NRLF PALEQ. LIBRARY Index Testaceologicus ; OR A CATALOGUE OF SHELLS, BRITISH AND FOREIGN, ARRANGED ACCORDING TO THE 1LINNEAN SYSTEM; WITH THE LATIN AND ENGLISH NAMES, REFERENCES TO AUTHORS, AND PLACES WHERE FOUND.- ILLUSTRATED WITH 2300 FIGURES. BY W. WOOD, F.R.S. & L.S. AUTHOR OF ZOOGRAPHY, GENERAL COXCHOLOGY, ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE LINNEAN GENERA OF INSECTS, &C. SECOND EDITION, ' ' ->\* ! "! ! "i"* I ' >"* '* >3 3."* 5-: 5 .' i\i.' :*^; ^:*. > LONDON: PRINTED FOR W. WOOD, 428, STRAND. 1828. AI.ERE IFLAMMAAI. ftS* -.. LONDON: PRINTED BY RICHARD TAYLOR, RED LION COURT, FLEET STREET. r 'rL,' fr c ,f e' ? %* 1^1." ^P^ QL404- PALEO. LIBRARY PREFACE. A BOOK containing a sufficient number of figures to assist con- chologists in the determination of the shells they may occasionally acquire, has long been a desideratum. We have, it is true, the extensive work of Martini and Chem- nitz, the more confined publications of Knorr, of Gaultieri, of Rugenfuss, Lister, Rumphius, Petiver, and others; but in no instance, except the first-mentioned, has any attempt been made to include a figure of every species. The great expense attending such publications, and the want of sufficient encouragement in purchasers, has hitherto operated to prevent the accomplish- ment of so desirable an undertaking. It has therefore been the endeavour of the Author, in the absence of larger and more costly publications, to supply their place by a work which will incorpo- rate in one volume figures of all the known shells, reduced indeed to a small size, but with a degree of accuracy that it is hoped, will not only enable the conchologist to fix upon any particular species he may wish to define, but also to arrange his collection by inspec- tion, without the trouble of consulting other publications on the subject. a<2 M545971 IV PREFACE. The plan followed in the present undertaking has been to give one characteristic figure of each species, and the arrangement adopted has been that of LinnaBus. The Author is well aware that in this age of general novelty he shall be censured by the young, and perhaps by the experienced conchologist, for adhering too tenaciously to the principles of his early master ; but let it be remembered, that all systems built on artificial foundations must be liable to objection, and that it still remains to be proved whether the present innovators had not better have trusted to the Linnean method, with such additions and divisions as its great author might be supposed to have made had he now been living, than by an extreme multiplication of the genera, rather to increase than remove the difficulty of determining the species. With a desire in some measure to accommodate those who have adopted the French arrangement, the Author has added the divisions of Lamarck, referring his genera to the figures in the Index Testaceologicus. It may not be improper to remark that all the plates (with the exception of the first six by that excellent artist the late Mr. Sowerby) have been executed under the immediate inspection of the Author, and every attention paid to make the figures as accu- rate as possible. To accomplish this purpose recourse has always been had to the shells whenever they could be procured, so that the figures are for the most part original. And here the Author has great pleasure in acknowledging his obligation to JVI rs. Mawe, Mr. J. and Mr. G. B. Sowerby, who with their usual liberality have allowed him the free use of their extensive collections towards the completion of his task. PREFACE. v Each page of the Index is divided into five columns. The first contains the Linnean names : the second, a reference to the page in Gmelin's enlarged edition of the Sy sterna Natures , where the descriptions of such shells as were noticed by that editor will be found. The English names occupy the third column : the fourth refers to some of the principal authors whose figures have an esta- blished reputation ; and in the fifth division will be seen the name of the place where every shell is to be found. The figures of Montagu and Donovan have been constantly quoted for the British shells, and where the species is confined to Britain, the word alone is mentioned ; but where it occurs also in other parts of the world, it is denoted by " Britain, &c." Thus the shells that have been observed on our coasts will be immediately detected. With regard to the Plates, it must be noticed that several shells have been named by authors without any reference to figures, and which are too obscurely described to be identified. This will account for the gaps which occasionally appear in the numbering of the plates. Thus in Plate I. we pass from No. 27 to 29 ; in Plate II. from 17 to 1Q, and from 21 to 23, &c. It must also be noticed, that in some instances the figures are misplaced, such as No. 23 of Plate I., the engraver having forgotten it till he had finished No. 37. As a guide to the comparative size of the different shells, a mark or a letter of the alphabet is added after the number engraved on the plate. Thus + indicates a shell half an inch long ; + three- quarters of an inch ; a an inch; a an inch and a quarter; a + an inch and a half ; a + an inch and three-quarters; b two inches ; VI PREFACE. c three inches, and so on : n denotes shells of the natural size ; and m such as are magnified. Thus in Plate I. figure 15 is an inch long; fig. 16, an inch and a quarter; fig. 4, an inch and a half; fig. 1, two inches ; fig. 27, three-quarters of an inch ; fig. 29, the natural size. In the genus Nautilus, Plate 13, all the figures, except three, are magnified. A SYNOPSIS OF THE LINNEAN GENERA, 1. CHITON. Plate 1. Animal, a Lophyrus. Shell, multivalve (valves or plates), generally eight, arranged longitu- dinally ; moveable on each other, like the joints in the tail of a lobster ; connected by a projecting coriaceous border, which is either plain, spinous, or scaly. 2. LEP AS. Plate 1. Animal, a Triton. Shell, multivalve, either conical or compressed, formed of several valves : the conical shells are sessile, strongly fixed at the base, and the valves are articulated or joined to each other by delicate sutures. The compressed shells are not articulated, but con- nected by a membrane, and supported on a flexible retractile pedicle. 3. PHOLAS. Plate 2. Animal, an Ascidia. Shell, multivalve, consisting of two principal valves, with several smaller accessory valves on the hinge. Hinge recurved, united by a cartilage, and having a strong incurved tooth in one valve. Shell always gaping at one end, generally at both. viii A SYNOPSIS OF 4. MYA. Plate 2. Animal, an Ascidia. Shell, bivalve, generally gaping at one end. Hinge, for the most part, with a single solid, thick, broad tooth, strongly attached by carti- lage, but not inserted into the opposite valve. 5. SOLEN. Plate 3. Animal, an Ascidia. Shell, bivalve, equi valve, elongated transversely ; open at both ends. Hinge with an awl-shaped reflex tooth, often double ; not in- serted into the opposite valve. 6. TELLINA. Plate 3. Animal, a Tethys. Shell, bivalve, generally flattish, sometimes orbicular, anterior end often produced into an angular beak. Hinge usually with three teeth ; lateral teeth in one of the valves flat ; often remote. 7. CARDIUM. Plate 5. Animal, a Tethys. Shell, bivalve, equivalve, nearly equilateral, somewhat heart-shaped, ribbed longitudinally ; beaks prominent, valves toothed or plaited on their internal margin. Hinge with four teeth in each valve ; the two cardinal teeth near together, and alternating with the op- posite ; the two lateral teeth remote and inserted. 8. MACTRA. Plate 6. Animal, a Tethys. Shell, bivalve, valves unequal at the sides ; subtriangular ; beaks pro- minent. Hinge with the middle tooth spoon-shaped, having a small cavity on each side ; lateral teeth remote, locking into the opposite valves. THE LINNEAN GENERA. ix 9. DONAX. Plate 6. Animal, a Tethys. Shell, bivalve, equivalve, of unequal sides, the anterior side very short and very obtuse; generally crenulated on the margin. Hinge with two cardinal teeth, either on each valve, or on one only : a single remote lateral tooth in the posterior side. 10. VENUS. Plate 7. Animal, a Tethys. Shell, bivalve, equivalve, with a heart-shaped depression on the carti- lage slope. Hinge with three approximate teeth in each valve, the lateral ones inclining a little outwards. 11. SPONDYLUS. Plate 9. Animal, a Tethys. Shell, bivalve ; valves unequal, eared, spiny or rugged ; one convex, the other rather flat and adherent. Hinge with two strong re- curved teeth in each valve, and an intermediate hollow for the ligament. 12. CHAMA. Plate 9. Animal, a Tethys. Shell, bivalve, irregular ; beaks recurved, unequal. Hinge with a single oblique tooth, thick and coarse ; articulated into a cavity in the opposite valve. Two muscular impressions in each valve. 13. ARC A. Plate 9. Animal, a Tethys. Shell, bivalve, equivalve ; beaks prominent, and separated by a chan- nel. Hinge, composed of numerous teeth, inserted into the in- terstices of the opposite valve. Muscular impressions two in each valve. A SYNOPSIS OF 14. OSTREA. Plate 10. Animal, a Tethys. Shelly bivalve, irregular ; valves unequal and somewhat eared. Hinge without teeth, but having a strong elastic ligament inserted into a hollow in the valves. 15. ANOMIA, Plate 11. Animal, a Tethys ? Shell, bivalve ; fixed, and irregular ; valves unequal, the lower one with a hole at the base, which is stopped by a testaceous plug at the will of the animal. Hinge without teeth, valves united by ligaments. 16. MYTILUS. Plate 12. Animal, an Ascidia ? Shell, bivalve, equivalve, fixed by a silky byssus ; the beaks nearly strait, terminal and pointed. Hinge lateral, generally without teeth. Ligament marginal ; muscular impression long and sub- lateral. 17. PINNA. Plate 12. ' Animal, a Limax. Shell, bivalve, equivalve, wedge-shaped, gaping at the summit, pointed at the base ; beaks strait. Hinge lateral, without teeth, ligamen t marginal, linear, and very long. 18. ARGONAUT A Plate 13. Animal, a Clio. Shell, univalve, unilocular> involute, boat-shaped; very thin. Spire double-keeled, tuberculated. THE LINNEAN GENERA. xi 19. NAUTILUS. Plate 13. Animal, a Cephalopode ? Shell, univalve, spiral, multilocular, the chambers formed by transverse divisions, which are concave, and communicate with each other by a small tubular aperture. 20. CONUS. Plate 14. Animal, a Limax. Shell, univalve, convoluted, turbinated : aperture longitudinal, linear, without teeth, terminated at the summit by a slope ; base entire : pillar smooth. 21. CYPRjEA. Plate 17. Animal, a Limax. Shell, univalve, involuted, suboval, obtuse, smooth ; aperture longi- tudinal, linear, toothed or wrinkled on both sides ; base strait and open. 22. BULLA. Plate 18. Animal, a Limax. Shell, univalve, convoluted, without teeth, oval ; aperture for the most part the whole length of the shell, entire at the base : often with- out any spire. 23. VOLUTA. Plate 19. Animal, a Limax. Shell, univalve, oval, more or less ventricose, spiral : aperture sloping and without a canal : pillar plaited, the lower plaits the largest and most oblique. xii A SYNOPSIS OF 24. BUCCINUM. Plate 22. Animal, a Limax. Shell, univalve, spiral, gibbous ; aperture ovate, ending in a short canal leaning to the right, with a beak or projection turned back- wards : pillar-lip expanded. 25. STROMBUS. Plate 24. Animal, a Limax. Shell, univalve, spiral, ventricose ; aperture dilated and terminating in a canal leading to the left : outer lip mostly expanding with age into a wing, or into long and pointed claws. 26. MUREX. Plate 25. Animal, a Limax. Shell, univalve, spiral, oval, or oblong : channeled at the base ; canal strait and entire, sometimes slightly reflected. Externally studded with spines, tubercles, or folds. 27. TROCHUS. Plate 28. Animal, a Limax. Shell, univalve, conical, spiral ; aperture more or less angular, trans- versely contracted : pillar placed obliquely. 28. TURBO. Plate 30. Animal, a Limax. Shell, univalve, spiral, solid ; aperture contracted, orbicular, entire. 29. HELIX. Plate 32. Animal, a Limax. Shell, univalve, spiral, subdiaphanous, brittle; aperture entire, con- tracted, semilunar or roundish. THE LINNEAN GENERA. xiii 30. NERITA. Plate 35. Animal, a Limax. Shell, univalve, solid, somewhat globular, flat beneath ; aperture semi- orbicular : pillar-lip oblique relative to the axis of the shell, flat- tish, truncate, and often toothed ; inner lip frequently toothed or crenulated. 31. HALIOTIS. Plate 36. Animal, a Limax. Shell, univalve, ear-shaped, generally flattish ; spire lateral, very short ; aperture nearly as large as the shell ; disk perforated by a row of pores in a line parallel to the edge. 32. PATELLA. Plate 37. Animal, a Limax. Shell, univalve, more or less conic, without a spire. 33. DENTALIUM. Plate 38. Animal, a Terebella. Shell, univalve, tubular, slightly arched, lessening insensibly towards the extremity, and open at both ends. 34. SERPULA. Plate 38. Animal, a Terebella. Shell, univalve, tubular, generally affixed to other bodies, open only at the anterior extremity. xiv A SYNOPSIS OF THE LINNEAN GENERA. 35. TEREDO. Plate 38. Animal, a Terebella. Shell, a cylindrical tube, taper, and flexuous : two testaceous hemi- spherical valves, truncated on the fore part, and wholly indepen- dent of the tube, are attached to the head of the animal. There are also two lanceolate valves near the tail. LAMARCK'S DIVISIONS OF THE LINNEAN GENERA, REFERRED TO THE FIGURES OF THE INDEX TESTACEOLOGICUS. Linnean Genera, Lamarckian Genera. Chiton Plate. .. 1 Figure. 1 38 1 . Chiton j .. 1 39 10 ,. 1 1 .. 1 2 Balanus .. 1 5 .. 1 16 Cr6iisia 2 30 .. 2 38 .. 2 34 .. 2 43 Otion .. 2 45 3Pln-klae ' ' 1 Pholas .. 2 1 2 11 XVI LAMARCK'S DIVISIONS OF Linnean Genera. 4. Mya Lamarckian Genera. Plate. Mya 2 5. Solen 6. Tellina < 7. Cardium 8. Mactra . 9. Donax 10. Venus 1 1 Spondylus Glycymeris 2 Anatina 3 Corbula 3 Hyria 2 Vulsella 11 fSolen 3 ^ Sanguinolaria 3 L Hiatella 3 f Tellina 4 I Amphidesma 4 ] Pandora 5 Psammobia 4 Cyclas 5 _Cyrena 8 Cardium 5 f Mactra 6 ^ Lutraria 6 LCrassatella 6 f Donax 6 ^ Capsa 6 LPetricola 6 fVenus 8 Venerirupis 8 Corbis 8 Lucina 8 Crassina >. 7 Galatea 7 Cyprina 7 ^Cytherea 7 Spondylus 9 Plicatula . , 9 Figure. 1 41 10 13 40 36 84 3 29 33 26 76 97 36 90 114 154 21 36 16 1 14 21 67 108 65 79 21 48 41 46 1 3 THE LINNEAN GENERA. xvn Linnean Genera. 12. Chama 13. Area 14. Ostrea 15. Anomia 16. Mytilus 17. Pinna 18. Argonauta, Lamarckian Genera. Plate. Figure. fChama 9 18 J Cardita 9 4 J Cypricardia 9 17 j Isocardia 9 1 Tridacna 9 2 ^Hippopus 9 3 fArca 9 2 J Cucullaea 9 16 ] Pectunculus 10 36 (.Nucula 9 27 fOstrea 11 74 Crenatula 11 82 Perna 11 80 Malleus 11 58 } Pedum 11 75 Lima 11 54 Gryphaea 10 1 .Pecten 10 1 f Anomia 11 $ | Placuna 12 30 j Crania 11 1 Orbicula 11 g Terebratula 11 24 ^Hyalaea 11 28 Mytilus 12 28 Saxicava 12 9 Anodon 12 32 Modiola 12 31 Avicula 12 42 .Meleagrina 12 4 Pinna 12 1 20 j Argonauta 13 1 3 7 Carinaria 13 Q b XV111 LAMARCK'S DIVISIONS OF Linnean Genera. Lamarckian Genera. Plate. ("Nautilus , 13 I Orthoceras 13 19. Nautilus ^ Nodosaria 13 I Spirula 13 LCristellaria 14 20. Conus Conus 1416 21. Cypraea Cypraea 17 'Bulla 18 Bullsea 18 Bulimus 34 22. Bulla > Achatina 18 Physa 18 Ovula 18 Terebellum 18 fVoluta 21 Auricula 19 Ancifla 18 Tornatella 19 Turbinella 21 23. Voluta <> Cancellaria 20 Columhella 20 Mitra 21 Marginella 20 Volvaria 19 ^Oliva 19 "Buccinum 22 Concholepas 22 Phasianella 23 Cassidaria 22 Cassis 22 24. Buccinum Purpura 22 Monoceros 22 Harpa 22 Dolium 22 Eburna 23 LTerebra 24 THE LINNEAN GENERA. xix Linnean Genera. 25. Strombus 26. Murex 27. Trochus, Lamarckian Genera. Plate. Figure. fStrombus 25 22 Pirena 25 40 Cerithium 25 39 Rostellaria 24 1 .Pteroceras 24 5 "Murex 25 6 Fasciolaria 27 98 Fusus 26 71 Pyrula 26 82 Struthiolaria 26 62 Ranella 26 44 Triton 27 95 LRicinula 26 47 f Trochus 29 66 I Pyramidella 30 122 ] Solarium 29 62 LRotella 29 78 f Turbo 30 34 j Pupa 31 110 28. Turbo.. . J Clausilia 32 146 j Scalaria 31 88 Delphinula 31 83 LTurritella 32 130 "Helix 33 76 Paludina 34 119 Caracolla 33 4,4, Anostoma 33 26 Bulimus 34 102 Succinia 35 171 29. Helix.. . < Cyd-toma S2 1 - Planorbis 33 55 Lymnaea 35 166 Melania 35 164 Valvata 31 87 Ampullaria 33 71 Janthina 34 1 1 6 .Sigaretus , 35 187 b2 XX DIVISIONS OF THE LINNEAN GENERA. Linnean Genera. Lamarckian Genera. Plate. 80. Nerita 31. Haliotis, 33. Dentalium 34. Serpula 35. Teredo fNerita 36 J Navicella 37 ] Neritina 35 LNatica 31 < Haliotis 36 * Stomatia 36 Patella 37 Lingula 12 Umbrella 38 Parmophora 38 Emarginula 38 . Patella < Fissurella 38 Pileopsis 37 Calyptrsea 37 Crepidula 37 Ancylus 37 Stomatella 37 Dentalium 38 f Serpula 38 j Siliquaria 38 I Spirorbis 38 Vermilia 38 Aspergillum 38 Septaria 38 1-Teredo w Vermetus 38 25 c Teredo 38 2 I Fistulana . .38 4 ABBREVIATIONS. A Adanson's Senegal. B Born, Testacea Musei Ccesarei. Br. E. M. . . Bruguiere in Encyclopedic Methodique, art. Vers. B. E. C. . . . Burrow's Elements of Conchology. C. . . ... Martini et Chemnitz, Historia Conchyliorum. D'Arg. . . . D'Argenville, Conchy liologie. D. C. . . . . Da Costa's British Conchology. D Donovan's Natural History of British Shells. Dr Drapanaud, Histoire Naturelle des Mollusques. E.M. . . . . Encyclopedic Methodique, art. Vers testaces. Fab. F. Gr. . . Fabricius, Fauna Groenlandica. F. Favanne, Conchy liologie, ou Histoire Naturelle des Coquilles. Per. . . . . Ferussac, Histoire Naturelle des Mollusques. F. T. M. . . . Fichtell et Moll, Testacea Microscopica. Geoff. .... Geoffrey, Traite Sommaire des Coquilles. Gm Gmelin, Systema Naturae Linncei. G. Z. . . . . Gronovius, Zoophylacium. G Gualtieri, Index Testarum Conchyliorum. Kcem. Cab. Rudolst. Kammerer, Die Conchylien, fyc. Kl. Ost. . . . Klein, Tentamen Methodi Ostracologicce. K Knorr, Les Delices des Yeux et de VEsprit. L. Z. M. . . Leach's Zoological Miscellany. L. F. S. . . . Linnaeus, Fauna Sucica. L. M Linne, Mantissa altera. L. M. U. . . . Museum Ludovicce Ulrica Suecice Regintz. L. S. N. . . . Systema Nature. Ed. 12. L. T Li /mean Transactions. L Lister, Historia Conchyliorum. xxii ABBREVIATIONS. M. U. C. . . . Martyn's Universal Conchologist. M. Montagu's Testacea Britannica. M. Suppl. . . . Supplement. M. Z. D. . . . Miiller, Zoologia Danica. M. V. . . . . Vermium Terrestrium et Fluviatilium. P. M. Z. . * . Pallas, Miscellanea Zoologica. P. S. Z. ... Spicilegia Zoologica. P. B. Z. . . . Pennant's British Zoology. 1812. P Petiver, Gazophylacium. P. Amb. . . . Amboyna Shells. P. D. C. . . . Pultney's Dorset Catalogue. R Rumphius, Thesaurus Imaginum Piscium Testa- ceorum. S. Conch. . . . Schreiber's Conchy lienkenntniss. S. Einl. . . . Schroter, Einleitung in die Conchylien. S. Erd. . . . Erdkonchylien. S. Fluss. . . . Flussconch. S. N. M. . . . Shaw's Naturalist's Miscellany. Seb. . v V"' . Seba's Museum. W.M.S.. . . Walker's Minute Shells. W. Wood's General Conchology. Fr. w Fresh water. ^ L Land t ^ iese abbreviations occur in the U. '. '. '. '. '. Unknown. J fifth column. DIRECTIONS TO THE BINDER. Plate 1 to face Page 4 Plate 19") Page 2 10 20 S to face .... 102 3 16 2lJ 4 22 22~] 23 > 114 6 32 24j 25 7 .\ 40 26-] 8 5 27 \ 132 9 44 28 I 10 48 29, 1 A Ct 11 .... 54 30 5 12 60 31) 1 ^4, 13 64 32 > 14-1 33 J 34 > 168 15 > 78 ^ \ 16j of)J 36 17 34 ay 18 .... . 88 37 J 38 5 188 CATALOGUE OF SHELLS. MULTIVALVES. Linn, names. Gm. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat. I. CHITON. COAT OF MAIL. 1 squamosus 3203 scaly P. *.!,/, 3. B.t.l,f. 1,2. E. M. t. 162, /. 5, 6. W.t.l,f.l. America. 2 bistriatus 2-striated C.8,f.94,/.788-91. W.p.7. u. 3 fulvus ta.wny C.10,M73,/1691. EM. t. 161,/. 4,5. W.p.7, t.I,f.2. S. America. 4 piceus 3205 pitchy C.8,t. 96,/.807-10. E.M. 1. 163,/. 3-5. JF.p. 8, ?. l,/.3. Red Sea. CHITON. Linn, names. Gm. Engl. names. Synonyms. 1 Habitat. 5 granulatus 3205 granulated C.8,*.96,/.806. W.p.9. W.Indies. 6 aculeatus 3202 prickly C. 10, t. 173, / 1692. R. *. 10,/. 6. E.M.t. 163, /.16. W.p.9. Asia. C. 8, t.95, f. 801. E.M. t. 162,/. 1, 2. W. 1. 1, /4,5. S. Amer. C. 8, *. 95,/. 803-5. A". 4, U7,/. 3,4. E.M.t.162, /.11,12. W.p.lO. W. Indies. 3205 spotted C.8,*.95,/.802. W.p.ll. coated W.p.ll,t.2,f.l. 3206 gigantic C. 8, t. 96, /. 819. . T)/. U61,/.3. 0>.12. Cape of Good Hope. 7 fasciatus 3203 /3 banded 8 marmoratus 3205 marbled 9 maculatus 10 tunicatus 11 Gigas 12 amiculatus 13 castaneus 14 ruber 15 punctatus 16 Indus 17 viridis 18 lineatus 3206 kidney-sh. Kurile Islands. chesnut 3203 red W.p.l3,t. 2,/.2, 3. & *. 3, /2,3. u. C. 8,*. 96,/.813. W.p.ll North Sea. 3203 punctured W.p.U. Seb.3,t.l,f.l32. Asia, Eur., & Amer. 3205 Indian C.8,t. 96,/. 811. W.p.15. W.Indies. green C.10,U73,/1689. EM. U62,/.9. W.p.15. u. striped H^.15,f.2,/.4,5. u. CHITON. 19 fascicularis 3202 tufted Linn, names. Gm. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat. C.10,U73,/1688. E.M. U63,/. 15. M.p.5,t.27. W.p.l6,t.2,f.G. Britain, &c. 20 sulcatus 21 bicolor furrowed 3204 2-coloured W.p.l6,t.3,f.l. South Seas. C. 8, t. 94, /. 794, 5. W.p.ll. ' Indian Seas. 22 cerasinus 3204 cherry C.8,*.94,/.796. W.p.17. u. 23 magellanicus 3204 Magellanic C. 8,t.95,f. 797-8. F.f.74, f.A.l.E.M.t.\60,fA,5. W.t.3,f. 6. Str. of Magellan. 24 fuscus 25 minimus 26 Cimex 27 Asellus 3204 brown 3205 mealy 3206 bug 3206 millepede C.8,*.95,/799,800. E.M. U60,/6,7. W.p.18. E.Indies. C.8,f.96,/814. W.p.19. Norwegian Sea. C.8,^96,/815. W.p.19. Coast of Norway. C. 8, t. 96, f. 816. E.M. U61,/.12. W.p.19. N. Seas. 28 icelandicus 3206 Iceland 29 albus 3204 white 30 marginatus 3206 bordered W.v.20. Iceland. C.8,*.96,/817. L.T.8,t.l, /.4. W.p.20. Britain, &c. P.B.Z.4,,t.39,f.2. M.p.l. L.T.8,t.l,f.2. W.p.2I, t.3,fA. 31 cinereus 3204 ash-coloured B.t.l,f.3. P.B.Z.4>,t.39, f. 3. C. 8,t.96,f. 818. E.M.t.l61,f.ll.M.p.3. W.p.2l,t.3,f.5. B2 4 L E P A S. Linn, names. Gm. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat. 32 laevis 3206 smooth M.p.2. W.p.22. Britain, &c. 33 tuberculatus 3202 tuberculated S. Einl. 3, t. 9, /. 19. W.p.22. S. Amer. 34, tessellatus tessellated C. 10, 1. 173,/.1690. EM. *.162,/.10. W.p.%3. Isle of St. Thomas. 35 crinitus 3206 hairy 36 hispidus 3202 hispid 37 thalassinus 38 spinosus 39 porosus 40 larvaeformis 3206 sea-green spiny porous P.B.Z.4,t.39,f.l. E.M. t. 163,/. 13,14. M.p.4. W.p.23. Scotland. S.Einl.3,p.493,t.9,f. 18. W. p. 24. America. W.p.24. u. B.E.C.p.l85,t.26,fA. u. B.E.C.p.l89,t.28,f.l. u. larva-shaped J B. J E.C.p.l91,t.28,/.2-4. u. II. LEPAS. BARNACLE. 1 tracheaeformis windpipe W.p.31,tA*,f. 1,2,3. On South Sea whales. 2 Diadema 3208 turban 3 balsenaris 3208 whale L.*.445,/288. G.t. 106, /.Q. C.8,.99,/.843-4. E. M. t. 165, / 13, 14. W.p.33,tA. Northern Ocean on whales. P. *.!,/. 11. R.t.U,/.H. C. 8, t. 99, /. 845-6. W.p.35,t.5,f.I-3. North Sea on whales. CHITON. L E P A S. Linn, names. 4 testudinaria Gm. Engl. names. 3209 turtle Synonyms. Habitat. 5 Tintinnabu- 3208 bell lum 6 Scotica 7 rugosa 8 angustata 9 conoides 10 laevis 11 Balanus Scottish wrinkled 12 balanoides 3207 smooth 13 clavata G.t.lQQ,fM. P.t.9,f.9. K.3,t.30,f.3. F.t.59, /.A. 4,5. C. 8, t. 99, /. 847-8. EM. *. 165, /. 17,18. W.p.37,t.5, f. 4. Backs of turtles. Z.*.443,/.285. R.t.4,1, f.A.F.t.59,f.A.2. C. 8,t. 97, f. 828-31. EM. 1. 164,/.5. D.t.US.M. p.10. tr.p.38,t.6,f.l2. East Indies. W.pAQJ.Q,f. 3. Scotland. M.p.S.L. T.8,t. I,/. 5. W.pAl, t.6,fA. Britain, &c. 3212 nar.-mouthedC. 8, t. 98,/. 835. E.M. U64,/. 12. ^.41,f.6, /. 5. Mediterranean. M.p.12. fF.p.42.Z).l,i.30, /.3. Britain. C. 8, <. 97,/. 822. E.M. U64,/2. East Indies. Z..443,/.286. C. 8,*.97, /. 820. E.M.t.l64,f.l. D.t. 30, / 1. M.p.6. W.pA3,tJ,f. 3. Britain, &c. L. t. 444,/.287. C. 8,f.97, /.826. E.M.t.l64,f.3. M.p.7. W.t.7,f.l. 3203 club-shaped C. 8,t. 98, f. 838. E.M. f.164,/7,8. M.p.10. ^./j.45,^.7,/2. conic contracted 3207 common L E P A S. Linn, names. Gm. JEngl. names. Synonyms. Habitat. 14 punctata punctured P. D. C. 1. 1./.10. M.p. 8, t.l,f.5. W.pAG. Britain, &c. 15 costata ribbed M.p. 11. D. t. 30, /. 2. 21 radiata 24 porcata 25 violacea 16 spongiosa sponge M. Suppl. t. 17, /. 4, 5,6. JF.p.47. 17 galeata 3209 helmet S.3,t.9,f.2Q. E.M.t.\65, /.7,8. fT.^.48. 18 Psittacus 3212 parrot-beak. JF.p.49. Chili. 19 spinosa 3213 spiny C.8,*.98,/.840,*.99,/.841. E. M. t. 164, /. 9, 10. JF.jj.49,*.7,/.4,5. East Indies. 20 minor 3212 flesh-colour. C.8,*.97,/.827..M.M64, rayed 22 palmipes 3209 palmated W.p.5l. u. 23 crispata 3214 rugged E.M.t.l64.,fAl. W.p.b\ y *.8,/.l-4. East Indies. ridged W.p.52, t.8,f.5. 3213 violet C.8, i.99,/842. W.p.53. Indian Ocean. 26 patellaris 3213 limpet C.8,*.98,/.839. Coromandel. 27 hemisphaerica hemispherical C. 8, t. 98, /. 833. E.M. U65,/.4-6. W.p.5l. Africa. 28 purpurascens purple-tipped7r.p.55,.9,/.l,2,3. South Seas. 29 porosa -3212 porous C. 8,t. 98,/ 836-7. E.M. 1. 165,/9,10. W.p.56, t.9,fA. East Indies. L E P A S. Linn, names. Gm. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat. 30 Verruca 3212 wart-shaped C. 8, t. 98,/. 834. P.B.Z. 4,*.41, /.I. 31 Stroemia 3214 Norwegian 32 cariosa 3214 carious 33 Mitella 3210 mitre 34 pollicipes 3213 cornucopia 35 Scalpellum 3210 pen-knife 36 fascicularis bladder 37 anserifera 3210 striated 38 anatifera 3211 duck 39 villosa 40 dentata downy toothed M.p.12. W.p.57,t.9, f.5. Britain, &c. W.p.58. Norway. W.p.58. Kurile Islands. C.8,*.100,/.849-50. E.M. U66,/9. W.p.59>t.IO, /.I. Amboyna. Z.f.439,/281. C. 8,100, /. 851-2. E.M. t. 166, /.10,11. W.p. 60, MO, /.2. Mediterranean. G.M06,/.C. E.M.t.166, f.7,8. D.t.166. M.p.18, M,/3. W.p. 61, MO, f.3. Britain, &c. Z.f.439,/.280. E.M.t.166, /.4. Z).U64. M.p.557. W.p.62,t.IO,fA. Britain. Z.^.440,/.283. C.8,MOO, /.856. M.p.16. W.p.64,, <.10,/.5. Britain, &c. G.t.26,f.E. C.8J.853-5. P.B.Z.^t.4,1. E.M. t.l66,f.l.D.t.7.M.p.!5. W.t.ll. E.M.t.I66,f.2. W.p.67. Mediterranean. L. t. 439, /. 282. E.M. U66,/6. #>.67. 8 P H O L A S. Linn, names. Gm. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat. 41 sulcata furrowed M.p.l7,t.l,f.6. W.p.68, f.12,/1. Britain. 42 dorsalis Musquito E.M. *.166,/.5. Musquito coast. 43 vittata ribbon W.p.69, U2,/2,S. Atlantic. 44 membranacea membranous M.Supplp. 164. W.p.7Q. Britain. 45 aurita eared C. 8, t. 100, /. 857-8.,U2,/4. North Seas. III. PHOLAS. PIERCER. 1 Dactylus 3214 prickly 2 orientals 3216 Indian 3 Candida 3215 white 4 costata 3215 ribbed Z.*.433,/.267. G.t.IQ5, /.D. C.8,*.101,/859. D. t. 118. M. p. 20. W.p. 77, J.I 3. Britain, &c. Z.*.431,/.247. C.8,U01, /.860. E.M.t.\.Q8,f. 10. 0>.78,U4,/.l. IndianOcean. Z.<.435,/.278. G.t.W5, /.E. C.8,*.101,/.861. D.t. 132. M.p.25. W. p. 79, 1. 1 4,/ 3,4. Britain, &c. Z.<.434,/.277. G.t.105, /.G, ^.M.^.169,/1,2. C.8,/.863. ?r.p.80,<.15, /. 1,2. E. Indies & America. P H O L A S. Linn, names. Gm. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat. 5 crispata 3216 curled L. t. 436, /. 279. EM. *.169,/.4,5. C.8,U02, /. 872-4. D.t.62. M. p. 23. W.p. 81, t. 15, /. 3-5. Britain, &c. small M.p.22,t.I,f.7,8. W.p.82. P.B.ZA,plA3,f.l. Britain. 