NOTES ON THE FAUNA AND FLORA OF THE WEST OF SCOTLAND. II. LISTS OF THE FAUNA AND FLORA OF THE WEST OF SCOTLAND. NOTES ON THE FAUNA AND FLOKA OF THE WEST OE SCOTLAND. I. MAMMALIA, BY EDWARD R. ALSTON, P.L.S., F.Z.S., &c. II. BIEDS, III. INSECTS, BY ROBERT GRAY, F.R.S.E. BY PETER CAMERON. IV. VASCULAE FLOEA, BY JAMES RAMSAY. V. CEYPTOGAMIC FLOEA, BY J. STIRTON, M.D., P.L.S. GLASGOW: BLACKIE & SON, 17 STANHOPE STREET. 1876. GLASGOW : W. G. BLACKIE AND CO., PRINTERS, V1LLAFIELD. NOTES. L i. ON THE MAMMALIA OF THE WEST OF SCOTLAND. THE mammalian fauna of the south-west of Scotland hardly differs from that of the rest of Britain. Several southern forms are rare or absent, some of which are to be met with even further north in the eastern counties, and the coasts are not so much frequented by seals a,nd cetaceans as are those of the north and east. Many species have been almost extirpated by the agriculturist and the game-preserver, but some of these have found shelter in the southern ranges of the Highlands which extend fairly within our limits. On the other hand, some of the smaller animals, as their persecutors have been decimated, and as cultivation and plantation have gained ground, have greatly extended their range. In Bats Scotland is strikingly poor, for while eleven species are natives of England (besides two or three others which seem to occur only as accidental visitors), only three, each belonging to a different genus, are positively known to be found in North Britain. 1 Of these the Common and Long-eared species are both plentiful, and Dau- benton's Bat (Vespertilio daubentoni) occurs, but appears to be rarer than in the eastern counties. A specimen of this last, caught in Glasgow Green, is preserved in the University Museum. 2 Of the Insectivores, on the other hand, all the five British species are found. The Hedgehog is abundant in the Lowlands, and rapidly spreading in the Highlands, where it was formerly almost unknown; and the same remark applies to the Mole. The Common Shrew is everywhere plentiful, but the Small Shrew (Sorex minutus) appears to be rare, or at least local. I have, however, taken several specimens in the south of Lanarkshire. The Water Shrew was noticed many 1 Besides these the late Sir W. Jardine believed that he had seen the Great Bat near the river Annan (Statistical Account of Dumfriesshire, p. 175), and Dr. A. R. Young has recorded the Lesser Horse-shoe Bat as having been taken at Crookston Castle (Stat. Ac. Renfrevesh. p. 162), but I have been unable to obtain any confirmation of either occair- i-ence. 2 Proc. Nat. Hist. Soc. Glasg. i. p. 203. VI NOTES ON THE FAUNA OF CLYDESDALE. years ago near Glasgow by the late Dr. Secular, 1 and in Ayrshire by Mr. W. Thomson ; 2 it is not uncommon in suitable places, and has been observed in the Island of Arran. 3 Scotch specimens of the Water Shrew usually belong to the dark race formerly separated as S. remifer, but intermediate examples are also common. All the land Carnivores now existing in Britain are found within our limits, though some of them have been greatly reduced in num- bers and restricted in range. The Wild Cat is now nowhere to be met with in the Lowlands, and indeed is becoming very rare in the Highlands; it lingered long in the mountain recesses of the wild country around Loch Lomond, from whence there are specimens in the University Museum ; but Mr. James Lumsden informs me that it is now quite extinct in that district. 4 The Fox, on the contrary, remains abundant in most districts ; even where he is not preserved for purposes of sport his fleetness and cunning enable him to hold his own, and the increase in number of rabbits provides him with abundance of food. The Badger and the Yellow-throated Marten (Martes abietum) are still found near Loch Lomond of the former Mr. Colquhoun observes that "every rocky cairn capping the Glen- falloch range of the Grampians has its family of Badgers." Both are now almost exterminated in the Lowlands, but a badger was taken near Wishaw in Lanarkshire in May. 1870, and a marten, as I am informed by Mr. J. Lumsden, was killed near Maybole in Ayrshire in the spring of the present year. Pale-throated examples of this marten have often been confused with the white-throated M. foina, and have hence led to the belief expressed by the late Mr. Macgil- livray, 6 and others that the two species are identical ; they are really quite distinct, but I have never been able to meet with any authentic evidence of the existence of M. foina in Britain, although it is usually stated to be the commonest species. Of our three native Weasels the Stoat is the most abundant; in severe winters, and especially in exposed situations, it often assumes the "ermine," or white fur, in greater purity than is usually the case in England. The Polecat is nearly extinct in most Lowland districts, but the Common Weasel is plentiful, and the Otter is not uncommon in many of the lochs and rivers. Of the marine Carnivores, only the Common Seal is known to enter the Firth of Clyde, and that but rarely, although the Gray species is common in the Hebrides, where the Greenland and Einged species (Phoca grcenlandica and Ph. hispidd) are said also to occur. 6 i Mag. Nat. Hist. vi. (1833), p. 512. 2 Op. cit. 2d Ser. iii. (1839), p. 585. 3 For notes on the Mammals of this island, see Bryce's Arran (Glasgow and London: W. Collins, Sons, & Co., 1872), pp. 313-315. * Concerning the animals of this district, Mr. E. Gray's notes, published in Keddie's Guide-book to Loch Lomond (Glasgow: Maclure and Macdonald, 1864), and Mr. J. Col- quhoun's Lecture on the Ferce Naturce of the British Islands (Edinburgh: W. Blackwood and Son, 1873) may be referred to. 5 Naturalist's Library, xvii., "British Quadrupeds," p. 168; Nat. Hist, of Deesidc and Braemar, p. 386. 6 Cf. Bell's British Quadrupeds, 2d ed. pp. 249, 252. ON THE MAMMALIA. Vll As already remarked, few ^Cetaceans have been recorded from the coasts of South-western Scotland, most of the species which have been taken on our shores having occurred on the north and east coasts. In 1866 a Rorqual was cast ashore on the island of Islay; part of its skeleton is preserved in the Museum of the University of Cambridge, and it was referred by MM. Gervais and Van Beneden to the rare species Balcenoptera laticeps^ but I believe that Professor Flower considers it to have been the common Lesser Rorqual (B. ros- trata). In May, 1829, a Sperm Whale (Physeter macrocephalus] was killed near Oban, and its jaw-bones are still preserved at Dunstaff- nage Castle, as recorded by Professor Turner. 2 A common Beaked Whale (Hyperoodon rostratus) was taken in the Gareloch in 1863, and was identified by Dr. Scoular. 3 The Porpoise, which constantly enters the Firth in pursuit of herrings, and which is said to have come up as far as Glasgow in old days when the Clyde was still pure, ends our brief list of four out of the twenty-one species of Cetaceans which have been recorded in British waters. Of the Ungulates, or hoofed animals, the Red Deer has long ago been exterminated in the Lowlands, but it is sedulously protected in the Highlands ; it is sometimes seen on the Loch Lomond hills, and is abundant in Arran, where a judicious admixture of fresh blood has renewed the vigour of the native breed, once nearly extinct. The Roe Deer, on the other hand, has become more numerous of late years in many parts of the Lowlands, owing doubtless to better pro- tection, and to the increase of woods ; an albino roe, killed some years ago near Loch Lomond, is preserved in the collection of the late Sir James Colquhoun, Bart., of Luss. At Cadzow, the original seat of the Dukes of Hamilton, still exists one of the few remaining herds of wild white cattle. These are believed by some zoologists to be the direct descendants of the mighty Bos primigenius, while others consider them to have been derived from domestic animals which had resumed a feral life, and reverted to some extent to the characters of their remote ancestors. Be this as it may there can be no doubt as to the great antiquity and interest of the breed, though little authentic can now be ascertained as to its early history. Such cattle were formerly kept at Cumbernauld, near Glasgow, Drumlanrig in Dum- friesshire, and other parks in Scotland and the north of England ; but they now exist only at Cadzow, at Chillingham in Northumber- land, Syme Park in Cheshire, and Chartley in Staffordshire. All the British species of Rodents occur in the west of Scotland excepting the Dormouse and the little Harvest Mouse ; the former of these does not appear to cross the Tweed, and I have never met with the latter in the west, although it is sparingly distributed throughout 1 Osteographie des Cetacds, i. p. 200. 2 Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinb. 1871, pp. 365-366. 3 Proc. Nat. Hist. Soc. Glasg. i. p. 82. Vlll NOTES ON THE FAUNA OF CLYDESDALE. the eastern counties as far north as Aberdeenshire. 1 The Squirrel, formerly unknown in many districts, especially in the Highlands, has increased and spread of late years in a surprising manner. The first of the species seen near Loch Lomond was killed, Mr. Colquhoun tells us, in 1830 it is now so abundant there as to prove very destructive to the young plantations. It is a very singular fact, however, that the squirrel is still perfectly unknown in the south of Ayrshire, a country which in many places seems admirably adapted to its habits. Of rats and mice, the old Black Bat is almost, if not quite, extinct. I have never been able to authenticate a single instance of its occurrence of late years, the supposed specimens invariably proving to belong to the black variety of the Water Vole. The Brown Eat, House Mouse, and Wood Mouse are of course abun- dant, as are the three British species of Vole. Of the Water Vole the black variety, which Macgillivray separated as Arvicola ater, 2 occurs, though not abundantly, in several districts. The Common Field Vole is very plentiful, though it has not been recorded as occurring in the west in such vast swarms as those which have this year devastated the eastern Border counties. The Eed Field Vole (A. glareolus}, first detected in Scotland by Macgillivray 3 and W. Thomson, 4 is hardly less common in many places, and seems to be equally widely distri- buted. Of the Hare family the common species is plentiful in the low country and the Mountain or Blue Hare in the Highlands. The latter has increased rapidly, as its numerous enemies have been reduced in numbers by the game-keeper none were seen by Mr. Colquhoun on the Loch Lomond hills before 1822, whereas they now swarm as low down as Glen Luss and Glen Fruin. It has also been recently introduced in the southern hill-country, and appears to be spreading among the hills of Peeblesshire, and south Lanarkshire, and Ayrshire, where its winter change of colour is observed to be much less regular and complete than is the case in the north. Lastly, the Rabbit is another animal which has increased to an astonishing extent of late years, being now a perfect pest in many districts to which it was formerly an absolute stranger. EDWARD R. ALSTON. 1 Macgillivray, Nat. Lib. xvii. p. 257. 2 Trans. Wern. Soc. vi. p. 424. 3 Nat. Lib. xvii. p. 272. * Mag. Not. Hist. 2d Ser. iii. p. 585. ON THE BIRDS. IX II. ON THE BIRDS OF GLASGOW AND ITS VICINITY. THE Ornithology of a large city and its suburbs is a theme suggestive of many changes, and becomes invested with a peculiar interest when we trace the persistence with which many birds cling to places whose natural features once an attraction to the species are now almost entirely obliterated. In the city of Glasgow the changes are perhaps even more marked than those which the rise and progress of other cities have produced. The Plover and Dunlin, which still swarm at certain seasons on the muddy shores of the Clyde, and bring up their young on patches of moorland which overlook the homes of half a million of people, are the representatives of generations that coursed along the silent marshes of the estuary when Glasgow had no exist- ence, and when the canoe of the ancient Briton floated upon broad waters which time has dwindled; the wild geese, ducks, and other water-fowl that return year after year to the environs of the city ; the birds of prey that follow in their wake, and the misguided waders that occasionally settle in the polluted suburban water-courses, all speak of a time when the vale of Clutha was a barren waste, and the birds had it nearly all to themselves. Among the conspicuous birds of prey, both species of Eagle the Golden and White-tailed have occurred within easy reach of the city. ' In autumn especially, when raptorial birds as a rule are found wandering over the country, they are occasionally met with in the Firth of Clyde ; and as Arran is now believed to be a safe retreat for eagles, visitors to the west coast need not despair of seeing them in some of the wilder parts of that most interesting island. During the last five years the GOLDEN EAGLE has nested in a district about two hours' journey from Glasgow, and I have seen the eggs taken for three successive seasons, and exhibited unblown on the lining of the nest at a meeting of the Natural History Society of that city, held in one of the class-rooms of the University, with the remark that the eyrie had been robbed but a few hours previ- ously within sight of the great tower. The OSPREY is not an uncommon autumn visitant to localities also within the same line of view, and the PEREGRINE occasionally ven- tures near the precincts of the city. The MERLIN may be said to be a winter resident, as it takes up its quarters for the season among the pigeons and sparrows on the house-tops, where it remains until X NOTES ON THE FAUNA OF CLYDESDALE. spring; and the KESTREL is a well-known permanent resident in the suburbs, coming frequently into the heart of the town. The same remark applies to the SPARROW-HAWK. The COMMON and ROUGH- LEGGED BUZZARDS have both occurred within a few miles of the city, and an occasional HEN HARRIER makes its appearance on moors within full view of the church spires and higher buildings. I recently examined a male Hen Harrier in perfect condition, which had been shot a short distance north of Buchanan Street about the beginning of the present century. At that time the locality was a wild heath, though it is now the centre of a densely-populated dis- trict. Many Owls are still found in the immediate neighbourhood of the city, and even within its boundaries. The BARN OWL, TAWNY OWL, and SHORT-EARED OWL are all regularly obtained in the outskirts. Two specimens of the SNOWY OWL were shot in December, 1863: one at Pollokshields, the other at Port-Glasgow. These had pro- bably reached this country by the aid of ships bound for the Clyde. In the same year and month a beautiful specimen of the AMERICAN HAWK OWL (Surnia funerea) was shot at Maryhill, near Glasgow ; a second occurred near Greenock in November, 1868; and a third was taken in the flesh to the same town in December, 1871. All these had probably been aided in their flight by Clyde-bound ves- sels, as in the case of the Snowy Owls. This owl has been proved to be a distinct species from the European Hawk Owl (Surnia ululd) by Mr. Sharpe, who has given a full description of both in B. of Eur. part xii. The GREAT GRAY SHRIKE has repeatedly been taken in the vicinity, and the SPOTTED FLY-CATCHER is known as a regular summer visitant to gardens and fields around the city. The impurity of the streams near large towns naturally deters such birds as the DIPPER and KING-FISHER, yet both are frequently seen on the Kelvin, even where the contaminated waters must prove poisonous to their natural prey. Both have been seen of late years within the parliamentary boundaries, especially in hard winters, during which these birds are compelled to stray considerable distances in search of open water. The MISSEL THRUSH is abundant, and seems to have increased very considerably in numbers during the last thirty years. Its bulky nest is everywhere noticeable, and is found every year in the Kelvingrove Park. The FIELDFARE and EEDWING occur in large flocks every winter in the same locality, and the SONG-THRUSH and BLACKBIRD both enliven the spring-time in all the parks and gardens. The EING OUZEL is a well-marked object in the bird-life of the Kilpatrick Hills within the ten miles' radius; the HEDGE ACCENTOR is abundant in all the surroundings of the city, and the REDBREAST finds its way into the busiest streets. The EEDSTART, STONECHAT, WHINCHAT, WHEATEAR, and SEDGE WARBLER all make their appear- ON THE BIRDS. XI ance in early summer, coining as near the town as their habits will permit. Many, if not the whole, of these birds are seen in Kelvin- grove Park at the time of their arrival ; but though in years gone past this locality may have been their regular haunt, they are soon undeceived, and disappear to look for less frequented places. The BLACK-CAP WARBLER I have seen perched on a lamp in the public streets, and singing with apparent unconcern : it is a yearly visitant to the Botanic Garden, where the GARDEN WARBLER is likewise found. The COMMON WHITETHROAT is another of the summer war- blers which still comes to the begrimed hedges in the outskirts. Experience seems to have taught this bird that it is unsafe to build so near the base of hedges or bushes as is its wont in rural places ; and it is a remarkable fact that in all the lanes and hedgerows near the town, such as at the Great Western Road, the Whitethroat almost invariably places its nest at a considerable height from the ground. Three nests with four eggs in each were found by myself three years ago in a hedgerow near the Botanic Garden : these were built in the topmost twigs at a height of 6 feet in two of the cases, and 8 feet in the other. The LESSER WHITETHROAT is also a regular summer visitant, and the WOOD WARBLER is still found in the older belts of plantation skirting the fields now being built upon. The WILLOW WARBLER is abundant, and the CHIFF-CHAFF is moderately common in hedges a short distance westwards from the Botanic Garden. The GOLDCREST, GREAT TIT, BLUE TIT, COLE TIT, and LONG-TAILED TIT are all found in the autumn months in hedgerows and trees sur- rounding the city. The BOHEMIAN WAXWING has occasionally been obtained. The PIED WAGTAIL and GRAY WAGTAIL both frequent the Kelvin in considerable numbers. I have seen a mixed group of twenty-three of these birds on the gravelled walks at the Museum door in Kelvingrove Park. RAY'S WAGTAIL is abundant on the banks of the Clyde on its arrival, and a pair may be seen nesting in almost every park inclosure, even if surrounded by houses or streets. The TREE PIPIT is very common in all the road-side groups of trees within a few minutes' walk of some of the busiest streets, and the MEADOW PIPIT is abundant at certain seasons. The SKYLARK finds protection in one or two places, and its nest may yet be found in fields verging upon the Great Western Road. The SNOW BUNTING sometimes comes in very large flocks to Glasgow Green in winter, and the COMMON BUNTING and BLACK-HEADED BUNTING are both found close to the city. I have seen the nest of the last-named bird on the banks of an old curling-pond behind the University. The YELLOW BUNTING, CHAFFINCH, and GREENFINCH, which occasionally visit the grain-stores in the centre of the town, nest within its. boundaries ; and even the GOLDFINCH has of late years been noticed frequenting low bushes on the banks of the Kelvin at the Great Western Road. The SISKIN, COMMON LINNET, and LESSER REDPOLE are all well known to the city bird-catchers. The COMMON CROSSBILL Xll NOTES ON THE FAUNA OF CLYDESDALE. is seen passing in flocks during the winter season, and the STARLING is abundant even in the heart of the town. The EOSE-COLOURED PASTOR has occurred in three instances within two miles of Glasgow, a, pair having been shot in 1853, and a single bird in August, 1860. The CHOUGH, formerly found at Campsie, and also in the island of Arran up till 1863, is not now met with nearer than the south of Ayrshire. It is still moderately common in some of the western islands ; but even in Islay, where it was quite abundant five years ago, there is a sensible diminution of its numbers, caused, it is said, by the inroads of dealers in natural history objects. The EAVEN still nests within sight of the city, and the HOODED CROW and CARRION CROW are found on the banks of the Clyde at low water, chiefly in winter. EOOKERIES are not quite rooted out in the city. The best-known is that in the Kelvingrove Park, the birds of which are carefully fed by the park-keepers in hard weather. The JACKDAW is plentiful in all the streets and squares, and the MAGPIE is common in the immediate neighbourhood, where it is, as may be supposed, safer than in the country. The COMMON CREEPER and WREN are well-known residents in old dikes and blackened plantations. The HOOPOE has been met with near Port-Glasgow. The CUCKOO, from old associations, comes to the South-side Park and private gardens in the neighbourhood. The BEE-EATER has been seen on one occasion haunting the banks of the river Cart, near Paisley. The KING-FISHER, as has been remarked, has frequently been obtained within the civic boundaries, and the SWALLOW, MARTIN, SAND-MARTIN, and SWIFT are all equally well known. The NIGHTJAR has on various occasions been seen in the evening flying above the grass in the South-side Park ; the EING- DOVE is an autumn visitant to the fields just outside the city. Wandering examples of the CAPERCAILLIE have been shot in pine plantations at a sufficient altitude above the sea-level to be within full view of Glasgow. The same may be said of the BLACK GROUSE. The EED GROUSE is well known on the moors a few miles from the city, but the PTARMIGAN is not found nearer than thirty miles. The PARTRIDGE, in autumn, conies at times into the public streets in a bewildered state, and the PHEASANT has been taken in like circum- stances. Among the grallatorial birds the GOLDEN PLOVER is found every winter in grass-fields close to the town, and it nests in some numbers on the Eenfrewshire hills, about eight miles distant. The Eaglesham moors, where a few pairs breed, partly overlook the city. The DOTTEREL (Charadrius morinellus) has on two or three occasions occurred near Go van and at Possil Marsh within the last fifteen years, both localities being now surrounded by densely-populated streets. The EINGED PLOVER has been taken of late years also on the Eaglesham moors. The LAPWING still visits the blackened fields within a few minutes' walk of the streets, and one or two pairs may ON THE BIRDS. xiil be found nesting at Dowanhill, not far from the University. I took lapwings' eggs there three years ago. The TURNSTONE frequents the Firth of Clyde in small flocks during winter. The OYSTER-CATCHER is likewise found on all the sandy shores of the Clyde estuary, and frequently follows the course of the river as far as Bothwell. It breeds in various localities within easy reach of Glasgow. The HERON is very common in the district, and there are several heronries sufficiently near the city to keep up a never-failing supply of birds on the different properties where the heron is protected as an ornament. Passing birds sometimes pitch down in open places quite close to the streets. I remember seeing one two years ago arrested in its flight as it passed high above the College tower, and after a few rapid turns in the air allow its own weight to carry it down to an old quarry situated behind the University buildings at Gilmorehill. The COMMON BITTERN has even of recent years been shot in several instances at Fossil Marsh, a district now almost surrounded by factories; also at Hogganfield Loch, within a few miles of Glasgow. Quite recently an AMERICAN BITTERN was shot in Islay. The CURLEW breeds on all the hills which command a view of the city, some of the haunts of this bird being at a distance of only a few miles. The WHIMBREL is occasion- ally seen in May on the muddy shores of the Clyde estuary. The EEDSHANK breeds in some numbers within sight of Glasgow, and the GREEN SANDPIPER has on two or three occasions been shot on streams quite near its southern limits. The WOOD SANDPIPER has occurred once on the Clyde, and I have elsewhere recorded the occurrence of a single example of the GREEN-RUMP TATLER near Airdrie. This specimen is now, I believe, in the Hunterian Museum. The COMMON SANDPIPER is abundant on all the streams, rain-pools, and old quarries quite close to the town. The GREENSHANK has been shot on several occasions on Mearns Moor, where I have reason to think a pair or two may nest annually. The BLACK-WINGED STILT was killed in 1850 on the banks of the Clyde, and in 1867 another was seen and carefully stalked, but without effect, on Possil Marsh, near the city. The BLACK-TAILED GODWIT has occurred in two instances in the district: once near Dumbarton in November, 1867, and again at Castle Semple in August, 1869. The BAR-TAILED GODWIT is not common in the estuary, and the RUFF is rare. The WOODCOCK comes regularly to the outskirts, where I have seen several shot of late years. House-building, however, is driving the bird year by year from its old haunts. The COMMON SNIPE and JACK SNIPE are both well known on the shootings in the immediate neighbourhood, the former breeding in some numbers at Possil Marsh. I have observed, in hard winters, frozen- out snipes in a grass-field at the west end of the university buildings. The KNOT is a scarce bird in the Clyde estuary. The DUNLIN is found in hundreds on the river-banks near Dumbarton and on the XIV NOTES ON THE FAUNA OF CLYDESDALE. opposite shores. This bird breeds in small numbers on the moors above Barrhead, from which a full view of Glasgow can be obtained. The PURPLE SANDPIPER is a regular visitant to the Clyde estuary, and the GRAY PHALAROPE has several times occurred. The LAND- RAIL or CORNCRAKE is very numerous. Three years ago a nest with seven eggs was found in Kelvingrove Park. The WATER- RAIL is a constant resident near the city, and has bred regularly for many years past in Possil Marsh, the nest and eggs having been obtained every season. The SPOTTED CRAKE has only rarely been met with. The MOORHEN or GALLINULE is still very common on all the small lochs and water-courses near the city. Within the last six or seven years it frequented the Kelvin near the University. The COOT is also found in some numbers at Possil Marsh, where its nest is fre- quently obtained. The various Wild Geese, as may be supposed, are only straggling winter visitants to the district. The GRAY LAG, BEAN, PINK-FOOTED, and WHITE-FRONTED GEESE have all occurred on the Clyde at rare intervals. The BERNICLE GOOSE is a regular winter visitant in large flocks to the grass-banks of the estuary between Dumbarton and Helensburgh, where nearly 300 years ago the assemblage of Bernicle Geese attracted the attention of John Monipennie, who has left a quaint account of the bird's habits. The BRENT GOOSE is very scarce. The EGYPTIAN GOOSE has been met with repeatedly as a wanderer from private ponds, a remark which applies also to the CANADA GOOSE, which has been shot on the Clyde on several occasions. The WILD SWAN is occasionally seen in the firth, and BEWICK'S SWAN has repeatedly been killed. The SHELLDRAKE is not found within the ten-mile radius except as a rare straggler. The SHOVELER has been shot on Possil Marsh, but I have not been able to detect the GAD- WALL as coming within the limits named. The PINTAIL DUCK is met with at occasional intervals on the river Cart, and the COMMON MALLARD is still plentiful in Possil Marsh and other marshy ground close to the city, where it bred abundantly thirty years ago. The TEAL and WIDGEON are also found in some ^numbers in the same localities as winter visitants. The EIDER DUCK occurs but rarely in the Clyde. It is an abundant species in Islay and Jura. The VELVET SCOTER and COMMON SCOTER are also very rare. The POCHARD and SCAUP DUCK are taken in small numbers, and the TUFTED DUCK is also met with in their company. In hard winters the last-named bird sometimes follows the course of the river till it reaches the centre of the city. It is plentiful during some winters on the Clyde near Dumbarton. The same remark applies to the GOLDEN-EYE. The EED-BREASTED MERGANSER and GOOSANDER are both obtained in some numbers every winter on the Cart near Eenfrew. Among the Grebes the GREAT-CRESTED, KED-NECKED, SCLAVONIAN, and LITTLE GREBE or DABCHICK have all occurred. The last-men- ON THE BIRDS. XV tioned species breeds regularly in some numbers in Possil Marsh, which is only two miles from the centre of the town. Although the GREAT NORTHERN and BLACK-THROATED DIVERS have both occurred frequently in the Firth of Clyde and on Loch Lomond, 'they have not, so far as I am aware, been seen at any time within our limits. The RED-THROATED DIVER, however, has been taken on Possil Marsh and other similar sheets of water within two or three miles of the city. The COMMON GUILLEMOT, PUFFIN, and RAZORBILL are all well known, and are seen occasionally in great numbers in the firth. In the autumn of 1859 a mysterious epidemic broke out among the sea-fowl of the Clyde, and thousands of birds fell victims to it. On that occasion many Guillemots and Razorbills were met with in the river near Renfrew. The COMMON CORMORANT and GREEN CORMORANT are very numerous in the firth as far up the estuary as Dumbarton, chiefly in autumn. The SOLAN GOOSE is often seen in the firth near Greenock. Terns are also very numerous in spring, the two most frequently met with being the COMMON and ARCTIC TERNS. The SANDWICH TERN is not found nearer than Loch Lomond. The BLACK TERN has occurred in the same district. The ROSEATE TERN, a large colony of which formerly existed in the Cumbrae Islands, has entirely left that locality. A small colony on Inchmoin, Loch Lomond, has also disappeared. BONAPARTE'S GULL has occurred once in Loch Lomond, and the LITTLE GULL has also been seen there and on the Clyde. The BLACK-HEADED GULL is abundant even in the heart of the city, where hundreds at a time may occasionally be seen hovering above the waters of the Clyde between the bridges. There is a large breeding colony yearly in Hairlaw Darn, near Barrhead, within six or eight miles of Glasgow, and another very large colony on Inchmoin, Loch Lomond. Many Black-headed Gulls frequent the river Kelvin between the Park Museum and the University grounds. The KITTIWAKE is frequently observed on brackish water near Dumbarton, and comes regularly to the shores of the Gareloch in winter. The IVORY GULL has at various times been shot on the Clyde, the nearest to our district being a specimen shot near Greenock in the winter of 1858. The COMMON GULL flies up the river as far as Renfrew, where I have seen it repeatedly; and the LESSER BLACK-BACKED GULL is seen in some numbers nearly all the year round on the river among the shipping at the Broomielaw. The HERRING GULL is scarce in the firth. The GREAT BLACK-BACKED GULL breeds on Inchmoin, Loch Lomond, and the GLAUCOUS GULL has occurred near Gourock. The ICELAND GULL has been met with in Arran. The POMERINE SKUA and RICHARDSON'S SKUA have both occurred on the Clyde, and the MANX SHEARWATER has also been observed frequently. The FORK-TAILED PETREL has been obtained from various localities on the Clyde in winter, and the STORM PETREL has been taken as far up the firth as Port-Glasgow. XVI NOTES ON THE FAUNA OF CLYDESDALE. From some of the remarks in the foregoing list it will le observed that notwithstanding the extraordinary extension of the city and its suburbs, many birds still refuse, so to speak, to be scared by the inroads that have been made upon their haunts during the last thirty years. Of these the Magpie, Dipper, King-fisher, Plover, Dunlin, Greenshank, Bittern, Redshank, Lapwing, and Water-rail are familiar examples. With the exception of the Bittern, indeed, all are found nesting within full view of the murky clouds that hang over the city, and in most instances within hearing of noisy ham- mers. No one need doubt, however, that in other thirty years these haunts will be for ever deserted ; and while for the present this list may be of interest to Ornithologists as showing the strong attachment of some birds to certain localities, it will prove not a less curious record in after-years when all traces of such bird-nurseries have been swept away. ROBERT GRAY. OX THE ENTOMOLOGY. XV11 III. ON THE ENTOMOLOGY OF CLYDESDALE. FROM the large extent and diversified nature of the country drained by the Clyde, possessing as that country does the well-cultivated fields of the Lowlands as well as the heathy moors and the rugged mountains of the Highlands, not to speak of its large tract of sea- coast and the interesting islands in the Firth, it might be reasonably conjectured that the Insect fauna of Clydesdale should be both rich and varied ; nor does the knowledge we have of its insects belie this conjecture. Unfortunately, however, the Clyde Valley has entomo- logically been but very imperfectly investigated ; there have indeed been some very zealous workers who have collected for many years, but their number has never been great enough for the tract of country to be explored, and their collecting has been almost wholly confined to the lower portions of the country, while also their atten- tion has been mainly directed to the Lepidoptera and Coleoptera. Neither have they busied themselves hitherto in preparing local catalogues of such orders of insects that have been to any consider- able extent worked out ; but it is to be hoped that the very desirable work of cataloguing the Clydesdale insects will now be proceeded with vigorously. Of Coleoptera we have probably more than half the British species. Fossil Marsh is a very good locality for Hydradephaga; the Tollcross sand-pits yield (or did yield) many good species; the Ayrshire coast between Irvine and Ayr is very rich in sand-loving and littoral Geodephaga; while Cadzow forest and Gadder Wilderness abound with wood-frequenting beetles. Ben Lomond also produces a num- ber of more or less rare mountain species. The following are the names of a few of the more noteworthy Clydesdale Coleoptera: 1 Carabus clathratus (Ayrshire coast) ; Pterostichus lepidus (Tollcross) ; Sleropus aetkiops (Ben Lomond); jEpys fulvescens (shores of Gare- loch) ; Cillerrum laterals (shore near Dumbarton) ; Acilius sulcatus, var. Scoticus (common at Fossil Marsh) ; Hydroporus novemlineatus (Gareloch); Colon latus (Paisley); Leptinus testaceus (Paisley); Amphi- cyllis globus (banks of Kelvin); Melolontha hippocastani (Hamil- ton); Ceuthorhynchus viduatus (Tollcross); Strangalia quadrifasciata (Arran); Creophilus maxillosus,vnr. ciliaris (shores of Arran); Staphy- linus fulvipes (Paisley Moss); Ciryphium angusticolle (Glasgow, 1 I am indebted to Drs. Sharp and White for information regarding the Coleoptera and Lepidoptera respectively. b Xviii NOTES ON THE FAUNA OF CLYDESDALE. Paisley); Omalium septentrionis (Gareloch); Micropeplus tesserula (Paisley). As might be expected, the Lepidoptera have had most attention paid to them. Of Butterflies we have 33. The Micros have not had the same attention paid to them as the Macros, and this is to be regretted as many interesting species might be discovered among the Tinese and Tortrices. More regard, however, is now being paid to these. Among the Clydesdale species which are either local or rare in Britain, or at least in Scotland, are: Colias edusa (Largs); Melitcea artemis, var. merope (Dunoon); Vanessa antiopa; Erebia cassiope (Ben Lomond); Dasydia obfuscata; Larentia ruficinctata; L. Salicata; Emmelesia ericetatd; E. blandiata (Loch Long); Eupi- thecia pygmceata (Paisley); Ypsipetes ruberata; Melanippe hastata; Coremia munitata; Phibalapteryx lapidata (Arran); Carsia im- butata; Chesias obliquaria (Ayrshire); Notodonta carmelita; N. dic- tceoides; N. tritophus (Paisley); N. trepida; Acronycta leporina A. menyanthis; A. myricce; Hydroecia petasitis (Paisley); Leucania littoralis (Ayrshire); Agrotis ravida; Noctua conflua; N. Dahlii; Orthosia suspecta (Paisley); Dianthoecia conspersa (Paisley); Aplecta occulta; A. herbida (Paisley); Hadena rectilinea; Cry modes exulis (Arran); Plusia bractea; P. festucce; P. interrogationis (Paisley); Stilbia anomala ; Scopulaalpinalis; S. decrepitalis; Penthina prcelon- gana, Mixodia Bouchardana (Paisley); Sciaphila Colquhounana. The Hymenoptera are well represented, at least with some families. The Aculeata do not appear to be numerous, a fact no doubt owing to the great prevalence of clayey and the comparative scarcity of the sandy soils so favourable to the habits of these burying insects. In the immediate vicinity of Glasgow the only locality where Aculeata are at all common is the Tollcross sand-pits, and here about 50 species nidificate. The Humble Bees number 11 with 3 Apathi. All the Social Wasps occur within 7 miles of Glasgow, with the exception of Vespa crabro. Of Ants I am only aware of 9 Clydesdale species. The only Chrysididw that I have taken are Chrysis ignita and Omalus cceruleus. The district is very rich in Terebrant Hymenoptera, and some new and interesting species have been discovered in it. Among the Ichneumonidce the Ichneumones do not seem to be so numerous as in more southern localities; but in Trypkonides we appear to be excep- tionally rich, as indeed might be imagined, considering how rich Sweden is in this tribe. So also are we rich in Ophionides, and the same remark applies to the Braconidce and the Micro Hymenoptera. Of Cynipidce we have more than three-fourths of the British species. The Tenthredinidce are tolerably abundant, as may be judged when it is stated that 120 species are met with in Gadder Wilderness alone. Among some of the more uncommon Hymenoptera found in Clydes- dale are: Nomada xanthosticta; N. mistura; Osmia bicolor; Vespa arborea; Bassus peronatus; B. flavolineatus; Ichneutes reunitor, var. ON THE ENTOMOLOGY. XIX brevis; Belyta depressa (Kemnuir Bank) ; Diapria oogaster; Galesus clypeatus (Paisley); Triogmusfurcifer; Proctotrypes buccatus (Possil); Aphilothrix solitaria; A. corticis (Kenmuir); Spathogaster albipes (Milngavie); Aulax graminis (Partick); A. hieracii (Baldernock); Clidotoma albipennis (Paisley); Pychotrichia urticarum (Possil); Eucoila minuta (Bisliopton); Cladius Brullcei (Gadder); Nematus im- perfectus; N. punctulatus; N. quercus; Coenoneura Dahlbomi (Gadder); Phaenusa albipes (Gadder); Strong ylogaster femoralis (Gadder); Perineura rubi (Gadder); Taxonus glottianus (Kenmuir). The Diptera have been in the past completely neglected, but it is a hopeful sign for the future that this order is now being attended to by two workers. No one has paid as yet any attention to the local Hemiptera, but about 150 species exist in an unnamed condition in collections. Nothing is known about the Orthoptera beyond the occurrence of 3 or 4 common species of general distribution. With the Neuroptera the Trichoptera is the only family which is known to any extent; and of the Caddis-flies we have close upon 60 species. The other Neuropterous families are now being looked after. To sum up: the Hymenoptera, Lepidoptera, Coleoptera, and Trichoptera are the only orders of which our knowledge borders upon anything like completeness; and even with these we are only acquainted to any extent with the species occurring more or less near to the city ; the Upper Ward of Lanarkshire, many places along the shores of the Firth, with the islands therein, being to a great degree un worked; and with regard to the general nature of our Insect fauna it may be briefly stated that it has the greatest resem- blance to that of Sweden: thus of the Tenthredinidce (exclusive of certain new species discovered here, and which may be ultimately found in Sweden) all our species occur in Sweden, with one excep- tion. P. CAMEEON. ON THE VASCULAR FLORA. IV. ON THE VASCULAR FLORA OF THE WEST OF SCOTLAND. IF we limit the term "West of Scotland" to Argyleshire, Buteshire, Dumbartonshire, part of Stirlingshire and Perthshire, the lower ward of Lanarkshire, Renfrewshire, Ayrshire, Wigtonshire, and the Stewartry of Kirkcudbright, we include a large tract of country pre- senting very varied natural features, as well as great diversity of soil. The Phanerogamic Flora of this district is naturally as varied as its features, but is by no means remarkable for the presence of species that can properly be called peculiar to the district. In the imme- diate neighbourhood of Glasgow the soil is very stiff and clayey, so much so indeed as to have given rise to the industry of brick-making on an extensive scale; and here the variety of weeds that infest the cultivated fields is very limited when compared with what we find in the eastern counties of Scotland, or on the lighter soil along the coast of Ayrshire. For several miles round Glasgow little else is to be seen in the way of field-weeds except Sinapis arvensis, and of it there is enough and to spare. Such plants as Centaurea Cyanus and Papaver Rhoeas, so abundant in the eastern counties, are rarely seen in the neighbourhood of Glasgow, or even in Ayrshire, their place there being apparently occupied by Chrysanthemum segetum and Papaver dubium. Cynoglossum- officinale, Hyoscyamus nigrer, Malva sylvestris, Knautia arvensis, Scandix Pecten-Veneris, Silene in/iata, 8. noctiftora, all of frequent occurrence in the east, are seldom seen in the west, only stray plants being found sporadically scattered here and there over the country, the perennial species never extending themselves, and the annuals never taking a permanent hold, but always disappearing after the first or second year. We make no attempt to account for the fact of such a common English plant as Scandix Pecten- Veneris penetrating so far north into Scotland on the east coast, and not at all on the west. Latitude, it would appear, has nothing to do with the matter. Any difference of latitude between Fife and Ayrshire is altogether in favour of the latter. The soil of both counties is in many places sufficiently similar, and the Gulf- stream if it has any effect at all must also tell in favour of Ayr- shire. All these taken into consideration would, on a prima facie view, lead us naturally to expect that denizens of the south would proceed farther north on the west than on the east side of our island. 