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GLASS BOOKS SOLD AT 6185 PASADENA AVE. LOS ANGELES. CAL. GET OFF AT YORK BLVD. SPRITUAL ADVICE BY APPOINTMENT SCIENTIFIC TEST CIRCLE MONDAY AND FRIDAY AT 4 P M CHURCH ON MONDAY AT 2 P. M. pirit ilate A Scientific Novel, and Psychological Lessons on How to Make the World More Beautiful By Reverend Mrs. Charles Wilder Glass The Authors (One a Spirit Picture) Her Invisible Spirit Mate A Scientific Novel of Psychical Research By Rev. Mrs. Charles Wilder Glass Books sold at 6185 Pasadena Ave., Los Angeles, Cal. Free spiritual consultation with each book, if desired. Lessons on Psychology and Music, $1.00 each. Copyright in 1917 by Reverend Mrs. C. W. Glass. 3G076J INDEX TO LESSONS Page. Introduction 3 Obsession and Its Cure 4 Scientific Healing 11 Scientific Farming 14 Psychical Research 18 My Daily Prayer 33 Novel of Psychical Research 34 ILLUSTRATIONS Author's (One a Spirit Picture) Frontispiece Trix and Child 38 Augusta May 98 CONTENTS Chapter. Page I. The Voyage 36 II. Home Sweet Home 38 III. A Mystical Romance 43 IV. Love Letters 59 V. Scenes in Mars 63 VI. Sinking Ships 71 VII. Dr. Frank and Kate Burke 78 VIII. Alvin Protects Trix 81 IX. Trix's Ascension 90 X. Augusta Sees an Angel 91 XL A Dream 95 XII. Romance in Venus.. ..114 INTRODUCTION This book is written under inspiration of my mother and Benjamin Franklin Burke, M. D. I dedicate the book to them and to my husband and daughter. These lessons and the novel are reports of true experiences of my invisible helpers and of my investigations in the great soul world. My experience will prove our glori- ous resurrection. I write this book to help make the world more beautiful. These lessons will teach you how to get in rapport with God and His Holy Angels. Dr. B. F. Burke, who has lived in Mars twenty-four years, was a graduate of Cooper College. This gentle- man was the soul of honor on earth. I know he is on a very high plane. So is my angel mother. They have given up their lives to missionary work and hard study. They are respected among a host of angels. They were honest, good, sincere Christians here. My mother and Dr. Burke have the reputation of being the most perfect souls in Mars. I know it is a fact, that is the reason I can comfort others by giving this truth to the world. I was born a prophetess and psychic. When young I would get the future by dreams. After the wonderful phychic Mrs. Augusta Vail developed me I could give readings by mental telepathy, psychom- etry or clairvoyance. To practice the Golden Rule and do good is my religion. Most of the people in my novel have been dead for years. Angels have asked me many times to give these facts to a discouraged, war-stricken world. May this book be a light that will shine in a world of darkness and bloodshed. May it help establish universal peace, love, prosperity, indus- try and harmony. I would give my life to see this ac- complished, as I love humanity with all my soul. We all belong to God and are a part of Him, hence we are divine. Our mind is that which loves, thinks and lives forever. Soul and mind are the same. Obsession and Its Cure. These lessons are to help shed some light on the unseen world, and to teach my readers how to avoid getting in rapport with wicked, earth-bound spirits. The book is to help you to reach Heaven. Death does not change our individuality. Our forms alone are changed from old age to youth and happiness, if we are good ; then this mortal puts on immortality. If we die in sin and ignorance we remain ignorant and sinful after death. We can only progress by pure thoughts, hard study and love in any planet. It is knowledge that lifts us up, ignorance pulls us down. I know that wicked, ignorant, earth-bound demons come back to obsess innocent men and women. Habits cling to us after death. It pays us to form good habits now. I have known some of the finest psychics in the world to be obsessed by dark, cruel, lazy spirits. A dear, good Christian friend of mine had a sad experience with low demons whom we will call Lena, Bill, Al and their folks. Al's people lied to cover up his crimes. Al is lazy and has the appearance of a madman ; his wicked thoughts and crimes keep him ill and insane ; his laziness and deception keep him and his father poor and unpopular. Bill and Al often try to harm pure, helpless dying women or girls to make white slaves of them, even after death. They want to drift with the tide and keep up their old habits. Angels will not per- mit them to wrong pure, sweet girls as they did while living on earth. Their sins were not punished on earth, but now they must suffer for them. They de- ceived .the public and pretended to be good. They drank, lied, robbed and wronged good honest young women. They were very cunning and deceitful in all their wicked, heartless crimes, and they retain the same individuality now. Lena, Bill and Al are too weak and lazy to change their thoughts, hence they are still in darkness and oblivion ; they are living in Pur- gatory in filth and poverty. Women fear and hate them, men never speak to them. No woman is safe in their company. Disobedience to God's law has caused their poverty and insanity. Once Al had taken money from a woman to entice pure young girls on earth to a life of shame and suffering so that he could enjoy their hard-earned blood money. God forbid that we should ever wrong a soul. My invisible helpers can cast out demons and heal those that suffer. Sensitives, you must let \vicked spirits alone unless you can help them, for they will cling to you and drag you down, if you do as they do. I am glad I have helped some out of darkness and despair. Lena and the Harris demons have hearts of stone ; they are too lazy to help themselves ; they have refused work and help from others. On January 8, 1917, these fiends tried to break up our class in psychology by lying to my pupils. I saw William James and Dr. B. F. Burke drive them out. As soon as they left, we received truth and names from our invisible loved ones. Jack London and B. F. Mills came with Daisy and my mother. They encouraged me to go on with my work. William Stead and Julia, his spirit mate, often come to help me and cheer me on. God bless their dear souls. Words cannot express how I love these angels of light and beauty. I would not take a million for my psychic powers. It is such a sweet comfort to hear angels whispering softly in my ear. I live for God and the angel world. My mission on earth is to do good, and cast out evil spirits in the name of Jesus and His Saints. I can teach others to detect good spirits from bad ones. I am in ecstasy as soon as I am in harmony with angels. I earnestly pray to God that I can give as much happiness to others as I have received from the angel world. With God's help, I will be kind and sweet to all I meet. I am here to love people and help them on their way. Those that live in the slums are my own kindred. I keep demons away by prayer and fasting. I have learned how to make the conditions for my mother and other angels to come. I know my poor friend's ter- rible suffering is about over in that direction. She or I never wronged Lena or these low Harris men, but they have done so to us. They are in darkness now from constant drinking and adultery committed on earth. They try to continue the same life over there. Death does not change our desires or disposition in the least. Habit clings to us. Now is the time to form good habits. We make our future conditions in this world. The Harris boys' minds are weaker than animals on this plane, for Bill and Al continue to lie and impersonate my loved ones in Heaven. Their wicked, guilty consciences make their faces ugly and their lives miserable. I have developed for so long a time that my mind is like, a telephone receiver. I hear songs and classical music on higher planes. I sense suf- fering and ignorance on lower planes. Purgatory is the first plane, Earth the second, Mars third, Venus fourth, etc. Our mental development takes us to these dif- ferent planes after our transition. Good thoughts and education^ not money or sin, take us onward and up- ward. It pays us well to think perfect thoughts now, not tomorrow. Live beautifully today. Do good and help make the world more beautiful. Any one that will not help in this war and darkness is a coward and a shirk. Work hard to crush out poverty, sin, white-slavery, ignorance, drunkenness, hate, war and selfishness. If we follow the Golden Rule and live perfect lives here, there will be no demons or darkness after death. Dr. Burke or my self have never wronged these wicked Harris men or Lena (he never knew them), and they blackmail us for his wealth; they are lazy and envy him. Poverty exists where there is sin and ignorance. On July 4, 1916, Al and Bill showed my friend a huge yellow and green snake and threw it on her back, after swearing at her and insulting her shamefully. The language was too coarse and too terrible to repeat. In her dreams, Bill and Lena tor- tured her constantly. For days they cruelly obsessed her. One day they would hypnotize her to think that 6 she was alone in the world forever suffering eternal pain and sorrow. The next day she was insulted and beaten, then burned with hot irons. They threw poi- sonous snakes on her that seemed real and caused her to faint with fear. Satan is an angel compared to these Harris fiends and their deceitful companion, Lena. They were low, hardened demons and insane fiends. Their faces were ugly and old, their eyes wild and glassy. Al pulled out all his eyelashes. People never spoke to or thought of them, so they were lonely and despondent in awful darkness. They were eager to fight even among themselves. Ignorance or illness causes obsession. Demoniacal possession is a scientific ancient and modern fact. The best way to get rid of evil spirits is never to think of them and keep very busy and cheerful. Sometimes a prayer in the name of Jesus and your angels, with a command to depart forever, will effect exorcism. In Purgatory and in this world the good and bad mingle together. As soon as the soul is developed and just as soon as we can read each other's thoughts, then there is a parting of the ways. I have heard very high angels say that Al would be insane many years yet. By my clairvoyance I find many helpless souls in darkness and sin. Their con- ditions are terrible. Sin in any form never pays. I know there are souls in Purgatory paying the penalty of former crimes. I have learned to deliver innocent sensitives here or anyw r here of demoniacal possession. Often, prayer, diet and good pure thoughts will drive it away. Keep busy and in perfect health. I have often heard Al's obscene language by mental telepathy or thought transference. It was too vile to repeat. I heard him tell Kate Burke, a sweet saint, that he would torment her forever, then beg her friends for money. I hate to hear or see these insane demons ; I see them and cannot help myself. . I love to see my invisible friends. Our unjust laws send these poor, undeveloped souls over there before they are prepared to die. Often they return, after being executed, to do more harm than ever. Capital punishment is a crime. A very wicked person is a very ill person ; he should never be abused, but coaxed to work on our prison farms. Every prison should have a school and library. The prisoners should be taught music and every branch of study. All evil spirits should be educated and treated kindly if they show the least desire to do what is right. I have seen Al stagger and fall. This is because he was a dope fiend and drunkard. His father was drunk most of the time a year previous to his birth. Children should have a pre-natal education. Babes in other worlds have that birthright. Angels work like busy bees for perfection ; so should we. Honest missionary work of any kind is noble. AVe should encourage good workers. Yet these Harris fiends did all in their power to prevent the best psychic in the world from doing a great work. Kate Burke was a devoted Christian psychic, as pure and innocent as a child. She and other saints have been abused and shamefully persecuted by the Harris demons. Death tears the midnight mask from their faces ; their aura reveal their dark past. After death we cannot get away from our past ; our sins cling to us like germs to a leper and infect our aura. I am working to develop a perfect character and radiant aura so that I can go to my mother and other loved ones at death. I never saw a medium in all my life that was not obsessed by some ignorant or insane entity ; that is why I am doing all in my power for universal educa- tion. In my psychological classes I develop the mind so that my pupils can get in tune with Infinite Intelli- gence. It is heaven to be in rapport with God and His holy angels. Kate Burke was one of the most perfect spiritual missionaries I ever knew. She was a mar- velous psychic. Yet these Harris demons abused and insulted her daily for ten years. They did all in their power to ruin her and they influenced others against 8 her. In spite of these terrible persecutions, she kept in perfect condition and proved to thousands that there is no death, and that mind can overcome obsession, ignorance and sin. I know ignorance is a terrible thing that chains the soul in darkness and despair. It is a crime not to cultivate the mind. We must study and work here or live in poverty and darkness after death, until we progress out of that state. I saw Jennie Glass in my room, about four years after we buried her. I saw her cry because her son went to war and was surprised that such a sweet angel could suffer. After death our departed love us more than ever. In 1916 my soul floated again to Mars. I saw peach and almond trees in bloom. It was springtime and the country was a fairyland of beauty. In mars I found great wealth and gallantry among the Burke brothers. Ladies admired their chivalry. I am glad angels are extremely polite and Christlike. May God protect us from such demons as the Harris fiends as we pass on to Heaven. Now is the time to prepare our souls for a higher plane. The most important thing in life is to prepare the soul for death. We are all architects building future con- ditions. Now is the time to build up a good founda- tion. I know Lena Bill and Al Harris obsessed Mrs. Burke by hypnotism for years and tortured her men- tally. She was a wonderful psychic and prophetess. Long ago at her private seances the table would move and answer our questions intelligently. She would foretell future events correctly. I saw a bee and a butterfly materialize on the table. 1 heard a song from her angels. I saw a man's arm and my mother's face materialize. Soon as the war broke out in Europe she said the allies would win. Her invisible helpers showed her beautiful poetry written in the air and bright lights in the night. The Harris fiends prevented her from being the greatest psychic in the world. These evil spirits used to insult and abuse this pure girl shamefully. They caused her great sorrow by im- personating her loved ones. No good person could realize their sly, cunning deception. I have seen Al crawl on the ground, too weak to stand alone. It is Divine justice, for he and Bill constantly hinder good sensitives from doing missionary work. They are now reaping the harvest of their awful crimes. Never live as they did. Never make the conditions for them to be happy near you. The best cure for obsession is to keep them out of your thoughts entirely. Keep cheer- ful ; fasting and prayer will keep demons away. I cast out devils by prayer and science. I heal many by the same Divine law. I know it is ignorance to be ill or poor. God has given plenty for all. The greatest good we can do is to teach industry and cheerfulness. I love to help comfort those that suffer by proving to them there is no death or separation from loved ones. If you wish to attract your own to you, think of them. Thoughts are things. The power of thoughts is like magic. Good thoughts build up the soul and body ; wicked, cruel thoughts will tear it down. "As one thinketh, so is he," applies to health, harmony, love and wealth. "None but the pure in heart shall see God." If you wish to make money or win success, think and plan out your life work, then never deviate from those plans. In time, prayer and hard work will bring success in life. Money comes from doing the very best you can. Make your life beautiful today. Live as if you would die tomorrow. Make most of every opportunity. Of course, success means hard work rightly applied for prayer without work i.s in vain. All work is beautiful. No one should ever retire from work that they love. Folks past sev- enty should be paid one-half wages for manual labor, full wages for mental work, as the educated mind is stronger in old age. I love to work. All normal people do. Now is the time to work, because God needs us to be missionaries. I long to help lift the world above war, hate, sin and selfishness. Desert the cruel army for quiet, peaceful farm and home 10 life. Leave the army at once so you can save your precious lives. We must preserve the noble white race. 'Thou shalt not kill." In refusing to murder our brother, we obey God. It is our duty to plan and vote for universal peace, then demand it at once. I see clairvoyantly through this awful darkness a wel- comed new light penetrating the night. The dawn of a glorious new scientific religion is shedding its light. When each dear soul has had a glimpse of Heaven, as I have, and heard the angels whisper facts to them and know there is no death, then hate and war will be done away with. The world needs love for each other. Give to those that suffer your sincere love from the very depths of your beautiful Christlike soul. May we love as they do in stars above. Sincere love for others, is sublime. The reward of a perfect love for humanity, is Heaven. God is love. Love is an inspiration that leads us to Him. Lessons on Scientific Healing I heal through Dr. B. F. Burke, who gets his power from God. I cure people by prayer, suggestion and magnetism from my hands. I sent a red rose that I magnetised to a very sick boy. They placed it on his chest. He was then cured by absent treatment. I build up the body and mind through my invisible doctor's scientific methods. The mind is divine and must be kept strong and in perfect condition, and so must the body. We should keep strong, young, cheer- ful and slender. It is our duty to live hygienically and economically at all times. We eat too much and wear too many clothes. Children should have fresh nour- ishing food morning and evening. Adults, only one meal a day at noon, with a pint of pure water every morning and night. Sleep out of doors, then you will not need so much to eat. Fresh air, sunshine, pure water and work make the high cost of living much lower. If taxes and food were reduced one-half it would help prevent war. A few days ago I was ill 11 and discouraged. Dr. Burke and my mother told funny jokes all night; they kept me laughing constantly. Next day I was perfectly well and happy again. In order to heal another we must bury our sorrow, then give cheerful suggestion. Send out sunny, inspiring thoughts at all times to others. Wicked or depressed thoughts make you ill or insane. Prayer and noble thoughts will keep you well if you keep the laws of hygiene. What we eat builds the body ; what we do and think builds the soul. "As one thinketh, so is he." Smile and pray before you go to sleep. At sunrise welcome your angels with a smile and good thoughts. Keep sweet and cheerful under all conditions. Per- fect happiness and love is health and wealth. Do all within your power to make your soul more beautiful. God dwells within our souls, and we are part of the whole. Our thoughts of today make our tomorrow. In order to retain your youth and health after forty, eat less, take a daily bath, study more, and work faster. Beautiful thoughts make a pretty face. Ladies should steam their faces twice a week. After taking off the hot compresses, rub the face with ice, then massage with cold cream. Keep slender by housework and diet. The most nourishing foods are nuts, fruit, cream, raw vegetables. It ruins a wife's beauty to cook much and ruins her husband's health. Raw eggs beaten well, served with rich pure cream, is a dainty, nourish- ing dessert. This builds up the system. A variety of food is essential to keep one in perfect health. Eat slow- ly and enjoy your meals. Never worry or get angry; it hinders digestion and makes wrinkles. Worry and over work causes gray hair. Hard study or any mental work, if enjoyed, makes the hair heavy and luxuriant. Make a habit of cheerfulness, if you wish to be attract- ive and young. Forget your age by keeping very busy and happy. Suggest to yourself that you are only sixteen in looks. Light farming in God's glorious sun- shine will keep you in perfect health, if you diet and study good books. Music inspires one and helps to 12 keep you in perfect health. Melody makes the condi- tion for harmony and romance. We need both in this practical, selfish, ignorant world. Hypnotism as a therapeutic resource should never be used until after all other remedies have failed. The mind must have perfect liberty in order to develop the soul. It is our duty to do away with all reform schools, insane asy- lums and prisons. The sooner the world is set free, and we place the utmost confidence in humanity, the greater and more beautiful it will be. How young and radiant the people in Mars looked to me. I noticed electricity was used in every con- ceivable form in Mars. I saw an organ attached to a battery. Mama gave me a wonderful treatment by applying musical electricity to my hair and form. Elec- tricity is life, and is used in Mars instead of drugs. What a piece of work is man ! How grand ! How noble in character ! He has the faculty to reason. In form, how beautiful ; in thought and action, how like an angel ! How like a God after his transmission from Earth to Mars. The people in Mars are grand, radiant with life and energy. Great minds have constructed useful canals all over Mars and other worlds. Dr. Burke tells me we must have canals some day, and our large rivers should have small canals for irrigation. In order to advance we must keep the ten command- ments and practice the following lines : I will be true, pure and cheerful. I will smile while I work. I will study and gain health, strength, friends and success. I will work and pray. I will be con- tented and happy now, knowing there is no death. I will practice the Golden Rule. These are elevating thoughts that keep you young and happy and build your health and mind up. In Mars, talent expressed is wealth. They worship God and love Jesus. So do I, too, admire His perfect mind and powerful, noble thoughts. He controls the atoms of space. Our Lord's mind brought substance out of ether and fed hundreds bread and fish. Dr. Burke and 13 my mother love Him more than ever. At the wed- ding feast He made the sparkling waters blush and materialized unfermented wine, and money out from the mouth of the fish. He knew the seas held a wealth of gold. He demonstrated the truth and proved "thoughts are things." He was a great healer and psychic. I love Him. I have often seen Dr. Burke materialize jewels and other things out of ether. He is a grand, noble Christian and a popular resident in Mars. Years ago he died in California. He wants to make the world more beautiful through my pen and psychic powers. May God help me to work for Jesus and the angel world. Scientific Farming Please bear in mind, my dear readers, that my books are not referring to any living person or edifice on earth. This book is to comfort others. These lessons on farming are to alleviate poverty in our slums. My books are to make conditions better. Farming is de- lightful and should be encouraged in every way pos- sible for the general good of humanity. It is our duty to make it attractive, beautiful and profitable. Hard study and work prolong life and beauty. Mental work develops the soul and keeps us cheerful and useful. No one should neglect his education. Future farmers must be educated or fail to make an honest living. If you cannot own a farm, make a garden in the back yard. Call it a miniature farm, keep it in perfect con- dition for the sake of your health. To be happy, our homes should be attractive, beautiful and healthful, surrounded by a little garden of Eden. A lawn in front, fruit, flowers, vegetables and a few profitable chickens in the rear. Prosperity is the result of in- dustry and harmony. Save all seeds to exchange with your neighbors. Dry and can all fruit and vege- tables that you cannot sell. Boil the juice of grapes, oranges, lemons, limes and grapefruit for ten minutes, and can in well sterilized jars. This will keep for years and makes a very nutritious drink. It is a great econ- 14 omy to have grapes hanging from your veranda or portico in front, and your back fence covered with ber- ries. In this way you can save a little for taxes. Taxes should be one-half what they are now. Each man should own his home. All men should own the big trusts and corporations, and each work and share the profits alike. All worlds "belong to God and the full- ness thereof." We' His children, own an interest in the whole. Farming, without any education or recrea- tion, will bend the beautiful form and dwarf the mind. Love and variety are the soul of life. Homes should be builded on the highest and sunniest place on the farm, where it is dry and surrounded by pure air and sunshine. To be happy, we must have health. My invisible loved ones tell me there are happy homes, surrounded by wonderful farms, in all planets that can be cultivated. Anything that we need for health should be in reach of all (such as milk, grains, eggs, nuts, fruit, vegetables and salt). Some nations tax even the salt. That is cruel and unjust, for it causes blindness. Extensive canals flowing through our land would save irrigation. Where there is fog, very little water is required for farming. Keep the surface of the soil \vell plowed, and free from weeds and stones. Until we are advanced enough to own canals, as they do in Mars, we can irrigate by making small trenches through each row. Grapes, figs, cactus, olives, apples, beans, etc., should be planted on the hillside or waste land that cannot be used for grain or vegetables and nuts. These do not need irrigation after the first year. Irrigate at twilight, never in the sunshine. Plan all your work. Intelligent preparation in anything brings success. Plan for a bountiful harvest. If you cannot sell your harvest, trade, exchange things. Our gold and silver should be made into useful things ; it is a waste of time to make it into money. Use checks or scrip to represent credit for so much goods. We need a grand exchange bureau in every town. In this terrible war age nothing should be wasted. We need 15 more farmers and schools. Now is the time to be God- like, to help the world out of the Gethsemane of de- spair and poverty., caused by selfishness and war. We could have Heaven on earth if each one of us should follow in the golden footprints of Christ and His holy angels. Earth could be farmed more extensively if we had canals in the deserts where the heat is intense. Canals cause rain, cool the atmosphere and keep the ocean from wearing away the valuable land. There are no waves on the sea in Mars ; canals take them off. Canals should be very long and narrow ; they have waves. The gates must be perfect and made of steel. Iron would rust and so drown us all. Farming is beau- tiful and very profitable, for it brings health, wealth and happiness to those who love it. If land is poor, keep stock and chickens on it for a year or so to rest it. Farmers in Mars are radiant with vouth and en- / ergy. We should be the same. Farming is the foun- dation of prosperity. Build little bird cotes among your vines and trees ; their inmates are dainty little helpers that we could not live without. I have seen tiny yellow canary birds in Mars about the size of my little finger, and a large green parrot I once ow r ned. I had several pet canary birds die. A few months later I saw them clairvoyantly, alone in my home. I heard my parrot sing while my spiritual body was traveling in Mars. He laughed and talked the same there as I taught him on earth. His memory had improved. I understood all he sang. I enjoyed hearing him laugh once again. If God has resurrected my pet animals, I know He will take us home to Heaven some day. I saw Dr. B. F. Burke driving a dark horse, in a buggy with his little adopted child, Kate Burke. She was a pretty little curly-headed blonde that died previous to her birth into this world. She is a little angel mes- senger of love that often helps me give tests. Her aunt, Mrs. K. Burke, who was a nurse on earth, comes with her to help me. I saw Dr. Burke and the child drive on and on through rich farm lands. I knew he 16 could float, and wondered how he could enjoy that horse. I suppose it was because he loved horses, as most men do. Dr. Burke told me clairvoyantly that Mars was highly cultivated along the canals. I will be glad when God calls me to that marvelous country of love and liberty. Farmers are divine and kind ; they till the sod and live near to God. We should eat nuts and fruit ; they are far more wholesome than bread. Tobacco is good to kill germs and people. It is poison to humanity. I want all farmers to be rich. Fresh slack lime mixed well with the soil will counteract the acid in the soil which makes buds turn black and fall off. If trees shed their flowers when buds, there will be no fruit. An antidote for fungus diseases is scalicide lime mixed with a little sulphur, stirred into the soil when dry. Mix all seeds with a little sulphur, ashes or red pepper when you plant them, so ants or bugs will not eat them. Plant castor beans ; most rodents hate them. Farming is beautiful and worth doing well. Plants and trees with tender roots should be planted in pails or boxes, then transplanted after the roots get strong and tough. Try not to disturb the roots when trans- planting. Plant blue grass, clover and spineless cacti for your stock and chickens. The fruit of all cacti is splendid for the table. Housework, farming, swim- ming and dancing are the kind of physical culture we need. After all, honest work is only a great pleasure that makes us beautiful and young. Work is a bless- ing we all need to make us happy and rich. The angels are pleading for workers in the midst of this heartless war, which has caused so much sorrow and poverty. The best way out of this trouble is to settle all inter- national trouble by arbitration. Each country and church should start a petition at once for universal peace. We must have a new religion, universal scien- tific farming and education to do away with war and hate. Teach your children to shun war, not to kill, but to love mankind. Nations should visit and trade 17 with each other and enjoy each other. I love all na- tions, for I claim all people as my brothers and sisters. I love them all. We are all one family. We belong to each other. Psychical Research I have had some remarkable experiences in thought transference. Telepathic impressions are conveyed from any planet to myself, if I am in perfect condition to sense them. It is only carrying on a conversation by thinking instead of talking. I have conversed with Mrs. Kate Burke in this manner. She told me of her suicide ; her husband had married again and lost all track of her. He at once began to in- vestigate, for he loved her dearly. I have his letter stating that she had died here, as I received it from another world. We were surprised to hear of her death, as we thought maybe she \vas married again. She is now a radiant little angel that has given me many facts from the spirit world. Last summer I told my friend, Mrs. Clark, her mother would die in three days, and she did. Before Mayor Sebastian's election I told his wife he would be mayor, and he was elected, as I had predicted to others in public. My angels told me he was a grand, good man. By inter- planetary communication I found out he and his beau- tiful wife are twin souls. A strange fact, for not one man in a thousand is fortunate enough to get the one God made for him in this world. That is why we have so many divorces. Two years ago I predicted the death of a great ruler in 1916. I saw him clairvoyantly in a black uniform and knew I had seen the emblem of death. In 1916 the Emperor of Austria died. I saw later that the allies would win. I predicted that Wil- son would be re-elected in 1916. I wrote him to that effect a year before it happened. I have foretold for my friends thousands of facts that later came true, so they told me. 18 Dr. Burke has often told me the correct time. Often I would close my eyes and toss a new dollar behind me, and he would always tell me whether heads or tails was up. He tells me when I am going to get a letter and who it is from. He often tells me who will visit us tomorrow; it comes out just as he predicts. Twice I saw Dr. Burke play ball in Mars. The boys played much faster than they do here. If the ball hits them, and they are highly developed, it never hurts them. Nothing can mar the soul after it reaches a cer- tain state of development. Mind heals and is perfect. I know the body can suffer if ignorant, for I have seen the Harris fiends' legs and heads bruised and sore from being pounded after insulting pure young girls and married women. I fear Lena and her wicked com- panions, called Al and Bill in my novel. They are so very deceitful they will be dangerous for years to come. It is hard for lazy folks to form new habits. They don't want to reform. I have tried to reform them. On January 4, 1917, my soul visited Mars. I was in a massive house. I went into every room. In the barn I saw a tiny black and white shaggy dog not over seven inches long. I took him in my arms and played with him. I wish I had one just like him; he was a pet. I rode in a big airship, in Mars, that would seat twenty. The people feel like flesh and blood and look as we did at sixteen. They dearly love their wives and children. Love is all there is in any planet. Power and wealth are nothing if we are not loved. Love is divine, for God is Love. Psychical Research, Inspired Doctrines By honest, sincere investigation for years I have proven by my clairvoyance and telepathy to thousands that there is no death. This evidence you will find in all my books and lessons. The moment you know there is no death you should be absolutely happy. I thank God for love and immortality. Soon as your psychic powers are developed you can draw wisdom from the very fountain of Infinite Intelligence by com- 19 municating with angels, as I do. The God within me, or my soul, has often traveled through space ; the eyes of my soul have feasted on heavenly scenery. I have seen flowers, lakes, homes, farms and entities in other brighter worlds than this. I observed spiritual forms grow lighter and brighter as they gradually advanced toward Heaven. If a great psychic could see God, He would appear as light. I can develop any mind to communicate with angels. I teach the knowledge I have obtained from intelligent invisible scholars. These precious angels have gradually developed my clairvoy- ance and clairaudience to make the world more beau- tiful. To do good is a great pleasure to me. To see or hear angels, you must be calm and keep in perfect health by diet, prayer and concentration. We must keep cheerful and make proper conditions mentally to attract the saints. Idleness will often cause illness and obsession. We must economize in time in order to reach perfection. Cultivate the mind above all things. Great, powerful minds rule the universe with intelligent order. Remember, a rich mentality is greater than all the material wealth in the universe. Angels follow the Golden Rule, "Whatsoever ye would that others should do unto you, do ye also unto them." The Golden Rule means just to love one another. Sin- cere love is what the world needs most. I know God and His angels live and rule this great, stupendous universe with infinite intelligence. My mother and Dr. Burke told me our individuality is im- mortal. I thank God I can prove, under proper con- ditions, that intelligent communication with the so- called dead is a fact. I worship God with all my soul and being. I am happy when I do His will. We make our future happiness or unhappiness as we obey or disobey God's psychic laws. Our ignorance and sins punish us. Each thought or act will bring its reward, whether it is good or evil. The reward of love, edu- cation and industry is Heaven. The reward of sin and slothfulness is poverty and death. My religion is broad 20 and beautiful, and not antagonistic to any church. Deeds, not creeds, count. Dr. Burke has taught me that the subconscious mind is Divine. I can demonstrate truth by thought transference with Infinite Intelli- gence, not with ignorant demons. Enjoy life by devel- oping your psychic powers slowly and intelligently, for our mind takes us just where we belong after death. Enjoy this life, for some day we will all be angels in Heaven. Do all in your power to make the world more beautiful for others. Work hard to abolish every unjust law that causes innocent people to suffer as Jesus did. Life is a great struggle for the poor and sick, and too easy for the indolent and wicked. We should be eager missionaries hunting lost souls in darkness to give them love, light and food. Love is what these poor struggling souls need to encourage them to be perfect men and women. Dr. Burke, an archangel, has often said I would have been the great- est missionary and psychic in the world if these Harris fiends had not constantly lied and abused others and myself without any reason at all. If we practice this new religion, harmony and pros- perity will be the result. Hosts of angels are working in unison encircling the globe of sorrow. I sense their great love and sympathy for us. If the world would go into the silence at dawn, noon and twilight and concentrate for peace and love, soon war, hate and poverty would be abolished. If we could only realize the glories of universal love. Love is the most won- derful thing that exists in the universe. It is one of the mysterious' secrets of immortality. Hate kills ; love builds us up ; it inspires us. Love in any form is sweet music to the soul. Love is a universal element that fills all space with life and happiness. It is part of God, and His most precious gift. I plead with you to love others enough to establish laws that will abol- ish prisons and build schools that will abolish saloons, fast houses, slums, and prosper operas, dancing, farm- ing and happy homes and children. It is our duty to 21 establish a few good new laws and abandon so many poor ones. Thousands of good people are in prison from ignorance of our complicated laws. All laws should be founded on the ten commandments. The Golden Rule, obeyed from every standpoint, is all the law an educated nation needs. Love as you wish to be loved, and no one will wrong you if they are normal. Prosperity for all will be the result. The secret of success is, firstly, right thinking, then doing the very best you can. If you are out of work, cheerfully apply for a position. Make a habit of smiling. Smile. The cornerstone of success is industry and cheerfulness. Thoughts are things that will build you up or break you down. Daily say mentally, "My mentality is ca- pable of great possibilities. I will practice diplomacy. I will cultivate confidence, energy and courage. I will spend less on clothes and food, so I can buy more books. I will develop music, poetry and all my talents. I will unfold my psychic powers. I will enjoy helping others more. My religion is from the angel world. My angels learn from archangels." By thought trans- ference I know the Bible is true. Please read St. Luke. Christ said to the thief on the cross, 'Verily, I say unto thee, today shalt thou be with me in Paradise." This proves the thief was innocent. No one should be convicted on circumstantial evidence. I think one-half of the people that are killed by law are good and innocent. The law has no right to kill any one. It is a crime to kill by law or war. Very wicked men should be forced to work on prison farms. Pris- oners should be treated fairly. It is a terrible punishment to be deprived of liberty. In the next world we must make every wrong right. The honest beggar Lazarus went to Heaven ; the selfish, heartless rich man to Hell. Cultivate char- ity to all. Make life beautiful for all. Make your future life happy by doing good to others. They will return it some day when you need them most. Our angels know our thoughts. After Christ's great vic- 22 tory over death He came back even through the walls to his disciples to prove there is no death. By the same scientific law my mother and Dr. B. F. Burke come back to me. I heard him sing- "Nearer My God to Thee" close to me. I have heard independent voices talk to me when all alone at home, and saw the speak- ers at the same time. I have many spirit pictures that are genuine. While my husband was sleeping at dawn I have seen genuine materialization, once of my mother's face, again of an arm, another time of Dr. Burke's full form. I felt his face and chest. He seemed like flesh and blood, yet I knew he had been dead over twenty years. I have seen him very often. I hear him and my mother talk every day. I often see lights that gradually diminish. Psychical Research Lessons To get facts from the soul world one must make the conditions by developing with an honest, good intelli- gent psychic. I get the truth and teach it to others. It is dangerous not to have a good scien- tific teacher along these lines. On August 25, 1916, my soul traveled to Mars again. I don't remember of floating, yet I know I was in Mars. I saw a lovely, smooth sea reflecting the golden light of a glorious sunset. There was not a wave on the vast body of water, not a ripple on its calm, brilliantly colored sur- face. On November 16, 1916, I heard Dr. B. F. Burke play an opera on his piano. The music was perfectly grand. Dr. Burke showed me some new three-story brick buildings in Mars. Almost all buildings there are of stone, cement or brick. The bricks were of a beautiful shade of bright pink. They bake them longer and they are much stronger than ours are. My in- visible companion said they used brick and a wonder- ful cement that looked like stone to save their valuable trees. We must do the same. The world needs trees, canals, and millions upon millions of industrious good farmers. Every soldier should be a happy farmer, enjoying the love of his wife and children. War must 23 be done away with entirely. Now is the time to work- hard and pray for universal peace and prosperity. My angels say all trouble could be settled by arbitration and higher education. There is no war in Mars. Why should men kill their dear, precious brothers whom the world needs so much? Away with war; it is all ignorant insanity. On August 30, 1916, I saw a lovely azure lake in Mars. Close to the lake was an elegant marble fountain near my future home. I have often seen my own home in Mars ; it is new, elegant and richly furnished. The knowledge of my future home and happiness makes me contented under all condi- tions. Rich or poor, I will be Christ-like and happy. On October 10, 1916, again my soul traveled to Mars. My invisible companion, Dr. Burke, took me to visit one of the department stores. The front was one pol- ished glass window, raised by machinery so that the workers could have plenty of pure air and sunshine. The helpers owned part of the store. Nothing was misrepresented. I was surprised at the rich, beautiful things I saw there. I saw perfect artificial flowers which they make to decorate their homes and gowns. They don't pick growing flowers there, as the flowers have souls. I saw pretty bouquets which the ladies wear at parties. Perfume in Mars is sweeter than ours, even if it is not manufactured from fresh flowers. I saw nosegays of a new red color, and a flower I never saw on earth. It looked like a red buttercup. Roses that looked as if just picked from some California garden, yet they were made of rubber and tinted all colors. The pink, white, yellow, blue and red buds were made up in dainty nosegays for pretty young girls to wear. I rode in a wonderful airship and automobile. Mor- tals invented them by thought-transference. Farmers raise all that we do and more. My mother tells me there are two children born to each couple, a boy and a girl who are twin souls. These children are perfect and are never parted. Husbands and wives are eternal companions and lovers there. I have seen horses, car- 24 riages, black and white cows, chickens, birds, swans on a lake, and perfect farms in Mars. Earth could look like Mars if it were highly cultivated. They love friends far more than money. Their hearts are over- flowing with love. The Martians are in constant com- munication with other worlds by mental wireless. We could in time get interplanetary communication estab- lished here if we take it up in our schools, or develop under a good psychic. In Mars there is no death, sin, poverty, old age, sorrow, war, crime, or universal igno- rance such as exist here. What I admired most in Mars was the love of twin souls ; they were so happy that they did all in their power to make others happy. Hus- bands courted and waited on their wives with pleasure. The longer twin souls are together, the more affection- ate they are to each other. It is often the opposite here. In public the ladies wore long, graceful sleeves like a glove without any ringers. The gloves are made from part of the dress goods. The gloves are taken off as soon as the wearer gets home. They wear gloves so they will not get the magnetism of gentlemen. They do not flirt on higher planes, as they are desper- ately in love with their spirit mates. Some of the girls wore perfect nosegays of lilies of the valley, mignon- ette, forget-me-nots and pink rosebuds mingled with delicate green ferns and peculiar new grasses that I never saw on earth. Most of the girls were once old women that lived in this world. I saw handsome dresses and dainty lingerie all trimmed in lace fit for the fairies to dance in. They wore dainty sandals and jewels; their soft veils and laces were elegant. I dined with these Martians. They ate bread filled with nuts and cream and baked for hours. They served cream with pudding and apples. They only eat one small meal a day. On October 24, 1916, I saw a clear golden light about the size of a large pillow close to Dr. Burke's chest. It was bright and radiant. Mama and Alvin Bush show me wonderful lights and write words on the wall in gold for me. If I ask a question and see 25 a star in front of me, that means yes. I often hear raps when alone in my room. Doctor shows me lights most every day. I have heard singing close to my ear and at a distance. The music there is grander than anv here. *t At camp meeting in 1915 I saw Christ's brilliant aura. It was silver and gold and azure. The lights were bright and perfect. I felt His holy presence and sensed His great love for me. I have been well and happy ever since. Ten years ago I went to Wiley, a good, honest spirit photographer. I had six sittings. I knew the ladies in the photograph at sight, but not the gentleman. I went to psychics for years. After seven years I found out that all the pictures were gen- uine. I got the names myself and sent to their rela- tives for their pictures. I compared them and found they were the same. I have proven many times that all the pictures were genuine. I have con- vinced hundreds of others by my clairvoyance that their dead returned and retained their individ- uality. Daily I have the pleasure of communicating with angels. I will be happy when they come to take me home. My death will be the most beautiful ad- venture of my life. I do not fear death ; it is beautiful. I look forward to it with great pleasure. I know there is no death. There is only wonderful, mysterious life. Glorious immortal life. One beautiful morning when I was awake there ap- peared soft gold and azure lights in my room, then diamonds and all kinds of brilliant stones floated before my eyes. When they disappeared I heard music from another world. The next morning I saw hundreds of perfect stars brilliantly sparkling in a dark blue sky. Again I heard Dr. Burke singing in a rich tenor voice close to my side. One evening I heard him play some very difficult classical music. I saw the piano. I heard my mother sing songs in Mars that she used to sing to me when she was on earth. I have long visits with her, and enjoy her more than ever. I have felt her 26 kiss me. She writes in ether in her own handwriting. It is such a comfort to see her young pretty face and little form. She comes to comfort and protect me. I thank God for her and my angel friends. I love my angel mother and invisible companions more than ever. It is a great pleasure to do good for their dear sakes. They inspire me to do God's will. Ten years ago I used to hear raps in answer to ques- tions. Later I have heard bands playing all kinds of music of other worlds. In Mars I have seen produc- tive farms, beautiful parks, canals with waves, temples, schools, homes, shops, a sanitarium where tiny babes are taken care of after being murdered by their igno- rant parents. It is a terrible crime to kill and causes angels a great deal of sorrow and work. At another time in Mars I saw a calm, clear sea at sunset. It was a glorious sight. Then I saw a small lake, cedar trees about as large as our big California redwoods. I have seen pianos, violins, organs, carpets, clothes, sandals, fruits, flowers and all kinds of books. The furniture ' is elegant in Mars. I have seen wonderful jewels. I held a large perfect diamond in my mouth to make sure it was real. Bear in mind, my form never leaves this world ; the soul or mind travels. Thank God, the mind has perfect liberty to soar through space (if well developed). Sometimes angels picture these wonderful things to me, clairvoyantly, when I am alone at home, The brighter the light, the better I see. Ten years ago I could see better in the dark. I have often fore- told that which would all come true months later exactly as I had predicted. That could not have been mind reading. Dr. B. F. Burke told me a few days after the war broke out in Europe, 'The allies will win in the end." I know they will, for he is the soul of honor. I have heard Dr. Burke and my mother sweetly singing to me when alone. While my soul was traveling in space I saw wonderful new stars in the Milky Way that we cannot see from here. The stars are controlled by the power of many 27 minds thinking in love and harmony. War can be done away with by right thinking and living. Some time our spiritual bodies will be half electricity. The heavens are glowing in majesty and life. The air is effulgent with a variety of sweet-scented perfumes. Planets are floating in order and majesty in purple ether and look like a thousand jewels set in angels' diadems. The result of Infinite Intelligence has made the universe in so wonderful and beautiful a fashion that it makes my heart bleed to think our intelligent, noble brothers are killing each other in war. Selfish- ness in this awful bloody strife has turned men into insane brutes. After killing men by poison gases, an army is now throwing liquid fire at noble young white gentlemen. God will punish them in the next world. 1 hate war. There should be honor in everything, even in war. I think the result of this dreadful wicked war, from a psychological view, will bring about Socialism. In time there will be no crowned heads in Europe or in the world. One person is no better than another. No one has any right to abuse or rule another. Treat all as brothers. To avoid war, adhere strictly to the Golden Rule, even in thought. Treat all that suffer and live in this world as you would archangels, for Lazarus is a good example of the poor. Those whom you wrong or abuse may be rich in Heaven, while you suffer in darkness below. The result of this war will bring about polygamy, poverty and ignorance. If all men were as good, noble and benevolent as Henry Ford, there would be no war. God bless his soul. He did all he could for universal peace. He is one of the greatest men in the world. I would give my life cheer- fully for universal peace. Give me all the money squandered on saloons, tobacco and war, and I will educate every soul in the world and give every man a happy home all his own. Dr. Burke, my invisible helper, told me that in one hundred years from now half of the white girls would marry Indians and dark men. This war will bring on a black race. God forbid 28 that the white race should be exterminated. I love all people here. It nearly kills me to see our white people killed off and murdered without any reason. We should help these dear souls at once. The greedy, cruel, selfish instigators of war must answer and suffer for this wholesale murder. No one can escape punish- ment. At night my soul often travels to the war zone. The subconscious mind cannot lie. To my great sor- row I see pure girls abused and children crying for bread. I see men insane from fear and noise, and others praying for death. I beg the soldiers to leave the cruel, damp, filthy trenches, elope with their wives and sweethearts and fly to another country at once. Europe has no other cause for war except greed. Let the big hogs fight it out alone. No man should be forced to kill. After the war the rulers will not give the poor soldiers an inch of the land which they fought for. My soul took possession of another's form, so I could find out the truth concerning this awful war. Not half of the facts are published. I said : "Plan a great strike. You have the arms. Capture sorne war- ships, then sail on and on for life and liberty. If you don't, the blacks will rule in time. Now is the time to act quickly and intelligently. I would rather be shot down for desertion than kill a brother. There is no honor in war. We harm ourselves if we kill others, as we need every one. How wicked to kill those whom we should love and enjoy. War brings polygamy, the evil which all women hate. God made only one woman for every man, and it is not man's nature to love two women, unless he becomes depraved or crazy. II he owns more than one wife, he soon becomes a lazy beast without a soul. God only made one Eve for Adam. Each man has another half somewhere. The law of attraction will draw that certain person to you sometime. Angels are man and wife in Heaven. For years I have known from invisible helpers that the philosophy of spirit mates is a scientific fact. Dr. B. F. Burke has taught me how to tell spirit mates 29 by science and clairvoyance. Our object is to locate your other half so as to make you happy. Soul-mate germs are from God, or a part of the dual God Mother and Infinite Father. It is a scientific fact that God is dual or He would not be immortal. There must be the negative and positive in all life. Before birth, soul-mate germs resemble little oval balls of radium. Souls are partly composed of light ; at least the soul germs are encased in light, blended as one by magnetism. God sends these soul germs from Heaven to earth by electricity, on waves of ether. Guardian angels protect them. They are part of God, or Infinite Intelligence, and are Immortal. Hence, it is a terrible crime to kill any one of them. It is an insult to our Creator. Life is so sacred and wonderful that it is a sin to kill even in war. We could not be immortal without our other half. Light and love are part of life. Soul germs gradually grow the same as any other. We develop mentally through all