LI BR AR Y OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. GIRT OR Received Accessions NO._^__^J^^_ . SJulf fto'.._^__ THE DRAWING GUIDE; A MANUAL OF INSTRUCTION IN INDUSTRIAL DRAWING, DESIGNED TO ACCOMPANY THE INDUSTRIAL DRAWING SERIES. WITH AN INTRODUCTORY ARTICLE ON THE PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICE OF ORNAMENTAL ART. BY MARCIUS WILLSOST, ATJTIIOE or "BCUOOL AND FAMILY BEBIES or READEJIS," "MANUAL or OBJECT LESSONS, ETC., ETC. UNIVERSITY HARPER & BROTHERS, PUBLISHERS, FRANKLIN SQUARE. 1881. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1873, by HARPER & BROTHERS, In the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington. CONTENTS. Preface Page v PART I. ORNAMENTAL ART. I. Introductory 13 II. General Principles of Ornamental Art 18 Prop. I. The Cardinal Principle in Decoration, 18: Prop. II. Of Angular and Winding Forms, 19: Prop. III. Of Firm and Unbroken, and Fine and Faint Lines, 20 : Prop. IV. Of Construction and Deco- ration, 21 : Prop.V. Of General Forms, 22 : Prop. VI. Of Geometrical Construction, 22: Prop. VII. Of Methods of Surface Decoration, 23: Prop. VIII. Of Proportion in Ornamentation, 24 : Prop. IX. Of Har- mony and Contrast, 25: Prop. X. Of Distribution, Radiation, and Continuity, 26 : Prop. XI. Of Conventional Representations of Natu- ral Objects, 27. III. Ornamental Art among different Nations, and in different Periods of Civilization 28 I. Ornament of Savage Tribes, 28 : II. Egyptian Ornament, 29 : III. Assyrian and Persian Ornament, 30 : IV. Greek Ornament, 31 : V. Pompeian Ornament, 32 : VI. Roman Ornament, 32 : VII. Byzantine Ornament, 33 : VIII. Arabian Ornament, 34: IX. Turk- ish Ornament, 35: X. Moresque or Moorish Ornament, 36: XI. Persian Ornament, 37: XII. East Indian Ornament, 37: XIII. Hindoo Ornament, 38 : XIV. Chinese Ornament, 38 : XV. Celtic Ornament, 39 : XVI. Mediaeval or Gothic Ornament, 39 : XVII. Renaissance Ornament, 41: XVIII. Elizabethan Ornament, 42: Modern Ornamental Art, 42. PART II. PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICE OF INDUSTRIAL DRAWING. DRAWING-BOOK No. I. I. Materials and Directions 47 II. Straight Lines and Plane Surfaces 51 Horizontal and Vertical Lines, 51 : Angles and Plane Figures, 52: Principles of Surface Measurement, 53 : Rules, 53-61 : Problems, 53 : Diagonals, 55 : Problems, 55 : Two-space Diagonals, 57 : Problems, 59, 60 : Three -space Diagonals, 61 : Problems, 62: Egyptian Patterns, 66, 67: Arabian, 67, 71, 72 : Byzantine, 67, 69 : Pompeian, 67: Grecian, 68-72: East Indian, 69: Braided Work, 68 -.Problems, 64, 66, 68. III. Curved Lines and Plane Surfaces 73 Regular Curves, 73: Irregular Curves, 74: Symmetrical Figures, 75 : Problems, 76 : Conventional Leafage, 77 : Problems, 78 : Renaissance Ornament, 78: Bulb Pattern, 79: Problems, 79: Assyrian and Byzantine Patterns, 79-81: Problems, 81: Quarter- foil, 81: Original Designs, 81. DRAWING-BOOK No. II. Cabinet Perspective Plane Solids 84 Diagonal Cabinet Perspective, 84 : Elementary Rule, 85 : Solid Contents of a Cube Rule, 86 : Parallelepipeds Rule, 87 : Hatch- ing, 88 : Problems, 89 : Stairs, 90 : Cabinet Frame-work, 91 : IV CONTENTS. Problems, 92 : Scarfing, 92 : Problems, 91 : Brick-work, English Bond and Flemish Bond, 94 : Problems, 90 : Divisions of the Cube, 96 : Solid Frets, 97 : Timber Framing, 97 -.Problems, 97 : Mould- ings and Cabinet-work, 98 : Table, 99 : Problems, 100 : Irregular Block Forms, 100: Problems, 102: Pyramidal Structures, 102: Problems,l05 : Fence Frame-work, 1 05 : Problems, 10G : Post-and- Kail Fence, 106 : Arabian Fret, Solid, 107: Problems, 108: Picket Fence, Grecian Frets, Chest with Tray, 108, 109 : Problems, 109 : Solid and Hollow Geometrical Block Forms, 109-111: Bridge-work, 112: Cubical Block Patterns, 112 -.Problems, 112. DPvAWING-BOOK No. III. Cabinet Perspective Curvilinear Solids 114 Cylinders, Solid, Hollow, and Divided, 114-116: Problems, 116 : Semicircular Arches, 117: Problems, 118: Braces, Straight and Curvilinear, 119 : Quarterfoil, 120 : Problems, 121 : Brackets, 121 : Trefoil and Quarterfoil, 122 -.Problems, 123 -.Conventional Leaf Pattern, 123: Solid Triangle, 124: Curvilinear and Quadrangular Solids, 125: Architectural Band, 126: Problems, 126: Rims of Wheels, 126: Beveled Tub, 127: Hollow Cylinders, 128: Irregular Curved Solids, 128 : Problems, 129 : Curvilinear Frame-works, 129 : Problems, 131 : Large Wheel, with Spokes, 131 -.Problem, 133 : Large Wheel, with Spokes and Double Kim, 133 : Crown-wheel, 135 : Ratchet Wheel, 136 : Windlass, with Spokes, 138. DRAWING-BOOK No. IV. Cabinet Perspective Miscellaneous Applications 1 43 I. Different Diagonal Views of Objects 143 II. Ground-Plans and Cabinet-Plans of Buildings 144 Problem, 146 : Series of Platform Structures, 147: Problem, 149. III. Cylindrical Objects in Vertical Positions 149 I. Ellipses on Diagonal Bases 150 II. Ellipses on Rectangular Bases 152 Ellipses in Vertical Positions, 153 : Rule, 155 : Problems, 15 5: Hollow Cylinders, 156 -.Problems, 159 : Horizontal Wheel with Spokes, 161 : Vertical Tub with Twenty-four Uniform Staves, 162 : Problems, 163: Crown-wheel, with Axis vertical, 164: Tub beveling upward, 166: Beveled Octagonal Tub, 168. III. Arches in Diagonal Perspective 1 69 IV. Semi-diagonal Cabinet Perspective 1 71-1 78 V. Shadows in Cabinet Perspective 179-187 APPENDIX. ISOMETRICAL DRAWING. I. Elementary Principles 189 II. Figures having Plane Angles 191 III. The Drawing of Isometrical Angles 194 IV. The Isometric Ellipse, and its Applications 197 V. Miscellaneous Applications 202 VI. Table for drawing Circles in Isometrical Perspective 205 Isometric Plates, I. to VIII. inclusive 207-221 PREFACE. Ix presenting to the public the first four numbers of TOE INDUSTRIAL DRAWING SERIES, a few words of explanation are needed. More than thirty years ago the undersigned prepared a work on Perspective, Architectural, and Landscape Drawing, for the use of an Institution with which he was then connected ; but, as the work was designed for a local purpose only, it has long been out of print. It is not, there- fore, to the writer, a new subject which he has now taken in hand, but the elaboration of an art which, from boyhood, he has indulged in as a pastime, with constantly enlarging views of its importance in the business of both a practical- ly useful and disciplinary education. A few years ago our attention was specially called to the subject of Isometrical drawing, which had been brought for- ward in England, and there highly recommended for the use of mechanics, architects, etc., and for all purposes in which working drawings are desirable. But the strict mathemat- ical accuracy required in the guiding slope lines, which must be drawn to a particular angle, and for the drawing of which no means were suggested beyond ordinary pencil rul- ing, placed this valuable method of representing objects be- yond the reach of all except the most accurate draughtsmen, and thus rendered it almost wholly useless for all practical purposes, and especially for school uses. This difficulty in the ruling, however, we were enabled to overcome by the preparation of " Isometrical Drawing-Pa- per," printed from stone in fine tinted lines accurately drawn VI PREFACE. to the required angle. We then proceeded to prepare a somewhat elaborate work on Isometrical Drawing, in which, we have the assurance to believe, we were able to extend and simplify the principles of the art ; but when the draw- ings were all made, and the book was ready for the press, it occurred to us that a still more easy system of industrial drawing, more nearly approaching linear perspective in ap- pearance, and equally practical with isometrical drawing, might be invented ; and the result has been the system of Cabinet Perspective, which is now offered to the public in the Second, Third, and Fourth Numbers of the " Industrial Drawing Series." If we are not greatly mistaken, this sys- tem of Cabinet Perspective, which is so very simple in plan, and so easy of execution as to render its more valuable portions capable of being understood and practiced by the children in our primary schools, will give to the subject of industrial drawing, in its application to the representation of solids of every variety of form, a value hitherto unknown. While we regard it, however, as better for most industrial drawings, especially for school purposes, than Isometrical Perspective, yet the latter has some very valuable adapta- tions ; and, as it can be easily applied by those who under- stand Cabinet Perspective, we have given an exposition of its principles in the Appendix to the present volume. A peculiarity in the plan of the system now offered to the public consists in placing the drawings which are to be im- itated, or which are to serve as models for suggesting orig- inal designs, on paper printed with fine lines one eighth of an inch apart, and in furnishing the pupil with similarly printed red or pink-lined paper on which to make his draw- ings. These lines cross each other at right angles, vertically and horizontally. Any draughtsman will see at a glance with what facility and accuracy a figure may be copied from the Drawing-Book on paper thus prepared ; how readily it may be enlarged to any extent, or diminished, in true pro- PREFACE. Vll portion ; and how easy it is, with the aid of such paper, to de- sign new patterns and models, and draw them in perfect sym- metry in all their parts. Draughtsmen are often obliged to rule paper in a similar manner, for their own use, in making intricate patterns ; and it is perfectly evident that the vast variety of decorative designs which we find among the re- mains of Egyptian, Grecian, Roman, Byzantine, and Arabian art, was formed upon paper, or papyrus, ruled by pencil in this identical manner, although not on the scale which we have used. Indeed, these ancient patterns could not pos- sibly have been executed with the accuracy which they ex- hibit without such aid. They show the accurate direction of the diagonal and other oblique lines, which are so easily formed upon such ruling. For all purposes of illustrating industrial art, the two kinds of ruled drawing-paper both Cabinet and Isometrical will be found invaluable. Their varied applications will be seen throughout the Industrial Drawing Series. In Drawing-Book No. I. we have taken up, in an element- ary manner, the subject of Decorative Design both on ac- count of its being well adapted to elementary practice in drawing, and because of its importance in nearly all depart- ments of industrial art. In our drawing-lessons under this head, we have aimed, in the first place, to furnish a variety of such copies as are most suitable for elementary exercises in training the hand and the eye, while at the same time they shall be adapted to cultivate a correct taste for that which combines harmony of design with grace and beauty of form. Hence, instead of thinking it desirable that we should originate all of our figures for the drawing exercises, we have selected them, in great part, from the best examples of the decorative art of all ages, being parts, or wholes, of patterns which have stood the test of time, the only true standard of taste. By this course we are not only able to give a very great variety of Vlll PREFACE. excellent patterns for imitation, and for suggestion in de- signing, but we are also enabled to impart to the pupil some general knowledge of those principles of form and propor- tion which govern all true art decoration ; and in the intro- ductory articles we have given brief sketches of the growth and development of these principles in different nations and in different periods of civilization. Should the Series be car- ried so far as we now anticipate, we hope, in higher numbers, to greatly enlarge upon the designs here given ; to show the application of industrial drawing to various specific forms of industry ; and also to illustrate the Harmonies of Color, as applied to decorative art. But we would, furthermore, call special attention to the new method of representing objects, called CABINET PER- SPECTIVE, as illustrated in Drawing-Books Numbers II., III., and IV., and embracing both plane -and curvilinear solids in almost every variety of form and position. This kind of per- spective, when carried out by the use of the ruled drawing- paper, enables us to construct all kinds of working drawings for artisans drawings which, instead of giving a geometrical representation of but one side of a rectilinear object, present in one view three sides, at the same time avoiding the appear- ance of distortion, and giving, with perfect accuracy, the same as Isometrical Perspective, the dimensions of the objects rep- resented, according to whatever scale the draughtsman may adopt. Moreover, the principles of the system are so simple that a child can understand them ; while any one who can draw straight lines by the aid of a ruler, and curved lines by the aid of a pair of compasses, can apply them. As indicating something of the scope of the system, as ap- plied to solids, we have represented, under this head, within the narrow limits which we have assigned to ourselves, such objects as cabinet frame-works of various forms; tables; cu- bical, hexagonal, octagonal, and other blocks, either entire, or variously cut and divided; crosses; star figures; boxes; PREFACE, x English bond and Flemish bond forms of brick-laying ; pil- lars and their mouldings ; pyramids, obelisks, etc. ; post and board, post and rail, and picket fences ; various forms of the solid Grecian fret, and other architectural ornaments ; frame- work of bridges ; cylinders, solid or hollow, entire, or various- ly cut and divided, and in both horizontal and vertical po- sitions ; arches, both pointed and semicircular ; braces and brackets, both plain and curvilinear; solid quarterfoils and trefoils ; wheels, in sections, and entire with crown-wheel, ratchet-wheel, chain-pulley wheel, etc. ; windlass ; vertical and beveled tubs, both circular and octagonal ; ground-plans and elevations of buildings ; tenon and mortise work ; scarf- jointing of timbers; stairways; platforms; ellipses; rings, etc., etc., and all drawn to definite dimensions, while the measure- ments are indicated by the drawing-paper itself. By this system the study of drawing, in its application to the indus- trial arts, is rendered one of the exact sciences, wholly me- chanical in execution, and as accurate in its delineations as geometry itself. We have here presented only an elementary exposition of the system, designed for school purposes ; but the system itself is so simple, that, with the helps here given, the intelligent teacher and pupil will find little difficulty in carrying out the application of its principles to any extent which may be desired. For several of the rules and principles of Ornamental Art, and also for many of the designs in Drawing-Book Xo. I., we are indebted to the " Grammar of Ornament" by Owen Jones. It may, perhaps, be thought that it was not especial- ly desirable to preface an Elementary Drawing Series with a statement of the general principles of Art Decoration, and an account of the Leading Schools or Periods of Art, for the reason that such information will seldom be appreciated by beginners in drawing. But to teachers at least and not merely teachers of drawing we may hope that these intro- ductory pages will be of some value; and if they shall serve A2 X PREFACE. merely to enlarge the ideas of both teachers and pupils as to the magnitude and importance of the subject of art repre- sentation, they will thereby have done a good service to the cause of education. We would take this occasion to impress upon educators, and those who have the management of our Public Schools, the extreme desirability that all the school instruction in ele- mentary industrial drawing shall be given by the ordinary teachers ; and that professional drawing-masters shall be em- ployed, if at all, only in the training of the teachers them- selvesin a general superintendence of the whole subject of art instruction in all the schools of a city, or county, or even larger district or in giving instruction to advanced stu- dents in the higher Schools of Design. The teachers in our Public Schools are competent to give all the instruction re- quired by their classes in industrial drawing ; and care should be taken that pupils do not get the idea that they are re- quired to do something which their teachers themselves can not do. MARCIUS WILLSON. VINELAND, N. J., June 5, 1873. PART I. PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICE OP ORNAMENTAL ART. L ^StomifiK INTRODUCTORY. WE desire to offer to the public a few introductory re* marks on Ornamental Art, a subject which we have en- deavored to illustrate, in a very elementary manner, in the first book of our Industrial Drawing Series. We are aware that those who have given the subject but little attention entertain very erroneous ideas of the im- portance and value of a knowledge of the principles and practice of decoration, as applied to the products of human industry. A very little reflection, however, must convince the most utilitarian, that, in an advanced stage of society, decoration enters so fully into all works of art as to consti- tute, in perhaps a majority of cases, the greater part of their market value. We see the principle illustrated in the importance that is attached to surface ornamentation in the manufacture of carpets, and oil-cloths, and matting, and wall-paper, and curtains; in printed cloths, and other arti- cles designed for dress ; in crochet and tapestry work ; in the elegant forms required for vases, and all crockery and earthenware ; alike in the fine sculpture of the most delicate ornaments and the chiseling of stone for public and private dwellings; in all mouldings of wood, and iron, and other ornamental work in architecture ; and it is found to enter into all plans and patterns of utensils and tools, and into all objects of art which may be deemed capable of improve- ment by giving to them increased beauty of form and pro- portion. Indeed, all the vast variety of form and color which we observe in the works of man, beyond the require- ments of the most barren utility, is, simply, ornamentation. Beginning with the savage, with whom ornament precedes dress, it has been the study of man in all ages not only to make art beautiful, but to improve upon nature also. The 14 INDUSTRIAL DRAWING. subject is thus seen to embrace all that, in industrial art, marks the advance of civilization ; and decoration may be taken as a true exponent, in every stage of its development, of the progress of society ; for the comforts and the elegan- cies of life are ever found to grow together. Inasmuch, therefore, as ornamentation enters so largely into the daily life of civilized society as to be every where recognized, studied, admired, and practiced, it would seem not only appropriate, but very desirable, that its elementary principles, at least, should find a place at the beginning of every system of public instruction and, where they prop- erly belong, in the study and practice of Industrial Drawing. England is so decidedly a manufacturing country, that art education has there long been deemed a national neces- sity : and it is not only thought important that the manufac- turer should understand the laws of beauty, and the princi- ples of design, in order that his products may command a ready market, but that the artisan also the mere workman in art shall possess something of the skill which comes from educated taste. More than thirty years ago a British Association for the Advancement of Art, composed of the chief nobility, capitalists, bankers, merchants, and manufac- turers of the kingdom, sent out the declaration and appeal, that, without a pre-eminence in the arts of design, British manufacturers could not retain, and must eventually lose, their superiority in foreign markets. But the English gov- ernment remained, for years, deaf to the warning ; and at the great Exhibition of the Industry of all Nations, held in London in 1851, England found herself almost at the bot- tom of the list in respect to excellence of design in her art manufactures only the United States, among the great nations, being below her. This discovery aroused the En- glish government to a realizing sense of the vast importance of the highest and most widely diffused art education for a manufacturing people ; and the result was the speedy estab- lishment of an Educational Department of Science and Art, from which Schools of Design have radiated all over the country. In these and other schools, even ten years ago, two thousand students were in training as future teachers ORNAMENTAL AKT. 15 of art, and fifteen thousand pupils were receiving an art education ; while in the parish and public schools more than fifty thousand children of the laboring and poorer classes were receiving more or less instruction in elementary draw- ing. In the higher art schools the pupils are taught not only the practice, but the principles also, of ornamental de- sign ; they are shown how all assemblages of ornamental forms are arranged in geometrical proportions : how curves must flow, the one into the other, without break or interrup- tion ; and they are taught to analyze and interpret the char- acteristic ideas of various styles and schools of art, such as we have given a brief synopsis of under the heading of " Ornamental Art among Different Nations, and in Different Periods of Civilization." The wisdom of England's course was very apparent at the Paris Exhibition of 1867, when it was seen that England had risen, in a period of six- teen years, from a position among the lowest, to one fore- most among the nations in art manufactures showing the effects of the art education which she had so sedulously fos- tered. As humiliating as it is to our national pride, truth compels us to add, in the language of another " The United States still held her place at the foot of the column." In England, in 1870, besides the attention given to drawing in the public schools and in evening classes, there were more than twenty thousand students in the art schools, and more than thirty thousand in the schools of industrial science ; and it is reported that, in the two following years, the num- bers in both were doubled. A notable illustration of the commercial value of the beautiful in art is afforded in the colossal growth of the earthenware trade in England, which started into sudden notoriety when the young sculptor, Flaxman, was employed to model, from fine specimens of antique sculpture, those beautiful urns, vases, goblets, and other articles for table service and other domestic uses, long known as the Wedge- wood ware. The clay pits of Staffordshire were turned into gold mines, and made a source of national wealth, when the proprietors employed good artists to draw designs and se- lect antique models for their workmen; and it has been 16 INDUSTRIAL DBAWIXG. stated by competent judges that, through the establishment of Art Museums and Schools of Design, and the influences exerted thereby, combined with popular instruction in in- dustrial drawing, England has added fifty per cent, to the value of her manufactured products during the past twenty- five years. And, turning to the Continent, we find it is the art instruction imparted in the schools and in the manufac- tories of France, showing how colors are distributed, bal- anced, and harmonized, both in nature and in art, that has given to the silk fabrics of Lyons, the Gobelin tapestry, and to other national products, their world-wide renown for har- mony and beauty. In France, education in science and art is now placed by law in the same rank as classical education. In our own country public attention is now being turned, in a very marked manner, to the subject of art education : and in Massachusetts, after the subject had been agitated by the leading manufacturers and merchants, laws have been passed securing to pupils instruction in elementary drawing in every public school in the state ; making u in- dustrial or mechanical drawing" free to persons over fif- teen years of age either in day or evening classes, in cities and towns that have a population above ten thousand ; and a State Director of Art Education has been appointed to supervise the system; but, generally, throughout our schools, what little imperfect instruction in art has been given has thus far been confined, mostly, to the mere copying of pic- tures and, where it has gone beyond that, to the education of artists rather than of artisans. It is seldom addressed, as it should be, to the principles and practice of ornamental design ; to the harmonies of color, form, and proportion ; and to such representations of objects as are most needed by workingmen in the arts. This kind of art knowledge and practice would not only be of interest, but of utility to all ; and the mechanic who could make the best use of it in his line of business would ever have a decided advantage over O all competitors. An incident bearing upon this point is re- lated by the State Director of Art Education for Massa- chusetts, to the effect that, " some years ago a class of thir- teen young men spent all their leisure time in studying OEXAMENTAL AKT. 17 drawing, and that now, at the time of writing, every one of them holds some important position, either as manufacturer or designer." And if we would build up our manufactories on a broad scale, so as to bring their products into success- ful competition with those of England and France, we must not rely upon a few imported draughtsmen and designers, and vainly hope that uneducated artisans will work out foreign patterns with taste and beauty; but we must lay the foundations of art superiority broad and deep in the art education of all mechanics, and in the educated tastes of the people. Then draughtsmen and designers will spring up wherever needed ; and the workmen in our shops and manu- factories, understanding the principles of their several trades and professions, will be all the more skilled in the practice of them. And what we need for this is not merely a few Schools of Design, and Art Museums, valuable as these may be, but the introduction of the principles of design, and the practice of art representation, into the education of the people at large. But here the practical question is suggested : How shall we introduce Industrial Drawing into our schools, so that all our youth may profit by it, when so many other impor- tant studies are crowding for admission, and our teachers have already quite as much as they can attend to? We reply, Alternate it with the writing -lessons; and experi- ence fully proves that better penmanship will be attained thereby, while the drawing, and the knowledge which it introduces, will be a positive gain, without any attendant loss. Long ago, said that veteran educator, Horace Mann, " I believe a child will learn both to draw and write sooner, and with more ease, than he will learn writing alone." In conclusion, w r e commend this w r hole subject of Indus- trial Art Education as worthy the earnest consideration, not only of all educators, but also of all mechanics and ar- tisans, and of all who appreciate the vast proportions which our manufacturing interests are destined to assume in the not far distant future. II. GENERAL PRINCIPLES OF ORNAMENTAL ART. THERE are two kinds of beauty in Ornamental Art : the one is the beauty of design and execution, arising from the exhibition of skill on the part of the designer and artisan ; the other is the beauty of character, which arises from the expression of thought or soul in the object itself. The beauty of the former is fully realized only by those who are proficients in the art, and ceases to be felt when the art has made a farther progress. The beauty of the latter, in- asmuch as it appeals to the sensibilities of all, is universally felt, although in a different degree by different individuals, and is by far the most lasting ; and the former should ever be subordinate to it. The difference between the two kinds of beauty is best illustrated in architecture, of which orna- ment is the very soul and spirit. All that utility requires in the structure, skill may accomplish by the aid of mere rule and compass ; but the ornamentation shows how far the architect was, at the same time, an artist. PROPOSITION I. A CARDINAL PRINCIPLE. All decoration should exhibit a fitness or propriety of things, just proportions, and harmony of design. All ornaments should harmonize in expression with the expression designed to be given to the objects to which they are affixed. Thus there are art objects of convenience and use, of sublimity, of splendor, of magnificence, of gayety, of delicacy, of melancholy, etc. ; and the ornaments affixed to each should fully harmonize with its character. Any fabric to be ornamented should, in the first place, be suited to its proposed uses ; and then, in strict keeping with the main design, must be the decoration which adorns its sur- face. Hence, to cover an oil-cloth, or a chair cushion, with ORNAMENTAL AET. 19 drawings of cubical blocks set on edge, as we have seen, is an outrage upon the uses to which either is to be put ; and alike improper is it to load a carpet, designed for the tread of feet, with vases filled with fruits, and to cover it thick with garlands of flowers. It is only in the richest velvet carpets, elastic to the tread, and where the flowers are par- tially lost in the profusion of herbage, that such excessive adornment may be deemed not inappropriate. As is well known, the Greek orders of architecture have manifest dif- ferences of character or expression. Thus the heavy Tus- can is distinguished by its severity; the manly Doric by its simplicity, purity, and grandeur ; the Ionic by its grace and elegance; the Corinthian by its lightness, delicacy, and gayety; and the Composite by its profusion and luxury; while the ornaments of the several orders fully harmonize with them in expression. Thus every product of art has some character of its own, and good taste demands that there shall be a correspondence in the decoration given to it. A degree of ornamentation that would be becoming in one object, would be insipid or mean in another; as what would be in good taste, and beautiful, in the robes of a queen, would be inappropriate in the dress of a plain lady, and tawdry in that of a peasant girl. And although wreaths of flowers may alike deck the tomb and adorn the festive hall, yet the variety and profusion suited to the latter would not comport with the subdued feeling which is in unison with the former; and the true artist will at once discern the difference. The vase upon a tomb will not bear the va- riety of contour that may be given to a goblet ; nor should the latter have the uniformity of moulding characteristic of a funeral urn. PROPOSITION II. OF ANGULAR AND WINDING FORMS. Angular forms denote harshness, maturity, strength, and vigor. Winding forms, on the contrary, are expressive of infancy, weakness, tenderness, and delicacy, as also of ease, . grace, beauty, luxury, and freedom from force and restraint. As in all objects of taste the lightest forms consistent with the required strength are considered the most beauti- 20 INDUSTRIAL DRAWING. fill, so in all articles in which much strength is required angular forms are generally adopted, because they require a less amount of material than curvilinear forms. Hence angular forms as of squares, lozenges, etc. are not only best suited to such articles of furniture as chairs, tables, desks, stands, etc., but also to oil-cloths, matting, plain car- pets, etc., because we associate with these latter articles much tread of feet and daily use ; and yet it is equally ap- parent that these angular forms would not be appropriate for carpets of luxurious ease, for flowing robes, curtains, etc. In architecture we expect direct and angular lines, because they give the impression of stability and strength ; and architectural ornaments are beautiful only as they are in harmony with the general character of the structure to which they are affixed. An angular vase, designed for holding flowers, would be exceedingly inappropriate ; while, on the contrary, to make the sides of a house, or of a pyra- mid, curvilinear, would none the less violate our ideas of [fitness and propriety. The weeping willow, as it is appro- priately named, is adapted to mournful occasions, because | it bends and droops like one in affliction ; while the sturdy j.oak, on the contrary, of angular outlines, is representative Vof firmness and strength. It may break, but can not bend. PROPOSITION III. OF FIRM AND UNBROKEN, AND FINE AND FAINT LINES. Firm and unbroken lines are expressive of strength and boldness, with some degree of harshness. Fine and faint lines are indicative of smoothness, fine- ness, delicacy, and ease. When the forms of objects are used to ornament articles of taste or utility, they should be drawn in keeping with the character of the objects themselves. Thus the visual line of a column, or of a pyramid, should be bold and un- broken, unless modified by distance* of view; while the winding outlines of the tendrils of a vine, of a wreath, of a festoon, should be exceedingly \delicate, as we say our very language conforming to our ideas of the fitness of things. But see Proposition XI. ORNAMENTAL ART. 21 PROPOSITION IV. OF CONSTRUCTION AND DECORATION. Construction should be decorated ; bat decoration should never be, purposely constructed. In the weaving of lace, muslin, and other fabrics of one color, in a variety of suitable patterns, and in the similar braiding of mats, baskets, etc., the construction itself is, ap- propriately, decorated. So may any construction as a building, a robe, an article of furniture, etc. be decorated in the making of it ; but to construct or plan a decoration with- out regard to the application or use that is to be made of it, and as if it might serve a variety of purposes, is a viola- tion of the principles of true art. It is, therefore, the cor- rect principle, to make the construction itself ornamental, rather than to depend upon applied ornament. Hence the veneering of the fronts of brick or wooden buildings with marble, or articles of wooden furniture with thin layers of richer wood, is a sham that gives us a feeling of disappoint- ment when the cheat is known. So the painting or grain- ing of wood is far less satisfactory, as a decorative agent, than the bringing out and preservation of the natural grain by a suitable varnish. Artistic arrangements of American woods properly prepared would furnish a wonderful variety, in pattern and coloring, for decorative purposes, and in far better taste than most of the surface decoration that is pur- posely constructed. Every object of art production is supposed to be con- structed with some definite aim, and to be designed to sub- serve some purpose of utility ; or, if it be merely ornament- al, it is still designed to aid in giving the true and proper expression to that object to which it is affixed. In either case, the style, character, and expression of the ornamental are to be considered as the accessories, and to be governed wholly by the character of the object of which they are the appendages. A carpet, a dress, a curtain, or a chair, etc., should be ornamented with reference to the circum- stances and occasions of its uses ; and, evidently, it must vary in decoration according as it may be designed for a cottage or for a palace. So mere ornaments, as rings, brace' 22 INDUSTRIAL DRAWING. lets, brooches, etc., should be adapted to the character, per- sonal appearance, and position in society of the wearer; for, not all beautiful things are becoming to all places, or to all persons. The proprieties of life have a very wide range of application. See Proverbs xi., 22. PROPOSITION V. OF GENERAL FORMS. True beauty of form is produced by lines growing out of one another in gradual undulations, and supported by one another. There are no excrescences ; and nothing could be removed and leave the design equally good or better. These principles are best illustrated in the several orders of Grecian architecture, from no one of which could any portion be taken away without leaving the general form defective ; and certainly no part could be enlarged without giving to it the appearance of an unseemly excrescence. PROPOSITION VI. OF GEOMETRICAL CONSTRUCTION. All surface ornamentation should be based upon a geo- metrical construction. Whatever the pattern of the ornament, it should be such that it can be traced back to a geometrical basis ; and no ornament can be properly designed without such aid as a groundwork. Especially is this the case in woven fabrics, which are necessarily constructed on a geometrical plan. As in the infancy of art uniformity of design was most valued, as evincing the skill of the artist; and as what chil- dren most admire, and, in their little attempts at art, first try to execute, is uniformity and regularity, so elementary drawing should begin with those simple geometrical pat- terns which are the groundwork of all artistic ornamentation. Patterns in which the geometrical arrangement is at once apparent, owing to the uniformity or regularity of the details, owe the first impression of beauty which they give us to their expression of design on the part of the art- ist; and the more intricate the pattern, and the greater the number of its parts, while it still preserves its uniform- ity, the higher, in the estimation of educated taste, is its de- gree of beauty ; only the number of parts must not be so ORNAMENTAL ART. 23 great as to produce confusion, and thus obscure the expres- sion of design. Where, however, a confused intricacy of detail at first seems to prevail, nothing is more delightful than to find order gradually emerging out of chaos, and a consistent plan pervading the whole. When there is add- ed to a beautiful design intricacy and variety of detail amid uniformity, there is only needed elegance and embel- lishment in the workmanship to constitute the highest de- gree of ornamental art. PROPOSITION VII. OF METHODS OF SURFACE DECORATION. The general forms of the desired ornamentation having been first drawn on some geometrical basis, consistent with the character of the object to be ornamented, these forms should then be subdivided and ornamented by general lines ; the intermediate spaces may then be filed in ; and the sub- division may be continued to any extent required, and until the details can be appreciated only by close inspection. This method of designing is adapted no less to the some- times elaborate patterns of embroidered robes and tapestry work, than to the more obvious geometrical arrangements of squares, and parallelograms, and lozenges, and circles, that are often seen in oil-cloths and carpeting. The great secret of success, even in the most complicated ornamenta- tion, is the production of a broad general effect by the rep- etition of a few simple elements. u Variety should rather be sought in the arrangement of the several portions of a design, than in the multiplicity of varied forms." In the wall or floor ornamentation of dwellings, an im- portant principle to be observed is the use of modest tints as a back-ground, against which the furniture can be dis- played to advantage, and a due subordination to the uses to which the room is to be applied as, for example, wheth- er it is to express the brightness, cheerfulness, and welcome of a reception-room, or the tranquillity of studious ease which is adapted to the library. If to the walls be given high colors, relief and roundness of ornamentation, and shade and shadow, instead of flat neutral tints of one or two colors, the walls are thereby apparently thrust for- 24 INDUSTRIAL DRAWING. ward, the room is made to appear smaller than it is, and the furniture is dwarfed, and its natural effect destroyed. So, large patterns in the carpet of a small room produce a like damaging effect upon both room and furniture, and destroy that feeling of satisfied repose which is ever at- tendant upon true art. Vertical patterns on the walls, such as columns, stripes, etc., make the walls appear higher, while horizontal lines and patterns lower the ceiling. PROPOSITION VIII. OF PROPORTION IN ORNAMENTATION. As in every perfect tcorJc of Architecture a true propor- tion will be found to reign between all the members which compose it, so throughout the decorative Arts every assem- blage of forms should be arranged on certain definite pro- portions / the whole and each particular member should be a multiple of some simple unit. Thus the height of the Doric column was e'qual to six times the diameter of the lower end of the shaft ; the di- ameter of the upper end of the shaft was three fourths of the diameter of the lower end ; and the architrave, frieze, and cornice, and all other parts, had certain definite pro- portions. In the other orders the proportions were differ- ent ; but in each the several parts were in just proportion the one to the other, and to the whole. Nor were these proportions arbitrary; for they were such as were best adapted to give expression to the character of the order; and in no one of these orders could any important part be materially changed in its proportions without doing vio- lence to that harmony of design which characterized the entire structure. In the infancy of Decorative Art the proportions were of the most simple kind, in accordance with the natural or- der of development. It is the same with the growth of art in individuals. Thus as soon as a child can draw a square, its first effort is to divide it into four squares, and then into a greater number; then to draw and subdivide parallelograms ; then out of the squares to form lozenge- shaped figures, etc., and so on, as taste and skill are devel- oped. As art advances, those proportions will be deemed or.:; A MENTAL ACT. 25 the most beautiful which the uneducated eye does net readily detect. PROPOSITION IX. OF HARMONY AND CONTRAST. Where great variety of form is introduced, harmony con- sists in the proper balancing and contrast of the straight, the inclined, and the curved. Whether we confine our attention to structural arrange- ment of edifices, or to decoration of surfaces, there can be no perfect composition in which any one of the three pri- mary forms is wanting. In the Greek temple the straight, the angular or inclined, and the curved, are in most perfect relation to one another. In the best examples of Gothic architecture every tendency of lines to run vertically or horizontally is immediately counteracted by the oblique or the curved. Thus the capping of the buttress is exactly what is required to counteract the upward tendency of the 26 INDUSTRIAL DRAWING. straight lines ; so the gable contrasts admirably with the curved window-head and its perpendicular mullions. In surface decoration any arrangement of forms, as at A, consisting only of straight lines, is monotonous, and affords but little pleasure. By introducing lines which tend to carry the eye toward the angles, as at B, the monotony is broken, and the improvement is very apparent. Then add lines giving a circular tendency, as at C, and the eye reposes itself within the outlines of the figure, and the harmony is complete. In this case the square is the leading form or tonic ; the oblique and curved forms are subordinate. An effect similar to A, but an improvement upon it, is produced by the lozenge composition, as at D. Add the lines as at E, and the tendency to follow the oblique di- rection is corrected ; but interpose the circles, as at F, and the eye at once feels that repose which is the result of per- fect harmony in the combination. It is owing to a neglect of the principle here stated that there are so many failures in wall-paper, carpets, oil-cloths, and articles of clothing. The lines of wall-paper very gen- erally run through the ceiling most disagreeably, because the vertical is not corrected by the inclined, nor the in- clined by the curved. So of carpets, the lines of which fre- quently run in one direction only, carrying the eye right through the walls of the apartment. Many of the checks and plaids in common use are objectionable for the same reason, although a great relief is sometimes found in their coloring. PROPOSITION X. OF DISTRIBUTION, RADIATION, AND CON- TINUITY. In surface decoration by curvilinear forms, all lines should be harmoniously distributed, and should radiate from a par- rent stem and all junctions of curved lines with curved, and of curved lines with straight, should be tangential to one an- other. This is a law of the vegetable world, as seen in all plants that have curvilinear forms; and Oriental practice in orna- mental art is in accordance with it. ORNAMENTAL ART. 27 PROPOSITION XL OF CONVENTIONAL REPRESENTATIONS OF NATURAL OBJECTS. Flowers, or other natural objects, should not be used as or- naments, but, instead thereof, we should use conventional rep- resentations founded upon them, sufficiently suggestive to convey the intended image to the mind without destroying the unity of the object they are employed to decorate. The former is called the NATURALISTIC style of ornamentation, the latter the CONVENTIONAL style. Although this rule has been universally obeyed in what are deemed the classic periods of art, it has been equally violated when art has been on the decline. A fragile flower, or a delicate vine, carved in wood, stone, or iron, shocks our feeling of consistency an impropriety of which the Egyptians, the Greeks, and the early Romans were never guilty. They made conventional representa- tions of natural objects, strictly adhering to their general laws of form ; and hence their ornaments, however conven- tionalized (but more especially those of the ^Egyptians), were always true to nature, while they never, by a too servile imitation of the type, destroyed the consistency of the representation. When flowers in miniature are carved upon precious stones, or even in iron, the delicacy of the workmanship may overcome our sense of the unfitness of things. The flower, leaf, vine, and fruit ornaments on vases and fruit-dishes are certainly not beautiful except when of diminished size; and even then, if carved, they should be executed in slight relief, or merely etched in outline. In contradistinction, however, to the use of color and form as mere accessories in industrial art, when we come to the fine art of painting, and employ it to give a representa- tion of real objects or scenes in nature, or of those which fancy creates, it is the naturalistic method which should prevail ; for here the leading idea is a faithful portraiture of what is seen or imagined ; and all other ideas must be subordinate to it. Here conventionality of representation would defeat the very object in view. III. ORNAMENTAL ART AMONG DIFFERENT NA- TIONS, AND IN DIFFERENT PERIODS OF CIV- ILIZATION. I. ORNAMENT OF SAVAGE TRIBES. THE desire for ornament is universal, and it increases with all people in the ratio of their progress in civilization. Every where it owes its origin to man's ambition to create to imitate the works of the Creator. In the tattooing of the human face the savage strives to increase the expres- sion by which he hopes to strike terror on his enemies or rivals, or to create what appears to him a new beauty ; and it is often surprising how admirably adapted are the forms and colors he uses to the purposes he has in view. After tattooing usually comes the formation of ornament by painting or stamping patterns on the skins used for clothing, or on woven cloths or braided matting. Then follows the carving of ornaments on their utensils or weap- ons of war. When the principal island of the Friendly group was first visited, one woman was found to be the designer of all the patterns on cloths, matting, etc., in use there ; and for every new one, she received, as a reward, a certain number of yards of cloth. What strikes us especially in most ornamental work of savages, is the adherence to that rule of art which requires a skillful balancing of the masses, whether of form or color, and a judicious correction of the tendency of the eye to run in any one direction, by interposing lines that have an opposite tendency. (See Prop, ix.) Captain Cook, noticing the extent to which decoration was carried by the Islanders of the Pacific and South Seas, speaks of their cloths, their basket-work, their matting, etc., as painted " in such an endless variety of figures that one ORNAMENTAL ABT. 29 might suppose they borrowed their patterns from a mer- cer's shop, in which the most elegant productions of China and Europe are collected, besides some original patterns of their own." II. EGYPTIAN ORNAMENT. The origin of art among the Egyptians is unknown ; and in their architecture, the more ancient the monument the more nearly perfect is the art. As far back as we can trace their ornamentation, a few of the more important natural productions of the country formed the basis of the immense variety of ornament with which the Egyptians decorated their temples, their palaces, dress, utensils, arti- cles of luxury, etc. All Egyptian art was symbolic. Thus the lotus and papyrus, growing so luxuriantly on the banks of the Nile, the former symbolizing food for the body, and the latter, being used for parchment, and thus symbolizing food for the mind; certain rare feathers carried before the king, and thus symbolizing royalty ; the branches of the palm, and twisted cord made from its bark, etc. such natural products were conventionally used in their decoration ; and hence they were types of Egyptian civilization. A lotus conventionally carved in stone, and forming a graceful ter- mination to a column, was a fitting symbol both of plenty and prosperity, and of the power of the king over countries where the lotus grew ; and thus the ornament added a poetic idea to what would otherwise have been but a rude support. On this basis of symbolism, Egyptian art was of three kinds : 1st. Constructive. Thus, an Egyptian column represent- ed an enlarged lotus or papyrus plant, or a bundle of such plants ; the base representing the root, the shaft the stalk, and the capital the full-blown flower surrounded by a bou- quet of smaller plants tied together by bands. And as the column represented one plant, three, or a greater num- ber, and so of the other parts, the variety of form to which the various combinations gave rise was far beyond what any other style of architecture ever attained to. 30 INDUSTRIAL DRAWING. 2d. Representative. In their representation of objects, ev- ery thing as a flower, for example was portrayed, not as a reality, but as an ideal representation. They did not attempt to portray the real flower, but something that should give the idea of one ; and hence they adhered to the principles of the growth of plants, in the radiation of leaves, and all veins on the leaves, in graceful curves from the main stalk, or the stem. (See Prop, x.) They took the general form of the lotus plant, and changed it into the form of the base, shaft, and capital of a column, while it still retained sufficient resemblance to the lotus plant to show whence the idea originated. And so on, in all their art representations. (See Prop, xi.) 3d. Decorative. All the paintings of the Egyptians, pro- duced by few types, are distinguished by graceful sym- metry and perfect distribution of parts. They painted ev- ery thing ; but using color as they did form, conventionally, and to distinguish one part from another, they dealt in flat tints only, using neither shade nor shadow; and they in- differently colored the leaves of the lotus green or blue. III. ASSYRIAN AND PERSIAN ORNAMENT. The Assyrian and Persian ornaments which have been discovered seem to belong to a period of decline in art, and to have been borrowed, far back in the obscurity of ages, from an original and more nearly perfect style perhaps that from which the Egyptian itself was derived. Assyrian ornament is represented in the same way as the Egyptian, although it is not based on the same types ; and indeed the natural types are very few, Yet the natural laws of radiation from the parent stem, and tangential curvature, are observed, although not so strictly as in Egyptian art. In both styles, the carved ornaments, as well as those that were painted, are mostly in the nature of diagrams geometrial patterns being closely adhered to. The little surface modeling that was attempted was mostly in slight relief. ORNAMENTAL ART. 31 IV. GREEK ORNAMENT. Greek art, borrowed partly from the Egyptian and part- ly from the Assyrian, gave to old ideas of ornament a new direction. Rising rapidly to a high state of perfection, it carried the development of pure form to a degree of fitness and beauty which has never since been reached ; and, from the very abundant remains we have of Greek ornament, we are led to believe that the presence of refined taste among the people was almost universal, and that the land was overflowing with artists, whose hands and minds were so trained as to enable them to execute with unerring truth those beautiful ornaments which to this day are the great wonder of art. Greek ornament, never in profusion or excess, was always strictly subordinate to the general expression of the object to which it was affixed. But Greek art was not symbolical like the Egyptian ; it was meaningless, purely decorative the very embodiment of beauty for beauty's sake and hence wholly aesthetic ; seldom representative; and it can hardly be said to be constructive. The conventional rendering of natural ob- jects was so far removed from the original types as often to make it difficult to recognize any attempt at imitation. The ornament was no part of the construction, and was thus unlike the Egyptian ; it could be removed, and the structure remain unchanged. On the Corinthian capital, that leading feature of Grecian ornament, the acanthus leaf, is applied, not constructed as a part of the edifice. In the Egyptian, the whole capital, conventionally representing the full-blown flower of the lotus plant, is the ornament ; and to remove any part would destroy the whole. The three great laws which we find every where in nat- ure radiation from the parent stem, proportionate distri- bution of the areas, and the tangential curvature of the lines are always obeyed in Greek art, and with so great a degree of perfection that the attempt to reproduce Greek ornament is rarely done with success. There is now little doubt that the white marble temples of the Greeks were entirely covered with painted ornament. 32 INDUSTRIAL DRAWING. This certainly was true as to the ornaments of the mouldings on architrave, frieze, and cornice ; and doubtless the object in these cases was to render the mouldings and carvings distinct, and make the pattern visible from a distance. V. POMPEIAN ORNAMENT. Pompeii, a town of Italy, fifteen miles south-east from Naples, was destroyed by an eruption of Mount Vesuvius in the year A.D. 79. It has since been extensively exca- vated, disclosing the city walls, streets, temples, theatres, the forum, baths, monuments, private dwellings, domestic utensils, etc., the whole conveying the impression of the actual presence of a Roman town in all the circumstantial reality of its existence two thousand years ago. Pompeian ornamentation was of two kinds partly of Grecian and partly of Roman origin but sufficiently dis- tinct from either to require a separate notice in the history of ornamental art. That derived from the Greek was com- posed of conventional representations of objects in flat tints, without shade or attempt at relief; the other, more Roman in character, was based mainly upon the acanthus scroll, and was interwoven with natural representations of leaves, flowers, animals, etc. the germs of a later Italian style of ornamentation. But the Pompeian style was ex- ceedingly capricious, beyond the range of true art. The Pompeian pavements are the types from which may be traced the immense variety of Byzantine, Arabian, and Mo- resque mosaics. VI. ROMAN ORNAMENT. The temples of the Romans were overloaded with orna- ment ; and the general proportions of Roman edifices, and the contours of their moulded surfaces, were entirely de- stroyed by the elaborate surface modeling carved on them. Nor do the Roman ornaments grow naturally from the surface like the conventional forms of the Egyptian capi- tal : they are merely applied to it. The acanthus leaves, which by the Greeks were beautifully conventionalized, were used by the Romans with too close an approxima- ORNAMENTAL ART. 33 tion to nature : they were also arranged iuartistically, be- ing not even bound together by the necking at the top of the shaft, but merely resting upon it. In the Egyptian capital, on the contrary, the stems of the flowers round the bell-shaped capital being continued through the necking, at the same time represent a beauty and express a truth. The introduction of the Ionic volute a Grecian feature into the Roman Composite order, fails to add a beauty, but rather increases the deformity. The leaf ornamentation of the Romans adhered to the principle of one leaf growing out of another in a continuous line, leaf within leaf, and leaf over leaf a principle very limited in its application; and it was only in the later Byzantine period that this style began to be abandoned for the true one of a continu- ous stem throwing off ornaments on either side. Then pure conventional ornament began to receive a new devel- opment. The true principle became common in the elev- enth, twelfth, and thirteenth centuries, and is the founda- tion of the Early English foliage style. While Roman Decorative Art abounds in the most ex- quisite specimens of drawing and modeling, its great de- fect consists in its frequent want of adaptation to the pur- poses it was required to fill as an aid to the true expres- sion of architectural design. Roman decoration, like the Grecian, was strictly aesthetic based on an almost rever. ential regard for the beautiful, for beauty's sake alone. VII. BYZANTINE ORNAMENT. When in the year A.D. 328 the Emperor Constantine transferred the seat of the Roman government to Byzan- tium (afterward called Constantinople, from its founder), Roman art was already in a state of decline, or transforma- tion. Constantine employed Persian and other Oriental artists, and artists from the provinces, in the decoration of his capital ; and these together soon began to work a change in the traditional Roman style, until at length the motley mass became fused into one systematic whole dur- ing the long and (for art) prosperous reign of the first Jus- tinian. (A.D. 527 to 565.) B2 Si I3'DUSTIAL DliAIYI^G. Byzantine art is characterized by elliptical curved out- lines, acute-pointed and broad-toothed leaves, and thin con- tinuous foliage springing from a common stem. In sculp- ture the leaves are beveled at the edge, and deeply chan- neled throughout, and drilled, at the several springings of the teeth, with deep holes. Thin interlaced patterns are preferred to geometrical designs; animal or other figures are sparingly introduced in sculpture, while in color they are principally confined to subjects of a holy character. Rome, Syria, Persia, and other countries, all took part as formative causes in the Byzantine style of art and its ac- companying decoration. The character of the Byzantine school is strongly impressed on all the earlier works of Central and even Western Europe, which are generally termed the Romanesque or Romanized style, which is con- sidered a fantastic and debauched style when applied to architecture. The geometrical mosaic work of Byzantine art belongs particularly to the Romanesque period, espe- cially in Italy. This art, which flourished principally in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries, consists in the arrange- ment of small diamond-shaped pieces of glass into a com- plicated series of diagonal lines. Marble mosaic work dif- fers from the glass only in the material used. The influence of Byzantine art was all powerful in Eu- rope from the sixth to the eleventh century, and even later ; and it has served in a great degree as the basis of all the modern schools of decorative art in the East and in East- ern Europe. , VIII. ARABIAN ORNAMENT. As every distinct form or mode of civilization has been characterized by its own peculiar style of art, so when the religion of Mohammed spread with astonishing rapidity over the East about the middle of the seventh century, and over Spain in the early part of the eighth, a new style of art arose, which gradually encroached, in those regions, upon the already waning glories of the Byzantine period. Some of the Arabian mosques of Cairo, erected in the ninth century, remarkable alike for the grandeur and sim- OEXAMENTAL AET. 35 plicity of their general forms, and the refinement and el- egance of their decoration, are among the most beautiful buildings in the world. Their elegance of ornamentation was probably derived primarily from the Persians, perhaps modified by Byzantine influence. In their leafage orna- ments we observe traces of Greek origin, especially in the modified form of the acanthus leaf; but they abandoned the principle of leaves growing out one from another, and made the scroll continuous without break, while they re- tained that universal principle of true art, the radiation of lines from a parent stem, and their tangential curvature. Like the Romans, they covered the floors of their public buildings with mosaic patterns arranged on a geometrical plan ; but it is surprising that, while the same pattern forms of mosaics exist in Roman, Byzantine, Arabian, and Moor- ish art, the general style of each differs widely from all the others. It is like the same idea expressed in four differ- ent languages. The twisted cord, the interlacing of lines straight or curved, the crossing and interlacing of two squares, and the equilateral triangle within a hexagon, are the starting-points in each. What is called Arabesque ornament consists of a fanciful, capricious, and ideal mixture of all sorts of figures of men and animals, both real and imaginary; also all sorts of plants, fruit, and foliage, involved and twisted, and upon which the animals and other objects rest. The Arabians did not originate this style, although it is named from them ; and in pure Arabesque, figures of animals are ex- cluded, as they were forbidden by the Koran. It is strange that while the Arabians have left traces of fine Saracenic art all through Northern Africa, and in Spain, scarcely a vestige of it can now be found in their native country, Arabia. IX. TURKISH ORXAMEXT. Although the Turks and the Arabians have the same re- ligion, yet, being of different national origin, their art rep- resentations are, as might be expected, somewhat different. The architecture of the Turks, as seen at Constantinople, 36 INDUSTRIAL DBA WING. is mainly based upon the early Byzantine monuments, ex- cept their modern edifices, which are designed in the most European style. Their system of ornamentation is of a mixed character Arabian and Persian floral ornaments being found side by side with debased Roman and Renais- sance details. The art instinct of the Turks is quite in- ferior to that of the East Indians. The only good exam- ples we have of Turkish ornamentation is in Turkey car- pets ; and these are chiefly executed in Asia Minor, and most probably not by Turks. The designs are thoroughly Arabian. The Turk is unimaginative. X. MORESQUE OR MOORISH ORNAMENT. In the ornamental art of the Moors, who established the seat of their power in Spain during the eighth century, we have another illustration of the results produced by corre- sponding influences of religious faith and diversities of na- tional character. The main differences between the Ara- bian and Moorish edifices consist in this : that the former are distinguished most for their grandeur, the latter for their refinement and elegance. In ornamentation the Moors were unsurpassed ; and in it they carried out the princi- ples of true art, even beyond the attainments of the Greeks themselves. Arabian and Moorish art were alike wanting in symbol- ism; but the Moors compensated for this want by the beauty of their ornamental written inscriptions, and the nobleness of the sentiments they expressed. To the artist these inscriptions furnished the most exquisite lessons in art; to the people they proclaimed the might, majesty, and good deeds of the king ; and to the king they never ceased to declare that there was none powerful but God ; that He alone was conqueror, and that to Him alone was ever due praise and glory. A law of the Mohammedan religion for- bade the representation of animals, or of the human figure. In the best specimens of Moorish architecture the deco- ration always arises naturally from the construction ; and, although every part of the surface may be decorated, there is never a useless or a superfluous ornament. All lines OEXAMEXTAL AET. 37 o-row out of one another in natural undulations, and every ornament can be traced to its branch or root ; and there is no such thing as an ornament just jotted down to fill a space, without any other reason for its existence. The best Moorish ornamentation is found in the Alham- bra, a celebrated palace of the Moorish kings, at Granada, in Spain. This immense and justly famous structure, of rather forbidding exterior, but gorgeous within almost be- yond description, was erected in the thirteenth century; and much of it remains perfect at the present day. It has been said by a competent judge that "Every principle which we can derive from the study of the ornamental art of any other people is not only ever present here, but was by the Moors more universally and truly obeyed." And further, that " We find in the Alhambra the speaking art of the Egyptians, the natural grace and refinement of the Greeks, and the geometrical combinations of the Romans, the Byzantines, and the Arabs." The walls of the Alham- bra were covered with a profusion of ornamentation, which had the appearance of a congeries of paintings, incrusta- tions, mosaics, gilding, and foliage ; and nothing could be more splendid and brilliant than the effects that resulted from their combinations. The mode of piercing the domes for light, by means of star-like openings, produced an al- most magical effect. XI. PERSIAN ORNAMENT. The Mohammedan architecture of Persia, and Persian or- namentation, are alike a mixed style, and are far inferior to the Arabian, as exhibited in the buildings at Cairo. The Persians, unlike the Arabs and the Moors, mixed up the forms of natural flowers and animal life with conventional ornament. XII. EAST -INDIAN ORNAMENT. Numerous manufactures calculated to give a high idea of the ingenuity and taste of the people of British India appeared in the Great Exhibition of the Industry of all Na- tions, in London, in 1851. Among these were various ar- 38 INDUSTRIAL DRAWING. tides in agate from Bombay, mirrors from Lahore, marble chairs from Ajmeer, embroidered shawls, scarfs, etc., from Cashmere, carpets from Bangalore, and a variety of articles in iron inlaid with silver. In the application of art to man- ufactures the East Indians exhibit great unity of design, and skill and judgment in the application, with great ele- gance and refinement in the execution. In these respects they seem far to surpass the Europeans, who, says Mr. Owen Jones, "in a fruitless struggle after novelty, irrespec- tive of fitness, base their designs upon a system of copying and misapplying the received forms of beauty of every by- gone style of art." All the laws of the distribution of form which are observed in the Arabian and Moresque orna- 'ments are equally to be found in the productions of India, while the coloring of the latter is said to be so perfectly harmonized that it is impossible to find a discord. This, of course, refers to the selected articles placed on exhibition in 1851. XIII. HINDOO ORNAMENT. We have but little reliable information about the an- cient, or Hindoo, architecture of India ; yet we know this much, that the Hindoos had definite rules of architectural proportion and symmetry. One of their ancient precepts, quoted by a modern writer, says, u Woe to them who dwell in a house not built according to the proportions of sym- metry. In building an edifice, therefore, let all its parts, from the basement to the roof, be duly considered." The architectural features of Hindoo buildings consist chiefly of mouldings heaped up one over the other. There is very little marked character in their ornaments, which are never elaborately profuse, and which show both an Egyptian and a Grecian influence. XIV. CHINESE ORNAMENT. Notwithstanding the great antiquity of Chinese civiliza- tion, and the perfection reached in their manufacturing pro- cesses ages before our time, the Chinese do not appear to have made much advance in the fine arts. They show very OEXAMENTAL AET. 39 little appreciation of pure form, beyond geometrical pat- terns ; but they possess the happy instinct of harmonizing colors. Their decoration is of a very primitive kind. The Chinese are totally unimaginative ; and their ornamentation is a very faithful expression of the nature of this peculiar people oddness. XV. CELTIC ORNAMENT. The Celts the early inhabitants of the British Isles had a style of ornamentation peculiarly their own, and singu- larly at variance with any thing that can be found in any other part of the world. Celtic ornament was doubtless of independent origin, but it every where bears the impress received by the early introduction of Christianity into the islands. The chief peculiarities of Celtic ornament consist, first, in the entire absence of foliage or other vegetable ornament ; and, secondly, in the extreme intricacy and excessive mi- nuteness and elaboration of the various patterns, mostly geometrical, consisting of interlaced ribbon-work ; diago- nal, straight, or spiral lines ; and strange, monstrous ani- mals or birds, with their tail-feathers, top-knots, and tongues extended into long interlacing ribbons, which were inter- twined in almost endless forms, and in the most fantastic manner. Celtic manuscripts of the Gospels were often orna- mented with a great profusion of these intricate designs. What is called the Celtic ornamentation was practiced throughout Great Britain and Ireland from the fourth or fifth to the tenth or eleventh centuries. There was a later Anglo-Saxon ornamentation, equally elaborate, employed in the decoration of manuscripts of the Gospels and other holy writings ; but here leaves, stems, birds, etc., were intro- duced, and interwoven with gold bars, circles, squares, loz- enges, quarterfoils, etc. XVI. MEDIAEVAL OK GOTHIC ORNAMENT. The high-pitched gable and the pointed arch, with a con- sequent slender proportion of towers, columns, and capitals, are the leading characteristics of medieval or Gothic archi- 40 INDUSTRIAL DRAWING. lecture, which came into general use in Europe in the thir- teenth century. Mediaeval Gothic art, like the Egyptian, was symbolic, deriving its types from the prevailing religious ideas of the period. Thus the churches and the cathedrals of the Middle Ages were built in the form of a cross the sign and symbol of the Christian faith. The numbers three, five, and seven, denoting the Trinity, the five traditional wounds of the Saviour, and the seven Sacraments, were preserved as emblematical in the nave and two aisles, in the trefoiled arches and windows, in the foils of the tracery, and in the seven leaflets of the sculptured foliage ; while the narrow- pointed arches, and the numerous finger-like pinnacles, ris- ing above the gloom of the dimly lighted place of worship, symbolized the faith which pointed the soul upward from the trials of earth to the happy homes of the redeemed. The transition from the Romanesque (later Roman) or rounded style to the pointed is easily traced in the numer- ous buildings in which the two styles are intermingled ; but the passage from Romanesque ornament to Gothic is not so clear. In the latter, new combinations of ornaments and tracery suddenly arise. The piercings for windows be- come clustered in groups, soon to be moulded into a net- work of enveloping tracery; the acanthus leaf disappears; in the capitals of columns of pure Gothic style, the orna- ment arises directly from the shaft, which, above the neck- ing, is split into a series of stems, each terminating in a conventional flower the whole being quite analogous to the Egyptian mode of decorating the capital. In the interior of the early Gothic buildings every mould- ing had its color best adapted to develop its form; and from the floor to the roof not an inch of space but had its appropriate ornament, the whole producing an effect grand almost beyond description. But so suddenly did this pro- fuse style of ornament attain its perfection, that it almost immediately began to decline. What is called ornamental illumination, that is, the decoration of writing by means of colors, and, especially, the decoration of the initial letters to pages of manuscript, attained a high degree of perfection under the influence of the Gothic style. OEXAMENTAL ART. 41 While Gothic ornamentation retained its conventional character, there was a boundless field for development : when it became a mere imitation of natural objects, and rep- resented stems, flowers, insects, etc., true to life, all ideality fled, and there could be no further progress in the art. XVII. RENAISSANCE ORNAMENT. The fact that the soil of Italy was so covered with the re- mains of Roman greatness that it was impossible for the Italians to forget them, however they might neglect the les- sons they were calculated to teach, was probably the rea- son why Gothic art took but little root in Italy, where it was ever regarded as of barbarian origin. When, in the fif- teenth century, classical learning revived in Italy, and the art of printing disseminated its treasures, a taste for classic art revived also; and the style of ornamentation to which it gave rise, formed upon classic models, is called Renais- sance ornament ; and the period of its glory the Restora- tion, or Renaissance period. A combination of architecture and decorative sculpture was a distinguishing feature of the Renaissance style. Fig- ures, foliage, and conventional ornaments were so happily blended with mouldings, and other structural forms, as to convey the idea that the whole sprung to life in one perfect form in the mind of the artist by whom the work was ex- ecuted. To Raphael (early in the sixteenth century), both sculptor and painter, we owe the most splendid specimens of the Arabesque style, which he dignified, and left with nothing more to be desired. (See Arabian Ornament.) Ara- besques lose their character when applied to large objects; neither are they appropriate where gravity of style is re- quired. All the great painters of Italy were ornamental sculptors also. Their sculptured ornaments were ingeniously arranged on different planes, instead of on one uniform flat surface, so as best to show the diversities of light and shade. Much of the splendid painting done by the Italian masters, from Giotto to Raphael from the year 1290 to 1520 was mu- ral decoration, now generally called fresco. In true fresco. 42 INDUSTRIAL DRAWING. the artist incorporated his colors with the plaster before it was dry, by which the colors became as permanent as the wall itself. This kind of painting was so clear and trans- parent, and reflected the light so well, as to be peculiarly suited to the interior of dimly lighted buildings ; and it is said that the eye which has been accustomed to look upon it can scarcely be reconciled to oil pictures. It is a well- known saying of Michael Angelo, that fresco is fit for men, oil painting for women, and the luxurious and idle. XVIII. ELIZABETHAN ORNAMENT. The revival of art in Italy soon spread over France and Germany, and about the year 1520 extended into England, where it soon triumphed over the late Gothic style. The true Elizabethan period of art embraced only about a cent- ury. It is simply a modification of foreign models, and has little claim to originality. The characteristics of Elizabethan ornament may be de- scribed as consisting chiefly of a grotesque and complicated variety of pierced scroll-work, with curled edges; interlaced bands, sometimes on a geometrical pattern, but generally flowing and capricious; curved and broken outlines; fes- toons, fruit, and drapery, interspersed with roughly exe- cuted figures of human beings ; grotesque monsters and ani- mals, with here and there large and flowing designs of nat- ural branch and leaf ornament ; rustic ball and diamond work ; paneled compartments, often filled with foliage, or coats of arms, etc., etc. : the whole founded on exaggerated models of the early Renaissance school. By the middle of the seventeenth century the more marked characteristics of the Elizabethan style had completely died out. MODERN ORNAMENTAL ART. There is, no doubt, a very decided tendency in modern ornamental art to copy natural forms as faithfully as pos- sible for all decorative purposes. We see this, alike, in our floral carpets, floral wall-papers, floral curtains, and in the ORNAMENTAL AET. 43 floral carvings of our structures of wood, stone, and iron. Yet when perfection shall have been attained in this mode of ornamentation if it has not been already and which is but the mere copying of nature, and devoid of all original- ity of design, how little has the artist accomplished in the development and application of art principles, and what fur- ther can he attain to ? But when, on the contrary, the progress of true art shall be acknowledged to lie in the direction of idealizing the forms of nature giving to them a conventional represen- tation while adhering to the principles of natural growth, in the manner in which art grew up among the Egyptians and the Greeks the artist will be left free to follow the bent of his genius, and to select from, and conventionally adopt, whatever natural forms he may find best suited to his pur- poses. Then there may be advance in art beyond the copy- ing and intermingling of those olden styles, which now ex- cite in us but little sympathy ; but until then we shall prob- ably rest content in the idea that all available modes and forms have been used by those who preceded us, and that there are no untrodden domains of art left for us to explore. PART II. PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICE OP INDUSTRIAL DRAWING. DRAWING-BOOK No. I. I. MATERIALS AND DIRECTIONS. 1. FOB PAPER to draw on, use " Wittson's Cabinet Draio- ing -Paper" for Drawing-Books Nos. I., IL, III., and IV. This paper is printed in fine red or pink lines, to correspond to the ruling in the Drawing-Books ; and it has a border so ruled and lettered as to furnish convenient guides for the accurate drawing of the diagonal and serai-diagonal lines of Cabinet Perspective, as illustrated in the Second, Third, and Fourth Drawing-Books. Of this drawing-paper, No. 1 is the same in size as the pages in the Drawing-Books, and No. 2 is four times the size. There is also " Isometrical Drawing- Paper No. 1," of the same size as the No. 1 Cab- inet Drawing-Paper, for use in isometrical drawings, as il- lustrated in the Appendix to this volume. The fine pink lines of the drawing -paper do not in the least interfere with the pencil drawings. 2. For PENCILS, use Faber's Nos. 1, 2, 3, and 4, which are round black pencils. No. 4 being the hardest of these, is used for fine, hard lines only, or very light shading ; No. 3 for common outline drawing and shading ; and No. 2 for heavy and distinct dark lines and edges. No. 1, very dark and soft, is little used. There are also very superior Fa- ber pencils, of light wood, hexagonal in form, and numbered by letters H, HH, HHH, and HHHH : H being soft pencils, and HHHH very hard and fine. There are also what are called the Eagle pencils the H pencil for light shading and lines, and the F for common shading. The common Eagle pencils marked 1, 2, and 3, are of inferior grade. 48 INDUSTRIAL DRAWING. [BOOK NO. I. 3. For most industrial drawings, however, India ink is more convenient, and better, for shading, than the pencil. A cake of good India ink, about two inches long, that will go further in shading than a hundred pencils, may be bought of almost any bookseller or stationer for some twenty or thirty cents. Two or three camel's-hair pencils (or brush- es) will also be needed. Price, three or four cents each. To use the ink, put half a teaspoonful, or less, of water in a small saucer (or the smallest china plate, about two inches in diameter; or a small glass salt-cellar is better), and rub one end of the India-ink cake in it, giving the water the depth of tint that is required. With one of the brushes flow the ink over those portions of the drawing that are to be shaded. When the ink is dry, apply the wash a second time to those portions that require a darker shade than the lighter portions, and apply it a third time to those portions, if any, that require a still darker shade. In this manner any required depth of even shade may be given. Be care- ful and not make the ink too dark at first ; and, as it dries up quite rapidly in the saucer, water must be supplied from time to time to keep it of a uniform tint. It produces a good eifect to first wash lightly, with India ink, those por- tions of a drawing that require shading ; and then, when the ink is dry, to put on the line shading with the pencil. 4. For many of the curvilinear drawings, in which parts or wholes of perfect circbs are used, a pair of compasses adapted to receive a pencil will be needed ; or, what will answer the purpose very well, a pencil may be split and tied firmly to one of the legs of a pair of ordinary brass compasses or dividers. 5. A ruler will also be needed for drawing long straight lines. It should be beveled oif on one side to a very thin edge. A ruler with one thin metallic edge is the most con- venient. 6. For the purpose of Blackboard Exercises in connection with drawing on paper, every school in which industrial drawing is taught should be provided with a blackboard of convenient size, having fine red lines painted on it, both vertically and horizontally, at right angles to one another, MATERIALS AND i>I2ECTIOXS. 49 and two inches apart. Any careful painter an prepare a board in this manner. The board should not be varnished. The red lines drawn on the board will interfere very little with the use of the board for ordinary purposes. Tho school should also be provided with one pair of chalk-cray- on compasses, for the drawing of regular curves on the blackboard. Any ingenious carpenter can make a pair that will answer very well. One of the points may be hollowed out to receive the crayon, which may be tied in. 7. All the figures in a lesson, or on a page of the Drawing- Books, should be first copied by the pupils on the lined drawing-paper, and then the accompanying Problems should be drawn, and then the free-hand blackboard exercises, when such are suggested. The pupils should also explain the drawings fully their measurements according to the scale given on the paper, and their real measures when drawn on the blackboard. But if any of the pupils are too young to understand the few elementary principles of surface measurement that are given in Drawing-Book No. I., these principles may be passed over for the present, as they will come up again in a more extended exposition of the Drawing, Measurement, and Relations of Surfaces and Solids. 8. Although free-hand drawing can be carried out in the present series quite as extensively as in any other series, and perhaps with more effect than in any other, as the guide-lines at once detect all inaccuracies; and although this kind of preliminary practice is important for all de- signers in art, and especially for artists by profession, yet we would remind teachers and pupils that it is never re- lied on by architects, draughtsmen, and artisans for the drawing of working-patterns or designs for industrial pur- poses, and that most of the copies which are given in the drawing-books for practice in free-hand drawing are there executed, with elaborate care, by the aid of ruler and com- pass. Even the best of artists do not hesitate to resort to all possible mechanical appliances by which their work can be improved ; and it would be strange, indeed, if we should deny to children those aids which we allow to age and ex- C 50 INDUSTRIAL DBA WING. [BOOK NO. I. perience. While, therefore, we recommend free-hand draw- ing in elementary exercises, and also in all portions of copies or original designs which can be well executed there- by, we would advise advanced pupils to make use of all other aids that are essential to accuracy of result. Fre- quent directions are given throughout the work for free- hand exercises in drawing on the blackboard. 9. For the purpose of getting the full cfiect of a drawing in diagonal Cabinet Perspective (Books II., III., and IV.), partially close the hand, and through the tubular opening thus formed look at the drawing from a position a little above and at the right of it. On thus viewing it intently for half a minute, the drawing will seem to stand out in bold relief from the paper; and if there are any inaccura- cies in the perspective, they will be readily detected by the unnatural apJ3earances which they will thus be made to present. 10. If the teacher should find some few slight inaccura- cies in which the diagrams in the Drawing-Books do not fully come up to the descriptions of them, they must at- tribute it to the occasional want of care in the artists who copied them from the original drawings. The errors, how- ever, are believed to be few, and of little importance ; and the teacher who gets hold of the principles will easily cor- rect them. 11. It should be remarked, also, that drawings in pencil and India ink, if well executed, and especially if made on the pink-ruled drawing-paper, will be clearer in shading, more distinct in outline, and will show to better advantage generally, than those in the Drawing-Books. ElSir" 12. For convenience of adapting the explanations of drawings given in the Drawing-Books to those made on the blackboard, let it be understood that the lines on the blackboard are in all cases (unless otherwise directed) sup- posed to be drawn to the same scale as those assigned for the lines of the printed drawings. STRAIGHT LIXES AND PLANE SURFACES. 