'That such is not the case might be proved by numerous other XX11 NOTES ON THE FLORA OF CLYDESDALE. instances besides Scandix Pecten- Veneris. It is just possible that the Solway Firth and the Galloway hills may deflect southern plants in their northward migration towards the east, but this suggestion is all but nullified by the fact that such stray plants as do find their way to the western counties invariably fail to establish themselves permanently. Such apparent anomalies impress us with the idea that we have much to learn before we can understand the laws that regulate the distribution of plants over even such a limited portion of the earth's surface as is comprised within the bounds of Britain. But although the immediate neighbourhood of Glasgow is so poor in species that are chiefly confined to cultivated ground, it is by no means devoid of interest to the botanist. There are within a radius of a few miles round the city, several small lochs and marshes, chief among the number being Fossil Marsh, in which every Glasgow botanist may be said to have been baptized. Here we find Ranun- culus Lingua, Hippuris vulgaris, Stellaria glauca, Lysimachia thyrsi- flora, Sagittaria sagittifolia, all of which may be regarded as rather rare, not only in this district but in Scotland generally. Sagittaria sagittifolia has got no place assigned to it in Hooker's Flora Scotica, published in 1821, as it was then unknown in Scotland. It was first observed about twenty years ago in the river Cart at Inchinnan, but whether its introduction was accidental or intentional has not been ascertained. It made its way from the Cart into the Forth and Clyde Canal, from thence into the Fossil Marsh, and appears now to be perfectly naturalized in the district. All the four British species of the curious genus Lemna may be found also in this marsh and in the neighbouring Forth and Clyde Canal. Benlomond, Benvoirlich, Goatfell, and other mountains of the west some of them exceeding 3000 feet in altitude furnish us with most of the alpine plants common to the mountains of Scotland, with the exception of a few of the Arctic type confined to the loftier Ben Nevis and Ben Lawers, such as Saxifraga rivularis, /S. cernua, S. nivalis, &c. Along the sandy coast of Ayrshire, extending from Fortincross to the Heads of Ayr, ammophilous plants abound. There we find Brassica monensis, CaJcile maritima, Salsola Kali, Calystegia Soldan- ella, Eryngium maritimum, Jasione montana, Trifolium arvense; and wherever the soil will repay cultivation Agrostemma Githago, Lycopsis arvensis, with several species of Euphorbia, Fumaria, &c. Hundreds of acres of the muddy flats near the confluence of the rivers Garnock and Irvine with the sea, left dry at low tide, are literally covered with Salicornia kerbacea. In Cumbrae, Bute, Arran, and the Western Isles in general, Carum verticillatum, (Enanthe Lachenalii, Veronica Anagallis, Samolus Vale- randi, Pinguicula lusitanica, Anagallis tenella, Cotyledon Umbilicus, Mertensia maritima, are of frequent occurrence, while they are rare, and in some cases altogether wanting, in the eastern counties. ON THE VASCULAR FLORA. XXlll Carum verticillatum is very abundant on both sides of the Firth of Clyde, and may perhaps be regarded as the plant of all others most peculiar to the west of Scotland. It is scarcely to be found in Eng- land south of the Cheviots. The rare and local Vicia Orobus is also to be noted as not uncommon in the Upper Clyde valley. The island of Arran furnishes us with the only recorded station in Britain for Pyrus Aria, var. fennica, and with one of the very few in Scotland for Crambe maritima, and Skye and Coll for the curious Eriocaulon septangulare, a very rare species of a decidedly American genus. In Skye is also to be noted Pinguicula alpina. The island of the greater Cumbrae, not more than four miles in length by less than two in breadth, contains perhaps a greater variety of species than will be found in any district of like extent within the bounds of Scotland. Neottia Nidus-Avis is the only species of the order Orchidaceae occurring in the district that may with propriety be called rare. It is found, but sparingly, in more than one locality in Lanarkshire. Lathrcea squamaria, differing widely from the last-named species in class as well as order, but exhibiting a certain affinity with it in the absence of chlorophyll, makes its appearance sometimes on the north bank of the Clyde a few miles above Glasgow. The genus Carex abounds in all the marshes near the city, but no species occur that may not be found anywhere in the country where similar conditions exist. The Graminese offer no features calling for any particular remark ; the species are similar to those found all over Scotland; about forty may be gathered within a few miles of Glasgow. The district produces most of the commoner ferns in abundance wherever the conditions are suitable for their development. Ophio- glossum vulgatum and Botrychium Lunaria grow here and there all over the country. Asplenium marinum was common a few years ago in Cumbrae, Bute, &c. ; but the fern-cultivating mania has made sad havoc with it of late, and in the localities most accessible to the inhabitants of Glasgow it has all but disappeared, and is being fast followed by Osmunda regalis, which likewise used to be by no means rare. Lycopodium clavatum may be met with frequently on all the upland moors, and L. Selago, L. alpinum, and L. selaginoides on all the mountains. L. selago grows also in Cumbrae not more than six feet above the sea-level. With the exception of Equisetumvariegatum, all the undoubted species of the genus are found in the west. Equi- setum umbrosum, generally looked upon as rare, grows in several stations near Glasgow, as also does E. hyemale, although more spar- ingly. E. Telmateia is common near Kildonan in the south of Arran, on the banks of the Fruin near Lochlomond, and several other places. Isoetes lacustris and Pilularia globulifera occur in more than one of the lochs within the prescribed bounds. Here as elsewhere all over the kingdom, we always find within the precincts and neighbourhood of ruined castles and monastic NOTES ON THE FLORA OF CLYDESDALE. institutions a number of plants of rather dubious nativity. On and about the walls of Bothwell Castle are found Parietaria officinalis, an undoubted native, but very rare in the west; Allium Scorodo- prasum, Ruscus aculeatus, Daphne Laureola, Scrophularia Ehrharti, S. vernalis, Chelidonium majus, and on the opposite bank of the Clyde, about the ruins of Blantyre Priory, Aquilegia vulgaris, Tulipa sylvestris, Geranium phceum, and a good many more very doubtful natives. At Craignethan Castle we get Nepeta Cataria, certainly a native, but one of the rarest plants to be met with in the west of Scotland. The above remarks might be greatly extended by the addition of farther examples, but perhaps enough has: been done in that direc- tion already to afford a general idea of the Vascular Flora of the West of Scotland. JAMES RAMSAY. ON THE CRYPTOGAMIC BOTANY. Y. ON THE CRYPTOGAMIC BOTANY OF THE WEST OF SCOTLAND. OWING to the prevailing moisture throughout the year the climate of the "West of Scotland is peculiarly favourable to the growth and development of cryptogamic plants, and as heat, and it may be added sunshine, do not play so important a part in this respect as in phane- rogams, nay rather tend towards the arrestment of such growth, these favourable conditions are rather enhanced than otherwise. The diversity of the surface into mountain and dale, as well as the encroachment of the sea in the shape of long arms, stretching often far inland, together with the numerous lochs and bogs sprinkled pretty thickly throughout, also afford favourable conditions that scarcely find a parallel in any other part of Europe except the coast of Nor- way, whose cryptogamic flora approaches closely that of the West of Scotland. The geological formations of this part of the country do not pre- sent peculiarities of sufficient importance to entitle us to arrogate to them a large share in the disposition of such plants, yet the somewhat greater prevalence in the West and Western Islands of the schistose rocks generally, and especially of the micaceo-schistose (properly so called), affords a presumption that the luxuriance and diversity of the species are owing in part at least to them as a nidus of growth, and this opinion is strengthened when account is taken of the cryptogamic flora of Ben Lawers, to be spoken of hereafter. As the greater part of the given district is Highland, embracing, besides, on its outskirts Ben Lawers in the east and Ben Nevis in the north, two of the highest mountains in Great Britain, and such that their geological features could scarcely present greater contrasts, it will readily be believed that the cryptogamic botany is diversified to a greater extent than that of any other district of Great Britain. While the low sandy flats of Ayrshire, and especially those in the neighbourhood of Stevenston, almost complete all the known peculiarities of soil to be found in these islands. While the field of research is extensive as well as diversified the workers in this section of botany have been few, but their paucity has been more than compensated by the amount of enthusiasm on the part of one or two, and notably that of the late Mr. A. M'Kinlay, whose untimely end all true lovers of botany must deplore. In the section of Mosses he did more than any one of his time, and much as XXVI NOTES ON THE FLORA OF CLYDESDALE. he had done he gave abundant promise of more. As it was, his exer- tions, seconded by those of one or two other fellow- workers, had served to call the attention not merely of British botanists to this district, but of several on the Continent of Europe as well as of America. The section of Mosses has, accordingly, been much more thoroughly investigated and determined than the others, and in the following remarks on the peculiarities of plant distribution special reference is made to this class. The altitudinal zones are tolerably well marked, but except on Ben Lawers, and to a less extent on Ben Nevis, there can scarcely be said to be a higher zone than the subalpine. On the former we have, indeed, numerous plants belonging to the two highest zones, viz. alpine and supra-alpine, crowded almost indiscriminately. The causes at work likely to have produced such a congeries of plants on one and the same mountain have often engaged the attention of West of Scotland botanists. Many theories have been propounded, to be as often dismissed. One or two circumstances have, however, rivetted my attention, and as they still cling to me in spite of adverse opinions I think it right to state them fairly and candidly. In the first place no cryptogamic botanist who has repeatedly ascended any of the more prominent of our western mountains can fail to be impressed with the remarkable fact, that there are special spots on each mountain, and these generally within very restricted limits, where almost all the rarer alpine plants (the word alpine being used in a general sense) may be seen that are likely to be got in each individual case, and that, having once alighted upon such spots, it is almost useless to investigate any others. 2d. A little experience will further enable the botanist to satisfy himself that such prolific spots are very generally in the form of ravines, or at least hollows, including the sides of such ravines. 3d. That such hollows have very generally a southern, or more strictly, a south-eastern exposure. 4th. That these slope upwards in a north-western direction, and terminate in a saddle-back which is almost always of a lower eleva- tion than the rest of the general ridge bounding this hollow on the north. Such hollows are well seen on Ben Lawers, Craig Chailleach, Ben Lomond, Ben Nevis, &c. 5th. That the parts of the mountain on the other side of this saddle-back, i.e. on its northern aspect, are singularly barren of such alpine rarities. Now taking Ben Lawers as our type, it can easily be ascertained by any one even after a cursory survey that the northern shoulder of the mountain, including that of Craig-na-Gour, is worthless as a field of research ; indeed, I cannot recall having ever detected there any moss of any consequence except Dissodon splachnoides, and as this was found well up, near the head of the so-called Corrie of Craig- na-Gour, which, in turn, is protected on its north-western aspect by ON THE CRYPTOGAMIC BOTANY. XXV11 high precipitous rocks, this spot cannot be reckoned as forming an exception to the fact stated above. 6th. When it is stated, besides, that there are distinct evidences, in the majority of cases, of glacial action high up on the sides of such ravines, but few or none near their base, the conclusion to which the reader's attention is called becomes evident, viz. that such hollows were protected during the period of the glacial drift by solid masses of ice or glaciers, and that such plants (or their spores) as nourished previous to this epoch were not destroyed, but allowed to remain in statu quo. - Still referring to Ben Lawers, all the rare alpine mosses without exception are found in the ravine, or on its lower slopes, which is situated between the mountain and Craig-na-Gour on the west. It is notable also that the truly alpine forms found in this ravine bear a close resemblance to those corresponding to them from the Dovre- feldt Mountains in Norway, so much so indeed that it is scarcely possible to distinguish at sight whether any particular specimen is Norwegian or Scottish. This fact surprised me more particularly with reference to samples of Dicranum arcticum, Timmia Norvegica, and the alpine states of Didymodon rubellus and Grimmia apocarpa. I leave the reader's imagination to weave a theory, slender, yet I think tenable, as to the disposition of the surface of the earth in Northern Europe previous to the glacial epoch. My present limits will not permit me to enlarge further in this direction, although much more might be said on certain curious yet close affinities between the vegetation of distant regions of Northern Europe. Peculiarities of Plant Distribution in the West of Scotland. What strikes a stranger most on oar western mountains is the unusual prevalence, and, accordingly, luxuriance of species of the genus Campylopus. Within a circle of a radius of 5 or 6 miles from Ben Voirlich by Loch Lomond all the Scotch Campylopi, with one or two exceptions, may be found, and much the larger proportion of species of the nearly allied genera Dicranum and Dicrqnodontium. These mosses give, indeed, a peculiar aspect to the vegetation of these mountains, and they were, besides, the first to give a stimulus to the study of Bryology in the West. In a short period no fewer than six additions in these genera were made to the British Lichen Flora. Now reckoning Ben Voirlich as the centre of spread, it is noticeable that in a western direction the prevalence and luxuriance are increased, while the number of species is diminished, until on or near the sea-board the eye is attracted and ultimately wearied by extended patches consisting almost entirely of C. longipilus. In the Western Islands C. densus is the prevailing species, where it is found in extended masses fruiting freely, while in the Outer Hebrides is found the largest and most luxurious species of all, C. Shaivii. In an easterly XXV111 NOTES ON THE FLORA OF CLYDESDALE. direction, on the other hand, the Campylopi degenerate and thin off, while the number of species is varied by the occasional intrusion of C. brevipilus, as near Tyndrum, a moss which, according to my experi- ence, may be said to have its centre of spread in Rosshire in the neighbourhood of Auchnault and Loch Maree. On Ben Lawers, still further east, there is scarcely a Campylopus to be seen, with the exception of C. torfaceus sparingly on the sides of drains near the base, while C. compactus is confined to one or two spots in the western ravine already alluded to. Near the east coast these mosses again appear in somewhat greater profusion, but not nearly to the same extent as on the west. 2d. Sphagna, although common everywhere in uncultivated, and more especially boggy or marshy ground, whether Highland or Low- land, are to be met with in greater profusion in our western glens and on the sides of the mountains than anywhere else, and not only so, but the diversity of species and even of forms is more manifest so far as my experience goes. 3d. Near Bowling on the Clyde is a prominent rock called Dum- buck, partly basaltic, partly amorphous, and bordered at no great distance by the Old Bed Sandstone, on which is found a crowd of mosses of the genus Grimmia. No fewer than eleven species have been detected within an area of a dozen yards, and amongst these are the rare and beautiful Gr. leucophoea, Or. subsquarrosa, Gr. Hart- manni, &c. Now it is remarkable that on the chain of detached rocks of similar geological formation that stretch at intervals across Scotland from Dumbarton Kock to Arthur's Seat through Stirling Castle Eock, are found members of the same group of mosses, and nowhere else. This group includes also the rare Tor tula Mutter i. On the same rock have been detected minute patches of Glyphomi- trium Damesii (Schwaeg.) in a barren state. The indefatigable researches of Mr. W. Gait and Mr. G. Thomson have shown that the area of growth of this curious and interesting moss is much more extended than was previously thought. It has been found on almost all the basaltic trap-rocks that crop up at Dumbuck, hills behind Bowling, Kilpatrick, round near Milngavie, thence backward towards Killearn as the Whaiigie. This constitutes what may be termed a somewhat elevated table-land having a diameter of about 8 miles. More recently this moss has been detected on rocks of a correspond- ing formation in the islands of Mull and Skye. 4th. Here and there throughout this district of Scotland are to be found as elsewhere certain isolated plants that do not betray close affinities to any others, and for whose intrusion it is difficult to give any feasible explanation. The thought is apt to strike one that they are the remains of a former flora that has nearly passed away, having served its turn in the grand order of things. As these anomalies in the case of this district are unusually interesting I propose to enume- rate several ; and first amongst these is Orthodontium gracile. OX THE CRYPTOGAMIC BOTANY. XXIX As every bryologist is aware this moss, at the time of the publi- cation of Wilson's work on British mosses, had been found in three spots in England and in one in Abyssinia, and nowhere else; a fourth was found in 1862 on sandstone in Lennoxtown Woods, where it fruits freely in March and April. The area of growth is very restricted, not embracing more than 3 or 4 square yards; but it keeps its hold notwithstanding adverse circumstances, for rocks of this formation are perhaps the least favourable to the growth and development of mosses and lichens of almost every kind. Didymodon recurvifolius (Tayl.), on grassy slopes midway up Ben Voirlich from Loch Lomond, is due to the late Mr. A. M'Kinlay. This is now believed to be the only station in existence for this moss, as that on Knockavohila in Ireland is extinct. Apart from the statement of Mr. M'Kinlay himself to the effect that he had no fear of the plant becoming extinct on Ben Voirlich, I feel inclined to maintain that this habitat has shared the fate of the Irish one, for on every occasion of a visit to the mountain, I have devoted a share of my time to the rediscovery of the moss, but hitherto without success. This is to be deplored, inasmuch as the death of the dis- coverer precludes the possibility of any more definite information being arrived at as to the exact place of growth. Myurium Hebridarum (Sch.), detected for the first time in North Uist by the late Dr. C. Smith of Inverary, has again been found in great luxuriance in the original station. A second station has been revealed by the Eev. Dr. H. Macmillan on the shores of Loch Coruisk in Skye. The only other stations for it are in the Canary Islands and Azores, from the latter of which I have it in fruit gathered by Mr. Moseley of the Challenger Expedition. A slender clue is given in this instance, as well as in another already stated, as to the former disposition of the land along the great Mid Atlantic ridge ; but I forbear to follow it up, although there are other botanical examples which go to strengthen the theory of a continuous land-surface along this ridge or bank. 4th. Other instances of restricted areas of growth might be men- tioned; but as such are common to other districts I refrain from multiplying examples. Three others may, however, be adduced as indicating what may be termed initiatory stages of specific develop- ment, in marked contrast to those previously given, viz., Ortho- trichum Shawii on an old ash-tree near Dailly and Campylopus Shawii from North Uist, both due to Dr. J. Shaw, now of Cape Town, South Africa. There is little doubt that these are offshoots from 0. cupulatum on the one hand and C. alpinus on the other, and, accordingly, tend towards the Darwinian theory of development, more especially as their botanical characters are quite appreciable, &c. A third is Didymodon Daldinianus, clearly an offshoot from D. cylindricus, which, besides, is found sparingly throughout our High- land glens, and in fruit in two of these, viz. Campsie, the original XXX NOTES ON THE FLORA OF CLYDESDALE. station of Dr. Taylor, and in Glen Boy, where it is comparatively abundant. D. Daldinianus is a luxuriant moss, and on the hills behind Dunoon and Kilmun has been gathered in huge tufts with stems 3 or 4 inches in length, in this respect at least quite a contrast to the other. Fruiting specimens of this moss have been found on Ben Ledi and near Crianlarich. As comparatively little attention has been paid to the Hepaticae, this part of the subject may be dismissed with a few remarks on the distribution of one or two of the more peculiar. The magnificent Physiotium cockleariforme is prevalent on all the more prominent of our western mountains, and obtrudes its beautiful purplish tufts especially on the grassy slopes facing the west. Two forms are apparent, one being much more slender and the colour less deeply marked, otherwise there is little difference observable, although hopes have been entertained by more than one continental botanist that a second species is admissible. Adelanthus Carringtonii (Balfour) is seen occasionally in similar situations to the above, and nowhere in greater luxuriance than on Ben Voirlich ; also on Ben Lawers much more sparingly. Until within the last four or five years the study of Lichens in the western parts of Scotland has not engaged the attention of botanists. This is mainly owing to the field of research not being favourable. As in the case of other large manufacturing towns, the atmosphere of Glasgow and its neighbourhood is not suitable to the growth and development of lichens, indeed within a distance of 10 miles of the city scarcely a lichen in a state of fructification is to be seen. A few of the more common Parmelice, including P. physodes, may be seen covering the stems of the older trees in certain inclosures and secluded glens, along with the cosmopolitan Lecanora subfusca and several of its varieties in fruit, and perhaps Lecidea parasema and Graphis scripta, both in a sickly state; but with these exceptions scarcely any others can be said to be recognizable. As is well known lichens are peculiarly susceptible to atmospheric changes, and may, indeed, be reckoned as a test of the purity of the air, and the least traces in it of the mineral acids, more especially, are sufficient to arrest their growth, and even destroy the more delicate. It is not until Kilsyth is reached on the east, and Upper Blantyre on the south, that any of the crustaceous lichens appear in a healthy active state of growth ; and even although these adverse atmospheric con- ditions are in some respects changed, the extremely slow rate of growth of these vegetable organisms forms another barrier to their study. It is only on the outskirts of our district, such as Ben Ledi, Cal- lander, Killin and Ben Lawers, "Western Isles, &c., that lichenologists have pursued their researches with continuous vigour, and as even these, with one or two exceptions, have been but partially investi- gated, generalizations on the distribution of this tribe are impossible. ON THE CRYPTOGAM1C BOTANY. XXXI There is, however, one lichen which cannot be overlooked in this respect, viz. Pilophoron fibula (Tuck.); and as it was first detected in North America, has only been recently added to the British lists, and is, besides, a very characteristic plant, any notice of its distribu- tion is worth recording. It was first discovered on Ben Voirlich in 1871, sparingly; then more plentifully on the Cobbler and Ben Donagh at the head of Loch Goil ; and lastly on the hills behind Ormidale on the Kyles of Bute, where, in a luxuriant state of fructification, it covered the perpendicular face of a wettish rock to the extent of many square yards. This lichen may fairly be expected in many similar situations on our west coast, more especially as the only other stations for it are in Wales. Generally speaking, the rarer of the large foliaceous lichens mani- fest a preference for the western districts, especially the Western Islands, whose climate, as has been already stated, is moister than elsewhere in Scotland. With this must be closed the record of the distribution of cryp- togamic plants. Many important isolated facts might have been added, which might have been of use for subsequent research as well as served as bases for plausible theories of plant growth and spread, but, apart from the very restricted limits of the present introduction, it is very questionable how far it is advisable, in the transitionary stage through which Cryptogamic Botany is passing, to rush into vague generalities which may ultimately be upset. Better to wait patiently, in this as in other departments of pure science, until a surer and broader basis is arrived at, than to disturb the present current of thought by crude and undigested generalizations. In other words, better be a simple disciple of Faraday than a follower of any of our more recent iconoclasts. J. STIETON. A CONTKIBUTION TOWAKDS A COMPLETE LIST OF THE FAUNA AND FLOKA OF CLYDESDALE AND THE WEST OF SCOTLAND. COMPILED UNDER THE AUSPICES OF THE SOCIETY OF FIELD NATUEALISTS, GLASGOW. GLASGOW: PRINTED BY W. G. BLACKIE & CO., VILLAFIELD. 1876. PREFACE. THE following lists of the Fauna and Flora of the West of Scotland have been brought out under the auspices of the Glasgow Society of Field Naturalists as a guide to the district, for the 1876 meeting of the British Association, and it is hoped will be of some use in show- ing the character and distribution of the animals and plants. Owing, however, to the very short time at the disposal of the Society after resolving to carry out the work, it is necessarily incomplete, and may contain some errors; but every care has been taken to make it as complete as possible. It is with great regret that the important order Coleoptera has been omitted owing to the limited time, as this branch has been very thoroughly worked up in the West of Scotland, and the same remark applies to the absence of a portion of the Hymenoptera, and of several marine groups. The lists are intended to show as far as possible what has been done in the various branches, and it is hoped that they may have the effect of stirring up workers to study those branches in which nothing has been done, and in inciting young men to the study of Natural History by showing how much independent investigation has yet to be made. In the course of a few years the Society hopes to be able to publish a second edition, and by that time the investigation of the Natural History of the West of Scotland may be more complete. Already several naturalists in the district are turning their atten- tion to neglected branches, such as Spiders, but it is thought better not to publish these lists at present. The Society has been indebted to several gentlemen who are not connected with it for assistance, and would tender them their thanks for the assistance so frankly and kindly given. Among these may be named Mr. David Eobertson, F.G.S., F.L.S., who placed his valu- able lists of Marine Mollusca, Foraminifera, &c., at their disposal; Mr. Eoger Kennedy, who gave his list of Marine Algae; Mr. H. 4 PREFACE. C. Young, who contributes the list of Breeding Birds ; Mr. James King, the Lepidoptera ; and Mr. Peter Cameron, jun. (formerly a vice-president of the Society), his valuable lists of Saw-flies and Gall-flies. The thanks of the Society are also due to those members who have helped in the work, as the difficulties were so great that, without the zeal and energy displayed by them, it would have been impossible to have got the work done in time. These are as follows : Mr. THOS. KING, Mammalia. Mr. J. M. CAMPBELL, Eeptilia and Amphibia. Mr. F. G. BINNIE, Caddis-flies, and Land and Fresh-water Mollusca. Mr. R. M'KAY, Flowering Plants and Ferns. Dr. JAMES STIRTON, F.L.S., Mosses, Lichens, and Junger- mannise. Mr. R. H. PATERSON, Fungi and Jungermannige. Mr. J. A. MAHONEY, Marine Algae. It was found impossible to follow any one author in the classifica- tion, and each compiler has adopted the system of the most recent authority. The several lists are unavoidably unequal in the extent of ground covered, and in the amount of attention paid to each branch, so it was thought proper to place at the head of each group, when possible, the area included, authorities, and other necessary information. To a great extent the lists will speak for themselves, but considerable information as to the distribution and character of our Fauna and Flora will be derived from the general observations which will be found prefixed to this volume. It is proper here to mention that the Society has been handsomely assisted in this work by a considerable pecuniary grant from the Local Committee of the British Association. If this contribution towards a complete list for the district should stir up more general interest in the healthy and fascinating study of Natural History, the members of the Society will be more than repaid for any trouble they have taken. ANDEKSONIAN UNIVERSITY, Itt August, 1876. THE FAUNA AND FLOEA OF CLYDESDALE AND THE WEST OF SCOTLAND. The frequency with which each species occurs is indicated by the letters C, F, and R, which mean Common, Frequent, or Rare. ANIMALIA. Class MAMMALIA. The area included is Clydesdale. No complete published lists exist, but various scattered notes have been consulted, and Mr. E. R. Alston, F.Z.S. has kindly revised the list. Cheiroptera. Vespertilio pipistrellus, Geoff. Common Bat. Common. Daubentonii, Leisler. K. Glasgow Green, 1864. Plecotus auritus, L. Long-eared Bat. Common. Erinaceus Europseus, L. Talpa Europsea, L. Sorex vulgaris, L. pygmseus, Pall. fodiens, Pall, var. remifer, Geoff. Insectivora. Hedgehog. Mole. Common Shrew. Water Shrew. Oared Shrew. F. Caldwell, Roseneath. Common. Common. E. Lesmahagow. Rare. E. Banks of river Nethan. Meles taxus, Flem. Lutra vulgaris, Erx. Mustela vulgaris, L. erminea, L. putorius, L. Martes abietum, Ray. Vulpes vulgaris, Briss. Phoca vitulina, L. Carnivora. Badger. E. Douglas Castle, Kirn. Otter. E. Caldwell, Kilsyth, Kirn. Weasel. Common. Stoat. F. Caldwell, Cadder, Roseneath. Polecat. E. Caldwell. Pine Marten. Rare. Fox. Common. Common Seal. F. Firth of Clyde. THE FAUNA OF CLYDESDALE. Sciurus voilgaris, L. Mus sylvaticus, L. musculus, L. decumanus, Pall. Arvicola amphibius, Desmar. agrestis, L. glareolus, Schr. Lepus timidus, L. variabilis, Pall. cuniculus, L. Cervus elaphus, L. capreolus, L. dam a, L. Bos Scoticus, Swain. Phocsena communis, Lesson. Hyperoodon rostrata, Chem. Bodentia. Squirrel Field Mouse. Common Mouse. Common Rat. Water Vole. Field Vole. Bank Vole. Common Hare. Mountain Hare. Rabbit. Ruminantia. Red Deer. Roe Deer. Fallow Deer. Wild cattle. Cetacea. Porpoise. Whale. F. Cadder, Lennox Woods, Roseneath, Lesinahagow. Common. Common. Common. Common. Common. R. Lesmahagow. Common. F. Roseneath, Kilpatrick Hills, &c. Common. Frequent. Frequent. F. Semi-domesticated. Cadzow Forest. F. Firth of Clyde. E. Gareloch, 1863. THOMAS KING. BIRDS. LIST OF BIRDS WHICH BREED IN THE VICINITY OF GLASGOW. In compiling this list of the birds which breed in the vicinity of Glasgow I have made free use of Mr. Gray's Birds of the West of Scotland, and have followed his arrangement. I have also made use of a paper by Mr. James S. Dixon on the birds frequenting Fossil Marsh, which is published in the Proceedings of the Natural History Society of Glasgow, vol. ii. page 160. To Mr. Eobert Gray, F.RS.E., and Mr. J. S. Dixon I am under great obli- gations for their very valuable assistance in making corrections and additions to the list. Mr. James Lumsden, Jun., F.Z.S., has also kindly assisted me in this. Raptores. Falconidse. Falco sesalon. Merlin. F. Craigmaddie & Blantyre Moors, &c. tinnunculus. Kestrel. F. Cadzow Forest, Kilpatrick Hills, &c. Accipiter nisus. Sparrow-hawk. F. Cadzow Forest, &c. Strigidae. Otus vulgaris. Long-eared Owl. E. Bothwell Castle, Hamilton Park, &c. brachyotus. Short-eared Owl. R. Bothwell Castle, Hamilton Park, &c. Strix flammea. Barn Owl. F. Bothwell Castle, Mugdock,&c. Syrnium stridula. Tawny Owl. F. Bothwell Castle, Mugdock, &c. Dentirostres. Muscicapa grisola. Merulidse. Cinclus aquaticus. Turdus viscivorus. musicus. merula. torquatus. Sylviadse. Accentor modularis. Erythaca rubecula. Phcenicura ruticilla. INSESSORES. Muscicapidse. Spotted Flycatcher. F. Partick, Cambuslang, &c. Dipper. By every stream. Missel Thrush. Common. Song Thrush. Common. Blackbird. Common. Ring Ouzel. R. Kilpatrick Hills. Hedge Accentor. Common. Redbreast. Common. Redstart. R. "Breeds within city boun- daries." 1 i Birds of the West of Scotland, p. 84. THE FAUNA OF CLYDESDALE. Saxicola rubicola. Stonechat. F. Pollokshields, Kilpatrick Hills, &c. rubetra. Whinchat. F. Near Cambuslang, &c. senanthe. Wheatear. F. Blantyre Moor, Kilpatrick Hills, &c. Salicaria locustella. Grasshopper Warbler.R. Near Paisley. phragmitis. Sedge Warbler. Common at Possil Marsh, &c. Curruca atricapilla. Blackcap Warbler. R. Botanic Gardens, Hamilton. hortensis. Garden Warbler. R. Botanic Gardens, Hamilton. cinerea. Common Whitethroat. Common. Sylvia sylvicola. Wood Warbler. F. Well distributed in district. trochilus. Willow Warbler. Common in Wilderness Plan- tation, &c. rufa. Chiffchaff. F. "Koadside Plantations near Glasgow." 1 Paridee. Parus major. Great Tit. Common. creruleus. Blue Tit. Common. ater. Cole Tit. Common. palustris. Marsh Tit. R. Near Paisley. Motacillidee. Motacilla Yarrellii. Pied Wagtail. Common. boarula. Gray Wagtail. R. Various rocky parts of the Clyde. Kayi. Kay's Wagtail. Frequent. Anthidae. Anthus arboreus. Tree Pipit. F. "Common in neigh- bourhood of Possil." 2 pratensis. Meadow Pipit. Common. Alaudidee. Alauda arvensis. Skylark. Common. Emberizidae. Emberiza miliaria. schoeniculus. citrinella. Fringillidae. Fringilla ccelebs. Passer domesticus. Cocothraustes chloris. Carduelis elegans. spinus.. Common Bunting. F. Various localities in dist. Black-headed Bunting. Common at Possil Marsh, Gilmorehill, &c. Yellow Hammer. Common. Chaffinch. House Sparrow. Greenfinch. Goldfinch. Siskin. Common. Common. Common. R. Bothwell, Hamilton. R. "Its nest has been taken near Glasgow." 3 1 Birds of the West of Scotland, p. 98. 2 Birds of the West of Scotland, p. 114. 3 'Birds of the West of Scotland, p. 146. BIRDS. 9 Linota cannabina. linaria. montium. Pyrrhula vulgaris. Sturnidae. Sturnus vulgaris. Corvidse. Corvus corone. cornix. frugilegus. monedula. Pica caudata. Scansores. Certhia familiaris. Troglodytes vulgaris. Cuculidee. Cuculus canorus. Haley onidae. Alcedo ispida. Hirundinidae. Hirundo rustica. urbica. riparia. Common Linnet, r. Kilpatrick Hills, &c. Lesser Redpole. r. Milngavie, Hamilton, &c. Twite. E. Kilpatrick Hills, Drumloch Moor. Bullfinch. E. Both-well, Hamilton, &c. Starling. Carrion Crow. Hooded Crow. Rook. Jackdaw. Magpie. Common. F. Kirkintilloch, Airdrie, &c. F. Kirkintilloch, Airdrie, &c. Common. Common in towers in city. F. Various localities. Cypselus apus. Caprimulgidae. Caprimulgus Europseus. Nightjar. Rasores. Columba palumbus. Certliiadse. Common Creeper. F. " Very common in woods near Glasgow." 1 Wren. Common. Cuckoo. F. Well distributed. Kingfisher. F. Various localities. Swallow. Common. Martin. Common. Sand Martin. Common in sand-pits at Cadder, Tollcross, &c. Swift. Common in towel's in city. E. Dougalston, East Kilbride, &c. Columbidse. Ringdove. Common. Phasianidse. Phasianus colchicus. Tetrao tetrix. Lagopus Scoticus. Perdix cinerea. Grallatores. Charadrius pluvialis. Vanellus cristatus. Pheasant. F. Plantations on Drymen Road, &c. Black Grouse. F. Near Carluke, Neilston. Red Grouse. F. Kilpatrick Hills, Blantyre Moor. Partridge. Common. Charadriidse. Golden Plover. Common on Kilpatrick Hills, Eaglesham, &c. Lapwing. Common. Birds of the West of Scotland, p. 193. 10 THE FAUNA OF CLYDESDALE. Ardeidse. Ardea cinerea. Scolopacidae. Numenius arquata. Totanus calidris. hypoleucos. Scolopax gallinago. Tringa variabilis. RaUidae. Crex pratensis. Rallus aquaticus. Gallinula chloropus. Lobipedidse. Fulica atra. Natatores. Anas boschas. Colymbidae. Podiceps minor. Laridse. Larus ridibundus. Common Heron. K. Hamilton, Inverkip. Common Curlew. Common Redshank. Common Sandpiper. Common Snipe. Dunlin. Land Rail. Water Rail. Moor Hen. Common Coot. Wild Duck. Teal. Little Grebe. Common on the Kilpatrick Hills, &c. F. Neilston, Airdrie, &c. Common by the Clyde, Lug- gie, &c. Common at Fossil Marsh, &c. F. Neilston, Airdrie, &c. c. Nest and seven eggs in University grounds, 1873. E. Fossil Marsh. Common at Fossil Marsh, Gartcosh, &c. Common at Fossil Marsh, Gartcosh, &c. Anatidse. Common at Fossil, Neilston, Gartcosh, &c. F. Loch Humphrey, Drum- loch Moor, &c. Common at Fossil Marsh, &c. Black-headed Gull. Hairlaw Dam. HENRY C. YOUNG. REPTILIA. 1! Class REPTILIA. Sauria. Lacertinidee. Zootoca vivipara, Wagl. Viviparous Lizard. F. Barrhead, Gourock, Kirn. Saurophidia. Anguis fragilis, L. Blindwonn. Ophidia. Pelias Berus, Merrem. Adder. Anguidae. E. Balloch, Tarbet (Loch Lomond), Garelochhead. Viperidae. Common. Class AMPHIBIA. Anoura. Kana temporaria, L. Frog. Bufo vulgaris, Laurent. Toad. TJrodela. Triton cristatus, Laurent. Great Water-newt. Lissotriton punctatus, Common Newt. Bell, palmipes, Banded Newt. BeU. Ranadae. Common. Bufonidae. Common. Salamandradaa. F. Campsie, Fossil. Common. E. Thornliebank. J. M. CAMPBELL. 