^67 UC-NRLF B M 57=1 M=10 f^v-i-j^f. 'M'^M M. BW^ w ^5 iA^; Ml:l? w 4 ■M W^. ;i^v* i:J^^>P^ ^: m:^ "iiM W:^: Rit yis^?^?; CLASSIFICATION FOR A PHYSICAL TRAINING LIBRARY WITH A COMPLETE INDEX For the use primarily of Physical Directors and others engaged in the Study or Practice of this Subject Price $1.00 By J. H. McCURDY, M. D., and G. B. AFFLECK, M. A. PUBLISHED BY THE AMERICAN PHYSICAL EDUCATION ASSOCIATION SPRINGFIELD, MASS. CLASSIFICATION FOR A PHYSICAL TRAINING LIBRARY WITH A COMPLETE INDEX For, the use primarily of Physical Directors and others engaged in the Study or Practice of this Subject BY J. H. McCURDY, M. D. AND G. B. AFFLECK. M. A. SPRINGFIELD, MASS 1922 7 k' M ^ «!^ o^^ THE AMERICAN PHYSICAL EDUCATION ASSOCIATION Physical Directors, Boards of Edfication, Y. M. C. A.'s, Y. W. C. A.'s, Schools, Colleges, College and Co-opera- tive Bookstores, Athletic Associations, Firms, etc., may become members of the Association. Membership Dues, $5.00 a year BOOK LIST ISSUED FEBRUARY, 1922 Over 600 carefully selected titles on PHYSICAL EDUCATION HYGIENE PLAY ANATOMY PHYSIOLOGY PSYCHOLOGY FIRST AID MEDICAL GYMNASTICS ETC. Service and Book Lists Free to Members of the Association Box 123, Highland Station - Springfield, Mass. CLASSIFICATION FOR A PHYSICAL DIRECTOR'S LIBRARY. BY J. H. MCCURDY, M. D., AND G. B. AFFLECK, M. A. This classification is the result of thirty years' experience with the larg- est library of books and magazine literature on physical education in ex- istence,* with the library of the Play- ground and Recreation Association of North America, and with two of the largest private collections on the subject. It is 'the outgrowth of four revisions. Acknowledgment is made to Mr. J. T. Bowne, librarian at the International Y. M. C. A. College, Miss Georgiana E. Carr, assistant librarian, and Mrs. Persis B. McCurdy, who have given valuable assistance. A classification for physical subjects was first arranged with the aid of Pro- fessor Bowne in 1902 for the classifi- cation of the physical education library material at the College. This classifi- cation was included in its third re- vision in McCurdy's Bibliography, which was published by the Physical Directors' Society of the Young Men's Christian Association. This classifica- tion was planned to be used with the Dewey Decimal Classification System and to be inserted at the Number 613.71, the letter P taking the place of the number G13.71, and the material placed upon the shelves in sequence with other material arranged according to the Dewey System. It was thought that the physical education classification would cover, without reference to the Dewey System, most of the material accumulating in a physical director's library. Later, when the Playground and Recreation Association of America sent their library for classification, a further revision was made with the assistance of Professor G. B. Affleck, as the new library to be classified ofifered some practical difficulties with the first classification. As the profession has broadened, other revisions and additions have been necessary. During the war, and since that time, * International Young Men's Christian Association College, Springfield, Mass. physical education as a profession has seen great changes. It is now no longer an isolated profession with its own courses and literature, but has be- come, almost in spite of itself and its leaders, a part of a whole movement looking toward the health and physical betterment of the people. There is a wealth of material being published, along these lines, both within and without the profession. A demand has arisen that there should be some method of easy and logical reference to this material ; that the material should not be ar- ranged as a physical education library within another ilbrary, but that all kinds of literature should be arranged in a simple, logical way to make it available for physical education pur- poses. The present classification has received the advice and criticisms of trained librarians and physical, direc- tors. It is a scheme which may be complete for an entire collection of books and pamphlets, or may be com- bined with some other library classifi- cation, by using the letter P to desig- nate the fact that it is an interpolation using the numbers 100-799, inclusive. It is recommended- for small libraries that only the main headings be used, and that each individual rely in some measure upon his own subdivisions, for which a large number of numbers are left vacant, for any special line of literature in which his library is par- ticularly well supplied. If further sub- division is desired, within the class numbers, R may precede the class number to indicate recreation and play, Y for the Y. M. C. A., W for women and girls, C for colleges, A for academy and secondary schools, S for public schools, N for normal courses, I for industrial activities, C W for college women, etc. The user may also alpha- bet under cities and states particular topics when advisable. The simplest method of classifying a small personal library is to place the class number on the book, article, picture or other 507423 material as it is examined. Witli Idiger collections it may be necessary to add a loose-leaf index alphabeted accord- ing to subject, title and author. These loose-leaf sheets will be greatly in- creased in value if a careful summary of the article is placed on them. The figure 9 or .9 can often be used for miscellaneous materials. GENERAL OUTLINE. 100-199 General Discussions and General Books and Articles on Physical Educa- tion and Play. 200-299 Gymnastics, Calisthenics, Dancing. 300-399 Athletics, Sports, Play and Games of All Kinds. 400-499 Aquatics and Ice Sports. 500-599 Administration of Physical Educa- tion, Athletics and Play. 600-699 Buildings, Fields, Parks, Wading Pools, Swimming Pools, etc. The Place, Architecture and Equipment. 700-799 History of Physical Education. 800-899 Allied and Coordinated Sciences. 900-999 Library not Included in the Above. 100-199 GENERAL DISCUSSIONS AND GENERAL BOOKS ON PHYSICAL EDUCATION. AND PLAY. 101 Philosophy. 102 Need for Physical Education, general propaganda. For propaganda for col- leges and students see 172, 173, 174, 920.72, 933.7, 933.8: .1, students; .2, business or professional men ; .3, indus- trial workers; .4, others (normal indi- viduals) ; .5, special classes — -.51, neg- lected children, street boys ; .52, blind, mute, deaf ; .53, criminal ; .54, feeble- minded ; .55, insane. 103 Relationships: .1, ethics or morals, e.g., professionalism,' awards, prizes, clean sport, politics, student honor, Sunday sports ; .2, education, will, scholarship, mental development; .3, health of body, risks, accidents, injuries, physician's views, longevity; .4, laws, legislation, politics, military training; .5, may be subdivided into national, state, etc. ; .6, art, statuary ; .8, churches, social settle- ments. 104 Play, influence and discussions of com- munity and national leisure time. For general collections of games, see 360. 107 Training in General. For special gym- nastic and aquatic training, etc., see 207. 307, 407; diet, 832; sleep, 837.9; baths, 834.1. 120 Compends, Cyclopedias, Dictionaries, in Physical Education. For general dictionaries, English and foreign, see 922; for medical dictionaries, etc., see 870.2. 123 Bibliographies, Classification Systems, Films. 124 Sales Catalogs, for physical education. For anatomic and other sciences, see 810.24, etc. 127 Outlines and Syllabi: .1, statE ; .2, city. 128 Military Training Manuals. 