51 H. STRAIGHT LINES AND PLANE SURFACES. PAGE ONE. LESSON I. Horizontal Parallel Lines. A horizontal line is a line that has all its points equally high, or on a level with the horizon. Parallel lines are lines that extend in the same direction, and that are equally distant from one anoth- er, however far they may be extended. Thus, the lines that cross the paper from left to right are parallel lines, one eighth of an inch apart ; and they are also horizontal lines when the paper lies flat upon the table, and also when it is raised to an upright position. All the lines in Lesson I. may be considered horizontal and parallel. In drawing the copies on this page, use a No. 3 or No. 2 pencil, rounded at the point, and not sharp. Use no ruler. In figure No. 1, draw all the lines on the fine-ruled horizontal red lines seen on the drawing-paper first tracing each line very lightly, carrying the pencil a part of the time from left to right, and a part of the time from right to left, so as to acquire a free command of the hand. Finish by drawing each line firm and distinct, and as true and even as possible. In the first column the lines are one eighth of an inch long; in the second column two eighths, or one quarter of an inch ; and in the third column three eighths of an inch long. The printed vertical and horizontal lines in the Drawing- Book, and also on the drawing-paper, are one eighth of an inch apart. In No. I., the pencil lines are drawn on the ruled lines, one eighth of an inch apart ; in No. II., they are first drawn the same as in No. I., and then a line is drawn between every two; in No. III., two lines are drawn equally distant between every two lines first drawn as in No. I. No. III. represents coarse shading. Let the pupil imitate the foregoing with free-hand drawing on the red-lined blackboard, and tell the lengths of the lines thus drawn as two inches four inches, six inches, etc. ; and their distances apart. 52 INDUSTRIAL DRAWING. [BOOK NO. I. LESSON II. Vertical Parallel Lines. A vertical line is one that is exactly upright in position such a line as that which is formed by suspending a weight by a string. The lines in Lesson II. represent vertical lines ; but they are really vertical only when the paper is placed in an upright position, and with the heading of the page upward. These vertical lines are parallel, for the same reason that those in Lesson I. are parallel. Draw the lines in Lesson II. from the top downward, first going over each line lightly, once or twice ; and, when the line is accurately traced from point to point, finish by marking it firmly. What are the respective lengths of the lines in No. 1 ? In No. 3? In No. 4? In Nos. 2 and 3 the lines are drawn at the same distances apart as in the corresponding numbers of Lesson I. In No. 4, three lines are drawn equidistant between the ruled lines. No. 2 represents coarse shading ; No. 3, ordinary shading ; and No. 4, fine shading. Free-hand exercises on the blackboard, similar to those di- rected for Lesson I. LESSON III. Angles, and Plane Figures. No. 1 repre- sents two right angles, x, x, formed by one line meeting an- other. An angle is the opening between two lines that meet. When one straight line (a b) falls upon another straight line (c d), so as to make the adjacent angles (x, x) equal, the two angles thus formed are right angles. The angle at a*, No. 2, is also a right angle. An acute angle (e) is an angle that is less than a right angle ; an obtuse angle (n) is an angle that is greater than a right angle. A plane is a surface, on which, if any two points be taken, the straight line which joins them touches the surface in its whole length. Nos. 3, 4, and 5 tare plane figures called squares. A rectilinear plane figure is a plane figure bounded by straight lines. A square is a plane figure that has four equal sides and STRAIGHT LINES AXD PLANE SURFACES. 53 four right angles. Nos. 3, 4, and 5 are squares. They are also called erect squares, because two of the sides of each are erect, or vertical. A rectangle is a four-sided figure having only right an- gles. The term is generally applied to those rectangular (right-angled) figures which are not squares. Nos. 6, 7, and 8 are rectangles. Nos. 9 and 10 may be divided into rect- angles. Principles of Surface Measurement. We will suppose that throughout Drawing-Book No. I. the direct distance from one line to another on the ruled paper is one inch, unless otherwise directed. Then, how much space will one of the small ruled squares contain ? (One square inch.) How much will four of them contain ? (Four square inches.) As a standard of meas- urement, each of the small squares formed by the ruling of the paper is called & primary erect square. How large is No. 3 ? (One inch square.) How much area, or surface, does it contain? (One square inch.) How large is No. 4 ? (Two inches square. That is, it measures two inches on each side.) How much area, or sur- face, does it contain? (Four square inches, as may be seen by counting the primary squares within it.) How large is No. 5 ? (Four inches square.) How much area, or surface, does it contain ? (Sixteen square inches.) How large is No. C ? (Two inches by three inches.) How much area, or surface, does it contain ? (Six square inches.) How large is No. Y, and what is its area? How large is No. 8, and what is its area ? Hence, To find the area or surface measurement of any rectangle : RULE I. Multiply the length by the breadth, and the prod- uct will be the area. PROBLEMS FOR PRACTICE. 1. Draw a square of three inches to a side. "What is its area? Ans. 9 square inches. 2. Draw a square of nine inches to a side. "What is its area ? Ans. 81 square inches. 54 INDUSTRIAL DRAWING. [BOOK NO. I. 3. Draw a rectangle of four by five inches. What is its area ? Ana. 20 square inches. 4. Draw a rectangle of six by eight inches. What is its area ? Ans. Let the Pupil draw the foregoing Problems on the Hlac7c- board. No. 4 has twice the length of sides of No. 3. How many times larger than No. 3 is it ? (Four times larger ; because No. 3 contains one square inch, and No. 4 contains four square inches.) No. 5 has four times the length of sides of No. 3. How much larger than No. 3 is it ? (Sixteen times larger.) No. 5 has twice the length of sides of No. 4. How much larger than No. 4 is it ? (Four times larger.) No. 7 has twice the length of sides of No. G. How much larger is No. 7 than No. 6 ? (Four times larger.) From the foregoing it appears that, by increasing the lengths of the sides of a square or a rectangle to two times their length, we form a similar figure four times as large ; by increasing to three times, we form a similar figure nine times as large ; by increasing to four times, we form one sixteen times as large ; by increasing to Jive times, we form one twenty -five times as large, etc. The same princi- ple holds true with regard to a figure of any number of sides. ELEMENTARY PRINCIPLE. The areas of 'similar plane fig- ures are as the squares of their similar sides. If, therefore, we have a plane figure of any number of sides, and wish to make another similar to it, lout four times as large, we double the lengths of the sides ; because 2 times 2 are four : if we wish to make one nine times as large, we treble the lengths of the sides ; because 3 times 3 arc nine: if we wish to make one sixteen times as large, we quadrille the lengths of the sides ; because 4 times 4 are sixteen: and so on to the square of any given number. IrIP Let the teacher explain more fully, if necessary, what is meant by the square of a number, and especially when that number represents the length of a given line. STRAIGHT LINES AND PLANE SURFACES. 55 PROBLEMS FOR PRACTICE. 1. Draw a square similar to No. 3, but nine times as large. 2. Draw a square similar to No. 4, but nine times as large. 3. Draw a square similar to No. 4, but twenty-five times as large. 4. Draw a rectangle similar to No. 6, but nine times as large. 5. Draw a rectangle similar to No. 6, but four times as large. G. Draw a polygon similar to No. 10, but four times as large. A polygon is a plane figure having many sides and miiny angles. The term is generally applied to a plane figure of more than four angles and four sides. Free-hand exercises on the blackboard. Let the pupil fol- low out, on the blackboard, a course of exercises similar to those prescribed for the tint-lined drawing-paper. LESSON IV. Diagonals. Diagonals are lines drawn in the direction of a diagonal of a primary erect square. A primary diagonal is a line drawn diagonally from one corner to another of a primary erect square. No. 1 is made up of primary diagonals in two directions. No. 2 is a primary diagonal square. What is its area equal to ? (Two square inches ; inasmuch as it includes four halves of the small primary erect squares.) What is the area of No. 3 ?* What is the area of No. 4 ? No. 5 ? No. 6 ? If No. 2 have its sides doubled in length, how much larger will the figure be ? If No. 2 have its sides trebled in length, how much larger will the figure be ? PROBLEMS FOR PRACTICE. 1. Draw a diagonal square similar to No. 2, but sixteen times as large; that is, containing sixteen times the area of No. 2. How long must the sides be, compared with the sides of No. 2 ? 2. Draw a diagonal square similar to No. 2, but twenty-five times as large. How long must the sides be, compared with the sides of No. 2 ? 3. Draw a diagonal square similar to No. 3, but nine times as large. 4. Draw a diagonal rectangle similar to No. 5, but four times as large. * The halves of square inches included within the figures in this lesson might be marked with dots, for greater facility in counting them. 56 INDUSTRIAL DRAWING. [BOOK NO. 1. Iii drawing these problems let the pupils arrange them in such a manner as to economize the space on the drawing-paper. To find the area of any diagonal square, or other diagonal rectangle : RULE A. Multiply the length in primary diagonals by the breadth in primary diagonals, and TWICE the product will be the area, in measures of the primary erect squares. Kule A is only a special application of Rule I. (Reason for the ride. The length in primary diagonals multiplied by the breadth in primary diagonals will give the number of primary diagonal squares ; and we then mul- tiply by 2, because there are two primary erect squares in each primary diagonal square.) Thus, in No. 3, multiply 2, the length in primary diago- nals of one side, by 2, the length in primary diagonals of another side, and the product will be 4 ; and twice four will be the area in primary erect squares, or square inches. What is the area of a diagonal square of 7 diagonals to a side ? (Ans. 98 square inches.) What is the area of a diagonal rectangle of 5 by 7 diag- onals ? (Ans. 70 square inches.) Let the pupil carry out the same system on the black- board. LESSON Y. No. 1 is an erect cross, representing one thin piece, 2 inches by 8 inches, laid at right angles across another piece 2 inches by 6 inches. First draw the upper piece, marked 1, and shade it lightly. The lower piece might have the shading described in No. 4 of Lesson II. No. 2. Draw the pieces in the order in which they are numbered. The lower piece is first shaded with diagonal lines, the same as the upper piece, and the shading is finish- ed by drawing lines between the diagonals first drawn. Nos. 3 and 4. In these, and in all similar figures, the up- per pieces supposing that the pieces are in a horizontal position should be drawn first. In most outline draw- ings, and in lightly shaded drawings, the outline is made heaviest on the side opposite to the direction from which STRAIGHT LINES AND PLANE SURFACES. 57 the light is supposed to come. Thus, in No. 4, the light is supposed to come in the direction of the arrow / and hence the outlines are made the heaviest where the shad- ows would naturally fall. No. 5. Observe the direction in which the light falls upon this figure, as indicated by the arrow #, and the consequent heavy outlines of those sides of the four pieces which would be in shadow. The shading in No. 7 should render each square distinct from the others. No. 8 is a pattern made up of only one figure, repeated continuously, and so arranged as to cover the entire sur- face. A very great variety of patterns, consisting wholly of repetitions of one figure to each pattern, may easily be designed, and drawn by the aid of the ruled paper. What is the area of each of the squares, as they are num- bered, in No. 7. The area of the pattern figure in No. 8 ? Free-hand exercises on the blackboard. PAGE TWO. LESSON VI. Tico-space Diagonals. By a two-space diag- onal is meant the diagonal of a rectangle which is twice as long as it is broad. It is a diagonal which passes over two spaces on the ruled paper. No. 1. The lines in No. 1 are two-space diagonals. They should be copied, without the aid of a ruler, until they can be drawn with tolerable accuracy, and with facility. At b lines are first drawn as at a; and then lines are drawn in- termediate between them; c is first drawn the same as b t and is then filled in with intermediates. In this manner great uniformity of shading may be attained. No. 2 is drawn in a manner similar to No. 1. First trace each line lightly, and continue to pass the pencil over it un- til it is drawn with accuracy. No. 3. As two square inches are represented in the dot- ted rectangle, and as the line a b divides the rectangle into two equal parts, therefore on each side of the line there is an area equal to one square inch, O 9 ~ " " THE 58 INDUSTRIAL DEAWIXG. [BOOK NO. I. No. 4. What area is embraced within the dotted square ? Then how much is embraced within the portion a f No. 5. What area is embraced within the dotted rectan- gle ? Then what area is embraced within the portion a ? The portion marked a in No. 4 is a triangle a figure of three sides and three angles. It is an acute-angled triangle, because each angle is less than a right angle. (See Lesson III.) The portion marked a in No. 5 is called an obt use-angled triangle, because one of the angles is greater than a right angle. No. 6 is a figure called a rhombus. A rhombus is a figure which has four equal sides, the opposite sides being parallel ; but its angles are not right angles. What area is embraced in the upper half of No. 6 ? In the whole figure ? No. Y. What area is embraced in each of the parts a of No. 7 ? In the central rectangle b f In the whole rhom- bus? (16 square inches.) No. 8. In the dotted figure No. 8 there are three of the small squares ; hence the dotted figure contains an area of three square inches. But the part b (as shown in No. 3 and No. 5) contains an area of one square inch, and the part c an area of one square inch ; hence the part a must contain an area of one square inch also. No. 9. What area is embraced in the rhombus No. 9? (Let the pupil prove that each part a embraces an area of one square inch, the same as a in No. 8.) No. 10. What area is embraced in No. 10? How is it shown that the upper part marked 1 contains an area equal to one square inch ? No. 11. What area is embraced in the star figure No. 11 ? (Let the pupil prove that each of the points marked 1 con- tains an area of one square inch.) No. 12 is an octagonal or eight-sided figure. A regular octagon has eight equal sides and eight equal angles; but here, while the sides are equal, the angles are not all equal. What is the area of each of the parts a of the octagon ? Of the whole octagon ? The shading of the central square of No. 12 is produced by carrying the pencil from left to right with a running dotting motion. In industrial drawing it is desirable to designate the different sides or surfaces of objects STRAIGHT LINES AND PLANE SURFACES. 59 very distinctly by the shading ; and this is one of the kinds of shading very appropriate for that purpose. No. 13. What is the area of each of the rhombuses mark- ed a f (See No. 4 and No. 6.) What is the area of the central star figure ? (See No. 11.) What is the area of the whole octagon ? No. 14. What is the area of each of the rhombuses marked a ? (See No. 9.) Of each of the star points marked b f (See No. 4.) Of the central square c f Of the whole octagon ? PROBLEMS FOB PRACTICE. 1. Draw a rectangle similar to the dotted rectangle No. 4. but four times as large. (See ELEMENTARY PRINCIPLE, page 54.) 2. Draw a triangle similar to a of No. 4, but nine times as large. How must the sides compare in length with those of a of No. 4 ? What will be the area of the triangle ? 3. Draw a triangle similar to a of No. 5, but containing sixteen times the area of No. 5. 4. Draw a rhombus similar to No. 6, but containing twenty-five times the area of No. 6. Shade it with two-space diagonals like 6, or c, of No. 1 . 5. Draw a rhombus similar to No. 7, but containing only one fourth the area of No. 7. 6. Draw a figure similar to the a portion of No. 8, but sixteen times as large. 7. Draw a rhombus similar to No. 9, but containing twenty-five times the area of No. 9. 8. Draw a rhombus similar to No. 10, but having four times the area of No. 10. 9. Draw a star figure similar to No. 11, but containing nine times the area of No. 11. 10. Draw an octagon similar to No. 12, but containing four times the area of No. 12. 11. Draw an octagon similar to No. 13, but containing nine times the area of No. 13. Divide it as No. 1 3 is divided, and mark within each rhombus, its area, and mark the area of the star also. 12. Draw a figure similar to No. 14, but sixteen times as large, and mark within the parts a, 6, and c the area of each. Let problems similar to the foregoing be drawn on the blackboard, or selections from them, at the option of the teacher. LESSON VII. No. 1 is a two-space diagonal square ; and No. 2 is the same in a different position. The area of No. 1 can easily be counted up, when it is seen that each of the 60 INDUSTRIAL DRAWING. [BOOK NO. I. parts marked 1 is equal to one square inch. Hence the fig- ure contains five square inches. The area of a two-space diagonal square, or of any two- space diagonal rectangle, may be found by the following modification of Rule I. : To find the area of a two-space diagonal rectangle : RULE B. Multiply the length in two-space diagonals by the breadth in two-space diagonals, and FIVE times the prod- uct will be the area, in measures of the primary erect squares. Thus, in No. 1, multiply the length 1 by the breadth 1, and 5 times the product will be the area: 5 square inches. What is the area of the two-space diagonal square No. 3 ? Solution. Multiply the length 2 by the breadth 2, and the product will be 4, which, multiplied by 5, will give 20 square inches the area. The same result will be found by counting the squares, etc. What is the area of No. 4 ? No. 5 ? No. 6 ? No. 7 is the same form of star seen in No. 14 of Lesson VI. ; and No. 8 is the same form that is seen in No. 13. In drawing these figures, first trace the outlines very lightly; and do not mark firmly until the positions of all the lines are clearly determined. Use no ruler. No. 9 shows two octagons intersecting each other in a diagonal direction, and in such a manner that the rhombus a is common to both. Any octagon may have an octagon intersecting it in this manner on all of its four divisions; and when the series is continued they form the pattern seen in No. 10 sometimes seen in oil-cloths, carpets, etc. No. 1 1 shows a series of octagons intersecting one another vertically and horizontally, instead of diagonally as in No. 10. In No. 10 the rhombuses, and in No. 11 the star fig- ures, are represented as shaded with a light tint of India ink. PROBLEMS FOR PRACTICE. 1. Draw, on the drawing-paper, a two-space diagonal square, similar to No. 1, but embracing twenty-five times the area of No. 1. Draw another within the last, embracing nine times the area of No. 1. What will be the lengths of the sides of each, in two-space diagonals ? The area of the small- er square ? Of that portion of the larger square outside of the smaller ? STRAIGHT LINES AND PLANE SURFACES. 61 2. Draw a rectangle similar to No. 4, but embracing four times the area of No. 4. 3. Draw a rectangle similar to No. 6, but embracing four times the area of No. 6. 4. What area would be included in a two-space diagonal rectangle hav- ing a length of eight two-space diagonal measures, and a breadth of five ? (See Rule B.) 5. Draw a pattern similar to No. 10, but with the figures embracing four times the area of those in No. 10. 6. Draw a pattern similar to No. 11, but with the figures embracing four times the area of those in No. 11. Free-hand drawing of problems similar to the foregoing on the blackboard. LESSON YIIL Three-space Diagonals. By a three-space diagonal is meant the diagonal of a rectangle which is three times as long as it is broad. Thus, the diagonal of the rect- angle at cr, No. 1, passes over three spaces, and divides the rectangle into two equal parts. As the rectangle includes an area of three square inches, each half of it, as marked ^, has an area of one and a half square inches. No. 2. What area is included in the dotted rectangle No. 2 ? In each of the three parts, a, b, and c ? No. 3 is a three -space diagonal square. Observe that each of the parts marked 1 has an area of one and a half square inches. Then what is the area of the whole square ? (Ans. 10 square inches.) No. 4 is a rhombus. What is its area ? The area of the dotted rectangle ? No. 5 is a three -space diagonal rectangle. Its area is easily found, by counting, to be twenty square inches. But the area of any three-space diagonal square, or other three- space diagonal rectangle, however large, may easily be found by the following rule, also a modification of Rule I. To find the area of a three-space diagonal rectangle : RULE C. Multiply the length in three-space diagonals by the breadth in three-space diagonals, and TEN times the prod- uct will be the area, in measures of the primary erect squares. Thus, in the square No. 3, the length 1, of one side, multi- plied by 1, the length of another side, gives the product G2 INDUSTRIAL DRAWING. [BOOK NO. I. 1, which, multiplied by 10, gives 10 square inches as the area. Apply the rule to No. 5, and test the result by counting. What is the area ? No. 6. What is the area of the inner dotted rectangle? Of the large rectangle ? Then what is the area of the space included between the two ? "No. 7. The area of the space included within the dotted figures,,./, 2 9 3 is seen, by counting, to be five square inches. But the area of the part marked a is one and a half square inches, and the area of c is the same, the two parts a and c making three square inches. Therefore the part b embraces two square inches. No. 8. What is the area of the rhombus No. 8 ? No. 9 is a three -space diagonal octagon. What is the area of each of the parts , #, c, and df Of the inner dotted square ? Of the whole octagon ? No. 10. What is the area of the four rhombuses a, #, c, d? Of the star g ? Of the whole octagon ? No. 11. What is the area of the four rhombuses a, , c, d? Of the four parts e, /, g, h ? Of the central square k f Of the whole octagon ? No. 12. What is the area of the star in No. 12 ? What is the area of the star in No. 8 of Lesson VII. ? What is the difference in their areas ? Let all the foregoing be drawn on the drawing-paper. PROBLEMS FOR PRACTICE. 1 . Draw, on the drawing-paper, a three-space diagonal square that shall contain 9 times the area of No. 3. 2. Draw a rhombus similar to No. 4, but containing nine times the area of No. 4. Within the rhombus thus drawn, and equidistant from its sides, draw a rhombus containing four times the area of No. 4. Within this latter, and equidistant from its sides, draw another equal to No. 4. Mark the rhombuses thus drawn No. 1, No. 2, and No. 3, beginning with the smallest, and mark the area of each. 3. Draw a rectangle similar to No. 5, but containing sixteen times the area of No. 5. Draw one within this latter containing four times the area of No. 5. 4. Draw a rhombus similar to No. 8, but containing four times the area of No. 8. 5. Draw an octagon similar to No. 9, but containing four times the area of No. 9. STRAIGHT LINES AND PLANE SURFACES. 63 6. Draw an octagon similar to No. 10, but with other interlacing octa- gons on its diagonal sides, similar to No. 10 of Lesson VII. 7. Draw an octagon similar to No. 11, but with other interlacing octa- gons on its vertical and horizontal sides, similar to No. 11 of Lesson VII. 8. Draw a star similar to g of No. 10, but having four times the area of ff, and inclose it with an interlacing square similar to No. 7 of Lesson VII. Free-hand drawing of problems similar to the foregoing on the blackboard. PAGE THREE. LESSON IX. This lesson consists of a series of net-work, the finer examples of which, when used in drawing or en- graving, for the purposes of shading, are called hatching. No. 1 is a coarse diagonal net-work, in the form of squares. No. 2 is drawn, in the first place, in the same manner as No. 1 ; after which another set of lines is put in, in both diagonal directions, intermediate between those first drawn. No. 3 is first drawn the same as No. 2, after which another set of lines is put in intermediate between those first drawn. This kind of hatching is seen in No. 6 of the next lesson. No. 4 is a coarse two-space diagonal net-work. No. 5 is first drawn the same as No. 4, and is then filled in with another set of lines between those first drawn. No. 6 is a fine hatching, first drawn the same as No. 5, and then filled in with another set of lines intermediate between those first drawn. A sharp-pointed, hard pencil is required for this shading. No. 7 is a coarse three-space diagonal net-work. When filled in with two lines intermediate between those here drawn, it forms a good hatching for some kinds of shading. All the examples in this lesson, which should be copied without the aid of a ruler, will furnish good exercises in drawing straight, uniform, and equidistant lines. The di- rections, and the distances apart, are given in the ruling of the paper. Free-hand drawing of Lesson IX. on the blackboard. LESSON X. No. 1 gives the outline of a star-shaped fig- ure ; and No. 2 is the same divided into eight pairs of wings by a vertical, a horizontal, and two diagonal lines, and then 64 INDUSTRIAL DRAWING. [BOOK NO. T. shaded. This peculiar star-shaped figure is a common form of ornament in examples of Byzantine art. What is the area of each of the eight pairs of wings of No. 2 ? Of the whole star? No. 3 is a star similar to No. 2, inclosed in a diagonal square, but with twice the length of sides of No. 2. How, then, does its area compare with that of No. 2 ? What is the area of the diagonal square? (See Rule A, page 56.) No. 4 is a hexagonal pattern covering the entire surface. A hexagon is a plane figure of six sides and six angles. When the sides are all equal, and the angles all equal, it is a regular hexagon. What is the area of one of the hexagons of No. 4? No. 5 is a pattern composed of an elongated octagonal figure and a square, the two forms combined covering the whole surface. What is the area of one of the octagons ? Nos. 4 and 5 may be varied so as to embrace a great va- riety of similar patterns by changing the relative lengths of the sides. Numerous oil-cloth and carpet patterns are formed on this basis. Additional variety is given to Nos. 4 and 5 by the bordering, as indicated at a and b. Observe that the exact distance of the inner lines from the outer border is given by the intersections of the ruled lines. No. 6 is an original Moorish pavement pattern, called mo- saic / but it is now common, with various modifications, in pavements, oil-cloths, etc. It is easily drawn on the ruled paper. The hatching used in the shading is that of No. 3 of Lesson IX. No. 7 is an elongated hexagonal link pattern, for borders, etc. Observe the position of the heavy shaded lines on the right hand and lower sides. No. 8 is a double interlacing square. First trace lightly. PROBLEMS FOR 1. Draw a star similar to No. 2, but nine tittles as lai'ge. What will le its area ? 2. Draw a star similar to No. 3, but four times as large, and inclose it with a diagonal square similar to the inclosure of No. 3. Centrally within each of the corner diagonal squares similar to o, 6, c, d of No. 3 place a star Ufce No, 2 within its qwi] diagqnaj square, ' ...... \ STRAIGHT LINES AND PLANE SURFACES. 65 3. Draw a pattern made up of hexagons similar to those of Xo. 4, but of four times the area, and complete each in a manner similar to a. 4. Draw a pattern like No. 5, but with the exception that the shade; 1 , squares shall contain four times the area of those in No. 5. Complete the several hexagons in a manner similar to b. 5. Draw a pattern composed wholly of figures like No. G. The addition at a will show how the several figures are to be connected. Shade all like No. 6j or use different tints of India ink. G. Draw a link pattern like No. 7, with the exception that each link shall be two spaces longer than in No. 7, but of the same width. free-hand drawing of Lesson J, and the problems, on the blackboard. LESSON XL No. 1 and No. 2 are the elements of slightly different patterns formed on the basis of either an erect or a diagonal square. No. 3 is the basis of an octagonal pattern. At No. 4 the short lines a a a a show the method of marking out an in- ner octagon whose sides shall be uniformly distant from and parallel to the sides of the larger octagon ; and No. 5 shows the figure completed. No. 6 is the pattern, as carried out, from the preceding three figures. The central octagons should be shaded with a light tint of India ink, and the squares with the running dots in horizontal lines. The different kinds of shading used in the patterns given in these books denote the variety of colors employed when the pattern is used either in orna- mental art, or in the designs of oil-cloths, carpets, wall-pa- per, etc. No. 7 is a dodecagon a figure of twelve sides and twelve angles. When the sides are equal, and the angles equal, the figure is a regular dodecagon. What is the area of each of the parts a, , c, d of this figure ? Of the central dotted square ? Of the whole dodecagon ? No. 8 is a dodecagon divided into a border of squares and triangles, and a central hexagon. What is the area of each of the two vertical squares ? Of each of the four two-space diagonal squares? Of each of the six white triangles that incloses the small dark triangle? Of the central hexagon. 9 Of the whole figure ? 66 INDUSTRIAL DRAWING. [BOOK NO. I. No. 9 is a pattern composed wholly of intersecting dodec- agons like No. 8. Each figure, it will be seen, forms a por- tion .of six other like figures surrounding it. This combina- tion of dodecagons is an original pavement pattern taken from a Roman church in the Byzantine period of Roman history. It is an admirable specimen of geometrical mosaic work so common in that period; and it must have been formed upon lines drawn precisely like those given on our ruled paper; for in no other manner could a series of such figures be drawn with accuracy. PROBLEMS FOR PRACTICE. 1. Draw a pattern formed of figures like No.l, allowing the figures to touch vertically and horizontally. Give to these figures the running dot shading; and shade the intermediate figures formed between them with a light tint of India ink. 2. Draw a pattern formed of figures like No. 2, and shade the diagonal cross with a tint of India ink, and the intermediate figures with the running dot shading. Leave the diagonal squares unshaded. 3. Draw a double interlacing square like No. 8 of Lesson X., and cen- trally within it draw a figure like No. 8 of Lesson XI. Patterns similar to No. 6 and No. 9 may be drawn 4, 9, 16, 25, or 3G times, etc., larger than the figures here given, by increasing the lengths of the sides 2, 3, 4, 5, or G times, etc. , according to the principles explained on pages 53 and 54. Free-hand drawing of Lesson XI., and the problems, on the blackboard. PAGE FOUR. For convenience, we now drop the method of grouping the examples under the head of Lessons, and here designate them as separate Figures. Fig. 1 represents an ancient Egyptian pattern of a braid- ed or woven mat on which the king stood. It is formed of flat strands of only two colors, each strand passing continu- ously, in a diagonal direction, over two strands of different colors, and then under two. The portion of a strand pre- sented at one view is rectangular, and twice as long as it is broad. All the lines in this figure are diagonals, and should be drawn without the aid of a ruler. The shaded strands STRAIGHT LINES AND PLANE SURFACES. 67 may be gone over, first lightly, with India ink, and then with pencil. Fig. 2 is another Egyptian pattern of matting, in only two colors, but presenting a view quite different from Fig. 1. Here each light strand passes continuously over two dark strands, and then under three dark strands. The dark strands may be considered as the icarp, and are arranged side by side, all running diagonally; and then the light strands, being the filling, are woven in diagonally, as stated, at right angles to the warp. Patterns similar to Figs. 1 and 2 may be formed of worsted of two colors. Fig. 3 is the pattern of an Arabian pavement found at Cairo, formed of black and of white marble, except the diag- onal squares, which are of red tile. Go over the diagonal squares once, and the rectangles twice, with a light tint of India ink. The Arabians imitated the universal practice of the Komans of covering the floors of their public buildings, mosques, etc., with mosaic patterns arranged on a geomet- rical system. Fig. 4 is a decorative pattern, in different colors, from an ancient Egyptian tomb. It is supposed to have suggested the meander, or fret, to the Greeks. (See page 6 of draw- ings.) The ruler may be used in this figure, after first indi- cating the lines with the pencil alone. Fig. 5 is an ancient Egyptian pattern, in different col- ors, from the painting on a tomb. In most of these Egyp- tian paintings the colors are as fresh as if put on yesterday. Fig. 6 is an octagonal pattern forming intermediate fig- ures of diagonal squares. The ruled lines furnish conven- ient guides for forming the width of the octagon border. Figs. 7 and 8 are samples of mosaic patterns based upon two of the forms of the central eight-pointed star figure, so common in specimens of Byzantine ornamental art. Fig. 9 is another modification of the star figure in mosaic, here inclosed by an interlacing border. Fig. 10 represents a portion of a mosaic pavement, in dif- ferent colors, from the ruins of Pompeii. Observe that the running dotted shading is done very lightly, and with a sharp pencil, in Figs. 7, 8, and 9 ; but much more heavily, and with a blunt pencil, in a portion of Fig. 10. 68 INDUSTRIAL DRAWING. [BOOK NO. I. PROBLEMS FOR PRACTICE. 1. Draw a pattern similar to Fig. 1, but with strands of only half the v/idth of those there represented. The rectangles shown will be of only half the length of those shown in Fig. 1. 2. Draw a pattern similar to Fig. 2, but with strands of only half the width of those there represented. 3. Draw a pattern similar to Fig. ?>, but make the lines of every figure contained in it twice the length of those there represented. How, then, will the area of each of the figures compare with the area of a similar fig- ure in the copy ? 4. Draw a pattern similar to and arranged like Fig. G, but make the di- agonal squares one quarter of the area of those there represented, and the octagons only three spaces in height and three in width. Let the borders of the figures be only straight lines. Give to the primary diagonal squares the dotted shading, and leave the octagons unshaded. This will form a handsome oil-cloth pattern. 5. Draw a pattern similar to Fig. 7, and of the same proportions, but containing an area 4 times that of the copy. 6. Draw a pattern similar to Fig. 8, and of the same proportions, but con- taining an area 4 times that of the copy. 7. Draw Fig. 9, extended upward, but make dark diagonal and smaller squares in place of the dark erect- squares now shown ; then draw the same pattern on the right, and also on the left, touching at the extreme angles, so as thus to cover the whole paper with a harmonious pattern. Free-hand drawing of the figures of page 4, and of all the problems except the 1th, on the blackboard. PAGE FIVE. Figs. 11, 12, 13, and 14 are plain border patterns; 11 and 12 being forms of the Grecian /;<#, to be noticed hereafter. Figs. 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, and 20 are representations of flat braid of 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, and 1 1 strands. In Fig. 1 6 the next move- ment is to turn the a strand upward, break it down on the dotted line 1 2, and pass it over 1) and under c. Then break the strand d downward on the line 3 4-, and pass it under a, and so on continuously. In Fig. 17 the movement is continuously from the out- side, over one and under one / in Fig. 18, over one and under two, beginning on the left ; in Fig. 19, beginning on the left, over one, under two, and over one; in Fig. 20, beginning on the left, over one, under two, and over two. STEAIGHT LINES AND PLANE SURFACES. 69 Fig. 21 is a pattern of interlacing diagonal net-work, em- bracing diagonal squares that are distinguished by three forms of shading or coloring. Fig. 22 represents an embroidered pattern brought a few years ago from the East Indies. Here \\\Q forms alone can be given, as the colors can not be represented. In the orig- inal pattern the four stars of each cross-shaped figure are white or silver, on a black ground inclosed by a silver line ; and the small dark squares and the straight lines connect- ing them are golden. Fig. 23 is the filling up of a mosaic pattern of Byzantine pavement. The numerous symmetrical figures that may be discerned in it show both the intricacy and at the same time the harmonious simplicity of the Byzantine style. By the aid of the ruled paper similar patterns of almost endless va- riety may be designed. For free-hand drawing on the blackboard take Figs. 13, 14, 15,16,17, and 18. They may be shaded slightly with col- ored chalks, so as to make the interlacings plain. PAGE SIX. Fig. 24 is the simple generating form of the Grecian sin- gle fret, or meander a species of architectural ornament consisting of one or more small projecting fillets, or rectan- gular bands, meeting, originally, in vertical and horizontal directions only. Although this ornament was originated by the Greeks, quite similar rudimentary forms of the fret have been found among the Chinese and the Mexicans. The Arabians extended the Greek fret to diagonal and curved interlacing bands; and the Moors afterward extended it to that infinite variety of interlaced ornaments, formed by the intersection of equidistant diagonal lines, which are so con- spicuous a feature in the ornamentation of the Alhambra. In addition to the most important of ihz plane surface Gre- cian frets, here given, and some of the Moorish that are best adapted to drawing purposes, we have also shown several of them in the second number of the Drawing Series, in their more natural form in architecture, as solids. Fig. 24 requires no directions for drawing it. Fig. 11, on 70 INDUSTRIAL DRAWING. [i^OK NO. I. page 5, is the same as this, with the exception that Fig. 11 has an interlacing band running centrally through it. The ruler may be used for all the drawings on this page ; but the shading of the darker parts (by India ink) should be lighter than the copies. Fig. 25 is a single fret, with the band returning upon it- self at regular intervals. In drawing the frets, draw the shaded portions only, and, as you proceed, trace a very faint dotted line through the central part of the fret, to distin- guish it from the unshaded intermediate spaces. The frets are best shaded, mainly, by India ink ; but where there are two interlacing bands, one of them should have the running dot shading. Fig. 26 is also a single fret, a little more complicated than the former two. Fig. 27 is a double fret, formed of two interlacing bands. A single band should first be drawn throughout, tracing it lightly at first ; the spaces for the other band will then be readily apparent. Fig. 28 is a double fret, formed by one single fret backing upon another single fret of the same form. Fig. 29 is an interlacing double fret. Trace one of the bands throughout very lightly before beginning with the other, so as not to interfere with the crossings. The ruler should not be used (if at all) until the entire fret is clearly but lightly marked out with the pencil alone. Observe that, in all interlacing fret-work, any one band passes alter- nately first over and then under another. Fig. 30 is the same as Fig. 29, but with spaces left be- tween the bands for paneling. Observe the vertical bands marked a b in Fig. 29. These are separated in Fig. 30 for the panels, which, in Grecian architecture, were ornamented with various devices. Fig. 31 is an interlacing double fret, similar to Fig. 30, in- verted end for end,- with spaces for ornamental panels. In all cases of double frets it is best to draw one of the frets throughout before beginning the other. The fret here shown, with its panels, although strictly Grecian, was one of the forms of Roman pavement that has STRAIGHT LINES AND PLANE SURFACES. 71 been found in the ruins of Pompeii. The two bands com- posing the fret, which are here differently shaded, were. of white marble, formed of the same number of square pieces as is designated by the ruling of the paper ; and the inter- mediate spaces, here left unshaded, were of black marble. Fig. 32 is an interlacing double fret with panels. Fig. 33 is a double fret with panels, but is not interlacing. Take away the panels, and the frets are doubly backed upon one another. Fig. 34 is an interlacing double fret, formed of distinct portions connected by a rectangular link. Fig. 35 is a diagonal and horizontal interlacing double fret; and, as its form shows, is not Grecian. It is of Moor- ish origin, and is one of the numerous kinds of complicated frets, painted in various colors, and on variously colored grounds, on panels of the walls of temples. Fig. 36 is an interlacing double fret, also of Moorish ori- gin. For free-hand blackboard exercises take Figs. 28, 29, 34, and 36. They may be shaded lightly. PAGE SEVEN. Figs. 37 and 38 are borders of fret -work, formed after Moorish and Arabian patterns. Fig. 39 is an Arabian pattern of a mosaic pavement, with some of the smaller subdivisions omitted. The peculiar star-form of ornamentation here shown, which is of Byzan- tine origin, was also used by the Arabians. Fig. 40 is a diagonal double fret, which has been slightly varied from an Arabian pattern to fit it to our purpose. In copying it, either one of the bands should first be lightly traced throughout. Fig. 41 consists of two four-pointed stars interlacing, so as to show an eight-rayed or eight-pointed star. In drawing it, first take the centre, c, then the four inner vertical and horizontal points marked 3, then the four inner diagonal points marked 2. Also take the eight ray points in a sim- ilar manner. Trace lines very faintly from the outer to the inner points; then trace an inner set of lines equidistant 72 INDUSTRIAL DRAWING. [BOOK NO. I. from these; after which mark firmly every alternate ray border across the other border lines, when, the intersections being distinct, the whole can easily be finished. The rays may be made either longer or shorter than those in the drawing, it being considered that two diagonal spaces are nearly equal to three vertical or horizontal spaces. Fig. 42 is copied from an Arabian pattern of a mosaic pavement in three colors ; white (or cream-colored), red, and black. The groundwork may be said to consist of elon- gated hexagons connected by interlacing diagonal squares ; then there is a central interlacing fret ingeniously varied to adapt it to the other portions, so as to make a perfectly har- monious meander. In drawing it, first trace the three parts lightly in the order here described. Fig. 43 is also copied from an Arabian mosaic, in white, red, and black. It is taken from a pavement in Cairo. It will be seen that the diagonal lines here are all two-space diagonals; and as the drawing conforms strictly to the orig- inal, it must be true that the original pattern was formed by the aid of precisely such horizontal and vertical lines as we have used for guides on the ruled paper. Observe how beautifully the nine small figures, in three colors, and three diiferent forms, fill out the six -pointed star-shaped figure at the intersection of the several bands. The entire pattern is a fine example illustrating the fund- amental principles of decoration ; that all ornament should be based upon a geometrical construction, and that every pattern should possess fitness, proportion, and harmony, the result of all which will be a feeling of satisfied repose, with which every such decoration will impress the beholder, leaving nothing further to be desired within the scope of the ornamentation. For free-hand blackboard exercises take Figs. 37, 38, and 41. Observe the heavy shading on those sides that would be in shade if the light came in the direction indicated by the arrow. CURVED LINES AND PLANE SURFACES. 