N UJ LIBRARY OF THE University of California. Class -po ^isrt, t!D|)c CuDot jFacgtmtle Ceyts Cl)e |0lap calleD By JOHN HEYWOOD Date of this Edition ^ 1 545 ? Reproduced in Facsimile^ 1908 %\)t Cutior jFacsimtle %nts Under the Supervision and Editorship of JOHN S. FARMER %\^t iSlag calleti By JOHN HEYWOOD [1545?] UNIVERSITY ; J Issued for Subscribers by T. C. & E. C. JACK, 16 HENRIETTA STREET LONDON, W.C. : AND EDINBURGH MCMVIII GENEflAL Cfje Mm calleli t\)t jfour i^l By JOHN HEYWOOD' " T/ie Four PP " is one of the undoubted plays written by 'John Hey wood ^ " the father of English comedy and tragedy'^ The original copy from which this facsimile is taken was published in 1545 [?], and is now in the British Museum (Press-mark C. 34, e. 43). Other editions were printed by W. Copland^ n.d. ; and by John Allde in 1569. Of John Heywood himself it must suffice to say that his lije-storyy hitherto fragmentary and vague^ is in course oj being re-written {see " The Play of the Weather^ Tudor Facsimile Texts''). The most important fact that has in late years come to knowledge^ one also -that throws a flood of light on much that has hitherto been vague or inexplicable^ is the certainty that he was a close connection^ by ties of kindred and in his social relations^ of Sir Thomas More ; and that^ therefore^ lie was far from occupying the status of Court fool assigned to him by Sharman, Ward^ and others. Mr. J, A. Herbert (Manuscript Department^ British Museum) reports that, comparing this facsimile with the original, " it is an excellent reproduction.'' The British Museum Catalogue remarks, against the entry of this work. 182217 that " // is mutilated in binding^'' viz., in some of the top leaves. Special points of criticism are : — (i) H* iih verso, line i, is a little more legible in the original. (2) C» Hi* recto, the mark below printing in left-hand corner is in pencil in the original. (3) C» itJ» recto, line i, is a little less blurred. JOHN S. FARMER. VI OF THt UNIVERSI OF ^UforH\^''' 9 1; Clie pkpe MUh tfft C Z ne)))e anD a tjetp mecp entetlutie of ^ipalmet. 3patDonec* ;apotpcacp. StpcDlec* Wt reafon K mud UtD fo; gcace rii9^pc£tDDneg(l^etDet^meno Co()omelf BWfticofpottcpatDonawanDiDooat 3 (rtppocTad cuitetp Dot^ me bptiDe Co tell t^pB In^tc^e (lvalue begonsie Jiti o;Der as map come liefte in mpnop 31 311) a palmer as peu nciPblc^e of mp Ipfe m»c^ pare W^ fpene 3!n manp a fap;e anD f acce eountcc 30 pplgcpmee do ot $ooD mtea£ acj^lecuraU m ^aue 3 beoo 25e fo;e C^;p(le0 aieneo fepaUuce Ct^e mouiK of Caluecp (^aae jh feue * a ^olp place pe map be face Co 3|oSopbat auD jaOlpucte jgDsi rote SOD tDote H toetite cpgl^t bate ^anp a (alt tese DpDe J ftoete !6€f o^e t^ps cac£(g0 couIDe come t^eu ^a baue 3I bene at Eome aSfo '^nti gone tbe (lacions alt atoto ^npnt peccrg ©;pae a»D manp mo scip^v Cbc" pf 3 ^olDe all pc Do bnoto i"^ Ciccept rbat tljece be anp (ucbe ^^^.'^. Ci)at batb birn t^ece auD DlUgenttp i^aibtalicn bcDeanDmarUcD mucbe (vTl^cn can tbcp fpebe as muc^e as j Cbcn at tbc tSloDcs aifo J toaiB^ . 3nD tounoe about to ampas 3c (apnt Concombec anD fapnt Cconf on at (apnt :&otbulpb auD lapnt 3nne of i&tsckftoti £)n tbe bpiles of acmonp tobece 3 ^ce l^aes aette Witbi^aipJobanDfapotd^eo^aem ^ot^^oaOie a($i»aUamanDatWairpnsdai . — fnSatl&e goob tooD of bagnam m (apttt Co;nelp0 at (aptu 38m€0 tn <6aM ano at Caput aoDpncfcpocs tocU m Katies 3t out taDp of 23ofton at (apnt (CDmunDcs bp}P , , aao ar(P8l)t to fapnt l^attplies purgato^p at tpDpbone ano at t^e blooD of ^apii s it 3(luD 0} Vdc go ctt€it To a)aU pe 3|fpe(tit!)iBlupl anftDcccm^ 31 p;ap pou (ftcto toUat t^c caufc ts ^ ^c u^eme ai t^cfe pplgtpinagea iifo){otl) t\}is \vh 3 opD b^gpii Co cpoDc tl?€ bonoage of mp (pii Jf o; tobtct)c t!)cfc fapiucs cc^ccleo o; tljis 3i \)mc boii) lougtjt auD fcue Jtops :^ercct)pnge tl)(mto be ceco;De £I>f all nip papnc Duto tl)c ly;De CDat gpuctl^ all cempdpoti ^pon ec^e mans coiuclcpott ^no Dp tt^ep; QOOD iiKDUcpotv laipon mpne fumble rubmplTioit 31 tcuS CO ^aue in bap Dcoe S'o; tnp foule l^elt^ clje better fpeDc» K^^^acDonau C Bo^^ is pour otDue confcdpon Ipc&elp (Co malie pour Telfe a f ole qupcliclp Iro^ jgpcrccpucpe UiolDeobtapne ^^0 uotl)er t^pugefo; all pour papue 23uc onelp grace pour fbule to faue 0oU)e macke tu t\)is iD^at topt pe i^aue Co Ube Cofarre ano Qeipe fo npe Cuen ^cre at ^ome iB remeop* ^ Hop at pour Do;e mp Celf e Dot!) DtDell ^l;o coulDe baue faueo pour (oule a0 liiell 310 all pour iDpoe toano^pnge Q^all do Cbougl) pe tocnte t^^pes to Jericho |goU)e ipns pe mpg^ ^aue fpeooe at borne ^t)at ^auepe tooue bp ronnpng at laomet "^irpaitfifK — ^ iQ[^etU0 mp tope m DcDe »p;oueD :i5utUtl>0t^c?