130 Nomenclature. For gymnastic nomen- clature, see 203 ; athletic nomenclature, 303 ; etc. 140 Lectures, Addresses, Essays, Quota- tions: too general to go under any special head. Personal letters and ad- dresses. Editorials and reprints. 150 Periodicals on Physical Education and Play. Proceedings of associations which afterwards have become periodi- cals, as for example, the American Physical Education Reviezv, the Play- ground, Mind and Body, and Physical Training. For periodicals in anatomy, medicine, physiology, hygiene, see 810.5, 820.5, etc.; for general periodicals, see 920.5. 158 Foreign. 160 Proceedings: conferences, congresses; committee reports, newspaper articles, clippings, programs, constitutions. For other subjects than physical education, see .6, under subject. May be subdi- vided into national, state, county, dis- trict, and city or local. 168 Foreign. 170 Normal Education and training of teachers. 171 Qualification Requirements for teachers, supervisors, etc. (including examination questions, practical tests of teaching and other legal requirements, rating of pupils and regular teachers) : .1, for small children ; .2, adolescents ; .3, adults. 172 Curricula of private normal schools of physical education and schools of danc- ing, catalogs and bulletins, propaganda material for students. For Y. M. C. A. and Y. W. C. A. Schools, see 933.7; public health, 840.72. 173 State Normal Schools having normal courses in physical education. For other state normal school and college catalogs, see 920.72; medical schools, 870.72. 174 City Normal Schools having normal courses in physical education. 175 Colleges and Universities having normal courses in physical education. 176 Summer Schools of physical education (includes only those imattached to regular schools). 180 Systems of Physical Education. (May be placed 127 or 128, if regular syllabi.) 181 German. 182 Szwdish. 183 /)f/.9fl;-/,'— Special. 184 y. M. C. A. 185 Military Drill. (May also be placed 103.4 if in form of discussion or argu- ment.) 200-299 GYMNASTICS, CALISTHEN- ICS AND DANCING. 202 Encyclopedias and Dictionaries. For general collections of sports and games, see 360. 203 Nomenclature. 207 Training for gymnastic events, pedagogy. 220 Calisthenics. 222 Free Exercises. 223 Dumb Bells. 224 Indian Clubs. 225 Wands, Bar Bells and Poles. 226 Grace Hoops and Hand Rings. 228 Marching — Rhythmic steps, dancing and pageantry: .1, marching tactics; .2, roundel, fancy steps, skipping, etc. ; .3, dancing — .31, aesthetic and dramatic; .32, national and folk dancing, songs, games and gymnastic dancing; .33, pageants. 230 Defensive. 231 Boxing, Bag Punching. 232 Wrestling. 233 Single Sticks, French Cane, Walking Stick. 234 Fencing — foil and dueling swords. 235 Broad Szi'ord and Sabre. 336 Bayonet Fighting. 240 Heavy Apparatus. 241 Horisontal Bars — high and low. 242 Parallel Bars. 243 Horse: .1, side; .2, long; .3, buck. 244 Rings, Ropes and Climbing Poles, Lad- ders, etc. 245 Tumbling and Mat Work. 246 Pyramids and Roman Ladders. 247 Jumping Exercises — springboard and win-. dow jumping, horizontal and vertical. 248 Balancing Apparatus. 263 Bowling. 280 Developing Apparatus, including pul- ley weights, chest bars and all patent exercises for home use. 300-399 ATHLETICS AND GAMES AND SPORT, indoors and outdoors. 300- 307 divided like 200-207. For general athletic competition, rules, scoring tables, etc., see 553.2. 320 Track Athletics, outdoors and indoors. 321 Running and Hurdles, to one-fourth mile, including relays and potato races. 322 Running, middle and long distance; .1, cross-country running, paper chase, hare and hounds. 323 Cycling on track — racing. 330 Field Athletics, outdoors and indoors. 331 Broad Jumping: .1, standing; .2, running; .3, hop, step and jump. 332 High Jumping: .1, standing; .2, running. 333 Vaulting: .1, pole-vaulting, height and distance ; .2, fence vault and wall scal- ing ; .3, bar vault. 334 Weight Throzving : .1, hammer; .2, shot; .3, fifty-six pound; .4, discus; .5, jave- lin. 335 Tug-of-War. 339 Miscellaneous Events: .1, diving, long and high ; .2, high kicking. 360 Games, requiring little or no equip- ment, e.g.. mass games, tag games, run- ning games, stunts, etc. 361 Games zinth a Ball or other object: .1, football — .11, Rugby; .12, soccer; .2, basket ball ; .3, volley ball, cage ball or giant volley ball ; .4, hand ball. 362 Games zviih a Ball handled by hand ap- paratus : .1, baseball, indoor baseball, playground ball ; .2, cricket, field and : . lajwh hockey ; .3, lacrosse; .4, golf; .5, lawn tennis, tether ball, fives, minton, rackets and squash ; .6, croquet, roque, golf croquet. 366 Games: collections of games. 370 Outdoor Recreation away from the athletic field or playground. For ice and snow sports, see 460-470. 371 Outings, vacations, camps. 372 Cycling. For cycling on track — racing, see 323. 373 Pedestrianism, walking. 374 Gardens, home, school, village, city. 380 Sporting. For collections of sports and games in general, see 360. 381 Hunting. 382 Driving. 383 Horsemanship. 384 Horse Racing. 385 Horse Polo. 386 Marksmanship: .1, archery; .2, firearms. 400-499 AQUATICS. 400-407 divided like 200-207. 410 Boat and Canoe Building, including rigging and sails. 420 Sailing or Yachting, including cruising and navigation. 424 Canoeing and Paddling. 427 Pozver Launches. 430 Rowing: .1, fixed seat; .2, sliding seat; .4, scull- ing. 440 Swimming, Diving and Water Games: .1, swimming; .11, life-saving; .2, div- ing, plunging and floating; .3, water games and stunts, e.g., water polo, water baseball, water basket ball, etc. 450 Fishing, angling exclusively. 460 Ice Sports: .1, skating; .2, curling; .3, ice polo; .4, hockey ; .5, ice boating ; .9, other ice games. 470 Snow Sports: .1, snowshoeing, including skiing; .2, coasting ; .3, tobogganing. 500-599 ADMINISTRATION. 510 Organization for Supervision, constitu- tions, surveys, by-laws, general rules of organization for supervision. 514 Voluntary Organisations in the United States, as, for example, the Playground Association, A. A. U., A. P. E. A., Faculty and Student Organizations, etc. : .1 Y. M. C. A., Y. W. C. A.— .11, national; .12, district; .13, state; .14, county; .15, local. .2 American Gymnastic Union, Amateur Athletic Union and other clubs. Sub- divided as 514.1. .3 American Physical Education Association. Subdivided as 514.1. .4 Playground Association, Recreation and Community Centers. Subdivided as 514.1. .5 Churches, Sunday School Athletic Leagues. Subdivided as 514.1. .6 Settlements, Civic and Women's Clubs, municipal agencies, park boards. Sub- divided as 514.1. .7 Boy Scouts, Woodcraft League, Girl '- ' t :/: Scouts, Camp Fire Girb^ Baji.'s!" ClubiSv and other organizations of likfe charac- ter for boys and girls. Subdivided as 514.1. .8 Industrial Plants. .9 Aliscellaneous — Red Cross, American Stu- dents' Health Association, National Health Council. Child Health Associa- tion, School Hygiene Association, Na- tional Collegiate Athletic Association, Intercollegiate Athletic Association. 515 Educational Agencies, Public School Athletic Leagues, Surveys : .1, boards of education and committees for super- vision; .2, schools, elementary and grammar ; .3, secondary schools, public and private, including both junior and senior high schools ; .4, colleges and universities ; .5, technical, normal and professional schools of all kinds. 516 Foreign Voluntary Organizations. Sub- divided as 514. 517 Foreign Education Institutions. Subdi- vided as 515. 530 Officers of Administration and Instruc- tion, for example, superintendents, directors, instructors, etc., salaries, employment agencies. 