73 III. CURVED LINES AND PLANE SURFACES. PAGE EIGHT. A curved line is one which is continually changing its di- rection. If the curve be uniform, it forms part of the cir- cumference of a circle. A circle is a plane bounded by a single curved line called its circumference, every part of which is equally distant from a point within it called the centre. The circumference itself is usually called a circle. A straight line drawn from the centre to any part of the circumference is called a ra- dius. Fig. I. At A are six uniform curves of five spaces' span (five inches), and a depth of one space ; and at Fig. 1 this curve forms part of a perfect circle. At a and b the directions of the curves are changed ; but all combined form a harmo- nious and equally balanced figure, because the additions a and b are uniform in position and curvature. These figures should be drawn with the compasses, using the pencil to make the connections of the curves uniform. Let the pupil find the centres from which the curves a and b are struck. Fig. 2 is formed of the same pattern curve used in differ- ent positions, but all combined to form a harmonious figure. If either of the half curves, c or d, were omitted, or changed in position, the harmony of the figure would be destroyed. At Yihe same form of curve is used. Let the pupil find the centres from which the curves are struck. Fig. 3 is also a harmonious figure, described wholly by the compasses ; but the inner border lines from e to h and from g to f are described with a less radius than that used for the other curves. The curves e i and g % are, each, only half of the pattern curve, and are described from the points 1 and 2. Fig. 4. At _Z? is another pattern curve representing a span of six inches and a depth of one inch, described from the centre c, with a radius of five inches. In the shaded four- angled figure the pattern curve is used in four different po- D 74 INDUSTRIAL DRAWING. [BOOK NO. I. sitions. The centres from which these curves are described are easily obtained on the ruled paper. Fig. 5 is formed wholly of combinations of the pattern curve .Z?, with two half curves at the base, which, however, are not described from the same centres as the curves with which they unite. Fig. 6 is also formed of combinations of the pattern curve JB. Remembering that all these curves are described with a radius of five spaces (or five inches), it will be easy for the pupil to find their centres. Fig. 7. We have here, at (7, a new pattern curve, of a span of three spaces, and a radius of one space and a half. This curve forms more than a quarter of the circumference of a circle, as may be seen in the completed circle at b. Fig. 8 is formed by very simple combinations of the en- tire pattern curve C. Fig. 9 is formed by adding, in Fig. 8, portions of the pat- tern curve to the upper and lower extremities. From the foregoing figures it will be seen that we may take different portions of any one regular curve, and com- bine them in a great variety of harmonious patterns. It is only to a very limited extent, however, that we can combine uniform curves of different radii in the same pattern, with- out destroying that gracefulness of form which is required to please the eye, and give to the mind a feeling of repose in the contemplation. We now come to the consideration of irregular curves, such as can not be drawn, to any great extent, by the aid of compasses. Fig. 10. We have here a bell-shaped figure, drawn uni- formly on both sides of the central and balancing line a b. We must draw one side by the eye alone, and give to the waving line as graceful a curvature as we can ; and a great many different forms and proportions will answer the re- quirements of graceful curvature ; but the line must, never- theless, be such as will please a cultivated eye. Having, therefore, the point x and the central line a b, we connect a and x by a curved line that pleases the eye. If, now, we can draw a line exactly like it on the other side of a #, we CURVED LINES AND PLANE SURFACES. <"5 shall have a figure of harmonious form, whether a a; be the most graceful line, by itself, that could be drawn, or not. But if a x should be drawn of the most graceful form pos- sible, and a y just as graceful in itself, but differing from u x, the combination of the two graceful forms would be dis- cordant, and make an inharmonious figure, because wanting in symmetry of parts. Having, therefore, a x, we designate in it any number of points in which it crosses either the horizontal or vertical lines of the paper. Let 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 be these points. Then dot, lightly, the corresponding points 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 on the other side of a b, and through them trace the curve, at first lightly, and afterward fill it out to correspond with the line a x. The figure is thus made perfectly symmetrical. The top of the figure may be either pointed or circular ; and the bell may be longer, or narrower, or broader, or any one out of a great variety of suitable proportions ; yet if the two sides are alike, the figure will not be unpleasant to the eye. The two inner dotted curves give different proportions for the bell, while the base remains the same. Fig. 11 represents the harmonious outlines of a leaf form. Observe that the border lines of the leaf pass through the points 1, 2, . 2. Draw and shade Fig. 26, according to the enlarged outline form shown at (7, which is four times the size of the pattern. Why is it four times the size? 3. Draw an outline of one of the series in Fig. 27, four times its present size. 4. Draw Fig. 28 lengthwise of the paper, and four times its present size. Blackboard Exercises. The bulb-pattern Fig., and Fig. 25, enlarged as at D. PAGE ELEVEN. Fig. 29 is a Grecian pattern of a painting on vases. It is still another example of conventional flower representation, in which only the general principle of the pendulous flower- bud is retained. It is drawn with the greatest regard to symmetry. The right-hand portion, left partly unshaded, shows how the forms of the pendulous buds are drawn sym- metrically, and of uniform size. Fig. 30 is a Byzantine interlaced circular pattern, sculp- tured in stone, from Milan, Italy. It is very easily drawn, almost wholly by the compasses. Trace the whole very lightly at first. The light is supposed to come diagonally from above, from the right hand. Fig. 31 is a copy of one of the Assyrian painted ornaments found among the ruins of Nineveh. The central circles, a (see the end marked -S), were black ; the inclosing ring, b y dark reddish brown ; the winding band, c, orange ; and the other winding band, d, blue ; while the spaces within the borders, outside of the winding bands, had a groundwork of reddish brown. The blue winding band was separated from the orange, wherever they were contiguous, by a black 80 INDUSTRIAL DKAWIXG. [BOOK NO. L line. Thus the ancient Assyrians understood the now ad- mitted principle that one color should never impinge upon another, and that all contiguous colors should be separated, generally by either white or black lines. The entire pattern may be easily and accurately drawn by the compasses. The same pattern is also found differently lined and colored, somewhat as shown at the end marked C. Fig. 32 is a Byzantine pattern of interlaced ornament, to be drawn wholly by the compasses. The central points from which the several circles and semicircles are described can easily be found by the pupil. Fig. 33 is a partially completed pattern, showing the meth- od of putting in a series of uniform divisions that radiate from the centre of a circle. The circle is easily divided into eight equal parts by lines radiating from the centre on the vertical, horizontal, and diagonal lines, as indicated by the lettering. Each eighth of the circumference is then to be divided into three equal parts by the compasses, and the opposite points in the circumference are connected by slight- ly traced or dotted lines passing through the centre. The bases of the radiating white stars can then be designated with sufficient accuracy by the eye, as the points to which the sides of the stars are to be drawn, on the second circle, are intermediate between the radiating dotted lines. Fig- ures similar to this are numerous in ancient ornamental art. Fig. 34 is a Byzantine pattern of interlacing circles. Though seemingly intricate, it is quite easily drawn, and wholly by the compasses. It would, however, be impossi- ble to draw it with any approach to accuracy without the aid of the ruled paper ; and there can be no doubt that it was originally drawn on a ground prepared with lines such as those we have given. The ruling gives the exact centre of every circle, and renders all measuring unnecessary. Ob- serve that the heavy shadows indicate that the light comes from above, and from the left. The background may be shaded with a uniform tint of India ink, or by the pencil, as indicated in the upper left-hand portion. Fig. 35 is also a Byzantine interlaced ornament, a consid- erable portion of which may be drawn by the compasses. CURVED LINES AND PLANE SUEFACES. 81 Thus the three circular bands, and the projections of the in- terlacing loops as described from, the vertical, horizontal, and diagonal centres a, a, a, etc., are all easily and accurate- ly drawn. The connecting and interlacing of the loops cen- trally must be done by hand, guided by the eye alone ; but after having drawn one of the connections, as from b to d, the others may be drawn in symmetrical conformity to it. Observe how the shadows are cast, the light coming diag- onally from the left, and from above. PROBLEMS FOR PRACTICE. 1. Draw a pattern similar to Fig. 29, but let the semicircular black line, from the end of which the flower-bud is suspended, be drawn with a radius of four spaces, instead of three ; and let the flower-bud be two spaces longer and one space broader at the broadest part. 2. Draw a pattern similar to Fig. 31, but describe the larger circles with a radius one space greater than in the figure. 3. Draw a pattern similar to Fig. 33, but describe the outer circle with a radius of eight spaces, and divide each eighth part of the circumference into four equal parts, instead of three, thus giving to each eighth part one ray more than in the figure. 4. Draw Fig. 34 on a larger scale, having the radius of the larger circles six spaces, instead of five. 5. Draw Fig. 35 on a larger scale, at the option of the pupil. Blackboard Exercise. So much of Fig. 35 as there is room for on the board. It would require a board four feet square to draw it in accordance with the enlarged ruling of the board. .# PAGE TWELVE. We have given on this page a number of original designs, for the purpose of indicating the facility with which an im- mense variety of very pleasing patterns may be drawn al- most wholly by the compasses alone. Fig. 36 is an ornamental figure called a quarterfoil, in- closed within a circle. The quarterfoil, often used in archi- tecture, is disposed in four segments of circles, and is a con- ventional representation of an expanded flower of four pe- tals. The lettering shows with what ease and accuracy it is drawn on the ruled paper. Fig. 37 is an ornamental figure consisting of eight e' D2 82 INDUSTRIAL DRAWING. [BOOK NO. I. ments of circles, described from the eight numbered points which are at the extremities of the dotted vertical, horizon- tal^ and diagonal lines. After drawing these dotted lines^, of indefinite extent, but all passing through the centre c, equidistant points in all of them, for describing the seg- ments, may be found by cutting the lines with the circum- ference of a circle described from the centre c. From the points ./, #, 3, 4> etc., the segments are described with a length of radius that will barely allow the inner segments of circles to touch one another. Fig. 38. The segments of circles are here drawn in a manner similar to those shown in Fig. 37; and then these segments are connected by ribs passing through the centre. The intervening spaces are then shaded, so as to give the filling -up a raised and rounded appearance, the heaviest shades being found on the lower right-hand portions the light being indicated by the arrow A. as coming diagonally from the left hand, and from above. The spaces covered by the heavy dark shade on the outside borders of the fig- ure the heaviest at the right and below are marked out accurately by the compasses, by moving the fi^ed point of the compasses uniform distances, diagonally, from the cen- tres 1 to the points 2. By looking at the figure through a tubular opening, it will seem to stand out from the paper as if embossed upon it in relief. Fig. 39 is similar in its border outlines to Fig. 38; and all of it, with the exception of the central portion, may be easily and accurately drawn, and mostly shaded, by the compasses alone. To draw the central figure accurately, first trace out lightly, in the space which it covers, the ver- tical, horizontal, and diagonal lines, after which the raised wedge-shaped oval figures may be drawn in between these lines by hand. Observe how the heavy shadows are formed^ Fig. 40, drawn on the same general plan as the preceding two figures, requires no additional explanation. The shaded cross-ribs are easily drawn after making the raised circles of uniform size around their given central points. As these t ~" 1 r>oints are determined by the tint lines on the draw- CURVED LINES AND PLANE SURFACES. 83 ing-paper, the whole figure may be drawn with the greatest ease and accuracy. Fig. 41 is a pattern of seeming intricacy, but very easily drawn, and planned on the same general principles as the preceding figures on the same page. Every thing is drawn by the compasses from points indicated by the ruling of the paper, except the raised wedge-shaped ovals, that look as if embossed. Fig. 42 is an interlaced pattern, drawn wholly by the com- passes, with the exception of the central figure. The figures ./, , #, 4, etc., show the eight central points from which the interlacing curves are described. blackboard Exwcises. Figures 41 and 42, omitting the central eight-leaf flower patterns. Page 12 of this book illustrates, very happily, the great advantage which the ruled paper affords for drawing curvi- linear patterns. It would be next to an impossibility to draw these designs with accuracy without this aid; but with this ruling, this kind of drawing, which is used to a great extent in all the decorative arts, becomes a very sim- ple matter, easy of attainment by all who can describe a circle by the aid of the compasses. DRAWING-BOOK No. II. CABINET PERSPECTIVE PLANE SOLIDS. THE Cabinet Perspective presented in this series is a meth- od of representing solids, both plane and curvilinear, in such a manner that the drawings shall give, by the aid of the ruled paper, the correct measurements of the objects represented. The ruling on the paper is adapted to any scale of measurement ; but, for the purposes of the present illustration, let it be supposed that the vertical and horizon- tal lines on the paper are respectively one inch apart. In all drawings in what is called Diagonal Cabinet Per- spective? objects are supposed to be viewed in a manner similar to that in which the two cubesf in Fig. 1, on page 1 of Drawing-Book No. II., are represented. Taking the cube at JB for illustration, this may be supposed to be a cube six inches square, the front face of which is in a vertical posi- tion. The spectator is supposed to view this cube from such a point, above and at the right of the cube, that he may see just as much of the upper side .of the cube as of the right-hand side; so that the apparent width, 10 9 of the upper face, or 12 of the side face, shall measure, in the directions indicated, one half the width of the front face ; and so that the diagonal corner lines, 1 2, 3 4-> and 5 6, will seem to rise diagonally at an angle of forty-five degrees ; while the distance from which the view is taken is supposed * There is a beautiful practical application of Cabinet Perspective, called /Semi-diagonal Cabinet Perspective, which will be found illustrated on pages 9-11 of Drawing-Book No. IV. See page 171. t A cube is a regular solid body, having six equal square sides. CABINET PERSPECTIVE PLANE SOLIDS. 85 to be so great that these lines will appear to be, as they are here drawn, parallel. The front face of the cube is drawn in its real proportions as a square, and as though it were seen in a vertical plane directly fronting the spectator. According to the scale supposed to be adopted in the ruling, the front of the cube measures six inches to a side. The farther face of the cube, being also vertical and parallel with the front face, and therefore in a plane also directly fronting the spectator, would also be drawn as a square if it could all be seen, meas- uring six inches to a side. Hence each of the lines 2 4 and 4 6 measure six inches, the same as 1 3 and 3 5. But each of the diagonal lines 1 2, 3 h and 5 6, being corner lines of the cube, must also represent a measure of six inches ; and as each of these lines extends over three di- agonals of the small squares, it follows that what we call one diagonal space measures twice as much as a vertical or a horizontal space, whenever this diagonal space is applied to the measurement of a line representing a horizontal line. We may, therefore, adopt the following rule for the meas- urement (and also for the drawing) of all objects in diag- onal cabinet perspective. ELEMENTARY RULE. Drawings of surf aces that are supposed to be in a vertical plane fronting the spectator are measurable, in any direc- tion, according to the scale adopted for the vertical and hor- izontal spaces of the ruling; while each DIAGONAL space fhat measures a line in a horizontal and diagonal position is to be taken as TWICE the measure of a space of the other kind. Applying this rule to the cube at 2?, Fig. 1, we find that all the horizontal lines, and also all the vertical lines that cross the front face of the cube, measure each six inches in length, because each extends over just six of the ruled spaces, and all are in a vertical plane fronting the spectator. For a similar reason each one of the vertical lines on the right-hand side of the cube, and each one of the horizontal lines on the top of the cube, measures six inches, because each may be supposed to be in a plane like that which 86 INDUSTRIAL DRAWING. [BOOK NO. II. forms the front face of the cube directly fronting the spec- tator. But such lines as 1 2, 3 4, 5 6, 8 9, 10 11, and 12 IS, being seen obliquely, can not be in any plane fronting the spectator; and as they lie in a diagonal direction, and rep- resent horizontal lines, they are measurable by the prin- ciple adopted in the latter part of the rule. Hence the line a b measures five inches ; c d four inches ; g 13 four inches ; m n six inches : but 8 9 measures six inches ; 10 11 nieas- sures four inches ; 12 IS measures four inches, etc. The cube at A measures two inches on each of its corners. Fig. 2. Applying the scale of measurement which we have adopted to the representation of the cube at D, Fig. 2, we find that the front face of the cube is a square of four inches to a side ; and that the diagonal horizontal distance 1 2, or 8 4, or 5 6, also measures four inches. Also, if we draw in- termediate lines between the ruled lines on the paper, on the upper face and right-hand face of the cube, so as to give owe-inch diagonal measures, then sixteen one-inch squares may be counted on each of the three visible faces or sides of the cube. We thus have, according to the scale of one inch to a space horizontally or vertically between the lines, and two inches for a diagonal space, the exact measurement of the three visible sides of the cube. To find the contents of a cube: RULE. Multiply the length of a side of the cube by itself, and that product again by a side, and this last product will give the contents required. (See Rule I., page 53, for the measurement of surfaces.) Thus, in the cube at D, Fig. 2, if we multiply the length (1 2) of one side, which is four inches, by the length (2 4) of another side, which is also four inches, we get the prod- uct 16, which is the number of solid cubic inches contain- ed in the upper tier of the cube as may also be seen by counting them ; and as there are four of these tiers, we mul- tiply the 16 by 4, and get 64, the number of cubic inches in the four tiers, or in the whole cube. Or, 4 x 4 x 4 = 64 cubic inches. One cubic inch is represented at C, which, according to CABINET PERSPECTIVE PLANE SOLIDS. 87 the scale we have adopted for page 1, measures one inch on each of its sides ; and at E are sixteen cubic inches, equal to the upper tier in D. In straight-line drawings in cabinet perspective, the ruler may be used wherever its aid will give additional accuracy to the drawing. The contents of the cube .Z?, Fig. 1, which measures six inches to a side, are found by the rule to be as follows. Ans. 6x6x6=216 cubic inches. The drawing at E, Fig. 2, is an example of a parallelopi- ped / a figure which is defined as being a solid whose faces are six rectangles,* the opposite faces being parallel, and equal to each other. The drawing at F also represents a parallelepiped. All squares are parallelepipeds; but all parallelepipeds are not squares. To find the contents of a rectangular (right-angled) parallelepiped : RULE. Multiply the length by the breadth, and that prod- uct by the depth, and this last product will give the contents required. The height of the rectangular solid at E, Fig. 2, is one inch ; the breadth in one direction (1 2) is four inches ; and the breadth in the other direction (3 4) is also four inches. What are the contents? Ans. 1x4x4 = 16 cubic inches, as may be verified by counting the small one-inch cubes which it contains. The length (or height) of the solid at F is three inches ; the breadth or width is five inches ; and the diagonal depth is two inches. What are the contents ? Ans. 3 x5 x2 = 30 cubic inches. The two rules just given may be combined in one, as fol- lows: To find the contents of any solid rectangular figure : RULE. Multiply the three dimensions together, and their product will be the contents required. Fig. 3. At 6r, H, I, and e7are represented four parallelo- * In a strict definition the sides need not, necessarily, be rectangular (right-angled) ; but it is better, at present, for the pupil in drawing to con- sider all parallelepipeds as of the rectangular kind. 88 INDUSTRIAL DRAWING. [BOOK NO. II. pipeds, all of the same size ; Gr being viewed in a vertical position, H horizontally, and ^Tand 7 horizontally and diag- onally. They may be considered pieces of timber, each two inches square at the ends, and twelve inches long. What are the solid contents of each? Ans. 48 cubic inches. Observe that, according to the scale of measurement al- ready explained, these pieces measure precisely the same in these three different positions. Fig. 4. According to the definition of a parallelepiped, this figure, also, is one of that kind. What are its meas- urements, and its contents ? Observe that the right-hand sides of the foregoing figures are represented as shaded with a deep tint of India ink, the front with a lighter tint, and the top of Fig. 4 with the run- ning dotted shading. The kinds of shading used in Fig. 4 are well adapted to all plane solids, as the object of shad- ing, in cabinet perspective, is to render the several surfaces as marked and distinct as possible, one from another. Fig. 5 is a square frame composed of four pieces, each two inches square; the two diagonal side-pieces each twelve inches long, and the other two each eight inches long. What is the size of the square which they inclose? Fig. 6. Let the pupil describe Fig. 6 that is, tell how many pieces compose the figure, their size, position, etc. Fig. 7 is drawn, first, in the same manner as Gr of Fig. 3 ; it is then divided so as to represent cubical blocks, each two inches square, placed one above another. Three of these blocks are represented as shaded with the hatching de- Hcribed in Lesson IX. of Drawing - Book No. I., after first tinting the surface with India ink. Fig. 8 is composed of two vertical blocks, each two inches square and five inches long, resting upon the ends of a piece one inch by two inches, and twelve inches long; the latter being viewed diagonally. Fig. 9 is the same as No. 8 inverted, and still viewed di- agonally. Fig. 10 is also the same as Fig. 8 ; but it is here viewed hori- zontally. Thus the same figure may be represented in several different positions, so as to bring each side into full view. CABINET PERSPECTIVE PLANE OLIDS. 89 In these several figures observe the effect of the shading, which is rapidly executed with different tints of India ink, except the upper surfaces, which have the running dot-line shading. PROBLEMS FOR PRACTICE. 1. Draw the representation of a square frame similar to Fig. />, of the same outside and inside measure as Fig. 5, but composed of pieces only one inch thick instead of two inches ; and all of them two inches wide. 2. Draw a figure similar to Fig. 6, but let the upper pieces be only one inch thick (or high), and let them project each one inch at both ends be- yond the lower pieces. 3. Draw a figure similar to Fig. 7 in position, but four inches wide and two inches thick the wide side being in front. 4. Draw a figure similar in position to Fig. 8, but composed of three pieces, each twelve inches long, four inches wide, and one inch thick. 5. Draw Fig. 9 with the side in a plane fronting the spectator. Free-hand Blackboard Exercises. Figs. 5 to 10 inclusive letting a space on the blackboard represent its true meas- ure, two inches. In this case only one half of a diagonal measure will be required for a distance of two inches. In order to render the several surfaces distinct one from an- other, the dark shades may be represented by heavy ver- tical chalk lines, and the lighter shades by very light ver- tical lines. Or, where colored chalk crayons are accessible, the dark shades may be represented by blue lines. Fig. 11, in its complete outline, is a cube eight inches square, having a small cube two inches square cut from each of its four upper corners. See the form of the entire cube, as represented by the dotted lines. What were the contents of the entire cube ? What the contents after the four corners were taken out. Fig. 12 is a cube twelve inches square, having a piece eight inches square and two inches thick taken from the centre of each of its three visible sides. What were the contents of the entire cube before the three pieces were taken out ? What were the contents after these pieces were taken out ? Let the pupil be careful, in drawing the figure, that his measures shall be correct. Thus, the depth of the recess in each side must measure two inches. Thus c d and m n are measures 90 INDUSTRIAL DRAWING. [BOOK NO. II. of two inches each ; and a b, being one diagonal, is also a measure of two inches. Fig. 13 represents a rectangular frame measuring ten by fourteen inches, and composed of pieces two inches square framed into posts two inches square and ten inches long. CrifP' To get the full effect of the figures on this page, view them from a point at the right, and above them, through the opening formed by the partially closed hand. The pupil should be accustomed to view his drawings in the same manner. PROBLEMS FOR PRACTICE. 1. Draw a figure similar to Fig. 11, but twelve inches square, having a block four inches square cut from each of its four upper corners. What would be the contents of the entire cube? What the contents after the four comers were taken out? 2. Draw a figure similar to Fig. 12, but fourteen inches square, and show- ing a rectangular piece ten inches square and four inches in thickness cut from the centre of each of its three visible sides. What would be the contents of the entire cube? What the contents after the three rectangular pieces were taken out. 3. Draw a figure similar in all respects to Fig. 13, except that the four horizontal pieces of the frame-work are to be only one inch in veriicr.l thickness. Free-hand Blackboard Exercises. Figs. 11, 12, and 13; also the accompanying problems. PAGE TWO. SCALE OF ONE INCH TO A SPACE. Fig. 14 represents a cube eight inches square; and Fig. 15 represents a box formed of one-inch stuff, open at the top, and of a size that will just receive the cube; so that the lat- ter, when placed within the box, shall fill it even with the top. At A is the cover that will just fit the top of the box. What is the size of the cover ? Of the side J3 of the box ? Of the sides C Cf Of the bottom of the box ? What arc the outside measures of the box when the cover is on it ? Fig. 16 represents a series of five blocks placed one upon another, and rising in the form of stairs. The upright piece in a stair (as a) is called the riser, and the part on which the foot is placed (as b) is called the tread In Fig. 16 the stairs are so placed that the risers front the spectator; but CABINET PERSPECTIVE PLANE SOLIDS. 91 in Fig. 17 the side of the stairway fronts the spectator, and the riser is viewed diagonally. Fig. 17 measures the same as Fig. 16, with the exception that in Fig. 17 the lower block is omitted. If these two figures are supposed to be drawn to a scale of four inches to a space, what will be the height of each riser, and the width of each tread ? What the width of the stairway ? Fig. 18 represents a cabinet frame-work formed of pieces two inches square at the ends ; the whole frame measuring ten* inches by twenty-six. Here the longest side fronts the spectator; but in Fig. 19 the same frame-work is represent- ed with the end fronting the spectator. Observe that the end below c d of Fig. 18, which is there seen diagonally, is not seen at all in Fig. 19 ; and that the end below a b of Fig, 19 is not seen at all in Fig. 18. Let the pupil describe tho several pieces of which the frame-work is composed. Fig. 20 represents a cross made of pieces measuring, at the ends, two by three inches. Fig. 21 represents a cabinet square made of one-by-two- inch stuff, and placed horizontally ; but, as the spectator is supposed to be above and to the right of it, one of the arms seems to rise at an angle of forty-five degrees being in the diagonal direction of the small ruled squares. Fig. 22 represents the same cabinet square in a vertical position, and so placed that the wide side shall front the spectator. The former, as placed, is a measure for horizon- tal and diagonal distances ; the latter, for horizontal and vertical distances. Fig. 23 is an upright frame-work resting on four blocks, each two inches square ; having only two of its sides and the top and bottom inclosed, and containing three shelves in addition to the top and bottom. Let the pupil describe this frame-work more fully; and tell (or write out) its meas- ures in all it's parts distances apart of the shelves, etc. The whole on the supposition that it is drawn to the scale of one inch to the space. The shading on this page is supposed to be done, first, with India ink; some of the sides are then shaded with lines 92 INDUSTRIAL DRAWING. [BOOK NO. II. by the pencil, which, when not too heavy, give additional life and spirit to the drawing. PROBLEMS FOR PRACTICE. As Fig. 14 represents a cube eight inches square, what are its contents in cubic inches ? A ns. 8x8x8=512 cubic inches. As it takes 231 cubic inches to make a gallon, how many gallons of water would the box, Fig. 15, contain ? Ans. 2 gallons and 50 cubic inches. 1. Draw a box, similar to Fig. 15, that would contain a cube twelve inches square ; and draw the cover separately. How many gallons of water would such a box contain ? 2. Draw a rectangular box open at the top, the bottom of which shall measure, on the inside, ten by twelve inches, and let the box be ten inches deep. How many gallons of water will it contain ? 3. Draw a flight of stairs, similar to Fig. 1 7, to a scale of six inches to a space, and having the risers twelve inches high, and the tread eighteen inches wide. 4. Draw a frame similar to Fig. 18, but formed of stuff one by two inches the one-inch being the height. Free-hand Blackboard Exercises. Figs. 17, 18, and 20, and problems 2 and 3. PAGE THREE. SCALE OF THREE INCHES TO A SPACE. Fig. 24. At A is represented a piece of timber six by twelve inches at the end, and four feet long, broadest side down, having a piece cut from the centre of the upper side one foot square and three inches deep, to receive crosswise nnother timber cut in like manner. At B the two pieces of timber are united at right angles to one another. The remaining figures on this page are examples of what carpenters call scarfing, which means the uniting of two pieces of timber longitudinally by a scarf-joint in common language often called splicing ; but the latter term is more properly applied to an overlapping joint that is not notched. Fig. 25. At C and D are two pieces of timber prepared for being joined lengthwise by a square scarf-joint. After placing the timbers in the right position, they are pinned or bolted together. Let the pupil describe the two pieces. Fig. 26. At E is the upper piece of timber, and at F the lower, to be united by a scarf-joint, which is formed of the square scarf-joint combined with the splice-joint. Observe CABINET PERSPECTIVE PLANE SOLIDS. 93 that the line of union, 2 4, in both E and F, is in the direc- tion of two-space diagonals ; and as the two lines are of the same length, and the two timbers lie in the same rela- tive positions, the cut sections must correspond with one another. Moreover, E and F are redrawn at G and H; and there it is seen that the diagonal line of union, 2 J^ is in both cases the diagonal of the same rectangle 1 2, 3k Fig. 27 shows two pieces of timber, Jand J", prepared for being joined by the ordinary splice-joint. The two tim- bers are to be firmly bolted together. But this is by no means so firm a mode of union as is shown in Figs. 25 and 26. Fig. 28 shows a still firmer mode of the scarf-joint than Figs. 25 and 26. Observe that the lines of union in K meas- ure precisely the same, and are in precisely the same posi- tions, as in L. Thus the lines 1 2 and 3 4. are the same in length and position as the lines 5 6 and 7 8, both being two-space diagonals. Fig. 29 shows, perhaps, the firmest of all modes of the scarf-joint, especially for heavy timbers. JV is the upper piece; and the two must be united by placing M and N side by side, and driving them together. Even then, with- out bolting, they can not be drawn apart lengthwise ; nor, if the joints be good, can they be easily sprung in any direc- tion. At Jf the two pieces are shown as they appear when united. Fig. 30 represents the same pieces that are shown in Fig. 29 ; but here drawn in a different position, being placed side wise toward the spectator, instead of endwise toward him as in Fig. 29. Observe that the measures, according to the scale, are the same in the one case as in the other. That mode of representation which will give the best view of the object should in all cases be adopted; and in some cases both modes should be used, as the one will often give views of parts that are not shown in the other. Fig. 31 shows a still different mode of scarfing, and one that is very firm, and much more easily executed than Fig. 30. When the pieces are firmly bolted together, the inter- 04 INDUSTRIAL DRAWING. [BOOK NO. II. locking gives them great additional strength against any force that might tend to wrench them sideways.* PROBLEMS FOR PRACTICE. 1 . Draw A of Fig. 24 with the narrow side toward the spectator. 2. Draw the two parts of Fig. 25 with the narrow sides toward the spec- tator. 3. Draw Tig. 28 with the dark sides of both pieces toward the spectator. 4. Design a figure similar to Fig. 30, but of different proportions in the interlocking parts. 5. What are the contents of A, Fig. 24 ; the scale being three inches to a space ? 6. What are the contents of the entire Figure B ? Free-hand Blackboard Exercises. Any or all of the fig- ures on page 3. PAGE FOUR. SCALE OF TWO INCHES TO A SPACE. This page shows the different methods adopted by ma- sons and engineers in laying bricks. A brick of ordinary size is two inches thick, four inches wide, and eight inches long. Bricks which are laid lengthwise across the wall, with their ends toward the face of the wall, are called head- ers; and those which are laid with their lengths parallel to the face of the wall, are called stretchers. The two principal methods of laying bricks in walls, where much strength is required, are what is called the English bond and the Flemish bond. In the former, the face of the wall always shows the headers and stretchers in alternate layers, or courses, as they are called by bricklayers. Thus at A is a * It may here be remarked that the only lines in Diagonal Cabinet Per- spective which are susceptible of direct measurement are the horizontal, vertical, and diagonal lines ; and that when any other line occurs, if it is to be measured, it must be done by mathematical calculation, after first re- solving it into the hypothenuse of a right-angled triangle. Thus at G the lines 2 1 and 1 4 are measurable ; the former, according to the scale here adopted, measures nine inches, and the latter thirty-six inches ; and the an- gle 2 1 4 represents a right angle. Hence the line 2 4 is the hypothenuse of a right-angled triangle ; and the teacher may show the advanced pupil how to ascertain its precise length by adding together the squares of the sides 2 1 and 1 4, nnd then extracting their square root. And so in all similar cases of the measurement of lines that are neither diagonal, vertical, nor horizontal. CABINET PERSPECTIVE PLANE SOLIDS. 95 course of headers, and at B is a course of stretchers ; and in English bond the face of the wall shows alternate courses of the two. For Flemish bond, however, the face of each course is composed of a combination of headers and stretch- ers. In both, a brick of half the ordinary width, and also one of half the ordinary length, is often required ; and these half bricks should be made in every brick-yard. Fig. 32 represents a wall eight inches thick, laid in En- glish bond. Observe that the first or upper course is coin- posed of headers ; the second of stretchers ; the third of headers ; the fourth of stretchers, etc. In drawing these ex- amples (as in nearly all other cases of drawing), it is neces- sary to draw the upper portions first that is, to begin at the top. Fig. 33 represents a twelve-inch wall in English bond. Observe that the face of the wall shows alternate courses of headers and stretchers ; while each course is composed of both kinds, arranged in a peculiar order, as shown in the drawing. Fig. 34 represents a sixteen- inch wall in English bond. The face is the same as in the eight and twelve inch walls. The upper two courses show the arrangement. Fig. 35 represents an eight-inch wall in Flemish bond; showing that each course is composed of both headers and stretchers. Fig. 36 represents a twelve-inch wall in Flemish bond. Here half bricks of both kinds are used. Fig. 37 represents a sixteen-inch wall in Flemish bond. Fig. 38 represents what is called English cross bond. Here the face of the wall shows an arrangement in the sec- ond stretcher line by which its joints come exactly below the middle of the bricks in the first stretcher line ; and the same arrangement of stretchers comes back every fifth line. By comparing Fig. 38 with Fig. 32 the difference will be manifest. Fig. 39 represents a twenty-four-inch wall laid in Flemish bond, on the farther half of which rises a twelve-inch wall in English bond, both halves being capped with twelve-by- twelve-inch stones two inches thick. There are also two 96 INDUSTRIAL DRAWING. [BOOK ]S T O. II. triangular abutments resting on the front half of the lower wall, and abutting against the upper wall. These abut- ments are twelve inches high at the back, and their bases project forward twelve inches, the width of the lower half of the wall. Their faces, therefore, are laid at an angle of forty-five degrees ; and hence each layer of stones, of which the abutment is composed, although only two inches thick, presents a much greater front surface view. The teacher may require of the advanced pupil the length of the face of the abutment, as designated by the line 2 3 or 4 5. See Note, page 94. PROBLEMS FOR PRACTICE. 1. Draw an eight-inch wall in English bond, forty inches in length at the base, and showing three partial courses and four full courses. 2. Draw a twelve-inch wall in English bond, forty-eight inches in length at the base, and showing four partial courses and four full courses. 3. Draw a twelve-inch wall in Flemish bond, fifty-six inches in length at the base, and showing four partial courses and four full courses. 4. Let the pupil design a twenty-inch wall in English bond, and also a twenty-inch wall in Flemish bond, and so that the bricks will break joint in the best manner possible. JBlachboard ^Exercises. Any of the figures of page 4, showing the true size of the bricks. PAGE FIVE. SCALE OF TWO INCHES TO A SPACE. Fig. 40 represents a cross-shaped figure formed by so cut- ting a cube twenty inches square, that vertical sections, eight inches square at the ends, are taken away from its four corners. The form and extent of the entire cube are shown by the dotted lines. Let the pupil calculate the number of cubic inches taken away, and the number re- maining. Fig. 41 represents a cube of the same original size as Fig. 40, from which several sections are cut away, leaving what is shown in the figure. Let the pupil calculate the number of cubic inches taken away, and the number remaining. Fig. 42 shows, on its front vertical face, a single fret of the same form as is seen at Fig. 24, page 6, of Book No. I.; but here, in Fig. 42, the fret is shown, not as a surface deco- ration merely, but in the solid form, four inches in thickness. CABINET PERSPECTIVE PLANE SOLIDS. 97 Observe that the thickness is represented by one diagonal space. Fig. 43 shows the same solid fret, but with the addition of a solid piece four inches square running through it cen- trally, the two being framed together. Fig. 44 represents a frame-work thirty-four inches wide and fifty-six inches long, the side pieces formed of timbers six inches square at the ends, and the end pieces formed of timbers six by sixteen inches at the ends, the end pieces being mortised into the side pieces by tenons two inches thick, eight inches wide, and six inches in length. Hence the mortises which receive the tenons must extend entirely through the timbers. At A, B^ C, and D, the four timbers which compose the frame are drawn separately, and in their relative positions ; and at F they are put together. The side pieces show mortises for upright posts. At E, one of the end timbers is represented as standing vertically on one of its tenons, with its broadest side fronting the spectator. Observe that, according to the scale, it measures precisely the same as C or D. PROBLEMS FOR PRACTICE. 1. Draw the lightly dotted outlines of a cube of the same dimensions as Fig. 40 ; and then represent the cube as it would be after taking vertical sections from its four corners, anl from the centres of its four bides, each four inches square at the ends. First mark out, on the upper face of the dotted cube, the upper face as it would appear after the pieces were taken out. What would be the solid contents of the eight pieces thus taken out ? The solid contents remaining in the cube ? 2. Draw a fret similar to Fig. 34, page G, of Book No. L, representing the solid form of the fret, two inches in thickness ; but draw it on an enlarged plan, so that the width of the fret-line shall occupy a full space. Scale, two inches to a space. 3. Draw F of Fig. 44 so that the longest side shall front the spectator. 4. Draw the same frame standing on one end, with the broad side front- ing the spectator. 5. Draw the same frame standing on one end, with the edye of the frame fronting the spectator. Blackboard Zeroises. Any of the figures and problems on page 5. E 98 INDUSTRIAL DKAWING. [BOOK NO. II. PAGE SIX. SCALE OF TWO INCHES TO A SPACE. Figs. 45 and 46 represent the same frame-work, but placed in different positions in relation to the spectator ; and Fig. 47 represents these two frames united by string-pieces, in the form of a bedstead. Let the pupil give the dimensions, according to the scale adopted for the page two inches to a space. Fig. 48 represents a vertical pillar twelve inches square, surrounded at the top by a moulding four inches in height and projecting four inches. Observe that the projection of the moulding, whether measured horizontally by the dis- tances 1 2 and 5 6, or diagonally by the distances 2 3 and 4 5, etc., is in all parts four inches. The height of the pillar is the distance 2 9, which is twenty inches. Observe the following rules: 1. A horizontal moulding, or any hori- zontal projection, conceals from view a portion of the front vertical surface immediately below it, equal in height to one half the projection. Thus the dotted line 7 8 indicates the lower line of the attachment of the moulding to the front face of the pillar; by which it is seen that the moulding, four inches in projection, conceals from view the two inches in height of the front face of the pillar immediately below the attachment of the moulding. This principle is also seen in the fact that the distance from the base of the pillar to the moulding is measured from 9 to 7 thus making the mould- ing sixteen inches above the base. 2. A horizontal projec- tion conceals from view a portion of tJie DIAGONAL vertical surface immediately beloio it, equal in height to the extent of the projection. Thus 8 12 is the line of the attachment of the under side of the moulding to the side of the pillar; and 12 13 shows the vertical extent of the side of the pillar which the mould- ing conceals. But suppose the front moulding did not project at all beyond the face of the left-hand side of the column. It will be seen that, in that case, the front end of the moulding would terminate in the line S 10; thus having an apparent projection of two inches beyond the line 7 9, the same as the CABINET PERSPECTIVE PLANE SOLIDS. 99 right-hand end of the moulding would seem to project to the left of the line 8 11. All the principles of the projections of rectangular mouldings may be learned from this figure. Fig. 49 represents the same pillar, twelve inches square, and the same moulding as in Fig. 48 ; but in Fig. 49 the moulding is placed six inches below the top. Observe that the measurements of the projection, and of the parts con- cealed, are the same in both figures. Fig. 50 represents the same pillar as in the preceding two figures ; but here it is placed upon a base four inches thick, that projects beyond the four faces of the pillar four inches on all sides. Observe how the measurements are made here also. Fig. 51. Here we have represented eighteen inches in height of the top of a pillar which is twenty inches square at the ends, with a projecting moulding of four blocks on a side, four inches apart, encompassing the upper end of the pillar. These blocks are each four inches in height and two inches in thickness, and have a projection of four inches. In drawing them, first trace lightly a moulding around the pillar, similar to the moulding of Fig. 48 ; then mark out, in this moulding, the divisions which constitute the blocks. Observe that the blocks on the two diagonal sides of the pillar must necessarily be only half a diagonal in thick- ness to represent two inches. Notice the portion of the face of the pillar below the blocks concealed by their pro- jection. Fig. 52, which represents a pillar resting upon a block that projects four inches from the face of the pillar, has a narrow moulding one inch thick, with a projection of two inches, encompassing the pillar near the middle of its height. How far is this moulding below the top of the pillar, and how far above the top of the projecting base? Fig. 53 represents a four-legged table, placed bottom up- ward, so that its several parts may be shown in the best manner possible. They could not be seen so well if it were represented in its natural position. Let the pupil describe the size and length of the legs how they are placed in re- lation to the inclosing frame ; width and thickness of this 100 INDUSTRIAL DRAWING. [BOOK NO. II. frame, length of its sides, and how joined at the corners ; size of the top of the table, its projection beyond the frame, thickness and number of the boards which compose it, etc. Fig. 54 represents a diamond or lozenge-shaped figure formed of two-space diagonals, and having a thickness of four inches. What is its length ? Its breadth ? Its front- face measure in square inches? (See page 58; No 7.) Its contents in cubic inches ? Fig. 55 is the same figure as 54, but its length is here placed in a front vertical position. PROBLEMS FOR PRACTICE. 1 . Represent a vertical piece of timber twelve inches square at the ends, and twenty-four inches in height, surrounded by a moulding even with the top, two inches in height, and projecting four inches; also a like moulding even with the base of the timber. Be careful to get the correct height of the timber, as portions of the top and bottom are concealed by the moulding. 2. Make a drawing like Fig. 47, with the exception that the posts shall rest upon a frame formed of stuff four inches thick and four inches in width, and that a frame formed of stuff four inches in width and one inch in thick- ness (or height) shall rest upon the tops of the posts. Be careful to trace the outlines very lightly at first, and only mark them firmly when the visi- ble portions are correctly represented. 3. Draw a lozenge whose front face shall be like Fig. 54, but whose diago- nal length shall be twelve inches. 4. Draw the same lozenge twelve inches in diagonal length, but in the po- sition of Fig. 55. Blackboard Exercises. Figures 47, 48, 49, and the fore- going problems. PAGE SEVEN. SCALE OF FOUR INCHES TO A SPACE. All the figures on this page, except Fig. G4, contain some lines that are neither true diagonals, verticals, nor horizon- tals; yet their positions are as accurately defined as the positions of those lines that are directly measurable. Fig. 56 represents a kind of heavy block table, thirty-two inches in height, having its top surface thirty-two inches square, and resting on a base thirty-two inches square. The base bevels upward, and the top bevels downward to the same extent. As the line a b is drawn diagonally from the corner , thirty-two inches, so must the line c d, drawn from the corresponding corner c, run diagonally in the same di- CABINET PERSPECTIYE PLANE SOLIDS. 101 rection ; and its real length is thirty-two inches, but the far- ther eight inches are not visible. It is best to draw the top first ; then the front face ; then the diagonal lines. Fig. 57 represents the same block table, with the excep- tion that the vertical section, eight inches in length, is cut out of the centres of both sides of the base. Observe that as the distance if is eight inches, so must the distance g a be eight inches also ; and that a b must run toward the point c, which is a point on the left-hand side of the table corre- sponding to d. And c and d must be the same distance apart as n and m. Fig. 58 is the same as Fig. 57, with the exception that the section cut out here extends through the entire central sup- port ; and Fig. 59 shows the same as Fig. 58, with the top removed. Figs. 60, 61, 62, and 63 are the same as the figures directly above them, with their sides turned to the front. Observe that Fig. 60 measures in all respects, according to the scale, the same as Fig. 56. Thus the dotted vertical lines in the base front of Fig. 56, although seen in a side view in Fig. 60, are in the latter, as in the former, the downward con- tinuation of the columnar support, and in both cases are eight inches apart, eight inches in length or height, and at the same distances from the corners a and c. And if the length of the line a o, in Fig. 60, should be calculated math- ematically, it would be found to be of the same length as the same line a o in Fig. 56. Let the pupil trace out the like measurements in Figs. 61,62, and 63, with the figures above them. Fig. 64 represents a heavy frame-work sixteen inches in height or thickness, and seven feet four inches square, with a vertical recess of twelve by forty inches in the centre of each of its four sides, and a vertical opening forty inches square through the centre of the frame. Fig. 65 represents the same frame-work as Fig. 64 ; but in place of the square opening in the centre, there rises, above the frame-work in Fig. 65 a four-sided pyramid, forty inches square at the base, and thirty-six inches in vertical height. Observe that the outlines of the base of the pyramid are 102 INDUSTRIAL DRAWING. [BOOK NO. II. the same as the upper surface outlines of the square open- ing in the centre of Fig. 64, and are represented by: the same figures, 1, 2, 3, J, in both cases. The centre of the base of the pyramid, it will be seen, must be the point 9 the point of intersection of the lines 5 6 and 7 8, which connect the centres of opposite sides of the base. The ver- tical height of the pyramid above the base must therefore be the length of the line 9 10, which represents a line drawn vertically upward from the centre of the base to the apex of the pyramid. PROBLEMS FOR PRACTICE. 1. Draw a figure similar to Fig. 56, but forty-four inches square at the bottom and top ; and with the central vertical support twenty inches high from o to ar, and only four inches in thickness. 2. Draw the same with the side view brought in front. 3. Draw a figure whose base shall be similar to that of Fig. 65, but whose extreme side measures from corner to corner shall be six feet, and the height or thickness eight inches ; the recesses on the centres of the sides sixteen by twenty-four inches ; the base of the pyramid twenty-four inches square, and its vertical height fifty inches. Blackboard Exercises. Figs. 56, 57, 58, and 62. Also draw Fig. 65, giving to the frame-work one half the measures denoted on the paper; but make the pyramid thirty-six inches in vertical height. The dark shades may be desig- nated by heavy vertical lines, with either blue or white crayons. PAGE EIGHT. SCALE OF ONE FOOT TO A SPACE. Fig. 66 may be supposed to represent a block of stone twelve feet square, and four feet in height or thickness. Suppose that we wish to place, centrally, on the top of this block a four-sided pyramid, eight feet square at the base, and fifteen feet in vertical height from the top of the base. Evidently the base of the pyramid will be, on all sides, two feet within the outlines of the top of the base on which it rests. The lines a #, b f, f d, and d a, representing the outlines of the base of the pyramid, must therefore be drawn two horizontal spaces within the upper side lines i m and n j of the base, and one diagonal space within the front and back lines i n and mj. The centre, c, of the base of CABINET PERSPECTIVE PLANE SOLIDS. 103 the pyramid, must evidently be at the intersection of the central lines o p and h g, and these lines will be sufficient to designate it ; but it must also be at the intersection of the diagonal lines a f and d b of the base. The apex of the pyramid must be vertical to the point c. Fig. 67. The top of the base of this figure is the same as the top of the base drawn in the preceding figure, and on this base the pyramid, of the same dimensions as that desig- nated for Fig. 66, is placed. The dotted lines and the let- ters are put in to designate the same points that are given in Fig. 66. Observe that the point cc, the apex or vertex of the pyramid, is taken fifteen spaces vertically above the centre, c, of the base ; and from x lines are drawn to the corners d, /, and b. The fourth corner-line of the pyramid extends from x to a, but it can not be seen because it is on the side opposite to the spectator. The line c x is called the axis of the pyramid. The base of Fig. 67 is represented as ten feet in height and twelve feet square ; and it has recesses in the centres of its sides six feet high, eight feet wide, and two feet in depth. Fig. 68 is a wedge-shaped pyramid, eight feet square at the base, and eleven feet in vertical height. Observe how the edge, a b y of the pyramid is drawn so as to be directly above the central diagonal line, g A, of the base. Fig. 69 is the same as Fig. 68 ; but the side view of the wedge is here brought in front of the spectator. Observe that the measurements are the same in both cases. See the height, a g, in both. Fig. 70 has the same base, eight feet square, and the same height, eleven feet, as the preceding two figures; but the wedge-shaped pyramid is diminished to four feet at the apex. If the edge of the pyramid were the line a b, the figure would be the same as Fig. 68; but the edge is diminished two feet at each extremity by cutting off a r and s b. Fig. 71 is a truncated pyramid the top being cut off parallel with the base. Its vertical height is the axis line c d. The lines forming the edges of the sides are drawn to- ward a point in the upward extension of the line c d. Fig. 72 represents the top of a pillar in the obelisk form 104 INDUSTRIAL DRAWING. [BOOK NO. II. the top being cut off in the form of a flat pyramid. The vertex, x, must be in the line of the axis of the pyramid. If the sides of the block were vertical, we might suppose its base to be o, d,i,n, in the figure below it; then c x would be the central line or axis. Fig. 73 represents an obelisk, which consists of an upper pyramidal part, D, called the shaft, and the support or base on which it rests, called the ped'estal. The pedestal is di- vided into three parts : A, the base ; 13, the die ; and C the cornice. There is often a recess, or sunken part, in the die, which contains the inscription, etc. The vertical height of the shaft of Fig. 73 is seen to be twenty-seven feet, by count- ing the spaces from n to x, which line is the axis ; and the base of the shaft is eight feet square. The entire vertical height of the pedestal from the bottom of the base to the top of the cornice will be found to be eleven feet, as meas- ured from m, the centre of the bottom of the base, to n, the centre of the top of the cornice. The point m must be at the intersection of the lines which connect the opposite cor- ners of the bottom of the base. The face of the die is seven and a half feet in height and eight feet wide ; and the recess in its centre is five and a half feet in height, and six feet wide, so that the recess is just one foot within the edges of the die. As the cornice projects one foot, it conceals from view just one half of a, foot of the upper part of the front face of the die, and one foot of the upper part of the side face (see Rules, page 98) ; hence the upper line of the recess on the right side of the pedestal coincides in view with the bot- tom line of the cornice. The recess in each of the sides of the shaft is also one foot in depth. The side corner-lines of the shaft are drawn toward a point directly above x, in the continuation of the axis. The upper extremity of the shaft is in the flat pyramidal form, similar to Fig. 72, but more pointed. Fig. 74 is a Grecian fret, the same as Fig. 25 on page 6 of Book No. I., here changed into the solid form; and Fig. 75 is the same as Fig. 26 on the same page of Book No. I., here changed into the solid form. In both cases the thickness of the fret, diagonally, is the same as the width of its front face. CABINET PERSPECTIVE PLANE SOLIDS. 105 To get the full effect of the d IT. wings on this page, view them as directed on page 50. Let the pupil view his own drawings in the same manner. PROBLEMS FOR PRACTICE. 1. Draw n base and pyramid similar to Fig. 67, but let the base be a cube ten feet square ; let the pyramid be placed one foot within the outlines of the top of the base, and let the vertical height of the pyramid be eighteen feet. Let the recesses of the base be only one foot deep, and a foot and a half from the edges of the sides. 2. Draw a wedge-shaped pyramid, similar to Fig. 68, whose base shall be ten feet square, and whose vertical height shall be sixteen feet. 3. Draw an obelisk of the following dimensions : 1st. The pedestal : base, fourteen feet square, and three feet in thickness ; die, ten feet square at its base, and height twelve feet ; recess in die two feet from edges, and one foot in depth ; cornice, a foot and a half in thickness, and projection beyond the face of the die one foot. 2d. The shaft : base of shaft eight feet square, placed centrally on the cornice ; vertical height thirty feet, and apex like Fig. 72. 4. Draw a fret like Fig. 75, with the exception that the face of the bands, as seen in front, shall be only six inches wide, and the bands eighteen inches apart, while the diagonal depth or thickness of the band shall be two feet. ItlacJcboard Exercises. Draw and shade the frets, Figs. 74 and 75, on the supposition that the ruled lines on the blackboard are one foot apart. PAGE NINE. SCALE OF TWO INCHES TO A SPACE. Fig. 76 represents a post-and-board fence, its length be- ing here viewed diagonally, with what is called the inside of the fence exposed to view, so as to show its construction. The posts are eight inches square, and twenty-six inches above ground ; rails two by four inches, the lower one let into the posts, and the upper one resting on the posts, both flush with the front edge of the posts ; boards thirty-four inches in height, one inch thick, and eight inches wide, ex- cept the two end boards, which are only four inches wide. In the drawing the posts are placed, for want of room on the paper, much nearer together than they would be in the real fence. Fig. 77 represents the same fence that is shown in the preceding figure ; but here its length is placed fronting the spectator, and the end is viewed diagonally. Let the pupil E2 106 INDUSTRIAL DKAWIXG. [BOOK KO. II. test the measurements of both figures, and see if in all re- spects they fully correspond with each other. Fig. 78 is a somewhat elaborate post-and-rail fence. Here the posts are eight by twelve inches in size, and thirty-two inches in height ; and the rails are two by four inches, the lower three rails being let into the posts four inches. Let the pupil describe the construction in full length, position, distances apart, etc., of all the rails. Fig. 79 represents a four-pointed star cut out of a plank two inches in thickness. Let the pupil describe it : distance of the points from the centre, etc. PKOBLEMS FOK PRACTICE. 1. Let the pupil draw a fence similar to Fig. 76 : posts to be six inches square ; rails two by three inches ; height of posts and length of boards the same as in the figure. 2. Let him draw the same in the position represented in Fig. 77. 3. Let him draw Fig. 78 so that its length shall be viewed diagonally. It will be found that some objects can be best represented in one position and some in another. Blackboard Exercises. Fig. 76, and problem 2. PAGE TEN. SCALE OF TWO INCHES TO A SPACE. Fig. 80 is another form of post-and-rail fence, in which the rails, in their full size of two by four inches, are mortised through the posts the top of the rail being in a horizontal position. Let the pupil describe the posts, rails, etc., in full. The posts are here drawn much nearer together, according to the scale, than they would be placed in the real fence. Fig. 81 will illustrate the principles of drawing the repre- sentation of a fence where the square rails are let into the posts diagonally. Let the upright timber here represent the post, which, however, is here drawn, for convenience of representation, only two inches in thickness, and twenty inches in width. Suppose we wish to represent a diagonal square mortise through this post, for the purpose of receiv- ing a square rail of twelve inches diagonal diameter. Lay off the square 1 3 5 7, of twelve inches to a side, and square with the ends and sides of the post. Mark the middle points in the sides of this square, and connect them, measuring twelve inches from 8 to 4, and the same from 2 to , and we CABINET PERSPECTIVE PLANE SOLIDS. 107 shall have the diagonal square 2 Jf. 6 8. Represent this square as cut through the post, and we shall have the ap- pearance of the diagonal square mortise which is to receive the rail placed in a diagonal position. Observe that the lines 2 8 and 4 6 are drawn in the direction of three-space diago- nals. Below we have the appearance which would be pre- sented by the rail passing through the post. The rail is so placed, with reference to the eye of the spectator, that one side of it appears very wide ; while the other side, being seen very obliquely, appears very narrow. At A we have represented the posts of the same size as in Fig. 80, with the square rail passing through them diag- onally. At B we have represented the side of the post through which the rail passes as fronting the spectator as it would be drawn if the fence were viewed diagonally lengthwise. In this case the diagonal square mortise would be well rep- resented, but only one side of the rail would be seen, as in- dicated by the dotted representation of it. Hence the di- agonal lengthwise representation of such a fence would not be a good one. Fig. 82 is still another form of post-and-rail fence, which the pupil may describe. Fig. 83. In this figure the cross-beam, which is supposed to be designed to sustain a heavy weight, is supported by two braces, which are framed into the cross-beam and also into the posts. The under side of the brace on the left is seen so obliquely that it exposes to view only a very narrow sur- face. Fig. 84 is the same pattern of the quadruple or four-band fret that is used for the setting of an Arabian mosaic in Fig. 43, page 7, of Book No. I. Here, in Fig.- 84, the fret alone is given, and in the solid form. In the lower part of the figure the half diagonal lines are marked in, to show the method of representing the thickness of the fret. Each of these lines, it will be seen, is drawn in a diagonal direction, and the length of half a diagonal. Understanding this, the whole figure is very easily executed after the original fret has been drawn. 108 INDUSTRIAL DRAWING. [BOOK NO. II. PROBLEMS FOR PRACTICE. 1. Draw a post-and-rail fence similar to Fig. 80, but with the square rails inserted into the posts diagonally. Let the posts be four inches wide in front, and twenty inches in diagonal width ; and let the edges of the diago- nally inserted rails be two inches from the edges of the post. Omit the up- per rail, but show the mortises for it. 2. Draw Fig. 82 of the same diagonal thickness of stuff there represented, but of only half the front Avidth. Outside dimensions same as in the figure. Blackboard Exercises. Figures 80 and 82, of the same real size as described. PAGE ELEVEN. SCALE OF TWO INCHES TO A SPACE. Fig. 85 represents a section of a plank picket-fence, ac- cording to the designated scale. The pickets are made of stuff four inches wide and two inches thick. The bottom rail to which they are spiked is four inches by five inches at the ends ; and the upper rail is three inches by four inches. Observe that if the spikes are driven in horizontally, and perpendicular to the face of the pickets, they must have a seemingly upward diagonal direction, as indicated by the line c a. Hence, if they are driven into the central line of the rail, their heads must be below that line, as indicated in the drawing. Fig. 86 represents a horizontal box eight inches square at its two open ends, and twenty inches in length, having its ends framed into and resting upon two vertical pieces of plank, each sixteen inches square and two inches thick. Fig. 87 is the Grecian double fret represented in Fig. 30, page 6, of Drawing-Book No. I. ; but here drawn to a larger scale, and put into the solid form. Observe that the bands are two inches in thickness, the same in width, and the same distance apart. Observe, also, that the short corner diag- onal lines are all drawn to the centres of the small squares ; and that they thereby measure the required thickness of the fret, and also give the correct diagonal direction for the solid. Fig. 88 is also a Grecian double fret, of the kind seen on page 5, of Book No. I., Fig. 12. It is here put into the solid form, and is used for the bordering of a tablet, which is sup- posed to be ornamented. CABINET PERSPECTIVE PLANE SOLIDS. 109 Fig. 89 represents a heavy plank chest, thirty-six inches square on the bottom, and twenty-one inches in height when the lid is closed. In the top of the chest is placed a tray, having in it nine partitions. This tray rises three inches ahove the body of the chest ; but its partitions are only two inches deep ; and when the lid shuts down it incloses within it the three inches' elevation of the tray. Let the pupil ex- amine and test all the measurements, and see if the lid will accurately fit over the tray, and also be even with the out- side of the chest. What is the thickness of the top of the lid? PROBLEMS FOR PRACTICE. 1. Draw the representation of a board-picket fence : rails the same as in ITig. 85, but the pickets two inches wide, twenty inches long, made of stuff two inches thick, and placed four inches apart. 2. Draw the representation of a chest similar to Fig. 80. Suppose it to be thirty-eight inches square ; the body sixteen inches high ; top five inches high, made of stuff two inches thick ; but the tray made of one inch stuff, and rising three inches above the body. Divide the tray into sixteen square divisions, each eight inches square (including the partitions) ; and let the partitions be three inches deep. Place the cover on the farther side, oppo- site the front. Blackboard Exercises. Figures 85 and 87, and problem 1. PAGE TWELVE. SCALE OF SIX INCHES TO A SPACE. Fig. 90 represents a solid octagonal block, five feet in length, with a face diameter, on the line 1 2 or 3 4, of three feet. The octagonal form is the same as that of Xo. 13, page 2, of Book No. I. Observe that, in drawing the visible sides of the block, we draw diagonal lines from the points 5, 1, 6, 4, and 7, and in all cases a distance of five diagonals, representing five feet. It will be easy to find the solid contents, in cubic inches or feet, of such a block, after the directions for measuring surfaces given in the preceding book. Thus, on the scale of six inches to a space, the front face of Fig. 90 measures six square feet ; and as the length of the block is five feet, the contents of the block must be five times six, or thirty cubic feet. Fig. 91 has the same front face as the star figure contain- 110 INDUSTRIAL DRAWING. [BOOK NO. II. ed within the No. 13 just referred to, or the same as the star figure No. 11 of Lesson VI., on the same page. As the face of the star form, Fig. 91, contains an area, according to the scale, of two square feet, and as the length of the solid is six feet, the solid contents of Fig. 91 would be twelve cubic feet. Fig. 92 is a hexagonal, or six-sided solid, six feet in length, its two parallel ends being formed of hexagons. The pupil can now, doubtless, easily calculate the cubic contents of this figure. Fig. 93 is an octagonal figure, of the same front outline as No. 10 of Lesson VIII., page 2, of Book No. I. Six inches within the series of the outer front lines is another series, whose distance from the outer lines is regulated by the points -7, 2, 3, J h Both the outer and the inner lines are drawn in the direction of three-space diagonals. This com- pleted figure forms a hollow octagonal tube, one foot in length, whose sides are six inches in thickness, with an ex- treme diameter, both vertical and horizontal, of four feet. The points 5 and 6, one diagonal space distant from 4 and #, regulate the drawing of the inner boundary-lines of the far- ther end. These lines also are drawn in the direction of three-space diagonals, and are hence parallel to their corre- sponding front lines. Fig. 94 is a solid octagonal block, of four feet vertical and horizontal diameter, and six feet in length. The pupil, re- ferring back to Book No. I., should now be able to calculate its cubical contents. Observe that the shading is such as most clearly to distinguish the several visible sides of the block. Fig. 95. The outline of the front face of the block here represented forms a dodecagon, or figure of twelve sides, the same as is shown on page 2 of Book No. I. ; while the hol- low or opening through the block is hexagonal. It is easy to see how the lines bounding the several sides of the block lengthwise, both on the outside and inside, are to be drawn all in the direction of diagonals. The outside lines must all, of course, be of equal length ; and the lines forming the boundary of the farther face of the dodecagon must be par- CABINET PERSPECTIVE PLANE SOLIDS. Ill allel to those forming the boundary of the front face. But they are made parallel with perfect ease, because their posi- tion and limits are definitely designated by the ruling of the paper. Let the pupil, referring back to the outlines of the same dodecagon on page 2 of Book Xo. I., calculate the solid con- tents of Fig. 95. Fig. 96 has the same front face as Fig. 95, but the solid formed upon it is only one foot in length. It is thus drawn in order to show a portion of the inner outlines of the far- ther end of the block. What are the cubical contents of this figure? Fig. 97, having the same outline front form as Fig. 90, is drawn to inclose an area four times as large as Fig. 90. (See ELEMENTARY PRINCIPLE, page 54.) This figure is a hollow octagon, two feet in length, and having its sides six inches in thickness. Observe that the front outline is formed by drawing two-space diagonals throughout ; observe, also, that the inner boundary-lines of the octagon, at both ends, are the same in direction, but necessarily of less length. Fig. 98 has the same outline front form as Fig. 93, but is drawn to inclose an area four times as large as Fig. 93. (See ELEMENTARY PRINCIPLE, page 54.) It is drawn of three-space diagonals instead of two. Observe how easily and accurately in all these figures the inside lines of the front face of the octagon are drawn, so as to be exactly parallel to the outside lines. Thus, after taking the point 1, in Fig. 98, the line 1 7 is drawn in the direction of a three-space diagonal until it intersects the diagonal line 7 10; then the line 2 7 is drawn as a three-space diagonal, and it will intersect the diagonal 7 10 in the point 7. In like manner all the front inner-face lines are drawn. Observe, also, that the points 6 and 5 are designated by being three diagonal spaces distant from 3 and 4- Then 6 12 and 5 12 are drawn in the direction of three-space diagonals, meeting in the same point, 12. Fig. 99 is a frame-work which requires little explanation. Observe that the braces must start at equal distances from the vertical post ; and that the distance 1 2 must be the 112 INDUSTRIAL DRAWING. [BOOK NO. II. same as 3 4* The width of the braces, as measured by the spaces 1 6 and 4 5, must also be the same ; although, as the side edge of the nearer brace is seen most obliquely, it ap- pears narrower than the farther brace. The pupil should give the measurements throughout, and imitate the shading with India ink and the running dot-line. Fig. 100 represents a foot-bridge resting on piers laid in cut stone, or in brick three inches thick, six inches wide, and twelve inches long. These piers are three feet high, laid up vertically on three sides, four feet by five feet at the base, and two feet by five feet at the top. The extreme width of the bridge is five feet; length, thirteen feet; top of rail from top of pier, three feet nine inches. The timbers (called sleepers) on which the floor is laid are twelve inches vertical height, and nine inches wide; the flooring is represented as of about t wo and a half inch plank ; five of the planks being each two feet wide, and the two end planks each eighteen inches wide. The posts are six by twelve inches, cut out so as to let half their thickness (three inches) rest on the sleepers. The planks come out even with the outer edges of the posts, and hence they project three inches beyond the sleepers. The top rails are three by six inches. Figs. 101 and 102 represent patterns of cubical blocks, such as are sometimes worked in worsteds of three colors. We have also seen a carpet of the same pattern, although it is a very poor pattern for such a purpose. No further di- rections are required for drawing or shading these figures. Blackboard Exercises. Figures 90, 93, 96, and 99. Ob- serve that the farther braces of Fig. 99 run downward in the direction of diagonals, and the front braces in the direc- tion of three-space diagonals. PROBLEMS FOR PRACTICE. 1. Draw an octagonal solid similar to Fig. 90, but whose front face is only one fourth as large. Be careful to draw the lines of the front face in the direction of two-space diagonals, and half the length of those in the figure. 2. Draw a solid similar to Fig. 91, but whose front face shall be four times as large. 3. Draw a solid similar to Fig. 92, which shall contain four times the CABINET PERSPECTIVE PLANE SOLIDS. 113 cubic contents of Fig. 92, and whose front face shall contain four times the area of Fig. 92. 4. Draw a dodecagon hollow body, the extreme outline of whose front face shall be the same as Fig. 95 : let the sides of the hollow body be of the same length, but only half the thickness of the sides of Fig. 95. 5. Draw a figure the same as Fig. 99, with the exception that the side shall front the spectator, and the platform base shall be one foot wider than there represented. G. Draw Fig. 100 of the same dimensions as given, but with the side fronting the spectator. DRAWING-BOOK No. III. CABINET PERSPECTIVE CURVILINEAR SOLIDS. IT has been observed that, in all the representations of objects given in the preceding book, the side of the object fronting the spectator is drawn in its natural form and pro- portions this front side being supposed to be in a vertical position. For example, the front side of the cube at -K, Fig. 1 of Book No. II., is drawn an exact square. So in curvilinear solids, that side fronting the spectator is drawn in its natural form, and is supposed to be in a vertical po- sition. Therefore, if we wish to represent a cylinder in cab- inet perspective, and to draw it with the end fronting the spectator, that end must be represented in its natural form as a perfect circle. PAGE ONE. SCALE OF ONE INCH TO A SPACE. Fig. 1 is a circle drawn from the centre, c, with a radius, c a, of five inches. It may therefore represent the end of a cylinder of ten inches' diameter. Fig. 2. Here c may be taken as the centre of the end of a cylinder of ten inches' diameter. A cylinder is a solid whose bases or ends are equal parallel circles, at right angles to the axis of the cylinder. The axis is the line passing through the centre of the cylinder at right angles to the ends of the cylinder. The circumference of a circle is often called its pe-riph'-er-y; hence, also, we speak of the periphery of a cyl- inder. In Fig. 2, if we suppose the cylinder to be ten inches in length, the line c ct, drawn diagonally from the front centre, CABINET PERSPECTIVE CURVILINEAR SOLIDS. 115 c, will represent the axis of the cylinder; and c will be the central point of the near end, and d the central point of the farther end. If, therefore, we describe a circle from the point d, with a radius of five inches, this circle, only one half of which could be seen in the solid cylinder, would givo the true form and position of the farther end of the cylinder. Connect the extreme edges of these circles by the lines p r and in n, and we have all the visible outlines of the cyl- inder. Fig. 3 is the same as Fig. 2, with the cylinder shaded, so as to represent it in its solid form. . Observe here that d, the same as in the preceding figure, five diagonal spaces from c (ten inches), is the centre from which the visible boundary of the farther end of the cylinder is described. From points in the line c d are to be described the several circular bands which encompass the cylinder; and these bands will be the same distances apart as are the centres from which they are described. Fig. 4. Here a longitudinal right-angled section, embrac- ing one quarter of the cylinder, is taken away. This shows the position of the axis, c d, better than it can be seen in the preceding two figures. From the centre, d, are described, with the compasses, the visible portions of the farther end of the cylinder. The sides are drawn in the same manner as in Fig. 3. Fig. 5 represents a cylinder of the same size, originally, as in the preceding three figures, but having, first, one quar- ter cut away, as in Fig. 4, and then, in addition, all but the lower left-hand quarter of the middle section is taken away. Measurements of the several sections may be made on the vertical, horizontal, and diagonal lines in the same manner as in all plane solids. Fig. 6. Here, also, the cylinder is ten inches long, as meas- ured on the line of its axis, c d. The upper half of the front portion, four inches in length, is first taken away ; then a portion of the farther part, but less than a quarter, is re- moved. Fig. 7 is the same as Fig. 6, but shaded so as to show the several parts more distinctly. 116 INDUSTRIAL DRAWING. [BOOK NO. III. Fig. 8 represents three quarter-sections of a cylinder five inches in diameter and four inches long. Fig. 9 represents a cylinder four inches in length and ten inches in diameter, with an opening four inches square ex- tending through it longitudinally and centrally. Here c is the centre of the front end of the cylinder ; and at two di- agonal spaces from it will be the centre from which the boundary of the farther end is described. Circles running around the cylinder are described by the compasses from points on the axis. Observe that the length of the cylinder is not only measurable on the axis, but also on the other di- agonal lines 3^56, etc., which must all be equal each being the measure of two diagonals. Fig. 10 represents the outlines of a hollow cylinder four inches in length and ten inches in diameter, with walls one inch in thickness. As c is the centre of the front end, we first describe from it the outer circle, or periphery, of the cylinder, with a radius of five inches, and then the inner cir- cle, with a radius of four inches, which leaves one inch be- tween them for the thickness of the walls. From r7, the centre of the farther end, we next describe two like circles, or parts of circles, the visible portion of the smaller circle being 1 2 3 y which is the visible portion of the farther inside boundary. Fig. 11 is the same as Fig. 10 in outline, but fully shaded. Fig. 12 represents a cylinder four inches in length and ten inches in diameter, with a solid cylinder, or axle, four inches in diameter and twenty inches in length, passing cen- trally through it the axis of the longer cylinder coinciding with the axis of the shorter one. Here c d represents the axis of the short cylinder, and a b the axis of the long one. The length of either, or both, may be measured in any one of the several ways mentioned for measuring Fig. 9. PEOBLEMS FOE PEACTICE. 1. Draw a solid cylinder six inches in diameter and twelve inches in length. 2. Draw the same, but represent one quarter taken from it, similar to Fig. 4. CABINET PERSPECTIVE CURVILINEAR SOLIDS. 117 3. Draw the lower left-hand quarter of a cylinder whose entire dimen- sions would be eight inches in diameter and ten inches in length. 4. Draw the lower right-hand quarter of a cylinder of the same dimen- sions. 5. Draw the lower horizontal half of a cylinder whose entire dimensions would be eight inches in diameter and twelve inches in length. 6. Draw a hollow cylinder of fourteen inches in diameter, six inches in length, and one-inch thickness of walls. 7. Draw the lower half only of a hollow cylinder of twelve inches in di- ameter, 12 inches in length, and one-inch thickness of wall. Blackboard Exercises. The chalk crayon compasses will be required here. See page 49. Draw and shade all the figures on page 1, and also the problems. PAGE T \YO.-SCALE OF OXE FOOT TO A SPACE. Fig. 13 represents the outlines of a solid, four feet by ten feet at the base, and eleven feet entire height : but the upper part is a semicircle. The front semicircular outline is de- scribed from the point c, and the farther one from the point #, distant, diagonally, from c, four feet. Observe that the side line, a 5, is drawn so as to touch the semicircles at the extreme limit of our view of the semicircular top ; and that the points a and b are necessarily at the intersections of di- agonals, from c and ce, with the semicircles. Let it be no- ticed that, as the measurements 1 , 3 4, 5 6 9 7 , 9 10, a b, and c x, are ail equal in the real object, so they must be equal in the drawing. Fig. 14 is the same as the preceding figure shaded. Fig. 15 is similar to Fig. 14 ; but it rests on a base which projects laterally one foot; and the semicircular top also projects laterally one foot, equal to the projection of the base. Fig. 16 is the same as the preceding figure fully shaded. Fig. 17 represents the outlines of an archway, formed of two parallel walls, each two feet thick, six feet high, and six feet wide, placed eight feet apart, and surmounted by a semicircular arch of the same thickness as the walls on which it rests. Fig. 18 is the same archway represented as reversed in position, and placed arch downward. This shows the out- 118 INDUSTRIAL DRAWING. [BOOK NO. III. lines of the bases of the walls in full, and a part of the un- der side of the arch, which could not be shown in the draw- ing above it. Figs. 19 and 20 are the same as 1Y and 18, shaded. In this way an object may be represented in dif- ferent positions, when it is desirable to show as fully as pos- sible the construction of its several parts. Fig. 21 represents a semicircular arch resting on four pil- lars, two on a side. The pillars are four feet square and fourteen feet high, each pair resting on a base one foot in thickness, six feet wide, and ten feet in length, and sur- mounted by a cap (capital) of the same dimensions. The width of the archway, as measured from a to b, is twelve feet ; and the height, from c to 2, twenty-one feet. From the point x the front semicircles are described ; and from y the semicircles which bound the farther end of the arch are de- scribed. The divisions of the front of the arch, 2, 3, 4, &> etc., are laid oif by the compasses; and from the points of division straight lines are drawn toward the centre, a?, just as the lines would tend if the real arch were laid with cut stone. Let it be observed, also, that the lines 5 7, 6 , 9 10, etc. r drawn in the direction of diagonals, must all be of precisely the same length in the drawing, according to the scale, a? they would be in the real arch. In fine, all diagonal, ver- tical, and horizontal lines in the drawing give, according to the scale, perfectly accurate measurements of the structure. Parts of perfect circles may then be measured or calculated with the same accuracy as in the real object. PROBLEMS FOR PRACTICE. 1. Draw a figure similar to Fig. 1 4, but with a width of eight feet in front, depth of two feet, and total vertical height of ten feet. 2. Draw one like Fig. 19 in all respects, except that a central vertical section, two feet in depth, is represented as taken out, from right to left, throughout the entire archway thus leaving the front and the rear of the archway perfect, and taking out the third part that lies between them. 3. Eepresent the same inverted that is, by placing the arch downward. 4. Draw a figure similar to Fig. 21, but of the following dimensions: Place two columns on a side, each two feet square and twelve feet high, ten feet apart in front, and each pair six feet apart diagonally. Let each pair CABINET PERSPECTIVE CURVILINEAR SOLIDS. 119 have a base and cap similar to those in the figure, and also complete the arch in a manner similar to that in the figure. Blackboard Exercises. Figures 14, 19, and 20; also the foregoing problems. PAGE THREE. SCALE OF TWO INCHES TO A SPACE. Fig. 22. We have here represented a pair of braces rest- ing upon a platform two inches thick, eight inches wide, and twenty-eight inches long, and so placed as to be equally inclined toward a central line, 2 5. Fig. 23 represents a platform the same as in the preced- ing figure, but with curvilinear braces placed upon it, and equally inclined toward a central line, 2 5. In this case, the bases of the braces, and the height 5 2, being the same as in the preceding figure, we take any point, as y or c, from which we can describe, with the compasses, a curve that will pass through the points 1 and 2. This point, y or c, may be farther from the left-hand brace, or nearer, according to the kind of curve that we desire for the brace : but, hav- ing taken it, we must describe, from the same point, the cor- responding curve 7 9. Diagonally from y or c we must take the point z or x, making y z or c x equal to 7 8 ; and from z or x describe the curve 3 4- This latter curve would terminate at the point 10, the vertex of the farther face of the arch, on the under side. For describing the curves of the right-hand brace, we must take corresponding points at the left of the platform. Fig. 24 shows the left-hand brace of the preceding figure, as drawn by itself alone. Here the point 10 is visible, and is seen to be in continuation of the curve 3 4> Fig. 25. This figure represents a semicircular arch eight inches (y i) in width, two inches' thickness of wall, described with an extreme radius (c d or y g) of twenty-two inches, and resting upon a base eight inches wide, two inches thick, and fifty-two inches in length the whole divided vertically in the drawing, and at right angles to the face of the arch, so as to separate arch and platform into two equal halves, six inches apart. Suppose the two halves to be brought togeth- er centrally : the arch will thea form a perfect semicircle. 120 INDUSTRIAL DRAWING. [BOOK NO. III. Here all the curvilinear lines on the left are described from the points c and JB, and those on the right from the points y and z. Let the pupil observe, that while the line from 10 to b is a curve struck by the compasses from the point a;, that b a is a straight line, drawn according to the principles that were explained in relation to Figs. 13 and 14. When the curve from 10 to b has reached the point , its continuation is below the visible surface of the arch; and the straight line b a is the surface of the arch, just as the line b a in Fig. 13 is the surface of the arch there repre- sented. Fig. 26 is the same as the preceding figure inverted. The upper sides of the platform and arch here become the under sides, and the points x c and y 2, consequently, follow the in- version. Fig. 27 represents a hollow cylinder of forty-eight inches' outside diameter, as measured from 1 to 2 ; eight inches in length, as measured from 2 to $, 4 to 5, 6 to 7, or any where, diagonally, on the circumference ; and walls of two inches' thickness. The two circles of the front end of the cylinder are described from the point t; and the visible parts of the two circles which bound the farther end of the cylinder are described from the point a?, which must be two diagonal spaces from , in order to make the length of the cylinder eight inches. The two front circles should be described first. Fig. 28 is what is called a quarter/oil in architecture; which is an ornamental figure disposed in four segments of circles, the front face of which is a conventional resemblance of an expanded flower of four petals. (See Fig. 36, page 81.) The front segments of circles, forming the face of the orna- ment, are described from the points a, b, c, c?, the four angles of a diagonal square; and as the ornament has a depth of eight inches, the segments of circles forming the farther side of the figure are described from the points ic 9 x, y, z, two diagonal spaces from the other centres. The shading lines of the segments of circles are described from points between the front and rear centre?, on the dotted lines. In drawing the figure, first describe the front segments from the points CABINET PERSPECTIVE CURVILINEAR SOLIDS. 121 , &, c, c7, then from the other points describe such portions of the other segments as could be seen. PROBLEMS FOR PRACTICE. 1. Draw a figure similar to Fig. 22, but make the plank base four inches longer, and place the braces four inches farther apart, while they shall be of the same height, 5 2. Then on the lower side of the plank base place a like pair of braces, same distances apart, etc., and meeting at a point the same distance below the plank that 2 is above it. 2. Draw Fig. 23 with changes similar to those that were required to be made in Fig. 22 for the preceding problem, putting a pair of curvilinear braces below as well as above the platform. 3. Draw Figs. 25 and 26 united in one figure, and on the same base, but on opposite sides of it, and without any separation in the base or in the semicircular segments. 4. Draw a cylinder similar to Fig. 27, but with an extreme diameter of forty inches ; walls four inches in thickness, and length of cylinder sixteen inches. 5. Draw a quarterfoil similar to Fig. 28 ; but take the centres of the front segments in the four comers of a diagonal square of only four diag- onal spaces to a side : draw the outer segments with a radius of eight inches, and the inner with a radius of six inches ; and make the quarterfoil only four inches in diagonal thickness. The measure for the radius must be taken on vertical or horizontal lines. After drawing the foregoing problems, examine them carefully through the opening formed by the partially closed hand. Blackboard Exercises. Figs. 22, 23, 25; and any of the problems. PAGE FOUR. SCALE OF TWO INCHES TO A SPACE. Fig. 29 represents a bracket of forty-four inches' height, thirty inches' projection, and eight inches' thickness. The front of the bracket (here the diagonal view) embraces two segments of circles; the upper one described with a radius, 3 a or 3 b, of twenty-two inches ; and the lower one with a radius, 1 m or 1 rc, of six inches. Observe that from the point 3 the curves a b and/.? are described; and that from the point 4 the curve c d is described. The parts cp and a n are not portions of the curves, but are straight lines. From the point 1 the curve m n is described ; and from the point 2 is described the hidden curve op. In selecting the points 1 2 and 3 4 we are influenced wholly by the kind F 122 INDUSTRIAL DBA WING. j_BOOK NO. III. and extent of the curve which we wish to describe, just as in describing the curve of the real bracket; but the diagonal distance from 1 to 2 and from 8 to 4 is determined by the thickness of the bracket. Fig. 30 is the same as Fig. 29, shaded in full. Fig. 31 is a bracket of precisely the same dimensions as Fig. 30, but drawn in an inverted position, with the top of the bracket downward, by which means the hollows, or curved portions, are represented more fully than in the preceding figure. Let the pupil observe that, wherever the thickness of the bracket is measured, it measures in all parts the same. Thus the diagonal lines a c, d b,g h,p n, o m, s r, etc., all measure the same. Fig. 32 shows the outlines and mode of drawing a plain and regular trefoil, which is an architectural ornament dis- posed in three segments of circles, being a conventional representation of three-leafed clover which is, botanically, a trefoil plant. Observe that the points -?,#,#, which are the centres from which the front curves are drawn, are at the three corners of an equilateral triangle ; and that the points 4, &, 6, from which the visible portions of the curves of the farther side are drawn, are also at the corners of an equilateral triangle, one diagonal space distant from the front corners. Fig. 33 shows the same trefoil as Fig. 32, but it is here cut into and through a cylindrical plank four inches in thickness, and thirty-six inches in diameter. Observe that a and b are the central points for describing the outlines of the cylinder. Fig. 34. Here we have a quarterfoil of the same dimen- sions as in Fig. 28, but here placed within a cylinder of the same dimensions as that shown in Fig. 27. Observe that the central point of the frOnt end of the cylinder is tj and that from this point, with a radius of eleven inches, we de- scribe a circle which touches the convex front edges of the quarterfoil; from the same point t, but with a radius two inches greater, we describe another circle ; and thus get the front face of the cylinder. In this manner the inclosing CABINET PERSPECTIVE CURVILINEAR SOLIDS. 123 cylinder should first be drawn; then the four central points, a, , the point opposite to 5 is seen at 6; the point opposite to 7 is seen at #, etc. all in the direction of diagonals. The farther face of this solid triangle, being also in a vertical position, must measure the same as the front face. Fig. 38 is the same in form and measurement as the pre- ceding figure, but inverted in position. We here see the base, 1 2 10 9, quite fully, but no portion of the sides. Fig. 39 is a curvilinear quadrangular solid, supposed to be placed with the front side in a vertical position. It. measures thirty-four inches between the opposite angles as from 1 to 2 and from 3 to 4, and is four inches in thick- ness. The curvilinear sides of the front surface are described with a radius of six diagonals, or about seventeen inches, from the four angles of an erect square ; and the curvilinear sides of the farther face are described from the four angles of another erect square of the same size, whose corners are one diagonal space from the corners of the first-mentioned square. Observe that no part of the lower left-hand side or edge of the solid is visible ; but the dotted line, s ?, shows its position on the farther face of the solid. Fig. 40 is the same curvilinear solid that is represented in the preceding figure, but the sides of the front face are here described from the four angles of a diagonal square. The * The exact lengths of the lines a 7 and 1 9 can be found, inasmuch as each forms the hypothenuse of a right-angled triangle, which the ruling on the paper will show. In calculating their lengths, it will he found that a 7 is a little more than twenty-eight inches long, and that 1 9 is a mere frac- tion less than seventeen inches. 126 INDUSTRIAL DRAWING. [BOOK NO. III. points for describing the curves of the farther edges are f 9 A, #, and d, which are each one diagonal space from the other points. Fig. 41 is a solid semicircular and rectangular architect- ural band, the front vertical face of which is two inches in width, and the thickness or depth of which is four inches. Taking the curvilinear section A, it will be seen that the two curves of the front face are described from the point #, with a radius of three and of four inches ; and that the two curves of the farther face (a part only of each being visible) are described from the point 4, one diagonal space from #, with the same radii as the front curves. The points 5 and 6 are, in like manner, the centres for describing the curves of the section J5. The points for the other curves are also given. The front face is shaded with a light wash of India ink, and the other parts by darker washes and the pencil. PROBLEMS FOR PRACTICE. 1. Draw the leaf forms B, (7, and D at short distances apart, but in their present relative positions, and give to each a thickness of eight inches. 'Shade them as in Fig. 3G. 2. Draw Fig. 37 of the same dimensions as described ; but let the cen- tral line, a 7, be in a horizontal position, twenty-eight inches in length tue point 7 being at the right hand. 3. Draw Fig. 38 of the same dimensions as Fig. 37, but having the cen- tral line, 4 5, m a horizontal position the point 5 being at the left hand. 4. Draw an erect square frame of forty inches to a side, in the clear that is, having a clear measure of forty inches on the inside ; let the depth be eight inches, and the thickness of the material one inch. Within this frame place a solid similar to Fig. 39, having its curvilinear sides described from the inner corners of the frame with a radius of twenty inches ; and let the solid also be eight inches in thickness. Shade the frame and the inclosed solid properly. Blackboard Exercises. Fig. 41, as much of it as can be put on the board, and problem 4. PAGE SIX. SCALE OF TWO INCHES TO A SPACE. Fig. 42 represents five quarter-sections of the rims of wheels, the front faces or edges of which are all in the same vertical plane, fronting the spectator. If the rims were en- tire, they would represent what is called a nest, lying one CABIXET PERSPECTIVE CURVILINEAR SOLIDS. 127 within another. As the front edges all lie in the same plane, they are all described from the same centre, a, each rim being made two inches in thickness. The farther edges of the rim are likewise in one and the same plane ; and as the rims are four inches wide, they must be described from a point, , one diagonal space from a. The lines crossing the front edges of the rims all radiate from the point a. Fig. 43 represents the side walls of a beveled tub, whose vertical height, when placed on its bottom, is sixteen inches ; extreme diameter across the top, twenty-eight inches ; and extreme diameter across the bottom, forty inches. The top of the tub being supposed to be in a vertical plane fronting the spectator, and c being its central point, the outer circle of the top is described from c, with a radius, c #, of fourteen inches ; while the inner circle is described with the radius, c g, of twelve inches. Now, as the tub is to be sixteen inches in extreme height (or depth), we take the point x, four diagonal spaces from c; and the point x is then the central point of the bottom of the tub. Hence, with x as a centre, and with a radius, x b, of twenty inches, we describe a circle for the outer circum- ference of the bottom of the tub, thus making its diameter forty inches. With a radius two inches less, we describe from x the circle for the inner circumference of the bottom of the tub, which gives us the visible part, dsf, of this inner circumference of the bottom. The lines r p and m n are drawn tangent to (that is, touching) the outer circumfer- ence of the top of the tub, and the outer circumference of the bottom of the tub. Suppose, now, that we wish to put circumference lines around the tub, and passing through certain points, , 4, and 6, of the surface. In the same proportions that the line i k is divided by the points , 4, and 6>, divide the axis line c x by the points .?, , and 5 ; then, with one point of the compasses in the point 1, and the other extended to the point 2, describe the first curve ; with one point in < describe the second curve ; with one point in 5, and the other in 6, describe the third curve. The visible portion of the inside of the tub is viewed so obliquely that 128 INDUSTRIAL DRAWING. [BOOK NO. III. its widest portion, t s, is hardly one third of the apparent extent of i k / although both are, in reality, of the same ex- tent. This figure should be viewed from above, and on the right, through the partly closed hand, when the effect will be very striking. Fig. 44 represents nine cylinders, each fourteen inches in extreme diameter, four inches in depth, and walls one inch in thickness, placed in three rows forming a square, so that the cylinders touch one another. Fig. 45 represents one of the stones from a carved mould- ing. It measures thirty-eight inches in height, twenty-six inches in breadth, and twenty-four inches in thickness as measured any where diagonally. In making a working drawing of such a figure, certain measurements can be given definitely for directions to the stone-cutter as the height, the breadth, the distance from b to 11, from 11 to 9, from 9 to d; the size of the semicircle described from c, etc. ; and all these measurements will appear accurately in the drawing. Then the curve, 3 5 7 d, may be drawn so as best to please the eye. Having this drawn, the corresponding curve on the opposite side must be draw r n, in all its parts, at a diagonal distance from the first curve representing twenty-four inches. Thus all the diagonal lines, such as 5 6, 7 8, etc., that can be drawn across the face of the carving, must measure pre- cisely the same as the lines c x, 3 4, 9 10, 11 12, etc. ; for all alike measure the thickness of the stone. Fig. 46 is a conventional heart-shaped solid, sometimes used in architectural ornamentation. The points a and b being taken vertically above c and d, a suitable distance, according to judgment, the face of one half of the figure must be drawn by the guidance of the eye alone, but making the width of the face the same through- out, except where it varies slightly at or near the two ex- tremities. It will then be easy to make the face of the oth- er half symmetrical with it, according to directions given in Book No. II. Then, if the thickness of the ornament is to be four inches, or one diagonal, the diagonal width of the drawing is determined in the same manner as in the pre- ceding figure. CABINET PERSPECTIVE CUBVILIXEAE SOLIDS. 129 PROBLEMS FOB PBACTICE. 1 . Draw five quarter-sections of the rims of wheels, similar in all re- spects to those in Fig. 42, but placed in the upper right-hand quarter of the circle. 2. Draw the outlines of a bottomless tub similar to Fig. 43, but of the fol- lowing dimensions. Extreme upper (front) diameter, twenty-four inches ; vertical height, measured on the axis of the tub, twenty-four inches ; ex- treme diameter of bottom of tub, thirty-four inches ; thickness of walls, one inch. Blackboard Exercises. The foregoing problems. PAGE SEVEN. SCALE OF TWO INCHES TO A SPACE. Fig. 47 represents a cubical block, twenty -eight inches square, having semicircular grooves of four inches' radius running diagonally through the centres of its upper, lower, and right and left hand sides, with a circular aperture of four inches' radius running from the front face diagonally through the centre of the block. Observe that the centres a, #, c, d, . Now it would be difficult to ascertain whether JEis high- er than D or not, if we did not know, ovfind out, the height of the box-like frame-work on which the flooring, E, rests, and likewise its projection beyond the sides of the frame. The size of this frame-work is sixteen feet square ; and the floor, here represented as six inches in thickness, projects one foot on all sides, except toward Z>, where there is no projection. The frame-work (without the floor) rises four feet above the corners 5 and 7, and six feet above the corner 6. Hence the upper corners of the frame-work would be seen at the points 1 and #, the former four feet vertically above 5, and the latter six feet vertically above 6; and the other corners at the points 3 and J h at the intersections of the 148 INDUSTRIAL DBA WING. [BOOK NO. IV. dotted lines. Now if we connect these four points, as shoxvn in the drawing, we have the outlines of the top of the frame- work. We have now to put a floor six inches thick on the top of this frame-work, and projecting one foot beyond all its sides except toward D. If we extend 4 1 one half a diag- onal space, that is, one foot, to o, the latter point will be the lower left-hand corner of the projecting floor ; and the point 7i, six inches above it, will be the upper left-hand corner of the floor. Extend the side lines of the top of the frame one foot beyond their intersections at 2 and 5, and we shall have points through which the lower side lines of the projecting floor w r ill pass, to make the other lower visible corners t and v. Draw from t and v lines six inches vertically upward, and we shall have the upper right-hand corners of this pro- jecting floor. In order to see fully the truth of this de- scription, it would be well, first, to draw the outlines of the top of the frame lightly, without the flooring, E, and after- ward to put on the flooring. As it requires eight steps, of six inches each, to rise from the platform I to Z>, D is four feet above I; and as the frame-work of E\$ four feet high above the level of the cor- ner 5, and as on this frame-work is placed a flooring six inches thick, it follows that D is six inches below E. The farther end of D is even with the farther side of the frame- work of E. The posts a and b are flush, on both their outer sides, with the corners of the frame-work above which they are placed ; the posts d and r are flush with the right-hand side of the frame-work, and consequently are one foot from the right- hand edge of the flooring ; while the posts p and c are flush with the front and rear sides of the frame-work, and are one foot each from the front and rear edges of the flooring. The posts on the platform E are three feet high above the floor. The posts on the platform D are also three feet high ; but on the latter posts is a rail six inches thick, so that the top of the rail is even with the top of the railing ofM CABINET PERSPECTIVE MISCELLANEOUS. 149 At C are the outline walls of a building, the outer walls being two feet in thickness. At L is seen the opening into a pit, extending downward below the flooring. Observe that the window openings in the frame of E are the same in relative position, number, size, etc., on the right- hand side as on the front, and that there is the same real width of window-sill represented on the right-hand side as on the front. To master the drawing of the platforms in Fig. 8 with the projection of E on three sides, and no projection to- ward D with the arrangement of the posts, etc., the whole should be drawn on a larger scale. PROBLEM FOR PRACTICE. Draw a figure similar to Fig. 8, but with the following measures : Let the frame on which the flooring of E rests be twenty-seven feet square. Height of frame from corners 5 and 7 six feet, and from corner 6 eight feet. On this frame place a floor one foot in thickness, and one foot projec- tion on all sides except toward Z>, where there is to be no projection. Posts of platform E four feet high above floor, six by twelve inches in size, and arranged as in Fig. 8. Platforms I and F six feet wide. Platform Z>, and steps ascending to it, eight feet wide ; and a sufficient number of steps, each six inches' rise and twelve inches' tread, for D to be six inches below E. Top of railing of D to be even with top of railing of E. Let there be four window openings, or recesses, in front, and the same number on side of E, each three feet wide and four feet high, a foot and a half from the top of the frame ; and let the depth of the recesses be one foot. These window openings to have three feet space between them, and those nearest the corners to be three feet from corners. In other respects make the structure similar to Fig. 8, omitting (7. III. CYLINDRICAL OBJECTS IN VERTICAL POSITIONS. The representations of circles, wheels, cylinders, etc., in cabinet perspective, have thus far been made on the suppo- sition that the axes of the cylinders, etc., lie in a horizontal position, although placed diagonally with reference to the point from which the view is taken ; and the vertical cylin- drical ends have been drawn perfect circles, as though they 150 INDUSTRIAL DRAWING. [BOOK NO. IY. were directly in front of the spectator. This is the case with all the cylindrical objects represented in Book No. III. Thus, referring to the cabinet cube for illustration, we have hitherto represented the circle as drawn on the front ver- tical face of the cube. But if the circle were to be drawn on the obliquely viewed top or side of the cube, the circle would have the form of a particular kind of ellipse* as the follow- ing illustration will show. I. ELLIPSES ON DIAGONAL BASES. PAGE POUR. SCALE OF TWO INCHES TO A SPACE. [N. B. The description of Fig. 9 should be read over, but the figure need not be drawn.] Fig. 9. We have here drawn a cabinet cube of twenty spaces (forty inches) to the side, the nearer vertical face of the cube fronting the spectator ; and on this front face of the cube we have described a circle touching the centres of the four sides of the square. As this circle is drawn with a radius of ten spaces, the circumference will pass through the intersections of the ruled lines of the paper marked 2, 4-, 8, 10, 14, 16, and 20, 22, in addition to the points 0, 6, 12, and 18, making twelve points in the intersections of the ruled lines through which it will pass.f On the top, and also on the right-hand side of the cube, we have also represented a circle of the same size as that in front the circumference ia each case touching the centres of the four sides of the aiagonal square within which it is drawn, and also pass- ' ng through the corresponding points 2, 4, 8, 10, IJf., 16, and 20, 22. The representations on the top and right-hand side of the cube are ellipses and a sufficient number of points in their curves may be known to enable one to draw the curves with great accuracy. Thus, take the construction of the upper ellipse for illus- * An ellipse is an oval or oblong figure, which corresponds to an oblique view of a circle. t A circle drawn with a radius of 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, or 30 spaces, etc.. will pass through twelve points in the intersections of the ruled lines. This is susceptible of geometrical proof. CABINET PERSPECTIVE MISCELLANEOUS. 151 tration : First, rule the upper surface of the cube to corre- spond to the ruling on the front face. Then all the lines, and their intersections, on the upper surface, will correspond to those on the front face. Mark any required number of points on the front face, through which the circle passes, and mark the corresponding points on the upper surface, and then through these latter points draw the ellipse, and it will correspond to the circle. Thus, if the ellipses be accurately drawn, they will pass through the points 2, 4, 8, 10, 14, 16, 0, 22, etc., of the top and right-hand side of the cube. More points may be taken, if required, and thus the ellipses may be drawn quite accurately by hand. This mode must give an accurate cabinet representation of a cir- cle drawn on the top and side of a cube. View the whole figure through the opening of the partly closed hand for a half- minute or so, and the ellipses will gradually appear as perfect circles. But the two side curves of each of these ellipses may be quite accurately drawn in the following easy manner. Sup- pose we wish to draw the ellipse in the cabinet square B C F E. Place one point of the compasses in the point B, and extend the other to the point a, the centre of the opposite long side ; and with the compasses thus extended strike a curve across B F, the diagonal of the square, and dot the point b. Then, with one point of the compasses in F) and with the same stretch, dot the point d, corresponding to b. With the compasses still spread as before, first with the point at a;, and afterward at a, strike the curves inter- secting on the right at m. Then, with one point of the compasses in m, strike the side curve a a; of the ellipse. It may be prolonged in the direction of a to 7. Then, with the points of the compasses respectively in 18 and 12, the centres of the other two sides, with the same stretch as be- fore, strike the curves that intersect at n; and from n as a centre describe the other side curve 12 18, prolonging the curve to about the point 19. Half the distance from d to B will give the point 21 of the ellipse, on the diagonal ; and half the distance from b to J^will give the correspond- ing point 9. The diagonal distance from 9 to 21 is also 152 INDUSTRIAL DRAWING. [BOOK NO. IY. equal to the distance from B to a the distance first laid off on the compasses. In a similar manner the side curves of the upper ellipse may be described, by laying off the same distance as be- fore, from B to o, and describing the intersecting curves from x and o, etc. This method will give a dose approxi- mation to the true side curves. The ei.d curves of the ellipse should be drawn by the eye, after first marking the points of the curve on the diagonal, as before directed. Fig. 9 should be referred to as a guide for drawing the forms of all similar end curves in ellipses thus situated ; but yet it will seldom be necessary, and not often desirable, to draw cabinet ellipses in those positions. It will generally be found most convenient to draw the curves either in the positions and in the manner shown in Book No. III., or after the following plan. II. ELLIPSES ON RECTANGULAR BASES. Fig. 10. Suppose that the cube, Fig. 9, should be so viewed that neither the right-hand side nor the left-hand side could be seen at all, but that the top of the cube should appear directly above the front face, and of the same width as in Fig. 9. The whole would then be seen as in Fig. 10, in which the front face is the same in all respects as in Fig. 9 ; and the top has the same width, 12, as o A in Fig. 9 but the right-hand side of the cube is not visible. Now the top of the cube, supposed to be viewed from an infinite distance, is rectangular; and it is of the same length, from left to right, as the front face ; and its apparent width, 12, is just half the width or height of the front face. Hence the top or upper side, A B C D, as thus viewed, has a length twice its width ; and the circle that should be drawn on the top of a cube thus viewed would show as a perfect el- lipse, whose lesser* diameter, 12, is just one half the length of the greater* diameter, 6 18. This ellipse, representing a circle forming the end of a * The lesser diameter of an ellipse is called its conjugate diameter, and the greater is called its transverse diameter. CABINET rEr.SPECTIYE [MISCELLANEOUS. 153 vertical cylinder, may be drawn after the manner first indi- cated in Fig. 9, by dotting points to correspond, in relative position, to the points marked on the circle below. The el- lipse is here drawn in this manner, by dotting the points, and then drawing the curve through them by hand. All the points in the ellipse that are accurately marked in this way must be correct. As the circle, described with a ra- dius often spaces, passes through the twelve points 0, 2,4, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, so must the ellipse above it, if accu- rately drawn, pass through the corresponding twelve points, numbered in like manner. Side Curves. But the side curves, at least, of this and of all similar ellipses, may be very accurately drawn by the compasses in the following manner. Place one point of the compasses in A, and extend the other to 6, the middle of right-hand side of the cabinet square A B C D (or place in .Z> and extend to 18) ; then, still continuing the point in A, with the other point strike the central vertical line, 12 prolonged, in 10. Then, with one point of the compasses in ic, and the other extended to 12 above, describe the curve 9 12 15. Then, with one point in C, and the other extended to 18 (half way between A and D), strike the line 12 pro- longed above 12, for the point on the opposite side to cor- respond to the point w ; from which point, thus found, and with the other point of the compasses extended to 0, de- scribe the curve 3 21. The two side curves will thus be drawn very accurately. End Curves. The end curves may be best drawn by hand, in the following manner, by the aid of guide circles. Thus : On the line 6 18 take any point, v, so that v 6 shall be equal to v 9, and from v describe a circle passing through the points 9,6,3: this circle will then serve as a guide for drawing the end curve of the ellipse, which must pass a lit- tle within the circle, and at the same time be a natural and graceful continuation of the side curves. The other end curve is drawn in a similar manner. Note. The representation given in Fig. 10 may be called upper vertical rectangular perspective. But if the spectator were horizontally to the rifjht G2 154 INDUSTRIAL DRAWING. [BOOK XO. IV. of the centre of the front circle, at the proper distance, he would not see the top of the cube, but the right-hand side would be visible ; and on that side might be described an ellipse like the one now seen at the top of Fig. 1 ; only the longest diameter of the ellipse would then be in a vertical position. This might be called right horizontal rectangular perspective. In the same manner, if the spectator were horizontally to the left of the centre of the front circle, the left side of the cube might be seen, and on that side might be described an ellipse, and this might be called left horizontal rectangular perspective. In the same way the spectator might be supposed to be ver- tically below the centre of the front circle, so as to see the lower side of the cube, on which might be described an ellipse. But this latter would be a position so unusual that we would not recommend objects to be thus drawn. The ellipse is drawn in precisely the same manner in the several positions here mentioned. The position of the horizontal cylinder in Fig. 13 is different, as regards the spectator, from any of the positions above described, but the Eule on the next page applies equally to all of them ; and even this does not differ in principle from the general rule (ELEMENTARY RULE, p. 85) as applicable to all drawings in cabinet perspective. Fig. 11. Iii this figure we have drawn the ellipse within the cabinet square A J3 C _Z), in all respects like the ellipse of Fig. 10. The point y is the point from which we de- scribe, with the compasses, the curve 3 w 21 ; and from the point z we describe the curve 9 12 15. These points are found in the same manner as the corresponding points for describing the ellipse of Fig. 10. Suppose this ellipse to be the upper horizontal end of a vertical solid cylinder forty inches in diameter. The distances w 12 and E F therefore alike represent forty inches. Suppose the cylin- der to be ten inches in height, and that we wish to draw the outline of the visible side of it toward the spectator. The cylinder will then extend downward from E, w, and F^ five spaces, to ./>, r, and C. ED and F C will then be the vertical side lines of the cylinder; and through the points J9, r, and C must be drawn the half of an ellipse correspond- ing in all respects to the curve E w F. As the rectangle A B C D represents the square inclosing the top of the cylinder, so the rectangle E F Gr H represents the square embracing the bottom of the cylinder; and if we describe a cabinet ellipse within this lower cabinet square, it will give the outlines of the bottom of the cylinder. Therefore CABINET PERSPECTIVE MISCELLANEOUS. 155 we describe an ellipse within the square E F G H, in the same manner that we described the ellipse within the square ABCD. The visible portion, C r D, of this ellipse, whose side curve is described from the point p, we have drawn with a firm line ; the other portion, Z> t C, which would be invisible unless the cylinder were transparent, we have drawn with a slightly dotted line. Fig. 12. Here the solid cylinder, the method of drawing which has been fully described in Figs. 10 and 11, is shown as completed and shaded. Any vertical cylinder, of any given dimensions, may be easily drawn by the method here described, and with such accuracy that all its parts may be readily measured. Let it be observed that as the rectangle A B C D of Fig. 10 corresponds to the rhombus A B C D of Fig. 9, therefore the line C B of Fig. 10 measures the same (in cabinet perspective) as the diagonal line C B of Fig. 9; and 12 and D A of Fig. 10 the same as 12 and D A of Fig. 9, etc. Therefore we have the follow- ing rule for representing objects in rectangular cabinet per- spective : RULE. When, in drawing objects in RECTANGULAR cabinet perspective, a diagonal space is changed to a vertical space, the latter, when thus used to represent a horizontal distance, has the same measure as the former. Fig. 13. The upper part of this figure is drawn on the plan of Fig. 10 and Fig. 12. The lower part is a horizontal cylinder whose end directly fronts the spectator. Observe that the length of the horizontal cylinder, as measured from 1 to 2, is sixteen inches ; length of the short vertical cylin- der only four inches. PROBLEMS FOR PRACTICE. 1. Draw a vertical solid cylinder after the plan of Fig. 12, whose diame- ter shall be thirty-six inches, and whose -axis, or length, shall be eighteen inches. 2. Draw a horizontal cylinder whose diameter shall be twenty inches, and length twenty-four inches, with one end directly fronting the spectator, as in Fig. 13 ; and at the farther end of this cylinder, and starting even with the top of it, draw a vertical cylinder of the same dimensions as the 156 INDUSTRIAL DRAWING. [BOOK NO. IV. horizontal cylinder. The horizontal cylinder is to project forward from the front vertical side of a cube twenty inches square; and the vertical cylinder is to rise from the upper side of the same cube. 3. Draw a cube twenty-four inches square, in right horizontal rectangular perspective. Centrally placed on the right-hand side of it, extend out horizontally to the right another cube sixteen inches square ; and on the right-hand side of .this draw a horizontal cylinder twelve inches in length and sixteen inches in diameter. Shade all the front surfaces light, and the right-hand side surfaces dark. Then view the drawing as directed on page 50, except that the eye of the spectator should be centrally to the right of it. Also place the length vertically, and view it in that position until it seems to stand out boldly from the paper. PAGE FIVE. SCALE OF TWO INCHES TO A SPACE. Fig. 14. It is required to make a drawing of the top of a hollow vertical cylinder eighty inches in extreme diame- ter, and whose sides are eight inches in thickness. 1st. Let A B C D be a rectangular cabinet square of eighty inches to a side. Within it describe an ellipse touching the centres of its four sides, after the manner shown in Figs. 10 and 11. Here w will be the point for describing the side curve 112; and x for describing the other side curve 8 i 4; while t and s are the points for de- scribing the guiding circles for the outer end curves. 2d. Now, as the walls of this hollow cylinder are to be eight inches thick, the inner circle that bounds the walls on the inside must be eight inches within the outer circle; so we take o r, k I, v p, and ij, each eight inches within the ellipse first drawn, and complete the rectangular cabinet square E F G II eight inches, on all sides, within the outer square. Within this smaller square describe an ellipse touching the centres of its four sides, and we shall have the outlines of the top of the hollow cylinder, as required. 3d. This inner ellipse is drawn in all respects like the outer one. Thus y and z, found as before shown, are the points from which its side curves are described; and m and n are the points from which the guiding circles for drawing the ends of the ellipse are described. 4th. Observe that the walls of the cylinder appear the thinnest at the points ij and k I, and that at the points o r and v p they appear to be double the thickness of ij and k /, CABINET PERSPECTIVE MISCELLANEOUS. 157 as they would naturally appear when viewed from the given point above and in front of the cylinder. Fig. 15. It is required to make a drawing of a thin flat ring, forty - eight inches in diameter and four inches in width. 1st. Take the horizontal line A B, of twenty-four spaces, representing forty-eight inches, and on it construct the rect- angular cabinet square A JB C D. A D or JB C will then represent forty-eight inches also. 2d. Describe the ellipse 1234 within this square, and touching the centres of its four sides. This ellipse w r ill represent the top circle of the ring. The central line, 4 , must be extended upward, so as to get the point from which the lower side curve is to be described. 3d. As the bottom circle of the ring is four inches below the top circle, it is to be described within a square four inches below the square which contains the top circle. Therefore lay on a second square, E F G- J7, four inches below the top square, and within it describe the ellipse 5678, touching the centres of its four sides at the points 5, 6, 7, 8. The outlines of the drawing, which may now be shaded, will thus be completed. 