigines of New Holland Sydney water supply MANSEL, H. L. Gnostic heresies Prolegomena logica MANSFIELD, R. Census of N.S.W., 1841, 1846 MANSON, E. Builders of our law MANTON, J. A. The good shepherd MANUCCI, N. Storia do Mogor MANUFACTURE of paupers MANUFACTURERS' and producers' assocn. Tasmanian interests in the reciprocity treaty MARAU, C. Story of a Melanesian deacon MARCEL, G. La Perouse MARCET, E. Australie MARCHE, A. Lu?on et Palaouan MARCZALI, H. Hungary in the eighteenth century MARGOLIOUTH, D. S. Cairo, Jerusalem, and Damascus . . Mahommed . . . . MARGRY, P. Les navigations Fran9aises MARIA Sophia, Queen. See Tschudi, C. MARIE Amelie, Queen. See Dyson, C. C. MARIE Antoinette, Queen. See Belloc, H. MARIN la Meslee, E. L' Australie nouvelle Past explorations in New Guinea MARINE underwriters' assocn. of Viet. Register of Aus- tralian and N.Z. shipping MARINER, W. Natives of the Tonga islands MARIO, Madame J. W. The birth of modern Italy MARJORIBANKS, A. Travels in N.S.W. Travels in N.Z. MARKHAM, A. H. The cruise of the Rosario MARKHAM, Sir C. R. Antarctic exploration The Incas of Peru King Edward VI. Life of Sir Leopold McClintock The story of Majorca and Minorca . . MARKHAM, V. R. Factory and shop acts of the British dominions MARKS, W. Review of Dr. Fullerton's tract MARLBOROUGH, 1st duke of. Letters and dispatches See Galton, A. MARLBOROUGH, Sarah, duchess of. Private correspondence MARRINER, G. R. The kea MARRIOTT, F. A. Sermon MARRIOTT, Mrs. I. The coming of the British to Australia MARRIOTT, J. A. R. English political institutions Lite and times of Viscount Falkland Second chambers MARS, L. Australian book of ready-made speeches MARSDEN, J. B. The early Puritans The later Puritans MARSDEN, R. G. Law of collisions at sea MARSDEN, S. Answer to calumnies in Governor Mac- quarie'e pamphlet . . -- Class No. 345-712 345-712 328-712 674 919-4 919-4 919-31 821 362-2 572-994 628-1 273 160 319-44 920-01 920 954 339 337 920 910-4 919-43 919-14 943-9 916-2 920 910-9 919-4 919-5 656 919-61 945 919-44 919-31 919-34 919-9 985 920 920 946 338-9 322 355 942 -06 598-2 252 994 342-42 920 342 808-5 274-2 274-2 347-7 994-4 Page 196 195 113 416 579 579 565 438 236 319 388 56 20 87 673 653 704 167 161 653 514 595 559 696 549 654 523 579 619 412 625 699 602 565 569 630 712 654 654 700 166 95 227 691 356 43 721 174 654 172 435 56 56 206 726 INDEX. Author and Short Title. c;.,-- N. MARSDEN, 3. eontd. The Maraden cross Memoirs MABSDEN, W. Memoirs of a Malayan family Overland from Southampton to Queens- MABSH, M. H. land MARSHALL, A. MARSHALL, A. MARSHALL, H. MARSHALL, J. MARSHALL, J. Principles of economics Sunny Australia Depression and superstition Education of the people Battling for gold Twenty years' experience in Australia MARSHALL, J. Constitutional decisions . . * MARSHALL, W. B. Two visits to N.Z. MARSTON, E. Thomas Ken and Isaak Walton MARTENS, C. Five views, Sydney Sketches in the environs of Sydney '' .w Sketches of the scenery of N.S.W. View of Sydney, 1842 .. .. I'J '' View of Sydney MABTTN, A. J. Sewage problem MARTIN, A. P. Australia and tiie empire .V*' Beginnings of an Australian literature . J '. Pernshawe . . . . . . *H i"-* Lays of to-day Life of Viscount Sherbrooke MARTIN, A. P., ed. An Easter omelette Oak-bough and wattle-blossom MARTIN, C. J. Mind over matter MARTIN, F. A. Under the absolute Amir MARTIN, Mrs. H. A., ed. Coo-ee MABTIN, Sir J. Australian sketch-book Proceedings attending the presentation of portrait.. MARTIN, J. B. Reminiscences MARTIN, M. A., lady. Our Maoris MABTTN, P. F. Mexico of the twentieth century MARTIN, R. Die Inlandstamme der Malayisehea Haib- insel MABTTN, R. The future of Russia MABTTN, R. M. Australia . . li P?* British colonial library .. .. .'//.'./I The British colonies MABTIN, S. M. D. New Zealand .. MABTTN, Sir T. life of the Prince Consort ' >vj '-'> /7 i Queen Victoria as I knew her MABTTN, W. English patent system . . . . ; r . . MARTIN, R. Notice sur tea iles Hawaii Ouvrages relatrfs aux Hes Hawaii MABTIN, Sir W. Church legislation . . . . i? Remarks on " Notes published for the N.Z. govern ment " . . . . .V** The Taranaki question MABTIN, W. A. Law of labour unions MARTIN, W. G. W. Pagan Ireland . . MABTTNEATT, H. History of England, 1816-1846 MABTlNEAr;, J. Letters from Australia Life of Sir Battle Frew Seat of authority in religion Study of Spinoza MARTINENGO-CESAIIESCO, Countess E. Place of animals in human thought MARTTN, T. Universal conchologist . . MABTKLL, A. See BirreD, A. MABI, K. Capital .. > ,., .. ' See Spargo, J. MARY of Modena, Queen. See Haik, M. 930 020 381 37-945 9MI-4-1 919-4 342-73 919-S1 20 769 769 709 628-3 354-42E 8-20 828 621 920 823 823 615-861 915-8 823 624 20 20 572 -031 917-2 572-991 914-7 19-4 994 325-2 919 -31 920 -920 347-7 919-49 01 263 993*1 w:;-i 331 '88 913-4LS 942-07 91'.' -4 f20 230 INDEX. 857 Author and Short Title. MARY, Queen of Scots. See MacCunn, F. A. MASEFIELD, J. On the Spanish main Sea life in Nelson's time MASKELL, W. M. Insects noxious to agriculture in N.Z MASON, R. The song lore of Ireland . . MASON, W. G. Australian picture pleasure book MASPEEO, Sir G. C. C. The dawn of civilization Egypt New light on ancient Egypt The passing of the empires The struggle of the nations MASSACHUSETTS : Bureau of statistics and labor. Labor laws of Massachusetts MASSACHUSETTS : Law : Statutes. Revised laws of the Commonwealth MASSACHUSETTS State k'brary. Catalogue MASSABT, I. Our cousins in Australia Social life in Australia Social life in Sydney MASSEY, G. Shakespeare's sonnets MASSTNQHAM, H. W., ed. Labour and protection MASSON, D. life of John Milton MASSON, F. Napoleon and his coronation MASTERMAN, C. F. G. The condition of England MASTERMAN, J. H. B. The House of commons MASTERS, G. Australian coleoptera MATERNAL and Dorcas society, Hobart Town. Reports. . MATHESON, A. P. Federation and Western Australia . . MATHEW, J. Australian echoes Cave paintings of Australia Eaglehawk and crow Two representative tribes of Queensland MATHEWS, G. M. Birds of Australia MATHEWS, R. H. Aboriginal rock pictures in Queensland Australian class systems Australian rock carvings Bunan ceremony of N.S.W. Divisions of Australian tribes Divisions of north Australian tribes Divisions of Queensland aborigines Divisions of the South Australian aborigines Ethnological notes on the aboriginal tribes of N.S.W. and Viet. Ethnological notes on aboriginal tribes of the Northern territory Ethnological notes on the aboriginal tribes of Western- Australia Folklore of the Australian aborigines Gravures et peintures sur rochers par les aborigenes d'Australie The Gundungurra language Initiation ceremonies of Australian tribes Initiation ceremonies of the Wiradjuri tribes Langage des Kurnu Language, &c., of the Kogai tribes Le langue Wailwan Language of the Wuddyawurru tribe Languages of the New England aborigine* Murawarri and other Australian languages The Murrawin ceremony. . Native tribes of Viet. . . Native tribes of W.A. Organisation sociale des tribus aborigenes de 1'Australie 910-8 359 632 821 769 932 913-32 913-32 935 935 . 331 345-73 017 823 919-4 823 822-33 337 920 920 914-2 328-42 595-76 362 342-94 821 572-994 572-994 572-9943 598'2 572-9943 572 -9944 572-9944 572-9944 572 -994 572-994 572-9943 572-9942 572-994 572-99421 572-9941 398 -2 572-9!>44 572 -9944 r>12 -9944 572-9944 51-2 -9P43 r>7-_"9944 r.72-9945 r>7'2 -9944 :,--2 -0943 572-9944 072-9945 572-9941 572 -994 Page 522 231 396 438 425 678 534 534 678 678 131 195 4 479 579 479 466 16) 654 654 539 111 350 235 184 452 319 319 322 350 322 323 323 323 319 319 322 321 319 322 320 264 323 323 323 323 323 322 323 324 323 3-2-2 323 324 300 319 B08 INDEX. Author and Short Title. MATHEWS, R. H. conld. Origin, organization, and ceremonies of the Australian aborigines Phallic rites and initiation ceremonies of the South Australian aborigines Rock carvings of the Australian aborigines Some aboriginal languages of Queensland and Viet. . . The Thoorga language Toara ceremony of the Dippil tribes of Queensland . . The Walloonggurra ceremony The Wombya organization of the Australian aborigines MATHIESON, V. C. Woman's emancipation MATHIESON, W. L. Scotland and the union MATHIEU, A. La tribu des Houassios MATHIEU, C. Para rubber cultivation MATSON, H. References for literary workers MATTERS, C. H. From Golden gate to Golden horn Joy in many lands MATTHEW, P. Emigration fields MATTHEWS, C. H. S. A parson in the Australian bush . . MATTHEWS, J. B. The American of the future MAUDE, A. Life of Tolstoy ; first 50 years Life of Tolstoy ; later years MAUDE, A. H. The tariff question MAUDE, F. N. War and the world's life MAUNOIR, C. La Nouvelle-Zelande MAURICE, Sir J. F. History of the war in South Africa . . National defences MAWSON, T. H. Civic art MAXWELL, Sir H. E. A century of empire Life and times of W. H. Smith MAXWELL, J. P. N.Z. government railways MAXWELL, Sir P. B. Interpretation of statutes MAXWELL, W. The sugar question MAXWELL, W. H. Life of the Duke of Wellington MAY, E. S. Introduction to military geography MAY, P. Phil May in Australia MAY, Sir T. E. See Farnborough. MAYET, C. M. Le premiere vicaire apostolique de la Nouvelle Caled6nie MAYNE, E. C. The romance of Monaco MAYO, 6th earl of. See Hunter, Sir W. W. MAZADE, C de. Life of Count Cavour MAZADE, M. First steps in ampelography MAZARIN, J. See Hassall, A. MAZZINI, J. Life and writings MAZZOTTO, D. Wireless telegraphy ME an' George . . ' MEADE, H. Ride through the disturbed districts of N.Z. MEADEN, J. W. Poetical works . . y wv MEAGHER, J. S. Licensing law in Viet. MEAKIN, A. M. B. Woman in transition MEAKIN, B. Model factories and villages MEAKIN, W. Life of an empire MEANY, E. S. History of the state of Washington MBARS, W. D. Statistical chart, N.Z. MEATH, 12th earl of, LEQH, M. H. C., and JACKSON, E. Great Britain in Asia MEDICAL examinations MEDICAL society of Viet. Medical embassy to England MEEHAN, J. Plan of Sydney . . . . 'A. .* MEEK'S Historical atlas of British colonies MEEK, G. George Meek MEEKINS, T. C. M. Parliamentary reform MEIDINOER, H. Die britischen Colonien in Australien . . MEILI, F. International civil and commercial law (lass >'it. 572-994 572-9942 572-9944 572-994 572-9944 572-9943 572-9944 572-994 173 941 993-2 633 028 910 910 325-2 919-4 824 920 920 337 355 919-31 968 365 725 942E 920 625 347 331-6 920 355 741 266 944-94 920 634 850 654 336-2 919-31 821 347-7 396-1 331-82 325-42 973 319-31 954 610-7 347-91 91 2.- 944 912-94 920 325-42 919-4 341-5 INDEX. 859 Author and Short Title. MELANCHOLY disaster of H.M.S. the Guardian . . MELANESIAN mission MELANESIAN mission. Isles of the Pacific MELBA, Madame. See Armstrong, Nellie. MELBOURNE, 2nd viscount. See Torrens, W. T. M. MELBOURNE : Corporation. By-laws, regulations, &c. . . MELBOURNE, 1906 ; plate MELBOURNE ; plan of town, 1837 MELBOURNE album MELBOURNE and its sin MELBOURNE and metropolitan board of works. Chair- man's report Map of Melbourne Water supply MELBOURNE benevolent asylum. Report MELBOURNE bulletin MELBOURNE chamber of commerce Proceedings and report on promoting agriculture . . MELBOURNE Church of England messenger MELBOURNE club. Rules, 1857 MELBOURNE commercial directory (2 entries) MELBOURNE commercial, professional, and legal directory MELBOURNE directory MELBOURNE hospital. Reports MELBOURNE international exhibition : Royal commn. for S.A. Sketch of S.A. MELBOURNE lying-in hospital. Report MELBOURNE mechanics' institution. Report MELBOURNE monthly magazine MELBOURNE omnibus co. Street tramways MELBOURNE Punch MELBOURNE review MELBOURNE savings bank trustees. Papers on thrift . . MELBOURNE stock exchange agency, &c. MELENG, F. E. Fifty years of the Port Adelaide institute MELINE, F. J. The return to the land MELVEN, W. Commercial gazetteer . . MELVILL, J. C., and STRANDEN, R. Marine mollusca from Torres straits MELVILLE, H. Australasia Present state of Australia Prison discipline MELVILLE, H., ed. Van Diemen's land MELVILLE, H. Mardi Moby Dick Omoo Residence among the natives of the Marquesas islands Typee The whale MELVILLE, H. S. Sketches in Australia MELVILLE Lewis. See Benjamin, L. S. MEN of the time in Australia, Victorian series MENDER, A. Right to the whole produce of labour MENINDIE railway committee. Broken Hill, Menindie, and Condobolin railway MENIPPUS. See Sealy, R. MENNELL, P. The coming colony Dictionary of Australasian biography MENPES, M. Japan Venice World's children World pictures . . MENZEL, A. F. E. Illustrations des oeuvres de Frederic le grand Class No. 910-4 266 266 352-0945 769 912-945 769 176 628-1 912-945 628-1 362 070 380 336-12 205 367 919-45 919-45 919-45 362 919-42 362 027 050 388 070 050 331-84 332-6 367 333 910-3 594 919-4 919-4 919-4 919-46 919-6 823 919-6 919-63 823 823 769 920-01 331 385 919-41 920-01 915-2 914-6 910 910 769 Page 514 52 52 213 428 532 428 24 388 532 388 235 11 254 152 30 241 612 612 612 235 590 235 6 8 261 12 8 136 142 241 143 504 347 580 580 580 614 622 468 622 626 468 468 423 674 131 258 588 674 545 541 503 503 423 S60 INDEX. Author and Short Titlo. Claw* No. M i . s / 1 1 .-. P. S. Am I my brother's keeper Christian limits to the desire of wealth . . Sermons MBRCER, H. F. Men only Science of life and the larger hope MERCER, J. E. Social equality Soul of progress MERGER, T. Origin and formation of the diamond at Bingara MBRCTJRY, Hobart. The fluke MEREDITH, G. Essay on comedy Poems. . . . . . . . "':.'' Works.. .. .. .. MEREDITH, H. O. Protection in France MEREDITH, Mrs. L. A. Grandmamma's verse-book Loved and lost My home in Tasmania Notes and sketches of N.S.W. Over the straits Some of my bush friends in Tasmania Tasmanian friends and foes MEREWEATHER, J. D. Diary of a clergyman in Australia MEREWETHER, H. A. By sea and by land MERIVALE, C. Conversion of the Roman empire MERRIMAN, H. S. See Scott, H. S. MERRUATJ, P. Les convicts en Austral ie MESSAGE of compassion MESSER, A. R. Poisonous nature of arrows of South sea islanders MESTON, A. Geographic history of Queensland Queensland aboriginals .. .. r>>: '^.'' v Queensland railway and tourists' guide METCALFE,, C. T., tr. Two native narratives of the mutiny in Delhi METCHNIKOFF, E. The nature of man The prolongation of life METEOROLOGICAL society of Australasia, History, &c. METEYARD, E. The Wedgwood handbook METIN, A. Le socialisme sans doctrine METOIKOS. See Carleton, H. METTERNICH-WINNEBURG, Prince. Memoirs MEWS, J. Annual digest of reported decisions MEWS, J., ed. Digest of English case law MEYER, F. Universum .. .. HlH.j* 8l ~.' MEYER, H. R. British state telegraphs Government regulation of railway rates Municipal ownership in Great Britain Public ownership and the telephone in Great Britain MEYMOTT, C. New truths and their reception MICHAEL, J. L. John Cumberland .. .. . . See Moore, J. S. MICHAEL, W. H. The declaration of independence MICHAELSEN, W., and HARTMEYER, R., eds. Die Fauna sudwest-Australiens MICHIE, Sir A. Great Britain and New Guinea Loyalty, royalty, &c. Readings in Melbourne . . . . . . '. . Victoria, retrospective and prospective Victoria suffering a recovery Westminster reviewer's version of Victorian history . . MICKLE, A. D. The great longing MIDDLETON, A. M. and MAKING, F. B. Tasmanian direc- tory . . . . . . . . v . MIDGLEY, A. Queensland illustrated guide MIIRS, E. J. Stalk and sessile eyed Crustacea of N.Z. 252 252 252 252 215 177 239 553-8 636-3 808 821 823 337 821 821 919-46 919-44 919-45 581-9946 919-46 919-4 910-4 270 365 240 615-94 994-3 572-9943 919-43 954 573 612-6 551-5 738 335-11 920 346-42 346-42 910-3 351-1 385 352-042 384 615 53 821 973 591-994 919-5 172-1 919-45 329-9945 329-9945 329-9945 824 919-46 919 43 596-3 INDEX. 861 Author and Short Title. MIGUEL, G. Estudio sobre las Islas Carolinas MILKS, E. Essays in the making . . . . -iyij MILITARY correspondent of the Times. See Repington. MILKY white. A shanty entertainment MILL, J. History of British India Phenomena of the human mind MILL, J. S. Auguste Comte and positivism Autobiography Dissertations and discussions Examination of Sir W. Hamilton's philosophy Inaugural address, St. Andrews Letters On liberty Principles of political economy Representative government Some unsettled questions of political economy Subjection of women System of logic Three essays on religion Utilitarianism . . MILLAK, F., ed. Socialism, its fallacies and dangers ; .'. . MILLARD, T. F. The new Far East MILLEAR, M. M. Journal of a wandering Australian MILLEN, E. D. Our western lands (N.S.W.) MILLER, E. K. Forty-seven years' clerical life in S.A. . . MILLER, E. M. Moral action and natural law in Kant . . MILLER, J. A. Memoir of the Rev. T. S. McKean MILLER, J. W. Australian gems .. .. ;.^ MILLER, John. See Lane, W. MILLER, M. Shamrock and wattle bloom Songs from the hills MILLER, Mrs. M. The moving finger MILLER, R. C. Books MILLER, R. J. Around the world with the battleships . . MILLER, S. See Dickins, L., and Stanton, M. MILLER, S. F. Constitution of the U.S. MILLETT, Mrs. E. An Australian parsonage MJLLIGAN, J. Vocabulary of aboriginal tribes of Tas. . . MILLS, A. Colonial constitutions . . . . >' U MILLS, R. H. Principles of currency and banking n.'t>. MILLS, W. T. Struggle for existence . . MILMAN, H. H. History of Latin Christianity MILMINE, G. Life of Mary Baker G. Eddy . . t"t. MILNE, J. The romance of a pro-consul MILNER, Viscount. Imperial unity Speeches . . . . . - & " MILNER, J. History of the church of Christ MILNER, J., and BRIERLEY, Sir O. W. Cruise of H.M.S. Galatea MILTON, J. Poetical works See Masson, D. MINERAL industry MINING institute of Viet. Transactions MINING manual MINNIS, W. J. Hydro-carbon motors. . MINOT, C. S. The problem of age MIRABEATJ, Comte de. See Hall, E. B. See Willert, P. F. MISCELLANEOUS cuttings from newspapers MISSING friends .. '. . .. MISSIONARY narratives .. ''! 4- -' MISTRAL, F. Memoirs MITCHELL, G. Cumberland disease .!!' .. ol & MITCHELL, J. Organized labour MITCHELL, J. Statement of the case of Class No. 919 -06 808 823 954 150 146 920 308 192 378-41 920 323 330 321-8 1 330- 396- 160 210 171 335 952 910 336- 919-42 193 920 821 823 821 823 809 910-4 342-73 919-41 499 342 332 330 282 920 920 354-42E 825 270 910-4 821 622 622 622 621-4 612-6 769 919-43 266 920 f536-3 331-88 920 627 434 479 704 19 18 655 82 27 249 655 95 126 94 128 263 20 31 2L 147 703 503 150 591 28 655 453 479 453 479 435 514 177 588 270 172 138 126 60 655 655 220 489 55 514 438 381 381 381 380 366 423 596 52 655 407 137 655 862 INDEX. Author and Short Title. MITCHELL, Sir T. L. Australian geography Cultivation of the vine, &c., in Spain Journal of an expedition into the interior of Australia Map of the colony of N.S.W. Map of the south-eastern portion of Australia System of surveying Three expeditions into the interior of Australia MITCHELL, W. Bannockburn Home rule for Scotland Is Scotland to be sold again Lord Rosebery and home rule for Scotland Seven years of home rule legislation MITCHELL, W. Structure and growth of the mind MTTFOBD, M. R. Christina . . MTTRA, S. M. Indian problems MOCHIZUKI, K. Japan to-day . . ; . MODEEA, J. Reize naar de zuid-westkust van Nieuw- Guinea MOEBENHOUT, J. A. Voyages aux iles du grand ocean . . MOFFAT, A. Sermons MOFFITT, A. Papers on typhoid MOHAMMED. See Margoliouth. See Muir, Sir W. MOLESWORTH, Sir G. L. Economic and fiscal facts and fallacies .. .. .M.U : MOLESWORTH, Sir W. On discontinuance of transportation to V.D.L. .. .. /U. Speeches on colonial policy See Fawcett, Mrs. M. G. MOLESWORTH, W. N. History of the reform bill MOLIEBE, J. B. P. de. Plays See Trollope, H. M. MOLINEUX. A. Forest culture in S.A. MOLL, H. Map of coast within ye limits of ye South sea company . . . . . . . . MOLLOY, F. Romance of royalty MOLLOY, J. F. Faiths of the people MOLTKE, Graf von. Essays, &c. MOMMSEN, T. History of Rome MONA, Marie. Ballarat chimes .. v/ubnt: Casket of gems MONCELON, L. Le bagne a la Nouvelle-Caledonie Les Canaques de la Nouvelle-Caledonie Nouvelle-Caledonie MONCRIEFF, W. T. Van Diemen's Land MONEY, C. L. Knocking about in N.Z. MONEY, L. G. C. Money's fiscal dictionary Riches and poverty MONEY versus wealth. MONFAT, A. Les Tonga MONGREDIEN, A. Western farmer of America MONK, G. See Corbett, J. MONNIER, J. F. Memoir MONTAGU, E. S., and HERBERT, B. Canada and the Em- pire MONTAGU, J. See Newman, W. A. MONTAGU, Lady M. W. See Symonds, E. M. MONTAGUE, F. C. History of England, 1603-1660 MONTAGUE, G. H. Rise and progress of the Standard oil co. MONTAIGNE, M. de. See Sichel, E. MONTEFIOBE, C. L. See Dowden, E. Plea for a simpler life MONTEGUT, E. L'Angleterre et ses colonies Australes MONTESQUIEU, C. de S., Baron de. Spirit of laws Class No. Page 910-7 520 634 402 919-4 580 912-944 529 912-94 527 526-9 284 919-4 68a 329 941 117 329-941 117 329-941 117 329-941 117 329-941 117 150 20 821 438 954 704 915-2 545 919-5 619 910-8 522 252 44 614-4 372 330 126 343-2 192 325-42 104 942-07 693 842 495 634-9 403 912-7 524 920-01 674 274-2 56 320-8 91 937 679 821 453 821 453 365 239 572-9932 317 993-2 718 822 462 919-31 565 337 161 331 131 332-8 142 266 52 331 131 920 665 337 161 942-06 691 338-8 165 824 486 910 504 320-1 INDEX. 863 Author and Short Title. MONTGOMERY, A. Australian useful mineral deposits Mineral resources of Tas. MONTGOMERY, A. Five-skull island MONTGOMERY, E. E. M. Hinemoa The land of the moa The Tohunga MONTGOMERY, H., and CAMERA Y, P. G. Dictionary of political phrases and allusions MONTGOMERY, H. B. The empire of the East MONTGOMERY, H. E. Vital American problems MONTGOMERY, H. H. Light of Melanesia MONTGOMERY, J. Pelican island Voyages by D. Tyerman and G. Bennet MONTH, The MONTHLY almanac MONTHLY review MONTHOLON, Marquis tie. Napoleon at Saint Helena MONTROSE, Marquis of. See Morris, M. MONYPENNY, W. F. Life of Benjamin Disraeli MOODIE, D. C. F. Lays from an Australian lyre Poems MOODY, P. New Mount Alexander MOON, J. G. Tarrangower MOON, P. C. Removal of causes MOONEN, L. Australian wines MOONEY, E. M. The two powers MOOR, E. " The Hindu pantheon MOORE'S Australian almanac MOORE'S Comic almanac .. i ;yk' MOORE, A. M. Bible in the schools Shakespearian readings MOORE, B. Dawn of the health age MOORE, C. Australian mesozoic geology and palaeontology Census of plants of N.S.W. MOORE, C., and BETCHE, E. Flora of N.S.W. MOORE, G. F. Diary of ten years in W.A. Extracts from his letters and journals Vocabulary of language of aborigines of W.A. MOORE, H. B. Her royal highness Queen Bee MOORE, J. Hobart town general directory Hobart town directory and general guide MOORE, J. A. Tasmanian rhymings MOORE, J. B. Digest of international law MOORE, J. S. Byron Case of Dr. Beer Life and genius of J. L. Michael Spring life lyrics MOORE, T. Letters and journals of Lord Byron Memoirs, journal, and correspondence See Gwynn, S. L. MOORE, W. City sketches Studio sketches MOORE, W. Handbook of the Fijian lanugage MOORE, W. H. Act of state in English law Commonwealth of Australia Constitution of the Commonwealth of Australia MOORE, W. L. Descriptive meteorology MOORE street Sydney improvement act. Statement MOORHOUSE, E. H. Samuel Pepys MOORHOUSE, J. The expectation of the Christ The Galatian lapse Reply to Judge Williams The teaching of Christ MOORHOUSE, W. S. Address, 17th session of Canterbury council Class No. Page 553-1 297 553 297 823 479 821 440 821 440 821 440 342-942 118 915-2 545 330 126 266 52 821 438 266 53 050 9 828 492 050 9 920 655 920 655 821 453 821 453 919-45 609 919-45 609 347-9 208 634 402 823 479 294 77 919-44 605 919-46 617 377 248 822-33 466 614 369 559-4 301 581-9944 336 581-9944 336 919-41 588 919-41 588 499 270 823 479 919-46 617 919-46 617 821 453 341 170 920 655 343-1 190 920 655 821 453 920 655 920 655 823 480 823 480 499 270 340 168 342-94 184 342-94 187 551-5 292 388 261 920 655 252 44 225 36 204 29 252 44 329-9931 119 864 INDEX. Author and Short Title. Claw So. MOOBS, E. McM., and DAY, W. R. Rates of mortality . . MOOSAFIB. The north-west coast of Tas. ., MOBAJL effect of the land laws MOBAN, P. F. Cardinal Manning Civilization of Ireland Commemoration discourses Discourse on Cardinal Newman Early Irish missions Heritage of blessings in the Catholic church Julian the apostate . . Letter to the clergy '" Letters on the Anglican reformation . . j^ Our primates . . *"'''.. Panegyric of John Perboyne Pastoral appeal, St. Mary's cathedral Pastoral letters (6) Re-union of Christendom Rights and duties of labour MORE, Sir T. Utopia MOREL, E. D. Great Britain and the Congo King Leopold's rule in Africa MOBRLAND, A. M. Through South Westland ^L MOBEBA, R. J. Y. Archipelago Filipino ... MOBEBI, L. Grand dictionnaire historique MOBESBY, -Sir F. See Moresby, J. MORESBY, J. Discoveries and surveys in New Guinea . . Two admirals MORGAN, B. H. Trade and industry of Australasia MOBGAN, C. L. The rabbit question in Queensland . . MORGAN, H. J., and BTTRPEE, L. J. Canadian life MORGAN, J. Give us light Life and adventures of William Buckley MORGAN, J. Mammary organs of the kangaroo MORHANGE, S. Etude sur 1'Australie MORISON, A. Bishop Colenso's criticisms on the Penta- teuch .. ^ .. '-./. .i*> Nineveh Outpouring of the seventh vial , .] Sixth vial poured out MORISON, M. C. A lonely summer in Kashmir MORLEY, Viscount. Burke Critical miscellanies Diderot and the encyclopaedists Indian speeches Life of Richard Cobden Life of William Ewart Gladstone . . _ f..^ f j , Miscellanies Oliver Cromwell . . i y -iVi I Ll to d - * Rousseau Studies in literature .\ . . . . . ..,] MORLEY, A. C., and others, eds. Australian accounting law . . MOBLEY, A. C., and HOLMES, T. W. H. Manual of local govmt. law ... MORLEY, W. Australasian Methodism Doctrinal and ecclesiastical position of the Methodist church MORNING herald (Perth) MORBELL, G. A. Harbour defences MORBILL, J. See Gregory, E. MORRIS, HAYTER, AND BARRY. Commerical and trades directory MORRIS, A. Tobacco .. .. .. . MORRIS, E. E. Austral English Memoir of George Higinbotham 614-1 919-46 336-1 920 Ml -5 282 920 274-15 282 270 252-1 204 282 282 252-1 252 1 280 331 1 320-1 967 916-7 919-31 919-14 903 919-5 920 380 632 917-1 282 920 599-2 919-4 221 935 204 204 915 4 920 824 920 354-54 920 920 824 920 920 824 347-7 352-0945 287 287 070 919-42 633 427 920 INDEX. 865 Author and Short Title. Class No. Page MORRIS, E. E., ed. Caasell's picturesque Australasia MORRIS, I. Narrative MORRIS, J. Makers of Japan MORRIS, M. Montrose MORRIS, W. Collected works See Mackail, J. W. See Noyes, A. MORRIS, W. A. The frankpledge system MORRISON, J. Australia as it is MORRISON, J. Election ; the doctrine stated MORRISON, J. New ideas in India MORRISON, J. R. What should the government do for Australia MORRISON, W. F. Aldine centennial history of N.S.W. . . MORSE, H. B. Trade and administration of China MORTIMER, Mrs. F. L. Night of toil MORTIMER, G. Voyage to Teneriffe MORTLOCK, J. F. Experiences of a convict MORTON, A. Notes of a trip to New Guinea Some account of the Tasmanian society and Royal society of Tas. MORTON, A. Handbook (to Tas.) MORTON, Mrs. C. Heroes of Notasia Maria island MORTON, J. Vaccination MOSBLECH, B. Vocabulaire Oceanien-Fran9ais MOSELEY educational commission MOSELEY, H. N. Notes by a naturalist MOSELEY, J. Probable results consequent to the repeal of the corn law MOSER, T. Mahoe leaves The parsonage girl MOSES, B. South America on the eve of emancipation . . MOSES, Mrs. E. Unofficial letters of an official's wife . . Moss, F. J. A month in Fiji A planter's experiences in Fiji School history of N.Z. . . Through atolls and islands Moss, J. Farnham MOSSMAN, R. C. Scottish national Antarctic expedition : meteorology Some meteorological results of the Scottish national Antarctic expedition MOSSMAN, S. Gold regions of Australia Our Australian colonies Shipwreck of the Admella Voice from Australia MOSSMAN, S., and BANISTER, T. Australia visited and revisited MOTHER'S offering to her children MOTLEY, J. L. Democracy History of the United Netherlands John Lothrop Motley and his family Life and death of John of Barneveld Rise of the Dutch republic MOUAT, J. Rise of the Australian wool kings MOULD, T. R. Military proceedings in N.Z. . . MOTJLDEN, J. C. Some Australian rocks MOTTLE, A. E. Half a century in China MOUNT Morgan. Plan showing mining properties MOUNTAIN, A. C. Wood-paving in Australia . . MOWHEE. See Woodd, B. MOXON, R. J. Anglican church in north coast districts of N.S.W. MOYNIHAN, C. Feast of the Bunya 919-4 910-4 920-01 920 821 343 919-4 234 915-4 325-2 994-4 382 266 910-4 920 919-5 506 919-46 919-4 919-46 614-47 499 379-73 910-4 337 919-31 823 980 919-14 919-61 919-61 993-1 919-6 821 551-5 551-5 919-4 994 910-4 919-4 919- 824 321 949' 920 949 949 823 993 552 915- 912-943 625-8 283 821 580 514 674 656 438 189 580 37 546 100 726 256 53 514 656 619 274 614 580 614 371 270 251 514 161 565 480 712 559 625 625 716 622 453 292 292 580 721 514 580 580 486 93 701 656 701 701 468 716 297 544 528 386 66 453 .8720. 2 E B6fl INDEX. Author and Short Title. U:L-S No. MOYSBY, Q. B. Is modern sectarianism Christianity MUDIE, J. The felonry of N.S.W. Vindication of Mudie and Larnach MUDIB, R. Picture of Australia MUELLER, A. Snake-poison MUELLER, Baron Sir F. von. Account of some new Aus- tralian plants Additions to the census of plants indigenous to Aus- tralia Australian mosses Australian salsolaceous plants Botanic teachings Census of plants indigenous to Australia Census of the plants of Tasmania Definitions of rare Australian plants Eucalyptographia Forest culture . . . , Fragmenta phytographise Australia Further additions to the census of plants indigenous to Australia Genus eremophila Iconography of Australian acacia Index ad Caroli Linnaei species plantarum Key to the system of Victorian plants Myoporinous plants of Australia Native plants of Victoria defined Natural capabilities of Victoria in reference to vege- tation New vegetable fossils of the auriferous drifts On the advancement of natural science Papuan plants . . Plantae Muellerianse Plants indigenous to Victoria Plants of N.S.W. Principal timber trees for Victorian industrial culture Select extra-tropical plants for industrial culture Select plants readily eligible for cultxire in Victoria . . Systematic census of Australian plants : Part I. Vasculares Vegetation indigene et introducte de 1'Australie Vegetation of the Chatham islands MUGGE, M. A. Friedrich Nietzsche MUHAMMAD HAIDAR, Dughlat. The Tarikh-i-Rashidi MUHAMMAD, K. H. S. A. History of the rise of the Moha- medan power in India. . MUIR, J. Robert Burns MUIR, R. Peers and bureaucrats MUIR, Sir W. Life of Mahomet MUIRHEAD, J. H. Service of the state MULGAN, E. K. New Zealand nature study book MULORAVE, 2nd baron. Voyage towards the North Pole MULHALL, M. G. Fifty years of national progress MULHOLLAND, J. S. The predominant partner. . MULLER, F. Atlas van Kaarten over Nieuw Guinea MULLER, F. M. Chips from a German workshop History of ancient Sanskrit literature Natural religion Physical religion Science of language Select essays Six systems of Indian philosophy Vendanta philosophy MULLIS, Mrs. F. See Carmichael, J. MUMBY, F. A. The girlhood of Queen Elizabeth Romance of book selling 252 994-4 365 919-4 615-94 581 994 581-994 588 583-914 580-7 581 994 581-9946 581-994 583-4 634-9 581-994 681-994 583-7 583-32 581 581-9945 583-871 581-9945 581-6 561 509 581-995 581 '994 583-1 581 -9944 634-9 581-6 581-6 582 581 -994 581 -9931 920 954 954 920 329 -942 920 321 508 919-8 314-2 941-5 912-95 824 891-2 210 295 410 824 181 181 920 655-5 INDEX. 867 Author and Short Title. MTTMBY, G. C. Our antipodes MUNFORD, B. B. Virginia's attitude towards slavery MUNICIPAL association of N.S.W. Proceedings and report MUNICIPAL association of Victoria. Addresses to H.R.H the Duke of Cornwall and York Minutes and resolutions MUNICIPAL finance MUNICIPAL hand-book of N.Z. MUNICIPAL service association of Victoria. Report o proceedings MUNICIPAL year-book of the U.K. MUNRO, J. E. C. Constitution of Canada MUNRO, J. K. The Mary Ira MUNRO, Sir T. See Bradshaw, J. MUNRO, W. Some rhyming ware MUNRO, W. B. Government of European cities The seignorial system in Canada MUNSTERBERG, H. The Americans On the witness stand Problems of to-day Psychotherapy . . MUNTZ, E. Histoire de 1'art pendant la renaissance MURAT, C. princess. My memoirs MURCHISON, Sir R. I. See Geikie, Sir A. MURDOCH, W. The enemies of literature MURIF, J. J. From ocean to ocean MURPHY, A. G. Melba MURPHY, G. R. Prison reform MURPHY, W. E. Eight hours' movement MURRAY'S Austral- Asiatic review MURRAY, A. M. Imperial outposts MURRAY, A. S. Tasmanian rivers Twelve hundred miles on the Murray MURRAY, A. W. Appeal to the Congregational churches of Australia Forty years' mission work in Polynesia Martyrs of Polynesia Missions in Western Polynesia MURRAY, A. W., and MACFARLANE, S. Journal of a mis- sionary voyage to New Guinea MURRAY, D. Appreciation of gold MURRAY, G. History of ancient Greek literature MURRAY, H., ed. Adventures of British seamen MURRAY, J. See Smiles, S. MURRAY, Sir J. A. H., ed. New English dictionary MURRAY, Mrs. M. Late stabbing case in Tasmania MURRAY, P. J. Not so bad as they seem MURRAY, R. A. F. Rocks, minerals, and fossils of Vic- toria Victoria ; geology and physical geography MURRAY, R. D. A summer at Port Phillip MURRAY, S. River gauging MURRAY, T. B. Pitcairn MUSEUMS association of the U.K. The Australian Museum MUSGRAVE, T. Castaway on the Auckland isles MUSKETT, P. E. An Australian appeal The art of living in Australia Attainment of health MUTUAL life insurance company of N.Y. Mishaps of the Australian mutual provident society MY note-book MYER, E. A. Apprenticeship law MYERS, F. Coastal scenery of N.S.W. MYERS, F. W. H. Human personality MYLREA, E. Reminiscences of the past 2E 2 Class Xo. 919-4 973 352-0944 994-5 352-0945 352-0945 352-0931 352 -0945 352-042 342-71 910-4 821 352 333-3 917-3 152 150 130 709 920 801 919-42 920 365 331-81 050 359 919-46 919-4 285-8 266 920-01 266 919-5 332.-41 880 910-4 423 343-1 365 549 559 -45 919-45 627 919-7 507 919-31 614-1 613 613-2 368 070 331 -86 919-44 128 821 Page 580 711 213 730 213 214 212 214 212 176 514 439 211 144 554 20 20 16 419 656 433 591 656 239 136 9 232 614 581 71 53 674 53 619 141 497 514 267 190 239 288 306 609 386 628 276 565 370 367 367 242 12 136 602 15 453 INDEX. Author and Short Title. NADAILLAC, J. F. A. du P. Prehistoric America NADIR SHAH. See Durand, Sir H. M. NAQKLI, C. von. Fungaceous organisms in relation to infectious diseases NANSEN, F. " Farthest north " The first crossing of Greenland Norway, and the union with Sweden NANSON, E. J. Electoral reform Real value of a vote . . . . NAPIER, Sir C. J. Colonization See Butler, Sir W. F. See Napier, Sir W. F. P. NAPIER, F. Voyage from N.S.W. to the north coast of Australia NAPIER, M. Montrose and the Covenanters NAPIER, T. Arrogance of Englishmen a bar to imperial federation NAPIER, Sir W. F. P. Life and opinions of Sir C. J. Napier NAPOLEON I. The Corsican ; a diary New letters See Alger, J. G. See Bourrienne, L. F. A. de. See Browning, O. See Forsyth, W. See Fournier, A. See Fremeaux, P. See Gruyer, P. See Hassall, A. See KieUand, A. L. See Lanfrey, P. See Lenz, M. See Masson, F. See Montholon. marquit de. See O'Meara, B. E. See Rose, J. H. See Rosebery, earl of. See Thibaudeau, A. C. NAPOLEON III. History of Julius Caesar Posthumous works NAQUET, J. A. Collectivism and the socialism of the liberal school NARBROUGH, Sir J., and others. Voyages NARRATIVE of the shipwreck of the Antelope NARRATIVE of the wreck of the All Serene NARRATIVE of the wreck of the Dunbar NARRANGHI BOORI. See Ryan, J. S. NASH, A. Soldiers or citizens NASH, R. L. Australian joint-stock companies' year-book Banking institutions of Australasia Federal finance NATAL : Parliament : Legislative Assembly. Debates Sessional papers Votes and proceedings NATHAN, I., ed. The Southern Euphrosyne NATIONAL art gallery of N.S.W. Catalogue Loan exhibition NATIONAL Australasian convention, 1891. Report Official report of proceedings NATIONAL conference on infantile mortality. Report NATIONAL education. Letters in defence NATIONAL liberal club. Catalogue of Gladstone library NATIONAL review NATIONAL society. Colonies of Great Britain . . NATIVE companion NATIVE companion songster . . Cla>s No. 913-7 919-8 919-8 948 324-2 324-2 325-3 919-4 941 329-941 920 920 920 937 944 335-41 910-8 910-4 910-4 910-4 355 338-7 332-1 342-94 328-684 328-684 328-684 828 708 708 342-94 342-94 614-1 379-944 017 050 919-4 050 821 INDEX. 869 Author and Short Title. Transactions NATIVE grasses of Queensland NATIVE tribes of S.A. NATXJRAL history society of Queensland. NATURE NAVY league annual NAVY records' society. Publications . . NEALE, A. Dyspepsia NEALE, A. Shadows and sunbeams . . NEANDER, J. A. W. History of the Christian religion NEDERBURGH, S. C. Journal der Reize langs Java's noordoost-kust NEDERLANDSCHE, Reizen NEILD, J. C. Jesuits and ultramontanism Songs 'neath the Southern cross NELSON, viscount. See Gould, S. B. NELSON, Sir H. M. The discovery of the Brisbane River . . NELSON, W. Foster Eraser's fallacies NEMO. Sir W. Denison and education NESBIT, E. P. Lunacy laws in Victoria NESFIELD, H. W. A chequered career NETHERBY gazette . . NETTLETON, C. Panorama of Melbourne Photographic views of Melbourne Photographic views of Victoria View of Melbourne Views of Melbourne streets NEUMAYER, G. B. V. Magnetic survey of Victoria .Meteorological observations in Victoria On a scientific exploration of Central Australia NEVILJL, Lady D. Leaves from [her] note- books Reminiscences Under five reigns NEVISSON, H. W. The dawn in Russia Essays in freedom NEW, I. A dead Christ the life of the world Millenium blessedness NEW discoveries concerning the world NEW Guinea. Adventures in New Guinea NEW Munster. Ordinances, 1849 NEW Norcia. See Flood, J. NEW Quarterly NEW South Wales : Agricultural department. Agricul- tural gazette Bulletins Conference of delegates from agricultural societies . . Proceedings of agricultural conference Proceedings of the dairy conference NEW South Wales : Board of national education. tions for national schools in N.S.W. System of education NEW South Wales : Board of technical education. dent's address (4) Report The Sydney technical college NEW South Wales : Council of education. NEW South Wales : Court of arbitration. tration reports and records NEW South Wales : Customs department. tables of [Australasian] tariffs NEW South Wales : Education department. Reports NEW South Wales : Geological survey. Memoirs Records Vegetable creek tin mining field NEW South Wales : Government. Correspondence relating to cultivation of silk Regula- Presi- Reports Industrial arbi- Comparative Class No. 633 572 -9942 506 505 359 359 616-3 821 270 919 '22 910-8 282 821 919-43 919' 370- 347 919- 910- 779 779 779 779 779 538 551-5 919-4 920 920 920 914-7 824 252 236 910-8 919-5 345-931 050 630-5 630-8 630-8 630-8 637 379-944 379-944 607 607 607 379-944 331-1 336-26 379 -944 559-44 559-44 559-44 638 Page 399 321 274 274 232 232 375 453 55 559 522 61 453 596 581 244 203 581 515 430 430 430 430 430 287 292 581 657 657 657 542 486 44 38 522 619 196 392 393 393 393 408 252 252 364 364 364 252 132 155 252 305 305 305 409 870 INDEX. Author and Short Title. NEW South Wales : Government contd. The inauguration of the Commonwealth ; official programme New South Wales ; its history and resources New South Wales ; its mineral wealth, &c. Official lists of governors, judges, and members Official programme and memento of the Common- wealth festivities, 1901 Souvenir of the celebration of the jubilee of responsible government NEW South Wales : Government statistician's office. Census, 1861, 1871, 1881, 1901 New South Wales ; growth during 25 years Statistical register Vital statistics, 1904 NEW South Wales : Immigration and tourist bureau. New South Wales for the settler New South Wales: Intelligence department. New South Wales for the emigrant New South Wales for the immigrant New South Wales ; the mother state . NEW South Wales : Lands Department. Crown land alienation act, &C. Crown lands amendment act, 1905 Gold fields act, 1866, and regulations New assessment of pastoral holdings NEW South Wales : Law reform commission. Criminal law consolidation bill NEW South Wales : Law : Statutes. Acts and ordinances of the Governor and Council, 1824-37 Acts and ordinances of the Governor and acts of parliament, 1844-45 (Callaghan) Australasian federation enabling act Crown lands acts of 1884, 1889, and 1895 English laws in force in N.S.W., ed. H. R. Curlewis . . Land act of 1884 Metropolitan water and sewerage acts Pasture and stock acts Private acts, from 3 Will. IV., 1832, to date Public general statutes from 5 George IV. to date . . Statutes affecting N.S.W., ed. H. Cary Statutes of practical utility Statute index, by A. Oliver NBW South Wales : Legislative Council. Act to incor- porate the inhabitants of Sydney Debate upon the proposed division of the territory . . Debates, &c., on immigration Minutes and votes and proceedings [Miscellaneous papers] New South Wales constitution bill : speeches NEW South Wales : Mines department. Mineral products of N.S.W. (2 entries) NBW South Wales : National park. Deed of grant, &c. . . Guide to the National park NEW South Wales : Parliament. [Acts relating to board of National education] Bills introduced Commonwealth draft constitution bill : Debate Debates Joint volumes of papers Jubilee of responsible government Memento of the inauguration of responsible government The new constitution for W.A. : Debate . Parliamentary companion Parliamentary handbook Portraits of members of 1st parliament The prerogative of pardon : Debate i ! i-- .V.. 994 919-44 919-44 354-944 994 994-4 319-44 319-44 319-44 319-44 919-44 919-44 919-44 919-44 336-12 336-1 354-944 336-1 343 345-944 345-944 342-94 336-1 345-944 336-1 352 -0944 336-1 345-944 345-944 345-944 345-944 345-944 352-0944 994-4 325-1 328-944 365 342-944 559-45 336-1 919-44 379-944 328-944 342-94 328-944 328-944 994-4 994-4 342-941 328-1 328-1 920-01 342-944 INDEX. 871 Author and Short Title. NEW South Wales : Parliament : Legislative Assembly. O'Farrell papers Standing rules and orders Votes and proceedings, and papers NEW South Wales: Parliament: Legislative Council. Journals and papers Rulings of the presidents NEW South Wales : Public health department. Prevention of tuberculosis NEW South Wales : Public instruction department. A quarter century of technical education in N.S.W. . . NEW South Wales : Public works department. Conference on water conservation . . . . ' NEW South Wales : Railway commissioners. Trout fishing in N.S.W. NEW South Wales : Railway department. New South Wales railway tourists' guide Opening of the railway institute NEW South Wales : Royal commission on fisheries. Report NEW South Wales : Supreme court. Consolidated standing rules, 1863 .. Rules and orders NEW South W T ales : Surveyor-general's department. Direc- tions for determining latitude and the true meridian Plan of country between Port Hacking and the Hawkesbury South-eastern portion of Australia NEW South Wales: Vice-admiralty court. Acts, rules of court, &c. NEW South Wales almanac and remembrancer NEW South Wales and Port Phillip post office directory . . NEW South Wales art students' league. Art instruction NEW South Wales association for preventing the revival of transportation. Report NEW South Wales auxiliary bible society. Report NEW South Wales calendar and directory NEW South Wales chamber of agriculture. Constitution NEW South Wales electoral and police districts. . NEW South Wales employers' union. Labour crisis Reports NEW South Wales. Gazetteer map NEW South Wales : Government gazette NEW South Wales herd book NEW South Wales institution for deaf, dumb, and blind. Report NEW South Wales ; its past, present, and future condition NEW South Wales ; its progress and resources NEW South Wales law reports NEW South Wales local option league. Reports NEW South Wales ; map, illust., and text NEW South Wales. Map showing postal stations and roads NEW South Wales magazine NEW South Wales medical gazette NEW South Wales. Official municipal year book of N.S.W. NEW South Wales pocket almanac NEW South Wales religious tract and book society. Reports NEW South Wales reports of cases. Wilkinson and others NEW South Wales. Reserved and equity judgments . . NEW South Wales state reports NEW South Wales temperance society. . NEW South Wales : Supreme court cases argued and deter- mined . . . . NEW South Wales zoological society. Annual reporta . . Class No. Page 343-1 191 328-1 108 328-944 115 328-944 116 328-1 108 614-4 372 607 364 631 394 799 432 919-44 602 367 241 338-3 163 347-9 208 347-9 208 526 284 912-944 530 912-944 530 347-9 209 919-44 606 919-4 587 760 422 343-2 193 206 30 919-44 606 630-6 392 912-944 529 331-1 133 331-1 133 912-944 530 354-944 223 636-2 406 362-4 236 919-44 602 919-44 602 346-944 200 178 26 919-44 602 912-944 530 050 9 610-5 365 352-0944 213 919-44 606 206 30 346-944 200 346-944 200 346-944 200 178 26 346-944 200 590-6 342 872 INDEX. Author and Short Title. NEW year's day on the mountain NEW year's gift : miscellaneous poems NEW Zealand : Agent-general. Official handbook, 1883 NKW Zealand : Agriculture department. Eleventh report NEW Zealand : Colonial museum. Annual reports Land mollusca of N.Z. Manual of indigenous grasses of N.Z. Samples of fibres, &c., from phormium tennz NEW Zealand : Crown law office. Acts relating to the constitution of N.Z. . . NKW Zealand : General assembly. See New Zealand : Parliament. NEW Zealand : Oeological survey. Reports NEW Zealand : Government [Papers relating to nat ; ve affairs] . NEW Zealand : Labour department. Awards, &c., under industrial conciliation and arbitration act Department of labour ; its organization and work . . Handbook to the labour laws of N.Z. Journal Labour laws of N.Z. NEW Zealand : Lands department. Sounds, lakes, and rivers NEW Zealand : Law : Statutes. Consolidated statutes . . Index of the laws, ed. Cumin and Redward Ordinances of the Legislative Council, 1841-49 Ordinances of the Legislative Council, and of the Legislative Council of New Munster, 1841-53 Practical statutes, ed. G. B. Barton Statutes NENT Zealand : Mines department. Handbook of the N.Z. mines New Zealand mining handbook Reports on the mining industry NEW Zealand : Parliament. Bills introduced . . Party government ; a debate Report of Royal Commission on the University NEW Zealand : Parliament : House of Representatives Journals and appendices Report of the banking committee Standing orders and forms of proceedings . . NEW Zealand : Parliament : Legislative Council. Jour nals and appendix Standing rules and orders NEW Zealand : Registrar-general's office. Official year book Report on census, 1901 Results of census, 1901 Results of census, 1906 Statistical view of 50 years' progress Statistics . . NEW Zealand : Royal commission on Hawke's Bay native lands alienation. Report of the inquiry into the Heretaunga purchase NEW Zealand ; a lecture by a young missionary NEW Zealand company. Documents appended to the twelfth report Supplement to the eighteenth report Supplementary information relative to N.Z. Twenty- fourth report NEW Zealand constitution act NEW Zealand [government] gazette NEW Zealand handbook NKW Zealand industrial exhibition, 1885. Prize essays NKW Zealand institute. Transactions and proceedings 823 821 319-31 630-8 '507 594 633 633 342-931 559-31 993-1 331-1 354-931 331-8 331-8 338-9 769 345-931 345-931 345-931 345-931 345-931 345-931 622 622 622 328-931 329 378-931 328-931 332-1 328-1 328-931 328-1 319-31 319-31 319-31 319-31 319-31 319-31 993-1 919-31 993-1 993-1 993-1 993-1 342-931 354-931 919-31 380 506 INDEX. 878 Author and Short Title. NEW Zealand magazine NEW Zealand post office directory NEW Zealand society. Rules NEW Zealand stud book NEW Zealand university calendar NEW Zealand war of 1860 ; an inquiry NEW Zealand's great want NEW Zealander, A. See Smith, Lucy. NEW Zealander on London bridge NEW Zealanders, The NEWBOLT, H. J. Songs of memory The year of Trafalgar NEWCASTLE, M. C., Duchess of. Life of William Caven- dish, Duke of Newcastle NEWCASTLE, 1st Duke of. See Newcastle, Duchess of. NEWCASTLE, 1st Duke and Duchess of. See Longueville, T. NEWCASTLE coal and copper co. Deed of settlement NEWELL, F. H. Irrigation in the U.S. NEWHAM, S. See Manton, J. A. NEWITT, E. J. D. The citizen rifleman ... NEWLAND, S. The far north country Paving the way NEWLANDS, J. A. R. and B. E. R. Sugar NEWMAN, C. L. N. With the Boers in 1880-1 NEWMAN, G. Infant mortality NEWMAN, G. G. Cacoethes loquendi NEWMAN, G. M. The Northern Territory . . ' 703 542 657 538 203 163 368 130 <>f,7 559 351 397 397 397 32!> 120 INDEX. 877 Author and Short Title. OMAN, C. W. C. The great revolt of 1381 History of England, 1377-1485 History of the Peninsular war Warwick, the king maker O'MEARA, B. E. Napoleon at St. Helena OMIAH. An historic epistle . . ON a red sandhill ON the wallaby ONCE a month ONTARIO : Legislative assembly. Members' manual OOOLILEE. Turn of fortune's wheel ... OPINION of ministers of religion in Van Diemen's Land on emigration OPPEN, E. A. Description of the Northern Territory OPPENHEIM, L. F. L. International law OPPENHEIMER, Baron F. von. British imperialism ORANGE. J. Narrative of the late George Vason ORANGE Free State : Government. War telegrams ORANGE River Colony. Census, 1904 Civil service list ORANGE River Colony : Law : Statutes. Ordinances, 1902-07 Statute law, tr. C. L. Botha Statute law., ed. P. L. Lefebvre and B. B. L. Jackson ORANGE River Colony : Legislative Council. Debates . . Minutes of proceedings Standing rules and orders ORANGEISM. v. Mr. Gordon ORBOST and East Gippsland railway league. Railway extension ORDRONAUX, J. Constitutional legislation in the U.S. . . O'REGAN, C. Poems O'REILLY, D. A " pedlar's pack " . . O'REILLY, J. B. Moondyne O'REILLY, T. The people's heritage . . O'RELL, Max. See Blouet. ORFORD, 4th earl of. Letters Memoirs of the reign of King George III. ORIEL. See Sandes. J. ORIGIN of the united Methodist free churches O'RiORDAN, M. Catholicity and progress in Ireland ORLEBAR, J. Midshipman's journal ORME, W. Defence of the missions in the south sea ORPEN, G. H. Ireland under the Normans ORTELIUS, A. America ORTON, J. Aborigines of Australia . . OSBORNE, Lord S. G. Letters on public affairs OSBORNE, W. A. Animal physiology . . The laboratory OSBURNE, R. History of Warrnambooi OSGOOD, H. L. The American colonies in the seventeenth century . . O'SHANASSY, Sir J. Primary education in Victoria Speech OSMOND, S. Dulgabeena Snags OSTROGORSKI, M. I. Democracy and the organization of political parties O'SULLIVAN, E. W. The new land policy Under the Southern cross 0' SULLIVAN, E. W., compiler. Co-operative associations in N.S.W. . . OTAGO province. Correspondence on the abolition of the provinces OTAGO -.Provincial council. Votes and proceedings Class No. 942-03 942-04 355 920 920 827 823 823 050 328- 823 1 325-2 919-421 341 354-42E 919-6 968 316 354-685 345-685 345-685 345-685 328-685 328-685 328-1 284 919-45 342 73 821 821 823 333 826 942-07 287 914 15 919-6 266 941-5 912-7 572-994 320-4 591-1 821 994-5 973 379-945 825 823 823 329 336-12 824 360 354-931 328-931 Page 68!) 689 228 657 657 490 480 480 9 108 480 100 593 170 220 622 706 84 221 195 195 195 112 112 108 67 177 441 454 480 143 489 693 73 538 622 53 685 524 319 91 343 454 730 711 253 489 480 480 117 152 486 234 221 114 INDEX. Author and Short Title. Pnee OTAOO provincial government gazette 364-931 222 OTTAWA board of trade. Empire cables (2 entries) 384 257 OTTER, R. H. Winters abroad 910 504 OUR Country 337 161 OUR homes, and how to make them happy 173 23 OUR inheritance in the hills. See Sutherland, G. OUR present parliament (N.S.W.), 1887 329-9944 122 OVERLANDER. Australian sketches 823 480 OVERSTONE, Lord. Evidence before the select committee of the House of commons on banking 332 138 Tracts on metallic and paper currency 332 138 OWEN, J. W. Athanasian-hymn question 238 38 Letter on the larger hope 240 40 Some Australian sermons 252 44 OWEN, Sir R. Extinct mammals of Australia 569 311 Extinct wingless birds of N.Z. 598-2 356 Marsupialia 599-2 358 See Owen, R. OWEN, R. Life of Richard Owen 920 657 OXLEY, J. Journal 919-44 603 Map of interior of N.S.W. 912-944 530 P. Een togtje in die Binnenlanden van Nieuw-Guinea . . 919-5 620 P., D. The wave of life 821 4r>4 P., J. M. The rail-sitter's complaint 821 454 PACIFIC cable committee. Report 384 257 PACIFICUS. Federalism and home rule 329-9415 118 PADDY Murphy's annual 821 441 PAQET, S. Faith and works of Christian science 615-851 374 I wonder 824 486 PAINE, T. Political and miscellaneous works 308 82 See Conway, M. D. PALAGRAVE, Sir R. F. D. The House of commons 328-1 108 PALGRAVE, R. H. I. Local taxation of Gt. B. and Ireland 352-042 212 PALGRAVE, R. H. I., ed. Dictionary of political ecomony 330-3 127 PALGRAVE, W. G. Malay life in the Philippines 919-14 559 PALLAS, P. S. Formation des montagnes 551-4 290 PALMA di Ceanola, L. comte. Cyprus 913 393 537 PALMER, G. Kidnapping in the South seas 910-4 515 PALMER, J. R. National credit 336-944 157 PALMER, T. F. Account of [his] trial 343-1 191 Sufferings during a voyage to N.S.W. 365 240 PALMERSTON, Viscount. See Ashley, A. E. M. PAMPHLETS 040 7 PANNELL'S reference book 030 7 PAXTON, Mrs. J. E. Leaves from a life 920 657 PAPUA : Government gazette 354-95 225 PAPUA : Law : Statutes. Laws and ordinances of British New Guinea 345-95 198 PARDOE, J. S. H. Life of Marie de Medicis 944 698 PARES, B. Russia and reform 914-7 542 PARIS, M. English history, 1235-1273 942-03 689 PARK, G. M. The unemployed and the remedy 336-1 151 PARK, J. Geology of N.Z. . . 559-31 301 Mining geology 553 297 PARKER, C. Mines and minerals of N.S.W. 522 381 Mining register of Australasia 622 381 PARKER, C. S. Life of Sir James Graham 920 657 PARKER, C. S.. ed. Sir Robert Peel from his private papers PARKER, E. H. Ancient China simplified 942-08 951 693 702 PARKER, E. R. Plain book for plain people 274 56 PARKER, E. S. Aborigines of Australia 572-994 320 PARKER, Sir G. A national policy 337 162 Our imperial responsibilities in the Transvaal 968 706 Round the compass in Australia 919-4 581 INDEX. 879 Author and Short Title. PARKER. G. F. Recollections of Grover Cleveland PARKER, H. W. Van Diemen's Land PARKER, Mrs. L. See Stow, C. S. PARKER, Mrs. M. A. Voyage round the world PARKER, Mrs. S. The Soudan and the iniquitous action of Mr. Dalley * .. .,t .;.-', .. PARKER, T. J. Skeleton of the N.Z. crayfishes Skeleton of Notornis mantelli PARKES, Sir H. Australian views of England The beauteous terrorist Case of the prisoner Gardiner The Chinese in Australia Chronological record of principal events in the par- liamentary and official life of Condition of the working classes in 1860 The electoral act An emigrant's home letters Federal government of Australia Fifty years in the making of Australian history . . Fragmentary thoughts Freehold homes in a gold country The labour party in N.S.W. Mandate of the people and the Reid fraud Murmurs of the stream Policy and conduct of the Reid ministry Present state of public affairs, 1886 Protectionists of N.S.W. Public Schools act Reflections on the government Sonnets and other poems Speech in Legislative assembly on report of conspiracy committee Speech in reply to attacks on the government, 1874 . . Speech : " One people one destiny " Speeches on various occasions Stolen moments Studies in rhyme Union of the colonies (2 entries) See Lyne, C. E. See Walker, W. PARKES, M. Poems PARKIN, G. R. Sir J. A. Macdonald PARKINSON, R. H. R. Dreissig Jahre in der Siidsee PARKINSON, S. Journal of a voyage to the south seas . . Voyage autour du monde PARKMAN, F. The struggle for a continent PARLEY, S. Hints to emigrants PARLEY, Peter. See Goodrich, S. G. PARLIAMENTARY poll book, 1832-1906 PARNELL, C. S. See Dickinson, E. M. PARR, W. F. Extracts from the Fiji " Times " and the Fiji " Argus " PARRAMATTA times : issued on board s.s. Parramatta PARRY, Sir C. H. S. Johann Sebastian Bach . . PARRY, E. Memoirs of Sir W. E. Parry PARRY, L. A. Risks and dangers of various occupations PARRY, Sir W. E. See Parry, E. PARSONS, A., and ALLEN, R. Workmen's compensation act PARSONS, A. J. Gardiner Greene Hubbard collection of engravings PARSONS, Mrs. E. W. C. The family PARSONS, F. The city for the people Rational money The story of N.Z. Class No. 920 919-46 910-4 329-9944 595-36 598-2 914-2 821 342-944 325-1 329-9944 331-8 329-9944 826 342-944 994-4 821 325-2 329-9944 329-9944 821 329-9944 329-9944 337 379-944 329-9944 821 329-9944 329-9944 329-9944 825 821 821 342-94 821 920 919-36 910-4 910-4 970 916-8 328-42 996-1 910-4 920 920 331-82 347-7 769 392-3 352-073 332-4 993-1 Page 657 614 515 122 349 356 539 454 188 98 122 135 122 489 184 727 454 100 122 122 454 122 122 162 253 122 454 122 123 123 489 454 454 184 454 658 570 515 515 708 552 111 733 515 658 658 136 206 423 262 212 141 716 880 INDEX. Author and Short Title. PARSONS, F., and ALBERTSON, R. The railways, the trusts and the people PARSONS, H. A. The truth about the Northern Territory PARSONS, H. G. Hand-book to W.A. PARSONS, J. D. Nature and purpose of the universe* PARSONS, J. L. Present political crisis PARSONS, T. Letter to the Duke of Buckingham PARTHENON PARTNERSHIP en commandite . . PARTRIGE, S. Life's wallaby Rocky section PASCAL, B. See St. Cyres, viscount. PASCO, C. A roving commission PASCOE, C. E. No. 10, Downing-street PASCOE, C. E., ed. Chambers of commerce year-book . . PASCOE, F. P. Australian longicorns Longicornia of Australia PASCOE, J. J., ed. History of Adelaide and vicinity PASCOE, W. A voice from the golden city PASQTTIN PASTON letters PASTON, George. See Symonds, E. M. PASTORAL association. Land question considered PASTORALISTS' review. Pastoral homes of N.S.W. PATERSON, A. B. Australia for the Australians The man from Snowy River . . Rio Grande' s last race PATERSON, A. B., ed. Old bush songs PATERSON, G. History of N.S.W. PATERSON, S. Narrative of adventures in the Pacific Ocean PATERSON, W. R Nemesis of nations PATON, F. H. L. Lomai of Lenakei . . PATON, J. G. Autobiography See Langridge, A. K., and Paton, F. H. L. PATON, Mrs. M. H. Account of missionary labours PATOUILLET, J. Trois ans en Nouvelle-Caledonie PATRICK, G. True to the Southern Cross PATRIOTIC sentiments on the Chinese and Polynesian ques- tion PATTEN, S. N, New basis of civilization PATTERSON, C. S. The U.S. and the other states under the constitution PATTERSON, G. Missionary life PATTERSON, G. J. Gold-fields of Victoria PATTERSON, J. H. In the grip of the Nyika The man-eaters of Tsavo PATTESON, J. C. Extract from a letter Letter to Melanesian mission See Yonge, C. M. PATTISON. A. S. P. The philosophical radicals PATTISON, R. P. D. The Black prince PAUL, A. Solution of Euclid's 12th axiom PAUL. H. Life of Fronde Stray leaves PAUL, H., ed. Famous speeches PAUL, R. B. Letters from Canterbury New Zealand as it was Some account of the Canterbury settlement PAUL-DUBOIS, L. F. A. Contemporary Ireland PAULSEN, F. German education PAYNE, E. J. Colonies and colonial federations . . History of the new world 385 919-421 919-41 128 321 329-9945 050 380 823 823 910-4 354-42 381 595-76 595-76 994-2 821 050 942-04 336-11 630 329-9944 821 821 821 994-4 910-4 326 266 920 266 919-32 822 325-1 300 1 342-73 920 622 799 799 266 266 266 104 920 513 919-31 919-31 919-31 941-5 370-9 :^25-42 970 Ft* 25s 593 588 15 92 124 9 255 480 480 518 216 us 350 350 722 454 9 689 152 391 123 454 454 454 727 516 106 53 658 n 5(i!) 462 98 79 177 658 383 433 433 53 53 53 14 658 277 6.->8 486 188 5(56 5(ifi 566 685 I'll 105 708 INDEX. 881 Author and Short Title. PEABODY, F. G. Approach to the social question Jesus Christ and the social problem PEACOCKE, G. Rays from the Southern Cross PEARCE, R. R. Memoirs of the Marquess Wellesley PEARLING disaster PEARSE, M. G. Witnessing for Christ PEARSON, A. N. Search for knowledge PEARSON, C. H. Memorials National life and character Religious teaching in schools PEARSON, J. B. Conversation between David and Araunah New light on the old page PEARSON, J. W., and Co. Pocket map of Victoria PEARY, R. E. Nearest the Pole The North Pole.. PECHEY, W. C. Fijian cotton culture PECK, B. C. Recollections of Sydney PECK, H. T. Twenty years of the republic, 1885-1905 . . PEDLEY, E. C. Dot and the kangaroo PEEBLES, J. M. Around the world PEEL, Sir R., 2nd bart. Memoirs See Guizot, F. P. G. PELHAM, C. The world PELHAM, H. F. Essays PELSABRT, F. Ongeluckige voyagie van't schip Batavia na de Oost-Indien PEMBERTON, R. The happy colony PEMBERTON, W. S. C. Life of Lord Norton PEMBROKE, 13 266 285 972 985 !)46 944 912-942 919-4 290 920 910-8 919-41 636-1 338-8 573 573 573 919-4 347-91 821 779 919-46 920 910-8 622-1 266 919-62 559-45 920 919-5 919-6 329-9945 912-93 919-4 382 325-42 337 377 205 920 382 920 919-4 769 769 910-4 674 015 017 912-94 025 027 526-9 821 . 49 69 :.:{ 70 709 712 700 700 528 582 76 522 588 406 165 326 327 327 582 210 455 430 615 659 522 383 53 096 306 659 620 623 124 525 582 206 105 ia 248 30 659 886 659 582 428 427 516 417 2 5 527 6 6 285 455 INDEX. 887 Author and Short Title. Class No. Page PUGH'S Queensland almanac . . 919-43 597 PUGH, T. P. History of the Moreton Bay settlement . . 994-3 723 PULLING, A. The order of the coif 347-06 202 PTJLSFORD, E. Address to the farmers of N.S.W. 337 162 Blessings of taxation 337 162 British empire : immigration restrictions in Australasia 325-42 105 Capital and finance in Australasia 336 '94 157 Empire commerce . . . . " . . 382 256 Free trade and protection 337 162 Freedom in N.S.W. v. oppression in Viet. 319-44 87 N.S.W. statistics and Victorian critics 319-44 87 Preferential proposals of the Deakin government 337 162 Protection, its inconsistency, &c. . . . . - 337 162 PUNCH, J. See Thatcher, R. PUNCH ; or, the London Charivari 070 10 PUNCH, London. Rt. hon. W. E. Gladstone, &c. 741 421 PUNCH staff papers 828 492 PUNNETT, R. C. Mendelism 575-1 328 PURCHAS, A. Map of settled districts around Melbourne 912-945 532 PURCHAS. H. T. Bishop Hai-per and the Canterbury settlement 920 659 PURCHAS, S. Purchas his pilgrimes . . 910-8 523 PURNELL, C. W. N.Z. confederation 342-931 178 Poems 821 441 PURVES, J. M. North Shore bridge 388 261 PUSELEY, D. Rise and progress of Australia 919;4 582 PUSEY, E. B. Letter to the bishop of London 283 66 PUTNAM, G. H. Censorship of the Church of Rome 282 61 PUTNAM, R. Charles the bold 920 659 PUTTMAN, H. W. In lengthening shadows 821 455 PUTZEL, L. Functional nervous diseases 616-8 376 PYKE, V. Australian heroes and adventurers 920-01 674 Early gold discoveries in Otago 993-1 717 The province of Otago 919-31 566 Wild Will Enderby 823 470 PYNE. A. Reminiscences of missionary adventure 266 53 QUACKENBOS, J. D. Hypnotic therapeutics 134 18 Hypnotism 134 18 QUAIFE, B. Intellectual sciences 104 15 QUARLL, P. The hermit 823 469 QUARTERLY review 050 9 QUATREFAGES, J. L. A. de. Les Polynesiens et leurs migrations 572-996 325 QUEBEC : Parliament : Leg. assy. Manual 328-1 109 QUEEN of the colonies. See Thorne, E. QUEEN'S Magazine. Trial of Queen Caroline 343-1 191 QUEENSLAND : Agric. de.pt. Report of bureau of sugar experiment stations 633 399 Queensland agricultural journal 630-5 392 Report of agricultural conferences QUEENSLAND : Govt. statistician's dept. A. B.C. of Queens- 630-8 393 land statistics 319-43 87 Statistics of the state 319-43 87 QUEENSI,AND : Lands dept. Queensland ; showing stock routes, roads, &c. 912-943 528 QUEENSLAND : Law : Statutes. Acts of Parliament 345-943 197 Statutes 345-943 197 Statutes, ed. A. Pain and J. L. Woolcock 345-943 197 Statutes in force, ed. R. Pring . . . . 345-943 197 QUEENSLAND : Mines dept. Geological survey bulletins 559-43 303 QUEENSLAND : Parliament. Bills introduced 328-943 115 Debates 328-943 115 Federation of Australia (debate) 342-94 185 Journals and Papers 328-943 115 888 INDEX. Author and Short Title. CUM No. Pago QUEENSLAND : Parliament : Leg. assy. Debate on central separation 329-9943 121 Standing rules and orders 328-1 109 Votes and proceedings and papers 328-943 115 QUEENSLAND : Parliament : Leg. council. Standing rules and orders 328'1 109 QUEENSLAND -.-^Registrar-generaT s office. Census, 1901 Report by Registrar-general 319-43 87 Census results 319-43 87 Meteorological and mortality charts 551-5 292 Official year-book 319-43 87 QUEENSLAND : Surveyor-general's office. Atlas of Queens- land 912-943 528 QUEENSLAND : compiled and lithographed from official maps 912-943 528 QUEENSLAND government gazette 354-943 223 QUEENSLAND law journal reports 346-943 200 QUEENSLAND museum. Report of board 507 276 QUEENSLAND Parliament Library. Catalogue 017 5 QUEENSLAND Punch 070 12 QUEENSLAND review 050 9 QUEENSLAND state reports 346-943 200 QUEENSLANDEB, A. See Ross, Mrs. S. QUEENSLANDER deutscher Kalender 919-43 597 QUEENSLANDERS at Elands River 968 707 QUESTION of English divorce 173 23 QUESTION of transportation considered 343-2 193 Qpl etes-vous ? . . . . . . i . 920-01 674 QUICK, Sir J. Digest of federal constitutions 342 173 Land tenure in Viet. 347-2 203 Parliamentary government in Viet. 342-945 188 QUICK, Sir J., and GARRAN, R. R. Annotated constitution of the Aust. C'wealth 342 94 187 QUICK, Sir J., and GROOM, L. E. Judicial power of the C'wealth 340 168 QUILP N. See Lawson, W. QUIN, T. Gum tree brownie 823 481 QUINLAN, M. Damien of Molokai 920 659 QUINN, G. Pruning 634 402 QUINN, R. Mostyn Stayne 823 481 QUINN, R. J. Circling hearths 821 455 The hidden tide 821 455 QUINTON, R. F. Crime and criminals 365 240 QUIRIS. Port Darwin 919-421 593 QUIROS. See Fernandes de Quiros. R., E. P. A romance of the buah 823 481 R., I. C. Tabula geographica hemisphserii australis 912 524 RABELAIS, F. Discourse in praise of debtors 847 495 Gargantua 847 495 RABONE, S. Vocabulary of the Tonga language 499 270 RACINET, A. L'ornement polychrome 745 4:22 RACOWTTZA, Princess H. von. Autobiography . . 920 659 RADCLIKFE, C. D. A territorial army in being .55.-) 228 RADCLYFFE, R. Wealth and wild cats M9-4 r>82 RADFORD, L. B. Henry Beaufort 920 659 RADIGUET, M. Les derniers sauvagea . . 919-63 626 RAE, J. Chirps from an Australian sparrow 821 455 Gleanings from my scrap-book 821 455 Lines suggested by a letter from my sister 821 466 RAE, J. Sydney illustrated . . 919-44 603 RAFFAELLO, C. The Eureka stockade 994 -5 730 RAFFLES, Sir T. S. History of Java 992 712 See Boulger, D. C. RAFFRAY, A. Voyage a la c6te nord de la Nouvelle- Guinee .. .. .. .. .. 919-5 620 INDEX. 889 Author and Short Title. RAILWAY guide of N.S.W. RAILWAY rate (Tas.) RAILWAY systems of N.S.W. and Viet. : Union of RAINBOW, W. J. Mosquitoes Study of Australian butterflies RAINS, F. L. By land and ocean RAINY, R. See Simpson, P. C. RALEGH, Sir W. Historic of the world See De Selincourt, H. RALEIGH, Sir W. Shakespeare RALPH, E. Empire builders in Australia RALPH, R. S. Case of soft cancer RAMBLES in N.S.W. RAMSAY, E. P. Australian birds, showing the distribution of the species (2 entries) Birds met with in N.-E. Queensland Directions for the preservation of specimens of natural history Hints for the preservation of specimens of natural history RAMSAY, E. P., and OGILBY, J. D. Fish-fauna of New Guinea RAMSAY, Sir J. H. Dawn of the constitution RANDALL, D. Intercolonial free trade and reciprocity . . RANDOM recollections of a commercial traveller RANDS, W. H. Eidsvold gold field Gold mines at the Fanning and Mount Success RANFT, A. H. T. Auriferous rocks and gold RANJIT SINGH. See Griffin, Sir L. RANKE, L. von. Reformation in Germany RANKEN, G. Bush essays The dry country Federal geography of British Australasia Windabyne RANKEN, T. Measure for measure RANKEN, W. H. L. The dominion of Australia RANKIN, H. Handbook of domestic economy RANNEY, A. L. Practical medical anatomy RANNIE, D. W. Wordsworth and his circle RANSOM, R. Plan of Melbourne RANSOME, A. Edgar Allan Poe RAPPOPOBT, A. S. Mad majesties Royal lovers and mistresses RASMUSSEN, K. People of the polar north RATTE, A. F. Hints for collecting geological and mineral- ogical specimens Nouvelle-Caledonie RAVENSHEAR, A. F. English patent system RAWLE, W. Constitution of the U.S. RAWLING, C. G. The great plateau . . RAWLINSON, G. The five great monarchies of the ancient world History of Phoenicia RAWLINSON, T. E. Papers read before the Royal society of Viet. RAY, S. H. Vocabulary of the dialects of British New Guinea RAY, S. H., and HADDON, A. C. Languages of Torres straits RAYMOND, J. Poems RAYNAL, F. E. Les naufrages RAYS, Marquis de. La colonie libre de Port Breton READ, C. R. The Australian gold fields READE, C. The cloister and the hearth READE, W. W. The martyrdom of man Class No. Page 919-44 603 385 258 385 258 595-77 351 595-78 351 910 504 909 501 920 659 994 721 616-9 377 919-44 603 598-2 356 598-2 356 579 329 579 329 597 352 942-03 689 337 162 658 413 622-1 383 622-1 383 553-1 297 270-6 55 919-4 582 631 395 919-4 582 823 481 389 261 919-4 582 640 410 611 366 920 659 912-945 532 920 659 920-01 674 920-01 674 572-998 326 579 329 559-32 301 338-8 165 342-73 177 915-15 545 935 678 939 680 604 273 499 271 499 271 821 455 910-4 516 919-36 570 919-4 582 823 469 909 501 890 INDEX. Author and Short Title. READING and Wellbank's Metropolitan almanac REAPING the whirlwind REAY, W. Poems and lyrics REAY, W. T. White Australia RECLUS, E. Le primitif d'Australie . . RECOLLECTIONS of a ramble from Sydney to Southampton RED kangaroo, The REDLICH, J. Procedure of the House of Commons REDMAN, W. X. Australia .. REDMOND, J. E. Home rule Ireland's case stated REDMOND, W. A shooting trip in the Australian bush . . Through the new Commonwealth REDWOOD, Sir B. Petroleum REED, C. B. The first great Canadian REED, T. S. Memoirs of a long life . . REES, C. E. Consumption hi Australia REES, W. C. Mercantile navy list of Victoria . . REES, W. L. The coming crisis REES, W. L., and L. Life and times of Sir George Grey REEVE, E. Catalogue of antiquities RE I;VE, L. A. Conchologica systematica REEVE, W. From life REEVES, C. E. Heart disease in Australia Queen v. Beaney REI:VES, E. Brown men and women Homeward bound after thirty years REEVES, W. P. New Zealand State experiments in Australia and N.Z. REFORMATORIES and reformatory treatment in France . . REGISTER, Adelaide. Colonel Light REIBEY, T. Reibey v. Blomfield REICH, E. Atlas antiquus Foundations of modern Europe Imperialism Select documents illustrating mediaeval and modern history Success among nations Success in life . . Women through the ages REID, G. A. 0. The laws of heredity REID, Sir G. H. Essay on N.S.W. Protection or free trade Speech on local government bill Sydney training college ; address REID, J. A. Australian reader . . Battling with the waves Battling with waves and lawyers REID, T. Two voyages to N.S.W. and V.D.L. REID, Sir T. W. Life of Lord Houghton Life of W. E. Forster Life of W. E. Gladstone Memoirs REID, W. M. Lake George and Lake Champlain REINSCH, P. S. American legislatures and legislative methods . . Colonial government REINWARDT, C. G. C. Reis naar het oostelijk Gedeelte van den Indischen Archipel RELATION d'un voyage aux Indes Orientales RELIGIOUS wants of N.S.W. REMARKS on trial by jury in N.S.W. . . REMY, J. Ka mooolelo Hawaii Recits d'un vieux sauvage pour servir a I'histoire ancienne de Hawaii ClM" 919-44 822 821 325 1 572-994 910 823 328-1 821 941-5 329-9415 919-44 919-4 665-5 971 920 614-4 656 329-9931 920 913 594 828 616-1 343-1 919-6 910-4 919-31 330 364 920 347-91 912 940 320-1 940 320 174 396 575-1 919-44 337 352-0944 371 994-5 910-4 347-91 365 920 920 920 920 328-1 325-3 919-1 915 279 340-4 996-9 996-9 Page 606 462 i:-:, 98 320 504 481 109 455 685 118 603 582 414 708 6.->9 372 412 119 659 .->34 348 492 375 191 623 516 566 127 237 660 210 524 682 90 682 89 24 263 328 603 162 213 245 730 516 210 240 660 660 660 660 708 109 102 557 543 57 169 733 733 INDEX. 891 Author and Short Title. RENAN, E. See Barry, W. F. See Duclaux, A. M. F. RENAUD of Montauban RENEY, W. Shipwreck of the Corsair RENNEVILLE, R. A. C. de. Voyages by the Dutch East India company RENNIE. E. H. Apology for chemistry RENTON, A. W. Encyclopaedia of the laws of England . . RENTOUL, A. R. Australian songs RENTOUL, A. R., and I. S. Mollie's bunyip RENTOUL, R. R. Race culture . . . . V.' RENWICK, Sir A. Realm of knowledge and the realm of faith . . . . . . :. ;>;> RENWICK, F. S. Betrayed . . . . : RENWICK, G. Finland to-day REPINGTON, C. a'C. Foundations of reform Imperial strategy The war in the Far East RETIRED officer. Australia a mistake RETURNED digger^ See Six years in Australia . . REUTER'S directory of telegraphic addresses, Australia and N.Z. REVIEW of divorce bill of 1856 REVIEW of reviews for Australasia REVIEW of reviews. Federation number REYNOLDS, B. A black silk stocking The heart of the bush REYNOLDS, Sir J. R., ed. System of medicine RHODES, C. See Fuller, Sir T. E. RHODES, J. F. Historical essays RIBBE, C. Zwei jahre unter den kannibalen der Salomo- inseln RICARDO, D. Letter to Malthus Letters to H. Trower and others RICH, G. E., NEWHAM, A., and HARVEY, J. M. Practice in equity, N.S.W. RICHARD, Ap. Marriage and divorce RICHARDS, J. Ada Edwin Randolph RICHARDS. T.. compiler. Epitome of the official historv of N.S.W. .. .. .. .;.' RICHARDS, T., ed. N.S.W. in 1881 RICHARDS, W. P. Poems RICHARDSON, C. H. Gabrielle RICHARDSON, F. Hesper and Hedone RICHARDSON, Sir J. L. C. Sketch of Ota-go A summer's excursion in N.Z. RICHARDSON, R. Willow and wattle RICHARDSON, S. Works . . ... History of Sir Charles Grandison RICHARDSON, W. Catalogue of 7,385 stars RICHELIEU, L. F. A.. Due de. See Williams, H. N. RICHMOND, Mrs. Sally RICHMOND, C. W. Materialism RICHMOND, G. Portrait of Augustus Short RICHMOND, M. E. Poems RICKETT, A. C. London life of yesterday RIDDOCH, G. Irrigation in Egypt, &c. RIDGE, W. P. Speaking rather seriously RIDGES, E. W. Constitutional law of England RIDLEY, A. E. A backward glance RIDLEY, J. See Ridley, A. E. RIDLEY, W. Aborigines of Australia Gurre Kamilaroi Class No. 398-2 910-4 910-8 540 347-08 821 823 614-1 215 821 914-71 355 355 947 325-2 384 173 050 342 94 823 823 615 904 572-9935 330 330-4 347-9 173 821 823 994-4 919-44 821 821 821 919 31 919-31 821 823 823 524 823 146 769 821 942-1 631 339 342-42 920 572-994 499 Page 264 516 523 287 203 455 481 370 33 455 542 228 228 700 100 257 23 9 185 481 481 373 499 318 127 128 209 23 455 481 728 603 455 441 455 566 566 4r)f) 469 469 283 481 18 424 439 694 395 167 174 660 320 271 INDEX. Author and Short Title. Class KIMI.KY. W. rontd. Kamilaroi and other Australian languages Kamilaroi, Dippil, and Turrubul . . RIENZI, G. L. D. de. Oceanic BILKY, W. E. Introduction of the Cachemere- Angora goat into N.S.W. and V.D.L. RIMMER, A. Ancient stone crosses in England. . Riou, E. Guardian journal Journal of proceedings on H.M.S. Guardian RIPLEY, W. Z., ed. Trusts, pools, and corporations RITCHIE, A. N. The legal profession in Tas. RITCHIE, Mrs. A. T., and EVANS, R. Lord Amherst RITCHIE, D., ed. Voice of our exiles RITCHIE, D. G. State interference RITCHIE, W. Assessment of real property in Tas. Decay of agriculture in Tas. Fiscal and land law reform RITTEK, K. Colonization of N.Z. Die colonisation von Neu Seeland RITZ, H. B. Psychology of language RIVERINE question . . Rix, H. F. Australian decimal coinage Australians, rise, and federate ! Federation songs ROBB, Mrs. E. Jetsam ROBBINS, H. H. Our first ambassador to China ROBERT ELSMERE. A reply to Rev. G. Clarke ROBERTS, earl. Forty-one years in India A nation in arms ROBERTS, earl, and others. Fallacies and facts ROBERTS, C. F. Iniquities of lunacy-craft ROBERTS, C. G. D. Discoveries and explorations ROBERTS, J. British patents for inventions Inventors' guide to patent law ROBERTS, J. Two years at sea ROBERTS, J. W. Mining industry of N.S.W. ROBERTS, R. E. Samuel Rogers and his circle ROBERTS, W. H., and WALLACE, G. Common law and liability of employers ROBERTSON, . Voyage de Robertson aux terrea australes ROBERTSON, A. The kidnapped squatter Nuggets in the devil's punch bowl ROBERTSON, A. Essays on various subjects Forbearance Letter to Sir J. McCulloch, on education Past and future of the education question ROBERTSON, A. M. Certain peculiar habits and customs of the aborigines of W.A. ROBERTSON, A. N. Federation and afterwards ROBERTSON, E. Wordsworthshire ROBERTSON, H. A. Erromanga ROBERTSON, J. Facts of the Christian faith Victoria ROBERTSON, J. M. Trade and tariffs ROBERTSON, R. Rose leaves ROBERTSON, W. History of America History of Scotland History of the reign of the emperor Charles V. Works ROBBRTSON, W. B., ed. Political economy ROBIN, C. E. Scribbler's scrap-book ROBINSON, A. M. F. See Duclaux. ROBINSON, C. New South Wales Progres et ressources de la Nouvelle Galles du Sud . . Progress and resources of N.S.W. 499 499 919 636-3 913-42 910-4 910-4 338-8 347-06 920 365 320 -1 336-22 630 336-2 919-31 919-31 401 336- 389 821 821 828 920 210 954 355 355 920 910- 347- 347- 910- 622 920 1 347-7 910-4 823 823 824 173 377 379 945 572-9941 321 920 266 232 920 337 821 970 941 943 908 330 824 919-44 919-44 919-44 INDEX. 893 Author and Short Title. ROBINSON, G. T. The fall of Metz ROBINSON, Sir Hercules. See Rosmead. ROBINSON, H. C. Diary, reminiscences, and correspond- ence ROBINSON, H. C., and LAVEROCK, W. S. Birds of North Queensland ROBINSON, H. E. C. Commonwealth of Australia (map) . . ROBINSON, H. J. Colonial chronology ROBINSON, H. P. The twentieth century American ROBINSON, L. F. S. Digest of cases (Viet.) ROBINSON, S. Review of lecture by Mr. Justice Higin- botham ROBINSON, W. A. C. Truth stranger than fiction ROBINSON, Sir W. C. F. Physical geography of S.W. of W.A. ROBISON, R. In the King's Bench ; Rex v. Robison Short statement of the case of R. Robison ROBISON, S. S. Manual of wireless telegraphy ROBLEY, H. G. Moko, or Maori tattooing ROBSON, R. N. See Robson, W. ROBSON. W., ed. Life of the Rev. R. N. Robson ROCHEFORT, H. Adventures of my life ROCHEE, C. A. W. The criminal law of England applicable to V.D.L. . . . . The criminal law of V.D.L. ROCHFORT, J. Adventures of a surveyor ROCKEFELLER, J. D. Random recollections ROCKINGHAM jarrah timber co. ltd. Jarrah ROOD, Sir J. R. The princes of Achaia RODNEY, 1st baron. See Hannay, D. RODWAY, L. Forestry for Tas. Tasmanian flora ROK, F. W. Thomas Carlyle as a critic ROGEARD, A. Les propos de Labienus ROGER DE HOVEDEN. Annals ROGERS, A. K. Religious conception of the world ROGERS, E. N. The Australian case against John Bull and Co. Is federation our true policy ? ROGERS, F. E., ed. Evidence in the case of Regina v. Murphy ROGERS, F. N. On elections ROGERS, J. The new rush . . . . ROGERS, J . Pigeon-keepers' guide ROGERS, J. D. Australasia ROGERS, J. E. T. Economic interpretation of history . . Industrial and commercial history of England Six centuries of work and wages ROGERS, S. See Roberts, R. E. ROGERS, W. Cruising voyage round the world ROGET, P. M. Thesaurus of English words and phrases ROGQEVEEN, A. Paskaerte (map) ROLFE, A. J. A sheaf of sonnets . . ROLIN, T., and INNES, G. M. L. Practice of Supreme court of N.S.W. ROLLESTON, C. Condition and resources of N.S.W. N.S.W., the oldest colony ROMAN catholic church : Australia. Acta et decreta concilii plenarii Australasian catholic congress (first) Australasian catholic congress (second) Catholic directory, Melbourne, 1855 Catholic education Inauguration of Catholic association Mission in W.A. Class No. 944 920 598 -2 912-94 902 917-3 346-945 215 828 551-4 994-4 994-4 654 572-9931 920 920 343 343 919-31 920 674 949-5 634-9 581-9946 801 827 942-02 211 336-94 342-94 343-1 324-42 821 636-6 990 330 330-9 331 910-4 424 912-96 821 347-9 919-44 919-44 282 282 282 282 377 282 282 Page 698 660 356 527 498 ,154 201 33 492 290 728 728 411 317 660 660 189 189 566 660 417 701 403 338 433 490 689 32 157 185 191 97 456 408 712 127 129 131 517 267 534 4f>(> 209 604 604 61 61 62 62 248 62 62 v.i.1 INDEX. Author and Short Title. ROMAN catholic church: Australia contd. Pastoral letters (2)) Report and proceedings, St. Mary's cathedral, 1836 Rite of the consecration of a bishop Yass mission ROMILLY, H. H. From my verandah in New Guinea Letters from the Western Pacific Western Pacific and New Guinea RONALDSHAY, earl of. On the outskirts of empire in Asia ROONEY, I. Origin of the Melanesian and Polynesian races Roos. L. Wine-making in hot climates ROOSEVELT, T. African and European addresses African game trails ROOT, J. W. Banking and currency reform British national finance Colonial tariffs . . ROQUEFTTIL, C. de. Voyage round the world ROKER, D. American inter-state law ROSA, S. A. Ungrammatical statesmen ROSADI, G. Trial of Jesus ROSCOE, E. S. Damages in actions of maritime collisions ROSCOE, Sir H. E. Life and experiences ROSE, G. Mrs. Brown in Sydney ROSE, H. J. Untrodden Spain ROSE, J. H. Development of the European nations Life of Napoleon I. Napoleonic studies William Pitt and national revival ROSE, J. H., ed. Napoleon's last voyages ROSE, J. H., and BROADLEY, A. M. Doumouriez ROSEBEKY, 5th earl of. Chatham Lord Randolph Churchill Napoleon ; the last phase Speech on imperial federation ROSENBERG, C. B. H., von. Reistochten naar de Geelvink baai op Nieuw-Guinea . . ROSENBLUM, I. A. The drama eternal ROSLYN. The Huia's homeland ROSMEAD, 1st baron. Speeches Ross, A. The climate of Australia Ross, C. Representative government and war Ross, C. S. Colonization and church work in Victoria . . Early Otago .. .. -' : .. Education in Otago Fiji and the W T estern Pacific Ross, E. H. Reduction of domestic mosquitos Ross, J. Essay on prison discipline Ross, J. From competition to co-operation Ross, Sir J. C. Voyage of discovery and research Ross, Sir J. F. G. The marquess of Hastings Ross, J. H. The laureate of the centaurs Ross, J. L. New map of Gipps Land Ross, R. The church, the foundation, and the keys The last sermon Ross, Mrs. S. Rhymes and recitations Ross, W. J. C. Metallurgy of silver ROSSEL, E. P. E. de. Voyage de D'Entrecasteauz ROSTOSOHNY, H. Europa's Kolonien ROTH, H. L. Aborigines of Tas. Animal parasites of sugar cane The Mackay sugar crop Some Australian hymenoptera and culeata ROTH, H. L.. and BUTLER, M. E. Aborigines of Taa. ROTH, W. E. Ethnological studies among north-west Central Queensland aborigines North Queensland ethnography . . 252 1 282 266 282 919-5 919 919 915 572-996 634 815 799 332-1 336-42 337 910-4 385 342-94 232 347-7 920 823 <)14-6 940 920 940 920 920 920 920 920 920 354-42E 919-5 821 821 825 613-1 355 285 993-1 373-931 919-6 614-4 365 334 919-9 920 920 912-945 262 252 821 669-2 910-4 919-6 572-9946 633 633 595-79 572-9946 572-9943 572-9943 INDEX. 895 Author and Short Title. ROTHERY, G. C. The Amazons ROTHSCHILD, J. A. E. de. Shakespeare and his day ROTHSCHILD, L. W. Extfnct birds . . ROUND, J. H. Peerage and pedigree ROUNDELL, Mrs. J. A. E. Lady Hester Stanhope ROUSSEAU, J. J. Confessions See Lemaitre, J. See Morley, viscount. ROUTLEDGE, W. S., and K. With a prehistoric people . . ROVING printer. See Jones. ROWAN, Mrs. M. E. Bill Baillie A flower hunter in Queensland ROWCROFT, C. The bushranger of V.D.L. An emigrant in search of a colony Perils and adventures of Mr. William Thornley Tales of the colonies ROWE, C. J. Bonds of disunion Questions of the day in Victoria ROWE, G. Colonial empire of Great Britain ROWE, G. S. Life of John Hunt . . ROWE, G. S., ed. Fiji and the Fijians ROWE, L. S. Problems of city government ROWE, R. Peter 'Possum's portfolio Roughing it in V.D.L. ROWLAND, P. F. The new nation ROWLANDSON'S success ROWXTREE, B. S. Land and labour . . ROWXTREE, J. Imperial drug trade ROWNTREE, J., and SHERWELL, A. Taxation of the liquor trade ROWSELL, M. C. Ninon de 1' Enclos and her century . . ROY, E. L?s colonies Practises en 1858 ROY. J J. E. Quinze ans de sejour a Java ROYAL agricultural and horticultural society of S. A. Report ROYAL agricultural society of N.S.W. R.A.S. annual . . ROYAL agricultural society of W.A. Live stock of W.A. ROYAL art society of N.S.W. Annual report Exhibition catalogues (3 entries) ROYAL bank of Queensland. Memorandum and articles of association ROYAL colonial institute. Annexation of New Guinea . . Proceedings . . Report of the council ROYAL geographical society, London. Journal Proceedings ROYAL geographical society of Australasia. Instructions for the New Guinea exploration expedition Special record of the proceedings, exploratory expedi- tion to New Guinea ROYAL geographical society of Australasia : N.S. W. branch. New constitution Proceedings ROYAL geographical society of Australasia : N.S. W. and Viet branches. Proceedings Special volume of proceedings ROYAL geographical society of Australasia : Queensland branch. Constitution and rules Notes on Queensland volume of International cata- logue of scientific literature Proceedings ROYAL geographical society of Australasia : S.A. branch. Proceedings ROYAL geographical society of Australasia : Viet, branch. Transactions and proceedings ROYAL historical society, London. Camden series of pub- lications Class No. 396-9 942-05 598-2 929 920 920 572-967 823 919-4 823 823 823 823 325 42 329-9945 919-4 920 919-61 352 824 823 919-4 828 331-8 178 336 27 920 325,44 919-22 630-6 630-5 636 750 750 332 13 995 325-42 ' 325 42 910-6 910-6 919-5 919-5 910-6 910-6 910-6 910-6 910-6 505 910-6 910-6 910-6 906 Page 263 690 357 675 661 661 315 481 582 481 481 481 481 105 124 582 661 625 211 487 481 582 492 135 26 155 661 105 560 392 392 405 422 422 140 732 105 105 520 520 620 620 520 520 520 520 520 274 520 520 520 500 890 INDEX. Author and Short Title. ROYAL historical society, London amid. Transactions | ROYAL Kalendar. See Guide to Tas. ROYAL observatory, Edinburgh. Annals ROYAL observatory, Greenwich. Astrographical catalogue Astronomical and magnetical observations Measures of photographs of the sun Observations of the planet Eros Results of astronomical observations ROYAL society, London. Atoll of Funafuti Botanical collections in Kerguelen's Land National Antarctic expedition Obituary notices of fellows Philosophical transactions Sir Joseph Banks ROYAL society of N.S.W. Rules Transactions : Journals and proceedings ROYAL society of Queensland. Proceedings ROYAL society of S.A. Memoirs : Fossil remains of Lake Callabonna . . . . ... Transactions and proceedings ... ROYAL society of Tas. Catalogue of the art treasures exhibition History Introduction of salmon into Tas. Papers and proceedings Register of papers Reports ROYAL society of V.D.L. See Royal society of Tas. ROYAL society of Viet. Report on the resources of the colony Reports of exploration committee Transactions Various papers ROYAL South Australian almanack ROYAL statistical society journal ROYAL united service institution. Journal ROYDHOUSE, T. R., and TAPRELL, H. J. Labour party in N.S.W. RUDD, Steele. See Davis, A. H. RUDDER, E. W. Ephraim . . RUEGG, A. H. Employers' liability act, 1880 Laws regulating the relation of employers and work- men . . RUMBOLD, Sir H. The Austrian court in the 19th century RUSDEN, G. K. Sermon at Maitland RUSDEN, G. W. Discovery, survey, and settlement of Port Phillip Gathering together for work and learning The great refusal History of Australia History of N.Z. The law of libel Moyarra National education Old road to responsible government The schoolmaster abroad Status of colonial bishops Tragedies in N.Z. William Shakespeare RUSDEN, G. W., ed. Aureretanga RUSKIN, J. Modern painters Notes on the construction of sheepfolda The seven lamps of architecture See Benson, A. C. See Harrison .F. Class No. 906 524 524 524 523-7 524 524 551-96 581-996 919-9 506 506 920 506 506 506 560-9942 506 750 506 591-52 506 016 506 919-45 919-4 506 504 919-42 310 355 329-9944 296 347 7 347-7 943-6 252 994-5 374 942 08 994 993-1 347-91 821 379-945 321-8 379-945 283 347-91 920 993-1 750 262 724 INDEX. 897 Author and Short Title. Cla&s No. Pag RUSSELL, 1st earl. Recollections and suggestions 329-942 118 See Moore, T. RUSSELL, A. The seeker 821 456 Voices of doubt 821 45$ RUSSELL, A. Tour through the Australian colonies 919-4 583 RUSSELL, A. See Whitington, F. T. RUSSELL, C. E. Greatest trust in the world 338-8 165 The uprising of the many 331 8 135 Why I am a socialist 335 147 RUSSELL, C. E. B., and RIOBY, L. M. Working lads' clubs 367 241 RUSSELL, F., compiler. Farm life on the Richmond and Tweed rivers 630 391 RUSSELL, F. A. A. An Australian point of view 329-994 120 Law relating to banker and customer in Australia 347-7 207 RUSSELL, F. A. A., yd. Pasture and stock acts, N.S.W. . . 347-7 207 RUSSELL, F. T. C. Statement to his parishioners 283 67 RUSSELL, G. W. E. Matthew Arnold 920 661 Seeing and hearing 824 487 Social silhouttes 824 487 Some threepenny bits 824 487 Sydney Smith 920 661 RUSSELL, H. C. Mr. Russell's pamphlets, mostly on astro- nomical and meteorological subjects, are too numerous to be detailed, but will be found in the following classes : 504, 520, 522, 522-1, 522-3, 522 6, 523 4, 523 5, 523 6, 523 8, 523 9, 524, 531-5, 537-4, 538, 551-2, 551-3, 551-4, 551-46, 551-5, 551-51, 551-52, 551-54, 551-55, 551-56, 551-57, 581-994, 631. RUSSELL, Mrs. H. E. The federation of Australia 821 456 RUSSELL, H. S. The genesis of Queensland 994-3 723 RUSSELL, I. C. North America 917 552 RUSSELL, J. Schools of Great Britain 373-42 245 RUSSELL, M. Polynesia 919-6 623 RUSSELL, P. Journey to Lake Taupo 823 481 RUSSELL, R. Map showing the site of Melbourne 912-945 532 RUSSELL, R. Memorials of a colonial ministry 252 44 RUSSELL, T. B. A hundred years hence 301 79 RUSSELL, T. G. Commercial law in N.Z. 347 7 207 RUSSELL, Sir W. H. See Atkins, J. B. RUSSIA : Ministry of ways of communication. Guide to the great Siberian railway 914-7 542 RUTHERFORD, W. H. Penthus 822 462 RUTHNINO, H. L. E. Australia's trade with Central Europe 382 256 RUVIGNY ET RAINEVAL, 9th marquis. The nobilties of Europe 929-7 676 RUVTLLE, A. von. William Pitt, earl of Chatham 920 661 RYAN, J. A. A living wage 331-2 133 RYAN, J. S. The horse in Australia 636-1 406 RYAN, J. S. Splinters on the wall 821 456 RYAN, J. T. Reminiscences of Australia 919-4 583 RYAN, W. V. Two sermons at funeral of Bishop Barker 252 45 S., C. J. Sketch of Turkish history . . 949-6 702 S., J. H. Some old memories 821 45 SADD, H. S., engraver. Portraits of the first five Chief justices of N.S.W. 769 424 SADEUR, Jacques. See Foigny. SADLIER, R. Aborigines of Australia 572-994 320 Reply to the " Country curate " . . 262 48 SADLER, J. Lyrics and rhymes . . 821 456 SADLER, M. T. Law of population 312 83 F.8720. 2 F INDEX. Author and Short Title. SAFFORD, F., and WHEELER, G. Practice of the Privy council SAGS, R. A record mystery SAINSBURY, E. B. Calendar of the Court minutes of the East India company ST. Andrew's immigration society. Rules ST. Cyres, viscount. Pascal ST. HELIER, M., baroness. Memoirs . . ST. JOHN, J. H. H. Pakeha rambles ST. JOHN, Sir S. B. Life in the forests of the far cast . . Wild tribes of N.W. coast of Borneo ST. JOHN'S college, Sydney. By-laws Handbook St. John's college case stated ST. JOHNSTON, A. Camping among cannibals ST. JULIAN, C. International status of Fiji ST. .ITLIAN, C., and SILVESTER, E. K. Productions, &c.. of N.S.W. ST. LEDGER. A. J. J. Australian socialism ST. MARK, church of, Fitzroy. Historical notes ST. MARY'S hospital, Hobart Town. Report ST. PAUL'S college, Sydney. Origin and foundation SAiST-Simon, L. de R. due de. Memoires SAiNTE-Beuve, C. A. Causeries du Lundi Port Royal See Harper, G. M. SAINTSBURY, G. E. B. The Earl of Derby History of English prosody SAL A, G. A. My diary in America SALKEBY, C. W. Conquest of cancer The cycle of life 'Evolution the master-key Individualism and collectivism Parenthood and race culture Worry s.u.i EK. F. I. Cruise of the Isabel SALISBURY, 3rd marquis of. Essays See Traill, H. E. SALMON, C. S. Crown colonies of Great Britain Depression in the West Indies SALMON D, J. W. Jurisprudence SALOMONS, Sir J. E. Australian federation Draft federation bill SALVADO, R. Memorias historicas sobre la Australia Memoires historiques sur 1'Australie SALVATION army. 10 for a soul SAMUEL. Marochitanu*. Rationes breves SAMPSON, A. H. To every man his own SAM WELL, D. Narrative of the death of Cook SANDBERG, C. P. On rail- joints SANDEMAN, G. Intercepted letters and their consequences SANDER. F. Reichenbachia SANDERS, B. S. Autumn leaves SAWDERS, L. The Holland house circle SAHDEBSON, E. Great Britain in modern Africa SANDKKMIN, W. A. Law relating to factories in Viet. . . SAN DBS, J. Ballads of battle The house of empire Love and the aeroplane . . SAHDS' Commercial Sydney directory . . SARDS'* Sydney directory SASDS' Sydney suburban and country directory S* NDS and Kenny. Map of Sydney . . Sydney directory Class \o. 347-9 823 325-1 !L>U 920 919-31 919-11 572-9911 378-944 378 944 378-944 919-6 996-1 919-44 335 11 283 362 378-944 920 844 273 920 426 917-3 616-9 504 140-1 335-41 614-1 130 919-46 824 325-42 337 340-1 342-94 :542-94 919-4 919-4 861 090 33(5-22 !iL>n 626 920 584-15 821 942-07 960 347-7 821 821 823 919-44 919-44 919-44 912-944 919-44 INDEX. 89J* Author and Short Title. and McDougall. Annual register Map of Tas. S.A. directory Victoria SANDS, J. Map of Sydney New atlas of Australia . . SANTLEY, Sir C. Reminiscences SAPSFORD'S Australasian almanac SARGANT, E. B. Federal tendencies in education SARGENT, A. J. Anglo-Chinese commerce and diplomacy SARS, G. 0. Cyclestheria hislopi Fresh water entomostraca from Sydney Fresh water ostracoda and capepoda from Australian mud SATURDAY magazine SAUNDERS, A. Maritime law SAUNDERS, E. Our Australian colonies SAUNDERS, T. The Asiatic Mediterranean SAUVIN, G. Un royaume Polynesien SAVAGE, J. Some account of N.Z. SAVAGE club annual SAVONAROLA, G. See Madden, R. R. SAVORY, I. In the tail of the peacock SAXTON, J. G. Victorian place names SCEUSA, F. The glorious house of Savoy t ; * ,-.' Hail Australia ! . . SCHACHNER, R. Australien in Politik Die soziale Frage in Australien SCHAFFLE, A. E. F. Quintessence of socialism . . S< HARF, J. T. History of the Confederate states navy . . SCHARKIE, L. E. Fragments .. ',, v,, War drums SCHAUER, A., and M. The Schauer cookery book SCHAW, H. Address before Wellington philosophical society SCHELLENDORFF, B. von. Duties of the general staff SCHELLING, F. E. English literature SCHERZER, K. Circumnavigation of the globe by the Xnvara SCHEY, W. F. Some essentials of a national federation What about Victoria SCHILLER, F. Life of Friedrich Schiller SCHILLER, F. C. S. Studies in humanism ;W.;^ SCHILLINGS, C. G. In wildest Africa . . .. ( >0> . SCHINZ, A. Anti-pragmatism ,....,,. SCHLANK, R. Australian poems Poems . . SCHLIEMANN, H. IHoS Tiryns.. .;,;.. Troja . . . , SCHLOSS, D. F. Insurance against unemployment SCHMEISSER, K. A. A., and VOGELSANG, K. Gold-fields of Australia . . SCHMELTZ, J. D. E. Eingeborenen des Stillen oceans . . SCHMIDT, J. M. F. Australien ^. . SCHMIDT, J. S. H. Wool growing ILEFIELU, G. H. N.Z. in evolution SCHOLZ, J., publisher. Illustrations of missionary scenes SCHOMBURGK, R. Papers read before the S. A. philosophical society Plants in the Botanic garden, Adelaide SCHOOL history of Australia SCHOOLING, J. H. British trade year-book .SCHREINER, Mrs. O. Women and labour SCHULTZ, A. P. Race or mongrel 2 VI Class >'o. 919-45 912 -946 919-42 919 45 912-944 912-94 920 919-4 370-4 382 594-8 595-3 595-33 050 347-7 919-4 919-4 919-69 572-9931 805 916- 929- !4f> 919- 919- 919- 335 973 821 821 (541 504 355 820 910-4 342-94 337 920 149 799 149 821 821 913-392 913-392 913-392 368 622-1 572-99(5 U12-94 (>3-3 919-31 266 :,so-7 58* ? 994 382 396 325-1 Page 612 533 593 609 53O 527 662 587 244 25fi 348 34( 349 10 207 r>s:j 583 (>2K 317 434 54!> 583 583 583 147 711 45(> 4.KJ 41O 273 228 43 517 1&> 162 (>t>2 19 433 W 45i> 4.1(> 53fi 53R .">3(> 242 527 407 5(>(> 53 33O 33(> 721 25B 2fi3 9ft 900 INDEX. Author and Short Title. SCHWANER, C. A. L. M. Borneo SOHWANN, D. Spirit of parliament SCHWARTZ, E. H. L. Causal geology SCHWEITZER, A. Quest of the historical Jesus SCIENCE progress SCIENTIFIC American reference book SCLATER, P. L. Two birds from New Britain SCOFFERN, J. C., and HIOOINS, W. M. Victoria gold valuer's ready reckoner SCONCE, R. K. Reasons for submitting to the Catholic Church Testimony of antiquity to the supremacy of the Holy see . . SCORESBY, W. Journal of a voyage to Australia SCOT, T. A. Chowbokiana SCOTLAND : Law : Statutes. Acts of the Parliaments of Scotland, 1424-1707 SCOTT, A. W. Australian lepidoptera Mammalia, recent and extinct Mammalia, recent and extinct SCOTT, E. Terre Napoleon . . SCOTT, G., GROOM, L. E., and GRAHAM, A. W. Reports of cases in Supreme court of Queensland SCOTT, G. F. Britain's Austral empire Romance of Australian exploring SCOTT, G. W., and BEAMAN, W. G. Index analysis of statutes, U.S. SCOTT, H. J. South Australia in 1887 SCOTT, H. S. Barlasch of the guard SCOTT, J. Epistle from Oberea SCOTT, J. Paris revisited by way of Brussels . . SCOTT, J. Story of primeval man SCOTT, R. F. Voyage of the Discovery SCOTT, T. Map of settled parts of V.D.L. SCOTT, W. Astronomical observations (2 entries) SCOTT, W. What is classical study ? . . SCOTT, Sir W. Journal Prose works The Waverley novels See Lockhart, J. G. See Norgate, G. Le G. SCOTT, W. A. Repudiation of state debts SCOTTISH agricultural commission to Australia . . SCOTTISH home rule association. Objects, &c. . . Report of debate in House of Commons on home rule for Scotland Scotland's claim for home rule SCOULLAR, G. Geology of the hundred of Munno Para Geology of the Lake Eyre basin SCRATCHLEY, Sir P. H. Australian defences and New Guinea Lectures on defence subjects SCRUTATOR. The mystery unveiled . . SCRUTTON, T. E. Contract of affreightment SCUDDER, H. E. James Russell Lowell SEAOER, P. S. Acclimatisation of the salmonidse in Tas SEAGRAM, G. Bushmen all . . SEALY, H. J. Are we to stay here ? . . SEALY, R. Scraps SEAMAN, L. L. Real triumph of Japan SEARCY, A. By flood and field In Australian tropics in northern seas SKAVER, T. W. Engineering aspect of local self-govern ment Cla- N,.. 919-11 328-42 551 232 505 (503 598-2 669-2 282 282 910-4 919-31 345-41 595-78 569 599 994 346-943 920-01 919-4 345 73 919-42 823 827 914-92 239 919-9 912-946 524 375 920 828 823 336-36 919-4 329-941 329 941 329-941 559-42 559-42 355 355 282 347-7 920 639 823 336-22 821 613-67 919-421 919-421 919-421 352 558 111 289 37 274 359 357 415 62 62 r>17 566 194 351 311 357 721 200 674 583 195 591 469 490 542 39 630 533 283 247 662 493 469 156 583 117 117 117 303 303 228 228 62 207 662 410 481 155 456 368 593 593 593 211 INDEX. 901 Author and Short Title. SECCOMBE, T., and NICOLL, W. R. The Bookman illus- trated history of English literature SEDDON, R. J. See Drummond, J. SEEBOHM, F. Oxford reformers SEEBOHM, H. Siberia in Asia SEELEY, E. L. Artists of the Italian renaissance SEELEY, Sir J. R. Expansion of England The growth of British policy Lectures and essays SEEM ANN, B. Flora Vitiensis Viti .. Voyage of H.M.S. Herald SEGUB, G. de. Un saison en Nouvelle-Zelande SEIONOBOS, C. History of ancient civilization . . SELBORNE, 1st earl of. Memorials SELFE, N. Letter to members of the Board of technical eduaction, N.S.W. SELJGMAN, E. R. A. Shifting and incidence of taxation SELIGMANN, C. G. Melanesians of British New Guinea . . SELLERS, E. Foreign solutions of poor law problems SELOUS, F. C. African notes and reminiscences SELWYN, A. E. Address to Newcastle synod I believe one catholic and apostolic church Origin of evil Two papers SELWYN, A. R. C., and ULRICH, G. H. F. Physical geo- graphy of Viet. SELWYN, G. See Kerr, S. G. SELWYN, G. A. Charge to clergy, N.Z. N.Z. letters and journals. . N.Z. mission Sermon at consecration of J. C. Patteson Thanksgiving sermon Work of Christ in the world See Burtt, J. See Tucker, H. W. SELWYN, J. S., and L. F. Annals of the diocese of N.Z. . . SEMENOFF, W. Battle of Tsu-shima The price of blood Rasplata SEMON, R. In the Australian bush SEMPER, K. Die Palau-Inseln SENHOUSE, R. M. M. Work and labour SENIOR, N. W. Conversations with M. Thiers, Ac. Political economy SENIOR, W. Near and far Travel and trout in the antipodes SENN, N. Tahiti .. .. i. SERA, L. G. On the tracks of life SERGEANT, P. W. The courtships of Catherine the great SERIMAN, Z. Delli viaggi de Enrico Wanton SERRURIER, L. Ethnologische feiten en verwantsohappen in Oceanie SERVICE, J. Federation of Australasia SERVICE, J. Sorrow not as those who have no hope SEVEN rovers, The . . SEWARD, A. Elegy on Captain Cook . . ; . , SEWARD, A. C., ed. Darwin and modern science SEWELL, R. C. Speech in defence of Chamberlain and Armstrong SEYMOUR, F. Up hill and down dale in ancient Etruria . . SEYMOUR, R. Humourous sketches SEYMOUR, T. D. Life in the Homeric age SHACKLETON, Sir E. H. The heart of the Antarctic Class No. Page 820 436 274-2 56 915-7 548 945 699 325-42 105 942 06 691 824 487 581-9961 338 919-61 625 910-4 517 919-3] 567 901 498 920 662 607 364 336-2 153 572-995 325 339 167 599 357 283 67 262 48 216 34 283 67 252- 283 266 252 252 252 283 359 947 947 919 919-66 338-9 944 330 799 919-46 919-62 170 920 910-4 572-99(5 342-94 252 823 821 504 343-1 913-37 769 913-392 919-9 306 48 67 53 45 45 45 67 233 700 700 556 627 166 698 127 433 615 626 21 662 517 326 185 45 482 439 273 191 535 423 536 630 902 INDEX. Author and Short Title. SHADOW of Rome SHADOW on the hill SHADWELL, A. Industrial efficiency .. SIHFTESBURY, 3rd earl of. Characteristicks SHAFTESBITRY, 1th earl of. See Hodder, E. SHAKESPEARE, W. Comedies, histories, and tragedies; facsimile of 1623 ed. Complete works (Halliwell-Phillipps) New variorum edition. (Furness) Works ; Cambridge edition. (Wright) Works ; Caxton edition. (Lee) See Alexander, L. < '. See Elton, C. J. See Harris, F. See Lee, Sir S. See Phillipps, J. O. H. See Raleigh, Sir W. See Rusden, G. W. See Symon, Sir J. H. SHAKESPEARE society. Publications . . SHALER, N. S. The citizen . . SHANAHAN, P. The exile SHABP, W. Progress of art in the century SHARP, W. H. Sermons SHABPE, R. B. Birds from the island of Guadalcanar . . Birds of New Guinea. See Gould. Ornithology of New Guinea (2 entries) SHAW, A. Municipal government in continental Europe SHAW, F. L. See Lugard. SHAW, G. Museum Leverianum Zoology of New Holland SHAW, G. B. Common sense of municipal trading The doctor's dilemma, &c. Dramatic opinions John Bull's other island, &c. Man and superman The philanderer SHAW, J. Concise history of N.S.W. A gallop to the antipodes Tramp to the diggings SHAW, L. M. Current issues SHAW, R. Spain from within SHAW, T. Sheep farming SHAW, W. The land of promise SHAW, W. Premier Braddon and the Tattersall sweep consultations SHAW, W. A. The knights of England SHBARD, C. K. Railway practice and mountain railways SHEARSTON, J. S. H.M.S. Nelson SHBE, G. F. The Briton's first duty SHEEHAN, P. A. The intellectuals SHELDON, C. Chewin' the rag SHELDON, H. I. Nicaragua canal SHELLEY, H. C. John Harvard and his times SHBLVOCKE, G. Voyage round the world SHENSTONE, W. A. The new physics and chemistry SHENTON, A. W. A. almanack , SHEPHERD, T. Horticulture of N.S.W. Lectures on landscape gardening SH EPHERD, W. J. The outbreak and massacre atCawnpore SHEPPARD, E., ed. George, duke of Cambridge SHERARD, C. A. A daughter of the south SHKRARD, R. H. Child slaves of Britain My friends the French . . Class .\. 282 828 338 824 822-33 822-33 822-33 822-33 822-33 822 320 821 709 252 598-2 598-2 352 596 591-994 352-9 822 792 822 822 822 994-4 910 919-4 330-4 014-6 636-3 919-4 174-6 929-71 626 359 806 367 821 386 920 910-4 530 919-41 630 635 954 920 821 331 3 014-4 INDEX. 903 Author and Short Title. SHERBROOKE, viscount. The Australian colonies bill Poems of a life Speeches and letters on reform See Martin, A. P. SHERER, J. The gold finder of Australia Life and adventures of a gold-digger SHERIDAN, A. F. K. Translations from the Danish SHERIDAN, J. B., and BAKE WELL, J. W. Magistrates' guide, S.A. . . . . . . SHERIDAN, R. B. Speeches SHERLOCK, E. B. The feeble-minded SHERMAN, W. T. Home letters SHERRIFF and Downing. Gazetteer of N.S.W. SHERRIN, R. A. A. Financial condition of the bank of N.Z. Fishes of N.Z. SHERRIN, R. A. A., and WALLACE, J. H. Early history of .N.Z. SHIELD, A. Henry Stuart, cardinal of York SHIELD, A, and LANG, A. The king over the water SHILLIBEER, J. Narrative of the Briton's voyage to Pitcairn's island SHILLINGLAW, J. J. Australian shipmaster's guide SHJLLINGLAW, J. J., ed. Historical records of Port Phillip SHIPLEY, C. Sketches in the Pacific SHIPPING gazette, Sydney SHIPPING world year-book SHIPWRECK of the Antelope . . . . . \ .* SHIRLEY, J. On Baiera bidens SHOBERL, F., ed. The world in miniature SHOLL, R. J. Expedition to the Glenelg river in N.W. Australia SHONE, I. Mansergh's report on drainage of Melbourne. . SHORE, W. T. Charles Dickens and his friends SHORT, A. See Whitington, F. T. SHORT treatise upon the cultivation, &c., of tea SHORTER, C. K. Immortal memories SHORTLAND, E. Maori religion and mythology The southern districts of N.Z. Traditions and superstitions of the New Zealanders SHOULD state aid be abolished ? SHUCKBURGH, E. S. Augustus Greece SICHEL, E. Catherine Medici Michel de Montaigne SICHEL, W. Sterne . . . . ^ SIDGWICK, Mrs. C. Home life in Germany .SIDGWICK, H. Elements of politics . . Methods of ethics SIDNEY, A. Life, memoirs, &c. SIDNEY, J. Australian hand-book Voice from the far interior of Australia SIDNEY, Sir P. Miscellaneous works See Addleshaw, P. See Bourne, H. R. F. .SIDNEY, S. Australien Female emigration Gallops and gossips The three colonies of Australasia SIDNEY, S., and SIDNEY, J., eds. Emigrant's journal . . SIEGFRIED, A. La democratie en Nouvelle-Zelande The race question in Canada i SIEVEKING, A. German law relat ng to carriage of goods by sea SIEVEKING, J. G. A turning point in the Indian mutiny. . SIGMA. Money : how the banks make it scarce and dear Class So. Page 342-944 188 821 (39 329-942 119 919-4 f>83 919-4 583 824 487 347-9 209 ,s_V, 489 132 2 16 920 662 919-44 606 332 13 140 597 353 993 1 717 920 6(52 920 (iti2 919-7 628 656 412 994-5 730 919 -(5 623 380 255 387 260 910-4 517 585 340 572 314 919-41 589 628-2 388 920 662 633 399 824 487 299 78 919-31 567 572-9931 317 322 95 937 679 938 680 944 698 920 662 920 662 914-3 540 320 89 171 21 321 9 919-4 583 919-4 583 828 4!t;i 919 4 584 325-2 100 823 482 919-4 584 325-2 100 919-31 567 971 709 347 7 207 954 704 332-11 140 904 INDEX. Author and Short Title. SIGNS of the times publishing association, ltd. Home and health Si i m i: \ . P. A. B. Colonies and imperial defence The governance of empire SILVER Wattle. South Australian acrostics SILVER, S. W., and Co. Australian graziers' guide Hand-book for Australia and New Zealand Snacox, H. Outward bound Rustic rambles SIUMONDS, J. Lyrics SIMMONS, A. Old England and New Zealand SIMMONS, J. W. Social questions SIMON, Sir J. Letter on vaccination SIMON, J. F. Government of M. Thiers SIMPKINSON, C. H. Life and times of William Laud SIMPSON, A. H. Law and practice relating to infante SIMPSON, B. C. Address to engineering section of the Royal society SIMPSON, B. L. The coming struggle in Eastern Asia Conflict of colour SIMPSON, B. L., ed. Indiscreet letters from Peking SIMPSON, P. C. Life of Principal Rainy SINCLAIR, F. From the four winds SINCLAIR, J. Mel. Report on sugar-beet industry SINCLAIR, U. The industrial republic The jungle SINCLAIR, W. M. Memorials of St. Paul's Cathedral SINGLETON, J. Alcohol as a medicine Incidents in the life of a physician On fever Phthisis in Victoria SINNETT, F. Account of South Australia SINNETT, P. F. Wattle blossom SIR WILLIAM WALLACE, ship. Log SISMONDI, J. C. L. S. de. Political economy and the philosophy of government Six years in Australia SKAMP, R. B. The wool trade SKEAT, W. W. Malay magic SKEFFINQTON, F. S. Michael Davitt . . SKENE, A. J. Map of Geelong SKENE, A. J., and SMYTH, R. B. Physical character and resources of Gippsland SKENE, W. F. The Highlanders of Scotland SKETCHES of Australian life and scenery SKETCHES of life in the bush SKETCHLEY, Arthur. See Rose, G. SKINNER, S. Educational essays SKIRVINO, R. S. Our army in South Africa SKITTISH Vein. All about love S K in si:, F. H. Fontenoy SLADBN, D. B. W. Australian lyrics Edward the Black prince Egypt and the English Frithjof and Ingebjorg In Cornwall Poetry of exiles Secrets of the Vatican A summer Christmas SLADEN, D. B. W., ed. Australian ballads Australian poets Century of Australian songs Younger American poets SLATER, WILLIAMS, and HODGSON. Guide to the gold- fields of Victoria X,,. 613 359 354-42K 828 630 919-4 821 821 821 919-31 252 614-47 944 920 347 6 620-6 915 323 951 920 823 633 335-1 823 942-1 615-71 920 616-9 616-9 919-42 828 656-2 330 4 919-4 677 398 3 920 912-945 919-45 914 1 823 919-4 370-4 613-37 821 940 821 822 916-2 821 821 821 282 821 821 821 821 811 919-45 INDEX. 905 Author and Short Title. Class No. Page SLATER, F. Sea foam and passion flowers SLATER, G. Map of Victoria SLATER, G., and Co. Queensland SLATER, J. Description of Sydney, &c. SLOANE, W. M. Life of Napoleon Bonaparte . . SMAIL, J. M. Reports in regard to water supply SMALLEY, G. R. Meteorological observations in N.S.W. SMALLEY, G. W. Anglo-American memories . . London letters . . . . . . . . . . SMART, W. Economic annals of the 19th century . The return to protection SMILES, S. A publisher and his friends . . . SMILLIE, J. Original poems . . . . . . . ; SMIRKS, R. Cession of the district of Matavai, plate SMITH and GARDINER. Map of Sydney . . '' '. SMITH and HINTON. Map of Sydney . . . . , , SMITH, A. Wealth of nations See Hirst, F. W. SMITH, A. B. Honour to whom honour is due Inter-state commission bill . . . . < Liberty and liberalism Our Commonwealth SMITH, A. H. China and America to-day SMITH, A. N. History of Hawthorn . . . . , SMITH, C. J. Historical and literary curiosities , SMITH, C. McK. Capital, labour, and taxation Taxation of property Trade depression and wasted resources SMITH, D. Ancient ones of the earth SMITH, D. W. Law of the road at sea SMITH, E. Life of Sir Joseph Banks SMITH, F. Stone ages in North Britain and Ireland SMITH, F. G. The Australian protectionist Danger ahead SMITH, G. Canada and the Canadian question . . In quest of light Irish history Labour and capital My memory of Gladstone The United Kingdom .. .. '.>' SMITH, G. A naturalist in Tasmania SMITH, G. A. Jerusalem SMITH, G. A. Principles and methods of taxation SMITH, G. B. History of the English parliament Life and speeches of John Bright SMITH, G. M. The days of Cobb and Co. SMITH, H. Patrollers of Palestine SMITH, H. B. L. India and the tariff problem SMITH, Sir H. G. W. Autobiography SMITH, H. N. C. Thermo-electrical cooking SMITH, Mrs. J. Booandik tribe SMITH, J. Junius unveiled The nervous system SMITH, J. Wayfaring notes SMITH, J. See Bradley, A. G. SMITH, J. A. Spirit of American government . . SMITH, Sir J. E. Botany of New Holland Memoir and correspondence Natural history SMITH, J. T. Iron and steel institute SMITH, J. T. Three addresses SMITH, J. W., and DALRYMPLE, G. E. Report of th proceedings of the schooner Spitfire SMITH, L. Poems . . . 821 912-945 912-943 919-44 944 628-2 551-5 920 329-942 330-9 337 920 821 769 912-944 912-944 330 342-94 329-944 335 342-94 915-1 994-5 090 331 336-2 330 411 347-7 920 571-1 337 354 -42E 971 215 941-5 331-1 920 942 570 933 336-2 328-42 920 821 915-69 337 920 641 572-9942 827 613-8 910 342-73 581-994 920 570 672 241 919-43 821 457 531 528 604 698 388 293 662 119 129 162 663 457 424 530 530 127 185 120 147 187 544 730 14 131 153 127 266 207 663 313 162 220 709 33 685 133 663 688 312 678 153 111 663 457 548 163 663 410 321 490 368 504 177 334 663 312 416 41 596 441 INDEX. Autlvir and Short Till.-. SMITH, L., w/ HAMILTON, H. International English and Kniich dictionary SMITH. M. <;)ld SMITH, .M. S. ('. Hand-book of the territory of Papua SMITH, R. B. Life of Lord Lawrence SMITH, R. B. Protest against joining the Oodnad.itt.i and Pine Creek railways SMITH. R. B. Captain Aithur Phillip.. [Record] .. v '. . .SMITH. S. The settler's new home The settler's new home, North America Whether to go, and whither SMITH, S. Works .. .. .'.,<* See Russell, G. W. E. SMITH, S. P. Abide satisfied SMITH, S. P. Eruption of Tarawera Hawaiki, the original home of the Maori The Kermadec Islands Land system of New Zealand Maoris of the West Coast SMITH, S. S. Better development of colonial wool and leather New branches of fellmongering and tanning SMITH, S. S. Dean Swift SMITH, S. T. A happy pair SMITH, T. Hedley Vicars SMITH, T. C. The liberty and free soil parties of the north-west (U.S.) SMITH, T. J. Dialectic society, Trinity college, Melbourne SMITH, T. S. Digests of reported cases, N.Z. SMITH, V. A. Asoka SMITH, W., ed. Voyages autour du monde SMITH, W. Death of ^Oswald SMITH, SIR W. Classical dictionary of biography, &c. . . SMITH S,, Sir W., and CHEETHAM, S., eds. Dictionary of Christian antiquities SMITH, W. A. Australian hard woods for London pave- ments SMITH, W. H. See Maxwell, Sir H. E. SMITH, W. R. Medico-legal aspects of infanticide Place of the Australian aboriginal in recent anthropo- logical research Sanitation in country places SMITH, W. R., ed. Measures against endemic diseases . . SMITH, W. S. Character of God The Epiphany of sovereignty On practical optimism Pcena vicaria SMITH, W. S. Women's franchise movement in N.Z. SMYLIE, A. Free trade v. protection SMYTH, Mrs. E. C. Sir Rowland Hill SMYTH, R. B. Aborigines of Victoria Gold-fields and mineral districts of Victoria Hints for collecting specimens of rocks Instructions for taking meteorological observations . . Minerals, rocks, and fossils of Victoria Mining and mineral statistics SMYTH, Mrs. S. M. Ten months in the Fijian islands . . SMYTH, W. H. The Mediterranean SMYTHE, H. W. H. Plan of Launceston SMYTHE, W. E. Conquest of arid America SMYTHIES, H. Application for re-admission to bar, New Zealand . . . . . . SHELL, F. J. Customs of old England SNOWBALL, J. Publicity 440 :<:{_> -11 919-6 M6 920 920 010 917 910-4 824 268 Ml -a .-,72 -'.I'. Mi 019-31 333 .->::.' -51931 677 675 920 822 920 329-5)73 374-4 340-931 920 910-8 821 913 203 674 340-6 572-994 628-7 614 230 252 149 232 324 3 337 383 572-9945 622 1 550-7 551-5 549 622 919-61 551-46 912-946 631 347 9 390 320 INDEX. 907 Author and Short Title. SNOWDEN, 0. E. Brief survey of British history SNOWDEN, E. The woman socialist . . SNOWDEN, P. The socialist's budget . . SNVDER, C. New conceptions in science The world machine SNYDER, H. Human foods . . SNYDER 1 , \V. L. Inter-state commerce act SOCIAL questions committee. Christian citizenship SOCIALISM, as defined in the Australian Labour party's objective SOCIALIST review SOCIETE de geographic, Paris. Centenaire de la mort de Laperouse SOCIETE des ingenieurs-civils, Paris. Crampton's loco- motive engines SOCIETY for promoting Christian knowledge, N.S.W. Rules SOCIETY for promoting Christian knowledge. Report of Van Diemen's Land committee SOCIETY for the relief of destitute children [N.S.W.] Report SOCIETY of comparative legislation. Journal SOCIETY of Friends. Address of Christian counsel Authority of Christ in His Church [Collection of tracts] SODDY, F. Interpretation of radium SOLLAS, W. J. Funafuti SOMBART, W. Socialism and the social movement SOME figures concerning the defence of the empire SOMERVILLE, B. T. Some islands of the New Hebrides SOMERVILLE, E. CE., and MARTIN, V. Some experiences of an Irish R.M. Further experiences of an Irish R.M. SONNENSCHEIN, W. S. The best books Reader's guide . . SONNERAT, P. Voyage a la Nouvelle Guinee . . SOPHOCLES. Plays . . SOTHERN, J. R. Zephyrus SOUTER, D. H. The grey kimona SOUTH African who's who SOUTH African year-book, 1903-04 SOUTH- ASIAN Register SOUTH Australia: Central botird of health. Rules under Adelaide sewers act SOUTH Australia -.Colonial secretary's office. Statistics, 1845-47 .... SOUTH Australia : Colonization commissioners. Annual reports SOUTH Australia : Customs department. Custom house hand-book SOUTH Australia : Defence, department. List of officers in the military forces Regulations Revised infantry manual SOUTH Australia: Government. Miscellaneous papers 1835-50 SOUTH Australia -.Law : Statutes. Acts of the Legisla- tive council, 1854 Acts of Parliament Acts of Parliament, 1840-1900, and index Constitutional, Electoral, and Parliamentary privilege acts Index to public acts SOUTH Australia -.Legislative council. Votes and proceed- ings Class No. Page 942 688 335 147 336-42 156 501 272 523 1 280 613 2 367 380 255 172-1 22 335-11 148 330-5 128 920 663 621-1 379 266 31 206 31 362-7 236 340-5 169 240 40 289-6 76 289-6 76 539 287 551-96 296 335 147 359 233 572-9934 318 823 469 823 469 Oil 1 Oil 1 919-5 620 880 497 821 457 822 462 920-01 674 316 84 050 10 628-2 389 319-42 86 325-42 105 336-26 155 355 228 355 oo s 355 228 354-942 223 345-942 196 345-942 197 345-942 I'.M; 345-942 197 345-942 197 328-942 114 908 INDEX. Author and Short Title. SOUTH Australia : Mines department. Record of the mines Short review of mining operations SOUTH Australia : Northern Territory. Annual report of Government resident Northern Territory of S.A. SOUTH Australia : Parliament. Bills introduced Debates Northern exploration Proceedings [with papers] SOUTH Australia : PARLIAMENT : House of assembly. Standing rules and orders (4 entries) SOUTH Australia : PARLIAMENT : Legislative council. Index to minutes of proceedings and papers Standing orders (2 entries) Standing rules and orders SOUTH Australia : Parliament : Library. Catalogue SOUTH Australia : Royal commission on tJie River Murray. Report SOUTH Australia : Statistical department. Statistical re- gister SOUTH Australia : Supreme court. Reports of cases SOUTH Australia : Surveyor-general's office. Past ami present land systems of S.A. SOUTH Australia and its first two Agents-general SOUTH Australia Government Gazette SOUTH Australian Advertiser SOUTH Australian almanack and directory SOUTH Australian annual SOUTH Australian association. Plan of a company for founding a colony South Australia ; plan of proposed colony SOUTH Australian auxiliary of British and foreign Bible society. Report SOUTH Australian Christmas annual SOUTH Australian institute. Addresses SOUTH Australian land nationalization society. Manifesto SOUTH Australian law reports (2 entries) SOUTH Australian literary societies' union. Year-book . . SOUTH Australian Register SOUTH Australian Register. South Australia SOUTH Australian school of mines. Annual report SOUTH Australian society of arts. Annual exhibition, catalogue SOUTH Australian total abstinence society. Report SOUTH Polar times SOUTH Sea Island mythology SOUTHAM, W. M. The two lawyers SOUTHCOTE, T. By river and by sea SOUTHERN Cross. The anarchist foiled SOUTHERN Cross, steam-ship. Ten photographs SOUTHERN garland SOUTHERN Spectator SOUTHEY, R. Vindiciae ecclesiae Anglicanse SOUTHEY, T. Rise, progress, and present state of colonial wools SOUTTAR, R. Short history of ancient peoples SOWDEN, W. J. The Northern Territory as it is SOWERBY, J. The forest cantons of Switzerland SPACKMAN, W. H. Trout in New Zealand SPAIGHT, J. M. War rights on land . . SPALDINO, J. L. Education and the higher life Socialism and labour SPARGO, J. Bitter cry of the children Karl Marx Socialism 622-1 919-421 919-421 328*942 328-943 919-42 328-942 328-1 328 942 328 1 328 P 017 631 319-42 346-942 354 942 920 354-942 070 919-42 828 919-42 919-42 206 828 027 336-22 346-942 806 070 919-42 622 750 178 919-9 299 823 823 823 779 821 050 270 677 930 919-421 914-94 799 341-3 370-4 304 331 3 920 335 INDEX. 909 Page Author and Short Title. SPARKS, J. Life and travels of John Ledyard SPARLING, S. E. Business organization SPARRMAN, A. Voyage to the Cape of Good Hope SPEAR, R. C., ed. The golden west SPEARS, J. R. American merchant marine SPECTATOR [Melb.] . . SPEKE, J. H. Journal of the discovery of the source of the the Nile SPELLING, T. C. Bossism and monopoly Treatise on injunctions . . SFENCE, C. H. Autobiography Clara Morison The laws we live under . . Plea for pure democracy South Australian life State children in Australia SPENCE, W. G. Australia's awakening Trade unionism as an investment. . SPENCER, H. Autobiography Ceremonial institutions Data of ethics Education Essays, scientific, political, and speculative First principles Principles of biology Principles of ethics Principles of psychology Principles of sociology Study of sociology (2 eds.) See Duncan, D. SPENCER, L. J. Marshite, &c. Mineralogical notes on W.A. tellurides SPENCER, T. E. Budgeree ballads The haunted shanty How McDougall topped the score Reflections and reminiscences of Mrs. Bridget McSweeney That droll lady SPENCER, W. B. Biological monographs Guide to Australian ethnographical collection in the National museum of Victoria SPENCER, W. B.. ed. Hand-book of Melbourne Horn expediton to Central Australia SPENCER, W. B., and GILLEN, F. J. Native tribes of Central Australia Northern tribes of Central Australia SPEYER, H. Constitution juridique de 1' empire colonial Britannique SPICER, E. C. Harmony between geology and Genesis . . SPICER, W. W. Plants of Tasmania . . SPIELMANN, M. H. History of Punch . . SPIELVOGEL, N. F. The cocky farmer A gumsucker on the tramp SPILLER, G., ed. Moral character SPINOZA, B. Short treatise on God, man, &c. . . SPOTTISWOODE society. The Spottiswoode miscellany . . SPRENT, C. P. Antarctic exploration SPRENT, J. Map of Tasmania SPRINGTHORPE, J. W. Typhoid fever and diphtheria SPBOTT, G. Cause of typhoid fever SPRUCE, R. Notes of a botanist on the Amazon and Andes SPRUSON, J. J. Norfolk Island SPRY, W. J. J. Cruise of H.M.S. Challenger . . SQUATTER'S plum Class Jfo. 380 910-4 919-41 387 070 916-7 338-8 347-9 920 823 172 324-2 919-42 362-7 329-994 331-88 920 390 171 370-1 824 102 570-1 171 150 301 301 549 549 821 823 821 823 823 591-994 572-994 919-45 919-4 572-99421 572-99421 325-42 215 581-9946 070 823 910 377 193 941 919-9 912-946 614 614 918 994 910 325 66:} 255 517 589 260 12 551 165 209 663 482 22 96 59] 236 120 137 663 261 21 243 487 14 312 21 20 79 79 288 288 457 482 457 482 482 344 320 610 584 322 322 105 34 338 13 482 504 248 28 683 630 533 372 372 554 728 517 98 sno INDEX. Author ami short Till.-. Si/ nil K, \V. Sanitary precautions aguinst infection* eruptive diseases STAAKS, D. The English woman STACK. K. The tftrion STACK. .T. W. Kaiapohia Tin- sacking of Kaiapohia STACK. \V.. and DUNCAN, W. A. Correspondence STACKHOUSE, A. The signs of the times STAKL-HOLSTEIN, Madame A. L. G. de. See Blennerhas- sett, C. .T.. /"?///. STAIR. J. B. Old Samoa STALEY, E. Guilds of Florence STALEY, T. N. Five years' church work in Hawaii STALKER' J. John Knox STANDARD, The STANFORD'S Compendium. Australasia STANFORD, E. Australia Australian colonies Map of Australia Map of New Zealand Province of Canterbury Western Australia STANHOPE, 5th earl of. History of England, 1701-1713 . . Life of William Pitt STANHOPE, Lady H. See Roundell, Mrs. J. A. E. STANIFORTH, Mrs. A. S. Australia STANLEY, A. P. Christian institutions Eastern church Essays on questions of church and state History of the Church of Scotland Letters and verses Sinai and Palestine Westminster abbey See Prothero, R. E., and Bradley, G .G. STANLEY, E. The Wilmots STANLEY, Sir H. M. Autobiography The Congo STANLEY reading room committee. Annual literary com- petitions STANMORE, 1st baron, compiler. Letters and notes written during the disturbances in the highlands of Viti- Levu STARCKE, C. N. The primitive family STARK, J. H. The loyalists of Massachusetts STARKE, J. Alcohol STABKEY, Mrs. E. A. Australian shooting sketches STATE trials. Collection of state trials for high treason, &c. . . STATESMAN'S year-book STATISTICAL view of Van Diemen's Land STEAD, A., ed. Servia STEAD, D. G. Crustaceans, ancient, modern, and mythical Edible fishes of N.S.W. . . . . Fishes of Australia Notes on eggs and breeding habits of fishes Zoological notes from Sydney STEAD, W. T., ed. The M.P. for Russia Popular papers STEAMSHIP owners' association of Australasia. Sixth annual meeting STEBBING, W. Peterborough STEET,, Mrs. F. A. India through the ages STEEL, H. P. A crown of wattle STEEL, R. The king and his minister RUDD'S magazine Class Xo. <>14 4 396 572 954 993 1 993 1 282 252 919-61 338-0 266 920 205 919 912-94 912-94 912-94 912-931 912-931 912-941 942-06 920 821 260 281 -t 204 285 920 915-69 283 823 920 916-7 828 996-1 321 1 973 178 823 343-1 305 919-46 914-97 595-3 597 597 597 591-9944 920 382 387 920 954 821 252 050 m in 717 717 62 til':, 164 :,:; 663 30 557 527 .-)L>7 .'.I' 7 r.L'.-. BM 528 691 663 457 48 57 2S 70 663 548 67 482 663 551 493 733 92 711 2ii 482 191 n 615 543 349 353 353 353 344 664 256 260 664 704 457 45 10 INDEX. Oil Author and Short Title. STEELE, R. See Aitken, G. A. STEINEK, E. A. On the trail of the immigrant STEJNEGER, L. Herpetology of Japan STENGER, (T. The return of Louis XVIII. STENHOUSE, \V. M. Lays from Maoriland STENTON, F. M. William the Conqueror STEPHEN'S map of Melbourne STEPHEN, Sir A. Australian divorce bills Constitution, rules, &c., of Supreme court, N.S.W. . . Divorce extension bill Electoral bills Jottings from memory Judges' salaries .. .. ... .