534 Relations of each ofificer of instruction to the community, allied organizations, etc. 535 Personal Suggestions to each officer, e.g., spiritual and mental growth and health, personal appearance, conversation and correspondence, companionship, system in work. 540 Business Administration. 541 Administration of Fi)iances. .1, finance committee and its reports, records and statistics ; .2, annual and other budgets ; .3, sources of income, endowment, bequests, gifts, rent, muni- cipal appropriations, etc., entry fees, gate receipts, interscholastic finances, etc. ; .4, solicitation, collection and dis- bursement of funds ; .5, financial book- keeping ; .6, 'debt, taxes, insurance, etc. 542 Office Administration: .1, membership records, locker records, equipment rec- ords : .2, schedules of activities ; .3, at- tendance records, roll call methods ; .5, reports to the supervisory agents, e.g., president of local organization or chair- man of department committee ; .6, correspondence, including filing. 543 Membership Qualification Regulations. Personal character, conduct, discipline, age, residence, attendance, fees. 544 Advertising, Propaganda and Publicity. Methods of using publicity, bureaus, etc. .1 Newspapers, e.g., news items, paid ads from athletic manufacturers, jewelers, etc. .2 Printed matter; .21, regular publications used for general advertising purposes,. e.g., bulletins, daily, weekly, or monthly ; .22, prospecti, circulars, etc., designed to interest regular and prospective users ; .23, special printed matter in- tended primarily for patrons and finan- cial supporters ; .24, programs, sched- ules, cards, window programs, etc., in- tended for advertising special games, etc. .3 Demonstrations of activities, e.g., exhibi- tions, festivals, carnivals, etc. .4 Museums, exhibits, photographs, trophies and awards. .5 Addresses, illustrated lectures, personal interviews, etc. 545 Administration of Property: .1 Custodians of buildings and grounds, superintendents, janitors, policemen, at- tendants, etc. .2 Conditions of buildings and grounds ; .21, repairs and maintenance ; .22, sanitation, cleaning, etc. 550 Administration of Activities. 551 Adniinistratiofi of Ethical, Moral, Reli- gious and Patriotic Actiznties. 552 Administration of Educational Activi- ties: .1, library and reading room; .2, addresses, talks, illustrated lectures, etc. 553 Administration of Physical Activities: .1 Class organization, officers, programs, out- lines of work, committee reports (for roll call methods, see 542.3) — .12, gym- nastics ; .13, athletics; .14, aquatics. .2 Administration of competition, handicap- ping, athletic constitutions, by-laws, scoring cards and records, registration cards, entry blanks, eligibility rules, faculty control, discipline, etc. .3 Team managers' and captains' reports. Subdivided as 553.1. .5 Examinations, minimum tests, physical and organic efficiency tests, etc. Sub- divided as 553.1. .7 Administration of the training of teach- ers and members of leaders' corps, policy of corps, etc.; .71, qualification requirements for volunteer assistants ; 77, study courses for instructors, as- sistants, volunteer leaders, etc. .8 Administration of physical activities in in- dustry. 555 Administration of Social Activities, for example, receptions, dances, pageants, etc. 559 Administration of other Activities: .1, refectories, lunch rooms, restaurants ; .2, laundries, for towels and suits for bathing and swimming; .3, sanitariums. 560 Pedagogical Methods: .1, boys' classes; .2, young men's classes; .3, business men. 600-699 THE PLACE. Buildings, fields, parks, wading pools, equipment, etc. 601 Location or Site: .1, Considerations de- termining location, e.g., availability, cost, etc.; .11, conditions of the com- munity, district, or ward itself, e.g., population, needs, geographical loca- tion of related institutions, public schools, parks, etc. ; .12, type of activi- ties proposed, e.g., children's play- grounds, ball grounds, recreation parks, etc. 602 General Plans of Grounds, topography, landscape gardening, drives, etc. Loca- tion and relationship of various fea- tures, e.g., wading pools, sand boxes, shelter houses, gymnasium, athletic fields, etc. 603 Architects' Working Plans of Individ- ual Features: May be subdivided, e.g., gymnasiums, playgrounds, swimming pools, lunch rooms, assembly halls, library, etc. 604 Construction of individual features, safety, durability, fire protection, at- tractiveness, etc. .1 Features common to all departments, heating, lighting, ventilating, sanitary features, toilets, materials, fixtures (not in the gymnasium). .2 Gymnasiums. May be subdivided, e. g., locker and dressing rooms, running tracks, special rooms, including bowl- ing, handball, boxing, wrestling, fenc- ing, lockers and locks, etc. .3 Playground and athletic fields, grand stands. May be subdivided, e.g., prepa- ration of grounds, subsoil, topsoil, reclamation of waste places, marshes, drainage, etc. .4 Aquatic plant and baths — .41, baths, shower, plunge (may be subdivided, e.g., methods of heating water, size of supply pipes, types of valves, etc.) ; .42, wading pools {e. g., cement, clay, tile, etc.) ; .43, swimming pools, puri- fication of water and filters. 609 Equipment of Individual Features: .2 Gymnastic — .21 light apparatus, e.g., bells, wands, etc. ; .22, heavy apparatus, e.g., horse, parallel, ladders, etc.; .23, director's office and examining room equipment; .29, special rooms, handball, boxing, wrestling, fencing, bowling, massage room. .3 Athletic and game standards, indoor and outdoor; poles, weights, bats, balls, etc., indoor and outdoor. .4 Aquatic; .41, boats and canoes; .42, diving towers, spring-boards ; .46, uniforms, towels, suits. .6 Assembly halls, club rooms, etc. .7 Library, reading rooms, etc. .9 Other features, e.g., refectories, lunch rooms, shelter houses. 700-799 HISTORY. Reports of work done only. For administration, see 500-599. Transactions of great general societies go in 160. 710 International, e.g., modern Olympic games, interallied gaines. 720 Biography, arranged alphabetically by names'. 730 National and Historic Divisions. 732 Egyptian. 72iZ Jezvish. 735 Persian. 737 Roman. 738 Greek, including ancient Olympic games. 739 Medieval European. 740 Europe (geographical divisions). 742 British. England, Scotland, Ireland, Wales. 743 German. 744 French. 745;. 746 747 748 750 751 752 754 760 770 771 772 773 774 .1 .2 .9 775 780 790 800- 80O 801 803 804 807 808 809 810 810 810 • italiah'. *. ^.* ;%*^ ;*•; *.*•*. 'Spainsh. Russian. Scandinavian; .1, Norwegian; .5, Swed- ish; .9, Danish. Asia (geographical). Chinese. Japanese. India. Africa (geographical). North America (geographical). Canada. Mexico, Central America and West In- ■ dies. United States. Voluntary Organisations. History of Physical Education in United States. Y. M. C. A.; .11, national; .12, district; .13, state ; .14, county ; .15, local. American Gymnastic Union, Amateur Athletic Union and other clubs. Sub- divided as 773.1, etc. American Physical Education Association. Subdivided as 773.1, etc. Playground Association, Recreation and Community Centers. Subdivided as 773.1, etc. Churches, Sunday Schools, Athletic Leagues. Subdivided as 773.1, etc. Settlements and Civic and Women's Clubs, municipal agencies, park boards. Subdivided as 773.1, etc. Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, Camp Fire Girls, and other organizations of like charac- ter for boys and girls. Subdivided as 773.1, etc. Industrial Organizations. Subdivided as 773.1, etc. Other organizations, Red Cross, American Students Health Association, National Health Council, Child Health Associa- tion, School Hygiene Association, Na- tional Collegiate Athletic Association, Intercollegiate Athletic Association, etc. Educational Institutions. History of Physical Education: .1, board of educa- tion and committees for supervision ; .2, schools, elementary and grammar ; .3, secondary schools, public and pri- vate ; .4, colleges and universities ; .5, technical, normal and professional schools of all kinds. South America (geographical). Brazil, Argentine, Patagonia, Chile, BoHvia, Peru, Paraguay, Uruguay, etc. Oceanica (geographical) and miscel- laneous, including Australia, New Zea- land, Philippines, etc. 899 ALLIED AND C O - O R D I - NATED SCIENCES. 809 Allied Sciences. Mathematics. Physics. Chemistry. Botany. Biology. Zoology. 899 Coordinated Sciences. 819 Anatomy, structure, kinesiology, comparative anatomy. General and Comparative Anatomy: .24, sales catalog^ ; , .5,^ p^ric)ilicals ,_^ ,.6, conventions, ^rbc^e'dihgfe, tiSn^aciibfis,' programs, etc. 813 Kinesiology, animal mechanics. 820 Physiology, function, animal, vege- table, and chemical physiology, physiological physics; .24, sales cata- logs; .5, periodicals; .6, conventions, proceedings, transactions, programs, etc. 821 Circulation. 822 Respiration. 823 Digestion. 824 Secretion. 825 Ani)nal Heat, sources of energy arid body temperature, causes and variations of same, etc. 826 Reproduction, development. For eugenics, see also 839.1. 827 Motor Functions, including vocal appara- tus, skin, etc. 828 Nervous Functions, including central ner- vous system, sight, hearing, taste, smell, touch, muscular sense. 829 Physiology of Exercise: .1, circulation; .2, respiration; .3, digestion and nutri- tion ; .4, secretion ; .5, animal heat ; .6, reproduction ; .7, motors — motor educa- tion, muscular sense, coordination, rhythmic action, voice and skin ; .8, nerves — muscular fatigue. 830-839 Hygiene, general and personal. Place here hygiene as usually taught in the schools. 830 Textbooks, and general works : .5, period- icals ; .6, conventions, transactions, etc. ; .72, catalogs and courses of study in departments of hygiene. 832 Hygiene of Digestion and Nutrition, cooking, dietaries. For school dietaries, see 835.4. 2>3?> Hygiene of Beverages. 834 Personal Habits: .1, bathing; .2, mouth hygiene ; .3, clothing. 835 Hygiene of Habitation, disposal of waste in private homes, (for building ventila- tion, see 604.1) : .4, school hygiene, school seats; .41, school feeding; .42, open-air schools. 836 Hygiene of Occupation, including dis- eases of occupation: .1, industrial hy- giene; .2, hygiene of teachers (health of teachers). 837 Hygiene of Recreation and Sleep: .9, rest and sleep. 838 Hygiene of the Nervous System, mental hygiene, hygiene for nervous people, hygiene and religion, mental healing, special senses, etc. (For exercise treat- ment, see 853.2) : .1, relation of health to alcohol ; .4, relation of health to to- bacco ; .5, relation of health to narcotics and stimulants other than alcohol and tobacco ; .9, sex hygiene. 839 Hygiene of the Mother and Child, mothers' and children's books: .1, eu- genics, heredity and evolution ; .2, back- ward and feeble-minded children, crim- inals. For need of physical education for, see 102.5 ; physical exercises for, see 853.9. 840-849 Public Health Control, preventive medicine. .5, periodicals ; .6, conventions, reports of societies and committees ; .7, sur- veys ; .72, catalogs of schools for public health officers ; .9, laws. 841 Registration and Vital Statistics, births, deaths, morbidity, etc. 843 Food, Water, Drugs, patent medicines, cosmetics, nostrums, drink, tobacco, snufif, food inspection, adulteration, etc. 844 Contagious and Infectious Diseases, causes, origin and distribution, quaran- tine, inoculation, vaccination, disin- fection and other public means of re- pression. 845 Filth Diseases, flies. 846 Fiygiene of Buildings, schools, auditori- ums, theaters, churches, swimming pools, factories, homes, etc. For con- struction and equipment, heating, light- ing, ventilating, etc., see 604.1 and 609. 848 Hygiene of Travel. 850 Therapeutics. 851 Drugs. 852 Physical Agents, hydrotherapy, helio- therapy, electrotherapy, mechano- therapy, massage, etc. 853 Gymnastic Therapeutics, prescription of exercise, including tables of exercise for different defects. For height, weight, and measurement charts, see 861 ; medical blanks, see 862, includes passive, active and passive-active move- ments. .1 Exercise treatment of disorders of locomotion of muscles and joints; .11, spine, posture, kyphosis, scoliosis, lor- dosis, lumbosacral, sacroiliac, limbs; .12, exercise treatment for fractures, dislocations, contractures, synovitis, stiff joints, and weak, pronated and flat feet. .2 Exercise treatment of nervous affections, paralyses, speech disorders, infantile paralysis, neuritis, spastic paralysis, ataxia, paralysis of central origin. Little's 'disease, neuralgia, sciatica, neuroses, wry neck, lumbago. .3 Exercise treatment of affection of abdom- inal organs, constipation, abdominal adhesions and ptoses, etc. .4 Exercise treatment of affections of circu- lation and respiration, weak heart, val- vular disease, blood pressure, varicose veins, phlebitis, etc. .5 Exercise treatment of miscellaneous dis- eases and difficulties, obesity, diabetis, gout, anemia, goitre. .9 Exercises and games for defectives and the insane. 858 First Aid, home nursing. 860 Medical and Physical Diagnosis and measurement of health factors, per- sonal and environmental, including both normals and defectives.* Draft statistics. School and college health administra- tion. 861 Growth Measurements, anthropometry, physical measurements, charts, etc., of children, adolescents and adults. 8 862 Height and Weight Charts, medical ex- aminations, medical inspection of chil- dren and adults. Eyes, ears, nose, throat, teeth, glands, nutrition, posture, hernia, heart, lungs, etc. 870 Medicine and Surgery: .2, medical dictionaries ; .5, periodicals ; .6, reports ; .7, education of physicians, nurses, public health officers, etc. ; .72, medical school catalogs. 876 Disease, pathology and treatment, includ- ing women and children. For use of physical agents, see 852 ; treatment by exercise, see 853. 877 Surgery, including surgical orthopedics, dentistry, regional surgery, etc. For mouth hygiene, see 834.2. 900-999 GENERAL LIBRARY. 920 Education: .3, bibliographies ; .5, periodicals, edu- cational prospecti ; .6, reports, con- ferences, conventions ; .72, school and college catalogs, college examinations, alumni lists. 921 Philosophy, Theory, Methods, e.g., vis- ual education, vocational education, motion pictures, Victrola, part-time classes, relationships: .1, rural schools; .2, elementary schools ; .3, secondary schools ; .55, boarding schools ; .6, women; .8, colleges and universities, university extension courses ; .9, special classes. 922 Compends, Cyclopedias, Dictionaries, Grammars, including all languages. 923 Mental Tests, Retardation, school prog- ress, mental fatigue. 924 Essays. 925 Government, Discipline. 927 Textbooks, Administration. Reports teachers' training, teachers' employ- ment agencies, pedagogy. 9^ 'MrSfoV^ o'f'BdUlat'ion. ' 930 Spiritual, the religious life, churches, Y. M. C. A., Y. W. C. A., clubs, etc. (For other than physical Y. M. and Y. W. C. A., see 933) : .5, periodicals ; .6, conventions. 931 Philosophy, theories, methods. 932 Compends, Outlines, Systems, Comment- aries, etc., includes Bibles, books of the Bible, prayer books. 