whf* ^. ZZZ 2 %U5A& UC-NRLF B U 563 070 COURT OF ARBITRATION tfftnmkv of Wommette of ttoo giMt of sjctti-foife. THE ACT OP 1875: CHAP. 495. RELATING TO THE ®0u*t of jMitKttttnu, BULES AND FORMS OF PROCEEDINGS. LREVISED.] Hon. ENOCH L. FANCHER, Aebitratoe, GEORGE WILSON, Arbitration Clerk. SESSIONS AT THE ROOMS OF THE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, No. 63 WILLIAM STREET. efo-Iirrk t PRESS OF THE CHAMBER OP COMMERCE. - 1875. Schedule of Fees to be paid to the Clerk of the Court of Arbitration. For every case to be tried by said Court of Arbitration, by each party thereto, $20, §40 00 For the construction of a contract, My every party thereto, each, 10 00 For each/ackMpjvteilgment of any instrument other than those mentioned below, 25 ■JFoi each acknowledgment of a Charter-Party or Marine Protest, 1 00 For each oath or affirmation other than those to he used in causes in said Court of Arbitration, 25 For orders or copies thereof, and for copies of minute-, records or other writings, for each one hundred words, 10 For filing submission or requisition, 25 Fees, when not otherwise specified, are to be paid hy the party at whose instance the service is rendered. Note. — The fees charged above are established by section 29 of the Act of 1875, relating to the Court of Arbitration, and are remitted monthly by the Clerk to the State Treasurer. COURT OF ARBITRATION OP THE flttomrtKr of l&mmtttt of the gMt of i«w-f orts. THE ACT OP 1875 : CHAP. 495, RELATING TO THE toft ' ' - , RULES AND FORMS OF PROCEEDINGS. [REVISED.] Hon. ENOCH L. FANCHER, Arbitrator. GEORGE WILSON, Arbitration Clerk. SESSIONS AT THE ROOMS OF THE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, No. 63 WILLIAM STREET. PRESS OF THE CHAMBER OP COMMERCE. 1875. JOHN W . A M K 1 1 M \ N , riUNTKR, No. 47 Cod«r StrMt, N. Y. COURT OF ARBITRATION. STATE OF NEW-YORK. LAWS OF 1875: CHAPTER 495. AN ACT Relating to the Court of Arbitration of the Chamber of Commerce of the State of New- ; yoek, and to provide for the expenses' THEREOF. Passed June 5, 1875. Three-fifths being present. The people of the Slate of New- York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows : Section 1. Chapter two hundred and seventy- am JJJ* act eight of the laws of eighteen hundred and seventy- four, entitled "An Act to amend Chapter two hun- dred and fifty-one of the laws of eighteen hundred and sixty-one, and to provide for the arbitration of mercantile disputes in the Port of New- York, ' ' passed April twenty-nine, eighteen hundred and seventy- four, is hereby amended ; and such amendments are comprised in the following sections of this act. Sec 2. The Arbitrator of the Court of Arbitration Arbitrator, w a of the Chamber of Commerce of the State of New . termofoffice - York holds office during good behavior, and may how removed, be removed by the Governor, if, upon due notice, and after a hearing, he is found guilty by the Governor of malfeasance, misfeasance, or continued nonfeasance 679940 official Arw-in office. The expression, "official Arbitrator/' as trator used in this act, refers to the officer designated in sncccs?or, this section. In case of the resignation, removal or now appointed. ° death of such official Arbitrator, his successor must be nominated and appointed by the Governor, with the advice and consent of the Senate, and commis- oath of office, sioned by the Governor. Every such official Arbitra- how filed. . . -i J tor appointed after this act takes effect, must file with the Secretary of State the constitutional oatli of wheniiicd. office. Unless lie files his oath of office within ten days after his confirmation by the Senate he is deemed to have declined the office. official Arbi- s K c. 3. The official Arbitrator has power to ad- trator to admin- * ister oaths and minister! oaths and affirmations to be used before any aftjiTvat kins ; to\ , • >," J ackndws»i"'- lll,l ' r,,,nt '* : '°' i ' ( ' m ^'!' r : to take the proof and acknowledg- ^ i ' h "' ( ;j i .';".v'".'-:. , t | -tn (, '>' /fcny oharter-party, marine protest, contract. i\\ :•': !*".*'€fr other 'wriften instrument, and to require any wit- ness to appear and testify before him, or the said Court of Arbitration, or before the Board of A rbitra- tors hereinafter provided for, in matters pending in official Arbi-said court. He must adopt and promulgate short and promulgate and simple rules to be observed in proceedings taken tice. as prescribed in this act ; and he lias power to do and Power to car- J- * ry ont the pro- order whatever may be necessary to carry out the visions of this .... act. provisions of this act. Arbitration Seo. 4. The Clerk of the said Court of Arbitration is known as the Arbitration Clerk, and holds office during the pleasure of said Chamber. In case of his death, resignation or removal, the said Chamber of How appointed. Commerce