4th. Notice that 1 5 and 3 7 are straight vertical lines, representing the width of the ring, four inches; and that the curve 9 6 10 would touch the points 5 and 7 if it could be seen throughout. 5th. Observe that this ring is drawn as having no appar- ent or measurable thickness. Fig. 16. It is required to make a drawing of a ring forty- eight inches in diameter, four inches in width (or height, as here viewed), and four inches in thickness. 1st. Draw the cabinet square, A. IB C D, of the requisite dimensions, and within it describe the ellipse, 1 2 3 4> for the upper outer circumference of the ring. 2d. Take the cabinet square, EFGr H, also of forty-eight inches to a side, four inches below the first-mentioned square, and within it draw an ellipse in all respects like the ellipse 5 6 7 8 of Fig. 15, with the exception that only the front half of the ellipse in Fig. 16, as denoted by the figures , 8, 7, 158 INDUSTRIAL DRAWING. [BOOK NO. IV. is visible; the farther half being concealed by the thickness of the ring. 3d. In order to get the lateral thickness of the ring, take a cabinet square, I J I X, four inches within the square A BCD, and describe the ellipse, 9 10 11 1#, touching the centres of the four sides of this inner square. The thickness of the ring, as seen on its upper horizontal edge, will then be represented by the space between the two ellipses 1234 and 9 10 11 12. 4th. It now remains to describe the visible portion of the lower inner circle of the ring. As this must be drawn four inches below the upper inner circle, take the cabinet square, U V W JT, four inches below the square I J K X, and within it describe an ellipse touching the centres of its sides. Of this ellipse, a little less than the farther half, op r, will be visible. Observe the quadrangle (four sided figure) at each corner of the drawing. The two outer corners of each of the four quadrangles are the corners of the two cabinet squares within which the two outer ellipses are drawn ; and the two inner corners are the corners of the two squares within which the two inner ellipses are drawn. Similar quadran- gles may be found in the drawings of all cylinders on a rectangular basis ; and these quadrangles are excellent guides for the formation of the squares within which the several ellipses are to be drawn. Observe that, in all simi- lar drawings of hollow cylinders, the distance A E, or B F, or C 6r, or D H, represents the height of the cylinder. The four ellipses described in this figure, representing the four circles that form the outlines of the real hollow cylinder, are all the guides that are required to draw any hollow cylinder, of any definite .height, diameter, and thick- ness of walls, in the vertical position represented by a rect- angular cabinet square, as distinguished from a diagonal cabinet square. A little practice will enable one to draw these ellipses with great facility, while the ruling of the drawing-paper insures accuracy. These four ellipses an- swer to the four circles used in drawing a hollow cylinder in diagonal cabinet perspective. CABINET PERSPECTIVE MISCELLANEOUS. 159 Fig. 17 is the same in outline as Fig. 16, but is here shaded, the better to show the effect. Observe the four corner quadrangles, which are here retained as guides for the four cabinet squares within which the ellipses are to be drawn. The points from which the upper side curves are drawn are below the border of the page. Observe that the point 1 is the centre of the upper two squares and ellipses; and that the point 2 is the centre of the lower two squares and el- lipses ; while the line 1 2 represents the axis of the short cylinder or ring. Fig. 18 represents the same ring as in Fig. 17, but with a portion of the front of the ring cut out vertically, and at right angles to its inner and outer surfaces. PROBLEMS FOR PRACTICE. 1. Draw a vertical hollow cylinder whose extreme diameter shall be fifty-two inches ; length of axis (height of cylinder), twenty inches, and thickness of walls, six inches. 2. Draw two hollow cylinders after the plan of Fig. 13, page 4. Let each of the cylinders be thirty-two inches in diameter, sixteen inches in length, and the walls four inches in thickness. Remember that it is to be drawn on a scale of "two inches to a space." This measure applies to both ver- tical and horizontal lines on the front end of the horizontal cylinder, while it means four inches to a space on lines representing horizontal lines run- ning directly from the spectator. Thus, in Fig. 13, each of the lines 1 3, and 4 $i an( i 8 9 measures twelve inches ; and 2 6 measures four inches ; but G 7 measures twelve inches, and 1 2 measures sixteen inches. PAGE SIX. SCALE OF TWO INCHES TO A SPACE. Fig. 19. It is required to draw, in rectangular cabinet per- spective, a hollow vertical cylinder, forty inches in extreme diameter, fourteen inches in height, the walls four inches thick, and to be encompassed by three bands, each two inches wide, one even with the top, one even with the bot- tom, and the third intermediate between the other two. 1st. Draw the hollow cylinder after the manner described in preceding figures. Referring to Fig. 19, let the pupil ob- serve that it is the cabinet square A J3 C D that incloses the top of the cylinder, and the square E F ' G JET that in- closes the bottom. Hence E and .F are fourteen inches vertically below A and 7?, and H and G are fourteen inches 160 INDUSTRIAL DBA WING. [BOOK NO. IV. vertically below D and C, thus measuring two inches to a vertical space. And yet, when the line A D is taken as the short visible side of a rectangular cabinet square, and is con- sidered as running horizontally from the spectator, being what is called fore-shortened, it is measured as four inches to a space, making the line forty inches in length. This principle must be kept carefully in mind, being equivalent to the principle of the measurement of "diagonal spaces" in Books No. II. and No. III. 2d. To describe the encircling bands. The principle is the same as explained in describing them in diagonal cabinet perspective; but we will show the application here in detail. As w is the point from which, with the distance w 4> we describe the upper and outer side curve embraced in 1 4 8, so, to describe the side curve of the lower side of the first band, we move the point of the compasses one space (two inches) downward, from w to r, and with the same stretch of the compasses as before describe the curve. Then, as the next band is four inches (two spaces) lower, we move the point of the compasses two spaces (four inches) down- ward, from r to s, and describe the upper side curve of the second band. So continue until all the bands are drawn. The end portions of the curves are drawn without the com- passes, each to its given point on the side lines 1 5 and 3 7. We have also described six curves (portions of ellipses) on the visible inner side of the cylinder, between m and 9 9 the better to show the curvature of the inner side of the cylinder. These curves are two inches apart; and the up- per and the lower one are each two inches from the top and bottom inner curves of the cylinder. These curves are the same in form (so far as seen) as the upper curve I m n; and as the side portion of I m n is described from the point z, so, to describe the side portions of these six curves, carry the point of the compasses, at each remove, one space (two inches) downward below z. Fig. 20 is the same cylinder as represented in Fig. 19, but is here drawn in diagonal cabinet perspective, after the manner shown in Book No. III. Observe that both cylin- ders measure the same, according to the principles of meas- CABINET PERSPECTIVE MISCELLANEOUS. 161 urement applicable to each. Observe, also, that the two cabinet squares, AB CD, E F G II, of Fig. 20, correspond to the similarly lettered cabinet squares of Fig. 19. Fig. 21. It is required to draw a horizontal wheel of the following dimensions in rectangular cabinet perspective: Wheel to be fifty-six inches in extreme diameter; horizontal thickness of rim, four inches ; width of rim (or height, as it lies horizontally), two inches ; a hub at the centre six- teen inches in extreme diameter, same vertical thickness as the width of the rim, and with a central eight-inch circular opening through it for the axle. There are to be eight spokes between the hub and rim, each four inches in hori- zontal thickness, and same vertical width as the rim, radia- ting from the centre of the hub, and at equal distances apart. 1st. Draw the upper and lower ellipses which form the boundaries of the rim in the manner described for drawing hollow cylinders in preceding figures. 2d. Draw the boundaries of the hub in the same manner. 3d. From the centre, q, with a radius of twenty-eight inches, describe a circle passing through the extreme points o and t of the wheel. Mark the points w, s,>, and n for the diagonals of the circle ; then these points, together with the centrally dividing points m, t, r, and o, will divide the circle into eight equal parts. From each of the eight given points, beginning at m and moving to the left around the circle, lay off with the compasses any required distance, as m 1 and n 2, and mark accordingly the points 1, 2, 3, 4-> etc., for the positions in the wheel in which the spokes are to be rep- resented. Then, as the spokes are to be each four inches in horizontal thickness, take with the compasses a width of two spaces, and lay off that distance on the circle from the points /, 2, 3, 4, 5, etc., and we shall have the distances 1 x, 2 y, S 2, 4 -10, etc., to represent the horizontal thickness of the spokes. From the given points draw the dotted lines per- pendicularly toward the horizontally dividing line o t, and from the points where any pair of these dotted lines strike the outer upper ellipse of the wheel, draw lines to the corre- sponding opposite points of the ellipse, and the apparent upper surface width of the spokes will be given. Observe that the 162 INDUSTRIAL DRAWING. [BOOK NO. IV. nearer these spokes approach, in lengthwise position, a line running directly from the spectator, the wider their upper surfaces appear, and the narrower their side views appear. To get the apparent vertical thickness of the spokes, and the lines of their junction with the inside of the rim and the outside of the hub, we have only to draw lines vertically downward from the points where the upper lines of the spokes intersect the ellipses of the rim and hub, and then draw the lower lines of the spokes as shown in the drawing. The same result would be attained by supposing the spokes to extend through the rim, as shown by the dotted lines. Fig. 22 is another illustration of the principles of dividing the ellipse into any number of equal parts, as set forth in Fig. 21. It is required to make a drawing of a vertical tub, of the following dimensions, in rectangular cabinet perspective: The tub is to be twelve inches in outside height; forty inches in extreme diameter ; having a bottom one inch thick from the level of the chimes below ; its sides to be vertical, and composed of twenty-four staves of uniform width, and two inches thick; and the tub is to be encompassed by two hoops, each two inches wide, the upper one one inch from the top of the tub, and the other even with the bottom. 1st. Draw the hollow cylinder for the walls of the tub the same as in preceding figures, with the exception of the inside lower ellipse. 2d. Describe the semicircle, 6 6, and with the compasses divide it into twelve equal parts. This is easiest done by commencing at 0, and dividing each quarter as from to 8, then from 3 to 6, etc. into three equal parts. This will give the corresponding points, 1, 2, 3, 4, & 9 6-> o n each side of 0. From these points draw dotted lines vertically down- ward until they intersect the outer upper ellipse ; also sup- pose these dotted lines to be extended until they intersect the nearer half of this outer upper ellipse. These twenty- four points of intersection with the outer ellipse will be the points of division for the apparent outer surface width of the twenty-four staves. 3d. The top dividing lines of these staves must all be di- CABINET PERSPECTIVE MISCELLANEOUS. 163 rected toward the centre, equal to m 7y but as the line 4 5 extends downward to- ward the spectator, and is in reality longer than m 7, it must appear so in the drawing. The point 5 (when accu- rately found) must be in the middle point of the farther side of the cabinet square which bounds the ellipse that 168 INDUSTRIAL DRAWING. [BOOK NO. IV. limits the false bottom of the tub, and which ellipse has 7 for its centre. To obtain, with accuracy, the point 5, and the square within which this ellipse is to be drawn, draw the horizontal line from 7 toward 10, and it will intersect a line drawn from 9 to z at a point a. The distance, 7 a, will then be one half of the longer diameter of the ellipse which bounds this false bottom of the tub ; and if 7 a be twenty inches, we must so place the point 5 that the horizontal dis- tance, 7 5, shall also be twenty inches. We may thus eas- ily construct the square within which the ellipse must be drawn. Centrally within the ellipse mark out the opening, twelve inches square, and give to the false bottom, on its farther side, a depth or thickness of one inch. Vth. The divisions showing the apparent width of the staves are obtained in the same manner as in Fio-. 23. O Fig. 25. It is required to draw an octagonal tub (of eight equal sides), having an extreme upper diameter of forty- eight inches, a vertical height of twelve inches, a lower ex- treme diameter of forty inches, the sides two inches in thick- ness, and the whole resting on a two-inch thick octagonal bottom that projects two inches beyond the sides. 1st. Mark off the square, A B C D, of forty-eight inches to a side ; and within it, and touching the centres of its four sides, draw lightly an ellipse, of which ij k is the far- ther half. As the central vertical line j n (vertical as seen on the paper, although it represents a horizontal line), the central horizontal line i /, and the two diagonals A C and B Z>, divide the circle represented by this ellipse into eight equal parts, so the intersections of these lines with the el- lipse give us the eight corners of an octagon. Connect the points or corners thus found, and two inches within this octagon draw another in like manner, and we shall have rep- resented the thickness of the walls of the octagon. This inner octagon may be drawn without first drawing its el- lipse, simply by drawing its lines parallel to the surround- ing octagon, and two inches within it. 2d. From m, the centre of the two ellipses and of the oc- tagon just described, measure twelve inches vertically down- ward to n. Take n 2 and n 3, each twenty inches, and on 2 3, CABINET PERSPECTIVE. MISCELLANEOUS. 169 as the central horizontal line, mark off the cabinet square E F G HE II or F G being half the length of E F or of H G. Within this square draw an ellipse touching the cen- tres, 1, 3, 4, 2, of its four sides. Divide the nearer half of this ellipse so as to give the four nearer corners of an octa- gon, in the same manner as the upper octagon M-as formed. Connect the corners of this lower octagon with the corners of the upper octagon by the lines i 2, n 4> k 3, etc. 3d. Two inches within the lower square, E F G If, inscribe an ellipse, in the same manner that the inner upper ellipse was drawn, and find the corners <5, #, 7 in the same manner that the corners 8, 9, 10 were found. Connect these lower corners with the upper corners. This inner octagon may be drawn by simply drawing its lines parallel to the outer octagon. 4th. Take 2 p and 3 r, each one space (two inches), and from p and r draw lines parallel to the border octagonal lines, and we shall have the projection of the bottom two inches beyond the walls of the octagon, thus forming an octagon two inches beyond the other; or this octagon may be formed by first drawing an ellipse on p r as a central base line. The two inches' thickness of the bottom, on which the octagonal tub rests, is easily designated by simply marking points one space down from the corners above. Observe that the thickness of the walls of the octagonal tub, and the extension of the platform bottom, naturally ap- pear the greatest on the extreme right and left sides of the drawing. Observe, also, that the farther inner side of the tub, as measured by the line 9 6, appears deeper than the nearer side as measured by the line n 4. The cause of this is that the line 9 6 is more nearly at right angles to the line of vision than the line n 4- III. ARCHES IN DIAGONAL PERSPECTIVE. Figs. 26 and 27 are drawn in diagonal cabinet perspec- ve ; but it is the upper left-hand view of them that is here given, as explained on page 144, and illustrated at J9, page 1, of Book No. IV. H 170 INDUSTRIAL DRAWING. [BOOK NO. IV. Fig. 26. The lightly shaded portion of Fig. 26 represents the face of a pointed archway fronting the spectator, and is therefore drawn in its true relative proportions: the base line of the archway, a d, being thirty-two inches, and the height, e/, thirty-eight inches. The outer curve line, af 9 of the arch, is here drawn by the compasses, from a point twenty-six spaces fifty-two inches to the left of a; or it may be drawn from any other point that will give a graceful curve connecting a and f* but having drawn this curve, the opposite curve, d f 9 must be made to correspond to it. Then the inner curves, p h and g h, must be drawn from the same points from which the two outer curves were drawn, but each with a radius of twenty- four spaces. The curve v h must be drawn from a point twenty-four spaces to the left of the corner v. As Fig. 26 is a front view of the arch, it is very easily drawn. Fig. 27 is a diagonal view of the front of Fig. 26. Here the diagonal figure, a b c d, must measure the same as the corresponding rectangle of the preceding figure ; and the curve a f must be drawn by hand, and be made to pass through points corresponding to those through which the curve a f of Fig. 26 passes. Thus the points n and m of Fig. 26 are respectively four and eight inches from certain points, 10 and 1^ in the corner line ab ; and the correspond- ing points n and m of Fig. 27 must be similarly situated. So any point in any one of the curves of Fig. 26 should, if accurately drawn, have its corresponding point, by meas- ure, in a corresponding curve of Fig. 27. This principle should apply accurately throughout the two figures the measures from point to point in the one being the same (according to the principles of measurement) as the meas- ures between corresponding points in the other. Thus the two points n, n, in Fig. 26 are each twelve inches horizontally distant from the point w ; the corresponding points n, n in Fig. 27 are also each twelve inches (three diagonal spaces) distant from their intermediate point 10. The under side of the arch must measure four inches, horizontally, in any part of it. So the outside of the arch, from a r tofj, must measure, in any part, four inches horizontally. CABINET PERSPECTIVE MISCELLANEOUS. 171 Having Fig. 26 as the pattern, and marking any required number of points in its curves, it is easy to mark corre- sponding points in Fig. 27, and draw the curves through them. Fig. 28, drawn in diagonal perspective, consists of a rect- angular box, open at top and bottom, thirty-two inches in outside width, sixty-four inches in length, thirty-four inches in height, and walls four inches thick, having an archway opening through both ends, and two archways on a side. The side archways are the same in size as those at the ends; and the face of the archway in the front end, being drawn in its true relative proportions, is the guiding pattern for drawing the others. Let the pupil describe the dimensions of the arch, method of drawing the side arches, etc. If the pupil will follow the directions given for Fig. 27, he will probably draw Fig. 28 with more accuracy than it is given in the book. The principles here illustrated will be a sufficient guide for the drawing of all arches in diagonal perspective. First draw an arch of the required dimensions in its true relative proportions, with its face fronting the spectator: it will then be easy to make a diagonal view of the same arch transferring the measures of the one to the other. IY. SEMI-DIAGONAL CABINET PERSPECTIVE. PAGE NINE. SCALE OF TWO INCHES TO A SPACE. In what has been called Diagonal Cabinet Perspective, a cubical block is supposed to be viewed in such a manner that the horizontal corner lines of the top and bottom of the cube that run from the spectator seem to rise diagonally at r.n angle of forty-five degrees that is, half way from the horizontal to the vertical. Thus in Fig. 29, if the cube were drawn in diagonal cabinet perspective, its upper horizontal face would be bounded by the lines 1 , 2 3 t 3 7, and 7 1; and 5 4 would be its visible lower side line. Now suppose that the eye of the spectator should be lowered so that the line 2 3 should be brought down and 172 INDUSTRIAL DRAWING. [BOOK NO. IV. made to coincide with the line 89: then 1 2 would be brought down to 1 8, and 7 8 to 7 9, and 5 4 to 5 10; and thus the lines 1 8, 7 9, and 5 10 would be in the direction of semi-diagonals, or two-space diagonals, as shown in Book No. I., page 2. The front face of the cube would remain the same as in diagonal perspective ; but the top and. side would be changed as shown in Fig. 29. This is what is called " $e/m-Diagonal Cabinet Perspective;" and it is spe- cially adapted to the drawing of buildings or other large structures in full elevation, as hereafter shown. In this modification of Cabinet Perspective, the principles of measurement remain the same as in the general system before explained. Thus, in diagonal perspective, the line 1 2, according to the scale for the page, measures sixteen inches: but the line 18 must also measure sixteen inches : the line 1 2 extends from the point 1, diagonally, to the fourth ver- tical line at 2; and the line 1 8 extends from the point 1, semi-diagonally, to the fourth vertical line at 8 that is, the line 1 2 passes over four spaces, and the line 1 8 also passes over four spaces ; and in each case a space whether a diag- onal or a semi-diagonal measures four inches. If, therefore, we consider that each sem /-diagonal (that is, the distance on the line 1 8 from one vertical line to another) measures the same as a diagonal, the rule of measurement is unchanged. The semi-diagonal cube, Fig. 29, therefore measures sixteen inches to a side, the same as the dotted diagonal cube. Fig. 30 represents a cubical block, of twenty-four inches to a side, from each upper corner of which is taken away a cubical block eight inches square. There is an eight-inch square opening cut through the block, centrally, from the lower part of the front side ; and also an opening of the same dimensions on the right-hand side. Fig. 31 is a frame -work in semi -diagonal perspective. The central post measures eight inches square at the ends; and each half of it is thirty-six inches in length on each side of the cross-beam. The cross-beam is four by eight inches, and sixty -four inches in length, while the braces would measure four inches square at the ends if the ends were squared. Inasmuch as the side of the frame fronting CABINET PERSPECTIVE MISCELLANEOUS. 173 the spectator is drawn in its true relative proportions, the same as all front views in the cabinet perspective of plane solids, therefore all lines, drawn in any direction whatever, on any portion of this front view, are measurable by the scale of two inches to a space. Hence the line a >, drawn at right angles across the brace, must be the true measure of the width of the brace ; and, according to the scale, it is found to measure two spaces, or four inches. The line c cl, beino- one semi-diasronal, measures four inches. We thus O O 7 obtain the size of the timber used for the brace. The extreme length of a brace, 1 3, or its equal in length, 4 , may be found by actual measurement ; for, as the line 1 3 is in a plane at right angles to the line of vision, it may be measured by the scale. Thus measured, it will be found that the line 1 S is equal to twenty spaces equal to forty inches. Or it may be measured by the rule for the extrac- tion of the square root. Thus 1 2 3 is a right-angled tri- angle; and therefore, if we add together the squares of the sides 1 2 and 1 3, and extract the square root of their sum, we shall get forty inches for the length of the line 1 3. Try it. Observe that the braces are flush with the farther side of the central post, and with the farther side of the cross-beam. The dotted continuations of the lines of the braces show the attachment of the braces to those sides of the post and cross- beam which are invisible to the eye. Fig. 32 is the same as Fig. 31, but so placed that the front view of Fig. 31 is made the semi-diagonal view in Fig. 32. Let the pupil test all the measurements, and see that they are the same in both figures. Thus the line 6 7 in Fig. 32 measures the same, according to the principles of measure- ment adopted, as the line 6 7 in Fig. 31. Fig. 32, however, does not give so good a view of the frame as is shown in Fig. 31. Fig. 33 is the same as Fig. 95 of Book No. II., but is here changed from diagonal to se??n'-diagonal perspective. Ob- serve that, if the same scale be adopted, the measurements will be the same in both cases. Fig. 34 is a hollow cylinder sixteen inches in length and 174 INDUSTRIAL DRAWING. [BOOK NO. IV. eight inches in extreme diameter, having its walls two inches in thickness. The length of the cylinder may either be measured on its axis, a b, or any where semi-diagonally on its circumference as on the line c d. Fig. 35 is a cylinder eight inches in length and sixteen inches in diameter, having an opening eight inches square through it centrally lengthwise. PROBLEMS FOR PRACTICE. 1. Draw, in semi-diagonal perspective, a cube thirty-two inches square, and take from the centres of each of its three visible sides a piece twenty- four inches square on the face, and four inches in thickness. 2. Draw a frame the same as Fig. 31, with the exception that the braces are to be placed flush with the front side of the central post and cross-beam. PAGE TEX. SCALE OF TWO INCHES TO A SPACE. Fig. 36 represents a cube having a circle described on its top, and also one on each of its two visible sides, the whole being drawn in semi-diagonal perspective. The representa- tive ellipse on the right-hand side of the cube is of the same width as in diagonal perspective, but not of the same pro- portions; but the ellipse on the top has only half the width that it would have in diagonal perspective. The front side being a square, the circle is there drawn as a circle, in its true proportions. See Fig. 29, and explanation, for the rel- ative proportions of the three visible sides of the cube. As the upper side of the cube is divided into the same ' inmber of semi-diagonal squares that the front side contains 'cgular squares, the former representing the latter, therefore the ellipse drawn on the top must pass through the same corresponding points in the semi-diagonal squares that the circle passes through in the squares of the front side, on the principle that was explained in the drawing of Fig. 9. The ellipse on the top would be best drawn by first dotting the principal points through which it must pass, and then drawing the curve carefully by hand with a sharp-pointed hard pencil. The ellipse on the side might be drawn by the same meth- od, on the principle explained with reference to Fig. 9 ; but the side curves may be drawn with great accuracy by the compasses in the following manner: CABINET PERSPECTIVE MISCELLANEOUS. 175 1st. From the point 1, the centre of the side C f] with the radius 1 B, describe the indefinite curve B 5. 2d. From the point B, with the radius B 2, describe the curve 2 3, in- tersecting the curve B 5 at the point 3. 3d. From the point 3, with the radius 3 2, describe the curve 2 4. 4th. From the point 4, with the radius 4 !>> describe the side curve 617, which may be extended to within two inches of the line C B with accuracy. 5th. From the point 2, the centre of the side B E, with the radius 2 F, describe the indefinite curve Fp. 6th. From the point JF\ with the radius F 1, describe the curve 1 n. 7th. From the point n, with the radius n -/, describe the curve 1 m. 8th. From the point m, with the radius m 2, describe the side curve 9 2 10 ; which may be extended to s bout the point 11 with accuracy. Thus the two side curves of the ellipse will be drawn, to- gether with portions of the two end curves. The remaining portions of the end curves must be drawn by hand to the points v and ?, taking care that they pass through points in the small semi-diagonal squares corresponding to the points through which the circle on the front passes. Let this figure be viewed intently through the opening formed by the partially closed hand, and the ellipses will soon take the appearance of perfect circles. Fig. 37 represents a ring drawn in semi-diagonal perspec- tive, and in the same position as shown by the ellipse on the right-hand side of the cube, Fig. 36. The inner diam- eter of the ring, as measured either by the line v w or 1 2. is forty-eight inches, the same as the ellipse 1 v 2 w of Fig. 3G. The thickness of the ring is two inches, and its width four inches. As the inner front ellipse is drawn within the semi-diag- onal square, (7 B E F, so the outer elliptic circumference of the front face of the ring must be drawn within a semi-di- agonal square two inches larger, in every direction, than the inner square, as shown by the surrounding dotted semi- diagonal square. The true width of the ring is marked out by extending the points of the compasses two spaces, and laying off that 176 INDUSTRIAL DRAWING. [BOOK NO. IV. distance horizontally to the left, from the right-hand por- tion of the inner front ellipse, and also from the left-hand portion of the outer front ellipse. Thus the horizontal measures 3 4, 5 6, 7 8, 9 10, etc., must each be equal to two spaces, if the ellipse be accurately drawn. Fig. 38 represents a pointed arch drawn in semi-diagonal perspective. The opening, or span of the arch, 1 2, is forty inches; and the ^ 7 ertical height, 3 4, is also forty inches although the arch proper is fourteen inches less in height, as the walls do not begin to converge until they reach a height of fourteen inches from the base. If this arch were to be drawn from the given measure- ments, it should first be drawn within a rectangular square fronting the spectator. It could then be changed with ac- curacy to a semi-diagonal view, according to the method ex- plained for transferring the measures of Fig. 26 to Fig. 27. Or, if the nearer inner curve, 1 4-, he drawn by the eye, ac- cording to the judgment, the farther inner curve may be drawn to correspond to it. Then the outer curves, 6 5 and 5 7, must be made to correspond to the inner curves ; and as 1 6 or 2 7 is a measure of four inches, so the point 5 must be taken four inches above the point 4- -As the depth of the arch, 6 8 or 2 10, is six inches, so the depth, wherever measured on a horizontal line, as a b, c d, 11 12, 9 5, etc., must be six inches. Fig. 39 is a cylinder one foot in diameter, and seven feet four inches, or eighty-eight inches, in length. Its axis is a b. At each end of the cylinder is a projecting tenon twelve inches long, eight inches wide, and four inches in thickness ; and longitudinally through the cylinder is a mortise three inches wide, extending to within four inches of the ends, and coinciding in direction with the width of the tenons. PROBLEMS FOR PRACTICE. 1. Draw a pointed arch, similar to Fig. 38, first in rectangular perspec- tive, and then in semi-diagonal perspective, of the following dimensions : Span of arch, forty-eight inches ; height of opening, forty-eight inches ; thickness of \valls, eight inches ; depth of arch, twelve inches. [In the first drawing, while the front view of the arch is to be on a rectangular basis, and therefore in its relative proportions throughout, the side view is to be CABINET PERSPECTIVE MISCELLANEOUS. 177 in semi-diagonal perspective just as the side view of Fig. 33 is in semi-di- agonal perspective.] 2. Draw a partial cylinder, somewhat similar to Fig. 30, but of the fol- lowing dimensions : Length of cylinder, eight feet ; diameter, sixteen inches ; tenons, sixteen inches in length, otherwise the same as in Fig. 39 ; upper side of the cylinder to be taken off horizontally, even with the top of the tenons ; and a mortise, four inches wide and eighty inches in length, to extend longitudinally through the cylinder, equidistant from the two ends, and coinciding in direction with the width of the tenons, as in Fig. 39. PAGE ELEVEN. SCALE OF FOUR INCHES TO A SPACE. Fig. 40. According to the scale of measurement adopted, Fig. 40 represents a small building, fifteen feet long, and ten feet eight inches wide, with posts nine feet four inches high. The four corner posts and sills are eight inches square at the ends ; the two middle posts are four inches square, and the central cross-sill is four by eight inches. The plates on which the rafters rest are four by eight inches, while the rafters are four inches square. The rafters are placed at what is called half pitch the height, 2 7, being equal to half the span, 8 9; or, as the vertical line 2 7 is equal to 2 #, the rafters are at an angle of forty-five degrees. Observe that the lower ends of the rafters come down at equal distances on both sides below the plate, as indicated by the line 5 6; and that the ends are sawed off horizon- tally. The rafters are twelve inches apart, or sixteen inches between their central lines. Observe that the braces are all of the same length forty inches, inside measure and that they are placed flush with the outside of the frame. Thus the inside of the top of the extreme brace at the right, at s, is twenty-four inches from the corner t; and the inside of the bottom of the brace, at v, is thirty-two inches below the corner t. Now, as s t v is a right angle, s v is the hypothenuse ; and if we add togeth- er the squares of s t and t v, and extract the square root of the sum, we shall find that the length of s v is forty inches. All the braces are arranged in like manner. In all cabinet work, and in buildings, braces are generally arranged in the proportions of three measures for one side of the triangle and four for the other; and then five will be the measure H2 178 INDUSTRIAL DBA WING. ^BOOK NO. IV. for the hypothenuse, whether the measure be in inches or in feet. The only difficulty in drawings similar to Fig. 40 con- sists in placing the braces in their correct positions, accord- ing to the measurements assigned to them ; and, in order to arrange them accurately, it is evident that we must first find those corners which are hidden from view, as shown in Figs. 31 and 32. The following problems will aid in elucidating the principles which govern the drawing of braces in the various positions in which they usually occur in a building. PROBLEMS FOR PRACTICE. [In these problems the posts are to be sixteen inches square at the ends; and the plates or cross-beams are to be four by sixteen inches at the ends. Referring for illustration to the brace at A, the top of each brace (as s) is to be forty-eight inches, on the inside, from the corner (as t) where the plate joins the post ; and the bottom of each brace, on the inside (as at v\ is to be sixty-four inches below the corner (as /) where the plate joins the post. The inside length of each brace will then be eighty inches. The braces are to be twice the size of timber shown in Fig. 40, and to be placed flush with the outside of the frame. In each case, let the outlines of the concealed end of the brace be dotted, as in Figs. 31 and 32.] 1 . Draw a brace of the given dimensions connecting a post and plate, as in the corner A. Only a sufficient length of post and plate may be drawn to show the plate to advantage. 2. Draw a brace for a corner corresponding to B. 3. Draw a brace for a corner corresponding to C. 4. Draw braces for corners corresponding to D and //. 5. Draw a square frame-work of two upright posts, and plate, and sill, corresponding to the left-hand end of the building, Fig. 40, and put a brace of the given dimensions, and flush with the outside, in each of the four cor- ners of the frame. G. Draw a brace for a corner corresponding to G, and also one for a cor- ner corresponding to 7, below G. 1. Draw braces of the given dimensions for corners corresponding to the four corners embraced by the sills of the building, and let the braces be flush with the tops of the sills. . Let the sills be sixteen inches square at the ends. CABINET PERSPECTIVE MISCELLANEOUS. 179 V. SHADOWS IN CABINET PERSPECTIVE. As cabinet perspective is designed for the artisan rather than the artist, we have thus far striven for no effect in our drawings beyond what is requisite to convey, in as simple a manner as possible, correct ideas of the forms and dimen- sions of objects. To this end such simple methods of plain shading have been introduced as will most readily distin- guish one surface from another, while no attention has been given to the shadows cast by objects. But where it is de- sired to give greater artistic effect to cabinet drawings, the system of perspective here adopted w r ill enable the draughtsman to define the outlines of shadows with the greatest ease, and with a degree of mathematical accuracy hitherto unattainable.' On page 12 we give a few illustra- tions of the principles which are applicable to this subject. PAGE TWELVE. SCALE OF SIX INCHES TO A SPACE. The objects here represented are supposed to stand on a horizontal plane, which may be understood to be the level surface of the earth ; and the spectator is supposed to be looking down upon them from above, and at the right, and from a northerly direction. Hence the left-hand side of the paper is east, the upper side is south, the right-hand west, and the lower side is north as indicated by the large cap- itals, K, S., TV., N. Fig. 41. This figure represents a square vertical pillar standing upon the level surface of the earth, while the sun, elevated at some distance above the horizon, and shining upon the pillar from a southeasterly direction, causes the pil- lar to cast a shadow on the earth, as shown in the drawing. The sun is so far distant from the earth that the rays of light coming from it may be regarded as parallel. Suppose that the rays of light come from the southeast in a semi- diagonal direction, as indicated by the arrows, or, c, e; and that the ray #, just touching the corner 1, strikes the earth at the point 9. Then it is evident that all rays, such as g h, ij, etc., that strike the corner line 1 2, will project shad- ows upon the earth between the points and 9; and hence ISO INDUSTRIAL DRAWING. [BOOK NO. IY. the line 2 P, which indicates a line of shadow drawn on the level surface of the earth, will be the shadow of the vertical corner line 1 2. This line of shadow, 2 9, although hori- zontal, will diverge away from the line 2 4, and also be lengthened, just in proportion to the southerly direction of the sun, and its nearness to the eastern horizon. If the sun were directly east of the line 1 2, and on the horizon, its shadow would be extended indefinitely from 2 in the direc- tion of 2 4> but the shadow would become shorter and shorter as the sun rose vertically toward the zenith; and when at the zenith the shadow of 1 2 would be contracted to a single point at 2. Hence two lines are required to define the shadow cast by the vertical line 12: the one, a 9, called the ray-lute, giv- ing the direction of the ray of light that barely touches the corner ! and the other, called the shadow-line, drawn through the corner 2, and intersecting the ray-line at 9. Hence, to find the shadow cast on a horizontal plane by any given vertical line, or by any given point: RULE I. Draw a BAY-LINE, indicating the direction of the surfs rays, from the top of the given line to the horizontal plane which is on a level with the lower end of the given line; then draw a SHADOW-LINE from the lower end of the given line to the point where the ray-line strikes the horizontal plane. The shadow-line thus drawn will be the shadow of the given line. The shadow cast by any given POINT on a horizontal plane may be found by first drawing a vertical line from it to the horizontal plane, and then finding the shadow of the given line, as before. The shadow cast by any required point in the given line may thus be obtained. Following out the principles of light and shade in con- nection with this rule, it will be seen, as before shown, that 2 9 is the shadow of the vertical line 1 2, and that 9 is the shadow-point of the point 1. In a similar manner it is found that the line 4 8 would bo the line of shadow cast by the vertical corner line 3 J>, if all the pillar except its corner line 3 4 were transparent; also that 6 7 is the line of the shadow cast bv the corner line CABINET PERSPECTIVE MISCELLANEOUS. 181 5 6. The line 8 7 must therefore be the line of shadow cast by the line 35. If 5 10 could cast a shadow, its shadow would be the line 7 11, parallel to and equal in length to 5 10; and if 10 1 could cast a shadow, its shadow would be the line 11 9, parallel to and equal in length to 10 1. The following Rule may also be deduced from Fig. 41. RULE II. Every horizontal line casts a shadow, on a horizontal surface, parallel to itself; and the shadow has the same representative length as the line casting the shadow. Thus 9 8 is parallel to and equal to 1 3; 8 7 to 3 5; 7 11 to 5 10; 11 9 to 10 1, etc. Fig. 42. In this figure the horizontal lines of shadow cast on the ground by vertical lines are represented as bearing in the direction of southwestern four -space diagonals, as shown by the course of the arrows , b, c, d,e; and the rays of light as coming diagonally downward, really from the northeast, as indicated by the arrows f,g, h, i,j, although they seem to come from the southeast. Here the north and east sides of the objects are in the light, and the south and west sides in shadow, as they would be if the objects were south of the equator, and the sun had risen midway toward the zenith. Observe, here, that 4 m is the line of shadow cast by 3 4; m n the line of shadow cast by 3 1 ; and n v a part of the line of shadow cast by 1 t; and that 2 n would be the shadow cast by 1 2, if 1 2 could cast a shadow. Also, 6 13 is the line of shadow cast by the corner line 5 6; 14 15, the shadow cast by 8 7 ; 15 16, the shadow cast by 7 9; and 16 17, the shadow cast by 9 11. The farther vertical corner line of the pillar, represented by the dotted line 11 12, also casts a shadow on the top of the platform, which shadow is represented by the line 12 17; but only a small portion, 17 x, of this line of shadow is visible. Observe, here, the strict application of Rule II., as to the direction and length of the shadows cast by horizontal lines. Let the pupil ex- plain the method of finding the shadow cast by any given line in Fig. 42, or by any given point in the structure. Fig. 43. In this figure the north and west sides of the objects are in shadow; the horizontal lines of shadow cast 182 INDUSTRIAL DRAWING. [BOOK NO. IV. on the ground by vertical lines are represented as bearing in the direction of northwestern three-space diagonals, as shown by the arrows #,/",/*,&/ and the rays of light as coming semi-diagonally downward from the southeast, as indicated by the arrows r, s, t,v, etc. The important point to be noticed in this figure is that the square pillar casts its shadow beyond the platform, and beyond the shadow of the platform also. The shadows cast by the two visible sides of the plat- form are easily obtained. The shadow 2 3, of the vertical corner line 1 2, is obtained in the same manner as the shadow of the corresponding corner line of Fig. 41. The shadow that would be cast by 1 c on the horizontal surface of the earth must be parallel to and equal in apparent length to 1 c. (See Rule II.) Now, if the platform did not intercept a portion of this shadow, the shadow of 1 c would be the line 5 7; but the platform intercepts a portion equal to 3 4 that is, the shadow of that part of the line included be- tween the points 1 and b; and it is the shadow of the part b c only that passes beyond the platform, and shows itself on the ground in the line 6 7. The two shadow-lines 3 4 and 6 7. must therefore be equal to 1 c. Having now the point 7 as the point of shadow cast by the corner c, we know (Rule II.) that 7 #, drawn parallel to and equal to c d, must be the line of shadow of c d ; and hence 8 will be the point of shadow of the corner d. But this point of shadow may also be found by the general rule, in the following manner (see Rule I.) : Extend the vertical corner line d i down to m that is, to the level of the earth on which the platform rests ; and then the problem becomes one to find the shadow cast on the earth by the line d m. From m draw a three-space diagonal line of shadow in the direction m 8; and through d draw a two- space diagonal ray-line, which, at its intersection with the former line, will give the point 8. We next wish to find the shadow cast by the vertical corner line d i. It is evident that the shadow that would be cast on the ground by the whole line d m would be the line m 8; but 9 8 is the only part of this shadow-line that CABINET PERSPECTIVE MISCELLANEOUS. 