933 Y. M. C. A., Y. W. C. A. and Religious Societies: .1 Philosophy, theories. .2 Compends, outlines, systems, dictionaries, constitutions, except athletic constitu- tions. .3 Foreign. .5 Periodicals (physical education, 150). .6 Societies, transactions, committee reports. .7 Education catalogs, alumni lists, com- mencement programs, reports on col- leges and courses. .8 Administration, methods, propaganda. .9 History. .92 Biographies. 934 Essays, sermons, lectures, personal evangelism, etc. 936 Missions. 937 Education, theological seminaries, curric- ula, catalogs and discussions. For Y. M. C. A. and Y. W. C. A., see 933.7. 939 History of Religion, church, Jews, etc. ; .92, biographies. 940 Sociology, economics and social psy- chology, social clubs. 950 Psychology. 970 Ethics, character and character train- ing. 980 Sciences not related to physical edu- cation, e.g., geology and astronomv. 990 History (991), Biography (992), 'Fic- tion (993), Travel and Geography (994). INDEX. Abdominal organs, exercise treatment 853.3 Accidents, first aid, emergencies 858 relationship to physical education 103.3 Addresses, education 924 physical education 140 Administration 500-599 activities 550 educational 552 ethical, moral, religious and patriotic. 551 physical 553 Advertising, physical education 544 news items, ads paid 544.1 printed matter 544.2 Africa, physical education 760 Air, ventilation, etc 835 Alcohol, relation to health 838.1 American Amateur Athletic Union, history . . 774.2 organization 514.2 Child Health Association, history 774.9 organization 514.9 Gymnastic Union, history 774.2 organization 514.2 Physical Education Association, history . . 774.3 organization 514.3 Playground Association, history 774.4 organization 514.4 Red Cross, history 774.9 organization 514.9 School Hygiene Association, history 774.9 organization 514.9 Anatomy 810-819 comparative 810 Anemia, exercise treatment 853.5 Anthropometry 861 Animal heat, physiology 825 physiology of exercise 829.5 Animal mechanics, kinesiology 813 Apparatus, heavy 240 Apparatus, equipment 609.2 Aquatic plant, construction 604.4 Aquatics 400-499 administration 553.13 equipment 609.4 training 407 rules — under each sport. Archery 386. 1 Argentina, physical education 780 Art, relationship of to physical education 103.6 Asia, physical education 750 Assembly hall, plans 603 construction 604 equipment 609.6 Astronomy 980 Ataxia, exercise treatment 853.2 Athletic competition, administration and consti- tutions 553.2 fields, soil, construction, drainage and utilization of waste land and marshes . . 604.3 location 602 training 307 Athletics 300-399 administration 553.12 equipment, indoor and outdoor 609.3 field, indoors and outdoors 330 rules — under each sport. track, indoors and outdoors 320 Auditoriums, hygiene 846 Australia, physical education 790 Awards, advertising 544.4 ethics 103.1 Backward children, need of physical education. 102.5 physical exercises 853.9 hygiene 839.2 Balancing apparatus 248 Ball, games 361 handled by hand apparatus 362 See also under each name. indoor and outdoor equipment 609.3 Bar bells 225 Bars, chest 280 high and low horizontal 241 parallel 242 Baseball, outdoors and indoors 362.1 water 440.3 Basket ball 361.2 water 440.3 Bathing, hygiene 834.1 Baths, care 545.22 construction 604.41 equipment 609.4 sanitation 846 Bats, indoor and outdoor equipment 609.3 Bayonet fighting 236 Bequests 541.3 Beverages, hygiene 833 Bibliographies, general 920.3 physical education 123 Biography, general 992 physical education 720 religious 939.92 Y. M. C. A., Y. W. C. A 933.92 Biology 808 Births, registration 841 Blind, mute and deaf, need for physical educa- tion 102.52 Blood pressure, exercise treatment 853.4 Boarding schools, education 921.55 Boards of education, organization of physical education 515.1 Boat and canoe building, including rigging and sails 410 Boating, ice 460.5 Boats, equipment 609.41 Body temperature, sources 825 Bolivia, physical education 780 Botany 807 Bowling 263 Bowling-alleys, construction 604.2 equipment 609.2 care 545.2 Boxing 231 equipment 609.29 rooms, construction 604.2 Boy Scouts, history 774.7 clubs, organization, including Boy Scouts. 514.7 Brazil, physical education 780 British, physical education 742 Broad jump 331 running 331.2 standing 331.1 Broad sword and saber 235 Budgets, administration 541.2 Bufldings, care and cleaning 545.2 construction and equipment 600-699 sanitation 846 Bulletins 544.2 Business administration 540 Business men, need for physical education . . . 102.2 Bv-laws. athletics and physical education 510 Cage ball 361.3 Calisthenics 220 Camp Fire Girls, history 774.7 organization 514.7 Camps and camping, including outfits 371 Canada, physical education 771 Canoeing 424 building 410 equipment 609.41 Captains' reports, administration 553.3 Carnivals, organization 544.3 Catalogs, general school and college 920.72 departments of hygiene 830.72 medical schools 870.72 Catalogs, college and university normal courses in physical education 175 city normal schools giving_ diplomas to teacher of physical education 174 private normal schools of physical educa- tion, including schools of dancing 172 state normal schools giving diplomas to teachers of physical education 173 summer schools of physical education, in- cluding only those unattached to regular schools 176 Y. M. C. A., Y. W. C. A. normal schools. 933.7 public health oiftccrs' schools 840.72 sales, .24 under topic. Central America, physical education 772 Character training 970 Cliarts, physical measurements 861 Chemistry 804 Chemical physiology 820 10 Chile, physical education 780 Chinese physical education 751 Churches 930 history of physical education 774.5 hygiene 846 organization of physical education 514.5 relationship to physical education 103.8 Circulars, advertising 544 Circulation, exercise treatment 853.4 physiology 821 physiology of exercise 829.1 Civic and women's clubs, history 774.6 organization 514.6 Classification systems of physical education . . . 123 Clean sport, relationship to physical education. 103.1 ■ Climbing poles and ropes, ladders, etc 244 equipment 609.22 Clothing, hygiene 834.3 Coasting 470.2 Coffee, tea, hygiene 838.5 Colleges and universities, education 921.8 examinations 920.72 health administration 860 history of physical education 775.4 organization of physical activities 515.4 Committee reports, athletic administration .... 553.1 physical education associations . 160 foreign physical education 168 Y. M. C. A.'s, Y. W. C. A.'s 933.6 Community Centers, history 774.4 organization 514.4 Compends, including all languages, general . . ^22 physical education 120 religious, including Bibles, conjmentaries, etc 932 Y. M. C. A.'s, etc. 933.2 Competition, administration 533.2 Conferences and congresses, see Conventions. Constipation, exercise treatment 853.3 Constitutions, athletics and physical education. 510 physical education associations 160 Construction, including individual and safety features 604 Contagious and infectious diseases 844 Contractures, exercise treatment 853.12 Conventions, anatomical societies 810.6 church 930.6 foreign physical education 168 general education 920.6 Conventions, hygiene 830 physical education 160 public hygiene 840.6 physiology 820.6 Y. M. C. A., Y. W. C. A 933.6 Cooking, hygiene 832 Coordination, muscular education 829.7 Correspondence, administration, including filing 542.5 Cosmetics 843 Cricket 362.2 Criminals, need of physical education 102.53 Croquet 362.6 Cross-country running 322.1 Curling 460.2 Curricula, see Catalogs. Curvature of spine, exercise treatment 853.1 Cycling 372 racing on track 323 Cyclopedias, general 922 physical education, also topical 120 Dances, administration • 555 Dancing 228.31 aesthetic and dramatic 228.31 folk, gymnastic and national 228.32 normal schools 172 Danish, physical education 748.9 Deaf, blind and mute, need for physical educa- tion ... 