eternity. (Our forms don't grow ; in fact, our spiritual bodies grow lighter, more ethereal, more beautiful.) These precious globules of light that surround the male and female germs emanate from Deity. Male is positive, female is negative. One is worthless without the other. In other worlds the love of the opposite sex is stronger than ever, for they are more sensitive and normal. Here we are selfish, ignorant and abnormal. We are only children and can improve. We have all eternity to learn in. The greatest gift God ever gave to mortals or angels is their eternal companion, their twin-soul. I worship Him because He has given me such a perfect companion and immortality. These twin-soul germs have no consciousness before their birth on earth, or they would never come here to be parted and suffer so long before they are again united in love and happiness. I get these wonderful new facts by mental telegraphy, clairaudience and clear, beautiful clairvoyance. I will prove by these lessons and my scientific novel that all souls are dual. You 30 are only half of another. God has loved us so that He has created some one especially for each one of us to love forever. One perfect morning in August, 1916, about five o'clock, I saw in Mars a farm, and tall apple trees in bloom. What a change from earth to Mars. It was springtime there and winter here. Our sky is not so clear or rich a blue. Our fruit trees are not so large or perfect. Our water and air are not so pure. Poor humanity fights and sins while Martians work and study. They love and enjoy each other; we rob, hate and abuse our brothers. In August, 1916, again my soul traveled to Mars. I saw a big three-story brick building with many win- dows. The bricks were a handsome red. The building was perfect in structure, proving the architect was very intelligent. I sensed powerful electricity in the air. Often I have seen my future home. The furniture is strong and elegant. The laundry and sewing ma- chine were run by electricity. On the north side of my future home I saw a light stone chimney decorated with pink climbing roses ; some bloomed on the top. How I admired the pretty flowers and perfect fruit. Their sweet music charmed me as I danced with them in the evening. I dined with them. I climbed hills in Mars as quick as lightning. As soon as angels learn to float they can travel as fast as thought. God has given the soul great power and liberty. I enjoy Mars now more than I do this world. Again I floated there and saw a small clear lake near mv future home. There / are boats on this lake and it is surrounded with beau- tiful scenery. That night I danced on highly polished hardwood floors. My heavenly home is elegant in every sense of the word. I get the future for others correctly as well as for myself. Others have seen my home and described it to me the same as I saw it. As God is my witness, and His holy angels, I swear, upon my sacred word and honor, all that I write on Psychical Research is a fact. Even my novels are founded on 31 my own experience, and on the experience of others that now live in Mars and in Purgatory. My aim is to do good and give this wonderful truth to others, because I love them dearly. Words cannot express the love I have for God and His precious children. It is heavenly to me to make others happy. I live in ecstasy in loving others. r Will is might. Our minds take us to Heaven. Some day we will float through space like birds by will power. The soul of the psychic travels. Following are some of the things I have seen very plainly. They have impressed me more than any others. Once I saw ten large perfect black calves on a farm in Mars a year before this journey. I saw chickens, cows, horses, birds, a dog and parrot. A white kitty I once owned played around my feet. She and another black cat I owned knew me. I also played with a cute little dog, and a black Shetland pony. In Mars the animals are lively and intelligent. One morning about dawn I saw a very large arm and hand close to my face. It slowly dematerialized. On the night of October 27th, 1916, my soul traveled in the slums of Purgatory. I saw Al Harris on a dirty bed of rags very ill ; there were boards in the front yard, which his father had stolen. He was forced to return them. Al was so insane and filthy that the sight turned me sick. Dr. Burke woke me ; he did not want me to hear such obscene language. I saw my mother's face close to and felt her kiss me. I saw Dr. Burke in long white robes close to me. I was lifted up, up, one lovely moonlight night where I could view the Milky Way. I saw thousands of new glorious planets. Each floated gracefully in ether. They looked like beautiful tinted opals about the shape and size of a peach. These magnificent jewels inspired my soul to prayer. These are new baby worlds God is creating for his future children. What infinite love is mani- fested. "In my Father's house are many mansions," where we are united in perfect love with the inseparable halves of our being. Sometime all of us will be eter- 32 nally married to our spiritual counterparts. I know we live in perfect love and ecstasy through all eternity with our spirit mate. I thank God He has created some one for each of us. I worship Him for the great immortal happiness He has in store for us. All homes and scenes I have described have been my own expe- rience in Mars. Dr. B. F. Burke and my mother, who reside in Mars, tell me of other worlds that are inhab- ited. Every word I write is under test conditions so that I may comfort others with these wonderful facts. I cannot describe my happiness in feeling my own mother kiss me on my lips and hearing her talk to me after her death. She talks to me every day. I know her voice and see her face. I know our family will be united in Mars and I thank God for it. I write this book to comfort and encourage those that are now part- ed from their loved ones. There is no money to be made in books. All I ask is that it will cheer you up and be a blessing in your home. Keep it and read it for the sake of truth. My daily prayer is, "My Divine Creator and Holy Angels, accept my thanks for love, life, health and immortality. I thank Thee and the An- gels for all the heavenly visions I have seen. O give me health and power to help establish universal peace, love, and prosperity for all that work. O help me to do good and make the world more beautiful. Give me the strength to comfort the broken-hearted, the ill, the ignorant, the lonely, the helpless, the rich that suffer, and the poor. My Divine Heavenly Father, wilt thou protect me? May I be united to my mother and the dear angels I have seen clairvoyantly ? Please answer my prayers and give me more power to work and do good. Make me worthy of Thee and immortality. Angels of Love and Mercy inspire me to work for uni- versal peace, prosperity and love. May I do Thy will with a heart sincere. Give me strength to practice the Golden Rule every hour of my life. May I get in per- fect harmony with Thy Infinite Mind, so that I can heal others more abundantly and have greater powers in 33 prophecy. Our spiritual minds are powerful electric organs. Our minds are great batteries of light." HER INVISIBLE SPIRIT MATE. A Scientific Novel, by Rev. Mrs. Charles Wilder Glass. I. "I love you, land of sunshine, Half your beauties are untold ; I loved you in my childhood, And I love you when I'm old," sang a pretty young nurse on her way to work. Beau- tiful sunny California. Although it was March, the day was as perfect as a day in June. Fragrant flowers were in bloom, birds were singing sweetly. In an old apple tree a brown and white mocking bird was sing- ing near his mate. He seemed to be leading a choir of birds that were singing amongst the roses near him. Their altar of sweet flowers was close by an open window. Nearby, a pretty young nurse walked, dressed in white. Trix Elizabeth Haskell had large dreamy blue eyes, long heavy golden brown hair, a beautiful complexion, tiny rosebud lips always smiling, showing two rows of exquisite white pearls. Her form was perfect. Trix was all love and energy. She came from 'The Land of the Dakotas" to take a nurse's course at the famous Sanitarium. She married on the impulse of the moment a handsome young flirt. Being Dr. Bush's assistant, the young bride continued to assist the good doctor. Trix was nervous and restless. She longed to be out in the sunshine. She seemed to be drawn by nature, or some unknown invisible force, out into the warm, congenial sunshine. She played with her pretty parrot, then wandered out in the sunshine again. She turned up the steps of the next house into the still, vast hall. At the threshhold of an open door she stood spell-bound, her eyes attracted to a pair of handsome large blue ones and a broad pale face. The man's heavy black hair and beard shaded his face, making it appear 34 much whiter by contrast. His perfect red lips were full and large. He was six feet tall, very broad shoul- ders and narrow-waisted, denoting great strength. Trix knew that this talented young physician was slowly dying. As each gazed into each other's eyes they seemed to have known each other for years in- stead of days. With tears in her eyes she returned to her young husband. Loyal W. Haskell was reading by the open window in the sunshine. "Loyal, it must be terrible to die young." Later they buried Dr. Alvin Bush at Lakeport, where he was born, near his old home, close to his little daughter Millie. Willard, his golden-haired son, never realized that his best and dearest friend and protector was dead. Dr. Bush was placed among the golden California poppies. The tall blue vase on his grave was filled every Sabbath with pure white lilies, an emblem of his noble character. Golden and crimson roses grew around his tomb. The stillness was only broken by the songs of sweet birds. "Loyal, I pity his baby. How cruel it is that such an intelligent doctor should die so young with lung trouble. How he loved his son." Tuberculosis killed this great man and thousands of others. It should be universally fought by living out- doors and eating good pure food." : 'Loyal, dear, bend your curly head close to my own. I want to whisper a secret in your ear." 'We must leave this Sanitarium, Trix, where we can enjoy home life." "O, Loyal, how happy I will be in a tiny home all alone with you, dear. We will buy a cute little home at once on the installment plan." 'Trix, here is a letter from your home." "My dear children, I have made you a present of a place in Los Angeles. Enjoy it. We will write a long letter next time. Your father and mother.' 35 "O, Loyal, why can't we go at once?", "Trix, we will pack our trunks now, and start from San Francisco on the next boat that leaves for the sunny south." "I will put my nurse's diploma in my suit case." : 'Trix, I am glad we caught this boat in time. How calm the waters are. Look at the seals dive for fish. See how fast we are sailing out from the Golden Gate." "Loyal, I am getting sea sick. Thank you for the hot water; I am better now. Loyal, come watch the great golden sun sinking in the rose-tinted horizon. What a perfect twilight this is. All the colors of the rainbow are floating on the blue sea." "Look, Trix, there is a bold whale in the distance." They silently watched the golden purple sun as he left his glittering pathway behind him in exchange for day. Smilingly and gracefully he dived into the ocean's depths. "Loyal dear, I would love to paint this pretty marine scene." 'Trix, paint me landing that big fat whale." ; 'Loyal, this constant rocking to and fro of the pur- ple sea rests me." 'You need the rest ; you have worked hard for your diploma. Trix, I am going to retire." "I long to stay out here and see the moonlight shin- ing on the waters. O how I enjoyed that glorious sunset," mused Trix. "O, how delightful this voyage is, the noise of the waves is sweet music to my ear. How wonderful and powerful God is to keep such a noisy, restless sea in its bed." How safe she felt, trusting in Him for love and protection. A sweet new happiness filled her soul, as the moonlight cast a golden path on the turbulent waters. Her thoughts soared above the angry waters, and seemed to mingle with an angel in rapture, somewhere away out in the fathomless ocean of space, far above the dark strug- gling billows her soul found rest. Trix rejoiced in 36 this new bliss, for she was young and the world was beautiful to her. She thought life was grand and worth living nobly. She determined to do all in her power to make the world more beautiful, because she had sensed the divine presence of an angel. This new knowledge made her happy. For a moment the soul was lifted up and experienced a strange new joy. It may have been only a fancy, yet this impressive day dream gave her new light and hope, new visions. Her soul felt the power of a new love. A great divine happiness filled her heart. "Of Love's clear crystal shall one morn look forth, And lo, on the horizon, she will see Another soul, nearing on golden wings, And with a cry of light, a sob of joy, The dear one will fall panting on her breast, And fold his wings and lay his wearied head Upon her heart forever." Nature's Song. "Hast never seen gray mist arise on lonely height? Burst not the sun in gorgeous poppy gold? Nor spread and gleamed in glory as the light In daily-birth transforms this world of old? "Or did no meadow young in spring, with crop Of tiny waxen buds, bestrew its sward, And beckon with a thousand-throated choir To come, and croon, and cull, in sweet accord? "Nor did the moon's pale gleam make waters bright? Nor turn'd the throb of sea to mighty roll? Nor did the long-drawn sigh of quiet night Carress, and lull, and cool, and heal thy soul? "Or dost thou never see, nor ne'er behold? That thou art turned, my Friend, in wrath from God !" -Jennie M. Glass. 37 Trix and Child II. "Home, sweet home," how sacred the words are. What a shame the author of those words should die a homeless beggar a lonely tramp. Many noble souls die in the slums on a bed of straw. Poverty is a dis- grace where there is so much land going to waste. ^ * * # * "Loyal, see my new blue aprons I made today." "They look like sheets to me." "I made two in five minutes. All I did was to hem both ends. I made two button-holes in the corners and cross it in the back, bring the two corners in front and button them just like this." "Trix, you look sensible and as beautiful as a Greek goddess in such a robe." "It only takes me a few minutes to iron them." "Wear them all the time, dear; you look sweet in them." "I made them to save work, so I would have more time to devote to you and my music. Loyal, I dreamed last night a wicked demon that lived in Purgatory influenced the Kaiser to fight the world ; he refused to be influenced by these wicked Harris demons. So the dark spirits went to some younger princes that longed for more wealth and power, the Harris fiends in- fluenced the men in such a way as to throw all Europe in war without giving the other nations any warning. Loyal, I dreamed I could read their thoughts. I saw by their aura that they had hypnotised some men to blow up the Times and other buildings on the Pacific Coast. Bill Harris caused this great disaster years ago. This dreadful war lasted for years. I saw young- widows making broth out of poor dogs to feed their starving babies. I saw them fight in the air and on land and water. After millions of men were killed and wounded I saw the Allies win." "Trix, I guess you ate too much supper. All nations are too civilized to ever go to war now." 38 "Loyal, the postman just handed me a letter for you from a woman." That night Trix read the long love letter to her hus- band. She cried all night ; in the morning she forgave all for her child's sake. She tried hard to win her hus- band's love and make their home beautiful. Poor Trix taught music, played in church, and worked and saved at home, while Loyal flirted and courted weak-minded women. Months went by without any change in the home. "Loyal dear, I have a surprise for you ; I have traded this old home for a nicer one out in the foothills." In a few days they were all settled in their lovely new home. How happy beautiful Augusta was in the new home. Her large handsome soft brown eyes were filled with love and happiness. Prosperity changed the past conditions. Augusta May grew tall and was per- fectly happy. Loyal bought new furniture, a new piano and Victrola. Every evening was devoted to music and hard study. Trix worked and prayed ; she did all in her power to make those around her happy. Again Loyal began to flirt and neglect Trix. When alone he would swear at her if she did not do all he requested her to. He grew coarse and vulgar and abused her constantly. Trix longed for a companion and a perfect love. She was romantic and very refined. She was lonely and craved her husband's love and com- panionship. Her sensitiveness and refinement caused her great suffering. When alone she prayed for death, and often cried herself to sleep. Her tears brought more curses and abuse from her husband. He seemed to be obsessed by demons. Trix grew ill and said her heart began to pain her. Trix concealed her great sorrow and lavished her love on her child. She was perfectly innocent of any wrong and could not under- stand why she should suffer so. She did not care for wealth, love was everything to her. She was miser- able without it, and determined to make her child 39 happy. Trix adored her daughter. They were all so happy and delighted, the home seemed like heaven. The magnificent scenery was perfect. In the distance the mountains were covered with snow, below farms, lawns, and beautiful flowers covered the valley. At sunrise the hills were carpeted with pale green, crim- son and gold. The Arroyo Seco flowed gracefully by. Oranges were ripe. Below the orange trees was a yellow tea rose arbor, pink and red roses bloomed on the broad veranda; on the east side Cecil Bruners climbed among the graceful hanging ferns. Sweet mignonette, fuchsias, lilies, yellow poppies, red and white geraniums and ferns grew along the side, hedg- ing the lawn in. "Loyal dear, I love the aviary you built off from the dining, room. Listen, dear, how sweetly our birds sing all day long, their melodious songs make our good neighbors happy." On the hillside the mocking birds, orioles, linnets and meadow larks sang concerts in the elderberry, hawthorn and pepper trees. "Augusta dear, come and see these graceful pink and white roses." They were planted in the shade, then climbed to the top of the pepper tree to bask in God's sunshine. The eucalyptus sways gracefully to and fro, its red and green leaves are rustling in the breeze. "Loyal dear, I love to walk with you among the golden brown leaves. Loyal, will you fix a swing here for our child?" "Papa, now that you have finished it, swing me high as you can." "O, Cousin Goldie, come and see what a nice swing papa has made for us." The girls romped and played like children, yet they were in their teens. Trix smiled and did her duty with a broken heart. She determined that no one should know her secret sorrow. No one realized by her sweet smiling face that she constantly yearned for death. 40 The greatest sorrow that can befall a wife is not to possess her husband's love. She earnestly prayed that no one else would ever suffer as she had. 'Trix, get ready and we will go to Redondo today and fish." . . . "O joy! Goldie and I will swim our heads off." "Girls, come and see the pretty shells and moon- stones we have found. I have found an opal." 'Trix, it is bad luck unless I find one." "Loyal, after supper we will fish by the moonlight." "Goldie and I will go swimming." Soon they were knee-deep in the surf. Some college boys were diving in the waves near by. "Look out, cousin, here comes a wave that will drown us." "Goldie, where are you?" "Help! Help!" . . "Boys, I am so glad that you have saved her." "Girls, we will take you home in our machine to avoid the crowd." "How can we ever reward you for saving our lives?" said Augusta. "We thought you were dead," said Edward Loope. "I was, but I came to life." 'You may reward us with kisses if you will," said Wesley Stowe to Goldie. "Mr. Stowe, you are brave, but altogether too fresh." "You judge me wrongly, Goldie ; please forgive me. I love you, dear. I have watched you from a distance all day long, wait- ing anxiously to ask you to be my wife." "Cousin Goldie, I am glad we are at home, I am frozen stiff." "Girls, may we teach you how to swim tomorrow?" 'We will be in the surf early tomorrow morning," said Goldie. "Augusta, I wish you would go with us to the dance tonight." "I love to dance, cousin, and I will be over soon as we can dress." "We will call for you in one hour." That night they danced joyfully until midnight. ... A few months later, the boys called on the girls at their city home, with their arms full of red roses and candy. These happy four would sing love songs in the soft moonlight. They were in- separable. "Augusta, you are the sweetest girl in the 41 world. I love you dearly," Goldie whispered. Those were golden days of love and song. Every day was a perfect day, for the young and old danced and dined together. Those were truly golden days, for the sweet young girls. How beautiful youth is. O how often the aged pray for it. "Girls, get your old clothes on ; we will walk to the hills and pick some pretty red holly for our Christmas party." When the house was decorated Augusta said, "Mamma, how perfectly lovely our home looks with the tree loaded with fruit, nuts, candy canes, presents and all decorated with silvery white, blue and gold." The home was brilliantly lighted, the young folks were laughing and dancing to the sweet strains of a new Victrola. All insisted on Augusta May doing some of her artistic dancing. How pretty and fairy-like she looked as her long curly brown hair floated gracefully around her slender young form. "O if one could only paint the sweet smile, the little dainty chin, the large tender soft brown eyes, the picture would make the artist famous," thought Ed. As Augusta whirled un- der the mistletoe Edward caught her in his arms and kissed her. How the girls sighed as the guests said good-bye. They sat a long time in the darkness silent- ly watching the tiny candles dying one by one. Thus our youth seems to flee, or loving friends die in the night-time, vanishing from our midst like stars before sunrise. "Augusta, if I should die, I would return to you and comfort you ; in so doing that would prove there is no space or distance. Sweetheart, the lan- guage of the ants, bees and most insects is a kind of thought transference. Maybe I can in some way in- fluence our birds to sing near you so that you will know that mother is watching over you dear. Through all eternity we can communicate by mental telepathy. Jesus is in Heaven, yet He still sends messages of love in this way. He has often flashed His picture to us in this manner on waves of electricity. I know people who have seen Him. Jesus is so busy that it must have 42 been a perfect electric painting of himself that they saw, so perfect that they thought it was Him. Jesus pressed a napkin to His face while on the way to Cal- vary. This marvellous painting is now in Rome in perfect condition." "Mama, I want to go to Rome to see that picture. Maybe this war has ruined it." III. 'Trix dear, I just heard of a fine seance, I want to go out of curiosity." "So do I, Loyal, I never went to one. We will go just for fun." ; 'Trix, I think the communication with the dead is an impossibility." . . . "Here we are, Loyal, the house is filled with nice people." 'The psychic has invited us to examine the trumpet and everything in the house, and we have hunted the house over and cannot find anything wrong." They heard their grand- mother Mary's voice. Later they saw her materialize. She looked just as she did on earth. They saw lights. Daisy, an invisible angel, picked flowers in the yard and brought them in by means of the fourth dimen- sion. They heard independent voices and beautiful songs. :< Trix, there is a Dr. Alvin Bush, who wishes to talk to you." "Loyal, how strange, as we had en- tirely forgotten him." Daisy moved the horn close to Trix. ;< Trix, I am the Doctor you saw dying in Oak- land some years ago. I passed away about the time you were married. I remember how beautiful you looked standing in the doorway afraid to come in." :< Why do you come to me, Doctor, I did not know you." "By the law of attraction, Trix. Come tomor- row night, I have so much to tell you. Will you come?" "Yes, I will come." "It will rain tomorrow night." "Doctor, I will come anyway." In spite of all her misery Trix experienced a strange happiness. The next morning on her pillow she saw a box of handsome rings set with all kinds of pretty stones, the rings dis- appeared in space, and one diamond appeared close, for a long time. She could not understand it, so she went to the seance to ask about the ring. She was so sorry 43 Loyal had to work that night. After singing "Nearer, My God, to Thee," Doctor came close to her and talked. This time stronger than the night before. ''Doctor, why did I see a diamond ring this morning?" "You may call it an engagement ring if you will, Trix. Dear, we were united by a law you do not understand at present, but which I will unfold so you will understand. Come here and develop your psychic talents. Your dreams are real. You will live and see most of them come true. Trix, from this on we will grow closer and closer together, I will come to you at twilight and at dawn to picture the beauties of unseen worlds to you. At night I will hold you close to my heart and float away to some distant star with you. It is my pleasure to fill your life with sun- shine and your pathway with flowers. You have been unconscious of my presence, yet I have been with you ever since my transmission. My dear, you are a beautiful psychic. You will prove to others there is no death. Some of the names of your angels are Ade- laide, Daisy, Henry ( Millie, Lily, Frank Burke and his folks. Mary, Daisy and others materialized. Millie and her little adopted sister named Kate Burke wore pink with a lace overdress. Dr. Bush wore a purple robe, embroidered with gold stars. Dr. Frank wore long white robes trimmed in gold. Daisy wound up a music box, then it floated around the room. Horns and flowers floated. At the same time they could see by the little spirit lights that not a human hand touched any floating object. Angels with soft white draperies that glistened with light mingled with them ; they saw and felt invisible children in their laps. These children talked and laughed as human children do. Trix woke up next morning with Kate's little fork in her fingers ; it was ten minutes before it disappeared in space. She also saw a large yellow diamond, then held the perfect cut stone in her mouth to see if it was real. Soon as she was convinced that she saw a real diamond from Mars an angel kissed her and she returned the gem. 44 While alone in her room Trix saw some of the faces she had seen before at the seance. While wide awake she saw a box of rings and jewels from Mars. This proved beyond a doubt there are jewels in other worlds. "Loyal, how brightly the stars are shining after the terrible storm last night." 'Trix, I must re- tire so I can get up early tomorrow morning." Trix sighed when he had gone. "I am restless and lonely. How I wish I could sleep. If I could only throw off this sadness." Suddenly she felt the presence of a tall form clothed in long flowing white robes. She looked up and saw the Doctor smiling at her. He playfully wound her white shawl around her face and shoulders. "Trix, isn't my love great enough to make you happy?" "I love you, Doctor, maybe I wrong Loyal; when I married him I thought I loved him." "So you did. Keep him and be happy. Our happiness begins at your death your glorious death. That day will be the happiest day of your life. We will be united then, never to part." "How I welcome death. This new love has changed my life." "Come in the house, love, it is too cold out here for you." The lights were out, all was still and dark, the others were sound asleep. The room was rilled with a soft blue and pink light. Doctor tossed his heavy black hair back and placed a plain wedding ring on her finger and two diamonds. He showed her a perfect white bridal veil and dress. "Now do you understand, dear, how I love you?" "I can hardly realize yet that there are marriages in Heaven." Suddenly a beautiful light fell on the Bible. Doctor placed one hand on it, raised the other toward Heaven and solemnly swore he was her other half, her husband, the very man God created for her alone. "Doctor, I know you were the soul of honor on earth. Daisy and others tell me you are now an archangel on a very high plane. Daisy knows your high rank by your robes. I worship and respect you, for you have made our love so sacred. How proud I was of you when you gave me my engagement ring in public at 45 the seance. I cannot understand this strange new love for you. A holy new love fills my soul, I worship the one God has made for me alone. This new truth fills my life with sunshine. I live in ecstasy now." "Trix, I see you as clear as the day. I love you. How new and strange that I should worship an angel. I feel your pretty soft lips pressed against my own, my little fawn, love, babe." "Now for the first time I regret that I am a mortal of flesh and blood bound to earth." "Trix, it is late, I must kiss you good-night and go." She stood on the front steps watching his tall graceful figure float away in the starlight. She gazed until his long white robes were like clouds in the distance. "I long to go with him. I regret that I am a prisoner on earth, bound in this weak flesh that must grow old from long pain and worry, then die. I shiver as I realize that the slimy worms will crawl over me and devour me slowly. How worthless and ugly we are after the soul leaves the body. More helpless and life- less than the worms that eat us, is the form without spirit or mind. After all, mind is everything and should be highly cultivated." The next night she found herself waiting again for some one to come. "Love fills my soul, new beautiful love, love that will live forever. The stars are brighter than ever, Heaven is not so far away. Love is more valuable than life. I love an angel more than my child or husband. I must be the only woman in the world madly in love with an invisible gentleman." In the pale amber moon- light she could see the long white robes covered with a blue silk mantle thrown gracefully over his broad shoulders. She felt his warm kisses on her yearning lips and ecstasy filled her life. She never dreamed a mortal could be so happy and life. She was too happy to speak or move. ''Doctor, this new mysterious love is so sacred and dear to me." 'Trix, some day every man will enjoy his own, the same as I do you, babe. My Trix pet, love is all there is, it is life's happiness and heaven, my wife, my love." She could not under- 46 stand the meaning of his words. Was there ever such an experience as hers to love a spirit? She didn't re- spect Loyal for he let a dark woman flirt with him. "Doctor, the greatest faculty of the mind is love. Love like ours is resplendent golden. Your great love for me has made death beautiful. I welcome death. I can truly say now 'Death, where is thy sting? O, grave, where is thy victory?' Darling, you have made me the happiest girl on earth." She nestled closer to his handsome form ; he clasped her to his heart and kissed her a thousand times. She felt the strong heart o of an angel beat close to her own. 'Trix, I overheard you tell the stars your love for me. I will whisper my love direct to thee." "How lovely to hear whisper- ings of love clairaudiently." "Doll, I have beautiful jewels for you, you sweet little love bird. I am build- ing a beautiful home for you in Mars. You are gazing on the very red star that we will live on some day. How we will enjoy each other then. Our honeymoon will last forever, dear, and love will increase as we sing and study together." "Doctor, will you help me with my lessons in the next world?" "My sweet little wife, that will be a great pleasure for me." "Did God create us for each other?" "Yes, love. Remember, Trix, my own, my love is greater than yours ; we make no mistakes over there, Archangels teach us the phil- osophy of spirit mates and life. Mortals cannot see our teachers even clairvoyantly. These great intelli- gent souls have told me that you are my spirit mate, my own wife. You are the only lady that I love or own. You are part of me. Before our birth to earth, our souls mingled as one surrounded by a pale oval- shaped light, two lights in the center mingled together by the law of attraction. You were a tiny negative light, I a positive one ; these were spirit-mate germs which later create the mind. Then the mind develops and lives and loves forever." "How?" "Dear, you were born with a physical and spiritual body. Our mind is dual and has two bodies while on Earth. After our glo- 47 rious resurrection we only have our perfect spiritual bodies. We are never born on earth but once ; we pass on and on until we reach Heaven. We are translated from one planet to higher ones about every twenty thousand years. At first, we gradually grow more ethereal and brighter. Each new translation makes our mind and body stronger and more perfect. Light is life and power. There would be no life without light. Live in the sunshine all you can. Live as long as you can ; it gives you more strength and power after death. Learn all you can. Your mind takes you just where you belong over here. No fool can enter Heaven; here they can study and develop the mind, and in time are translated on to a higher planet, the same as we will be. God is just, and there is hope for all. Trix, my doll, at your transmission I will take your beauti- ful spiritual form in n1y arms and carry you home, never to be parted again. Be happy with Loyal and your child until I come for you. I want him to sup- port and protect you. Please don't worry, love, but enjoy life more. Keep Loyal, for a low wicked dark woman called Lena wants to part you. She ruined his life once when he was a young boy, and she an old married woman on earth with two children. He de- serted her for you and honor, and now she wants revenge. Don't attract her by thinking of her. Please do just as I say. I could not see you face this selfish world alone with this woman influencing your friends against you." ''Doctor, I promise to stay at home with Loyal, where I am safe." 'Trix, you had better go to sleep now. Tonight, in your dreams you will see vis- ions of other worlds. All I picture to you will be facts." Suddenly she was in a garden of beautiful flowers on a sloping bank. She picked a heavy cluster of purple hyacinths. Pansies and violets grew in abundance. Many flowers that grew on earth were there ; the leaves and petals were perfect and did not fall. They did not pick the flowers there, as they loved life, and were sensitive to pain and joy. Since she had 48 seen some of the magnificent flowers in other worlds she planted flowers, fruit trees and vegetables in her own yard. She had a hundred varieties of pretty roses. In spite of all her hard work the yard was a poor imi- tation of the gardens she had seen in other worlds, because of insects, worms and "devil-grasses" which she never saw in Mars. "Love, please don't work so hard with the garden and housework. I know it is best for you to work for the angel world. Trix, love, give your visions of the soul world to this selfish war-mad world/' "Doctor, I will work for God and His an- gels. 'Thy will be done on earth as it is done in Heaven.' May we love and help each other more. May we live for others and practice the Golden Rule cheerfully." "Trix, my doll, the greater our educa- tion the more benevolent we are." "My darling Doc- tor, I must do more good from this time on, so I can be worthy of you when I die, dear. I want to go on with you and not be earth-bound, groping in darkness and despair." 'Trix, my love, each must work out his own salvation. Send out good thoughts, and they will return to you and comfort you ; plan the ruin of an- other and you will fall the same way. If you wish to climb higher, help others up. Good-night, little love, I must go to work now. I am always very busy, pet. All angels are, dear. Kiss me good-night, you tiny love-bird. My dove, I adore you." Next morning she noticed that some of her flowers were in bloom. "Augusta dear, come and see the beautiful flowers. I planted them to make you and papa happy. I will pick a bouquet of these large American Beauties and give them to your violin teach- er." "Mamma dear, she will go wild over those hand- some roses." "Here on the sunny side of the house are golden California poppies, pansies and sweet peas.. Our barn looks well covered with old English ivy min- gled with pink and white sweet peas and morning glor- ies on the back fence ; they climb every tree in the yard, dear. Here is a pretty bed of the morning bride. 49 I have all the colors of the rainbow in this garden." "Mamma, I love these Chinese pinks and sweet alys- sium." "Pick them whenever you please, dear." "I will pick some of these dear old-fashioned red and yellow calendula and marigolds." "I will pick some zinnia for your room, love, and some asters for papa's room." "Mamma, how artistic you and papa have made these grounds. I like the border of calliop- ses around the violets. How beautiful the long rows of iris and calla lilies are in the rear." "My daughter, these beautiful flowers are so perfect they look as if angels had transplanted them from Heaven in the silence of the night. How I love the flower gardens, the trees, the lawn and our dear home. Our fragrant orange trees are in bloom ; at a distance the blossoms look like white stars decorating the green. Mocking- birds sing all day long in our trees, our pet canaries, although imprisoned in their aviaries, join the happy wild birds in one grand outburst of melody. Sweet music fills the air at all times. Our bungalow is sur- rounded by sunshine on the hillside." Augusta nestled on the lawn among the flowers, her long curly hair tinged with gold waved among the tall graceful tube- roses. She got most of her lessons in the sunshine. Their hearts were filled with love and happiness. Of- ten in the twilight lovely angels clothed in white visit- ed them to protect them. They heard them whisper sweet words of love and comfort; even if their homes and conditions are better than ours, these white-robed messengers of love teach us to be contented under all conditions, whether young or old, rich or poor. "Augusta, love, please form a new habit of smiling while you study ; be happy and contented under all circumstances. We can always communicate with each other by thought transference. Dolly dear, when you smile you are the most beautiful'girl in the world." 'You think so, because I am your only child. Mamma, I wish every one was happy as we are." "Dear child, I wish every one had more than we have. It is our 50 duty to be happy and make others happy. If I were rich I would use one half to build schools. We need more schools. I wish all young folks could be edu- cated as you are. How sweet of you to never miss a day of school. With all your studies in school I don't see how you can paint and play the piano and violin so beautifully, and yet you have time to dance and swim. You are mother's brilliant fairy-mermaid, my little queen. Mind is everything, so learn all you can ; it develops the soul and draws you closer to God. All you take to the other world is your education and wonderful mind. Study hard ; it pays, love. Live in ecstasy, think good thoughts. Jesus taught us 'as one thinketh so is he.' Dear heart, please don't sigh or worry over anything. W 7 e provide for you. We wor- ship you. Think how much more we have than Christ had. Augusta, love, wear your pink silk dress that Pearl gave you. Come in the house ; I will give you extra money for your college party tonight." "Mama dear, how good you are to me. I am always going to stay with you and papa and never going to get mar- ried. How beautifully the home is decorated in green and white. Mama, I am ashamed to spend so much on a party, when poor papa is slaving to pay off the mortgage on this beautiful home." "Augusta dear, don't worry your pretty little head, I will make it up in economy. I must sell more of my books so you can keep in college, love. We will get some more music pupils. Love, papa and I will play chess in his den while you young people enjoy yourselves alone. I could not be happy unless you are." "Cousin Goldie, hurry up and get ready for our party, we all know that gink Wesley Stowe is in love with you." "I hope he tells me so when he takes me out in his new automo- bile tomorrow." "How strange, Goldie, Edward Loope and I are going also. We will race you. Here the boys come now. I hope they did not hear us, or they might conceited. Wesley, how happy you look." "Goldie, come and see my new auto. We will ride around the block ; 51 they will never miss us." "Goldie, I must kiss you before I let you out. I love you, little one." "Let me go, I hear my stately cousin calling us." "Goldie, this party is too grand for you to sneak out and take moon- light rides." "Augusta, you look like a beautiful queen at an ancient banquet." ;< I am Cleopatra ; the next time you leave us I will have my pet lions eat you up." "Goldie, dear, you look like a little fairy with your sweet smiles." 'Wesley, they will know we are in love if they find us here in the hall alone." "Goldie, I fell in love with you the first time I ever saw you. I have carried this diamond ring in my vest pocket a month trying to get up courage enough to ask you to be my wife. Will you run away with me to Santa Ana tomorrow? I must marry you now." "Why not wait until I am twenty-one? What is your hurry?" "It would kill me to wait. I have other reasons. We must keep our marriage a secret as your mother would never give her consent." .. . . "O Goldie, Edward won the first prize in pit. Why do you blush so? Do you love him?" "Cousin, I love Wesley; he is so tall, dark and handsome." "I am crazy over blondes." "Girls, go to sleep or you will not be able to go to school to- morrow." . . . "Loyal, what a perfect day this is. I hate to wake the girls up for breakfast ; they look so sweet in each other's arms. Goldie so white with light brown hair tinged with gold in the sunlight ; our child so dark with wonderful mild brown eyes and dark brown curly hair." Goldie shook Augusta. "Augusta, wake up. I dreamed I saw my dead sister Eva last night all in white. Eva was tall and dark and resembled you. She implored me not to leave school. I felt her kiss and hug me just as she used to." "Goldie, dear heart, I will be your sister. I never had a sister or brother. I will adopt you and always love you ; you look like a sweet angel doll today." "Augusta, will you comb my hair over. I want to look my very best today for 52 Wese." That evening Goldie came home late. "Goldie, I am so glad you have returned. Your poor mother is worried to death over you." "Augusta, if you will promise to keep a secret I will tell you why I was gone so long. Cousin, see my wedding ring. Here in our suit case is our marriage certificate. Cous- in, I love my husband dearer than life. O how pre- cious this paper is. Life seems different to me now that I am a bride. My sweet cousin, I am too happy to breathe. I fell in love with him the day he saved my life. That was a joyous new day to me, dear. O that lovely night in the moonlight by the sea he kissed me, my soul was filled with ecstasy." "I often won- dered why you stayed out until midnight. I wish you great prosperity and happiness, dear heart. Listen, Goldie, I hear voices. It is Wesely." "Hello, Morris, do you think you can keep a secret?" "I certainly can, Stowe." "I just married Goldie secretly." : 'Thank God it was not Augusta. I want her myself soon as I get rich." Above them Augusta was trembling. "Wese, I will throw these roses in her window." "Girls, come down stairs, we will sing and dance to- gether." Goldie wore her wedding dress. Augusta wore yellow silk trimmed in pink. roses. They danced with the boys until midnight. . . . Morning came. :< Wese, wake up ! I just dreamed a pretty angel named Eva showed me a gold mine in Arizona. She was dark and tall, with large brown eyes. I will go for Goldie's sake. I will phone her and tell her about the dream." "How strange, Ed, she just told me she has a sister dead, of that very description. My mother's dreams always came true. I will go with you. To- morrow night will be our last with the girls for some time. To part from those we love is one of the great- est sorrows in this world." "Wese, that is why I hate war, as it breaks up happy homes. I long for a wife and children. I must have a companion to love." 53 Goldie's heart beat violently as the phone rang. "Augusta dear, the boys are on the way here. I am glad the folks are gone so we can enjoy them alone." "Answer the bell, Goldie, I want to powder my freckles." "Goldie, how sweet you look all in white tonight." : 'Boys, won't you stay for supper?" said Augusta smil- ingly. 'Yes, if we can help cook it." Augusta started the Victrola so they heard popular love songs as they laughed and worked. The supper went off gaily. "Augusta, will you take a spin in my car while the bride and groom are doing the dishes?" "Nothing would please me better, Edward." Later they were walking in the moonlight on the beach. "Augusta May, I love this place for I first saw you here, caressed by the lucky waves. I brought you here just to tell you how dearly I love you. Will you be my wife soon as I get a home for you, dear?" "Edward, I love you too and will marry you. I want the opportunity to finish college first. Ed, I know that we will always be happy .together." "Sweetheart, you are the most beau- tiful girl I ever saw, and so talented in every respect. I am the most fortunate man in the world. I will make myself more worthy of you and live for you alone." "I am cold, Edward, we must return." "Please wait here a moment, doll. I will wrap you in a warm robe and carry you to the machine." At home Augusta entertained her folks with songs and artistic dancing. Edward announced their engagement, then Trix clasped her only child to her heart. Wese cried, "Goldie, come out on the veranda ; I want to kiss you good-bye, dear." 'Wesely, I long to go with you. I hate to be parted even for a day." "My wife, if I should ever leave you for wealth would you forgive me?" "I will think about it and tell you later." "I beg you to tell me now, Goldie." : 'I will forgive everything long as you are absolutely true to me. I never could love a man that would be untrue to me. I do hate a flirt, dear." "So do I, Goldie." 'Then I am glad we are 54 married, Wese." "Why don't you ask your husband for money, dear, as others do?" "I don't know how." "Here is all I have, dear; make it last long as you can. Don't that sound like an old married man? My sweet little wife, it proves you love me to marry a poor boy like me, honey-bunch." ; 'We married for love and not money." "I am the happiest man in the world. Kiss me again, Goldie. Here is more money for you." "It seems so new and strange to take money from. a man." "Re- member, dear, I am your only husband. Soon as I get rich we will buy a nice home." "Augusta hov; did you get out here so soon?" "We have been here two hours. Time flies when you are in love." "How do you know, Edward?" "Kiss us good-bye and don't tell my folks we were here for we must keep the mar- r ; age a secret." The girls were left alone. "Goldie, listen, the dear boys are singing to us under the window. Goldie, how beautiful the song is, what wonderful voices !" 'When stars are in the quiet skies then most I pine for thee; Bend on me then thy tender eyes as stars look on the sea, For thoughts like waves that glide by night are stillest when they shine ; Mine earthly love lies hushed in light beneath the stars of thine ; Mine earthly love lies hushed in light beneath the Heaven of thine. There is an hour when angels keep familiar watch on men, When coarser souls are wrapped in sleep, Sweet spirit, meet me then. There is an hour when holy dreams through slumber fairest glide, And in that mystic hour it seems thou shouldst be by my side. 55 The thoughts of thee too sacred are for daylight's common beam ; I can but know thee as my star, my angel, and my dream. When stars are in the quiet skies, then most I pine for thee ; Bend on me then thy tender eyes, as stars look on the sea. 3 "Weseley, do you realize how lonely your bride will be while you are away? Women pine and die just from terrible loneliness." "Ed, those poor little girls never dreamed it was our last night with them for some time. We will pack our eats and clothes in this suit case, then start for Arizona about dawn." "Why not start now ? I am too broken hearted to sleep, Ed. I am ashamed of myself for leaving Goldie. I am glad I gave her all I had." "Wese, I borrowed some on my watch. We can sell the machine soon as we get there." 5^C 5j* *j* f ^* "How fine these roads are." "Not for those who 'pay taxes." "Look at the sun showing his glorious golden head over the lofty mountains. What a beauti- ful morning this is. The speeding is fine, the air is delightful, the scenery grand and inspiring. What a change from the noisy city. W r ese, I am hungry as a bear. W r e may as well camp here by the running brook and cook supper. Look at the rainbow trout. Get busy with your line and earn your supper. Wese, here are some beauties. We have plenty to last us for a month. Old man, we will fry them on this flat stone." "Look yonder!" "Hush your face and get the gun, a fool for luck. There is a big fat buck drinking out of our stream." "Ed, you accidentally killed him ; it proves the Lord will provide." ;< Beau, this is the finest venison I ever ate," Two days later, after driv- ing all the while, they stopped. 'Why not stop at this old shack and trade some venison for a good hot meal and some bread?" "Boys, that deer head is a beauty. c: 6 I will give you grub to last you a month for it." "It is a go, stranger." "Ed, how hospitable the people are in the mountains." It is late, we must drive on." "Wese, I had a strange dream last night." 'You are living too high." "Laugh, I will tell it anyway. I dreamed I saw a tall handsome angel with heavy black hair, dark blue eyes, broad face through the eyes, large red lips, fair complexion and broad shoulders. His long blue robes were perfect, gold stars were woven in the rich cloth. He pleaded with a sincere rich mus- ical voice for us to go to Europe, work for speedy and permanent peace, form a congress of all nations to settle all trouble, by money and never by cruel blood- shed. God said 'Thou shalt not kill.' All nations should love one another and help each other, he said. "Go and enlist as spies in the army. Teach the poor soldiers to strike ! Suggest a great strike. Plan it all out first with the men. Try to end the war at once. We will protect you and help you day by day. We will influence others to help you. Stop this heart- less war and bring about universal love and prosper- ity. We beg you to save those noble white soldiers. What a crime to murder each other." I said, "Doctor, I would go at once if I had the money." 'We will pro- vide the money if you make the conditions." He beckoned me to follow him to a tall pine tree among the rocks near the spring we saw last night." "Ed, when I saw that tree, I thought may be there was gold there." : 'We will return to it just to see if there is anything in dreams. We swear that if there is gold there we will sell at once and go to Europe." "It is a bargain. We will do it, W r ese. I would give my life to end this awful war." "So would I. It is the most cruel and heartless war the world has ever known. Come to the tree at once, Ed." . . . "This spring water is cool and refreshing after digging so long for gold." "Wese, come here !" "Gold ! At last we have found gold ! Look see how it sparkles in the sunlight ; after all, some dreams are true ; this gold convinces me 57 that the Doctor in my dreams was a living reality ; this proves he has intelligence. We will put the utmost confidence in him. I hope he comes again. Let me dig deeper, Ed. Here is gold in abundance." "If it had not been for the Doctor it would have taken us twenty years to find a mine like this." 'The Doctor has trusted us and paid us in advance. It is an inspira- tion for us to do good." 'Wese, we had better sell at once and go to the war zone." "We must put our stakes down and hurry on to the next town to sell our claim." : 'Wese,, after all, dreams must be true." They rode a little way, and suddenly were impressed to stop. "Here is a small town called Williams. We will try to sell here." "We will show these few men the gold. All the town will be here in no time. Look at the crowd already, Ed." "Gentlemen, we have just discovered a rich gold mine." "We found it by a dream." "Get up on that counter where we can all hear you," cried an excited old miner. "This box will do. The store is too small to hold us all." "Gentle- men, Wese and I want to go to Europe where men are war-mad, where brothers are murdering each other by the thousands. We long to save the noble white race from annihilation. This Doctor in my dreams asked us to beg them to strike. A universal strike would bring about peace. Can we sell this rich mine to some of you or all of you? We will name the mine 'Har- mony' "Here is Chris Martin, Jim Berry and Mr. Park who will buy." "Young men, we will get Frank Parker, the only lawyer in town, to make out the papers." 'We must see the mines first," said Jim Berry. "Come on, boys, for a glimpse of that 'Har- money, then start to the war-zone at once." ; 'Weseley, the town accompanied them. "Boys, it is the real stuff, the finest and richest ore we ever saw." "The mine is worth a million dollars." "We have given you all we can afford," said Parks. 'You get your cash soon as the papers are made out." "I will send Goldie some mony mine.' Maybe it is only a dream." Almost half 58 may God forgive us for leaving our loved ones at home alone. In Europe over twenty million good hon- est white men have been murdered in this awful war. May God help us to save the rest." "I must go, duty calls me. Through dreams angels have opened the way they have given us plenty of money to help those poor dear suffering souls. They need help now. Wese, I hate war, it is a disgrace to civilization. It is murder, heartless insanity. It is a crime." ^J -P 3}C 5jC 5$C IV. "Goldie, here is a letter for each of us. Cousin, I will read my delightful love letter to you. "My own sweetheart : By a dream we discovered a rich mine, sold it and will start to the war zone at once to help' bring about Universal Peace. My beautiful doll, I had a vision just before I woke this morning. You and I were in a white boat feeding swans on a clear blue lake at sunrise ; the lake was up in the mountains close to some big cedar trees. We saw gold and silver fish resting on the mossy rocks below us. You wore a large gold wedding ring and a beautiful crown set with precious jewels. As I awoke the golden sunshine filled the room and a new light dawned upon me. I would have given all I had in the world to have clasped you in my arms, as I did in the boat. I know you are mine. I hope we will be married soon as I return. I love you madly. Sincerely, Your Ed." "Goldie, I hope Ed and I can always live near you and Wesely." "So do I, dear." "Goldie, we will pack your trousseau away in lavender until your husband returns." "I will put it away with lavender and tears, my dear cousin." "Girls, you must cheer up, it will make you old to be so blue. Then your lovers might get a divorce." Then joyfully the women talked over the present and the future. "Girls, we must go into the silence now." For a while Trix lay half asleep. Soon the room was filled with lovely birds and flowers. 59 Gold and silver fish floated on a miniature lake that formed on the table. A large hand materialized near Trix holding a box of valuable jewels. 'Trix, we will visit Mars now." "How fast can the soul travel, Doctor?" "Just as fast as you can think, dear, so we can see a great deal." Soon they saw the lovely stars of South America. Trix could almost reach them; to her joy, the sky was clear and azure blue. She could not understand why the eyes of her soul were so per- fect. Trix was perfectly happy when traveling in the spirit with her invisible companion. "Doctor, you are my life, my all in all." "You are the same to me, baby doll. I would die for you, love. Trix, I see a great future for this world. South America will progress. White people will settle here. Mexico will be annexed to the United States. The air is pure here, the soil is rich." They floated up again to the war-zone. They saw wicked soldiers shoot a pure young nurse after she had fainted. "Trix, I know another beautiful nurse they intend to secretly shoot at dawn ; she is in yonder prison ; her lover is a French spy." "Doctor, I want to visit her at once." As quick as thought they were kneeling by her cot in a dark filthy cell. "O Doctor, she is a psychic and can understand all we say. Jennie, Doctor and I will put you in a trance. The soldiers will leave you in the prison chapel to- morrow nigfht. While Alvin keeps the guard asleep you fly to your lover in the guard's uniform. You will find money and a revolver in his pockets." "Jennie, you and your lover must go at once to Paris ; there you will be married. Make your mind wake you up tomorrow at midnight. I will be there to influence you to hurry on to the man that adores you. God made you for each other and we will protect twin souls wherever we can find them." Later as Doctor held Trix in his arms near the sweet young girl, who was then in a deep trance, they heard the officers pronounce her dead, As she lay cold and white in the chapel the guard by her side fell asleep. "Wake! Wake up, 60 Jennie ! Put on the guard's clothes and take the mid- night car to your lover." : 'Jennie, drink the wine by his side ; you need nourishment. Now hurry away." "O beautiful angels, will you please go with me?" "Certainly, you poor sweet child. Run along the shadow of this stone wall." They soon saw her clasped in the arms of her lover. Both hurried away and later were married in Paris. 'Trix, I am delight- ed with your missionary work." "O Doctor, I love to work with you." "You inspire me to do God's will, Trix." "O, Doctor, every one is afraid of losing their lives ; so am I." "Love, I guess you have forgotten that your physical body is at home asleep. No one can harm you. As I do not wish you to witness such hunger and suffering, we will float to Mars. Come, babe, we will walk by this calm deep sea. How dif- ferent the water is here from the Pacific with its high waves eternally washing the coast. The waves grad- ually waste away 'your valuable land. There used to be a great deal more land on earth than there is now, Doll. Not a wave has disturbed this sea for hundreds of years. Dear, you will have smooth sailing when you come over here." "Darling Alvin, I know that is a fact in every sense of the word." 'Trix, my baby, I adore you, my own ; you are all in all to me." "Doctor, I worship you. I am miserable when I cannot get in rapport with you, dear." "How beautiful the sea is tonight ; it looks as if God had painted all the colors of the rainbow on its majestic surface, and the moon- light has mingled with the sunlight tonight. O dar- ling, I never saw such a glorious combination of lights." "Love, it never grows any darker here, un- less there is a snow storm in the winter." "Lover, it is a little like our world, only more beautiful." "Your world is young yet and rich. Some day, love, the peo- ple will progress and there will be no more war and selfishness. They must learn by experience that we are all one universal family. They should learn it is 61 a great pleasure to work for others and make people happy. War is wholesale murder and awful crime. War is insanity and ignorance." "I would give my life to stop the .war, Doctor, but I can't." 'Your prayers and thoughts help somewhat, Trix ; nations must learn by sad experience the sorrows of war and hate. War breeds poverty and crime." "Darling Alvin, I cannot keep my eyes away from the sea. Its colors are so fascinating to me." 'Those lights are caused by the reflection of one of our two moons. We are more advanced in electricity than mortals are." "Doctor, how beautiful and calm this vast ocean ; why can I see for miles below its surface?" "The soul seems to have a thousand eyes and can see for miles away. God knows and sees everything, the soul cannot be limited after your transmission, love. Trix, my fawn, come with me and I will show you why it has no waves." "Darling Alvin, what ecstasy to float in your strong young arms over this tranquil sea. What is that great stone building full of glass win- dows for?" "Trix, it is an electric power house that lifts the great gate to this canal. Our gate controls the canals like your dams do the rivers." The water flowed swiftly, the waves in this canal were two feet high and miles long. "These canals bring rain and keep our climate temperate. Canals act as a break- water and keep the land from sliding into the water. Your world would be richer and more perfect if you had canals as we have. Doll, do you see that great round building in the distance?" 'Yes, dear." "It is a temple where we worship God in spirit and in truth, Trix, teach a new religion founded on the Ten Commandments, teach all to practice the Golden Rule every day. For example, mortals do not speak to strangers ; that is unchristian-like and cruel. Bow and smile to all. Christ did, even to His enemies." "Doc- tor, even the hills arer covered with blue grass ; what wonderful scenery, how I enjoy the play grounds and parks ; every one we meet smiles and speaks. A proof 62 of Christianity." "Trix, my poor child, please don't nurse. Why don't you let Loyal support you, dear?" "Doctor, he spends most of his time and money with other women." "I beg you to leave your patient at once. Go home, take a hot bath and rest. You must sleep, love ! Doll, Bill Harris and Lena have planned to obsess you so they can part you from Loyal ; they influence him to flirt and swear at you. Babe, look out for these dark ignor- ane demons that are trying to ruin you." "I will go home now, darling. Doctor, I feel faint, I cannot walk another step." Poor little Trix had fainted alone in the public park. While Alvin ran for help, Bill took possession of this poor helpless innocent girl. While suffering alone in the darkness she heard Bill and Lena swearing at her. She saw many dark forms surround her, she was afraid of them and too ill and nervous to get into Alvin's vibration. She knew her darling could come if she could keep calm and prayerful. While Lena was throwing snakes on her and made it appear to her that the lawn was a den of live poison- ous vipers, Bill took possession of her mind so he could get his wicked, insane son out of darkness and despair. Al Harris, his son, shot himself to avoid going to prison after robbing a bank and stealing ten thousand dollars from his mistress. He had planned making a million by keeping innocent young white girls in misery and shame. Al had forged checks to carry on the degrading traffic in girls, for years. Bill brought his low depraved son to poor Trix for strength and light. Soon as Al came, Dr. Bush materialized as a human and carried his sweetheart home while uncon- scious. Doctor held her close to his heart all night. It was a dark stormy night, the cold hailstones were the size of marbles. "Thank God you are safe, Trix, my love." A strong young man brought me home in his arms." Doctor smiled as he threatened to murder the young stranger. Later the Harris fiends began to abuse Trix again. It was a mental torture. A silent 63 breathless struggle ensued. A war of wills clashed about Trix. For hours her mind was strained and beaten about as a piece of iron among many magnets. But there came a moment when calm was hers. She gasped in the cool air. Only God and His holy angels know how poor Trix suffered from this heartless Lena Colby and the Harris fiends. It was their nature to be cruel. "My poor little dove, I will protect you against man or woman. Trix, my sweet child, I am glad to see you look up into my eyes. That glorious confi- dence you always place in me thrills me to my very soul. God bless your dear heart, pet, sweetheart, you are all in all to me through all eternity. Heavens how I love you." "Alvin darling, I worship you. You are handsome and the most perfect gentleman I ever knew. Your character is perfect. I admire you be- cause you are so cultured and polished." 'You are charming, babe, and have a marvellous voice. I want you to learn some new songs to sing in public." "Babe I must warn you again against the deceitful Harris fiends and their constant companion Lena. They are worse than black-hand fiends or Satan. By mental suggestion they have influenced men to steal your suit- case and set fire to your old home. They are trying to break up your happy home and part you from myself. In the first place they have no business near you, Trix. You are innocent of any wrong. They have planned to ruin Loyal and you financially. Their worst crime just now is trying to part you and I, who are twin souls. That is the most dreadful crime in existence, Trix, don't think of them for they have secretly plan- ned to make a white slave of you, and your child, soon as you die. Babe, remember they cannot harm you for God has given me the right to protect you and I will. Again I warn you to hold on to your money and husband. Kiss me good night, love, I must go to my office now, .most of us are very busy in Mars." Trix watched his tall, graceful form float out of sight. A great loneliness overwhelmed her. She 64 threw herself on the bed and cried for hours, then earnestly prayed for death so she could.be face to face with him. He soon returned with friends to com- fort and pet her. He worked with her for hours before he could stop her crying. Soon as he left her the Har- ris fiends and Lena began to swear at her and abuse her. The Harris fiends were low cowards to constantly insult and abuse such a benevolent Christian as Trix. "O Loyal, I am frightened to death ; I am ill from fear; I hear Bill Harris and that wicked dark woman swearing at me most of the time. They have abused me all night long, I canont sleep." "Augusta, dear, bring me some water, then go for the doctor. Your mother has fainted." "O papa, I fear mamma will die, she is white and cold." "My poor little girl, don't cry ; I will take good care of her from this on." "O Doctor, will mamma die?" "She is very low and must have had a terrible shock." "Doctor, last night she dreamed a man shot his head off." Poor trix, being a sensitive, felt the shock as there is no space to a psychic. She was very sick ever after. She, being a medium and too ill to throw them off, took on the conditions of the suicide. Lena and the Harris cowards enjoyed torturing any child. "I will take her to my sister's at Glendale for a few days' rest." "Loyal, I cannot sleep away from home; it will kill me to leave my child." Lena and Bill hypnotized Loyal to take his wife away as they were determined to part them. They were wicked and heart- less to force her from home. Home was her heaven. She was put in a trance by her angel friends. "Trix, my angel, Lena and her man Harris have planned your ruin. She is jealous of Loyal. Harris is a lazy thief that wants my money. Babe, he will never get a cent, love. Forget them, pet. Go to 65 sleep, love." Soon as Trix fell asleep her radiant soul floated away with her lover to Mars again. Sorrow and fear seemed to be things of the past with her. "Alvin, darling, I feel at home here even if I must return to earth and live my life out there." "Babe, I wish you would die now." "So do I, darling." "Trix, my sweet child, I adore you ; my love increases for you every day." "Doctor, who is that singing and laughing on our porch?" "Look and see, babe." "Al- vin, it is my very own parrot." "Here are some new pictures for your room, pet. Babe, I have a new amethyst ring for you." 'You precious darling. How perfect the blue violet stone is cut." 'Trix, it is in harmony with you, as you are my rich jewel." "Papa, mamma needs sleep. Why do you wake her?" "My darling, sweet little Augusta May, I just saw my future home. When my soul travels, supreme joy reigns in my heart. Do not tell your father ; he and I do not agree on religion, yet we are as happy as most people are in this world." "I promise not to tell him. Hush. O papa, you don't understand poor mamma. Do please let her rest." "She needs sleep," whispered the voice of an angel. "Loyal invisible demons will not let me sleep a moment." Augusta May. I heard Al say, "Doctor, send me a diamond or a check and I will not insult your wife again." "Never, Harris ; we do not owe you, or have never wronged you." "Alvin, I hate this stupid, selfish doctor and his strong medicine." 'Throw the medicine in the stove while your nurse is out. Trix, my love, you are not ill, only tired, pet. Harris has hypnotized you and others to think so. Love, put your pretty, tired head on my breast and rest, babe. You little 'tiddle-de-wee' I will reward you for loving me so sincerely. I adore you, pet. Do not fear the Harris cowards, I will pro- tect you. Love, if you could forget them and not fear them they could not approach you. Yet I love you because you are such a coward, it is a pleasure to pro- 66 tect you. God bless your pure, sweet soul. My poor dove, I feel your little form trembling in my arms. Trix, I pity you. They cannot harm you while I live, dear." "I thank God for you, Alvin. Those demons would torture me if it were not for you, precious." "Dr. Bush, I often hear the cowards beg for mercy after insulting me." "Lena and these Harris fiends are considered the lowest and most deceitful scoundrels in Purgatory. Go to sleep now, love ; I will hold you close to my heart until dawn." "Oh, Alvin, again I feel myself floating away among the beautiful stars in your loving arms. How supremely happy I am to be with you and leave those lazy earth-bound demons far below us." "The red star Mars welcomes us, love." This is Heaven, doctor. How delighted I am to be home again. What an elegant big rocking chair!" "Nestle closer to my heart and I will sing you a lullaby song, babe." "What a wonderfully sweet voice you have, Doctor." 'Trix, I see I must continue to teach you how to get en rapport with me. When you are awake on earth keep your body and mind in perfect condition by right thinking and proper nour- ishment. Trix, love, eat more fruit, nuts, raw eggs beaten up with pure, rich cream. Every night take pure olive oil in lime juice. Drink hot lemonade an hour before you retire or a glass of cream to induce sleep. Never mix them, love, acid and milk will make you ill. Practice classical dancing with Augusta May until you are tired, dove, then pray for our union for- ever as you always do. My love, know that you are success now. Trix, my babe, I would to God that your soul would never return to your sleeping form again, so I could continue to hold you in my arms and calm your tempest-tossed soul through all eternity. Calmness is power, babe. I pray that sweet peace may reign in your heart from now on. Some day, my love, arch angels will translate us on powerful electric waves to the Holy City of God, beyond the reach of tempests and low demons, free from all sorrow and death. Now 67 rest, pet, in my arms ; be tranquil ajid calm. I adore you, Trix, my only love. Babe, we must return to earth as it is dawn there now and twilight here in Mars." "Doctor, I am so happy in your arms I hate to go below." "Then I will stay by your side a few days on earth. I am always with you when you make the right conditions for me, dear." "My daughter Millie, Daisy and your own mother protect you." "Doctor, did you marry your first wife for love?" "No, baby dove, you are my first and only love ; she is married now to her twin soul." "Doctor, when God is so kind and magnificent to resurrect me I will be too happy and grateful to ever wrong a mortal as Lena and the low Harris fiends have me." 'Trix, my angel love, you know you could not do wrong." "Doctor, then why do they constantly abuse me?" "It is their nature, love. Lena is insanely jeal- ous and wants Loyal. Al and Bill want me to pay them to let you alone as they are too lazy to work. They have not improved any, in fact their past crimes have made them hideous men. Tell Bill Al is growing worse. If he doesn't take care of his insane son he is lost. We must all work out our own salvation. We obtain immortality by complying with God's laws. We must live right and think right. Al still crawls ; it will be years before he can stand alone. O if poor humanity could only see this living example of misery, absolutely helpless and alone in darkness. Trix, your husband and an old friend of mine told Lena while she lived in California to return to her good husband and not run after young married men. She was a wicked drunkard and prostitute. Your husband got rid of her and hates her. After her death, caused by over-drinking, she was attracted to Al Harris. They are still living together in sin and darkness. Like attracts like. They fight like cats and dogs, yet she supports him. They are so very repulsive and lazy, people will not associate with them. His own father 68 was an illegitimate son and a drunkard at Al's birth. They are both cowards." "Alvin, every night these Harris fiends keep me awake for hours. Modesty forbids my telling you how they insult and abuse me, dear." "Why not tell me all, doll? You are my wife in the sight of God." "Al- vin, you know my thoughts." "Trix, that is a fact, yet you must tell me everything. You see, I keep my individuality, pet." "Dr. Bush, we intend to torment this girl until you give us money." 'You cowards to abuse an innocent psychic." Suddenly Alvin flashed from the elements a sheet of fire in the cowards' eyes. They fell to the ground trembling with hate and fear. 'Trix, you are in a cold perspiration from fear. I must call you 'Faun-Afraid. ' "Doctor, are they dead? Can there be a second death?" "Long as they continue in sin they must live alone in sorrow and darkness. Good angels shun them as they will not take on their awful conditions. They persist in evil ; they must work out their own salvation. I gave them an electrical shock for insulting you, babe. My wife they can never harm you while I live." "I hear them beg for mercy, Alvin. My darling, I thank you with all my soul for your protection." "That is only a pleasure, dove." "Alvin, I long to go home." "Babe, I will have your brother call today and take you home. You are not ill, Trix, only hypnotized by the fiend, Bill Harris, and Lena. Don't fear them or think of them ; then they will have no power to harm you ; for- get them entirely. Devote yourself to your home and music, pet. Keep your mind in tune with God and His angels." * * "My darling Augusta, I am so happy to be home again. My sweet child, how pale and thin you look." "My poor mamma, I suffer when you do." "Little sweetheart, my invisible companion has entirely healed me. In Mars he is a doctor of the soul and very pop- ular. My soul travels and often visits his sanitarium there. I have discovered that one must obey the laws 69 of God and nature on all planets to keep in perfect health and happiness. Augusta, I am delighted that you study so hard. Your great mind will take you on to higher planes." "Augusta, where is our bank book? I want to buy you some pretty clothes." "Mamma, papa influenced me to draw the money out." "My poor child, it was my private money ; how deceitful of your father. He forced me to mortgage our old home, pet. I refused for your sake. He swore at me. I signed just to have harmony in my home. How happy I would be if he were the soul of honor, like Dr. Bush." 'Trix, my love, I thank you for the compliment I just overheard." "I worship you, Doctor." "I think the same of you, love." 'Trix, my dove, close your pretty blue eyes. I will show you a glimpse of your future with me, clairvoyantly." "Oh, Doctor, what perfect white rosebuds you bring me. I see myself as a young bride by your side in a spacious new home far away from here. I see you placing a crown on my head ; the jewel in the center is a large yellow diamond; you place a wedding ring on my finger and kiss me. You hand me a wonderful casket with a heavy gold key. Tiny Cupids are engraved on the lid, which I open and see diamond rings and other magnificent ones. A pearl and diamond necklace, a handsome sapphire bracelet and ring to match. I see a dainty chain with a lovely locket and your picture inside painted as natural as life. We are walking among fragrant flow- ers where butterflies and bees come and go. It is spring time in Mars. Peach, almond and apple trees are in bloom. In the distance I see a new home with two children and myself playing on the lawn. As I look up into space I behold many colored lights. I see ourselves in long, graceful white robes floating up, up in a golden white light, and the higher we float the lighter and more radiant we become. The brilliancy increases as we float upward toward a mighty city and Jesus opens a great gate of pearls for us and with a tender smile welcomes us to His home. The lights 70 from a great new sun dazzle my eyes as our sunlight does the newborn babe. The healing force of a strange new electricity keeps us strong and young. The Arch Angels absorb this light; so do you and I. All tears and sorrow have gone forever. Our love and happi- ness increases in glory forever in Heaven." "Trix, my sweet angel, your clairvoyance is perfect. Your visions were emblems of your future life with me. Some sweet day all will be realized. Love, keep cheerful, please don't worry. I beg you to enjoy every moment of your life while on earth. You have tested my love and know I speak the truth. I will take your dainty little form in my arms at your death, Trix, and we will grow closer and closer together. No one can part us then, love." "Doctor, I worship you, dear." VI. 'Wese, look, I see ships on fire in the distance." "Ed, there is a man floating on a plank near us. Ask the captain to lower a boat. We will save him." They worked over the collapsed figure. 'Young man, we have worked over you a long time to save your life. Who are you?' "My name is Charles Ford. I am from dear old America. I left home to establish Universal Peace." 'We left America for the same rea- son." "Boys, I will try again. I am discouraged for all Europe is war mad. It is insanity. May God help us to stop any more bloodshed. If I could only picture the inferno of this war on land, air, and. sea. My com- rades sank with the ship. A sweet voice of an angel whispered for me to dive. I was saved. This plank was in front of me as I rose to the surface. I was saved to do good. I wish we could sail faster. Boys, before our ship sank I saw the 'Queen Mary' blow up after she sank six great German ships. Not a soul was saved, the deadly gas shells killed hundreds." "Ford, you are a noble American. We love you ; we want all rulers of each nation to sign a strong contract for Universal Peace. If one nation wrongs another they must pay money instead of precious blood. It is 71 our duty to preserve the noble white race. They need us. I have seen hundreds of nice, refined men die like sheep in those filthy damp trenches. The poor dear souls are suffering in agony and dying by gas bombs and fire brands. Some suffer in agony for days with- out attention, then die from starvation or blood poison. No need of such suffering. God made this world too beautiful for us to mar it by war and selfishness." The ship made a straight run for shore. I am glad we have landed safely at last. Come, we will drive out to camp. I know some nice nurses there. The soldiers look upon them as angels. I know they work day and night to relieve pain." "Boys, allow me to introduce you to two pretty young American nurses, Miss Flora White and Kate Burke." "Gentlemen, this is my new assistant, Lily May Loope. We want to help you establish peace?" "Miss Kate Burke, you are a noble, good girl ; we came here to get your help." "Mr. Ford, my invisible helpers will direct us. Gentlemen and ladies, we will sit in the silence an hour. I know my invisible companion, Dr. Frank, will help us. He has often asked me to help make the world more beautiful. It was through him we are nursing here now. He has often saved my life from flying shells. He directs me to the wounded and dying." After singing "Sweet Peace" they held each others' hands in silent prayer. "Friends, I hear Mr. Stead and Dr. Frank talking now." "Do tell us all," they said. "I will, Mr. Ford. Dr. Frank said, please make this camp your headquar- ters. You will find a lot of uniforms in a country church near here and behind the altar you will find pa- pers and money. The priest that put them there was killed a few weeks ago. He was praying at the altar as a bomb hit him. Wear the different uniforms. Coax as many young strong soldiers to desert the army as you can. Bring them all here and I will influence Miss Burke to lead you to a new warship that you may es- 72 cape in. Be very wise and make each soldier promise upon his honor not to tell, but to do as you say. Go now to get the uniforms." "Weseley, if we find them I will do as Kate Burke in- structs." "Dr. Frank is here to lead me to the church. We will follow him." "How wicked to destroy this wonderful church. Ed, will you please light some of these candles so we can hunt for the things. In our haste we all forgot the matches." Suddenly a large white hand was seen in the darkness and an angel lighted seven -candles. They found the uniforms and ran home with them. "Ed, you wear this French captain's suit. Hunt in the pockets for the money and papers." 'Wese, here is the money, sure as you live." "Weseley, you put this German uniform on. You must save some Germans. O, here are the papers. We will read them together. Flora, you read German ; tell us the contents." "O joy, there is a large wonderful submarine hidden in one of the docks. We will capture it and escape. These papers and uniforms will help us. Dr. Frank said to pretend the rest of us are prisoners. Some dying soldiers gave us a lot of pistols. We will take them. O, here are some English uniforms, don't you know." "In seven days you will return here with a lot of sup- posed wounded soldiers. We will plan again at mid- night when you return." "We will be very busy now working day and night so w r e can carry out these plans for peace." "Miss Burke, what will I do; there is a man dying in agony in the next tent?" "Lily, give him a little warm cream. I see he is choking; hold him in your arms, pray with him until he passes away, and be sure to keep a light at his head as it will attract good angels. Flora, keep the candles burning around the dying tonight." "There are but a few can- dles left. I will run to the church and get more." As she started she heard a dear voice out of the darkness say, "Go around the other way or you will be killed." 73 As she returned with the candles she found a burn- ing shell in the path she had intended to take. That awful night she stayed with many dying souls. She could not sleep a moment. She heard men crying for death to end their awful suffering, and she was sur- rounded with darkness, misery and woe. Al's con- stant insults and awful abuse are harder to bear than the hardships in war. Their hate was all uncalled for, she was innocent of wrong and Kate, being a sensi- tive, took on their conditions and suffered and prayed with them as she had done for months before. "Kate, can't you get some sleep? You look so pale and tired." ''Flora, I must work hard now. In a few days we will escape with a lot of poor abused girls. I will hate to leave our poor wounded patients here that are so helpless, some blind and insane from pain, others without arms or legs, all praying for death. I cant' blame the poor, dear souls." "Flora, dear, we must do all in our power to stop this ghastly bloodshed. O if this awful war could end today. How weak and helpless we are." "Lily, I am so sorry we have not time or money to help the thousands that are dying on the battlefield and our terrible dark, unsanitary war prisons." "Miss Burke, I am heartsick of this misery. Bread is now ten cents a slice and going up, poor, beautiful little young moth- ers beg daily for bread as they hold their babies in their arms, with tears streaming down their sweet, pretty faces. What a terrible life for our dainty, re- fined, pure girls, forced to be the mothers of helpless, fatherless children. What on outrage on womankind." "Flora, I am glad we have formed classes and taught these dear girls to economize, sew and farm. They seem to love light farming. It keeps soul and body together. I think it is a shame they must nurse these babies when they have only one small meal a day." :< Lilv, some don't get that. How wicked it is to spend so much to kill men down and let women and little children starve. Some day, Dr. Frank said, these chil- 74 dren will be wives to black men." "Lily, I love white men. I would die before I would marry a black man." "So Avould I, dear. No one can realize what terrible sorrow this awful war has caused. It was useless and all uncalled for. It has put. civilization back a thousand years. How terrible !" "Here comes some more women begging for a crust. O if I only had bread to feed them. I am heartbroken to see so much poverty and misery. You poor, dear, hungry souls, our food is all locked up. Yonder in the churchyard is a rose arbor ; go and eat the flowers. All kinds of flowers are nourishing and will keep you alive. Make a tea of the mint, it is good for you. Clover blossom tea is good for the blood." "We have sad news, Miss Burke. Our husbands, fathers and brothers have been killed in the war this year. We will never see one of our men again." "Look, Flora, there is an airship sailing above us." The poor women and children ran soon as they saw it, afraid they might be killed. "It is descending near us. Our heroes returning." "Mr. Ford, how did you ever get back so soon?" "We captured this fine airship to take you girls away. We must start at midnight for our submarine. Miss Burke, we will help you pack to go. O girls, we must tell you 'what we saw yesterday. We saw the Hampshire sink with Lord Kitchener and seven hundred men all lost. We wanted his plans but could not reach him. 'The Princess Royal' sank at the same time. 'A voice warned us not to go on those two ships. Miss Burke, never tell a soul our plans or we are lost." "Edward, we are all ready to go. I will phone for more nurses to take our place." "Please don't, Kate, just write a note. The Doctor will find it tomorrow after we are safe." "Lily, I feel like a coward, leaving the sick and dying. Yet it is nobler to save a few while we can. We can't all escape in that airship." "Why not make rope ladders?" "Ed- ward, you are a genius. There are stacks of new rope 76 in the warehouse. Come, we will make a ladder." "Do hurry, boys, it is time to go." "Edward, you run the airship straight for our submarine. Miss Burke, sit close to him." Mr. Ford, we must hurry. I hear Dr. Frank say, "Go at once and sail tonight. If you are caught it is death." We will stand on the ladder and hold the two girls." "Why can't we tie our bundles on the ladder and let me take those two cute babies in the children's ward? I promised their mothers on their deathbed I would care for their sons." "Certainly you can take them. Hold them in your pretty white arms, Kate." "Mr. Ford, put this can of milk in your pocket for our boys ; they eat their heads off. I fear this airship will break down with such a burden." "There is no dan- ger, the night is dark. I hope no one will observe us." "O joy, this is fun, sailing in the dark. Mr. Ford, how dare you to hug me so tight?" "So you will not fall, my dear Flora. I hope this airship never stops sailing. I love you, Flora, will you be my wife?" "Yes, Charles." "Then you really love me, little girl?" "I certainly do or I would never marry you ; it is a sin to marry a man unless you love him, dear." ; 'What a beautiful night; just enough moonlight to see your pretty young face. Flo, you look like a sweet little angel floating in the sky ; your long white veil floats in the clouds like real wings." 'These are all the wings I ever hope to have. Look, we are descending over the waters/ O what a wonderful big ship." 'That is our submarine." "O Dr. Frank, you are the most wonderful angel in heaven to plan this escape so royally." ; 'We are going to sail away in great style with many noble souls." 'Where did you get all these sweet, pretty young girls, Edward, and handsome, intelligent soldiers?" "We rescued some from the reform school, some are the soldiers' sweethearts. We have a minister. All will be married at sea. Now, Charles, tell the captain to sail straight south under water for three days. Dr. 76 Frank says we must or we will be captured." "Ithank God we are on the way." "Kate, my love, have them lower your boat at once and sail to the right now a little to dodge a torpedo." "How did you persuade all these dear young souls to escape with you, Edward?" "I lectured to them on Socialism in the basement of a large cathedral. Half of the soldiers took automobiles and ran for their sweethearts. The rest of us held up the matron who abused these young girls shamefully. We asked the girls to marry us and elope. All but a few little ones eagerly came with us to love and freedom." A sweet girl began to cry and tell how she was beaten and abused. ; 'That old reform school was worse than prison. We all prayed for love and liberty. God has heard our prayers." 'We will never regret the step we have taken, not so long as we live," cried the boys. "Girls, Dr. Frank said tomorrow night we can rise to the surface and be married. Our poor, dear minister will earn his wages tomorrow. He will be very busy for a few days under the circumstances." "Mr. Ford, I am so glad you married Flora. She is a pure, sweet little angel. Most of us are brides now, sailing on our honeymoon. After seeing all the suf- fering we have in the war zone it seems like going from Purgatory to Heaven." "Miss Burke, I never was so happy in my. life." 'Wese, come to our cabin. No place for us here. Every man is making love co his bride; not a soul has spoken to us since the preacher got busy. We will get Miss Burke and plan out our future. Here she comes, Ed, now." "Gentlemen, Dr. Frank wants to talk to us alone to help us plan our future." "Those are our sentiments." 'We will pray a few minutes, then sing, to get better conditions. I see Dr. Frank now, and hear him clair- audently." "Do tell us all you hear, Miss Burke." 'Visit South America to get more supplies, then go to New Orleans. You will meet a scientific farmer 77 named Mr. Hall. Mr. Hall has a sweet tenor voice and a fine education. He is a scientific farmer and a king among men. Sell your boat at Washington. Buy land of Mr. Hall and start a big colony. Call it 'Ford.' " "We will do as you say, Dr. Frank." "Be sure and sail under water again tomorrow as the Germans are after this boat. You may travel on the surface nights. Turn off most of the lights and keep south by west." "We will go and give the order to the captain now." "Dr. Frank, I can hear all you say and see you also. The conditions are much better on water." "My love, I see you as plain as day." ''Darling, the other girls do not dream I have an invisible companion that loves me." "Kate, they would not pity you so much if they knew I was here most of the time making love to my little wife. Baby, my love, I wish I had married you when I was on earth. I did not know what love was then." "I could not live without you now, Dr. Frank, even if you are a spirit. I love you more than any one in the world. If it were not for you and good that I could do I would kill myself, for the Harris fiends torment me day and night. They constantly abuse and insult me. O Dr. Frank, Purgatory must be Heaven compared to this war. In dreams I am alone in the midst of death and terror. I work day and night with the wounded and dying. I never see a smile until the Angel of Death has claimed its po.or suffering victim." "My poor little angel, if you kill your dear self we will be parted for a hundred years at least and your sorrow will increase and darkness will surround you. Soon as you are safe in my arms I will punish the Harris dogs for insulting and abusing my sweet angel. If you would forget them and did not worry or fear they could not get in your vibration." "Doctor, I hate them." VII. 'Wese, we have sold the boat and bought a large tract of land from Mr. Hall. We have the colony started. Everything is going on fine. I want to re- 78 turn to California." "So do I, Ed." "Wese, I prom- ised to help Miss Burke establish her new Scientific Church. Tonight she speaks on 'Proof of Our Glorious Immortality' in the schoolhouse at Ford Mission. The house is not half large enough. There will be two reporters there and the lecture will be published. We will help the folks clear up some land until it is time to start for the schoolhouse. Mr. Ford, you have done more work in this colony in the past few days than the natives have accomplished in years." "Our boys think this farming is Heaven compared to the inferno we left in Europe. They smile now and have good health and liberty." "Charles, some of us had better fish in the river yonder for a few hours. We can catch plenty for all. Come back of my barn, I will show you where to dig for bait." :< Thank you, Mr. Hall, we have plenty of worms now for the river." They never caught so many fine fish in their lives before. They saw two great gar fish with silvery colored scales on that were hard as mar- ble. They saw alligators and snakes in the forest on the way home. That evening they all ate supper to- gether under the tall, graceful pines by the river. The girls fried the fish over the campfire. The men kept the fire blazing with heavy pine knots that nature had saturated with turpentine. They had hot biscuit, corn- bread, pecans and fruit. They sang love songs on the way to the schoolhouse. How beautiful life now was compared to the past. Each one loved and helped their neighbors along, hence they prospered. "Flora, dear, how beautiful Kate Burke looks to- night all in white. I like the way she arranged those white geraniums, like a new moon or half crown in her pretty brown hair. Her sad blue eyes express so much love for us." "Ladies and gentlemen, I will speak under the in- spiration of Dr. Frank tonight. In other words I will tell you what he shows me clairvoyantly. I also hear him clairaudiently." ; 'It will make the world more 79 beautiful if you live as we do in Mars." She cyclo- metrised all their articles correctly and foretold future events that later came true. "In Mars we have sun- shine, birds, flowers, land, water, homes, schools, farms, lovers and animals as you have here. We have no wars, flies, slums or death. On earth and in Purga- tory these conditions exist, caused by ignorance, sin and selfishness. We are taught that the highest moral- ity is to love one another. We live the Golden Rule. We never permit an erroneous thought to enter our minds. We keep busy by hard study, work and play. Instead of death we are sometimes translated to a higher and brighter planet. I long to see universal health, wealth, peace and love on earth." Another colonist spoke and Kate held private conversation with her Doctor. Dr. Frank, I see a large light building on a hill, on a veranda in the rear large red grapes are hanging gracefully among the golden red leaves. This home has many open windows and French open doors. The house and linen closets are well ventilated. It is fur- nished elegantly. I see tiny little golden birds in a willow cage. A green parrot, a grand piano, and beau- tiful paintings on the wall. I see the picture of myself painted natural as life, hanging on the wall. In the hall I see a lot of young folks dancing and smiling. "Kate, it is your future home." "Dr. Frank, I can hardly realize such happiness is for me. I love you, Doctor, I am proud to be your other half." 'What can I do to make you happy?" "Protect yourself and do good. Encourage the poor to plant fruit and nut trees. The war has ruined some of the grandest forests in Europe ; they must be replanted at once or winds will sweep over the land and they will suffer from great famine as they do in the Sahara today.' Without trees and birds the sun will dry up the rivers and the winds will make a desert of the once cultivated land. To save our trees all homes and buildings should be made of brick with many windows, and painted inside 80 and out every year. Save your valuable trees, they make the world rich and beautiful. Burn all decay and rubbish, burn scale from trees. Eat perfect nuts and fruit. One meal for grown people is plenty, three for children. Study hard and enjoy life if you wish to live long. As it is getting late I will give you some messages and prophesy things that will take place some day." She told them this and continued : "Edward, I see you and Weseley going to California where your sweethearts are waiting for you. Weseley, your wife's name is Goldie. Now I know why you did not get married on the boat. The Allies will win in this awful war. Black men will marry white girls in Europe. Crowned heads will be institutions of the past some day, and Socialism will rule. Women will vote. Mexico will be annexed to America. Love and peace will rule the world some day. They will build more schools and canals instead of prisons and awful war- ships,. The more good you do and the harder you work, the quicker these things will come to pass." "Dr. Frank, we rise, thanking you with all our hearts for leading us from death to the land of the free, to dear America. We know all you say is true. We love and trust you. The facts you have given us tonight from our dead are \vonderful. Every name and description was perfect. You have inspired us to do good. For your dear sake w r e will practice the Golden Rule in this new colony, called Ford. We long to meet you in Heaven. God bless you." "Dr. Frank, we know you are the most wonderful soul in Mars." VIII. "O, I wish Alvin were here." "Trix, why work and worry so much over your conditions?" "Darling, I am tired of Loyal swearing at me and abusing me." "Lena and the Harris demons hypnotize him against you. They do all the swearing, not your husband. They want to part you and Loyal. Keep your hus- < 81 band. They influence your friends and child against you. They try to keep you from work and prosperity. Al is lazy and wants you to be. He takes on the conditions of snakes and wants you to live the life he used to, he said he would not abuse you if I would give him money. He has formed bad habits. He cannot change his former habits. His mind is too weak and depraved to develop character. Al and Lena are lonely outcasts in poverty and darkness here. Their idleness causes people to hate them. Don't listen to his insane babble, Trix. I developed you to see only the beautiful. Doll, go to sleep. I will show you wonderful scenery in Venus and Mars. Our souls will visit new sights away from these earth-bound demons." "Alvin, I can feel myself floating up, up. O, the ecstasy of being in your loving arms." "Darling, I am too happy to speak. "Doctor, where are we?" ( T am surprised at you, Trix, after seeing Mars so many times." "O, yes, I see the hills and canals now 'below us, the land looks like a thousand little parks, O, if our poor, sorrowing, selfish world could be cultivated also." "If they were all as good as you are it would be the same." "Thank you, Alvin. I am only trying to be worthy of you, my darling, to prove there is no death. It took me years tc learn that you are my other half, that God created us for each other." They walked and talked in a beautiful park and every moment they were together was a perfect day to the lovers. "Alvin, this brick walk looks something like the bricks do on earth. How graceful and beautiful these trees are. I love to walk with you in this garden. Alvin, look at those big cedar trees such a long row of them. The people that own these grounds must be rich. Why do you smile, darling?" "Because 1 own the grounds." "I never dreamed you were rich, Doctor. O, what a handsome fountain near this pretty 82 lake. How happy those young folks look in the dis- tance ; they look too young to make love to each other." "Trix, most of them died from old age on earth. They are twin souls, pet, promenading in Lover's Lane." "I am delighted, they are so young and happy. O Alvin, what a beautiful new building that is." "It is our future home, Trix." "In the rear I see tall apple trees in bloom. You are a beautiful soul, Doctor, full of romance, poetry and music. I love you, Alvin." "I adore you, Trix. How I enjoy this walk with you under such a variety of wonderful mysterious trees. How old are these magnificent trees?" "The cedars are about twenty years old. Come, love, I will show you our home. The first large building is our sanitarium. The other is our home. The long, artistic bridge connects the two buildings. The bridge was made so you would be a little nearer to me and to protect you from the rains when you wish to visit my office." "It adds to the beauty of the place. How elegant everything looks, dear. How grand and artistic you are, my darling. Doctor, I can never express how much I love you. I am proud of your tall, handsome form, I enjoy your companionship, I always learn so many new and wonderful things from you, darling." "We will always study together, babe." "How perfectly grand you are to build such a home for me. Alvin, I love to stroke and pet your heavy black hair, yet your eyes are dark blue." "Come, babe, I will show you more of our future home. Trix, this is the broad driveway that leads to our home." "It is a palace, Doctor." "Trix, I worship you with all my life, soul and being, pet." "O those beautiful words make me so happy I can hardly breathe. Everything is so artistically arranged we will live here in ecstasy together." "Babe, our beautiful love for each other will increase forever. My little dove, we will grow closer and closer together." "Any one that would try to part us is lower than a dog, aren't they, Doctor?" 83 'They certainly are, pet, do not worry, dear heart, I can and will protect you. God has made you for me and has given me the j)ower to protect my little wife." "Darling-, how pretty the small shrubbery is just in front of those tall, light green trees. I used to love even the cottonwood trees of Dakota and the box elder that grew in our yard at home, when I was a child living in the land of the Dakotas. I remember how mamma would take us to the woods. We gathered baskets of rich black wild grapes by the banks of the old Missouri river and we children would swing in the long grape vines. Once I went boat riding all alone at sunrise, yet no harm ever came to me. It is strange I should think of childhood scenes here in these beau- tiful gardens in Mars." 'You will always have memory and keep your in- dividuality, love." "I admire the golden sunshine among these trees and flowers. This is a grand and glorious home among the fruit and flowers. Home is Heaven when you are in my arms, Trix." "This warm, golden sunshine makes me feel so slight and happy, here the sun has a richer hue so mellow a gold and blue. This planet seems like Heaven compared with earth, dear. What an elegant home you have prepared for me. It proves that you love me. How perfect the architecture is. What a large, beautiful door that is, with windows all around it. Why does it suddenly turn into gold and open by itself." "I made it appear golden as an emblem that I adore you, Trix." "Doc- tor, you have a wonderful power of making me see things in a golden light. My darkest clouds you line with gold." 'Just look at the lining and never the clouds, love. Dove, I only developed your clairvoy- ance to see the good and beautiful." "What a pretty porch ! I love this elegant hall and furniture. This big leather rocking chair is big enough for us both." 'That is why I bought it." "O you have turned on the rose-tinted light. This hall carpet is a very pretty golden brown with perfect violets woven here and 84 there. It looks as if some fairy hand had just picked them and gracefully scattered them all over the pretty carpet." "They .did, dear, just for your dear sake." "Who bought the carpets, Alvin?" "My mother and daughter, pet." "What a big grand piano." "Trix, you must practice every day as soon as you come. I wish you would die tomorrow, love." "So do I, Doc- tor. I hate to go back to earth." 'You must go, babe, it is a dreadful crime to kill yourself or another. If you should ever kill your dear self you would be two or three hundred years parted in darkness away from this home and me." "I could never be so foolish, Doctor. I love you too much." "I will never change." "How perfectly grand you are to build such a home for me." The handsome young man took her in his strong arms and kissed her soft pretty red lips a hundred times. "I am wild to come over here, so I can enjoy this elegant home with you, dear." "Do good, keep very busy and the time will soon pass, pet. Come, love, and try on your pearls and rings." "Doctor, I look like a rich princess in all this expensive hand- some jewelry. I never dreamed they had real jewels like these in Heaven. Alvin, I love this necklace, it is worth a fortune. How lovingly you clasp it around my neck." "A kiss for every pearl, young lady." Trix tenderly kissed each ring as he placed them on her fingers. "O what a wonderful gold crown with that yellow diamond in the center, Doctor. Where did you ever get such a big perfect diamond ? I wish you had it madei nto a ring for yourself." "Jewels are for ladies, pet." Again and again she tried on each ring and bracelet. "A locket with your dear picture paint- ed on th einside ! I think I love this plain wedding ring the most." As she looked in the long perfect mirror at herself she fell in love with her own spiritual body clothed in bridal robes. She seemed a young queen and Doctor a tall handsome king pinning orange blossoms in her hair. The rooms were all decorated in 85 white rosebuds and forget-me-nots, and lilies-of-the- valley grew in golden urns on the mantel. "Come, love, into the hall. Our guests are .waiting for us to lead the grand march. Remember every waltz is mine tonight. If you dance with another without my per- mission, I will cut off your pretty ears, you little fairy elf." "How dear of you to pin on this beautiful bridal veil embroidered with perfect pure white but- terflies and lilies. Butterflies are emblems of immor- tality. I am very fond of them. Doctor darling, please may I dance with this lovely veil on?" "If you will dance with me you may, Miss Vanity." "What inspiring music to dance by. How elegantly you waltz, Trix." "I just take on your conditions, dear." 'Tonight is a little sample of your future life with me, my little pet." "How light I feel in this dainty fluffy dream of a dress. Doctor, I hope I can always dress elegantly just to please you." 'You may, love." "How gracefully you dance, Prince Charming. I think the same of you, dove. Every moment I am with you is Heaven to me. My pretty little Cinderella, it is past midnight ; you must turn into a mortal again." "And rags compared to this wedding gown." "Don't pout, love ; some day these visions will be a reality. You have had a taste of your future life with me. Trix, my love, some of us are going to concentrate for peace while we form an electric cross in. the moonlight just over the war zone." "Doctor, may I go with you?" "After you rest you may, love." 'What a band of angels follow Jesus to form this cross of fire. Doctor and Trix floated with them. Jesus walked and prayed among the soldiers ; some saw him ; others felt His presence. By the concentrated thoughts of His an- gels a grand cross illuminated the sky near the pale moon. Trix noticed the ghastly faces of the poor soldiers as they saw it. Each man threw down his arms and in silent supplication prayed to God for peace. Trix silently cried in Alvin's arms. The great cross was formed by many perfect minds condensing 86 electricity in the form of a perfect cross to prove to the discouraged soldiers God still lives and loves us. He will punish the instigators of this awful cruel war severely. The hard set faces of the ignorant rulers looked like insane brutes murdering innocent helpless lambs. Strong evil thoughts kept the men fighting on and on. "Doctor darling, I would give my life to stop this wholesale slaughter." 'Trix, the poor men are destroying themselves." She sensed great sorrow among the angels as they floated slowly up to their homes. "Doll, you must forget this suffering, as you and I are helpless in putting an end to this great dis- aster. Babe, my poor love, I will take you in my arms and show you a white race that once fought on these very grounds. I will show you the remnant that escaped after suffering a thousand deaths. They looked like tiny love birds floating away in the dis- tance seeking oblivion from the distress of a fallen race. They crossed the ocean, then floated northward in a strong current of electricity. Soon they saw the beautiful lights of the North. 'The aurora borealis," another phenomena wonderful as the cross just wit- nessed. The brilliant aurora looked like a magnificent rainbow in the horizon. Toward dawn the colors seem to blend together and assume a wavy appearance. A wonderful variety of colors were present, blue, yel- low and a red or blood-color. "O, Alvin, these white Eskimos resemble the Russians that are fighting now. What baby blue eyes and fair complexions those girls have that are dancing on the ice !" ;< Trix, I thought the same, but did not dare to tell you. What long golden hair they have. Look how gracefully they dance around fire made from whale oil." "Doctor dar- ling, why do I see so many handsome colors?" "My pet, it is charged with electricity, even if it is so far from the sun. The southern horizon is not half so beautiful, yet there is light there that is charged with electricity. My love, the belts of Saturn are radiant with electricity. Years ago these white Eskimos 87 escaped from war in mighty airships. Angels planned their escape and landed them safely here ; at that time this was a productive land, corn, wheat and apples grew here. Intense cold has caused this terrible devas- tation. Canals would have prevented this ruin." "Doctor, I learn so much from being in your com- pany. I am proud of you, darling." "Trix, I adore you. Kiss me, pet, and I will take you to the South Pole. Trix, you are the sweetest girl in the universe. Cling closer to me, doll, you sweet angel. I love you more than ever. I would die for you, Trix." They floated on and on in charming ecstasy. It seemed only a little way that they had floated. But in reality they had traveled miles. 'Trix, my love, why so silent?" "Darling, when I am in your arms I am too happy to speak." "Babe, you are like a child that loves to be rocked." Again they saw daz- zling lights, not so brilliant as the ones they just left. They discovered a vast area of land and found a dark race south of the Pole. 'Trix, dear, some day this land will be under cultivation if they build canals to melt the snow. This is fine rich soil. There is lots of land in the world mortals have not yet discovered." Trix saw clairvoyantly as in a day dream that the prayers of suffering humanity were heard. She saw that universal peace and prosperity ruled the world. In her vision the whites and blacks lived in harmony. New canals flowed through the land, and the earth blossomed like a perfect rose. Love 'and peace over- came hate and war. How beautiful this new earth seemed. How happy the people were. "Darling Al- vin, will my vision ever come true?" 'Yes, doll, soon as there is universal industry and education." "Doc- tor, I worship you and pray that God will never let anyone part us." "I would rather be annihilated than parted from you, Trix, you benevolent little soul, kiss me." "Doctor, it is heaven to hear you say those precious golden words. Darling, I wish every one were as happy as we are." "Soon as they discover 88 their spirit mate they will be. Trix, my love, I thank God we are made for each other. I could not love another but your own little self, dove." No one knows how she prayed so she could be with her twin soul. Every day seemed an eternity to the sweet soul. "Doctor, I want to die so I can be with you. The con- ditions are so that I just hate this world. I see selfish- ness, cruelty, poverty and awful war about me. I will be glad when I can leave it forever, and can live with you in that dear new home." "Trix, I would love to have you wake up in the morning contented to live and do good a few years longer, pet." 'Tomorrow I hope I will remember all that transpired tonight. I often wake up thinking it is only a dream." 'You know, dear, it is a reality. I love you. When you are in perfect health, your dreams are true." "I know they are, Doctor ; that is why I want to die. I would love to go to you tomorrow. Loyal lacks romance and soul, he supports me, and is kind in his way, yet so thoughtless and ignorant compared to you, darling. He is often cross and swears at me without any cause at all. He has made a slave of me. I long to study and improve my talents." 'You shall as soon as you come to me. Trix, I have helpers in our home for you, so you can enjoy life and do as you please, after you get your music lessons. Trix, don't blame Loyal, he is obsessed by Lena and the Harris boys ; they are trying to part you. They influence him and others to abuse you. When he is angry, change the subject, pet. Loyal doesn't swear; it is Bill and Al obsessing him. Stay with him. You need his support. Enjoy your home and friends. Keep cheerful and make others happy, pet. Good-bye, love, I will return as soon as you wake." Trix woke up and say a large diamond like the one in her crown of the night before. Doctor placed it in her mouth. She felt it and saw it. "Dear, have I proven to you the dream is true?" "Yes, 1 know it is a fact." : 'Trix, we are more alive than you are." "I thank God there is no death, dear. How 89 perfectly grand to love and be contented forever." IX. " Augusta, how pale and cold your mother looks. I will telephone for the Doctor at once." "Mama, are you befter, dear heart." "My heart hurts me, baby doll. I have made my will in your favor, Augusta. I know I will pass away about twilight tonight. I see my mother with my ascension robe. I see many an- gels watching over me." "Papa, I am going to stay close to mama all day ; she thinks she will die tonight." "She may live for years yet." "Augusta, bury me in white with orange blossoms in my hair and white rose- buds in my hands ; keep lights around my head for two days. Bury me on the fourth day if you can. My soul may not be resurrected until the third day. Don't cremate me. I am so sensitive I would feel my own form burn. Take my rings now and keep all my jewels, this home and money. All is yours, my sweet child. Stay and keep house for your father, pet. Think of me so I can return to you often. Develop, love, so you will understand all I say by mental telepathy." "I will mama." "Keep calm, busy and cheerful after I am gone, for you know I will be young and happy. In just a few years you will be united to me in Heaven. Look upon my death as something beautiful, don't wail as the heathen do, for I will often return to you. I see Doctor smiling down at me and mother with my new white robes. Good-bye, Loyal and Augusta, the darkness obscures this lovely azure sunset, so please place lights closer to my head. Remember I will al- ways be perfectly happy. Doll, my sweet child, I love you. Good-bye." "Doctor, is my mother dead?" "Yes, dear." "No, but it can't be. Why does she smile so sweetly?" "Because she died so happy, my child." "How sweet and happy she looks. Papa, please put more lights around her bed. Mamma ! My mamma 90 X. "Goldie, I would give the world if I had my mother back: it is only a few months since she died, yet it seems like years. I am so lonely." "Augusta, we will go into the silence and develop together, so you can hear and see her, dear." "I see her often, Goldie." "Then why do you cry, dear?" "Because I want to hug and kiss her. I long to hear her talk. I will get some paper and a pencil. Maybe she can write through my hand, dear. You hold my left hand, while a try." "O, Goldie dear, don't try, just go to sleep so she can come quickly. Your hand is moving now. Now we will read all she has written. 'My sweet children, sit a few minutes every other night and write. All that is on the paper is true. Augusta, love, I am often with you to love and protect you. At my death when you were crying those beautiful big brown eyes out, Doc- tor held me close to his broad chest, with his loving arms clasped around my waist. It was the happiest moment in my life. We floated up, up in love and ecstasy, through wave upon wave of ether, rising higher and higher in infinite, glorious space ; he was master of the air, as a good strong swimmer is master of the sea. Goldie, Doctor is my twin soul. I felt him clasp me to his heart again and again with a sav- age sob of wild delight. There is no greater heaven than our perfect love for each other, no artist, pen or tongue can express our new happiness. O if I had the power to thank God for this living ecstasy, how I thank Him for an eternal, noble, ideal companion all my very own, mine forever. The bridal tour is through the spheres. Eternity the honeymoon.' "O mama dear, I see your pretty young face close to my own. Tell me, mama, was my dream true last night?" 'Yes, Augusta pet, most every night you come to my home, I hold you in my arms and pet you, just as Doctor used to do to me when I was with you on earth. It proves that the law of attraction is stronger than ever. Love draws you to me, Augusta 91 dear." "Mama, I am sure I was in your home some time before you saw me. You and Alvin were singing at the piano." "I was singing, but did not know you heard us. Augusta, your soul travels to mama be- cause I love you. My sweet child, keep a diary of all you 'see in the soul-world and all I tell you of this beautiful planet, Mars. Write a book of facts to com- fort those that suiter where my poor child must live a few years yet. Write so that honest investigators will know the truth about other worlds, Augusta doll. I have a swimming pool of our own made of marble. Beautiful stone steps lead down to it. Love, you swim so beautifully you will enjoy it when you come over here to mama. Enjoy life and keep young and cheer- ful. It is wrong to grow old. Thoughts and wrong living make one old. People think they must grow old at a certain age, hence they do. We are young and happy here, pet. Doctor and I walk, swim, drive, dance and study together. I take music lessons from him. Augusta, I am delighted that my own husband can teach me so much. "He must be wonderful, for you are highly educated, mama dear." So are you, pet, my daughter, don't cry any more, your grief is my only sorrow, Rejoice because I am so happy. Dear, do you remember the poem I used to love on earth ? 'Twilight and evening bell, And after that the dark ; And may there be no sad farewell When I embark." Darling, the day of my death was the happiest day of my life. For I was united to my twin-soul, the man I worship, and to my own sweet little mother. She and 1 live near each other. My love is stronger than ever. I am more sensitive. A mother's love never dies. Some night I will take you to see our magnifi- cent new home." "O mama, I saw it. A beautiful angel took me all through it. I saw a great handsome rose lig'ht in the parlor. You and Doctor were singing 92 at the piano." "It was my mother that showed you our home. All that you saw was real, love." "O mama, I saw cute little tiny canary birds, horses, a little black dog and a green parrot with red in his wings, and I saw wonderful robes and jewels." 'They all belong to your mother, dear. Doctor gave them to me. Isn't he noble and grand." "I am glad you are so rich and happy, mama." 'You will be just as rich and happy some day, Augusta. All that I saw of Mars clairvoyantly I now realize is a fact. I know now that all planets are something similar. Things here are real. We are more alive than mortals." "Mama, your hair is so heavy and beautiful." "Augusta, I am young, strong and slender. I will never die again or grow old. Be happy and do good, now, that you know the soul is immortal. Some sweet day you will come over here with mama. After you come we will never be parted again." "Mama, will you show me your jewels. I long to see them again." 'Yes, doll, come with me." "Augusta, how do you like my love- ly furniture, upholstered in blue, pink, silver and gold cloth? Our opera house is in rich red velvet. Doctor gave me all these jewels the day we \vere married. He placed this beautiful crown on my head and lovingly clasped these valuable pearls around my neck. He wished these handsome rings and bracelet on. Here is his picture in this locket he gave me. His daughter painted it for me. My little sweetheart, you may try on my robes." "Mama, how can you afford such rich, elegant gowns?" ''Doctor is young, rich and hand- some." ; T must not cry for you any more when I re- turn to earth." "O please don't, Augusta dear; it hurts me so when you cry. Let me show you one of my husband's robes. Did you ever see such a wonder- ful shade of blue and such perfect gold stars woven here and there? Here is a star and crescent on this purple sash, emblem of his rank. Doctor is very pop- ular and loved by every one. I worship him, Augusta darling. I know that two boys will soon make your 93 home happy again. Cupid will soon linger by your side. He will bring sunshine in your life. Enjoy his companionship, pet. Doctor is working in the colony at Ford. They obey him. The new colony is pros- pering wonderfully. They have just finished a new Scientific Church and a large school house. Classes are held in church. Make yourself as attractive as you can and take better care of your health. Enjoy life more, for you are talented, attractive and beautiful. Visit mama often, dear." "Mama, sometimes my spir- itual body travels to your elegant home, and you do not realize I am there, you are so interested in listen- ing to your husband. Then Addie and Eva bring me back to earth without disturbing your new happiness." "Augusta, you only add to my great happiness. I love you more than ever, my sweet pure loving little girl. I would never come toe arth only for your dear sake. I return to develop and protect you. I love to pet you now, more than ever. Every day you grow sweeter and dearer to me, my angel child." "Mama dear heart, since I cannot hug your sweet form I miss you so much." "Augusta, my little pet, soul or mind is all there is to love. Mind is immortal, it is that which loves and lives. My sweet child, if you wish to keep young and happy send out good thoughts and love every one. Love is health, life, power and happi- ness. Remember, my child, God is Love." "Mama dear, I often visit you here, you and your companion are so in love with each other you do not see me. I thank God you are so happy and silently return to my home on earth." "My sweet daughter, enjoy your future husband the same as I do Alvin, for he is your immortal companion, your twin-soul. Be his sweet- heart, my love." "Mama, I am tickled to death, I always was crazy over him. Good-bye, mama dear, you don't know how happy you have made me." 'Trix, love, permit me to put on your sandals and wrap ; we will take our daily walk. Trix, I dare you to climb that hill in the distance with me." "Darling, 94 I would climb any height to be alone with you." 'We are always alone, pet, when I wish to make love to you, you little sweetheart, I adore you. Look at this beauti- ful azure sunset. Our pretty lake has turned to silver, blue and gold as the sun sinks beneath its water. I the band playing on the shore. Come, Trix, we will dance to the music." "Darling, I love to dance with you, because you are handsome, tall and graceful" XI. "Goldie dear, I dreamed last night your husband came back with Edward. Please wear your wedding dress and look as nice as you can." "Augusta, I dreamed the same. We will run downstairs and bake a cake and some pies ; then return and dress up." "Goldie, I will pick some beautiful roses and decorate our home. Dear, help me arrange a handsome center- piece on the table of white rosebuds and little forget- me-nots. Now, Goldie, doesn't that look lovely?" "I will make the pies if you will make the cake, Augusta." They worked like bees. "Now that everything is fin- ished, we will take a warm bath and dress up." "O Goldie dear, how sweet you look." "Augusta, if I were as pretty as you are I would be happy." "Goldie, I hear mama say for us to wear flowers in our hair. O Goldie, look. I see two men coming up the walk. It is true what mama told me a few days ago." "My darling wife forgive me for being away so long. Don't cry, Goldie, are you ill, dear?" "O I have been so lonely without you, dear." "Look, Goldie, Edward has your cousin in his arms !" "How pretty they look together ; she so dark and slender ; he is fair, with blue eyes and golden hair." :< Just like your own, my little wife." "Augusta, we have been parted so long I am crazy to marry you at once." "Soon as I can get my clothes made I will, Edward." "You look as sweet as any bride in the world in that dress." "With Goldie's help, I can get ready in a few days, dear heart." "Here is the postman, Augusta, you may read the letters to us." "I will read the one from Ford 95 first : 'My dear good friends : We don't know how to thank you for our miraculous escape. Our colony 'Ford' is prospering. We fish, farm and own a large sawmill. We live happily with our young wives and babies. We trade among ourselves. Some of the farmers trade us fine pecans for rice and vegetables. We have plenty of everything. Most of us have money out at interest. 'Ford' is a large town now. We will never fight our brothers again. We have learned to love our wives and homes too much to ever leave them. We pray that all nations will enjoy the peace and comforts of home as we do. Life is beauti- ful to us now. We love our homes and hate war more than ever. War creates poverty and hate. It destroys happiness, it deprives us of manhood and love. We have the privilege of developing our minds now. If the soul is not developed men become brutes and de- generate. We study and keep busy on the farm. The result is we have perfect health and happiness. Some of our colony have gone to Alaska and have found rich gold mines. The colony in Alaska they have named Burke. In the center of this town is a large sanitar- ium and school. We have a fine new temple where we hold seances three times a day. We have ten good psychics we keep busy all the time. The church pays them a good salary. Towns near by spend their even- ings drinking, eating, fighting and gambling. We sing, pray, communicate with angels. After each seance we dance an hour ; then retire perfectly happy. We own some very valuable gold mines discovered by our in- visible friends. Dr. Frank is a wonderful soul. All has turned out just as he said it would. Dr. Frank and our invisible friends help us and those in Alaska. They sent us enough money to build a new school- house. We send you a check of one hundred dollars. We feel as if we did not pay you half what your ser- vices were worth. We owe our liberty and happiness to you and Kate Burke. Charles Ford and Flora have a new home and a little son George." 96 " " "What a glorious, satisfying letter. I would love to see them all." "Perhaps you may some day, Goldie." "Why can't we dance here anyway?" "A waltz !" 'A one-step !" 'No, let's have an old-fashioned Virginia Reel." Gaiety rang through the house till late that night. Two tired, but very happy girls closed their eyes short- ly after midnight. Three days later witnessed a holy marriage. :>: * # * * "I call mine o\vn Oh, come to me ! Love answers back, I come to thec, I come to thee." "Goldie, how sweet Augusta looks in her filmy, fluffy wedding dress standing under that magnificent wedding bell, covered with tuberoses and orange blos- soms. It hangs just where our dear old Xmas tree used to stand." "Goldie, I am glad you are her brides- maid ; how sweet you look in your wedding dress." "I bought her that large bouquet of lilies of the valley." "You are extravagant, Goldie." "I earned the money, myself, Weseley." "The music has started." They saw the aviary door slowly open, yet not a soul stood on that side of the house. Two little canary birds flew on the Bible the minister held, then on Augusta's flowers, and began to sing sweetly. Her friends stood spell-bound. "Run for some water, Weseley, Augusta has fainted." "My poor little wife, I am sorry I \vas in such a hurry to marry you. You have overworked sewing and must rest now." "I did not faint. I was only in a trance. At least I felt mama hug and kiss me. She influenced the birds to come to me." "Aug- usta, my sweet little bride, I am the happiest man in the world." "Goldie dear, will you help me pack our suit case? We are going up in the mountains on our honey-moon. You and your husband come and go with us." "My sweet cousin, as soon as I take off your pretty long wedding veil I will ask my husband 97 Augusta if I can go." 'There is plenty of room in our auto- mobile for us all." Goldie hurried to find Wese. 'Weseley, we are invited to go to the mountains for a few days; will you go, dear?" "No, Goldie, I hate the mountains ; run and get supper now. I am hungry for these swell eats." "O Cousin Goldie, how deli- cious your dinner is. I am so sorry to go without you." * # * * * XII. "Augusta, little sweetheart, another year of happi- ness has gone ; our little son is a month old today, he looks just like you, Edward. He is the cutest thing I ever saw. He is a little pig." "Augusta dear, as I woke this morning I saw our invisible friend, Dr. Frank and mother looking at our child." "Ed, I of- ten see mama smile and kiss our baby. I know our baby sees her, he smiles at her. Mama told me he could see her." "How wonderful that he is born with clairvoyance." 'That is because he is mother's little angel. I know he is hungry again, mama's poor little abused darling child. Maybe he cries because he is going to cut a tiny toothen." "Pet, he is too young yet." "Edward, I worship you and our baby." "Which do you love the most, dear?" 'You, of course, Mr. Jealousy." "Augusta, my sweetheart, those words have made me perfectly happy. Tomorrow I will buy you a new rubv ring-." "And tomorrow I will hug you to death, Mr. Darling." "Dovie, never wait until to- morrow." "Ed, I am as happy here with you as mother is in Mars." 'That is because God made you for each other," softly whispered Trix. "My dearest child, you can be perfectly happy anywhere with your soul-mate. Do enjoy each other and get all you can out of life. Say your prayers, my sweet child, and sleep peacefully, knowing aneels are watching over vou and protecting you, pet." Trix prayed earnestly that God would hear their prayers and that they would be a united family in Mars. "Trix, now that your child is 98 sleeping, I will take you home again, you little run- away. Babe, you must not forget your music lesson again." "I will make up for lost time, my darling husband." 'Trix, my own, I want you to be my com- panion in every sense of the word, my beautiful wife." "Alvin, you are just the kind of a husband any woman would worship. I am proud of you, darling. I love vou more than ever/ / 'O, Edward, please wake up." 'What is the trouble, my little, wife? Is our baby sick or hungry?" "I dreamed mama came back and pointed to a large oil painting that covered one side of the wall. I noticed her little white hand was covered with precious rings. The painting was called Love and Hate. In the sky of this wonderful picture I saw the Holy City, painted in silver, gold and blue. It was slightly veiled among the white fleecy clouds, and the city and the clouds blend- ed softly together, over the mountain-tops. The sun- light from the city shed its beams below on the moun- tains and valley. In this picture my mother wore a crown, dressed in white silk and soft lace ; she looked up and smiled in the face of a tall handsome gentle- man with dark heavy hair, large dark blue eyes and a broad pale face. His lips were full and large. He wore long flowing purple robes with gold stars woven in the wonderful heavy silk cloth. A bright soft light mingled around his well shaped head. He held my mother close to his broad chest. Her long white veil floated in the breeze. Gold butterflies clasped her white embroidered sandals. Soft lights floated around their crowns. Two little children were playing by the marble fountain nearby. A long canal flowed in the distance, its foaming waves were winding in and out the hills and among the tall green trees. In the bushes by the large gate two hungry beggars held out their hands for food and clothes. A small ragged tunic was all they wore. Sin and deception marred their cruel hard faces. Their wicked thoughts were revealed by the dark aura around their heads. The woman was 99 small and dark, the man light, \\iUr small gi ay eyes and a long narrow face and large nose. I could see ignorance and crime written on their ugly faces. The three beggars stood outside the gate crying to come in, long green and yellow snakes crawled around their feet. Light had vanished from them ; good angels had forsaken them. 'O mama, what does this painting mean?' I cried. 'It means to raise your children to be Christlike and do all the good you can in the world. Teach your children all you know. Keep them at home, close to your loving heart. Augusta, my dar- ling, you are perfect. I only want to impress on your mind to raise your children just as perfectly, so that we will be a united family after your transition.' I said, 'I will obey you, mama, and raise our little Charles LeRoy to be Christlike.' 'Come and visit us often, Augusta, love, I know your soul has learned to travel alone. Good-bye, my pet, you dear, sweet, pure little mother/ Edward, I am going to give all my time to you and our son." "Dear, I intend to give him a fine education, Augusta, my beautiful sweetheart. Rest now, I don't want you to overwork. What a charming little beauty you are, pet. "I begin to think it is true ; my angel mother often tells me the same." "I admire your psychic powers, sweetheart." And the next night, Augusta said, "Edward, last night I visited mama again in spirit. She is so happy I must never cry for her again. I could not disturb her happiness. I remember all she and Doctor said." ; 'That is because my little queen is highly educated. I married you for brains, Augusta, knowing that our children would be perfect." "I am glad you were too modest to mention that before marriage, Edward. I think a man should be just as pure as a woman." "So do I, dear. Sweetheart, tell me all your mother and her husband said." 'Their conversation was some- thing like our own." "Augusta, I wish I could have heard them. I am so anxious to know just how they live in other worlds. My precious wife, I will hold 100 you close in my anns while you tell me all they said." ''Doctor was sitting in a large handsome rocking chair with mama in his arms. They were alone in their ele- gantly furnished home. Doctor held a book in one hand. He said, "Babe, I adore you more than ever. I am delighted with your music and studies. I love to hear you sing to me, Trix." "I never could sing like you do, Doctor, even if I should study a million years." "Our love is immortal, we will never be parted again. Lena and those wicked Harris fiends cannot harm my little wife now. I thank God and His angels for your glorious resurrection. How divine and angelic you looked after your transmission. My own, my doll babe, you are all in all to me. I adore you more than ever. The sunshine seems all the brighter after the darkness and sorrow you once suffered caused by Lena and these Harris demons." ; 'What a royal dear husband you are. What sweet memories are mine for you made love to me while I was on earth." "Dear, our love is unchanging and more beautiful than ever, dove." "My darling husband, I don't know how to thank you for this elegant palace. O how I enjoy you and this lovely new home. This is the dearest home I ever saw. I am so glad this is a real material home. My happiness is greater than I ever dreamed of." 'Trix, I would give my life for you. I went down in darkness and purgatory to protect you from the insults of Bill and Al. In my waking fancies I dream of you. In my study I write poems to you. In my office I work for you. I see your sweet face among the flowers, trees and sunshine. Your companionship is Heaven to me. I would not accept Heaven without you. There is no sorrow or darkness with you, only radiant sunshine. How glorious this love is. Your devotion is paradise to me. Your songs are sweetest music that lulls my soul to rest. Your breath is fragrant as roses, your golden brown hair retains the sunshine. All our sorrow was nothing to this great happiness. It seems like a dream now." Trix kept 101 rocking to and fro in the golden sunlight among the birds and flowers that her husband had placed there to make her happy. She was sewing on some dainty little garments that are so dear to every woman's heart; her husband was reading to her. He closed the book with a sign and silently rocked her in his arms. "Trix, now that I am rich, I will promise never to leave your side again, my sweet wife. I adore you, babe, my poor dove." "Babe, love is the greatest gift God has ever given to man. The eternal companionship of his spirit-mate is immortal happiness. The union of spirit-mates is a holy sacrament. Their love is the secret of youth and immortality. Our great yearning for each other is in the past. God has heard our prayers. What God hath joined together, let no man put asunder. My wife, my love, we will take a pleasure trip to Venus today." Then I cried out, "O mama, may I go with you?" Edward, she stepped back, surprised that I was in her home. "Augusta, love, I was so happy listening to Alvin I did not know you were here. When he talks or sings to me I am spell-bound and all attention is his, my daughter. You and Goldie may visit Venus with us." "Mama, her soul cannot travel yet." "Augusta, Goldie often goes to Venus, but she is not far enough developed to remember her travels. Her spirit-mate takes her there ; he has prepared a beautiful home for her in Mars. Some day we will all live in Venus or Saturn. Then we will never be parted again. Great souls are always united." Alvin spoke to Trix's mother : "Adelaide, you guide the two girls. I will take Trix while we visit the dark side of Venus. We will visit the brighter side later." As quickly as a thought they were there. "It is not nearly so dark as we thought it would be. O, Ade- laide, look at the aurora borealis." "Girls, these lights are around the ice. Both sides of the planet are in- habited." "Alvin, I can see everything here clear as 102 day. I see more people floating than we did on our previous visit." 