(fp;(lett)^a( peace | CCtttlpJamaparoonec^ ^ ] C^i^uclp ft pacDoncc t^ae map be true ^ s^tttatcueparDoncrDot^natenfeto 't Epg^tfdDctdtcuneo^neuer^ f ^ i€^at trcttcf) ano pacoonece ofoell Coget^ec | jFo; be poucpacponencttecfo great ^ ^ectbeai to enlarge petppUnac let I WU^rucbe ipest^atofrpmesCrpHetDOt BeCemetobauetbatpebauenat - %Oberf o;e 31 bent mp relfe to tbe felfe t(^ptige 3|tt euerp place atiD tDUbout fapnpnge ^ao 80 mucbe paroon tbere affureoip S0 pe can p;ompfe me bere DoucefuIIp l^ouie be it 31 tbpnU^ pe do but (cof te }5ut pt pe baooe all Me parDon pe Uepe of auDnotobptofpf JongcaunteD 3" dnp place tD^cre H baue bauntcD 2et ot rnp ijaboidr J notbpnge repent* d^oD bathe rcfj^ect bofPicbe tpme is fpent 3uD as (n bis bnotPlegr^Q^is regaroeD ^0 bfW gooones all tfTlibarocD ..iN^parbonar* | C^Pt^t^^P^fte parte oCtbis lade tale | 3t Cemetb pou come iate from tbe ale ^ojrearononpourrpDe-lofarreDotb faple j Cbat pe leuc ion^ng^ ano begpn to raple \ j ^bermpe target pour otone parte clerelp fo^pebeagbntrueap^S 3nD m one popute p< arc beponDe me .jfo;pemaplpebfaort|^o;pte , -_ : 3L«ii J or THE *" ' l^NiVERsiTY I i^ »'n>Hnrgariwr9P m ic; rD w r attf ' Wax no man tan be t<>£p; conttoUee ainotot»mpetacnicpoarJaboutro nwcbe ' a appftagapncuippatoonstjtfoc^t S^r",!! l""**""^ 3 tUoufanoe fouUfi on a hep* ! 3« tl)e Ifftc quatttr of pone bpaa/ ^ , wt>lc&el8fat«at()p&fj.oey,uti,(,„5J5 C^«e pout labour ano patoon Jb oo TOW) finale toft ano &iiii;out anp papne Cftefe paioon0 b^pngceft tijein to ^euen o (apne ©eae«iebutapenpo;ttoopena ''*''™''"^"' II!hf?/''"*5" ttJcfottieoepatmb (lens «(J« fottU to in tjeoen toUD t{>e Oolpgljoa .*r*. a?iaofptdtp. fC senoe pe anp routes to deuen bp iiiatcc j-».<„ *3'^atoonee» *jf toe Dpb Crj to(>at (atije mater ^tm \.-.. ^^otptatp♦ SL ©P SOD J ftaue a Ojpe (oale (^uloe tbptbe j 3 p;8pe pott t« out fouies go to Oeuen toaptUer ^ bpfp pou ttoapne be tn loules Oeltfi g?ap nat a potpt atp tome in bp Ocitb Bm tljat 3 topii bp fapnt 3atooy ano bp tbt ieue of tftpB cooipanp ||>oaept falfe ftnauts bott>t o» toe son 3npatteofpottc{apeftge6a8tfti'eio ^^ou bp t&p ttauapletDpniieft Dtuen to gete 3110 tijou bp pacoona ano wipqueg tountttt no Ktc CO fenoe tOpoe otone foule to i^ien fuce ano all otDcc income tOou Iplle to pjotute If a to&c an atepon tijen toete tjwp Wenfte Jo; ip&e tfteuea {{je ftnauea cob aioap rop tbanbt i 1BhWi^MnUpif6xGMti» nip t^anUJsmiittt "1 jBo (ooU pe ftnotoe etitrctl^ beoen 84ce Cpil f comit^e boDpe lie de fepacace 3lnD tot^ome ^aoe pe t^notoeti ope (;oSIpe i ttOUt^oot ^dpe of Ae potpcarp ^ jBapalU^atcomniett^toooc ^atiDIpnge Ciccept pe Oappe to com< CO bangpuQC Ct^dc t0ap pmUaunce pe C^all tuu tnpftec a;o go to t^euen tottdout a gipttes }5ut oe pe (uce 3 Uioloe be tuo ^fpe O^uloe ct^aunge to begple me fo 30 gooD to Ipe tout) me a npgbt a0 bange ab^oDe m tbe mone Ipgillt Ct^ece 10 no (^ opfe to fle mj^ ^anoe t^utasjUrapomcocbebanoe ^pns or ouc rouleo tt)e maUituDe 31 fenoe taOeuen lobcn ail is DetDed 00)1)0 (bulDc but 3 t^cn all togpt^^ee i^aue tt^anKe of ail tbcp^ commpnge tl^filtn l^atDODec* (£ 3|f pe &p!De a t^oufaiiDe m ati ^oate fpace ao^co comet^eptofbettenopenge fcomaaceofgtaci ii^t^oipcacp* i^Jtzt^mfa^t pacoons about poar neebes txiete t€pll %&t;en come tb(p to beueii pf tbep muu opeoj or palmer/ * 4!'loiigclpfeaftecgooDtoo;be0 fnbebc IDorb bpiioec maimea tecept of meoc 3no Oetb bef ojte OHe DctDtp Done ^apmabeb^tbpnliemeDpetoronc ^ ^ec better tacpait^pngetben^auctt .C^engoto ConeatiD uapitlp ccanett ^i^aroonec^ CC^clongccpeDUieUtncommonicartott' ^ .CbtUdeO^aiipomp^ tbpa pmagpnacpott , I ' jo^pemappeccepaeeiieomtt^ff^Octo^ 1 (C^at at t^e Ude pe (erne loo;u t^ett toe K^-potpcatp* C ^P our laDp i\^en liaue J 8^"^ to;onge ^uD pet CO be i^iu3 tboiig^t iotige »}&oipcacp» C B^orl^cc pe baue gone mjionge no topt 3 p?apCc pour fortune anD pouc lopt ^ Ct)at can Dp;ecte pou To oifccetelp ' (i;o piaiue pou tu tt)i0 companp Ct)ou palmec ano t^ou a pacoonec 31 a potpcatp • (^t^eoicc^ ^i^3nD3!apeDlec ^ {potpcatp » C B^^^ on mp f apct) full toeil tDatcIien | ^ecet!^eDeQpUU)eeeti)efout:ct>8tc^eD '\ C Cl^at ma^ctb no matet: (pns toe be matc^eD 1 31 couioe be tnecp rt tt^at 31 eaccbpo i .