102.52 Death recistration 841 Debt, administration 541.6 Defectives, need of physical education 102.54 games 853.9 Defensive gymnastics 230 Defensive sport 230 Delinquent classes, need of physical education. 102.51 Demonstrations, physical education 544.3 Dentistry 877 Developing apparatus, including pulley weights, chest ba:rs and all patent exercisers for home use 280 Diabetes, exercise treatment 853.5 Dictionaries, see Cyclopedias. Digestion, hygiene, including dietaries 832 ,' .* • scteell SietarJfea 't.\^f.if.\: 835.4 physiology 823 physiology of exercise 829.3 Director's office, equipment 609.23 Discus 334.4 Discipline, administration 553.2 .in educational institutions 925 Disease, pathology and treatment by drugs . . . 876 treatment by exercise 853 treatment by physical agents 852 Disinfection and other public means of repres- sion 844 Dislocations, exercise treatment 853.12 Diving 440.2 high and long (athletics) 339.1 towers, equipment 609.42 Draft statistics 860 Dressing rooms, construction 604.2 Driving 382 Drugs, medicine 851 public control 843 Dumb bells 223 equipment 609.21 Ears, medical inspection 862 Economics 940 Editorials, physical education, also topical .... 140 Education 920 history 929 relationship to physical education 103.2 religious 937 Educational activities, administration 552 agencies, administration 515 institutions, history of physical education . 775 Efficiency tests, organic 553.5 medical and physical diagnosis 860 prescription of exercise 853 Egyptian physical education 732 Electro-therapy, treatment 852 Eligibility rules 553.2 Elementary schools, general education 921.2 history of physical education 775.2 Emergencies — see first aid 530 Employment agencies 530 Encyclopedias, see Cyclopedias. Endowment, administration 541.3 Energy, sources of — physiology 825 England, physical education 742 Entrv blanks 553.2 fees 541.3 Equipment for physical education 609 Essays, general and educational 934 on physical education, also topical 140 Ethical activities 551 Ethics 970 relation to physical education 103 Eugenics, hygiene 839.1 physiology 826 Europe, physical education 740 Evangelism, personal 934 Evolution 839.1 Examinations, administration and records .... 553.5 medical 862 questions for teachers of physical education 171 Exercise, hygiene 830 philosophy 101 physiology 829 prescription 853 Exhibits, advertising 544.4 Exhibitions 544.3 Eyes, medical inspection 862 Faculty control 553.2 Faculty and student organizations 514 Fancy steps 228.2 Fatigue, mental 923 muscular 829.8 Feeble-minded, need of physical education .... 102.54 hygiene 839.2 physical exercises 853.9 Fees, athletic 543 Fencing 234 equipment 609.29 rooms — construction 604.2 Festivals, administration 544.3 Fiction 990 Filing 542.5 Films, education in general 921 physical education 123 special subjects, see topic. Filters, purification 604.43 Filth, relation to disease 845 Finances, administration 541 Fire protection ' 604 11 Firearms, shooting at' a -mack n'. <.•...'.....«.. 1 1 First aid Fives Fixtures in the gymnasium, construction Fishing — angling exclusively Flat feet, exercise treatment ' Flies, in relation to disease Floating Foil, fencing Folk dancing Food, diet public control Football, including rules Fractures, exercise treatment Free exercises French cane French physical education ■ . . . . Funds, collection and disbursement Games equipment, indoor and outdoor collections of games — indoor and outdoor, with a ball handled by hand apparatus . . ice mass miscellaneous requiring little or no equipment running songs for dancing tag water Gardens, city, home, school and village Gate receipts Geography '. Geology German physical education Gifts, administration Girl scouts, organization history . Glands, medical inspection Goitre, exercise treatment Golf Gout, exercise treatment Government Grace hoops Grammars, including all languages Grand stand, construction . . Greek physical education, including ancient I Olympic games Grounds, administration preparation Growth measurements Gymnasium, architect's working plans care construction equipment location Gymnastic therapeutics Gymnastics administration equipment Habitation — hygiene Hand ball courts, construction equipment Hand rings Handicapping Hare and hounds Health council, national organization .... personal hygiene relation to alcohol, etc relationship to physical education . . Hearing, medical inspection physiology Heart, medical inspection exercise treatment Heating, construction hygiene Heating water, methods Height and weight charts Helio-therapy Heredity Hernia, medical inspection High diving jump, running standing . kicking History of education physical education religion and the church Y. M. C. A. and Y. W. C. A Hockey, field ice Homes, hygiene 858 362. S 604.1 450 853.12 845 440.2 234 228.32 832 843 361 853.12 222 233 744 541.4 609.3 360 362 460.9 360 366 360 360 228.32 360 440 374 541.3 990 980 743 541.3 514.7 774.7 862 853.5 362.6 853.5 925 226 922 604.3 738 545.2 604.3 861 603 545.2 604.2 609.2 602 853 200-299 553.11 609 835 361.4 604.2 609.29 226 553.2 322.1 514.9 830 838.1 103.3 862 862 853.4 604.1 846 604.41 862 852 839.1 862 339.1 332 332.1 339.2 929 700-799 939 933.9 362.2 • 460.4 846 Hop, step and jump 331.3 Horizontal bar exercises 247 Horse, apparatus equipment 609.22 buck 243.3 long 243.2 side 243.1 Horsemanship 383 Hunting 381 Hurdles, to one-fourth mile, including relays . . 321 Hydro-therapy 852 Hygiene, general, personal 830-839 industrial 836.1 public — sanitation 840-849 of recreation 837 Ice, sports 460 Income, administration of sources 541.3 . India, physical education 754 Indian clubs 224 Industrial organizations, administration 514.8 history 774.8 physical activities 553.8 workers, need for physical education .... 102.3 Injuries, see First Aid. relationship to physical education 103.3 Inoculation 844 Insane, exercises and games 853.9 activities 553.8 need for physical education 102.55 Insurance, administration 541.6 Intercollegiate Athletic Association, history . . 774.9 organization 514.9 Ireland, physical education 742 Italian physical education 745 Janitors, administration 545.1 Japanese physical education 752 Javelin i^^-^ Jewish physical education 733 Jews, history 939 Joints, exercise treatment of disorders of loco- motion 853.1 Jumping, see Broad and High Jump. window 247 Kinesiology 813 Kyphosis, treatment by exercise 853.11 Lacrosse 362.3 Ladders, see Climbing Poles and Pyramids. Landscape gardening, general plans 602 Launches 427 Laundries, towels and suits for bathing and swimming 559.2 Laws — regarding public health control 840.9 relationship to physical education 103.4 Leaders' corps 553.7 Lectures, administration 552.2 advertising 544.5 physical education 140 religious 934 Legal requirements for teachers, physical edu- cation 171 Legislation, relationship to physical education. 103.4 Letters, personal 140 Library, administration 552.1 architects' working plans 603 equipment 609.7 Life saving 440.11 Lighting, construction 604.1 hygiene 846 Little's disease, exercise treatment 853.2 Locker records 542.1 Lockers and locks, construction 604.2 Location of plant .• 601.1 Longevity, relationship to physical education . . 