UftMU LIBRARY, To the Clergy, Masters of Grammar Schools, Tutors of Theological Seminaries, &c. EDINBURGH, 38. GEORGE STREET. MR. CLARK begs leave, most respectfully, to invite the attention of the Clergy and Masters of Grammar Schools, and Theological Seminaries throughout Great Britain and Ireland, to the Works mentioned in the accompanying Catalogue more especially he requests their attention to NEGRIS' & DUNCAN'S Edition of Professor Robinson's Greek Lexicon of the New Testament, In one very large Volume Octavo, Price L.\. 5s., handsomely bound in cloth. This Edition has undergone a rigid revision, and has been most carefully correct- ed. The Greek portion by MR. NEGRIS, a native of Greece, one of the most ac- complished Hellenists of the present day ; and the Hebrew by the REV. JOHN DUNCAN, of Milton Church, Glasgow, one of the most accurate and able Orien- talists in this country. Several thousand errors in the last American Edition have been corrected, and the Publisher has good reason to hope that his Edition will be found, upon examination, the CHEAPEST and the most ACCURATE Lexicon of the New Testament ever brought out. . The Biblical Cabinet, Which consists of Translations from the most eminent of the German Divines and Critics. This Publication has been got up at a very heavy expense, with the express design of supplying an important desideratum in the Theological and Philological Library; and it is chiefly to the Clergy that the Publisher looks for the patronage and support which so extensive an undertaking absolutely requires, and which he humbly hopes, in some degree, merits. MR. CLARK begs also, most respectfully, to solicit the attention of MASTERS of GRAMMAR SCHOOLS to Mr- Negris' Greek Classics* MR. NEGRIS is a native of Greece, and has been for many years engaged in col- lating and elucidating the Classic authors of his native country, and the success which has attended his labours has been amply proved by their introduction into many of the most distinguished Classical Establishments in England, Ireland and Scotland, as well as into several Universities. The unprecedented accuracy wh ch characterizes Mr. NEGRIS' Editions the beauty of the typography, and economy of price, will sufficiently account for the preference which is given to them. The Students' Cabinet Library, Consists of valuable Tracts, written chiefly by distinguished American authors, and in most instances could not be obtained without paying ten times the price charged for them in this Collection, as they have not been formerly published in a separate form. A MANUAL OF ANCIENT HISTORY, PARTICULARLY WITH REGARD TO THE CONSTITUTIONS, THE COMMERCE, AND THE COLONIES, OF THE STATES OF ANTIQUITY. BY A. H. L. HEEREN ; KNIGHT OF THE NORTH STAR AND GUELPHIC ORDER J AULIC COUNSELLOR AND PROFESSOR OF HISTORY IN THE UNIVERSITY OF GOETTINGEN ; AND MEMBER OF SEVERAL OTHER LEARNED SOCIETIES. Cranslatefc from tf>e ermatt. THE SECOND EDITION, CORRECTED AND IMPROVED. OXFORD : PUBLISHED BY D. A. TALBOYS. M DCCC XXXIII. OXFORD : PRINTED BY TALBOYS AND BROWNE. TRANSLATOR'S PREFACE TO THIS EDITION. IT is to the patient industry of the historians of Germany, that we are indebted for the first pro- duction of Manuals of history, and for those syn- chronistic tables which have so much facilitated the systematic study of ancient history ; and among the various and profound treatises of this class which enrich and adorn their literature, the works of Heeren are distinguished by their ex- tended range of enquiry, as well as by the minute accuracy of their details. The work before us embodies the result of his laborious researches during the long period in which he has been engaged as public lecturer and professor of history in the university of Goet- tingen ; and if it be any recommendation of a work to know that its writer has had ample time, ability, and opportunity to collect and elaborate his materials, it may be asserted, without fear of contradiction, that the author of the present work possessed all these advantages in an eminent de- gree. He has spent the greater portion of his life in lecturing upon the subjects of which it treats, and has in every case gone for his informa- tion immediately to the fountain head. It forms, too, an important feature of his work, that a list of the original sources, whence his own know- a2 iv TRANSLATOR'S PREFACE. ledge has been drawn, is placed at the head of each section; another is added of the principal writers who have touched upon or illustrated the particular portion of history under notice ; both being generally accompanied with a few words of judicious criticism, in which the value of the writer's authority is estimated, and his sources, circumstances, and prejudices, briefly, but fairly set forth. Besides this advantage, the work pos- sesses the merit of combining the convenience of the Manuals with the synchronistic method of instruction ; as the geography, chronology, and biography of the countries and states of the an- cient world are brought at once under the eye of the reader ; and so lucid is the arrangement, that the darkest and most entangled portions of his- tory are seen in a clear and perspicuous light. Professor Heeren seems, moreover, to possess in a more eminent degree than any other writer, the power of forcing, by a very few words, the atten- tion of the reader upon the most important facts of history; and of conjuring up in his thoughts a train of reflections calculated at once to instruct and enlarge the mind. His work is not only ad- mirably adapted to become a text-book in the study of history, but will be found equally serviceable as a book of reference it will guide the student in his untried and intricate course, and enable the more advanced scholar to methodize his collected stores. Perhaps in no work has so much impor- tant information been condensed into so small a compass. The estimation in which this Manual is held on the continent, may be gathered from the TRANSLATOR'S PREFACE. v fact of its having passed through six large edi- tions in German, and two in French, and from its having been translated into almost every language of Europe. The rapidity with which the first edition, as well as the other writings of professor Heeren, have sold in this country, is a proof that they only required to be known here in order to be appre- ciated. The favour with which these translations have been received, both by the venerable author himself and by the British public, has been a source of the highest gratification to the publisher. The encouragement, so kindly bestowed, has urged him to new exertions, the fruits of which, he trusts, will be observable in the present volume. The Manual has not only been revised and corrected throughout, but has also been diligently compared with the German, and has received such amelio- rations as the original text or the English style seemed to demand. When it is added to this that a very numerous body of corrections and improvements have been sent to the publisher by professor Heeren himself, who has patiently ex- amined the translation expressly for this edition, he trusts that the public will be satisfied that it is as faithful a copy of the original work as the na- ture of things will allow. In the preface to the last edition of this Manual the publisher announced his intention, should it be favourably received, of following it up by the publication of another elaborate work of the same author, viz. A Manual of the History of the States of Modern Europe and their Colonies, as forming one political System. This work will ri TRANSLATOR'S PREFACE. now very shortly appear. As an apology for the delay which has taken place, he begs to call to their notice another equally important work by the same author, which he has published in the mean time ; the Historical Researches into the Politics, Intercourse, and Trade of the Carthagi- nians, Ethiopians, and Egyptians, with a general introduction ; the remainder of this work, con- taining the Historical Researches into the Politics, Intercourse, and Trade of the Ancient Asiatic Nations the Persians, Phoenicians, Babylonians, Scythians, and Hindoos, will appear in a few weeks. To add to the usefulness of the work, an ana- lysis of the contents, with dates, has been given in the margin. The f prefixed to some of the books denote that they are written in German. OXFORD, March, 1833. PROFESSOR HEEREN'S WORKS. THE following catalogue of the historical works of Professor Heeren, has been sent to the Publisher by the Professor himself. They are uniformly printed in German, in 15 vols. 8vo. and may always be had together or separate of the publisher of this volume. VOL. I. II. III. Vermischte historische Schriften. (Miscellaneous His- torical Pieces). VOL. I. Einleitung. Biographische Nachrichten iiber den Verfasser. (Biographical Sketch of Heeren's Life, by himself.) 1. Entwickelung der politischen Folgen der Reformation fur Europa. (Development of the Consequences of the Reformation to the Politics of Europe). 2. * Versuch einer Entwickelung des Ursprungs und Fortganges der britischen Continental-interesse. (Essay on the Rise and Progress of the British Continental interests). A translation of this Essay will be appended to the Manual of the History of Modern Europe, see vol. viii. ix. below. 3. Ueber den Einfluss der politischen Theorien auf Europa. (Of the Influence of Political Theories on Europe). VOL. II. 1. Ueber die Erhaltung der Nationalitat besiegter Volker. (On the Method of Preserving the Nationality of Conquered States.) Written in 1810, and suppressed by the French. 2. Entwickelung der Folgen der Kreuzziige fur Europa. (De- velopment of the Effects of the Crusades upon Europe : An essay which obtained the prize of the French Institute in 1808. 3. Ueber den Einfluss der Normannen auf die franzbsische Sprache und Poe'sie. (On the Influence of the Normans on the French Language and Poetry). 4. Ueber die Colonisation von JEgypten, und ihre Folgen fur Europa. (On the Colonisation of Egypt, and its Probable Conse- quences to Europe). 5. Der deutsche Bund in seinen Verhaltnisse zu Europa. (The Influence of the German Federation upon Europe). VOL. Ill, 1. Ueber den historischen Werth der Biographien Plu- tarch's. (On the Historical Value of Plutarch's Lives). 2. Geschichte der biirgerlichen Unruhen der Gracchen. (History of the Civil Commotions under the Gracchi). 3. Fiinf archseologische und antiquarische Aufsatze. (Five Ar- chaeological and Antiquarian Tracts). VOL. IV. V. Geschichte der classischen Litteratur im Mittelalter. (History of Classical Literature During the Middle Ages). VOL. VI. Biographische und litterarische Denkschriften. (Biographical and Literary Memoirs). 1. Christian Gottlob. Heyne, biographisch dargestellt. (Bio- graphical Memoir of Heyne), the father-in-law of Heeren. 2. Andenken an deutsche Historiker. (Memoirs of German Historians. VOL. VII. * Handbuch der Geschichte der Staaten des Alterthums, (Manual of Ancient History, of which this volume is the second edition of the English translation). VOL. VIII. IX. * Handbuch der Geschichte der europaische Staaten- systems und seiner Colonien. (Manual of the History of the Euro- pean States-system and their Colonies). VOL. X. * Ideen ueber die Politik, den Verkehr und den Handel des vornehmsten Staaten der alten Welt. (Researches into the Politics, Intercourse, and Trade of the Principal States of Antiquity, Asiatic Nations). 1 . General Introduction ; 2. Persians. VOL. XL *Ideen, etc. (Asiatic Nations). 1. Phoenicians; 2. Babylo- nians; 3. Scythians. VOL. XII. * Ideen, etc. (Asiatic Nations). Indians. VOL. XIII. * Ideen, etc. (African Nations). 1. Carthaginians; 2. Ethiopians. VOL. XIV. * Ideen, etc. (African Nations). Egyptians. VOL. XV. *Ideen, etc. (European Nations). Greeks. Those with a * prefixed are translated into English, and are either now published or will very shortly be so. PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION. IN adding to the number of Manuals on Ancient History already published, I feel myself bound to give an account of the plan on which the pre- sent has been executed. It was at first designed to be used in my public lectures, and from them it has grown up to what it now is. In them I did not consider it necessary to state all we know or think we know of ancient history. Many facts highly interesting to the learned historian are not adapted for pub- lic lectures. It was therefore my great object to make choice of such incidents as ought to be known by my pupils in order to the effectual prosecution of their historical studies. Conse- quently I have not extended my labours so far as to give an historical account of every nation, but have limited myself to those most remarkable for their general civilization and political eminence. The subjects to which I have particularly di- rected my attention are, the formation of states, the changes in their constitution, the routes by which commerce was carried on, the share which the different nations respectively took in its pur- suit, and, as immediately connected with that x PREFACE. department, their extension severally by means of colonies. The favourable reception which my larger work, executed after a different plan, has met with, would lead me to hope for a like indulgence in this new attempt, even if the spirit of the age did not so loudly call upon every historian to direct his chief attention to these subjects. And for this reason I could not rest satisfied with a mere detail of isolated facts, but have made it my study to follow the course of events, linking them into one connected chain ; so as to represent them in a condensed form by continually and carefully forcing together the main circumstances which contributed to the development of the whole. Without this, history in general would be but a lifeless study, more especially that of republics, which were so numerous in ancient times, and which, from their constitution being made up of political parties, everywhere present the most difficult problems for the historian's solution. Of all the larger divisions of my work, the arrange- ment of the Greek history I have found most trou- blesome, on account of the number of little states into which it is sub-divided. Historians, indeed, lighten this labour by confining themselves merely to Athens and Sparta ; but by so doing they give us a very imperfect knowledge of the subject. I have endeavoured to surmount the difficulty by throwing the account of the smaller states and their colonies into the second period ; by which means I have been able in the third and most important portion, the interest of which depends entirely upon the principal states, to carry on my PREFACE. xi history, as a whole without interruption. But in case others, who wish to make this Manual the groundwork of their lectures, should dislike this arrangement, they may very easily attach these notices to the introductory geographical survey ; a plan I very often adopt in my own lectures. Upon the arrangement of the other parts, I am not aware of the necessity of making any observations. The sources from which I have drawn my materials are specified in every section. Particular refer- ences do not come within my plan; and if I have referred several times in the first two sections to my larger work, it is only on particular points, explanations of which may be sought for in vain elsewhere. Some knowledge of ancient geography and the use of maps a , if it has not been previously acquired by the student, should, I am convinced, always be connected with lectures on ancient history. That this need not extend to detailed explanations of ancient geography, but that it should be restricted to what is merely useful in the study of history, I have observed in the body of my work. The geographical chapters which are interspersed having been written with this intent, will, I hope, be judged of accordingly. I have taken care to arrange them so as to in- clude the whole of the ancient world; it depends, therefore, only upon the teacher to form a more or less extensive course upon them. With regard to chronology, I have followed throughout the same uniform plan of computing * I have made use of D'Anville. xii PREFACE. time, viz. to and from the birth of Christ. By preferring this method, so convenient and certain, to the inconvenient and uncertain one of reckon- ing from the year of the world, I hope I have de- served the thanks of my readers. I relinquish, on the other hand, all claim to merit on the score of having more accurately defined the chronology of events which occur before the time of Cyrus. I have, on the contrary, in this part of my labour, often stated round numbers, where, in many modern publications, precise dates may be found. Exact determinations of time are only necessary, in my opinion, where a continuous development of circumstances takes place ; not where uncon- nected facts are recorded. The transactions of our own times have thrown a light upon ancient history, and given it an in- terest which it could not formerly possess. A knowledge of history, if riot the only, is at least the most certain means of obtaining a clear and unprejudiced view of the great drama now per- forming around us. All direct comparisons, not- withstanding the many opportunities which have tempted me, I considered as foreign to my plan ; but if, notwithstanding in some chapters of my work, particularly in the history of the Roman re- public, I may be thought to make a reference to the transactions of the ten years during which this work has been published, I do not consider it necessary to offer any excuse for so doing. Of what use is the study of history if it do not make us wiser and better? unless the knowledge of the past teach us to judge more correctly of the pre- sent? Should I have contributed in any measure PREFACE. xiii to promote this object, and should I be so fortu- nate as to lead the minds of my young friends to a deeper study of a science which can only in this way reward its admirers, I shall esteem it the most delightful recompense my labour can receive. GOETTINGEN, Sept. 23, 1799. PREFACE TO THE SECOND AND FOLLOWING EDITIONS. THE call for a second edition of my Manual im- poses upon me an obligation to supply the de- ficiencies of my former work. Corrections have been carefully made, and many parts completely re-written. A select list of books which treat of the respective departments of my subject is now first added ; the former edition containing only references to the sources from which my facts were derived. This. I trust, will be considered an essential service to the friends of historical sci- ence, more especially the young, for whom and not for the learned these additions have been made. Their use in this place is particularly obvious, where it is in every one's power to pro- cure the books referred to b . The short criticisms subjoined, where it seemed necessary, will serve as guides for their use. In the author's depart- b [The author alludes to the public library at Goettingen. TR.] xiv PREFACE. ment of the work but little has been changed, while its form and appearance have been im- proved by the use of different types, by more ac- curate running titles, and by ranging the dates in the margin. By the adoption of the latter method the increase in the number of pages is rendered inconsiderable, notwithstanding the numerous ad- ditions which have been made to the matter. In its arrangement, this work is the same as my Manual of the History of the European States and their Colonies. Beyond this, however, these works have no relation to each other, but have been executed upon quite different principles; the present as a history of the separate states of the ancient world, and the other as a general history of modern states and their colonies, as forming altogether one political system. Each, however, forms a complete work in itself, and it is by no means my intention to fill up the gulf which time has placed between them. I regret that the acute researches of M. Vol- ney c , upon the chronology of Herodotus before the time of Cyrus, came too late into my hands to be made use of in its proper place in my second edition. In the third this has been done. I lay claim, at the same time, to the thanks of the reader for giving, in an Appendix, the results of these researches, together with references to the passages by which they are supported ; leaving out, however, all extraneous matter, and everything that cannot be proved by the positive assertions of the father of history. c Chronologie d'Herodote, conforme a son Texte par C. F. Volney. Paris, 1809, 3 vols. See the Gott. Gel. Anz. for 1810 and 1816. PREFACE. xv I cannot close this preface without again re- curring to the advantage of the mode now be- coming more and more general, of computing- time in ancient history according to the number of years before Christ. The fact of its being cer- tain and convenient has often been remarked ; but besides this it possesses the great advantage of giving us at once a clear and precise notion of the interval that separates us from the incidents re- corded ; which it is impossible to obtain by the use of any other era, whether the year of the world, the olympiads, or the year of Rome, etc. And yet this peculiar advantage, so great in the eyes of the teacher, has not, to the best of my knowledge, been hitherto made the subject of re- mark. Even for the science of history itself, this circumstance is of greater moment than might be at first supposed. Should an enquirer arise who would closely examine all ancient history accord- ing to this era setting out from the generally re- ceived year of the birth of Christ as from a fixed point, to which the labours of M. Volney are a good beginning the whole science would thereby acquire a firmer consistency. For by this method all dates would not appear equally certain and equally uncertain, as they do in the eras which are computed from the year of the world ; but it would be shown what is chronologically certain, what only probable, and what completely uncer- tain, according as we should recede from the clearer into the more obscure regions of history. The old manner of reckoning from the year of the world, in which congruity was impossible, be- cause there was no agreement upon the point to xvi PREFACE. start from, would certainly be thrown aside ; but where is the harm if something better and more certain be substituted in its place? In the third, fourth, fifth, and sixth editions, though the increase in the number of pages is small, yet all those additions and corrections which I deemed necessary, and which the pro- gress of knowledge and discovery, as in the case of Egypt and other countries, enabled me to effect, have been most carefully and fully made. The importance of these will be best seen by comparison. Goettingen, 1828. CONTENTS. Page INTRODUCTION 1 Book I. Asiatic and African states previous to Cyrus 15 General geographical outline of Asia ib. Preliminary and General Observations upon the History and Constitution of the great Asiatic Empires 22 History of the ancient Asiatic kingdoms before the reign of Cyrus ... 25 I. Assyrian monarchy ib. II. Median monarchy . 26 III. Babylonian monarchy 27 IV. States in Asia Minor.... 29 1. Trojan empire ib. 2. Phrygian empire ib. 3. Lydian empire ib. V. Phoenicia 30 VI. Syrians 33 VII. Jews 34 1. Period of the Nomad state from Abraham till the con- quest of Palestine 35 2. Period of the federative republic 36 3. Period of the monarchy from B. C. 1100600 38 The Jewish state as one single kingdom ib. The Jewish state as a divided kingdom 40 African Nations 45 General geographical outline of Ancient Africa ib. I. Egyptians 47 1st Period. From the earliest times down to the Sesos- tridse, about B. C. 1500 51 2nd Period. From the Sesostridae till the sole dominion of Psammetichus, B.C. 1500650 62 3rd Period. From the reign of Psammetichus to the Persian conquest of Egypt by Cambyses, B. C. 650 525 69 b XV1I1 CONTENTS. Page II. Carthaginians 73 1st Period. From the foundation of Carthage to the wars with Syracuse, B.C. 880 480 74 2nd Period. From the breaking out of the wars with Syracuse to the commencement of those with Rome, B.C. 480 264 80 3rd Period. From the beginning of the wars with Rome to the downfal of Carthage, B. C. 264146. . . 82 Book II. History of the Persian empire from B. C. 560 330 90 Book III. History of the Grecian states 112 Geographical outline of Greece ib. 1st Period. Traditional history down to the Trojan war, about B.C. 1200 118 2nd Period. From the Trojan war to the breaking out of the Persian war, B. C. 1200500 127 History of the Hellenic states within Greece ib. General history ib. Sparta 131 Athens 136 Principal data for the history of the smaller states : I. Within the Peloponnesus : a. Arcadia 142 b. Argos ib. c. Corinth 143 d. Sicyon 144 At- !- e. Achaia ib. /. Elis 145 II. Central Greece, or Hellas : a. Megaris 146 b. Bceotia 147 c. Phocis 148 d. Locris ib. e. JEtolia. ib. /. Acarnania 149 III. Northern Greece: a. Thessaly 149 b. Epirus 150 IV. Grecian Islands : a. Corcyra 151 6. ^Egina ib. CONTKNTS. XIX Page c. Euboea 152 d. The Cyclades ib. e. Crete ib. /. Cyprus 154 History of the Grecian colonies 155 General observations ib. Colonies on the Western coast of Asia Minor : 157 1 . jEolian colonies 158 2. Ionian colonies 159 3. Dorian colonies 161 Colonies on the coast of the Propontis and the Black sea 162 Colonies on the coasts of Thrace and Macedonia 163 Colonies on the western coast of Greece 1 64 Grecian settlements in Lower Italy : a. Tarentum 165 b. Croton 166 c. Sybaris ib. d. Thurii 167 e. Locri Epizephyrii ib. / Rhegium 168 g. Cumae. ib. Grecian settlements in Sicily : a. Syracuse 1 69 b. Agrigentum 174 c. The smaller Sicilian cities 175 Colonies in Sardinia and Corsica ib. Colonies in Gaul; Massilia 176 Colonies in Spain ; Saguntum ib. Colonies in Africa ; Cyrene ib. Period III. From the breaking out of the Persian wars to Alexander the Great, B. C. 500 336.... 178 Book IV. History of the Macedonian Monarchy : Period I. From its origin to the death of Alexander the Great, B. C. 800323 206 Period II. History of the Macedonian monarchy, from the death of Alexander the Great to the battle of Ipsus, B. C. 323301 222 Period III. History of the separate kingdoms and states which arose out of the dismemberment of the Macedonian monarchy, after the battle of Ipsus 232 XX CONTENTS. Page I. History of the Syrian empire under the Seleucidrc B.C. 312 64 232 II. History of the Egyptian kingdom under the Ptole- mies, B. C. 323 30 247 III. History of Macedonia itself and of Greece, from the death of Alexander to the Roman conquest, B. C. 323 146 268 Achaean league 280 .ffitolian league 279 IV. History of some smaller or more distant kingdoms and states formed out of the Macedonian monarchy 290 The kingdom of Pergamus 291 Bithynia 293 Paphlagonia 294 Pontus 295 Cappadocia 297 Armenia 298 The kingdom of Parthia 299 The kingdom of Bactria 305 The restored kingdom of the Jews 306 1. Under the Persians 307 2. Under the Ptolemies and Seleucidae 308 3. Under the Maccabees 309 4. Under the family of Herod 311 Book V. History of the Roman state : Introductory remarks on the Geography of Ancient Italy ... 314 Period I. From the foundation of Rome to the conquest of Italy, and the commencement of the wars with Car- thage, B. C. 754264, or A. U. C. 1490 321 Period II. From the commencement of the war with Carthage to the rise of the civil broils under the Grac- chi, B. C. 264134, or A. U. C. 490620 339 Period III. From the beginning of the civil broils under the Gracchi to the fall of the republic, B. C. 13430, or A. U. C. 620 724 362 Period IV. History of the Roman state as a monarchy till the overthrow of the western empire, B. C. 30 A. C.476 402 Geographical outline. View of the Roman empire and pro- vinces, and other countries connected with it by w- r or commerce ib. CONTENTS. XXI Page 1st Section. From Augustus Caesar to the death of Commodus, B. C. 30 A. C. 193 411 2nd Section. From the death of Commodus to Diocle- tian, A. C. 193284 437 3rd Section. From Diocletian to the overthrow of the Roman empire in the west, A. C. 284 476 454 Appendix. Chronology of Herodotus from the time of Cyrus, according to Volney 475 Genealogical Table of the reigning houses of Macedon 481 - the Seleucidee.. 482 - the Ptolemies . 483 the Jews 484 the Caesars 485 Constantine 486 MANUAL OP ANCIENT HISTORY. INTRODUCTION. I. THE sources of ancient history may be ranged under two heads; the ancient writers, and the monuments still extant. The various writers will be mentioned in their proper places, at the different divisions of this work. A general view of the ancient monuments, so far as they are sources of history, will be found in : OBERLIN, Orbis antiqui monumentis suis illustrati primes li- nece. Argentorati, 1790. Extremely defective, as many disco- veries have been made since it was published. II. GENERAL TREATISES ON ANCIENT HISTORY. 1. The more voluminous works on the subject. These may be divided in two classes : a. The part appropriated to ancient his- tory, in the general treatises on universal history ; b. Works ex- clusively devoted to ancient history. a. To the first class belong : The Universal History, ancient and modern ; rvith maps and additions. Lond. 1736, 26 vols. folio. Reprinted in 8vo. in 67 vols. and again in 60 vols. with omissions and additions. This work, compiled by a society of British scholars, has been translated into German, and illustrated with remarks, by SIEGM. JAC. BAUMGARTEN. Halle, 1 746, 4to. The Germans frequently designate it by the name of the Halle Universal History of the World : the first eighteen vols. comprise the ancient part. WILL. GUTHRIE, JOHN GRAY, etc. General History of the World, from the creation to the present time. London, 1764 1767, 12 vols. 8vo. This work, of no estimation in the original, is rendered valuable and useful by the labours of the German translator, C. G. HEYNE, (Leip. 1766, 8vo.) who has corrected the errors, inserted the dates, and added his own observations. b. To the second class belong : ROLLIN, Histoire ancienne des Egypliens, des Carlhaginois, des Assyriens, des Medes el des Perses, des Macedoniens, d*s B 2 INTRODUCTION. (jrecs. Paris, 1824, 12 vols. 8vo. ; revue par LETRONNE : the last and best edition. This work, which greatly promoted the study of ancient history in France, still maintains its well-earned reputation. It was translated into English, 1768 : best edition, 7 vols. 8vo. : frequently reprinted.] The above is generally ac- companied by the Histoire Romaine of the same author. See below, book v. first period, Sources. JAC. BEN. BOSSUET, Discours sur I'Histoire Universelle. Paris, 1680, 3 vols. Frequently reprinted, being considered by the French one of their classics. ^English translation, by RICH. SPENCER. London, 1730, 8vo/] MILLOT, Siemens de VHistoire Generale. Paris, 1772, sq. {^Translated into English, 1778, 2 vols. 8vo. : and again, an im- proved edition, with additions/] Edinb. 1823, 6 vols. 8vo. The ancient history is contained in the first two volumes. tJoH. MATTH. SCHROECKH, General History of the World, for the use of children. Leipzic, 1779, sq. 6 vols. iJ. G. EICHHORN, History of the Ancient World, 1799? third edition, 1817. (First part of the History of the World.) tDAN. G. J. HUEBLER, Sketch of the General History of the Rations of Antiquity, from the birth of states to the end of the Roman commonwealth. Freyberg, 1798 1802. Five parts ; and a continuation : History of the Romans under the Emperors, and of the contemporary Nations, until the great migration, 1803 ; three parts. A work rendered extremely useful, by the judicious advantage taken by the author of the labours of other writers. tH. LUDEN, General History of Nations. 1814 ; three parts. tL. VON DRESCH, General Political History. 1815; three parts. In each of the above works the first part contains the ancient history, and exhibits the more modern views of the subject. QThe following is added, as well deserving the attention of the English student: RALEGH (Sir WALTER) History of the World, Part I. extending to the end of the Macedonian Empire; rvilli his Life and Trial, by Mr. Oldys. Lond. 1736, 2 vols. folio. For- merly the best edition ; but a new and improved one has been printed at the Clarendon press. Oxford, 1829, 8 vols. 8vo.] tF. VON RAUMER, Lectures on Ancient History, parts 1, 2. Berlin, 1821. Works furnishing illustrations of the progressive civilization, government, and commerce of early nations, although, strictly speaking, not treatises on ancient history, are nevertheless very INTRODUCTION. 3 closely connected with the subject. Among these may be men- tioned : GOGUET, De I'Origine des Lois, des Arts, et des Sciences, ct de leurs progres chez les anciens peuples ; nouv. edit. Paris, 1778. [Translated by Dr. DUNN and Mr. SPEERMAN. Edinb. 1761 1775, 3 vols. 8vo.] f A. H. L. HEEREN, Reflections on the Politics, Intercourse, and Trade of the most eminent Nations in the Ancient World. Third edition, with many additions. Gottirigen, 1815, 8vo. ; the third part, 1821. Fourth edition. Gottingen, 1824. [This edi- tion, the last, contains many improvements and additions, sug- gested by the great discoveries of modern travellers. Part I, Asiatic Nations, in 3 vols. Persians, Phoenicians, Babylonians, Scythians, Indians. An English translation of which is at this moment in the press. Part II, African Nations, 2 vols. Car- thaginians, Ethiopians, Egyptians. Part III, European Na- tions ; of which only 1 volume, Greeks, has been published.] 2. Manuals, or epitomes. The Germans are entitled to the merit of having first produced manuals of ancient history, all of them useful, some excellent, in their kind : they are a result of the progress made in this science at the universities. "f~J. CHR. GATTERER, Attempt at an Universal History of the World to the discovery of America. Gottingen, 1792. He who possesses this, the last and ripest fruit of Gatterer's studies, may dispense with the earlier manuals published by that author. f CHR. DAN. BECK, A Short Introduction to the Knowledge of the Universal History of the World and of Nature. Leipzic, 1798. The first part connected with our subject extends to A. D. 843. This volume is enriched with such a copious and critical account of books relating to ancient history, that it may supply the place of a particular work on the subject. {J. A. REMER, Manual of the more Ancient History, from the creation of the world to the great migration. Fourth edition. Brunswick, 1832. "}"J. M. SCHROECKH, Manual of Universal History. 1 774 : latest edition, 1795. fG. S. BREDOW, Manual of Ancient History, with a sketch of the chronology of the ancients. Altona, 1799, 8vo. [Translated into English. Lond. 1828, 12mo. In English we have: The Outlines of History, in 1 vol. (forming part of Lardner's Cabinet Cyclopaedia, by Mr. KEIGHTLY, author of a learned and 4 INTRODUCTION. highly useful work on Grecian Mythology, is a convenient abridgement. TYTLER'S Elements of General History, improved and continued by Dr. NARES. Lond. 1825, best edition ; owes its reputation and success to the want of a better work on the subject.] 3. Helps. Among the works subservient to the study of ancient history, the first rank is justly due to the synchronistic tables. fD. G. J. HUEBLER, Synchronistic Tables of the History of Nations ; arranged principally according to GATTEREH'S History of the World. In two numbers. Second edit. 1799 and 1804. object of 1. The object of POLITICAL HISTORY is to re- count the destinies of nations, both in respect to their foreign relations and internal affairs. In re- gard to domestic concerns, one of its most im- portant objects is the history of governments : in respect to external affairs, it comprises not only an account of the wars, but likewise of the friendly relations and intercourse with other states. Observe here the difference between universal history, or ge- neral history of the human race, and the history of nations ; the latter forms part of the former. Observe also the difference be- tween political history and that of civilization, or of man as a human being : the latter is merely the history of man, as man, without regard to political circumstances. Divided 2. Universal political history is usually divided parts : re( into three parts : ancient history, that of the middle ages, and modern history. The first extends to the fall of the Roman empire in the west, which took first, to place towards the close of the fifth century of the D. 500, cnr j st i an era; the second extends to the disco- second, to very of America, and of a passage by sea to the A ' D ' 1500 'East Indies, about the end of the fifteenth cen- third, to tury ; the third extends from the commencement of the sixteenth century to the present time. The propriety of the above division is evinced by the nature of the events which form these epochs. The student will easily INTRODUCTION. 5 perceive that the division of history, into that before and after the birth of Christ, is not judicious. 3. From the definition just given, it follows, Commence- that political history does not commence till after ^uticai the first formation of states. Whatever is known, hl therefore, of the period previous to this, or may be gathered from traditions, respecting individuals or tribes, or their migrations, affinities, or disco- veries, forms no part of political history, but must be referred to the general history of man. It is well known that a great deal of information has been pre- served in the sacred writings concerning the early fortunes of the human race. From these materials have been compiled what has been called an Historia Antediluviana, sometimes considered as forming a separate division of history. What has been said above will satisfactorily account for the omission of this portion of history in the present work ; although none can deny the high importance of such traditions in the investigation of the origin, dispersion, and civilization of the human race. 4. The sources of history may be ranged under sources of two general heads ; oral traditions, and written do- cuments of various kinds. The history of every nation usually commences witK oral tradition, which remains the only source, until the art of writing becomes known, and in some degree adopted by the people. 5. Under the name of traditional history or my- mythology, thology, is comprehended all the general collec- tion of oral traditions preserved by a nation ; and some such traditional history or mythology is to be found among every people in the first stage of their existence as a community. This mythology, however, is by no means confined to events strictly historical, but embraces every branch of inform- ation which may appear to a nation in its infancy, G INTRODUCTION. of sufficient importance to be preserved and handed down to posterity. Hence the mythology of a people is invariably composed of very heterogeneous materials ; it not only preserves the remem- brance of various kinds of historical facts, but likewise the per- vading ideas of the people with respect to the nature and wor- ship of their deities ; as well as the notions they had formed from observations and experience respecting astronomy, morals, the arts, etc. All these are handed down in the form of historical narrative ; because man, as yet unpractised in abstract thinking, necessarily represents every thing to his mind under the figure of some physical object. It is just as useless, therefore, to at- tempt to mould the mythology of any people into a consistent and connected whole, or indeed into any scientific system what- soever, as it is difficult to draw a strict line between what belongs to mythology, and what to pure history. It follows, therefore, that mythology should be employed by the historian with great cau- tion ; and not without judicious criticism, and an accurate know- ledge of antiquity. These correct views of mythology, the key to the whole of earlier antiquity, were first set forth and illustrated by Heyne, in his commentaries upon Virgil and other poets, in his edition of Apollodorus, and in various essays published in the Trans- actions of the Gottingen Scientific Society. It is principally to the aid of these that the Germans owe their superiority over other nations in the science of antiquity. poetry. 6. The place of writing among such nations, is generally supplied, in a great measure, by poetry ; which being in its origin nothing more than ima- gery expressed in figurative language, must spon- taneously arise among men, as yet wont to repre- sent every thing to their minds under the form of images. Hence the subject matter of the poetry of every n,ation, while in a state of rudeness, is and can be nothing else but its mythology ; and the great variety in the materials of which this is composed very naturally gave rise, at the same early period, to various kinds of poetry ; as the INTRODUCTION. 7 lyric, the didactic, the epic. The last of these, inasmuch as it contains the historic songs and the epopee, claims in a more especial manner the at- tention of the historian. The mythi (or fables of which this mythology was composed) were in later times frequently collected from the works of the poets, and committed to writing by grammarians ; such as Apol- lodorus and others. This, however, can have had no effect on their original character. 7. The second source of history, much more written copious and important than the former, are the various kinds of written monuments. These may be arranged according to the order of time at which they were brought into use, into three classes; 1st. Inscriptions on public monuments, under which head are included the coins of later date; 2nd. Chronological records of events, under the form of annals and chronicles ; 3rd. Real philosophical works on history. 8. Inscriptions on public monuments erected inscrip- to preserve the remembrance of certain events, though perhaps no more than a stone set upright, or even a bare rock, was used for that purpose, were undoubtedly the most ancient written me- morials. These rude monuments became fashion- ed by art into columns, obelisks, and pyramids, as the taste of the nation became formed ; and as- sumed that definite character which local circum- stances and the natural features of the country led it to adopt, as architecture arose and attained to perfection among them. The very object, in- deed, for which they were erected the comme- moration of remarkable events, must have sug- gested the practice of inscribing upon them some particulars of the facts they were intended to per- 8 INTRODUCTION. petuate. Of this nature, no doubt, were the old- est monuments, and more particularly those of Egypt. Their use was much more general among nations of a later period, especially Greece and Rome, than among the moderns ; yet of the great mass of inscriptions still extant, but few com- paratively are of any importance as regards his- tory. The characters engraved on these monuments were either sym- bolical (hieroglyphics ; see below under Egypt,) or alphabetical. The invention and transmission of alphabetical writing are com- monly ascribed to the Phoenicians ; although, if we may judge by the shape of the arrow-headed character, it was made, with- out communication with them, in the interior of Asia. The general collections of inscriptions are : LUD. ANT. MURATORI, Novns Thesaurus veterum Inscriptio- num. Mediolani, 1739, sq. 4 vols. fol. Together with SEE. Do- NATI, Supplementa. Luccae, 1764. JAN. GRUTERI, Inscriptio- nes antiques totius orbis Romani, euro, J. G. GRJEVII. Amstel. 1707, 2 vols. fol. C. A. BOEKHIUS, Corpus Inscriptionum Grcecarum, auctori- tate et impends Academic literarum Borussicce, vol. 1. 1827, folio. Among the separate monuments, the most important for ancient history is the Parian or Oxford Inscription, Marmora Oxoniensia, Arundeliana, edited by SELDEN, 1629; by PRIDEAUX, 1677- The best edition is by RICH. CHANDLER, Oxf. 1763, fol. A useful and portable edition has been published by FR. CH. WAGNER, containing the Greek text, with a German translation and notes. Gottingen, 1790, 8vo. coins, 9. Coins may likewise be regarded as a source of ancient history, as by the light they throw upon genealogy and chronology, the events known from other authorities may be better arranged and un- derstood. The importance of coins, therefore, becomes most sensible in those portions of his- tory where our information, in consequence of INTRODUCTION. 9 the loss of the works of the original historians, is reduced to a few insulated facts and fragments. Ez. SPANHEMII, Dissertatio de Usu et Proestantia Numisma- tum. Londini, 1707 et 1709, 2 vols. fol. The capital work, how- ever, on this subject, and which embraces the whole numismatic science of antiquity is : ECKHEL, De Doctrina Nummorum Veternm. Viennse, 1792 1798, 8 vols. 4to. And the epitome : f- ECKHEL, Brief 'Elements of Ancient Numismatics. Vienna, 1707, 8vo. Another very useful work is : J. C. RASCHE, Lexicon Universes Rei Nummarice Veterum. 1785, sq. 5 vols. 8vo. 10. Chronicles or annals form the second great annals, division of written historical monuments. These presuppose the invention of letters, and the use of materials for writing upon ; consequently they are of a later date than mere inscriptions. They occur, nevertheless, in the earlier periods of na- tions; and from such annals, indited by public authority (state chronicles,) subsequent historians have generally drawn materials for their works. In many nations, and in nearly all the eastern ones, history has not even yet advanced beyond the composition of such chronicles. 11. The third great division of historical writ- regular ings is formed of works composed on philosophical principles, which differ from mere annals by their containing not only a chronological narration of events, but also a development of their connec- tion with one another, their causes and effects. But few nations among the moderns, and we know of none among the ancients, except the Greeks and Romans, that had any acquaintance with this sort of history. A fact which may be attributed, 1st. To the government; for the more com- pletely the affairs of a nation are under the control of arbitrary power and caprice, whether of one or more individuals, so much the less apparent is a rational internal connection of events. Hence 10 INTRODUCTION. philosophical history flourishes most under free governments; and has not even a shadow of existence under pure despotic con- stitutions. 2nd. To the degree of civilization to which the na- tion may have attained : for the observing and unravelling of the political connection of events presupposes a considerable progress in philosophical culture. chronology 12. Since all events are considered in refer- graphy. eiice to the time and place in which they oc- cur, it follows that geography and chronology are indispensable as auxiliary sciences in the study of history, especially the ancient. These sciences, however, need not, for this purpose, be considered in their full extent and detail, but only so far as they are of use in determining and arranging events according to time and place. A fixed mode of computing time is therefore ne- cessary in ancient history, as well as a continuous geographical description of the countries which were the theatres of the principal events. Eras. 13. No method of computing time was adopted generally in antiquity. Each nation, each state, had its own era : yet, in the explication of an- cient history, there is an evident necessity that some common era should be fixed upon, by which a synchronistic view of the various events may be obtained. For this purpose, the years may be computed either from the creation of the world, or before and after Christ. The latter method has the advantage not only of greater certainty, but also of greater convenience. Of the various modes of computing time, the best known are those of the Greeks and the Romans ; the former by olympiads, the latter by years from the foundation of Rome. The era of the olympiads commences at B. C. 776 ; that of the foundation of Rome commences at B. C. 7i>3, according to Varro ; at B. C. 752, according to Cato. The era of the Seleucidse, in the Syrian INTRODUCTION. 11 empire, commences with B. C. 312. Various other eras, such as that of Nabonnassar, commencing with B. C. 747* are founded on observations preserved by Ptolemy, and made known by SCA- LIGER, in his Doctrina Temporum. Chronology constitutes a distinct science : the best introduc- tion to which will be found in : f J. C. GATTERER, Epitome of Chronology. Gottingen, 1777- A most excellent criticism on the ancient eras has lately been communicated to the public by : f L. IDELER, Historic Researches into the Astronomical Ob- servations of the Ancients. Berlin, 1806. f D. H. HEGEWISCH, Introduction to Historical Chronology ; 1811. A very useful and portable work. In English we have the laborious work of Dr. Hales : HALES (WiLLM.) New Analysis of Chronology, explaining the History and Antiquities of the primitive Nations of the World, etc. Lond. 1809-12, 4 vols. 4to. New edition, corrected and im- proved, 1830, 4 vols. 8vo. BLAIR'S Chronology and History of the World, from the Cre- ation to the present Time. Lond. 1803, folio. And for the brilliant period of Greece and Rome the satisfac- tory volumes : H. F. CLYNTON'S Fasti Hellenici. The civil and literary Chronology of Greece, from the fifty-fifth to the hundred and twenty -fourth Olympiad. Second edition, with additions. Ox- ford, 1827, 4to. And the continuation of the same work to the death of Augustus, Oxford, 1830, 4to. In this valuable work, much light is also thrown upon the chronology of the times an- terior to the period with which the first volume is principally occupied.] 14. In ancient geography there is much care Geography* required to distinguish the fabulous from the Sfand 1 " true. With regard to true geography, as an true< auxiliary science to history, all that can be ex- pected is some general information respecting the nature and peculiarities of the countries, respect- ing their political divisions, and finally, respect- ing the principal cities : Long lists of the names, of places would be quite superfluous. 12 INTRODUCTION. Fabulous geography constitutes a part of the mythology of every nation, and differs in each, because the ideas formed by every early nation respecting the form and nature of the earth are peculiar to itself. True geography gradually comes to light as civilization increases, and discovery widens its horizon. Ne- cessity of treating it historically, on account of the manifold changes to which the division and the face of the countries of the ancient world have been at various periods subjected. CHRISTOPH. CELLARII Notitia Orbis Aniiqui. Lips. 1701 1706, 2 vols. 4to. cum observat. J. C. SCHWARZII. Lips. 1771* et iterum 1773. This work was for a long time the only, and is still an indispensable, treatise on ancient geography. f- H. MANNERT, Geography of the Greeks and Romans. Nu- remberg, 1788 1802. This work, now completed in 15 volumes, may be justly designated classical, from the historical and critical learning which the author has everywhere displayed. Vol. I, contains Spain ; II, Gallia et Britain ; III, Germania, Rhaetia, Noricum ; IV, The Northern parts of the World, from the Wes- sel to China ; V, India and the Persian Empire to the Euphra- tes, 2 parts; VI, Asia Minor, 3 parts ; VII, Thrace, Illyria, Mace- donia, Thessaly, Epirus ; VIII, Northern Greece, Peloponnesus, and the Archipelago ; IX, Italy and Sicily, Sardinia, etc. 2 parts ; X, Africa, 2 parts. -} F. A. UKERT, Geography of the Greeks and Romans, from the earliest periods to the time of Ptolemy : first part, first divi- sion, contains the historical, the second contains the mathemati- cal sections. Weimar, 1816; with maps. GOSSELIN, Geographic des Grecs analysee. Paris, 1790, 4to. A development of the system of mathematical geography among the Greeks. Partly continued in GOSSELIN, Recherches sur la Geographic des Anciens. Paris, an. vi. vol. 1 4. J. RENNEL, Geographical System of Herodotus. Lond. 1800, 4to. ^Reprinted in 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1830, revised. Here, too, for the benefit of the English reader may be mentioned : RENNEL'S Treatise on the Comparative Geography of Western Asia, with an atlas. London, 1831, 2 vols. 8vo. ; published since the author's death. And the learned and valuable volumes of Dr. CRAMER, principal of New Inn Hall, and public orator of the University of Oxford ; they are, INTRODUCTION. 1-3 Geographical and Historical Description of Ancient Greece, with a map, and plan of Athens. Oxford, 1826, 3 vols. 8vo. Geographical and Historical Description of Ancient Italy, with a map. Oxford, 1826, 2 vols. 8vo. Geographical and Historical Description of Asia Minor, with a map. Oxford, 1832, 2 vols. 8vo. The maps which accompany these works approach very nearly to perfection. As useful compendiums, there are : An Introduction to Ancient Geography, with copious indexes of Ancient and Modern Names, by PETER ED. LAURENT, teacher in the Royal Naval Academy at Portsmouth. Oxford, 1813, 8vo. A Compendium of Ancient and Modern Geography, for the use of Eton School ; illustrating the most interesting points in History, Poetry, and Fable; preceded by an Introduction to the study of Astronomy, and containing plans of Athens, Rome, Sy- racuse, and numerous diagrams explanatory of the motions of the heavenly bodies, by AARON ARROWSMITH, Hydrographer to the King, 1 vol. 8vo., with or without a copious index. London, 1830. BUTLER'S (Dr. SAM.) Sketch of Ancient and Modern Geo- graphy. Seventh edition, 8vo. Also his Atlas of Ancient Geo- graphy, consisting of twenty-one coloured maps, with a complete accentuated index. 8vo.] We are indebted to d'Anville for the best charts of ancient geography : Alias Orbis antiqui, twelve leaves, fol. QThe Eton Comparative Atlas of Ancient and Modern Geo- graphy > with the index, published in several sizes ; and the Maps published by the Society for the Promotion of Useful Know- ledge, are very useful and correct.] 15. Ancient history may be treated either eth- Divisions nographically, that is, according to separate na- Manual. tions and states ; or synchronistically, that is, according to certain general epochs. Each of these methods has its advantages and its disad- vantages. The two, however, may be combined, and formed into one system ; and as this seems the most convenient, it has been adopted in the 14 INTRODUCTION. present work, which is accordingly divided as follows : FIRST BOOK. History of the ancient Asiatic and African states and kingdoms anterior to Cyrus, or to the rise of the Persian monarchy, about the year B. C. 560 : comprising little more than insu- lated fragments. SECOXD BOOK. History of the Persian mon- archy, from B. C. 560 to 330. THIRD BOOK. History of the Grecian states, both in Greece and other parts, to the time of Alexander, B. C. 336. FOURTH BOOK. History of the Macedonian monarchy, and of the kingdoms which arose out of its division, until they merged into the Roman empire. FIFTH BOOK. History of the Roman state, both as a commonwealth and a monarchy, until the fall of the western empire, A. D. 476. MANUAL OF ANCIENT HISTORY. THE FIRST BOOK. HISTORICAL FRAGMENTS OF THE EARLIER ASIATIC AND AFRICAN KINGDOMS AND STATES, PREVIOUS TO CYRUS, OR THE RISE OF THE PERSIAN MONARCHY. I. ASIATIC NATIONS. General Preliminary Remarks on the Geography of Asia. See the Introduction to Heeren's Researches into the Politics and Commerce of the Nations of Antiquity, prefixed to vol. 1 of the African Nations. Oxford, 1831. 1. ASIA is the largest and the most fa- ASIA. vourablv situated of the great divisions of the J / xte " t and J situation. globe Its superficial contents are 11,200,000 square geogr. miles ; while those of Africa do not exceed 4,780,000 ; and those of Europe are not more than 2,560,000. As to situation, it comprises the greatest portion of the. northern temperate zone. Compare it, in this point of view, with the other quarters of the globe, especially Africa. Advantages over the latter, in con- 16 GEOGRAPHICAL OUTLINE. BOOK i. sequence of the convenience of its indented shores of its sur- rounding fruitful islands of its deep gulfs and large streams the few sandy deserts in its interior. Natural 2. Natural features, and consequent division of features. the land, according to the course of the larger mountain chains and of the principal rivers. Two great mountain chains run from west to east ; in the north, the Altai, (nameless in antiquity) : in the south, Taurus. Branches of both : the Caucasus, between the Black and Cas- pian seas : Imaus extending along the golden desert (desert of Gobi) : the Paropamisus, on the north of India : the Ural (name- less in antiquity). Of the rivers remarkable in ancient history, there are four flowing from north to south, namely, the Euphrates and Tigris, which fall into the Persian gulf; the Indus and Ganges, which fall into the Indian sea : two which run from east to west, and discharged their waters into the Caspian sea, (but now into the sea of Aral,) namely, the Oxus (or Jihon) and the Jaxartes (or Sirr). Divisions: 3. This quarter of the globe is accordingly divided into Northern Asia, comprising the re- gions north of Altai ; Central Asia, or the coun- tries between the Altai and Taurus ; and Southern Asia, or the lands south of Taurus. Northern 4. Northern Asia, between the 76th and 50th parallels of north latitude, (Asiatic Russia and Siberia,) was almost, though not entirely, un- known in antiquity. Some obscure hints, though partly true, respecting it, are found in Herodotus, the father of history. Central 5. Central Asia, the regions extending between the 50th and 40th degrees of north latitude, Scythia and Sarmatia Asiatica, (Great Tartary and Mongol ;) for the most part a boundless, barren table land, devoid of arable fields or forests ; and consequently a mere country of BOOK i. GEOGRAPHICAL OUTLINE. 17 pasture. The inhabitants pastors, (nomads,) with- ASIA - out cities or fixed abodes ; recognizing no other political association than patriarchal government. Peculiar mode of life and character of nomad nations ; power- ful influence which they have exercised, as conquerors, on poli- tical history. Whether we have a right to expect that the civilization of the human race will for ever continue to advance, when we consider that perhaps one half of it has from time im- memorial remained, and from its physical situation must for ever remain, in a nomad state. 6. Southern Asia, or the regions from the 40th southern degree of N. lat. to about the equator. Its natural features altogether different from those of central Asia. The great advantages of these regions compared with all other parts of the earth, in pos- sessing a soil and climate highly favourable for agriculture; and an abundance of various costly productions. To these circumstances may be at- tributed, 1st. The adoption of fixed habitations and political associations in these countries, from the earliest times. 2ndly. Their becoming the principal seat of trade, from the infancy of ci- vilization to the discovery of America. Reflections upon the rise of political associations. Whether, according to the general opinion, they were produced solely by agriculture and the possession of land ; or, whether religion, by which I mean the common worship of one divinity as the national god, (communia sacra,) was not the main bond which united the earliest states of antiquity ? How shall we account for the very remarkable fact, that in the earliest civil societies in the world, the priesthood is generally found to be a ruling caste. Reflec- tions on early trade, particularly that of the east, before it was changed, by the discovery of America and the new passage to India, from a land trade to a sea trade. Observations upon an- cient commercial routes across Asia. The banks of the large rivers destined by nature to become the seats of commerce for the interior ; on the Oxus, Bactra and Maracanda, (Samarcand ;) on c 18 GEOGRAPHICAL OUTLINE. BOOK i. ASIA, the Euphrates and Tigris, Babylon. The sea shores on the western coast of Asia Minor and Phrenicia, pointed out also by nature as places of commerce ; line of Grecian and Phoenician factories. 7. Division of southern Asia. 1st. South- western Asia, from the Mediterranean to the In- dus; 2nd. South-eastern Asia, from the Indus to the eastern ocean. A. South-western Asia is again subdivided into the countries 1st. on this side the Euphrates 2ndly. between the Euphrates and Tigris 3rdly. between the Tigris and the Indus. 1 . Countries on this side the Euphrates. AsiaMinor. (a) The peninsula of Asia Minor (Natolia). Principal rivers : the Halys and Sangarius. Coun- tries : three towards the west, Mysia, Lydia, Caria. Along the shore, the Greek seaports of Phocaea, Ephesus, Miletus, Smyrna, Halicarnas- sus, etc. Inland, the cities of Sardes in Lydia, of Pergamus in Mysia. Three towards the south, Lycia, Pamphylia, and Cilicia, with its capital Tarsus. Three towards the north, Bithynia, Paphlago- nia, Pontus ; with the Greek ports of Heraclea, Amisus, and Sinope. Two inland, Phrygia, to- gether with Galatia and the capital cities of Gor- dium and CelaBnae ; Cappadocia, with the city of Mazaca. islands. () Islands along the coast of Asia Minor: Les- bos, with the city of Mitylene; Chios, Samos, Cos, Rhodes, with cities of the same name. Syria. (c) Syria, together with Phoenicia and Pales- tine. 1st. Syria, properly so called. Cities: Da- mascus, Emessa, Heliopolis, (Baalbec). In the Phoenicia, desert, Palmyra. 2nd. Phoenicia, a mountainous BOOK i. GEOGRAPHICAL OUTLINE. 19 tract, extending along the shore. Mountains : ASIA. Libanus and Antilibanus. Cities : Tyre, on an island opposite the ancient Tyre, which was situ- ate upon the mainland ; Sidon, Byblus, Berytus, Tripolis, Aradus. 3rd. Palestine. Mountains : Palestine. Carmel, Tabor. River : Jordan, which discharges its waters into the Dead sea. Division of Pales- tine ; first, according to the twelve tribes ; after- wards into the provinces, of Judaea, capital Je- rusalem : of Samaria ; cities, Samaria, Sichem : and of Galilee. (d) Peninsula of Arabia, abounding in vast sandy Arabia. deserts, and almost entirely occupied by nomad tribes. Its southern and eastern coasts render it, nevertheless, a most important seat of trade. In the north, Arabia Petrsea, so called from the town of Petra. Inland, Arabia Deserta. In the south, Arabia Felix; rich, both in natural productions, being the native land of almost every kind of per- fume, particularly frankincense ; and also as be- ing the ancient staple for the merchandise of In- dia. Cities : Mariaba, Aden, etc. In the east, the trading town of Gerra, and the islands near the shore, Tylos and Aradus, (Bahrein,) both like- wise marts for Arabian and Indian wares, parti- cularly cinnamon from Taprobane (Ceylon). 2. Countries between the Euphrates and Tigris. (a) Mesopotamia ; in the interior a sterile table Mesopota- land, entirely occupied by nomad hordes. Cities m on the Euphrates : Thapsacus, Circesium, Cu- naxa; in the north, Zoba or Nisibis. (V) Armenia, north of the foregoing. Very Armenia. mountainous ; for a long time without cities, but at last it had Tigranocerta. Rivers : the Cyrus c2 20 GEOGRAPHICAL OUTLINE. BOOK I. ASIA, and Araxes, falling into the Caspian; and the Phasis, falling into the Black sea. Babylonia. (c) Babylonia, the southern part of Mesopota- mia, from which it was separated by the Median wall. A level plain, remarkable for the richness of its soil ; formerly, by its high cultivation, its canals and lakes, and the erection of dams, the most fruitful, and, from its situation, the most opulent staple of inner Asia. Cities : Babylon on the Euphrates, Borsippa. Whether the account given by Herodotus, as an eyewitness, of the size and splendour of Babylon is not exaggerated ? Manner in which the great Asiatic cities arose out of the royal encamp- ments of the nomad conquerors. 3. Countries between the Tigris and the Indus. Assyria. () Assyria, or the province of Adiabene ; a ta- ble land. Cities: Nineveh, (Ninus,) Arbela. The name of Assyria is also frequently taken by the Greeks in a wider acceptation, as comprising both Mesopotamia and Ba- bylonia ; it is sometimes even confounded with Syria. Susiana. () Susiana, a fruitful district, with the city Susa on the river Choaspes, or Eulseus (Ulai), one of the residences of the Persian monarchs. Persia. (c) Persis, rugged and mountainous towards the north ; level and fruitful in the centre ; sandy towards the south. Rivers : the Cyrus and Araxes. Cities : Persepolis or Pasargada, the national palace and cemetery of the kings of Persia. The name of Persis was, in ancient as well as in modern geo- graphy, taken in a more extensive sense, as comprising all the countries between the Tigris and Indus, with the exception of Assyria. In this sense, it contains three countries towards the south Persis, properly so called; Carmania, Gedrosia: three BOOK i. GEOGRAPHICAL OUTLINE. 21 central countries Media, Aria, Arachosia: and three countries ASIA. towards the north Parthia and Hyrcania, Bactria, Sogdiana. (d) Carmania, an extensive country, for the most part desert, ranging along the Persian gulf and Indian sea. Cities : Carmana, Harmozia. (e) Gedrosia, tract of land running along theoedrosia. coast between Carmania and India, and washed by the Indian sea. A mere sandy desert; to- wards the north, mountainous. Town, Pura. (/) Media, above Persis ; an extensive and very Media. fruitful country ; mountainous towards the north. Rivers : Araxes, Cyrus, and Mardus. Cities : Ecbatana, Rages. The northern district was likewise known by the name of Atropatene (Azer- beijan), or Lesser Media. (g) Aria, a smooth table land, with a lake and Aria. river, Arius : and one city, Aria or Artacoana. (A) Arachosia ; a rich and fertile country on the Arachosi frontiers of India ; bounded towards the north by the Paropamisus chain. Cities : Arachotus and Prophthasia. The neighbouring highlands, occu- pied by a numerous population, (now Cabul and Kandahar,) are often regarded, in consequence of their being subject to the Persian dominion, as forming part of Persia. They are known by the name of Paropamisus. (z) Parthia and Hyrcania, rugged mountainous Parthia. districts to the north of Media ; but abounding in magnificent and fertile vales. Before and during the predominance of Persia, but little known and little valued ; and without cities. It was at a considerably later period that the inhabitants of Parthia became a dominant nation. (&) Bactria, the country on the south bank of B 22 POLITICAL GENERALITIES. BOOK i. ASIA, the Oxus ; rich in natural productions, and one of the most ancient marts of Asia. River : Oxus. Cities : Bactra and Zariaspa. Bactria lies on the frontier of India, Little Thibet, Bukharia, (the north India of Herodotus and Ctesias,) and the desert of Gobi, (Herodotus's golden desert) : the road to China runs through this country. Nature, by the geographical situation in which she has placed Bactria, seems to have destined it to be the great emporium for the wares of south-eastern Asia ; and in pro- portion as we penetrate into early history, we become convinced that Bactria, like Babylon, must have been one of the earliest seats of international commerce, and consequently, if not the birthplace, one of the cradles of infant civilization. a. (/) Sogdiana, the territory between the upper Oxus and upper Jaxartes, the latter dividing it from central Asia. (A part of Great Bukharia.) Its peculiarities and advantages similar to those of the neighbouring Bactria. Capital : Mara- canda (Samarcand). B. South-eastern Asia, or Asia beyond the Indus, offers nothing remarkable for history till a later period. See Book v, Period iv. General Preliminary Observations upon the History and Constitution of the great Asiatic Empires. Magnitude 1. Asia contained in ancient times, as it does of the em- . . , . , . piresin at present, empires 01 immense extent, differing materially both in this respect and in their con- stitution from the civilized nations of Europe. Changes were frequent ; but the form of govern- ment continued nearly always the same. Some deeply rooted and active principles therefore must BOOK i. POLITICAL GENERALITIES. 28 have been in constant operation, to have given so ASIA. repeatedly, in these various revolutions, the same organization to the kingdoms of Asia. 2. The great revolutions of Asia, with the ex- Nature of ception of that caused by Alexander, were effect- ed by the numerous and powerful nomad races which inhabited a large portion of that continent. Pressed by necessity or circumstances, they for- sook their own seats, founded new kingdoms, and carried war and conquest into the fruitful and cul- tivated lands of southern Asia, until, enervated by luxury, the consequence of the change in their mode of life, they were in their turn, and in a similar manner, subjugated. 3. This origin, common to all Asiatic kingdoms, Their short accounts for their immense extent, their rapid establishment, and their generally brief duration. 4. The internal organization must, for the same similarity m their reasons, have been nearly alike in all ; and the c constant reappearance of despotism is accounted for, partly by the rights of conquest, partly by the vast extent of the subdued countries, which obliged the rulers to have recourse to satrap-go- vernment. 5. To this, it must moreover be added, that Effects of among all the considerable nations of inner Asia, the paternal government of every household was corrupted by polygamy : where that custom ex- ists, a good political constitution is impossible ; fathers being converted into domestic despots, are ready to pay the same abject obedience to their sovereign that they exact from their family and dependants in their domestic economy. To avoid confusion, it will be necessary to define the terms 24 POLITICAL GENERALITIES. BOOK i. ASIA, despotism and despotic government. In theory, we must admit THREE essentially different kinds of government. 1st. The des- potic, in which the members of the state are not secured in the possession of their rights as men, (personal freedom and security of property,) nor of their rights as citizens, (active participation in the legislative power). Such a constitution exists only by force, and can never be lawful. 2nd. The autocratic, in which the members of the state are in full possession of their rights as men, but not of their rights as citizens. This government, there- fore, arises from the union of the legislative and executive powers in the person of the ruler. In form, it is either monarchical or aristocratical (a pure monarchy, or a pure aristocracy). This kind of government is most likely to be established by usurpation ; it may, nevertheless, be acquired by succession, or even adopted by common consent : it may therefore be lawful. 3rd. The republi- can, in which the members of the state are in possession of their rights, both as men and as citizens. This government necessarily presupposes a separation of the legislative and executive powers ; and with regard to its form, may be either monarchical or aris- tocratical, (a moderate monarchy, or a moderate aristocracy). How far can a pure democracy be called a government, and com- prised under any of the foregoing heads? Explanation of the despotism in the Asiatic kingdoms, and the attempts made to limit it by religion and religious institutions. Rise, pro- 6. General features in the gradual internal de- f n d velopment of all empires formed by nomad con- "ires. em querors. () At first the mere occupation of rich territories, and levying of tribute, (b) Hence the constitutions already established among the con- quered or tributary nations generally suffered to remain, (c) Gradual progress towards the adop- tion of a fixed abode and the building of cities, to- gether with the assumption of the customs and civilization of the conquered, (d) Division into provinces, and, as a necessary consequence, the establishment of satrap-government, (e) Insur- rections of the satraps, and the internal ruin of .the state prepared thereby. (/) The influence BOOK I. ASSYRIANS. 25 of the seraglio on the government lias the same ASIA. effect, for its unavoidable consequences are effe- minacy and indolence in the rulers, (g-) Hence the dissolution of the empire, or its total annihila- tion by some violent attack from without. Fragments of the History of the ancient Asiatic Kingdoms previous to Cyrus. Sources, and their critical examination: 1. Jewish writings., PERIOD particularly the books of Kings, Chroniclers, and the Prophets; CYRUS. together with the Mosaic records. 2. Greek writers, Herodotus, ~~ Ctesias, and Diodorus : later chroniclers, Syncellus, Eusebius, Ptolemy. 3. Native writer, Berosus. Futility of all endeavours to arrange into one work the accounts of authors so entirely dif- ferent by birth and the times in which they flourished : a task attempted by the French writers, SEVIN, FRERET, and DE- BROSSE, in their papers contained in the Mem. de 1'Acad. des Inscript. VOLNEY, Recherches nouvelles stir FHistoire ancienne. 1808 1814: very important and authentic, so far as regards the system of Herodotus's chronology. I. Assyrian monarchy. 1. With the Greeks, Assyrian is generally a Assyrians common name applied to the ruling nations about Greeks dif- the Euphrates and Tigris before the time of Cy- rus. With the Jews, on the contrary, it signifies Hebre a distinct nation of conquerors, and the founders of an empire. Hence a necessary discrepancy between the Grecian and Hebrew statements. 2. Assyrian history, according to Grecian au- Grecian thorities, particularly Ctesias and Diodorus, is no- thing more than mere traditions of ancient heroes and heroines, who at some early period founded a large kingdom in the countries about the Eu- account. 26 MEDES. BOOK i. PERIOD phrates and Tigris ; traditions without any enro- ots! nological data, and in the style of the east. Ni- ~ nus Semiramis Ninyas Sardanapalus. According to Herodotus, an Assyrian empire of 520 years' duration, 1237 717- Lists of Assyrian kings in the chronicles of Syncellus and Eusebius. Jewish ac- 3. Assyrian history, according to Jewish autho- rities. Chronological history of an Assyrian em- pire between B. C. 800 and 700. Seat of the nation in Assyria, properly so called. Capital : Nineveh on the Tigris. Extension of their do- minion as far as Syria and Phoenicia. Line of Assyrian kings: 1. Pul, about 773. Invasion of Sy- ria. 2. Tiglath-Pileser, about 740. He overthroAvs the kingdom of Damascus. 3. Shalmaneser, about 720. He destroys the king- dom of Samaria. Transplantation of the inhabitants into inner Asia. 4. Sennacherib, about 714. Mighty expedition against Egypt, frustrated by a pestilence. 5. Esarhaddon. Contemporary : Jews, the divided kingdoms of Israel and Judah. Greeks, decennial archons at Athens. Romans, rise of the state and the two first kings. II. Median monarchy. Different 1. The name of Medes is undoubtedly often tio C i p of~the used by the Greeks to designate one nation ; it is, Medes. however, frequently made use of as a common appellation of the ruling nations in eastern Asia, from the Tigris to the Indus, (or Persia, in the more extensive sense of that word,) before Cyrus. With the Jews : nothing more than general hints of the Medes as a conquering nation. Great na- 2. Although the statements of the Grecian tohave ex> n writers, as well as of the Zendavesta, sufficiently Ss^ P rove tnat l n & before the rise of the Persian power mighty kingdoms existed in these regions ; and particularly in the eastern part, or Bactria ; BOOK i. BABYLONIANS. 27 yet we have no consistent or chronological history PERIOD of these states : nothing but a few fragments, probably of dynasties which ruled in Media, pro- perly so called, immediately previous to the Per- sians. a. Herodotus 's History of the Medes. Herodotus's Medes are unquestionably the inhabitants of Media, properly so called. Division into six tribes : among these, that of the Magi. Ruling nation after the overthrow of the Assyrians. Capital of their empire, Ecbatana. Boundaries : west, the Tigris and Halys ; east, unknown. Internal organization : graduated subjection of the various nations to one another, according to their distance from the seat of empire ; rigid despotism ; and imposition of tri- bute. Line of kings between B. C. 717 560. Deioces, 53 y. the founder of Ecbatana, d. 657- Phraortes, 22 y. down to 635. He conquers Persia. Cyaxares I. 40 y. down to 595. He esta- blishes military discipline among the Medes. Wages war with the Lydians, the Assyrians. Irruption of the Scythians and Cimmerians, 625. He takes Nineveh, 597- Astyages, 38 y. down to 560, when he was dethroned by Cyrus. According to Xenophon, Astyages was followed by another Median prince, Cyaxares II. b. Ctesias's History of the Medes, deduced from Persian archives, and contained in Diodorus. Probably a differ- ent dynasty in eastern Asia. Line of kings, between B. C. 800 and 560. Arbaces, conqueror of the Assyrians, 18 y. Man- daucus, 50 y. Sosarmes, 30 y. Artias, 50 y. Arbanes, 22 y. Artaeus, 40 y. and Artynes, 22 y. Sanguinary wars with the nomad races of the east, the Sacae, and Cadusii. Artibarnas, 14 y. Astyages, the last king. Contemporary: Jews, kingdom of Judah alone. Greeks, yearly archons, Draco, Solon. Romans, kings from Tullus Hos- tilius to Servius Tullius. III. Babylonian monarchy. Periods: 1st. Previous to the Chaldaean con- quest, which occurred about 630. 2nd. From the Chaldsean conquest to the Persian, 630 538. 1. Babylon was not only spoken of in the most 1st period, . J . T i toB.C.630. remote antiquity, but is mentioned in the Jewish fragments. m 28 BABYLONIANS. BOOK i. PERIOD traditions as the earliest scene of political trea- BEFORE . . * . CVRI-S. ties, and as the most ancient seat of intercourse for the nations of Asia. Traditions concerning Nimrod and the erection of the tower of Babel. Comparison of those traditions with the Baby- lonian mythology in Berosus. Scanty historical notices of this period in the later Jewish writers ; and probable subjection of Babylon to the As- syrian empire. 2nd period, 2. In the second period, 630 538, the Baby- Chaidians. lonians were the ruling nation of western Asia. -The Chaldasans take possession of Babylon, there establish themselves, and ultimately extend their empire, by conquest, to the Mediterranean. Origin of the Chaldaeans : whether that name was applied to a distinct nation, or to the northern nomads in general ? Line of Chaldaean kings. In the enumeration of these rulers, as given by Ptolemy, this line begins with Nabonassar, and the era bear- ing the name of that sovereign, which commences in the year B. C. 747 ' (probably because, under the reign of that prince, the adoption of the Egyptian solar year first introduced among the Chaldaeans an exact method of reckoning time). Neither Nabo- nassar himself, nor his twelve immediate successors, are remark- able in history : the six last alone deserve notice. 1. Nabopo- lassar, 627 604. Settlement in Babylon; and complete esta- blishment of the Chaldaeo- Babylonian dominion, by his victory over Pharaoh-Nechoh, near Circesium, in 604. 2. Nebuchad- nezzar, 604 561. Brilliant period of the Chaldaeo- Babylonian empire. He conquers Phoenicia and Old Tyre about 586 : Je- rusalem in 587 ; probable irruptions into Egypt. Construction of immense buildings and canals in and about Babylon. Rapid decline of the empire after his death, under 3. Evil-Merodach, 56] 559. 4. Neriglissar, (probably the contemporary of Hero- dotus's Nitocris ;) 555. Labosoarchad murdered, after a few months' reign. Nabonadius, (Herodotus's Labynetus ; and pro- bably the Chaldaean Belshazzar ;) 555 538. attacked and con- quered by Cyrus. Sack of Babylon by the Persians, 538. BOOK i. ASIA MINOR. 29 See the section concerning the Babylonians in A. H. L. HEE- PERIOD REN'S Historical Researches, vol. i, part. 2. CYRUS^ Contemporary : Jews., last sovereigns of the kingdom of ~ Judah. Greeks, Solon, Pisistratus. Romans, Tarquinius Pris- cus and Servius Tullius. IV. States and kingdoms in Asia Minor. The number and variety of the inhabitants of NO lasting this peninsula, was probably the reason why they f^med in never became united into one empire. The most AsiaMmor - important nations among them, were the Carians in the west ; the Phrygians in the centre, reach- ing as far as the Halys ; the Syro-Cappadocians beyond the Halys ; and the Thracians in Bithynia. Nevertheless we find here but three kingdoms deserving notice the Trojan, the Phrygian, and the Lydian. 1. The Trojan empire comprised western My- Troy. sia: its history consists of mere traditions con- tained in poets, with very uncertain chronological data. Kings : Teucer, about 1400. Dardanus Erichthonius Tros (Troja) Ilus (Ilium) Laomedon Priam. The destruction of Troy, after a ten years' war, occurred, it is probable, B. C. 1 190. Contemporary : Jews, time of the Judges : before the founda- tion of Rome, 450 years. 2. The Phrygian empire. Almost,a11 the kings were named Midas and Gordius ; their succession cannot be accurately determined. After the death of the last, called Midas V., Phrygia became a province of the Lydian empire, about 560. 3. The Lydian empire. The Lydians (Mseoni- ans) were a branch of the Carian tribe. Accord- ing to Herodotus, three dynasties ruled in Lydia ; the Atyadae down to 1232 ; the Heraclidse down to 727 ; and the Mermnada? down to 557 : the 30 PHOENICIA. BOOK i. PERIOD two first are almost wholly fabulous, and the pro- Cy F Ru 8 E per history of Lydia may be said to commence with the last dynasty. Kings : Gyges, down to 689. From this period followed al- most uninterrupted wars with the Greek settlements on the sea- coast. Gyges takes Colophon. Ardys down to 640. He takes Priene. Under his reign, an irruption of the Cimmerians. Sa- dyattes down to 628. Alyattes down to 571 Expulsion of the Cimmerians. Capture of Smyrna. Croesus down to 557- He takes Ephesus, and subjugates Asia Minor as far as the Halys. Under his reign, the first rise of a Lydian empire, which how- ever is overthrown by Cyrus. Asia Minor becomes a province of the Persian empire. Contemporary with which, in Asia, were the Medic and Ba- bylonian empires. Among the Jews, the last period of the king- dom of Judah. Among the Greeks, the yearly archons at Athens. With the Romans, the kings. V. Phoenicia. Fragments The Phoenicians may be regarded as one of the cian hTs- 1 most remarkable nations of Asia during this pe- tory- riod ; yet we have no complete, or even connected history of this people. But though a few scat- tered fragments are all we possess, we may from these trace out a general outline. The peculiar sources of Phoenician history. How far Sancho- niathon deserves to be mentioned here ? Hebrew writers, parti- cularly Ezekiel ; Greek writers ; Josephus Eusebius, etc. and the fragments which he has preserved of Menander of Ephesus, and Dius, historians of Tyre. MIGNOT, Memoires sur les Pheniciens ; inserted in Mem. de VAcad. des Inscript. t. xxxiv xlii. A series of twenty-four papers. The section concerning the Phoenicians in A. H. L. HEEREN'S Researches on the Politics, etc. Phoenician 1. Observations on the internal state of Phoe- nicia. It did not constitute one state, or, at least, one single empire ; but consisted of several, and BOOK i. PHOENICIANS. 31 their territories. Alliances, however, were na- PERIOD turally formed between them, and hence a kind 0^ of supremacy of the more powerful, particularly of Tyre. 2. But though Tyre stood at the head, and Each city claimed a certain degree of superiority, each se- ent^Tut parate state still possessed its own particular go- ?" the vernment. In all of them we meet with kings, who appear to have possessed but a limited au- thority, as we always find magistrates associated with them in power. Among a mercantile and colonizing people, it was impossible that absolute despotism should endure for any length of time. Of the separate states, Tyre is the only one of which we possess a series of kings ; and even Tynan that series is not complete. This line of kings, which we derive from Menander through Josephus, commences with Abical, the contemporary of David, about B. C. ]050. The most remarkable among them are: Hi- ram, the successor of Abical; Ethbaal I. about 920; Pygma- lion, Dido's brother, about 900; Ethbaal II. in whose reign Tyre was sacked by Nebuchadnezzar, 586. Foundation of New Tyre republican constitution under suffetes: tributary kings under the Persian rule ; conquest of New Tyre by Alexander, 332. The flourishing period of Phoenicia in general, and of Tyre in particular, falls therefore between 1000 332. Contemporary in inner Asia : monarchies of the Assyrians, Medes, and the Babylonians. Jews : period of the kings after David. Greeks : from Homer to Solon. Romans : period of their kings in the last two centuries. 3. During this period the Phoenicians spread Phoenician themselves by the establishment of colonies; some co of which, particularly Carthage, became as pow- erful as the mother states. General ideas concerning colonization. 1. Colonies are ab- solutely necessary to every seafaring and commercial people, 32 PHOENICIANS. BOOK i. PERIOD whenever their trade extends to distant countries. 2. They have likewise been established for the purpose of providing for the ex- cessive increase of the poor. 3. And they have sometimes arisen from political commotion, when the malcontents, either from free will, or force, have forsaken their country, and sought new settlements in distant regions. 4. Geographical sketch of the Phoenician colo- nies. They possessed, at a very early period, most of the islands of the Archipelago ; from which, however, they were subsequently expelled by the Greeks. The principal countries in which they had settlements were the south of Spain (Tartessus, Gades, Carteia) ; the north coast of Africa, west of the Lesser Syrtis (Utica, Carthage, Adrumetum) ; and the north-western coast of Sicily (Panormus, Lilybaeum). It is likewise highly probable that they formed settlements to- wards the east in the Persian gulf, on the islands inthe Spain Africa guif. of Tylos and Aradus (Bahrein). sea trade of 5. This sketch of the Phoenician colonies will the Phoeni- . i / i / i give us some idea of the extent ot their sea trade and navigation ; which, however, extended much farther than their colonies. Among them, as among other nations, commerce took its rise in piracy ; even as late as the time of Homer, the Phoenicians appear to have been freebooters. The principal objects of their commerce were (a) the settlements in north Africa and Spain ; the latter more particularly, on account of its rich silver mines. () Beyond the Pillars of Hercules, the west-coast of Africa ; Britain and the Scilly is- lands, for the purpose of procuring tin, and, very probably, amber, (c) From Elath and Ezion-Ge- bar, ports situate at the northern extremity of the Arabian gulph, they undertook, in connection with BOOK i. SYRIANS. 33 ;UOD BKFORE the Jews, voyages to Ophir, that is to say, to the rich lands of the south, particularly Arabia Felix CYRUS! and Ethiopia, (d) From the Persian gulf, they extended their commerce to the western peninsula of India and the island of Ceylon. Finally, (e) they double they made several extensive voyages of discovery, Gowfilope. among which, the most remarkable was the cir- cumnavigation of Africa. 6. Of no less importance was the land trade, Their land mostly carried on by caravans. The principal branches of it were : (a) The Arabian caravan trade for spices and incense, imported from Ara- bia Felix, Gerra, and the Persian gulf, (b) The trade through Palmyra with Babylon, which opened them an indirect communication by way of Persia, with lesser Bukharia and little Thibet, probably even with China itself, (c) The trade with Armenia and the neighbouring countries in slaves, horses, copper utensils, etc. 7. To all this must be added their own manu- th eir manu- factures, particularly their stuffs and dyes ; (the purple, made of the juice of a marine shellfish ;) their manufactures of glass and toys, which, in their commerce with uncivilized nations, generally carried on by barter, were turned to good account. Many other important discoveries, among which the invention of letters holds the first rank, are attributed to the Phoenicians. VI. Syrians. 1. The inhabitants of Syria dwelt in cities ass y na, an early as B. C. 2000, when Abraham wandered ea over their country. This country did not form one single state, but consisted of several cities, each of which had its separate territory, and its 34 JEWISH HISTORY. BOOK i. PERIOD chief or kino- ; of these cities, Damascus, Hamath, BEFORE emus, etc. are mentioned in the most remote antiquity. a frequent 2. The Syrians were, however, often subjected object of _ . J . J conquest: by foreign conquerors ; and their country was cer- 1040. "' tainly, at least in the time of David, a Jewish pro- vince. It shook off the yoke, however, in the time of Solomon ; when Rezon, who had formerly been a slave, obtained possession of Damascus. Kingdom of 3. After this, there arose the kingdom of Da- Damascus. . -11 /> mascus, which comprised the greatest portion or Syria, the kings in the other cities becoming tri- butary to Damascus. The boundaries of the em- pire, too, were extended, and particularly at the expense of the divided kingdoms of Judah and Israel. The kings, whose names are taken from the books of Chroni- cles, were : Rezon, about 980. Benhadad I. about 900. Hazael, about 850. Benhadad II. about 830. Rezin. Under this last, the kingdom of Damascus was overthrown by the Assyrian con- queror Tiglath-Pileser, about 740- Contemporary in Inner Asia : Assyrian kingdom. Jews : kingdoms of Israel and Judah. Greeks : settlement of the Asiatic colonies. Lycurgus. VII. Jews. Periods of The history of the Jewish people, begins with Jewish his- .,, 1^1 <".- c i tory. Abraham the lather of their race; that ot the Jewish state does not commence till after the con- quest of Palestine. It is divided into three pe- riods. I. History of the Jews, as a nomad horde, from Abraham till their settlement in Palestine, B. C. 20001500. II. Historv of the Jewish w state as a federative republic under the high priests and judges, from B. C. 15001100. III. History of the Jewish state under a monarchical government, from B. C. 1100 600, first in one BOOK i. JEWISH HISTORY. 3.1 kingdom, 975 ; afterwards as two separate king- doms, Israel and Judah, until the downfal of the latter, 588. Sources of the Jewish history. Their annals : Books of Judges, Samuel, Chronicles, Kings. How those books were com- posed, and whether their authors may be considered as contem- porary with the events they relate ? How far the Hebrew poets, the prophets in particular, may be considered as historical autho- rity ? JOSEPHUS, as an antiquarian in his Archceologia, and as a, contemporary historian in his Historia Belli Romani. Unfortunately there is not at present any satisfactory treatise on the Jewish history previous to the Babylonian captivity ; nor one written in an impartial spirit, without credulity or scepticism. The work of BERRUYER, Histoire du Peuple de Dieu, depuis son origine jusqu'a la Naissance de J. C. Paris, 1742, 10 vols. 8vo. ; and the continuation, depuis la Naissance de J. C. 10 vols. ; and others of the same kind do not answer this description. RE LAND i Antiquit. Sacr. Heb. The writings of J. D. Mi- CHAELIS, particularly his f Remarks on the Translation of the Old Testament, and his -j- Mosaic Latv ; together with -j- HERDER, On the Spirit of Hebrew Poesy, furnish many excellent materials. I. Period of the nomad state from Abraham to Jews as a the conquest of Palestine. Under Abraham, Isaac, horde: and Jacob, nothing more at first than a single no- mad family; which, however, during its sojourn in Lower Egypt, where, during four hundred and sojourn in thirty, or, according to others, two hundred and fifty years, it roved about in subjection to the ' Egyptian Pharaohs, increased to a nomad na- tion, divided into twelve tribes. The nation, however, becoming formidable from the great in- crease of its numbers, the Pharaohs, following the usual policy of the Egyptians, wished to compel the Jews to build and inhabit cities. Unaccus- tomed to restraint, they fled from Egypt under the conduct of Moses ; and conquered, under him D2 36 JEWISH HISTORY. BOOK i. PERIOD and his successor Joshua, Palestine, the land of BEFORE . CYRUS, promise. Moses and his legislation. What he borrowed and what he did not borrow from the Egyptians ? The worship of Jehovah in the national sanctuary, and by national festivals, celebrated with ceremonies rigidly prescribed, the point of union for the whole nation, and the political bond which held the tribes to- gether. The caste of Levites, compared with the Egyptian caste of priests. J. D. MICHAELIS, Mosaic Lam, Gottingen, 1778, etc. 6 vols. 8vo. ; translated into English by Dr. ALEXANDER SMITH. Lond. 1814, 4 vols. 8vo. The commentator frequently sees more than the lawgiver. jews as a II. Period of the federative republic. From the pubUc. 6 re occupation of Palestine to the establishment of monarchy, 15001100. Heroic age. 1. General character of this period as the he- roic age of the nation, which, after the gradual adoption of fixed dwellings and agriculture, was engaged in constant feuds with its neighbours, the vagrant Arabs, the Philistines, and the Edomites. Impossibility of exterminating entirely the ancient inhabitants according to the intention of Moses. Hence the worship of Jehovah was never the only religion in the land. Constitu- 2. Political organization. In consequence of the division of land, according to tribes, and their separation from one another, the government long remained patriarchal. Each tribe preserved its patriarch or elder, as in the nomad state. All, however, had, in the worship of Jehovah, one common bond, uniting them into one federate state. Magistrates were likewise appointed in the cities, to whom scribes are conjoined out of the Levite caste. BOOK i. JEWISH HISTORY. .37 3. The permanent union of the nation, and pre- PERIO servation of the Mosaic law, were likewise pro- moted by the distribution of the Levite caste into forty-eight separate towns, situated in various parts of the country, and by making the high priesthood hereditary in Aaron's family. 4. But when at the death of Joshua the people Disturbed were left without a common ruler, the tie of re- jews at the ligion became insufficient to hold them together ; especially as the weaker tribes became jealous of the more powerful. At this time the high priests appear to have had but little political influence ; and the national bond was only prevented from being dissolved by the dread of a foreign yoke. 5. The Jews were sometimes independent, at Judges. other times tributary. In seasons of oppression and distress heroes arose, jealous for the worship of Jehovah, to deliver them from bondage. They acted as chief magistrates and rulers of a part, or even the whole of the nation, and as champions of the worship of the true God. The judges, par- ticularly Othniel, Deborah, and Sampson. Con- cerning the marvellous in their history. 6. Reestablishment of the worship of Jehovah by Samuel. He becomes judge, and rules as Jehovah's minister. His scheme of making the office of judge hereditary in his own family is defeated by the conduct of his sons. The na- tion demands a king, whom Samuel, as minister of Jehovah, is called upon to appoint. His crafty policy in the election, which he cannot impede. He chooses Saul, politically speaking, the most insignificant man of the nation ; but the tallest and most stately. A formal constitutional act, 38 JEWISH HISTORY. BOOK i. PERIOD according to the Mosaic command, is drawn up CYRUS, and deposited in the national sanctuary. Causes which led the nation to demand a king. Earlier at- tempts made, particularly by Abimelech, to obtain regal power. III. Period of the monarchy from 1100 600. 1. The Jewish state as one single kingdom from 1100(1095; 975. Saul: 1. Saul, the new king, strengthened himself on the throne by a victory over the Ammonites ; and a general assembly of the nation, in which Samuel laid down his office as judge, unanimously ac- knowledged his sovereignty. But Saul, no sooner became a conqueror than he threw off the tutelage of Samuel, and ventured himself to consult Jeho- vah. This was the occasion of a feud between them. Samuel, offended, privately anointed an- other young man, David the son of Jesse, as king. David acquires fame and popularity by his heroic conduct ; but has much difficulty in escaping the jealousy of Saul. Saul sustains himself amid constant wars with the neighbouring nations ; about but at last defeated, he and all his sons, except one, lose their lives. Jewish go- 2. State of the nation and constitution under anTstate Saul. The king little more than a military leader under him. un( j er the direction of Jehovah; without either court or fixed residence. The people still a mere agricultural and pastoral race, without wealth or luxury; but gradually assuming the character of a warlike nation. i>avid, 3. Saul was succeeded by David ; but not 1055-1015. . . . _ J ., without opposition, hleven tribes declare for BOOK i. JEWISH HISTORY. 39 Ish-bosheth, the remaining son of Saul ; and Da- PERIOD vid is only acknowledged by his own tribe, Judah. CYRUS! It is not till seven years later, and the murder of Ish-bosheth by his own people, that David is re- cognized as king by the whole nation. 4. Complete formation of the nation, and a state of the x. .. -,. , . r T\ i nation and change of constitution during the reign 01 David government over the united kingdom, which lasted thirty-three m years. Jerusalem is made the seat of government and of the national sanctuary. Rigid observance of the worship of Jehovah, the exclusive religion of the nation, considered in respect to its political consequence. 5. Vast aggrandizement of the Jewish state by Conquests. conquest. A war with Hadadezer opens the way to the conquest of Syria and Idumeea. Extent of the kingdom from the Euphrates to the Mediter- ranean ; from Phoenicia to the Red sea. Gra- dual decline towards despotism and seraglio go- vernment; the political consequences of which become apparent about the end of David's reign, in the rebellion of his sons. 6. Reign of Solomon. The brilliant govern- Solomon, ment of a despot from the interior of his seraglio ; 1( unwarlike, but civilized, and fond of parade. New organization of the kingdom for the support of the court. Connections formed with the neigh- bouring states, particularly with Tyre ; hence a participation in the southern trade carried on from the ports of the Red sea, conquered by David ; but only as a monopoly of the court. 7. The capital enriched by the splendour of the Declension court; but the country oppressed and impover- ished, particularly the distant tribes. Gradual 40 JEWISH HISTORY. BOOK i. PERIOD internal decay hastened by the admixture of the BEFORE CYRUS, worship of foreign gods with that of Jehovah ; although Solomon, by the erection of the temple according to the plan of his father, seems to have wished to make the worship of the true God the only religion of the country. An unsuccessful attempt at rebellion made by Jeroboam ; and by the Edomites, who remain tributary under their own kings : actual secession, even during the reign of Solomon, of the conquered province of Syria by the foundation of the kingdom of Da- mascus. Rehoboam. g. Solomon is succeeded by his son Reho- boam, who has scarcely ascended the throne, before the malcontents, increased in number by his imprudence, break into open rebellion. Jero- boam is recalled from Egypt, and ten tribes ac- knowledge him as their king. Only two tribes, Judah and Benjamin, remain faithful to Reho- . boam. II. The Jewish state as a divided kingdom, 975588. causes of 1. Reciprocal relations between the two king- warsbe S - doms of Judah and Israel. Although Israel was da^and"" more extensive and populous than Judah, yet was Judah, in consequence of possessing the capital, richest of the two ; thus their power was nearly balanced ; and hence the struggle between them was the more obstinate. Policy of 2. The kings of Israel seek to confirm the po- litical division of the nation, by establishing a new form of worship within their dominions, in order to restrain their subjects from visiting the BOOK i. JEWISH HISTORY. 41 ancient seat of the national worship at Jerusalem; PERIOD hence they were considered as the enemies of 0^. Jehovah. Several kings, however, even of Judah O f those were so impolitic as to mingle the worship of other gods with that of Jehovah. But oppres- sion itself serves to sustain the worship of Jeho- vah; the number and political influence of the prophets increase in proportion as men feel, amid the turbulence of the times, need of the counsels of the true God ; the idea of some future happier period under a mighty king the idea of the Mes- siah and of his kingdom is more fully developed by the lively recollection of the splendid reign of David. Schools of the prophets. 3. The rivalry and wars between those two Te , . i i i . tion of the states not only continue with slight interruption, wars. but become more and more fraught with danger, in consequence of the alliances entered into with foreign princes, particularly with the kings of Da- mascus and Egypt. An end is at length put to these feeble kingdoms by the rise of vast empires in Inner Asia. Most important events in the history of the two kingdoms. I. KINGDOM OF ISRAEL, 975 722; under 19 kings, from dif- ferent families, who succeeded to the throne amid violent revo- lutions. 1 . Jeroboam, d. 954. Settlement of the royal residence at Shechem ; of the sanctuaries at Bethel and Dan, and appoint- ment of priests, not belonging to the tribe of Levi. Constant wars with the kings of Judah. 2. Nadab, Jeroboam's son, mur- dered in 953 by 3. Baasha, d. 930. This prince, by his alliance with the kings of Damascus, brought the kingdom of Judah into great danger. 4. Elah murdered in 929 by one of his generals. 5. Zimri, in whose place the army immediately elected 6. Omri: this prince, at the beginning of his reign, had a rival to the throne in Tibni, d. 925. Omri founded the new capital, Sama- ria, d. 91 8. He was succeeded by his son 7- Ahab : strong con- nections by marriage with the kings of Sidon ; introduction of 42 JEWISH HISTORY. BOOK i. PERIOD J.JJQ Phoanician worship of Baal. Wars with Damascus, in which BEFORE CYRUS. Ahab at last perishes, 897- Under Ahab a league formed with ~* the king of Judah. He is succeeded by his sons, 8. Ahaziah, d. 896, and 9. Jehoram. The league with Judah continues. Je- horam is murdered by Jehu, 883. 10. Jehu : this king destroys the house of Ahab, which had given 4 kings to Israel, and does away with the worship of Baal. The kings of Damascus wrest from the kingdom of Israel the lands beyond Jordan. Jehu, d. 856. He is succeeded by his son 11. Jehoahaz, d. 840. The wars with Damascus continue unsuccessful to Israel. 12. Je- hoash, d. 825. He defeats the kings of Damascus and Judah. 13. Jeroboam II. d. 784. He restores the kingdom of Israel to its ancient extent. After a turbulent interregnum of 12 years, he is succeeded by his son 14. Zechariah, 773; who was assas- sinated the same year, being the last remnant of the house of Jehu, which had given 5 kings to Israel. His murderer, 15. Shallum, after a reign of one month, is, in his turn, assassinated by 16. Menahem, d. 761 : under his reign the first expedition of the Assyrians, headed by Pul, whom he buys off by tribute. 17. His son Pekahiah murdered in 759 by 18. Pekah, under whose reign falls the expedition of Tiglath-Pileser the Assyrian, and destruction of Damascus. Pekah is assassinated in 740 by 19. Hoshea, who, after an anarchy of eight years, obtains pos- session of the throne. Hoshea endeavours, by an alliance with Egypt, to shake off the Assyrian yoke ; but Shalmaneser, king of Assyria, wages war against him, conquers Samaria, and puts an end to the kingdom of Israel, whose inhabitants he transplants to Media in Inner Asia, 722. 2. KINGDOM OF JUDAH under 20 kings of the house of Da- vid, 975 598. The regular line of hereditary succession is ge- nerally followed without dispute, and is only twice interrupted by Athaliah's usurpation, and the intervention of foreign conquerors. 1. Rehoboam, d. 958. Jerusalem is still the seat of government ; but even during this reign the worship of Jehovah begins to fall into neglect, in consequence of the introduction of foreign gods. Besides the war with Israel, Jerusalem is attacked and plun- dered by Shishak, king of Egypt. 2. Abijah, d. 955. 3. Asa. This prince was attacked by the combined kings of Israel and Damascus, and, no doubt, would have sunk in the conflict, had he not succeeded in breaking their alliance ; d. 914. 4. Jehosh- aphat, the restorer of the worship of Jehovah and framer of a league with the kingdom of Israel. His attempt to reestablish BOOK i. JEWISH HISTORY. 43 the trade to Ophir, on the Red sea, is unsuccessful, d. 891. 5. PERIOD Jehoram. The union with Israel is confirmed by the marriage EFO of this prince with Ahab's daughter, Athaliah ; but Idumsea, ~~ under his reign, secedes wholly from the kingdom of Judah, d. 884. 6. His son Ahaziah is, in the next year, 883, assassinated by Jehu, the murderer and successor of Jehoram king of Israel. 7. His mother, Athaliah, takes possession of the throne ; mur- ders the whole royal family ; only one son of Ahaziah, 8, Joash, is, in consequence of his youth, rescued from the carnage, se- cretly educated in the temple, and after seven years forcibly placed upon the throne, by means of a revolution wrought by the high priest, Jehoiada ; and Athaliah is slaughtered, 877- Joash rules under the tutelage of the priests, which leads to the reestablishment of Jehovah's worship. This prince is menaced by Hazael king of Damascus,, and compelled to pay him tribute. Slain 838. 9. Amaziah : he defeats the Edomites, and is in his turn defeated by Jehoash king of Israel, by whom Jerusalem itself is sacked. He is slain in 811, and succeeded 10. by his son Azariah, (or Uzziah.) This prince was leprous, and d. 759. His son 11. Jotham, d. 743, became regent during the life of his father. The wars with Israel and Damascus recommence. 12. Ahaz, d. 728. The league between the kings of Damascus and Israel induces Ahaz to call to his assistance Tiglath-Pileser king of Assyria, who overthrows the kingdom of Damascus, and subjects Israel and Judah to tribute. 13. Hezekiah, d. 699. He shakes off the Assyrian yoke : under his reign Shalmaneser destroys Samaria, 722 : and Shalmaneser's successor, Sennache- rib, undertakes his expedition against Egypt, 714. Jerusalem is again besieged, but fortunately relieved by the total failure of the expedition. Isaiah prophecies during the reign of this prince. 14. Manasseh, d. 644. During his 55 years' reign, the worship of the Phoenician god, Baal, becomes general ; that of Jehovah falls into contempt, and the Mosaic law into disuse. 15. Amon, murdered as early as 642. 16. Josiah restorer of the temple, and of the worship of Jehovah. The book of the Law, which had been cast aside and neglected, is once more found, and a complete reform instituted according to its principles. Palestine however is the first country attacked by Necos, king of Egypt; and Josiah falls in battle, 611. His son, 17- Jehoahaz, is, after a reign of three months, dethroned by Pharaoh-Nechoh, and his brother 18. Jehoiakim placed as a tributary prince on the throne. But in consequence of the rise of the Chaldeco-Babylo- 44 JEWISH HISTORY. BOOK i. PERIOD nian empire, Pharaoh-Nechoh is deprived of his Asiatic con- quests by the loss of the battle of Circesium, 606 ; and Jehoia- kim becomes tributary to Nebuchadnezzar, d. 599. The prophet Jeremiah nourishes. 19. Jehoiachin, son of the former king, after three months' reign, is, together with the greater part of the nation, transplanted into Inner Asia by Nebuchadnezzar, after a second expedition, (commencement of the Babylonian captivity,) and, 20. Zedekiah, brother on the father's side to Jehoiachin, is seated on the throne as a tributary prince. Form- ing, however, a league with Egypt, in order to throw off the Babylonian yoke, Nebuchadnezzar marches a third time against Jerusalem, conquers it, 588, and delivers it up to pillage and destruction. Zedekiah, after being deprived of his eye-sight, and losing all his children by the hands of the executioner, is, together with the remaining portion of the nation, led in cap- tivity to Babylon. S. BERNHARDI Commentatio de causis quibus affectum sit ut regnum Judce diutius persisteret quam regnum Israel ; cum ta- bula geographica, Lovanii, 1825, 4to. A prize essay, containing also several valuable enquiries into the monarchical period of the Jewish state. f- BAUER, Manual of the History of the Hebrew Nation, vol. i iii, 1800. The best introduction hitherto published, not only to the history, but also to the antiquities of the nation, from the rise to the fall of the state. BOOK i. GEOGRAPHICAL OUTLINE. 