fojej-Us- 01 Oui G^oi^ A ' ii-ji_--7-"->- **Parifii: g'^rutr^/' CIrggtmg: E take great pleasure in ex- tending to you tke kanJ of rellowship at tliis joyous season of Yuleti Je. For, it IS a joyous season. Lives tkere one among us in tKis Western land wko, as year follows upon year and the all too Drier period of Yuletide Koliday- making comes round again, does not go out to meet it witk a glad kear't, does not put aside the cares and responsibili- ties of his everyday life and, sKaking the Aveight of years from Kis skoulders as ne would rid mm of a troublesome burden, become a boy again, to play among boys and girls according to tbe 3951i8ft .'^ <> good olcl-fasliionecl rites which custom kas estatlisked for observation at this 7 season : It IS a good tiling for totk old and young, tKis merry-go-round or present- giving and feasting. Surely it makes life a liftle Lefter wortk the living to feel tKat there is one period in the tAvelvemonth, brief tkough it may be, in wbicn tbe -watcnAvord, """On earth peace, good will toward men, is not only upon tbe up but in tbe heart, wben tbe \vorld, as it were, joins in one concerted movement for tbe pro- motion of honest fun and jollity. nV^c whose privilege it is to dwell beneatb tbe untroubled skies of California may well appreciate tbe blessings tbat tbis Yuletide season of 1914 sbo'wers upon us. From our baven of peace and security we look through our mental vision upon lands across tbe seas wbere tbe scene is one of aAvful desolation. Sbould we not. tken, he more tkan ordinarily grateful to kinci Fate tkat kas cast our lot amid surrounamgs suck as ours? W^e of '"PaciTic Service jom ^vitk tke rest or tke Western world m expressing gratitude for tke prosperity tkat is ours. Tkis year of 1914 now draw^mg to a close kas keen a peculiarly eventful one witk us. Patrons and friends at kome and akroad kave rallied round tke "'Pacific Service standard. 1 ke test kas keen made., and we kave come out of it victorious. And so Mre ^o our on^ward way "witk a ligkt step and keart full of confidence in tke krigkt promise of tke future. 1 o you Avko follow tke fortunes of ""Pacific Service, Avko kave stood so nokly ky us in tkis trial of our strengtk, we can find no words adequate to express our appreciation and good will. In wisking you tke compliments of tke season we can but express tke kope tkat you may enjoy to the full tne tlessmgs tkat tkis age or progress ana development kids fair to kring to you. We keg your acceptance or tkis Ckristmas souvenir, ana kope tkat you -will give it place among your treasured rememkrances of tkis glad season. Once more we \visk you, one and all, a Merry Ckristmas and a Happy New Year! Pacific Gas and Electric Company SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA -Ckristmas, 1914 *» J > ' 3 V ELECTRA POWER-HOUSE • • • • • • • • • • • • I CORDELIA SUBSTATION ••• • ♦. • DE SABLA POWER-HOUSE ■«■ » •, 1 PATTERSON RANCH PUMPING PLANT CENTERVILLE POWER-HOUSE CARQUINEZ STRAITS CROSSING SPILLWAY- SPAULDING DAM POTRERO GAS WORKS SAN RAFAEL SUBSTATION COLGATE POWER-HOUSE BROWNS VALLEY DITCH ; ... •• • •. • . , • • •• CHAMPION MINE-NEVADA COUNTY UNIVERSITy ov rATr^ UK 15 I9!9 50m-7/ic I 295988 iU.7 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY ■::$;v: