LIDKAK.T UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA CIENCE5 BRARY UNIVERSITY' OF CALIFORNIA. FROM THE LIBRARY OF ^ DR. JOSEPH LECONTE GIFT OF MRS. LECONTE. EARTH Afo. SCIENCES LIBRARY i C i ' ' - < ; ;'_ r t< _ U t . >. ^JCZ~ J I cs Y ELEMENTS GEOLOG Y, INTENDED FOR THE USE OF S, BY I UNIVE: SAMUEL ST. JOHN, PROFESSOR OF CHEMISTRY AND GEOLOGY IN WESTERN RESERVE COLLEGE. Chimborazo. "Geology, in the magnitude and sublimity of the objects of which it treats, undoubtedly ranks next to Astronomy in the scale of the Sciences." SKr J. F. W. Hersehd. NEW- YORK : GEORGE P. PUTNAM, 155 BROADWAY. 1851. o ENTERED according to Act of Congress, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty-one, by S. ST. JOHN and J. BRAINERD, in the Clerk's Office of the District Court, for the Dis- trict of Ohio. H. SHAIK, HUDSON STEREOTYPE FOUNDET. H- PREFACE. THE following treatise has been prepared in ac- cordance with the request of a large number of teach- ers, . who desired to introduce the study of Geology into our higher schools. The work is designed to be strictly elementary, and hence does not embrace pro- tracted discussions on the more abstruse and undeter- mined problems of theoretical geology ; it aims to en- gage the interest of the pupil in the facts of the O O J. JT science. The authorities for the facts cited are principally Lyell, Murchison, Buckland, Ansted, Agassiz, Hitch- cock, Dana, and the State Geological Surveys, par- ticularly that of Professor Hall of New York. The engravings- were executed by Professor Brainerd, and in some instances the .subjects were sketched from nature by him. An analytical table of contents seemed to the author preferable, for the purposes of examination 101311 IV PREFACE. and review, to a series of questions appended to each page. Experience in teaching geology indicates that nothing so much encourages the pupil and facilitates his progress, as frequent use of sections on a large scale, to illustrate both the actual modes of occurrence of geological phenomena, and theoretical views. The map recently prepared by Professor Hall is admira- bly adapted to this purpose. ANALYTICAL TABLE OF CONTENTS. DESIGNED AS A BASIS FOR REVIEW AND EXAMINATION. PRELIMINARY OBSERVATIONS. Geology defined, . *' . $ Object of Geology, . Descriptive Geology, . Theoretical " Practical " . . Adjunct sciences, . \Atmospheric agents mechani- cal, chemical, ' . . 14 Winds, dunes, . . 15 CHAPTER I. GENERAL CONSTITUTION AND STRUCTURE OF THE EARTH. Planetary relations of the earth 2 Figure of the earth length of Frost talus, chemical 16 Aqueous agency mechanical, . . .17 Rivers waterfalls Niagara, 18 The Simeto, ... 19 Example of torrents, . . 20 Transport influenced by buoy- ancy River deposits, 21 22 Deltas of the Rhone, Nile, Ganges, Rhine, Mississippi, Po, Amazon, . 23 28 diameters, Density of the earth increase of density within, . Temperature of the globe of the surface influenced by lat- itude isothermal lines in- crease of temperature be- jlcebergs, low, 5 Agency of the ocean, 4jlncrusting springs, tufa, Silicious deposits, . Land slides, . '.-, Glaciers^ Waves, Tides, .... Currents, drift and stream, Surface outline height of mountains mean height of the surface of continents ocean depths, . .' 6 Gulf Stream, Distribution of land and water, 7i its temperature, Crust of the earth, . . 8' Arctic current. . . ,' Means of Geological investiga- Tides and currents reproduce land, . 29 30 . 31 32 . 33 34 3537 38 39 40 41 44 tion, Elements their number, 10|General result of atmospheric Minerals which compose most I and aqueous agencies, . 45 rocks, .... \\\Igneous agency . . 46 Incessant changes, . . 12'Volcanoes submarine, extinct, Nature of agents of geological intermittent, solfataras, changes, 13 Their nu tubers in bands, 4T 43 VI ANALYTICAL TABLE OF CONTENTS. Phenomena of eruptions, . $ 49iCircular atolls, lagoons, their Greatest eruption of modern origin, . . . g 79 i times, . . . . 50[Reefs raised^ above the ocean iOf Skaptaa Jokul in 1783, . 5l| level, . . . . 80 Vesuvius, Etna, Volcanoes of America, of Mexico, Origin of Jorullo, . Kilauea, its eruptions, 52 53;Forrnation of soil on reefs 54 Instances of submarine volca- noes, . . . .60 Lava, its constitution and va- 59 Shell fish, mode of life, depth of water, temperature adap- ted to, their exuviae, . 84 rieties, -Earthquakes, kinds of motion, sound, progression, duration, frequency, of Lisbon, . . 63 of Calabria andUllah Bund, 64 of South America and Mis- sissippi Valley, . . 65 lot springs, phenomena of the 61 Number of species of Geysers, Gradual elevation and depres- sion of earth's surface, pil- lars of temple of Serapis, 67 Human Rise of shores of the Baltic raised beaches rise of South American coast depression of Greenland, . . 68 Organic agencies their import- ance, .... 69 Marine plants, peat, . . 70 Rafts, driftwood, . . 71 The most efficient agents, . 72 THB STRUCTURE AND POSITION OP Corals their nature, size, po- lyps, zoophytes, their per- petuation, budding, . 73 ! Genera of zoophytes, Caryo- phyllia, Meandrina, Astrea, Madrepore, Flustra, ., * . ' Color of corals, their beauty, tubipora, ... 75 Coral reefs, their extent, live in shallow water, . . 76 shore platform, Infusoria, their 81 numbei ;heir nature, size, X tripoli, . . 82] multiplication of II Rapidity of multiplicat infusoria, red snow Remains of vertebrates plants, of, no 85 animals, extinction introduction of, . . 86 62 Distribution of plants, animals, flora, fauna, of different re- gions, ... 87 Arctic fauna, temperate, trop- ical, .... 88 ocal faunas, . . 89 66 Man's agency in modifying surface on beasts of prey seals, . . .90 skeletons at Guada-. loupe implements human remains in peat, engulfed, 91 Products of human skill pre- served, coins, . . 92 General result of modifying agencies ... 93 CHAPTER II. ROCKS. Rock defined, stratified rocks, strata,beds, origin of strata, laminae, ripple marks, . \ Strata result from mechanical "\ action, ; . 95 Concretionary structure, sep- taria, ironstones, Concentric structure nuclei illustrated in New South 94 96 Fringing reefs, Barrier reefs. 77J Wales, . 78|Sand, lime, and clay groups, 97 ANALYTICAL TABLE OF CONTENTS. Vll Proportion of the earth cover- jLeibnitz'classification of rocks, ed with strata order of Lehman's, Werner's, . g IK ' succession, folded axis, \ 99 The five classes, primary, pa- Horizontality of strata their heozoic, secondary, tertia- dip, .... 100 ry and quaternary, . . 120 Clinometer, strike or bearing, .Systems of the classes, . 121 anticlinal line, synclinal, 101 Classification of the unstrati- Mode of observing dip es- ' j fied rocks, . . 122 carpment, outcrop, . . 102; PITAPTPP TTT Formation defined conform- able; faults; gorge; val- PALEONTOLOGY. ley, .... 103 Fossils characteristic of stra- ta, medals of creation, . $ 123 | Degrees of preservation; Si- berian mammoth, . 124 Casts, moulds and tracks, . 125 Petrifaction; aifected by pres- sure, heat, chemical agents, 126 Thickness of strata, how de- termined ; thickness of Eu- ropean strata; fossiliferous,104 . , JJnstratified, igneous rocks; modes of occurrence ; ef- fects upon adjacent rocks ; non-fossiliferous, . 105 Plants bituminized ; animal Veins, dikes ; age determined matter converted into adi- by their intersection ; of se- pocire, . . . 127 gregation ; resembling beds; j Metallization of organic bo- " v metaliferous, . . 106| dies, . . .. .128' Columnar structure; jointed, 107iPetrifiers, . . -'. . 129 Volcanic rocks ; plutonic, 108 Requisite means for determin- Metamorphic rocks, their po- ing fossils ; fundamental sition, structure, origin, 109 principle of comparative /Joints ; master joints ; their anatomy, direction and origin, . HO.Number of fossils, j Cleavage ; its constancy of I Marine, estuary, fresh water < direction and origin, . lllj and terrestrial relics, . 132 Systems of classification iSituation in which fossils were their points of agreement ; j formed ; entire or broken, 133 of difference, . . 112 | Species, varieties ; species be- Age of rooks determined by ' come extinct ; genus, order, position, mineral character ' kingdom, family and tribe, 134 and organic contents, . 113JDistribution of animate be- 130 131 Difficulty of observing from ings in former periods, . 135 absence of some strata, . 114jDuration of families, genera, Determination by fossils ; spe- cies not identical through- out a formation, . 115 Identity of mineral constitu- tion does not prove rocks contemporaneous, . . 116[ Age of unstratified rocks de and species, . . 136 Periods when plants arid ani- mals began to exist, . 137 Time when most of the chan- ges occur; evidence of ge- ology respecting the devel- opment hypothesis, . 138 terrnined by their relations j Fossils most unlike as they to the strata, . . 117) are most remote in time, 139 Vlll ANALYTICAL TABLE OF CONTENTS. Fossil botany; plants, cel- ) lular, vascular, crypto- : gamous, phanerogamous, ; monocotyledonous, dicoty- I ledonous, endogenous and exogenous, . Plants determined by ana- ' tomical structure ; leaves, flowers, fruits, trunks and secretions, fossil, . Geological position of cellu- lar plants, cryptogamous, coniferae, cycadeee, endo- genous and exogenous, History of fossil vegetation not complete; number of fossil species now known, Origin of the different forms, anthracite, bituminous j -and wood coals ; bitu- minization now occurring, Fossil zoology ; Cuvier's classification ; four divi- sions, .... Radiata, their structure ; echinodermata, sea-ur- chins ; acalephae, jelly fishes ; polypi ; sponges, Mollusca, structure; cepha- lopoda, acephala, gastero- poda ; univalve, bivalve, multi valve and chambered shells ; geological posi- tion of the classes, Articulata, structure ; in- sects, worms, and crusta- cea, their geological posi- tion and number, Yertebrata, structure; mam- malia, birds, reptiles and fishes ; Professor Agassiz' classification of. fishes, ganoid, placoid, ctenoid and cycloid; order of their introduction and prevalence ; rep tiles, where first appear, birds and mammalia, . 141 142 144 146 147 154 (Coprolites, . . . $150 'Classification according to j animate types, protozoic, mesozoic and cainozoic, 151 jProf. Agassiz' ages of na- 140| ture; reign of fishes, of reptiles, of mammalia, and of man, . i 152 CHAPTER IV. THE UNSTRATIFIED ROCKS. The igneous rocks consist ot feldspar and hornblende ; differ in structure as they are cooled under slight or great pressure, . . $ 153 143 Granitic rocks their struc- ture and position, Granite, its characteristic ingredients and colors ; graphic granite ; porphy- j ritic, .... Syenite; syenitic granite, 145|Porphyry, its ancient signi- fication and present use, Metaliferous veins, most abundant in the oldest strata; veinstone, gangue or matrix ; their produc- tiveness influenced by their direction, . Trappean rocks significa- tion of trap ; origin, dif- ference from granite, and mode of occurrence, Greenstone, constituents and color; diorite, 148 Basalt, constituents, color and structure, Amygdaloid ; wacke or toad- stone, . . . .162 Trachyte, its composition ; tuff and clinkstone, Serperitine, Trap dikes left prominent, or produce fissures, *~S) 158 159 led 161 163 165 Heating effects of trap dikes 1 19| ' on adjacent rocks, . 166 ANALYTICAL TABLE OF CONTENTS. IX Masses of trap intruded be- tween strata resembling beds, . { Columnar structure ; giant's causeway, . Basalt of Staffa; Fingal's cave, . . . Horizontal columns ; " the chimney" in St. Helena; curved columns in New South Wales, 168 169 170 /Basalt pillars at Kiama point, 171 /Examples of trap rocks in v the United States, Origin of columnar struc- ture in volcanic rocks; Watts' experiments on ba- salt, .... .Feldspathic varieties of trap constitute central por- \ tions, and basalt the exte- rior of mountains ; cause of it, . Volcanic rocks lava, its con- stituents and varieties, Lava dikes ; obsidian, pitch- stone, scoria, pumice and peperino, Ideal section of the earth's crust, . . . . ^ .' - 172 173 1741 Talcose-slate, steatite, chlo- rite-slate, . Serpentine, . . . 184 Primary limestone, its char- acters and alternations, Quartz, its varieties as meta- morphic rocks, Clay-slate, constituents, col- ors and texture ; clay, shale, roofing, drawing and whetstone slate, . 185 186 187 Cleavage and joints in slate, 188 Anthracite, plumbago, . 189 CHAPTER YI. PALAEOZOIC ROCKS. haracteristics of the palaeo- zoic rocks, called transi- tion by Werner, . . 190 Cambrian system investiga- ted by Murchison and Sedgwick, in Wales ; their extent, thickness, compo- sition, and subdivisions, 175 Silurian system characters 176 177 CHAPTER V. STRATIFIED PRIMARY ROCKS. Chronological order of de- scription preferable, . 178 Radiata, corals, graptolites, Composition of primary strata, thickness, extent, origin, and change; meta- morphic, Gneiss, appearance, constit- uents, lamination ; por- phyritic, syenitic ; proto- gine, .... Mica-slate, characters ; gar- netiferous, . Hornblende-slate, constitu- ents and associations, and subdivisions, The rocks of this 191 192 system found in other countries, 193 Interesting fossils ; trilo- bites, their structure and compound eyes, . . 194 Mollusoa of the Silurian period, Ammonite, Nauti- lus, Terebratula, Produc- ta, Orthoceratite, 195 encrinites ; marine plants, 196 Igneous rocks of this period, 197 Old Red Sandstone, or Devo- 179 nian system composition, prevalent color, and posi- tion with reference to the coal, . . . ' . 108 180 Thickness and arrangement of the members of the 181 system, Countries in which they are 182} developed, . 199 200 ANALYTICAL TABLE OF CONTENTS. Ichthyolites, ganoid and placoid orders with hete- rocercal tails, . . 201 Cephalaspis, . . .202 Pterichthys, . . .203 Coccosteus ; holoptychius ; osteolepis, . . . Molluscous shells, corals, trilobites, . . . " v . 205 Plants, .... 206 Igneous rocks of the period, 207 Carboniferous system con- stituents, thickness, and subdivisions, . . 208 Organic remains ; ichthyo- lites, Crustacea, mollusca, insects and encrinites, 209 Abundance of vegetable fos- sils in the coal measures ; proof of the vegetable origin of coal; number and thickness of coal strata ; coal basins, . 210 Beauty of the great natural herbaria, presented by coal beds, . . .211 Species of coal plants found in remote latitudes ; re- semble plants of the pres- ent tropical regions ; the calamite, The tree-fern ; still living in Australia ; construction of the names of genera of ferns, Characteristics of the Lepi- dodendron, Origin of the name Sigilla- ria, characteristics of the genus ; of the Stigmaria, 215 Trees found erect and in- clined ; mode of account- ing for, . .216 Modes of accounting for the succession of numerous coal-beds, . . . 217 Igneous rocks of the carbon- iferous strata, toadstone, dikes, troubles, metalifer- ous limestone, petroleum, $218 The Permian system origin of the term ; divisions of the system ; terms used in Germany, . . 219 204 Remains of fishes ; dolomite, comparatively destitute of fossils ; origin of the mag- nesia, . . - . ; . 220 CHAPTER VII. ROCKS OF THE SECONDARY PE- [ndications of a new geolog- ical era, ... 221 Triassic system upper new red sandstone of England ; its divisions in England, Germany and France, 222 Fossil plants, fishes, encri- nites, cyathocrinite, 223 Age of reptiles, Prof. Owen's classification of reptiles extinct and existing, . 224 Footprints of the cheirothe- rium ; structure of the ani- mal ; called Labyrintho- don ; ichnolites, . 225 212 Tracks of biped animals in the sandstone of the Con- necticut valley ornithic- nites ; their size, . 226 213 Impressions of raindrops, 227 Origin of rock salt, . 228 214 The Liassic system its pre- dominant mineral ; origin of term Lias and its subdi- visions, . . .229 Fossils, corals, pentacrinites, bivalve shells, gryphite limestone, . . 230 Ammonite, its structure and resemblance to the nauti- lus, ... 231 Belemnite ; its shell and inlc, 232 ANALYTICAL TABLE OF CONTENTS. Zl Fishes and reptiles ; ichthy- odorulites, Ichthyosaurus, its general structure; peculiarity of the eye ; length and habits of the animal, ','*' . Plesiosaurus, great number of cervical vertebrae, . Fossil vegetable matter of this period, . The Oolitic system origin of the term ; subdivisions of the system, Peculiar features of surface outline produced by this system, . r . Fossils, number and variety, corals, encrinites, echini, shells, crustacea and in sects, Fishes, saurians and the pte- rodactyle, First specimen of mamma- lia in the secondary, be- longed to the marsupials, Oolitic flora ; Richmond coal beds, Wealden system nature of the deposit, origin of the term, divisions of the sys- tem, .... Organic remains, shell-fifih, crustacea, insects, Fishes and saurians hylseo- saurus and iguanodon, Phenomena of the dirt-bed indicating alternate rising and subsiding of the sur- face, - .; " t . ;.'' Cretaceous system its name derived from its leading member (creta ; ) thickness and divisions of the sys- tem ; green sand, gault and chalk, Chalk fossils; marsupite, cri- oceratite, hamite, baculite, Foraminifera, nummulite, abundance of infusoria in chalk, their forms, size, structure and multiplica- tion, -. . g 249 Fishes, sharks, ctenoids and cycloids, saurians and bones of birds, . . 250 235 Sponge silicified and fossil vegetables, . . .251 236 Origin of the chalk, its re- semblance to calcareous deposits in coral lagoons, 252 237 Igneous rocks of the second- ary period, . . 253 238 CHAPTER VHI. ROCKS OF THE TERTIARY 239 Their extent and character- istics, . . . .254 240 Sands and clays predominate, characters of the calca- reous deposits ; subordi- 241 nate beds of buhrstone, gypsum and salt, . 255 242 Extent of the tertiary in Europe ; their existence in other countries, . . 256 Classification of tertiary strata by Lyell and Des- hayes, Eocene, Meiocene, Pleiocene, Pleistocene, 257 The London and Paris ba- 243 244 245 246 247 248 sins, 258 Other localities of the Eo- cene, ... 259 Fossils of the eocene ; char- acter of its plants ; am- ber 260 Shells and crustacea of this period ; fishes of Monte Bolca, ctenoid and cycloid orders, Reptiles and birds, Land quadrupeds of the pa- chydermatous order ; the age of mammals, 261 262 Xll ANALYTICAL TABLE OF CONTENTS. Palaeotberium, its-character- [Size of boulders ; rocking- istics ; the Lophiodon, 264| stones, . . 284 Anoplotherium, origin of name, characteristic spe- cies ; carnivorous quadru- peds ; fossil monkey, Fossil insects, state of pre- servation, . , Eocene of America, . The Meiocene of England ; of Europe, United States and Asia; molasse of jOssifero us caverns, Switzerland, . . 268 Kirkdale cave, . Plants of the meiocene, zoo- Cave of Gailenreuth, Diluvial groves and striae on rocks ; their extent and direction, . . . 285 265 Roches moutonnees ; streams of stones ; glacial beds, 286 266 Altered drift, . . . 287 267 Marine terraces at Glen Roy; river terraces, . . 288 Ossiferous sands and gravel, 289 290 291. 292 phy tes and shells ; fossil Origin of the bones in caves; tortoise and salamander, 269| osseous breccia, . . 293 Dinotherium, its structure, 270 Fossils, shells and infusoria, 294 Gigantic herbivorous quad- rupeds, . . . 295 The mastodon, its structure, size and range,found abun- dantly at the licks, . 296 272 The mammoth, its period, difference from the masto- don and from existing spe- cies of elepha'nts, . 297 Tertiary fossils of Asia, the Sivatherium, Toxodon and Macrauchenia of South America, The Pleiocene of England ; of the sub-Apennines, Beds of lignite, paper coal, animal remains, - . 273 271 Pleistocene, different uses of the term, . . 274 Extinct quadrupeds found on its development in South j the shores of the Polar America ; edentate order | sea, , . 298 of animals; Megatherium, 275ilrish elk, its size; deer and Mylodon, 276 299 Megalonyx; scelidotherium, 277 Cetacea; basilosaurus or Zeu- Glyptodon, . 278'glodon, . . .300 Igneous rocks of the tertia- [Skeletons of birds ; dinornis, 301 ry ; extinct volcanoes of Climate of the drift period, 302 Auvergne, . . 279' The alluvium, its composi- tion ; marine, fresh water, terrestrial ; historic pe- riod, . . 303 Raised beaches and subma- rine forests with existing species, " /. . 304 Marine silt at Isthmus of Suez, Tyre and Sidon, in Include most recent deposits, 281 the Yellow Sea and Ger- Drift, its composition, . 282,' man Ocean, . . 305 Limits of the drift ; elevation JEstuary deposits ; delta of and direction, - - ,- . 233; the Niger, . . 306 Tertiary volcanoes on the Rhine, in Spain, Hungary and Asia Minor, . . 280 CHAPTER IX. BOOKS OF THE QUATERNARY PERIOD. ANALYTICAL TABLE OF CONTENTS. \Theory of volcanoes regard - | ing the earth, with excep- 307 tion of a crust of a few miles' thickness in a melt- ed state, . . . 324 308 Arguments in favor of this theory, ... 325 Objections, . . 326 309 Theory of extensive reposito- | ries of melted matter, 327 3 10, Sir H. Davy's hypothesis of metallic bases of alkalies and earths ; electricity, 328 Gradual elevation and de- pression of the surface by expansion and contraction of rocks, . . .329 Elevation of mountain chains by collapse of the crust ; plication, . . 330 313jBeaumont's theory of moun- tain elevations, . .331 311 312 Lacustrine deposits; prai- ries, pampas, lake ridges, ridge roads, . . i Chemical precipitates,marls, silicious sinter, alumina, tripoli, salt, . Plants of the alluvium, sub- terranean forests and drift wood, Peat mosses, extent; anti- septic power, Shells and coral reefs of the alluvial period, . Extinction of species and genera during the alluvial period ; the dodo and ap- teryx, Man found only in the recent alluvium ; skeletons found at Guadaloupe in recent limestone, Soil, its varieties ; subsoil, protect surface from wear- ing. -''? ' '-' ''' *' <*"* Atmosphere and water modi- fying the surface ; caves and natural bridges, . 315 Products of igneous agency during alluvial period, CHAPTER X. THEORETICAL GEOLOGY. Definition of theory and hy- pothesis, . .317 Theories respecting aqueous and igneous agencies ; uniformity of nature's laws the basis of reasoning, 318 Definition and importance, Theories of drift ascribed to 314 316 joint action of ice and wa- ter, . -T -..".. 319 Iceberg theory, arguments for, and objections to, 320 Elevation theory, arguments and objections, . . 321 Glacier theory, . . 322 No theory perfectly satisfac- tory, . . .323 Theory of veins by injection, segregation and sublima- tion, ... 332 Electrical currents influen- cing metaliferous deposits, 333 Cosmogony ; hypothesis re- specting the earliest condi- tion of matter, . . 334 Plausibility of the hypothe- sis argued from appear- ances of comets, nebulae and the moon, . . 335 CHAPTER XI. PRACTICAL GEOLOGY. 336 Occupations and habits of a people determined by the geology of the country, 337 In mining, the most promis- ing fields ; gold, platinum, silver, quicksilver, copper, lead, zinc, iron ; veins, lodes, hade, direction, . 338 Bituminous coal, anthracite, faults, ... 339 XIV ANALYTICAL TABLE OF CONTENTS. Diamond, emerald, sapphire, jDrainage, < ', . 362 topaz, tourmaline, garnet, $340 Scenery of a country affected Importance of Geology to by its geology, 341 the Civil Engineer, Application of minerals to architecture ; chemical changes in them, . Granite, Syenite, porphyry, trap and lavas as building materials, Sandstones, color, texture, liability to injury from chemical changes and frost, Limestones, varieties, and texture; slates, Gypsum, soapstone, salt, Clay for bricks and earthen- ware ; fuller's earth, Sand for making glass and mortar, . . . 348 Quick lime, hydraulic lime, Parker's cement, puzzuo- lana, Roman cement, Euhrstone, its characters and localities, ..". . 350 Marls, their colors and situ- ation, : ." .;> , v j 351 Relation of geology to agri- culture, . . 352 Inorganic portion of soils ; salts and earth ; hard wa- ter, .... Designation of soils accord- ing to predominant earth, 354 Subsoils, hardpan, Organic portion of soils ; amount requisite for the 34; 344 345 346 347 349 353 growth of crops, Origin of soils Alluvial and drift soils, Classification of soils, Characters, of soils derived from granite, gneiss, horn- blende, trap, slates, lime- stones, sandstones, The art of maintaining un- interrupted fertility, 361| CHAPTER XII. HISTORY OF GEOLOGY. ' Recent branch of science ; earlier cosmogonies, 364 Unprofitable discussions res- pecting organic remains, 365 Werner's Neptunian theory ; Button's Plutonian theory; Mr. W. Smith's successful labors, . . 366 Geological society of London; rapid progress of collater- al branches, botany, zoolo- gy, comparative anatomy, 368 American geology ; Mr. Ma- clure's sketch of Ameri- can geology; Prof. Eaton's survey of the Erie canal rocks ; State geological surveys, . . . 368 Geology a well established science, 369 CHAPTER XUI. RELATION OP GEOLOGY TO RELIGION. Office of natural theology to treat of specifically ; sus- picions of geology as fa- voring infidelity, . $370 355 Opinion of Dr. Buckland ; of President Hitchcock, 371 jeology manifests the uni- 356 formity of Nature's laws 357 in all periods of the world's 358 history; power, wisdom 359 and benevolence of the Creator shown in the struc- ture of animate beings, 372 Changes to which matter has 360 been subjected indicate the intervention of a Deity, . . 373 ANALYTICAL TABLE OF CONTENTS. Instances of special adapta- [Asia, form and extent of the tion to present races, es- j great continent, moun- pecially to man, . . J374 tains, desert, strata and Geology coincides with other metalic products, sciences in enlarging our Siberia, its metals and fos- views of the Creator's sils : Tartan/, rocks and 87- plans and works, Discrepancy of geology with the interpretation of the Scripture account of the creation hitherto received; Scripture usage of lan- guage respecting natural phenomena, . . ' Use of scientific knowl- edge in the interpretation of ancient writings ; terms used in describing chemi- cal phenomena may im- port very differently to the ancient reader and the modern ; propriety of modifying interpretation by such knowledge, First mode of reconciling the apparent discrepancy by interpreting the word day as an indefinite period ; arguments in its favor, and objections to it, The most generally received mode of reconciling the discrepancy; extended by Dr. J. Pye Smith, If no mode of reconciliation be deemed satisfactory, still it is unphilosophical to presume a collision be- tween the accounts, Inti^oduction of death into the world, .. Noachian deluge geologically probable ; reasons for supposing it partial, CHAPTER XIV. GEOGRAPHICAL GEOLOGY. Defined; partially known from physical geography, volcanoes, . . 385 Geology of Thibet, Ilindos- tan, India and Ceylon, rocks, fossils and gems, 386 eology of China and Japan, 387 Persia, rocks, desert, calca- reous deposits and indica- 376 tions of volcanic agency, 388 Arabia, Mount Sinai, valley of the Jordan and Mount Lebanon, . . . 389 Polynesia, coral reefs ; Neio Holland, its rocks and osseous breccias, . 390 European geology more tho- roughly investigated than that of any other quarter 377 of the globe ; that of the British Islands varied, carefully studied and a standard of reference, 391 Rocks of Wales; order of the rocks towards London, 392 378 Geology of Scotland and Ire- land, . . 393 France, stratified and igne- ous rocks, extinct volca- 379 noes and metalic products; Belgium and Holland, . 394 Germany, mining districts; Switzerland, its elevated tertiary series, . . 395 380 Sweden and Norway, drift and metals ; Denmark, Iceland 381 and Faroe Islands, . 396 Russia and Poland, strata, salt, and gypsum; Austria, 397 382 Italy, Apennines, tertiary, j volcanoes and marbles ; I Spain and Portugal, strata, salt, and quicksilver, 383 Africa, Atlas mountains, XVI ANALYTICAL TABLE OF CONTENTS. strata of the Barbary States ; Egypt, Nubia, Abys- sinia,, dunes from the de- sert, and alluvial of the Nile, Western coast, gold coast> central Africa, mountains of the Moon, The Sahara, oases, recent- ly elevated bed of the Southern Africa, plateau and table mountains ; rocks of the islands of igneous ori- gin, .... Form of South America, its mountains, strata, exten- sive plains and volcanoes, its metalic products and gems, Cordilleras of Central Ameri- ca, strata, volcanoes and mines ; West Indies, for- mer connection with the continent, volcanic agency, Pitch lake, General structure of North America, mountain chains, sandy desert, salt lakes, coal in high latitudes ; au- riferous rocks of Califor- nia ; other metals, 405 Alleghanies j New England geology, . . . 406 $399 Atlantic slope, its extent and strata, new red sand- stone, chalk and tertiary, 407 400 Tertiary rocks of the South- ern States ; section from the Mississippi river to . 401 the Atlantic ocean, . ^ 408 Strata of the Mississippi valley, silurian, devonian, cretaceous and tertiary : 402 identity with European systems ; subdivisions re- ferred to those of the New York survey, . 409 Diversity of names applied 403 to members of the systems, table of equivalence of the lower strata in five States, 410 Numerous fossils ; some ex- tinct species of the higher mammalia, . . 411 404 Mineral treasures of the Uni- ted States; coal, . . 412 iron, copper, gold, silver, lead, salt, gypsum ; no volcanoes ; hot springs, 413 GEOLOGY. DEFINITION AND OBJECT OF GEOLOGY. 1. GEOLOGY is the Science which treats of the consti- tution and structure of the Earth. Its object is to observe and describe the mineral masses, and the remains of organized bodies, animal and vegetable, which compose the globe; trace the successive changes they have undergone and discover the various laws that govern^ such changes. Descriptive Geology exhibits the facts of the science ; Theoretical Geology attempts to account for them ; and Practical Geology shows their application to practical purposes. Subservient to Geology are Chemistry, which treats of the ultimate particles of matter, and their modes of combin- ation; Mineralogy, which characterises and classifies the va- rious minerals of which the earth is composed ; Botany, and Zoology, which describe plants and animals; and Physical Geography, which relates the facts concerning the general distribution of matter at the surface of the earth the forms and extent of continents and islands, river and mountain systems; together with the changes now occurring in them, CHAPTER I. GENERAL CONSTITUTION AND STRUCTURE OF THE EARTH. Fig. 1. The Earth, as seen from the Moon. PLANETARY RELATIONS. 2. THE Earth is one of the planetary bodies constituting the Solar system the third in order from the Sun com- pleting its circuit of 600,000,000 miles around that lumin- ary in a year, and revolving upon its axis once a day. Its relations to the sun and other members of the Solar system determine its position in space, the amount of heat and Jight it receives, and consequently its vegetable and animal economy. A change in the position of its axis would alter its climate and the distribution of land and sea. FIGURE DENSITY. 8 FIGURE. 3. The/orm of the Earth is 'that of an oblate spheroid. The equatorial diameter is twenty-six and a half miles longer than the polar. The equatorial diameter=7925.6 miles, " polar " =7899.1 " Difference or flattening, . . 26.5 miles. This gives a compression of thirteen and a quarter miles to each hemisphere. If the earth should cease to rotate on its axis, the waters of the ocean about the equator would flow towards the poles, seeking the lowest level, i. e. the position nearest the center of the earth. The direction of rivers running towards the equator would be reversed. This form of the globe seems to indicate that its particles have been free to obey the centrifugal force. The other planets exhibit spheroidal forms. The equatorial diameter of the planet Jupiter, exceeds the polar diameter by more than six thousand miles. DENSITY. 4. The density of the Earth is five and a half times that $^ of water. It weighs five and a half times as much as a globe of water of the same size. This is more than twice the density of the most prevalent rocks at the surface, Hence it appears that the density increases towards the center. By the pressure exerted beneath the surface the '' bulk of bodies is compressed, and their density consequent- ly increased. At the depth of thirty-four miles, air would become as dense as water ; at three hundred and sixty-two miles, water as heavy as quicksilver; and at the center the average minerals of the surface would be compressed into 4 STRUCTURE OF THE EARTH. less than one-tenth their present bulk. This would make the mean density of the globe much greater than it is. Consequently the materials within must be different from those at the surface, or this compressing force must be counteracted by some expansive power. The density of the Earth is ascertained by astronomical processes ; observ- ing the deflection of the plumb-line caused by a mountain of known dimensions, the attraction of other planets, &c. TEMPERATURE. 5. The temperature of the globe is determined by a variety of influences. The temperature of the surface is influenced by its latitude, being warmer near the equator, and diminishing toward the poles ; by its power of absorbing and retaining, or reflecting the heat of the sun's rays ; by its elevation above the general level, the temperature fall- ing as we ascend; and by the distribution of land and water, the climate of the ocean and of islands being milder and more uniform than that of continents in the same lati- tude. Lines joining places having the same mean annual temperature, are called isothermal lines. These, on the ocean, are very nearly parallel to the equator and to each other, but over continents are modified by the extent and elevation of the land. The following table gives the lati- tude of isothermal lines on the American and European coasts : Isothermal Line. Latitude on American coast. Latitude on European coast. 77 Fahr. 24 21' 18 49' 68 " 32 20' 81 27' 59 38 24' 41 33' 60 " 41 30' 62 3' 41 " 44 51' 60 7' 32 61 57' 66 48' STRUCTURE OF THE EARTH. Fig. 2. G STRUCTURE OF THE EARTH. The mean temperature of the whole surface of the Earth is estimated to be 58. The surface temperature determines the distribution and growth of plants and ani- mals. The heat of the sun penetrates the crust of the earth to a limited extent, rarely exceeding seventy feet. At this limit the temperature remains constant through the year. On descending below this point the temperature uniformly rises about 1 of Fahrenheit for every fifty-four feet of depth. The rate of increase varies with the nature of the rocks passed through, from 1 for thirty feet to 1 for seventy feet. This has been established by numerous ex- periments in mines, Artesian wells,* and mineral springs. In the mine at New Salzwerk, near Minden, in Prus- sia, two thousand feet deep, the increase of temperature was at the rate of 1 for fifty-four feet. The mean result of a large number of observations in the Saxony mines, gives an increase of 1 for seventy-six feet at depths of two * Artesian wells are borings through, which the water rises nearly or quite to the surface, where no indication of springs ex- isted. They are so called from the French province Artois the ancient Artesium where they were used as early as the 12th century of the Christian era. Fig. 3. Artesian Well. a. porous water-bearing rock between the rocks e and d, which are impervious to water. Through the well at b, the water rises as hi a syphon. SURFACE OUTLINE. 7 thousand feet; while in a coal mine in Durham, at about the same depth, it is 1 for fifty-nine feet. The rate of increase observed in sinking the well at the Barriere de Crenelle, Paris, was 1 for fifty-eight feet. In a very deep Artesian well recently sunk at Mondorf, on the frontier of France and Luxembourg, to a depth of nearly two thou- sand three hundred feet, the water at two. thousand two hundred feet had a temperature of 93 Fahrenheit, show- ing an increase at the rate of 1 Fahrenheit for fifty-four feet.* With this rate of increase, at the depth of fifty miles, the heat would be sufficient to melt all known rocks. SURFACE CONFIGURATION. 6. The surface outline of the Earth is very irregular, intersected by mountains and vallies, seas and rivers. The highest mountains exceed five miles. Dhawalagiri; in the Himalayas, 28,072 feet. rrj ^ \\rfK Aconcagua, " Andes, 23,200 " Chimborazo, 21,420 niimani, 21,149 Mount Blanc, " Alps, 15,743 " Pic Nethou, Pyrenees, 11,168 The mean height of all the solid parts of the Earth's surface above the ocean, is estimated by Humboldt at about one thousand feet ; that of South America, one thousand one hundred and fifty one ; of North America, seven hun- dred and forty-eight ; of Europe, six hundred and seventy- one; and of Asia, one thousand, one hundred and thirty- two feet. The length of the chain of mountains between Siberia and India is ten thousand miles, and its breadth one thousand five hundred miles. The mountains of Amer- * Ansted. 8 STRUCTURE OF THE EARTH. ica, the Andes and Rocky Mountains, extend over 120 of latitude. There are also vast depressions below the general level. The Caspian and Aral seas are situated in such a depression, whose: whole area is not less than one hundred thousand square miles. The surface of the Caspian sea is eighty-three and a half feet below the level of the ocean, and the sea has a depth of six hundred feet. The lake of Tiberias has .its surface four hundred and sixty-six feet below the Mediterranean, while that of the Dead Sea is one thousand three hundred and eighty-eight feet below the same level, and its bottom in some places three hun- dred fathoms lower. But the great deeps of the Earth's surface are occupied by the ocean. Soundings in the At- lantic ocean (27 south latitude 17 west longitude) gave a depth of fourteen thousand five hundred and fifty feet, and four hundred and fifty miles west of Cape Good Hope, six- teen thousand and sixty two feet ; while in latitude 15 south, longitude 23 west, a line of twenty-seven ihousand hundred feet, did not reach the bottom. Humboldt tes the mean depth of the ocean at one thousand feet. ftfalffb 7. The distribution of Land and Water upon the sur- | c u fabe^of <> ily determined, since they must have passed through several rocks varying in texture, in which the rate of wearing can not now be ascertained. For ft future pr can not be predicted. Their present situation is favorable 2* 18 STRUCTURE OF THE EARTH. to rapid recession. The uppermost rock, over which the water falls, is a hard limestone ninety feet thick ; beneath is a soft shale, which is easily worn away by frost and the friction of the water, leaving the limestone jutting over, in table rocks, sometimes forty feet beyond the shale. From time to time these table rocks fall off. Fig. 0. River Simeto excavating a channel in solid Lava. 19. The Simeto, one of the principal rivers of Sicily, has excavated its bed from fifty to several hundred feet wide, and forty to fifty feet deep, since A. D. 1603. In the cut given above, A, indicates the lava bed, which des- cending from the summit of the great volcano, has flowed five or six miles, and usurped the old bed of the Simeto, E ; B, the present bed of the river. The lava is not soft and scoriaceous, but is a compact, hard rock, c, indicates the foot of the cone of Etna, and r>, marine and volcanic beds. The general declivity of the river is slight, having two falls of six feet each. The abraded materials of the volcanic rock have greatly assisted the attrition.* 20. The mechanical force of rivers is exerted in carry- ing forward the sedimentary matter contained in there. When the rapidity of the stream is diminished the heavier portions of the sediment are deposited : but when the rate *Lyell's Principles. 45. The general result of atmospheric and aqueous agencies, is the reduction of elevated portions of the earth to lower levels. The loss of land through their influence IGNEOUS AGENCIES. 39 greatly exceeds all deposits in the form of jlry land; conse- quently a large portion of the detritus is spread over the bottom of lakes and of the ocean. IGNEOUS AGENCIES. 46. We have seen that the tendency of atmospheric and aqueous agencies is to destroy the inequalities of the Earth's surface, and deposit the materials thus separated at the mouths of rivers and on the bottoms of lakes and seas. An antagonist force, however the igneous agency is as constantly operating to restore and produce these inequali- ties. This agency exhibits itself in the phenomena of volcanoes, earthquakes, hot-springs, and gradual elevations of extensive lines of coasts and continents. 47. Volcanoes are openings in the earth, through which melted rock, lava, smoke, ashes, gases or vapors are dis- charged. They are usually inverted cones or craters at the summits of conical hills or mountains, which vary in height from the smallest hill to nineteen thousand feet, (Cotopaxi. ) When they exist upon land they are called subaerial ; when under the sea, submarine. Those which exhibit no evi- dence of action since the commencement of the historic pe- riod, are deemed extinct. Of the active volcanoes, some are constant, others intermittent. The periods of inter- t mission vary from a few months to centuries. Monte meo, in Ischia, after remaining dormant one thousand seven hundred years, again burst forth in the early part of the fourteenth century of the Christian era. Volcanic vents, which emit only sulphurous, watery, and acid vapors, are called solfataras. 48. The number of active volcanoes is about three 40 STRUCTURE OF THE EARTH. hundred ; of which two-thirds are on islands of the ocean, and the others are usually near the sea. Some, however, are remote from large bodies of water, as Peschan in Cen- tral Asia, which is twelve hundred miles, and some of the Mexican and South American volcanoes, one hundred miles distant from the sea. Volcanoes are grouped as central, in which the disturbing power manifests itself in radii from a central point, as the Peak of Teneriffe and the Isle of Pal- ma (one of the Canary islands) ; or volcanic chains or bands, in which a number of vents occur in a line extending over many miles, oftentimes coinciding with mountain chains. Such a band is presented by the volcanoes of America, those of the Andes and Rocky Mountains being connected by the Cordilleras of Mexico. The same chain may also connect with the remarkable line of volcanoes passing through the Aleutian Islands, Kamschatka, Japan, and the Molucca islands; thence by the Antartic Land (on which Captain Boss observed active volcanoes) to Terra del Fuego, thus en- circling the globe. 