A BOOK OF PKWIFIS tiiiii 4 «$P h si '■ ■ - illlilil iliJ Jo^dyti S Poofe of draper* Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2007 with funding from Microsoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/bookofprayersforOOmccorich a poofe of draper* FOR PUBLIC AND PERSONAL USE SAMUEL McCOMB, M. A., D.D. Author of "Christianity and the Modern Mind," etc Co-Author of " Religion and Medicine " REVISED AND ENLARGED EDITION NEW YORK ffiobb, iWeab anb Company 1923 to Copyright, 1QI2. By Dodd, Mead & Co. Copyright, 1917. By Dodd, Mead & Company, Inc. Printed in U. S. A. i 3to iWemoriam Hi sunt, qui venerunt de tribulation* magna, et lauerunt stolas suas, et deal- baverunt eas in sanguine Agni. 615976 g poofe of ffrapenf preface to tfje J&>to Cbttion ^|KHE author has taken the opportunity ^w^ afforded by the issue of a new edition of this book to remove infelicities of ex- pression, to improve the rhythm which must characterize prose intended for pub- lic use, and generally to make the volume a little less unworthy the kind reception which has been accorded it. His cordial thanks are due the Rev. John W. Suter, to whose knowledge and critical acumen in matters liturgical almost every page bears witness. Several prayers have been re- written and others have been added; these last for the most part have been sug- gested by the sufferings and the search- ings of hearts caused by the Great War. Nothing is more needed at the present time than to keep alive the spirit of prayer lest the Nation should be inoculated with the very evil against which it is fighting through failure in loyalty to the ideals of justice and brotherly good will. [vii] 9 Poofe of draper? preface eccmb FOR A PERSON WHO CANNOT PRAY I33 FOR A PERSON WHO DESIRES FAITH .... I35 FOR A PERSON TROUBLED WITH EVIL THOUGHTS I37 FOR A VICTIM OF FEAR I39 FOR A VICTIM OF WORRY I4I FOR A PERSON SUFFERING FROM NER- VOUS WEAKNESS I43 FOR A PERSON SUFFERING FROM SLEEP- LESSNESS I45 FOR A PERSON SUFFERING FROM DE- PRESSION 147 FOR A PERSON WHO IS SICK MENTALLY . I49 FOR A PERSON STRIVING TO OVERCOME THE ALCOHOL HABIT 151 FOR A PERSON HAUNTED WITH THE FEAR OF COMMITTING SUICIDE 153 I xiii ] a Poofe of drapers PAGE FOR A PERSON WHO FEARS THAT IN DYING HE WILL LOSE A SENSE OF PERSONAL IDENTITY 1 55 FOR A PERSON SUFFERING FROM A SERIOUS ILLNESS 157 FOR A SICK CHILD l6o FOR A PERSON ABOUT TO UNDERGO A SURGICAL OPERATION 162 FOR A PERSON SUFFERING FROM ACUTE BODILY PAIN 164 FOR A PERSON AT THE POINT OF DEATH . 1 66 FOR AN INCURABLY CRIPPLED CHILD. . . 1 68 FOR A PERSON SUFFERING FROM A SENSE OF LONELINESS 170 FOR A PERSON HAUNTED WITH THE FEAR OF HAVING COMMITTED THE UNPARDONABLE SIN 172 FOR A WOMAN BURDENED WITH DO- MESTIC CARES 174 FOR PARENTS WHO HAVE LOST A CHILD BY DEATH 176 IN REMEMBRANCE OF DEPARTED FRIENDS 1 78 FOR CHILDREN 180 FOR A MOTHER GRIEVING FOR A WAY- WARD CHILD 182 [xiv] 9 poofe of drapers PAGE FOR THE AGED 184 FOR THE POOR l86 FOR THE PROSPEROUS l88 FOR PRISONERS I90 FOR DOCTORS OF MEDICINE 1 93 FOR NURSES I95 FOR STUDENTS I97 FOR TEACHERS I99 FOR HANDWORKERS 201 FOR MINISTERS OF RELIGION 204 FOR MISSIONARIES 2o6 FOR FRIENDS ON A JOURNEY 208 FOR AN ABSENT FRIEND IN DANGER. . . 2IO FOR SOLDIERS AND SAILORS IN TIME OF WAR 212 FOR THOSE WHO HAVE BEEN BEREAVED BY THE WAR 214 FOR INTERNATIONAL PEACE 2l6 THANKSGIVING FOR RESTORATION TO HEALTH 219 THANKSGIVING FOR VICTORY OVER A BAD HABIT 221 ftert ®f)trb AT NIGHT. (PRAYERS) 226 IN THE MORNING. (PRAYERS) 23 I [xv] 8 28ook of ^xaptta PAGE IN TIME OF TEMPTATION 239 IN TIME OF SUFFERING 24O IN TIME OF DOUBT 241 BEFORE PARTAKING AT HOLY COM- MUNION 242 AFTER PARTAKING AT HOLY COM- MUNION 244 [xvi] $art Jfira* Aft &ft father to&o art in beaten, xls £>aUotoc& bt Cljp name. €t)p ItingDom come. €|)&> toill lie Done on cart|>, a£ it i£ in ^eanen. <©ine n£ tl)i0 tian our Dailn bread. 3tn& forgine ug our trespasses, ag toe forgioe t&oge to&o trcjS)>ajsfj6f against ug. 3dnD leaD ug not into temptation, nut Deliner ug from ebil. for Clime i£ tfje JiingDom, anD t|>e nomcr, anD tfjc glorn, for eber anD ener. ilmen. a Poott of ^tapers; Af% THOU, who didst lay the KP foundations of the earth amid the singing of the morning stars and the joyful shouts of the sons of God, lift up our little life into Thy gladness. Out of Thee, as out of an overflowing fountain of Love, wells forth eternally a stream of blessing upon every creature Thou hast made. If we have thought that Thou didst call into being this universe in order to win praise and honour for Thy- self, rebuke the vain fancies of our foolish minds and show us that Thy glory is the joy of giving. We can give Thee nothing of our own. All that we have is Thine. O, then, help us to glorify Thee by striving to be like Thee. Make us just and pure and good as Thou [3] & iBoofe of drapers art. May we be partakers of the Divine Nature, so that all that is truly human in us may be deep- ened, purified, and strengthened. And so may we be witnesses for Thee, lights of the world, reflect- ing Thy light. Help us to make religion a thing so beautiful that all men may be won to surrender to its power. Let us manifest in our lives its sweetness and excellency, its free and ennobling spirit. For- bid that we should go up and down the world with melancholy looks and. dejected visage, lest we should repel men from entering Thy Kingdom. Rather, may we walk in the freedom and joy of faith, and with Thy new song in our mouths, so that men looking on us may learn to trust and to love Thee. [4] & $k)Qii of drapers; We come to Thee, our Father, that we may more deeply enter into Thy joy. Thou turnest dark- ness into day, and mourning into praise. Thou art our Fortress in temptation, our Shield in remorse, our Covert in calamity, our Star of Hope in every sorrow. O Lord, we would know Thy peace, deep, abiding, inexhaustible. When we seek Thy peace, our weariness is gone, the sense of our imperfec- tion ceases to discourage us, and our tired souls forget their pain. When, strengthened and refreshed by Thy goodness, we return to the task of life, send us forth as serv- ants of Jesus Christ in the service and redemption of the world. Send us to the hearts without love, to men and women burdened with heavy cares, to the miserable, the sad, the broken-hearted. Send [51 g iBook of drapers; us to the children whose heritage has been a curse, to the poor who doubt Thy Providence, to the sick who crave for healing and cannot find it, to the fallen for whom no man cares. May we be ministers of Thy mercy, messengers of Thy helpful pity, to all who need Thee. By our sympathy, our prayers, our kindness, our gifts, may we make a way for the inflow of Thy love into needy and loveless lives. And so may we have that love which alone is the fulfilling of Thy law. Hasten the time when all men shall love Thee and one another in Thee, when all the barriers that divide us shall be broken down, and every heart shall be filled with joy and every tongue with melody. These gracious gifts we ask, in Jesus' name. Amen. [6] & Poofe of drapers II sftk INFINITE Source of life K^ and health and joy! the very thought of Thee is so wonder- ful that in this thought we would rest and be still. Thou art Beauty and Grace and Truth and Power. Thou art the light of every heart that sees Thee, the life of every soul that loves Thee, the strength of every mind that seeks Thee. From our narrow and bounded world we would pass into Thy greater world. From our petty and miserable selves we would escape to Thee, to find in Thee the power and the freedom of a larger life. It is our joy that we can never go beyond Thy reach; that even were we to take the wings of the morning, and fly unto the uttermost parts of the earth, £7] g Jloofe of drapers or were we to make our bed in hell, there should we find signs of Thy presence and Thy power. Wherever we may go Thou art with us, for Thou art in us as well as without us. We recognise Thee in all the deeper experiences of the soul. When the conscience utters its warning voice, when the heart is tender and we forgive those who have wronged us in word or deed, when we feel our- selves upborne above time and place, and know ourselves citizens of Thy everlasting Kingdom, we realise, O Lord, that these things, while they are in us, are not of us. They are Thine, the work of Thy Spirit brooding upon our souls. Spirit of Holiness and Peace! Search all our motives; try the secret places of our souls; set in [8] 3 Poofe of draper* the light any evil that may lurk within, and lead us in the way everlasting. Take possession of our bodies. Purge them from feebleness and sloth, from all un- worthy self-indulgence, that they may not hinder, but help the per- fection of our spirits. Take pos- session of our wills that they may be one with Thine, that soul and body may no longer war against each other, but live in perfect harmony, in holiness and health. May we be willing to cut off the right hand, or