45 II. AFRICAN NATIONS. General Geographical Outline of Ancient Africa. See A. H. L. HEEREN'S Historical Researches, etc. African Nations. 2 vols. 8vo. Oxford, 1831. 1. ALTHOUGH the Phoenicians had circumna- AFRICA. vigated Africa, the northern part only of that quarter of the globe was known to antiquity, ancients JL, . , . J with Africa. With that part, however, the ancients were better acquainted than we are at the present day, the coast being then occupied by civilized and com- mercial nations, who pushed their excursions far inland. This was the case in early times with the Carthaginians and the Egyptians ; still more so with the Macedonian Greeks, under the Ptole- mies, and under the Romans. War, hunting, and commerce, were, generally speaking, the objects which gave rise to those excursions. 2. Considered as a whole, Africa is very differ- General f * -I i r i view of ent irom Asia, both in situation and form. Asia Africa. lies almost entirely within the temperate, while Africa is almost wholly under the torrid zone. Asia abounds in deep gulfs and large rivers ; Africa constitutes a regular triangle, and in its northern half possesses but two large rivers, the Nile and the Niger. No wonder, then, that this portion of our globe should form, as it were, a world in itself, distinguished by its productions and its inhabitants. 3. Physically considered, Northern Africa may Physical be divided into three regions, distinguished i n geography 46 GEOGRAPHICAL OUTLINE. BOOK i. AFRICA, early antiquity by separate names. The maritime of North country along the Mediterranean, with the ex- ception of Tripolis, or the Regio-Syrtica, consists principally of very fertile districts, and was con- sequently, at all times, very thickly inhabited : hence in Herodotus it bears the name of the inha- bited Africa; it is now called Barbary. Above this, and under the 30th parallel of N. lat., suc- ceeds a mountainous tract, across which stretches the Atlas chain of mountains ; abounding in wild beasts and dates : hence Herodotus calls it the wild beast Africa: among the Arabs it is called the land of dates, (Biledulgerid.) Beyond this, and between the 30th and 20th degrees of N. lat. the sandy region extends right across Africa and Arabia : this part of Africa is therefore known, both among the ancients and moderns, under the name of Africa Deserta, or the Sandy Desert, (Sahara). The fruitful lands beyond the desert, stretching along the banks of the Niger, were almost wholly unknown to the Greeks : by them these parts were comprehended under the com- mon name of Ethiopia, although that name ap- plied more peculiarly to the districts above Egypt. The Greeks were, however, acquainted with some of the fruitful spots in the desert, the Oases ; such as Augila, Ammonium, and the Oases, properly so called, in Egypt. Political 4. There exists no political division which com- prises the whole of Africa. The north coast alone was inhabited by civilized nations : Egyptians, Cyrenaeans, and Carthaginians; of which the first only were aboriginals. The rest of the inhabit- ants either roved about as nomad hordes, or BOOK i. GEOGRAPHICAL OUTLINE. 47 formed insignificant states, of whose existence we AFRICA. have heard some account, though we possess no history of them. Along the shore, reckoning from the Plinthinetic gulf, Egypt is succeeded by : 1st. Marmarica, a tract without cities, consisting prin- cipally of sandy deserts, occupied by nomad hordes : this country extends from the 40 47 E. long, from Ferro. 2nd. The fertile territory occupied by the Greek colonies, called Cyrenaica, extended to the Greater Syrtis, 37 40 E. long. Cities : Gyrene, Barca. 3rd. The territory of Car- thage, extending from the Greater Syrtis to the Fair Promontory, 25 40 E. long. This territory comprised (a) the country between the Greater and Lesser Syrtis, (Regio Syrtica,) which consti- tutes the modern kingdom of Tripoli ; a sandy tract, almost wholly occupied by nomads. () the territory of Carthage, properly so called, (king- dom of Tunis). A very fruitful country; the southern part, called Byzacena, the northern part Zeugitana. Cities: Carthage, Utica, etc. 4th. Numidia and Mauritania ; occupied during the Carthaginian age by nomad races. Along the shore some Carthaginian settlements. EGYPTIANS. Preliminary remarks. Egypt in its superficial Geography. contents is equal to about two-thirds of Germany, and may therefore justly be ranked among the more extensive countries of the globe ; it greatly varies, however, in its physical properties. The 48 GEOGRAPHICAL OUTLINE. BOOK i. EGYPT, soil is only sufficiently fertile for tillage on the banks of the Nile, and as far as the floods of that river extend ; beyond that, on the west, is a sandy desert, on the east a chain of rocky mountains. Course of From its entrance into Egypt at Syene, the Nile the Nile. . T-II . ^^ nows m one undivided stream to the city of Cer- casorus, 60 geogr. miles above its mouth, direct- ing its source from south to north through a valley from 8 to 16 geogr. miles broad, bounded on the west by deserts of sand, and on the east by moun- tains of granite. At Cercasorus the stream first divides itself into two main branches, which for- merly discharged their waters into the Mediterra- nean, the eastern near the city of Pelusium, the western near the city of Canopus (ostium Pelusia- cum et Canopicum;) from these two diverged se- veral intermediate branches ; so that in the time of Herodotus there existed seven mouths of the Nile, but the number has not always remained the same. The tract between the two extreme arms of the Nile bears, in consequence of its triangular form, the name of the Delta ; it was covered with cities, and highly cultivated. The fertile part of Egypt, inhabited by civilized men, was therefore confined to the Delta and the valley of the Nile, on the two banks of the stream from Syene to Cercasorus ; to which must be added some well watered spots in the centre of the western desert, known un- der the name of the Oases. In consequence of the perpetual absence of rain, particularly in Upper Egypt, the fertility of the Delta and the valley of the Nile depends on the overflowing of the river, which happens at stated periods. This com- mences at the beginning of August and continues BXJOK i. GEOGRAPHICAL OUTLINE. 49 to the end of October ; so that during three whole EGYPT. months the above-mentioned parts of the country are under water. Egypt is divided into Upper, extending from Divisions of Syene to the city of Chemmis, (capital, Thebes, or Diospolis) ; Central from Chemmis to Cer- casorus, (capital, Memphis,) and Lower Egypt, which comprises the Delta, and the land on both sides : it was full of cities, among which the most remarkable was Sais. Next above Egypt lies Ethiopia, (^Ethiopia su- Ethiopia. pra JEgyptuni) ; which, from the earliest times, principally through commerce, appears to have been closely connected with the former country. The regions immediately above Egypt, usually called Nubia, are little more than deserts of sand, still inhabited by roving hordes of nomad robbers. The rocky mountain chain, which forms the east- ern boundary of Egypt, stretches along the Red sea, and was formerly of great importance to Nubia, from its containing, just above the Egyptian frontier, productive gold mines. The Nile, in this country, makes a wide curve to the west, and becomes so full of shallows as to render navigation difficult. The lands adjoining the river, however, are fertile and well inhabited ; and contain numerous ancient monuments. Still higher up, reckoning from 16 N. lat. the appear- ance of the country changes ; the region of fer- tility commences, and its costly productions, its gold and its perfumes, gave rise to a profitable commerce. Among these countries, Meroe, with its capital of the same name, was celebrated in the days of Herodotus. By Meroe is understood a 50 GEOGRAPHICAL OUTLINE. BOOK i. EGYPT, tract of land bounded by two rivers, the Nile on the west, and the Astaboras, (Tacazze,) which falls into the Nile, on the east ; for this reason it is frequently, although improperly, called an is- land. This country extended towards the sources of the Nile, or the modern province of Gojam, where, under the reign of Psammetichus, the Egyptian caste of warriors, having for the most part deserted, established themselves. Meroe itself, like the Egyptian states, was sacerdotal, with a king at its head. The city of Axum, or Auxume, is not indeed mentioned at so early a period ; but if we may judge by the ruins that still remain, it was of equally high antiquity with the old Egyptian towns and with Meroe. The same observations apply to Adule, the harbour on the Arabian gulf. Divisions of The Egyptian history is divided into three pe- riods of unequal duration ; the Jirst of which ex- tends from the earliest time down to the Sesos- tridae, that is to say, to about B.C. 1500: the second comprises the reigns of the Sesostridae, or the brilliant period of Egypt, down to Psam- metichus, 1500 650: the third brings us from Psammetichus down to the Persian conquest, 650525. BOOK i. EGYPTIANS. FIRST PERIOD. From the earliest times down to the Sesostridte, about B. C. 1500. Sources: 1. Jewish writers. Moses. His records contain, no PERIOD doubt, a faithful picture of the Egyptian state in his day ; but * no continuous history can be deduced from them. From Moses down to Solomon (B. C. 1500 1000.) total silence, with respect to Egypt, of the Hebrew writers. From Solomon down to Cy- rus, (B. C. 1000 550.) a few scanty fragments. Importance and superiority of the Jewish accounts, so far as they are purely historical. 2. Greek writers, (a) Herodotus. The first who published a History of the Egyptians. About seventy years after the destruction of the throne of the Pharaohs by the Persian con- querors, this author collected, in Egypt itself, the earliest ac- counts of the history of the country ; he received his information from the most capable persons, the priests ; and wrote down faithfully that information, such as he heard it. If, therefore, we would estimate at their proper worth the accounts given by Herodotus, it is necessary to enquire, what did the priests them- selves know of their earlier national history ? And this question cannot be answered until we have ascertained in what manner the historical records of the earlier periods were preserved among the Egyptians. The earliest history of the Egyptians, like that of all other nations, was traditional. They adopted, however, before any other nations, a sort of writing, hieroglyphics, or allegorical pic- ture writing ; in which the signs borrowed from natural objects served, as modern discoveries have proved, partly to represent sounds, (hieroglyphes phonetiques,} and partly to express ideas ; in the latter case they were either representative or allegorical. This mode of writing, by its nature, is not so complete as the purely alphabetical; since, 1. It can express only a narrow circle of ideas, and these separately, without connection or grammatical inflection, at least with very few exceptions. 2. As it is not so well adapted to writing as to painting or engraving, it is not so useful for books as for public monuments. 3. Being em- 52 EGYPTIANS, BOOK I. PEfilOD BEFORE CYRUS. blematic, it is not intelligible without the help of a key, which could only be preserved in some tradition connected with the ~ monument, and which was exclusively possessed by the priests ; this key. therefore, could hardly be preserved many centuries without falsification. 4. The same image seems frequently to have been used to express very different objects. It follows, that the Egyptian history, as deduced from the lips of the priests, can hardly have been any thing more than records connected with, and depending upon, public monuments: consisting, therefore, of mere fragments, and reducible to no consistent chronology, it ultimately admitted only of allegorical translation, and conse- quently was very liable to be misinterpreted. Besides their hieroglyphics, the Egyptians certainly had two other species of writing : the hieratic, confined to the priests, and the demotic, used in common life. Both, however, seem to have been nothing more than running hands derived from the hieroglyphic system ; and we have no instance of the employment of either the one or the other in public monuments of the time of the Pharaohs. That the use of papyrus, a material on which all the above kinds of writing were employed, had its origin in the highest antiquity, or at least in the more brilliant period of the Pharaohs, we now know for certain, written documents belonging to those times having been obtained from the tombs. CHAMPOLLION L,E JEUNE, Precis du Systeme Hieroglyphique des anciens Egypliens. Paris, 1824. The main work on this subject, of which the Letlre a M. Dacier, 1822, is but the pre- cursor, and the two Let I res a M. le due de Blacas the continua- tion. The new method of deciphering has received its principal confirmation from the work of the British consul in Egypt, SALT, Essay on the Phonetic System of Hieroglyphics, 1825, on the authority of a comparison with the Egyptian monuments themselves. Hitherto, however, little more has been made out than the names and titles of the kings, distinguished by being always enclosed within a border. These preliminary remarks on the earlier Egyptian history, will derive abundant support from a perusal of the account given by Herodotus (ii, 99 150), of the Egyptian kings previous to Psammetichus. The study of that author pi-oves beyond all doubt, that : I. The whole history is throughout founded on pub- lic monuments, and on monuments too, either in or near Mem- phis. We may even restrict ourselves to one single monument at Memphis, to the temple of Vulcan, or Phtha, the chief temple BOOK i. EGYPTIANS. 53 of that city. The history commences with Menes, the founder PERIOD BEFORE CYRUS. of that edifice, (c. 99.), and we are informed, respecting each of BEFORE his successors, what was done towards the augmentation and embellishment of the building : those who made no addition to that temple, but left other monuments, (as the builders of the pyramids,) are denominated oppressors of the people, and con- temners of the gods : of those princes who left no monuments at all, the priests could give no other information than a catalogue of names. II. Hence this line of kings, although the priests gave it to Herodotus as such, is not without interruptions, but, as is clearly proved by a comparison with Diodorus, contains many wide chasms : therefore no chronological system can be erected upon such a basis. HI. The whole history is inter- woven with narrations derived from hieroglyphic representations, and for that very reason allegorical, the meaning of which it is no longer possible to unravel, the priests themselves being either unable or unwilling to explain it, and even inclining, it appears, to introduce false interpretations. To this class of narrations belongs, for instance, that of the robbery of Rhampsinitus's trea- sury; that of his journey into hell, where he played at dice with Ceres, (c. 121, 122) ; that concerning the daughter of Cheops, (c. 127.) ; concerning the blindness of Pheron, and the manner in which he was cured, etc. (c. 111.) To prove that this charge is not without foundation, it will suffice to adduce two examples ; one from c. 131, where Herodotus himself observes that such was the case; the other from c. 141, the true meaning of which we gather from other sources. Even in the time of Herodotus, it was customary with the priests to endeavour to conciliate the Greek and Egyptian authorities ; a fact in proof of which there are many arguments which cannot escape the critic : such, for instance, as the completely Grtecised history of king Proteus, c. 112 115. The general result of the above observations on Herodotus's Egyptian history is, that it is nothing more than a narration connected with public monuments. To this inference but one objection can possibly be made, namely, that the Egyp- tian priests possessed, besides their hieroglyphics, an alphabetical mode of writing ; consequently, that, over and above the public monuments, they might likewise refer to written annals ; but this objection is overthrown by Herodotus himself. All the in- formation the priests could give him beyond what has been above alluded to, consisted in the names of 330 kings subsequent to 54 EGYPTIANS. BOOK i. PERIOD Menes ; these they read from a papyrus roll, but knew nothing more of the kings who bore them, because those sovereigns had left no monuments behind them, (c. 1 00.) (6) Besides Herodotus, Diodorus (lib. i.) likewise furnishes us with the names of some Egyptian kings. This author, who wrote 400 years subsequently to Herodotus, visited Egypt, and collected his history, partly from the oral and written documents of the priests of Thebes, partly from the more ancient Greek writers, and particularly Hecatseus. If we consider Herodotus's line of kings as not continuous or uninterrupted, all appearance of contradiction between the two historians vanishes. Diodorus, like Herodotus, did not intend to give a complete enumeration of the Egyptian kings ; but only of the most remarkable ; in- dicating the interruptions by the number of generations which they contained. (c) Finally, different from both the above is the Egyptian Manelho, high priest at Heliopolis, who flourished under the reign of Ptolemy Philadelphus, about B. C. 260. He wrote the JEgypliaca, of which, besides several fragments in Josephus, the enumeration of the kings has been preserved in the chronicles of Eusebius and Syncellus. This catalogue is divided into three sections, (tomos,) each of which contains several dynasties, in all 31, enumerated according to the different cities of Egypt. In each dynasty the number of kings belonging to it and the years of their reigns are marked. The authenticity of Manetho is now completely established ; since the names of the Pharaohs men- tioned by him have been deciphered on the Egyptian monu- ments. To this period belong the first seventeen dynasties ; in the eighteenth begins the second and brilliant period, to which the yet remaining monuments of Upper Egypt, bearing the names of the founders, are to be ascribed. It is worthy of observation, that in Herodotus Ave have the documents of the priests of Mem- phis, in Diodorus those of the priests of Thebes, in Manetho those of the priests of Heliopolis the three principal seats of sacerdotal learning: perfect consistency cannot, therefore, be expected in the accounts of those historians. The modern writers on Egyptian antiquities, from KIRCHER, (Edipus JEgypliacus, 1670, to DE PAUW, Recherches sur les Egyptiens et sur les Chinois, 1772, have too often substituted their own dreams and hypotheses for truth. The principal at- tempts at a chronological arrangement of the dynasties have been BOOK i. EGYPTIANS. oo made by MARSHAM, in his Canon Chronicus ; and by GAT- PERIOD BEFORE CYRUS. TERER, in his "j- Synchronistic History of the World. Amon<- the principal works on this subject may be reckoned : JABLONSKI Pantheon Mythicum JEgyptiacum, 1750, 8vo. GATTERER, Commentationes de Theogonia /Egypt, in Com- mentat. Societ. Gotting. t. vii. De Origine et Usu Obeliscorum, auctore G. ZOEGA ; Romae, 1797. L' Egypte sous les Pharaons, ou Recherches sur la Geographic, la Religion, la Langue, les Ecritures, et VHistoire de VEgijpte avant Vinvasion de Cambyse, par CHAMPOLLION LE JEUNE, t. i, ii. 1814. These two volumes, dedicated to the geography, contain the restoration of the ancient Egyptian names of pro- vinces and cities deduced from Coptic authorities. Commentationes Herodotece, scribebat FRID. CREUZER. JEgyp- tica et Hellenica, pars 1. Lips. ]819. A series of most acute and learned illustrations of different points in Egyptian antiquity, introduced by different passages of Herodotus. The volume in HEEREN'S Historical Researches, etc. 1831, vol. ii, concerning the Egyptians ; and particularly the introduc- tion on hieroglyphic writing. For the best representations of the Egyptian monuments, we are indebted to the French expedition. Those of Denon in his Voyage en Egypte, are far superior to those of Pococke and Norden ; but Denon's, in their turn, have been greatly surpassed in the magnificent work : Description de I' Egypte, Antiquites, P. i, ii, iii. P. i, con- tains the monuments of Upper Egypt, from the frontiers of Nubia to Thebes ; P. ii, iii, contain the monuments of Thebes alone. BELZONI, Researches in Egypt, London, 1824, with an atlas. -j" MINUTOLI, Journey to the Temple of Jupiter Amman, and Egypt, 1824. L. BURCKHARDT, Travels in Nubia, London, 1819. F. C. GAU, Antiquites de la Nubie, Paris, 1824. A worthy continuation of the great French work on Egypt. FR. CAILLAUD, Voyage a Meroe et au Fleuve Blanc, Paris, 1825, contains the description of the monuments of Meroe. 1. Political civilization commenced in Egypt at Early cm , .. -11 i-ii- ization of a much earlier period than that to which history Egypt: reaches ; for even in the days of Abraham, and 56 EGYPTIANS. BOOK i. PERIOD still more so in those of Moses, the government CYRUS, seems to have been so well organized, that a long period must necessarily have elapsed in order to raise the nation to that degree of civilization which we see it had then attained. It may, therefore, be safely asserted, that Egypt ranks among the most ancient countries of our globe in which po- litical associations existed ; although we cannot determine with equal certainty whether they did of India. n t exist still earlier in India. Causes of 2. The causes which contributed to render ?viSion. Egypt thus early a civilized state, may be found in the natural features of the country, and its fa- vourable situation, when compared with the rest of Africa. It is the only tract in all northern Africa situated on a large uninterrupted navigable The Nile: stream : had it not been for this, it would, like the other parts of Africa under the same parallel, have been a mere desert. To this must be added two extraordinary circumstances : on the one hand, the overflowing of the river so perfectly pre- pares the soil, that to scatter the seed is almost the only labour of the husbandman ; and yet, on the other hand, so many obstacles impede the progress of agriculture, (by the necessity of canals, dams, etc.) that the invention of man must neces- commerce. sarily have been awakened. When agriculture, and the kind of knowledge requisite for its ulte- rior development had introduced a certain degree of civilization into Egypt, the situation of that country, between Asia and Africa, and in the neighbourhood of the rich land of gold and spices, must have been highly^favourable to the purposes of international commerce ; hence Egypt appears BOOK I. EGYPTIANS. 57 in all ages to have been one of the chief seats of . , , , BEFORE the inland or caravan trade. CYRUS. 3. It is obvious, therefore, that in the fertile Egyptian valley of the Nile, the course of things must have came'S been very different from what it was in the desert the south> of Libya. Several small states appear to have been formed in this valley long before the exist- ence of any great Egyptian kingdom. Their ori- gin, as might naturally be supposed, is enveloped in an obscurity, which history can no longer en- tirely penetrate. It may still, however, be ga- thered from monuments and record^, that Upper Egypt was first the seat of civilization ; which, ori- ginating in the south, spread by the settlement of colonies towards the north. It is probable that this took place in consequence of the migra- tion of some tribe, differing from the negroes, as is proved by the representations, both in sculpture and in painting, found on the yet remaining mo- numents of Egypt. 4. The records of the high antiquity of political civilization, not only in India, but likewise in Ara- bia Felix and Ethiopia, particularly in Meroe, and the evident vestiges of ancient intercourse be- Migrations tween the southern nations of our globe, prove with sufficient evidence the truth of such migra- tions, although they cannot be chronologically de- termined. It is certain, however, that religion had no small share in producing them. The na- tional bond of union in Egypt not only continued in later times, entirely dependent upon religion, but was originally grounded upon it. Thus every step in political civilization must have depended, 58 EGYPTIANS. BOOK i. PERIOD if not solely, at least principally, on the caste of BEFORE . II- CYRUS, priests and on their extension. General development of the idea of division into castes. Ori- ginating at first in the variety of tribes settled in one and the same country, and their different modes of life. Its further pro- gress in despotic and in theocratic kingdoms. Application to Egypt and to the Egyptian caste of priests., as an original., civil- ized tribe. A caste of 5. The peculiarity of this caste was the wor- troduce ship of certain deities, the principal of which were Ammon, Osiris, and Phtha, confounded by the Gr eeks with their Jupiter, Bacchus, and Vulcan. The spread of this worship, which was always connected with temples, affords, therefore, the most evident vestiges of the spread of the caste itself; and those vestiges combined with the re- cords of the Egyptians, lead us to conclude that this caste was a tribe which migrated from the CJ south, from beyond Meroe in Ethiopia, and by the establishment of inland colonies around the temples founded by them, gradually extended and made the worship of their gods the dominant re- ligion in Egypt. Proof of the accuracy of the above theory deduced from mo- numents and express testimonies concerning the origin of Thebes and Ammon from Meroe ; it might have been inferred from the preservation of the worship of Ammon in the latter place. Mem- phis, again, and other cities in the valley of the Nile, are com- monly supposed to have been founded by detachments from Thebes. Nomes. 6. This conjecture, which agrees with the usual progress of population, is corroborated by the very ancient division of the country into districts, or nomes. This division was intimately connected BOOK i. EGYPTIANS. 59 with the chief temples, each of which represented PERIOD a separate colony of the caste of priests ; so that CYB" the inhabitants of every nome belonged to the chief temple, and joined in the religious worship there performed. 7. To the gradual extension of this civilized separate tribe, which comprised, not only the caste of the founded in priests, but certainly also that of the warriors, Egypt: and perhaps some others, may be attributed the formation of several small states along the banks of the Nile; the central point of each being always such a colony as we have just now described; although each state consisted both of the aborigi- nal tribes of the neighbourhood, and of those that had migrated into the country. The bond which united every separate state was, therefore, as in most of those formed in the infancy of mankind, a common worship, in which all the members participated. But what, by reason of the pe- culiarities of soil and climate, could not take place in southern Africa, took place in Egypt : agriculture, and its progressive improvement, be- came the great support of civilization ; and, as being the true foundation of states, formed the principal political object of the ruling caste. Refutation of the idea, that the Egyptian priests were in pos- session of great speculative knowledge ; since their knowledge rather had constant reference to practical life, and, therefore, was in their hands the instrumentum dominalionis over the people, by which they rendered themselves indispensable, and kept the former in a state of dependence. Explanation of the close refer- ence which their gods, their astronomical and mathematical sci- ences bore to agriculture. 8. According to Manetho's catalogues, these a separate Egyptian states existed first in Upper 60 EGYPTIANS. BOOK i. PERIOD and Middle Egypt ; in the former were Thebes, CYRUS. Elephantine, This, and Heraclea ; in the latter, Memphis. It is only in the last division of his work that we meet with states in Lower Egypt, such as Tanis, Mendes, Bubastis, and Sebennytus. To these states, therefore, no doubt, belong the 330 kings after Menes, whose names the priests read to Herodotus ; as also those whom Diodorus mentions as reigning previous to Sesostris, among whom are remarked Busiris II. founder of Thebes, and Uchoreus, the founder of Memphis. Eusebius and Syncellus have preserved from Manetho the names of several of those kings, which Marsham has endeavoured to compare and arrange. obscurity 9. In the absence of a certain and continuous chronology, chronology, it is impossible to determine accu- rately which of these states were contemporary, and which succeeded the others. There can be no question that Thebes was one of the earliest, if not indeed the most ancient of them all ; cer- tainly prior to Memphis, which was founded by it. According to the natural order of things, some of these states became wealthy and mighty, and swallowed up the others. Even at this early period, Thebes and Memphis had obtained a su- periority over the rest. This and Elephantine appear to have been united to Thebes ; as were the states of Lower Egypt to Memphis. Memphis a 10. The Mosaic records prove, that even in Jo- sta7e ei jn U jo- seph's time the state of Memphis (the real place, abouusoo' ^ a PP ears f bis residence, not On, or Heliopolis,) B - c - comprised Middle and Lower Egypt. It possessed a numerous and brilliant court; castes of priests and warriors. Its agriculture flourished, and se- veral of its institutions indicated a deeply-rooted civilization. But after the establishment of vassal- BOOK I. EGYPTIANS. 61 age in this state by Joseph, when the class of free PERIOD proprietors was destroyed, by making the king CY'RUS* the only landholder except the priests, the troubles which already threatened the kingdom must have assumed a more dangerous and alarming aspect. 11. These troubles came from abroad. Egypt, invasions surrounded on all sides by nomad tribes, had nomad. often suffered from their irruptions, which some- times poured in from the south, sometimes from the east. But never were these invasions so frequent and durable as in the period which immediately followed the administration of Joseph. Lower Egypt was overrun by the Bedouin Arabs, whose chieftains, called by the Egyptians Hyksos, set- Hyksos, or tied in the country, fortified Avaris, or Pelusium, and extended their dominion to Memphis, which they made probably the seat of their government. They are depicted as the oppressors of religion, and of the caste of priests ; but when we consider that Moses flourished in their time, we are led to infer that, like the Mongols in China, they must have gradually adopted Egyptian manners and civilization. They do not appear to have gained possession of Thebes in Upper Egypt; and it seems highly probable, that the long struggle against them was never, or at least but for a short time, suspended. The dominion of the Arabian Hyskos falls between B. C. 1800 1600; and consequently was contemporary with Moses and the exodus of the Jews. Josephus gives 500 years to their dominion, in which he probably comprises the long periods of earlier wars. 12. Defeat, and final expulsion of the Hyksos Expulsion from Upper Egypt by Thumosis king of Thebes. The consequence of this event was not only 62 EGYPTIANS. BOOK I. PERIOD the restoration of freedom and independence to Egypt, but also the union of the different states and rising into one kingdom ; as the rulers of Thebes now became monarchs over all Egypt. This expul- sion of the Hyksos, which in itself cannot be con- sidered otherwise than as a vast national effort, must have been the more deeply impressed on the memory of the people, as it laid the founda- tion of the splendid period which immediately followed. The expulsion of the Hyksos appears to have been one of the chief subjects on which the Egyptian artists exercised their talents : it is supposed to have been represented upon one of the large temples in Thebes. Denon, plate cxxxiii. SECOND PERIOD. From the Sesostridfe until the sole dominion of Psammeti- chus. B. C. 1500650. The sources for this period are the same as for the foregoing ; and the history still preserves the character of records handed down by hieroglyphics. To this period belongs the line of kings subsequent to Sesostris, given both by Herodotus and Diodorus. Those two historians nearly agree, if we regard Herodotus's line of kings, not as uninterrupted, but as the fragments of a series deduced solely from public monuments : this will be demon- strated by the following table, in which the predecessors of Se- sostris have likewise been indicated. HERODOTUS. Menes. He was followed by three hundred and thirty kings be- longing to the previous period, concerning which our informa- tion is very incomplete: among DIODORUS. Menes. Followed by fifty- two suc- cessors, ranging over a period of more than 1400 years. Busiris I. and eight succes- sors ; the last of whom was EGYPTIANS. 63 HERODOTUS. those sovereigns were eighteen Ethiopians, and one queen named Nitocris. Mceris. Sesostris. Pheron, son of Sesostris. Proteus, in the time of the Trojan war. Rhampsinitus. Cheops, builder of the great pyramid. Ckephres, brother to the foregoing, builder of a pyra- mid. Mycerinus, son of Cheops, builder of a pyramid. Asychis the legislator. DIODORUS. Busiris II. the founder of Thebes. Osymandyas and eight suc- cessors ; the last of whom was Uchoreus, founder of Mem- phis. JEgyptus, grandson of the foregoing. After the lapse of twelve generations, Mceris. Seven generations. Sesostris or Scsoosis. Sesostris II. son of the fore- going : he assumed his father's name. Interval comprising several generations. Amasis, and the Ethiopian, Actisanus. Mendes or Manes, builder of the labyrinth. Anarchy which lasted five generations. Proteus or Cetes, in the time of the Trojan war. Remphis, son of the fore- going. Seven generations, in the course of which flourished Ni- leus, from v/hom the Nile de- rives its name. Chemmis or Chembes, from Memphis, builder of the great pyramid. Cephren, brother to the fore- going, builder of a pyramid. Mycerinus, son of Chemmis, builder of a pyramid. Bochoris the legislator. PERIOD BEFORE CYRUS. EGYPTIANS. BOOK I. PERIOD HERODOTUS. BEFORE CYRUS. Anysis, who was blind. Brilliant period of the Pha- raohs. Sabaco, the Ethiopian. Anysis, king for the second time. Sethos, a priest of Vulcan. Dodecarchy. Psammetickus of Sais, sole ruler. DIODORUS. Interval of several genera- tions. Sabaco, the Ethiopian. Dodecarchy. Psammetichus of Sais, sole ruler. This comparative table demonstrates evidently, not only that Herodotus's line is often interrupted, but likewise that it is im- possible to establish any continuous chronology, since Diodorus, more than once leaves the number of generations undetermined. Great importance, nevertheless, attaches to the date fixed by Herodotus, ii, 13, where he declares that king Mceris nourished 900 years before his own visit to Egypt : consequently between B. C. 1500 and 1450. And if, as seems highly probable, the age of Sesostris was the 15th century B. C. (see ZOEGA, de Obeliscis), it cannot be denied but that we have some general epochs ; and with these we must remain content until more satisfactory in- formation can be discovered on the monuments. It should like- wise be observed, that the discrepancy between the names of the kings mentioned by Herodotus and Diodorus, and those fur- nished by Manetho, may be accounted for by the fact, that the sovereigns were distinguished by different names on the monu- ments and in common life. Of the dynasties of Manetho, the 18th, 19th, 20th, and 22nd, belong to this period ; more especially the two first, which con- tain the most important of the Pharaohs. 1. The following period, nearly to its termina- tion, was the brilliant age of Egypt, during which it formed but one empire ; the kings being repre- sented as sovereign lords of the whole country. And, indeed, it was natural that the expulsion of the invaders should be followed by a period in which the military force and ardour of the nation would be developed, and directed to ex- BOOK i. EGYPTIANS. 65 ternal conquest. The capital of the empire was, PERIOD no doubt, Thebes, the great monuments of which CYRUS! were erected in this period ; that honour, how- ever, seems to have alternately belonged to Mem- phis, Herodotus's line of kings being deduced from the monuments of that city, and more espe- cially from the temple of Phtha. The more powerful of the Pharaohs of this period, and the founders of the most important monuments of Upper Egypt, on which their names are found, are the following: belonging to the 18th dynasty, somewhere about 1600 1500. Amenophis I. His name is likewise found beyond Egypt on the temple of Amada, in Nubia. Thutmosis I. Commencement of the expulsion of the Hyksos. Amenophis II. The Memnon of the Greeks. Complete ex- pulsion of the Hyksos, and commencement of several of the great edifices. His name is also found on the monuments of Thebes, Elephantine, and even in Nubia, on the distant temple of Soleb. Builder of the palace of Luxor. Thutmosis II. His name found in Carnac, and on the obelisk at the Lateran. Harnesses I. Supposed to be the Danaus of the Greeks. Ex- pelled by his brother : Harnesses II. Miamun. Builder of the palace of Medinet- Abu in Thebes. One of the royal graves that have been opened belongs to this king. Amenophis III. Renewed invasion of the Hyksos ; he flees before them into Ethiopia ; but returns victorious with his son Ramesses. Belonging to the 19th dynasty, between 1500 and 1400. Ramesses III., called the Great, and sometimes Sesostris ; founder of the dynasty, liberator of Egypt, and a great con- queror. His name and titles, his wars and triumphs, are found on the temples and palaces of Luxor and Carnac, in Thebes and Nubia. His son and follower : Harnesses IV. Pheron, rules long in peace. His name is found in the great pillared hall of the palace of Carnac, and on many other buildings. Among his successors but few names have been preserved until we come to Scheschonk or Sisac, of the 22nd dynasty, be- F 66 EGYPTIANS. BOOK i. PERIOD tween 970 and 950; he took Jerusalem under the reign of Re- BEFORE CYRUS. hoboam, and therefore furnishes a fixed date. j- R. V. L. (RUEHLE VON LIMENSTERN), Graphic Illustra- tions of the most ancient History and Geography of Egypt and Ethiopia, with an atlas, 1827- A work containing every thing necessary for understanding the discoveries hitherto made in this department of history. Splendid 2. For this splendour, the empire was prin- cipally indebted to Sesostris, son of Amenophis. This prince is justly entitled to the surname of Great, which was given him by the Egyptians. No one will, to the letter, credit the narrative of his deeds, exaggerated as they were by the tra- ditions of the priests, or represented, as they still appear, on the buildings of Thebes ; but who can doubt the existence of a monarch of whom so many and such various monuments within and without Egypt bear witness ? Critical examination of the accounts of the nine years' cam- paign, and conquests of Sesostris. His arms were principally directed against wealthy commercial countries ; probably by land against Ethiopia, Asia Minor, and part of Thrace ; by sea against Arabia Felix, perhaps even the Indian peninsula. Can the performance of these exploits be deemed improbable, in an age when western Asia did not contain a single great empire ? The vast undertakings attributed to Sesostris in the interior of his dominions ; extensive buildings, canals, division of the land, and imposition of taxes, according to a regular survey, prove that he must have been the sovereign of all Egypt. state of 3. Notwithstanding the great changes that were made, the constitution still bore the same general character, that of a sacerdotal aristocracy com- bined with a monarchy. Although the Egyptian kings, like the Indian princes, were distinct from the priests, yet their power was limited in various ways by that caste. The high priest shared the royal authority ; the king was shackled by reli- BOOK i. EGYPTIANS. f>7 gious ceremonies, both in public and private life ; PERIOD he was obliged to evince his veneration for the cu S E . established worship by the erection of public mo- numents; and all the high offices of state were in the hands of the priests. It cannot be de- nied that on the personal character of the king depended much of his power; but how strong- must have been this aristocracy, when even suc- cessful conquerors were obliged to conciliate its approbation ! 4. It was probably about this time that the Division domestic relations of the people, the division into" 1 castes, was completed. The sacerdotal caste being in exclusive possession of all scientific knowledge, remained for that reason in possession of the offices of state. The caste of warriors could hardly have assumed its complete form be- fore the country was united into one empire : in like manner that of the navigators could not have been completely established before the canals were excavated ; although the origin of all may have been of a much earlier date. Comparison of the accounts given by Herodotus and Diodorus of the division into castes. Not only precedence in time, but likewise the discrepancies between the two, declare in favour of Herodotus. o. It appears, therefore, that the most prosper- Prosperous ous period of the kingdom of the Pharaohs mustf be placed somewhere between B. C. 1500900 : ^ : although, according to Diodorus, even this period was interrupted by a long anarchy. The splen- dour of the empire was obscured towards the end. Sabaco, a foreign conqueror from Ethiopia, (pro- bably from Meroe,) subjugated Egypt; after his F2 68 EGYPTIANS. BOOK i. PERIOD departure from the country, Sethos, a priest of CYRUS. Phtha, contrary to all precedent, seated himself 714> upon the throne. He was, consequently, con- sidered an usurper ; he offended the caste of warriors, and could not have escaped the dangers of an irruption threatened by the Assyrian, Senna- cherib, had not a pestilence compelled the invader and his host to retreat. The dynasty of Sabaco, Seuechus, and Tarhaco in Meroe, who as conquerors subjected Upper Egypt, is comprised between B. C. 800 700. Their names likewise have been already dis- covered on monuments ; some at Abydos in Egypt, others in Nubia. Dodecar- 6. The Egyptian monarchy, however, at length fell, and was replaced by an oligarchy ; (or per- haps a return was only made to the division of the earlier kingdoms ;) twelve princes sharing among themselves the sovereign power. A certain de- gree of unity seems to have existed at first in this government ; but quarrels soon sprung up among the princes, and they compelled one of their About number, Psammetichus of Sais, to take flight. B.C. 650. rpj^ ex jj e( j prince, supported by Greek and Carian mercenaries, contrived to avenge his wrongs ; he drove away his rivals, and became the sole ruler. EGYPTIANS. 09 THIRD PERIOD. From the reign of Psammetichus as sole monarch to the Persian conquest of Egypt by Cambyses. B. C. 650 525. Herodotus, (1. ii, c. 125, etc.) is still the principal authority for PERIOD this portion of history. His statements, however, are no longer derived from hieroglyphics : they are purely historical. During the reign of Psammetichus, the Greeks who had migrated into Egypt gave rise to the caste of interpreters, efj/xijve7$, who acted both as ciceroni for strangers, and as brokers between the Egyp- tians and Greeks : these people were enabled to give information respecting the history of the country. It is not, therefore, sur- prising that Herodotus should assure us, that from this time the history was authentic. The names of the succeeding Pharaohs are likewise found on the monuments ; in the erection of which they rivalled their predecessors. Contemporary : Asia : rise and fall of the Chaldaeo-Babylonian empire ; rise of the Persian monarchy. Rome : kings from Numa Pompilius to Servius Tullius. Athens: Draco; Solon; Pisistratus. Jews : the last period and fall of the kingdom of Judah ; Babylonish captivity. 1. From this epoch Egypt remained uninter- ruptedly one kingdom, the capital of which was E Memphis, although Sais, in Lower Egypt, was the general residence of the royal family. Strangers, and more particularly Greeks, admitted into Egypt ; partly as mercenaries, partly as mer- chants. Influence of this innovation upon the national character, and upon the political system in particular. A spirit of conquest gradually in- herited by the Egyptian kings, is directed princi- pally against Asia : hence the formation of a navy, 70 EGYPTIANS. BOOK i. PERIOD and wars with the great rising monarchies of Asia. BEFORE CYRUS. Continued, but declining influence of the sacer- dotal caste, and proofs of the veneration of the kings for the priesthood deduced from the erection and embellishment of temples, particularly of that consecrated to Phtha in Memphis, i- 2. Psammetlchus. He obtains sole power onus d. B. c. 610. through the assistance of Greek and Carian mer- O cenaries, who are continued as a standing army in the country. The caste of Egyptian warriors, taking umbrage in consequence, emigrate for the most part to Ethiopia, where they settle. The southern portico of the temple of Phtha is erected, and projects of conquest are formed against Asia. NecoJ. 3. Neco, son and successor of Psammetichus. His extensive plans of conquest. First formation of a naval power; and unsuccessful attempt to unite by a canal the Mediterranean with the Red sea. Conquests in Asia as far as the Euphrates ; but quick secession of the conquered, in conse- quence of the loss of the battle of Circesium. 606 - Circumnavigation of Africa undertaken at his command by the Phoenicians, and successfully performed. Psammist/. 4. Psammis his son and successor. Expedition A en i against Ethiopia, and conquests in the interior of Africa. Apriesd. 5. Reign of Apr'ies, (the Pharaoh-hophra of the Hebrews). Plans of conquest against Asia ; siege of Sidon, and naval battle with the Tyrians ; expedition against Cyrene in Africa ; its fatal result. A revolution caused thereby in Egypt, the inhabitants of which were averse to foreign wars, carried on mostly by mercenary aliens: the BOOK i. EGYPTIANS. 71 revolution headed by Amasis. In the civil war PEKIOD which Apries now wages with his mercenaries cvaus! against the Egyptians commanded by Amasis, he loses both his throne and life ; and with him ends the family of Psammetichus, which had reigned to this time. 6. The usurper Amasis took possession of the Amasis The former paid in money, the latter for the most part in kind ; this tribute was im- posed at the will of the government, so that in pressing cases the taxed nations were obliged to Sardinia, give one half of their income. 2. The case was the same with their external provinces, parti- BOOK i. CARTHAGINIANS. 79 cularly with Sardinia. 3. The tribute furnished PERIOD by the nomad hordes, partly by those in the Regio-Syrtica, and occasionally also by those on the syrtic . i ,, . , , . , hordes : the western side. 4. Ihe customs, which were d ues and levied with extreme rigour, not only in Carthage, Cl but likewise in all the colonies. 5. The products mines. of their rich mines, particularly those of Spain. In considering the financial system of the Cartha- ginians, it should not be forgotten that many of the nations with whom they traded, or who served in their armies, were unacquainted with the use of money. 11. System and extent of their commerce. Trade of Their object was to secure a monopoly of the Carthage: western trade ; hence the practice of restricting the growth of their colonies, and of removing as much as possible all strangers from their com- mercial marts. Their trade was carried on partly by sea, and partly by land. Their sea trade, b yse a to arising from the colonies, extended beyond the S^Suinw Mediterranean, certainly as far as the coasts of coast ; Britain and Guinea. Their land trade was car- by ]and to ried on by caravans, consisting principally of the nomad tribes resident between the Syrtes : the caravans travelled eastward to Ammonium and Upper Egypt, southward to the land of the Gara- mantes, (Fezzan,) and even still further into the interior of Africa. 80 CARTHAGINIANS. BOOK i. SECOND PERIOD. From the breaking out of the wars with Syracuse, to the commencement of those with Rome, B. C. 480 264. views of 1. The great object of Carthaginian policy uponsfdiy. during the whole of the above period, was to subdue Sicily; this object the nation pursued with extraordinary pertinacity, often approximat- ing to, but never obtaining, complete success. The growing power of Syracuse, which likewise aimed at the sole possession of the island, laid the foundation of that national hatred which now arose between the Sicilian Greeks and the Car- thaginians. rout at m- 2. First attempt, arising out of the league Gefon^ formed with Xerxes I. upon his irruption into B.C. 480. Greece. Gelon of Syracuse, in a victory more decisive even than that gained by Themistocles over the Persians at Salamis, routs the Carthagi- nians near Himera, and compels them to accede to a disgraceful peace. General ex- 3. This defeat was followed by a period of the S Cartha- tranquillity lasting seventy years, during which 5Sn em " we know little about Carthage. All that we can Africa, sa y w jth any probability is, that in the mean time 480410. * J r J the struggle for territory between Cyrene and Carthage commenced and terminated to the ad- vantage of the latter state, whose dominion was generally extended and confirmed in Africa by wars with the aboriginal tribes. BKFORK BOOKI. CARTHAGINIANS. 81 4. But the accession of Dionysius I. to the n ci 11 1 throne ot Syracuse, and the ambitious project CYRUS. formed by him and his successors, of subjecting JYf.[ in e to their rule all Sicily and Magna-Grecia, re- newed, 410. kindled once more the embers of war, which had only smouldered for a short time, to burst forth with additional violence. Repeated and bloody wars with Dionysius I. between the years 410 368. Neither party able to expel the other: terms of the last peace ; that each party should remain in possession of what he then occupied. Second commercial treaty with Rome. Crafty advantage taken by the Carthaginians of the internal commotions at Syracuse during and subsequent to the reign of Dionysius II : they endeavour to obtain their end ; but are thwarted by the heroism of Timoleon, 345 340. A new and frightful war with Agathocles, the seat of which is transferred from Sicily into Africa itself; it at last terminates in favour of Carthage, 311307. The war with Pyrrhus, 277 275, whose ambition gave rise to an alliance between Carthage and Rome, contributed likewise to increase the preponderance of the Carthaginians in Sicily ; and probably the perseverance of that people, and their skill in pro- fiting by circumstances, would at last have enabled them to attain their object, had not the seeds of war been thereby scat- tered between Carthage and Rome. 5. What effect these Sicilian wars had upon the state we are not informed. They were pro- bably regarded in Carthage as a beneficial chan- nel for carrying off the popular fermentation ; nevertheless, two attempts, both unsuccessful, TWO at- were made by some of the aristocratical party, to reTohition, overthrow the constitution; first by Hanno, 340, ^J 8 a340; and afterwards by Bomilcar, 308. At the break- Exce] i ent ing out, however, of the war with Rome, the commonwealth was so formidable and mighty, nian fi - i i f f i nances at that even the finances ot the state do not appear the begin- 82 CARTHAGINIANS. BOOK i. PERIOD to j^ve b een a i Q\\ affected : a circumstance of BEFORE CYRUS, the highest importance. What consequence was it to Carthage whether 100,000 barbarians more or less existed in the world, so long as there re- mained plenty of men willing to suffer themselves to be sold, and she possessed money to purchase them ? wars. THIRD PERIOD. From the beginning of the wars with Rome, to the downfal of Carthage, B. C. 264146. causes of 1. The wars between Carthage and Rome were the Pumc ^ necessar y consequences of a desire of aggran- dizement in two conquering nations ; any one might have foreseen the struggle between the two rivals as soon as their conquests should once begin to clash. It is, therefore, a question of little importance, to enquire which was the ag- gressor ; and although Rome may not be entirely cleared of that charge, we cannot help observing that, according to the principles of sound policy, the security of Italy was hardly compatible with the sole dominion of the Carthaginians over the island of Sicily. First war with Rome, 264 241, (twenty-three years,) waged for the possession of Sicily, and decided almost at its commence- ment by Hiero's passing over to the Roman side. (For the his- tory of it, see below, in the Roman history, Book V. Period ii, parag. 2 sq.) BOOK i. CARTHAGINIANS. 8,3 2. This war cost the republic, Sicily and the PERIOD sovereignty of the Mediterranean, by which the fate of its other external possessions was already iatalcon ~ predetermined. But that which appeared at the of the first Punic war first view to threaten the greatest danger, was toCarthage. the total exhaustion of its finances ; a circum- stance which will no longer surprise us, when we consider how many fleets had been destroyed and replaced, how many armies had been annihilated and renewed. Carthage had never before been engaged in such an obstinate struggle as this; and the immediate consequences were more terrific even than the war itself. 3. The impossibility of paying the mercenaries Dreadful produced a mutiny among the troops, which ra- Bjc.'Sw pidly grew into a rebellion of the subject nations, ~ 237 - who had been most cruelly oppressed during the war. The consequence was a civil war of three years and a half, which probably would have spared the Romans the trouble of destroying Car- thage, had not the state been snatched from ruin by the heroism of Hamilcar. This war, which lasted from 240 to 237, produced lasting con- sequences to the state ; it gave rise to the feud between Ha- milcar and Hanno the Great, which compelled Hamilcar to seek for support against the senate by becoming the leader of a demo- cratic faction. 4. The revolt spread abroad; it reached Sar- Sardinia is , . . , f. , . lost, 237. dinia and caused the loss of that most important island, of which the Romans, flushed with power, took possession, in spite of the terms of the peace. 5. The influence of the family of the Barcas, Rise of the ,.,.-,. -11 , i house of the supported in their disputes with the senate by the o2 84 CARTHAGINIANS. BOOK i. PERIOD popular party, now got the upper hand in Car- BEFOH . i i /// I CYRUS, thage ; and the first fruit of their power was the new and gigantic project of repairing the loss of Sicil Y and Sardinia by the conquest of Spain ; a country where the Carthaginians already had some possessions and commercial connections. The immediate object of the Barcas was the sup- port of their family and party ; but the Spanish silver mines soon furnished the republic with the means of renewing the contest with Rome also. executed by 6. During the nine years in which Hamilcar commanded, and in the following eight in which Hasdrubal, his son-in-law and successor, was at the head of the army, the whole of the south of Spain, as far as the Iberus, was brought under subjection to Carthage, either by negotiation or By treaty force of arms. The further progress of the Car- with the ... t , , -11 Romans thagimans was only arrested by a treaty with the Romans, in which the Iberus was fixed upon as fheir da 7- f a fr nt i er l me an d the freedom of Saguntum ac- sessionsin knowledged by both powers. Hasdrubal crowned Spain, 226. . J his victories as a general and as a statesman by Carthagena the foundation of New Carthage, (Carthagena,) founded. . . . , ,, ,, , . . . which was to be the future seat of Carthaginian power in the newly-conquered country. Has- drubal having fallen by the hand of an assassin in the year 221, the party of the Barcas succeeded succeed* to in appointing Hamilcar's son, Hannibal, a young man ^ one-and-twenty, for his successor. Han- 221; n ibal found every thing already prepared in Spain for the furtherance of the hereditary project of his family, which was a renewal of the contest with theseS Rome ; and the vigour with which this project Fume war, wag p^gu^ clearly proves how great must have BOOK i. CARTHAGINIANS. 8,, been the preponderance of the Barcine influence, PERIOD at that time, in Carthage. Had the common- &?***. wealth attended to the marine with the same ardour as their great general did to the land ser- vice, the fate of Rome would perhaps have been very different. Second war with Rome, 218 201, (seventeen years,) first in Italy and Spain, afterwards, from 203, in Africa itself. (See the history of this war below, in the Roman history, Book V, Pe- riod ii, parag. 6 sqq.) 7. Until Africa became the scene of action, the internal second war cost the republic much less than the Carthae first ; the expenses being principally defrayed by ^S PU- Spain and Italy. Hanno, however, was at the nicwar - head of a powerful party at home, who were cla- morous for peace, and who can say they were wrong ? As might be expected, the family of the Barcas were for war, and their influence carried the day. That general who, with hardly any sup- port from Carthage, was yet able to maintain a footing in the country of his powerful foes for no less than fifteen years, and that, too, as much by policy as by force of arms, must extort our ad- miration. It cannot, however, be denied, that during the struggle one favourable opportunity, at least, was let slip of making peace ; a fatal omission, for which the hero of Cannae paid dearly enough, by the failure of his darling pro- ject. 8. By the second peace with Rome, Carthage A disgrace- was deprived of all her possessions v out of Africa, the result of and her fleet was delivered into the hands of the the war ' Romans. She was now to be a mere trading city under the tutelage of Rome. But Carthage found 86 CARTHAGINIANS. BOOK i. PERIOD by this peace her most formidable enemy on the CYRUS, soil of Africa itself. Massinissa had been elevated to the dignity of king of Numidia; and his endea- vours to form his nomads into an agricultural '* people, and to collect them into cities, must have hc y- changed the military system that Carthage had hitherto followed. Roman policy, moreover, had taken care that the article inserted in his favour in the last treaty of peace, should be so ambigu- ously worded, as to leave abundant openings for dispute. Hannibal at 9. Even after this disgraceful peace, the family the head of p ... , V . ' * affairs; ot the Barcas still preserved their influence, and Hannibal was placed as supreme magistrate at attempts to the head of the republic. He attempts to reform check the L oligarchy, the constitution and the finances, by destroying the oligarchy of the hundred, by whom the finances had been thrown into confusion. Complete as was the success of the first blow, it soon became apparent that aristocratic factions are not so rea- dily annihilated as armies. The democratic faction to which even the Barcas owed their first elevation, was the cause of the degeneracy of the Carthagi- nian constitution. By that faction the legislative authority of the senate and magistrates was withdrawn and transferred to the ordo judicum probably the same as the high state tribunal of the hundred which now assumed the character of an omnipotent national inquisition ; and the members being chosen for life ex- ercised oppressive despotism. This tribunal was formed of those who had served the office of ministers of finance, with whom it shared unblushingly the revenues of the state. Hannibal de- stroyed this oligarchy by a law, enacting that the members should hold their office but for one year ; whereas before they held it fbr life. In the reform wrought by this law in the finances it was seen, that after all wars and losses, the revenues of the re- public were still sufficient, not only for the usual expenditure BOOK i. CARTHAGINIANS. 87 and the payment of tribute to Rome, but also for leaving a sur- PERIOD plus in the public treasury. Ten years had hardly elapsed be- C YRUS . fore Carthage was enabled to pay down at once the whole of the ~ tribute which she had engaged to furnish by instalments. 10. The defeated party, whose interests were Hannibal now the same with those of Rome, joined the Ro- to fljTtoSy- mans, to whom they discovered Hannibal's plan na< of renewing the war in conjunction with Antio- chus the Great, king of Syria. A Roman embassy was sent over to Africa, under some other pre- text, to demand that Hannibal should be given up. The Carthaginian general secretly fled to B. c. 195. king Antiochus, at whose court he became the chief fomenter of the war against Rome ; although unsuccessful in his endeavour to implicate the Carthaginian republic in the struggle. See hereafter the history of Syria, Book IV, Period iii, sepa- rate kingdoms. I. Seleucidae, parag. 18; and Book V, Period ii, parag. 10 sq. 11. In consequence of the absence of Hannibal, Roman in- Carthage fell once more under the dominion of completely the Romans, who contrived, by taking a crafty ad- vantage of the state of parties, to give a show of tha s e< generosity to the exercise of their power. Even the patriotic faction, if we may judge by the vio- lent steps which they took more than once against Massinissa and his partisans, seem to have been but a tool in the hands of Rome. 12. Disputes with Massinissa, which led to the The Car- gradual partition of the Carthaginian territory in Africa. The manner in which this territory had $ been acquired, facilitated the discovery of claims bered - upon each of the component parts ; and the inter- ference of Rome, sometimes disinterested, but of- 83 CARTHAGINIANS. BOOK i. PERIOD tener swayed by party feeling, ensured the pos- CYRUS. session of the territory to the Numidian. Even in 199, a disadvantageous treaty framed with Massinissa for fifty years : nevertheless the rich province of Emporia is lost in 193. Loss of another province unnamed, to which Massinissa inherited some claims from his father. Seizure of the province of Tysca, with fifty cities, about 174. Probable date of Cato's embassy, who returned in disgust, because his decision had been rejected, and became the fom enter of a project to destroy Car- thage. New disputes about 152. Massinissa's party is expelled Carthage. War breaks out in consequence, during which the king in his ninetieth year personally defeats the Carthaginians ; and what with famine and the sword, Hasdrubal's army, which had been surrounded by the enemy, was nearly exterminated ; in the mean while the Roman ambassadors, who had come to act as mediators, obeying their private instructions, looked on with quiet indifference. Destruction 13. Though it is evident that the party spirit thage 1 ; raging between Cato and Scipio Nasica had a wart ] 1C considerable influence in hastening the destruc- tion of Carthage ; and though it is equally clear that Massinissa's late victory paved the way for the immediate execution of that project ; yet it is difficult to unravel the web, by which, long be- fore the declaration of war now about to follow, treachery prepared the final scene of this great brought tragedy. Was the account that Cato at his return " by gave of the resuscitated power of Carthage con- du ~ sonant to truth ? Was not the sudden secession of Ariobarzanes, the grandson of Syphax, who was to have led a Numidian army to defend Car- thage against Massinissa, previously arranged with Rome ? Was not the turbulent Gisgo, who first incited the populace to insult the Roman ambas- sadors, and then opportunely rescued them from the fury of the mob, in the pay of Rome ? These BOOK i. CARTHAGINIANS. 89 questions give rise to suspicions, although they PERIOD r -1 1 1 A BEFORE cannot satisfactorily be answered. At any rate, CYRUS. it may be said, that the conduct of Rome, after war had broken out, corroborates the suspicion. The whole history of the last period sufficiently proves, that it was not so much the debased cha- racter of the nation, as party spirit, and the avarice of the great, which produced the fall of Carthage. Advantage was taken of that party spirit and ava- rice by Roman policy, which, although acting ac- cording to the dictates of blind passion, knew how to profit by dark and base intrigue. Third war with Rome and destruction of Carthage, 150 146. See hereafter the Roman history, Book V, Period ii, parag. 19 sq. 90 PERSIAN EMPIRE. BOOK n. SECOND BOOK. History of the Persian Empire, from B. C. 560 330. FROM Sources. Preservation of historic records among the Persians ALE- themselves under the form of royal annals ; origin and nature of ANDER. those annals. As these have been destroyed, we are obliged to deduce the history from foreign writers, some of whom, however, availed themselves of the Persian annals. 1 . Greeks : their authority as writers, contemporary, but not always sufficiently acquainted with the east, (a) CTESIAS. His court history com- piled from Persian annals, would be the principal work did we possess the whole ; we have, however, only an extract from it preserved by Photius. (&) HERODOTUS : who probably availed himself of similar sources in some portion of his work, (c) XEN- OPHON. To this period of history belong, not only his Anabasis and Hellenica, but also his Cyropaedia, or portraiture of a happy empire and an accomplished ruler, according to eastern ideas, exhi- bited in the example of Cyrus : of use so far as pure historic re- cords are interwoven with the narrative, (d) DIODORUS, etc. 2. Jewish writers. The books of ESDRAS and NEHEMIAH ; and more particularly that of ESTHER, as containing a faithful repre- sentation of the Persian court and its manners. 3. The accounts of the later Persian chroniclers, MIRKHOND in particular, who flourished in the thirteenth century of the Christian era, can have no weight in the scale of criticism ; they are nevertheless inter- esting, inasmuch as they make us acquainted with the ideas that the inhabitants of the east form of their early history. The modern authors on Persian history are principally those who have written on ancient history in general : see p. 2. A treatise on Persian history, deduced from eastern sources, will be found in the Ancient Universal History, vol. iv. BRISSOXIUS, de Regno Persarum, 1591, 8vo. A very labori- ous compilation. The section concerning the Persians in -f- HEEREN, Ideas, etc. vol. i, part 1. ^MALCOLM, SIR JOHN, History of Persia, from the earliest ages to the present times. Lond. 1816, 4to. 2 vols. "A valuable work. " BOOK ii. PERSIANS. 91 1. State of the Persian nation previous to Cy- rus ; a highland people, subject to the Medes, TO AI.EX- , f. . ANDER. dwelling in the mountainous parts of the province Origina i of Persis, and leading wholly, or for the most Jfjjjjpj^. part, a nomad life. Division into ten clans, sians - among which that of the Pasargada, the noblest The horde and ruling horde, is particularly remarkable on sargadce, account of the figure it makes in subsequent his- tory. The result of this division was a patriarchal government, the vestiges of which remain visible in the whole of the following history of the Per- sians. Permanent distinction between the tribes in reference to their mode of life, observable even during the most flourishing period of the Persian state : three of the nobles or warriors, three of the husbandmen, and four of the shepherds. Argument thence deduced, that the history of the Persians as a dominant nation, is that of the has the nobler clans alone, and of the PASARGAD^ more especially. 2. The personal history of Cyrus, the founder CYRUS, /. i T . ... ,, similar to oi the Persian monarchy, was, even in the time or Gengis- Herodotus, so obscured under the veil of romance, 3 " that it was no longer possible to detect the real truth. It is, however, evident, that the course of the revolution wrought by him was, on the whole, the same as was followed in all similar empires founded in Asia. Gengis-khan, in a later age, was placed at the head of all the Mogol hordes ; in the same manner was Cyrus elected chief of all the Persian tribes, by whose assistance he became a mighty conqueror, at the time that the founds the Babylonian and Median kingdoms of Inner Asia P i re Sou" were on the decline, and before the Lydian B> c ' 561> 92 PERSIANS. BOOK n. FROM empire, under Croesus, had been firmly esta- CYRUS ,-,. , j TO ALEX- bushed. Descent of Cyrus from the family of Achaemenes, ( Jamshid ?). That family belonged to the Pasargadae tribe, and therefore re- mained the ruling house. of the Me- 3. Rise of the Persian dominion, in conse- quence of the overthrow of the Medo-Bactrian em pi r e, after the defeat of Astyages at Pasargada. B.C. 56i. Rapid extension by further conquest. Subjection dianem- y f Asia Minor after the victory won by Cyrus in pire: person over Croesus, and capture of the Greek Greeks colonies by the generals of the Persian monarch. Conquest of Babylon and all the Babylonian pro- vinces. The Phoenician cities submit themselves of their own accord. Even in Cyrus's time, therefore, the frontiers of the Persian empire had been extended in southern Asia to the Mediterra- nean, to the Oxus, and to the Indus; but the tie with the campaign against the nomad races, inhabiting the s t e pp es O f Central Asia, was unsuccessful ; and Cyrus himself fell in the contest. It cannot be denied but that in the narration of the separate wars waged by Cyrus, discrepancies are found in Herodotus and Ctesias; those two authors, however, agree in the main facts : and, indeed, the differences which exist between them cannot be considered always as direct contradictions. The Per- 4. Immediate consequences of this great revo- I U ^ OQ m respect both of the conquerors and the conquered. Among the former, even in the time the con- o f Cvrus, the civilization and luxury of the Medes, quered . their legislation and national religion, and the sacerdotal caste of the magi, who were guardians of that religion, had been introduced, and the whole system of the Persian court had been re- modelled upon that of the Medes. BOOK ii. PERSIANS. 93 Description of Zoroaster's legislation, and of the magian na- tional religion, according to the Zend-avesta. How far the dogmas of Zoroaster can be considered as dominant among the Persians ? Proof that they were adopted only by the nobler tribes, more particularly the Pasargadae. Their great and bene- ficial influence on agriculture. ANQUETIL DU PERRON, Zend-avesta, ouvrage de ZOROASTRE, traduit en Francois sur I'original Zend. Paris, 1771- 4to. This work has been much improved by the critical discussions added to the German translation by J. L. KLEUKER. Compare the dissertations on Zoroaster by MEINERS and TYCHSEN, in Com- ment. Soc. Gotting. and HEEREN, Ideas, etc. vol. i. HYDE, De Religione veterum Persarum ; Oxon. 1700, 4to. Replete with learned research, and the first work that excited enquiry on the subject. j" J. S. RHODE, Sacred Traditions of the East ; Breslau, 1821. An excellent work for the study of the Zend-avesta, the magian religion, and the antiquities of the Medes and Persians. 5. First political constitution of the Persian Expedients J adopted to empire under Cyrus. No general new organiza- keep posses- tion ; but for the most part the original institu- conquered tions are preserved among the conquered, who te are compelled to pay tribute. Royal officers, appointed to collect the tribute, are associated Tribute. with the generals, who with numerous armies keep in subjection the inhabitants of the con- quered countries. For the support of the empire standing ,. . ' . v i armies. large standing armies are kept in pay, besides which, recourse is frequently had to the trans- Transfer of planting of whole nations ; while, as was the case tions? n< with the Jews, some who had been formerly trans- planted are restored to their country. With the same view injunctions are issued, as in the case of the Lydians, to effect the enervation of warlike races by a luxurious and effeminate system of education. 6. Cyrus leaves two sons, the elder of whom, 94 PERSIANS. BOOK H. Cambyses, succeeds as king; the younger, Smer- ALEX- di s> (the Tanyoxarces of Ctesias,) becomes inde- pendent lord of Bactria and the eastern territo- ries ; but is soon after murdered by the command of his elder brother. 7. Under Cambyses the conquering arms of 522? 29 the Persians are directed against Africa. Egypt conquers becomes a Persian province, and the neighbouring Libya, together with Gyrene, assume the yoke of their own accord. But the twofold expedition against the opulent commercial establishments, Ammonium in the west, and Meroe in the south, is wholly unsuccessful ; that against Carthage is arrested in its commencement by the refusal of the Tyrians to join the naval armament. A colony of six thousand Egyptians is transplanted into Susiana. His policy 8. The cruelty with which Cambyses is ac- ing P the ecut cused of treating the Egyptians was directed rather against the powerful caste of the priests, than against the whole nation; and originated more in political than in religious motives. It his vices must be observed, however, that we ought to be mucSx- particularly on our guard against all the evil that aggerated. j s re lated of Cambyses, inasmuch as our informa- tion respecting that prince is derived entirely from his enemies, the Egyptian priests. Usurpation 9. The usurpation of the Pseudo-Smerdis, (or of the magi: lanyoxarces,} was an attempt or the magi to re- place a Median dynasty on the throne, by means death of of a plot hatched within the seraglio. It was the 5 2 a ^ byses ' occasion of an accident which cost Cambyses his life, after a reign of seven years and a half : (or, according to Ctesias, of eighteen.) BOOK II. PERSIANS. 95 10. The Pseudo-Smerdis kept his seat on the FROM throne eight months, during which he attempted T0 ALEX- to bring over the conquered nations to his interest ANDER - ' -1 S by a remission of all tribute for three years ; but SMERDIS. , , . f, , . , . . after a reign the discovery ot his cheat gave rise to a conspi- O f eight racy of seven of the chief Persians, who could E by the not brook the rule of a Mede, and the usurper lost JJeeT 8ran " his life. 11. It could not be expected that the political NO progress organization of the kingdom should advance to wards an completion during the reign of Cambyses, who was almost always absent in the prosecution of ! mderCa f- * byses and war ; or during the brief rule of the Pseudo- Smerdis. Smerdis. It remained, therefore, in the same state as under Cyrus. But the introduction of The Per- the Median court-ceremonial among the ruling CkeTth! tribe of the Persians, and the adoption of fixed nomad life ' dwellings by that tribe, rendered it necessary that royal residences should be erected for the recep- tion of the king's court ; among these Persepolis, Persepolis (see above, p. 20,) probably commenced by Cy- 1S rus, was completed under Darius and Xerxes. The best drawings of the monuments of Persepolis, remarkable alike for their architecture, their sculpture, and their inscriptions in the arrow-headed character, are to be found in the Travels of CHARDIN and NIEBUHR. Illustrations : j- HERDER'S Persepolis, in the collection of his works, vol. i. j" HEEREN, Ideas, etc. Part I. vol. i. Great assistance in studying the inscriptions, is furnished by DE SACY, Memoires sur diverges Antiquites de la Perse; Paris, 1793, 4to. It must be observed, however, that this work is confined to the illustration of the later monuments, belonging to the Sassanidce. The most successful attempt at deciphering the arrow-headed inscriptions of the old Persic, since TYCHSEN, MUENTER, and LICHTENSTEIN, will be found in 96 PERSIANS. BOOK n. FROM f GROTEFEND, On the Interpretation of the Arrow-headed CYRUS Characters, particularly of the Inscriptions at Persepolis, con- ANDER. tained in the appendix to HEEREN, Ideas, etc. vol. ii. with an ~ accompanying Zend alphabet. The seven 12. After a very remarkable debate held by grandees , . _ r cii the seven conspirators, concerning the form of ture h form of S overnment which should be established, Darius, gown- tne son O f Hystaspes, one of the family of the Achaemenides, was raised to the throne by an oracle ; this king endeavoured to strengthen his right to the sceptre by marrying two of Cyrus's daughters. 13 ' ^e re ^ n f Darius I- which lasted thirty- a great six years, (according to Ctesias 31,) is remarkable statesman _ , - . . . , and con- for the improvements made both in the external and internal administration of the Persian empire. In the former, by the great expeditions and con- quests, which extended the Persian realm to its utmost limits ; in the latter, by several important institutions, established for the internal organiza- tion of the state. the first 14. The expeditions of the Persians under Cy- rus were directed against the countries of Asia; th se f Cambyses against Africa. But those rope: undertaken by Darius I. were directed against Europe, though the Persian territory was at the same time extended in the two other quarters of and is em- the world. In the reign of this king likewise commenced those wars with the Greeks, so fatal to tnc Persians ; constantly fomented and sup- ported by emigrant or exile Greeks, who found an asylum in the Persian court, and there con- trived to raise a party. First example of the kind exhibited shortly after the accession of Darius, in ANDER - BOOK ii. PERSIANS. 97 the case of Syloson, brother to Polycrates, who FROM had been tyrant of Samos : at his request the T0 * island was taken possession of by the Persians, and delivered up to him after the almost total de- struction of the male population. 15. Great revolt in Babylon, which would not subrait tamely to a foreign yoke. After a siege is reduced: of twenty-one months, Darius by stratagem re- B gains possession of the city. The power of Babylon and the importance of its situation in- creased the jealousy with which it was guarded by the Persian kings ; so much so, that they were wont to reside there a certain portion of the year. 16. First great expedition of Darius undertaken campaign against the Scythians inhabiting the lands north s^thiant? of the Black sea : the former irruption of the 513> Scythians into Asia afforded a pretext for the war, which, therefore, was considered as a gene- ral national undertaking. Unsuccessful as the The Per- sians, Persian arms were in this vast expedition against tho ugh un successful establish themselves in Europe the Scythians, and disgraceful as was the retreat successful establish from the barren steppes of the Ukrain, yet the themselves power of Darius was established in Thrace and Macedonia, and the Persians obtained firm foot- ing in Europe. Concerning the peculiar character of the Persian national wars., or great campaigns, in which all the conquered nations were obliged to participate, contrasted with the other wars waged by Persian troops alone. 17. The next expedition made by Darius was campaign more successful. It was carried on along the 5S banks of the Indus, down which river Scylax, a lndia ' 509: Greek, had previously sailed on a voyage of discovery. The highlands north of the Indus 98 PERSIANS. BOOK 11. FROM were then subjected to the Persian dominion, TO ALEX- and the Indus became the boundary of the About the same time that Darius was engaged on the Danube and the Indus, Aryandes, his viceroy in Egypt, led an expedi- tion against Barca, to avenge the murder of king Africa! Arcesilaus ; a war which terminated in the de- struction of the city, and the transplantation of its inhabitants into Asia. Secession of 18. However trifling the first occurrence which the Asiatic . . , ,, , . . . ~ . Greeks, gave rise to the revolt ot the Asiatic Greeks, B.C. 502 ., i .... 496; it was much more important in its consequences. It was set on foot by Aristagoras, lieutenant- governor of Miletus, who was secretly sup- ported by his relation, the offended Histia?us, then resident at the Persian court. The share who, as- taken by the Athenians in this rebellion, which led to the burning of Sardes, was the origin of the national hatred between Persia and European Greece, and of the long series of wars that en- sued. The confederates were this time defeated; but the naval battle off the island of Lada, could 496? tu8 ' hardly have had such a fatal result, had not the league been previously corrupted by the craft and gold of Persia. Be that as it may, this war ended in the reduction of the lonians, and the destruction of Miletus, their flourishing capital ; a city which in those days, together with Tyre and Carthage, engrossed the trade of the world. First cam- 19, First attack upon Greece, particularly Against Athens. Darius, already enraged against the ice< Athenians by the firing of Sardes, is still further instigated by the suggestions of the banished ty- rant of Athens, Hippias, the son of Pisistratus. JBOOK ir. PERSIANS. 9S) This prince, who had fled to the Persian court, was evidently the animating spirit of the whole TO ALBX- undertaking. Although the first attempt, made ANDER - under the command of Mardonius, was thwarted under Mar- . ,..,., donius, by a tempest, yet the mighty expedition which frustrated afterwards followed, was undertaken with so much more prudence, and conducted with so much Athos> 492> 1 . Second knowledge of the country, that no one can fail to campaign. recognize the guiding hand of Hippias. Even the battle of Marathon, which seems to have been Battle of but a diversion on the side of the Persians, would sept. 29, ' not have decided the war, had not the activity of 490 ' Miltiades defeated the principal design of the enemy upon Athens. 20. It may be said that Darius, by these foreign Progress of thePersians wars, debilitated the kingdom which he end ea- towards a voured to extend ; this circumstance, however, it cannot be denied, increases the merit which he tlon> has of perfecting the internal organization of the empire. His reign constitutes precisely that pe- riod which must enter into the history of every nomad race that has attained to power, and is advancing towards political civilization ; a period at which it becomes visible that the nation is en- deavouring to obtain a constitution, however gra- dual the progress towards it. 21. Division of the empire into twenty satra- Division of , . . f, , . , the empire pies, and the imposition or a regular tribute onintosam.- each. This division at first depended solely on pies ' that of the various tributary races, but from it gradually arose a geographic division, in which the ancient distinction of countries was for the most part preserved. Proofs that the division into satrapies was originally a mere 100 PERSIANS, BOOK ir. FROM CYRUS ;o ALEX' Persian the con- Artmiii- arrangement for the civil government and collection of taxes, distinct fr m military power. Duties of the satraps. The at- tention they were to pay to the cultivation and improvement of the land ; to the collection of the imposts ; to the execution of the royal commands relating to provincial affairs. An abuse of this institution, at a later period, placed in the hands of these satraps the command also of the troops. Various means of keep- ing the satraps in a state of dependence : royal secretaries ap- pointed for each, who were to be the first to receive the king's commands. Periodical visits paid to the provinces by commis- sioners under the direct appointment of the king, or by the king himself accompanied with an army. Establishment of couriers in every part of the empire, for the purpose of securing a safe and rapid communication with the provinces, as was the case also in the Mongol countries ; (not a regular post, however, the institution here alluded to being intended only for the court.) 22. The Persian finance continues to preserve those peculiarities which naturally result from the formation of an empire by a nomad race of con- . q UerorS) desirous of living at the expense of the conquered, and under a despotic form of govern- ment. Collection of tribute, mostly in kind, for the support of the court and the armies; and in precious metals, not coined, but in their raw state. Application of the treasure thus collected to- wards constituting a private chest for the king. Various other royal imposts. Mode of providing for the public expenditure by assignments on the revenues of one or several places. 23. Organization of the military system, con- formably to the primitive state of the nation, and the necessity now felt of keeping the conquered countries in subjection by means of standing ar- mies. Military organization of the Persian nations, by means of a decimal division pervading the whole. Royal troops cantoned in the open field, according to a certain division of the empire, or stationed as garrisons in the cities, and distinct from the encamp- ments. Manner in which the troops were supported at the cost and by the taxes of the provinces. Introduction of mercenaries BOOK II. PERSIANS. 101 and Greeks, more particularly among the Persians, and fatal con- FROM sequences of that measure. Military household of the satraps ^V 11 . 8 and grandees. Institution of a general conscription in national ANDER. wars. Formation of the Persian navy, consisting of the Phoeni- cian, and not unfrequently of the Asiatic Greek fleets. 24. From the time of Darius, the court of the kings of Persia attained its complete form, and seragiioand the government soon after was wholly concen- Jjjjjjfrf trated in the seraglio. Yet the mode of life which the arra y- the kings led, surrounded by a court, taken prin- cipally if not wholly from the tribe of the Pasar- gadae, and changing their residence according to the revolutions of the seasons, still preserved the traces of nomad origin. Babylon, Susa, and Ecbatana, the usual residences; Perse- polis now used as a royal cemetery. The court supported by the most costly productions of each province ; hence arose the rigid ceremonial observed at the royal table. Internal organization of the seraglio. Influence of the eunuchs and queen-mothers on the government. 25. Already had Darius commenced prepara- Revolt of tions to wreak his vengeance on Athens, when a BJOMSS : revolution broke out in Egypt, and hindered him from prosecuting his design. He died after no- death of minating for his successor Xerxes I. grandson of J 8 a 6 rms ' Cyrus, and his eldest son by a second wife, Atossa, whose influence over her husband was boundless. 26. Xerxes I. A prince educated in the serag- XERXES i. lio, who knew nothing beyond the art of repre- 4 * senting the pomp of royalty. Subjection of rec overs Egypt, and severe treatment of that country un- der the satrap Achasmenes, brother to Xerxes. 27. Xerxes' famous expedition against Greece was again the result of the cabals and intrigues of the Greek exiles, the Pisistratidae, the soothsayer ANDER. 102 PERSIANS. BOOK n. FROM Onomacritus, the Thessalian princes or Aleuadae, TO ALEX- who contrived to exert their influence on the king's mind, and to raise a party in their favour among the grandees. But the progress of the campaign showed that no Hippias was at the Greece, head of the invading army, although the Persian king did certainly succeed in his avowed object, the capture and destruction of Athens. Critique on the detailed account given by Herodotus of this expedition, as a national undertaking in which all the subjugated nations were obliged to take a share. Preparations which last for three years in the Persian empire ; league framed with Car- thage for the subjection of the Sicilian Greeks, 483 481 . The expedition itself in 480; over Asia Minor and the Hellespont, through Thrace and Macedonia. Muster of the army and divi- sion of the troops according to nations at Doriscus ; the detailed description of which found in Herodotus, was most probably bor- rowed from some Persian document. The pass of Thermopylae taken by treachery ; on the same day a naval engagement off Artemisium. Athens captured and burnt. Battle of Salamis, Sept. 23, 480. Retreat of Xerxes ; an army of picked men left behind, under the command of Mardonius. Fruitless negotia- tions with the Athenians. Second campaign of Mardonius : he is routed at Plataeae, Sept. 25, 479; and that event puts an end for ever to the Persian irruptions into Greece : on the same day the Persian army is defeated, and their fleet burnt at Mycale in Asia Minor. Persia now 28. The consequences of these repeated and concentrate unsuccessful expeditions, in which almost the A e siaMinor! wn l e population was engaged, must be self-evi- dent. The empire was weakened and depopu- lated. The defensive war which the Persians for thirty years were obliged to maintain against the Greeks, who aimed at establishing the inde- pendence of their Asiatic countrymen, completely destroyed the balance of their power, by com- pelling them to transfer their forces to Asia BOOK ir. PERSIANS. 103 Minor, the most distant western province of the FROM CYRUS empire. TO ALEX- 29. Little as the Greeks had to fear from the Persian arms, the danger with which they were the Sans now threatened was much more formidable, when [J e b G b r e D e f s . the enemy began to adopt the system of bribing the chieftains of Greece ; a system which suc- ceeded beyond expectation in the first trial made of it with Pausanias, and perhaps was not wholly unsuccessful with Themistocles himself. But the Persians soon found in Cimon an adversary who cimon . ,, . . wrests from deprived them of the sovereignty ot the sea; who Persia the in one day destroyed both their fleet and their JfSTSff army on the Eurymedon ; and by the conquest of battle of the *L ft* if i i Euryme- the Thracian Chersonese, wrested from them the don, 469. key of Europe. 30. What little we know further concerning the nioody reign of Xerxes, consists in the intrigues of the Persian se- seraglio, which now, through the machinations of ra queen Amestris, became the theatre of all those horrors which are wont to be exhibited in such places, and to which Xerxes himself at last fell a Xerxes ,, A , . r A murdered. victim, in consequence of the conspiracy ot Arta- banes and the eunuch Spamitres. Was Xerxes the Ahasuerus of the Jews? On the difference between the names of the Persian kings in Persian and Chaldee ; not to be wondered at when we consider that they were mere titles or surnames, assumed by the sovereigns after their ac- cession. TA- XERXES, 31. Artaxerxes I. surnamed Longimanus. InA R consequence of the murder of his father and his elder brother, in the conspiracy of Artabanes, this" prince ascended the throne, but was unable to keep possession of the sceptre without assassi- 104 PERSIANS. BOOK n. FROM nating, in his turn, Artabanes. His reign, which TO ALEX- lasted forty years, exhibits the first symptoms of the decline of the empire, which this king, al- though possessed of many good qualities, had not decline* tne ta ^ en ^ or spirit to arrest. Rebellions 32. At the very commencement of his reign vine*. 1 " " rebellions are excited in the provinces ; in the mean while the war with Athens continues. Two battles are required to repress the insurrection of his brother Hystaspes in Bactria. second se- 33. Second revolt of Egypt, excited by the cession of T <* ** Egypt, Libyan king, Inarus ot Marea, in conjunction T> f~ Af**} ' with the Egyptian, Amyrtasus, and supported by an Athenian fleet. Although the confederates did not make themselves masters of Memphis, they defeated the Persian army, commanded by the king's brother, AchaBmenes, who lost his life in the battle; they were at last overpowered by Megabyzus, satrap of Syria, and shut up together with Inarus in the town of Byblus. Inarus and partly his party were admitted to capitulation: but quelled, J . . r 456. AmyrtaBus, having taken refuge m the morasses, continued to make head against the Persians. Persian 34. The Grecian war takes, once more, an un- favourable turn for the Persians : Cimon defeats tne enemy 's fleet and army near Cyprus. The fear of losing the whole of the island accordingly compels Artaxerxes I. to sign a treaty of peace Disgraceful with Athens, in which he recognizes the inde- Athens, 111 pcndence of the Asiatic Greeks, and agrees that his fleet shall not navigate the jEgaean sea, nor his troops approach within three days' march of the coast. 35. But the haughty and powerful Megabyzus, BOOK H. PERSIANS. 105 enraged at the execution of Inarus, in violation of . 111- i the promise made by him to that prince, excites TO a rebellion in Syria ; repeatedly defeats the royal armies, and prescribes himself the conditions upon thefirst Z ex- which he will be reconciled to his sovereign. This was the first great example of a successful g 447 insurrection excited by one of the Persian sa- traps ; and chequered as were the subsequent fortunes of Megabyzus, his party continued to subsist after his death in the persons of his sons. He possessed in the centre of the court a support in the dowager queen Amestris, and the reigning queen Amytis; (both notorious for their excesses;) Death of who kept Artaxerxes I. in a constant state of tu- 424. *' telage to the hour of his death. 36. Revolutions in the government now sue- XER XES ceed each other with rapidity and violence. >424 ' Xerxes II. the only legitimate son and successor of Artaxerxes, is slain, after forty-five days' reign, by his bastard brother Sogdianus ; the latter, in SOGDIA- his turn, after a reign of six months, is deposed N1 by another bastard brother, Ochus, who ascends the throne, and assumes the name of Darius II. 37. Darius II. surnamed the Bastard, or No- DARIUS n. thus. He reigns nineteen years under the tute- lage of his wife, Parysatis, and of three eunuchs, one of whom, Artoxares, even attempts to open a way to the throne, but is put to death. In this Rapid de- period the decline of the state advances with hur- state. ried steps ; partly by reason of the extinction of the legitimate royal line, partly by the increased practice of placing more than one province, toge- ther with the military command, in the hands of the same satrap. Although the repeated insur- 106 PERSIANS. BOOK n. FROM rections of the satraps are repressed, the court, TO A R LEX- by the breach of faith to which it is obliged to ANDER - have recourse, in order to succeed in its measures, exhibits to the world a convincing proof of its in- B. c. 4-22. firmity. The revolt of Arsites, one of the king's brothers, who was supported by a son of Mega- 414. byzus, and that of Pisuthnes, satrap of Lydia, are quelled only by obtaining treacherous possession of their persons. 38. In consequence of the weak state of the empire, the fire, which had hitherto been smoul- dering under the ashes, burst forth in Egypt. Amyrtseus, who had remained till now in the mo- Third revolt rasses, issued forth, supported by the Egyptians; 4i4. gypt ' and the Persians were again expelled the land. Obscure as the subsequent history may be, we see that the Persians were obliged to acknow- ledge, not only Amyrtaeus, but his successors. [See page 72]. 39. The Persians must have regarded it as a happy event, that the Peloponnesian war, kindled * n ^ reece during the reign of Artaxerxes, and protracted through the whole of that of Darius II. had prevented the Greeks from unitedly falling upon Persia. It now became, and henceforward continued to be, the chief policy of the Persians to foment quarrels and wars between the Grecian republics, by siding at various times with various parties ; and the mutual hatred of the Greeks rendered this game so easy, that Greece could hardly have escaped total destruction, had the Persian plans been always as wisely laid as they were by Tissaphernes ; and had not the caprice and jealousy of the satraps in Asia Minor gene- BOOK II. PERSIANS. 107 rally had more effect than the commands of the FROM * CYRUS COlirt. TO ALEX- Alliance of the Persians with Sparta, framed by Tissaphernes, - 441 ; but in consequence of the policy of Alcibiades, and the artful principles of Tissaphernes, followed by no important re- sults, until the younger Cyrus, satrap of all Asia Minor, was by Lysander, 407, brought over to the Spartan interest. (See below, the Grecian history, III. Period, parag. 23.) 40. Artaxerxes II. surnamed Mnemon. AI- ARTA- ., _ XERXES II. though this prince was the eldest son ot Darius, B. c. 405 his right to the throne might, according to the" Persian ideas of succession, have appeared du- bious, since his younger brother, Cyrus, had the advantage over him of being the first born subse- quent to the accession of his father. Relying Anabasis of on the support of his mother Parysatis, Cyrus, even without this claim to the throne, would, no doubt, have asserted his pretence to the sovereign power. It would have been, in all probability, a fortunate event for the Persian empire, had the fate of battle, in the ensuing war between the two brothers, assigned the throne to him whom nature seems to have pointed out as the fittest person. History of this war according to Xenophon. Battle of Cunaxa, in which Cyrus falls, 401. Retreat of the ten thousand Greek mercenaries in the service of Cyrus, under the guidance of Xeno- phon. 41. During the whole of this reign, Artaxerxes, weak reign now firmly seated on the throne, remained under the tutelage of his mother, Parysatis, whose in- veterate hatred against his wife, Statira, and against all who had any share in the death of her darling son, Cyrus, converted the seraglio into a theatre of bloody deeds, such as can be conceived and committed only in similar places. 108 PERSIANS. BOOK n. FROM 42. The insurrection and rout of Cyrus pro- TO ALEX- duced a corresponding change in the political re- lations between the Persian court and Sparta : which, however, were now determined, not so much by the will of the monarch himself, as by the satraps of Asia Minor, Tissaphernes and Phar- nabazus, of whose jealousy Sparta knew how to take advantage. The former, by his severity to- wards the Asiatic Greeks, who had supported the War with cause of Cyrus, excited a war with Sparta, in lucTioo. which he himself fell a victim. The death of the satrap is not, however, succeeded by tranquillity; Agesiiaus for Agesiiaus commands in Asia, and threatens to 396394. overthrow the Persian throne itself. The policy of the Persians is shown by the war which they foment in Greece against Sparta: Conon is placed at the head of their fleet, and extricates Persia from her difficulties better than could have been Peace of done by her own generals ; in the peace of An- 387. C1 s ' talcidas she herself dictates the terms, by which the Grecian colonies of Asia Minor, together with Cyprus and Clazomense, are again delivered into Policy of her possession. The rising power of Thebes keeping on under Epaminondas and Pelopidas, with whom goodie 3 p erg j a k ee p s U p a friendly connection, ensures Thebes. ner f rom an y future blow at the hands of the war with Spartans. War for the possession of Cyprus with Cypfus! 8 Evagoras, who, however, by the subsequent peace retains the sovereignty of Salamis. War with 43. The war against the Cadusii in the moun- theCadusii, ..-*,, TT 384. tains ot Caucasus, proves that Artaxerxes II. was Attempt to not fitted for military command ; and his attempt recover Egypt, to recover Egypt from king Nectanebus I. which was defeated by the feud between Iphicrates BOOK ir. PERSIANS. 109 and Artabazus, evinces that the most numerous CYRUS Persian host could achieve nothing without the TO ALEX- assistance of Grecian troops and Grecian generals. - It could hardly be expected that an empire should endure much longer, when in the court all was ruled by the desire of revenge in the women ; when the political organization was already so corrupt, that the satraps waged war against each other; and when those generals who gave any proof of talent received no better reward than that of Datames. 44. In fact, it seemed not unlikely that the The succes- Persian empire would fall asunder a little before throne of 6 the death of Artaxerxes Mnemon. A quarrel d^uei*, about the succession arose in the court between and almost produces the three legitimate sons of the king, the eldest the dow nfoi . of the em- oi whom, Darius, was put to death : the standard pire before of rebellion was erected in the western half of the empire, and joined by all the governors of Asia Minor and Syria, supported by Tachos, king of Egypt, to whose assistance the Spartans had sent Rebellion Agesilaus. The insurrection, however, was quelled in consequence of the treachery of the chief leader, Orontes, who was bribed over to the court. 45. In the midst of these commotions died ARTA- Artaxerxes II.: his youngest son, Ochus, took ^possession of the throne, and assumed the name 362 ~ 338 - of Artaxerxes III. This king conceived that he could not establish his power but by the total destruction of the royal family, numerous as it was. He was contemporary with Philip of Ma- cedon, in whom he soon found a more formidable rival than any he could have met with in his own family. the Great. 110 PERSIANS. BOOK ii. FROM 46. The new insurrection fomented by Arta- TO ALEX- bazus in Asia Minor, was accompanied with suc- - cess so long only as it was backed by the The- tbn in Asia bans ; but the reception which Artabazus met Minor, * B.C. 358. with at the hands of Philip soon betrayed the secret intentions of the Macedonian king. Rebellion 47 g ut ^g extensive rebellion of the Phceni- of the Phoe- nicians and cians and Cyprians, in conjunction with Egypt, 356. compelled the king to undertake another expe- dition, which succeeded almost beyond expecta- tion ; although in this case the object was again attained principally by treachery and by Grecian auxiliaries. Treachery of Mentor, the leader of the confederates : the con- sequent capture and destruction of Sidon, followed by the sub- jection of Phoenicia, 356. Capture of Cyprus by Grecian troops, under the command of Phocion and the younger Evagoras, 354. Expedition of the king in person against Egypt : victory of Pe- lusium, won over king Nectanebus II. with the help of Grecian mercenaries. Egypt becomes, once more, a Persian province. The Per- 48. This restoration of the empire to its former limits was followed by a period of tranquillity, the result of force, as Mentor and the eunuch Ba- goas, holding the king in complete dependence, The king divided the kingdom, as it were, between them- selves ; until Bagoas was pleased, by poison, to remove Artaxerxes out of his way. pia?es S Ar- 49. After the assassination of the royal family, throne 'but Bagoas placed on the throne the king's youngest soon after an( J on ]y surviving SOU, ArCCS. BagOaS Was de- makes awav , with him. " sirous of reigning in the name of that prince; but B f" *33fi after the lapse of two years, he found it necessary to depose him, and to substitute in his place a distant relation of the reigning family, Darius BOOK ii. PERSIANS. Ill Codomannus, who commenced his reign by put- FROM ting to death the wretch himself. T0 A?iDER - 50. Darius III. Codomannus, not having 1 been DARIUS educated, like his predecessors, in the seraglio, in. 336. gave proof of virtues which entitled him to a better fate. Attacked in the second year of his^isking- * _ dom m- reign by Macedon, against which Persia hadvadedby hitherto made no preparation for resistance, the Great, S*}d unless, perhaps, the dagger which pierced Philip was pointed by Persian hands, Darius was un- able at once to reestablish a kingdom which of itself was mouldering away. And yet, had not death defeated the invasion of Macedonia by his general, Memnon, it might have been matter of doubt, whether Alexander would ever have shone as the conqueror of Asia. After the loss of two Aiexan- battles, in which he fought in person, Darius III. fell a victim to the treachery of Bessus, and the burning of Persepolis made known to Asia that the realm of Persia was destroyed, and that the east must acknowledge a new lord and master. For the history of the war, see below : the history of Macedon. 112 GRECIAN STATES. BOOK HI. THIRD BOOK. Geographical Outline. GREECE. Greece is bounded on the north by the Cam- Boundaries bunian mountains, which separate it from Mace- donia ; on the south and east by the ./Egaean, on its dimen- the west by the Ionian sea. Greatest length from south to north = 220 geog. miles, greatest breadth from west to east, = 140 geog. miles. Superficial rivers: contents, = 29,600 square miles. Principal rivers : the Peneus, which discharges its waters into the Egaean, and the Achelous, which flows physical ad- into the Ionian sea. Advantages in respect to ltages * fertility, resulting from the mildness of the cli- mate, between 37 40 N. lat. ; from the number of small streams ; from the qualities and variety of the soil, in which this country has been so much more blessed by nature than any other of similar extent, that every branch of cultivation may be prosecuted equally and in conjunction. Advantages in reference to navigation and com- merce : situated in the vicinity of the three quarters of the world, on three sides washed by the sea, and by reason of its irregular, indented coast, abounding with commodious ports and havens. Divisions. It may be divided into Northern Greece, from the north boundary to the chain of (Eta and Pindus, between the Ambracian gulf west, and BOOK in. GEOGRAPHICAL OUTLINE. 113 the Maliac east. Central Greece, or Hellas, down GREECE. to the isthmus of Corinth : and the southern pen- insula, or Peloponnesus. Northern Greece comprises two countries ; NORTHERN _,. . _, . GREECE. Ihessaly east, hpirus west. 1. Thessaly, the largest and one of the most fruitful of the Grecian countries. Length from north to south 60 geog. miles ; breadth from west to east 64 geog. miles. Rivers : the Peneus, Api- danus, and several smaller streams. Mountains : Olympus, residence of the fabulous gods, and Ossa in the north ; the chain of (Eta, Othrys, and Pindus in the south. Division into five pro- vinces : 1 . Estiaeotis ; cities : Gomphi, Azorus : 2. Pelasgiotis ; cities : Larissa, Gonni, the vale of Tempe : 3. Thessaliotis ; cities : Pharsalus, etc. 4. Phthiotis ; cities : Pherse, etc. 5. The foreland of Magnesia, with a city of the same name. Other territories, such as Perrhsebia, etc. for instance, derived their names from the non- Greek races who inhabited them. 2. Epirus. Next to Thessaly, the largest, al- EP>. though one of the least cultivated countries of Greece : 48 60 geog. miles long, and the same in breadth. Divisions : Molossis ; city, Am- bracia : Thesprotia ; city, Buthrotum ; in the in- terior, Dodona. Central Greece, or Hellas, comprises nine CENTRAL . . GREECE. countries. 1. Attica, a foreland, extending towards the Attica. south-east, and gradually diminishing. Length, 60 geog. miles; greatest breadth, 24 geog. miles. Rivers : Ilissus, Cephissus. Mountains : Hymet- tus, Pentelicus, and the headland of Sunium. 114 GRECIAN STATES. BOOK HI. GREECE. City : Athens, with the harbours Piraeus, Phale- reus, and Munychius ; in the other parts no towns, but hamlets, s^o*, such as Marathon, Eleu- sis, Decelea, etc. 2. Megaris, close to the isthmus of Corinth. The smallest of the Grecian countries ; 16 geog. miles long, and from 4 8 broad. City, Megara. 3. Boeotia, a mountainous and marshy country, 52 geog. miles long, and from 28 32 broad. Rivers : Asopus, Ismenus, and several smaller streams. Mountains : Helicon, Cythaeron, etc. Lake : Copais. Boeotia was, of all the Grecian countries, that which contained the greatest num- ber of cities, each having its own separate terri- tory. Among these, the first in importance, and frequently mistress of the rest, was Thebes on the Ismenus. The others, Plataeae, Tanagra, Thespiae, Chaeronea, Lebadea, Leuctra, and Orchomenus, are all celebrated in Grecian history. 4. Phocis, smaller than Attica ; 48 geog. miles long, from 4 20 broad. River : Cephissus. Mountain : Parnassus. Cities : Delphi, on Par- nassus, with the celebrated oracle of Apollo. Crissa, with the harbour of Cirrha, and up the country Elatea. The other cities are insignificant. LOCHS 1st 5, 6. The two countries called Locris. The and 2nd. _, . eastern on the .huripus, territory or the Locri Opuntii and Epicnemidii is the lesser of the two; being but little larger than Megaris. City: Opus; pass, Thermopylae. The western Locris on the Corinthian gulf, station of the Locri Ozolae, is from 20 24 geog. miles long, and from 16 20 broad. Cities : Naupactus on the sea, Amphissa up the country. BOOK in. GEOGRAPHICAL OUTLINE. 115 7. The small country of Doris, or the Tetra- GREECE. polls Dorica, on the south side of mount (Eta, Doris - from 8 12 geog. miles long, and the same in breadth. 