49. The phenomena of an eruption usually com- mence with rumbling sounds in the earth and emission of smoke, sulphurous and acid gases from the mountain ; stones and ashes are thrown with violent explosions from the crater, the earthquake increasing, until the molten lava flows freely down the mountain's sides. Toward the close of the eruption, cinders, red hot stones, and smoke are again thrown out. Impetuous showers of rain, with vivid lightning, and if the mountain is snow-clad, the sudden melting of snow and ice, render the scene still more com- plicate and awful. The lava sometimes does not rise to the brim of the crater, but bursts through the sides of the mountain and flows over the surrounding country. IGNEOUS AGENCIES. 41 50. The greatest exhibition of eruptive violence on record occurred in the island of Sumbawa (one of the Sunda group), in the year 1815. It commenced on the fifth of April, increased in violence until the twelfth, and ceased in July. The explosions were heard in Sumatra, nine hundred and seventy miles west, and at Ternato, seven hundred and twenty miles east of the island. The ashes were carried three hundred miles in the direction of Java, and two hundred and seventeen miles northward toward Celebes in sufficient quantity to produce darkness equal to what is ever witnessed in the darkest night. The floating cinders westward of Sumatra formed a mass two feet thick, several miles in extent, through which ships with difficulty forced their way. Several streams of lava, issuing from the crater of the Tomboro mountains, covered extensive tracts of land and ran into the sea. The area convulsed by this volcanic paroxysm was one thousand miles in circumference. Out of a population of twelve thousand on the island, twenty-six only survived.* 51. Of all eruptions of modern times, the most re- markable in respect to the quantity of lava ejected was that of Skaptaa Jokul, in Iceland, in the year 1783. On the eighth of June of that year, clouds of smoke began to collect in the mountain, obscuring the light of day, show- ering down great quantities of ashes and sand. On the tenth, slight shocks of earthquake and flames were per- ceived. On the eleventh, the large river Skaptaa, which had been much swollen, entirely disappeared, and the next day a current of lava rushed down the mountain and overflowed the channel of the river, which was in some places from four hundred to six hundred feet deep, and * Ly ell's Principles. 4* 42 STRUCTURE OF THE EARTH. two hundred feet broad. The lava continued to flow until the twentieth of July, pouring over a lofty cataract, and filling up in a few days an enormous cavity which the river had been for ages hollowing out. On the night of the ninth of August, another torrent overflowed the country to the extent of more than four miles. The eruptions con- tinued, with intervals, till the end of August, and closed with a violent earthquake. One of the streams of lava was fifty miles long by twelve broad, and the other forty miles long by seven broad. Their thickness was, in the narrow channels, five or six hundred feet; but on the plains rarely more than one hundred feet, and in some places only ten feet. Taking the lowest average thickness, the mass of lava can not have been less than twenty thou- sand millions of cubic yards. Thirteen hundred human beings lost their lives, more than one hundred and fifty thousand domestic animals were destroyed, the fisheries on the coast were ruined, and it is afnrrned that Iceland has not yet recovered from the ravages of this eruption of Skaptaa Jokul. The great mass of lava spread over the land by this eruption, distended by gases, cooling on the surface and becoming solid, while the central parts continued liquid and flowing onward, left caverns of great extent and singular appearance. The cavern of Surtsheller, or the " black cavern," is a long, winding canal, with several branches, enclosed by a crust of lava six feet thick. It is twenty-five feet wide, and its sides and vaulted roof are studded with stalactites of lava and ice. 52. The history of Vesuvius and Etna is more com- plete than that of any other center of volcanic action, be- cause their phenomena have been for a longer time intelli- IGNEOUS AGENCIES. FJ>. 10. Surtsheller Cavo in Lava. gently observed and recorded. The southern part of Italy has, from the earliest periods of human observation, been subject to violent volcanic action. But previous to the Christian era, no record or tradition of eruptions from Vesuvius existed. The summit of the cone, called Somma, was encircled with vines, and its sides were covered with 44 STRUCTURE OF THE EARTH. luxuriant vegetation. At its base were large towns, among which were Herculaneum and Pompeii. At this period, Ischia, Procida, and the Phlegrean fields were the scenes of volcanic eruptions. 53. After a slumber of ages, Vesuvius, in A. D. 63, ex- hibited signs of internal agitation in earthquakes, which increased in frequency and energy until the year 79, when an eruption overwhelmed the cities Herculaneum, Pompeii and Stabice. During sixteen hundred years these cities were buried from human observation and memory beneath volcanic ashes and lava. In A. D. 1713, in sinking a well, sonic pieces of marble and statuary were discovered. This led to extensive excavations in Pompeii and Herculaneum. Fig. 20. Vesuvius, showing the site of Pompeii and the River Sarno. As the former city was buried in ashes and mud, its exhu- mation is comparatively easy, and has furnished an immense store of antiquities paintings and sculptures, linen cloth, household utensils, medicines, loaves of bread with the legi- IGNEOUS AGENCIES. 45 ble stamp of the baker, papyri, &c., in a perfect state of pre- servation. Few human skeletons have been found, most of the inhabitants having fled before the irruption. Since that period there have been forty eruptions of Vesuvius, some of which have destroyed towns as that of 1631 in which lava currents with floods of mud overwhelmed Resina which was built over Herculaneurn, and that of A. D. 1784, in which Torre del Greco was encased in lava. The erup- tion of A. J). 1822, was characterized by violent explosions Fig. 21. Crater of Vesuvius, in A. D. 1829. 46 STRUCTURE OF THE EARTH. which threw out the lava which had consolidated, altering the shape of the crater, and reducing the height of the mountain from four thousand two hundred to three thousand four hundred feet. The preceding cut presents the appear- ance of the crater in 1829. The amount of lava ejected by Vesuvius in the eruption of 1794, exceeded twenty-two millions of cubic yards. 54. Etna has been known as an active volcano from th earliest periods of tradition. Its height is ten thousand eight hundred and seventy feet. The base of its cone is eighty-seven miles in circumference, and there are numer- ous subordinate cones or secondary volcanoes upon the sides of the mountain. More than eighty eruptions of this mountain are recorded, several of which are characterized by the great amount of lava ejected ; the whole quantity erupted far exceeding the mass of the mountain. The lava of the eruption of 1669 overwhelmed fourteen towns and villages, with a portion of the city of Catania, running into the sea, and covering eighty-four square miles. Its erup- tions sometimes, instead of occurring at its summit, take place through fissures in its sides, which abound with lava dikes. 55. The volcanoes of America are generally distinguished by their great height and number. Within two degrees of latitude from the Equator on either side are nine active volcanic vents, including Cotopaxi, Tunguragua, Antisana and Pichincha, all of which are from sixteen thousand to nineteen thousand feet above the level of the ocean. The whole plain on which Quito stands, nine thousand five hundred feet above the sea : with the adjacent mountains, seems to constitute an immense volcanic dome, embracing six hundred square miles, which is almost constantly agi- IGNEOUS AGENCIES. 47 tated by internal convulsions, finding vent by eruption at the various craters. Cotopaxi, which rises to the height of eighteen thousand eight hundred and eighty feet, had five great eruptions during the last century, which were heard at distances of from one hundred and forty to six hun- dred miles on the Pacific coast. Molten lava is rarely raised so high as the summit of these volcanoes, but 'cinders Fig. 22. Cotopaxi. and pumice are ejected. The most destructive effects are produced by the torrents of mud and boiling water, which result from the melting of the snow with which the moun- tain is covered, and the bursting of lakes and subterranean cavities. These currents of mud and water fill the valleys to the depth of several hundred feet, and oftentimes contain so many fishes, that their putrescence renders the atmosphere unwholesome for many miles. 56. In Mexico the transverse band has five active volcanoes, of which Popocatapetl and Jorullo have attracted most attention. Popocatapetl (Smoking Mountain) attains the height of seventeen thousand seven hundred and twenty feet, is snow clad, and continually emits smoke and vapors. 57. The formation of the volcano Jorullo exhibits an 48 STRUCTURE OF THE EARTH. Fig. 23. Popocatapetl. instance of the origin of a volcanic mountain suddenly ele- vated one thousand six hundred and ninety-five feet above the plain, (four thousand two hundred and sixty-five feet above the ocean,) more than one hundred miles distant from the sea, and quite remote from any active volcano. It oc- curred on the plain of Malpais, west of the city of Mexico, in the year 1759. In the month of June of that year, alarming subterranean noises, with frequent earthquakes commenced and continued about fifty days. After a period of apparent tranquillity, on the night of the 28th of Sep- tember the inhabitants were compelled to leave the con- vulsed plain, in which a tract of four square miles heaving like an agitated sea, was raised to a height five hundred and twenty-four feet ; flames were seen to issue, and frag- ments of burning rock were thrown to great heights. Two rivers were precipitated into the chasms, increasing the fury of the flames.- Thousands of small cones rose up on the plain from six to ten feet high, called by the Indians, ovens (hornitos) emitting sulphureous vapors and smoke. In the midst of these fumaroles, stood six large conical IGNEOUS AGENCIES. 49 masses rising from three hundred to one thousand six hundred feet above the plain. The largest of these was Torullo which continued burning and throwing up immense quantities of lava containing fragments of granite rock. The annexed diagram presents the outline of the eleva- ted plain j a is the cone Jorullo, and I the plam sloping from the base of the cones at an angle of 6. Fig. 24. Jorullo. 58. Kilauea, in Hawaii, Sandwich Islands, is an ever active, and most remarkable volcano. It is situated, not on the sumnfit, but on the south-eastern flank of Mount Loa, at an elevation of three thousand nine hundred and seventy feet above the sea, while the summit is nine thousand seven hundred and ninety feet higher. Instead of slender walls around a deep crater, liable in most conical craters to be demolished by the explosions of an eruption, the summit of this volcano is nearly a plain, and its crater a deep abrupt pit, seven and a half miles in circuit, of an oval figure, em- bracing about four square miles. At a depth of six hundred and fifty feet below the brim of this pit, a narrow plain of hardened lava, called the " black ledge," projects like a vast terrace or gallery around the whole interior ; and within this gallery, below another similar precipice of three hun- dred and forty feet, lies the bottom, a vast plain of volcanic rock, more than two miles in length. In this plain are pools of boiling lava, which vary at different times in num- 5 50 STRUCTURE OF THE EARTH. ber and extent, one of which, in November, 1840, was fifteen hundred feet long by one thousand broad. The lava boils in these pools with various degrees of energy, some- times flowing over, cooling, and thus raising a rim, or pass- ing in glowing streams to distant parts of the crater. At times, the activity of the ebullition is such as to throw up jets of the lava thirty or forty feet high. The overflowing of the pools raises cones, sometimes one hundred feet high, with central cavities, from which vapors issue. The adjoining figure represents a singular spire of lava, resembling a petrified fountain. From small vents, the liquid lava, thrown up in jets, falls over, raising a conical Fig. 25. Lara Spire at Kilauea. IGNEOUS AGENCIES. 51 base. The column is built up by the successive drops of lava which fall upon each other, as they are tossed up. These spires vary in height from a few inches to forty feet, and are miniature craters of eruption.* 59. Four eruptions of Kilauea have occurred since A. D. 1789. That of 1840 was most extraordinary. For several years previous, the lava had been rising in the crater, until it stood about fifty feet above the "black ledge." The immense pressure of the lava and gases opened fissures in the sides of the crater, and the molten flood flowing in a subterranean channel six miles, emerged in an ancient wooded crater, rising in it to the height of three hundred feet; from this again, passing sometimes under ground for miles, and then upon the surface, filling the valleys, melting the hills, and consuming the forests along its path, it poured itself for three weeks with loud detonations into the sea. The length of the stream from Kilauea to the ocean was about forty miles : it accom- plished the passage in three days. The breadth of the stream varied from one to four miles, and its depth from ten to two hundred feet. The coast was extended by it a quarter of a mile into the ocean. The whole area covered by it is estimated at fifteen square miles, and the amount of lava at six thousand millions of cubic feet. The waters of the ocean were so heated that the shores were covered for twenty miles with dead fish. Night was converted into day, its glare being visible more than one hundred miles at sea, and at the distance of forty miles fine print could be read at midnight. The lava in Kilauea fell four hundred * Prof. Dana, in the "Geology of the United States Exploring Expedition." 52 STRUCTURE OF THE EARTH. feet, showing that the eruption was a disgorgement of the lava of that crater. The Sandwich Islands present re- markable regions of volcanic action, in which several craters occur within a few miles. Fig. 26. Diamond Hill and adjacent Volcanic Cones in OaHu, Sandwich Islands. 60. The phenomena of submarine volcanoes are influ- enced by the pressure of the water of the ocean, which may at certain depths entirely suppress any exhibition of volcanic agency exerted at the bottom. History abounds with authentic instances of the rise of islands. The Gre- cian Archipelago is studded with them, and the origin of many of the Aleutian islands is within recorded observa- tion. The structure of others (some of them large, as Hawaii, which covers four thousand square miles, and whose summit is nearly fourteen thousand feet above the ocean,) reveals their history. Teneriffe, St. Helena, and the Azores have the same origin. In the year 1811, an island (Sabrina) arose out of the ocean, near the Azores, to the height of three hundred feet, with a circumference of one mile, and after remaining six months, disap- peared. A remarkable volcanic island appeared in the Mediter- ranean sea, in the month of July, A. D. 1831, which re- mained visible above the water about three months. A fortnight previously, shocks were experienced on board a ship passing the spot, which produced an impression like IGNEOUS AGENCIES. 53 the striking of the ship on a sand bar. On the tenth of July a column of water, like a water spout, was seen rising out of the sea, and soon after a dense mass of steam as- cended to the height of one thousand eight hundred feet. On the eighteenth of July, a small island had appeared, with a crater in its center, ejecting volcanic matter. It had, on the fourth of August, attained an elevation of two hundred feet, and a circumference of three miles. After this, it diminished by subsidence and the action of the waves, so that at. the end of October, no vestige of the crater remained. In A. D. 1833, a submerged reef, about three-fifths of a mile in extent, existed in its stead. Fig. 27. Graham's Island, as it appeared in August, A. D. 1831. . 61. The term lava is applied to any mineral sub- stance which has flowed from a volcano in a melted state. Lavas consist essentially of two minerals, feldspar and augite. When the feldspar predominates, the lava is UN! 54 STRUCTURE OF THE EARTH. called fcldspatliic ; it is light colored, and has specific gravity not exceeding 2.8. Trachyte is such a lava. "When the augite prevails, the lavar is dark colored, has specific gravity exceeding 2.8, and is called augitic basaltic. Lava cooled under great pressure is dense, like the older rocks ; when cooled under pressure of the atmos- phere only, it is porous, distended by gases. Feldspathic lava, flowing into water, is converted into pumice, which is so light as to float on the surface of the water. When silex enters largely into the composition of lava, it pro- duces volcanic glass obsidian, which resembles ordinary glass, and is of a smoky hue. A portion of the lava of Kilauea is vitreous, and is sometimes blown by the wind into minute threads, called by the natives u Pele's hair." The lava of this volcano is more fluid than that of most volcanoes. Lava is a very poor conductor of heat, and consequently the interior portions of a lava stream retain their heat a great length of time. Lava ejected from Etna in 1819 was sufficiently hot and fluid to move a yard a day nine months after eruption. In another instance, lava was in motion ten years after it was ejected. The lava of Kilauea, erupted in June, 1840, was so hot in November that pieces of paper introduced into fissures in it were immediately inflamed. Lava flows within a crust Which is rapidly formed over its surface. On piercing this crust, the fluid within flows out, and its course may in this way sometimes be controlled. In the summer of A. D. 1828, a mass of ice was discovered on Etna, beneath a bed of vol- canic ashes and lava, whose non-conducting property had preserved it for centuries from melting. 63. Earthquakes are movements, more or less violent, of the superficial crust of the earth, consisting usually of IGNEOUS AGENCIES. 65 rapidly succeeding undulations, oftentimes accompanied by sounds, and traceable in particular directions. Three dis- tinct kinds of motion are recognised. 1st, The perpendicu- lar , which acts from below upward, like the explosion of a mine. This was witnessed in the destruction of Biobamba, in A. D. 1797, when many of the bodies of the inhabit- ants were thrown upon a hill several hundred feet high. 2nd, The horizontal, which takes place in successive undu- lations, proceeding in a uniform direction. 3rd, The rota" tory or vorticose, which seems to be due to interferences of undulations, causing a whirling movement of the Earth, by which buildings are twisted round, and parallel rows of trees are displaced without being prostrated. The first movement is the most common and harmless, while the third occurs only in the most disastrous earthquakes. A hollow sound, like a mine-explosion, often accompanies an earthquake, which is sometimes heard as distinctly at a great distance from the scene as in its immediate neighbor- hood. The progression of earthquakes is most commonly in a linear direction, with a velocity of twenty or thirty miles in a minute ; but sometimes the concussion proceeds from the center of a circle or ellipse, decreasing in force P toward the circumference. Their duration is very brief; - thousands of lives are sacrificed, and cities and provinces are reduced to ruins in a few seconds. No country is , ' J x_ at w entirely exempt from their visitations, but particular re- ,. x . , . gions are subject to severe, continuous, and extensive con- cussions, as Central and South-eastern Asia, South America, >*j and Mexico. Slight shocks are so frequent that there i reason to presume that the surface is continually agitated V by concussions on some of its points. There are accounts of no less than three thousand four hundred and thirty-two fc 56 STRUCTURE OF THE EARTH. distinct earthquakes which have occurred in Europe since the commencement of the fourth century of the Christian era. 1 63. The most remarkable earthquake on record is that which destroyed the city of Lisbon, in A. D. 1755. It commenced with a sudden subterranean sound : this was immediately followed by violent shocks, which demolished the greater portion of the buildings, destroying the lives of sixty thousand persons. A large quay, to which hun- dreds of people had resorted for safety from the falling buildings, was instantaneously engulfed in an unfathomable chasm, from which nothing ever rose to the surface. Yessels were thrown violently aground; the bed of the river was raised to the surface, and immediately afterward the ocean came rolling in, fifty feet higher than usual. The walls of some houses were seen to open from top to bottom more than a quarter of a yard, and close again so accurately as to leave but slight trace of the injury. The movement of this earthquake was undulatory, progressing about twenty miles a minute, agitating a surface four times as large as Europe and nearly one-twelfth of the whole superficies of the globe. The water in the lakes of Scot- land rose and fell three feet. The earthquake was per- ceived at Fahlun in Sweden, Barbadoes, and on Lake Ontario. The sea rose on the West India islands, and a ship one hundred miles west of St. Vincent suffered so severe a shock that the seamen were thrown upon the deck. 64. The great earthquake of Calabria, Southern Italy, in A. D. 1783, was distinguished by the concentration of its violence, heaving the surface like the waves of the sea. Radiating from the town of Oppido as a center, its violence was manifested over an area of five hundred square miles. IGNEOUS AGENCIES. 57 About two hundred towns and villages were destroyed, and nearly one hundred thousand people perished. The move- ment was rotary, as shown by the twisting of the stones of Fig. 28. Obelisk of St. the obelisks of St. Bruno, which were turned from six to nine inches from their former position. A chasm, a mile long, one hundred and five feet broad, and thirty feet deep, was form- ed; and another, three-fourths of a mile long, one hundred and fifty feet broad, and one hundred feet deep, with numerous elevations and de- pressions : and many disputes arose respecting the ownership of lands which had shifted position. In the year 1819, a large tract of land at the mouth of the Indus, with villages, was submerged, and another tract, called the Ullah Bund, fifty miles long and sixteen broad, was elevated ten feet. 65. Violent and extensive earthquakes occur in the vicin- ity of the Andes, in South America. A terrible convulsion was experienced in 1822 on the coast of Chili, by which an area of one hundred thousand square miles was perma- nently elevated three feet. In 1812, LaGuayra and Caraccas, in South America, were destroyed by an earthquake of great violence. In December of the previous year, a scries of convulsions commenced along the valley of the Mississippi, from New Madrid to the mouths of the Ohio and St. Fran- cis rivers. The earth rose in great undulations. Lakes., twenty miles in extent, were suddenly formed, and others were drained. Extensive chasms opened in a direction North-east and South-west, and new islands were formed in 58 STRUCTURE OF THE EARTH. the river. These agitations of the Mississippi valley ceased, when the South American cities were destroyed. This coincidence, together with the direction of the chasms, indicates a subterranean communication between the localities, which are more than two thousand miles apart. The violent earthquake of G-uadaloupe, which oc- curred in A. D. 1842, extended in a direction North-west to South-east, from Charleston, South Carolina, to the mouth of the Amazon river, destroying several towns in the West India islands. 66. Hot-sprinys are common in the immediate vicinity of volcanoes. They are found upon the slopes of Etna and Vesuvius, but in great numbers, and with more im- posing features in that remarkable field of igneous agency, Iceland, where they are called Geysers raging fountains. Within a circuit of two miles more than one hundred of them may be found. They are situated in sight of Mount Hecla, in a plain at the foot of a hill of gray trachyte (an- cient lava.) The crater of the great Geyser is a flattened cone of silicious matter; the basin within is of an oval figure fifty-six feet by forty-six, terminating at the bottom in a perpendicular pipe, seventy-eight feet deep. Usually the basin is filled with clear water of the temperature of 180. At times a subterranean sound, resembling that made by a volcano during an eruption, is heard, and then a slight tremulous motion is perceived on the rim of the fountain ; the surface of the water in the basin becomes convex, and large bubbles of steam rise and burst, throw- ing up the boiling water several feet high : a heavier noise is heard below, and suddenly there shoots up a column of water to the height of one hundred feet, dis- IGNEOUS AGENCIES. 59 persing at the summit into dazzling white foam. After a brief period, a column of steam issues, with a loud, roaring noise ; this is followed by another column of water higher than the preceding ones, mingled with stones, accompanied by loud detonations. The phenomenon lasts a few min- utes, and then the basin resumes its tranquil state. These waters encrust the surrounding soil, and all substances upon which they fall, with silica. Fie. 29. Basin of the great Gteyser of Iceland Boiling springs are found also in the Azores, Java, and the volcanic regions of Central and South America. Thermal springs are not confined to the vicinity of active volcanoes, but are found in the Alps, and Pyrenees, in Virginia, Arkansas, and Oregon. In all cases, however, they arc situated near mountains or rocks which have been subjected to igneous agency. The temperature of the 60 STRUCTURE OF THE EARTH. water varies in different springs; that of the seventy springs in Arkansas ranges from 118 to 148. Thermal waters are charged with salts and gases ; hence they are mineral waters, as those of Bath in England, Wiesbaden in Germany, Saratoga, and the Sulphur Springs of Virginia. 67. Another apparent manifestation of igneous agen- cy is the gradual elevation or subsidence of portions of the earth's surface. An interesting example of this is presented by the remains of the temple of Jupiter Serapis, at Puz- zuoli, on the shore of the Bay of Baice, near Naples. The building was originally of a quadrangular form, twenty feet in diameter, the roof be- ing supported by twenty-four granite columns, and twenty- two of marble : three of them Fig. 30. Pillars at Serapis. are still standing. The tallest of them is forty-two feet in height; the surface is smooth and uninjured to an elevation of twelve feet, where com- mences a band of perforations made by the Lithodomus (lithos, stone, and clomos, a house,) a shell-fish inhabiting the Mediterranean sea. These per- forations, many of which still contain shells, cover a space of nine feet, and are so numerous and deep as to prove that the pillars were for a long time immersed in sea water ; the lower portions were protected by rubbish and puzzolana volcanic tufa; the upper portions projected above the water, beyond the reach of the lithodomi. The platform of the temple is now one foot below high-water mark, and the sea is one hundred and twenty feet distant. These columns IGNEOUS AGENCIES. 61 have been depressed and again elevated more than twenty feet, the relative level of the land and sea having changed at least twice since the Christian era, so gently that these columns have not been prostrated. Professor Bab- bage attributes their tranquil depression and elevation to the contraction and expansion of the rocks on which they stand, in consequence of variations of temperature. A small volcano solfatara and a hot spring exist in their vicinity. The columns are again gradually sub- siding. 68. The gradual change of relative level of sea and land, on an extensive scale, in regions remote from active volcanoes and violent earthquakes, is exemplified on the coasts of the Baltic sea and Northern 6cean. Beds of ma- rine shells and sunken rocks have been raised above the water-line, and the shells of species now living on the shore are found fifty miles inland and at an elevation, as ascertained by Bravais' measurements, of six hundred feet above the ocean. The northern portion of the coast rises most rapidly ; the average elevation is stated to be four feet in a century. Raised beaches found in England at a height of from twenty to two hundred feet above the existing sea-level, with shells and all the features of the beaches of the present sea-coast, show the same process on that island. Mr. Darwin has also shown that the southern part of South America, at least twelve hundred miles on the east coast, from Rio de la Plata to the straits of Ma- gellan, and a greater distance on the west coast, has been raised from one to four hundred feet. The north-eastern coast of the United States is supposed to be in the same process of gradual elevation. On the other hand, a large portion of the coast of Greenland has been for four centu- 6 62 STRUCTURE OF THE EARTH. ries gradually sinking. Ancient buildings on low islands and near the coasts, have been submerged. The depression of extensive areas in the Pacific and Indian oceans is proved by the existence of banks of dead coral several hundred feet deeper than the limit at which the animal can have lived. On the coasts of Europe and America are found submarine forests, consisting of trees and stumps, together with peat, in the position in which they originally grew, depressed several feet below the level of the sea. ORGANIC AGENCIES. 69. Although organic agencies are less influential in modifying the crust of the globe, than aqueous and igneous agencies, still vegetable and animal bodies not unfrequently make up a large portion of important and extensive rock formations ; and are regarded by the geologist with special interest because they furnish the clearest indications of the physical conditions of the globe at the time and place in which they lived. 70. Marine plants, which oftentimes cover the surface of the ocean so thickly that ships are impeded in their pro- gress by them, are very perishable, and contribute little to the formation of rocks. But the remains of terrestrial plants enter into the composition of soils, and form exten- sive deposits in the great swamps. Peat consists principally of the fibrous roots of mosses, especially of the Sphagnum, which continually throw up new shoots from the decaying extremities below. When dry it consists of from sixty to ninety-nine per cent, of carbonaceous matter, forming a valu- able fuel. Peat beds, of from four to twenty feet thickness, are common in Ireland and Scotland. The " moss" on the ORGANIC AGENCIES. 63 river Shannon extends over one hundred and fifty square miles } and one-tenth of the whole island, it is estimated, is covered with peat, called by the Irish, turf. It is constantly accumulating, with a rate of increase afiected by the amount of moisture and other circumstances; in Europe its increase is estimated at seven feet in thirty years. It is confined to the colder regions of the earth, since the heat of the torrid zone causes very rapid decomposition of organic matter. The process by which it is converted into coal has been, in some instances, observed. In some peat bogs large trees have been found erect ; its antiseptic power over vegetable and animal substances is remarkable, preserving them from decay even for centuries. Peat swamps sometimes burst their barriers and deluge the sur- rounding country with black mud. 71. The floods of large rivers carry down immense quantities of timber, which meeting obstructions accumulate in rafts, or pass on to the delta, or the ocean. On the Mis- sissippi and Red rivers, rafts have been formed several miles long, bearing soil and growing trees. The delta of the Mississippi contains many layers of wood undergoing the slow process of conversion into coal ; but much of the drift- wood passes out to sea, and is conveyed by marine currents to far distant coasts, or becoming water-logged, sinks to the bottom of the ocean. The Icelander is supplied with wood for fuel and building boats, by the ocean, which brings the drift-wood of the Mississippi and the rivers of Central America to the coasts of his island. The vegetable growth of arctic climates is stunted and slow, while that of the tropics is gigantic and rapid. 72. The most efficient organic agency in modifying the crust of the earth, is exerted by the most minute and insig- 64 STB.UCTURE OF THE EARTH. nificant members of the Animal Kingdom the coral Zoo- phytes and animalcules. 73. The animals which produce coral are very simple, resembling plants both in their figures and colors. Until the last century they were described as marine plants and flowers. They differ from plants in having distinct mouths and cavities to receive and digest food, and sensibility to pleasure and pain. They have no system of vessels for cir- culation, no glands, no distinction of sex, and no senses but those of touch and taste. Their texture is not that of jelly, but of flesh. They vary in size from a minute fraction hweu.rof an inch, to eighteen inches in diameter. They live t> enr /VK ^ > ^ther solitary, or in masses of hundreds of thousands. Individuals are called polyps; the whole animal structure, whether simple or compound, is termed a Zoophyte. Coral is not a collection of cells in which the polyps may conceal themselves, but an internal skeleton : nor do they exhibit any instinct or industry in forming it. It results from vital processes in their system, which they no more control, than do the more highly organized animals the for- mation of their bones. The species are perpetuated by eggs and buds. The mode of budding is very similar to the budding of plants. A bud swells and bursts on the side or extremity of the parent, acquires tentacles and visceral cavity, and produces other buds and eggs. Polyps may also be multiplied by artificial section, each part having the power of reconstructing a complete animal. Every Zoophyte, however large or numerous the colony, commenced as a single polyp ; successive budding may have produced myriads of polyps, which eat and digest separately, but all aid in the growth of the common mass. An injury to one of them is felt by the surrounding ones, but not al- ORGANIC AGENCIES. 65 ways through the whole mass. Some polyps may be turned inside outward with no apparent injury, and the head of one polyp may he engrafted on the hody of another. While the process of budding is advancing at the surface, death is occurring in the central and lower parts of the coral, which, when dead, serve only to support the external living part. 74. Numerous genera and species of these Zoophytes, have been described by Naturalists. A few of them will serve as illustrations of their general appearance. Fig. 31, presents three branches Fig. 31. of the Caryophyllia, the polyps of which are of a bright green color, and reside in the radiating cham- bers. Fig. 32. CaryophyUia. The Meandrina, or brain- stone coral, so called from its resemblance to the convulutions of the brain of animals, as seen in Figure 32, is of a brown color, F j 33 and attains the size of several feet in circumference. In Figure 33, the same coral appears divested of its fleshy covering, and exhibits the cells within which the polyps par- tially conceal themselves. The Astrea is a very common and widely diffused Species. It Meandrina without polyps. 6* 66 STRUCTURE OP THE EARTH. Fig. 34. derives its name from its radiated or star-like appear- ance. The polyp is repre- sented in Figure 34, with its tentacles extended. It moves these tentacula, or arms, which are arranged about its head, with great 1. Star Coral. 2. The polyp magnified. rapi( Jity i n taking its food. When the animal is removed, the F - 35 stellate appearance of the coral is more manifest, as seen in Figure 35. A still more common genus, seen in cabinets, and as mantel ornaments, is the Madrepore, Figure 36. It is branched and studded throughout with distinct cells. - The Flustra, Figure 37, is a deli- Astrea without polyp8 ' cate coral, often attached to sea weeds and shells thrown upon the shore. With a microscope, its po- lyps, if examined in the water, may be seen expanded, and retracted in their cells. 75. Most corals are white, even when the animals secreting them are highly colored. But the Co- " rallium Rubrum red or precious Madrepore. coral is of a brilliant red color, while the investing animal is blue. It is obtained from the Mediterranean and Red seas, and is extensively used for ornaments. This species is shown in Fig. 38. Fig. 36. ORGANIC AGENCIES. Fig. 37. 67 Red Coral. The Flustra. 1. Its cells. 2. The expanded polyp. 3. The polyp in its cell. An interesting variety of coral is the Tubipora, or organ-pipe coral, (Fig. 39,) composed of parallel tubes, with transverse Fig. 38. plates indicating successive gene- rations. It is found growing in the Indian ocean several feet in circumference, and its rich carmine red presents a bril- liant ground-work for its polyp of emerald green color. Fig. 39. Ehrenberg speaks in enthu- siastic terms of the exqui- site beauty of forms,. and gorgeous colorings of the corals of the Ked sea. " What paradise of flowers," says he " can rival in beau- ty these living wonders of the ocean." 76. It is in the extensive coral-reefs, that the Zoophytes evince the power of organic agency in modifying the sur- face of the earth. The great reef along the line of the Organ-pipe Coral. 68 STRUCTURE OF THE EARTH. northern coast of New Holland is more than one thousand miles long : a link of three hundred and fifty miles of it is 1 continuous, with no passage or opening through it. Dis- appointment Islands and Duff's Group are connected by coral reefs so continuous that the natives travel over them from one island to another. Reefs occur in the Pacific ocean from one thousand one hundred to one thousand two hundred miles long, and from three hundred to four hundred miles broad, and of a thickness from thirty to sixty feet, constituting an enormous mass of calcareous matter. These Zoophytes live only in warm seas and near the surface ; no indications of them are obtained from deep sea-soundings. Their growth is slow, but incessant, their numbers incal- culable : they are usually attached to the shores of rocky islands, or to the crests of submarine ridges, rarely at a depth exceeding sixty feet. 77. Coral reefs are classified as Fringing, Barrier, and Circular reefs : the latter are called, by the natives of the Pacific islands, atolls. Fringing reefs are belts of coral attached to 'the coasts of islands or continents. When the coast is precipitous, the belt is narrow; but when it is gently sloping, it is covered with coral until it reaches the depth of about sixty feet, where the animals cease to exist. 78. Barrier reefs are parallel to the coast, and sepa- rated from it by a deep channel. Figure 40 presents the barrier reef of Bolabola, in the Pacific ocean, encircling the* island, but separated from it. The reef is in this in- stance covered with trees. These reefs vary from three to forty miles in diameter. On the ocean side they termi- nate abruptly in deep water; but within, the slope is gradual. On the outside, the hardier species of Zoophytes ORGANIC AGENCIES. maintain a sturdy growth, resisting a heavy ocean surf, while the frailer varieties nourish in the placid waters within. Fig. 40. Barrier Reef of Bolabola. 79. The circular reefs, or atolls, are the most common forms of coral islands. The diameter of the circles vary from one mile to forty miles, and their breadth from a few yards to more than a mile. They are not always circular; Fig. 41. The Coral Isle. Whitsunday. one is thirty miles long by six broad. They enclose a space of quiet waters, called a lagoon, which communicates 70 STRUCTURE OF THE EARTH. with the ocean by one or more openings through the reef. The origin of these circular isles has been the subject of much discussion. They have been supposed to proceed from the growth of the coral upon the circular rims of volcanic craters beneath the surface of the ocean; and some of their phenomena favor such a view. But the subsidence of the islands, about which the corals accumulate as fringing reefs, furnishes a more satis- factory explanation of their origin. Figure 42 presents a section of the island and reef of Bolabola. When the level of the sea was at the lower line, a fringing reef at- tached itself to the island at A B and B A. As the island sunk in the ocean, the reef grew upward, and formed the barrier reef A' A', the upper line now constituting the ocean level. It is now a vertical section of the reef, island, Fig. 42. Section of a Coral Island. and intervening water of Figure 40. When the island has disappeared beneath the ocean level, we have the circular reef or atoll, enclosing a lagoon as in Whitsunday, Fig. 41. 80. But the movement of the islands is not exclusively that of subsidence ; many of them have emerged from the ocean, and are still rising. The evidence of this is found in ancient reefs occurring inland and at great elevations above the sea. Upon the summit of the highest mountain in Tahiti, an island composed almost entirely of volcanic rocks, there is a reef of ancient coral attached to the rocks. ORGANIC AGENCIES. 71 This could have grown only in the ocean, and has since been raised to its present position. In the Isle of France also occurs a bed of coral, at a distance from the ocean. A portion of. it is enclosed by two streams of lava, in which the characteristic effects of heat are exhibited in its parti crystalization conversion into compact limestone ormarbl 81. Coral reefs, having grown up to the surface of the sea, extend laterally, increasing their breadth . The con- stant action of the waves accumulates calcareous shells, sea weeds and drift, upon sheltered portions of the @ reef: in the soil thus formed, seeds, conveyed by ocean or by birds from islands or the continent, spring up, and the reef becomes a habitable island. The annexed figure presents a view of the peculiar fea- ^ tures of a Pacific island, with its fringing and barrier Fig. 43. A Pacific Ocean Island, with coral reefs. One of the most singular peculiarities of coral islands is the shore platform around them. It is a flat surface, often several hundred feet in width, but little above low tide level. Upon this lie huge masses of reef rock, worn into fantastic shapes. The platform is the result of the abrading action of the sea, and is not strictly confined to coral rocks, but occurs in sandstone shores similarly exposed, as exemplified in Figure 44.* * Dana's Geology of the United States Exploring Expedition. 72 STRUCTURE OF THE EARTH. Fig. 44. [r It 82; Shore Platform, "The Old Hat," Bay of Islands. The minutest forms of animal life, the microscopic animalcules, commonly called Infusoria, from their occur- ring in great quantities in water infused with vegetable matter, are also important geological agents. Some of them exhibit the simplest conceivable conditions in which animal life can exist ; but others show a complex organiza- tion, with muscular, nervous and vascular systems. Many of them are covered with shields of silica, or the oxide of iron, whose remains, after the death of the animals, consti- tute extensive deposits, although they are so minute that 40,000,000,000 of them occupy only one cubic inch. Ehrenberg has demonstrated the existence of monads, which do not exceed the twenty-four thousandth part of an inch in length, and so thickly crowded in the fluid as to leave intervals not greater than their own diameter. Hence he computes that each cubic line of the fluid con- 500,000,000 of these monads. A drop of water, dLMf WMHJ ; therefore, may include a number of these infusoria nearly quite equal to the present number of human beings on globe. They are found in the ocean as well as in fresh ^a, water. The beds of marl beneath peat swamps, and at bottom of ponds, are composed chiefly of their shells, and are often several feet in depth. The red scum seen ORGANIC AGENCIES. 73 floating on the surface of stagnant water consists fre- quently of the shields of oxide of iron belonging to these animals. Ehrenbcrg has obtained several pounds weight of the silicious shields of infusoria, which he reared. In case tripoli, or " rotten stone/' (which is a mass of fossil infusorial shells,) should become scarce, he proposes to supply the market from this source 83. The rapidity of their multiplication is most aston- ishing, one individual of the Hydatina senta having been known to increase in ten days to 1,000,000; in eleven days to 4,000,000; and in twelve days to 16,000,000. Of another species, Ehrenberg says, one individual is capable of becoming 170,000,000,000,000 in four days. This rapid multiplication is effected by eggs, buds, and spontaneous division into two or more parts, each one of which very soon becomes a perfect animalcule ; this also accounts for their wide diffusion, and sudden appearance in countless numbers. They are found in the waters, upon the land, and in the fluids of living, healthy plants and animals. Only those, however, which have hard shells, leave any trace of their existence after death. Ehrenberg has de- scribed about one thousand living species. Snow is sometimes found in New Shetland and on the Alps, of a red color, and occasionally green. This is due to an admixture of F j 45 an infinite number of microscopic plants of low organization many of them of the tribe Of Algae. They Infusoria in Snow. are of globular form, celluler structure, and from one one- thousandth to one three-thousandth of an inch in diameter. 7 74 STRUCTURE OF THE EARTH. Their liquid portions contain myriads of animalcules. Fig. 45 exhibits a magnified view of these singular beings. Their nature is adapted to a very low temperature, so that they can not bear a temperature above the freezing point of water, but when the snow melts they die. 84. Molluscous animals, by furnishing extensive accu- mulations of shells, essentially modify the structure of the surface of the earth. Shell-beds are found beneath the waters, and upon the shores of the ocean, lakes and ponds, producing beds of shell marl. Some shell-beds consist of fragments of numerous species mingled indiscriminately, broken and drifted by the waves and currents j while others are made up of a single species that lived in community, as the oyster, which in some places covers the bottom of the ocean, excluding all other genera, several miles in extent. Some species live only in the mud, while others seek sand for their habitations. Certain species live only attached to the shores, others in shallow water, and others still in water varying in depth from one hundred to one thousand feet. The number of families is much the greatest in shallow water, decreasing as we descend, and ceasing entirely in very deep water. Temperature, nature of the bottom, amount of light and food, determine the residence of each species. After the death of the animals, their shells, pro- tected from decay, constitute in some instances a large part of the mineral bed forming by deposits from the water in which they lived. 85. The remains of fishes, reptiles, quadrupeds, birds, insects, and of men also, are entombed in deposits now forming, but in much smaller quantities, than those of corals, infusoria and shell-fish. Extraordinary occurrences, as the engulfment of cities by earthquakes, the destruction ORGANIC AGENCIES. 75 of immense shoals of fishes by submarine volcanic agency, the overwhelming of herds of cattle by sudden inundations, and the drowning of clouds of locusts, produce accumula- tions of their remains, highly indicative of the state of the world at the time in which they lived, just as the fossils of the rocks, formed many ages since, are characteristic of the periods of their formation. But the bodies of most land animals, even the hardest portions of them their skeletons undergo decomposition upon dry land, and leave no trace of their forms. 86. The number of different kinds species of living plants and animals is very great. Eighty thousand species of plants have been described by botanists, and the entire number undoubtedly exceeds one hundred thousand. Pro- fessor Agassiz estimates the number of living species of animals at two hundred and fifty thousand j mammalia those which suckle their young, two thousand ; birds, six thousand ; reptiles, two thousand ; fishes, ten thousand ; mollusks shell-fishes, fifteen thousand ; insects and crusta- ceous animals, one hundred thousand ; and the star-fishes, coral polyps, &c., ten thousand. While individuals of each of the species are constantly dying, the species is per- petuated through centuries. Some species, however, have become extinct, within the observation of man. We have no proof of the introduction of a species since the creation of the human race. 87. The distribution of plants and animals upon the ' surface of the earth is very unequal, being influenced by the amount of heat, light, and moisture. Each geographical or climatal region has its own species ; which, in the case of plants, constitute its Flora, and of animals, its Fauna. There are three great climatal regions, the arctic, temperate 76 STRUCTURE OF THE EARTH. and tropical. The vegetation of the arctic region is confined to mosses, lichens, and a few trees of stunted growth. The Flora of the temperate region embraces the nutritious grains and fruits, with lofty trees of dense fibre, durable and strong the pine, oak, and cedar. The tropical region greatly excels the others, in the variety and luxuriance of its pro- ductions. The plants of different continents in the same latitude are quite unlike ; those of Africa, for example, bear- ing little resemblance to those of South America or New Holland on the same parallels of latitude, each having been created in its own station. '88. The Faunas also are capable of distribution into three principal divisions, in accordance with climate, viz., the arctic, the temperate, and the tropical faunas. The plants and animals found at high elevations on mountains within the torrid zone, resemble those of colder latitudes. The principal characteristic of the arctic fauna is its uniformity, embracing few species, but very great numbers of individuals in each species. The same animals are found in it on the three continents, America, Europe and Asia. Some large quadrupeds belong to this fauna, as the moose, the white bear, reindeer and musk-ox. Whales and seals abound in the polar seas, together with star-fishes, jelly- fishes and small crustaceous animals, upon which the whale principally subsists : but very few polyps, and none which secrete coral are found in these seas. Very few insects live in this zone, and no reptiles. The color of the animals of the arctic fauna is frequently white, as shown by the white bear, the white fox, and the ermine, and when of other hues is not brilliant. While the number of individuals of the temperate fauna is no greater than that of the arctic the number of species ORGANIC AGENCIES. 77 is much greater and more varied. Very numerous orders and genera of animals, with strong contrasts of form and color, are here presented. The members of this fauna on different continents are similar : some of the families, gen- era, and a few species are identical. The arctic and tem- perate fauna are not separated from each other by any very sensible limit, but gradually pass into each other ; a few species of animals range through the entire extent of both of them, as the musk-rat, the ermine and the European field-mouse. The predominant feature of the tropical fauna, is its great variety of animals with coverings of brilliant hues. Its members on different continents are quite unlike each other ; they are, however, more nearly allied to each other than to the members of the other faunas. 15. Besides faunas separated from each other by differ- ence of climate, we have them more or less distinctly lim- ited by geographical features. The interposition of moun- tain chains, deserts and seas separate faunas in the same latitude. The animals of the prairies of America, the steppes of Asia, and the deserts of Africa, are peculiar to those localities. The fauna of Oregon and California is said to be more unlike that of New England, than the Eu- ropean fauna is. Marine animals are distributed in the same way, into local faunas. The codfish does not wander far from the Newfoundland Banks. The fishes of the coast of South Carolina are different from those of the West In- dies. Faunas that differ much are frequently found near each other, while similar faunas are oftentimes widely sep- arated. The range of a species is not affected by its powers of locomotion. The reindeer is no more apt to transcend the limits assigned it, than is the oyster. The distribution 78 STRUCTURE OF THE EARTH. of animals is not the result of external influences, for were it so, we should always find in the same circumstances sim- ilar animals ; but it is a law of their being, established by their Creator, analogous to the instincts with which He has endowed them for self-preservation.* 90. Among the causes modifying the structure of the globe, must be recognized the agency of man. This agency is exerted in controlling to a certain extent the operation of other agencies, aqueous, igneous, and organic, and in contributing to the rocks now forming peculiar mementoes of his existence. Human agency is apparent in the level- ing of portions of the earth's surface j in the direction and restraint of water courses; in the destruction of certain species of plants and animals, and in the substitution of other species. By this means some genera of animals have become extinct, and others are very greatly reduced in numbers. Beasts of prey disappear before advancing civilization, and those animals which are sought for human purposes, without domestication, as the beaver, the seal and the whale, are subject to incessant invasion. Since the discovery of South Georgia, in 1771, one million two hun- dred thousand seals have been annually destroyed, for their skins ; the animal is becoming extinct in that locality. In place of the trees of the forest, man substitutes other plants, particularly the grasses, thus essentially interfering with the natural laws of distribution. 91. Human skeletons are found in rocks recently form- ed, as in the limestone of the shore of Gruadaloupe. Por- tions of these skeletons are now in the museums of London, Principles of Zoology, by Agassiz and Gould, chap. xiii. ORGANIC AGENCIES. 79 Paris, and Charleston. They were found, together with stone hatchets, arrows, and pieces of pottery, in a rock con- sisting of fragments of corals, shells and sand, cemented pretty firmly by the carbonate of lime held in solution in the water. The shells and corals belong to species that now reside in the sea in that vicinity. Figure 46 presents Fig. 40. Human Skeleton in the Limestone of Guadaloupe. a view of the- specimen in the British Museum. Other entire skeletons have been disinterred from the same rock ; some of them found in a sitting posture. The bones have not been petrified, but contain a portion of their gelatine and the whole of their phosphate of lime. Stone hatchets, and a piece of guaiacum wood having rudely sculptured on one side a mask and on the other a frog, have been found in the same bed. Human bodies clad in skins have also been found preserved in peat swamps in England, with coins, arms, and other implements, such as were used by the Britons at the time of the Roman invasion. Great numbers of human beings have been destroyed by sudden catastrophes, as earthquakes and inundations. Thousands 80 STRUCTURE OF THE EARTH. Fig. 47. were swallowed up by the great earthquake of Lisbon, ( 63,) and by that of 1780 in Jamaica, which sent a wave of the sea over the city of Savanna la Mar, sweeping off every in- habitant. In 1787, a hurricane drove the sea upon the coast of Coromandel, twenty miles inland, overwhelming ten thousand of the inhabitants with a deluge of mud. 92. Not only are the bodies of men thus preserved, but the products of their skill, as coins, earthenware and glass. Thousands of ships are annually wrecked upon the ocean, inland seas and lakes : such portions of their cargoes as are not rapidly corroded or decomposed by the water, are soon enveloped by the mud or sand of the bottom, and thus be- come a part of the rock forming there. In figure 47 we have a specimen of conglomerate of sand, glass beads, knives, &c. cemen- ted together by the oxide of iron which was dug up from the bed of the riv- er Dove, in Der- byshire, England. Two silver pen- nies of Edward I. are enclosed in the specimen, which are supposed to have been a portion of the treasures of the Earl of Lancaster, lost while crossing the river, more than five centuries ago.* * Mantell's "Wonders of Geology." ORGANIC AGENCIES. 81 i 93. An examination of the phenomena of Nature, with reference to the causes now modifying the structure of the globe, exhibits an incessant series of changes, slow and im- perceptible, or sudden and conspicuous, by which the fea- tures of the Earth are essentially altered. The atmospheric and aqueous agencies continually wear down the dry land, and if not counterbalanced by other forces, would ultimately reduce it to the level of the ocean ; while the organic and igneous agencies are accumulating and elevating mineral matter above the ocean's level. What is now dry land was, some thousand years since, the bottom of the ocean, and the present seas cover portions that were then dry land. The geological history of the world is discovered by the study of the deposits thus made, and thus elevated. Some degree of familiarity, therefore, with the operation of these natural causes on a large scale, is indispensable to the geo- logical student, to enable him to interpret the meaning of those past events, the results of which constitute the phe- nomena of geology. CHAPTER II. THE STRUCTURE AND POSITION OF ROCKS. 94. The term roc7c in Geology indicates any aggregation of minerals, hard or soft, compact or loose. The desert of Sahara is a sand rock ; so in like manner masses of clay and gravel are rocks. The structure and position of rocks de- pend upon their origin. The most obvious distinction of mineral masses is into stratified and unstratified rocks. Stratified rocks are such as occur in layers included be- tween nearly parallel planes ; varying in thickness, from a fraction of an inch to many feet. The whole mass of rock is sometimes called a stratum, and the parallel subdivisions of it are termed beds or layers ; the more minute subdi- visions are laminae, which are generally parallel to the planes of stratification. The term bed is also applied to a mass which is wedge-shaped, or lenticular, as a bed of gypsum, salt or coal. Such beds are said to be subordinate to the strata in which they occur. As strata originate from deposition in water, the strati- fied rocks are termed aqueous and sedimentary. When the deposit is made upon a level surface and in quiet water, parallel horizontal laminae are formed ; but materials depo- sited upon a steep shore, produce oblique lamination. When the depositing waters are agitated by waves, the laminae are STRUCTURE AND POSITION OF ROCKS. 83 waved, and exhibit what are called ripple marJes, as exem- plified in Fig. 48. Ripple marks in the New Red Sandstone. Such ripples may be seen in the sand and mud not only on the shores, but at the bottom of rivers, lakes and the ocean. Laminae sometimes occur highly curved, and twisted. They could not have been deposited in these shapes, but havo assumed them after deposition in consequence of the une- qual pressure they have sustained. 95. The stratified rocks consist of fragments of crystal- line minerals, which are made to cohere by pressure, or by some cement; hence they are called mechanical, to dis- 84 SEPTARIA. Curved Sandstone in Erie County, Ohio. tinguish them from those which exhibit a crystalline struc- ture, due to chemical agency. But the subordinate beds of rock-salt, gypsum, &c., are chemical precipitates from solu- tion, and some stratified rocks bear the characters of both agencies. Fig. 50. Septarium. STRUCTURE AND POSITION OF ROCKS. 85 96. A concretionary structure oftentimes pervades rocks. The forms of the concretions are various spheri- cal, ellipsoidal, lenticular, &c. Sometimes, by compressing each other, they become indented and assume various irregular shapes. They are frequently crystalline and con- centric, having a leaf, stick, fish, or other organic substance as a nucleus about which they have accumulated. Some of them have fissures within, dividing the mass into irregu- lar shapes, which sometimes resemble the markings of the turtle's shell; hence they are called turtle-stones. The name commonly applied to them is septaria y (from septum, a partition.) The crevices are often filled with calcareous spar crystallized limestone. From these is prepared an excellent hydraulic cement. Fig. 61. Septaria in the banks of the Huron river. The adjoining cut exhibits the septaria in the slaty banks of the Huron river. Many of them are worn out of the banks and precipitated into the river : some of them are several feet in diameter. Some of the claystones 8 86 CONCENTRIC STRUCTURE. found in England are so regular in figure and so smooth as to have given rise to the supposition that they were turned in a lathe, and to have been used for money. In this country, they are usually thought to be the work of water or of the Aborigines.* They are caused by molecular attraction, and occur mostly in clay rocks. Similar concre- tions of iron ore occur in regularly ellipsoidal figures in the sandstones associated with the coal, and are called kid- ney iron ore. Concretions are sometimes arranged in layers in a portion of the rock, while other portions are entirely free from them. They sometimes consist of alternating coats of calcareous spar and iron ore. 97. A concentric structure is of frequent occurrence in the shales and sandstones of New South Wales. Professor Dana gives a remarkable instance of it, illustrated by the accompanying figure. On either side of a vertical fissure Fig. 52. Concentric Sandstone in New South Wales. is a circular area of ten feet, in which the concentric coats of sandstone are from half an inch to two inches in thick- * Hitchcock's Geology. STRUCTURE AND POSITION OF ROCKS. 87 ness. This structure gradually loses the curvature and dis- appears. Globular concretions also occur here, resembling cannon balls dropped into mud, which are compact and hard, having some foreign bodies, as carbonized wood or pebbles, for their nuclei, though not always at the center of the concretions. In some places they are ten feet in diameter, covering the surface like artificial domes, and looking like a village of rounded huts.* 98. With reference to their mineral ingredients most stratified rocks are included in the three following divisions the sand group, the clay group, and the lime group. The members of these groups exhibit various degrees of fineness and compactness in their structure, and are designated are- naceous, argillaceous, and calcareous, as sand, clay, or lime is the characteristic ingredient. 99. Stratification is the most general condition of the rocks constituting the crust of the earth, covering nine tenths of its surface. Stratified rocks always overlie each other in a constant order of succession. A stratum, which in any one situation underlies another, will never, in any other situation, be found above it. Certain strata maybe in some places deficient, but all those which occur together are in- variably in the same relative positions. Thus if six strata be designated by the letters A, B, c, D, E, F, in the order in which they succeed each other, and B, D, be deficient in any locality, the order of the others will always be A, C, E, F. In some instances the strata have been displaced so as to bring them in an order of succession different from that in which they were deposited, as is shown in Fig. 53. where Dana's "Geology of the United States' Exploring Expedition." 88 FOLDED AXIS HORIZONTAL STRATA. Fig. 54. the strata have been Fig. 53. folded in such a way as to cause a repeti- tion of them in an inverse order. Here stratum 6 was the lowest, and the oth- i -j y / ///'//'/ /' ers rested upon it in fill ///// / / the ascending order Folded Axis. 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. The upper part of the curvature has been worn off, so that the strata appear at the surface a, a, in an unusual order of superposition. Such an instance is called a folded axis. 100. Strata are deposited horizon- tally in obedience to gravity and some of them retain the horizontal position, but most strata are inclined to the ho- rizon, having been elevated to various angles, by subterra- Horizontal strata. nean forces, since their deposition. In Fig. 55, we have four strata deposited horizontally. Figure 56 presents the same strata elevated by subterranean forces, with the upper- most ones rent. a i Al Fig. 55. subsequently at- mospheric and HT^"^ 5 ^' ~: /e -^^ aqueous agencies wear off the upper m STRUCTURE AND POSITION OF ROCKS. 89 Fig. 56. portion of the bent strata, which now appear inclined to the horizon as in Fig. 57. Fig. 57. The dip of a rock is the angle which the plane of the stratum makes with the plane of the horizon ; and is reckoned from Fig. 58. to 90. When the dip is 90 the strata are, of course, ver- tical. In the Isle of Wight is a series of strata eleven hundred feet thick in this position. The exam- ple in Fig. 58 strata in Wales, on which Powis Castle is built, is Vertical Strata. giv(m by Mr Murchison, in his el Silurian System." Vertical strata occur on a much larger scale in the cliffs of Savoy. Strata of calcareous shale in the Alps stand vertical for more than one thousand feet in depth and then curve round to their appropriate position. 101. The dip of the strata is determined accurately by means of an instrument called a clinometer \ but it may ordinarily be estimated with sufficient accuracy by the eye. As a general fact, the deepest strata are most highly in- clined. The direction in which the edge of an upturned stratum appears at the surface is called the strike or Lear- ing. If a ridge runs North and South, the dip of the beds is East and West, and their strike or bearing Nortji 8* 90 CURVED STRATA SYNCLINAL AXIS. Fig. 59. Curved Strata of the Iselten Alp. and South. A pocket compass will enable the observer to determine the strike. The line of dip is always at right angles to that of strike. Horizontal strata have neither dip uor bearing. If we place a book upon the table with the edges of the leaves downward, as in Figure 60, and Fig. GO. remove one cover a short dis- tance from the leaves, this cover may represent a dipping stratum, the dip becoming less and less as the cover is raised, until it be- comes horizontal parallel with the table when the dip ceases. The back of the book, a a, exemplifies the strike. The anticlinal line or axis is a line along the summit of a ridge or mountain range, from which the strata dip in op- posite directions. If both covers of the book be thrown partially open, the anticlinal axis will be represented by a line along the back of the book. The synclinal line or STRUCTURE AND POSITION OF ROCKS. 91 axis is the line in a valley toward which the strata dip. To represent this, turn the book over, placing the back upon the table, open it partially and the line between the pages will present the synclinal line. 102. The dip is usually easily discerned, but as the edges of highly inclined strata may give rise to horizontal lines on the face of a vertical cliff, as seen by an observer in the line of their strike, their dip would not be apparent. A break in the cliff, giving a section of the strata at right angles to their strike, would at once discover their dip. Thus the strata in the headland, Figure 61, would appear perfectly horizontal to an observer in the boat directly in front, while a person on the shore facing a section at right angles to the strike of the strata, would at once perceive that they dip 40. The abrupt termination of strata in a Fig. 61. Apparent horizontality of inclined Strata. headland is called an escarpment. When the strata dip in all directions from a point, as around a crater of a volcano, the line of strike is circular or elliptical, and the dip is said to be qua-qua-versal When the strata come out at the surface they are said to outcrop. 92 CONFORMABLE AND UNCONFORMABLE STRATA. 103. An assemblage of rocks formed under the same circumstances, consequently possessing some characteristics in common, is called a formation. It often embraces dif- ferent substances ] the Lias formation includes the Lias limestones, shales and marls, as does the Coal formation the rocks associated with the coal. The time during which such a group was formed is called a geological period. When successive strata or groups of strata are parallel to each other, they are said to be conformable; when not parallel, they are unconformable. In Figure 62, the strata abed are conformable, as are also efg h ; but the two groups or formations are unconformable. This indicates Fig. 62. Conformable and unconforninble Strata. that the group efgh had been formed and elevated before the other group was deposited upon them. As the stratifi- cation of different formations is usually unconformable, it is inferred that there have been several different periods during which the various formations were deposited and elevated. The elevation of the strata has not always been perfectly equa,ble ; hence fissures occur, on either side of which portions of the same stratum are found at different STRUCTURE AND POSITION OF ROCKS. 93 heights, as at /in Figure 62. These interruptions of the strata are particularly troublesome to miners working beds of coal or ore, and hence they have been called troubles, faults, or slips. The fissures are usually filled with sand, earth, and angular fragments of rocks. When the fissure extends to the surface and has considerable width, it is termed a gorge ; when it is still wider, it is called a valley. 104. The thickness of strata is determined by measure- ments applied to their edges. If they are vertical, a measure applied horizontally to the edges gives their thickness j but if they are inclined, it is ascertained by a simple trigonometrical process. Having measured the breadth of the upturned edge, and ascertained the dip, we have the hypothenuse and angles of a right-angled triangle, from which the perpendicular side the thickness, is easily obtained. The total thickness of the strata is various in different places. Dr. Buckland estimates the thickness of European strata at ten miles. The stratified rocks usually contain remains of pldn^ and animals, and are then called fossiliferous. 105. The unstratified rocks exhibit no arrangement in parallel layers, are of crystalline texture, and, having un- dergone the action of heat, are called igneous rocks. They occur in three different positions : beneath all the stratified rocks, granite being the deepest known rock; above the stratified rocks, constituting the summits of the loftiest mountains ; and thrust into the strata, as veins and dikes. The unstratified rocks are found principally in mountains, and are not widely diffused at the surface, of which they constitute not more than one-tenth, but beneath the thin crust of strata are supposed to form the great mass of the globe. They cause extensive changes in the characters 94 VEINS AND DIKES. and position of the strata with which they come in contact. The unstratified rocks are entirely devoid of the remains of animal and vegetable bodies. 106. Veins are usually masses of igneous rocks injected from below into fissures in both stratified and unstratified rocks; sub-dividing as they advance, and becoming mere Fig. 63. Vein threads, they disappear. They arc frequently chemically united to the sides of the fissures, but sometimes do not adhere to them. Their contents are sometimes influenced by the characters of the rocks through which they pass. Dikes are large veins of trap-rock, porphyry or lava, ex- tending in some instances seventy miles, with a thickness of several yards. Dikes arc nearly straight, while veins STRUCTURE AND POSITION OF ROCKS. 95 arc very tortuous. As dikes are very compact and hard, the strata through which they pass are often worn away, and they are left standing out like walls. Dikes and veins frequently intersect; in which case that which cuts through the other must be the last erupted, and hence several suc- cessive periods of eruption are proved in the granite, trap and other igneous rocks. Some veins are found entirely in- Fig. 64. Trap Dike. eluded in the rock, and are not traceable to any mass of similar composition but appear to have separated from the rock in which they lie. Theso are called veins of segrega- tion. Veins and dikes cross the strata at various angles, and are sometimes intruded between the strata, and spread out so 96 JOINTS IGNEOUS ROCKS. Fi 65 as to resemble true beds ; but they have no lamination. The contents of veins are exceedingly varied ; indeed it is presumed that they contain all elementary substances known to chemists. They are divided into two classes the metal- liferous and non-metalliferous. The contents of dikes are much more limited in kind and uniform in character. 107. A concretionary structure on a large scale is oc- casionally seen in igneous rocks, but a more interesting structure exhibited by them is that which produces regular columns, varying in size from an inch in diameter to seve- ral feet; in length, from one to three hundred feet; and in number of sides, from three to twelve. They are so accurately adjusted to each other that no space intervenes between them, and fre- quently consist of joints with alternate convex and concave surfaces : they are usual ly straigh t, but sometimes highly curved. 108. Mr. Lyell distinguishes the igneous rocks into two classes the volcanic, and the plutonic. The volcanic are those which have been produced at or near the surface of the earth, as are the lavas of volcanoes of the present period ; but similar rocks have been poured out upon the land or the bed of the ocean, and have been injected into fissures near the surface, at many different epochs. The plutonic rocks appear to have been formed under enormous pressure at great depths in the earth. They differ from Jointed Columns. MET^.MORPIIIC ROCKS JOINTS. 97 the volcanic in being more highly crystalline, and free from the pores, or cellular cavities which characterize the volcanic. The granites and porphyries "belong to this class. 109. There is another class of rocks, which partake of the characters of both aqueous and igneous rocks. These lie upon the plutonic rocks, are highly crystalline in struc- ture, are destitute of organic remains, and yet are divided into beds precisely like the sedimentary formations in form and arrangement. These strata appear to have been de- posited in water in the usual way, and then to have been subjected to such a degree of subterranean heat as to assume a new texture. In some instances a portion. of a stratum has exchanged its earthy for a crystalline texture through a distance of a quarter of a mile from its contact with granite, and has had all traces of its organic remains obliterated, while the remainder of the stratum retains all the characteristics of its sedimentary origin. Thus dark colored limestones filled with shells and corals have been converted into white statuary marble, and clays into slates, or schists. These altered rocks are called metamorphic. 110. All rocks, whether stratified or not, are divided into masses of determinate figures, by natural fissures tra- versing them in straight lines, and forming planes of vari- able width. These fissures are called joints. Their faces are usually smoother and more regular than the planes of stratification, to which they are vertical, thus dividing the rock into cubical or prismatic blocks. Some joints are more open, regular and continuous than others, passing through several alternations of strata, dividing them from top to bottom, sometimes completely arresting the cross joints. These are called master-joints. The constancy of 9 98 STRUCTURE AND POSITION OF. ROCKS. direction of these fissures is such as to indicate a general and long-continued agency pervading the whole strata. In Great Britain, two-thirds of them run north north-west to south south-east, and the remaining third at right angles to that direction, independently of the dip or strike of the strata. Their origin is attributed to contraction during the consolidation of the strata ; to expansion and contraction by alternations of Fig. 66. temperature; and to electricity. In some sandstones and beds of iron- stone, there are numerous and ir- regular fractures or seams dividing the surface into small polygonal areas with a con- centric structure, as exhibited in Figure 66. 111. Some slate rocks are capable of indefinite subdivi- sion in a direction not coinciding with the planes of stratifi- cation, nor with joints. This is termed cleavage. The direc- tion of the cleavage planes appears to be, generally, parallel to the anticlinal line of the region in which the rocks occur, and is altogether independent of the dip of the strata. The strata on the two sides of a. mountain chain may dip in opposite directions, while the cleavage planes are vertical between them, and parallel to the anticlinal axis, as is the case in the Alps. The phenomena of cleavage in rocks are ascribed to crystallization, or a re-arrangement of the par- CLASSIFICATION OF ROCKS. 09 tides of the strata, by which similar materials are collected in planes. CLASSIFICATION OF ROCKS. 112. While little difference of opinion exists among geologists with reference to the general arrangement of the rocks, several systems of classification have been proposed by them. These systems differ in the grouping of particu- lar strata and formations. Their diversity is a source of distraction to the student of geology, on account of the multiplicity and discordance of the terms, which they intro- duce. All geologists agree in the division of rocks into stratified and un stratified fossiliferous and non-fossilifer- ous and in the invariable order of succession of the strat- ified fossiliferous; but it is not practicable at present to determine, in geological formations, the relative places of classes, orders, genera and species, with that accuracy which characterises some other branches of natural science. 113. The fundamental idea involved in systems of classification is the relative age of rocks, and formations. This, in the case of stratified rocks, is determined by the position of the strata ; by the characters of the animal and vegetable bodies they contain ; and by their mineral con- stituents. 114. The order of superposition of strata is manifestly indicative of their relative age, since the lowest stratum, upon which the others lie, must have been first deposited, and the others in order upward. But a difficulty attends the investigation of this order of succession, on account of the absence of some of the strata at any one place of obser- vation. There is no place on the globe, where, if a section were made through the rocks, all the strata would be found, 100 STRUCTURE AND POSITION OF ROCKS. because the strata are not continuous round the earth, like the coats of an onion. Those parts of the globe that con- stituted the dry land while any deposit was forming in the seas, would receive no portion of the deposit, and as irregu- larities of distribution of land and water have always ex- isted, parts of the surface must have successively consti- tuted continents and islands. This difficulty in observation is obviated by the meeting and overlapping of the various formations. Thus, if six formations be represented by the first letters of the alphabet a, b, c, d, e, f } in their order, and at one place the formations b and e be missing, obser- vation at another place may give the formations a, b, c, d^f, thus supplying the first deficiency b; and further investi- gation at other points, present c, d, e, /, thus enabling us to determine the order of succession of the six formations. 115. Since each formation has fossils, remains of ani- mal and vegetable bodies, peculiar to itself, we are enabled by means of them to determine whether strata which are remote from each other geographically, as in America and Europe, were deposited at the same or different periods. A difficulty may seem to arise here, from what has been stated (87) respecting the different animals and plants which live at present in different localities, but the differences between the faunas and floras of different geological periods are much greater than those which exist between the ani- mals and plants of any one period. The difficulty, in the case of the older formations, is also much diminished by the great uniformity which characterised the faunas and floras of those periods ; they were less numerous and more widely extended than at the present period. The relative ages of the more recent formations may be determined to a certain degree, by observing the number of animals and AGES OF AQUEOUS AND IGNEOUS ROCKS. 101 plants contained in them which are identical with species living at the present time. This number continually dimin- ishes as we recede from the present geological period, until no trace of the species that live at the present day is found. When two geological formations contain many fossils in common, we infer that they were formed at about the same period. 116. Some minerals have been deposited, at certain periods more abundantly than at others; still, different minerals have been deposited at the same period, their dis- tribution depending upon local circumstances, as at the bottom of the present ocean, in some places limestones are forming, at others clay-beds, and at others sandstones. Identity of mineral constitution, therefore, does not prove strata contemporaneous, nor does the failure of that idenity necessarily indicate a different period of origin. When the fragments of rocks of one formation are included in those of another, we have evidence that the rocks to which these fragments belonged were formed, consolidated and fractured before the others were deposited. The conglomerates, or pudding-stones, are filled with worn, rounded fragments of other rocks; indeed all the sedimentary rocks "consist of fragments, fine or coarse, of rocks older than themselves. 117. As the unstratified or igneous rocks occur in no regular order of .succession, their age is not always easily determined. Their relations, however, to the stratified rocks furnish some intimations of their relative ages. When an igneous rock has passed through a stratum, causing disloca- tion or changes of structure, it is manifestly more recent than the stratum. A volcanic rock, as lava, may flow over strata producing its characteristic effects upon them, and subsequently other strata may be deposited upon it, accom- 9, 102 STRUCTURE AND POSITION OF ROCKS. modating themselves to its form, but experiencing no heat- ing effects from it ; we can, in such case, identify the pe- riod of its eruption, as the one which elapsed between the deposition of the two beds. 118. In A. D. 1680, Leibnitz divided all rocks into two classes stratified and unstratified in accordance with their origin. Subsequently Lehmann, a G-erman mineralo- gist, classified the stratified rocks, as 1. Primitive those which contain no animal or vegetable bodies; 2. Second- ary those which 'contained plants and animals; and 3. Local those which occurred in limited localities. Werner Fig. 67. x ^H^^^ftiC!^ e Section of tho Globe. CLASSIFICATION OF ROCKS. 103 made four classes : the primitive, transition, fla&tz (flat- lying,) and alluvial. He proved that the stratified rocks over- lie each other in a constant order of succession. He applied the term transition to the lower rocks which contain organic remains, indicating that the world was, during their depo- sition, passing from an uninhabited to an inhabited state ; his flcctz rocks coincided generally with the secondary of other writers, and in the alluvial he included the most re- cent deposits. In the early part of this century, Cuvier and Brogniart proposed a new class called tertiary, and still more recently a fourth class called the quaternary, has been formed to embrace the diluvial or drift and alluvial deposits. 119. A section of the globe coinciding with the fortieth parallel of north latitude, shown in Fig. 67, exhibits the positions of the great mountain chains, with the stratified rocks sloping from and extended between them. The pri- mary, transition, and secondary classes of rocks only are indicated, and the proportions of the globe and its " crust" are necessarily sacrificed; for those proportions refer to 8. 120. A classification extensively used at the present day embraces all the stratified rocks in five classes. I. In an ascending order, the first class is the primary, whose strata rest upon the unstratified, igneous rocks, are more or less crystalline in structure, and destitute of organic remains. This class includes the metamorphic rocks, de- scribed in 108. Mr. Lyell designates these rocks, hypo- gene, nether-formed, because they have taken their present form at great depths. II. The second class, the transition or palaeozoic, are characterized by the remains of the earliest plants and ani- mals. This class embraces the great coal formation. III. The third class, the secondary, commences with 104 STRUCTURE AND POSITION OF ROCKS. the new red sandstone above the coal, and extends to the top of the chalk. IV. The rocks of the fourth class, the tertiary, are not generally so compact, nor so highly inclined, as the mem- bers of the first three classes. They contain the remains of many plants and animals, identical with living species. V. The fifth class, the quaternary, includes the super- ficial deposits, the transported sand, gravel, clay, &c. of the drift, and alluvial, together with the local deposits of peat, marl, bog-ores, and soil formed by the disintegration of rocks in place, including the remains of animals identical with the present species, and some recently extinct, 121. The following tabular arrangement exhibits the five classes, together with their groups or systems of forma- tions. Q DA ,, {Aji Z; .;^.-f;;;;; H '; f Pleistocene. TERTIARY, J P le . iocene - I Meiocene. SECONDARY, Eocene. Chalk. Green Sand. Wealden. Lias. Triassic system. TRANSITION f ^^ntferous system. or -j Old Red Sandstone or Devonian. P A _, [ gg**r {Clay slate " Mica slate " Gneiss " UNSTRATIFIED ROCKS Granite. 122. The unstratified rocks do not admit of a system- atic classification in accordance with a strict order of sue- CLASSIFICATION OF ROCKS. 105 cession, but may be conveniently arranged in groups, de- pending upon the nature and mode of aggregation of their constituent minerals. Each of these groups is also associ- ated with particular systems of the stratified rocks. I. The granite group, comprising granite, syenite, ser- pentine, porphyry ; of dense crystalline structure, and asso- ciated with the primary class, and the Cambrian and Silu- rian members of the transition class, of strata. II. The trap group embraces basalt, green-stone, tra- chyte, amygdaloid ; of a compact and less crystalline struc- ture, and occurs in the upper transition or palosozoic, and secondary, strata. III. The volcanic group, less compact, vesicular, and associated with the tertiary, and quaternary deposits. CHAPTER III, i PALEONTOLOGY. 123. MOST of the stratified rocks contain the remains of animal and vegetable bodies, which have been imbedded in them by natural causes. That branch of geology which classifies and describes these relics, is called palaeontology ; (palaios, ancient; ontos, being; logos, a discourse.) The bodies are called fossils, or organic remains. The disco- very that particular fossils characterize certain deposits has greatly contributed to the rapid advancement of the science of geology. t( Hence organic remains acquire a high degree of importance, not only from the intrinsic interest which they possess as objects of natural history, but also for the light they shed on the physical condition of our planet in the most remote ages ; and for the invaluable data they afford as chronometers of the successive revolutions which the surface of the earth has undergone. They have been eloquently and appropriately termed the medals of creation ; for as an accomplished numismatist, even when the inscrip- tion of an ancient and unknown coin is illegible, can from the half-obliterated characters, and from the style of art, determine with precision the people by whom, and the pe- riod when it was struck ; in like manner the geologist can decipher these natural memorials, interpret the hierogly- phics with which they are inscribed, and from apparently the FOSSILS THEIR PRESERVATION. 107 most insignificant relics, trace the history of beings of whom no other records are extant, and restore anew those forms of organization which lived and died, and whose races were swept from the face of the earth, ere man, and the creatures which are his contemporaries, became its denizens."* 124. Fossils differ greatly in the degrees of preservation they exhibit. In a few rare instances animals have been preserved entire, with their flesh and skin. In 1774, the carcass of a rhinoceros was taken from the frozen sand of Siberia, with more hair on the skin than the rhinoceros of the present day has. At the commencement of the present century, the entire carcass of a mammoth was obtained Fig. 68. Siberian Mammoth found in frozen grayel. from an ice-cliff in Siberia, twelve feet high, sixteen feet long, and with tusks nine feet in extent. The flesh was so well preserved that the wolves, bears, and hunters' dogs fed upon it. The skin was covered with a mixture of black bristles, fifteen inches long, and wool of a brown color. * Mantell's Medals of Creation. 108 PALEONTOLOGY. More than thirty pounds of the hair was collected. The brain and the capsule of the eye were in a good state of preservation. The skeleton, Fig. 68, together with a large quantity of the hair, is in the Museum of Natural History at St. Petersburgh. These animals are assigned to the pleistocene period, when they appear to have been numer- ous in that locality. Dr. Mantell states that thousands of fossil ivory tusks are annually collected there, forming a lu- crative article of commerce, and that the remains of a greater number of elephants have been discovered in Siberia, than are supposed to exist at the present time all over the world.* Insects occur perfectly preserved, sealed up in amber, a fos- sil resin. Parts of the stomach and skin of large reptiles have in a few instances been found in older rocks, preserved by the antiseptic property of certain salts in the rocks. The " eatable earths" which the inhabitants of some coun- tries have eaten mixed with saw-dust, consist of fossil infu- soria. Usually, the harder parts of animals, the bones, shells, and crustaceous shields only, have been preserved. 125. In some cases no part of the animal or plant is preserved, but the space which the body occupied having been emptied by its decay is filled with mineral matter in- filtered, and thus presents a perfect cast ; or if mineral mat- ter has not been infiltered we have only the mould. In a few instances impressions of only a part of the body, as foot-prints, are found. The tracks of birds occur in the New Red Sandstone above the coal, Fig. 69, though their skeletons have not been found below the chalk. Similar traces of other animals are met with in the same sandstone. 126. Petrifaction consists in the substitution of mineral * Wonders of Geology, sec. II. 17. PETRIFACTION FOOT-PRINTS. 109 for organic matter. In some instances the animal or veget- able substance is almost entirely removed, while the organic structure is retained, so that thin sections examined with the microscope, show the forms of all the fibres and vessels Fig. 69. Bird-tracks in New Red Sandstone. in their proper places. Limestone fossils placed in acids, have had all the petrifying material dissolved, and yet ex- hibited the animal tissues in a perfect form. The process of petrifaction has been imitated artificially; bones, leaves, &o. 10 110 PALAEONTOLOGY. Fig. 70. Tracks of the Cheirotherium. have been buried in mud and sand, and after the lapse of a few years have been found petrified. The process is influenced by the presence of salts, as the sulphate of iron, in the mud, and is accelerated by heat and pressure. All fossils, however, are not petrified ; nor does the age of the rock containing the fossil necessarily determine the amount of petrifaction : bones have been obtained from the Wealden, that were light and porous, while some from the most recent tertiary rocks were completely petrified. 127. Plants are sometimes petrified, but have more fre- quently sustained chemical changes, by which their own elements have been transposed and their vegetable structure destroyed; subjected to moisture and pressure, secluded from the air they ferment, evolve heat, and are converted into bitumen. This change is partially illustrated by a mass of half-dried hay, which ferments, becomes of a black color, and sometimes generates sufficient heat to take fire. Bitumen is a black combustible substance, and liquid as petroleum, naptha ; viscid as asphaltum, mineral pitch ; or solid as jet, cannel and bituminous coals. In like manner animal muscle, buried in wet earth from which the air is excluded, is converted into a fatty wax called adipocere, (adeps, fat, andcera, wax,) retaining no trace of the original muscular fibre. In some of the fishes of the Old Red Sand- stone, their muscles, blood, &c., have been converted into a dark-colored bitumen, which in some places pervades the rock to such a degree as to cau^ it to be mistaken for coal. METALIZATION PETRIFIERS. Ill It resembles black wax, or when fluid, the coal tar of the gas works. This animal bitumen is eminently antisep- tic, preserving in all their elasticity the bones, fins, and scales enveloped in it, better than the oils and gums applied to the old Egyptian mummies.* 128. The petrifaction of animal and vegetable bodies is frequently accomplished by means of the metals. The me- tallic salts, the sulphate of iron for example, dissolved in the waters of the earth, are decomposed; their oxygen uniting with some of the elements of the organic bodies, the metals are precipitated as sulphurets. Hence fishes are fre- quently found incrusted with iron-pyrites (sulphuret of iron) while their internal parts are converted into stone or bitumen ; not unfrequently, however, their whole substance is changed into metal, all the traces of organic structure obliterated, and their form only preserved. , 129. The most common petrifiers, are carbonate of lime, oxide carbonate or sulphate of iron, and silica. A fossil petrified in limestone, however, will not necessarily be cal- careous. Many of the fossils of the chalk are flints, and those of clay-slates, calcareous. The cavities, as the interior of shells and hollow-bones, are often filled with crystals of limestone, or of silica, which, dissolved in water, was in fil- tered into these closed cavities through the pores of the shell or bone. 130. The means requisite for determining the characters of fossils, are furnished by such a degree of knowledge of botany, zoology, and comparative anatomy, as is adequate to the determination of living species. The same modes of investigation apply to both fossil and living species ; they * Miller's Foot-prints of the Creator. ^^^ f UN \ formerly sup- posed to consti- tute a separate genus of plants, are now shown to be the roots of the Sigilla- ria; a specimen of the Sigilla- ria has been found in Eng- land in an up- right position, Fig. 114, With Sigillaria and Stigmaria. its roots still attached and extending in their natural direc- tions. These stigmariae are usually found upon the clay beneath the coal beds. 216. The fossil trunks of trees are found in many in- stances, erect or inclined in the coal-bearing strata. The mine of St. Etienne, in France, exhibits numerous vertical stems traversing all its strata appearing like a forest of plants petrified where they grew. In the Craigleith quarry near Edinburgh, a coniferous tree fifty-nine feet long was found lying at an angle of forty degrees, and traversing ten or twelve sandstone strata. This would seem to have THE CARBONIFEROUS SYSTEM. 171 been due to sudden subsidence or inundation, by which the sand and mud were brought over the trees ; or in the cases of inclined stems, the greater weight of the roots may have brought them in that position into the sedi- ment of the water in which they floated, as the snags of the Mis- sissippi are known to work their way many feet into the bed of the river. 217. The origin of the sue- cession of coal-beds with their intervening strata, is not yet satisfactorily ascertained. Some geologists suppose that dense forests and peat-bogs subsiding beneath the water, were cov- ered with the mud and sand, which constitute the shale and sandstone strata over the coal ; the land rising again and ac- cumulating vegetable growth, was again submerged a sub- mergence and elevation occurring for each bed of coal. The number of alternations thus required renders this mode very improbable. Another mode of accounting for the phenom- ena attributes the coal strata to successive deposits of sand, mud, and vegetables made by rivers in lakes or estuaries, in accordance with the specific gravity of the materials. This mode of action is supposed to be illustrated on a small scale in the deltas of our large rivers, as the Mississippi and Ganges, where immense rafts of vegetable matter are inves- ted by the silt of the rivers, especially during inundations. The perfect state of preservation of many very frail plants of Araucaria- 172 TRANSITION OR PALAEOZOIC ROCKS. Fig. 116. Coal Flora. the coal strata however, seems hardly consistent with such violent action. 218. The igneous rocks invading the carboniferous strata are trap rock and metaliferous veins. The trap is usually dark colored, presenting itself in dikes, and flattened masses resembling strata, appearing to have been erupted at the bottom of p.- an ocean. The variety of trap called toadstone, is abundant in the carboniferous limestone with an aggregate thick- ness in some pla- ces of one hun- dred and eighty feet. The dislocations of the coal strata THE PERMIAN SYSTEM. 173 by trap dikes are illustrated by Fig. 117, in which the two parts a and c of a coal bed are rent asunder by the dike 6, and the strata on the side a cast up two hundred and sev- enty feet. The texture of the rocks adjacent to the dike has also been changed by its heat. The coal-beds of Bel- gium have been thrown into a zigzag form over an exten- sive district, giving rise to an apparent multiplication of the beds; these "troubles/' however, sometimes render the coal more accessible. The carboniferous limestone of this system, is designated metaliferous : it is the great repository of lead ore galena, or sulphuret of lead ; iron also abounds in the system. The rocks of this series often contain petroleum, or min- eral pitch, which consists of bituminous matter driven out from the coal by subterranean heat; springs or wells of it exist in many localities. THE PERMIAN SYSTEM. 219. The name Permian System has been applied by Mr. Murchison to a fossiliferous series of rocks, which are most perfectly exhibited in Permia extending over a district of 700 miles in length by 400 in breadth, in Kussia between the Ural mountains and the River Volga. They occupy an intermediate geological position between the Carbonif- erous and Triassic systems ; and consist of magnesian lime- stones, marls, red and green sandstones, with beds of gypsum and rock salt. Their fossil contents animal and vegetable resemble those of the carboniferous period. The subdivi- sions of the system in England are : PERMIAN SYSTEM NINE HUNDRED FEET THICK. {Gray thin-bedded limestone, Red Marl and Gypsum, Magnesian limestone and Magnesian con- glomerate. 15* 174 TRANSITION OR PALAEOZOIC ROCKS. , TVT T, c< ( Marly beds, with thin bands of LOWER NEW ED SANDSTONE S JJ^Jg ^ ^^ ^^^ ( Lower new red sandstone. These rocks are developed in France, and more distinct- ly in Germany, where they have been thoroughly investi- gated, and classified. The upper or Magnesian member of the series the Germans designate Zech-stein mine stone from its containing copper ore ; and the lower sandstone, they call rothe-todte-liegende red-dead-lier, because it is of a red color, is dead, producing no metal, and underlies the metaliferous deposit. 220. The lower new red sandstone is closely allied to the upper coal measures, containing some of the same species of extinct vegetables. In mineral composition it differs in being more highly charged with the oxide of iron. The re- mains of fishes are found in it, and in some of the marly beds in such quantities as to render them bituminous and fetid. The characteristic member of this system is the magnesian limestone, which consists of the carbonate of lime and the carbonate of magnesia in different proportions ; the rock is also called dolomite. It occurs usually laminated, but presents some remarkable instances of concretionary structure, sometimes in great masses, which resemble piles of cannon balls. The dolomite is comparatively des- titute of fossils, while other limestones of the system abound with them. This is the only instance in which an extensive limestone deposit has been so largely charged with magnesia, nor is its origin in this case easily account- ed for ; some geologists infer from the structure of the rock and other phenomena, that the magnesia, was infused, ID the state of liquid or vapor, into the limestone after its de position. [THE PERMIAN SYSTEM. 175 The prevailing size of the species of fishes found in this formation indicates a diminution from that of earlier pe- riods ; but the most remarkable palaeontological feature of this epoch is the appearance of reptiles, five species of which have been recognized. CHAPTER VII, ROCKS OF THE SECONDARY PERIOD. 221. AT the close of the palaeozoic epoch, a new era oc- curs in the history of 'the globe, marked by violent disloca- tions of the strata then deposited, depression of extensive portions of the earth's surface beneath the level of the sea, obliteration of races of plants and animals, and the substi- tution of others in their places. The class of formations which succeeded the secondary is well developed in England and on the Continent of Europe in five distinct systems, but is only partially represented in America, Asia, and Australia, as far as is yet ascertained. THE TRIASSIC SYSTEM. 222. This system is denominated the Upper New Red Sandstone in England, but is called the Trias on the Con- tinent of Europe, from its appearing in three distinct and well marked formations. They have been investigated principally in Germany and France. The following are the subdivisions in Germany, England and France. TRIAS. K.VGLAND. GERMANS'. FRANCE. Marnesiriaee, Deficient. Muschelkalk. Muschelkalk. BunterSandstoin. G, THE TRIASSIC SYSTEM. 177 The Bunter (variegated) Sandstein is a fine-grained sandstone, usually of a red color, but sometimes blue, green, or white, and contains some fossil plants and marine shells. The Muschelkalk (mussel-chalk) is a gray or greenish compact limestone, containing the remains of fishes, radia- ted animals, and shells in great abundance : some parts of it are highly charged with animal bitumen. The Keuper consists of fine-grained sandstones, and marls of various colors, gray, red, blue, and green, with abundance of rock-salt and gypsum, and few animal re- mains. 223. The fossil plants of this period were ferns in which even the fructification has been preserved equisefa, coniferse, and cycadex. Fossil fishes found in the rocks below the trias, are fur- nished, with heterocercal tails; in the triassic period those with homocercal tails were introduced and have continued to predominate to the present day. The Lily-Encrinite Fig. 118. occurs in the muschelkalk in a beautiful state of preservation. It belongs to the family of Crinoi'dea, which are found in great numbers in the rocks from the Si- lurian system upward. These animals had long jointed stems, attached at their bases to the rocks, supporting a cup- shaped cavity, formed by calcareous plates closely fitting each other. This cup contained the viscera of the animal ; from its margin rose several arms, sub- dividing into branches furnished on the inside with numerous cirri or feelers. Lay Encrinite. This skeleton was covered by soft parts ; 178 ROOKS OP THE SECONDARY PERIOD. the mouth was situated over the center of the cup. The number of bones belonging to a single individual amounted to one hundred and fifty thousand. These are found some- times attached, forming a perfect skeleton, but more fre- quently separate j portions of the stems are called entro- . - 1 Q chites, screw-stones, pulley-stones, and in the north of England, fairy stones and St. Cuthbert's beads. The stem of the Encri- nite is circular, while that of the Pentacrinite is pentagonal. The Gyathocrinite (cup-like En- crinite) was a genus of remarka- bly light and elegant appearance found principally in the Silu- rian, Devonian and Carbonifer- ous limestones. The Pentacri- nite is exhibited in Figure 106, Cyathocrinite. 209. 224. Reptiles are found in such numbers in the secon- dary rocks, that the period of their deposition has been called the age of reptiles, ( 152, II.) More than thirty new genera have been added to the class by the study of the fossil forms. Reptiles were formerly described under two orders, distinguished by the presence or ab- sence of external feet. The variety and peculiarities of the fossil species render a new arrangement of the mem- bers of the class indispensable. The classification pro- posed by Professor Owen is admirably adapted to its pur- pose, including in natural groups all known species, fossil and recent. Fig. 120. 180 ROCKS OF THE SECONDARY PERIOD. 6. Chelonia 7. Ophidia 8. Batrachia (Serpents.) (Frogs, &c.) CLASS III, REPTILIA. Found fossil in. OEDKR 1. Dinosauria (Land Saurians.) Oolite, Wealden. " 2. Enaliosauria (Marine Saurians.) Muschelkalk, Lias, Oo- lite, Wealden, Chalk. " 3. Crocodilia (Crocodiles, &c.) Lias, Oolite, Wealden, Chalk, Tertiary. " 4. Lacertilia (Lizards.) Magnesian Limestone, New Red Sandstone, Chalk. " 6. Pterosauria (Flying Saurians.) Lias, Oolite, Wealden. (Tortoises, &c.) Oolite, New Red Sand- stone, Wealden, Ter- tiary, Chalk. Tertiary. New Red Sandstone, Tertiary. The reptiles of the Triassic period were of the second order, Marine Saurians ; of the fourth order, Lizards the RliyncJw&aurus, so called from its head resembling the beak of a bird, and the Dicynodon, having only two teeth, which were canine; and of the eighth order, Frogs. 225. Peculiar markings, bearing striking re- semblance in form and relative positions to tracks made by animals in walking, have long since been } observed in the rocks of this period. In 1834, an account was published of some of these observed in the Bunter Sandstein, in Saxony. They re- sembled the imprint made by a human hand upon any plastic substance, as represented in the ad- joining figure. It was proposed to call the animal, that made the track, G heirotherium (Cheir, the hand; therion, beast.) No bones were then identified as belonging to this animal, its existence being inferred from its tracks alone. The dimensions of the tracks are THE TRIASSIC SYSTEM. 181 various, and those made by the hind feet are always much larger than those of the fore feet ; in some instances twice as large. The posterior extremities of the animal appear to hav 7 e been larger and longer than the anterior. Some fragments of skeletons have since been found in the rock with the tracks, which enable Professor Owen to establish a genus of the Batrachian order of reptiles, including several species frequenting the sea shore at the time of deposition of the New Red Sandstone. The jaws were furnished with at least a hundred teeth on each side, di- minishing in size from the middle to the extremities ; in this respect resembling those of the crocodile. An outline of the animal, as restored by Professor Owen, is presented in Figure 121. As a section of a tooth exhibits, by the Fig. 121. Labyrinthodon Pachygnathus. aid of a microscope, labyrinthine convolutions, the animal is called the Labyrinthodon. The tracks of tortoises and crustaceous animals have also been observed in these rocks, and traced in some instances twenty and thirty feet. These fossil foot-prints are called ichnolites (ichne, track ; lithos, stone.) 226. Numerous remarkable tridactyle impressions have been discovered in the sandstone of the Connecticut Val- ley in Massachusetts, which are universally supposed to be 16 182 ROCKS OF THE SECONDARY PERIOD. the tracks of biped animals imprinted on the rocks when they were in a soft, forming state. Some specimens ex- hibit very clearly the character of the foot, its rows of joints, claws and integuments. The best impressions are in fine shale, which is incrusted with micaceous sandstone ; the surfaces of the split strata are counterparts of each other; the shales exhibiting the tracks as moulds, and the sandstone as casts in relief. The animals which made these tracks are supposed to have been birds, though none of their bones have yet been found in these strata. Presi- dent Hitchcock distinguishes more than thirty species by differences in the tracks. They are of various sizes; some as small as our sparrows, while some made a track fifteen- inches long, exceeding by five inches the track of the African ostrich. The length of the stride of these largest species was from four to six feet. The doubts formerly entertained respecting these Ornithicnites have been dissipated by the discovery, in the alluvial deposits of New Zealand, of the skeletons of wingless birds as large as those to which the tracks in the New Red Sand- stone are assigned, (301.) These bird tracks have been presented in Figure 69, 126. 227. The rocks of this period seem to have been espe- cially fitted to perpetuate impressions : the ripple marks on them are very distinct ; but, what is more remarkable, their surfaces often present a pitted appearance, dotted with little hemispherical eminences or depressions which are attributed to rain-drops. These are sometimes elongated, as if the drops were driven by the wind in an oblique direction. President Hitchcock remarks, "It is a most interesting thought, that while millions of men, who have striven hard to transmit some trace of their existence to THE TRIASSIC SYSTEM. future generations, -Fig. 122. have sunk into utter oblivion, the simple footsteps of animals that existed thou- sands, nay, tens of thousands of years ago, should remain as fresh and dis- tinct as if yester- day impressed: even though nearly eve- ry other vestige of their existence has vanished : nay, still more strange is it that even the pat- tering of a shower * Footprint and impressions of Bain-drops. at that distant period, should have left marks equally distinct, and registered with infallible certainty, the dirac- tion of the wind ! " 228. The origin of rock salt in masses, is usually ascribed to the evaporation of the water in brine springs, or portions of the sea isolated and exposed to a high tem- perature. The salt is in such circumstances precipitated, and accumulates, as is seen in the Great Salt Lake, the Dead and Caspian seas, and the lakes of northern Africa and Arabia. Some phenomena of salt beds, however, indicate a connection with volcanic agency. Salt is not confined to the saliferous deposits of the New Red Sand- stone, but is found in the carboniferous, oolitic, and tertiary rocks. 184 BOOKS OF THE SECONDARY PERIOD. THE LIASSIC SYSTEM. 229. The Lias consists of strata mostly argillaceous; but having a large quantity of calcareous matter also, it embraces many bands of argillaceous limestones. Some beds of marly sandstones alternate with the clays and lime- stones. The term lias is probably a corruption of layersj alluding to the riband-like appearance which a section of the rocks of the system presents. This system of rocks is developed in England, and on the continent of Europe, in France, Switzerland, and Germany ; it is supposed to exist also in Asia and South America, but it is doubtful whether there are any of its deposits in North America. Its subdi- visions are : Upper LiaS or Alum Shale soft shales ex- tremely fossiliferous, jet and bituminized wood, hard shales. MarlStOfle colored calcareous clays and sands, impure limestone. LOWCF LiaS Shale calcareous flagstones, lamin- 600 feet thick. ated dark-colored shales. Lower LiaS a thin bed, of argillaceous lime- stone, containing numerous fossil fishes ; sometimes passing into sandstone. 230. The Lias formation is surpassingly rich in fossils, embracing representatives of all the great natural families. The Corals are few. and small, but the Crinoidea were ex- ceedingly abundant; whole beds are made up of Pentacri- nites, so perfectly preserved that their minutest anatomical structure is discernible. These ^g^. Fig. 12< animals are supposed to have had the power of attaching and detaching themselves at will ; large masses of them are found attached to the fossil wood of this period. Bivalve shell-fish Gryphca Incurva - THE LIASSIC SYSTEM. 185 are very numerous, some of which are characteristic of the formation, and others of particular beds ; one of the marly limestone beds is called the Gryphite Limestone, from the great abundance of the peculiar fossil Gryphsea incurva, Fig. 123. The Terebratulse were still continued, and the genus Spirifer, which however terminates its existence in this formation, being found in no newer rock. 231. The Ammonite , though early introduced in the strata, appears at this period to have been greatly expand- ed; more than seventy species of the genus have been found in the British Lias. It was a univalve, many cham- bered shell, whose inhabitant -p. 124 belonged to the order Cepha- lopoda. It was allied to the Nautilus, which resides in the outer apartment of its shell, communicating with the inte- rior chambers by means of a tube siph uncle and is sup- posed to rise and fall through great depths of water, dimin- ishing or increasing its specific Ammonite, gravity by withdrawing or injecting water into the internal cavity. As the shells of the Ammonite were thin, they were often strengthened by ribs and tubercles. They vary in size from half an inch to four feet in diameter. 232. The Helemnite, (so called from its resemblance to a dart,) occurs very perfectly preserved in the Lias, Oolitic, and Chalk rocks. It consists of a calcareous, cylin- drical or conical shell, pointed at one extremity, and ter- minating at the other in thin conical chambers. Some specimens are small, amber-colored, and transparent; while 16* 186 ROCKS OF THE SECONDARY PERIOD. others are opake, ten or twelve inches long, and four inches in circumference. The animal belonged to the Cephalopoda, was allied to the Cuttlefish, and was fur- nished with an ink-bag. The shell, (Fig. 125,) was, like the pen of the Cuttlefish, internal. The ink-bag and its contents have been found fossil, and a pigment, india ink, has been prepared from them possessing all the properties of the ink prepared from the recent Sepia. The soft parts of the animal are in many instances so well preserved, that its form and structure are discernible. Its eyes were large and prominent, and its horny beak powerful. Its habits were probably, like those of the family of the present day, extremely voracious. 233. Fishes and Reptiles were the representatives of the Vertebrata at this period; of the former more than sixty species have been discovered in the Lias of England, belonging almost exclusively to the Ganoid and Placoid orders, and all of them extinct. Numerous fossil spines, or bony rays of the dorsal fins of extinct cartilaginous fishes are found in the Lias rocks, detached and isolated ; they are called Ichthyodorulites. They were not articulated to the vertebrae, but deeply implanted in the flesh. Some of the existing species of shark are provided with the same bony ray, giving to the dorsal fin greater force and preci- sion in its motions. 234. The Reptiles of the Liassic period belong to the Belemnite. THE LIASSIC SYSTEM. 187 marine order Enaliosauria and are principally confined to two genera, Ichthyosaurus and Plesiosaurus. The Ichthyosaurus, or fish-lizard so called because ifc combines in its structure the features of the fish with those of the reptile resembled the Grampus or Porpoise in figure, with a much larger head and a long tail expanded Fig. 126. . , Ichthyosaurus. vertically, as are those of true fishes. It was covered with a tough skin, like that of the whale, destitute of scales. The orbit of the eye was unusually large in some speci- mens eighteen inches in diameter and enclosed a series of bony plates, enabling the eye to adjust itself to different distances, and varying intensities of light; an analogous Fig. 127 Head of Ichthyosaurus. structure is exhibited by the eyes of turtles, lizards, and especially of the owl. The teeth were conical, like those of the crocodile, and very numerous, amounting in some species to two hundred; in some large individuals the 188 ROCKS OF THE SECONDARY PERIOD. opening of the jaws exceeded seven feet. Its organs of p The Chalk is a familiar, earthy form of the carbonate of lime, sometimes soft, but frequently sufficiently solid for building purposes. Its stratification is often indistinct, but recognizable by the alternating layers of flint in it. Fig. 136. Chalk with Flints An Outlier. The Upper Chalk is remarkable for its numerous bands of dark colored flints; Kinds from three to six inches in thickness, and from two to four feet apart. These flints THE CHALK SYSTEM. 199 have very often an organic body as a nucleus about which they have accumulated, and whose form they have preserved. In the Lower Chalk the flints are rarely found, but the silica is diffused through the mass. The lowest portion is largely mixed with clay constituting the chalk marl, which sometimes is green from the presence of the silicate of iron, or red from the oxide of iron. 248. The Chalk fossils are numerous, almost exclusively marine, and appear to have been deposited in deep water. Among the radiated animals, the Encrinites had dwin- dled to a few species of small size and diminished beauty ; one form of them in this period was the Marsupite, which resembled the lily encrinite deprived of its stem. Sea Urchins echini were very abundant, accompanied by crabs and lobsters whose organization closely resembled that of the members of those tribes of the present day. Bivalve and univalve shells are found abundantly. The cephalo- podous animals to which the ammonite belongs, exhibited a great diversity of forms ; curved in successive whorls like the ammonite, but with the whorls slightly remote from each other, as the Crioceratite ; hook-shaped, as the Sa- mite; or straight like the Orthoceratite, as the Baculite and Turrilite. 249. Vast numbers of small animals existed at this period living in shells formed of numerous chambers or com- partments, belonging to a group which is still common in the ocean the Foraminifera. These animals occupy all the chambers of their habitation, and not the outer one only as does the nautilus. Their shells are sometimes flat and disc- like, resembling a piece of money : hence we have the Num- mulite, from nummus, a piece of money, Fig. 137. Though .of small size they often constitute almost the entire mass 200 ROCKS OF THE SECONDARY PERIOD. of mountains. Nummulitic limestones Fi g- 137. were used in the construction of the Sphinx and pyramids of Egypt. Infusoria also abounded during the deposition of the chalk ; but their beauty and perfect state of preservation in the flints, can be discerned only by the aid of Nummuiite. powerful microscopes; a large proportion of the chalk itself appears to be made up of the fragmentary skeletons of these minute animals. The shapes of the skeletons of these animalcules are various; some consist of parallel tubes arranged transversely upon long fragile ribands; Fig. 138. Tossil Infusoria. a Gomphonema. b Bacillaria. c Gaillonella. d Xanthidium. e Navicula. others are oblong, or globular, with their surfaces studded with hair-like appendages ; while others still are in ramose groups like polyps. Many flint nodules are almost en- tirely composed of the silicious skeletons of these infini- tesimal forms of animal life. Fig. 139 presents one of the THE CHALK SYSTEM. 201 fossil infusoria, closely resembling the living Xanthidi.i. It is here magnified 500 Fig 139. times linear. Fig. 140 represents the cell of a zoophyte in flint, with the polyp protruded, having been entombed in the min- eral matter while alive and active. This also is mag- nified 500 times linear. The Gaillonellae are an- other family of infusoria found in the flint, SO mi- Xanthidium Tubiforme. nute that forty-one thousand millions of their skeletons occupy but a cubic inch. Their cylindrical shields are Fig. 140. arranged in a long series like a tubular chain. | They multiply by self division with such rapid- H ity that a single individ- ual may produce one hun- dred and forty millions of millions in twenty- four Zoophyte in Flint. hours.* 250. Of the vertebrate animals, the chalk deposits in- clude some sauroid fishes, among which the Macropoma, a voracious fish about two feet long, has been found so weL preserved that its gills and entire stomach with its con- tents are presented to inspection. The teeth and bony spines of sharks are abundant, and the other two orders of fishes the ctenoids and cycloids which so greatly pre- * Mantell's Wonders of Geology, I. |>. 665. 202 ROCKS OF THE SECONDARY PERIOD. dominate in the present seas, are also introduced in the cretaceous rocks. The reptilian remains of the Cretaceous series compared with the three preceding systems are few, embracing, so far as has been discovered, but one or two forms that were not known before. The Ichthyosaurus and Pterodactyle of the previous system were continued in this, and a new gigantic marine lizard, nearly allied to the Monitor of the present period, was introduced, called the Mosasaurus the saurian of the Meuse, on whose banks its fossil remains have been found. It attained the length of twenty-five feet, and appears to have been the last gigantic form of marine reptiles introduced, before their obliteration at the close of the secondary period. Its teeth are found in the cretaceous deposits of the United States. Several species of marine turtles occur in the cretaceous rocks. The bones of birds allied to the Albatross, are recog- nized among the fossils of the chalk, but no trace of any land quadruped, or any member of the whale tribe. 251. The sponge, a peculiar kind of organism consist- ing of horny fibres, often enclosing spiculae of flint or carbonate of lime, has very frequently served as a nucleus about which the silicious or flinty matter, diffused in the sea at the period of the chalk deposits, accumulated, and the forms of the sponge have thus been perfectly preserved in flint, in chalk and sandstones. Carbonized sea-weeds, drift- wood, and beds of lignite occur in the chalk group of rocks. 252. The origin of chalk, so different in its texture and appearance from the other limestones, with its included flints, has been the subject of much discussion. It has been supposed by some to be a chemical precipitate : " but there appears no evidence," says Mr. Brande, "of its having THE CHALK SYSTEM. 203 been deposited from chemical solution ; on the other hand, it bears marks of a mechanical deposit, as if from water loaded with it in fine division. And upon this principle some gleam of light may perhaps be thrown upon the enig- matical appearance of the flints; for it is found that if finely divided silica be mixed with other earthy bodies, and the whole diffused through water, the grains of silica have, under certain circumstances, a tendency to aggregate into small nodules ; and in chalk some grains of silica are dis- coverable." The flints occur in nodular masses of irregular forms, varying from less than an inch to more than a yard in circumference ; they are quite insulated from each other, each one being entirely enveloped by the chalk. As they almost invariably include some organic body, they appear to be silicious aggregations about nuclei, as septaria are aggregations of calcareous and argillaceous matter. It has before been shown ( 66,) that silica is soluble in water, as it occurs in the Geysers of Iceland. The chalk resembles the calcareous mud that accumulates in the lagoons of coral islets, produced by the ocean wearing corals and shells to a fine powder. ( 79.) 