^ome mouep to} pacte or cbe tuace m mp pac&e ' »'^otpcatp♦ • ,^ C "^^^t tl)e DeupU baa tbou tbcre at ct)p bacbe 101 WI)P bod tijou nac k\\o\ot cbac euecp pcblco 3|u cnccp tcpfiill mud be a nuoiec ^pccpallp in U^oaieus ttpflpngcg • Cbolc W m cl)ef e aboue aU tbpnges ^t^tcbe tl}\'n%tQ to (e pf pe bebifpoUO :23«i)olDe \a\)U tsate bcce is otCcloUo CliPS gece (^ctDetb it Telfe m fucbe betute Ctiat ec^e man tUpnkecb it faptb come bpe mc TLoUe tDCce pout fcif e can Ipl^e to be ct^ooiec ^ouc WU (ball mai^e p;pce tt^ougt^ J be loofec jfo|^pout:t»atfepn8 to Qo[p places ! :6p ccpde 3 baue oetoe o( ad ftcaonsc carc0 ^^0 ipuecliin loue o; loue iDOloe tDpnnc Cuen at t^ie paclie ^f maft begpntte aco^ecc (0 cfg^t mattp a p;opec to&eti ^ ig)f b^ufte bp name pacte a)ail be rpobett |^otpcacp* C J^^ ^w^^^^^P^ rt W PPncafes off oUf C2«t^3tt&ep803Imafee8oDa»a» '^'^ ?! ;&!>. : »>, I »|>}^ocpcarp« v;;iud|;ii??irac^ f Cfi>on)ot3ftft;puetbeBfojaippmjW'^*^?^' ' ^^ ^ r 3beC&;eU)et^pHnaue0HaUpoberte i Jo;mafepngcmptopfep0ppiKare(otiipDr- ' -^^ ^^ ^ Cbt pphncs ealUut i«'- ^^B ■ vTi^ I C^P?P^f^n)^^^U^^^»tomchecatt(e0 i ( 31 p?ap«po« tell me to^attatiretft e^is-'i' •'' '^'^Vt'^ > y Cbat tDomen after tjep; tki^nNigi^ '- ^*i >«- it»* ^- - -^ ' 2&efolongeuuUep^3pp«i*ef0Tgo , -. • _ C ifo?fot|> iBomen ftauenlMpleftiW*^ £ *^'^^J 553t aa rronttet((0» tplUttcs, pacUttc0, anD barcelettei anD c^en tj^cp; t)onme^ anD t^cp; poptmus 23p t^tfe litces ano nettcB t^e letci is foctit C^at rpcoe ti (maU fDliian i)a(i^ t6 inuc(^e» ^ik^^orpcarp« C ^n otl^er caure Id!;p t^ep come nat fojtDdtbf ttCbtc^e ma^etU tbcm Dapip to D;ai)De bacUtsarDf 3(nD pet te a tbpngc cl^rp can nat f o;bct;e Cbe tcpminpnge ano ppnnpngc Dp tt^ep; gcca ^pecpaUp ii)(p; f pDlpng tuirl^ t^e tapie ppii ano U)l)cn cQcp iDoloe banc it p^pcbctit 3f it cbauncc to Double In t(|c clothe Cbcn be t^ep tooDe ano ftoecetb an otbe Cplt it OanDe rpgbt tl^ep topil nat f o^(a^e it Kh^s tboug^ It map nat pet U)oloe cUep oiaUe M :6ut be pe (ure tbep do but oefacce U foi toben tl)ep tnoioe malie it of te tpmes macce it But p;pctie tbem ano ppnne tbem as npci^e^as pe bipll anb pit \s^j^ii tbep lobe f o; ppnnpnge Stj^ll jbo tb^t 3 DucCte boloe pou a topnt B^CbftHneuecbftttetbemataCall popn( ea^^eolec* itr %u toomens matecs paflTe anb matke mpnc ttObat euec tbep; popntc0 be, tbeie popntes be fpne WbecCo;e p{ pe be Uiplipnge to bpe ILep Donnie monep, come of qupcUelp * ^^Idaiaiec* / C B^V bp mp troutb Hie be ipbe f cper0 %ipe ace but beggec0 ^e be no bpec0 \^ e:$'}^acDonei;» I C 9^vm niape Oiouie pouc toace fojt pout mpiiDc But 31 tbpnbepe CbaU no p;ofpte epnoe ^^{deDlec* I . C 30aeil tbougb tbps ?oat nep acquptc no code r l^^^tl'Fnbe^natmplabottctoae fojbp (fyt UtOt of mpbottp 31 lpl(e full lii€ll t^p0 companp JSX9 fl^aii t^tfii pacbc f o^ u 10 piapni 3 came not ^ptt^ec al f 0; gapne aX)bo map nat plap one Dap m a toebt !^ap tl^pn&e t^ps t^ipftc tB rarre to fekc 3EE>(up(c tot^at padptne pe tt^^^ti^t beOe ano mabepe ture (o fpnbe me p;eft ^idotpcorp« ' 1^* %ObP be pe fo tinpaecfall C^at pou can do to^ae To eoec pe Q^all • #r W 3 ftswe fome fpgft t in fpngpnflff ^^l^orpcacp* C^ut^0poui;b;e(lanp tf)pnge(ioete^ iO'jdcDleir iWr SCQ^at euci; mp b^ede bf, mp t^opce <0 nWf| 13^ ainD u»|;o iftat Ipftc ti>tia«ja^^f 1^ l»f Aviu-^ v ;. jcuo ] ind ::> ia^l^cret^p(mft^ CI rjr |&.ai;oonfCi»^>^ ^l)gte ct>mpanp is met aiKi^ iQilt^gceeD ulibQo can fpt in Ddlpauncje ^«n tpi tu (uc^t a uanaunc*!: rcg i.^;j- ?i:]c nn^^ J# SsiDelDcceiec'o^pecai^citi ' ^ BCO^t Ocf ^^ftp6 tnait^fird^^ b^BpniK^ : *^, r^S j> dtbuoiM rt g(M> nat aMi> r^fafc ir; i§r/>,i;/rj;c ii(>(itf Cijj: £>n r^t to goo fco»it|iiiQr t9ti)iaoi: /la oi 'i t-^V^^'-i^ '»^lt appl5t?ttwgecalIpiift?io;8cace - ^t^ali m tt)at papnc iDit^penuencf > • -^ *^'< ft**^*^ T^ i^btapneDiicbacgeof€on(cp.»iai: Compacpttgcil)atlpfe{ojtoei>e(li aio^-m t Cnooccpou to out cnDU& ceftr Wpon tWt tooled Qtic matii qxtlM^S, .nc>;l £ v^^S "& jro;pf ^e coulDe anotDjt(^ejU ttue^ vk\ 30goootobcaj|^riw ; ,5: o.,&i;5;5iHi3'j4iaii4:u^ as io; to be a pacDon^i;: "^ l&tttto|>c|^j|ba|i)f t^twfofaicc lupoi -i^ir^XC^- i? H t 0otpcaip* 40^i5p90Dnienfap(onou>anatbm» 6^ i^cjDlec* C 3nD 3 tbou^bt pe moioe nat bane mpS Co malie mm Ipueaslongeae pe tpde « ^^ potpcarp ♦ <^ 39 looge.as toe Ipde^ap longe ao tb^ catl» a^i^eolei;« C & mpgbt toriFue mifbout poa tban ♦ i^^otpcacp^ C 2^ bufpet ittfueceaaip dFo;tobtaifdpotpcat? OF THE *^ . ^WVERsiTY ) OF T^piff n pi rcK pout (onRpfd tcs? 31 can fenoe r ou to (^euen qupc&tp , d(X}^ccf o;c concernpn^e ouc matec (reca Sboue t^efe ttaapne 3! am bca cUta 3uD pf be IpSe to taHi me To 3 am content pou anD no mo ^t^ali be one tuDgc as in t^ps cafe 8C0(l(c^eof D0 