3215 striated G. t. 105,/.F. E.M.t.I70, 6 parVa 7 striata -71. D.U17. M.p.26. India & America. 8 falcata hooked W.p.84.,t. 16,/.5-7. u. 9 cordata 3216 heart-shaped E. M. t. 169, /. 8-10. W.p.85. In corallines. 10 Chiloensis 3217 Chili W.p.85. Chili. 11 hians 3217 gaping C. 10,*. 172,/. 1678,1681. W.p.85. . America. 10 MY A. BIVALVES. Linn, names. IV. MYA. 1 truncate 2 arenaria 6 7 globosa 8 arctica Gm. Engl. names. GAPER. 3217 abrupt Synonyms. Habitat. 3218 sand L. t. 428, /. 269. E.M. *.229,/2. C.6,U,/1. P.B.ZA,tA4>. M.p.32. W.p.90,t.l7,f.l,2. Britain, &c. L. t. 418, /. 262. E.M. *.229,/.l. C.6,U,/.3,4. P.B.ZAJA5. D.t.85. M.t.30. W.p.9\,t.l7, 3 convexa 4 declivis 5 praetenuis jy convex W.p.92, 1. 1 8,/. 1 . Britain, sloping ^.;>.93,U8,/.2,3. spoon-hinge P.B.ZA,t.50,f.l. ZU.176. 3221 duck globular 3220 arctic t.24,,f.7-9. C. 6, t.3,f. 13-16. E.M. *.229,/3. W.p.94>. Africa. W.p.95, <.24,/.4-6. u. Jf>.95. North Seas. MY A. 11 Linn, names. Gm. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat. 9 edentula 3220 toothless W.p.96. u. 10 picea pitchy C. 11, t. 198, /. 1934. u. 11 Nicobarica 3221 Nicobar C.6,f.3,/.17,18. W.p.97. Nicobar Islands. 12 rostrata beaked C. 11, p. 198, /. C. D. W.p.97. Bergen. 13 Norwegica 3222 Norway C. 10, M70,/. 1647,1648. 7F.p.98,U8,/.4,5. Norway. 14 membranacea 3222 membranous W.p.98. Iceland. 15 distorta deformed M.pA2,t.l,f.l. Britain. 16 bidentata double-toothedfl/.>.44. W.p.99. - 1 7 decussata decussated. M. . Suppl. p. 20, t. 28, /. 1 . W.p.99. Scotland. 18 purpurea purple M.Suppl.p.2l.W.p.lQO. Britain. 19 ferruginosa rusty 20 nitens glossy M. Suppl.p.165. W.p.lQl. M. Suppl. p. 22, t. 26,/.2. W.p.lOQ. Scotland. 21 prismatica 22 substriata 23 dubia prismatic M. Suppl. p. 23, t. 26, f. 3. JT.j3.101. substriated M. Suppl.p.25. W.p.lQl. Britain. dubious P.B.ZAJA7. D.t.108. M.p.ZS. W.p.l02,t.25, 24 nitida 3222 white W.p.103. Norway. 12 MY A. Linn, names. Gm. 25 Batava Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat. Dutch C. 6, t . I,/. 6. D. 1. 1 74. E.M.t.248/.3. M.p.36. 7F.;>.103,U9/.1,2. Dr. UO/.20,&.21,/.1,2. Britain &c. 26 Pictorum painters 27 ovata 28 crassa 29 nodulosa N 30 margaritifera3219 oval thick knotted pearl 31 corrugata 3221 wrinkled 32 radiata 3220 33 rugosa 3222 34 nodosa 3222 35 spuria 3222 36 syrmatophora3222 radiated rough knobbed spurious angular L. 1. 146, /. 1, & 147,/. 3. ^.M.f.248,/4. P.B.Z. 4,f.46,/.l. ZU.89. M. p.M. 0>.104,*.19,/.3,4. Dr.t.ll,fA. ZU.101. M. p. 34 & 563. JV.p.W5,t.I9,f.5. Dr. t.ll t f.5. W.p. 106,^.20,21. China. Fr. w. JF.p.l06,*.22,/.l-4. u. L.t.U9,fA. C.C>,t.l,f.3. E.M.t.24>9,f.5. P.B.Z. 4,.46,/2. D.t.73. M. p. 33. J.p.W7,t.23, f.l-3. Dr.t.lO t f.S,l6 &19. Britain, &c. C.6,*.3,/.22. .E.M^.248, Coromandel. Fr.w. C.6,t.2,f.7. E.M.t.ZW, f.5. W.p.109. Malabar. Fr.w. C. 10, t. 170, /. 1649. 7F.ja.109. Coromandel. C. 10, t. 170, /. 1650. W.p.llO. ^.210. E.M.t.24>9,f.3. Tranquebar. Fr.w. #>.210. .Z.U8,/.1,2. Guinea. Fr.w. SOLEN. 13 //mn. names. Gm. Engl. names. Synonyms. 37 suborbicularis roundish M. Suppl.t.26,f.6. Habitat. Britain. 38 variabilis variable 39 labiata lipped L. T. 10, t. 24, /. 4-7. W.p.l 1 1 . South America. Fr.w. Z. T. 10, t. 24, /. 1-3. W.p.112. South America. 40 inequivalvis unequal-valved EM. t. 230,/.4. M.p.38. Suppl.t.26,f.7. W. p.H3. Britain, &c. 41 Glycimeris 3222 great L.J.414,/.258. C.6,*.3, /.25. Z).U42. 7F.j9.114, .25. Mediterranean. V. SOLEN. RAZOR. 1 Siliqua 3223 pod L. t. 409, /. 255. EM. *.222,/.2. C.6,*.4,/.29. M.pAQ. W.p.ll8,t.26, /.1, 2. Britain, &c. 2 Novacula Carmarthenshire M.pAT. W.p.ll9. Britain. 3 Vagina 3223 sheath Z.*.410,/256. D.t.lW. W.p.l\9,t.27,f.l. 4 truncatus truncated G.t.95,f. D. E.M.t.122, /.I. C. 6,*.4,/.28. W. p. 121, <.26,/. 3,4,^.27, /.2. American Seas. 5 linearis slender C. 11, 1. 198,/. 1931,1932. 0>.121,f.27,/3. Indian Seas. 14 S O L E N. Linn, names. 6 Ensis Gm. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat. 3224 sword L. t. 41 1,/. 257. EM. t. 223,/. 2,3. C. 6, *. 4, /. 30. P.B.Z. 4, *. 48, /.2. D.t.50. M.p.4S. .l,2. Britain,&c. 7 pellucidus transparent C. 11, t. 198, /. 1940. D. t. 153. M. p. 49. W.p.l23,t.28,f.3. Britain. 8 Legumen 3224 peascod Z..420,/.264. GU.91/.A. E.M.t.225,f.3. C.6,*.5, /.32-34. PJS.Z.4,*.49, /.3. D..58. M.p.50. 9 Cultellus 3224 kidney 10 antiquatus 11 fragilis 12 strigilatus Britain, &c. (7./.90,/. E. Jl/. ^.223, /.4. C.6,*.5 > /.36,37. P. 5. Z. 4, ^. 49, /. 2. W.p.I25,t.29,f.l,2. Amboyna. antiquated C. 6, t. 6,/. 45. P.B.ZA, *.49,/.4. D.U14. M. brittle Britain, &c. C. 11, t. 198, /. 1939. ,/.4,5. Southern Ocean. 3225 strigilated Z.<.416,/.260. G.t.9l,f.C. E.M.t.224,f.3. C.QJ.6, f. 1 Mediterranean. S O L E N. 15 Linn, names. Gm. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat. 13 anatinus 3225 duck-bill CU.6,/.46-8. E.M.t.228 t f.3.W.p.l28J.30,f.2-4>. Indian Ocean. 14 radiatus 3225 rayed 15 Guineensis Guinea Z.*.422,/.266. G.t.91, /.B. E.M.t.225,f.2. C.6,*.5,/.38-40. W. j>.128,*.31,/.l,2. Amboyna. C. 11, t. 198, /. 1937. W.p.129. Coast of Guinea. 16 maximus largest W.p.l29,t.3l,f.3. Sandwichlsl. 17 magnus great C.6,*.5,/.35. W.p.130. Coast of Nicobar. 18 inflexus inflected W.p.l3l,t.32,f.l,2. 19 minimus 3227 little C. 6, t. 5, /. 31. a. b. Tranquebar. 20 Macha 3226 Molini's W.p.132. Chili. 21 virens 3226 green W.p.132. Java. 22 Diphos 3226 violet C.6,*.7,/.53-4. Item 11, .198,/1933. W.p.I33, t.32,f.3. Indian Ocean. 23 roseus 3227 rose-colour. C.6,.7,/55. JT.JU33. Red Sea. 24 striatus 3227 striated C.6,^.7,/57,58. W.p.134. Nicobar Islands. 25 castrensis zig-zag C. 11, t. 198, / 1935-6. W.p. 1 34. Coast of Guinea. 26 biradiatus double-rayed I #>.135,*.33,/.l. u. 16 TELL IN A. Linn, names. Gm. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat. 27 vespertinus 3228 variable CU.7,/.59,60. P.B.ZA, t. 3 8 lower figure &*. 50, f.2. D.tAl t f.2. M. p. 54. W.p. 135, .33, /.2,3. Britain, &c. 28 sanguinolen- 3227 sanguine L.t.397,f. 236. EM. tus *.227,/.l. C.6,.7,/56. Jamaica, &c. 29 occidens 3228 spotted C.6,*.7,/.61. W.p.137. Western Ocean. 30 Spengleri 3228 Spengler's W.p.137. 31 Amethystus amethystine *&,*. !,/,. C.6,UO, /.93. JF.p.l38,.34,/.l. India. 32 variegatus variegated 33 minutus 3226 minute CU.6,/50,51. E.M.t.234>, /.4. M.p.53, t.l,fA. 7F.^.139,J.34,/.5,6. Britain. 34 squamosus scale-like M.p.565. W.p.140. 35 Pinna semi-oval P. B. Z. 4, t. 67, /. 3. M. p. 566, t. 15, /. 3. W.p.Ul. VI. TELLINA. TELLEN. 1 Gargadia 3228 toothed C. 6, t. 8, /. 63, 64. a. b. 14. Indian Ocean. 16 TELL IN A. Linn, names. Gm. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat. 27 vespertinus 3228 variable CU.7,/.59,60. P.B.ZA, t.38 lower figure & *.50, p. 54-. W.p.l35,t.33, /.2,3. Britain, &c. 28 sanguinolen- 3227 sanguine L. t. 397, /. 236. EM. tus J.227,/.l. C.6,.7,/.56. Jamaica, &c. 29 occidens 3228 spotted C.6,*.7,/.61. W.p.137. Western Ocean. 30 Spengleri 3228 Spengler's W.p.137. 31 Amethystus amethystine *K. 6, f. 12,/.2. C. 6, MO, /.93. W.p.I38 t t.34>,f.l. India. 32 variegatus variegated JF.p.l39,.34,/.2-4. 33 minutus 3226 minute CU.6,/50,51. E.M.t.234, /.4. M.p.53, U,/.4. ^.139,.34,/.5,6. Britain. 34 squamosus scale-like M.p.565. W.p.lAQ. 35 Pinna semi-oval P. B. Z. 4, t. 67, /. 3. M. p. 566, . 15, /. 3. W.p.Ul. VI. TELLINA. TELLEN. 1 Gargadia 3228 toothed C. 6, t. 8, f. 63, 64. a. b. TF.p.144. Indian Ocean. T E L L I N A. 17 Linn, names. 2 Lingua felis 3 virgata 4 interrupta Gm. JEngl. names. 29 cat's tongue 3229 striped freckled 5 angulata 3229 angular Synonyms. Habitat. G.t.76,f. B. E.M.t.289, f.6. C.6,*.8,/.65. W. p.l44,*.40,/.2,3. Ind. Ocean. GU.86,/.G. E.M.t.288 t f.2. C.6,.8,/.66-72. JF.p.145. Atlantic. L. t. 399, /. 238. E. M. t. 288, /. 7. C. 6, *. 8, /. 73. W.p. 146, .36, f. 3. S. America & India. L. t. 406, /. 252. E. M. t. 290, f. 3. C.6,t. 9, f. 75.,*.43, f. 1. Indian Ocean. 6 Gari 7 fragilis 3229 varying 3230 brittle fao w 1,47 C.6,*.9,/.84. fF.p.148. Eur. Ocean & Caspian Sea. 8 rugosa 3230 rugged C.6,Z.8,/.62. E.M.t.290, 9 inflata 10 crystallina 11 multangula 3230 inflated pellucid 3230 multangular 12 papyracea 3231 paper /.I. W.p.US,t.41, f.2, 3. India & S. Amer. .6,*.9,/76. W.p.U9. u. u. C.6,t.9,f.77. 7F.j3.150. Tranquebar. C. 6, f. 9, /. 78. E. M. *.290,/.14. W.p. 150. Coast of Guinea. 13 gibbosa 3231 gibbous GU.77,/.Q. W.p.151. 18 TELL IN A. Linn* names. Gm. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat. 14 insequilatera 3231 unequal-sided G.t.88,f.C. W.p.151. u. 15 Knorrii 3231 Knorr's K.5,t.21,f.5. W.p.151. u. 16 pusilla 3231 minute W.p. 152. S.Fluss.t.4, f. 7, a.b. Europe, Fr. w. 17 obliqua oblique #>.152,*.41,/.4,5. u. 18 maculata spotted L.T.3,p.252. W. p. 15 3. Britain. 19 amnica river G. t. 7,/. C. C. C. 6, t. 13, /.134. Z).*.64,/.2. M. p. 86. W.p. 153, *. 47, /.6. Z)r. f. 10, /.1 7. Britain, Fr. w. 20 foliacea 3232 foliaceous C. 6, 1. 10,/. 95. .M. f.287,/. 4. W.p. 154, J. 36,/. 1 . Indian Ocean. 21 albida 3231 whitish W.p. 154. Europe. 22 tenuis thin Z.*.405,/.251. C.6,U2, /.117. D.t.l9,f.2. M. p. 59. W.p. 155, .44, /. 3,4. Britain, &c. 23 fabula 3239 semi-striated D.t.97. M.p.61. W.p.156, <.45,/.4. 24 planata 3232 flat ..2,/9. G.t.89,f.G. u. 25 acuta sharp-edged JF.p.l57,.44,/.l. West Indies. 26 radiata 3232 rayed L. t. 393, f. 240. G.t. 89, /.I. E.M.t.289,f. 2. C. 6,f. 11, /. 102. JF. 2>.158,.38,/.2,3. S. America. 27 sanguinea red JF.^.159,.44,/.2. u. T E L L I N A. 19 Linn, names. 28 rostra ta 29 laevigata 3232 smooth 30 trifasciata 3232 3-banded 31 donacina 3234 Donax 32 truncata 33j;rilatera 34 oblonga 35 Spengleri Gm. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat, 3232 beaked L. t. 382, /. 225. G. t. 88, /.T. E.M.t.289,f.l. C. 6, t. 11, /. 105. W. p.l59,t.37 t f.3. Indian Ocean. L. .387,/.234. C.6,U2, /.111. W.p. 160,*. 41, /. 1 . Europe and India. C. 6, t.12, f. 114. a. b. W.p. 161. European Ocean. G. t. 88, /. N. M.p. 58. 7F.p.l6M.45,/.5. Britain, &c. W.p.162. Java. C.6,UO,/.85. W.p.162. - C.6,UO,/.87. W.p.163. Europe. L. t. 398, /. 237. E. M. *.287,/.5. C.6, MO, /.88-90. W.p.l63,t.37, /.2. Indian Ocean. 3234 truncated 3234 triangular 3234 oblong 3234 Spengler's 36 Ferroensis 3235 carnation 37 operculata 3235 blushing 38 alba 39 hyalina 40 lanceolata 41 opalina . P.B.Z.4 t t.5,f.3. D.t.60. W.p.I64, t tA5, f. 1. Britain, &c. K.6,t. 12,/.l. C.6,.ll, /97.^.42,/.l. Indian Ocean. C.6,Ul,/.98. u. C.6,Ml,/99. W.p.lQQ. I.Ocean. 3236 lance-shaped C. Ml,/. 103. 0^.107, *.45,/.2. India. 3236 opaline C.6,<.12,/107. W.p.167. - c 2 3235 /3 white 3235 glassy 20 TELL IN A. Linn, names. Gm. 42 coccinea. 3236 43 calcarea 3236 44 pectinata 3236 45 angusta 3236 Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat. scarlet C.6,J.12,/.109. Mediterranean. chalky C.6,U3,/.136. W.p.168. Irish Sea. Lister's Z.*.300,/.137. W.p.169. E.Ind. narrow i.f.383,/226. W.p.169. Scotland? 46 Madagasca- 3237 riensis Madagascar 47 punicea 3239 flat-striated 48 depressa 3238 depressed 49 purpurascens 3237 purple 50 aspera 3237 rough 51 triangularis 3237 subcuneated 52 lata 3237 broad 53 Jamaicensis 3237 Jamaica 54 albicans 3238 whitish 55 rufescens 3238 reddish 56 fasciata 3238 banded 57 striata 3238 striated 58 rosea 3238 rosy 59 Adansoni 3239 Adanson's 60 cancellata 3239 reticulated 61 strigosa 3239 fasciated u. u. u., J.39,/.2,3. Madagascar. D. t. 123. M. p. 57. fF.^.170,*.39,/.l. Britain, &c. G.t.88,f.L. C.6,MO,/.96. ZU.163. M.p.56. W. p.l71,tA5,f.3. i.*.391,/.230. W.p.I72, W.p.172. Z.#.401,/244. JV.p.173. L.tAQ7,f.253.W.p.l73. Norway. Z.J.408,/254. W.p.173. Jamaica. G.t.77,f.U. W.p.174. G.t.85,f.C. JV.p.173. <7.f.89,/.B. W.p.l74>. G. t. 89, /. C. M. p. 60. ^.175, Britain, &c. A".5,/.9,/3. W.p.115. u. W.p.\7G. Africa. W.p.176. Island of Goree. W.p.177. Moluccas. TELL IN A. 21 Linn, names. Gm. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat. 62 nivea snowy 7F.p.l77,*.46,/.l. America. 63 sulcata sulcated 7F.p.l78,.47 )t /.l. u. 64 angulosa 3244 angular C. 10, t. 170, /. 1654-5. W.p.178. u. 65 Laskeyi Laskey's M. Suppl.t.28,f.3. Frith of Forth. 66 balaustina 3239 pomegranate W.p.180. Mediterranean. flower 67 scobinata 3240 rasp L. t. 203,/.143. G.t.7B, C.6,*.13,/.122-4. W. p.l80,t.35,f.l. Indian Ocean. 68 laevis smooth Z..266,/.102. C.6,M2, /.112. W.p. 181,^.37, /.I. West Indies. 69 Remies 3239 waved C.6,U2,/.113. W.p.182, India & America. 70 reticulata 3240 lattice (7.6,M2,/.118. M.p.66. Britain, &c. 71 Radula thread-girded/). 1. 130. M. p. 68, t. 2, /.1,2. ^.183,^.42, 72 scabra rough C. 11, t. 199, /. 1943-44. W.p.180 W.Indies. 73 muricata prickly C. 11, t. 199, /. 1945-46. W.p.185. 74 fausta obsolete E.M.t.2VO,f.2. D.t.98. M.p.64. W.p. 185. Britain, &c. 22 T E L L I N A. Linn, names. Gm. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat. 75 crassa thick Z.*.299,/.136. P.B.ZA, t.5l,f.l. D.t.103. M. p. 65. W. p. 186,*. 40, /.I. Britain, &c. 76 lactea 77 rotundata 78 flexuosa 79 carnaria 3240 milky round crooked . M.p.70,t.2,fA. W.p.lS7. Britain. M.p.7l>t.2,f,3. W.p.187. Z).*. 42,/. 2. M.p.72. 3240 flesh-colour. Z.Z.339,/176. C. 6,U3, /.126. D.tA7. M.p.73. W.p.l89,tAO,fA,5. American Ocean. 80 polygona 3244 polygonal C. 10, t. 170, /. 1650-3. M. Suppl. t. 28, /. 4. W.p.190. Indian Ocean. 81 decussata decussated W.p.I90,tA3,f.2,3. u. 82 cordiformis heart-shaped C. 11, t. 199, f. 1941-2. W.p.l9l,tA3,fA,5. W.Indies. 83 bimaculata 3240double-spotted C.6,.13,/.127. D.t.19, .45,/.6,7. Britain, &c. 84 solidula solid L.tA05,f.250. C.6,t.I2, f.llO. P.B.ZA,t.52, f.2. M.p.Q3. W.p.193, tA6,f.2. 85 Balthica 3241 Baltic C.6,U3,/.128. W.p.193 Baltic Sea. 86 pisjformis 3241 pea W.p.l94f. Eur. mouths of rivers. PI. 4 y/ ^^^ T E L L I N A. 23 Linn, names. 87 divaricata 88 dentata 89 digitaria 90 cornea 91 lacustris 92 Iberica 93 sinuosa 94 Gallica 95 Senegalensis 96 limosa 97 inaequivalvis Gm. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habited. 3241 obliquely L. t. 301, /. 142. E.M. striated t. 289,/. 4. C. 6, 1. 13, /.129. JT. p. 195,*. 46, /.6. Mediterranean. toothed W.p.l95,tA6,f.7. u. 3241 digital C.6,M2,/. 121. .M. *.292,/.6. W.p.196. America. 3241 horn-colouredZ.U59,/.14. G.t.7,f.C. C.6,t. 13, /. 133. a. b. E.M.t.3Q2,f.5. P.B.Z. 4,f.52,/. 3. D.t.95. M.p.86. W.p.l96,tA6, f.3. Dr.t.W,f.l-3. Britain, &c. Fr.w. 3242 lake C. 6, *. 13,/. 135. J^.M. <.302,/.6. M.^.89. W. pA97,tA7,f.5. Dr.t.lO, /.14&15. W.p.ISS. Shores of Spain. GU.77,/.D.E. W.p.IdS. W.p.199. River Marne, France. W.p.199. Africa. 3243 Spanish 3243 sinuous 3244 French 3244 Senegal Maton's 3233 unequal- valved S. America. Fr.w. C. 6, t. 11, f. 106. a-d. Z). t. 41, /I. Britain, &c. 24 C A R D I U M. Linn, names. Gm. EngL names. Synonyms. Habitat. VII. CARDIUM. COCKLE. 1 aculeatum 3247 spiny 2 echinatum 3247 thorny L.t.321,f. 158. G.t.72, /.A. E.M.t.298,f.l. C. 6, t. 15, /. 155-7. P.B.Z.4-,t.53,f.l. D. t.6. M.p.77. W.p.207, t. 5 !,/.!. Britain, &c. L. t. 324, f. 161. .Af. t.298,/. 3. C. 6,*.l 5, /.158. D.t.l07,f. 1. M.p.78. 3 ciliare 3248 fringed L.t.325,f.l62. G.t.72, /.C. C.6,M7,/. 171-2. 32, /. 2. AT. ^. 79. 4 tuberculatum3248 tuberculated L.t.329,f. 166. G.t.71, /.M. C.6,*.15,/.173, /. 2. M. p. 79 & 568. 5 medium 3246 marbled Z. t. 316, /. 153 6 exiguum 3255 pigmy 7 nodosum 8 rubrum knotty red /. 162-4. D.t.32,f.l. M.p.83. W.p.211,t.50, f.3. India and America. .*.317,/.154.Z).*.32,/.3. M.p.82. W.p.212. Britain. M.p.8l. W.p.212. M.p.83. W.p.213. C A R D I U M. 25 Linn, names. 9 arcuatum 10 discors 11 elongatum 12 muricatulum 13 fasciatum Gm. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat. waved M.p.85,t.3,f.2. W.p.2\3. Britain. pea M.p.84. W.p.2l4>. ? lengthened M.p.82. W.p.2l4>. microscopic M.p.85. W.p.2\5. banded M. Suppl. p. 30, t. 27, f. 6. 14 muricatum 3250 prickly 15 Isocardia 3249 imbricated 16 glaucum 3253 greenish 17 maculosum mottled 18 ringens 3254 toothed 19 ventricosum prominent 20 magnum 3250 great 21 laevigatum 3251 smooth L.t.322,f.l59. /.5. C.6,f.l7,/177. 51,/.2,3. W.Indies. 0. C.6,U7, /.1 74-6. E.M.t.297, /4. W. p. 217, t. 52, f.1,2. E.& W.Indies. W.p.2l 8. Mediterranean. JV.p.2l8,t.52,f.3. u. . Z.*.330,/167. ^.4,^.14, /.3. C.6,M6,/.170. E.M. t. 296, f. 3. W. p.2l9,t.53,f.I,2. Africa. L. t. 328, f. 165. E.M. t.299,f.l. W.p.220. Coast of Campeachy. L.t.33l,f.l68. C.6,t.l7, /.1 79. E.M.t.297,f.3. W.p.22l t t.53,f.3. W.Indies. L.t.332,f.l69. P.B.ZA, .54. D.f.54. M.p.80. W.p.222,t.5i,f.l,2. Britain &c. 26 C A R D I U M. Linn, names. Gm. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat. 22 citrinum 3251 citron G.t.82,f.A. C. 6, 1. 18, /.189. W.p.223,tA4>, f.3. India and S. America. C. 6, J.19, /. 190. E.M. t. 298,f. 5. W.p. 223, #.55, /".I. Mediterranean. \jserratum.~] 23 oblongum 3254 oblong 24 flavum 25 rusticum 26 edule 3251 yellow 3252 banded S.Einl.2, t. 7,f. 11. a.b. W.p.224i. Coast of Coromandel. C.6,U9,/.197. W.p.226, t.55.f.2,3. European Seas. 3252 common Z.*.334,/.171. GU.71,/.F. C.6,U9,/.194. E.M. J.300,/. 5. P.B.Z. 4, t.53,f.3. D.t.124. M. p.76. W.p.226,t.55,fA. Europe. C.6,#.19,/. 195-6. E.M. *.300,/.8. W.p.227. Iceland. 28 Grcenlandi- 3252 Greenland C. 6,t. 19, f. 198. E.M. cum *.300,/.7. W.p.227. Greenland. 29 regulare equal-sided W.p.228. West Indies. 30 pectinatum 3253 pectinated GU.75,/.A. W.p.229. Mediterranean. 27 Icelandicum 3252 Iceland 31 Auricula 32 Lima 3253 eared 3253 Asiatic W.p.229. Arabia. 33 papyraceum 3254 paper E.M.t.292,f.l.a.b. (7.6, U5,/.153-4. ^.230. Indian Ocean. C.6,M8,/184. W.p.230, f.55,/5. C A R D I U M. 27 Linn, names. 34 costatum 35 apertum gaping 36 soleniforme 3226 solen IS. bullatus.~] 37 pecteniforme 38 Donaciforme 39 fimbriatum 40 JEolicwca 3254 Janus Gm. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat. 3244 ribbed Z.f.327,/. 164. GU.72, /.D. C.6,U5,/.151-2. E.M.t.293,f.l. W. p.231,*.56,/.l. Africa. (7.6,U8,/.181-3. EM. t.296,f.5. W.p.232, t.56,f.2. Asia & S. America. Z.*.342,/.179. GU.85, /.H. E.M.t.296,f.6. C.6,t. 6, /. 49,50. JF. p.233,t.56,f.3. S. America. pecten G.t.7l,f.H. C. 6,^.17, /.180. W.p.233. u. Donax C.6,<.1 6,/. 165. W.p.234. Indian Ocean. furbelowed JT. /). 234, *. 56, /. 4, 5. S.Einl.2,t.7,f.l3l u. Z.^.314,/150. C. 6,^.18, 41 rigidum 42 latum rough 3254 broad 43 flexuosum 3255 flexuous 44 rubiginosum 3256 rusty 45 albidum 3256 whitish 46 virescens 3256 greenish 47 lineatum 3246 streaked 48 roseum 3245 rose W.p.235,t.57,f.l. Ind.&China. 36,i.57,/.l,2. u. C. 6, *. 19, /. 192-3. ^.236,.57,/.4,5. Ind. Ocean. G.t.83,f.T>. W.p.238. G.t.83,f.H. W.p.238. G.t.84>,f.A. W.p.238. E.M.t.298,f.6. W.p.239. u. E.M.t.29^f.2. C.6,U4, u. u. u. Nicobar Isl. & Gulf of Bengal. 28 M A C T R A. Linn, names. Gm. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat. 49 hemicardium 3246 triangular G.t.83,f.c. E.M.t.295 t f.2. C.6,U6,/.159-61. fF.;>.240,*.57,/.7,8. E.Indies. 50 Fragum 3249 strawberry L.t.3l5,f.l52. G.t.83, f.E. C.6,U6,/.166-7. EM. t. 295, f. 3. W. p.241,*.58,/.l,2. Indian Seas. 51 Unedo 3250 white straw- L.t. 135,/. 151. G.t.83, berry /.A. C.6,U6,/. 168-9. E.M.t.295,f.4. W. 2).242,J.58,/.3. Amboyna. 52 retusum 3245 Diana-heart C.6,U2,/. 139-42. EM. t.24>9,f.3. W.p.243, t.58,fA,5. ' East Indies. 53 Cardissa 3245 spiny -keeled L.t. 31 8,/. 155. G.t. 84, /.B.C.D. E.M.t.293, f.3. C.6,i.l4,/.143-4. W.p.24>4,t.59,f.l,2. - 54 humanum smooth-keeled L.t t 2l9,f.l58. C.6,^.14, /. 145-6. E.M.t.294, /.I. VIII. MACTRA. MACTRA. Indian Ocean & Persian Gulf. 1 Spengleri 3256 Spengler's 2 plicataria 3 papyracea 3257 plaited 3257 paper <7.6,*.20,/.199-201. EM. t.252,f.3. C. of G.Hope. C.6,.20,/.202-4. Ind. Ocean. C.6,*.23,/231. Nicobarlsl. M A C T R A. 29 Linn, names. Gm. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat. 4 vitrea brittle C.9,*.200,/.l 959-60. Ceylon. 5 striatula 3257 striated GU.85,/.F. C.6,t.2l, f. 205-6. E.M.t.251, /.I. West Indies. 6 cygnea 3260 swan C.6,*.21,/.207. Tranquebar. 7 maculata 3260 spotted C.6,*.21,/.208-9. EM. *.254,/.3. Nicobar Islands. 8 turgida 3260 inflated C.6,*.21,/.210-12. Tranquebar. 9 violacea 3260 violet C.6,*.22,/.213-4. 10 cuneata 3260 wedge-shaped C. 6, t. 22, f. 215. EM. t.257,f.5. 11 rotundata 3257 roundish L. t.263,f.99. u. 12 glabrata 3258 smooth L.t.263,f.99. G.t.71,f.A. C.6,*.22,/.216-7. African Ocean. 13 nitida 3258 pellucid S.jEw/.3,*.8,/.2. u. 14 corallina 3258 wh.-banded G.*.71,/.B. C. 6,t. 22, /.218-9. Mediter. & Guinea. 15 lactea 3258 milky C.6,.22,/.220-21. Tranquebar. 1 6 striata 3257 striated C.6,f.22,/.222-3. u. 17 radiata rayed D.*.161. Britain? 18 Stultorum 3258 simpleton Z.f.251,/.85. G.t.7l, /.C. C.6,*.23,/. 224-7. P.B.ZA,t.52,f.l.E.M. .256,/3. M.p.94. Britain, &c. 19 grandis 3259 large simple- C.6,t.23,f.228. New Jersey, tons' 30 M A C T R A, Linn, names. Gm. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat. 20 achatina variegated C.ll,*.200,/.1957-8. 21 solida 3259 strong 22 solidissima 3259 thick [solida, var. /3.] 23 subtruncata abrupt 24 australis 25 Listeri 26 tenuis 27 Boysii \_Mya.-] 3261 Lister's thin Boys's Tranquebar. L.t.253,f.87-8. C.6,*.23, /. 229-30. P.B.Z. 4, *.54,/.l.&*.55,/.2. D. t.Ql. M.p.92. Britain, &c. C.10,U70,/.1656. N. America. L.t.253,f.86. P.B.ZA, t.55,f.l.M.p.93. Suppl. t.27,f.l. L.T.8,t.l, f.ll. Britain. 3221 southern C.6,*.3,/. 19,20. New Zealand. L. t. 253,/. 88. C.6,t.3, f.2l. E.M.t.ZtfJ.l. D.t.Q^f.l. M.p.96. Mouths of rivers, Britain, &c. M.p.572,t.l7,f.7. Britain. M.p.98,t.3j.7. L.T.6, 28 triangularis triangular M.p.99,t.3,f.5. 29 minutissima minute M.Suppl.p.37. 30 glauca 3260 red-rayed C.6,t.23,f. 232-3. EM. J.256,/1. D.t.125. M. p.57l. Spain. Britain ? 31 pellucida 3260 transparent C.6,.24,/.234. Guinea. 32 fragilis 3261 brittle C.6,.24,/.235. M.p.95, t.5,f.l. \M.dealbata.~\ Britain, &c. 33 rugosa 3261 rugged C.6,*.24,/.236. Mediterranean. D O N A X. 31 Linn, names. Gm. EngL names. Synonyms. Habitat. 34 ^Igyptiaca Egyptian C.I l,*.200,/.l 955-6. Red Sea. C.6,*.24,/. 238-9. EM. *.258,/.4. Tranquebar. Z.J.415,/259. C. 6,f.24, /. 240-1. E.M.t.258, f.3. P.B.ZA,t.55,f.3. D.t.58. M.p.lOO. Britain, &c. gaping G. t. 90, lower /. A. D.U40. M.p.Wl. Britain. 35 complanata 3261 flat 36 lutraria 3259 large 37 hians IX. DONAX. 1 scortum WEDGE. 3262 beaked Z.*.377,/.220. C. 6,*.25, /. 242-7. E.M.t.260, /.2. East Indies. C. 6, .25, /. 248. E.M. <.260,/.l. Amboyna. 3262 wrinkled L.t.375,f.2l6. G.t.89, /.F. C.6,.25,/.250. S.Ocean. C.6,^.25,/.251-2. .:.3f. /.260,/.3. Tranquebar. Z.*.376,/.217. 6^.^.88, /.O. C.6,.26,/.253-4. E.M.t.262,f.l. P.B.Z. 4,*.58,/.l. D.t.91,f.l. M.p.lOS. Britain, &c. single-rayed L.t.384,f.2%7. M.p.106, t.5,fA. Britain. 7 striata 3263 striated L.t.376,f.2l9. C.6^.26, /.255. E.M.t.26l,f.9. West Indies. 2 pubescens 3262 spiny 3 rugosa 4 Serra crenated 5 Trunculus 3263 yellow 6 complanata 32 D O N A X, Linn, names. Gm. Engl. names Synonyms. Habitat. 8 denticulata 3263 toothed L.t.376,f.2l8-9. C.6,.26, /.256-7. P.B.ZAJ.58, /.2. ZU.24. M.^.104. Mediterranean. 9 plebeia horn -colour. L.t.389,f.228. M.p.lQ7, t.5,f.2. Britain. 10 castanea chesnut M.p.573,tA7,f.2. 11 spinosa 3265 decussated C.6,i.26,/.258. Tranquebar. 12 incarnata 3265 flesh-colour. C.6,*.26,/.259. 13 cuneata 3263 compressed Z.J.392,/. 231. C.6,^.26, /.260. E.M.t.261,f.5. East Indies. 14 laevigata 3265 smooth C.6,.25,/.249. Tranquebar. 15 scripta 3264 lettered L. t. 379, /. 222 & 380, /.223. G.t.88,f.Q. C. 6,*.26,/.261-5. EM. *.261,/.2-4. East Indies. 16 Faba 3264 bean-shaped C. 6, .26, /. 266. EM. t.26l,f.7. Coast of Malabar. 17 radiata 3266 two-rayed ..EmJ.3,|>.104,.8,/.3. Tranquebar. 18 muricata 3265 prickly L.S.N.p.l 128. Indian Ocean. 19 straminea 3266 straw-col. S. Eml.3,p.l05, t.8,fA. u. 20 Candida 3266 white S.Eml.3,p.lQQ,t.S,f.5. Tranquebar. 21 Irus 3265 foliated G. t. 95, f. A. C. 6, t. 26, /.268-70 E.M.t.262, /.4. D. t. 29,/.2. M. p.108 & 573. Britain, &c. PI. 6 VENUS. 33 Linn, names. Gm. Engl. names. Synonyms. X. VENUS. 1 Dione 3 fasciata 4 succincta 5 Marica 6 cingenda 7 Dysera 8 Tiara 9 plicata 10 excavata 11 spinifera 12 verrucosa VENUS. 3266 prickly- mouthed Habitat. : 'if 2 Paphia 3268 wrinkled thick-ribbed 3282 grooved 3268 American girdled 3268 ribbed turban 3276 plaited 3269 excavated spiny 3269 warty Z. *. 307,/. 140. G.t.76, /.D. C.6,*.27,/.271-3. E.M.t.275,f.l. S. America. Z.*.279,/.116. G.t.85, /.A. C.6,<.27,/.274-6. E.M.t.275,fA. West Indies. L.t.295,f.l32. C.6,t.27, f. 277-8. .M.<.276, /.2. D..170.7Vf.p.llO. Britain. L.M.p.546. u. C.6,*.27,/.282-6. .3f. t.275,f.2. American Seas. /.287-90. E.M.t.%68, f.l. M.Su2ypl.pA2. W.Indies. Z.*.277,/.114. C.6,*.28, /. 291-2. E.M.t.275, f-5. East Indies. G. t. 88,/.D. C.6,J.27, /.279-81. C.6,*.28,/.295-7. E.M. t.275,f.3. Levant. M.p.577,t.l7,f.l. Britain. Z.f.284,/122. G. t.75, /.H. C.6,i.29,/.299- 300. P.B.ZA,t.57,f.l. D.tA*. M.p.ll2. Britain, &c. 34 VENUS. Linn, names. Gm. Engl. names, 13 rigida rigid 14 casina 3269 broad-ribbed 15 cancellata 3270 channeled 16 subcordata 17 minima 18 sulcata subcordate red-streaked furrowed Synonyms. Habitat. C.6,J.29,/.303. W.Indies. Z.f.286,/.123. C.6,f.29, /.301-2. P.B.ZA,t.57, /.2. D.t.14-9. M.pA7. Britain, &c. C.6,*.29,/.304-7. E.M. *.267,/.7. Z>.M15. M. p.574. Indian Ocean. M.p.l2l,t.3,f.l. Britain? 19 Montagui Montagu's 20 Scotica 3285 Scottish [borealis.'] 21 Danmonia Devonshire 22 reflexa 3290 reflected [undulata.~\ 23 GaHina 3270 hen 24 circinata 3288 compass [Gumeensls.~\ M.p.131. L.T.8,t.2,f.2. Scotland. M.Snppl.pA3,t.26,f.l. - C.7,<.39,/.413. M.pA4>. L.T.8,p.81,t.2,f.3. - M. Suppl.pA5,t.29,fA. Britain. G. t. 75,/. O. M. Suppl. p.40&168. 25 Caliste 26 compressa 27 exalbida 28 petulca 29 granulate 30 ovata 3277 sordid white 3282 compressed whitish clouded 32 11 grained oval C.6,<.30, /. 308-10. P. B. Z. 4, *.59,/.2. D.t.68. M. p.113. Britain, c. C. 6, t.30,f. 311-12. M. Suppl.pA8&I68. C. of Guinea. S.Einl.3,p.l56 9 t.8,f.8. RedSea. L.M.p.54>6. u. C.ll,<.202,/.1974. Falkland Isl. Z.SJV>.1131. S. of Europe. C.6,i.30,/.313. D.t.83. M.p.120. W. Indies. Britain ? M.p.120. L, T.8,p.85, *.2,/.4. Britain. VENUS. Linn, names. Gm. Engl. names. 31 paupercula despised 32 flexuosa 3270 flexuous 33 Mactroides 3278 Mactra \_Corbicula.~] 34 tripla 3276 triple 35 triangularis triangular 36 Malabarica 3277 Malabar [Gallus.~] 37 flammea 3278 brown-band, 38 Erycina 3271 polished 39 costata ribbed 40 mercenaria 3271 mercenary 41 Icelandica 42 coaxans 43 lusoria 44 Chione Icelandic 3278 Ceylon sportive 3272 smooth- brown Synonyms. Habitat. C.1M.202,/.1977. Coromandel. G. *.83,/.I. C. 6,f. 31, /. 333-4. E.M.t.266, /.6. West Indies. Z.*.251,/.85. C. 6,*.31, /.326. E.M.t.269,f.3. L. t. 252, f. 86. G. t. 75, /.Q. C.6,f.31,/330-2. E.M.t.2G9,fA. Africa. M./7.577,U7,/.3. Britain. C.6, f.31,/.324-5. Malabar. S.Eml.3,p.2W,t.8,f.l2. RedSea. Z.<.268,/.104. C.6,J.32, /.337-9. E.M. t. 264, /.3. Europe & Asia. C.ll,<.202,/.1975. Ceylon. L.t.27l,f. 107. C. 10, *.171,/.1659-60. E.M. t.263. North America. Z.*.272,/.108. GU.58, /.B. C.6,^.32,/.341-2. P.B.ZAJ.56. D.t.77. M.p.lU. Britain, &c. C.6,<.32 y /.336. Ceylon. C.6,*.32,/.340. Amboyna. Z.<.269,/.105. C.^.86, /.A. C.6,*.32,/.34S. E.M.t.266,f.l. P.B.Z. 4, . 54. D. t. 17. M. p. 11 5. Britain, &c. D2 36 VENUS. Linn, names. 