253. The igneous rocks associated with the chalk and other members of the Secondary series, are basalt and other forms of trap. The basalt of the Giant's Causeway breaks through and overlies the chalk in the north of Ireland, the heat of the igneous rock having rendered the chalk hard and crystalline like primary marble. CHAPTER VIII, KOCKS OF THE TERTIARY PERIOD. 254. THE Tertiary embraces the strata of sand, clay, and limestone, which lie between the chalk and the superfi- cial deposits designated Drift and Alluvium, with which they were confounded previous to the labors of Cuvier and Brogniart in A. D. 1810. They differ from the Secondary 5> o-trtrvv rocks in mineral constitution and especially in their organic contents ; but are not very distinctly bounded at their upper limit, frequently merging in the recent deposits. In gen- eral they are not so firmly aggregated nor so thick as the Secondary rocks, and are remarkable for exhibiting frequent alternations of marine and fresh-water formations in the same localities. These beds very frequently occur in limi- ted and detached basins, as if deposited in shallow lakes or estuaries; they are however often continuous over very extensive tracts of country, as from Martha's Vineyard southward along the whole extent of the Atlantic coast of the United States. The order of succession of strata is not uniform as in the older rocks; and hence arises the difficulty of framing a description that will apply to them in all localities. Their alternations have, however, been accurately ascertained, especially in the Paris and London basins. 255. The sands and clays predominate in the Tertiary series ; their colors are various, depending principally upon CLASSIFICATION OP THE TERTIARY. 205 the colored compounds of iron, and they are not sufficiently indurated to form firm sandstones and shales. The calcare- ous strata are more varied in structure and appearance, con- sisting of soft marls filled with shells of rough 'masses of coral of fresh-water beds of hard limestone and of ma- rine limestone of coarse sandy texture. They also contain beds of silica, buhrstone, gypsum, and rock salt. 256. The Tertiary strata occupy a large portion of the surface of Europe, conforming in a remarkable degree to the present outline of the sea; so that if the continent were depressed a few hundred feet, the sea would cover them, indicating that no essential change has occurred in the figure of the land since that period. The Tertiary series has been recognized also, in Northern Africa, in Asia, in North America, and in South America on both sides of the Andes. 257. These rocks were, at first, classified in accordance ~. with their alternations as marine and fresh-water deposits ; but these alternations are found not to be uniform. The classification generally adopted is that of MM. Lyell and Deshayes, based upon the relative proportion of shells spe- cifically identical with those occurring at the present time. Shells are selected as the test because they are more gen- erally and uniformly diffused in strata than the remains of any other class of animals. EOCENE, (Eos, the dawn ; and kainos, recent,) the dawn of the present period with its races of plants and animals ; contains less than five per cent, of living species, in its fossil contents. MBIOCENE, (Meion, less; kainos, recent,) though containing more living species than the Eocene, they are still less than half; its per centage of recent species is eighteen. 18 206 ROCKS OP THE TERTIARY PERIOD. PLEIOCENE, (Pleion, more; kainos, recent,) a majority of whose fossils belong to existing species. PLEISTOCENE, (Pleistos, most; kainos, recent,) a still nearer ap- proximation to the present period, having ninety-five per cent, of recent shells. THE EOCENE OR OLDER TERTIARY. 258. The Eocene deposits are the most distinct of the series, and occur well developed in France and England. They, however, vary much in local character. The beds of the Paris and London basins are of the same age, but differ greatly in mineral constitution ; in the London group those of a mechanical origin sands and clays almost ex- clusively prevail ; while beds of limestone, silica, and gyp- sum abound in the Paris basin. The following tabular arrangement exhibits the order of the beds in the two basins : PARIS BASIN. Upper Fresh-water group marls, sands, shelly limestone, buhr limestone. Upper Marine sands and marls with thin layers of lime- stone. Lower Fresh-water marls, sili- cious limestones, gypsum with numerous bones of animals. Lower Marine coarse sandy limestone ( calcaire grassier ) calcareous marls and green sand. Plastic Clay blue plastic clay, sand and pebbles, beds of lig- nite. LONDON BASIN. Bagshot Sand sand containing few fossils. London Clay clay, blackish or gray, containing septaria and ferruginous nodules, with nu- merous organic remains. Plastic Clay and Sands sands and sandy clay, with shells; beds of lignite, flint pebbles. Section of the London Basin. F represents the London Clay ; E the plastic clay ; D the Chalk -, c the Wealden ; B the Oolite ; the Bagshot sand caps and overlies the London Clay. The position of the City of London is indicated by the building. 259. There are numerous other localities of the Eocene Tertiary, as in Southern France, Spain, Belgium, Italy, Greece, Asia Minor, Egypt, India and North and South America. 260. The fossils of this group are very numerous and important, indicating the condition of the earth at the time of their deposition. The general character of the flora and fauna was like that within the tropics of the present day. The species are with very few exceptions extinct, and seem to have been almost exclusively confined to this formation. More than a hundred species of plants have been dis- tinguished, many of which are dicotyledonous, and resem- ble intertropical plants of the present day; a great number of their seeds and fruits have been found in the London clay beds of the Isle of Sheppey. Various fossil resins have been discovered in these beds, the most important of which is amber, occurring in nodules from the size of a nut to that of a man's head ; one specimen weighs 18 Ibs. Speci- mens frequently contain insects whose positions and de- tached legs and wings indicate that they struggled after 208 ROCKS OF THE TERTIARY PERIOD. they were involved in the resin which was at that time liquid. 261. A large number of shells, both univalve and bivalve, occur in the Eocene : the nautilus was retained, but the ammonites and belemnites had become extinct. More than two hundred species of Ceriihium (an elongated shell resembling Fig. 142) living in brackish water, are found in the European Eocene ; and the nummulites, Fig. 137, are so abundant in some localities as to make up al- j,. most the entire mass of rock. The remains of crabs, are abundant in these deposits. About one hundred species of fish have been recog- nized. Their remains at Monte Bolca in North- ern Italy, and at Mount Lebanon are very numer- ous ; the immense quantities which have been found in a beautiful state of preservation at the former locality, have been thought to indicate that the limestone in which they are imbedded was erupted into the ocean in a fluid state, by volcanic action, suddenly suffocating and enveloping them in the calcareous mass. The species offish found in the Eocene are all extinct, and one third of them belong to extinct genera ; but many of them are closely allied to existing species. The ganoid and placoid Fig. 143. orders, characterized by their covering of pointed bony plates and enamelled scales, which abounded in the older rocks, had become relatively Placoid scales. rare the placoids, however, had representatives in the sharks and rays, whose teeth are found in abundance. The ctenoids and cycloids, which had been introduced just before the close of the EOCENE. 209 secondary period, now pre- dominated. The ctenoid order is characterized by scales having the posterior margins finely pectinated ,T . , , . ,7 , Ctenoid Scales. divided into little teeth like a comb ; these scales are imbricated, each lamina being smaller than the one beneath it, and pectinated as repre- sented in Fig. 144. This order is represented by the perch family. The cycloid order is characterized by circular im- bricate scales with smooth margins, of which the mackerel furnishes an example. More than three-fourths of the species of fishes now living belong to the ctenoid and cy- cloid orders. 262. The reptiles, like the fishes, shells and plants of this period, resemble those now living in warm insular cli- mates ; they include crocodiles, turtles, tortoises, and ser- pents similar to the boa-constrictor attaining sometimes the length of twenty feet. Several species of birds have been obtained from the Eocene resembling the pelican, buzzard, owl, woodcock, quail, &c. 263. The number and peculiar features of the land quadrupeds, found in the gypseous deposits of the Paris basin attracted the attention of Cuvier, whose accurate de- scriptions of extinct forms have given great importance to palaeontology. These quadrupeds belonged principally to the order pachydermata, or thick skinned animals, repre- sented by the elephant and horse of the present period. The Eocene quadrupeds which have attracted most atten- tion belong to the genera Palseotherium and Anoplothe- rium. This period has been designated the age of mam* mals. ( 152.) 18* 210 ROCKS OF THE TERTIARY PERIOD. 264. The palseotherium (palaios, ancient ; therion, wild beast,) resembled generally the tapir of the present day, having a short fleshy proboscis ; in some of its zoologi- cal characters it was like the rhinoceros. Its feet were divided into three toes, instead of four, as in the tapir. The skeletons of the palaeotheria are found so abundant and well preserved in the Tertiary rocks as to leave no doubt respecting their zoological characters. Twelve species have been found, varying in size from that of the rhinoceros to that of the hog. The largest figure in cut 145 represents this animal. Fig. 145. Eocene Quadrupeds. The LopModon was a genus still more closely allied to the tapir ; only imperfect fragments of its skeleton have been obtained, indicating, however, that some of its species attained the size of the rhinoceros. 265. The name of the Anoplotherium (a, without; oplon, weapon ; therion, wild beast) defenceless animal, is EOCENE. 211 derived from its destitution of tusks or canine teeth longer than the incisors, in which respect it differs from all mam- miferous animals except man ; its feet terminated in two toes, and it had no proboscis. The genus embraces several groups, one species of which resembled the otter, but was much larger ; its peculiarity was the great length of its tail, which surpassed that of the body ; no animal of the present day except the kangaroo has so long and powerful a tail. A species of another group resembled the hare in dimensions and in the proportions of its limbs. But the most charac- teristic species is the Anoplotherium Gracile, called also Xiphodon, whose graceful and elegant form resembled that Fig. 146. Anoplotherium G radio (JSphodon.') of the gazelle ; it was closely allied in zoological charac- ters to the ruminating animals, (the deer tribe.) The true ruminants, however, as the camel, ox, sheep, goat and deer were absent at this period. 212 ROCKS OF THE TERTIARY PERIOD. Fifty-seven species of mammalia have been recognized in the Eocene, including a number of carnivorous quadru- peds, as the wolf, fox and raccoon. The opossum, bat and monkey are also found in the rocks of this period ; the remains of the monkey, macacus eocsenus, occurs in a bed of sand underlying the London clay, in England. 266. The fossil insects found in the rocks of this period present remarkable instances of the preservation of the most delicate objects ; the nerves of the wings, the pubescence of the head, and some traces of the coloring are visible. The wings of the beetles are found in some cases extended be- yond the wing-covers, indicating that the insect fell into water while flying. Seventy genera have been found at Aix, in Provence, including some species identical with those inhabiting that locality at the present time. Fig. 147. FOSSIL INSECTS. Lathrobium . Penthetria. Liparus. 267. The Eocene of North America is found in Vir- ginia, Carolina and Georgia, and consists of beds of marl, AIEIOCENE. 213 limestone, sands and clays ; about six per cent, of its fossils are identical with the European Eocene fossils, but about one-fourth are very closely allied to them. The Eocene deposits of South America indicate a great difference in fossil contents on opposite sides of the Andes. THE MEIOCENE PERIOD. 268. The Meiocene, nailed also the Middle Tertiary, is imperfectly represented on the east coast of England by the " Coralline Crag " formation, consisting of marine calcare- ous sands, thin limestones and marls ; but in central and eastern Europe it is developed in strata of great thickness and extent. It occupies the great valleys of the Loire and Garonne in France; large portions of Switzerland; the valley of the Danube, including the Vienna basin, with the plains of Hungary and Poland ; the valley of the Rhine and the western coast of Spain. The strata consist of quartzose sandstone, sometimes soft and incoherent, called in Switzerland the Molasse, shelly limestones and marls, with beds of lignite, and thick masses of corals. They are of both marine and fresh-water origin. The Meiocene beds have also been investigated in the southeastern States of the United States. Tertiary deposits on the flanks of the Sewalik hills in Northern India, and in Siam are referred to this period. 269. Extensive beds of lignite indicate a vigorous growth of plants; among them the palm is recognized, having grown in Central Europe contemporaneously with trees scarcely distinguishable from those still growing there. Among animal remains those of zoophytes were very .abun- dant, making up entire masses of the coral crag, and be- longing mostly to extinct species. Great numbers of shells, 214 ROCKS OP THE TERTIARY PERIOD. marine and fluviatile are found ; many of the latter belong to the genera Limnea and Planorbis, and are identical those of the present day. The palaeontol- Fig. 148. ogy of this period combines the more an- cient characters of the Eocene with the present botanical and zoological features of the same localities. The valley of the Rhine exhibits the most remarkable fossils of this period hitherto discovered. Numerous tur- tles and fishes presenting marked peculiarities of structure have been obtained there. Fig. 149 exhibits an interesting specimen three feet in length, from Oeningen near Lake Constance. This locality furnished also the celebrated relic, a gigantic, extinct, aquatic salamander, which Schewch- zer in 1726 mistook for the skeleton of a man. Fig. 149. Fresh-water Tortoise. 270. The most remarkable quadruped of this period is the Dinotherium, (deinos, fearfully large; iherion, beast,) whose remains are found in the valley of the Rhine near MEIOCENE. 215 Darmstadt, and in the valleys of the Jura Mountains. " Its length was nearly twenty feet ; its body huge and barrel shaped, very much resembling that of the hippopotamus, Fig. 150. Dinotherium. being little raised above the ground, although the huge col- umns which formed its legs are supposed to have been nearly ten feet in length. Its head, rarely, perhaps, brought entirely above the water, was like that of a large elephant, and it was provided with a short, but very muscular and powerful proboscis. A pair of large and long tusks were appended to this skull, and curve downward, as in the wal- rus. The tusks do not proceed from the upper jaw, whence they could be made to depend entirely upon the bones of the neck to support them, but are fixed in the lower jaw, and are planted, as it would seem, in this strange position at the greatest possible mechanical disadvantage. There can scarcely be a doubt that an animal provided with appenda- ges so placed, was an inhabitant of the water ; and the tusks, which are very large, were probably useful as pick- axes, enabling the monster to dig for succulent vegetable food by day, while, perhaps, at night they could be attached like anchors to the banks of the river or lake in which the animal habitually dwelt. It was the most gigantic of the 216 ROCKS OP THE TERTIARY PERIOD. herbivorous quadrupeds, and was associated with the palaeo- theres of the more ancient Tertiary period, and with the mastodons and elephants which lived on till a far more re- cent date."* 271. The Tertiary deposits upon the flanks of tne sub- Himalayas or Sewalik hills in India abound with interest- ing fossils, including the monkey, elephant, dinotherium, mastodon, rhinoceros, hippopotamus, horse, giraffe, antelope, and many others resembling the existing animals of the same name. The most singular animal hitherto found in that locality is the Sivaiherium, so called from the Indian god Siva, and iherion, beast. Its size was about that of a rhi- noceros. Its head was large and shaped like the elephant's, and was furnished with a small proboscis. It had two pairs of horns ; one pair, like those of the ox in shape, were situ- ated over the eyes, and the other pair palmated, like those of the elk, were placed on the back part of the head. The structure of the animal shows it to have been intermediate between the pachydermata and ruminantia. The Toxodon, (toxon, a bow ; odous, a tooth,) a large quadruped distinguished for the singular shape and arrange- ment of its gnawing teeth ; and the Macrauchenia (makros, long; auchen, neck,) a pachydermatous animal whose neck was nearly as long as that of the giraffe, have been found in the Tertiary of South America. THE PLEIOCENE PERIOD. 272. The only representative of the Pleiocene or Newer Tertiary in England is the Red Crag, consisting of ferru- ginous-colored sand and gravel, with few zoophytes, but abounding in marine fossil shells, many of which are idon- * Ansted's Ancient World, p. 282. PLEISTOCENE. 217 tical with living species. On the Continent of Europe the extensive beds on both sides of the Apennine Mountains, called the Sub-Apennine deposits, are 2000 feet thick, consisting of calcareous marls and sands, and are extremely fossiliferous. Some of the deposits in Sicily, Greece and Asia Minor belong to this period. The Pleiocene strata cover also extensive regions in southern Russia, central southern Asia, and America. 273. Remarkable beds of lignite or brown coal y belong ing to this period, found in Germany, exhibit a great mass of vegetable matter. These lignites lie between beds of clay and sand, and consist of solid wood, blackened, but in ^ /j M many instances so slightly changed as to admit of being used as timber ; they are similar to the trees now growing in their vicinity. A thin leafy bituminous lignite is called paper coal. The remains of fishes, frogs, insects and quad- rupeds are found in these deposits. THE PLEISTOCENE PERIOD. 274. The Pleistocene embraces the deposits of fossilif- erous sands, marls and gravels, containing fossils which belong almost entirely to living species. They are exten- sive in the Southern parts of Europe, Asia and America. By some writers on Geology they are made to include the drift, while others apply the term to beds of clay, sand and marl deposited subsequent to the drift and previous to the Alluvial. Where the drift does not occur, as in the south- ern parts of Europe and North America, the Pleistocene beds present an uninterrupted series from the Pleiocene to the Alluvial. 275. The deposits which are spread over those vast . plains in South America, called Pampas, are assigned to 19 218 ROCKS OF THE TERTIARY PERIOD. the latter portion of the Tertiary period. They include a remarkable group of animals, belonging to the order Edentata, of which the sloth, the armadillo and the ant- eater are representatives in the fauna of the present day. The Megatherium (mega, great; iherion, beast,) was a gigantic quadruped exhibiting some very striking resem- Fig. 151. The Megatherium. blances to the sloth. Its length is eighteen feet, its breadth across the loins six feet, while its height was nine feet. Its proportions were singularly massive, its pelvis and hind extremities being three times as large as those of the ele- phant. The fore legs were long, resembling in structure those of the sloth. The fore foot was a yard long, twelve inches broad, five-toed, and armed with long and powerful claws. This animal is taken as the type of the Megatheroid group. 276. The Mylodon (mule, a mill; odous, a tooth,) an allied genus found in the same locality, in some respects more closely resembles the sloth. Prof. Owen has given a full description of a perfect skeleton of this animal ob- tained from Buenos Ayres, and deduced its relations and habits. The length of the skeleton is eleven feet, inclu- PLEISTOCENE. 219 ding the tail. Its teeth show that it was a vegetable eater; it probably lived, as do the sloths of the present day, on leaves and buds of trees. Kg. 162. Mylodon Robustus. 277. The Megalonyx (megale, great; onux, claw,) re- sembled the mylodon in its size and proportions ; it differed in its claws, and in greater freedom of motion in its fore limbs. The ScelidotJierium (scclidos, the thigh ; therion, beast,) though allied to the megatherium, resembled the ant-eater and armadillo. In its hinder extremities and tail, the strength was greater in proportion than in any known ani- mal, living or extinct ; while the length of the animal was 220 ROCKS OF THE TERTIARY PERIOD. not greater than that of a Newfoundland dog, and its fore limbs no larger, its hind extremities were as ponderous as those of the hippopotamus.* 278. Associated with the megatheroid animals of this period was a colossal armadillo, called the Glyptodon (glup- tos, sculptured; odous, tooth,) from its teeth being sculp- tured laterally with wide, deep grooves. Like the armadillo Fig. 158. Glyptodon Cluvipes. it was covered with a crust or shell, composed of polygonal pieces accurately fitting each other, constituting a massive armour. The structure of its hind foot is very peculiar, presenting a frame work unparalleled in its adaptation to support a great weight, and at the same time allow such free motion in the fore limbs as the habits of the armadillo re- quire. Several species of the genus glyptodon have been determined. The remains of the mastodon have been found in the same localities with the megatheroid animals, * Ansted's Ancient World, p. 348. ROCKS OP THE TERTIARY PERIOD. 221 279. Igneous rocks are found abundantly in connexion with the Tertiary series ; they are lavas of extinct volcanoes, and are intermediate in character between the traps of the secondary period and the products of active volcanoes. In composition they are principally trachytic, but sometimes scoriaceous, or tufaceous. One of the most remarkable localities of Tertiary volcanoes is an extensive plain in Auvergne, central France, which supports a series of seventy volcanic cones, varying from five hundred to a thousand feet in height, forming a range about twenty miles long and two broad. Many of these cones retain well defined craters several hundred feet deep, and their lava beds can be traced as easily as those of Vesuvius. " There is no spot," says Mr. Scrope, " even among the Phlegracan fields of Italy, which more strikingly displays the characters of volcanic desolation. Although the cones are partially covered with wood and herbage, yet the sides of many are still, naked ; and the interior of their broken craters, rugged, black and scorified, as well as the rocky floods of lava with which they have loaded the plain, have a freshness of aspect, such as the products of fire alone could have so long preserved, and offer a striking picture of the operation of this element in all its most terrible energy." These volcanic vents are of different ages; some of them are manifestly of compara- tively recent origin. 280. Another interesting group of Tertiary volcanoes is upon the banks of the Rhine, where the graceful forms of the Siebengebirge or Seven Mountains, and the majestic Eifel with its crater covered with scoriae, and its lava cur- rents still visible, are conspicuous features in the pictu- resque scenery of the river. The basis rocks supporting the Tertiary formations are not here, as in Auvergne, granite, 19* 222 ROCKS OP THE TERTIARY PERIOD. but belong to the Silurian formation. Similar evidences of volcanic agency during the Tertiary period are found in Catalonia in Spain, Hungary, Asia Minor in the " burnt district," and in Palestine. The soil in the vicinity of these volcanoes, composed in part of their lavas, is exceedingly fertile. CHAPTER II, ROCKS OF THE QUATERNARY PERIOD. 281. THE Quaternary series embraces the heterogeneous masses of the Drift and all subsequent deposits up to the present period. English geologists generally discard this division, and extend the Tertiary over this series. THE DRIFT PERIOD. 282. The Drift includes accumulations of sand, gravel, clay, pebbles and boulders, or erratic blocks ; the boulders are fragments of the hard crystalline rocks, usually water-worn, rounded, and scratched, or grooved. The term Diluvium has been applied to this deposit ; drift indicates that the materials have been impelled by currents. 283. The drift is not universally diffused, but appears to be confined within 40 or 50 from the poles. In Asia it is rarely found lower than 60 north latitude ; in Europe it descends to the southern parts of Poland and Prussia ; and in North America it is found as low as 40, and some of the north and south valleys extend it a little farther southward. Its southern limit in the United States is a line drawn from Long Island through central Pennsylvania to the Ohio, with occasional outliers in the valleys of the Delaware, Susquehanna and Mississippi. It is found also in the southern portions of South America, but not within the tropics. It occurs at elevations above the present sea 224 ROCKS OF THE QUATERNARY PERIOD. level, varying from three hundred to five thousand feet. The general direction of the drift in North America has been from north to south, and occasionally southeast ; while in Europe it appears to have been dispersed in various directions from the Scandinavian Mountains. Boulders have been transported in some instances hundreds of miles j the largest of them have, however, usually been deposited within a few miles of the ledges from which they were torn. They diminish in size and number as the distance from their original position increases. Boulders of considerable size are frequently found in Northern Ohio, but are few and small in the central and southern parts of the State. They can be identified with the rocks of the parent ledges by their general constitution and by particular minerals con- tained in them. 284. Boulders vary greatly in size; some of them weigh thousands of tons. A conglomerate boulder at Fall River, President Hitchcock states, weighs ten million eight hundred thousand pounds ; a granite boulder near Neufcha- tel weighs three million eight hundred and fifty thousand pounds j and the boulder from which the pedestal of the statue of Peter the Great was hewn, weighed one thousand five hundred tons. Some boulders are so poised upon hard surfaces, as to oscillate by the application of a moderate force to them, and are then called rocking stones; others are firmly posited in such a manner as to have given rise to the conjecture that they are artificial structures. An example of this occurs in the State of New York, and is represented in Fig. 154. A boulder of felspathic granite weighing about fifty tons, rests at the height of three or four feet above the ground, upon limestone pillars. They are sometimes poised on the summits of mountains ; others THE DRIFT PERIOD. 225 have been carried over mountain ridges, though they are usually found accumulated in larger numbers on the north sides of mountains. Fig. 154. Granite Boulder on Limestone Pillars. 285. The transport of the drift has produced very con- spicuous effects upon the surface of the earth, scratching, grooving, and polishing the rocks. The scratches and grooves are parallel, resembling those produced by glaciers described in 32. They vary from a fraction of an inch to more than a foot in depth and width. Sometimes two or more sets of striae cross each other at a small angle. These striae have been found on the White Mountains five thousand feet above the ocean level. Prof. Locke gives an example of these grooves on the limestone near Dayton, Ohio. u The quarry has been stripped of soil more or less over ten acres, and the upper layer of stone is in most 226 ROCKS OP THE QUATERNARY PERIOD. places completely ground down to a plane, as perfectly as it could have been done by a stone cutter, by rubbing one slab on another with sand between them. In many places, in addition to the planishing, grooves and scratches in par- allel straight lines, evidently formed by the progress of some heavy mass, propelled by a regular and uniform mo- tion, are distinctly visible. The grooves, are, in width, from lines scarcely visible, to those three-fourths of an inch wide, and from one-fortieth to one-eighth of an inch deep, traversing the rock in a direction south 26 east, in lines exactly straight and parallel/'* It is probable that a very large portion of the earth's surface was affected in this way, as far as the drift extended, since the removal of clay and other substances which cover the rocks discovers the striae ; rocks that suffer disintegra- tion by atmospheric agency, as limestones, which are par- tially dissolved by water holding carbonic acid in solution, do not retain their grooves. The direction of the striae coincides with that of the dispersed drift, and is often mod- ified by the features of the surface ; as when it is diverted from the general direction into a valley. Some sets of striae appear to have been nearly obliterated by others pass- ing over them. 286. The northern and northwestern sides of the ledges of rocks are more worn by the drift agency, and the hills are elongated in this direction, corresponding in appearance with those denominated by European writers roches mou- tonnees. President Hitchcock has observed very numerous angular fragments of rocks ranged in long narrow lines, ex- tending from the ledges in the same direction with the drift, and overlying that deposit, which he denominate? * Ohio Geological Survey, p. 230. THE DRIFT PERIOD. 227 streams of stones. The same geologist adduces as instances illustrative of the prodigious violence of the drift agency, the fracture and overturning of perpendicular strata of slate rocks near the summits of hills. As the materials of the drift are generally supposed to have been transported by the agency of ice, these deposits are called glacial beds ; they have very few, if any fossils. 287. Overlying the boulder formation occur beds of blue and yellow clay, sand and marl ; these are most abun- dant in lakes, ponds, and river valleys. They sometimes appear to be caused by a new arrangement or assorting of the materials of the drift, producing an inter-stratification of sands, clays, and gravel, and are called altered drift. This appears to have been accomplished beneath the ocean which prevailed over the drift region. Fig. 155. Parallel Roads and River Terraces 288. The origin of marine terraces has been assigned to the agency of the ocean exerted at this period. Fig. 155 presents a view in the valley of Glen Roy in Scotland, in which two parallel shelves or terraces, level and con tin- 228 ROCKS OP THE QUATERNARY PERIOD. uous through the whole glen, are seen. They vary in width from ten to sixty feet, and are covered with boulders. The highest one is one thousand two hundred and fifty feet above the present level of the ocean, and the other is two hundred feet lower. These terraces are stratified deposits ; they are ascribed to the action of water standing at that level, either a lake or the ocean. Similar shelves at these elevations are found in other valleys of Scotland, in Swe- den, and in North America. River terraces present similar phenomena ; they occur in valleys of mountainous districts, where the river flowing over the drift in which it cuts its channel, removes the materials to lower levels. The sudden removal of obstacles gives origin to a new terrace. These are represented in Fig. 155. Ancient lakes have also been reduced by successive stages, and formed broad level terraces. 289. Various beds of sand and gravel scattered over the valleys and plains are called ossiferous, because they contain bones of the elephant, hippopotamus, bear, deer, horse and other animals which do not now inhabit the re- gions where their remains occur ; the bones of the elephant and rhinoceros are found in England and in Siberia, where they have not been known to exist within the historic pe- riod. These bones are partially petrified by the salts of lime and iron, are harder and heavier than recent bones, but still preserve their bony structure. Many of these ossiferous deposits are local, having been produced by the action of rivers, and the filling up of lakes, but some of them appear to be due to more extensive agencies. 290. Numerous caverns have been found in Europe, America and Australia, containing deposits of loam, river silt and small boulders. These materials were probably THE DRIFT PERIOD. 229 introduced during different periods ; but the animal remains included in them indicate the drift period as the one during which the largest portion of the deposits accumulated. The bones, which are perfectly preserved in many instances in calcareous incrustations, are chiefly those of races of bears and hyaenas which inhabited the caves, together with the remnants of their prey, and occasional fragments of the elephant and rhinoceros. The remains of man, and of animals still living in the vicinity are sometimes found in them. The most remarkable caverns, on account of their organic contents, are Kirkdale Cave near York in England, and the Cave of Gailenreuth in Germany. 291. The Kirkdale Cave, which Dr. Buckland has very accurately described in his " Reliquiae Diluvianae," is situated about twenty-five miles northeast of York, above the northern edge of the great vale of Pickering, and thirty feet above its waters. Its floor is level and nearly conformable to the plane of stratification of the coralline oolite in which it occurs. In some parts the cave is three or four feet high, and roofed, as well as floored, by the level beds of this rock ; in other parts its height was augmented by open fissures, which communicate through the roof, and allow a man to stand erect. The breadth varies from four or five feet to a mere passage ; at the outlet or mouth against the valley was a wide expansion or ante-chamber, in which a large proportion of the greater bones, as of the ox, rhi- noceros, &c., were found. This mouth was choked with stones, bones and earth, so that the cave was discovered by opening upon its side in a stone quarry. On entering the cave, the roof and sides were found incrusted with stalac- tites, and a general sheet of stalagmite, rising irregularly into bosses, lay beneath the feet. This being broken 20 230 ROCKS OF THE QUATERNARY PERIOD. through, yellowish mud was found about a foot in thick- ness, fine and loamy toward the opening, coarser and more sandy in the interior. In this loam chiefly, at all depths, from the surface down to the rock, in the midst of the stalagmitic upper crust, and as Dr. Buckland expresses it, " sticking through it like the legs of pigeons through a pie-crust/' lay multitudes of bones of the following ani- mals: Carnivora- hyaena, tiger, bear, wolf, fox, weasel. Pachydermata elephant, rhinoceros, hippopotamus, horse. Ruminantia ox, three species of stag. Rodentia hare, rabbit, water-rat, mouse. Birds raven, pigeon, lark, duck, snipe. The hyaena's bones and teeth were very numerous probably two or three hundred individuals had left their bodies in this cave ; remains of the ox were very abundant ; the elephants' teeth were mostly of very young animals ; teeth of the hippopotamus and rhinoceros were scarce; those of water rats very abundant. The bones were almost all broken by simple fracture, but in such a manner as to indicate the action of hyaenas' teeth, and to resemble the appearance of recent bones broken and gnawed by the liv- ing Cape hyaena. They were distributed as in a " dog- kennel," having clearly been much disturbed, so that ele- phants, oxen, deer, water-rats, &c., were indiscriminately mixed ; and large bones were found in the largest part of the cavern. The teeth of hyaenas were found in the jaws, of every age, from the milk tooth of the young ani- mal to the old grinders worn to the stump; some of the bones were polished in a peculiar manner, as if by the trampling of animals." THE DRIFT PERIOD. 231 292. The most remarkable ossiferous cavern of Ger- many is that of Gailenreuth, which lies upon the left bank of the Wiesent. The entrance, which is, about seven feet high, is in the face of a perpendicular rock, and leads to a series of chambers from fifteen to twenty feet high and several hundred feet in extent, terminated by a deep chasm, which, however, has not escaped the ravages of visitors. This cavern is perfectly dark, and the icicles, or pillars of stalactite, reflected by the torches which it is necessary to use, present a highly picturesque and striking eifect. The floor is literally paved with bones and fossil teeth ; and the pillars of stalactite also contain osseous remains. Loose animal earth, abounding in bones, forms in some parts a layer ten feet in thickness. A graphic description of this cave was published by M. Esper, more than sixty years ago ; at that period some of the innermost recesses contained wagon loads of bones and teeth; some imbedded in the rock, and others in the loose earth. The bones in general are scattered and broken but not rolled ; they are lighter and less solid than recent bones, and are often incrusted with stalactite. Cuvier, who enjoyed the opportunity of examining a very large collection of bones from G-ailenreuth, was enabled to determine that at least three-fourths of the osseous contents of the caverns belonged to some species of bear ; and the remaining portion to hyaonas, tigers, wolves, foxes, gluttons, weasels and other small carnivora. By the bones which were referable to the bear, he established three extinct species of that genus, the largest of which is called the Ursus spelaeus. The hyasna was allied to the spotted hyaena of the Cape, but differed in the form of its teeth and head. Bones of the elephant and rhinoceros are also said to have been discovered, together with those of exist- 232 BOCKS OF THE QUATERNARY PERIOD. ing animals, and fragments of sepulchral urns of high an- tiquity."* 293. The phenomena of ossiferous caverns lead to the conclusion that they were the dens of ravenous animals ; that the carcasses of large animals were drifted into them ; and that men have used them as places of abode or sepul- ture. Fragments of bones, mingled with clay, pebbles, shells, etc., cemented together with the carbonates of lime and iron, are frequently found filling fissures in the rocks. Such accumulations are called osseous breccia; they are very abundant in the vicinity of the Mediterranean sea ; the rock of Gibraltar yields fine specimens. The bones of the breccia are referable to both extinct and recent species. The bone breccia of Australia has the same ochreous color as that in Europe has; its bones are all referable to marsu- pial animals, as the kangaroo, wombat, dasyurus, &c. 294. The fossils of this period are very numerous and various ; shells, both marine and fresh-water, are found in great quantities beneath beds of gravel and boulders, and especially in beds of marl under the muck decaying veg- etable matter of ponds and swamps. The long clam, My a arenaria, and the common oyster, Ostrea borealis, marine shellfish, are found in the deposits of this period far inland, and a very large majority of the shells belong to species inhabiting the ocean of the present day. The immense accumulations of these shells, constituting layers many feet deep, indicate the lapse of a long period of time. Infu- soria abounded at this period ; the silicious marl beneath peat swamps is almost entirely made up of these fossil skeletons. 295. At this period the most gigantic of the existing * Mantell's Wonders of Geology, p. 169. THE DRIFT OR PLEISTOCENE PERIOD. 233 groups of herbivorous quadrupeds were represented by allied species, which had a very wide range of diffusion, and some of which had a special organization to enable them to encounter a severity of climate, such as similar animals are not at the present day designed to endure, the elephants, for example, having been covered with hair. The animals which formerly characterized the plains of Siberia and the high latitudes of the North American con- tinent are closely allied to the existing fauna of Northern Europe. 296. The Mastodon (mastos, nipple ; odous, tooth,) is a genus quite distinct from the elephant and derives its name from the crown of the molar tooth presenting conical tu- bercles covered with enamel. It was a somewhat larger animal than the elephant, with pig. 156. a body longer in proportion. It was very widely diffused, its remains having been found in Asia, Europe, and America, from the equator to 66 of north latitude ; it has also an extended range in time, con- necting the Meiocene with the Pleistocene deposits, and con- Tooth of the Mastodon. tinuing down nearly or quite to the epoch of man, concom- itant in the latter periods of its existence with many species of animals which still survive. The temperate zone of the North American continent appears to be the locality in which it flourished ; it is there five times as numerous as the elephant. Its remains abound in the marshes whose waters are saline, called Licks} the skeletons have been found erect with the head thrown upward, as if the anima] 20* 234 ROCKS OF THE QUATERNARY PERIOD. had sunk in the mire ; the stomach with its contents of bruised twigs and leaves has been found, confirming the conclusion which the structure of its teeth had suggested, that it was an herbivorous animal feeding upon tough coarse vegetables, as the branches of trees. It is estimated that from the Big Bone Lick in Kentucky, the bones of one hundred mastodons, twenty elephants, two oxen, two deer and one megalonyx have been extracted. Several very fine skeletons of mastodons are now in the cabinets of Europe and America. Fig. 157 presents a likeness of the most perfect skeleton yet exhumed. It was obtained at New- Fig. 157. Mastodon found in Newburg, N. Y. burg, N. Y., in 1845, and presents nearly every bone per- fectly preserved ; it is about twelve feet high, its tusks are fourteen feet long, and it weighs two thousand pounds. 