must elect his successor. The Governor must appoint and commission the person so elected : but before such commission can be issued, the person Must me oca- so elected must file in the office of the Secretary of State an official oath, to the same effect as theconsti- wucn filed. tutioiial oath of office. Unless lie files such oath within ten days after his election, tie IS deemed to cierk to ap-have declined the office. The said chamber of Com- Luis! :i "'" : merce may authorize the Arbitration clerk to appoint one or more assistants, and provide for their com- pensation. Sec. 5. The Arbitration Clerk must safely and cor- Arbitration ^ Clerk, his du- rectly keep all the minutes, documents, records, ties. books and other papers and effects of the official Ar- bitrator, and of the said Court of Arbitration, and relating to the arbitration for which this act provides. Any person who steals, mutilates or alters any book, stealing, mu- J -tr •> ' tilatingor alter- record or paper filed with or kept by the Arbitration ™f d *°° k |' e ™" Clerk, is guilty of the same offence, and is punisha- h °w punished. ' ble therefor in the same manner as if such act was committed with respect to a record kept, as pre- scribed by law, in the office of the Clerk of the County of New- York. Sec. 6. The salary of the official Arbitrator shall tra t£?ft B A Si: be at the rate of ten thousand dollars per annum, ary,howpaid * commencing with the first day of January, eighteen hundred and seventy-five, and shall be raised and paid out of the State Treasury on the warrant of the Comptroller, in the same manner as salaries of judges of the Supreme Court. The salary of the Arbitration Arbitration Clerk shall be three thousand dollars per annum, aixhowpaid?" commencing at the same period, and shall be raised and paid in the same manner. Sec. 7. Said Chamber of Commerce shall provide chamber of . Commerce to proper and convenient rooms and furniture, together provide rooms, r r , &c., for trans- with attendants, fuel, lights and stationery, suitable action of busi- 70 J 1 ness of court. and sufficient for the transaction of the business of said Court ; and such expenses shall be borne by said Chamber at its own proper costs and charges. Sec 8. The seal now in use by the official Arbi- seal, trator shall continue to be the seal of his office and of said Court. Any award or order made pursuant to when used, this act, or any certified copy thereof, must be au- thenticated by such seal. If the seal now in use is trftmoprov'ide lost, injured or destroyed, the official Arbitrator must of7 os s 8 e . alincase 6 cause a new seal to be made, which shall thereupon become such official seal. official Ariii Sec. 9. Upon the application of the parties inter- trator to inter- * , i- n a± • i . ^ •* pret and con- ested, or their representatives, the official Arbitrator Btrue contracts. . - 1 . musl interpret or construe any oral or written con- tract, pertaining to any matter, which might be the subject of arbitration under the provisions of this Make written act ; and he must, if required by either party, make award, when re- A (oi»4 a written award thereupon. jurisdiction Skc. 10. The parties to any controversy, dispute or mites' "win 'hi matter of difference, arising or being within the Port York. of New- York, or relating to a subject matter situate or coming within that port, as the collection district of that port is established and limited by the act of Congress of the United States of America, approved March second, seventeen hundred and ninety-nine, parties ma> may voluntarily submit the same to the said Court of voluntarily an- J " ... pear and sub- Arbitration of the Chamber of Commerce, by written siii 'mission, or by personal appearance in said Court and an oral submission, as hereinafter mentioned. Appiicationto Seo. 11. An appl mat ion to interpret and construe tnutfud voT-a contract, as prescribed in the last section but one, riwa.'Xowmade! and a voluntary submission as prescribed in the last section, may be made in either of the following methods : ' (i.) By flUng l, By filing with the Arbitration Clerk a written written appllca-. ' . . . , ■>■ , • ■ tton 01 Bubrnta- instrument containing such application or submission. Blon, duly ao- -iii • -ii -1-1 -1 knowledge* executed by the parties, :iud acknovs ledged or proved before the Clerk of said Court, or before any other officer authorized to take acknowledgment of a deed to be recorded in the County of New- York. u?' ] B V"^lv- 2- By the volnntary appearance of the parties be* » ncc - fore the official Arbitrator, which, together with the substance of any oral submission made by them, musi be entered in the minutes. Upon making such an application or submission, If both parties request an immediate hearing, the official Arbitrator must omci.ii Arw- . -i . i i • t • i t trator, when to grant an immediate hearing accordingly, or a speedy grant imnwi- hearing, where the state of the business before him will allow him to do so. In either ease, one member one partner . may make exe- of a firm or partnership, or their attorney m act. cudon,acknow- 1 J lodgment, ap- mav make such execution, acknowledgment, appear- p**™?" and J ° *r submission tor once or submission for and on behalf of all the mem- o»eiiim. bers of such firm or partnership. Sec. 12. The said Court of Arbitration, in addition . Additional to the jurisdiction above conferred, has power to de- cases "between , , . , t . . , . , members of the (ermine, in the manner prescribed m this act, any chamber, controversy, dispute or matter of difference upon any mercantile or commercial subject, where all the parties thereto are regularly elected members of the said Chamber. For the purposes of this section, it shall be suffl- one partner , may act for cient, where nruis or partnerships are concerned, firm - that one copartner therein is such member of said Chamber. Sec. 13. In a case specified in the last section, . Requisition. either party may serve personally upon the adverse party or one of two or more adverse parties jointly interested in the subject matter of dif- ference, a written requisition, directed to the adverse party or parties, requiring him or them to appear before the Court of Arbitration of the Chamber of Commerce of the State of New- York, for the settle- ment of such controversy, dispute or matter of dif- the ? e e of Urn day ference, at a place, and on a da}', and at an hour, named in the requisition, not less than two, or more than five days after the personal service of the same. Sec. 14. A requisition maybe served, and proof How served, of the service thereof may be made in like manner, as where a summons issued out of the Supreme Court in a civil action is personally served, and proof of said service is made. The requisition shall be filed with the Arbitration Clerk any time before the expiration of one hour after the same is returnable. Proceeding on Sec. 15. Either party to the controversy, dispute return of requi- p t re ±- i • ,, sition. or matter ot difference, may at any time before the expiration of one hour after the requisition is return- able, or within such further time as may be allowed by the official Arbitrator, or prescribed in the rules established by him, appoint in writing one person to sit with the official Arbitrator to hear and determine Additional Ar- the matter. If neither party appoints an additional bitrators. how x J l ' appointed. Arbitrator as aforesaid, all the parties are deemed to have waived their right to do so; and the matter must be determined by the official Arbitrator. If there are two or more parties on the Bame Bide, and they appoint different persons as Arbitrators, or do not agree on one person, they are regarded as having failed to make any appointment. Upon a failure of a party to appoint an additional Arbitrator, where the adverse party has appointed one, the official Ar- bitrator must appoint a disinterested person, not of kin to either part} r , to sit as a member of the Board of Arbitration; and the matter must proceed as if the party in default had appointed such person as Appointment additional Arbitrator. An appointment of an addi- to be filed with J . ■,,,., . . f , . . „, , the cierk. tional Arbitrator is not complete, unless it is hied with the Arbitration Clerk. on pubmis- Seo. 16. Where the parties to a controversy, dis- p.ites. addition- pute, or matter of difference, voluntarily submit the Say beaSffi same to the arbitration of the said Court of Arbitra- tion, either of them may, at the time of tiling the written submission, or voluntarily appearing to sub- mit the same, or within such time as may be allowed by the official Arbitrator, or prescribed by the rules established by him, appoint a person to sit with the official Arbitrator, to hear and determine the matter. The mode of so doing, the proceedings to be taken in behalf of the other party, and the consequence of a failure of either or both of them to make such ap- pointment, or of an appointment of different per- sons by two or more parties on the same side, are 9 the same as prescribed in the last section, in a case where a requisition has been issued. Sec. 17. If the additional Arbitrator appointed by Failure of ad- either party fails to appear at the time set for the tratora to a P - hearing, without proof of the existence of a good pea reason for such failure, and that it is of a temporary nature, made by the party appointing him, to the satisfaction of the official Arbitrator, his appointment must thereupon be declared to be vacated, and the same party must forthwith appoint another person to act in his place. Upon failure to do so, or failure of the person so appointed to appear then, or at the time, if any, to which the official Arbitrator adjourns the hearing, the official Arbitrator must appoint a disinterested person, not of kin to either party, to act in his place. Sec. 18. Each of the persons appointed as addi- oath of ad- tional Arbitrators, by or for the respective parties, trVto° a to r be must subscribe and take before the official Arbitrator, an oath, honestly, truly and fairly to hear and determine the matters thus submitted to the Arbi- trators. The oaths so taken must be filed with the official atu- award. The official Arbitrator need not be sworn in be sworn in se p- .-, , • i arate cases. the particular case. Sec. 19. Where additional Arbitrators are ap- BoardofArw- pointed and sworn, as prescribed in the last four tratlon ' sections, they and the official Arbitrator constitute the Board of Arbitration to determine the contro- versy, dispute or other matter of difference, and they must all sit in the matter ; and the order, award and decision of any two of them shall be the judgment of the said Court of Arbitration. Sec. 20. The official Arbitrator, or where the hear- ing is before a Board of Arbitration, the majority of the Board may, after hearing the allegations and testimony of the respective parties, or of those par- 10 Further en- ties who desire to testify, and upon notice to both called f™ by the jiarties, direct that further evidence be taken, if he or they deem further evidence necessary to enable jus- tice to be done between the parties. FeeB of wit- A witness is entitled to the same fees as in an ac- tion in a court of record. commissions A commission to take testimony without the State mony. e 'may be allowed by the official Arbitrator, and issued in the same manner, and with the same effect, as in an action brought in a court of record. The hearing may be from time to time adjourned, upon the appli- cation of either party, and reasonable cause shown to the satisfaction of the official Arbitrator, or where the hearing is before a Board of Arbitration, to the satisfaction of a majority thereof. Decisions to Sec. 21. Within ten days after the final hearing, day7a d ftrr n !hcthe official Arbitrator, or the Board of Arbitration, flnai hearing. or a ma j or ^y thereof, as the case requires, must make and file with the Arbitration Clerk a written award, under his or their hands, stating his or their decision for the settlement of the controversy, dis- pute or matter of difference heard and determined by him or them. Hehearinjr, Sec. 22. Instead of making an order to fulfil the how granted. awarc i ? the official Arbitrator may, for good cause shown, upon notice to and after hearing the parties, make an order directing that the controversy, dispute or other matter of difference be heard again, either before the same court, or before another Board of Arbitration appointed as prescribed in tlii^ act, upon security cm th e first hearing. But the party applying for such rehearing. rehearing must give security in such amount and form as shall be approved by the official .Arbitrator, for the payment of all the costs and expenses of the other party or parties incident to such rehearing, and for the payment or performance o\' any award which may be rendered against any party so apply- ing, and of any judgment which may h<- entered 11 thereon. Upon the rehearing, the proceedings must be the same as upon the first hearing, and the pro- visions of this act relating to the first hearing, the award, the order, and the subsequent proceedings thereon, apply similarly to the rehearing. Sec. 23. The final award, the order to enforce the Award may be vacated for same, and the judgment to be entered thereupon, fraud - may be vacated for fraud, collusion or corruption, but not for any other cause. Unless it is so vacated, the award is binding and conclusive upon all parties thereto, and effects a final settlement of the contro- versy, dispute or matter of difference, submitted or tried as prescribed in this act. It must be upheld and sustained accordingly, in all the courts of the State. Sec. 24. If the award construes any contract, or order to fumi requires either party, or both parties, to do or forbear made War doing a particular act or acts, or to pay a sum of money, the official Arbitrator must, at the request of either party, make an order reciting the provisions of the award, and directing the fulfilment thereof by the party or parties required to fulfil the same. The order must, at the instance of either party, be order may be ' r *' filed with the filed in the office of the Clerk of the County of New- county cierk. York, who must enter the same, upon being paid his fees therefor. If the order requires the payment of a sum of money, or the delivery of any property, either party may, upon filing the same, require the Clerk of said County to enter thereupon a judgment Jndgmentmaj of the said Arbitration Court against the party or^reon^ and parties required to pay such sum of money, or de- liver any property, and in favor of the party or par- ties to whom it should be paid or delivered. The judgment must be entered and docketed accordingly, in the manner prescribed by law for entering and Transcripts, docketing a judgment of the Supreme Court in a civil action, and transcripts may be filed with other clerks in like manner as if a judgment in a civil ac- 12 . Effect of suchtion. Such judgment has the same force and effect as a judgment of the Supreme Court of similar pur- port in a civil action, and it must be enforced in the same maimer, and by the same process and officers ; and it 1 1 ii y be satisfied of record and discharged in like manner as a judgment of the Supreme Court in a civil action. costs. Sec. 26. No costs, except as hereinafter specified, shall be allowed to either party in any proceedings # taken as prescribed in this act, and excepl where a rehearing is granted, in which case the official Arbi- trator may, or if the rehearing is before a Board of Arbitration, the Board, or a majority thereof, may, in the award, require either party to pay the other a tixed sum for his costs and expenses. False swcariDg. Sec. 26. False swearing upon the hearing before the Arbitrator, said Court of Arbitration or Board of Arbitration, or in the course of any proceedings taken as prescribed in this act, is wilful perjury, in a case where such false swearing would be wilful per- jury upon the trial of a civil action brought in the Supreme Court, or in the course of any proceeding taken in such action ; and the person guilty thereof may be indicted and punished accordingly. Noothcrpm- Sec. 27. Where any controversy, dispute or mat- uod a other ter of difference, or the interpretation or construction as to the same of any contract has been submitted to or brought dispute. within the jurisdiction of the said Court o| Arbitra- tion, as prescribed in this act, no action or special proceeding relating to the same matter shall be brought in any other court of the State, between the same parties, or their representatives or assigns, until after the final award thereupon ; and if any such ac- tion or special proceeding is pending at the time of the submission, the same must be dismissed or dis- continued, or the proceedings therein nin-t be stayed, as the case requires. The official Arbitrator or the 13 Board of Arbitration, as the case may be, constitute the said Court of Arbitration. Sec. 28. Nothing contained in this act is to be so . No jurisdic- construed as to give any jurisdiction to the said Court cases, of Arbitration of the Chamber of Commerce of the State of New- York, or to the official Arbitrator, or Board of Arbitration, except upon the voluntary submission, waiver or election of the parties or non- attendance, pursuant to a requisition as prescribed in this act ; or to permit any infant, married woman or person incapable of managing his affairs by reason of lunacy, idiocy, unsoundness of mind or habitual drunkenness, to be brought before the official Arbi- trator or the Board of Arbitration as a party, or to apply to any matter pertaining to a fee or life tenancy in real property. Sec. 29. Fees are to be paid to the Arbitration F ees to be Clerk as follows : In every case to be tried by said paid t0 Court of Arbitration, the sum of twenty dollars by each of the respective parties thereto ; for the con- struction of a contract, the sum of ten dollars each by every party thereto ; for each acknowledgment of any instrument other than those mentioned below, the sum of twenty-five cents ; for each acknowledg- ment of a charter-party or marine protest, the sum of one dollar ; for each oath or affirmation other than those to be used in causes in said Court of Arbitra- tion, the sum of twenty-five cents ; for orders or copies thereof, and for copies of minutes, records or other writings, at the rate of ten cents for each one hundred words ; for filing each submission or re- quisition, the sum of twenty- five cents. The fees, when not otherwise specified, are to be paid by the party at whose instance the service is rendered. The Arbitration Clerk shall make a sworn return on Keturnoffees the first day of each month of all the fees received by him pursuant to this section, during the preceding month, and file the same with the Treasurer of the 14 State of New- York, and at the same time he shall pay over all moneys received by him for snch fees during such month to the said Treasurer, to be applied towards paying the salary of said Arbitrator and the Bond of cicrk. Arbitration Clerk. The Arbitration Clerk shall make and file with the Comptroller of the State a good and sufficient bond to the people of the State of New- York, with sureties, and in a form to be ap- proved by said Comptroller, in the sum of ten thousand dollars, conditioned for the faithful per- formance of his duties under this section. other acts Sec. 30. All acts and parts of acts inconsistent modified to con- .,, ,-, . -,.,. -, » ,, . form to this act. with this act are modified so as to conform to this act. immedia 8 teif cct ^ E0, 31, T ^ is act ^^ ^ e en * ect immediately. COURT OF ARBITRATION OF THE Ctafar 0f €mmtm at t\t State fff glM-gurt RULES AND FORMS OF PROCEDURE. RULE I. SUBMISSION OF CONTROVERSY. The parties to any controversy, dispute or matter of dif- ference, arising or being within the Collection District of the Port of New- York, may voluntarily submit the same to the said Court of Arbitration : 1. By subscribing a written submission, acknowledging the same before the Clerk, or an officer authorized to take the acknowledgment of a deed, and filing the same with the Clerk of the Court. The submission may be in the form suggested in the Appendix, or in any similar form, stating the substance of the dispute. 2. Or the parties may appear, in open Court, and orally submit the controversy between them ; when the substance of the submission will be entered in the minutes. RULE II. PROCEEDINGS BETWEEN MEMBERS OF THE CHAMBER. Any member of the Chamber of Commerce, having a dis- pute, controversy or matter of difference with any other 16 member or members, upon any mercantile or commercial subject, may summon such opposite party or parties to appear before the Chamber, for the settlement of such con- troversy, dispute or matter of difference, by a written requisition directed to the adverse party or parties, requiring him or them to appear before the Court of Arbitration of the Chamber of Commerce of the State of New- York, for the settlement of such controversy, dispute or matter of difference, at a place, day and hour, named in the requisi- tion, not less than two or more than live days after the personal service of the same. RULE III. REQUISITION AND SERVICE. The requisition must be subscribed by the party or his attorney, and may be in t he form suggested in the Appendix, or any similar form. It must be served personally ; re- turned to the Clerk, with proof of service, and filed with him, by the expiration of one hour from the time of re- turn. RULE IV. ADDITIONAL ARBITRATORS. If either party desire that the case be heard by a Board of Arbitrators, instead of being heard by the official Arbitrator alone, sneli party may appoint an additional Arbitrator, and the adverse party shall also appoint an ad- ditional Arbitrator, pursuant to the aforesaid Act. Such appointment must be made before the hearing of the case is commenced. RULE V. PLEA I 'INl-. The only pleadings required are the statement of the con- troversy in the ''Submission," or in the "Requisition." But either party may make any allegations in the nature of a pleading, not inconsistent with the submission or requi- 17 sition, at any time before the hearing is begun ; and the Court has power to amend the pleadings on proper appli- cation. RULE VI. WHEN VERIFICATION OR REPLY NECESSARY. When the pleading is in writing, it may or may not be verified. If verified, the answer or reply to the same shall be verified. A reply to an answer shall be necessary only when a counter-claim is asserted. RULE VII. PROOFS. All the evidence required by either party shall be taken, but immaterial or irrelevant evidence will not be considered in making the decision and award. A stenographer may take proofs, when assented to by the parties. RULE VIII. CALENDAR AND DOCKET OF CAUSES. The Clerk will make, from time to time, as may be ne- cessary, a calendar from the docket of causes, and cases entered thereon shall, so far as practicable, be heard in their order. The Clerk will keep a book, in which he shall enter and index the titles of all causes, and under such title a brief minute shall be made, by the Clerk, of all proceedings in the cause, including any orders, award or judgment therein. RULE IX. REHEARING. Any party desiring a rehearing, shall notify, in writing, the opposite party and the Clerk ; and at the same time shall give the security as required by Section 22 of said act. A motion for rehearing may then be made on two days' notice to all parties concerned, and a rehearing granted if good cause be shown therefor- 18 RULE X. JUDGMENT RECORDS When an award is filed with the Arbitration Clerk, any party desiring it may prepare an order similar in form to t liit t - __■ sted in the Appendix, for the purpose of filing with the County Clerk : on which a judgment may be entered and be enforced, as authorized by said art. Such order or judgment must be Bealed with 1 1 1 « * Beat of the Arbi- trator, and duly signed, before it is filed with the County Clerk. RULE XI. K.