tl^ietgaiitabet^etiea place e^^i^cDiei;* C 1 ncptbet topll luoge tlfc beae no; bojdf jfo;bepebIe(leo;bepe curfte ^e bnotD it i« no bibpt mp flepsbt KCo be a iuDge in msntts of tDtpgbt 3t bebouetb no peDUcs no; p^octouctf Co tabe on tbem tuDgcmente as Doctonc0 l&ut pf pour mpnbes be oneip fee CoiDo;Uero;(oulrbeCtbepebeUieII met :fo;ecbeofpottfomtobatDotb Qiobie Cbat (oule0 tobaroe l^tum bp poa Do gcotot tCbenpfpecanfo melt agree Co tontj^nut togptber all tb;e Sno alt poo tb^ie obep on topH Cben all pottc mpnoes pe map f ulfpll 96 pf pe came all to one man ax?bo Q)ulDe goo pplgcpmage mo;e t^en 1)t cao 3ln tbat pe palmec as oebtte s^ap clecelp opfcl)arDe \^m patbe SDno f o; all otber fpns ones bao contrpflfpoti SoocpatbonsgfnetbbpmfuU cemplTpon ^no tben pe mapttec potpcarp I i0^apreubebpmtobeaenbpanDbp# ^^otpcaep. 4r2f^^td(ietbisbw npe aboutetbe p;pme I 23p tbe mafTe be ts la beuen o; euenionge tpmt I ^pcrafcisfucbetbatScantpgbttseU I |»eaO0 mp f cpnpes to l^ea^n ano mp uif e to Wt ^-"'tiiite. l^otD couloe vmU (acUe a DtUFCC jfo;^ f f tue t^;e map bt as one C^en be fbeloj^oea euecpc^ont SetlocncM all coulDe nat be mpSt (Co raue tbe CouUs of iDbome toe IpSt ^tttfo^gooD o;Det;atalDO}De iQDtoapue of Us maft toapte oo ttie t\)nt)$ XnDtimoibacliooagcec jfo; botbe pott ttoapne fl^all toapt on mt Wbat cbannce is tbis tbae (ucbe an elf e CowmaonoeD ttoo l^nauea be, befpoe ^pm felfi iii))dacoonce« C B^P "dp mp f cenoe cbac lopll oat bi 31 am CO gooD to toapc on tbe ♦ oa^fdalmer* 4r !6pouclat)panD3 UioiDe belotllp Co toape on t^e bcmc on pan bot^ ^*^|deDUe* ^^nht pe rebec f o; all t^pa Done Cbps toaptpuge moS be b;oug4t abooi ^m can nac p^ofper tDpifullp Icooe an tbpnge oecapeo tobsce is no bcooe ?CC|iecfo^eDoutle(re marbetobatjfap Co one of pou tb;e ttoapne mud obep ano (pnnea pe can nat agree m Hopcf %Obo (ball be beo, tbece is no cbopfe S^uceoDeuprefome ntanectbpnge ttObetinpe all be iplieconopnge 3lno tn tbe fame tobo can do btdt Cbe otbee ttoapne to malu tbem p^eSe 3n cuecp tbpnge of bpa eneenti l^ollp to be at cooimaunDemene 3lnD note bane J fonobe one maftr^ Cbat pe can DO (n bpSeeentlp 3oD (0ttot{ia;(eupnse no) igmst 3nDaUpet^;ccanfpe40 iDiU 36 can t^e faUell Dcupil in fytil ano t^ottgf) af o;e pe l^atDc me gtuDge ?n gceacec maters to be potttiuo^^ ctmlpengjcatifomc (hpUi '.' 3n0pf3QiaUbeltt05e3topt|i^'^ :- 2lnD be pe Cure tfttt^ottt Sdterp OPljere imp confciens fpuDctt) t^e madrpe Cbcr iJ^aU mp tttogement ftrapt be foanor^ ^ ^ (C6oug(^ Jmpgbt topone ff t()Ott(auoepoiirm :^ . {:.:i^ palmer* • f;i., ov B«tam3|lptftfo|togoot0ti.'3v r-Ji'i^^tfi - i|| c3r}^i€0ler« . • j.^i,^ C ^e l^auenat caub i^faiiei[ to be boloe jf 0^ pe map be ^ece H^tmtroAka , ,ti : ;:u 'it; -4' 3lnD pe tn t^t9 iiaue gooo aasootdss ^ ^- vi.o j^rcot o Ji ^0^ Ipeng t0 pour conien Dfage anopoutttlpengebBtoitt(pedt)« '^ ia*iUa**;:v5f j> rfo) all pour crafcDo^ftaobi tu faI(6e(r?^^i-« :^^u .^ ^e nebeiiatcarelij^o (ftallbejpn* , ' v - J^ *'-> ii-^«- Jf 0? ect)e of pou map ftbpe to topr^i^ i i -i SiotDfpebeaUttoeeopnaspefpnoe'^ >; ,3. ^e2^e agreeo to foloise mp mpnoe *i' ! 't^ >»t> . ^ 6:3^^attm(# " -'^^^Tfii^ui'g 2^ ^e bp mp troutM 3 amcontcnt^% n c ^c^* (C? i^arootier . ^ ^ ;o ,:; c3 > ,- -^liotomgoobfapt^aoDj^affentc " 1 **: *rn:= ' *>ff C !Jf 3t i>«np«o 3 ^ w a noDp dfo^aUt0mpnebpgoD(i^boDp^>u .^ /, : K2rl^eretbepotr(&rp^o^t^4«Hh3 r. . i T*i^}5alttKr*J • ' ^' ^nr^iii^on or: is 4^^erelDecea^opperto^pfo^t4erptig^ ''yv\fi-.j\ n£0Vl ^" tb)^niz ^ufftctent (uccouc f 0^ mp Ipupnge anb bere be telpbcs of lucbe a bpnoe ^9 in tbiQ lDo;iDe no man canjfpnDe &ucie DoVDue ell tbitc auD toben pe kue ftpSpnge ax)^o iplle to offec Q^all baue mp blplTpngc fumti b^re Q)aii pe fe cupn anone i^f ail l^allotos tl^e bUapD im bone iipB U batoelp loUt^ gooD oeuoctoti ^^|Botpcacp« C C[)pfif fepffc ©all b;piige ba mucfte p;omocpoii lrogb> bp (a^^nt iaurouc j fteuec kpft a loar^ E^^ccedsgoookplIeaUMaUo^d ars lA-.^ KOI^at all t^alo\o0 b^ett) apn^ttd C ^tttiDge all ^aioivs b;ec^ Dn^nolom ];£ anp b;a^ apn&eit is pouc oi»ne« '^ 3 knotoe mpnc otone b^ecb fcoin all dalotDii a>i cl& It tDCce tpnu to UplTc tbc galoM • ^ {^acDotKi; * C JBap fp^s bcboioe bcrc map4?e (e fCbs dtcat toe oUl^c tctntte ^1)0 CO tl)pd toe anp niottcp bottitt!) 3aD one& map cole It m bis moueiM 3111 bPB Ipfe after J t)tibenaHe l^e (ball I'^^FO oft^e totb d&e« ft^^iaotpcatp* <^ 3! p^ape pou totne tbat celp&e abouce £)(b((^tbc Ctlulce b^o tbe goute jS)^ dies bpcauCe u i0.ilt.toes tti one 0OD maoe U tnue^e as tb;e toes alotu » ^]§oticarp« C ^^U lette tbat paae atto lo&e Dpon t^ps l^ete IS a cetpbc tbat Dotb nat mps (Co bcipe tbe UCle altoell as tbe mode ?^ft -:j } ICrsfflTtVcft ttoo wp«.iiip an «P8 tbo pew foi alt ti^e fauoucs tt)at map come ^cw Can be no tDo;(c Co; at a )oo;De • £)n€ of tl^e (cucn flepecs ccooe In a Co;De ♦ C ^P^ ^^ t^pnfeet^ pour Dcuocton (0 but Tmal ^^acDonec* C Ionian marp ms tOpnftetb be ^atli none at alU i:^^|^otpcatp4 f «|^9D0batttieDeupiUateJtPbatpet!ipn&e ^t^all 3 p;dpre rclpbes t^ben tbep ftpnbe • sOr^acoonec ♦ C i^^i^e Id an epe totb of tbe great Curiae ^ icobofe epes be ones Utu on tbPS pece of lDO)fcf iS^ap bappelp lefe parte of W epe fpsbe :aut nat ail till l^e be blpnoe out cpsbt * . ^^otpcarp^ p 'f^BCObatroeueranpotb^cman feet^ 31 baur no ocuacton to (Cucbeg teetb jio; aii tbougb 3 neuer Catoe a grctec Bet oie cbpnbetb JI baue (ene manp better ♦ ea^^^acDoner* C ^^rc (0 a bojc full of bumble bec0 ^bac (louge (^ue as (be fat on ber knee0 ^aapn3ctbefcutctobcrfo;bpD0cn * SOObol^piIetb tbe bees toitbtntbisbPDDeti ^ ^ j&b^li baue as mucbe paroon of rpgbt 'as to; anp relp^e be bpd tbps npgbc ♦ ^ palmer « ^ ^P; 39 tppll bpflfe tbem toub all m^ (iecte# e^jdotpearp. • C J^Pffe tbem agapne ano tabe inp parte :f 0; 3 am iiat lMo;tbp, nap lette be ^^oie bees tbatttonge eue (ball nat Qj^n^t me« l^]dacDoncr« . C ps glas - ^wa^t oft ibrnvn^^ ^t tliiftebSpttsebatf " k)f Soatn anD (Sue ))nDotitcDlp ^f pe f)ono^ t^ts rcipke oeuoutlp 3li rbougl) pe cf^ucfte no to^pt t^c fefTe Set Qaii pe D^pnbc c^e mo;e oouttede I Sifter tol)icftcO;pnfepngc PC (fiail be asracte r CoflanoecupoutljeDeasonpour tetc W^otpcarp« I C B^ »»wp uoUj J can p e tljanfee 3ti p^efcnts of tt^ps tbe rede be blan&e Woioe goO tl)t& relpUe f^ao come ratl^ee . gpflfe t^at relpt^e toell 900D father S)ucUe ts tf)e papne t^at pe palmers tal^e Co bplTe rbe paroon botoie fo; tl^e D^pnke CaUe ^ bolp pede t^at lobet^ full lotDji ano (tale :f 0; QooDcs boDp ^elpe me to a cuppe of ale Cbe mo;e 3J be ^oloe tbe, t^e mo;c J t^uriU CMe oftener J bpQfe t\)c, moj^e Ip^e to burfte But Tpns 31 kpae t^e (0 Deuoutelp i^p;emeanDbelpemetiiit^ D;pn&etpH3| Dpe ^t^at fo mac^e p^apenge atio To Ipteli (pcoe O-iBarDoncr^ ^l^tto^ goD l^noUieti) totian tt (0 neoe Co fenoe fol&es Dijpnlic but bp fapnt Hnroiip 21 toeuc tje t^att; Cent pou to murine all reop* ^]3otpcarp» C 31^ 3 &dtte neuer tde mo^e fo^ tfye C^en be tt^e relpbeg no rpc^es (o me ifio; to t^p felf c f jcce pf e tbep be ^o^e beitefpcpaii tt;en 3 can fe lapc^er IS one boice of ^ib trpacle C^n all tbp reipkes tbat do no mp;a&ell 3t tbou tjaoDeft p^apeo but Oaif e (0 muc^e to me ais 3i (^aue p;apeD to tbp relp&es ano t^e iBotbpngr concernpnge mpnc occupacion 3&ut ftrepg^c C^QlDe i^aoi ui;oug^t in operacpou 3 ^duc a Doce of Kuatb ^ece • w^iCiiz IS as Depnfp as it ;eke all 0^ f Pf< :^etU)encoianaesrpc^neBanot)la jpCe /' C4tft fcotffilpapc t5eTelgSirpoBT)eleBcl ^nDCttpoucttcndtreacfo; tutt l^.ccc (da meoecrn no mo tpl^e tbe fame ^ QCOt)icl)c comcuip 16 calUD i\)m Op name j ^Al^^H\)US o; ^l&a&cngp j 3l300Dipt^pngcfo^D09gcgt&aCbe nia»2p ' ^uc^e be tl^efc meopcpiud ttiat 3i caa l^elpe a Dog^e as loeii ad a matt ^ac one tbpnge t^ecc paupculaclp I 23ut tDO^betb iniuerfallp jf o; u DotU me as mucl^e gooD to^ea K Tell U 3l6 all tbe bpccs tl>ac tade it o; fmell tt [^ ^ovo fpns mp mcDpcpns be io fpccpall SluD in operactoii (0 gcnecall [ 3nD ceop to l:po;lie Uiocn To euer tl)t^ a>all do tbac in tpcbes 3 am principal! I * £f anpcetoacDemap entreat pe I 3 befecb pouc ma(^pp be gooo to me i ^ut) PC (ball baue a boice oe marmelaDc ^0 fpne tl^ac pe map Dps u tDub a fpaoe ♦ I C ^P; 3! tb^nbc pou bot pottc ccloacDi 3n& nat tlje tbpngc tbat 3lj regatoc 3i muile anD topll be mcnf eccnt yjp\)uto}i p;oe(De in pour tntente • ^taotpcatp^ C ^otoe pf 3 to^ft tbi^ topO) uo fpnoe ]|[ tDOloe to goD 31 mpgbt begpnne * «::^tBacDonfr« C 3 am content tbat tUou ipc fp^de ^1^ {Maimer* - 4? (guen fo am 3 ano fap (bp too;ae iBoU) let Uj5 becg of all tOp ipes Cbe gceaud Ipe tbou mapH Dcupfe 3nD tn t^c f clopft li}o;Des tbou tan ^i^otpcarp^ \ ^ ftOr^acDomi;* 1^ Doto Ipe pi botbe bp ouc laop ' e o; toe p;oceDe i jbp^aftectbat3|fr;(lebe$an i Co p;ap(epou to; an bonel) matt , %»bcn pe afi^p;meD it f o; no (pe jBoto bp ouc f aptb fpe^e euen tcuelp iCbougbt F( pour aOfp^mactou tcae • ?ft?^altmc* ^ i^^t matp a fo; 3 ujoloe pc buetoe 31 tbpnbe inp Ulfe an boncil man » i;3*)Botpcatp* C ^^^ tl^ousbt pe m tbe contcarp t^ail # ^i^acooner/ ^ ^n tbat 3 fapDc tbe contrarp 3i tbl^n&e from tcoucb 31 opD nat barp « iO^^otpcarp* C Sno biljat of mp moiDes • ^^arDouec» CBItbottiibtpelpeD^ K^ieotpratp* C 3Enb to t^i^Sbt a bp goo tbat opeD i^otoi ^aurptii ttpapoe cr^ fa; \ffmUUiU^ St'.Y ^no of \)B ttoapne none W^ DcnpcD 23ut botU affpimcD (t)BC 3 (»due ipcD jQotti Cpng Dotb roue uoutt) confce aino tMat tue botl^ wv iv^ (o tottncB ^bat tiuapue of Ds tb;(^ m ouc agtce 3uD ti?at tbc ipei^ ti)e tbpnncr muu be 9CObo coulDc p;oupoe foc^e cupocns 30 3 bau0 Doug tiu^B p;ctcn0 ia^€tbrnkcr!)tbts matecrumdcnt Co cdu(e pou to gpu€ tuDgcment SiiDto gpuemetbcmadri^e So} ps pccccpue t^cfc bnauce can nat Ip^ C C^ougf) notUec of De as pet ^aD ipcD Bet t»ba t toe can DO le t)iur^ CO jfo^petlnebautoeupUD notbpnge 9ut anftoeuD pou atiD geucn bp^pnge K^'i^Dlei;^ C C^^rfo;e J batu Deupfeo one loapc ^i^rbp all tb^e pout mpnoee map tape fs; ccbe of pou one tale Q)all tell 3!nDU)t)ic!)eofpoutetle(t) mod mecuell 3Eno moll bulpUe to De true ^^all mod pjcuaple tobat euer etifeb « ^ ?^^otpcacp« C 3If re be fct tn mecCiaipnge Ctiena)auvel)er( amrcuapioufe t^pngs 3nD ttjouQt^ u) DeDe alt be nat tcue Set liict tbe moa parte (^all be nct^ 31 DpD a cure nojenger a go 23ut Himo Domini mUUUmo ^n a tooinan ponge auD fo fap^c Ci}at neuer baue J fene a gap;e <5oD iaue all \x)3mtin from tbac Ip&neg; (^Otd mantoii^aot!^etaUcn(vbu(& ■ — . ^ Al. Id^ic^e bp tiSent came Ipnpallp fo} ^cc mot^n (lao It natucallp ^t)erro;etbte tooman to tecute 3|t U)as^so;e ^acDe pe map be (utc :3Qt t^ougb 3 boae mp ccafte 10 (ucbf ((S:^at lu fttc^e tt^pngcs 3 can Do muc^e l^otD ofte (^c fell toece mtic^e to cepo^te Ibut ^er beo fo gpDp ano ^ec t|elp0 Co Q^ojtl KCt^at tout) t^e ttopnglpnge of an cpe Saotone tooloc flOe f allc capti bp aoD bp ]t3ut 0^ d^e UiolDe arpCe agapae 31 (^etoeD mucbe p^ctpU mttcbe to mj? paptti 2^o; tbe talieS matt \s>it^in tbia toiiine ^buloe nat toltb eafe baoe b^oben bee Totone nil (bougb to} ipfe 3 opo nat ooute bee £et Dpo 31 tafte mo;€ papne aboot bee Cbcn 3 ujoiDe tabe tottb m otone (^See A^p; at tbe lad i gaue ber a gipller 39 tbiioft a tbamppon to bee telseK 3lnDbaDbecbepcufo;a tctDcit I5ut 30 bnetDe It Co beup to carp Cbat 3 toas (ure it tooloe nat tatp io} tobece gonpouoec is ones fpecD Cbe tamppon tupll no lengec be bperD ftObicbe tims tDtil fene in tpme of tbP0 cbaitnri jfo; U)bea 3 bao cbargco tbl0 ojDpnaoncs ^oDcpnfp as It bao tbonDeco Cuenataclaploreo betbnmbecD ^otD maeke f 0; bcce begpnnetb tbe ceaell Cbi0 tampion Setoxlonge mputeueil Co a rap^< caQeii of ipme ano Oone if 0; accngtb J hm\Bt nat (ucbe a one ^blcbc aooc Dpon an bpii fall bpe 2lt f ore U}b*eof a tpoeteanne bpe ^0 Depc tpU cbaunce bao It f o;bpDen i09eU mpgbt tbe eegent tbeee baoe rpoen ^mU ^ l. %t put c^e caaels fo fatce to dvi^t Ct^ac Dotune t^cp rame cct^e Upon ott^ec 1^0 done kfte aanopnge bp goDOes motl^ee I3ut toUcD DolDtu (0 eafte tt^e ^ptl 3(1} fuc^e a nominee onD fa DpD fpit ^eom botocn to t);pme fcom (Qofi to (So;e (CbP6 to^Capo rpucc (o oepe before iQib u tot^o U>as uotoc to tuallie t^eno S^ap toape U oucc auD tocfi no (l}oa ^0 toae tl^rs cadell [apD topDE open Ct^at tttccp man mpgbt (e ci|e token 25ut in a Q^ooD boucc mape tl>c(e too;D(0 be rpolien Ifttc tbe tamppon on tbe ii^aius U)as to^obeo S&nDpccebppecempeces b;ot^en 3nb (&e Dtlptucep^ tsitb (uc^c btolcas £)f all ^ec Inconucmens 31 left bee in gooD beUb anb lufte 3aD ro (Qi Dott^ contpnctu 3 ccuac« j^^cDler« C &r^ ^^ P^u^ ^^^^ I ^^" not^pnge telt l^ot to one pucpore pe ^aue (apo \i>di • cb'^aroonet* C ttOell fp; t^en mac&e mb^t J can (ap 3 ^aue ben a patDonec inanp a oap. ~ ano Done gceatec cuces godeip - > Cbtn eaec be opD booelp jQamcip cbps otie tDbUbe pe (bail beci £)f one bepamo bifcbtn c^P0 fenen pet;^ 3 f cenoe of mpne ano Ipj^empfe 31 Co bee agapne toas as f cenDIp oie Uio;0£5 quotU J tl;ou Ojalc iut Ucjj ^t)cu U)ifb t^cic patDons c^ali Dilutees 3 PA) CO !|,p» tole anD Ut iwm To quj\-^()t at^dt ar»Vi to (^cucn be :oiic Ws S/gtje ,*jo 1 uoui tl^cu^ to ^ni ti;at opiUn iBat as tD^o fapt^ bp outOo;ue T5m bp tb< b)ape ot emceate 3no rp?tt tbe Dcupu tbat ^ept tii tOac Dap tOece metdp fell COep; Oo;nes toell gplt tOep; clotoes full dene ^W} tapllcs tucll ftcmpt anD as 3 bene %QaO ^otbctp butter t\:^tn boDpes anopnteD 31 mrnec fauie Dcupis To loeU appopnteo Ct^emapdecDeupllfattnl^isjacEet . Mno all tOe (oules toece plapngei at cac&ee iBoue otbec cacHettcs tOcp baooe itt Oanae ^aue euecp Toule a gooD fp;e b;anDe aOQberUitib tOcp plapcDCo putelp Cbat lUicpf ec laug^eD meceip 3nD ail t^e ciCcoeio oi tbe fcenDei^ )i^pD laugb full toed togpttliec !pke f cet)D<5 i^ut of tup Icenoe 31 (atoe no to^pt l^o; Dttca nat ace f o^ o^c as pee aiuoae aU(^;i i;a4u mB b^uidt m ruetiii 3 UiKlpD U}!)Kt)c ^£ to bieu aiouiDe Ci^at ihm ^e uccbce atiD bp fapnc SrUotip i^c fnjptco on mc tocU fauo^cDIp 23eiiDvtige f)rd b;oU)Cd as b^ooc as barne outXis l^iolpuije W& pf d as rounoc as mo bul&cis Jflaibmgcibcfpjtoutof Ots noutb;plB (I^aaibpuc^c bps ctftl) To oavngfoiomeip Clmr mc ibougbt tpau to tali to Satccp ^{)cclDirU ;% tolDg as J Q}all tsli iD pi€(aut ppcttttc £D pztucc of Ml :f currcD in fad^pcn abcminablg 300 rpns cl3'd( ti^ tneStmabk df o; me to p;apfe tftc tDo^tftpI^ 3! tcue of p;3ps bnU^o^ibp Co gcuc tbc pws bclecbpnge r!)c 3nD in tt^ps Dopnge iljougl^ ai be nat qupt ^etfomepaue iU^aliDeUcusIc 3is tt^as 31 am a pacDonet; SKitD ouec routes as apiurolkt Cbo;oug!) out t!)e etti) tnp potnct botb Satibe 9CO(3cce manp a fouie ipet6 oa mp banae (Cbat fpcbc fti matccB ^ 31 ijfc tbcm 2^0 SCicepuett^emojrcfaict!)^!! ?CObctbp i?^^at tpme tbp pleafure ii 3 Qji^il rcQcpjc a»p p* t't sf tbps <^bt Duto tb^ mapdcc cofte :f o^^aigaq^cfl«a:pcetoaj5 tbecfti 3111 (bpage batiDleD tbece Dtfcrecctp jf o; eoecp (ouie bccet^ oSpce meteip SDb^cbempQbtbercBctof.^bec^'C « ^0 bpicip tocnpnge of tbe fppe ^ jfoi marip a ippt bece barb $e tuctieD aino maap a gooD (ppt baib (t)z ouctuD 3ltio m^np a ippt full bot^ b ^tb todeD 25eeo;€ tbe meat roaiDe be batfe coSeo ano o; ib^ meate mu balf e coHeo ia Dcoe gtolu bee cbeo f £0 tbe I ppt f o; f peoe (U t&^eu Qe CatDc t^ps d;oay;bi to pa0 ete (ct on Tale afomemannesijanDe tbatbatb t()eacpst)U l^e tbulDe fure fell ifyiU tales bp Uiepgbc ^o; as tbtp toep fo be tt^ep Uio;tb 23ut tDbtcbetoeptb bcfte to t^at notD fo;t(| ^p^atlrbetaUrbatpc Dpocell 3 bcce m tnpnoe aoo pouts as toell 3nD as pefaUfetUc mater metclp ^0 IpcD pe botbe toeil auo Dircretdp ^u uiccepoac Ipes uiitb cbe led ttudemi S ^ pipe l^ao (apo pc bao maOc fle ^eu tauippoos out of ten toomens tapl(0 ^'cn tpnif 6 tm nipfe to ten caftcls o; taptf^ $uo (ill ten tiuait un ipmes To btpc ^ ' l 3 eouUteud Icbec^ mc ti - =^SZSu..^iX9fesliaMi, ,_ ^ ■ I . p . u V 9my-j , ,. . 11 I . i | liiWimpp"ii^^)^ 45ot^ poor (8!es J^t^t farte (mpoflTpbU 2^^ ^^^^ 3 ^^^ ^^^^^^ incccDpble ^ ^at oulp (Oe tl^f'ti^e It (die allomit^ it :E5uc alio ti^e bo(9enc0 c^crof auotoct^ i| 3 KtiotDe nat is^cce pout taie to tcpe JBot poucs Dut 111 b^l o; pucgato^pg ^ut t>p0 bolonr^ ^att) facto a ipe HDliat map be trpeo cuptitu tbps codtpanpi 39 pf pe ipilc to caKe tbps o;o(C SImongc cbe Uiomen tti tbPd botDcc Cabe tb;e of t^e ponged anD tb;e of tbc olDcS ^b;e of tbe boteit ano t^e of t^e cotoed Cbic of (6e iDpied ano tb;e of ttje (DjtctDDclt Cb;e of tbe ioioea ano t6;€ of tbe ^pea Cb;? of tt^e f attf^ed ano tQ;c of t^e nped Cb;t of rUe fap;cft ano tl^;e of tbc maooeft ^b;e of t^t f otDled ano tb;e of t^e faooed 3no bluett all t^efe t^teef b| bao a foaocc j^f ecDe rbietbio luQipiHP^nombec ^^atl be f ounoe (^;ctDe0 cjccepfe tQp0 fait Cbat pe bap to fpnoe tl)em Q);eb)es all i^pm Iclf c to; tcoutb all tUls ootb buotoe 3aD oft batb ccpcD lome of t^pe coU;e ainopitbe rmcmb bp i^ts cotiuuns i^e neuec fato tooman b;?l(e pacien? iOPbecf o;e contpoeceo toitb ituc cmciU0 l^p0ipctobclo eutocnc i&uD to appece lo eupoentlp Cbat bo(bpouatfp;(irfeo It a Ip 3|notbataipconlcun0 toocpelp ^0 oepc batb lougbt tbps tt^ptiae to ftp 3ao tcpeo It i0tr^ mpnoe inopffmut Ct^us J aiJDacde bp t&ap of iud jCtncQl iS)f all ibc Ipci, pc an ftauc fpciii l^^i^tr«tobemailci;cc(Unt« . ^ ^©almec^ ^Tii^VAi^l^^ OF THE . ^N'VERSITY \ Ili^p; tf)oti8^ re foftcboatiDe of cQtipti Co 00 ad vt bauc Done co me £ct CO 3 ct)anbc pou of pour papf te ZiiO ivpil cequFce Toaic paru agapuc* Hij ^arDoncr« ^ ^atp fp; pe cau ao lee do l^ut c^anac upm as muc^e ae Ci cornet^ to Bno Co topll 3 00 f 0^ mp parte jBo^ d t)ens^^ ^^^^^ ^^^ t^P bnaues baru 31 ncua bndue pcoiec a lUDge ocf o;e ^o; ntucc turll tcude ptoipnge bnauc moie lO^J^at Docft tt^oa t^ccc tlj^ou ^o^foii noop# la^l&ocpcacp* C ^P tbc made Umz co mabe cuctcfp Cuttc(p befogs a nD cuctttp Ocbptioe Oput Bno cbenou ccbe (pDc tbe DcopU OipnDe bPOt j(^ap iDbca 31 bauc It pccfpclp ^e (baiioauc tbe Owupil auo all of cuttef? 