8. .ZEtolia, somewhat larger than Boeotia ; from 40 52 geog. miles long, and from 28 32 broad ; but the least cultivated country of all. Rivers : Achelous, which skirts Acarnania, and the Eve- nus. Cities : Calydon, Thermus. 9. Acarnania, the most western country of Hel- A las, 32 geog. miles long, from 16 24 broad. River : Achelous. Cities : Argos Amphilochicum, and Stratus. The peninsula of Peloponnesus contains eight PEI.OPON , NF.Sl'S. countries. 1. Arcadia, a mountainous country, abounding Arcadia, in pastures, and situate in the centre of the pe- ninsula ; greatest length, 48 geog. miles ; greatest breadth, 36 geog. miles. Mountains : Cyllene, Erymanthus, etc. Rivers : Alpheus, Eryman- thus, and several smaller streams. Lake : Styx. Cities : Mantinea, Tegea, Orchomenus, Hersea, Psophis ; subsequently Megalopolis, as a com- mon capital. 2. Laconia, likewise mountainous. Greatest length, 66 geog. miles ; greatest breadth, 36 geog. miles. River : Eurotas. Mountains : Taygetus, and the headlands Malea and Tenarium. Cities : Sparta on the Eurotas ; other places : Amyclse, Sellasia, and others of little importance. 3. Messenia, west of Laconia; a more level and extremely fertile country, subject to the Spartans from B. C. 668. Greatest length, 28 geog. miles: greatest breadth, 36 geog. miles. 116 GRECIAN STATES. BOOK m. GREECE. City : Messene. Frontier places, Itbome and Ira : of the other places, Pylus (Navarino) and Methone are the most celebrated. 4. Elis, with the small territory of Triphylia, on the west of the Peloponnesus. Length, 60 geog. miles: greatest breadth, 28 geog. miles. Rivers: Alpheus, Peneus, Sellis, and several smaller streams. Cities : in the north, Elis, Cyllene, and Pylus. On the Alpheus, Pisa and the neighbouring town of Olympia. In Triphylia, a third Pylus. 5. Argolis, on the east side of the peninsula ; a foreland opposite to Attica, with which it forms the Sinus Saronicus. Length, 64 geog. miles : breadth, from 8 28 geog. miles. Cities : Argos, MycenaB, Epidaurus. Smaller but remarkable places ; Nemea, Cynuria, Trcezen. Achaia. 6. Achaia, originally Ionia, called likewise .ZEgialus, comprises the north coast. Length, 56 geog. miles: breadth, from 12 24. It contains twelve cilies, of which Dyme, Patrae, and Pellene are the most important. sicyonia. 7. The little country of Sicyonia, 16 geog. miles long, 8 broad, with the cities of Sicyon and Phlius. Corinth. 8. The small territory of Corinth, of the same extent as the foregoing, adjoining the isthmus which connects Peloponnesus with the main land. City : Corinth, originally Ephyra, with the ports of Lechaeum and Cenchreaj ; the former on the Corinthian, the latter on the Saronic gulf. ISLANDS. The Greek islands may be divided into three classes; those which lie immediately off the coasts, those which are collected in groups, and those which lie separate in the open sea. f tl>e 1. Islands off the coasts. Off the west coast coasts. BOOK in. GEOGRAPHICAL OUTLINE. 117 in the Ionian sea : Corcyra, opposite Epirus, 32 GREECE. geog. miles long, from 8 16 broad. City: Cor-Corcyra; cyra. A Corinthian colony. Opposite Acarna- nia; Leucadia, with the city and headland of Leucas. Cephalonia or Same, originally Scheria, Ce with the cities of Same and Cephalonia. In the neighbourhood lies the small island of Ithaca. Opposite Elis : Zacynthus. Off the south coast : Cythera, with a town of the same name. Off the east coast, in the Saronic gulf : Mv'ma. and Sala- ^gina and T, P . , . . Salamis; mis. Opposite Bceotia, from which it is sepa- rated by the strait named Euripus, Eubcea, most extensive of all ; 76 geog. miles long, from 12 16 geog. miles broad. Cities: Oreus, with the headland of Artemisium on the north, in the Scyathus, centre Chalcis, Eretria. Off Thessaly, Scyathus ' and Halonesus. Farther north, Thasus, Imbrus, Samothrace, and Lemnos. etc - 2. Clusters of islands in the ^Egasan sea : the Group*. Cyclades and Sporades; the former of which com- cyciades prise the western, the latter the eastern islands radeff of the Archipelago. The most important among them are, Andros, Delos, Paros, Naxos, Melos, all with cities of the same names. 3. The more extensive separate islands: I. separate. Crete, 140 geog. miles long, from 24 40 broad. Crete; Mountain: Ida. Cities: Cydonia, Gortyna, Cnos- sus. 2. Cyprus, 120 geog. miles long, from 20 Cyprus. 80 broad. Cities : Salamis, Paphos, Citium, and several smaller places. Concerning the principal Greek islands off the coast of Asia Minor, see above, p. 18. j- FR. CARL. HERM. KRUSE, Geograpkico- Antiquarian deli- neation of ancient Greece and its colonies, with reference to mo- 118 GREEKS. BOOK in. GREECE, dern discoveries. Illustrated with maps and plates : first part, 1825. General Geography: second part, first division, 1826. Second division, 1827- Special Geography of Central Greece. A most minute and careful description of Greece, founded on modern discoveries. FIRST PERIOD. The most ancient traditional history, down to the Trojan war, about B. C. 1^00. FIRST Sources : On the formation and progress of history among the Greeks. Preliminary enquiry into the peculiarities of Grecian mythology in a historical point of view, as comprising the most ancient history of the national tribes and heroes. A history rich in itself, on account of the number of tribes and their leaders ; but embellished and altered in various Avays by the poets, parti- cularly the great early epic writers, and afterwards by the tra- gedians. First advance of history from tradition, wrought by the logographi, especially those of the Ionian cities, Hecatseus, Phere- cydes, etc. until HERODOTUS, so justly called the Father of His- tory, raised it at once to such a lofty pitch of eminence. (Compare f The historical Art of the Greeks considered in its Rise and Pro- gress, by G. F. CREUZER; 1803.) Nevertheless, in Herodotus, and even later writers, history continued to savour of its origin ; and so far as the realm of tradition extended, even Theopomptis and Ephorus felt no disinclination to borrow their materials from mythologists or poets. It need scarcely be observed, that in this first period the history is merely traditional. Among the moderns, the English have most successfully treated the subject of Grecian history : the principal works are : JOHN GILLIES, The History of Ancient Greece, its colonies and conquests, from the earliest accounts till the division of the Macedonian empire in the east, including the history of literature, philosophy, and thejine arts. London, 1786, 2 vols. 4to. and WILLIAM MITFORD, The History of Greece. London, 1784, BOOK in. GREEKS. 119 4 vols. 4to. Several new editions have since appeared. Trans- FIRST lated into German, Jena, 1800, sqq. by H. L. Eichstlidt. Mit- PERIOU - ford is perhaps superior in learning, copiousness, and solidity, but he certainly is greatly surpassed by Gillies in genius and taste, and more especially in a proper conception of the spirit of anti- quity. [Few English critics will here coincide with our author.] DE PAUW, Recherches sur les Grecs, 1701, 2 vols. 8vo. Re- plete with partial views and hypotheses. f* HEEREN, Researches into the politics, intercourse, and trade of the most celebrated nations of antiquity : 3 vols. 1st part, 4th edit. 1826. [Translated into English, Oxford, 1830, 8vo.] Many important enquiries on various portions of Grecian his- tory and antiquities will be found in the great collection : GBONOVII Thesaurus Antiquitatum Grcecarum, 12 vols. folio. Others are contained in the transactions of different learned societies ; particularly in Memoires de V Academic des Inscriptions et des Belles Lettrcs, Paris, 1709, sqq. 49 vols. 4to. Commentarii, (4 vols.) Commentarii novi, (8 vols.) Commenta- tiones, (16 vols.) and Commentationes recentiores Societalis Sci- entiarum Gotting. (5 vols.) 1. Although Greece was originally inhabited Early inha- by several insignificant races, two principal tribes Greece. f claim our attention, the Pelasgi and the Hellenes. Both probably were of Asiatic origin ; but the difference of their language characterized them as different tribes. The Pelasgi were the first that extended their dominion in Greece. First seat of the Pelasgians in the Peloponnesus, under Ina- chus, about B. C. 1800. According to their own traditions, they made their first appearance in this quarter as uncultivated sa- vages ; they must, however, at an early period, have made some progress towards civilization, since the most ancient states, Argos and Sicyon, owed their origin to them ; and to them, perhaps, with great probability, are attributed the remains of those most ancient monuments generally termed cyclopian. Extension of this tribe towards the north, particularly over Attica ; settlement in Thessaly under their leaders Achaeus, Phthius, and Pelasgus ; here they learned to apply themselves to agriculture, and re- 120 GREEKS. BOOK HI. FIRST mained for a hundred and fifty successive years; about 1700 PERIOD. HELLENES.- 2. The Hellenes, subsequently so called from Hellen, one of their chieftains, originally the weaker of the two tribes, make their first appear- ance in Phocis, near Parnassus, under king Deu- calion ; from whence they are driven by a flood. descend They migrate into Thessaly, and drive out the Pelasgi from that territory. The Hellenes soon ando'btain a ^ ter tn * s Decome the most powerful race ; and the ascend- spreading over Greece, expel the Pelasgi from almost every part. The latter tribe maintain their ground only in Arcadia, and the land of Dodona ; some of them migrate to Italy, others to Crete, and various islands. Hellenic 3. The Hellenic tribe is subdivided into four principal branches, the jEoliam, lonians, Dorians, and Achceans, which continue afterwards to be distinguished and separated by many peculiarities of speech, customs, and political government. These four tribes, although they must not be con- sidered as comprising all the slender ramifications of the nation, are derived by tradition from Deu- calion's immediate posterity ; with whose per- sonal history, therefore, the history of the tribes themselves and their migrations is interwoven. This derivation of the tribes will be better understood by an inspection of the following genealogical table : DEUCALION. HELLEN. DORUS. DORIANS. XUTHUS. A AEOLUS. JEOLIANS. ACH^US. ACH&AKS. ION. IONIANS. BOOK III. GREEKS. 121 4. The gradual spread of the various branches FIRST of the Hellenic tribe over Greece was effected by - several migrations, between B. C. 1500 1300; after which they preserved the settlements they had already obtained until the later migration of the Dorians and Heraclida?, about 1100. Principal data for the history of the separate tribes in this period. 1. ^EoLus follows his father Hellen into Phthiotis, which con- sequently remains the seat of the ^Eolians ; they spread from thence over western Greece, Acarnania, j^Etolia, Phocis, Locris, JElis in the Peloponnesus, and likewise over the western islands. 2. DORUS follows his father into Estiseotis, the most ancient seat of the Dorians. They are driven from thence after the death of Dorus by the Perrhaebi ; spread over Macedonia arid Crete ; part of the tribe return, cross mount CEta, and settle in the Tetrapolis Dorica, afterwards called Doris, where they remain until they migrate into Peloponnesus, under the guidance of the Heraclidae; about 1100. (See below, p. 127). 3. XUTHUS, expelled by his brothers, migrates, to Athens, where he marries Creusa, daughter of Erectheus, by whom he has sons, Ion and Achaeus. Ion and his tribe, driven out of Athens, settle in that part of Peloponnesus called jEgialus, a name which by them was converted into Ionia, and in later times exchanged for Achaia. The Achaeans preserve their footing in Laconia and Argos, until the time of the Dorian migration. f L. D. HUELLMAN, Early Grecian History, 1814. Rich in original views and conjectures, beyond which the early history of nations seldom extends. -f" D. C. OTFRIED MUELLER, History of the Hellenic Tribes and Cities, 1820, vol. 1. containing, Orchomenus and the Minyce; vols. 2, 3, containing the Dorians, 1825. 5. Besides these original inhabitants, colonies colonies at the same early period came into Greece from Greece! civilized countries, from Egypt, Phoenicia, and 122 GREEKS. BOOK in. FIRST Mysia. The settlements of these strangers oc- curred probably between B. C. 16001400. Establishment in Attica of the colony of Cecrops, from Sais in Egypt, about 1550; in Argos, of the colony of Danaus, likewise from Egypt, about 1500. The colony of Cadmus, from Phoeni- cia, settles in Boeotia about 1550. The colony of Pelops, from INIysia, settles in Argos about 1400. Progress of 6. The mythology of the Hellenes proves be- yond a doubt, that they were at first savages, like ^ p e i as gi ? since they had to learn even the use of fire from Prometheus ; yet it is equally clear that they must, even in the earliest period, parti- cularly from 1300 1200, when they had ceased to migrate, have made the first important steps towards the attainment of a certain degree of civilization. About the time of the Trojan war they appear to have been still barbarians, though no longer savages. Was the 7. The origin and progress of this national or- ganization, and the influence wrought upon it by settlers from foreign countries, are difficult sub- growth? jects to determine. If we allow that Cecrops was the first who introduced marriage in Attica, and that agriculture and the cultivation of the olive were discovered in that country, it unquestion- ably follows, that the Hellenes were indebted to strangers for the foundation of domestic civiliza- tion. And when we consider that the families which subsequently held sway were descended directly from the most powerful of these strangers, their lasting influence can hardly be a matter of doubt. It must, however, be observed, that what the Greeks borrowed from foreigners they pre- viously stamped with their own peculiar charac- BOOK in. GREEKS. 123 ter, so that it became, as it were, the original FIRST property of the nation. The question, therefore, - is deprived of much of the importance which it assumes at the first glance. 8. The case was the same with regard to all Hellenic re- the branches of intellectual civilization, particu- rivedVrom larly religion. That many deities and religious forelgners ' rites were introduced into Greece from Egypt, Asia, and Thrace, and generally through Crete, hardly admits of a doubt ; but they did not there- fore remain Egyptian, Asiatic, or Thracian ; they became Grecian gods. Hence it appears that the investigation of those relations can hardly lead to any important conclusion. It is a fact, however, Nosacer- of the highest importance, that whatever gods the in Greece? Greeks adopted, no separate order of priesthood was established among them, still less any caste laying claim to the exclusive possession of know- ledge. Several traces, nevertheless, make it pro- bable, that many of the most ancient sanctuaries were settlements of Egyptian, Phoenician, or Cretan priests, who imported with them their own peculiar forms of worship. And notwith- standing this worship consisted merely of out- ward ceremonies, many ideas and institutions which were attached to it, became, in this man- ner, the common property of the nation. 9. It was principally, therefore, by religion, influence of that the rude mind became in some degree po- lished. But it was the ancient minstrels, Orpheus, Linus, etc., who, by disseminating reli- gious principles, contributed so much towards abolishing revenge, and with it the perpetual state of warfare which had hitherto distracted the 124 GREEKS. BOOK nr. FIRST coimtry. These it was who in their mysteries contrived in some measure to impress the narrow circle of the initiated with the advantages result- ing from a civilized life. SAINTE-CROIX, Recherches sur les Myslcres da Paganisme, Paris, 1765. Translated into German, with valuable observa- tions, by C. G. LENZ ; Gotha, 1790. oftheora- 10. The influence of religion, through the me- dium of oracles, especially those of Dodona and Delphi, was not less powerful. The two latter, with that of Olympia, were perhaps, originally ancient settlements of priests, such as have been already alluded to. The necessity of consulting these sanctuaries naturally led men to regard the oracles as the common property of the nation, to which every one should have access ; it follow- ed therefore as an inevitable consequence, that the direction of affairs in which all were engaged, depended principally on those oracles. A. VAN DALEN, De Oraculis velerum Ethnicorum Disscrla- liones 6. Amstel. 1700. A very valuable work. A comprehen- sive dissertation on the subject, however, is still wanting : a por- tion of it is treated of in J. GRODDEK, De Oraculorum veterum, qtice in Herodoli libris continentur, natura, commentatio ; Getting. 1786. ofthereii- 11. It happened with Greece as with other countries; the tender plant of civilization grew up under the shelter of the sanctuary. There the festivals were celebrated, and there the people assembled ; and there various tribes, who had hitherto been strangers to one another, met in peace, and conversed on their common interests. Hence arose spontaneously the first idea of a law of nations, and those connections which led to its BOOK in. GREEKS. 125 development. Among these connections, that of , . -r-k -i i PERIOD. the Amphictyons at Delphi was the most import- ant, and continued the longest : it is probable that it did not assume its complete form till a later period ; yet it appears in early times to have adopted the principle, that none of the cities be- longing to the league should be destroyed by the others. f- FR. WILH. TITTMANN, Upon the Amphictyonic League ; 1812. A dissertation which gained the prize of the Academy of Sciences at Berlin. 12. To religion must likewise be added navi- of naviga- gation, and the consequent intercourse which ' brought the nation into contact with strangers, and prepared it to receive civilization. It cannot be denied that the navigators continued long to be mere pirates; but as Minos of Crete cleared the about B.C. sea of freebooters, the want of another state of things must have been felt long before. 13. In the mean time the chivalrous spirit of Age of chi- the nation was gradually aroused ; and developed va the first bloom of its youthful vigour in the heroic ages. An affection for extraordinary undertakings was excited ; and conducted the chieftains, not only individually, but also in confederate bodies, beyond the limits of their father-land. These un- dertakings were not only important in themselves, but their advantages were increased by their being preserved in the songs of their bards by means of a national poesy, such as no other peo- ple possessed, and such as contributed to the fur- ther development of the national genius. Expedition of the Argonauts to Colchis, somewhere about B. C. 1250 ; war of the seven confederate princes against Thebes 126 GREEKS. BOOK in. FIRST about 1225 ; the town, however, was not taken until the second P ERIOD - attempt made by the sons of the chiefs (Epigoni) in 1215. 14. Thus every thing was now ripe for some great national undertaking of all the combined Hellenic nations ; and that object was attained in Effects of the war against Troy. The most important result of the Trojan J ,.-,,. r war. that expedition was the kindling ot one common national spirit, a spirit which in spite of dissen- sions and feuds, was never wholly extinguished, and which must almost necessarily have arisen from an expedition carried on in so distant a B. c. 1194 field, which lasted ten years, in which all were 84 ' joined, and which was crowned with such signal success. From the time of the Trojan war down- wards the Hellenes always looked upon them- selves as but one people. General view of the political state of Greece about the time of the Trojan war. Division into several small states, the most powerful of which were Argos and Mycenae. All those states were governed by hereditary chieftains or princes from a certain family (kings, /3aa-*XeZV,) who combined the offices of leaders in war and judges in peace. Their authority being more or less extended in proportion to the qualities they possessed, and par- ticularly to their valour in battle. Manner of life among the people : a nation dwelling in cities, but at the same time culti- vating the land and tending cattle ; applying also to war, and already somewhat advanced in the art of navigation. A. W. SCHLEGEL, De Geographia Homeri Commeniutio. Hannov. 1788. A review of the political geography of Greece at this period. On the topography of Troy : LECHEVALIER, Description de la Plalne de Troie. Translated and accompanied with notes by HEYNE, Leipzig, 1794. Com- pare CLARKE, Travels, vol. i, c. 4 6, who has thrown doubts on the system of Lechevalier, which has, however, been again confirmed bv LEAKE, Travels in Asia Minor. BOOK HI. GREEKS. 127 SECOND PERIOD. From the Trojan war to the breaking out of the Persian war, B. C. 1200500. Sources. On no portion of the Grecian history is our in- SECOND formation so scanty as upon this long period, in which we can be hardly said to have more than a general knowledge of many of the most important events. As in the foregoing period, its com- mencement is but a traditional and poetical history. It was not till towards the end of it that the use of writing became common among the Greeks ; add to which the period itself was not rife in great national undertakings, such as might afford appropriate materials for the poet or historian. Besides the scattered in- formation which may be gathered from Herodotus, Plutarch, Strabo, and above all from the introduction to Thucydides's his- tory, Pausanias must not be forgotten ; who, in his description of Greece, has preserved an abundance of most valuable docu- ments relating to the separate histories of the minor states. The Books of Diodorus belonging to this period are lost. j- FR. WILHELM TITTMANN, Delineation of the Grecian Forms of Government, 1822. An industrious collection of all the information we possess respecting this subject. f W. WACHSMUTH, Grecian Antiquities with regard to Po- litics, 4 vols. An excellent work. 1. History of the Hellenic states^within Greece. 1. The Trojan war was followed by a very RETURN OF . , . ,, ,. THE HEUA- stormy period, in consequence ol the many dis- C i.iD*: orders prevalent in the ruling families, espe- cially in that of Pelops. But more violent com- motions soon arose, caused by the attempts of the rude tribes of the north, particularly of the Dorians combined with the ^Etolians, who, under the guidance of the descendants of Hercules, 128 GREEKS. BOOK HI. SECOND exiled from Argos, strove to obtain possession of Peloponnesus. Those commotions shook Greece during a whole century, and as the seats of most of the Hellenic tribes were then changed, the consequences were lasting and important. First unsuccessful attempt under Hyllus, son of Hercules, about 1180. Repeated attempts, until at last the claims of the Heraclidae are made good by the grandsons of Hyllus, viz. Tele- phus and Cresphontes, together with Eurysthenes and Procles, sons of their brother Aristodemus, 1 100. Conse- 2. Consequences resulting to the Peloponnesus Cgreat from this migration. The territories of Argos, revolution. g p arta, Messene, and Corinth, wrested from the Acheeans who had hitherto inhabited them, be- become the property of the Dorians ; Elis falls to the share of the .ZEtolians, who had accompa- nied the former. The Achaeans expelled, in their turn expel the lonians and settle in the country since called Achaia ; the fugitive lonians are re- ceived by their ancient kinsmen the Athenians. But among the consequences of this migration of the Hellenic races must be reckoned likewise the Colonies establishment of Greek colonies in Asia Minor ; ' an occurrence of the highest importance to the ulterior development of the nation. This colo- nization was commenced by the jiEolian Hellenes, whose example was soon after followed by the louians, and even by the Dorians. For the history of these colonies, see the following section. Monarchies 3. Although the effect of these migrations and A A byrepub- wars, in which the ruder tribes oppressed the more civilized, must inevitably have been, not only to interrupt the progress of civilization, but even almost entirely to annihilate it, yet in this BOOK in. GREEKS. 129 universal movement the foundation was laid of SECOND that constitution of things which afterwards ex- isted in Greece. The tribes which had migrated, as well as those which had been expelled, re- mained at first under the dominion of their here- ditary princes, some for a longer, others for a shorter time. In the two centuries, however, immediately subsequent to the migrations, B. C. 1100 900, republican constitutions took the place of hereditary clanship in all the Grecian coun- tries, the distant Epirus excepted. These repub- lics continued to exist amid the various revolutions which happened ; and the love of political free- dom, deeply impressed on the minds of the peo- ple, constituted from this time the principal fea- ture in the national character, 4. The sequel proves, that the principal cause Origin of of this change so important for Greece,- this change, by which her future internal policy was for ever determined, originated in the progress made by the newly come tribes towards civic life, and consequently at the same time towards na- tional civilization. In this newly constituted order of things, each city, with the territory around it, formed a separate state, and framed its own constitution ; hence there arose as many free states as cities. The notion that Greece contained the same number of states as countries is completely false, although it cannot be denied that the mode of expression in most writings upon Greek history seems to authorize the assertion. It is true that some of those countries, such as Attica, Megaris, Laconia, may be each re- garded as a separate state, because each constituted the territory of one city. The others, however, such as Arcadia, Bceotia, etc. did not each form one state, but comprised as many separate states as there were free and independent cities, each of which, 130 GREEKS. BOOK HI. SECOND with its territory, formed one. Still, however, it must be ob- served, (a) that the natural ties of kindred subsisted ; Arcadians, Boeotians, etc. spoke of one another as countrymen. (6) Vo- luntary connections were entered into between different cities, and sometimes all the cities of a country, as, for instance, in Achaia, so that the whole formed one confederation ; each indi- vidual city nevertheless still preserved its own system of laws and government. Again, (c) in consequence of a greater share of power, one city assumed a sort of dominion over the other ; as, for instance, that of Thebes over the Boeotian cities. This dominion, however, was always precarious, and depended upon the state of affairs, (d) It must likewise be observed, that the constitution of each separate city underwent many changes, wrought generally by influential citizens, (tyrants,) who not only possessed themselves of the supreme power, but also con- trived frequently to make it for some time hereditary in their families. Every one will easily discern that the above are the fundamental principles of Greek history, which cannot be too clearly conceived, or too correctly denned; since it is self-evi- dent what a wide field was by such a constitution of things thrown open to practical politics. The more improbable the at- tainment of fixed constitutions in the separate cities was, the more frequent must have been the political attempts ; (attempts facilitated by the narrow extent of the state ;) and the more fre- quently those attempts failed, the more extensive in this in- tellectual people became the mass of political ideas ; the results of which in later times were the legislative codes of Solon and others. Unityofthe 5. Although Greece was thus parcelled out states, into a number of small states, united by no com- mon political bond, yet there existed a certain unity of the Hellenic race, a certain national spirit : this was produced in part by national festivals and games, occurring at stated periods, among which those in honour of Jupiter at Olym- pia were the chief. The nation at these appeared in all its splendour; and all Hellenes, but no others, were allowed to join in them. This union, too, was promoted by the extension of the Am- BOOK in. GREEKS. 131 phictyonic council : and the reason why this last SECOND ... P , ,, PERIOD. institution was not followed by all the conse- - quences which might have been expected from it, may perhaps be found in what naturally takes place in every great confederation whenever any of the component states become too powerful. The Amphictyonic council was certainly not a states-general, in which all national affairs were discussed. Its immediate office was to attend to the temples and the oracles of Delphi. But then it must be observed, 1st, that from this council originated the Grecian ideas of the law of nations ; over the preservation of which the Amphictyons watched. 2. In consequence of its political influence on the oracle, this council, in certain cases, was enabled to take a share in the affairs of different states. 3. The Amphictyons always formed a national institution, since none but Hellenes were admitted. ST. CROIX, Des anciens gouvernemens federatifs, et de la le- gislation de Crete, Paris, 1796. One of the most invaluable in- quiries, not only into the institutions of the Amphictyons, but also into other matters of Grecian history connected with them. 6. Among the different states of Greece, Spartaspartaand and Athens, even at this period, became cele- brated, not only for their greater power, but also for their superior constitutions and their laws : and though it may not perhaps be strictly true, that the history of the rest of Greece is connected with that of these two cities, yet they certainly possess the highest claim to our attention. 7. History of Sparta. The Achseans at first were Revolutions governed by princes of the house of Perseus, but after Menelaus's accession to the throne in virtue Sparta- of his wife, by princes of the house of Pelops. When the latter had been expelled by the Do- rians, Laconia fell by lot to the sons of Aristode- mus, Procles and Eurysthenes, between whose families the royal power was divided, so that two 132 GREEKS. BOOK in. SECOND kings constantly reigned in common, one from PERIOD. & J - each family. Families of the Proclidae and JEgidss; the latter so called from Agis, the son and successor of Eurysthenes. J- J. C. F. MANSO, An Essay on the History and Constitution of Sparta, Leipzig, 1800 sqq. 3 vols. The most important work upon this subject, and which likewise contains much information upon various points of Grecian history connected with it. CRAGIUS, De Republica Lacedcemoniorum, 1642. MEURSIUS, De regno Laconico / and Miscellanea Laconica. Both laborious compilations. Conquests 8. The Dorians now gradually conquered, and rians! established themselves in many cities of the pe- ninsula ; forming, if not the whole population, at least the only part of it that enjoyed any power, as the Achaeans that remained were reduced to slavery. No long time, however, elapsed ere the city of Sparta usurped an authority over the whole country, which it ever afterwards pre- served; the other towns, formerly considerable, becoming unfortified, defenceless, and insignifi- cant. Relation between the Spartan citizens of the capital as a ruling body, and the Lacedaemonians, or ireptWo, inhabitants of the country, as subjects who paid tribute and military service. Even in the time of Agis, the successor of Eurysthenes, this subjection was effected by force ; the inhabitants of Helos were made slaves, as a punishment for their opposition ; while the others, by the sacrifice of their political freedom, preserved their personal liberty, however confined it might be. Repeated 9. The history of the two following centuries, Spartans!* to tne ^ me ^ Lycurgus, exhibits nothing but the repeated wars of the Spartans with their neigh- bours the Argives; their domestic broils, occa- sioned by the too unequal division of property, by the feuds, and the diminished power of the BOOK in. GREEKS. 133 kings, and which lasted until Lycurgus, the uncle SECOND and guardian of the minor king, Charilaus, about - the year 880, gave to Sparta that constitution to which she was principally indebted for her sub- sequent splendour. Illustration of the principal features in the Spartan constitu- tion. Some preliminary observations are necessary, (a) As the legislation of Lycurgus occurred at so early a period, and as his laws were not written, but conveyed in apophthegms, (pyrpai,) which were confirmed by the oracle of Delphi, many things of later origin have been attributed to Lycurgus. (6) Much that is rightly attributed to him was not original, but deduced from an- cient Dorian institutions, which being now upon the decline, were reestablished by force of law. Hence it follows, that the legislation of Lycurgus must naturally have had many points of resemblance with that of the Cretans, likewise of Dorian origin, although much, as we are told, was directly borrowed from them, (c) The principal object of the laws of Lycurgus was to ensure the existence of Sparta by creating and supporting a vigorous and uncorrupted race of men. Hence those laws had a more peculiar reference to private life and physical education, than to the constitution of the state, in which the legislator ap- pears to have introduced but few alterations. In reference to the constitution : 1. The relation which had hitherto existed between the Spartans as a dominant people, and the Lacedaemonians as subjects, was preserved. 2. The two kings, from the two ruling families, were likewise continued, as leaders in war and first magistrates in peace. On the other hand, 3. to Lycurgus is attributed the institution of a senate, (jepova-ta,) consisting of twenty-eight members, none of whom could be less than sixty years old, who were to be chosen by the people for life, and were to constitute the king's council in public affairs. 4. Whether the college of the five Ephori annually chosen, was originally instituted by Lycurgus, or at some later period, is a question impossible to decide, but of little importance, since the great power of this college, to which every thing was finally re- ferred as the highest tribunal of the state, was certainly assumed after the time of Lycurgus. 5. Besides the above, there were likewise the popular assemblies, convened according to the divi- sion into <{>vKcu; and w/3o at which none but Spartans could assist: 134 GREEKS. BOOK m, SECOND their privileges extended no further than to approve or reject the PERIOD . measures proposed to them by the kings and the senate. In the laws relating to private life, Lycurgns aimed at making the Spartans a society of citizens, equal as far as possible with respect to their property and mode of life, and each deeply im- pressed with the conviction that he was the property of his country, to which he was bound to yield an unconditional obe- dience. Hence, 1. The new division of land, 9000 portions to the Spartans, and 30,000 to the Lacedaemonians; permission being given to dispose of those portions by entail or gift, but not by sale. 2. The removal as far as possible of every species of luxury, particularly by means of the daily public tables (<7io-.) At the commencement of this period occur the migra- tions of the louians from Attica to Asia Minor, 1044. See below. 3. Period of the decennial archons, seven of whom succeeded between 752 682. These likewise were taken from the family of Codrus. This period is devoid of any remarkable occurrences. 4. Period extending to Solon, 682 594. that of nine archons yearly chosen, but so arranged that the prerogatives of the former kings, and the preceding archons, were divided among the three first of the nine. With respect to this, as well as to the other changes above mentioned, we know little of the causes which produced them, or of the manner in which they were brought 138 GREEKS. BOOK m. SECOND Solon's about. Rise of an oppressive aristocracy, (like that of the pa- tricians at Rome, immediately after the expulsion of the kings,) both the archons and the members of the areopagus being elected only from noble families. First attempt at legislation by Draco, 622, which appears only to have consisted in a criminal code, rendered unavailing by its severity. The insurrection of Cylon, 598, in consequence of the manner in which it was quelled, turned out most injurious to the aristocratical party, inasmuch as the nobles drew upon themselves the pollution of blood, which, even after the purification of Epimenides, 593, was long used as a pretext for commotion. The political factions of the Pediaei, of the Diacrii, and of the Parhali, produced an anarchy at Athens, during which the neighbouring Megarians took possession of the island of Salamis ; a conquest which, however, was subsequently wrested from them by Solon. 14. From this state of anarchy Athens was rescued by Solon ; a man to whom not only Athens, but the whole human race, are deeply indebted. He was chosen archon, and at the same time commissioned to remodel the constitu- tion of Athens : and the successful manner in which he executed this task, laid the foundation of the happiness of his native country. Review of the prominent features in Solon's legislation. Its main object was. to abolish the oppressive aristocracy, without however introducing a pure democracy. 1. Provisional laws : abolition of the statutes of Draco, those against murder excepted : law enacted for the relief of debtors, (()eTa,i. Combined with the archons was (d) The council, (/3ouXj,) which consisted of a body of four hundred persons annually taken from the three first classes of citizens ; (a hundred from each ward ;) these were chosen by lot, but were obliged to submit to a rigid examination (So/cp ' here his successors continued to reign till the time of Hercules, whose sons, expelled by Eurystheus, sought an asylum among the Dorians. In Mycenae, said to have been built by Perseus, the throne was occupied by the family of Pelops : and at the period of the Trojan war, this little state, to which Corinth and Sicyon then belonged, was the most powerful in Greece, and go- verned by Agamemnon. The migration into this country by Pelops from Asia Minor, must have been attended with important consequences, since it has given a name to the whole peninsula : the object of Pelops, as we may infer from the riches he brought with him, was probably to establish a trading settlement. At the Dorian conquest Argos fell to the share of Temenus, the Achaeans were expelled, and the country was peopled by Dorians. As early as the reign of Cisus, son of Temenus, the royal power was so limited, that the successors of that prince hardly pre- served any thing but the mere name : about 984 the regal dignity was wholly abrogated, and its place supplied by a republican constitution, concerning the domestic organization of which we know nothing more than that at Argos the government was in the hands of a senate, (/3ovX^,) of a college of eighty citizens, (o o-ySoijKovTa,) and of magistrates, who bore the name of aprvwt : in Epidaurus, however, there was a body of one hundred and eighty citizens who chose from among themselves the senate, the mem- bers of which were called aprvvoi. As in the other states of Greece so in Argolis, there were as many independent states as there were cities ; in the north Argos, Mycenae, and Tiryns ; in the south Epidaurus and Trcezen. The two last preserved their independence ; but Mycenae was destroyed by the Argives in 425, and the inhabitants of Tiryns were forcibly transplanted to Argos. The district of Argos, therefore, comprised the northern portion of the country called Argolis ; but not the southern portion, which belonged to the towns situated therein. c. Corinth. In this place, previous to the time of the Do- rian migration, the house of Sisyphus held the royal power ; and even at that early period Corinth is extolled by Homer for its wealth. The Dorians drove out the original inhabitants ; and Aletes, belonging to the race of Hercules, became king about 1089; the posterity of that prince held the sceptre down to the fifth generation. After the death of the last king, Telessus, 777, 144 GREEKS. BOOK III. SECOND tne f am iiy o f th e Bacchiadse, likewise a branch of the family of Hercules, took possession of the government and introduced an oligarchy, electing annually from among themselves a Prytane. At last, in 657, Cypselus got the upper hand ; he was succeeded, 627, by his son Periander ; both father and son were equally conspicuous for their avarice and cruelty. Periander (rf. 587) was succeeded by his nephew Psammetichus, who reigned till 584, when the Corinthians asserted their freedom. With regard to the internal organization of the republic, little more is known than that there were at Corinth assemblies of the commons and a senate, (ykpovarta) : the government appears to have been the aristocracy of a trading state ; for even the Bacchiadae, at least some of them, were merchants. The Corinthian commerce con- sisted chiefly in the exchange of Asiatic and Italian goods, and therefore was mostly carried on by sea : for such a trade the city of Corinth offered many advantages, particularly if we consider the state of navigation in those times ; but the sea trade of Corinth, however profitable to the citizens, and even to the state, in consequence of the customs, cannot be considered as very extensive. The colonies of Corinth in the west were prin- cipally Corcyra, Epidamnus, Leucas, Syracuse ; in the east Po- tidaea : these colonies would fain have asserted a sort of indepen- dence, but never succeeded for any length of time in so doing. From the possession of these colonies, and from the necessity of protecting the trader from pirates, Corinth grew to be a naval power ; she invented triremes, and at the early date of 664 gave battle to the Corcyraeans at sea. On the other hand, her wars by land were generally waged with the assistance of foreign subsi- diaries ; and from the facility with which she was enabled to pay her mercenary troops, she was the more ready to interfere in the domestic wars of Greece. d. Sicyon. Tradition represents this state, together with Ar- gos, as the most ancient in Greece ; the catalogues of early kings and princes, who are said to have reigned at this place, make it probable that in early antiquity some settlements of priests were made in this quarter. In the times previous to the migration of the Dorians, Sicyon was first inhabited by the lonians ; at the Trojan war, however, it made part of Agamemnon's kingdom. At the Dorian irruption, Phalces, son of Temenus, took posses- sion of Sicyon, which then became a Dorian city. After the abrogation of the kingship, the date of which is not precisely BOOK in. GREEKS. 145 known, the constitution assumed the form of an uncurbed demo- SECOND cracy, which, as usual, paved the way for the usurpation of one - individual. Orthagoras and his posterity, the last and most cele- brated of whom was Clisthenes, ruled over Sicyon during a whole century ; 700 600. After the restoration of her freedom, Si- cyon frequently suffered from revolutions ; and the period of her highest splendour was during the latter days of Greece, when she became a member of the Achaean league. e. Achaia. During the spread of the Hellenes, this country, which till then had borne the name of JEgialus, was taken pos- session of by Ion, who had been expelled from Athens, and his tribe, who from their leader took the name of lonians : the coun- try remained in the hands of the lonians until the Dorian migra- tion, when the Achaeans, driven out of Argos and Laconia, pressed into the northern parts of Peloponnesus under Tisamenus, son of Orestes : they settled in the land of the lonians, and the power of the chieftain descended to his posterity, until the tyranny of the last sovereign of that race, Gyges, (of date undetermined,) produced the abolition of monarchy. Achaia thereupon was par- celled into twelve small republics, or so many cities with their respective districts, each of which comprised seven or eight can- tons. All these republics had democratic constitutions, and were mutually united by a league, founded on the most perfect equa- lity, and which nothing but the policy of the Macedonian kings could dissolve ; and even this dissolution gave rise to the Achcean league, of such high importance in subsequent times. The Achaeans lived in peace and happiness, inasmuch as they had not the vanity, before the Peloponnesian war, to interfere in the affairs of foreign states : their constitutions were so renowned, that they were adopted by several other Grecian cities. f, Elis. The inhabitants in earlier times bore the name of Epeans, which, like that of Eleans, was traced to one of their ancient kings. The names of their most ancient hereditary princes, Endymion, Epeus, Eleus, Augias, are celebrated by the poets. It appears that this country was divided into several small kingdoms, since, at the period of the Trojan war it con- tained four, to which however must be added Pylus in Triphylia, a territory usually reckoned as belonging to Elis. At the epoch of the Dorian migration the .ZEtolians, who had accompanied the Dorians, headed by their chieftain Oxylus, settled in Elis ; but permitted the ancient inhabitants to remain in the country. L 146 GREEKS. BOOK HI. SECOND Among the successors of Oxylus was Iphitus the contemporary of ' Lycurgus, and celebrated as the restorer of the Olympian games, to the celebration of which Elis was indebted for the tranquil splendour that distinguished her from this time : her territory being regarded as sacred, although she had occasional disputes with her neighbours, the Arcadians, for precedence at the games. After the abolition of the royal power supreme magistrates were chosen, to whose office was added the charge of superintending x the games : (Hellanodicae). These magistrates were at first two ; they were afterwards increased to ten, one from each tribe, although their number frequently changed with that of the tribes themselves. There must likewise have been a senate, consisting of ninety persons, who held their places for life, since Aristotle makes mention of that branch of the Elean constitution. The city of Elis was first built in 477, before which time the Eleans resided in several small hamlets. II. Central Greece, or Hellas. a. Megaris. Until the epoch of the Dorian migration, this state generally formed part of the domain of the Attic kings ; or at least was governed by princes of that house. Immediately previous to that event, the Megarians, after the assassination of their last sovereign, Hyperion, placed the government in the hands of magistrates elected for stated periods. At the time of the Dorian irruption, under the reign of Codrus, Megara was oc- cupied by Dorians, more especially those of Corinth, who con- sequently reckoned the city among their colonies, and during the sway of the Bacchiadae endeavoured to keep it in a state of dependency ; a circumstance which gave rise to several wars. Nevertheless Megara supported her rank as a separate state, both in those and many subsequent wars among the Greeks, in which she took a share both by sea and land. About the year 600, Theagenes, step-father of the Athenian Cylon, had possessed himself of the supreme power : after the expulsion of that tyrant, the republican constitution was once more restored, but soon after merged into the lowest species of democracy. Megara, however, even at the period of the Persian war, in which it took a glorious share, appears to have recovered the character of a well-ordered state, although we have no information respecting its internal organization. BOOK HI. GREEKS. 147 b. Boeotia. History mentions several very early races in Boeo- SECOND tia, such as the Aones, Hyantes, etc. ; with these were mingled Phoenician emigrants, who had come into the country under the guidance of Cadmus. The stock of Cadmus became the ruling family, and remained so for a long time : the history of his de- scendants, who were kings of Thebes, and comprised under their dominion the greatest part of Boeotia, constitutes a main branch of Grecian mythology : among them were CEdipus, La'ius, Eteo- cles, and Polynices. After the capture of Thebes by the Epi- goni, 1215, the Boeotians were expelled by Thracian hordes, and settled at Arne in Thessaly ; at the time of the Dorian migration they returned to the land of their forefathers, and mingled with the ^Eolians of those quarters. Not long after, upon the death of Xuthus, royalty was abolished, 1126. Bceotia was now di- vided into as many small states as it contained cities ; of these, next to Thebes, the most eminent were the towns of Plataeae, Thespiae, Tanagra, and Chaeronea, each of which had its own separate district and peculiar form of government ; but all those constitutions appear to have been commuted into oligarchies about the time of the Persian war. Such had been the case even with Thebes, although she had received as a legislator, Philolaus from Corinth ; but the code given by this individual cannot have been attended with the desired effect, as the government was continually fluctuating between a licentious democracy and an overbearing oligarchy. The Boeotian cities were, however, mu- tually united by a league, at the head of which stood Thebes, who gradually converted her right of precedence into a right of power, although her ambitious attempts were resisted to the last extremity by the separate cities, and by Plataeae in particular : hence sprung many wars. The general affairs were decided upon in four assemblies, (jSotAat,) held in the four districts into which Boeotia was divided ; these assemblies in conjunction elected eleven Bceotarchs, who stood at the head of the federation as su- preme magistrates and field marshals. The great extent and population of their territory might have enabled the Boeotians to act the first part on the theatre of Greece, had they not been im- peded by their pernicious form of government, by the envy felt against Thebes, and by the want of union which naturally ensued. Yet in subsequent times the example of Epaminondas and Pelo- pidas gave proof that the genius of two men was sufficient to sur- mount all these obstacles. 1,2 148 GREEKS. BOOK HI. SECOND c. Phocis was originally niled by kings descended, it is said, ERIOP ' . from Phocus, the leader of a colony from Corinth. The so- vereign power was abolished about the time of the Dorian mi- gration ; but the form of the republican constitution which suc- ceeded remains undetermined ; and of the undertakings of the Phocians previous to the Persian invasion, we know nothing more than that they waged war with the Thessalians, and were suc- cessful. As history never mentions the Phocians but in the aggregate, the whole territory must have formed but one inde- pendent state. To that state, however, the city of Delphi, which had its own constitution, did not belong : the city of Crissa with its fertile district, and the harbour of Cirrha, constituted a separate state, which became opulent by practising extortions upon the pilgrims to Delphi : this state lasted till 600, when, in consequence of the insults of the Crissaeans to the Delphian ora- cle, a war was proclaimed against them by the Amphictyons, which ended in 590 with the rasing of Crissa ; the land of which was thenceforward added to the sacred glebe of Delphi. d. Locris. Although we learn from early history that the Locrians also had their kings, among whom Ajax, the son of Oileus, is renowned in the Trojan war, and that they likewise in subsequent times adopted a republican form of government ; yet the date of that revolution, and the manner in which it was brought about, are not known. The three tribes of Locrians re- mained politically distinct. The Locri Ozolae, west of Phocis, possessed the most extensive territory ; each city of which stood independent, though Amphissa is mentioned as the capital. The country of the Locri Opuntii, eastward, consisted of the district appertaining to the city of Opus ; of their domestic organization, as well as that of their neighbours, the Locri Epicnemidii, we know nothing. e. JEtolia. The ^Etolians remained the most rude and unci- vilized of all the Hellenic races ; they were little more than a band of freebooters, and carried on their predatory excursions both by sea and land. Renowned as are the names of their ear- liest heroes, ^Etolus, Peneus, Meleager, Diomede, the nation has no place in the history of the flourishing times of Greece. Nor did they acquire any celebrity until the Macedo-Roman period, when the various insignificant tribes of which they were composed gathered themselves together and chose one com- mon leader, for the purpose of carrying on a war with the BOOK in. GREEKS. 149 Achaeans. The earlier period of their history seems, however, SECOND to afford no previous example of such an union ; their political constitution in those times is wholly unknown. f. Acarnania. This country derived its name from Acarnan, son of Alcmaeon, both of whom are adduced as its earliest kings. In the Trojan age it appears beyond a doubt, that some part at least of this country was subject to the governors of the island of Ithaca. When and how a republican government was introduced among the Acarnanians, and what were the peculiarities of that government we know not. All that can be distinguished through the veil of time is, that here likewise the different cities, the most important of which was Stratus, had each its own form of government. Those cities upon particular emergencies were wont to combine ; and out of that practice in later times, during the Macedonian period, grew up a permanent confederation. The city and district of Argos Amphilochicum constituted a separate state, which endured a long time, and flourished greatly ; it de- rived its name from Amphilochus, the founder. The inhabitants, however, being driven out by the Ambracians, whom they had themselves called in, sought assistance at the hands of the Acar- nanians, who with the help of Athens, replaced the exiles in pos- session of their city, which thenceforward was inhabited in com- mon by Amphilochians and Acarnanians, and was almost con- stantly engaged in war with Ambracia. III. Northern Greece. a. The importance of Thessaly in the earliest history of Greece, may be gathered from the principal data enumerated above for the history of the Pelasgi and the Hellenes. From this country it was that the Hellenes proceeded and spread over Greece ; and here likewise they maintained their original seat. In the Trojan age Thessaly contained ten small kingdoms, governed by heredi- tary princes, several of whom, such as Achilles and Philoctetes, were among the most renowned heroes of the time. In the pe- riod subsequent to the Trojan war and the Dorian migration, Thessaly must have experienced political revolutions similar to those of the other Grecian countries ; but neither the time nor the manner in which those revolutions occurred can be ascer- tained. All that can be deduced from the subsequent history is, 150 GREEKS. BOOK HI. SECOND that if the Thessalian cities ever did recover their political free- ' dom, they were unable to maintain it ; for in the two most emi- nent cities, Pherae and Larissa, with whose history that of the whole country is closely connected, the supreme power had fallen into the hands of arbitrary individuals, who appear to have kept possession of it almost without interruption. Even before the breaking out of the Persian war, Larissa was under the rule of the Aleuadse ; a family who claimed descent from Hercules, and are specially denominated by Herodotus kings of the Thessalians. They preserved their power until the Macedonian period. In Pherae there arose about the year 380, a tyrant, by the name of Jason, who extended his dominion not only over Thessaly, but likewise over several of the neighbouring barbarous tribes. The sceptre of Jason passed rapidly and successively into the hands of his three brothers, Polydorus, Polyphron, and Alexander. The last was first driven out of Larissa by the Aleuadae, assisted by the Macedonians ; was afterwards worsted in war by Pelopidas ; and finally, at the instigation of his wife Thebe, was murdered, 356, by her brothers, Lycophron and Tisiphonus. The two mur- derers then assumed the supreme power, but were, in compliance with the request of the Aleuadae, deposed by Philip of Macedon. Some other such tyrants are met with at intervals in the rest of the Thessalian cities, such as Pharsalus, etc. b. Epirus. This country was occupied by several tribes, partly Greek and partly barbarian. The most powerful of these was that of the Molossi, who were governed by kings of the house of the ^Eacidae, descendants of Pyrrhus, the son of Achilles. This Greek family was the only one that held the kingly power for a permanency ; it must be observed, however, that previous to the Macedonian period, those sovereigns were by no means lords of the whole of Epirus ; for the other non-Hellenic races, such as the Thesprotii, Orestii, etc. had their own separate kings. Moreover the Corinthian colony of Ambracia constituted a distinct state, generally governed as a republic, although sometimes subject to the rule of tyrants. But, in consequence of an alliance framed with the Macedonian kings, the whole of Epirus, and even Am- bracia itself, was placed under the sceptre of the Molossian kings ; and some of those princes, Pyrrhus II. more especially, rose to be mighty conquerors. See below. BOOK in. GREEKS. 151 IV. Grecian Islands. Both the islands off the coast of Greece, and those of the Ar- SECOND chipelago, all underwent the same political revolutions as oc- P EUIOD - curred in the states on the main land. But those events did not take place till after the more ancient non-Hellenic inhabitants, such as the Phoenicians, Carians, etc. had been driven out, and the land had been taken possession of by the Hellenes. In the more extensive islands, which contained several cities, there ge- nerally arose as many small republics as there were towns, and those little states were wont to enter into mutual alliances. The smaller islands, containing but one city, formed each one small independent state, the territory of which comprised the whole island. The respective independence of these islands ceased to exist at the period of the Trojan war ; for after the Athenians had by their success placed themselves at the head of confederate Greece, and possessed themselves of the sovereignty of the sea, these smaller states, although called confederates, were treated little better than subjects, except that their political constitutions were not changed. Among the islands of the Grecian coast, the most remarkable in history are the following : a. Corcyra, a colony of Corinth, important for its naval power and trade, in which it rivalled the mother state itself: a rivalry which occasioned many feuds and wars, and was even one of the principal motives that led to the Peloponnesian war. About the time this struggle began Corcyra had attained the height of her power, being able, without foreign aid, to man a fleet of 120 galleys. The constitution appears, as at Corinth, to have been aristocratic, or oligarchical : but after the Persian war a demo- cratic faction arose, which produced the most violent internal commotions, and ended in the total ruin of Corcyra. b. jEgina. This small island was, after the Dorian migration, occupied by colonists from Epidaurus ; it however soon shook off the yoke of the mother city, and rapidly grew by commerce and navigation, to be one of the first Grecian states. jEgina, was for a long time the rival of Athens ; over whom her naval power enabled her to maintain a superiority until the time of the Per- sian war. Humbled, however, by Themistocles, 485, she could no longer support herself against the preponderating influence of 152 GREEKS. BOOK HI. SECOND Athens ; and although subsequently she made another stand for tRIOD> independence, 458, the consequences were but an increase of op- pression. Neither must it be forgotten, that JEgina suffered much, even before the Persian war, from internal broils, caused by the bitterness of party spirit engendered between the aristo- cratic and democratic factions. C. O. MUELLER, JEgineticorum liber, 1817. This treatise contains not only the political history, but likewise that of trade and arts. e. Euboea. The different cities of this island, Chalcis and Eretria in particular, had each its separate domestic constitution : in the two towns above mentioned the constitution was aristo- cratic, since the government was in the hands of the opulent, (Hippobatae ;) nevertheless we hear of tyrants in Chalcis. After the Persian war Eubcea became dependent upon Athens, which drew from that island a portion of her supplies and provisions. The oppression of the Athenians stirred up the minds of the Eubceans to rebellion, and the islanders were in the sequel ever ready to throw up their allegiance when a suitable opportunity presented itself; such an opportunity was seized in 446, when the island was recovered by Pericles ; and the attempt was re- newed in the Peloponnesian war. d. The Cyclades were first colonized by Crete, during the reign of Minos. The Carian race had in earlier times spread over these islands, but were gradually driven out by Hellenic invaders, belonging principally to the Ionian and Dorian families. The most important was Delos, chief seat of the lonians. Shel- tered under the protection of Apollo, this place became the centre of an extensive trade, and during the Persian war, 479, was selected for the treasury of Greece. Next was Paros, famed for its marble, and for the stand it made against Miltiades, 489, although it afterwards shared the fate of the other islands, and passed under the dominion of the Athenians. We know little of the constitution of the other smaller islands ; each of them con- tained one city of the same name as the island which constituted its territory. e._ Crete. The inhabitants of Crete were not pure Hellenes, but of alloyed origin, such as Curetes, Pelasgi, etc. mingled with whom were Hellenes, of the Dorian and ^Eolian stock. In the earlier periods, Crete had her kings, the most celebrated of whom were Minos, about 1300. probably first sovereign of the whole BOOK in. GREEKS. 153 island ; his brother Rhadamanthus, Idomeneus, Meriones, who SECOND followed Idomeneus to the Trojan war, and succeeded him upon the throne : the last king Etearchus, about 800, after whose death a republican form of government was introduced. Under these kings Crete was powerful on sea : to Minos is ascribed the honour of having by his fleets purged the vEgaean of pirates, oc- cupied the islands, and ensured security to the mariner. To him likewise is attributed the Cretan legislation, the model, it is said, of that given to Sparta by Lycurgus. But the uncertainty as to what does and what does not belong to Minos, is in this case even greater than in that of Lycurgus ; many of the laws referred to Minos are probably nothing more than ancient Dorian institu- tions. The insular situation which in some measure ensured Crete from foreign inroads, and the proximity of Egypt and Phoenicia must indubitably have contributed to expand the germ of political civilization. The abolition of the kingly office seems to have been the effect of internal commotions, to which Crete continued to be frequently exposed, even under a republican form of government. Those commotions originated in the jea- lousy between the two largest cities, Gortina and Cnossus, which, when united, ruled the rest ; but when at war, shook the whole island, until the city of Cydonia, passing over to one of the sides, gave a turn to the balance. The laws instituted by Minos re- specting private life were enforced in all the cities of the island ; but declined at an earlier period than in the country. Each city had its own constitution ; each possessed it senate, (yepovana,*) at the head of which were ten censors, (KOO-^OI,} chosen from cer- tain families : these cosmi were not only prime magistrates, but likewise invested with the command in war, not often, it is true, waged by the Cretans against other nations, but, for that reason, more frequently with one another ; a circumstance which must have necessarily contributed to corrupt, not only their constitu- tion, but likewise their national character. MEURSII Creta, Rhodus, Cyprus, 1675, 4to. Very laborious compilations. New light, however, has been thrown upon the subject by the inscriptions published in CHISHULL'S Antiq. Asiaticce ; 1728, folio. A work which has been made use of by ST. CROIX, Des anciens gouvernemens, etc. (See above, p. 131.) The principal work upon Crete. 154 GREEKS. BOOK HI. SECOKD f C. HOECK, Crete. An attempt to explain the mythology, PERIOP - history, etc. of this island, 1823. f. Cyprus. This island, like Crete, was inhabited by a race of mixed origin, who, even in the time of Herodotus, traced their descent from Phoenicians, Africans, (Ethiopians,) from Greeks out of Arcadia, Attica, and the island of Salamis ; of which last the city of Salamis, founded by Teucer about 1 160, was a colony. There can be no doubt, that in earlier times the Phoenicians were for a long period the dominant race in the island ; since in the flourishing days of Tyre the Cyprians rebelled against their oppressors, at the same time that Psalmanezer led an expedition against the former city, about 720 : moreover, even in the present day, Phoenician monuments are still found in the island. From that time to the Persian period, there appears to have been a close connection between this island and the Phoenicians, although the Cyprians preserved their independence. Several smaller king- doms afterwards arose in various cities of the island ; the number of which in subsequent times amounted to nine, and under Amasis, about 550, were tributary to the Egyptians ; and under Cambyses, 525, to the Persians : notwithstanding this species of subjection, the various states preserved their own kings. During the Persian dominion, the Cyprians more than once joined in the insurrections against the Persians ; more particularly the kings of Salamis, now become the most powerful. So early as the year 500, Onesilus joined the Ionian rebels, but was defeated. In the wars which afterwards ensued between the Persians and Greeks, Cyprus was frequently attacked by the combined Grecian fleets ; as in 470 by Pausanias, and during the reign of Evagoras I. 449, by Cimon, who died at the siege of Citium ; yet the Persians were not driven out, but appear to have kept their footing even after the peace of 449. Among the subsequent kings of Salamis was Evagoras II. (400 390,) who was master of the greatest portion of the island ; but as in the peace of Antalcidas Cyprus was ceded to the Persians, he was obliged to wage a hot war against them, in which he lost every thing but Salamis. Finally, the Cyprians, in 356, took a part in the insurrection of the Phoeni- cians and Egyptians : thereupon the Persians sent an army against them, under the command of a younger Evagoras, (who had been banished by his uncle Protagoras,) and under that of the Athenian Phocion Salamis was besieged, but matters were made up by a negotiation. The nine small kingdoms of the BOOK in. GREEKS. 155 island continued to exist till the time of Alexander, whom they SECOND voluntarily joined during the siege of Tyre, 332, and thencefor- FERIOP ' ward Cyprus constituted a part of the Macedonian monarchy. 2. History of the Grecian Colonies. To assist the student in obtaining a general view of the events connected with the Greek colonies, the history of them will he here carried on through the subsequent period. RAOUL ROCHETTE, Histoire critique de I'etablissement des Co- lonies Grecques, Paris, 1815, 4 vols. The most comprehensive treatise on the subject : it comprises the earlier Pelasgian and the later Macedonian colonies, as well as those of the Hellenes. There is much erudition displayed in this work, but sufficient at- tention is not paid to the value of the authorities made use of. *f- D. H. HEGEWISCH, Geographic and Historic Documents re- lative to the Colonies of the Greeks, Altona, 1808, 8vo. A brief review of the subject. ST. CROIX, De Vetat et du sort des Colonies des anciens pen- files, Paris, 1786. A series of valuable and important enquiries. 1. No nation of antiquity ever founded so many Historic colonies as the Greeks : these colonies became so important in various respects, that an acquaint- colomes ance with them is indispensably requisite towards understanding the more early history of the world. Not only is the history of the civilization of the mother country and that of early trade intimately connected with these settlements, but some of them grew to such power as to have the greatest influence on political history. 2. The Grecian colonies, to which the follow- ing observations apply, are those founded by the Hellenes in the time which elapsed between the Dorian migration and the Macedonian period. It 156 GREEKS. BOOK in. appears certain that before the date of that mi- PEHIOD. r . ~~ gration some Pelasgian, and perhaps even some Hellenic settlers passed over into Italy. The history of these colonies however is not only in- volved in obscurity, but it is besides known that they ceased after a time to be Greek. The later settlements of the Macedonians were of a quite different nature from those of the Hellenes, to which we now allude. Hellenic 3. The Hellenic race spread alike to the east and to the west of Greece, their settlements, how- ever, were confined to the shores of the Mediter- ranean and Black sea. The countries in which their principal colonies were established, were Asia Minor and Thrace in the east ; the coasts of Lower Italy and Sicily in the west. Nevertheless particular settlements were to be found scattered here and there on the shores of most other coun- tries. Origin of 4. The Grecian colonies had their origin either nies. in political motives, being generally made in ac- cordance with the express command or advice of an oracle, (for the propagation of the religion of the parent state was always connected therewith,) or, in commercial speculations ; the former was the case, almost without exception, with the set- tlements made by the mother country herself; the latter, with those which had branched out of such colonies as had already exalted themselves by their commerce. In fact, almost all the Gre- cian colonies applied more or less to trade, even when that was not the sole object of their founda- tion. Relations 5. The connection existing between the colo- BOOK HI. GREEKS. 157 nies and the mother cities was generally deter- SECOND mined by the same causes that led to their foun- - dation. In those cases where a city had been colony and founded by malcontent or banished emigrants, all m dependence on the mother country was naturally out of the question; and even in the colonies es- tablished for the purposes of trade, that depend- ence was but feeble and brief; the mother cities failing in power, if not in will, to enforce it. The very independence of so many colonies, made (al- most without exception) in countries preeminently favoured by nature in productions and climate, and so situated as to oblige the inhabitants to na- vigation and commerce, must have given a great impulse to the civilization of the Hellenic race, and may be regarded as the main cause of its rapid progress and wide extension ; wider indeed than that of any other nation of the ancient world. What a variety of political ideas must have been formed among a people whose settlements, more than a hundred in number, had each its own pe- culiar form of government. 6. Of the Greek colonies, the most ancient, and importance . . of the Asi- in many respects the most important, were those atic Greek along the western coast of Asia Minor, extending se from the Hellespont to the boundary of Cilicia. Here, ever since the Trojan war, which first made these countries generally known, Hellenes of the three great families, ^Eolians, lonians, and Dorians had planted settlements. These were the most important for trade ; and here likewise in the native country of Homer, the father of Gre- cian civilization, of Alcaeus, and of Sappho, poesy, both epic and lyric, expanded her first and fairest 158 GREEKS. BOOK HI. SECOND blossoms ; and hence too, the mother country her- - self received the first impulse of moral and culti- vated taste. 1. The JEolian colonies. Their original foundation dates about 1124: they appear to have been a consequence of the Dorian migration, having been established during that great movement in Greece. The Pelopidae, who had been driven out of Pelo- ponnesus, Orestes, his son Penthilus, his grandson Archelaus, and his great grandson Grais, successively headed the emigrants, who proceeded slowly by land, divided, it appears., into several companies, with which some Boeotians and others gradually coalesced. In Asia they occupied the coasts of Mysia and Caria ; a strip of land which from thence derived the appel- lation of ^olis. They moreover possessed the islands of Les- bos, Tenedos, and the Hecatonnesi. On the main land, in the quarter named from them ^Eolis, they erected twelve cities, the most eminent of which were Cyme and Smyrna ; the latter, however, afterwards fell into the hands of the lonians. But their chief settlements were on the island of Lesbos ; here they inhabited five cities, at the head of which, and likewise of all their other colonies, stood Mitylene. They had likewise spread inland as far as mount Ida. All these towns were inde- pendent of one another, and possessed their own peculiar forms of government : our information, however, respecting these con- stitutions extends no further than to enable us to ascertain that they were subject to many disorders, which it was often at- tempted to quell by nominating rulers of unlimited power, under the title of jEsymnetae. These were elected sometimes for a stipulated period, at others for life ; the most celebrated of the number was Pittacus of Mitylene, who flourished about 600, and was the contemporary of Sappho and AlcaBus. The ^Eolians maintained their independence till the time of Cyrus, with the exception of Smyrna, which as early as 600, was captured and destroyed by the Lydians, and not rebuilt till four hundred years afterwards, when it was restored by Antigonus, and entered upon its flourishing period. The cities of the main land were com- pelled to acknowledge the supremacy of the Persian conqueror ; but not the islands. The JEolian cities were not leagued toge- ther by any permanent bond ; it was only in peculiar cases that they debated in common. Mitylene, which they all regarded as BOOK in. GREEKS. 159 their capital, was the only one of their colonies that became rich SECOND by trade, and formidable by its naval power. Yet in 470 it was , "- RIOP :. tributary to Athens ; having seceded in 428, at the time of the Peloponnesian war, it was recaptured and almost levelled to the earth by the Athenians. 2. The Ionian colonies. These were, no doubt, founded at a later period than those of the .^Eolians ; like them, however, they were a consequence of the Dorian migration. The lonians, driven out of Peloponnesus by the Achaeans, had withdrawn to Athens, from whence, sixty years afterwards, that is to say about 1044, they proceeded by sea to Asia, headed by Neleus and others of the sons of Codrus. They were joined, however, by some Thebans, Phocians, Eubcean Abantes, and various other Greeks. In Asia they settled on the southern coast of Lydia and the northern shore of Caria ; which, together with the islands of Sa- mos and Chios, took from them the name of Ionia. Here they built twelve cities on the main land ; namely, reckoning from north to south, Phocaea, Erythrae, Clazomene, Teos, Lebedus, Colophon, Ephesus, Priene, Myus, Miletus, and in the islands, Samos and Chios. They possessed in common one sanctuary, the Panionium temple of Neptune, built on the headland of My- cale. Here they celebrated their festivals, and assembled to deliberate upon matters affecting the general interest, although it must still be remembered that each city was in itself inde- pendent. This independence was maintained until the time of the Lydian dynasty of the Mermnadae, and that of Cyrus, under whose reign they were compelled to submit to the Persian yoke. Still, under the Persian rule, they for the most part preserved their own form of government, and were subject only so much as they had to pay tribute. Nevertheless they seized every oppor- tunity of delivering themselves from this species of thraldom ; and hence their history in the following period is closely inter- woven with that of Greece. The political constitution was, no doubt, at an early period republican in all ; but these colonies likewise were oppressed by continual factions, and frequently by tyrants. Among the towns situate on the continent, the most remarkable were Miletus, Ephesus, and Phocaea. Mi- letus was the principal seat of trade. It had been founded by the Carians before the arrival of the lonians ; but was by the latter raised to opulence and power. The most nourishing period of its existence was between 700 500 : in the latter year it was 160 GREEKS. BOOK in. SECOND implicated in the insurrection of Aristagoras against the Persians, ERIOP. j n conse q uence o f w hich it was destroyed in 496. From that time Miletus never recovered its ancient splendour. Neverthe- less, in the days of her prosperity Miletus was, next to Tyre and Carthage, the first emporium of the world. Her sea trade was chiefly carried on in the Euxine, and the Palus Mseotis, whose shores, on all sides, were occupied by her colonies, amounting, according to some authorities, to more than a hundred. By means of these settlements she monopolized the whole of the northern trade in pulse, dry fish, slaves, and furs. Her land trade was carried on by the great military road, constructed by the Persians, far into the interior of Asia. Four harbours ad- mitted her vessels ; and her naval power was so great, that she had been known, more than once, to fit out, unaided, fleets of from eighty to a hundred sail. Phocaea. The flourishing pe- riod of this establishment was contemporary with that of Miletus; but ended at the rise of the Persian dominion, 540, when the Phocaeans, rather than submit to the Persian yoke, chose to for- sake the city of their fathers and migrate to Corsica, although one half of the inhabitants repented of their resolution and re- turned. Phocaea had the most extensive trade by sea of all the Grecian cities ; they were to the west what the Milesians were to the north. Their navigation extended as far as Gades ; and they not only visited the coasts of Italy, Gaul, and Corsica, but even founded colonies in these countries ; as for instance, Aleria in Corsica, Elea in Italy, and, above all, Massilea, (Marseilles,) on the coast of Gaul. Ephesus. This city was likewise originally founded by the Carians, but subsequently occupied by the lo- nians. Its independence was maintained until the time of Croe- sus, who annexed it to his other conquests about 560. The con- stitution was aristocratic ; the government being in the hands of a senate, (yepovtrm,*) combined with the magistrates, (eTr/K-XjTo<) : and the family which had once possessed the throne preserved certain prerogatives. Ephesus was not so important in a com- mercial point of view as Phocaea and Miletus ; but was much celebrated for its temple of Diana, which in 355 was fired by Erostratus, and afterwards rebuilt with more sumptuous splen- dour. The flourishing period of Ephesus appears to have com- menced at this time, long after that of Miletus and Phocaea had terminated ; for both in the Macedonian and Roman ages Ephe- sus was regarded as the first city of Asia Minor. Of the cities BOOK in. GREEKS. 161 on the islands, Samos was the most important, for its trade, SECOND and for its naval power. The period of its splendour was under EltlOD ' the reign of the tyrant Polycrates, 540 523, whose sway ex- tended over the sea and islets of the neighbourhood. Syloson, brother to the tyrant, having by the assistance of the Persians, 517, obtained possession of Samos, the island was almost depo- pulated. Soon afterwards Samos became dependent upon the Athenians, who in 440 introduced a democratic form of govern- ment, and made it the rendezvous for her troops and fleets during the war with Sparta. Chios was scarcely inferior to Sa- mos, either in power or wealth. It submitted to the Persian yoke with the rest of the Ionian colonies ; but was so powerful, that in 500, at the insurrection of Aristagoras, ninety-eight sail of the combined fleet belonged to Chios. After the defeat of Xerxes, 469, it entered into the Athenian league, from which it endeavoured to secede in the Peloponnesian war, 412. The naval power of the Chians was still considerable ; and those islanders had the high honour of not suffering prosperity to in- flate them with overweening ambition. F. G. RAMBACH, De Mileto ejusgue coloniis, 1790, 4to. 3. The Dorian colonies. These were situated in Asia Minor, upon the southern coast of Caria, and in the islands of Cos and Rhodes, but were all planted at a later period than the Ionian colonies, and, no doubt, were the result of successive migrations. The Dorians appear to have gradually spread beyond Pelopon- nesus, over the islands of the Archipelago to the Asiatic coast : in Rhodes they erected the cities of lalyssus, Camirus, and Lin- dus ; in Cos a city of the same name ; on the main land two cities, Halicarnassus and Cnidus. These six ancient colonies had, like the lonians, one common sanctuary, the temple of Apollo Triopius, where they celebrated their festivals and held their deliberative assemblies. Halicarnassus, however, was after- wards excluded from the confederation. They remained inde- pendent until the Persian period, although the constitutions of the separate cities were subject to violent revolutions ; thus at Cnidus the oligarchy was converted into a democracy ; Halicar- nassus was likewise generally subject to the Carian sovereigns, among whom Mausolus and Artemisia are names familiar to all. The three cities in Rhodes appear never to have grown to any importance ; that of Rhodes, not built till after the irruption of Xerxes into Greece, 480, soon eclipsed the others : its flourish- 162 GREEKS. BOOK m. SECOND ing period began after the death of Alexander. At no period of P ERIOP - early history could the Dorian colonies, or those of the JEolians, compete in wealth and commerce with the lonians. 7. The shores of the Propontis, the Black sea, and the Palus Maeotis, were likewise covered with Grecian settlements. Nearly all these were colonies of the city of Miletus alone, and were, without exception, all of them the marts of a prosperous trade. Although the date of each cannot be precisely defined, they must have arisen between the eighth and sixth centuries before the Christian era. They were not only sovereigns of the Black sea, but likewise extended their trade over the whole of southern Russia, and eastward to the regions beyond the Caspian sea ; that is, to great Bukharia. On the Propontis stood Lampsacus (adjoining the Hellespont) and Cyzicus, on an island connected with the continent by means of bridges. The latter town certainly was one of the most beau- tiful and nourishing cities of Asia ; but this did not occur until the Roman age, and was in consequence of the fostering protec- tion of the Romans. Opposite to Cyzicus, on the Thracian coast, was Perinthus, subsequently called Heraclea ; at the mouth of the Thracian Bosporus stood Byzantium, over against which was Chalcedon. The prosperity of all these towns aifords suffi- cient proof of the skill with which sites were chosen for the esta- blishment of colonies. HEYNE, Antiquities Byzantina : Commentationes duce, 1809. The first of which contains the fragments of the earlier history of Byzantium. The colonies of the Black sea were : on the southern coast of Bithynia, Heraclea, in the territory of the Maryandini. This place preserved its republican constitution amid frequent broils and revolutions, brought about by the oligarchic and democratic factions, until about B. C. 370, when the democrats having gained the upper hand, a path was opened to Clearchus, who became ty- rant, and abrogated the senate, (fiovXy ;) the family of the tyrant continued for a long time in possession of power, after he himself BOOK HI. GREEKS. 163 had been murdered by two disciples of Plato. In Paphlagonia SECOND was Sinope, the most powerful of all the Grecian settlements on the Black sea, of which it long held the sovereignty. The free- dom and independence of this place lasted to about 100, when it fell under the dominion of the kings of Pontus, and afterwards under that of the Romans. The principal source from which it derived its wealth were the shoals of migratory fish (i^Xa^uS^,) which, issuing from the Palus Maeotis, spread along the shore of the Black sea down to the Thracian Bosporus. In Pontus was Amisus, the mother city of Trapezus, and which shared the fate of Sinope. On the eastern coast stood the cities of Phasis, Dios- curias, and Phanagoria : this last was the principal mart of the slave trade, and, during the Macedonian period, the staple for Indian commodities imported across the Oxus and the Caspian sea. In the Chersonesus Taurica stood Panticapseum, capital city of the little Grecian kingdom of Bosporus, whqse kings (among whom Spartacus, about 439, and more especially Leucon, about 350, are celebrated) remained in alliance with Athens till Mithridates the Great laid there the foundation of his dominion. On the northern coast was the city of Tanais, on the mouth of a river of the same name at the bottom of the Palus Maeotis. Olbia was situated at the mouth of the Borysthenes. These two places, and Olbia in particular, were of the highest importance for the inland trade, which issuing from thence in a northern and easterly direction, was extended to the very centre of Asia. The colonies of the western coast, such as Apollonia, Tomi, and Salmidessus, were of less notoriety. 8. The coast of Thrace and Macedonia, washed by the ^Egaean sea, was likewise covered with Grecian colonies, from various cities, and espe- cially from Corinth and Athens. The Athenians having obtained in the Persian war the sove- reignty of the sea, endeavoured to establish their dominion in this part of the world ; hence the cities in that quarter were closely implicated in the quarrels and wars excited, first by the jealousy between Sparta and Athens, and afterwards by that which sprang up between Athens and Ma- cedonia, in the reign of Philip. 164 GREEKS. BOOK in. SECOND On the Thracian coast of the Chersonesus, regarded as the op ' key of Europe, and ranging along the Hellespont, were the towns of Sestos, Cardia, and ^Egospotamos ; farther to the west stood Maronea and Abdera, the latter a colony of Teos. Of far greater importance, however, were the towns on the Macedonian coast, Amphipolis, Chalcis, Olynthus, PotidaBa. The first of these towns, founded about B.C. 464, was a colony from Athens, which endeavoured to keep it in a state of dependence. Chalcis was a colony from a city of the same name in Euboea. In 470 it was dependent on Athens ; but in 432, the inhabitants having raised the standard of rebellion, forsook their houses and voluntarily withdrew to Olynthus. Olynthus derived its name from the founder, one of the sons of Hercules : in the course of time it ranked among the most powerful cities of Thrace, although it was tributary to the Athenians. It took a share in the war between Athens and Sparta, and continued to be a flourishing city until 348, when it was taken by Philip of Macedon, and destroyed. Potidsea was a colony of Corinth, from which it received annual magistrates, (em&^i&vpyo*,) having become tributary to Athens after the Persian war, it revolted in 431 : obliged to yield to the Athenian arms, its inhabitants were expelled, and their place sup- plied by an Athenian colony. It now became a possession of Athens, and remained so till it was taken by Philip in 358. 9. The Grecian settlements westward of the mother country were, almost without exception, made at a later period than those in the vEgean and Black seas : they reached nevertheless to an equal degree of splendour ; and though their trade was not so extensive, it was equally profit- able : these colonies not only rivalled those we have above described, in wealth, but surpassed them in power, being generally characterized by the wisdom and prudence displayed in their re- spective constitutions. The foundation of most of them may be dated between B. C. 750 and 650 ; consequently at a period when all the cities in the mother country had already been republican- ized : and at a time when there could be no lack BOOK in. GREEKS. 163 of domestic troubles, which would furnish sulfi- SECOND . f . PERIOD. cient motives for emigration. 1. Grecian settlements in Lower Italy. The most numerous and important of these were scattered around the bay of Taren- tum ; they extended likewise along the western coast of Italy up to Naples. These colonies were variously traced to the Dorian, Achaean, and Ionian families : they were likewise distinguished by political characteristics, the government in the Dorian settle- ments being generally more aristocratic, in the rest more demo- cratic : it must be observed, however, that, with respect to the various revolutions which the respective constitutions underwent, it is hardly possible to give any general information, excepting so far as regards the earliest times. Of Dorian origin were Ta- rentum, and its colonies Heraclea and Brundusium. Of Achaean origin were Sybaris and Croton, together with the colonies of the latter, Laus, Metapontum, Posidonia ; which last founded in its turn, Terina, Caulonia, and Pandosia. Of Ionian origin were Thurii, (built on the site where Sybaris had formerly stood,) Rhegium, Elea, Cumae, and its branch settlement of Neapolis. Locri Epizephyrii, a colony of the Locri Ozolae, may be regarded as an ^olian city. The most remarkable of these cities in re- spect of general history are : a. Tarentum, founded by the Parthenii, from Sparta, about 707. It waged several wars with the aboriginal tribes in the vicinity, the Messapians, Lucanians, etc. and grew to be one of the richest and most powerful of the maritime towns. The brilliant period of Tarentum appears to have fallen between 500 and 400. Excess of wealth subsequently introduced luxury, which extin- guished the national spirit. Nevertheless Tarentum preserved its independence until 273, when, after the war with Pyrrhus, it fell under the Roman dominion. The constitution was ori- ginally a moderate aristocracy ; but was commuted soon after the Persian war into a democracy, which was, however, curbed by prudent restrictions. Tarentum had its senate, (/3oyXi?,) without whose consent war could not be undertaken ; its magistrates elected half by lot, half by majority of votes given in the assem- blies of the commons. Among its most celebrated citizens is reckoned the Pythagoraean Archytas, who, after the year B. C. 390, was frequently at the head of the state, filling the offices of general and supreme magistrate. The constitution appears to have preserved its form until the Roman period, although the 166 GREEKS. BOOK HI. SECOND national spirit was greatly corrupted by a luxury almost exceed- ing the limits of credibility. b. Croton, founded 710 by the Acheeans, under the guidance of Myscellus from Rhype in Achaia. This city must have at- tained to very great power during the very first century of its existence ; since in the battle of Sagra against the Locrians, which may with probability be dated about 600, the Crotoniates were able to set on foot an army of 120,000 men. Neither does the defeat which they there suffered appear to have debilitated the settlement for any length of time; for in 510, with nearly the same number of forces, they attacked the Sybarites, and de- stroyed their city. The original constitution was, no doubt, a moderate democracy ; but we are unacquainted with the details of its organization. Pythagoras was the reformer of customs, moral and political, not only at Croton, but in several other of the Italico-Greek cities. This philosopher arrived at Croton about 540, and there laid the foundation of the league or secret association named after him ; the object of which was, not to change the form of government in the Italian cities, but to create men capable of managing the helm of state. This reform and influence of the Pythagoraeans lasted about thirty years, when their order underwent the same fate as generally befalls a secret association founded with a political view. Probably about 510 the Pythagorsean league was broken asunder by the democratic faction under Cylon. The consequence was universal anarchy, not only in Croton, where, about 494, a certain Clinias usurped the supreme power, but likewise in the other cities : these dis- orders, however, were quelled by the intervention of the Achee- ans ; and the Achaean colonies not only adopted the laws of their mother cities, but likewise soon afterwards signed a league in the temple of Jupiter Homorius, about 460 : it appears that Croton, having already recovered from the blow it had received, was at the head of this league. In this happy posture affairs remained till about 400. After the kings of Syracuse had commenced their attacks on Magna Gnecia, Croton was repeatedly captured ; as in B. C. 389 by Dionysius I. and about 321 ; and again, in 299, by Agathocles. Finally, after the war with Pyrrhus, 277> it became dependent on Rome. c. Sybaris was founded about 720, like the foregoing, by the Achseans, who were mingled with Troszenians : this settlement existed till 510, when it was destroyed by Croton. Soon after its foundation it became one of the most extensive, populous, and BOOK HI. GREEKS. 167 luxurious cities, so much so, that the effeminacy of the Sybarites SECOND became proverbial. Sybaris appears to have been at the height of OD ' her prosperity from about 600 550 ; she then possessed a re- spectable territory, comprising four of the neighbouring tribes, and twenty-five cities or places. The extraordinary fertility of the soil, and the admission of all strangers to the rights of citizen- ship, tended to increase the population so much, that Sybaris, in the war against Croton, is said to have brought into the field 300,000 men. The vast wealth possessed, not only by Sybaris, but by the other cities in this quarter, was probably derived from the great trade in oil and wine carried on with Africa and Gaul : that such was the case at Agrigentum we know with certainty. The constitution of Sybaris was likewise, it appears, a moderate democracy: towards the year 510 one Telys took possession of the supreme power, and drove out five hundred of the optimates, who fled to Croton. The Crotoniates received the exiles, and the Sybarites having put to death their ambassadors, a war was kindled between the two cities, and ended in 510 by the defeat of the Sybarites and the destruction of their city. d. Thurii, founded near the site of ancient Sybaris in 446 by Athens, although the inhabitants were of mixed origin ; a cir- cumstance which gave rise at first to many domestic broils, the citizens disputing as to who was the real founder ; at last, 433, the Delphian oracle declared the city to be a colony of Apollo. The constitution was at first a moderate democracy ; but this was soon converted into an oligarchy, all the power and the best lands having been taken possession of by the Sybarite families who had joined the settlement. The Sybarites were, however, again expelled, and Thurii grew into importance by the confluence of several new colonies out of Greece ; its constitution was me- liorated by the adoption of the laws of Charondas of Catana. The principal enemies of the Thurians were the Lucanians, by whom they were beaten, 390. The desultory attacks of that tribe obliged them, 286, to crave the assistance of the Romans, which soon after afforded the Tarentines an excuse for attacking them. Thurii now formed a part of the Roman dependencies, and after suffering much in the Carthaginian wars, was at last, B. C. 1 90, occupied by a Roman colony. e. Locri Epizephyrii. The question of their origin is subject to dispute : the causes of this uncertainty are, that here, as in most other of the cities, various bands of colonists arrived at va- rious times, and those bands themselves were composed of a mix- 168 GREEKS. BOOK m. SECOND ture of several Grecian stocks. The chief colony was sent out, B. C. 683, by the Locri Ozolse. After suffering much from vio- lent internal commotions, Locri found, about 660, a lawgiver in Zaleucus, whose institutions remained more than two centuries inviolate. The constitution was aristocratic, the administration being in the hands of a hundred families. The supreme magis- trate was called cosmopolis. The senate consisted of a thousand members, probably elected from the commons, with whom re- sided, either wholly or partially, the legislative power. The maintenance of the laws was, as in other Grecian cities, com- mitted to the nomophylaces. Locri was certainly neither so wealthy nor so luxurious as the cities above mentioned ; but she was honourably distinguished by the good manners and quiet conduct of her citizens, who were contented with their govern- ment. The nourishing period of this city lasted till the time of Dionysius II. who having been driven out of Syracuse, tied with his dependents to Locri, the native country of his mother : by his insolence and licentiousness of manners the city was brought to the verge of ruin ; after his return to Syracuse, 347, the Lo- crians avenged their wrongs upon his family. Locri afterward maintained its recovered independence until the time of Pyrrhus, who, 277j placed a garrison in the town ; the Locrians, however, put the troops to the sword, and passed over to the Roman side : the city was in consequence sacked by Pyrrhus in 275. From that time Locri remained a confederate town dependent on Rome, and suffered much in the second Punic war. f. Rhegium, a colony from Chalcis in Eubcea, 668 : here also the government was aristocratic, the supreme power being in the hands of a council of a thousand men, selected only from Messe- nian families, which had joined the original settlers. Hence arose an oligarchy, of which Anaxilaus took advantage to assume the sole dominion, 494, in which he Avas succeeded by his sons. These having been driven out, 464, commotions ensued, which, after a time, were quelled by adopting the laws of Charondas. Rhe- gium now enjoyed a period of happiness, which lasted till B. C. 392, when it was captured and destroyed by Dionysius I. Dio- nysius II. restored it in some measure ; but in 281 the city was taken possession of by a Roman legion, who being sent for the purpose of garrisoning the place, murdered the inhabitants. The soldiers were punished with death, 271 ; but Rhegium thence- forth remained in a state of dependence upon Rome. g. Cumse, founded as early as 1030, from Chalcis in Eubcea. BOOK HI. GREEKS. 169 This city attained at an early period to a high degree of power SECOND and prosperity ; its territory being of considerable extent, its i>i:IUOD - navy respectable, and Neapolis and Zancle (or Messana) among its colonies. The government was a moderate aristocracy : this constitution was subverted about 544, by the tyrant Aristode- mus ; but restored after his assassination. Cuniae was subject to repeated annoyances from the petty Italian nations ; and in 564 she was invaded and defeated by the Etruscans and Daunians combined ; in 474 she beat the Etruscans at sea : but in 420 was captured by the Campanians ; together with whom she be- came a dependent of Rome in 345. Cumae, nevertheless, in con- sequence of its harbour of Puteoli, preserved a share of import- ance, even under the Roman dominion. HEYNE, Prolusiones 16 de civitatum Grcecarum per magnam Grceciam et Siciliam inslilutis et legibus. Collected in his Gpus- cula, vol. vii. 2. Grecian settlements in Sicily. These occupied the eastern and southern shores of the island: they were founded in the same period as those of Magna Graecia, and belonged partly to the Dorian, partly to the Ionian stocks. Of Dorian origin were Messana and Tyndaris, from Messene ; Syracuse, who in her turn founded Acrae, Casmense, and Camarina, from Corinth ; Hybla and Thapsus from Megara ; Segesta from Thessaly ; He- raclea Minoa from Crete; Gela, which founded Agrigentum, from Rhodes ; and Lipara, on the small island of that name, from Cnidus. Of Ionian origin were Naxus, the founder of Leontini ; Catana and Tauromenium, from Chalcis ; Zancle, (after its occupation by Messenian colonists, called Messana,) founded by Cumae, and in its turn founder of Himera and Mylae. The most remarkable of these towns in ancient history are : a. Syracuse, the most powerful of all the Greek colonies, and consequently that concerning which our information is the most copious. The history of Syracuse, on which, as that town was for a long time mistress of the greatest part of the island, de- pends nearly the whole history of Sicily, comprises four periods. 1. From the foundation, B. C. 735, to Gelon, 484; a space of two hundred and fifty-one years. During this period Syracuse was a republic, but does not appear to have risen to any very great height of power : yet she founded the colonies of Acrae, 665, Casmenae, 645, and Camarina, 600. The assistance of her parent city, Corinth, and Corcyra, alone prevented her falling a prey to Hippocrates, sovereign of Gela ; and even then she was 170 GREEKS. BOOK HI. SECOND obliged to cede Camarina, 497- The constitution was aristo- cratic ; but not free from domestic troubles. The administration was in the hands of the opulent, (ya^pot ;) but these were, about 485, expelled by the democratic faction and their own mutinous slaves. They fled to Casmenae, and by the help of Gelon, sove- reign of Gela, were restored to their homes ; Gelon retaining the power in his own hands. 2. From Gelon to the expulsion of Thrasybulus, 484 466. The three brothers, Gelon, Hiero, and Thrasybulus, successively ruled over Syracuse. Gelon, 484 477- He was at once the founder of the greatness of Syracuse, and of his own power : this he effected partly by increasing the population, bringing in new inhabitants from other Greek cities, and partly by the great victory he won over the Carthaginians, in alliance with the Persians, 480. At this early period Syra- cuse was so powerful, both by sea and by land, as to justify Gelon in claiming the office of generalissimo of Greece, when Sparta and Athens came to solicit his aid. His beneficent reign not only gained him the love of the Syracusans during his life, but like- wise procured him heroic honours after death at the hands of a grateful people. He died in 477. and was succeeded by his brother Hiero I. who had till then ruled over Gela. The reign of this prince was splendid, his court was brilliant, and a foster- ing protection was extended to arts and sciences. Hiero's power strengthened by the establishment of new citizens, both in Syra- cuse and its subordinate towns of Catana and Naxus, whose ori- ginal inhabitants are translated to Leontini. Wars waged against Thero, 476, and his son Thrasidaeus, tyrants of Agrigentum : after the expulsion of Thrasidaeus, that town forms an alliance with Syracuse ; the Syracusan fleet sent to the assistance of Cumae, wins a victory over the Etruscans. Hiero, dying in 467, was succeeded by his brother Thrasybulus, who, after a short reign of eight months, was expelled for his cruelty by the Syra- cusans and the confederate cities. 3. From the expulsion of Thrasybulus to the elevation of Dionysius I. ; Syracuse a free democratic state : from 466 405. Reestablishment of republican forms of government in Syracuse and the other Grecian cities ; accompanied, however, with many commotions and civil wars, proceeding from the expulsion of the new citizens and the resto- ration of the ancient inhabitants to their property. Increasing power and prosperity of Syracuse, who is now at the head of the confederate Grecian cities in the island, and soon endeavours to convert her precedence into supremacy. The new democratic BOOK in. GREEKS. 171 constitution quickly suffers from the diseases incident to that SECOND form of government ; a vain attempt is made to apply a remedy FERIOD ' by the introduction of the petalismus, B. C. 454 ; in the mean time the Siculi, aboriginal inhabitants of Sicily, unite in closer league under their leader Ducetius ; attempting to expel the Greeks, 451, they engage the Syracusans in reiterated wars; the arms of Syracuse are successful, her authority is confirmed by the subjection of the ambitious Agrigentum, 446, and by her naval victory over the Etruscans. First but unsuccessful attempt of the Athenians to interpose in the domestic affairs of Sicily, by siding with Leontini against Syracuse, 427 \ eleven years after- ward occurs the great expedition against Syracuse, 415 413, caused by the disputes between Segesta and Selinus ; the expe- dition ends in the total rout of the Athenian fleet and army, (see below,) and the power of Syracuse reaches its zenith. A consti- tutional reform takes place, 412, brought about by Diocles, whose laws were subsequently adopted by several other of the Sicilian cities. The magistrates were chosen by lot. The rest of the laws, which appear to have had reference to the criminal code, were the production of a committee over which Diocles pre- sided ; these enactments were so beneficial to Syracuse, that the author of them was honoured with a temple after his death. Yet as early as 410, a renewal of the differences between Segesta and Selinus afforded a pretext for war with Carthage, from whom the Segestani had besought assistance ; by this war the whole state of affairs in Sicily was subverted. The rapid strides made by the Carthaginians, who, under the command of Hannibal the son of Gisgo, took, 409, Selinus and Himera, and even Agrigentum, 406, engendered domestic factions and commotions within Syra- cuse ; and amid those disorders the crafty Dionysius succeeded first in obtaining the office of general, and then, after supplanting his colleagues, the sovereign power of Syracuse, 405. 4. From Dionysius I. to the Roman occupation, 405 212. Dionysius I. 405 368. Ominous commencement of his reign, by a defeat at Gela and the mutiny of his troops. A plague wasting the Car- thaginian army, he is enabled to patch up a peace, B. C. 405, by which it is agreed, that Carthage, besides her territory in the island, shall retain all the conquests made during the war, to- gether with Gela and Camarina. But the project of expelling the Carthaginians out of Sicily, in order to subject the whole island, and to fall upon Magna Grecia, kindles a long series of wars both with Carthage and the cities of Magna Grecia. Second 172 GREEKS. BOOK m. SECNOD war with Carthage against Hannibal and Himilco, 398 392. ERIOD ' Dionysius loses all that he before had conquered, and is himself besieged in Syracuse ; but a plague once more attacking the Carthaginians, rescues him from his predicament, 396 ; deeds of hostility continued notwithstanding till 392, when a peace was signed, by which Carthage ceded the town of Tauromenium. From 394, desultory attacks on the confederate Grecian cities in Lower Italy, particularly on Rhegium, the chief seat of the Syracusan emigrants, which, after repeated invasions, is at last compelled to yield, 387- Third war with Carthage, 383, against Mago ; Dionysius wins a victory, which is however followed by a greater defeat ; and the war ends the same year by the adop- tion of a peace, according to which each party is to retain what he then had ; the Halycus is fixed as the boundary line ; so that Selinus and a portion of the territory of Agrigentum remain in the hands of the Carthaginians. Fourth war : inroad upon the Carthaginian states; it ends, however, in the signing of a treaty. The decision of these wars generally depended on the side taken by the Siculi, the most powerful aboriginal race in Sicily. Dio- nysius I. having died by poison, 368, was succeeded by Dio- nysius II. his eldest son by one of his two wives, Doris of Locri, but under the guardianship of his step-uncle Dio, the brother of Dionysius's other wife Aristomache. Neither Dio or his friend Plato, who was three times invited to Syracuse, were able to im- prove the character of a prince whose mind had been corrupted by bad education. Dio is banished, 360. He returns, 357, and, in the absence of Dionysius, takes possession of Syracuse, all but the citadel. Dionysius now has recourse to stratagem ; he excites in the city distrust of Dio, and foments dissension between him and his general Heraclidas ; meanwhile he himself withdraws to Italy, taking with him his treasures. Dio is compelled to retire from the city, which is sacked by the troops garrisoned in the citadel ; hereupon the Syracusans themselves fetch back Dio ; he possesses himself of the citadel and wishes to restore the repub- lican government, but soon falls a victim to party spirit, being murdered by Callipus, B. C. 354, who usurped the government till 353, when he is driven out by Hipparinus, a brother of Dio- nysius, who keeps possession till 350. After ten years' absence, Dionysius II. by a sudden attack, becomes once more master of the city, 346. The tyranny of this prince, and the treachery of Icetas of Gela, whom the Syracusans called in to their assistance, but who leagues himself with the Carthaginians, and the for- BOOK in. GREEKS. 