pluck out the right eye, if only we may feel Thy life pulsing within us, and share the blessedness of all good and pious men. Wake us as from the sleep of death, and inspire us with new resolves, and keep us blameless in body, soul and spirit, now and ever. Let [9] g Poofe of drapers Thy light fill our hearts more and more, until we shall become in truth the children of light, and perfectly at one with Thee, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. [10] g Poofe of drapers III /f£% GOD, our Refuge and our \P Strength! Thou art so high that the very Heaven of Heavens cannot contain Thee, yet dost Thou dwell with him that is of a contrite and humble spirit. Thou livest in eternity, we are the creatures of a moment. Yet Thou hast committed to us the solemn tasks of love and duty. Though we fail and forget, Thou remainest faithful. Thou dost not despair when Thou findest us degraded and miserable in our sin, but bringest us forgiveness and hope. We are overwhelmed, O Lord, with wonder, to think that Thou dost believe in us, and wilt not let us go. From the pleasures of sin, from the torment [li] & Poofe of $rapertf of guilt, from poverty and blighted hopes and ill-requited love, we turn to Thee, our Father, for comfort and satisfaction. Make clear to us how the evils of the soul war against our happiness and health, how we are so fear- fully and wonderfully made that not a wrong thought, or base desire, or strained emotion, but leaves its mark upon our bodies. Take possession of us, and so inspire us with great thoughts and noble aspirations and unselfish feelings, that our bodies may become fit temples for the habitation of Thy good Spirit. So occupy us with self-forgetting service for Thee that no time or strength may remain for our besetting sins. Lay upon us the burdens of the weak, the crosses of other lives. Are any sick? Let us bring to them help 112] & Poofe of draper* and good cheer, and, if it may be, some gift of healing. Are there any naked and hungry? Let us clothe and feed them. Are there any sad and depressed? Give to us the insight and the sympathy, in the presence of which the burdened heart will be eased and the darkened mind illumined. Are there any remorseful and despair- ing? Speak to them through us, as Thy messengers, and say, " I am thy salvation." Thus may the fires of a Christlike charity burn with a steady flame within us, and thus may our souls be kept pure and fresh and strong. O true and holy Light, that lightenest every man, shine into these hearts of ours that we may hold converse with the sinful, yet contract no stain; that we may share the pleasures and mingle in the noise [13] & J&ook of $Jraper* and dust of life, yet keep our gar- ments unspotted from the world. Forgive us that we have sinned so often against those around us, by failing to draw near to them and to understand them, by want of pity for their trials and sorrows, by passing on our heedless way, with no ear for the still, sad voices of weary and laden souls. Hence- forth let us be at one with the mind that was in Christ Jesus, who came not to be ministered unto, but to minister, and to give His life a ransom for many. Let the glory of His Cross be the inspiration of all our thought and service, that suffering with Him here, we may reign with Him hereafter. Hear us and answer us, for His sake. Amen. M) & poofc of draper? IV vijfcREAT is Thy name, O God, VE^ and greatly to be praised. In Thee all our discordant notes rise into perfect harmony. It is good for us to think of the wonder of Thy being. Thou art most silent, yet most strong; unchangeable, yet ever changing; ever working, yet ever at rest, supporting, nourishing, maturing all things. O Thou Eternal Spirit, who hast set our noisy years in the heart of Thy eternity, lift us above the strife and evil of the passing time, that under the shadow of Thy wings we may take courage and be glad. So great art Thou, beyond our utmost imagining, that we could not speak to Thee didst Thou not first draw near to us and say, " Seek [15] & Poofe of drapers; ye my face." Unto Thee our hearts would make reply, "Thy face, Lord, will we seek." And when we look up to Thee, the words of our lips are words of humility and thanksgiving. Who or what are we that Thou shouldst follow us with goodness and mercy all the days of life? We thank Thee for our birth into a Christian community, for the Church and the Sacraments of Thy grace, for the healing day of rest, when