12 THE FAUNA OF CLYDESDALE. Class INSBCTA. Order Hymenoptera. The short time allowed for the getting up of these lists has prevented my cataloguing the West of Scotland Hymenoptera other than the Ten- ihredinidce and Cynipidce; and even with these two families the list is not to be considered exhaustive, as, from the cause just mentioned, I have had to leave out numerous undetermined or doubtful species belonging to the genera Nematus and Dolerus among the Tenthredinidce, and Allotria, Eucoela, and Synergus among the Cynipidce. The list, however, may, I think, be regarded as tolerably complete for the immediate vicinity of Glasgow, embracing as it does close upon half the British species. The nomenclature adopted differs considerably from that given in the previous British cata- logues, but as this is not the place to discuss questions regarding synonymy I must refer the reader for information on this point to my forthcoming catalogue of the British Tenthredinidse, to be brought out under the auspices of the Entomological Society of London, and forming one of the series of catalogues of British insects now being published by that society. Cimbex, 01. sylvarum, Fab. femorata, Fab. Trichiosoma, Leach. lucorum, L. vitellinse, L. betuleti, Kl. sorbi, H. Abia, Leach. nitens, L. Zarsea, Leach. fasciata, L. Hylotoma, Lat. enodis, L. ustulata, L. carulea, Kl. Lophyrus, Lat. pini, L. frutetorum, Kl. pallipes, Fall. 1 Cladius, 111. difformis, L. viminalis, Fall. eradiatus, H. padi, L. Brullsei, Dbm. Fam. TENTHKEDINID^:, West. Common. Bishopton, Rannoch, Strath Glass. Rare. Rannoch. Bishopton, Rannoch, Kintail. Common. Bishopton, Cadder Wilderness, &c. Rare. Canniesburn, Paisley. Not common. Strath Glass, Rannoch. Common. Fossil Marsh, Bishopton, &c., Rannoch. Clober. Cadder on Rubus. Cadder, Rannoch, Strath Glass. Not uncommon. Dairy, Rannoch, Strath Glass. Abundant on Scotch fir. Rannoch. Rannoch. Common. Cadder, Canniesburn, &c. Not common. Cadder. Rannoch. Very common. Cadder, &c. Rare. Cadder. i L. pallidus is recorded from Oban by Stephens, but the specimen in his collection in the British Museum is rufus and not pallidus. INSECTA. ia Hemichroa, Ste. alni, L. rufa, Pz. Camponiscus, Newm. luridiventris, Fall. Dineura, Dbm. De Geeri, Kl. verna, Kl. stilata, Kl. testaqeipes, Kl. var. ventralis, Zad. Canniesburn. Croesus, Leach. septentrionalis, L. Bishopton, Gadder, Rannoch, Kintail. varus, De Vil. Common. Clober, Rannoch, Kintail. Nematus, Jur. crassus, Fall. Kingussie. albipennis, H. Hare. Dairy (Dr. Sharp). fulvipes, Fall. Not common. Fossil. alnivorus, H. = 1 crassicornis, F. Gadder, Kintail. Common. Gadder, Cambuslang. Rare. Bishopton. Common on alder. Very common on birch. Rare. Cadder, Strathblane. Not common. Cadder. Common. Cadder, Canniesburn. furvescens, Cam. interstitialis, Cam. (Sharpi, Cam. leucostigmus, Cam. appendiculatus, H. fraxini, H. ? puncticeps, Th. lucidus, Pz. quercus, H. pallidiventris, Fall, pallipes, Fall, mollis, H. abietinus, Christ, obductus, H. conductus, Ruthe. caprese, Pz. imperfectus, Zad. punctulatus, Dbm. rumicis, Fall, histrio, Lep. fallax, Lep. var. humercdis, Zett. bilineatus, Kl. luteus, Pz. dorsatus, Cam. abdominalis, Pz. ribesii, Scop, (consobrinus, v. Voll. myosotidis, Fab. croceus, Fall. Cadderensis, Cam. pavidus, Lep. Strathblane. ? Rannoch. Locality doubtful.) Rannoch. Rare. Cadder, Rannoch. Very common. Milngavie. Touch Hills. Cadder, Kingussie. Cadder, Kingussie. Rannoch. Rannoch. Rannoch. Common. Very common. Very common among carices. Cambuslang, Kingussie. Not common. Cadder, Kintail. Rannoch, Kingussie. Rare. Kenmuir, Glenelg. Common. Possil. Cadder. Clober, Rannoch, Kintail. Very common. Bishopton, Rannoch, Kintail. Common. Too common in gardens. Locality doubtful.) Common among clover. Cadder. Common. Cadder, Port- Glasgow, Kingussie. Common. Cadder. 14 THE FAUNA OF CLYDESDALE. Nematus, Jur. pallescens, H. palliatus, Th. lacteus, Th. miliaris, Pz. dubius, Cam. punctulatus, Dbm. pedunculi, H. femoralis, Zad. viminalis, L. gallicola, West. baccarum, Cam. vesicator, Bremi. vacciniellus, Cam. herbaceae, Cam. Cryptocampus, H. pentandrse, Retz. Saliceti, Fall. Athalia, Leach. rosae, L. Phyllotoma, Fall. nemorata, Fall. vagans, Fall. microcephala, Kl. Coenoneura, Thorns. Dahlbomi, Th. Phaenusa, Leach. melanopoda, Cam. pumila, Kl. Ulmi, Sund. pygmsea, Kl. betulaa, Zad. pumilio, H. albipes, Cam. Emphytus, Kl. cinctus, L. rufocinctus, Kl. calceatus, Kl. serotinus, Kl. earpini, H. tener, FaU. perla, Kl. Hoplocampa, H. crataegi, Kl. rutilicornis, Kl. Blennocampa, H. 2-punctata, Kl. nigrita, Fab. nana, Kl. fuscipennis, Fall. fuliginosa, Sch. Not common. Cadder. Cadder. Possil. Very abundant. Clober. Possil, Rannoch. Cadder, Rannoch, Kintail. Rannoch. Common. Very abundant. Dunkeld. Rannoch. Rannoch. Benledi, Benlawers, Rannoch. Kilpatrick Hills. Common among willows. Very common. Very common on birch. Very common on alder. Very common on willows. Cadder, Cambuslang. Cadder. Common among birch. Not common. Kenmuir. Not common. Dairy. Very common among birch. Common. Cadder, &c. Very rare. Cadder. Common. Cadder, Strathblane. Common. Cadder, Kenmuir. Not common. Possil, Bishopton, Rannoch. Cadder, Paisley. Rare. Canniesburn. Common. Possil, Kenmuir. Rare. Rannoch. Not common. Cadder, Clober. Rare. Dairy. Rannoch, Kingussie. Dairy. St. Germains' Loch. Not uncommon in marshes. Paisley. INSECTA. 15 Blennocampa, H. assimilis, Fall. albipes, Gmel. geniculata, H. alchemilliae, Cam. MS. cinereipes, Kl. pusilla, Kl. agrestis, Cam. MS. parvula, Kl. Eriocampa, H. ovata, Kl. annulipes, Kl. conmixta, Cam. MS. testaceipes, Cam. Poecilosoma, H. pulveratum, Retz. obtusum, Kl. submuticum, Thorns. excisum, Thorns. Taxonus, H. equiseti, Fall. glabratus, Fall. glottianus, Cam. Selandria, S. Str. serva, Fab. grandis, Zad. flavescens, Kl. strameneipes, Kl. morio, Kl. Strongylogaster, H. cingulatus, 'Fab. mixtus, Kl. femoralis, Cam. delicatulatus, Fall. Pachyprotasis, H. rapae, L. simulans, Kl. variegata, Kl. Macrophya, H. albicincta, Kl. albipunctata, Fall. Allantus, Jur. nothus, Kl. Synairema, H. rubi, Pz. Perineura, H. nassata, L. brevispina, Th. sordida, Kl. excisa, Th. Tenthredo, Auct. lateralis, Fab. Canniesburn. Common. Possil, &c. Not uncommon. Possil, Paisley. Kare. Gadder, Paisley. Common. Kenmuir. Common on rose. Common. Possil, Paisley. Rare. Cadder. Occasionally common on alder. Very common. Possil, Cadder, Kenmuir. Rare. Bishopton. Strath Glass. Common. Clober. Rannoch. Common. Possil, Milngavie. Rannoch, Kintail. Common. Possil, Cadder. Common. Possil, Bishopton. Very rare. Kenmuir. Very common. Not common. Gleniffer Braes. Rare. Possil. Common. Kenmuir. Common. Cadder, Kenmuir. Common on Pteris aquilina. Not common. Cadder. Not common. Cadder. Very common on ferns. Common. Common. Cadder, Kintail. Kintail, Rannoch. Rare. Dairy. Rannoch. Very common. Rare. Cadder. Common. Cadder, &c. Common. Cadder, Bishopton. Common. Not common. Strathblane. Common. Kelvin, Milngavie, Cadder. 16 THE FAUNA OF CLYDESDALE. Tenthredo, Auct. aucuparise, Kl. Common. Kelvin, Gadder. atra, L. Not common. Bishopton, Kilsyth. dispar, Kl. Common. mesomela, L. Common. Cadder. zonata, Pz. Rare. Kenmuir. bicincta, L. Not rare. Kenmuir. olivacea, Kl. Common. Cadder, &c. punctulata, Kl. Common. Cadder, Clober. scalaris, Kl. Common. viridis, L. Not common. Fossil Marsh. moniliata, Kl. Rannoch. velox, Fab., var. nigrolineata, Cam. Rare. Paisley. livida, L. Common. Cadder, &c. balteata, Kl. Common. Cadder, &c. rufiventris, Fab. Common. Cadder, &c. Dolerus, Jur. pratensis, L. Common. Fossil Marsh. lateritius, Kl. Rare. Fossil, Paisley. palustris, Kl. Common. Fossil. fuliginosus, Kl. Not common. Fossil. gonager, Kl. Common. Kenmuir, &c. vestigialis, Kl. Common. Cadder, &c. hsematodis, Kl. Rare. Kenmuir. niger, L. Not common. Kenmuir. gibbosus, H. Very common. seneus, H. Common. St. Germains', Cadder, &c. Lyda, Fab. nemoralis, L. Sometimes common. Paisley Moss. sylvatica, L. Rare. Cadder. depressa, Sch. Not common. Kilsyth. erythrocephala, L. Rare. Rannoch. Fam. Sirex gigas and S. juvencus have both occurred in the district, but in such situations that it is extremely doubtful if they can be regarded as native. Fam. CYNIPID.E. Cynips, Auct. Kollari, H. Common on oaks everywhere. Dryophanta, Foer. longiventus, H. Not common. Cadder. divisa, H. Common. Cadder, Kenmuir, &c. scutellaris, Ol. Perthshire. Aphilothrix, Foer. fecundatrix, H. Common. radicis, Fab. Common. Cadder, Kenmuir. corticis, L. Rare. Kenmuir. albopunctata, Schl. Common. Milngavie, Strathblane. solitaria, Fons. Rare. Kenmuir, Cadder. autumnalis, H. Cadder. callidoma, H. Inver Moriston. INSECTA. 17 Biorhiza, West. aptera, Fab. renum, H. Andricus, H. curvator, H. inflator, H. noduli, H. quadrilineatus, H. var. marginalii amenti, Gir. sestivalis, Gir. ramuli, L. glandiura, H. Dryoteras, Foer. terminate, Fab. Neuroterus, H. numismatis, 01. lenticularis, 01. ostreus, H. ? fumipennis, H. Spathogaster, H. baccarum, L. tricolor, H. vesicatrix, Schl. albipes, Schl. Trigonaspis, H. megaptera, Pz. Diastrophus, H. rubi, H. Rhodites, H. rosse, L. eglanteriae, H. spinosissimse, Gir. Aulax, H. Glechomatis, H. Sabaudi, H. hieracii, H. graminis, Cam. Xestophanes, Foer. potentillfe, D.V. Periclistus, Foer. caninse, H. Ceroptres, H. arator, H. Synergus, H. Reinhardi, Mayr. apicalis, H. incrassatus, H. pallicornis, H. albipes, H. nervosus, H. Rare. Dalreoch. Common. Cadder. Very common. Common. Cadder. Common. Cadder, Kenmuir. Common. Bishopton. , Schl. Cadder. Rannoch. Rare. Ardlui. Strath Glass. Cadder, Ardlui. Very common. Very common. Very common. Not common. Cadder. Cadder. Very abundant. Cadder, Clober, &c. Cadder. Clober. Common. Cadder, Kenmuir. Common. Cadder, Kenmuir. Fossil, Cathkin Braes, Paisley. Common. Lambhill. Troon. Perthshire. Paisley Canal Bank. Baldernock. Partick. Drymen Road, Cadder, Cainbuslang. Common in galls of Rhodites eglantei'ice. Cadder, Kenmuir. Cadder. Cadder, Kenmuir. Kenmuir, Cadder. Common. Cadder, &c. Common. Cadder, &c. Cadder. 18 THE FAUNA OF CLYDESDALE. Synergus, H. vulgaris, H. Cadder. facialis, H. Cadder. AUotria, West. victrix, West. Common. minuta, H. Cadder. circumscripta, H. Cadder. aperta, H. Cadder. flavicornis, H. Cadder. melanogaster, H. Rare. Cadder. var. halterata, Th. Kenmuir. Clidotoma, W. brevicornis, Th. Kenmuir. Tetrarhaptra, Foer. tetratoma, Th. Bishopton. Pentacrita, Foer. pentatoma, Th. Cadder, Paisley. albipennis, Th. Cadder. geniculata, H. Rannoch. Eucoela, West. mandibularis, Zett. Kelvin, Strathblane. parvula, Th. insignis, Gir. Bishopton. Cambuslang. cubitalis, H. Common. trichopsila, H. Common. alpina, Cam. Rannoch. Trybliographa, Foer. diaphana, H. Common. scutellaris, H. Very common. Aglaotoma, Foer. picipes, Cam. Glen Tromie. Megapelmus, H. eucharoides, Dal. Bishopton, Cadder. typicus, Wlk. Cadder. ensifer, Wlk. Bishopton. immunis, Wlk. Cadder. ^Egilips, Dal. nitidulus, Dal. Strath Glass. Dalmani, Rein. Cadder, Bishopton. armatus, Gir. Cadder. subilifera, Thorns. Strath Glass. Figites, Latr. scutellaris, Lat. Kenmuir. consobrinus, Gir. Possil, Kenmuir. nitens, H. Bishopton. Pycnotrichia, Foer. urticarum, Dbm. Lambhill. Sarothrus, H. canaliculatus, H. Very common. Melanips, H. opacus, H. Very common. P. CAMERON. INSECTA. 19 Class INSECTA continued. Order Trichoptera. The present can be considered only as a first or preliminary list for the Glasgow district. It is the result of little more than two seasons' collect- ing by the 'compiler; for one or two species, however, he is indebted to Mr. J. J. King, who captured them for him. Previous literature or workers in the district there are none. No attempt has been made to indicate the degree of rarity or frequency of each species in the district. The arrangement of M'Lachlan's Catalogue of British Neuroptera, published by the Entomological Society of London in 1870, has been fol- lowed; and also the nomenclature, except in a few instances where more recent researches have necessitated changes; for such M'Lachlan's Mono- graphic Revision and Synopsis of the Trichoptera of the European Fauna (now publishing), to the end of the Limnophilidae, and various notes by the same gentleman in the Ent, Mo. Mag., have been consulted. Fam. PHKYGANEID2E. Phryganea striata, L. Possil Marsh, Milngavie, and the Lily Loch in the Kilpatrick Hills, varia, Fab. Possil Marsh, obsoleta, M'L. The Lily Loch in Kilpatrick Hills. Fam. LIMNOPHILID^L Colpotaulius incisus, Curt. Possil Marsh. Glyphotselius pellucidus, Oliv. Gadder Wilderness. Limnophilus rhombicus, L. Bishopton (Mr. King). flavicornis, Fab. Possil Marsh and St. Germains' Loch. marmoratus, Curt. Possil Marsh, St. Germains' Loch, Gadder Wilderness, & Paisley Canal. lunatus, Curt. Possil Marsh, Gadder Wilderness, and Milngavie. xanthodes, M'L. Possil Marsh and Maryhill. vittatus, Fab. Possil Marsh, Strathblane, Paisley, and Bishopton. centralis, Curt. Gadder Wilderness, Milngavie, and Strathblane. extricatus, M'L. Paisley Canal, luridus, Curt. Cadder Wilderness, Milngavie, West Kilpatrick Hills, Caplaw Dam, and Bishopton. sparsus, Curt. Possil, Cadder Wilderness, Miln- gavie, and Bishopton. Anabolia nervosa, Curt. St. Germains' Loch and Milngavie. Stenophylax crenosus, Curt. Bishopton. stellatus, Curt. River Clyde at Carmyle, &c. Litipennis, Curt. Elver Allander near Milngavie. THE FAUNA OF CLYDESDALE. Micropterpna lateralis, Steph. Halesus radiatus, Curt. digitatus, Schr. Drusus annulatus, Steph. Ecclisopteryx guttulata, Pict. Apatania Wallengreni, M'L. Near Milngavie (Mr. King). Clyde at Carmyle, &c., Allander near Milngavie, and vicinity of the Cloch. River Clyde at Carmyle, &c., and River Allander near Milngavie. Spout of Ballagan. Milngavie. Small burns in West Kilpatrick Hills. Fam. SEKICOSTOMATID.E. Silo pallipes, Fab. Mormonia hirta, Fab. irrorata, Curt. Brachycentrus subnubilus, Curt. Clyde at Carmyle, &c., Milngavie. River Clyde at Carmyle, &c. Spout of Ballagan. River Clyde above Cambuslang. Fam. HYDBOPTILID^E. Hydroptila tineoides, Dalm. River Clyde above Cambuslang. Fam. LEPTOCERID.E. Odontocerum albicorne, Scop. Leptocerus fulvus, Ramb. cinereus, Curt. aterrimus, Steph. dissimilis, Steph. bifasciatus, Oliv. albifrons, L. Triaenodes bicolor, Curt. Mystacides nigra, L. (atra, Pict.). azurea, L. (nigra, Pict.). longicornis, L. (quadrifas- ciatus, Fab.). Setodes testacea, Curt. River Allander near Milngavie. Possil Marsh and the Paisley Canal. River Clyde at Carmyle, &c., Balla- gan Burn, and Paisley. Possil Marsh, Maryhill, Milngavie, Frankfield Loch, Paisley Canal. Possil Marsh, and River Clyde at Carmyle. River Allander near Milngavie. River Clyde above Cambuslang. Possil Marsh. Forth and Clyde Canal at Lambhill, &c., the Paisley Canal, and River Clyde above Carmyle. River Clyde at Carmyle. Paisley (Mr. King). River Allander near Milngavie (Mr. Cameron). Fam. HYDKOPSYCHID.E. Hydropsyche pellucidula, Curt, instabilis, Curt. angustipennis, Curt. (?). Tinodes Waenerii, L. (lurida, Curt.). aureola, Zett. (pusilla, M'L.). Psychomyia gracilipes, Curt. Milngavie and the Lily Loch. Milngavie, and River Clyde above Cambuslang. Loch Humphrey Burn in the Kil- patrick Hills. Paisley Canal and the Ballagan Burn. Spout of Ballagan. River Clyde above Cambuslang and River Allander. INSECTA. 21 Philopotamus scopulorum, Steph. West Kilpatrick Hills, Milngavie, and the Ballagan Burn. Plectrocnemia conspersa, Curt. Milngavie, Ballagan Burn, and Bishopton. Polycentropus flavomaculatus, Pict. Milngavie, the Lily Loch, and River Clyde above Cambuslang. picicornis, Steph. PossU Marsh. Cyrnus trimaculatus, Curt. Lambhill, Lily Loch, Paisley Canal, andEiver Clyde above Cambuslang. Fam. EHYACOPHILID^E. Rhyacophila dorsalis, Curt. Common by all burns and streams in the district. Glossosoma Boltoni, Curt. River Clyde above Cambuslang. fimbriatum, Steph. River Clyde above Cambuslang. Agapetus fuscipes, Curt. Milngavie, Strathblane, and the Bal- lagan Burn. comatus, Pict. River Clyde at Carmyle. Bereea pullata, Curt. Possil Marsh and the Paisley Canal FRANCIS G-. BINNIE. THE FAUNA OF CLYDESDALE. Class INSBCTA continued. Order Lepidoptera. In this list the arrangement of Mr. H. Doubleday has been followed. The district to which it chiefly refers is that of 10 miles round Glasgow on the north side of the Clyde, with a few outlying localities that have been visited occasionally by myself and others. I am greatly indebted to the following gentlemen for their kind assist- ance : Mr. T. Chapman, who placed his MS. list in my hands with locali- ties indicated by himself; Dr. H. Colquhoun; Messrs. J. Scott, J. P. Dun- can, R.. F. Logan, Morris Young, and others; to Mr. Duncan, who has sent me lists from his district; and to Messrs. F. G. Binnie, J. Lochhead, A. M'Gregor, J. M'Gregor, and J. W. Peebles, for localities. I have also consulted Stainton's Manual and the Scottish Naturalist. Pieris brassicae, L. rapae, L. napi, L. Anthocharis cardamines, L. Colias edusa, Fab. Argynnis paphia, L. aglaia, L. euphrosyne, L. selene, Fab. Melitaea artemis, Fab. Vanessa urticse, L. antiopa, L. lo, L. atalanta, L. cardui, L. Erebia cassiope, Fab. blandina, Fab. Satyrus egeria, L. megsera, L. semele, L. janira, L. tithonus, L. hyperanthus, L. Chortobius davus, Fab. pamphilus, L. Thecla rubi, L. quercus, L. Polyommatus phleeas, L. Diurni. Common. Common. Common. B. Renfrew, Greenock, Lanarkshire, Troon. E. One male taken near Largs on Septem- ber 12th, 1852, Troon. E. One specimen near Arrochar. F. Irvine Sands and Arran. F. Dundonald. F. Mugdock Woods and Dundonald. E. Dunoon and Dundonald. Common. B. Two specimens taken near Paisley about 1822 by Mr. Strang of Edinburgh. E. Arran and Ayrshire. F. Gadder Wilderness, Duntocher, & Troon. F. Campsie, Renfrew, Arran, and Monkton. B. Ben Lomond. E. Arran and Loch Doon. F. Cadzow Castle and Ballochmyle Bridge. F. Ardrossan, Arran, and Monkton. F. Erskine, Ardrossan, Arran, and Bute. F. Cathcart and Milngavie. E. Ayrshire. F. East Kilbride, Both well, &Lochgoilhead. F. Bishopton Moss and Arran. F. Milngavie. F. Dumbartonshire and Bute. F. Luss, Helensburgh, and Monkton. Common. INSECTA. 23 Lycaena agestis, W. V. alexis, Hub. alsus, Fab. Syrichthus alveolus, Hub. Thanaos tages, L. Ayrshire. F. Fossil and Duntocher. F. Ardrossan, Arran, and Troon. K. Heathy places. R. Near Glasgow and Troon. Smerinthus populi, L. tilise, L. Acherontia atropos, L. Sphinx convolvuli, L. ligustri, L. Deilephila lineata, L. galii, W. V. Choerocampa celerio, L. porcellus, L. elpenor, L. Macroglossa stellatarum, L. fuciformis, L. bombyliformis, E. Sesia culiciformis, L. bembeciformis, Hub. apiformis, L. Cossus ligniperda, Fab. Hepialus hectus, L. lupulinus, L. sylvinus, L, velleda, E. humuli, L. Zygaena trifolii, E. filipendulae, L. Nola cristulalis, Hub. Nudaria mundana, L. Setina irrorella, L. Lithosia mesomella, L. conaplanula, Bdv. Euchelia Jacobeae, L. Euthemonia Russula, L. Chelonia plantaginis, L. caja. L. Arctia fuliginosa, L. lubricipeda, L. menthastri, W. V. urticse, E. Liparis salicis, L. Nocturni. F. Kelvinside, Langside, Ruchill, & Dunoon. E. Near Hamilton, 1859. E. " Cross of Eenfrew " and Monkton. R. Near Paisley and Ayrshire. E. One specimen in the district. R. One specimen in the district. R. Larva at Monkton. E. One taken in a greenhouse at Hamilton, and in Ayrshire. E. Ayrshire. Clydesdale (Scot. Nat.). F. Ardentinny and Troon. E. Near Paisley (?). E. Dunoon and Ayrshire. E. Near Garelochhead. F. St. Germains, Fossil, and Ayrshire. E. Ayrshire. E. Near Troon. F. Cadder Wilderness, Langside, Mugdock Woods, and Kuchill. F. Cambuslang, Langside, Euchill, and Cadder Wilderness. F. Near Glasgow, Gourock, Dunoon, and in Ayrshire. F. Ruchill, Langside, & Cadder Wilderness. Common. E. Ayrshire. F. Troon. Ayrshire. F. Renfrew, Dunoon, Garelochhead, and Ardrossan. Clydesdale. Clydesdale. Clydesdale. E. Bute. R. Troon and Clober. F. Milngavie and Dundonald. Common. F. Eaglesham and Bute. F. Bute and Ayrshire. Common. E. One specimen on Kelvin near Glasgow. R. Ayrshire. 24 THE FAUNA OF CLYDESDALE. Orgyia fascelina, L. antiqua, L. Demas coryli, L. Trichiura cratsegi, L. Pcecilocampa populi, L. Eriogaster lanestris, L. Bombyx rubi, L. quercus, L. Odonestis potatoria, L. Saturnia carpini, Bork. Epione apiciaria, W. V. Rumia crataegata, L. Venilia maculata, L. Metrocampa margaritata, L. Ellopia fasciaria, L. Selenia illunaria, Hub. lunaria, W. V. Odontopera bidentata, L. Crocallis elinguaria, L. Ennomos tiliaria, Hub. angularia, W. V. Himera pennaria, L. Phigalia pilosaria, W. V. Biston hirtaria, L. Amphidasis betularia, L. Cleora lichenaria, W. V. Boarmia repandata, L. rhomboidaria, W. V. abietaria, W. V. Gnophos obscurata, W. V. Dasydia obfuscata, W. V. Pseudopterpna cytisaria, W. V. Geometra papilionaria, L. lodis lactearia, L. Ephyra porata, L. punctaria, L. orbicularia, Hub. pendularia, L. Asthena luteata, W. V. candidata, W. V. Acidalia scutulata, W. V. bisetata, Bork. trigeminata, Haw. incanaria, Hub. immutata, L. F. Loch Long, Port Glasgow, Barrassie, and Barrachan Moss. F. Cambuslang, Kirklee, East Kilbride, and Eaglesham. F. In district and Rosemount. B. Ayrshire. F. Dunoon and Troon. F. Various places on the Firth. F. Kirkintilloch, Port-Glasgow, and Troon. F. Port-Glasgow and Troon. F. Bute and Dumbartonshire. F. Balmore and Port- Glasgow. Geometree. F. Eenfrew and Dunoon. Common. B. Yoker. F. Possil and Kelvinside. F. Cadder Wilderness, near Lanark, Arden- tinny, and Bishopton. F. Lanarkshire, &c. E. Ayrshire. F. Milngavie. F. Possil, Langside, Kuchill, and Arran. F. Near Ayr and Ardentinny. E. Dunoon. F. Dunoon, Ayrshire, and Glasgow. F. Kenmuir and Renfrew. In the district. F. Possil and in Ayrshire. F. Near Glasgow. F. Cadder Wilderness and Dunoon. F. Cumbrae. E. Near Dumbarton. F. Ardrossan. F. Arran, Dunoon, and Dumbarton. F. Luss and in Ayrshire. F. Arran. Near Glasgow (Stn. Man.). F. Kilmun and Milngavie. F. Dunoon, Renfrew, and Luss. Blackston Wood. F. Innellan, Luss, and in Ayrshire. B. Ardentinny. F. Milngavie and Lochgoilhead. F. Milngavie and Kelvinside. F. Renfrew and Milngavie. Renfrew (Stn. Man.). Ardrossan (Stn. Man.). F. Ardrossan. IXSECTA. 25 Acidalia remutata, Hub. fumata, Steph. aversata, L. Cabera pusaria, L. exanthemaria, Scop. Macaria liturata, L. Halia wavaria, L. Panagra petraria, Hub. Numeria pulveraria, L. Scodonia belgiaria, Hub. Fidonia atomaria, L. piniaria, L. Aspilates strigilaria, Hub. Abraxas grossulariata, L, ulmata, Fab. Lomaspilis marginata, L. Hybernia rupicapraria, W. V. leucophearia, W. V. aurantiaria, Hub. progeminaria, Hub. defoliaria, L. Anisopteryx aescularia, W. V. Cheimatobia brumata, L. Oporabia dilutata, W. V. Larentia didymata, L. multistrigaria, Haw. csesiata, W. V. salicata, Hub. olivata, W. V. pectinitaria, Fuess. Emmelesia affinitata, Steph. alchemillata, L. albulata, W. V. decolorata, Hub. unifasciata, Haw. blandiata, W. V. Eupithecia pulchellata, Steph. centaureata, W. V. succenturiata, L. plumbeolata, Haw. pygmseata, Hub. satyrata, Hub. lariciata, Fab. distinctata, Herr-Sch Near Glasgow (Stn. Man.). F. Mibagavie. F. Milngavie, Cambuslang, and Udding- ston. F. Milngavie and Cadder Wilderness. F. Milngavie and Kenmuir. F. Ardentinny and Ayrshire. F. Kirklee and West-end Park. F. Portincaple and Ardentinny. F. Dunoon, Ardentinny, and Gareloch. Near Glasgow (Stn. Man.). Common at Gleniffer Hills, Kilpatrick Hills, and Craigmaddie Moor. F. Possil, Cadder Wilderness, and Bishop - ton. F. Bishopton. Common. Ayrshire. Ayrshire and Mugdock Woods. F. In the district. F. In the district. F. Near Glasgow. F. Langside, Kelvinbanks at Botanic Gar- dens, and Cadder Wilderness. F. Near Glasgow and Ayrshire. F. Renfrew and Gourock. Common. Common at Garscadden and Cadder Wil- derness. Common. F. Cadder Wilderness. F. In the district. Dumbarton. Near Glasgow (Stn. Man.). Common at Cadder Wilderness and Miln- gavie. F. Cadder Wilderness and Milngavie. F. Cadder Wilderness, Milngavie, and Langside. F. Near Paisley. F. Kenmuir Bank, Renfrew, and Kelvin. Ardrossan (Stn. Man.). F. Dumbartonshire and Lochgoilhead. F. Dunoon and Ardentinny. F. Barrachan Moss and Ardrossan. E. Ardrossan. R. Ayrshire. F. Possil Marsh and near Paisley. F. Cadder Wilderness. F. Cadder Wilderness. Ardrossan (Stn. Man.). THE FAUNA OF CLYDESDALE. Eupithecia nanata, Hub. vulgata, Haw. absynthiata, L. minutata, Hub. assimilata, Dbl. exiguata, Hub. sobrinata, Hub. togata, Hub. pumilata, Hub. rectangulata, L. Lobophora lobulata, Hub. Thera juniperata, L. simulata, Hub. variata, W. V. firmata, Hub. Ypsipetes ruberata, Frey. impluviata, W. V. elutata, W. V. Melanthia rubiginata, W. V. , occellata, L. Melanippe hastata, L. tristata, L. substristata, Haw. montanata, W. V. galiata, W. V. fluctuata, L. Anticlea badiata, W. V. derivata, W. V. Coremia munitata, Hub. propugnata, W. V. ferrugata, L. unidentaria, Haw. Camptogramma bilineata, L. Plibalapteryx lapidata, Hub. lignata, Hub. Cidaria psittacata, W. V. miata, L. corylata, Thunb. russata, W. V. immanata, Haw. suffumata, W. V. silaceata, W. V. prunata, L. testate, L. populata, Bork. fulvata, Forst. F. Gleniffer Hills, Kilpatrick Hills, and Craigmaddie. Near Glasgow (Stn. Man.). F. Kirklee. F. Kirklee. F. Kirklee. F. Bothwell. F. Clober. E. One specimen at Fossil. F. Near Glasgow and Ardentinny. F. Ayrshire. F. Gourock, Dunoon, and Ardentinny. Near Glasgow (Stn. Man.). In the district. Common at Gadder Wilderness and Bishop- ton. F. Paisley Moss. F. Eaglesham. F. Carmyle, Port- Glasgow, East Kilbride. Common. F. Cambuslang, Milngavie, Banks of Kel- vin. F. Gourock. F. Luss, Ben Lomond, Arran, and Dunoon. F. Cadder Wilderness and Cochno. Common. Common. F. Cumbrae. F. Cadder Wilderness and Milngavie. F. Ayrshire. F. Ardentinny and in Ayrshire. F. Spout of Ballagan, Luss, and Arran. F. Renfrew and Port- Glasgow. F. Renfrew, Clober, and Port-Glasgow. F. Clober, Dougalston, and in Ayrshire. Common. One female near Dunoon, Sept. 19, 1857. Renfrewshire. F. Innellan and Dunoon. F. Dunoon and near Glasgow. F. Port-Glasgow. K. Langside. Common at Cadder Wilderness, Langside, Milngavie, and Arran. F. Kilpatrick Hills, Strathblane, Arden- tinny, and Gleniffer Glen. F. Dunoon and Renfrew. F. Dunoon and Bothwell. Common. F. Cadder Wilderness and Clober. F. Fossil, Strathblane, and Cathkin Hills. INSECTA. 27 Cidaria pyraliata, Bork. dotata, L. Pelurga comitata, L. Eubolia cervinaria, W. V. mensuraria, W. V. palumbaria, W. V. Carsia imbutata, Hub. Anaitis plagiata, L. Chesias spartiata, Fab. obliquaria, W. V. Tanagra chserophyllata, L. Platypteryx lacertula, Hub. falcula, W. V. Cilix spinula, W. V. p. Cadder Wilderness. Near Paisley (Stn. Man.). Monkton (Stn, Man.) and Barrachan Moss. R. Ardrossan. F. Possil and Cathkin Hills. F. Clober and Gourock. F. Dunoon. Common in Bute, Gourock, Arran, and Ardrossan. F. Kilmalcolm and near Glasgow. F. Ayrshire. Common at Mugdock, Bute, and Gourock. Drepanulee. F. Mugdock Woods, Dunoon, and Arden- tinny. R. Dunoon and in Ayrshire. F. Arran, Eenfrew, and in Ayrshire. Pseudo-Bombyces. Dicranura furcula, L. vinula, L. Pygsera bucephala, L. Clostera reclusa, W. V. Ptilodontis palpina, L. Notodonta camelina, L. carmelita, E. dictsea, L. dictseiodes, E. dromedarius, L. tritophus, W. V. ziczac, L. trepida, Fab. dodonfea, W. V. Diloba cseruleocephala, L. Thyatira derasa, L. batis, L. Cymatophora duplaris, L. diluta, W. V. or, W. V. flavicornis, L. Bryophila perla, W. V. Acronycta psi, L. F. Near Glasgow, Paisley, and in Ayrshire. F. Milngavie, West-end Park, Bothwell, Ardrossan, and Dunoon. Common in the district. F. Dunoon. F. Ayrshire. F. Possil and Sheepmont. F. Ardentinny. F. Dunoon, Ardentinny, and Gareloch. F. Dunoon, Ardentinny, and Gareloch. F. Port-Glasgow and in Ayrshire. R. Kenfrewshire the second specimen taken in Britain. F. East Kilbride. R. Arrochar. F. Gareloch, Luss, and Ardentinny. F. Queen's Park and in Ayrshire. Noctuse. F. Gourock. F. Langside, Dunoon, Eenfrew, and Bute. F. Kilmun and Lanark. In the district. F. Near Glasgow, and Gareloch. F. Dunoon, near Glasgow, and Renfrew. F. In the district and Ayrshire. Common at Possil, Milngavie, and Car- myle. 28 THE FAUNA OF CLYDESDALE. Acronycta leporina, L. rumicis, L. menyanthidis, E. myricae, Gn. Leucania conigera, W. V. turca, L. lithargyria, Esp. littoralis, Curt, impura, Hub. pallens, L. Nonagria fulva, Hub. Hydrsecia nictitans, L. petasitis, Dbl. micacea, E. Axylia putris, L. Xylophasia rurea, Fab. lithoxylea, W. V. polyodon, L. Charaeas graminis, L. Luperina testacea, W. V. dumerili, Dup. Crymodes exulis, Lef. Mamestra anceps, Hub. albicolon, Hub. furva, W. V. brassicse, L. persicariae, L. Apamea basilinea, W. V. gemina, Hub. unanimis, Hub. fibrosa, Hub. oculea, L. Miana strigilis, L. fasciuncula, Haw. literosa, Haw. furuncula, W. V. arcuosa, Haw. Celsena Haworthii, Curt. Caradrina morpheus, Naturf. blanda, W. V. cubicularis, W. V. Rusina tenebrosa, Hub. Agrotis valligera, W. V. saucia, Hub. segetum, W. V. exclamationis, L. r. Dunoon, Kilmun, Ardentinny, and in Ayrshire. F. Gourock and Port- Glasgow. F. Dunoon. K. Dunoon and in Ayrshire. F. Ayrshire. F. Newfield. Common at Dundonald. F. Ayrshire. F. Fossil Marsh, Ardrossan, and Arden- tinny. F. Fossil Marsh, Ardrossan, and Troon. F. Fossil Marsh, Milngavie, and Langside. F. Dunoon and Ardrossan. F. Paw- Burn. F. Fossil Marsh, Gourock, Dunoon, and Ardrossan. F. Eenfrew and Ayrshire. Common. F. Gourock, Cadder Wilderness, and Arran. Common. F. Fossil Marsh and Strathblane. F. Ayrshire. K. Arran. Clydesdale (Scot. Nat.). Clydesdale (Scot. Nat.). Clydesdale (Scot. Nat.}. F. Ardrossan and in Ayrshire. Common. Clydesdale (Scot. Nat.). F. Lanarkshire and Ayrshire. F. Mugdock Woods, Renfrew, Cadder Wil- derness, and Dunoon. F. Dundonald. Clydesdale (Scot. Nat.). F. Fossil Marsh, Langside, and in Ayrshire. F. Renfrew, Gourock, Dunoon, and Monk- ton. Common. F. Cambuslang. Renfrew and in Ayrshire. F. Ruchill and in Ayrshire. F. Stepps and Craigmaddie. F. Ardrossan, Troon. Clydesdale (Seat, Nat.). Common. F. Ardentinny, Dunoon, and in Ayrshire. F. Ardrossan and in Ayrshire. K. Troon. F. Dunoon and in Ayrshire. F. Dunoon, Gourock, and in Ayrshire. INSECTA. 29 Agrotis corticea, W. V. ripse, Hb. nigricans, L. tritici, L. aquilina, W. V. porphyrea, W. V. prsecox, L. ravida, W. V. pyrophila, W. V. lucernea, L. Triphsena janthina, W. V. F. fimbria, L. subsequa, Hb. orbona, Fab. pronuba, L. Noctua glareosa, E. augur, Fab. plecta, L. c-nigrum, L. triangulum, Och. rhomboidea, Tr. brunnea, W. V. festiva, W. V. conflua, Tr. dahlii, Hub. rubi, Vieweg. umbrosa, Hub. baja, W. V. xanthographa, W. V. Trachea piniperda, E. Taeniocampa gothica, L. rubricosa, W. V. instabilis, W. V. stabilis, W. V. cruda, W. V. Orthosia suspecta, Hub. lota, L. macilenta, Hub. Anchocelis rufina, L. lunosa, Haw. litura, L. Cerastis vacinii, L. Scopelosoma satellitia, L. Xanthia cerago, W. V. silago, Hub. ferruginea, W. V. F. Ayrshire. K. Troon. Common in Ayrshire. F. Ardrossan and in Ayrshire. Clydesdale (Scot. Nat.). F. Kilpatrick Hills and Clober. F. Monkton and Ardrossan. R. Monkton. Ayrshire. Clydesdale (Scot. Nat.). Renfrew, Ardrossan, Dunoon, and Monkton. F. Spout of Ballagan, Langside, and Ayr- shire. F. Ayrshire. F. Clober, Fossil Marsh, and Ardrossan. Common. F. Dunoon. F. Dunoon and in Ayrshire. Common. F. Cadder Wilderness. F. Lochgoil and Monkton. Clydesdale (Scot. Nat.). F. Fossil Marsh and in Ayrshire. F. Ayrshire. Clydesdale (Scot. Nat.). Frequent in the district. Near Glasgow. Ardrossan. F. Dunoon and in Ayrshire. F. Fossil, Ardrossan, and Dunoon. F. Paisley and Ayrshire. F. Fossil. F. Tarbert, Clober, and Dundonald. Common. Common. Clydesdale (Scot. Nat.). Clydesdale (Scot. Nat.). F. Fossil, Dunoon, Monkton, and Paisley Moss. F. Paisley, Dunoon, and in Ayrshire. F. Clober and Dunoon. Frequent in district, Troon. F. Langside, Clober, and in Ayrshire. F. Near Glasgow, Ardentinny, and Gare- loch. F. Gareloch and in Ayrshire. F. Clober, Stepps, Bothwell, Dunoon, and Ayrshire. F. Cadder Wilderness, Clober, and St. Ger- mains. F. Cadder Wilderness and Gourock. 30 THE FAUNA OF CLYDESDALE. Cirrhoedia xerampelina, Hub. Cosmia trapezina, L. Dianthaecia carpophaga, Bork. capsincola, W. V. cucubali, W. V. conspersa, W. V. Folia chi, L. Epunda nigra, Haw. viminalis, Fab. lichenea, Hb. Miselia, L. Agriopis aprilina, L. F. Phlogophora meticulosa, L. Euplexia lucipara, L. Aplecta herbida, W. V. occulta, L. nebulosa, Tr. tincta, Bork. advena, W. V. Hadena adusta, E. protea, W. V. glauca, Kleem. dentina, W. V. suasa, W. V. oleracea, L. genistas, Bork. pisi, L. thalassina, Naturf. contigua, W. V. rectilinea, Esp. Xylocampa lithoriza, Bork. Cloantha solidaginis, Hub. Calocampa vetusta, Hub. exoleta, L. Cucullia chamomillse, W. V. umbratica, L. Heliothis peltigera, W. V. Anarta nielanopa, Thunb. myrtilli, L. Micra ostrina, Hub. Abrostola urticae, Hub. triplasia, L. Plusia chrysitis, L. bractea, W. V. festucas, L. iota, L. R. Garelochhead. Common at Gadder Wilderness, Clober, Langside, and Fullarton. Clydesdale (Scot. Nat.). Lanarkshire, Ayrshire. F. Renfrew and Dundonald. F. Ardrossan and Dunoon. F. Dunoon and Monkton. Clydesdale (Scot. Nat.). Dunoon. E. Fullarton. F. Near Glasgow, Dunoon, Gareloch, and in Ayrshire. Gareloch, Dunoon, Lanark, and in Ayrshire. Common at Ruchill and in Ayrshire. F. Renfrew, Dunoon, Bute, and in Ayrshire. F. Ardentinny, Kilmun, and in Ayrshire. F. Near Paisley and in Ayrshire. F. Dunoon and Ardentinny. F. Dumbartonshire and Ardentinny. E. Ayrshire. F. Cadder, Gourock, and Monkton. F. Adomton Wood. F. Dunoon and Ardentinny. F. Renfrew, Dunoon, and Ardrossan. Ayrshire. Common in Ayrshire. " One near Paisley," and at Troon. F. Ruchill and in Ayrshire. F. Glasgow and Ardrossan. F. Bute. F. Ardentinny. F. Ayrshire. E. Near Dunoon. F. Near Glasgow and Gourock. F. Near Glasgow and Gourock. F. Ayrshire. F. Near Glasgow, Dunoon, and in Ayrshire. Ayrshire. Clydesdale (Scot. Nat.). F. Eaglesham Moor, Barrachan Moss, and Ayrshire. One specimen taken near Monkton by Mrs. Duncan, June, 1858. F. Dunoon, Ayrshire, and Arran. Ayrshire. F. Kirklee, Ruchill, and Cambuslang Glen. R. Dunoon, Lanarkshire, and Troon. F. Ruchill and Paisley. F. Ruchill, Gourock, Cambuslang Glen, and in Ayrshire. INSECTA. 31 Plusia v-aureum, Gn. gamma, L. interrogationis, Hub. Gonoptera libatrix, L. Amphipyra tragopogonis, L. Mania typica, L. maura, L. Stilbia anomala, Haw. Euclidia mi, L. glyphica, L. Phytometra aenea, W. V. F. St. Germains, Cambuslang Glen, Ud- dingston, and Monkton. Common. " Not uncommon." F. Gourock and in Ayrshire. F. Near Glasgow and in Ayrshire. F. Fossil, Dunoon, Ardrossan, and Arran. F. Langside, Paisley, and in Ayrshire. F. Rothesay, Arran, and Dundonald. F. Dunoon, Ardentinny, Dundonald, and Dungoyne. F. Ardentinny, Lanark, and in Ayrshire. F. Clober. Deltoides. Hypena proboscidalis, L. Common. Eivula sericealis, W. V. F. Lochgoil and Arran. Hypenodes costsetrigalis, Steph. Lochgoilhead. Herminia tarsipennalis, Tr. Ayrshire. Pyralis farinalis, L. Aglossa pinguinalis, L. Pyrausta purpuralis, L. ostrinalis, Hub. Pihodaria sanguinalis, L. Herbula cespitalis, W. V. Ennychia cingulalis, L. Cataclysta lemnalis, L. Hydrocampa nymphsealis, L. stagnalis, Don. Botys fuscalis, W. V. terrealis, Tr. urticalis, L. Ebulea crocealis, Tr. Pionea forficalis, L. Scopula alpinalis, W. V. lutealis, Haw. olivalis, W. V. prunalis, W. V. ferrugalis, Hub. decrepitalis, H. S. Stenopteryx hybrid alis, Hub. Scoparia ambigualis, Tr. cembraealis, Gn. dubitalis, Hb. muralis, Gn. sp. lineolalis, Curt. Pyralides. Common near grain stores in Glasgow. F. Glasgow and Arran. F. Arran. "Hills Banks of the Clyde." F. Troon. F. Ardrossan and Arran. " Grassy slopes in Dumbartonshire." Common at Possil Marsh. Common at Possil Marsh and near Paisley. Common at Possil Marsh and near Paisley. F. Near Paisley, Ardrossan, and Clober. R. Dunoon. K. Monkton. Kothesay. F. Kirklee, Ardrossan, and Dunoon. F. Luss, Ardentinny. Common at Possilpark and Cathcart. R. Kenmuir Bank. F. Kenmuir Bank and Dunoon. B. Ardrossan. Ardentinny. F. Dunoon, Ardrossan, and Luss. Common. One specimen in Dalhousie St., Glasgow. Common. F. Cadder Wilderness, Milngavie, and Langside. One specimen near Milngavie. Ardrossan. 32 THE FAUNA OF CLYDESDALE. Scoparia crataegalis, Hub. angustealis, Curt, atomalis, Dbl. gracilalis, Dbl. Crambus pratellus, Clk. ericellus, Hub. pascuellus, L. margaritellus, Hub. pinitellus, Hub. tristellus, W. V. geniculeus, Haw. culmellus, L. hortuellus, Hub. Ephestia ficella, Dougl. Melia sociella, L. Halias prasinana, L. Sarrothripa revayana, W. V. Tortrix pyrastrana, Hub. xylosteana, L. rosana, L. heparana, W. V. ribeana, Hub. corylana, Fab. semialbana, Gn. costana, W. V. viburnana, W. V. icterana, Frol. viridana, L. ministrana, L. adjunctana, Tr. Amphysa gerningana, W. Y. Leptogramma literana, L. Peronea favillaceana, Hub. mixtana, Hub. comariana, Z. schalleriana, L. Caledoniana, Bent, variegana, W. V. hastiana, L. ferrugana, W. V. : tristana, Hub. aspersana, Hub. F. Gadder Wilderness, Milngavie, and Ardrossan. F. Milngavie and Ardrossan. K. Duntocher. F. Milngavie. Crambites. Common. E. Milngavie. Common. F. Bishopton Moss and Dunoon. F. Fossil, Gadder Wilderness, and Dum- bartonshire. Common. Ardrossan. Common. F. Kirklee and Ardrossan. Fruit shops, Glasgow. Near Lamlash. Tortrices. Not uncommon. F. Ben Lomond, Dunoon, and Ardentinny. Ardrossan. F. Fossil, Langside, and Milngavie. F. Fossil and Langside. F. Fossil, Langside, and Milngavie. F. Fossil, Langside, and Milngavie. Near Glasgow. F. Ardrossan, Lochgoilhead. F. Langside. F. Clober. F. Langside, Kirklee, and Ardrossan. Common. F. Gadder Wilderness and Clober. Ardrossan and Cumbraes. F. Milngavie. Renfrewshire. Common at Gadder Wilderness. F. Milngavie and Garelochhead. F. Milngavie, Gadder Wilderness. F. Milngavie, Gadder Wilderness, and Lang- side. F. Milngavie and Dunoon. Common. F. Milngavie. Langside, Gadder Wilderness, and Milngavie. F. Milngavie. F. Milngavie, Dunoon, and Carmichael, near Lanark. Teras caudana, Fab. contaminana, Hub. Dictyopteryx loeflingiana, L. holmiana, L. bergmanniana, L. Argyrotoza conwayana, Fab. Ptycholoma lecheana, L. Penthina betulsetana, Haw. praelongana, Gn. cynosbana, L. marginana, Haw. Spilonota neglectana, Dup. suffusana, Kollar. rosaecolana, Dbl. roborana, W. V. Pardia tripunctana, W. V. Aspis udmanniana, L. Sericoris cespitana, Hub. conchana, Hub. lacunana, W. V. urticana, Hub. micana, Hub. Mixodia schulziana, Fab. palustrana, Lienic. Orthotsenia antiquana, Hub. striana, W. V. Cnephasia lepidana, Curt. musculana, Hub. Sciaphila subjectana, Gn. virgaureana, Tr. hybridana, Hub. octomaculaua, Haw. Capua ochraceana, Steph. Clepsis rusticaua, Tr. Bactra lanceolana, Hub. furfurana, Haw. Phoxopteryx unguicana, L. biarcuana, Steph. myrtillana, Tr. lundana, Fab. derasana, Hub. mitterbacheriana. Grapholitha paykulliana, Fab. nisana, L. nigromaculana, Haw carapoliliana, W. V. trimaculana, Don. INSECTA. 33 Common. Common. F. Milngavie, Dunoon, and Monkton. F. Milngavie and Gadder Wilderness. F. Possil and Langside. F. Milngavie, Dunoon, and Cadder Wilder- ness. F. Langside and Bothwell. Near Glasgow. F. Milngavie. F. Near Glasgow and Dunoon. F. Near Glasgow, near Dunoon. Billhead. F. Near Glasgow and Luss. Botanic Gardens. Ardrossan. F. Possil and Langside. F. Ardrossan. Near Glasgow. Luss. F. Possil Marsh. Luss. Carmichael and Clober. F. Milngavie and Kilpatrick Hills. R. Milngavie. F. Near Glasgow, Dunoon, and Ardrossan. Near Glasgow. F. Craigmaddie and Garelochhead. F. Near Cadder House. F. Cadder Wilderness, Langside, and Ar- F. Possil and Langside. Ardrossan. F. Cadder Wilderness, Langside, and Ar- drossan. F. Ardentinny and near Milngavie. Common in Marshes. Common at Possil Marsh and Milngavie. Kilmun. F. Near Milngavie. One at Kilmun by Mr. Somerville. On the hills near Bishopton. F. Possil. In bogs. B. Near Glasgow. F. Cadder Wilderness. F. Dunoon. ,F. Cadder Wilderness, Ardrossan, and Arran. F. Possil, Bishopton, and Dunoon. Common. C 34 THE FAUNA OF CLYDESDALE. Grapholitha penkleriana, W. V. naevana, Hub. geminana, Steph. Phlseodes tetraquetana, Haw. immundana, Fisch. Hypermecia angustana, Hub. Batodes angustiorana, Haw. Pcedisca bilunana, Haw. corticana, W. V. ophthalmicana, Hub. occultana, DougL solandriana, L. semifuscana, Haw. Ephippiphora bimaculana, Don. scutulana, W. V. F. Fossil and Milngavie. F. Near Glasgow and Luss. F. Near Glasgow. F. Gadder Wilderness and near Milngavie. Paisley Canal on Alders. F. Near Paisley, Milngavie, Dunoon, r and Luss. Near Glasgow. Near Glasgow. Common at Gadder Wilderness and Lang- side. F. Near Milngavie and Paisley. F. Gadder Wilderness, Langside. Common. F. Langside and Gadder Wilderness. Common at Milngavie, Gadder Wilderness, Gourock. F. Dunoon and Ardrossan. brunnichiana, W. V. F. Possil, Sighthill, and Dunoon. trigeminana, Steph. F. Near Glasgow. Olindia ulmana, Hub. Semasia woeberana, W. V. Coccyx strobilana, L. splendidulana, Gn. argyrana, Hub. hyrciniana, Uslar. Heusimene fimbriana, Steph. Pamplusia monticolona, Mann. Carpocapsa pomonana, L. Opadia funebrana, Tr. Endopisa pisana, Gn. Stigmonota coniferana, Ratz. perlepidana, Haw. redimitana, Gn. germarana, Hub. Dicrorampha petverella, L. plumbana, Scop, plumbagana, Tr. Gleniffer Glen and Ardentinny. Bothwell. Ardrossan. Luss. F. Kenmuir Bank, Milngavie, and Gadder Wilderness. F. Gadder Wilderness. "Near Glasgow" (J. Gray). F. Milngavie, Dunoon, Tintock Hill, and Luss. In Glasgow. In Glasgow. Paisley Moss. F. Bishopton Moss. F. Near Glasgow and near Paisley. Near Haggs Castle. Dunoon. F. Possil Marsh. F. Possil Marsh and Milngavie. Near Glasgow, herbosana, Barrett. F. Possil Marsh, acuminatana, Zell. Ardrossan. Pyrodes rheediana, L. Near Glasgow and Paisley. Catoptria ulicetana, Haw. Common, scopoliana, Haw. F. Kirklee. hohenwarthiana, S. V. F. Kirklee, Ardrossan, and Dunoon. modestana, H. S. Trycheris mediana, W. V. Choreutes scintillulana, Hub. Xylopoda fabricana, L. Lobesia reliquana, Hub. Luss. F. Possil Marsh, Milngavie, Renfrewshire. F. Milngavie and Luss. Common. Dunoon and Ardentinny. INSECTA. 35 Eupoecilia nana, Haw. F. Luss and Arran. dubitana, Hub. F. Paisley and Fossil, altricapitana, Steph. K. Ardrossan and Possil. angustana, Hub. Common at Possil Marsh and Milngavie. ciliella, Hb. F. Near Milngavie. Xanthosetia hamana, L. F. Dunoon, Ardrossan, and near Glasgow. Chrosis tesserana, W. V. Dunoon. Argyrolepia baumanniana, W. V. Dunoon. badiana, Hub. F. Near Glasgow and Dunoon. cnicana, Dbl. F. Near Milngavie. Cochylis Smeathmanniana, Fab. K. Possil Marsh and Ardrossan. stramineana, Haw. F. Kuchill, Dunoon, Possil Marsh, and Ardrossan. Aphelia pratana, Hub. Common at Milngavie, Barrachan Moss, Dunoon, and Ardrossan. Tortricodes hyemana, Hub. F. Gadder Wilderness. Tineinse. Diurna fagella, W. V. Common. . Psyche roboricollella, Br. One specimen at St. Germains Loch. Ochsenheimeria bisontella, Lien. F. Near Milngavie and Gadder Wilderness. Scardia cloacella, Haw. Common. Tinea rusticella, Hub. F. Gadder Wilderness. biselliella, Hemm. Common in houses in Glasgow, bistrigella, Haw. F. Dargavel and Langside. perochracella, Dbl. K. Ruchill. Lampronia quadripunctella, Fab. Near Glasgow, praelatella, W. V. K. Near Mihigavie. rubiella, Bj. F. Gadder Wilderness, Bishopton, and Mihigavie. Incuvaria masculella, W. Y. F. Kenmuir Bank and Gadder Wilderness. Micropteryx calthella, L. F. Langside and PossiL seppella, Fab. F. Langside. allionella, Fab. F. Gadder Wilderness and Clober. purpurella, Steph. Near Glasgow, unimaculella, Zett. K. Langside. subpurpurella, Haw. R. Langside. Nemophora swammerdamella, L. F. Gadder Wilderness, Milngavie, Lang- side. schwarziella, ZelL F. Gadder Wilderness. Adela rufimitrella, Scop. R. Possil Marsh. Swammerdamia csesiella, Hub. Near Glasgow. griseocapitella, Stn. Common. Pepilla curtisella, Don. F. Kirklee, Clyde Bank, and Rutherglen. Plutella xylostella, L. Common. annuletella, Curt. Near Glasgow, dalella, Stn. F. Near Milngavie. Cerostoma vittella, L. Near Glasgow. radiatella, Don. Common at Cadder Wilderness, Milngavie, and Langside. costella, Fab. Near Glasgow. 36 THE FAUNA OF CLYDESDALE. Harpipteryx harpella, W. V. Depressaria costosella, Haw. applanella, Fab. pimpinella, Zell. albipunctella, Hub. heracliella, De Geer. Common. Gelechia ericetella, Hub. Common. terrella, W. V. expolitella, Dougl. proximella, Hub. notatella, Hub. dodecella, L. tenebrella, Hub. cerealella, Oliv. Chelaria conscriptella, Hub. Dasycera sulphurella, Fab. ^cophora pseudo-spretella, Stn. Common. Endrosis fenestrella, Scop. Common. Butalis torquatella, L. F. C adder Wilderness and Mugdock Woods. F. Milngavie. F. C adder Wilderness and Langside. PossiL F. Cadder Wilderness. F. Fossil. F. Fossil. F. Langside, Milngavie, and Cadder Wilderness. Near Glasgow. F. PossiL E. Durrochston Dam. Near Glasgow (Stn. Man,). Common. F. West-end Park and Fossil. Glyphipteryx tharsonella, Scop. haworthella, Steph. F. Craigmaddie. fischeriella, Zell. Lang-side. Argyresthia semitestacella, Curt, spiniella, Zell. albistriella, Haw. retinella, ZeU. curvella, L. gsedartella, L. brockeella, Hub. Ocnerostoma pinariella, Zell. Gracillaria swederella, Thunb. elongella, L. syringella, Fab. Ornix betulsevorella, DbL scoticella, Stn. loganella, Stn. Coleophora albicostella, Haw. tengstromella, DbL nigricella, Steph. fuscedinella, ZelL gryphipennella, Bouche. Laverna paludicolella, DbL Chrysoclista flavicapitella, Haw. Chrysocoris festaliella, Hub. Elachista apicipunctella, Stn. albifrontella, Hub. flavicomella, Stn. kilmunella, Stn. nigrella, Hub. F. Durrochston Dam, Bishopton Moss, Milngavie, and Kilmun (Stn. Man.). Common. Near Glasgow. F. Langside and Cadder Wilderness. Fossil Marsh. Common. Common. Common. Common. F. Fossil and Kirklee. Common. F. Milngavie and Gourock. Langside. Milngavie. F. Cadder Wilderness. Luss (Stn. Man.). Cadder Wilderness. Cadder Wilderness. Near Glasgow. Kirklee. Cadder Wilderness. Langside. One specimen at Tluchill. Frequent in Cadder Wilderness. F. Langside. F. Langside and Cadder Wilderness. K. Two specimens near Milngavie. Common. F. Kenmuir Bank. INSECTA. 37 Elachista subobscurella, Dbl. zonariella, Teng. rhyncosporella, Stn. triatomella, Haw. cygnipennella, Hub. Lithocolletis irradiella. vacciniella, Scott. pomifoliella, Zell. faginella, Mann. ulmifoliella, Hub. spinolella, Dup. quercifoliella, Fisch. alnifoliella, Hub. heegerieUa, Zell. cramerella, Fab. emberizsepennella, Bouch. Lyonetia clerckella, L. Nepticula cryptella, Frey. floslactella, Haw. salicivorella, DbL argentipedella, Zell. angulifasciella, Stn. gratiosella, Stn. Near Glasgow. Near Glasgow, Renfrew (Stn. Man.). F. Bishopton. Near Glasgow. Common. Renfrew (Stn. Man.). F. Gadder Wilderness. Common. Gadder Wilderness and Langside. Fossil. Common at Gadder Wilderness. Common at Gadder Wilderness, Langside, and Carmyle. Near Glasgow. F. Gadder Wilderness. Frequent at Gadder Wilderness and Lang- side. Langside. Gourock. Langside. F. Langside and Kenmuir Bank. Near Glasgow. Common at Cadder Wilderness, Langside, and Milngavie. Bishopton. Near Glasgow. Pterophori. Pterophori trigonodactylus, Haw. Common. punctidactylus, Steph. Dunoon. bipunctidactylus, Haw. Common at Fossil Marsh and near Miln- gavie. pterodactylus, L. Near Glasgow, Ardrossan. tetradactylus, L. Renfrewshire. Alucita polydactyla, Hub. Near Glasgow, Dunoon, and Bothwell. J. J. KING. THE FAUNA OF CLYDESDALE. Class CRUSTACEA. Potamocypris fulva, Brady. Paracypris polita, Sars. Pontocypris mytiloides, Norman. trigonella, Sars. Argilloecea cylindrica, Sars. Bairdia inflata, Norman. Cythere lutea, Mull. .- viridis, Mull, pellucida, Baird. castanea, Sars. porcellanea, Brady. Macallana, Brady & R. tenera, Brady, crispata. badia, Norman, rubida, Brady, albo-maculata, Baird. convexa, Baird. cuneiformis, Brady, limicola, Norman, tuberculata, Sars. concinna, Jones, angulata, Sars. emarginata, Sars. finmarchica, Sars. pulchella, Brady. Robertsoni, Brady, villosa, Sars. laticarina, Brady, quadridentata, Baird. emaciata, Brady. Dunelmensis, Norman. Whiteii, Baird. antiquata, Baird. Jonesii, Baird. gibbosa, B. & R Cytheridea papillosa, Bosquet, punctillata, Brady, elongata, Brady, subflavescens, Brady, torosa, Jones. Encythere declivis, Norman. argus, Sars. Krithe Bartonensis, Jones, Loxoconcha impressa, Baird. granulata, Sars. Ostracoda. E. Langbank, Cumbrae. R. Bute, Cumbrae, Loch Long. Frequent. Frequent. R. Campbeltown, Inverary, Large. R. Lamlash, Cumbrae. Common. Common. Common. Frequent. Frequent. R. Cumbrae, Koseneath. Common. Frequent. R. Bute, Cumbrae. R. Cumbrae. Frequent. Frequent. Frequent. R. Girvan. Common. Frequent. Common. R. Inverary. R. Inverary. Frequent. Frequent. Common. R. Fintry Bay, Cumbrae. Frequent. Frequent. Frequent. R. Bute, Campbeltown. Common. Common. R. Tarbert, Cumbrae, Greenock. Common. Common. Frequent. R. Rothesay, Cumbrae. R. Greenock, Port- Glasgow, Langbank. R. Ardrossan, Bute, Cumbrae, Eoseneath. Common. Common. Common. Frequent. CRUSTACEA. 3.9 Loxoconcha tamarindus, Jones, guttata, Norman. multiflora, Norman. pusilla, Brady & R. fragilis, Sars. Xestoleberis aurantia, Baird. depressa, Sars. Cytherura nigrescens, Baird. angulata, Brady, striata, Sars. lineata, Brady, cuneata, Brady. Sarsii, Brady, similis, Sars. undata, Sars. producta, Brady. Robertsoni, Brady, gibba, Mull, cornuta, Brady, acuticostata, Brady, clathrata, Sars. cellulosa, Norman. Common. Common. Common. E. Cumbrae, Greenock. E. Greenock, Port- Glasgow. E. Kames Bay, Cumbrae. Common. Common. Common. Frequent. E. Ferryhouse, Cumbrae. Frequent. Frequent. E. Loch Ryan, Inverary, Bute, Cumbrae. Common. E. Girvan, Rothesay, Cumbrae. E. Loch Ryan, Greenock, Port-Glasgow. Frequent. Frequent. Frequent. E. Callum's Bay, Bute. Common. Common. flavescens, Brady. Cytheropteron latissimum, Norman. Common, nodosum, Brady. Frequent. punctatum, Brady. E. Girvan, Loch Ridon, Cumbrae, Inverkip. alatum, Sars. Frequent. angulatum,B. &R. E. Bute, Cumbrae, Roseneath. Bythocythere simplex, Norman. Frequent, constricta, Sars. Frequent, turgida, Sars. Frequent. Pseudocythere caudata, Sars. Frequent. Cytherideis subulata, Brady. E. Ardrossan, Bute, Cumbrae. Sclerochilus contortus, Norman. Common. Xiphichilus tenuissima, Norman. Frequent. Paradoxostoma variabile, Baird. Common, abbreviatum, Sars. Common, ensiforme, Brady. Frequent, flexuosum, Brady. Frequent. hibernicum, Brady. E. Campbeltown, Arran, Bute, Cumbrae. Fischerii, Sars. Frequent, pulchellum, Sars. E. Loch Ryan, Arran, Ardrossan, Cumbrae, LochgoiL arcuatum,B.C.&R. E. Arran, Bute, Cumbrae. obliquum, Sars. E. Loch Ryan, Arran, Bute, Cumbrae. orcadense, B. & R. E. Glen Sannox Bay, Arran. Philomedes interpunctata, Baird. Frequent. Asterope Mariae, Baird. Frequent. teres, Norman. R. Arran, Bute, Cumbrae. Polycope orbicularis. Common. DAVID ROBERTSON, F.G.S., F.L.S. 40 THE FAUNA OF CLYDESDALE. MOLLUSCA LAND AND EKESH WATER The arrangement and nomenclature of Jeffrey's British Conchology are followed. The area included is Lower Clydesdale. The following published district lists have been consulted: A list of land and fresh water Mollusca in Landsborough's Natural History of Arran, Ailsa Craig, and Cumbraes, 1852; "On the Land and Fresh Water Mollusca found within Ten Miles round Glasgow," by John Dougall in Proc. Nat. Hist. Soc. Glasgow, voL i.; " On the Distribution of the Helicidse in Bute and in the Vicinity of Largs," by William Haddin in Proc. Nat. Hist. Soc. Glasgow, vol. i. Order Lamellibranchiata. Sphserium corneum, L. Common. lacustre, Mull. Fossil Marsh and the Forth and Clyde Canal at Firhill. Possibly introduced. Pisidium amnicum, Mull. River Clyde above Rutherglen Bridge. fontinale, Drap. Possil Marsh and a ditch between Frank- field and Hogganfield. var. cinerea, Alder. Possil Marsh, Pond near Bishopbriggs. pusillum, Gmelin. Possil Marsh, pool in the vicinity of the Cloch, and ditch near Mugdock Castle. var. obtusalis, Pfeiff. Arran. nitidum, Jenyns. Frankfield Loch. Unio margaritifer, L. Eiver Clyde at Cambuslang. Anodonta cygnea, L. Paisley Canal; empty shells in Bardowie Loch, Eiver Cart at Cardonald Mills, and River Clyde above Cambuslang. Dreissena polymorpha, Pallas. Forth and Clyde Canal, common; not native. Order Pectinibranchiata. Bythinia tentaculata, L. F. Possil Marsh, St. Germains' Loch, Forth and Clyde Canal, Paisley Canal. Valvata piscinalis, MulL F. Paisley Canal, Forth and Clyde Canal at Dalmuir, and Possil Marsh, cristata, MiilL Possil Marsh and Forth and Clyde Canal at Firhill. c Order Pulmonobranchiata. Planorbis nitidus, Mull. Forth and Clyde Canal at Firhill. nautileus, L. Arran. albus, Miill. Common, spirorbis, Miill. Small Marsh on Rutherglen Road, Bishop Loch, pool near Inverkip. Arran. contortus, L. Pond near Robroyston and Frankfield Loch. Arran. MOLLUSCA. 41 Physa fontinalis, L. Limnaea peregra, Mull. var. ovata, Drap. auricularia, L. stagnalis, L. palustris, Miill. truncatula, Miill. glabra, Miill. Ancylus fluviatilis, Miill. lacustris, L. Arion ater, L. hortensis, Fer. Limax gagates, Drap. agrestis, L. lvis, MiilL arborum, Bouch-Ch. maximus, L. Succinea putris, L. oblonga, Drap. Vitrina pellucida, MiilL Zonites cellarius, MiilL alliarius, MiiU. nitidulus, Drap. purus, Alder, var. margaritacea, Jeff, radiatulus, Alder, nitidus, Miill. excavatus, Bean, crystallinus, MiilL fulvus, Miill. Helix lamellata, Jeff, aculeata, Miill. aspersa, Miill. nemoralis, L. var. hortensis, MiilL arbustorum, L. rufescens, Penn. hispida, L. var. subrufa, Jeff. Common. Common. Common with type. Monkland Canal. Introduced (?). Fossil Marsh. Introduced. F. Possil Marsh, Bardowie Loch and Frank- field Loch. Arran. Common. Frankfield Loch. Introduced (?). Common in running streams. Possil Marsh, Bishop Loch, Forth and Clyde Canal at Old Kilpatrick. Common. Common. The var. flava equally common. Said to have been found on the Cumbrae. Common. F. Possil, Robroyston, Baldernock, Eagles- ham, and Kilsyth. A variety of L. agrestis (?). Common. Common. F. Possil Marsh, Gorbals Gravitation Waterworks, and old lade, Dalmuir. Bute and Arran. " Mr. Kenyon is said to have found it near Glasgow" (Jeffreys). Common. Common. Common. Common. Common. The Cloch. Common. Bute. Cumbernauld Glen. Bute. Common. Common. Calderwood and Auchentorlie Glens. Bute. Calderwood and Auchentorlie Glens. Bute. Cathcart Castle; common all along coast line of Firth and Islands. Common. Common. Common. Bowling and Largs. Bute and Arran. Introduced (?). F. Kenmuir Bank, quarries near Barrmill, lime-quarries East Kilbride, Busby, &c., and the Spout of Ballagan; Largs and Bute, "common everywhere." Quarries near BarnnilL 42 THE FAUNA OF CLYDESDALE. Helix sericea, Mull, fusca, Mont. caperata, Mont. ericetorum, Miill. rotundata, Miill. pygmaea, Drap. pulchella, Miill. Bulimus acutus, Miill. obscurus, MiilL Pupa ringens, Jeff, var. paUida, Jeff. umbilicata, Drap. marginata, Drap. Vertigo antivertigo, Drap. pygmeea, Drap. edentula, Drap. Balia perversa, L. Clausilia rugosa, Drap. Cochlicopa lubrica, Miill. Carychium minimum, Miill. Acme lineata, Drap. Largs. F. Kenmuir Bank, West Kilpatrick HUls, Auchentorlie Glen, hills behind Green- ock, near the Cloch and Largs. Bute and Arran. Lime-quarries, East Kilbride, and quarries near Barrmill; coast, generally distri- buted. Bute and Arran. St. Ninian's Bay, Bute. Common. Near Baldernock and Loch Lomond. Lime-quarries, North Hill, Campsie. Bute. Very common on the sandhills at Troon. Bothwell old Castle, Kenmuir Bank, and Auchentorlie Glen. The Cloch and Largs. Bute. The Cloch. Common. Fairlie. Bute and Arran. Hairmyres, East Kilbride, Largs. Bute. Near Milngavie. Bute. F. Kilsyth Glen, Campsie Glen, Spout of Ballagan, Auchentorlie Glen, Largs. Bute and Arran. Common. Common. Common. Lanarkshire (Jeffreys). FRANCIS G. BINNIE. MOLLUSCA. 43 MOLLUSCA. MARINE. In the list of Mollusca the frequency is not stated. The Cumbrae is mentioned whenever the species occurs there, as it is the principal ground which the compiler has worked. Class BRACHIOPODA. Terebratula caput-serpentis, L. Oban, Lochfyne. Crania anomala, Mai. Oban, Cumbrae. Class CONCHIPBRA. Anomia ephippium, L. Ostrea edulis, Jj. Pecten pusio, Perm. varius, L. var. nireus. opercularis, L. septemradiatus, Mull, tigrinus, Mull, maximus, L. similis, Lask. striatus, Mull. Lima eliptica, Jeff. subauriculata, M. Loscombii, M. hians, L. Mytilus edulis, L. modiolus, L. Modiolaria nigra, Gr. marniorata, Gr. Nucula nucleus, L., var. radiatus. niscata, Br. nitida, Mont, tenuis, Mont. Leda minuta, Mont. Pectunculus glycimeris, L. Axinus ferruginosa. Montacuta substriata, Mont, bidentata, Mont, ferruginosa, Mont. Killea suborbicularis, Mont. Lucinia borealis, L. spinifera, L. Axinus flexuosus, Mont. Lasaea rubra, Mont. Lochryan. Cumbrae, Innellan. Oban, Cumbrae. Cumbrae. Cumbrae. Cumbrae. Cumbrae. Cumbrae. Cumbrae. Cumbrae. Cumbrae. Cumbrae. Oban. Cumbrae. Cumbrae, Innellan. Cumbrae. Cumbrae. Oban. Oban. Cumbrae. Kilchattan Bay. Cumbrae. Cumbrae. Oban. Oban. Inverary. Cumbrae. Cumbrae. Cumbrae. Cumbrae. Cumbrae. Oban. Cumbrae. Cumbrae. 44 THE FAUNA OF CLYDESDALE. Cardium eehinatum, L. exiguum, G. nodosum, Turt. fasciatum, Mont, edule, L. Norvegicum, Speng. Isocardia cor, L. Cyprina Islandica, L. Astarte sulcata, Du Costa. var. diptica. triangularis, Mont, compressa, Mont. Circe minima, Mont. Venus exolata, L. lincta, Pult. casina, L. fasciata, De. verrucosa, L. ovata, Penn. gallina, L. Tapes aureus, Gem. virgineus, L. pullastra, Wood, decussata, L. Lucinopsis undata, Penn. Tellima crassa, Penn. balthica, L. tenuis, Cost, fabula, Gr. pusilla, Phil, donacina, L. squalida, Pult. Psammobia tellenella, Lans. ferroensis, Ch. vespertina, Ch. Mactra solida, L. var. truncata. var. subtruncata. var. eliptica. stultorum, L. Lutraria eliptica, L. Scrobicularia alba, Wood. prism atica, Mont. Solecurtus antiquatus, Pult. candidus, Penn. Solen pellucida, Penn. marginata, L. ensis, L. siliqua, L. Pandora inequalis, L. Lyonsia Norvegica, L. Cumbrae. Cumbrae. Cumbrae. Cumbrae. Cumbrae. Cumbrae. Mull of Galloway. Cumbrae. Cumbrae. Cumbrae. Cumbrae. Cumbrae. Cumbrae. Cumbrae. Cumbrae. Cumbrae. Cumbrae. Cumbrae. Cumbrae. Cumbrae. Loch Ryan. Cumbrae. Cumbrae. Cumbrae. Cumbrae. Cumbrae. Langbank. Cumbrae. Cumbrae. Cumbrae. Cumbrae. Cumbrae. Cumbrae. Cumbrae. Loch Ryan. Cumbrae. Cumbrae. Cumbrae. Cumbrae. Cumbrae. Cumbrae. Cumbrae. Cumbrae. Cumbrae. Cumbrae. Cumbrae. Cumbrae. Cumbrae. Cumbrae. Oban. Cumbrae. MOLLUSCA. Thracia pratenuis, Pult. Cumbrae. papyracia, Poli Cumbrae. distorta, Mont. Cumbrae. Neaera cuspidata, Olio. Cumbrae. Corbula gibba, Olio. Cumbrae. Mya arenaria, L. Cumbrae. truncata, L. Cumbrae. Panopea plicata, L. Cumbrae. Saxicava rugosa, L. Cumbrae. var. artica. Cumbrae. Pholas crispata, L. Cumbrae. Teredo Norvegica, L. Cumbrae. Class GASTEROPODA. Dentalium entalis, L. Cumbrae. Chiton fasicularis, L. Cumbrae. cinereus, L. Cumbrae. laevis, Penn. Cumbrae. ruber, L. Cumbrae. albus, L. Cumbrae. Patella vulgata, L. Cumbrae. elevata, L. Cumbrae. caerulea, L. Cumbrae. depressa, L. Oban. athletica, L. Cumbrae. Halcion pellucida, L. Cumbrae. Tecturia testudinalis, Mull. Cumbrae. fulva, Mull. Cumbrae. virginea, Mull. Cumbrae. Puncturella Noachina, Cumbrae. Emarginula fissura, L. Cumbrae. rosea, L. Cumbrae. crassa. Lochfyne. Fisserella graeca, L. Oban. Pileopsis Hungaricus, Ch. Cumbrae. Trochus Grsenlandicus, Ch. Cumbrae. ma jus, L. Cumbrae. tumidus, Mont. Cumbrae. cinerarius, Penn. Cumbrae. umbilicatas, L. Cumbrae. millegranus, L. Cumbrae. zizyphinus, L. Cumbrae. Lyonsii, L. Cumbrae. Lacuna olivaricata, Fab. Cumbrae. divaricata, Fab. Cumbrae. var. canalis. Cumbrae. peteolus, Fab. Cumbrae. pallidula, Du Costa. Cumbrae. Littorina oblusata, L. Cumbrae. ornata, L. Cumbrae. 45 46 THE FAUNA OF CLYDESDALE. Littorina rudes, M. Cumbrae. saxatilis, L. Cumbrae. littorea, L. Cumbrae. Bissoa striatula, Mont. Cumbrae. reticulata, Mont. Cumbrae. punctura, Mont. Cumbrae. membranacea, Ach. Cumbrae. var. elata. Cumbrae. parva, Du Costa. Cumbrae. interrupta, L. Cumbrae. violacea, Derm. Cumbrae. striata, Mont. Cumbrae. semistriata, Mont. Cumbrae. cingillen, Mont. Cumbrae. Hydrobia ulva, Penn. Cumbrae. Skenea planorbis, Fab. Cumbrae. Homologyra atomus, PhiL Cumbrae. rota, F. & E. Cumbrae. Caecum glabrum, Mont. Cumbrae. trachaea, Mont. Cumbrae. Turretella terebra, L. Cumbrae. Scalaria turtona, L. Cumbrae. Odostoma pallida, Mont. Bute. conoidea, Br. Bute. scalaris, L. Cumbrae. nitidissima, Mont. Cumbrae. Eulima pilineata, L. Cumbrae. polita, L. Bute. bilineata, Aid. Cumbrae. distorta, De. Cumbrae. Natica soldida, L. Cumbrae. alderi, Lan. Cumbrae. catina, Costa. Cumbrae. Montacuta, Fab. Cumbrae. Lamellaria perspicua, L. Cumbrae. Velutina laevigata, Penn. Cumbrae. Trichotropis borealis, L. Cumbrae. Aporrhais pes pelicani, L. Cumbrae. Cerithium reticulata, Ha. Cumbrae. perversum, L. Cumbrae. Purpura lapillus, L. Bute. Buccinum undatum, L. Cumbrae. Murex erinaceus, Cumbrae. aceculatus, Lan. Cumbrae. Trophon barveinsis, John. Cumbrae. truncatus, Gt. Cumbrae. Fusus antiquatus, L. Clyde. Nassa reticulata, L. Cumbrae. incrassata, Str. Cumbrae. Defracia Leufroyi, Mich. Cumbrae. purpurea, Mont. Cumbrae. MOLLUSCA. 47 Defracia gracilis, Mont. Cumbrae. Pleurotoma nebula, Mont. Cumbrae. septangularis, Mont. Cumbrae. turricula, Mont. Cumbrae. Cyprsea Europsea, Mont. Cumbrae. Cylichna nitidula, Lov. Cumbrae. acuminata, Br. Cumbrae. cylindracea, Lov. Cumbrae. Utriculus mamillatus, Phil. Cumbrae. umbilicata, Mont. Cumbrae. truncatula, Br. Cumbrae. oblusata, Mont. Cumbrae. Accra bullata, Mull. Cumbrae. Actaeon tornatilis, L. Cumbrae. Scaphander lignarus, L. Cumbrae. Phyline scabra, Mull Cumbrae. aperta, L. Loch Ryan. Melampus bidentata, Mont. Cumbrae. SUB-CLASS NUDIBRANCHIATA. Doris tuberculata, Cuvier. Common. On stones between tide-marks. Johnstoni, Alder & Hancock Moderately common. On stones between tide-mark. repanda, A. & H. K. At low water, planata, A. & H. ; D. Tes- tudinaria, Risso. B. At extreme low water, aspera, A. & H. Common. On Laminai'ia saccharina and between tide-mark, bilamellata, Linn. Moderately common. On stones at low water, pilosa, MulL Moderately common. On stones at low water. Goniodorio, Forbes. nodosa, Mont. Common. Dredged, and at low water. Triopa, Johnston. clavigeo, MiilL Common. Dredged, and between tide- mark. ^Egirus, Love*n. punctiluccus, D'Orb. Moderately common. Under stones at very low water. Polycexa, Cuvier. quadrilineata, Mull. Common. On Laminaria. ocellata, A. & H. Moderately common. Under stones at low water. Ancula, Lov^n. cristata, Alder. Moderately common. On stones at low water. Tritonia, Cuvier. Hombergii, Cuv. Dredged, and at low water, plebeia, Johnston. Common. On stones at low water. 48 THE FAUNA OF CLYDESDALE. Dendronotus, A. & H. arborescens, Mull. Locally common on stones at low water. Doto, Owen. fragilis, Forbes. Moderately rare. Dredged on zoophytes, coronata, MulL Dredged. Eolis, Cuvier. papillosa, Linn. Moderately common between tide-marks. Peachii, A. & H. R. Dredged, coronata, Mull. Moderately common. Dredged. Drummondi, Thomp. Common. Dredged, and between tide-marks. lineata, Lov. gracilis, A. & H. alba, A. & H. concinna, A. & H. nana, A. & H. olivacea, A. & H. aurantiaca, A. & H. cingulata, A. & H. Glottensis, A. & H. amcena, A. & H. viridis, Forbes, picta, A & H. exigua, A. & H. Hermsea, Love'n. bifida, Mont. Hero, Love'n. formosa, Love'n. R. Dredged on stones in 25 fathoms. Moderately rare. Under stones at low water. Common. Low water, and dredged. Very rare. Under stones at low water. R. On shell of Pagurus Benhardus. Very rare. Under stones at low water. Moderately rare. Dredged, 25 fathoms. Very rare. Under stones at low water. R. On zoophytes on gravelly bottom. Moderately rare. In 10 fathoms, gravelly bottom, on Sertularia polyzonias. Moderately common. On muddy stones at low water. R. Dredged on Tubularia indivisa, gravelly bottom. Moderately rare at extreme low water, and dredged. Moderately common. Jithsia corallina. Dredged on Grif- Very rare. Dredged among Melobesia ad- hering to valve of a dead pecten. DAVID ROBERTSON. CGELENTEBATA. 49 SUB-KINGDOM CCELENTERATA. Class ACTINOZOA. Fam. SAGAETIAD.E. Actinoloba dianthus, Ellis. Common on shores of both Cuinbraes, on the under sides of shelving rocks. Sagartia bellis, Ellis & Solander. Not common. In tide-pools, Cumbrae. miniata, Gosse. Common. In rock-pools, venusta, Gosse. E. In holes and crevices in rock-pools near low water, nivea, Gosse. Rather rare. In crevices in rock-pools near low water, Cumbrae. troglodytes, Johnston. Common in holes and crevices in rock- pools. var. prasinopicta. Very rare. Cumbrae. viduata, Miiller. Rare. On stones, Cumbrae. parasitica, Couch. Very rare. Cumbrae. Adamsia palliata, Bohadsch. Common on a muddy gravelly bottom and on scallop banks. Phelia picta, Gosse. E. On shells, Cumbrae. Fam. ANTHEAD.SL Anthea cereus, Ellis & Solander. F. Cumbrae, attached to Zostera. Fam. AcTiNiAim Actinia mesembryanthemum, Common from low to near high -water Ellis and Solander. mark. Fam. BUNODID^E. Bolocera mediae, Johnston. E. West end of Cumbrae. eques, Gosse. E. Cumbrae. Bunodes Thallia, Gosse. E. In a tide-pool, Cumbrae. Gealia crassicornus, Muller. Common. In crevices of rocks. Stomphia Churchiae, Gosse. Moderately common, adhering to stones, Cumbrae. Fam. ILYANTHID.E. Peachia hastata, Gosse. E. Between the Alands, Cumbrae. triphylla, Gosse. E. In muddy sand at extreme low water, Cumbrae. Edwardsia callimorpha, Gosse. Moderately common. In sandy and muddy gravel. D 50 THE FAUNA OF CLYDESDALE. Edwardsia carnea, Gosse. Locally common, under stones. Cerianthus Loydii, Gosse. Bather rare. Muddy sand beyond ex- treme low water, Cumbrae. TKIBE CAKYOPHYLLIACEA. Fam. CAPNEAD^E. Corynactis virdis, Allman. Locally common in rock-pools, Cumbrae. Fam. TUKBINOLIAD^E. Caryophyllia Smithii, Stokes. K. Cumbrae. At low water attached to the under sides of stones. PROTOZOA. 51 SUE-KINGDOM PROTOZOA. Order FOEAMINIFERA. Sub-order IMPERFORATA Fain. MILIOLIDA. Cornuspira foliacea, Phil. Frequent. Biloculina ringens, Lamk. Common, depressa, D'Orb. Common, elongata, D'Orb. Common. Triloculina trigonula, Lamk. Common, tricarinata, D'Orb. Frequent, oblonga, Mont. Frequent. Brongniartii, D'Orb. R. Girvan, Cumbrae. Quinqueloculina seminulum, Linn. Common, subrotunda, Mont. Common, secans, D'Orb. Frequent. bicorniSjW. & J. Common. Ferussacii, D'Orb. R. Girvan, Ardrossan, Bute, Cumbrae. agglutinans, D' Orb. Frequent, fusca, Brady. R. Port- Glasgow. Spiroloculina limbata, D'Orb. Common, planulata, Lamk. Frequent, canaliculata, D'Orb. Frequent, excavata, D'Orb. R. Arran, Ardrossan, Cumbrae. Fam. LITUOLIDA. Trochammina squamata, P. & J. R. Ardrossan, Cumbrae. incerta, D'Orb. R. Girvan, Ardrossan, Bute, Cumbrae. inflata, Mont. R. Campbeltown, [Inverary, Bute, [Cum- brae. gordialis, P. & J. R. Callum's Bay, Bute, macrescens, Brady. R. Inverary. Lituola nautiloidea, Lamk. Frequent, scorpiurus, Montf. Common, canariensis, D'Orb. Common. Valvulina Austriaca, D'Orb. R. Inverary. Sub-order PERFORATA Fam. LAGENIDA. Lageca sulcata, W. & J. Common. striato-punctata, P. & J. R. Tan, Cumbrae. Lyellii, Sagz. R. Ardrossan, Bute, Kyles of Bute. laevis, Mont. Common. gracillima, Sagz. Common. globosa, Mont. Frequent. striata, D'Orb. Common. semistriata, Will. Frequent. 52 THE FAUNA OF CLYDESDALE. Lagena distoma, P. & J. caudata, D'Orb. marginata, W. & J. pulchella, Brady. lagenoides, Will. melo, D'Orb. squamosa, Mont. hexagona, Will. Jeffreysii, Brady. Nodosaria scalaris, Batsch. pyrula, D'Orb. Dentalina communis, D'Orb. pauperata, D'Orb. Vaginulina legumen, Linn. Cristellaria rotulata, Lamk. crepidula, F. & M. Polymorphina lactea, W. J. compressa, D'Orb. gibba, D'Orb. communis, D' Orb. tubulosa, D'Orb. K. Campbeltown, Ardrossan, Largs, Bute. E. Cumbrae. Frequent. B. Fintry Bay, Cumbrae. B. Girvan. B. Loch Ryan, Ardrossan, Bute. Frequent. Frequent. Frequent. Common. E. Ardrossan, Bute. Kyles of Bute, Lochgoil, Ardrossan, Loch Ridon, Bute, Cumbrae. E. Inverary, Loch Ridon, Cumbrae, Inver- kip, Lochgoil. E. Loch Striven, Cumbrae. Frequent. E. Girvan, Bute, Cumbrae. Frequent. Common. Common. E. Bute, The Tan, Cumbrae. Frequent. Fam. GLOBIGEEINIDA. Orbulina uni versa, D'Orb. Globigerina bulloides, D'Orb. Textularia sagittula, Defrance. variabilis, Will. Verneuilina polystropha, Reuss. Bulimina pupoides, D'Orb. marginata, D'Orb. aculeata, D'Orb. ovata, D'Orb. Virgulina Schreibersii, Czjzek. Bolivina punctata, D'Orb. plicata, D'Orb. Discorbina rosacea, D'Orb. globularis, D'Orb. ochracea, Will. Planorbulina Mediterranensis, D'Orb. Truncatulina lobatula, Walker. Rotalia Beccarii, Linn. nitida, Will. Tinoporus lucidus, Brady. Patellina corrugata, Will. Common. E. Cumbrae, Gareloch. Common. R. Kyles of Bute, Loch Striven. Common. Frequent. Common. E. Campbeltown, Arran. E. Loch Ryan, Loch Ridon, Bute, Loch- goil. Frequent. E. Girvan, Inverary, Cumbrae, Kyles of Bute. E. Ardrossan, Kyles of Bute, Cumbrae, Lochgoil. Common. Common. E. Campbeltown, Ardrossan. Frequent, Common. Common. E. Girvan, Cumbrae, Inverkip. E. Callum's Bay, Bute. E. Girvan, Ardrossan, Bute, Cumbrae. PROTOZOA. 53 Fam. NUMMULINIDA. Polystomella crispa, Linn. Common. striato-punctata, F. & M. Common, arctica, P. & J. E. Ardrossan. Nonionina asterizans, F. & M. Frequent, turgida, Will. E. Lochgoil. scapha, F. M. E. Inverary, Loch Bidon, Kyles of Bute, Largs. depressula, W. & J. Common. DAVID KOBEKTSON, F.G.S., F.L.S. VEGETABILIA. SUB-KINGDOM PHANEROGAMIA. This list is compiled chiefly from Mr. Kennedy's Clydesdale Flora, with additions from the Transactions of the Society. Ranunculacep. Clematis Vitalba, L. R. Stonelaw, Dunglass. Thalictrum alpinum, L. r. Arran, Ben Lomond, Ben Voirlich. minus, L. R. Arran. flavum, L. R. Clyde Ironworks, Dunoon. Anemone nemorosa, L. Common. Ranunculus fluitans, Lam. r. Clyde, Inchinnan. aquatilis, L. var. peltatus, Fries. F. St. Germans, Dougalston, Barclowie, Frankfield, Kelvin, var. confusus, Godr. R. Renfrew, var. Baudotii, Godr. R. Dumbarton, var. heterophyllus, Fries. R. Bute, var. trickophyllus, Chaix. r. Cumbrae, Bute, Arran. hederaceus, L. r. Paisley Canal, Cathcart, Fossil, Cum- brae. Lenormandi, F. Schultz. F. Fossil, Shettleston, Gourock, Cumbrae. Lingua, L. R. Fossil, Gourock. Flammula, L. Common. Ficaria, L. Common, var. incumbens, F. Bute. auricomus, L. F. Carmyle, Kelvinside, Maryhill. acris, L. Common. repens, L. Common. arvensis, L. R. Bogle's Hole (?), Tollcross. hirsutus, L. R. Forth and Clyde Canal between Fort- Dundas and Bowling, sceleratus, L. R. Forth and Clyde Canal, Clyde from Renfrew to Dumbarton. bulbosus, L. F. Glasgow Green, Clyde, Gourock. Caltha palustris, L. Common. Trollius europasus, L. F. Kenmuir, Bothwell, Inverkip, Cathkin, Kilmalcolm, Falls of Clyde, Gourock, Lochwinnoch. PHANEROGAM1A. 55 Berberis vulgaris, L. Epimedium alpinum, L. Nymphsea alba, L. Nuphar lutea, Sm. pumila, D.C. Papaver Argemone, L. dubium, L. Rhceas, L. Glaucium luteum, Scop. Fumaria capreolata, L. Fumaria officinalis, L. Corydalis claviculata, D.C. Cakile maritima, Scop. Crambe maritima, L. Raphanus Raphanistrum, L. maritimus, Sm. Brassica oleracea, L. campestris, L. var. Napus, L. var. Rapa, L. monensis, Huds. Sinapis arvensis, L. Sisymbrium officinale, Scop. thaliamim, Hook. Alliaria officinalis, D.C. Cheiranthus Cheiri, L. Cardamine amara, L. pratensis, L. impatiens, L. hirsuta, L. var. sylvatica. Berberidaceae. F. Lambhill, Lanark, Hamilton, Bothwell, Lenzie, Dougalston, Inverkip, Cumbrae. R. Mugdock Castle (?). Nymphseacese. r. St. Germans, Dougalston, Bardowie, Hogganfield, Frankfield, Kelvin, Cart, Loch Lomond. Common. R. Mugdock, Bardowie, St. Germans. Papaveraceae. R. Tollcross, Carmyle. Common. R. Carmyle, Uddingston. F. Lesser Cumbrae, Toward, Bute, Arran. Fumariaceae. R. Rutherglen, Cambuslang, Cathcart, Kil- maicohn. Common. F. Cadder Wilderness, Luss, Coilintraive, Tigh-na-Bruaich, Bute, Arran. Cruciferge. F. Largs, Bute, Cumbrae, Arran. R. Arran at Imacher. Common. F. Wemyss Bay, Innellan, Bute, Cumbrae, Arran. R. Arran. Frequent. Frequent. Frequent. F. Bute, Cumbrae, Arran. Common. Common. Common. Common. R. Mains, Bothwell Castle, Dumbarton. F. Kenmuir, Fossil, Gairbraid, Balmore, Cambuslang, Pollokshaws, Inverkip, Gourock, Lochwinnoch. Common. R. Falls of Clyde. Common. Common. 56 THE FLORA OF CLYDESDALE. Arabis hirsuta, Br. R. Campsie Hills, Cumbrae, Bute, Arran. Barbarea vulgaris, Br. Common. stricta, Andrz. R. Balmore. Nasturtium officinale, Br. Common, terrestre, Br. Common. Cochlearia officinalis, L. Common. var. alpina. R. Ben Voirlich. Cochlearia danica, L. Common. anglica, L. F. Bowling, Dumbarton. Draba verna, L. Common. Subularia aquatica, L. R. Loch Lomond. Teesdalia nudicaulis, Br. R. Tollcross, Fin Glen, Dumbarton. Capsella Bursa-pastoris, Mcench. Common. Lepidium campestre, Br. R. Langside, Drumpeller, Baldernock. Smithii, Hook. R. Baldernock, Fossil, Blantyre Priory, Largs, Arran, Milngavie. Senebiera Coronopus, Poir. R. Largs, Cumbrae, Ardrossan. Besedaceae. Reseda Luteola, L. F. Clyde Ironworks, Old Waterworks, Carmyle, Cathcart, Cambuslang, Gou- rock. Cistaceze. Helianthemum vulgare, Gaert. R. Cartlane Crags, Bonnington Linn, Air- drie, Arran. Violaceae. Viola palustris, L. Common. odorata, L. R. Cambuslang, Bothwell, Partick, Cum- brae. sylvatica, Fr. Common. flavicornis, Sm. F. Cathkin, Campsie, Gourock to Arran. tricolor, L. Common, var. arvensis. Common, lutea, Huds. Common. var. Curtisii, Forst. R. Cumbrae, Kilchattan Bay, Brodick Bay. Droseracese. Drosera rotundifolia, L. Common. anglica, Huds. R. Goatfell, Loch Ranza, Corriegills, Cru- therland. intermedia, Hayne. R. Inverarnan. Polyg-alaceae. Polygala vulgaris, L. Common. var. depressa. R. Campsie Hills, Cathkin, Bute, Arran. PHANEROGAMIA. 57 Elatine hexandra, D.C. Dianthus deltoides, L. Silene acaulis, L. inflata, Sna. var. puberula. maritiraa, With. Lychnis Flos-cuculi, L. vespertina, Sibth. diurna, Sibth. Githago, Lam. Sagina procumbens, L. maritiraa, Don. subulata, Wimm. nodosa, Meyer. Honkeneya peploides, Ehr. Cherleria sedoides, L. Arenaria serpyllifolia, L. trinervis, L. Alsine verna, Bartling. Stellaria nemorum, L. media, With. Holostea, L. glauca, With, graminea, L. uliginosa, Murr. Cerastium vulgatum, L. vulgatum, L. viscosum, L. semidecandrum, L. tetrandrum, Curt. arvense, L. latifolium, Sm. alpinum, L. Holosteum umbellatum, L. Linum catharticum, L. Radiola millegrana, Sm. Elatinaceae. B. Loch Ascog, Loch Fadd. Caryophyllaceae. E. Thankerton. E. Ben Lomond, Ben Voirlich. F. Paisley Canal, Cambuslang, Hamilton, Eastfield, Old Waterworks. E. Opposite Daldowie, Eastfield, New Kilpatrick. Common. Common. F. Tollcross, Carmyle,Motherwell } Wishaw, Torrance. Common. F. Opposite Dalbeth, Maryhill, Cathcart, Paisley Koad, Bute, Cumbrae, Arran. Common. F. Gourock to Arran. E. Shettleston, Cathkin, Crossbasket, Gou- rock, Kilmun, Bute, Arran. F. Possil Marsh, Renfrew, Bowling, Gou- rock, Kilmun, Cumbrae, Arran. Common. E. Ben Voirlich. F. Tollcross, Carmyle, Gourock to Arran. Common. E. Ben Lomond. F. Carmyle, Cathkin, Cambuslang, Castle- milk. Common. Common. E. Possil Marsh, Dalbeth. Common. Common. F. Possil Road, Largs, Cumbrae, Arran, Kilmun. Common. F. Partick, Tollcross, Provanmill, Gourock. F. Campsie, Lanark, Cambuslang, Cum- brae, Arran. R. Lanark. E. Ben Lomond, Ben Voirlich. E. Ben Lomond, Ben Voirlich. E. Bowling (?). Linaceae. Common. F. Possil Marsh, Gourock, Cumbrae, Arran. 58 THE FLORA OF CLYDESDALE. Lavatera arborea, L. Malva sylvestris, L. moschata, L. rotundifolia, L. Althaea officinalis, L. Tilia parvifolia, Ehr. europaea, L. grandifolia, Ehr. Hypericum Androsaemum, L. perforatum, L. dubium, Leers, quadrangulum, L. humifusum, L. pulchrum, L. hirsutum, L. elodes, L. Acer pseudo-platanus, L. campestre, L. Geranium sanguineum, L. phaeum, L. sylvaticum, L. pratense, L. lucidum, L. Robertianum, L. molle, L. pusillum, L. dissectum, L. Erodium cicutarium, L. Malvaceae. K. Ailsa Craig, Cumbrae, Bute, Arran. F. Crossbasket, Dumbarton, Bute, Cum- brae, Arran. E. Hamilton, Cambuslang, Dumbarton, Innellan. R. Hamilton, banks of Clyde. E. Campsie, Arran. Tiliaceae. E. Langside, Carmyle. Common. R. Calderwood, Kilbride Road. Hypericacese. F. Gourock, Ardentinny, Kihnun, Dunoon, Bute, Cumbrae, Arran. Common. F. Cumbrae, Bute, Arran. F. Carmyle, Kenmuir, Cambuslang, Paisley Canal, Gourock to Arran. F. Fossil, Kelvin, Clyde, Stonelaw, Cam- buslang, Paisley Canal. Common. F. Carmyle, Kenmuir, Kelvin, Cambus- lang, Hamilton, Gourock. E. Loch Fadd, Lesser Cumbrae, King's Cove, Loch Ranza. Aceracese. Common. E. Great Western Road, St. Germans, Cumbrae. Geraniaceae. E. Greater and Lesser Cumbrae, Port Crawford, Garroch-head, Arran. E. Blantyre Priory. F. Cambuslang, Cathcart, Kenmuir, Blan- tyre Priory, Calderwood, Campsie. F. Kelvin, Cart, Clyde, Kenmuir. F. Campsie Glen, Dunglass, Blantyre Priory, Cartlane Crags, Bute, Cumbrae, Arran. Common. Common. E. Cambuslang (?). Common. F. Tollcross, Bute, Cumbrae, Arran. PHANEROGAM1A. 59 Oxalis Acetosella, L. Oxalidaceae. Common. Ulex europaeus, L. Genista anglica, L. Sarothamnus scoparius, Koch. Ononis arvensis, L. Anthyllis vulneraria, L. Medicago lupulina, L. Trifolium repens, L. pratense, L. medium, L. arvense, L. agrariunij L. procumbens, L. Lotus corniculatus, L. major, Scop. Ornithopus perpusillus, L. Vicia lathyroides, L. angustifolia, Roth, sepium, L. Cracca, L. Orobus, L. sylvatica, L. tetrasperma, Moench. hirsuta, Koch. Lathyris pratensis, L. sylvestris, L. macrorhizus, Wimm. Prunus spinosa, L. insititia, L. Aviutn, L. Padus, L. Spiraea Ulmaria, L. Geum urbanum, L. rivale, L. intermedium, Ehr. Leguminosae. Common. Cathkin, Campsie, Lanark. Common. F. Opposite Dalbeth, Carmyle, Old Water- works, Haggs Castle, Gourock. F. Dalmarnock, Tollcross, Carmunnock Road, Gourock. Common. Common. Common. Common. R. Hamilton, Cumbrae, Fairlie, Arran. Common. Common. Common. Common. E. Tollcross, Bowling. R. Cumbrae, Arran. F. Possil, Paisley Canal, Gourock, Cum- brae, Arran. Common. Common. R. Cartlane Crags, Falls of Clyde. R. Cartlane Crags, between Corehouse and Bonnington, Hamilton, Arran. R. Cambuslang, Dalziel, Govan, Possilpark. F. Cathcart, Tollcross, Cambuslang, Gou- rock, Cumbrae, Arran. Common. R. Struey Rocks. Common. Kosaceae. Common. F. Rutherglen, Cambuslang, Kenmuir, Inverkip. F. Carmyle, Cambuslang, Milngavie, be- tween Cathcart and Rutherglen. F. Kelvin, Crossbasket, Falls of Clyde, Mugdock, Carmyle, Gourock to Arran. Common. Common. Common. F. Carmyle, Kelvin, Mearns, Gourock. 60 THE FLORA OF CLYDESDALE. Rubus Chamaemorus, L. saxatilis, L. Idseus, L. suberectus, And. var. plicatus, W. & N. rhamnifolius, W. & N. var. qffims, W. & N. var. Lindlieanus, Lees. var. incurvatus, Bab. corylifolius, Sm. csesius, L. discolor, W. & N. var. macrophyllus, W. & N. carpinifolius, Blox. var. villicaulis, W. & N. var. mucronulatus, Bor. var. tuberculatus, Bab. var. diversifolius, Lind. glandulosus, BelL var. rudis, Weihe. var. Radula, Weihe. var. Koehleri, Weihe. Fragaria vesca, L. Comarum palustre, L. Potentilla anserina, L. reptans, L. Tonnentilla, Sibth. var. reptans, Fragariastrum, Ehr. Alchemilla vulgaris, L. alpina, L. arvensis, Sm. Agrimonia Eupatorium, L. var. odorata, Mill. Sibbaldia procumbens, L. Rosa spinosissima, L. Sabini, Woods. var. Doniana, Woods. K. Cleghorn and Bonnington Woods, Campsie Hills. F. Cleghorn and Bonnington Woods, oppo- site Cadzow Castle, Calderwood, Gou- rock, Holy Loch, Inverkip, Arran. Common. F. Cambuslang, Cadder Wilderness, Bal- more, Baldernock, Gourock, Dunoon, Arran. F. Cathkin, Forth and Clyde Canal, Bal- dernock, Kilmun, Cumbrae, Bute, Arran. F. Innellan, Bute, Cumbrae, Arran. F. Busby, Bardowie, Cumbrae, Bute, Arran. F. Paisley Canal, Maryhill, Dunoon, Bute, Cumbrae, Arran. F. Gourock, Dunoon, Cumbrae, Arran. Common. K. Cambuslang, Milngavie. F. Arran, Cumbrae, Bute. F. Cambuslang, Milngavie, Cumbrae. F. Cathkin, Milngavie, Cumbrae, Bute, Arran. R. Cambuslang, Cumbrae, Bute, Arran. R. Cadder Wilderness, Cumbrae, Arran. F. Cambuslang, Hamilton Parm, Pollok- shaws, Busby. R. Arran. F. Kilmun, Dunoon, Bute, Cumbrae, Arran. Common. R. Cambuslang Glen, Cumbrae, Bute. Common. Common. Common. Common. F. Dalbeth, opposite Dalbeth, Bogle's Hole, Hamilton, Wishaw, Firhill. Common. F. Lambhill, Cambuslang, Gourock, Cumbrae. Common. Common. Common on high hills. Common. F. Crossbasket, Perniegair, Calder above Black Linn, Bothwell Castle, Gourock, Cumbrae, Arran. R. Lamlash, Road to Glen Rosa, Dippin Rocks. R. Ben Lomond, Ben Voirlich. F. Bute, Cumbrae, Arran. R. Daldowie, Lamlash. R. Cumbrae, Bute. PHANEROGAMIA. 61 Rosa Sabini, var. involuta, mollissima, Willd. var. ccerulea. tomentosa, Sm. var. scabriuscula, Winch, rubiginosa, L. canina, L. var. lutetiana, Leman. var. dumalis, Bech. var. urbica, Lem. var. dumetorum, Woods. var. arvatica, Puget. var. ccesia, Sm. var. Reuteri, Godet. var. subcristata, Baker. var. Watsoni, Baker. systyla, Woods, arvensis, Huds. Crataegus Oxyacantha, L. Pyrus Malus, L. Aucuparia, Gaert. Aria, Sm. Sm. E. Lamlash. p. Clyde, Cathkin, Kittoch Glen, Kilmun, Cumbrae, Bute, Arran. E. Crossbasket, hills above Mugdock Reservoir. Common. Paisley Canal, Flemington Road, Cambuslang. K. Hamilton, Uddingston, Calder Glen, Cambuslang Glen, Cumbrae. Common. Common. Common. Common. F. Forth and Clyde Canal, Milngavie, Cambuslang, Paisley Canal. Cambuslang Glen, Canal near Maryhill, Milngavie. Paisley Canal, Road beyond Giffnock, Milngavie. E. Lamlash. Eastwood Mains Toll, Busby, Paisley Canal, Cambuslang. E. Brodick. E. Milngavie. E. Bogle's Hole, Kilbride Road, Gourock. Common. E. Crossbasket, Cadzow, Calderwood. Common. E. Loch Ranza. Epilobium hirsutum, L. parviflorum, Schreb. montanum, L. tetragonum, L. var. obscurum, Sch. palustre, L. alpinum, L. Circaea lutetiana, L. alpina, L. Onagraceae. F. Lambhill, Cart, Clyde. F. Clyde, Calderwood, Cart. Common. Common. Arran. Common. E. Ben Lomond, Ben Voirlich. F. Kelvin Woods, Langside, Carmyle, Cambuslang, Gourock. E. Hamilton Wood ; Mauchlan Hole, Kil- bride ; Loch Lomond ; Arran. Hippuris vulgaris, L. Haloragaceae. F. Possil, Forth and Clyde Canal, Frank- field, Gourock. Myriophyllum spicatum, L. Common. alterniflorum,D.C. E. Cumbrae, Bute. 62 THE FLORA OF CLYDESDALE. Lythraceae. Lythrum Salicaria, L. F. Banks of Clyde, Cart, Gourock. Peplis Portula, L. F. Hogganfield, Frankfield, Deil's Craig Dam, Brother Loch, Cumbrae, Arran. Porfrulacacese. Montia fontana, L. F. Possil, Paisley Canal, Cathkin, Gourock, Cumbrae, Arran. Par ony chiacese . Spergularia rubra, St. Hill. F. Tollcross, Govan, Hamilton, Greenock, Cumbrae. neglecta, Syme. F. Bowling, Dumbarton, Gourock. marginata, Syme. Firth. Spergula arvensis. Common. Crassulaceae. Cotyledon Umbilicus, L. Common at Firth. Sedum Khodiola, D.C. F. Loch Eck, Glen Sannox, Ben Voirlich. Telephium, L. F. Cathcart, Partick, Allander Toll, Dum- barton, Gourock, Cumbrae. anglicum, Huds. Common at Firth. villosum, L. F. Cathkin, Campsie Hills, Helensburgh, Kilmalcolm, Gourock, Cumbrae, Arran. acre, L. Common at Firth. Grossulariaceae Ribes alpinum, L. R. Blantyre Priory, Cadzow Castle, Cal- derwood, Stonelaw. Saxifrag-aceae. Saxifraga stellaris, L. Common on the higher hills. oppositifolia, L. R. Corra Linn, Ben Lomond, Ben Voirlich, Lochgoilhead, Arran. aizoides, L. Common on the higher hills, granulata, L. F. Bogle's Hole, Carmyle, Bothwell, Cam- buslang, Calderwoood, Busby. hypnoides, L. F. Campsie, Dumbarton, Dunglass, Gour- ock, Largs, Arran, Lochwinnoch. Chrysospleniumoppositifolium, L. Common. alternifolium, L. F. Kenmuir, Cambuslang, Calderwood, Cathkin, Fin Glen, near Neilston, Loch- winnoch. Parnassia palustris, L. F. Pollokshaws, Cathkin, Possil, Milngavie, common at Firth. UmTDelliferse. Hydrocotyle vulgaris, L. Common. Sanicula europsea, L. F. Kenmuir, Cambuslang, Cathcart, Langside. PHANEROGAMIA. 63 Eryngium maritimum, L. Cicuta virosa, L. Helosciadium nodiflorum, Koch, inundatum, Koch. JEgopodium Podagraria, L. Carum verticillatum, Koch. Bunium flexuosum, With. Pimpinella Saxifraga, L. (Enanthe fistulosa, L. Lachenalii, Gmel. crocata, L. .^thusa Cynapium, L. Ligusticum scoticum, L. Meum Athamanticum, Jacq. Angelica sylvestris, L. Peucedanum palustre, Moench. Ostruthium, Koch. Heracleum Sphondylium, L. Conium maculatum, L. Smyrnium Olusatrum, L. Scandix Pecten-Veneris, L. Anthriscus sylvestris, Koch. vulgaris, Pers. Chserophyllum temulum, L. Myrrhis odorata, Scop. Daucus Carota, L. Torilis Anthriscus, Gaertn. Adoxa Moschatellina, L. Hedera Helix, L. Sambucus Ebulus, L. nigra, L. r. Cumbrae at Fintry Bay, Kilchattan Bay, Arran. F. Erankfield, Hogganfield, Bardowie, St. Germans. F. Bowling, Gourock, Kilmun, Cumbrae, Arran. F. Hogganfield, Frankfield, Bardowie, St. Germans. Common. Common at Firth. Common. F. Cathkin, Gourock, Inverkip, Cumbrae, Arran. R. Bowling (?), Greenock (?). Frequent at Firth. Rouken Glen, common at Firth. F. Rutherglen, Cathcart, Cambuslang, Go- van, Gourock, Cumbrae. F. Bute, Cumbrae, Arran. F. Cathkin, Fin Glen, Kilmalcolm, Loch- winnoch, Greenock, Inverkip Road, Cloch. Common. R. Ardencaple (?). R. Langton House, Jackton, Partick, Lambhill, Mearns. Common. F. Cathcart, Cathkin, Tollcross, Cambus- lang, Crossbasket, Gourock to Arran. R. Dumbarton Rock, Arran. R. Farms of Allington and Merryton (?), Chryston, Kirkintilloch. Common. R. Dalserf, Govan. Common. F. Cathcart, Cambuslang, Gourock, Cum- brae, Arran. F. Govan, Cambuslang, Clyde Ironworks, Gourock, Cumbrae, Arran. Common. Araliaceae. F. Kelvin, Carmyle, Kenmuir, Cambuslang, Garscube. Common. Caprifoliaceas. R. Between Kittochside and Carmunnock, between Milngavie and Dougalston, Milton. F. Kelvinside, Stonelaw, Cathcart. THE FLORA OF CLYDESDALE. Viburnum Opulus, L. Lantana, L. Lonicera Periclymenum, L. Galium verum, L. cruciatum, With, saxatile, L/. pusillum, L. uliginosum, L. F. Langside, Kelvin, Carmyle, Kenmuir, Cambuslang, Rouken Glen. R. Dunglass Glen. Common. Rubiaceae. Common. Common. Common. R. Strathblane Hills. F. Paisley Canal, Cambuslang, Forth and Clyde Canal, Gourock to Arran. palustre,L.var. Witheringii. Common. Mollugo, L. R. Cartlane Crags, north side; Carmyle. boreale, L. F. Carmyle, Dalbeth, Falls of Clyde, Bow- ling. Aparine, L. Common. Sherardia arvensis, L. F. Ferniegair, Pollokshaws, Cathcart, Rutherglen, Cambuslang. Asperula odorata, L. Common. Valeriana dioica, L. omcinalis, L/. Fedia olitoria, Vahl. dentata, Koch. Dipsacus sylvestris, L. Scabiosa succisa, L. Knautia arvensis, Coult. Tragopogon pratensis, L. Apargia hispida, Willd. autumnalis, Willd. Thrincia hirta, Both. Hypochoeris radicata, L. glabra, L. Sonchus arvensis, L. oleraceus, L. asper, Hoffm. Crepis virens, L. paludosa, Moench. Valerianaceee. R. Balvie (?), Bishop's Loch. Common. F. Carmyle, Govan, Cambuslang, Gourock, Cumbrae, Arran. R. Covant Burn (?), Arran (?). Dipsacaceae. R. Arden Quarry, Thornliebank; Inchinnan, Blantyre, Hamilton. Common. R. Tollcross, Uddingston, Blantyre. Compositae. R. Clyde Ironworks, between Rutherglen and Cathcart. Common. Common. R. Airdrie(?); Glenhove,NewMonkland(?). Common. R. Whiting Bay, Arran. Common. Common. Common. Common. F. Kenmuir, Cambuslang, Calder, Gourock, Cumbrae, Arran. PHANEROGAMIA. 65 Leontodon Taraxacum, L. var. palustre. Hieracium Pilosella, L. alpinum, L. Lawsoni, Sm. murorum, L. var. ccesium, Back. sylvaticum, Sm. var. maculatum. gothicum, Fr. umbellatum, L. boreale, Fries. Lapsana communis, L. Arctium Lappa, L. var. intermedium. Carduus nutans, L. acanthoides, L. tenuiflorus, Curt. Cnicus lanceolatus, Willd. palustris, Willd. arvensis, Hoffm. heterophyllus, Willd. pratensis, Willd. Carlina vulgaris, L. Centaurea nigra, L. Scabiosa, L. Cyanus, L. Bidens cernua, L. tripartita, L. Tanacetum vulgare, L. Artemisia vulgaris, L. Eupatorium cannabinum, L. Antennaria dioica, Gaertn. Gnaphalium sylvaticum, L. uliginosum, L. Gnaphalium supinum, L. Filago minima, Pers. germanica, L. Petasites vulgaris, Desf. Common. Possil Marsh, Cathkin. Common. E. Hills above Loch Eck, K. Arran. F. Campsie Glen, Bowling, South Calder, Cadzow, Gourock, Cumbrae, Arran. E. Arran. Common. E. Calderwood, Campsie, Dumbarton, In- verkip. E. Campsie, Cumbrae, Arran. K. Eastfield, Cambuslang. Common. Common. F. Clyde Ironworks, Cambuslang, Canny le, Eutherglen, Gourock, Cumbrae, Arran. E. Arran. E. Mauldslie. F. Pollokshields, Cathcart, Monkland Canal. K. Balvie, Largs. Common. Common. Common. E. Daldowie, Kilsyth, Fin Glen, Dunoon, Ben Voirlich, Arran. E. Arran. E. Struey Rocks, Arran. Common. E. Calder. E. Possil Road, Shettleston, Kilmalcolm, Cumbrae. F. Butteryburn, Erskine, Kilpatrick, St. Germans, Hamilton. E. Cumbrae, Bute, Arran. F. Carmyle, Cambuslang, Bothwell, Gour- ock, Kilmun, Cumbrae, Arran. F. Eastfield, Cambuslang, Clyde Ironworks, Cathcart, Kilmun, Gourock, Dunoon, Cumbrae, Arran. F. Kenmuir, Gourock, Wemyss Bay, Cum- brae, Arran. Common, F. Possil, Cathcart, Carmunnock, Gourock to Arran. F. Thornliebank, Kelvindock, Gourock to Arran. E. Ben Lomond, Ben Voirlich. F. Tollcross, Uddingston, Largs, Arran. F. Bothwell, Gourock to Arran. Common. E 66 THE FLORA OF CLYDESDALE. Tussilago Farfara, L. Aster Tripolium, L. Solidago Virgaurea, L. Senecio vulgaris, L. viscosus, L. sylvaticus, L. Jacobsea, L. aquaticus, Huds. tenuifolius, Jacq. saracenicus, L. Doronicum Pardalianches, L. Pulicaria dysenterica, Gaertn. Bellis perennis, L. Chrysanthemum Leucanthemum, segetum, L. Matricaria inodora, L. var. mariti'nia. Chamomilla, L. Anthemis nobilis, L. arvensis, L. Cotula, L. Achillea Ptarmica, L. Millefolium, L. Common. F. Renfrew to Arran. F. Carmyle, Kenmuir, Cambuslang, Gars- cube, Gourock to Arran. Common. F. Possil Eoad, Firhill, Rawhead. F. Tollcross, Cambuslang, High Blantyre, Gourock to Arran. Common. F. Cambuslang, Renfrew to Arran. E. Woodhall near Airdrie. B. Both well Bridge, Uddingston, Mugdock, Kilwinning. E. Carmyle, Cambuslang, Garscube. E. Struey Rocks and Whiting Bay, Arran. Common. L. Common. F. Cathcart, Pollokshields, Balmore. Common. Common. E. Merrytown, Possil Road, banks of Clyde. E. Cumbrae, Bute. E. Haughhead, Tollcross. E. Shields Farm, Cathcart, Govan. Common. Common. Campanula rotundifolia, L. hederacea, L. latifolia, L. Trachelium, L. Jasione montana, L. Lobelia Dortmanna, L. Vaccmium Myrtillus, L. Vitis-idsea, L. Oxycoccos, L. uliginosum, L. Erica tetralix, L. cinerea, L. Campanulaceae. Common. E. Dunoon, Cloch. F. Carmyle, Cambuslang, Bothwell. E. Mugdock (?). F. Tollcross, Kirkintilloch, banks of Clyde, Gourock to Arran. Lobeliaceae. E. Bardowie, Mugdock, Loch Lomond, Dunloskin. Vacciniaceae. Common. F. Falls of Clyde, Campsie Hills, Gourock to Arran. F. Garnkirk, Auld Wives' Lifts, Campsie Hills, Barloch. E. Ben Voirlich. Ericaceae. Common. Common. PHANEROGAMIA. 67 Calluna vulgaris, Salisb. Common. Andromeda polifolia, L. K. Garnkirk, Gadder Moss, Paisley Moss. Arctostaphylos Uva-ursi, Wimm. K. Holy Island, Arran. Pyrolaceae. Pyrola secunda, L. E. Kittoch Glen, Busby. minor, L. r. Falls of Clyde, Bothwell, Calderwood, Fossil, Gadder Wilderness, Gourock. Aquifoliaceae. Ilex Aquifolium, L. Common. Oleaceae. Ligustrum vulgare, L. Common. Fraxinus excelsior, L. Common. Apocynaceae. Vinca minor, L. r. Barcluith, Hamilton, Stonelaw, Cath- cart, BothwelL Gentianaceae. Erythraea Centaurium, Pers. F. Between Wishaw and Motherwell, Blan- tyre, opposite Dalziel Camp, Gourock to Arran. linarifolia, Pers. r. Largs, Bute, Cumbrae, Arran. Gentiana campestris, L. F. Cathkin, Airdrie, Kilbride, Craigton, Auchineden, Cumbrae, Bute, Arran. trifoliata, L. F. Fossil, Cathkin, Frankfield, Germiston, Gourock to Arran. Villarsia nymphaeoides, Vent. K. Forth and Clyde Canal, Corehouse. Convolvulaceae. Convolvulus arvensis, L. K. Firhill, Cart near Paisley. Calystegia sepium, Br. F. Dalmarnock, Dalbeth, Fossil Road, Barrhead Road, Inchinnan, Gourock to Arran. Soldanella, Br. F. Fintry Bay, Cumbrae; Bute; Arran. Boraginacese. Lithospermum arvense, L. K. Bogle's Hole, Rutherglen, Tollcross, Gourock. Mertensia maritima, Don. F. Cumbrae, Bute, Arran. Myosotis palustris, With. Common. repens, Don. F. Fossil, Cambuslang, Maryhill, Mearns, Gourock to Arran. csespitosa, Schultz. F. Fossil Marsh, Ferniegair, Cart, Bute, Cumbrae, Arran. 68 THE FLORA OF CLYDESDALE. Myosotis arvensis, Hoffm. versicolor, Reich. collina, Hoffm. Lycopsis arvensis, L. Symphytum officinale, L. tuberosum, L. Hyoscyamus niger, L. Solanum Dulcamara, L. Lathraea squamaria, L. Veronica serpyllifolia, L. arvensis, L. scutellata, L. Anagallis, L. Beccabunga, L. officinalis, L. montana, L. Chamaedrys, L. hederaefolia, L. agrestis, L. Bartsia viscosa, L. Odontites, Huds. var. verna. Euphrasia officinalis, L. Rhinanthus Crista-galli, L. Melampyrum pratense, L. Pedicularis palustris, L. sylvatica, L. Scrophularia nodosa, L. Ehrharti, Stev. aquatica, L. Digitalis purpurea, L. Linaria vulgaris, Moench. minor. Desf. Verbascum Thapsus, L. Common. F. Fossil, Rutherglen, ToUcross, St. Ger- mans, Gourock. ? F. Rutherglen, Cathcart, Carmyle, Gour- ock to Arran. Common. Common. Solanaceee. B. Dumbarton Rock (?). F. Cambuslang, Eastfield, Inchinnan, Gour- ock to Arran. Orobanchacese. R. Gareloch, Carmyle (?). Scrophulariaceee. Common. Common. F. Fossil, Frankfield, Hogganfield, Gourock to Arran. E. Busby, Cumbrae, Bute, Arran. Common. Common. F. Carmyle, Kenmuir, Cambuslang, Cath- cart, Langside, Kelvinside, Campsie, Gourock. Common. Common. Common. E. Gourock, between Dumbarton and Helensburgh. Common. F. Bute, Arran. Common. Common. F. Falls of Clyde, Calderwood, Campsie, Milngavie, Mugdock, Gourock to Arran. F. Fossil, Gourock to Arran. Common. F. Langside, Cart, Clyde, Kelvin, Gourock to Arran. E. Inchinnan. E. Jerviston (?). Common. F. Cambuslang, Kelvin, Dalmarnock, East- field, Gourock. E. ToUcross, Barncluith (?). F. Calderwood, Eastfield, Milngavie, Ren- frew, Kilmun, Fairlie, Cumbrae, Arran. PHANEROGAMIA. Lycopus europseus, L. Mentha viridis, L. aquatica, L. sativa, L. var. rubra. var. paludosa. arvensis, L. Thymus Serpyllum, L. var. Ckamcedrys. Origanum vulgare, L. Teucrium Scorodonia, L. Ajuga reptans, L. Ballota nigra, L. Galeopsis Tetrahit, L. versicolor, Curt. Lamium album, L. purpureum, L. incisum, Willd. intermedium, Fries, amplexicaule, L. Betonica officinalis, L. Stachys sylvatica, L. palustre, L. var. ambigua. F, arvensis, L. Nepeta Cataria, L. Glechoma, Benth. Calamintha Clinopodium, Benth. Acinos, Clairv. Prunella vulgaris, L. Scutellaria galericulata, L. minor, L. Pinguicula vulgaris, L. lusitanica, L. Utricularia vulgaris, L. minor, L. LabiatSB. F. Forth and Clyde Canal, Gourock to Arran. B. Ferniegair, Largs, Bute, Arran. F. Paisley Canal, Forth and Clyde Canal, Kelvin, Gourock to Arran. F. Clyde, Inchinnan, Hamilton, Gourock to Arran. E. Lamlash. E. Lamlash. Common. Common. Bare. E. Clyde Ironworks, Rotten Calder, Falls of Clyde. Common. Common. E. Cathcart Castle (?). Common. Common. F. Partick, Clyde Ironworks, Langside, Busby, Mearns. Common. F. Cathcart, Rutherglen, Allander Toll. F. Cathcart, Cambuslang, Gourock to Arran. F. Cathcart, Rutherglen, Cambuslang, Gourock to Arran. E. Hamilton, Nethanfoot. Common. Common. '. Innellan, Arrochar, Cumbrae, Bute, Arran. F. Tollcross, Carmunnock, Gourock, Largs, Cumbrae, Arran. E. Craignethan. Common. F. Kenrnuir, Campsie Glen, Paisley Canal, Hamilton, Busby. E. Bonnington Farm, Lanark; Newton, Cambuslang. Common. F. Brother Loch, Bowling, Dumbarton, Gourock to Arran. E. Between Luss and Helensburgh; Cockle Bay, Bute. Lentibulariaceee. Common. E. Cumbrae, Bute, Arran. E. Possil; Robroyston; Loch Davie, Arran; Cumbrae. E. Frankfield, Possil, St Germans, Cumbrae. 70 THE FLORA OF CLYDESDALE. Primula vulgaris, L. veris, L. Glaux maritima, L. Lysimachia vulgaris, L. thyrsiflora, L. nemorum, L. Nummularia, L. Anagallis arvensis, L. tenella, L. Centunculus minimus, L/. Samolus Valerandi, L. Armeria vulgaris, Willd. Plantago major, L. lanceolata, L. maritima, Jj. Coronopus, L. Littorella lacustris, L. Primulaceee. Common. K. Cathkin, Bothwell, Hamilton, Paisley CanaL Common. E. Kenmuir, Cambuslang, Bowling. E. Possil, Forth and Clyde Canal, Monk- land Canal. Common. F. Harvey's Dike, Cambuslang, Bothwell, Old Waterworks. F. Tollcross, Cathcart, G-ouroek to Arran. E. Helensburgh, Grourock, Bute, Cumbrae, Arran. E. Cumbrae, Arran. Common at Firth. Pltimbaginaceae. Common. Plantaginacese. Common. Common. Cathcart. Common. Common. Common at Firth. Chenopodiacese. Chenopodium album, L. Common, var. viride. Common. Bonus Henricus, L. Cathcart, Bothwell, Mugdock. Atriplex portulacoides, L. laciniata, Sm. Babingtonii, Woods. patula, L. angustifolia, Sm. var. erecta. Salicornia herbacea, L. Suseda maritima, Dumort. Salsoli Kali, L. Scleranthus annuus, L. E. Helensburgh (?). E. Lamlash. F. Cumbrae, Bute, Arran. Common. Common. Common. Frequent at Firth. Frequent at Firth. F. Largs, Cumbrae, Bute, Arran. Scleranthaceae. F. Tollcross, Possil Road, Clyde Ironworks, Gourock. Polygonum Bistorta, L. Polygonacese. F. Cambuslang, Kelvin, Kilbride, Cumbrae, Arran. PHANEROGAMIA. 71 Polygonum viviparum, L. aviculare, L. Eaii, Bab. Convolvulus, L. ainphibium, L. var. terrestre, Persicaria, L. lapathifolium, L. Hydropiper, L. minus, Huds. Eumex Hydrolapathum, Huds. crispus, L. obtusifolius, L. pratensis, M. & K. aquaticus, L. alpinus, L. sanguineus, L. var. liridis. conglomeratus, Murr. pulcher, L. Eumex Acetpsa, L. Acetosella, L. Oxyria reniformis, Hook. F. Ben Lomond, Ben Voirlich, hills above Loch Eck. Common. F. Bute, Innellan, Cumbrae, Arran. Common. Common. F. Hogganfield, Frankfield. Common. F. Forth and Clyde Canal, Cathcart, Gourock to Arran. Common. K. Black Loch. K. Woodhall, Corehouse, between Fairlie and Largs. Common. Common. K. Lamlash. K. Bothwell, Renfrew. R. Gareloch(?). R. Bothwell, Barncluith, Dumbarton. F. Dalbeth, opposite Carmyle, Bothwell, Cumbrae, Arran. Common. R. Between Barncluith and Hamilton Wood. Common. Common. Common on high hills. Empetrum nigrum, L. Mercurialis perennis, L. Euphorbia Helioscopia, L. Peplus, L. exigua, L. Callitriche verna, L. var. platycarpa. Urtica tirens, L. dioica, L. Parietaria officinalis, L. Ulmus campestris, L. suberosa, Ehr. Empetracese. Common. Euphorbiaceae . Common. Common. F. Eutherglen, Cambuslang, Cathcart, Gourock, Cumbrae, Arran. F. Strathbungo, Shawlands, Eutherglen, Tollcross, Cumbrae. Callitriclaacese. Common. Common. Urticaceae. Common. Common. R. Bothwell Castle. TJlmaceae. Common. Frequent. 72 THE FLORA OF CLYDESDALE. Myrica Gale, L. Betula alba, L. var. glutinosa, Fr. nana, L. Alnus glutinosa, Gaertn. Salix pentandra, L. fragilis, L. var. Russelliana, Sm. alba, L. var. caerulea, Sm. var. mtellina, L. undulata, Ehr. triandra, L. purpurea, L. Helix, L. viminalis, L. acuminata, Sm. cinerea, L. aurita, L. caprea, L. laurina, L. Myricaceae. r. Frankfield, Gourock, Kilmun, Bute, Cumbrae, .Arran. Betulaceae. Common. ? R. Bertram near Carnwath. Common. Salicaceae. Common. Common. F. Rutherglen, Cambuslang. Common. Common. Common. R. Clyde Ironworks. R. Balmore. Common. F. Clyde Ironworks, Dalbeth, Cart. Common. R. St. Germans. Common. Common. Common. R. St. Germans. nigricans, L., var. Forsteriana. R. Fossil Marsh. phylicifoKa, L., var. Weigeliana, R. Fossil Marsh. var. laxiflora. R. Clyde Ironworks, fusca, L. Common, herbacea, L. Common on higher hills. Populus alba, L. Common, var. canescens. Frequent. tremula, L. F. Cumbrae, Arran. nigra, L. Common. var. fastigiata. Common. Fagus sylvatica, L. Castanea vulgaris, Lam. Quercus Robur, L. var. sessiliflora, Salisb. Corylus Avellana, L. Carpinus Betulus, L. Finus sylvestris, L. Juniperus communis, L. Cupuliferae. Common. Common. Common. Frequent. Common. F. Garscube, Kelvinside. Coniferae. Common. F. Mugdock, Milngavie, Finnich Glen, Kilmun, Gourock. PHANEROGAMIA. 73 Juniperus comrnunis, var. nana. Frequent. Taxus baccata, L. Common. Hy drocharidacese . Anacharis Alsinastrum, Bab. F. Gadder, Forth and Clyde Canal, Fossil Marsh. Orchidaceae. B. Inverarnan, Arran, Lochwinnoch. P. Eastfield, Stonelaw, Bothwell, Nether- ton, Garscube, Dougalston. E. Loch Eanza(?). E. Invercloy and Whiting Bay, Arran. B. Fullerton Woods. F. Paisley Canal, St. Germans, Gourock to Arran. F. Gourock, Bute, Cumbrae, Arran. E. Calderwood, Cloch, Cartlane Crags. F. Cathkin, Kittoch Glen, Gourock to Arran. Common. Common. F. Cathkin, Milngavie (?), Gourock to Arran. E. Cathkin, Daldowie, Dougalston, Gourock to Arran. E. Castlemilk, Campsie Hills, Gourock, Kilmun, Bute, Arran. F. Dougalston, Kenmuir, Fossil, Paisley Canal, Cathkin, Gourock to Arran. F. Calderwood, Dougalston, Gourock to Arran. Iridaceae. Common. Amaryllidaceae. E. Gairbraid, Castlemilk, Calderwood, Ard- gowan. Trilliacege. E. Calderwood, Netherlee, Jerviswood, Lennox Castle, Kilsyth. Liliaceae. Convallaria majalis, L. E. Falls of Clyde, Cartlane Crags, Barncluith. Polygonatum multiflorum, All. E. Mugdock, Bothwell, Corehouse, Cath- cart. Agraphis nutans, Link. Common. Allium vineale, L. E. Daldowie, Carmyle, Dunglass, Cumbrae, Arran. Malaxis paludosa, Sw. Epipactis latifolia, L. grandifolia, Sm. ensifolia, Sm. Goody era repens, R. Br. Listera ovata, Br. cordata, Br. Neottia Nidus-avis, L. Orchis mascula, L. latifolia, L. maculata, L. Gymnadenia conopsea, Br. Habenaria viridis, Br. Habenaria albida, Br. bifolia, Br. chlorantha, Bab. Iris Pseudacorus, L. Galanthus nivalis, L. Paris quadrifolia, L. 74 THE FLORA OF CLYDESDALE. Allium ursinum, L. Gagea lutea, Ker. Tulipa sylvestris, L. Tofieldia palustris, Huds. Juncus communis, Meyer. var. effusus. var. conglomerates. glaucus, Ehr. maritimus, Sm. squarrosus, L. triglumis, L. acutiflorus, Ehr. lamprocarpus, Ehr. obtusiflorus, Ehr. uliginosus, Sibth. trifidus, L. compressus, Jacq. var. cosnosus. bufonius, L. Luzula sylvatica, Bich. pilosa, Willd. campestris, Willd. var. congesta, spicata, D.C. Narthecium ossifragum, Huds. Common. E. Hamilton (?). R. Blantyre Priory, Orbiston, Smiddy Croft. R. Ben Lomond. Juneacese. Common. Common. Common. F. Robroyston, Auchinearn, Baldernock, Ferniegair, Cathkin, Gourock, Curnbrae, Arran. F. Bute, Cumbrae, Arran. Common. R. Goatfell, Ben Voirlich. Common. Common. R. Between Gourock and Inverkip(?). Common. R. Goatfell, Ben Voirlich. R. Hamilton (?), Gourock. Common. Common. Common. F. Kelvinside, Kenmuir, Cadder Wilderness. Common. Common. R. Ben Lomond, Ben Voirlich. Common. Alisma Plantago, L. ranunculoides, L. Sagittaria sagittifolia, L. Triglochin palustre, L. maritimum, L. Typha latifolia, L. augustifolia, L. Sparganium ramosum, Huds. simplex, Huds. minimum, Bauh. Alismaceae. Common. R. Fossil (?), Bute, Cumbrae, Arran. R. Inchinnan, Forth and Clyde Canal. F. Fossil, Frankfield, Hogganfiekl, Paisley Canal, Gourock to Arran. Common. Typhaceae. R. Perniegair, Cadder, Lochlibo, Corehouse, Inchinnan, Whiting Bay. R. Auchmeddan. Common. F. Forth and Clyde Canal, Possil, Frank- field, Hogganfield, Paisley Canal, St. Germans. F. Forth and Clyde Canal, Frankfield, Gourock to Arran. PHANEROGAMIA. 75 Aracege. R. Bothwell, Barncluith, Crookston, Car- beth-Guthrie, Bute, Cumbrae. R. Cadder, Castle Semple, Corehouse. Lemnaceae. R. Fossil, Forth and Clyde CanaL Common. R. Firhill. R. Firhill. Naiadaceae. R. Bardowie, Hamilton, Blantyre. F. Fossil, Paisley Canal, Forth and Clyde Canal. R. Fossil, Forth and Clyde Canal, Clyde. Common. Common. Common. R. Loch Ascog, Bute, heterophyllus, Schreb. Common, rufescens, Schrad. R. Fossil, Forth and Clyde Canal. Arum maculatum, L. Acorus Calamus, L. Lemna trisulca, L. minor, L. polyrhiza, L. gibba, L. Potamogeton densus, L. pusillus, L. gramineus, L. crispus, L. perfoliatus, L. lucens, L. nitens, Weber. natans, L. oblongus, Viv. Zannichellia palustris, L. Zostera marina, L. var. angustifolia. nana, Roth. Common. Common. R. Bogle's Hole (?), Hamilton Bridge, Kilsyth. Common. Common. R. Between Fairlie and Hunterston, Cumbrae. Cyperaceae. Schoenus nigricans, L. Rhynchospora alba, "Vahl. r Blysmus compressus, Panz. rufus, Link. Eleocharis palustris, Br. multicaulis, Sm. acicularis, Br. Isolepis fluitans, R. Br. setacea, R. Br. Savii, Schultes. var. monostachys. Scirpus lacustris, L. Tabernaemontani, Gmel. maritimus, L. sylvaticus, L. pauciflorus, Lightf. Common. Kilmun, G areloch, Gourock, Loch Lomond. r. Greenock, Largs, Fairlie. F. Kilpatrick, Bowling, Kilmun. Common. r. Largs, Cumbrae, Bute, Arran. R. Bardowie, Arran, Brother Loch. R. Frankfield, Bardowie, Gourock, Cumbrae. r. Fossil, Clyde, Gourock to Arran. R. Arran. R. Arran. F. Fossil Marsh, Kelvin. Common between Renfrew and Bowling. F. Bowling, Dumbarton, Weniyss to Largs, Cumbrae, Arran. F. Bothwell, Hamilton, Kenmuir, Kelvin- side, Inchinnan, Busby. F. Dumbarton, Greenock, Gourock to Arran. THE FLORA OF CLYDESDALE. Scirpus caespitosus, L. Eriophorum vaginatum, L*. latifolium, Hoppe. angustif olium, Roth. Carex dioica, L. pulicaris, L. pauciflora, Lightf. ovalis, Gooden. stellulata, Gooden. curta, Gooden. reinota, L. paniculata, L. teretiuscula, Gooden. var. Ehrkartiana. vulpina, L. muricata, L. arenaria, L. vulgaris, Tries, rigida, Gooden. acuta, L. aquatilis, Wahl. var. Watsoni, Syme. saxatilis, L. pilulifera, L. praecox, Jacq. filiformis, L. hirta, L. glauca, Scop, panicea, L. pallescens, L. limosa, L. var. irriyua, Hoppe. extensa, Gooden. flava, L. var. (Ederi. fulva, Gooden. var. speirostachya. distans, L. binervis, Sm. laevigata, Sm. Common. Common. R. Bonnington. Common. R. Gourock, Inverkip, Cumbrae, Arran. F. Cathkin, Fossil, Paisley Canal, Gourock to Arran. R. Goatfell, Ben Lomond, Near Glasgow. Common. Common. Common. F. Gairbraid, Kelvin, Kenmuir, Gourock, Cumbrae, Arran. R. Kenmuir, New Kilpatrick, Cumbrae, Arran. R. Fossil Marsh, Ferniegair, Little Cum- brae, Arran. R. Bothwell. F. Clyde, Bute, Cumbrae, Arran. R. Cathcart Castle, Inverkip, Cumbrae, Arran. F. Helensburgh, Dunoon, Cumbrae, Arran. Common. F. Ben Lomond, Ben Voirlich, Goatfell, Arran. F. Carmyle, Kenmuir, Gourock, Cumbrae, Arran. R. Kenmuir, Ferniegair. F. Ben Lomond. F. Stepps, Kilbride, Cathkin, Craigmaddie, Gourock, Kilmun, Cumbrae, Arran. Common. R. Dunloskin near Dunoon. F. Baldernock, Kenmuir, Bowling, Gourock, Cumbrae, Arran. Common. Common. F. Crossbasket, Milngavie, Kilmalcolm, Gareloch. R. Bowling. R. Lanark. F. Skelmorlie, Largs, Cumbrae, Arran. F. Cathkin, Fossil, Gourock, Cumbrae, Arran. ? F. Craigmaddie, Bowling, Gourock to Arran. F. Inverkip, Cumbrae, Arran. K. Cumbrae, Arran. Common. R. Lamlash, Cumbrae, Innellan. PHANEROGAMIA. 77 Carex sylvatica, Huds. pendula, Huds. ampullacea, Gooden. vesicara, L. paludosa, Gooden. riparia, Curt. Nardus stricta, L. Alopecurus pratensis, L. geniculatus, L. Phleum pratense, L. Anthoxanthum odoratum, L. Psamma arenaria, R. & S. Digraphis arundinacea, Trin. Agrostis canina, L. vulgaris, With. var. aristata. var. pumila. alba, L. var. stolonifera. var. maritima. Milium effusum, L. Melica uniflora, Retz. nutans, L. Molinia casrulea, Mcench. Catabrosa aquatica, Beauv. var. littoralis. Koeleria cristata, Pers. Holcus lanatus, L. mollis, L. Aira csespitosa, L. alpina, L. flexuosa, L. Aira caryophyllea, L. prsecox, L. Arrhenatherum avenaceum, Beauv. F. Langside, Kelvinside, Cambu slang, Blantyre Priory, Gourock to Arran. R. Blantyre Priory, Barncluith, Kenmuir, Gourock. F. Possil, Bardowie, Gourock, Cumbrae, Arran. F. Possil, Bardowie, Busby. Common. F. Carmyle, Kenmuir, Cart. Gramineae. Common. Common. Common. Common. Common. F. Cumbrae, Bute, Arran. Common. Common. Common. ? F. Bute, Cumbrae, Arran. Common. Common. F. Cumbrae, Arran. F. Hamilton, Lanark, Gairbraid, Langside. F. Kelvinside, Kenmuir, Cambuslang, Gourock to Arran. E. Bonnington Falls, Cartlane Crags, Busby, Kilpatrick Hills. Common. R. Gilbertfield Castle, Crossbasket. F. Cumbrae, Bute, Arran. R. Jerviston, Fairlie. Common. F. Langside, Cambuslang, St. Germans, Gourock to Arran. Common. R. Ben Lomond. Common. F. Possil Road, Paisley Canal, Tollcross, Bowling. F. Tolcross, Mugdock, Bowling, Gourock. var. bulbosum. Avena fatua, L. strigosa, Schreb. pratensis, L. planiculmis, Schrad. pubescens, L. Common. R. Uddingston. F. Tollcross, Cadder, Cathcart, Bute, Cum- brae, Arran. R. Largs, Fair-lie, Arran. R. Glen Sannox (?). R. Cathkin, Cart. 78 THE FLORA OF CLYDESDALE. A vena flavescens, L. Sesleria caerulea, Scop. Cynosurus cristatus, L. Dactylis glomerata, L. Phragmites communis, Trin. Triodia decumbens, Beauv. Briza media, L. Poa aquatica, L. fluitans, Scop. maritima, Huds. compressa, L. pratensis, L. trivialis, L. alpina, L. nemoralis, L. annua, L. Festuca bromoides, L. ovina, L. var. vivipara. var. duriuscula. var. rubra. sylvatica, Vill. pratensis, Huds. var. loliawa. elatior, L. gigantea, Vill. Bromus asper, L. sterilis, L. secalinus, L. commutatus, Schrad. racemosus, L. mollis, L. Elymus arenarius, L. Triticum repens, L. var. littorale. junceum, L. var. laxum. caninum, Huds. Brachypodium sylvaticum, Beauv, Lolium perenne, L. temulentum, L. K. Crossbill, Jobnstone, Fairlie, Arran. B. Ben Lomond. Common. Common. Common. F. Possil, Cambuslang, Catbkin, Gourock to Arran. K. Dougalston, Falls of Clyde, Airdrie, Barncluith, Baldernock. F. Forth and Clyde Canal, Possil, Cart. Common. Common. E. " Old Oaks," Possil Road, Corrieburn. Common. Common. F. Ben Lomond, Ben Voirlicb, Arran (?). Common. Common. F. Possil, Tollcross, Wellsbot, Gourock to Arran. Common. F. Bute, Cumbrae, Arran. Common. F. Bute, Cumbrae, Arran. E. Kenmuir. Common. E. Dalbeth. Common. F. Clyde Ironworks, Carmyle, Kenmuir, Kelvin, Gourock to Arran. Common. F. Old Cathcart, Rutherglen, Shawfield, Cambuslang, Gourock to Arran. E. Possil Road, Tollcross, Pollokshields. E. Shawlands, Eastfield. F. Keppoch Hill, Cathcart, Paisley Canal, Gourock to Arran. Common. E. Brodick, Kildonan. Common. Common. Frequent. Common. F. Partick, Carmyle, Kenmuir, Cathcart, Cambuslang. F. Kelvinside, Carmyle, Kenmuir, Cam- buslang, Gourock to Arran. Common. E. Shettleston. PHANEROGAMIA. Plants not Adonis autumnalis, L. Helleborus foetidus, L. viridis, L. Aquilegia vulgaris, L. Aconitum Napellus, L. Chelidonium majus, L. Sinapis nigra, L. alba, L. Sisymbrium Sophia, L. Hesperis matronalis, L. Erysimum orientale, Br. cheiranthoides, L. Turritis glabra, L. Armoracia rusticana, Baumg. amphibia, Koch. Draba rmiralis, L. Camelina sativa, Cr. Thlaspi arvense, L. Iberis amara, L. Lepidium Draba, L. Senebiera didyma, Pers. Eeseda lutea, L. Saponaria officinalis, L. Vaccaria, L. Linum usitatissimum, L. Hypericum calycinum, L. elatum, Ait. Geranium nodosum, L. Impatiens Noli-me-tangere, L. Oxalis corniculata, L. Euonymus europseus, L. Ulex Gallii, Planchon. Medicago sativa, L. falcata, L. denticulata, Willd. var. apiculata. Melilotus officinalis, L. parviflora, Lam. arvensis, Wallr. Trifolium hybridum, L. Vicia sativa, L. occurring Occasionally in the District. Tollcross. Blantyre Priory, Barncluith. Bothwell. Falls of Clyde, Blantyre Priory, Castle- milk, Dunglass. Hamilton Bridge, Barncluith, Clyde Iron- works, Stonelaw, Loch Lomond. Barncluith, Hamilton, Avon Mill, Craig- nethan, Duchal. Carmyle. Govan. Mary hill. Cambuslang Glen, Cadder, Holytown. Carmyle, Carmunnock, Clyde Ironworks, Possilpark, Firhill. Troon. Partick, Bowling. Botanic Garden as a weed, Cumbrae. Lambhill, Kirkintilloch, Chryston. Dalbeth, Innellan, Cumbrae. Clyde Ironworks. Renfrew, Troon. Troon. Govan, Tollcross. Old Waterworks. Clyde Ironworks. Govan, Mary hill, Lambhill. Largs, Gourock. Greenock. Bothwell. Castlemilk, Eotten Calder. Barncluith. Cadzow, Bothwell. Kingarth. Eastfield, Clyde Ironworks, Govan. Cambuslang, Pollokshields, Possilpark, Possil Marsh, Firhill, Renfrew. Great Western Road, Possilpark, Firhill, Lochburnie. Great Western Road, Possilpark, Firhill. Forth and Clyde Canal, Renfrew. Great Western Road, Possilpark, Firhill. Inchinnan. 80 Vicia lutea, L. Lathyris hirsutus, L. Prunus domestica, L. Spiraea salicifolia, L. filipendula, L. Fragaria elatior, Ehr. Potentilla intermedia, Nesl. Alchemilla conjuncta, Bab. Pyrus communis, L. Epilobium angustifolium, L. roseum, Schreb. Sempervivum tectorum, L. Sedum reflexum, L. Kibes rubrum, L. nigrum, L. Grossularia, L. Saxifraga umbrosa, L. Geum, L. Astrantia major, L. Petroselinum sativum, Hoffm. Carum Carui, L. Valeriana Pyrenaica, L. Tragopogon porrifolius, L. Hieracium aurantiacum, L. Cichorium Intybus, L. Serratula tinctoria, L. Carduus Marianus, L. eriophorus, Willd. Centaurea solstitialis, L. Artemisia Absinthium, L. Doronicum plantagineum, L. Inula Helenium, L. Matricaria Parthenium, L. Achillea tomentosa, L. Xanthium spinosum, L. Campanula rapunculoides, L. Vinca major, L. Polemonium caeruleum, L. Cuscuta Epilinum, Weihe. Echium vulgare, L. Pulmonaria officinalis, L. Lithospermum officinale, L. Anchusa officinalis, L. sempervirens, L. Borago officinalis, L. Asperugo procumbens, L. Cynoglossum officinale, L. THE FLORA OF CLYDESDALE. Renfrew. Troon. Cartlane Crags. Lover's Leap at Chatelherault. Stonelaw, Cathcart, Cambuslang, Garscube. Bothwell. Glen Sannox. Chatelherault. Avon opposite Barncluith, Stonelaw, Core- house. Great Western Eoad. Craignethan, Clyde Ironworks. Avon banks, Cambuslang. Bothwell, Dalziel Camp, Cartside. Partick. Possil. Bothwell Castle. Dalbeth. Carmyle, Calderwood, Kilsyth, Woodhall, Lochwinnoch. Renfrew, Cumbrae. Balvie, Dougalston, Southern Necropolis. Belvidere, Tollcross, Maryhill. Between Daldowie and Bothwell. Dumbarton Castle. Dumbarton, Rutherglen. Lochburnie. Possilpark. Bothwell. Mugdock, Barncluith. Cambuslang. Carmunnock, Cathcart, Xel- vinside. Spittlehill, Milngavie. Helensburgh. Langside. Bothwell, Skelmorlie, Kelburne. Barncluith, Calder, Falls of Clyde. Kilsyth, Chryston, Arran. Possil Road, Old Waterworks, Govan, Bute. Bothwell, Dalbeth, Easterhill. Mugdock, Bothwell, Arran. Uddingston, Bute. Craignethan, Avon opposite Cadzow Castle, Castlemilk. Bute. Cambuslang Glen. PHANEROGAMIA. 81 Echinospermum Lappula, Lehm. deflexum. Atropa Belladonna, L. Solanum nigrum, L. Mimulus luteus, L. Veronica Buxbaumii, Ten. Scrophularia vernalis, L. Antirrhinum ma jus, L. Linaria Cymbalaria, Mill Elatine, Mill. Leonurus cardiaca, L. Lamium maculatum, L. Lysimachia ciliata, L. Plantago media, L. lanceolata, L., var. Timbali. Chenopodium rubrum, L. Suaeda fruticosa, Forsk. Polygonum Fagopyrum, L. Daphne Laureola, L. Mercurialis annua, L. Euphorbia Lathy rus, L. Humulus Lupulus, L. Hippophae rhamnoides, L. Iris foetidissima, L. Narcissus Pseudo-narcissus, L. Ruscus aculeatus, L. Convallaria majalis, L. Allium Schoenoprasum, L. Ornithogalum umbellatum, L. Tulipa sylvestris, L. Alopecurus agrestis, L. Setaria viridis, Beauv. glauca, Beauv. Phalaris canariensis, L. paradoxa. Polypogon monspeliensis, Desf. Agrostis Spica-venti, L. Bromus secalinus, L. arvensis, L. Lolium italicum, Braun. Renfrew, Denniston. PossiL Cathcart. Gareloch, Largs, Cumbrae. Cathkin. Cumbrae. BothwelL Barncluith, Chatelherault, Mugdock. Bothwell, MaryhilL Troon. Craignethan, Corehouse. Barncluith, Mugdock. Dumbarton, Loch Lomond. Innellan. Kilmarnock Road. Troon. Bothwell. Troon. Barncluith, Hamilton. Tollcross, Stonelaw, Possilpark. Toward. Cumbrae. Kittoch Glen, Dunoon. Bothwell, Row. Falls of Clyde, Barncluith. Arran. Barncluith, Cart, Dunglass. Bothwell. Govan, Billhead. Renfrew. Great Western Road. Great Western Road. Great Western Road. Great Western Road, Denniston. Possil Road, ToUcross, Pollokshields. Possil Road, Tradeston. Shettleston, Carmyle. RICHARD M'KAY. The preceding list of Phanerogamia is for the district of the Clyde Valley. Want of time has prevented its extension to the whole of the West of Scot- land. 82 THE FLORA OF CLYDESDALE. SUB-KINGDOM CRYPTOGAMIA. Polypodium vulgare, L. Phegopteris, L. Dryopteris, L. alpestre, Hoppe. Cryptogramma crispa, Br. Polystichum aculeatum, Sw. var. lobatum. angulare, W. Lonchitis, Sw. Lastrea Oreopteris, Sw. Filix-mas, Sw. var. incisa, Moore, var. producta, Moore. var. paleacea, Moore. cristata, Sw. dilatata, Sw. var. spinulosa, Presl. var. recuna, Newman, var. glandulosa, Newm. var. nana, Newm. var. collina, Newm. var. pumila, Moore, var. dumetorum, Sm. Crystopteris fragilis, Bernh. var. dentata. Athyrium Filix-foemina, Bernh var. irriguum, Roth, var. molle, Roth, var. marinum, Moore, var. incisum, Hoff. var. laxum, Schu. var. odontomanes, Moore. Filices. Common. F. Hamilton, Calderwood, Dougalston, Drymen Road, Gourock to Arran. F. Cadzow, Cambuslang, Calder, Kelvin, Campsie, Drymen Road, Garscube, Gourock to Arran. B. Ben Voirlich. E. Ben Lomond, Neilston Pad, Kilpatrick Hills, Kilmalcolm, Campsie Hills, Kil- syth, Kilmun, Glen Sannox. F. Calderwood, Gourock, Bute, Arran. Common. F. Kilsyth, Helensburgh, Skelmorlie, Largs, Cumbrae, Bute, Arran. E. Ben Lomond, Ben Voirlich. Common. Common. Frequent. F. Garscube, Cadder Wilderness, Gourock to Arran. F. Cumbrae, Arran. E. Crofthead. Common. F. Lochlibo, Loch Lomond, Tarbet, Mugdock. F. Between Brodick and Corrie, Lamlash. F. Cadder Wilderness, Bute, Arran. F. Cadder Wilderness, Bute, Arran. F. Bute, Arran, Colintraive. Colintraive, Bute, Arran. Cadder Wilderness, Colintraive, Bute, Arran. F. Barncluith, Hamilton, Cadzow, Falls of Clyde, Campsie Glen, Calderwood, Kit- toch Glen, Gourock to Arran. E. Tarbet, Rashfield, Holy Loch. Common. Common. E. Hamilton, Cumbrae, Bute, Arran. E. Inverkip, Cumbrae, Bute, Arran. Common. F. Hamilton, Ardencaple, Helensburgh, Bute, Arran. F. Cambuslang, Kilmun, Rothesay, Lamlash. FILICES. 83 Asplenium Adiantum-nigrum, L. F. Cathcart, Cambuslang, Calderwood, Crossbasket, Falls of Clyde, Cadzow, Bowling, Dumbarton, Gourock to Arran. F. MaryhUl Road, Calderwood, Cathcart, Bowling, Dumbarton, Gourock to Arran. Common. F. Falls of Clyde; KUsyth; Fin Glen; Rashfield, Holy Loch; Glen Messen, Dunoon, Arran, Ben Voirlich. R. Wemyss Bay, Bute, Cumbrae, Arran. F. FaUs of Clyde, Barncluith, Hamilton, Calderwood, Crossbasket, Cambuslang, Holy Loch, Gourock to Arran. E. Paisley. Common. Common. R. Arran. Hymenophyllum tunbridgense, Sm. F. Milngavie, Gourock, Inverkip, Luss, Tarbet, Puck's Glen on Holy Loch, Dunoon, Bute, Arran. Wilsoni, Hook F. Bowling, Pillar Craigs, Campsie Glen, Fin Glen, Gourock, Inverkip, Loch Lomond, Kilmun, Glen Messen, Tigh- na-Bruich, Bute, Fairlie, Cumbrae, Arran. R. Between Inverkip and Gourock, Loch Lomond, Kilmun, Dunoon, Wemyss Bay, Cumbrae, Bute, Arran. R. WoodhaU, Possil (?), Paisley Canal, Cambuslang,Craigenglen, Kilsyth, Gour- ock, Cumbrae, Arran. R. Neilston Pad, Kilsyth, Gourock, Largs, Bute, Cumbrae, Arran. Asplenium Ruta-muraria, L. Trichomanes, L. viride, Huds. marinum, L. Scolopendrium vulgare, Sym. Ceterach officinarum, Willd. Pteris aquilina, L. Blechnum boreale, Sw. Trichomanes radicans, Sw. Osmunda regalis, L. Ophioglossum vulgatum, L. Botrychium Lunaria, Sw. Lycopodium clavatum, L. Lycopodium selaginoides, L. alpinum, L. Selago, L. annotinum, L. Isoetes lacustris, L. Pilularia globulifera, L. Lycopodiaceae. F. Paisley Canal (?), Craigmaddie, Stepps, Milngavie, Gourock, Kilmun, Dunoon, Bute, Cumbrae, Arran. Common. F. Paisley Canal (?), Holy Loch, Gourock, Inverkip, Largs, Bute, Cumbrae, Arran. F. Craigmaddie, Cathkin, Stepps, Gourock, Kilmun, Dunoon, Bute, Cumbrae, Arran. R. Ben Voirlich. R. Loch Cochno, Lily Loch, Loch Lo- mond, Bute. Karsileaceae. R. Frankfield, Bishop Loch, Loch Lomond. 84 THE FLORA OF CLYDESDALE. Equisetum Telmateia, Ehr. arvense, L. umbrosum, Willd. sylvaticum, L. limosum, L. palustre, L. hyemale, L. variegatum, Schl. Equisetacese. R. St. Germans, Wemyss Bay, Arran. Common. E. Clyde near Newton, Campsie Glen, Bon- nington. Common. Common. P. Paisley Canal Frankfield, E. Falls of Clyde, Kenmuir, Carmyle, Kel- vinside. E. Frankfield. EICHAKD M'KAY. MUSCI. 85 CEYPTOGAMIA continued. Andresea alpina, Turn. obovata, Theden. petrophila, Ehr. alpestris, Schr. Rothii, W. & M. Grimsulana, Bruch. falcata, Schr. nivalis, Hook. Sphagnum cymbifolium, Schr. compactum, Brid. molluscum, Bruch. rubellum, Wils. acutifolium, Ehr. fimbriatum, Wils. cuspidatum, Dill, var. plumosum. recurvum, Beauv. contortum, Schultz. Lindbergh", Sch. obesum, Wils. subsecundum, N. H. curvifolium, Wils. squarrosum, W. & M. teres, Schr. laricinum, Spruce, molle, Sull. Girgensohni. mniophylloides. M'K. Archidium phascoides, Brid. Phascum serratum, Schreb. muticum, Schreb. triquetrum, Spruce, patens, Hed. rectum, Sm. alternifolium, B. & S. subulatum, L. Gymnostomum tenue, Schrad. rupestre, Schw. var. compactum. curvirostrum, Hed. microstomum, Hed. Weissia controversa, Hed. mucronata, B. & S. cirrhata, Hed. Musci. r. Western Highland hills. Very rare. Ben Lawers. Common. K. Uam Vohr. Frequent. K. Ben Lawers. R. Craig na Gour. R. Ben Nevis. Common. r. Callander, c. fr. r. Bogs. R. Goat Fell, Arran. Common. Common. Common. Common. Frequent. Frequent. R. Ben Luoi. R. Frankfield Loch. r. Milngavie. Glen Falloch. Common. R. Ben Ledi, Ben Voirlich. r. Milngavie, &c. R. Ben Lawers. R. Ken Ledi. R. Ben Wyvis. R. Fossil Marsh. P. Near Glasgow. Frequent. R. Near Glasgow. R. Hamilton. R. Near Bowling. F. Canniesburn, &c. F. Canniesburn, &c. R. Stonelaw. Common. R. Glen Falloch. Frequent. Frequent. Common. F. Dowanhill in fruit. Common. 86 THE FLORA OF CLYDESDALE. Weissia crispula, Hed. var. /3. verticillata, Brid. compacta, SchL serrulata, Fk. Rhabdoweissia fugax, B. & S. denticulata,B.&S. Campylostelium saxicola, B. & S. Brachyodus trichodes, N. & H. Seligeria recurvata, B. & S. Stylostegium caespiticium, B. & S. Blindia acuta, B. & S. Arctoa fulvella, B. & S. Cynodontium Bruntoni, B. & S. Dicranum virens, Hed. var. wahlenbergii. var. strictum. crispum, Hed. squarrosum, Schrad. cerviculatum, Hed. varium, Hed. var. j8. rufescens, Turn, subulatum, Hed. heteromallum, Hed. Starkii, W. & M. Blyttii, B. & S. Scottianum, Turn, longifolium, Hed. pellucidum, Hed. var. fayimontanum. var. serratum. Schreberi, Hed. circinnatum, Wils. several varieties, fuscescens, Turn, var. j8. leaves falcate, scoparium, Hed. var. ortkodadum. ma jus, Turn, palustre, Brid. var. p. var. 7. juniperifolium. spurium, Hed. arcticum, Schr. polycarpum, Ehr. var. strumiferum. longisetum, M'K. falcatum, Hed. Kinlayanum, Schr. Dickieanum, Wils. Frequent on Western Mountains. Ben Lawers. Common. In fruit, Cardross. E. Ben Lawers. E. Ben Lawers. Common. F. Ben Vhorlich, Western Highlands. R. Bracklin Bridge. R. Bothwell Castle. F. Gourock, Bothwell Abbey. E. Ben Lawers. Frequent. R. Ben Lawers. F. Gourock, &c. E. Ben Lawers. Ben Ledi. Ben Luoi. E. Lennoxtown. Common. F. Gartcosh Moor. Common. Ben Lomond. E. Near Paisley. F. Western Highland hills. Common. F. Western Highland hills. F. Western Highland hills. E. Tighnabruich, Dunoon. R. Ben Lawers. Common. F. Campsie Hills. R. Callander. R. Lennoxtown. R. Ben Vhorlich, Ben Donagh. Ben Vhorlich. Common. Hills behind Dunoon. Common. F. Callander. Common. Common. Doune in fruit. Near Callander. R. Craig na Gour. R. Trossachs. R. Ben Lawers. F. Western Highland hills. R. Cobbler, &c. Common. F. Western Highland hills. F. Western Highland hills. R. Ben Donagh. MUSCI. 87 Desrnatodon nervosus, B. & S. Leucobryum glaucum, Hampe. Ceratodon purpureus, Brid. cylindricus, B. & S. Dicranodontium aristatum, Mitt sericeum, Schr. longirostre, W. Campylopus Shawii, Wils. alpinus, Schr. flexuosus, Brid. Swartzii, Schr. brevipilus, B. & S. cornpactus, Schr. brevifolius, Schr. densus, B. & S. longipilus, Brid. turfaceus, B. & S. Pottia minutula, Ehr. truncatula, L. crinita, Wils. Heimii, B. & S. cavifolia, Ehr. Anacalypta lanceolata, Kohl. latifolia, Nott. Distichium inclinatum, B. &. S. capillaceum, B. & S. Didymodon rubellus, B. & S. var. rufulus, Strn. rufus, Lorenz. cylindricus, B. &. S. flexifolius, Hook, recurvifolius, Taylor. Daldinianus. Trichostomum tophaceum, Brid. crispulum, Bruch. flavo-virens, Bruch. flexicaule, Schwgr. var. compact urn, Strn. homomallum, B. & S. rigidulum, Wils. var. densum. mutabile, Bruch. cirrhifolium, Schr. Tortula ambigua, B. & S. aloides, B. & S. rigida, Schultz. var. pUifera. muralis, Timm. var. rupestris. convoluta, Hed. var. Sardoica. R. Cardross. Common. Fruit, Ben Lomond. Common. R. Callander. . F. Milngavie, Lennoxtown. R. Soccoch Hill. & M. R. Cardross. R, North Uist. R. Western Highland hills. Common. Frequent. R. Tyndrum. R. Western Highland hills. R. Soccoch Hill; Arrochar. Common. Common. Common. R. Stevenston. Common. R. Maryhill. R. Bothwell Abbey. F. Glasgow. R. Bowling. R. Ben Lawers. R. Sands of Stevenston. F. Western Highland hills. Common. Ben Lawers. R. Ben Lawers. R. Campsie in fruit. R. Ben Lomond, Callander. R. Ben Vhorlich. F. Western Highland hills. R. Fossil Road. Frequent, as at Bowling. R. Tighnabruich. Common on Western Mountains. R. Ben Lawers. Common. R. Callander. F. Callander, Killin, &c. Common. R. Ben Lomond. R. Glasgow, Pollokshields. Common. F. Fossil Road. Fossil Road. Common. Near Callander. Common. Campsie. 88 THE FLORA OF CLYDESDALE. Tortula revoluta, Schw. vinealis, Brid. insulana, De Not. fallax, Hed. var. j3. ruralis, Hed. laevipila, Brid. intermedia, Brid. papillosa, Wils. latifolia, B. &. S. subulata, Brid. var. /9. tortuosa, W. & M. fragilis, Wils. recurviiolia, Wils. Mullen, B. & S. marginata, B. & S. unguiculata, Hed. var. cuspidata. gracilis, Schw. Cinclidotus fontinaloides, Beauv. var. /?. riparius, Arnott, var. Encalypta commutata, N. & H. vulgaris, Hed. var. /?. var. 7. ciliata, Hed. rhabdocarpa, Schw. streptocarpa, Hed. Hedwigia cUiata, Hed. Grimmia conferta, B. & S. apocarpa, B. & S. var. /3. var. 7, crispula. var. 5, stricta. var. e, gracilis. var. ^falcata. var. ?;, rivularis. Grimmia maritima, B. & S. orbicularis, B. & S. pulvinata, Sm. var. j3. Schultzii, Brid. robusta, Ferg. subsquarrosa, Wils. spiraKs, H. & T. Muhlenbeckii, Schr. trichophylla, Grev. Hartmanni, Schr. var. ^. Common. K. Cardross. Common near Glasgow. K. Stevenston. K. Trossachs. E. Falls of Clyde. F. Killin, &c. K. Bowling. B. Kilmun, Callander. R. Renfrew. Common. Near Callander. Common; Killin in K. Ben Lawers. R. Killin, Dailly. R. Bowling. R. Dumbarton. Common. Common. R. Bowling. R. Clyde. R. Campsie Hills. terrestris. R. Callander. R. Ben Lawers. Common. F. Falls of Clyde. R. Callander. F. Western Highland hills. R. Ben Lawers. Common. Fruit, Callander. Common. R. Bowling. Common. R. Callander. R. Ben Law err. Common. Common. R. Craig Challiach. Common. Common. R. Bowling. Common. Common. R. Bowling, Clova. R. Bowling. R. Near Glasgow, Killin, Bowling in fruit. F. Western Highland hills. R. Bothwell. F. Bowling, Callander, &c. Callander, Killin, &c. Ben Lawerp. MUSCI. 89 Grimmia ovata, W. & M. K. Craig Challiach. leucopheea, Grev. E. Stirling, Bowling. Donniana, Sm. R. Barrhead, Callander, Bowling, commutata, Hueb. E. Killin. elongata, Kaul. Frequent near Glasgow, patens, B. & S. r. Western Highland hills, torta, N. & H. F. Western Highland hills. Racomitrium ellipticum, B. & S. E. Cobbler. aciculare, Brid. Common, var. denticulatum. Common. protensum, Braun. Common. Western Mountains, sudeticum, B. & S. r. Western Highland hills, var. /3. E. Ben Lawers. fasciculare, Brid. Common. heterostichum/Brid. Common, lanuginosum, I' rid. Common, canescens, Brid. Common, var. prolixum. Common. Ptychomitrium polyphyllum, B. & S. Common, var. /3. Common. var. 7. Common. Orthotrichum cupulatum, Hoff. E. Falls of Clyde. var. 7 E. Falls of Clyde. Sturmii, Hop. & Horn. E. Stirling Eock, Callander. tenellum, Bruch. F. Kilmun, Callander. stramineum, Hsch. Common, affine, Schrad. Common. Shawii, Wils. E. Dailly. rupestre, Schl. Frequent. Lyellii, Hook. F. Killin in fruit, rivulare, Turn. E. Girvan, Bothwell. Sprucei, Mont. E. Girvan, Renfrew, diaphanum, Schrad. E. Kilmun, Ardrishaig. leiocarpum, B. & S. Common, pulchellum, Sin. E. Callander. saxatile, Brid. E. Stirling, anomalum, Hed. F. Falls of Clyde. var. /3. E. Falls of Clyde. Ludwigii, Schw. E. Callander, Killin. crispum, Hed. Common, calvescens, Wils. E. Rowardennan. Bruchii, Brid. Common. Drummondii, H. & G. R. Caliander. Hutchinsise, Sm. F. Ardrishaig, Killin. phyllanthum, B. & S. Common. Zygodon lapponicus, B. & S. F. Western Highland hills. Mougeotii, B. & S. Common. Fruit, Campsie Glen, Craig naLochan. viridissimus, Brid. Common. conoideus, Dicks. R, Glen Lochy. Stirtoni, Schr. F. Campsie Glen, Ben Lawers. forma. E. Bowling. 90 THE FLORA OF CLYDESDALE. Tetraphis pellucida, Hed. Frequent. TetrodontiumBrownianum,Schw. E. Gourock. B. Bowling, Campsie. K. Loch Lomond. p. Western Highland hills. Common. E. Doune. E. Hell's Glen. Buxbaumia aphylla, Hall. indusiata, Brid. Diphyscium foliosum, W. & M. Atrichum undulatum, Beauv. angustatum, Brid. tenellum, Roth. Oligotrichumhercynicuin,Decand.F. Western Mountains. Pogonatum nanum, Brid. E. Barrhead, Callander. aloides, Brid. Common. urnigerum, Brid. Common. alpinum, Brid. F. Western Highland hills. Polytrichum sexangulare, Hoppe. E. Ben Lawers. gracile, Men. formosum, Hed. commune, L. juniperum, Hed. piliferum, Schr. Timmia Austriaca, Hed. Norvegica, Zett. Aulacomnion palustre, Schw. F. Fossil, Frankfield. F. Frankfield, Fossil. Common. Common. Common. E. Ben Lawers. E. Ben Lawers. Common. androgynum Schw. E. Stirling. Orthodontium gracile, Sch Leptobryum pyriforme, Wils. Bryum acuminatum, B. & S. polymorphum, B. & S. elongatum, Dicks. crudum, Schr. nutans, Schr. var. bicolor. var. longisetwn. annotinum, Hed. carneum, L. Wahlenbergii, Schw. var. glaciale. Ludwigii, Spreng. Marratii, H. & W. Warneum, Bland. E. Lennoxtown Woods. F. Fossil. Common. Common. Common. F. Campsie. Common. E. Ben Ledi. Common. F. Western Highland hills. F. Paisley Canal, &c. F. Western Highland hills. E. Ben Lawers. F. Western Highland hills. E. Stevenston. E. Sands of Stevenston. pseudotriquetrum, Schw. Common. alpinnm, L. var. j8. var. 7. Miihlenbeckii, B. & S. latifolium, Schl. Duvalii, Voit. pallens, Swartz. barbatum, Wils. uliginosum, B. & S. cernuum, Hed. inclinatum, B. & S. F. Western Highland hills. E. Callander. E. Killin. E. Ben Nevis. E. Ben More, Ben Challum. E. Ben Ledi, Ben Lawers. Common. E. Ben Ledi, Killin. F. Fossil Road, &c. Common. Common. MUSCI. 91 Bryum intermedium, Brid. Common. bimum, Schr. F. Sands of Stevenston. var. cuspidatum. R. Sands of Stevenston. torquescens, B. & S. K. Rothesay, Dailly. obconicum, Horns. K. Arran, Dailly. capillare, Hed. Common, caespiticium, L. Common, murorum, Schr. R. Callander. sanguineum, Lud. R. Tyndrum. julaceum, Sm. Common. argenteum, L. Common. Streets of Glasgow. Zierii, Dicks. F. Western Highland hiUs. demissum, Hook. R. Ben Lawers. roseum, Schr. R. Millport. moniliforme, Wils. R. Stevenston. fallax, Mild. R. Ben Challum. gracile, SchL R. Ben Lomond, Ben Lawers. atropurpureum, W. & M. Common, cirrhatum, Hoppe & Horns. R. Ben Lawers. Mnium affine, Bland. R. Fossil cuspidatum, Hed. Common, rostratum, Schr. Common. var. /3. Common. spinosum, Voit. R. Ben Lawers. serratum, Brid. F. Western Highland hills, hornum, L. Common, undulatum, Hed. Common, stellare, Hed. R. Callander. cinclidioides, Hueb. R. Ben Lawers, Ben Challum. punctatum, Hed. Common. var. cochleariforme, Wils. Dunoon. var. 7. Campsie Hills, subglobosum, B. & S. Possil Marsh. insigne, Mitt. F. Ben Ledi, Ben Lawers. Cinclidium stygium, Swartz. R. Ben Ledi, Ben Lawers. Meesia uliginosa, Hed. F. Western Highland hills. Amblyodon dealbatus, Beauv. R. Ben Lawers. Funaria hygrometrica, Hed. Common. Entosthodon Templetoni, Schw. R. Kilmun, Gourock. Physcomitriumpyriforme,B. &S. R. Devol's Glen, fasciculare, B. & S. R. Devol's Glen, ericetorum, De Not. Common. Bartramidula tenella (Strn.) fide Schpr. R. Cobbler. Bartramia arcuata, Brid. F. Fruit, Trossachs. fontana, Brid. Common, caespitosa, Wils. Common. Possil. calcarea, B. & S. R. Campsie, fruit, pomiformis, Hed. Common, var. stricta. Common, var. 7. Gourock. Halleriana, Hed. F. Campsie, Ben Ledi. 92 THE FLORA OF CLYDESDALE. Bartramia QEderi, Swartz. ithyphylla, Brid. Conostomum boreale, Swartz. Catoscopium nigritum, Brid. Discelium nudum, Brid. Splachnum vasculosum, L. ampullaceum, L. sphsericum, Hed. Tetraplodon mnioides, B. & S. angustatus, B. & S. Frequent. F. Callander. F. Western Highland hills. K. Ben Lawers. B. Gartnavel. K. Ben Lawers. K. Callander. F. Western Highland hills. F. Craig Cailleach, Killiu. E. Hell's Glen. Tayloria serrata, var. tennis, Dicks. E. Ben Lawers. Dissodon splachnoides, Grev. E. Ben Lawers, Craig Cailleach. (Edipodium Griffithianum, Schw. F. Western Highland hills. Fissidens exilis, Hed. incurvus, Schw. crassipes, Wils. bryoides, Hed. osmundioides, Hed. adiantoides, Hed. var. /3. taxifolius, Hed. tamarindifolius, Bonn, rupestris, Wils. Ancectangium compactum, Schw. Common. E. Fossil. E. Fossil. E. Fossil. Common. F. Western Highland hills. Frequent. Frequent. Common. F. Fossil. Frequent. Leucodon sciuroides, Schw. morensis, Schw. Antitrichia curtipendula, Brid. Anomodon viticulosus, H. & T. Habrodon Notarisii, Schr. Pterogonium filiforme, Hed. gracile, Sw. Isothecium niyurum, Dill, var. robustum. myosuroides. var. glaciate. E. Callander. E. Killin. Common. Fruit, Killin. Common. Fruit, Campsie. E. Killin, Ben Lawers. F. Western Highland hills. Frequent. Common. Falls of Clyde. Common. F. Western Highland hills. Climacium dendroides, W. & M. Frequent. Cylindrothecium Montagnei, Mull. E. Killin, Ben Lawers. Leskea polyantha, Hed. pulvinata, Wahl. polycarpa, Ehr. sericea, Dill, rufescens, Hall, subrufa, Wils. nervosa, Schw. Myurium Hebridarum, Schr. Hypnum abietinum, Dill. decipiens, De Not. delicatulum, L. tamariscinum, Hed. splendens, Dill, plicatum, Schl. E. Dailly. E. Falls of Clyde. Common. Common. F. Western Highland hills. F. Western Highland hills. E. Ben Lawers. E. North Uist and Skye. E. Sands of Stevenston. F. Ben Lawers. E. Ben Lawers. Common. Common. E. Ben Lawers. MUSCI. 93 Jlypnum salebrosum, Hoff. glareosum, Bruch. albicans, Dill. velutinum, Dili reflexum, Sel. Starkii, Brid. Hunti, Schr. intennixtum, Strn. rutabulum, Dill, var. plumosulum. rivulare, Bruch. var. |8. populeum, Hed. var. p. plumosum, Swartz. dimorphum, Brid. var. ]3. catenulatum, Schw. heteropterum, Bruch. striatulum, Spruce. striatuin, Hed. crassinervium, Tayl. piliferum, Vaill. praelongum, Dill. pumilum, Wils. Stokesii, Turn. Swartzii, Turn. flagellare, Dicks. Teesdalii, Sm. depressum, Bruch. confertum, Dicks. murale, DilL ruscifolium, Dill, var. atlanticum. alopecurum, Dill. Mtihlenbeckii, B. & S. denticulatum, Dill, var. obtusifolium. var. majus. var. Donnianum. elegans, Hook. sylvaticum, Dill. undulatum, Dill. atrovirens, Dicks. serpens, Dill. irriguum, Hook. fluviatile, Swartz. riparium, Dill. Halleri, L., Jun. polymorplmin, Hed. chrysophyllum, Brid. Frequent. R. Ben Lawers, Killin, &c. Sands of Stevenston. Common. R. Ben Lawers, Ben Ledi. R. Ben Lawers. R. Ben Lawers. R. Ben Lawers. Common. Sands of Stevenston. F. Arran, Lennoxtown. Ben Lawers. Common. Common. Common. R. Ben Lawers. Ben Lawers. R. Ben Lawers. F. Gourock, Cardross. R. Tighnabruaich. Frequent in fruit, Gourock, &c. R. Abbey Craig, Killin. Common. In fruit near Barrhead. Common. F. Cardross. R. Arran, &c. Rather rare. Near Glasgow. F. Arran, Callander. R. Gourock, Cardrosp. R. Dailly, Hamilton. Common. Common. Common. Campsie. Common. R. Ben Ledi, Ben Lawers, &c. Common. R. Ben Ledi. F. Western Highland hills. R. Ben Lawers. Common. Common. Common. R. Ben Lawers, Ben Ledi. Common. K. Callander. R. Callander. F. Fossil Road. R. Ben Lawers. R. Dailly. R. Sands of Stevenston. 94 THE FLORA OF CLYDESDALE. Hypnum stellatum, Dill. polygamum, B. & S. exannulatum, Schr. Kneiffii, B. & S. Sendtneri, Schr. Cossoni, Schr. Wilsonianurn, Schr. fluitans, Dill. revolvens, Swartz. uncinatum, Hedw. var. /3. commutatum, Dill. var. . falcatum, Brid. filicinum, Dill. rugosum, Dill. incurvatura, Brid. pulchellum, Hed. nitidulum, Wahl. Frequent. E. Fossil. B. Gartcosh Moor. F. Western Highland hills. E. Ben Vhorlich. B. Ben Lawers. E. Gartcosh Moor. F. Campsie, &c. Common. Common. Ben Lawers. Common. Gourock. F. Ben Ledi, &c. Common. E. Campsie Hills, Craig Challiach, &c. E. Dailly. E. Craig na Gour. F. Western Highland hills. Breadalbanense, B. White. Ben Lawers. callichroum, Br. F. Western Highland hills, hamulosum, Frol., var. micrantJium. Bambergeri, B. & S. imponens, Hed. cupressiforme, Dill, var. tenue. var. compressum. resupinatum, Wils. pratense, Koch. molluscum, Dill. croceum, Tayl. crista-castrensis, L. palustre, Dill. eugyrium, Schr. ochraceum, Turn. arcticum, Som. cordifolium, Swartz. giganteum, Schr. sarmentosum, Wahl. cuspidatum, Dill. Schreberi, Dill. purum, Dill. stramineum, Dicks. trifarium, W. & M. scorpioides, Dill. umbratum, Ehr. ' Oakesii, SulL molle, Dicks. dilatatum, Wils. squarrosum, Dill. E. Craig na Gour. E. Ben Lawers. E. Ben Lawers. Common. Common. Common. E. Arran. Common. Common. F. Western Highland hills. E. Callander, Ben Ledi, &c. Common. E. Near Callander. F. Western Mountains. E. Ben Challum, Ben Lawers. Common. F. Near Glasgow. F. In fruit, Ben Ledi. Common. Common. In fruit near Barrhead. Common. In fruit near Milngavie. E. Campsie Hills. E. Ben Lomond, Ben Lawers. F. In fruit near Kilmun. E. Trossachs, Ben Vhorlich, &c. E. Ben Lawers. Very rare. Ben Lawers. E. Ben Lawers. Common. MUSCI. 95 Hypnurn brevirostre, Ehr. triquetrum, Dill. loreum, Dill. Neckera complanata, B. & S. crispa, Dill, var. montana. pumila, Huds. Philippeana, Schr. Hookeria lucens, Dill. Cryphsea heteromalla, Dill. Fontinalis antipyretica, L. squamosa, L. Omalia trichomanoides, Dill. Myurella julacea, Vill. apiculata, Hueb. r. Callander, &c. Common. Common. Common. Common. F. Western Highland hills. K. Killin, Callander. R. Killin, Callander. Frequent. R. Dailly, Lochgoilhead. Common. R. Ben Nevis. F. Fruit, Kelvin. R. Craig Chailliach, Ben Lawers. Craig Chailliach, Ben Lawers. J. STIKTON, 96 THE FLORA OF CLYDESDALE. CRYPTOGAMIA continued. Hepaticse. Haplomitrium Hookeri, X. Gymnomitrium crenulatum, Gott. concinnatum, Ca. cqralloides, N. Sarcoscyphus Ehrhardti, Cor. Alicularia scalaris, Corda. compressa, Hook. Adelanthus Carringtonii, Balf. Plagiochila spinulosa, N. tridenticulata, Tay. asplenioides, N. Scapania compacta, Lind. compressa, Lind. undulata, M. & N. nemorosa, Hook, irrigua, N. planifolia, N. umbrosa, M. & N. curta, N. uliginosa. Jungermannia albicans, L. Dicksoni, Hook. Taylori, Hook. Schraderi, M. crenulata, Sm. hyaluaa, Ly. cordifolia, Hook, pumila, With, riparia, L. Bantriensis, N. scutata, Web. setiformis, Eh. barbata, Sch. ventricosa, Dick. Orcadensis, Hook. alpestris, Sch. intermedia, Lind. bicrenata, Lind. incisa, Sch. elongata, P. minuta, Cr. Doniana, Hook. Francisci, Hook. K. Innellan. R. Arran. F. Callander. R. Arran. F. Callander. Common. B. Cobbler. R. Ben Voirlich. Common. Common. Common. R. Callander. Common. F. Cardross. Common. F. Craigmaddie. R. Dusky Glen. R. Killin. R. Innellan. F. Fossil Marsh. Common. R. Ben Voirlich. R. Ben Lomond. R. Ben Voirlich. R. Callander. Common. Common. R. Ben Lomond. Common. R. Liiss. Common. R. Ben Lawers. Common. R. Luss. B. Ben Voirlich. R. Luss. Common. Common. Common. R. Ben Lomond. Common. R. Goat Fell. Common. HEPATIC^. 97 Jungermannia divaricata, Sm. bicuspidata, L. curvifolia, Dick, trichophylla, L. julacea, Light. Sphagnsecetis communis, N. Chiloscyphus polyanthus, Ca. Liochlasna lanceolata, N. Lophocolea bidentata, N. heterophylla, N. spicata, Tay. Calypogeia trichomanes, Cord. Saccogyna viticulosa, Dum. Lepidozea reptans, N. setacea, Mitt. Mastigobryum trilobatum, N. deflexum, N. var. commune. var. pygmceum. Physiotium cochleariforme, N. Trichocolea tomentella, N. Ptilidium ciliare, N. Radula complanata, Dum. aquilegia, Tay. Madotheca laevigata, Dum., var. Thuja. platyphylla, Dum. rivularis, Dum. Lejeunia hamatifolia, Dum. microscopica, Tay. serpyllifolia, Lib. minutissima, Dum. calyptrifolia, Dum. Frullania dilatata, N. fragilifolia, Tay. Tamarisci, N. Blyttia Lyellii, End. Morckia hibernica, Gott. Pellia epiphylla, N. calycina, N. Blasia pusilla, L. Aneura pinguis, Dum. multifida, N. palmata, Dum. Metzgeria f urcata, N. Lunularia vulgaris, Mich. Marchantia polymorpha, L. Preissia commutata, N. Dumortiera irrigua, N. Fegatella conica, Corda. Reboulia hemispherica, Rad. Common. Common. Common. R. Ben Lawers. F. Ben Lomond. Common. Common. F. Fin Glen. F. Kelvinside. F. Craigend Glen. F. Campsie. Common. R. Callander. R. Gourock. R. Arran. R. Arran. R. Ben Lawers. R. Ben Lawers. R. Ben Lawers. R. Ben Voirlich. R. Dunoon. F. Ben Lomond. R. Callander. R. Callander. Spout of Ballagan. R. Callander. R. Callander. Common. Common. F. Loch Ridden. Common. R. Luss. Common. Callander. Callander. Common. F. Dunoon. Common. Common. Callander. R. Arran. R. Bute. R. Bute. Common. Common. Common. F. Gourock. R. Arran. F. Dusky Glen. Common. 98 THE FLORA OF CLYDESDALE. Targionia Michelii, Cord. Anthoceros punctatus, L. lams, L. Sphserocarpus Michelii, Bell. Biccia glauca, L. crystallina, L. fluitans, L. natans, L. F. Gourock. F. Falls of Clyde. F. Botanic Gardens. Common. Common. Common. Common. F. Luss. JAMES STIRTON. R. H. PATERSON. LICHEXES. Lichenes. In the following List of the Lichens of the West of Scotland, the compiler has included only those that have come under his personal observation. B. Ben Lawers. Not unfrequent. Ormidale, &c. B. Ben Lawers, Craig-na-G-our. E. Ben Lawers. B. Ben Arthur. E. Ben Lawers. Ben Lawers, c. F. Ben Arthur, &c. Ormidale. E. Killin. F. Killin, &c. E. Glen Dochart. B. Ormidale. Islay, Killin. B. Kirkpatrick. F. Killin, &c. E. Killin. Ben Lawers, Ben Arthur. Common. Ephebe pubescens, Fr. Lichina confinis, Ag. Pyrenopsis haemalea, Smrf. homoeopsis, Nyl. grumulifera, Nyl. Collemopsis fururella, Nyl. Collema pulposum, Bernh. melsenum, Ach. furvum, Ach. aggregatum, Ach. nigrescens, L. Leptogium muscicola, Sw. tremelloides, L. saturninum, Dicks. Burgessii, Lightf. lacerum, Ach. var. lophceum, Ach. scotinum, Ach. Sphinctrina turbinata, Pers. Calicium trichiale, var. stemoneum, Ach. F. Hamilton. hyperellum, Ach. F. Hamilton, &c. Sphserophoron compressum, Ach. Near Killin. coralloides, Pers. C. Tarbert, in fruit, fragile, Pers. Baeomyces rufus, D.C. icmadophilus, Ehrh. Cladonia endiviaefolia, Fr. cervicornis, Schaer. alcicornis, Flk. pyxidata, Fr. var. pocittum, Ach. gracilis, Hoffm. var. chordalis, Ach. verticillata, Flk. degenerans, Flk. var. aplotea, Ach. furcata, Hffm. cornucopioides, Fr. bellidiflora, Schaer. sylvatica, Hffm. rangiferina, Hffm Common. F. Arran, Mibagavie. Ben Lawers, Ben Arthur. E. Behind Dunoon. F. Loch Tay, &c. Not common. Craig-na-Gour. Common. F. Ben Arthur. c. Larakeely. B. Ben Lawers. Larakeely. Larakeely. Larakeely. F. Ben Lomond, c. E. Ben Ledi. B. Ben Arthur. Ben Lawers. Common. uncialis, Hffm., f. turgescens, Fr. Ben Lawers. 100 THE FLORA OF CLYDESDALE. Cladonia amaurocrea, Schaer. Pilophoron fibula, Tuck. Stereocaulon coralloides, Fr. paschale, Ach. tomentosum, Fr. var. cdpinum, Laur. var. botryosum, Ach. denudatum, Flk. nanum, Ach. Thamnolia vermicularis, Sw. Usnea barbata, Fr. f . hirta, Fr. f. dasypoya, Fr. f. florida, Fr. Alectoria nigricans, Ach. ochroleuca, Ehrh. var. cincinnata, Fr. jubata, Ach. var. chalybeiformis, Ach. Evernia furf uracea, Mann. prunastri, L. Ramalina scopulorum, Ach. calicaris, Fr. farinacea, L. fraxinea, Fr. f. ampliata, Ach. Cetraria islandica, L. var. crispa, Ach. Delisei, Schaer. aculeata, Fr. odontella, Ach. Platysma nivale, L. cucullatum, BelL triste, Web. saepincola, Ehrh. var. nlophylla, Ach. Fahlunense, L. commixtum, Nyl. juniperinum, L. var. pinastri, Scop. glaucum, L. Nephromium laevigatum, Ach. R. Ben Nevis. Rather frequent. Ormidale, Ben Arthur, &c. Common. Common. Killin, &c. Ben Lawers. Ben Lawers. R. Ben Lawers. Near Killin. R. Ben Lawers, Ben Voirlich. Common. F. Killin, &c. Killin. Loch Lomond, &c. R. Ben Lawers. Killiecrankie. Ben Voirlich. Common. Ben Voirlich. F. Killin, &c. Common. C. Tarbert, &c. Common. Common. Common. Dunoon, &c. F. Ben Lomond, Dunoon, &c. F. Ben Lawers, &c. R. Ben Nevis. Not unfrequent. Dunoon, &c. Ben More, Assynt. R. Ben Nevis. R. Ben Nevis. Not unfrequent. Frequent. Not unfrequent. R. Ben More, Ben Lawers, &c. R. Ben Lawers. Loch Tay, &c. R. Grantown. c. Killin, &c. Not unfrequent. Islay, Killin. Ben Lawers, Cobbler, &c. Ben Tigh, &c. lusitanicum, Schaer. Common. Peltigera aphthosa, L. Falls of Clyde, Ben Lawers, &c. c. Bowling, Campsie, &c. Bowling. Common. Glen Lyon, &c. Killin, &c. R. Islay, Ormidale. canina, L. f. membranacca, Ach. rufescens, Hffm. spuria, Ach. polydactyla, Hffm. scutata, Dicks, horizontalis, L. Loch Tay. LICHENES. 101 Peltigera venosa, L. Solorina crocea, L. saccata, L. spongiosa, Sm. bispora, Nyl. Stictina crocata, L. sylvatica, L. scrobiculata, Scop. Sticta pulmonacea, Ach. var. hypomela, Nyl. damaecornis, var. macro- phylla, Hook. Ricasolia glomulifera, Lightf. herbacea, Huds. Parmelia caperata, L. olivacea, L. stygia, L. lanata, L. physodes, L. var. mttata, Ach. encausta, Sm. revoluta, Flk. alpicola, Fr. perlata, L. var. ciliata, D.C. pertusa, Schrank. aleurites, Ach. tiliacea, Ach. var. scortea, Ach. sublaevigata, Nyl. fuliginosa, Dub. conspersa, Ehrh. f. stenophylla, Ach. f. isidiata, Anzi. Killin, Ben Lawers. Not unf requent. Ben More, Ben Lawers, &c. Near Killin, foot of Ben Lawers. Ben Lawers. Ben Lawers, Canlochan, &c. Glen Falloch, Islay, &c. Loch Tay, Islay, &c. R. Killin, Islay. Common. R. Killin. R. Killin. Killin, Islay, &c. Not unfrequent. Islay, Ormidale. K. Islay, Ormidale. Common. R. Ben Nevis, Ben More. R. Ben Lawers. c. Ben Lawers, in fruit. F. Ben Lawers, &c. R. Ben Lawers. R. Ben Lawers, Glen Crow. R. Ben Lawers. Common in West. Lochgilphead. Not unfrequent in West. Glen Crow, &c. R. Ben Tigh, Glen Crow. R. Glen Crow, &c. Glen Crow, Dunoon. R. Glen Crow. Ormidale, &c. Not unfrequent. Common. Lochcroilhead. Lochgoilhead. Mougeotii, f . discreta, Nyl. R. Glen Crow. sinuosa, Sm. saxatilis, L. var. omphalodes, L. var. panniformis, Ach. laevigata, Sm. Millaniana, Strn. Physcia chrysophthalma, L. parietina, L. var. poli/carpa, Ehrh. ciliaris, L. pulverulenta, Schreb. obscura, Ehrh. var. chloantha, Ach. speciosa, Wulf. retrogressa, Strn. stellaris, L. R. Arran, Glen Crow. Common. F. Ben Lawers. Common. R. Glen Crow. R. Glen Crow. R. Ben Tigh, Lochfyne. Common. Islay, &c. Not unfrequent. Loch Tay, &c. Common, and several varieties. Common. Islay. Glen Falloch, Ormidale. Ben Lawers. Not unfrequent. Dunoon, &c. 102 THE FLORA OF CLYDESDALE. Physcia stellaris, var. lenella, Scop. Tarbet, &c. var. fimbriatula, Strn. erosa, Borr. aquila, Ach. Umbilicaria flocculosa, Wulf. hyperborea, Ach. erosa, Web. polyrrhiza, L. proboscidea, Ach. cylindrica, L. var. denticulata, Ach. Psoroma hypnorum, Vahl. f. sports majoribus. Pannaria rubiginosa, Thunb. leucolepis, Whlnb. f. apotheciis majoribus. brunnea, Ach. var. coronata, Ach. carnosa, Dicks. Coccocarpia plumbea, Lightf. Squamaria crassa, Huds. lentigera, Web. chrysoleuca, Sm. gelida, L. Placodium murorum, Hffm. var. miniatum, Hffm. callopismum, Ach. fulgens, Sw. bracteatum, Hffui. elegans, Link. Lecanora vitellina, Ach. var. aurella, Ach. var. coruscans, Ach, smaragdula, Whlnb. sinopica, Whlnb. fuscata, Schrad. sarcopis, var. hometowns, Nyl. Ormidale. K. Ben Lawers. Not unfrequent. Gourock, &c. Common on sea coast. Islay, &c. Ben Voirlicb, Ben Arthur, &c. Dalwhinnie, Ben Nevis. F. Ben Lawers, &c. Ben Tigh, Tummel, &c. Ben Lawers, &c., Islay. F. Cobbler, &c. Ben Voirlich, &c. Not uncommon. Ben Voirlich, &c. Ben lowers. F. Loch Lomond, Islay, &c. K. Ben Lawers. Ben Lawers. Not unfrequent on Western Mountains. F. Ben Lawers. Ben More, Ben Lawers, &c. F. Islay, Loch Lomond, &c. Ormidale, Islay. Ben Tigh. B. Ben Tigh. Not unfrequent. Lochgoilhead, &c. Common. Ben Tigh, &c. Near Milngavie. K. Ben Tigh. R. Ormidale. R. Stirling. Not unfrequent. Killin, &c. Killin. Killin, Ben Lawers. Ben Lawers. Ben Voirlich, Cobbler, c. F. Near Glasgow. tartarea, L. var. frigida, Ach. parella, L. var. pallescens, L. rupestris, Scop, var. calm, Dicks. Upsaliensis, L. varia, Ehrh. var. scepincola, Ach. atra, Huds. f. corticola, var. subbyssoidea, Strn. circinata, Pers. mammillifera, Strn. Common on mountains. R. Ben Lawers. F. Arran, &c. Ormidale, Loch Tay. F. Killiecrankie, &c. Ben Lawers, &c. R. Loch Tay. Not unfrequent. Loch Lomond, c. R. Ben Lawers. Frequent. Arran. Killiecrankie. Near Glasgow. Killiecrankie. LICHENES. 103 Lecanora polytropa, Ehrh. f. alpigena, Ach. subfusca, L. var. atri/nea, Ach. var. chlarona, Ach. angulosa, Ach. gangaleoides, Nyl. epanora, Ach. galactina, Ach. var. liiida, Ach. Hageni, Ach. calcarea, L. gibbosa, Ach. cinereo-mfescens, Ach. epulotica, Ach. badia, Ach. curvescens, Mudd. glaucoma, Hffm. aurantiaca, Lightf. var. inalpina, Ach. ochracea, Schaer. ferruginea, Huds. var. concilians, Nyl. cerina, Ehrh. pyracea, Ach. holocarpa, Ehrh. phlogina, Ach. sophodes, Ach. exigua, Ach. roboris, Duf. subexigua, Nyl. nivalis, Korb. rubra, Hoffm. haemmatomma, Ehrh. ventosa, L. Urceolaria scruposa, L. f. bryophila, Ach. Pertusaria gloinerata, Schleich. dealbata, Ach. communis, D.C. velata, Turn, ophthalmiza, Nyl. Hutchinsiae, Turn, leioplaca, Ach. Thelotrema lepadinum, Ach. Lecidea decipiens, Ehrh. atro-rufa, Dicks, globifera, Ach. var. rubiformis, Whlnb. armeniaca, D.C. Inrida, Swartz. Common. Ben Lawfers. Common. Dunoon, &c. Common. Cobbler, Dunoon. Arran. K. KiUin. F. Troon, Dunoon, &c. Troon. Ormidale. Not common. Cobbler. F. Ben Lawers, &c. Killin. Ben Lawers. c. Ben Lawers, &c. B. Ben Lawers. Troon, Ormidale. Hamilton, &c. Killin. R. Ormidale. Common. R. Arran. F. Killin, foot of Ben Lawers. Common. R. Callander. F. Callander, &c. F. Ben Lawers, &c. F. Ormidale, &c. Frequent. Ormidale. R. Ben Lawers. B. Ben Tigh. Not common. Killin, Islay.- Common. Not common. Killin, Ben Lawers. R. Killin. R. Ben Lawers. R. Glen Falloch. Common. R. Ben Tigh. R. Glen Falloch. R. Ben Lawers. F. Killin, &c. F. East Kilbride, Ormidale, &c. R. Killin, Ben Lawers. R. Crianlarich, Ben Lawers. R. Ben Lawers. R. Craig-na-Lochan. R. Ben Lawers. 104 THE FLORA OF CLYDESDALE. Lecidea lugubris, Smrf. K. Ben Lawers, Cobbler, &c. 8ylvicola,var.m/cZtt/a,Nyl. R. Onnidale. lucida, Ach. flexuosa, Fries. ochrococca, Nyl. decolorans, Flk. vernalis, Ach. dubia, Borr. turgidula, Fr. viridescens, Schrad. sanguinaria, L. didymospora, Strn. enteroleuca, Ach. confertula, Strn. calpodes, Strn. R. Near Dunoon, Ben Voirlich. R. Killin. R. Glen Falloch. F. Campsie, &c. R. Ben Lawers. R. Ben Lawers. R. Ben Lawers. Foot of Ben Lawers. F. Near Paisley, &c. R. Ben Lawers. F. Arran, &c. R. Killiecrankie. Rare. hemipo\ie\la,,VBX. semialbula, Strn. Tummel and Altnabarra. perobscura, Nyl. aniptiza, Strn. sanguineo-atra, Ach. parasema, Ach. var. eleockroma, Ach. furveUa, Nyl. asperella, Strn. alpestris, Smrf. cuprea, Smrf. var. cupreiformis, E. Nyl. var. lecanotes, Nyl. arctica, Smrf. uliginosa, Schrad. melanophsea, Fr. corollidia, Strn. aglaea, Smrf. areolata, Schaer. tesseUata, Flk. pammicta, Strn. inserena, Nyl. coarctata, Sm. var. elacista, Ach. var. ornata, Smrf. Breadalbanensis, Strn. panaeola, Ach. var. Bruyeriana, Schaer. var. ochracea, NyL Kochiana, Hepp. var. lyycea, Ach. var. polycarpa, Flk. lapicida, Fr. var. silacca, Ach. R. Near Killin. R. Killiecrankie. R. Ben Lawers. Very common. F. Killin, &c. Glen Fender. Ben-y-Gloe. R. Ben Lawers, &c. R. Ben Lawers, Ben More. R. Ben Lawers. R. Ben Lawers. R. Ben Lawers, Ben Voirlich, &c. F. Trossachs, &c. Ben Lawers. Thurso. R. Ben Lawers, Ben Voirlich, &c. R. Ben Lawers. Ben Lawers. Ben Arthur. is. Ben Lawers. Frequent. Ben Lomond. Ben Lawers. Ben Lawers. Ben Lawers, Ben Voirlich. Ben Voirlich. R. Ormidale. Glen Callater. Ormidale. Ormidale. Ormidale. Ben Lawers, Ben Voirlich. Frequent. Ben Lawers. var. apotheciis conglomeratis. Ben Lawers. LICHENES. 105 Lecidea lithophila, Ach. rivulosa, Ach. var. interludens, Nyl. fusco-atra, Ach. var. fumosa, Ach. var. Mosigii, Ach. var. grisella, Flk. lactea, Flk. sarcogyniza, Nyl. phyllodisca, Strn. sub-Kochiana, Nyl. Taylori, Salw. contigua, Fr. var. flavicunda, Ach. var. platycarpa, Fr. Frequent on Western Mountains. Common. Ormidale. R. Tigh-na-bruaich. Loch Tay. c. Paisley, &c. Near Killin. Near Killin. R. Ben Lawers, Ben Voirlich, &c. Ben Lawers, Ben Voirlich, &c. R. Killiecrankie. R. Ormidale. R. Islay, Ben Lomond. Common. p. Ben Lawers. Common. albo-coerulescens, Wulf. F. Ben Arthur, &c. confluens, Webr. var. ochromela, Nyl. consentiens, Nyl. scutulata, Strn. phseops, Nyl. umbonella, Nyl. pelobotrya, Whlnb. botryiza, Nyl. enclitica, Nyl. canescens, Dicks, verruculosa, Borr. stellulata, Tayl. scabrosa, Ach. disciformis, Fr. lypariza, Strn. Frequent. Ben Lawers. R. Ben Lawers. R. Ben Lawers. F. Ben Voirlich, c. R. Ben Lawers. R. Ben Lawers. R. Loch Lomond, Ben ~, Voirlich. R. Killiecrankie. F. Hamilton, &c. R. Ormidale. R. Ormidale. R. Ben Lawers. c. Killin, &c. R. KiUin. atro-alba, var. chlorospora, Nyl. F. Ben Lomond, &c. badio-atra, Flk. coniops, Whlnb. myriocarpa, D.C. Hookerii, Borr. grossa, Pers. chalybeia, Borr. contristans, Nyl. Templetoni, Tayl. Candida, Web. vesicularis, Hffm. colludens, Nyl. var. apotJieciis conglomeratis. alpicola, Schaer. pineti, Schrad. lutea, Dicks, cyrtella, Ach. anomala, Fr. Lightfootii, Sm. Ben Lawers. R. Ormidale. F. Hamilton, &c. R. Ben Lawers, Ben Tigh. c. Killin, &c. R. Killin. R. Ben Lawers. R. Ben Lawers. R. Ben Lawers. R. Ben Lawers. Ben Lawers, Ben Voirlich, &c. Ben Lawers. R. Ben Lawers. Glen Falloch. Tarbert, &c. Hamilton, &c. F. Cadder, &c. F. Dunoon, Ormidale. 106 THE FLORA OP CLYDESDALE. Lecidea globulosa, Flk. tricolor, With. pulverea, Borr. holomeloides, Nyl. subincompta, Nyl. oribata, Nyl. albo-atra, Hffm. calcarea, Weis. triphragmia, NyL persimilis, Nyl. melaena, Nyl. Oederii, Ach. aromatica, Sm. rhexoblephara, Nyl. foveolaris, Ach. sphaeroides, Smrf. sabuletorum, Flk. subretrusa, Strn. milliaria, Fr. var. montana, Nyl. var. syncomista, Flk. citrinella, Ach. var. apotheciis conglomeratis. luteola, Ach. pelidna, Ach. absistens, Nyl. geographica, L. var. gerontica, Ach. petraea, Wulf. pezizoidea, Ach. concentrica, Dav. excentrica, Ach. rimosa, Dicks. plicatilis, Leight. lavata, Ach. fusco-lutea, Dicks. cupularis, Ehrh. morio, Ram. fossarum, Duf. episema, Nyl. Parmeliarum, Smrf. parasitica, Flk. epiphysa, Strn. Lithographa tesserata, D.C. Xylographa parallela, Ach. var. pattens, Nyl. Graphis elegans, Sm. scripta, Ach. var. recta, Humb. var. serpentina, Ach. var. pulverulenta, Ach. Ben Lomond. F. Ormidale, &c. u. Killin, Loch Lomond. K. Ben Lawers. E. Ben Lawers. E. Ben Lawers. Common. Ben Lawers, &c. Ben Lawers. E. Ben Lawers. P. Ormidale, &c. E. Ben Voirlich, Ben Lawers. Ben Lawers. E. Ben Lawers. E. Ben Lawers, Craig Chailleach. p. Milngavie, &c. Moffat, Campsie, &c. E. Ben Lawers. F. Milngavie, &c. Ben Lawers. Ben Lawers. E. Ormidale, Ben Lawers, &c. Ben Lawers. E. Near Aberfeldy. E. Glen Fender. Killin. Common. Larakeely. F. Ben Lomond, &c. E. Ben Lawers. Ormidale, &c. Dunoon, Ormidale, &c. F. Ben Lomond, &c. E. Ben Lawers. E. Ormidale. E. Ben Lawers. F. Campsie Glen, &c. E. Arran. E. Ben Lawers. E. Foot of Ben Lawers. F. Ben Lawers, &c. E. Foot of Ben Lawers. Ben Lawers. E. Ben Lawers. F. Cobbler, Ben Lawers. E. Dunoon. Common on West Coast. Common. F. Dunoon, &c. F. Callander, &c. F. Callander, &c. LICHENES. 107 Graphis dendritica, Ach. Opegrapha constrictella, sp. nov. herpetica, Ach. var. rubella, Pers. rufescens, Pers. atra, Pers. var. parallela, Leight. var. denigrata, Ach. saxicola, Ach. Chevallieri, Leight. atricolor, Strn. varia, Pers. var. notha, Ach. var. tigrina, Ach. vulgata, Ach. Arthonia lurida, Ach. astroidea, Ach. epipasta, Ach. Swartziana, Ach. insinuata, Strn. Melaspilea Patersoni, Strn. Endocarpon miniatum, L. var. complicatum, Sw. fluviatile, D.C. rufescens, Ach. Verrucaria epigsea, Pers. acrotella, Ach. nigrescens, Pers. plumbea, Ach. calciseda, D.C. tephroides, Ach. Borreri, Leight. gemmata, Ach. epidermidis, Ach. fallax, Nyl. punctiformis, Ach. var. deminutula, Nyl. nitescens, Salw. antecellens, Nyl. colleta, Strn. biformis, Barr. litoralis, Tayl. lectissima, Fr. melathelia, Nyl. nitida, Weig. glabrata, Ach. scotinospora, Nyl. intercedens, Nyl. rupifraga, Mass. Henscheliana, Korb. theleodes, Smrf. R. Rothesay. R. Ben Tigh. F. Killin, Cobbler. Not common. Dunoon. Common. Campsie, Stirling. Loch Lomond. F. Ormidale, Tarbert. Not common. Bothwell Castle. Dunoon. Common. Killin. Dunoon. Killin. R. Killiecrankie. Common. Not common. Loch Lomond. F. Campsie. R. Killiecrankie. Ben Tigh. Not unfrequent. Killin, &c. R. Tarbert. Ben Lawers. Ben Lawers. Bowling. Gourock. Cobbler. Ormidale. R. Craig Chailleach. R. Islay, Ben Lawers. R. Ben Lawers. F. Bowling, &c. Common. Ormidale. Arrochar. Ormidale, Arran. R. Arran. R. Arrochar. R. Ben Lawers. Not common. Lawers. R. Ormidale. R. Ben Arthur. R. Ben Lawers. F. Islay, Dunoon. R. Ben Tigh. R. Ben Lawers. R. Ben Lawers. R. Ben Arthur. Ben Voirlich, Ben Lawers, &c. R. Ben Lawers. 108 THE FLORA OF CLYDESDALE. Verrucaria verrucoso-areolata, Schaer. K. Ben Lawers. sub-umbrina, NyL peltophora, Strn. Sendtneri, Kphbr. superposita, NyL ventosicola, Mudd. gemmifera, Tayl. erratica, Mass, rimosicola, Leight. nigritella, Nyl. Dacampia Hookerii, Mass. Ben Lawers. R. Ben Lawers. Ben Lawers. R. Ben Lawers. F. Cobbler, &c. Craig Chailleach. Ben Lawers. Ben Lawers. Ben Lawers. Ben Lawers, Ben Tigh. JAMES STIRTON. FUNGI. 109 Fungi. The Fungi included in the following list have been gathered in a very few localities. Bute, Arran, Toward, Kilfinan, Minard, Otter, and Gadder Wilderness are the only stations I have worked out. The Bothwell and Hamilton district, although probably very fertile, has scarcely been touched. In Gadder Wilderness, about four miles from Glasgow, I have gathered between seven and eight hundred species. Agaricini. Amanita vernus, Bull. R. Near Bothwell. Phalloides, Fr. Common, muscarius, L. Common, pantherinus, D.C. R. Cadder Wilderness, strobiliformis, Fr. R. Cadder Wilderness, rubescens, P. Common, excelsus, Fr. R. Kilfinan. asper, Fr. R. Ballimore. vaginatus, Bull. Common. Lepiota procerus, Scop. Common. rachodes, Vitt. R. Innellan. gracilentus, Kromb. R. Tigh-na-bruaich. mastoideus, Fr. R. Kilfinan. acutesquamosus, Wm. Glasgow Botanic Gardens, hispidus, Lasch. R. Furnace. Badhami, B. & Br. R. Minard. clypeolarius, Bull. Glasgow Botanic Gardens. cristatus, Fr. Common, naucinus, Fr. r. Craigend. cepsestipes, Sow. Glasgow Botanic Gardens, granulosus, Batsch. var. amianthinus, Scop. F. Innellan. polystictus, Berk. F. Minard. Armillaria ramentaceus, Bull. Very rare. Innellan. melleus, Vahl. Common, mucidus, Fr. Cadder Wilderness. Tricholoma sejunctus, Sow. Cadder Wilderness, portentosus, Fr. R. Minard. sperm aticus, Fr. R. Minard. nictitans, Fr. Cadder Wilderness, fulvellus, Fr. Cadder Wilderness, albo-brunneus, P. Common, rutilans, Schaeff. R. Ballimore. luridus, Schaeff. Common. Columbetta, Fr. F. Cadder Wilderness, imbricatus, Fr. R. Furnace, crassifolius, Berk. Ballimore. murinaceus, Bull. Otter. 110 THE FLORA OF CLYDESDALE. Tricholoma terreus, Schaeff. scalpturatus, Fr. saponaceus, Fr. meleagris, Sow. cartilagineus, Bull, cuneifolius, Fr. sulfureus, Bull, lascivus, Fr. inamcenus, Fr. ionides, Bull, carneus, Bull, gambosus, Fr. albus, Fr. personatus, Fr. acerbus, Bull, grammopodius, Bull, melaleucus, P. humilis, Fr. subpulverulentus, P. Clitocybe nebularis, Batsch. fumosus, P. odorus, Bull, cerussatus, Fr. phyllophilus, Fr. candicans, Fr. dealbatus, P. gallinaceus, Scop, elixus, Sow. giganteus, Sow. infundibuliformis, Schseff. geotrupus, Bull, flaccid us, Sow. cyathiformis, Fr. brumalis, Fr. metachrous, Fr. fragrans, Sow. ectypus, Fr. laccatus, Scop. Collybia radicatus, Relh. longipes, Bull, platyphyllus, Fr. fusipes, Bull, maculatus, A. & S. butyraceus, Bull, velutipes, Curt, confluens, P. ingratus, Schum. undatus, Berk, conigenus, P. cirrhatus, Schum. xanthopus, Fr. Minard. F. Minard. R. Strath Lachlan. Glasgow Botanic Gardens. F. Craigend. E. Kilfinan. Common. Common. F. Innellan. F. Carmyle. F. Bishop's Loch. Common. F. Bothwell. Common. R. Ballimore. Common. R. Kilfinan. F. Millhouse. F. In very ne. Common. F. Cadder Wilderness. F. Cadder Wilderness. R. Otter. Bothwell. R. Old Roman Bridge. Common. Common. F. Cadder Wilderness. R. Kelvin Banks. Common. Common. Ballimore. Common. Cadder Wilderness. F. Bothwell. Common. F. Millhouse. Common. Common. F. Cadder Wilderness. R. Otter. Common. F. Ballimore. Common. Common. Common. F. Cadder Wilderness. F. Cadder Wilderness. R. Otter. Common. R. Innellan. FUNGI. Ill Collybia esculentus, Jacq. tenacellus, P. dryophilus, Bull. ocellatus, Fr. laceratus, Lasch. M'ycena pelianthinus, Fr. balaninus, P. elegans, P. strobilinus, Sow. rosellus, Fr. ?urus, P. ris, Berk, luteo-albus, Bolt, lacteus, P. proliferus, Sow. galericulatus, Scop, polygrammus, Bull, atro-albus, Bull, alcalinus, Fr. pauperculus, Berk, tenuis, Bolt, vitilis, Fr. speireus, Fr. acicula, Schseff. sanguineolentus, A. & S. crocatus, Schrad. galopus, Schrad. epipterygius, Scop, vulgaris, P. roridus, Fr. stylobates, P. tenerrimus, B. corticola, Schum. juncicola, Fr. Omphalia pyxidatus, Bull. sphagnicola, Berk. muralis, Sow. umbelliferus, L. rufulus, B. & Br. stellatus, Sow. Campanella, Batsch. Fibula, BulL BelliaB, Johnst. integrellus, P. Pleurotus dryinus, P. ulmarius, Bull. subpalmatus, Fr. fimbriatus, Bolt. salignus, Hoffm. mitis, P. tremulus, Schseff. r. Innellan. Ballimore. Common. Toward. E. Ballimore. F. Gadder Wilderness. E. Gadder Wilderness. E. Kilfinan. E. Ballimore. E. Ballimore. Common. E. Otter. E. Bothwell. E. Minard. Glasgow Botanic Gardens. Common. Common. B. Kilfinan. Common. E. Otter. E. Kilfinan. Common. E. Ballimore. E. Paisley. E. Smuggler's Glen. E. Luss. F. Balloch. Common. F. Bx)seneath. E. Kilfinan. F. Bishop's Loch. F. Milngavie. E. Kilfinan. Craigmaddie. E. Gadder. Common. F. Cadder. Common. E. Bute. Common. Common. Common. F. Kilfinan. E. Kilfinan. F. Neilston. F. Craigend. F. Cadder Wilderness. E. Toward. Common. Common. B. Ballimore. 112 THE FLORA OF CLYDESDALE. Pleurotus acerosus, Fr. porrigens, P. mastrucatus, Fr. algidus, Fr. applicatus, Batsch. striatulus, Fr. Volvaria bombycinus, Schseff. volvaceus, Bull, parvulus, Weinm. speciosus, Fr. gloiocephalus, Fr. Pluteus cervinus, Schaeff. nanus, P. leoninus, Schaeff. chrysophseus, Schaeff. phlebophorus, Ditm. Entoloma prunuloides, Fr. repandus, Bull, sericellus, Fr. clypeatus, L. rhodopolius, Fr. costatus, Fr. sericeus, Bull, nidorosus, Fr. Clitopilus prunulus, Scop, cretatus, Berk. Leptonia lampropus, Fr. chalybaeus, P. asprellus, Fr. Nolanea pascuus, P. rufo-carneus, Berk. Eccilia rhodocalyx, Lasch. Pholiota durus, Bolt, prsecox, P. radicosus, Bull, aurivellus, Batsch. squarrosus, Mull, spectabilis, Fr. adiposus, Fr. marginatus, Batsch. pumilus, Fr. Hebeloma relicinus, Fr. lanuginosus, Fr. scaber, MiilL lacerus, Fr. flocculosus, Berk. Hookeri, Klotsch. fibrosus, Sow. fastigiatus, Fr. auricomus, Batsch. sindonius, Fr. R. Kilfinan. K. Kilfinan. E. Innellan. B. Bute. Common. Common. K. Kilfinan. Common. F. Innellan. Common. Common. F. Cadder. Common. Common. Common. R. Cadder. K. Ballimore. R. Cadder. Common. Common. R. Minard. Common. Common. Common. Common. Common. Common. F. Kilfinan. Common. Common. Common. F. Cadder. Common. Common. Common. Common. Common. Common. R. Innellan. F. Kilfinan. Common. Common. R. Toward. Common. Common. Common. R. Botanic Gardens. R. Toward. Common. R. Cadder. R. Luss. FUNGI. 113 Hebeloma geophyllus, Sow. punctatus, Fr. versipellis, Fr. Flammula flocifer, Berk, lentus, P. flavidus, Schaeff. filiceus, Cooke. Naucoria cucumis, P. centunculus, Fr. melinoides, Fr. semiorbicularis, BulL inquilinus, Fr. furfuraceus, P. sobrius, Fr. erinaceus, Fr. siparius, Fr. conspersus, Pers. Galera reticulatus, P. lateritius, Fr. tener, Schaeff. ovalis, Fr. confertus, Bolt, sparteus, Fr. embolus, Fr. Hypnorum, Batsch. Crepidotus mollis, Schseff. Kubi, Berk, variabilis, P. byssisedus, P. Pezizoides, Nees. Psalliota campestris, L. arvensis, Schseff. silvaticus, Schseflf. echinatus, Roth, aeruginosus, Curt, albocyaneus, Desm. melaspermus, Bull, squamosus, Fr. stercorarius, Fr. semiglobatus, Batsch. Hypholoma sublateritius, Fr. capnoides, Fr. epixanthus, Fr. fascicularis, Huds. dispersus, Fr. lacrymabundus, Fr. velutinus, P. appendiculatus, Bull, egenulus, Berk. Candollianus, Fr. lanaripes, Cooke. Common. R. Toward. R. Helensburgh. E. Arran. Common. Common. Common. Common. R. Toward. Common. Common. F. Glasgow. Common. R. Arran. Common. R. Toward. Common. R. Barrhead. R. Craigend. Common. Common. R. Botanic Gardens. R. Kilfinan. F. Kilfinan. F. Kilfinan. Common. R. Toward. Common. Common. R. Cadder. Common. Common. F. Kilfinan. R. Minard. Common. F. Toward. R. Cadder Wilderness. Common. Common. Common. Common. F. Toward. R. Toward. Common. R. Toward. Common. Common. Common. F. Innellan. R. Cadder Wilderness. Common. 114 THE FLORA OF CLYDESDALE. Psilocybe spadiceus, Schaeff. cernuus, Mull. clivensis, Berk. Foanisecii, P. coprophilus, Bull. bullaceus, Bull. physaloides, Bull. areolatus, Klotsch. semilanceolatus, Fr. comptulus, Berk Psathyra conopilus, P. corrugis, P. bifrons, Berk. obtusatus, Fr. fibrillosus, P. urticsecola, Berk. gossypinus, Fr. semivestitus, Berk. Panaeolus separatus, L. fimiputris, Bull. campanulatus, L. papilionaceus, Bull. Psathyrella gracilis, Fr. hiascens, Fr. atomatus, Fr. disseminatus, P. Coprinus comatus, Fr. ovatus, Fr. sterquilinus, Fr. atramentarius, Fr. picaceus, Fr. aphthosus, Fr. flocculosus, Fr. extinctorius, Fr. fimetarius, Fr. tomentosus, Fr. niveus, Fr. micaceus, Fr. aratus, Berk. radians, Fr. deliquescens, Fr. Hendersonii, Fr. macrocephalus, B. lagopus, Fr. nychthemerus, Fr. radiatus, Fr. domesticus, Fr. ephemerus, Fr. plicatilis, Fr. Spragueii, B. & C. hemerobius, Fr. Common. K. Minard. K. Arran. Common. K. Craigend. E. Craigend. F. Innellan. Glasgow. Common. R. Kilfinan. F. Gadder Wilderness. Common. R. Loch Striven. F. Barrhead. R. Toward. R. Craigend. R. Arran. R. Toward. R. Cadder Wilderness. Common. Common. Common. Common. R. Innellan. Common. Common. Common. Common. Common. Common. R. Craigend. R. Kilfinan. F. Glasgow. Common. Common. Common. Common. Common. R. Innellan. Common. Common. R. Kilsyth. R. Campsie. F. Innellan. F. Helensburgh. Common. Common. Common. Common. R. Arran. R. Innellan. FUNGI. 115 Bolbitius fragilis, Fr. titubans, Fr. tener, B. Cortinarius caperatus, Fr. varius, Fr. cyanopus, Fr. anfractus, Fr. multifonnis, Fr. glaucopus, Fr. callochrous, Fr. purpurascens, Fr. turbinatus, Fr. scaurus, Fr. prasinus, Fr. collinitus, Fr. elatior, Fr. livido-ochraceus, B. violaceus, Fr. bolaris, Fr. sublanatus, Fr. tabularis, Fr. diabolicus, Fr. caninus, Fr. anomalus, Fr. sanguineus, Fr. cinnamomeus, Fr. uliginosus, Berk, raphanoides, Fr. bulbosus, Fr. evernius, Fr. armillatus, Fr. hinnuleus, Fr. periscelis, Weinm. ileopodius, Fr. hemitrichus, Fr. Armeniacus, Fr. castaneus, Fr. rigens, Fr. leucopus, Fr. acutus, Fr. Paxillus involutus, Fr. Gompbidius glutinosus, Fr. viscidus, Fr. gracilis, B. & Br. Hygrophorus chrysodon, Fr. eburneus, Fr. cerasinus, B. arbustivus, Fr. olivaceo-albus, Fr. pratensis, Fr. virgineus, Fr. Common. Common. Common. F. Kenmuir. F. Cadder. F. Toward. B. Kilfinan. B. Minard. E. Cairndow. F. Cadder Wilderness. Common. E. Innellan. F. Largs. Cadder Wilderness. Common. Common. E. Loch Striven. E. Minard. E. Kilfinan. E. Minard. Common. F. Innellan. E. Minard. Common. F. Kilfinan. Common. Common. F. Kilfinan. E. Kilfinan. Common. Common. Common. F. Cadder. F. Arran. E. Largs. E. Toward. Common. Common. F. Innellan. E. Minard. Common. B. Toward. E. Toward. E. Toward. Common. Common. E. Toward. E. Cadder. Common. Common. Common. 116 THE FLORA OF CLYDESDALE. Hygrophorus niveus, Fr. russo-coriaceus, B. & Mill, ovinus, Fr. distans, B. laetus, Fr. ceraceus, Fr. miniatus, Fr. puniceus, Fr. obrusseus, Fr. conicus, Fr. psittacinus, Fr. calyptraeformis, B. & Br. unguinosus, Fr. murinaceus, Fr. Lactarius tonninosus, Fr. cilicioides, Fr. insulsus, Fr. zonarius, Fr. blennius, Fr. trivialis, Fr. plumbeus, Fr. piperatus, Fr. vellereus, Fr. deliciosus, Fr. chrysorrhosus, Fr. acris, Fr. quietus, Fr. serifluus, Fr. mitissimus, Fr. subdulcis, Fr. camphoratus, Fr. rufus, Fr. fuliginosus, Fr. Russula nigricans, Fr. adusta, Fr. delica, Fr. sanguinea, Fr. rosacea, Fr. furcata, Fr. vesca, Fr. heterophylla, Fr. depallens, Fr. sardonia, Fr. rubra, Fr. lepida, Fr. virescens, Fr. emetica, Fr. ochroleuca, Fr. foetens, Fr. fragilis, Fr. integra, Fr. Common. R. Kilfinan. Common. B. Kilfinan. Common. Common. Common. Common. R. Minard. Common. Common. R. Kilfinan. R. Kilsyth. Common. R. Gadder. R. Toward. Common. Common in Cadder. Common. R. Minard. Common. Common. Common. Common. Common. Common. R. Kilfinan. Common. R. Barrhead. Common. R. Minard. R. Toward. Common. Common. Common. Common. Common. Common. Common. Common. Common. R. Kilfinan. R. Toward. r. Toward. r. Kilfinan. Common. Common. Common. Common. Common. Common. FUNGI. 117 Russula aurata, Fr. decolorans, Fr. nitida, Fr. alatacea, Fr. lutea, Fr. vitellina, Fr. chamseleontina, Fr. Cantharellus cibarius, Fr. aurantiacus, Fr. Brownii, B. & Br. umbonatus, P. tubseformis, Fr. infundibuliformis, Fr. muscigenus, Fr. retirugus, Fr. lobatus, Fr. Nyctalis asterophora, Fr. parasitica, Fr. Marasmius urens, Fr. peronatus, Fr. poweus, Fr. oreades, Fr. fusco-purpureus, Fr. Wynnei, B. & Br. Stephens!!, B. & Br. erythropus, Fr. archyropus, Fr. scorodonius, Fr. Vaillantii, Fr. foetidus, Fr. nigricans, Berk. MSS. amadelphus, Fr. ramealis, Fr. androsaceus, Fr. rotula, Fr. graminum, B. & Br. alliaceus, Fr. perforans, Fr. insititius, Fr. Hudson!, Fr. saccharinus, Fr. epiphyllus, Fr. Lentinus tigrinus, Fr. Dunalii, Fr. lepideus, Fr. coclileatus, Fr. vulpinus, Fr. Panus torulosus, Fr. conchatus, Fr. stypticus, Fr. Xerotus degener, Fr. Common. Common. Common. Common. Common. Common. Common. Common. Common. E. Minard. E. Bute. E. Bute. E. Loch Lomond. E. Bute. E. Bute. E. Tigh-na-bruaich. Common. Common. Common. Common. Common. Common. Common. E. Toward. B. Kilfinan. E. Toward. E. Cadder. E. Cumbrae. E. Largs. Common. Common. E. Cadder. Common. Common. Common. Common. E. Kilfinan. E. Toward. E. Luss. E. Craigend. E. Arran. Common. E. Cadder. E. Cadder Wilderness. B. Toward. B. Minard. E. Minard. E. Minard. E. Furnace. Common. Moss at Ballimore. 118 THE FLORA OF CLYDESDALE. Schizophyllum commune, Fr. Lenzites betulina, Fr. flaccida, Fr. sepiaria, Fr. abietina, Fr. Boletus luteus, L. elegans, Schum. flavus, With, laricinus, B. granulatus, L. bovinus, L. badius, Fr. sanguineus, With, piperatus, Bull, parasiticus, BulL variegatus, Fr. strisepes, Sec. chrysenteron, Fr. subtomentosus, L. calopus, Fr. olivaceus, Schseff. pachypus, Fr. Satanas, Lenz. luridus, Fr. edulis, BuU. impolitus, Fr. sestivalis, Fr. viscidus, L. versipellis, Fr. scaber, Fr. alutarius, Fr. felleus, BuU. castaneus, Bull. Strobilomyces strobiliaceus, B. Polyporus brumalis, Fr. fuscidulus, Fr. leptocephalus, Fr. Schweinitzii, Fr. rufescens, Fr. perennis, Fr. squamosus, Fr. Rostkovii, Fr. varius, Fr. elegans, Fr. quercinus, Fr. lucidus, Fr. intybaceus, Fr. cristatus, Fr. giganteus, Fr. Glasgow. Common. Common. Common. Glasgow. Polyporei. Common. K. Kilfinan. Common. Common. C. Toward. B. Baltimore. B. KilBnan. E. Ben Lomond. E. Luss. E. Cadder Wilderness. B. Kow. B. Arran. Common. Common. B. Barrhead. B. Kilfinan. Cadder Wilderness. Ben Brecht. Cadder Wilderness. Kilfinan. Common. Common. B. Minard. Common. Common. Common. E. Arran. E. Toward. E. Minard. E. Cadder Wilderness. E. Kenmuir. B. Cadder Wilderness. E. Cadder. E. Cadder. E. Bowling. Common. E. Millport. Common. Common. Common. Common. E. Kilfinan. B. Ballimore. E. Cadder. FUNGI. 119 Polyporus sulfuretis, Fr. heteroclitus, Fr. salignus, Fr. csesius, Fr. destructor, Fr. nidulans, Fr. fumosus, Fr. adustus, Fr. crispus, Fr. adiposus, B. & Br. amorphus, Fr. hispidus, Fr. dryadeus, Fr. betulinus, Fr. pallescens, Fr. applanatus, Fr. fomentarius, Fr. nigricans, Fr. igniarius, Fr. ribis, Fr. salicinus, Fr. ulmarius, Fr. fraxineus, Fr. variegatus, Fr. cervinus, P. annosus, Fr. connatus, Fr. radiatus, Fr. velutinus, Fr. versicolor, Fr. abietinus, Fr. contiguus, Fr. ferruginosus, Fr. nitidus, Fr. incarnatus, Fr. purpureus, Fr. cinctus, Berk. vulgaris, Fr. viridans, Berk. molluscus, Fr. terrostris, Fr. vaporarius, Fr. aneirinus, Fr. Stephens!!, Fr. Vaillantii, Fr. hybridus, B. & Br. Trametes pini, Fr. suaveolens, Fr. odora, Fr. gibbosa, Fr. Dsedalea quercina, P. Common. E. Gadder. R. Craigend. Common. Common. Common. Kilfinan. Common. E. Toward. E. Toward. E. Knockdow. Common. Kilfinan. Common. Common. R. Ban-head. Common. Common. Common. E. Craigend. Common. Common. Common. R. Ben Lomond. R. Helensburgh. Common. Common. Common. Common. Common. E. Toward. Common. Common. E. Toward. R. Innellan. Minard. R. Arran. Common. Common. E. Kilfinan. E. Minard. Common. B. Kilfinan. R. Arran. Glasgow. Glasgow. Kilfinan. Craigend. Craigend. Minard. Common. 120 THE FLORA OF CLYDESDALE. Daedalea confragosa, P. unicolor, Fr. latissima, Fr. Merulius tremellosus, Schrad. corium, Fr. molluscus, Fr. Porinoides, Fr. rufus, P. serpens, Fr. pallens, Berk. lacrymans, Fr. aurantiacus, Klotsch. Porothelium Friesii, Mont. Fistulina hepatica, Fr. Hydnum imbricatum, L. repandum, L. compactum, Fr. zonatum, Batsch. graveolens, Del. auriscalpium, L. coralloides, Scoy. Erinaceus, Bull. Caput-Medusae, Bull. gelatinosum, Scop. ochraceum, P. membranaceum, Bull. ferruginosum, Fr. alutaceum, Fr. spathulatum, Fr. udum, Fr. niveum, P. f arinaceum, P. Sistotrema confluens, P. Irpex pendulus, Fr. Johnstoni, Berk, obliquus, Fr. Radulum quercinum, Fr. Phlebia merismoides, Fr. radiata, Fr. vaga, Fr. Grandinia granulosa, Fr. Odontia fimbriata, Fr. Kneiffia setigera, Fr. R. Craigend. Common. B. Frankfield. R. Fairlie. Common. R. Largs. Cadder. Ben Lomond. R. Toward. R. Toward. Common. Common. R. Baltimore. Common. Hydnei. R. Cadder. Cadder. R. Kilfinan. R. Toward. R. Cadder. Common. Common. R. Barrhead. R. Baltimore. R. Otter. Common. Common. Common. R. Paisley. R. Otter. R. Minard. R. Ballimore. R. Ballimore. Cadder Wilderness. R. Toward. Cadder Wilderness. R. Kilfinan. R. Otter. R. Ballimore. R. Otter. R. Otter. Common. Common. Common. Auricularini. Craterellus lutescens, Fr. cornucopioides, Fr. sinuosus, Fr. R. Cadder. R. Ben Lomond. R. Loch Fad. FUNGI. 121 Craterellus crispus, Fr. Thelephora tuberosa, Grev. antb.ocephala, Fr. palmata, Fr. terrestris, Fr. cristata, Fr. mollissima, P. laciniata, P. byssoides, P. sebacea, Fr. puteana, Schum. laxa, Fr. arida, Fr. olivacea, Fr. anthochroa, P. Stereum purpureum, Fr. hirsutum, Fr. spadiceum, Fr. sanguinolentum, Fr. rugosum, Fr. acerinum, Fr. Hymenochsete rubiginosa, LeV. tabacina, Lev. corrugata, Berk. Auricularia mesenterica, Bull. lobata, Somm. Corticium giganteum, Fr. lacteum, Fr. arachnoideum, Berk, laeve, Fr. sanguineum, Fr. sulfureum, Fr. coeruleum, Fr. lactescens, Berk, calceum, Fr. quercinum, P. cinereum, Fr. incarnatum, Fr. nudum, Fr. confluens, Fr. polygonium, P. comedens, Fr. Sambuci, P. Aurora, B. & Br. Cyphella galeata, Fr. lacera, Fr. capula, Fr. Curreyi, Berk, fulva, B. & Kav. Sparassis crispa, Fr. R. Luss. R. Bowling. Common. R. Luss. R. Baltimore. R. Bute. Common. Common. R. Toward. Common. Common. R. Milngavie. Common. R. Toward. R. Craigend. Common. Common. Common. Common. Common. Common. Common. R. Ben Lomond. R. Luss. Common. Common. Common. R. Cadder Wilderness. R. Toward. Common. R. Cadder. Common. Common. Craigend. Common. Common. Common. Common. Common. Common. Common. Common. R. Kilfinan. Common. Common. Common. Common. R. Craigend. Common. Cadder Wilderness. 122 THE FLORA OF CLYDESDALE. Clavariei. Clavaria Botrytis, P. amethystina, Bull. fastigiata, B.C. muscoides, L. coralloides, L. umbrina, Berk. cinerea, Bull. cristata, Holmsk. rugosa, Bull. aurea, Schaeff. abietina, Schum. flaccida, Fr. crocea, P. grisea, P. stricta, P. crispula, Fr. purpurea, Mull. rosea, Fr. fusiformis, Sow. insequalis, Mull. argillacea, Fr. tenuipes, B. & Br. vermiculata, Scop. fragilis, Holmsk. pistillaris, L. contorta, Fr. juncea, Fr. acuta, Sow. uncialis, Grev. Calocera viscosa, Fr. glossoides, Fr. Typhula erythropus, Fr. phacorrhiza, Fr. incarnata, Fr. muscicola, Fr. filiformis, Fr. gracilis, B. & Desm. Pistillaria culmigena, Mont, quisquilaris, Fr. puberula, Berk, pusilla, Fr. Tremella frondosa, Fr. foliacea, P. lutescens, Fr. mesenterica, Retz. moriformis, Berk, albida, Huds. Inverary. B. Cadder. Common. Common. Common. Common. Common. Common. Common. R. Innellan. R. Cadder. R. Arran. R. Luss. R. Luss. R. Botanic Gardens. R. Cadder. Common. R. Minard. Common. Common. Common. Common. Common. Common. R. Kilfinan. R. Kilfinan. Common. R. Botanic Gardens. Common. Common. R. Minard. Common. Common. Common. Common. Common. Common. Common. R. Arran. R. Arran. Kenmuir. Tremellini. R. Ban-head. F. Largs. Common. Common. R. Cadder. Common. FUNGI. 123 Tremella indecorata, Somiu. R. Toward, sarcoides, Sm. Common, tubercularia, Bull. Common, torta, Willd. Common, versicolor, B. & Br. Common, viscosa, P. R. Kilfinan. epigaea, B. & Br. R. Bowling. Exidia recisa, Fr. Common, glandulosa, Fr. Common, saccharina, Fr. R. Minard. Hirneola auricula- Judse, Berk. Common. Nsematelia encephala, Fr. Ben Lomond, nucleata, Fr. B. Luss. virescens, Cd. Common. Dacrymyces violaceus, Fr. R. Furnace, deliquescens, Duby. R. Toward, stillatus, Nees. R. Toward, chrysocomus, TuL R. Otter. Apyrenium lignatile, Fr. F. Minard. Hymenula punctiformis, B. & Br. R. Otter. Ditiola radicata, Fr. R. Toward. Hypogaei. Octaviania asterosperma, Vitt. Stephensii, TuL Melanogaster ambiguus, Tul. Hydnangium carneum, Berk. Hysterangium nephriticum, Berk. Rhizopogon rubescens, Tul. Hymenogaster Klotschii, Tul. muticus, B. & Br. vulgaris, Tul. citrinus, Vitt. tener, Berk. F. Cadder. R. Helensburgh. R. Toward. Botanic Gardens. R. Helensburgh. R. Helensburgh. Botanic Gardens. Botanic Gardens. Common. R. Cadder. R. Helensburgh. Phalloidei. Phallus impudicus, L. Cynophallus caninus, Fr. Common. R. Kilsytb. Trichograstres. Batarrea phalloides, P. Tulostoma mammosum, Fr. G caster coliformis, P. fornicatus, Fr. fimbriatus, Fr. hygrometricus, P. Bovista nigrescens, P. plumbea, P. Lycoperdon giganteum, Batsch. caelatum, Fr. R. KUfinan. Very rare. Toward. R. Campsie. Common. R. Toward. R. Minard. Common. Common. Common. Common. 124 THE FLORA OF CLYDESDALE. Lycoperdon atropurpureum, Vitt. E. Blantyre. pusillum, Fr. R. Kilfinan. saccatum, Vahl. Common, gemmatum, Fr. Common, pyriforme, Schaeff. Common. Scleroderma vulgare, Fr. Common. Bovista, Fr. E. Kilfinan. verrucosum, Pers. Common. Polysaccum olivaceum, Fr. E. Bothwell. Myxograstres. Lycogala epidendrum, Fr. Common. parietinum, Fr. r. Cadder. Reticularia maxima, Fr. Common. atra, Fr. B. Bothwell. umbrina, Fr. Common. ^Ethalium septicum, Fr. Common, vaporarium, Fr. Common. Spumaria alba, D.C. Common. Diderma floriforme, P. Common, citrinum, Fr. Common, vernicosum, P. r. Kilfinan. lucidum, Berk. Common, spumarioides, Fr. F. Bute. nitens, Klotsch. B. Arran. globosum, Fr. Common. Didymium melanopus, Fr. Common, hemisphaericum, Fr. F. Cadder. squamulosum, A. & S. Common, farinaceum, Fr. Common, leucopus, Fr. E. Kilfinan. lobatum, Nees. Common, cinereum, Fr. Common. Physarum nutans, P. Common, var. 7, aureum, Grev. Common, rubiginosum, Chev. Common, album, Fr. E. Minard. atrum, Fr. Common. Angioridium sinuosum, Grev. Common. Badhamia hyalina, Berk. R. Kilfinan. nitens, Berk. Common. Craterium pedunculatum, Trent. Common. minutum, Fr. Common. Diachea elegans, Fr. E. Toward. Stemonitis fusca, Roth. Common. ferruginea, Ehib. Common. pulchella, Bab. Common. violacea, Fr. Common. arcyrioides, Somm. Common. Enerthenema elegans, Bowm. Common. Dictydium umbilicatum, Schrad. E. Toward. FUNGI. 125 Cribraria intricata, Schrad. Arcyria punicea, P. incarnata, P. umbrina, Schum. ochroleuca, Fr. Trichia pyriformis, Hoffm. fallax, P. clavata, P. turbinata, With. chrysosperma, D.C. serpula, P. Perichaena abietina, Fr. Licea cylindrica, Fr. applanata, Berk. Phelonitis strobilina, Fr. Cyathus striatus, Hoffm. vernicosus, D.C. Crucibulum vulgare, TuL Sphaerobolus stellatus, Tode. Polyangium vitellinum, Ditm, R. Kilfinan. Common. Common. Common. Common. Common. E. Kilfinan. Common. Common. Common. Common. K. Toward. Common. Common. Common. Nidulariacei. Common. Common. Common. Common. B. Arran. Sphaeronemei. Leptostroma caricinum, Fr. spireae, Fr. vulgare, Fr. Phoma concentricum, Desm. hederaa, Desm. lingam, Desm. radula, B. & R. samarorum, Desm. piceum, B. & Br. microscopicum, B. & Br. nebulosum, Berk. longissimum, Berk, bicuspidatum, Berk. Leptothyrium juglandis, Lib. fragariae, Lib. ribis, Lib. Actinothyrium graminis, Kze. Cryptosporium caricis, Cd. Sphasronema subulatum, Tode. vitreum, Cd. Sphaeropsis cylindrospora, Desm. epitricha, B. & Br. arundinacea, ~L6v. taxi, Berk, alismatis, Curr. Dothiora pyrenophora, Fr. sphasroides, Fr. Common. Common. Common. R. Botanic Gardens. Common. Common. Common. Common. Common. Common. Common. Common. R. Minard. Common. Common. Common. Common. Common. Common. Common. Common. Common. R. Kilfinan. R. Luss. Common. Common. Common. 126 THE FLORA OF CLYDESDALE. Clinterium obturatum, Fr. R. Ballimore. Acrospermum graminum, Lib. Common. Diplodia vulgaris, Lev. Common. oospora, Berk. Common. tecta, B. & Br. Common. consors, B. & Br. Common. arbuticola, Fr. R. Campsie. illicis, Curr. Common. Hendersonia arcus, B. & Br. R. Craigend. Vermicularia dematium, Fr. Common. trichella, G-rev. Common. atramentaria, B. & Br. Common. Discosia alnea, Lib. Common. Pilidium acerinum, Kze. Common. Melasmia acerina, LeV. Common. alnea, LeV. Common. Piggotia astroidea, B. & Br. Common. Septoria ulmi, Kze. Common. oxyacanthse, Kze. Common. aceris, B. & Br. Common. salicella, B. & Br. Common. aegopodii, Desm. Common. lepidii, Desm. Common. nodorum, Berk Common. hippocastani, B. & Br. Common. Ralfsii, B. & Br. Common. insularis, B. & Br. Common. Badhami, B. & Br. Common. polygonorum, Desm. Common. convolvuli, Desm. Common. cornicola, Desm. Common. heterochroa, Desm. Common. graminum, Desm. Common. stemmatea, Berk. R. Campsie. hederse, Desm. Common. pyricola, Desm. Common. hydrocotyles, Desm. Common. ficarise, Desm. Common. menyantbes, Desm. Common. epilobii, West. Common. rosarum, West. Common. sedi, West. Common. fraxini, Desm. Common. populi, Desm. Common. Ascochyta pisi, Lib. Common. dianthi, Berk. r. Craigend. Cystotricha striola, B. & Br. Common. Neottiosporia caricum, Desm. Common. Dinemasporium graminum, LeV. Common. Asteroma ulmi, Kl. Common, prunellse, Purt. Common. FUNGI. 127 Asteroma padi, Grev. Common. rosse, D.C. Common. veronica?, Desm. Common. Kabenhorstia rudis, Fr. Craigend. tiliae, Fr. Common. Discella carbonacea, B. & Br. Common. microsperma, B. & Br. Common. Melanconiei. Melanconium bicolor, Nees. magnum, Berk. Stegonosporium cellulosum, Cd. Stilbospora ovata, P. angustata, P. Asterosporium Hoffmann!, M. & N. Coryneum pulvinatum, Kze. disciforme, Kze. compact um, B. & Br. microstichum, B. & Br. Pestalozzia Guepini, Desm. Cheirospora botryospora, Fr. Nemaspora crocea, P. rosse, Desm. Myxosporium orbiculare, Berk. colliculosum, Berk. Gloeosporium concentricum, B. & Br. fructigenum, Berk. ficariae, Berk. Common. Common. Common. Common. F. Innellan. Common. Common. Common. R. Otter. R. Botanic Gardens. R. Botanic Gardens. Common. Common. Common. R. Botanic Gardens. Common. Common. Common. Common. Torulacei. Torula monilioides, Cd. Common. ovalispora, Berk. Common. pulvillus, B. & Br. Common. abbreviata, Cd. R. Toward. hysterioides, Cd. Common. cylindrica, Berk. Common. herbarum, Lk. Common. graminis, Desm. Common. sporendonema, B. & Br. Common. Bactridium flavum, Kze. Common. helvellae, B. & Br. Common. Helicosporium pulvinatum, Fr. Common. Bispora monilioides, Cd. Common. Septonema irregulare, Berk. R. Craigend. Sporochisma mirabile, B. & Br. Common. Sporidesmium polymorphum, Cd. Common. pyriforme, Cd. R. Glasgow, melanopum, B. & Br. Common, scutellare, B. & Br. alternariae, R. Craigend. 128 THE FLORA OF CLYDESDALE. Sporidesmium Lepraria, B. & Br. Common. fungorum, Berk. Common. uniseptatum, B. & Br. B. Bowling. Dictyosporium elegans, Cd. Common. Echinobotryum atrum, Cd. Common. Gymnosporium arundinis, Cd. Common. Pucciniaei. Xenodochus carbonarius, Schl. Phragmidium bulbosum, Fr. gracile, Berk, nmcronatum, Fr. acuminatum, Fr. obtusatum, Fr. Triphragmium ulmariae, Lk. Puccinia graminis, P. striola, Lk. coronata, Cd. truncata, B. & Br. polygonorum, Lk. vaginalium, Lk. primulae, Grev. veronicarum, D.C. glechomatis, D.C. menthae, P. scorodoniae, Lk. scrophulariae, Lib. vincae, Berk. campanula, Carm. compositarum, Schl. syngenesiarum, Lk. glomerata, Grev. variabilis, Grev. galiorum, Lk. umbelliferarum, D.C. segopodii, Lk. saniculae, Grev. smyrnii, Cd. anemones, P. calthas, Lk. violarum, Lk. lychnidearum, Lk. umbilici, Gue'p. rhodiolae, B. & Br. saxifragarum, Schl. chrysosplenii, Grev. epilobii, D.C. pulverulenta, Grev. circaeae, P. fabaa, Lk. E. Botanic Gardens. Common. Common. Common. Common. Common. Common. Common. Common. Common. B. Craigend. Common. Common. Common. Common. Common. Common. F. Cuinbrae. Common. Common. Common. Common. Common. Common. Common. Common. Common. Common. F. Campsie. Common. Common. Common. Common. Common. F. Cumbrae. E. Ben Lomond. F. Milngavie. F. Barrhead. F. Innellan. Common. Common. K. Craigend. FUNGI. 129 Gymnosporangium juniperi, Lk. E. Ben Lomond. Podisoma juniperi, Fr. E. Kilfinan. foliicolum, Berk. E. Kilfinan. Uredo potentillarum, D.C. Common, saxifragarum, D.C. Common, filicum, Desm. Common, pustulata, P. E. Possil. caryophyllacearum, Johnst. Common, quercus, Brond. Common, alliorum, D.C. E. Campsie. bifrons, Grev. Common. Trichobasis symphyti, LeV. Common, petroselini, Berk. Common, oblongata, Berk. E. College, suaveolens, LeV. Common, geranii, Berk. Common. Uromyces alliorum, D.C. Common, appendiculata, LeV. Common, ficariae, LeV. Common, intrusa, LeV. F. Barrhead. Coleosporium tussilaginis, LeV. Common, pingue, Lev. Common, petasites, LeV. Common, campanulas, LeV. Common, sonchi-arvensis, LeV. Common, rhinanthacearum, LeV. Common. Melampsora euphorbias, Cast. Common, populina, LeV. Common, tremulae, Tul. Common, betulina, Desm. Common, salicina, LeV. Common. Lecythea rosae, Ldv. Common, populina, LeV. Common, euphorbiaa, L^v. Common, mixta, L^v. F. Craigend. saliceti, LeV. Common, valerianse, Berk. Common, lini, L^v. Common. Cystopus candidus, LeV. F. Largimore. Polycystis colchici, Tul. F. Craigend. violse, B. & Br. Common. Tilletia caries, Tul. Common, tlstilago urceolorum, Tul. Common, carbo, Tul. Common, longissima, TuL Common, hypodytes, Fr. Common. Salvei'i, B. & Br. Common, vinosa, Tul. R. Kilmun. utriculosa, Tul. Common, nosculorum, Tul. Common, receptaculorum, Fr. Common. 130 THE FLORA OF CLYDESDALE. Ustilago antherarum, Tul. Tuburcinia scabies, Berk. Common. Common. 2Ecidiacei. Rcestelia cancellata, Reb. cornuta, Tul. Peridermium pini, Chev. elatinum, Lk. ^Ecidium albescens, Grev. epilobii, D.C. soldanellse, Hornsch. tragopogonis, Pers. euphorbise, Pers. berberidis, Pers. thalictri, Grev. crassum, Pers. periclymeni, D.C. calthae, Grev. ranunculacearum, D.C. galii, Pers. bunii, D.C. valerianacearum, Dub. asperifolii, Pers. grossularise, D.C. urticse, D.C. orobi, D.C. compositarum, Mart, var. taraxaci, Grev. var. prenanthis, Pers. var. tussilaginis, Pers. var. Jacobece, Grev. var. lapsani, Purt. saniculse, Carm. violse, Schum. poterii, Cooke. geranii, D.C. menthae, D.C. pedicularis, Lobosch. primulae, D.C. rubellum, Pers. ari, Berk. allii, Berk. Endophyllum sempervivi, L^v. Common. Common. Common. Common. E. Kilfinan. Common. Common. Common. Common. Common. Common. Common. Common. Common. Common. Common. Common. Common. Common. Common. Common. Common. Common. Common. Common. Common. Common. Common. Common. Common. Common. Common. Common. Common. Common. Common. Common. Common. Botanic Gardens. Isaria farinosa, Fr. citrina, P. intricata, Fr. puberula, Berk. Anthina flammea, Fr. Ceratium hydnoides, A. & S. Isariacei. Common. Common. Common. Common. F. Cadder. Common. FUNGI. 131 Pachnocybe subulata, Berk, grisea, Berk, acicula, Berk, albida, Berk. Common. F. Kilfinan. B. Otter. B. Otter. Stilbacei. Stilbum vaporarium, B. & Br. fimetarium, B. & Br. rigidum, P. bicolor, P. nigrum, Berk, vulgare, Tode. Volutella ciliata, Fr. Tubercularia vulgaris, Tode. granulata, P. nigricans, Lk. Fusarium lateritium, Nees. Myrothecium roridum, Tode. Epicoccum neglectum, Desm. equiseti, Berk. Illosporium roseum, Fr. carneum, Fr. corallinum, Roberge. coccineum, Fr. Common. Common. K. Minard. Common. Common. Common. Common. Common. Common. Common. Common. Common. Common. Common. Common on Lichens. Common on Lichens. Common on Lichens. Common on Lichens. Dematiei. Arthrobotryum atrum, B. & Br. Common. Dendryphium comosum, Walr. Common. curtum, B. & Br. Common. fumosum, Berk. Common. Sporocybe byssoides, Fr. Common. alternata, Berk. Common. Stachybotrys atra, Cd. Common. lobulata, Berk. Common. Haplographium delicatum, B. & Br. Common. Monotospora megalospora, B. & Br. B. Luss. Cephalotrichum curtum, Berk. Common. (Edemium atrum, Fr. Common. Helicocoryne viridis, Cd. Common. Helminthosporium Smithii, B. & Br. Common. folliculatum, Cd. Common. macrocarpum, Grev. Common. nanum, Nees. Common. tilise, Fr. Common. clavariarum, Desm. Common. dendroideum, Berk. Common. altum, Preuss. Common. Macrosporium cheiranthi, Fr. Common, concinnum, Berk. Common. Helicoma Mulleri, Cd. B. Innellan. Cladotrichum triseptatum, B. & Br. F. Minard. 132 THE FLORA OF CLYDESDALE. Polythrincium trifolii, Kze. Common. Cladosporium herbarum, Lk. Common. dendriticum, Walr. Common. lignicolum, Cd. Common. nodulosum, Cd. Common. Arthrinium sporophleum, Kze. Common. Sporodum conopleoides, Cd. Common. Mucedines. Aspergillus glaucus, Lk. Common. candidus, Lk. Common. roseus, Lk. Common. mollis, Berk. Common. virens, Lk. Common. Botrytis citrina, Berk. Common. terrestris, P. Common. Acrospeira mirabilis, B. & Br. Common. Peronospora parasitica, Cd. Common. destructor, Casp. Common. infestans, Casp. Common. ganglioniformis, Casp. Common. arborescens, Casp. Common. viciae, Casp. Common. arenariae, Casp. Common. effusa, Casp. Common. sparsa, Berk. Common. Verticillium nanum, B. & Br. Common. Haplaria grisea, Lk. Common. Polyactis vulgaris, Lk. Common. cana, Berk. Common. vera, Berk. Common. cinerea, Berk. Common. Penicillium crustaceum, Fr. Common. sparsum, Grev. Common. bicolor, Fr. Common. candidum, Lk. Common. Oidium aureum, Lk. Common. fasciculatum, Berk. Common. concentricum, B. & Br. Common. Monilia fasciculata, Cd. Common. racemosa, Purt. Common. Cylindrium septatum, Bon. Common. Dactylmm pyriferum, Fr. Common. dendroides, Fr. Common. roseum, Berk. Common. Fusidium griseum, Lk. Common. flavovirens, Fr. Common. Sporotrichum chlorinum, Lk. Common. aurantiacum, Grev. Common. sulphureum, Grev. Common. laxum, Grev. Common. FUNGI. 133 Sporotrichum fenestrale, Ditm. Common. Myxotrichum chartarum, Kze. Common. Acremonium verticillatum, Lk. K. Glasgow. fuscum, Schm. Common. Clonostachys araucaria, Cd. E. Cadder. Botryosporium pulchrum, Cd. Common, diffusum, Cd. Common. Papulaspora sepedonioides, Preuss. Common. Rhopalomyces candidus, B. & Br. R. Glasgow. Sepedoniei. Sepedonium chrysospermum, Lk. Common, roseum, Fr. Common. Fusisporium betae, Desm. p. Craigend. udum, Berk. Common, atrovirens, Berk. Common, solani tuberosi, Mart. Common. Epochnium macrosporoideum, Berk. B. Minard. Psilonia nivea, Fr. F. Cadder. gilva, Fr. Common, arundinis, Desm. Common. Pilacre faginea, B. & Br. Trichoderma viride, P. Morchella esculenta, Pers. semilibera, D.C. Gyromitra esculenta, Fr. Helvella crispa, Fr. lacunosa, Afz. elastica, Bull, ephippium, Lev. Verpa digitaliformis, Pers. conica, Sow. Mitrula cucullata, Fr. paludosa, Fr. alba, W. Smith. Spathularia flavida, Pers. Leotia lubrica, Pers. Vibrissea truncorum, Fr. Geoglossum viride, P. olivaceum, P. glutinosum, P. viscosum, P. glabrum, P. hirsutum, P. difforme, Fr. Peziza acetabulum, L. badia, P. Trichodermacei. Common. Common. Elvellacei. E. Kilfinan. E. Otter. E. Kilfinan. Common. Common. Common. Common. E. Ben Lomond. E. Ben Lomond. Common. Common. E. Ben Lomond. R. Toward. Common. B. Ben Lomond. Common, B. Kilfinan. E. Otter. Common. Common. Common. B. Innellan. E. Cadder Wilderness. Bishop's Loch, 134 THE FLORA OF CLYDESDALE. Peziza aurantia, Fr. cochleata, Huds. succosa, B. repanda, Wahl. cerea, Sow. vesiculosa, Bull, micropus, P. pustulata, P. cupularis, L. cornubiensis, B. & Br. granulata, BulL rutilans, Fr. polytricha, Sch. leucoloma, Reb. glumarum, Desm. f ascicularis, A. & S. f urfuracea, Fr. coccinea, Jacq. melastoma, Sow. hemispherica, Wigg. brunnea, A. & S. scutellata, L. livida, Sen. stercorea, P. albo-spadicea, Grev. ciliaris, Schr. virginea, Batsch. nivea, Fr. calycina, Schum. bicolor, BulL caulicola, Fr. tricolor, Sow. rufo-olivacea, A. & S. sulphurea, P. plano-umbilicata, Grev. villosa, P. Berkeleii, Blox. aspidiicola, B. & Br. clavariarum, Desm. straminum, B. & Br. vectis, B. & Br. aurelia, P. domestica, Sow. csesia, P. rosae, P. fusca, P. sanguinea, P. rudis, B. bolaris, Batsch. siparia, B. & Br. ledi, A. & S. Common. Common. Common. Common. E. Botanic Gardens. Common. Common. Common. Common. K Kilfinan. Common. F. Campsie. Common. E. Kilsyth. E. Craigend. Common. Common. Common. E. Kilfinan. E. Otter. Common. Common. E. Toward. Common. E. Cadder Wilderness. Common. Common. Common. Common. Common. E. Cadder. B. Blantyre. F. Otter. Common. Common. Common. B. Campsie. Common. Common. Common. Common. B. Milngavie. F. Innellan. F. Cadder. Common. Common. E. Largimore. Common. F. Ballimore. E. Minard. E. Glencoe. FUNGI. 135 Peziza firma, P. Common, ciborioides, Fr. Common, coronata, Bull. Common, inflexa, Bolt. Common, striata, Fr. Common, nitidula, B. & Br. F. BothwelL cyathoidea, BulL Common, caucus, Reb. Common, clavus, A. & S. Common, vinosa, A. & S. Common, cinerea, Batsch. Common, sphasrioides, P. Common, xanthostigma, Fr. E. Toward, leucostigma, Fr. F. Gadder, vulgaris, Fr. Common, atrata, P. Common, fusarioides, B. Common, lacustris, Fr. E. Bothwell. melanotheja, Fr. Common, compressa, A. & S. F. Minard. flexella, Fr. B. Toward. Helotium fibuliforme, Fr. F. Cadder. agaricinum, B. K. Kilfinan. aciculare, Fr. Common. subtile, Fr. E. Toward. seruginosum, Fr. Common. serotinum, Fr. Common. virgultorum, Fr. Common, var. /3, flavescens, Holms. Common. lutescens, Fr. Common. conigenum, Fr. Common. phascoides, Fr. Common. luteolum, Curr. Common. aquaticum, Curr. E. Blantyre. tuba, Fr. F. Blantyre. calyculus, Fr. F. Innellan. citrinum, Fr. Common. pallescens, Fr. E. Toward. lenticulare, Fr. E. Bute. ochraceum, B. E. Bute. cribrosum, B. E. Largs. claro-flavum, B. F. Kilfinan. herbarum, Fr. Common. epiphyllum, Fr. E. Minard. punctatum, Fr. F. Glasgow. Patellaria atrata, Fr. Common. rhabarbarina, B. F. Craigend. livida, B. & Br. E. Toward, discolor, Mont. Common, aquatica, Curr. E. Blantyre. palustris, Curr. Common. 136 THE FLORA OF CLYDESDALE. Laquearia sphaeralis, Fr. Tympanis fraxini, Schw. conspersa, Fr. Cenangium ribis, Fr. prunastri, Fr. aucuparise, Fr. pulveraceum, Fr. fuliginosum, Fr. ferruginosum, Fr. quercinum, Fr. rubi, Fr. Ascobolus furfuracens, P. vinosus, B. trifolii, Bernh. carneus, P. Bulgaria inquinans, Fr. sarcoides, Fr. Agyrium ruf um, P. Stictis radiata, P. pallida, P. microstoma, Carrn. nivea, P. lichenicola, Mont, hysterioides, Desm. parallela, Fr. longa, Fr. versicolor, Fr. phacidioides, Fr. Ascomyces bullatus, B. deformans, B. F. Minard. Common. R. lunellan. Common. Common. R. Craigend. F. Kilfinan. Common. Common. Common. Common. Common. Common. Common. Common. Common. R. Minard. Common. Common. R. Kilfinan. Common. Common. Common. Common. R. Toward. Common. Common. R. Botanic Gardens. Common. Common. Tuberacei. Stephensia bombycina, Tul. R. Minard. Elaphomyces variegatus, Vitt. R. Toward. Phacidiacei. Phacidium pini, Schm. Common. carbon aceum, Fr. Common. vaccinii, Fr. R. Kilfinan. coronatum, Fr. Common. dentatum, Fr. Common. rubi, Fr. Common. repandum, Fr. Common. simulatum, B. & Br. R. Otter. Heterosphseria patella, Grev. Common. Rhytisma maximum, Fr. Common. andromedse, Fr. Common. salicinum, Fr. Common. acerinum, Fr. Common. punctatum, Fr. Common. urticse, Fr. Common. FUNGI. Hysterium pulicare, Pers. Common. elongatum, Wabl. Common. curvatum, Fr. Common. lineare, Fr. K. Kilfinan. fraxini, P. Common. conigenum, Moug. & N. F. Toward. vaccinii, Carm. Common. rubi, Pers. Common. pinastri, Schrad. Common. melaleucum, Fr. p. Campsie. commune, Fr. Common. arundinaceum, Schrad. Common. maculare, Fr. E. Campsie. Ailographum amplum, B. & Br. B. Paisley. Asterina Babingtonii, B. E. Ballimore. Lophium mytiKnum, Fr. Toward. Stegia ilicis, Fr. Common. Trochila craterium, Fr. Common, lauro-cerasi, Fr. Common. Sphaeriacei. Torrubia militaris, Fr. Common. entomorrhiza, Fr. Common. gracilis, B. E. Bowling. purpurea, Fr. Common. microcephala, Tul. Common. myrmecophila, B. E. Toward. Hypocrea rufa, Fr. Common. citrina, Fr. E. Toward. luteo-virens, Fr. E. Gadder. farinosa, B. & Br. Common. typhina, B. Common. Xylaria polymorpha, Grev. Common. digitata, Grev. Common. corniformis, Mont. Common. hypoxylon, Grev. Common. carpophila, Fr. Common. vaporaria, Berk. Common. Thamnomyces hippotrichioides, Ehrb. Common. Poronia punctata, Fr. Common. Hypoxylon ustulatum, Bull Common. luteum, Fr. B. Minard. concentricum, Grev. Common. coccineum, BulL Common. multiforme, Fr. Common. cohaerens, Fr. Common. fuscum, Fr. Common. rubiginosum, Fr. Common. serpens, Fr. ' Common. udum, Fr. Common. Diatrype bullata, Fr. Common. 137 138 THE FLORA OF CLYBESDALE. Diatrype undulata, Fr. Common. stigma, Fr. Common. disciformis, Fr. Common. aspera, Fr. Common. verrucseformis, Fr. Common. quercina, Fr. Common. varians, Curr. Common. scabrosa, Fr. Common. ulicis, B. Common. ferruginea, Fr. Common. flavo-virens, Fr. Common. sordida, B. & Br. Common. hystrix, Fr. Common. strumella, Fr. Common. pyrrhocystis, B. & Br. B. Innellan. elevata, B. & Br. Common. lata, Fr. Common. decipiens, Fr. Common. cincta, B. & Br. Common. Valsa prunastri, Fr. Common, stellulata, Fr. Common, syngenesia, Fr. Common, nivea, Fr. Common, leucostoma, Fr. Common, luteola, Fr. Common, profusa, Fr. Common, dissepta, Fr. Common, controversa, Fr. Common, dryina, Curr. Common, coronata, Fr. Common, leiphaemia, Fr. Common, turgida, Fr. Common, salicina, Fr. Common, ambiens, Fr. Common, platanigera, B. & Br. Common, fenestrata, B. & Br. Common, quernea, Curr. Common, tetraspora, Curr. Common, pulchella, Fr. Common, furfuracea, Fr. Common, hypodermia, Fr. Common, tilaginea, Curr. Common, vestita, Fr. Common. Melogramma fusisporum, Fr. Common, homaleum, Fr. Common. Dothidea ribesia, Pers. Common. rosse, Fr. Common. filicina, Fr. Common. rubra, Pers. Common. fulva, HolL & Schm. Common. ulmi, Fr. Common. FUNGI. 139 Dothidea betulina, Fr. heraclei, Fr. podagrarise, Fr. trifolii, Fr. junci, Fr. graminis, Fr. caricis, Fr. sambuci, C. Isothea pustula, B. saligna, B. Hypospila quercina, Fr. populina, Fr. Stigmatea conferta, Fr. geranii, Fr. ranunculi, Fr. Robertiani, Fr. polygonorum, Fr. alcnemillse, Grev. PotentiUae, Fr. Nectria ochracea, Fr. cinnabarina, Fr. coccinea, Fr. curcurbitula, Fr. sinopica, Fr. aquifolia, B. Ealf sii, B. & Br. hirta, Blox. aurantia, Fr. flavida, Fr. peziza, Fr. platasca, B. sanguinea, Fr. episphseria, Fr. ochraceo-pallida, B. & Br. muscivora, B. & Br. arenula, B. & Br. graminicola, B. & Br. Rousseliana, Mont, umbrina, Fr. Sphaaria thelena, Fr. aquila, Fr. Desmazierii, B. & Br. tristis, Tode. biformis, P. racodium, P. ovina, P. caesia, Curr. mutabiHs, P. brassicse, Klot. canescens, P. strigosa, A. & S. Common. Common. Common. Common. Common. Common. Common. E. Kilfinan. Common. E. Craigend. Common. Common. Common. Common. Common. Common. Common. Common. Common. E. Botanic Gardens. Common. Common. Common. E. Craigend. E. Kilfinan. E. Luss. F. Helensburgh. Common. Common. Common. C adder Wilderness. Common. Common. F. Minard. E. Arran. Common. Common. F. Craigend. Common. K. Kilfinan. Common. E. Cadder. Common. Common. Common. Common. Common. Common. Common. Common. Common. 140 THE FLORA OF CLYDESDALE. Sphseria hirsuta, Fr. Common. macrotricha, B. & Br. R. Barrhead. calva, Tode. Common, pilosa, P. Common, superficialis, Curr. R. Toward, bombarda, Batsch. Common, spermoides, Hoffm. Common, papaverea, B. & Br. Common, moriformis, Tode. Common, confluens, Tode. Common, mammaeformis, P. R. Biggar. pomiformis, P. Common, pulvis-pyrius, P. Common, ordinata, Fr. Common, rubicola, Curr. Common, collabens, Curr. Common, caudata, Curr. Common, pertusa, P. F. Glasgow. Aspegrenii, Fr. Common, vilis, Fr. Common, populina, P. Common, acervata, Fr. Common, dioica, Moug. Common, berberidis, P. Common, laburni, P. R. Craigend. apotheciorum, Mass. Common, nidula, Sow. R. Barrhead. elongata, Fr. Common, juglandis, Fr. Common, lonicerae, Sow. Common, culmifraga, Fr. Common, macrostoma, Tode. Common, arundinis, Fr. Common, cirrhosa, P. Common, pilifera, Fr. R. Toward, lampadophora, B. & Br. Common, spinosa, P. Common, livida, Fr. Common, apiculata, Curr. Common, anserina, P. F. Campsie. velata, P. R. Craigend. caelata, Curr. Common, decedens, Fr. Common, fraxinicola, Curr. Common, spiculosa, P. Common, inquilina, Fr. R. Innellan. scirpicola, D.C. Common, blepharodes, B. & Br. Common, obtecta, Curr. Common, lanata, Fr. Common, pruinosa, Fr. Common. FUNGI. 141 Sphseria millepunctata, Grev. salicella, Fr. gigaspora, Desm. aucta, B. & Br. trivialis, B. & Br. revelata, B. & Br. conformis, B. & Br. rubi, Curr. sepincola, Fr. intermixta, B. & Br. tamaricis, Grev. melina, B. & Br. appendiculosa, B. & Br. pusilla, Curr. rusci, Wallr. pinastri, Fr. lirella, P. acus, Blox. pantherina, B. pardalota, Mont, ceuthosporoides, B. curvirostra, Sow. rostellata, Fr. coniformis, Fr. acuminata, Sow. herbarum, P. rubella, P. doliolum, P. complanata, Tode. nigrella, Fr. vectis, B. & Br. planiuscula, B. & Br. nigrans, Desm. modesta, Desm. commanipula, B. &. Br. tosta, B. & Br. caulium, Fr. fimbriata, B. coryli, Batsch. avellanae, Schm. tubaeformis, Tode. setacea, P. recutita, Fr. helicospora, B. & Br. palustris, B. & Br. carpinea, Fr. pteridis, Desm. brassicascola, B. & Br. punctiformis, Fr. maculseformis, P. eryngii, Fr. Common. Common. Common. Common. Common. F. Campsie. F. Craigend. Common. Common. Common. Common. B. Cadder. Common. F. Kilfinan. Common. E. Toward. E. Craigend. Common. Common. K. Botanic Gardens. K. Bothwell. F. Blantyre. Common. Common. Common. Common. Common. Common. Common. Common. K. Craigend. Common. Common. Common. K. Innellan. E. Innellan. Common. Common. Common. Common. Common. Common. E. Minard. Common. Common. E. Botanic Gardens. Common. Common. Common. Common. E. Cumbrae. 142 THE FLORA OF CLYDESDALE. Sphseria rumicis, Desm. Common. erysiphina, B. & Br. R. Fossil. ostruthii, Fr. Common. ligustri, Desm. Common. Ceratostoma caprinum, Fr. , Common. Massaria foedans, Fr. Common, inquinans, Fr. Common. Hercospora pupula, Fr. Common. Pyrenophora phseocomes, Fr. Common. Gibbera vaccinii, Fr. K. Campsie. Dichsena rugosa, Fr. Common. strobilina, Fr. Common. Capnodium elongatum, B. & Desm. Common. Perisporiacei. Thelebolus terrestris, A. & S. Perisporium princeps, B. Lasiobotrys lonicerae, Kze. Sphserotheca pannosa, Leu. Castagnei, Lev. Phyllactinia guttata, Fr. Uncinula adunca, Lev. bicornis, Lev. Microsphaeria berberidis, Lev. grossularise, Lev. penicillata, Lev. Erysiphe Linkii, Lev. lamprocarpa, Lk. graminis, D.C. Martii, B. tortilis, Lk. communis, Schl. Chsetomium elatum, Kze. glabrum, B. Ascotricha chartarum, B. Eurotium herbariorum, Lk. Onygena equina, Pers. apus, B. & Br. F. Otter. Common. Common. Common. F. Craigend. Common. Common. Common. Common. Common. Common. Common. F. Milngavie. Common. Common. R. Innellan. Common. Common. Common. R. Glasgow. Common. Onygenei. F. Kilfinan. R. Glasgow. Antennariei. Antennaria semiovata, B. & Br. Common. Zasmidium cellare, Fr. Ascophora mucedo, Tode. elegans, Cd. Mucor phycomyces, Berk, ramosus, Bull. Common. Mucorini. Common. R. Craigend. Common. Common. FUNGI. 143 Mucor mucedo, L. Common. caninus, P. Common. fusiger, Lk. Common. clavatus, Lk. Common. amethysteus, Berk. Common. tenerrimus, Berk. Common. subtilissimus, Berk. Common. Pilobolus roridus, Bolt. Common, crystallinus, Tode. Common. Hydrophora stercorea, Tode. Common. Endodromia vitrea, B. Common. Sporodinia dichotoma, Cd. Common. Acrostalagmus cinnabarinus, Cd. Common. Syzygites megalocarpus, Ehb. Common. Endogone pisiformis, Lk. Common. Saprolegniei. Saprolegnia ferax, P. Common, monoica, P. Common. E. H. PATEKSON. 144 THE FLORA OF CLYDESDALE. Algss. Marine. Several species are inserted in this list on the authority of Mr. Kennedy. Spermoseira litorea, K. Common. Sphaerozyga Thwaitesii, H. F. Cumbrae. Broomei, Th. R. Arran. Monormia intricata, B. F. Largs. Spirulina tenuissima, K. Common. Hutchinsiae, K. Common. Oscillatoria littoralis, C. Common, subuliformis, Th. F. Largs. insignis, Th. F. Cumbrae. Microcoleus anguiformis, H. F. Cumbrae. Lyngbya majuscula, D. F. Cumbrae. Carmichaelii, H. E. Cumbrae. speciosa, C. B. Arran. Calothrix confervicola, A. F. Arran. luteola, G-. F. Cumbrae. scopulorum, W. & M. F. Holy Isle, fasciculata, A. F. Cumbrae. pannosa, A. Common, hydnoides, C. Common. Schizosiphon Warrenise. R. Arran. Bivularia plicata, C. F. Arran. atra, R. F. Corriegills. Bangia fusco-purpurea, D. R. Gourock. ceramicola, Lig. F. Cumbrae. carnea, D. F. Arran. Porphyra laciniata, Lig. Common, vulgaris, A. Common. Ulva latissima, Lin. Common. Lactuca, Lin. F. Cumbrae. Linza, Lin. F. Innellan. Enteromorpha intestinalis, Lin. Common, compressa, Lin. Common, erecta, Lyn. Common, ramulosa, S. F. Cumbrae. percursa, A. F. Bute. Conferva litorea, H. Common. tortuosa, D. F. Cumbrae. implexa, D. R. Bute, melagonium, W. & M. R. Corriegills. serea, D. F. Ailsa. Youngana, D. F. Cumbrae. Rhizoclonium riparium, R. R. Arran. ALG.3E. 145 Cladophora rupestris, Lin. Isetevirens, D. Balliana, Hard, refracta, A. albida, Hud. lanosa, ~R. arcta, D. flavescens, E,. fracta, Fl. Dan. Vaucheria velutina, A. Bryopsis plumosa, Hud. Codium tomentosum, Hud. Corynespora pedicellata, J.A. CalUthamnion plumula, E. Turneri, D. tetragonum, Wi. Hookeri, D. roseum, S. byssoideum, Ar. polyspermum, A. corymbosum, S. Rothii, Lin. floridulum, D. virgatulum, H. Daviesii, S. Wrangelia multifida, Hud. Griffithsia equisetifolia, Lig. corallina, Lin. setacea, E. Ceramium rubrum, Hud. botryocarpum, Gr. decurrens, K. Deslongchampii, Ch. strictum, K. nodosum, K. flabelligerum, J. A. echionotum, J. A. acanthonotum, C. ciliatum, E. Ptilota plumosa, Lin. elegans, Bo. Dudresnaia coccinea, A. Hudsoni, H. Gloriosiphonia capillaris, Hud. Actinococcus Hennedyi, Ha. Cruoria Arnottii, H. Schizymenia edulis, St. Scinaia furcellata, T. Halymenia ligulata, \V. Dumontia filiformis, Fl. Dan. Furcellaria fastigiata, Hud. Common. Common. E. Ailsa. E. C umbrae. E. Arran. F. C umbrae, r. Cumbrae. E. Arran. F. Arran. Common. Common. Common. E. Cumbrae. E. Corry. F. Cumbrae. E. Cumbrae. E. Arran. E. Arran. F. Fintry Bay. E. Largs. E. Arran. F. Arran. E. Cumbrae. E. Largs. F. Cumbrae. F. Arran. F. Fintry Bay. E. Loch Ranza. Common. Common. F. Arran. F. Brodick. E. Lamlash. Common. F. Ailsa. F. Cumbrae. F. Cumbrae. Common. Common. Common. Common. E. Arran. F. Cumbrae. E. Cumbrae. E. Cumbrae. Common. Common. E. Girvan. Common. Common. 146 THE FLORA OF CLYDESDALE. Polyides rotundus, Gm. Ahnfeldtia plicata, Hud. Peyssonella Dubyi, Cr. Phyllophora rubens, Lin. membranifolius, G. & W. Brodioei, T. Chondrus crispus, Lin. Gigartina mamillosa, G. & W. Gelidium corneum, Hud. Cystoclonium purpurascens, Hud. Gracilaria confervoides, Lin. Sphaerococcus coronopifolius, G. & W. Khodymenia palmata, Lin. CaUiblepharis jubata, G. & W. Callophyllis laciniata, Hud. Rhodophyllis bifida, G. & W. Plocamium coccineum, Hud. Nitophyllum punctatum, Wi. Bonnemaisoni, A. laceratum, Gm. Wormskioldia sanguinea, Lin. sinuosa, G. & W. alata, Hud. Hypoglossum, W. ruscifolia, T. Lithocystis Allmanni, Ha. Hildenbrandtia rubra, M. Melobesia calcarea, La. polymorpha, Lin. fasciculata, La. membranacea, La. verrucata, La. pustulata, La. Jania rubens, Lin. Corallina officinalis, Lin. Champia parvula, A. Chylocladia clavellosa, T. articulata, Hud. Catenella opuntia, G. & W. Lomentaria kaliformis, G. & W. ovalis, En. Chondria dasyphylla, W. Laurencia pinnatifida, Gm. csespitosa, La. Bonnemaisonia asparagoides, W. Dasya coccinea, Hud. arbuscula, Ag. Chrysymenia clavellosa. Polysiphonia urceolata, S. formosa, Su. fibrata, DiL R. Lady Isle. Common. F. Cumbrae. F. Holy Isle. Common. F. Cumbrae. Common. Common. Common. Common. Common. F. Cumbrae. Common. Arran. Common. Common. Common. B. Arran. B. Arran. F. Cumbrae. Common. Common. Common. F. Innellan. E. Arran. F. Cumbrae. F. Fin try Bay. F. Innellan, Cumbrae. Common. Common. Common. Common. Common. Common. Common. Common. Common. E. Dunoon. F. Cumbrae. F. Arran. E. Cumbrae. E. Cumbrae. Common. E. Lamlash. E. Cumbrae. Common. Common. Common. ALG^E. 147 Polysiphonia elongella, Ha. Common, elongata, Hud. Common, violacea, A. E. Holy Isle, fibrillosa, Dil. F. Girvan. Brodiaei, Dil. K. Cumbrae. nigrescens, Hud. B. Cumbrae. atro-rubescens, Dil. B. Arran. fastigiata, E,. Common, parasitica, Hud. r. Cumbrae. byssoides, G. & W. E. Brodick. Rhodomela lycopodioides, Lin. E. Largs. subfusca, W. Common. Odonthalia dentata, Lin. , Common. Myriotrichia clavseformis, Ha. E. Cumbrae. Ectocarpus siliculosus, Lyn. Common. Hincksise, Ha. E. Cumbrae. tomentosus, Hud. r. Arran. crinitus, C. E. Cumbrae. distortus, C. E. Cumbrae. Landsburgii, Ha. r. Arran. litoralis, Lin. Common, granulosus, var. tesselatus, Had. Common, sphaerophorus, C. E. Arran. brachiatus, Ha. E. Millport. pusillus, Ha. E. Tan Buoy. fasciculatus, Ha. E. Toward. Mertensii, T. E. Toward. Sphacelaria scoparia, Lin. Common. plumosa, Lyn. E. Cumbrae. cirrhosa, Ro. B. Ailsa. radicans, Dil. Common, racemosa, Grev. B. Arran. Cladostephus verticillatus, Li. r. Cumbrae. spongiosus, Hud. Common. Myrionema strangulans, Grev. r. Cumbrae. Leclancherii, Ch. B. Loch Striven, punctiforme, Lyn. E. Arran. Elachista fucicola, V. r. Cumbrae. stellulata, Gr. r. Cumbrae. Grevillii. B. Fintry Bay. Ralfsia verrucosa, AT. Common. Leathesia tuberiformis, S. Common. crispa, Ha. E. Cumbrae. Mesogloia vermicularis, A. F. Ailsa. virescens, C. r. Loch Ranza. Chordaria flagelliformis, M. B. Cumbrae. Litosiphon pusillus, C. r. Cumbrae. Laminariae, Lyn. r. Cumbrae. Asperococcus Turneri, Dil. B. Loch Ranza. echinatus, Me. Common. Punctaria latifolia, Grev. E. Arran. 148 THE FLORA OF CLYDESDALE. Punctaria plantaginea, R. tenuissima, Grev. Striaria attenuata, Grev. fragilis, J. A. Dictyosiphon foeniculaceus, Hud. Stilophora rhizoides, Ehr. Lyngbysei, J. A. Dictyota dichotoma, Hud. intricata, Grev. Zonaria parvula, Grev. Cutleria multifida, S. Chorda filum, Lin. lomentaria, Lin. Laminaria digitata, Lin. bulbosa, Hud. saccharina, Lin. Phyllitis, Lin. fascia, M. Alaria esculenta, Lin. Sporochnus pedunculatus, Hud. Arthrocladia villosa, Hud. Desmarestia ligulata, Lam. aculeata, Lin. viridis, M. Himanthalia lorea, Lyn. Fucus vesiculosus, Lin. balticus, Lin. ceranoides, Lin. serratus, Lin. nodosus, Lin. canaliculatus, Lin. Halidrys siliquosa, Lyn. Cystoseira ericoides, Ag. Pycnophycus tuberculatus, Kutz. r. Cumbrae. r. Cumbrae. E. Arran. B. Cumbrae. Common. K. Arran. K. Cumbrae. Common. R. Cloch. fc r. Brodick. E. Loch Ranza. Common. F. Cumbrae. Common. Common. Common. E. Cumbrae. Common. Common. Cumbrae. Common. * E. Campbeltown. F. Gourock. E. Brodick. F. Lamlash. Common. E. Cumbrae. F. Greenock. Common. Common. Common. Common. E. Macrehanish Bay. R. Arran. JAMES A. MAHONEY. FINIS. GLASGOW : W. G. BLACKIE AND CO., PRINTERS, VI LL AFIELD. ADVERTISEMENTS. BROWN'S OPTICAL & PHILOSOPHICAL INSTRUMENT DEPOT, 76 ST. VINCENT STREET, GLASGOW. SURVEYING INSTRUMENTS, DRAWING INSTRUMENTS AND MATERIAL. SPECTACLES AND EYE GLASSES in Gold, Silver, Steel, and Tortoise-shell Frames. MICROSCOPES by the best French and English Makers. ANEROID BAROMETERS from Pocket size upwards, with and without Scale for Measuring Heights. OPERA AND FIELD GLASSES, Achromatic, in all the various qualities. PEDOMETERS, RADIOMETERS, THERMOMETERS. STEREOSCOPES, GRAPHOSCOPES, MAGIC LANTERNS. PHOTOGRAPHS OF SCOTTISH, SWISS, ITALIAN, AND OTHER SCENERY. N.B. State of Sight ascertained by Improved Optometer. BRITISH ASSOCIATION GUIDE BOOK. MUTUAL ASSURANCE AT MODERATE PREMIUMS. SCOTTISH PROVIDENT INSTITUTION. (Established 1837.) 6 ST. ANDREW SQUARE, EDINBURGH. GLASGOW-67 ST. VINCENT STREET. GLASGOW BOARD OF DIRECTORS. WILLIAM G. DICKSON, Esq. , LL. D. , Sheriff of Lanarkshire. ARCHIBALD ARROL, Esq., Merchant (Arch. Arrol & Sons), 16 Dixon Street. ALEXANDER MITCHELL, Esq., Merchant, 33 Renfield Street. JAMES HAY STUART, Esq., Commercial Bank, Gordon Street. WILLIAM STEVENSON, Esq. Merchant, 23 West Nile Street. THOMAS WHARRIE, Esq., C.E., 156 St. Vincent Street. Medical Officer Dr. J. G. WILSON, 9 WOODSIDEICRESCENT. THE TERMS of this INSTITUTION are specially adapted to the case of FAMILY SETTLEMENTS, where it is important to secure a competent provision of definite amount from the first, at the smallest possibly outlay. Instead of charging rates admittedly higher than are necessary, and after- wards returning the excess, or a portion of it, in the shape of periodical Bonuses, it gives, from the first, as large an assurance as the Premiums will, with perfect safety, bear reserving the Whole Surplus for those Members who live long enough to secure the common Fund from loss on account of their individual Assurances. A Policy for 1200 to 1250 may thus in most cases be had for the Premium usually charged for 1000 only; while, by reserving the Surplus, large additions may be expected on the Policies of those who live to participate. In a few cases, Policies sharing at the whole four divisions have already been doubled. THE ACCUMULATED FUNDS now exceed 2,650,000, having increased in last year by 229,882. Examples of Annual Premiums for 100 at Death (u-itk Profits). Agre 25 30 35 40 45 50 Payable during life, Limited to 21 Payments,' 1 18 2 12 6 2 1 6* 2 15 4 2 6 10 30 2 2 14 9 375 359 3 17 6 417 4 12 1 * Thus, a person of 30 may secure 1000 at death by a yearly payment during life of 20, 15s. This Premium, if paid to any other of the Scottish Mutual Offices, would secure 800 only, instead of 1000. OR he may secure the same sum of 1000 by twenty-one yearly payments of 27, 13s. 4d. At the age 40, the Premium ceasing at 60, is, for 1000, 33, 14s. 2d. ; about the same as most Offices require for the whole of life. Full Statements of Principles, Tables of Rates, and every information given in the Annual Report, to be had at the Office in Glasgow 67 ST. VINCENT STREET. WM. CHURCH, JUN., Resident Secretary. ADVERTISEMENTS. BRITISH ASSOCIATION GUIDE BOOK. SCOTTISH PERMISSIVE BILL AND TEMPERANCE ASSOCIATION. The objects of this Association may be clearly ascertained from the following DECLARATION OF COMMITTEE. Fully recognizing the principle of Total Abstinence, carried out into consis- tent practice, not as a mere matter of expediency, but a duty, based upon Christian morals and sound philosophy, as the only certain remedy for intem- perance, we declare that we will not abate our efforts to obtain, by every moral means, its adoption as a rule of lif e. But, being convinced by long and painful experience that it is next to impossible to secure anything like a general recep- tion and fidelity to the practice of total abstinence from intoxicating liquor in this country, whilst the licensed temptations of the Traffic exist; and, being of opinion that the suppression of the liquor traffic is "only possible through tlie united efforts of moral reformers (wket/ier abstainers or not}" we purpose, in order to obtain this desirable object, to unite the power and influence of the Scottish Abstainers, with all who see the evils of intemperance and are convinced of the necessity for suppressing by law the whole traffic in intoxicating drinks. Five Agents and Secretary are fully employed. Nearly One thousand meet- ings are held yearly, An exhaustive electoral canvass of the Scottish Parlia- mentary burghs is in successful progress, 22 burghs of the 79 having each a local option party unreservedly pledged to support Permissive Bill candidates only. All citizens are eligible for membership. Subscribers paying an Annual Subscription of One Pound receive the Alliance News and Social Reformer post free; subscribers of 5s. yearly the Social Reformer post free. Bankers Union Bank of Scotland. Every information furnished on application at the Offices, 30 Hope Street, Glasgow. R. MACKAY, Secretary. THE TYPE WRITER, A MACHINE TO SUPERSEDE THE PEN FOR WRITING. May be seen during Meeting of British Associa- tion iu Mechanical Department, Kelmn Grove Mnsenm, West End Park Now in use at Admiralty, General Post Office, Bank of Eng- land, Board of Trade, Keuter's Telegram Co., " The Times " and " Graphic " Newspaper Offices, and by a large number of Noblemen, Gentlemen, and Mercantile Houses. AGENT J. D. DOUGALL, 39 GORDON STREET, GLASGOW. ADVERTISEMENTS. ESTABLISHED XJBE*S ffil^iP\V A.D. 1765, GARDNER & CO., Clj^I^S TO HER HYI .A. J IE S T Y, SPECTACLE MANUFACTURERS, Mathematical and Philosophical Instrument Makers, 53 BUCHANAN STREET (NEARLY OPPOSITE ARGYLE ARCADE), J, GLASGOW, Make and. Sell EYE GLASSES Set in Steel, Tortoise-shell, and Gold Frames. SPECTACLES in Blued Steel and Gold Frames. SPECTACLES with Neutral Tinted Glasses or Sun Shades, and for Preserving the Eyes from Dust or Wind. OPERA GLASSES, KACE, FIELD, AND MARINE GLASSES. TELESCOPES. MICROSCOPES AND MICROSCOPIC OBJECTS. STEREOSCOPES AND SLIDES. MAGIC LANTERNS AND SLIDES, comprising Views of nearly all parts of the World, POCKET MAGNIFIERS. HAND MAGNIFYING GLASSES. BOTANICAL MAGNIFYING GLASSES. BAROMETERS. ANEROID BAROMETERS. POCKET ANEROID BAROMETERS. POCKET ANEROID BAROMETERS, with Scale for Measuring the Height of Mountains. DRAWING INSTRUMENTS. OPTIC SQUARES. CROSS STAFF HEADS. THEODOLITES. SURVEYORS' LEVELS. LEVELLING STAVES. MINERS' COMPASSES. MEASURING CHAINS. TAPE MEASURING LINES. POCKET SPRING MEASURING LINES. MAGNETO-ELECTRIC MACHINES. GALVANIC BATTERIES, for Simultaneous Blasting. And all other Articles in the Line. BRITISH ASSOCIATION GUIDE BOOK. ESTABLISHED 1835, THE OLD LOVAT WHISKY. 18s. per gallon, or 40s. per dozen (Bottles and Case included). AHCHIBALX) FRASEH & SON, 31, 33, and 37 St. VINCENT PLACE, GLASGOW. FLEMING'S NON-CONDUCTING COMPOSITION. No. 2698. This Cement Coating for Steam Boilers, Pipes, and Cylinders may be'seen at nearly all the Works thrown open to Members of the British Association. S^ COMPOSITION SECURELY PACKED IN STRONG CASKS FOR EXPORT. ANDREW FLEMING, Sole Manufacturer of Fleming's Composition, and Steam Boiler and Pipe Coverer. Office, - 23 ST. VINCENT PLACE, GLASGOW. Works, - POLLOKSHAWS ROAD. ADVERTISEMENTS. GLENFIELD. The Queen's Laundress says this Starch is the best she ever used. GLENFIELD. THOMAS SMITH & SON, ELECTRO-PLATERS AND GILDERS, Manufacturers of Silver and Electro-plate Spoons, Forks, &c., 25 and 31 QUEEN STREET, GLASGOW. ELECTRO-SILVER PLATING in all its Branches, and upon all kinds of Metals. SILVER and PLATED GOODS REPAIRED AS NEW. ELECTRO - GILDING of JEWELLERY, ORNAMENTS and SILVER GOODS. PARCEL GILDING and OXIDIZING. OLD WORK REGILDED AS NEW. ESTIMATES GIVEN FOB THE MANUFACTURE OF EVERY DESCRIPTION OF SILVER AND PLATED GOODS. A LARGE STOCK OF PLATED GOODS ON HAND. MANUFACTURERS OF THE IMPROVED NEPER IN COFFEE MACHINE, Suitable for Hotels and Private Families. Price Lists on Application. BRITISH ASSOCIATION GUIDE BOOK. JOHN WALKER, BISCUIT MANUFACTURER TO HER MAJESTY, ROYAL BISCUIT FACTORY, CLEVELAND STREET, GLASGOW, Calls special attention to his celebrated Biscuits of the Digestive class, which are so highly re- commended by Dr. Hassall and other eminent Physicians, viz. ROYAL DIGESTIVE, from Entire "Wheat en M!eal; PATENT GROAT, from Flour of Q-roats or Oatmeal; SCOTCH OATEN PARLS (OR OATMEAL CAKES); and his ENTIRE WHEATEN-OATEN DIGESTIVE BISCUIT. This latter Biscuit is made from Entire "Wheaten and Oat Mieal. It is well -worthy of a trial. These and his other famed Biscuits can be had through any respectable Q-rocer. ADVERTISEMENTS. APOLLINARIS NATURAL MINERAL WAT E R, APOLLINARIS. "THE QUEEN OF TABLE WATERS." British Medical Journal. A POLLINARIS. " THE CHEAPEST AND IN- COMPARABLY THE BEST OF SPARKLING TABLE WATERS." The Sanitary Re- cord, APOLLINARIS. !** "THE SWORN ENEMY OF GOUT, RHEUMATISM, AND INDIGESTION." London Me- dical Record. APOLLINARIS. PRICES IN GLASGOW. Per 50 quarts, 27s. ; allowed for Bottles on Return, 2s. 9d. Per 100 pints, 43s.; allowed for Bottles on Re- turn, 4s. APOLLINARIS. -" To be had retail at all Clubs, Ho- tels, and fashionable Restaurants. SOLS IMPORTERS THE APOLLINARIS COMPANY (LIMITED), 19 Regent Street, London, S.W. SOLE AGENTS FOR SCOTLAND AND IRELAND ALEX. BROWN & CO., 24 GORDON STREET, GLASGOW. 10 BRITISH ASSOCIATION GUIDE BOOK. SOCIETY OF ARTS' GREAT STOVE COMPETITION IN LONDON. 204 STOVES AND RANGES IN COMPETITION BY ALL THE EMINENT CONSTRUCTORS AND MANUFACTURERS. The full and severe TKIALS and TESTING OPERATIONS extending over the whole of the year 1874, and resulting in SMITH & WELLSTOOD, Of the COLUMBIAN STOVE WORKS, Occupying the highest position for Efficiency and Economy, and being declared by the Records of all the Trials FIRST AND BEST, And theirs, over all other approved apparatus, coming up to and going beyond the principal and required standards upon 25 PER CENT. LESS FUEL. Principal WareJwuses, Show Rooms, and Agencies ii to 15 DIXON STREET, GLASGOW. 7 AND 8 CAPEL STREET, DUBLIN. | 131J UNION STREET, ABERDEEN. 2 LUDGATE CIRCUS, LONDON (foot of Ludgate Hill), And in all t/ie large toions in the United Kingdom. SCOTTISH CUTLERY HOUSE. THOMAS CHAPMAN, CUTLER TO THE QUEEN, Solicits inspection of his new Stock of PATENT IVORY TABLE KNIVES. PLATED DESSERT KNIVES AND FORKS. FISH EATING KNIVES AND FORKS. ELECTRO-PLATED SPOONS AND FORKS, TEA SERVICES, &c., of the best quality and Workmanship. PATENT KNIFE CLEANERS with the Latest Improvements. BAROMETERS AND THERMOMETERS of all Kinds. FIELD GLASSES OF GREAT POWER. THE FINEST POCKET CUTLERY, RAZORS, AND SCISSORS. 56 BUCHANAN STREET, GLASGOW. ADVERTISEMENTS. 1 1 MAPS AND GUIDE-BOOKS FOR TOURISTS. ORDNANCE SURVEY MAPS OF SCOTLAND on the Scale of One, Six, and Twenty -five Inches to a Mile; also the principal Towns on the Scale of Five and Ten Feet to a Mile. THE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY on the Scale of One and Six Inches to a Mile. BAEDEKER'S, MURRAY'S, BLACK'S, and BRADSHAW'S GUIDES for Great Britain, Ireland, the Continent, and India. Johnston's, Black's, Stanford's, Wyld's, and Phillips' OFFICE, SCHOOL, and TRAVELLING MAPS, CHARTS, ATLASES, and GLOBES. A LARGE STOCK OF SCIENTIFIC BOOKS AND WORKS OF REFERENCE. JOHN SMITH & SON, 129 WEST GEORGE STREET and 40 RENFIELD STREET. ESTABLISHED IN 1742. '"HHERE is no FOUL AIR, DOWN DRAUGHTS, or CURRENTS in the COUNCIL CHAMBER OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF ARCHITECTS, LONDON, as it is ventilated with BOYLE'S PATENT SELF-ACTING AIR-PUMP VENTILATORS to the entire satisfaction of all the Members. The INNER TEMPLE is also ventilated by these VENTILATORS with com- plete success. They are at present being fitted up on SIR GILBERT SCOTT'S NEW HOUSE, London. These VENTILATORS are now extensively used throughout the three King- doms, and have received the high encomiums of the most eminent scientific and practical men in the kingdom. Experiments will be given with Models at the Museum during the Meetings of the BRITISH ASSOCIATION, and farther information may be received from ROBERT BOYLE & SON, Patentees, 100 MITCHELL STREET, GLASGOW, and MANSION-HOUSE BUILDINGS, LONDON. 12 BRITISH ASSOCIATION GUIDE BOOK. TRINITY COLLEGE, GLENALMOND, PERTHSHIRE, "Warden THE REV. W. PERCY ROBINSON, D.D. THE PUBLIC SCHOOL DEPARTMENT is intended to furnish an education of the highest order as a preparation for the Universities, the Military Colleges, the Civil Service, or for general or professional lif e. Boys are admitted at any age between nine and nineteen. The whole school is divided into three diff erent sets of classes. The first set is arranged by proficiency in Classics, with which are united English History and .Geography; the second by proficiency in Mathematics and Arithmetic; and the third by proficiency in German and French ; the teaching of the latter language being extended to the youngest boys. After having acquired an elementary knowledge of Greek, boys may (if it be desired) exchange the further study of that language for additional instruction in Mathematics, Natural Philosophy, and Modern Languages. All those who do so will be required to join the Chemistry Class. Military Drill is taught by means of a School Eifle Corps regularly attached to the 1st Perthshire Administrative Battalion Rifle Volunteers. Every boy, without any exception, learns Vocal Music; and lessons are given on the Pianoforte and Organ, if desired, at an extra charge. To parents who desire a singularly bracing and healthy air for their boys Trinity College offers peculiar advantages. Full information, together with Rules of Discipline, Descriptive Account, and View of the College, sent on application to the Warden. " Few modern foundations, if any, can compare with Trinity College, Glen- almond, as a training place, moral and intellectual, for growing boys. To say nothing of its noble buildings and ample appliances of every kind, its position in the heart of beautiful scenery, and removed from the manifold evil influ- ences of a town, secures for the pupils, at a time when their characters are being formed and moulded for life, the maximum of healthy freedom, com- bined with a minimum of temptation to vice or frivolity." Scottish Guardian. ADVERTISEMENTS. 13 SCOTTISH COMMERCIAL INSURANCE COMPANY. Capital, TWO MILLIONS Sterling. GLASGOW: I LONDON: 133 WEST GEORGE STREET, I 82 OLD BROAD STREET, E.C. EDINBURGH: 77 GEORGE STREET. BOARD OF DIRECTION. Chairman ALEXANDER CRUM, ESQ., OP THORNLIEBANK. H. E. CRUM-EWING, Jun., Esq. HUGH BROWN, Esq. RICHARD KIDSTON, Esq. (Messrs. A. G. Kidston & Co.) JAMES KING, Yr., of Campsie, Esq. JAS. KIRKLAND, Esq., Corn Merchant. \j J.?A j J_*OV^. , \jr _L IZVrXUaJJJUUMLEI IX. CHARLES RANDOLPH, Esq., Shipbuilder. JOHN MOPFAT, Esq., Ardrossan. D. S. CARGILL, Esq. (Messrs. Wm. Milne & Co., Merchants). W. SMITH DIXON, Esq. JOHN M' ANDREW, Esq. EDINBURGH BOARD. JAMES T. BLACK, Esq. (Messrs. A. & C. Black, Publishers). C. TENNANT COUPER, Esq., Advocate. T. DICKSON, Esq., Edinburgh & Ceylon. A. G. CUTHBERTSON, Esq. (Messrs. A. G. Cuthbertson & Son, Leith). JAMES WATT, Esq., Provost of Leith. FREDERIC J. HALLOWS, Esq. Resident Secretary in Jfcftafowg* JAMES MURRAY. LONDON BOARD. Chairman 3 AM^, GRAHAM, ESQ. (Messrs. W. & R. Graham, & Co.) The Right Hon. LORD ANNALY. CHARLES DALRYMPLE, Esq., M.P. JOHN D. CRUM-EWING, Esq. JAMES LOWNDES, Esq. FREDERICK J. HALLOWS, Esq. Resident Secretary in London JOHN H. CROFT. LIFE DEPARTMENT. The FUNDS, which are more than sufficient to meet every liability, are safely invested in First-class Securities only, and Policy-holders have the additional Security of a large Capital and a numerous and wealthy Proprietary. The PROFITS have already yielded a Reversionary Bonus to present Policy- holders at the rate of 1, 7s. Qd. per Cent, per Annnm, besides an Intermediate Bonus of 1 per Cent. The EXPENSES are unusually small, this department having the advantage of being worked under the same management as the Fire De- partment, while it cannot suffer by Losses in that department. The PREMIUMS are moderate, and all usual advantages are given. The TEN-YEAR NONFORFEITURE SCHEME is deserving of special atten- tion. See Special Prospects. FIRE DEPARTMENT. The Company Insures Houses, Manufactories, Rents, Furniture, Goods, and Merchandise, Farming Stock, and Shipping in Port or Dock, or whilst Building, from Loss and Damage by Fire, upon Liberal Terms. FOREIGN RISKS are accepted on most favourable Terms. FREDERIC J. HALLOWS, General Manager. 14 BRITISH ASSOCIATION GUIDE BOOK. MIDLAND GREAT WESTERN RAILWAY OF IRELAND. TOURIST RETURN TICKETS Are issued from BROADSTONE STATION, Dublin, during the Season, enabling the holders to visit the magnificent and picturesqiie Mountain and Lake District of CONNEMARA, and the bold Cliffs and curious Caves of THE COASTS OF ACHILL AND CLARE: ALSO FROM SCOTLAND By the Caledonian and Glasgow and South-Western Kailways, via Carlisle, Holyhead, and Dublin; by the North British Railway, via Carlisle and Holy- head or Silloth; by the Royal Mail Line of Packets, via Greenock, Belfast, and Cavan or Dublin; and by the Dublin and Glasgow Steam Packet Company's Direct Steamers to Dublin. tST Ask for a Connemara Tourist Ticket. "Sfc An Illustrated Hand Book of all the Circular Tours in connection with the Midland Great Western System, containing Skeleton Routes for Tours of a week or fortnight, a "Descriptive Guide" to the places named, and "Angler's Companion," with Maps of the Fishing Districts, maybe obtained from Messrs. THOS. MURRAY & SON, 52 St. Enoch Square, Glasgow; from Messrs. COOK & SON'S Tourist Offices, 165 Buchanan Street, Glasgow, and 9 Princes Street, Edinburgh; at the several Railway and Steam Packet Offices; and on applica- tion to the Manager's Office, Broadstone Terminus, Dublin, price 3c. BROADSTONE, DUBLIN, August, 1876. J. E. WARD, Manager. POUNDED 1823. THE EDINBURGH LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY, Incorporated by Act of Parliament. President-SiR G. GRAHAM MONTGOMERY, BART., M.P. Vice-President-lHE MOST HON. THE MARQUIS OF LOTHIAN. / Accumulated Funds, 1,400,000 ) AMPLE \ Annual Income, 210,000 ( MODERATE SECURITY. ) Bating Assurances, 5,500.000 f PREMIUMS. ( Claims Paid, 2,300,000 ) The Special Bonus System is peculiarly favourable to good lives, many instances having occurred in which additions to Policies have exceeded 100 per cent, on the sums originally assured. The Non-Forfeiture Scheme of this Office now extended to all ordinary Policies entirely 'obviates loss to the Assured who decide on ceasing to continue payment of Premiums at any time. Manager: DAVID MACLAGAN, ESQ., F.R.S.E. | Secretary: GEO. M. LOW, ESQ., F.F.A. Head Office: 22 George Street, Edinburgh. London Office: 11 King- William Street, E.G. Dublin: 55 Upper Sackville Street. Manchester: 12 King Street. Liverpool: 26 Castle Street. Dundee: 37 Albert Square. Birmingham: 16 Bennett's Hill. Newcastle: 12 Grainger Street, W. GLASGOW OFFICE: 112 ST. VINCENT STREET. Medical Officer: PROF. LEISHMAN, M.D. | Res. Secretary: ARCH. HE WAT, ESQ., A.F.A. ADVERTISEMENTS. 15 HUNGARIAN WINES OF MAX GREGER &Gd CHIEF AGENTS FOR GLASGOW AND WEST OF SCOTLAND ADAMS & HODGE, 24 ROYAL EXCHANGE SQUARE, GLASGOW. THE WINE FLAGON SYSTEM. That the same quantity of fine old wine which at present costs 2s. a bottle can be sold at Is. 3d. in Glasgow is a great fact, the startling truth of which can only be realized when the present system of wine supply is compared in its details with those of the new system originated by Max Greger & Co. See our Pamphlet, free on application. The Carlowitz is supplied in Crystal Flagons sufficiently ornamental for the dinner table, and especially manufactured for the purpose, with air-tight stoppers; and in these vessels it will keep in perfect condition for at least two or three weeks, if the simple rule is observed of replacing the stopper each time that any wine is poured out. Each order for the wine must extend to four Flagons (equal to twelve bottles), of which four deliveries will be made. The price is 15s., with an extra charge of 5s. for one of the Flagons, which becomes the property of the Customer. On all subsequent orders only 15s. will be charged for the wine itself. Prices, description, and character of some of the finer sorts of Hungarian Wines free on application. ADAMS & HODGE, Wine Merchants, 24 ROYAL EXCHANGE SQUARE, GLASGOW. Pamphlets and Price-Lists free on application. PERMANENT PHOTOGRAPHY. MR, J. BOWMAN Has purchased the PATENT EIGHTS of a NEW FEINTING PEOCESS, the latest Invention in Photography, which secures results that are as absolutely permanent as an Engraving, while preserving the Beauty, Delicacy, and Tone of Silver Prints. EEMBEANDT and every other kind of POETEAIT may now be had Printed by this New Method at 65 JAMAICA STREET, GLASGOW. 16 BRITISH ASSOCIATION GUIDE BOOK. POSSESSING ALL THE PROPERTIES OF THE FINEST ARROW-ROOT. BROWN & POISON'S CORN FLOUR Has Twenty Years' world-wide reputation. FOR BLANC-MANGE, CHILDREN'S FOOD, AND 'DELICIOUS PUDDINGS, IN GREAT VARIETY. BROWN & POISON'S CORN FLOUR Has become a Household Requisite of daily utility. PEARLINA Is very rich in Albuminous and Flesh-forming properties, and easily digested; it may be used with or without milk alone or in combination with COKN FLOUR For Children and Invalids, PEARLINA is an undoubted boon. For the healthy it makes delicious Puddings, with few Eggs. Manufactured only by BROWN & POLSON. ADVERTISEMENTS. 17 QQT Y V YT g' ADVANCED SCIENCE TEXT-BOOKS, Printed uniformly in Post 8vo, averaging 350 pp., fully Illustrated, cloth lettered, price 2s. 6d. each Volume. BUILDING CONSTRUCTION. BRICKWORK AND MASONRY. By R. SCOTT BURN, C.E. Vol. L, Text, 2s. Qd. Vol. II., Plates, 5s. NAVAL ARCHITECTURE. SHIPBUILDING AND LAYING OF. By S. J. P. THEABLE, F.R.S.N.A., London. Vol. I., Text, 2s. Qd. Vol. II., Plates, 5s. PURE MATHEMATICS. By EDWARD ATKINS, B.Sc. (Lond.), Leicester. 2 vols. MAGNETISM AND ELECTRICITY. By F. GUTHRIE, B.A., Ph.D., Royal School of Mines. Price 3s. INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. By J. E. THORPE, Ph.D., F.R.S.E. Vol. I. ANIMAL PHYSIOLOGY. By J. CLELAND, M.D., F.R.S., Professor of Ana- tomy, Galway. METALLURGY. Ry W. H. GREENWOOD, A.R.S.M., Manchester. 2 vols. NAVIGATION. By HENRY EVERS, LL.D., Professor of Applied Science, Plymouth. STEAM AND THE STEAM ENGINE. LAND, MARINE, AND LOCOMOTIVE. By HENRY EVERS, LL.D. PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. By JOHN YOUNG, M.D., Professor of Natural History, Glasgow. Other Vols. in Preparation. Recently published, in F'cap 8vo, 264 pp., price is. 6d. SANITARY SCIENCE: As APPLIED TO THE HEALTHY CONSTRUCTION OF HOUSES IN TOWN AND COUNTRY. By R. SCOTT BURN, Author of "Prac- tical Ventilation," "Sanitary Construction," and "Dwellings for the Working Classes." THE GLASGOW SCIENCE LECTURES. THE DAWN OF ANIMAL LIFE. By Prof. W. C. WILLIAMSON, F.R.S., The Owens College, Manchester. Price 3d. CHEMICAL ELEMENTS. By Professor H. E. ROSCOE, F.R.S., The Owens College, Manchester. Price 3d. IS MAN AN AUTOMATON? By W. B. CARPENTER, LL.D., M.D.,F.R.S., F.L.S., F.G.S. Price 3d. COALS AND COAL PLANTS. By Professor W. C. WILLIAMSON, F.R.S., The Owens College, Manchester. Price 3d. RECENT RESEARCHES INTO THE CHEMICAL CONSTITUTION OF THE SUN. By J. NORMAN LOCKYER, F.R.S. Price 3d. KENT'S CAVERN: ITS TESTIMONY TO THE ANTIQUITY OF MAN. By WILLIAM PENGELLY, F.R.S., F.G.S. Price 3d. NAVIGATION. By SIR WILLIAM THOMSON, LL.D., D.C.L., F.R.S., Professor of Natural Philosophy, Glasgow University. 77 pages. Price 6d. MOUNTAIN ARCHITECTURE. By Professor A. GEIKIE, LL.D., F.R.S. In Preparation* GLASGOW, EDINBURGH, AND LONDON: WILLIAM COLLINS, SONS, & CO. 18 BRITISH ASSOCIATION GUIDE BOOK. ESTABLISHED 1835, THE OLD LOVAT WHISKY. 18s. per gallon, or 40s. per dozen (Bottles and Case included). ARCHIBALD FHASER & SON, 31, 33, and 37 St. VINCENT PLACE, GLASGOW, BRITISH AND FOREIGN MINERAL WATER COMPANY, 382 ]N" IE "W CITY R O ^ r>, GJ- 31, .A. S GJ- O ^W. SODA WATER, 8ELTER8 WATER, POTASH WATER, LEMONADE, GINGERALE, SELTERS TARAXACUM, AND ALL DESCRIPTIONS OP Mineral "Waters for Medicinal Purposes, PREPARED ACCORDING TO THE ANALYSIS OF LIEBIG, FRE8ENIU8, BUN8EN, STRUVE, BISCHOF, AND OTHER AUTHORITIES. Selters, Soda, Potash and Garb, Loch Katrine Waters, Also supplied in Syphons of a neat and elegant appearance, from which any small quantity may be drawn without in any way affecting the quality of the remainder. Entirely free from Metallic Impurity, and of the Finest Quality possible. ADVERTISEMENTS. 19 MESSRS. THOMAS COOK & SON Have the honour to announce that they have arranged for a SPECIAL PERSONALLY-CONDUCTED PARTY, exclusively for MEMBERS OF THE BRITISH ASSOCIATION AND THEIR FAMILIES, to leave Glasgow on FRIDAY, September 15, for a tour through the HIGHLANDS, STAFFA & IONA, &c. For Programmes apply to the Chambers of the British Association, 135 BUCHANAN STREET, GLASGOW; or to THOMAS COOK & SON, 165 BUCHANAN STREET, GLASGOW; 9 PRINCES STREET, EDINBURGH; Chief Office: LUDGATE CIRCUS, LONDON; where every information can be obtained respecting their extensive Tourist System, embracing almost every place of interest in the World. JOHN Y. MOVES, 49 ST. VINCENT STKEET,; HAS always on hand a Large Stock of BASKETS, BEUSHES, COMBS, PERFUMERY, HORN AND WOODEN WARE, LEATHER and RUG STRAPS, SPONGES, SCHOOL BAGS. 41 AEGYLE ARCADE (LATE MRS. JOHNSTON). TOY AND FANCY GOODS EMPORIUM, Silver and Scotch Pebble Brooches, Jet Ear Rings, Chains, and Necklets, Purses, Cabinet and Lacquered Goods. NEW FIRST-CLASS RESTAURANT. THE QUEEN'S RESTAURANT CO., Purveyors to the British Associa- tion at the University, Gilmorehill, respectfully beg to draw attention to their new Restaurant at 70 BUCHANAN STREET, where LUNCHEONS, DINNERS, &c., are served in a SUPERIOR STYLE, the culinary department being under the charge of MONS. THEROINE, late Chef -de-cuisine of the Carlton Club, London. AN EXCELLENT ROOM FOR LADIES. 20 BRITISH ASSOCIATION GUIDE BOOK. WHEELER & WILSON'S SILENT LOCK-STITCH SEWING MACHINES Have been awarded the highest honours over all Competitors at all the great Competitions for more than twenty years, including the only Gold Medal at Paris, 1867, the Grand Diploma of honour in addition to Medals for progress and Medal of merit at Vienna, 1873, and the Gold Medal at the American Institute, 1875. They stand to-day without a rival, and intending purchasers should call and inspect them before being persuaded to buy any other. The W. & W. New Straight Needle Kotary Hook Machine is far in advance of every other for Bootmakers, Tailors, and all manufacturing purposes. It is also suitable for family work and Dressmakers. This Trade-Mark is on every Genuine Machine. Beware of Imitations! Only Office in Glasgow 71 UNION STREET. No Branch or Agency in the City. BIRRELL'S PATENT AUTOMATIC LIME-LIGHT APPARATUS. Among the advantages claimed for the use of this apparatus are 1. The gases are made while they are being used, and when not required their production ceases the demand regulating the supply. 2. The pressure of the gases, once ar- ranged, will remain unchanged for any time, or may be altered at pleasure, and that without the use of weights. 3. From the accurate adjust- ment of pressure between the gases, and the small stock present at any one time, no danger need be apprehended from explosion. Prices. Double Form for Continuous Action, 14, 70s. Single do. do. 12, 70s. Oxygen Apparatus (for Oxy calcium Light), - - - - 10 Hydrogen Apparatus (suitable for many other Gases), - - 7, 10s. J. CRAIG, 11 WASHINGTON STREKT. ADVERTISEMENTS. 21 JAMES WHITE, 241 SAUCHIEHALL STREET, (OPPOSITE CORPORATION GALLERIES), SOLE MAKER OF SIR WILLIAM THOMSON'S QUADRANT AND PORTABLE ELECTROMETERS, SOUNDING MACHINE, TIDE- GAUGES, PATENT COMPASSES, &c. &c. BLACKIE & SON'S PUBLICATIONS. TRAVELS IN SOUTH AMERICA, FROM THE PACIFIC TO THE ATLANTIC OCEAN. By PAUL MARCOY. Illustrated by 525 Engravings on wood, and 10 Maps, from drawings by the Author. Large 4to, cloth extra, 42s. " Such a book is a treat which the English reader does not often get." Times. DESCHANEL'S NATURAL PHILOSOPHY: An Ele- mentary Treatise. Translated and Edited, with extensive Additions, by J. D. EVERETT, D.C.L., F.R.S., Professor of Natural Philosophy in Queen's College, Belfast. Illustrated by 760 wood Engravings and Three Coloured Plates. Medium 8vo, cloth, 18s. Also separately, in Four Parts, limp cloth, 4s. 6d. each. THE IMPERIAL DICTIONARY, ENGLISH, TECHNO- LOGICAL AND SCIENTIFIC ; adapted to the present state of Liter- ature, Science, and Art, on the basis of Webster's English Dictionary, with the addition of many Thousand Words and Phrases. By JOHN OGILVIE, LL.D. Illustrated by above 2500 Engravings on wood. 2 vols. imp. 8vo, cloth, 4; half-mor. 4, 15s. THE STUDENT'S ENGLISH DICTIONARY, ETYMO- LOGICAL, PKONOUNCING, AND EXPLANATORY, for the Use of Colleges and Advanced Schools. By JOHN OGILVIE, LL.D. About 300 Engravings on wood. Imperial 16mo, cloth, 7s. 6d. ; half-calf, 10s. fid. A SMALLER ENGLISH DICTIONARY, for the Use of Schools and Families, Abridged from the "Student's Dictionary." Imperial 16mo, cloth, red edges, 3s. 6d. LONDON: BLACKIE & SON; GLASGOW AND EDINBURGH. BRITISH ASSOCIATION GUIDE BOOK. BLACKIE & SON'S PUBLICATIONS. Now Keady, Post 4to, Cloth Elegant, 10s. Qd., A TRIP TO MUSIC-LAND. A FAIRY TALE, forming an Allegorical and Pictorial Exposition of the Elements of Music. By EMMA L. SHEDLOCK. Illustrated by 20 Full-page Pictures of a highly amusing character, from Designs by J. King James. "One of the most original and ingenious books of the season. In a most novel and entertaining manner it obviates much of the repulsive drudgery t that is attached to rudimentary musical teaching." Daily Telegraph. THE WORKS OF ROBERT BURNS. Complete Illustrated Edition, Literary and Pictorial. Consisting of a Complete Collection of his Poems, Songs, and Correspondence; arranged Chronologically, and accompanied by Numerous Notes and Annotations. The whole preceded by Professor WILSON'S Essay " On the Genius and Character of Burns," and Dr. CUKBIE'S Memoir of the Poet. Illustrated by 82 magnificent Steel Engravings. 2 vols. super-royal 8vo, cloth extra, 36s. f ' Unquestionably the most beautiful edition we have seen. 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Engraved Title and Frontispiece. Miniature 4to, cloth, 5s.; Roxburgh, 6s. " Containing the creme de la creme of our ballad minstrelsy." Dundee Advertiser. THE STORY OF THE SCOTTISH CHURCH from the REFORMATION to the DISRUPTION. By the Rev. THOIUAS M'CRIE, D.D., LL.D. Crown 8vo, cloth, 5s. Qd. LONDON: BLACKIE & SON; GLASGOW AND EDINBURGH. ADVERTISEMENTS. 23 BLACKIE & SON'S PUBLICATIONS. THE SOUTHERN STATES OP NORTH AMERICA: An Illustrated Record of an extensive Tour of Observation during the years 1873-74, through what were formerly the Slave States of North America. By EDWARD KING. With Maps and 536 Engravings on wood, from original sketches by J. WELLS CHAMPNET. Large 8vo, .cloth extra, gilt edges, and full gilt back, 31s. Qd. " It would not now be possible to find in any book published in England wood engrav- ings of the same minuteness, precision, and beauty as are here to be seen on every page." Saturday Review. 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The Desk, which can be had in four qualities and three sizes, can be seen at the undernoted Depots, where a large stock is always kept, and where many other American Novelties may be seen. Testimonials from high authorities can also be had from the SOLE EUROPEAN AGENTS FRANCIS & JAMES SMITH, Cabinet !M!anvifactiarers, Upholsterers, and Greneral lionse, Office, and Hotel GORDON ST. AND UNION ST., GLASGOW. AND 60 Berners St., Oxford Street, London; ESTABLISHED 1835. m