173 midable attempts of the latter, compel the citizens to apply to SKCOND the mother city Corinth : Corinth sends to their assistance Timo- _ * Eniop - leon with a small force, 345. Rapid change of affairs wrought by Timoleon : he beats Icetas and the Carthaginians : in 343 Dionysius is forced to deliver up the citadel and evacuate the country; he retires to Corinth, where he leads a private life. Restoration of the republican government, not only in Syracuse, where the laws of Diocles are reinstituted, but also in the rest of the Grecian cities : the revolution confirmed by a great victory over the Carthaginians, 340. In the midst of the execution of his plans Timoleon dies, 337 ; the most splendid example of a republican that history dffords ! From 337 317; almost a chasm in the history of Syracuse. Wars with Agrigentum ; the usurpa- tion of Sosistratus, disturbs the peace, both external and internal. The character of the Syracusans was already too foully corrupted for one to expect that liberty could again be established among them, without the personal superintendence of a Timoleon. They deserved the fate that befell them, when, in 317, that daring ad- venturer Agathocles assumed the sovereign power, which he maintained till 289. Renewal of the plan for expelling the Carthaginians from the island, and subjecting Magna Grsecia. Hence arises a new war with Carthage, in which Agathocles is defeated, 311, and besieged in Syracuse: by a bold stroke he passes over into Africa, accompanied by part of his fleet and army, and there with general success prosecutes the war until 307 : the insurrection of most of the Grecian cities in Sicily re- calls him from the theatre of war ; his views in Africa are conse- quently defeated. In the peace of 306 both parties retain what they had at the beginning of the war. The wars in Italy are confined to the sacking of Croton, and a victory won over the Bruttii ; and are rather predatory expeditions than regular wars. In the year 289, Agathocles died by poison, and his murderer, Maenon, seized the power ; he is expelled by the general Icetas, and flies over to the Carthaginians. Icetas rules as pretor till 278, when, in his absence, the government is usurped by Thy- nion, who meets with a rival in the person of Sosistratus ; in the mean while the mercenaries of Agathocles (the Mamertini) pos- sess themselves of Messana, and the Carthaginians press forward to the very gates of Syracuse. The Syracusans invite Pyrrhus of Epirus over from Italy ; that prince takes possession of the whole of Sicily as far as Lilybaeum ; but having by his haughti- ness incurred general hatred and disgust, he is obliged to eva- 174 GREEKS. BOOK in. SECOND cuate the island, B. C. 275. The Syracusans now appoint RIOP ' Hiero, a descendant of the ancient royal family, to the office of general : after defeating the Mamertini he is called to the throne, 269. At the breaking out of the war between Carthage and Rome, the new king forsakes his alliance with Carthage, and, passing over to the Roman side, thereby purchases a long and tranquil reign until 215, when he dies of old age. Under this wise prince Syracuse enjoyed a degree of happiness and prosperity which none of her demagogues had been able to effect. After his death the Carthaginian party became predominant; Hieronymus the grandson of Hiero is murdered, 214, and Han- nibal's intrigues enable the Carthaginian party to keep the upper hand, by contriving to place at the head of affairs his friends Hippocrates and Epicydes, who entangle Syracuse in a war with Rome ; and the city, after a long siege, celebrated by the inven- tions of Archimedes, is brought to ruin, 212. The history of Syracuse is a practical compendium of politics : what other state ever underwent so many and such various revolutions ? The history of Syracuse was at an early period disfigured by partiality. For the topography, see f BARTEL'S Letters from Calabria and Sicily, vol. iii. with a plan. f- A. ARNOLD, History of Syracuse, from its foundation to the overthrow of liberty by Dionysius. Gotha, 1816. MITFORD, History of Greece : the fourth volume contains the history of Syracuse, and a defence of the elder Dionysius. It would seem that even now it is difficult to write this history in an impartial spirit. b. Agrigentum, a colony of Gela, founded 582. The first city of Sicily next to Syracuse, of which it was frequently the rival. Its first constitution was that of the mother city ; that is to gay, Dorian or aristocratic. It fell, however, soon after its foundation, under the dominion of tyrants ; the first of whom noticed in his- tory is Phalaris, who flourished probably 566 534. He was succeeded by Alcmanes, 534 488, who was followed by Alcan- der, an indulgent ruler, in whose reign the wealth of Agrigen- tum seems to have already been considerable. More renowned than the foregoing was Theron, the contemporary and stepfather of Gelon ; he ruled from B. C. 488 472 : in conjunction with Gelon he routed the Carthaginian army, 480, and subjected Hi- mera. His son and successor, Thrasydaeus, was beaten by Hiero and expelled, 470 ; whereupon the Agrigentines, as allies of Syracuse, introduced a democracy. The period following, 470 BOOK III. GREEKS. 175 405, is that in which Agrigentum, blessed with political freedom, SECOND attained the highest degree of public prosperity. She was one of P ERIOD - the most opulent and luxurious cities in the world, and in the display of public monuments one ef the most magnificent. For her wealth she was indebted to the vast trade in oil and wine that she carried on with Africa and Gaul, in neither of which were those productions hitherto naturalized. In the year 446 the Agrigentines, excited by envy, fell upon the Syracusans, but were defeated. In the war with Athens they took no share ; but in the Carthaginian invasion of Sicily, 405, Agrigentum was taken and destroyed ; from this blow she recovered but slowly, and never effectually. By Timoleon she was, in some measure, restored, 340 ; and under Agathocles, 307, was able to head the cities combined against him, but was beaten. After the death of Agathocles, a tyrant, by the name of Phintias, took possession of the sovereign power; and was attacked, 278, by Icetas of Syracuse. At the breaking out of the first Punic war, Agrigen- tum was used by the Carthaginians as a military depot ; but was taken by the Romans as early as 262. c. The fate of the other Sicilian cities was more or less de- pendent on that of Agrigentum and Syracuse : they all had ori- ginally republican forms of government ; but though the Ionian colonies had a celebrated legislator in the person of Charondas, (probably about 660,) they had the same fortune with the rest, of being frequently oppressed by tyrants, either from among their own citizens, or by those of Syracuse, who often used to drive out the old inhabitants, and introduce a new population more de- voted to their interest : hence must have sprung manifold wars. The foregoing history shows how grievously they likewise suffered in the wars between Syracuse and Carthage. Following the dates of their respective foundations, they may be thus arranged : Zancle, (after 664, known by the name of Messana,) the earliest, though of uncertain date ; Naxus, 736 ; Syracuse, Hybla, 735 ; Leontini, Catana, 730 ; Gela, 690 ; Acrae, B. C. 665 ; Casmenae, 645 ; Himera, 639 ; Selinus, 630 ; Agrigentum, 582. The dates of the rest cannot be ascertained with any degree of accuracy. 3. On the other islands and coasts of the Mediterranean we meet with various insulated Grecian settlements ; in Sardinia, the cities Garalis and Olbia : the date of their foundation un- known; in Corsica, Alaria, (or Alalia,) a colony of Phocaeans founded, 561 ; hither the inhabitants of the mother city betook 176 GREEKS. BOOK HI. SECOND themselves in 541 ; and subsequently, after the naval engage- P ERIOD V ment with the Etruscans and Carthaginians, withdrew, some to Rhegium, others to Massilia, 536. 4. On the coast of Gaul stood Massilia, founded by the Pho- caeans, who had been driven out of Corsica after the above men- tioned naval engagement, 536 ; or rather, there was on the same site an old settlement which was now increased. Massilia ra- pidly grew in wealth and power. Our information respecting the wars she waged on the sea against Carthage and the Etrus- cans is but of a general kind. Her territory on the main land, although rich in wine and oil, was limited in extent ; she esta- blished, nevertheless, several colonies along the shores of Spain and Gaul, among which Antipolis, Nicaea, and Olbia are the best known. The trade of Massilia was carried on partly by sea, and partly by land, through the interior of Gaul. The constitution was a moderate aristocracy. The chief power was in the hands of six hundred individuals ; the members of this council were called timuchi, they held their places for life, were obliged to be mar- ried men with families, and descended at least to the third ge- neration from citizens. At the head of this council stood fifteen men, three of whom were chief magistrates. As early as 218 Massilia was in alliance with Rome, under whose fostering pro- tection she grew in prosperity ; her freedom was preserved to her until the war between Pompey and Caesar ; having sided with the former, she was stormed, 49, by Caesar's army. She soon re- trieved herself, and, under the reign of Augustus, Massilia was the seat of literature and philosophy, in which public lectures were there given as at Athens. AUG. BRUEKNER, Historia Reipublicce Massiliensium. Get- ting. 1826. A prize essay. 5. On the Spanish coast stood Saguntum, (Za/cuvflo?,) a colony from the island of Zacynthus ; the date of its foundation is un- determined. It became opulent by its commerce ; but at the opening of the second Punic war, B. C. 219, was destroyed by Hannibal, as being an ally of Rome. 6. On the coast of Africa lay Cyrene, founded at the sugges- tion of the Delphic oracle in 631, by the island of Thera. The constitution was at first monarchical. Kings : Battus I. the founder, 631 591. In whose family the sceptre remained. Arcesilaus I. d. 575. Under the reign of his successor, Battus II. surnamed the happy, (d. 554,) the colony was much strength- ened by new comers from Greece. The Libyans, bereaved of BOOK HI. GREEKS. 177 their lands, seek for help at the hands of A pries, who is de- SECOND feated by the Cyrenaeans, 570, and in consequence loses his RIOD ' crown. Arcesilaus II. d. 550. Rebellion of his brothers, and foundation of Barca, an independent town ruled by its own se- parate kings. Secession of the Libyan subjects. He is put to death by his brother or friend Learchus, who in his turn is poi- soned by Eryxo the widow of Arcesilaus. Her son, Battus III. surnamed the lame, (d. about 529,) succeeds to the throne. The royal power confined within narrow limits by the laws of Demo- nax of Mantinea : the king retains nothing more than the reve- nue and priestly office. His son Arcesilaus III. becomes of his own accord tributary to the Persians ; in conjunction with his mother, Pheretime, he seeks to reestablish the regal supremacy, but is expelled; nevertheless he regains possession of Gyrene. In consequence of his cruelty he is assassinated in Barca, about 516. Pheretime seeks for help from the Persian satrap of Egypt, Aryandes, who by craft gets possession of Barca ; the inhabitants are carried away and translated into Bactria, 512. Soon after Pheretime dies. It seems probable that another Battus IV. and Arcesilaus IV. must have reigned at Cyrene, to whom Pindar's fourth and fifth Pythian Odes are addressed : their history, how- ever, is veiled in obscurity. Cyrene then received a republican constitution, probably somewhere about 450 ; but we are unac- quainted with the internal details of the government. Yet though Plato was invited by the Cyrenseans to give them laws, and though they had for their legislator Democles of Arcadia, they appear never to have been blessed with a good and stable constitution. Not only is mention often made of domestic trou- bles, as in 400, when amid the uproar excited by Ariston most of the aristocratic party were cut off; but we likewise frequently meet with tyrants. Concerning the external affairs of this state we know nothing but a few general facts relative to the border wars with Carthage. Subsequently to Alexander, Cyrene be- came a part of the Egyptian kingdom ; so early as the reign of Ptolemy I. it was added to that realm by his general Ophelias, about B. C. 331. It now continued to receive various rulers from the family of the Ptolemies (see below) until the reign of Ptolemy Physcon, when it became a separate state, the bastard son of that prince, Apion by name, having made it over to the Romans, 97- Cyrene possessed a considerable share of trade, consisting partly in the exportation of country produce, more es- pecially the Silphium, (Laser,) partly in a varied intercourse N 178 GREEKS. BOOK in. SECOND with Carthage, Ammonium, and thence with the interior of PERIOD. Africa. The former splendour and importance of this city and the neighbouring country are testified by an abundance of most noble ruins ; a more accurate research into which every friend of antiquity must desire. HARDION, Histoire de Cyrene, in Mem. de I' Academic des Inscriptions, t. iii. J. P. THRIGE, Historia Cyrenes, inde. a tempore quo condita urbs est, usque ad cetatem, qua in provinciae formam a Romanis redacta est : particula prior, de initiis colonial Cyrenen deductaz, et Cyrenes Battiadis regnantibus historia. Havniae, 1819. The best work on Cyrene. It is hoped that the author will not dis- apppoint our expectations of the second part, which is to contain the period of republican government. QThe whole was completed in 1828. The learned and ingenious author has neglected no au- thority whether ancient or modern, and is particularly cautious and judicious in his researches.] A ray of light has lately, for the first time, been thrown on the remains still found in Cyrenaica by DELLA CELLA, Fiaggio di Tripoli ; translated by Spieker, in the f Journal of the latest travels by sea and by land, Sept. 1820. W. BEECHEY, Proceedings to explore the northern coast of Africa from Tripoli eastward, 1827- F. R. PACHO, Relation d'un voyage a Marmarique et Cyre- naique, 1828. A most accurate description. T. EHRENBERG, Travels through North Africa, in the years 18201825, by Dr. W. F. Hemprich and Dr. C. G. Ehrenberg. Berlin, 1828. THIRD PERIOD. From the commencement of the Persian wars to the time of Alexander the Great, B. C. 500336. Sources. The chief writers in this period are : For the history of the Persian wars to the battle of Plataese, 47i), Herodotus. For the period between 479 and the breaking out of the Pelo- ponnesian war, we must, in the absence of contemporary authors, BOOK in. GREEKS. 179 consider Diodorus Siculus as the principal authority. The be- THIRD ginning of theTTth Iwok, which commences with the year 480, T ^"^ (the 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, and 10th books being lost,) to the middle ANDEK. of the 1 2th ; the chronology of this author, however, must in several cases be rectified after Thucydides's summary in lib. i. For the period of the Peloponnesian war, 431 410, the history of Thucydides is the capital work ; but it must be accompanied by DioTTorus, from the middle of the 12th book to the middle of the 13th. From the year 410 to the battle of Mantinea, 362, the principal sources are the Hellenics of Xenophon, and occa- sionally his Anabasis and AgesTlaus; together with Diodorus, from the middle of the 13th book to the end of the 15th. For the years intervening from 362 336, no contemporary historian has been preserved; Diodorus's 16th book must therefore here be considered as the chief source : for the times of Philip, however, recourse may likewise be had to the speeches of Demosthenes and ^schines. The Lives of Plutarch and Nepos often touch upon this period, but cannot be regarded as authentic sources ; of still less authority are the abridged documents given by Justin and some others. The modern authors on this, the brilliant period of Greece, are, of course, the same as have been enumerated above: (see p. 118.) To whom must here be added : POTTER, Archceologia Grceca ; or the Antiquities of Greece : 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1722. Translated into German by J. J. Ram- bach, 3 vols. 1775. BARTHELEMY, Voyage du Jeune Anacharsis en Grece. (Be- tween the years B. C. 362 and 338.) Paris, 1788, 5 vols. Ac- companied with charts and plans, illustrating the topography of Athens, etc. This work is conspicuous for a rare union of good taste and erudition ; unattended, however, with an equal share of critical acumen and a correct appreciation of antiquity. -f- History of the Origin, Progress, and Fall of Science in Greece and Rome, by C. MEINERS. Gottingen, 1781. It con- tains also a delineation of the political state of affairs ; but does not extend beyond the age of Philip. The principal works on the monuments of ancient Greece are : LE ROY, Les Rnines des plus beaux Monumens de la Grece. Paris, 1758, 2nd edit. 1770, fol. The first in point of time; but far surpassed by : J. STUART, The Antiquities of Athens measured and deli- N2 TO 180 GREEKS. BOOK in. THIHD neated ; 3 vols. Lond. 1762: the 4th vol. published in 1816. ERioD, j n Beauty and accuracy of execution superior to all. ANDER. R. DALTON, Antiquities and Views of Greece and Egypt, 1691, fol. The Egyptian monuments are confined to those of Lower Egypt. R. CHANDLER, Ionian Antiquities. London, 1796, 1797* 2 vols. fol. A worthy companion to Stuart. CHOISEUL GOUFFIER, Voyage pittoresque dans la Grece, vol. i, 1779: vol. ii, 1809. Confined principally to the islands and Asia Minor. Beneficial 1. From a multitude of small states, never the Persian united but continually distracted by civil broils and such at the beginning of this period were the states of Greece any thing important could hardly be expected without the occurrence of some external event, which, by rallying the di- vided forces round one point, and directing them toward one object, should hinder them from mu- tually exhausting one another. It was the hostile attempt of Persia that first laid the foundation of the future splendour of Greece ; certain states then grew so rapidly in power, that upon their particular history hinges the general history of all the rest. Causes which led to the Persian war. Share taken by Athens in the Ionian insurrection and firing of Sardes, B. C. 500. (see above, p. 98.) Intrigues of Hippias, first with the satraps, and afterwards at the Persian court itself. First expedition, that of Mardonius, thwarted by a storm, 493. Athens and 2. Not even the summons to acknowledge the O ane ta reject Persian authority was sufficient to rouse the na- J f e p^ a n f s tional energy of the Greeks. All the islands, and B.C. 491. most of the states on the main land, submitted to the yoke ; Sparta and Athens alone boldly re- jected it. The Athenians, unassisted, under their leader Miltiades, acquainted from his youth with BOOK nr. GREEKS. 181 the Persians and their mode of warfare, and with THIRD the superiority of the arms of his countrymen, be- T0 ALEX- came the saviours of Greece. ANDER ' Quarrel of Athens and Sparta with JEgma, which sides with the Persians, 491 ; and consequent deposition of Demaratus, king of Sparta, by his colleague Cleomenes. Persian expedition of Datis and Artaphernes under the guid- ance of Hippias : frustrated by the battle of Marathon, B. C. Sept. 29, 490, and the failure of an attempt upon Athens. 3. The immediate consequence of this victory Expedition was a naval expedition against the islands, more SS^MU- particularly Paros, to which Miltiades, out of a tiades ' private grudge, persuaded the Athenians. It was undertaken for the purpose of levying contribu- tions ; and seems to have given the Athenians the first idea of their subsequent dominion of the sea. The Athenians punished Miltiades for the failure of this expedition, although the effect of their own folly ; yet was this act of injustice a source of hap- piness to Athens ; as the fall of Miltiades made room for the men who laid the solid foundation of her glory and greatness. 4. As usual in every democratic state rising to internal power, the history of Athens now becomes that Athens. of eminent individuals, standing at the head of affairs, as generals or demagogues. Themistocles, who united to an astonishing degree in his own person the most splendid talents of statesman and general, with a spirit of intrigue, and even of egotism ; and Aristides, whose disinterestedness, even in those days, was singular at Athens, were the real founders of the power of this common- wealth. Athens, however, was more indebted to the first than to the latter. 182 GREEKS. BOOK in. THIRD Rivalry of these two men, 490 486. While Themistocles at ToTtEx- tne ne& d f tne Athenian fleet prosecutes the design of Miltiades ANDER. against the islands, the management of state affairs is confided to Aristides. On the return, however, of Themistocles as conqueror, Aristides is by ostracism banished Athens, 486. Themistocles alone, at the head of affairs, pursues his plan for making Athens a maritime power. In consequence of a war against the object of popular hatred, ^Egina, B. C. 484, he prevails on the Athe- nians to devote the income from the mines to the formation of a navy. While Athens is thus rising to power, Sparta suffers from the insanity of one of her kings, Cleomenes, (succeeded in 482 by his half brother Leonidas,) and the arrogance of the other, Leo- tychides. Second ex- 5. The glory of frustrating the second mighty the Pe?- Persian invasion of Greece under Xerxes I. be- feate^by long 8 to Themistocles alone. Not only his great Themisto- nava l victory off Salamis, but still more the man- cles: B.C. J 480. ner in which he contrived to work upon his coun- trymen, proves him to have been the greatest man of the age, and the deliverer of Greece, now united by one common bond of interest. All national leagues are weak in themselves : yet how strong may even the weakest be made when held together by one great man, who knows how to ani- mate it with his own spirit ! Themistocles' plan for the conduct of the war ; first, a common union of all the Hellenic states ; a measure which succeeds to a certain degree, the honour of the command being left to the Spartans ; secondly, the sea made the theatre of war. Gal- lant death of Leonidas with his three hundred Spartans and seven hundred Thespians, July 6, 480. An example of heroism which contributes as much to the greatness of Greece as the vic- tory of Salamis. About the same time naval engagements off Artemisium in Eubcea, with two hundred and seventy-one sail. The leaders of the Greeks are kept to their posts merely by bri- bery ; the means of purchasing their services being for the most part furnished by Themistocles himself. Athens, deserted by its inhabitants, is taken and burnt by Xerxes, July 20. Retreat BOOK in. GREEKS. 183 of the Grecian fleet into the bay of Salamis : revocation of all THIRD exiles, Aristides among the rest. Politic measures adopted by PE * IOD> Themistocles to hinder the dispirited Greeks from taking flight, AVDER. and at the same time to secure to himself, in case of need, an asylum with the Persian monarch. Naval engagement and victory off Salamis, Sept. 23, 480, with three hundred and eighty sail, (one hundred and eighty of which were Athenian,) against the Persian fleet, already much weakened : retreat of Xerxes. Poets and historians have disfigured these events by fanciful ex- aggerations : still, however, they may show us how commonly human weakness is attended with human greatness ! 6. The victory of Salamis did not conclude the Battles of war ; but the negotiations entered into during the MycaS,' winter months with the Persian general, Mardo- aJ^gT" nius, left in Thessaly, and with the Asiatic Greeks, to excite them to throw off the yoke, show how far the confidence of the nation in its own strength had increased. But by the battle fought on land at Plataeae, under the command of the Spartan, Pausanias, (guardian to Plistar- chus, son of Leonidas,) and the Athenian, Aris- tides ; together with the naval battle at Mycale on the same day, and the destruction of the Per- sian fleet, the Persians are for ever driven from the territory of Greece, though the war continues for some time longer. 7. The expulsion of the Persians wrought anSpamhas . ... ,., , , the ascend- entire change in the internal and external rela- anc y to470. tions of Greece. From being the aggressed the Greeks became the aggressors ; to free their Asiatic countrymen is now the chief object or pretext for the continuation of a war so profit- able ; the chief command of which abides with Sparta until B.C. 470. Athens rebuilt and fortified by Themistocles despite of Spar- tan jealousy, 478: formation of the Piraeus, an event of still 184 GREEKS. BOOK in. THIRD greater importance, 477- Naval expedition under Pausanias, PERIOD, acco mpanied by Aristides and Cimon, undertaken against Cyprus ANDER. an d Byzantium, for the purpose of expelling tlie Persians, 470. Treachery and fall of Pausanias, 469. In consequence of the Spartans' haughtiness, the supreme command devolves upon the Athenians. Athens as- 8. This transfer of the command to Athens had chief com- a decided effect on all the subsequent relations of Greece, not only because it augmented the jealousy between Sparta and Athens, but because Athens exercised her predominance for a purpose entirely different from that of Sparta. Establish- ment of a permanent confederacy, comprising most of the Grecian states without Peloponnesus, espe- cially the islands, and an adjustment of the con- tributions to be annually furnished by each, with the view of prosecuting the Persian war, and liberating the Asiatic Greeks from the Persian yoke. Although the common treasury was first established at Delos, the superintendence of it was confided to Athens ; and such a manager as Aristides was not always to be found. Natural consequence of this new establishment: 1. What had hitherto been mere military precedence, be- comes in the hands of Athens a right of political prescription, and that, as usual, is soon converted into a sovereignty. Hence her idea of the su- premacy of Greece, (&fm ^ 'EXXSO?,) as connected with that of the sea, (0aXa * i A Athens. constitute the nourishing period ot Athens. A concurrence of fortunate circumstances happen- ing among a people of the highest abilities and promoted by great men, produced here phenomena, such as have never since been witnessed. Politi- cal greatness was the fundamental principle of the commonwealth ; Athens had been the guardian, and the champion of Greece, and she wished to appear worthy of herself. Hence in Athens alone were men acquainted with public splendour, exhi- 186 GREEKS. BOOK in. THIRD bited in building's, in spectacles, and festivals, the PERIOD, ... / i i /> t TO ALEX- acquisition or which was facilitated by private frugality. This public spirit animating every citi- zen, expanded the blossoms of genius ; no broad line of distinction was anxiously drawn between private and public life ; whatever great, whatever noble was produced by Athens, sprung up ver- dant and robust out of this harmony, this buxom vigour of the state. Far different was the case with Sparta; there rude customs and laws ar- rested the development of genius : there men were taught to die for the land of their fore- fathers : while at Athens they learnt to live for it. Athenian 11. Agriculture continued the principal occu- ' pation of the citizens of Attica; other employ- ments were left to the care of slaves. Commerce and navigation were mainly directed towards the Thracian coast and the Black sea ; the spirit of trade, however, was never the prevailing one. As affairs of state became more attractive, and men desired to participate in them, the want of intellectual education began to be felt, and so- phists and rhetoricians soon offered their instruc- tion. Mental expertness was more coveted than mental knowledge ; men wished to learn how to think and to speak. A poetical education had long preceded the rise of this national desire ; poesy now lost nothing of its value : as heretofore Homer remained the cornerstone of intellectual improvement. Could it be that such blossoms would produce other fruits than those which ri- pened in the school of Socrates, in the master- pieces of the tragedians and orators, and in the immortal works of Plato ? BOOK in. GREEKS. 187 12. These flowers of national genius burst forth THIRD in spite of many evils, inseparable from such a T<> E AI!EX'- constitution established among 1 such a people. ~ Changes in Great men were pushed aside; others took their the persons places. The loss of Themistocles was supplied of affairs. by Miltiades's son Cimon ; who to purer politics united equal talents. He protracted the war against the Persians in order to maintain the union of the Greeks ; and favoured the aristocratic party at the same time that he affected popularity. Even his enemies learnt by experience, that the state could not dispense with a leader who seemed to have entered into a compact for life with victory. Another expedition under Cimon ; and victory by sea and land near the Eurymedon, B. C. 469. He takes possession of the Hellespontine Chersonesus, 468. Some of the Athenian con- federates already endeavour to secede. Hence, 467, the con- quest of Caristus in Euboea ; subjection of Naxos, 466, and from 465 463, siege and capture of Thasos, under Cimon. The Athenians endeavour to obtain a firmer footing on the shore of Macedonia ; and for that purpose send out a colony to Amphi- polis, 465. Great earthquake at Sparta ; gives rise to a ten years' war, viz. the third Messenian war or revolt of the Helots, who fortify themselves in Ithome, 465 455 : in this war the Athenians, at the instigation of Cimon, send assistance to the Spartans, 461, who refuse the proffered aid. The democratic party seize the opportunity of casting on Cimon the suspicion of being in the interest of Sparta ; he is banished by ostracism, 461. 13. The death of Aristides, and the banishment Aristides of Cimon, concur in elevating Pericles to the 46?.' head of affairs ; a statesman whose influence had begun to operate as early as 469. Less a general than a demagogue, he supported himself in au- thority during forty years, until the day of his 188 GREEKS. BOOK HI. THIRD death, and swayed Athens without being either PERIOD TO ALEX- archon or member of the areopagus. That under him the constitution must have assumed a more dies, 429. democratic character, is demonstrated by the fact of his exaltation as leader of the democratic party. The aristocrats, however, contrive until 444 to set up rivals against him in the persons of the military leaders, Myronides, Tolmidas, and more particularly the elder Thucydides. Change in the spirit of administration under Pericles, both in reference to internal and external relations. A brilliant manage- ment succeeds to the parsimonious economy of Aristides ; and yet, after the lapse of thirty years, the state treasury was full. r- Limitation of the power of the areopagus by Ephialtes, B. C. 461. The withdrawal of various causes which formerly came under the jurisdiction of that tribunal must have diminished its right of moral censorship. Introduction of the practice of paying persons who attended the courts of justice. With regard to external relations, the precedence of the Athe- nians gradually advanced toward supremacy ; although their rela- tions with all the confederates were not precisely the same. Some were mere confederates; others were subjects. Augmentation in the imposts on the confederates, and transfer of the treasury from Delos to Athens, 461. The jealousy of Sparta and the discontent of the confederates keep pace with the greatness of Athens. Unsuccessful attempt to support by the help of an Athenian fleet and troops, Inarus of Egypt in his insurrection against the Persians, 462458. Wars in Greece : the Spartans instigate Corinth and Epidau- rus against Athens. The Athenians, at first defeated near Haliae, in their turn rout the enemy, 458, and then carry the war against jEgina, which is subdued, 457- In the new quarrel between Corinth and Megara respecting their boundaries, the Athenians side with Megara ; Myronides conquers at Cimolia, 457- Ex- pedition of the Spartans to the support of the Dorians against Phocis ; and hence arises the first rupture between Athens, Sparta, and Boeotia. First battle of Tanagra, in which the Spartans are victorious in the same year, 457- The Boeotians, BOOK in. GREEKS. 189 incited by the Spartans, are in the second battle of Tanagra THIRD worsted by Myronides, 456. The recall of Cimon, at the sugges- PE " IOD > tion of Pericles himself, in consequence of the first defeat. ANDER. 14. Cimon recalled from exile, endeavours to cimon re- reestablish the domestic tranquillity of Greece, and st at the same time to renew the war against the Per- sians. He succeeds in his attempt after the lapse of five years; and the consequence is a victorious expedition against the Persians. He defeats their B. c. 450. fleet off Cyprus, and routs their army on the Asiatic coast. The fruit of this victory is the 449. celebrated peace with Artaxerxes I. (see above, p. 104.) Ere that peace is concluded Cimon dies, too soon for his country, while occupied with the siege of Citium. Termination of the third Messenian war in favour of Sparta, by the cession of Ithome, B. C. 455. Meantime Athens con- tinues the war with Peloponnesus ; Tolmidas and Pericles making an incursion by sea on the enemy's territory, 455 454. At the same time Pericles, by sending out colonies to the Hel- lespont, endeavours to secure more firmly the Athenian power in that quarter : a colony is likewise sent out to Naxos, 453. Cimon negotiates a truce, which is adopted first (451) tacitly, afterwards formally, (450,) for five years. The result of this truce is his victorious expedition against the Persians, and the consequent peace with that nation. Although the conditions of the peace prescribed by Cimon were sometimes infringed, they appear to have been ratified by all parties. 15. The conclusion of peace with Persia, glo- state of rious as it was, and the death of the man whose the peace grand political object was to preserve union among Wlthpersia - the Greeks, again aroused the spirit of internal strife. For notwithstanding nearly twenty years 431. intervened before the tempest burst with all its fury, this period was so turbulent during its course, that Greece seldom enjoyed universal peace. 190 GREEKS. BOOK in. THIRD While Athens by her naval strength was main- X- taining her ascendancy over the confederates, and while some of those confederates were raising the standard of rebellion and passing over to Sparta, every thing was gradually combining towards the formation of a counter league, the necessary con- sequence of which must have been a war, such as the Peloponnesian. Up to this time Athens was at the height of her power ; she was governed by Pericles, who, in every thing but the name, was sole ruler during this period, and for that reason she experienced few of the evils resulting from a democratic constitution. Who, indeed, could overthrow a demagogue whose presence of mind, even in the greatest good fortune, never once de- serted him ; who knew how to keep alive among his fellow-citizens the conviction that, however exalted they might be, it was to him alone they were indebted for it ? During the five years' truce the sacred war for the possession of the Delphian oracle took place, and it is given by the Spartans to the city of Delphi ; but after their return is given back again by the Athenians to the Phocians, B. C. 448. The Athenians commanded by Tolmidas, are defeated by the Boeotians, 447. This expedition, undertaken in opposition to the advice of Peri- cles, contributes to increase his influence ; particularly as he re- duces to obedience the revolted Eubcea and Megara, 446. End of the five years' truce with Sparta ; and renewal of hostilities, 445 ; further warlike proceedings are repressed by a new thirty years' peace, which lasts, however, only fourteen years. Com- plete suppression of the aristocratic party, by the banishment of the elder Thucydides, 444 ; the whole administration of the state consequently centres in the hands of Pericles. Democracy in the confederate states favoured; forcibly introduced in Samos, which, after a nine months' siege, is obliged to submit to Pericles, 440. Commencement of the war between Corinth and Corcyra, on the subject of Epidamnus, 436, which the Corcyrseans take BOOK HI. GREEKS. 191 possession of after winning a naval victory, 435. The Athenians THIRD take part in the quarrel, and side with the Corcyraeans, 432. E R IOD > The rupture with Corinth, and the policy of Perdiccas II. king ANDEH. of Macedonia, lead to the secession of the Corinthian colony of Potidaea, which previously belonged to the Athenian confederacy: the war thereby is extended to the Macedonian coast. Engage- ment near Potidaea, and siege of that town, 432. The Corinthians direct their steps to Sparta, and excite the Spartans to war ; which is further accelerated by the attack of the Thebans upon Plataeae, the confederate of Athens, 431 . 16. The history of the twenty-seven years' war, P known by the name of the Peloponnesian, or great B^cTYsi Grecian war, which swept away the fairest flowers ~~ of Greece, is the more deserving attention from its being not merely a struggle between nations, but likewise against certain forms of government. The policy of Athens, which to establish or pre- serve her influence in foreign states, excited the multitude against the higher orders, had on all sides given rise to two factions, the democrat or Athenian, and the aristocrat or Spartan ; and the mutual bitterness of party spirit produced the most violent disorders. 17. The respective relations of the two head Power and states of Greece to their confederates, were at this time of a very opposite nature. Athens, as Sparta ' a naval power, was mistress of most of the islands and maritime cities, which, as tributary confe- derates, rendered for the most part a forced obe- dience. Sparta, as a land power, was allied with most of the states on the continent, which had joined her side of their own accord, and were not subject to tribute. Sparta therefore presented herself as the deliverer of Greece from the Athe- nian yoke. 192 GREEKS. BOOK HI. THIRD Confederates of the Athenians : the islands Chios, Samos, Les- TC> E AI!EX'- k s ' all those of the Archipelago, (Thera and Melos excepted, ANDER. which stood neutral,) Corcyra, Zacynthus ; the Grecian colonies in Asia Minor, and on the coast of Thrace and Macedonia ; in Greece itself, the cities of Naupactus, Plataeae, and those of Acar- nania. Confederates of the Spartans: all the Peloponnesians, (Argos and Achaia excepted, which stood neutral,) Megara, Lo- cris, Phocis, Bceotia, the cities of Ambracia and Anactorium, and the island of Leucas. internal 18. Sketch of the internal state of Athens and Athens and Sparta at this period. The power of Athens de- pended mainly on the state of her finances ; with- out which she could not support a fleet, and with- out a fleet her ascendancy over the confederates would of course fall to ground. And although Pericles, notwithstanding his lavish public ex- penditure, was able to enter upon the war with 6,000 talents in the treasury, experience could not fail to show that, in such a democratic state as Athens was now become under Pericles, the squandering of the public money was an unavoid- able evil. This evil was produced, however, at Athens much less by the peculations of individual state officers than by the demands of the multi- tude, who for the most part lived' at the expense of the state treasury. On the other hand, Sparta as yet had no finance ; and only began to feel the want of it as she began to acquire a naval power, and entered upon undertakings more vast than mere incursions. Financial system of the Athenians. Revenue: 1. The tribute paid by the confederates (fo/> ') increased by Pericles from four hundred and sixty to six hundred talents. 2. Income from the customs, (which were farmed,) and from the mines at Laurium. 3. The caution money of the non-citizens : (/AC'TO *<.) 4. The taxes on the citizens, (tla-popa},) which fell almost entirely on the BOOK in. GREEKS. 193 rich, more particularly on the first class, the members of which THIRD were not only to bear the burthen of fitting out the fleet, (rpifpxp- %/*,) but were likewise to furnish means for the public festivals and spectacles, (xo^ry*!**.) The whole income of the republic at ~~ this time was estimated at 2,000 talents. But the disbursements made to the numerous assistants at the courts of justice (the prin- cipal means of existence with the poorer citizens, and which, more than any thing else, contributed to the licentiousness of the democracy and the oppression of the confederates, whose causes were all brought to Athens for adjudication,) together with the expenditure for festivals and spectacles, even at this time, ab- sorbed the greatest part of the revenue. f F. BOEKH, Public Economy of the Athenians, 2 parts, Berlin, 1816. The chief work on the subject. fJAbly translated by J. C. LEWIS, esq. of Christ Church in this university.] Athenian Letters, or the Epistolary Correspondence of an Agent of the King of Persia, residing at Athens during the Pe- loponnesian mar. London, 1798, 2 vols. 4to. The production of several young authors; first printed, but not published, in 1741. This sketch comprises, not only Greece, but likewise Persia and Egypt. 19. First period of the war until the fifty years' First period peace. Beginning of the war unsuccessful to B.c?43i Athens during the first three years, under the 422> conduct of Pericles, in whose defensive plan we may perhaps discern the infirmities of age. The Athenians, however, suffered less from the annual inroads of the Spartans than from the plague, to which Pericles himself at last fell a victim. The *29. alliance of the Athenians with the kings of Thrace and Macedonia extended the theatre of war ; on the other hand, Sparta had already conceived the 430. idea of an alliance with Persia. 20. The death of Pericles was, for the next Conse- i- 1-11 i / i quence of seven years, during which the place of that great the death man was supplied by Cleon a currier, followed by all the evils of an uncurbed democracy. The atrocious decrees with respect to Mitylene, which 427. 194 GREEKS. BOOK HI. THIRD after seceding, had been recaptured, and the in- PEHIOD, . TO ALEX- surrection of the Corcyraean populace against the -^ rich, characterized the party spirit then dominant in Greece better than the few insignificant events of 424. a war conducted without any plan. Sparta, how- ever, found in young Brasidas a general, such as are wont to arise in revolutionary times. His pro- secution of the war on the Macedonian coast might have brought great danger to Athens, had 422. he so early not fallen a victim to his own gal- lantry. Capture of Amphipolis by Brasidas, and exile of Thucydides, 424. Engagement near Amphipolis between Brasidas and Cleon ; and death of those two generals, 422. Peace not 21. The peace now concluded for fifty years B!c?422. could not be of long duration, as many of the con- federates on either side were discontented with Aicibiades its terms. All hope of tranquillity must have of affairs? been at an end when the management of Athenian 42 * affairs fell into the hands of a youth like Aicibi- ades, in whom vanity and artifice held the place of patriotism and talent, and who thought war the only field in which he could gain credit. Against him what availed the prudence of Nicias? Happy was it for Athens that during the whole of this period Sparta never produced one man who could match even with Aicibiades I Attempt of some states, Corinth especially, to set Argos at the head of a new confederacy ; this measure Athens likewise fa- vours, 421. Violation of the peace, 419; the war indirect until 415, and limited to assisting the confederates on either side. Alcibiades's plan of giving Athens the preponderance in Pelo- ponnesus, by an alliance with Argos, is defeated by the battle of Mantinea, 417- Exterminating war of the Athenians waged against the Melians, who wish to preserve their neutrality, BOOK ni. GREEKS. 195 whereas neutrality in the weaker party now becomes a crime, THIRD 416. PERIOD, TO Al.EX- 22. Alcibiades's party brings forward at Athens ANDER - the project of conquering Sicily, under the pre- tence of succouring the Segestani against the Sy- racusans. This rash expedition, in which the hopes both of the Athenians and of its instigator Alcibiades were blighted, gave to Athens the first great blow, from which she never after, even with the utmost exertion of her strength, recovered ; especially as Sparta also was now become a naval power. Early interference of the Athenians with the concerns of the Sicilian Greeks. A fleet and army under the command of Ni- cias, Lamachus, and Alcibiades, sent against Sicily, 415. Ac- cusation, recall, and flight of Alcibiades to Sparta : formal rup- ture of the peace by an inroad of the Spartans into Attica, where they fortify Decelea, 414. Unsuccessful siege of Syracuse, 414 ; and total annihilation of the Athenian fleet and army by the assistance of the Spartans under Gylippus, 413. 23. Fatal as in the present circumstances the Athens a f- blow struck in Sicily must appear to have been h to Athens, yet the calamity was surmounted by Athenian enthusiasm, never greater than in times of misfortune. They maintained their supremacy over the confederates ; but the part which Alci- biades, in consequence of the new posture his own personal interest had assumed at Sparta, took in their affairs, brought about a twofold do- mestic revolution, which checked the licentious democracy. Alliance of the Spartans with the Persians, and indecisive en- gagement off Miletus. Flight of Alcibiades from Sparta to Tis- saphernes; his negotiations to gain the satrap over to the in- terests of Athens, 411. Equivocal policy of Tissaphernes. Negotiations of Alcibiades with the chiefs of the Athenian army o2 196 GREEKS. BOOK in. THIRD at Samos, and the consequent revolution at Athens, and over- TO\LEX- * nrow f *h e democracy by the appointment of the supreme ANDER. council of four hundred in place of the jSovXij, and of a committee of five thousand citizens in place of the popular assembly, 411. The army assumes the right of debate ; names Alcibiades to be its leader ; but declares again for democracy. Great commotions at Athens in consequence of the discomfiture of the fleet at Ere- tria, and the secession of Euboea. Deposition of the college of four hundred, after a despotic rule of four months ; Reform- ation of the government ; Transfer of the highest power to the hands of the five thousand ; Recall of Alcibiades, and recon- ciliation with the army. Brilliant 24. Brilliant period of Alcibiades's command. Ticibiades, The reiterated naval victories won by the Athe- TJ /~1 A 1 1 _! 4 io. nians over the Spartans under Mindar us, who, mistrusting Tissaphernes, now forms an alliance with Pharnabazus, satrap of the north of Asia Minor, oblige the Spartans to propose peace, 410. which haughty Athens, unluckily for herself, re- jects. Two naval engagements on the Hellespont, 411. Great vic- tory by sea and land won near Cyzicus, 410. Confirmation of the Athenian dominion over Ionia and Thrace by the capture of Byzantium, 480. Alcibiades returns covered with glory ; but in the same year is deposed, and submits to a voluntary exile, 407- Anabasis of 25. Arrival of the younger Cyrus in Asia Mi- 40' nor; the shrewdness of Lysander wins him over to the Spartan interest. The republican haugh- 406. tiness of Lysander's successor, Callicratidas, shown to Cyrus, was a serious error in policy ; for, unassisted by Persian money, Sparta was not in a condition to pay her mariners, nor con- sequently to support her naval establishment. 406. After the defeat and death of Callicratidas, the 405403. command is restored to Lysander, who terminates the twenty seven years' war triumphantly for Sparta. BOOK in. GREEKS. 197 Naval victory of Lysander over the Athenians at Notium, 407 1 THIRD in consequence of which Alcibiades is deprived of the command. P ERIOD Appointment of ten new leaders at Athens ; Conon among the ANDER. number. Naval victory of Callicratidas at Mitylene ; Conon is ~ shut up in the harbour of that place, 406. Great naval victory of the Athenians ; defeat and death of Callicratidas at the -35gi- nussae islands, near Lesbos, 406. Unjust condemnation of the Athenian generals. Second command of Lysander, and last de- cisive victory by sea over the Athenians at ^gospotamos on the Hellespont, Dec. 406. The loss of the sovereignty of the sea is accompanied by the defection of the confederates, who are suc- cessively subjected by Lysander, 406. Athens is besieged by Lysander in the same year, 405 ; the city surrenders in May, 404. Athens is deprived of her walls ; her navy is reduced to twelve sail ; and, in obedience to Lysander's commands, the con- stitution is commuted into an oligarchy, under thirty rulers, (ty- rants.) 26. Thus ended a war destructive in its moral, End of the still more than in its political, consequences, Party spirit had usurped the place of patriotic feeling ; as national prejudice had that of national energy. Athens being subdued, Sparta stood at the head of confederate Greece ; but Greece very soon experienced the yoke of her deliverers to be infinitely more galling than that of the people hi- therto called her oppressors. What evils must not have ensued from the revolutions Lysander now found it necessary to effect in most of the Grecian states, in order to place the helm of go- vernment in the hands of his own party under the superintendence of a Spartan harmost ? How oppressive must not have been the military rule of the numerous Spartan garrisons ? Nor could any alleviation of tribute be hoped for, now that in Sparta it was acknowledged that the " state must possess an exchequer." The arrogance and rapacity of the new masters were rendered more 198 GREEKS. BOOK in. THIRD grevious by their being more uncivilized and des- PERIOD, TO ALEX- tltute. History of the reign of terror at Athens under the thirty ty- rants, 403. What happened here must likewise have happened more or less in the other Grecian cities, which Lysander found it necessary to revolutionize. In all quarters his party consisted of men similar to Critias and his colleagues, who appear to have been long before united in clubs (fnufc&u) intimately connected with each other; from which were now taken the most daring revolutionists, in order to place them everywhere at the head of affairs. Expulsion 27. Happy revolution in Athens, and expulsion y tyrants, of the thirty tyrants by Thrasybulus, favoured by the party at Sparta opposed to Lysander, and B.C. 403. headed by king Pausanias. Restoration and re- form of Solon's constitution ; general amnesty. It was easy to reestablish forms ; to recall the departed spirit of the nation was impossible ! ED. PH. HINRICHS, De Theramenis, Critic? et Thrasybnli, virorum tempore belli Peloponnesiaci inter Grcecos illustrium, rebus el ingenio, Commentatio, Hamburgi, 1820. An inquiry which exhibits much research and impartiality. War of the 28. The defeat of the younger Cyrus entangles Spartans , . i T withpersia, the Spartans in a war with the Persians, the same year that, after the death of king Agis, Agesilaus takes possession of the regal dignity. We wil- lingly forget his usurpation as we follow him in his heroic career. None but a man of genius could have instructed Sparta how to support for so long a time the extravagant character which she had now undertaken to play. Opening of the war with Persia by Tissaphernes's attack on the j^Eolian cities of Asia Minor, 400. Command of Thimbron, who, 398, is succeeded by the more successful and fortunate Der- cyllidas. Availing himself of the jealousy between Tissaphernes and Artabazus, he persuades the latter to a separate truce, 397- Command of Agesilaus; his expedition into Asia, from the BOOK in. GREEKS. 199 spring of 396 until 394. The conviction which he obtained of THIRD the domestic weakness of the Persian empire in the successful P 12 " 10 "' invasion of Phrygia, 395, seems to have matured in the mind of ANDER. Agesilaus the idea of overturning the Persian throne : this design he would have accomplished had not the Persians been politic enough to kindle a war against Sparta in Greece itself. 29. The Corinthian war, waged against Sparta Corinthian by Corinth, Thebes, and Argos, to which Athens w and the Thessalians unite, terminated by the peace of Antalcidas. The tyranny of Sparta, and 387. more particularly the recent devastation of Elis, a sacred territory, were the alleged pretexts ; but the bribes of Timocrates, the Persian envoy, were the real causes of this war. Irruption of the Spartans into Bceotia ; they engage and are routed at Haliartus, 394. Lysander falls on the field of battle ; and Agesilaus is recalled out of Asia. His victory at Coronea ensures to the Spartans the preponderance by land ; but the dis- comfiture of their navy near Cnidus at the same time, gives to their enemies the sovereignty of the sea : Conon, who com- manded the combined Persian and Athenian fleets, avails himself, with consummate skill, of this success to reestablish the inde- pendence of Athens, 393. Sparta endeavours by apparently great sacrifices to bring over the Persians to her interests : the peace at last concluded by the efforts of the skilful Antalcidas, (see above, book ii, parag. 42), was readily agreed to by the Spartans, as they gave up only what otherwise they could not have retained. The preponderance of Sparta on the continent of Greece was established by the article which invested them with the power of seeing the conditions of the treaty fulfilled : the stipulated freedom of the Grecian cities was but an apparent disadvantage ; and now that the Asiatic colonies were given up, the contest for power in Greece itself must be decided by land, and not by sea. 30. The quarrels which, after the peace of B.C. 386. Antalcidas, Sparta began to have with Mantinea 384 ' and Phlius, and still more so her participation in those between the Macedo- Greek cities and the sea 380. 200 GREEKS. BOOK in. over-powerful Olynthus, prove too plainly the ar- TO ALEX- romance with which Sparta behaved to the weaker ANDER. * ~ states. But the arbitrary appropriation of the citadel of Thebes by Phcebidas, an act not in- deed commanded, yet approved by Sparta, was attended with more serious consequences than 382. were at first expected. Would that all authors of similar breaches of good faith and the law of nations were visited with the same vengeance ! Rivalry of 31. Period of the rivalry of Sparta and Thebes, Thebes, from the year 378. The greatness of Thebes was the work of two men, who knew how to inspire their fellow-citizens and confederates with their own heroic spirit : with them Thebes rose, with them she fell. Rarely does history exhibit such a duumvirate as that of Epaminondas and Pelopi- das. How high must our estimation of Pytha- goras be, even had his philosophy formed but one such man as Epaminondas ! Liberation of Thebes from Spartan rule by the successful at- tempt of Pelopidas and his fellow-conspirators, 378. Vain at- tempts against Thebes, by the Spartans under Cleombrotus, 378, and Agesilaus, 377 an( l 376. The defensive war conducted by Pelopidas, during which he established the Theban supremacy in Boeotia, and brought over the Athenians, (whose fleet, 376, beat that of the Spartans,) deserves our admiration more than the winning of a battle. The vast plans of Thebes were not un- folded, however, till Epaminondas was at the head of affairs. SERAN DE LA TOUR, Hisloire d' Epaminondas. Paris, 1752. f" MEISSNER, Life of Epaminondas. Prague, 1801, 2 parts. In which the authorities are duly considered. j- J. G. SCHEIBEL, Essays towards a better understanding of the Ancient World, 1809. The second part contains an essay upon the history of Thebes, as the first does on that of Corinth. General 32. A general peace is concluded in Greece - through the mediation of the Persians, (who wish BOOK HI. GREEKS. 201 to obtain auxiliaries against the Egyptians,) under THIRD . . PERIOD, the condition that all the Grecian cities shall be TO free : it is acceded to by Sparta and Athens, but dtit rejected by Thebes, because she cannot admit the condition without again falling under the Spartan yoke. In fact, the lofty language used by Epa- 372 minondas, as envoy to Sparta, shows that it was problematic whether Sparta or Thebes should now be at the head of Greece. Could the idea, therefore, of a perfect equality between the states of Greece be other than chimerical ? 33. The long struggle maintained so gloriously E P aminon - by Epaminondas against Sparta is remarkable 371362. both in a political and military point of view. The power of Sparta was abased ; Epaminondas invented a new system of tactics, (out of which soon after sprang the Macedonian art of war;) and as soon as he found confederates in Pelo- ponnesus itself, he made his way to the very gates of Sparta. Victory won by the Thebans at Leuctra, July 8, 371 , and an- nihilation of what hitherto had been called the supremacy of Sparta. First irruption into Peloponnesus preceded by alliances with Arcadia, Elis, and Argos. The attack upon Sparta itself is unsuccessful ; but the freedom of Messene is restored, 369. 34. Sparta in distress forms an alliance with spartainai- 1-1 i i' ance w ' [ k Athens, under the stipulation that the command Athens. shall alternately be in the hands of the two con- federates ; conditions, no doubt, humiliating to Spartan pride ! It however affords them the means of frustrating Epaminondas's new attempt on Corinth and the Peloponnesus. Even Dio- nysius I. of Syracuse, thinks himself bound to as- sist the Spartans as being Dorians. 202 GREEKS. BOOK HI. 35. Thebes played a no less brilliant part in the TO ALEX- north than she did in the south. And had the ANDER ' attempts to liberate Thessaly from the rule of the tyrant, Alexander of Pherae, been attended with success, Thebes would have received a vast in- crease of power. Even in Macedonia she acted as arbitress. First and successful expedition of Pelopidas into Thessaly, 368. After the decision of the disputed succession to the Mace- donian throne, young Philip is brought as hostage to Thebes, and , educated in the house of Epaminondas. Pelopidas is sent as ambassador, and taken prisoner by Alexander ; hence the second expedition of the Thebans, in which Epaminondas rescues the army and delivers his friend, 367- Alliance of 36. Alliance of Thebes with Persia success- Persia! a " fully brought about by Pelopidas. In the in- trigues of the opponents at the Persian court, the object of each was to bring that court over to his own interest. Yet the domineering tone in which the Persians wished to dictate peace, had not the consequences that might have been expected ; and although Sparta consented to her confede- rates remaining neutral, she would not forego her claims on Messene. The establishment of a navy would have been of more important consequences to Thebes than this alliance, had not all these plans, together with the greatness of Thebes, been B.C. 365. swept away by the premature death of her two leading men. Last expedition of Pelopidas against Alexander of Pherae, in which he himself falls, 364. New irruption into Peloponnesus caused by the commotions in Arcadia. Battle of Mantinea, and death of Epaminondas, June 27, 362. General peace in Greece mediated by the Persians ; Sparta does not assent to it on account BOOK HI. GREEKS. 203 of Messene, but sends Agesilaus to Egypt, there to support the THIRD insurrection of Tachos. PERIOD, TO ALEX- 37. The result of this bloody struggle for the ANDER. State of supremacy of Greece was, that neither Sparta Greece af- nor Thebes obtained it ; the former of these states between being weakened by the loss of Messene, the latter spana! aE by the loss of its leaders, and both strained by their violent exertions. The situation of Greece after this war seems to have been thus far changed, that no state had the predominance ; an independence proceeding from enervation. Even Athens, who by means of her naval power still preserved her influence over the cities on the coast and in the islands, lost the greater part in the war of the allies, together with three of her most celebrated leaders, Chabrias, Timotheus, and Iphicrates, whose places were ill supplied by Chares. Confederacy of the islands Cos, Rhodes, and Chios, and the city of Byzantium ; their secession from Athens, 358. Unsuc- cessful siege of Chios, before which Chabrias falls, 358 ; of By- zantium, 357. Athens suffers a still greater injury from the cabals of Chares against his colleagues Timotheus and Iphicrates, and from her imprudent participation in the insurrection of Arta- bazus, 356. The threats of Artaxerxes III. force Athens to make a peace, in which she is obliged to acknowledge the freedom of her confederates. 38. At the very time when the growing power Sacred war. of Macedonia under Philip ought to have united 346. all the Grecian states, had such an union been within the range of possibility, Greece plunged into another civil war of ten years' duration, which is known by the name of the sacred or Phocian war. The Amphictyonic assembly, whose duty it was to maintain peace, and whose influence had 204 GREEKS. BOOK HI. THIRD been in the present circumstances reinstated, x'- abused its authority by kindling discord. The hatred of the Thebans, who sought for new op- portunities of quarrel with Sparta, and the am- bition of the Phocian Philomelus, were the real causes which led to the war, which the policy of Philip knew how to prolong till the precise moment favourable to his own particular views arrived. The treasures of Delphi circulating in Greece, were as injurious to the country as the ravages which it underwent. A war springing out of private passions, fostered by bribes and subsi- diary troops, and terminated by the interference of foreign powers, was exactly what was requisite for annihilating the scanty remains of morality and patriotism still existing in Greece. Sentence of the Amphictyons against Sparta on account of the former surprise of the citadel of Thebes by Phoebidas ; and against Phocis on account of the tillage of the sacred lands of Delphi, 357. Philomelus is elected general of the Phocians ; the rifling of the treasury of Delphi enables him to take into his pay Athenian and other auxiliaries, and to carry war against the Thebans and their confederates, the Locrians, etc. under pre- tence of their being the executors of the Amphictyonic decrees. Philomelus having fallen, 353, is succeeded by his brother Ono- marchus, more skilful than himself in intrigue and war : but Onomarchus having fallen, 352, in the battle with Philip in Thessaly, is followed by Phayllus. Philip even thus early en- deavours to push through Thermopylae into Greece, but is re- pelled by the Athenians. He executes this plan after his peace with Athens, 347, and having procured the expulsion of the Phocians from the Amphictyonic council, gets their place and right of vote to be transferred to himself. Philip's ad- 39. From the very first advance of Philip, the vance in Greece. imto fate of Greece could scarcely afford matter for doubt ; although the eloquence of Demosthenes BOOK in. GREEKS. 205 warded it off until the second invasion, caused by J HIRD J PERIOD the Amphictyonic sentence passed on the Lo- crians. (See below, book iv. parag. 15.) The B>c battle of Chaeronea laid the foundation of Mace- donia's complete ascendancy over the Grecian republics : by the appointment of Philip to be 336 - generalissimo of Greece in the Persian war, that ascendancy was, as it were, formally acknow- ledged ; nor did it end with the assassination of that prince. 206 MACEDONIAN MONARCHY. BOOK iv. FOURTH BOOK. HISTORY OF THE MACEDONIAN MONARCHY, FIRST PERIOD. FIRST origin of dom^abo B.C. sis From its origin to the death of Alexander the Great. B. C. 800-323. SOURCES. We have no historian who wrote, particularly, on Macedonia, before the time of Alexander. The facts relative to the earlier history previous to Philip are collected from Diodo- rus, Justin, Thucydides, and Arrian ; from Diodorus more espe- cially. In consequence of the loss of the other historians, Dio- dorus is the chief authority for the history of Philip; the speeches of Demosthenes and ^Eschines must likewise be con- sulted, but not made use of without caution and judicious histo- rical criticism. With respect to Alexander the Great, as so many writers on his reign have been destroyed by time, Arrian must now be considered as the chief authority, on account of the care he has shown in the selection of his authorities, conjointly with the seventeenth book of Diodorus. Plutarch's biography contains several valuable additional facts ; and even the superficial Cur- tius might furnish us with abundance of information, did his ac- counts offer higher claims to our credit. 1. An Hellenic colony from Argos, headed by the Tcmenidae, a branch of the Heraclidee, settled j n Emathia, and laid the feeble foundation of the Macedonian empire, which was in time to rise to such power. Not only did the settlers keep their footing in the country, in spite of the aboriginal inhabitants ; but their princes gradually extended their territory, by subjecting or expelling several of the neighbouring tribes. Their earlier history, BOOK iv. MACEDONIAN MONARCHY. 207 not excepting even the names of their kings, is FIRST buried in obscurity till the time of the Persian - invasions. The three first Macedonian kings, Caranus said to have ruled twenty-eight years, Coenus twenty- three, Tyrmas forty-five, were unknown to Herodotus, who names as founder of the Ma- cedonian monarchy, Perdiccas, 729 678. Of this prince and his successors Argseus, d. 640, Philip I. d. 602, ^Eropus, d. 576, and Alcetas, d. 547, nothing more is known than that they waged war, with various success against the neighbouring Pierians and Illyrians, who had their own kings. 2. 'When the Persians commenced their incur- situation at -j-, n /T i i the time of sions into Europe, Macedonia, by its situation, the Persian must have been one of the first countries they m ravaged. Accordingly, as early as the reign of Darius Hystaspis, the Macedonian kings were tributary to the Persians ; and were indebted for their deliverance from that yoke, not to their own valour, but to the victories of the Greeks. The battle of PlatseaB restored independence to the B.C. 479. Macedonian kingdom, although that independ- ence was not formally acknowledged by the Per- sians. Immediately after the Scythian campaign, 513, Amyntas (d. 498,) became tributary to the Persians ; his son and succes- sor, Alexander, (d. 454,) was in the same state of subjection, and was even compelled to join the expedition of Xerxes. 3. But the expulsion of the Persians still left situation Macedonia exposed to the attacks of other for- treat of'thl midable neighbours ; on one side there was the P ' Thracians, among whom, under Sitalces, and his d. 424. successor, Seuthes, arose the powerful kingdom of the Odrysas ; on the other, the Athenians, who, availing themselves of their extensive navy, reduced to subjection the Grecian settlements 208 MACEDONIAN MONARCHY. BOOK iv. FIRST on the Macedonian shores. Harassing as these PERIOD. -11 i i i - neighbours were to the Macedonian kings, they proved to be the very instruments by which Ma- cedonia became so early and so deeply involved in the affairs of Greece. Commencement of the differences with Athens, under the reign of Perdiccas II, 454 413 ; Athens having supported his brother Philip against him. Defection of Potidaea, and fortifica- tion of Olynthus, into which the Greeks from Chalcis and other cities are transplanted, 432. Potidaea being forced to surrender to Athens, 431, Perdiccas contrives to play so skilful a part in the Peloponnesian war just now commencing, that he outwits the Athenians, parrying the attack of Sitalces by a marriage of his sister with Seuthes, the heir to that prince, 429. His alliance with Sparta, 424, is very detrimental to the Athenians, Brasidas wresting Amphipolis from their hands ; nevertheless Perdiccas chooses rather to conclude a peace with Athens, 423, than to throw himself entirely into the arms of his new allies. Archeiaus 4. Archelaus, the successor of Perdiccas, in- foundation troduced agriculture and civilization among the Macedonians, who were never, however, recog- 413400. n j ze( j by the Hellenes as their legitimate bre- thren : highways and military roads were con- structed ; forts were erected ; and the court be- came the seat of literature. In these days the Macedonian kingdom seems to have comprised Emathia, Mygdonia, and Pelagonia, to which may be added some of the neighbouring tribes, who, although governed by their own kings, were tributary. The power of the kings was insignifi- cant when unaided by the nobles, among whom, as was the case with all the hereditary princes of Greece, they merely held the right of precedence. How difficult was it, even in Alexander's time, to erase from the minds of the Macedonian nobility the recollection of their former importance ! BOOK iv. MACEDONIAN MONARCHY. 209 5. The murder of Archelaus was followed by a FIRST stormy period, wrapped in obscurity : the un- - settled state of the succession raised up many pretenders to the throne, each of whom easily found the means of supporting his claims, either in some of the neighbouring tribes, or in one of the Grecian republics. jEropus, as guardian to the young king Orestes, usurps the supreme power, B. C. 400 394. After his death, and the mur- der of his son Pausanias, 393, the throne was seized by Amyn- tas II. son of Philip, and brother to Perdiccas II. who was nevertheless unable to maintain his power until he had gained a victory over Argaeus, the brother of Pausanias, who was backed by the Illyrians, 390369. The war with Olynthus, 383380, could not be brought to a successful conclusion until he had formed an alliance with Sparta. 6. The three sons of Amyntas II, Alexander, Perdiccas, and Philip, successively ascended the throne after the death of their father ; but so vio- lent were the commotions during the reigns of the two former, that the future existence of Ma- cedonia as a kingdom might have been regarded as problematical : it is certain that they were obliged to submit to the payment of tribute to the Illyrians. Alexander, in opposition to his rival, Ptolemy of Alorus, placed on the throne by Pelopidas, sends his youngest brother Philip as hostage to Thebes : in the same year he is deposed by Ptolemy, 368. Reign of Ptolemy, 388 365, with the stipula- tion imposed, 367> by Pelopidas, that he shall only hold the sceptre in reserve for the two younger brothers. Murder of Ptolemy, 365, by Perdiccas III. who is nearly overwhelmed by Pausanias, another and earlier pretender to the crown ; he is at last firmly seated on the throne by the Athenians, under Iphi- crates, 364. But as early as 360 he falls in the war against the Illyrians, leaving behind him a son, Amyntas, still a minor, and a younger brother Philip, who escapes from Thebes in order to gain possession of the throne. 210 MACEDONIAN MONARCHY. BOOK iv. 7< ^e re * n ^ P m l*P W ^ch lasted twenty- Philip; four years, is one of the most instructive and in- 336? 6< teresting in the whole range of history, as well on account of the prudence he displayed, as for the manner in which his plans were arranged and executed. Though it may be difficult to trace in his morals the pupil of Epaminondas, yet it is im- possible to view without feelings of astonishment the brilliant career of a man, who, under the al- most hopeless circumstances in which he com- menced his course, never lost his firmness of mind, and who in the highest prosperity pre- served his coolness of reflection. The history of Philip, even in his own days, was distorted to his disadvantage by orators and historians. Demosthenes could not, Theopompus would not, be impartial ; and the information contained in Diodorus and Justin is mostly derived from the work of the latter. OLIVIER, Histoire de Philippe, roi de Macedoine. Paris, 1740, 2 vols. 8vo. A defence of Philip. DE BURY, Histoire de Philippe, el d'Alexandre le grand. Paris, 1760, 4to. A very mean performance. TH. LELAND, The History of the Life and Reign of Philip king of Macedon. London, 1761* 4to. Dry, but exhibiting much reading and strict impartiality. In MITFORD, History of Greece, vol. iv, Philip has found his most zealous panegyrist and defender. It would seem that, even in the present day, it is impossible to write an impartial history of this monarch. 8. Melancholy posture of the Macedonian af- fairs at the beginning of Philip's reign. Besides victorious foes abroad, there were at home two pretenders to the throne, Argaeus, backed by Athens, Pausanias, supported by Thrace ; and Philip himself, at first, was merely regent, and not king. In the two first years, however, every BOOK iv. MACEDONIAN MONARCHY. 211 thing was changed, and Macedonia recovered her FIRST independence. The newly-created phalanx en- sured victory over the barbarians ; recourse was had to other means than force for success against the suspiciousness of Athens and the neighbour- ing Greek settlements, particularly against the powerful Olynthus. It is in the conduct of these affairs that the peculiar sagacity of Philip is dis- played. After the defeat of Argaeus, peace is purchased from Athens by a momentary recognition of the freedom of Amphipolis, 360. Removal of Pausanias by means of an accommodation with Thrace. By the conquest of the Paeonians and Illyrians, 359, the boundaries of Macedonia are extended to Thrace, and west- ward to the lake Lychnitis. As early as 360 Philip was pro- claimed king. 9. Development of Philip's further plans of p !j c y f aggrandizement. By the gradual subjection of the Macedo- Greek cities, he proposed, not only to make himself sole master in Macedonia, but also to remove the Athenians from his domain. The first object of his policy against Greece was to get himself acknowledged as aHellen, and Ma- cedonia as a member of the Hellenic league. Hence the subsequent tutelage in which Mace- donia held Greece was not converted into a formal subjection, a proceeding which would have savoured too much of barbarian origin. The exe- cution of all these plans was facilitated by the possession of the Thracian gold mines, which en- abled Philip to create finances as well as the phalanx. Capture of Amphipolis, 358 ; in the mean while Athens is amused with promises, and Olynthus with the momentary cession of Potidaea, which had likewise been captured : this event is fol- lowed by the conquest of the mountainous districts, abounding in p2 212 MACEDONIAN MONARCHY. BOOK iv. FIRST gold, which extend from the Nestus to the Strymon, and fur- nished an annual income of nearly 1,000 talents. possesses iQ. The interference of Philip in the affairs of himself of Thessaiy : Thessaiy dates from the year 357 ; the possession of that country was an object equally important for the furtherance of his views upon Greece, as for the improvement of his finances. He first stepped forth as the deliverer of Thessaiy, and ended in making it a province of Macedonia. Expulsion of the tyrants from Pherae, at the request of the Aleuadae, 356 ; the tyrants, however, receive support in the sacred war from the Phocians under Onomarchus. The final defeat of Onomarchus, 352, makes Philip master of Thessaiy ; he places Macedonian garrisons in the three chief places, and thus supports his authority in the country until he is pleased to make it en- tirely a Macedonian province, 344. takes ad- \\ The protraction of the sacred war in vantage of l the sacred Greece furnished Philip with an excellent oppor- tunity of promoting his views upon that country ; although his first attempt at an irruption, too precipitately undertaken, was frustrated by the Athenians. The capture of Olynthus, notwith- standing the assistance afforded it by the Athe- nians, after a season of apparent inaction, insured the safety of the frontiers in his rear ; and by a master stroke of policy, almost at the very mo- ment in which he was driving the Athenians out of Euboea, he found means to enter with them into negotiations, which, after repeated embas- sies, were closed by a peace, opening to him the way through Thermopylae, and enabling him to raise a party favourable to himself within the very walls of Athens. invades 12. First descent of Philip into Greece, and termination of the sacred war by reducing the BOOK iv. MACEDONIAN MONARCHY. 213 Phocians. The place which he now obtained in FIRST the Amphictyonic council, had been the height - of his wishes ; and the humility of Sparta proved how firmly his ascendancy over Greece was al- ready established. 13. Brief view of the state of Greece, and more fosters a particularly of Athens, after the sacred war ; de- oSce" scription of the means by which Philip succeeded in creating and supporting parties favourable to his own interests in the Grecian states. Bribery was not his only instrument; what he gave he borrowed from others ; the main feature of his policy was, that he seldom or ever recurred to the same means. Scheming and consistent even in his drunken revels, he hardly ever appears under the same form. Dreadful consequences to the morals of the Greeks, resulting from the spirit of party, the decline of religion, and the vast in- crease in the circulating medium, produced by the treasures of Delphi and Macedonia. Estimate of the power of Athens dur- ing the period of Demosthenes and Phocion. It seems that, un- fortunately, the eloquence and political acuteness of the former was not accompanied with sufficient talents for negotiation ; the latter, perhaps, did not place confidence enough in his country, while Demosthenes placed too much. In spite of public indo- lence and effeminacy, Athens was still enabled to support her rank as a maritime power, the navy of Philip not being equal to hers. "|" A. G. BKCKER, Demosthenes as a Statesman and an Orator. An historico-critical introduction to his works : 1815. A very useful work, both as a history and as an introduction to the po- litical orations of Demosthenes. 14. New conquests of Philip in Illyria and is thwarted Thrace. The Adriatic sea and the Danube ap- J pear to have been the boundaries of his empire on this side. But the views of the Macedonian 214 MACEDONIAN MONARCHY. BOOK iv. FIRST king were directed less against the Thracians, than against the Grecian settlements on the Hel- lespont ; and the attack of the Athenian Dio- pithes furnished him a pretext for making war against them. The siege, however, of Perinthus and Byzantium, was frustrated by Phocion, to the great vexation of Philip ; an event which aroused the Athenians, and even the Persians, from their lethargy. but obtains 15. Policy of Philip after this check. At the the com- . mand in the very time that, engaged in a war against the bar- second sa- . . in credwar; barians on the Danube, he appears to have wholly lost sight of the affairs of Greece, his agents re- double their activity. .ZEschines, richly paid for his services, proposes in the Amphictyonic coun- cil, that, to punish the sacrilegious insults of the Locrians to the Delphian oracle, he should be elected leader of the Greeks in this new sacred war. Following his usual maxim, Philip suffers himself to be entreated. and fails 16. Second expedition of Philip into Greece. Greece. His appropriation of the important frontier town of Elatea soon showed that, for this time at least, he was not contending merely for the honour of Apollo. Alliance between Athens and Thebes brought about by Demosthenes. But the defeat of Chaeronea in the same year decided the de- pendence of Greece. Philip now found it easy to play the magnanimous character towards Athens. Philip's 17. Preparations for the execution of his plan aSX against Persia, not as his own undertaking, but as a national war of the Hellenes against the barba- rians. Thus, while Philip, by obtaining from the Amphictyons the appointment of generalissimo BOOK iv. MACEDONIAN MONARCHY. 215 of Greece against the Persians, secured in an ho- FIRST nourable manner the dependence of the country, -- the splendour of the expedition flattered the na- tion at whose expense it was to be conducted. It is a question, indeed, whether Philip's own pri- vate views extended much further ! 18. The internal government of Macedonia, internal under so skilful and successful a conqueror, must Macedonia necessarily have been absolute. No pretender Jp der phl " would dare to rise up against such a ruler, and the body guard (do/iif^.i) established by him at the beginning of his reign, and taken from the Mace- donian nobility, contributed much to keep up a proper understanding between th% prince and the nobles. The court became a military staff, while the people, from a nation of herdsmen, was con- verted into a nation of warriors. Philip was un- fortunate only in his own family ; but the blame is not to be attributed to him if he could not agree with Olympias. 19. Philip murdered by Pausanias at ^Egae, Philip mur- probably at the instigation of the Persians, while B^C.'SSS. celebrating the marriage of his daughter. 20. The reiisrn of ALEXANDER the GREAT, in Alexander: ^u r ^ u- * i J ' '* 336-323. the eyes of the historical inquirer, derives its great interest, not only from the extent, but from the permanence, of the revolution which he effected in the world. To appreciate properly the character of this prince, who died just as he was about to carry his mighty projects into ex- ecution, is no easy task; but it is totally repug- nant to common sense to suppose that the pupil of Aristotle was nothing more than a wild and reckless conqueror, unguided by any plan. 216 MACEDONIAN MONARCHY. BOOK iv. FIRST ST. CROIX, Examen critique des anciens historiens d'Alexan- RIOP ' dre-le-grand, 2nd. edition, consider ablemen I augrnentee. Paris, 1804, 4to. The new edition of this, which is the principal work on the history of Alexander, and important in more respects than one, contains more than the title implies, though by no means a strictly impartial estimate of that prince's character. Disturb- 21. Violent commotions at court, in the conquered ances of the . . . _ . . i * T-M i Macedo- countries, and in Greece, after the death oi Philip. Great as his power appeared to be, the preserva- tion of it depended entirely on the first display of character in his successor. Alexander showed himself worthy to inherit the sceptre by his victo- rious expedition against the Thracians ; (to whom, and more especially to his alliance with the Agrians, he was afterwards indebted for his light horse;) and by the example which he exhibited to Greece in his treatment of Thebes. Alexander, 22. Appointment of Alexander in the assembly unhnoof at Corinth to be generalissimo of the Greeks. Yet what his father would probably have turned to a very different account, he allowed to remain a mere nominal office. Development of his plan of attack upon Persia. The want of a navy, soon experienced by Alexander, would probably have frustrated his whole project, had not Memnon's counterplan of an inroad into Macedonia been thwarted by the celerity of the Macedonian king. Battieofthe 23. Passage over the Hellespont, and com- mencement of the war. The tranquillity of his kingdom and of Greece appeared to be secured, Antipater being left at the head of affairs. The victory on the Granicus opens to Alexander a path into Asia Minor; but the death of Memnon, which soon after followed, was perhaps a greater advantage than a victory. BOOK iv. MACEDONIAN MONARCHY. 217 24. The victory of Issus, gained over Darius in FIRST person, appears to have given Alexander the first - ' , n . Battle of idea oi completely overturning the Persian throne, issus. as was proved by the rejection of Darius's offers of peace. When indeed have not the plans of conquerors been dependent on the course of events? Yet Alexander must have been pretty certain of his future victory, since he permitted Darius to escape, while he sat down seven months before Tyre, in order to make himself master of 332. the sea; and, after the conquest of Egypt without a battle, to which the possession of Tyre opened the way, to build Alexandria, and erect to himself a monument more lasting than all his victories. Although Alexandria perhaps in the end may have surpassed the expectations of the founder, yet the selection of the site, fa- vourable only for navigation and commerce, shows that an eye was originally had to those objects. 25. Invasion of Inner Asia, facilitated by the Decisive tacit submission of the ruling tribes, and by the ABBBA. state of cultivation in which the country was found. On the plains of Arbela the Macedonian Oct. 1,331. tactics were completely triumphant. It might now be said that the throne of Persia was over- turned; and the unexpectedly easy capture of Babylon, Susa, and Persepolis, was surely of more importance for the moment than the pursuit of a flying king. Insurrection of the Greeks quelled by Antipater ; Alexander himself falls in with the malcontent envoys to Darius in the in- terior of Asia. 26. The subjection of the north-eastern pro- Persia vinces of the Persian empire would perhaps havejctei been attended with the greatest difficulties, had 218 MACEDONIAN MONARCHY. BOOK iv. FIRST not the astonishing activity of the conqueror crushed in their birth the schemes of the treach- B. c. 330. erous Bessus, who, after the assassination of Da- rius, wished to erect a separate kingdom in Bac- tria. The Jaxartes was now the northern bound- 329. ary of the Macedonian monarchy, as it had hi- therto been that of the Persian. Besides, the possession of the rich trading countries, Bactria and Sogdiana, was in itself an object of vast im- portance. During this expedition, the execution of Philotas and his fa- ther Parmenio took place, though both were, probably, guiltless of the conspiracy laid to their charge, 330. After the death of Darius, Alexander met with almost constant opposition in his own army: the majority of the troops fancying that that event precluded the necessity of any further exertions. Cautious as Alexander was in his treatment of the Macedonian nobles, we may discern, not however by the mere example of Clitus, how difficult they found it to banish from their memory the relations in which they had formerly stood to their kings. Alexander 27. Alexander's expedition against India had, marches ...... against no doubt, its origin in that propensity to romantic 328-326. enterprise which constituted a main feature in his character. Yet what could be more natural than that a close view of Persian splendour, the con- quest of such wealthy countries, and the desire of prosecuting his vast commercial designs, should gradually mature in the mind of the Macedonian king the plan of subjecting a country which was represented as the golden land of Asia. To this likewise the scantiness of geographic inform- ation must have greatly contributed ; if he pressed forward to the eastern seas, the circle of his do- minion would, it was supposed, be complete. It appears very certain that Alexander was destitute BOOK iv. MACEDONIAN MONARCHY. 219 of a sufficient knowledge of the country when he FlRST entered upon this expedition. Alexander's invasion was directed against Northern India, or the Panjab; in those days a populous and highly cultivated country ; now the seat of the Seiks and Mahrattas ; and then, as now, in- habited by warlike races. He crossed the Indus at Taxila (At- tock,) passed the Hydaspes (Behut or Chelum,) and, availing himself of the quarrels between the Indian princes, defeated the king, Porus. He then proceeded across the Acesines (Jenaub) and Hydraotes (Rauvee). The eastern verge reached in this ex- pedition was the river Hyphasis (Beyah ;) here, having already proceeded half way to the Ganges, the conqueror was, by a mutiny in his army, compelled to retreat. His return was through the country of the Malli (Multan) as far as the Hydas- pes, when the majority of his troops took ship, and were floated along that stream into the Acesines, and from thence into the Indus, which they followed down to its mouth. RENNEL, Memoir of a Map of Hindostan. London, 1793, (3d. edit.) and ST. CROIX, Examen, etc. (see p. 216.) furnish all the neces- sary historical and geographical explanations relative to the Per- sian and Indian campaigns of Alexander. 28. Although Alexander was obliged to give up Conse- . . -r -,. , quences of the project or conquering India, yet the connec- this expedi- tion between Europe and the east, which has tlc continued from that time, was the work of his hands. While the communication on land was secured by the establishment of various settle- ments, the communication by sea was opened by the voyage of his admiral, Nearchus, from the Indus to the Euphrates. In the mean time Alexander himself proceeded to Persis and Baby- lon, across the desert, and the unexplored pro- vinces of Gedrosia and Carmania. Nearchus's voyage (our knowledge of which is derived from his own journal, preserved in Arrian's Indica) lasted from the be- 220 MACEDONIAN MONARCHY. BOOK iv. FIRST ginning of October, 326, to the end of February, 325 : nearly the same time was occupied in the almost incredible land march of the king. VINCENT, The Voyage of Nearchus from the Indus to the Euphrates. London, 1797* 4to. Exhibiting the most learned researches, and illustrated with excellent charts. Alexander's 29. After the abandonment of India, the whole policy in the / i i conquered circuit oi Alexander s conquests was precisely that of the former Persian empire ; his later pro- jects were probably directed against Arabia alone. However easy it had been to make these con- quests, it was a more difficult task to retain them ; for Macedonia, exhausted by continual levies of men, could not furnish efficient garrisons. Alex- ander removed this difficulty, by protecting the conquered from oppression ; by showing proper respect to their religion ; by leaving the civil government in the hands of the native rulers who had hitherto possessed it ; and by confiding to Macedonians the command only of the garrisons left in the chief places, and in the newly esta- blished colonies. To alter as little as possible in the internal organization of countries was his fun- damental principle. his views. 30. Simple as Alexander's plans were in the outset, their simplicity was more than compensated by the magnitude and importance of their results. Babylon was to be the capital of his empire, and consequently of the world. The union of the east and the west was to be brought about by the amalgamation of the dominant races by inter- marriage, by education, and, more than all, by the ties of commerce, the importance of which much ruder conquerors, in Asia itself, soon learnt BOOK iv. MACEDONIAN MONARCHY. 221 to appreciate. In nothing probably is the supe- FIRST riority of his genius more brilliantly displayed, - than in his exemption from all national prejudice, particularly when we consider that none of his countrymen were in this respect to be compared with him. To refuse him this merit is impossible, whatever judgment we may form of his general character. 31. Sudden death of Alexander at Babylon by Death of fever ; under the peculiar circumstances of the A P ri?2i? r ' time, the greatest loss mankind could experience. B - c - 323 - From the Indus to the Nile the world lay in ruins ; and where was now the architect to be found, that could gather up the scattered frag- ments and restore the edifice ? Alexander's disorder may be easily accounted for by the hard- ships he had undergone, and the impure air to which he exposed himself in cleaning out the canals about Babylon. He certainly was not poisoned ; and in the charge of immoderate drunkenness brought against him, we must take into acccount the manners of the Macedonian and Persian courts. Was it not the same with Peter the Great ? In estimating his moral character we must bear in mind the natural vehemence of his passions, ever inclined to the most rapid transitions ; nor should we forget the unavoid- able influence of constant success upon mankind. 222 MACEDONIAN MONARCHY. BOOK iv. SECOND PERIOD. History of the Macedonian monarchy, from the death of Alexander the Great to the battle of Ipsus, B. C. 323301. SECOND To enable the reader to take a general view, the history of the European events is resumed below, under the head of the history of Macedonia Proper. SOURCES. Diodorus, lib. xviii xx. is the great authority for this portion of history. He compiled mostly, for this period, from a contemporary historian, Hieronymus of Cardia. He is followed by Plutarch in the Lives of Eumenes, Demetrius, and Phocion; and by Justin, lib. xiii, etc. Of Arrian's history of Alexander's successors, nothing unfortunately remains but a few fragments in Photius. f MANNERT, History of Alexander's successors. Nuremberg, 1787. Composed with the usual judgment and learning of that author. Measures 1. The very first measure adopted after the thed e e ath of death of Alexander contained within itself the Alexander. gee( j s o f ^ fa Q fa lQ revolutions that afterwards ensued. Not only were the jealousy and am- bition of the nobles aroused, but even the inter- ference of the army was exhibited in the most terrific manner. Although the idea of the su- premacy of the royal family was cast off only by degrees, yet the dreadfully disturbed state in which that family stood, rendered its fall un- avoidable. State of the rayal family at the death of Alexander. He left his wife Roxana pregnant, who at the end of three months brought into the world the rightful heir to the sceptre, Alexan- der ; he left likewise an illegitimate son, Hercules ; a bastard BOOK iv. TO THE BATTLE OF IPSUS. 223 half-brother, Arrhidaeus ; his mother, the haughty and cruel SECOND Olympias, and a sister, Cleopatra, both widows ; the artful Eu rydice, (daughter to Cyane, one of Philip's sisters,) subsequently married to the king, Arrhideeus ; and Thessalonica, Philip's daughter, afterwards united to Cassander of Macedonia. 2. The weak Arrhideeus, under the name of A " hideus and Alex- Philip, and the infant Alexander were at last ander joint proclaimed kings, the regency being placed in the hands of Perdiccas, Leonnatus, and Meleager; the last of whom was quickly cut off at the insti- gation of Perdiccas. Meanwhile Antipater, with whom Craterus had been ioined as civil ruler, had ANT J t in Lurope. the management of affairs in Europe. 3. The sequel of the history becomes naturally violent re- that of satraps, who fell out among themselves, vc all being ambitious to rule, and none willing to obey. Twenty-two years elapsed ere any massy edifice arose out of the ruins of the Macedonian monarchy. In few periods of history are the re- volutions of affairs so violent, in few periods, therefore, is it so difficult to unravel the maze of events. For this purpose the most convenient division of the history is into three periods : the first extending to the death of Perdiccas, 321 : the second to the death of Eumenes, 315: the third to the defeat and death of Antigonus at the battle of Ipsus, 301. 4. First grant of the provinces made by Per- Division of ,. mi r i " the empire. diccas. Ihe vanity ol this man seems to have in- B. 0.323. duced him to select the office of regent, in order that no separate province might fall to his share ; he placed his whole reliance on having the com- mand of the royal army, although it had already given so many proofs of its determination to com- mand rather than to obey. 224 MACEDONIAN MONARCHY. BOOK iv. SECOND J n this division Ptolemy son of Lagus received Egypt ; Leon- ' natus, Mysia ; Antigonus, Phrygia, Lycia, and Pamphylia ; Ly- symachus, Macedonian Thrace ; Antipater and Craterus remained in possession of Macedonia. The foreigner, Eumenes, would hardly have received Cappadocia, although yet to be conquered, had Perdiccas been able to dispense with his services. The re- maining provinces either did not come under the new division, or else their governors are unworthy of notice. First acts of 5. The first acts of Perdiccas's government Pcrdiccis. showed how little dependence he could place on the obedience of men who hitherto had been his colleagues. The general insurrection among the mercenaries who had been settled by Alexander in Upper Asia, and now wished to return to their homes, was, no doubt, quelled by Python's de- struction of the rebels ; but it was not Python's fault that he did not make himself independent master of the scene of mutiny. ' Still more refractory was the behaviour of e . nceofAn - Leonnatus and Antigonus, when they received tigonus and Leonnatus. orders to put Eumenes in possession of his pro- vince. Antigonus was too haughty to obey ; and Leonnatus preferred going over into Europe to marry Cleopatra; there, however, he almost im- mediately met with his death in the Lamian war. (See below, book iv. period iii. parag. 2.) Per- diccas, therefore, was himself obliged to undertake the expedition with the royal army; he succeeded B.C. 322. by the defeat of Ariarathes. Perdiccas 7. Ambitious views of Perdiccas, who, in order to ascend the throne by a marriage with Cleo- rkted - 1S P atra ' re P u diates Nicsea, the daughter of Anti- pater. Cleopatra actually came over to Asia; but Perdiccas, being obliged, at the request of the army, to marry Eurydice, Philip's niece, after BOOK iv. TO THE BATTLE OF IPSUS. 225 the murder of her mother Cyane, to the king SECOND O -p Arrhidseus, found her a troublesome rival and - opponent in the government. 8. Attempts of Perdiccas to overthrow Anti- seeks to ruin gonus and Ptolemy, by accusing them before the andpuSe 8 - army. Antigonus passes over to Antipater in my> Macedonia ; and gives rise to the league between Antipater, Craterus, and Ptolemy, against Per- diccas and Eumenes. 9. Commencement and termination of the first War be- war. Perdiccas himself marches against Egypt, ^parties, leaving his friend Eumenes to command in Asia 321 ' Minor : meanwhile Antipater and Craterus fall upon Asia ; the former advances towards Syria against Perdiccas ; the latter is defeated and slain by Eumenes. Before the arrival, however, of Antipater, Perdiccas, after repeated and vain at- tempts to cross the Nile, falls a victim to the in- surrection of his own troops. Thus three of the 320. principal personages, Perdiccas, Craterus, Leon- natus, were already removed from the theatre of action ; and the victorious Eumenes, now master of Asia Minor, had to maintain, unaided, the struggle against the confederates. 10. Second period, from the death of Perdic- B.C. 320 cas to that of Eumenes. Python and Arrhidaeus 315 ' . . . , , ANTIPATEK quickly resigning the regency, it is assumed by regent. Antipater. New division of the provinces at Tris- 320. paradisus in Syria. Seleucus receives Babylon ; Antigonus is promised, besides his former posses- sions, all those of the outlawed Eumenes. 1 1 . War of Antigonus with Eumenes. The lat- ter, defeated by treachery, shuts himself up in the mountain fastness of Nora, there to await more 226 MACEDONIAN MONARCHY. BOOK iv. SECOND favourable times ; and Antigonus remains master of all Asia Minor : in the mean time Ptolemy ventures to take possession of Syria and Phoenicia. Antipater 12. Death of the resrent Antipater, in the same dies. 320. year, (320 ;) he bequeaths the regency to his friend, POLYSPER- the aged Polysperchon, to the exclusion of his own gent! son Cassander. Antigonus now begins to unfold his ambitious plans ; he endeavours vainly to win over Eumenes, who deceives him in the negotia- 3i9. tions, and seizes the opportunity of leaving his mountain fastness. 13. Eumenes's plan to strengthen himself in Upper Asia ; as he is on the way he receives tidings of his being appointed generalissimo of the royal troops. What better man could Polysper- chon have selected for the office than he who in his conduct towards Antigonus exhibited so strik- ing an example of attachment to the royal house? 14. Exertions of Eumenes to maintain him- self in Lower Asia, ineffectual, the naval victory B. c.318. won by Antigonus over the royal fleet, com- manded by Clitus, depriving him of the empire of the sea. He bursts into Upper Asia ; where, in the spring, he unites with the satraps, who had 317. taken arms against the powerful Seleucus of Ba- bylon. 15. Antigonus following up the royal general, Upper Asia becomes the theatre of war. Victo- rious as was at first the stand made by Eumenes, neither valour nor talent were of any avail against the insubordination of the royal troops, and the jealousy of the other commanders. Attacked in winter quarters by Antigonus, he was, after the battle, delivered into the hands of his enemy by BOOK iv. TO THE BATTLE OF IPSUS. 227 the mutinous Argyraspidae, who had lost their SECOND &J . PERIOD. baggage : he was put to death, and in him the 315> king's family lost its only loyal supporter. 16. Great changes had also taken place in the royal family. Her enemy Antipater having de- ceased, Olympias, invited by Polysperchon, who wished to strengthen himself against Cassander, had returned from Epirus, and put to death Ar- si?. rhidaeus together with his wife, Eurydice : in the year following she was besieged in Pydna by Cassander, and being obliged to surrender, was in her turn executed ; meanwhile Cassander held sis. Roxana and the young king in his own power. 315-301. 17. Third period, from the death of Eumenes Predomi- to that of Antigonus. The rout of Eumenes Antigomu. seemed to have established for ever the power of Antigonus in Asia ; still animated with the fire of youth, though full of years, he saw himself re- vived in his son Demetrius, fond of boisterous revelry, but gallant and talented. Even Seleucus B. c. 315. thought it time to consult his safety by flying from Babylon into Egypt. 18. Changes introduced by Antigonus into the upper provinces ; return to Asia Minor, where his presence seemed indispensable, by reason of the aggrandizement of Ptolemy in Syria and Phoe- nicia, of the Macedonian Cassander in Europe, of Lysimachus in Mysia, and the Carian Cassan- der in Asia Minor. He repossesses himself of Phoenicia, a country of the first importance for the construction of a fleet. Siege of Tyre, 314 313: it lasts fourteen months; a proof that the city was certainly not razed by Alexander. 19. The fugitive Seleucus forms a league 228 MACEDONIAN MONARCHY. BOOK iv. SECOND against Antigonus and Demetrius, between Pto- lemy, the two Cassanders, and Lysimachus. But Antigonus frustrates their combination, himself driving out the Carian Cassander, and his son marching against Ptolemy. Victory won by Ptolemy over Demetrius at Gaza, 312; after which Seleucus marches back to Babylon, and, although subse- quently followed up by Demetrius, permanently maintains his footing in Upper Asia. On the other hand, Ptolemy, at the first approach of Antigonus with the main body, surrenders back Syria and Phoenicia, 312. Peace 20. A general peace concluded between Anti- concluded, i i an. gonus and his enemies, Seleucus only excepted, from whom Upper Asia is to be again wrested. The first article, that each should retain what he had, demonstrates pretty evidently that the treaty was dictated solely by Antigonus ; the second, that the Greek cities should be free, was preg- nant with the seeds of a new war, ready to burst forth at every favourable opportunity ; the third, that the young Alexander should be raised to the throne upon attaining his majority, was probably the death warrant of the hapless prince, who, that same year, together with his mother, was mur- dered by Cassander. Shortly after, at the insti- gation of Antigonus, Cleopatra was put to death, in order that Ptolemy might be thwarted in his object, which depended on a matrimonial con- nection with that princess. Disputeson 21. Even the execution of the articles must tionof have given rise to hostilities; Ptolemy wishing * e ' to force Antigonus, and he, on his side, to compel Cassander, to withdraw the garrisons from the Grecian towns ; a condition which neither party felt inclined to fulfil. Grecian freedom was now BOOK iv. TO THE BATTLE OF IPSUS. 229 but a name ; this, however, is not the only ex- ample history furnishes of political ideas making" the greatest stir long after they have survived their own existence ; for then they become ex- cellent tools in the hands of artful designers. Expedition of Demetrius to liberate Athens, 308. The day when he announced freedom to the Athenians, must have been the happiest of his life ! Few portions of history present such a scope for the contemplation of human nature as the twofold so- journ of Demetrius at Athens. 22. The growing power of Ptolemy on the sea, and the capture of Cyprus, determines Anti- gonus to an open rupture : he commands his son to drive Ptolemy out of the island. Naval victory of Demetrius off Cyprus, 307, perhaps the greatest and most bloody in history ; nevertheless, as little deci- sive to the general question as are most naval battles. The as- sumption of the royal title, first by the conqueror, afterwards by the conquered, and ultimately by all the rest, was but a mere form now that the royal family was extirpated. 23. The conquerors having failed in their pro- Rhodes ject of subduing Egypt, made the wealthy repub- besie ed< lie of the Rhodians, as an ally of that country, the victim of their fury. But though in the re- nowned siege of their capital, Demetrius earned his title of Poliorcetes, the noble defence of the B. c. 305. Rhodians afforded an illustrious example of the power of discipline in conjunction with well- guided patriotism. The invitation of the Athe- nians came seasonably to Demetrius ; he raised the blockade and proceeded to complete the li- beration of Greece, the necessity of which be- 3 4 - came every day more pressing. 24. Second sojourn of Demetrius in Greece. Demetrius The expulsion of Cassander's garrisons from the 230 MACEDONIAN MONARCHY. BOOK IT. SECOND Grecian cities, and more particularly from those PERIOD. - in Peloponnesus ; the appointment of Demetrius as generalissimo of Greece, for the conquest of Macedonia and Thrace ; proved not only to Cas- sander, but also to the other princes, that their common interest loudly called upon them to re- sist the over-powerful Antigonus. League 25. Third grand league of Cassander, Ptolemy, against 1/^1 "' u .. i i Antigonus, and Seleucus, against Antigonus and his son ; brought about by Cassander. How easily, even after the violent irruption of Lysimachus into Asia Minor, might Antigonus have dispersed the gathering storms, had not his presumption led him to place an overweening reliance on his own good fortune ! junction of 26. Junction of Seleucus of Babylon and Ly- simachus, in Phrygia. Antigonus, to concen- macus, ^^ j^ g f orceg) re calls his son, who had pushed on to the borders of Macedonia. The cautious Ptolemy, on the other hand, is afraid to invade Syria ; and, in consequence of a false report, that Lysimachus had been defeated, retires full of alarm, into Egypt. Battle of 27. Great and decisive battle fought at Ipsus BJC.aoi. in Phrygia, in the spring of 301, which costs An- tigonus his life, and annihilates his empire, as the two conquerors divide it between themselves, without taking any account of the absent con- federates. Asia Minor, as far as mount Taurus, falls to the share of Lysimachus ; and all the rest, with the exception of Cilicia, which is given to Plisthenes, Cassander's brother, is left to Se- leucus. Demetrius, by the help of his navy, escapes into Greece. BOOK iv. TO THE BATTLE OF IPSUS. 231 28. The almost unbroken series of wars which SECOND PERIOD. had raged from the time of Alexander, must have Domestic precluded the possibility of much being effected tE?the with respect to domestic organization. It ap- monarch y- pears to have been nearly, if not wholly, military. Yet were the numerous devastations in some measure compensated by the erection of new ci- ties, in which these princes vied with one an- other, impelled partly by vanity to immortalize their names, partly by policy to support their do- minion, most of the new settlements being mili- tary colonies. Nevertheless this was but a sorry reparation for the manifold oppressions to which the natives were exposed by the practice of quar- tering the army upon them. The spread of the language and civilization of the Greeks deprived them of all national distinction ; their own lan- guages sinking into mere provincial dialects. Alexander's monarchy affords a striking example of the little that can be expected from a forced amalgamation of races, when the price of that amalgamation is the obliteration of national cha- racter in the individuals. HEYNE, Opum regni Macedonici auctarum, attritarum et eversarum, causes probabiles ; in Opusc. t. iv. This collection contains several other treatises on Grecian and Macedonian his- tory, which cannot be all separately enumerated. 232 MACEDONIAN MONARCHY. BOOK IY. THIRD PERIOD. History of the kingdoms and states which arose upon the dismemberment of the Macedonian Monarchy after the battle of Ipsus. I. HISTORY OF THE SYRIAN EMPIRE UNDER THE SELEUCID^E, B. C. 31264. p SOURCES. Neither for the history of the Syrian, nor for that of the Egyptian and Macedonian kingdoms, has any eminent writer been preserved. The fragments of the lost books of Dio- dorus, and, from the time that these kingdoms became allies of Rome, those of Polybius, several narratives of Livy, the Syriaca of Appian, and a few of Plutarch's Lives, are the principal au- thorities ; too frequently we are obliged to rely upon the extracts of Justin. For the history of the Seleucidse, in consequence of the political connection between these princes and the Jews, the Antiquities of Josephus and the book of Maccabees become of importance. Besides these authorities, the many coins that have been preserved of these kings, afford much information respecting their genealogy and chronology. Of modern publications on the subject, the principal work is VAILLANT, Imperium Seleucidarum sive hisloria regum Syrice, 1681, 4to. The enquiry is principally grounded on coins, as is the case with FROELICH, Annales rerum et regum Syrice. Viennae, 1754. kingdom of the Seleucidee was founded in Upper Asia by Seleucus Nicator. It was an extensive empire; but, being composed of various countries united only by conquest, it could possess but little internal stability except what it derived from the power of its rulers. That power fell with the founder ; and the transfer of the seat of BOOK iv. I. SELEUCID,E. 233 THIRD empire from the banks of the Tigris to Syria, en- PR tangled the Seleucidse in all the political disputes of the western world, and facilitated the insurrec- tion of the upper provinces. The history of this kingdom divides itself into the periods before and after the war with Rome ; although at the break- ing out of this war the seeds of its decline and fall had already been sown. Seleucus received, 321, Babylon as his province ; but after the defeat of Eumenes was obliged to take to night, 315, in order to avoid subjection to the conqueror Antigonus. But his moderate government had rendered him so popular, that after the victory won by Ptolemy over Demetrius at Gaza, 312, he could safely venture to return with only a few adherents to Babylon. In this year commences the kingdom of the Seleucidae. 2. In the ten following years, and while Anti- founds the * . kingdom of gonus was busied in Asia Minor, Seleucus laid the Seieu- the foundation of his power over all Upper Asia, with a facility to which the detestation excited by the rigid government of Antigonus mainly contributed. After his victory over Nicanor of B.C. 313. Media, all in that quarter declared spontaneously for him ; and the unsuccessful expedition of De- 311. metrius taught Antigonus himself, that it would no longer be prudent to assert his claims. As early as 307, Seleucus was in possession of all the countries between the Euphrates, Indus, and Oxus, 3. Great campaign in India undertaken by Se- campaign leucus against king Sandracottus. He penetrated Saf as far as the Ganges, and the close alliance he B - c - 305> formed with the Indian sovereign lasted a long time after, and was kept up by embassies. The great number of elephants which he brought back 234 MACEDONIAN MONARCHY. BOOK iv. THIRD with him was not the only advantage accruing from this expedition ; the intercourse with the east seems to have been permanently reesta- blished. Seatofgo- 4. By the battle of Ipsus Seleucus added to rem^ed 1 his dominions the greater part of the territories sol Syria ' f Antigonus ; Syria, Cappadocia, Mesopotamia, and Armenia. Unfortunately Syria now became the head province, notwithstanding Coele-Syria and Phoenicia were left in the hands of Ptolemy. How widely different would have been the course of historic events, had the seat of empire re- mained at Seleucia on the Tigris, and the Eu- phrates continued to be the western boundary of the Seleucidae ! 5. Reciprocal relations between the several kings, who now combine in forming a kind of po- litical system, in which continued exertions to maintain a balance of power by alliance and mar- riage are plainly discernible. Connection between Seleucus and Demetrius Poliorcetes, by the marriage of the former with the beautiful Stratonice, daugh- ter of the latter ; made with the view of counterbalancing a similar connection between Ptolemy and Lysimachus ; Lysima- chus and his son Agathocles having united themselves with two daughters of Ptolemy. Long peace 6. The eighteen years of tranquillity enjoyed 301283. by Asia after the battle of Ipsus, prove that Se- leucus was one of the few followers of Alexander who had any genius for the arts of peace. He either founded or embellished a vast number of cities, the most important of which were the capital, Antiochia in Syria, and the two Seleucias, one on the Tigris, the other on the Orontes : the BOOK iv. I. SELEUCID^E. 235 flourishing prosperity of several of these places was the result of the restoration of eastern trade ; ~ new channels for which appear to have been opened at this period on the main streams of Asia, and more particularly on the Oxus. 7. The home department of his empire was The empire organized into satrapies, of which there were seventy-two. But Alexander's maxim, " to give the satrapies to natives," was wholly forgotten by his followers ; and the Seleucida? were not long before they experienced the evil consequences of swerving from that practice. Under such a prince as Seleucus scarce any kingdom could of itself fall to pieces ; but the king himself paved the way for the dismemberment of his empire, by ceding Upper Asia, together with his consort Stratonice, B.C. 293. to his son Antiochus ; not, however, without the previous approbation of the army. 8. War with Lysimachus, kindled by ancient Conquest of jealousy, and now fomented by family feuds. The battle of Curopedion cost Lysimachus his throne 28-2. and his life ; and Asia Minor became a part of the Syrian realm. But as Seleucus was crossing over to Europe, to add Macedonia to his dominions, he fell by the hand of an assassin, Ptolemy Ceraunus, 28i. and with him the splendour of his kingdom was extinguished. 9. The reign of his son, Antiochus I. surnamed a * i Soter ' ooter, seemed not unprosperous, inasmuch as the 231262. empire preserved its former extension ; but in any state founded upon conquest, the failure of new attempts at an increase of territory is a sure token of approaching ruin ; and this was the case here. In such a state, the more immediately all 236 MACEDONIAN MONARCHY. BOOK iv. THIRD depends oil the person of the ruler, the more rapid and sensible are the effects of degeneration in a family like that of the Seleucidae. The late conquests of his father in Asia Minor entangled An- tiochus in new wars ; although, by the marriage of his step- daughter Phila with Antigonus Gonatas, he ceded his claims on Macedonia,, 277- Fruitless attempt at subjecting Bithynia, 279 ; the king of that country, Nicomedes, calls in the Gauls, who had invaded Macedonia, and gives them a settlement in Ga- latia, 277> where they keep their footing, even after the victory won over them by Antiochus, 275, and by their participation in the wars, as mercenaries, become of importance. The newly risen state of Pergamus likewise thrives, at the expense of the Syrian empire, in spite of Antiochus's attack, 263 ; and the in- road into Egypt, for the purpose of supporting the rebel Magas, is anticipated by Ptolemy II. 264. Antiochus 10. Antiochus II. surnamed ee*V During his B. (:. S> 262 reign the sway was in the hands of women ; and 247 - the diseased state of the interior of the empire became palpable by the secession of various east- Riseofthe em provinces, out of which arose the Parthian and Bac- and Bactrian kingdoms. The boundless luxury 15 f tne court hurried on the decline of the ruling family ; having once begun to sink, it could not without difficulty have retrieved its virtue inde- pendently of the matrimonial connections now constantly formed from within itself. Ascendancy of his stepsister and wife Laodice, and of his sister Apame, relict of Magas; the latter involves him in war with Ptolemy II. to vindicate her claims upon Cyrene ; it ends by Antiochus's marriage with Berenice, daughter of Ptolemy, and his repudiation of Laodice, 260 252. Having, after the death of Ptolemy, 247, put away Berenice and taken back Laodice ; the latter, distrusting his motives, cuts him off by poison. The se- cession of Parthia happened in consequence of the expulsion of the Macedonian governor by Arsaces, founder of the house of the BOOK iv. I. SELEUClDvE. 237 Arsacidas : that of Bactria, on the other hand, was brought about THIRD by the Macedonian governor himself, Theodotus, who asserted ERIOD - his independence. (Concerning these two kingdoms, see below, book iv. period iii. Dist. Kingdoms iv. parag. 4, 5.) At first, the former of these kingdoms comprised but a part of Parthia ; the latter only Bactria, and, perhaps, Sogdiana ; both, however, were soon enlarged at the expense of the Seleucidee. 11. Seleucus II. surnamed Callinicus. His Seieucus , , , Callinicus, reign, twenty years m duration, is one unbroken B.C. 247 series of wars ; in which the kingdom, already enfeebled, was subverted, partly by the struggle with Egypt, caused by the hatred between Lao- dice and Berenice ; partly by the jealousy of his brother Antiochus Hierax ; and partly by vain attempts at recovering the upper provinces. Assassination of Berenice, and most unfortunate war thereby kindled with Ptolemy Evergetes of Egypt, 247 244. The as- sistance which Seleucus obtains from his junior brother, Antio- chus, governor of Asia Minor, induces Ptolemy to a truce, 243 ; but another war ensues between the two brothers, in which An- tiochus, at first conqueror, is himself soon afterwards conquered in his turn, 243 240 ; and during this contest, Eumenes of Pergamus greatly increases his territory at the expense of Syria, 242. His first campaign against Arsaces, who had formed an alliance with the Bactrian king, ended in a defeat, 238, regarded by the Parthians as the real epoch of the foundation of their kingdom. In the second campaign, 236, he himself fell into the hands of the Parthians, and remained a prisoner till the day of his death, 227. 12. His elder son Seleucus III. surnamed Ce- Seleucus raunus, on the point of taking the field against 227? un Attains king of Pergamus, was removed by poi- son. But the dominion of the Seleucidae was 224. reestablished in Asia Minor by his mother's fra- ternal nephew, AchaBus ; and the crown ensured to the younger brother Antiochus, governor of Babylon. 238 MACEDONIAN MONARCHY. BOOK IT. THIRD 13. The long reign of Antiochus III. surnamed - the Great, is not only the most eventful in Syrian Antiochus .... . ii"i_ the Great, history, but likewise marks an epoch, by the is?.' ~ relations now commencing between Syria and Rome. To earn the title of great was a task of no extreme difficulty in such a line of princes. 14. Great power of Hermias the Carian, who e soon became so formidable to the young monarch, Persia. t ^ at k e w&g |jijg e( j ^ o r j^ himself of him by mur- 218. der. The great stand made by the brothers, Molo and Alexander, satraps of Media and Per- sia, who probably had an understanding with Hermias, threatened the king with the loss of all the upper provinces : it ended in the defeat of Molo, Hermias being at last no longer able to 220. hinder the king from marching against him in person. war with 15. The intrigues of Hermias excited Achaeus mies; in- to rebellion in Asia Minor: but Antiochus held o?Asia 0n it more important, first to execute the plan he Mmor 22 - had previously traced, of ejecting the Ptolemies 219. from their possessions in Syria ; great as the suc- cess which at first attended this expedition, it 2i7. was completely traversed by the battle of Raphia. Combining with Attalus of Pergamus, Antio- chus then defeated Achaeus, who, being shut up 216. in the citadel of Sardes, was treacherously deli- vered into his hands. Campaign 16. Great campaign of Antiochus in the upper in the up- . . - , . r , f ... per pro- provinces, in consequence ot the seizure ot Media 214^205. by Arsaces III. Hostilities ended in a compact, by which Antiochus agreed formerly to cede Par- 210. thia and Hyrcania ; Arsaces, on his side, pledging himself to furnish assistance against Bactria. BOOK iv. I. SELEUCID^B. 239 But the war with Bactria was also followed by a THIRD peace, leaving the king, Euthydemus, in posses- - sion of his crown and dominions. The expedition now undertaken by Antiochus, in company with Demetrius of Bactriana, against India, extended, probably far up the country, and was attended with important consequences to Bactriana. (See below, history of Bactria, book iv. per. iii. Dist. Kingdoms iv. parag. 5. The result of these great expeditions was the establishment of the supremacy of the Seleucidse in Upper Asia ; those countries excepted which had been formally resigned. On his return through Arachotus and Carmania, where he win- tered, he likewise undertook a naval expedition on the Persian gulf : here Gerrha, in possession of its freedom, appears a nou- rishing place of trade. 17. Resumption of the plan against Egypt, war with after the death of Ptolemy Philopator ; and alii- 203. pt> ance with Philip of Macedonia, then carrying on war in Asia. Antiochus, it is true, attained his end in the expulsion of the Ptolemies from their possessions in Syria, Coele-Syria, and Phoenicia; but then, his success brought him in contact with Rome, an event of decisive importance to himself 203 198. and his successors. 18. Growth of the disputes between the king war with and Rome, proceeding from the conquest of the Rome- major part of Asia Minor and the Thracian Cher- sonesus ; meanwhile Hannibal had taken refuge 197. at the Syrian court, and the probability daily in- creased of a great league being formed against Rome, although that power, after conquering Car- B. c. 195. thage, 201, and Macedonia, 197, had succeeded 240 MACEDONIAN MONARCHY. BOOK iv. in winning over Greece even, by the magic spell - of freedom. But Antiochus ruined all : instead of following Hannibal's advice, and attacking the Romans on their own ground, he stood on the de- fensive, and suffered himself to be invaded by them in Asia. His defeat at Magnesia near Mount Sipylus compelled him to accede to such 190. conditions as Rome chose to dictate, and the power of the Syrian empire was for ever broken. For the history of this war, see below in the Roman history. Book v. per. ii. parag. 10, 11. Conditions 19. The conditions of the peace were: 1st. withRome. That Antiochus should evacuate Asia Minor ; (Asia cis Taurum.) 2nd. That he should pay down 15,000 talents ; and to Eumenes of Perga- mus four hundred. 3rd. That Hannibal and some others should be delivered up, and the king's younger son Antiochus, be given as an hostage. The loss of the surrendered countries was a con- sequence of this peace, less disadvantageous to the Syrian kings, than the use made of it by the conquerors. By adding the greatest part of the ceded territories to those of the kings of Pergamus, the Romans raised up alongside of their enemy a rival, whom they might at their own will use as a political engine against him. Rome took care likewise that the stipulated sum should be paid by instalments in twelve years, to the end that Syria might be kept in a permanent state of de- pendence. seieucus 20. Murder of the king, 187. The reign of his 187176? elder son, Seieucus IV. surnamed Philopator, was a period of tranquillity ; peace arising from weak- ness. Though once he unsheathed his sword in BOOK iv. I. SELEUCID^E. 241 defence of Pharnaces king of Pontus, against Eu- THIRD menes, his fear of Rome soon compelled him to restore it to the scabbard. He exchanged his son for his brother at Rome ; but fell a victim to the ambition of his minister Heliodorus. 21. Antiochus IV. surnamed Epiphanes. Edu- cated at Rome, he sought to combine the popular manners of a Roman with the ostentatious luxury of a Syrian ; and thereby became an object of universal hatred and contempt. Our information respecting his history is too meagre to allow of our deciding whether most of the evil reported of him, in the Jewish accounts especially, may not be exaggerated. At any rate, among all his faults, we may still discern in him the germs of good qualities. 22. War with Egypt, springing out of Ptolemy Philometor's claims upon Coele-Syria and Pales- tine. Obscure as many parts are in the history 172 ~ 168 of this war yet it is evident that success attended the arms of Antiochus, and that he would have become master of Egypt had not Rome inter- fered. The pretext for war, on the Egyptian side, was, that those provinces had by Antiochus III. been promised as a dowry to Cleopatra, sister of Antiochus and the mother of Philometor : Antiochus Epiphanes, on his side, laid claim to the regency of Egypt, as uncle to the young king, who, however, was soon de- clared of age. Opening of the war, and victory won by Antio- chus at Pelusium, 171 ; in consequence of which Cyprus is be- trayed into his hands. Pelusium is fortified with a view of in- suring the possession of Coele-Syria, and of facilitating an irrup- tion into Egypt. Another victory, 170, and Egypt subdued as far as Alexandria. Philometor driven by a sedition out of Alex- andria, where his brother Physcon is seated on the throne, falls into the hands of Antiochus, who concludes with him a most ad- 242 MACEDONIAN MONARCHY. BOOK iv. THIRD vantageous peace, and takes his part against Physcon. Hence ERIOD> siege is laid to Alexandria, 169; attended with no success. Upon the retreat of Antiochus, Philometor, concluding a separate peace with his brother, according to which both are to rule in conjunction, is admitted into Alexandria. Antiochus, bitterly enraged, now declares war against both brothers, who crave as- sistance from Rome : he once more penetrates into Egypt, 1 68 ; where the Roman ambassador, Popillius, assumes so lofty a tone, that the Syrian king is glad to purchase peace by the surrender of Cyprus and Pelusium. hisintoier- 23. The religious intolerance of Epiphanes, exhibited in his wish to introduce the Grecian worship everywhere among the subjects of his empire, is the more remarkable, as such instances were less frequent in those times. This intoler- ance seems to have taken its rise, not only in the love of pomp, but in the cupidity of the king, who by that means was enabled to appropriate to him- self the treasures of the temples, no longer invio- late, since the defeat of his father by Rome. The B.C. 167. consequent sedition of the Jews, under the Mac- cabees, laid the foundation of the future inde- pendence of that people, and contributed not a little to weaken the Syrian kingdom. See below; History of the Jews, book iv. per. iv; Small states Jews, parag. 6. The deep decay of the finances of the Seleucidae, palpable from the latter days of Antiochus the Great, may be accounted for well enough, by the falling off of the re- venue, accompanied with increased luxury in the kings, (an in- stance of which is furnished in the festivals celebrated by Antio- chus Epiphanes at Daphne, 166,) and in the vast presents con- stantly sent to Rome, in addition to the tribute, for the purpose of keeping up a party there. 24. His expedition also into Upper Asia, Persis especially, where great disorders were likewise excited by the introduction of the Grecian reli- BOOK iv. I. SELEUCID^E. 243 gion, had for its object not only the recovery of THIRD Armenia, but the rifling of the temples. He died, - _ . , his death, however, on his way to Babylon. B.C. IGS. 25. The real heir to the throne, Demetrius, Antiochus being detained at Rome as an hostage, Epiphanes was first succeeded by his son Antiochus V. sur- 164 iei. named Eupator, a child nine years old. During his short reign, the quarrels of his guardians, the despotism of the Romans, the protracted war with the Jews, and the commencing conquests of the Parthians, reduced the kingdom of the Seleucidae to a powerless state. Contest between Lysias, regent in the absence of Epiphanes, and Philip, appointed by the king, previously to his death, as guardian of the young prince, terminated by the defeat of Philip, 162. Eupator 's right acknowledged at Rome, in order that the guardianship might fall into the hands of the senate, who admi- nister the government by means of a commission sent over into Syria, and completely deprive the king of all power of resistance. Octavius, head of the commission, put to death, probably at the instigation of Lysias. While the Parthian king, Mithridates I. is prosecuting his conquests at the expense of the Syrian king- dom in Upper Asia, Demetrius secretly escapes out of Rome, takes possession of the throne, and causes Eupator and Lysias to be put to death, 161. 26. Demetrius I. surnamed Soter. He sue- Demetrius ceeded in getting himself acknowledged at Rome, isj 6 150. on which all now depended. The attempts to extend his power, by supporting Orofernes, the pretender to the crown of Cappadocia, against the king Ariarathes, had their origin partly in family relations, but still more, as was the case with almost all political transactions of those times, in bribery. By this act he only drew upon himself the enmity of the kings of Egypt and Pergamus; as, moreover, he was hated by his sub- R2 244 MACEDONIAN MONARCHY. BOOK iv. THIRD jects on account of his intemperance, the chances of success were greatly in favour of the shame- B.C. 154. f u l usurpation of Alexander Balas, brought about by Heraclidas the expelled governor of Babylon, and backed by the yet more shameful conduct of the Roman senate, who acknowledged his title to the throne. The Syrian kingdom was now fallen so low, that both king and usurper were obliged to court the favour of the Jews under Jonathan, hitherto regarded as rebels. In the second battle Demetrius lost his life. Alexander 27. The usurper Alexander Balas endeavoured Balas, _ , . . ,/-,, 150145. to confirm his power by a marriage with Cleo- patra, daughter of Ptolemy Philometor : but he soon evinced himself more unworthy even than his predecessor of wielding the sceptre. While he abandoned the government to his favourite, the detested Ammonius, the eldest remaining son of Demetrius succeeds not only in raising a party against the usurper, but even in prevailing on Philometor to side with himself, and give him in marriage Cleopatra, whom he takes away from Balas. The consequence of this alliance with 145. Egypt was the defeat and downfal of Balas, al- though it cost Philometor his life. The account, that Philometor wished to conquer Syria for himself, must probably be understood as meaning that he had formed the design of recovering the ancient Egyptian posses- sions, Ccele-Syria and Phoenicia. Otherwise, why should he have given his daughter to a second pretender to the throne ? Demetrius 28. Demetrius II. surnamed Nicator, 145 141, and for the second time, 130126. The dis- banding of his father's mercenaries having roused the indignation of the army, the cruelty of his BOOK iv. I. SELEUCIDJE. 245 favourite Lasthenes kindled a sedition in the ca- THIRD pital, which could not be quenched without the PEIUOD ' assistance of the Jews, under their high priest and military chieftain, Jonathan. While affairs were in this posture, Diodotus, subsequently called B.C. 145. Tryphon, a dependent of Balas, excited an insur- rection, by bringing forward Antiochus, the lat- ter's son, and even, with the help of Jonathan, seating him on the throne of Antioch : soon after, 144. Tryphon, having by treachery got Jonathan into 143. his power, removed Antiochus by murder, and assumed the diadem himself. Notwithstanding 142. Demetrius kept his footing only in a part of Syria, he was enabled to obey the call of the Grecian colonists in Upper Asia, and support them against the Parthians, who had overrun the country as far as the Euphrates. Although victorious in the commencement of the contest, he was soon after taken by the Parthians, and remained ten years 140 130. a prisoner, though treated meanwhile as a king. 29. In order to maintain herself against Try- phon, Cleopatra marries the younger, and better 139! brother, Antiochus of Sida, (Sidetes) ; he being at first in alliance with the Jews, who, however, were soon after subdued defeats and overthrows Tryphon. Being now lord and master of Syria, he undertakes a campaign against the Parthians ; at the commencement, befriended by the subjects 132. of the Parthians, he is successful, but soon after- wards is attacked in winter quarters by those very friends, and cut to pieces, together with all 131. his army. If the accounts of the wanton licentiousness of his army are not exaggerations, they furnish the clearest proof of the military 246 MACEDONIAN MONARCHY. BOOK iv. THIRD despotism of those times. By continued pillage and extortion, P ERIOD - the wealth of the country had been collected in the hands of the soldiers ; and the condition of Syria must have been pretty nearly the same as that of Egypt under the Mamluk sultans. Demetrius 30. Meanwhile Demetrius II. having escaped stored, from prison, again seated himself on the throne. _Ji26. But being now still more overbearing than be- fore, and meddling in the Egyptian affairs, Ptole- my Physcon set up against him a rival in the person of Alexander Zebinas a pretended son of 126. Alexander Balas ; by him he was defeated and slain. The Parthian king Phraates II. had, at first, liberated Deme- trius, to whom his sister Rhodogune was united by marriage, in order that, by appearing in Syria, he might oblige Antiochus to retreat. Antiochus having fallen, Phraates would fain have re- captured Demetrius, but he escaped. 12685. 31. The ensuing history of the SeleucidaB is a picture of civil wars, family feuds, and deeds of horror, such as are scarcely to be paralleled. The utmost verge of the empire was now the Eu- phrates ; all Upper Asia acknowledging the do- minion of the Parthians. The Jews, moreover, having completely vindicated their independence, the kingdom was consequently confined to Syria and Phoenicia. So thoroughly decayed was the state, that even the Romans whether because there was no longer anything to plunder, or be- cause they conceived it more prudent to suffer the SeleucidaB to wear themselves out in mutual quarrels do not seem to have taken any account Syria be- of it, until, at the conclusion of the last war with Roman Mithridatcs, they thought proper formally to an- province, -, u 4. nex it to their empire as a province. War between Alexander Zebinas and the ambitious relict of BOOK iv. II. PTOLEMIES. 247 Demetrius, Cleopatra, who with her own hand murders her eldest THIRD son Seleucus, B. C. 125, for pretending to the crown, which she J now gives to her younger son, Antiochus Gryphus ; the new king, however, soon saw himself compelled to secure his own life by the murder of his mother, 122; Alexander Zebinas having been the year before, 123, defeated and put to death. After a peaceful rule of eight years, 122 114, Antiochus Gryphus is in- volved in war with his half-brother Antiochus Cyzicenus, son of Cleopatra by Antiochus Sidetes: it ends, 111, in a partition of territory. But the war between the brothers soon burst out anew, and just as this hapless kingdom seemed about to crumble into pieces, Gryphus was murdered, 97- Seleucus, the eldest of his five sons, having beaten and slain Cyzicenus, 96 ; the eldest son of the latter, Antiochus Eusebes, prosecuted the war against the sons of Gryphus ; Eusebes being at last defeated, 90, the surviving sons of Gryphus fell to war among themselves, and the struggle continued until the Syrians, weary of bloodshed, did what they ought to have done long before, viz. made over the sovereign power to Tigranes the king of Armenia, 85. Yet Eusebes's widow, Selene, retained Ptolemais till 70; and her elder son Antiochus Asiaticus, at the time that Tigranes was beaten by Lucullus, in the Mithridatic war, took possession of some provinces in Syria, 68 ; these were wrested from him after the total defeat of Mithridates by Pompey, when Tigranes was obliged to give up his claim, and Syria became a province of the Roman empire, 64. Antiochus Asiaticus died 58 ; his brother Seleucus Cybiosactes, having married Berenice, was raised to the Egyptian throne, but murdered at her command, 57; and thus the family of the Seleucidae was completely swept away. II. History of the Egyptian kingdom under the Ptolemies, 32330. The sources of this history are for the most part the same as in the foregoing section ; see above, p. 232 ; but unfortunately still more scanty ; for in the first place, less information can here be derived from the Jewish writers; secondly, as on the coins struck under the Ptolemies no continuous series of time is marked, but only the year of the king's reign, they are by no means such safeguards to the chronology as those of the Seleu- 248 MACEDONIAN MONARCHY. BOOK iv. THIRD cidae. With respect to some few events, important illustrations are supplied by inscriptions. By modern writers, the history of the Ptolemies has been composed under a form almost entirely chronological, and by no means treated of in the spirit which it deserves. VAILLANT, Hisioria Ptolemceorum, fol. Amstelodam. 1701. Illustration by the aid of coins. CHAMPOLION FIGEAC, Annales des Lagides, ou Chronologic des Rois cTEgypte, successeurs cTAlexandre le Grand. Paris, 1819, 2 vols. This treatise, which was honoured with a prize by the Academie des Inscriptions, has by no means exhausted the whole of the subject. See J. SAINT-MARTIN, Examen Critique de I' outrage de M. CH. F. intitule Annales des Lagides. Paris, 1820. LETRONNE, Recherches pour servir d I'histoire de I'Egypte pendant la domination des Grecs et des Remains, tirees des in- scriptions Grecques et Latines, relatives d la chronologic, a I'etat des arts aux usages civils et religieux de ce pays. Paris, 1828. It cannot be denied that the author has thrown a much clearer light on the subjects mentioned in his title. Flourishing \ E^ypt, under the Ptolemies, fulfilled, and state of SJr ' Egypt perhaps more than fulfilled, the designs projected under the Ptolemies, by Alexander ; it became not only a mighty kingdom, but likewise the centre of trade, and of science. The history of Egypt, however, confines itself, almost solely, to that of the new capital, Alexandria ; the foundation of that city produced, imperceptibly, a change in the national character, which never could have been wrought by main force. In the enjoyment of civil welfare and reli- gious freedom, the nation sunk into a state of political drowsiness, such as could scarce have been expected in a people who so often rose up against the Persians. Alexandria, originally, was no doubt a military colony ; it was not long, however, before it became a general place of resort for all nations, such as was scarcely to be met with in any other town of that day. The inhabitants were divided into three classes ; BOOK iv. II. PTOLEMIES. 249 Alexandrines, (that is to say, foreigners of all nations, who had THIRD settled in the place ; next to the Greeks, the Jews were, it ap- Pt:nrop v pears, the most numerous,) Egyptians, and Mercenaries in the king's service. The Greeks and Macedonians divided into wards ( terness of the long rankling grudge of the Alexandrines against K1UOD - Rome, but shows also how decisive, to the whole of Egypt, were the revolutions of the capital. Ptolemy Dionysos having fallen hi the war, and Caesar being victorious, the crown fell to Cleo- patra, 47, upon condition of marrying her brother, when he should be of age : but as soon as the prince grew to manhood, and had been crowned at Memphis, she removed him by poison, 44. 24. During the life of Ceesar, Cleopatra re- mained under his protection, and consequently in a state of dependence. Not only was a Roman gar- rison stationed in the capital city, but the queen herself, together with her brother, were obliged to visit him at Rome. After the assassination of Caesar, she took the side of the triumviri, not without endangering Egypt, threatened by Cas- sius who commanded in Syria ; and after the death of her brother, succeeded in getting them to acknowledge as king, Ptolemy Cassation, a son whom she pretended to have had by Caesar. But the ardent passion conceived by Antony for her person, soon after the discomfiture of the republican party, now attached her inseparably to his fortunes ; which, after vainly attempting to win over the victorious Octavius, she at last shared. The chronology of the ten years in which Cleopatra lived, for the most part, with Antony, is not without difficulty, but, ac- cording to the most probable authorities, may be arranged in the following manner. Summoned before his tribunal, on account of the pretended support afforded by some of her generals to Cas- sius, she appears in his presence at Tarsus, in the attire, and with the parade, of Venus, 41 ; he follows her into Egypt. In the year 40, Antony, called back to Italy by the breaking out of the Perusine war, is there induced, by political motives, to espouse Octavia ; meanwhile Cleopatra abides in Egypt. In the autumn of 37, she goes to meet him in Syria, where he was BOOK iv. II. PTOLEMIES. 267 making ready for the war against the Parthians, until then pro- THIRD secuted by his lieutenants ; here she obtained at his hands Phce- OP ' nicia Tyre and Sidon excepted, together with Gyrene and Cyprus ; and in 36 went back to Alexandria, where she re- mained during the campaign. The expedition ended, Antony returned into Egypt and resided at Alexandria. From thence it was his intention to attack Armenia in 35 ; this design, how- ever, he did not effect until 34, when, after taking the king pri- soner, he returned in triumph to Alexandria, and presented to Cleopatra, or to his three children by her, all the countries of Asia from the Mediterranean to the Indus, already conquered or to be conquered. Preparing then to renew, in conjunction with the king of Media, his attack on the Parthians, he is pre- vailed upon by Cleopatra to break with Octavia, who was to bring over troops to him, 38. A war between him and Octavius being now unavoidable, the Parthian campaign already opened is suspended, and Cleopatra accompanies Antony to Samos, 32, where he formally repudiated Octavia. From hence she fol- lowed him in his expedition against Octavius, which was de- cided by the battle of Actium, fought September 2, 31. Octa- vius having pursued his enemy into Egypt, Alexandria was be- sieged, 30, and after Antony had laid violent hands on himself, the place surrendered ; and Cleopatra, not brooking to be dragged a prisoner to Rome, followed the example of her lover, and pro- cured her own death. 25. Even in this last period, Egypt appears to nourishing have been the seat of unbounded wealth and ef- Egypt. feminacy. The line of infamous princes who had succeeded to the third Ptolemy were unable to destroy her prosperity. Strange, however, as this seems, it may be easily accounted for when we consider that the political revolutions scarcely ever overstepped the walls of the capital, and that an almost perpetual peace ruled in the country : that Egypt was the only great theatre of trade ; and that that trade must have increased in the same proportion as the spirit of luxury increased in Rome, and in the Roman empire. The power- 268 MACEDONIAN MONARCHY. BOOK iv. THIRD ful effects wrought on Egypt by the growth of Roman luxury, are most convincingly demon- strated by the state of that country when it had become a Roman province ; so far from the trade of Alexandria decreasing in that period, though the city suffered in the first days after the con- quest it subsequently attained an extraordinary and gigantic bulk. III. History of Macedonia and of Greece in general, from the death of Alexander to the Roman conquest, B. C. 323146. The sources for this history are the same as have been quoted above : see p. 232. Until the battle of Ipsus, 301, Diodorus is still our grand authority. But in the period extending from 301 to 224, we meet with some chasms : here almost our only sources are the fragments of Diodoms, a few of Plutarch's lives, and the inaccurate accounts of Justin. From the year 224, our main historian is Polybius ; and even in those parts where we do not possess his work in its complete form, the fragments that have been preserved must always be the first authorities consulted. Livy, and other writers on Roman history, should accompany Polybius. Among modern books, besides the general works mentioned above p. 1. we may here in particular quote: JOHN GAST, D. D. The History of Greece, from the acces- sion of Alexander of Macedon, till the final subjection to the Roman power, in eight books. London, 1782, 4to. Although not a master-piece of composition, yet too important to be passed over in silence. Kxtentof 1. Of the three main kingdoms that arose out lia ' of Alexander's monarchy, Macedonia was the most insignificant, not only in extent, particularly as till B. C. 286 Thrace remained a separate and independent province, but likewise in popula- tion and wealth. Yet, being, as it were, the head country of the monarchy, it was considered BOOK iv. III. MACEDON AND GREECE. 209 to hold the first rank ; and here at first resided THIRD the power which, nominally at least, extended - over the whole. As early, however, as the year 311, upon the total extermination of Alexander's family, it became a completely separate kingdom. From that time its sphere of external operation was for the most part confined to Greece, the his- tory of which, consequently, is closely interwoven with that of Macedonia. Posture of affairs in Greece at Alexander's decease : Thebes in ruins : Corinth occupied by a Macedonian garrison : Sparta humiliated by the defeat she had suffered at the hands of Anti- pater in her attempt at a revolt against Macedonia, under Agis II. 333 331 : Athens on the other hand flourishing, and al- though confined to her own boundaries, still by her fame, and her naval power, the first state in Greece. 2. Although at the first division of the pro- Amipater. vinces, Craterus, as civil governor, was united with Antipater, the latter had the management of affairs. And the termination, as arduous as it Lamian was successful, of the Lamian war, kindled im- B?C. 323. mediately after the death of Alexander, by the Greeks, enthusiastic in the cause of freedom, enabled him to rivet the chains of Greece more firmly than they had ever been before. The Lamian war the sparks of which had been kindled by Alexander's edict, granting leave to all the Grecian emigrants, twenty thousand in number, nearly the whole of whom were in the Macedonian interest, to return to their native countries, was fanned to a flame by the democratic party at Athens. Urged by Demosthenes and Hyperides, almost all the states of central and northern Greece, Bceotia excepted, took up arms in the cause ; and their example was quickly followed by most of those in Pe- loponnesus, with the exception of Sparta, Argos, Corinth, and the Achaeans. Not even the Persian war produced such general unanimity ! The gallant Leosthenes headed the league. Defeat of Antipater, who is shut up in Lamia ; Leosthenes, however, 270 MACEDONIAN MONARCHY. BOOK IV. THIRD PERIOD. Olympias retires to Epirus. Antipater dies, and names Po- lysperchon his succes- sor, B.C. 320 316. falls in the siege of that place, B. C. 323, and although Leonatus who with the view of ascending the throne by his marriage with Cleopatra, had come to the assistance of the Macedonians was beaten and slain, 322, the Greeks were finally overwhelmed by the reinforcements, brought to Antipater out of Asia, by Craterus. And Antipater having fully succeeded in breaking the league, and negotiating with each separate nation, was ena- bled to dictate the terms. Most of the cities opened their gates to Macedonian troops ; besides this, Athens was obliged to pur- chase peace through the mediation of Phocion and Demades, by an alteration in her constitution, the poorer citizens being ex- cluded from all share in the government, and for the most part translated into Thrace and by a pledge to deliver up Demos- thenes and Hyperides ; whose place Phocion occupied at the head of the state. The JEtolians, the last against whom the Macedonian wars were directed, obtained better terms than they had ventured to expect, Antipater and Craterus being obliged to hurry over to Asia in order to oppose Perdiccas. 3. That hatred which, even in the lifetime of Alexander, had sprung up between Antipater and Olympias, in consequence of his not permitting the dowager queen to rule, induced her to with- draw to Epirus; her rankling envy being still more embittered by the influence of the young queen Eurydice. See above, p. 224. Antipater, dying shortly after his expedition against Perdic- cas, in which his colleague Craterus had fallen, and he himself had been appointed regent, nomi- nates his friend, the aged Polysperchon, to suc- ceed him as regent and head guardian, to the ex- clusion of his own son Cassander. Hence arose a series of quarrels between the two, in which, unfortunately for themselves, the royal family were implicated and finally exterminated, Cas- sander obtaining the sovereignty of Macedonia. Cassander having secured the interest of Antigonus and Ptole- my, makes his escape to the former, 319 : he had previously en- BOOK iv. IIL MACEDON AND GREECE. 271 deavoured also to raise a party in Macedonia and Greece, parti- THIRD cularly by getting his friend Nicanor to be commander at Athens. P ERIO - Measures taken by Polysperchon to oppose him ; in the first place, he recalls Olympias out of Epirus, but the princess dares not come without an army ; in the next place, he nominates Eu- menes commander of the royal troops in Asia (see above, p. 225) ; he likewise endeavours to gain the Grecian cities, by recalling the Macedonian garrisons, and changing the governors set over them by Antipater. These latter, however, were in most of the cities too firmly established to suffer themselves thus to be de- posed ; and even the expedition into Peloponnesus, undertaken by Polysperchon to enforce his injunctions was attended but with partial success. In the same year occurs a twofold revolution in Athens, whither Polysperchon had sent his son Alexander, no- minally for the purpose of driving out Nicanor, but virtually to get possession of that important city. In the first place, Alex- ander and Nicanor appearing to unite both for the attainment of one and the same object, the democratic party rise up, and over- throw the rulers, hitherto taken from Antipater's party, and headed by Phocion, who is compelled to swallow poison: soon after, however, Cassander occupies the city, excludes from the administration all that possess less than ten mines, and places at the head of affairs Demetrius Phalereus, who, from 318 to 307, ruled with great prudence. Not long after, Olympias returns with an army from Epirus ; the Macedonian troops of Philip and Eurydice having passed over to her side, she wreaks her re- venge on the royal couple, and on the brother of Cassander, all of whom she puts to death, 31 7 Cassander, nevertheless, having obtained reinforcements in Peloponnesus, takes the field against her ; she is besieged in Pydna, where, disappointed in the hope of being relieved either by Polysperchon or by j^Eacidas of Epirus, both of whom were forsaken by their men, she is obliged to sur- render, 316. Cassander, having caused her Jo be condemned by the Macedonian people, has her put to death. 4. Cassander being now master, and, from Cassander. 302, king of Macedonia, confirmed his dominion by a marriage with Thessalonice, half-sister to Alexander, and at the same time endeavoured to corroborate as far as possible his authority in Greece. Polysperchon and his son Alexander, 272 MACEDONIAN MONARCHY. BOOK iv. THIRD it is true, still made head in Peloponnesus ; but - the states without the peninsula, jEtolia excepted, were all either allies of Cassander, or occupied by Macedonian troops. After the defeat of the B.C. 314. league against Antigonus, in which Cassander had borne a part, general peace was concluded, with the proviso, that the Grecian cities should be free, and that the young Alexander, when of 3ii. age, should be raised to the throne of Macedonia : this induced Cassander to rid himself both of the young prince and his mother Roxana by murder : but he thereby exposed himself to an attack from Polysperchon, who, availing himself of the discon- tent of the Macedonians, brought back Hercules, the only remaining illegitimate son of Alexander. Cassander diverted the storm by a new crime, instigating Polysperchon to murder the young Hercules, under promise of sharing the govern- ment: Polysperchon, however, unable to possess himself of the Peloponnesus which had been pro- mised him, appears to have preserved but little influence. Cassander met likewise with formid- able opponents in the persons of Antigonus and his son ; and although delivered by the breaking out of the war with Ptolemy from the danger of 308. the first invasion of Greece by Demetrius, his situation was more embarrassing at the second 307. irruption ; from which, however, he was extricated by the circumstance of Antigonus being obliged to recall his son, on account of the newly formed league (see above, p. 230). Antigonus, on his return from Upper Asia, declares loudly against Cassander, B. C. 314; despatches his general Aristode- mus to Peloponnesus, and frames a league with Polysperchon BOOK iv. III. MACEDON AND GREECE. 273 and his son Alexander ; the latter, however, Cassander succeeds THIRD in winning over by a promise of the command in Peloponnesus. - Alexander was soon after murdered, but his wife Cratesipolis succeeded him, and commanded with the spirit of a man. Mean- while, Cassander carried war against the ^Etolians, who sided with Antigonus, 313; but Antigonus, 312, having sent his gene- ral Ptolemy into Greece with a fleet and army, Cassander lost his supremacy. In the peace of 311, the freedom of all the Grecian cities was stipulated ; but this very condition became the pretext of various and permanent feuds ; and Cassander hav- ing murdered the young king, together with his mother, drew upon himself the arms of Polysperchon, who wished to place Hercules on the throne, 310 ; but the pretender was removed in the manner above described, 309. Cassander now endeavouring to reestablish his power over Greece, Demetrius Poliorcetes was by his father sent into that country in order to anticipate Pto- lemy of Egypt, in the enforcement of the decree for the freedom of the Greeks, 308 ; the result at Athens was the restoration of democracy, and the expulsion of Demetrius Phalereus. From any further attack of Demetrius, Cassander was delivered by the war which broke out between Antigonus and Ptolemy, (see above, p. 229.) and had the leisure, once more, to strengthen his power in Greece, until 302, when Demetrius arrived a second time, and, as generalissimo of liberated Greece, pressed forward to the borders of Macedonia ; Demetrius was, however, recalled by his father into Asia, and at the battle of Ipsus, 301, lost all his dominions in that quarter of the world. Yet although Athens closed her harbours against him, he still maintained his posses- sions in Peloponnesus, and even endeavoured to extend them ; from thence, in 297, he sallied forth, and once more took posses- sion of his beloved Athens, and after driving out the usurper Lachares, forgave her ingratitude. 5. Cassander survived the establishment of his throne by the battle of Ipsus only three years : ieaves a ?he and bequeathed Macedonia as an inheritance to his three sons, the eldest of whom, Philip, shortly after followed his father to the grave. 6. The two remaining sons, Antipater and Alexander, soon worked their own destruction, 274 MACEDONIAN MONARCHY. BOOK iv. THIRD Antipater having murdered his own mother Thes- PERIOD. salonice, on account of the favour she showed his brother, was obliged to flee ; he applied for help to his father-in-law Lysimachus of Thrace, where he soon after died. Meanwhile Alexander, fancy- ing that he likewise stood in need of foreign as- sistance, addressed himself to Pyrrhus, king of Macedonia, and to Demetrius Poliorcetes, both of whom obeyed the call only with the expectation of being paid. After various snares reciprocally laid for each other, the king of Macedonia was murdered by Demetrius, and with him the race B.C. 295. of Antipater became extinct. Demetrius, 7. The army proclaimed Demetrius king; and 294287. . . . J _ J in his person the house or Antigonus ascended the throne of Macedonia, and, after many vicissi- tudes, established their power. His seven years' reign, in which one project succeeded the other, was a constant series of wars ; and as he never could learn how to bear with good fortune, his ambition was at last his ruin. The kingdom of Demetrius comprised Macedonia, Thessaly, and the greatest part of the Peloponnesus ; he was also master of Megara and Athens. Twofold capture of Thebes, which had been rebuilt by Cassander, 293, and 291 ; unsuccessful attempt upon Thrace, 292. His war with Pyrrhus, 290, in whom men fancied they beheld another Alexander, had already alienated the affections of the Macedonians ; but his grand project for the recovery of Asia induced his enemies to get the start of him ; and the hatred of his subjects compelled him secretly to escape to Peloponnesus, to his son Antigonus, 287- Athens, taking ad- vantage of his misfortunes, drove out the Macedonian garrison, and, by the election of archons, reestablished her ancient consti- tution ; although Demetrius laid siege to the town, he allowed himself to be pacified by Crates. Having once more attempted to prosecute his plans against Asia, he was obliged, 286, to sur- BOOK iv. III. MACEDON AND GREECE. 275 render to Seleucus his father-in-law, who, out of charity, kept THIRD him till the day of his death, 284. PERIOD. 8. Two claimants to the vacant throne now Pyrrhus of arose, viz. Pyrrhus of Epirus and Lysimachus office! 287, Thrace ; but although Pyrrhus was first pro- 286 ' claimed king, with the cession of half the domi- nions, he could not, being a foreigner, support his power any longer than the year 286, when he was deposed by Lysimachus. The sovereigns of Epirus, belonging to the family of the JEaeidx, were properly kings of the Molossi. See above, p. 150. They did not become lords of all Epirus, nor consequently of any historical importance, until the time of the Peloponnesian war. After that period Epirus was governed by Alcetas I. about 384, who pretended to be the sixteenth descendant from Pyrrhus, the son of Achilles ; Neoptolemus, father to Olympias, by whose marriage with Philip, 358, the kings of Epirus became intimately connected with Macedonia, d. 352 ; Arymbas, his brother, d. 342 ; Alexander I. son of Neoptolemus, and brother-in-law to Alexander the Great ; he was ambitious to be as great a con- queror in the west as his kinsman was in the east, but he fell in Lucania, 332. ^Eacides, son of Arymbas, d. 312. Pyrrhus II. his son, the Ajax of his time, and, we might almost say, rather an adventurer than a king. After uninterrupted wars waged in Macedonia, Greece, Italy, and Sicily, he fell at last at the storming of Argos, 272. He was followed by his son Alexan- der II. in the person of whose successor, Pyrrhus III. 219, the male line became extinct. Although the daughter of this last prince, Deidamia, succeeded to the throne, the Epirots were not long before they established a democratic government, which en- dured till such time as they were, together with Macedonia and the rest of Greece, brought under the Roman yoke, 146. 9. In consequence of the accession of Lysima- Lysima- chus, Thrace, and for a short time even Asia c Minor, were annexed to the Macedonian kingdom. But rankling hatred and family relations soon 282. afterwards involved Lysimachus in a war with 276 MACEDONIAN MONARCHY. BOOK iv. THIRD Seleucus Nicator, in which, at the battle of Curo- pedion, he lost both his throne and his life. Execution of the gallant Agathocles, eldest son of Lysimachus, at the instigation of his step-mother Arsinoe : his widow Ly- sandra and her brother Ptolemy Ceraunus, who had already been driven out of Egypt by his step-mother Berenice, go over, fol- lowed by a large party, to Seleucus, whom they excite to war. Seieucus. 10. The victorious Seleucus, already lord of Asia, now causing himself to be proclaimed like- wise king of Macedonia, it seemed as if that country was again about to become the head seat of the whole monarchy. But shortly after he had crossed over into Europe, Seleucus fell by B.C. 28i. th e murderous hand of Ptolemy Ceraunus, who, availing himself of the treasures of his victim, and of the yet remaining troops of Lysimachus, took possession of the throne ; by another act of trea- chery he avenged himself of Arsinoe, his half- sister; but just as he conceived himself securely established, he lost both his crown and his life by the irruption of the Gauls into Macedonia. The irruption of the Gauls, threatening desolation not only to Macedonia but to the whole of Greece, took place in three suc- cessive expeditions. The first under Cambaules, (probably 280,) advanced no further than Thrace, the invaders not being suffi- ciently numerous. The second in three bodies ; against Thrace under Ceretrius ; against Paeonia under Brennus and Acichorius ; against Macedonia and Illyria under Belgius, 279. By the last- mentioned chieftain Ptolemy was defeated ; he fell in the con- test. In consequence, Meleager first, and Antipater subse- quently, were appointed kings of Macedonia ; but both, on ac- count of incapacity, being soon afterwards deposed, a Macedonian noble, Sosthenes, assumed the command, and this time liberated his country. But the year 278 brought with it the main storm, which spent its fury principally on Greece : Sosthenes was de- feated and slain : and although the Greeks brought all their BOOK iv. III. MACEDON AND GREECE. 277 united forces into the field, Brennus and Acichorius burst into THIRD Greece on two different sides, and pushed on to Delphi, the ob- _? ERIOD ' ject of their expedition ; from hence, however, they were com- pelled to retreat ; and most of them were cut off by hunger, cold, or the sword. Nevertheless a portion of those barbarians stood their ground in the interior of Thrace, which, consequently, was for the most part lost to Macedonia : another portion, consisting of various hordes, the Tectosagae, Tolistobii, and Trocmi, crossed over to Asia Minor, where they established themselves in the country called after them Galatia (see above, p. 230). Although there can be no doubt that the Tectosagae must have come from the innermost parts of Gaul, the mode of attack demonstrates that the main tide of invaders consisted of the neighbouring races ; and, in fact, in those days the countries from the Danube to the Mediterranean and Adriatic were mostly occupied by Gauls. Greece, though she strained every nerve, and with the exception of Peloponnesus, was united in one league, could scarcely bring forward more than 20,000 men to stem the torrent. ] 1. Antigonus of Gonni, son to Demetrius, now ,,., , f-ii\ onnatas. seated himself on the vacant throne of desolated Maoedon ; he bought off his competitor, Antio- chus I. named Soter, by treaty and marriage. Successfully as he opposed the new irruption of the Gauls, he was dethroned by Pyrrhus, who, on his return from Italy, was a second time pro- B.C. 274. claimed king of Macedonia. That prince, how- ever, having formed the design of conquering the Peloponnesus, and, after an ineffectual attack on Sparta, which was repelled with heroic gallantry, 272. wishing to take possession of Argos, fell at the storming of the latter place. Extraordinary as these frequent revolutions appear, they may be easily accounted for by the mode of warfare in those days. Every thing depended on the armies ; and these were composed of mercenaries, ever willing to fight against him they had de- fended the day before, if they fancied his rival to be a more valiant or fortunate leader. Since the death of Alexander, the 278 MACEDONIAN MONARCHY. BOOK iv. THIRD Macedonian phalanx was no longer dependent on its captains, PERIOD. |j u j. they on their men. The impoverishment of the countries, in consequence of war, was such, that the soldier's was almost the only profitable trade ; and none prosecuted that trade more ar- dently than the Gauls, whose services were ever ready for any one who chose to pay for them. 12. After the death of Pyrrhus, Antigonus Gonnatas recovered the Macedonian throne, of which he and his descendants kept uninterrupted possession, yet not till after a violent contest with Alexander, the son and successor of Pyrrhus. But no sooner were they secure from foreign rivals, than the Macedonian policy was again directed against Greece, and the capture of Corinth seemed to insure the dependence of the whole country, when the formation of the jEto- lian, and the yet more important AchaBan, league, gave rise to relations entirely new, and of the highest interest, even for the universal history of the world. After so many storms, the sun of Greece was about to set in all his splendour! The ancient confederacy of the twelve Achaean cities (see above, p. 145.) had subsisted until the death of Alexander, but was dissolved in the subsequent commotions ; particularly when, after the battle of Ipsus, 301, Demetrius and his son made Pelo- ponnesus the principal seat of their power. Some of these cities were now garrisoned by those princes, while in others arose tyrants, generally favourable to their interests. In 281, four asserted their freedom and renewed the ancient federation ; which, five years afterwards, was gradually joined by the rest, Antigonus being busied elsewhere, in consequence of his occupa- tion of the Macedonian throne. But the league did not become formidable till the accession of foreign states. This took place, in the first instance, with Sicyon, through the exertions of the liberator of that town, Aratus, who now became the animating spirit of the federation ; and in 243 brought over Corinth, after the expulsion of the Macedonian garrison, and Megara. After- BOOK iv. HI. MACEDON AND GREECE. 279 wards the league gradually acquired strength, by the junction of THIRD several Grecian cities, Athens among others, 229 ; and thereby 1>ER10 "' excited the jealousy of the rest. And as Aratus, who was more of a statesman than a general, and possessed but little independ- ence, had in the very outset joined the party of Ptolemy II. the league soon became involved in the disputes of the great powers, and was too often but a mere tool in their hands. The main principles on which it was founded were the following : 1 . Com- plete political equality of all the federate cities ; in this respect it essentially differed from all the earlier federations in Greece. 2. Unconditional preservation of the domestic government in every one of the cities. 3. The meeting twice a year of deputies from all the cities, at JEgium, and afterwards at Corinth ; for transacting all business of common interest, particularly foreign affairs, and also for the purpose of electing the strategus, or mili- tary leader and head of the union, and the ten demiurgi, or supreme magistrates. But what more than all contributed to exalt this league, founded on pure liberty, was the virtue of Aratus, 213, Philopcemen, 183, and Lycortas, 170; men who breathed into it the spirit of union, until, enfeebled by Roman policy, it was overthrown. f- BREITKNBAUCH, History of the Achceans and their league, 1782. The jEtolian league was formed about 284, in consequence of the oppressions of the Macedonian kings. The -fl^tolians had likewise a yearly congress, panaetolium, at Thermus ; where they chose a strategus and the apocleti, who constituted the state council. They had, besides, their secretary, ypapnaTefa ; and supervisors, tyopot, whose particular functions are, however, mat- ter of doubt. This federation did not increase like the Achaean, none but ^Etolians being admitted. The more unpolished this piratical nation remained, the more frequently it was used as the tool of foreign, and particularly of Roman, policy. 13. Antigonus, in the latter part of his reign, Demetrius II B C had recourse to various means, and more espe- 243-233. cially to an alliance with the ^Etolians, for the purpose of counterpoising the Achaeans. He died in his eightieth year, and was succeeded by his son, Demetrius II. who waged war upon the 280 MACEDONIAN MONARCHY. BOOK IV. THIRD PERIOD. Doson, B.C. 233 _ 221 JEtolians, now, however, supported by the Achae- ans ; and endeavoured to repress the growth of the latter, by favouring the tyrants of particular cities. The remainder of the reign of this prince is little more than a chasm in history. The vulgar assertion that this prince conquered Gyrene and Libya, originates in a confusion of names ; his uncle Demetrius, son of Poliorcetes of Ptolemais, being mentioned by Plutarch as king of Cyrene. The history of that town, from 258 to 142, is enveloped in almost total darkness : cf. Prolog. Trogi, 1. xxvi. ad calcem Justini. 14. Demctrius's son Philip was passed over: his brother's son, Antigonus II. surnamed Doson, being raised to the throne. This king was occu- pied the most of his time by the events in Greece, where a very remarkable revolution at Sparta, as we learn from Plutarch, had raised up a for- midable enemy against the Achaeans ; and so completely altered the relative position of affairs, that the Macedonians, from having been oppo- nents, became allies of the Achaeans. Sketch of the situation of Spartan affairs at this period : the ancient constitution still continued to exist in form ; but the plunder of foreign countries, and particularly the permission to transfer landed estates, obtained by Epitadeus, had produced great inequality of property. The restoration of Lycurgus's con- stitution had, therefore, a twofold object ; to favour the poor by a new agrarian law and release from debts, and to increase the power of the kings by repressing that of the ephori. First at- tempt at reform 244, by king Agis III ; attended in the be- ginning with partial success, but eventually frustrated by the other king, Leonidas, and terminating in the extinction of Agis and his family, 241. Leonidas, however, was succeeded, 236, by his son Cleomenes, who victoriously defeated the plans of Aratus to force Sparta to accede to the Achaean league, 227 ; this king, by a forcible revolution, overthrew the ephori, and accomplished the project of Agis, at the same time increasing BOOK iv. III. MACEDON AND GREECE. 281 the Spartans by the admission of a number of periaeci ; and en- THIRD forcing the laws of Lycurgus referring to private life ; but as in P ERIOD - a small republic a revolution cannot be confirmed without some external war, he attacked the Achseans as early as 224; these being defeated, implored, through Aratus, the help of Antigonus ; Cleomenes in consequence was, at the battle of Sellasia, 222, obliged to yield to superior force, and with difficulty escaped over to Egypt ; while Sparta was compelled to acknowledge her independence as a gift at the hands of Antigonus. Such was the miserable success of this attempt made by a few great men on a nation already degenerate. The quarrels between the ephori and king Lycurgus and his successor Machanidas, placed Sparta in a state of anarchy, which ended, 207, in the usurpation of the sovereign power by one Nabis, who destroyed the ancient form of government. Let him who would study great revolutions commence with that just described; insignificant as it is, none perhaps furnishes more instructive lessons. PLUTARCHI Agis et Cleomenes. The information in which is principally drawn from the Commentaries of Aratus. 15. Philip II. son of Demetrius. He ascended Philip 11. ,, . , B.C. 221 the throne at the early age of sixteen, endowed 179. with many qualities, such as might, under favour- able circumstances, have formed a great prince. Macedonia had recruited her strength during a long peace ; and her grand political aim, the su- premacy of Greece, secured by the connection of Antigonus with the Achaeans, and by the victory of Sellasia, seemed to be already within her grasp. But Philip lived in a time when Rome was pur- suing her formidable plans of aggrandizement: the more vigorous and prompt his efforts were to withstand that power, the more deeply was he entangled in the new maze of events, which em- bittered the rest of his life, and at last brought him to the grave with a broken heart, converted by misfortune into a despot. 16. The first five years of Philip were occupied War of the 282 MACEDONIAN MONARCHY. BOOK iv. THIRD two leagues, B.c.221 Negotia- H P aiJnibai 214. by his participation in the war between the Achaeans and ./Etolians, called the war of the two . .... r . . leagues; notwithstanding the treachery ot his minister Apellas and his dependents, the prince was enabled to dictate the conditions of peace, according to which both parties were to remain in possession of what they then had. The con- clusion of this peace was hastened by the news of Hannibal's victory at Thrasymenus, Philip being then instigated to form more extensive projects by Demetrius of Pharus, who had fled before the Romans, and soon acquired unlimited influence with the Macedonian king. The war of the two leagues arose out of the piracies of the jEtolians on the Messenians, the latter of whom the Achaeans undertook to protect, 221. The errors committed by Aratus compelled the Achaeans to have recourse to Philip, 220 ; whose progress, however, was for a long time impeded by the artifices of Apellas's faction, who wished to overthrow Aratus. The Acarnanians, Epirots, Messenians, and Scerdilaidas of Illyria, (who, however, soon after declared against Macedonia,) com- bined with Philip and the Achaeans ; the -^Etolians, on the other hand, commanded by their own general, Scopas, had for their allies the Spartans and Eleans. The most important conse- quence of this war for Macedonia was, that she began again to be a naval power. About the same time a war broke out be- tween the two trading republics of Byzantium and Rhodes (the latter supported by Prusias I. of Bithynia) insignificant in itself, but which, as a commercial war, originating in the duties im- posed by the Byzantines, was the only one of its kind in this age, 222. The Rhodians, so powerful in those days by sea, com- pelled their adversaries to submit. 17. The negotiations between Philip and Han- n ibal concluded with an alliance, in which reci- P roca l ne 'P was promised towards annihilating Rome. But Rome contrived to excite so many foes against Philip on the borders of his own BOOK iv. III. MACEDON AND GREECE. 283 kingdom, and availed herself so skilfully of her TliIRD PERIOD. naval power, that the execution of this plan was ~ prevented until it became possible to attack the Macedonian king in Greece ; where he had made himself many enemies, by the domineering tone he had assumed towards his allies at the time that, sensible of his power, he was about to enter upon a wider sphere of action. Commencement of hostilities by Rome, against Philip : imme- diately that the alliance of Philip and Hannibal was known, a squadron with troops on board was stationed off the coast of Macedonia, by which the king himself was defeated at Apollo- nia, 214. Alliance of Rome with the ^Etolians, joined likewise by Sparta and Elis, Attains king of Pergamus, and Scerdilaidas and Pleuratus, kings of Illyria, 211. On Philip's side were the Achaeans, with whom Philopcemen more than supplied the loss of Aratus, occasioned, 213, by the Macedonian king; to them were joined the Acarnanians and Bseotians. Attacked on every side, Philip successfully extricated himself from his difficulties ; in the first place, he compelled the yEtolians, who had been abandoned by Attalus and Rome, to accept separate terms, which, shortly after, Rome, consulting her own convenience, converted into a general peace, inclusive of the allies on either . side, 204. 18. New war of Philip against Attalus and the War with Rhodians, carried on for the most part in Asia B.C. 203 Minor; and his impolitic alliance with Antiochus 200 ' III. to attack Egypt. But can Philip be blamed for his endeavours to disarm the military servants of the Romans? Rome, however, did not grant him time to effect his designs ; the Macedonian king was taught at Chios, by woeful experience, 202. that his navy had not increased proportionably with that of the Rhodians. 19. The war with Rome suddenly hurled the war with Macedonian power from its lofty pitch ; and by 200^197. laying the foundation of Roman dominion in the 284 MACEDONIAN MONARCHY. BOOK iv. THIRD east, wrought a change in almost all the political PERIOD. relations of that quarter. The first two years of the war showed pretty evidently, that mere force could scarcely overturn the Macedonian throne. B.C. 198. But T. Quintius Flaminius stepped forward; with the magic spell of freedom he intoxicated the Greeks; Philip was stripped of his allies; and 197. the battle of Cynoscephalse decided everything. The articles of the peace were : 1. That all Gre- cian cities in Europe and Asia should be inde- pendent, and Philip should withdraw his garri- sons. 2. That he should surrender the whole of his navy, and never afterwards keep more than 500 armed men on foot. 3. That he should not, without previously informing Rome, undertake any war out of Macedonia. 4. That he should pay 1,000 talents by instalments, and deliver up his younger son Demetrius as an hostage. The Roman allies in this war were : the ^Etolians, Athenians, Rhodians, the kings of the Athamanes, Dardanians, and Per- gamus. The Achseans at the beginning sided with Philip, but were subsequently gained over by Flaminius. See below, in the Roman History. 20. Soon after, the freedom of Greece was solemnly proclaimed at the Isthmian games by 196. Flaminius: but loud as the Greeks were in their exultations, this measure served merely to trans- fer the supremacy of their country from Mace- donia to Rome : and Grecian history, as well as the Macedonian, is now interwoven with that of the Romans. To foster quarrels between the Greek states, with the especial view of hindering the AchaBans from growing too formidable, now be- came a fundamental principle at Rome ; and BOOK iv. III. MACEDON AND GREECE. 285 Roman and anti-Roman parties having quickly THIRD i . V i J PERIOD. arisen in every city, this political game was easily ~ played. Flaminius even took care that the Achaeans should have an opponent in the person of Nabis, although under the necessity of waging war against him previous to his return into Italy, 194. In 192, war between Nabis and the Achaeans ; followed after the murder of Nabis, at the hands of the ^tolians, by the acces- sion of Sparta to the Achaean league. But about the same time Greece once more became the theatre of foreign war ; Antio- chus having firmly seated himself in the country, and enleagued himself with several tribes, but more particularly the JEto- lians, inspired with bitter and long-standing hatred against the Romans. These last, however, after the expulsion of Antiochus from Greece, 191, paid dearly for their secession ; nor was peace granted them by Rome till after long and unsuccessful supplica- tions, 189. 21. While war was pending between the Ro- Fate of mans and Antiochus, Philip, in the character of one of the numerous allies of Rome, ventured to increase his territory at the expense of the Atha- manes, Thracians, and Thessalians. To keep him in good humour he was permitted to effect those conquests ; but after the termination of the war the oppression of Rome became so gall- B. c. 190. ing, that it could not be otherwise than that all his thoughts should centre in revenge, and all his exertions be directed towards the recovery of power. Meanwhile the violent measures adopted for repeopling his exhausted kingdom such is the punishment of ambition which usually awaits even the victorious! the transplantation of the inhabitants of whole cities and countries, and the consequent and unavoidable oppression of several of his neighbours, excited universal complaints; and where was the accuser of Philip to whom 286 MACEDONIAN MONARCHY. BOOK iv. PERIOD. THIRD R ome WO u]d not now lend a ready ear? His younger son, Demetrius, the pupil of Rome, and by her intended, it is probable, to succeed to the crown, alone diverted the impending fate of Ma- B. c. 183. cedonia. But after the return of that prince from his embassy, the envy of his elder and bastard brother, Perseus, grew into an inveterate rancour, such as could not be quenched but by the death isi. of the younger. The lot of Philip was indeed hard, compelled as a father to judge between his two sons ; but the measure of human woe was filled, when after the death of his favourite child he discovered that he was innocent ; are we to 179. wonder that sorrow should soon have hurried him to a premature grave! Roman po- 22. The same policy which was observed by Hey against .,-. IT-I-T theAcha:an the Romans towards Philip, they pursued towards i89. ue ' the Achaeans, with whom, since the termination of the war with Antiochus, they had assumed a loftier tone ; and this artful game was facilitated by the continual quarrels among the Greeks them- selves. Yet the great Philopcemen, worthy of a better age, maintained the dignity of the league at the very time that the Romans presumed to speak as arbitrators. After his decease they found it easy to raise a party among the Achseans 183. themselves, the venal Callicrates offering his ser- vices for that purpose. The Achaeans was continually embroiled either with Sparta or with Messene : the grounds of difference were, that in both of those states there were factions headed by persons who, out of personal motives, and for the most part hatred to Philopcemen, wished to secede from the league; on the other hand, the pre- vailing idea among the Achaeans was, that this league ought to comprise the whole of the Peloponnesus. In the war against the BOOK iv. III. MACEDON AND GREECE. 287 Messenians, 183, Philopoemen, at the age of seventy, was taken THIRD prisoner by the enemy and put to death. PERIOD. PLUTARCHI, Philopcemen. Nearly the whole of which is com- piled from the lost biography of Polybius. 23. The last Macedonian king, Perseus, had Perseus, inherited his father's perfect hatred of the Ho 168. mans, together with talents, if not equal, at least but little inferior. He entered into the specula- tions of his predecessor, and the first seven years of his reign was occupied in constant exertions to muster forces against Rome ; with this view he called the Bastarnee out of the north, in order to settle them in the territories of his enemies the Dardanians ; he endeavoured to form alliances with the kings of Illyria, Thrace, Syria, and Bi- thynia; above all, he strove by negotiations and promises to reestablish the ancient influence of Macedonia in Greece. The settlement of the Bastarnae (probably a German race, re- sident beyond the Danube) in Thrace and Dardania, in order with them to carry war against the Romans, was one of the plans traced out by Philip, and now partially executed by Perseus. In Greece the Macedonian party, which Perseus formed chiefly out of the great number of impoverished citizens in the country, would probably have gained the upper hand, had not the fear in- spired by Rome, and the active vigilance of that power, inter- posed an effectual bar. Hence the Achaeans^ apparently at least, remained on the Roman side; the .ZEtolians, by domestic fac- tions, had worked their own destruction ; the case was the same with the Acarnanians ; and the federation of the Boeotians had been completely dissolved by the Romans, 171 On the other hand, in Epirus the Macedonian party was superior ; Thessaly was occupied by Perseus ; several of the Thracian tribes were friendly to him ; and in king Gentius he found an ally who might have been highly useful, had not the Macedonian prince, by an ill-timed avarice, deprived himself of his assistance. 24. The commencement of open hostilities was Defeat at 288 MACEDONIAN MONARCHY. BOOK iv. THIRD hastened by the bitter hatred existing between PERIOD. J Perseus and Eumenes, and by the intrigues of Perseus at ' J the latter at Rome. Neglect of the favourable moment for taking the field, and the defensive system, skilfully in other respects as it was planned, caused the ruin of Perseus, as it had done that of Antiochus. Nevertheless he pro- B. c. 172 tracted the war to the fourth year, when the bat- _ IQQ " tie of Pidna decided the fate both of himself and his kingdom. Miserable condition of Perseus until his capture at Samo- thrace; and afterwards until his death at Rome, 166. 25. According to the system at that period fol- lowed by Rome, the conquered kingdom of Mace- donia was not immediately converted into a pro- vince ; it was first deprived of all offensive power, by being republicanized and divided into four districts, wholly distinct from one another, and bound to pay Rome half the tribute they were before wont to furnish to their kings. Fail of the 26. It was in the natural order of things that the independence of Greece, and more especially that of the Achaean league, should fall with Per- seus. The political inquisition of the Roman com- missaries not only visited with punishment the de- clared partizans of Macedonia ; but even to have stood neutral was a crime that incurred suspicion. Rome, however, amid the rising hatred, did not deem herself secure until by one blow she had rid herself of all opponents of any importance. Above a thousand of the most eminent of the Achaeans were summoned to Rome to justify themselves, and there detained seventeen years -S? in prison without a hearing. While at the head BOOK iv. III. MACEDON AND GREECE. 289 of the league, stood the man who had delivered THIHI> them up, Callicrates, (d. 150.) a wretch who could, - unmoved, hear " the very boys in the streets taunt him with treachery." A more tranquil period, it is true, now ensued for Greece, but it was the result of very obvious causes. 27. The ultimate lot both of Macedon and Greece b e - ~ i -i i i i n comes a Greece was decided by the system now adopted Roman at Rome, that of converting the previous depend- iSJ^JJa. ence of nations into formal subjection. The in- surrection of Andriscus in Macedonia, an indivi- dual who pretended to be the son of Perseus, was quelled by Metellus, the country being consti- tuted a Roman province ; two years afterwards, at the sack of Corinth, vanished the last glimmer of Grecian freedom. The last war of the Achaeans arose out of certain quarrels with Sparta, 150, fomented by Diaeus, Critolaus, and Damocritus, who had returned bitterly enraged from the Roman prison ; in these disputes Rome interfered, with the design of wholly dissolving the Achaean league. The first pretext that offered for executing this scheme was the ill-treatment of the Roman ambassadors at Corinth, 148 ; war, however, still raging with Carthage and Andriscus, the Romans preserved for the present a peaceful tone. But the party of Diaeus and Critolaus would have war; the plenipotentiaries of Metellus were again insulted, and the Achaeans declared war against Sparta and Rome. In the very same year they were routed by Metellus, and their leader Cri- tolaus fell in the engagement; Metellus was replaced in the command by Mummius, who defeated Diaeus the successor of Critolaus, took Corinth and razed it to the ground, 146. The consequence was, that Greece, under the name of Achaia, became a Roman province, although to a few cities, such as Athens, for instance, some shadow of freedom was still left. 290 MACEDONIAN MONARCHY. THIRD PERIOD. IV. History of some smaller or more distant Kingdoms and States erected out of the Macedonian monarchy. SOURCES. Besides the writers enumerated above, (see p. 232.) Memnon, an historian of Heraclea in Pontus, deserves particular mention in this place, (see p. 162) : some extracts from his work have been preserved to us by Photius, Cod. 224. In some indi- vidual portions, as, for instance, in the Parthian history, Justin a is our main authority; as are likewise Ammianus Marcellinus, and the extracts from Arrian's Parthica, found in Photius. The coins of the kings are also of great importance ; but unfortunately Vaillant's Essay shows, that even with their assistance the chro- nology still remains in a very unsettled state. For the Jewish history, Josephus (see p. 35.) is the grand writer : of the Books of the Old Testament, those of Ezra and Nehemiah, together with the Maccabees, although the last are riot always to be de- pended upon. The modern writers are enumerated below, under the heads of the different kingdoms. Much information is likewise scattered about in the works on ancient numismatics. smaller l. Besides the three main empires into which states rising />i -, T-T-II out of Alex- the monarchy of Alexander was divided, there ander's em- , l ' ., , pi re . likewise arose in those extensive regions several branch kingdoms, one of which even grew in time to be among the most powerful in the world. To these belong the kingdoms of, 1. Pergamus. 2. Bithynia. 3. Paphlagonia. 4. Pontus. 5. Cap- padocia. 6. Great Armenia. 7. Little Armenia. 8. Parthia. 9. Bactria. 10. Jewish state sub- sequent to the Maccabees. As Justin did no more than extract from Trogus Pompeius, a question presents itself of great consequence to various portions of ancient history ; what authorities did Trogus Pompeius follow 1 The answer will be found in two treatises by A. L. L. HEEREN : De fontibus et auctoritate Trogi Pompeii, ejus- que epitomatoris Justini, inserted in Comment. Soc. Gott. vol. 15. BOOK iv. IV. PERGAMUS, ETC. 291 We are acquainted with the history of these kingdoms, the THIRD Jewish state alone excepted, only so far forth as they were im- FERIOP - plicated in the concerns of the greater empires ; of their internal history we know little, often nothing. With respect to many of them, therefore, little more can be produced than a series of chronological data, indispensable, notwithstanding, to the general historian. 2. The kingdom of Pergamus, in Mysia, arose Kingdom of during the war between Seleucus and Lysima- Sc^SS' chus. It owed its origin on the one hand to the ~ prudence of its rulers, the wisest of whom luckily reigned the longest ; and, on the other, to the weakness of the Seleucidas : for its progressive increase it was indebted to the Romans, who in aggrandizing the power of Pergamus acted with a view to their own interest. History exhibits scarcely one subordinate kingdom whose princes took such skilful advantage of the political cir- cumstances of the times ; and yet they earned still greater renown by the anxiety they showed, in rivalling the Ptolemies, to foster the arts of peace, industry, science, architecture, sculpture, and painting. How dazzling the splendour with which the small state of Pergamus outshines many a mighty empire ! Philetaerus, lieutenant of Lysimachus, in Pergamus, asserts his independence ; and maintains possession of the citadel and town, 283 263. His nephew, Eumenes I. 263241, defeats Antiochus I. at Sardes, 263, and becomes master of ^Eolis and the circumjacent country. His nephew, Attalus I. 241 197, after his victory over the Galatians, 239, becomes king of Perga- mus : a noble prince, and one whose genius and activity em- braced everything. His wars against Achgeus brought him in alliance with Antiochus III. 216. Commencement of an alliance with Rome, arising out of his participation in the ^Etolian league against Macedon, 211, in order to thwart Philip's project of con- quest. Hence, after Philip's irruption into Asia, 203, participa- u2 292 MACEDONIAN MONARCHY. BOOK iv. THIRD tion on the side of Rome, in the Macedonian war. His son Eu- ER10P '.. menes II. the inheritor of all his father's great qualities succeeds him, 197 158. As a reward for his assistance against Antio- chus the Great, the Romans presented him with almost all the territories possessed by the vanquished king in Asia Minor, (Phrygia, Mysia, Lycaonia, Lydia, Ionia, and a part of Caria,) which thereafter constituted the kingdom of Pergamus ; this prince extended his frontiers, but last his independence. In the war with Perseus he was scarce able to preserve the good will of the senate, and therewith his kingdom. His brother, Attalus II. 158 138, a more faithful dependent of Rome, took part in nearly all the concerns of Asia Minor, more especially Bithynia. His nephew, Attalus III. 138 133, a prince of unsound mind, bequeathed his kingdom to the Romans, who, after vanquishing the lawful heir, Aristonicus, 130, took possession of it, annexing it to their empire, under the shape of a province called Asia. Great discoveries and vast establishments made at Pergamus. Rich library ; subsequently transferred by Antony to Alexandria, as a present for Cleopatra. Museum. Discovery of parchment, an invaluable auxiliary to the preservation of works of literature. CHOISEUIL GOUFPIER, Voyage pittoresque de la Grece, vol. ii. 1809. Containing excellent observations, both on the monu- ments and history of Pergamus, as well as on those of all the neighbouring coasts and islands. SEVIN, Recherches sur les rois de Pergame, inserted in the Mem. de I' Ac ad. des Inscript. vol. xii. From the fall of Tyre and the unsuccessful attempt of Deme- trius, B. C. 307, to the establishment of Roman dominion in the east, 300 200, was the brilliant period of Rhodes ; alike im- portant for political wisdom, naval power, and extensive trade. At the head of the senate (jSsuX^) were presidents, (vpu-rave^,) who went out of office every half year, and were honoured with precedence in the meetings of the commons. Friendship with all, alliance with none, was the fundamental maxim of Rhodian policy, until subverted by Rome. Thus was preserved the dig- nity of the state, together with its independence and political activity where do we not meet with Rhodian embassies ? and permanent splendour, resulting from the cultivation of arts and sciences. What proofs of general commiseration did not Rhodes enjoy after that dreadful earthquake, which threw down even the famous colossus, 227 ' Long did her squadrons command the ./Egaean ; over that sea, the Euxine, and the western parts of the BOOK iv. IV. PERGAMUS, ETC. 293 Mediterranean as far as Sicily, her commerce extended, consist- THIRD ing in the rich exchange of commodities between three quarters FERIOD - of the globe. Her revenue proceeded from the customs, and was abundant ; until, blinded by avarice, she sought to obtain at Peraea a territory on the mainland ; an ambition of which the Romans availed themselves to her detriment, by presenting her with Lycia and Caria, 190. And yet did this republic outlive that of Rome ! Great, indeed, is the chasm left in general history by the loss of the internal history of this island ! P. D. CH. PAULSEN, Commentatio exhibens Rhodi descriptio- nem Macedonica estate, Gottingce, 1818. A prize essay. 3. The other small kingdoms of Asia Minor are fragments rather of the Persian than of the Ma- cedonian monarchy ; for Alexander's march fol- lowing another direction, they were not formally subjugated by that conqueror. The lines of their kings are generally traced back to an early period of the Persian age ; but, properly speaking, their rulers in those days were nothing more than vice- roys : selected indeed, for the most part, from the royal family, they bore the title of princes, and, in the gradual decline of the empire, not unfre- quently threw up their allegiance. Nevertheless these kingdoms do not appear as really inde- pendent until after the time of Alexander. Con- nected with the Grecian republics Heraclea, Si- nope, Byzantium, etc. they formed, both in the Macedonian and Roman ages, a system of small states, often distracted by internal wars, and still oftener mere tools in the hands of the more powerful. 1. Bithynia. As early as the Persian period, mention is made of two kings in Bithynia, Dydalsus and Botyras. The son of the latter, Bias, B. C. 378 328, made head against Caranus, one of Alexander's generals ; as did also his son Zipoetas, d. 281, against Lysimachus. Lycomedes I. d. 248. He called the Gauls 294 MACEDONIAN MONARCHY. BOOK iv. THIRD over from Thrace, 278, and with their assistance deposed his PERIOD. b ro th er Zipoetas ; the Gauls in consequence kept their footing in Galatia, and were for a long time an object of terror to Asia Minor. Zelas, d, about 232 ; established his dominion after a war with his half-brothers. Prusias I. son-in-law and ally of Philip II. of Macedon, d. 192. He sided with the Rhodians in the commercial war against Byzantium, 222, (see above, p. 282.) and directed his arms, 196, against Heraclea, a Grecian city in Bithynia, with a respectable territory along shore. Pru- sias II. waged war against Eumenes II. at the instigation of Hannibal, who had fled to his court, 184 ; he was subsequently about to deliver up the fugitive to the Romans ; had not Hanni- bal put a period to his existence, 183 : this king likewise waged war against Attalus II. 153 ; in both these contests Rome acted as mediator. Prusias, who had the meanness to style himself a freedman of the Romans, was dethroned by his own son, Nico- medes II. d. 92 ; a confederate of Mithridates the Great, with whom, nevertheless, he afterwards fell out concerning the appro- priation of Paphlagonia and Cappadocia. Nicomedes was mur- dered by his son Socrates, who was, however, compelled to flee ; in consequence of which Nicomedes III. succeeded to the crown. Deposed by Mithridates, who supported his half-brother Socrates, he was reinstated by Rome, 90. Having, however, at the insti- gation of the Romans, 89, attacked Mithridates, he was defeated and expelled in the first Mithridatic war, now kindled ; but in the peace of 85, he was again reinstated by Sulla. At his death, 75, he bequeathed Bithynia to the Romans ; and this legacy gave rise to the third Mithridatic war. VAILLANT, Imperium Arsacidarum, vol. ii. See below. SEVIN, Recherches sur les rois de Bithynie ; inserted in the Mem. de F Academic des Inscript. vol. xii. 2. Paphlagonia. Even in the Persian age, the rulers of this country were but nominally subject. After Alexander's death, B. C. 323, it fell into the hands of the kings of Pontus ; it was, however, subsequently, again ruled by its own monarchs ; among whom we hear of Morzes, about 179 ; Pylsemenes I. about 131 : who assisted the Romans in the war against Aristonicus of Per- gamus. Pylaemenes II. d. before 121 ; who is said to have be- queathed his kingdom to Mithridates V. of Pontus. Hence Paphlagonia came to be implicated in the fortunes of Pontus, (see just below,) until after the fall of Mithridates the Great, 63, BOOK iv. IV. PAPHLAGONIA, ETC. 295 that kingdom was converted into a province, with the exception THIRD of one of the southern districts, to which the Romans left some EK10f) ' shadow of freedom. 3. Pontus. The later kings of this country derived their origin from the family of the Achaemenidae, or house of Persia. In the Persian age they remained dependent or tributary princes : and as such we must consider Artabazes, son of Hystaspes, d. 480, Mithridates I. d. 368, and Ariobarzanes, d. 337, mentioned as the earliest kings of Pontus. Mithridates II. surnamed Ctistes, d. 302, was one of the first to acknowledge subjection to Alex- ander ; after the death of the conqueror he sided with Antigonus, who treacherously caused him to be murdered. His son, Mithri- dates III. d. 266, (the Ariobarzanes of Memnon,) not only main- tained himself after the battle of Ipsus against Lysimachus, but likewise possessed himself of Cappadocia and Paphlagonia. Mi- thridates IV. father-in-law to Antiochus the Great, waged an un- successful war against Sinope. The year of his death is unde- termined, Pharnaces, d. about 156. He conquered Sinope 183 ; and that town then became the royal residence. War with Eu- menes II. whom Rome had made so powerful, and with his allies ; terminated by a treaty, according to which Pharnaces ceded Paphlagonia, B. C. 179. Mithridates V. d. about 121. He was an ally of the Romans, from whom, after the defeat of Aristonicus of Phrygia, he contrived to obtain Great Phrygia. Mithridates VI. surnamed Eupator, about 121 64. He bore the title of Great, an epithet to which he was as fully entitled as Peter I. in modern history ; indeed he resembled the Russian prince in almost everything except in good fortune. His reign, although of the highest importance to general history, is, particularly in the portion previous to the wars with Rome, replete with chrono- logical difficulties. At the age of twelve years he inherits from his father not only Pontus, but likewise Phrygia, and a rever- sionary title to the throne of Paphlagonia, vacated by the death of Pylaemenes II. During his nonage, 121 112, while by voluntarily inuring himself to hardships, he contrived to elude the treacherous hostility of his guardians, Rome deprived him of Phrygia. His conquests in Colchis and on the eastern side of the Black sea, 112 110. Commencement of the Scythian wars. Called by the Greeks of Crimea to their assistance, he expelled the Scythians ; subjected several insignificant Scythian princes on the mainland; and entered into alliances with the Sarmatic 296 MACEDONIAN MONARCHY. BOOK iv. THFHD and even Germanic races as far as the Danube, 108 105, having PERIOD. a j rea( jy a vj ew to the invasion of Italy from the north. This war ended, he travels over Asia, (Asia Minor ?) about 104 103. At his return, after punishing with death his faithless sister and wife, Laodice, he makes good his pretensions to Paphlagonia, which he divides with Nicomedes II. 102. The Roman senate demanding the restoration of that province, Mithridates not only refuses to accede, but likewise takes possession of Galatia ; meanwhile Ni- comedes places on the throne of Paphlagonia one of his own sons, whom he gives out to be a son of Pylaemenes II. and denomi- nates Pylaemenes III. Rupture with Nicomedes II. 101 ; the subject of dispute, Cappadocia, which, after removing the king, Ariarathes VII. his brother-in-law, with the assistance of Gor- dius, Mithridates himself now wished to possess ; he is anticipated, however, by Nicomedes II. who marries Laodice, Ariarathes's widow. Mithridates, notwithstanding, expels his rival, under pretence of holding the kingdom for his sister's son, Ariarathes VIII. whom at the end of a few months he puts to death at a private conference, 94 ; he defeats the brother of the murdered prince, Ariarathes IX. and then places on the throne, under the name of Ariarathes X. his own son, who is given out to be a third son of Ariarathes VII ; in opposition to whom Nicomedes sets up another pretended Ariarathes. The Roman senate, meanwhile, declare both Paphlagonia and Cappadocia free, B. C. 92 ; attend- ing, however, to the desires of the Cappadocians, they sanction the election of Ariobarzanes to the crown ; and he is put in pos- session of the kingdom by Sylla, as propraetor of Cilicia, likewise in 92. Mithridates, on the other hand, forms an alliance with the king of Armenia, Tigranes, to whom he gives his daughter in marriage; and employs him in expelling Ariobarzanes. He himself, after the death of Nicomedes II. 92, supports the claims of the deceased king's exiled son, Socrates Chrestus, against the bastard Nicomedes III. and in the mean time takes possession of Paphlagonia. Nicomedes and Ariobarzanes are reinstated by a Roman embassy, 90, Mithridates, in order to gain time against Rome, causing Socrates to be put to death. The hostilities of Nicomedes, instituted by Rome, gave rise to the first Roman war, 89 85, carried on in Asia and Greece, and brought to a conclu- sion by Sylla. By the peace of 85, Mithridates restores Bi- thynia, Cappadocia, and Paphlagonia. War with the revolted Colchians and Bosporans, 84. Second war with Rome brought BOOK iv. IV. PONTUS, ETC. 297 about by the Roman governor, Murena, 83 81. Mithridates THIRD hereupon appoints his son, Machares, king of Bosporus, (Crimea,) whom he afterwards himself causes to be put to death, 66 ; he was likewise, in all probability, the instigator of the migration of the Sarmatae out of Asia into Europe, in order to maintain his conquests in that quarter, about 80. Fresh disputes with Rome about Cappadocia, of which Tigranes takes possession, and third war with Rome, 75 64. The contest ended in the downfal of Mithridates, caused by the treachery of his son Pharnaces ; Pontus became a Roman province ; although the Romans, in the sequel, appointed over a portion of the country princes from the royal house, Darius, Polemo I. Polemo II. until Nero reduced it again wholly to the state of a province. VAILLANT, Imperium Achaemenidarum in his Imperium Ar- sacidarum, torn. ii. With the assistance of the coins. For the history of Mithridates the Great, previously treated without sufficient chronological accuracy, see DE B ROSSES, His- toire de la Rep. Romaine, and more especially JOAN. ERNST. WOLTERSDORF, Commentatio vitam Mithridatis Magni, per annos digestam, sistens ; prcemio ornata ab A. Phil. Ord. Gottingfe, A. 1812. 4. Cappadocia. Until the time of Alexander this country remained a province of the Persian empire, although the governors occasionally made attempts at insurrection. The ruling family was here likewise a branch of the royal house ; Ariarathes I. was particularly distinguished about B. C. 354. The prince contem- porary with Alexander was Ariarathes II. who, being attacked by Perdiccas and Eumenes, fell in the contest, 322. Neverthe- less, his son, Ariarathes III. supported by the Armenians, re- covered the sceptre about 312. The son of this king, Ariaramnes, formed a matrimonial connection with the Seleueidas, uniting his son Ariarathes IV. with the daughter of Antiochus &$<;. Ariara- thes IV. during his lifetime, associated in the government his son Ariarathes V. d. 162. who married Antiochis, daughter to An- tiochus the Great : this princess, finding herself at first barren, procured two supposititious sons, one of whom, Orophernes, sub- sequently wrested the sceptre from the legitimate and later born son, Ariarathes VI. but was afterwards expelled by the rightful heir, 157. In the war against Aristonicus of Pergamus, 131, he fell, as an ally of the Romans, leaving behind him six sons ; five of whom were cut off by his ambitious relict Laodice ; the sixth 298 MACEDONIAN MONARCHY. HOOK iv, THIRD however, Ariarathes VII. ascended the throne, and was married to Laodice, sister of Mithridates the Great, at whose instigation he was murdered by Gordius, under pretence of placing on the throne his sister's son, Ariarathes VIII ; this last prince was soon after treacherously put to death by Mithridates, 94, and his bro- ther Ariarathes IX. defeated 93, died of a broken heart ; Mithri- dates then placed on the throne his own son, Ariarathes X. a lad eight years old. The independence of Cappadocia having mean- while been proclaimed at Rome, the inhabitants of the country, in order to preclude domestic broils, themselves elect a king, ap- pointing to that dignity Ariobarzanes I. who was installed by Sylla, 92, and, backed by the Romans, kept his footing in the Mithridatic wars. In 63 he made the crown over to his son, Ariobarzanes II. who was slain by the army of Brutus and Cas- sius, 43, as was his brother, Ariobarzanes III. 34, by Mark Antony ; Antony then appointed Archelaus to be king, who en- ticed to Rome by Tiberius, A. D. 17, was there assassinated; and Cappadocia then became a Roman province. 5. Armenia was a province of the Syrian empire until the de- feat of Antiochus the Great by Rome, 190. That defeat was followed by the accession of Antiochus's lieutenants, Artaxias and Zariadras ; and now arose the two kingdoms of Armenia Major and Armenia Minor (the latter on the west bank of the Upper Euphrates). In Armenia Major the family of Artaxias kept possession of the throne, under eight (according to others ten) consecutive kings, until B. C. 5. The only remarkable prince of this line was Tigranes I. 95 60, son-in-law and ally of Mithridates the Great, and lord of Asia Minor, Cappadocia, and Syria. He was, however, at the peace of 63, obliged to give up all, so that Armenia was dependent on the Romans, and re- mained so until B. C. 5, when it became the object of contention between the Romans and Parthians, being ruled at intervals by kings appointed by both parties, who endeavoured thereby to protect their own provinces. Finally, in A. D. 412, Armenia be- came a province of the new Persian empire. In Asia Minor the descendants of Zariadras ruled dependency on Rome ; after its defection under Mithridates the Great it usually formed part of some one of the neighbouring kingdoms, until in the reign of Vespasian it was converted into a province of the Roman empire. VAILLANT, Eltnchus regum Armenice Majoris, in his Hist. Imp. Arsacidarum. BOOK iv. IV. PARTHIA, ETC. 299 4. Besides the above small kingdoms, two THIRD mighty empires arose in Inner Asia, both out jj^^n of Alexander's monarchy, and at the same time : a L n . d Par - . thian era- these were the Parthian and the Bactrian ; each pires. having previously constituted a part of the empire of the Seleucidae, from which they seceded under Antiochus II. The Parthian kingdom, or that of the ArsacidaB, B. C. 256 A. D. 226, at the maxi- mum of its extension, comprised the countries between the Euphrates and Indus. Its history, so far as we are acquainted with it, is divided into four periods (see below) ; but unfortunately our information is so imperfect respecting all that relates to the Parthians, except their wars, that even the most important particulars are beyond the reach of conjecture. Main facts in the history and constitution of the Parthian king- dom, a. Like the ancient Persian empire, the Parthian arose out of the conquests made by a rude mountain race of Central Asia, whose Scythian (probably Tatarian) origin, betrayed itself even in later times by their speech and mode of life : their conquests, however, were not effected with the same rapidity as those of the Persians, b. This empire increased at the expense of the Syrian in the west, and of the Bactrian in the east ; but its dominion was never permanently established beyond the Euphrates, Indus, and Oxus. c. The wars with Rome, commencing in B. C. 53, and springing out of disputes for the possession of the Armenian throne, were for a long time unfortunate for the Romans. Success did not accompany the arms of Rome until she had discovered the art of raising her own parties within the kingdom itself, by lend- ing her support to pretenders, an art rendered comparatively easy, by the unfavourable situation of the Parthian capital Seleucia and the neighbouring town of Ctesiphon, the real head quarters of the court, d. The empire was indeed divided into satrapies, eighteen of which are enumerated ; nevertheless it comprised likewise several small kingdoms, which preserved their own 300 MACEDONIAN MONARCHY. BOOK IT. THIRD rulers, only that they were tributary, such, for instance, as Per- sis, etc. The Graeco-Macedonian settlements were also in pos- session of great privileges, and of their own civic governments ; Seleucia more especially, where the coins of the Parthian so- vereigns were struck, e. The constitution was monarchal-aris- tocratic, something like that of the Poles, in the period of the Jagellons. At the king's side sat a supreme state council, (sena- tus, in all probability what was called the megistanes,) who had the power of deposing the king, and the privilege, it is supposed, of confirming his accession previous to the ceremony of corona- tion, performed by the field-marshals (surenas). The right of succession was only so far determined as belonging to the house of the Arsacidae ; the many pretenders to which this uncertainty gave rise, produced factions and domestic wars, doubly injurious to the empire when fomented and shared by foreigners, f. With regard to Asiatic commerce, the Parthian supremacy was of im- portance, inasmuch as it interrupted the direct intercourse be- tween the western and eastern countries : it being a maxim of the Parthians not to grant a passage through their country to any stranger. This destruction of the trade occurs in the third pe- riod of the empire, being a natural result of the many wars with Rome, and the distrust thence ensuing. The East India trade, in consequence, took another road through Palmyra and Alex- andria, which were indebted to it for their splendour and pros- perity, g. It is probable that this was the reason why excessive luxury took a less hold on the Parthians than on the other ruling nations of Asia, notwithstanding their predilection for Grecian manners and literature, at that time generally prevalent through- out the east. Line of the kings. I. Syrian period; that of reiterated wars with the Seleucidae, until 130. Arsaces I. 256 253, founder of the Parthian independence, by procuring the death of the Syrian viceroy, Agathocles, to which he was instigated by the insult offered to his brother Tiridates. Arsaces II. (Tiridates I.) bro- ther of the foregoing, d. 216. He possessed himself of Hyrcania, about 244, confirmed the Parthian power by a victory on Seleu- cus Callinicus, 238, whom he took prisoner, 236. Arsaces III. (Artabanus I.) d. 196. In his reign occurred the unsuccessful attempt of Antiochus III. who, in the treaty of 210, was obliged to renounce all claims on Parthia and Hyrcania, in return for which Arsaces lent his assistance to Antiochus in the war against BOOK iv. IV. PARTHIA, ETC. 301 Bactria. Arsaces IV. (Priapatius,) d. about 181. Arsaces V. THIRD (Phraates I.) d. about 144 ; he conquered the Mardians on the PERIOP ' Caspian. His brother, Arsaces VI. (Mithridates !.)?. 136. He raised the hitherto confined kingdom of Parthia to the rank of a mighty empire, having, after the decease of Antiochus Epiphanes, 164, by the capture of Media, Persis, Babylonia, and other countries, extended the frontiers westward to the Euphrates, and eastward to the Hydaspes, beyond the Indus. The invasion of Demetrius II. of Syria, supported by an insurrection of the con- quered races, ended, 140, in the capture of the aggressor. Arsa- ces VII. (Phraates II.) d. about 127. Invasion of Antiochus Sidetes, 132, who was at first successful, but being soon after- wards cut off together with his whole army, 131, the Parthian empire was for ever freed from the attacks of the Syrian kings. II. Period of the eastern nomad wars ; from 130 53. After the fall of the Bactrian empire, which had hitherto formed the eastern rampart of the Parthians, violent wars took place with the nomad tribes of Central Asia (Scythae, Dahae, Tochari, etc.) in which Arsaces VII. was slain. Arsaces VIII. (Artabanus II.) shared the same fate about 124. Arsaces IX. (Mithridates II.) d. 87. This prince appears to have restored tranquillity to the east after bloody wars ; he met, however, with a powerful rival in Tigranes I. of Armenia. In his reign occurred the first trans- actions between the Parthians and Romans, 92, Sylla being pro- praetor of Cilicia. Arsaces X. (Mnasciras,) d. about 76, waged a long war for the succession with his follower on the throne, the septuagenarian, Arsaces XI. (Sinatroces,) d. about 68. Unsuc- cessful war with Tigranes I. In consequence of civil wars, and of that with Tigranes, together with the formidable power of Mithri- dates the Great, the Parthian empire was now greatly weakened. Arsaces XII. (Phraates III.) d. 60, contemporary with the third Mithridatic war. Although both parties eagerly courted his al- liance, and he himself was engaged in the contest with Tigranes, he, notwithstanding, observed an armed neutrality, and made the Parthian empire continue to be respected as far as the Euphrates. Neither Lucullus nor Pompey durst attack him. The fall of Mithridates and of his empire, 64, constitutes, however, an epoch in the Parthian history, the Romans and Parthians having now become immediate neighbours. Arsaces XIII. (Mithridates II.) d. 54, deposed after several wars, by his younger brother Orodes, 302 MACEDONIAN MONARCHY. BOOK iv. THIRD and at last put to death, after the capture of Babylonia, where EHIOD ' he had taken refuge. III. Roman period ; from B. C. 53, to A. D. 226 ; comprising the wars with Rome. Arsaces XIV. (Orodes I.) d. 36. In his reign the first war with Rome, caused by the invasion of Cras- sus ; it ends in the annihilation of the invading army and general, 53. In consequence of this victory the Parthians acquired such preponderance, that during the civil wars they were frequently masters on this side of the Euphrates, and in 52 51 proceeded to attack Syria. In the war between Pompey and Caesar they sided with the former, and thus furnished the latter with a pre- text for his Parthian expedition, which, however, was prevented by his murder in 44 ; again in the war between the triumviri and Brutus and Cassius, 42, they took the republican side. After the defeat of Brutus and Cassius, the Parthians, at the instigation of the Roman general and ambassador Labienus, and commanded by him and Pacorus, (eldest son to Arsaces,) spread over the whole of Syria and Asia Minor, 40 ; but, after violent exertions, were driven back by Ventidius, Antony's general, 39, 38 ; Pa- corus lost his life, and his father died of grief. Arsaces XV. (Phraates IV.) d. A. D. 4, contemporary of Augustus. He con- firmed his power by murdering his brothers and their depend- ents ; his views were likewise furthered by the failure of An- tony's expedition, B. C. 36, which ended pretty nearly in the same manner as that of Crassus. The remainder of his reign was disturbed by a pretender to the throne, Tiridates, who, after his defeat, 25, found an asylum at the court of Augustus. The threatened attack of Augustus was diverted by Phraates's re- storation of the standards taken from Crassus, 20 ; a dispute, however, subsequently arose respecting the possession of the Ar- menian throne, A. D. 2, on which account Caius Caesar was de- spatched into Asia, and accommodated matters by a treaty. The ultimate fate both of the king and the empire was principally decided by a female slave, Thermusa, sent as a present from Au- gustus ; this woman, wishing to ensure the succession to her own son, prevailed upon the king to send his four sons to Rome as hostages, under the pretext of anticipating domestic troubles, 18. A practice which from that time became frequent, the Parthian kings thinking it a convenient mode of ridding themselves of dangerous competitors, while the Romans knew how to make the BOOK iv. IV. PARTHIA, ETC. 303 proper use of them. Thermusa's son having grown up, she re- THIRD moved the king, and seated Phraataces on the throne, under the name of Arsaces XVI ; he was, however, put to death by the Parthians, A. D. 4 ; and the crown given to one of the Arsacidae, Orodes II, (Arsaces XVII.) who was, however, immediately af- terwards slain by reason of his cruelty. In consequence, Vono- nes I. the eldest of the sons of Phraates sent to Rome, was called back and placed on the throne (Arsaces XVIII.) ; but that prince having brought with him Roman customs and luxury, was expelled, A. D. 14, with the assistance of the northern no- mads, by Artabanes III. (Arsaces XIX.) d. 44, a distant rela- tion : the fugitive took possession of the vacant throne of Arme- nia, but was soon after driven from thence likewise by his rival. Tiberius took advantage of the consequent disorders to send Ger- manicus into the east, A. D. 17, from whence he was never to re- turn. The remainder of the reign of Artabanus was very stormy, Tiberius on the one hand taking advantage of the factions between the nobles to support pretenders to the crown ; the revolts of the satraps, on the other hand, giving proof of the de- clension of the Parthian power. After his death war raged be- tween his sons ; the second, Vardanes, (Arsaces XX.) d. 47, made good his pretensions to the crown, and took North Media, (Atropatene ;) he was succeeded by his elder brother Gotarzes, (Arsaces XXI.) d. 50, to whom Claudius unsuccessfully opposed Meherdates, educated as an hostage at Rome. Arsaces XXII. (Vonones II.) succeeded, after a reign of a few months, by Arsa- ces XXIII. (Vologeses I.) d. 90. The possession of the Arme- nian throne, given by this prince to his brother Tiridates, by the Romans to Tigranes, grandson of Herod the Great, excited a series of disputes, which began so early as the reign of Claudius, A. D. 52, and under Nero broke out into open war, waged with some success on the Roman side by Corbulo, 56 64, and closed by Tiridates going, after the death of Tigranes, to Rome, and there accepting the crown of Armenia as a gift at the hands of Nero, 65. Arsaces XXIV. (Pacorus,) d. 107, contemporary with Domitian. All that we know of him is, that he embellished the city of Ctesiphon. Arsaces XXV. (Cosroes,) ?. about 121. The claims to the throne of Armenia implicated him in a war with Trajan, 114, during which Armenia, together with Mesopotamia and Assyria, were converted into Roman provinces. Trajan's consequent and successful inroad into the interior parts of the 304 MACEDONIAN MONARCHY. BOOK iv. THIRD Parthian dominions, 115 116, followed by the capture of Ctesi- ERIOP ' phon, and the appointment of Parthamaspates as king, appears to have been facilitated by the domestic commotions and civil wars which had for a long time harassed the empire. Never- theless, in the following year, 117, Hadrian was compelled to give up all the conquered country ; the Euphrates was again acknow- ledged as the boundary ; Parthamaspates was appointed king of Armenia ; and Cosroes, who had taken refuge in the upper satra- pies, was reinstated on the throne, of which he seems ever after to have kept quiet possession. Arsaces XXVI. (Vologeses II.) d, 149. Parthia under his reign, and Rome under that of Anto- ninus Pius, remained on good terms. Arsaces XXVII. (Volo- geses III.) d. 191. Under the reign of this king, the contem- porary of Marcus Aurelius and L. Verus, the war with Rome was again kindled, 161, by Verus, and carried on in Armenia and Syria ; Cassius, the legate of Verus, at last got possession of Seleucia, and demolished that city, 165. Arsaces XXVIII. (Ardawan or Vologeses IV.) d. 207. This king having taken the part of Pescenninus Niger, in the war between him and Sep- timius Severus, was, after the defeat of his friend, 194, routed in a war with Septimius Severus, 197, and the chief towns of Parthia were sacked by the invaders. He is, without authority, repre- sented as succeeded by a Pacorus, who took the name of Arsaces XXIX. : his real successor, however, appears to have been Ar- saces XXIX. (Vologeses V.) d. 216. Domestic wars among his sons, fomented by Caracalla. Arsaces XXX. (Artabanus IV.) At the beginning of his reign, this prince likewise was contem- porary with Caracalla, who, in order to pick a quarrel, demanded his daughter in marriage ; according to some, Arsaces refused her, in consequence of which the Roman emperor undertook a campaign into Armenia ; according to others, Arsaces having as- sented, and escorted his daughter to Caracalla, was, by an abo- minable stroke of treachery, cut off, together with all his train, A. D. 216. Caracalla having been murdered, 217, his successor, Macrinus, signed a peace with the Parthians. But Arsaces sub- sequently raised his brother Tiridates to the throne of Armenia ; this act spurred the Persian Artaxerxes, son of Sassan, to rebel- lion ; the Parthian king, defeated in three battles, fell in the last, thus putting a period to the family and dominion of the Arsa- cidae, 226, and Artaxerxes became the founder of the New Per- sian kingdom, or that of the Sassanidae. The revolution was BOOK iv. IV. PARTHIA, ETC. 305 accompanied not only with a change of dynasty, but with a total THIRD subversion of the constitution. PERIOD. VAILLANT, Imperium Arsacidarum et Achcemenidarum, Paris, 1725, 2 vols. 4to. The first part comprises the Arsacidae ; the second the kings of Bithynia, Pontus, and Bosporus. It is an attempt, not altogether faultless, to arrange the series of kings, by the assistance of coins. j- C. F. RICHTER, Historico-critical essay upon the dynasties of the Arsacidae and Sassanidce, according to the Persian, Gre- cian, and Roman authorities. A prize essay. Leipzic, 1804. A comparative research into the eastern and western sources. The chronology in the above sketch has been corrected by this work, in conjunction with TH. CHR. TYCHSEN, Commentationes de Nummis Persarum et Arsacidarum ; inserted in Commentat. Nov. Soc. Sc. Gotting. vol. i. iii. 5. The Bactrian kingdom arose nearly at the same time as the Parthian, 254 ; its origin, how- ever, was of a different nature, the independ- ence of this state being asserted by the Grecian governor, who was consequently succeeded by Greeks; its duration likewise was much shorter, extending only from B. C. 254 to B. C. 126. Scarce any fragments have been preserved of the history of this empire, the borders of which ap- pear at one time to have extended to the banks of the Ganges, and the frontiers of China. Founder of the empire, Diodatus or Theodotus I. B. C. 254 ; he threw off his allegiance to the Syrian king, under Antiochus II. He appears to have been master not only of Bactria, but also of Sogdiana. He likewise threatened the Parthians ; after his decease, 243, his son and successor, Theodotus II. signed a treaty and alliance with Arsaces II. but was nevertheless deprived of his crown by Euthydemus of Magnesia, about 221. Antiochus the Great, at the conclusion of the Parthian war, directed his arms against Euthydemus, 209 206 ; the contest ended in a peace, by which Euthydemus, after delivering up his elephants, 306 MACEDONIAN MONARCHY. BOOK iv. THIRD was not only left in possession of the crown, but was allied to the ERIOP ' Syrian family by the marriage of his son Demetrius with a daughter of Antiochus. Demetrius, though a great conqueror, does not seem to have been king of Bactria ; his dominions com- prised, it is probable, North India and Malabar, whose history now becomes closely connected with that of Bactria, although consisting only of mere fragments. The throne of Bactria fell to Apollodotus, and after him to Menander, who extended his con- quests as far as Serica, while Demetrius was establishing his do- minion in India, [as sovereign of which country he is represented in a medal lately discovered,] and where, about this time, several Greek states appear to have existed, perhaps ever since the expe- dition of Antiochus III. 205. Menander was succeeded, about 181, by Eucratidas, under whose reign the Bactrian empire at- tained its greatest extension ; after defeating the Indian king, Demetrius, who had been the aggressor, he, with the assistance of the Parthian conqueror, Mithridates, (Arsaces VI.) annexed India to his own empire, 148. On his return, he was murdered by his son ; the same, probably, that is mentioned afterwards by the name of Eucratidas II. He was the ally of Demetrius II. of Syria, and the main instigator of his expedition against the Par- thians, 142 ; Demetrius being defeated by Arsaces VI. Eucrati- das was, in consequence, deprived of a portion of his territory ; overpowered soon after by the nomad races of Central Asia, the Bactrian empire fell to the ground, and Bactria itself, together with the other countries on this side of the Oxus, became a prey to the Parthians. TH. SIEG. BAYER, Historia regni Grcecorum Bactriani. Pe- tropol. 1738, 4to. The few remaining fragments are in this work collected with industry and arranged with skill. [Toe, Account of Greek, Parthian, and Hindu Medals, in Transactions of the R. Asiatic Society, vol. i. part ii, p. 316. TYCHSEN, De Nummis Greeds et Barbaris in Bochara nuper retectis, in Comment. Nov. Soc. Sc. Gotting. vol. vi.] Kingdom of 6. The restored kingdom of the Jews was like- wise a fragment of the Macedonian monarchy ; and although it ranked only with the smaller states, its history in various respects deserves our attention, few nations having had so powerful an BOOK iv. IV. JUDAEA. 307 influence on the progress of human civilization. THIRD The foundation of the independence of the Jews - was not, it is true, laid before the year 167 ; yet their domestic constitution had previously assumed its main features, and their history, reckoning from the return of the Babylonian cap- tivity, accordingly divides itself into four periods: 1. Under the Persian supremacy, 536 323. 2. Under the Ptolemies and Seleucidae, 323 167. 3. Under the Maccabees, 16739. 4. Under the Herodians and Romans, B.C. 39. to A. D. 70. First period under the Persians. By permission from Cyrus, a colony of Jews belonging to the tribes of Benjamin, Judah, and Levi, returned to the land of their forefathers, 536 : this colony, headed by Zorobabel, of the ancient royal family, and the high priest Joshua, consisted of about 42,000 souls ; the far more im- portant, and wealthy portion of the nation preferred to remain on the other side of the Euphrates, where they had been settled for seventy years, and continued to be a numerous people. The new settlers found it difficult to keep their footing, principally in con- sequence of differences, produced by the intolerance they them- selves evinced at the building of the temple, with their neighbours and kinsmen the Samaritans, to whom the colony was only a cause of expense. The Samaritans, subsequently, having erected a separate temple at Garizim, near Sichem, about 336, not only separated completely, but laid the foundation of an inveterate hatred between the two nations. Hence the prohibition to re- build the city and temple, brought about by their means, under Cambyses, 529, and Smerdis, 522, and not taken off until 520, in the reign of Darius Hystaspes. The new colony did not re- ceive a permanent internal constitution till the time of Ezra and Nehemiah ; both brought in fresh colonists, the former in 478, the latter in 445. The country was under the dominion of the satraps of Syria ; but in the increasing domestic declension of the Persian empire, the high priests gradually became the virtual rulers of the nation. Nevertheless, even at the time of Alexan- der's conquest, 332, the Jews seem to have manifested proofs of fidelity to the Persians. x2 308 MACEDONIAN MONARCHY. BOOK IT. THIRD Second period under the Ptolemies and Seleucidae, 323 167. IOP ; After the death of Alexander, Palestine, in consequence of its situation, generally shared the fate of Phoenicia and Ccele-Syria, (see above, p. 249.) being annexed to Syria. Capture of Jeru- salem, and transplantation of a vast colony of Jews to Alexan- dria by Ptolemy I. 312 ; from thence they spread to Cyrene, and gradually over the whole of North Africa, and even into ^Ethio- pia. From 311 301 the Jews remained, however, subject to Antigonus. After the overthrow of his empire, they remained, 301 203, under the dominion of the Ptolemies ; the most con- spicuous of their high priests during this interval were Simon the Just, d. 291, and afterwards his son, Onias I. d. 218, who, by withholding the tribute due to Ptolemy III. exposed Judaea to imminent danger. In the second war of Antiochus the Great against Egypt, 203, the Jews, of their own free will, acknow- ledged themselves his subjects, and assisted in driving out the Egyptian troops, who, under their general, Scopas, had again possessed themselves of the country, and the citadel of Jerusalem, 198. Antiochus confirmed the Jews in the possession of all their privileges; and although he promised their country, together with Coele-Syria and Phoenicia, to Ptolemy Epiphanes, as the future dowry of his daughter, Judaea still remained under the Syrian supremacy ; except that the revenue was for a time di- vided between the Syrian and Egyptian kings. The high priests and self-chosen ethnarchs or alabarchs were at the head of the people ; and we now find mention made for the first time of a senate, or the sanhedrim. But the rout of Antiochus the Great by the Romans was also the remote cause of the subsequent mis- fortunes of the Jews. The consequent dearth of money in which the Syrian kings found themselves, and the riches of the temple treasures, the accumulation of the sacred income and gifts, made the office of high priest an object of purchase under Antiochus Epiphanes : hence arose quarrels between the pontifical families, and out of those sprung factions, which Antiochus Epiphanes was desirous to turn to his own account, by the introduction of Gre- cian institutions among the Jews, in order thereby to promote the subjection of that people, now raised by its privileges almost to the rank of a state within that of Syria. Deposition of the high priest, Onias III. 175 ; his brother Jason having obtained the mitre by purchase, and the introduction of Grecian customs : Jason, however, was in his turn supplanted by his brother Mene- BOOK iv. IV. JUDJEA. 309 laus, 172. During the civil war arising out of these events, An- THIRD tiochus Epiphanes, at that time conqueror in Egypt, (see above, p. 241.) takes possession of Jerusalem, 170, being provoked by the behaviour of the Jews to Menelaus, the high priest of his own appointment : the consequent oppression of the Jews, who now were to be Hellenized by main force, soon occasioned the rise under the Maccabees. Third period under the Maccabees, 167 39. Commencement of the rebellion against Antiochus IV. brought about by the priest Mattathias, 167 who was almost immediately succeeded, 166 161, by his son Judas Maccabaeus. Supported by the fanaticism of his party, Judas defeats in several battles the gene- rals of Antiochus, who was absent in Upper Asia, where he died, 164 ; the Jewish leader is even said to have been favoured by Rome. The primary object of the insurrection was not, however, political independence ; they fought only for religious freedom. Under Antiochus V. the sedition continued successful, both against the Syrian king and the high priest Alcimus, his creature, 163 ; Judas having died soon after his defeat by Demetrius I. was succeeded by his brother Jonathan, 161 143. The death of the high priest, Alcimus, 160, opened the path of Jonathan to that office, which he received in the ensuing war between Deme- trius I. and Alexander Balas, 143, (see above, p. 244, 245.) both rivals courting his alliance : Jonathan sided with Balas, and con- sequently, from being merely the leader of a party, came to be head of the nation, which still, nevertheless, continued to pay tribute to the kings. Notwithstanding the favour he had shown to Balas, after the overthrow of that pretender, he was confirmed in his dignity by Demetrius I. 145 ; to whose assistance he marched at the subsequent great revolt in Antioch. Jonathan however, in 144, passed over to the side of the usurper, Antio- chus, the son of Balas, (see above, p. 245.) and was by embassy presented with the friendship of the Romans in the same year, but by the treachery of Tryphon was taken and put to death, 143. His brother and successor, Simon, 143 135, having de- clared against Tryphon, was by Demetrius II. not only confirmed in his dignity, but excused from paying tribute ; he likewise re- ceived the title of prince, (ethnarch ;) and appears to have struck coins. After the capture of Demetrius, Antiochus Sidetes allowed Simon to remain in possession of those privileges so long as he stood in need of his assistance against Tryphon ; but after the 310 MACEDONIAN MONARCHY. BOOK iv. THIRD death of that usurper, he caused him, 130, to be attacked by Cendebaeus, who was defeated by the sons of Simon. Simon having been murdered by his son-in-law, Ptolemaeus, who aspired to the government, 135, was succeeded by his son, John Hyrca- nus, 135 107, who was compelled again to acknowledge sub- mission to Antiochus Sidetes ; but after the defeat and death of that prince by the Parthians, 130, he asserted his entire inde- pendence. The deep decline of the Syrian kingdom, the constant civil wars by which it was distracted, and the renewed league with the Romans, not only enabled Hyrcanus easily to maintain his independence, but likewise to increase his territory, by the conquest of the Samaritans and Idumaeans. But with him ended the heroic line. Scarcely was he delivered from foreign oppres- sion, when domestic broils arose ; the Pharisees and Sadducees had hitherto been mere religious sects, but were converted into political factions by Hyrcanus, who, offended with the Pharisees, probably in consequence of their wish to separate the pontifical and princely offices, went over to the Sadducees ; the former sect, the orthodox, were as usual supported by the many ; the latter, the innovators, in consequence of the laxity of their principles, were favoured by the wealthy. Hyrcanus's eldest son, the cruel Aristobulus, 107, assumed the royal title, but soon after dying, 106, was succeeded by his younger brother, Alexander Jannaeus, 106 79. His reign was an almost unbroken series of insignifi- cant wars with his neighbours, this prince wishing to play the conqueror ; and having likewise had the imprudence to irritate the powerful party of the Pharisees, these made him the object of public insult, and excited a tumult, 92, which was followed by a bloody civil war which lasted six years. Jannaeus, it is true, maintained himself during the struggle ; but the opposite party was so far from being annihilated, that, at his death, when passing over his sons, the feeble Hyrcanus (who possessed the pontifical dignity) and the ambitious Aristobulus, he bequeathed the crown to his widow Alexandra, it was with the understanding that she should join the party of the Pharisees : during her reign, therefore, 79 71, the Pharisees held the reins of government, and left her only the name. Provoked at this, Aristobulus, shortly before the death of the queen, endeavoured to obtain possession of the throne, and ultimately obtained his ends, not- withstanding Alexandra nominated Hyrcanus to be her successor. Hyrcanus, at the instigation of his confidant, the Idumaean Anti- BOOK iv. IV. JUDAEA. 311 pater, who was the progenitor of the Herodians, and assisted by THIRD the Arabian prince Aretas, waged war against his brother, 65, and PERIOP* shut him up in Jerusalem : but the Romans were arbitrators, and Pompey, then all-powerful in Asia, decided for Hyrcanus, 64 ; the party of Aristobulus, however, refusing to accede, the Roman general took possession of Jerusalem ; made Hyrcanus high priest and prince, under condition that he should pay tri- bute ; and took as prisoners to Rome Aristobulus and his sons, who, however, subsequently escaped and caused great disturb- ances. The Jewish state being now dependent on Rome, re- mained so, and the yoke was confirmed by the policy of Antipater and his sons, who followed the general maxim of entire devotion to Rome, in order thereby to succeed in wholly removing the reigning family. As early as 48, Antipater was appointed pro- curator of Judea by Caesar, whom he had supported at Alexandria, and his second son Herod, governor in Galilee, soon became suf- ficiently powerful to threaten Hyrcanus and the sanhedrim, 45. He gained the favour of Antony, and thus maintained himself amid the tempests which, after the assassinatiou of Caesar, 44, shook the Roman world, powerful as the party opposed to him were : that party, however, at last, in lieu of the ill-fated Hyrca- nus, the only surviving son of Aristobulus, placed Antigonus at their head, and, assisted by the Parthians, then flourishing in power, seated him on the throne, 39. Herod having fled to Rome, not only met with a gracious reception at the hands of the triumviri, but was by them appointed king. Fourth period under the Herodians, B. C. 39 to A. D. 70. Herod the Great, B. C. 39 to A. D. 1. put himself in possession of Jerusalem and all Judaea, B. C. 37, and confirmed his power by marrying Mariamne of the house of the Maccabees. Not- withstanding his severity shown to the party of Antigonus, and the house of the Maccabees, the total extinction of which Herod deemed necessary for his own safety; yet so greatly did the wasted country stand in need of peace, that for that very reason his reign may be said to have been a happy one. Availing him- self of the liberality of Augustus, whose favour he contrived to obtain after the defeat of Anthony, B. C. 31, Herod gradually increased the extent of his kingdom, which at last comprised Judaea, Samaria, Galilee, and beyond the Jordan, Peraea, Ituraea, and Trachonitis, (that is to say, the whole of Palestine,) together with Idumaea ; from these countries he derived his income with- 312 MACEDONIAN MONARCHY. BOOK iv. THIRD out being obliged to pay any tribute. The deference consequently ^ shown by Herod to Rome, was but the effect of a natural policy, and his conduct in that respect could be objected to him only by bigoted Jews. To his whole family, rather than to himself indi- vidually, are to be attributed the executions which took place among its members ; happy had it been if the sword had smitten none but the guilty and spared the innocent. In the last year but one of his reign is placed the birth of Christ (according to the usually adopted computation, made in the sixth century by Dionysius Exiguus. But the more accurate calculations of modern chronologists show that the real date of the Saviour's birth was probably four years earlier). According to his will, with some few alterations made by Augustus, his kingdom was divided among his three surviving sons ; Archelaus, as ethnarch, receiving the greater moiety, Judaea, Samaria, and Idumaea ; the two others, as tetrarchs, Philip a part of Galilee and Trachonitis, An- tipas the other part of Galilee, and Peraea, together with Ituraea ; subsequently to which division, the various parts did not, in con- sequence, all share the same fate. Archelaus, by misgovern - ment, soon lost his portion, A. D. 6 ; Judaea and Samaria were consequently annexed as a Roman province to Syria, and placed under procurators subordinate to the Syrian governors : among these procurators, the most famous is Pontius Pilate, about A. D. 27 36, under whom the founder of our religion appeared and suffered, not as a political although accused of being so but as a moral reformer. On the other hand, Philip retained his te- trarchy until the day of his death, A. D, 34, when his country had the same lot with Judaea and Samaria. Soon after, that is to say, in A. D. 37, it was, however, given by Caligula, with the title of king, to Agrippa, (grandson of Herod by Aristobulus,) as a recompense for his attachment to the family of Germanicus ; and when Antipas, who wished to procure a similar favour for himself but instead of it, was deposed, 39, Agrippa received his tetrarchy also, 40, and soon afterwards, by the possession of the territory which had belonged to Archelaus, became master of the whole of Palestine. Agrippa having died in A. D. 44, the whole country being appended to Syria, became a Roman province, and received procurators, although Chalcis, 49, and subsequently also, 53, Philip's tetrarchy, were restored as a kingdom to his son Agrippa II. d. 90. The oppression of the procurators, and of Gessius Florus in particular, who obtained the office, A. D. 64, BOOK iv. IV. JUD^A. 313 excited the Jews to rebellion, which, 70, ended in the capture THIRD and destruction of their city and temple by Titus. The spread __ u ^ ) - u - of the Jews over the whole civilized world of that time, although previously commenced, was by this event still further increased ; and at the same time the extension of Christianity was prepared and facilitated. Even after the conquest, Jerusalem not only continued to exist as a city, but was also still considered by the nation as a point of union ; and the attempt, under Adrian, to establish a Roman colony there, produced a fearful sedition. BASNAGE, Histoire des Juifs depuis J. C. jusqu' a present. La Haye, 1716, 15 vols. 12mo. The first two parts only, pro- perly speaking, belong to this period ; but the others likewise contain several very valuable historical researches. PRIDEAUX, The Old and New Testament connected in the history of the Jems and their neighbouring nations. Lond. 1714, 2 vols. This work, together with that above quoted, have always been esteemed the grand books on the subject. The French translation of Prideaux's Connection is, by its arrangement, more convenient for use than the original : this translation was pub- lished at Amsterdam, 1722, 5 vols. 8vo. under the title of PRI- DEAUX, Histoire des Juifs et des peuples voisins depuis la deca- dence des Royaumes d' Israel et de Juda, jusqu a la mort de J. C. f- J. D. MICHAELIS, Translation of the Books of Esdras, Ne- hemiah, and Maccabees, contains in the observations several his- toric discussions of high importance. -|- J. REMOND, Essay towards a history of the spread of Ju- daism, from Cyrus to the total decline of the Jewish state. Leipzig, 1789. The industrious work of a young scholar. To the works enumerated p. 34, 35, must be added, for the more ancient history of the Jews : J. L. BAUER, Manual of the history of the Hebrew nation, from its rise to the destruction of its state. Nuremberg, 1800, 2 parts, 8vo. As yet the best critical introduction, not only to the history, but also to the antiquities of the nation. f In the works of J. J. HESS, belonging to this subject, namely, History of Moses ; History of Joshua ; History of the Rulers of Judah, 2 parts ; History of the Kings of Judah and Israel : the history is throughout considered in a theocratic point of 314 ROMAN STATE. BOOK v. FIFTH BOOK. HISTORY OF THE ROMAN STATE. Introductory remarks on the Geography of Ancient Italy. General ITALY constitutes a peninsula, bounded on the Italy. north by the Alps, on the west and south by the Mediterranean, and on the east by the Adriatic sea. Its greatest length from north to south is 600 geogr. miles ; its greatest breadth, taken at the foot of the Alps, is 320 geogr. miles ; but that of the peninsula, properly so called, is not more than 120 geogr. miles. Superficial contents, 81,920 sq. geogr. miles. The principal moun- tain range is that of the Apennines, which, di- verging occasionally to the west, or east, stretch from north to south through Central and Lower Italy. In the earlier times of Rome, these moun- tains were covered with thick forests. Main streams : the Padus (Po) and the Athesis, (Adige,) both of which discharge their waters in the Adri- atic; and the Tiberis, (Tiber,) which falls into the Mediterranean. The soil, particularly in the plains, is one of the most fertile in Europe ; on the other hand, many of the mountain tracts admit but of little cultivation. In that period when the Mediterranean was the grand theatre of trade, Italy, by her situation, seemed destined to become the principal mart of Europe ; but she BOOK v. GEOGRAPHY OF ANCIENT ITALY. 315 never in ancient times availed herself sufficiently of this advantage. It is divided into Upper Italy, from the Alps to Divisions the small rivers of Rubicon and Macra; (this part, however, of Italy, until presented with the right of citizenship under Caesar, was, according to the Roman political geography, considered as a province ;) into Central Italy, from the Rubicon and the Macra down to the Silarus and Frento ; and into Lower Italy from those rivers to the southern land's end. I. Upper Italy comprises the two countries, Gallia Cis- alpina and Liguria. 1 . Gallia Cisalpina, or Togata, in contradis- cisalpine tinction to Gallia Transalpina. It bears the name Gaul> of Gallia, in consequence of being for the most part occupied by Gallic races. This country is one continuous plain, divided by the Padus into two parts, the northernmost of which is therefore denominated Gallia Transpadana, (inhabited by the Taurini, Insubres, and Cenomani,) while the southern part (inhabited by the Boii, Senones, and Lingones) is known by the name of Gallia Cispadana. Various streams contribute to swell the Padus ; from the north the Duria, (Durance,) the Ticinus, (Tessino,) the Addua, (Adda,) the Ollius, (Oglio,) the Mintius, (Minzio,) and several less important rivers; from the south, the Ta- narus, (Tanaro,) the Trebia, etc. The Athesis, (Adige,) the Plavis, (Piave,) and a number of smaller mountain streams, roll their waters di- rectly into the Adriatic. 316 ROMAN STATE. BOOK v. The cities in Gallia Cisalpina were, generally speaking, Roman colonies ; and most of them have preserved to this day their ancient names. Among these are reckoned in Gallia Transpadana, principally, Tergeste, Aquileia, Patavium, (Pa- dua,) Vincentia, Verona, all east of the Athesis ; Mantua, Cremona, Brixia, (Brescia,) Mediola- num, (Milan,) Ticinum, (Pavia,) and Augusta Taurinorum, (Turin,) all west of the Athesis. In Gallia Cispadana we meet with Ravenna, Bono- nia, (Bologna,) Mutina, (Modena,) Parma, Pla- centia, (Piacenza). Several of the above places received municipal rights from the Romans. 2. Liguria. This country deduced its name from the Ligures, one of the old Italic tribes : it extended from the river Varus, by which it was divided from Gallia Transalpina, down to the river Macra ; northward it extended to the Padus, and comprised the modern territory of Genoa. Cities : Genua, an extremely ancient place ; Ni- csea, (Nice,) a colony of Massilia ; and Asta, (Asti.) II. Central Italy comprises six countries; Etruria, La- tium, and Campania on the west; Umbria, Picenum, and Samnium on the east. Emma. 1. Etruria, Tuscia, or Tyrrhenia, was bounded north by the Macra, which divided it from Ligu- ria ; south and east by the Tiberis, which sepa- rated it from Latium and Umbria. Main river, the Arnus, (Arno). It is for the most part a mountainous country; the seashore only is level. This country derives its name from the Etrusci, BOOKV. GEOGRAPHY OF ANCIENT ITALY. 317 a very ancient people, composed, it is probable, of an amalgamation of several races, and even some early Grecian colonies, to which latter they were indebted, not indeed for all their arts, but for that of writing ; to commerce and navigation the Etrusci were indebted for their opulence and consequent splendour. Cities: between the Macra and Arnus, Pisae, (Pisa,) Florentia, Faesu- lae ; between the Arnus and Tiberis, Volaterrae, (Volterra,) Volsinii, (Bolsena,) on the Lacus Vol- siniensis, (Lago di Bolsena,) Clusium, (Chiusi,) Arretium, (Arrezzo,) Cortona, Perusia, (Perugia,) in the neighbourhood of which is the Lacus Thra- simenus, (Lago di Perugia,) Falerii, (Falari,) and the wealthy city of Veii. Each of the above twelve cities had its own individual ruler, lucumo; although frequent associations were formed among them, yet no firm and lasting bond seems to have united the nation into one. 2. Latium, properly the residence of the Latini, from the Tiberis north, to the promontory of Cir- ceii, south ; hence that country was likewise de- nominated Latium Vetus. Subsequently, under the name of Latium was likewise reckoned the country from Circeii, down to the river Liris, (Latium Novum;) so that the boundaries came to be, north, the Tiberis, south, the Liris : the seat of the Latins, properly speaking, was in the fruit- ful plain extending from the Tiber to Circeii ; around them, however, dwelt various small tribes, some eastward, in the Apennines, such as the Hernici, Sabini, .ZEqui, and Marsi ; others south- ward, such as the Volsci, Rutuli, and Aurunci. Rivers : the Anio (Teverone) and Allia, which 318 ROMAN STATE. BOOK v. fall into the Tiber, and the Liris, (Garigliano,) which empties itself into the Mediterranean. Ci- ties in Latium Vetus : Rome, Tibur, Tusculum, Alba Longa, Ostia, Lavinium, Antium, Gabii, Ve- litrae, the capital of the Volsci, and several smaller places. In Latium Novum : Fundi, Terracina, or Anxur, Arpinum, Minturnae, Formiae. Campania. 3. Campania. The country lying between the Liris, north, and the Silarus, south. One of the most fruitful plains in the world, but at the same time greatly exposed to volcanic eruptions. Ri- vers : the Liris, the Vulturnus, (Voltorno,) the Silarus, (Selo). Mountain : Vesuvius. Campania derived its name from the race of the Campani. Cities : Capua the principal one ; and also Lin- ternum, Cumse, Neapolis, Herculaneum, Pompeii, Stabiae, Nola, Surrentum, Salernum, etc. The three eastern countries of Central Italy are as follows: 1. Umbria. It is bounded, north, by the river Rubico, south, by the river JEsis, (Gesano, ) divid- ing it from Picenum, and by the Nar, (Nera,) di- viding it from the Sabine territory. It is for the most part plain. The Umbrian race had in early times spread over a much larger portion of Italy. Cities : Ariminium, (Rimini,) Spoletium, (Spo- leto,) Narnia, (Narni,) and Ocriculum, (Otriculi.) 2. Picenum. Bounded, north, by the .ZEsis, south, by the Atarnus, (Pescara.) The people are called Picentes. This country consists in a fer- tile plain. Cities : Ancona and Asculum Picenum, (Ascoli.) BOOK v. GEOGRAPHY OF ANCIENT ITALY. 319 3. Samnium, the name of a mountain tract ex- tending from the Atarnus, north, to the Frento, south ; although that country reckoned among its inhabitants, not only the rude and powerful Sam- nites, but also several less numerous races ; for instance, the Marrucini and Peligni in the north, the Frentani in the east, and the Hirpini in the south. Rivers : the Sagrus and the Tifernus. Cities : Allifae, Beneventum, and Caudium. III. Lower Italy, or Magna Grecia, comprised four coun- tries ; Lucania and Bruttium on the western side, Apulia and Calabria on the eastern. 1. Lucania. Boundaries: north, the Silar us, south, the Laus. For the most part a mountain tract. It derived its name from the race of the Lucani, a branch of the Ausones, or chief nation of Lower Italy. Cities : Paestum, or Posidonia, still renowned for its ruins, and Helia, or Velia. 2. Bruttium, (the modern Calabria,) or the western tongue of land from the river Laus to the southern land's end at Rhegium. The river Brandanus constitutes the eastern frontier. A mountainous country, deriving its name from the Bruttii, (a half savage branch of the Ausones,) who dwelt in the mountains, while the seashores were occupied by Grecian settlements. Cities : Consentia, (Cosenza,) Pandosia, Mamertum, and Petilia. (Concerning the Greek colonies see above p. 155.) 3. Apulia. The country ranging along theApuha. eastern coast, from the river Frento to the com- mencement of the eastern tongue of land ; an ex- 320 ROMAN STATE. BOOK v. tremely fertile plain, and particularly adapted to grazing cattle. Rivers : the Aufidus (Ofanto) and the Cerbalus. This country is divided into two parts by the Aufidus, the northern called Apulia Daunia, the southern called Apulia Peucetia. Ci- ties : in Apulia Daunia; Sipontum and Luceria: in Apulia Peucetia; Barium, Canna3, and Ve- nusia. Calabria. 4. Calabria or Messapia, the smaller eastern tongue of land, which terminates in the promon- tory of lapygium. Cities: Brundusium(Brindisi) and Callipolis (Gallipoli). Concerning Tarentum and other Grecian colonies, see above, p. 155. Three large islands are likewise reckoned as appertaining to Italy : they are Sicily, Sardinia, and Corsica. According to the political geogra- phy of the Romans they were, however, consi- dered as provinces. Although the above islands were, along the coast, occupied by aliens, the ab- originals, under their own kings, maintained a footing in the inland parts ; among these the Si- culi, said to have migrated from Italy, were the most celebrated ; they remained in Sicily, and gave their name to the whole island. Concerning the cities, the more important of which were, some of Phoenician, but the most part of Grecian, origin, see above, p. 30, and p. 155, sqq. BOOK v. TO THE CONQUEST OF ITALY. FIRST PERIOD. From the foundation of Rome to the conquest of Italy and the commencement of the wars with Carthage, B. C. 754 264, or A. U. C. 1490. SOURCES. The most copious author, and, if we except his FIRST system of deducing everything connected with Rome from Greece, the most critical of all those who have written on the earlier history of Rome and Italy, is Dionysius Halicarnassensis, in his Archceologia : of this work only the first eleven books, reaching down to the year 443, have been preserved ; to these, however, must be added the fragments of the nine following books, xii xx. discovered in 1816, and published by the Abbate Mai of Milan. Next to Dionysius is Livy, who as far as lib. iv, c. 18, is our main authority, till B. C. 292. Of the Lives of Plutarch the following belong to this period, Romulus, Numa, Coriolanus, Poplicola and Camillus; which for the knowledge and criticism they display, are perhaps more important even than Livy and Dionysius, see A. H. L. HEEREN, Defontibus et auc- toritate vitarum Plutarchi, inserted in Comment Recentiores Soc. Sclent. Gott. Comment. I. II. Greed, III. IV. Romani ; re- printed also as an appendix to the editions of Plutarch by Reiske and Hutten, Gottingen, 1821, ap. Dieterich. The sources of the most ancient Roman history were extremely various in kind. The traditions of the Fathers were preserved in historical ballads ; (no mention is ever made of any grand epic poem;) and in this sense there existed a bardic history ; by no means, however, wholly poetic, for even the traditions of Numa's Institutes are without the characteristics of poetry. The art of writing was in Italy of earlier origin than the city of Rome ; how far, conse- quently, the public annals, such as the Libri Pontificum, ex- tended back in early time remains undetermined. Several of the memorials are, beyond a doubt, mere family records, whether preserved by vocal tradition or in written documents. To the above must be added monuments, not only buildings and works of arts, but also treaties engraved on tables ; of which, neverthe- less, too little use seems to have been made. The Romans having learnt the art of writing from the Greeks, their history was as 322 ROMAN STATE BOOK v. FIRST frequently written in Greek as in Latin ; and that not only by Greeks, such as, in the first place, Diocles of Peparethus, but likewise by Romans, such as Fabius Pictor, at an early period. From these last sources Dionysius and Livy compiled. The more ancient Roman history given by these authorities rests, therefore, in part, but by no means entirely, on tradition and poetry ; still further amplified by the rhetoric style, that of the Greeks more especially. At what epoch the Roman history lays aside the poetic character can hardly be determined with cer- tainty ; it may be traced even in some parts of the period ex- tending from the expulsion of the kings to the conquest by the Gauls. For the purposes of chronology, great importance at- taches to the fasti Romani, contained partly in inscriptions, (fasti Capitolini,') partly in manuscripts. They have been collected and restored by Pighius, Noris Sigonius, etc. in GR-SEVII, Thes. A. R. vol. xi. ; likewise in ALMELOVEEN, Fast. Rom. I. II. Amstel. 1705, etc. PIGHII Annales Romanorum. Antwerp, 1615, fol. 2 vols. An essay towards a chronological arrangement ; it reaches down to Vitellius. The Roman history has been copiously treated of by the mo- derns in many works besides those on universal ancient history before enumerated, (p. 2.). We shall mention only the more im- portant. ROLLIN, Histoire Romaine, Depuis la foundation de Rome jusqu' a la bataille d'Actium. 13 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1823, edit, revue par Letronne. This history, which extends to B. C. 89, has been continued and terminated by CREVIER. Although the critical historian might suggest much that is wanting in this work, it nevertheless contributed to advance the study. ED. FERGUSON, The History of the Progress and Termina- tion of the Roman Republic. London, 1783, 4to. On the whole, the best work on the history of the Roman republic ; it has su- perceded the earlier work of GOLDSMITH. P. CH. LEVESQUE, Histoire de la Republique Romaine, 3 vols. Paris, 1807- He who would still wish to admire with blind en- thusiasm the glory of ancient Rome, had better not read this work. B. G. NIEBUHR, Roman History. Rather criticism than history ; the author seems to be perpe- BOOK v. TO THE CONQUEST OF ITALY. 323 tually endeavouring to overthrow all that has hitherto been ad- FIRST mitted. The spirit of acuteness is not always that of truth ; and men do not so lightly assent to the existence of a constitution which not only is contrary to the broad view of antiquity infer- ences drawn from some insulated passages not being sufficient to overturn what is corroborated by all the others but likewise, ac- cording to the author's own avowal, stands opposed to all analogy in history. But truth gains even where criticism is wrong ; and the value of some deep researches will not for that reason be overlooked. Consult on this subject : f- W. WACHSMUTH, Researches into the more Ancient History of Rome, Halle, 1819. C. F. TH. LACHMANN, Commentatio de fontibus T. Livii in prima Historiarum Decade. Gottingae, 1821. A prize essay. For the works upon the Roman constitution see below, at the end of this and at the beginning of the third period. Abundance of most important writings upon Roman antiqui- ties v/ill be found in the great collections : GRJEVII Thesaurus Antiquitatum Romanarum. Lugd. Batav. 1694, sq. 12 vols. fol. and likewise in SALENGRE, Thesaurus Antiquitatum Romanarum. Venet. 1732, 3 vols. fol. Many excellent papers, particularly in Memoires de I' Academic des Inscriptions. With the exception of NARDINI, Roma Fetus, inserted in GR^VII Thes. A. R. t. iv. the best work on the topography of ancient Rome is VENUTI, Descrizione Topograjica delle Antichitd di Roma. P. I. II. Roma, 1763 ; and especially the new edition of that work by VISCONTI, 1803. There is also : f" S. H. L. ABLER, Description of the city of Rome. Altona, 1781, 4to. The best representation of the monuments of ancient Rome will be found in PIRANESI, Anlichitd di Roma, 3 vols. fol. 1. In certain respects, the history of Rome is General . ., character- always that or one town, inasmuch as until the istic of RO- period of the Caesars, the city continued mistress toiy. "' 324 ROMAN STATE BOOK v. FIRST of her extensive territory. The main parts of the internal constitution of Rome were formed during this first period; which, considered in an histo- rical point of view, can hardly be said to be void of interest. Whether every fundamental institu- tion had its origin precisely at the epoch to which it is attributed, is a question of little importance ; it is sufficient to observe, that they certainly arose in this period ; and that the steps by which the constitution was developed are, upon the whole, determined beyond the possibility of a doubt. Romans 2. Exaggerated and embellished as the most of Latin . ~. . . ... origin. ancient traditions or the Romans respecting their origin may be, they all agree in this, that the Romans belonged to the race of the Latini, and that their city was a colony of the neighbouring Alba Longa. Long before this the custom seems to have obtained with the Latini, of extending the cultivation of their country by colonies. The primitive history of Rome is as difficult to reduce to pure historic truth as that of Athens, or any other city of antiquity ; this proceeds from its being principally founded on traditions, handled by poets and rhetoricians, and likewise differing from one another; as may be seen in Plutarch's Romulus. As the knowledge of those traditions, such as they are found in Diony- sius and Livy, attaches to so many other subjects, it would be improper to pass them over in silence ; and that they contained truths as well as poetic fictions is proved most evidently by the political institutions of which they narrate the origin, and which certainly reached back to those times. To attempt to draw a line of demarcation between mythical and historic times would be to mistake the real nature of mythology. L. DE BEAUFORT, Sitr Vincertitiide des cinq premiers siecles de I'histoire Romaine, nouv. ed. a la Haye, 1750, 2 vols. 8vo. Every thing that can be said against the credibility of the primitive Roman history has been developed by Beaufort with abundant, and often with laboured, acuteness. BOOK v. TO THE CONQUEST OF ITALY. 325 3. During the first two hundred and forty-five FIRST , . r ...... PERIOD. years subsequent to its foundation this city was: r , Kings ot under the rule of governors, denominated kings ; Rome. these, however, were not hereditary, still less were they invested with unlimited power, al- though they exerted themselves to become both perpetual and absolute. On the contrary, in this period was framed a municipal constitution, de- monstrative of the existence, even at this early date, of a considerable degree of political civiliza- tion ; in its principal parts this constitution was, no doubt, as in every colony, copied from that of the mother city. Its principal features were : a. Establishment and internal organization of the senate, b. Establishment and progress of the patrician or hereditary nobility, which, supported by the privilege of administering the sacred af- fairs, and by the introduction of family names, quickly formed, in opposition to the plebeians, a political party ever growing in power, although not, therefore, a mere sacerdotal caste, c. Or- ganization of the people (populus), and modes of popular assembly (comitia), founded thereupon ; besides the original division according to heads into tribus and curia, another was subsequently introduced according to property into classes and centuries, out of which, besides the more ancient comitia curiata, arose the very artificially con- structed comitia centuriata. d. Religious insti- tutions, (religiones,) which being most closely con- nected with the political constitution, formed a state religion, by means of which everything in the state was attached to determined forms, and received a higher sanction. Nor must we omit 326 ROMAN STATE BOOK v. FIRST g. the relations in private life established by law, -the clientship, marriage, and especially paternal authority. In consequence of those domestic re- lations, a spirit of subordination and discipline, from the earliest times, pervaded the people ; and to that spirit the Romans were indebted for the glory to which they attained. Destruction 4 Notwithstanding many little wars with their of Alba J immediate neighbours the Sabines, JEqui, and Volsci, together with various cities of the Etrusci, and even with the Latins themselves, Rome added but little to her territory : nevertheless she took the first step towards her aggrandizement ; from the time of the destruction of Alba Longa, she aimed at being the head of the collected cities of the Latins, and finally attained the object of her ambition. Line of kings. Romulus, 754 717- First establishment of the colony ; augmentation in the number of the citizens, pro- duced by the establishment of an asylum, and an union with part of the Sabines. Numa Pompilius, d. 679. By represent- ing this prince as the founder of the religion of the Roman state, that religion received the high sanction of antiquity. Tullus Hostilius, d. 640. The conquest and destruction of Alba lays the foundation of Roman supremacy in Latium. Ancus Martius, d. 618. He extends the territory of Rome to the sea; the foundation of the port of Ostia proves that Rome already applied to navigation, the object of which was perhaps as yet rather piracy than trade. Tarquinius Priscus, d. 578. A Grecian by descent. Under his conduct Rome was already able to enter the field against the confederate Etrusci. Servius Tullius, d. 534. The most remarkable in the line of Roman kings. He placed Rome at the head of the confederacy of the Latins, which he confirmed by communia sacra. On his new division of the people according to property were raised the highly important institutions of the census and comitia centuriata. The necessity of this measure is demonstrative of the great and increasing prosperity of the Roman citizens ; there can be no doubt, how- BOOK v. TO THE CONQUEST OF ITALY. 327 ever, that by its adoption the frame of the republic was already FIRST completed. Tarquinius Superbus, (the tyrant,) 509. This in- PERIOD- dividual, having taken forcible possession of the throne as nephew to Priscus, endeavoured to confirm his power by a close connec- tion with the Latins and Volsci ; by this, as well as by his ty- ranny, he offended both the patrician and plebeian parties. His deposition, and the consequent reformation of the government, were however, properly speaking, brought about by the ambition of the patricians. ALGAROTTI, Saggio soprn la durata de regni de' re di Roma. (Op. t. iii.) Chronological doubts. Can the raising of difficul- ties deserve the name of criticism ? 5. The only direct consequence to the internal Consular cT0vcro* constitution of Rome, proceeding from the aboli- ment, tion of royalty was, that that power, undetermined B as it had been while in the hands of the kings, was transferred to two consuls, annually elected. Meanwhile the struggle for liberty, in which the new republic was engaged with the Etrusci and Latins, contributed much to arouse the repub- lican spirit which henceforward was the main feature of the Roman character the evils of po- pular rule being in times of need remedied by the establishment of the dictatorship. The party, 498. however, which had deposed the ruling family, took wholly into their own hands the helm of state ; and the oppression of these aristocrats, shown principally towards their debtors, who had become their slaves, (nexi,} notwithstanding the lex de provocations established by Valerius Pop- licola, ensuring to the people the highest judicial power was so galling, that after the lapse of a few years it gave rise to a sedition of the com- 507 - mons, (plebis,) the consequence of which was the establishment of annually elected presidents of 493 - the people (tribuni plebis). 328 ROMAN STATE BOOK v. FIRST First commercial treaty with Carthage, 508, in which Rome PERIOD, appears certainly as a free state, but not yet as sovereign of all Latium ; the most important monument of the authenticity of the earlier Roman history. HEYNE, Fcedera Carthaginiensium cum Romanis super navi- gatione et mercalura facia : contained in his Opusc. t. iii. Cf. -j- A. H. L. HEEREN, Ideas, etc. Appendix to the second vol. Rise of the 6. The further development of the Roman con- constitu- stitution in this period, hinges almost wholly on the struggle between the new presidents of the commons and the hereditary nobility ; the tri- bunes, instead of confining themselves to defend the people from the oppression of the nobles, soon began to act as aggressors, and in a short time so widely overstepped their power, that there re- mained no chance of putting an end to the strug- gle but by a complete equalization of rights. A long time elapsed ere this took place ; the aris- tocracy finding a very powerful support both in the clientship and in the religion of the state, operating under the shape of auspices. Main facts of the contest : 1 . In the trial of Coriolanus the tribunes usurp the right of summoning some patricians before the tribunal of the people. Hence arise the comitia tributa ; that is to say, either mere assemblies of the commons, or assem- blies so organized that the commons had the preponderance. This institution gave the tribunes a share in the legislation, subsequently of such high importance, those officers being allowed to lay proposals before the commons. 2. More equitable distri- bution among the poorer classes of the lands conquered from the neighbouring nations, (the most ancient leges agrarice,') suggested by the ambitious attempts of Cassius, 486. 3. Extension of the prerogatives of the comitia tributa, more especially in the elec- tion of the tribunes, brought about by Volero, 472. 4. Attempts at a legal limitation of the consular power by Terentillus, (lex Terentilla,') 460, which, after a long struggle, at last leads to the idea of one common written code, 452, which is likewise BOOK v. TO THE CONQUEST OF ITALY. 329 realized in spite of the opposition at first made by the patri- FIRST cians. PERIOD. f CHR. F. SCHULZE, Struggle between the Democracy and Aristocracy of Rome, or History of the Romans from the Ex- pulsion of Tarquin to the Election of the Jlrst Plebeian Consul. Altenburgh, 1802, 8vo. A most satisfactory development of this portion of Roman history. 7. The code of the twelve tables confirmed the code of the ancient institutions, and was in part completed by \ls* the adoption of the laws of the Greek republics, among which Athens in particular is mentioned, whose counsels were requested by a special de- putation. In this, however, two faults were com- mitted ; not only were the commissioners charged with drawing up the laws elected from the patri- cians alone, but they were likewise constituted sole magistrates, with dictatorial power, (sine pro- vocatione;) whereby a path was opened to them for an usurpation, which could be frustrated only by a sedition of the people. Duration of the power of the Decemviri, 451 447- The doubts raised as to the deputation sent to Athens are not suffi- cient to invalidate the authenticity of an event so circumstan- tially detailed. Athens, under Pericles, was then at the head of Greece; and, admitting the proposed design of consulting the Greek laws, it was impossible that Athens should have been passed over. And indeed, why should it be supposed, that a state which fifty years before had signed a commercial treaty with Carthage, and could not be unacquainted with the Grecian colonies in Lower Italy, might not have sent an embassy into Greece ? The yet remaining fragments of the code of the twelve tables are collected and illustrated in BACHII Hist. Jurisprudents Ro- mance ; and in several other works. 8. By the laws of the twelve tables the legal its enact- relations of the citizens were the same for all; but m as that code seems to have contained very little 330 ROMAN STATE BOOK v. FIRST in reference to any peculiar constitution of the state, the government not only remained in the hands of the aristocrats, who were in possession of all offices, but the prohibition, according to the new laws of marriage between patricians and ple- beians, appeared to have raised an insurmount- able barrier between the two classes. No won- der, then, that the tribunes of the people should have immediately renewed their attacks on the patricians ; particularly as the power of those po- pular leaders was not only renewed, but even augmented, as the only limit to their authority was the necessity of their being unanimous in their acts, while each had the right of a negative. Besides the other laws made in favour of the people at the re- newal of the tribunicia potestas, 446, that which imported ut quod tributim plebes jussisset, populum teneret, frequently re- newed in subsequent times, and meaning, in modern language, that the citizens constituted themselves, must, it would appear, have thrown the supreme power into the hands of the people ; did not the Roman history, like that of other free states, afford examples enough of the little authority there is to infer from the enactment of a law that it will be practically enforced. Dissensions 9. The main subjects of the new dissensions tricTanTand between patricians and plebeians, excited by the plebeians, tribune Canuleius, were now the connubia patrum cum plebe, and the exclusive participation of the patricians in the consulship, of which the tribunes demanded the abolition. The repeal of the for- mer law was obtained as early as 445, (lev Canu- leia ;) the right of admission to the consulship was not extended to the Plebeians, till after a struggle annually renewed for eighty years ; during which, when, as usually was the case, the tribunes for- bade the military enrolment, recourse was had to BOOK v. TO THE CONQUEST OF ITALY. 331 a transfer of the consular power to the yearly FIRST elected commanders of the legions ; a place to - which plebeians were entitled to aspire, (tribuni militum consulari potestate.} Establishment of the Censors. office of CENSORS, designed at first for nothing more than to regulate the taking of the census, and invested with no higher authority than what that required, but who soon after, by assuming to themselves the censura morum, took rank among the most important dignitaries of the state. 10. Meanwhile Rome was engaged in wars, Petty wars insignificant but almost uninterrupted, arising out of the oppression, either real or imaginary, which she exercised as head of the neighbouring federate cities, (socii,) comprising not only those of the Latins, but likewise, after the victory of lake Re- gillus, those of the other nations : the cities em- braced every opportunity of asserting their inde- pendence, and the consequent struggles must have depopulated Rome, had not that evil been diverted by the maxim of increasing the comple- ment of citizens by admitting the freedmen, and not unfrequently even the conquered, to the en- joyment of civic privileges. Little as these feuds, abstractedly considered, deserve our attention, they become of high interest, inasmuch as they were not only the means by which the nation was trained to war, but also led to the founda- tion of that senatorial power, whose important consequences will be exhibited hereafter. Among these wars attention must be directed to the last, that against Veii, the richest city in Etruria ; the siege of that place, which lasted very nearly ten years, 404 395, gave rise V 332 ROMAN STATE BOOK v. FIRST to the introduction among the Roman military of winter cam- PERIOP ' paigning, and of pay ; thus, on the one hand, the prosecution of wars more distant and protracted became possible, while on the other the consequences must have been the levy of higher taxes, (tributa). Rome burnt 11. Not long after, however, a tempest from the dauis. north had nearly destroyed Rome. The Senno- nian Gauls, pressed out of northern Italy through Etruria, possessed themselves of the city, the capitol excepted, and reduced it to ashes ; an event which made so deep an impression on the minds of the Romans, that few other occurrences in their history have been more frequently the ob- ject of traditional detail. Camillus, then the de- liverer of Rome, and in every respect one of the chief heroes of that period, laid a double claim to the gratitude of his native city, by overruling, after his victory, the proposal of a general migra- tion to Veii. Feuds re- 12. Scarcely was Rome rebuilt ere the ancient feuds revived, springing out of the poverty of the citizens, produced by an increase of taxation con- sequent on the establishment of military pay, and by the introduction of gross usury. The tribunes, Sextius and Licinius, by prolonging their term of office to five years, had established their power; while Licinius, by an agrarian law, decreeing that no individual should hold more than five hundred jugera of the national lands, had ensured the po- A consul pular favour; so that at last they succeeded in m obtaining, that one of the consuls should be chosen from the commons ; and although the nobility, by the nomination of a praetor from their own body, and of cediles curules, endeavoured to compensate BOOK v. TO THE CONQUEST OF ITALY. 333 for the sacrifice they were obliged to make, yet FIRST the plebeians having once made good a claim to - the consulship, their participation in the other magisterial offices, (the dictatorship, 353, the cen- sorship, 348, the preetorship, 334,) and even the priesthood, (300,) quickly followed as a matter of course. Thus at Rome the object of political equality between commons and nobles was at- tained ; and although the difference between the patrician and plebeian families still subsisted, they soon ceased to form political parties. A second commercial treaty entered into with Carthage, 345, demonstrates that even at this time the navy of the Romans was anything but contemptible ; although its principal object as yet was mere piracy. Roman squadrons of war however appear more than once within the next forty years. 13. Far more important than any wars in which Rome had hitherto been engaged, were those soon about to commence with the Samnites. In former contests the object of Rome had been to establish her supremacy over her immediate neighbours ; but in these, during a protracted contest of fifty years, she opened a way to the subjugation of Italy, and laid the foundation of her future greatness. Commencement of the wars against the Samnites, the Cam- panians having called the Romans to their assistance against that nation, 343. These wars, carried on with vigorous exertion and various success, lasted, with but short intermissions, till 290. This is the true heroic age of Rome, ennobled by the patriotic valour of Decius Mus, (father and son, both voluntary victims,) Papirius Cursor, Q. Fabius Maximus, etc. The consequences of this struggle were : a. The Romans learnt the art of mountain warfare, and thereby for the first time acquired a peculiar system of military tactics ; not, however, till they had been, 321, obliged to pass under the furcas Caudinas. b. Their relations were 334 ROMAN STATE BOOK v. FIRST more firmly established with their neighbours the Latins and Etrurians, by the complete conquest of the former, 340, and by repeated victories over the latter, more especially in 308. c. Great national federations having arisen in Italy, particularly during the last period of the Samnite wars, the Romans entered into connection with the more distant nations of the country ; with the Lucanians and Apulians, by the first league, 323, with the Umbri, from the year 308 ; and although the nature of this connection frequently varied, the different nations were perpe- tually struggling for independence, and were consequently at en- mity with Rome. In this period, moreover, commenced the practical illustration of the leading ideas of Rome upon the politi- cal relations in which she placed the conquered with regard to herself. 14., After the subjection of the Samnites, Rome, the Taren- ... r> . . . . T tines, who wishing to confirm her dominion in Lower Italy, . was thereby, for the first time, entangled in war with a foreign prince ; the Tarentines, too feeble to maintain alone their footing against the Ro- mans, called Pyrrhus of Epirus to their assistance. He came, indeed, but not so much to further the views of the Tarentines as to advance his own ; but even in victory, he learnt by experience that the Macedonian tactics gave him but a slight pre- ponderance, which the Romans soon transferred to their own side, exhibiting the truth of the prin- ciple, that a good civic militia, sooner or later, will always get the upper hand of mercenary troops. The idea of calling upon Pyrrhus for assistance was the more natural, as the predecessor of that prince, Alexander I. (see above p. 275.) had endeavoured, but without success, to effect conquests in Lower Italy. In the first war with Pyrrhus, 280 278, two battles were fought, the first at Pandosia, 280, the other at Asculum, 279 ; in both of which Rome was unsuccessful. But Pyrrhus, after crossing over into Sicily, 278, (see above, p. 173, 174.) once more returned into Italy, 275, when he was de- BOOK v. TO THE CONQUEST OF ITALY. 335 feated by the Romans at Beneventum, and compelled to evacuate FIRST Italy, leaving a garrison at Tarentum. That city, however, soon ER10P ' afterwards, 272, fell into the hands of the Romans, whose domi- nion was consequently extended to the extremity of Lower Italy. 15. The chief means to which, even from the Roman co- earliest times, the Romans had recourse for the lo foundation of their dominion over the conquered, and at the same time for the prevention of the too great increase of the needy classes at Rome, was the establishment of colonies of their own citizens, which, being settled in the captured cities, served likewise as garrisons. Each colony had its own distinct internal constitution, modelled, for the most part, upon that of the mother city itself; hence to keep the colonies in perfect dependence naturally became an object of Roman policy. This colonial system of the Romans, necessarily and spontaneously arising out of the rude custom of bereaving the conquered of their lands and liberty, assumed its main features in the Samnite war, and gradually embraced the whole of Italy. Closely connected with this system was the con- struction of military highways, (vice militares,) one of which, the Appian Way, was constructed so early as 312, and to this day remains a lasting monument of the greatness of Rome at that period. Even at the time of Hannibal's invasion, the number of Roman colonies amounted to 53: but several which had been settled returned to the mother city. HEYNE, De Romanorum prudentia in coloniis regendis : in- serted in Opusc. vol. iii. Cf. Prolusiones de veterum coloniarum jure ejusque causis, in his Opusc. vol. i. 16. But the relations existing between Rome Relations ^ )iiiti-*.*.rt between \x 336 ROMAN STATE BOOK v. FIRST a nd the Italian nations were extremely various in PERIOD. . . * Rome an inasmuch as equality of rights existed both for nobles and commons. Yet this democracy was modified by expedients so various and wonderful BOOK v. TO THE CONQUEST OF ITALY. 337 the rights of the people, of the senate, of the FlR9T a - i , , PERIOD. magistrates, fitted so nicely into each other, and ~ were so firmly supported by the national religion, connecting every thing with determinate forms that there was no reason, at that time, to fear the evils either of anarchy, or, what is much more astonishing when we consider the warlike cha- racter of the people, those of military despotism. The rights of the people consisted in the legislative power, so far as fundamental national principles were concerned, and in the election of the magistrates. The distinction between the comifia tribula (as independent of the senate) and the comilia centu- riata (as dependent on the senate) still existed as to form, but had lost all its importance, the difference between patricians and plebeians being now merely nominal, and the establishment of the tribus urbance, 303, excluding the too great influence of the people ( forensis factio) upon the comilia tributa. The rights of the senate consisted in administering and debating all transitory national affairs, whether foreign relations, (war and peace only excepted, in which the consent of the people was requisite,) financial concerns, or matters regarding domestic peace and secu- rity. But the manner in which the senate was supplied must have made it the first political body at that time in the world. The rights and rank of magistrates were founded on their greater or lesser auspicia, no public affair being entered upon except auspicato. Consequently he only who was in possession of the former could hold the highest civic and military power ; (impe- rium civile et militare ; suis auspicils rem gerere ;) as dictator, consul, praetor ; such was not the case with those who had only the lesser auspicia. The union of civil and military power in the person of the same individual was not without its inconveni- ences, but military despotism was in some measure guarded against by the prohibition of any magistrate possessing military command within Rome itself. We must not dismiss this subject without observing, that as the Roman constitution arose merely out of practice, there never having been any completely written charter, we cannot expect that all the details should be clearly ascertained ; to attempt, therefore, in default of such authority, to describe all the minutiae would be the surest way to fall into error. 338 ROMAN STATE BOOK v. FIRST Of the numerous works on the Roman constitution and on Roman antiquities, we shall mention : DE BEAUFORT, La Republique Romaine, ou plan general de I'ancien gouvernement de Rome. La Haye, 1 766, 2 vols. 4to. A most copious work, and one of the most solid in regard to the matters discussed ; although it does not embrace the whole of the subject. Hisloire critique du gouvernement Romain ; Paris, 1765. Containing some acute observations. Du Gouvernement de la republique Romaine, par A. AD. DE TEXIER, 3 vols. 8vo. Hamburg, 1796. This contains many enquiries peculiar to the writer. Some learned researches respecting the principal points of the Roman constitution, as SIGONIUS and GRUCHIUS de cornitiis Ro- manorum, ZAMOCIUS de Senatu Romano, etc. will be found col- lected in the first two vols. of GRJEVIUS, Anliq. Roman. For the popular assemblies of the Romans, an antiquarian essay by Chr. Ferd. Schulze, Gotha, 1815, chiefly according to Niebuhr, may be consulted. Among the numerous manuals of Roman antiquities, NIEU- PORT, explicatio riluum Romanorum, ed. Gesner. Berol. 1743, promises at least as much as it performs. Of those which profess to treat of Roman antiquities in general, none have yet risen above mediocrity. Jurisprudence, however, has been much more successfully handled. We cite the two following excellent com- pendiums : BACHII, Historia Jurisprudences Romance. Lips. 1754. 1796. t C. HUGO, Elements of the Roman Lam ; 7th edit. Berlin, 1820. BOOK v. TO THE GRACCHI. 339 SECOND PERIOD. From the commencement of the war with Carthage to the rise of the civil broils under the Gracchi) B. C. 264 134. Year of Rome, 490620. SOURCES. The principal writer for this highly interesting SECOND period, in which was laid the foundation of the universal domi- . ERIOD - nion of Rome, is Polybius as far as the year 146, not only in the complete books preserved to us, which come down to 216, but also in the fragments. He is frequently followed by Livy, lib. xxi xlv. 218 166. Appian, who comes next, does not confine himself merely to the history of the war ; Florus gives us only an abridgement. The lives of Plutarch which relate to this portion of history, are FABIUS MAXIBIUS, P. MNIL.IVS, MARCELLUS, M. CATO, and FLAMINIUS. Of modern writers we dare only mention one : and who is worthy to be ranked beside him ? MONTESQUIEU, Considerations sur les causes de la grandeur el de la decadence des Remains. 1. The political division of Italy laid the foun- dation for the dominion of Rome in that country ; the want of union and political relations in the world paved the way to her universal empire. The first step cost her much, the succeeding fol- lowed easily and rapidly ; and the history of the struggiebe- struggle between Rome and Carthage only shows th age and on a larger scale what the history of Greece ex- K hibits on a smaller. The whole of the following history confirms the fact, that two republics can- not exist near each other, without one being de- stroyed or subjected : but the vast extent of this >ts extent. z2 340 ROMAN STATE BOOK v. PERIOD. SECOND struggle, the important consequences which fol- lowed, together with the wonderful exertions made, and the great men engaged on both sides, gave it an interest which cannot be found in that state of the O f an y o ther nations. Though the power and re- two parties. J sources of both states were nearly equal in ap- pearance, they were widely different in quality and circumstances. Carthage, besides her domi- nion over the seas, had also a better furnished treasury, by which she was enabled to enlist into her service as many mercenaries as she pleased : Rome, on the contrary, strong in herself, had all the advantages possessed by a nation of warriors over one partly commercial, partly military. The first 2. The first war of twenty-three years between ty-three the two republics, arose from very slight causes : 264 24i?' it soon, however, became a struggle for the pos- session of Sicily, which in the end naturally ex- tended itself to the dominion of the sea. Rome, by the aid of her newly-built fleet, having ob- tained for some time this power, was enabled to attack Africa, and succeeded in driving the Car- thaginians from Sicily. The occupation of Messina by the Romans, 264, gave rise to tliis war. The defection of Hiero king of Syracuse from the side of Carthage, and his joining the Romans, first gave the latter the idea of expelling the Carthaginians from the island. The victory near Agrigentum, and capture of that city in 262, seemed to facilitate the execution of this project : it also convinced the Romans of the necessity of their having a naval power. We shall the less wonder at their forming a fleet in Italy, where wood was then plentiful, if we remember their previous experience in naval affairs ; these were not the first vessels of war which they constructed, but only the first large ones which they built upon a Carthaginian model. The first naval victory of the Romans under Duilius, by the aid of grappling machines, 260. The BOOKV. TO THE GRACCHI. 341 project then conceived of carrying the war into Africa was one of SECOND the great ideas of the Romans, and from that time it became a ER10D ' ruling maxim of the state, to attack the enemy in his own terri- tory. The second and very remarkable naval victory of the Ro- mans, 257, opened the way for them to Africa, and shows their naval tactics in a very brilliant light : but the unfortunate issue of their expedition to Africa, restored the equilibrium ; and the struggle for the dominion of the sea became the more obstinate, as success did not altogether favour one party. The result of the contest appears to have turned upon the possession of the eastern promontories of Sicily, Drepanum, and Lilybseum, which were in a manner the bulwarks of the Carthaginians, and seemed im- pregnable since Hamilcar Barca had taken the command of them, 247. The last naval victory of the Romans, however, under the consul Lutatius, 24], having cut off the communication between Sicily and Carthage, and the finances of both parties being com- pletely exhausted, a peace was concluded upon the conditions : 1. That the Carthaginians should evacuate Sicily and the small islands adjacent. 2. That they should pay to Rome, by instal- ments in ten years, for the expenses she had been at in carrying on the war, the sum of 2,200 talents. 3. That they should not make war against Hiero king of Syracuse. 3. The issue of this war placed the political connections of Rome in a new situation, and ne- cessarily extended her influence abroad. The length of the war and the manner of its conclu- sion had, moreover, inspired a national hatred, such as is only found in republics ; the conviction also that they could not remain independent of one another, must have become much more strik- ing, as the points of contact had greatly increased since the beginning of the war. Who does not know the arrogance of a republic after the first essay of her power has been crowned with suc- cess ! Rome gave a striking example of this by her invasion of Sardinia in the midst of peace. These successes had also a sensible effect on the 342 ROMAN STATE BOOK v. Roman constitution. For although in appearance cesses OQ its form was not in the least changed, yet the tution? sU power of the senate now acquired that prepon- derance which the ruling authority of a republic never fails to do after long and successful wars. Origin and nature of the governments of the first Roman pro- vinces, in part of Sicily and in Sardinia. chastise- 4. An opportunity was soon afforded the Ro- niyrian pi- mans, in the Adriatic sea, of making use of their superior naval power, in chastising the pirates of Illyria under their queen Teuta. By effecting this, they not only secured their authority over that sea, but at the same time formed their first political relations with the Grecian states ; rela- tions which soon afterwards became of great im- portance. Commencement of the first Illyrian war, 230, which ended with the subjugation of Teuta, 226. The war, however, again broke out, 222, against Demetrius of Pharus, who conceived himself inad- equately rewarded by Rome for the services he had rendered her in the preceding war. The Romans found him a much more dangerous adversary than had been expected, even after his ex- pulsion and flight to Philip, 220, (see above, p. 282.) Through- out this war, Rome appeared as the deliverer of the Grecian states, which had suffered extremely from the plunder of these freebooters; Corcyra, Apollonia, and other cities placed them- selves formally under her protection, while the Achaeans, ^Eto- lians, and Athenians vied with each other in showing their gra- titude. Relations 5. In the mean time, while Carthage endeavoured Greece, to make up for the loss of Sicily and Sardinia by extending her Spanish dominions, which the jealousy of Rome restrained her from carrying beyond the Ebro (p. 84.), Rome herself had a new war to maintain against her northern neigh- BOOK v. TO THE GRACCHI. 343 hours the Gauls, which ended after a violent con- SECOND test with the establishment of her authority over the north of Italy. From the first Gallic war to the burning of Rome, 390, the Gauls had repeated their attacks in 360 and 348, even to the conclusion of the peace in 336. But in the latter part of the Samnite war, a formidable confederacy having taken place among the Italian tribes, some of the Gauls enlisted as mercenaries in the service of the Etruscans, while others allied themselves to the Samnites. This led them to take part in these wars in 306, 302, and 292, until they were obliged, together with the Etrus- cans, to sue for peace in 284, before which time the Romans had sent a colony into their country, near Sena. This peace lasted till 238, when it was disturbed by the incursion of the transalpine Gauls ; without, however, their coming to any war with Rome. But in 232, the proposition of Flaminius the tribune, (lex Fla- minia), to divide the lands conquered from the Senones, became the cause of new disturbances. Upon this occasion, the Gauls entered into an alliance with their transalpine countrymen, the Gsesates on the Rhone, who had been accustomed to engage as mercenaries. These having crossed the Alps, the dreadful war of six years (226 220) began, in which, after defeating the Gauls near Clusium, 225, the Romans pursued them into their own territory, and encamped upon the Po, 223. The Gauls having been again completely overthrown by Marcellus, were obliged to sue for peace ; when the Roman colonies of Placentia and Cremona were established. The number of men capable of bearing arms in all Italy subject to the Romans during this war amounted to 800,000. 6. Before this storm was totally appeased, in Hannibal which it is probable that Carthaginian policy was command not altogether inactive, Hannibal had obtained the m Spain> chief command in Spain. From the reproach of having first begun the war, he and his party cannot be cleared ; Rome, in the situation she then was, could hardly desire it ; he however who strikes the first blow is not always the real aggressor. The plan of Hannibal was the de- 344 ROMAN STATE BOOK v. SECOND stfuction of Rome - and by making Italy the PERIOD. . . _ ,' , J ., and makes P n ncipal seat ot the war, he necessarily turned sca ^ e m n ' s favour ; because Rome, obliged to defend herself, left to him all the advantages of attack. The preparations she made for de- fence, show that it was not believed possible he could execute his enterprise by the route which he took. The history of this war, 218 201, of which no later trans- action has been able to destroy the interest, is divided into three parts : the history of the war in Italy ; the contemporary war in Spain ; and from 203, the war in Africa. Hannibal's invasion of Italy in the autumn, 218 engagement near the river Ticinus and the battle of Trebia, in the same year. Battle near the lake Thrasymenus in the spring, 217- Seat of the war transferred to Lower Italy, and the defensive system of the dictator Fabius until the end of the year. Battle of Cannae, 216, followed by the conquest of Capua and the subjection of the greater part of Lower Italy. The defensive mode of warfare afterwards adopted by the Carthaginian, arose partly from his desire to form a junc- tion with his brother Asdrubal and the Spanish army, and partly from his expectation of foreign support by means of alliances, with Syracuse, after the death of Hiero, 215, and with Philip of Macedon, 216. These hopes, however, were frustrated by the Romans. Syracuse was besieged and taken, 214 212, (see above, p. 174.) and Philip kept employed in Greece, (see above, p. 282.) In addition to this, the Romans retook Capua, not- withstanding the audacious march of Hannibal towards Rome, 211, and he had now no succour left except the reinforcement which Asdrubal was bringing from Spain. The latter, however, was attacked immediately upon his arrival in Italy, near Sena, by the consuls Nero and Livius, and left dead on the field, 207- From this time the war in Italy became only of secondary im- portance, as Hannibal was obliged to act on the defensive in Bruttium. The Course of Hannibal over the Alps ascertained, by J. WHITTAKER. London, 1794, 2 vols. 8vo. The author endea- vours to {prove that the passage of Hannibal was over the great St. Bernard, and criticises the opinions of other writers. BOOK v. TO THE GRACCHI. 345 may likewise mention the learned treatise : SECOND A Dissertation on the Passage of Hannibal over the Alps. ERIOP> By H. L. WICKHAM, M. A. and the Rev. J. A. CRAMER, M. A. second edition, Oxon.J The war in Spain began nearly about the same time between Asdrubal and the two brothers, Cn. and P. Cornelius Scipio, and was continued, with various success, till the year 216, the issue depending much upon the disposition of the Spaniards themselves. The plan of Carthage after the year 216, was to send Asdrubal with the Spanish army into Italy, and to supply its place by an army from Africa ; two victories, however, gained by the Scipios near the Ebro, 216, and the Illiberis, 215, pre- vented this from being effected, till at last both fell under the superior power and cunning of the Carthaginians, 212. But the arrival of the youthful P. Cornelius Scipio, who did not appear merely to his own nation as an extraordinary genius, entirely changed the face of affairs, and the fortunes of Rome soon be- came attached to his name, which alone seemed to promise vic- tory. During his command in Spain, 210 206, he won over the inhabitants while he defeated the Carthaginians, and for the furtherance of his great design, contracted an alliance with Sy- phax in Africa, 206. He was unable, however, to prevent the march of Asdrubal into Italy, 208, which nevertheless rendered it an easy task for him to subdue all Carthaginian Spain as far as Gades, 206, and thus procured him the consular dignity at his return, 205. The carrying of the war into Africa by Scipio, notwithstand- ing the opposition of the old Roman generals, and the desertion of Syphax, who at the persuasion of Sophonisba again went over to the Carthaginians (whose loss however was well repaid by Masinissa, whom Scipio had won over to his side in Spain), was followed by an important consequence ; for after he had gained two victories over Asdrubal and Syphax, 203, and taken the latter prisoner, the Carthaginians found it necessary to recall Hannibal from Italy, 202 ; and the battle of Zama terminated the war, 201. The following were the conditions of peace : 1. That the Carthaginians should only retain the territory in Africa annexed to their government. 2. That they should give up all their ships of war, except ten triremes, and all their ele- phants. 3. That they should pay, at times specified, 10,000 talents. 4. That they should commence no war without the 346 ROMAN STATE BOOK r. SECOND E| ' IOD ' Power of the war. shebe- consent of Rome. 5. That they should restore to Masinissa all the houses, cities, and lands that had ever been possessed by himself or his ancestors. The reproach usually cast upon the Carthaginians, of having left Hannibal unsupported in Italy, in a great measure vanishes, if we remember the plan formed in 216, to send the Spanish army into Italy, and to replace it by an African one : a plan formed with much ability, and followed with as much constancy. We may add to this, that the Barcine faction maintained its influence in the government even to the end of the war. But why they, who by the treaty of peace gave up five hundred vessels of war, suffered Scipio to cross over from Sicily, without sending one to oppose him, is difficult to explain. 7. Notwithstanding her great loss of men, and the devastation of Italy, Rome felt herself much more powerful at the end of this war than at the beginning:. Her dominion was not onlv esta- o o c/ blished over Italy, but extensive foreign countries had been brought under it ; her authority over the seas was rendered secure by the destruction of the naval power of the Carthaginians. The Roman form of government, it is true, underwent no change, but its spirit much, as the power of the senate became almost unlimited ; and although the dawn of civilization had broken over Rome, since her intercourse with more civilized fo- reigners, the state still remained altogether a na- tion of warriors. And now, for the first time, appears in the page of history the fearful pheno- menon of a great military republic ; and the his- tory of the next ten years, in which Rome over- threw so many thrones and free states, gives a striking proof, that such a power is the natural enemy to the independence of all the states within the reach of her arms. The causes which led Rome from this time to aspire after the dominion BOOK v. TO THE GRACCHI. 347 of the world are to be found neither in her geo- SECOND graphical situation, which for a conquering power - by land seemed rather unfavourable ; nor in the inclination of the people, who were opposed to the first war against Philip ; but singly and en- tirely in the spirit of her government. The means, however, whereby she obtained her end, must not be sought for merely in the excellence of her armies and generals, but rather in that uniform, sharp-sighted, and dexterous policy, by which Her policy. she was enabled to frustrate the powerful al- liances formed against her, notwithstanding the many adversaries who at that time sought to form new ones. But where could be found such an- other council of state, embodying such a mass of practical political wisdom, as the Roman senate must have been from the very nature of its organ- ization? All this, however, would not have been state of the rest of the sufficient to have subjugated the world, if the world, want of good government, the degeneracy of the military art, and an extremely corrupt state of morals among both rulers and people, in foreign states, had not seconded the efforts of Rome. View of the political state of the world at this period. In the west, Sicily (the whole island after 212), Sardinia, and Cor- sica, from the year 237* and Spain, divided into citerior and ulterior (the latter rather in name than in fact), had become Roman provinces 206 ; the independence of Carthage had been destroyed by the last peace, and her subordination secured by the alliance of Rome with Masinissa ; Cisalpine Gaul, formed into a province, served as a barrier against the inroads of the more northern barbarians. On the other side, in the east, the kingdom of Macedonia, and the free states of Greece, forming together a very complicated system, had opened a connection with Rome since the Illyrian war, 230, and Philip's alliance with Hannibal, 214. Of the three powers of the first rank, 348 ROMAN STATE BOOK V. SECOND Macedonia, Syria, and Egypt, the two former were allied against the latter, who, on her part, maintained a good understanding with Rome. The states of secondary rank were, those of the JE- tolian league, the kings of Pergamus, and the republic of Rhodes, with some smaller, such as Athens : these had allied them- selves to Rome since the confederacy against Philip, 211. The Achaean league, on the contrary, was in the interests of Ma- cedonia, which Rome always endeavoured to attach to herself, in order to make head against those of the first rank. War against Philip, B. C. 200. T. Quintius Flaminius, 198, lays the foundation of Roman power in the east. 179. 8. A declaration of war against Philip, notwith- standing the opposition of the tribunes of the peo- ple, and an attack upon Macedonia itself, accord- ing to the constant maxim of carrying the war into the enemy's country, immediately followed. They could not, however, drive Philip so soon from the fastnesses of Epirus and Thessaly, which were his bulwarks. But Rome possessed in T. Quintius Flaminius, who marched against Philip as the deliverer of Greece, a statesman and ge- neral exactly fitted for a period of great revolu- tions. By the permanency of his political in- fluence he became indeed the true founder of the Roman power in the east. Who could better cajole men and nations, while they were erecting altars to him, than T. Quintius? So artfully in- deed did he assume the character of a great genius, such as had been given by nature to Scipio, that he has almost deceived history itself. The struggle between him and Philip consisted rather in a display of talents in political stratagem and finesse than in feats of arms : even before the battle of Cynoscephalae had given the finishing stroke, the Romans had already turned the ba- lance in their favour, by gaining over the Achaean league. BOOK v. TO THE GRACCHI. 347 The negotiations between Rome and Macedonia, from the SECOND year 214, give the first striking examples of the ability and PERIOP ' address of the Romans in foreign policy ; and they are the more remarkable, as the treaty with the .ZEtolians and others, 211 (see above, p. 283), was the remote cause of the transactions which afterwards took place in the east. The peculiar system adopted by the Romans, of taking the lesser states under their protection as allies, must always have given them an opportunity of making war on the more powerful whenever they chose. This in fact happened in the present case, notwithstanding the peace con- cluded with Philip, 204. The chief object of the Romans in this war, both by sea and land, was to drive Philip completely out of Greece. The allies on both sides, and the conditions of peace, were similar to those concluded with Carthage (see above, p. 284). The destruction of the naval power of her conquered enemies became now a maxim of Roman policy in making peace ; and she thus maintained the dominion of the seas without any great fleet, and without losing the essential character of a domi- nant power by land. 9. The expulsion of Philip from Greece brought that country into a state of dependence upon Rome; an event which could not have been better secured than by the present of liberty which T. Quintius conferred upon its inhabitants at the Isthmian games. The system of surveillance, which the Romans had already established in the west over Carthage and Numidia, was now adopted in the east over Greece and Macedonia. Roman commissioners, under the name of ambassadors, were sent into the country of the nations in alli- ance, and were the principal means by which this system of espionage was carried on. These how- ever did not fail to give umbrage to the Greeks, particularly to the turbulent ^Etolians ; more espe- cially as the Romans seemed in no hurry to with- draw their troops from a country which they had declared to be free. 350 ROMAN STATE BOOK v. SECOND Liberty was expressly granted to the state which had taken ERIOD ' the part of Philip, namely, to the Achaeans ; to the others it was naturally understood to belong. It was nevertheless three years, 194, before the Roman army evacuated Greece and withdrew from the fortified places. The conduct of T. Quintius during- this period fully shows what he was. The Greeks indeed had much want of such a guardian if they wished to remain quiet : his conduct, however, in the war against Nabis, 195, shows that he had not really at heart the tranquillity of Greece. War with 10. The treaty of peace with Philip contained the seeds of a new and greater war with Syria ; but though this seemed inevitable at that time, it did not break out till six years afterwards ; and in but few periods of the history of the world is so great a political crisis to be found, as in this short interval. The fall of Carthage and Ma- cedonia had shown the rest of the world what it had to expect from Rome ; and there was no lack of great men sufficiently endowed with cou- Dangerofarage and talents to resist her. The danger of a league '" formidable league between Carthage, Syria, and perhaps Macedonia, was never so much to be feared, as when Hannibal, now at the head of affairs, laboured to effect it with all the zeal which his hatred of Rome could inspire ; and they might calculate with certainty beforehand on the acces- she sion of many smaller states. Rome, however, by her equally decided and artful policy procured Hannibal's banishment from Carthage, amused Philip by granting him some trifling advantages, and gained over the smaller states by her ambas- sadors. By these means, and by taking advan- tage of the intrigues in the court of Syria, she prevented this coalition from being formed. An- tiochus was therefore left without assistance in BOOK y. TO THE GRACCHI. 551 Greece, except from the .^Etolians, and a few other SECOND unimportant allies ; while Rome drew from hers, - especially the Rhodians and Eumenes, advan- tages of the greatest consequence. The first cause of contention between Rome and Antiochus was the liberty of Greece, which the former wished to extend to the Grecian cities of Asia, and to those in particular which had belonged to Philip, and afterwards to Antiochus ; while the latter contended, that Rome had no right to intermeddle with the af- fairs of Asia. The second cause of dispute was the occupation of the Thracian Chersonesus by Antiochus, 196, in right of some ancient pretensions ; and Rome, on her part, would not tolerate him in Europe. This quarrel therefore commenced as early as 196, but did not become serious till the year 105, when in con- sequence of Hannibal's flight to Antiochus, together with the turbulence and excitement of the ^Etolians, whose object it was to embroil the rival powers, the political horizon was completely overcast. What a fortunate thing it was for Rome that such men as Hannibal and Antiochus could not understand each other ! HEYNE, de faederum ad Romanorum opes imminuendas inilo- rum eventis eorumque causis ; in Opusc. vol. iii. 11. This war was much sooner brought to a termination than the Macedonian, owing to the half-measures adopted by Antiochus. After hav- B.C. 191. ing been driven from Greece by Glabrio, and after two naval victories had opened to the Ro- mans the way to Asia, he felt inclined to act on the defensive ; but in the battle near Magnesia at Battle of the foot of Mount Sipylus, L. Scipio gathered the S: nesia ' laurels which more properly belonged to Glabrio. The total expulsion of Antiochus from Asia Minor, even before this victory, had been the chief ob- ject of the war. The conditions of peace (see Conditions of DC3.CC* above, p. 284.) were such, as not only weakened Antiochus, but reduced him to a state of depend- ence. 352 ROMAN STATE BOOK v. SECOND During this contest in the east, a sanguinary war was going on EItIOP ' in the west ; from the year 201 in Spain, where the elder Cato commanded; and from 193 in Italy itself, against the Ligurians. Whatever may be said upon the means made use of by Rome to increase the number of her citizens, it will always be difficult to comprehend, not only how she could support all these wars with- out being thereby weakened, but how at the same time she could found so many colonies ! Moderation 12. Even after the termination of this war, Rome refrained with astonishing moderation from appearing in the light of a conqueror : it was only for the liberty of Greece, and for her allies, that she had contended ! Without keeping a foot of land for herself, she divided, with the exception of the free Grecian cities, the conquered Asia Minor between Eumenes and the Rhodians ; the manner, however, in which she dealt with the ^Etolians, who after a long supplication for peace were obliged to buy it dearly, shows that she also knew how to treat unfaithful allies. The War war against the Gauls in Asia Minor was not less necessary for the preservation of tranquillity in tna *- countr y> tnan it was injurious to the morals 189 - and military discipline of the Roman army. They here learned to levy contributions. 200190. 13. Thus, within the short space of ten years, was laid the foundation of the Roman authority in the east, and the general state of affairs en- Rome the tirely changed. If Rome was not yet the ruler, she was at least the arbitress of the world from the Atlantic to the Euphrates. The power of the three principal states was so completely humbled, that they durst not, without the permission of Rome, begin any new war ; the fourth, Egypt, had already, in the year 201, placed herself under BOOK v. TO THE GRACGHI. 333 the guardianship of Rome ; and the lesser powers SKCOM> followed of themselves : esteeming it an honour pFRIon - to be called the allies of Rome. With this name the nations were lulled into security, and brought under the Roman yoke ; the new political system of Rome was founded and strengthened, partly by exciting and supporting the weaker states against the stronger, however unjust the cause of the former might be, and partly by factions which she found means to raise in every state, even the smallest. Although the policy of Rome extended itself everywhere by means of her commissioners, or ambassadors, yet she kept a more particular guard against Carthage by favouring Masinissa at her expense, against the Achaean league by favouring the Spartans, and against Philip of Macedon by favouring every one who brought any complaint against him (see above, p. 285). 14. Although these new connections and this intercourse with foreign nations greatly aided the diffusion of knowledge and science, and was fol- lowed by a gradual improvement in her civiliza- tion, yet was it nevertheless, in many respects, detrimental to the internal state of Rome. The introduction of the scandalous Bacchanalia, which were immediately discovered and forbidden, shows how easily great vices may creep in among a people who are only indebted for their morality to their ignorance. Among the higher classes also the spirit of intrigue manifested itself to an asto- nishing degree ; particularly by the attacks di- rected against the Scipios by the elder Cato, whose restless activity became the instrument of his malignant passions. The severity of his cen- sorship did not repair the evils caused by his im- morality and pernicious politics. 354 ROMAN STATE BOOK v. SECOND Voluntary exile of Scipio Africanus to Linternum, 187- He dies there, 183, the same year in which Hannibal falls under the continued persecution of Rome. His brother Scipio Asiaticus is also unable to escape a trial and condemnation, 185. One would have expected a sensible effect from the exile of these two great men ; but, in a state where the ruling power is in the hands of a body like what the Roman senate was, the change of individuals is but of little consequence. 15. Fresh disputes arose, as early as 185, with with Philip, _, ... r -\/r t i 185. Philip oi Macedon, who soon found that they had spared him no longer than it suited their own convenience. Although the intervention of Phi- lip's youngest son, upon whom the Romans had formed some design, prevented the powers from coming to an immediate rupture, and war was His death, s ^\\\ further delayed by Philip's death, yet the national hatred descended to his successor, and continued to increase, notwithstanding an alliance Open war, concluded with him, until the war openly broke out (see above, p, 287). The first circumstance which gave umbrage to Philip was the small portion they permitted him to conquer in Athamania and Thessaly during the war against Antiochus. But what sharpened his animosity, much more than the object in dispute, was the conduct of the Roman commissioners, before whom he, the king, was called upon to defend himself as an accused party, 184. The exclamation of Philip, that " the sun of every day had not yet set," showed his indignation, and at the same time betrayed his intention. The interval previous to the breaking out of the war was anything rather than a time of peace for Rome ; for besides that the Spanish and Ligurian wars continued almost without intermission, the revolts which broke out in Istria, 178, and in Sardinia and Corsica, 176, produced much bloodshed. secondMa- 16. In the second Macedonian war, which war, ends ended with the destruction of Perseus and his kingdom (see above, p. 288), it required the ac- BOOK v. TO THE GRACCHI. 355 tive efforts of Roman policy to prevent a powerful SECOND confederacy from being formed against her; as ^f^r Perseus used all his endeavours to stimulate, not kin dom ' 168. only the Grecian states, and Thrace and Illyria, but also Carthage and Asia, to enter into alliance with him. Where was it that Rome did not at this crisis send her ambassadors? She did not, indeed, succeed so far as to leave her enemy quite alone, but prepared new triumphs for herself over the few allies she left him. The devastated Epirus, and Gentius king of Illyria, suffered dearly for the assistance they had lent him ; the states also which had remained neuter, the Rhodians and Eumenes, were made to feel severely that they were the mere creatures of Rome. Beginning of the Macedonian war, 171> before Rome was pre- pared ; a deceitful truce, which raised the indignation even of the elder senators, was the means resorted to for gaining time. Notwithstanding this, the war at first, 170 and 169, was favour- able to Perseus ; but he wanted resolution and judgment to enable him to turn his advantages to account. In 168, Paulus ^Emilius, an old general, against the usual custom of the Romans, took the command. Bloody and decisive battle near Pydna, June 22, 168. So completely may one day overturn a kingdom which has only an army for its support ! Contemporary with this war, and highly fortunate for Rome, was the war of Antiochus Epiphanes with Egypt. No wonder that Rome did not, till 168, through Popilius, command peace between them ! (See above, p. 261.) 17. The destruction of the Macedonian mon- its conse- archy was attended with consequences equally qi disastrous to the conquerors and the conquered. To the first it soon gave the notion of becoming the masters of the world, instead of its arbiters ; and it exposed the latter, for the next twenty A a2 356 ROMAN STATE BOOK v. Y ears to a ^ tne ev ^ s inseparable from such a catastrophe. The system of politics hitherto pur- sued by Rome could not last much longer ; for if nations suffered themselves to be brought under the yoke by force, it was not to be expected that they would long be held in dependence under the specious name of liberty. But the state of things after this war was such as contributed to hasten a change in the form of the relations which existed between Rome and her allies. The republican constitution given to the already ruined and devastated Macedonians (see above, p. 288.) and Illyrians, and which, according to the decree of the senate, " showed to all people that Rome was ready to bestow liberty upon them," was granted upon such hard conditions, that the enfranchised nation soon used every endeavour to procure themselves a king. Greece however suffered still more than Macedonia. Here, during the war, the spirit of faction had risen to the highest pitch ; and the arrogant insolence of the Roman party, composed for the most part of venal wretches, was so great, that they persecuted not only those who had espoused an opposite faction, but even those who had joined no faction at all. Rome nevertheless could not believe herself secure, until she had destroyed, by a cruel artifice, all her adversaries (see above, p. 288). 18. Entirely in the same spirit did Rome pro- ceed against the other states from whom she had anything to fear. These must be rendered de- fenceless; and every means of effecting that pur- pose was considered justifiable by the senate. The quarrels between the successors to the throne of Egypt were taken advantage of to cause dis- sensions in that kingdom (see above, p. 260); while Syria was retained in a state of tutelage, by keeping the rightful heir to the throne at Rome ; and its military power neutralized by means of their ambassadors (see above, p. 243). BOOK v. TO THE GRACCHI. 