45 maculata 46 casta 47 Meretrix 48 paradoxa 49 laeta 50 opima 51 triradiata 52 nebulosa 53 contemta 54 recens 55 Japonica 56 striata 57 castrensis Qm. Engl. names, 3272 spotted 3278 chaste 3273 lipped doubtful 3278 globose 3279 plump 3279 three-rayed 3279 clouded 3279 shabby fresh 3279 Japan 3279 striated 3273 eastern 58 Pectunculus 3287 painted 59 Lorenziana 60 ornata Lorenzo adorned Synonyms. Habitat. L.t.270,f.lQ6. G.t.86, /.I. C.6, t.33,f.34>5. E.M.t.265,fA. W. Indies. C.6,*.33,/.346. E. Indies. G. t. 76, f. C. C. 6, t. 33, /. 347-52. E.M.t.268, f.6. Indian Seas. B.p.66, tA,f. 12,13. Peru? G.t.88,f.V. C.6, .34, /.353-4. Mediterranean. C.6, f.34,/.355-7. E. Indies. C.6, *.34,/.356-8. Tranquebar. C.6,*.34,/.359-61, C.6, .34,/.362-3. Malabar. C.ll,i.202,/.1979. Coromandel. C. 6, t. 34,/. 364. E. M. *.267,/.6. Tranquebar. C.6, *.34,/.365-6. Nicobar Isl. L. t. 262, f. 98. G. t. 82, /.H. C. 6,*. 35,/. 367- 370. E.M.t.273,f.l. Amboyna, &c. L. t. 254-7. G. t. 82,/.G. C.lM.202,/.1693-4. Red Sea, &c. C.lM.200,/.1961-2. Ceylon. L.t.259,f.95. C.6,t.35, f. 380-1. E.M.t.273, f.2. Tranquebar. VENUS. 37 Linn, names. 61 Phryne 62 Meroe 63 Callipyga 64 deflorata 65 fimbriata 3275 fringed 66 reticulata 69 radiata 70 cincta 71 squamosa 72 lapicida 73 divergens 74 plumbea Gm. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat. 3274 Phryne R.tA2,f.O. Southern Ocean. 3274 Meroe L.t.378,f.22l. C.6,tA3, /.450-4. East Indies. 3282 Arabian C.ll,*.201,/.1968-70. Red Sea. 3274 purp.-streak. L. t. 425,/. 273. G. t. 86, /.B.C. C.6,*.9,/.79-83. P.B.Z.^t.60. E.M. .231,/.3,4. West Indies. L. t. 1056,/. 1. G.t.75, /.C. C.7,*.43,/.44S-9. East Indies. netted L.t.335,f.l72. G.t.83, /. F. C.7,.36,/.382-4. 67 Puerpera 3276 spotted 68 crenulata Ceylon and New S.Wales. .*. 76,/.G. C. 6,^.36, - /. 388-9. E.M.t.278, f.2. East Indies. 3279 crenulated Z.^.283,/.ll. C. 6,^.36, /.385. 3280 rayed C.6,.36,/.386. 3286 girdled C.6,*.36,/.387. G.t.S3,f.G. C.6,t.31, f.335. Amboyna. C.10,U72,/. 1664-5. W. Indies. C.10,f.l72,/.1666-7. u. u. 3275 scaly 3269 rock 3269 ziz-zag 3280 leaden C.7,t.69,f. A-D. E.M. New Zealand. 38 VENUS. Linn, names. Gm. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat. 75 tigerina 3283 tiger Z.J.305,/. 138. G.t.77, /.I. C.6,37,/.390-l. E.M.t.277,fA. W. Indies. 76 Sinensis 3285 China C.10,U71,/.1663. China. 77 prostrata 3283 compressed C.6,J.29,/.298. Tranquebar. 78 Pensylvanica 3283 Pensylvania Z,.f.305,/138. C.7,*.37, /.394-6. E.M.t.284>, /.I. America. 79 Jamaicensis Jamaica G.t.88,f. B. C.7,f. 39, /.408. E.M.t.284,f.2. Jamaica. 80 spuria 3284 'spurious Z.*.296,/.133. C.7,*.38, /.399. North Seas. 81 punctata 3284 dotted <7.*.75,/.D. C.7, .37, /.397-S. Amboyna. 82 sinuata 3285 sinuated .f.294,/.130. (7.7, t. 38, /.400-1. E.M.t.279, fA. Tranquebar. 3284 antiquated L. t. 291, /. 12? & 293, 83 exoleta C, 7, t. 38, /. 402-4. tA2,f.l. M.p.UQ. Britain, &c. 84 conceiitrica 3286 concentric L.t. 288,/. 124. G.t.76, /.F. C.7,.37,/.293. E.M.t.279,f.2. Jamaica. 85 juvenilis young L.t.2 /.405. Indian Seas. 86 Histrio 3287 map C. 7, *. 38,/407. E. M. *.280,/1. E.Indies. VENUS. 39 Linn, names. 87 undata 88 tumidula 89 aculeata 90 pectinata 91 discors 92 dispar 93 equivoca 94 divaricata 95 contraria 96 corrugata 97 scripta Gm. Engl. names waved 3285 gibbous 3293 acute-ribbed 3285 pectinated 3292 toothed unequal equivocal 3277 divaricated 3277 contrary corrugated 3286 written , Synonyms. Habitat. P. B. Z. 4, t. 48, /. 3. D.t.121. L.T.t.G,t.l7, /.17,18. M.p.lll. Britain. L.M.p.546. u. A?.m/.3,;3.200,*.8,/.13. u. .*.313,/.149. G.t.72. /.E.F. C.7,*.39,/.415- 416.E.M.f.271,/.4. Amboyna. Z.*.312,/.148. C.7,<.39, /.418-19. E.M.t.271, /.I. China. C. 11, *. 202, /. 1981-2. South Seas. 98 edentula 3286 toothless 99 globosa 3287 globose C.11,L202,/.1980. EM. t.271,f.3. East Indies. Z.^.310,/.146. C.6,t.30, /.316. E.M.t.27l,f.5. Ceylon. C.6,.30,/.317-19. EM. t.259>f.2. West Indies. C.7,*.39,/.410-ll. B.t.5, f.7. Red Sea. G. t. 77, f. C. C. 7, t. 40, /. 420-6. E.M. t.274, f.l. Amboyna. L. t. 260,/.96. C.7,.40, /.427-9. E. M. t. 284, f.3. Jamaica. C.7,f,40,/.430-31. E.M. t.285,f.l. Red Sea. 40 VENUS. Linn, names. Gm. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat. 100 gigantea 3282 gigantic C.10,U71,/1661. E.M. *.280,/.3. West Indies. L. t. 402,/. 246. G. t. 86, /F. C.7,<.41,/.432-4. jE.M.*.280,/.4. Amboyna. GU.86,/.H. C.7,*.42, /.440. Mediterranean. C. 7,*. 42,/.441. E. M. *.281,/.3. Ceylon. 101 literata 3293 lettered 102 geographica 3293 geographic 103 rotundata 3294 rounded 104 Textile 3280 tissue 1 /. 442-3. E. M. t. 283, /.I. Red Sea. 105 obsoleta 3280 wrinkled C.7,.42,/.444. Mediterranean. \_corrugata.~] 106 Senegalensis3282 Senegal 4.p.227,t.l7,f.Il. Senegal. 107 decussata 3294 intersected L. t. 423,/.271. G.t.85, /.L. C.7,J.43,/.455-6. P.B.ZA,t.60. D.t.C)7. M.p.l24i. Britain, &c. P. B. Z. 4, t. 58, /. 4. M.p.l27,t.3,f.6. Britain. M.p. 124. L. T.6,t.l7, /.13,14&8,*.2,/.7. 110 virginea 3294 maidenly L. t. 403, /. 247 & 404, /.248. C.7,*.43,/.457. P.B.Z. 4, t. 58, f. 5. E. M. t. 283, f. 2. M. p.128. L.T.8,t.2,f.8. Britain, &c. L. t. 404,/. 249. G. t. 85, /.I. C. 7,*.43,/458. P.B.Z A,t.60. M.p.U9. Britain. 108 perforans 109 pullastra boring Sandwich Ill aurea 3288 golden /V.7 SPONDYLU S.C KAMA. 41 Linn, names. Gm. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat. 112 monstrosa 3280 uneq.-valved C.7,.42,/.445-6. Nicobar Isl. 113 fluminalis 3242 ventricose C. 6,.30,/.320. E.M. [Tel'] *.301,/.2. Euphrates. Fr.w. 114 fluminea 3242 heart-shaped C.6,J.30,/.322-3. China. Fr.w. [7W.] 115 fluviatilis 3243 river C.6,*.30,/.321. Canton. Fr.w. [.Tel-] 116 hermaphro- 3278 triangular C. 6,f.3 1,/. 327-9. Guinea. Fr.w. dita XI. SPONDYLUS. HINGED OYSTER. 1 Gaedaropus 3296 red thorny L. t. 206, /. 40. G. t. 99, /. F. & G. C. 7, t. 44, /.459-G2. E.M.t.190- 195. Amboyna. 2 regius 3298 royal C.7,*.46,/.471. India. 3 plicatus 3298 spineless Z,.*.210,/.44. G.t.99, /. E. C.7,*.47,/.479- 482. W. Indies. 4 citreus , citron D'Arg.t.20,f. K. XII. CHAMA. CLAMP. 1 Cor 3299 heart L.t.275,f.lll. G.t.71, /. E. C.7,f.48,/483. E.M. t. 232, /. 1. D. U34. Britain, &c. 42 C H A M A. Linn, names. Gm. Engl. nam&s. Synonyms. Habitat. 2 Gigas 3209 giant L.t.$51,f. 189. G.t.$2, /. B.F. C.ll, t. 204, /.1997-8. E.M.t.235, /.2-4. & *,236,/.l. Amboyna. 3 Hippopus 3300 spotted L.t.350,f. l8S. (7. .93, /.A. C.7,*.SO,/.498-9. 4 antiquata 3300 antiquated 5 Moltkiana 3303 Moltkian 6 plumbea 7 Ajar leaden Ajar 8 trapezia 3301 trapeziform 9 semiorbicu- lata 10 calyculata 11 cordata 12 satiata 13 rugosa 14 oblonga 3301 brown 3301 variegated 3301 heart-shaped 3301 obsolete 3305 rugged 3302 oblong GU.71,/.I.L. C.7,^.48i /.488-91. E.M.t.233> f.2. Mediterranean. (7.7,.48,/.484-7. EM. t.233,f.l. China. C.ll,*.203,/.1991-2. S. Sea. C.7,f.48,/.490-l. EM. t.233,f.3. Mouth of the Niger. L. *. 344,/. 181. C.ll, ^.204,/.2005-6. EM. f.234,/.7. Norway. C.7,t.50,f. 502-3. EM. t.233,fA. Arabia. Z.*.347,/.184. G.t.90, f. F. C.7,J.50,/.500-1. &11,.204/.1999,2000. E.M.t.233,f.6. Indian Seas. L.S.N.p.ll38. u. L.S.N.p.ll38. L.M.p.546. C. 11, t. 203, f. 1993-4. E.M.t.234,f.2. Guinea. C H A M A. Linn, names. Gm. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat. 15 concamerata 3304 chambered C. 7, t. 50, /. 506. E.M. *.234,/.6. West Indies. 16 Pectunculus pectuncle Z..347,/.185. u. 17 coralliophaga 3305 coral-rock C.10,U72,/. 1673-4. E.Indies. 18 Lazarus Lazarus C.7,f.51,/.507-9. E.M. 19 gryphoides 3302 gryphus 20 cornuta 21 sessilis 3003 horned \bicornis.~] scaly 7. G.t.Wl, /.D.E. C.7,f.51,/.510- 513. E.M.t.l96,fA,5. Africa. Z.*.214,/.49. G.t.101, f.G. C.7,*.52,/.16-20. Mediterranean. Z.*.213,/48. C.1M.203, /.1995-6. E.M.t.196, f.2. West Indies. 22 foliacea 3304 leafy L.t.21 G.t.l01,f.C. C.7,*.52, /.521. E.M.t.l97,f.2. u. 23 punctata dotted E.M.t.l97,f.3. Guadaloupe. 24 sinistrorsa reversed C.9,U16,/.992-3. E.M. t.!96,f.3. West Indies. 25 Arcinella 3303 hedge-hog L.t.355,f.l92. C.7,t.52, f. 522-3. E.M.t. 197, fA. East Indies. 44 ARC A. Linn, names. Gm. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat. XIII. ARCA. ARK. 1 tortuosa 3305 twisted 2 Nose 3 barbata 4 imbricata 3306 Noah's 3306 bearded imbricated 5 navicularis boat 6 plicata plaited 7 Candida 3311 white 8 complanata compressed 9 Magellanica 3311 Magellanic 10 lacerata hairy 11 bicolorata 2 -coloured 12 ovata 3307 oval 13 cancellata 3308 channelled G. t. 95, f. B. C. 7, t. 53, /. 424-5. E.M.t.305, f.l. Amboyna. L. t. 368,/. 208. G.t.87, /. H. C.7,*.53,/.529- 531. E.M.t.3Q5,f.2. Red Sea. Britain 1 L.t.231,f.65. G.t.91, f. F. C. 7, t. 54,/535. E.M.t.309,f.l. Mediterranean. .J.367,/.207. &.J.87, /.F.G. C.7,*.54,/532. E.M.t.305,f.3.\). Africa. C.7,*.54,/.533. St. Domingo. C.ll,.204,/.2008. Red Sea. Z. . 229,/.64. C.7,^.55, /.542. West Indies. C.7^.55,/.544-5. Guinea. C.7,f.54,/.539. Str. of Magellan. (7.7,.54,/.536-7. ^.M. ^.309,/.2. East Indies. C'.1M.204,/.2007. Red Sea. AS'. Em/. 3, ^. 294, /. 9, ARC A. 45 Linn, names. 14 fusca 15 Modiolus 16 Cucullus Gm. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat. brown 3307 muscle 3311 chambered 17 antiquata 3409 antiquated 18 granosa 3210 grained 19 rhomboidea 3314 rhomboid 20 senilis 21 Indica 3309 rugose 3312 Indian 22 Corbicula 3310 basket 23 Senegalensis 24 lactea 3312 Senegal 3309 milky Z>. 5, t. 158, /. 3, 4. M. Suppl.p. 5 1 . Britain. Z.#.365,/205. C.8,#.84, y.754. Mediterranean. C.7,#.53,/.526-8. Jf. #.304. Nicobar Islands. L. t. 230, f. 64. G.#.87, /.B.C.C.7,#.55,/.548-9. West Indies, &c. L. #.241,/.78. . #.87, /.E. C.7,#.56,/557. E.M.t.3Q7,f. 1 . Tranquebar. Z. #.244,/.75. G. #.87, /.A. C.7,#.56,/.553. E.M.t.307,f.3. East Indies. Z. #. 238,/. 72. .#.87, /.D. C.7,#.56,/.554-6. E.M.t.308,f.l. Jamaica. 7" j rton Y* /*/? /^ T j tff /, f./2O/, No. 102. 6 Pleuronectes 3317 sole .*.73,/.B. (7. 7,*. 61, /. 595. E. M. t. 208, y.3. Amboyna. 7 Japonica 3317 Japan C. 7, t. 62,/. 596. E.M. J.20S,/.4. Japan. 8 Laurentii 3317 Lorenzo's C.7,.61,/.593. S. America. 9 Magellanica 3317 Magellanic (7.7, t. 62, f. 597. E.M. *.208,/.5. Str. of Magellan. 10 hybrida 3318 hybrid L.t. 173,/. 10. C.7,*.63, /.601-2. Norway. 11 Radula 3318 rasp L. C. 7, t. 63, /. 599, 600. E.M.t.208,f.2. Amboyna. 12 imbricata 3318 imbricated C.7,.69,/.G. Red Sea. 13 Plica 3318 folded C.7,*.62,/.598.& 11,*.57, /.2041. Amboyna. 14 Pes-lutra 3339 Otter's-foot L. t. 171, /. 8. G. t. 74, /.C.C. " u. 15 PaUium Ducal mantle L. t. 187, /. 25. G. t. 74, /.F. C.7,.64,/.607. E.M.t.2W,f.l. India. Pl.f'S O S T R E A. 49 Linn, names. Gm. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat. 16 sanguinolenta 3322 red-spotted C.7,*.64,/.608. Red Sea. 17 palliata 3331 variegated KA,t.l9,f.2. Mediterranean. 18 nodosa 3322 knobbed L. M86,/.24. G. *. 99, /.C.D. C.7,*.64,/.609- 611. .Af.*.210,/.2. Africa & America. 19 Pes-felis 3323 cat's-foot C r .7,.64,/.612&f.65,613. Africa. 20 histrionica 3226 Harlequin C. 7, f.65,/.614. E.M. u. 21 Islandica 3326 Iceland 22 senatoria 23 citrina 24 pellucens 25 obliterata 26 tigerina 27 Fuci 28 exotica 29 sanguinea 3327 senator 3327 citron 3323 pellucid 3323 worn 3327 tiger 3327 Fucus exotic 3323 scarlet Z.U057,/.4. GU.73./.R. C. 7, t.65, f. 615, 616, E.M.t.2l2,f.l. North Seas. C.7,^.65,/617. Moluccas. C.7,f.65,/.618. India. .*. 184,/.21. C. 7, .66, /. 625-7. E.M.t.213, f.6. West Indies. C. 7,t. 6 6,/. 622-4. Moluccas. C.ll,*.207,/.2031-6. N. Ocean. C.ll,^.207,/.2039. - C.lM.207,/.2037-8. Red Sea. Z.f. 185,/.22. C. 7,^.66, /.628. West Indies. 30 porphyrea 3328 porphyry C.7,<.66,/.632. Red Sea. 50 O S T R E A. Linn, names. 31 varia 32 sauciata 33 Pusio 34 sinuosa 35 miniata 36 vitrea 37 obsoleta 38 laevis 40 Solaris 41 glabra Gm. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat. various L. t. 180, 181, & 189. GU.73,/.C.I.N. C.7, t. 66, /. 633-4. E. M. *.213,/.4. P.B.Z.4, 3328 uneq. -rayed 3324 wrinkled 3319 distorted 33.21 vermilion 3328 glassy 3328 obsolete smooth M.J9.146. Britain, &c. C.7,*.69,/.H. Red Sea. GU.74,/.A.H. C. 7,*. 67, /.635-6. Nicobar Islands. Z.f.l72,/.9. P.B.Z.4, *.64,/.2. D.t.34. M. p.l4<8. Britain. B.p.I04<,t.7,f.l. u. C.7,*.67,/.637. a. N. Ocean. P.B.ZA,t.64,,f.3. D.t.l, /.2. M.^3.149. Britain. E.M.t.2U,f.6. M.p.150, t. 4,/ 4. Z. T. 8, J. 3, 39 triradiata 3326 three-rayed C.ll,.207,/.2043. EM. solar 3324 glabrous 42 Proteus variable 43 opercularis 3325 painted .212,/.6. Denmark. C.7,^.67,/.638. Adriatic. G. t. 73, /.H. C. 7, .67, /.641-5. ^.M. i. 213, y.2. Mediterranean. C.ll,*.207,/.2042. L.t.l82,f.l9. C. 7,^.67, /. 646. . M. ^. 213, /.3. P.B.ZA,t.63,f.2. D.t.12. M.p.145. Britain, c. a S T R E A. 51 Linn, names. Gm. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat. 44 lineata 3319 lineated L.t.l70,f.7. Z>. *. 116. [crenata.~\ M.p.147. Britain, &c. 45 Tranqueba- 3328 Tranquebar L. M79,/. 16. G.t.73, rca 46 gibba 47 turgida 48 sulcata 51 inflata 52 fragilis 53 hians 54 Lima /.L.M. East Indies. 3325 gibbous 3327 turgid GU.73,/.D.F. C.7,*.65, /.6 19-20. E.M.t.212, f.3. South America. /.621.a.b. East Indies. 3325 sulcated C.7,*.63,/.603-4. Malabar. 49 flavicans 3331 yellowish L.S.N.p.l\7. Southern Ocean. 50 fasciata 3331 banded L.t. 177, / 14. G. t. 88, /.F.F. C.7,*.68,/.649.a. E.M.t.206,f.5. W. Indies. 3321 inflated C. 7, t. 68, /. 649. b. 3332 brittle 3332 gaping 3332 file Mediterranean. C.7,*.68,/.650. Nicobar Islands. S.Einl.p.332,t.9,fA. Norway. G. f. 88,/.F. C.7, ^.68, . E.M.t.206,fA. Mediterranean. 55 scabra 3332 rough [glacialis.~\ L.t.l76,f.l3. C. 7,*.68, /.652. E.M.t.2Q6,f.2. West Indies. 56 glacialis 3332 |3 glacial C. 7, t. 68, /. 653. E.M. J.206./.3. 57 excavata 3332 excavated C.7,.68,/654. Norway. E 2 52 O S T R E A. Linn, names. 58 Malleus 59 anatina 3333 duck Gm. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat. hammer L. t. 219,/. 54. G. t. 96, /.D.E. C.8,*.70,/.655- 666. E.M.t.l77,f.l2, 13. Amboyna. C. 8, t. 70, /. 658 & 71, /.659. E.M.t.l77,f.U. Nicobar Islands. 60 fornicata 3335 vaulted C. 8, t. 7 1,/. 667. E.M. *.178,/.6,7. Red Sea. 61 orientalis eastern C.8,*.71,/.660. E.M. 1. 184,/.4. East Indies. 62 Folium 3334 corrugated C.8, t.7l, f. 662-6. E.M. U84,/.10-14. Amboyna. 63 plicatula 3336 plaited G.t. 104,/. A. C. 8,t.73, /.674. West Indies. 64 Sinensis 3335 China C. 8, t. 72,/.66S. E.M. U84,/.l. China. 65 cristata 3337 crested B.p.llZ,t.7,f.3. u. 66 Forskalii 3336 For skael's C. 8, t. 72,/. 671. E.M. t.l8l,f.5. Egypt. 67 rostrata 3336 beaked G.t. 102,/.D. C. 8, .73, /.676. Mediterranean. 68 Virginica 3336 Virginian L. t. 200,/.34. C.8,*.73, /. 677. E. M. t. 180, /.I -3. Virginia. 69 Cornucopias 3336 cornucopia C. 8, *. 74,/. 679. E. M. U82,/.l,2. Africa. 70 orbicularis 3334 orbicular G.t.l04,f.G. C. 8, .74, /.680. East Indies. OSTREA. 53 Linn, names. 71 arborea \jparasitica.~\ 72 Senegalensis 3337 Senegal 73 denticulata toothed 74 edulis 3334 eatable Gm. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat. 3336 tree C. 8, t. 74, f. 681. E. M. t.l85,f.l-3. East Indies. ^.p.202,U4,/.5. Senegal. C.8,*.73,/.672-3, EM. 1. 1 83,/. 1-4. C. of Good Hope. L. t. 193-4 & 202-3. G. t. 202,/. A.B. C. 8, *.74,/.682. P.5.Z.4, t.65. Ocean. 75 spondyloidea 3335 spondyloid C.8,.72,/.669-70. E.M. M78,/.l. Indian Seas. 76 ovalis 3337 oval S.Einl.3,p.378,t.9 t f.S. u. 77 semiaurita 3335 half-eared S.Einl.3,p.365,t.9,f.6. Mediter. 78 Perna 3338 oblong L. t. 199, /. 33 & t. 228, /.63. C.7,*.59,/.597- 580. E.M.t.l75,f.l. West Indies. 79 Isognomon 3338 long-hinged C. 7, t. 59,/. 584. E. M. t.l76,f.l. Amboyna. 80 Ephippium 3338 saddle Z/.J.227,/.62. C.7,2.58, /.576. E.M.t.l76,f.2. Tranquebar. 81 alata 3339 winged C.7,<.59,/.581. West Indies. 82 picta 3339 muscle-shap. C.7,.58,/.575. Red Sea. 83 Legumen 3339 pod-shaped C. 7, t. 59, /. 578. E.M. U75,/.2,3. Nicobar Islands. 84 Vulsella 3219 tongue-shaped/,. 1. 1055,/. 10. G. t. 90, [Mya rubella.] /.H. E.M.t.l78,fA,5. C.6,/.2,/.8-ll. Amboyna- 54 A N O M I A. Linn, names. Gin. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat. XV. ANOMIA. ANOMTA. 1 craniolaris 3340 cranium C'.8,#.76,/.687. a-f. EM. t.l7l,f.l-7. Philippine Isl. 2 turbinata 3721 top-shaped M.Z.D.l,p.l4,t.5. Norway. [Patella anomalaJ] 3 Ephippium 3340 orbicular L. t. 204,/. 38. G. t. 97, /.B. E.M.tA69,f.6,7. C. 8, t. 76, /. 692-3. P.B.ZAJ.65. D.t.26. M.p.155. Britain, &c. 4 Cepa 3341 onion C.8,J.76,/.694-5. EM. 5 electrica 3341 small amber L.t.205,f.39. C.8,t.76, f. 691. E. M. t. 171, /.3,4. Mediterranean. 6 punctata 3346 dotted C. 8, t. 77, f. 698. E. M. U71,/.8,9. Ferroe Island. 7 aculeata 3346 prickly- C. 8, t. 77,f. 702. . M. valved. *.171,/.10. M. p. 157, tA,f.5. Britain, &c. 8 muricata 3346 muricated C.8,p. 65, f. A.D. EM. U71,/.12-15. Guinea. 9 undulata 3346 striated /,.J.202,/36. C.8,t.77, /.699. .M. 17. Z).i.45. &157,?.4,/.6. Britain, &c. 10 patelliformis 3342 limpet-shaped C. 8, t. 77, f. 700. E. M. U71,/.18,19. Norway. A N O M I A. 55 Linn, names, Gm. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat. 11 Squama 3346 scaly C. 8, t. 77, f. 697. E.M. *.171,/.22-3. Norway. 12 pectinata 3340 comb-like C.8,f.76,/.689-90. E.M. 1. 1 7 1 ,/. 20, 2 1 . Mediterranean. 13 cylindrica 3349 cylindric ' M. Suppl.p.64;. L.T. 8,.3, /.6. Britain, &c. 14 scobinata 3342 rough C. 8, t. 78,/. 704. E.M. .243,/.9. Mediterranean. GU.96,/.B. u. Z.JV.j>.1151. Norway. C.8,*.77,/.701. Mediterranean. C.8,*.77,/.703. C.ofGoodHope. 3342 eared 3342 blunt 3343 truncated 3347 Cape 15 aurita 16 retusa 17 truncata 18 Capensis 19 detruncata 3347 semicircular C. 8, t. 78, f. 705. E.M. .243,/.10. Mediterranean. 20 pubescens 3344 downy G.t.96,f. C. .M.f.246, /.8. Norway Seas. 21 sanguinolenta 3347 scarlet-rayed C.8,*.78,/706. East Indies. 22 Caput-ser- 3344 snake's-head C. 8, t. 78, f. 712 & 11, pentis J.203,/.2013-4. E.M. .241,/.2. Norway Seas. 23 Terebratula 3344 Terebratula Kl.ost.t.U,f.74>. E.M. .239,/.l. Mediterranean. 24 vitrea 3347 brittle C.8,f.78,/.707-9. Norway. 25 cruenta blood-red Z.Z.M.l,2>.76,.33.SouthernSeas. .26 dorsata 3348 keeled C.8,*.78,/.710-ll. E.M. t. 242,/. 1 . Str. of Magellan. 27 psittacea 3348 parrot-beaked L. .21 1,/.46. C. 8, *.78, . E.M.t.U4>,f.3. Northern Seas. 56 M Y T I L U fi. Linn, names. Gm. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat. 28 tridentata 3348 3-toothed C.8,t.p.65,f..G. Mediterranean. 29 Placenta 3345 cake .*.225,/.60 &261,/.61. C.8,f.79,/.716. EM. U73,/.l-3. Tranquebar. 30 Sella 5345 saddle G. 1. 104,/. B. C. 8, t.79, , /.714. JO/.U74,/.!. Amboyna. 31 flexuosa 3319 flexuous S.Eml.3,p.4l&,t.V 9 f.\l. Norway Seas. 32 spondylodes 3348 spondylus Z.f.211,/.45. u. XVI. MYTILUS. MUSCLE. 1 Crista-galli 3350 cock's-comb G. t. 204,/.E. C. 8,*. 75, /.G83-4. Red Sea. 2 Hyotis 3350 horned GU.103,/. A. C.8 t t.75, f. 685. E. M. t. 186, y*l2. Amboyna. 3 Frons 3350 leaf L.t.l97,f.32 & 198,32. a. /. 686. E. M. t. 186, /4-46. West Indies. 4 margaritife- 3351 pearly L. t. 221, f. 56. G. t. 84, rus / E. F. G. C. 8, t. 8oi /.717. E.M.t.\77J.l, %> & 4. Amboyna, 5 radiatus rayed Z.Z.Tl/. 1,^.98,^.43, ..!/. J.177,/3. Tranquebar.. M Y T I L U S. 57 Linn, names. Gm. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat. 6 Unguis ; 335l7nail M.L. 7.539. No. 131. Mediter. 7 lithophagus 3351 burrowing L. t. 427,/. 268. GU.90, /.D. C.8,*.82,/.729- 730. E.M.t.22l,f.6,7. East and West Indies. 8 aristatus cross-beaked ^.p.267,J.19,/.2. Senegal. 9 rugosus 3352 rugged C. 8,t. 82,/. 735. P.B.Z. *.66,/.l. D.t.Ul. M. p.164. Britain, &c. 10 coralliopha- 3359 coral-boring C. 8, t. 84, /. 752. E. M. gus f.219,/4. E. & W. Indies. 11 praecisus truncated M.p.l65,tA,f.2. Britain. 12 fuscus 3359 brown L.t.359,f.l97. East Indies. 13 arborescens dendritical C. 11, t. 198, /. 2016-17. E.M.t.221,f.2. West Indies. 14 plicatus 3358 plaited C.8,*.82,/.733. Nicobar Islands. 15 vulgaris 3358 small C. 8, t. 82, f. 732. E.M. 218,/.4. West Indies. 16 niveus 3358 snow-white C.8,.82,/.734. Nicobar Islands. 17 bilocularis 3352 two-celled C.8,*.82,/.736-7. Indian Ocean. 18 exustus rose-colouredZ.?.366,/.206. C.8,f.S3, y.744. Tranquebar. 19 striatulus 3358 striated S. J Ein/.3,p.449,.9,/.16. Northern Ocean. 20 niger 3362 black A.p.211,t.l5,f.3. Africa. 21 edulis 3353 eatable Z.*.362,/.200. C.8,i.84, 22 pellucidus pellucid 23 ungulatus 3354 ox-hoof D.t.128. M.p.\59. Britain, &c. P.B.Z.t.6Q,f.3. D.t.81. M.p.lGO. Britain. C.8 5 *.85,/.756. West Indies. 58 M Y T I L U S. Linn, names. Gm. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat. 24 latus broad C. 8, t. 84, /. 747. E. M. t.2l8,f.2. New Holland. 25 elongatus 3361 lengthened C.8,.83,/.738. Str. of Magellan. [testaceus.~\ 26 smaragdinus 3359 green-coated C.8,f.83,/.745. Tranquebar. 27 lineatus 3359 wedge-shaped C.8,*.84,/.753. u. 28 bidens 3354 double- Z.*.356,/.193. KA,t.30, toothed /. 3. C. 8, t. 83,/. 742. E.M.t.2l7,f.2. Westlndies. 29 puniceus 3362 ventricose 4.p.2lO,t.l5,f.2. Goree. 30 demissus silvery L.t.358,f.l9Q. America. 31 Modiolus 3354 great L. t. 359, f. 198 & 1057, /.5. G.t.9l,f.H. C.8, t. 85, /. 557-9. E. M. *.219,/.l. P.B.Z.4, t.69. D.t.23. M.p.163. Britain, &c. L.t.l56,f.ll. G.t.7,f.. C.8,*.85,/762. E.M. J. 201, J.I. P.B.Z.4,, t.70. D.t.55. M.p.170. Dr.t.l2,f.l. Britain, &c.Fr.w. L.t.l53,f.8. G.t.7,f.E. C. 8, t. 86,/.763. EM. t.2Q2,f.l. P.B.ZA, .71. 32 Cygneus 3355 swan 33 Anatinus 3355 duck 34 Avonensis Avon 35 fluviatilis 3359 river 36 dubius 3363 doubtful 37 ruber 3356 red M. p. 172. L. T.8,t.3. A.fA. Britain, Fr.w. L.t.I57,f.l2. N. America. A.p.2S,t.\ 7,/.21. Senegal. L.S.N.p.1158. Southern Ocean. PINNA. 59 Linn, names. Gm. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat. 38 discrepans compartment C.8,f. 86,/.766-7. E.M. 39 discors discordant 40 impactus wool-coated 41 Faba 3359 bean 42 Hirundo 3357 swallow 43 Morio 44 Ala-corvi 45 Lingua 46 Camellii 47 Canaliculus 48 incur vatus 49 umbilicatus mulberry 3357 crow's-wing tongue Camelli's 3363 channeUed incurved Suppl.p.5J.2$,fA. Britain. C.8,*.86,/.764-5. D.t.25. M.p.167. Britain, &c. C. 8, t. 86,/. 768. E.M. f.204,/.5. New Zealand. C.8,*.85,/.761. Greenland. L. t. 220,f. 55. G. t, 94, /.B. C.8,*.81,/722. E.M.t.l79,f.9. W. Indies. C.lM.205,/.2018-9. Red Sea. C. 8, t. 81, f. 727. E. M. U77,/.6. S. Sea Islands. C. 10, t. 172, f. 1675-6. E.M.t.250,f.l. Amboyna. S.N.M.9,t.3l5. Japan. M.U.C.2,t.7S. New Zealand. P.B.Z.t.WJ.l. M.p.160. Z.r.8,f.3,/.7. Britain. umbilicated P.B.ZA,t .68. D.2, .40. 4. &Suppl.p.7l. - XVII. PINNA. WING-SHELL. 1 rudis 3363 rough L.t. 373,f.214>. G.t.79, f.C. C.8,t.88,f.773. E.M.t.l99,f.3. W. Indies, 60 L P I N N A. Linn, names. 2 nigra 3 ingens 4 pectinata 5 inflata 6 carnea 7 rigida 8 nobilis 9 muricata 10 exusta 11 Vexillum 12 squamosa Gm. Engl. names. Synonyms. T,t' Habitat. black G.t.8\,f. A. C. 8, t. 88, /.774. E.M.t.l99,f.l. Red Sea. great M.p.180. Suppl.p.72. Scotland. 3363 spiny-ribbed GU.90,/.A. E.M.t.200, f.5. C.8,f. 87,/.770. P.B.ZAyt.72. D.l,t.lO. M.p.178. Britain, &c. inflated C.8,.87,/.771. Nicobar Islands. 3365 flesh-colour. C.8,*.92,/.785. M.p.183, t.5,f.3. Britain, &c. rigid C.8,<.89,/775. Curacoa. 3364 sharp-scaled G. t. 78, /. B. C. 8, t. 89, f. 7 7 6-7. Mediterranean. 3364 prickly Z.*.370,/.210. ..79, /.D. C.8,*.91,/.781. E.Indies. 3366 pear-shaped C.8,*.91,/.782. New Zealand. 3366 banner 3365 scaly Indian Seas. 13 rotundata 3365 giant 14 bicolor 15 incurva 16 vitrea C.8,*.91,/.783. L.t.374<,f.2l5. G.t.78> /.A. C. 8, t. 92, f. 784,. E.M.t.200,f.l. Mediterranean. GU.80,/.A. C.8,t.93 t f.787. E.M.t.200,f.2. 3366 two-coloured C.8,.90,/.780. Red Sea. 3366 incurved C. 8, t. 90,/. 778. E.M. t.2QO,f.3. Amboyna. 3366 brittle G. t. 78,/. C. C. 8, t. 87, f.772. Indian Seas. Pl.f* PINNA. 61 Linn, names. Gm. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat. 17 papyracea 3367 paper C.8,*.93,/.786. Indian Seas. 18 saccata 3365 satchel- Z.*.371,/.212. C.8,*.90, shaped /.779. Mediterranean. 19 digitiformis 3365 finger-shaped L.S.N.p. 11 60. Indian Ocean. 20 bullata 3367 studded G.t.79,f.C. u. 21 lobata 3366 lobed L.S.N.p.1160. Indian Ocean. 62 ARGONAUT A. UNIVALVES. Linn, names. Gm. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat. XVIII. ARGONAUTA. PAPER SAILOR. 1 Argo 3367 oriental 2 tuberculata 3 hians L.t.556,f.7. GU.12,/.A. C.1,U7,/.157. Mediterranean. tuberculated G. 1. 12, f. B. C. 1,^.17, /.1 5 6. Amboyna. gaping G. 1. 12, f. C. C.I, 1. 17, /.158-9. China. 4 Gondola boat C.1,U8,/.160. Mozambique. 5 Haustrum bucket C.l,p.221,/.2. East Indies. 6 vitrea 3368 brittle C.l,.18,/.l63. Amboyna. 7 Cymbium 3368 minute G.t.l2,f.D. 8 Cornu 3368 horn C.10,U37,/.1271-3. C. of Good Hope. 9 arctica 3368 arctic Fab.F.G.p.386. Greenland. NAUTILUS. 63 Linn. name*. Gm. Engl. name*. Synonym*. Habitat. XIX. NAUTILUS. SAILOR. rp ' 1 Pompilius 3369 great-cham- L.t.550,f.l-3. G.t.l7& bered 18. C. l,f. 18,/. 164 & 19, /. 165-7. E. M. <.471,/.3. Amboyna. 2 scrobiculatus sunk-spire . f.552,/.4. C. 10,f.l37, /. 1274-5. New Guinea. 3 lacustris 3624 lake M.p.l9l,t.6,f.S. Britain. [H. nittda.] 4 Calcar 3370 spur G. 1. 19, f. C. C. 1, 1. 19, /.168-9. F.T.M.t.U, 12 & 13. Adriatic. 5 rotatus wheel C. 1, t. 20, f. 180-1. M. jp.l89,f.!5,/.4. Britain, &c. 6 laevigatulus smooth M.Suppl.p.7o,t.l8,f.7,8. Britain. 7 depressions compressed M.Suppl.p.78,t.I8,f.9. 8 crispus keel-edged G.t.I9,f. A.D. C. l,f.20, /. 172-4. F.T.M.t.4, /.d-f. M. p. 187,*. 18, f.o. Britain, &c. 9 Beccarii 3370 Beccaria's C. 1, t. 20, f. 175-7. M. p.186. Suppl.p.74,t.\8, 10 Balthicus 3370 Baltic S.Eml.l,p.20,t.l,f.2. Baltic. 11 crassulus strong M.p. 191. Svppl. t. 18, /2. Britain. 64 NAUTILUS. Linn, names. Gm. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat. 12 umbilicatulus umbilicated M. p. 191. Suppl. p. 78, *.18,/.l. Britain. 13 lobatulus lobed L.T.8,p.Il7. 14 rugosus 3371 rugged S.Einl.l,p.l2. Southern Ocean. 15 umbilicatus 3371 oblique- S.Einl.},p.l2. Croatia. jointed 16 Spirula 3371 ram's-horn L.t.550,f.2. G.t.l9,f.E. [Spicula.] C. I, t. 20, /. 184-5. E.M.tA65,f.5. West Indies. 17 Spengleri 3371 Spengler's F.T.M. 1. 14,/. d-i, & 15, /. a-h. E. M. t. 470, fA. Sands in India. 18 unguiculatus 3372 nail-shaped 19 semilituus 3372 half-crozier C. 1, t. 20, /. 186-7. M. p. 196. Suppl.t.l9>f.l. Britain. 20 Lituus 3372 crozier Red Sea. 21 carinatulus keeled M.p.\95. L.T.8,p.ll8. Britain. 22 obliquus 3372 obliquely- G.t.l9,f.N. M.p.t.14,, striated fA.jugosus. 23 Raphani- 3372 12-striated S.Einl.l,p.\5. Mediterranean. strum 24 Raphanus 3372 17-striated G. t. 9,/.L.M. C.l,p.l, /.A.B. 25 costatus ribbed M.p.l99,t.I4>,f.5. Suppl. p.83,U9,/.2. Britain. 26 Granum 3372 8-striated S.Einl.l,p.l6. Mediterranean. 27 Radicula 3373 bulbous- C.l#.l,/,G.g. M.p.197, jointed *.6,/.4. & M4,/.6. Britain. PI. fS. NAUTILUS. 65 Linn, names. Gm. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat. 28 spinulosus spmous-jo'mt.M.SuppLp.86,t.l9,f.5. Britain, 29 subarcuatus sub-arcuated M.p.l98,t.6,f.5. 30 bicarinatus two-keeled M.Suppl.p.86. 31 Fascia 3373 banded G. 1. 19, f. O. C. l,p. 1. /.D.d. Adriatic. 32 inaequalis 3373 unequal 33 siphunculus 3373 ringed 34 Legumen 3373 Pod 35 linearis 36 rectus 37 Pompilioides 38 repandus 39 asterizans 40 incrassatus 41 strigilatus 42 craticulatus 43 striato-punc- tatus linear straight Red Sea. G. t. 19, f. R.S. C. I, p. 1, /.F.ff.f. Sicily. G. *.19,/.P. C.I,p.l, /.E.e. M.Suppl.p.82, *.19,/.6. Britain, &c. M.Suppl.p.87,t.30,f.9. Scotland. M. p. 197. Suppl. p. 82, *.19,/4&7. Britain. thick-smooth F. T.M. .2,/.a-c. Mediterranean. wheel-shaped F. T. M. t.3,f. a-c. E.M . tA66,f.9. - starred F. T.M. t. 3,/.e-h. E.M. f.466,/10. thickened F.T.M.tA,f.a-c. C. of Elba. white-rayed F.T.M.t.5,f.c-g. E.M. *.470,/.3. Adriatic Sea. sharp-keeled F.T.M.t.5,f.h-k. E.M. tA70,f. 1 . Arabian Shore. dotted F.T.M.t.9,f.a-c. _ 44 ambiguus doubtful F.T.M.t.9,f.d-f. 66 NAUTILUS. Linn, names. Gm. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat. 45 macellus 23-ribbed F.T.M.t.lO,f.e-k. Mediterranean. 46 papillosus pimpled F.T.M.t.U,f.a-c. Adriatic. 47 planatus flat F. T.M.t.l6,f.&-l EM. 48 Cassis 49 Galea 50 acutauricu- laris 51 Faba 52 Scapha 53 Crepidula 54 Auricula 55 tuberosus 56 orbiculus 57 angulatus 58 aduncus lobster's-tail F.T.M. t. 17 & 18,/. a-c. Helmet sharp-eared bean-shaped boat-shaped Slipper ear- shaped punctured orbicular angular crooked F.T.M.t.l8,f.d-f. E.M. *.467,/.6. Etruria. F.T.M.t.l8,f.g-i. E.M. .467,/.7. Mediterranean. F. T.M.t. 1 9,/a-c. Rimini. F.T.M.t.l9,f.d-f. Adriatic. F. T.M.t.l9,f.g-i. Etruria. F.T.M.t.20,f.&-f. Mediterranean. F.T.M.t.2U,f.g-k. Etruria. F.T.M.t.21. E.M.tA6B, F.T.M.t.M. E.M.tA68, f.3. Arabian Gulf. F.T.M.t.23. E.M.tA68, /* -- C O N U S. 67 Linn, names. Gm. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat. XX. CONUS. CONE. 1 mannoreus 3374 marbled 2 Nicobaricus 3 arachnoideus 4 zonatus L.t.787,f.39. G.t.22, /.D. C.2,*.62,/.685-6. E.M.t.3\7,f.5,6. East and West Indies. yellow-throat. C.10,U39,/.1292. E.M. t.3l8,f.9. East Indies. 3388 spider's-web C. 2, t. 61,/. 676. E.M. t.3l8,f.7,8. Tranquebar. zoned C. 10, t. 139, f. 1286-8. E.M.t.3l8,fA. Asiatic Ocean. 5 imperials 3374 imperial L.t.766,f. 15. GU.22, /.A. C.2,*.62,/.690-2. E.M.t.3l9,f.l,2. Amboyna. 6 fuscatus brownish C.2,.62,/.692-3. E.M. t.3I9,f.3. New Zealand. 7 literatus 3375 lettered G. t. 20, f. O. L. t. 770, /.IT. C.2,*.60,/.668. E.M.t.323,f.\. Amboyna. 8 eburneus square-spotted G. t. 22, f. F. C. 2, t. 61, /.674. E.M. t.324, f.1,2. East Indies. 9 tessellatus mosaic L.t.767,f.l7. G.t.21, f.H. C.2,*.59,/.653-4. E.M.t.326,f.7 & 9. African Ocean. F 2 68 C O N U S. Linn, names. Gm. Engl. names. 10 generalis 3375 general 1 1 canaliculatus grooved [Malaccanus.^ 12 radiatus 3386 radiated Habitat. L.t.786,f.3Z. G.t.20, f. G. C.2,.58,/.645- 652. E.M.t.325,f.l-6. Amboyna. E.M.t.325,f.9. Ceylon. 13 Virgo 3376 Virgin J4 niveus 3392 white 15 Capitaneus 3376 Captain 16 Chemmtzii Chemnitz's 17 mustelinus weasel 18 Hyaena 19 Miles Hyena 3377 Soldiei 20 Tribunus 3377 Tribune 21 spurius 3396 spurious C. 2, t. 53, f. 584 & 587. E.M.t.327,f.3. West Indies. L. t. 754,/.2& 758, /. 3. GU.20,/.B. C. 2, .53, /. 585-6. E.M.t.326, f.5. Africa. B.p.l50,t.7,f.9. u. L.t.78,f.27. 6U.22,/.M. C. 2, t. 59, /. 660-2. E.M.t.327,f.l,2. Amboyna. C f .ll,^.182,/.1764-5. Ceylon. C. 10, t. 138, /. 1280. E.M.t.327,f.6. Batavia. C. 11, t. 181, /. 1750-1. E.M.t.327,f.5 & 7. New Zealand. . *. 786,/. 34. G.t.20, /.N. C.2,^.59,/.663-4. E.M.t.329,f.7. Amboyna. C.2,.59,/.655. West Indies. G.t.22,f.E. C.Z,t.56, /. 626-8. E.M.t.334, C O N U S. 69 Linn, names. Gm. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat. 22 leoninus 3386 Lion L. t. 772, f. 18. G. t.2l, /.D. C.2,f.55,/.607. E.M.t.335,f.5. Amboyna. 23 characteri- character- C.11,U82,/.1760-1. W.Indies. sticus spotted 24 caerulescens blueish C.ll,U82,/.1762-3. 25 Princeps 3378 Persian robe C.10,U38,/1276. E.M. t.3l8,f.3. Asiatic Ocean. 26 Janus Janus L. t. 782, f. 29. G. t. 25, /.T. C.2,f.52,/.581. E.M.t.336,f.o. 27 Guinaicus Guinea F.t.I6,f.Vl. &F2. E.M. t.337,fA&6. Guinea. 28 fulmineus 3388 lightning C. 2, t.58,f. 644. E.M. t.337,f.3. Africa. 29 Lorenzianus Lorenzo's C. 11, t. 181, f. 1754-5. East Indies. 30 Amadis 3388 Amadis C. 10, t. 142, f. 1322-3. E.M.t.335,f.l,2. Java. 31 acuminatus sharp-pointedF.*.17,/.Nl. E.M.t.336, y.3,4. Amboyna. 32 Thomse 3394 St. Thomas's C.10,*.143,/.1331. No. 2. E.M.t.339,f.3. Asiatic Ocean. 33 Ammiralis 3378 Admiral L.t.759,f.4>. G.t.2l,f.L. C.2,t.57,f.634. E.M. t.328,f. 1,2, 7,8 & 9. Amboyna. 34 Archithalas- granulated C.2,|).26,/.l. E.M.t.328, sus /.3,4. 70 C O N U S. Linn, names. Gm. Engl. names, 35 Cedonulli 3378 Cedonulli 36 aurantius orange 37 leucostictos 3388 marbled 38 vitulinus spotted 39 polyzonias 3392 depressed- spire 40 Senator 3381 Senator 41 Catus Cat 42 nobilis 3381 noble 43 Siamensis Siam 44 genuanus 3381 butterfly- winged 45 papilionaceus Papilio Synonyms. Habitat. C. 2, t. 57, f. 633. E. M. .316,/.l-9. Caraccas. L. 1.775, /. 21. GU. 20, f.L. C. 2,t. 61, f. 679. E.M.t.3l7,f.7. Philippine Islands. GU.21,/.L. C. 2,*. 61, /.678. E.M.t.8l7J.l, 4 & 9. West Indies. F.U5/.R. E.M.t.326, f.3. Martinique. B.t.7,f.l3. E.M.t.326, fA & 8. Guinea. C.2,f. 59,/.659. E.M. f.326,/6. C.2,<.55,/.609-10. E.M. f.332,/.3,4&7. C. of G.Hope. C. 2, #. 62, /. 689 & 10, 1. 141, /. 1312. E.M. *.339,/.7,8. Amboyna. F.t.l6,f.B. China. L.t.767,f. 16. G.t.22, /.H. C.2,^.56,/624-5. E.M.t.329,f.5,6. East Indies. L.t.773,f. 19. GU. 22, /. C. C. 2, J. 60,/. 669. E.M.t.330,f.I,2,5&8. West Indies. C O N U S. 71 Linn, names. Gm. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat. 46 Prometheus 47 taeniatus 48 Musicus 49 miliaris 50 glaucus 51 Suratensis 52 Monachus 3387 Monk [nebulosus.~\ 53 Ranunculus 54 achatinus 55 Luzonicus 56 Rusticus 3383 Rustic 57 Nisus 58 lividus 59 Mus Prometheus L. t. 771, /. 17. G. t. 22, /.B. E.M.t.33lJ.5. Java. American- Z.<.763,/.12. C.2,t.57, flag /.632& 10,U44, m&n. E.M.t.319,f.5. Africa. Music E.M.t.322,fA. China, millet E.M.t,3l9,f.6. 3382 little blueish C. 10, t. 138, /. 1277-8. E.M.t.329,f.3. Amboyna. Surat C. 11, t. 181, /. 1752-3. E.M.t.329,fA. East Indies. C. 2,.55,/.614. E. M. t.329,f.l,2. China. Ranunculus E.M.t.331,f.l. American Ocean. Agate C.10,U42,/.1317. EM. t.330,f.6 & 9. Batavia. spotted-velvet F. 2, p. 678, t. 17, f. C. E.M.t.338,f.Q. Philippine Isl. L.t.765,f.U. C.2,*.52, /. 578 & 11, t. 183, /.1776-7. E.M.t.331, f.7. Amboyna. C.ll,U83,/.1784-5. Eastlndies. brown- throated livid Mouse C.2,*.63,/.694-5. E.M. f.321,/5. C. of G.Hope. JU.784,/.31. E.M.t.320, f.9. Guadaloupe. 72 C O N U S. Linn, names. 60 distans 61 Caledonicus 62 Coffese 63 vittatus 64 Classiarius Gm. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat. wide-lined C.10,U38,/1281. E.M. J.321,/.ll. South Seas. Caledonian E.M.t.32l,f.lO. New Caledonia. 3388 Coffee ribbon Sailor C.2,f. 56,/. 618. E.M. t.33G,f.7. American Seas. E.M.t.335,f.3. Asiatic Ocean. G.t.2l,f.C. C.ll,t.l83, /.1 786-7. E.M.t.335, 65 Mercator 3383 net-work 66 betulinus 3383 birch-bark 67 figulinus 3384 brown-band. 68 quercinus * 69 lineatus 70 Eques 71 ermineus 3378 Oak [Cingulum.'] lined Chevalier ermme 72 Vexillum 3397 Banner L.t.788,fAl. C.2,*.56, /.619-20. E.M.t.333, f. 7. Cape of Good Hope. Z. t.762,f. 11. G.t.2I, /.B. C.2,*.40,/.665. E.M.t.333,f.5&8. Amboyna. Z. f. 785,/. 32. G. t. 20, /.E. C. 2, *. 59,/.656. E.M.t.332,f.l,2. Malabar. C. 2,^.59, /. 657. E.M. t.332,f.6. C. of G.Hope. C.10,f.l38,/.1285. E.M. t.326,f.2. Philippine Isl. F. 2, p. 606, t. 14, /. Fl. E.M.t.335,f.9. New Zealand. C. 2, t. 57, f. 630-1 &10, *. 140,/. 1298. E. M. t.338,f.8. East Indies, G.t.20,f.M.&t.2l,f.E. C.ll,.182,/.175S-9. Batavia. C O N U S. 73 Linn, names. Gm. Engl. names. 73 testudinarius Turtle Synonyms. C. 2, t. 55, f. 605. f.335,/.6. Habitat. E.M. West Indies. 74 venulatus 75 Namocanus 76 costatus 77 ebraeus 78 Stercus mus- carum 79 arenatus 80 pulicarius 81 Zeylanicus 82 punctatus 83 cancellatus 84 varius veined Ash-wood ribbed 3384 Hebrew 2. E.M.t.337,f.9. American Seas. E.M.t.33S,f.5. South Sea. C.ll,U81,/.1745-7. South Sea & China. L. t. 779. G.t.25,f. T. C.2,*.56,/.617. E.M. *.321,/.8,9. East Indies, &c. 3385 black-and- L.t.757,f.9. G.t.25,f.O. white dotted C. 2, t. 64, /. 711-12. E.M.t.34,l,f.6. Amboyna. sandy L. t. 761, /. 10. G. t. 25, /.P. C. 2, t. 63 J. 696. E.M.t.320,f.3, 6&7. Batavia. flea-bitten L. t. 774, /. 20. G. t. 21, /.G. C.2,*.63,/.698.a. E.M.t.320,f.l,2. Friendly Islands. 3389 Ceylon C.10,U42,/.1318. E.M. /.320,/.8. Ceylon. fawn-colouredC7.10,M39,/1294. E.M. f.319,/8. East Indies. trellised 3386 Shagreen E.M.t.338,f.l. Owyhee. C.10,M38,/.1284. E.M. *.321,/.3,4. West Indies. 74 C O N U S. Linn, names. Gm. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat. 85 Portoricanus granulated E.M.t.338,fA. Porto Rico. 86 Tinianus red, clouded E.M.t.338,f.2. Isle of Tinian. 87 coronatus 3389 crowned C.2,t.Q3,f.703-5. E.M. t.322,f.2. East Indies. 88 Barbadensis white-banded.E.M..322,/.8. Barbadoes. 89 roseus rose-coloured C. 2, t. 63, /. 707. E. M. t.322,f.7. Antilles. 90 coceineus 3390 scarlet C.2, t. 61, f. 680. E.M. t.322,f.6. West Indies. 91 citrinus 3389 citron-colour. C.2,*.61,/.681. Cura9oa. 92 sponsalis pink-spotted C. 11, t. 182, f. 1766-7. E.M.t.322,f.l. South Seas. 93 Taitensis blackish E.M.t.336,f.9. Otaheite. violet 94 scabriusculus roughish C.ll,U82,/.1768-9. Coast of Guinea. 95 puncturatus groove-punctured]?. M.t.322,f.9. 96 Ceylonensis 97 pusillus 98 lamellosus 99 Rattus 100 Jamaicensis 101 Mediterra- neus Botany Bay. zig-zag E.M.t.322,f.lO. Ceylon, dwarf C. 11, t. 183,/. 1788-9. E.M.t.33l,f.8. C. of Guinea. plaited-spire E.M.t.322,f.5. Rat-skin E.M.t.338,f.7. three-banded.J^.M.i.335,/.4. olive-clouded E.M.t.330,fA. Ceylon. America. Jamaica. Mediterranean. 102puncticulatus3382 red-dotted G.t.22,f.T3o.2. C.2,t.55, f. 612, b. & 10, t. 140, / 1305. E.M.t.331, f.2. West Indies. C O N U S. 75 Linn, names. .Gm. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat. 103 Mauritianus Mauritian E.M.t.330,f.9. Africa. 104 sulcatus grooved E.M.t.321,f.6. West Indies. 105 verrucosus warty L.t.756,f.8. C.2,t.55, /.612.c.d. E.M.t.333, /.4. Africa. 106 Columba rose-dove F. 2,p. 572, 1. 18, f. K. 1. E.M.t.334>,f.3. I. of France. 107 Madurensis green cross F. 2, p. 617, J. 15,/. E. 1. E.M.t.333,f.3. Asiatic Ocean. 108 Jaspideus 3387 Jasper 109 Japonicus 110 Mindanus 111 festivus 112 Clavus 113 aureus 114 affinis 115 tendineus 116 australis 117 laevis C. 2,*. 55, f. 612. EM. *.334,/.4. West Indies. orange-mottled E.M.t.330,f.3. Japan. white-mottleoLE.M.f. 330,/. 7.Philippine Islands, festive <7.11,*.182,/. 1770-1. Moluccas. 3390 yell.-veined L. t. 744,/. 34. C.2,t.52, f. 570 & 10, t. 143, /. 1327. E.M.t.346, f.3. East Indies. golden E.M.t.346,fA. China. 3391 Commandant C. 2, *. 52,/.571. E. M. *.342,/.4,5. East Indies. chocolate Z.*.745,/.36. C.10,.143, /. 1330. E. M. t. 342, /6. Africa. Southern C. 11, t. 183, f. 1774-5. New South Wales. 3391 smooth C.2^.52,/572. Africa. 76 C O N U S. Linn, names. Gin. 118 ochroleucus 119 strigatus 120 raitratus 121 Glans 122 tenellus 123 Nussatella 3390 Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat. yellowish C. 2, t. 52,/. 573. E. M. *.343,/.6. America. pale violet J.M.f.342,/.l. Indian Seas. Mitre E.M.t.34>2,f.3. Acorn C.10,U43,/.1331. EM. *.342,/.7&9. Africa. delicate C.ll,*.183,/.1782-3. Moluccas. clouded whiteC. 2, t. 51, f. 567. E. M. and yellow .342,/.2 & 8. Island of Nussatella. 124 granulatus 3391 grained 125 Fusus 3390 Spindle 126 aurisiacus 3392 Orange 127 Terebellum 3390 Wimble 128 Raphanus 129 Adansoni 130 Augur 131 Magus Radish Adanson's Augur Magician L.t.760,f.5. C. 2, t. 52, /. 574-5. E.M.t.339, f.9. South America. Z..768,/.17.A. C.2,t.52, /.576. E.M.t.34>l,f.7. West Indies. C.2,*.57,/.636-7. E.M. f.339,/4. Amboyna. F.2,p.662,t. 17, f. K.2. C.2,f.52,/.577. E.M. t.339,f.l,2. Batavia. E.M.t.34>l,f.l,2. Asiatic Ocean. A. p. 95, t. 6,/.6. E.M. f.343,/7. Senegal. l.t.755,f. 7. C.2,t.5S, f. 641. E. M. t. 333, /.6. Ceylon. C.2,^.52,/,579-80. E.M. <.341,/.8. Amboyna. C O N U S. 77 Linn, names. Gm. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat. 132 striatus 3393 striated L.t.760,f.6. G.t.26,f.D. C. 2, t. 64, f. 714-16. E.M. *.340,/.l-3. Moluccas. 133 Gubernator Governor E. M. t. 340, /. 4, 5, 6. Asiatic Ocean. 134 Gloria maris Glory of the sea C. 10, t. 143, /. 1324-5. E.M.t.34>7,f.7. East Indian Ocean. 135 pyramidalis pyramidal F. 2, p. 645, t. 18, f. C. 1. E.M.t.347,f.5. Torrid zone. 136 Textile 3373 Gold brocaded. *. 788,/. 40. . *. 25, /.A. A. C. 2,.54,/.598, 600. JE.M.J. 344,/.5. E. & W. Indies. 137 Abbas Abbot C. 10, *. 143,/. 1326.b.c. E.M. t. 345,/. 3. I. of France. 138 Archiepisco- Archbishop C. 2, t. 54, /. 602. E.M. pus *.346,/.l & 7. E. Indies. 139 Canonicus Canon E.M.t.34:5,f.l. Indian Seas. 140 Episcopus Bishop L.t.790,f. 43. C. 2, *. 53, /. 591. .M. *. 345, /2&6. 141 Praelatus Prelate ^. 2, p. 639, *. 1 8,/. B. 7. C.2,*.54,/.601. ^..W. f.345,/4. 142 pennaceus plumous B.t.7,/.14>. E.M.t.34*4>, /.4. Amboyna. 143 rubiginosus orange-brown F. 2, p. 644, t. 18, f. C. 4. C. 2, . 54, /. 593-4. E.M.t.344,,f.2. 78 C O N U S. Linn, names. Gm. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat. 144 Omaria pearl-brown F. 2, p. 652, t. 18, f. C. 5. C.2,t.54>,f.596.E.M. .344,/.3. New Guinea. 145 Aulicus 3394 Brunette G. t. 25, f. Z. C. 2, t. 53, /.592. E.M.t.34,.3,f.3 & 4. Amboyna. 146 elongatus 147 Spectrum 3395 Spectre lengthened C.10, t. 144. A./, i & k. E.M.t.337,f.2. Guinea. L. t.7S3,f. 30. 67.2,*. 53, /. 582-3. E.M.t.34>l, f.9. Amboyna. 148 informis misshapen F. 2, j>. 700, .79 upper /.N. C. 10, t. 144, A. /.g.h. E.M.t.337,f.8. New Zealand. 149 ventricosus 3397 ventricose E.M. t. 337,/. 5, Africa. 150 bullatus bubble G.t.26,f.C. C.10,U42, /.1315-16. E.M.t.339, f.6. Moluccas. 151 Timorensis Timor E.M.t.34il,f.3. E. Ind. Ocean. 152 nimbosus rainy E.M.t.3^\,f.5. 153 rosaceus Aurora C.ll,f.l81,/.1756-7. 154 Tulipa 3395 Tulip L. t. 764, /. 13. G. *.26, /. G. C. 2,*.64,/. 718- 719 & U 65, f. 720-1. E.M.t.322,f.Il. Madagascar. 155 Geographus3396 Geographer L. t. 747, f. 41. 67. *. 26, /.E. C.2,. 64, /. 717. E.M.t.322,f.l2. Amboyna. rff. _ IP-.. ^ It / 9 -v.-?^,^^ f ft* /<"> ^Bf ft, * ^ /: K. A ^/ **Zf~ * V^F $ m % i /3^* //#/^ ^> + "^ /*7 < * Vctf4M ^-- /y/ f /.i? /A + TSf* t ,. C Y P R JE A. 79 Linn, names. Gm. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat. American Ocean. XXI. CYPR^EA. COWRY. 1 Exanthema 3397 spotted L. t. 697, /. 44 to 699, /.46. .U6,/.O. C.I, f.28,/.289,*.29,/298- 300. J/.*.349&353, /.3. F. t.29,f. A.3. C. 1,*.25, /. 245-6. E.M.t.S52, /.4. Amboyna. Arabic L.t.658,f.3. 6r..16, f. V. C.*.31,/.328-30. EM. t.352,f.2&5. Madagascar. 3403 Harlequin L. t. 659, f. 3. a. C. 10, *.145,/.1346-7. Amboyna. 3398 Argus L. t. 705, / 54. G. 1. 16, & 10, *. 145,/. 1344-5. E.M.t.350,f.I. 6 testudinaria 3399 Tortoise- . . 689,/.36. C. 1,^.27, shell /. 271-2. E.M.t.351, f. 2. Ceylon. 7 stercoraria 3399 livid, speckledZ.*.687,/34. C. 11,^.180, /.1739-40. E.M.t.354<, f.5. Guinea. 8 Aurantium 3403 Orange F.t.30,f.S. C. 11,*. 180, /1737-8. Friendly Islands. 9 carneola 3400 flesh-coloured Z.f.664,/. 8. C?.*.30,/.H. Amboyna. 2 Mappa 3397 Map 3 Arabica 4 Histrio 5 Argus <.354,/3. 80 C Y P R .& A. Linn, names. Gm. Engl. names *;' Synonyms. Habitat. 10 Talpa 3400 Mole L. t. 668,/. 14. G.t. 16, /.N. C.l,t.27,f. 273-4. E.M,1.353,fA. Asia. & 11 lurida 3401 lurid L. t. 671, /.1 7 & 673,/.19. G. t. IS,/. E. T. C.l, f.30,/.315. E.M.t.354>, /.2. South America. 12 Vanelli 3402 saffron- throated Z.f.684,/31. C.l,t.25, f. 250-1. Barbadoes. 13 lota 3402 white G.t. 16, /.C. C. 1, t.30, f.322. Sicily. 14 guttata 3402 dotted L.t. 676, /. 23. G.t. 16, /I. C.l,*.25,/.252-3. u. 15 sanguinolenta 3406 sanguine C.l,*.26,/.265-6. E.M. t.356,f.!2. u. 16 undulata 3406 waved C.10,.144,/.1337. Mauritius. 17 teres 3405 long S.Einl.l,p.l6l,t.l,f.7. u. 18 achatina Agate M.C/.C.1,M4. Otaheite. 19 Caput ser- pentis 20 Mauritiana 3406 Snake's head 3407 blackish- brown Z.f.702,/.50&704,/.53. G.t.l5,f.I.O. C.1,^.30, /.316. E.M.t.354>,fA, ab L.t.703,f.52. G.t. 15, /.S.T. C.l,*.30,/.317. Mauritius, Amboyna. Vitellus 3407 white-spotted Z. ^.693,/.40. (7. #. 13, /.T.V. C..23,/.228. E.M.t.354>,f.6. Amboyna. C Y P R S. A. 81 Linn, names. Gm. EngL names. Synonyms. Habitat. 22 Mus 3407 Mouse F.t.30,f.A. C.l,t.23, f. 222-3. E.M.t.354, f.l. Amboyna. 23 Tigris 3408 Tiger L.t.6S2,f.29. G.t.U, /G.'I.L. C. 1, t. 24, /. 232-4. E.M.t.C53, 24 pantherina Panther L. t. 68 1,/ 28. G. 1. 14, /.H. C.l,.24,/.235-6. Mediterranean. 25 Lynx 3409 Lynx 26 felina 3412 feline L.*.683,/.30. G.t.lSj.Z. C. 1, <. 23, /. 230-1. E.M.t.355,f.8. Mauritius. L. *.680,/.7. C.l,t. 28, /.2S3-4. Maldives. 27 cinerea 3402 ash-coloured L.t. 667,/.ll & 670,/16. G.t. 16,/.M. C.l,*.25, /.254-5. West Indies. 28 Isabella 3409 yellow L. .660,/.4. C. l,t.27, f.275. E.M.t.355,f.6. Amboyna. 29 cylindrica 3405 cylindrical B.t.8,f.lO. u. SO Scurra 3409 green-spotted C. 10, 1. 144,/. 1338. a. b. Eastern Ocean. 31 Onyx 3410 Onyx L.t.657,f.2. .*. C.l,#.26,/.269-70. Asia. 32 subflava 3413 yellowish GU.13,/.D. G 82 C Y P R JE A. Linn, names. Gm. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat. 33 zic-zac 3410 zig-zag L.t. 661,/.5. (7.1,*. 23, /. 224-7. E.M.Z.356, /. 1 1 . East Indian Ocean. 34 zonaria 3414 zoned C.10,U45,/.1342. Guinea. 35 Hirundo 3411 Swallow L.t.674>,f.20. (7.1, .28, /.282. E.M.t.356,f.6. Maldives. 36 Ursellus 3411 brown-spotted^. 1. 15, /.L. C. 1, t. 24, /.241. u. 37 lutea 3414 yellow G.Z.t.l9,f.l7. S.Einl.l, 38 Asellus 39 erronea 40 Pyrum 41 punctata 42 cribraria 43 Moneta 3411 3-banded L. t. 666,/. 10. G. t. 15, /.M. (7.1,*.27,/.280. E.M.t.356,f.5. Amboyna. 3411 olive-mottled C.l,.27,/.278-9. East Indies. G.t.UJ.E. C.l,/.267-8. Mediterranean. C.l,*.28,/.290-l. E.M. 3411 Pear 3414 dotted 3414 umbilicated L.t.695,f. 42. C.1,^.81, /.336. E.M.t.355,f.5. China. 3414 Money L. t. 709, f. 59. G. t. 14, /.3-5. C.l,t.3l,f.337- 340. E.M.t.356,f.3. East Indies. 44 Annulus 3415 ringed G.t.U,f.l,2. C.1,L24, /.239-40. E.M.t.356, f.7. Amboyna. C Y P R JE A. 83 Linn, names. 45 Caurica 46 stolida Gm. Engl. names 3415 thick-edged 3416 angular- marked 47 cruenta 3420 ferruginous 48 erosa 49 spurca 50 rubiginosa 51 tabescens 52 angustata 53 helvola 54 ocellata 55 poraria 3415 bordered 3416 narrow- margined 3420 square-spot- ted glaucous 3421 narrow 3417 star 3417 eed Synonyms. Habitat. Z..677,/24. G. .15, /.A.A. C..29,/.301-2. E.M.t.356,f.lO. Madagascar. B.t.8,f. 12. C.I, .28, f.292-3. Amboyna. G.t.l5,f.E. C.I, .29, /.303. E.M.t.353,f2. L. t. 692, f. 39. G. t. 15, /.H. C.l,.30,/.320-l. E.M.t.355,fA. Mauritius. C.l,.31,/.335. Mediterranean. F.t.29,f.S. C.I, .29, /. 305 & 11, . 180, /".1 743-4. Eastern Ocean. Z..678,/.25. C.I, .28, /.294-5. Amboyna. GU.13,/.Q.Q. u. L. t.69l,f. 38. G. .15, /.B.B. C.l,.30,/.326- 327. E.M.t.356,f.l3. Amboyna. Z..696,/. 43. F. t. 29, 334. E.M.t.355,f.7. Indian Ocean. 3417 white-spotted L.t. 69 4,/.41. C.I, t. 24, /. 237-8. E.M.t.356, f.4t. Jamaica. 56 gangreenosa 3417 gangrene C.1^.30,/.324-5. China. [poraria a.] 84 C Y P R JE A. Linn, names. 57 fimbriata 58 Oniscus 59 sulcata Gm. Engl. names. Synonyms. 3420 fimbriated C.*.26,/.263-4. Habitat. u. Wood-louse L. t. 706,/.35. F. t. 29, f.U.3. C.l,*.29,/.306- 308. Adriatic. 3418 sulcated 60 Pediculus 3418 Sea-louse L. t. 706, f. 56. G.t.15, . /.R. <7.1,*.29,/.310-11. E.M.t.356,f.l.a. Westlndies. Z.2.707,/57. C.I, 2.29, /.309. P.B.Z.4>,t.73. D. 2,2.43. Tkf.^.200. E.M.*.356,/.l.b. Britain. 61 Madagasca- riensis 62 Nucleus 63 pustulata 64 staphylea 65 Cicercula 3419 Vetch 66 Margarita 3419 Madagascar L.*.710,/.61. Madagascar. 3418 wrinkled G. 1. 14,/. Q. R. S. - C. 1, t. 29, /. 312. E. M. 2.355,/3. Island of Nussatella. Pustule Z.2.710,/62. China. 3419 groove- L.t.78,f.58. G.2.14,/.T. backed C. 1, t. 29, /. 31S-14. E.M.t.356,f.9. East Indies. .2.710,/.60. C. 1,2.24, /. 243-4. E.M.t.355, f.l. Amboyna. Pearl G. 1. 14,/. M. C.I, t. 24, /. 242. E. M. t. 356, 67 Globulus 3419 globular GU.14,/.N. C.10, 2.145, /.1339-40. 68 minuta 3406 minute .mU,p.65,No. 121. fi'JPR^f^ . ^^ w 9 $F ^^ w 9 *i e* ^^% f%* _X * eTT" + " J "'" X/ /-^ ^ + >'XB^ % BULL A. 85 Linn, names. Gm. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat. XXII. BULLA. DIPPER. 1 Ovum 3422 Egg L. t. 711, f. 65. G. .15, /.A.B. C.l,*.22,/205- 206. E.M.t.358,f.l. Amboyna. 2 imperialis crumpled M.U.C.t.60. Friendly Islands. 3 Volva 3422 Weaver's- L. t.711,f. 63. F. t. 30, shuttle f.K.2. C.l^.23,/218- 219. E.M.t.357,f.3. Japan. 4 carnea 3434 flesh-coloured.3f.*.357,/.2. Africa. 5 lepida orange-colouredP.GU.66,/.2,3. Leghorn. 6 birostris 3423 lesser-shuttle F.t.3Q,f. K.I. C.l,f.24, /217.a.b. E.M.t.357, /.l.a.b. China. 7 Secale Rye-shaped Z.*.711,/.66. West Indies. 8 patula patulous P.B.ZA,t.73. DA,t.U2. M.p.207. Britain. 9 Spelta 3423 oblong Z.f.712,/.68. G.t.l5,fA. CU.23,/215-16. Mediter. 10 verrucosa 3423 warty L. t.712,f. 67. G. M6, /.F. C. *.32,/.220-l. E.M.t.357,f.5. Amboyna, Z.f.711,/64. G. f. 15, 11 gibbosa 3423 belted 12 Naucum 3424 Sea-nut E.M.t.357,fA. L.t.7l4!,f.73. G.t.13, f.G.G. C.V.22,/200- Brazil. Amboyna. 86 B U L L A. Linn, names. Gm. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat. 13 ferruginosa 3432 rust-spotted C.l,.22,/.209-10. u. 14 aperta 3424 wide C. 10, t. 146, /. 1354-5. D. 4,U20. M.p.208. Fign.2,f.l-4>. Britain, &c. 15 Catena Chain 7l/.^.215,*.7,/.7. 16 Plumula Feather M. p. 214, t. 15, /. 9. & Fign.2,f.5. Britain. 17 Hydatis 3424 Paper G.U3,/.D.D. C7.U.21, /. 119 & 11, t. 118, /.1019. 18 Ampulla 3425 Pewit's egg L. t. 713, /. 69 & t. 1056, /.8. .U2,/.E. C.I, *.21,/. 188-93. E.M. *.358,/.3.a.b. Amboyna. 19 Amygdalus 3425 /3 Almond L. t. 714, /. 72. G. t. 12, /.F.I. <7.1,*.22,/.202-4. E.M.*.358,/.2.a.b. M. 2?.206,*.7,/.l. Ampulla. West Indies. 20 lignaria 21 pectinata 22 soluta 23 Akera 24 Physis 3425 brown- L. t. 714,/.71. C.M.21, striated /.194-5. E. M. t. 359, /.3. P.B.ZA,t.73. M. p.205. Britain, &c. pectinated M.Z.D.2,pAl,t. 71,/.10. Coast of Denmark. 3434 unsealed C.10,*.46,/.1S59-61. Ceylon. 3434 elastic C.10,U46,/.1358.ZU.79. M.p.219. Britain, &c. 3425 striped G.t. 13,/.F.F. C.l,.21 5 /.196-7. E.M.t.359, fA. East Indies. B U L L A. 87 Linn, names. Gm. 25 nitidula Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat. brittle L.t.7l5,f.74<. C.l,p.274>, /.4,5. West Indies. 26 Amplustre 3426 banded 27 Velum 3433 zoned C. 10, t. 146, /. 1350-1. E.M.t.359,f.2. China. C. 10, t. 146, /. 1348-9. E.M.t.359,f.l.a.b. Tranquebar. 28 scabra 3434 29 Ficus 3426 30 Pyrum 31 Rapa 3426 32 canaliculata 3427 33 conoidea 3427 34 Voluta 3433 35 Dominicensis 3433 36 crassula rough Fig Pear C.10,*.146,/.1352-3. Java. L. J.750&751. G. t. 26, /.M. C.3,*.66,/.733-5. E.M.tA32,f.l,2. Amboyna. L.t.877,f.l. C. 3,^.66, /.736-7. u. turnip-shaped C.3,*.68,/.747-9. China. chaneUed L.S.N.p.ll&5. u. conoidal L.S.N.p.llSS. u. volute C.9,U17,/.1009-10. u. .nine-whirled C.9,U17,/.1011. St. Domingo. reversed Z.i.135,/35. C. 9,^.103, /.879-80. West Indies. 37 fontinalis 3427 fresh-water L. t. 134, /. 34. G. t. 5, /C.C. D.5,t.l68,f.2. M.p.226. Rivers in Britain,&c. 38 rivalis river F.t.Gl,f.E.G. C.9,t.l03, /.877-S. M.Suppl.p.97. Britain, &c. 88 BULL A. Linn, names. 39 Hypnorum 40 gelatinosa 41 Terebellum Gm. Engl. names 3665 slender 3428 gelatinous 3428 awl-shaped 42 Cypraea 43 ventricosa 44 ampla 45 virginea 46 fasciata cowry-form ventricose 3467wide-mouthed 3429 ribbon 3430 banded Synonyms. Habitat. 7,.U059,/5. C.9,U03, /. 882-3. a. b. c. M. p.228. L.T.8,tA,f.3. Britain, &c. Fr.w. S.Fluss.p.293. Denmark. Fr.w. L.t.736,f.30-l. GU. 23, f.O. C.2,*.51,/.568-9 & 10, t. 146,/. 1362-3. E.M.t.360,f.l.a.b.c. Amboyna. C.2,*.65,/.731. Mediterranean. Z.*.746,/.40. u. C.2,.65,/.722. u. Z.U5,/.10. G.t.6,f.A. C. 9, t. 117,/. 1000-3. . West Indies' .M2,/7. ^.^.6,/C.D. C.9,U17,/.1004-6. East and West Indies. 47 strigata 3430 yellow-streak.M.F.2,/j.l48. u. 48 striatula 3430 striated Br.E.M.p.329. u. 49 exarata 3431 wrinkled C. 9, t. 120, /. 1031-2 Fer.U18,/.l&2. Guinea. 50 truncata 3434 truncated C.9,<.120,/. 1028-30. u. 51 Priamus Priam Br. E. M.p. 360. C. 9 3 52 Zebra 3431 Zebra *.120,/.1026-7. West Indies. Guinea. /.1015-16. - V O L U T A. 89 Linn, names. Gm. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat. 53 achatina 3432 broad-striped L. t. 579, /. 34. GU.45. /.B. C.9,*.118,/.1012- 1013. E. Indies. 54 purpurea 3433 purple- L.t.581,f.35. C. 9,U18, mouthed /1017-18. Africa. 55 bicarinata double-keeledZ. t. 37,/36. C. 9, .103, /.S75-6. u. 56 cylindrica 3433 cylindric F.f.27,/.F.5. C.10,U46, /. 1356-7. E.M.t.360, /.2. S. Sea. 57 cylindracea cylindrical L.t. 714,/.70. P.B.Z.4, t.73. Z).4,*.120,/.2.,^.7,/.2. Britain. 58 umbilicata umbilicated 3/.^.222,<.7,/.4. 59 retusa blunt M.t.7,f.5. L.T.8,p.l28 60 obtusa obtuse M.p.223,t.7,f.3. 61 haliotoidea Venus' ear C. 1, t. 16, /. 151-3. M. XXIII. VOLUTA. VOLUTE. 1 AurisMidse 3435 Midas' ear L. 1. 1058, /. 6. G.t.55, f.G. C.2,*.43,/.436-8. E.M.tA60,f.6. E. Indies. 2AurisJudae 3437 Judas' ear . *. 32,/ 30. C. 2, *. 44, /.449-51. Malacca. 90 V O L U T A. Linn, names. Gm. 3 Australis 4 Auris Malchi3437 5 glabra 3436 6 Auris Sileni 3436 7 fasciata 8 Auris virginis 9 Auris vulpina 10 Auris cati 11 tornatilis 3437 12 flammea 3435 variegated Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat. Southern C.9,U21,/.1039-40. New Holland. Malchus' ear C.9,U21,/.1037-8. Per. .159. u. smooth C.2,.43,/. 447-8. u. Silenus' ear B. .9,/. 3,4. C. 11, .176, /. 1701-2. E.M.tAGO, fA. u. banded C. 9,. 1 2 1 , f. 1 04 1 . Australasia. 13 solidula 3437 14 livida 3438 15 Coffea 3438 16 minuta 17 flava 3436 18 denticulata C.9,.121,/.1041. Virgin's ear Z..24,/22. C.9,.121, /.1 042. East Indies. Fox's ear C.ll,.210,/.2086-7. St. Helena. Cat's ear C.11,U77,/.1711-12. u. double-band. L. t.S35,f. 58. C. 2, .43, /. 442-3. E.M.t.452, f.3. P.B.ZA,t.75,f.l. D.2,t.57. M.p.23l. Britain. L.t.8l4,,f. 24. C. 2, .43, /.439. E.M.tA52,f.l. u. C.2,.43,/.440-l. China. G.t.25,f. B. Africa. coffee-colour. L. t. 834, /. 59. F. t. 65, /. H. 7. C. 9, t. 121, /. 1043. E.M.t.4,60, f.5. Barbadoes. L. t. 834, / 60. F. t. 65, /.H.8. C.2,.43,/.445. C.2,.43,/.444. East Indies.,.20,/.5. Britain. strong livid 3436 minute yellow toothed V O L U T A. 91 Linn, names. Gm. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat. 19 triplicata 3-toothed DA,t.l38. M.Suppl.p.99. Guernsey. 20 pusilla 3436 small oval F. t.65,f. H.4. C.2,tA3, /.446. u. 21 bidentata double-toothedM.Suppl.p.lQQJ.SO,/^. Britain. 22 alba white W.M.S.f.Ql. M.p.225. 23 pellucida pellucid W.M.S.fAQ. M.t.l2,f.9. 24 unidentata single-toothedZ.jT.8,^.131. 25 interstincta * , divided L. T. 3, t. 13, f. 23-4. M.t.l2,fAO. 26 insculpta engraved M.Sujypl.p.129. 27 plicata plaited M.t.2l,f.2. L.T.8,p.l31 28 ambigua doubtful M.SuppU.21,fA. L.T.8, p.132. 29 Porphyrea 3438 Porphyry G.t. 24, /. P. C. 2, .46, /. 485-6. E.M. f.361, /.4. West Indies. 30 erythrostoma orange-marbled L.t.727,f.I4,, G f .^.24,/.O. C.2,tA5,fA76-7.E.M. t.361,f.2. Amboyna. 31 oliva 3439 olive L. t. 728, f. 15. ..24, /.F. C. 2, t.5l,f.559. E.M.t.362,f.5. 32 cruenta orange-throated L. t. 720, /. 4, 5. G.t. 23, /. Q. C.2,*.46,/.491-2. E.M.t.3Q8,f.2. 33 annulata 3441 ringed L.t.7l7,f.l. C.2,t.5l, /.564. E.M.t.3Q3,f.2. Isle of France. V O L U T A. Linn, names. 34 ventricosa 35 incrassata 36 pinguis 37 Utriculus 38 Ispidula 39 hiatula 40 nivea 41 Jaspidea 42 tigrina 43 Carneola 3443 Cornelian 44 micans Gm. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat. ventricose L. t. 735, /. 25. F. t. 19, /.E.2, C.2,*.47,/.507- 508&10,U47,/.1373. E.M.t.3G4>,f.7. Moluccas. thickened C.2,J.47,/.499,500. EM. t.363,f.6. Quaker olive C.10,U47,/. 