we enter with Thy people into Thy House and there make holyday; for the refreshment of soul, the joys of communion, the spiritual disci- pline, the inspiration of prayer and hymn and sermon. We thank Thee for Thy watchful care over body and soul alike. Thou hast kept our eyes from tears, or, if the tears came, Thine own hand [16} 8 Pook of drapers wiped them away. Thou hast kept our feet from falling, or if we fell, Thou didst not forsake us, but guided us back to the holy paths of Christ. We praise Thee for the myriad influences of good, conscious and unconscious, that have been about us, deeply pen- etrating our inner life, shaping and fitting us for Thy Kingdom. Thou hast indeed forgiven all our iniquities, and healed all our diseases, and redeemed our life from destruction, and crowned us with loving-kindness. Therefore would we call upon our souls, and all that is within us, to bless Thy holy Name. We remember with sadness our want of faith in Thee. What might have been a garden we have turned into a desert by our sin and wilfulness. This beautiful [17] & Poofe of draper* life which Thou hast given us we have wasted in futile worries and vain regrets and empty fears. Instead of opening our eyes to the joy of life, the joy that shines in the leaf, the flower, the face of an innocent child, and rejoicing in it as in a sacrament, we have sunk back into the complainings of our narrow and blinded souls. O deliver us from the bondage of unchastened desires and un- wholesome thoughts. Help us to conquer hopeless brooding and faithless reflection, and the im- patience of irritable weakness. To this end, increase our faith, O Lord. Fill us with a completer trust in Thee, and the desire for a more whole-hearted surrender to Thy will. Then every sorrow will become a joy. Then shall we say to the mountains that lie 18] gj Pool* of prayers heavy on our souls, "Remove and be cast hence," and they shall remove, and nothing shall be im- possible unto us. Then shall we renew our strength, and mount up with wings as eagles; we shall run and not be weary; we shall walk and not faint. We offer this prayer in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. (19) & poofe of draper* V QTLMIGHTY and Everlasting ^V* God, whom no man hath seen at any time, who art Spirit and the Father of our spirits, unto Thee do we come. When we think of Thee we are troubled, for we know we have not surrendered ourselves to Thy service, which is our highest good; yet we are drawn to Thee, and we say with one of old, "Thou hast made us for Thyself, and our hearts are restless till they find rest in Thee." Bring us at this time into Thy banqueting-house, and may Thy banner over us be Love. We w r ould tell Thee all our wants, our sorrows and our sins, that out of the fullness of Thy grace we may receive healing and forgiveness. We lament the worldliness of [20] g poofc of drapers our desires, the coldness of our affections, the prayerlessness of our lives, the want of relish for Thy law. Forgive us that our resolves to lead the higher life have been so easily broken, and grant us true repentance, that henceforth we may build our lives on the abiding foundation of Thy holy will, as it is revealed in Jesus Christ. Cause us to walk in the paths of purity and sincerity, to renounce the hidden things of dis- honesty, and to have no fellow- ship with the works of darkness. We pant for a purer air, a wider space. O God, lead us out of the twilight of our own dark, narrow souls into Thy glorious light, that we may be the children, not of the night, but of the day. Strengthen us, that we may finish the work Thou hast given us to do. Com- [21] 8 Poofe of draper* fort us in the troubles that wait upon our earthly lot. Guide us through the shadows of time into Thy blessed eternity. We invoke Thy blessing upon all who need Thee, and who are groping after Thee, if haply they may find Thee. Be gracious to those who bear the sins of others, who are vexed by the wrong- doing and selfishness of those near and dear to them, and reveal to them the glory of their fellow- ship with the sufferings of Christ. Brood in tenderness over the hearts of the anxious, the miser- able, the victims of phantasmal fears and morbid imaginings. Re- deem from slavery the men and women who have yielded to de- grading habits. Put Thy Spirit within them, that they may rise up in shame and sorrow and make [22] JU Poob of drapers confession to Thee, "So brutish was I, and