25ttt it la nat Tone Utneo b^biC iDue bnauc co make curtcfp ro anothec ^cc tobcti 31 aatangrp tuac i6 ib^ ^ 'ji^e 31 (bail call aip luai Uer b luUi ac tgt; cp^iU • |£ Cbcn toolOe (ome ui4e Uer perbappcd clotDt pi ;6uc as fo; mc pc ucoe nac ooucc pe jf o; 31 baO Uuer be touboui pe i^bcn bdue iucbe berpueQe aoouce pc* i^^drooacc» f£ ft belpe me goo lo tncce pe becces iCObac (buloe a Ue^gec be a leccci; %t mtt no lubpc pout boneOte Co baue b0 cttjaptte tec af lec pe • ^^^ocpcacp« i^ ftr ; be pe face be cell ecb pou tcoi Pt loe (i)um iDdpce tbpfi looloe enlem Ml b)oiDc be (APD auUe mc at a tooaoc iB:^Q bnauc0 mflDf cttttcfp to Ott i^ffi^ gr l^oit) bp mp troutt) to fpcbe mp mpnoc ^pu0 tbep be io locb to be affpnco Co Uc tb^m lo(c 3 cbpnUe u dcdi SnDlo lOaUrelpuc b^ttc in ceft ^^almcl;• Co cotnpiU fbem co t^cpe tbcp; botiDf .3laD Ipnft pe Ipile nat co toapce oti mc 31 cicteip of toaptpnge opfcbdcge pe * l:^^acOonec* t fi^atp fpj a ftcttclp tbanbc po«# ^^^ocpcacp, "^ anb 31 Iptie tep(e j manc goo attotof f[^/|^oh)bcpcall(up(ta0pe begodtt ^0 man )}atb louc iio; tio man baci^ loootl gcf i« tb< DcouC^ itt^fctetit Pc began 2&P iDspr (if doupfe J i>pu ipebe aa Jcaa 31 DO pci:a> ur (Ur pplgrpmage %B cbpctf (be c{«pu^c pc baae tn Dfagi icob^uo fti iumc ro;ioue of Cb;pft ^e baue o; il)uioe oaue bene cncpd ano tobo io Docb ^ub lucbe ciuent 2^otb toen Dcdace bps tpnie tocU rpenl duOioDopetnpouc p;etnicc 3it pe ppcucc tiiu% mouigenct tlucopottc ne^gbboucs cbacptablf jfo; touc of (bem tn goO ouclp nil tbpo map t>( cpgbt ttiell applpc D Co (betoellpou bocQ toeUoccuppeD f 0^ cbougb pc ttiaibe nac bocbe one loapi ^et tuampngc tbu9 tbpd baie J Tape Cbat bocbe pouc balbee come to one enbl .*-^ . r' ■'■■ ■ — — 0p ftpDt Of gdbDfS grace eo cnrcM Bnpmanecftpooe othettuz 310 (omc great almpfefo; to gpue ^omettvttiplt^ttltpouetie toipue ^ome to make t)p( Uiapcs ano iutf^c otfict Inactiltf 3itD lome to mdpatapne p^cdes anD c(aued iCo fpnge atiD p;3pe to^ (ouU oepatteo COcCe tDitt) all ot^ei: Dectucd tneU inacftcO 3DiI tljougt) t^ep be of foiioip l^pooes £€t de tt^ep nat tofeo iDttb fouo|p mpiiDeg 3&ut ae {CD onip Dott^ ail tbofe mouc ^0 euecp tnatt one(p fo; l;ts loue ^ut) loue ano D^cD obcDientlp Scoo^tictb tn tbeU liectued bnpfoimelp CI)U0 cuerp Uuut pf Idc IpOe to (cati 3B0 pUafaunt to goD ano tbanHf all to mati nm lobo tbat bp grace of tbe bolp goae ^0 anp one t}mue Is mou^ mode Ct^at utaa bp tbat grace 1^1 one appfp 3nD tbccm fertse goD mod plentpf ullp Set nat tbat one fo farce topoe to t>i;e(le 90 Ipkpnge tbe Tame to mpOpbe ti)t rede So; iDbo (0 iD;c(letb bpa tuo;&e t^ ta Dapne 9»oiiiea In t^at cafe 3 peccepue poa tioapni Xp&pnge pour tiertue in (ucbc UipCe Cbat rcbe otbccs trertue pou oo opfppfe ftp^o Uialftett) tbP0 Uiap fo; goo taioi^e fpnoe bpm Cbc fartbcr tbcp Ut(e bpm tbe f actbec be^pnoe t^pm £>ne bpnoe ot Hectue to oplppfe anot^jiec 3|0 Ip&e 00 t^i ^fter mpgbt bange t\)z b;otbet # ^^^&otpc^rp. C f o>fere lea tucbe paceto to me mpg^t fall 3 t^anbe goo Ji bit no Dectue at all .^. , •:5^J&eDlcr. ♦ CbatifjofalUbebcrp teo;artttape jfo;mo^«gaclcui»fig2^jauct^aioefapi ^^ i Ctien UlUccr it 19 oegonnc tiK aba(e co H^lttCOOli ^oto oc u pf De nat all co begpnnc HDnc ifnc of nccf uc r^c ace ctituo (n ft)3 ti^VB 3 tuppo(e p€ opo fapeuuc |a r^at pc (apo pe ))(c no lotttat 111 t^e to({ic||c^a;o(d J| Date loiit repofCt e ace ttell de louso of ail idpa (0^ i3r pouc caplpogc t^cc opctiip Sr pacDona one ccipguca fo icuDIp • ^ft^^otpca€p« CT ?n tbat 3 tt^vnts^t tnptaucc nat gcf at jf 0; all a^at Me ^ajtii 3[ aaotoe concecUce# 4r f 0; ^ts and all otDec tt^at pe linoiDc fapnell ]^e be noctier cooucetiO no;con(lcapn(D Co anp (iiciit tbpugc to atip luc^e cafe Co ^put ^np ceueccticc m anp facbe place Tbut tDt)cc£ pe ooucioe tcut^e nat anotppnge SacUupngc t!)c beuc gooD toSIp oe gtoiopngi 3n (uogpiige ti^e d%ae no bacmeat tbe uac ^u luogpugc tge c o^ite no gooD at tbe bcdc ^ Ibut ocitc lu tt^cu t^pngcs It (enutO CO mc Co nmUe no luogcnum bpon pe Sduc 86 tOc cbuccoe Dot^ luDge 0^ UiU ((leoi Jfe^o 00 pe tecipac 0; eo^iabe toeni / BiiO fo Oc luce PC can nat erce K>ttt map ue a fcucful! foloioec* ^0otpcdcp» C ^0 Pc before dno aa J am tcue mat 3( U)pn toloU) ae f attt a& l^an « cy^acoonec* ♦ Jno fo toplJ J to} de ^atb fa|D fotoell ipion tooioe loe (j^uioe rolotoe l^ra^ioanftHt ^. ^^alinec* m;; C(^cn to ottc cea(on i^oogpue M (;u gi^acf muw map fi>i^^iWfP8pifi5T«mfiF~ i^i'd tottf, and fo^onfeciuenclp iQDo bpieue upe ctiUcc^e fafte anD f apou ail 3iut^££dpt(^ of t^p0c^uc(i^e imuiUail YL3[<^P^PttteDat Honbontn fimftreeeatt(}i ipgtu of t^i (^coagc op ;ippUpaai S^roopuoHA ,mTAT VTNE^OF 25 CENTS AN INITIAL *^^^*V ";, ^RE TO RCTURN tuu BE ASSESSED -^^L^^^'irTHE PENAUTY TH^S BOOK ON THE ^^^JJ "g qn THE FOURTH ^TulmCREASETOSO^CENTS^O^^^^^^ ^,, DAY AND TO $10" OVERDUE. YE 17725 ^ \8Zm UNIVERSITY OF CAUFORNIA UBRARY