1367-8. Brazil. 3441 gibbous L. *.723,/.10 &730,/. 19. <7.*.24,/.G. C. 2,*.49, /.539-40. E.M.t.365, f.6. Coromandel. enamelled .*.722,/.9. F.t.l9,f.A. C. 2, t. 50, /. 551-3. E.M.t.368,f.3&6. Moluccas. 3442 gaping L.f.729,/. 17. C. 2, .50, /.555. E.M.t.3G8,f.5. Africa. 3442 snowy J? 2,^. 836, . 19,/. I. 2. C.2,.50,/.557-8. West Indies. 3442 Jasper Z.*.725,/.13. F. 2,^.835, /.I.2. C.2,f.50,/.556. Philippines. Tiger Z. ^. 721,/. 6. C. 2, <. 46, /. 493-4. E. M. t. 368, f.\. Eastern Ocean. F. 2, p. 829, t. 19,/.H. 2. C.2,*.46,/495. E.M. t.365,f.5. Moluccas. little L.t.733,f.22. F.2,p.S37, U9,/.H.l. C. 2,^.50, /. 543-4. E.M.t.S83, V O L U T A. 93 Linn, names. Gin. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat. 45 nitidula delicate C.2,t.50,/.545-7. E. M. f.363,/4. Moluccas. 46 Oryza Rice C.2,*.50,/.548. u. 47 Dactylus 3443 six-plaited L.t.8l3,f.23. C.10,U50, /. 1411-12. E.M.t.372, f.5. India. 48 fenestrata eight-plaited G.t.28,f.P. E.M.t.372, /3. 49 crenulata 3452 crenulated L.t. 813,/. 23. a. C. 10, U50,/.1413-14. E.M. *.372,/.4.a.b. East Indies. 50 texturata four-plaited L. t.8l9,f. 36. G. t. 28, /.O. E.M.t.372,f.2. u. 51 Conus 3349 cone-shaped L. t. 814,/. 23. b. C. 10, *.150,/.1415-16. E.M. *.382,/.2. u. 52 Miliaria 3443 MHlet C.2,f.42,/.428. Mediterranean. 53 Monilis 3443 Necklace C.2,*.42,/426. China. 54 exilis 3444 brown-banded C.2,*.42,/427. Senegal. 55 Persicula 3444 red-spotted L. t. 803,/. 10. G.t.28, /. C. D. E. C. 2,*. 42, /.421. E.M.t.377,f.3. Africa. 56 cingulata red lined L.t.803,f.9. G. t. 25,/.C. C. 2, t. 4,2, f. 419-20. E.M.t.377,fA.a.b. Cape Verde. 57 guttata dotted C.2,*.42,/.417-18. Jamaica. 58 PorceUana 3449 Porcelain C. 10, t. 150,/. 1419-20. E.M.t.377,f.5. Indian Ocean. 94 V O L U T A. Linn, names. 59 pallida 60 catenata 61 laevis 62 marginata 63 Faba 64 glabella 3445 polished 65 picta 66 Castanea 67 strigata 68 Prunum 69 elegans 70 bullata 71 reticulata Gm. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat. 3444 pallid Z.Z.714/.70. E.M.t.384>, /.4. D.t.66. M.p.232. Britain, &c. chain-spotted M. p. 236, t.6,f.2 & Suppl. ^.104. smooth Z).5,U65. M.t.6,f.7. 3449 margined F.t.29,f.E. C.10,.150, /.1421. E.M. t. 376, f.9. Guinea. 3445 Bean L. t. 812,/. 22. G.t.28, /.Q. C.2,*.42,/.432-3. E.M.t.377,f.l-8. Bombay. L.t.8l8,f.29. C. 2,t.4>2, fA29. E.M.t.377,f.6. a.b. Guinea. painted C. 2, J.42,/.434-5. E.M. t.377,f.2. Brazil. Chesnut C.2,tA2,fA30. wave-striped C. 10, t. 150, /. 1423-4. E.M.t.377,f.7. Guinea. 3446 blueish grey C.2,tA2,fA22-3. E.M. *.376,/.8. Island of Goree. 3448 elegant C.2,tA2,fA24<-5. u. 3452 bubble L.t.803,f.ll. C.10,U50, /.1409-10. E.M.t.376, f.5. East Indies. 3446 reticulated Z.J.830,/52. C.3,tl21, /.1107-8. E.M.t.375, f.3. West Indies. V O L U T A. Linn, names. 72 Ziervogelii 73 mercatoria 3446 clouded 74 rustica Gm. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat. 3457 thick-lipped C.10,M49,/.1406. EM. t.375,f.9. u. L. t. 824,/. 43. G. t. 43, /.I.L. C.2,*.44,/.452-8. E.M.t.375,fA. Mediterranean. 3447 rustic L. t. 824, /. 44. G. t. 43, /.C.E.G.H. C.2,.44, /. 462-468-471. E.M. f.375,/2. 75 paupercula 3448 Zebra 76 Pica Magpie 77 ferrugata bellied 78 patriarchalis 3460 Patriarch 79 mendicaria 3448 black and white G.t.l5,f.L. C. 4, t. 149, /. 1386-7 & 1,f.lQ. Mediterranean. 3449 horn-colour. 6U.43,/.N. C.11,2.179, /.1731-2. Schroeter's C. 11, t. 179, f. 1735-6. E.M.t.37l,f.2. Guinea. 3454 sharp-pointed C.4,U50,/.403-4. Tranquebar. 3450 Virgin L.S.N.p.U92. Hayman. L.Mant.p.54>8. u. 3457 narrow 3465 threaded G.t.53,f.H. F.t.3l,f.C.7. C.4,t. 149,/. 1388-9 & 1391. East Indies. 92 fissurata 93 Barbadensis 3455 striped straw-coloured^ .M. t.37l,f.l. r. i.^.819,/33. E.M.t.372, /.6. Barbadoes. 94 Clathrus 3457 cancellated S.Einl\,p.ZVQ. K.3J.27, f.3. China. 95 crenifera crenulated E.M.t.370,f.3. Indian Seas. 96 scabricula roughly striated G. t. 53,/.D. C. 11, U79, /.1729-30. E.M.t.371, /4,5. China. 97 exasperata 3453 granulous C.10,.151,/.1440-l. East Indies. 98 costata 3458 ribbed S.EmLl,p.302,t.I,f.l7. u. V O L U T A. 97 Linn, names, 99 granosa Gm. Engl. names. 3453 grained Synonyms. Habitat. C.10,U51,/.1442-3. East Indian Ocean. 100 nodulosa 3453 nodulous GU.52,/.F.G. C.4,U49, /.1385 & 1390. West Indies. 101 spadicea 3454 five-plaited C.4,U50,/.1392. u. 102 decussata 3454 decussated C.4,U50,/.1395. u. 103 Ruffina 3450 reddish-yel. L. t. 822,/. 40. G. t. 54, /.G. C.4,*.147,/.1361. E.M.t.369,f.5. Eastern Ocean. 104 variegata 3457 variegated K.5 t t.l8,f.6. u. 105 Sanguisuga 3450 Leech L. t. 821, /. 38. G. t. 53, /.F.C.4,U48,/.1373-4. E.M.t.373,f.lO. Amboyna. 106 Caffira 3451 Caffre GU.53,/.E. E.M.t.373 t /.4. C.4,U48,/1369- 1370. Africa. 107 Leucozonias3453 white-striped C.4,*.148,/. 1371-2. u. 108 Morio 3451 tawny 109 Vulpecula 3451 foxy L.S.N.p.1193. West Indies. 110 costellaris . E.M.t.373 t /.5. C.4,.148,/.1364-6. Amboyna. chequered G.#.54,/.D. E.M.t.373, f.3. C.10,^.151,/1436- 1437. East Indian Ocean. 111 subdivisa 3453 subdivided E. M. t. 373,/. 1. C. 10, J.I 51, /. 1434-5. 112 melongena fine-ribbed E.M.t.373,f.9. 113 polygona 3454 polygonal C.4,U50,/.1401-2. 98 V O L U T A. Linn, names. Gm. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat. 114 tamiata Tsenia C. 10, t. 151, /. 1444-5. E.M.t.373,f.7. Bombay. 115 plicaria 3452 folded 116 rugosa 3456 rugose L. t. 820, /. 37. <7. Z.54, /.F. C.U48,/.1362-3. E.M.t.373,f.6. China. GU. 54,/.A&E. E.M. .373,/.8. Indian Ocean. 117 cruentata 3453 knotty ribbed C.I 0,U 5 1,/. 143 8-9. Eastlndies. 118 turrita 3456 turreted L.t.836,f.62. C. 4, .141, /.1317-18. u. 119 spiralis 3464 spiral R.Mus.t.29,f.X. Indian Seas. 120 aurantia 3454 orange E.M.t.375,f.5. C.4,*.150, /.1393-4. u. 121 vitulina white-banded C.4,M49,/.1380-1. Indian Seas. 122 scutulata 3452 scutcheon C.10,U51,/.1428-9. 123 nigra 3452 black C.10,U51,/.1430-1. Guinea. 124 casta 3453 brown-band. C.10.p.l74,/.C.D. Amboyna. 125 Acus 3451 Needle CA,t. 1 5 7,/ 1493-4. u. 126 maculosa 3453 spotted C.4,U49,/.1377. u. 127 biplicata 3454 two-plaited C.4,*.149,/.1375. u. 128 turricula 3454 tower C.4,U49,/.1376. u. 129 lineata 3454 white lined C.4,U49,/.1378-9. Tarentum. 130 sulcata 3455 sulcated C'.4,U50,/.1407. Tranquebar. 131 discors 3455 discordant C. 4,^.1 50-1 400. ' West Indies. 132 striata 3455 striated C.4,.150,/. 1405-6. Minorca. 133 laevigata 3455 smooth C.4,U50,/1408. West Indies. V O L U T A. 99 Linn, names. Gm. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat. 134 ocellata 3455 eyed C.4,*.150,/.1409. Mediterranean! 135 nasuta 3455 black-spotted C.4,U50,/.1410. 136 marmorea 3455 marbled C.4,.150,/.1411. 137 Abbatis Abbot C.11,U77 > /.1709-10. E.Indies. 138 serpentina serpentine E.M.t.370,fA. 139 olivaria two-banded E.M.t.37l,f.3. u. 140 nubila 3450 clouded C.11,U77,/. 1705-6. 141 pertusa 3458 punctured [Cardinalls^] 142 digitab's digital 143 episcopalis 3459 Mitre Friendly Islands. Z.*.838,/.65. E.M.t.369, /.I. C.4,*.147,/.1358-9. East Indies. F.t.SItf.'D.S. E.M.t.370, f.5. C.10,*.151,/.1432- 1433. L. J.839,/. 66. G.t.55, f.G. C.4,M47,/.1360. E.M.t.3Q9,f.2-4,. Asiatic Ocean. 144 papalis 3459 Papal Mitre L. t. 839,/. 67. G. t. 53, /I. C.4,U47,/. 1353-4. E.M.t.370,f.l. Amboyna. 145 Thiara Thiara L. t. 840, /. 68. G. t. 53, /.I. C.4,U47,/.1355-6. .E.M.J.370,/2. Madagascar. 146 coronata Crown E.M.t.37l,f.6. C. 11, *.178,/.1719-20. West Indies. 147 Musica 3460 Music L.t.SC C.3,*.96,/.927-9. EM. H 2 100 VOLUT A. Linn, names. Gm. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat. 148 virescens greenish E.M.t.379,f.l & 382,/.3. C.3,*.79,/.932-3. Guinea. plaited C.10,U49,/. 1403-4. Eastlndies. F.*.33,/.O.l. E.M.t.381, Amboyna. 149 plicata 150 Vexillum 3464 Banner 151 Vespertilio 3461 Bat L.t.807,f. 16 & 808, f. 17. 6U.28,/.F.G.I.M. C. 10, M49,/. 1397-1400. E.M.t.378,f.2. West Indies. 152 imperialis imperial C. 3, t. 97,/.934-5. E.M. <.382,/.l. Str. of Malacca. 153 Pacifica 3461 nodulous C,ll,U78,/.173-4. [Arabica.~] Pacific Ocean. 154 Ebrsea 3461 Hebrew L.t.809,f.l8. E.M.t.380, character /.2. C.3,*.96,/.924-6. Jamaica. 155 Turbinellus 3462 turbinated L. t. 811, /. 20. F. t. 24, /.C.2. C.3,f.99,/.944. Amboyna. 156 Capitellum 3462 ridged G.t.37,f.A. F.t.24,,f.C.3. C.3, *.99,/. 947-8 & 11, ^.179,/.1723-4. Indian Ocean. 157 Rhinoceros 3458 Rhinoceros C.10,U50,/. 1407-8. New Guinea. 158 muricata prickly L. t. 810,/.19. C.3,t.99, /. 949-50. West Indies. 159 Ceramica 3462 horned L.t.829,f.51. G.t.55,f.D. C.3,f.99,/.943. Moluccas. V OL UT A. 101 Linn, names. Gm. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat. , 160 Pyrum 3403 pear-shaped L.t.8l5,f.25. G.tA6,f.C. C.3,*.95,/916. E.M. *.390,/.2.a.b.c. Ceylon. 161 gravis solid C. 3,t. 95, f. 917. E.M. t.390,f. 1 . Str. of Malacca. 162 globosa globose C.11,U78,/.1715-16. u. 163 Lapponica 3463 wave-lined F.t.33,f.P. C. 3, t. 95, /.920-21. E.M.t.38l, /.3&*.431.bis/.l. American Ocean. 164 Zebra Zebra 165 flavicans 3464 yellowish 166 nndulata undulated 167 rupestris 3464 rock /.94-1-2 168 MageUanica3465 Magellanic F. *. L.Z.M.l,t.l2,f.l. New Holland- C.3,*.95,/.922-3. East Indies. S.N.M.I7J.7Q2. Australasia. E.M.t.38l,f.2. C.3 t t.98, Japan. C.10,.148, /.1383-4. E.M.t.385, /. 1 & 3. Str. of Magellan. 169 Volva 3457 whitish C.10,U48,/.1389-90. Guinea. 170 Junonia square-spotted F.t.79,f.A. C. 11,*. 177, /.1 703-4. S. Pacific Ocean. 171 nivosa snow-spotted S.N.M.21,t.9l2. New Holland. 172 Scapha 3468 Lightning L. t. 799, f. 6. G. 28,/. S. C. 3, t. 72, /. 774 & 73, /.775-6. E.M.t.39l. Cape of Good Hope. 173 magnifica magnific C.ll,*.174-5. New Holland. 174 Colocynthis Coloquint C.ll,U76,/.1695-6. BrazU. x \,i V GLUT A. a 1 * 'i <- c < x ^ >. "** ^e** * *" Jtihn.'' names. Gm. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat. 175 jEthiopica 3465 ^Ethiopia L. t. 797, f. 4. C.3,t.74>, /781. .M.*.387,/.l, 2 & 388,/.l-3. Amboyna. 176 Corona ducal crown C.10,.H8,/.13878. E.Indies. 177 Cymbiola 3468 lesser Cym- C.10,*.148,/.1385-6. bal 178 Cymbium 3466 Cymbal L.t.796,f.3. GU.29,/.B. C.3^.70,/.762-3. EM. t.386,f.3. Guinea. 179 porcina keel-margin E.M.t.386,f.2. C.3,^.70, /.764-5. 180 Olla 3466 Melon Z.*.794,/.l. G.t.29,f.A. C.S,*.71,/.766. .E.M. t.385,f.2. West Indies. 181 Neptuni 3467 Neptune's L. t.8Q2,f. 8. G.t.27, /.A.A. C.3,t.7l,f.767. E.M.t.386,f.l. Persian Gulf. 182 Navicula 3467 Gondola .*. 795,/.2. C.8,*.71, /.768-71. Guinea. 183 Glans 3468 reddish-yel. C.10,U48,/. 1393-4. Africa. 184 Praeputium 3468 Nipple -L.t.79S,f.5. C.10,U48, /.1 39 1-4. Coromandel. 185 Indica S467 Indian C.3,t.72,f.772-3. E.M. t.389.f.l. China. 186 clathrata 3445 worn Z.*.819,/.34. Barbadoes. P/.S* 64 / \ t 9^ / * , fff! / ^ % ^F 7 / fffi \ t IT* + *"?- t /r>6 / >> V B U C C I N U M. 103 Linn, names. Gm. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat. XXIV. BUCCINUM. WHELK. 1 Olearium 3469 Tun 2 Galea 3 Perdix 4 Pomum 5 sulcosum 6 Dolium 7 Chinense 8 caudatum 9 Echinopho- rum 10 nodosum 3469 brown Tun 3470 Partridge Tun 3470 thick-lipped Tun flat-ribbed 3470 spotted Tun Chinese Tun 3471 beaked Tun 3471 tuberculated belted 6U.44,/.T. C. 3,t.l 17, /.1076-7. E.M.tAOS, f.I. East Indies. L.t.898,f. 18. G.t.42. C. 3, t. 116, /. 1070. E.M.tAOS, f.I. Mediterranean. L. t. 984, /. 43. G.t.51, /.F. C.3,*.117,/.1078- 1080. 7W.j).244,*.8,/.5. Britain, &c. L.t.792,fA5. G.t.5l,f.C. C.2,t.36,f.370-l.E.M. f.403,/2. Amboyna. F.t.27,f.B. C. 3,t. 118, /.1081. Coromandel. L.t.899,f.l9. GU.39,/.E. C. 3, t. U7, f. 1073-4. E.M.tAQ3,f.3. Amboyna. C.ll,M88,/.1804-5. China. C.3,U18,/.1083-4. u. L.t.I003,f.68. G.tA3,f.3. C.2,tAl,fA07-8. E.M. tAQ5,f.3. Mediterranean. L.t.lOll,f.71. u. 104 B U C C I N U M. Linn, names. Gm. JEngl. names. Synonyms. Habitat. 11 Tyrrhenian 3478 rugged Z.*.1011,/.71. e. G.t.4,3, /.2. C.10,U53,/.1461- 1462. E.M.tA05,f.l. Tuscany. 3468 short-beaked C.10,U53,/.1463-4. Ind. Ocean. 12 abbreviatum 13 plicatum 3472 plaited 14 cornutum 3472 horned 15 rufum 3473 red L.t. 1002, /. 67. G.tAO, /.C. C.2,*.37,/379-80. Jamaica. L. t. 1006, /. 70 & 1008, /.71. GU.40,/.D. C.2, *.35,/.362. Amboyna. /. 346-7. Madagascar. 16 tuberosum 3473 Casket G.t.4,1. F.t.25 t f.E.2. C. 2, t. 38, /. 381-2. E. M. t. 406, /. 1-3, & *.407,/.2. West Indies. 17 flammeum 3473 triangular L. 1. 1004,/. 69. F.t.25, Casket /.E. C.2,.34,/.353-4. 18 Testiculus 3474 Bonnet Z.U001,/.6. G.t.39,f.C. Casket C.2,f.37,/.375-6. Jamaica. 19 decussatum 3474 decussated Z.UOOO,/.65. GU.40,/.B. C.2,*.35,/.360-l. Mediterranean. 20 Areola 3475 small dice L. t. 1012, /. 76. G. t. 29, /.H. C.2,*.34,/. 355-6. E.M.tA07,f.3. Amboyna. B U C C I N U M. 105 Linn, names. 21 strigatura 22 achatinum 23 saburon 24 granulatum Gm. EngL names, 3477 yellow- striped agate gray casket granulated 25 undulatum 3475 undulated 26 inflatum inflated 27 tessellatum 3476 tessellated 28 bilineatum 29 cicatricosum 30 recurviros- trum 31 Cassis 32 Erinaceus 33 nodulosum 34 Fimbria 3476 smooth, Hel- met 3475 cicatrix 3477 recurved- beak 3477 Helmet 3478 Hedgehog 3479 knobbed 3479 bordered Synonyms. Habitat. L. M014,/. 78. F.t.24, f. D. C. 10, t. 153, /.1457-8. Indian Seas. E.M.tA07,f.l. New Holland. Z.*. 1012,/.76. G.t.39, f.G. Mediterranean. L. f. 1056,/.g. F. t.25, /.A.4. C.2,*.32,/344- 345&34,/.350-2. West Indies. Z.*.996,/.61. G.t.39, /B. C.11,<.186/.1794- 1795. Mediterranean. S.N.M.22,t.959. C.ll, ^.186,/.1792-3. IndianSeas. L. t. 997,/. 62. F. t. 26, /.B.I. C.2,*.36,/.369. Amboyna. L.t.998,f.63. P.B.Z.4, t.82,f.9. M.p.%44,. Britain. G.Z.t.lBj.lg. Indian Ocean. Z.U016,/.75. Barbadoes. C.10,.152,/.1456. B. of Naples. L.t.IOl5,f.73. G.t.39, f. D. & I. C. 2, t. 35, /.363. Amboyna. S.Einl.l t p.383,t.2,f.9. u. F..25,/.D.4. C.10,f.l53, /.1459-60. East Indies. 106 B U C C I N U M. Linn, names. Gm. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat. 35 glaucum 3478 glaucous L. t.996,f. 60. (7. . 40, /.A. C.2,*.32,/.342-3. Amboyna. 36 Vibex 3479 agate casket GU.39,/.F. jFU.25,/.H.l. C.2,*.35,/.364-6. 37 papillosum 3479 prickly-lippedZ. t. 969,/. 23. G. t. 44, f.G. C'.4,*.125,/.1204- 1205. E.M.t.4,QQ,f.2. Java. 38 Glans 3480 thread-girdedZ.J.981,/.40. F.t.33,f.L. C.4.,t. 125, f. 1196-8. E.M.tAQO,f.5. Asiatic Ocean. 39 foliosum 3493 leafy L.t.975,f.30. G. t. 44, /.B. C.2,.38,/.387-8. Amboyna. 40 Arcularia 3480 broad-lipped L. t. 970,/. 24. G. t. 44, /.O.Q.&R. C.2,*.41, /.409-12. E.M.t.394, /.1,2. China. 41 coronatum crowned S. Einl. l,jp. 329, t. 2,/. 4. Br. E.M.p.277. Madagascar. 42 hepaticum,f.8,/.l. L.T.8, p. 135. Britain. 43 Pullus 3481 small kofFer L.t.970,f.25. G^.44,/.N. Straits of Malacca. 44 Thersites pale olive L. t. 971, /. 26. C. 2, t. 41, J/.f.394,/8. Asiatic Ocean. B U C C I N U M. 107 Linn, names. Gm. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat. 45 verrucosura warty Z.*.972,/.27. East Indies. 46 gibbosulum 3481 hunchbacked L. t. 973, /.28. C. 2,*. 41, /.4 14-1 5. Mediterranean. 47 mutabile 3427 changeable G.tA4,f.R. F.t.33,f.S.l. [nitidulum.] C. 4, t. 125, /. 1194. E.M.t.394>,fA. Senegal. 48 neriteum 3481 nerite-shaped G. t. 65,/.C.I. C.5,U66, /.1602. E.M.t.394>,f.9. Mediterranean. 49 Harpa 3482 Harp 50 cancellation 3482 latticed 51 costatum 3482 ribbed 52 Persicum 3482 Persian L. t. 994,/.57. G. t. 29, /.C.E. &G. C. 3,t.l 19, /. 1090. E.M.t.404,, /.I -4. East Indies. C.10,U52,/1453. Tranquebar. F.*.28,/.A.4. C.3,U19, /.1093. Philippines. L. t. 987,/.46. G.t.5I, /.H.L. C.3,*.69,/.760. E.M.t.397,f.l. Persian Gulf. 53 patulum 3483 wide-mouthedZ..989,/.49. G.t.5l,f.E. C.3,^.69,/758-9. West Indies. 54 Monodon 3483 spine-lipped F. t. 27,/.D.l. C.3,*.69, /. 761 & 10, t. 154, /.1469-70. E.M.t.396, f.3. Cape Horn. 55 Haustorium 3498 Scoop C.10,<.152,/.1449-50. New Zealand. 108 B U C C I N U M. Linn, names. Gm. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat. 56 Concholepas 3697 limpet-shapedF.l#.543,*.4,H.2. C.10, [P. Lepas.'] p.32Q,f.A.R. Straits of Magellan. 57 Hsemastoma 3483 red-lipped Z..988,/.48. GU.51,/.A. C.ll,U87,/.1796-7. Mediterranean. C.ll,U87,/.1798-9. SouthSeas. C.11,U87,/.1800-1. China. C.10#.179,/.A.B. New Zealand. C.lM.187,/.1802-3. 58 armigerum armed 59 luteostomum pallid 60 lamellosum 3498 lamellar 61 crispatum 62 Lapillus 63 filosum 64 sulcatum 65 sertum 66 Rusticum 67 varium 68 Tuba 69 Pyrum 70 plumbeum wrinkled 3484 purple- staining 3486 threaded 3491 grooved L. t.965,f. 18, 19. C. 3, *.121,/.llll-2. P.B.Z. 4s t t.75,f.l.D.l,t.ll.M. p.239. Britain, &c. C.3,U21,/.1113-4. u. /.1170-1. Tranquebar. chesnut-stainedZ.<.986,/.45. C. 3,^.121, /.1115-6. E.M.t.397, 3484 Emerald 3486 varied L.t.S3l,f.55. G C.3,.120,/.1104-5. K.6,t.23,f.3. C.3,t.l21, f.UQQ. u. 3484 lengthened C.3,^.94,/,908. Indian Ocean. 3484 pear-shaped C.3,.94,/.909-10. Red Sea. double-grooved C.ll,.188,/. 1806-7. California. B U C C I N U M. 109 Linn, names. Gm. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat. 71 spadiceum 3485 chesnut C.3,.94,/911. Westlndies. 72 umbilicatum 3485 umbilicated C.3^.94,/915. u. 73 candidum 3485 white C.3,p.l9l,f.3. u. 74 crassum 3485 thick C'.3,.120,/.1099,1100. u. 75 Orbita 3490 globose C. 10, t. 154, /. 1471-3. E.M.t.398,f.l. New Zealand. 76 Scala 3486 broad-belted Z.U059,/.2. C. 3,U18, /.1 089. E.M.tA22,fA. East Indies. 77 spiratum 3487 acute-spired L. t. 983,/. 42. c. P. G. *.101,/.13. C7.4,U22, /. 1118. E.M.t.Wl, 78 Zeylanicum 3489 Ceylon Z.*.982,/.42. G.t.5l,f.B. (glabratum $]. C. 4, /. 122, /. 1119. E.M.tAOl,f.3. Ceylon. 79 glabratum 3489 glossy L. t. 974,/. 29. G. t. 43, /.T. C.4,*.122,/.1117. E.M.tAQl,f.l. Tranquebar. 80 turgidum 3490 red-spotted C.10,*.154,/. 1475-6. New Zealand. 81 scutulatum 3498 streaked M. U.C.2,t.55. C. 10, 82 testudineum 3498 tortoise-shell C.10 ) U52,/.1454. E.M. t.399,f.2. 83 Cataracta 3498 long-striped C f .10,t.l52,/.1455. Cape of Good Hope. 84 laevissimum 3494 polished C. 4, t. 127, /. 1215-16. Indian Seas. 110 B U C C I N U M. Linn, names. 85 cyaneum 86 laeve 87 igneum 88 plumatum 89 ocellatum 90 glaberri- mum 91 Nucleus 92 lineatum 93 exile 94? prserosum 95 Cochlidium 96 australe 97 undosum 98 affine 99 fumosum Gm. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat. blueish C.10,*.152,/.1448. Greenland. 3488 smooth C.4,U24,/.1150. East Indies. 3494 red-streaked C.4,U27,/.1217. u. 3494 painted Z.*.822,/.41.b. C.4,U27, /.1 21 8-20. Jamaica. 3488 white-eyed C.4,U24,/.l 160-1. East Indies. 3488 little, smooth C.4,U25,/.1177. u. small L.t.976,f.32. New Zealand. small, lineatedC.4,U25,/.l 186-7. D.I, t.15. M.p.245. Britain. 3497 small, slender C.4,U25,/. 11 90-1. u. 3489 carious C.9,U21,/.1035-6. Aqueduct at Seville. indented spireC.l l,*.209,/.2053-4. Islands in the South Seas : L. B. t. 13, /. 18, 19. C. 9, *.120,/. 1033-4. E.M. 3490 southern New Zealand. Fr.w. 3490 undulated L.t.938,f.33. C. 4, .122, /.1 126-7. E.M.tMZ, f>5. Amboyna. 3490 brown-stripedA'.2,f.l4,/.4,5. CA,t.l23, /1 135. South Seas. smoky C. 4, 1. 123, upper/. 1145- 1146. u. B U C C I N U M. Ill Linn, names. Gm. Engl. names. 100 Indicum 3495 Indian 101 Tranqueba- 3491 Tranquebar ricum 102 versicolor 3491 lurid 103 cruentatum 3491 red-spotted 104 Bezoar 3491 Bezoar 105 bulbosum bulbous 106 glaciale 3491 keel-ridged Synonyms. Habitat. C.4,*.123,/.1138-9. Eastlndies. C.4,U23,lower/.1146-9. .M.*.422,/.6. Coromandel. C.4,U23,lower/.1145. East Indies. C.4,U23,/.1143-4. u. C.3,*.68,/.754-5. China. Z.f.894,/. 14. K. 5,*.21, /.2. C.3,^.68,/.750-3. E.M.tA34.,f.I. Tranquebar. C. 10, t. 152, f. 1446-7. E.M.t.399,f.3. D.5, t.154,. M.Suppl.p.109. Northern Ocean. 107 undatum 3492 wave ribbed L. t. 962, /. 14. F. t. 32, /.D. C.4,U26,/.1206- 1211. P. B. Z. 4,*.76. Z).3,U04. M.p.237. E.M.t.399,f.l. Britain, &c. 108 papyraceum paper Z.*.963,/.17. C.4,^.126, /.1212. E.M.t. 400, f.3. Norway. C.10,M54,/1477. Otaheite. 109 Tahitense 3498 Otaheite 110 porcatum 3494 rugged 111 lyratum 3494 lyre 112 Pyrozonias 3488 double- streaked C.4,*.126,/.1213-14. Coast of Mexico. C.4,U27,/.1221-2. u. C.3,M09,/.1017. u. 113 textum 3493 turreted C.4,U25,/. 1201-2. u. 112 BUCCINUM. Linn, names. Gm. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat. 114 clathratum 3471 latticed P.t.5Q,f.5. J3.*.9,/.17,18. E.M.t.394>,f.5. East Indies. 115 niveum 3495 cancellated C.4,*.122,/.1122-S. Tranquebar. 116 Lima acuminated CM1,U88,/. 1808-9. Eastlndies. 117 reticulatum 3495 reticulated Z.*.966,/.21. GU.44,/.C. C.4,U24,/.1162-1164. P.B.ZA,t.75J.l. D.3, t.76. M.p.240. Britain,&c. 118 ambiguum small,plicated(r. t. 44,/. V. C. 4, 1. 124, /.1 165. M.|j.242,f.9, /.7. Britain. 119 Macula spot-lipped P. B. Z. 4, t. 82, /. 6. 120 stolatum 3496 brown- <7.4,U24,/.1167-9. Tranquebar. banded 121 cinctum minute, girdledM".^. 246, .15,/.l. L.T. 8,^.139. Britain. 122 minimum minute, chesnutAf.p.247,.8,/.2. 123 plicatulum 3496 plaited G. t. 44, /. E. F. t. 33, /. V. 2. C. 4, t. 124, /.1 158-9. Eastlndies. 124 Piscatorium 3496 knobbed G. t. 43. M. C. 4, 1. 124, /.1151-2. 125 S tt Mauritii 3496 six-toothed C.4,t.l24,/.1153-4. Island of St. Maurice. 126 armillatum 3496 brown-pimp. C.4,U24,/.l 155-7. u. 127 nitidulum neat banded GU.52,/.C. ^.,9,/27. Mediterranean. 128 ventricosum3498 ventricose M.U.C.2,tA7. St. George's Bay. B U C C I N U M. 113 Linn, names. Gm. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat. 129 maculatum 3499 spotted L. t. 846, /. 74. G. t. 56, /.I. C.4,U53,/.1440. E.M.tAQ2,f.l. Asia&Africa. 130 oculatum ocellated P. Amb. t. 2,/. 4. F. t. 40, /Z. C.4,U53,/.1442. E. Indies. 131 subulatum 3499 awl-shaped L. . 842,/.70. (7. t. 56, /.B. C.4,*.154,/.1443. E.M.tA02,f.2. Amboyna. 132 tigrinum 3502 tiger G. *.56,/.G. C. 4,*. 154, /.1448. u. 133 crenulatum 3500 crenulated L. t. 846, /. 75. G.t.57, /.L. C.4,U54,/.1445. E.M.tAQ2,f.3. China. 134 hecticum hectic C.11,M88,/.1817-18. Africa. 135 geminum 3506 divided L.M.p.550 136 proximatum3505 proximate L.M.p.550 137 Monile 3505 Necklace L.M.p.5oO 138 vittatum 3500 ribbon u. u. u. L. t. 977, /. 34. # *. 40, /. C. 2. C. 4, t. 155, /. 1461-3. E.M.tAW, fA. Ceylon, 139 digitale blueish-bandedZ. t. 977, /. 33. ^. *. 40, /. C. 1. C. 4, *. 155, /.1468-71. Coromandel, 140 strigillatum 3501 strigillated L. f.845,/73. C.4,M55, /.1 45 6. Asiatic Ocean. 141 concinnum belt-spotted G.t.57,f.O. i u. 114 BUCCINUM. Linn, names. Gm. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat. 142 duplicatum double-whirled L. t. 837, f. 64. G. t. 57, /.N. C.4,U55,/.1455. Indian Ocean. 143 cinereum 3405 steel-gray jB.p.267,.10,/.ll,12. Amboyna. 144 succinctum 3502 girted C.4,.154,/.1451. East Indies. 145 Acus 3502 Needle C.4,U54,/.1449. u. 146 lanceatum 3501 Lancet <7.*.56,/.G. P.Amb.t.13, /.20. C.4,*.154,/.1450. Amboyna. 147 dimidiatum 3501 orange and E .t.5? ,f.I.M. F.*.40,/.Y. wh. striped C.4,U54,/.1444. China. 148 murinum 3502 mouse-col. L.S.N.p.1206. Africa. 149 pertusum hollow-dotted B.t. 10,/. 13. C.4,*.155, /.1457. u. 150 hastatum 3502 Javelin C.4,.154,/.1453-4. u. 151 Phallus 3503 sinuated C.4,U55,/. 1464-5. East Indies. 152 bifasciatum 3504 two-banded P.t.53,f.5. - 153 radiatum * 3504 radiated G.t.52,f.D. Coast of Naples. 154 virgineum 3505 fresh-water L.t.I13,f.7. P.t.lO^f.8. Rivers in Virginia. 155 Acicula minute-pointed GU.6,/.B.B. M.t.8,f.3. Britain, &c. in dry moss. 156 asperum 3503 rough L.t.925. u. 157 Chalis 3497 Chalis C.4,f.l25,/.1192. u. 158 nanum 3497 dwarf C.4,U25,/.1176. u. 159 nigropunc- 3497 black-dotted GU.44,/.F. u. tatum f m. S T R O M B U S. 115 Linn, names. Gm. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat. 160 striatum 3477 striated Gr.Z.t.l9,f.l8. America. 161 trifasciatum red-banded GU.44,/.A. u. 162 unifasciale single -streaked E.M.t.397,f.6. u. 163 Norwegicum Norwegian E.M.t.399,f.5. Norway. 164 maculosum stained E.M.tAQO,f.7. u. 165 Turris spiral tower C. 4, t. 124, /. 1172-3 & *.125,/.1174-5. E.M. 166 crassilabrum 167 cingulatum 168 dentatum 169 gemmulatum 170 Pseudonum *.394,/6. thick-lipped E.M.t.396,f.2. belted E.M.t.396,fA. toothed E.M.t.396,f.5. folded E.M.t.397,f.3. false-toothed B.E.C.p.l84>,t.26,f.2. 171 strombiforme strombus-shaped J B..C.p.l84,i.26,/.3. Guinea, u. u. u. u. u. u. XXV. STROMBUS. SCREW. 1 Fusus 3506 Spindle Z.J.854,/.12. C.4,M58, /.1495-6. E.M.tA\\ t /.I. Red Sea. 2 Unicornus Unicorn L. t. 916, /. 9. F. t. 34, /. B. 3. C. 4, t. 159, /.1 500. East Indies. 3 fissus slit F.t.79,f.\. C.U,t.l95. A./.1869. u. i 2 116 STROMBUS. Linn, names. Gm. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat. 4 Pes-Pelecani 3507 4-fingered L. t. 865 & 866,/. 21. b. GU. 53,/. A. B. & C. C. 3, t. 85, /. 848-50. P.B.ZAJ.78. ZU,p.4. M.p.253. Britain, &c. 5 Chiragra 3507 Devil's claw L. t. 870, f. 24. G. t. 53, /.B. C.3,*.86,/.853-4. & 87,/.856-7. China. 6 Scorpius 3508 Scorpion 7 Lambis 3508 Spider L. t. 867, /. 22. G.t.36, /.C. C.3,*.88,/.860. Amboyna. Z.*.866,/.21. G.t.36, /.A.B. C.3,*.87,/.858- 859. E.M.tAlQ,f.2. Batavia. 8 Bryonia 3520 blunt-tipped L. t. 882, /. 4, & t. 931. F.*.21,/.E.1.&2. C.3, *.93,/.904-5. East Indies. 9 Millepeda 3509 Millepede Z.f.868-9. F..22,/.A.6. C.3,.88,/.861-2. E.M. <.410,/.l. Coromandel. 10 lentiginosus 3510 pink-lipped L. t. 860,/. 17. F. t. 20, /.B.2. C.3,.82,/.833-4. Jamaica. 11 polyfasciatus many-banded C.10,U55,/.1483-4. Red Sea. 12 Callus 3511 Plough Z.J. 874,/. 30. G. t. 32, /.M. (7.3,.84,/843-5. ^. M. t. 408, /. 1, & .409,/.2. West Indies. 13 Papilio Butterfly C.10,U58,/.1510-11. E.Indies. STROMBUS. 117 Linn, names. Gm. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat. 14 fasciatus 3510 banded L. t. 860, /. 17. F. t. 20, /.B.2. C.3,*.82,/833-4. West Indies. 15 laciniatus sinuated C. 10,f.l 5 S,/ 1506-7. East Indies. 16 AurisDianae 3512 Diana's ear L. t. 872, f. 28. G.t.32, /.D.H. C.3,*.84,/838- 839. .M.*.409,/.3.Amboyna. 17 Pugilis 3512 thick, spined G. t. 32, f. B. C. 3, t. 81, /.830-31. E.M.t.^8, /4. West Indies. 18 marginatus margined L.S.N.p.l2Q9. China. 19 Luhuanus 3513 Lohoe broad- L.t. 850 & 851. G. t. 31, lip /H.I. C.3,*.77,/789- 791. 20 gibberulus 3514 Pouter Z.*.847,/.l. GU.13,/.N. C.3,f.77,/792-4. Amboyna. 21 Oniscus 3514 Wood-louse Z.f.791,/44. GU.22,/1. C.11,M95. A,/1872- 1873. West Indies. 22 Gigas 3515 Giant Z.Z.886-8. G.t.54>,f.M. C. 3, .80, / 824 & 11, 23 latissimus 3516 broad Giant Z.J.856&862. C.3,^.82, /832&^.83,/835. China. 24 Accipiter spinous L.t.863,f.l8. C.3,*.81, /829. Asiatic Ocean. 25 Epidromis 3516 mottled fawn L. t. 853, / 10. F. t. 20, /A.6. C.3,^.79,/821. Amboyna. 26 minimus 3516 least GU.31,/L. C.10,U56, /1491-2. 118 STROM BUS. Linn, names. Gm. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat. 27 Canarium 3517 Partridge L.t.S53,f.9. GU.32,/.N. C.3,J.79,/.81S. Amboyna. 28 vittatus 3517 ribbon L.t.852,f.8. P. (7. .98, & 822-3. E.M.t.4,09, /v 29 sulcatus sulcated Z.*.852,/.8. /U.20,/.A.4. C.ll,*.195. A./.1870- 1871. China. 30 succinctus 3518 girdled .f.859,/.16. GU.33,/.B. C.3,f.79,/.815-16. Amboyna. 31 Fissurella 3518 slit-lipped F.t.79,f.Y. C.4,M58, /.1498-9. E.M.tAll, f.3. East Indies. 32 Urceus 3518 Pitcher L. t. 857, /. 13. G. t. 32, /. E & G. C. 3, t. 78, /803-9. 33 Erythrinus nodulous C.ll,*. 195. A./. 1874-5. Red Sea. 34 tridentatus 3519 3-toothed L.t.858,f. 14. ..33, /. C. D. C. 10, *. 157, /.1503. Amboyna. 35 dentatus 3519 toothed C.10,U57,/.1501-2. Isle of France. 36 Vexillum 3520 Banner C.10,^.157,/. 