^ Law of divorce .Matrimonial causes acts .. .. . . . ',.,4^ N.S.W. divorce extension bill Speech on his departure for Europe, 1800 Wives and their friends STEPHEN, Sir G. Heaven or Hell ? . . Memoirs of James Stephen STEPHEN, H. J. Commentaries on the laws of England . . STEPHEN, H. W. H. George Milner Stephen Vagabonds and their dupes STEPHEN, H. W. H., ed. Fizz Our exhibition annual . . . . . . - ', . STEPHEN, H. W. H., and BUNSTER, G. Our Christmas budget STEPHEN, Sir J. Essays on ecclesiastical biography STEPHEN, J. See Stephen, Sir G. STEPHEN, Sir J. F. Horse sabbaticae . . Law of evidence Law of evidence. N.S.W. ed. STEPHEN, Sir L. The English utilitarians History of English thought in the 18th century Hobbes Life of Henry Fawcett Science of ethics Social rights and duties Studies of a biographer . . See Maitland, F. W. STEPHEN, R. Democracy and character STEPHENS, A. G. The Griffilwraith Oblation A Queenslander's travel notes Red pagan Suffield case Victor Daley . . Why North Queensland wants separation . . STEPHENS, H. M. Albuquerque STEPHBNS, J. The land of promise . . Rise and progress of S. A. Voice from Australia STEPHENS, J. B. Convict once Fayette The Godolphin Arabian A hundred pounds Miscellaneous poema Poetical works STEPHENS, J. E. R, Law relating to bills of lading STEPHENS, T. Diabase of Tasmania . . Land'routes for exploration [Tas.] STEPHENS. W. J. The fatal ambition Litera; humaniores . . . STEPHENS. W. R. W. Life and letters ot L. A. Freeman St. John Chrysostom . . ~ - Xo. 325 -I 98 598-1 353 944 698 821 441 920 li<>4 912-945 532 173 23 347-9 200 173 23 :>24-l 05 920 6W 354-944 223 173 ~23 173 23 173 23 347 9 20! 173 23 23<> 38 920 4 347 202 133-9 17 133-9 17 828 823 482 828 493 920-01 U74- 824 487 347-9 201* 347-9 2W 320-1 M 192 27 920 i.i.l 920 664 171 21 172 a 920-OI , fi 7* 321-4 93 329-9943 [21 821 4. %7 910 504 824 487 343 1 191 920 664 329 9943 121 920 664 919-42 591 919 42 591 325-2 10O 821 4.18 822 4i2 821 458 823 489 821 821 (M 347 7 207 559-46 307 919-46 6IS S22 469 347-944 L'.-.U 980 lilU 270, 63 912 INDEX. Author and Short Title. STKPHKNSON, E. R. Essays . . STEPHENSON, H. T. Shakespeare's London .STEPHENSON, R. Hundred of Port Gawler STEPHENSON, R. See Jeaffreson, J. C. RTEPHENSON, T. A. Peril of the empire That gilded coach STEBNE, L. See Cross, W. L. See Sichel, W. STEVEN, A. G. The witchery of earth STEVENS, B., ed. Anthology of Australian verse The golden treasury of Australian verse STKVENS, C. E. Sources of the constitution of the United States STEVENSON, J. B. Seven years in the Australian bush STEVENSON, R. L. Father Damien A footnote to history See Balfour, G. See Japp, A. H. See Johnstone, A. STEVENSON, T., and MURPHY, S. F. Hygiene and public health STEWARD, Sir W. J. Carmina varia STEWART, A. P. Handbook for bank clerks STEWART, B. Active service pocket-book STEWART, Sir C. See Alison, Sir A. STEWART, C. S. Visit to the South Seas Voyage to the Pacific STEWART. D. M. Growth of fifty years STEWART, H. Poems and plays STEWART, P. Australian tales and verses STEWART, R. Australasia STICKNEY, A. State control of trade and commerce STIGAND, C. H. To Abyssinia through an unknown land STILES, H. Sermon on death of Rev. S. Marsden STILES, H. C. The salted mine STIMSON, F. J. Laws of the federal and state constitutions of the United States STIRLING BROS. Western Australian almanack STIRLING, A. W. The never-never land STIRLING, E. C. Female organs of generation of the kan- garoo STIRLING, J. The colonials in South Africa STIRLING, J. Hydrology of the Mitta Mitta STIRLING, P. J. Australian and Californian gold dis- coveries STOCKDALE, H. Legend of the petrified man STOCKWHIP STODDART, C. W. Summer cruising in the South Seas . . STODDART, J. T. The new socialism STOKES, J. L. Discoveries in Australia Narrow escape of his life STOKES, R. S. G. Mines and minerals of the British empire STONE, C., ed. Sea songs and ballads. . STONE, O. C. A few months in New Guinea . . STONKY, H. B. Reginald Mortimer A residence in Tasmania Victoria A year in Tasmania STORIE, J. The sacraments STORRIE, A. L. See Kettlewell, A. L. STORY, D. To-morrow in the East STORY, J. Commentaries on the constitution of the United States .. .. .. Life and letters STORY, W. Agriculture of Victoria Class No. Pmgf 824 487 914-21 539 912-942 528 330-1 161 336-12 152 821 458 821 458 821 458 342-73 177 919-4 584 920 664 9 240 365 240 843 495 821 633 287 7:5 338 7 1(14 178 26 150 20 944 72.-> 120 693-8 418 822 41;:; 821 664-1 14 336-21 1 .-.4 954 706 821 830 436 821 !t!)4 721 919-4 584 355 229 919-4 584 919-42 591 634 402 994-5 730 282 62 204 29 633 400 285 70 351-5 211 910-4 518 634 403 920 665 824 487 915 2 .". l .'< 919-8 629 919-31 567 993-1 717 916-7 551 808-8 435 347-7 207 910-4 518 912-93 525 328-485 L12 581-994 334 959 70S 920 i;<;.-> 828 403 822 465 822 463 821 43l> Ii22-l 384 342-494 17.- 33t>-494 157 398 2 265 613-1 367 INDEX. 915 Author and Short Title. Class No. Page SYDNEIAN, The 373-944 246 [SYDNEY : view : oleograph] 769 426 SYDNEY and its city railway 385 . 259 SYDNEY Bethel union. Reports 206 31 SYDNEY Church of England grammar school. Register . . 373-944 246 SYDNEY college. " Deed of association 373 944 246 Prospectus 373-944 246 Reports 373-944 246 SYDNEY gazette 070 11 SYDNEY infirmary. Reports 610-7 366 SYDNEY international exhibition. Visitors' companion . . 919-44 604 SYDNEY magazine 050 10 SYDNEY magazine of science and art 050 10 SYDNEY Mail, newspaper. Sydney in 1802 and 1873 912-944 530 SYDNEY mechanics' school of arts. Commemorative address by Mr. Justice Windeyer 607 365 SYDNEY Morning Herald 070 11 SYDNEY Morning Herald. Australian railways 625 3S6 British management in the Pacific islands 996 732 Centennial supplement 994-4 728 Concise history of Australian settlement and progress 994-4 728 Great flood on the Hawkesbury, 1864 551-57 296 Review of Forster's "Fallacies of federation " 342-94 185 SYDNEY Once a week 050 10 SYDNEY quarterly magazine 050 10 SYDNEY technical college. Photographs 779 430 SYDNEY university engineering society. Constitution 620-6 379 The establishment of a power station 621-3 379 SYDNEY university magazine, 1855 050 10 SYDNEY university magazine, 1878-79 050 10 SYDNEY university review 050 10 SYKES, F. W. Mount Morgan gold-mine 622-2 385 SYME, D. Modification of organisms 575 328 Representative government in England 342-42 175 The soul 128 15 See Pratt, A. SYME, J. Nine years in Van Diemen's Land 919-46 615 SYMON, Sir J. H. Australian Commonwealth bill (2 entries) 342-94 185 Shakespeare at home 920 665 'Tis sixty years since SYMONDS,. E. Story of the Australian church 942-08 283 694 67 SYMONDS, E. M. Lady Montagu and her times 920 665 SYMONDS, J. A. Shakespeare's predecessors SYMONS, A. The romantic movement in English poetry . . 822 821 465 439 SYMONS, J. C. Life of D. J. Draper . . 287 73 Methodism 287 73 SYNGE, J. M. Works 822 463 T. An American view of the South African situation . . 968 707 TAGART, E. Memoir of Captain P. Heywood . . 920 665 TATNE, H. A. Histoire de litterature Anglaise 820 436 Les origines de la France contemporaine : The ancient regime Les origines de la France contemporaine : the Revo- 944 698 lution 944 698 Life and letters 920 665 TAIT, A. 0. Heralds of the morning . . 241 41 TATT, G. The virgin-birth . . 232 37 TAKEKOSHI, Y. Japanese rule in Formosa 915-21 546 TALBOT, F. A. The new garden of Canada 917-11 662 TALFOURD, Sir T. N. Speech on Copyright bill 347-7 207 TALLENTYRE, S. G. See Hall, Miss E. B. TALLEYRAND, C. M., le prince de. See Lacombe, B. de. TALLEYRAND-PERIGORD, D., duchesse de. Memoirs 920 IK;:. 916 INDEX. Author and Short Title. TANCREO, G. Medals and honorary distinction)}, British navy and array TANQYB, R. Reminiscences of travel TANJIL. Centennial guide to the Gippslaiul lakes Our trip to Gippsland lakes TAPIJN, Q. The Narrinyeri . . TAPIJN, G., ed. Folklore, &c., of the South Australian aborigines TARBELL, I. M. History of the Standard oil company . . TARDENT, H. A. Science as applied to agriculture TARDIEU, A. P. G. A. France and the alliances TARGET, C. B. Advantages of forest conservation TARIFF commission. Great Britain. Reports TARRING, C. J. Law relating to the colonies TASMA. See Couvreur, Madame J. C. TASMAN. On the growth of flax in Tasmania Refutation of the Anglo-Israel theory TASMAN, A. J. Journal of his discovery of Van Diemen's Land See \Valker, J. B. TASMAN'S Peninsula. . TASMANIA : Agriculture department. Hand-book to insect pests. Parts I and 2 . . . . ... TASMANIA: Board of technical education. President's address TASMANIA : Central board of health. Regulations TASMANIA : Chief Secretary's office. Regulations for sub- mission of federal constitution TASMANIA : Colonial Secretary's office. Statistical returns of Van Diemen's Land TASMANIA : Convict department. General prison regula- tions (6 entries) Rules and regulations, Tasman's peninsula TASMANIA : Electoral office. Electoral rolls TASMANIA : Government. Hand-book of Tasmania ('2 entries) Information regarding the colony Papers relative to irrigation Proclamations, government orders, and notices (2 entries) TASMANIA : Government statistician's office. Official record, 1890-92 TASMANIA : Lands and survey department. Crown laiids guide TASMANIA : Lands and works department. Regulations under gold-fields act Tasmanian forestry TASMANIA : Law : Statutes. Act for courts of quarter sessions, &c. Acts of Parliament Index to statutes Index to statutes and acts of Federal council Statutes, 1826-88 Statutes, 7 George IV., 1826, to 64 Viet., 1901 TASMANIA : Legislative council. Amendments of the con- stitution act Papers Report of committee on immigration Votes and proceedings TASMANIA : Mines department. Mineral resources of Tas- mania Progress of the mineral industry TASMANIA : Parliament. Bills introduced Journals and papers Miscellaneous papers I i.i~ S., 737 910 919*46 919-45 572-9942 572-99-12 338-8 630 327 634-9 380 325-42 633 296 632 607 614 342-94 319-46 354-946 354-946 354 -946 9MI-46 919-46 631 354 -946 319-46 336-1 354-946 674 354 -946 345-946 345-946 345-946 345-946 345-946 342-946 328-946 325-2 328-946 622-1 622 328-946 328-946 328-946 411 504 61O 610 321 3-' I MC, 391 107 101 108 400 7R tiir, 365 370 185 Slf 224 224 L'l>4 615 ftlO 395 224 M 151 224 417 224 197 his 197 198 198- IS! I 116 100 ne 384 381 lift 116 lift INDEX. 917 Author and Short Title. TASMANIA : PARLIAMENT : House of Assembly. Journals Standing rules and orders TASMANIA : PARLIAMENT : Legislative council. Journals Standing rules and orders TASMANIA : Railway department. Illustrated guide to Tasmania TASMANIA : Registrar-general's office. Census, 1891 Patents act, 1893 TASMANIA : Survey office. Land regulations Waste lands act TASMANIA : Surveyor-general's office. Map of Tasmania TASMANIA. [Atlas of Tasmania] TASMANIAN, 1830-37 TASMANIAN, 1875 TASMANIAN acclimatisation society. Rules and objects . . TASMANIAN agricultural conference. Proceedings TASMANIAN almanac TASMANIAN almanac, 1829. Chronological events con- nected with V.D.L. and N.S.W. TASMANIAN athemeum TASMANIAN auxiliary Bible society. Reports TASMANIAN centenary celebrations. Official programme TASMANIAN colonial missionary society. Report TASMANIAN Daily News TASMANIAN House of assembly ; a metrical catalogue TASMANIAN international exhibition. 1 89495. Tasmanian timbers . . . . . . TASMANIAN journal. Excursion to Port Arthur. . TASMANIAN journal of natural science TASMANIAN law reports TASMANIAN literary and debating societies' union. The literary competitor TASMANIAN messenger .. .. ..""".'. TASMANIAN mining association. Report TASMANIAN monthly magazine TASMANIAN public library. Catalogue Programme, 22nd February, 1904 TASMANIAN railway and progress association. Report on main line parliamentary survey ...., TASMANIAN scenes : photographs (2 entries) TASMANIAN temperance alliance : Constitution TASMANIAN tourist association guide book TATE, R. Australian tertiary palliobranchs Belemnites and selenia from the middle tertiaries of South Australia Botany of Kangaroo Island Flora of extra-tropical South Australia Flowering plants and ferns of extra-tropical South Australia Gastropods of tertiary Australia Geology in its relation to mining New species of South Australian pulmonifera Palliobranchs of the older tertiary of Australia South Australian marine and fresh water mollusca . . TAUNTON, H. Australind TAYLOR, A. G. The marble man TAYLOR, A. J. Aborigines of Tasmania Additional notes on capital punishment Advice gratis Capital punishment Free education Imperial federation versus Australian independence . . Overpressure in education Some facts relating to vaccination Tasmanian mosses Class No. Page 328-946 116 328-1 109 328-946 116 328 1 109 919-4(5 615 319 4(> 89 347-7 207 336-1 151 336-1 151 912-946 533 912-946 533 070 12 070 12 591-52 343 630-8 393 919-46 617 994-6 731 070 12 206 31 994-6 731 266 54 070 13 827 490 674 417 919-46 615 505 274 346-946 201 806 434 205 30 338-7 164 050 10 017 5 027 6 385 259 779 430 178 26 919-46 615 564 310 564 310 581-9942 335 581-9942 335 581-9942 335 564 310 553 297 594-3 348 564 310 594-8 348 919-41 589 823 482 572-9946 325 343-2 193 649 410 343 2 193 379-946 253 354-42E 220 371 245 614-47 371 588 341 INDEX. Author and Short Title. TAYLOR. A. S. Medical jurisprudence % TAYLOR, C. F. Summer dreamings TAYLOR, H. International public law- Science of jurisprudence TAYLOR, H. C. Introduction to stud economics TAYLOR, I. The alphabet Etruscan researches TAYLOR, J. E. Our island continent . . TAYLOR, J. W. Coming of the saints TAYLOR, N. M. Elements of taxation TAYLOR, R. Age of New Zealand Maori and English dictionary Past and present of New Zealand . . Te ika a Maui TAYLOR, T. Buds and blossoms TAYLOR, T. E. The shadow of Tammany TAYLOR, T. G. Australia TAYLOR, W. C. Jottings on Australia TEARLE, C. Rambles with an American TEBBUTT, J. Astronomical memoirs . . History of Windsor observatory . . Meteorological observations Opposition magnitudes of Uranus and Jupiter Orbit elements of Comet 1, 1880 . . Report of Windsor observatory . . The Sydney observatory and the i. Herald Testimony which astronomy furnish butes of the Creator TECHNOLOGICAL museum, Sydney. Descri raw wools TEECE, R. C. Federal constitutions of C tralia TEGG'S New South Wales pocket almanac TEGG, T. Remarks on the speech of Se on copyright . . TEGOBORSKI, L. von. Les consequences c des gites auriferes TEICHELMANN, C. G., and SCHURMANN, C. W. and vocabulary of the natives around Adelaide TE MANUWIRI. Sketches of early colonii TEMPERLEY, H. W. V. Life of Canning Senates and upper chambers TEMPLE, F. Memoirs TEMPLE, M. S., and KERR, H. C. T. Aui TEMPLE, Sir R., 1st bart. Oriental experience TEMPLE, W. Social progress TEN BRUGGENCATE, K. Engelsch woordenbock TENCH, W. Complete account of the Jackson Narrative of the expedition to Botany Bay Voyages a la baye Botanique I i NNANT, C. The Bank of England j of credit TENNEY, E. P. Contrasts in social progress TENNYSON, 1st baron. Suppressed poems [Works] See Tennyson, 2nd baron. TENNYSON, 2nd baron. Alfred, Lord Tennyson TENTERDEN, 1st baron. Law relative and seamen TEPPER, J. G. 0. Blattariae of Austn Cliffs and rocks of Ardrossan Discovery of Tasmanian plants near Adelaide Class No. IV_- 340-6 169 821 458 341 170 340 168 of agricultura 333 143 411 913-37 885 919-4 684 270 .-,.-, 336 2 153 559-31 301 499 271 . . 919 31 567 919 31 567 . . 821 458 r 352-2 214 . . 919-4 585 919-4 585 914-2 539 522-1 278 522-1 278 551-1 293 i Jupiter 523-4 280 523-6 281 524 283 Sydney Morning 522-1 278 es to the attri- 215 34 ptlVC CfttJ&lOfiJUC ! 677 418 anada and Aus- 342 173 919 44 606 rgeant Talfourd 347-7 207 Le la decouverte 332-41 141 . W. Grammar id Adelaide 499 271 tion in N.Z. 919-31 567 920 665 342 173 920 665 ralian poetry . . 821 458 ;nce 950 702 301 79 ibock 439 268 Jement at Port . . 994-4 728 r Bay 994-4 728 994-4 728 ,he organization . . 332 1 139 S3 301 79 821 439 821 439 yson 920 665 merchant ships 347 7 207 nd Polynesia . . 595-72 350 559-42 303 Adelaide 581-9942 335 INDEX. Author and Short Title. TEPPER, J. G. 0. Influence of vegetation on climate Insects of South Australia The manna insect of South Australia Native plants of South Australia On leaves, flowers, fruit Plants about Ardrossan, Yorke's peninsula Plants, insects, and birds Red rust TERRELL, T. Law relating to letters patent for inventions TERRY, C. New Zealand TERRY, C. S. John Graham, of Claverhouse The Scottish parliament TERRY, Jlrs. E. The story of my life TERRY, H. L. India-rubber THACKERAY, S. W. The land and the community THACKERAY, W. M. Letters, 1847-1855 Letters to an American family New sketch-book Works See Benjamin, L. S. THATCHER, R. Life and times of Jem Punch THATCHER, R., ed. Something to his advantage THAYER, A. M. Jurisdiction of the federal courts THAYER, J. B. Cases on constitutional law THEAL, G. M. History and ethnography of South Africa, south of the Zambesi, 1505-1795 History of South Africa since 1795 Yellow and dark skinned people of Africa . . THEATRE, The THELWALL, J. See Cestre, C. THEOBALD, F. V. Monograph of the culicid* THERRY, Sir R. Appeal on behalf of Roman Catholics ofN.S.W. .. Letter to W. E. Gladstone Thirty years' residence in N.S.W. and Viet. THEVENOT, M. Recueil de voyages THIBAUDEAU, A. C., comte. Bonaparte and the consulate THIBAULT, J. A. Balthasar . . The garden of Epicurus Life of Joan of Arc On life and letters The well of St. Clare THIBATJLT, P. J. Metallurgy of tin . . THIERCELIN, L. Journal d'un baleinier THIERS, L. A. Consulate and the empire of France under Napoleon THTBLMERE, R. The clash of empires THOMAS, Mrs. The golden south THOMAS, C. History of German literature THOMAS, E. Geelong (plate).. Hobson's Bay (plate) . . Junction of Elizabeth and Lonsdale streets (plate) . . Post office, Melbourne (plate) THOMAS, E. C. Leading cases in constitutional law THOMAS, F. S. Hand-books to the public records THOMAS, H. Guide to excursionists Guide to Tasmania THOMAS, J. Cannibals and convicts The lakes entrance Mediums and their dupes Occident and Orient South Sea massacres Sketches in New South Wales and Queensland Sketches of Melbourne life Victoria m 1889 . . \1>. 00 1 .")<> 295 595-7 .V.i.-) -72 581-(l!M2 336 630 391 581-1 010-31 5*7 920 665- 941 920 666 087 418 333 143 920 666 920 666 S24 823 460 920 tin.-, 823 4S2 353 214 342-73 177 968 707 968 707 572-968 315- 822 465 595-77 351 282 62 340-4 169> 919 44 604 910-8 523 920 886 843 4!>5 843 4!i.-> 920 till.-, 844 495 843 495 i ill!) -6 415 910-4 518 944 698 355 229 919-4 563 830 494 769 427 769 428 769 4l'S 769 128 342 173 942 688 919-40 616 919-40 UK. 911) r, 623 919 45 (Ho 133-9 17 '.U5-1 544 '.('.Ml -:\-2 919-4 919-45 610 919-45 610- 920 INDEX. Author nd Short Title. THOMAS, J., ed. The Vagabond annual THOMAS, J. Universal dictionary of biography THOMAS, N. W. Kinship organizations and group mar- riage in Australia Natives of Australia THOMAS, N. W., ed. Anthropological essays presented to E. B. Tylor THOMAS P. Voyage to the South Seas THOMAS, W. J. Sex and society THOMAS, W. K., and Co. Tourists' guide THOMPSON, C. B. The churches and the wage earners . . THOMPSON, C. L. Notes on the Supreme court (U.S.) reports THOMPSON, F. Poems THOMPSON, F. W. High licence THOMPSON, G. Slavery and famine punishments for sedition THOMPSON, Sir H. Food and feeding. . THOMPSON, H. From the cotton field to the cotton mill . . THOMPSON, J. Natives of New South Wales THOMPSON, J. A. History of leprosy Sanitary state of New South Wales Sewerage of country towns THOMPSON, L. G. History of the fisheries of N.S.W. THOMPSON, L. I. An Australian lassie The lights of Sydney The Perry girls THOMPSON, B., ed. Proceedings at the banquet to cele- brate the establishment of responsible government, N.S.W. THOMPSON, R. W. My trip in the John William* THOMPSON, S. P. Life of Lord Kelvin THOMSON, A. M. Guide to mineral explorers THOMSON, A. S. The story of New Zealand THOMSON, B. Diversions of a prime minister The Fijians Savage island South Sea yarns THOMSON, Mrs. C. Twelve years in Canterbury THOMSON, Sir C. W. Depths of the sea Voyage of the Challenger THOMSON, C. W. Scotland's work and worth THOMSON, G. M. Ferns of New Zealand THOMSON, G. S. The dairying industry THOMSON, J. Map of the islands of the Pacific THOMSON, J. Status of the Presbyterian church in the colonies Vindication of the Presbytery of Van Diemen's Land THOMSON, J. See Macaulay, G. C. THOMSON, J., ed. Financial statements of New South Wales to 1881 Illustrated hand-book of Victoria THOMSON, J. New Holland and Asiatic isles THOMSON, J. A. Darwinism and human life Heredity Progress of science in the century Suggestions of sociology THOMSON, J. C. Bibliography of C. and M. Lamb THOMSON, J. H. Guide to the Explosives act THOMSON, J. P. British New Guinea Exploration and discoveries in British New Guinea . . The island of Kadavu Physical geography of Australia Queensland Round the world 828 920-01 572-994 572-994 572 910-4 176 919-42 331-8 346-73 821 336-27 994-4 613-2 331-8 572-9944 614-4 614 628-2 338-3 823 823 823 994-4 919-6 920 669 993-1 996-1 572-9961 919-61 919-61 919-31 551 -46 910-4 941 587 637 912-96 285 285 336-944 919-45 912-93 575 575-1 509 301 012 354-42 919-5 919-5 919-61 551-4 919-43 910-4 ftp 493 675 320 320 314 518 24 591 135 199 439 155 728 367 136 324 372 370 389 163 482 482 482 728 623 666 415 717 733 326 625 625 567 291 518 683 340 409 534 70 70 157 610 525 328 328 277 79 1 216 620 620 625 291 596 518 INDEX. 921 Author and Short Title. THOMSON, J. S. The Chinese THOMSON, J. T. Rambles with a philosopher THOMSON, R. Australian nationalism .. THOMSON, R. Historical essay on Magna Charta THOMSON, W. Dictionary of banking. . THOMSON, W. Germ theory of disease Histo-chemistry and pathogeny of tubercle Phthisis Remarks on typhoid Renascence drama Third analysis of statistics of phthisis Typhoid fever in Melbourne THOBNBURY, G. W. Shakespeare's England THORNS, E. Heresy of teetotalism The queen of the colonies THORNTON, E. History and practices of the Thugs THORNTON, P. M. Foreign secretaries of the 19th century THORPE, F. N. Federal and state constitutions THOZET, A. Roots, &c., used as food by the aborigines of Northern Queensland THRALE, Mrs. H. See Broadley, A". M. THREE L's, The THRELFALL, E. Starlight songs THRELFALL, R. Royal society of N.S.W. Anniversary address THRELKELD, L. E. Australian grammar of Hunter's River aborigines Australian spelling-book of Hunter's River aborigines An Australian language THRUM, T. G., ed. Hawaiian folk-tales THUS, W. C. A. B.C. code . . THUILLIER, H. F. Principles of land defence . . THUREAXT, G. Native copper at Mount Lyell . . Synopsis of a report . . . . THURSFIELD, J. R. Nelson, and other naval studies THTJRSTON, E., and RANOACHARI, K. Castes and tribes of Southern India THWAITES, W. Melbourne and metropolitan board of works . . . . - Report on schemes of J. Mansergh on drainage of Melbourne TIBBITS, W. Geelong in 1873 (water colour) . . TIBBLES, W. Food and hygiene TICHBORNE, H. Rambles in Polynesia TICKLISH Times TICKNOR, G. History of Spanish literature TIEDMAN, C. G. State and federal control of persons TIETKENS, W. H. Central Australia exploring expedition Lake Amadeus The Nullabor plains TILBY, A. W. The American colonies The English people overseas TILLY, W. The wild west of Tasmania TILLYARD, F. Commercial law TIMARU Herald. History of local government in New Zealand TIMES [London] Annual index Palmer's index to A word about the Bulletin -* . TINSLEY'S magazine. Mr. R. H. Home TIPU Sultan. See Bowring, L. B. TIRON, Abbe. Les ordres religieux . . TOCQUEVILLE, A. de. Democracy in America . . Class No. Page 915-1 544 919-31 567 342-94 185 342-42 175 332-1 139 614-4 372 614-4 372 614-4 372 614-4 373 822-33 467 614-4 373 614-4 ' 373 942-05 690 178 26 919-43 596 299 78 920-01 675 342-73 178 581-9943 336 823 4S2 821 439 504 274 499 271 499 271 499 271 398-2 265 652 411 355 229 559-46 307 622-2 385 359 233 572-954 315 628-1 388 628-2 389 769 427 613-2 367 919-6 623 910-4 518 860 496 347-1 203 919-4 585 919-42 592 919-42 592 973 711 942E 695 919-46 616 347-7 207 352-0931 212 070 11 070 11 070 11 070 13 920 <><><< 271 ;->f> 342 73 178 922 INDEX. Author and Short Title. Toon, A. On parliamentary government in England .. 328-1 Parliamentary government in tlx- British < -ninnies .. 328-1 TOI.MKR, A. Reminiscences .. .. .. '. . 920 Tui >TOY. count. The end of the age .. .. .. 947 Leo Tolstoy . . . . . . 920 See Maude, A. TOMI-KINS. H. J. With swag and billy 919-44 TOMPSON, C. Wild notes . . . . . . .,.821 TONE, T. W. Autobiography . . 920 TOOKE, J. H. Diversions of Parley . . . . . . 422 TOPINARD, P. Les races indigenes de 1' Austral ie . . 572-994 TORI H .. .. .. .. .. ..017 TORRANCE, Joan. See Kerr, Mrs. TORREKS, R. The budget . . . . . . 330 Colonization of South Australia . . . . . . 325 3 TORRENS, Sir R. R. Letter and memorial addressed to Lord John Russell .. .. .. .. 994-2 Project for a South Australian land bank . . . . 332-3 Real property act of South Australia . . . . 347 "2 South Australian system of conveyancing . . . . 347 2 Transportation.. .. .. .. .. 343*2 TORRENS, W. T. M. Memoirs of the second viscount Mel- bourne . . . . . . . . . . 920 TOTTENHAM, H. L. A. Imperial federation .. .. 354-42E Letters on imperial federation . . . . . . 354-42E TOUCHSTONE . . . . . . . . . . 070 TOURIST international publishing co. Descriptive Aus- tralia .. .. .. .. .. 919-4 TOURISTS' map, showing Great Western railway .. 912-944 TOURVILLE, H. de. Growth of modern nations . . 321 TOUT, C. H. British North America . . . . . . 572 97 TOUT. T. F. Edward the first . . . . . . 920 History of England, 1216-1377 .. .. .. 942-03 TOVEY, H. Elements of strategy . . . . . . 355 TOWARDS a social policy . . . . . . . . 330 TOWERS, E. The land of sunshine and gold . . . . 919-4 TOWLER. W. G. Socialism in local government . . 352 TOWN END, J. Autobiography .. .. .. 920 TOWNSEND, J. P. Rambles in New South Wales .. 919-44 TOWN-SEND, L. W. Oliver \Vendell Holmes . . . . 920 TOWNSEND, M. Asia and Europe . . . . , . 320 TOWNSEND, W. J., WORKMAN, H. B., and EAYRS, G., eda. New history of Methodism . . . . . . 287 TOYNBEE, A. Industrial revolution of the 18th century . . 331 1 TRACY, F. B. Tercentenary history of Canada . . 971 TRAILL, H. D. Central government .. .. .. 354-42 Life of Sir John Franklin . . . . . . 920 Lord Cromer . . . . . . . . 920 The Marquis of Salisbury . . . . . . 920 The new Lucian . . . . . . . . 824 TRAILI., H. D., ed. Social England . . . . . . 942 TRAILL, R. W. Commercial union of the British empire 337 TRAILL, W. H. A queenly colony .. .. .. 919-43 TRAIN, G. F. The merchant abroad . . . . . . 910 A young American abroad . . . . . . 910 TRAINING school, Hobart. Rules . . . . . . 364 TRANSVAAL : Law : Statutes. Acts of Parliament, 1907 345-682 Ordinances, 1902-06 .. .. .. .. 345-682 Statutes, 1908-09 .. ,. .. .. 345-682 T i : \ \ s VAAL -.Legislative council : Debates . . . . 328 682 .Minutes of proceedings, aftw. Votes and proceed- ing .. .. .. .. .. 328-682 Reports of select committees .. .. .. 328-682 TRANSVAAL -.Parliament. Debates . 328 (582 tap 109 109 t;iiti 701 MM 604 458 660 2f> TRUTH newspaper. Great oil octopus TRYON, H. Grub pests of sugar cane Gumming of cane Rhopalocera in British New Guinea TSCHUDI, C. Maria Sophia, qu^en of Naples TUA-O-RANGI. Utu TUCKER, G. A. Lunacy in many lands (2 entries) TUCKER, H. F. After many days The new Arcadia TUCKER, H. F., ed. The church and the Commonwealth TUCKER, H. W. Life and episcopate of G. A. Selwyn . . TUCKER, J. 0. The golden spring The mute TUCKER, J. R. Constitution of the U.S. TUCKER, S. Southern cross and southern crown Class Xo. Page 328-682 112 328-682 112 328-682 112 919-41 589 993-1 717 364 237 994 721 319-44 8& 919-44 604 572-9931 317 4 271 499 271 572-9931 317 499 271 499 271 499 271 282 62 916-6 550 343 2 193 920-01 675 329-9945 124 942-06 691 945 699 945 699 973 711 915-4 r>47 920 666 020 666 828 493 917-29 553 916-6 550 915-1 544 821 458 919-4 585 823 470 920 666 920 666 282 63 919-4 585 919-5 620 920 666 920 666 914-7 542 599-5 358 338-8 ic.r, 632 397 633 400 595-78 351 920 666 823 470 132-1 l(i 821 458 823 1SL' 252 45 920 c.iiii 821 4r,8 821 4;>S 342-73 178- 266 54 924 INDEX. Author and Short Title. TUCKKB, T. G. The foreign debt of English literature . . Life in ancient Athens Life in the Roman world Literature and life The making of a Shakespeare Natural history of language The supreme literary gift Things worth thinking about TUCKEB, T. G., and MURDOCH, W. Illustrative prose and verse TUCKETT, Mrs. A. A year in my garden TUCKEY, C. L. Treatment by hypnotism TUCKEY, J. H. Port Phillip in Bass strait Voyage to establish a colony at Port Phillip TUGAN-BABANOWSKY, M. Modern socialism TULLOCH and BROWN. Map of Victoria TTJLLOCH, D. Five views of the gold-fields of Mount Alexander Great meeting of gold diggers : plate TULLY, M. J. Verses from a pocket-book ... TTTNGABAB Jehovald TUNNOCK, J. T. Dental student's course in rhyme TUPPER, M. F. England " Catholic " Half-a-dozen ballads TUBNBULL, A. New doctrines proposed Presbyterian ordination . . TURNBULL,, J. Voyage round the world TUBNEB'S directory of manufacturers TURNER, C. C. Aerial navigation TUBSEB, D. Air and diet in chronic chest diseases Treatment of typhoid fever TURNER, Ethel. See Curlewis, Mrs. E. S. TUBNEB, E. W. Method for defining direction of lines in surveying TURNER, F. Australian grasses Botany of the Darling Census of the grasses of N.S.W. . . Forage plants Supposed poisonous plants of W.A. Vegetation of New England TURNER, F., ed. Anderson's manual of the farm Anderson's manual of the flower garden Anderson's manual of the vegetable garden TURNER, G. Nineteen years in Polynesia Samoa TURNER, H. G. Aims and objects of a literary society . . Alexander Sutherland The first decade of the Australian Commonwealth . . History of the colony of Victoria Spiritualism TURNER, H. G., and SUTHERLAND, A. Development of Australian literature TURNER, J. G. Life of the Rev. N. Turner TURNER, J. K. Barbarous Mexico TURNER, Lilian. See Thompson, L. I. TURNER, N. See Turner, J. G. TUBNEB, S. Siberia TURNOR, C. Land problems and national welfare TUTTLE and co. Views of N.S.W. TUXEN, A. M. J., and TUXEN, P. V. Plan of Melbourne. . TWAIN, Mark. See Clemens, S. L. TWEEDALE, C. L. Man's survival after death . . TWEEDDALE, 9/A marquis of. Ornithological work* TWEEDIE, W. M. Portrait of Sir William Thomas Denison TWELVETREES, W. H. Kerosene shale in Preolenna 820 913-38 913-37 801 822 33 409 801 824 820 <>35 !.-, -8:, i 912-945 910-4 335 912-945 769 769 821 499 617-6 821 821 285 262 910-4 919-4 621-4 616-2 616-9 526-9 633 581-9944 633 633 632 581-9944 630 635 li35 919 -6 919-61 806 920 944 994-5 133-9 809 920 917-2 915-7 . 333 779 912-945 218 598-2 769 559 46 INDEX. 