183 is not intercepted by the platform ; and 9 8 is the shadow cast by g d. Kow the shadow cast by the portion g i is evidently i n, which latter line is found by drawing a three- space diagonal line of shadow through the corner , and in- tersecting it by the two-space diagonal ray-line g n. This completes the outlines of shadow cast by the platform and the pillar. Fig. 44 represents two rectangular blocks, A and B, in vertical position, and standing at right angles to one an- other upon the horizontal surface of the earth. The sun is in the southwest, and at such an elevation that its rays pass downward in the direction of semi-diagonals, as indicated by the arrows s,t y u,v,x; while the shadows cast by vertical lines are in the direction of horizontal semi-diagonals, as indicated by the arrows c,c?,/. Both blocks cast shadows upon the earth; while the block B casts a shadow, ad- ditionally, upon a part of the vertical surface of the block A. In accordance with principles already explained, the line 2 g is the shadow cast by the vertical corner line 1 2. Hav- ing g as the point of shadow cast by the comer .7, we know that the shadow cast on the earth by the line 1 7 would extend to the left from in accordance with Rule I. But 5 3 is par- allel to and equal in length to 4 1 from which we derive the following rule. RULE IV. The shadow cast, by a vertical line, on a ver- tical plane surface, is parallel to the vertical line itself; and, if the vertical plane surface have sufficient extent, the shadow will have the same length as the line casting the shadow. We next wish to find the shadow cast by the part 4 6 of the line 6 2; and to this end we first find, in accordance with Rule I., the point of shadow cast by the corner 6. Thus : we take the point m, in the line 6 2, on a level with the top of the third step, and through m draw a line in the direction (m 7) of the shadows for vertical lines ; and then through 6 draw a ray-line, which we find intersects the for- mer line at 7, thus showing that 7 is the point of shadow cast by the corner 6. 186 INDUSTRIAL DRAWING. [BOOK NO. IV. We are next to find the shadows cast by the line 6 h. Referring to Rule II., we find, as 7 is the shadow-point of 6, so 7 9 is the shadow of 6 8. Also, referring to Fig. 44, we find, on the principles there explained, that as 7 9, in Fig. 44, is the shadow cast by 7 10; so, in Fig. 46, 9 11 is the shadow cast by 8 10. Or, by taking the point s, vertically below 10, and on a level with the top of the fourth step, we may show by the triangle, 10 s 11, that the point 11 is the shadow of the point 10 (Rule I). Again, by Rule II, 11 13 is the shadow of 10 12. Also, according to the principle just referred to in Fig. 44, 13 15 is the shadow of 12 14. And again, by Rule II., 15 17 is the shadow of 14 16. We have next to find the shadow cast by that portion of the line embraced between 16 and h. As 16 is the farthest point in the line 6 h that casts its shadow on the steps, therefore 16 h must evidently cast its shadow beyond the steps, on the ground. Let us, then, find the point of shadow cast by the corner h. Take the point v, fifteen spaces vertically below h, on the ground-level ; draw the three-space diagonal line of shadow through v, and the diagonal ray-line through h; and their point of intersection, at j, will be the point of shadow cast on the level ground by the corner h. Then j i, drawn parallel and equal to h 16, will be the line of shadow of h 16. The other portion of h 6, at the right of 16, casts its shadow on the steps, as already shown ; and at the point i its shadow is lost in the shadow of the steps. The line j x, equal and parallel to h t, is the shadow of h t; and x u would be the shadow of the farther vertical but invisible corner line t u; but only the portion x z, of this shadow-line, can be seen. Observe, also, that as the ray-line passing through 16 just touches the point 17, and strikes the ground at i, and as r is the point of shadow cast by p, therefore i r, equal and parallel to 17 p, must be the shadow cast on the ground by 17 p. So accurately do all portions of the shadows harmonize with one another, and CABINET PERSPECTIVE MISCELLANEOUS. 187 beautifully illustrate the principles of shadows, as deduced from this system of drawing. The shadows cast by curvilinear objects may be defined with equal accuracy, on the general principles already ex- plained, with some modifications ; but we have not space to illustrate the subject here. APPENDIX. ISOMETRICAL DRAWING. I. ELEMENTARY PRINCIPLES. TSOMETRICAL DsAwixG, or Isometrical Perspective, is based upon the following principles : If a cubical block, as shown in Fig. 1, Plate I., and as seen shaded in Fig. 2, be supposed to be viewed from an infinite distance, and from such a po- sition that the line of vision shall pass through the upper and nearer corner, 1, and also through the lower farther corner, the three visible faces, A, B, G T , of the cube will ap- pear to be equal in measure, the one to the other. Any boundary-line of the upper surface, A, will measure the same as any boundary-line of the face .Z?, or of the face C. Thus the line 1 4 will measure the same as the line 1 6, or 4 5, or 6 5, or 1 ,?, or 2 3, etc. And any measure taken on any one line will give the same relative distance when ap- plied to any other line. Hence the appropriateness of the term Isometrical, which is formed from two Greek words signifying equal in measurement. The isometrical cube is based upon the geometrical prin- ciple for inscribing a hexagon in a circle. Thus, to in- scribe a hexagon in the circle, Fig. 1, take the radius, 1 4, and, beginning at 2, apply it six times to the circumference, and it will give the points 2, 3, 4-> 5 9 #> 7. Join these points by straight lines, and we shall have the six equal sides of a regular hexagon. Connect the alternate corners of the hexagon with the central point, 1, and retain the circumfer- ence of the circle, and we shall have the isometrical cube in- scribed in a circle. 190 APPENDIX. In the isoraetrical cube, which is supposed to stand upon a horizontal surface, while the spectator looks down upon it diagonally, each of the lines 2 S and 2 7 forms an angle of sixty degrees with the vertical line 2 1, and an angle of thirty degrees with the horizontal line 8 9. It will be ob- served, also, that the lines 1 4 and 6 5 are parallel to 2 3 ; 1 6 and 4 5 parallel to 27; 34 and 7 6 parallel to 21. In the isometrical cube, therefore, and in all isoraetrical draw- ing, there are only three kinds of true isometrical straight lines vertical Imes, and the two kinds of diagonals as seen in Fig. 1. But unless the diagonal lines form exact angles of sixty degrees with the vertical lines, the drawings made on them will be distorted ; and as these lines can not be made with sufficient accuracy with the pen or pencil, we have had them accurately engraved, and printed in red ink on drawing-paper. By the aid of such paper all difficulty in making accurate isometrical drawings is now removed, as the ruling is a perfect guide for the direction of all the diagonal lines ; and the vertical lines, as will be seen, follow the intersections of the diagonals. Let it be observed, also, that the diagonal distance from point to point in the intersections of the diagonal lines is precisely the same as the vertical distance between their in- tersections. Thus, in Fig. 1, the five diagonal spaces from 1 to 4-> or 1 to 6, or 2 to 7, etc., measure the same as the five vertical spaces from 1 to 2, or 4 to #, or 6 to 7, etc. More- over, the Isometrical Drawing-Paper is so ruled as to cor- respond, in measure, to the ruling of the Cabinet Drawiny- Paper what is called a space in the one corresponding to a space in the other. From the foregoing explanation, the pupil who is familiar with the principles of cabinet perspec- tive will have little difficulty in making every variety of plane isoraetrical drawings. ISO1IETRICAL DRAWING. 191 II. FIGURES HAVING PLANE ANGLES. PLATE I. SCALE OF TWO INCHES TO A SPACE. According to the scale here adopted, Fig. 1 represents the outlines of a cube of ten inches to a side, and Fig. 2 is the same, shaded. The student will notice the difference be- tween the mode of measurement here adopted and that used in cabinet perspective. In the latter, also, one face of the cube the front vertical face would be drawn in its natural proportions, as a perfect square. Fig. 3 represents a cube of ten inches to a side, having rectangular pieces six inches square and two inches in thick- ness cut from the centres of its three visible faces. Let the pupil compare this drawing with that of Fig. 12, page 1, of Drawing-Book No. II. The cube shows to excellent advan- tage in isometrical drawing. Fig. 4 represents an inverted frame sixteen inches square, with comer posts two inches square and six inches in length. Fig. 5 is" the same as the English cross bond shown in Fig. 38, page 4, of Drawing-Book No. II. The two figures illustrate, very happily, the two methods of representation cabinet and isometrical. The scale adopted being the same in both cases, the bricks measure the same in both. Fig. 6 is the same as the upper part of Fig. 88, page 11, of Drawing-Book No. II. A figure of this kind, evidently, does not show to so good advantage in isometrical as in cabinet drawing. The former is best adapted to the rep- resentation of objects whose side views are nearly equal in proportion. PROBLEMS FOR PRACTICE. "We would no\v recommend the pupil to draw, in isometrical perspective, all the figures given on the first five pages of Drawing-Book No. II. Let him take the measures as there indicated by the scale, but let him remem- ber that a diagonal space is there to be taken as twice the length of a ver- tical or horizontal space, while in isometrical drawing a diagonal space and a vertical space measure the same, and are to be considered of equal length. The pupil would do well to draw all the problems, also, connected with these first five pages. 192 APPENDIX. PLATE II. SCALE OF ONE FOOT TO A SPACE. "We have here adopted a scale of one foot to a space, al- though any scale whatever, that is most convenient, maybe used. Fig. 7 is intended to represent the upper part of a pillar five feet square, around which a moulding of one foot pro- jection and one foot in height is to be placed, even with the top. The shaded portion shows the attachment of the moulding to the pillar. Fig. 8 shows the moulding as attached, and concealing from view a portion of the pillar down to the line 8 9 10. Hence the following rule : RULE. Any horizontal rectangular moulding attached to a vertical surface obstructs the mew of that surface below the moulding to an extent equal to the extent of the projection of the moulding. Fig. 9. The dotted outline represents a cubical block four feet square, while the shaded portion shows a "Wedge cut from it. The sides of the wedge bevel off equally from the sharp edge 1 2, inasmuch as the lines 1 4 and 1 5 intersect the base line 4 & a * equal distances from the point 8. Fig. 10. The pillar in this case is of the same size as that seen in Fig. 8 ; but in Fig. 10 the moulding is cut up into three cubical blocks on a side, each one foot square. Fig. 11 shows how triangular blocks attached to the top of a column may be represented. The dotted continuations of the lines of the farther two blocks show the concealed points on the column toward which the lines are to be drawn. Fig. 12 represents a truncated pyramid, the base of which is surrounded by rectangular mouldings. Observe that the side lines of the pyramid are drawn toward the point x. Fig. 13. Very tall four-sided pillars, gradually tapering, and having a flat pyramid at the summit, as at A and .#, are called obelisks. Observe that the apex, in these two obelisks, is in the central vertical line of the pyramid. Fig. 14. This pyramid has a rectangular section, one foot in depth, cut from each of the two visible sides of the base. ISOMETRICAL DRAWING. 193 and triangular sections cut through the pyramidal portion, so that all except the four edges of the pyramid, and one foot in thickness of its base proper, are cut away. The far- ther edge of the pyramid is concealed by the front edge. PLATE III. SCALE OF TWO FEET TO A SPACE. Although any object drawn isometrically is supposed to be viewed in the direction of the diagonal of a cube, yet we may view any one face of a cube, or any one side of any rectangular object, from four different positions, and at the same time view it in the direction of some one of the diag- onals of a cube. Thus : Fig. 15 represents a block viewed in the direction of the diagonal that passes through the corner 1. We here see the top, front, and right side. Fig. 16 represents the same block viewed in the direction of the diagonal that passes through the corner 2. We here see the top, front, and left side. Fig. 17 represents the same block viewed in the direction of the diagonal that passes through the corner 4. We here see the bottom, front, and right side. Fig. 18 represents the same block viewed in the direction of the diagonal that passes through the corner 3. We here see the bottom, front, and left side. Figs. 15 and 16 are viewed from above, and 17 and 18 from below. These are similar to tl.e different views of ob- jects in cabinet drawing, as represented on page 1 of Draw- ing-Book No. IV. Fig. 19 is the same as Fig. 56, of page 7, in Drawing-Book Xo. II., although the designated scales are different. By adopting the same scale, the figures will measure alike. Fig. 20 represents two flights of steps, ascending in dif- ferent directions, and leading to a platform seven feet in height. As each step rises half a space that is, one foot, seven steps are required to reach the platform. Fig. 21. The upper roof, A, of this structure is evidently horizontal. The second portion, .Z?, declines downward from the horizontal, as represented by the extent to which the line 1 8 diverges downward from the diagonal horizon- I 194 APPENDIX. tal line 1 2. If the portion J5 \Vere horizontal, and of equal width on both sides, the line 6 3 would extend to 7, and the line 3 9 would coincide with 7 8. Again: if the portion C were vertical, the line 3 4 would coincide in appearance with the line 3 5. The other por- tions of the structure require no explanation. PROBLEMS FOE PRACTICE. The pupil ought now to find no difficulty in changing all the figures from page 6 to page 11 inclusive, and Figs. 09, 100, 101, and 102, of page 12, of Drawing-Book No. II., into isometrical drawings. If he think this would require too much labor, he would do well to work out the problems, at least, isometrically. III. THE DRAWING OF ISOMETRICAL ANGLES. The rectangular ruling on the upper part of Plate IV. is designed to correspond precisely in the measure of its spaces that is, in the distance from line to line, measured on the lines to the isometrical ruling on the lower part of the plate. So, also, the ruling on the " Isometrical Drawing- Paper" corresponds, in like manner, to the ruling on the " Cabinet Drawing - Paper." On this basis we have con- structed a " Scale of Angles," w^hich is applicable alike to the drawing of angles on both isometrical and rectangular bases. For inasmuch as any one of the four angles of a rectangular square may be divided into ninety equal de- grees, so also may any one of the four angles of a corre- sponding isometrical square be divided into equivalent iso- metrical degrees, isometrically representing the angles of the rectangular square. Thus : Fig. 22. Scale of one foot to a space. In the geomet- rical square A ~B C Z>, the quarter -circle B D is divided, by the full lines which diverge from A, into nine equal parts, each part representing ten degrees at the corner A. The division is best made by the compasses, in the follow- ing manner : From D, with the distance D A, cut the curve I> D at sy and from J5, with the same distance, cut the curve at t, ISOilETKICAL DEAWIXG. 195 The curve IB D will thus be divided into three equal parts, representing angles of thirty degrees each at the point A. Next divide each of these parts, by the compasses, in to three equal portions, and the entire curve will then be divided into nine equal parts, of ten degrees each. Through these points of division draw lines from A, and extend them to the sides C and D C of the square. Draw a dotted line from A to C, and the angle D A C will be half a right angle that is, an angle of forty-five degrees, while each of the angles D A 10, 10 A 20, 20 A 30, etc., will be an angle often degrees. Within the larger square, A B CD, we may count twen- ty-five different squares, each having one of its angles at A; and on the two sides of each of these squares, opposite A, we have the same degrees marked off, by the lines diverg- ing from A, that we have on the sides B C and D C of the larger square. Thus the measure 8 p, on the side of a square of eight spaces, measures an angle of twenty degrees at A, as truly as the measure D 20 measures the same an- gle; and 8 r measures an angle of forty-five degrees, just as effectually as D C measures the same angle. Now, inasmuch as any one of the twenty-six rectangular squares that may here be designated exactly measures an isometric square of the same number of spaces to a side, the measures of angles on any one of these rectangular squares may be used to lay off like angles on a correspond- ing isometric square. Thus : Fig. 23. It is required to lay off, from the point 1 in the line 1 2, an angle of ten degrees. As the lines 1 2 and 2 3 are two sides of an eight-space isometric square, they corre- spond to the two lines A 8 and 8 r (in Fig. 22), two sides of an eight-space rectangular square, and measure the same. From the point 8, on the line A D, take the distance 8 a, and apply it to the isometric square on the line from 2 to 3, and mark the point 5. A line drawn from 5 to 1 will then correspond to the line a A ; and the isometric angle 512 will correspond to the angle a A 8, and will represent an angle of ten degrees. If from the point 4, in the line 4 3, of the isometric square 196 APPEXDIX. of eight spaces, we would lay off an angle of twenty de- grees, lay off $ 7 equal to 8 p; draw a line from 7 to 4; and the angle S 4 7 will be an isometric angle of twenty degrees, the same as 8 A p is an angle of twenty degrees. To lay off an angle of twenty degrees from the point b in the line b d, make d c equal to S p, and connect c b. The angle c b d will then be an angle of twenty degrees. To lay off an angle of forty degrees at the point g in the line g A, form an isometric square, as g h k n, of five spaces, and from h lay off h i equal to 5 m of the five-space rectan- gular square, and connect g i. Then h g i will be an iso- metric angle of forty degrees, the same as the angle 5 A m is an angle of forty degrees. The angles laid off in Figures 24 and 25 may now be eas- ily drawn. It is not necessary, in any case, to lay off a full isometric square to correspond to the rectangular square. It is sufficient to have one side of the isometric square, and enough of the other side to receive the measure from the rectangular square. If, in Fig. 19, Plate III., it be required to make 2 1 3 a certain angle, the angle may be laid off in the manner just illustrated. The same with any other angle which it may be required to draw on any isometrical square. So also, in Fig. 21, if it be known what angle the line 3 1 forms, in the real object, with the horizontal line 1 2, or 1 7, the angle may be laid off from the scale, by considering that 1 2 or 1 7 corresponds to a portion of the line A C of the scale. The angle 7 1 10 is then an isometric angle of forty- five degrees. So also may the angle 4 & &> if it be known, be laid off frdm the scale, inasmuch as the lines 4 $ and 5 3 appear just as they would if they were in a vertical plane that coincided with 1 * * Note. The scale shown in Fig. 22 may be applied to the drawing of definite angles in cabinet perspective, when the measures of angles can be taken on that edge of a cabinet square which measures the same number of spaces as the edge of a corresponding rectangular square. Thus in the cabinet cube 7?, Fig. 1, page 1, of Drawing-Book Xo. II., which is a cube of six spaces (six inches) to a side, angles at 5 or 3, up to forty -five degrees, maybe taken from the scale and laid ofFon the side 6 4l ISOMETRICAL DRAWING. 197 IV. THE ISOMETRIC ELLIPSE AND ITS APPLICATIONS. The Isometric Ellipse is the ellipse which is drawn within an isometric square, touching the middle points of its sides, as the three ellipses in Fig. 26, Plate V. The isometric ellipse represents a circle viewed in the position of a side of an isometric cube.* Fig. 26. Plate V. Here is represented a cube which meas- ures ten spaces to a side, and on each of its three visible faces is an isometric ellipse which represents a circle drawn touching the middle of the sides of the inclosing square. and angles at 4 ant l &> U P to forty-five degrees, may be laid off on the side 53. So angles at 3 and 1, up to forty-five degrees, may be laid off on the side 24; and angles at 8 and ^, up to forty-five degrees, may be laid off on the side 1 3. Angles for the front face may be laid off on all the sides of that face. But to lay off an angle at , on the line 3 4 although the meas- ure 3 4 would make the angle 3 6 4 one of forty-five degrees, yet for lesser angles we should be obliged to take such proportions of 3 4 as the measures for angles, on the scale, bear to the entire side of the rectangular square from which the measures are taken. It would be the same when an angle at 4 r 3 should be required to be laid off on the side 12; or an angle at 1 or 2 should be required to be laid off on the side 3 4- The same principles apply to the laying off of angles in semi-diagonal cabinet perspective. See pages 10 and 11 of Drawing-book No. IV. Yet, for practical purposes in all working drawings, the true angles, or inclina- tions of lines, can generally best be laid off by some known measurements on the objects themselves. * Note. In the isometric ellipse, what is called the major axis (greater diameter) is a liule more than once and seven tenths the length of the minor axis ; and it is of the same length as the diameter of the circle which the ellipse represents. Thus, in Fig. 26, the upper ellipse represents a circle whose diameter is s t that is, it represents the outer circle of Fig. 27, Plate VI., while the inner circle of Fig. 27 is the one we are obliged to compare it with in prescribing the rules of practical isometrical drawing. The rea- son of this is that the square within which the circle is drawn is dimin- ished in apparent length of sides by an isometrical view of it; and we adapt the scale of our drawing to the apparent size, and not to the real size. Hence we draw a rectangular square, as A B CD, of Fig. 27, hav- ing the same real length of sides as the apparent length of the sides of the isometric square, A B C D, of Fig. 26 ; and then any lines, divisions, or points of the one may have corresponding lines, divisions, and points in the other. That is, both may be drawn to the same s^ah ; and one may be used to illustrate the other. Thus the two kinds, cabinet and isometrical drawing, perfectly harmonize in measurement. 198 APPENDIX. Taking, first, the upper face of the cube for illustration, we see that it is an isometrical square of ten spaces (ten feet) to a side, and crossed by equidistant isometrical lines parallel to the sides. In Fig. 27, Plate VI., we have the rect- angular square A I> CD, of ten spaces (ten feet) to a side, and also crossed by the same number of equidistant lines parallel to the sides. A circle is also drawn within this rectangular square touching the middle points of its four sides, which circle is represented by the ellipse of Fig. 26. Now, as the inner circle of Fig. 27 is a circle of five spaces' radius, the circumference passes through the twelve num- bered points of the intersections of the ruled lines, as there designated from 1 to 12 inclusive. (See page 150.) The el- lipse of Fig. 26 must therefore pass through the same num- ber of corresponding points in the ruling, so that we thus have twelve definite points through which the ellipse must be drawn. The ellipse may therefore, by these aids, be drawn quite accurately by the hand alone, by tracing a symmetrical curve through these twelve points. The same holds good as to the ellipses on the other two visible faces of the cube. Any isometric ellipse that represents a circle of ten, twen- ty, thirty, forty, etc., spaces' diameter, may thus have twelve of its points given. But when the ellipses represent circles of other proportions, they must be drawn by the aid of the following principles and methods : Scale of Diameters and Axes of Isometric Ellipses. In every isometric ellipse there is. in addition to the ma- jor and the minor axis, what is called the isometric diam- eter. Thus, in the upper ellipse of Fig. 26, 1 7 or 4 10 is the isometric diameter of the ellipse its position being central- ly equidistant from, and parallel to, the sides of the inclos- ing isometric square. The isometric diameter is equal to a side of the isometric square. Hence, when an isometric square is laid down on isometrically ruled paper, the iso- metric diameter of the ellipse that may be drawn within it is also known, and may be located by merely counting the spaces on either of the side lines of the square. ISOMETEICAL DRAWING. 199 The proportions which the minor axis, the major axis, and the isometric diameter bear to one another are also known ; and a table of these relative proportions is given on page 205. We have also prepared, in Fig. 28, Plate YL, a diagram scale, in which the proportions are given, by measure, for el- lipses of any size up to one whose isometric diameter is not more than thirty-five spaces of the isometric ruling given on the isometric drawing-paper. The scale, however, may easily be extended to any required size. Fig. 28. Plate VI. To illustrate. The scale is made in the following manner: Take a rectangular square of any equal number of spaces to a side, as A B CD. From one corner, as D, with a radius D B, cut the side D C extend- ed, in E, and join E A. From the points where the vertical ruled lines from above intersect the line A E, draw hori- zontal lines to the line A D. These thirty-five horizontal lines, thus drawn, measuring from one space up to thirty- five spaces, represent the isometric diameters of that number of ellipses, while to each isometric diameter is assigned its proper major axis and minor axis. Thus, if the isometric diameter of the ellipse be the line D E, its major axis will be A E, and its minor axis A D. Again: if the isometric diameter of a required ellipse be twenty spaces, its measure will be the horizontal line from the point 20, on the diagonal line A E, to the line AD; its major axis will be the measure from 20 to A; and its minor axis will be the measure from the. point A, down to the intersection of the line A D, with the horizontal line drawn from 20. Or, what is the same thing, the minor axis will be the measure from the point 20 up to the point t on the line A B. Fig. 26. Plate V. Application. Suppose that, in Fig. 26, we have merely the isometric square A B C D, of ten spaces to a side, and wish to draw within it an isometric el- lipse touching the middle points of its four sides. The iso- metric diameter being 7 1 (or its equal, B C), we observe that it is represented by the horizontal line on the scale, Fig. 28, from 10, on the diagonal line A E, to the vertical line A D. The line 10 A is, then, the major axis of the el- 200 APPENDIX. lipse, and 10 j the minor axis. Therefore, take the distance 10 A on the compasses, and, applying it to Fig. 26, lay it off on the line 13 J) equidistant on both sides of the centre, c, and it will give the points 5 and t, the extremes of the major axis. Also take the distance 10 j on the compasses, and, applying it to A 6 r , Fig. 26, lay it off equidistant on both sides of the centre, c, and it will give the points u and v, the extremes of the minor axis. In this same manner may the major and the minor axes of the ellipses on the sides of the cube be laid off. And as the diagram scale (Fig. 28) may be easily and accurately made of any required size, on the isometrical drawing-pa- per, the extreme points of the major axis, the minor axis, and the two isometrical diameters eight points in all may be found for any required isometrical ellipse. Through these points the curve may be traced by hand ; or it may be better drawn by the compasses, with great approximate accuracy, in the following manner. To Draw the Ellipse by the Aid of the Compasses. Fig. 29. Let A IB C D be the isometric square within which the ellipse is to be drawn. Find the extreme points, s t and u v 9 of the major and the minor axis, as before shown. Take the point y so as to make t y equal to t D, and from y describe a curve passing through t and barely touching the sides D C and D A. The other end curve of the ellipse is to be drawn in like manner. Make c x equal to c C. Take the distance, t x, by the compasses, and lay it off from A to z. With one point of the compasses in z, and the other extended to 1 or 10, de- scribe the side curve 1 u 10. It should pass through the extremity, it, of the minor axis. In the same manner find the point w above G", and from it describe the side curve 4 v 7. In this manner the ellipse will be so accurately drawn that even in large ellipses the eye can scarcely detect a variation from the true outline.* * Note. A more accurate method might be given for drawing smrtll portions, not more than thirty degrees in extent, of the central, side, and end curves ; and the points for describing the side curves would be a \\tt\efar- ISCirilTBICAL DEAWIXG. 201 The ellipse of Fig. 29 may be considered the npper end of a vertical cylinder, having an axis, c #, of thirteen feet, and a diameter, 1 7, or 4 10, of ten feet. The side lines, t 3 and s 5, are drawn the same as the side lines of vertical cyl- inders in cabinet perspective, while the ellipse for the bot- tom only half of which is visible is drawn within the isometric square, E F G H, in the same manner as the up- per ellipse. The side curves on the cylinder are described from points below w^ by continued removals of two spaces downward, and all with the same stretch of the compasses, w v or w 4; while the end curves are described in a similar manner, from points vertically below y and n. Fig. 30 is an ellipse representing a circle of only five spaces' (five feet) diameter, described on the top of a vertically placed block; and Fig. 31 represents one of the same di- mensions on the end of a horizontally placed block. Fig. 32 represents a cylinder, six feet in diameter and three feet in length, placed horizontally, the end of it being in the same position as the ellipse on the left-hand side of Fig. 26. Fig. 33 is a cylinder of the same dimensions as Fig. 32, but the visible end of it is in the position of the ellipse on the right-hand side of Fig. 26. The upper part of Fig. 34 rep- resents a vertical cylinder, two feet in diameter and four feet in length, cut from a block two feet square at the end. PLATE VII. SCALE OF ONE FOOT TO A SPACE. Fig. 35 represents a hollow cylinder, fourteen feet in ex- treme diameter, four feet in height, and having its w r alls one foot in thickness. It will be seen that its upper outer ellipse is drawn within the isometric square A J2 CD, and that the inner ellipse is drawn within a square one foot within the outer square. The farther inner bottom curve "must, evi- dently, be drawn within a square of the same dimensions as the upper inner square. ther from the centre, r, than those we have given, while those for describiig the end curves would be a trifle nearer the centre, c, than those we have given. But this method would require one half of the side curves of the ellipse to be drawn without the aid of compasses ; and the result would sel- dom be as accurate as by the method we have given. 12 202 APPENDIX. Fig. 36 illustrates a method of dividing the ellipse into any number- of equal parts, or of making in it any required divisions. From E, the centre of a side, A 13, of the isometrical square which incloses the ellipse, draw ED at right angles to A It* and equal to E A. Connect A D and JB D. From .Z), with any radius, the greater the better, describe a curve, 2 3, cutting the lines B D and A D. Mark this curve according to the divisions required in A c D, one quarter of the ellipse, and through the points of division draw lines from D to the line A 1>. From the intersections of these lines with A J3 draw lines to the centre, c, of the ellipse, and the quarter part of the ellipse will be divided in the same proportions as the curve 2 3 is divided. Here the curve 2 3 is designed to be divided into eight equal parts four parts on each side of the central point E; and hence one quarter of the ellipse is divided into the same num- ber of equal parts. If the same divisions are to be continued throughout the ellipse, transfer the points of division on A J3 to the other sides of the isometric square, and from them draw lines to the centre, c, etc. Or the method given in Figs. 21, 22, 23, and 24, of Drawing-Book No. IV., may be adopted for all isometrical ellipses. V. MISCELLANEOUS APPLICATIONS. Fig. 37. To draw an isometrical octagon within an iso- metrical square. And, 1st, when one of the sides of the oc- tagon is to coincide, in part, with the sides of the isometrical square : Within the isometrical square lay down the points 1 2 and 3 4 (taken from diagram, Fig. 28) for the extremities of the major and the minor axis of the ellipse to be drawn within the square. Then through these points draw lines at right angles to the two axes, and the lines thus drawn * If the line E D be drawn from E in the direction of two-space diag- onals, it will be at right angles to A B. ISOilETKICAL DRAWING. 203 will be four of the sides of the required octagon. The other four sides will be those portions of the sides of the isometric square lying between the intersections of the first four lines. It will be seen that the ruling of the paper is a perfect guide for drawing lines at right angles to the major and the mi- nor axis. 2d. When the centre of each of the four sides of the iso- metric square is to be touched by an octagonal corner. Draw two lines from each extremity of the major and minor axes to the centres of the two sides adjacent each ex- tremity, and the octagon will be completed. Thus draw lines from 2 to 5 and 6, from 4 to 5 and , from 1 to 7 and 8, and from 3 to 6 and 7. Inner lines may easily be drawn parallel to the outer lines. Fig. 38 is an octagonal tub or box nine and a half feet in vertical height ; and the sides, one foot in thickness, bevel outward from the top downward. The top is inclosed by an isometrical square of ten feet to a side, and the bottom by a square of thirteen feet to a side. The figure itself will sufficiently explain the method of drawing it. PLATE VIII. SCALE OF ONE FOOT TO A SPACE. Fig. 39 shows that the half of a cylinder, of three-feet ra- dius, cut longitudinally and vertically, has been taken from a piece of timber measuring at the upper end four feet by six feet. The hollow in the timber is semicircular, but shows here as the half of an isometric ellipse, viewed in the position of the ellipse on the right-hand side of the cube in Fig. 26. Fig. 40 represents a semicircular arch of twelve-feet span in its extreme measure from 2 to 3, five feet in length, and with walls two feet in thickness. The arch shows the up- per halves of two isometric ellipses, each viewed in the po- sition of the upper half of the ellipse seen on the right-hand side of the cube in Fig. 26. The outer ellipse is drawn within an isometrical square of twelve feet to a side, and the inner ellipse within one of eight feet to a side. The farther curve is part of an ellipse like the outer front ellipse. The method of drawing the lines for the uniform layers of 204 APPENDIX. stones that form the arch is sufficiently illustrated by the drawing itself. Fig. 41 is the drawing of a small building, and, according to the scale here given, it is only six by eight feet on the ground, with corner posts only three feet high, the ridge rising two feet above the level of the tops of the posts, and the chimney two feet above the ridge. Observe how the ridge runs centrally over the building, and how the chimney is placed centrally on the ridge, and also equidistant from the two extremes of the ridge. Fig. 42 represents a structure having a ground-plan in the form of a cross. The four roofs have sloping ends as well as sloping sides, and are what are called hip-roofed. Moreover, the slope of the ends is the same as the slope of the sides. Thus the point 3 is two feet above the level of the tops of the posts ; and if the end 4 , and the side 4 5, were extended upward, the horizontal distance to the side would be the same as the horizontal distance to the end, being three feet in both cases. Fig. 43 is a clustered column, formed of four pieces, each one foot square at the upper end, but each beveling outward below. The moulding around it is beveled also, to corre- spond to the sides of the column. With the aid of the foregoing illustrations and the iso- metrical drawing-paper, the student ought now to meet with little difficulty in applying the isometrical method of repre- sentation to all objects that are bounded by straight lines or by regular curves. Irregular surface curves may also be represented isometrically without difficulty by first drawing them on the rectangular ruled paper, from which they may be easily transferred to the isometrical paper, as the spaces on both measure alike. The student would do well to rep- resent, isometrically, all the figures and problems in Draw- ing-Books II., III., and IV. ; and he will generally find the change quite easy from the cabinet to the isometrical draw- ing, if he understands the former. ISOMETKICAL DRAWING. 205 TABLE FOR DRAWING CIRCLES Ds ISOMETRICAL PERSPECTIVE. The figures in the columns of Isometrical Diameters denote the lengths of isometric diameters (or sides of isometric squares) ; and the figures in the other two columns denote the corresponding lengths of the minor and major axes. Thus, if an ellipse is to be drawn in an isometric square of 1 spaces to a side, the isometric diameter will be 10 spaces in length, the minor axis will be 7.071 spaces in length, and the major axis 12.247 spaces in length. The Table gives the relative proportions of the isometric diam- eters, minor axes, and major axes for all isometric ellipses drawn in iso- metric squares of from 1 to 90 spaces in diameter. The principle holds good whatever measure of length the figures in the columns of Isometrical Diameters represent. Ipom. Diam. Minor Axis. Major Axis. L*ora. Diam. Minor 1 Major Axis, j Axis. Isoin. Diam. Minor Axis. Major Axis. 1 .707 1.225 31 21.920 37.9G7 61 43.134 74.709 2 1.414 2.449 32 22.627 39.192 62 43.841 75.934 3 2.121 3.674 33 23.335 40.417 63 44.548 77.159 4 2.828 4.899 34 24.042 41.641 64 45.255 78.384 5 3.536 6.124 35 24.749 42.866 65 45.962 79.608 6 4.243 7.348 36 25.456 44.091 66 46.669 80.833 7 4.950 8.573 37 26.163 45.316 67 47.376 82.058 8 5.657 9.798 38 26.870 46.540 68 48.083 83.283 9 6.364 11.023 39 27.577 47.765 69 48.790 84.507 10 7.071 12.247 40 28.284 48.990 70 49.497 85.732 11 7.778 13.472 41 28.991 50.215 71 50.205 86.957 12 8.485 14.697 42 29.698 51.439 72 50.912 88.182 13 9.192 15.922 43 30.406 52.664 73 51.619 89.406 14 9.899 17.146 44 31.113 53.889 74 52.326 90.631 15 10.607 18.371 45 31.820 55.114 75 53.033 91.856 16 11.314 19.596 46 32.527 56.338 76 53.740 93.081 17 12.021 20.821 47 33.234 57.563 77 54.447 94.300 18 12.728 22.045 48 33.941 58.783 78 55.154 95.530 19 13.435 23.270 49 34.648 60.012 79 55.861 96.755 20 14.142 24.495 50 35.355 61.237 80 56.569 97.980 21 14.849 25.720 51 36.062 62.462 81 57.276 99.204 22 15.556 26.944 52 36.770 63.687 82 57.983 100.429 23 16.263 28.169 53 37.477 64.911 83 58.690 101.654 24 16.971 29.394 54 38.184 66.136 84 59.397 102.879 25 17.678 30.619 55 38.891 67.361 85 60.104 104.103 26 18.385 31.843 56 39.598 68.586 86 60.811 105.328 27 19.092 33.068 57 40.305 69.810 87 61.518 106.553 28 19.799 34.293 58 41.012 71.035 88 62.225 107.778 29 20.506 35.518 59 41.719 72.260 89 62.933 109.002 30 21.213 36.742 GO 42.426 73.485 90 63.640 110.227 TTIIVEKSITY Scale of two inches to a space. PI. I. Scale of one foot to a space. PI. II. UNIVERSITY Scale of two feet to a space. PI. in. Scale of one foot to a space. PI. IV. J80 150 7 I'igj. 2 Vr. /V FT 14 1! is 2ta UHIVERSIT7 Scale of one foot to a space. PJ. V Scale of one foot to a space. PL VI. \ -^T s * \/ -/ \, T/ 7 K Scale of one foot to a space. PI. VII. OP THE UHIVEKSIT7 Scale of one foot to a space. PI. VITT. UNIVEESITY OF CALIFOENIA LIBEAEY, BEEKELEY THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW Books not returned, on time are subject to a fine of 50c per volume after the third day overdue, increasing to $1.00 per volume after the sixth day. Books not in demand may be renewed if application is made before expiration of loan period. FEB 28 192t SENT ON ILL NOV 1 2 2002 U. C. BERKELEY 20m-ll,'20 B 15869