ignorant: I was as a beast before Thee." And then let them have the glad assurance that Thou art with them, the secret of all good, the promise and potency of better things. Console with Thy large consolation, those who mourn for their loved dead, who count the empty places and long for the sound of a voice that is still. Inspire them with the firm conviction that the dead are safe in Thy keeping, nay, that they are not dead, but live unto Thee. Give to all sorrowing ones a garland for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, and the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness. Remember for good all who are perplexed with the mysteries of existence, and who grieve because the world is so sad and unin- [23] & pook of drapers telligible. Teach them that Thy hand is on the helm of affairs, that Thou dost guide Thine own world, and canst change every dark cloud into bright sunshine. In this faith let them rest, and by this faith let them live. These blessings we ask in the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen. [241 g Poofe of drapers VI rERNAL God, rise with Thy morning upon our souls, and call us to consecrate another day to Thy service. We thank Thee for rest and sleep, and for Thy watchful care throughout the hours of darkness. Thou hast been as a wall of fire about our home, and Thyself the glory in the midst. Thou dost care for each one of us, as if Thou didst care for him only, and for all as if they were but one. We would commit our ways to Thee afresh. Sustain us amid all our work, and solve the problems of our life that are too hard for us. May we be strong in the faith that all things work together for good to them that love Thee. O God, our allotted time is as the passing of [25] g Pook of drapers a shadow. Our life vanishes away even as a mist is scattered before the burning beams of the sun. Without Thee we cannot live and dare not die. Draw us into fellow- ship with Thy mind and will, that, renouncing the vain things which in times past have charmed, we may yield ourselves unreservedly to Thee, that Thou mayst use us to advance Thy cause and Kingdom in the world. Send forth Thy Spirit into our hearts to quicken us with fresh zeal and devout aspiration, to rouse us to renewed struggle against the evil that is within and without us. We re- joice in the message which Jesus Christ, Thy Son, has brought us, which tells us of Thy self-sacrifice, in surrendering Him to death that we might win the blessedness for which we were created. When in [26J g poofe of drapers the misery and confusion of our guilt we shrink before the look of Thy holiness, it is His voice that speaks the word which comforts, "I will not pray the Father for you, for the Father himself loveth you." When conscious of our un- faithfulness to higher aims, and yet craving the freedom of a larger life, it is His Spirit that streams into our hearts, to clear our inward vision, and to set us in the power of Thy redemption. Let Jesus Christ be born anew in our hearts, and then shall we be drawn to Thee with the cords of a man, with the bands of love, and henceforth we will run in the way of Thy commandments, counting none of them grievous. We pray for those who love us, and for those who, it may be, dis- like us. Take from us any evil [27] g Poofe of drapers thing that hinders the flow of love from soul to soul. Pour upon us the spirit of brotherhood, in the strength of which we may bear each other's burdens, and cover with a mantle of charity our brother's weakness. If any are estranged from us, do Thou pluck out of their hearts and ours any root of bitter- ness, and unite us again in the bonds of mutual affection. If any are irritable, or weak, or nervous, give us a spirit of unwearied for- bearance, that we may be to them a source of strength and poise and self-control. As we go among our fellows, may we ever manifest a patient temper, a kind and happy spirit, a love that beareth all things, endureth all things, believeth all things. These blessings we ask in the name of Jesus Christ Thy Son our Lord. Amen. [28] 21 poofe of drapers; VII iflftOST merciful God, Power of ^2)^1' our souls, Healer of our diseases, unto Thee would we come. Too often the interests of the passing time obscure Thy glory. Amid the cares and anx- ieties and all the turmoil of our inner world we cannot hear Thee knocking at the door, seek- ing to enter and to bless. But now would we quiet our souls before Thee; now would we feel ourselves enwrapped with Thy unspeakable presence, and know Thee as the joy and strength of life. Quicken Thou our faith and hope and aspiration, that we may be upborne above all unrest and irritation, and be made sharers in Thy perfect calm. Lengthen these moments of prayer, we [29] IH Poofe of drapers; beseech Thee, until our whole life becomes a continual aspiration toward Thee. Father of all mercies! God of all comfort! we bring before Thee the record of our lives, stained with the memories of sin and failure. Be patient with us, for if Thou turn Thy face from us, we are undone. Cast us not from Thy presence, and take not Thy Holy Spirit from us. Call us back to the right and holy path, Thou Shepherd of our souls. Place upon us once more Thy blessed yoke; set us face to face with our unaccom- plished tasks, and we will prove our penitence by the constancy of our wills in the strength of Thy forgiving grace. Give unto us what Thou commandest, and then command what Thou wilt. We would remember before [30] & Poofe of drapers Thee the wants and sorrows of our fellows. Have mercy, we entreat Thee, upon any who are entangled in earthly things, who it may be, have given up all hope of the higher life. Leave them not to themselves, but waken them to the vanity of all that is temporal, that they may find satisfaction only in the things that are eternal. Be present with Thy help to the tempted. By some sacred memory or dear affec- tion reinforce the powers of the soul, that the mind may think only of what is fair and lovely and of good report, and the will re- sist to the uttermost the assaults of wrong. Unto those, God, who feel the pain and darkness and mystery of life, let the Sun of Righteousness arise with heal- ing in His wings. Remember in [31] & Hook of drapers pity, the sick, the distressed of body or of mind. Many and great are the disorders of our mortal nature, but Thy medicines are mightier. Open the souls of all who lie in beds of weariness to the inflow of Thy Divine Life. In the silence may they hear Thy voice saying, "I have heard thy prayer, I have seen thy tears, behold, I will heal thee." For the burden-bearers, the tempest- tossed, the afflicted and not com- forted, we pray. Thy consolations are greater than all the sorrows of the world. Bind up the broken- hearted, and with Thy touch heal those wounds of the soul that bleed and will not cease. Give a spirit of endurance and of trust to those whose thorn in the flesh must remain. Save them from despair, from the indifference of a [32] a poofe of drapers heart without faith, and perfect Thy strength in their weakness. Comfort all men everywhere with Thy light, and guide them by Thy Spirit, for Jesus Christ's sake. Amen. [33 J & ?Boofe of drapers VIII r'ERNAL God, lead us into the blessedness of the mys- tery of communion with Thee. Bow our spirits in deepest rever- ence before Thee, yet uplift us into a sense of kinship. Send the spirit of Thy Son into our hearts, crying "Abba, Father," that all unworthy fear may be banished by the gladness of Thy perfect love. Thy love is like the luminous heaven, receiving only to purify the foulest breath of earth. Thy gentleness is like the sun, seeking to cheer and warm the chilled hearts of men. Touch us, O our Father, with a feeling of Thy great realities, for though our thought about Thee is better than our words, our experience of Thee is better than our thought. [34] 8 Poofe of draper* Bestow upon us, we beseech Thee, the grace for which we severally crave. Troubles over- whelm the heart: lead us to the rock that is higher than we. Doubts assail us. Give us a supreme trust that will not let Thee go, until the day break and the shadows flee away. We are unstable, easily moved by ex- ternal circumstance. Strengthen us that we may play the man, and in Thy might grant us to gain dominion over the world. Our hearts are sad, thinking, as we do, of dear ones, so tenderly loved, but now taken from us, or of living griefs that will not heal. Wipe Thou our tears away. O God of hope! save us from de- spair. Thou bringest the dead out of the living and the living out of the dead. Work Thy won- [35] a iJBoofe of drapers ders, we pray Thee, in the hearts of those who grieve and wound us and cause us to drink of bitter tears, that sorrow may flee away and our mouth be filled with laughter and our tongue with joy- We entreat Thee, Lord, to remember us in our daily work. Let us do it heartily, as unto