925 Author and Short Title. TWELVETREES, W. H., and PETTERD, W. F. Limurite in Tasmania TWENTY months in Southland TWENTY years' experience in Australia Two worlds TWOPENY, R. E. N. Town life in Australia TYERMAN, J. Guide to spiritualism . Hidden springs Is there a hell ? Plea for free-thinkers Re-incarnation Spiritualism vindicated . . TYERMAN, L. Life and times of John Wesley Life of the Rev. George Whitefield TYLER, H. W. Simplicity in the working TYLOR, E. B. Tasmanians as represental lithic man TYNDALL, J. Constitution of the universe Glaciers of the Alps Hours of exercise in the Alps TYRRELL, J. See Boodle, R. G. TYRWHITT, W. S. S. The new chum in bush TYTLER, W. Inquiry into the evidence Queen of Scots . . ULLATHORNE, W. B. Autobiography.. Catholic mission in Australasia Few words to the Rev. H. Fulton Horrors of transportation Memoir of Bishop Willson Reply to Burton ULRICH, G. H. F. Auriferous, lead, and Schemnitz Discovery of the nickel-iron alloy, awaruite Meteoric stone found at Makariwa Mount Bischoff tin mines UNDA. A dream of the past UNDER the southern cross UNGEWITTER, F. H. Welttheil Australien UNION ; a plea for Australian federation UNION agricole Caledonienne. Notice sur Caledonie UNION interparlementaire pour 1'arbitrage international : Conference UNION steam-ship company. Guide for Tasmania UNION steam-ship company of N.Z. limited. the Islands Maoriland UNITARIAN church, Melbourne. Addresses Unitarian church, East Melbourne UNITED Australia UNITED Australia. Public opinion in England . . UNITED empire trade league. Collected If UNITED licensed victuallers' association, option UNITED service institution, N.S.W. In by Major- General Richardson . . Harbor defences UNITED service magazine UNITED States : Census bureau. Census r Century of population growth International classification of causes death Class No. Page Igneous rocks 549 288 549 288 919-31 567 919-4 585 070 12 i 919-4 585 133-9 17 204 29 236 38 211 32 128 15 t , 133 9 17 ley 920 667 920 667 >f railways . . 625 386 ives of palajo- 572-9946 325 523-1 280 . . 551-3 290 914-94 543 he Queensland 919-43 596 against Mary, 941 683 920 667 282 63 282 63 365 240 920 667 279 57 silver ores at 553-4 299 ruite 553-4 299 523-5 281 622-1 384 822 463 769 425 919-4 585 821 458 r la Nouvelle 919-32 569 international : 341-6 172 r visitors to 919-46 616 I. A cruise in 919-6 623 919-31 567 s ; opening of 288 75 050 10 and 342-94 186 /erature 382 257 N.S.W. Local 178 26 igural address 355 229 355 229 355 229 ports 317-3 84 . 317-3 84 of sickness and 614-1 370 926 INDEX. Author and Short Title. UMTEnStates: Cen-susbureaucontd.: Manufactures, 1905 Official register of civil, military and naval services . . Special reports Twelfth census, 1900 Twelfth census ; abstract UNITED States: Coast and geodetic survey, Geodesy . . UNITED States : Commerce and labor department. Laws relating to the employment of women and children in the U.S. Organization and law of the department UNITED States : Congress. The abridgment Congressional record Reports, Senate and House documents UNITED States: CONGRESS: House of represents! ;Vx. | Journals UNITED States : CONGRESS : Senate. Journals UNITED States : Court of appeals. Digest of patent and trade mark cases UNITED States : Customs department. Compilation of customs laws Customs regulations UNITED States : General land office. Decisions relating to public lands UNITED States: Hydrographic office. International code of signals UNITED States: Inter-state commerce commission. Reports and decisions UNITED States : Justice department. Federal anti-trust decisions Official opinions of the Attorneys-general UNITED States : Law : Statutes. Important federal statutes, ed. R. H. Curtia Federal statutes annotated, W. M. McKinney, ed. . . Revised statutes, 1873-74 Revised statutes : supplement Statutes at large UNITED States : Library of congress. American almanacs [Bibliographies] Books on Philippine islands Books on trusts British tariff movement (Bibliography) Calendar of the correspondence of George Washington Classification (Bibliography) Franklin papers (Bibliography) Geographical atlases (Bibliography) Lincolniana ( Bibliography) Journals of the Continental congress, 1774-1789 Naval records of the American revolution Papers of James Monroe (Bibliography) Records of the Virginia company of London Report of librarian UNITED States : National board for the promotion of rifle practice. Report UNITED States : Navy department. American ephenicri* and nautical almanac International wireless telegraph convention List of wireless telegraph stations Regulations for the navy UVITKII States: Navy department: Hydnnfrnp/tir office. Asiatic pilot . . . . UNITED States : Naval tear college. International law topics UNITED States: State department. Digest of opinions of Attorneys- General and decisions on international law History of the seal of the United States . . i in- \... 317-3 317-3 317 3 317-3 317 3 526 331 3 353 353 328-73 328-73 328-73 328-73 347 7 353 353 336-1 654-9 385 :?4ii 73 353 34.-) 73 345-73 345-73 345-73 345-73 016 016 016 016 016 973 088 016 016 016 973 973 016 978 027 528 384 384 359 686-1 341 INDEX. Author and Short Title. Clu*> Xo. Page UNITED States: Treasury department. Laws relating to customs 353 215 The rat and its relation to public health . . 614-4 373 UNITE i States: Treasury department: Currency bureau. National bank act, &c. 332-11 140 UNITED States: War department. Drill regulations for cavalry 355 229 Epitome of the Russo-Japanese war 947 701 Manual of visual signalling 355 229 UNITED States. Law reports. Cases argued and deter- mined in the Supreme Court 346-73 Ht't Digest of the Supreme Court reports' 346-73 109 UNIVERSITY of Adelaide. Acts 378-942 249 Calendar 378-942 249 UNIVERSITY of Melbourne. Act of incorporation 378-945 250 Calendar 378-945 250 Chancellor's addresses 378-945 250 UNIVERSITY of Sydney. Annual commemoration 378-944 250 Calendar .. .. .. '"-'I. '' 378-944 250 Inaugural addresses 378-944 250 Physiography . . 551-4 291 UNIVERSITY of Tasmania. Calendar 378-946 251 UNKNOWN, The. A future for the Australian colonies 342-94 186 UNWIX, G. Gilds and companies of London 338-6 164 UNWIX, R. Town planning 725 420 UPWARD, A. The east end of Europe 914-961 543 URE, J. Tour round the world 910-4 518 URQUHART, F. C. Camp canzonettes 821 458 URUGUAY : Anuario estadistico 318 85 USHER, J. F. Human physiology 612 3 UYEHAKA, G. E. The political development of Japan .. 952 Tt'.'i VACABESCO, H. Kings and queens I have known 920-01 675 VAGABOND, The. See Thomas, J. VAILE, S. Railway problem in N.Z. 385 259 Railways and social conditions 385 2.V.I VAILLANT, A. N. Voyage autour du monde 910-4 518 VAIRASSE d'Alais, D. Histoire des Sevarambes 320-1 90 VALE. J. Local option 178 26 VALENTINE, W. Controversy on Romish teaching 283 67 VALLARD, N. Map of the coast of Greater Java 912-94 527 VAMBERY. A. Western culture in eastern lands 320 89 VANBRUGH, Sir J. Dramatic works . . 822 463 VANCOI T VER, G. Voyage to the North Pacific ocean 910-4 519 VANDAM, A. D. Men and manners of the third republic 944 698 VAN DER HART, C. Reize rondom het Eiland Celebes . . 919-12 558 VANDERKISTE, R. W. Personal narrative 920 667 VAN Diemen's Land almanack (2 entries) 919-4C) 617 VAN Diemen's Land asylum. Address 362-8 236 Report 362-8 236 VAN Diemen's Land auxiliary bible society. Reports . . 206 31 VAX Diemen's Land colonial missionary society. Report 266 54 VAN Diemen's Land Co. List of proprietors 338-7 164 Report 338-7 164 VAN Diemen's Land mechanics' institution. Report 374 246 VAX Diemen'a Land Sunday school union report 267 54 VAX Diemen's Land total abstinence society. Report . . 178 2U VAN DYKE, J. C. The money god 172 22 The opal sea 551-46 291 VAN DYNE, F. Citizenship of the U.S. 347-1 203 VANCE, J. W. Poetry and writings 828 493 VAN RENSSELAER, Mrs. M. G. History of New York in the seventeenth century 973 711 928 INDEX. Author and Short Title. VARIONY, C. de. L'Ocean Pacifique Quatorze ans aux iles Sandwich . . VARLEY, H. The bookmaker VASON, G. Four years' residence at Tongataboo VATTGHAN, B. Life lessons from Joan of Arc VAUGHAN, H., Cardinal. See Cox, J. G. S. VATTOHAN, R. W. B. Advent conferences Arguments for Christianity Christ's divinity Daniel O'Connell Hidden springs Higher education Life and labours Occasional addresses Pastoral letters (7 entries) Pastorals on education . . VAUGHAN, T. W. Madreporaria of the Hawaiian islands VAUX, J. H. Memoirs VAY DE VAYA, Count, monsignor. Empires and emperors Inner life of the U.S. VEBLEN, T. Theory of business enterprise VEERSCHWR, G. At the antipodes . . " VENI." Materialism vindicated VEBAX. See Dunckley, H. See Kelly, W. VEBCO, J. C. Marine mollusca of S.A. VEBGUET, L. La premiere mission catholique [a] Melanesie VET, The. Old time echoes of Tasmania VETCH, captain. Political geography of Australia VETCH, R. H., ed. Life of Sir Andrew Clarke VETH, P. J. Java VIAUD, L. M. J. India VICARS, H. See Smith, T. VICTORIA, Queen. Letters See Harper, A. See Lee, Sir S. See Martin, Sir T. See Robertson, J. VICTORIA : Agriculture department. Dairying and the export trade Journal Report Year-book VICTORIA : Board of land and works. General map' of Australia VICTORIA : Council of agricultural education. Dookie agricultural college VICTORIA : Defence department. Artillerists' manual Various papers VICTORIA : Education department. The school paper : Empire day number VICTORIA : Geological survey. Reports of progress Rock specimens and minerals in the National museum VICTORIA : Government. Victoria illustrated Victoria, the garden state VICTORIA : Government statist' a office. Census of Victoria, 1881, 1891, 1901 Victorian year-book VICTORIA : Lands Department. Australia Electoral map of Victoria Land act, 1862 Land act, 1869 Map of Victoria Melbourne : 7 photographic views Claw No. Page 919-6 623 919 69 8H 174-6 24 919-61 625 920 r,>7 282 63 239 39 232 37 941-5 685 282 63 378-944 250 920 667 825 489 252-1 47 377 248 593-6 345 920 667 9)0 504 917-3 554 658 413 910-4 519 146 18 594 348 266 54 919-46 616 919-4 585 920 667 919-22 560 915-4 547 920 667 637 409 630-5 392 630-8 39Ii 630-8 39* 912-94 527 630-7 392 355 229 355 229 942-E 695 559-45 306 549 288- 919-45 610 919-45 610 319-45 88. 319-45 88. 912-94 527 912-945 532 336-1 iff] 336-1 151 912-945 532 779 430 INDEX. 929 Author and Short Title. VICTORIA : Law : Statutes. Acts and ordinances of the Legislative Council : T. Adamson Acts of parliament Criminal law statute, 1864 Public general statutes VICTORIA : Legislative council. Votes and proceedings . . VICTORIA : Mines department. Acts, orders, and notices Acts, orders in council, &c., relating to the gold fields Catalogue of foreign minerals Geological map of Victoria Mineral map of Victoria Minerals, rocka, and fossils, Victoria VICTORIA : Parliament. Correspondence on constitutional points Debates Papers on federation VICTORIA : Parliament : Legislative assembly. Bills intro- duced Index to parliamentary papers Standing rules and orders Votes and proceedings, and papers VICTORIA : Parliament : Legislative council. Minutes of proceedings Standing orders VICTORIA : Ports and harbours. Rules and regulations . . VICTORIA : Public library, museums, and national gallery. Catalogue of exhibition of old, rare, and curious books Catalogue of periodicals . . Illustrated catalogue of the National Gallery VICTORIA : Railivays department. Carriage timber board : official report Picturesque Victoria Railway map of Victoria Summer at the seaside VICTORIA : Registrar-general's department. Instructions for clergymen : celebration of marriages Progress and statistics of Victoria, 1851-68 Statistical summary of Victoria to 1865 . . VICTORIA : Royal commission on a federal union. ments and correspondence VICTORIA : Wattle bark board of inquiry. Report VICTORIA as ahe is and as she may be VICTORIA Caithness-shire association. Rules VICTORIA coal co. Contract and deed of covenant VICTORIA. Government gazette VICTORIA. Government irrigation scheme VICTORIA illustrated ; plates (2 series) VICTORIAN agricultural and horticultural gazette. Colonial handbook VICTORIAN almanac (2 entries) VICTORIAN Congregational year book, 1876 VICTORIAN convention. Resolutions, proceedings and documents VICTORIAN geographical journal. See Royal geographical society of Australasia, Victorian branch. VICTORIAN geographical journal. Papers on cotton culture VICTORIAN government prize essays VICTORIAN herd book VICTORIAN institute for the advancement of science. Transactions VICTORIAN institute of engineers. Proceedings VICTORIAN institute of surveyors. Catalogue of 100 stars . . Transactions and proceedings :.'..-. VICTORIAN law reports 26 Dor-u- Class No. Pe 345 945 197 345-945 197 343 189 345-945 197 328-945 116 622 .'{HI 354-945 223 549 288 912-945 .-,:5i' 912-945 532 549 288 342-945 188 328-945 116 342 94 186 328-945 116 328-945 116 328 1 109 328-945 116 328-945 llti 328-1 109 387 260 090 14 016 4 708 419 674 417 919-45 610 912-945 632 919-45 610 347-6 204 319-45 88 319-45 88 342-94 186 634-9 403 919-45 610 369 243 338-7 166 354-945 223 912 945 532 769 427 630 391 919-45 612 285-8 72 336 1 151 633 400 604 :}5< 636 2 40> 506 275 620-6 379 524 284 526-9 285 346-945 201 F.872C. INDEX. Author and Short Title. VICTORIAN manufacturers' association. Report VICTORIAN municipal directory VICTORIAN reports .. VICTORIAN review VICTORIAN stud book ..]-,; VICTORIAN temperance pioneer Vn>.vi., Mr*. M. T. Bengal* Cabramatta Tales for the bush Vit:n,LARD, E. Plantes de la Nouvelle-Caledonie Plantes interressantes de la Nouvelle-Caledonie VIEVI.ES, P. M. Centenaire de Laperouse VIEI-/.AC. See Barere de Vieuzac. VIEWS of Australia, New Guinea, Pacific islands, and Ceylon VIEWS of X.S.W. (2 entries) VIEWS of N.Z. : 24 photographs VIEWS of Viet., S.A., N.S.W., and Tns. AM \RS, F. E. Tank and other measurements VIUOROUX, L. L'evolution sociale en Australie VIGORS. N. A., and HORSFIELD, T. Australian birds in the collection of the Linnean society VILLARI, L. Fire and sword in the Caucasus . . VII.LARI, P. Mediaeval Italy Studies, historical and critical VILLEY, E. Legislation electorate compare VILLIERS, B. The socialist movement in England VINCENS, L. C. Madame, mother of the Regent VINCENT, E. M. Colonisation of greater Britain VINCENT, F. Through and through the tropics VINCENT, J. E. The story of the Thames VINCENT, J. M. Government in Switzerland VINOCRADOFF, P., ed. Oxford studies VIOLETTE, L. Dictionnaire Samoa-Francais- Anglais VioLLET-LE-Duc, E. E. Dictionnaire raisonne de V archi- tecture VISIT of the detached squadron to Brisbane VISIT of the Duke and Duchess of Cornwall and York : Commonwealth arches Photographic views of the arches VISIT to Australia and its gold regions VIVIAN, P. Churches and modern thought VIVIESNE, M. Sunny S.A. . . . . Travels in W.A. VIZETELLY, E. A. Emile Zola . i ' VOGAN, A. J. The black police VOGEL, Sir J. Anno Domini 2000 VOGEL, Sir J., ed. Official handbook of N.Z. VOICE from the diggings VOISSION, L. L'Anstralie nouvelle et son avenir Les iles Samoa VOLCANIC gold VOLLINER, W. F. Die Inseln des Indischen nnd Stillen Meerea VOWLES, G. Sunbeams in Queensland Vox Populi. British despotism in the South Sea islands . . Vox atellarum VOYAGE round the world in H.M.S. Dolphin VOYAOEUR. Kamboola WADDIE, C. Application of the home rule principle Federation of Greater Britain Principle of national and local self gorernraent WADE, W. R. Journey in the northern island of New Zealand :!:>,.-, T 19-41 346 mr, 050 >3-l 178 823 823 823 !92 'si -9938 MO 779 77H 77! 779 627 330 914 945 904 324 335 920 631 910 342-494 604 499 724 994-3 779 779 919-4 211 919-42 919-41 920 823 M7-I 919-4 996-1 828 919-1 821 99 919 44 mo -4 823 329-941 354-42E 329-941 919-31 INDEX. 931 Author and Short Title. WADIA, P. A. The philosophers and the French revolu- tion WADLEIGH, H. R. Munich WADSWORTH, A. Modern astronomy WAGHORN, T. Emigration to Australia WAIFS and strays . . WAINEWRIGHT, T. G. Essays and criticisms WAIT, B. Letters from Van Diemen's Land WATTE, A. E. Studies in mysticism WATTE, E. R. Fishes of New South Wales Mammals, reptiles, and fishes of Funafuti WAKE, C, S. Development of marriage and kinship Serpent worship WAKEFIELD, E. New Zealand after fifty years New Zealand illustrated WAKEFIELD, E. G. Art of colonization Facts relating to the punishment of death Founders of Canterbury Letter from Sydney New British province of South Australia Trial of Wakefield See Garnett, R. See South Australian association. WAKEFIELD, E. J. Adventure in New Zealand Handbook of New Zealand What will they do in the General assembly ? WAKEFIELD, E. J.^ and WARD, J. British colonization of New Zealand WAKEFIELD, P. Fair trade . . WAKELTN, R. History and politics . . WALCH'S Taamanian almanac WALCH'S Tasmanian guide-book WALCH, C. E. Gospel sickness WALCH, G. Beauty and the beast A glass of champagne Head over heels Huddart, Parker and Go's guide . . Little tin plate Victoria in 1880 WALCH, G., ed. Australasia An Easter omelette The " Fireflash " Garnet Walch's annual Hash .. On the cards Victorian jubilee book . . WALCH, J. Australien WALCH, J. AND SONS, eds. ment of Tasmania WALCKEN AER, Baron C. A. WALDOW, C. O. Present depression in trade . . WALDRON, J. B. [Commonwealth constitution act] WALDSTEIN, C., and SHOOBRIDGE. L. Herculaneum WALDUCK, W. W. Constitutionalism in Victoria WALES, W., and BAYLY, W. Astronomical observations, 1772-75 WALISZEWSKI, K. Ivan the terrible Peter the great WALKER, Miss A. F. Flowers of New South Wales WALKER, C. Railway map of New South Wales WALKER, E. Draft licensing reform bills WALKER, F. A. Political economy The wages question WALKER, G. W. Friendly counsel See Backhouse, J., and Taylor, C. 2G2 Record of members of Parlin- Le monde maritime Class Xo. Page 944 698 914-3 540 523 279 325-2 101 910-4 519 824 487 919-46 616 149 19 597 353 596 352 392-5 262 291 77 919-31 567 919-31 567 325-3 102 343 2 193 993-1 717 919-44 604 919-42 592 343-1 101 919-31 568 919-31 568 329-9931 119 919-31 . 568 821 459 993-1 717 919-46 617 919-46 616 377 248 822 463 634 403 821 459 919-46 616 821 459 919-45 610 823 483 828 494 823 483 828 494 828 494 823 483 828 494 912-93 525 329-994(1 125 919-2 50ft 329-9944 123 342-94 186 913-37 536 342-945 188 524 284 947 701 1)20 667 581-9944 337 919-44 604 178 26 330 127 331-2 133 240 40 D32 INDEX. Author and Short Title. WALKER, H. de R. Australasian democracy WALKER, H. W. Wanderings among South Sea savages WALKER, J. B. Abel Janszoon Tasraan ... Can wo afford it T Deportation of Norfolk islanders to the Derwent Discovery and occupation of Port Dalrymple ICarly Tasmania ... The English at the Derwent The settlement of Tasmania Tasmania in 1837 WALKER, J. T. Draft Commonwealth bill Federation of British Australasia The finance of Australian federation . . Notes on federal finance ^ .. Remarks on federal finance WALKER, R. The five threes WALKER, R. C. Works on New South Wales WALKER, T. Bush pilgrims Letter concerning the land laws of New South Wales Oration on Mr. Dalley's offer of troops Reign of Bacchus WALKER, T. A month in the bush of Australia WALKER, W. Australian sand-bar harbours Philosophy of stinks WALKER, W. Flood on the Hawkesbury Poems Recollections of Sir Henry Parkes Reminiscences Sir John Bayley Darval WALKER, W. John Calvin WALKER, W. H. The invasion WALL, E. G., ed. British empire year book, 1903 WALL, H. B. de la P. Physical geography of Australia . . WALL, W. Skeleton of a sperm whale in Australian museum WALLACE, A. R. Australia and New Zealand Contributions to the theory of natural selection Darwinism Geographical distribution of animals Island life Is Mars habitable ? Land nationalisation The Malay archipelago Man's place in the universe My life Studies scientific and social Tropical nature World of life . . WALLACE, Sir D. M. Russia WALLACE, J. H. Manual of New Zealand history WALLACE, R. A bush girl's songs WALLACE, T. A. Etiquette of Australia WALLER A WANG iron and coal mines. Prospectus WALLIS, J. Historical account of the colony of New South Wales WALPOLE, F. The Ansayrii Four years in the Pacific . . WALPOLE, Horace. See Orford. WAI.POLE, R. S. Industrial relation between employers and employees in Australia WALPOLE, Sir S. The electorate and the legislature Essays Foreign relations History of twenty-five years, 1856-1880 Studies in biography N - 342 94 919-1 920 378-945 994-6 994-6 994-6 994-6 994-6 994-6 342-94 342 94 342-94 342 94 342-94 910 016 821 333 329-9944 178 919-4 627 614-7 919-44 821 920 920 920 920 229 314-2 551 4 599-5 919 575 575-4 591-9 591-9 533-4 333-1 919-1 523-1 920 570-4 570-4 570-1 914-7 993-1 821 395 622-1 994-4 915-6 910-4 331-1 328-42 824 327 942-08 920-01 INDEX. 93S Author and Short Title. WALSH, VV. S. Handy-book of literary curiosities WALTERS, C. E., ed. Social mission of the church WALTERS, G. Plain truths about spiritualism WALTERS, G. S. See South Australia and its first two Agents-general. WALTHER, P. L. Vriendlijke eilanden indeGrooteZuidzee WALTON, I. See Marston, E. WALTON, J. Twelve months' residence in New Zealand . . WANDERER. See D'Avigdor. WANG, Chung Hui. German civil code WANGANTJI. Interesting chapters from the early history of WANLISS, T. D. The war in Europe of 1870-71 WARBURTON, P. E. Journey across the interior of Aus- tralia WARBURTON, W. See Watson, J. S. WARD, A. W. English dramatic literature WARD, B. Catholic revival in England WARD, C. Letter to Lord Lyttelton on the relations of Great Britain with the colonists and aborigines of New Zealand WARD, D. Practice at parliamentary elections WARD, E. South-eastern district of S.A. Vineyards and orchards of S.A. WARD, Mrs. E. J. Out of weakness made strong WARD, E. W. 'Experiments on New Zealand woods WARD, G. [Reminiscences and press notices] . . WARD, G. H. B. The truth about Spain . WARD, J. Information relative to New Zealand New Zealand WARD, Mrs. M. A. H. Play-time of the poor . . WARD. R. Life among the Maoriea . . WARD, R. de C. Climate in relation to man . . WARD, T. Rambles of an Australian naturalist WARD, W. Ten personal studies WARDELL, Mrs. J. V. Spain of the Spanish . . WARDLEY, E. Abolition of capital punishment The confessions of Wavering Worthy Lectiones Tarbanse WARNE, F. J. Coal-mine workers WARNER, D. S., and OLMSTEAD, W. B. Arnold's Sabbath - school commentary WARNER, Sir W. L. Memoirs of Sir H. W. Norman WARRE, Sir W. Letters from the Peninsula . . WARREGO, Paul. See Weriz, P. WARREN, H. How to deal with your broker . . WARREN, W. H. Australian timber . . Strength and elasticity of N.S.W. timbers . . Transverse strength of Australian timbers . . \VARUNG, Price. See Astley, W. WARWICK, Earl of. See Oman, C. W. C. v WASHINGTON, B. T. Character building Frederick Douglass Story of the negro Up from slavery Working with the hands. . WASHINGTON, B. T., and Du Bois, W. E. B. The American nccrro * * * * WASHINGTON, G. Epistles, domestic, confidential, and official Letters and recollections . . Writings See Harrison, J. A. See Wister. 0. WATERHOUSE, G. A. Rhopalocera of Australia 828 260 133 9 919-61 919 31 349-43 993-1 940 919-4 822 282 993-1 324-42 919 42 634 920 674 920 946 919-31 919-31 371 919-31 551-56 570 920-01 914-6 343-2 823 821 331 88 220 920 946 332-6 674 674 674 170 920 572 97 920 920 572-97 973 920 308 595 78 494 48 17 625 568 210 717 682 465 63 717 97 592 403 668 417 668 700 568 568 245 568 295 312 675 541 193 483 459 137 35 668 700 142 417 417 417 21 668 316 668 668 316 711 668 82 351 9.14 INDEX. Author and Short Title. WATERHOUSE, G. R. Mammalia New genus of mammiferous onimala from Australia . . WATERHOUSE, G. W., and EDMONDSON, F. W. Digest of cases (Vic.) . . WATERHOTJSE, J. The king and the people of Fiji Vah-ta-ah WATERWORTH, J. Council of Trent . . WATHEN, G. H. The golden colony WATKIN, E. I. John Wesley f *' . Official charge on ordination WATKINS, J. L., and O'CONNOR, R. E. Digest of criminal cases WATKINS, J. L., and othlrs. Digest of cases ; Supreme court, New South Wales WATSON, A. A great labour leader ; T. Burt WATSON, G. Three rolling stones in Japan WATSON, G. C. Congregational pillar of witness Is the Congregational church consummated? (2 entries) WATSON, H. Lecture on South Australia WATSON, J. The problem solved WATSON, J. S. Life of William Warburton .... WATSON, M. Australian sonnets A happy Christmastide Poems.. WATSON, R. W. S. Racial problems in Hungary WATSON, T. G. First fifty years of responsible government in Victoria WATSON, W. Sable and purple WATSON, W. P. The future of Japan WATT, J. A. Bismuth ores in New South Wales Wyalong gold-field WATTS, Mrs. A. Early days in South Australia WAUGH and Cox's directory of Sydney WAUGH, J. Three years in New South Wales WAUGH, J. W. Stranger's guide to Sydney WAWN, W. T. South Sea islanders WAYFARER. Pen and pencil in Collins- street . . WAYTE, G. H. Prospecting WE 5 : A book for the season WEALE, B. L. P. See Simpson, B. L. WEATHERHEAD, A. Leaves from my life ,;i.V/ WEBB, A. Compendium of Irish biography WEBB, A. D. New dictionary of statistics WEBB, A. W. Does the soul live after death ! WEBB, J. H. Spinal curvature WEBB, S. J. Municipal development in England What socialism means W T EBB, S. J., and B. English local government English poor law policy History of trade unionism [ndustrial democracy Problems of modern industry The state and the doctor WEBB, S. S.', and B., eds. Break-up of the poor law Public organization of the labour market WEBB, W. M. Heritage of dress WEBBER, C.. Flotsam and jetsam WEBBBR, J. Views in the South Seas WEBBER, W. T. T. Address to synod WEBSTER, H. Primitive secret societies WEBSTER, H. C. Through New Guinea WEBSTER, J. The last cruise of the Wanderer WEBSTER, N. New international dictionary of the English language WEBSTER, R. G. Japan ( Ll-- No. 1 '..' 599-2 358 599-2 Ml 346-94,1 201 919 61 Ml '.IH -til 625 262-6 49 919 45 K|O 287 73 m 7J 346-944 200 346-944 200 920 66S 915-2 545 285-8 72 285-8 -i 919-42 592 330 127 920 B88 821 459 821 . 45* 821 459 943-9 Ml 994-5 730 821 439 915-2 545 553-4 299 622-1 384 919-42 592 919-44 606 919-44 604 919-44 604 919-6 623 821 459 919-4 585 823 483 920 Ml 920-01 675 310 82 237 M 616-7 :<7i 352-042 IU 335 147 3.->2-042 212 339 167 331-88 137 331-88 137 331 131 614 370 339 167 339 167 3i M 262 821 459 919-1 558 283 67 572 314 919-5 620 919-6 623 423 267 915-2 545 INDEX. 935 Author and Short Title. WEDDILL, J. Voyage towards the South Pole WEDDIRBURN, D. English liberalism and Australasian democracy WEEDON, T. Queensland past and present WEEKLY review and messenger WEGENER, G. Deutechland im Stillen Ozean . . WKIGALL, A. E. P. Antiquities, of upper Egypt Life and times of Akhnaton . . . . ' Treasury of ancient Egypt WEIGALL, Mrs. M. How shall I prepare my little boy for school WEILAND, C. F. Australien . . WEIR, A. Introduction to the history of modern Europe WEIR, H. C. The conquest of the Isthmus WEIR, W. Sixty years hi Canada WEKET, S. Institutions of the land we live ia WELCH, R. P. Convict and free labour for N.S.W. WELD, Sir F. A. Relation between England and her colonies WELLBANK'S nautical almanac WELLESLEY, Marquess. See Pearce, R. R. WELLESLEY, F. A. With the Russians in peace and war WELLINGTON, 1st Duke of. See Maxwell, W. H. See Wright, G. N. WELLS, B. History of Taranaki WELLS, H. G. First and last things . . The future of America Modern Utopia New worlds for old WELLS, W. H. Geographical dictionary of Australian colonies Key to map of Sydney . . WELSFORD, J. W. Strength of England Strength of nation? WELSH, C., ed. Golden treasury of Irish songs WELSH, D. A. Observations on cancer WELSH, J. B. See Carlyle, J. W. WENTWORTH, P. Amos Thorne W::N-TWORTH, W. C. Australasia Public funeral Speech on the University bill . . Statistical account of Australasia Statistical description of N.S.W. . . Two speeches . . WEXZ, P. A 1'autre bout du monde Diary of a new chum Sous la croix du sud WER ist's ? See Who's who in Germany WERNER, A. Natives of British Central Africa. WESLEY, J. See Fitchett, W. H. See Tyerman, L. WESLEY AN chronicle WESLEYAN church of Victoria -.Education commute*. Education bill WESLEY AN Methodist church, Aust. Various parapWet* and reports . . WESLEYAN missionary auxiliary society, V.D.L. Re]x>rt WESLBYAN missionary society, X.Z. : Correajjoodene* with Earl Grey N.Z. : Correspondence with Sir John Pakington WEST, Sir A. One city and many men WEST, A. E. Tasmania \\ I-T, B. Portrait of Sir Joseph Banks Class No. Page 919-9 630 329-994 120 919-43 5*) 205 30 JU'.i ti K23 913 :i2 535 913-32 535 913 32 535 S72 245 912 93 525 940 3 971 709 343 1 191 331 5 i:u 325-42 105 656 412 914-7 54-2 993 1 717 210 32 917-3 ' f>54 320 1 90 335 147 919 4 586 912-944 .->3i > 33O-9 129 337 163 821 439 616 9 377 821 459 821 4.V. 920 688 378 944 250 919-4 58G 919 44 604 825 489 843 49S 823 483 823 483 .-.72 967 315 205 30 377 248 287 73, 7-1 75 M 54 993-1 717 993-1 717 s-24 s* 821 459 769 491 ' 93(5 INDEX. Author and Short Title. WKST, J. The fine arts History of Tasmania The hope of life eternal WEST, Mrs. J. Remniacenees of Lady Randolph Churchill WKST, T. Ten years in south-central Polynesia WKST Australia WBST Australian federal league. Federation WKST Australian yachting and motor boat annual WEST Indies. Nieuwe Werelt WKST Victoria separation league. Separation movement WESTALL, W. Views of Australian scenery WESTCOTT, B. F. Two empires WKSTKBN, Baron. Management of his flock of merino sheep On a new breed of sheep WESTERN Australia : Conciliation and arbitration. Re- ports of proceedings . . . . . . ^ . WESTERN Australia : Geological survey. Bulletins Palseontological contributions to the geology of W. A. WESTERN AUSTRALIA : Oovernment. General information respecting the forests Gold-fields act 1895 Midland railway ; Waddington's concession Western union railway of Australia WESTERN Australia : Lands department. Conditions of land selections A land of promise . . W.A. selector's guide WESTERN Australia : Law : Statutes. Acts of Parliament Statutes, 1832-95 WESTERN Australia : Parliament. Bills introduced Debates Minutes, votes, and papers Standing rules and orders WESTERN Australia : Parliament : Legislative Assembly. Standing rules and orders WESTERN Australia : Registrar-general's office. Census 1891 Results of seventh census 1901 . . .*. Seventh census 1901 Statistical register . . . . '''. Year-book WESTERN Australia : Royal commission for the Paris exhibition. Handbook WESTERN Australia : Surveyor-general's department. Map of W.A. WESTERN Australia. Article on granting constitution . . WESTERN Australian gold-fields WESTERN Australian government gazette WESTERN Australian law reports . . ; '. ' WESTGARTH, W. Australia Australia felix Australian gold discovery The colony of Victoria Commerce and statistics of Victoria Commercial, . w. Voyage a la Nouvelle Galles du Sud WHITE, J. C. Queensland the progressive WHITE, J. C. Sikkim and Bhutan . . WHITE, J. H. Why is Hobson's Bay neglected ? WHITE, R. A. Safe working of railway trarac 471 57 ^^ 919-44 919-43 915-4 627 625 329 ' S'73 605 596 547 387 380 119 WHITE, W. A. The old order changes 938 INDEX. Antlmr uiitl Sliort Title. WHITEFIELD, G. See Tyerman, L. WHITEHEAD'S Map of Victoria NYu map of Melbourne .. New map of Victoria WHITEHEAD, J. Exploration of mount Kina Bala WHITBXAW, A. E. Interior decoration of the Australian home WHITELEGOE, T. Worm disease affecting oysters, N.S.W, WHITELOCK, N. P. Our' turbulent democracy . . WHTTEMAN, J. Sparks from a colonial anvil WHITING, G. Products and resources of Tas. . . WHITINGTON, F. T. Augustus Short . . WHTTINGTON, F. T., ed. Alexander Russell WHITMAN, S. Reminiscences of Prince Bismarck WHITMAN, W. See Gay, W. WHITMOBE, Sir G. S. The last Maori war WHITMORE, S. J. Ethnology of the Pacific WHITNEY, H. C. Life of Lincoln WHITNEY, W. M. When winds awake WHTTTIBB, J. G. See Pickard, S. T. WHITTUCK, E. A., ed. International documents WHITWOBTH, R. P. Under tfoe holly . . WHITWOBTH, R. P., ed. Official handbook and guide to Melbourne WHITWOBTH, R. P., and WINDAS, W. A. Shimmer of silk WHO'S who WHO'S who in America . . . . ... WHO'S who in Germany WHYMPEB, E. Scrambles among the Alps WICHEBLEY, W. The whole art of rubber growing WICLIF, J. Latin works WICKSTEED, P. H. Common sense of political economy . . WIDOWSON, H. Present state of V.D.L. ; WIEL, A. The navy of Venice WIGHT, G. Congregational independency Queensland, the field for British labour WILBERFORCE, S. Essays contributed to the Quarterly review See Daniel, G. W. WILCANNIA pastoral protection association. The Land act and the rabbits - . . WILD, Mrs. E. Long Bay WILD, J. J. At anchor WILDE. 0. De profundis WILDEY, W. B. Australasia and the Oceanic region WILEY, H. W. Foods and their adulteration . . WILKES, C. Theory of the winds U.S. exploring expedition WILKIE, D. E. Failure of the Yan Yean reservoir On the expected water supply of Melbourne WILKINS, L. By desert ways to Baghdad . . WILKINS, W. Agriciilture in N.S.W. Art of teaching Australasia Geography and history of N.S.W. National education WILKINS, W. W., ed. Political ballads WILKINSON and Co. ltd. Ye-gide WILKINSON, C. S. Address, Linnean society of N.S.W. . . Address, Royal society of N.S.W. The Church and modern thought Remarkable boulders in the Hawkesbury rocks WILKINSON, D. Whaling in many seas WILKINSON, F. Australian cavalry WILKINSON, G. B. South Australia . . i ,i-> Wo. 912-945 912 945 912 945 919-11 728 6S9 329-iM>44 321 919-46 920 920 920 993-1 572-996 920 821 341-1 822 919-45 823 920-01 920-01 920-01 914-94 33 230 330 919-46 945 3 285-5 919 43 824 336-11 828 910-4 824 919-4 614-3 551-51 910-4 628-1 628-1 915 6 630 370-1 919-4 919-44 379-944 821 640 504 504 215 559-44 910-4 355 919-42 ftp 53-2 532 532 ft*) no Ui 459 616 M ;.;'. 69 718 M 669 170 ill 483 675 .;:.-, 675 543 4OO 37 Ifl 616 699 72 596 488 1 .V2 494 519 488 . r >86 371 293 519 388 388 547 M 243 BM Mi 253 439 410 274 274 34 306 519 229 592 INDEX. Author and Short Title. WILKINSON, Sir J. G. Manners and customs of the ancient Egyptians (2 entries) Modern Egypt and Thebes WILKINSON, K. Personal story of the upper house U'II.KISSON, S. Britain at bay WILKINSON, W. P. Alcoholic strength of Victorian wines WILKINSON, W. P., translator. Estimation of fusel oil in spirits \VILLCOCKS, Sir W. The Nile . '. WILLERT, P. F. Mirabeau . . WILLETT, W. Waste of daylight WILLEY, A., ed. Zoological results WILLIAM I., the conqueror. See Stenton, F. M. WILLIAM II., emperor of Germany. Imperator et rex WILLIAM IV. See Wright, G. N. WILLIAM of Malmesbury. Chronicle WILLIAMS' s illustrated Australian annual Wir.TJAMs's musical annual WILLIAMS, C. P. Southern sunbeams WILLIAMS, G. P., and REEVES, W. P. Colonial couplets In double harness WILLIAMS, Sir H. Addresses Moral courage . . Religion without superstition WILLIAMS, H. N. The fascinating Due de Richelieu . . Madame Du Barry WILLIAMS, J. Missionary enterprises in the Sonth sea islands See Besser, W. F. See Prout, E. WILLIAMS, Kir M. M. Indian wisdom WILLIAMS, S. W. The middle kingdom WILLIAMS, T. Fiji and the Fijians. See Rowe, G. S. Memoir of James Wood Memoir of R. H. Hart Triumph hi suffering WILLIAMS, T. C. Letter to W. E. Gladstone The Manawatu purchase completed A page from the history of a record reign WILLIAMS, W. Christianity among the New Zealanders. . Dictionary of the N.Z. language WILLIAMS, W. Secondary punishments discussed Trip to the Big river WILLIAMS, W. EL Illustrated Australian annual WILLIAMS, W. M. J. The king's revenue WILLIS, J. C. Agriculture in the tropics WILLIS, W. The Baconian mint Shakespeare- Bacon controversy The society of the Inner Temple WILLIS, W. A. Workmen's compensation act, 1897 Same, 1906 .. WILLMEK, G. The draper in Australia WILLOUGHBY, H. Australian federation Australian pictures The critic in church Transportation WILLOTIGHBY, W. F. Workingmen's insurance WILLOUOHBY, W. W. American constitutional system . . WILLS, W. J. Exploration through the interior of Aust. WILLSHIRE, W. H. Aborigines of central Aust. WILLSON, B. Canada George III. Life and letters of James Wolfe Novia Scotia Class Xo. 913 32 916 2 328-42 355 634 663 627 920 529 591-996 920 942-01 823 780 823 821 821 824 104 204 920 920 266 294 915-1 920 920 920 993-1 993-1 993-1 266 499 343-2 919-44 823 336-42 630 822-33 822-33 347-06 347-7 347-7 919-4 342-94 919-4 252 343-2 331-2 342 73 919-4 572-9942 971 920 920 917-16 Page 535 549 111 229 403 414 387 '.!' 285 345 669 688 483 431 483 441 441 488 15 29 669 669 54 77 544 669 718 718 718 54 271 193 605 483 156 391 467 467 202 208 208 586 186 586 45 193 133 178 586 321 709 669 .;.;.. 552 940 INDEX. Author and Short Title. WILLSON, R. \V. Application for pension Pastoral See Kelsh, T. See Ullathorne, W. B. WELMOT, C. 0. E. Advice to immigrants WILSON arid Co. Authentic directory, Sydney WILSON, A. Education, personality, and crime WILSON, A. Voyage from England to Port Phillip . WILSON, A. J. Business of insurance An empire in pawn WILSON, Sir D. Prehistoric man WILSON, E. Rambles at the antipodes ..-,!.; WILSON, Mrs. E. New Zealand WILSON, F. Joseph Jefferson WILSON, F. R. M. Memoir of Rev. Irving Hetherington WILSON, F. S. Australian songs and poems WILSON, G. H. Ena WILSON, H. A. Failure of modern socialism . . WILSON, H. H. Works ... WILSON, J. Missionary voyage to the South Pacific See Griffin, J. WILSON, J. Memoirs of a labour leader WILSON, J. Works See Gordon, Mrs. M. WILSON, J. A. Judgment without trial Story of Te Waharoa WILSON, J. B. Lord Howe island WILSON, J. H. Life of Charles A. Dana WILSON, J. P. From the city of the plain to the city of the Grey . . WILSON, Mrs. R. In the land of the Tui WILSON, Sir R. T. History of the British expedition to Egypt WILSON, Sir S. The Angora goat Salmon at the antipodes WILSON, Lady S. I. A. South African memories WILSON, T. B. Voyage round the world WILSON, W. State and federal governments of the U.S. Congressional government The State WILSON, W. H. The Pacific route WILSON, W. L. Menace of socialism WILSON, W. M. Taxation by one chamber or two WILTON, C. P. N. Discourses to prisoners WINCHESTER, E. Good news WINDEYER, Sir W. C. Address before the University union, Sydney WINDLE, B. C. A. Remains of the prehistoric ago in England WINNECKE, C. Journal of the Horn expedition WINSLOW, F. B. Anatomy of suicide WINSLOW, L. S. F. Recollections of forty years WINSOR, J. Christopher Columbus WINSOR, J., ed. History of America . . WINSTANLEY, D. A. Personal and party government . . WINTER, N. 0. Mexico and her people ... W T INTLE, S. H. Fragments of fern fronds ... WISE and Co. N.S.W. post office directory Queensland post office directory . . S.A. post office directory Tas. post office directory Viet, post office commercial directory W.A. post office directory WISE, B. R. Australian appeal to the English democracy The Commonwealth of Australia . . OtHI N" 920 252 1 177 919-44 612 910-4 368 336-42 571 '119-4 821 920 920 821 823 335 891-2 919-6 920 828 354-931 572-9931 919-44 920 919-31 919-31 962 636-2 639 916-8 910-4 342-73 342 73 350 917 3 335 342-945 252 236 370 4 571 919-4 394-8 920 920 970 942-07 917-2 821 919-44 919-43 919-42 919-46 919-45 919-41 329-994 919-4 INDEX. 941 Author and Short Title. WISE, B. R. Facts and fallacies of modern protection . . Industrial arbitration act of N.S.W. Industrial arbitration bill (3 entries) Industrial freedom Influence of free trade on wages The labour question Position of the liberal party Referendum speech Relations of imports and exports Speech on address in reply, 1899 Speech on Local government bill, N.S.W. .. Speech on motion of censure of Sir H. Parkes Speech on programme of Carruthers government A year's stewardship WISEMAN, Sir W. S. Catalogue of curiosities from the South sea islands WISTER, 0. The seven ages of Washington WIT, F. de. Tabula Indiae Orientalis WITHERS, F. Boarded out WITHERS, H. Meaning of money Stocks and shares WITHERS, W. B. History of Ballarat WITHNELL, J. G. Customs and traditions of the natives of N.W. Australia WITHY, E. Ground rent the true source of public revenue WITT, C. de. Jefferson and the American democracy . . WITTHAUS, R. A. General medical chemistry WITTON, G. R. Scapegoats of the empire ... WITTSTEIN, G. C. Organic constituents of plants WIVELL, E. J. William Strutt's picture, Black Thursday WOLCOT, J. Works WOLFE, J. See Willson, B. WOLFF, Sir H. D. Rambling recollections WOLFF, H. W. Co-operative banking People's banks WOLLASTON, T. Federal liquor service WOLSEY, T. cardinal. See Cavendish, G. WOMEN'S missionary union, Queensland. Cookery book . . WOOD, C. F. Yachting cruise in the South seas WOOD, Sir E. From midshipman to field- marshal The revolt in Hindustan WOOD, G. Loyalty in Sydney WOOD, Sir H. T. Industrial England in 18th century . . WOOD, J. See Williams, T. WOOD, J. D. Law as to the administration of the estates of deceased persons WOOD, Mrs. S. N., and LAPHAM, H. Waiting for the niail WOOD, W. A corner of Spain WOOD, W. The fight for Canada WOOD, W. A. G., and RITCHIE, J. Digest of cases overruled WOODARD, D. Narrative WOODD, B. Memoir of Mowhee WOODFORD, C. M. A naturalist among the head-hunters WOODHOUSE, A. Foundations of national greatness The man with the apples WOODRUFF, C. S. Legalised prostitution WOODS, J. D. Province of S.A. Visit of the Duke of Edinburgh to S.A. WOODS, J. E. T. Australian star fishes Coal resources of Queensland Corals from the Australian tertiaries Desert sandstone Discovery and exploration of Aust. Fish and fisheries of N.S.W. Class No. Pago 337 ]<;:{ 331 1 133 331 1 133 337 I-'.:; 337 163 331-8 136 329 9944 1^5 321-4 93 382 257 3i'9-9944 123 352-0944 21S 329-9944 123 329-9944 123 329-9944 123 572-996 32t> 920 670 912-93 8S3 525 48,? 332 138 332-6 142 994 5 730 572 9941 321 336-21 ! .- 1 973 711 615-1 373 968 707 581 330 994-6 730 828 494 920 670 332-3 140 332 3 140 178 26 641 410 919-6 624 920 670 954 705 821 460 330 9 129 347-6 04 823 483 914 6 541 971 709 346 42 198 910-4 519 920 <>70 919-35 57<> 320-1 90 823 -183 173 23 919-42 592 994-2 72'2 593-9 346 553 2 298 563 310 559-4 301 919 4 586 639 410 942 INDEX. Author Mid Short Tit!.-. WOODS, J. E. T. ronld. Fisheries of the Oriental region Fossil flora of the coal deposits of Anst. Fossil species of Australian selenariiulse Geological observations in S.A. Geology and mineralogy of the Northern Territory of S.A. Geology of northern Queensland Geology of Portland Hawkesbury sandstone List of writings Malaysian land and fresh water mollusca Natural history of N.S.W. ... ..... North Australia Not quite as old as the hills Palaeontology of X.Z. Tertiary deposits in Victoria WOODWARD, A. T. Songs from a studio WOODWARD, B. H. National parks of Australia \VboowARD, E. M. The Uganda protectorate WOODWARD, H. Fossil sirenia in the British museum.. Mesozoic plant remains from S.A. Wing of a neuropterous insect from Aust. WOODWARD, H. B.. History of the Geological society of London WOODWARD, H. P. Goldfields of the Kimberley district .Mining handbook to W.A. W.A. : government geologist's report WOODWORTH, A. V. Christian socialism in England WOODWORTH, W. M. Some planarians from the Great Barrier reef WOOLCOTT and CLARKE. Map of Sydney WOOLCOTT, W. C. Guide to the Blue mountains WOOLLEY, S. A spray of gum leaves . . TOOLLEY, J. Lectures in Australia Social use of schools of art Two lectures at the School of arts, Sydney WOOLLEY, J. G., and JOHNSON, W. E. Temperance progress of the century WOOLLS, W. Fl6ra of Australia Lectures on the vegetable kingdom Miscellanies Plants indigenous and naturalised near Sydney . . Plants indigenous in the neighbourhood of Sydney . . Plants of N.S.W. Species plant arum Paramattensium Tlie University of Sydney WOOLSEY, T. D. Political science WOORE, T. Supply of water from the Warragamba river What N.S.W. might become by introducing the light of science WOOTTON, A. C. Chronicles of pharmacy WORCESTER, 2nd marquis of. See Dircks, H. WORDSWORTH, C. Ecclesiastical biography WORDSWORTH, W. Poetical works See Knight, W. See Rannie, D. W. See Robertson, E. WORK for the unemployed WORKER, Brisbane WORKER, Sydney WORLD almanac WORLD'S Columbian exposition, Chicago : N.S. W. commissioners. Trade and commerce of N.S.W. . . WORSFOLD, W. B. Lord Milner's work in South Africa . . Xo. 597 f)01 564 559-42 559-421 559-43 559 45 559-44 012 594 570 919-4 573-3 560-9931 559 45 821 570 916-6 569 561 565 506 622-1 622-1 ->.-)(> 41 335 7 595 1 912-944 919-44 821 825 607 371 178 581-994 581-994 828 581-9944 581-9944 581-9944 581-9944 821 320-1 627 621-2 615-4 920-01 821 339 070 070 317-3 381 968 353 309 310 303 303 304 306 306 1 348 312 586 327 307 306 460 312 550 311 309 311 275 384 384 302 141) 349 530 605 460 489 365 245 26 334 334 494 337 337 337 337 460 90 387 379 373 675 439 167 12 11 84 255 707 INDEX. Author and Short Title. Class No. Page WORSNOP, T. Adelaide and its environi 919-42 392 History of the city of Adelaide 94-2 722 Prehistoric arts, &c., of the aborigines of Australia . . 572-994 320 S.A. tourist's guide . . . . *- ,-,< 919-42 592 WRAOGE, C. L. Meteorology of Tas. . . ..?J 551 > 293 Romance of the South seas 919-6 624 WRECK of the London 910-4 519 WREN, J. Leaves of love 821 460 WRIGHT, A. Gambler's gold 823 483 WRIGHT, C. D., ed. Labour laws of the U.S. . . 331 131 WRIGHT, F. B. Practical handbook on distillation 662-8 413 WRIGHT, G. N. Life of Arthur, duke of Wellington 920 670 Life of William IV. 920 670 WRIGHT, G, P. Photographic views of Brisbane 779 42<> WRIGHT, H. Hevea Brasiliensis 633 400 WRIGHT, H. Victoria . . ... 821 460 WRIGHT, J. Water conservation 628-1 388 WRIGHT, J., ed. English dialect dictionary 427 268 WRIGHT, J. C. Modern dhurch life and work 260 48 WRIGHT, R. P., ed. Standard cyclopedia of modern agriculture 630-3 392 WRIGHT, T. England under the House of Hanover 942-07 69* WRIGHT, T. Life of Daniel Defoe 920 670 Life of Sir Richard Burton 920 070 WRIGHT, T. Queensland horticulturist 635 405 WRIGHT, W. T. Live stock annual of Aust. 636 405 WRIXON, A. N. Electoral law of N.S.W., and Viet. 324-94 97 WRIXON, Sir H. J. Jacob Shumate . . 823 483 The pattern nation 320 89 Religion of the common man 211 32 Socialism 335 147 WYATT, A., and WEBB, G. H. F. Reports of cases, Viet. 346-945 201 WYATT, A., WEBB, G. H. F., and A' BECKETT, T. Reports of cases, Viet. 346-945 201 WYATT, W. Certain Crustacea entomostraca . . 595-3 349 WYKEHAM, William of. See Lowth, R. WYLD, H. C. Historical study of the mother tongue . . 420 266 WYLD, J. Australia (map) . . 912-94 527 Chart of N.Z. 912-931 .">2i> Goldfields of Australia 553-4 299 Islands of N.Z. (map) 912-931 526 New South Wales (map). . 912-944 530 Province of Queensland (map) 912-943 528 YALE review 320-5 91 YARRINGTON, W. H. H. Australian verses 821 460 Coelestia 821 460 University prize poem . . YATE, W. Account of N.Z. 821 919-31 460 568 YEAR-BOOK of Australia 919-4 587 YEAR-BOOK of Australia. Historical account of Aust. . . 994 722 Mineral products of Aust. Prize essays on freetrade and protection . . 622 337 381 163 Railways of Aust. YELLAND, C. M. Mission work in Collmgwpod . . 920 670 YEWEN'S Directory of landowners of N.S.W. . . 919-44 606 ooo YEXLEY, L. Inner life of the navy . . 359 266 YITTADAIRN. See Rusden, G. W. YONGE, C. M. Life of J. C. Patteson 920 670 YOUATT, W. Sheep YOUNG, Sir F. Imperial federation . . YOUNG Sir G. Proposal for a settlement on the coast 636-3 354-42E lit) 4.4 408 221 7OQ of N.S.W. . . ysw 4 I - ' YOUNG, G. F. The Medici 920-01 ff\ i MK YOUNG, J. Irrigation bol * 044 INDEX. Author and Short Titte. CtaM No. Pg YOUNO, J. Easaya on evolution and design 213 32 YOUNG, R. The southern world 287 76 YOUNO emigrants, The . . 823 483 YOUNQHUSBAND, Sir F. . India and Thibet . . 951-5 702 YOUNOHUSBAND, G. J. Story of the Guides 355 229 YULK, A. Practical Christian certainty 239 39 YULE, G. U. Introduction to the theory of statistics . . 311 83 YusuF-Ali, A. Life and labour of the people of India. . 916-4 547 /AM.V. ii i.. 1. Italian fantasies .. .. 824 488 /MAI.ANIM* .. .. .. .. 050 10 /KEHAN and Dundas herald . . 070 13 ZEEWYK, ship. Typewritten copy of journal . . 656-2 413 ZENKER. E. V. Anarchism . . . . . 335-8 149 ZERO. Secret history of the Coningham case . . 347-91 210 ZIU.MANN, J. H. L. Ancient and modern. Pharisees 821 460 From old to new 823 483 In the land of the bunya 823 483 Past and present Australian life . . 919-4 586 /MMKRMANN, W. P. A. See Volliner. ZOLA, E. See Vizetelly. ZOOLOGICAL and acclimatisation society of Viet. Pro- ceedings and reports 690-6 342 ZOOLOGICAL society of London. Transactions . . 590-6 342 SUBJECT INDEX. INDEX. 947 Subject. Class No. Page ACCLIMATIZATION .V. 1-52 343 ADMINISTRATION 350 211 United States 353 214 Other countries .. 354 215 ADOLESCENCE 150 19 ADULTERATIONS 614-3 371 AERONAUTICS . . . . . . A 533 6 286 Military 623 385 AFGHANISTAN. Description 915-8 548 AFRICA. Description 916 548 Geology 556 300 History 960 705 AFRICA, Central. See Central Africa. AGRICULTURAL pests 632 395 AGRICULTURE 630 389 Conferences 630-8 393 Encyclopaedias 630-3 391 Official reports 630-8 393 Periodicals 630-5 392 Societies 630-6 392 Study 630-7 392 ALASKA. Description 917-99 554 ALCOHOL as a fuel 662-8 413 ALCOHOL in medicine 615-71 374 ALCOHOIIC drinks 178 25 ALEXANDER'S empire 939 680 ALGAE 589-3 341 ALGERIA. Description 916-5 550 ALIEN labour 331 6 134 ALMANACS. See under Countries. ALPHABETS 411 266 AMERICA. Archaeology Maps .. 913-7 912-7 537 524 AMERICAN essays AMERICAN fiction 814 823 436 470 AMERICAN literature 810 435 AMERICAN oratory AMERICAN poetry AMERICAN socialism 815 811 335-1 436 435 147 AMUSEMENTS 790 431 Ethics ' * * 175-2 24 ANESTHETICS 615-78 374 ANARCHISM 335-8 149 ANATOMY . . . 611 366 ANCIENT history ANIMAL physiology ANIMALS. Domestic Geographical distribution ANTARCTIC regions. Description Zoology ANTHROPOMETRY 930 591-1 636 591-9 919-9 591-999 573-6 229 677 343 405 343 629 345 327 36 APOCRYPHA 331 -86 136 APPRENTICESHIP ARABIA. Description 915-3 OKU 546 703 History w& 331-1 132 ARBITRATION 913 534 ARCHJEOLOSY America Asia Minor E. . . Asia Minor W. . . 913-7 913-393 913-392 913-32 :,:;: 537 536 534 Egypt Great Britain Grecian Archipelago 913-42 913-391 913-38 537 536 Greece 913-415 537 Ireland 948 INDEX. Subject. Claw No. Page ARCH* >LOUY. Italy 913-37 586 Kelts 913-36 535 Medo-Persia ... 913 35 535 Prehistoric ..f "' ' ' ' 571 313 Rome 913-37 535 South Africa . . ... 913-68 537 Syria . . ' . . 913-394 537 ARCHITECTURE , } ' 720 420 Mediaeval 723 420- Modern 724 420 ARCTIC regions. Description ( .)19-8 628 Ethnology .. .. .. ..' 572-998 326 ARGENTINA. Description 918-2 ."). r )." ARMY 355 225 ART. History of 709 4!'.t ART galleries . . . . 708 419 ARTESIAN wells 628-11 388 ARTICULATES ; . ,| ' 595 348 Palaeontology 565 311 ASIA. Description 915 54S History 950 702 ASIA Minor, Eastern. Archaeology 913-393 53T ASIA Minor, Western. Archaeology 913 392 536 ASSAYING 669 415 ASSOCIATIONS (general) 369 242 ASSOCIATIONS and institutions 360 234 ASTRONOMY 520 278 Descriptive 523 27 !> ASTRONOMICAL charts 524 282 ASTRONOMICAL instruments 522-3 27$ ASTRONOMICAL observations 524 28-2 ASTRONOMICAL photography 522-6 279" ASYLUMS 362 j:{.~> ATHEISM 211 32 ATLASES 912 524 ATOLLS 551-96 296 AURORAS . . '!:' 523-5 280 AUSTRALASIA. Almanacs 919-4 587 Description 919 556 Directories 919-4 587 Geology 559 300 History 990 712" Maps . . ' ' ..! ' 912 93 524 Photographs 779 429 AUSTRALIA. Almanacs 919-4 58T Botany 581-994 333 Description . . . . 919-4 570 Directories 919--1 587 Ethnology 572-994 318 Finance 336 94 157 Geology 559-4 301 Government and administration 354-94 222 History . . . . * 994 718 Law reports and digests 346-94 199 Maps ,-; 912-94 526 Palaeontology 560-994 307 Parliament 328-94 114 Photographs 779 429 Plates 769 425 Political history and affairs 329-994 119 Statistics 319 4 85 Statutes 345-94 19ft Zoology 591-994 344 AUSTRALIAN fiction 823 471 AUSTRALIAN languages 499 26& INDEX. i)49 Subject. Class No. PK. AUSTRALIAN poetry 821 441 AUSTRALIAN socialism 335 11 148 AUSTRIA. Description 914-36 540 Exhibitions 606-436 360 History 943-6 808 BACTERIA 589 95 342 BALKAN states. Description 914-97 543 BANKING companies 332-13 140 BANKS. State .' . . 332 11 139 Private 332 13 140 BANKS ; Money 332 137 BANKS and banking 332 1 138 BAPTIST church 286 72 BAR associations 347-06. 202 BAROMETRY 551-54 2U4 BEES 638 40'.t BEETLES 595-76 350 BELGIUM. Description 914-92 542 History 949-3 701 BETTING 174-6 24 BEVERAGES 663 414 BIBLE 220 34 New Testament 225 35 Old Testament 221 3r BIBLICAL archaeology 220-9 M BIBLIOGRAPHY. Authors 012 1 Countries 015 I General Oil 1 Subjects Bl-METALLISM 016 332 42 141 BIOGRAPHY. Collective 920-01 670 Individual 920 030 BIOLOGY 570 311 Essays Philosophy BIRDS 570-4 570 1 598-2 312 312 353 BISMARCK Archipelago. Description . . Ethnology BLIGHTS BOATING 919-36 572-9936 632 797 570 318 395 432 BOOK rarities BOOKSELLING BORNEO. Description Ethnology , .. History BOTANIC gardens 090 655-5 919 11 572-9911 991-1 580-7 ,">S( I 13 411 556 712 330 BOTANY Australia 581-994 581-9961 333 HI'S Fiji . . * 581-95 SSI India New Caledonia 581-9932 333 New Guinea New South Wales New Zealand . . 581-9944 581 9931 581-99 33ii 332 332 Oceania Pacific islands Queensland South Africa South Australia 681-996 581 9943 581-968 581-904-: 581 9.2 338 335 335 332 Sumatra 581-9946 337 Tasmania 581 -It'M") 337 Victoria Western Australia 581 -!i'.41 33.% INDEX. Subject. Class No. Page BOTANY. Economic 581-6 331 Palaeontology 561 309 Physiological 581 330 Structural 581 330 BOUNTY mutiny 997 734 BRACHIOPODA 594-8 348 BRAHMANISM 294 77 B&AZIL. Description 918-1 .V>."> BRITISH Columbia. Description 917-11 r,r,-2 Legislative assembly 328-711 113 Statutes 345-J11 195 BRITISH empire. Description 914-^E 540 Ethnology 572-942E 315 History 942E 695 Imperial federation 354 42E 216 BRITISH New Guinea. See New Guinea : Papua. BRYOPHYTA' 588 340 BUDDHISM 294 77 BUILDING 690 *I& BUILDING societies 332-32 I4O BUILDINGS. Public 725 420 BURMA. Description 915-9 548 BUSINESS .. .. .. .. .. . 658 4ia BUSINESS ethics 174 23 BUTTERFLIES 595-78 351 CABLES. Submarine 384 -'57 CANADA. Description 917-1 552 Government and administration 354 71 221 History 971 708 Law reports 346-71 I'.t'.i Maps 912-71 524 Parliament 328-71 113 Statistics 317-1 84 Statutes 345-71 195 CANAL engineering 626 386 CANAL transport 386 25ft CAPE of Good Hope. Government and administration . . 354-68 221 Parliament . . . . . . 328-687 113 Statutes 345-687 195 C APITAL, labour, and wages 331 129 CAPITAL and labour 331 1 132 CARICATURE 741 421 CAROLINE Islands 919-66 626 CARVING 736 421 CATALOGUES 017 4 CATTLE 636-2 406 CAVE dwellings 571-81 sia CELEBES. Description 919-12 558 CENTRAL Africa. Ethnology 572-967 315 CENTRAL AFRICA, North. Description 916-6 550 History 966 705 CENTRAL Africa, South. Description 916-7 550 History . . . . 967 705 CENTRAL America. Description 917-28 553 History >..[' 972-8 709 CERAMICS. Art 738 421 Technology 666 414 CETACEA 599-5 358 CEYLON. Description 915-48 547 CHARITIES.. 361 234 < 'HKMICAL technology 660 413 CHEMISTRY 540 287 CHEXOPODIACEJE 583 914 339 INDEX. Subject. Class Xo. Page CHESS 79* 431 CHILDREN 150 id Diseases H 378 Labour of 331 3 134 Training 649 410 CHILDREN'S homes 362-7 236 CHILE. Description 918 3 :.;>."> CHINA. Description 915-1 544 History 951 702 CHRISTIAN churches and sects 280 57 CHRISTIAN evidences 239 39 CHRISTIAN science 615-851 374 CHRISTIAN sects, minor 289 75 CHRISTIAN socialism 335 7 149 CHRISTOLOGY 232 37 CHRONOLOGIES 902 498 CHRONOLOGY 529 285 CHURCH and state 322 94 CHURCH councils 262-6 49 CHURCH history, General CHURCH history, by countries 270 274-279 56-57 CHUBCH institutions and work 260 48 CHURCH of England 283 65-67 CHUBSCH ordinances . . 265 50 CIPHERS 652 411 CIRCUMNAVIGATIONS 910-4 505 CITIZENSHIP 172-1 22 CITY design 725 420 CITTT transit 388 261 CIVIL procedure and practice . . 347-9 208 CIVIL service 351-1 211 CIVIL trials 347-91 209 CrraJZATBON, History of 901 498 CLEANLINESS 613-4 368 CLIMATE 551-56 294 Hygiene .... Influence of 613 1 573 4 367 327 CLOTHING. Hygiene CLOUDS 613-4 551-57 368 295 CLUBS 367 241 COAL 553 2 297 Cours and coinage COLBOPTERA 332-4 595-76 141 350 COLLECTIVE biography COLLECTIVISM COLUSCTOR'S manuals 920-01 335-41 579 148 329 COLLEGES 378 249 COLONIES France - - * 325 325-44 97 105 Great Britain . . Holland Portugal Spain United States . . COLONIZATION COLUMBIA. Description 325-42 325-492 325-469 325-46 325-73 325 3 918-6 .coo . *; 102 L06 106 IM 106 101 f.V> COMETS COMMERCE Business .-<> O 380 650 :2r.:5 411 Domestic Foreign COMMERCIAL law COMMUNICATION 381 382 347 7 380 S8B 204 III 145 COMMUNISM COMPANIES . . . !. F 338-7 331 ! 164 132 CONCILIATION 952 INDEX. Subject. CUM No. PM* CONGREGATIONAL church 285-8 70 CONIFEROUS treea 585 340 CONSTITUTIONAL monarchy 321-7 93 CONVICT discipline 365 237 CONVICT labour 331-5 134 COOKERY 641 410 CO-OPERATION 334 144 CORAL reefs 551-96 296 CORALS 593-6 345 CORPORATE industries 338-7 164 COSTUME 391 261 COTTON . . . . . . . . ...-. 677 417 COUNCIL of Trent 262-6 49 CRABS .... 595-36 349 CREATION 213 32 CREDIT 332-7 142 CREDIT Foncier 332-3 140 CREEDS 238 38 CREMATION 614 6 373 CRESTS 929-8 677 CRICKET 797 432 CRIME 343 189 CRIMINAL discipline . . 365 237 CRIMINAL law 343 189 CRIMINAL trials . . . . . . 343 -1\ 190 ( 'ROWN landa 336-1 149 Management 336-11 151 Sale .. .. .. .. .. .,- 336-13 152 CRUSTACEA 595-3 349 CRYPTOGAMS 586 340 CURRENCY 332-4 141 CUSTOMS 336-26 155 CUSTOMS and manners 390 261 CUSTOMS, social 394 262 CumNOS 040 7 ( 'YCLOP.2EDIAS 030 7 DANGEROUS occupations 331 -82 136 DAIRYING . . 637 408 .DBAF and dumb asylums 362-4 236 DEBATING societies 374-4 247 DEISM 211 32 DELUSIONS.. 133 16 DEMOCRACY 321 -4 92 DENTISTRY 617-6 378 DESIGN 740 421 DEVELOPMENT 612-6 366 DEVOTIONAL theology 240 39 DIALECTS 427 267 DIATOMS . . 589-6 342 DlCOTYLEDONJS 583 339 DICTIONARIES. For the Dictionary of any language, see that language. DIETETICS 613-2 367 DIPTERA .. 595-77 351 DIRECTORIES. See under Countries. DISEASES. General 616 375 Contagious 614-4 371 614-5 371 DISEASES of animals . . - . . 636 405 DIVORCE 173 22 DOCTRINAL theology 230 36 Doos 636-7 408 DOMESTIC economy 640 410 DRAINAGE, Agricultural 631 393 INDEX. 953 Subject. CUas Xo. Page DRAMA 822 460 Criticism 822 463 French . . 841 494 Works.. 822 460 DRAWING . . . . . . . . 740 421 DREAMS . . . . . . . . 135 18 DRESS 391 261 DRINKING customs . . 394 1 262 DRUGS. Ethics 178 25 Medicine 615-1 373 DRUNKENNESS 613-81 368 DUTCH language. Dictionaries 439 268 EARTH, The 525 284 EARTHENWARE . . . . . . 666 414 EARTHQUAKES . . 561-2 289 EAST India Archipelago. See Malaysia. EASTERN Church 281-9 57 ECCLESIASTICAL polity 262 48 ECHINOD ERMATA 593-9 34H ECONOMIC botany . . 581-0 331 ECONOMIC geology . . 553 297 ECONOMICS 330 125 EDUCATION 370 243 Elementary 372 245 Essays . . 370-4 243 History 370 9 24' Methods . 371 2-' l Periodicals . . 870-5 241- Religious . . 377 247 Secondary 373 24."> State .. 379 251 Theory 370 1 243 EGYPT. Archaeology 913 32 534 Description Government and administration . . 916-2 354 <)_' 549 221 History. Ancient Modern .. 932 962 678 70.-, ELECTIONS. Great Britain . . 324-42 96 ELECTORAL. Methods of voting 324 2 96 Qualifications . . Suffrage. Australia . . 324 1 324 94 95 96 Great Britain . . 324 42 9o Woman suffrage ELECTRIC telegraphs ELECTRICAL engineering EMIGRANTS' handbooks .. 324-3 384 621 3 325-2 96 257 370 99 EMIGRATION 325-2 99 EMOTIONS . . 157 20 EMPLOYMENT. Hygiene 613 -6 368 ENCYCLOPAEDIAS 030 7 ENGINEERING . . 620 378 Canal 626 386 Electrical 6213 379 Hydraulic Military Railway - * 627 623 l>2,-> 386 385 385 iw: Road o^> Oo*> Sanitary Steam 628 621-1 3ST 3T'- ENGINES Air 621 -2 621-4 3T'.I 180 Gas . 621-4 380 Oil i21 -4 380 Water . . . . . . . ... - or, i INDEX. Subject. Class No. Pge ENGLAND. Description ' 914-2 53S Exhibitions 606-42 808 History 942 685 Anglo-Saxon 942-01 888 Hanover . . . . . . ... 942-07 692 Lancaster and York 942-04 8H Norman 942-02 888 Plantagenet 942 03 888 Stuart 942-06 880 Tudor 942-05 690 Victoria 942 -OS 881 Local government 352-042 212 KNULISH and American socialism 335-1 147 KMM.ISH fiction 823 m ENGLISH language 420 888 Dictionaries . . ; 423 889 Grammars 42.~> M ENGLISH literature 820 436 ENGLISH poetry 821 437 ENTERTAINMENTS 791 431 EPHEMBRIDES 528. 285 EPISCOPAL charges 252-1 46 EPITAPHS . . 929-5 676 ESCHATOLOGY 236 37 ESPERANTO ' { - . J .. 408-9 266 ESSAYS 824 484 American . . : 814 436 French '? . .' 844 495 ESSEX. History 942 -ft 695 ETHER. (Physics) 535-2 286 ETHICS 170 21 Amusements 175-2 24 Business 174 23 Family 175 22 International 172-4 22 Professional 174 23 Sexual 176 24 Social 177 24 Slate 172 21 Theory of . . . . . . * 171 21 ETHNOLOGY . . . . ' 572 313 Africa, Central' 572-967 315 Arctic regions . . 572-998 326 Australia 572-994 318 Bismarck archipelago 572-9936 :$!>. Borneo .-,72 9911 316 British empire 572-942E :;i:. Fiji .. ' ..: 572-9961 32 Great Britain 572-942 314 India 572-954 315- Malaysia 572-901 316 Melanesia 572-998 3I& New Caledonia . . 572-9932 317 New Guinea . . . . . . 572 995 325 New Hebrides 572-9934 318 New South Wales 572-9944 323 New Zealand ... 572-9931 316 North America 572-97 315 Northern Territory 572-99421 321 Oceana 572-99 316 Pacific Islands 572-996 325 Queensland 572-9943 322 Solomon Islands 572-9935 318 South Africa 572-968 315 South Austr Ui i 572-9942 321 INDEX. 955 Subject. Class No. Page ETHNOLOGY. Tasmania 572-9946 324 Victoria 572-9945 324 Western Australia 572-9941 320 ETIQUETTE 395 262 ETYMOLOGY 422 266 EUCALYPTS 583-4 339 EUGENICS . . 613-9 369 614-1 370 EUEOPB. Description 914 537 History 940 680 EVIL 216 34 EVOLUTION. Biology 575 327 Philosophy 146-1 18 Religion 213 32 EXCHANGE 332-45 142 EXCISE 336-27 186 EXHIBITIONS 606 :5 .">'. EXPLORATIONS, History of 910-9 523 EYE. Diseases 617-7 378 FAIRIES 398-4 265 FAITH healing 615-851 374 FAMILIES 929-2 676 FAMILY 321-1 92 392-3 262 FAMILY ethics 173 22 FAMILY law 347-6 204 FAMILY names 929-4 676 FEDERAL government FEEBLE-MINDEDNESS 321-8 132-2 93 16 FEMALE suffrage FERNS 324-3 587 96 340 FERTILISATION of plants 581-16 331 FERTILISERS 631 393 FICTION. American 823 470 Australian 823 471 English French 823 843 467 495 New Zealand FIJI. Botany 823 581-9961 470 338 Description Ethnology History Maps Ordinances . . 919-61 572 -99G1 996-1 912-961 345-961 326 733 534 198 FINANCE of special countries 336-4 to 108 336-9 FINE arts FINGER prints FINLAND. Description FIRE proofing of buildings FISH. Culture Preservation of FISHERIES . . 700 573-6 914-71 693-8 639 664-9 338 3 419 327 5(2 us 409 414 163 352 FISHES 799 432 FISHING 929-9 677 FLAGS 551-57 8M FLOODS FLOWER garden 635 TOR 404 FOLK-LORE . . FOOD. Adulteration Hygiene Technology JC7O 614-3 613 2 664 371 367 414 956 INDEX. Subject. CUes No. Page FOBAMINIFERA 593-12 345 FOREIGN policy . . . . 327 106 FOREIGN 1 relations 327 106 FOREIGN trade 380 253 382 255 F< )RESTRY . . 634 9 403 FORM of state 321 91 FORMOSA. Description 915-21 546 FRANCE. Colonies 325-44 105 Description 914-4 540 Exhibitions 606-44 360 History U*;-. 1 <)44 696 FREE-THOUGHT 211 32 FREE trade and protection 337 158 FREE will . . '* 123 15 FRENCH drama 841 494 FRENCH essays . . 844 495 FRENCH fiction 843 495 FRENCH language. Dictionaries 440 268 FRENCH literature 840 494 FRENCH poetry 841 494 FRIENDLY societies . . 334 -J 145 FRUIT 634 400 FUEL. Artificial 662-8 413 FUNGI 589-2 341 FURTHER India 9ir>-n 548 FUTURE life 218 34 236 37 237 38 GAMBIER Islands. Description 919-7 628 Maps 912-97 534 GAMBLING 174-6 24 GARDENING 635 404 GASTEROPODA 594 3 348 GAUGING . . 511-8 277 GAZETTEERS 910 3 504 GENEALOGIES 929-1 675 GENEALOGY and heraldry 929 675 GENERAL councils 262-6 49 GENIUS 151 20 GENTIANALES 583-7 339 GEODESY 526 284 GEOGRAPHICAL distribution of animals 591 !> 343 GEOGRAPHICAL societies 910-6 519 GEOGRAPHY and travels 910 501 GEOGRAPHY. Historical 911 524 History of 910-9 523 Study 910-7 520 GEOLOGICAL agents 551- it!) 296 GEOLOGY . . 550 288 Africa 556 300 Australasia 559 300 Australia 559-4 301 New Caledonia 559-32 301 New South Wales 559-44 304 New Zealand 559-31 300 Northern Territory 569-421 303 Pacific Islands 559 300 Queensland 559-43 303 South Australia 559-42 302 Tasmania 559-46 306 Victoria 559-45 306 Western Australia 559-41 302 INDEX. 957 Subject. Class No. Pag* GEOLOGY. Economic 553 297 Essays 550-4 289 Societies 550-6 289 Stratigraphical 551-78 296 GEOMETRY 513 277 GERMAN law 349-43 210 GERMAN literature 830 494 GERMAN socialism 335 5 149 GERMANY. Description 914-3 540 History 943 695 Local government 352-043 212 GLACIERS 551-3 290 GOATS . . ... 636-3 406 GOLD. Coinage 332-41 141 Metallurgy 669-2 415 Mining 662-2 384 GRAINS 633 397 GRASSES 633 .197 GRAVITY 531-5 :.'<; GREAT BRITAIN. Archaeology 913-42 581 Colonies 325-42 102 Ethnology Finance 572-942 336-42 314 156 Government and administration . . 354-42 215 Law reports and digests 346 42 198 Parliament 328-42 110 Political history and affairs 329-942 118 Statistics 314-2 83 GRECIAN Archipelago. Archaeology GREECE. Archaeology Description GREECE, ancient. History ... 913-391 913-38 914-95 938 536 536 543 680 GREECE, modern. History . . 949-5 701 GREEK church 281 -9 57 GREEK language. Dictionaries GREEK literature 480 880 268 497 GREEK mythology GUILDS 292 338-6 77 164 GYMNOSPERM.S 585 340 HABITATION. (Hygiene) HAWAII. . Description Government and administration . . 613 5 919-69 345-969 368 627 225 History HEALTH Public 996-9 613 614 733 366 369 HERALDRY HEREDITY . . Hygiene 929-6 575-1 613-9 O7" 676 328 369 56 HERESIES S9 (Mil) 408 HISTORY Ancient Dictionaries *nj\f 930 903 904 677 499 499 Essays Periodicals Philosophy of . . Polygraphy Societies 905 901 908 906 907 499 498 500 500 500 Study . . Universal 909 913-394 501 537 HITTITES . . HOLLAND. Colonies 325-492 615-53 106 373 HOMCEOPATHY WrvMOVVMS 424 267 INDEX. Subject. CUM No. r i*.- HORSE-RACING 798 432 HORSES . . . 36-l lu.-, HOSPITALS . . 362 235 HOURS of labour 331 '81 1:51; HOUSING of labouring classes . . 331 -83 1*6 HUGUENOTS . . . . . . 284'5 68 HUMAN faculty . . 151 M HUMAN race. Unity of . . 572-1 314 HUMANISM . . . . 149 18 HUMOUR 827 lv. HUNGARY Description . . . . . . 014-39 540 History . . 943-9 09ft HUNTING . . . . . . 799 432 HYDRAULIC engineering . . f>27 HYDRAULICS . . . . 532 T) HYDROZOA . . ... . . . 593-7 346 HYGIENE Military . . . . . . f>13-67 368 Personal . . . . 613 366 Public . . 614 W9 HYGIENE of employment . . . . 613-6 368 HYGIENE of mind . . . . . . 613-8 368 HYGIENE of the air and ground . . . . 614-7 373 HYMENOPTERA 595-79 351 HYMNOLOGY 245 41 HYPNOTISM ' 134 17 leEBERGS 551 -3 290 IDEAL commonwealths .*. 320-1 9Q IDEALISM .. 140 18 IMMIGRATION V . . . 325-1 '.'7 IMMORTALITY 218 34 236 37 237 38 IMPERIAL federation . . . . 354-42E. 216 INDEXING .-. . . 028 7 INDIA. Botany . . 581 -95 331 Description . . * 915-4 M6 Ethnology . . . . 572 -954 315 Exhibitions . . 606-54 :wi Government and administration . . 354-54 221 History . . . . 954 7<>:5 Political history and affairs . . . . . . 329 -954 119 Religion . . 294 77 296 7^ INDIA rubber. Culture 633 897 Manufacture 678 418 INDIVIDUAL biography . . . . . . 920 630 INDUSTRIAL efficiency 338 163 INFANT mortality . . . . . . 614-1 370 INHERITANCE. Law t f 347-6 204 INOCULATION 614-47 371 INSANE asylums '. . > . . . . . . 362-2 236 INSANITY . . ,''.. j 132-1 Hi INSECTS . . ,.,! 595-7 349 INSTITUTIONS ,... . j . . 360 234 362-8 236 INSURANCE .. j . . 368 241 INSURANCE, social 331-2 133 INTELLECT ; ,. . j . . 151 20 INTEREST ... 332-8 142 INTERNATIONAL ethics !. 172-4 22' INVERTEBRATES ... . . 592 545 INDEX. 959 Subject. Claas N". Page IRELAND. Archaeology *ia-415 537 Description 914-ir, 538 History 941-5 683 Political history and affairs 329-9415 118 IKON*. Manufacture 672 416 Metallurgy 669-1 415 IRRIGATION 631 393 ITALIAN literature 850 4911 ITALY. Archaeology 913-:;: 53.". Description 914-5 f>41 History 945 698 JAPAN. Description ... .. 915-2 646 History 952 70:j Statistics 315-2 84 JAVA. Description 919-22 5o!l History 992 712 JESUS CHRIST 232 37 JEWISH religion 296 78 JEWS 296 78 Ethnology 572'7 314 1 O JOURNATJSM 070 18 JUDAISM 296 78 JUDEA. History JUSTICES of the peace 933 347-96 678 210 KELTS. Archaeology -. KENT. History KITCHEN garden 913-36 942-2 635 694 404 KNIGHTHOOD. Orders of 929'71. ),> KORAN, The KOREA. Description History 297 915 '18 951-9 78 545 703 LABOUR Convict Foreign Hours of Places of LABOUR and capital . . 331-1 331-5 331 -ft 331 -81 331*82 331 331-1 134 134 136 136 129 132 LABOUR of children 331-3 331 '4 134 134 LABOUR of women 331 "88 130 LABOUR societies 001 134 LABOURING classes LABRADOR. Description LADRONE islands. Description LAND. Community ownership .> i t> 917-19 919-67 332-2 347-2 553 627 144 203 Law Ownership, rights, rent . . Private ownership State ownership 333 333-3 333-1 336-13 142 144 143 152 LAND claims LAND nationalization 333-1 336*22 143 154 LAUD taxation 336-1 149 LANDS. Crown 336-11 151 Management 1 :.-.' Sale .. LANGUAGE. History of 409 401 aw 266 Origin of 470 Sift LATIN language "-.. 870 V'.'f, LATIN literature 960 INDEX. Subject. ClM No. Pag LAW. Commercial . . 347-7 204 Dictionaries 347 '03 202 German . . . . 349 -43 210 International . . . . . . 341 170 Land . . 347'2 203 Maritime . . . . 347-7 204 Periodicals 347 -Of> 202 Persons . > * 347-1 203 Polygraphy Private .. 347 -08 347 202 201 Realty Roman 347-2 349-37 203 :>1<> Societies . . . . 347 '(if. 202 Treatises 347 201 LAW reports and digests Australia 346-94 199 Canada . . 346-71 109 Great Britain . . 346-42 1!*S New South Wales 346 -!M4 200 New Zealand 346-931 199 Queensland South Australia 346-943 346-942 200 190 Tasmania 346-946 201 United States . . 346-73 !!)! Victoria 346-945 200 Western Australia .... . . 346-941 199 LKATHER . . . . j 675 417 LEGENDS . . 398-2 203 LEGUMINOSJE * 583-32 33!> LEPIDOPTERA . . . . . 595 -7K 351 LETTERS 825 489 LIBERTY 323 95 LIBRARIES. General . 027 6 LIBRARY administration 025 .". LIBRARY catalogues LIBRARY economy . . LICENCES 017 020 336 -i>7 4 6 155 LICHENS . . '''.. 589-1 341 LIFE. Origin of ' . . j LIFE insurance ''<.. | .. 576 368 329 241 LIGHTHOUSES '' 627-9 387 LIGHTNING. Physics Meteorology LIGHTS. Marine - 537-4 551-55 656-1 28H 294 412 LITERATURE 800 433 American & . . i 810 43r> English :<:.. French .. 820 840 436 4M German *. ' . . 830 4!>4 Greek 880 497 Italian 850 49> Latin . . 870 496 Russian >!?',.. j . . 891-7 497 Sanskrit .:.... 891-2 497 Spanish .. . LITERATURE .. 860 4!l(i Criticism 801 433 Dictionaries . . 803 433 Essays History . . ! Periodicals . . ] 804 809 805 434 43f> 434 Societies . . : 806 434 Study LTTHOLOOY 807 552 434 297 LIVING matter. Properties of 577 :52!> INDEX. 9IH Subject. Class No. Page LOAN institutes 332-3 140 LOANS. Government . . 336-3 166 LOCAL government . . . . 352 211 England . . 352 -042 212 Germany 352-043 >j-> New South Wales . . . . . . . . 352 -0944 213 New Zealand . . . . . . . . 352-0931 212 Queensland . . 352 -0943 213 Scotland 352 -041 212 South Australia 352-0942 212 United States . . 352 -073 212 Victoria 352-0945 213 LOGARITHMS . . 510-8 277 LOGIC . . 160 2<> LONDON. Description 914-21 f>3'. Directories . . 914-21 539 History 942-1 694 LONGEVITY . . 612-6 367 LOYALTY Islands. Description 919-33 569 LUNACY . . 132-1 16 LUNATIC asylums .. 362-2 23 % . MAGAZINES .. 050 7 MAGIC 133 16 MAGNETISM . . 538 287 MALACOSTBACA 595-36 341* MALAYSIA. Description 919-1 557 Ethnology 572 -991 316 History . . 959 705 Zoology MALTA. History . . 591 -992 945.8 344 699 MAMMALS 599 357 Palaeontology . . MAN. Antiquity of Natural history of 569 573-3 573 311 327 32 Place in nature . . 573-1 327 Zoology MANCHURIA. Description MANITOBA. Legislative assembly Statutes 599-9 915-18 328-712 345-712 359 545 113 195 MANNERS and customs 390 261 MANUFACTURES 670 415 MANURES 631 393 MANUSCRIPTS MAORI language .. 090 499 912 13 268 524 MAPS MARINE zoology MARINE lights MARITIME law MARQUESAS Islands. Description 581-92 656-1 347-7 919-63 343 412 204 62 o*> MARRIAGE. Ethics Customs .. 392-5 347-6 2t".2 204 Law . . Tljf . T - rt 523-4 280 MARS MARSUPIALIA MATERIA medica .. 599-2 615 146 358 373 18 MATERIALISM MATHEMATICAL tables 510-8 510 277 277 MATHEMATICS MATTER. Properties of living 577 389 329 261 MEASURES . . 610 365 MEDICINE . . Periodicals Societies 610-5 610-6 610-7 365 365 366 Study . > F.8720. 2H INDEX. Subject. CUuw No. Pge MKDICINES. Patent 614-27 371 \li;i>o I'EKSI A. Archaeology 913-35 :,:{.-, History 93T> MELANESIA. Ethnology .. .. . . 572-903 316 MEI.HOUKNE. Maps 912-945 532 Plat.-- 769 427 M KMollY 154 20 MENDELISM 575.1 na MKNTAI, faculties 150 19 MENTAL hygiene . . < . . 613-8 368 MlNMEIUSM 134 17 METAL ores .vtt-4 298 METALLURGY 069 415 METAPHYSICS 110 15 METEOROLOGY 551-5 292 METEORS 523-5 280 METHODIST church .. .. .. .. 287 72 METRIC system 389 261 M EX if jo. Description 917-2 553 History 972 709 MILITARY history 355 225 MILITARY hygiene 613-67 368 MILITARY science 355 225 MIND . . c ,... I 150 19 MIND and body 130 15 MINERAL springs 615-8 374 MINERAL veins 553-1 297 MINERALOGY 549 287 MINES. Description of 622-1 382 MINES and raining 622 380 MINING. Practical 622-2 384 MIRACLES 226-7 36 MISCELLANEOUS 828 490 MISSIONS . . . . 266 50 MOHAMMEDANISM 297 78 MOLECULAR physics 539 287 MOLLUSC^ , 594 346 Palaeontology 564 310 MOLUCCAS. Description 919-13 559 MONACO. History . . . . . . . ,vf< 944-94 608 MONASTIC orders 271 55 MONEY . . 332 137 MONEYS. : Comparative value of 332-475 142 MONGOLIA. History 951-7 702 MONISM . . 147 18 MoNOCOTtYLEDON^E 584 339 MONOLITHS i j ( > . ( 571-9 313 MONOTREJMATA 599-1 358 MOON, The 523-3 280 MOROCCOJ Description 916-4 549 History 964 705 MOSQUITOES 595-77 351 MOSSES . . ; Aj,. | 588 340 MOTHS 595-78 3r>l MUNICIPAL ownership 352-9 214 MUNICIPAL trading . . . . , . . 352-9 214 MUSIUMS i . . 507 276 MUSIC . . kJ. : . . . . 780 430 Ecclesiastical 246 41 MYOPORINE^E 583-871 339 MYRTALES . . . . . . . . , . . 583-4 339 MYSTICISM .'..*.' 149 18 MYTHOLOGY. Comparative 291 76 Greek 292 77 Roman 292 77 Teutonic 293 77 INDEX. 963 Subject. Clus Xo. Page NAMES of persona and places 929-4 676 NARCOTICS. Hygiene . . . . . . - (513-81 368 NATAL. Parliament . . . . 328-684 112 NATIONAL, banks 332 -U 139 NATIONAL debt 336-3 15 NATURAL history 570 311 NATURAL religion . . . . ... 210 31 NATURAL selection 575 4 328 NATURAL theology 210 31 NAUTICAL almanacs 528 181 NAVAL history and science 359 230 NAVIGATION 656 I 412 NAVY 359 230 "NETHERLANDS. Description.. 914-92 542 Exhibitions 606-492 360 History . . . . . . . . "/* 949 2 701 NEW Britain. See Bismarck archipelago. NEW Caledonia. Botany 581 9932 333 Description 919-32 568 Ethnology . . 572-9932 317 Geology 559-32 301 History . . . . 993-2 718 NEW Guinea. Botany 581-995 338 Description 919-5 617 Ethnology 572-995 325 Government and administration 354-95 225 History 995 732 Languages . . , 499 268 Maps . . . . 1 912-95 533. See also Papua. NEW Hebrides. Description 919-34 569 ' Ethnology . . : 572-9934 318 History . . ! 993 4 718 Maps . . . . 912 934 526 NEW Ireland. See Bismarck archipelago. NEW South Wales. Almanacs 919 44 05 Botany . . 581 -9944 33 Description 919-44 697 Directories . . 919-44 665 Ethnology 572-9944 323 Exhibitions 606-944 361 Finance 336 944 157 Geology 559-44 304 Government and administration . . 354-944 223 History 994-4 723 Law reports and digests Local government Maps 346-944 352-0944 912-944 200 213 529 Parliament 328-944 115 Photographs ... Plates 779 769 429 426 Political history and affairs 329-9944 121 Statistics 319-44 87 Statutes 345-944 197 Zoology NEW Zealand. Botany 591-9944 581-9931 344 332 Description Directories 919-31 919-31 600 6681 Ethnology Exhibitions 572-9931 606-931 316 361 General assembly. See N.Z. Parliament. Geology Government and administration . . 559-31 354-931 300 221 History Law reports and digests . . 993-1 346 931 71? 199 2lIZ JMi t Subject. CUM No. I'..,-.- NEW Zealand. Local government 352-0931 su Maps 012-931 626 Palaeontology 560 9931 307 Parliament 328-931 114 Plates 769 424 Statistics 319-31 85 Statutes 345-931 196 Zoology 591-9931 344 NEW Zealand fiction 823 470 NEW Zealand poetry 821 440 NEWSPAPERS 070 10 Now-Christian religions 290 76 NOBTH America. Description 917 552 Ethnology 572-97 315 History 970 708 NORTHERN Territory. Almanacs 919-421 594 Description 919-421 593 Ethnology 572-99421 321 Geology 559-421 303 NOVA Scotia. Description 917-16 552 NUMISMATICS . . . . . . . . . . 737 421 NURSERY rhymes . . . . . . ... 398-8 265 NURSING 610-7 366 OATHS, Judicial 179 27 OBSERVATIONS, Astronomical.. 522-1 278 OCBAN transport. Economic 387 259 Technical 656 411 OCEAN travel 910 4 505 OCEANIA. Botany 581-99 332 Description 919 556 Ethnology 572-99 316 Geology 559 300 History 990 712 OCEANS 551 -46 291 OLD- age pensions 351 5 211 OPTIMISM 149 IS ORANGE River Colony. Government and administration 354-685 221 Parliament 328-685 112 Statutes 345-685 195 ORANGEISM 284 67 ORATORY 808-5 435 ORATORY, American 815 436 ORCHARDS 634 400 ORCHIDS 584-15 339 ORE deposits . . . . . . . ... 553 1 297 ORES 553-4 298 ORIGIN of life 576 329 ORIGIN of species 575-8 329 ORNAMENT 745 422 ORPHAN asylums 362-7 236 ORTHOGRAPHY 411 266 ORTHOPTERA 595-72 350 OSTRACODA 595-33 349 OYSTERS 639 409 PACIFIC Islands. Botany . . . . 581-996 338 Ethnology 572-996 325 Geology 559 300 Languages 499 268 Plates , . . , 769 424 Zoology 591-996 345 PACIFIC Islands, isolated. Description 919-7 628 PACIFIC ocean. Maps . . . . . . . ^ 912-96 534 INDEX. 965 Subject. Class No. Pe PAINTING 750 422 PAINTING, Schools of 759 422 PALAEONTOLOGY . * 560 307 Australia . . 560-994 307 New Zealand 560-9931 307 Queensland 560-9943 308 South Australia . . . . . . . . 560-9942 308 Tasmania . . -.. . . 560-9946 308 Victoria .. . . .. 560-9945 308 Western Australia .. . . . 560-9941 307 PALAEONTOLOGY. Articulates 866 311 Botany 561 309 Mammalia 569 311 Mollusca . . 564 310 Plants . . . . 561 309 Protozoa . . 563 309 Radiates . . . . . . 563 309 PALESTINE. Description . . 915-69 547 PAMPHLETS . . 040 7 PANTHEISM . . .. . 147 18 PAPUA. Laws and ordinances 345-95 198 See also New Guinea. PARLIAMENT. Australia 328 94 114 British Columbia . . . . . . . . 328-711 113 Canada 328-71 113 Cape of Good Hope 328-687 113 Great Britain . . . . 328-42 110 Manitoba 328-712 113 Natal 328-684 112 New South Wales 328-944 115 New Zealand . . 328-931 114 Orange River Colony Queensland South Australia . . . . 328-685 328-943 328-942 112 115 114 Sweden 328-485 112 Tasmania . . . . . . 328-946 116 Transvaal . 328-682 112 United States . . . 328-73 113 /Victoria Western Australia 328-945 328-941 116 114 PARLIAMENTARY practice PARSEEISM 328-1 295 107 78 PARTIES, Political . . . . 329 116 PASTORALS PATENT medicines . . 252 1 614-27 46 371 PATENTS 608 365 PATENTS. Law 347-7 204 PATHOLOGY . . 616 375 PATRIARCHAL theory PATRIOTISM PAVEMENTS PEERAGES. General Great Britain . . PELEW Islands PENSIONS . . .. 321-1 172 1 625-8 929-7 929-72 919-06 351-5 nrtf) 92 22 386 676 677 626 211 7 PERIODICALS . . V11V7 979 56 PERSECUTIONS PERSIA. Description PERSIA, ancient. History PERSONAL hygiene . . PERSONS. Law PERU. Description History .. mlm 915-5 935 613 347-1 918-5 985 Cii r> 5 547 678 366 203 555 712 414 PETROLEUM 1/UtJ *J 552 9.Q7 PBTROLOGY . 966 INDEX. Subject. CUM No. Pag* PHANKROOAMIA . . . . . . . . ... 582 333 PHARMACY 615 4 373 PHUUINTHBQPY 360 2:u PHIUFPINES. Description . . . . 919-14 "VW PHILOLOGY 400 266 PHIIOLOGY. Comparative 410 266 PHUOSOPHERS. Ancient 180 27 British . . . . 192 27 European 193 27 Greek 182 27 Oriental 181 27 PHH-OSOPHICAL systems . . ... 140 18 PHILOSOPHY 102 14 Essays 104 14 History of 109 18 PHILOSOPHY of history 901 498 PHOSNICIA. History 939 680 PHOTOGRAPHS 779 428 PHYSICAL geography 551-4 290 PHYSICAL training 613 7 MB PHYSICS 530 M PHYSIOGNOMY 138 IK PHYSIOLOGY 612 :w; PHYSIOLOGY. Animal 591 1 :m PICTURE galleries 708 4tt PIGEONS 636-6 408 PITCAIRN Island. Description 919-7 tm History 997 734 PLACE names 929-4 67ft PLACES of labour 331-82 13<> PLANETS . . . . 523-4 28O- PLANTS. Fertilisation 581-16 331 Habits 581-5 331 Palaeontology 561 30i Variation 581-15 331 PLATES 769 42*2 POETRY. American 811 43.-> Australian 821 441 English 821 437 French . . . . . . ..... 841 494 New Zealand 821 440 POISONS 615-9 .ST.', POLAND. History 943-8 m POLICE 352-2 214 POLITICAL associations 363 237 POLITICAL economy 330 1 iT> Collected works 330 8 129 Dictionaries 330-3 127 Essays . . . . 330 4 m History f . ! 330 9 12ft Periodicals . . . . . . 330-5 128 Societies 330-6 UM POUTTCAL history and affairs. Australia 329-994 119 Great Britain . . ' 329 942 118 India 329-954 Hit Ireland 329 9415 lift New South Wales 329-9944 121 New Zealand * .' 329-0931 11 Queensland 329-9943 120 Scotland 329-941 117 South Australia 329-9942 120 Tasmania , .,. ' 329 9946 124 Transvaal s ;j +. 1 . . 329 968 119 United State* 3. ' 329 973 119 Victoria **. ; . . . . ... 329-9945 123. INDEX. 967 Subject. Class N'<>. PRe POLITICAL parties 329 116 POLITICAL science 320 89 Collected works 320-8 91 Essays 320-4 91 Periodicals 320 5 91 POLYNESIA. Description 919-6 621 History 996 732 Maps 912-96 534 POLYNESIAN languages 499 268 POLYPETAL^! 583 1 339 POPULATION 312 83 PORCELAIN 738 . 421 PORTRAITS 769 423 PORTUGAL. Colonies 325-469 io<; POSITIVISM . . . . . . 146 IK POST office 383 257 POTTERY 738 421 POULTRY 636 5 408 PRACTICE. Law 347-9 208 PRAGMATISM 149 18 PRECIOUS stones 553-8 299 PREFERENTIAL voting 324 2 96 PREHISTORIC archaeology 571 313 PRESBYTERIAN church 285 68 PRICES 338-5 164 PRIMITIVE traditions 398-1 263 PRINTING 655 411 PRISONS 365 237 PRIVATE banks ' 332 13 140 PRODUCTION. Manufacture : Prices 338 163 PRODUCTION of gold and silver 332 41 141 PROFESSIONAL ethics 174 23 PROPORTIONAL representation PROSE 324-2 808 96 434 PROSODY 426 267 PROSPECTING 622-1 382 PROTECTION and free trade . . 337 158 PROTESTANT sects 284 67 PROTOZOA 593 345 Palaeontology PROVERBS PSEtJDONEUROPTERA 563 398-9 595-73 265 350 11* PSYCHICAL research 134 150 7 19 PSYCHOLOGY 587 34O PTERIDOPHYTA PUBLIC health 614 351 -1 369 211 PUBLIC service 49 PUBLIC worship 343*2 191 PUNISHMENTS 599-8 35S QUADRAMANA 289-6 78 QUAKERS QUEENSLAND. Almanacs 919-43 581-9943 597 335 Botany Description 919-43 919-43 594 597 Directories Ethnology ."' CiiMi-943 361 Exhibitions . . 559-43 Geology Government and administration 354 -943 t& 72:? History Law reports and digests Local government 34i-'.43 352MW43 912-943 200 213 Maps Palaeontology :n ;i 1-9943 198 -tU3 308 115, Parliament INDEX. Subject. Class No. P*g IjrKKNSLAND. Photographs.. 779 429 Plates 769 425 Political history and affairs 329-9943 120 Statistics . . . . .. :u<>-43 87 Statutes 345 -943 197 Vl'OTATIONS 808-8 435 RADIATES. Palaeontology 563 309 RADIOACTIVITY 539 287 RAILWAY engineering 625 385 RAILWAY transport 650 411 RAILWAYS 385 258 RAINFALL 551 -57 295 RATIONALISM 211 32 READING and aids 028 7 READING circles 374-2 247 REALTY. Law 347-2 203 REFERENDUM 321-4 92 REFORMATION, The 270-6 55 REFORMATORIES 364 237 REGISTRATION and vital statistics 614-1 370 RELIGION 200 28 Collected works 208 31 Dictionaries 203 28 Disputations 204 28 Essays 204 28 Periodicals . . 205 30 Societies 206 30 RELIGION, History of 290 76 291 76 RELIGION and science 215 32 RELIGIONS, Non-Christian 290 76 299 78 RELIGIOUS associations 267 54 REIJGIOUS education 377 247 RELIGIOUS experiences 201 28 RELIGIOUS history 270 54 274 56 RELIGIOUS history by countries 274-279 56-57 RELIGIOUS persecutions 272 55 RENT 333 142 333-5 144 REPRESENTATION 321-4 92 REPRODUCTION 612-6 366 REPTILES. Biology 598-1 353 Palaeontology 568 311 REPUBLIC 321-8 93 REPUDIATION 336-36 156 RESIDENCES 728 420 RHETORIC 808 434 RIFLE shooting 799 432 RITUAL . . 264 49 RIVER transport. Political 387 259 Technical ,',. . j .. .. .. .. 656 411 ROAD engineering 625 385 ROADMAKING 625-7 386 ROMAN catholic church 282 57 ROMAN empire. History 937 679 ROMAN law 349-37 210 ROMAN mythology 292 77 ROME. Archaeology 913-37 535 ROME, Ancient. History 937 679 ROME. Modern. History 945-6 699 RUSSIA. Description 914-7 541 History 947 700 RUSSIAN literature 891-7 497 INDEX. 969 Subject. Class No. Page SACRAMENTS 265 60 SAILING directions . . 656-1 412 SALT BUSH . . 583 -914 339 SALVATION 234 37 SALVATION army 267-15 54 SAMOA. Description 919-61 624 History . . 996-1 733 SANITATION, Rural . . . . . . . . 628-7 389 SANSKRIT literature 891-2 497 SARACENS . . 953 703 SATELLITES 521 -6 278 SATIRE . . . . . . 827 489 French 847 495 SAVING 331 -84 136 SCANDINAVIA. Description 914-8 T>42 History 948 701 SCIENCE 500 272 Collected works 508 276 Essays 504 272 History 509 277 Magazines and periodicals 505 274 SCIENCE and religion 215 32 SCIENTIFIC museums 507 276 SCIENTIFIC societies 506 274 SCIENTIFIC travels. Antarctic regions 508-99 277 New Zealand 508-931 276 SCOTLAND. Description 914-1 538 History Tx)cal government Public history and affairs 941 352 -041 329-941 682 212 117 SCULPTURE 730 421 SEALS. Heraldry . . 929-8 677 SEAWEEDS 589-3 341 SECRET societies 366 240 SEISMOLOGY 551-2 289 SELF- EDUCATION . . 374 246 SENSE perception .. 152 OCO 20 11 SERMONS 252 41 SERVIA. Description History SEWERAGE, Disposal of SEWERAGE works .. 914-97 949-7 628-3 628-2 543 702 389 388 SEX 150 19 SEXUAL ethics 176 24 Q~/* SEXUAL questions . . - SHAKESPEARE 616-6 822-33 3/6 465 SHAKESPEARE society SHEEP SHIP building SHIP'S logs .. 822 636-3 699 656-2 fill 463 406 418 413 411 SHORTHAND SIBERIA. Description SICILY, Ancient. History SIGNALS VD0 915-7 937-8 654 '9 fiOQ 548 680 411 409 SILKWORMS SILVER. Metallurgy SILVER. Coinage . . 9vO 669-2 332-41 427 41f> 141 267 SLANG SLAVERY . . SNAKE- BITE SOCIAL clubs !. 326 615-94 367 106 375 241 ' i SOCIAL ethics SOCIAL insurance :: :: :: 177 331 '2 ten 24 133 70 SOCIAL science 5W &9 Collected works .. 308 OAO OS an Dictionaries olM " v 970 INDEX. Subject. SOCIAL science. Essays Periodicals Philosophy : Theories Societies SOCIALISM Australian Christian English and American German State SOCIALISTIC comimmitien SOCIETIES. For societies connected with a subject, s. , that subject. SOCIETY Islands. Description SOCIETY of Friends SOIL SOLAR system . . . . . . SOLOMON Islands. Description Ethnology SONGS, Tribal SOUL, The SOUTH Africa. Archaeology . . . . . . Botany Description Ethnology History Statistics SOUTH America. Description History Statistics SOUTH Australia. Almanacs Botany Description Directories Ethnology Exhibitions Geology Government and administration History Law reports . . Local government Maps Palaeontology Parliament Photographs Plates .. .. .. .. .. Political history and affairs Statistics Statutes SPAIN. Colonies Description History SPANISH literature SPECIES, Origin of . . SPEECHES SPIRITISM ... SPITSBERGEN. History SPONGES . . SPORTS, Out door . . . . . . . . STARS . . SIS'] STATE banks STATE domain and properties Management Sale .. STATE education STATE ethics 304 305 301 306 335 335-11 335-7 335-1 335-5 335-0 335-9 919-62 289 -6 631 523 '2 919-35 572 -9935 398-8 128 913 -<>S 581 - 918 980 318 919-42 581 -9942 919-42 919-42 572 -9942 606-942 559-42 354-942 994-2 346 -942 :r>2 -0942 912-942 500 '9942 328 -942 779 769 329*9942 319-42 345-942 325 -4(i 914-6 946 860 57.") -s 825 m-< 998 593 -4 796 523-8 332-11 336-1 336-11 336-13 379 172 n 7!) 82 ur> 148 14U 147 MI 14^ 141* 9tK -:> 393 28O .-,i;<.) 318 265 15 537 33* 551 31f> TOti M .-,.-,4 711 85 .V.2 335 58! 592 321 3 1 2<> Mir, 101; r,4l 7110 tfift :<2!* 4SS n; 734 :ur, 431 2S1 13!^ 149 151 152 251 21 IKDEX. 971 Subject. Clans No. Page STATB, Form of . . . . ' . . ... 321 91 STATE. Internal relations 323 95 STATE socialism 335-6 149 STATS, Theory of 320-1 90 STATISTICS 310 M STATISTICS. Australia 319-4 85 Canada 317-1 84 Oreat Britain 314-2 83 Japan 315-2 Kl N?w South Wales 319-14 tf~ New Zealand 319-31 85 Queensland 319-43 VJ South Africu 316 SI South America 3H 8"> South \iMralia 319-42 h(> Tasmania 319-46 SN United States 317-3 94 Victoria 319-45 9R Western Australia 319-H 8 Cape .of Good Hope Fiji .. 345-687 345-961 195 ]<>K Manitoba 345-712 IfB New South Wales 345-944 197 New Zealand 345-931 19 Orange River Colony 345-685 MB Papua 345-95 19 -> Queensland South Australia 345-943 345-942 1W Tasmania 345 -4 tm United States 345-73 195 Victoria 345-945 197 Western Australia 345-941 m STEAM engineering STIMULANTS. Ethic* 621-1 178 25 Hygiene Medicine 613-81 615-71 374 STOCKS and stock exchanges STONB age STONEHENGE STORMS 332-6 571-1 571-9 551 -55 142 313 313 294 STRATIGRAPHICAL geology STRIKES . . SUDAN. Description SUFFRAGE 551 *78 331-89 916-26 324 137 549 IB Qualifications ... Woman SUGAR. Culture Manufacture 324-1 324-3 BS 664-1 4 96 397 414 SUICIDE SUMATRA. Botany Description History SUN, The . . SUNDA. Description 394-8 581 -992 919-21 992 523-7 919-2 559 712 281 559 49 SUNDAY . . ' \ SUPERSTITIONS 398-3 M SURGERY . . SURVEYING SWEDEN. Parliament 617 526-9 328-485 284 112 SWEDENBOROIANISM. . SWITZERLAND. Description . . Finance ***. i 914-94 336 -494 543 157 972 INDEX. Subject. Class No. P*g* SWITZERLAND. Government and administration 354-494 221 SYDNEY. Maps Plates .. 912-944 709 530 426 SYNONYMS 424 267 SYRIA. Archaeology 913-394 637 TAHITI. History TASMANIA. Almanacs 996-1 919-46 733 616 Botany Description Directories 581 -9946 919-46 919-4C. 337 612 616 Ethnology Exhibitions .. 572 -9940 (506 -946 324 363 Finance 336-946 158 Geology Government and administration 559 -46 354-946 306 224 History I^aw reports and digests Maps Palaeontology Parliament .. 994-6 346-946 912-946 560-9946 328-946 730 201 532 308 116 Photographs Plates .. 779 769 430 428 Political history and affairs Statistics 329 -9946 319-46 124 88 Statutes . . 345-946 197 Zoology TAXATION 591 -9946 336-2 345 153 Customs r 336-26 155 Direct . . . . * . 336-21 154 Excise . . . * 336-27 155 Local m , 336-28 156 TAXATION of land and real estate . . 336-22 154 TEA. Culture 633 397 TEACHERS 371 244 TECHNICAL education , m 607 364 TECHNOLOGY. Dictionaries .. .. B m 603 359 Essays History Periodicals .. 604 609 605 359 365 359 TEETOTALISM . . 178 25 TELEGRAPHIC codes 652 411 TELEGRAPHS 384 257 TELEGRAPHY 654 411 TEMPERANCE . 178 25 TEUTONIC mythology THALLOPHYTA 292 589 77 341 THEATRES 792 431 THEOLOGY 230 36 THEOLOGY. Didactic and meditative . . . . . . 241 40 Horniletic and pastoral . . THEORY of State .. 250 320-1 41 90 THERAPEUTICS , , 615 373 THERMOMETRY . . 551 -52 294 THRIFT 331 -84 136 TIBET. Description History TIMBER .. 915-15 951-5 674 544 702 418 TIN. Metallurgy TOBACCO (Culture) TONGA. Description History TRADE. Domestic ;! !: i 669-6 633 919-61 996-1 381 415 397 624 733 255 Foreign ,-#*. ! .. 380 382 253 255 TRADE unions 331-88 136 INDEX. 973 Subject. Class No. Page TRANSITS. Astronomy 523-9 282 TRANSPORT 656 411 Canal . . 386 259 City 388 261 Ocean 387 259 Railway 385 25H River 387 259 TRANSPORTATION 365 237 TRANSVAAL. History 968-2 707 Parliament . . . . 328-682 112 Political history and affairs 329-968 119 TRAVELS 910 501 TRIALS. Civil 347-91 209 Criminal . . . . . . 343.1 190 TRIGONOMETRY 514 277 TRIPOLI. Description 916-12 549 TUNICATA 594-9 348 TURKEY. Description 914-961 543 History 949-6 701 TURKEY in Asia. Description 915-6 547 TUSCANY. History 945-5 699 UNEMPLOYED 339 166 UNEMPLOYMENT assurance 368 241 UNITARIAN church 288 75 UNITED States. Congress 328-73 113 Description 917-3 553 Ethnology 572 -97 315 Exhibitions 606-73 361 Finance 336-73 157 Government and administration . . 353 214 History 973 709 Law reports and digests Local government Political history and affairs 346-73 352-073 329-973 199 212 119 Statistics 317-3 84 Statutes 345-73 195 UNIVERSE 523-1 279 UNIVERSITIES 378 ?49 URUGUAY. Description 918-9 55 Statistics 318 85 USEFUL arts 600 359 Dictionaries 603 359 Essays 604 359 History Periodicals 609 605 359 UTOPIAS 320-1 90 VACCINATION 614-47 371 VARIATION. Biology VARIATION of plants 575-2 581-15 328 331 VENICE. History 945-3 W.i VENTILATION 697 418 VERTEBRATES VICTORIA. Almanacs Botany Description Directories Ethnology Exhibitions Geology Government and administration 596 919-45 5S1 -9945 91 9 -45 919-45 572-9945 606 -945 559 -45 345-945 351 611 337 606 611 324 362 306 223 History * Local government Law reports and digests \jr . . 994*5 352 -0945 346 -945 912-945 729 213 530 Maps . . * Palaeontology 5CO-9945 308 INDEX. Subject. ClASS NO. Pe VICTORIA. Parliament 328-945 116 Photographs 179 430 Plates 769 427 Political history and affairs 329-9945 123 Statistics 319-45 88 Statutes 345 -945 197 Zoology 591 -9945 314 VILLAGE communities 321-1 92 VINEYARDS . . . . ... 634 4<>0 VITAL statistics . . . . , 312 83 Pubic health 614-1 370 VOLCANOES 551-2 189 VOYAGES . . . . . . . . ... 910-4 505 Collections 910-8 IfQ WAGES 331 129 331-2 133 WAR. Ethics of 172-4 22 WATER supply 628-1 387 WATERWORKS 628 387 WEIGHTS and measures 389 261 WESLEY AN methodist church 287 72 WEST Indies. Description 917-29 553 WESTERN Australia. Almanac-* 919-41 589 Botany 581 -9941 335 Description 919-41 Directories 919-41 :.s-.t Ethnology 572 -9941 320 Geology ... 559-41 302 Government and administration 354-941 222 History 994-1 722 Law reports 346-941 199 Maps . . 912-941 527 Palaeontology 560-9941 307 Parliament 328-941 114 Plates . . 769 425 Statistics 319-41 86 Statutes 345-941 196 WHEAT 633 397 WINDS ., . . 551 -51 293 WlNEMAKING 634 400 WOMAN 396 263 Diseases 618 378 Labour of 331-4 134 WOMAN suffrage . . j 324 '3 96 WOOD carving . . 1 736 421 WOODS . . 674 416 WOOL . . . . ; 677 417 WORMS . . . . . . 595-1 348 YACHTING 797 432 ZOOLOGY . . 590 342 ZOOLOGY. Antarctic regions 591 '999 345 Australia 591 -994 344 East Indian Archipelago 591 -992 344 New South Wales 591 -9944 344 New Zealand . . . . . . 591 -9931 344 Pacific Islands . . > 591 -99C 345 Tasmania 591 -9946 345 Victoria 591 -9945 344 ZOOLOGY. Marine . . . . . / 591 -92 343 ZULTTLAND. History 968-3 707 ZYGOSPOBE.S: . . : . . . . *^r , 589 -6 342 Printed and Published for the GOVERNMENT of the COMMONWEALTH of AUSTRAUA by J. KEMP, Government Printer for the State of Victoria. C5 \ > = J=S 5 r p u_ u B at s a s University Research Library ? ^ E S %. g T>. -> z S if % ? ^ Cc ^ OF-C