1504-5. Eastlndies. 37 Norwegicus 3520 Norwegian C.10,.157,/.1497-8. Norway. 38 tuberculatus 3521 tuberculated C.4,U57,/.1490. B.t.IO, ,17. Seb.t.55,f.21. Mediterranean. M U R E X. 119 Linn, names. 39 palustris 40 ater 41 auritus 42 lividus 43 costatus 44 raninus Gm. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat. 3521 marsh 3521 black 3522 eared 3523 livid ribbed L. t. 837, f. 63. F. 1. 14, /. A. 1. C. 4, t. 156, /.1 472. East Indies. L. t. 115, f. O. F. t. 61, /. H. 11. C. 9, t. 35, /.1227. Marshes in Amboyna. .U21,/.16. C.9,U36, /.1265-6. Guinea. Fr.w. C.9,U36,/.1269-70. u. D. 3,*.94. M.p.255. Britain. thin-lipped u. XXVI. MUREX. ROCK. 1 Haustellum 3524 Snipe L. t. 903,/. 23. G. t. 30, /.E. C.3,.115,/.1066. Amboyna. 2 Motacilla 3530 Nightingale C.10,U63,/1563. Eastlndies. 3 Scolopax thorny Snipe C.11,*.1S9,/.1819-20. Red Sea. 4 Tribulus 3525 thorny L. t. 902, /. 22. G. t. 31, Woodcock /.A. C.3,*.113,/.1053- 1056. Amboyna. 5 cornutus 3525 horned Snipe Z.*.901,/.21. G.t.30,f.T>. C.3,U14,/.1057. 6 Brandaris 3526 short-beaked .*.900,/20. G.*.30,/.F. Snipe C.3,U14,/.1058-61. Mediterranean. 120 M U R E X. Linn, names. 7 Trunculus 8 Rosarium 9 Pomum 10 miliaris 11 melanama- thos 12 ramosus 13 foliatus 14 Lingua 15 tripterus 16 triqueter 17 Scorpio 18 saxatilis Gm. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat. 3526 Tyriandye Z.*.947,/.42. GU.31,/.C. C.3,U09,/.1018-20. Mediterranean. Rosary C.10,U61,/.1528-9. u. 3527 apple-shaped Z.J.944,/39. a. tf.3,*.9, /I. C.3,U09,/.1021- 1023&110,/1024-5. Mediterranean. 3536 scabrous K.3,t.29,f.5. C.10,U61, /.1532-5. E.M.plAl9, /.l.a.b.&/7.a.b. Nicobar Islands. 3527 black-spined C.3,U08,/.1015. E. M. *.418,/.2. East Indian Seas. 3528 branched L. t. 946, /. 41. G. t. 37, /.D.G. H.I.L. C. 3, *.102-6,/.980-97. West Indies. 3529 foliated C.10,U61,/. 1538-9. New Zealand. Sheep's tongue C. 10,*. 16 1,/. 15 40-1. Goree. 3530 subtriangular B. t. 10, /. 18, 19. C. 3, U10,/.1031-2. EM. *.417,/.3. Batavia. 3530 3-warted C.3,U11,/. 1038. E.M. *.417,/.1&4. China. 3529 Scorpion G.t.37,f.M. F. t. 36, /.G.3.G.4. C.3, M06, /. 998-1 003. Amboyna. 3529 Endive F.t.36,f.K. K.3,t.9,f.2. C.3,.107,/.1004-10. M U R E X. 121 Linn, names. Gm. 19 erinaceus 3530 Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat. rough ridged G. t. 49. f. H. C. 3, U10, /.1026-8. E.M.tA2l, /.I. D.IJ.35. M.p.259. Britain, &c. 20 Sacellum 3530 corded 21 Rana 3531 Frog C.10,U63,/.1561-2. Nicobar Islands. 22 spinosus 3531 spiny Frog 23 crassus 24 Gyrinus 3531 whirled L.t.995,f.5S. G.tA9,f.L. C. 4, 1. 133, /. 1268-71. E.M.tAl2,f.3. Amboyna. L. f.949,/.44. F.t.32, /.B.2. K. 3,t.7,f.5. E.M.tAl2.f.5. Tranquebar. thick Frog F.t.32,f.EA. CA,t.l33, /.1272-3. E.M.plAlZ, /.4.a.b. Madagascar. L.t.939 ) f.34>. G.tA9,f.E. C. 4, t. 127, f. 1224-7. E.M.tA12,f.2. Mediterranean. 25 bitubercularis 2-knobbed E.M.tA12,f.6. 26 bufonius 3534 u. toad-shaped F.t.32,f.E.l. C.ll,t.I92, /.1845-6. .M.*.412, /.I. South Seas. 27 Argus 3547 Argus 28 Lampas 3532 granulated K.5,t.3,f.3. C.10,M60, /.1522. E.M.tAUJ.S. Amboyna. Z,.M023,/.88. G. t.50, f.D. C.4,M29,/.1238- 1239. E.M.tA20,f.3. Mediterranean. 122 MUREX. Linn, names. Gm. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat. 29 Olearium 3532 OilJar L.t.937,f.32. G.tA9,f.G. C.4,U30,/.1242-3. Mediterranean. 30 Parthenopus tawny-yellow 7T.5,*.21, /.I. C.4,*.131, /.1252-3. E.M.tAIG, f.3. Bay of Naples. 31 lyratus 3531 lyre-shaped C.I 0,U69,/. 1634. New Zealand. 32 Femorale 3533 triangular Z.i.941,/37. G.t.50,f.C. C.3,U11,/.1039. Ceylon. 33 cutaceus 3533 rough-skinned Z.Z.942,/.38. C.3,t.Il8, /.1085-6. E.M.tAI4, /.2. West Indies. 34 Lotorium 3533 angulated L. t. 934, /. 29. F. t. 34, OilJar /. G. 4. C. 4, *. 130, /.1246-9. E.M.tA\5 y f.2. Amboyna. 35 Pileare 3534 nodulous G. t. 49,/. A. C. 4, *. 130, OilJar /.1243 & 131,/.1250-1. 36 conditus 3565 mottled OilJar Mediterranean. C.10,U62,/.1544-5. u. 37 maculosus 3548 spotted L. 1. 1022,/. 86. F. t. 33, /. X.2. C. 10, t. 162, /.1552-3. E.M.tAl6, /.I. Amboyna. 38 Spengleri Spengler's C.11,U91,/.1839-40. New South Wales. MUREX. 123 Linn, names. Gm. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat. 39 Pyrum 3534 Pear GU.37,/.F. F.t.34>,f.A.2. K. 2,t. 7,/.2,3. C.3, J.112,/. 1040-4. Coromandel. 40 Clavator club-shaped C.ll,U90,/.1825-6. Ceylon. 41 caudatus 3535 caudated L.t.893,f.B. C. 3,*. 112, /.1 045-7. Coromandel. 42 Rubecula 3535 Footman G.tA9,f. F. & I. F. t. 34, /.G.1.&G.3. C.4,U32, /.1259-67. Red Sea. 43 Scrobiculator3535violet-throatedZ.^.943,/.39. G C. 10, *. 163,/. 1556-7. E.M.tAl4>,f.l. Mediterranean. 44 reticularis 3535 reticulated L. t. 935, f. 30. G. t.49, /.M. C.4,U28,/.1228. E.M.tA13,f.l. 45 Anus 3536 Grimace L. t. 833,/. 57. G. t. 37, /.B.E. C.2,*.< Amboyna. 46 Mulus Mule GU.S1,/.D. F..31,/.H.2. C.2,.41,/405-6. Coasts of Hitoe. 47 neritoideus 3537 Mulberry Z..804,/.12,13. F.t.24,, /.A.I. C.3,U01,/972- 973. E.M.t.395,f.7. Coromandel. 48 Nodus 3537 Chesnut L. t. 991, f. 53. P. t. 19, /.10. C.3,UOO,/.956- 958. Jamaica. 124 M U R E X. Linn, names. Gm. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat. 49 Fucus 3538 black-eyed L. t. 990, /. 50. G. t. 66, /. B. B. C. 3, t. 100, /.959-60. Guinea. 50 Hystrix 3538 Porcupine GU.28,/.R. C. 3,J. 101, /.974-5. East Indies. 51 Ricinus 3537 Spur GU.28,/.N. tf.l,*.25, /.5,6. C.3,U02,976-7. E.M.395,f.7. China. 52 Mancinella 3538 MancineUa L.t.957,f.9. C.3,.101, /.967-8. Amboyna. 53 Hippocasta- 3539 Horse-ches- P.Amb.tA,f.l2. F.t.24>, num nut /.C.I. C.3,*.99,/.945-6. E.M.tA32,fA t 5. Batavia. 54 nodatus ^^3536 knobbed M.U.C.2,t.51. New Holland. 55 lacerus carinated L. t. 958,/. 11. P. 1. 101, /.18. (7.S,UOO,/.951- 953. Guinea. 56 plicatus plaited C.3,UOO,/.954-5. East Indies. 57 raorbosus marbled L. t. 990, / 51. b. & 991, f.52. C.4,U23,/1140. West Indies. 58 senticosus 3539 canceUated GU.51,/.G.I. F.t.31,f.L. C. 4, t. 155, /. 1466-7. E.M.tA19,f.3. Amboyna. 59 Melongena 3540 open-mouthed . t. 904, /. 24. G.t.26, /.F. C.2,^.39,/.389-92. E.M.tA35,f.3.z-e. 60 calcaratus 3540 brownish- P.Amb.t.^f.ll. G.t.31, white /.F. C.2,f.40,/.398-9. = [Melongena /3-f.] M U R E X. 125 Linn. name*. Gm. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat. 61 Consul 3550 ventricose C. 10,U 60,/. 1516-1 7. !E. Indies. 62 stramineus 3542 straw-co- F.t.79,f.S. C.10,U60, loured /.1 520-1. New Zealand. 63 Virgo corded E.M.tA39,f.2. u. 64 clavatulus crowned Tower C.ll,J.190,/.1831-2. Guinea. 65 gibbosus 3564 gibbous C. 11, 1. 190, /. 1829-30 & 1833-4. Red Sea. 66 virgineus Virgin Tower C.ll,.190,/. 1835-6. Guinea. 67 Babylonius 3541 Tower of Z.U9,/.ll. G.t.52,f.N. Babel C. 4, t. 143,/. 1331-2. Amboyna. 68 Javanus 3543 Javan F.t.33,f.C.5. C.4>,t. 143, \_Turris.~\ /.1334-5. B.E.C.t.18, f.5. .M.*.439,/3. Java. 69 tornatus 3541 white Tower C.4,U43,/. 1336-8. Tranquebar. [Javanus.~\ 70 dubius 3543 doubtful C.4,U50,/. 1396-7. u. [asper.~\ 71 Colus 3543 Spindle L. t. 917, /. 10 & 918. G.t.52,f.L. C.4,U44, /. 1339 & 1342. E.M. *.423,/.4,5,&424,/.4. Amboyna. 72 colosseus great E.M.tA27,f.2. _ 73 longicaudus long-beaked L.t.9lS. E.M.tA23,f.2. Amboyna. 74 striatulus 3557 transversely C.4,U46,/.1351-2. u. striated 126 M U R E X. Linn, names. Gm. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat. 75 Lancea 3556 narrow C.4,.145,/.1347. Amboyna. 76 versicolor 3556 changeable #.3,.14,/.l. C.4,U46, /.1 348. East Indies. 77 verrucosus 3557 warty C'.4,U46,/. 1349-50. Red Sea. 78 Morio 3544 Helmet L. t. 988,/. 22. F. t. 35, /. B. 1. C. 4, t. 139, /.1300-1. E.M.tA30 t /.3,4. West Indies. 79 Cochlidium 3544 brown- C.10,U64,/1569. E.M. streaked .434,/.2. East Indies. C.4,. 143,/.1333. E.M. f.426,/2. China. 80 Tuba 81 Spirillus 3554 Trumpet 3544 blunt-tipped C. 3,U15, /.1069. E.M.tA37,fA. Malabar. 82 canaliculatus 3544 channelled L.t.878,f.2. GU.47,/.A. C.3,*.67,/.742-3. E.M. f.436,/3. Canada. 83 Carica 3545 keeled L. t. 880, f. 3.b. G.t.47, /.B. C.3,t.67,f. 744 & 69,/.756-7. E.M.tA33 t f.3. u. 84 cariniferus wave-edged E.M.tA23,f.3. u. 85 Ficus 3545 fig-shaped G.t.26,f.N. C.10,U63, /. 1564-5 & 11, t. 193, /1 853. Red Sea. 86 clandestinus 3471 double- ..940,/.36. K. 6, t. 29, lipped /.5. C. 11,U 93,/. 1856- [Z?. caudatum /3.] 1857. E.M.tA33,f.l. u. MUREX. 127 Linn, names. Gm. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat. 87 Aruanus 3546 spine-crown. F. t. 35,/.M. C.4>,p. 143, /.D. China. 88 perversus 3546 reversed L.t.907,f.27. F. t. 23, /.H.2. C.9,U06,/904- 907. E.M.tA33,fA. West Indies. 89 antiquus 3546 antiquated Z.*.913,/.4. C. 4,*. 138, /1292-4. E.M.tA26, f.5. P.B.ZA,t.8l. D.I, t.3l. M.p.256. Britain, &c. 90 Magellanicus 3548 leafy ribbed CA,t.l39,f.l297.M.U.C. 1,*.6. E.M.tA19,fA. Straits of Magellan. 91 acanthopterus foliated E.M.tAl7,f.2. u. 92 fornicatus 3547 arched C. 4, t. 138, /. 1295. S.Einl. 1 ,*.3,/.5. Greenland. 93 despectus 3547 despised E. M. t. 426, f. 4. D.5, 1. 1 80. Northern Ocean. 94 subantiquatus great, worn C.4,.138,/.1293 & 1296. Z).4,U19. M.p.257. L.T.8,p.U7. Britain. 95 Tritonis 3549 Triton L. t. 959, f. 12. G.t.48, /.A. C.4,U34,/1277, & t. 135, /. 1282-3. E.M.tA2l,f.2. Amboyna. 96 vulpinus 3558 foxy B.p.317,/.ll,/.10,ll. u. 97 Pusio 3550 Wreath L.t.9I4,,f.7. G.t.52,f.l. F.t.53,f.l. C.4,t.U7, /.1 53 7. Mediterranean. 128 M U R E X. Linn, names. 98 Tulipa Gm. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat. 3550 Tulip L. J.910&911. G. t. 46, /. A. E. C. 4, t. 136, /.1286-7. E.M.tASl, f.2. West Indies. 99 clathratus 3551 ribbed 100 lamellosus 3536 lamellar Z.J.926,/.19. Iceland. F.t.37,f.H.I. K.4>,t.30, /.2. C.11,U90,/.1823- 1 824. Straits of Magellan. 101 Scala 3551 Ladder C.4,jp.l,/.a.b.c. East Indies. 102 Fiscellum 3552 short-beaked C.10,U60,/.1524-5. Pulo Condore. 103 undatus waved 104 virgatus 105 Corona nodulous 3552 crowned C.ll,U92,/.1851-2. Tranquebar. C.4,U23,/.1441-2. Eastlndies. C. 10, t. 161, /. 1526-7. E.M.tA30,f.2. G.of Mexico. 106 Dolarium 3552 narrow-belted^. 2, t. 24, f. 5 & 5, t.3,/.5. C. 3, t. 118, f. 1087-8. E.M.tA20,f.l. Portugal. 107 corneus 3552 slender horn L.t.9l3,f.5. C. 4,. 141, /.1312-13. E.M.tA29, /.2. P.B.ZA,t.79,f.2. D.Z.t.38. M.^.258.Britain,&c. 108 lineatus 3559 lined 109 sexcostatus 6-ribbed 110 Nassa 3551 rough C.10,U64,/1572. EM. f.429,/4. New Zealand. Guinea. Z..828,/.50. f.7. M U R E X. 129 Linn, names. Gm. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat. 1 1 1 Aplustre American flag C. 1 1 ,t. 1 9 1 ,/. 1841-2. Friendly Islands. 112 Trapezium 3552 striped L.t.93l,f. 26. GU.46, Tower /.B. C.4,U39,/.1298- 1299. E.M.tA31,f.3. Amboyna. 113 polygonus 3555 many-angled C. 4, t. 140, /. 1306-9 & f.141,/1314-16. E.M. f.423,/.l. Isle of France. 114 Vespertilio 3553 reddish- L. t. 884,/. 6. a. F.t.23, brown /. L. 2. C. 4, t. 142, /. i 323-4 & 1326-7. E.M.tA34,f.8. Tranquebar. 115 Scolymus 3553 flesh-coloured C.4,U42,/. 1325. u. 116 Ternatanus 3554 Ternate L. t. 892,/. 12. F. t. 35, /. B. 6. C. 4, t. 140, /.1304-5. #.4,U5,/.4 & *.26,/.l. Isl. of Ternate. 117 Columbarium 3559 white-beltedC.10,*.169,/.1637-8. Friendly Islands. 118 Infundibulum3554 funnel-shapedZ.<.921,/.14. C.4,U43, /.A. E.M.t.4>24<,f.2. W.Indies. 119 Syracusanus 3559 Syracuse F.*.34,/.D.2. C.10,^.162, [asperrimus.~\ f. 1542-3. Mediterranean. 120 Perron 3559 shelving C.10,U64,/.1573-4. South Seas. 121 craticulatus 3554 net-whirled L.t.919,f.l3. K.2,t.3,f.6. C. 4, t. 149,/. 1382-3. E.M.tA29,f.3. Mediterranean. 122 Pardalis 3557 Leopard K.2,t.3,fA. C.4,*.149, /.1384. u. 130 M U R E X. Linn, names. Gm. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat. 123 prismaticus 3559 prismatic C.10,*.169,/.1635-6. Friendly Islands. 124 Maroccensis3558 Morocco F. t. 33,/.A.6. C.9,U05, f.896. Morocco. 125 Harpa 3554 Harp C.4,U42,/. 1328-30. u. 126 Bamffius Bamffian D. 5,f. 169,/.l. L. T. 8, p.U9. M.Swppl.p.lir. Scotland. 127 gracilis elegant D. t. 169,/.2. M.p. 267 &586,f.l5,/5. Britain. 128 attenuatus tapering M.p. 266, t. 9,f. 6. L.T. 129 Nebula 130 costatus 131 proximus 132 septangularis 133 Turricula 134 rufus 135 sinuosus clouded M.p. 267,*. 15,/. 6. L.T. 8,^.143. high-ribbed P. B. Z. 4, t. 82,/.2. Z).3, .91. M.p.265. eleven-ribbedM. Suppl.p. 1 1 S t t. 30, f. 8. Scotland. seven-angled D.5,t.l79,fA. M.p.168, t.9,f.5. Britain. small-toweredM.p.262,*.9,/.l. L. T.8, p.U4>. red M.p.263. L.T.8,p.U5. channel-lippedM.|j.264^.9,/.8. Z. T. 8, 136 linearis linear M.p.26l t t.9,fA. L.T. 8, p.U8. 137 purpureus purple M U R E X. 131 Linn, names. Gm. 138 muricatus 139 minutissimus 140 arenosus 3558 141 Scriptus 3554 142 Obeliscus 3542 \_Sinensis Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat. rasp Af.p.262,.9,/.2. L.T.8, p. 149. Britain. minute M.p.273. L.T.3,p.65& 8,p.U9. sea-sand .Etn/.l,p.644. India. Character L.S.N.p.12%5. Mediterranean. Chinese Z.f. 1018,/.80. G.t.56, ] Obelisk /.M. C,4,U57,/.1489. E.M.tA4>3,fA. West Indies. 143 Vertagus 3560 curve-beaked Z.J.1020,/. 83. G.t.57, /.D. C.4,U56,/1479 &157,/.1480. E.M. tA4:3,f.2. Amboyna. 144 curvirostris cross-beaked C.4,.156,/.1748. 145 plicatulus 3561 white-plaited L.t. 1017, /. 79. G.t.57, /.A. C.4,*.157,/.1488. 146 Aluco 3560 Caterpillar 147 nodulosus 148 Adansoni nodulous Adanson's .*.1017,/.79. G.t.57, /.A. C.4,*.156,/.1478. E.M.tA4>3,f.5. L.t.W25,f.87. G.t.57, /.G. C.4,M56,/.1473- 1474. JOf.*.442,/.3. G.t.57,f.B. A.t.lO,f.2. River Gambia. 149 Clava 3565 club-shaped C.10,p.233,f. A.B. Pulo Condore. 150 uncinatus 3542 grappling 151 atratus 3564 blackish S.Fluss.t.8,f.l5. u. 132 M U R E X. Linn, names. Gm. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat. 152 alucoides marbled L. 1. 1019. G. t. 56, f. L. F..39,/.C.l. Mediterranean. 153 ebeninus deep black F. t. 79, /. lower N. C. 10, U62,/.1548-9. EM. *.442,/.l. New Holland. 154 fuscatus 3562 prickly L. 1. 121, /. 17. F. t. 39, /.C.I 9. C. 9,M36, /.1267-8. Senegal : mouth of rivers. 155 torulosus 3563 ringed i.U21,/16. C.4,U57, /. 1486 & 10, t. 164, /. 1575-6. East Indies. 156 fluviatilis 3562 river Z.*.122,/20. G.t.58,f.F. C.4,U55,/.1459. Rivers of Senegal, within reach of the tide. margined <7.<.56,/.H. East Indies, serrated M. U. C.2,*.58. Friendly Islands. 3563 rough-grained L. 1. 1020, /. 84. F. t. 39, /. C. 18. C. 4, t. 157, /.1 483. West Indies. 157 marginatus 158 serratus 159 asper 160 granulatus grained P.Amb. t.7,f. 12. C.4, 1. 157, /. 1492. E. M. .442,/.4. Asiatic Ocean. 161 Moluccanus 3563 grooved 162 semi-grano- Z.*.1021,/.85. GU.57, /.E. C.4,U57,/.1484- 1485..M.*.442,/.2.Moluccas. half-grained E.M.tA4<3,f.l. New Holland. sus .$ 3 * -f-4 f 4? as /* V* 62 r '/ A^Cf 69 r /T- 7'y^^ & iT/ y .j"4? ^x. '' S,X'S Z-Z et + \ \ 64 et 1 1 ( S "/ ^.7 JB^* ^-* 7*t I ^/ ^ f ^/4 % /i "9 * 9 S sx6r V \ X S32 V w v~ V* A 1 % A i /// '/ />j/r^f 4*i* 6 a> -* /"J? ^ 2^/f *^> *7 + ft JL J5^- T R O C H U S. 133 Linn, names. Gm. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat. 163 literatus 3548 lettered G. t. 56,/. N. B. t. 11, /.14,15. Guadaloupe. 164 hexagonus 3548 six-ribbed C.10, f.162,/. 1554-5. South Sea. 165 reticulatus reticulated G.t.58,f.G. M.p.272. L.T.8,p.l50. Britain. 166 tubercularis pimpled M.p. 270 & Suppl.p. 116. L.T.8,p.l50. 167 adversus left-handed W.M.S.fAS. D.5J.159. M.p,271&Suppl.p.Il5. L.T.8,p.l5I. Britain, &c. 168 subulatus awl-shaped M.Suppl.p.H5,t.3Q,f.6. Scotland, in sea sand. 169 decollatus 3563 decapitated E.M.tA58,f.3. u. 170 Afer 3558 African A.l,p.l25,t.8,f.l8. E.M. tA26,f.6. Senegal. 171 sinistralis left-handed E.M.tAM,f.l. u. XXVII. TROCHUS. TOP SHELL. 1 Niloticus 3565 large marbledi. t. 617, /. 3. G. t. 59, /. B&C. C. 5, f. 167, /. 1605 & 168, /. 1614. E.M.tA4>4>,f.l. Amboyna. 2 Conns 3569 conic L.J.631,/18. F.t.l3,f.l. C.5,.167,/.1610. East Indies. 134 T R O C H U S. Linn, names. Gm. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat. 3 spinosus 3570 thorny F.U2,/.B.S. C.5,U67, /.1 611. New Zealand. 4 jujubinus 3570 mottled F. 1. 12,/. L. C. 5, 1. 167, /.1612-13. West Indies. 5 maculatus 3566 spotted L. f.632,/. 20. G. t. 61, /.D. C.5,U68,/1615- 1618&69,/.1623-4. Madagascar. 6 Alveare 3570 Bee-hive GU.60,/.P. C.5,*.168, /.1619&1622. Isleof France. 7 concavus 3570 concave base C.5,U68,/.1620-1. Coromandel. 8 vernus 3571 green C.5,U69,/.1625-6. East Indian Seas. 9 conspersus 3571 Poppy G. t. 60,/. B. C. 5, 1. 169, 10 Tentorium 3571 Pavilion 11 ochroleucus 3571 whitish- brown 12 stellatus 3571 starred 13 Spengleri 3571 Spengler's 14 costatus 3571 ribbed 15 inaequalis 3572 unequal 16 regius 3572 royal 17 verrucosus 3572 warty 18 cylindricus 3572 sub-conical 19 radiatus 3572 radiated C.5,U69,/1628. C.5,U69,/.1630. C.5,U69,/.1631. u. C.5,U69,/.1633-4. u. G.t.GOj.O. F.t.l2,f.T>. C.5,U70,/.1635-6. Mozambique. C.5,.170,/.1637. u. C.5,.170,/.1638. E.IndianSeas. C.5,.170,/.1639. u. C.5,t. 1 70,/. 1 640. West Indies. T R O C H U S. 135 Linn, names. 20 viridis 21 rusticus 22 nigerrimus 23 Fanulum 24 strigosus 25 Pyramjs 26 depressus 27 laevigatus 28 Groenlandi- cus 29 cruciatus 30 Pharaonius 31 corallinus 32 Guineensis 33 carneus 34 Magus Gm. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat. 3572 green-beaded C.5,U70,/.l 643-4. NewZealand. 3572 blackish- C.5,U70,/. 1645-6. China. brown 3573 black C.5,*.170,/.1647. 3573 Pagoda P.U56,/.15. F.U3,/.O. C.5,U70,/.1648-9. Coasts of Fernambuca. 3573 black-tipped C.5,*.170,/.1651. Morocco. 3573 pyramidal C.5,U70,/.l 652-3. u. 3573 depressed C.5,U71,/.1668-9. u. 3573 smooth C.5,U71,/.1670. u. 3574 Greenland C.5,M71,/.1671. Greenland. 3567 cross-rayed C.5,.171,/.1674. Mediterranean. 3567 Strawberry Z.*.638,/26. G.t.63,f.E. C. 5, t. 171,/. 1672-3. Red Sea. 35 Capensis 36 Afer 3576 coral-beaded A.^ Magdalen Isl. 3574 Guinea C.5,U71,/.1680. Guinea. 3574 flesh-coloured C.5,M71,/1682. u. 3567 tuberculated L. t. 641, /. 32. G. t. 62, /.L. C.5,U71,/1656- 1659.P.B.ZA,t.83,fA. D.l,t.8,f.l. M.p.283. Britain, &c. 3573 Cape C.5,U71,/.1661-2. Cape of Good Hope. 3577 grey-marbled^.|U84,U2,/.6. Senegal. 136 T R O C H U S. Linn, names. 37 Modulus 38 JEgyptius 39 muricatus 40 roseus 41 tumidus 42 viridulus 43 urbanus 44 scaber 45 quadratus 46 croceus 47 varius Gm. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat. 3568 keel-whirled L.t.653,f.52. F.t.Sj.V. C.5,U71,/.1665. West Indies. 3573 Egyptian C.5,U71,/.1663-4. Red Sea. 3568 prickly GU.64,/.H. Mediterranean. 3574 rose-colouredC.5,U71,/.1675. Cape of Good Hope. tumid 71/4>.280,UO,/.4. L.T.8, p.153. C.5,U71,/1677. Britain. u. 3574 necklace- grained 3574 broad purple- C.5,U71,/.1679. u. striped 3568 rough C.5,U71,/.1667. u. square spottedC.5,f.l71,/.1683. Mediterranean. 3584 saffron-co- C.5,U71,/.1684. Morocco, loured 3568 varied S.Einl.l,p.659. Mediterranean. C. 5, t. 171, /. 1685. P.B.Z.4,,t.83,f.S. D. t. 74, 3 middle figures. M.p.286. L.T.8,p.l53. Britain, &c. 3568 ash-coloured Z.J.641,/.31. C.5,U71, /.1686. Z>.3,*.74. M. 48 umbilicatus 3575 obliquely- \obliquatus. ~\ rayed 49 cinerarius 50 neritoideus 3577 reddish-col. Fab.F.G.p.393. Greenland. 51 albidus 3576 white B. til, /.1 9,20. u. 52 vittatus 3575 ribbon F.Z.9,/. E.3. C.5,*.171, /.1687. u. T R O C H U S. 137 Linn, names. Gm. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat. 53 divaricatus 3568 divaricated Fab.F.G.p.392. Mediterranean. 54 fuscatus 3576 brown #.*.12,/.1,2. u. 55 umbilicaris 3568 umbilicated C.5,U71,/.l 666. Mediterranean. 56 Areola 3575 red square C.5,U73,/. 171 0-11. u. spotted 57 cinereus dark ash-coloured Z. t.633,f.2l. F.2,t.I3, /.M. Z).5,*.155,/.3. M.p.289. Britain, &c. 58 fasciatus 3576 banded JB.t.I2,f.3-4. u. 59 variegatus 3575 variegated C.5,*.173,/. 1708-9. u. 60 infundibuli- 3575 ram's horn C.5,U73,/. 1706-7. u. formis 61 hybridus 3567 hybrid C.5,U73,/. 1702-5. Mediterranean. 62 perspectivus 3566 stair-case L. t. 636,/. 24. G. t. 65, 63 stramineus 3575 straw-co- loured 64 Indicus 65 planus 66 Solaris 3575 Indian 3576 flattish 3569 sulcated, sun & 11, 1. 196, /. 1884-5. Amboyna. C.5,U72, /.1699. Tranquebar. C.5,M72,/1697-8. East Indies. C.5,U74,/.mi-2. u. L.t. 622,/.9. K. 6, t.26, 1701. East Indies. 67 inermis 3576 short-spined C.5,U73,/.1712-13. W.Indies. 68 imperialis 3576 imperial C. 5, 1. 173,/. 1714 & 174, /.1 71 5. New Zealand. 138 T R O C H U S. Linn, names. Gm. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat. 69 conchylio- 3584 Carrier F.t.l2,f.C. 1 & C.2. C.5, phorus U72,/.1688-90. Westlndies. 70 Tectura 3569 arch-lipped L.t.653,f.51.F.t.9,f.M.3. C.5,U65,/.1567-8. 71 perlatus 3577 tooth-lipped Z.*.654,/.54. F.*.8,/.D. C.10,U65,/.1583-4. 72 Pumilio Dwarf C.ll,U96,/.1888-9. Africa. 73 terrestris 3645 land Z.*.61,/.58. P.t.22,f.lO. [H. elegant.] C. 9, t. 122, f. 1045. P.B.ZA,t.83,f.5. DA, /.111. M.p.287. Britain, &c. C.9,t.l22,f.l052. Botanic garden at Strasbourg. 75 fragilis S577 brittle S.Einl.l,t.3,f.l6. u. 76 callosus 3577 keeled C.9,U22,/1501. Bayreuth. Fr.w. 74 bidens 3642 double- [H. bidentata.~\ toothed 77 flumineus 3587 river 78 vestiarius 3578 flattened S.Fluss.p.282,t.6,f.l2. River Huines. L.t.650-2. G.t.65,f.F-H. C.5,.166,/ h. Mediterranean. 79 grandinatus 3585 studded C.10 Palmerston's Island. 80 Labeo 3578 double-lipped L. J.584,/42 & 645,/. 37. F. 2,t.8,f.A.2. C.5, U66,/.1579-81. E.M. .447,/.l. Amboyna. 81 asper 3583 rugged F.*.8,/.A.3. C.5,U66, /.3582. New Zealand. T R O C H U S. 139 Linn, names. Gm. Engl. names. Synonyms. 82 quadricari- four-keeled C.11,U96,/. 1892-3. natus 83 tessellatus 84 turbinatus Habitat. Mediter. 85 argyrostomus3583 Ink-horn 86 Sinensis 3583 Chinese 87 crassus 88 Tuber 89 melanosto- raus 90 striatus 3583 tessellated C.5,t.\G6,f.l583. Bay of Naples. turbinated L. t. 642,/.33-4. G. t. 63, /.D.E.&G. G.5,U66, /.1 584. Isle of France. C.5,U65,/.1562-3. N. Zealand. F.t.9,f.E.l. K.5,t.3,f.l. C.5,*.165,/.1564-5. China. Hair-streaked M.p.281. L.T.8,p.l54>. Z).CU.6,/.7. P.D.C. t.l7,f.3&7. Britain. 3578 large mottled Z.*.646,/.38. F.t.9,f.C. C.5,U65,/.1572-6. W.Indies. 3581 black- C.5,U61,/.1526. S. Ocean. throated 3597 small striated L.t. 6 16,/. 2 C.5,U62,/.1527-8. D. t.I55,f.l. 91 exiguus 3581 crimson- [erythroleucos.~\ tipped 92 punctulatus 3581 little rose- coloured 93 Conulus 3579 conical 94 Ziziphinus 3579 livid C. 5, t. 162, /. 1529. P.B.ZA,t.83.f.l. D.I, f.8,/2. M.p.277. F.U2,/.N.l. C.5,U62, /.1 5 30. Morocco. C.5,U66,/.1588-9. Mediter. Z.*.616,/.l. GU.61,/.C. C. 5, t. 166,/. 1592-4. P.B.ZA,t.83,f.I. D.2, t.52. M.p.274. Britain, &c. 140 T R O C H U S. Linn, names. Gm. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat. 95 papillosus granulated GU.61,/.G.M. C.5,M66, /.1597-8. D. 4,U27.,.10,/.3. Britain, &c. 96 dolarius fluted C. 10, t. 165, /. 1579-80. E.M.tA4,5,f.l. New Zealand. 97 Granatum 3584 Tiger C.5,U70,/.1654-5, 98 virgineus ringed F.t.79,f.l. C. 10, .165, /.1581-2. 99 diaphanus S580 thin,chesnut-C.5,<.161,/.1520-l. - coloured 100 caerulescens blueish .Z?.M..444,/.2.a.b. New Holland. 101 selectus red-&-white- C.ll,U96,/.1896-7. grained New Zealand. 102 purpureus 3582 bright-purpl. C.5,U62,/.1538-9. u. 103 Americanus 3581 American C.5,M62,/.l 534-5. Westlndies. 104 irabricatus 3581 imbricated Z.*.628,/14. G.t.60,f.Q. C. 5, t. 162, /. 1531. 105 caelatus 3581 scaly Z.*.647,/.40. F.t.8,f.M. 106 gibberosus 3585 olive-green M. U. C. 1, t. 31. C. 10, [in. - Sea-weed M.p.318. L. T.8,p.l64>. - bellied minute, yellowish minute, girdled M.p.3l7,t.l2,f-I3.L.T.8, p. 164. 16. L.T.8,p.l65. M>328,U2,/7. L.T.8, p.lQo. TURBO. 147 Linn, names, Gm. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat. 62 interruptus minute, L. T. 5, p. 3, t. I,/. 16, 17. streaked M.p.329,t.2Q,f.8. D.5, t.l78,f.2. Britain. 63 semistriatus minute, half- M.Suppl.p.136. striated 64 albulus 3609 minute, pel- Fab.F.G.p.394-. Greenland. lucid 65 Pica pied 7,..640,/.30. G.t.68,f.E. C.5,U76,/.1750-1. West Indies. 66 nodulosus nodulous .U3,/.1,2. C.5,*.178, /.1769-70. 67 dentatus 3601 toothed C.5,U78,/. 1767-8. u. 68 auricularis eared M.^3.308. L.T.S,p.l66. Britain. 69 vinctus small brown M.p.3Q7,t.20,f.3. L.T.8, banded p.167. 70 quadrifascia- small four- M.p.328,t.20,f.7. L.T.8, tus banded p. 167. 71 sanguineus 3598 scarlet C.5,*.177,/. 1756-7. Mediterranean. 72 atratus 3601 black-grained C.5,U77,/. 1754-5. Nicobar Islands. 73 Anguis 3602 Snake M.U.C.2,t.7Q. B.E.C. _p.!68. South Seas. 74 Diadema 3601 Diadem C.5,p.l45,/A.B. New Zealand. 75 undulatus 3597 waved C. 1 0,1. 1 6 9,/. 1640-1. New Holland. 76 argyrostomus3699 wrinkled F.t.9,f.A.3. K.l,t.3,f.3. silver-mouth C. 5, 1. 177, f. 1760-1 & 1763-5. Indian Seas. L 2 148 TURBO. Linn, names. Gm. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat. 77 margarita- 3599 greenish wh. C.5,U77,/.1762. Frederick Isl. ceus pearly mouth 78 Porphyrites 3602 Porphyry M.U.C.2,t.70. C.5,U76, /.1 740-1. New Caledonia. 79 Mespilus 3601 Medlar C.5,U76,/.1742-3. South Seas. 80 granulatus 3601 granulated C.5,U76,/. 1744-6. 81 cinereus 3601 ash-coloured B.t.I2,f.25-6. u. 82 torquatus 3597 thready C.10,p.293,/.A.B. New Zealand. 83 Delphinus 3599 Endive leaf L. f.608,/. 45. G. t. 68, /. C. D. C. 5, t. 175, /.1727-35. E.M.tA51, f.l. Amboyna. 84 nodulosus 85 distortus 86 crenellus 87 fontinalis 88 scalaris 3600 rough- knobbed 3600 distorted 3602 crenated C.5,U74,/. 1723-4. East Indies. C.5,*.175,/.1737-9. u. u. 3603 fresh-water D.3,t.l02. [thermalis.'] f.4>. L.T.8,p.l68. Britain, &c. 3603 Wentletrap GU.10,/.Z.Z. K.4-,t.20, f.2,3. C.V.152,1426- 1427 & 1430-1. E.M. #.451. lowery.l. Amboyna. principal C. 4, 89 principalis 90 Clathrus 3603 latticed ^.195. A./.1876-7. Coromandel. .*.588,/.51. G.t.58.U. C.11,#.195.A,/. 1878- 1879. E.M.tA51 t f.3& 5. P.B.Z.4,t.84,f.2. D.l,t.28. TURBO. 149 Linn, names. Gm. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat. 91 fimbriatus furbelowed E.M.tA51,fA. u. 92 clathratulus little, la tticed W.M.S./A5. M.p.297 & Suppl.p.124. Britain. 93 pulcher white-ribbed L.t.588,f.50. West Indies. 94 ambiguus 3604 doubtful L.S.N.p.1237. Mediterranean. 95 crenatus 3604 knobbed Z.*.588,/.52. C.11,U95. whirl A,/.1880-l. West Indies. 96 lacteus 3604 milky L.S.N.p.1238. Mediterranean. 97 elegantissi- elegant Z).5,*.179,/.l. M.p.298, mus *.10,/.2. Britain. 98 simillimus similar M.Suppl.p.136. Scotland. 99 parvus little Guernsey D.t.90. M.p.3lO. L.T.3, U3,/.29,30,&8,p.l71. Britain. 100 striatulus 3604 minute, M.t.lQ. L.T.8,p.l72. wrinkled 101 reticulatus reticulated .7l3,fR.66,.18,/U9,f& 102 Bryereus Bryer's M.p.313,t.I5,f.8. 103 coniferus small, margi- 7J/.p.314,*.15,/.2. L.T.8, nated p. 173. 104 denticulatus small, tooth. M.p.315. L.T.8,p.l73. 105 marginatus small,margin.M.AS'w|)p/.^.128. Guernsey. 106 striatns minute, L. T. 3, t. 13, /. 25-6. striated M.p.312. Britain. 107 costatus minute, W. M. S. f. 47. L. T. 3, ribbed jp.65,U3,/.13,14. M. 150 TURBO. Linn, names. Gm. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat. 108 unicus minute, W.M.S.fAO. M.p.299, convex f.12,/2. Britain. 109 indistinctus indistinct M.Suppl.p.129. 110 Uva 3604 Berry G.t.58,f.T>. F.*.65,/.B. 11. Coast of Bretagny. 111 Mumia double- Z.*. 588,/.48. CU. 153, toothed /.1439. Br.E.M.p.34>8. America. 112 Alveare white-mouth. Z,.*.588,/.49. Seb.3,t.55 t /. 2 1 . Guadaloupe. L . 113 Cylindrus cylindrical L.t.2l,f.l7. C.ll,*.209, /.2061-2. Jamaica. L. 114 croceus 3655 orange C.9,U35,/.1233. E.M. [H.crocea.'] .461,/.6. u. 115 sulcatus 3610 sulcated L.t.588,fA7. C.9,.135, /1231-2. Ceylon. L. 116 corneus 3605 horny ^.