297. The Mammoth (from the Arabic behemoth, signi- fying elephant,) was a companion of the mastodon from the Eocene period to the close of the Pleistocene, at the THE DRIFT OR PLEISTOCENE PERIOD. 235 Fig. 158. close of which, like the latter, it became extinct. It dif- fered from the mastodon particularly in the disposition of the enamel of its teeth in vertical plates or layers alterna- nating with softer bone. It .differed from the two existing species of elephant the African and Asiatic but was more nearly related to the latter. In the crown of the tooth of the African species the enamel is arranged in lozenge-shaped figures, as rep- resented at a Fig. 158; in the Asiatic species the enamel is in narrow transverse bands, as at 5; while the enamel in the tooth of the fossil species is similarly arranged in broad- er bands, as at c. The remains of the fossil elephant are very numerous, occurring wherever the mastodon is found, but relatively much more abundant on the Eastern than on the Western Continent. Bones of more than five hun-' dred individuals are supposed to have been found on the' coasts of Norfolk and Suffolk in England, and they are very abundant in the shoals of the German Ocean. They have also been found in Ohio, Vermont, and other localities in the United States. But the most singular localities in which these fossils have been found are the frozen grav- els and clays at the mouths of rivers and along the shores of the Polar seas, in latitudes in which the existing species of elephant can not live. The skeleton of the fossil ele- phant found in Siberia, described in 124, closely resem- bles that of the Asiatic species, but its tusks are larger and more curved backward. Its tusks weighed three hundred 236 ROCKS OF THE QUATERNARY PERIOD. and sixty pounds, and the bead with the tusks four hundred and fourteen pounds. A large portion of the ivory of com- merce has been derived from the fossils in Siberia. Elephas Primigenius. 298. The remains of other extinct animals are found upon the shores of the Arctic ocean, one of which bears resemblance to the rhinoceros but is quite distinct from any known species of that genus. Von Wrangel states that on an island in latitude 75 and longitude 140, in the Polar sea, the hills in the interior were found to contain the skulls and bones of horses, buffaloes, oxen and sheep in such abundance that these animals must for- merly have lived there in large herds. The best bones as well as the greatest number are found at a certain depth below the surface, usually in clay hills, more rarely in black earth. The more solid the clay, the better are the bones preserved, and experience has shown that more are found in elevations situated near higher hills, than along the low coast, or on the flat tundra (moss levels.)* 299. The bones of ruminating animals nearly allied to * Ansted's Geology, II, p. 151, THE DRIFT OR PLEISTOCENE PERIOD. 237 the common species of the ox and deer tribes are very abundant in the deposits of this period; the dimensions of their bones indicate great size, but otherwise they differed slightly from existing species. A remarkable gigantic animal, called the Irish Elk, is found abundant in the east of Ireland and in the Isle of Man. It is found in beds of marl beneath peat-bogs which are the sites of an- cient lakes ; they occur also in the marls of France, Ger- many and Italy. The species is remarkable for the dimen- sions of its antlers, which were palmated. The average weight of the skull and antlers is seventy-five pounds. The Fig. 169. Megaceros Hibernicufi. skeletons are ten feet high, and the antlers spread from ten to fourteen feet. This animal continued to inhabit the earth up to a late period, and by some geologists is supposed to have been in existence after the introduction of the hu- man race. Contemporary with this and other members of 238 ROCKS OP THE QUATERNARY PERIOD. the deer tribe were several species of the genus Bos, of which one is supposed to be the great auroch or wild bison, still living in the forests of eastern Europe. 800. Besides the land mammalia, relics of marine tribes of the class are found in the Tertiary, in the Pleio- cene, and perhaps in the Meiocene, but more abundantly in the Pleistocene, in beds of drift in valleys traversed by rivers. The Cetacea are not fishes ; they breathe not by means of gills, but by lungs, are viviparous and suckle their young. Dr. Harlan described the skeleton of an animal of enor- mous size found in the Tertiary in Alabama, under the name of Basilosaurus supposing it to be a reptile; but Professor Owen has shown that it is a Cetacean, allied to the Dugong and Cacholot, and has assigned to it the name Zeuglodon. The skeleton of a whale seventy-two feet long has been discovered in a clay bed in Scotland, twenty feet above the present high tide level. A portion of the skeleton of a whale which was sixty or seventy feet long, has been extracted from a cliff in Brigh- ton, England, associated with the remains of the mammoth. The skeleton of a whale thirteen feet long has been re- cently discovered by a railroad excavation in the blue clay of the valley of Lake Champlain, Vermont. 301. The skeletons of several species of birds equal in size to those which are supposed to have made the foot- prints upon the New Red Sandstone, have been found in the recent deposits in New Zealand. They appear to belong to a group of which the Apteryx is a living representative, which are more ponderous in proportion than the ostrich, and destitute of wings. They vary greatly in size, THE DRIFT OR PLEISTOCENE PERIOD. 239 Fig. 160. some having attained the height of nearly twelve feet, while oth- ers are quite small. The structure of the Dinornis shows that it was, like the Apteryx, well fitted for rapid running. These birds appear to have been continued into the his- torical period; some of them have very recently become ex- tinct ; their bones are found in the state de- nominated sub-fossil. The Dinornig - 302. The climate of the period immediately succeeding the Drift appears to have been essentially the same as it now is. The deposits of arctic shells in the altered drift which were thought to indicate a low temperature, are quite limited and may be accounted for by the influence of polar currents ; many of them are identical with those of species now living exposed to such currents on the present sea coasts. The existence of elephants, lions, tigers, hyaenas, and similar animals found now only in tropical regions, in- dicates a mild climate in Great Britain and other parts of Europe where their remains are found in abundance. The elephants found in Siberia were clad with wool and hair, showing that they lived in a colder climate than their con- geners are fitted for at the present day ; but the climate must have been milder than it is in those regions at present, 240 ROOKS OP THE QUATERNARY PERIOD. to have furnished sufficient food for such large animals as the elephant and rhinoceros, and the supposition that it was, appears to be confirmed by the fact that large birch trees are found embedded in the sandy cliffs, beyond the seventy- fifth degree of north latitude in sufficient quantities to be used by the inhabitants as fuel, while only stunted shrubs of the same genus grow at the present day beyond the seven- tieth degree of latitude. THE ALLUVIUM. 303. The Alluvium embraces the recent and progressive formations, consisting of sands, gravels, clay, marls, vege- table and animal matter, which the rivers, lakes, seas, shell- beds and coral-reefs are constantly accumulating. These deposits are not distinguished from those which immediately precede them by any marked difference of characters, but through gradual, successive steps, they bring the history of the physical changes to which the globe has been subjected to the present time. They may be classified in accordance with their positions as marine, fresh-water, and terres- trial. The period during which they have occurred is des- ignated the historic period the age or reign of man. 304. The phenomena of raised beaches indicate recent extensive changes of level in the ocean ; such beaches, with their strewn sand, gravel, pebbles, shells, etc., occur in some instances hundreds of feet above the present ocean level. Some of the elevations have been sudden, and were witnessed by living observers, as on the coast of Chili in' 1822, and the Ullah Bund, (67, 68;) but others are more ancient, and were probably gradual. Along the coasts of the Mediterranean, ancient beaches covered with the shells of species of shell-fish living at the present time in the ad- THE ALLUTIUM. 241 joining sea have been elevated fifty feet, while the coasts of Sweden and Norway have been raised two hundred feet above the present level of the Baltic. Similarly located beaches or terraces are found near the ocean, generally con- forming to its present boundaries, in all parts of the world. Phenomena of a converse kind are presented by subma- rine forests, which are beds of vegetable substances with the roots of the trees in the situations in which they orig- inally grew now depressed several feet below the lowest tide ; as the trees belong to existing species, the depression is shown to be a geologically recent occurrence. 305. Masses of sand, gravel, pebbles and clay, termed marine silt, have accumulated in many positions on the present shores of the ocean, through the influence of waves, tides and currents. The Isthmus of Suez is said to have gained thirteen miles in width within four thousand years ; the sites of the ancient sea ports Tyre and Sidon are now several miles inland ; and hundreds of square miles of dry land have been formed by the existing seas, in numerous localities, (44.) Of the recent deposits made upon the bed of the ocean but little is known ; soundings, however, show that sand, mud, shells, corals, and vegetable substan- ces have been deposited by sub-marine currents on a scale which rivals some of the ancient strata. The Yellow Sea and the German Ocean have been shoaling at a very sensi- ble rate within the period of human observation ; the for- mer, it is estimated, converts a square mile into solid land in seventy days, or more than five hundred square miles in a century. 306. Estuary deposits are peculiarly complex, since they are composed of marine and fluviatile silts, and em- brace organic remains derived from the ocean, fresh-water, 21 242 ROCKS OF THE QUATERNARY PERIOD. and the laud. The delta of the Niger may serve as an exam- ple : its base extends three hundred miles along the coast of the .ocean, and consists of a beach of sea sand, with shells, corals and other marine remains; during the dry season, and at a low stage of the water in the river, these marine deposits extend farther inland. The delta extends up the river one hundred and seventy miles, consisting of vast ex- panses of low lands, swamps, and mud islands, separated by branches of the river and stagnant pools. A rank growth of marsh plants covers much of its surface ; shell- fish and amphibious animals abound, and contribute their remains to its accumulating strata. Like the delta of the Nile it is annually inundated, and deposits of mud and sand are made over the whole surface, mingled with the remains of the elephant, hippopotamus, rhinoceros and other tropical animals, together with a variety of corre- sponding plants. When this delta shall have been elevated beyond the reach of the waters, and become consolidated, its strata of confused and alternating marine, fresh-water, and terrestrial characters, will present appearances similar to those of the Tertiary and Wealden formations. Deltas are the most extensive of the accessible alluvial deposits; they furnish a connecting link between forma- tions now in progress and those of former geological eras. 307. Lacustrine deposits include the mud, sand, marl and organic matter which have accumulated in fresh-water lakes of the present period ; these materials form succes- sive regular layers upon the bottoms of the lakes, indicating quiet, gentle deposition. Lakes have thus been filled up and formed flat alluvial plains ; some geologists ascribe this origin to the prairies, pampas, and steppes. Some lakes have been partially or wholly drained by a more rapid pas- THE ALLUVIUM. 243 sage of their waters through the outlets ; when this has been effected hy distinct stages, successive terraces are formed ; this is supposed to have been the origin of the lake ridges ridge roads they having constituted the ancient shores of the lakes. The circumstances of deposition of the fresh- water beds of the Tertiary, Wealden, and Coal series ap- pear to have been similar to those of lacustrine accumu- lations of the present era. Rivers have sometimes deposited their silt upon their beds, and more frequently during freshets upon the adjacent valleys ; such deposits are more heterogeneous and irregular than those made in lakes. 308. Of the various mineral substances chemically pre- cipitated from water, marl is the most abundant; it is the carbonate of lime held in solution and in mechanical suspen- sion. It occurs in various degrees of purity \ when densely aggregated and sometimes crystalline in texture, *it is called rock marl; when cementing together a mass of shells, shell marl, and when largely mixed with clay, day marl. Marls are found most frequently in the deposits of lakes, ponds and swamps in limestone districts, in which calcareous springs abound. Immense quantities of this material are also conveyed by rivers into the ocean. " A hard stratum of travertin," says Mr. Lyell, "about a foot in thickness, is obtained from the waters of San Filippo in four months ; and as the springs are powerful, and almost uniform iii the quantity given out, we are at no loss to comprehend the magnitude of the mass which descends the hill, which is a mile and a quarter in length, and the third of a mile in breadth, in some places attaining a thickness of two hundred and fifty feet. To what length it might havo reached it is impossible to conjecture, as it is cut off by a stream which carries the remainder of the calcareous matter 244 ROCKS OP THE QUATERNARY PERIOD. to the sea." Waters holding silica in solution hot springs have deposited silicious sinter; the hot springs of St. Michael have encrusted surrounding objects, and deposited layers of sinter several inches thick. Alumina is also sometimes similarly precipitated ; a mixture of precipitated alumina, silica and the oxide of iron has been obtained abundantly from Tripoli for use as a polishing powder but much of the tripoli of commerce consists of the silicious shields of animalcules. The oxides of iron and manganese, gypsum, common salt, petroleum or asphaltum, etc., have formed extensive deposits ; they furnish many analogies by which the phenomena of similar beds in the older strata are illustrated. 309. The plants embedded in the alluvium belong to existing species, and occur as subterranean forests, peat- mosses, and drift-wood. Subterranean forests occur in de- pressed valleys, and low alluvial plains, where trees stand- ing erect or overturned in the situations in which they grew have been invested with mud and sand ; the wood of these trees, though discolored, has been employed in the construction of houses in England. Rivers, ocean-currents, and tides have formed extensive accumulations of drift- wood in estuaries and deltas, and along the sea coast, par ticularly in sheltered bays. An instance of alluvial vege- table accumulation has been discovered by a section of a canal in Scotland. "At a depth of twelve feet from the surface of the fine alluvial sediment/' says Professor Phillips, " a quantity of hazel bushes, roots, and nuts, with some mosses, fresh-water shells, and bones of the stag were met with. In some parts of the sediments an English coin was found, and oars of a boat were dug up. Where a little water entered this peaty and shelly deposit from the adja- THE ALLUVIUM. 245 cent limestone, it produced in the wood a singular petrifac- tion ; for the external bark and wood were converted into carbonate of lime, in which the vegetable structure was perfectly preserved. In like manner some of the nuts were altered ; the shells and the membranes lining it were un- changed ; but the kernel was converted into the carbonate of lime, not crystallized, but retaining the peculiar texture of the recent fruit. In this particular case no reasonable doubt can exist that the peaty deposit, full of land-mosses, hazel-bushes, and fresh-water-shells, was water-moved, and covered up by fine sediments from the river and the tide." 310. But the most extensive vegetable deposits of the alluvium are peat-mosses, which cover hundreds of square miles, and are sometimes forty feet thick. Peat consists of mosses, especially the sphagnum palustre, rushes and other aquatic plants, together with the trunks, branches, and leaves of trees. Peat swamps occupy the sites of ancient lakes and low woody districts, in which obstructions to the drainage have caused swampy morasses, destroying the for- est trees and favoring the growth of aquatic mosses. The sites of many of the aboriginal forests of Europe are now covered by mosses and fens. Fallen trees by obstruct- ing the drainage of a district have produced peat-bogs ; the prostration of a forest by a tornado about the middle of the seventeenth century produced a peat-moss, which at the be- ginning of the eighteenth century yielded peat for fuel. Peat swamps possess eminent antiseptic power ; the bodies of men and other animals buried in them have been pre- served for centuries. The most ancient peat-mosses belong to the alluvial period ; this is known by their conforming to the present configuration of the land, and by their contain- ing the remains of vegetable and animal bodies belonging 21* 246 ROCKS OP THE QUATERNARY PERIOD. exclusively to existing species. The changes which occur in peat-beds illustrate the formation of coal; a true bitu- minous coal has been found in a peat-bog in the State of Maine, several feet below the surface amidst the remains of logs of wood, ( 144.) 311. The remains of animals belonging to the species still living or very recently extinct, are characteristic of the Alluvium ; among these remains the exuviae of shell- fish and coral zoophytes are, as they were in the older for- mations, most abundant. Immense banks of dead shells have been drifted together by tides and currents j some of Fig. 161. Shell Limestone from the Mouth of the Thames. them remain loose and are worn by the waves, while others are cemented together by the carbonate of lime into a shelly limestone or sandstone. Fig. 161 represents a por- tion of a block taken from a bank of consolidated shells, in the progress of formation in the English channel near the mouth of the Thames ; it is sufficiently firm to admit of being cut and polished ; the bank consists mostly of one species, having lived gregariously, as do oysters and mus- THE ALLUVIUM. 247 sels. Coral reefs with their accumulated debris constitute thousands of square miles of the surface of the earth, ( 76,) and form an aggregate of calcareous matter equal to the limestones of the older formations. The remains of fishes, reptiles, birds and mammalia, which are included in alluvial deposits, though comparatively few in number, are highly indicative of the circumstances in which they lived. 312. Some genera and species of animals have become extinct during the alluvial period ; this may have been the case with the great Irish Elk, the Mastodon, the Dinornis and others; but there is one example of extinction which has occurred within the period of authentic history. The Dodo, a bird of the gallinaceous tribe larger than a turkey, abounded in Mauritius and adjacent islands, when first col- onized by the Dutch, more Fig. 162. than two centuries ago. It is now entirely extinct. The stuffed skins formerly in European Cabinets have de- cayed, and the only relics of them are a few frag- ments of the harder parts, as the head and feet, in the British Museums. The bones of the Dodo have been found fossil in a tufa- ceous deposit in the Isle of The Dodo. France. The Apteryx, so called because destitute of wings, is a rare bird living in New Zealand. It differs from most birds in many particulars of its organization. It appears to be almost extirpated, and several of its congeners are thought to have recently become extinct. 248 ROCKS OF THE QUATERNARY PERIOD. Fig. 163. The Apteryx. 313. The remains of man, are found only in the newest de- posits, nor is there any reason for supposing that he existed at an earlier period, since if he had, some vestiges of his exis- tence would have been perpet- uated. Cuvier observes that the bones of men in ancient battle fields were as well pre- served as were those of the horses buried with them ; and much frailer substances than human skeletons have been fossilized in very ancient rocks. The skeletons of men, as well as various works of art, have been found in the allu- vium. The discovery of human skeletons in limestone has been referred to in 91 ; they were found on the north- east coast of Gruadaloupe in a bed of rapidly accumulating limestone, consisting of fragments of corals and shells, Fig. 164. Cliff at Gaudaloupe. A, the ancient rocks ; B, alhmal limestone containing human skeletons. with sand cemented together by the carbonate of lime. The shells and corals belong to existing species, and the pieces of pottery and implements found with the skeletons identify the period of their deposition as historically recent. THE ALLUVIUM. 249 The conjecture that man's remains will be found in the older rocks of Asia where the race was first introduced, is shown to be groundless by the fact that the organic contents of Asiatic rocks are known to correspond with those of the rocks of the same age in other parts of the world. 314. The superficial stratum of the earth's surface in which plants grow is denominated soil; it consists of mi- nute fragments of rock gravel, sand, clay, together with portions of decomposed vegetable and animal matter. It varies in thickness, never exceeding however a few feet. The fragments of which it consists, have either resulted from disintegration of the subjacent rocks or have been transported from the localities in which they were broken up. The mineral mass lying immediately beneath, and destitute of vegetable and animal substances, is called sub- soil. Soils are designated according to their predominant mineral ingredients, as sandy, gravelly, loamy, clayey or calcareous. The soil not only furnishes subsistence to veg- etable and animal bodies but protects the surface of the earth from rapid wearing ; an unprotected surface is wasted by every shower, while even light sands are secured from abrasion by vegetables growing upon them. 315. Atmospheric and aqueous agencies exerted during the alluvial period, have produced the most recent modifi- cations of the earth's features ; the forms of mountains and valleys have been losing their sharp angles, and become undulating. Caves, which were originally fissures in lime- stone rocks, have been greatly extended by the eroding action of water. The great Kentucky Cave has been traced ten miles in one direction, without finding any termination ; it has also very extensive lateral branches. A similar action 250 ROCKS OF THE QUATERNARY PERIOD. in gorges and valleys occasionally presents the phenomena of natural bridges, of which a remarkable example is found in Virginia. It consists of a magnificent arch of limestone spanning the Cedar craek. Its height above the stream is Fig. 165. Natural Bridge, Rockbridge County, Va. two hundred and fifteen feet j its length ninety-three feet ; its width eighty feet, and its thickness fifty-five feet. 316. The products of igneous agency during the allu THE ALLUVIUM. 251 vial period are numerous and extensive beds of lava, vol- canic ashes, scoriae, sand, sulphur, etc. New volcanic craters have arisen, as Jorullo, in Mexico; while others have ceased to erupt. Earthquakes have produced great distur- bances of the earth's crust, and various portions of the sur- face have been elevated and depressed. Many mountain Fig. 166. Chimborazo. peaks show, by their forms, and by the lava upon their sides, that they are volcanic vents, though they have been long dormant, and can not be with certainty assigned to the alluvial, or period of active volcanoes. CHAPTER X, THEORETICAL GEOLOGY. 317. HITHERTO the facts respecting the structure of the earth's crust, the nature of the materials and the order of their arrangement, have been detailed, constituting Descriptive Geology ; but Geology when perfected embra- ces an enunciation of the laws, in accordance with which the successive changes the earth has undergone, and its present condition have been produced. This department of the science is termed Theoretical, or Physical Geology. Sir John Herschel observes, " The first thing that a philosophical mind considers, when any new phenomenon presents itself, is its explanation, or reference to an imme- diate producing cause. If that can not be ascertained the next thing is to generalize the phenomenon, and include it, with others analogous to it, in the expression of some law." * A theory is a philosophical explanation of phenomena, deduced from principles which have been established by independent evidence ; while an hypothesis rests solely on the satisfactory explanation of the phenomena, which it furnishes. These terms are, however, frequently used synonymously, and some modes of explanation deemed theories may by the progress of science be shown to be untenable by hypothesis. * Herschel's Discourse on the Study of Natural Philosophy. THEORIES OF THE DRIFT. 253 318. Geology is an inductive science based upon the observation of facts, and if the theories adduced to account for the phenomena are shown to be untrue or insufficient, the facts still remain unimpeached. Geological theories relate principally to the modes of action of the two great agencies aqueous and igneous. It has before been stated ( 13,) that geologists are divided in opinion respect- ing the intensity with which these agents have operated in different periods ; and while they agree in attributing the stratified rocks to deposition from water, in particular modes, the phenomena of the Drift have given rise to several theo- ries. Diverse modes of explanation have also been pro- posed to account for the phenomena of volcanoes, and the elevation of mountains and continents. All correct reason- ing in natural science is based upon the uniformity of na- ture's laws; a conviction of this uniformity is unceasingly impressed upon the mind by experience and observation. THEORIES OF THE DRIFT. 319. No part of Physical Geology is so unsettled as that which relates to the dispersion of the Drift. It was formerly imputed to the agency of powerful currents of water alone, and by many it was ascribed to Noah's deluge. This was the view entertained by Dr. Buckland when he wrote his Reliquiae Diluvianas. But the short period of that flood and the absence of man's remains and works, with other considerations, have led to the universal aban- donment of that view. The agency of water alone is now regarded as inadequate to account for the phenomena ; they are attributed to the joint action of ice and water. Three theories are advocated by different writers on the subject. 320. The iceberg theory , supposes that the polar regions 22 254 THEORETICAL GEOLOGY. of the earth were depressed beneath the ocean before the drift, and that during that period icebergs loaded with gravel and fragments of rocks were transported by currents, in- flicting scratches and grooves upon the rocks over which they passed, and melting in lower latitudes deposited the materials they had conveyed. It is urged in favor of this theory that such an agency is now witnessed in the phenomena of icebergs bearing thousands of tons of earth and rocks, transported by polar currents, as far as the drift extends. The stranding of the icebergs with fragments of rock frozen in them, is thought to produce striae and furrows upon the bottom of the ocean like those of the drift. It is objected to this theory that the boulders of ice- bergs are brought from high latitudes, while those of the drift appear to have been derived from neighboring moun- tains and ledges; the parallelism and uniformity of the striaa are not adequately accounted for ; and the highest portions, as mountain tops, alone should have been furrowed and striated, since icebergs that would float over such heights would not reach to the bottom of the valleys, whereas the scratches are common in the plains and valleys. 321. The elevation theory attributes the phenomena to numerous elevations of the earth from beneath the polar seas, repeated for successive ages, sending enormous waves toward the equatorial regions bearing icebergs, with their boulders and earth, and urging before them the loose mate- rials lying upon the surface ; the striae were produced by fragments of rocks in the bottoms of immense masses of ice which may have been forced up steep declivities. The arguments in favor of this theory are, that such THEORIES OF THE DRIFT. 255 upheavals of the bottom of the ocean are known to occur, as in the elevation of Sabrina, Graham's Island, in the Mediterranean sea, and the Aleutian Islands, ( GO ;) that waves caused by earthquakes have great power to prostrate and transport heavy bodies ; and that, as the surface of the continents, the mountain ridges and valleys, were essen- tially the same in form and direction then as now, the origin of the action must be sought for out of the country, and the direction of the drift dispersion indicates that the localities elevated were about the poles. It is objected, that so numerous and extensive elevations as the theory requires, are improbable } that the phenomena of the drift indicate prolonged action, while such vertical movements are transient ; and that the parallelism of the striae on the rocks is not accounted for by moving fields of ice buoyed up by water, and conveyed by currents which, instead of passing up mountain sides and over their sum- mits, would have swept around such obstacles. 322. The glacier theory supposes that the climate, which in the Tertiary period had been so warm as to allow the palms to grow within the temperate zones, became much colder, causing enormous sheets of ice polar glaciers to advance far beyond their previous limits, moving along the surface by alternate advance and retreat, rounding, polish- ing and striating the rocks, and afterward when melted depositing their loads of boulders and detritus, where the drift is now found. ^ In Europe the center of expansion is supposed to have been the Scandinavian mountains, and in North America in the polar regions, from which the glaciers advanced southerly. The advocates of this theory contend that the phenom- ena of glaciers as witnessed in the Alps ( 32 ; ) are perfect 256 THEORETICAL GEOLOGY. miniature representations of the drift its striae, furrows, boulders and moraines ; that the elevation of extensive re- gions in high latitudes, like those of the Cordilleras in Mexico, and the high plains of Central Asia, would pro- duce such a reduction of temperature as to cause immense glaciers, even thousands of feet in thickness. This theory is advocated by Prof. Agassiz. The principal objection to the glacial theory is that gla- ciers are at present entirely confined to valleys, and the origin of such an enormous sheet of ice as it contemplates is altogether hypothetical. 323. Neither of these theories is deemed quite satisfac- tory - y the proximate cause of the phenomena is very gener- ally supposed to have been the joint action of ice and currents of water, but their origin and exact modes of operation are not determined. THEORY OF VOLCANOES. 324. The cause of volcanic phenomena eruptions, earthquakes, and elevations and depressions of portions of the earth's surface has been the subject of much discus- sion. The prevalent theory on this subject supposes the whole earth, with the exception of a crust fifty or one hundred miles thick, to be in a melted state ; that eruptions are produced by the access of water through crevices to this heated mass, which causes steam and other elastic bodies to force out through craters and fissures, lavas, scoriae, sulphur, and other volcanic products ; and that the whole globe has formerly" been in a state of fusion, the present crust having resulted from the cooling of the sur- face. THEORY OF VOLCANOES. 257 325. In favor of this view it is urged 1. That the temperature of the earth below a certain depth, as tested in mines and Artesian wells, continually increases as we descend ( 5,) at an average rate of about, 1- for fifty feet, which would at a depth of a little more than a mile give the temperature of boiling water, and at a depth of about fifty miles, would be adequate to the melting of any known rock. 2. The spheroidal form of the earth is thought to indi- cate that it has been in a fluid state ; and, if so, it must have been through the agency of heat. Sir Isaac Newton has shown that a body having the size and density of the earth, revolving on its axis with the rapidity it has, would, if its particles were free to move, assume its oblate spheroidal form. 3. The numerous extensive volcanoes, whose origin is deep seated, which communicate with each other over vast areas, and the masses of whose lavas thrown out at a single eruption sometimes surpass the bulk of the mountains in which their craters are situated, ( 54,) require an enormous mass of heated matter ; if the interior is in a melted state the materials are abundant, and their extrusion may be produced by the pressure of steam and other elastic bodies, or by the contraction of the crust upon the melted mass. 4. The phenomena of hot springs, deep Artesian wells, and the increase of temperature generally, as we descend beneath the surface, are adequately accounted for by this theory. 5. The ultra tropical character of the climate, and its great uniformity during the periods of deposition of the earliest fossiliferous rocks, have been attributed to this origin. 22* 258 THEORETICAL GEOLOGY. 6. The rocks constituting the crust of the earth have been melted; the characters of the unstratified rocks show that they have undergone no change since they cooled from a state of fusion, and the stratified rocks consist of frag- ments of the unstratified, and have therefore been melted. 7. The phenomena of earthquakes, their great extent and violence, are accounted for under this theory, by the undulatory motion of the earth's crust in consequence of the expansion of gases within, or of undulations in the molten mass. 326. It is contended by objectors to this theory 1. That the high temperature of the earth as we de- scend in it may be accounted for by chemical action, or by condensation of the air. To this it is replied that the phe- nomena occur where neither of these causes are adequate to their production. 2. It is objected that the temperature of the ocean is lower at great depths than at the surface. But strata of water arrange themselves in accordance with their specific gravities, the warmest rising to the top, and the crust of the earth is no thinner beneath the ocean than where it consti- tutes dry land. 3. Again it is objected that if the interior is intensely hot it should melt the crust with which it is in contact, or if not much hotter than the point of fusion at the time the crust consolidated, subsequent cooling should have caused it to solidify ere this. To which the advocates of the theory reply that the perfect non-conducting property of the crust prevents the escape of the heat. Baron Fourier has shown that the effect of this internal heat upon the surface is not the T J f of a degree at present, and that the temperature has not fallen during the last two thousand years more than the THEORY OF VOLCANOES. 259 T J ? part of a degree. Currents of lava after accumulating a crust have been known to remain fluid within for many years, ( 62.) 327. Another theory proposed to account for volcanic action, supposes there are extensive repositories of melted rocks, sufficient for the phenomena of volcanoes, while the great interior mass is solid; but most of the objections to the last theory are equally pertinent to this, and some of them apply with much greater force. 328. Sir Humphry Davy proposed to account for vol- canic action by the hypothesis that the internal parts of the earth contain great masses of the metallic bases of the alkalies and earths potassium, sodium, calcium, alumi- nium and magnesium which on coming in contact with water decompose it, and produce vivid combustion. This hypothesis, though abandoned by Davy, has been advocated by others, and is not necessarily inconsistent with the doc- trine of central heat ; but the magnitude, universality and perpetuity of volcanic action indicate a more uniform and extensive source. By some G-eologists, electricity is sup- posed to aid in the production of volcanic phenomena, and a remarkable concordance has been discerned between the prevailing direction of strata, and the curves of equal mag- netic intensity, but our knowledge of its modes of opera- tion is as yet quite imperfect. 329. The gradual elevation and depression of portions of the surface of the earth, as the rising of the coasts of the Baltic and the subsidence of Greenland, ( 68,) are attributed to the expansion and contraction of the rocks in consequence of changes of temperature. It is ascertained by experiment that different rocks are expanded unequally by the same increase of temperature; granite less than 260 THEORETICAL GEOLOGY. marble; marble less than slate ; and slate less than sand- stone. An increase of temperature of 600 applied to ten miles thickness of the earth's crust would elevate the sur- face two hundred feet ; and a similar diminution of temper- ature would cause a corresponding subsidence. 330. The elevation of mountain chains is usually as- cribed to violent volcanic uplifting agency ; but some writers account for it by the collapse of the consolidated crust upon the contracting mass within, some portions of the crust rising in ridges, while others sink beneath its former level, thus increasing the relative height of the ridges. A modification of this view attributes the elevation to a pli- cation, or folding of the strata, in consequence of horizon- tal or lateral pressure. 331. M. Elie de Beaumont contends that all mountain ranges which are parallel to each other, were elevated at the same time, even when situated remote from each other. The period at which a range was elevated is determined in accordance with principles illustrated in Fig. 62, 103 ; for example, the Chalk series are found inclined upon the flanks of the Pyrenees, showing that they were deposited before those mountains were thrust up, while the lowest of the Tertiary rocks are not thrown out of their horizontal position j the epoch of the upheaval of the Pyrenees was therefore at the close of the Cretaceous, and antecedent to the Tertiary period. By the same test the Apennines are found to date from the same epoch, and. the two ranges are nearly parallel. The same is found to be true of many other ranges at various periods, and hence Beaumont derives his generalization that parallelism indicates contemporaneity. He makes twelve systems of elevations in Europe, the first of which is the system of Westmoreland, in England, and THEORY OF VEINS. 261 of the Hunsdruck on the Continent, which was thrown up during the Silurian period, being the oldest upheaval as yet identified upon the globe ; and the last is the system of the Principal Chain of the Alps, which was elevated after the close of the Tertiary period, being the last great convul- sion to which Europe has been subjected. Five or six systems have been assigned to the American Continent, of which that of the Andes is the most recent, its upheaval having occurred, as Beaumont supposes, in the historical period. These views, though generally received with favor by Geologists, require confirmation ; if they can be shown to be correct, their guidance will greatly facilitate geological research. THEORY OP VEINS. 332. It is generally supposed that most veins were injected in a fluid state into fissures in both stratified and unstratified rocks; some veins have been traced to large masses of the same materials, whose former fluidity through the agency of heat is deemed demonstrable. It is however admitted that some veins are contempora- neous with the rocks in which they are included, having been separated by chemical segregation, ( 106,) as the flints were separated from the chalk, and the garnets from the mica-slate ; in such cases they are entirely included in the rock. The materials of some veins appear to have been sub- limed into fissures, studding the interior with crystals. An experiment has been instituted to test the correctness of this view of the origin of veins. Lead ore (Galena) was sublimed through steam of water in an earthen tube, and condensed in cubical crystals in the colder parts of the 262 THEORETICAL GEOLOGY. tube ; boracic acid was sublimed and condensed in the same manner. 