'Trix, my doll, you often forget your transition from earth to Mars." "O, the canals are like the ones in Mars. I feel the electricity in the air. I enjoy their graceful flying in the air. They have no wings, yet they swim in the ether faster than fish." 'Trix, the Venusians have more light and energy. They are nearer the life-giving Sun. I will be glad when you and all our loved ones are translated to this planet. These angels work for knowledge harder than mortals do for money. The cold country or what astronomers call the dark hemisphere, is lighter than it seems from earth. It is lighted by electricity." "Alvin, this trip to Venus is just another honeymoon." 'Your bridal tour will last forever, love. Trix, we will always live in perfect rapture together from this on." "Alvin, my darling, I worship you. All my past sor- row on earth seems like a dream that lasted but a moment. Trix, it did not last a moment compared to eternity. Forget your earth-life, it was too short to think of." ( T have forgotten all but Goldie and Augusta. I only live for you, Alvin ; it is Heaven to be near you." C T adore you more than ever, my beautiful Trix. Come, we will express our love in song. Today words fail to express our great new happiness, babe, my wife, kiss me, pet." "I thank God for you, Alvin, my darling." They floated to the sunny side over a long narrow canal. They saw gigantic pumping stations which were run by electricity. It pumped the cold, sweet water down from the snowy mountains to the sunny side. The cold water flowed on to a clear blue lake. This lake supplied the city below them with pure cold mountain water the year around. These highly intel- ligent people were masters of Venus. Some of these Venusians were angels that once lived on earth ; they still retain their individuality and memory. Soft vel- vet-like clouds floated over their heads. The canals caused it. The ground was carpeted with sweet- 103 scented flowers. "It is night on earth.* I am going down and get Kate Burke," said Adelaide. Dr. Frank was praying by her bedside. Kate smiled in her sleep. Her soul soon drifted away from its sorrow and she and Dr. Frank joined us in our pleasure. "O, Dr. Frank, what a beautiful land of sunshine and flowers. Kate, my sweet angel, you will need this recreation after working so hard among the poor soldiers and the colony." "Kate, my child, why do you worry so much since you have rescued so many souls from that awful war?" "Adelaide, my pure angel, I want to leave the world forever to be Avith Dr. Frank. I think he is the grandest man in the universe." "We know he is your spirit-mate, Kate. Here he comes with a delicious beverage charged with electricity ; it was a tonic, bet- ter than champagne, yet not in the least injurious. "Kate, you dear soul, w r ill you take a pleasure trip with me to our future home?" 'Yes, dearest one. In a few minutes they were in a white palace surrounded with every luxury. In the aviary she saw a large cage of canary birds feeding their young. In one apart- ment of the cage were a tiny yellow singer and little mate not over an inch long, and about one-fourth of an inch thick. A Japanese nobleman gave them to Dr. Frank. He also gave him a set of wonder- ful blue dishes trimmed with gold. Gold was used for jewels and the home, but never for money. "Kate, permit me to introduce you to Goldie, my assistant's fiancee. Roy often attracts her soul to his own, as I do you, doll. Come and see my library. Look, Goldie, I will press the button." A large glass window opened by itself, at the same time sweet music began to play. vSuddenly the room was filled with electricity and warm sunshine. They all felt like dancing to the music. The music came from a large pipe organ in the adjoining room. The pipes were made of gold. The wood work looked like golden oak. Off from the great parlors was an assembly hall for opera and all kinds of entertainment. Another magic button was 104 pressed and 'the great hall was filled with a yellow radium light that made the rich purple curtains look like burnished copper. "Roy, you must be wealthy to afford all this luxury." "Goldie, my sweetheart, we learn the different uses of electricity in school. Venus is alive with it; I just borrow a little from the Sun. There is a great vast wealth in space. We all should enjoy it abundantly. In every planet there is wealth enough for all. Goldie, life is too short on earth to worry and fight over money. To develop the soul is wealth of mind. Education is the most valuable jewel in the world. Money is nothing compared to it. Dar- ling girl, I beg you to study hard as it develops the soul and makes the face beautiful." "Roy, dear, now I will study hard just to be pretty." "Goldie, I owe Dr. Frank a great deal more than I can ever pay; he educated me, he is the most marvelous man I ever knew. His spirit-mate is Kate Burke ; she is an angel that has done all in her power to make the world more beautiful." "Roy, I am jealous of this angel as you call her." "No cause to be, dear, she worships Dr. Frank as I do vou. God has created an eternal / companion for every one. Here we only want the one that belongs to us. You have no reason to be jealous." "I know Wese and Ed looked up to her as an angel of Love and Mercy. I hate to see you admire any one but myself. I know she is good and pretty. I am selfish, Roy." "Goldie, shame! When you are fully developed, you will regret such thoughts." "Roy, you are tall and finely proportioned. I think you are handsome. I admire your black hair and perfect blue eyes. Why do I see so much light around your head, Roy?" "It is my soul you see, Goldie. Light and love is life, dear. Without you I could not live, but a few years. Goldie, some day you and I will be like Trix and Alvin. Their love is the most perfect love I have ever seen." "Roy, their devotion is perfectly lovely. In spite of past sorrows and the demons that tried to part them they are united and perfectly happy. I hope 105 God will let me come to you soon, Roy. I long to live happily with you in this eternal sunshine surrounded and loved by such beautiful intelligent angels." 'You and I will be an angel as soon as you come up here. An angel is man and wife. All angels are spirit-mates, dear girl." "Roy, don't you think it is time to return to earth with our girls?" "Yes, Adelaide, it is past the time they should wake up." [< Trix, we will stay and see this gigantic machinery all run by electricity. Babe, here is a great steel pipe that pumps ice cold water down from the cold mountains thousands of miles away. Mortals could do the same if they would study more and fight less. All the war money, if used properly, would make the world about as per- fect as Mars is, the glame and radium keep the angels young and energetic. People are more intelligent and Christlike here. The more we progress the more God- like we are. Dearest, all sin is ignorance or illness. The soul that continues to sin will surely die." "Come, Trix and Alvin, back to my home. I want to show you our city, then our home." "My children, when I go on to Saturn I will give you this home. I have another place near Dr. Frank, who is a great missionary to Earth and Mars." "Why is Saturn your next planet?" "Because we go where we belong. Christ went from Earth to Heaven, a greater distance than I am going. We go to the place we deserve, whether it is Heaven or Purgatory. Our mind takes us just where we belong. We cannot escape the con- ditions we have made on Earth. Many millionaires in Heaven were beggars and prisoners on Earth." "Wil- lard, why are you and your other half so rich and happy?' 3 "Because we have done good and love God and His angels." 'Trix, my pet, I yearn to go on, to learn more of God's ways." "I too pray for wisdom, Alvin." "I will help you in your studies, little girl. My little wife, our love exalts our souls to realms Elysian. It is Heaven to have you by my side, pet. God bless your pure soul." "Alvin, I thank God we 106 are now en rapport with God and Archangels. How gloriously happy you have made me, my darling hus- band. I worship you." "Babe, if you don't, I will get some one else to. Don't cry, love, I was only teasing you. Accept this check as a peace offering. I will place the precious paper in your little yearning palm soon as you kiss me a few times." "Darling, I enjoy kissing you far more than spending your money. I am going to buy the most elegant robe in the city just for you to hug, Alvin." "You May dove. My wealth is to make you happy, Trix." "Alvin, I enjoy your wealth for it keeps us together. It would kill me to part from you." "Don't worry, love, that is an impos- sibility now. Heaven is ours, dove." t "Trix, my love, I am glad we are home again. Now I shall work hard to make our home like Willard's." "Doctor, I love this home and don't see how you could improve it. Doctor, so long as I am with you I am perfectly contented. I noticed you resemble the men in Venus. You are tall, intelligent, with the form of Apollo. You are divine." "Life is Heaven to me, yet I would rather die than be parted from thee, Trix. My affection is stronger than your own love. Trix, my pet, it is marvelous how beautiful the planet Venus is, both hemispheres are utilized." "Doctor, I cannot understand how they can raise such large red apples and so much perfect fruit where it is so cold." "Trix, don't you remember the hot houses heated by elec- tricity?" 'Yes, darling, I wondered how they could make the glass so thick and clear." "Men in great air- ships take the glass there, and return with gold, silver and fruit. Goods are exchanged, hence the cold and hot hemispheres are equalized. Those wonderful canals are the secret of their wealth and perfect cli- mate." "Even the mystic caverns and subterranean lakes were illumined by electricity." "It takes the place of sunshine, even if most of the current comes from the sunny side of Venus." "O how I enjoyed visiting those wonderful glass homes surrounded by 107 snow. How comfortable and warm a little radium made each happy home. We will call them Angel Eskimos, love." 'Yes they were very white and pretty and could communicate with friends on the sunny side by thought-transference." "Some were educated on the sunny side." 'They visit back and forth the same as we do. They were younger and poorer in the frozen region. Because the winters were long. The sun's electric field is greater than we can conceive of." "I admired those wonderful great cement pipes that car- ried the ice water to the sunny hemisphere." 'Trix, the Earth could be made more beautiful if the people would do the same as they do in Venus and Mars. I hope they will follow our example some day. They must build canals in order to save their land and make the deserts valuable farming land. My darling, I wish we could make the poor old world more beauti- ful." "So do I, love." "My wife, the world needs universal education. Only a few of the millions on earth have a distinct aura and they are the educated, the religious. They are those who study and pray." "Alvin, I thank you with all my soul for teaching me how to think good thoughts." "Love, if your thoughts had been wicked, or you had killed your dear self, we would not have been united for hundreds of years. Continue to love and obey me, pet, and you will wear diamonds and be happy. If you don't, I will cut off those pretty little curls." "Alvin, I can see beautiful lights around' your handsome head. I wish my aura was as perfect and distinct as your own." ; 'Trix, our mind is a powerful electric dynamo capable of marvel- lous expansion. Our bodies have their full growth now, dear. Our minds will continue to improve through all eternity." "Alvin darling, my greatest desire now is to cultivate my mind, so I can be a perfect companion to you." "My sweet little dove, that is why I have accumulated this wealth for you, so you have nothing to do but study books and music. I will teach you, pet. My wealth and love is all yours, 108 Trix." "I worship you, Alvin. I only want your love. I am proud of you, dear." 'Trix, that sweet woman, Kate Burke, is dying. Dr. Frank has called me to assist him to drive away those Harris dogs." "Alvin, may I go and help you? I love her for she has done so much good in the world. Please may I go, darling?" "No, dove, it is not safe for any lady to be near those low insane Harris fiends. You may finish your book while I am gone. Don't worry, pet, I will not be away long. I will take you out swimming to- morrow and buy you another new robe if you do not cry." ;< They use such obscene low language I hate to have you go." "Roy, please come and help us to pro' tect an innocent, noble soul. Adelaide and Lily just told me Kate was dying. I am on my way now. I will met you at her bedside." "Alvin, there are the Harris demons and their relatives." "Roy, you whip Bill and I will knock Al down every time he gets up." "Dr. Frank, I should judge by the looks of him he will never be able to get up." "You are a coward, Al, to try to mar this pure soul. Your parents and relatives should whip you instead of encouraging you in your insane crimes." "Adelaide, I will call Edward to help." "Augusta, he is at home, sound asleep with your dear slender form in his arms. Listen, Augusta, and learn how twin souls worship each other. Augus- ta, love, teach the world how sacred and beautiful the philosophy of soul mates is." "Dr. % Frank, I am dying. I thank God you came to save me. Did he really create us for each other?" "Doll, don't worry, I know He did. We do not make any mistakes over here, my own love. Your fear and suffering is all over, place your pretty head on my chest, and I will carry you home, my sweet pure angel." "O, Doctor, how lovely death is ! Words cannot express my new happiness." "Thank God, Dr. Frank has floated safely away with that noble soul, Kate Burke." "Alvin, my darling, see, doesn't she look sweet in her modest ascension robes? How sweetly she smiles, 109 nestled safely in Dr. Frank's strong young arms." ''Roy, I thank God Kate is safe and happy with the man God created for her." "She has suffered persecu- tion and abuse for years ; all her suffering was caused by Lena Colby and those lazy Harris fiends. She can never suffer again with Dr. Frank's protection." Dr. Frank's joyous voice rang out in the distance, a melodious new song : "Now the mantle immortal around is thrown, Thy soul thrilled \vith songs that invite to our zone, And thou greetest in rapture thy 'bride' all thine own, Then listen no longer, beloved, for me, Now I am ever forever with thee." "Kate, my sweet bride, I thank God you are safe at last. Yet you are so weak from fear, you little cow- ard. I will have our helpers apply electrical music over your new spiritual body. How slender and beauti- ful your form is. Rest your pretty young face on my breast. Cast away all fears from your mind. Kiss me, love." "I hope you enjoy your first bath in Mars." What a wonderful plunge, the blue water was clear as crystal, the marble steps that led to the perfect fountain were polished white marble. After the bath electricity from an organ was applied over her hair, face and form. She had never experienced such ecstasy as when the pulsing music penetrated every cell of her being. She felt so light and young. Her happiness at this new treatment knew no bounds. Kate's mother dressed her in a new fluffy white lace dress and led her back to Dr. Frank. As he clasped her in his arms she cried for joy. "My darling Kate, don't cry, it will spoil your pretty eyes." ! 'How beau- tiful you look, my sweet queen. I adore you. You are all in all to me. Kate, if you will hug and kiss me I will permit you to see the most beautiful child in the universe. Now you may look in the mirror, love, and you will see her." "Dr. Frank, is that beautiful young 110 girl myself?" 'We are alone, so it must be you, dear. I would hate to be so small. I would not like to wear such long heavy hair as you have." "Death has made me beautiful. I thank God for this new face and form." "Kate, your past beautiful thoughts have made your face young and pretty. Our mind keeps us young and beautiful." "Dr. Frank, you must have a wonderful mind. You are handsome." "I worship you, darling." 'What a lovely home you have for me near the lake, among the trees and flow- ers." "Come out in the sunshine, Kate, I will row you on the lake." "Hand in hand the lovers go, Every nook of nature through ; Each for other were they born ; Each the other best adorn." "Dr. Frank, I wonder what caused my death?" "Fear and constant abuse from the Harris fiends. Your fear of them and constant worry attracted the scoundrels to you. My little wife, your tumultuous thoughts kept me away. I had to fight my way to your bedside. Mentally we will make a deep grave in the earth far below us now, and bury all the sad past. We must never think of our sorrows again. They have all passed away forever. From this on you will be my bride, love, always close to my side. Noth- ing can ever part us now. Our minds have lifted us up out of darkness, prosperity smiles on us. God's Sun will forever shine on us. Cupid will be our eternal companion. We will grow closer and closer together. You are my life, Kate, I adore you. God has united us." 'Trix, my love, permit me to put on your new white sandals. I want you to witness the most glorious sight you have ever seen." "O what will I see, dar- ling?" "Something new and gorgeous, love. My wife, you remember while on earth the most beautiful adventure in your life was death." 'That is true, be- lli cause you protected me from those wicked Harris de- mons. How divine of you to clasp me in your loving arms and soar up, up on electrical waves to this beauti- ful home, where I am always safe with you. My pre- cious darling, I worship you for what you have done for me." "It was only a pleasure to protect you, doll. Here we are, babe, just in time for the translation of our good friend Elizabeth and her twin soul." "How sweetly they smile at us." 'Trix, they have gradually prepared their minds to ascend in radiant light and glory." "Alvin, it is a shame for them to leave this grand and expensive home." "I know it is a gorgeous home, love. Think of the grand new joys they \vill experience in their new mansion away in the Central Sphere." "O look, Alvin, their son and daughter who are twin souls are going to ascend with them. I hope our children will go with us when we are ready for a higher plane." "Our little pets must learn to talk first, darling. All they can lisp is Da and smile. They are something like you, dear heart." Soon they heard a band of angels from Saturn singing softly near the couples that were soon to go on to a higher plane. They embraced them with a radiant smile. "Trix, we will return to visit you often and Communicate to you from our new home of homes." Gradually a brilliant light from Heaven enveloped them. In a twinkling of an eye they ascended, their perfect forms lighter and brighter than ever. As they watched the golden pathway of light they knew God's Holy angels would carry them on on to the great electric Central Sphere, there to dwell in a new mansion of Light and Glory, to live in perfect ecstasy and sweet harmony forever. "My pure sweet wife, that was the grandest and most glorious sight I ever witnessed. It proves the power of God is greater than we ever dreamed of or could realize. I commend our souls to Him for- ever, my dove. Our own divine translation will be just as sacred and beautiful as the one we have just witnessed, dear. Our minds are growing more power- 112 ful every day. Our forms more ethereal and lighter. Trix, my angel doll, some day we will be all light and powerful." "I think you are now, my darling husband, my life, my all." 'Trix, my sweet wife, how would you like to take another bridal tour to Venus?" "Just so we can be alone, Alvin." "We will kiss our babies and their nurse good-bye and go for a few days." "Look, Alvin, she is pulling his hair." 'That is be- cause he wants her doll." "They are too sweet to leave a moment." 'Just as you say, Trix, we will stay at home." Trix began to cry, then both of the chil- dren cried because their mother did. 'Why do you cry, love?" ''Because I want to take our babies with us." That would be impossible ; they would not have the proper care. You must go with me alone if you will not cry love." "I want to go at once, Alvin." 'You may, doll ; permit me to put your sandals and cloak on." "How sweet you look, Trix. You are the biggest baby I have, love ; the next time you cry I am going to beat you good and plenty." "If you do I will tell your mother." "I am in a hurry to go, Alvin." ; 'What a perfect day this is, darling. I am so happy when we can float alone together. Just you and I, dear." "Alvin, I will get even with you for rolling me in the snow." "You may, doll." It is now winter in the coldest part of Venus. 'Trix, I brought you here so you would nestle more closely in your husband's arms." "Alvin, I always get just as close to you as I can, you precious treasure." Winters are very short here ; on the frozen side of Venus is to be found species of infinite warmth, for it is the tryst- ing ground of a host of lovers. "I can hear our babies crying, Alvin ; take me home so I can rock them to sleep; then we will return." In a few moments, Alvin was rocking his tiny son, and Trix her baby girl as the pretty nurse stood by thinking how foolish they were to return. Soon as the babies were sound asleep and kissed, Trix and Alvin again circled up from Mars in 113 a great electrical wave of golden light to visit Venus's mighty white plain. From afar it looked like a sleepy frosted moonstone set softly into the brow of night. In an instant they approached it. To Trix still unused to heavenly descents alone, a mighty ocean of pure white seemed to shoot out and engulf the universe. Alvin laughed merrily as she caught and caught at a breath that would not come. "How, how can I ever learn to float as gracefully as you do?" she whispered finally. "Alvin, I have no desire to learn long as you carry me so easily." His great voice laughed and echoed over the white plain. Trix looked curiously about, fearing some one would see her learning to float. Alvin smiled at her as he kissed her repeatedly. In the grey- ish white plain, white and smooth to the rim of the horizon, were literally millions of shadowy forms. The silence seemed broken, if she listened O so carefully, by series of gentle vibrations like the beat of a choir of humming-bird wings. 'That is the audible result of celestial love," explained Alvin. "Here on the plain of absolute silence and smoothness, the rapturous and complete soul-mates meet in one accord like many sweet-toned bells." Trix only stood fluttering by his side in the mystic waves and billows of all Heaven's love. 'They are not ready for us yes." Alvin caught her up before she could think and they hovered above the multitude of lovers. "Oh, but, Alvin, we have lost the pulse beat of their loves." "Babe, so I have not lost an atom of your love I am happy." He hugged and kissed her fondly, then she seemed satisfied. Slowly, gently they circled the edges of the frozen country ar min arm. Sometimes resting on their backs, then changing quickly to the side and floating, floating, floating. On and on they drifted among the soft sil- very clouds like two white swans on a moonlit lake. Then a blare of light shot up from the plain ; they were flooded in a million brilliant colors. It seemed as if all the rainbows since the beginning of time had been broken to bits and flung into that great white 114 expanse. It was the electric current that leads to Saturn. 'They are ready," he whispered. As they drifted back in place he told her the whole meaning of the event. Here, newly joined soul-mates often give thanks ceremoniously for their union, and here perfect- ed angels bid adieu to Venus in passing to Holy Sat- urn the golden land of perfect love and happiness. 'There, we aren't merely on-lookers, we, you and I, Alvin, praise God with them for our eternal heavenly marriage. We are as happy as they are." His face glowed with the love that filled each angel there. Trix was still wondering at him and his marvellous beauty. Trix thought he was the handsomest man she had ever seen. Alvin was considered the most intelligent and Christlike soul in Mars. Trix was extremely proud of him in every sense of the word. Gracefully and lov- ingly they drifted softly through the crowd and many smiled kindly at them. When their blue robes dragged across a great beaten gold cross which marked the exact center of Venus' frozen hemisphere they stopped pulsating gently in the prayer that every heart uttered for their new union. Trix was lifted out of herself in ecstasy, her loosened golden brown hair lowered to the cross, as she bent toward Alvin in joy, lost in the first big reward of a perfect love. Then Alvin guided her from the cross to join the circle of quiet onlookers. Trix saw many noted forms glide to the center of worship, pause as she and Alvin had done and pass on, but her own experience was so overpowering that she could not remember, she could not discern who they were or what raiment they wore. Alvin roused her from the depths of her revery with a kiss on her small parted lips. There is to be an unusual event take place. An Archangel from Saturn is to claim his own, for she although newly arisen from Earth, will pass to him after a brief sojourn in Mars." 'They must be divine." "Partly, my love. So are you. They came to such an exalted state through their earthly spirituality. He was a pure monk and psychic 115 among the highest Alps. She was all her life a pure maiden and prophetess. Neither loved for they had never met and they were noble enough to repulse all save what God should bring together." "Oh how glorious." 'They are coming. See, there he is, all alone before the cross." Trix watched the golden ring- leted angel as he stood waiting with his eyes on the Eternal God head. He stood in profoundest medita- tion and soon toward him from the outermost edge of the planet crept a spark like the flash of a diamond. It came swifter, swifter, growing larger as it tore on till he clasped her tightly in his arms. The angels were silent, not a vibration disturbed the peace till he loos- ed his arms and looked deep into her midnight orbs. 'Thou art come at last." The angel pulsing com- menced and together they rose over the great golden cross. Jesus guiding them on. He held her closely to his panting breast. His mauve robe floated about them like a common drapery. In a golden pathway of prism lights, her clinging robes looked like jewels showered on her from the caskets of angels above her, till all could be seen was the glitter of diamonds which absolutely covered every portion of her clinging ascen- sion robe. As the holy pair neared Saturn a joyous burst of music welcomed them and the songs were heard even to Mars. A pure and intense white light suffused their bodies as they finally disappeared into the gloriously tinted rings of Holy Saturn. Alvin in an ecstasy of delight caught Trix to him and joyously wended his way back to his children in Mars. The End. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY BERKELEY THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW Books not returned on time are subject to a fine of 50c per volume after the third day overdue, increasing to $1.00 per volume after the sixth day. Books not in demand may be renewed if application is made before expiration of loan period. 11 1918 SENlW/tL 8 SEP 1 9 U. C. 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