\i:« GTIOH -. Writs of execution t<> enforce any sin-h judgment should be similar in form to thi d by the Supreme Court; must con form t<> the judgment^ and be issued by the pai or their attorneys. RULE XII. MOTIONS AND ORDERS. Motions may be made at any tim- the Arbitrator of the Chamber, on two .lays" notice to the opposite party. Orders to show cause will not be granted, except in cases of necessity. The papers on which any order i- made, Bhould be filed with the Arbitration Clerk, accompanied with the order. Such orders ■ required to be filed with the County Clerk, are t" bo authenticated by the signature and official seal of the Arbitrator, and filed with the Clerk of the County of New- York, as provided by Section 34 of said act. RULE XIII. ffSTBUCTION or COM I RA< IS. Any parties interested, or their representatives, may pre- sent to the Arbitrator, for interpretation and construction, any parol or written contract pertaining to any in;. 19 which might be the subject of arbitration under the pro- visions of the act aforesaid. A copy of the contract, if written, or a memorandum of its terms, if oral, shall be tiled with the Arbitration Clerk, together with the decision thereon, which shall be au- thenticated by the signature and seal of the Arbitrator. RULE XIV. SUBPOXNAS AND COMMISSIONS. Subpoenas may be issued and served for witnesses to appear and testify in similar form and with like effect as in other courts. Commissions to take testimony may be applied for on two days' notice, and will be issued in the same form and with like effect as in courts of record. RULE XV. GENERAL RULES OF PRACTICE. The Arbitrator has power to do and order whatever may be necessary to carry out the provisions of the act. General rules of practice will be so administered as to give just and full opportunity to all parties to make their allegations and produce their proofs. RULE XVI. CASES IN WHICH THERE IS NO JURISDICTION. 1. When a requisition issues, the dispute must relate to a mercantile or commercial subject, and must be between members of the Chamber ; otherwise there is no jurisdiction. 2. When a controversy is submitted, whether between members of the Chamber or not, it must have arisen within the Collection District of the Port of New- York, or be within said District. 20 3. No minor, married woman or person of unsound mind can be brought before the Court of Arbitration. 4. No matter pertaining to a fee or life tenancy in real estate can be the subject of jurisdiction. APPENDIX. [Form No. 1.] COURT OF ARBITRATION OF THE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE OF THE STATE OF NEW-YORK. Member of the Chamber of Com- merce of the State of New- York, , Requisition, against Member of said Chamber. To You are hereby required, pursuant to Chap. 495 of the Laws of New- York of 1875, to appear before the Court of Arbitration of the Chamber of Commerce aforesaid, at its Court Rooms, No. 63 William Street, in the City of New- York, on the day of 187 , at o'clock, P. M., to submit all matters of difference between the parties above named touching a certain and to stand to, abide and perform the award in that behalf to be made by the Arbitrator or Board, and to any order or judgment of the said Court of Arbitration, pursuant to said Act. Dated New-York, 187 Yours, &c, 22 [Form \o. 2] COURT OF AEBITRATION OF THE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE OF THE STATE OF NEW-YORK. aga last ) Subm Ission. A controversy, dispute or matter of difference between the undersigned, Laving arisen within the Port of New- York, and relating to a subject matter situate or coming within that port, the nature of which, briefly stated, is as follows : We do hereby voluntarily submit the same, and all mat- ters concerning the same, to the said Court of Arbitration of the Chamber of Commerce of the State of New-York, for hcaiing and decision, pursuant to the provisions of Chap. 495, Laws of 1875. A nd we agree to stand to, abide and perform the decision, award, order, orders and judgment that may therein and I hereupon be made under, pursuant to, and by virtue of. said act. Dated New- York, 187 ( '/'/// and ( ( ounty of Ni w- Fork, ss. : On this day of 187 , the within named known to me to be the same persons described in and who executed the within submission, personally appeared before 23 me, and severally acknowledged that they had executed the same. Cleric of the Court of Arbitration of the Chamber of Commerce of the State of New- York. Additional arbitrators to sit with the oflicial Arbitrator, to hear and determine the matter within submitted, are hereby appointed by the respective parties, as follows : on the part of the plaintiffs, on the part of the defendants. Dated New- York, 187 [Form No. 3.] COURT OF ARBITRATION OF THE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE OF THE STATE OF NEW-YORK. against \. ™£