333. By some Geologists veins are supposed to have been formed by the chemical changes that may have taken place under the influence of electrical currents in the inte- rior of the earth ; the experiments of M. Becquerel on the insoluble compounds of copper, lead, and lime, show that many crystallized bodies, hitherto found only in nature, may be artificially formed by the long-continued action of 7ery feeble electrical currents, and Mr. Fox accounts for the superior richness of metallic veins running east and west, by the electro-magnetic currents circulating in that direction, decomposing metallic compounds and transferring their elements to a considerable distance in the rocks. COSMOGONY. 334. The Science of Greology does not furnish the means of determining in what state the materials of the earth were when created, nor can it assure us that those materials have not undergone many important changes, of which we have no indications. Conjectures, however, have been formed respecting the earliest conditions of created matter. A prevalent hypothesis supposes matter to have been created in its elementary forms ; chemical attraction caused many of these elements to combine with each other ; this rapid chemical action combustion evolved sufficient heat to vaporize a large portion of the substances ; subse- quent radiation condensed the vapors to a liquid state, and a solid crust accumulated upon which the waters of the atmosphere were precipitated, bringing the phenomena within the province of positive Greology. 335. The plausibility of this hypothesis is argued from COSMOGONY. 263 its accordance with the known laws of Chemistry, and As- tronomical analogies. Comets and some nebulae present matter in an exceedingly attenuated state, so that stars can be seen through the former in some instances with scarcely any diminution of lustre ; and some of them, it is thought, are becoming gradually more dense at their centers. The moon presents the appearance of a globe with its surface shaped by igneous agency. Its mountain peaks rise more than four miles in height, and some of its volcanic craters, which are one hundred and fifty miles in diameter, have their bottoms depressed more than twenty thousand feet below the general surface. These craters very closely re- semble in form, terraces, etc., some of the earth's volcanoes, especially Kilauea, ( 58.) As there is no water upon the moon, and a very rare atmosphere, if any, no stratified de- posits exist, nor are the characteristic effects of volcanic action obliterated, but it presents to us such an appearance as Geologists assign to the earth in the primary period, be- fore the agency of water modified its surface by wearing the igneous rocks and depositing strata of the detritus. CHAPTER II, PRACTICAL GEOLOGY. 336. BY Practical or Economical Geology is under- stood an exhibition of the facts of the science obtained by observation, and the laws deduced from the facts by gener- alization, with reference to their immediate application to the wants of society. Its importance can not indeed be adequately estimated by monetary tables, since its effects on mind in stimulating intellectual activity, arid inducing wholesome mental discipline, are no less valuable than what it has accomplished for the comforts of society and the in- terests of commerce. But its cash value is distinctly ap- preciable. Mr. Miller states, in his " Old Red Sandstone," that the time and money squandered in Great Britain alone in searching for coal in districts where the well-informed Geologist could have at once pronounced the search hope- less, would much more than cover the expense at which geological research has been prosecuted throughout the world. The Old Red Sandstone, the Silurian rocks, and talcose and mica-slates have been bored for coal, where the author just quoted remarks, " there might be some possi- bility of penetrating to the central fire, but none whatever of reaching a vein of coal." 337. Not only is the physical condition of a country influenced by its geological structure, but the occupations MINING METALS. 265 and habits of its inhabitants are almost exclusively deter- mined by it. A good geological map of a country is the best index of the relative values of its districts for partic- cular economical purposes. Practical Geology relates particularly to the processes of Mining, Engineering and Architecture, and Agricul- ture ; it depends principally upon the fact that minerals which are useful for practical purposes are found only in certain geological formations. 338. In mining for most metals Geology indicates the primary and metamorpJiic rocks, the junction of the strat- ified with the unstratified rocks, as the most promising fields of search. Gold and Platinum are found not as ores, but native metals in quartz rock and talcose slate. They are how- ever obtained from the drift and alluvium, which consist of the detritus of these primary rocks. Silver occurs as a sulphuret and a chloride in the pri- mary and transition slates; it is also associated with me- tallic copper. The principal ore of Mercury the sulphuret is found in mica-slate and in the New Red sandstone. The ores of Copper the sulphuret, the oxide, and car- bonate are found in the primary rocks, and in connection with trap dikes in the secondary; copper is also found na- tive in these situations. Lead ore is the sulphuret galena ; the unstratified and stratified primary rocks, the metaliferous limestone, and the secondary rocks as high as the lias, are its repositories. The sulphuret of Zinc zinc-blende and the carbon- ate of zinc, are found in the Transition and Secondary series. 23 266 PRACTICAL GEOLOGY. Tin, Antimony, Bismuth, Cobalt, Arsenic, Manganese, etc., are found in the oldest rocks. Iron occurs in all formations, in quantities and forms adapted to working, but the iron ores of the older rocks are the most valuable. The metals are usually found in veins, but sometimes they constitute true beds, and are also diffused in fragments through a rock, as in the drift, or alluvium. Veins follow certain courses relatively to the principal axes of elevation of the country ; they are often interrupted by cross veins and dikes, and thrown either up or down. The veins con- taining metallic ores are called lodes ; those not metalifer- ous, cross courses. The inclination of the vein to the hori- zon is called its underlie, hade or slope; and its intersection with the surface, its direction. The practical Geologist is enabled to determine these, and map them out so as to guide the miner to the readiest and most economical method of developing the ore. 339. True bituminous coal is found only in the carbo- niferous system of rocks, and in a certain part of the sys- tem only ; all search for it in other positions has proved fruitless. Beds of lignite do occur in the Oolite, Lias, and Tertiary, but they are rarely worth working. Anthracite, which is coal deprived of bitumen, is sometimes found be- low the carboniferous series. Masses of bituminous matter sometimes occur in the Old Red sandstone with markings so similar to the vegetable impressions on the carboniferous sandstones, as to deceive an unpractised eye; but the groups of fossils are characteristic of the formations and enable the Geologist to discriminate them. Dislocations of beds of coal and strata associated with them are singu- larly frequent, and the faults are so complicate as to require PRACTICAL GEOLOGY. 267 much geological knowledge and experience to aid the miner in recovering his lost seams. The most successful modea of draining and ventilating the mines are also indicated by the practical Geologist. 340. The diamond, which is pure crystallized carbon, and is supposed by many Geologists to be of vegetable origin, has been found in the talcose slate, and the New Red sandstone ; the rocks with which it was associated indica- ting the agency of heat. The precious stones, emerald, ruby, sapphire, topaz, carnelian, tourmaline, garnet, etc., are found in the igneous unstratified rocks. The gems are frequently obtained from the drift, together with gold and platinum, having been removed from their original positions by the abrasions of the older rocks. 341. A knowledge of Geology is highly important to the engineer and architect. "It is in proportion to his acquaintance with Geology and Mineralogy/ 7 says Mr. Cresy, "that the Civil Engineer is rendered skilful in the formation of roads, canals, harbors, building of bridges, or forming foundations of any kind, and draining ; wherever the scene of his labors may lie, he can not be entirely suc- cessful, without a careful consideration of the various strata composing the earth's crust. When Smeaton was called upon to construct the Eddystone Lighthouse, he commenced by examining the structure of the rock on which it was to be based, and as far as possible to endeavor to imitate nature in his arrangement of the courses. Had the build- ers of the Leaning Tower, at Pisa, been equally careful, or had they been acquainted with the composition of the earth on which they laid their foundations, the world would never have had the opportunity of supposing that its inclination was the effect of design, instead of the consequence of an 268 PRACTICAL GEOLOGY. insecure base, which might have been consolidated by art ; had the alluvial matter on -which the footings are laid been converted into a mass of conglomerate or artificial rock, this famed Campanile would have stood as upright as the Eddystone Lighthouse. For all the purposes of build- ing, it is necessary that the constructor should be acquainted with the formation and properties of the matter with which he has to deal ; he should understand the cause of the du- rability of a substance, whatever it may be, as well as what disintegrates or destroys it."* A litHological map of a country delineating its various strata, their dip and strike, is an efficient guide to the En- gineer in locating public works, estimating their expense, and procuring the materials for their construction. 342. One of the most important uses to which minerals are applied, is for architectural purposes. The character of the material requires to be adapted to the circumstances in which it is used, in order to secure durability ; some rocks disintegrate rapidly in consequence of expansion and contraction from changes of temperature, and others are destroyed by absorbing water from the atmosphere, which expands in freezing. The importance of the dura- bility of materials has been much neglected in modern architecture. Mr. Ure remarks that, " such was the care of the ancients to provide strong and durable materials for their public edifices that but for the desolating hands of modern barbarians, in peace and in war, most of the temples and other public monuments of Greece and Rome would have remained perfect at the present day, uninjured by the elements during two thousand years. The contrast in this respect of the works of modern architects, especially * Encyclopaedia of Civil Engineering, by Edward Cresy, p. 617 PRACTICAL GEOLOGY. 269 in Great Britain, is very humiliating to those who boast so loudly of social advancement ; for there is scarcely a public building of recent date which will be in existence a thou- sand years hence/ 7 This frailty of public structures is equally conspicuous in the United States. 343. Granite, Syenite and Porphyry are valuable ma- terials for building. To adapt them for this use they should be fine and uniform in texture, as the coarser va- rieties are not so coherent. They should be free from metallic bodies, especially iron pyrites sulphuret of iron which, on exposure to moist air, rust, discolor, and disinte- grate the rock in which they are embedded. These rocks usually harden after removal from the quarry and exposure to the air ; their geological position is in the Primary series, but they occur intruded as dikes and veins in the more recent strata. The varieties of Trap and Basalt are used for building ; the natural faces of the basaltic pillars require no dressing to fit them for the purpose, and the sombre hue of the fer- ruginous varieties is adapted to some styles of architecture. These igneous rocks are associated with the Secondary series of strata. The Lavas of the Tertiary and the Alluvial periods, are also used, but are frequently not sufficiently firm and compact for this purpose. 344. Sandstones usually consist of grains of quartz, with some admixture of other minerals, as feldspar and mica ; some are cemented together with carbonate of lime, and are called calcareous, others with clay, and are denom- inated argillaceous. Their colors, yellow, brown, red or black, are principally due to the compounds of iron. They occur in strata of all the geological series, and are, there- 23 * UNIVERSITY- 270 PRACTIUAL GEOLOGY. fore, widely diffused and easily accessible. They are ex- tensively employed, frequently under the name of free- stones. To fit them for this purpose they should be free from iron-pyrites, iron sand, or any substance which will on exposure to the weather undergo chemical change. Some sandstones, are worthless for ordinary building pur- poses, falling to pieces as soon as they dry, but are very firm while kept beneath the surface of water or in the ground. Sandstones which absorb much water will not bear exposure to frost. This may be tested by immersing them in water and exposing to frost, or in a saturated solution of sulphate of soda Grlauber's Salts and drying in the air ; in the latter case, if much of the solution is absorbed the crystallization of the salt will produce the same disin- tegrating effect as the frost would. The Conglomerates and Breccias are not so well adapted to architectural purposes as the rocks which are finer and more uniform in structure. 345. Limestones have always been highly esteemed for building and various other purposes. They are very abun- dant, occurring in all the series from the statuary marble of the primary to the marls of the alluvial. They are either granular or compact in texture ; the former furnish- ing the firmest and finest marbles. When pure they are white, but they are often clouded with black mica or some metallic compound. These are found in the vicinity of the igneous rocks, to which they are supposed to owe their crystalline texture. The finer varieties of marble are said not to be exceeded in durability by any other rock used in architecture. Some of the compact varieties of limestone are easily wrought, are susceptible of polish, and are well adapted to building purposes. PRACTICAL GEOLOGY. 271 Slates are much used for roofing. They "should bo homogeneous and fine in texture, of uniform cleavage, free from pyrites, impermeable to water, and sufficiently tena- cious to allow perforations for nailing them. Such slates are found in the older stratified series of rocks. 346. Minerals useful for other purposes are found in various rocks. Sulphate of Lime or Gypsum, extensively used for forming stucco, taking casts, etc., is found in the Transition, Secondary, and Tertiary series. Steatite or soap-stone, employed as fire-stones to line furnaces and stoves, is soft, may be sawn, and turned in a lathe j a compact variety of it, called pot-stone, is wrought into culinary vessels in Italy. This rock occurs among the oldest strata. Salt chloride of sodium is frequently found with gypsum in the New Red sandstone, but occurs also in other strata. The remarkable deposits in Poland and Hungary are in the Cretaceous or Upper Secondary ; the mines in Poland have been worked since A. D. 1251, and are esti- mated to contain sufficient salt to supply the world for many centuries. Hills of salt three hundred to four hun- dred feet high are found in the Cretaceous strata at Cardona in Spain ; but the Catalonian deposits are in the Tertiary. Some salt lakes are at the present day producing deposits by evaporation ; as exemplified by the Dead and Caspian seas, the lakes of Northern Africa, and the Great Salt Lake, which is situated upon the flanks of the Rocky Mountains at an elevation of four thousand two hundred feet above the sea, with an area of two thousand square miles. The brines from which most of the salt in the United States is obtained, come from below the coal. Forty gallons of the New York springs yield a bushel 272 PRACTICAL GEOLOGY. of salt. Rock salt has been found in Virginia and in Oregon. 347. Clay, consisting of alumina and silica, owes its plasticity to the former ingredient ; it results from the dis- integration of feldspar and slate rocks, and is found prin- cipally in the Tertiary and Drift. It is often mixed with the carbonate of lime, magnesia, and the oxide of iron. Clay used for making bricks, generally contains a portion of the hydrated oxide of iron, which is decomposed when heated, forming red oxide of iron, and imparting its color to the brick ; some clays, however, contain no iron, and the bricks made of them are of a light color, as is the case with those made at Milwaukie, Wisconsin. Clay for fire- bricks should contain no iron, magnesia or lime, as those ingredients impart fusibility; such clay is found in the Tertiary and in the Coal formation. Pipe-clay or Potter's clay are pure varieties, and consequently white. Porcelain clay or kaolin is decomposing feldspar, which mixed with silica, lime and unchanged feldspar, produces beautiful specimens of earthenware, some of which are translucent porcelain. The kaolin occurs in extensive beds in granite rocks. The Sevres ware made in France consists of sixty- five parts of kaolin, twenty of feldspar, ten of flint or quartz, and five of chalk. The China ware contains more quartz and is more glassy. fuller's earth is composed of silica, alumina, lime, mag- nesia and the oxide of iron ; it has a soapy feel and is used for removing grease from woolen cloths. 348. Sand is usually grains of quartz, mixed with grains of mica, feldspar, oxide of iron, etc. Sand is ex- tensively used in the manufacture of glass, which is a transparent, fusible compound of quartz silicic acid and PRACTICAL GEOLOGY. 273 potash or soda ; the oxide of lead and lime are sometimes added for glass of different kinds. Sand for the manufac- ture of glass should be pure, especially free from the ox- ides of metals, which impart to it deep colors ; the color resulting from one metal may sometimes be discharged by another, as the green color resulting from the oxide of iron is removed by the oxide of manganese. Beds of sand adapted to this purpose are found in the Tertiary, Drift and Alluvium. That which is obtained by pulverizing sand- stones is apt to contain a troublesome amount of iron, or other impurities. Sand used for mortar should be fine and of sharp grit. 349. Quicklime, used for mortar, for purifying coal- gas and syrups, for fertilizing land, and for various other purposes, is obtained from limestones, by expelling the carbonic acid by heat. The purest marbles furnish the best lime, but some impurities are not detrimental to it for cer- tain purposes. The strength of mortar depends upon the formation of the chemical compound of lime, silica, and water, and is not necessarily impaired by the presence of a small portion of iron, clay, &c. The rich or fat limes double their volume in slaking, and absorb nearly three hundred per cent, of their weight of water ; the poor limes augment their volume slightly in slaking, and absorb about two hundred per cent, of their weight of water. Hydraulic lime is distinguished by forming a mortar which sets under water, and consists of silica, lime, alu- mina, magnesia, and frequently the oxide of iron ; the last ingredient is deemed undesirable for most purposes to which this lime is applied. Prof. Beck gives the composition of a variety of this substance extensively used in the State of New York as follows : carbonic acid 34.20, lime 25.50, 274 PRACTICAL GEOLOGY. magnesia 12.35, silica 15.37, alumina 9.13, and perox- ide of iron 2.25.* Hydraulic limes are not uniform in their composition. ' Parker's Cement, formerly patented in England, consist- ed of fifty-five parts of lime, thirty-eight of alumina, and seven of oxide of iron. It was obtained from the septaria found in the argillaceous strata of the Oolite and the Tertiary. Other septaria forming excellent cements differ in the proportions of their ingredients. Greater caution is requisite in burning hydraulic lime, since it is fusible, and the heat applied to the common lime will vitrify this sub- stance and render the process quite imperfect : common lime will bear a white heat, but the calcination of hydraulic lime is not well effected above a red heat. Puzzuolana, a volcanic tufa composed of silica, alumina, lime, magnesia, soda and oxides of several metals, forms with lime and water a strong hydraulic cement. The strong cement used in the construction of the Eddystone lighthouse was made of equal measures of puzzuolana and blue lias lime, slaked into a powder ; it set slowly but very firmly under water. The ancient Romans used puzzuolana in their mortars, but the cement of their structures found in England and other parts of Europe, whose hardness after the lapse of centuries excites the admiration of archi- tects, consists of lime, sand, pounded brick or tile-dust, and wood ashes; it is of a reddish color, and contains cav- ities lined with crystals of carbonate of lime. Artificial puzzuolanas are made by mixing clay with lime ; pipe clay and lime after burning will set into a very firm cement. 350. Buhrstone, used almost exclusively for millstones, is a cellular variety of quartz, and owes its value for this * Report on the Mineralogy of New York, p. 78. AGRICULTURAL GEOLOGY. 275 purpose to the hardness and sharpness of the inequalities of its surfaces. The finest stones have usually been imported from France where they were found in the Tertiary of the Paris basin, but stones of excellent qual- ity are obtained in Muskingum county and other local- ities in Ohio, where it is associated with the carboniferous sandstones. As some of the cavities contain lime, it is conjectured that the removal of that substance by solution has produced the cells. It is found also in Georgia and in Arkansas. 351. Marls are composed of clay and lime, are very variable in their constitution, and their value for fertilizing soils depends upon the circumstances under which they occur. Their calcareous contents have oftentimes been derived from the shells or other organic bodies embedded in them. They are sometimes colored blue by the protoxide of iron, and red or yellow by the peroxide of the same metal. They are found in all parts of the series of strat- ified rocks ; as the older marls are highly indurated, those which are available are confined to the Tertiary and Allu- vium. The principal deposits are beneath ponds and peat swamps. The name is sometimes improperly applied to the greensand of the Cretaceous formation, which owes its fer- tilizing quality to the alkalies it contains, and not to lime or clay ; but the chalk marl is very largely calcareous. 352. Geology is second only to Chemistry in the amount and importance of the aid it renders to scientific Agriculture. " The geologist/' says Prof. Johnston in his Lectures on Agriculture, " can best explain the immediate or- igin of the several soils. The cause of the diversities which even in the same farm, it may be in the same field, they not unfrequently exhibit ; the nature and differences among 276 PRACTICAL GEOLOGY. the subsoils, and the advantages which may be expected from breaking them up or bringing them to the surface/' Intelligent practice of the art of Husbandry is based upon a knowledge of the constituents organic and inorganic of the crops to be raised, and of the ingredients of the soil, which are also both organic and inorganic. These must be adapted to each other. All plants derive the ma- terials of their growth from the earth and atmosphere ; they have not the power of creating any element, but their chemical composition is a perfect index of their food. All animals obtain their subsistence from vegetables; or from other animals which subsisted upon the products of veget- ation, so that all organic matter is derived from the inor- ganic mineral kingdom, through the medium of veget- ation. After death all animal and vegetable substances by putrefaction return to the earth and atmosphere, from which they originated, to be again absorbed by growing plants and furnish food for animals; thus exemplifying that great principle of instability by which the stability of nature is secured that cycle, the mineral, vegetable and animal, through which particles of matter are incessantly passing. 353. The inorganic part of soils consists of two classes of substances the salts, which are soluble in water, from which plants obtain their saline matters, and which consti- tute their ashes when burnt; and the insoluble earths, which form the great bulk of most soils. The principal soluble saline ingredients of soils, are iron, sulphates of lime magnesia and soda, nitrates of potassa soda and lime, phosphates of lime and magnesia, and chloride of sodium common salt. The carbonates of lime magnesia and iron, are soluble in water charged with carbonic acid. The rarious saline substances are not all found in the same AGRICULTURAL GEOLOGY. 277 soil : one soil may contain soda and be deficient in the salts of lime ; another may be supplied with the phosphates and be destitute of the sulphates. If some of these ingredients abound and the others are deficient, the soil will be favora- ble to the growth of certain plants, and unfavorable to oth- ers. The amount of a salt in a soil is oftentimes very small, and might be deemed too insignificant to furnish food to plants, but a single grain of saline matter in every pound of soil a foot deep, is equal to five hundred pounds to the acre. The salt, found in a plant, however minute the quantity, is indispensable to its growth without it the soil is for that plant sterile. These salts are derived from the mineral masses of the soil. The water perco- lating through such soils holds them in solution; they decompose soaps, and hence are said to render the water hard. 354. The other class of inorganic constituents of soils is the earthy , making ordinarily ninety per cent, or more, of the whole. It embraces three principal ingredients. Sil- ica, in the form of sand; alumina, mixed or combined with sand as clay ; and lime principally in the form of carbonate, as limestone or chalk. Soils are named according to the proportions in which these are mingled. According to John- ston, one hundred grains of dry ordinary soil, containing only ten of clay, form a sandy soil ; ten to forty grains of clay make a sandy loam; forty to seventy, a loamy soil; seventy to eighty-five a clay loam ; and from eighty-five to ninety-five a strong clay, fit for bricks or tiles. Arable land rarely contains more than from thirty to thirty-five per cent, of alumina. If a soil contain ten per cent, of the carbonate of lime, it is called calcareous, and if it has more than twenty per cent, of it, it is designated a marl. 24 278 PRACTICAL GEOLOGY. The oxide of iron forms two or three per cent, of sandy soils, and in red soils much more. Silica presents itself in soils as sand, small fragments of the mineral quartz, one of the constituents of the gran- ite rocks ; or combined with alkaline and earthy bases, as silicates of potassa, lime, alumina, etc. The feldspar of granite yields it in the form of silicates of alumina and potassa. The silicates are slightly soluble, dissolving no faster than the necessities of plants demand, hence they are not rapidly washed out of the soils, as are some soluble ingredients. Silica is found in soils in variable propor- tions, but usually predominates over all the other constit- uents. Silica is contained in the stems of plants, especially of the grasses. Clay consists of the silicate of alumina, mixed with uncombined alumina and silica. It is derived from the abrasion of the slate rocks, and from the feldspar of granite. Its most striking property is its adhesiveness; soils are close and compact in proportion to the quantity of clay they contain. When it predominates, it constitutes the heavy cold clay land, requiring under-draining, and sometimes the addition of sand to render it fertile. It retains manures well, being almost impervious to water. Clay soils exhale a peculiar odor called argillaceous, when they are breathed upon. Lime exists in soils in very variable quantities, as frag- ments of limestone disseminated with the other materials, or held suspended or dissolved in water, as the carbonate, sulphate, or phosphate of lime. Lime is not found pure or caustic in soils, and if it is applied in this state, it soon loses its causticity by the neutralizing power of the va- rious acids it encounters. AGRICULTURAL GEOLOGY. 279 355. The subsoil is of various characters : in some cases consisting of porous sand or gravel, in others of a light loam or a stiff clay. A stratum of these materials, of variable thickness cemented by the salts of lime and iron, and indurated, is called the hardpan. 356. The organic portion of soils consists of the ani- mal and vegetable substances found in them, which are either the relics of ancient animated forms buried in the rocks, or more frequently the decaying bodies of plants and animals of the present period. Geology leads us to the presumption that in the early history of our globe, mineral matter existed alone, and that subsequently the Creator introduced various races of plants, which drew the elements of their matter from the mineral kingdom. The plants first introduced were simple in their organization, and capable of living upon the elements of air, water and mineral salts, without any previously organized matter for their nutrition. They were cryptogamous, flowerless plants, like the sea weeds and mosses of the present day. These plants having grown and died, furnished by their de- cay the organic matter necessary for the nutrition of the more highly organized flowering plants, subsequently intro- duced. The plants which are cultivated in Agriculture are the flowering ones, for these only bear seeds ; soils therefore must contain some portion of organic matter for their nutriment. The quantity however varies greatly : in peat soils, it forms from fifty to seventy per cent, of the whole weight ; in rich meadows it may amount to twenty per cent., but the proportion is generally much smaller. Oats and rye will grow in a soil which contains only one or two per cent, of organic matter ; barley with three per cent. ; while good wheat soils require from four to eight 280 PRACTICAL GEOLOGY. per cent. Organic matter alone will not produce a fertile soil ; the inorganic, earthy and saline ingredients must be present. It must also have undergone decomposition : if it is secluded from the oxygen of the air it will not decay and yield up its elements the appropriate nutriment to sur- rounding plants ; a peat bog covered with stagnant water yields very little nutriment to other plants, but exposed to the air and mixed with ashes or other substances yielding alkalies, it becomes a very efficient fertilizer. 357. The origin of all soils is in the disintegration and decomposition of rocks, produced by the mechanical and chemical agencies of water, air, etc. The amount of soils furnished by groups of rocks depends upon the composition and structure of the rocks. Many slates and shaly lime- stones and sandstones disintegrate rapidly, through the influence of water and frost penetrating between their laminae. Limestones suffer constant loss of materials by the solvent power of rain water holding carbonic acid in solution. The presence of alkalies in the feldspar and mica of granite and gneiss, greatly facilitate the disinte- gration and decomposition of those rocks. Calciferous sandstones are liable to decay by the solution of their lime leaving the sand ; much of the lime passes through the soil and accumulates in the subsoil or hardpan. Rocks which contain metals or metallic compounds which readily suffer chemical change by exposure to the air, are disintegrated with great rapidity : this may be exemplified by pyrites sulphuret of iron which is frequently found in rocks especially the slates ; the sulphur unites with the oxygen of the air, forming sulphuric acid, and the iron with oxygen producicg the oxide of iron, which by combination with the acid forms sulphate of iron or copperas. The sulphate AGRICULTURAL GEOLOGY. 281 of iron dissolving in water, the rock becomes porous and crumbles ; flowing over limestone rocks it decomposes them, producing sulphate of lime, or gypsum; or if it comes in contact with the feldspar of granite, it decom- poses that mineral, forming with its potassa the sulphate of potassa, depositing its oxide of iron in the form of iron rust. The friction of falling water wears the rocks which are subjected to its agency. Vegetables undergoing decomposition generate acids, which act chemically upon the rocks, forming soluble salts with their alkalies and earths : living vegetables also exert a powerful influence upon the rocks ; mosses and lichens growing upon bare granite rocks,- absorbing their soluble parts, decompose and disintegrate them. 358. Over extensive areas the soil is derived directly from the rock upon which it rests ; it however differs someWhat from the rock in composition ; analysis shows that fragments of rocks exposed to atmospheric influence lose a part of their soluble matter, so that their debris is composed of a larger proportion of insoluble parts. But great masses of soil have been transported from the localities in which they were formed by the agency of currents of water, either alluvial, or exerted on a large scale in the drift, commingling the soils from various rocks, so as to render the earth more uniformly fertile by a mixture of various ingredients, which is known to produce a favorable result. Drift soils are recognized by their heterogeneous character, and by their pebbles, sometimes called cobblestones, consisting of water-worn fragments of the hardest rocks. 359. Soils are usually classified in accordance with the 24* 282 PRACTICAL GEOLOGY. predominance of some element, as sandy, argillaceous, loam, etc. ; but some writers base their classification on their fitness for certain crops, as wheat districts, corn districts, etc., or on the geological formations, in which case each district is underlaid by characteristic rocks. Prof. Emmons, in his Report on the Agriculture of the State of New York, divides the State into six districts coinciding with six groups of rocks, which impart to the soils, in a good measure, their distinguishing characters. 360. Soils derived from granite and gneiss contain the earths and salts requisite for a high degree of fertility, but they are often too silicious and porous, and their value depends upon their position and the nature of the subsoil. Syenitic and Hornblende soils contain, in addition to the usual constituents a large proportion of the oxide of iron, magnesia, and the oxide of manganese, and are quite fertile. The soils derived from Trap, Greenstone and Basaltic rocks also contain a large per centage of lime, magnesia, and iron, and are highly fertile. The Lava soils, whether trachytic or augitic, owe their remarkable fertility to the large quantity of alkaline salts they contain. The slates produce a variety of soils, in many places thin and poor, but in others deep and capable of being made good. Calcareous or limestone soils are also very variable in their quality ; those which contain magnesia or iron are fertile. Sandstone soils require the admixture of other sub- stances, especially clay, to make them adhesive and fertile. Alluvial soils are generally rich, consisting of finely divided matter thoroughly commingled ; they are found at AGRICULTURAL GEOLOGY. 283 the mouths of rivers, and in their valley , and are fre- quently called bottom lands. 361. The art of maintaining an uninterrupted fertility, or renovating an exhausted soil, consists in supplying those ingredients, mineral and organic, which have been removed in the crops. The earthy and saline substances may fre- quently be obtained by subsoil ploughing, thus forming the earths and salts by the agency of the oxygen of the air upon the insoluble minerals of the subsoil ; or they may be imported from other localities, and applied as mineral manures or fertilizers, such as gypsum, marl, or lime. Many decomposable shales containing iron pyrites, mixed with lime produce gypsum, and constitute excellent ferti- lizers. A deficiency of organic matter must be supplied by turning into the soil green crops which have drawn much of their carbon from the carbonic acid of the air, or by the application of decaying animal or vegetable sub- stances obtained from other sources. 362. Drainage is indispensable to successful agricul- ture where the water of stiff clay lands or swamps is re- tained by impervious subsoils, inclined strata, or dikes. Geology aids in effecting the drainage either superficial or deep, by indicating the general laws which appertain to dikes and strata, and their permeability to water. 363. Not only is the physiognomy of a country influ- enced by the different outlines which the various geological formations impart to it, but its scenery is greatly modified by the different kinds of vegetation, whether indigenous or induced by cultivation, which the various soils sustain. CHAPTER III. THE HISTORY OF GEOLOGY 364. . GEOLOGY is one of the most recent branches of physical science : but little more than half a century has elapsed since it was elevated from the state of absurd hypothesis and wild speculation to the rank of an inductive science, based upon accurate observation of facts. The earlier cosmogonies were altogether fanciful, and in some instances ridiculous. Some of the ancient philosophers, however, appear to have apprehended correctly the origin of many geological phenomena. Pythagoras recognised the operation of the existing causes of change on the earth, as the wearing away of the coasts, and the formation of allu- vial deposits, by marine currents and waves : the geogra- pher, Strabo, was convinced, by finding fossil shells far above the sea level, that parts of the earth had been raised by volcanic agency. 365. The numerous perfect fossils of Italy early ex- cited a spirit of inquiry respecting their origin. From the commencement of the sixteenth century, two questions regarding them were discussed at great length, viz., first, Whether they ever belonged to living beings, or were mere semblances of animals and plants ; and secondly, If they did, whether they were overwhelmed and imbedded in the rocks by the deluge of Noah. By some writers, fossils were thought to be "lusus naturae," (sports of nature,) the results HISTORY OP GEOLOGY. 285 of the operations of a materia pinguis, " fatty matter " found in some parts of the earth, fermented by heat; and others, in an equally unintelligible mode, ascribed them to "tumultuous movements of terrestrial exhalations." These unprofitable discussions were continued for more than two centuries, and in England assumed a theological cast, some writers contending that the Scriptures contain a perfect system of natural philosophy in detail. One of the trea- tises characteristic of the age was Burnet's " Sacred Theory of the Earth ; containing an account of the original of the Earth, and of all the general changes which it hath already undergone, or is to undergo till the consummation of all things/' published in A. D. 1690. Of this work Sir C. Lyell remarks, " Even Milton had scarcely ventured in his poem to indulge his imagination so freely in painting scenes of the Creation and Deluge, Paradise and Chaos." It was, however, at the time regarded as a work of profound science.* 366. In A. D. 1775, Werner, a professor of mineralogy in the School of Mines, in Germany, commenced teaching that all rocks, unstratified as well as stratified, were deposited by water, that all formations were universal, and that veins were filled by precipitation from aqueous solutions. This was denominated the Neptunian theory, from Neptune, the god of the sea. About the same time, Button, a geologist of Edinburgh, published his theory of the earth, ascribing the origin of all rocks to fire or heat. The melted rocks, after consolidation, he supposed, were abraded by the. action * For an admirable sketch of ancient cosmogonies and " Theo- ries of the Earth," consult " Lyell's Principles of Geology," Book I, Chapters 14. 286 HISTORY OF GEOLOGY. of water, and deposited as strata, through which igneous rocks often protruded themselves, producing the effects of heat on the surrounding masses. Continents, he supposed, were elevated by volcanic agency, and veins filled by injec- tion of melted matter from beneath. These alternations of fusion, consolidation, abrasion, and deposition, may be repeated, and geology gives no intimation of the time when the series of changes commenced. This view of Hutton was designated the Plutonian theory, from Pluto, the god of fire. While geologists were discussing the merits of these rival hypotheses, Mr. William Smith, an English surveyor, having explored the whole country on foot, with- out the guidance of previous observers, published his "Tabular View and Map of England," in which he ex- hibited the order of the various strata and the relations of their fossils, thus accomplishing more for science than had been effected by centuries of discussions. 367. The excess of theorizing on the subject induced distrust of all systems, and led the Geological Society of London, formed in 1807, to devote itself to the accumula- tion of accurate observations : the success attending these efforts soon rescued the science from the imputation of being a visionary pursuit. The recent rapid advancement of geology is due in no small degree to the progress of the collateral branches of science botany, zoology, and com- parative anatomy since the palseontological characters of rocks are much more reliable indications of identity or diversity than the mineral characters. 368. In America, Mr. Maclure, having explored a large part of the United States, in 1810, published his "Observations on the Geology of the United States," giving the first sketch of the distribution of the stratified HISTORY OF GEOLOGY. 