Thee, and not as unto men. Grant that our tasks may be congenial to us; that we may give ourselves wholly to them. Consecrate all our powers of body and mind to Thy service. Give us enthusiasm, a fervent spirit, a cheerful, hopeful temper, so that we may do our work with ease and self control, not with idle worry, or fruitless fear. Let us not think too much of our rights, but always of our duties, and when we have done 136] & Poofe of draper* all, then let us say, "We are un- profitable servants.'' And when Thou drawest the curtain of night upon our labour, give us the re- creating gift of sleep. All this we ask for Jesus' sake. Amen. [37j & Pook of draper* IX >jf% LORD, our God, Thou fillest KP^ Heaven and earth with Thy presence and art near to every soul. We know that in Thee we live and move and have our being, but we are cast down and easily disquieted, and we wander in many a sad wilderness where we lose the conscious experience of Thy presence. Yet the deepest yearn- ing of our hearts is unto Thee. As the hart panteth after the waterbrooks, so pant our souls after Thee, O God. Nothing less than Thyself can stay the hunger, or quench the thirst with which Thou hast inspired us. Power of our souls! enter Thou into them and fit them for Thyself, making them pure with Christ's purity, loving and lovable with His love. [38] g poofe of drapers As we feel Thy presence we know we are not what we ought to be. Help us to bring into the clear light of the mind what- ever evil lurks within, that the conscience may be aroused to lift up its voice and spare not. Pardon the sins of the inner life. Forgive the unbelief that is ever loosening our hold upon Thy su- preme realities; the shortsighted- ness that ever stays our vision upon things temporal and mate- rial; the pride of spirit or of intellect that wars against all loveliness and grace; the cold- ness of heart that never melts into humility, and is never warmed into self-sacrifice. O God, pity us. Leave us not to our loveless, lifeless ways. Let the chaif within us be blown away by the breath of Thy judgment, and let the wheat [39] & Pook of drapers be garnered by the varied minis- tries of Thy grace! Let our dreary wastes blossom once more, and let our wilderness be as the garden of the Lord! In the multitude of our own wants, we would not forget the wants of others. Look upon those who especially need Thy comfort. Be present in Thy consoling pity with those who grieve because death has robbed them of loved ones, who weep for a sunshine that never returns. Let them realise that the realms of death and life alike are Thine. Solace all that mourn with a grief that saps the mind and breaks the heart, and grant them to believe that though weeping may endure for a night, joy cometh in the morning. For those who are anxious and overstrained, laden with burdens which are not [40] ^ a Poofe of draper? of Thy sending, we beseech Thy heavenly benediction. Give them freedom of heart, peace of con- science, the rest of lying still in Thy hands, the joy of surrender- ing all their cares to Thee, who carest for every creature Thou hast made. Whatever be the need or the desire, do Thou supply it ac- cording to the riches of Thy grace in glory by Christ Jesus. Amen. Ul} & Poafe of drapers X A£% GOD, Thou hast found us, VJ^ and not we Thee. At times we but dimly discern Thee; the mists of earth hide Thy glory from us. Yet in other and more blessed moments, Thou dost rise upon our souls, and we know Thee as the Light of all our seeing, the Life of all that is not dead within us, the Bringer of health and cure, the Revealer of truth and peace. We will not doubt our better moments, for in them Thou dost speak to us. We rejoice that Thou hast created us in Thine image. Thy Love has stirred us into being, has endowed us with spiritual substance. In the intellect, whose thoughts wan- der through eternity; in the con- science that bears witness to [42] g Poofe of drapers Thy eternal righteousness; in the affections that make life sweet, and reach forth to Thee, O Lover of Mankind — in these, we are made heirs to the riches of Thy grace. And when we wandered from Thee into the far country, and there wasted our substance, Thou didst not forsake us. Thy love followed after us and would not let us go, and compelled us to return. We praise Thee that in the advent of Thy dear Son, all that Thou art has become visible to faith. His passion has become our deliverance, His wounds our healing, His Cross our redemption, His death our life. Make us one with Him in faith and penitence, that as He died, so we may die unto sin, that as He rose again triumphant over wrong and shame and [43] g pook of drapers despair, so we may rise with Him into newness of life. Our Father be with us, we pray Thee, not only in the great mo- ments of experience, but also in the trivial round, the common task. Make us children of quiet- ness and heirs of peace. Grant that we may go among our fellows with cheerful, kindly faces, ever lenient to their faults, ever glad to praise their virtues. Help us to control our tempers, and to be kindly affectioned one towards another. Wherever we see need or distress, may we be ready to help, counting it our joy to bear another's burdens, and so fulfil the law of Christ. Save us from all selfish pleasure and slothful ease and idle curiosity. Keep us ever mindful of the fewness of our days, and the greatness of [44] 9 poofe of draper* Thy work. As our day is, so let our strength be. And let Thy favour be upon us; establish Thou the work of our hands upon us; yea, the work of our hands, estab- lish Thou it, through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen. f45) & J&ook of draper* Wt^ GOD, who art unsearchable KP^ in Thy judgments, and in Thy ways past finding out, we bow before the mystery of Thy Being, and confess that we know nothing, and can say nothing wor- thy of Thee. We cannot under- stand Thy dealings with us. We have faith, not sight; when we cannot see, we may only believe. Sometimes Thou seemest to have no mercy upon us. Thou dost pierce us through our most tender affections, quenching the light of our eyes in dreadful darkness. Death tears from us all that we love, and Thou art seemingly deaf to all our cries. Our earthly cir- cumstances are reversed and bitter poverty is appointed us, yet Thou takest no heed, and bringest no [46] & Poofe of draper* comfort to the sorrow and the barrenness of our life. Still would we trust in Thee and cling to that deepest of our instincts which tells us that we come from Thee and return to Thee. Be with us, Father of Mercies, in love and pity and tenderness unspeakable. Lift our souls into Thy perfect calm, where all our griefs are put to rest, and our wills are in har- mony with Thine. O Lord, remember each one of us in our need. Thou wilt not forget our dear ones who are sick. Many whom Thou lovest are ill in body or in mind. Heal them, we entreat Thee; and grant that after they have been afflicted, they may be comforted, and taste of those deeper joys that are pur- chased only with pain. Graciously bless our children. Lay Thy hands [47] 3 $5oofe of drapers upon them, and grant that through the coming years, in joy or in sor- row, in health or in sickness, in all the changes of their life, they may live under Thine eye and in Thy strength, and rise into the meas- ure of the stature of the fulness of Christ. Be gracious to those who bear responsibility, the toilers who win bread for wife and child. Let them not be crushed by the bur- dens which they have to carry. Sweeten every task; lighten every load with a sense of duty done, of love's command obeyed. Remem- ber the aged. Guide their de- clining steps. Help them to bear the infirmities of the years. Make the old man young again in spirit, that he may have a foretaste of the eternal youth of Heaven. Immortal Father! the years are fast passing. Even as a va- [48] & IBook of drapers pour, our little life vanisheth away. O spare us that we may do some work for Thy sake alone! Let us not pass hence until, if it may be, through us a sinner shall be con- verted from the error of his ways, or an ignorant soul instructed, or a grief-stricken heart consoled and strengthened, or an outcast brought into the home and fellow- ship of the children of God. Our being is a great mystery, set be- tween two eternities, and search we never so deeply we can not know the meaning. We believe that life is ours in order that it may be the channel for Thy saving and re-creating power; that our wills are ours in order that we may make them Thine. Let the dead past bury its dead. For the time that remains, consecrate us to the service of the living, and [49] & IBoofe of drapers draw us to the spirit of Him who came not to be ministered unto, but to minister, and to give his life a ransom for many. These petitions we make in His name. Amen. [501 & Poofe of draper* XII QTLMIGHTY Father, teach us