357 19. From these facts we may also conclude, SECOND that the injuries now meditated against Carthage ~ were not separate projects, but rather formed part of the general system of Roman policy at this period, although particular events at one time re- tarded their execution, and at another hastened it. History, in recounting the incredibly bad treat- ment which Carthage had to endure before her fall, seems to have given a warning to those na- tions who can take it, of what they may expect from the domination of a powerful republic. Cato was chief of the party which sought the destruction of Carthage, both from a spirit of envy against Scipio Nasica, whom he hated for his great influence in the senate ; and because, when ambassador to Carthage, he thought they did not treat him with sufficient respect. But Masinissa's victory, 152 (see above, p. 88), and the defection of Utica, brought this project into im- mediate play. Beginning of the war, 150, the Carthaginians having been previously inveigled out of their arms. The city, however, was not captured and destroyed till 146, by P. Scipio ^Emilianus. The Carthaginian territory, under the name of Africa, was then made a Roman province. 20. During this third war with Carthage, hos- A new war .,.. -11 /r t i i w ' l h Mace- tihties again broke out in Macedonia, which donia and brought on a new war with Greece, and entirely changed the state of both these countries. In Macedonia, an impostor named Andriscus, who pretended to be the son of Philip, placed himself at the head of that highly disaffected people, assumed the name of Philip, and became, parti- cularly by an alliance with the Thracians, very B - c<]48 . formidable to the Romans, until overcome by Metellus. Rome wishing to take advantage of this crisis to dissolve the AchaBan league, the Acha?an war broke out (see above, p. 289). This 338 ROMAN STATE BOOK v. SECOND war W as begun by Metellus, and terminated by Terminated Mummius with the destruction of Corinth. By "of reducing both Macedonia and Greece to the form o f provinces, Rome now gave evident proof that no existing relations, nor any form of government, can prevent nations from being subjugated by a warlike republic, whenever circumstances render it possible. It might have been expected, that the destruction of the two first commercial cities in the world, in the same year, would have been followed by important consequences to the course of trade ; but the trade of Carthage and Corinth had already been drawn to Alexandria and Rhodes, otherwise Utica might, in some re- spects, have supplied the place of Carthage. Warm 21. While Rome was thus destroying thrones Spain, 146. . , .. o i and republics, she met in Spain with an antago- nist a simple Spanish countryman named Viria- thus whom, after six years' war, she could only A.C. 140. rid herself of by assassination. The war, never- theless, continued after his death against the Nu- mantines, who would not be subjected, but were 133. at last destroyed by Scipio ^Emilianus. The war against the Spaniards, who of all the nations subdued by the Romans defended their liberty with the greatest obsti- nacy, began in the year 200, six years after the total expulsion of the Carthaginians from their country, 206. It was exceedingly obstinate, partly from the natural state of the country, which was thickly populated, and where every place became a fortress ; partly from the courage of the inhabitants ; but above all, owing to the peculiar policy of the Romans, who were wont to employ their allies to subdue other nations. This war continued, almost without interruption, from the year 200 to 133, and was for the most part carried on at the same time in Hispania Citerior, where the Celtiberi were the most formidable adversaries, and in His- pania Ulterior, where the Lusitani were equally powerful. Hos- tilities were at the highest pitch in 195, under Cato, who reduced BOOK v. TO THE GRACCHI. 3j* (_/ loo* He desires people. His desire was to relieve the distress the'diSress ^ tne l wer orders ; and the means whereby he of the lower hoped to do this was a better division of the orders, lands of the republic, now almost exclusively in the hands of the aristocracy. His reform, there- fore, naturally led at once to a struggle with that party. Tib. Gracchus however soon found, by experience, that a demagogue cannot stop where he would, however pure his intentions may be at first; and no sooner had he obtained a pro- BOOK v. TO THE FALL OF THE REPUBLIC. 365 longation of his term of office, in opposition to THIRD the usual custom, than he fell a sacrifice to his -5^% and dies in Undertaking. theattempt; The first agrarian law of Gracchus was confirmed by the people, notwithstanding the fruitless opposition of his colleague Octavius, who was deposed; it decreed, that no person should possess above five hundred acres of land, nor any child above half that quantity. This law was, in fact, only a renewal of the ancient lex Licinia ; in the condition, however, in which Rome now was, it bore much harder upon the property usurped by the great families, than it did in former times. Appointment of a committee for dividing the national lands, and for enquiring also at the same time which were the property of the state (ager publicus) and which were not. New popular propositions of the elder Gracchus, especially that for the division of the treasures left by king Attalus of Pergamus, with the view of securing his continuance in office ; great insurrection of the aristocratic party under Scipio Nasica, and murder of Tiberius Gracchus, on the day of electing the new tribunes of the people. 3. The fall of the chief of the new party, his fail does however, occasioned any thing rather than its de- h^party^ struction. Not only was there no mention of an abrogation of the agrarian law, but the senate was obliged to allow the place in the commission, which had become vacant by the death of Grac- chus, to be filled up ; and Scipio Nasica himself was sent out of the way, under the pretext of an embassy to Asia. The party of the senate did, indeed, find a powerful support for a short time B. c. 132. in the return of Scipio JEmilianus (d. 129) from Spain ; but its greatest support was found in the difficulties of the law itself, which prevented its execution. Great revolt of the slaves in Sicily under Eunus, 134 131. This contributed not a little to keep alive the dissensions, as it showed the necessity of a reform. 366 ROMAN STATE BOOK v. THIRD 4. Evident endeavours of the tribunes of the PERIOD. . . . ~ . fhelriT people to increase their power, Gracchus having bunesen- now awakened them to a sense of it. Not satis- deavour to increase fied with a seat and voice in the senate, Carbo their power. . . ,, . . ... B.C. 130. wished that the renewing of their dignity should be passed into a law. By the removal, however, of the chiefs of the lower party, upon honour- able pretexts, new troubles were put off for some years. First establishment of the Roman power in Transalpine Gaul by M. Fulvius Flaccus, on the occasion of his being sent to the assistance of Massilia, 128. Southern Gaul became a Roman province as catty as 122, in consequence of the defeat of the Allobrogi and Averni by Q. Fabius, who had been sent against them to support the JEdui, the allies of Rome. Capture of the Balearian isles by Metellus, 123. Qusestorship of C. Gracchus in Sicily, 128125. c. Grac- 5. These palliative remedies, however, availed nothing after the return of C. Gracchus from Sicily with a full determination to tread in the footsteps of his brother. Like him, it is true, he fell a victim to his enterprise ; but the storm that he raised during the two years of his tri- bunate fell so much the more heavily, as the popular excitement was more general, and from his possessing more of the shining talents ne- cessary to form a powerful demagogue than his brother. First tribunate of C. Gracchus, 123. Renewal of the agrarian law, and rendering its provisions more strict. Nevertheless, as he increased the fermentation by his popular measures and by acting the demagogue, and obtained the renewal of the tribunate for the following year, 122, he so far extended his plan, as to render it not only highly dangerous to the aristocracy, but even to the state itself. Establishment of distributions of corn to the BOOK v. TO THE FALL OF THE REPUBLIC. 367 poor people. Plan for the formation of the knights (prdo eques- THIRD tris) into a political body, as a counterbalance to the senate, by PERIOD. conferring on it the right of administering justice, (judicial) which was taken from the senate. Still more important project of granting to the Italian allies the privileges of Roman citizen- ship ; and also the formation of colonies, not only in Campania, but also out of Italy, in Carthage. The highly refined policy of the senate, however, by lessening this man of the people in the eyes of his admirers, through the assistance of the tribune Livius Drusius, prevented his complete triumph ; and, once declining, Gracchus soon experienced the fate of every demagogue, whose complete fall is then irretrievable. General insurrection, and assassination of C. Gracchus, 121. 6. The victory of the aristocratic faction was victory of this time not only much more certain and bloody, but they turned the advantages it gave them to tlon> such good account, that they eluded the agrarian law of Gracchus, and indeed, at last, completely abrogated it. But the seeds of discord already disseminated, especially among the Italian allies, could not be so soon checked, when once the subjects of these states had conceived the idea that they were entitled to a share in the govern- ment. How soon these party struggles might be renewed, or indeed a civil war break out, de- pended almost entirely upon foreign circum- stances, and the chance of a bolder leader being found. Agrarian law evaded : at first by repealing an act which pro- hibited the transfer of the national lands already divided, whereby the patricians were enabled to buy them again ; afterwards by the lex Thoria : complete stop put to all further divisions, a land- tax, to be distributed among the people, being instituted in its stead ; but even this latter was very soon annulled. f- D. H. HEGEWISCH, History cf the Civil Wars of the Gracchi. Altona, 1801. 368 ROMAN STATE BOOK v. THIRD -j- History of the Revolution of the Gracchi in my Miscella- PEBIOP - neous Historical Works. Vol. iii. 1821. ^ ' Visible effects of this party spirit upon spirit in public morals, which now began to decline the corrupting . . . - the nation, more rapidly, in proportion to the increase ot foreign connections. Neither the severity of the censorship, nor the laws against luxury (leges sumtuarice), nor those which now became neces- sary against celibacy, could be of much service in this respect. This degeneracy was not only to be found in the cupidity of the higher ranks, but also in the licentiousness of the lower orders. Luxury in Rome was first displayed in the public administra- tion (owing to the excessive accumulation of wealth in the trea- sury, especially during the Macedonian wars) before it infected private life ; and the avarice of the great long preceded the latter. The sources from whence they satisfied this passion were found in the extortions of the governors of provinces, their great power, and the distance from Rome rendering the leges repelundarum of but little effect. Probably the endeavours of the allied princes and kings to gain a party in the senate was a still more fruitful source, as they could obtain their end only by purchase, and so gave a new impulse to the cupidity and intriguing disposition of the members of that council. But private luxury requires every- where some time to ripen. It attained its height immediately after the Mithridatic wars. f D. MEINER, History of the Corruption of the Morals and Constitution of the Romans. Leips. 1782. f- MEIEROTTO, Morah and Manners of the Romans at dif- ferent periods of the Republic. Berlin, 1776. Which considers the subject in several points of view. j- C. A. BOTTIGER, Sabina, or, morning scenes at the toilette of a rich Roman lady. Leips. 1806, 2 vols. A true and lively description of the luxury of the Roman ladies, but principally at its most brilliant period. It has been translated into French. TheAfncan 8. This corruption was manifested in a striking BOOK v. TO THE FALL OF THE REPUBLIC. 309 manner in the next great war that Rome entered THIRD ... . r . . T , PERIOD. into, which was m Africa, against Jugurtha of waragamst Numidia, the adopted grandson of Masinissa ; i^'^f' D. O- 1 1O and soon after against his ally Bocchus of Mauri- ioe. tania. This war, kindled and maintained by the avarice of the Roman nobles, which Jugurtha had already had an opportunity of knowing at the siege of Numantia, paved the way to the aggran- dizement of C. Marius, a new demagogue, who, c. Marius being also a formidable general, did much more harm to the state than even the Gracchi. Commencement of the quarrel of Jugurtha with the two sons of Micipsa, and assassination of Hiempsal, one of them, 118. When the other, Adherbal, arrived at Rome, 117> the party of Jugurtha had already succeeded, and obtained a partition of the kingdom. New attack upon Adherbal, who is besieged in Cirta, and, notwithstanding the repeated embassies of Rome to Jugur- tha, is compelled to surrender, and is put to death, 112. The tribune C. Memmius constrains the senate to declare war against Jugurtha ; but Jugurtha purchases a peace of the consul Calpur- nius Piso, 111. Nevertheless Memmius hinders the ratification of the peace, and Jugurtha is required to justify himself at Rome. He would probably, however, have bought his acquittal, if the murder of his kinsman Massiva, 110, by the help of Bo- milcar, had not rendered it impossible. The war is renewed under the consul Sp. Albinus and his brother Aulus, 110, but with very little success, until the incorruptible Q. Metellus took the command, 109, who would have put an end to it, notwithstand- ing the great talents now displayed as a general by Jugurtha, and his alliance with Bocchus, 108, had he not been supplanted by Marius, who obtains the consulship by his popularity, 107- Marius is obliged to have recourse to perfidy to get Jugurtha into his hands, who is betrayed by Bocchus, 106. Numidia is divided between Bocchus and two grandsons of Masinissa, Hiempsal and Hiarbas. 9. The elevation of Marius to the consulate not obtains the 11111 r> i i consulate ; only humbled the power of the aristocracy, but Bb 370 ROMAN STATE BOOK v. a ^ so showed, for the first time, that the way was open to a man of low birth (homo novus] to the highest offices ; the method, however, which he had taken to form his army, entirely against the Roman custom, that is, of composing it of the lower orders (capite censis] must have rendered him doubly formidable. Nevertheless, he would scarcely have effected so great a change in the constitution, if a new and terrible war had not rendered his services indispensable : this was threatened invasion of the Cimbri and Teu- Teutones; tones the most powerful nations of the north, during which a new and violent rebellion of the slaves was raging in Sicily : for after the defeat of so many Roman armies, the people believed that no one but the conqueror of Jugurtha could save Italy ; and Marius knew so well how to turn this to account, that he remained consul during four successive years. The Cimbri, or Cimmerians, probably a nation of German origin, from beyond the Black sea, originated a popular migration which extended from thence as far as Spain. Their march was perhaps occasioned, or accelerated, by the Scythian war of Mithridates ; and their course, like that of most nomad races, was from east to west along the Danube. They had already, in 113, defeated the consul Papirius Carbo, near Noreia in Styria. In their progress towards the west they were joined by German, Celtic, and Helvetic tribes (the Teutones, Ambrones, and Tigu- rians). Attack Roman Gaul, 109, where they demand settle- ments and defeat Junius Silanus the consul. Defeat of L. Cassius Longinus and M. Aurelius Scaurus, 107- Great defeat of the Romans in Gaul, 1 05, occasioned by the disagreement of their generals, the consuls, Cn. Manlius and Q. Servius Caepio. Marius obtains the command, and remains consul from 104 101. The migrations of the Cimbri a part of whom reach the Pyre- nees, but are driven back by the Celtiberians, 103 give Marius BOOK v. TO THE FALL OF THE REPUBLIC. 371 time to complete his army. In 102, after dividing themselves, THIRD they first attempted to penetrate into Italy : the Teutones PE " IOI) ' through Provence, and the Cimbri by Tyrol. Great defeat and slaughter of the Teutones by Marius, near Aix. 102. The Cim- bri, on the contrary, effect an invasion and make progress till Marius comes to the help of Catulus. Great battle and defeat of the Cimbri near the Po, July 30, 101. J. MULLER, Bellum Cimbricum. Tigur, 1772. A youthful essay of that celebrated historian. Compare f MANNERT, Geography, etc. part iii. 10. Although during this war the power of the bu y s his ii -11- i i sixth con- popular party had sensibly increased, yet thesuiate. storm did not break out until Marius bought o his sixth consulate. Now, even in Rome it- self, he wished to avenge himself upon his enemies ; and what could the senate do, when it had at its head a demagogue in the consul him- self? His league with the tribune Saturnius, and the praetor Glaucias, forming already a true tri- umvirate, would have overthrown the republic after the expulsion of Metellus, if the unbridled licentiousness of the rabble connected with his allies had not obliged him to break with them, lest he should sacrifice the whole of his popu- larity. The measures of this cabal, who wished to appear as if tread- ing in the steps of the Gracchi, were principally directed against Q. Metellus, the chief of the party of the senate, and who, since the African war, had been the mortal foe of Marius. After the exile of Metellus, occasioned by his opposition to a new agrarian law, this faction usurped the rights of the people, and lorded it in the committees ; until, at a new election of consuls, a general revolt, favoured by Marius himself, took place of all the well- disposed citizens against them ; Saturnius and Glaucias were besieged in the capitol, forced to surrender, and executed. The Bb2 372 ROMAN STATE BOOK v. THIRD return of Metellus from his voluntary exile soon followed, 92, PERIOD> much against the will of Marius, who was obliged to retire into Asia. B.C. 98 11. The few years of tranquillity which Rome now enjoyed, brought to maturity many benefits and many evils, the seeds of which had been already sown. On one hand the rising eloquence of Antonius, Crassus, and others, was employed with effect against the oppressors of the pro- vinces in the state trials (questiones) ; and some generous spirits used all their endeavours to heal the wounds of Sicily, Asia, and other provinces, by a better administration ; while, on the other hand, the power of the ordo equestris became a source of much abuse : for besides their right to sit in the tribunals (judiciis), which C. Gracchus had con- ferred upon them, they had also obtained the farming of the leases, and thereby the collection of the revenue in the provinces ; by which means they were enabled not only to oppose every re- form that was attempted in the latter, but even at Rome to hold the senate in a state of de- pendence. The struggle which now arose be- tween them and the senate respecting the judicia (or right to preside in the tribunal), was one of the most fatal to the republic, as this right was abused by them for the purpose of satisfying their personal rancour, and oppressing the greatest men. The tribune M. Livius Drusus the younger, it is true, wrested from them half their power ; but, alas ! the manner in which he did it kindled into a flame the fire which had been smouldering from the time of the Gracchi. Acquisition of Gyrene by the testament of king Apion, 97 ; BOOK v. TO THE FALL OF THE REPUBLIC. 373 notwithstanding which it maintained its independence, although THIRD probably by paying a tribute. Adjustment of the differences PERIOD. between the kings of Asia Minor by the praetor Sylla, 92 (see above, p. 294). 12. Revolt of the Italian tribes, who desire to warofthe obtain the right of Roman citizens ; whereupon 9188. the bloody war of the allies ensues. Although the oppression of Rome had been preparing this war for a long time, yet it was an immediate consequence of the intrigues of the Roman de- magogues, who since the law of the younger Gracchus, had, with the view of making them- selves popular, continually flattered the allies with the hope of sharing the privileges of Roman citizenship. It was however soon seen, that the allies were not at a loss among themselves for leaders, capable of forming great plans and exe- cuting them with vigour. Italy was about to become a republic, with Corfinium for its capital instead of Rome. Neither could Rome have saved herself from such an event, but by gradu- ally permitting the allies to enjoy the complete freedom of the city. After the civil wars of the Gracchi, large bands of the allies were continually flocking to Rome. These were in the pay of the demagogues, whom the lex Licinia, 95, had banished from Rome, and thereby laid the foundation of the revolt. From that time the conspiracy among these tribes began, and attained without interruption such a degree of maturity, that the carelessness of Rome can only be accounted for from the party fury which then existed, and which the lex Varia, 91, enacted against the pro- moters of rebellion, served only to inflame the more. The mur- der of the tribune Livius Drusus, 91, a very ambiguous charac- ter, brought the affair to an open rupture. In this alliance were the Marsi, Picentes, Peligni, Marrucini, Frentani, the Samnites, who played a principal part, the Hirpini, Apuli, and the Lu- 374 ROMAN STATE BOOK v. THIRD cani. In this war, which was so much the more bloody, as it was mostly composed of separate contests and sieges, especially of the Roman colonies, Cn. Pompeius the elder, L. Cato, 3Iarius, and, above all, Sylla, particularly distinguished themselves on the side of the Romans ; and among the generals of the allies Pompadias, C. Papius, etc. Concession of the freedom of the city, first to such allies as remained faithful, the Latins, Umbrians, etc. by the lex Julia, 91 ; afterwards, by degrees, to the remainder by the lex Plotia. Some, nevertheless, still continued in arms. HEYNE, de Belli Socialis causis et eventu, in Opusc. t. iii. 13. The war now just ended, essentially changed the constitution of Rome, as she no longer re- mained, as hitherto, the exclusive head of the whole state ; and although the new citizens were only formed into eight tribes, yet their influence must soon have been felt in the committees, on account of the readiness with which they pro- moted factions. Besides this, the long-cherished private hatred between Marius and Sylla was greatly strengthened by this war, as Sylla's fame was considerably raised thereby, while that of Marius was proportionably diminished. An op- portunity was only wanted, like that which the first Pontine war soon furnished, to stir up a new civil war, which threatened to destroy the liberty of Rome. Alliance of 14. Alliance of Marius with the tribune Sulpi- cius, with the view of wresting from Sylla the command of the forces against Mithridates, al- B.C. 88. rea dy conferred upon him by the senate. The ease with which Sylla, at the head of an army on which he could depend, expelled the chiefs of this party, seems to have left him ignorant of the fact, that the party itself was not thereby de- stroyed. However judicious may have been his BOOK v. TO THE FALL OF THE REPUBLIC. 375 other measures, the elevation of Cinna to the con- THIRD sulship was an error in policy of which Italy had - still more reason to repent than himself. How much blood might have been spared if Sylla had not unseasonably wished to become popular ! Proposition of Sulpicius for an indiscriminate distribution of the new citizens and freemen among all the tribes of Italy, that he might thereby gain a strong party in his favour, which, by a violent assembly of the people, transfers the command from Sylla to Marius. March of Sylla upon Rome, and expulsion of Marius, who, by a series of adventures almost surpassing belief, escapes to Africa and is proscribed with his son and ten of his partisans. Reestablishment of the power of the senate, whose number is made up by three hundred knights. Sylla, after having caused his friend C. Octavius and his enemy L. Cinna to be elected consuls, hastens back to Greece. 15. First war against Mithridates the Great. I'irstwar , . . ... against Mi- Sylla gams several victories over that king's thndates. generals in Greece ; wrests from him all his conquests, and restricts him to his hereditary do- minions. Rome since the time of Hannibal had His great i i f i i power : met with no such powerful opponent as the king of Pontus, who in a few months had become master of all Asia Minor, Macedonia, and Greece, and threatened even Italy itself; we must besides consider, that the war on the side of Rome was that of carried on in a manner altogether different from vided! that of any previous one ; as Sylla, after the vic- tory of the opposite party, being himself pro- scribed in Rome, was obliged to continue it with his own army, and his own private resources. The unfortunate countries which were the theatre of this war, felt as many calamities during the struggle, as Italy was doomed to suffer after its close. 376 ROMAN STATE BOOK V. THIRD Commencement of the war by Mithridates before the termina- FERIOD tion of that of the allies, 89, by taking possession of Cappadocia and Paphlagonia. He was not less formidable by his alliance with the tribes along the Danube, and his navy, than by his land forces; and the irritation of the people of Asia against Rome rendered his enterprise still more easy. Double victory over Nicomedes king of Bithynia and the Roman general M. Aquilius, followed by the conquest of all Asia Minor except the isle of Rhodes. Massacre of all the Roman citizens in the states of Asia Minor. Expedition of the king's army into Greece, under the command of his general Archelaus, who makes Athens the theatre of the war, 88. Siege and capture of that unfortunate town by Sylla, 1st March, 87. Repeated great defeats of Mithridates's army under the command of Archelaus, near Chal- cis, and afterwards near Orchomenus, by Sylla, 86, whose general plan was formed upon the entire destruction of his enemies. Negotiations for peace commenced by Archelaus, and finally settled at a personal conference between Sylla and Mithridates. The adverse party in Rome, however, had in the mean time sent a new army into Asia Minor, to act as well against Sylla as against Mithridates, under the command of L. Valerius Flaccus, who, however, is assassinated by his lieutenant Fimbria. The latter gains some advantages over the king, but, being shut up by Sylla, kills himself. Owing to the licentiousness of his army, which Sylla dared not restrain ; and the heavy contributions ex- acted by him in Asia Minor after the peace, in order to carry on the war in Italy, 84; together with the bodies of pirates formed out of the fleet disbanded by Mithridates, these unfor- tunate countries were almost ruined ; the opulent cities more especially. Newrevo- 16. But during this war a new revolution took Rome" 1 place in Rome, which not only overthrew the order reestablished by Sylla, but also, by the under Cm- victory of the democratic faction under Cinna and Marius, gave rise to a wild anarchy of the people, and which the death of Marius, alas, too late for Rome! only rendered more destructive; as the leaders themselves could no longer restrain the savage hordes of their own party. However BOOK v. TO THE FALL OF THE REPUBLIC. 377 dreadful the prospect of the return of Sylla might THIRD seem, it was nevertheless the only hope that - remained for all those who h,ad not joined the popular faction, or had not some connection with its leaders. Revolt of Cinna, brought on by the proscriptions, soon after the departure of Sylla ; Cinna, by distributing the new citizens into all the tribes, hoped to raise himself a party ; but C. Octa- vius, at the head of the senate and ancient citizens, drove him from Rome, and forced him to give up the consulship, 87- He however soon raised a powerful army in Campania, and recalled Ma- rius from exile. Capture and pillage of Rome, already weakened by famine, and horrible massacre of the inhabitants ; after which Marius and Cinna name themselves consuls and banish Sylla. Death of Marius, 13th Jan. 86. C. Papirius Carbo succeeds him in the consulship. The mediation of the senate is useless, as the chiefs of both parties can only hope for security by the annihilation of their adversaries. The murder of Cinna by his own soldiers, 84, entirely deprives the dominant faction of a competent leader. Neither the cowardly Carbo, although he remained consul alone, nor the stupid Norbanus, nor the youth C. Marius (the son), had sufficient personal authority for that purpose ; and Sertorius leaves Italy in good time to kindle a new flame in Spain. 17. Return of Sylla to Italy, and a terrible syiia's re- civil war, which ends only with the extermination bioody^ivii of the democratic faction, and his own elevation ^ r>B ' c ' to the perpetual dictatorship. Although his ene- mies had so much advantage over him in point of numbers, yet their party was so little consoli- dated, that he with his veterans could not fail to obtain an easy victory. The slaughter during this war fell for the most part upon the Italian tribes, who had joined the party of Marius, and this afforded Sylla the means of giving settlements to his own soldiers ; but most of the horrors of this revolution which fell to the share of Rome, were n5 syiia s pro- reserved till the day of victory was past. Sylla s 378 ROMAN STATE. BOOK v. THIRD proscription, which should only have punished his personal enemies, was the signal for a general massacre, as every one took that opportunity to rid himself of his private foes ; and avarice did as much as vengeance. Who in these days, so ter- rible to Italy, was sure of his life or property ? And yet, when we consider the dreadful circum- stances which attended the foregoing dominion of the people, deduct all that was done without Sylla's knowledge, and consider how much he was obliged to do in order to satisfy his army, we shall find it difficult to say how far he deserves the reproach of wanton cruelty. Sylla's arrival ; victory over Norbanus immediately after, and seduction of the army of the consul Scipio, 82. After this almost every person of distinction declared in his favour, and the young Pompey having brought to him an army which he had himself raised, his party acquired more consideration, and himself more power. Victory over the younger Marius, near Sacripor- tum, who throws himself into Prseneste, where he is besieged. But the great and decisive battle gained before the gates of Rome, over the Samnites under the command of Telisinus, is followed by the fall of Prseneste and the capture of Rome. After the proscription which immediately ensued, Sylla is created perpetual dictator, and secures his power in Rome by the eman- cipation of ten thousand slaves, whose masters he had proscribed ; and in Italy by colonies of his veterans, whom he establishes at the expense of his enemies. Reform in 18. Great reform in the constitution during the tution: two years' dictatorship of Sylla. The aristocracy 79. ' " of the senate, which he filled up with knights, thesenate was not on ty reestablished, but he also stopped restored, ^hc sources from which the great disorders of the Syiia's ab- democracy had hitherto proceeded. It seems 79. atioD ' probable that his natural indolence, which led BOOK v. TO THE FALL OF THE REPUBLIC. 379 him to prefer a life of luxurious ease to one of THIRD . . . . . . PERIOD. laborious activity, when he was no longer spurred " to the latter by his passions, was the chief cause of his voluntary abdication. He had, however, the great advantage over Marius, of not being the sport of his own feelings. The conduct of Sylla, indeed, was so consistent throughout, that it satis- factorily shows he knew very well what was his ultimate aim which Marius never did. Internal regulations of Sylla by the leges Corneliaz. } . Law to restrain the influence of the tribunes, by taking from them their legislative power. 2. Law respecting the succession to the magistracy; the number of praetors fixed to eight, and the quae- stors to twenty. 3. Lex de majestate, especially to limit the power of the governors of provinces, and to abolish their exactions. 4. Lex dejudiciis, whereby ihejudicia were again restored to the senate. 5. Several police regulations, de sicariis, de veneficiis, etc. for the preservation and tranquillity of Rome, upon which everything depended. 6. The lex de civitate, taking from the Latins and several Italian cities and tribes the privileges of Roman citizens, upon which they set so much store, although we scarcely know in what they consisted. Foreign wars : War in Africa against the leaders of the democratic faction, Cn. Do- mitius and king Hiarbas, which is ended by a triumph to Pom- pey, 80. Second war against Mithridates begun by Murena, in hopes of obtaining a triumph, to whom Archelaus came over ; but which, under the command of Sylla, terminates in an accom- modation. 19. Nevertheless it was impossible that the A state like enactments of Sylla should be long observed ; as posed to the evil lay too deep to be eradicated by laws. A free state like that of Rome, with no middle class, must, from its nature, be exposed to con- tinual convulsions, and these will be more or less violent in proportion to its greatness. Besides, as in the last revolution almost all property had 380 ROMAN STATE THIRD changed hands, there was spread over all Italy a -'re- P owei "f u l P ar ty> wn desired nothing so much as volution de- a counter-revolution. And to this we may add, sired by many. that there were many young men, such as Lu- cullus, Crassus, and above all Pompey, who had opened to themselves a career during the late troubles, which they would scarcely yet wish to bring to a close. It will not then appear strange, that immediately after the death of Sylla (t 88), a jEmiiius consul, M. ./Emilius Lepidus, should form the de- Lepidus. * sign of becoming a second Marius; a design which could only be frustrated by the courage and acti- vity of such a patriotic citizen as Q. Lutatius Catulus, his colleague. Attempt of Lepidus to rescind the acts of Sylla, 78- Defeated, first before Rome and again in Etruria, by Catulus and Pompey, 77> after which he dies in Sardinia. civil war of 20. But much more dangerous for Rome might Sertonus in . Spain. have been the civil war kindled by Sertonus in Spain, if the plan of that exalted republican to invade Italy had succeeded. Even Pompey him- 72. * " self, after a six years' struggle, would hardly have prevented it, had it not been for the worthless- ness of the Roman vagabonds who surrounded him, and his assassination by Perpenna. The rapid termination of the war after the fall of its conductor, is a circumstance much more credit- able to Sertorius than to the conqueror Pompey. The forces of Sertorius in Spain, consisted not only of the party of Marius which he had collected, but more essentially of the Spaniards, particularly the Lusitanians, whom he had in- spired with an unbounded confidence in himself. Very variable success of the war against Metellus and Pompey, who receive but very little support from Rome, 77 75. Negotiation of Ser- BOOK v. TO THE FALL OF THE REPUBLIC. 381 torius with Mithridates the Great, and interchange of embassies without any important result, 75. Sertorius assassinated by PERIOD. Perpenna, 72- 21. Before, however, the flame of war was The third totally extinguished in the west, Mithridates war kindled a new and much fiercer one in the east ; at the same time a war of slaves and gladiators was raging with terrible fury in Italy itself; andP irates ' whole fleets of pirates not only ravaged the Italian coasts, but threatened Rome herself with a fa- mine, and obliged her to have recourse to a mode of naval warfare altogether peculiar. All these enemies were not without intelligence with one another ; and colossal as was the power of the re- public at that time, and rich as Rome was in dis- tinguished men, it seems probable that the storm which beat on every side between 75 71, would threatens rf . the downfal have razed her to the ground, if a stricter alliance of Rome. could have been formed between Sertorius, Spar- tacus, and Mithridates. But the great difficulty of communication which at that time existed, and without which probably a republic such as the Roman never could have been formed, proved of more assistance at this crisis than at any other. The third Mithridatic war, occasioned by the will of Nico- medes king of Bithynia, who had bequeathed his kingdom to Rome (see above, p. 294), was carried on in Asia Minor, first by Lucullus, 74 67, and afterwards by Pompey, 66 64. Mithri- dates, being better prepared, had already concluded an alliance with Sertorius in Spain, 75. But the deliverance of Cyzicus by Lucullus, 73, and the defeat of the king's fleet, intended to act against Italy, not only frustrated all his original plans, but were followed by the occupation of his own dominions, 72 and ^\, by the enemy, notwithstanding a new army which Mithridates col- lected, mostly from the nomad hordes of Northern Asia. Flight 382 ROMAN STATE BOOK T. THIRD of Mithridates to Tigranes, 7\, who positively refused to deliver PEUIOD - him up, and formed an alliance with him, 70 ; while the Par- thian, Arsaces XII. held both parties in suspense by negotia- tions. Victory of Lucullus over the allied sovereigns, near Tigra- nocerta, 69, and Artaxata, 68 ; but the mutinies which now broke out among his troops not only hindered him from following up these advantages, but turned the scale so much in Mithrida- tes's favour, that in 68 and 67 he quickly regained almost all his dominions, even while the Roman commissioners were on their route to take possession of them. Lucullus, by his reform in the finances of Asia Minor, raises a powerful party against himself in Rome, and thereby loses his command. The servile 22. The war of the slaves and gladiators, which war, B. C. ' 7371. happened nearly at the same time, was, from the theatre of action being in its neighbourhood, equally dangerous to Rome ; it became still more terrible from the violence with which these out- raged beings sought to revenge their wrongs, and j more formidable from the talents of their leader, Spartacus ; and the conclusion of this struggle seemed, therefore, of so much importance to terminated Rome, that it grave M. Crassus a much higher in- by Crassus. . nuence in the state than he could ever have ob- tained by his riches alone. Commencement of this war by a number of runaway gladiators, who, being strengthened by an almost general revolt of the slaves in Campania, 73, soon became very formidable. The de- feat of four generals, one after the other, throws open to Spar- tacus the road to the Alps, and enables him to leave Italy ; but the greediness of booty manifested by his hordes, who wished to plunder Rome, obliged him to return. Crassus takes the com- mand and rescues Rome, 72 ; upon which Spartacus retires into Lower Italy, hoping to form a junction with the pirates, and to carry the war into Sicily, but is deceived by them, Jl. His complete overthrow near the Silarus, 71- Pompey, then return- ing from Spain, finds means to seize a sprig of the laurel chaplet which by right should have adorned only the brow of Crassus ; BOOK v. TO THE FALL OF THE REPUBLIC. 383 hence arises a misunderstanding between these two commanders, THIRD during their consulate, 'JO, which threatened to be dangerous to PFRIOP ' the state. 23. The war against the pirates of Sicily and The war ,",, , against the isauria was not only very important m itself, but pirates; still more so in its consequences. It procured for Pompey a legal power such as no Roman ge- neral had ever before enjoyed ; and the quick and glorious manner in which he brought it to a close, terminated i f i i c i by Pompey. opened lor him the way to the great object ot his ambition the conduct of the war in Asia against Mithridates. The extraordinary power acquired by these pirates was owing partly to the great negligence of the Romans in sea affairs, (see page 340), partly to the war against Mithridates, who had taken the pirates into his pay, and partly also to the Roman oppressions in Asia Minor. War had been undertaken against them as early as 75, by P. Servilius ; but his victories, though they procured him the title of Isauricus, did them but little arm. They were to be dreaded, not only for their piracies, but because they also offered an easy means of communication between the other ene- mies of Rome from Spain to Asia. The new attack of the praetor M. Antonius upon Crete, proved a complete failure ; but it was the cause of that hitherto independent island being again at- tacked, 68, by Metellus, and reduced to a Roman province, 67- Pompey takes the command against the pirates with extraordi- nary privileges, obtained for him by Gabinius, and finishes the war in forty days, 67- 24. After these triumphs over so many enemies, Fail of Mi. J thndates. Mithridates was the only one which now re- mained ; and Pompey had here again the good fortune to conclude a struggle already near its end; for notwithstanding his late success, Mithri- dates had never been able completely to recover himself. His fall undoubtedly raised the power 384 ROMAN STATE BOOK V. Tmno PERIOD. State of Home; changes in her consti- tution ; the restora- tion of the power of the tri- bunes. of Rome in Asia Minor to its highest pitch ; but it brought her, at the same time, into contact with the Parthians. Pompey obtains the conduct of the war against Mithridates with very extensive privileges, procured for him by the tribune Manilius (lex Manilla), notwithstanding the opposition of Ca- tulus, 67- His victory by night, near the Euphrates, 66. Sub- jection of Tigranes, while Mithridates flies into the Crimea, 65, whence he endeavours to renew the war. Campaign of Pompey in the countries about the Caucasus, 65 ; he marches thence into Syria, 64. Mithridates kills himself in consequence of the de- fection of his son Phraates, 63. Settlement of Asiatic affairs by Pompey : besides the ancient province of Asia, the maritime countries of Bithynia, nearly all Paphlagonia and Pontus, are formed into a Roman province, under the name of Bithynia ; while on the southern coast Cilicia and Pamphylia form another under the name of Cilicia ; Phoenicia and Syria compose a third, under the name of Syria. On the other hand, Great Armenia is left to Tigranes ; Cappadocia to Ariobarzanes ; the Bosphorus to Pharnaces ; Judaea to Hyrcanus (see page 310) ; and some other small states are also given to petty princes, all of whom remain dependent on Rome. The tribes inhabiting Thrace during the Mithridatic war, were first defeated by Sylla, 85, and their power was afterwards nearly destroyed by the proconsuls of Ma- cedonia: as by Appius, in 77; by Curio, who drove them to the Danube, 75 73 ; and especially by M. Lucullus, while his brother was engaged in Asia. Not only the security of Mace- donia, but the daring plans of Mithridates rendered this ne- cessary. 25. The fall of Mithridates raised the republic to the highest pitch of her power : there was no longer any foreign foe of whom she could be afraid. But her internal administration had un- dergone great changes during these wars. Sylla's aristocratic constitution was shaken by Pompey, in a most essential point, by the reestablishment of the power of the tribunes, which was done be- cause neither he nor any leading men could ob- BOOK v. TO THE FALL OF THE REPUBLIC. 385 tain their ends without their assistance. It was THIRD by their means that Pompey had procured such - unlimited power in his two late expeditions, that the existence of the republic was thereby endan- gered. It was, however, a fortunate circumstance for Rome, that Pompey's vanity was sufficiently gratified by his being at the head of affairs, where he avoided the appearance of an oppressor. Reiterated attempts of the tribune Sicinius to annul the con- stitution of Sylla defeated by the senate, 76. But as early as 75 Opimius obtained that the tribunes should not be excluded from honourable offices, and that the judgments (judicia) should be restored to the knights (equites). The attempts of Licinius Macer, 72, to restore the tribunes to all their former powers, encountered but a short opposition ; and their complete reesta- blishment was effected by Pompey and Crassus during their con- sulate, in 70. 26. This victory of the democratic faction, how- This victory ever, in consequence of the use made of it by some leading men, necessarily led the way to an oligarchy, which after the consulate of Pompey 70 - and Crassus became very oppressive. Catiline's Catiline's conspiracy, which was not matured till after se- cc veral attempts, would have broken up this con- fined aristocracy, and placed the helm of state in the hands of another and still more dangerous faction : a faction composed in part of needy pro- fligates and criminals dreading the punishment of their crimes, and partly of ambitious nobles. It occasioned a short civil war ; but procured Cicero a place in the administration. With whatcicero. pleasure do we forgive the little weaknesses and failings of one so gifted with talents and great virtues ! of one who first taught Rome, in so 386 ROMAN STATE BOOK v. THIRD many ways, what it was to be great in the robe - of peace ! Catiline's first conspiracy, in which Caesar and Crassus seem to have been implicated, 66, as well as in the second, 65 : failure of the former by chance of the latter through Piso's death. The third broke out in 64, as well in Rome, where the conspi- rators, having no armed force, were soon suppressed by the vigi- lance and activity of Cicero, 63, as in Etruria, where a victory of the proconsul Antonius over Catiline, who was left dead on the field, concluded it, 62. Effects of 27. The suppression of this conspiracy, how- the Asiatic ,., - ~> 1-11 war on the ever, did not stay the enect which the recently concluded Asiatic war had upon Roman man- ners. The luxury of the east, though united with Grecian taste, which had been introduced among the great by Lucullus; the immense riches poured into the treasury by Pompey ; the tempting ex- amples of unlimited power, which single citi- zens had already exercised ; the purchase of the magistracy by individuals, in order, like Verres, after the squandering of millions, to enrich them- selves again in the provinces ; the demands of the soldiers upon their generals ; and the ease with which an army might be raised by him who had only money enough to pay it ; all these cir- cumstances must have foreboded new and ap- proaching convulsions, even if the preceding storms in this colossal republic, in which we must now judge of virtues and vices, as well as of riches and power, by a very magnified stand- ard, had not formed men of that gigantic cha- Greatmen racter they did i men like Cato, who struggled of this pe- , ,, , riod: cato. alone to stem the impetuous torrent or the revo- lution, and was sufficiently powerful to retard its progress for a time ; or, like Pompey, who by BOOK v. TO THE FALL OF THE REPUBLIC. 387 good fortune and the art of acquiring influence, THIRD arose to a degree of authority and power never - before attained by any citizen of a free state ; or, like Crassus, " who only considered him as rich that could maintain an army by his own private means," founding their pretensions on wealth ; or, finally, like the aspiring and now powerful Caesar, whose boundless ambition could only be sur- passed by his talents, and courage, " who would rather be the first in a village than the second in Rome." The return of Pompey from Asia, threatening the senate with a new dictator, ap- peared an eventful moment. Attempt of Pompey, through the tribune Metellus Nepos, to be allowed to return to Rome at the head of his army, frustrated by the firmness of Cato, 62. 28. The arrival of Pompey in Rome renewed the struggle between the senate and that powerful general, although he had disbanded his army on landing in Italy. The ratification of his manage- J e th jJj s c~ ment of affairs in Asia, which was the chief point si. of contention, was opposed by the leading men of the senate, Cato r the two Metelli, and Lucullus, which induced Pompey to attach himself entirely to the popular party, by whose means he hoped to obtain his end ; Caesar's return, however, from char's - his province of Lusitania, entirely changed the Lusitania, face of affairs. 29. Close union between Caesar, Pompey, and Triumvirate Crassus ; that is, a secret alliance, formed by the i> om pey? interposition of Caesar. That which formed the ** g 5 " height of the ambition of Pompey and Crassus was only regarded by Caesar as the means by which he might be able to effect his. His con- c*sar's c c2 388 ROMAN STATE BOOK v. THIRD sulate a kind of dictatorship under the mask of - great popularity necessarily paved the way to 59 > his future career, as by giving him the govern- obtains him ment of the two Gauls and Illyria for five years, mentoMhe it opened a wide field for conquest, and gave him and nJJria an opportunity of forming an army devoted to his Caesar's abode and campaign in Gaul from the spring of 58 till the end of the year 50. By arresting the emigration of the Hel- vetians, and by the expulsion of the Germans, under Ariovistus, from Gaul, 58, Caesar gained an opportunity of intermeddling in the internal affairs of that country, and afterwards of subduing it, which was completed by his victory over the Belgae, 57, and the Aquitani, 56 ; so that Caesar was at liberty to undertake his several expeditions, as well in Britain, 55 and 54, as in Germany, 54 and 53. But the repeated revolts of the Gauls, 53 51, especially under Vercingetorix, 52, occasioned a war no less ob- stinate than their first conquest. Roman policy continued the same throughout. The Gauls were subdued, by the Romans ap- pearing as their deliverers ; and in the country they found allies in the JEdui, Allobroges, etc. 30. The triumvirate, in order to establish their power upon a solid foundation, took care, by the management of the tribune Clodius, to get rid of the leaders of the senate, Cato and Cicero, before the departure of Cresar ; and this they did by giving the former a kingdom to govern, and by procuring the banishment of the latter. They must however soon have discovered, that so bold a demagogue as Clodius could not be used as a mere machine. And, indeed, after Caesar's de- parture he raised himself so much above the tri- umvirs, that Pompey was soon obliged, for his own preservation, to permit Cicero to return from exile, which could only be effected by the most violent efforts of the tribune Milo. The power of BOOK v. TO THE FALL OF THE REPUBLIC. 389 Clodius, however, was but little injured thereby, T THIRD ' J 1 EB10D. although Pompey, to put a stop to the source of ~ these disorders, and revive his own popularity, procured the nomination of himself as prcefectus annonce, or superintendent of provisions. Exile of Cicero, the greater part of which he spent in Mace- donia, from April, 58, till 4th Sept. 57- Ptolemy king of Cy- prus deposed, and that island reduced to a Roman province by Cato, on the proposition of Clodius, 57 (see page 264). The personal dislike of Clodius and the riches of the king were the causes that brought upon him this misfortune. MIDDLETON'S Life of Cicero, 2 vols. 8vo. This work is al- most a complete history of Rome during the age of Cicero ; for whom the writer discovers an undue partiality. f M. TULLIUS CICERO, all his Letters translated, in chrono- logical order, and illustrated with notes, by C. M. WIELAND. Zurich, 1808. With a preliminary view of the life of Cicero. Of all Germans the writings of Wieland, whether original or translations (and to which can we give the preference ?) afford the most lively insight into Greek and Roman antiquity at va- rious periods. What writer has so truly seized its spirit, and placed it so faithfully and elegantly before his readers? His labours on the Letters of Cicero (whose foibles he exposes with a rigorous and unflinching hand) serve to make us much better acquainted with Rome, as it then was, than any Roman history. 31. A jealousy arises between the triumvirate, Jealousy of as Caesar, though absent, still found means to keep up his party at Rome in such watchful ac- tivity, that Pompey and Crassus considered it impossible to maintain their own influence, ex- cept by procuring such concessions as had been made to him. Harmony once more restored by an accommodation at Lucca, as the parties found it necessary to preserve a good understanding with each other. The terms of this accommodation were; that Caesar should have his government prolonged for another five years ; and that Pompey and Crassus should enjoy the consulship for the ensuing 390 ROMAN STATE BOOK v. B.C. 55. THIRD year, the former receiving the provinces of Spain and Africa ; FERIOD * and the latter that of Syria, for the purpose of carrying on a war against the Parthians. In proportion as these conditions were kept secret, there remained less secrecy respecting the alliance itself. Second 32. Second consulate of Pompey and Crassus. pomI5ly tcof Ifc was onl y amidst violent storms that they could and eras- effect their purposes ; as it depended upon which faction should first gain or keep possession of the forum. The resistance they met with from the inflexible disposition of Cato, who in his austere virtue alone found means to secure himself a powerful party, shows how unfairly those judge who consider the power of the triumvirate as un- limited, and the nation as entirely corrupted. Campaign of Crassus against the Parthians, undertaken at his own expense, 54. Instead, however, of gathering laurels like Caesar, he and his whole army were completely overthrown in Mesopotamia, 53 ; and the Parthians from this time maintain a powerful preponderance in Asia (see above, p. 302). 33. As the triumvirate by this failure of Crassus was reduced to a duumvirate, Pompey (who re- mained in Rome, and governed his provinces by lieutenants), in the midst of continual domestic broils, which he cunningly took care to foment, was evidently aiming to become the acknow- ledged head of the senate and republic. The idea that a dictator was necessary prevailed more and more during an anarchy of eight months, in which no appointment of a consul could take place ; and notwithstanding the opposition of Cato, Pompey succeeded, after a violent commo- tion, in which Clodius was murdered by Milo, in is appointed getting himself nominated sole consul; a power g econsu1 ' equal to that of dictator. B.C. 53. BOOKV. TO THE FALL OF THE REPUBLIC. 391 Consulate of Pompey, 52, in which, at the end of seven months, THIRD he took as colleague his father-in-law Metellus Scipio. The go- PRIOI) - vernment of his provinces, which afterwards became the chief seat of the republicans, is prolonged for five years. 34. From this time civil war became inevit- civil war able ; for not only the chiefs of the parties, but in ' also their adherents desired it. The approach of the time when Caesar's command would expire, necessarily hastened the crisis. Could it be sup- posed that the conqueror of Gaul would return to a private life, and leave his rival at the head of the republic? The steps taken on both sides towards an accommodation were only made to escape the odium which would attach to him who struck the first blow. But Pompey unfortunately could never understand his opponent, who did all himself, all completely, and all alone. The bril- liant light in which Pompey now appeared, as defender of the republic, delighted him so much, that it made him forget what belonged to its de- fence ; while Caesar avoided, with the greatest care, every appearance of usurpation. The friend, the protector of the people against the usurpa- tions of their enemies, was the character which he now chose to assume. Commencement of the contest upon Caesar's demand to be allowed to hold the consulship while absent, 52. Caesar, by the most lavish corruption, had increased his adherents in Rome, gained the tribunes, and among them especially the powerful speaker C. Curio (whom he did not think too dearly purchased at the price of about half a million sterling) ; by this man it was suggested to Caesar that he should give up his command, and leave a successor to be appointed in his place, 51, if Pompey would do the same: a proposition which created a prejudice much in his favour. Repeated, but insincere offers of both par- ties for an accommodation, 50, till at last a decree of the senate 392 ROMAN STATE BOOK v. THIRD W as passed, Jan. 7> 49, by which Caesar was commanded " to disband his army under the penalty of being declared an enemy to the republic/' without regard to the intercessions of the tri- bunes, whose flight to him gave an appearance of popularity to his party. Caesar crosses the Rubicon, the boundary of his province. civil war 35 xh e c \ v \\ war now about to break out, between seemed likely to spread over nearly all the coun- tries of the Roman empire ; as Pompey, finding it impossible to maintain himself in Italy, had chosen Greece for the principal theatre of the war; while his lieutenants, with the armies un- der their command, occupied Spain and Africa. Caesar, by the able disposition of his legions, was everywhere present, without exciting beforehand any suspicion of his movements. A combination of circumstances, however, carried the war into Alexandria, and even as far as Pontus ; indeed it might be called rather a series of six successive wars than merely one, all of which Caesar, by flying with his legions from one quarter of the world to the other, ended, within five years, vic- toriously and in person. Rapid occupation of Italy in sixty days (when the troops under Domitius surrendered at Corfinus), which, as well as Sicily and Sardinia, were subdued by Caesar almost without op- position ; Pompey, with his troops and adherents, having crossed over to Greece. Caesar's first campaign in Spain against Pompey 's generals, Afranius and Petreius, whom he forces to surrender ; this, however, is counterbalanced by the loss of the legions under Curio in Africa. In December, 49, however, Caesar is again in Italy, and named dictator, which he exchanges for the consulate. Spirited expedition into Greece with the ships he had been pre- viously collecting together, Jan. 4,' 49. Unfortunate engagement at Dyrrachium. Removal of the war into Thessaly, and decisive battle of Pharsalia, July 20, 48, after which Pompey flies to Alexandria, where he is killed on his landing. Caesar arrives three days after him at Alexandria. BOOK v. TO THE FALL OF THE REPUBLIC. 393 36. Caesar, after the victory of Pharsalia, again THIRD nominated dictator, with great privileges. The death of Pompey, however, does not destroy his party ; and the six months' war of Alexandria, as well as the expedition into Pontus against Pharnaces, gave them time to rally their forces both in Africa under Cato, and in Spain under the sons of Pompey. During the Alexandrine war (see above, p. 266) and the ex- pedition against Pharnaces, the son of Mithridates, Avho had obtained the kingdom of his father, but was slain by Caesar im- mediately after his arrival, 47, great disorders had broken out in Rome, caused by the tribune Dolabella's nattering the people with the abolition of debts (novae tabulae), notwithstanding the military power of M. Antony, whom Caesar had sent to Rome as master of the horse (magister equitum), as this abandoned sen- sualist at first actually favoured the projects of the tribune. Caesar's return to Rome, December, 47, put an end, it is true, to these disorders ; but the increase of the opposite party in Africa, and an insurrection among his soldiers, obliged him to set out for Africa immediately, January, 46. Victory near Thapsus over Scipio and Juba ; after which Cato kills himself at Utica. Numidia, the kingdom of Juba, becomes a Roman province. Caesar after his return to Rome in June, is only able to stay there four months, as, before the end of the year, he is obliged to set out for Spain to crush the dangerous efforts of Pompey 's two sons. Bloody battle at Munda, March, 45, after which Cneius is killed, but Sextus escapes to the Celtiberians. 37. Nothing seems more evident than that Enquiry into Caesar did not, like Sylla, overthrow the republic for the purpose of reestablishing it ; and it is perhaps impossible to say what could be the final views of a childless usurper, who throughout his whole career, seemed only to be guided by an in- ordinate ambition, springing from a consciousness of superior powers, and to satisfy which, no means seemed to him difficult or unlawful. The period 394 ROMAN STATE BOOK v. THIRD of his dictatorship was so short, and so much in- terrupted by war, that his ultimate plans had not time for their development. He endeavoured to establish his dominion by popular measures ; and although his army must still have been his main support, yet no proscription was granted to sa- tisfy it. The reestablishment of order in the dis- tracted country of Italy, and particularly in the capital, was his first care ; and he proposed to follow that by an expedition against the powerful Parthian empire. His attempts, however, to ob- tain the diadem, seemed to place it beyond a doubt that he wished to introduce a formal mon- archy. But the destruction of the form of the republic was shown to be more dangerous than the overthrow of the republic itself. The following were the honours and privileges granted to Caesar by the senate. After the battle of Pharsalia, 48, he was nominated dictator for one year and consul for five years ; and obtained the potestas tribunicia, as well as the right of making war and peace, the exclusive right of the committees, with the exception of the tribunes, and the possession of the provinces. The dictatorship was renewed to him, 47, for ten years, as well as the prcefectura morum, and was at last, 145, conferred upon him for ever, with the title of imperator. Although Caesar thus became absolute master of the republic, it appears to have been done without laying aside the republican forms. Conspiracy 38. Conspiracy against Caesar, formed by Bru- tus and Cassius, and terminating in the death of Csar. Men so exalted as were the chiefs of j. n j s p] ^ easily understand one another ; and it was quite in accordance with their character not to meditate upon the consequences of their deed. His Death, Cesar's death was a great misfortune for Rome. Experience soon showed that the republic could BOOK v. TO THE FALL OF THE REPUBLIC. 39.5 not be reestablished thereby ; and his life might THIRD probably have spared the state some of those ca- FERIOD ' lamities which now, by its change to a monarchy, became unavoidable. We still want a discriminating life of Caesar, who in modern times has been as extravagantly praised as Alexander has been unjustly censured. As generals and conquerors, both were equally great and little ; as a man, however, the Macedonian, in the brilliant period of his life, to which Caesar never attained, was superior ; to the great political ideas which developed them- selves in Alexander, we know of none corresponding in Caesar ; who knew better than any how to attain dominion, but little of preserving it. Histoire de la Vie de Jules Caesar, par M. DE BURY, Paris, 1758, 2 vols. 8vo. f Life of C. Julius Caesar, by A. G. MEISSNER, continued by J. Ch. L. Haken, 1811, 4 parts. At present the best. Caius Julius Ccesar, from original sources, by PROFESSOR SOLTL. A short biography, judiciously executed. 39. Notwithstanding the amnesty at first de- Amnest clared, the funeral obsequies of Caesar soon showed, that peace was of all things the least desired by his generals, M. Antony and M. Lepi- dus, now become the head of his party ; and the arrival of Caesar's nephew, C. Octavius (after- wards Caesar Octavianus), whom he had adopted in his will, rendered affairs still more complicated, as every one strove for himself; Antony's parti- cular object being to raise himself into Caesar's place. However earnestly they sought to gain the people, it was in fact the legions who de- cided, and the command of them depended, for the most part, upon the possession of the pro- vinces. We cannot therefore wonder, that while they sought to revenge the murder of Caesar, this 396 ROiMAN STATE BOOK v. THIRD became the chief cause of the struggle, and in a PERIOD. "few months led to a civil war. At the time of Caesar's death, M. Antonius was actual consul, and Dolabella consul-elect ; M. Lepidus magister equitum (ma- ster of the horse) ; M. Brutus and Cassius, praetors (the first, prcetor urbanus). Caesar had given to the former the province of Macedonia, and to the latter that of Syria, which had been confirmed to them by the senate. M. Lepidus had been nomi- nated to Transalpine, and D. Brutus to Cisalpine Gaul. But soon after the murder of Caesar, Antony obtained, by a decree of the people, Macedonia for himself, and Syria for his colleague Dolabella, with whom he had formed a close connection ; instead of which the senate decreed to Cassius Gyrene, and to Brutus, who now had the important charge of supph >'ig Rome with provisions, Crete. But soon after (June 1, 44), Antony de- sired, by a new change, to obtain Cisalpine Gaul for himself, and Macedonia for his brother C. Antony, both of which he procured from the people. Antonyen- 40. As M. Antony sought by force to establish himself in Cisalpine Gaul, and D. Brutus refused to g' ve it U P to mm > and retired into Mutina, a Gaui. short, indeed, but very bloody civil war arose, (helium mutinense.} The eloquence of Cicero had caused Antony to be declared an enemy of the republic ; and the two new consuls, Hirtius and Pansa, together with Caesar Octavianus, were sent against him. The defeat of Antony com- pelled him to seek refuge beyond the Alps with Lepidus ; but the two consuls being slain, Octa- vianus at the head of his legions was too impor- tunate to be refused the consulship, and soon convinced the defenceless senate, how impossible it was to reestablish the commonwealth by their powerless decrees. The employment, moreover, of the magistrates suffecti, which soon after arose, was in itself a sufficient proof that it was now no BOOK v. TO THE FALL OF THE REPUBLIC. 397 more than the shadow of what it had formerly THIRD * PERIOD. been. The Mutine war begins in December, 44, and closes with the defeat of Antony at Mutina, April 14, 43. Octavius obtains the consulate, Sept. 22. t 41. Octavianus, deserting the party of the Formation senate, enters into a secret negotiation with An- tony and Lepidus ; the consequence of which is a meeting of the parties at Bononia, and the for- mation of a new triumvirate. They declare themselves the chiefs of the republic for five years, under the title of triumviri reipublicce con- stituenda ; and dividing the provinces among them- selves according to their own pleasure, they make the destruction of the republican party their prin- cipal object. A new proscription in Rome itself, and a declaration of war against the murderers of Ca?sar, were the means by which they proposed to effect it. The agreement of the triumvirate was concluded Nov. 27, 43, after which the march of the triumvirs upon Rome gives the signal for the massacre of the proscribed, which soon extends all over Italy, and in which Cicero perishes, Dec. 7- The cause of this new proscription was not party hatred alone, but was as much, perhaps more, owing on the one hand to the want of money for carrying on the war they had undertaken, and on the other to a desire of satisfying the turbulent demands of the le- gions. Vv here is to be found a time so full of terror as this, when even tears were forbidden ? . 42. The civil war, now on the eve of breaking civil war out, may be considered therefore as a war be- oligarchy tween the oligarchy and the defenders of republic. The Roman world was, as it were, divided between the two ; and although the for- mer had possession of Italy, and the western pro- 398 ROMAN STATE BOOK v. vmces that advantage seemed counterbalanced to ~ the chiefs of the opposite party by the possession of the eastern countries, and the naval power of Sextus Pompey, which seemed to assure them the dominion of the sea. M. Brutus had taken possession of his province of Macedonia as early as the autumn of 44 ; while Cassius, on the contrary, had to contend for that of Syria with Dolabella, who by the murder of the proconsul Trebonius had possessed himself of Asia. Being, however, for this offence, declared an enemy by the senate, and shut up in Laodicea by Cassius, he killed himself, June 5, 43. From this time Brutus and Cassius were masters of all the eastern provinces, at whose expense they maintained their troops, though not without much oppression. S. Pompey, after the victory of Munda, 45, having secreted himself in Spain, and afterwards become a chief of freebooters, had grown very powerful ; when the senate, after Caesar's assassination, having made him commander of the sea-forces, he with them took pos- session of Spain, and, after the conclusion of the triumvirate, of Sicily, and then, very soon after, of Sardinia and Corsica. It was a great thing for the triumvirate, that C. Pompey did not know how to reap half the profit he might have done from his power and good fortune. its seat in 43. Macedonia became the theatre of the new Macedonia. ... , . -11 -, r ^ civil war, and together with the goodness of their cause, superior talents, and greater power both by land and sea, seemed combined to ensure the victory to Brutus and Cassius, But in the deci- sive battle at Philippi, fortune played one of her most capricious tricks, and with the two chiefs fell the last supporters of the republic. Double battle at Philippi towards the close of the year 42 ; voluntary death of Cassius after the first, and of Brutus after the second engagement. PLUTARCH i Vita Bruti ; from the narratives of eyewitnesses. 44. The history of the eleven years intervening BOOK v. TO THE FALL OF THE REPUBLIC. ;jof> between the battle of Philippi and that of Actium, THIRD is little more than an account of the quarrels PFRIOD - 1 the oligar- of the oligarchy among themselves. The most ch y am n g subtle was, in the end, victorious; for M. An- tony possessed all the sensuality of Caesar, with- out his genius : and the insignificant Lepidus soon fell a sacrifice to his own vanity and weak- ness. While Antony went into Asia to arrange the affairs of the eastern provinces, and from thence with Cleopatra to Alexandria, Octavianus returned to Rome. But the famine which then reigned in that city through Pompey's blockade of the seacoast; the misery spread throughout Italy by the wresting of patrimonial lands from the proprietors to distribute among the veterans ; and the insatiable covetousness of the latter ren- dered his situation as dangerous now as it had been before the war. Besides all this, the hatred Fulvia causes a of the enraged consort of Antony, who had en- civil war; tered into an alliance with her brother-in-law, the consul L. Antony, brought on, towards the end of the year, a civil war, which ended with the surrender and burning of Perusium, in which L. Antony had shut himself up, and which was already much weakened by famine. The helium Perusinum lasted from the end of the year 41 till April, 40. 45. This war, however, had nearly led to one still greater ; for M. Antony, as the enemy of Octavianus, had come to Italy in order to assist his brother, and with the intention of forming anB.c.40. alliance with S. Pompey against the former. But fortunately for the world, not only was harmony 400 ROMAN STATE BOOK v. THIRD restored between the triumvirs, but on account of PERIOD. the great famine which prevailed at Rome, a peace was also concluded with Pompey, although it lasted but a very short time. The principal object of the peace between the triumvirs was a new division of the provinces, by which the city of Scodra in Illyria was fixed upon as the boundary. Antony obtained all the eastern provinces ; Octavianus all the western ; and Lepidus Africa. Italy remained in common to them all. The marriage of Antony with Octavia, Fulvia being dead, was intended to ce- ment this agreement. In the peace concluded with S. Pompey at Misenum, he obtained the islands of Sicily, Sardinia, and Cor- sica, and the promise of Achaia. Pompey re- 4(j. Pompey, however, was not long in finding commences i i i the war; that an alliance between him and the triumvirs would only end in his own destruction ; and the war which he soon commenced, and which Octa- vianus could not bring to a close but with the which assistance of Agrippa, was of so much the more importance, as it not only decided the fate of P m P e y> DUt by leading to dissensions, and the expulsion, expulsion of Lepidus, reduced the triumvirate to a duumvirate. After a doubtful engagement at sea, 38, and the formation of a new fleet, Pompey was attacked on all sides at the same time ; Lepidus coming from Africa, and Antony sending also some ships. Final overthrow of Pompey, who flies to Asia and there perishes. Lepidus wishing to take possession of Sicily, Octa- vianus gains over his troops, and obliges him to retire from the triumvirate. Foreign 47. The foreign wars in which Octavianus as wars pre- . r . , s- well as Antony were engaged m the lollowing years, prevented for some time their mutual jealousy from coming to an open rupture. Octa- yianus, to tame his unruly legions, employed them BOOK v. TO THE FALL OF THE REPUBLIC. 401 with some success against the nations of Dalmatia and Pannonia ; whilst Antony undertook an ex- B "'J pedition against the powerful Parthians and their 33 - neighbours. But in offending Rome by his con- Antony O f- duct in these wars, he only armed his opponent aTd s against himself ; and his formal separation from?! vorc ? s r Octant, 32. Octavia, loosened the only tie which had hitherto held together the two masters of the world. After his first stay in Alexandria, 41 , Antony returned to Italy, 40, and then, having made peace with Octavianus, he carried his new wife Octavia with him into Greece, where he remained till the year 37 Although his lieutenant Ventidius had fought with success against the Parthians, who had invaded Syria (see above, p. 302.), Antony determined to undertake an expe- dition against them himself, 36. But although in alliance with Artavasdes king of Armenia (whom he soon after accused of treachery), in seeking to effect an entrance into Parthia, by passing through Armenia and Media, a different route from that taken by Crassus, he was very nearly meeting with the same fate, and the expedition completely failed. He then revenged himself upon Artavasdes, who fell into his hands in a fresh ex- pedition which he made, 34, and deprived him of his kingdom. After his triumphal entrance into Alexandria, he made a grant of this as well as other countries to Cleopatra and her children. (See above, p. 267-) In 33, he intended to renew his expedition against the Parthians, in alliance with the king of Media ; but having, at the instigation of Cleopatra, ordered Octavia to return home, when she had already come as far as Athens on her way to meet him, Octavianus and Antony reciprocally accused each other before the senate, and war was declared at Rome, though only against Cleopatra. 48. Greece became again the theatre of war ; Greece the 111 f r A A. seat f and although the forces of Antony were most between considerable, yet Octavianus had the advantage oc of having, at least in appearance, the better cause. The naval victory of Actium decided for feTted at e Octavianus, who could scarcely believe it, till he ^{ . ii d 402 ROMAN STATE BOOK v. THIRD found that Antony had forsaken his fleet and - 1 - army, the latter of which surrendered without striking a blow. The capture of Egypt followed, (see above, p. 267.) and that country was reduced his death, t o a Roman province ; the death of Antony and leaves Oc- Cleopatra ended the war, and left Octavianus without a absolute master of the republic. rival. The history of the last days of Antony, principally after his decline, having been written under the rule of his enemies, must be received with that mistrust which all such histories require. It has furnished abundant matter for the retailers of anecdote. The history of Cleopatra rests partly on the accounts of her phy- sician Olympus, of which Plutarch made use. FOURTH PERIOD. HISTORY OP THE ROMAN STATE AS A MONARCHY TO THE OVERTHROW OP THE WESTERN EMPIRE. B. C. 30. A. C. 476. Geographical outline. View of the Roman empire and provinces, and other countries connected with it by war or commerce. Boundaries THE ordinary boundaries of the Roman empire, manem- which, however, it sometimes exceeded, were in pire ' Europe the two great rivers of the Rhine and Danube ; in Asia, the Euphrates and the sandy desert of Syria ; in Africa likewise, the sandy regions. It thus included the fairest portions of the earth, surrounding the Mediterranean sea. BOOK v. GEOGRAPHICAL OUTLINE. 403 EUROPEAN COUNTRIES : I. Spain (Hispania). European Boundaries : on the east the Pyrenees, on the south, north, and west, the sea. Principal rivers : the Minius (Minho), Durius (Douro), Tagus (Tejo), Anas (Guadiana), Baetis (Guadalquiver), which flow into the Atlantic ; and the Iberus (Ebro), which falls into the Mediterranean. Mountains: besides the Pyrenees, the Idubeda along the Iberus, Orospeda (Sierra Morena). Divided into three provinces. 1. Lusitania : northern boundary the Durius, southern, the Anas. Principal tribes : Lusitani, Turdetani. Principal town : Augusta Emerita. 2. Bastica : boundaries on the north and west the Anas, on the east the mountains of Orospeda. Principal tribes : Turduli, Bastuli. Principal towns : Cor- duba (Cordova), Hispalis (Seville), Gades (Cadiz), Munda. 3. Tarraconensis, all the remainder ofxarraco- Spain. Principal tribes : Callaeci, Astures, Can- n< tabri, Vascones, in the north ; Celtiberi, Carpe- tani, Ilergetes, in the interior; Indigetes, Cose- tani, etc. on the Mediterranean. Chief towns : Tarraco (Tarragona), Cartago Nova (Carthagena), Toletum (Toledo), Ilerda (Lerida) ; Saguntum and Numantia (Soria) were already destroyed. The Balearic isles, Major (Majorca), and Minor Balearic (Minorca), were considered as belonging to Spain. II. Transalpine Gaul. Boundaries : on the Transalpine west the Pyrenees ; on the east the Rhine, and a line drawn from its source to the little river Varus, together with that river itself; on the north and south the sea. Principal rivers : the Garumna (Garonne), Liger (Loire), Sequana Dd2 404 ROMAN STATE BOOK v. (Seine), and Scaldis (Scheldt), which empty themselves into the ocean; the Rhodanus (Rhone), which is increased by the Arar (Saone), and falls into the Mediterranean ; and the Mosella (Mo- selle) and Mosa (Meuse), which flow into the Rhine. Mountains : besides the Alps, the Jura, Vogesus (Vosge), and Cebenna (Cevennes). Gaiiia Nar- Divided into four provinces. 1. Gallia Xarbo- bonensis. nensis, or Braccata. Boundaries : on the west the Pyrenees, on the east the Varus, on the north the Cevennian mountains. Principal tribes : Allobroges, Volcae, Calyes. Principal towns : Narbo (Narbonne), Tolosa (Toulouse), Nemausus (Nlmes), Massilia (Marseilles), Vienna. 2. Gallia Gailia cei- Lusrdunensis, or Celtica. Boundaries : to the tica. south and west the Liger (Loire), to the north the Sequana, to the east the Arar. Principal tribes : JEdui, Lingones, Parisii, Cenomani, etc. all of Celtic origin. Principal towns : Lugdunum (Lyons), Lutetia Parisiorum (Paris), Alesia Gaiiia A- (Alisc). 3. Gallia Aquitanica. Boundaries: the Pyrenees on the south, the Liger on the north and east. Principal tribes : Aquitani (of Iberian origin), Pictones, Averni, etc. of Celtic descent. Principal towns : Climberis, Burdegala (Bour- Gaiiia deaux). 4. Gallia Belgica. Boundaries : on the north and east the Rhine, on the west the Arar, on the south the Rhodanus as far as Lugdunum, so that it comprised at first the countries bor- dering on the Rhine and Helvetia. The latter, however, were afterwards separated from it under the names of Germania Inferior and Superior. Principal tribes : Nervii, Bellovaci, etc. in the north, of Belgic origin ; Treviri, Ubii, of Ger- BOOK v. GEOGRAPHICAL OUTLINE. 405 man origin; Sequani, Helvetii, in the interior, of Celtic origin. Principal towns : Vesentio (Besancon), Verodunum (Verdun), etc. Along the Rhine in Germania Inferior : Colonia Agrip- pina (Cologne). In Germania Superior : Mo- gontiacum (Mayence, or Mentz), and Argento- ratum (Strasburg). III. Gallia Cisalpina, or Togata (Lombardy, cisalpine see above, p. 315). But as from the time of Caesar the inhabitants enjoyed all the privileges of Roman citizens, it may be reckoned as forming part of Italy. IV. Sicilia; divided into Syracuse and Lily- sicil y- baeum. V. Sardinia and Corsica, see above, p. 320. Sardinia, Corsica. VI. The Insulae Britannicae (British islands) ; British but of these, only England and the southern part of Scotland were reduced into a Roman province in the time of Nero, under the name of Britannia Romana. Principal rivers : Tamesis (Thames) and Sabrina (Severn). Cities : Eboracum (York) in the north, Londinum (London) in the south. Into Scotland, Britannia Barbaria, or Caledonia, the Romans often penetrated, but without being ably completely to conquer it ; and as for Hi- bernia, lerne (Ireland), it was visited by Roman merchants, but never by Roman legions. VII. The countries south of the Danube, Countries which were subdued under Augustus and formed Danube : into the following provinces : 1. Vindelicia. Vmdel Boundaries : on the north the Danube, on the east the -ZEnus (Inn), on the west Helvetia, on the south Rhaetia. Principal tribes : Vindelici, Brigantii, etc. Principal towns : Augusta Vin- 406 ROMAN STATE BOOK v. delicorum (Augsburg), Brigantia (Bregenz). 2. Rhaetia. Boundaries : on the north Vindelicia, on the east the Inn and the Salza, on the south the chain of the Alps from Lacus Verbanus (Lago Maggiore) to Belinzona, on the west Helvetia. Principal tribe : Rhaeti. Principal towns : Curia (Chur), Veldidena (Wilden), Tridentum (Trent). Noricum. 3. Noricum. Boundaries : on the north the Danube, on the west the jiEnus, on the east the mountain Cetius (Kahlenberg), and on the south the Julian Alps and the Savus (Save). Prin- cipal tribes : Boii. Cities : Jovavum (Salzburg), Pannonia Boiodurum (Passau). 4. Pannonia Superior. Boundaries : on the north and east the Danube, on the south the Arrabo (Raab), on the west the mountain Cetius. Cities : Vindobona (Vienna), Caruntum. 5. Pannonia Inferior. Boundaries : on the north the Arrabo, on the east the Danube, on the south the Savus. Cities : Taurunum (Bel- Mcesia grade), Mursa (Esseg), and Sirmiura. 6. Mresia Superior. Boundaries : on the north the Danube, on the south Mount Scardus, or Scodrus, on the west Pannonia, on the east the river Cebrus (Ischia). Cities : Singidunum (Semlin), and Mcesia Naissus (Nissa). 7. Moesia Inferior. Bounda- Infenor. ries : on the north the Danube, on the west the Cebrus, on the south mount Hsemus (the Balkan), and on the east the Pontus Euxinus. Cities : Odessus (Varna), Tomi (Tomisvar). iiiyricum. VIII. Illyricum, in its most extensive signifi- cation, comprised all the provinces south of the Danube, together with Rhaetia and Dalmatia : but Illyricum Proper comprehends only the lands along the coast of the Adriatic, from Rhsetia in BOOK v. GEOGRAPHICAL OUTLINE. 407 Italy to the river Drinus, and easterly to the Savus. Principal towns : Salona, Epidaurus (near the present Ragusa), Scodra (Scutari). IX. Macedonia. Boundaries : on the north Macedonia. mount Scodrus, on the south the Cambunian mountains, on the west the Adriatic, and on the east the ^Egean sea. Rivers : the Nestus, Stry- mon, and Halyacmon, which fall into the ./Egean sea, and the Apsus and Aous, which fall into the Adriatic. Principal tribes : Pseones in the north, Pieres and Mygdones in the south. Principal towns : Pydna, Pella, Thessalonica, Philippi, with other Greek colonies (see above, p. 164). Dyrrachium and Apollonia on the western coast. X. Thrace had for some time kings of her own, Thrace. though dependent on Rome, and was first re- duced to a Roman province under Claudius. Boundaries : on the north Mount Hsemus, on the west the Nestus, on the south and east the sea. River : Hebrus. Principal tribes : Triballi, Bessi, and Odrysae. Cities : Byzantium, Apol- lonia, Bercea. XI. Achaia (Greece), see above, p. 131. XII. To the north of the Danube the province of Dacia was brought under the Roman empire by Trajan. Boundaries : on the south the Dan- ube, on the west the Tibiscus (Theiss), in the east the Hierasus (Pruth), in the north the Carpathian mountains. Principal tribe : Daci. Chief cities; Ulpia Trajana and Tibiscum. ASIATIC PROVINCES: I. Asia Minor contained Asiatic , n nn\ provinces. the provinces: 1. Asia (see above, p. 293). Asia Minor. 2. Bithynia, together with Paphlagonia and part of Pontus, 3. Cilicia, with Pisidia (see above, 408 ROMAN STATE BOOK v. Syria. p. 18.) II. Syria and Phoenicia. III. The isle p? of Cyprus. Several other states, likewise de- pendent, still preserved their kings : as, Judaea (became a Roman province, A. D. 44.), Com- magene (province A. D. 70, and, together with Judaea, added to Syria), Cappadocia (province A. D. 17), Pontus (completely a province under Free states. Nero). Free states at this time : Rhodes, Samos (provinces A. D. 70), and Lycia (province A. D. 43). Beyond the Euphrates, Armenia and Meso- potamia were reduced to provinces by Trajan, but, as early as the time of Adrian, were aban- doned. African AFRICAN PROVINCES. I. Egypt. II. Cyre- f^pt. ces naica, with the isle of Crete. III. Africa, Nu- Africa! ica " midia (see above, p. 47). Mauritania still had Mauritania. j ts se p ara te king, but he was set aside, A. D. 41, and the country divided into two provinces : 1, Mauritania Caesariensis. Boundaries: on the east the river Ampsaga, on the west the Mu- lucha. Principal places : Igilgilis and Caesaria. 2. Mauritania Tingitana, from the river Mulucha to the Atlantic ocean. Capital : Tingis. states on Principal states on the borders of the empire : Germany"' I. Germania. Boundaries: on the south the Dan- ube, on the north the sea, on the west the Rhine, on the east undetermined, though the Vistula is generally regarded as such. Principal rivers : the Danubius, Rhenus (Rhine), Albis (Elbe), Visurgis (Weser), Viadrus (Oder), and the Vis- tula ; the Lupias (Lippe) and Amisia (Ems) are likewise frequently mentioned. Mountains and forests : the Hercynian forest, a general name for the forest mountains, particularly of eastern Ger- BOOK v. GEOGRAPHICAL OUTLINE. 409 many. Melibocus (the Hartz), Sudetus (the Thuringian forest) ; the forest of Teutoburg, to the south of Westphalia, etc. It would be use- less to seek for a general political division, or for the cities, of ancient Germany ; we can only point out the situation of the principal tribes. It is necessary, however, to precede this by two observations : 1 . The same territory, in the tide of forcible emigration and conquest, and particularly after the second century, often changed its inha- bitants. 2. The names of some of the principal tribes often became that of a confederacy. The principal tribes in the period of Augustus were, in northern Germany ; the Batavi in Holland ; the Frisii in Friesland ; the Bructeri in West- phalia ; the lesser and larger Chauci in Olden- burg and Bremen ; the Cherusci, likewise the name of a confederation, in Brunswick ; the Catti in Hesse. In southern (central) Germany : the Hermunduri in Franconia; the Marcomanni in Bohemia. The Alemanni, not the name of a single tribe, but of a confederation, are first men- tioned in the third century : in the period of Augustus these tribes, and the principal of those of eastern Germany, which gradually became known, were included under the general name of Suevi. Suevi The northernmost countries of Europe were considered as isles of the German ocean, and therefore regarded as belonging to Germany. They were Scandinavia, or Scandia (southern Sweden), Nerigon (Norway), and Eningia, or probably Finningia (Finland). The northernmost island was called Thule. 410 ROMAN STATE BOOK v. The north of Europe, from the Vistula to the Tanais (Don), was comprised under the general Sarmatia. name of Sarmatia ; but beyond the territory about the Danube, and especially Dacia (see above, p. 407), they were only in a slight degree acquainted with the coast of the Baltic, by the amber trade. In Asia the Roman empire was bounded by Great Armenia (see above, p. 19, and 299), the Parthia. Parthian empire from the Euphrates to the Indus (see above, p. 19 22), and the peninsula of Arabia (see above, p. 19). India. Eastern Asia, or India, became known to the Romans by a commercial intercourse carried on between them, and which began soon after the conquest of Egypt. It was divided into India on this side the Ganges, that is: 1. The territory between the Indus and Ganges ; 2. The peninsula on this side, the western coast of which in particular (Malabar), was very well known ; and, 3. The island of Taprobana (Ceylon), and India beyond the Ganges, to which also the distant Serica belonged : but of all these coun- tries they had but a very imperfect knowledge. Africa. The boundaries of Africa were Ethiopia above Egypt, and Gaetulia and the great sandy desert of Libya, above the other provinces. BOOK v. FROM CAESAR TO COMMODUS. 411 FIRST SECTION. From Augustus C&sar to the death of Commodus, B. C. 30. A. C. 193. SOURCES. For the whole of this period DION CASSIUS, FOURTH lib. li Ixxx, is our historian ; though of his last twenty books _. EIIIOD V we have only the abridgment of Xiphilinus. For the history of the emperors from Tiberius to the beginning of Vespasian's reign, the principal writer is TACITUS, in his Annals, A. C. 14 63 ; (of which, however, part of the history of Tiberius, 32 34, all of Caligula and the first six years of Claudius, 37 47, as well as the last year and a half of Nero, are unfortunately lost) ; and in his History, of which scarcely the first three years, 69 71 } are come down to us. SUETONIUS'S Lives of the Cce- sars, down to Domitian, are so much the more valuable, because in a state like the Roman it becomes of importance to know the character and domestic life of the ruling men. For the reigns of Augustus and Tiberius the History of VELLEIUS PATERCULUS is not of less consequence, although written in a court-like tone. The sources for the history of the separate Caesars will be given as we come to them. The following are the labours of modern writers : Hisloire des Empereurs el des autres Princes qui ont regnc dans les six premiers siecles de VEglise, par M. LENAIN DE TILLEMONT. a Bruxelle, 1707> 5 v l s - 8vo. (An earlier edition in 4to. 1700, 4 vols.) The work of Tillemont has some worth as a laborious compilation, but is superseded in its execution by the following : Histoire des Empereurs Romains, depuis Auguste jusqu' a Conslantin, par M. CREVIER. Paris, 1749, 12 vols. 8vo. [[Translated into English.] A continuation of Rollin's Roman History (see above, p. 318), quite in the spirit of that writer, and by one of his school. DR. GOLDSMITH'S Roman History, from the foundation of the city of Rome to the destruction of the western empire. London, 1774, 2 vols. 8vo. Rather a sketch than a detailed history (see above, p. 321, sqq.). 412 ROMAN STATE BOOK Y. FOURTH -j- History of Rome under the Emperors, and of the contem- PERIOP - porary nations, by M. D. G. H. HUBLER. Fry burg, 1803, 3 parts. Continuation of the work cited p. 2 : it reaches down to Constantine. Augustus 1. Octavianus Caesar, on whom the senate Brc^'ao conferred the honourable title of Augustus, which A.C. 14. they periodically renewed, and which descended to his successors, possessed the sole dominion of the empire during forty-four years. The government, notwithstanding the great revolu- tions by which the republic had been converted into a monarchy, was not yet, either in fact or in form, altogether a despotic one. The private interest of the ruler required that the republican form should be preserved to the utmost, as with- out that he could not make an entire change ; and the rest of his history sufficiently shows, that the cruelty with w r hich he may be re- preached in the early part of his career, was rather owing to circumstances than to his natural j disposition. But during a reign so long, so tranquil, and so fortunate, could it be otherwise than that the republican spirit which at the be- ginning existed only in a few individuals, should evaporate of itself! The forms under which Augustus held the different branches of supreme power (dictatorship excepted) were ; the consulate, which, till B. C. 21, was annually renewed; and the potestas consularis, which, in B. C. 19, was settled on him for ever ; the tribunicia potestas, which was, 30, granted him for ever, rendered his person sacred (sacrosancta}, and prepared the way to the jiulicia majesiatis (accusations of high treason) . As im- perator, 31, he continued commander of all the forces, and ob- tained the imperium proconsulare (proconsular power) in all the provinces. He assumed the magulraltira. morum (censorship), 19; and became ponlifex maximus (high priest), 13. To avoid I BOOK v. FROM CAESAR TO COMMODUS. 413 all appearances of usurpation, Augustus at first accepted the FOURTH sovereign power only for ten years, and afterwards had it re fcRIOD ' . newed from time to time, for ten or five years, which, at a later period, gave rise to the sacra decennalia. 2. The senate, indeed, remained a permanent The senate. council of state, and Augustus himself endea- voured to increase its authority by more than one purification (lectio} ; but the connection between him and that assembly seemed of a very fragile nature, as it was undetermined, and could not at this time be settled, whether Augustus was over the senate, or the senate over Augustus. All matters of state could not be brought before the senate, as even the most important often required secrecy. It naturally followed, that a prince, as yet without a court, and who had no proper minister, but only his friends and freedmen, should consult with those whom he thought most worthy his confidence, a Maecenas, or an Agrippa, etc. Hence afterwards was formed the secret council of state (consilium secretum principis}. Among the republican magistrates the highest lost most ; and as so much now depended upon the preservation of peace in the capital, the offices of prsefect of the city (prcefectus urbis} and preefect of provisions (prcefectus annonce) were not only made permanent, but became, especially the former, the principal offices in the state. The spirit of monarchy shows itself in nothing more than in its strict distinction of ranks ; hence, therefore, the magistrates, especially the consuls, lost nothing. Hence also the long-con- tinued custom of nominating under-consuls ( consules suffecli,) which in time became merely a formal assumption of the orna- menta consularia et triumphalia (consular and triumphal orna- ments). Other offices were created for the purpose of rewarding friends and dependents. 414 ROMAN STATE BOOK v. FOURTH 3. The introduction of standing armies, already long prepared, naturally followed a dominion ac- Introduc- j ,f J u J J tionof quired by war; and became, indeed, necessary to guard the frontiers and preserve the newly- made conquests ; the establishment of the guards and militia of the city (cohortes prcetoriance and cohbrtes urbanci) were measures equally necessary for the security of the capital and the throne. The creation of two praBtorian praefects, however, instead of one, diminished for the present the great importance of that office. Distribution of the legions over the provinces in caslra stativa (fixed camps), which soon grew into cities, especially along the Rhine, the Danube, and the Euphrates (legiones Germanicee, Illyricce, et Syriacce). Fleets also were stationed at Misenum and Ravenna. The pro- 4. The government, as well as the administra- be- tion and revenue of the provinces, Augustus wil- li n gly divided with the senate ; keeping to him- se ^ tnose on tne frontiers (provincice principis,) in which the legions were quartered, and leaving to that assembly the others (provincice senati'is). Hence his deputies (legati, lieutenants) exercised both civil and military authority in his name ; while those of the senate, on the contrary (pro- consules), only administered in civil affairs. Botli were, in general, attended by commissioners (pro- curatores et qiuzstores}. The provinces were un- questionably gainers by this new arrangement, not only because their governors were more care- fully looked after, but because they were paid by the state. The fate of the provinces naturally depended, in a great degree, upon the disposition of the emperor and governor ; but there Avas also an essential difference between the provinces of the emperor BOOK v. FROM CAESAR TO COMMODUS. 415 and those of the senate (provincice principis et senatus) : in the FOURTH latter there was no military oppression as there was in the for- IJEU10D - mer ; and to that may be ascribed the flourishing state of Gaul, Spain, Africa, etc. 5. There is little doubt but that the finances Finances: of the treasury remained, upon the whole, much the same as before ; but in its internal administra- tion Augustus made many alterations, of which we have but a very imperfect knowledge. Of the private course there would be at first an obvious differ- XeiEof ffi ence between the privy and military chest of the JJJJJJj* emperor (jiscus), which was at his immediate dis- chest posal, and the state chest ((zrarium) which he disposed of indirectly through the senate, though it must afterwards follow as a natural conse- quence of increasing despotism, that the latter swallowed should progressively become merged in the for- e mer. The great disorder into which the treasury had been thrown during the civil wars, and especially by giving away the state lands in Italy to the soldiers, together with the heavy sums re- quired for the maintenance of the standing army now established, must have rendered it much more difficult for Augustus to accomplish the reform he so happily executed ; and in which it seems to have been his chief aim to place everything, as far as possible, upon a solid and lasting foundation. The principal changes which he made in the old system of taxation seem to have been : 1. That the tithes hitherto collected in the provinces should be changed into a fixed quota, to be paid by each indivi- dual. 2. The customs, partly by reestablishing former ones, and partly by imposing new ones as well as an excise (centesima rerum venalium), were rendered more productive. The posses- sion of Egypt, which was the depot of nearly all the commerce of the east, rendered the customs at this time of great importance to Rome. 3. All the state lands in the provinces were, by de- grees, changed into crown lands. Of the new taxes the most considerable were the vigesima hereditatum (the twentieth of in- heritances), though with important restrictions; and the fines 416 ROMAN STATE BOOK v. FOURTH upon celibacy by the lex Julia Poppcea. The greater part of ERIOD - these state revenues most likely flowed, from the very first, into ihejiscus : that is, the whole revenues of the provincice principis, as well as of those parts of the provincial senatus which were ap- propriated to the maintenance of the troops; the revenues arising from the crown domains ; the vigesima, etc. To the cerari ttm(no\v under three prcefecti cerarii) remained a part of the revenues of the provincice senatus, the customs and the fines. Thus it ap- pears that Augustus was master of the finances, of the legions, and thereby of the empire. See above, p. 362, the writings of HEGEWISCH and BOSSE. Extension 6. The extension of the Roman empire under of the em- . . pire: Augustus was very considerable; being gene- rally of such a nature as conduced to the secu- rity of the interior, and to the safeguard of the Spain and frontiers. The complete subjugation of northern Gaul, 25. ~ . . ^ , , , spam, and western (jaul, secured the frontiers on that side ; as did the threatened but never- 20. executed expedition against the Parthians, and the one actually undertaken against Armenia, Countries A. C. 2. But the most important conquest in south of the Danube, this quarter was that ot the countries south 01 the jg gg Danube, viz. Rhsetia, Vindelicia, and Noricum, as 29. well as Pannonia, and afterwards Moesia. To counterbalance these, the expedition against Ara- 24. bia Felix completely failed ; and that against Ethiopia was of no further consequence than to strengthen the frontiers. Unsuccess- 7. All these conquests together, however, did to subdue not cost the Romans so much as their fruitless Germany. a ^ eni pt to subjugate Germany, first, by the sons- in-law of Augustus, Drusus and Tiberius Nero, and afterwards by the son of the former, Drusus Germanicus. Whether or not this undertaking was a political fault, must always remain a pro- blem, as it is now impossible to say how far BOOKV. FROM CAESAR TO COMMODUS. 417 the security of the frontiers could be preserved FOURTH . , , . PF.RIOD. without it. Rome commenced her hostile attack upon Germany under the command of Drusus, B. C. 12 ; Lower Germany (Westphalia, Lower Saxony, and Hesse) being in general the theatre of the war : while the Lower Rhine was attacked both by sea and land at the mouths of the Ems, the Weser, and the Elbe, on account of the great assistance afforded the Romans by their alliance with the nations on the coasts, the Batavi, Frisii, and Chauci. The intrepid Drusus, in his second expedition, 10, penetrated as far as the Weser, and, 9, even as far as the Elbe, but died on his return. His successors in the command (Tiberius, 9 7, Domi- tius, yEnobarbus, 7 2, M. Vinicius, 2 A. C. 2, then again Ti- berius, A. C. 2 4, who was followed by Quintilius* Varus, A. C. 5 9,) endeavoured to build on the foundation laid by Drusus, and, by erecting forts and introducing the Roman language and laws, gradually to reduce into a province the part of Germany they had already subdued ; but the craftily organized revolt of the young Arminius (Hermann,) a prince of the Cherusci, son of Siegmar, ancT~sbn-in-law of Segestes, a friend of the Romans, together with the defeat of Varus and his army in the Teuto- burg vvald, or forest, near Paderborn, A. C. 9, rescued Germany fronT'slavery, and its language from annihilation. It moreover taught the conquerors (what they never forgot) that the legions were not invincible. Augustus immediately despatched Tiberius, wlitf had just quelled a furious insurrection in Pannonia, to- gether with Germanicus, to the Rhine; but these confined them- selves to simpleTficuTsions, till Germanicus, A. C. 14 16, again carried his arms further into the country, and certainly pene- trated as far as the Weser. Yet, notwithstanding his victory near Idistavisus (Minden), the loss of his fleet and part of his army by a tempest on his return, and the jealousy of Tiberius at his victory, obliged him to give up his command. From this time the Germans were left at rest in this quarter. j" MANNERT, Geography of the Greeks and Romans, part iii. 8. The long, and for Italy itself, peaceable Reign of reign of Augustus, has generally been considered brilliant ' a fortunate and brilliant period of Roman history ; JJ^ e< or and, when compared with the times which pre- 418 ROMAN STATE BOOK v. FOURTH ceded and followed, it certainly was so. Secu- PERIOD. . , 11-11 nty ot person and property were reestablished ; the arts of peace flourished under the benign pa- tronage of Augustus and his favourite Maecenas ; and we may add, that, as the formal restoration of the republic would only have been the signal for new commotions, the government of Augustus, if not the very best, was, at least, the best that Rome could then bear. Should it be said his x private life was not blameless, it may be replied, j that he inflexibly maintained an outward decency, * to which, indeed, he sacrificed his only daughter ; and if laws could have bettered the public morals, there was no lack of decrees for that purpose. Among his most important laws to this end are, the lex Julia de adulteriis and the lex Papia Poppcea against celibacy. The latter excited many murmurs. Augustus's 9. Nearly all that remains of the history of Augustus, is an account of his domestic troubles ; the most unhappy family being that of the em- Lim. peror. The influence of Livia, his second wife, was very great, but 'does not seem to have been perverted to any worse purpose than raising her sons, Tiberius and Drusus, to the throne. The naturally unsettled state of the succession, in a government such as that of Rome now was, be- B. c. 23. came much increased by circumstances. After the untimely death of his nephew and son-in-law Julia mar- Marcellus, whom he had adopted, his widow Julia, Agrippa, the only child of Augustus by his wife Scribonia, was married to Agrippa. The two eldest sons of 12. this marriage, C. and L. Caesar, were adopted, 6 A. c. 9. upon the death of their father, by the emperor, who showed so much fondness towards them as BOOK v. FROM CJESAR TO COMMODUS. 419 they grew up, that Tiberius, who in the mean FOURTH time had married their mother, Julia, afterwards A. C. 2. banished by Augustus for her licentious conduct- left the court in disgust. The death of the two 24. young princes, however, again revived the hopes of Tiberius, who was adopted by Augustus upon Tiberius the condition that he should also adopt Drusus Augustus 7 Germanicus, the son of his deceased brother 4 ' Drusus; after which Augustus, with* the consent of the senate, formally associated him with him- self in the government, making him an equal partner in the imperial privileges : called by his successors, tex regia. Marmor Ancyranum ; or, inscriptions in the temple of Au- gustus at Ancyra. A copy of the account given of his govern- ment, which Augustus latterly caused to be set up at Rome as a public memorial : unfortunately much mutilated. It is to be found in CHISHULL, Antiq. Asiatic. Memoirs of the Court of Augustus, by THOMAS BLACKWELL. London, 1760, 3 vols. 4to. divided into fifteen books. The last vol. was published after the death of the author, by MR. MILLS. The last two books of this prolix work contain a description of the contemporary affairs of Augustus ; the others go back to earlier times. A just appreciation of Augustus requires a pre- vious critical examination of the sources from which Suetonius has drawn the materials for his biography. Histoire des triumvirats augmentee de I'histoire d'Auguste, par LARRY. Trevoux, 1741, 4 parts, 8vo. The last part of this simple narrative contains the history of Augustus from the death of Catiline. 10. The reign of Tiberius Claudius Nero, or, as Au gu ' the comma mitia, or assemblies of the people, were reduced to a mere shadow ; as he transferred their duties to the senate, which also became the highest tribunal for the state crimes of its own members : this assembly, however, had now been so much accustomed to obey the will of the prince, that everything depended on his personal character. despotism Tiberius founded his despotism upon the judicia introduced .. . ~ , . , b y the>- mqjesfatis, or accusations ot high treason, now become an engine of terror, the senate also degraded sharing his guilt with a pusillanimity and ser- thesenate? vility which knew no bounds. This degraded assembly, indeed, from the moment that it ceased to be the ruling authority of a free state, neces- sarily became the passive instrument of the most brutal tyranny. Notwithstanding the military talents and many good qualities of Tiberius, his despotic character had been formed long before his fifty-sixth year, when he mounted the throne ; although exterior circumstances prevented him from entirely throwing off the mask which he had hitherto worn. The foundation of the judicia majestatis, which soon became so terrible by the unfixed state of crime, had been laid during the reign of Augustus by the lex Julia de majestate, and the cognitiones extraordinarice, or commissioners appointed to take (cognizance of certain crimes ; it was, however, the abuse of them by Tiberius and his successors, which rendered them so dreadful. Ruin of 12. The principal object of Tiberius's suspicion, and his and therefore of his hate, was Germanicus, a man almost adored by the army and the people. This brave general he soon recalled from Ger- BOOK v. FROM (LESAR TO COMMODUS. 421 many, and sent into Syria to quell the disorders FOURTH of the east. After having successfully put an end - to the commotions which called him there, he was poisoned by the contrivances of Cn. Piso A. c. 19. and his""wiie ; and even that did not shelter the numerous family which he left behind, with his widow Agrippina, from persecution and ruin. The expeditions of Germanicus in the east not only gave a king to Armenia, but also reduced Cappadocia and Commagene to Roman provinces, A. C. 17- Histoire de Ccesar Germanicus, par M. L. D. B. QEAUFORT]. a Leyden, 1>541. An unpretending chronological narrative. 13. Rome, however, soon experienced to herL.,Eiius cost the powerful ascendancy which L. ^Elius Sejanus, the preefect of the praetorian guard, had Tiberius" acquired over the mind of Tiberius, whose un- 23 ~ 3L limited confidence he possessed the more, as he enjoyed it without a rival. The eight years of his authority were rendered terrible not only by the cantonment of his troops in barracks near the city (castra prcetoriana), but (having first per- suaded Tiberius to quit Rome for ever, that he Tiberius re- might more securely play the tyrant in the isle of capreae/26. Capreae) by his endeavouring to open a way for himself to the throne by villanies and crimes with- out number, and by his cruel persecution of the family of Germanicus. The despotism he had Fal1 f . Sejanus introduced became still more dreadful by his attended own fall, in which not only his whole party, every one that could be considered as connected with it, became involved. The picture of the Tiberius m . 1111 becomes a atrocious despotism of Tiberius is rendered doubly despotic disgusting by the horrid and unnatural lust which m he joined to it in his old age. 422 ROMAN STATE BOOK v, FOURTH Tiberius's misfortune was, that he came too late to the throne- .PERIOD. jjj g ear jy virtues made no compensation for his later cruelties* It is properly the former which Vel. Paterculus praises, whose flattery of Tiberius, in whose reign he flourished, is more easily justified than his praise of Sejanus. Caligula, 14. At the age of twenty-five Cams CaBsar March 16, ^ .. , . , . . c ^ 37 Jan. Caligula, the only remaining son of Germanicus, 24 ' 41 ' ascended the throne; but the hopes which had been formed of this young prince were soon wofully disappointed. His previous sickness and debaucheries had so distorted his understanding, that his short reign was one tissue of disorder and crime. Yet he did still more harm to the state by his besotted profusion than by his tiger- like cruelty. At length, after a career of nearly four years, he was assassinated by Cassius Chorea and Cornelius Sabinus, two officers of his guard. Claudius, 15. His uncle Tiberius Claudius Caesar, who, Oct. is, at the age of fifty, succeeded him, was the first emperor raised to the throne by the guards ; the weak a favour which he rewarded by granting them a wfvesand donative. Too weak to rule of himself, almost freedmen. i m becile from former neglect, profligate, and cruel from fear, he became the tool of the licentious- ness of his wives and freedmen. Coupled with the names of Messalina and Agrippina, we now hear, for the first time in Roman history, of a p a u as an d a Narcissus. The dominion of Messa- lina was still more hurtful to the state by her rapacious cupidity, to which everything gave way, than by her dissolute life ; and the blow which at last punished her unexampled wanton- ness, left a still more dangerous woman to supply BOOK v. FROM CAESAR TO COMMODUS. 423 her place. This was Agrippina, her neice, widow FOURTH of L. Domitius, who joined to the vices of her ^ ERIOD - predecessor a boundless ambition, unknown to procures the former. Her chief aim was to procure the for heJ son, succession for Domitius Nero, her son by a former Distance marriage who had been adopted by Claudius, n d Burrhu8 ' and married to his daughter Octavia by setting 50. aside Britannicus, the son of Claudius ; and this poisons she hoped to effect, by poisoning Claudius, having 54. already gained Burrhus, by making him sole pre- fect of the praetorian guard. Notwithstanding the contentions with the Germans and Parthians (see above, p. 303) were only on the frontiers, the boundaries of the Roman empire were in many countries extended. Commencement of the Roman conquests in Britain (whither Claudius~himself went) under A. Plautius, from the year A. C. 43. Under the same general, Mauritania, A. C. 42, Lycia, 43, Judaea, 44 (see above, p. 312), and Thrace, 47, were reduced to Roman provinces. He also abolished the prefectures which had hitherto existed in Italy. 16. Nero Claudius Ca3sar, supported by Agrip- Nero, Oct. pina and the praetorian guard, succeeded Clau- j u ' ne il^ dius at the age of seventeen. Brought up in the H 8 j' se duca- midst of the blackest crimes, and, by a perverted education, formed rather for a professor of music and the fine arts than for an emperor, he ascended the throne like a youth eager for enjoyment; and throughout his whole reign his cruelty appears subordinate to his fondness for debaucheries and revelry. The unsettled state of the succession first called into action his savage disposition ; and after the murder of Britannicus the sword fell Destroys - Britannicus in regular order upon all those who were even and all the I 424 ROMAN STATE BOOK v. FOURTH remotely connected with the Julian family. His PERIOD. J , Julian fa- vanity as a pertormer and composer excited m an amV also ec l ua l degree his cruelty ; and as, among all ty- makeshim ran ts, every execution gives occasion for others, cruel. ' we need not wonder at his putting to death every one that excelled him. His connection, however, in the early part of his reign, with Agrippina, Burrhus, and Seneca, during which he introduced some useful regulations into the treasury, kept him within the bounds of decency. But Poppaea Sa- bina having driven him on to the murder of his murders his mother and his wife Octavia, and Tigellinus being mother; made his confident, he felt no longer restrained by the fear of public opinion. The executions of individuals, nearly all of which history has re- corded, was not, perhaps, upon the whole, the plunders greatest evil ; the plunder of the provinces, not the provin- , cestosup- only to support his own loose and effeminate profligacy, pleasures, but also to maintain the people in a continual state of intoxication, had nearly caused the dissolution of the empire. The last years of (Nero were marked by a striking and undoubted insanity, which displayed itself in his theatrical performances, and even in the history of his fall. A.c.68. It appears that both around and upon a throne / like that of Rome, heroes were formed for vice \ as well as virtue ! Discovery of the conspiracy of Piso, 65, and the revolt of Ju- lius Vindex in Celtic Gaul, 68, followed by that of Galba in Spain, who is there proclaimed emperor, and joined by Otho, in Lusitania. Nevertheless, after the defeat of Julius Vindex in Upper Germany, by the lieutenant Virginius Rufus, these in- surrections seemed quelled, when the praetorian guard, instigated thereto by Nymphidius, broke out into rebellion in Rome itself. Flight and death of Nero, June 11, 68. Foreign wars during BOOK v. FROM CAESAR TO COMMODUS. 425 his reign: in Britain (occasioned by the revolt of Boadicea), FOURTH great part of whicTTwas subdued and reduced to a Roman pro- P EIUOD - vince, by Suetonius Paulinus ; in Armenia, under the command of the valiant Corbulo, against the Parthians (see above, p. 303) ; and in Palestine against the Jews, 66. Great fire in Rome, 64, whicTTgives rise to the first persecution against the Chris- tians. The principal cause why the despotism of Nero and his pre- decessors was so tamely submitted to by the nation, may un- doubtedly be found in the fact, that the greater part of it was fed by the emperors. To the monthly distriFutions of corn were now added the extraordinary congiaria and viscerationes (sup- plies of wine and meat). The periods of tyranny were very likely the golden days of the people. 17. By the death of Nero the house of Csesar Extinction became extinct, and this gave rise to so many Kan Lniiy commotions, that in somewhat less than two years, four emperors by violence obtained possession of bles the throne. The right of the seriate to name, or at feast to confirm, the successors to the throne, was still indeed acknowledged ; but as the ar- mies had found out that they could create em- perors, the power of the senate dwindled into an empty ceremony. Servius Sulpicius Galba, now Gaiba, seventy-two years of age, having been already Jjan proclaimed emperor by the legions in Spain, and 69< acknowledged by the senate, gained possession of Rome without striking a blow, the attempt of Nymphidius having completely failed, and Vir- ginius Rufus voluntarily submitting to him. Galba, however, having given offence both to the praetorian guard and the German legions, was killed by dethroned by the guards, at the instigation of his rf former friend Otho, at the very time when he thought he had~le"cured his throne by adopting 426 ROMAN STATE BOOK v. FOURTH the young Licimus Piso, and had frustrated the PERIOD. - hopes ot (Jtno. otho, Jan. 18. M. Otho, asred thirty-seven, was indeed ac- rtQ A " I *^ is. knowledged emperor by the senate, but wanted the sanction of the German legions, who, pro- claiming their general, A. Vitellius, emperor, in- vaded Italy. Otho marches against him, but after the loss of the battle of Bedriacum kills himself whether from fear or patriotism, remains uncertain. The special sources for the history of Galba and Otho, are their Lives by PLUTARCH. viteiiius, 19. Vitellius, in his thirty-seventh year, was Dec^o,' acknowledged emperor not only by the senate, 69 ' but likewise in the provinces; his debaucheries and cruelty, however, together with the licen- tiousness of his troops, having rendered him odious at Rome, the Syrian legions rebelled and Vespasian proclaimed their general, T. Flavius Vespasian, JSpero emperor, who, at the solicitation of the powerful Mutianus, governor of Syria, accepted the impe- rial diadem. The troops on the Danube declaring for him shortly after, and marching into Italy under their general Antoriius Primus defeated the army of Vitellius at Cremona. Vitellius was immediately hurled from the throne, though not till after some blood had been spilt by the com- motions that took place at Rome, in which Flavius Sabinus, the brother of Vespasian, was slain, and the capitol burnt. Vespasian, 20. Flavius Vespasian ascended the throne in June 24, his fifty-ninth year, and became thereby the founder of a dynasty which gave three emperors to Rome. The state, almost ruined by profusion, BOOK v. FROM C^SAR TO COMMODUS. 427 civil war, and successive revolutions, found in FOURTH Vespasian a monarch well suited to its unhappy - condition. He endeavoured, as far as he could, Fixes the to determine the relations between himself and Senate; ' the senate ; while, by a decree, he restored to it all the rights and privileges which had been con- ferred upon it by his predecessors of the family of CaBsar, and settled and added some others (lex regia). He made a thorough reform in the com- pletely-exhausted treasury, which he recruited in improves part by reducing the countries Nero had made suryT* free, together with some others, into provinces ; partly by restoring the ancient customs, by in- creasing others, and by imposing new ones : with- out this it would have been impossible for him to have reestablished the discipline of the army. His liberality in the foundation of public build- founds pub- ings, as well in Rome as in other cities ; and the care with which he promoted education, by grant- ing salaries to public teachers, are sufficient to free him from the reproach of avarice ; and al- though, on account of their dangerous opinions, he banished the Stoics (who since the time of banishes Nero had become very numerous, and retained theStolcs; nearly all the principles of republicanism), the an- nulling of the judicia majestatis and the restora- and annuls tion of the authority of the senate show how far he was from being a despot. Rhodes, Samos, Lycia, Achaia, Thrace, Cilicia, and Comma- gene, were brought by Vespasian into the condition of provinces. Foreign wars : that against the Jews, which ended with the de- struction of Jerusalem, A. C. 70; and a much greater war against the Batavians and their allies under Civilis, who during the late civil wars, sought to shake off the Roman yoke, 69 ; but were reduced to an accommodation by Cerealis, 70. Expeditions 428 ROMAN STATE BOOK v. FOURTH of Agricola in Britain, 78 85, who not only subdued all Eng- EKIOP ' land, and introduced the Roman manners and customs, but also attacked and sailed round Scotland. D, Vespasianus, sive de vita et legislatione T. Flavii Vespa- siani Imp. commentarius, auctore A. G. CRAMER. Jenae, 1785. An excellent enquiry, with illustrations of the fragments of the lex regia. The second part, de legislatione, contains a learned commentary upon the senaius consulta, during his reign. Titus, 21. His eldest son, Titus Flavius Vespasian, 79^!se P l who in the year 70 had been created Caesar, and 13 ' 81> reigned from his thirty-ninth to his forty-second year, gives us the rare example of a prince be- coming better on the throne. His short and be- nevolent reign was, indeed, only remarkable for its public calamities : an eruption of mount Vesu- vius, overwhelming several cities, was followed by a destructive fire, and a dreadful plague at Dreadftii Rome. His early death secured him the reputa- 79. tion of being, if not the happiest, at least the best of princes. 22. His younger brother and successor, L. Flavius Domitian, who reigned from his thirtieth to his forty- fifth year, gives an example quite op- posite to that of Titus: beginning with justice and severity, he soon degenerated into the com- a complete pletest despot that ever swayed the Roman sceptre. despot; His cruelty, joined to an equal degree of pride, and nourished by suspicion and jealousy, made him the enemy of all who excelled him by their exploits, their riches, or their talents. The mor- unsuccess- tifications to which his pride must have been sub- ' jected in consequence of his unsuccessful wars against the Catti, and more particularly the Daci, increased his bad disposition. His despotism was founded upon his armies, whose pay he aug- BOOK v. FROM CAESAR TO COMMODUS. 429 mented one fourth ; and that he might not there- FOURTH by diminish the treasury, as he had too much - f i i i i raises the done at first, he multiplied the judicia majestatis, soldiers' rendering it still more terrible by the employ- e^ p ' loys in _ ment of secret informers (delatores), in order, by formers - confiscations, to augment the wealth of his pri- vate treasury (Jiscus). By confining his cruelty chiefly to the capital, and by a strict superintend- ence over the governors of provinces, Domitian prevented any such general disorganization of the empire as took place under Nero. His fall con- firmed the general truth, that tyrants have little to fear from the people, but much from indivi- duals who may think their lives in danger. The foreign wars during this reign are rendered more worthy of remark by being the first in which the barbarians attacked the empire with success. Domitian's ridiculous expedition against the Catti, 82, gave the first proof of his boundless vanity ; as did the recall of the victorious Agricola, 85, from Britain, of his jea- lousy. His most important war was that against the Daci, or Getae, who, under their brave king Dercebal, had attacked the Roman frontiers ; this again occasioned another with their neigh- bours, the Marcomanni, Quadi, and Jazygi, 86 90, which turned out so unfortunate for Rome, that Domitian was obliged to purchase a peace of the Daci by paying them an annual tribute. 23. M. Cocceius Nerva, aged about seventy Nerva, r J Jan. 24, 96 years was raised to the throne by the murderers Jan. 27, of Domitian; and now, at last, seemed to break his reign forth the dawn of a more happy period for the *J a d n of empire. The preceding reign of terror com- P eri< ^- pletely ceased at once ; and he endeavoured to impart fresh vigour to industry, not only by dimi- nishing the taxes, but also by distributing lands to the poor. The insurrection of the guards cer- 430 ROMAN STATE BOOK v. FOURTH tainly cost the murderers of Domitian their lives ; - but it was at the same time the cause of Nerva's securing the prosperity of the empire after his death, by the adoption of Trajan. 98 ^' ^' Ulpius Trajan (after his adoption, Nerva -Aug.'n, Trajan), a Spaniard Ly birth, governed the em- thebestof pire from his forty-second to his "sixty-second monarchsT year. He was the first foreigner who ascended the Roman throne, and at the same time the first of their monarchs who was equally great as a ruler, a general, and a man. After completely abolishing the judlcia majestatis, he made the re- Restores storation of the free Roman constitution, so far as the Roman . -- , . . constitu- it was compatible with a monarchical torm, his peculiar care. He restored the elective power to the comitia, complete liberty of speech to the se- nate, and to the magistrates their former autho- rity ; and yet he exercised the art of ruling to a degree and in a "detail which few princes have his frugality equalled. Frugal in his expenses, he was never- aHty; e theless splendidly liberal to every useful institu- tion, whether in Rome or the provinces, as well as in the foundation of military roads, public mo- numents, and schools for the instruction of poor children. By his wars he extended the dominion of Rome beyond its former boundaries; subdu- conquers i n g, in his contests with the Daci, their country, and reducing it to a Roman province ; as he like- wise did, in his wars against the Armenians and Armenia, Parthians, Armenia, Mesopotamia, and part of muTand Arabia. Why was so great a character disfigured 5bi. D y an ambition of conquest ? The first war against the Daci, in which the shameful tribute was withdrawn and Dercebal reduced to subjection, lasted from BOOK v. FfcOM C^SAR TO COMMODUS. 431 101 103. But as Dercebal again rebelled, the war was re- FOURTH newed in 105, and brought to a close in 106, when Dacia was ERIC ""'. reduced to a Roman province, and many Roman colonies esta- blished therein. The war with the Parthians arose from a dis- pute respecting the possession of the throne of Armenia (see above, p. 304), 114 116: but although Rome was victorious she gained no permanent advantage thereby. The especial source for the history of Trajan is the Panegyri- cus of PLINY THE YOUNGER ; the correspondence, however, of the same writer, while~governor of Bithynia, with the emperor, affords us a much deeper insight into the spirit of his govern- ment : PLINII Epist. lib. x. Who can read it without admiring the royal statesman ? RITTERSHUSII Trajanus in lucem reproductus. Ambegae, 1608. A mere collection of passages occurring in ancient authors respecting Trajan. Res Trajani Imperatoris ad Danubium Gestce, auclore CON- RAD MANNERT. Norimb. 1793 : and JOH. CHRIST. ENGEL, Commentatio de Expeditionibus Tra- jani ad Danubium, et origine Valachorum. Vindob. 1794. Both learned dissertations, written for the prize offered by the Royal Society of Gottingen; the first of which obtained the prize, and the other the accessit, i. e. was declared second best. 25. By the contrivances of Plotina, his wife, Adrian. Trajan was succeeded by his cousin and pupil, whom he is said also to have adopted, P. Julius Adrian, who reigned from his forty-second to his sixty-third year. He was acknowledged at once by the army of Asia, with which he then was, and the sanction of the senate followed imme- diately after. He differed from his predecessor in that his chief aim was the preservation of peace; on which account he gave up (rare mo- deration !), directly after his accession, the newly conquered provinces of Asia, Armenia, Assyria, and Mesopotamia, and so put an end to the Par- 432 ROMAN STATE BOOK v. PFRIOD. FOURTH war ( see above, p. 304.) He retained, though with some unwillingness, that of Dacia, because otherwise the Roman colonies would have become exposed. He well made up for his pacific disposition, however, in seeking, by a ge- neral and vigorous reform in the internal admi- nistration, and by restoring the discipline of the army, to give greater solidity to the empire. For that purpose he visited successively all the pro- vinces of the Roman empire ; first the eastern, and afterwards the western; making useful regu- lations and establishing order wherever he came. He improved the Roman jurisprudence by the introduction of the edictum perpetuum. Passion- ately fond of and well instructed in literature and the fine arts, he gave them his liberal protection, and thus called forth another Augustan age. Upon the whole, his reign was certainly a salu- tary one for the empire; and for any single acts of injustice of which he may be accused, he fully compensated by his choice of a successor. After having first adopted L. Aurelius Verus (afterwards JElius Verus), who fell a sacrifice to his debauch- eries, he next adopted T. Aurelius Antoninus (afterwards T. ^Elius Adrianus Antoninus Pius), upon condition that he should again adopt M. Aurelius Verus (afterwards M. Aurelius Antoni- nus^apd L. Uesonius Commodus (afterwards L., Verus), the son of ^Elius^ Verus. During his reign a great revolt broke out in Judaea, under Barcochab, 132 135, occasioned by the introduction of pagan worship into the Roman colony of JElia Capitolina (the ancient Jerusalem). The especial source for the history of Adrian, is his Life and BOOK v. FROM CLESAR TO COMMODUS. 433 that of JElius Verus by .ZELius SPAUTIANUS in Script. Hist. FOURTH Aug. Minores, already quoted. Enrop ' 26. The reign of Antoninus Pius, from his Antoninus forty-seventh to his seventieth year, was without doubt the happiest period of the Roman empire. He found everything already in excellent order ; and those ministers which Adrian had appointed, he continued in their places. His quiet activity furnishes but little matter for history ; and yet he was, perhaps, the most noble character that ever sat upon a throne. Although a prince, his life was that of the most blameless individual; while he administered the affairs of the empire as though they were his own. He honoured the senate ; and the provinces flourished under him, not only because he kept a watchful eye over the conduct of the governors, but because he made it a maxim of his government to continue in their places all those whose probity he had sufficiently proved. He observed rigid order in the finances, and yet without sparing where it could be of service in the foundation or improvement of useful institutions ; as his erection of many buildings, establishment of public teachers with salaries in all the provinces, and other examples fully show. He carried on no war himself ; on the contrary, several foreign nations made choice of him to arbitrate their differences. Some rebellions which broke out in Britain and Egypt, and some frontier wars excited by the Germans, the Daci, the Moors, and the Alani, were quelled by his lieu- tenants. The principal and almost the only source for the history of pf 434 ROMAN STATE BOOK v. FOURTH Antoninus Pius, Dion Cassius's history of this period being lost, * is his Life by JULIUS CAPITOLINUS in the Script. Hist. August. And even this refers to his private character rather than his j public history. Compare the excellent Reflections of MARCUS ( AURELIUS, i, 16. upon this prince. Vie des Empereurs Tite Antonin et Marc Aurele, par M. GAUTIER DE SIBERT. Paris, 1769, 8vo. A valuable essay on the lives of the two Antonines. 27. He was succeeded by Marcus Aurelius Antoninus, the philosopher (aged 40 59 years), March 17, who immediately associated with himself, under / the title of Augustus, L. Verus (aged 30 40 years, 1 169), to whom he gave his daughter in marriage. Notwithstanding the differences of their character, the most cordial union existed between them during the whole of their common reign ; L. Verus, indeed, being almost always absent in the wars, took but a very small share in the government. The reign of M. Aurelius was marked by several great calamities : a dreadful pestilence, a famine, and almost continual wars. Nothing short of a prince like Aurelius, who ex- hibited to the world the image of wisdom seated on a throne, could have made so much misery 161166. tolerable. Soon after his accession, the Catti made an irruption upon the Rhine, and the Par- thians in Asia. L. Verus was sent against them. But the wars on the Danube with the Marco- manni and their allies in Pannonia, and other The north- northern nations, who now began to press forward era nations - _ l begin to with great force upon Dacia, were ot much greater M!L consequence. They occupied M. Aurelius from the year 167, with but little intermission, to the end of his reign. He succeeded, indeed, in main- BOOK v. FROM (LESAR TO COMMODUS. 435 taining the boundaries of the empire ; but then FOURTH he was the first who settled any of the barba-~ riansT within it, or took them into the Roman service. In the internal administration of affairs he closely followed the steps of his predecessor, except that he was rather too much influenced by his freedmen and family. The only rebellion which broke out against him, was that of Avidius Cassius, his lieutenant in Syria, occasioned by a false report of his death ; but it was quelled by and death, the destruction of that general, as soon as the 175< truth was made known. The war against the Parthians (see above, p. 304) was indeed brought to a successful issue by Verus, the principal cities of the Parthians falling into the hands of the Romans ; Verus left them, however, to be carried on by his lieutenants, while he riot- ed in debaucheries at Antioch. The first war against the Marco- manni, carried on in the beginning and until the death of Verus, by the two emperors together, was highly dangerous for Rome, as many other nations had joined the Marcomanni, particularly the Quadi, Jazygi, and Vandals, and penetrated as far as Aqui- leia. M. Aurelius ended this war by a glorious peace, 174, as he found it necessary to stop tne progress of CassiusV Irebellion ; in 178, however, the Marcomanni again commenced hostilities, and before their close M. Aurelius died at Sirmium. Contem- porary with these wars, yet, as it seems, without any connection with them, were the attacks of other nations upon Dacia, the Bastarnae, Alani, etc. who poured in from the north, probably pressed forward by the advance of the Goths. This was thejirst symptom of the great migration of nations now beginning. The especial sources for the history of M. Aurelius, are the Biographies of him and L. Verus, written by JULIUS CAPITOLI- NUS, as well as that of Avidius Cassius, by VULCATIUS GALLI- CANUS in Script. Hist. August. The letters discovered in Milan, among and together wltlTtEe writings of FRONTO, are of no his- torical service. His principles are best learnt from his Medita- tions on himself. rf2 436 ROMAN STATE BOOK v. FOURTH CH. MfiiNERS de M. Aurel. Antonini ingenio, moribus, et ERIOP ' scriptis, in Cammentat. Soc. Getting, vol. vi. means of adoption the Roman empire 17, i8o had been blessed, during the last eighty years, Dec. 31 192. I with a succession of rulers such as have not often j fell to the lot of any kingdom. But in J. Corn- modus the son of M. Aurelius 'probably the off- spring of a gladiator), who reigned from his nine- teenth to his thirty-first year, there ascended the (throne a monster of cruelty, insolence, and lewd- ness. At the commencement of his reign he bought a peace of the Marcomanni that he might return to Rome. Being himself unable to sup- port the burden of government, the helm of state was placed in the hands of the stern and cruel Perennis, Perennis, praefect of the praetorian guard ; but who, being murdered by the discontented sol- diers, was succeeded by the freedman Cleander, who put up all for sale, till he fell a sacrifice to his own insatiable avarice, in a revolt of the people, caused by their want of provisions. The extravagant propensity of Commodus for the diversions of the amphitheatres, and the combats of wild beasts and gladiators, wherein he himself usually took a part, in the character of Hercules, became a chief cause of his dissipation, and thereby of his cruelty ; till at last he was killed j at the instigation of his concubine Marcia, Laetus I the praefect of the praetorian guard, and Electus. 182184. The wars on the frontiers during his reign, in Dacia, and especially in Britain, were success- fully carried on by his lieutenants, generals who belonged to the school of his father. BOOK v. FROM CAESAR TO COMMODUS. 437 The especial source for the history of Commodus is his private FOURTH life by JEi,. LAMPRIDIUS, in the Script. Hist. August. The FERIOD - history of Herodian begins with his reign. 29. The disasters under M. Aurelius, and the Stat ? of the extravagances of Commodus, had injured the em- this period, pire, but not enfeebled it. Towards the close of the period of the Antonines it still retained its pristine vigour. If wise regulations, internal peace, moderate taxes, a certain degree of political, and unrestrained civil liberty, are sufficient to form the happiness of a commonwealth, it must have been found in the Roman. What a number of advantages did it possess over every other, simply from its situation ! Proofs of it appear on every side. A vigorous population, rich provinces, flourishing and splendid cities, and a lively in- ternal and foreign trade. But the most solid '/ foundation of the happiness of a nation consists in ( its moral greatness, and this we here seek for in ' vain. Otherwise the nation would not so easily have suffered itself to be brought under the yoke of Commodus by praetorian cohorts and the le- gions. But what best shows the strength which the empire still retained, is the opposition it con- tinued to make, for two hundred years longer, to the formidable attacks from without. D. H. HEGEWISCH upon the Epochs in Roman History most favourable to Humanity. Hamburg, 18008. Foreign commerce, so flourishing in this period, could only be carried on, to any extent, with the east mostly with India as the Roman empire spread over all the west. This trade con- tinued to be carried on through Egypt, and also through Palmyra and Syria. Information thereupon will be found in W. ROBERTSON'S Disquisition concerning the Knowledge FOURTH PERIOD. 43S ROMAN STATE BOOK V. which the Ancients had of India. London, 1791, 4to. Often reprinted. And particularly upon Egypt, in W. VINCENT, the Periplus of the Erythrean Sea. London, 1802, 4to. 2 vols. A very instructive work. HEEREN, Commenlationes de Grcecorum et Romanorum de India nolilia, et cum Indis commerciis : in Commentat. Soc. Gott. vol. x. xi. SECOND SECTION. From the death of Commodus to Diocletian, A. C. 193284. SOURCES. The Extracts of Xiphilinus from DION CASSIUS, lib. Ixxiii Ixxx. though often imperfect, reach down as low as the consulate of Dion himself under Alexander Severus, 229. HERODIANI Hist, libri viii. comprise the period from Commodus to Gordian, 180 238. The Scriptores Histories Augustce Mi- nores contain the private Jive's of the emperors down to Diocle- tian, by JULIUS CAPITOLINUS, FLAVIUS VOPISCUS, etc. The Breviaria Historic* Romance of EUTROPIUS, AURELIUS VICTOR, and S. RUFUS are particularly important for this period. Fi- nally, the important information that may be derived from the study of medals and coins, not only for this section, but for the whole history of the emperors, may be best learnt by consulting the writers upon those subjects : J. VAILLANT, Numismata Au~ gustorum et Casarum, euro J. F. BALDINO. Rome, 1743, 3 vols. The Medallic History of Imperial Rome, by W. COOKE. London, 1781, 2 vols. But above all, the volumes belonging to this period in ECKHEL, Doctrina Nummorum Veterum. With the period of the Antonines begins the great work of the British historian : The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, by EDWARD GIBBON. Oxford, 1828, 8 vols. 8vo. In worth and extent this work is superior to all others. It embraces the whole period of the middle ages ; but only the first part belongs to this period. BOOK v. FROM COMMODUS TO DIOCLETIAN. 439 1. The extinction of the race of the Antonines FOURTH by the death of Commodus was attended with - . . , i-t Pertinax, convulsions similar to those which took place Jan. i when the house of Csesar became extinct at the 193? death of Nero. It is true that P. Helvius Per- tinax, aged sixty-seven, praefect of the city, was raised to the throne by the murderers of Commo- dus ; and that he was acknowledged, first by the guards, and afterwards by the senate. But the reform which he was obliged to make at the be- ginning of his reign in the finances, rendered him so odious to the soldiers and courtiers, that a re- volt of the first, excited by Laetus, cost him his life before he had reigned quite three months. This was the first commencement of that dreadful military despotism which forms the ruling cha- racter of this period ; and to none did it become so terrible as to those who wished to make it the main support of their absolute power. The insolence of the praetorian guard had risen very high dur- ing the reign of Commodus ; but it had never, even in the time of the Antonines, been entirely suppressed. It was only by large donatives that their consent could be purchased, their ca- price satisfied, and their good humour maintained ; especially at , every new adoption. One of the greatest reproaches to the age of the Antonines is, that those great princes, who seem to have had the means so much in their power, did not free themselves from so annoying a dependence. JUL. CAPITOLINI Pertinax Imp. in Script. Hist. Aug. 2. When, upon the death of Pertinax, the rich Dtfias and profligate M. Didius Julianus, aged fifty- seven, had outbid, to the great scandal of the people, all his competitors for the empire, and purchased it of the praetorian guard, an insurrec- tion of the legions, who were better able to create 440 ROMAN STATE BOOK v. emperors, very naturally followed. But as the - army of Illyria proclaimed their general Septi- Septimius . f o i r o. T? . ~ ' ,. mius Severus, the army ot byna, Fescennms JMi- ger, and the army of Britain, Albinus, nothing less Albums. t j ian a ser j es o f c [ v \[ wars could decide who should maintain himself on the throne. JEL. SPABTIANI Didius Julianus, in Script. Hist. Aug. 3. Septimius Severus, however, aged 49 66. was the" first wEo got possession of Rome, and, after the execution of Didius Julianus, he was acknowledged by the senate. He dismissed, it is true, the old prretorian guard, but immediately chose, from his own army, one four times more numerous in its stead. And after he had provi- sionally declared Albinus emperor, he marched his army against Pescerinius Niger, already mas- ter of the east, whom, after several contests near the Issus, he defeated and slew. Nevertheless, having first taken and destroyed the strong city of Byzantium, a war with Albinus soon followed, whom the perfidious Severus had already at- tempted to remove by assassination. After a I VII \\* seif!Feb" bloody defeat near Lyons, Albinus kills himself. 19, 197. These civil wars were followed fcy hostilities against the Parthians, who had taken the part of Pescennius, and which ended with the plundering of their principal cities (see above, p. 304). Se- verus possessed most of the virtues of a soldier ; but the insatiable avarice of his minister Plau- tianus, the formidable captain of the praatorian guard, robbed the empire even of those advan- tages which may be enjoyed under a military go- 1204. vernment, until he was put to death at the insti- gation of Caracalla. To keep his legions em- BOOK v. FROM COMMODUS TO DIOCLETIAN. 441 ployed, Severus undertook an expedition into FOURTH Britain, where, after extending the boundaries of- the empire, he died at York (Eboracum}, leaving his son the maxim, " to enrich the soldiers, and hold the rest for nothing." Agricola had already erected a line of fortresses, probably between the Firth of Clyde and the Firth of Forth. These were changed by Adrian into a wall along the present boundaries of Scotland. Severus again extended the frontiers, reestablished the fortresses of Agricola, and afterwards built a wall from sea to sea ; his son, however, gave up the conquered country, and the wall of Adrian again became the boundary of the empire. JEl,. SPARTIANI Septimius Severus et Pescennius Niger. JUL. CAPITOLINI Claudius Albinus, in Script. Hist. Aug. 4. The deadly hatred which reigned between caracaiia, the two sons of Severus, M. Aurelius Antoninus ISpd'u, Bassianus Caracaiia, aged 23 29, and his young 217< step-brother Geta, aged twenty-one, led to a dreadful catastrophe ; for at their return to Rome, and after a fruitless proposition had been made for a division of the empire, Getajvvas^ assassi- Geta mur- nated in the arms of his mother Julia Domna, to- gether with all those who were considered as his 212> friends. The restless spirit of Caracaiia, how- ever, soon drew him from Rome, and in travers- ing first the provinces along the Danube, and then those of the east, he ruined them all by his exactions and cruelty, to which he was driven for money to pay his soldiers, and to purchase peace of his enemies on the frontiers. The same neces- sity led him to grant the right of citizenship to all the provinces, mat ne might thereby gain the duty of the vicesima heredltatum et manumissionum (twentieth upon inheritances and enfranchise- ments), which he very soon afterwards changed 442 ROMAN STATE. BOOK v. FOURTH into a tenth (decima). With respect to his foreign wars, his first was against the Catti and Ale- manni, among whom he remained a long time, sometimes as a friend and sometimes as an ene- 215. my. But his principal efforts, after having pre- viously ordered a dreadful massacre of the inha- bitants of Alexandria, to satisfy his cruel rapa- 216. city, were directed against the Parthians (see above, p. 304) ; and in his wars against them he was assassinated by Macrinus, the praefect of the praetorian guard. The praefect, or captain, of the praetorian guard became, from [ the time of Severus, the most important officer in the state. Besides the command of the guards, the finances were also under his control, together with an extensive criminal jurisdiction. A natural consequence of the continually increasing despotism. ML. SPARTIANI Antoninus Caracalla el Ant. Geta, in Script. Hist. Aug. Macrinus, 5. His murderer, M. Opelius Macrinus, aged 2i7 June fifty-three, was recognized as emperor by the sol- 8,218. diers, and forthwith acknowledged by the senate. He immediately created his son, M. Opelius Dia- dumenus, aged nine years, Caesar, and gave him the name of Antoninus. He disgracefully termi- nated the war against the Parthians by purchas- ing a peace, and changed the decima (tenth) of Caracalla again into the vicesima (twentieth). However, while he still remained in Asia, Bassia- nus Heliogabalus, grand-nephew of Julia Domna, and higri~pr7est in the temple of the Sun at Emesa, whom his mother gave out for a son of Caracalla, was proclaimed emperor by the le- gions, and, after a combat with the guards, subse- quently to which Macrinus and his son lost their lives, they raised him to the throne. BOOK v. FROM COMMODUS TO DIOCLETIAN. 443 Maesa, the sister of Julia Domna, had two daughters, both FOURTH widows; Soaemis, the eldest, was the mother of Heliogabalus, P ERIOI) - and Mammaea, the youngest, the mother of Alexander Severus. JUL. CAPITOLINI Opelius Macrinus, in Script. Hist. Aug. 6. Heliogabalus, aged 14 18, who assumed Heiiogaba- the additional name of M. Aurelius Antoninus, j u u S ne 8, brought with him from Syria the superstitions J}^ n> and voluptuousness of that country. He intro- 222 - duced the worship of his god Heliogabal in Rome, and wallowed openly in such brutal and infamous debaucheries, that history can scarcely find a parallel to his dissolute, shameless, and scandal- ous conduct. How low must the morality of that age have been sunk, in which a boy could so early have ripened into a monster! The debasement of the senate, and of all important offices, which he filled with the degraded companions of his own lusts and vices, was systematically planned by him ; and he deserves no credit even for the adoption of his cousin, the virtuous Alexander Severus, as he shortly after endeavoured to take away his life, but was himself for that reason as- sassinated by the praBtorian guards. j" JEij. LAMPRIDII Ant. Heliogabalus, in Script. Hist. Aug. 1 . His young cousin and successor, M. Aurelius Alexander Alexander Severus, aged 14 27, who had been MaTdTii, carefully educated under the direction of his mo- ^"235. ther Mammaea, proved one of the best princes in an age and upon a throne where virtues were more dangerous than vices. Under favour of his youth he endeavoured to effect a reform, in which he was supported by the cooperation of the guards, who had elevated him to the throne. He re- stored the authority of the senate, from among 444 ROMAN STATE BOOK v. FOURTH whom he chose, with rigid justice, his privy coun- - cil of state, banishing the creatures of Helio- 1233. gabalus from their places. The revolution in the Persia, 226. Parthian empire, out of which was now formed the new Persian, was of so much importance to Rome, that it obliged Alexander to undertake a war against Artaxerxes, in which he was pro- 231233. bably victorious. But while marching in haste to protect the frontiers against the advance of the Germans upon the Rhine, his soldiers, exas- perated at the seventy of his discipline, and in- 235. cited by the Thracian Maximin, murdered him in his own tent. His prelecT~oT~Th^e~~pF8etorian 222. guard, Ulpian, had already, for the same cause, fallen a victim to this spirit of insubordination, which was not checked even by the immediate presence of the emperor himself. The revolution in Parthia, whereby a new Persian empire was formed (see above, p. 304.), became a source of almost perpetual war to Rome ; Artaxerxes I. and his successors, the Sassanides, claiming to be descendants of the ancient kings of Persia, formed pretensions to the possession of all the Asiatic provinces of the Roman empire. LAMPUIDII Alexander Severus, in Script. Hist. Aug. HEYNE de Alexandra Severo Judicwm, Comment, i. ii. in Opuscula Academica, vol. vi. 8. The death of A. Severus raised military 235 May, despotism to the highest pitch, as it placed on the 138< throne the half savage C. Julius Maximinus, by birth a Thracian peasant. At first he continued the war against the Germans with great success, 236. repulsing them beyond the Rhine ; and resolved, 237. by crossing Pannonia, to carry the war even among the Sarmatians. But his insatiable rapa- city, which spared neither the capital nor the BOOK v. FROM COMMODUS TO DIOCLETIAN. 445 provinces, made him hateful to all ; and Gor- FOUR dian, proconsul of Africa, in his eightieth "year, wa% together with his son of the same name, proclaimed Augustus by the people, and im- mediately acknowledged by the senate. Upon this, Maximinus, eager to take vengeance on the senate, marched directly from Sirmium towards April, 233. Italy. In the mean time, the legions of the almost defenceless Gordians were defeated in The Gor- Africa, and themselves slain by Capellianus the dl governor of Numidia. Notwithstanding this, as the senate could expect no mercy, they chose as co-emperors the preefect of the city, Maximus Pupienus, and Clodius Balbinus, who, in con- Balbinus formity with the wishes of the people, created nus. the young Gordian III. Caesar. In the mean- while Maximinus, Having besieged Aquileia, and the enterprise proving unsuccessful, was slain by his own troops. Pupienus and Balbinus now seemed in quiet possession of the throne ; but the guards, who had already been engaged in a bloody feud with the people, and were not will- ing to receive an emperor of the senate's choosing, killed them both, and proclaimed as Augustus, Gordian,_already created Caesar. Jvii. CAPITOHNI Maximinus Gordiani ires, Pupienus et Balbinus, in Script. Hist. August. 9. The reign of the young M. Antoninus Gor- Gordian dianus lasted from his twelfth to his eighteenth gsgFeb. year. He was grandson of the proconsul who had 244 * lost his life in Africa, and in the early part of his reign, acquired a degree of firmness from the support of his father-in-law, Misitheus, praefect Syrian * i . c pedition, of the praetorian guard, as well as from the sue- 241243. 446 ROMAN STATE BOOK v. FOURTH cessful expedition which he undertook into Syria against the Persians, who had invaded that pro- vince. But after the death of Misitheus, Philip the Arabian, being made praefect of the guards in his stead, found means to gain the troops over to himself, and, after driving Gordian from the throne, caused him to be assassinated. 10 * ^ e re * n f M. Julius Philippus was in- Sept.249. terrupted by several insurrections, especially in Pannonia ; until at length Decius, whom he him- self had sent thither to quell the rebellion, was compelled by the troops to assume the diadem. Philip was soon after defeated by him near Ve- rona, where be perished, together with his son of the same name. In this reign the secular games, ludi steculares, were celebrated, one thousand years from the foundation of the city. 247. 11. Under the reign of his successor, Trajanus sept-249 Decius, aged fifty, the Goths for the first time Oct. 251 . /. j A , . . iC rs~ 1 250. torced their way into the Koman empire by cross- ing the Danube; and although Decius in the be- ginning opposed them with success, he was at last slain by them in Thrace, together with his son, Cl. Herennius Decius, already created Cae- sar. Upon this the army proclaimed C. Trebo- nianus Gallus emperor, who created his son, Vo- lusian, Caesar ; and having invited Hostilian, the yet remaining son of Decius, with the ostensible purpose of securing his cooperation, he neverthe- less soon contrived to get rid of him. He purchased a peace of the Goths ; but, despised by his gene- rals, he became involved in a war with his vic- torious lieutenant, JEmilius JEmilianus, in Moesia, * 7> and was slain, together with his son, by his own BOOK v. FROM COMMODUS TO DIOCLETIAN. 447 army. In three months, however, .ZEmilianus FOURTH shared the same fate ; Publius Licinius Valeria- - nus, the friend and avenger of Gallus, advancing against him with the legions stationed in Gaul. Both the people and army hoped to see the em- pire restored under Valerian, already sixty years valerian. of age ; but, although his generals defended the frontiers against the Germans and Goths, he himself had the misfortune to be defeated and taken prisoner by the superior forces of the Per- sians. Upon this event his son and associate in the empire, P. Licinius Gallienus, who knew ~- . . . . , 259968. everything except the art of governing, reigned alone. Under his indolent rule the Roman em- pire seemed on one hand ready to be split into a number of small states, while on the other it seemed about to fall a prey to the barbarians ; for the lieutenants in most of the provinces de- clared themselves independent of a prince whom they despised, and to which, indeed, they were driven, like Posthumius in Gaul, for their own security. There were nineteen of these ; but as many of them named their sons Cassars, this pe- riod has been very improperly distinguished by the name of the thirty tyrants, although their in- tolerable oppressions might well justify the latter expression. The Persians at the same time were victorious in the east, and the Germans in the west. The German nations which were now become so formidable to the Roman empire, were: 1. The great confederation of tribes under the name of Franks, who spread over Gaul along the whole extent of the Lower' Rhine. 2. The allied nations of the Ale- manni on the Upper Rhine. 3. The Goths, the most powerful ofafl, who had formed a monarchy upon the banks of the Lower 448 ROMAN STATE BOOK v. FOURTH Danube and the northern coasts of the Black sea, which soon ERIOD ' extended from the Boristhenes to the Don ; and who became formidable, not only by their land forces, but also by their naval power, especially after they had captured the peninsula of Crim Tartary (Ckersonesus Taurica); and by means of their fleets they not only kept the Grecian, but likewise the Asiatic pro- vinces in a continual state of alarm. TREBELLI POLLIONIS Valerianus, Gallieni duo, triginta ty- ranni, in Script. Hist. Aug. j- Concerning the thirty tyrants under the Roman emperor Gallienus, by J. C. F. MANSO ; at the end of his Life of Con- stantine. Claudius, 12. Gallienus losing his life before Milan, in March, 268 -.AT ^ ^ Oct.27o. the war against Aureolus an usurper, had never- theless recommended M. Aurelius Claudius (aged 45 47) for his successor. The new Augustus (reestablished in some degree the tottering em- pire ; not only by taking Aureolus prisoner and defeating the Alemanni, but also by a decisive 269. victory gained at Nissa over the Goths, who had invaded Moesia. He died, however, soon after, at Sirmium, of a pestilential disease, naming for his successor Aurelian, a hero like himself, who mounted the throne upon the death of Quintillus the late emperor's brother, who had at first pro- claimed himself Augustus, but afterwards died by his own hand. TREBELLII POLLIONIS divus Claudius, in Script. Hist. Aug. 13. During the reign of L. Domitius Aure- March,275. lianus, which lasted almost five years, those countries which had been partly or entirely lost to the empire were restored. Having first driven back the Goths and the Alemanni, who had ad- vanced as far as Umbria, he undertook his expe- 271. dition against the celebrated Zenobia, queen of BOOK v. FROM COMMODUS TO DIOCLETIAN. 449 Palmyra, who at that time possessed Syria, Egypt, FOURTH ancTpart of Asia Minor. These countries he again PERIOP ' brought under the dominion of the empire, after having defeated Zenobia and made her prisoner, z . __ . j; . ...... feated and Ihe western provinces of Gaul, Britain, and made P ri- Spain, which since the time of Gallienus had ^S. been governed by separate rulers, and were now under the dominion of Tetricus, he reduced to their former obedience. Dacia, on the contrary, 274. he willingly abandoned ; and as he transported the Roman inhabitants across the Danube into Moesia, the latter henceforward bore the name of Dacia Aureliani. Hated for his severity, which in a warrior so easily degenerates into cruelty, he was assassinated in Illyria at the instigation of 275. his private secretary Mnestheus. FLAV. VOPISCI divus Aurelianus, in Script. Hist. Aug. Palmyra in the Syrian desert, enriched by the Indian trade, and one of the most ancient cities in the world, became a Roman colony in the time of Trajan. Odenatus, the husband of Zeno- bia, had acquired so much celebrity by his victories over the Per- sians, that Gallienus had even named him Augustus with him- self. He was murdered, however, by his cousin Maeonius, 267. Zenobia now took possession of the government for her sons Vabalathus, Herennianus, and Timolaus, without, however, being acknowledged at Rome. After this, in the time of Claudius, she added Egypt to her dominions. Aurelian, having first defeated her near Antioch and Emesa, soon afterwards took Palmyra, which, in consequence of a revolt, he destroyed. Even in its ruins Palmyra is still magnificent. The Ruins of Palmyra, by R. WOOD. London, 1753; and the Ruins of Balbec, otherwise Heliopolis, by the same author, London, 1757> give us clear and certain ideas of the splendour and magnitude of these cities. A. H. L. HEEKEN, de Commercio urbis Palmyras vicinarum- que vrbium, in Comment, recent. Soc. Getting, vol. vii. and the Appendix to Heeren's Researches. eg 450 ROMAN STATE BOOK v. FOURTH 14. An interregnum of six months followed Tacitas> ' upon the death of Aurelian, till at length the 27!l 25 ' senate, at the repeated solicitations of the army, April, 276. ventured to fill up the vacant throne. The object of their choice, however, M. Claudius Tacitus, the worthiest of the senators, was unfortunately seventy-five years old, and perished after a short reign of six months, in an expedition against the Goths. Upon this event the army of Syria raised M. Aurelius Probus to the purple ; while Flori- anus the brother of Tacitus, who had already been acknowledged at Rome, was put to death by his own people. FLAV. VOPISCI Tacitus; ejusd. Florianus, in Script. Hist. Aug. A r riT S 276 **** ^ e S ^ X y ears ' rei o n of Probus was a war- August, like one. He defeated the Germans, and forced 282 277. them beyond the Rhine and Danube ; strengthen- 278. ing the frontiers by building a strong wall from the Danube, near Regensburg, to the Rhine. He also obliged the Persians to make peace. Never- theless, the number of towns which he reestab- lished and peopled with prisoners of war, and the vineyards which he caused his soldiers to plant on the Rhine, are proofs that he had taste and inclination for the arts of peace. This policy, however, would not suit the legions ! After he had perished, therefore, by the hands of his soldiers, they proclaimed the praefect of the pras- Carus, torian guard, M. Aurelius Carus, emperor, who Aug. 282. i i /~i " i i created his two sons Caesars men very unlike each other in disposition, M. Aurelius Carinus being one of the greatest reprobates, while M. BOOKV. FROM COMMODUS TO DIOCLETIAN. 451 Aurelius Numerianus was gentle by nature, and OURTH J PERIOD. had a mind well formed by study. The new em- peror, having defeated the Goths, marched against the Persians, but was shortly afterwards killed, it Aug. 233. is said, by a flash of lightning. Nor did his son Numerianus long survive him, being murdered 231. by his own father-in-law, Arrius Aper, the praeto- rian prefect. . VOPISCI Probus imper. ejusd. Cyrus, Numirianus et Carinus, in Script. Hist. Aug. 16. Although this period gives us a finished Review of i f i. -i'^ i i- ' *. i-n the govern- picture oi a complete military despotism, it is still me ntdimng evident that this was owing to the entire separa- thlspeno(L tion of the military order from the rest of the people, by the introduction of standing armies, and the extinction of all national spirit among the citizens. The legions decided because the people were unarmed. It was, indeed, only among them, situated far from the soft luxuries of the capital, and engaged in almost a continual struggle with the barbarians, that a remnant of the ancient Roman character was still preserved. The nomination of their leaders to the purple be- came a natural consequence, not .only of the un- certainty of the succession, which could not be fixed by mere ordinances, but often of necessity, from their being in the field under the pressure of urgent circumstances. Thus a succession of dis- tinguished generals came to the throne : what authority, indeed, would an emperor at that time have had who was not a general ? All durable reform, however, was rendered quite impossible by the quick succession of rulers. Even the best 452 ROMAN STATE BOOK T. amon g them could do but very little for the in- ternal administration ; as all their energies were required to protect the frontiers, and defend themselves against usurpers, who, with the ex- ception of the formality of being acknowledged by the senate, had claims as well founded as their own. 17. The decline of the empire also became so tens the de- cline of the much the more rapid, m proportion as in these days of terror luxury had increased not only in the splendour and profligate effeminacy of private life, but more particularly in public, to a pitch almost beyond belief. The latter was especially shown in the exhibitions of the amphitheatre and circus ; by which not only every new ruler, but even every new magistrate was obliged to pur- chase the favour of the people. Thus these rem- nants of a free constitution served only to accele- rate the general ruin ! What enjoyments, indeed, could be found under the rod of despotism, ex- I cept those of the grossest sensuality ; and to satisfy this, the intellectual amusements of the theatre (mimes and pantomimes), and even those of rhetoric and poetry, were made to contribute. TnS:ts I- ^ et > Curing this general decay, the gradual of the { spread of the Christian religion was working a Christian I r religion. [ reform altogether of a different nature. Before the end of this period it had opened itself a way into every province, and, notwithstanding the frequent persecutions, had made converts in every rank of society, and was now on the eve of be- coming the predominant form of worship. \Ve shall be better able to estimate its value, if we consider it as the vehicle by which civilization BOOK v. FROM COMMODUS TO DIOCLETIAN. 453 made its way among the rude nations that now FOURTH appeared on the scene, than if we merely consider it as the means of improving the manners and morals of the Roman world. In a political view it became of the greatest importance on account of the hierarchy, the frame-work of which was now in a great measure constructed among its professors. It was afterwards adopted as a state religion ; and although the ancient creed of Rome had formerly been on the same footing, yet it was only calculated for the republic, and not at all for the now existing monarchy. The overthrow of paganism was necessarily attended with some violent convulsions, yet its loss was nothing to be compared with the support which the throne afterwards found in the hierarchy. The dispersion of the Jews, and especially the persecutions which were renewed from time to time, after the reign of Nero, (but which only served to kindle enthusiasm,) strongly cooperated in spreading the Christian religion. These persecutions were principally called forth against the Christians on account of their forming themselves into a separate society, which caused them to be regarded as a dangerous sect at Rome, notwithstanding the general toleration granted to every other system of religious belief. Although towards the end of this period, only a very small proportion of the inhabitants of the Roman empire as yet professed the Christian faith, it nevertheless had followers in every province. j- History of the Social Constitution of the Christian Church, by D. G. J. PLANCK, 4 parts, 1800. It is the first part of this excellent work which relates to this period. 454 ROMAN STATE BOOK v. THIRD SECTION. From Diocletian to the overthrow of the Roman empire in the west, A. C. 284 476. FOURTH SOURCES. It now becomes of importance to enquire whether EB10P ' the historians were Christians or pagans. ZOSIMCS, the imitator of Polybius, belonged to the last. He describes the fall of the Roman state, as his model does the previous part. Of his His- tories only five books and a half, to the time of Gratian, 410, have descended to us. He was certainly a violent antagonist of the Christians, yet, nevertheless, the best writer of this period. AMMIANI MARCELLIXI Hisloriarum, lib. xiv xxxi. from the year 353378 (the first thirteen books are lost). Probably a Christian, but yet no flatterer ; and, notwithstanding his tire- some prolixity, highly instructive. Together with the writers of general history already noticed at p. 437, we must here especially add to the abbreviators, PAULI OROSII Hist. lib. vii. and Zo- JJAR.E Annales. The Panegyrici Veleres, from Diocletian to Theodosius, can only be used with circumspection. The writers of church history, such as EUSEBIUS, in his Hist. Eccles. lib. x. and in his Vita Constantini Pidgin, lib. v. as well as his continu- ators, SOCRATES, THEODORET, SOZOMEXUS, and EVAGRIUS, are also highly important for the political history of this period, though, from their partiality towards the Christian emperors, they should rather be classed with the panegyrists than the his- torians. To these may be added another principal source, viz. the Constitutions of the emperors, which have been preserved in the Codex Theodosianus and Justinianeus, from the time of Con- stantine the Great. Besides the works quoted at pages 411, 437, the Byzantine historians here become of importance. We shall mention also : Histoire du Bas-Empire depuis Conslantin, par M. LE BEAU, continuee par M. AMEILHOX. Paris, 1824, 20 voLs. 8vo. The first seven parts only belong to this period. BOOK v. FROM DIOCLETIAN TO A. C. 476. 455 t The German translation of GUTHRIE and GRAY'S Universal FOURTH History, 5 sections, 1 vol. Leipsic, 1768. Rendered very useful PEUIOP - by the labours of Ritter. Hisloire du Bas-Empire, depuis Constantin jusqii a la prise de Constantinople en 1453, par CARENTIN ROYOU. Paris, 1803, 4 vols. 8vo. A useful abridgement, without much research. 1. The reign of C. Valerius Diocletian, aged Diocletian, & . Sept. 17, 39 60, proclaimed emperor after the murder of 284 May Numerianus, by the troops in Chalcedon, begins a new section in Roman history. To the period of military despotism succeeded the period of partitions. After Diocletian had defeated Cari- carinus, nus the yet remaining Caesar, in Upper Mcesia, t285 ' where he was assassinated, he made M. Valerius Maximian Maximianus Herculius, a rough warrior who had ^g iat6 f hitKerto been his comrade in arms, the sharer of vernment ' 286. his throne. Herculius now contended with the Alemanni and Burgundians on the banks of the Rhine, while Diocletian himself made head against the Persians. Nevertheless, the two Au- gusti soon found themselves unable to withstand the barbarians, who were pressing forward on every side, more especially as Carausius had 2^293' usurped and maintained the title of Caesar in Britain. Each of them, therefore, created a Cae- Gaierius . . .- LI imu jj i T /r andChlorus sar : Diocletian chose C. Galenus, and Maximi- created anus Flavins Constantius Chlorus, both of whom had distinguished themselves as generals, at that time the only road to advancement. The whole empire was now divided between these four rulers; so that each had certain provinces to govern and defend ; without detriment, however, to the unity of the whole, or to the dependence in which a 456 ROMAN STATE BOOK v. FOURTH Caesar stood as the subordinate assistant and PERIOD. future successor of his Augustus. In the partition, 292, Diocletian possessed the eastern pro- vinces ; Galerius, Thrace, and the countries on the Danube (Illyricum) ; Maximianus, Italy, Africa, and the islands ; and Constantius, the western provinces of Gaul, Spain, Britain, and Mauritania. 2. This new system could not but have a strik- ing effect upon the spirit of the government. It was now not only in fact, but also in form, en- tirely in the hands of the rulers. By their con- tinual absence from Rome they became freed from that moral restraint in which the authority of the senate, and the name of the republic, not yet entirely laid aside, had held before them. Diocle- tian formally assumed the diadem, and, with the ornaments of the east, introduced its luxuries into his court. Thus was laid the foundation of that structure which Constantine the Great had to complete. 3. The consequences of this new system be- came also oppressive to the provinces, inasmuch as they had now to maintain four rulers, with their courts, and as many armies. But however loud might be the complaints of the oppression occasioned thereby, it was, perhaps, the only means of deferring the final overthrow of the whole edifice. In fact, they succeeded not only 296. in defeating the usurpers, Allectus in Britain 293296. (who had murdered Carausius in 293), Julian in Africa, and Achilleus in Egypt; but also in de- fending the frontiers, which, indeed, by the vic- tories of Galerius over the Persians, they ex- tended as far as the Tigris. Did not, however, BOOK v. FROM DIOCLETIAN TO A. C. 476. 457 the gloomy perspective present itself, that among FOURTH so many rulers, and the undefined relations which existed between the Caesars and the emperors, the union could not be of long continuance? 4. Diocletian voluntarily abdicated the throne (although the growing power and encroaching disposition of Galerius might perhaps have had some influence), and obliged his colleague Max- imianus to do the same. The two Caesars, Con- Constan- stantius and Galerius, were proclaimed Augusti, 307'. 3C and altered the division of the empire, so that the ^5313 former possessed all the western countries, of which, however, he freely ceded Italy and Africa to Galerius, who had all the remaining provinces. The latter, during the same year, created Flavius Seyerus, Caesar, and confided to him the govern- ment of Italy and Africa; as he did also C. Ga- lerius Maximin, to whom he gave the Asiatic provinces. The administration of the two em- perors, however, was very different ; Constantius was as much beloved for his mild and disinter- ested government, as Galerius was hated for his harshness and prodigality. Constantius died very soon after at York, leaving his son Constantine heir to his dominions, who was immediately pro- claimed Augustus by the legions, although Gale- rius would only acknowledge him as Caesar. 5. Thus Constantine, who afterwards obtained Constantine the surname of Great, began to rule, aged 33 j u e i y 2? ' 64, though at first only over Britain, Spain, and 22^337!^ Gaul ; nevertheless, after seventeen years of vio- lence and warfare, he succeeded in opening him- self a way to the sole dominion of the empire. The rulers disagreed among themselves ; and for- 458 ROMAN STATE BOOK v. FOURTH midable usurpers started up and rendered war in- FERIOD. . , , evitable. The history of the first seven years of Constantine, 306 313, is very complicated ; after that, he had only one rival to struggle with, 314 323. At his accession, Galerius, as Augustus, was in possession of all the other provinces ; of which, however, he had given to Caesar Maximin the government of those of Asia, and to Caesar Severus, now created Augustus, Italy and Africa. The latter, however, rendering himself odious by his oppression, Maxentius, the son of the former emperor, Maximianus, assumed theTitle" of Augustus at Rome (Oct. 28, 306), and associated his father with himself in the government ; so that at this time there were six rulers : Galerius, Severus, Constantine, Maximin, and the usurpers Maxentius and his father Maximianus. But in the year 307, Severus, wishing to oppose Maxentius, was abandoned by his own troops, upon which he surrendered him- self to Maximianus, who caused him to be executed. In his place Galerius created his friend Licinius, Augustus ; and Max- imin obtained the same dignity from his army in Asia. In the mean time, Maximianus, after having endeavoured to supplant his own son in Rome, fled to Constantine, who had crossed over into Gaul and there defeated the Franks, 306 ; but having made an attempt upon the life of Coustantine, who had married his daughter Fausta, that emperor caused him to be put to death, 310. As the excesses of Galerius soon brought him to the grave, 311, there only remained Constantine, Licinius, and Maximin, and the usurper Maxentius^ The latter was soon de- feated and slain, 312, before the gates of Rome, by Constantine, who thereby Tjecame master of Italy and the capital. A war having broken out about the same time between Maximin and Licinius, Maximin was defeated near Adrianople, and then killed himself, 313. The year 314 brought on a war between tin- two n.-i:uiiii:;_: - r.ijvrurs. C'nn>t;.;itine and Licinius. which, however, ended the same year in an accommodation, by which Constantine obtained all the countries on the south bank of the Danube, as well as Thrace and Mcesia Inferior ; it broke out again, however, in 322, and was finally terminated by a decisive victory in Bithynia, and the total overthrow of Licinius, whom Constantine put to death, 324. ~~ 6. However opposite may be the opinions BOOK v. FROM DIOCLETIAN TO A. C. 476. 459 formed respecting the reign of Constantine the FOURTH ,, , . . PERIOD. Great, its consequences are perfectly plain. Al- - though he annihilated military despotism, he es- tablished in its stead, if not completely, yet in great measure, the despotism of the court, and likewise the power oFThe hierarchy. He had already, during his expedition against Maxentius, decided in favour of the Christian religion ; and since he thereby gained a vast number of par- tisans in all the provinces, and weakened at the same time the power of his co-emperors, or com- petitors, it was the surest way he could have taken to obtain sole dominion, the great object of his ambition. This change must nevertheless have had very considerable influence on every part of the government, as he found in the previ- ously established hierarchy a powerful support of the throne ; and since he, in concert with it, set- tled what was, and what was not the orthodox doctrine, he introduced a spirit of persecution heretofore unknown. At a period in which religious parties must almost necessarily have become political parties, we can by no means venture to judge of the importance of the sect by the importance of their points of doctrine. The quarrels of the Arians, which arose at this time, gave Constantine, by the council of Nice, 325, the op- portunity he wished for, of making good his authority in religious legislation. 7. The removal of the seat of empire from Rome to Constantinople was connected with this change in the form of worship as a Christian court would have been awkwardly situated in a city still altogether pagan although the need there was of protecting the frontiers against the Goths and Persians had a considerable share 460 ROMAN STATE BOOK v. FOURTH therein. It did, indeed, become the principal means of establishing the despotism of the court ; but those who regard it as one of the causes of the decline of the empire, should remember, that for an empire fallen so low as the Roman was at this time, despotism was almost the only support that remained. The various partitions of the empire from the time of Diocle- tian, had led the way to this change of the capital ; because a natural result of that system was, that the emperors and Ctesars, when not with the army as they usually were, would reside in different cities. The seat of Diocletian's government was at Nicomedia ; of Maximian's, at Milan ; even Constantine himself remained but very little at Rome. In these new residences they felt themselves unfettered ; and therefore, although the Roman senate existed till after the time of Constantine, its authority must have fallen of itself from the time of Diocletian. 8. We ought not, therefore, to wonder that the consequence of this removal was so complete a change in the whole form of government, that after a short time it seemed to be altogether a different state. A partition of the empire was made, which, though it might in part have been founded on those which had previously existed, was yet so different, that it not only changed the ancient divisions of the provinces, but completely altered their mode of government. The court, with the exception of polygamy, assumed entirely the form of an eastern court. A revolution also had taken place in the military system, by the complete separation of the civil and military au- thorities, which the praetorian praefects had hi- therto possessed, but who now became merely civil governors. According to the new division the whole empire was divided into four prefectures, each of which had its dioceses, and each BOOK v. FROM DIOCLETIAN TO A. C. 476. 461 diocese its provinces. The prefectures were : I. The eastern FOURTH (prcefectttra Orieniis ; it contained five dioceses; 1. Orientis : PEUIOD. 2. JEgypti; 3. Asice ; 4. Ponti ; 5. Thraciaz ; forming alto- gether forty-eight provinces, and comprising all the countries of Asia and Egypt, together with the frontier countries of Libya and Thrace. II. Prcefectura Illyrici, containing two dioceses ; 1. Macedonice ; 2. Dacioz ; forming eleven provinces, and com- prising Mcesia, Macedon, Greece, and Crete. III. Prcefectura Italia, containing three dioceses; 1. Italic? ; 2. Illyrici; 3. Africoe ; forming twenty-nine provinces, and comprising Italy, the countries on the south of the Danube, as far as the bounda- ries of Moesia ; the islands of Sicily, Sardinia, and Corsica, and the African provinces of the Syrtis. IV. Prcefectura Gal- liarum, containing three dioceses ; 1. Gallice ; 2. Hispanice ; 3. Britannioe ; forming altogether twenty-eight provinces, and com- prising Spain and the Balearian islands, Gaul, Helvetia, and Britain. Each of these prefectures was under a prcefectus prce- torio (praetorian prefect), but who was merely a civil governor, and had under him vicarios, in the dioceses, as well as the rec- lores provinciarum, of various ranks and titles. They were named proconsules presides, etc. Besides these, Rome and Con- stantinople, not being included in any of the four prefectures, had each its prefect. As principal officers of state and the court (s. cubiculty, we now for the first time meet with the prcepositus s. cubiculi (grand-chamberlain), under whom were all the comites palatii and cubicularii, in four divisions ; these, at a later period, were frequently eunuchs of great influence ; the magister officiorum (chancellor, minister of the interior) ; the comes sacrarum largi- iiorum (minister of the finances) ; the quaestor (the organ of the emperors in legislation ; minister of justice and secretary of state) ; the comes rei principis (minister of the crown-treasury) privy -purse] ; the two comites domesticorum (commander of the household guards), each of whom had his corps (scholas) under him. The number of the state officers and courtiers was conti- nually increasing. If the good of a commonwealth consisted in forms, ranks, and titles, the Roman empire must at this time have been truly happy ! At the head of the troops were the magistri peditum (masters of the infantry) and the magistri equitum (masters of the horse), under the magister utriusque militce (general in chief of the whole army) . Their subordinate commanders were called comites 462 ROMAN STATE BOOK v. FOURTH and duces. Constantine considerably reduced the army. In the PERIOD, arrangement of the troops he also made great alterations j these, however, were but of slight consequence compared with that which was produced by admitting into the service a continually increasing number of barbarians. Notitia dignitatem utriusque Imperil cum not. PANCIROL.LI GRJEV. Thesaur. Antiquitat. Rom. vol. vii. Taxes. 9. It would naturally be expected that these great changes should lead to others in the system of taxation. New taxes, or old ones revived, were added to those already existing, and became, by the manner in which they were collected, doubly oppressive. We shall particularly notice, a. The annual land-tax (indictio}. b. The tax upon trade (aurum lustrale). c. The free gift (don. gratuit.^), now grown into an obligatory tax (aurum coronariuin). To these we must add the municipal expenses, which fell entirely upon the citizens, and especially upon the civic officers (decur tones'), places which must have been generally held by the rich, as Constantine had in great measure ap- propriated the wealth of the cities to the endow- ment of churches, and the support of the clergy. a. The land-tax, or indiction, which if not first introduced by Constantine was entirely regulated under him, was collected after an exact register, or public valuation, of all the landed estates. Its amount was yearly fixed and prescribed by the emperor (in- dicebalur^, and levied by the rectors of provinces and the de- curions ; an arbitrary standard (caput) being taken as the rate of assessment. As this register was probably reviewed every fifteen years, it gave rise to the cycle of inductions of fifteen years, which became the common era, beginning from September 1, 312. In this manner the tax included all those who were possessed of pro- perty, b. The tax on commerce ; which was levied on almost every kind of trade. It was collected every four years, whence the aurum lustrale. c. The aurum coronarium grew out of the BOOK y. FROM DIOCLETIAN TO A. C. 476. 463 custom which obtained of presenting the emperors with golden FOURTH crowns on particular occasions ; the value of which was at last P " IOD - exacted in money. Every considerable city was obliged to pay it. 10. The rapid spread of the Christian religion, spread of the promulgation of which was enforced as a [i^ re " S " duty upon all its professors, was now accelerated h < by the endeavours of the court. Constantine for- bade sacrifices, and shut up the temples; and the violent zeal of his successors unfortunately soon turned them into ruins. Histoire de Consiantin-le- Grand, par le R. P. BERN. DE VA- RENNE. Paris, 1778, 4to. Vita di Constantino il Grande dell' ABB. FR. GUSTA. Fu- ligno, 1786. Both these works, especially the first, are written in a tone of panegyric ; the latest, and by far the best, is -j- Life of Constantine the Great, by J. C. F. MANSO. Bresl. 1817- With several very learned appendixes, which clear up some particular points. 11. The three Ca3sars and sons of Constantine Constan- the Great, Constantine, 337 340 ; Constantius, stantiu n ~ 337361; and Constans, 337350; had been carefully educated, and yet resembled one another as much in their vices as they did in their names. They indeed divided the empire again upon the death of their father ; but were so eager after territory, which neither of them was qualified to govern, that a series of wars followed for the next twelve years, till at last Constantius was left master of the whole ; and by the murder of most of his relations secured the throne to himself. In the partition of the empire Constantine obtained the prce- fectura Galliarum, Constans the prcefeclura Italics et Illyrici, and Constantius the prcefectura Orientis. But as Constantine desired to add Italy and Africa to his portion, he attacked 464 ROMAN STATE BOOK v. FOURTH Constans, and thereby lost his life, so that Constans came into PERIOD. ^ Q possession of the western countries. In consequence, how- ever, of his wretched misgovernment, Magnentius, a general, proclaimed himself emperor in Gaul, and Constans was slain in endeavouring to escape, 350. A war with Constantius, who was then occupied in the east, became inevitable, and broke out 351. The usurper was defeated first at Mursa in Pannonia, then retreating into Gaul he was again defeated, 353 ; upon which he slew himself, together with his family. Constantius 12. As Constantius, however sunk in effemi- nacy and debauchery, and surrounded and go- verned by eunuchs was unable to sustain the weight of government alone, he took his cousin 35i. Constantius Gallus, hitherto a state prisoner, and whose father he had formerly slain, to his assist- ance, created him Caesar, and sent him into the east against the Parthians. But his excessive arrogance, which was fomented by his wife Con- stantina, rendered him so dangerous that Con- stantius recalled him, and caused him, upon his return, to be put to death in Istria. His younger brother Fl. Julian, from whom the suspicious 354. Constantius believed he had nothing to fear, was NOV. e, promoted in his place, created Caesar, and sent 355 ' to defend the frontiers on the Rhine. Although Julian passed suddenly from study to warfare, he not only fought against the Germans with suc- cess, but also made a deep inroad into their coun- try. In the mean time Constantius, after his generals had been beaten by the Persians, who wished to reconquer the provinces they had ceded, was preparing an expedition against them in person, and with that view endeavoured gradu- ally to withdraw the troops of Julian, in con- sequence of which the latter, suspecting his de- BOOK v. FROM DIOCLETIAN TO A. C. 476. 465 sign, was induced to accept the diadem presented FOURTH by his soldiers. While marching, however, along 3^ the Danube against Constantius, he received in- formation of that prince's death in Asia. 13. Fl. Julian, (the apostate.) who reigned from Julian, , . . , .... March, 360 nis twenty-ninth to his thirty-second year, was j une 25, the last and most highly gifted prince of the house of Constantine. Instructed by misfortunes and study, he yet had some faults, though certainly free from great vices. He began with reforming the luxury of the court. His abjuration of the religion now become dominant, and which he wished to annihilate by degrees, was an error in policy, which he must have discovered to his cost had his reign been prolonged. Wishing, however, to terminate the war against the Per- sians, he penetrated as far as the Tigris, where he lost his life in an engagement, after a reign of three years. f The Emperor Julian and his Times, by AUGUST. NEANDER. Leipsic, 1812. An historical sketch. 14. Fl. Jovianus, now thirty-three years ofjovian, age, was immediately raised to the purple by the 3 Feb. army. " He concluded a peace with the Persians, 24> 364 * by which he restored them all the territory that had been conquered from them since the year 297. After a short reign of eight months he was carried off by a sudden disorder ; and the army proclaimed Fl. Valentinian at Nice in his stead, Valentinian almost immediately associated his ar brother Valens with himself in the government, and divided the empire by giving him the prce- fectura Or tent is, and retaining the rest for him- self. Hh 466 ROMAN STATE BOOK v. FOURTH 15. The reign of Valentinian I. in the east, who, in the year 367, created his son Gratian *- 2 ' Augustus with himself, is distinguished by the 364 Nov. ' J 17,375. system of toleration which he followed with re- gard to the affairs of religion, though in other respects a cruel prince. Nearly the whole of his reign was taken up in almost continual struggles with the German nations, who had recovered from the losses they had suffered under Julian. His first efforts were directed against the Franks, the Saxons, and the Alemanni on the Rhine; and afterwards against the Quadi and other na- tions on the Danube ; where he died of apoplexy at Guntz in Hungary. Vaiens, 16. In the mean time his brother Valens (aged Of? 4 _ *^f\ft 38 52 years) had to contend with a powerful insurrection which had broken out in the east. A certain Procopius had instigated the people to this, by taking advantage of the discontent oc- casioned by the oppression of Valens, who, having adopted the opinion of the Arians, was more dis- liked in the east than his brother was in the 373. west. His war against the Persians ended with a truce. But the most important event that hap- pened during ,his reign, was the entrance of the Huns into Europe, which took place towards its close. This in its turn gave rise to the great popular migration, by which the Roman empire in the west may properly be said to have been overthrown. The immediate consequence was the admission of the greater part of the Visigoths into the Roman empire, and this occasioned a war which cost Valens his life. The Huns, a nomad people of Asia, belonged to the great BOOK v. FROM DIOCLETIAN TO A. C. 476. 467 Mongolian race. Having penetrated to the Don, 373, they FOURTH subdued the Goths upon that river as far as the Theiss. The IJERIOD - Goths, divided into Ostrogoths and Visigoths, were separated from one another by the Dnieper. The former, driven from their country, fell upon the Visigoths, in consequence of which the emperor Valens was requested by the latter to grant them admission into the Roman empire, and with the exception of the Vandals, who had been seated in Pannonia from the time of Constantine, they were the first barbarian nation that had been settled within the boundaries of the empire. The scandal- ous oppression of the Roman governor, however, drove them into rebellion ; and as Valens marched against them, he was defeated near Adrianople and lost his life, 378. 17. During these events, Gratian (a^ed 16 G 3 24 years) succeeded his father Valentinian I. in and the west, and immediately associated his brother, Valentinian II. (aged 5 21 years) with himself 392. '" in the empire ; giving him, though under his own superintendence, the prcefectura Italice et Illyrici. Gratian set forward to the assistance of his uncle Valens against the Goths, but receiving on his march an account of his defeat and death, and fearing the east might fall a prey to the Goths, he raised Theodosius, a Spaniard, who had al- ready distinguished himself as a warrior, to the purple, and gave him the prtefectura Orientis et Illyrici. 18. The indolent reign of Gratian led to the Revolt of rebellion of Maximus, a commander in Britain, 333. who, crossing into Gaul, was so strongly sup- ported by the defection of the Gallic legions, that Gratian was obliged to seek safety in flight. He was, however, overtaken and put to death at Lyons. By this event Maximus found himself in possession of all the prcefectura Galliarum ; and by promising Theodosius not to interfere Hh2 468 ROMAN STATE BOOK v. with the young Valentinian II. in Italy, he pre- PERIOD. * . . , , , . -vailed upon him to acknowledge him emperor. But having broken his promise by the invasion of Italy, he was defeated and made prisoner by sss. Theodosius in Pannonia, and soon after executed. Upon this Valentinian II. a youth of whom great hopes were entertained, became again master of all the west. But, unfortunately, he was mur- dered by the offended Arbogast, his magister mi- litum; who, thereupon, raised to the throne his own friend Eugenius, magister officiorum. Theo- dosius, however, so far from acknowledging, de- clared war against him and made him prisoner. He himself thus became master of the whole em- pire, but died in the following year. 19. The vigorous reign of Theodosius in the Jan. 19, ' east, from his thirty-fourth to his fiftieth year, 17,395' was not less devoted to politics than to religion. The dexterity with which he at first broke the power of the victorious Goths (though they still preserved their quarters in the provinces on the Danube), procured him considerable influence, which the strength and activity of his character enabled him easily to maintain. The blind zeal, however, with which he persecuted Arianism, now the prevailing creed in the east, and restored the orthodox belief, as well as the persecutions which he directed against the pagans and the destruction of their temples, accasioned the most dreadful convulsions. His efforts to preserve the boundaries of the empire, not a province of which was lost before his death, required an increase of taxes ; and however oppressive this might be, we cannot impute it to the ruler as a crime. In an BOOK v. FROM DIOCLETIAN TO A. C. 476. 469 empire so enfeebled in itself, and which, never- FOURTH theless, had powerful foes on every side to con- - tend with, it followed that every active reign would be oppressive. Yet never before had the internal depopulation of the empire made it ne- cessary to take so many barbarians into Roman pay, as under this reign ; whence naturally fol- lowed a change in the arms and tactics of the Roman armies. P. EKASM. MULLER, de genio sceculi Theodosiani. Havnise, 1798, 2 vols. A very learned and in every respect excellent de- scription of the deeply-decayed Roman world as it now stood. 20. Theodosius left two sons, between whom Final divi- the empire was divided. Both parts, however, Roman em- were certainly considered as forming but one em- pire> pire an opinion which afterwards prevailed, and even till late in the middle ages had important consequences yet never since this period have they been reunited under one ruler. The eastern empire, comprising the prcefectura Orientis et Illy- rici, was allotted to the eldest son, Arcadius (aged Arcadius, 395 408 18 31) under the guardianship of Rufinus the Gaul. The western, or the prcefectura Galliarum et Italice, to the younger, Honorius, a^ed 11 39. Honorius, * * gg5 423 under the guardianship of the Vandal Stilico. 21. The western empire, to the history of which we shall now confine ourselves, suffered such violent shocks during the reign of Honorius, as made its approaching fall plainly visible. The intrigues of Stilico to procure himself the govern- ment of the whole empire, opened a way for the Goths into its interior, just at a time when they were doubly formidable, fortune having given them a leader greatly superior to any they had 470 ROMAN STATE BOOK v. hitherto had. Alaric king of the Visigoths esta- ^- blished himself and his people in the Roman em- Alaric king . ' _ .. of the vui- pire, became master of Home, and mounted the throne : it was the mere effect of chance that he did not overthrow it altogether. Both Honorius and Arcadius, especially the latter, belonged to that class of men who never come to years of maturity ; their favourites and ministers therefore governed according to their own inclination. Stilico, who made Honorius his son-in-law, was not deficient, indeed, in abilities for governing ; and his en- deavour to obtain the management of the whole empire, arose, perhaps, from the conviction that it was necessary he should have it. He could not, however, gain his object by intrigue ; for after the murder of Rufinus ; 395, he found a still more powerful op- ponent in the eunuch Eutropius, his successor in the east. Un- der the regency of Stilico, Gaul, in consequence of its troops being withdrawn to oppose Alaric, 400, was inundated by German tribes by Vandals, Alani, and Suevi who from thence penetrated even into Spain. Nevertheless, he preserved Italy from their attacks by the victory which he gained, 403, over AJaric at Verona ; and again over Radagaisus, 405, who had ad- vanced with other German hordes as far as Florence. But Stilico, having entered into a secret alliance with Alaric, for the purpose of wresting eastern Illyrica from the empire of the east, was overreached by the intrigues of the new favourite Olympius, whose cabal knew how to take advantage of the weakness of Honorius, and of the jealousy of the Roman and foreign soldiers. Stilico was accused of aspiring to the throne, and was executed August 23, 408. Rome lost in him the only general that was left to defend her. Alaric invaded Italy the same year, 408, and the besieged Rome was obliged to purchase peace ; the condi- tions, however, not being fulfilled, he was again, 409, before Rome, became master of the city, and created Attains, the prae- fect of the city, emperor instead of Honorius, who had shut him- self up in Ravenna. In 410 he assumed the diadem ; and, making himself master of the city by force, gave it up to be plundered by his troops. Soon afterwards, while projecting the capture of Sicily and Africa, he died in lower Italy. His brother- in-law and successor, Adolphus, together with his Goths, left Italy, now completely exhausted, 412, went into Gaul, and from BOOK v. FROM DIOCLETIAN TO A. C. 476. 471 thence proceeding into Spain, founded there the empire of the FOURTH Visigoths : he carried with him, however, Placidia the sister of Honorius, either as prisoner or as hostage, and married her in Gaul. During these events an usurper arose in Britain and Gaul named Constantine, 407: he was vanquished, and put to death, 411, by Constantius, one of Honorius's generals. This latter prince not only gave Constantius his sister Placidia, who had become a widow and was restored in 41 7> in marriage, but also named him Augustus in 421. He died, however, a few months after, so that Placidia henceforward had a considerable share in the government. She went nevertheless, 423, to Con- stantinople, where she remained until the death of Honorius. j" FL Stilico, or the Wallenstein of Antiquity, by CHR. FR. SCHULZE, 1805. Not written by way of comparison. 22. In this manner was a great part of Spain, and part of Gaul, cut off from the Roman empire during the reign of Honorius. After his death 423. the secretary John usurped the government, but was defeated by the eastern emperor Theodosius 425. II. The nephew of Honorius, Valentinian III. avaientinian minor (aged 6 36), was then raised to the throne, 455. 425 ~ under the guardian care of his mother Placidia (f 450). Under his miserable reign the western empire was stripped of almost all her provinces with the exception of Italy. Yet the govern- ment of his mother, and afterwards his own inca- pacity, were as much the cause as the stormy migration of barbarous tribes, which now con- vulsed all Europe. Britain had been voluntarily left by the Romans since 427- In Africa, the governor Boniface having been driven into rebel- lion by the intrigues of the Roman general ^Etius, who possessed the ear of Placidia, invited the Vandals from Spain, under the command of Geriseric, to come to his assistance. The latter then obtained possession of the country, 429 439 ; indeed, even as early as 435, Valentinian was obliged to make a formal cession of it to them. Valentinian's wife Eudoxia, a Grecian princess, 472 ROMAN STATE BOOK v, FOURTH was purchased by the cession of western Illyricum (Pannonia, PERIOD- Dalmatia, and Noricum) ; so that of all the countries south of the Danube there now only remained those which belonged to the prefecture of Italy : Rhaetia and Vindelicia. On the south- east of Gaul was formed, 435, the kingdom of the Burgundians, which, besides the south-east part of France, comprised also Switzerland and Savoy. The south-west was under the domi- nion of the Visigoths. There remained only the territory north of the Loire which still submitted to the Roman governors ; the last of whom, Syagrius, survived the fall of the empire itself; holding out till the year 486, when he was defeated near Soissons by Clodovicus, or Clovis, king of the Franks. The Huns. 23. But while the western empire seemed thus of itself almost to fall to pieces, another impetuous rush of nations took place, which threatened the whole of western Europe. The victorious hordes of Huns who now occupied the territory formerly the seat of the Goths, between the Don and the Theiss, and even as far as the Volga, had united themselves, since the year 444, under one com- Attiia. mon chief, Attila ; who, by this union and his own superior talents as a warrior and ruler, be- came the most powerful prince of his time. The eastern empire having bought a peace by paying 450. him a yearly tribute, he fell with a mighty army upon the western provinces. The united forces, however, of the Romans under .ZEtius and the Vi- sigoths, obliged him near Chalons (in campis Ca- 451. talaunicis) to retreat. Nevertheless, the follow- ing year he again invaded Italy, where he had a secret understanding with the licentious Honoria, 453. Valentinian's sister. The cause of his second re- treat, which was soon followed by his death, is unknown. The miserable Valentinian soon after deprived the Roman empire of its best general, 454. being led by his suspicions to put .ZEtius to death. BOOK v. FROM DIOCLETIAN TO A. C. 475. 473 He himself, however, was soon doomed to un- FOURTH dergo the punishment of his debaucheries, being - murdered in a conspiracy formed by Petronius Maximus, whose wife he had dishonoured, and some friends of ^Etius, whom he had executed. 24. The twenty years which intervened be- tween the assassination of Valentinian, and the final destruction of the Roman empire in the west, was nearly one continued series of intestine revolutions. No less than nine sovereigns rapidly succeeded one another. These changes, indeed, were but of little importance in this troublesome period, compared to the terror with which Gen- seric king of the Vandals filled the Roman em- pire : he by his naval power having become mas- ter of the Mediterranean and Sicily, could ravage the coasts of the defenceless Italy at his pleasure, and even capture Rome itself. While in Italy, the German Ricimer, general of the foreign troops in Roman pay, permitted a series of emperors to reign in his name. It would have been his lot to put an end to this series of Augusti, but for mere accident, which reserved that glory for his son and successor, Odoacer, four years after his fa- ther's death. After the death of Valentinian, Maximus was proclaimed em- peror ; but as he wished to compel Eudoxia, Valentinian's widow, to marry him, she called over Genseric from Africa, who took and pillaged Rome, and Maximus perished after a reign of three months, 455. He was succeeded by M. Avitus, who ascended the throne at Aries ; and he again was soon deposed by Ricimer, 456, who, just before, had defeated the fleet of the Vandals. Ricimer now placed upon the throne, first Julianus Majorianus, April 1, 457 ; but he, having distinguished himself in the wars against the Vandals, 461, was set aside, and Libius Severus put in his place, who, however, died in 465, probably of 474 FROM DIOCLETIAN TO A. C. 475. BOOK v. FOURTH poison. His death was followed by an interregnum of two years, PERIOD, during which Ricimer ruled, though without the title of em- peror. At length the patrician Anthemius, then at Constan- tinople (where they never gave up their pretensions to the right of naming or confirming the sovereigns of the west), was, though not without the consent of the powerful Ricimer, named emperor of the west, April 12, 467, by the emperor Leo. But differences having arisen between him and Ricimer, the latter retired to Milan, 469, and commenced a war, in which he took and pil- laged Rome, and Anthemius was slain. Ricimer himself fol- lowed soon after, f Aug. 18, 472. Upon this, Anicius Olybrius, son-in-law of Valentinian III. was proclaimed Augustus, but dying in three months, Oct. 472, Glycerius assumed the purple at Ravenna, without, however, being acknowledged at Constan- tinople, where they in preference named Julius Nepos Augustus. The latter, in 474, having expelled Glycerius, became also in his turn expelled by his own general Orestes, 475, who gave the diadem to his son Romulus Momyllus, who, as the last in the succession of Augusti, acquired the surname of Augustulus. In 476, however, Odoacer, the leader of the Germans in the Roman pay at Rome, sent him, after the execution of Orestes, into cap- tivity, and allowed him a pension. Odoacer now remained master of Italy till the year 492, when the Ostrogoths, under their king Theodoric, founded there a new empire. 25. Thus fell the Roman empire of the west, while that of the east, pressed on every side, and in a situation almost similar, endured a thousand years, notwithstanding its intestine broils, which would alone have sufficed to destroy any other, and the hosts of barbarians who attacked it during the middle ages. The impregnable situa- tion of its capital, which usually decides the fate of such kingdoms, joined to its despotism, which is not unfrequently the main support of a king- dom in its decline, can alone, in some measure, explain a phenomenon which has no equal in the history of the world. APPENDIX. CHRONOLOGY OF HERODOTUS TO THE TIME OF CYRUS, EX- TRACTED FROM THE RESEARCHES OF M. VOLNEY. See Preface. ALTHOUGH Herodotus did not write his work in chronological order, yet we cannot doubt that he had some general plan of computing time. By carefully selecting and comparing the separate data scattered through his work, this plan to a certain extent may be traced out, and early his- tory, with regard to settled chronology, must ne- cessarily gain a good deal. The following essay is founded upon a procedure of this kind ; it is drawn entirely from Herodotus, and only from data which he has precisely determined, the pas- sages of his work being always referred to. The year B. C. 561, in which the fall of Asty- ages and the Median empire took place, as may be proved from Herodotus himself, is a fixed point of time from which we may ascend into higher antiquity. This point of time may be determined by the chronological data respecting the battle of Marathon, four years before the death of Darius (Herodotus VII. 1. 4.) agreeing with the general data of the Greeks, who fix it in the third year of the 72nd Olymp. B. C. 490. By adding to this the thirty-two years of Darius's reign that had already elapsed (Herodotus, ibid.), the eight months of Smerdis (Herodotus, III. 68.), the seven years and five months of Cambyses (He- 476 APPENDIX. rodotus III. 66.), and the twenty-nine years of Cyrus (Herodotus, I. 214.), we obtain the year 560 as the first year of Cyrus. I. CHRONOLOGY OF THE MEDIAN EMPIRE. B. c. End of the Median empire 561 . Duration of the Median empire one hundred and fifty-six years (Herodotus, I, 130.) The beginning of it, therefore, after their separation from the Assyrians, would be .... 717- In this period, at first, six years of anarchy 3 . . J16 710. Reign of Deioces fifty-three years (Herodotus, 1. 102.) 710 657- Reign of Phraortes, twenty-two years (ibid.) . . 657 635. Cyaxares, forty years (I. 106.) . . .... 635595. Irruption and dominion of the Scythians, twenty- eight years (I. 203. 106.) 625598. Conquest of Nineveh (I. 106.) . . . . 597- Astyages reigned thirty-five years (I. 130.) .:,' . 595 561. The succession of Median kings given by Cte- sias, which entirely differs from this, the author thinks might be explained by a duplication ; see t Gott. Gel. Anz. 1810, p. 4. II. CHRONOLOGY OF THE ASSYRIAN EMPIRE. The dominion of the Assyrians over Asia, or their empire, ended with the revolt of the Medes (Herodotus, I. 95.); although the existence of their state did not then end, but terminated with the capture of Nineveh by Cyaxares, B. C. 597. B. C. Revolt of the Medes, as above .... 717- The dominion of the Assyrians had endured five hundred and twenty years (Herodotus, I. 95.) The Assyrian empire lasted therefore from . . 1237 717- a These are certainly not determined from Herodotus ; but they remain after subtracting the one hundred and fifty years' reign of the four Median kings. APPENDIX. 477 As Herodotus intended to write the history of this empire in a separate work (I. 184.), he only casually mentions (I. 7.) its founder Ninus, who began to reign 1237; and afterwards Sennacherib and his expedition (II. 141.); and the last king, Sardanapalus (II. 150.). The mention of Sennacherib and his expedition furnishes a point of time for comparing the chro- nology of Herodotus with that of the Bible, or the Jews. According to the latter, Sennacherib's ex- pedition took place B. C. 714. (see above, p. 26.); his death takes place immediately after, and he has for his successor Esar-haddon, 2 Kings, xix. 37. Here then is certainly a contradiction, since, according to Herodotus, the Assyrian dominion had ceased three years before, namely, 717. M. Volney endeavours to reconcile this difficulty by the restoration of an ancient reading in the sacred text ; according to which Amon, king of Judaea, reigned twelve years instead of two (2 Kings, xxi. 10.); from which it would follow, that the expedition of Sennacherib took place in 724. As this would leave seven years after his death for his successor Esar-haddon, who agrees both in time and name with the Sardanapalus of the Greeks (the Greek name being formed from Esar-haddon-pal, i. e. Esar, the lord, son of Pal), the two chronologies are thus made to agree exactly. But even in following the ancient usual reading, the greatest difference between the two statements is only ten years ; quite as little as can be reasonably expected under such circumstances. With regard to the Assyrian chronology of 478 APPENDIX. Ctesias, M. Volney has satisfactorily shown that it is full of contradictions, and unworthy of any credit. III. CHRONOLOGY OF THE LYDIAN EMPIRE. The arrangement of the Lydian chronology rests upon the settlement of two principal facts : first, the great eclipse of the sun under Alyattes, foretold by Thales (Herodotus, I. 74.); and secondly, the conquest of Sardes, and overthrow of the empire under Croesus, by Cyrus ; both of which Herodotus certainly mentions, but without assigning any precise date. But by a careful com- parison of all the data it has been proved, that the great eclipse in Asia Minor (according to the Tables of Pingre") happened in the year 625; and the conquest of Sardes, and the end of the Lydian empire, B. C. 557, or in the fourth year of Cyrus. Therefore : B. C. End of the Lydian empire 557- It subsisted under three houses ; under that of the Atyadae (fabulous and uncertain); under that of the Heraclidae, five hundred and five years (Herodotus, I. 7.) ; and under the last, that of the Mermnadae, one hundred and seventy years. The Heraclidae and Mermnadae, then, reigned altogether six hundred and seventy-five years. Therefore : B. C. Commencement of the reign of the Heraclidae, with Agron the son of Ninus (1. 7-) 1232. End of this house with the murder of Candaules, by Gyges . . 727- By fixing the time of Agron, son of Ninus, APPENDIX. 479 Herodotus verifies himself (I. 7.) ; as, by the pre- ceding data, Ninus began his reign in Assyria, 1237 ; consequently, it must have been in the fifth year of his reign that he conquered Lydia, and placed his son Agron upon the throne. B.C. Dominion of the Mermnadse, one hundred and se- venty years, under kings of that house . . . 727 557- Gyges, thirty-eight years (Herodotus, I. 14.) . . 727 689. Ardys, forty-nine years (Herodotus, I. 16.) . . 689 640. First irruption of the Cimmerians .... 670. Sadyattes, twelve years (Herodotus, I. 16.) . . 640 628. Alyattes, fifty-seven years (Herodotus, I. 25.) . . 628 571- War with Cyaxares, ending with the great eclipse, and second irruption of the Cimmerians . . 625. Croesus, fourteen years and fourteen days (Herodotus, 1. 86.) . . . . . . . . 571-557. IV. CHRONOLOGY OF THE BABYLONIANS. For this as well as for the Egyptians there is no evidence to guide us, the data being very scanty, and taken from Herodotus alone. The chronology of the Babylonians, according to the canon of Ptolemy, begins with Nabonassar, 747, who was succeeded by twelve kings (mentioned in the same canon), down to Nabopolassar ; (see above, p. 28.) B.C. Nabopolassar 627604. Nebuchadnezzar 604 561. Evil-Merodach 561559. Neriglissar . . . . . . . . 559 555. Labynetus . 555 538. Conquest of Babylon by Cyrus .... 538. 480 APPENDIX. V. CHRONOLOGY OF THE EGYPTIANS. M. Volney very properly commences this with the dodecarchy as of the earlier periods only the time of Sesostris, 1365, is ascertained; and arranges it in the following manner. B.C. Dodecarchy ........ 671 656. Psammetichus's sole dominion thirty-nine years . 656 617- Reign of Neco, sixteen years . . . . 617 601. Psammis, six years . ... . 601 595. Apries, twenty-five years . ... . 595 570. Amasis, forty- four years . . . . 570 526. Psammenitus, six months . . . . 525. Conquest of Egypt by Cambyses . _o fl C en S-o (N H 's W o Q S Z - hJ ^ a CO <{ O _^ *- >< o 31 2 g p *! U I 1 - - S P. .2 f j 3 C3 O 51 o a 8 O PH "o w2 a ."o .s ^ o ., , < o s 00 t> o ^ 81 t. "o 1-1 1 1 * en II f s J be J3 * Ml .5 H O 3 ^ B < 'E 2u p'o g S' O Ol '. ' hj 1 "^ ?T ^ w SELEUCID^. emetrius Poliorcetes. married Antigonu !> o" Jl 1. Stratonice athes IV. of Cappad ANTIOCHUS II! ,ed Laodice, daughtei ' I 'CO ANTIOCHUS SIDETJ ied his daughter-in-h _A. ANTIOCHUS CYZIC ied Cleopatra, daugh ANTIOCHUS EUSEB married Cleopatra A 1 S W * H .2 .5 -f- J; M E p g io o | a i % g o e ^ a G H o M H ^ ^ s -o 01 B 4 PH rj 03 ^^ Q ^S[j . 2 P< P o Jj CO W < x J a o S rf p P *- W ^ 8 13 a '1 PH o 1 "* P J5 PH j=i |- U O II. GENEALOGICAL TA SELEUCUS I. married, 1. Apame. 2. Stratoni Ol 1 a o a <1 c*^' CO CN . -^ ^ tf-2 S-? .! 5 -- . J3 M o-< S S a M P L. I. THEOS t 247. v. 2. Berenice, daughter of Ptol. Phil A 1. 1. CALLINICUS t 227. Antiochus Andromachus, father of Achaeus. CERAUNUS t 224. Stratonice married Mithridates IV. IV. PHILOPATOR t 176. ANTIOCHUS d his sister Laodice. t 1( Laodice ANTIOCH ied Perseus king of Maced. ATOR t 126. tol. Philom. 2. Rhodogyne. ANTIOCHUS GRYPHUS t 97. ried Cleopatra Selene, daughter of Ptol a S u 3 . . CO PH 'pH 3 CO P. CO P-IH- H H If M B a s _ n. " * . u ** * dj s 2 "o *- *~ ^ ' ' PH bo *^ CO ..S "*"" >4 O 2 H rt PH c ^ r a bo O ~ C rH o . o 1 3 o ,^ OO o o ^ 1 ' * ^i o -i u .H ^ o | _8 rt aj CO -l CO ^ B | ^" s -| S ^ 2 . 'bb 11 3 M w ^ a o> 8H - 3 LEMIES. 3. Concubines, a o H 3 .2Js c ^

o H Koo 2 -.' "*~ H-5 r " < & rf ^ *0 rt f l*H . 13' .2 S3 -2 III. GENEALOGICAL TAI PXOLEMY I. son ried, 1. Eurydice, daughter of Antip ----- 2. 279. PXOL. II. PHILADELPH ia. married, 1. Arsinoe, daughter 2. His sister Arsir A PXOL. III. EVERGEXES t 221. ried Berenice, daughter of Magas. PHILOPAXOR t 204. Magai . His sister Arsinoe. Agathoclea.) -v HIPHANES t 181. ghter of Antiochus the Great. "C S ctf rt O o 5 *- CS II lunger. 2. PXOL. VIIT. LAXHYRUS t married, 1, 2. his two siste (3. Concubines.) 3. PTOL. AULEXES t 51. Ptol. of married, 1. His sister Cleop. f 5 2. Unknown. A. 1. 2. AXRA f 30. PXOL. DlONYSIUi L. 2. her brothers. married Cleopa Ksar.) 4. Antony. a o 3 m^* 9 PH p wU y 09 CH *^ g ^ a ^* r ^ P^ ^ ^ tH U C *^ ^ 3 *> m HH ^ ^ c ^ JH 'f^ oi CO . CO CO * (13 3 c a ,- s -l Simon, and ethnar Hyrcanus t X O ,2 S gl < ^2 e oTT3 S to _C bo ^ S, r H J3 'S 03 s . -^ I.N 3 4/5 bc^< t- ~\ g 3 * ^J * . foJ -o^d ^ "*~* * i it . * HH . a> 'C ^ -rt ^ O "1 3 g _o <5 *" 2 '*~ 2 *" S - 8J ^ 'a 00 K ^ K "I 1* II IM -a ! Z bN * Id a < f 9 1 ^ H M 2 *5 '> o 9 S c; ^ ,> t3 2 .13 O it- O ejCQ 10 d ^^ g 2 i Julia married Ace cia 1 42. marri ^ po o _,_ d E u O ^N | 3 S 1 cO B w, a o fN "*~ 11 J 2" K CJ ^4 H >>S S >-3 &, ^ jj . Jd" H M jf .2-^g, ^ " ||| o -M S C5 -> M ^^ M O i (2 if M 8 _2 g ^ Ir marri jja m p M S ol ^ .a " g y "s ^ > >-> o Sb -^ H t 3 S O a ^" a-s .2'c gs s fl ll-i Nero Cl marrie a S5"3 o S| ^ So 1^. S'S * ^ CS o s 5J3.S" - So 550 1 . 3 a . 880 ! ji s - 5 ! B p ^ c c E 3 -, a H - O ij ^ o I a 3 | 5 KT< S 5- H-T xl o t: "1 c . z.S nS H J_ O ^' 2 co SB LIBRARY