287 rocks of this country, referred to the European standard. Professor Eaton surveyed the rocks on the line of the Erie canal, through the State of New York, and published the results in 1824. The same year commenced a series of geological surveys of states by legislative sanction, which has progressed until two-thirds of all the states have been completely or partially surveyed. Besides accomplishing the primary design in developing the natural resources of the states, these surveys have accumulated an immense array of accurate observations for the general advancement of science. By comparison and generalization of these results, a highly satisfactory view of the geology of this country may be obtained. The spirit of independence of European classifications, and the determination to develop the rocks as they are, rather than to identity them with the sub-divisions of foreign systems, which have characterised these surveys, have obviated some of the hindrances which retarded the progress of the science in this country. 369. Although Geology is by no means complete, since in no science are facts more rapidly accumulating, and theories and systems are but expositions of the present amount of knowledge on the subject, still its immense array of facts and legitimate deductions constitute a science as well established as is Chemistry or Astronomy. CHAPTER XIII. RELATION OF GEOLOGY TO RELIGION. 370. IT is not customary in elementary treatises on branches of physical science to exhibit their relations to morals or religion, since it is the office of other branches of human learning, as natural theology, to treat specifically of those relations in detail. All science has such relations, since it is an exhibition of the laws which the Creator has established over matter, illustrative of his power, wisdom, and benevolence, and religion consists in a knowledge of the Creator and the exercise of those affections which such knowledge enjoins. The science of Geology has, through misapprehension of facts and opinions, been regarded with jealousy, as favorable to infidelity and even atheism, teach- ing the eternity of matter, its self-guiding and renovating power, and dispensing with a Deity in the creation and regu- lation of the world. 371. On the contrary, those who, with competent knowl- edge of the science of geology and the art of interpretation, have carefully examined this subject, confidently assert that no other science furnishes an equal number of striking illustrations of natural and revealed religion. " Shall it then any longer be said," says Dr. Bucklaud, " that a science, which unfolds such abundant evidence of the being and attributes of God, can reasonably be viewed in any other light than as the efficient auxiliary and hand- GEOLOGY AND RELIGION. 289 maid of religion ? Some few there still may be, whom timidity or prejudice, or want of opportunity, allow not to examine its evidence ; who are alarmed by the novelty, or surprised by the extent and magnitude of the views which geology forces on their attention, and who would rather have kept closed the volume of witness, which has been sealed up for ages, beneath the surface of the earth, than impose upon the student in natural theology the duty of studying its con- tents ; a duty in which, for lack of experience, they may anticipate a hazardous or a laborious task, but which, by those engaged in it, is found to afford a rational, righteous, and delightful exercise of their highest faculties, in multi-- plying the evidences of the existence, attributes and provi- dence of God." " Let not the Christian divine refuse the aid offered by physical science. Let him no longer indulge groundless jealousies against true philosophy, as if adverse to religion Especially let him not spurn the aid of geology, which alone of all the sciences, discloses stupendous miracles of creation, in early times, and thus removes all presumption against the miracles of Christianity and special providence at any time. It is indeed an instructive fact that a science which has been thought so full of danger to Christianity should thus early be found vindicating some of the most peculiar and long- contested doctrines of revelation. And yet it ought not to surprise us, for geology is as really the work of God as reve- lation. And though, when ill understood and perverted, she may have seemed recreant to her celestial origin, yet the more fully her proportions are developed, and her features brought into daylight, the more clearly do we recognize her alliance to every thing pure and noble in the universe."* * President Hitchcock's Religion of Geology, pa 368. 25 SJ90 GEOLOGY AND RELIGION. 372. Geology manifests the uniformity of nature's laws,, carrying back their operation indefinitely into the past, ex- hibiting that unity of design which characterizes the present, extending through all periods of the world's history. It re- recognises the agency of those subtle powers, heat, light, electricity and chemical attraction, regulating all the changes that occurred in the constitution of bodies in all ages. The structure of all the fossil forms of animal and vegetable bodies, shows the prevalence of the present anatomical and physiological laws, in organic systems long since extinct, and links them all into one grand, harmonious system, worthy of the great Contriver. All the proofs of power, wisdom, and benevolence evinced at present, in the adaptation of animate beings to the circumstances in which they are placed by the Creator, are discernible in all periods of fossil botany and zooloffv. Their deviations from the present races in O/ form or size do not render them anomalous or monstrous. " The animals of the antediluvian world," says Sir Charles Bell, the distinguished anatomist, " were not monsters ; there is no lusus or extravagance. Hideous as they appear to us, and like the phantoms of a dream, they were adapted to the condition of the earth when they existed." This uniformity in' the structure and correlation of parts of animated frames, and the adoption of analogous means for various ends, with such deviations only as the diversity of circumstances in which they were placed required, show the immutable wis- dom and benevolence, as well the unity of design of the Creator. 373. Although geology does not account for the origin of matter nor aid us in forming a conception of its creation, it does exhibit modifications of it, whose production and regu- lation require the intervention of a Deity. The appearance GEOLOGY AND RELIGION. 291 of the various vegetables and animals in successive periods can not be accounted for independently of creative power, and we know of no such power other than the Deity, since the development hypothesis is geologically demonstrated ( 138) to be false. 374. The instances of special adaptation of means to ends with reference to the welfare of the present races of animate beings, particularly of man, are numerous. Such are the inequalities of the earth's surface, produced by energetic for- ces acting from below, which cause the circulation of water and prevent universal stagnation and death ; the production of soils adapted to sustain vegetable life, by the violent agency which has disintegrated the rocks and commingled their fragments ; the protrusion of metals from deep recesses to accessible positions in veins } and the accumulation and wide diffusion of the useful minerals, rock-salt, coal, marble, &c. 375. Geology coincides with other sciences in expand- ing our views of the grandeur of the Universe and the plans of the Deity. The microscope discloses to us myriads of living beings in a drop of water, the number increasing with the power of the instrument. The telescope reveals the existence of innumerable suns at such distances from us that their light though traveling at the rate of two hundred thousand miles per second requires thousands of years to come to our world. So Geology, instead of limiting our contemplations of the history of our globe to the past six thousand years, carries us back into the indefinite past, " developing a plan of the Deity respecting its preparation and use, grand in its outlines, and beautiful in its execution."* 376, The correct interpretation of the Mosaic account of * Hitchcock. 292 GEOLOGY AND RELIGION. the Creation has been the subject of much discussion. Until recently, the commonly received opinion respecting it has been, that it taught that the universe began to exist about six thousand years ago, and that its creation was accomplish- ed in six literal days. Geology teaches that the world has existed for an indefinite period, much longer : hence arises an apparent discrepancy, and it becomes eminently desirable to ascertain which interpretation is correct. Much of the difficulty on the subject has arisen from the peculiarities of style and modes of description used in these ancient writings, which are not only not such as are used in scientific treat- ises, but not such as accord with the state of knowledge and prevalent opinion of the present day. The writers of the Old Testament, says Dr. J. Pye Smith, use " language bor- rowed from the bodily and mental constitution of man, and from those opinions concerning the works of God in the na- tural world, which were generally received by the people to whom the blessings of revelation were granted." They de- scribe natural objects and events as they appear to the eye, which is not in accordance with their real nature; they speak, says Rosenmuller, the eminent Ger'man commentator, " according to optical, and not physical truth/' Similar dis- crepancies occur in the scriptures with reference to astronom- ical, physiological, and chemical phenomena. The Creator did not design to anticipate the discoveries of science, and correct the erroneous views entertained on these subjects by the people to whom the revelation was addressed. .377. Several attempts have been made to correct the interpretation of the Mosaic account of the creation, so as to make it accord with the established rules of philology and the facts proved by geology. Nor are attempts of this kind confined to this topic. Commentators on ancient writings GEOLOGY AND RELIGION. 293 seek all the light which science, history and antiquities shed upon the subject of their investigations; in repeated instan- ces have modern discoveries, in geography, botany, miner- alogy and other branches of science, essentially modified the interpretation of passages in such writings. The same term may convey opposite meanings to different readers. The terms elements and combustion had for the ancient Jew an import different from that which the chemist derives from them. A term is used in the twenty-second verse of the second chapter of Jeremiah and in the twentieth verse of the twenty-fifth chapter of Proverbs, which is translated in the English version nitre ; the nitre of modern chemistry is the nitrate of potassa, which would render the passages cited unmeaning : but if the nitre of the Jews was the car- bonate of soda, the term is apposite and forcible. The pro- priety of such use of science in interpretation is sanctioned by philologists. " If I am reminded, in a tone of animad- version, that I am making science in this instance the inter- preter of Scripture, my reply is that I am simply making the works of God illustrate his Word in a department in which they speak with a distinct and authoritative voice ; that it is all the same, whether our geological or theological investigations have been prior, if we have not forced the one into accordance with the other."* Dr. Harris also, hi his Pre-Adamite Earth, remarks, ".it might be deserving consideration, whether or not the conduct of those is not open to just animadversion, who first undertake to pronounce on the meaning of a passage of Scripture, irrespective of all the appropriate evidence, and who then, when that evi- dence is explored and produced, insist on their a priori inter- pretation as the only true one." * Davidson's Sacred Hermeneutics quoted by President Hitchcock. 25* 294 GEOLOGY AND RELIGION. 378. Assuming, as to every geologist seems reasonable, that the period of about sixteen hundred years intervening between the Creation and the Flood was inadequate to the production of the stratified rocks including the remains of extinct races of plants and animals \ and that the deluge was too short and entirely unfitted in its nature, to produce those rocks, we are reduced to two principal modes of recon- ciling the apparent discrepancy between the Mosaic and Geological accounts. The first of these interprets the word day in Genesis as a period of indefinite time, during which several geological formations may have been perfected. The advocates of this view urge that such a sense is attached to the word in many languages in use, and that it was so used repeatedly, as is shown by contexts, in the Old and New Testaments, even in the chapter of Genesis, applied to the subject in question : " These are the generations of the heavens and of the earth when they were created in the day that the Lord God made the earth and the heavens, and every plant of the fields." They also argue that the order of creative acts revealed in the sacred record harmonizes with that developed by geo- logical researches. It is objected to this interpretation that most of the fossil races had become extinct when those at present existing were introduced, so that if Moses described the fossil races, those that now exist must have been created with man on the sixth day, which does not accord with the sacred records, and no reason is shown why the remains of the existing races, if they were concomitant with the fossil, were not preserved with them. It is also objected that while there is a general resemblance in the succession of events detailed in the two accounts, tKe coincidence in the order GEOLOGY AND RELIGION. 295 of introduction of the various animate forms is by no means accurate, since instead of finding the lower half of the fos- siliferous strata containing vegetables only, we meet with a preponderance of animals. 379. The mode of reconciling the apparent discrepancy which is most generally received, regards the first verse of Genesis as having no immediate connection with the follow- ing verses, but simply asserts that in the indefinitely remote past, " in the beginning," God created the universe ; then passing by an indefinite interval during which all the fos- siliferous strata, up to those of the present period, were depos- ited, the subsequent verses give the account of the introduc- tion of the present races; and that this renovation or remodelling, not creating, of pre-existing materials was in six Some of the ablest expositors assert that this interpreta- tion is in strict accordance with the rules of exegesis, and if admitted, the apparent discrepancy disappears. Dr. J. Pye Smith has proposed to extend this interpre- tation, on the acknowledged principle that the sacred writers adapted their language to the limited knowledge of the Jews, and consequently did not imply by the term earth, the entire globe, but that portion of it known to the Jews, " which God was adapting for the dwelling place of man and the animals connected with him." This view would obviate to some extent a difficulty which arises from the fact that many of the races introduced in the tertiary period long before the creation of man still survive : some have supposed that these were destroyed and again created, which seems quite im- probable. This hypothesis of Dr. Smith's coincides also with what Natural History teaches respecting the distribu- tion of plants and animals, viz : that they have not dispersed 296 GEOLOGY AND RELIGION. from one centre, but have spread from many centres of creation. 380. If it be admitted that much remains to be accom- plished before a perfectly satisfactory comparison of geolog- ical results with the sacred text is attained, still in the present aspect of the case it is unphilosophical to presume there is any real collision between them. " It is not neces- sary" says President Hitchcock " that we should be perfectly sure that the method which has been described, or any other, of bringing geology into harmony with the Bible, is infalli- bly true. It is only necessary that it should be sustained by probable evidence ; that it should fairly meet the geologi- cal difficulty on the one hand, and do no violence to the language or spirit of the Bible on the other. This is suffi- cient, surely, to satisfy every philosophical mind that there is no collision between geology and revelation. But should it appear hereafter, either from the discoveries of the geologist or the philologist, that our views must be some- what modified, it would not show that the previous views had been insufficient to harmonize the two subjects; but only that here, as in every other department of human knowledge, perfection is not attained, except by long con- tinued efforts/ 7 * 381. It has been supposed that a change occurred in the constitution of men and animals at the time, and in conse- quence, of the apostacy by which they were rendered mortal. Such an opinion has been based upon the text By one man sin entered the world, and death by sin. Gleology, however, shows that death had occurred in innumerable instances before the creation of man, while physiology demonstrates * This whole subject is most fully and satisfactorily discussed in President Hitchcock's Religion of Geology and its connected sciences. GEOLOGY AND RELIGION. 297 that mortality is a universal law of organic beings, requiring miraculous interference to prevent its fulfillment. A com- parison of Scripture texts clearly shows that the death re- ferred to in them is limited to man : And so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned. This limitation to moral agents is also inferred from the text Since ~by man came death, l>y man came also the resurrection of the dead. 382. The belief in a deluge is very general among civil- ized nations, and such an event is explicitly described in the Bible. To the flood was formerly assigned the origin of all the stratified rocks, and still more -recently the phenomena of the drift were ascribed to its agency. But Geologists are agreed that no phenomena can at present be identified as the result of the historical deluge, since the nature of the agency exerted differs, in several respects, and the period of the drift was antecedent to the creation of man. Since, however, every portion of the strata has been submerged, and usually many times, geology renders the occurrence of Noah's del- uge eminently probable. Considerations .derived from Natural History, the great number of species probably five hundred thousand and the amount of food requisite to sustain them during the prevalence of the flood, have led most writers who have investigated the subject, to the con- clusion that the deluge was partial, not covering the whole earth, and it is admitted that the design of the penal inflic- tion would have been subserved by such a flood, and that the Scripture writers are accustomed to use universal terms to signify large quantities. CHAPTER XIV, GEOGRAPHICAL GEOLOGY. 383. BY Geographical Geology is understood the de- scription of the structure of particular districts included within natural or political divisions. The geology of many countries is very imperfectly known, but important deduc- tions respecting it may be obtained from their physical geography, since the connection between the geographical features of a country and its geology is very intimate. The forms and positions of Mountain Chains often furnish a satisfactory means of judging of the probable range and extent of certain formations, which have been carefully investigated in other localities. The geology of a region is usually complicate in proportion as its contour is broken and irregular, indicating that it has been subjected to numerous upheavals. 384. Asia and Europe form one continent, to which Africa may be considered as a peninsular appendage. The form of this great continent has been determined by the immense zone of mountains and table lands which, com- mencing on the coasts of Portugal and Barbary, on the Atlantic ocean, stretch through a distance of ten thousand miles, to the Pacific ocean, in China and Japan. Adjoining this belt on the north lies a vast plain, extending from the ASIA. 299 Pyrenees to the remotest point of Asia, with few interrup- tions by transverse spurs: a similar plain on the south is in- dented by gulfs and arms of the sea. The desert, called the Great Gobi is a plateau of six hundred thousand square miles, elevated more than four hundred feet above the sea. The axis of this mountain chain is granite, though the crest of the Himalayas is gneiss and other metamorphic rocks. The Silurian strata lie at an elevation of sixteen thousand feet above the sea, and much more modern strata are also found in elevated positions, showing that great geological changes have occurred over very extensive tracts of this continent, in comparatively recent geological periods. On a branch of the Altai range, between the rivers Obi and Ye- nissei, are extensive coal beds which, it is affirmed, were set on fire by lightning, and have continued to burn more than a century.* Some of these mountains surpass the Andes in the amount of their metallic products, especially of gold, which is wrought in the metamorphic slates near dikes of igneous rocks, and in the alluvium of these rocks. 385. In Siberia , the Silurian, Devonian, and Permian strata have been recognised. More than two hundred thousand square miles are covered by the gold alluvium ; and in addition to gold, silver, platina, copper, iron, and a great variety of gems are found. The surface is generally undulating, but much of it is flat and low : interesting organic remains, as the mammoth and extinct rhinoceros, have been obtained from the frozen gravel. Tartary is intersected by four systems of mountains with all classes of strata, from primary to tertiary, salt lakes, deserts, and very numerous volcanoes, extinct and active. 386. In Thibet, Hindostan, and India, the summits of * Somerville's Physical Geography page 60. 300 GEOGRAPHICAL GEOLOGY. the mountains are of gneiss and mica slate, traversed by granite and porphyry ; these are succeeded by talcose slate, limestones, coal, sandstones of the newer secondary series, and the tertiary strata, including numerous organic remains, among which are those of the mastodon, hippopotamus, deer, gavial, crocodile, sivatherium, and monkey. The unstrati- fied rocks also abound in Hindostan, which is celebrated for its beautiful gems, especially the diamonds of Grolconda, of surpassing brilliancy and hardness, which are found in the conglomerate and alluvium. Ceylon consists chiefly of stratified primary rocks, and is celebrated for its gems. South-eastern Asia consists of a range of mountains of plutonic rocks, partially covered by slates, sandstones, and alluvium ; they contain gold, silver and arsenic, and consti- tute the richest repository of tin known on the globe. In Sumatra, Java, and Borneo, volcanic mountains occur, and at their bases secondary and tertiary strata. Their mineral products are diamonds, gold, tin, copper, and sulphur. 387. The geology of China is varied, embracing all classes of rocks, abounding with metals and precious stones. Its alluvial formations are very extensive. In Japan, coal, amber and sulphur are found, together with metals. Nu- merous volcanoes also exist there 388. Some portions of Persia are mountainous, while others are level; others still constitute a sandy desert. Unstratified rocks, palaeozoic, secondary and drift deposits, have been identified. The white alabaster of Tabreez is a calcareous deposit made by thermal waters near Lake Oroomiah; the waters of the lake contain one-fifth of their weight of salts. Extinct craters, boiling springs, and deposits of sulphur and asphaltum indicate recent extensive volcanic agency. EUROPE. * 301 389. The geology of Arabia also is varied by moun- tains, deserts and fertile plains. The rocks near the Red Sea and Arabian Gulf are granitic. Mount Sinai is syenitic granite. The valley of the Jordan is a fissure through which volcanic agency has been exhibited, and in which there is extensive subsidence below the level of the ocean. Mount Lebanon, which abounds with fossil fishes, belongs to the cretaceous formation. 390. Polynesia consists of a group or band of islands, volcanic, and coral reefs, which extend from the eastern coast of Asia, with some interruptions, to the west coast of America, intimating the existence of a prolongation of the great continent, but slightly depressed beneath the ocean level. The rocky coasts of New Holland present granite, slates, limestones, sandstones, coal, salt, and Oolite. The fossils of its limestone caverns and osseous breccias be- longed to animals closely allied to its present fauna. EUROPE. 391. European geology is more thoroughly investigated than that of any other quarter of the globe, and many designations in the science have been derived from their local application in Europe. The seologv of the British Islands is more varied, and O D/ has been more accurately studied than that of any other area of equal extent in the world. It presents a nearly perfect succession of all the formations, and has been made the type or standard of reference for general geology. 392. The primary rocks of England are confined to its western portion, or Wales, where also are developed the Cambrian and Silurian formations. In passing from Wales 26 02 GEOGRAPHICAL GEOLOGY. to London, the rocks rise in the series until we reach the center of the London basin, which is tertiary. The car- boniferous system, embracing extensive deposits of coal, extends from the south of Wales to the Scottish border. The Newcastle beds have been most extensively wrought. The Welsh mines yield gold, copper, lead, tin, and iron; rock-salt and gypsum are found above the coaL 393. Scotland is more mountainous than England, and its rocks are principally primary and palaeozoic : the islands near its coasts are of igneous origin, and present splendid basaltic columns and caves. The rocks of Ireland are chiefly palaeozoic, with some secondary formations : trap rocks cover an area of eight hundred square miles in the northern part of the island. Its mineral products are gold, copper, iron, coal and peat. 394. The geology of France presents nearly all the rocks stratified and unstratified. The secondary, especially the Oolitic limestone, and the tertiary series are con- spicuous, but the carboniferous system is less developed than in England. The great platform of Auvergne was the theatre of violent volcanic action during the tertiary period, and many craters still exist, with perfect forms. The valley of the Rhine yields gold ; while silver, copper, iron, and tin, are obtained in other localities; extensive quarries of gypsum, buhrstone, and flint are wrought. The surface of Belgium and Holland is very flat, and a portion of it is lower than the sea level. No unstratified rocks occur ; the stratified rocks from the clay-slate are found, including some tertiary. Coal-beds and iron mines are wrought. 395. Primary mountains bound Germany on the east and south-west. All of the fossiliferous formations are represented, including the tertiary ; the drift abounds, as 8 3 304 GEOGRAPHICAL GEOLOGY. it does generally in Northern and Central Europe. The mineral products are numerous, presenting some of the best mining districts in Europe. The geology of Switzerland is complicate : the central axes of the Alps, which are primary, are covered by the secondary and tertiary series, the latter in some instances at the height of four thousand feet above the ocean, showing that these mountains have been recently elevated. 396. In Sweden and Norway, the older rocks predomi- nate : chalk and the tertiary are also found, but the drift presents the most striking features. Grold, silver, and copper are obtained, but the iron found in the gneiss is the most important metallic product. The more recent rocks, the wealden, chalk, tertiary, and alluvial, compose the surface of Denmark, while the igneous rocks, greenstone and lava, abound in Iceland and the Faroe Islands. 397. Russia and Poland are vast plains, bounded by mountains of primary rocks. The silurian, devonian, upper secondary and tertiary strata oocur, covered to a great extent by the drift. Deposits of salt with gypsum are found in the permian and tertiary strata. The numerous mountain ridges and vast plains of Aus- tria present all the varieties of geological formations, and mineral products. 398. Northern Italy consists of extensive secondary and tertiary plains, sloping from the Alps; Mount Bolca is famous for its fossil fishes. The form of the peninsula de- pends upon the Apennines which are of limestone, while the sub-Apennine hills are of tertiary. The Apennines have been elevated several thousand feet since the tertiary period. The traces of volcanic agency are numerous in Italy. The marbles of Italy are celebrated for their beauty and variety. AFRICA . 305 The mountainous regions of Spain and Portugal con- sist of primary and secondary strata, the chalk being found at considerable elevation on th'e Pyrenees. Tertiary strata occur together with extinct volcanoes of that period. Rock salt is found in the cretaceous strata, and quicksilver in the clay slate. AFRICA. 399. The Atlas chain of mountains separates the Medit- erranean sea from the great desert ; these mountains are composed of primary rocks, and the strata on their northern slope, m the Barbary States, are secondary and tertiary, into which trap rocks have been frequently intruded, and in which salt and gypsum are found. Through upper Egypt, Nubia, and Abyssinia, occur pri- mary rocks, granite, porphyry, syenite (so called from Syene) and limestone ; drifting sands from the desert have en- croached upon these territories, while extensive alluvial de- posits have been made by the Nile in lower Egypt. 400. The western coast of Africa, for several degrees of latitude on either side of the equator, is composed of granite, syenite and the metamorphic rocks ; the great quantity of gold formerly obtained here led to the designation of Grold coast. Central Africa is traversed by the mountains of the Moon, which are primary and basaltic. Much of the gold obtained on the western coast was derived from the metamorphic rock of this range. The secondary series also, including the cretaceous formation, with rock salt, are found upon the Northern Slope. 401. The Sahara or great desert is a plain, slightly elevated above the ocean, extending from the rocky hills bounding the valley of the Nile to the Atlantic Ocean, two 26* 306 GEOGRAPHICAL GEOLOGY. thousand six hundred and fifty miles in length and varying from seven hundred to twelve hundred miles in width. Its surface is loose sand, with intervening portions of gravel, pebbles, earth, and salt, and occa- sionally fertile spots oases watered by springs. No rain falls upon the desert. The chalk, tertiary rocks, salt, anji shells identical with species still living in the Ocean, show that this is the bed of a great Mediterranean sea but recently elevated. 402. Chains of mountains consisting of primary and secondary rocks bound the two coasts of Southern Africa, between which intervenes an extensive plateau or table land, which merges at the southern extremity in the Cape Mountains ; the tabular appearance of these Mountains at the Cape of Good Hope is due to hori- zontal masses of sandstone lying upon granite. The islands in the vicinity of Africa, the Azores, Canaries, Cape Verde, St. He- lena and Bourbon are of igneous origin ; the volcanic peak of Teneriffe rises one thou- sand two hundred and seventy-five feet above the ocean. The axis of Madagascar is a chain of mountains, parallel to, and of the same age with the coast chain on the continent, the Mozambique channel only intervening. SOUTH AMERICA. 307 SOUTH AMERICA. 403. The form of the South American continent is due to the position of the three mountain chains, the Andes running near tho western coast from Cape Horn to the isthmus of Panama, a chain of small width but of majestic height, dipping rapidly towards the Pacific, but sloping on the east into level plains of great extent ; the Brazil chain between the Rio de la Plata and the Amazon river; and the system of Parima and Gruiana between the Amazon and Orinoco rivers. These mountains arc primary and volcanic, covered by slates fossiliferous limestones and red sandstones of various geological ages. Coal and chalk are found at an elevation of thirteen thou- sand and fourteen thousand feet above the Ocean. The extensive plains east of the Andes are so low, even near the foot of the Andes that a rise of one thousand feet in the Atlantic Ocean would submerge more than one half of the continent of South America. These plains are divided by the mountains and table lands of Parima and Brazil into three different basins differing in aspect : the Llanos, or grassy steppes of the Orinoco ; the Silvas or woody basin of the Amazon covering an extent of two hundred and eighty thousand square miles ; and the deserts and pampas of Buenos Ayres and \ 308 GEOGRAPHICAL GEOLOGY. Patagonia. These plains are of recent geological origin, and have furnished very interesting fossils. The tertiary strata are extensively developed in many localities, especially along the terraced coasts of Patagonia, and bordering the plains. Portions of the continent many hundred miles in length have been raised from beneath the ocean within the period of the shell-fish now living, which are found in the plains still retaining their colors. The volcanoes of this continent are among the most magnificent of the globe. South America has long been distinguished for its mines of gold, silver and platinum. The diamonds of Brazil are obtained from the alluvium j other gems also are found in the rocks, as the topaz, emerald and sapphire. CENTRAL AMERICA. 404. The Andes continue through Guatimala and Mex- ico in an irregular mixture of table lands and mountains, consisting of granite, gneiss and mica-slate, with a large admixture of lavas ancient and modern; secondary sand- stone and limestone occur together with alluvial deposits along the coasts. Few regions of the globe rival this in in- tensity of volcanic action. The mines of Mexico which are in talcose and mica slates, transition limestones and porphyry, have yielded a large amount of gold and silver. The mountains in the West Indies are similar to those of South America of which some of the ranges appear to be continuous ; this fact together with the identity of the fossil remains of extinct quadrupeds, renders it probable that the West Indian Archipelago was once apart of the American Continent, the area of the Gulf of Mexico and the Carib- bean sea having subsided at a recent geological period. Secondary and tertiary strata are also developed upon these NORTH AMERICA. 809 islands attended by the drift and alluvium. The islands are still subject to violent volcanic action, especially earth- quakes, and extinct craters are common. The Pitch Lake in Trinidad is three miles in circumference and of unknown depth. NORTH AMEBICA. 405. The general structure of North America is simple ; its form is due to the position of two mountain chains the Rocky mountains running north-west, and the Alleghanies northeast, including one of the most extensive basins in the world, embracing three millions two hundred and fifty thou- sand square miles. The Rocky mountains are composed of primary rocks, covered by sedimentary rocks of various geo- logical ages, intersected by volcanic eruptions, though active volcanoes are principally confined to the northern part of the chain and near the Pacific ocean. At the base of these mountains on the east lies a sandy desert four hundred or five hundred miles wide. Rock salt and salt lakes are found in its vicinity. The coal formation with its fossils of tropical character is found at Melville Island in 74 ? north latitude. The auriferous deposits of California are alluvial, the detritus of sandstones, limestones and slates, especially tal- cose slate, intersected by quartz and porphyry. The gold is also found in veins in these rocks. Cinnabar the ore of mercury, silver, platinum, iron, tin and lead are known to exist in this locality. UNITED STATES EAST OP THE ROCKY MOUNTAINS. 406. The Alleghany or Appalachian chain of mountains separates the great Mississippi Valley from the Atlantic slope ; it consists of a series of from three to five parallel ridges with intervening valleys. Extending into New Eng- 310 GEOGRAPHICAL GEOLOGY. land these mountains form the substrata of the geology of that region, of which the unstratified and metamorphic rocks form the principal part ; limited portions qf more recent sedimentary rocks overlie them, among which the new red sandstone is supposed to be recognized in the Con- necticut Valley. 407. The Atlantic slope is very nar- row at New York, but in its southern portion extends several hundred miles from the ocean. Upon this slope in New Jersey the new red sandstone is found, succeeded by the cretaceous formation, consisting of marls, limestones and green sands; the latter extend to Alabama. The coal in Virginia near Richmond is assigned to the Oolitic period. The ter- tiary series commencing on the coast of Massachusetts extend almost continuously along the Atlantic coast into the Missis- sippi Valley ; in the Carolinas, G-eorgia, and Alabama, they are extensively devel- oped, furnishing many characteristic fos- sils, which are however very rarely spe- cifically identical with the tertiary fossils of Europe. 408. The tertiary rocks constitute the principal part of the surface in the South- ern states ; they repose upon the creta- ceous, and in the lower portion of the Mississippi Valley, these together with NORTH AMERICA. 311 the alluvium overlie the palaeozoic strata, as is shown in the section, Fig. 170 ; in which 1 indicates the modern alluvium of the Mississippi. 2. The ancient fluviatile deposit with recent shells and bones of extinct mammalia j loess. 2* Marine and fresh water deposits with recent sea shells and bones of extinct land animals. 3. The Eocene with remains of the Zeuglodon. a. b. Terraces. 4. Cretaceous formation, gravel, sand, and argillaceous limestone. 5. The Palaeozoic coal measures of Alabama. 6. Granite. 409. The stratified formations of the Mississippi valley and the western ridges of the Alleghany Mountains are the older palaeozoic rocks, which are expanded to a vast extent, and of very great thickness, while the secondary formations with the exception of very limited portions of the cretaceous, are deficient. Tertiary and alluvial deposits also extend up the valley of the Mississippi and its tributaries. The strata resting upon the primary rocks over large areas are the Silurian and Devonian. The carboniferous limestone is known to be widely extended in this valley, and the coal formation appears in many localities. These strata have frequently but little inclination, but are of great thickness, and abound in characteristic organic remains. The identity of the great systems of the palaeozoic rocks in Europe and in the Mississippi valley is easily recognised ; that of the minor subdivisions is however, in many instances, obscure. The thorough geological surveys made in some portions of the United States whose rocks belong to these systems have led to the adoption of some provisional terms 312 GEOGRAPHICAL GEOLOGY. based upon certain peculiarities of the rocks, or upon tho localities where they have been investigated. The subdivis- ions of the systems made by the New York survey, consti- tute, for the present, a convenient standard of reference. The following tabular arrangement, by Professor James Hall, exhibits the correspondence of these systems in Great Britain and New York. TABLE. SUBDIVISIONS OF THE BOOKS OF THB NEW- YORK SYSTEM. Old Red sandstone Chemung group. Portage group. Genesee slate. Tully limestone. Hamilton group. Marcellus shale. Corniferous limestone. Onondaga limestone. Schoharie grit. Cauda-galli grit. Oriskany sandstone. Upper Pentamerus limestone. Encrinal limestone. Delthyris shaly limestone. Pentamerus limestone, j Water-lime group. Onondaga salt group. Niagara group. Clinton group. 'Medina sandstone. Oneida conglomerate. Grey sandstone. Hudson-river group. ;Utica slate. Trenton limestone. Birdseye and Blak-river lime- 1 stones. Chazy limestone. Calciferous sandrock. r tsdam sandstone. SUBDIVISIONS OF THE SILURIAN AND OLD RED SYSTEMS IN GREAT BRITAIN. Old Red sandstone. Upper and Lower Ludlow rocks, including the Devonian Sys- tem of Phillips. Wenlock rocks. Caradoc sandstone. Llandeilo flags. These formations are not as fully recognized in Great Bri- tain as in New York. NORTH AMi-RIOA. 818 The order of succession in these rocks is exhibited in a section from Canada to Penn- sylvania; from the primary to the Old Red Sandstone. Fig. 171. 410. The differences in char- acter and amount of develop- ment which the same strata pre- sent in localities remote from each other, have induced a di- versity of names applied to them in the United States. More ex- tended surveys and comparisons will probably show the identity of some now regarded as di- verse. Since the mineral char- acters of these strata are very fluctuating, their organic re- mains are deemed the most re- liable means of determining their identity or diversity. A table similar to that just used for the comparison of British and American systems has been constructed by the same geolo- gist to show the equivalency of the lower strata in America, bearing different names in five States, New York, Pennsylvania, Virginia, Ohio and Michigan. 27 314 GEOGRAPHICAL GEOLOGY. Wiscon. Eirer. s Lake Huron. M.3 1 uVg I I Ft ^ O O " 111 6 Green River. South Pass. North Fork. River. South Fork. Pacific Ocean. Fort Tan Courer. St. Louis. 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