^.^.1238. u. 117 reflexus 3605 reflected L.S.N.p.1238. u. mouth 118 elegans intersected L.t.27,f.25. G.t.4>,f.A. C.9,U23,/.1060d.&e. P.B.ZA,t.85,f.2. Dr. t.l,f.7. Britain, &c. L. 119 Lincina 3605 bordered Z..26,/.24. P.M18,/.ll. C.9,t. 123, f. 1060 b.c. E.MA6l,f.2. Jamaica. L. 120 Labeo 3605 white-lipped L.t.25,f.23. B.t.l3,f.5-6. C. 9, t. 123, f. 1061-2. E.M.tA61,fA. L. 121 lunulatus moon spotted S.Fluss.p. 36 3. u. TURBO. Linn, names. Gm. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat. 122 ligatus ligature C.9,t.I23,f.l071~4. * 123 foliaceus leafy C.9,U23,/.1069-70. u. 124 limbatus 3606 shouldered C.9,U23,/.1075. Coromandel. 125 carinatus 3601 keeled L.t.28,f.26. Z?.U3,/.3, 4. C.9,*.126,/.1103. Jamaica. L. 126 Separatista three-keeled C.10,U65,/.1589-90. Indian Seas. 127 niveus 3598 snowy C.10,U65,/.1587-8. Nicobar Islands. 128 helicoides 3602 brown zig- C.9,U23,/. 1067-8. u. zag 129 imbricatus 3606 imbricated G.t.58,f.E. K.6,t.25, f.2. C.4,*.152,/.1422. Jamaica. 130 replicatus 3606 large screw C.4,M51,/.1412. Tranquebar. 131 acutangulus 3607 sharp-angled G.t. 58, /.B. K.3,t.\9,f.5. 132 duplicatus 3607 double-ribbed L. t. 591. f. 58. G. t. 58, /.C. C.4,*.151,/.1414. E. M. t. 44 9, lower/. 1. Z).4,M12. Mediterranean. 133 torcularis brown spotted B.p. 35 8,M3,/. 8. u. 134 TurriteUa Spindle E.M.t.4,49, lower/.2. u. 135 obsoletus 3612 obsolete L.t.589,f.5S. B.t.l3,f.7. u. 136 exoletus 3607 ribbed screw C.4,U52,/1423. Guinea. 152 TURBO. Linn, names. Gm. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat. 137 Terebra 3608 Auger screw Z.f.591,/57. G.t.58,f.A. C. 4, *. 151,/ 1418-19. E. M. t. 449, lower/ 3. PJS.Z.4,*.84,/4. D.I, *.22,/.2. M.p.293. Britain, &c. 138 Archimedis Archimedes' C.10,*.165,/1591. China. screw 139 variegatus 3608 variegated Seb. 3, *.56,/26,34, 31 & 33. Southern Europe. 140 Terebellum little screw C.10,U65,/.1592-3. Nicobar Islands. 141 annulatus 3609 little white G.t.58,f.L. u. 142 Turn's Thomse little tower C.ll,.2l3,/3022.a-d. Island of St. Thomas. 143 bidens 144 laminatus 145 biplicatus 146 corrugatus 147 nigricans 148 labiatus double-tooth. C. 9, t. 112, / 963-4. P..Z.4,f.84,/.5. L.T. 8,p.l78.t.5,f.3. Britain,&c.L. laminated L. t. 41, /. 39. A. G. t. 4, no.l. M.p.S59,t.ll, /4. L. double plaited C. 9, t. 112, / 960. no. 2. M.p.36l,t.Il,f.5. wrinkled black lipped L. Spain. L. L.tAl, least/ M.p.357, t.ll,f.7. L.T.8,p.l80. Britain. L. ,6. Z.T.8, p.180. L. TURBO. 153 Linn, names. Gm. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat, 149 perversus 3609 reversed F.t.65,f.EA. C.9,U12, /959.a. M.p.355,t.II, /.1 2. Britain.!,. 150 quinqueden-3612 five-toothed G.t.4,f.G. F.*.65,/.E.12. tatus B.t.l3,f.9. France. L. 151 tridens 3611 three-toothed .*.4,/.F. M.p.338,t.U, /.2. Britain, &c. L. 152 Juniperi Juniper-bush C. 9, t. 135, /. 1236. M.p. 340, t. 12,/. 12. L.T.S,p.l82. - L. 153 Muscorum 3611 Moss C.9,t. 123,/1076. Z).3, t.80. M.p.335,t.22 t - L. 154 quadridens 3610 four-toothed i.f.40,/.38. .9,*. 11 2, /.965. France. L. 155 sexdentatus six-toothed M.p.337,t.l2,f.8. L.T.8, jp.183. Britain. 156 Vertigo 3644 Vertigo Af.p.363,U2,/.6. L.T.8, p.183. - L. 157 Carychium 3665 minute, 3f.p.339,f.22,/2. L.T.8, toothed p. 184. - -L. 158 AuriscalpiumS611 Ear-picker .>S r .JV.p.l240. Mediterranean. 159 politus 3612 polished D.t.177. M.p.398. L.T.8, p.210. Britain, &c. 160 subulatus awl-shaped D. 5, t. 172. M. Suppl. p.142. Britain. 161 decussatus decussated M.p.399,M5,/.7. L.T.8 t p.209. - 154 HELIX. Linn, names. Gm. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat. 162 nautileus 3612 Nautilus W. M. S. f. 20, 21. C. 9, *.123,/.1077. M.t.25, f.5. Britain, &c. 163 cristatus small crested M.vign.l,f.7, 8. L.T.8, p.169. 164 depressus minute, flattishAf. t. 13, f. 5. L. T. 8, 25.170. Britain. Serpula M.Suppl.t.2l,f.3. 165 serpuloides 166 Ludus 167 Marginellus green, spotted C.5,*.176,/. 1748-9. South Seas. pale reflected C.9,U23,/.1063. u. lipped XXIX. HELIX. SNAIL. 1 Scarabaeus 3613 Cockchafer Z.f.577,/.31. G.tA,f.S. C.9,U36,/.1249-50. Mountains of Asia. 2 Afra 3651 African 3 Lapicida Rock A.t.ljA. Goree. Z. t. 69,/. 68. C.9,^.126, /.1107. P.B.ZAJ.S6, /.I. D.2,.39,/.2. M. pA35. Dr.t.7,f. 35-37. Britain, &c. L. 4 marginella 3622 white- B.t.U,f.7,8. C. 9,*.125, margined /.1 097. Jamaica. 5 cicatricosa 3614 flat, reversed F. t. 63, f. K. C.9,*.109, /. 923 & 11, t. 213, /3012-13. L. ^^/ ** - JKI ^ ^5rrrjzj?o.A ^ ^ff*&. I 1 1^4 fSf~+ SS**** *&+ "4_V^ V ^ I I -I * ^^ If .2 4t< 9 HELIX. 155 Linn, names. Gm. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat. 6 Cornu large horn C.ll,t208,/.2051-2. New Zealand. L. 7 Oculus-Capri3615 Goat's eye L.t.75,f.75. C.9,*.123, /.1 064-6. Asia. L. 8 Involvulus 3638 white, re- M.V.2,p.84>. u. fleeted, 9 albella 3615 flat, whitish Z.*.64,/.62. G.*.3,/.N. C.9,U26,/.1102. Dr. t.6,f. 25-27. Rocks in Europe. 10 albina 3615 minute, whiteZ.*.86,/.86. u. 11 radiata 3633 small ra- .*.1058,/.11.A. G. f.3, [rotundata.'] diated /.Q. M.pA23,t.24<,f.3. Britain, &c. L. 12 striatula 3615 transversely L.S.N.p.lZW. Algiers. L. striated 13 Algira 3615 yellowish Z.f.79,/80. G.t.3,f.G. C. 9, t. 125, f. 1093-4. Fer.t.81. Amboyna. 14 Leucas 3616 purple lined L.S.N.p.1242. Africa. 15 laevipes reverse C.9^.108,/.915-16. Fer. whirled .92,/.3-6. Guinea. 16 exilis 3616 white-striped C. 9, f. 129,/. 1149. Fer. t.92,f.l. Tranquebar. 17 vermiculata 3616 rough dotted G.t.l,f.G. F.*.64,/.K.l. & K. 2. C. 9, 1. 129. /.1148.a.b.c. Fer.t.37. Dr.t.6,f.7 & 8. Italy. 18 incarnata 3617 flesh-co- C.9,M33,/.1206. Denmark. L. loured lip 156 HELIX. Linn, names. Gm. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat. 19 Cantiana Kentish D.5,U57,/.2. M.J.422, *.23,/.l. L.T.8,p.l97. Britain. L. 20 rufescens reddish //. t. 71, lower /.A, D.5, *.157,/.l., t.23,f.2. L. 21 caperata 3617 black tipped L.t.85,f.85. C.9,t.l33, [crenulata.'] /.1207. M.pA3Q,t.ll, f.ll. Britain, &c.L. 22 annulata 3622 ringed S.Fluss.p.244<,t.5,f.30. u. 23 planata 3617 keeled E.M.tA62,f.5. M.pA5l, \_Planorbis.'] t.25,f.l. P.B.ZAJ.86, f.2. L.T.8,p.l89 t t.5, /14. Z)r..2,/.13&14. Ponds in Britain, &c. Fr.w. 24 complanata 3617 flatumbili- L.t.I38,f. 42. G. t. 4, cated /. E. E. C. 9, t. 127, /. 1121-2. M. p. 450, t.25,fA. L.T.8,p.l88, t.5,f.I3. Dr.t.2,f.ll& 12. 25 fontana fresh-water M.pA62>t.6,f.6. L.T.8, p.193. 26 ringens 3618 toothedlamp L. t. 99, f. 100. F. t. 63, /. F. 10. C. 9, t. 109, /.919-20. Brazil. L. F.t.63,f.X.ll. K.5,t.26, f.5. C.ll,*.208,/.2048. Fer.t.54,.E.f.l. East Indies. L.t.93j.93. F.t.63,f.2. 8. Virginia. 27 plicata plaited 28 punctata 3622 punctured HELIX. 157 Linn, names. 29 sinuata 30 Lucerna 31 Lychnuchi 32 Cepa 33 Lampas 34 Carocolla 35 unidentata 36 Cornu-mili tare 37 maculosa 3622 spotted 3619 top-shaped 3619 Onion 3619 orange lip 38 corrugata 39 Pellis Ser- pentis 40 Vortex Gm. Engl. names. Synonyms* Habitat. 3618 sinuous L.t.97,f.98. F.*.63,/.F.8. B.t.U,f.l$,U. C.9, t. 126, /. 1110-2. Per. *.54,/.l-3. Jamaica. 3619 lamp-shaped L.t.96,f. 97. C.9,*.126, /.1 108-9. E.M.tAGZ, /.I. East Indies. ..90,/.90. Jamaica. Z.*.88,/89. C.ll,f.208,/.2044-5. u. 3619 large brown L. t. 63,/. 61. G. t. 3,/. I. C. 9, t. 125, f. 1090-2. E.M.t.4,62,f.2. Per. t.57,f.3. America. L. single-toothed C. 11, t. 208, /. 2049-50. Fer.t.58. Ceylon. - 3620 Bugle-horn F.t.64,,f.C.2. C.9,U29, /.1142-3. Fer.t.l5,f.5- 7&*.53,/.3&4. Germany. L. .*.14,/.15,16. Fer.t.28, /.9,10. u. C.9,M33,/.1208. Otaheite. 3620 Snake's skin L. t. 66, /. 64. F. t. 63, / G. 3. C. 9, t. 208, /.2046-7. Fer. t.75.A. /.2&3.&f.75.B./.6&7. South America. Z.*.138,/.43..*.4,/.G.G. C. 9, t. 127,/. 1127. Z).3, 3623 wrinkled 41 planorbula 42 scabra 3620 Vortex Dr.t.2,fA-7. Britain,&c.Fr.w. notch lipped E.M.tA61,f.3. u. 3620, rough C.ll,.210,/2074-5. Jamaica. 158 HELIX. Linn, names. 43 Gothica 44 Gaulteriana 45 Turcica. 46 Avellana 47 Faba 48 cornea 49 similis 50 spirorbis 51 polygyra 52 contorta 53 alba 54 paludosa Gm. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat. 36^1 doubtful L.S.N.p.lZW. Sweden. L. 3621 Gaulter's G.t.68,f.E. B.t.l3,f.l2, 13. C.9,U26,/.l 100-1. Fer.t.62. Spain. L. Turkish C.ll,*.209,/.2065-6. Morocco.L. 3640 Hazel-nut C.5,U88,/.1919-20. New Zealand. 3623 bean-shaped M.t/.C.2,*.67. Otaheite. 3623 horn L. t. 137, /. 41. G. .4, /. D. D. C. 9, t. 127, /.1113-15. E.M.tAGO, /.l,2.P..Z.4,*.86,/.3. D.2,t.39,f.l. Z)r.U,/.42-44. Britain, &c. Fr.w. 3625 similar M.F.2,^.166. Denmark. Fr.w. 3624 small-con- M.pA55,t.25,f.2. L.T.8, cave ^.191. Dr..2,/.8-10. Britain, &c. Fr.w. 3624 many whirled 5J.14,/. 19,1 2. C.9,U27, /.1 124-5. u. coiled C.9,M27,/.1126. D. 3, .99. M.pA57,t.25,f.6. Britain, &c. Fr.w. 3625 pale horn- P.t.92,f.7. S.Fluss.t.5, colour yl^' M>pA59,t.25,f.7. L.T.8,p.l92. Fr.w. 3635 Bog M.pA4<0. L.T.8,p.l93, t.5,f.5. Fr.w. HELIX. 159 Linn, names. Gm. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat. 55 Cornu-Arie- 3625 Ram's horn L.t.l36,fAQ. C.9,U12, tis /. 952-3. E.M.t.460, f.3. Amboyna. Fr.w. 56 CormiVena- Hunters' horn C.9,U 2 7,/. 11 32-3. torum u. 57 Ericetorum 3632 Heath L.t.7S,f.7B. G.t.3,f.P. C. 9, t. 132, /. 1193. P.B.ZA,t f SS,f.5. D.5, M.pA37,t.24,, 58 cingenda 3632 girdled [strigata.] 59 virgata 3631 striped [Pisana.~\ Britain, &c. L. P. B. Z. 4, t. 88, /. 2. M.pAI8 t t.24.,fA. L.T. 8,p.l95,t.5,f.6. Dr.t.5, /.U,15. - L. L.t.59,f.56. G.t.2,f.L. D.Z,t.65. M.p.415, - L. 60 lucida 61 tenuis 3633 pellucid \_nitens.~\ 3641 thin L. t. 71, two upper /. G. /.4. L.T. 8, p. 198,t.5, f.7. Dr.t.8,f. 23-25 --- L. . Fluss.p. 258, *. 5,/. 32. - Fr.w. 62 obvoluta 3634 small white G. t. 2,/. S. C. 9, 1. 127. lipped /.1128. Italy. Fr.w. 63 minima 3666 minute S.Fluss.p.32\,t.7,f.l8. u. 64 hispida 3&25 hairy P.t.93,f.l3. C.9,M22, / 1057-8. M.p. 423, t.23,f.S. Dr.t.7,f.23- 25. Britain, &c. L. 65 umbilicata umbilicated 7W.p.434,M3,/.2. L.T.S, |3.200. _ __ 160 HELIX. Linn, names. 66 costata 67 pulchella 68 trochiformis 69 spinulosa 70 Lacuna 71 ampullacea 72 Urceus 73 glauca 74 vitrea 75 Sultana 76 Pomatia Gm. JEngl. names. Synonyms. Habitat. 3633 little cross M.F.2,p.3l. Denmark. L. ribbed 3633 little, striated M.7.2,p. 30. trochus-shap. M.pA27,t.ll,f.9. L.T.8, p.200. Britain. L. 3638 prickly C. 9, t. 133, /. 1209. M.pA29,t.ll,f.lO. Dr. t.7,f. 10&11. gutter-lipped M.pA28,t.l3,f.6. L. T.8 t p.20l. Britain. Z.U30,/,30. G.t.l,f.R. C. 9, t. 128, f. 1133-5. E.M.tA57,f.3. Amboyna. Fr.w. L.t.l25,f.25. F.t.61, /. D. 10. C.9,t.l28, /.1136. E.M.tA57J.2. America. Fr.w. 3628 grayish L.t.l29,f.29. K.5,t.5, brown /.3. C.9,U29,/.1144- 1145. Guadaloupe.Fr.w. 3622 brittle B. t. 15, f. 15, 16. C. 11, *.210,/.2072-3. u. variegated C.11,J.210,/.2070-1. New Zealand. 3627 edible L.tA8jA6. G. 1. 1,/. A. C. 9, t. 128, f. 1137-8. P.B.ZA,t.87,f.l. D.3, f.84. M.pA05. Dr.t.5, /. 20-22. Per. t. 21 & *,24,/.2. Britain, &c. L. 3626 smooth girdled Cocoa-nut HELIX. 161 Linn, names. 77 scalaris 78 cincta 79 rosacea 80 extensa 81 citrina 82 Rapa 83 castanea 84 Globulus 85 incisa 86 Lucena 87 Fruticum 88 Arbustorum u. u. u. Gm. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat. 3652 produced F.t.7Q,f.l>. C.9,M28, /.1 139. no.l. France. L. 3630 red-banded M.7.2,p.58. Fer.t.20,f.7 &8. &*.24,/.l. 3636 flesh-co- M.V.2,p.76. loured 3631 four-whirled M.V.2,p.60. F.t.64,f.C.5. Fer.t.lQj.1,2. 3628 sulphur- Z..54,/.50. G.*.3,/.D.E. coloured C. 9,t. 13 1,/. 11 67-75. Jamaica. L. 3629 single-bandedC.9,U31,/.1176. u. 3629 chestnut C.9,.131,/.1177-8. u. 3629 globular C.9,U30,/. 11 59-60. Per. *.26,/.10 & 1 1. Tranquebar. 3630 slit margined F. J.64,/. S. C. 9, J. 130, /.1166. East Indies. L. 3636 transparent F.*.64,/.M.l. C.9,.130, 89 fulva 90 Epistylium 91 Papilla 92 nemorensis 12. Tranquebar. 3635 six-whirled C.9,U33,/1203. Denmark. L. 3630 brown single- L.t. 5 6,/. 53. C. 9, #.133, streaked /.1 202. P.B.ZAJ.88, /. 4. D. 4,*. 136. M. pAl3. Fer.t.27,f.5&6. Dr.t.5,f.l8. Britain, &c. L. M.V.2,p.5Q. Denmark. L. Z.i.62,/60. F.*.64,/.O.4. C. 9,^.122, /. 1049-50. Fer.t.25,f.I & 2. S.Sea.Isl.L. C.9,M22,/.1053-4. Per. f.25.B./.5. u. .U6,/.1,2. C. 9,U29, /1 146-7. East Indies. L. 3630 amber 3630 Bee-hive 3660 Nipple . 3632 polished 162 HELIX. Linn, names. Gm. 93 vittata 3636 94 zonaria 3632 zoned 95 striata 3632 striated 96 ungulina 3635 97 Lucitanica 3636 98 mammillaris 3636 99 Hispana 3637 100 lutaria 3637 101 ovalis 3637 102 oblonga 3637 oblong Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat. ribbon #.5,f.21,/.4. C.9,U32, /.1 190-2. Fer.t.26,f.4>, 5,6. Coromandel. G.t.3,f.L. JO,*.21,/.3. C. 9, t. 132,/. 1188-9. Fer.t.72 & 73. S.of Europe. L. S.Erd.p.l&3,t.2,f.20. Saxony. L. tawny-horn C.9,U25,/.l 098-9. EM. *.462,/.6. Fer.t.76,f.3, 4. India. Lusitanian G. t. 2,/. T. C. 9,*. 108, /.913-14,M73,/.1684- 1685. South of Europe. L. mammillary L. t. 566, /. 13. F.t.ll, f. H. 3. C. 5, t. 189, /. 1926-7. Guinea. Fr.w. L.S.N.p.1246. South of Europe. Z.JV>.1246. u. .f.!055,/.l. C.9,M19, /.1020-1. jPer..145.B. f.l. East Indies. L. Z.<.23,/.21. B.t.I5,f.21- 22. C.9,. 11 9,/. 1022-3. J Fer.i.l45.B./.2. West Indies. L. Spanish Mud oval 103 flarnmea 3637 Zebra f.l 024-5. Guinea. L. Kambeul ^.jp. 14,2.1, f.l. Senegal. red&yeUow C. 9, t. 122, /. 1046-8. striped F.t.63.A.f.3-8. u. 106 trifasciata 3642 three-banded C.9,U34,/1215, Tranquebar. 104 Kambeul 105 Pileus 3637 HELIX. 163 Linn, names. Gm. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat. 107 Bontia 3642 broad F. t. 65, upper/. L. C. 9, mouthed *.134,/.1216-17. Tranquebar. 108 labiosa 3645 lipped G. t. 4,/.R. C.9, t. 135, /.1234. India. 109 trochoides 3642 angular C.10,U73,/.1686. Eastlndies, mouthed 110 Otaheitana coffee-coloured C.9,U12,/.950-l.Otaheite.Fr.w. 111 lava 3644 party-co- L. t. 33, /. 31. F. t. 65, loured /.A.3. C.9,U11,/.940- 949. East Indies. 112 aurea 3643 yellow L. t. 34, /. 33 & 35, /. 34. [dextra.'] G. t. 5,/.P. C. 9, 1. 1 34, /. 1210-12 & t. 110, /.928-3S. West Indies. L. 113 recta 3643 straight G.t.5,f.O. K.5,t.23,f.5. C.9,U10,/.925-6. u. 114 interrupta 3644 tessellated F.f.65,/.A.6. C.9,U34, /.1213-14. u. 115 arenaria 3644 minute, sand C.9,M13,/.972-3. Rimini. 116 lanthina 3645 violet Z.*.572,/.24. G.*.64,/.O. C. 5, t. 166, /. 1577-8. E.M.tA56,f.l. Mediterranean. 117 Jamaicensis 3644 Jamaica Z.f.42,/40. K.1J.2 1,/. 3. F.t.63,fM. C.9,M29, /.1140-1. Fer.f.14,/6- 9. Jamaica. L. 118 Rhodia 3645 Rhodes C.9,U32,/.l 179-80. Per. *.38,/.3-6. Island of Rhodes. L. 164 HELIX. 120 fasciata 3646 banded [Vwipara var.] 121 dissimilis 3647 dissimilar Linn, names. Gm. Engl. names* Synonyms. Habitat. 119 vivipara 3646 viviparous L.t.l055,f.6. G.t.5,f.A. C.9, t.l32,f. 1182-5. E.M.tA58,f.l. P.B.Z. 4,*.87,/.2. D.3,t.S7. M.p.3SQ. Dr.t.l,f.lG. Britain, &c. Fr.w. G.t.5,f.M. Dr.M,/18. Italy. Fr.w. S.Einl.2,p.253,tA,f. 1 0. Tranquebar. 122 angularis 3661 angular C.9,U34,/.1222-3.Canton. Fr.w. 123 neraoralis 3647 varied i.f.57,/.54. G.t.l,f.P. C. 9, t. 132, /. 1196-8. D. I,f.l3. M.p. 411. Dr.t.6,f.3~Q. Fer.t.33- 36. Europe. L. Geoff.p.33,t.2. Dr.t.6, f.33. Near Paris. L. 3649 brown-lipped <7.U,/.C. Fer. f.21.A.& .21.B.y.3. Europe. L. L. t. 49, /. 47. F. t. 62, /.D.2,D.3,&D.4. C.9, t. ISO,/. 1156-8. Z).4, U31. P. Z?.Z. 4,^.87, /.3. M.pA07. Fer.t.lS & *.24,/.3. Dr.t.5,f.23. Britain, &c. L. 127 hsemastoma 3650 rose-lipped L. t. 1055,/. 2. F. *. 64, /. A. 4. C. 9, *. 130, /.1150-1. E.M.tA62, fA. Fer.t.32.R.f.l,2,5. South America. L. 128 lactea 3629 milky L.t.95,f.9Q. C.9,t.l30, /.1161. Fer.tA5. Jamaica. L. 129 picta 3650 painted B.t.I5,f.l7,l8. C.9,t.l30, /.1162-5. Fer.t.12,13, : l-5,f.25,/.9&10 124 Cartusiana 3664 Chartreuse 125 Lucorum 126 hortensis 3649 garden [grisea.'] &M1.A./.14. Amboyna. L. HELIX. 165 Linn, names. Gm. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat. 130 versicolor 3651 diversified S.U6,/.9,10. Fer.t.17, f.l-3. u. 131 aperta 3651 gaping .S.M5,/. 19,20. C.9,^.133, /. 1204-5. Per. t. 11, /.17-21. Z)r.*.5,/.26 & 27. Island of St. Croix. 132 fusca brown 3/.j3.424,^13,y.l. L.T.8, 2>.209. Britain. L. 133 fuscescens 3639 glossy S.Erd.t.l,f.ll.Fer.t.9.A. /.6. Denmark. L. 134 consolidata square-tipped C.9,t.l 36, /.1 25 8. Surinam. L. 135 decollata 3651 truncated L. t. 17,f. 12&18,/. 13. G. t. 4,/. O.P.Q. C. 9, U36,/1254-5. South of Europe. L. 136 truncata flag F.t.Q5,f.B.lO. C.9,*.136, /. 1256-7. St. Domingo. L. 137 calcarea chalky L. t. 14,/. 9. G. t. 6,/. 1. C.9,U35,/.1226. East Indies. 138 cuspidata 3655 pointed Z.M18,/.13. GU.6,/.H. C.9,U55,/.1228. India. Fr.w. 139 plicaria 3654 white-spotted B. t.l6,f. 14. u. 140 undulata 3645 wave striped j?.*.16,/.15. u. 141 aspera 3656 roughly C.9^.136,/. 125 9-60. striated Coromandel. Fr.w. 142 Vibex 3522 red marked S.Einl.2,p.l99. [Sir, Vibex.~\ 143 crenata 3655 crenated C.9,<.135,/.1230. Madagascar. Fr.w. 144 fuscata 3654 shmingbrown.U16,/.ll. C.9,U35, /.1 229. East Indies. Fr.w. 166 HELIX. Linn, names. Gm. EngL names. Synonyms. Habitat. 145 lubrica 3661 glossy M.p.39Q,t.22,f.6. L.t.8 t p.%13. Britain, &c. L. 146 Stagnorum 3653 barleycorn Bast.^p.TJ ,t.7 \f.4>. Holland. Fr.w. 147 obscura 3661 small brown M.p.391,t.22,f.5. L.T.8, jp.212,.5,/.ll. Britain. L. 148 Lackhamen- Lackham M.p.394-,t.ll>f.3. L.T.8, sis ;>.212. 149 octanfracta 3668 8-whirled M.^.396&|>.588,ai,/.8. [peregrina.'] L.T.8,p.2ll. - Fr.w. 150 octona slender Z.*.20,/.15. C.9,*.136, L.T.8,p.2ll,t.5,f.W. West Indies. L. 151 Columna 3653 Column Z.f.39,/.37.b. C.9,.112, /. 954-5 & 11, t. 213, /.3020-1. JE.K.J.459, /.5. Guinea. L. 152 incumbens 3524 tawny striped M. V. 2, p. 149. B. stria- [Str. striatus.~] turn. u. 153 Pella 3654 small red L.S.N.p.1248. Iceland. brown 154 bifasciata double-banded/).l,*.10. M. p. 346,^.22, /.I. T.fasciatus. Britain. &c. L. 155 Carinula 3655 brown lined C.9,U36,/.1263,wo.l-4. Guadaloupe. L. 156 detrita 3660 smooth L. t. 8, /. 2. C. 9,t. 134, rayed /. 1225, a-d. Dr. t. 4, /.21. Italy. L. HELIX. 167 Linn, names. Gm. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat. 157 Guadalou- Guadaloupe L.t.8,f.l. C. 9,f. 134, pensis f.\ 224. Guadaloupe. 158 substriata 3667 substriated M.p.384>,t.l !,/.!. L.T.8, p. 217. detrita. Britain, &c. Fr.w. 159 undata 3667 waved GU.5,/.N. New Holland. Fr.w. 160 fluviatilis 3665 river C.9,*.135,/.l243. a.b. [Lanchaurica.~] Coromandel. Fr.w. 161 Lyonetiana 3581 distorted C.5,U60,/1513. East Indies. L. [T. distortus.] 162 Pupa 3656 Pupa L.S.N.p.l24<8. Mauritania. 163 Barbara 3656 Barbary L.S.N.p.1248. Algiers. 164 Amarula 3656 Mitre L.t. 133,/.33. .6,/.B. F. *. 61,/.G.5. C.9, U34,/.1218-19. E.M. tA58,f.6. Asia. Fr.w. 165 turbinata 3668 turbinated S.Fluss.p.360,t.lO.B,f.l. The Danube. 166 stagnalis 3657 Lake Z.*.123,/.21. G.i.5,f.I. C.9,t. 135, /. 1237-8. E.M.tA59,f.6. P.B.Z. /.2. M.p.367,t.U,f.8. Dr.t.2,f.38&39. Britain, &c. Fr,w. 167 fragilis 3658 brittle S.Fluss.p.SWJ.lJ.Z. Denmark. Fr.w. 168 palustris 3658 Marsh C. 9, t. 135, / 1239-40. D.5,M71,/.l. P.B.Z. 4,*.89,/.2. M.p.373, t.l6,f.lO. Dr.t.2,fAO- 42. Britain, &c, Fr.w. 168 HELIX. Linn, names. Gm. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat. 169 fossaria ditch ( fl/.p.372,U6,/.9. L.T.8, p.2l7,t.5,f.9. Britain, Fr.w. 170 albicans 3666 white S.Fluss.p.3Il,t.7,f.6. Hamburg. Fr.w. 171 putris . thin yellowishZ. M23,/. 23. P.B.ZA, t.89,f.3. M.t.lG,f.3. L.T.8,p.2l7. Fer.t.U, /.4-10. Dr.t.3,f.22. Britain, &c. Fr.w. 172 succinea amber coloured C. 9,t.l 35,/. 1248. M.t. 16, /.4.D.M68,/.l.Z.r.8, p.%18. Fr.w. 173 truncatula 3659 smalldark S.Fluss.p.SlS,t.7,f.l3. brown Saxony. Fr.w. 174 inflata 3666 inflated S.Fluss.p.3U,t.7,f.5. 175 opaca 3667 opake S.Fluss.t.7,f.l7. Hamburg. Fr.w. 176 tentaculata 3662 olive Z.f.l32,/.32. G.t.5,f.E. C. 9, t. 135, f. 1245. *.93. M.p.389. Dr.t.l, f.l 9. Britain, &c. Fr.w. 177 repanda 3666 ventricose S.Fluss.p.32Q,t.l,f.\6. Tangelstadt. Fr.w. 178 canalis channelled Z. T. 8,p. 220. M. 1. 12, /.ll. Britain. 179 lutea yellow M.p.380,*.16,/.6. Z.^.S, p.222. 180 auricularia 3662 eared Z.f.123,/22. G.t.5,f.. C. 9, t. 135, /.1241-2. P.B.ZA,t.89,fA. D.2, t.5l,f.l. M.p.375,t.l6, Britain, &c. Fr.w. ILEJZXX. HEL.X3. ^ y/ NERIT A. 169 Linn, names. 181 Sicula 182 glutinosa 183 laevigata 184 Balthica 185 neritoidea 186 perspicua 187 haliotoidea 188 ambigua 189 acutangula Gm. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat. Sicilian Br. E. M.p. 335. G. t. 5, /.N. S.Fluss.t.lO.A.fJ. Dr.t.2,f.3Q & 31. Sicily. Fr.w. 3659 membranous M. p. 379, t. 16, /. 5, & Suppl.p.139. L.T.S, p.222. Britain, &c. Fr.w. 3663 smooth flesh- P.'B. Z. 4, *.89,/.8. D.3, coloured t. 105. M. p. 382, & Suppl.p. 140. L.T.8, p.222. Britain, &c. 3663 Baltic L.S.N.pA250. Baltic. 3663 nerite-shaped GU.64,/I. 3663 large-mouth. L.S.N.p.1250. Mediterranean. 3663 Venus' ear C.l,U6,/.151-3. 3665 ambiguous A.t.l3,f.l. F.t.7Q,f.G.l. G.2. brittle acute- B.E.C.p.l71,t.26,f.l. u. angled XXX. NERITA. NERITE. 1 Canrena 3699 varied Z.*.560,/.4. G.t.67,f.V. M.Suppl.p.US. EM. *.453,/. 1, 2. &t. 455, /.3-5. L.T.8,p.223. D.5,t.l67. Britain, &c. 2 Candida zoned C. 5, t. 187, /. 1887-91. E.M.tA53,f.3. Moluccas. 170 N E R I T A. Linn, names. Gm. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat. 3 cancellata 3670 latticed Z.*.566,/.16. C.5,U88, /.1911-14. Westlndies. 4 sulcata 3673 grooved B.t.l7,f.5,6. u. 5 glaucina 3671 livid L. t. 568,/. 19. G.t.67, f. A. B. C. 5, t. 186, /.1856-9. P.B.ZAJ.9, /.I. ZU,f.20,/.l. M. p.469. Britain, &c. 6 Vitellus 3671 clouded L. *.565,/.12. G. t. 67, yellow /.L. C.5,U86,/.1866- 1867. Amboyna. 7 spadicea 3672 chestnut-co- C.5,US7,/. 1872-3. Mauritius. loured 8 rufa 3672 reddish Z.*.606,/.34. C.5,U87, /. 1874-5. M. Suppl |).150,.30,/.S. Britain, &c. 9 punctata punctured C.ll f t.l97,f. 1903-4. Mediterranean. 10 fulminea 3672 zig-zag L. t. 567, /. 17. G. t. 67, /.M. C.5,U87,/.1881- 1884. Moluccas. 11 orientalis 3673 Eastern C.5,U88,/.1898-9. Eastlndies. 12 cruentata 3673 red spotted C.5,U88,/. 1900-1. Tranquebar. 13 rugosa 3673 wrinkled C.5 5 *.188,/. 1902-3. Westlndies. 14 Marochiensis3673 wave striped C.5,*.188,/ 1905-10. Africa. 15 arachnoidea 3674 spidermarked C.5^.188,/.l 915-16. u. 16 vittata 3674 ribbon C.5,U88,/.1917-18. Morocco. 17 Albumen 3671 liver-co- P.Amb.t.lQ,f.\k. C.5, loured /.189,/. 1924-5. Amboyna. NERITA. 171 Linn, names. 18 Zebra 19 Mammilla 20 Papilla 21 pallidula 22 Corona 23 Radula 24 Magdalense 25 cornea 26 fluviatilis 27 littoralis 3677 strand 28 lacustris 29 dubia 30 marginata 31 pulligera Gm. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat. Zebra C. 1. 124,/. 1080. E.M. tA55,f.3. u. 3672 Nipple i.*.571,/.22. G.t.67,f.C. C. 5,*. 189, /. 1928-31. E.M.tA53,f.5. West Indies. 3675 pap-shaped C.5,U89,/.1939. Tranquebar. pallid D.l,U6,/.l. M.p.468. L.T.8,p.226. Britain. 3675 Eastern F.*.61,/.D.7. C.9,*.124, crown /.1083-4. Ganges&China. Fr.w. 3676 rough-ribbed B.t.l7,f.7,8. C. 5, 1. 190, /.1 946-7. Amboyna. 3677 Magdalen A.t.l3,f.5. Magdalen Islands. 3676 horn S.Conch.l,p.323. Red Sea. 3676 river Z.U41,/.38&.607,/.43. C7.*.4,/.L.L. C.9,U24, /.1088. P.B.ZAJ.90, /2. Z>.l,.16,/.2. M. pA70. Dr.t.lJ.3,4,. Britain, &c. Fr.w. Z.^.607,/.39-42. G.f.64, /.N. C.5,f.l85,/1854. P.B.ZA,t.90,f.3. D.I, .20,/2. M.pA67. 3677 lake G.tA.fMM. Europe. Fr.w. 3676 bkckmarkedC.5,U93,/.2019-20. u. 3677 margined S.Einl.2,tA,f.l6. u. 3678 reddish L. t. 143, /. 37. G. t. 4, /. H. H. C. 9, t. 124, /.1078-9. E.M.tA55, /.I. India. Fr.w. 172 NERIT A. Linn, names. 32 aculeata 33 Pupa 34 bidens 35 flavescens 36 viridis 37 virginea 38 turrita 39 polita 40 litterata 41 piperina 42 Larva 43 atrata 44 aterrima 45 Antillarum 46 Peloronta 47 albicella Gm. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat. 3686 spinous C.10,U69,/.1642. India. Fr.w. 3679 black and L. t. 605,/.31. P.t. 15, white f.S. Jamaica. F.t.lQ, lower/. R. New Zealand. 3679 double- toothed yellowish 3679 green 3679 zig-zag 3686 turreted 3680 mottled 3685 streaked C.10,U65,/.1594-5. Nicobar Islands. Z.*.601,/.18. C.9,U24, /.1089. West Indies. Fr.w. L. t. 604, /. 24-7. C. 9, *.124,/.10S6-7. a-1. C.9,U24,/.1085. ZX602,/.20. G.t.66,f.G. C.5,U93./.2002-3. Amboyna. C.5,*.193,/.2016-18. East Indies. C.ll,U97,/.1905-6. Malabar. triangular spotted 3679 broad-bandedC.5,U93,/.2017. Amboyna. 3683 smooth F. t. 70, f. F.l.F.2. C.5, black *.190,/1954-5. West Indies. 3679 thick opake C.5,.192,/.1985-6. u. 3685 wrinkle-lipped C.5,M 92,/.l 987. West Indies. 3680 purple- L.t.595,f.l. G.t.G6,f.Z. streaked C. 5, 1. 192, f. 1977-84. 3681 pimple lipped L.t. 60 O,/. 16. F.U1,/.F. C.5,a93,/.2000.a-h. Cape of Good Hope. N E R I T A. 173 Linn, names. 48 maxima 49 textilis 50 Histrio 51 plicata 52 Ascensionis 53 lineata 54 versicolor 55 Pica 56 flammea 57 costata 58 bizonalis 59 grossa Gm. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat. 3683 great black C.5,U90,/. 1942-3. u. and yellow 3683 thrush Z.*.598,/.14, C.5,U90, /.1 944-5. Tranquebar. 3681 toothlipped Z.f.598,/.ll. C.5,U90, /.1 948-9. East Indies. 3681 wrinkle- L.t.595,f.3. G.t.6Q,f.V. lipped C. 5, t. 190, f. 1952-3. E.M.tA54,f.5. Tranquebar. 3683 Ascension C.5,U91,/.l 956-7. Island of Ascension. 3684 lined C.5,U91,/.1958-9. E.M. *.455,/4. Str. of Malacca. 3684 purple F.t.lO,f.S. C.5, f.191, tessellated /.1962-3. E.M.tA54>, f.7. West Indies. 3684 pied C.5,M91,/. 1964-5. Amboyna. 3685 spotted C.5,U92./. 1992-3. West Indies, silver 3684 ribbed C.5,U91,/.1966-7. Nicobar Islands. two-zoned u. 3682 red thrush P.Amb.t.5,f.8. C.5,t.l91, /.1968-9. Asiatic Ocean. 60 Chamaeleon 3682 Chameleon G.f.66,/.X. P.Amb.t.ll, f.7. C.5.U92,/1988- 1991. Moluccas. 61 Stella black rayed C.ll,U97,/1907-8. East Indies. 174 H A L I O T I S. Linn, names. Gm. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat. 62 undata 3682 waved Z.*.596,/.T. GU.66,/.P. C. 5, *. 190,/. 1950-1. .M.*.454,/.6. East Indies. 63 undulata 3678 thin waved C.5,U91,/. 1970-1. 64 Exuvia 3683 Exuvia L.t.596,f.5. K.3,t.l,f.5. C. 5, t. 191, /. 1972-3. E.M.tA54>,f.l. Jamaica. 65 quadricolor 3684 four-coloured C. 5,U 9 1,/. 19 74-5. Red Sea. 66 Malaccensis 3684 Malacca C.5,U92,/.1976. Straits of Malacca. 67 fulgurans 3685 lightning C.5,U92,/. 1996-7. West Indies. 68 tessellata 3685 tessellated <7.5,U92,/. 1998-9. 69 Stercusmus- dotted C.5,U87,/.1894. EM. carum .453,/.6. America. 70 auriculata eared E.M,tA55,f.6. New Holland. Fr.w. XXXI. HALIOTIS. SEA EAR. 1 Midae 3687 leafy L.t.6l3,f.5. G.t.69,f.B. C. 1,*.14,/. 136&<.15, /.1 41. East Indies. 2 pulcherrima 3690 white and M. U. C. 2, t. 62. C. 10, rose-coloured J.166,/.1605-6. South Sea. 3 virginea 3690 iridescent C.10,U66,/.1607-8. New Zealand. ;iaT ^^^ t H A L I O T I S. 175 Linn, names. 4 tuberculata 5 striata 6 bistriata 7 varia Gm. JEngl. names. Synonyms. Habitat. 3687 common Z.f.611,/,2. GU.69,/.T. C. 1, t. 16, /. 146-9. P.B.ZAJ.91. D.l,t.5. M.pA73. Britain, &c. 3688 wrinkled C.l,*.14,/.138. Asiatic Ocean. .1,J. 15, 3689 double-lined Z.*.612,/.3. /.1 42. Africa. 3688 rough striated L.t. 612, /. 4. G. t. 69, /L.M. C.1,U5,/144. East Indies. 8 marmorata 3688 marbled 9 glabra 10 asinina 11 australis 12 gigantea 13 Iris 14 Cracherodii 15 ovina 16 parva 3690 smooth mottled 3688 Ass's ear C.1,U4,/.139. C.10,U66,/1602. B.ofNaples. G.t.69,f.T>. C.l,.16,/.150. Amboyna. 3689 rough plaited C. 10, t. 166, /. 1604 & 1604 a. New Zealand. 3691 gigantic M. U. C. 2, t. 63. C. 10, U67,/.1610-ll. New Holland. 3691 Iris M. U. . 2, t. 61. C. 10, *.167./.1612-13. New Zealand. Cracherode's L.Z.M.l,p.l31 t t.58. California. C.10,U66,/.1609. 3691 chestnut marbled u. 3689 small orange F. t. 5, /. D. C. 1, t. 14, /140. China. 176 PATELLA. Linn, names. Gm. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat. 17 Guineensis 3689 decussated S.Einl.2 t p.3SS t tA,f.l8. Guinea. 18 imperforata 3690 imperforate L.t. 1056, /. 6,7. F. t. 5, /.F. C.10,U66,/.1600- 1601. E.M.tA50,f.l. East Indies. 19 imbricata 20 phymotis 21 planulata imbricated E.M.tA5Q,f.2. irregular E.M.tA5Q,f.5. oblong, E.M.tA50,fA. mottled u. u. u. XXXII. PATELLA. LIMPET. 1 equestris 3691 cup-and- Z.*.546,/.S8. G.t.9,f.Z. saucer C.1,U3,/.119,120. Amboyna. 2 Neptuni Neptune's cap F. t. 4,/. B. 3. C. 1 , t.l 3, /.117-1S. St. Domingo. 3 Tectum Chinese roof F.tA,f.E.l. C.10, 1. 168, /.1 630-1. China. 4 Sinensis 3692 Chinese Z. *.546,/.39. C.I, US, bonnet /. 121-2. D. 4, 1. 129, M.pA89,t.l3,fA. Britain, &c. 5. auricula . 3694 ear-shaped P.f.21,/11. C.10,L168, /.1 628-9. West Indies. 6 trochiformis 3693 trochus- F.tA,f.A.l. C.10,U68, shaped /.1 626-7. Tranquebar. PATELLA. 177 Linn, names. Gm. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat. 7 trochoides wave ribbed F. t. 4,/. A. 2. C.1,U3, /.135. u. 8 neritoidea 3692 chambered L.t.54>5,f.36. C.l,t.l3, /.1 33-4. Indian Seas. 9 porcellana 3692 brown spotted .*.545,/. 34. C. 1,U3, /. 127-8 & 9, *. 124, /.1082. 10 fornicata 3693 slipper L.t. 545,/.33& 35. C.I, *.13,/. 129-30. Mediterranean. 11 aculeata 3693 spiny ribbed F. t. 4,/.F.2. C. 10,*. 168, /.1 624-5. W. Indies. 12 Goreensis 3694 Sandal C.I, *.13,/. 131-2. Goree. 13 Crepidula 3695 transparent L.S.N.p.1%57. Mediterranean. white 14 laciniosa 3695 white-eyed F.t.2,f.l. C.1,UO,/.81. Amboyna. 15 plicaria 3708 plaited 5.U8,/.1. u. 16 monopis 3707 chesnut C.l,f.9,/.80. West Indies. streaked 17 saccharina 3695 star L. t. 532, f. 10. G. t. 9, /.I.M. C.l,*.9,/.70& 76. Amboyna. 18 angulosa 3707 angular F.t.2,f.C. C.l,*,8,/.69. France. 19 repanda 3707 small sun F.t.2,f.G.I. Island of Cerigo. 20 tenuis 3708 thin amber F..2,/.A. C.l,f.lO,/.S7. u. 21 margaritacea 3707 great sun G.t.8,f.L. F.t.2,f.G.2. C7.1,UO,/.85.A.B. Patagonia. 22 barbara 3696 toothed K.5,t.\3,f.o. Falkland Islands. N 178 PATELLA. Linn, names. Gm. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat. 23 Cypria 3698 white ribbed F. t. ll,/.D.l. C. l,t.9, /.79. New Zealand. 24 Oculus Goat's eye G. t. 9,/. H. F. t. 2,f. M . C.l,J.10,/.86. Mediterranean. 25 pentagona 3708 five-angled B.t.l8,fA,5, u. 26 granularis 3696 wh.-grained L.t.536,f.l5. F.t.3,fA.T). Cape of Good Hope. 27 granatina 3696 garnet Z..534,/.13. GU.9,/.F. F.*.2,/.B.3&4. C.l,*.9, /71-2. 28 chlorosticta 3707 pigeon's CM,f.lO,/.84.A.B. Jamaica. throat 29 tigrina 3707 tiger C.l,f.9,/.78. u. 30 ornata adorned C.ll,*.197,/.1914-15. New Zealand. 31 melanogram- 3706 black-ribbed C.l,t.8,/.67. u. ma 32 ferruginea 3706 rusty F.t.3,f.V.2. C.I 0,^.1 68, /.1616. Str. of Magellan. 33 crenata 3706 little gray G.t.9,f.G. F.t.2,f.E. Mediterranean. 34 Umbella 3706 rose streaked L.t. 538, /.21. F.t.l,f.H. 12. C.l,t.8,f.63. Africa. 35 Ulyssiponen- 3706 Buckler C.l,t.8,f.62. Lisbon. sis 36 radiata radiated C.I 1, U 9 7,/. 191 6-1 7. Moluccas. 37 lugubris 3705 black F.t.l,f.M. C.l,*.8,/.60. Provence. PATELLA. 179 Linn, names. Gm. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat. 38 vulgata 3697 common L. t. 535,/.14. C. l,t. 5, f.38. P.B.ZA,t.92,f.l. D.M.14. M.pA75. Britain, &c. 39 tuberculata 3697 wh.-pimpled L.S.N.p.1259. u. 40 Cochlear 3721 horse-shoe B.t.l8,f.3. K.2,t.26,f.3. F.*.79,upper/. B. N. Zealand. 41 ungarica 3709 bonnet G.t.9,f.V. & V.V. F.J.4, f.E.2. C.1,M2,/.107- 108. P.B.ZA,t.93,f.l. Z>.1,*.21,/.1. M.pA86. Britain, &c. 42 militaris hooked L.t.54>4>,f.32. F.*.4,/.B. D.5,t.I71. M.p.4,88, 43 mitrula 44 cochleata white ridged C.ll,U97,/.l 919-20. S. Seas. 45 Calyptra 3712 helmet M.U.C.t.18. C.10,U69, /.1 643-4. N.W. Coast of America. 46 intorta 3713 inclining C.l,.12,/.115. P.B.ZA, \_Pectunculus.~] t. 93, /. 2. D. 5, 1. 146. M.Suppl.p.\54t. L.T.S, p.23l. Britain, &c. 47 cassida lentil seed F.tA,f.C. C.1,U2,/.116. Otaheite. 48 Tranqueba- 3714 brilliant L.t.530,f.8. CM,U2,/.114. rica Tranquebar. 49 mammillaris 3709 nipple L. t. 537, f. 17. F. t. 3, /.F.I. C.M.7,/58-9. West Indies. NO ft 3708 small L.i imbricated /. 111-13. M. p. 485, 180 PATELLA. Linn. name*. Gm. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat. 50 leucopleura 3699 small, rayed L. t. 539,/.22. C.l,t. 7, F.5Q-7. West Indies. 51 tricarinata 3710 small three- C. 1 0,.l 6 8,/. 1622-3. keeled New Zealand. 52 pectinata 3710 gray, striated S.Einl.2,pAl8,t.5,f.3. Mediterranean. 53 fusco-lutea yellowish brown B.t.l8,f.8. u. 54 lutea 3710 yellow F.t.5,f.E. C.1,U7,/.154- 155. Amboyna. 55 perversa 3714 reverse, C.1,U2,/.114. A.B. Goree. tipped 56 lacustris 3711 lake Z.U41,/.39. G.tA,f.B.B. Ifluviatilis.'] Z).5,*.147. M. p. 4*82. L.T.8,p.232. Dr.t.2, /.25-27. Britain, &c. Fr.w. 57 oblonga 3710 oblong G.tA,f.A.A. Z>.5,U50. [lacustris.'} L.T.8,p.233. 58 pellucida 3717 pellucid blue C. 10, t. 168, /. 1620. rayed P.B.ZA,t.93,fA. M. pA77 & Suppl.p.153. Britain, &c. 59 caerulea opake blue L. t. 542,/.26&543,/.27. rayed C. 10, t. 168, /. 1621. M.Suppl.p.152. 60 radians gray, mottled C. 10,t.l 68,/. 161 8. N.Zealand. 61 Rota 3720 roundish C. 10,U 68,/. 161 9. West Indies. 62 testudinaria 3717 great tortoise-Z..531,/.9. G. t. 8,/. B. shell C.l,*.6,/.45-8. East Indies. 63 testudinalis 3718 small tortoise- C. 10, t. 168, /. 1614-15. shell F.U./.Q.2. Greenland. PATELLA. 181 Linn, names. Gm. 64 compressa 3718 Engl. names. Synonyms Habitat. flat-sided Z.*.541,/.25. F.*.3,/.B.3 65 Afra 3715 African 66 Lusitanica 3715 narrow- ribbed Cape of Good Hope. G.t.9,f.C. C.l,*.5,/.34. Goree. GU.8,/.N.M.P. F.t.lJ.l. C.l,t.5,f.35-6. Portugal. 67 Jamaicensis 3715 orange lined C.l,*.5,/.37 68 stellifera 3719 Jamaica. 69 fusca 3719 70 areolata 3716 71 flammea 3716 brown and C.10,*.168,/.1617. white starred Friendly Islands. sugar-loaf F.t.l,f.A.2. C.l,t.5,fAO. Falkland Islands pyramidal F.U,/A.l. C.l,f.5,/.41. Straits of Magellan. Falkland Islands. 72 Indica 3716 Indian GU.8,/.E. F.t.lJ.G. C.I, 73 vitellina 3716 *.7,/.49. East Indies. yellow K.l,t.20,f.2. C.I ,t.7, f.5\. u. white tipped C.l^.7,/54. u. brown rayed C.l,*.7,/.50. Surinam. dotted C.V.7,/55. u. wheat-sheaf C.10,|j.320,/.C.D. W. Indies. 74 laevigata 3717 75 Surinamensis 3716 76 punctulata 3705 77 notata 3719 78 cruciata 3719 white cross S.Einl.2,pA32,t.5,f.6. u. 79 reticulata 3719 reticulated S.Einl.2,pA33,t.5,f.7. Mediterranean. 182 PATELLA. Linn, names. Gm. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat. 80 caeca 3711 little white M.Z.D.l,t.l2,f.l-3. Norway. bordered 81 virginea 3711 red rayed D.l,*.21,/.2. M.p. 480. L.T.8,p.235. Britain, &c. 82 tessellata 3711 tessellated M.Z.Z).l,U2,/.6,7. Norway. 83 fulva 3712 orange M.Z.D.t.^J.l-S. tawny 84 ambigua white duck's bill C.I 1,U 97,/. 191 8. N.Holland. 85 umbellata 3720 Chinese F.t.3,f.H. C.l,*.6,/.44& parasol 10,U69,/.1645-6. China. 86 Fissura 3728 slit L. t. 534, /. 28. F. t. 4, /.M.I. CM,U2,/109- 110. P.B.ZA,t.93,f.3. D.t.3,f.2.M.pA9Q. Britain, &c. 87 incisa reticulated C r .ll,f.l97,/.1925-6. slit Falkland Islands. 88 fissurata rose coloured C.ll,*.197,/.1929-30. Ceylon. slit 89 apertura 3728 perforated C. 11, t. 197, /. 1927-8. \_fasurelld.~\ M. p. 491, t. 13, f. 10 & Supplp.155. L.T.8, jp.236. Britain, &c. 90 Pustula 3728 doubtful L.t.528,f.3. C.10,#.168, /.1 632-3. West Indies. 91 Grseca 3728 cancellated Z.f.527,/2. G.t.9,f.N. C.l,t.ll,f.98-9.P.B.Z. 4,i.92,/.3. Z)..21,/.3. M.pA92. Britain, &c. 92 atricapilla black ring L.t. 528,/. 5. C. 1,M2, /.104. Barbadoes. DENTALIUM. 183 Linn, names. Gm. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat. 93 nodosa 3731 tuberculated .*.528,/6. F.*.3,/.D. [spinosaJ] Barbadoes. 94 perforata 3730 partridge L.t.528,f.7. C.I,*. 11, /.93,96-7. 95 CafFra 3730 African C.l,Ul,/95. C. of Good Hope. 96 Pileolus open cap C.1M.197,/1922. u. 97 Scutellum 3731 Scutcheon P..3,/.ll. F.t.3,f.AA. Falkland Islands. 98 picta 3729 painted F. t. 3,/. A.4. C. 1, Ml, /.90. 99 nimbosa 3729 scaly ribbed GU.9,/.R.S. F.*.3,/.A.3. C.I, *.!!,/. 9 1-2. Martinique. 100 nubecula 3729 variegated C'.1,U2,/.105. Mediterranean. red & white 101 Porphyrozo-3730 Porphyry C.l,f.l2,/. 102-3. N.America. mas 102 Macroschis- oblong perfo- C.ll,f.l97,/.1923-4. Japan, ma rated XXXIII. DENTALIUM. TOOTH-SHELL. 1 rectum 3738 straight P.*.95,/.ll. 6U.10,/.H. C.1,*.1,/.4.A. Indian Seas. 2 elephantin um 3736 fluted ele- L. t. 547, upper f. 1. phant*s G. MO,/. 1. C. 1, 1. 1, /5.A. 3 aprinum 3736 white, ribbed C.l,f.l,/4. B. 184 D E N T A L I U M. Linn, names. Gm. EngL names. Synonyms. Habitat. 4 striatulum 3738 striated L.t.547, lower/. C.1,U, /.5.B. D.5,tA62. M. Suppl.p.l55. Britain, &c. 5 Dentalis 3736 curved, F.t.5,f.EA. M.p.495. striated L.T.8,p.237. 6 Entalis 3736 common L. t. 547, f. 2. & 1. 1056, /.4. GU.10,/.E. P.B.Z. 4,*.93,/5. D.2,f.48. M.p.4,94*. 7 corneum 3737 horn-co- S.Einl.2,p.523,t.6,f.I6. loured African Ocean. 8 politum 3737 ring striated G. t. 10, f. F. C. 1, *. 1, /.3.A. India. 9 eburneum 3737 smooth ivory L.S.N.p.1264. 10 fasciatum 3737 banded F. t. 5,f. E. 2. C. 1, 1. 1, /.3.B. Sicily. 11 Gadus Hake's M.pA96,t.U,f.7. L.T.8, p.238. British Channel. 12 inperforatum minute, trun- W.M.S.f.15. M.p.496. cated L.T.8,p.238. Britain. 13 Trachea minute, wind- M. p. 497, t. 14, /. 10. pipe L.T.8,p.239. 14 glabrum 3737 minute, M.pA97. L.T.8,p.239. [minutum.~] smooth 15 pellucidum 3738 pellucid S.Einl.p.529,t.Q,f.l7. N. Seas. SERPULA. 185 Linn, names. Gm. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat. XXXIV. SERPULA. WORM-SHELL. 1 stellaris 2 Semilunum 37 59 small seed 3747 rayed pin's head 3 incurvata 4 planorbis 5 Cereolus 6 Spirillum 7 minuta 8 spirorbis incurved 3740 flat 3745 bougie 3740 minute spiral minute 3740 tapering spiral 9 triquetra 3740 three-sided 10 carinata 11 granulata keeled 3741 grained 12 cancellata 3746 grooved 13 heterostro- reversed pha 14 corrugata wrinkled Fab.F.Gr.p.383. Greenland. G.t.lO,f.S. W.M.S.f.l. M.p.520. Britain, &c. W.M.S.f.ll. M.p.518. L.S.N.p.1264-. Europe: on shells. F.*.6,/.D. C.1,*.3,/.20.E. West Indies. C. 1, t. 3, /. 20. C. D. M.pA99. Z.r.8,p.240. Europe : on corallines. M.p.505. Z.jP.8#.241. Britain. L.t.553,f.5. G.t.lO,f.O. C. 1, t. 3,f. 21.A.B. P.B.ZA,t.94,f.l. Z).l, t.9. M.pA9S. Britain, &c. G.t.lO,f.P. C.l t t.3 t f.25. D.3J.95. M.p.5ll. M.p.502. L.T.S,p.24<2. Britain. D. 3, 1. 100. M.p. 500. i.!T.8,2>.241. Fab.F.Gr.p.383. Greenland. M.p.503. L.T.8,p.242. Britain. M.p.502. 186 S E R P U L A. Linn, names. Gm. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat. 15 lucida shining M.p.507. L.T.8,p.24<3. Britain. 16 vitrea 3746 brittle Fab.F.Gr.p.382. Greenland. 17 contortupli- 3741 twisted F. t. 6,/. E. 1. C.I, t. 3, cata /.24.A. Mediterranean. 18 nebulosa clouded tawny F.t. 6, f. 9. American Seas. 19 Goreensis 3745 intestine F.t.Q,f.E.2. Goree. 20 glomerata 3742 glomerated G. 1. 10, f. T. F. t. 6,/.Q. C.l,.3,/.23. Mediterranean. 21 lumbricalis 3742 flexuous L. t. 548, /. 1. G. t. 10, /.Q.V. C.M.2,/.12.B. Amboyna. 22 conica Elephant's F.t.5,f.C. C.l,*.2,/.15. trunk 23 arenaria 24 Afra 25 Volvox 26 anguina 27 echinata 28 annularis 3743 solitary rose GU.10,/.L.T. F.t.6,f.P. C.1,*.3,/.19.A.B.C. India. 3745 smooth C.1,*.3,/.20.A.B. Goree. brown Caterpillar P.t.l6,f.32. F. t. 6,f. M. C.l,*.2,/14. East Indies. 3743 serpent L.t.54>8,f.2. F.t.6,f.G.l. C.l,i.2,/.13.B.C. Amboyna. 3744 prickly 6U.10,/.R. C.l,t.2,f.8. Indian Ocean, ringed snake F.t.G,f.G.2. C.l,t.2,f.l6. u. 29 Cornu-copiae 3745 Cornucopia B. t. IS,/. 10,11. C. 11, {Helix; untwisted.'] t.2ll,f.2092-3.S.N.M. .568. Mauritius. 30 decussata 3745 decussated ..547,/.4. F.t.6,f.L. C.l,.2,/17. America. TEREDO. 187 Linn, names. Gm. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat. 31 vermicularis 3743 round D. 3, t. 95. M. p. 509. L. :r.84>.243. Britain, &c. 32 tubularia awl-shaped M.p.513. L.T. 8,^.244. Britain. tubular 33 denticulata 3746 toothed Europe. 34 Aquaria 3744 watering-pot Z.*.548,/.3. G.t.lO,f.M. F.t.5,f.E. C.l,U,/7. Amboyna. 35 Ocrea 3744 boot-shaped P.Amb.t.2Q,f.l2. F.t.5, /.D. C.l,U,/9. East Indies. 36 proboscidea 3745 proboscis C.1,.2,/.18.B. u. 37 protensa 3744 lengthened F.t.5,f.. C.1,*.2,/.12.A. Amboyna. 38 gigantea 3747 great conical Pall.M.S.p. 13 9, .1 0,/. 2- toothed 10. Caribbee Islands. XXXV. TEREDO. BORER. 1 gigantea 3742 great bifur- F.1,.5,/.N. C.l,U,/.6& \_S.polythalamiaJ] cated 11. Island of Ceram. 2 navalis 3747 ship F. *.60,/.C.1.C.2. &C. 3. D.5,M45. M.^).527& Suppl.p.7. E.M.t.167, /.1-3. Bottoms of ships. 188 TEREDO. Linn, names. Gm. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat. 3 Utriculus 3748 timber Kcem.Cab.Rudolst.p.7,t.l. In wood in the sea. "4 Clava S748 club-shaped S.Einl.2,p. 574, t.Q,f. 20. .M.U67,/.6-16. Coromandel. 1 ^r i 3J / I " 22 sd TYMJTX* O, INDEX GENERUM. ENGLISH INDEX. Page Anomia 54 Area 44 Argonauta 62 Buccinum 103 Bulla 85 Cardium 24 Chama 41 Chiton 1 Conus 67 Cypraea 79 Dentalium 183 Donax 31 Haliotis 174 Helix 154 Lepas 4 Mar-tra 28 Murex 119 Mya 10 Mytilus 56 Nautilus 63 Nerita 169 Ostrea 47 Patella 176 Pholas 8 Pinna 59 Serpula 185 Solen 13 Spondylus 41 Strombus 115 Tellina 16 Teredo 187 Trochus 133 Turbo 142 Venus 33 Voluta 89 Page Anomia 54 Ark 44 Barnacle 4 Borer 187 Clamp 41 Coat of Mail 1 Cockle 24 Cone 67 Cowry 79 Dipper 85 Gaper 10 Hinged Oyster 41 Limpet 176 Mactra 28 Muscle 56 Nerite 169 Oyster '. 47 Paper Sailor 62 Piercer 8 Razor 13 Rock 119 Sailor 63 Screw 115 Sea Ear 174 Snail 154 Tellen 16 Tooth Shell 183 Top Shell 133 Venus 33 Volute 89 Wedge 31 Whelk 103 Wing Shell 59 W T orm Shell 185 Wreath ,142 INDEX ALPHABETICUS. ANOMIA. page 54. Sp. acule Q ta ... - - i Sp. . 17 Nose Sp. 9 Nucleus 42 .. 15 .24 nummaria 4O .. 18 . 9 ovata 12 Caput Serpentis . Cena .. ..22 .. 4 ARCA. page 44 .32 pallens . . . . ..33 pectinata . 3O craniolaris .. 1 Pcctunculus OQ crucnta ..25 .34 Pella 13 17 npllnrirla OR 19 . 3 pilosa 07 26 .11 nlirata g electrica. . . 5 .28 reticulata .... 25 Ephippium .... . .. 5 cancellata .13 rhomboidea . . . 19 . 31 . 7 rostrata AQ muricata g g srrmf-a qq patelliforinis 10 .22 ! Senpffnlpnsid 23 pectinata . . . ..-12 16 senilis.. Placenta ....... . ..29 .31 stellata 38 psittacea . ..27 . 14 striata .. . 41 . ..20 Glycymeris .36 . 18 ....45 punctata 6 retusa ... 16 . 4 .. . 35 sanoTiinolenta 21 Indica . . . .21 ARGONAUTA. i .irrtira . p. 62. 9 scobinata 14 laccrata . . 1O Sella SO lactca 24 spondylodes 39 . 9 Arffo . .... 1 Squama j I . . .. 8 Terebratul a 23 Modiolus ... ,\S PlvmVniim 7 tridentata . . ..28 naviculata . . . 5 Gondola .... . 4 192 INDEX. Sf, 5 costatum Sp. ....51 Sp. . ..26 3 ...166 . .. 86 tuberculata 2 crassum . . 74 laEvissimum 84 vitrca 6 crenulatum . . . ...133 lamcllosum . . . ...60 .. ..61 lanceatum ..146 BUCCINUM. page 103. . .. 103 Lapillus . .. 62 abbrevicituin .12 cyuneuni .. ..85 Lima 116 ncluitinuni * . 22 .... 19 lineatuni . . . . 92 AcicuUi 155 . .. 168 .. 59 145 di'itcilc . . 139 lyratum 111 .. .98 dimidiatum . . . 147 IVlacula . 119 . .. . 118 Dolium .. .. 6 niaculatuin ..... 129 40 ...142 maculosum 164 20 Echinophorum .... 9 minimum ..122 58 ' Erinac6us . . . . . ..32 Monilc 137 126 exile ....93 JVlonodon . 54 156 .. ..63 muri num . 148 96 .. ..34 mutabilc 47 Bczojir 104 .. .. 17 nanum ..158 152 foliosurn . . 39 neriteum . 48 . ..28 fumosum .. . .99 nisTopunctatum. . . 159 .. 105 .. .. 2 . . 127 50 . .. 135 niveum ..115 .... 73 gemmulatum . . . . .. 169 nodosum . . 10 Cassi*-* 31 .. . .46 . ..33 . 83 fflaberrimum . 90 Norwe^icum .... . 163 8 fflabratum . 79 . ..91 157 glaciale . .. 106 ocellatum . . .89 7 Glans .. ..38 oculatum .. 130 29 ....35 ... 1 .... 121 granulatum . ... ..24 Orbita 75 143 Haemastoma . . .. .. 57 papillosum .... . ..37 167 . . . .49 papvraccum .... .. 108 114 hastatum . . 150 53 , . 95 Haustorium 55 Perdix . . . 3 56 hecticum. . . . 134 . . .52 .... 141 hepaticurn. . . . . . .. ..42 .. 149 14 87 Phallus ..151 ..41 Indictim .. ..100 ..124 INDEX. 193 plicatuliim . . . Sf. 123 ti^rinum Sp. 130 CyprsEai Sp. 42 plicatum . .. . 13 101 Q - plumatum . . . 88 trifasciatum .... . . 161 exarata 49 plumbeum . . . 70 Tuba .. 68 fasciata . 46 Pomum ^,.v : >-4- tuberosuin 16 ferruffinosa 13 porcaturn . . . no turgidum . 80 Ficus . 29 praerosum . . . 94 Turns . . 165 fontinalis 37 proximatum . 136 Tyrrh en uni 1 1 o'elatinosa 40 Pseudonum . 170 varium 67 gibbosa 11 Pullus . . 43 ventricosuin 128 haliotoidea 61 .... 112 verrucosum 45 Hydatis 17 .... 69 vsrsicolor 102 Hvpnorum 39 radiatum 153 Vibex 36 imperialis . . 2 recurvirostmm 30 vir^ineuin . . . 154 lepida 5 reticulatum . . 117 vittatum 138 liffnaria rufum 15 urnbilicatum 72 Naucum .... 12 Rusticura .... 66 undatum 107 nitidula 25 saburon .... 23 undosum 97 obtusa . . 6O S u Mauritii . . l<>5 undulatum 25 1 Scala 76 162 patula . g scutulatura 81 Zeylanicum 78 pectinata 21 sertum 65 Physis . . . 94 spadiceum 71 BULLA. page 85. Plumula 16 spiratum achatina 53 Priam us 51 stolatum 120 A.kera 23 purpurea 54 striatum 160 ampla 44 Pyrum ... . 3O strigatum 21 Amplustre . 26 31 striillatuin 140 Ampulla 18 retusa 59 ^trombifbrme 171 Amy^dalus . . . 19 rivalis 38 subulatum 131 aperta . 14 scabra 28 succincturn 144 bicarinata 55 Secale 7 sulcatum 64 birostris 6 soluta 22 sulcosum 5 canaliculata . 32 Spelta 9 Tahitensc 109 carnea 4 striatula . . 48 tessellatum 27 Catena . . . . 15 strif'ata 47 Testiculus 18 conoidea . 33 Terebellum 41 tcstudineum 82 crassula 36 truncata .... 50 textum 113 cylindracea 57 Velum 27 Thersites. . 44 cylindrica 56 ventricosa 43 o 194 INDEX. Sp. 10 . 45 . 58 . 34 maculosum .... Sp. 17 Moltkiana oblonffi . Sp. 5 14 16 6 23 13 12 9 21 24 8 6 an virginea umbilicata Voluta magnum 20 medium 5 Pectunculus muricatulum . . . . . . 12 plumbea Volva 3 muricatum 14 punctata . . Zebra . . 52 nodosum . . . . 7 ni^osa CARDIUM. page aculeatuni 24. 1 40 45 . 35 . 9 . 31 23 satiata papyraceuro S3 semiorbiculata sessilis pecteniforme . 37 ^Eolicum pectinatum. . . . . 30 sinistrorsa albidum . regulare . .. 29 apertum retusum .. . 52 CHITON, page arcuatum riffidum 41 Auricula ringens 18 Cardissa 53 3 . 22 34 10 . 38 . 2 . 26 . 11 roseum 48 ciliare .... rubiginosum . . 44 t n citrinum rubrum 8 97 costatum 25 91 discors soleniforme. . . . 36 Donaciforme tuberculatum . . 4 1 *l echinatum ventricosura . . virescens .... 19 46 00 edule fi elongatum Unedo . 51 01 exiguum . 6 CHAMA. page 41. Ajar 7 crinitus 35 fasciatum . 13 7 . 39 1 q flavum . 24 antiquata .... . . . . 4 3 flexuosum . 43 Arcinella 25 fuse us 24 Kragum . 50 calyculata 10 glaucum . 16 concamerata . . . . . . 15 Groenlandicum . . . hemicardium . 28 . 49 Cor ..^-' 1 I hispid us Ofi coralliophaga. . 17 11 icclandicus 9 8 humanum . 54 1 (? Icelandicum . 27 20 las vis 32 Isocardia 15 foliacea . . . 22 4O laevigatum latum . 21 . 42 Gigas 2 liiiOcitus 18 gryphoides .... 19 maculatus Lima . 32 Hippopus .... 3 niagcllanicus OQ lineatum . 47 Lazarus . 18 .,30 INDEX. 195 Sp. ... 8 Sp. .... 83 Sp. .... 26 miniums ....... . ..25 Canonicus 139 Japonicus . . . . 109 ... 4 Capitaneus . . . .. .. 15 Jaspideus ... . . 108 ...39 Catus .... 41 imperialis . . . , .... 5 punctatus ...15 Cedonulli 35 inforrnis 148 . .. 14 Ceylonensis . . . . 96 laevis. . 117 ...38 characteristicus .... 23 lamellosus . . 98 . .. 1 Ch ernnitzii 16 22 ...20 citrinus 91 leucostictos 37 .,.34 Classiarius 64 li neat us 69 thalassinus ...37 Clavus .. . .. 112 litcratus . ... . 7 . ..33 coccineus 90 livid us CO ...10 Coffeae . . 62 Lorenzianus 29 ...17 ... 106 Luzonicus 55 .... 87 M ad i iren si s 107 CONUS. page 67. ... 76 Magus .... 131 Abbas .. 137 distans . . 6O marrnoreus 1 ..54 .... 77 Mauri tianus 103 .. 31 eburneus 8 1 /-i ..129 g] ongatus 146 M creator CK affinis ..114 Episcopus .... .... 1 40 Miles 1 Q . . 30 . . . . 70 miliaris ..... 49 Ammiralis . . 33 . . .. 71 Mindanus . . . . 110 arachnoideus .... 3 fcstivus 11 1 mi t rat us 1 Of) Archiepiscopus . . . . 138 fioiilinus .... .. .. 67 Mcnachus CO Archithalassus . . . . 34 .. 28 Mus . .. cq arenatus .. 79 .. .. 6 Musicus .... . . 48 Augur ..ISO Fusus ....125 mustelinus . . 17 Aulicus 145 generalis 10 jNTamocanus 71 aurantius .. 36 genuanus .... .... 44 aureus ..113 .... 155 nimbosus . . 152 aurisiacus ...... . . 126 Glans .... 121 .Nisus . *>7 ..116 glaucus ... i .. 50 niveus ... 14 Barbadensis .... 88 . . ..134 nobilis .. 42 betulinus . 66 . 124 Nussatella 1 2*? bullatu . . 150 Gubernator . . .. 133 ochroleucus caerulescens . . . . 24 . . .. 27 Caledonicus 61 Hyaena . . . . .. 18 papilionaceus 45 canaliculatus . . . 11 Jamaicenbis .... .. 100 ..142 106 INDEX. polyzonias Sp. . . 39 Thornae .... Sp. 32 Sp , 14 . 53 35 Portoricanus .. 85 Timorensis .... .... 151 helvola i Praelatus .. 141 Tinianus . 86 Hirundo .. 25 Tribunus . . . . ... 20 Histrio . 4 28 15 11 37 25 61 2 66 20 68 43 22 62 54 58 31 24 60 55 41 63 40 50 15 30 49 64 7 46 32 59 51 10 17 6 .. 46 Tulipa 154 Isabella .. 80 varius . ... 84 lota . . .. 82 ventricosus .... .... 149 1 unda ... ... puricticulatus . . puncturatus ..102 . 95 .... 74 vcrrucosus 105 .. 97 .... 72 Madagascariensis . . Mappa. pyramidalis. 135 Virgo .. 13 quercinus .. 68 vittatus .... 63 Margarita . .. 12 .. .. 38 Mauritiana . . 53 .. . . 81 . 128 4 Rattus . 99 CYPR^EA. page 79. Mus rosaceus ..... 153 Nucleus .... ocellata .... . 143 . . .. 52 Rusticus 56 Aunulus . . 44 Onyx . scabriusculus 94 Arabica . . 3 pantherina . 40 .. ,. 5 Pediculus . 43 ... 38 Spectrum . 147 8 sponsalis . 92 Caput serpentis .. 19 pustulata , spurius . 21 Pyrum Stercus muscarum. . 78 . 132 Caurica ...... ...45 ... 65 sanguinolenta .... Scurra . . . 1 19 cinerea ... 27 . 104 ... 42 spurca . 51 staphylea tsBniatus 47 cylindrica ..... 29 stercoraria Taitensis . .... 93 erosa ... 48 stolida . . tendineus .115 .122 .127 r 9 73 136 . .. 39 subflava 1 sulcata Terebellum .... felina 26 tabescens . .. 57 Talpa testudinarius . ffansraEjnosa. ... . 56 teres textile .. Globulus .... . 67 INDEX. 197 Tigris Sp. 23 rmrosa . Sp. . 3 Algira Sp. ... 13 Vanelli 12 scortum . 1 ...164 Vitellus 21 script a 15 ....188 undulata 16 Serra . . .. 4 ... 71 Ursellus 36 spinosa 11 angularis ...122 zic-zac 33 straminea . 19 .... 22 zonaria .... 34 striata . 7 ...131 DENTALIUM. p. aprinum 183. 3 Trunculus... . 5 Arbustoruni .... 88 HAL1OTIS. page asinina 174. . 10 arenaria ....115 ....141 corneum 1 Avellana 46 Dentalis 5 australis . 11 aurea 112 eburneuni .... 9 . 6 auricularia ....18O elephantinum 2 Cracherodii .... . 14 Balthica 184 Entalis g cri r antea. . 12 Barbara . . . 163 fasciaturn 10 . 9 bifasciata .. 154 Gadus 11 . 17 ....107 fflabrum 14 imbricata . 19 calcarea .. . ....137 imperforatum ... 12 imperforata . 18 canalis ....178 pellucidum 15 Iris 13 Cantiana 19 politum . 3 rnarmorata . 8 caperata ... 21 rectum 1 Midse . 1 Carinula ....155 striatulum 4 ovina 15 16 20 21 2 . 5 . 4 Carocolla . 34 Trachea i nigricans 147 setosus .... .... 42 Callipvffa .. . 63 niveus ... 127 sexden tatus ....155 11 nivosus 56 si mi Him us 98 casina . 14 nodulo^us 66 .... 22 . 46 nodulosus . . . 84 .... 43 f7 obsoletus 135 Spenglerianus . . .... 45 Chiionc ... . ........ . 44 obtusatus I .... 29 cincta . 7O Olearius 36 stellatus ... .... 31 cingenda . . 6 Pao'odus 27 s t riatulus . . . . ....100 94 Q 210 INDEX. coaxans S P . 42 Icelandica Sp. ... 41 reflexa . Sp. 22 compressa 26 juvenilis. 85 reticulata . . ... 66 84 laeta . 49 riffida 13 con temp ta 53 lapicida 72 rotundata 103 contraria 95 literata 101 Scotica 20 corrugata 96 Lorenziana 59 scripta ... . .... 97 39 lusoria . 43 Senegalensis 106 crenulata 68 mactroides 33 Sinensis . 76 21 maculata ... 45 sinuata . 82 107 Malabarica 36 spinifera H deflorata 64 Marica 5 spuria 80 Dione 1 i n e r c c 1 1 aria 4O SQuamosa 71 91 Meretrix ... ... 47 striata 56 92 IVteroe* 62 16 divaricata .... 94 minima 17 succincta 4 73 monstrosa 1 12 sulcata 18 Dysera 7 Montagu! 19 Textile 104 98 nebulosa 52 Tiara 8 93 obsoleta 105 tigerina 75 .... 38 opima . 5O triangularis . 35 27 ornata 60 tripla 34 10 ovata 30 triradiata 51 83 Paphia 2 tumidula . .. 88 3 paradoxa 48 verrucosa .... 12 65 paupercula .... 31 virginea no fkimmea 37 pectinata 9O undata 87 .... 32 Pcctunculus . 58 ....113 Pensylvanica 78 VOLUTA. page 89. 114 perforans 108 Abbatis 137 ....115 petulca . . 28 acuminata 88 .... 23 Phryne 61 Acus 125 ....102 plicata 9 175 ....100 plumbea 74 22 globosa .......... .... 99 prostrata 77 ambi^ua 28 .... 29 Puerpera .. 67 S3 hermaphrodita . ....116 pullastra 109 12O Histrio ... 86 punctata 81 Auris cati . . . 10 .... 79 radiata . . 69 Judae 2 Japonica . 55 . 54 Malchi 4 INDEX. 211 Auris IVtidse Sp. \ Ebraea ... . Sp. . ..154 Magellanica Sp. 168 6 elegans .... 69 Diagnifica ... 173 Vir^inis 8 episcopalis ....143 marginata ... . 62 9 crythrostoma 30 marrnorea 136 Australis 3 cxasperata 97 melonffena 112 93 exilis .... 54 mendicaria . .. 79 21 Faba 63 mercatoria biplicata 127 fasciata 7 micans 44 bullata 70 fenestrata 48 microzonias 81 Caffra 1O6 ferrugata .... 77 Miliaria .... 52 cancellata 82 fiUiris 90 minuta 16 capitellum 156 filosa 91 Monilis 53 Carneola 43 iissurata 92 TVforio 108 124 flammea 12 rnuricata 158 66 flava . 17 Musica 147 catenata 60 flavicans 165 nana 8O Ceramica 159 gjlabella . , 64 Nassa 83 56 glabra 5 nasuta 135 clathrata 186 Glans 183 Navicula . 182 Clathrus 94 globosa 162 Neptuni 181 Coffea 15 granosa 99 nigra 123 Colocynthis .. 174 cravis 161 nitidula 45 Conus 51 ffuttata 57 nivea 4O cornicula 86 hiatula 39 nivosa Corona 176 41 i on coronata 146 1 52 nubila costata 98 incrassata qc nucea 04 costellaris 110 Indica 185 ocellata crenifera 95 insculpta 26 oliva 31 crenulata 49 interstincta 25 1 *?Q cruenta 32 Ispidula 33 Olla 180 cruentata 117 Junonia 4fi Cymbiola 177 133 1 (To Cymbium 178 laevis 61 jjQ Dactylus 47 Lapponica . . . .. 163 pBpalis 144 decussata 102 L/eucozonias 107 78 denticulata .. 18 lineata . 129 digitalis 142 livida 14 90 discors 131 maculosa ...126 Persicula . 212 INDEX. Sp. pertusa 141 Pica 76 picta 65 pinguis 36 plicaria 115 plicata 27 plicata 149 polygona 113 Porcellana 58 porcina 179 Porphyrea 29 Praeputium 184 Prunurn 68 pusilla 20 Pyrum 160 reticulata 71 Rhinoceros 157 Ruffina 103 rugosa lie rupestris 167 Sp. rustica 74 Sanguisuga 105 scabricula 96 Scapha 172 Schroeteri 87 scutulata 122 serpentina 1 38 solid ula 13 spadicea 101 spiralis 119 striata 132 strigata 67 subdivisa ill sulcata 130 taeniata 114 texturata 50 Thiara 145 tigrina 42 tornatilis 11 Tringa 85 Sp triplicata 19 Turbinellus 155 turricula 128 turrita 118 variegata 104 ventricosa 34 Vespertilio 151 Vexillum 150 virescens 148 Virgo 89 vitulina 121 undulata 166 unidentata 24 Volva 169 Utriculus 37 Vulpecula 109 Zebra 164 Ziervogelii 72 THE END. Printed by RICHARD TAYLOR, Red Lion Court, Fleet Street. BOOKS IN NATURAL HISTORY, Published by WILLIAM WOOD, 428, STRAND. 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