103.3 Lordosis, treatment by exercise 853.11 Lumbago 853.2 Lumho-sacral, treatment by exercise 853.11 Lunch Rooms, architects working plans 603 equipment 609.9 organization 559.1 Lungs, medical inspection 862 Maintenance, administration of property 545.21 Marching 228.1 Marksmanship 386 Mass games 360 Massage 852 equipment 609.29 Mat work 245 Mathematics 801 Measurements 861 Mechano-therapy 852 Medical dictionaries 870.2 examinations and inspection of children . . 862 Medicine 870 preventive 840-849 12 Medieval European physical education 739 Membership records 542. 1 Membership qualification regulations _. . . 543 Mental development, relationship to physical education 103.2 fatigue 923 hygiene and mental healing 838 tests 923 Methods, educational 921 physical education, see Administration. religious 931 Y. M. C. A., Y. W. C. A 933.8 Mexico, physical education 772 Military drill 185 training manuals 128 relationship to physical education 103.4 system of physical education 185 Minton 362.5 Miscellaneous athletic events 339 Missions 936 Moral activities, administration 551 Morbidity, public hygiene 841 Mothers' and children's books, hygiene 839 Motion pictures, see Films. Motor education 829.7 Mouth hygiene 834.2 Municipal agencies, history of 774.6 organization 514.6 Muscles, anatomy 810 exercise treatment 853.1 physiology 827 physiology of exercise 829.7 Muscular fatigue 829.8 sense, physiology 828 Narcotics, relation to health 838.5 National Collegiate Athletic Association, history 774.9 organization 514.9 Neglected children, need for physical education 102.51 Nervous functions, including central nervous system, physiology 828 physiology of exercise 829.8 Nervous system, hygiene 838 Neuralgia and neuritis, exercise treatment .... 853. 2 New Zealand, physical education 790 Nomenclature, aquatic 403 athletic 303 general physical education 130 gymnastic 203 Normal education, see Catalogs. North America, physical education 770 Norwegian physical education 748.1 Nose, medical inspection 862 Nurses, education 870 Nursine:, home 758 Nutrition, hygiene, including dietaries 832 medical inspection 862 physiology 823 physiology of exercise . 829.3 school dietaries 835.2 Obesity, exercise treatment 853.5 Occupation, hygiene, including diseases of occu- pation 836 Oceanica. physical education 790 OfRce administration 542 Ofificers of administration and instruction, rela- tionships and personal suggestions 530 Olympic Games, ancient 738 modern 710 Open air schools 835.42 Organization, physical education 510 foreign educational institutions 517 foreien voluntary organizations 516 foreign work, Y-" M. and W. C. A 933.3 Outdoor recreation away from the athletic field or playground 370 Outings 371 Outlines, and svllabi. physical education 127 of work, administration 553.1 Paddling 424 Pageants 228.33 administration 555 Paper chase 322.1 Parallel bars 242 equipment 609.22 Paralyses, exercise treatment 853.2 Paraguay, physical education 780 Park bojirds. history of physical education . . . 774.6 organization 514.6 Parks, geographical location 601.11 Patagonia, physical education 780 Patent medicines, public control 843 Patriotic activities, administration 551 Pedagogical methods, general 927 physical education 560 Pedestrianism 327 Periodicals, anatomy 815.5 foreign physical education 158 general 920.5 hygiene 830.5 medicine 870.5 physical education 150 physiology 820.5 play 150 public hygiene 840.5 religion 930.5 Y. M. C. A., Y. W. C. A 933.5 Persian physical education 735 Personal appearance suggestions, physical edu- cation 535 habits, hygiene 834 interviews 544.5 Peru, physical education 780 Philippines, physical education 790 Philosophy 921 physical education and play 101 religion 931 Y. M. and W. C. A 933.1 Phlebitis, exercise treatment 853.4 Photographs, advertising purposes 544.4 general, biographical '. 992 topical, also travel 994 Physical agents, use of in disease 852 Physical directors, personal hints 530 office equipment 609.23 Physical education, the place for, construction and equipment 600-669 Physical efficiency tests — See Efficiency tests. Physical measurements 861 Physicians, education 870.7 views, relationship to physical education . . 103.3 Physics 803 Physiological physics 820 Physiology 820 animal and vegetable 820 of exercise 829 Play, discussions concerning, influence, etc. . . 104 Playfields, reclamation of waste places 604.3 Playground Association — see American Play- ground Association. Playground ball 362.1 Playgrounds, architects' working plans 603 construction 604.3 type of children's 601.12 Plunge, construction 604.41 Plunging 440.2 Pole vaulting for distance and height 333.1 Policemen, administration 545.1 Politics, relationship to physical education 103.1 Polo, horse 385 ice 460.3 water 440.3 Population needs, physical education, construc- tion in relation 601.11 Posture, medical inspection 862 treatment by exercise 853.11 Potato rnce ; 321 Prescription of exercise, including tables_ of exercise for different defects, height, weight and measurement chart 853 Private schools, history of physical education . 775.3 Prizes in athletics, see Awards. Proceedings, anatomy 810.6 foreign physical education 168 hygiene 830.6 physical education 160 physiology 820.6 public hygiene 840.6 Professional schools of all kinds, history of physical education _ 775.5 Professionalism in athletics, relationship to physical education 103.1 Programs, physical education 160 Pronated feet, exercise treatment 853.12 Propaganda, methods of using 544 general physical education 102 nhviral education for students 17?-176 Y.' M. C. A.. Y. W. C. A 933.8 Property, administration 545 Prospecti, educational 920.5 designated to interest regular and prospec- tive users of gymnasiums, etc 544.22 physical education schools, see Catalogs. Psvcholoey 950 social 940 13 Public health control 840-849 Public health officers, education 870.7 Public School Athletic Leagues, administration 515 Public schools, location 601.11 history of physical education 775.3 Publicity, methods of using 544 Pulley weights 280 Punching bags 23 1 Purification of water, filters 604.43 sanitation 843 Pyramids and Roman ladders 246 Quarantine 844 Quotations, physical education, too general to go under any head 140 Racing 384 Rackets 362.5 Rating and qualification requirements for teach- ers of physical education 171 Reading room, administration 552.1 equipment 609.7 Receptions, administration 555 Recreation associations, organization 514.4 centers, history 774.4 outdoor, away from the athletic field or playground 370 parks 601.12 Records, scoring cards, etc 553.2 membership attendance,' locker, equipment, etc 542 Red Cross, see American Red Cross. Refectories, see Lunch rooms. Registration cards, physical education 553.2 Relations of officers to allied organizations and to the communitj', physical education 534 Relays, running to one-fourth mile 321 Religion, hygiene 930 activities, administration 551 societies 933 Rents, administration 541.3 Repairs, administration 545.21 Reports, administration of activities 553.3 office administration 542.5 proceedings, see topic. Reproduction, physiology 829.6 Respiration, physiology 822 physiology of exercise 829.2 exercise treatment 853.4 Rest, hygiene 837.9 Restaurants, see Lunch rooms. Retardation, in school 923 Rhythmic action, physiology of exercise 829.7 steps 228 Rings 244 Roll call methods 542.3 Roman physical education 737 Roque 362.6 Roundel 228.2 Rowing 430 Running, long and middle distance 322 to one-fourth mile, including relays 321 tracks, construction 604.2 Rugby 361.11 Rural schools, education 921.1 Russian physical education 747 Sacro-iliac joints, treatment by exercise 853.11 Sailine, including cruising and navigation .... 420 .Sand boxes, location 602 Sanitation — administration 543.22 Sanitation — hygiene _. 840-849 Sanitary features, construction 604.1 Schedules, activities 542.2 Scholarship, relationship to physical education . 103.2 School feeding 835.41 gardens 374 health administration 860 hygiene 835.4 progress 923 seats — hygiene 835.41 history of physical education 775.2 hygiene of buildings 846 organization 515.1 Sciatica — exercise treatment 853.2 Sciences, allied to physical education 800-809 Sciences, coordinated with nhvsical education 810-899 Sciences not related to physical education .... 890 Scoliosis — treatment by exercise 853.1 1 Scoring cards and tables 553.2 Scotland, physical education 742 Sculling 430.4 Secondary schools — education 921.3 history of physical education 7"5.3 Secretion 824 Secretion— physiology of exercise 829.4 Sermons 934 Settlements, history 774.6 Settlements, organization, physical education . . 514.6 relation to physical education 103.8 Sex hygiene 838.9 Shelter houses, construction 609.9 Shelter houses, relationship of to other build- ings 602 Showers, construction 604.41 equipment 609.4 Sight — medical inspection 862 physiology 828 Single sticks 233 Skating 460.1 Skiing 470.1 Skin — physiology 827 Skipping 228.2 Sleep — hygiene 837.9 Snow s|)orts 470 Snuff — public control 843 Soccer 361.12 Social activities — administration 555 Sociology 940 Songs (dancing) 228.32 South America, physical education 780 Spanish physical education 746 Special classes — education 921.9 need for physical education 102.5 Speech disorders — exercise treatment 853.2 Spine — treatment by exercise 853.11 Spiritual — the religious life 930 suggestions to each officer on physical edu- cation 535 Sporting 380 Sports, collections of sports and games 360 aquatic and ice 460 snow 470 Spring boards, equipment 609.42 exercises 247 Squash 362.5 Standards, equipment 609.3 Statistics 541 Statuary, relationship of to physical education . 103.6 Stimulants other than tobacco, relation to health 838.5 Street boys, need for physical education 102.51 Student honor, ethics 103.1 administration 553.2 Students, need for physical education 102.1 Students' Health Association — see American Student Health Association. Students' organizations, athletics 514 Study courses — organization 553.77 Stunts, aquatic 440.3 athletic .■ 360 Suits, equipment 609.42 Sunday school athletic leagues, history 774.5 organization 514.5 Sunday sports, relationship to physical educa- tion 103.1 Surgery, including surgical orthopedics 877 Surveys 515 see also topics. Swedish physical education 748.5 .Swimming ' 440.1 Swimming pools — architects' working plans . . . 603 construction 604.43 hygiene 846 Swords, dueling 234 .Syllabi, see Outlines. Synovitis — exercise treatment 833.12 System in work, physical education 535 Systems of physical education, Delsarte 183 general 1 80 German , 181 military training 185 Swedish 182 Y. M. C. A 184 Tactics 228.1 Tag 360 Taste — physiology 828 Taxes — administration 541.6 Tea — hygiene — see Coffee. Teachers — administration of the training 553.7 emnloyment agencies 927 hygiene, health of teachers 836.2 qualifications for physical education 171 general training 927 physical education 170 Teeth — medical inspection 862 Tennis 362.5 courts, construction 604.3 Tether ball 362.5 Theaters — hygiene 846 14 Therapeutics 850 Theological seminaries 937 Throat — medical inspection 862 Tobacco — public control 843 relation to health 838.4 Tobogganing 470.3 Toilets, construction 604.1 Towels, equipment 609.42 Training, administration 530 aquatic 407 athletic 307 general physical education 107 gymnastic 207 in relation to baths 834.1 in relation to diet 832 Travel 990 Travel — hygiene 846 Trophies — see Awards. Tug of war 335 Tumbling 245 Uniforms, equipment 609.42 United States, physical education 773 University extension courses 921.8 Uruguay — physical education 780 Vacations — recreation 371 Vacations, recreation 371 Vaccination — relation to the spread of disease. 844 Valvular disease — exercise treatment 853.4 Varicose veins — exercise treatment 853.4 Vault bar 333.3 Vaulting 333 fence 333.2 pole 333.1 Ventilation — construction 604.1 public control 846 in relation to health 835 Vertical exercises 247 Victrola — in education 921 Visual education 921 Vital statistics 841 Vocational education 921 Volley ball, including giant volley ball 361.3 Volunteer assistants, qualification requirements 553.71 Voluntary organizations, administration of physical education 514 history of physical education in U. S 774 Wading pools — construction 604.42 location 602 Wales, physical education 742 Walking 373 Wall scaling 333.2 Wands 225 equipment 609.21 Waste, in private homes, disposal of 835 Water — i>urification in swimming pools 604.43 sanitation 843 Water games and stunts 440.3 Weight and height charts of adults 862 Weight throwing — outdoors and indgors 334 equipment 609.3 West Indies — physical education 772 Will, relationship to physical education 103.2 Woodcraft Leagues — organization 514.7 Wrestling 232 equipment 609.29 rooms — construction 604.2 Wry neck, exercise treatment 853.2 Yachting, including cruising and navigation . . 420 Y. M. C. A., Y. W. C. A. colleges — adminis- tration methods — propaganda 933.8 history of physical education 774.1 material concerning 933 organization — athletics 514.1 Zoology '. 809 15 The American Physical Education Association HEADQUARTERS, SPRINGFIELD, MASS. Membership Dues $ 5.00 a year Sustaining Membership ----- 10.00 a year Normal School Students (not Summer Schools) - 3.00 a year Club Membership: 10 or more sent in at one time by a local society or individual paid up member - - 4.50 each 20 or more sent in at one time by a local society or individual paid up member ----- 4.00 each Membership Privileges 1. THE AMERICAN PHYSICAL EDUCATION REVIEW. 2. The Promotion of an Annual National Convention. 3. Bureau of Service, and Advice for Personal Use. 4. Book Exhibit and Book Sale Department. 5. National Promotion for the Physical Directors of a Rational Health Program, including Physical Education, Athletics, Recreation and Sport. 6. National Publicity for the Physical Directors. 7. Promotion of National and State Legislation, with Especial Emphasis upon Sensible Laws and Sufficient Appropriations. 8. An Accredited List of Physical Education Teachers. OFFICERS OF THE NATIONAL COUNCIL President, Dudley B. Reed, M. D., University of Chicago, Chicago, 111. Vice President, Ethel Perrin, Detroit, Mich. Secretary-Treasurer- Editor, J. H. McCurdy, M. D., Springfield, Mass. Assistant Secretary-Treasurer- Editor, Mrs. Persis B. McCurdy. ADDITIONAL MEMBERS OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE C.\rl L. Schrader, Sargent Normal School of Physical Education, Cambridge, Mass. Jesse F. Williams, M. D., Teachers College, Columbia University, New York AMERICAN PHYSICAL EDUCATION REVIEW Subscription price to non-members, $3.50 per year. Single copies, 50 cents. No subscription accepted for less than entire year. All matters relating to membership, subscription, purchase of back numbers, etc., and the publication of the Review should be directed to the Editor-Secretary-Treas- urer, Box 123, Highland Station, Springfield, Mass. The American Physical Education Review is published monthly (pp. 400 + ), except July , August and September. f ^ Photomount Pamphlet Binder Gaylord Bros. Makers Syracuse, N. Y, PAT. JAM 21, 1908 ^UT42S^ UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY