With lingering steps, Blanche and Albert slowly returned to 
 Rose Croft. Page 271. 
 Frontispiece. Rob of the Bowl.
 Rob of the Bowl 
 A Story of the Early Days of Maryland 
 Author of " Horseshoe Robinson." 
 With Four Page Illustrations 
 A. L. BURT COMPANY, ^ ^ ^ 
 THE tale related in the following pages refers to 
 a period in the history of Maryland, which has here- 
 l\ tofore been involved in great obscurity, many of 
 the most important records connected with it having 
 been lost to public inspection in forgotten reposi 
 tories, .where they have crumbled away under the 
 touch of time. To the persevering research of the 
 accomplished Librarian of the State a gentleman 
 ^ whose dauntless, antiquarian zeal and liberal scholar- 
 :> ship are only surpassed by the enlightened judgment 
 with which he discharges the functions of his office 
 we are indebted for the rescue of the remnant of 
 these memorials of by-gone days, from the oblivion 
 to which the carelessness of former generations had 
 consigned them. Many were irrecoverable; and it 
 was the fate of the gentleman referred to, to see 
 them fall into the dust at the moment that the long 
 estranged light first glanced upon them. 
 To some of those which have been saved from 
 this wreck, the author is indebted for no small por 
 tion of the materials of his story. In his endeavour 
 to illustrate these passages in the annals of the state, 
 it is proper for him to say that he has aimed to per 
 form his task with historical fidelity. If he has set 
 in harsher light than may be deemed charitable 
 some of the actors in these scenes, or portrayed in 
 lineaments of disparagement or extenuation, beyond 
 their deserts, the partisans on either side in that war 
 of intolerance which disfigured the epoch of this tale, 
 it was apart from his purpose. As a native of the 
 state he feels a prompt sensibility to the fame of her 
 Catholic founders, and, though differing from them 
 in his faith, cherishes the remembrance of their 
 noble endeavours to establish religious freedom, 
 with the affection due to what he believes the most 
 wisely planned and honestly executed scheme of 
 society which at that era, at least, was to be found in 
 the annals of mankind. In the temper inspired by 
 this sentiment, this volume has been given to the 
 public, and is now respectfully inscribed to THE 
 STATE OF MARYLAND, by one who takes the deepest 
 interest in whatever concerns her present happiness 
 or ancient renown. 
 BALTIMORE, DEC. i, 1838.
 No more thy glassy brook reflects the day, 
 But choked with sedges, works its weedy way; 
 Along thy glades a solitary guest, 
 The hollow-sounding bittern guards its nest. 
 The Deserted Village. 
 IT is now more than one hundred and forty-four 
 years since the ancient capital of Maryland was 
 shorn of its honors, by the removal of the public 
 offices, and, along with them, the public function 
 aries, to Annapolis. The date of this removal, I 
 think, is recorded as of the year of grace 1694. 
 The port of St. Mary's, up to that epoch, from the 
 first settlement of the province, comprehending 
 rather more than three score years, had been the 
 seat of the Lord Proprietary's government.
 Geographers are aware that the city of St. Mary's 
 stood on the left bank of the river which now bears 
 the same name (though of old it was called St. 
 George's), and which flows into the Potomac at 
 the southern extremity of the state of Maryland, 
 on the western side of the Chesapeake Bay, at a 
 short distance westward from Point Lookout; but 
 the very spot where the old city stood is known only 
 to a few, for the traces of the early residence of 
 the Proprietary government have nearly faded away 
 from the knowledge of this generation. 
 The river penetrates from the Potomac some 
 twelve miles inland, where it terminates in little 
 forked bays which wash the base of the woody hills. 
 St. George's Island stretches half across its mouth, 
 forming a screen by which the course of the Poto 
 mac is partly concealed from view. St. Inigoe's 
 creek, flowing into the river upon the right hand, 
 along the base of these cliffs, forms by its southern 
 shore a flat, narrow and grass-clad point, upon 
 which the ancient Jesuit House of the patron saint 
 whose name distinguishes the creek, throws up, in 
 sharp relief, its chateau-like profile, together with its 
 windmill, its old trees, barns and cottages, the 
 whole suggesting a resemblance to a strip of paste 
 board scenery on a prolonged and slender base line 
 of green. 
 The ancient city was situated nearly two miles 
 beyond the confluence of St. Inigoe's creek, upon a 
 spacious level plain which maintained an elevation
 of some fifty feet above the river. The State House 
 stood at the upper extremity of the town, upon a 
 cedar-clad headland, which, by an abrupt descent, 
 terminated in a long, flat, sandy point, that reached 
 almost half across the river. In regard to this 
 building, tradition which I find to be somewhat 
 inclined to brag of its glory affirms it to have 
 been constructed in the shape of a cross, looking 
 towards the river, with walls thick enough to resist 
 cannon, and perilous steep roofs, from the top of 
 the chief of which shot up a spire, whereon was 
 impaled a dolphin with a crooked, bifurcated tail. 
 A wooden quay and warehouse on the point showed 
 this to "be the seat of trade, and a crescent-shaped 
 bay or indentation between this and a similar 
 headland at the lower extremity of the town, con 
 stituted the anchorage or harbour for the scant 
 shipping of the port. 
 The State House looked rearward over the town 
 common, a large space of open ground, at the 
 farther end of which, upon the border of a marshy 
 inlet, covered with bulrushes and cat-tails, stood a 
 squat, sturdy and tight little gaol, supported, to 
 use the military phrase, on one flank by a pillory 
 and stocks, and on the other by an implement of 
 government which has gone out of fashion in our 
 day, but which found favour with our ancestors as 
 an approved antidote to the prevalent distemper of 
 an unnecessary or too clamorous loquacity in their 
 dames a ducking stool, that hung suspended over
 a pool of sufficient depth for the most obstinate 
 case that might occur. 
 Without wearying my reader with too much 
 description, I shall content myself with referring 
 to but two or three additional particulars as neces 
 sary to my future purpose ; a Catholic chapel devoted 
 to St. Ignatius, the patron of the province, in 
 humble and unostentatious guise, occupied, with its 
 appurtenances, a few acres in the centre of the plain, 
 a short distance from that confine of the city which 
 lay nearest to St. Inigoe's ; and in the opposite quar 
 ter, not far from the State House, a building of 
 much more pretension, though by no means so neat, 
 had been erected for the service of the Church of 
 England, which was then fast growing into the 
 ascendant. On one of the streets leading to the 
 beach was the market house, surrounded by its 
 ordinaries and ale-houses; and lastly, in the year 
 1 68 1, to which this description refers, a little hos 
 telry of famous report, known by the sign of "The 
 Crow and Archer," and kept by Master Garret 
 Weasel, stood on the water's edge, at the foot of 
 the bank below the State House, on a piece of level 
 ground looking out upon the harbour. At the 
 extremity of the cape or headland which formed 
 the lower or more seaward point of the crescent- 
 shaped harbour, was erected the Fort of St. Mary's, 
 where it threatened equal defiance to such as might 
 meditate disturbance either by sea or land. A few 
 hundred paces in the rear of the fort, stood the
 ample dwelling-house of the Lord Proprietary with 
 its gables, roofs, chimneys and spires, sharply 
 defined against the eastern sky. A massive build 
 ing of dark brick, two stories in height, and pene 
 trated by narrow windows, looking forth, beyond 
 the fort, upon the river, constituted the chief mem 
 ber or main body of the mansion. This was capped 
 by a wooden, balustraded parapet, terminating, at 
 each extremity, in a scroll like the head of a violin, 
 and, in the middle, sustaining an entablature that 
 rose to a summit on which was mounted a weather 
 cock. From this central structure, right and left, a 
 series of arcades, corridors, and vestibules served to 
 bring "into line a range of auxiliary or subordinate 
 buildings of grotesque shapes, of which several were 
 bonneted like haycocks the array terminating, on 
 one flank, in a private chapel surmounted by a cross, 
 and, on the other, in a building of similar size but 
 of different figure, which was designed and some 
 times used for a banqueting room. The armorial 
 bearings of the Baltimore family, emblazoned on a 
 shield of free-stone, were built into the pediment of 
 an arched brick porch which shaded the great hall 
 door. In the rear of the buildings, a circular sweep 
 of wall and paling reached as far as a group of 
 stables, kennels and sheds. Vanward the same kind 
 of enclosures, more ornate in their fashion, shut 
 in a grassy court, to which admission was gained 
 through a heavy iron gate swung between square,
 stuccoed pillars, each of which was surmounted by 
 a couchant lion carved in stone. 
 A garden occupied the space between the propri 
 etary residence and the fort, and through it a path 
 way led to a dry moat which formed one of the 
 defences of the stronghold, into which admission 
 was obtained from this quarter by a narrow bridge 
 and postern gate. A palisade of sharp pickets 
 fringed the outer and inner slopes of the ditch, 
 or, to speak more technically, guarded the scarp 
 and counter-scarp. The fort itself sat like a square 
 bonnet on the brow of the headland. Its ramparts 
 of earth were faced outwardly by heavy frame 
 work of hewn logs, which, on the side looking 
 askant towards the town, were penetrated by an 
 arched gateway and secured by heavy doors studded 
 thick with nails. This portal opened upon a road 
 which lay along the beach beneath the cliff, all the 
 way to the upper extremity of the town. Several 
 low buildings within, appropriated to barracks and 
 magazines, just peered above the ramparts. 
 The province, it may be surmised, was belligerent 
 at this day. For although the Lords Barons of 
 Baltimore, absolute Proprietaries of Maryland and 
 Avalon, would fain have encouraged a pacific tem 
 per, and desired ever to treat with the Indians upon 
 terms of friendly bargain and sale, and in all points 
 of policy manifested an equitable disposition towards 
 the native men of the forest, the province, neverthe 
 less, had its full share of hard blows. There was
 seldom a period, in this early time, when some 
 Indian quarrel was not coming to a head; and, 
 young as the province was, it had already tasted of 
 rebellion at the hands of Clayborne, and Ingle, 
 to say nothing of that Fendall who was fain to 
 play Cromwell in the plantation, by turning the 
 burgesses out of their hall, and whose sedition hath 
 still something to do with my story. However 
 peaceable, therefore, the Lord Proprietary might 
 incline to be, he could not but choose stand by his 
 In the view of these and kindred troubles, the 
 freemen of the province had no light service in 
 their obligations of military duty. One of the 
 forms in which this service was exacted, in addi 
 tion to the occasional requisition, on emergency, of 
 the whole population fit to bear arms, and in addi 
 tion also to a force of mounted rangers who were 
 constantly engaged in scouring the frontier, was in 
 the maintenance of a regularly paid and trained 
 body of musqueteers who supplied the necessary 
 garrisons for the principal forts. That of St. 
 Mary's which was the oldest and most redoubtable 
 stronghold in the province, was furnished with a 
 company of forty men of this class who were, at 
 the date of this tale, under the command of a per 
 sonage of some note, Captain Jasper Dauntrees. 
 This worthy had been bred up to the science of 
 arms from early youth, and had seen many varieties 
 of service, first, in the civil wars in which he took
 the field with the royal army, a staunch cavalier, 
 and afterwards, with a more doubtful complexion 
 of loyalty, when he enlisted with Monk in Scotland, 
 and followed his banner to London in the notable 
 exploit of the Restoration. Yielding to the bent 
 of that humour which the times engendered, and in 
 imitation of many a hungry and peace-despising 
 gallant of his day, he repaired to the continent, 
 where, after various fortunes, he found himself in 
 the train of Turenne and hard at loggerheads with 
 the Prince of Orange, in which passage of his life 
 he enjoyed the soldierly gratification of lending a 
 hand to the famous ravage of the Palatinate. 
 His figure had, in youth, been evidently remarked 
 for strength and symmetry but age and varied ser 
 vice, combined with habits of irregular indulgence 
 had communicated to it a bluff and corpulent dimen 
 sion. His port nevertheless was erect, and his step 
 as firm as in his days of lustihood. His eye still 
 sparkled with rays but little quenched by time, al 
 though unseasonable vigils sometimes rendered it 
 bloodshotten. A thick neck and rosy complexion 
 betokened a hale constitution; and the ripple of a 
 deep and constantly welling humour, that played 
 upon his strongly marked features, expressed in 
 characters that could not be misread, that love of 
 companionship which had been, perhaps, the most 
 frequent shoal upon which his hopes in life had been 
 stranded. His crown was bald and encircled by a 
 fair supply of crisp, curly and silvery hair, whilst
 a thick grey moustache gave a martial and veteran 
 air to his visnomy. 
 His dress served to set off his figure to the best 
 advantage. It consisted of the doublet and ruff, 
 short cloak and trunk hose, the parti-colored stock 
 ing and capacious boot proper to the old English 
 costume which, about the period of the Restoration, 
 began to give way to the cumbrous foppery of the 
 last century. This costume was still retained by 
 many in the province, and belonged ta the military 
 equipment of the garrison of St. Mary's, where it 
 was fashioned of light green cloth garnished with 
 yellow lace. 
 On -a certain afternoon in October the Captain of 
 Musqueteers sat in front of his quarters in the fort. 
 A small table was displayed upon the pavement, sup 
 plied with a flagon, pipes, and drinking cups. The 
 Captain's solid bulk was deposited in a broad arm 
 chair, close by the table. A sentinel stood on post 
 at the gate, towards which the Captain, as he slowly 
 quaffed a cup, ever and anon turned an expectant 
 eye. Once or twice he rose from his seat and strode 
 backward and forward across the parade, then vis 
 ited the rampart, which afforded him a view of the 
 road leading from the town, and finally resumed his 
 seat and renewed his solitary and slow potation. 
 When the sun had sunk halfway down the flag 
 staff, the Captain's wishes were crowned by the arri 
 val of a brace of visitors. 
 The first of these was Garret Weasel, the publi-
 can, a thin, small man, in a suit of gray ; of a timid 
 carriage and slender voice. He might have been 
 observed for a restless, undefmable eye which 
 seemed to possess the habitual circumspection of a 
 tapster to see the need of a customer; and this ex 
 pression was sustained by a rabbit-like celerity of 
 motion which raised the opinion of his timidity. 
 His companion was a tall, sinewy, and grave per 
 son, habited in the guise of a forester a cap, 
 namely, of undressed deer skin, a buff jerkin, 
 guarded by a broad belt and buckle at the waist, 
 and leggings of brown leather. This was a Flem 
 ing, named Arnold de la Grange, who belonged to 
 the corps of wood rangers in the service of the Lord 
 Proprietary. He had arrived in the province in the 
 time of Lord Cecilius, many years before, and had 
 shared much of the toil of the early settlement. His 
 weather-beaten and gaunt form, tawny cheek, and 
 grizzled hair, bespoke a man inured to the hard 
 service of a frontier life, whilst his erect port and 
 firm step, evinced that natural gracefulness which 
 belongs to men trained to the self-dependence nec 
 essary to breast the ever-surrounding perils of such 
 a service. 
 A bluff greeting and short ceremony placed the 
 visitors at the table, and each, upon a mute signal 
 from the host, appropriated his cup and pipe. 
 "You are never a true man, Garret Weasel," 
 said the Captain, "to dally so long behind your 
 appointment; and such an appointment, too! state
 matters would be trifles to it. The round dozen 
 which you lost to me on Dame Dorothy's headgear 
 a blessing on it ! you did yourself so order it, was 
 to be broached at three of the clock; and now, by 
 my troth, it is something past four. There is cul 
 pable laches on it. Idleness is the canker of the 
 spirit, but occupation is the lard of the body, as I 
 may affirm in my own person. Mistress Dorothy, 
 I suspect, has this tardy coming to answer for. I 
 doubt the brow of our brave dame hath been cloudy 
 this afternoon. How is it, Arnold! bachelor, and 
 Dutchman to boot, you will speak without fear." 
 "The woman," replied Arnold, in a broken Eng 
 lish accent, which I do not attempt to convey in 
 syllables, "had her suspicions." 
 "Hold ye, Captain Dauntrees," eagerly inter 
 rupted the innkeeper, drawing up his chair to the 
 table for he had seated himself a full arms-length 
 off, in awkward deference to his host ; "and hold ye, 
 Master Arnold ! my wife rules not me, as some evil- 
 minded jesters report ; no, in faith ! We were much 
 beset to-day. In sooth I could not come sooner. 
 Customers, you know, Captain, better than most 
 men, customers must be answered, and will be 
 answered, when we poor servants go athirst. We 
 were thronged to-day; was it not so, Arnold?" 
 "That is true," replied the forester; "the wife had 
 her hands full as well as Garret himself. There were 
 traders in the port, to-day, from the Bay Shore and 
 the Isle of Kent, and some from the country back,
 to hear whether the brigantine had arrived. They 
 had got some story that Cocklescraft should be 
 "I see it," said Dauntrees; "that fellow, Cockles- 
 craft, hath a trick of warning his friends. He never 
 comes into port but there be strange rumors of him 
 ahead ; it seems to be told by the pricking of thumbs. 
 St. Mary's is not the first harbour where he drops 
 his anchor, nor Anthony Warden the first to docket 
 his cargo. You understand me." 
 "You have a bold mind, Captain," said the pub 
 lican; "you men of the wars speak your thoughts." 
 "You are none the losers by Master Cocklescraft," 
 interposed Arnold, drily. 
 "My wife pays honestly for the liquors/'said 
 Weasel, as his eye glanced timorously from one to 
 the other of his comrades; "I take no heed of the 
 "But the headgear, Garret," rejoined Dauntrees, 
 laughing; "you pay for that, though the mercer saw 
 my coin for it. Twelve bottles of Canary were a 
 good return on that venture. The bauble sits lightly 
 on the head of the dame, and it is but fair that the 
 winnings should rise as lightly into ours. But for 
 Cocklescraft, we should lack these means to be 
 merry. The customs are at a discount on a dark 
 night. Well, be it so. What point of duty calls 
 on us to baulk the skipper in his trade? We are of 
 the land, not of the water; consumers, on the dis 
 bursing side of the account, not of the gathering
 in. The revenue hath its proper friends, and we 
 should neither meddle nor make. Worthy Garret 
 Weasel has good report in the province for the 
 reasonableness of his wines and long may he de 
 serve that commendation!" 
 "I thank heaven that I strive to merit the good 
 will of the freemen," interrupted the innkeeper. 
 "And he is something given to brag of his wines. 
 Faith, and with reason! Spain and Portugal, the 
 Garonne and the Rhine, are his tributaries. Garret, 
 we know the meridian of your El Dorado." 
 "Nay, nay, Master Captain your worship is 
 merry; I beseech you " 
 "Never mind your beseeching, my modest friend. 
 You scarce do yourself justice. You have his Lord 
 ship's license paid for in good round ducatoons 
 and that's the fee of a clear conscience. So let the 
 trade thrive! The exchequer is not a baby to be in 
 swaddling bands, unable to feed itself. No, it has 
 the eagle's claw, and wants no help from thee, thou 
 forlorn tapster ! Make thine honest penny, Garret ; 
 all thirsty fellows will stand by thee." 
 "I would be thought orderly, Master Dauntrees." 
 "Thou art so computed to a fault. You would 
 have been so reckoned in Lord Cecil's time; and 
 matters are less straitened now-a-days. Lord 
 Charles gives more play to good living than his 
 father allowed of. You remember his Lordship's 
 father set his face against wines and strong waters." 
 "He did, gentlemen," said Weasel, squaring him-
 self in his seat with animation. "Heaven forbid I 
 should speak but as becomes me of the honourable 
 Lord Cecil's memory, or of his honourable son ! but 
 to my cost, I know that his Lordship's father was 
 no friend to evil courses, or sottish behaviour, or 
 drinking, unless it was in moderation, mark you. 
 But, with humility, I protest the law is something 
 hard on us poor ordinary keepers; for you shall 
 understand, Arnold Grange, that at a sale by outcry, 
 if there should lack wherewithal to pay the debts of 
 the debtor, the publican and vintner are shut out, 
 seeing that the score for wines and strong waters 
 is the last to be paid." 
 "And good law it is, let me tell you Garret 
 Weasel! Good and wholesome; wisely laid down 
 by the burgesses, and wisely maintained by his 
 Lordship. You rail without cause. Sober habits 
 must be engenedered: your health, comrades! 
 Then it behooves you publicans to be nice in your 
 custom. We will none of your lurdans that can not 
 pay scot and lot your runagates that fall under 
 the statute of outcry. Let them drink of the clear 
 brook ! There is wisdom and virtue in the law. Is 
 it not so, Arnold?" 
 "It preaches well," replied the forester, as he sent 
 forth a volume of smoke from his lips. 
 "Another flask, and we will drink to his Lord 
 ship," said Dauntrees, who now left the table and re 
 turned with the fourth bottle. "Fill up, friends; 
 the evening wears apace. Here's to his Lordship,
 and his Lordship's ancestors of ever noble and happy 
 memory !" 
 As Dauntrees smacked his lip upon emptying his 
 cup, he flung himself back in his chair, and in a 
 thoughtful tone ejaculated : "the good Lord Charles 
 has had a heavy time of it since his return from 
 England ; these church brawlers would lay gunpow 
 der under our hearth-stones. And then the death 
 of young Lord Cecil, whilst his father was abroad, 
 too; it was a heavy blow. My lady hath never held 
 up her head since." 
 A pause succeeded to this grave reflection, dur 
 ing which the trio smoked their pipes in silence, 
 which was at length broken by an attenuated sigh 
 from the pnblican, as he exclaimed," Well-a-day ! the 
 great have their troubles as well as the rest of us. 
 It is my opinion that Heaven will have its. will, Cap 
 tain; that's my poor judgment." And having thus 
 disburdened himself of this weighty sentiment the 
 weight of it being increased, perhaps, by the pres 
 sure of his previous potations he drained the heel 
 tap, which stood in his glass, and half whispered, 
 when he had done, "That's as good a drop of Ca 
 nary as ever grew within the horizon of the Peak 
 of Teneriffe." 
 "Through the good will of friend Cocklescraft," 
 interrupted Dauntrees, suddenly resuming his 
 former gaiety. 
 "Pray you, Captain Dauntrees," said the publi 
 can, with a hurried concern, "think what hurt thy
 jest may bring upon me. Arnold knows not your 
 merry humour, and may believe, from your speech, 
 that I am not reputable." 
 "Pish, man; bridle thy foolish tongue! Did I 
 not see the very cask on't at Trencher Rob's? Did 
 I not mark how your sallow cheek took on an ashen 
 complexion, when his Lordship's Secretary, a fort 
 night since, suddenly showed himself among the 
 cedars upon the bank that overlooks your door, 
 when your ill luck would have you to be rolling the 
 cask in open day into thy cellar. The secretary was 
 in a bookish mood, and saw thee not or, perad- 
 venture, was kind, and would not heed." 
 To this direct testimony, Weasel could only reply 
 by a faint-hearted and involuntary smile which sur 
 rendered the point, and left him in a state of silly 
 "Never droop in thy courage, worthy Weasel," 
 exclaimed the Captain; "thou art as honest as thy 
 betters; and, to my mind, the wine hath a better 
 smack from its overland journey from St. Jerome's 
 when there was no sun to heat it." 
 "The secretary," said the innkeeper, anxious to 
 give the conversation another direction, "is a wor 
 shipful youth, and a modest, and grows in favor 
 with the townspeople." 
 "Ay, and is much beloved by his Lordship," 
 added the Captain. 
 "And comes, I warrant me, of gentle kind, though 
 I have not heard aught of his country or friends.
 Dorothy, my wife, says that the women almost 
 swear by him, for his quiet behaviour and pretty 
 words and they have eyes, Captain Dauntrees, for 
 excellence which we have not." 
 "There is a cloud upon his birth," said Dauntrees, 
 "and a sorrowful tale touching his nurture. I had 
 it from Burton, the master of the ship who brought 
 him with my Lord to the province." 
 "Indeed, Captain Dauntrees ! you were ever quick 
 to pick up knowledge. You have a full ear and a 
 good memory." 
 "Drink, drink, comrades !" said the Captain. "We 
 should not go dry because the secretary hath had 
 mishaps. If it please you, I will tell the story, 
 though I will not vouch for the truth of what I have 
 only at second hand." 
 After the listeners had adjusted themselves in 
 their chairs, Dauntrees proceeded. 
 "There was, in Yorkshire, a Major William 
 Weatherby, who fought against the Parliament 
 I did not know him, for I was but a stripling at the 
 time who, when King Charles was beheaded, went 
 over and took service with the States General, and 
 at Arnheim married a lady of the name of Verhey- 
 den. Getting tired of the wars, he came back to 
 England with his wife, where they lived together 
 five or six years without children. The story goes 
 that he was a man of fierce and crooked temper; 
 choleric, and unreasonable in his quarrel; and for 
 jealousy, no devil ever equalled him in that amialie
 virtue. It was said, too, that his living was riotous 
 and unthrifty, which is, in part, the customary sin 
 of soldiership. I am frank with you, masters." 
 "You are a good judge, Captain; you have had 
 experience," said the publican. 
 "There was a man of some mark in the country 
 where this Weatherby lived, a Sir George Alwin, 
 who, taking pity on the unhappy lady, did her sun 
 dry acts of kindness harmless acts, people say; 
 such as you or I, neighbours, would be moved to do 
 for a distressed female; but the lady was of rare 
 beauty, and the husband full of foul fancies. 
 "About this time, it was unlucky that nature 
 wrought a change and the lady grew lusty for the 
 first time in six years marriage. To make the story 
 short, Weatherby was free with his dagger, and in 
 the street, at Doncaster, in the midst of a public 
 show, he stabbed Alwin to the heart." 
 The wood ranger silently shook his head, and the 
 publican opened his watery eyes in astonishment. 
 "By the aid of a fleet horse and private enemies 
 of the murdered man, Weatherby escaped out of the 
 kingdom, and was never aftenvards heard of." 
 "And died like a dog, I s'pose," said Arnold 
 de la Grange. 
 "Likely enough," replied Dauntrees. 
 "The poor lady was struck down with the horror 
 of the deed, and had nearly gone to her grave. But 
 Heaven was kind, and she survived it, and was re 
 lieved of her burden in the birth of a son. For some
 years afterwards, by the bounty of friends, but with 
 many a struggle for her means were scanty she 
 made shift to dwell in England. At last she re 
 turned to Holland, where she found a resting place 
 in her native earth, having lived long enough to see 
 her son, a well grown lad, safely taken in charge by 
 her brother, a merchant of Antwerp. The parents 
 were both attached to our Church of Rome, and the 
 son was sent by his uncle to the Jesuit school of his 
 own city. Misfortune overtook the merchant, and 
 he died before the nephew had reached his four 
 teenth year. But the good priests of Antwerp 
 tended the lad with the care of parents, and would 
 have reared him as a servant of the altar. When our 
 Lord Baltimore was in the Netherlands, three years 
 ago, he found Albert Verheyden, (the youth has 
 ever born his mother's name)' in the Seminary. His 
 Lordship took a liking to him and brought him 
 into his own service. Master Albert was then but 
 eighteen. There is the whole story. It is as dry 
 as a muscat raisin. It sticks in the throat, masters, 
 so moisten, moisten!" 
 "It is a marvelous touching story," said the inn 
 keeper, as he swallowed at a draught a full goblet. 
 "The hot hand and the cold steel," said Arnold, 
 thoughtfully, "hold too much acquaintance in these 
 times. Master Albert is an honest youth, and a good 
 youth, and a brave follower too, of hawk or hound, 
 Captain Dauntrees." 
 "Then there is good reason for a cup to the secre
 tary," said the Captain, filling again. "The work! 
 hath many arguments for a thirsty man. The 
 blight of the year fall upon this sadness! Let us 
 change our discourse I would carouse a little, 
 friends. It is salutary to laugh. Thanks to my pa 
 tron, I am a bachelor! So drink, Master Arnold, 
 mein sauff bruder, as we used to say on the Rhine." 
 "Ich trinck, euch zu," was the reply of the for 
 ester, as he answered the challenge with a sparkling 
 eye, and a face lit up with smiles; "a good lad, an 
 excellent lad, though he come of a hot-brained 
 The wine began to show itself upon the revelers ; 
 for by this time they had nearly got through half of 
 the complement of the wager. The effect of this po 
 tation upon the Captain was to give him a more 
 flushed brow, and a moister eye, and to administer 
 somewhat to the volubility of his tongue. It had 
 wrought no further harm, for Dauntrees was bot 
 tle-proof. Upon the forester it was equally harm 
 less, rather enhancing than dissipating his saturnine 
 steadfastness of demeanour. He was, perchance, 
 somewhat more precise and thoughtful. Garret 
 Weasel, of the three, was the only weak vessel. 
 With every cup of the last half hour he grew more 
 "Ads heartlikens !" he exclaimed, "but this wine 
 doth tingle, Captain Dauntrees. Here is a fig for 
 my wife Dorothy ! Come and go as you list none
 of your fetch and carry! that's what the world is 
 coming to, amongst us married cattle!" 
 "Thou art a valourous tapster," said the Captain. 
 "I am the man to stand by his friend, Captain 
 mine; and I am thy friend, Captain Papist or 
 Roman though they call thee!" 
 "A man for need, Garret!" said Dauntrees, pat 
 ting him on the head ; "a dozen flasks or so, when a 
 friend wants them, come without the asking." 
 "And I pay my wagers, I warrant, Captain, like 
 a true comrade." 
 "Like a prince, Garret, who does not stop to 
 count the score, bnt makes sure of the total by 
 throwing in a handful over." 
 "I am no puritan, Master Dauntrees, I tell thee." 
 "Thou hast the port of a cavalier, good Weasel. 
 Thou wouldst have done deadly havoc amongst the 
 round-heads, if they but took thee in the fact of 
 discharging a wager. Thou wert scarce in debt, 
 after this fashion, at Worcester, my valiant drawer. 
 Thy evil destiny kept thee empty on that day." 
 "Ha, ha, ha! a shrewd memory for a stale jest, 
 Captain Dauntrees. The world is slanderous though 
 I care little for it. You said you would be merry; 
 shall we not have a song? Come, troll us a catch, 
 "I am of thy humour, old madcap ; I'll wag it with 
 thee bravely," replied Dauntrees, as he struck up a 
 brisk drinking-bout glee of that day, in which he 
 was followed by the treble voice of the publican, who
 at the same time rose from his seat and accom 
 panied the music with some unsteady gyrations in 
 the manner of a dance upon the gravel. 
 "From too much keeping an evil decorum, 
 From the manifold treason parliamentorum, 
 From Oliver Cromwell, dux omnium malorum, 
 Libera nos, Libera nos." 
 Whilst Dauntrees and his gossips were thus occu 
 pied in their carouse, they were interrupted by the 
 unexpected arrival of two well-known persons, who 
 had approached by the path of the postern gate. 
 The elder of the two was a youth just on the verge 
 of manhood. His person was slender, well propor 
 tioned, and rather over the common height. His 
 face, distinguished by a decided outline of beauty, 
 wore a thoughtful expression, which was scarcely 
 overcome by the flash of a black and brilliant eye. 
 A complexion pale and even feminine, betokened 
 studious habits. His dress, remarkable for its neat 
 ness, denoted a becoming pride of appearance in the 
 wearer. It told of the Low Countries. A well-fitted 
 doublet and hose, of a grave colour, were partially 
 concealed by a short camlet cloak of Vandyke 
 brown. A black cap and feather, a profusion of 
 dark hair hanging in curls towards the shoulders, 
 and a falling band or collar of lace, left it unques 
 tionable that the individual I have sketched was of 
 gentle nurture, and associated with persons of rank. 
 This was further manifested in the gay and some-
 what gaudy apparel of his companion, a lad of 
 fourteen, who walked beside him in the profusely 
 decorated costume of a young noble of that ambi 
 tious era, when the thoughtless and merry monarch 
 of England, instead of giving himself to the cares of 
 government, was busy to invent extravagancies of 
 dress. The lad was handsome, though his features 
 wore the impress of feeble health. He now bore in 
 his hand a bow and sheaf of arrows. 
 The visitors had taken our revellers at unawares, 
 and had advanced within a few feet before they were 
 observed. The back of the publican was turned to 
 them, and he was now in mid career of his dance, 
 throwing up his elbows, tossing his head, and tread 
 ing daintily upon the earth, as he sang the burden, 
 "Libera nos, libera nos." 
 "You give care a holiday, Captain Dauntrees," 
 said the elder youth, with a slightly perceptible 
 foreign accent. 
 Dauntrees started abruptly from his seat, at this 
 accost, smiled with a reddened brow, and made a 
 low obeisance. The cessation of the song left Garret 
 Weasel what a mariner would term "high and 
 dry," for like a bark floated upon a beach and sud 
 denly bereft of its element, he remained fixed in the 
 attitude at which the music deserted him, one foot 
 raised, an arm extended, and his face turned inquir 
 ingly over his shoulder. His amazement upon dis-
 covering the cause of this interruption, brought 
 about a sudden and ludicrous affectation of sobriety; 
 in an instant his port was changed to one of defer 
 ence, although somewhat awkwardly overcharged 
 with what was intended to represent gravity and 
 Arnold de la Grange rose from his chair and 
 stood erect, firm and silent. 
 "Hail, Master Albert Verheyden, and Master 
 Benedict Leonard: God save you both!" said Daun- 
 "I say amen to that, and God save his lordship, 
 besides!" ejaculated the publican with a drunken 
 formality of utterance. 
 "I would not disturb your merriment, friends," 
 said the secretary, "but his lordship bade me sum 
 mon Captain Dauntrees to the hall. You, Arnold 
 de la Grange, will be pleased to accompany the Cap 
 Arnold bowed his head, and the visitors retired by 
 the great gate of the fort. In a moment young 
 Benedict Leonard came running back, and addressed 
 the forester: 
 "Master Arnold, I would have a new bow-string 
 this is worn; and my bird-bolts want feathering; 
 shall I leave them with you, good Arnold?" And 
 without waiting an answer, he thrust the bow and 
 arrows into the smiling wood-ranger's hand, and 
 bounded away again through the gate. 
 Dauntrees flung his sword-belt across his shoul-
 der, put on his cloak, delayed a moment to secure 
 the remaining flasks of wine, and then beckoned to 
 the ranger to follow him. 
 "Stop," cried Weasel, with an officious zeal to 
 make himself useful : "your belt is awry ; it is not 
 comely to be seen by his lordship in this slovenly 
 The belt was set right, and the two directed 
 their steps towards the postern, and thence to the 
 mansion. The publican tarried only until his com 
 panions were out of sight, when, curious to know 
 the object of the errand, and careful to avoid the 
 appearance of intrusion, he followed upon the same 
 path, at" a respectful distance, stepping wisely, as 
 a drunken man is wont, and full of the opinion that 
 his sobriety was above all suspicion. 
 Oft as the peasant wight impelled 
 To these untrodden paths had been, 
 As oft he, horror struck, beheld 
 Things of unearthly shape and mien. 
 Glengonar's Wassail. 
 THE day was drawing near to a close, and the 
 Proprietary thoughtfully paced the hall. The 
 wainscoted walls around him were hung with costly 
 paintings, mingled, not untastefully, with Indian
 war clubs, shields, bows and arrows, and other 
 trophies won from the savage. Musquets, cutlasses 
 and partisans were bestowed on brackets ready for 
 use in case of sudden invasion from that race of wild 
 men whose stealthy incursions in times past had 
 taught this policy of preparation. 
 Lord Baltimore, at the period when I have intro 
 duced him, might have been verging upon fifty. He 
 was of a delicate and slender stature, with a grave 
 and dignified countenance. His manners were 
 sedate and graceful, and distinguished by that gen 
 tleness which is characteristic of an educated mind 
 when chastened by affliction. 
 Charles Calvert had come to the province in 1662, 
 and from that date, until the death of his father, 
 thirteen years afterwards, administered the govern 
 ment in the capacity of Lieutenant-General. Upon 
 his accession to the proprietary rights, he found him 
 self compelled by the intrigues of a faction to visit 
 London, where he was detained nearly four years, 
 having left Lady Baltimore, with a young family of 
 children, behind him, under the care of his uncle, 
 Philip Calvert, the chancellor of the province. He 
 had now, within little more than a twelvemonth, 
 returned to his domestic roof, to mingle his sorrows 
 with those of his wife for the death of his eldest 
 son, Cecilius, who had sunk into the tomb during his 
 The public cares of his government left him scant 
 leisure to dwell upon his personal afflictions. The
 province was surrounded by powerful tribes of 
 Indians who watched the white settlers with an 
 eager hostility, and seized every occasion to molest 
 them by secret inroad, and often by open assault. 
 A still more vexatious annoyance existed in the 
 party divisions of the inhabitants divisions unluck 
 ily resting on religious distinctions the most fierce 
 of all dissensions. Ever since the Restoration, the 
 jealousy of the Protestant subjects of the crown 
 against the adherents of the church of Rome had 
 been growing into a sentiment that finally broke 
 forth into the most flagrant persecution. In the 
 province, the Protestants during the last twenty 
 years had greatly increased in number, and at the 
 date of this narrative constituted already the larger 
 mass of the population. They murmured against the 
 dominion of the Proprietary as one adverse to the 
 welfare of the English church; and intrigues were 
 set on foot to obtain the establishment of that church 
 in the province through the interest of the ministry 
 in England. 
 Among the agitators in this cause was a man of 
 some note in the former history of the province 
 the famous Josias Fendall, the governor in the time 
 of the Protectorate now in a green old age, whose 
 turbulent temper, and wily propensity to mischief 
 had lost none of their edge with the approach of 
 gray hairs. This individual had stimulated some of 
 the hot spirits of the province into open rebellion 
 against the life of the Proprietary and his uncle.
 His chief associate was John Coode, a coarse but 
 shrewd leader of a faction, who, with the worst 
 inclinations against the Proprietary had the wit to 
 avoid the penalties of the law, and to maintain 
 himself in a popular position as a member of the 
 house of Burgesses. Fendall, a few months before 
 this era had been arrested with several followers, 
 upon strong proofs of conspiracy, and was now a 
 close prisoner in the gaol. 
 Such is a brief but necessary view of the state of 
 affairs on the date, at which I have presented the 
 Lord Proprietary to my reader. 
 When Lord Baltimore descried Captain Daun- 
 trees and the ranger approaching the mansion from 
 the direction of the fort, he advanced beyond the 
 threshold to meet them. In a moment they stood 
 unbonneted before him. 
 "God save you, good friends!" was his salutation 
 "Captain Dauntrees and worthy Arnold, wel 
 come! Cover," he added in a tone of familiar 
 kindness, "put on your hats; these evening airs 
 sometimes distill an ague upon a bare head." 
 A rugged smile played upon the features of the 
 old forester as he resumed his shaggy cap, and said, 
 "Lord Charles is good; but he does not remember 
 that the head of an old ranger gets his blossoms like 
 the dog- wood, in the wind and the rain : the dew 
 sprinkles upon it the same as upon a stone." 
 "Old friend," replied the Proprietary, "that 
 grizzly head has taken many a sprinkling in the
 service of my father and myself; it is worthy of a 
 better bonnet, and thou shalt have one, Arnold 
 the best thou canst find in the town. Choose for 
 yourself, and Master Verheyden shall look to the 
 cost of it." 
 The Fleming modestly bowed, as he replied with 
 that peculiar foreign gesture and accent, neither of 
 which may be described, "Lord Charles is good. 
 He is the son of his father, Lord Cecil, Heaven 
 bless his memory!" 
 "Master Verheyden bade me attend your lord 
 ship," said Dauntrees; "and to bring Arnold de la 
 Grange with me." 
 "I have matter for your vigilance, Captain," re 
 plied the Proprietary. "Walk with me in the gar 
 den we will talk over our business in the open 
 air " 
 When they had strolled some distance, Lord Bal 
 timore proceeded "There are strange tales afloat 
 touching certain mysterious doings in a house at St. 
 Jerome's ; the old wives will have it that it is inhab 
 ited by goblins and mischievous spirits and, in 
 truth, wiser people than old women are foolish 
 enough to hold it in dread. Father Pierre tells me 
 he can scarcely check this terror." 
 "Your Lordship means the fisherman's house on 
 the beach at St. Jerome's," said the Captain. "The 
 country is full of stories concerning it, and it has 
 long had an ill fame. I know the house ; the gossips 
 call it The Wizard's Chapel. It stands hard by the
 hut of The Cripple. By my faith, he who wanders 
 there at nightfall had need of a clear shrift." 
 "You give credence to these idle tales?" 
 "No idle tales, an please your Lordship. Some 
 of these marvels have I witnessed with my own 
 eyes. There is a curse of blood upon that roof." 
 "I pray you speak on," said the Proprietary, 
 earnestly; "there is more in this than I dreamed 
 "Paul Kelpy the fisherman," continued Dauntrees, 
 "it was before my coming into the province but 
 the story goes 
 "It was in the Lord Cecil's time I knowed the 
 fisherman," interrupted Arnold. 
 "He was a man," said the Captain, "who, as your 
 Lordship may have heard, had a name which caused 
 him to be shunned in his time, and they are alive 
 now who can tell enough of his wickedness to make 
 one's hair rise on end. He dwelt in this house at St. 
 Jerome's in Clayborne's day, and took part with that 
 freebooter ; went with him, as I have heard, to the 
 Island, and was outlawed." 
 "Ay, and met the death he deserved I remember 
 the story," said the Proprietary. "He was foiled in 
 his attempt to get out of the province, and barred 
 himself up in his own house." 
 "And there he fought like a tiger, or more like a 
 devil as he was," added the ranger. "They were 
 more than two days before they could get into his 
 "When his door was forced at last," continued the 
 Captain; "they found him, his wife and child lying 
 in their own blood upon the hearth stone. They 
 were all murdered, people say, by his own hand." 
 "And that was true !" added Arnold ; "I remem 
 ber how he was buried at the cross road, below the 
 Mattapany Fort, with a stake drove through his 
 "Ever since that time," continued Dauntrees, 
 "they say the house has been without lodgers of 
 flesh and blood, I mean, my Lord, for it has be 
 come a devil's den, and a busy one." 
 "What hast thou seen, Captain ? You speak as a 
 "It is not yet six months gone by, my Lord, when 
 I was returning with Clayton, the master of the col 
 lector's pinnace, from the Isle of Kent; we stood 
 in, after night, towards the headland of St. Jerome's 
 Bay; it was very dark and the four windows of 
 the Wizard's Chapel, that looked across the beach, 
 were lighted up with such a light as I have never 
 seen from candle or fagot. And there were antic 
 figures passing the blaze that seemed deep in some 
 hellish carouse. We kept our course, until we got 
 almost close aboard, when suddenly all grew dark. 
 There came at that moment a gust of wind such as 
 the master said he had never knew to sweep in day 
 light across the Chesapeake. It struck us in our 
 teeth, and we were glad to get out again upon the 
 broad water. It would seem to infer that the Evil
 One had service rendered there, which it would be 
 sinful to look upon. In my poor judgment it is mat 
 ter for the church, rather than for the hand of the 
 "You are not a man, Captain Daun trees, to be 
 lightly moved by fantasies," said the Proprietary, 
 gravely ; "you have good repute for sense and cour 
 age. I would have you weigh well what you 
 "Surely, my Lord, Clayton is as stout a man in 
 heart as any in the province : and yet he could 
 scarcely hold his helm for fear." 
 "Why was I not told of this?" 
 " Your Lordship's favour," replied Dauntrees, 
 shaking his head; "neither the master, the seamen 
 nor myself would hazard ill will by moving in the 
 matter. There is malice in these spirits, my Lord, 
 which will not brook meddling in their doings: we 
 waited until we might be questioned by those who 
 had right to our answer. The blessed martyrs shield 
 me! I am pledged to fight your Lordship's bodily 
 foes: the good priests of our holy patron St. 
 Ignatius were better soldiers for this warfare." 
 The Proprietary remained for some moments si 
 lent: at last, turning to the ranger, he inquired 
 "What dost thou know of this house, Arnold?" 
 "Well, Lord Charles," replied the veteran, "I 
 was not born to be much afeard of goblins or 
 witches. In my rangings I have more than once 
 come in the way of these wicked spirits ; and then I
 have found that a clean breast and a stout heart, 
 with the help of an Ave Mary and a Paternoster was 
 more than a match for all their howlings. But the 
 fisherman's house oh, my good Lord Charles," he 
 added with a portentous shrug, "has dwellers in it 
 that it is best not to trouble. When Sergeant 
 Travers and myself were ranging across by St. 
 Jerome's, at that time when Tiquassino's men were 
 thought to be a thieving, last Hallowmas, if I re 
 member, we shot a doe towards night, and 
 set down in the woods, waiting to dress our meat 
 for a supper, which kept us late, before we mounted 
 our horses again. But we had some aqua vitae, and 
 didn't much care for hours. So it was midnight, with 
 no light but the stars to show us our way. It hap 
 pened that we rode not far from the Wizard's 
 Chapel, which put us to telling stories to each other 
 about Paul Kelpy and the ghosts that people said 
 haunted his house." 
 "The aqua vitae made you talkative as well as 
 valiant, Arnold," interrupted the Proprietary. 
 "I will not say that," replied the ranger; "but 
 something pufit into our heads to go down the bank 
 and ride round the chapel. At first all was as 
 quiet as if it had been our church here of St. Mary's 
 except that our horses snorted and reared with 
 fright at something we could not see. The wind 
 was blowing, and the waves were beating on the 
 shore, and suddenly we began to grow cold; and 
 then, all at once, there came a rumbling noise inside
 of the house like the rolling of a hogshead full of 
 pebbles, and afterwards little flashes of light through 
 the windows, and the sergeant said he heard clanking 
 chains and groans: It isn't worth while to hide it 
 from your lordship, but the sergeant ran away like 
 a coward, and I followed him like another, Lord 
 Charles. Since that night I have not been near the 
 Black house. We have an old saying in my coun 
 try, the scalded cat keeps clear of cold water ha, 
 I mind the proverb." 
 "It is not long ago," said Dauntrees, "perhaps 
 not above two years, when, they say, the old sun- 
 dried timber of the building turned suddenly black. 
 It was the work of a single night your Lordship 
 shall find it so now." 
 "I can witness the truth of it," said Arnold "the 
 house was never black until that night, and now 
 it looks as if it was scorched with lightning from 
 roof to ground sill. And yet, lightning could never 
 leave it so black without burning it to the ground. 
 "There is some trickery in this," said the Pro 
 prietary. "It may scarce be accounted for on any 
 pretence of witchcraft, or sorcery, although I know 
 there are malignant influences at work in the pro 
 vince which find motive enough to do all the harm 
 they can. Has Kendall, or any of his confederates 
 had commerce with this house, Captain Dauntrees? 
 Can you suspect such intercourse?" 
 "Assuredly not, my Lord," replied the Captain, 
 "for Marshall, who is the most insolent of that fac-
 tion, hath, to my personal knowledge, the greatest 
 dread of the chapel of all other men I have seen. 
 Besides, these terrors have flourished in the winter- 
 night tales of the neighbourhood, ever since the 
 death of Kelpy, and long before the Fendalls grew 
 so pestilent in the province." 
 "It is the blood of the fisherman, my good Lord, 
 and of his wife and children that stains the floor," 
 said Arnold; "it is that blood which brings the evil 
 spirits together about the old hearth. Twice every 
 day the blood-spots upon the floor freshen and 
 grow strong, as the tide comes to flood; at the 
 ebb they may be hardly seen." 
 "You have witnessed this yourself, Arnold?" 
 "At the ebb, Lord Charles. I did not stay for 
 the change of tide. When I saw the spots it was 
 as much as we could do to make them out. But 
 at the flood everybody says they are plain." 
 "It is a weighty matter, a very weighty matter, 
 an it like your Lordship's honour," muttered forth 
 the slim voice of Garret Weasel, who had insinu 
 ated himself, by slow approach, into the rear of the 
 company, near enough to hear a part of this con 
 versation, and who now fancied that his interest in 
 the subject would ensure him an unrebuked access 
 to the Proprietary: "and your Lordship hath a 
 worthy care for the fears of the poor people touch 
 ing the abominations of the Wizard's Chapel." 
 "What brought thee here, Garret Weasel?" in 
 quired the Proprietary, as he turned suddenly upon
 tl;c publican and looked him steadfastly in the face 
 "What wonder hast thou to tell to excuse thy lurk 
 ing at our heels?" 
 "Much and manifold, our most noble Lord, touch 
 ing the rumours," replied the confused innkeeper, 
 with a thick utterance. "And it is the most notable 
 thing about it that Robert Swale Rob o' the 
 Trencher, as he is commonly called your Lordship 
 apprehends I mean the Cripple that Rob lives so 
 near the Wizard's Chapel. There's matter of con 
 sideration in that if your Lordship will weigh 
 "Fie, Master Garret Weasel ! Fie on thee ! Thou 
 art in thy cups. I grieve to see thee making a beast 
 of thyself. You had a name for sobriety. Look 
 that you lose it not again. Captain Dauntrees, if the 
 publican has been your guest this evening, you are 
 scarce free of blame for this." 
 "He has a shallow head, my Lord, and it is more 
 easily sounded than I guessed. Arnold," said Daun 
 trees apart "persuade the innkeeper home." 
 The ranger took Garret's arm, and expostulating 
 with him as he led him away, dismissed him at the 
 gate with an admonition to bear himself discreetly 
 in the presence of his wife, a hint which seemed 
 to have a salutary effect, as the landlord was seen 
 shaping his course with an improved carriage to 
 wards the town. 
 "Have you reason to believe, Captain Dauntrees," 
 said the Proprietary, after Weasel had departed.
 "that the Cripple gives credit to these tales? He 
 lives near this troubled house?" 
 "Not above a gunshot off, my Lord. He cannot 
 but be witness to these marvels. But he is a man of 
 harsh words, and lives to himself. There is matter 
 in his own life, I should guess, which leaves but little 
 will to censure these doings. To a certainty he has 
 no fear of what may dwell in the Black building. I 
 have seldom spoken with him." 
 "Your report and Arnold's," said the Proprietary, 
 "confirm the common rumour. I have heard to-day, 
 that two nights past some such phantoms as you 
 speak of have been seen, and deemed it at first a 
 mere gossip's wonder; but what you tell gives a 
 graver complexion of truth to these whisperings. 
 Be there demons or jugglers amongst us and I have 
 reason to suspect both this matter must be sifted. 
 I would have the inquiry made by men who are not 
 moved by the vulgar love of marvel. This duty 
 shall be yours, friends. Make suitable preparation, 
 Captain, to discharge it at your earliest leisure. I 
 would have you and Arnold, with such discreet 
 friends as you may select, visit this spot at night and 
 observe the doings there. Look that you keep your 
 own counsel : we have enemies of flesh and blood 
 that may be more dreaded than these phantoms. So, 
 God speed you, friends!" 
 "The man who purges the Black House of the 
 fiend, so please you, my Lord," said Dauntrees, 
 "should possess more odour of sanctity than I doubt
 will be found under our soldiers' jerkins. I shall 
 nevertheless execute your Lordship's orders to the 
 "Hark you, Captain," said the Proprietary^ as his 
 visitors were about to take their leave "if you have 
 a scruple in this matter and are so inclined, I would 
 have you confer with Father Pierre. Whether this 
 adventure require prayer, or weapon of steel, you 
 shall judge for yourself." 
 "I shall take it, my Lord, as a point of soldier 
 ship," said Dauntrees, "to be dealt with in soldierly 
 fashion that is, with round blows if occasion serves. 
 I ask no aid from our good priest. He hath a trick 
 if I may be so bold as to speak it before your Lord 
 ship which doth not so well sort with my age and 
 bodily health, a trick, my Lord, of putting one to 
 a fasting penance by way of purification. Our pur 
 pose of visiting the Black House would be unsea 
 sonably delayed by such a purgation." 
 "As thou wilt as thou wilt!" said the Proprie 
 tary, laughing; "Father Pierre would have but an 
 idle sinecure, if he had no other calling but to bring 
 thee to thy penitentiary. Good even, friends, may 
 the kind saints be with you !" 
 The Captain and his comrade now turned their 
 steps toward the fort, and the Proprietary retired 
 into the mansion. Here he found the secretary and 
 Benedict Leonard waiting his arrival. They had 
 just returned from the town, whither they had gone 
 after doing their errand to the fort. Albert Verhey-
 den bore a packet secured with silken strings and 
 sealed, which he delivered to the Proprietary. 
 "Dick Pagan, the courier," he said, "has just come 
 in from James Town in Virginia, whence he set 
 forth but four days ago he has had a hard ride of 
 it and brought this pacquet to the sheriff for my 
 Lord. The courier reports that a ship had just 
 arrived from England, and that Sir Henry Chichely, 
 the governor, gave him this for your Lordship to be 
 delivered without delay." 
 The Proprietary took the pacquet. "Albert," he 
 said, as he was about to withdraw, "I have promised 
 the old ranger, Arnold de la Grange, a new cap. 
 Look to it : get him the best that you may rind in 
 the town or, perhaps, it would better content him 
 to have one made express by Cony the leather 
 dresser. Let it be as it may best please the veteran 
 himself, good Albert." With this considerate re 
 membrance of the ranger, Lord Baltimore withdrew 
 into his study. 
 A small fire blazed on the hearth of the study and 
 mingled its light with that of a silver cresset, which 
 hung from the ceiling above a table furnished with 
 writing materials and strewed over with papers. 
 Here the Proprietary sat intent upon the perusal of 
 the pacquet. Its contents disquieted him; and with 
 increasing solicitude he again and again read over 
 the letters. 
 At length the secretary was summoned into his 
 presence. "Albert," he said, "the council must be
 called together to-morrow at noon. The messengers 
 should be despatched to-night ; they have a dark road 
 and far to ride. Let them be ready with the least 
 The secretary bowed and went forth to execute his 
 The letters brought the Proprietary a fresh impor 
 tation of troubles. That which most disturbed him 
 was from the Board of Trade and Plantations, and 
 spoke authoritatively of the growing displeasure of 
 the ministry at the exclusiveness, as it was termed, 
 of the Proprietary's favours, in the administration 
 of his government, to the Catholic inhabitants of the 
 This was a blow at Lord Baltimore which scarcely 
 took him by surprise. His late visit to England had 
 convinced him that not all the personal partiality of 
 the monarch for his family and this was rendered 
 conspicuous in more than one act of favour at a 
 time when the Catholic lords were brought under 
 the ban of popular odium would be able finally to 
 shelter the province from that religious proscription 
 which already was rife in the mother land. 
 The first expression of irritation which the perusal 
 of the pacquet brought to the lips of the Proprietary 
 had a reference to the collector. "They would have 
 me," he said, as he rose and strode through the apart 
 ment, "discard from my service the very approved 
 friends with whom in my severest toils in this wil 
 derness I have for so many years buffeted side by
 side, and to whom I am most indebted for support 
 and encouragement amidst the thousand disasters of 
 my enterprise. They would have me turn adrift, 
 without a moment's warning, and even with circum 
 stances of disgrace, that tried pattern of honesty, 
 old Anthony Warden. By the blessed light! old 
 Anthony shall not budge on my motion. Am I to 
 be schooled in my duty by rapacious malcontents, 
 and to be driven to put away my trustiest friends, 
 to make room for such thirsty leeches and coarse 
 rufflers as John Coode? Come what may, Anthony 
 Warden shall not lack the collectorship whilst a shred 
 of my prerogative remains untorn !" 
 In this strain of feeling the Proprietary continued 
 to chafe his spirit, until the necessity of preparing the 
 letters which were to urge the attendance of his 
 council, drew him from his' fretful reverie into a 
 calmer tone of mind. 
 In the servants' hall there was an unusual stir 
 occasioned by the preparations which were in train 
 for the outriding of the messengers whom the secre 
 tary had put in requisition for the service of the 
 night. The first of these was Derrick Brown, a man 
 of stout mould though somewhat advanced in years. 
 He held in the establishment what might be termed 
 the double post of master of the mews and keeper of 
 the fox hounds, being principal falconer and hunts 
 man of the household. The second was a short, 
 plump little fellow, bearing the name of John Al- 
 ward who was one of the grooms of the stable.
 These two, now ready booted, belted and spurred, 
 were seated on a bench, discussing a luncheon, with 
 the supplement of a large jack or tankard of brown 
 bastard. Leaning against the jamb of the ample fire 
 place, immediately below a lamp which tipped the 
 prominent points of his grave visage with a sharp 
 light, stood an old Indian, of massive figure and 
 swarthy hue, named Pamesack, or, as he was called 
 in the English translation of the Indian word, The 
 Knife. This personage had been, for some years 
 past, at intervals, a privileged inmate of the Proprie 
 tary's family, and was now, though consigned to a 
 portion of the duties of the evening, apparently an 
 unconcerned spectator of the scene around him. He 
 smoked his pipe in silence, or if he spoke, it was 
 seldom more than in the short monosyllable, charac 
 teristic of the incommunicative habits of his tribe. 
 "When I saw Dick Pagan, the James Town cour 
 ier, coming into town this evening with his leather 
 pouch slung across his shoulder," said the elder of 
 the riders, "I guessed as much as that there would 
 be matter for the council. News from that quarter 
 now-a-days is apt to bring business for their wor 
 ships. I warrant you the brother of Master Fendall 
 hath been contriving an outcome in Virginia. I 
 heard John Rye, the miller of St. Clements, say last 
 Sunday afternoon, that Samuel Fendall had forty 
 mounted men ready in the forest to do his bidding 
 -with broadsword and carbine. And he would have 
 done it too, if my Lord had not laid him by the heels
 at unawares. He hath a savage spite against my 
 Lord and the chancellor both." 
 "But knew ye ever the like before," said John Al- 
 ward, "that his lordship should be in such haste to 
 see their worships, he must needs have us tramping 
 over the country at midnight? By the virtue of my 
 belt, there must be a hot flavour in the news! It 
 was a post haste letter." 
 "Tush, copperface! What have you to do with 
 the flavour of the news? The virtue of thy belt, 
 indeed! Precious little virtue is there within its 
 compass, ha, ha! You have little to complain of, 
 John Alward, for a midnight tramp. It is scant 
 twelve miles from this to Mattapany, and thine 
 errand is done. Thou mayst be snoozing on a good 
 truss of hay in Master Sewall's stable before mid 
 night, if you malce speed. Think of my ride all the 
 way to Notley Hall, and round about by the head 
 of the river too for I doubt if I have any chance 
 to get a cast over the ferry to-night. Simon the 
 boatkeeper is not often sober at this hour: and if 
 he was, a crustier churl the devil warm his pillow ! 
 doesn't live 'twixt this and the old world. He 
 gets out of his sleep for no man." 
 "But it is a dark road mine," replied the groom. 
 "A plague upon it ! I have no stomach for this bush 
 and brier work, when a man can see the limb of a 
 tree no more than a cobweb." 
 "A dark road !" exclaimed the master of the ken 
 nels, laughing. "A dark road, John! It is a long
 time, I trow, since there has been a dark road for 
 thy night rides, with that nose shining like a lighted 
 link a half score paces around thee. It was some 
 what deadened last September, I allow, when you 
 had the marsh ague, and the doctor fed you for a 
 week on gruel but it hath waxed lately as bright as 
 ever. I wish I could buckle it to my head-strap until 
 to-morrow morning." 
 A burst of laughter, at this sally, which rang 
 through the hall, testified the effect of the falconer's 
 wit and brought the groom to his feet. 
 " 'S blood, you grinning fools!" he ejaculated, 
 "haven't you heard Derrick's joke a thousand times 
 before, that you must toss up your scurvy ha-haws 
 at it, as if it was new! He stole it as the whole 
 hundred knows from the fat captain, old Dauntrees, 
 in the fort there; who would have got it back upon 
 hue and cry, if it had been his own; but the truth 
 is, the Captain filched it from a play-book, as the 
 surveyor told him in my hearing at Garret Weasel's, 
 where the Captain must needs have it for a laughing 
 "It is a joke that burns fresh every night," replied 
 Derrick; "a thing to make light of. So, up with 
 the bottom of the pot, boy, and feed it with mother's 
 milk: it will stand thee in stead to-night. Well 
 done, John Alward ! I can commend thee for taking 
 a jest as well as another." 
 "Master Derrick," said the other, "this is not the 
 way to do his Lordship's bidding : if we must go, we
 should be jogging now. I would I had thy ride to 
 take, instead of my own, short as you think it." 
 "Ha, say you that! By the rochet, John, you 
 shall have it, an it please Master Secretary! But 
 upon one condition." 
 "Upon what condition?" 
 "That you tell me honestly why you would choose 
 to ride twenty miles to Notley rather than twelve to 
 "Good Derrick," answered the groom, "it is but 
 as a matter of horsemanship. You have a broader 
 road, and mine is a path much beset with brush 
 wood. I like not the peril of being unhorsed !" 
 "There -is a lie in thy face, John Alward; the 
 Mattapany road is the broadest and best of the two 
 is it not so, Pamesack?" 
 "It is the first that was opened by the white man," 
 replied the Indian; "and more people pass upon it 
 than the other." 
 "John," said the falconer, "you are a coward. I 
 will not put you to the inventing another lie, but 
 will wager I can tell you at one guess why you 
 would change with me." 
 "Out with it, Master Derrick !" exclaimed the by 
 "Oh, out with it!" repeated John Alward; "I heed 
 not thy gibes." 
 "You fear the cross road," said the falconer ; "you 
 will not pass the fisherman's grave." 
 "In troth, masters I must needs own," replied
 the groom, "that I have qualms. I never was 
 ashamed to tell the truth, and confess that I am so 
 much of a sinner as to feel an honest fear of the 
 devil and his doings. I have known a horse to start 
 and a rider to be flung at the cross road before now : 
 there are times in the night when both horse and 
 rider may see what it turns one's blood into ice to 
 look at. Nay, I am in earnest, masters : I jest not." 
 "Thou hast honestly confessed, like a brave man, 
 that thou art a coward, John Alward ; and so it shall 
 be a bargain between us. I will take your message. 
 I fear not Paul Kelpy he has been down with that 
 stake through his body, ever too fast to walk 
 "There's my hand to it," said the groom, "and 
 thanks to boot. I am no coward, Derrick, but have 
 an infirmity which will not endure to look by night 
 in the lonesome woods, upon a spirit which walks 
 with a great shaft through it. Willy of the Flats 
 saw it, in that fashion, as he went home from the 
 Viewer's feast on the eve of St. Agnes." 
 "Willy had seen too much of the Viewer's hollands 
 that night," said Derrick ; "and they are spirits worth 
 a dozen Paul Kelpy s, even if the whole dozen were 
 trussed upon the same stake, like herrings hung up 
 to smoke. In spite of the fisherman and his bolt, I 
 warrant you I pass unchallenged betwixt this and 
 The secretary, soon after this, entered the hall and 
 confirmed the arrangements which had just been
 made. He accordingly delivered the letters intended 
 for Colonel Talbot and Nicholas Sewall to the fal 
 coner, and that for Mr. Notley, the late lieutenant 
 general of the province, to John Alward. To the 
 Indian was committed the duty oi bearing the mis 
 sions to such members of the council as resided either 
 in the town or within a few miles of it. Holding it 
 matter of indifference whether he despatched this 
 duty by night or by day, The Knife took it in hand 
 at once, and set forth, on foot, with a letter for 
 Colonel Digges, who lived about five miles off, at 
 the same time that the other two couriers mounted 
 their horses for their lonesome journeys through the 
 If we should wait till you, in solemn council 
 With due deliberation had selected 
 The smallest out of four and twenty evils, 
 'I faith we should wait long. 
 Dash and through with it that's the better watchword, 
 Then after, come what may come. 
 ON the following day, the council, consisting of 
 some four or five gentlemen, were assembled at the 
 Proprietary Mansion. About noon their number was 
 rendered complete by the arrival of Colonel George 
 Talbot, who, mounted on a spirited, milk-white steed
 that smoked with the hot vigour of his motion, 
 dashed through the gate and alighted at the door. 
 A pair of pistols across his saddle-bow, and a 
 poniard, partially disclosed under his vest, demon 
 strated the precautions of the possessor to defend 
 himself against sudden assault, and no less denoted 
 the quarrelsome aspect of the times. His frame was 
 tall, athletic, and graceful; his eye hawk-like, and 
 his features prominent and handsome, at the same 
 time indicative of quick temper and rash resolve. 
 There was in his dress a manifestation of the con 
 sciousness of a good figure it was the costume of a 
 gallant of the times; and his bearing was character 
 istic of a person accustomed to bold action and gay 
 Talbot was a near kinsman of the Baltimore fam 
 ily, and besides being a member of the Proprietary's 
 council, he held the post of Surveyor General, and 
 commanded, also, the provincial militia on the north 
 ern frontier, including the settlements on the Elk 
 River, where he owned a large manor, upon which 
 he usually resided. At the present time he was in 
 the temporary occupation of a favourite seat of the 
 Proprietary, at Mattapany, on the Patuxent, whither 
 the late summons had been despatched to call him 
 to the council. 
 "Well met !" he exclaimed, as he flung his hat and 
 gloves upon a table and extended his hand to those 
 who were nearest him. "How fares it, gentlemen? 
 What devil of mutiny is abroad now ? Has that pirn-
 pled fellow of fustian, that swiller of the leavings of 
 a tap room, the worshipful king of the Burgesses, 
 Master Jack Coode, got drunk again and begun to 
 bully in his cups? The falconer who hammered at 
 my door last night, as if he would have beaten your 
 Lordship's house about my ears, could tell me noth 
 ing of the cause of this sudden convocation, save that 
 Driving Dick had come in hot haste from James 
 Town with letters that had set the mansion here all 
 agog, from his Lordship's closet down to the scul 
 "With proper abatement for the falconer's love of 
 gossip," said the Proprietary, "he told you true. 
 The letters- are there on the table. When you have 
 read them, you will see that with good reason I 
 might make some commotion in my house. 
 Talbot ran his eye over the papers. "Well, and 
 well an old story!" he said, as he threw one letter 
 aside and took up another. "Antichrist the Red 
 Lady of Babylon the Jesuits and the devil : we 
 have had it so often that the lecture is somewhat 
 stale. The truculent Papists are the authors of all 
 evil ! We had the Geneva band in fashion for a time ; 
 but that wore out with old Noll. And then comes 
 another flight of kestrels, and we must have the 
 thirty-nine articles served up for a daily dish. That 
 spider, Master Yeo, has grown to be a crony of His 
 Grace the Archbishop of Canterbury, and is busy to 
 knit his web around every poor Catholic fly of the 
 "This must be managed without temper," said 
 Darnall, the oldest member present, except the Chan 
 cellor. "Our adversaries will find their advantage 
 in our resolves, if made in the heat of passion." 
 "You say true," replied Talbot. "I am a fool in 
 my humour; but it doth move me to the last ex 
 tremity of endurance to be ever goaded with this 
 shallow and hypocritical pretence of sanctity. They 
 prate of the wickedness of the province, forsooth! 
 our evil deportment, and loose living, and notorious 
 scandal! all will be cured, in the opinion of these 
 solemn Pharisees, by turning that good man, Lord 
 Charles and his friends out of his own province, and 
 by setting up parson Yeo in a fat benefice under the 
 wing of an established church." 
 "Read on," said Lord Baltimore, "and you shall 
 see the sum of all, in the argument that it is not fit 
 Papists should bear rule over the free-born subjects 
 of the English crown ; and, as a conclusion to that, a 
 summary order to discharge every friend of our holy 
 church from my employ." 
 Talbot read the letter to the end. 
 "So be it!" he ejaculated, as he threw the letter 
 from him, and flung himself back into his chair. 
 "You will obey this high behest? With all humble 
 ness, we will thank these knaves for their many con 
 descensions, and their good favours. Your uncle, 
 the Chancellor here, our old frosted comrade, is the 
 first that your Lordship will give bare-headed to the 
 sky. As for myself, I have been voted an incarnate
 devil in a half dozen conclaves and so Fendall shall 
 be the surveyor. I hope your Lordship will remem 
 ber that I have a military command a sturdy 
 stronghold in the fort of Christina and some stout 
 fellows with me on the border. It might be hard to 
 persuade them to part company with me." 
 "Peace, I pray you, peace!" interrupted the Pro 
 prietary; "you are nettled, Talbot, and that is not 
 the mood for counsel." 
 "These pious cut-throats here," said Talbot, "who 
 talk of our degeneracy, slander us to the whole 
 world; and, faith, I am not of the mind to bear it! 
 I speak plainly what I have thought long since and 
 would rather do than speak. I would arrest the ring 
 leaders upon a smaller scruple of proof than I would 
 set a vagrant in the stocks. You have Fendall now, 
 my Lord I would have his fellows before long : and 
 the space between taking and trying should not add 
 much to the length of their beards : between trying 
 and hanging, still less." 
 "As to that," said the Proprietary, "every day 
 brings us fresh testimony of the sedition afoot, and 
 we shall not be slow to do justice on the parties. We 
 have good information of the extent of the plot 
 against us, and but wait until an open act shall make 
 their guilt unquestionable. Master Coode is now 
 upon bail only because we were somewhat too hasty 
 in his arrest. There are associates of Fendall's at 
 work who little dream of our acquaintance with their 
 "When does your provincial court hold its ses 
 sions?" inquired the Surveyor. 
 "In less than a month." 
 "It should make sure work and speedy," said Tal- 
 bot. "Master Fendall should find himself at the end 
 of his tether at the first sitting." 
 "Ay, and Coode, too," said one of the council: 
 "notwithstanding that the burgesses have stepped 
 forward to protect him. The House guessed well of 
 the temper against your Lordship in England, when 
 they stood up so hardily, last month, in favour of 
 Captain Coode, after your Lordship had commanded 
 his expulsion. It was an unnatural contumacy." 
 "In truth, we have never had peace in the pro 
 vince," said another, "since Fendall was allowed to 
 return from his banishment. That man hath set on 
 hotter, but not subtler spirits than his own. He has 
 a quiet craftiness which never sleeps nor loses sight 
 of his purpose of disturbance." 
 "Alas!" said the Proprietary, "he has not lacked 
 material to work with. The burgesses have been 
 disaffected ever since my father's death. I know not 
 in what point of kindness I have erred towards them. 
 God knows I would cherish affection, not ill-will. 
 My aim has ever been to do justice to all men." 
 "Justice is not their aim, my Lord," exclaimed 
 Talbot. "Oh, this zeal for church is a pretty 
 weapon ! and honest Captain Coode, a dainty cham 
 pion to handle it ! I would cut the spurs from that 
 fowl, if I did it with a cleaver !"
 "He is but the fool in the hands of his betters," 
 interposed Darnall. "This discontent has a broad 
 base. There are many in the province who, if they 
 will not take an open part against us, will be slow 
 to rebuke an outbreak many who will counsel in 
 secret who dare not show their faces to the sun." 
 "These men have power to do us much harm," 
 said Lord Baltimore; "and I would entreat you, 
 gentlemen, consider, how, by concession to a moder 
 ate point, which may comport with our honour, we 
 may allay these irritations. Leaving that question 
 for your future advisement, I ask your attention to 
 the letters. The King has commanded for it is 
 scarce less than a royal mandate." 
 "Your Lordship," said Talbot, sarcastically, "has 
 fallen under His Majesty's disfavour. You have, 
 doubtless, failed somewhat in your courtesies to Nell 
 Gwynn, or the gay Duchess; or have been wanting 
 in some observance of respect to old Tom Killigrew, 
 the King's fool. His Majesty is not wont to look 
 so narrowly into state affairs." 
 "Hold, Talbot!" interrupted the Proprietary. "I 
 would not hear you speak slightingly of the King. 
 He hath been friendly to me, and I will not forget it. 
 Though this mandate come in his name, King 
 Charles, I apprehend; knows but little of the matter. 
 He has an easy conscience for an importunate suitor. 
 Oh, it grieves me to the heart, after all my father's 
 care for the province and surely mine has been no 
 less it grieves me to see this wayward fortune com-
 ing over our hopes like a chill winter, when we looked 
 for springtide, with its happy and cheerful promises. 
 I am not to be envied for my prerogative. Here, in 
 this new world, I have made my bed, where I had 
 no wish but to lie in it quietly : it has become a bed 
 of thorns, and cannot bring rest to me, until I am 
 mingled with its dust. Well, since rebellion is the 
 order of the times, I must e'en myself turn rebel now 
 against this order." 
 "Wherein might it be obeyed, my Lord?" asked 
 Darnall. "You have already given all the rights of 
 conscience which the freemen could ask, and the 
 demand now is that you surrender your own. What 
 servant would your Lordship displace ? Look around 
 you : is Anthony Ward so incapable, or so hurtful 
 to your service that you might find plea to dismiss 
 "There is no better man in the province than 
 Anthony Warden," replied the Proprietary, with 
 warmth ; "a just man ; a good man in whatever duty 
 you scan him ; an upright, faithful servant to his post. 
 My Lords of the Ministry would not and could not, 
 if they knew him, ask me to remove that man. I 
 will write letters back to remonstrate against this 
 "And say you will not displace a man, my Lord, 
 come what may!" exclaimed Talbot. "This battle 
 must be fought and the sooner the better! Your 
 Lordship will find your justification in the unanimous 
 resolve of your council."
 This sentiment was echoed by all present, and by 
 some of the more discreet an admonition was added, 
 advising the Proprietary to handle the subject mildly 
 with the Ministry, in a tone of kind expostulation, 
 which, as it accorded with Lord Baltimore's own 
 feeling, met his ready acquiescence. 
 After despatching some business of less concern, 
 the members of the council dispersed. 
 Anthony Warden had resided in Maryland for 
 forty years before the period of this story. During 
 the greater portion of this time he performed the 
 duties of the Collector of the Proprietary's revenues 
 in the port. By the persuasion of Cecilius Calvert 
 he had become a settler in the New World, where 
 he had received from his patron the grant of a large 
 tract of land, which, in progress of time, under a 
 careful course of husbandry, rendered him a man 
 of easy fortune. One portion of this tract lay adja 
 cent to the town, and stretched along the creek of 
 Si. Inigoe's, constituting an excellent farm of several 
 hundred acres. Upon this land the Collector had 
 dwelt from an early period of his settlement. 
 Two marriages had brought him a large family of 
 children, of whom the eldest (the only offspring of 
 his first nuptials) was Alice Warden, a maiden lady 
 who now, well advanced in life, occupied the highest 
 post of authority in the household, which had, for 
 several years past, been transferred to her by the 
 demise of the second wife. His sons had all aban-
 cloned the paternal roof in the various purusits of 
 fortune, leaving behind them, besides Mistress Alice, 
 a sister, the youngest of the flock, who, at the epoch 
 at which I am about to present her, was just verging 
 towards womanhood. 
 In his attire, Master Anthony Warden, the wor 
 shipful Collector (to give him his usual style of ad 
 dress in the province) exhibited some tendency to 
 wards the coxcombry of his day. It was marked by 
 that scrupulous observance of the prerogative of rank 
 and age which characterised the costume of the olden 
 time, smacking no little of the flavour of the official 
 The household at the Rose Croft, I have hinted, 
 was regulated by Mistress Alice, who had, some 
 time before our acquaintance with her, reached that 
 period of life at which the female ambition for dis 
 play is prone to subside into a love of domestic pur 
 suits. It was now her chief worldly care and delight 
 to promote the comfort of those who congregated 
 around the family hearth. 
 With such attractions for old and young it will 
 readily be believed that the Rose Croft was a favour 
 ite resort of the inhabitants of St. Mary's. The 
 maidens gathered around Blanche as a May-day 
 queen; the matrons possessed in Mistress Alice a 
 discreet and kind friend, and the more sedate part of 
 the population found an agreeable host in the worthy 
 official himself. 
 Towards noon of the day on which the council
 held their session, a troop of maidens was seen issu 
 ing from the chapel. Their number might have been 
 eight or ten. The orderly step with which they 
 departed from the door was exchanged for a playful 
 haste in grouping together when they got beyond the 
 immediate precincts of the place of worship. Their 
 buoyant carriage and lively gesticulations betokened 
 the elasticity of health, which was still more un 
 equivocally shown in their ruddy complexions and 
 \vell rounded forms. 
 Their path lay across the grassy plain towards the 
 town, and passed immediately within the space em 
 bowered by an ancient, spreading poplar, scarce a 
 hundred "paces in front of the chapel. When the bevy 
 reached this spot, they made a halt and gathered 
 around one of their number, who seemed to be the 
 object of a mirthful and rather tumultary importu 
 nity. The individual thus beset was Blanche War 
 den. Together with a few elderly dames, who were 
 at this moment standing at the door of the chapel in 
 parley with Father Pierre, this troop had constituted 
 the whole congregation who had that morning at 
 tended the service of the festival of St. Bridget. 
 "Holy mother, how I am set upon!" exclaimed 
 Blanche, as, half smiling and half earnest, she turned 
 her back against the trunk of the tree. "Have I not 
 said I could not? Why should my birthday be 
 so remembered that all the town must be talking 
 about it?" 
 "You did promise/' said one of the party, "or at
 least, Mistress Alice promised for you, full six 
 months ago, that when you came to eighteen we 
 should have a merry-making at the Rose Croft." 
 "It would not be seemly I should be thought 
 bold," replied the maiden, "to be turning my birth 
 day into a feast. Indeed, I must not and cannot, 
 "There is no must not nor cannot in our books, 
 Blanche Warden," exclaimed another, "but simply 
 we will. There is troth plighted for it, and that's 
 enough for us. So we hold to that, good Blanche." 
 "Yes, good Blanche, gentle Blanche! sweetheart, 
 we hold to that !" cried the whole party, in a clamor 
 ous onset. 
 "Truly, Grace Blackiston, you will have Father 
 Pierre checking us for noisy behaviour," said the 
 maiden. "You see that he is now looking towards 
 us. It is a pretty matter to make such a coil 
 about! I marvel, has no one ever been eighteen 
 "This day se'nnight," replied the arch girl to 
 whom this reprimand was addressed, "will be the 
 first day, Blanche Warden, the Rose of St. Mary's, 
 has ever seen eighteen ; and it will be the last I trow : 
 and what comes and goes but once in the wide world 
 should be accounted a rare thing, and rarities should 
 be noticed, sweetheart." 
 "If I was coming eighteen," said a damsel who 
 scarce reached as high as Blanche's shoulder, "and 
 had as pretty a house for a dance as the Rose Croft,
 there should be no lack of sport amongst the towns 
 "It is easy to talk on a two year's venture, little 
 Madge," replied Blanche; "for that is far enough off 
 to allow space for boasting. But gently, dear play 
 mates! do not clamour so loud. I would do your 
 bidding with good heart if I thought it would not be 
 called something forward in me to be noising my 
 age abroad, as if it was my lady herself." 
 "We will advise with Father Pierre and Lady 
 Maria," responded Grace Blackiston; "they are com 
 ing this way." 
 At this moment the reverend priest, and the ladies 
 with whom he had been in conversation, approached. 
 The sister of the Proprietary was distinguished as 
 well by her short stature and neat attire, as by her 
 little Indian attendant, who followed bearing the 
 lady's missal. The tall figure of Father Pierre, ar 
 rayed in his black tunic and belt, towered above his 
 female companions. He bore his square bonnet of 
 black cloth in his hand, disclosing a small silk cap 
 closely fitted to his crown, fringed around with the 
 silver locks which, separating on his brow, gave the 
 grace of age to a countenance full of benignity. 
 The presence of the churchman subdued the eager 
 gaiety of the crowd, and two or three of the maidens 
 ran up to him with an affectionate familiarity to 
 make him acquainted with the subject of their con 
 "Father," said Grace Blackiston, "we have a com-
 plaint to lodge against Mistress Blanche for a prem 
 ise-breaker. You must counsel her, Father, to her 
 "Ah! my child! pretty Blanche!" exclaimed the 
 priest, with the alacrity of his native French temper, 
 as he took the assailed damsel by the hand, "what 
 have they to say against you ? I will be your friend 
 as well as your judge." 
 "The maidens, Father," replied Blanche, "have 
 taken leave of their wits, and have beset me like mad 
 caps to give them a dance at the Rose Croft, on my 
 birthday. And I have stood on my refusal, Father 
 Pierre, as for a matter that would bring me into cen 
 sure for pertness as I am sure you will say it would 
 with worshipful people, that a damsel who should 
 be modest in her behaviour, should so thrust herself 
 forward to be observed." 
 "And we do not heed that, Father Pierre," inter 
 rupted Grace Blackiston, who assumed to be the 
 spokeswoman of the party, "holding it a scruple 
 more nice than wise. Blanche has a trick of standing 
 back more than a maiden needs. And, besides, we 
 say that Mistress Alice is bound by pledge of word, 
 and partly Blanche, too for she stood by and said 
 never a syllable against it that we should have good 
 cheer and dancing on that day at the Rose Croft. It 
 is the feast of the blessed virgin, Terese, and we 
 would fain persuade Blanche that the festival should 
 be kept for the sake of her birthday saint." 
 "My children," said the priest, who, during- this
 debate stood in the midst of the blooming troop, cast 
 ing his glances from one to another with the pleased 
 expression of an interested partaker of their mirth, 
 and at the same time endeavoring to assume a coun 
 tenance of mock gravity, "we will consider this mat 
 ter with impartial justice. And, first, we will hear 
 all that Mistress Blanche has to say. It is a profound 
 subject. Do you admit the promise, my child?" 
 "I do not deny, Father Pierre, that last Easter, 
 when we met and danced at Grace Blackiston's, my 
 sister Alice did make some promise, and I said 
 nothing against it. But it was an idle speech of 
 sister Alice, which I thought no more of till now; 
 and now should not have remembered it if these wild 
 mates of mine had not sung it in my ear with such 
 clamour as must have made you think we had all 
 gone mad." 
 "It is honestly confessed," said Father Pierre; 
 "and though I heard the outcry all the way to the 
 church door, yet I did not deem the damsels abso 
 lutely mad, as you supposed. I am an old man, my 
 child, and I have been taught by my experience, in 
 what key seven, eight, or nine young girls will make 
 known their desires when they are together: and, 
 truly, it is their nature to speak all at the same time. 
 They speak more than they listen ha, ha! But 
 we shall be mistaken if we conclude they are 
 "Blanche, love," interposed the Lady Maria, "you 
 have scarce given a good reason for gainsaying the
 wish of the damsels. Have a care, or you may find 
 me a mutineer on this question." 
 "That's a rare lady a kind lady!" shouted sev 
 eral. "Now, Blanche, you have no word of denial 
 "I am at mercy," said the maiden, "if my good 
 mistress, the Lady Maria, is not content. Whatever 
 my sister Alice and my father shall approve, and 
 you, dear lady, shall say befits my state, that will I 
 undertake right cheerfully. I would pleasure the 
 whole town in the way of merry-making, if I may 
 do so without seeming to set too much account upon 
 so small a matter as my birthday. I but feared it 
 would not be well taken in one so young as I am." 
 "I will answer it to the town," said the Lady 
 Maria. "It shall be done as upon my motion; and 
 Mistress Alice shall take order in the matter as a 
 thing wherein you had no part. Will that content 
 you, Blanche?" 
 "I will be ruled in all things by my dear lady," 
 replied the maiden. "You will speak to my father?" 
 "It shall be my special duty to look after it forth 
 with," responded the lady. 
 "Luckily," said Father Pierre, laughing, "this 
 great business is settled without the aid of the 
 church. Well, I have lost some of my consequence 
 in the winding up, and the Lady Maria is in the 
 ascendant. I will have my revenge by being as 
 merry as any of you at the feast. So, good day, mes 
 enfants !"
 With this sally, the priest left the company and 
 retired to his dwelling hard by the chapel. The 
 Lady Maria and her elderly companions moved to 
 wards the town, whilst the troop of damsels with 
 increased volubility pursued their noisy triumph, 
 and with rapid steps hastened to their several homes. 
 THE Crow and Archer presented a busy scene on 
 the evening of the day referred to in the last chapter. 
 A report had been lately spread through the country 
 that the brig Olive Branch, an occasional trader 
 between the province and the coasts of Holland and 
 England had arrived at St. Mary's. In conse 
 quence of this report there had been, during the last 
 two days, a considerable accession to the usual guests 
 of the inn, consisting of travellers both by land and 
 water. Several small sloops and other craft had 
 come into the harbour, and a half score inland pro 
 prietors had journeyed from their farms on horse 
 back, and taken up their quarters under the snug 
 roof of Garret Weasel. On a bench, in one corner 
 of the tap-room, sat, in a ragged, patched coat re 
 sembling a pea-jacket, a saucy, vagrant-looking 
 fiddler, conspicuous for a red face and a playful light 
 blue eye; he wore a dingy, pliant white hat, fretted
 at the rim, set daintily on one side of his head, from 
 beneath which his yellow locks depended over either 
 cheek, completely covering his ears ; and all the while 
 scraped his begrimed and greasy instrument to a 
 brisk tune, beating time upon the floor with a huge 
 hob-nailed shoe. This personage had a vagabond 
 popularity in the province under the name of Will 
 of the Flats a designation no less suited to his musi 
 cal commodity than to the locality of his ostensible 
 habitation, which was seated on the flats of Patux- 
 ent, not above fifteen miles from St. Mary's, where 
 he was tenant of a few acres of barren marsh and 
 a lodge or cabin not much larger than a good dog 
 Will's chief compeer and brother in taste and in 
 clination, though of more affluent fortune, was Dick 
 Pagan, or Driving Dick, according to his more 
 familiar appellation, the courier who had lately 
 brought the missives from James Town; a hard- 
 favoured, weather-beaten, sturdy, little bow-legged 
 fellow, in russet boots and long spurs, and wrapt in 
 a coarse drab doublet secured by a leathern belt, with 
 an immense brass buckle in front. Old Pamesack, 
 likewise, formed a part of the group, and might have 
 been observed seated on a settle at the door, quietly 
 smoking his pipe, as unmoved by the current of 
 idlers which ebbed and flowed past him, as the old 
 barnacled pier of the quay by the daily flux and 
 reflux of the river. 
 The dame having been on a visit to a neighbour
 did not show herself in the tap-room until near the 
 close of the day; in the meantime leaving her cus 
 tomers to the unchidden enjoyment of their enter 
 tainment which was administered by Matty Scamper, 
 a broad-chested, red-haired and indefatigable dam 
 sel, who in her capacity of adjutant to the hostess, 
 had attained to great favour with the patrons of the 
 tavern by her imperturbable good nature and ready 
 answer to all calls of business. 
 Matty's rule, however, was now terminated by the 
 arrival of Mistress Weasel herself. 
 The din of the tap-room was hushed into momen 
 tary silence as soon as this notable figure appeared 
 on the threshold. 
 "Heaven help these thirsty, roystering men !" she 
 exclaimed, as she paused an instant at the door and 
 surveyed the group within "On my conscience, they 
 are still at it as greedily as if they had just come 
 out of a dry Lent ! From sunrise till noon, and from 
 noon till night it is all the same drink, drink, drink. 
 Have ye news of Master Cocklescraf t ? I would 
 that the Olive Branch were come and gone, that I 
 might sit under a quiet roof again! there is noth 
 ing but riot and reeling from the time the skipper 
 is expected in the port until he leaves it." 
 "True enough, jolly queen!" said Ralph Hay- 
 wood, a young inland planter, taking the hand of 
 the merry landlady as she struggled by him on her 
 way to the bar "what the devil, in good earnest, 
 has become of Cocklescraf t ? This is the second day
 we have waited for him. I half suspect you, mis 
 tress, of a trick to gather good fellows about you, 
 by setting up a false report of the Olive Branch." 
 'Thou art a lying varlet, Ralph," quickly re 
 sponded the dame: "you yourself came jogging 
 hither with the story that Cocklescraft was seen two 
 days ago, beating off the Rappahannock. I play a 
 trick on you, truly! You must hink I have need of 
 custom, to bring in a troop of swilling bumpkins from 
 the country who would eat and drink out the 
 character of any respectable house in the hundred 
 without so much as one doit of profit. You 
 have my free leave to tramp it back again to 
 Providence, Ralph Haywood, whenever you have a 
 "Nay, now you quarrel with an old friend, Mis 
 tress Dorothy." 
 "Take thy hand off my shoulder, Ralph, thou coax 
 ing villain! Ha, ha, I warrant you get naught but 
 vinegar from me, for your treacle. But come 
 thou art a good child, and shalt have of the best in 
 this house: I would only warn you to call for it 
 mannerly, Master Ralph." 
 "Our dame is a woman of mettle," said another 
 of the company, as the landlady escaped from the 
 planter and took her station behind the bar. 
 "What has become of that man Weasel ?" she in 
 quired somewhat petulantly. "The man I am sure 
 has been abroad ever since I left the house! He is 
 of no more value than a cracked pet ; he would see
 me work myself as thin as a broom handle before he 
 would think of turning himself round." 
 "Garret is now upon the quay," replied one of the 
 customers; "I saw him but a moment since with 
 Arnold the Ranger." 
 "Witji some idle stroller, you may be sure of 
 that !" interrupted the hostess : "never at his place, 
 if the whole house should go dry as Cuthbert's spring 
 at midsummer. Call him to me, if you please, Mas 
 ter Shortgrass. Michael Curtis, that wench Matty 
 Scamper has something to do besides listen to your 
 claverings! Matty, begone to the kitchen; these 
 country cattle will want their suppers presently. Oh, 
 Willy, Willy o' the Flats! for the sake of one's 
 ears, in mercy, stop that everlasting twangling of 
 your old crowd! It would disgrace the patience of 
 any Christian woman in the world to abide in the 
 midst of all this uproar ! Nay, then, come forward, 
 old crony I would not offend thee," she said in a 
 milder tone to the fiddler. "Here is a cup of ale 
 for thee, and Matty will give you your supper to 
 night. I have danced too often to thy music to deny 
 thee a comfort : so, drink as you will ! but pray you 
 rest your elbow for a while." 
 "And there is a shilling down on the nail," said 
 Driving Dick, as he and the crowder came together 
 to the bar at the summons of the landlady: "when 
 that is drunk out, dame, give me a space of warning, 
 that I may resolve whether we shall go another shot." 
 "Master Shortgrass told me you had need of me/'
 said Garret Weasel, as he now entered the door; 
 "what wouldst with me, wife Dorothy?" 
 "Get you gone!" replied the wife "thou art ever 
 in the way. I warrant your head is always thrust 
 in place when it is not wanted ! If you had been at 
 your duty an hour ago, your service might have been 
 "I can but return to the quay," said Garret, at the 
 same time beginning to retrace his steps. 
 "Bide thee!" exclaimed the dame in a shrill voice 
 "I have occasion for you. Go to the cellar and 
 bring up another stoop of hollands ; these salt water 
 fish have no relish for ale they must deal in the 
 strong : nothing but hollands or brandy for them." 
 The obedient husband took the key of the cellar 
 and went on the duty assigned him. 
 At this moment a door communicating with an 
 adjoining apartment was thrown ajar and the head 
 of Captain Dauntrees protruded into the tap-room. 
 "Mistress Dorothy," he said "at your leisure, 
 pray step this way." 
 The dame tarried no longer than was necessary to 
 complete a measure she was filling for a customer, 
 and then went into the room to which she had been 
 summoned. This was a little parlour, where the 
 Captain of musqueteers had been regaling himself 
 for the last hour over a jorum of ale, in solitary 
 rumination. An open window gave to his view the 
 full expanse of the river, now glowing with the rich 
 reflexions of sunset; and a balmy October breeze
 played through the apartment and refreshed without 
 chilling the frame of the comfortable Captain. He 
 was seated near the window in a large easy chair 
 when the hostess entered. 
 "Welcome dame," he said, without rising from his 
 seat, at the same time offering his hand, which was 
 readily accepted by the landlady. "By St. Gregory 
 and St. Michael both, a more buxom and tidy piece 
 of flesh and blood hath never sailed between the two 
 headlands of Potomac, than thou art! You are for 
 a junketing, Mistress Dorothy; you are tricked out 
 like a queen this evening! I have never seen thee 
 in thy new suit before. Thou are as gay as a mary- 
 gold ; and- 1 wear thy colours, thou laughing mother 
 of mischief ! Green is the livery of thy true knight. 
 Has your goodman, honest Garret, come home yet, 
 "What would you with my husband, Master Bald- 
 pate ? There is no good in the wind when you throw 
 yourself into the big chair of this parlour." 
 "In truth, dame, I only came to make a short 
 night of it with you and your worthy spouse. Do 
 not show your white teeth at me, hussy, you are 
 too old to bite. Tell Matty to spread supper for me 
 in this parlour. Arnold and Pamesack will partake 
 with me; and if the veritable and most authentic 
 head of this house I mean yourself, mistress have 
 no need of Garret, I would entreat to have him in 
 company. By the hand of thy soldier, Mistress 
 Dorothy ! I am glad to see you thrive so in your call-
 ing. You will spare me Garret, dame? Come, I 
 know you have not learnt how to refuse me a boon." 
 "You are a saucy Jack, Master Captain," replied 
 the dame. "I know you of old: you would have a 
 rouse with that thriftless babe my husband. You 
 sent him reeling home only last night. How can you 
 look me in the face, knowing him, as you do, for a 
 most shallow vessel, Captain Dauntrees ?" 
 "Fie on thee, dame! You disgrace your own 
 flesh and blood by such speech. Did you not choose 
 him for his qualities? ay, and with all circumspec 
 tion, as a woman of experience. You had two hus 
 bands before Garret, and when you took him for a 
 third, it was not in ignorance of the sex. Look thee 
 in the face ! I dare, yea, and at thy whole configu 
 ration. Faith, you wear most bravely, Mistress 
 Weasel! Stand apart, and let me survey; turn thy 
 shoulders round," he added, as by a sleight he 
 twirled the dame upon her heel so as to bring her 
 back to his view "thou art a woman of ten thou 
 sand, and I envy Garret such store of womanly 
 "If Garret were the man I took him for, Master 
 Captain," said the dame with a saucy smile, "you 
 would have borne a broken head long since. But he 
 has his virtues, such as they are, though they may 
 lie in an egg-shell: and Garret has his frailties too, 
 like other men : alack, there is no denying it !" 
 "Frailties, forsooth ! Which of us has not, dame ? 
 Garret is an honest man; somewhat old a shade
 or so : yet it is but a shade. For my sake, pretty 
 hostess, you will allow him to sup with us? Speak 
 it kindly, sweetheart good, old Garret's jolly, young 
 "Thou wheedling devil!" said the landlady; "Gar 
 ret is no older than thou art. But, truly, I may say 
 he is of little account in the tap-room; so, he shall 
 come to you, Captain. But, look you, he is weak, 
 and must not be over-charged." 
 "He shall not, mistress you have a soldier's word 
 for that. I could have sworn you would not deny 
 me. Hark you, dame, bring thine ear to my lips ; 
 a word in secret." 
 The hostess bent her head down, as the Captain 
 desired, when he said in a half whisper, "Send me a 
 flask of the best, you understand? And there's for 
 thy pains !" he aded, as he saluted her cheek with a 
 "And there's for thy impudence, saucy Captain!" 
 retorted the spirited landlady as she bestowed the 
 palm of her hand on the side of his head and fled out 
 of the apartment. 
 Dauntrees sprang from his chair and chased the 
 retreating dame into the midst of the crowd of the 
 tap-room, by whose aid she was enabled to make her 
 escape. Here he encountered Garret Weasel, with 
 whom he went forth in quest of Arnold and the 
 Indian, who were to be his guests at supper. 
 In the course of the next half hour the Captain 
 and his three comrades were assembled in the little
 parlour around the table, discussing their evening 
 meal. When this was over, Matty was ordered to 
 clear the board and to place a bottle of wine and 
 glasses before the party, and then to leave the room. 
 "You must know, Garret/' said Dauntrees when 
 the serving-maid had retired, "that we go to-night 
 to visit the Wizard's Chapel by his Lordship's order ; 
 and as I would have stout fellows with me, I have 
 come down here on purpose to take you along." 
 "Heaven bless us, Master Jasper Dauntrees !" ex 
 claimed Garret, somewhat confounded with this sud 
 den appeal to his valour, which was not of that 
 prompt complexion to stand so instant a demand, 
 and yet which the publican was never willing to 
 have doubted "truly there be three of you, and it 
 might mar the matter to have too many on so secret 
 an outgoing" 
 "Tush, man, that has been considered. His 
 Lordship especially looks to your going : you cannot 
 choose but go." 
 'But my wife, Captain Dauntrees"- 
 "Leave that to me," said the Captain; "I will 
 manage it as handsomely as the taking of Troy. 
 Worthy Garret, say naught against it you must 
 go, and take with you a few bottles of Canary and a 
 good luncheon of provender in the basket. You shall 
 be our commissary. I came on set purpose to pro 
 cure the assistance of your experience, and store of 
 comfortable sustenance. Get the bottles, Garret, 
 his Lordship pays the scot to-night."
 "I should have my nag," said Garret, "and the 
 dame keeps the key of the stable, and will in no wise 
 consent to let me have it. She would suspect us for 
 a rouse if I but asked the key." 
 "I will engage for that, good Weasel," said Daun- 
 trees : "I will cozen the dame with some special in 
 vention which shall put her to giving the key of her 
 own motion: she shall be coaxed with a device that 
 shall make all sure only say you will obey his 
 Lordship's earnest desire." 
 "It is a notable piece of service," said the inn 
 keeper, meditating over the subject, and tickled with 
 the importance which was ascribed to his co-opera 
 tion "and will win thanks from the whole province. 
 His Lordship did wisely to give it in charge to 
 valiant men." 
 "In faith did he," replied the Captain; "and it 
 will be the finishing stroke of thy fortunes. You 
 will be a man of mark for ever after." 
 "I am a man to be looked to in a strait, Captain," 
 said Weasel, growing valorous with the thought. "I 
 saw by his Lordship's eye yesternight that he was 
 much moved by what I told him. I have had a 
 wrestle with devils before now." 
 Arnold smiled and cast his eye towards the Indian, 
 who, immediately after supper, had quitted the table 
 and taken a seat in the window. 
 "There be hot devils and cold devils," said he, 
 "and he that wrestles with them must have a hand
 that will hold fire as well as ice : that is true, Fame- 
 "Pamesack has no dealing with the white man's 
 devil," replied the Indian; "he has enough to do with 
 his own." 
 "Drink some wine, old blade," said Dauntrees as 
 he presented a cup to Pamesack; "The Knife must 
 be sharp to-night this will whet his edge. We 
 shall have need of your woodcraft." 
 The Indian merely sipped the wine, as he replied, 
 "Pamesack knows the broad path and the narrow 
 both. He can lead you to the Black House day or 
 "Brandy is more natural to his throat than this 
 thin drink," said Weasel, who forthwith left the 
 room and returned with a measure of the stronger 
 liquor. When this was presented Pamesack swal 
 lowed it at a draught, and with something 
 approaching a laugh, he said, "It is the 
 white man's devil but the Indian does not fear 
 "Now, Garret," said Dauntrees, "we have no time 
 to lose. Make ready your basket and bottles, and lay 
 them at the foot of the cedar below the bank, near 
 the Town House steps ; then hasten back to the par 
 lour. I will put the dame to sending you on an 
 errand which may be done only on horseback ; you 
 will mount with the basket and make speedy way to 
 the Fort. Tell Nicholas Verback, the lieutenant, 
 that I shall be there in reasonable time. We must
 set forth by ten ; it may take up three hours to reach 
 St. Jerome's." 
 "My heart is big enough," said Weasel, once more 
 beginning to waver, "for any venture ; but, in truth, 
 I fear the dame. It will be a livelong night carouse, 
 and she is mortal against that. What will she say 
 in the morning?" 
 "What can she say, when all is come and gone, 
 but, perchance, that thou wert rash and hot-headed? 
 That will do you no harm : but an hour ago she 
 swore to me that you were getting old and sighed 
 too, as if she believed her words." 
 "Old, did she say? Ho, mistress, I will show you 
 my infirmities! A fig for her scruples! the hey 
 day blood yerks yet, Master Captain. I will go with 
 thee, comrades : I will follow you to any goblin's 
 chapel ; twixt St. Mary's and Christina." 
 "Well said, brave vintner!" exclaimed the Cap 
 tain; "now stir thee! And when you come back to 
 the parlour, Master Weasel, you shall find the dame 
 here. Watch my eye and take my hint, so that you 
 play into my hand when need shall be. I will get the 
 nag out of the stable if he were covered with bells. 
 Away for the provender!" 
 The publican went about his preparations, and had 
 no sooner left the room than the Captain called the 
 landlady, who at his invitation showed herself at the 
 "Come in, sweetheart. Good Mistress Daffodil," 
 he said, "I called you that you may lend us your
 help to laugh ; since your rufflers are dispersed, your 
 smokers smothered in their own clouds, your tip 
 plers strewed upon the benches, and nothing more 
 left for you to do in the tap-room, we would have 
 your worshipful and witty company here in the par 
 lour. So, come in, my princess of pleasant thoughts, 
 and make us merry with thy fancies." 
 "There is nothing but clinking of cans and swag 
 gering speeches where you are, Captain Dauntrees," 
 said the hostess. "An honest woman had best be 
 little seen in your company. It is a wonder you 
 ever got out of the Low Countries, where, what with 
 drinking with boors and quarrelling with belted bul 
 lies, your three years' service was enough to put an 
 end to a thousand fellows of your humour." 
 "There's destiny in it, dame. I was born to be 
 the delight of your eyes. It was found in my horo 
 scope, when my nativity was cast, that a certain 
 jolly mistress of a most-especially-to-be-commended 
 inn, situate upon a delectable point of land in the 
 New World, was to be greatly indebted to me, first, 
 for the good fame of her wines amongst worshipful 
 people; and, secondly, for the sufficient and decent 
 praise of her beauty. So was it read to my mother 
 by the wise astrologer. And then, dame, you slander 
 the virtue of the Low Countries. Look at Arnold 
 there : is there a more temperate, orderly, well- 
 behaved liegeman in the world than the ranger? 
 And did he not bring his sobriety with him from 
 the very bosom of the land you rail against ?"
 "If Arnold de la Grange is not all that you say of 
 him," replied the hostess, "it is because he has lost 
 some share of his good quality by consorting with 
 you, Captain. Besides, Arnold has never been hack 
 neyed in the wars." 
 "A Dutch head," said Arnold, laughing, "is not 
 easily made to spin. In the Old World men can 
 drink more than in the New : a Friesland fog is an 
 excellent shaving horn, mistress!" 
 "Heaven help the men of the Old World, if they 
 drink more than they do in our province !" exclaimed 
 Mistress Weasel. "Look in the tap-room, and you 
 may see the end of a day's work in at least ten great 
 loons. One half are sound asleep, and the other of 
 so dim of sight that neither can see his neighbour." 
 "The better reason, then, Mistress Dorothy," re 
 plied Dauntrees, "why you, a reputable woman, 
 should leave such topers, and keep company with 
 sober, waking, discreet friends. That cap becomes 
 thee, mistress. I never saw you in so dainty a head 
 gear. I honour it as a covering altogether worthy 
 of thy comeliness. Faith, it has been a rich piece of 
 merchandise to me! Upon an outlay of fourteen 
 shillings which I paid for it, as a Michaelmas present 
 to my excellent hostess, I have got in return, by way 
 of profit, full thirteen bottles of Garret's choicest 
 Canary, on my wager. Garret was obstinate, and 
 would face me out with it that you wore it to church 
 last Sunday, when I knew that you went only in 
 your hood that day : he has never an eye to look on
 thee, dame, as he ought, so he must needs put it to 
 a wager. Well, as this is the first day thou hast 
 ever gone abroad in it, here I drink to thee and thy 
 cap, upon my knees Success to its travels, and joy 
 to the merry eye that sparkles below it! Come, 
 Arnold, drink to that, and get Pamesack another 
 glass of aqua vitse: top off to the hostess, com 
 The toast was drunk, and at his moment Garret 
 Weasel returned to the room. A sign from him in 
 formed the Captain that the preparation he had been 
 despatched to make was accomplished. 
 "How looks the night, Garret?" inquired Daun- 
 trees ; "when have we the moon ?" 
 "It is a clear starlight and calm," replied the pub 
 lican; "the moon will not show herself till near 
 "Have you heard the news, mistress?" inquired 
 the Captain, with an expression of some eagerness; 
 "there is pleasant matter current, concerning the 
 mercer's wife at the Blue Triangle. But you must 
 have heard it before this ?" 
 "No, truly, not I," replied the hostess. 
 "Indeed !" said Dauntrees, "then there's a month's 
 amusement for you. You owe the sly jade a grudge, 
 "In faith I do," said the dame, smiling, "and 
 would gladly pay it." 
 "You may pay it off with usury now," added the 
 Captain, "with no more trouble than telling the
 story. It is a rare jest, and will not die quickly." 
 "I pray you tell it to me, good Captain give me 
 all of it," exclaimed the dame, eagerly. 
 "Peregrine Cadger, the mercer, you know," said 
 the Captain "but it is a long story, and will take 
 time to rehearse it. Garret, how comes it that 
 you did not tell this matter to your wife, as I charged 
 you to do?" he inquired, with a wink at the publican. 
 "I resolved to tell it to her," said Weasel, "but, I 
 know not how, it ran out of my mind the day being 
 a busy one " 
 "A busy day to thee!" exclaimed the spouse. 
 "Thou, who hast no more to do than a stray in the 
 pound, what are you fit for, if it be not to do as you 
 are commanded? But go on, Captain; the story 
 would only be marred by Garret's telling go on 
 yourself I am impatient to hear it." 
 "I pray you, what o'clock is it, mistress?" asked 
 the Captain. 
 "It is only near nine. It matters not for the hour 
 go on." 
 "Nine!" exclaimed Dauntrees; "truly, dame, I 
 must leave the story for Master Garret. Nine, said 
 you? By my sword, I have overstaid my time! I 
 have business with the Lord Proprietary before he 
 goes to his bed. There are papers at the fort which 
 should have been delivered to his Lordship before 
 "Nay, Captain," said the hostess, "if it be but the 
 delivery of a pacquet, it may be done by some other
 hand. There is Driving Dick in the tap-room: he 
 shall do your bidding in the matter. Do not let so 
 light a business as that take you away." 
 "To-morrow, dame, and I will tell you the tale." 
 "To-night, Captain to-night." 
 "Truly, I must go ; the papers should be delivered 
 by a trusty hand I may not leave it to an ordinary 
 messenger. Now if Garret but I will ask no such 
 service from the good man at his time of night; it 
 is a long way. No, no, I must do my own errand." 
 "There is no reason upon earth," said the land 
 lady, "why Garret should not do it : it is but a step 
 to the Fort and back." 
 "I can take my nag and ride there in twenty 
 minutes," said Garret. "I warrant you his Lordship 
 will think the message wisely entrusted to me." 
 "Then get you gone, without parley," exclaimed 
 the dame. 
 "The key of the stable, wife," said Garret. 
 "If you will go, Master Garret," said Dauntrees 
 "and it is very obliging of you do it quickly. 
 Tell Nicholas Verbrack to look in my scritoire; he 
 will find the pacquet addressed to his Lordship. Take 
 it, and see it safely put into his Lordship's hands. 
 Say to Nicholas, moreover, that I will be at the Fort 
 before ten to-night. You comprehend ?" 
 "I comprehend," replied Garret, as his wife gave 
 him the key of the stable, and he departed from the 
 "Now, Captain."
 "Well, mistress : you must know that Peregrine 
 Cadger, the mercer, who in the main is a discreet 
 man " 
 "A discreet man I mean, bating some follies 
 which you wot of: for this trading and trafficking 
 naturally begets foresight. A man has so much to 
 do with the world in that vocation, and the world, 
 Mistress Dorothy, is inclined by temper to be some 
 what knavish, so that they who have much to do 
 with it learn cautions which other folks do not. Now, 
 in our calling of soldiership, caution is a sneaking 
 virtue which we soon send to the devil ; and thereby 
 you may see how it is that we are more honest than 
 other people. Caution and honesty do not much 
 consort together." 
 "But of the mercer's wife, Captain." 
 "Ay, the mercer's wife I shall come to her pres 
 ently. Well, Peregrine, as you have often seen, is a 
 shade or so jealous of that fussock, his wife, who 
 looks, when she is tricked out in her new russet gro- 
 gram cloak, more like a brown haycock in motion 
 than a living woman." 
 "Yes," interrupted the dame, laughing, "and with 
 a sunburnt top. Her red hair on her shoulders is no 
 better, I trow." 
 "Her husband, who at best is but a cotquean one 
 of those fellows who has a dastardly fear of his wife, 
 which, you know, Mistress Dorothy, truly makes 
 both man and wife to be laughed at. A husband
 should have his own way, and follow his humour, 
 no matter whether the dame rails or not. You agree 
 with me in this, Mistress Weasel ?" 
 "In part, Captain. I am not for stinting a hus 
 band in his lawful walks; but the wife should have 
 an eye to his ways : she may counsel him." 
 "Oh, in reason, I grant; but she should not chide 
 him, I mean, nor look too narrowly into his hours, 
 that's all. Now Peregrine's dame hath a free foot, 
 and the mercer himself somewhat of a sulky brow. 
 Well, Halfpenny, the chapman, who is a mad wag 
 for mischief, and who is withal a sure customer of 
 the mercer's in small wares, comes yesternight to 
 Peregrine Cadger's house, bringing with him wor 
 shipful Master Lawrence Hay, the Viewer." 
 At this moment the sound of horse's feet from the 
 court-yard showed that Garret Weasel had set forth 
 on his ride. 
 "Arnold, I am keeping you waiting," said Daun- 
 trees. "Fill up another cup for yourself and Pame- 
 sack, and go your ways. Stay not for me, friends ; 
 or if it pleases you, wait for me in the tap-room. I 
 will be ready in a brief space." 
 The ranger and the Indian, after swallowing an 
 other glass, withdrew. 
 "The Viewer," continued Dauntrees, "is a hand 
 some man, and a merry man on occasion, too. I 
 had heard it whispered before but not liking to 
 raise a scandal upon a neighbour, I kept my thoughts 
 to myself that the mercer's wife had rather a
 warm side for the Viewer. But be that as it may : 
 there was the most laughable prank played on the 
 mercer by Halfpenny and the Viewer together, last 
 night, that ever was heard of. It was thus : they had 
 a game at Hoodman-blind, and when it fell to Law 
 rence to be the seeker, somehow the fat termagant 
 was caught in his arms, and so the hood next came 
 tc her. Well, she was blindfolded; and there was 
 an agreement all round that no one should speak a 
 "Ay, I understand I see it," said the hostess, 
 eagerly drawing her chair nearer to the Captain. 
 "No, you would never guess," replied Dauntrees, 
 "if you cudgelled your brains from now till Christ 
 mas. But I can show you, Mistress Dorothy, better 
 by the acting of the scene. Here, get down on your 
 knees, and let me put your kerchief over your 
 "What can that signify?" inquired the dame. 
 "Do it, mistress you will laugh at the explosion. 
 Give me the handkerchief. Down, dame, upon your 
 marrow bones : it is an excellent jest and worth the 
 The landlady dropped upon her knees, and the 
 Captain secured the bandage round her eyes. 
 "How many fingers, dame!" he asked, holding 
 his hand before her face. 
 "Never a finger can I see, Captain." 
 "It is well. Now stand up forth and away ! That 
 was the word given by the Viewer. Turn, Mis-
 tress Dorothy, and grope through the room. Oh, 
 you shall laugh at this roundly. Grope, grope, 
 The obedient and marvelling landlady began to 
 grope through the apartment, and Dauntrees, quietly 
 opening the door, stole off to the tap-room, where 
 being joined by his comrades, they hied with all 
 speed towards the Fort, leaving the credulous dame 
 floundering after a jest, at least until they got beyond 
 the hail of her voice. 
 Pale lights on Cadez' rocks were seen, 
 And midnight voices heard to moan, 
 'Twas even said the blasted oak, 
 Convulsive heaved a hollow groan. 
 The Spirit's Blasted Tree. 
 DAUNTREES, after his unmannerly escape from the 
 credulous landlady, hastened with his two compan 
 ions, at a swinging gait, along the beach to the fort, 
 where they found Garret Weasel waiting for them in 
 a state of eager expectation. 
 "Is the dame likely to be angry, Captain?" were 
 the publican's first words. "Does she suspect us for 
 a frisk to-night ? Adsheartlikens, it is a perilous ad 
 venture for the morrow ! You shall bear the burden 
 of that reckoning, Master Captain."
 "I left Mistress Dorothy groping for a secret at 
 Hoodman-blind," replied the Captain, laughing. "She 
 has found it before now, and by my computation is 
 in the prettiest hurricane that ever brought a frown 
 upon a woman's brow. She would bless the four 
 quarters of thee, Garret, if thou shouldst return 
 home to-night, with a blessing that would leave a 
 scorch-mark on thee for the rest of thy days. I 
 shouldn't wonder presently to hear her feet pattering 
 on the gravel of the beach in full pursuit of us 
 dark as it is : I have left her in a mood to tempt any 
 unheard of danger for revenge. So, let us be away 
 upon our errand. You have the eatables safe and 
 the wine" sound, worthy Weasel? Nicholas," he 
 said, speaking to the Lieutenant "are our horses 
 "They are at the post on the other side of the 
 parade," replied the Lieutenant. 
 "Alack!" exclaimed Weasel "Alack for these 
 pranks! Here will be a week's repentance. But a 
 fig for conclusions ! in for a penny, in for a pound, 
 masters. I have the basket well stored and in good 
 keeping. It will be discreet to mount quickly I 
 will not answer against the dame's rapping at the 
 gate to-night: she is a woman of spirit and valiant 
 in her anger." 
 "Then let us be up and away," said the Captain, 
 who was busily bestowing a pair of pistols in his 
 belt and suspending his sword across his body. 
 "A cutlass and pistols for me," said the publican,
 as he selected his weapons from several at hand. 
 Arnold and Pamesack were each provided with a 
 carbine, when Dauntrees, throwing his cloak across 
 his shoulders, led the way to the horses, where the 
 party having mounted, sallied through the gate of 
 the fort at a gallop. 
 Their road lay around the head of St. Inigoe's 
 Creek, and soon became entangled in dark, woody 
 ravines and steep acclivities which presented, at this 
 hour, no small interruption to their progress. Pame 
 sack, on a slouching pony, his legs dangling within 
 a foot of the ground, led the way with an almost in 
 stinctive knowledge of his intricate path, which 
 might have defied a darker night. 
 They had journeyed for more than two hours in 
 the depths of the forest before they approached the 
 inlet of St. Jerome's. 
 "Where are we, Pamesack? I surely hear the 
 stroke of the tide upon the beach; are we so near 
 St. Jerome's, or have we missed the track and struck 
 the bay shore short of our aim ?" 
 "The she-fox does not run to her den where she 
 has left her young, by a track more sure than mine 
 to-night," replied the guide : "it is the wave strik 
 ing upon the sand at the head of the inlet : you may 
 see the stars on the water through yonder wood." 
 "Pamesack says true," added Arnold. "He has 
 found his way better than a hound." 
 A piece of cleared land, or old field, a few acres 
 in v;idth, lay between the travellers and the water
 which began now to glimmer on their sight through 
 a fringe of wood that grew upon the margin of 
 the creek or inlet, and the fresh breeze showed that 
 the broad expanse of the Chesapeake was at no great 
 "The Wizard's Chapel," said Dauntrees, "by my 
 reckoning then, should be within a mile of this spot. 
 It were a good point of soldiership to push forward 
 a vanguard. That duty, Garret, will best comport 
 with your mad-cap humour there may be pith in it ; 
 so, onward man, until you are challenged by some 
 out-post of the Foul One we will tarry here for 
 your report. In the meantime, leave us your ham 
 per of provender. Come, man of cold iron, be alert 
 thy stomach is growing restive for a deed of 
 "You are a man trained to pike and musquetoon," 
 replied the publican; "and have the skill to set a 
 company, as men commonly fight with men. But I 
 humbly opine, Captain, that our venture to-night 
 stands in no need of vanguard, patrol or picquet. We 
 have unearthly things to wrestle with, and do not 
 strive according to the usages of the wars. I would 
 not be slow to do your bidding, but that I know 
 good may not come of it; in my poor judgment we 
 should creep towards the Chapel together, not part 
 ing company. I will stand by thee, Captain, with a 
 sharp eye and ready hand." 
 "Thy teeth will betray us, Master Vintner, even 
 at a score rods from the enemy," said Dauntrees:
 "they chatter so rudely that thy nether jaw is in dan 
 ger. If thou are cold, man, button up thy coat." 
 "Of a verity it is a cold night, and my coat is 
 none of the thickest," replied Weasel with an increas 
 ing shudder. 
 "I understand you, Garret," responded the Cap 
 tain with a laugh ; "we must drink. So, friends, to 
 the green grass, and fasten your horses to the trees 
 whilst we warm up the liver of our forlorn vintner 
 with a cup. We can all take that physic." 
 This command was obeyed by the immediate dis 
 mounting of the party and their attack upon one of 
 the flasks in the basket. 
 "It has a rare smack for a frosty night," said 
 Dauntrees as he quaffed a third and fourth cup. 
 "When I was in Tours I visited the abbey of Mar- 
 moustier, and there drank a veritable potation from 
 the huge tun which the blessed St. Martin himself 
 filled, by squeezing a single cluster of grapes. It 
 has the repute of being the kindliest wine in all 
 Christendom for the invigorating of those who are 
 called to do battle with the devil. The monks of the 
 abbey have ever found it a most deadly weapon 
 against Satan. And truly, Master Weasel, if I did 
 not know that this wine was of the breed of the 
 islands, I should take it to be a dripping from the 
 holy tun I spoke of : it hath the like virtue of defi 
 ance of Beezlebub. So, drink drink again, worthy 
 purveyor and valiant adjutant !" 
 "What is that?" exclaimed Weasel, taking the
 cup from his lips before he had Finished the contents. 
 "There is something far off like the howl of a dog 
 and yet more devilish I should say did ye not hear 
 it, masters ? I pray heaven there be no evil warning 
 in this : I am cold still cold, Captain Dauntrees." 
 "Tush, it is the ringing of your own ears, Garret, 
 or it may be, like enough, some devil's cur that 
 scents our footsteps. Make yourself a fire, and 
 whilst you grow warm by that grosser element we 
 will take a range, for a brief space, round the 
 Chapel. You shall guard the forage till we 
 "That is well thought of," replied the innkeeper 
 quickly. ""Light and heat will both be useful in our 
 onslaught : while you three advance towards the 
 shore I will keep a look out here; for there is no 
 knowing what devices the enemy may have a-foot to 
 take us by surprise." 
 Some little time was spent in kindling a fire, which 
 had no sooner begun to blaze than Dauntrees, with 
 the Ranger and the Indian, set forth on their recon- 
 noissance of the Chapel, leaving Weasel assured that 
 he was rendering important service in guarding the 
 provender and comforting himself by the blazing 
 They walked briskly across the open ground to 
 wards the water, and as they now approached the 
 spot which common rumour had invested with so 
 many terrors, even these bold adventurers them 
 selves were not without some misgivings.
 "By my troth, Arnold," said Dauntrees, as they 
 strode forward, "although we jest at yonder white- 
 livered vintner, this matter we have in hand might 
 excuse an ague in a stouter man. I care not to con 
 fess that the love I bear his Lordship, together with 
 some punctilio of duty, is the only argument that 
 might bring me here to-night. I would rather stand 
 a score pikes in an onset with my single hand, where 
 the business is with flesh and blood, than buffet with 
 a single imp of the Wizard. They say these spirits 
 are quick to punish rashness." 
 "As Lord Charles commands we must do his bid 
 ding," replied the forester. "When the business in 
 hand must be done, I never stop to think of the 
 danger of it. If we should not get back, Lord 
 Charles has as good men to fill our places. I have 
 been scared more than once by these night devils, 
 till my hair lifted my cap with the fright, but I never 
 lost my wits so far as not to strike or to run at the 
 good season." 
 "Laet lopen die lopen luste, as we used to say in 
 Holland," returned the Captain. "I am an old rover 
 and have had my share of goblins, and never flinched 
 to sulphur or brimstone, whether projected by the 
 breath of a devil or a culverin. I am not to be 
 scared now from my duty by any of Paul Kelpy's 
 brood though I say again I like not this strife with 
 shadows. His Lordship shall not say we failed in 
 our outlook. I did purpose, before we set out, to 
 talk with Father Pierre concerning this matter, but
 Garret's wine and his wife together put it out of my 
 "The holy father would only have told you," re 
 plied Arnold, "to keep a Latin prayer in your head 
 and Master Weasel's wine and wife both out of it." 
 "So he would, Arnold, and it would have gone 
 more against the grain than a hair-shirt penance. I 
 have scarce a tag of a prayer in my memory, not 
 even a line of the Fac Salve; and I have moreover 
 a most special need for a flask of that vintage of 
 Teneriffe on a chilly night ; and then, as you your 
 self was a witness, I had most pressing occasion to 
 practise a deceit upon Mistress Dorothy. The Priest's 
 counsel would have been wasted words that's true : 
 so we were fain to do our errand to-night without 
 the aid of the church. Why do you halt, Fame- 
 "I hear the tread of a foot," replied the Indian. 
 "A deer stalking on the shore of the creek," said 
 "More like the foot of a man," returned Fame- 
 sack, in a lowered voice; "we should talk less to 
 make our way safe. There is the growl of a dog." 
 Arnold now called the attention of his companions 
 to the outlines of a low hut which was barely dis 
 cernible through the wood where an open space 
 brought the angle of the roof into relief against the 
 water of the creek, and as they approached near 
 enough to examine the little structure more minutely, 
 they were saluted by the surly bark of a deep throated
 dog, fiercely redoubled. At the same time the sound 
 of receding footsteps was distinctly audible. 
 "Who dwells here?" inquired Dauntrees, striking 
 the door with the hilt of his sword. 
 There was no answer, and the door gave way 
 to the thrust and flew wide open. The apartment 
 was tenantless. A few coals of fire gleaming from 
 the embers, and a low bench furnished with a blan 
 ket, rendered it obvious that this solitary abode had 
 been but recently deserted by its possessor. A hasty 
 survey of the hut, which was at first fiercely disputed 
 by the dog a cross-grained and sturdy mastiff 
 until a sharp blow from a staff which the forester 
 bestowed sent him growling from the premises, sat 
 isfied the explorers that so far, at least, they had 
 encountered nothing supernatural; and without fur 
 ther delay or comment upon this incident they took 
 their course along the margin of St. Jerome's Creek. 
 After a short interval, the beating of the waves upon 
 the beach informed them that they had reached the 
 neighbourhood of the shore of the Chesapeake. Here 
 a halt and an attentive examination of the locality 
 made them aware that they stood upon a bank, which 
 descended somewhat abruptly to the level of the 
 beach that lay some fifty yards or more beyond them. 
 In the dim starlight they were able to trace the pro 
 file of a low but capacious tenement which stood 
 almost on the tide mark. 
 "It is the Chapel?" said Dauntrees, in an involun 
 tary whisper as he touched the Ranger's arm.
 "It is Paul Kelpy's house, all the same as I have 
 known it these twenty years: a silent and wicked 
 house," whispered Arnold, in reply. 
 "And a pretty spot for the Devil to lurk in," said 
 Dauntrees, resuming his ordinary tone. 
 "Hold, Captain," interrupted the Ranger, "no 
 foul words so near the Haunted House. The good 
 saints be above us !" he added, crossing himself and 
 muttering a short prayer. 
 "Follow me down the bank," said Dauntrees, in 
 a low but resolute voice ; "but first look to your car 
 bines that they be charged and primed. I will break 
 in the door of this ungodly den and ransack its cor 
 ners before I leave it. Holy St. Michael, the Arch 
 fiend is in the Chapel, and warns us away!" he ex 
 claimed, as suddenly a flash of crimson light illumi 
 nated every window of the building. "It is the same 
 warning given to Burton and myself once before. 
 Stand your ground, comrades; we shall be beset by 
 these ministers of sin !" 
 As the flashes of this lurid light were thrice re 
 peated, Pamesack was seen on the edge of the bank 
 fixed like a statue, with foot and arm extended, look 
 ing with a stern gaze towards this appalling spectacle. 
 Arnold recoiled a pace and brought his hand across 
 his eyes, and was revealed in this posture as he 
 exclaimed in his marked Dutch accent, "The fisher 
 man's blood is turned to fire: we had best go no 
 further, masters." Dauntrees had advanced half 
 way down the bank, and the glare disclosed him as
 suddenly arrested in his career; his sword gleamed 
 above his head whilst his short cloak was drawn by 
 the motion of his left arm under his chin; and his 
 broad beaver, pistolled belt, and wide boots, now 
 tinged with the premature light, gave to his figure 
 that rich effect which painters are pleased to copy. 
 "I saw Satan's imps within the chamber," ex 
 claimed the Captain. "As I would the blessed Mar 
 tyrs be with us, I saw the very servitors of the 
 Fiend! They are many and mischievous, and shall 
 be defied though we battle with the Prince of the 
 Air. What ho, bastards of Beezlebub, I defy thee! 
 in the name of our patron, the holy and blessed St. 
 Ignatius, I defy thee!" 
 There was a deeper darkness as Dauntrees rushed 
 almost to the door of the house with his sword in his 
 hand. Again the same deep flashes of fire illumed 
 the windows, and two or three figures in grotesque 
 costume, with strange unearthly faces, were seen, for 
 the instant, within. Dauntrees retreated a few steps 
 nearer to his companions, and drawing a pistol, held 
 it ready for instant use. It was discharged at the 
 windows with the next flash of the light, and the re 
 port was followed by a hoarse and yelling laugh 
 from the tenants of the house. 
 "Once more I defy thee!" shouted the Captain, 
 with a loud voice; "and in the name of our holy 
 church, and by the order of the Lord Proprietary. 
 I demand what do you here with these hellish rites !" 
 The answer was returned in a still louder laugh,
 and in a shot fired at the challenger, the momentary 
 light of the explosions revealing, as Datmtrees ima 
 gined, a cloaked figure presenting a harquebuss 
 through the window. 
 "Protect yourselves, friends !" he exclaimed, "with 
 such shelter as you may find," at the same time re 
 treating to the cover of an oak which stood upon the 
 bank. "These demons show weapons like our own. 
 I will e'en ply the trade with thee, accursed spirits I" 
 he added, as he discharged a second pistol. 
 The Ranger and Pamesack had already taken 
 shelter, and their carbines were also levelled and 
 fired. Some two or three shots were returned from 
 the house accompanied with the same rude laugh 
 which attended the first onset, and the scene, for a 
 moment, would have been thought rather to resemble 
 the assault and defence of mortal foes, than the 
 strife of men with intangible goblins, but that there 
 were mixed with it other accompaniments altogether 
 unlike the circumstance of mortal battle; a loud 
 heavy sound as of rolling thunder, echoed from the 
 interior of the chapel, and in the glimpses of light 
 the antic figures within were discerned as dancing 
 with strange and preposterous motions. 
 "It avails us not to contend against these fiends," 
 said Dauntrees. "They are enough to maintain their 
 post against us, even if they fought with human im 
 plements. Our task is accomplished by gaining sight 
 of the chapel and its inmates. We may certify what 
 we have seen to his Lordship ; so, masters, move war-
 iiy and quickly rearward. Ay, laugh again, you jug 
 gling minions of the devil !" he said, as a ' hoarse 
 shout of exultation resounded from the house, when 
 the assailants commenced their retreat. "Put on 
 the shape of men and we may deal with you ! For 
 ward, Arnold ; if we tarry, our retreat may be vexed 
 with dangers against which we are not provided." 
 "I hope this is the last time we shall visit this 
 devil's den," said Arnold, as he obeyed the Captain's 
 injunction, and moved, as rapidly as his long stride 
 would enable him to walk, from the scene of their 
 late assault. 
 Whilst these events were passing, I turn back to 
 the publican, who was left a full mile in the rear to 
 guard the baggage and keep up the fire, a post, as 
 he described it, of no small danger. 
 It was with a mistrusting conscience, as to the pro 
 priety of his separation from his companions, that 
 Garret, when he had leisure for reflection, set him 
 self to scanning his deportment at this juncture. His 
 chief scruple had reference to the point of view in 
 which Dauntrees and Arnold de la Grange would 
 hereafter represent this incident : would they set it 
 down, as Weasel hoped they might, to the account of 
 a proper and soldier-like disposition of the forces, 
 which required a detachment to defend a weak point ? 
 or would they not attribute his hanging back to a 
 want of courage, which his conscience whispered 
 was not altogether so wide of the truth, but which 
 he had hoped to conceal by his martial tone of
 bravado? There are many brave men, he reflected, 
 who have a constitutional objection to fighting in 
 the dark, and he was rather inclined to rank himself 
 in that class. "In the dark," said he, as he sat down 
 by the fire, with his hands locked across his knees, 
 which were drawn up before him in grasshopper 
 angles, and looked steadily at the blazing brushwood; 
 "in the dark a man cannot see that stands to reason. 
 And it makes a great difference, let me tell you, mas 
 ters, when you can't see your enemy. Besides, the 
 Captain, who is all in all in his command, hath set 
 me here to watch, which, as it were, was a forbidding 
 of me to go onward. Well, let the world wag, and 
 the upshot "be what it may, here are comforts at hand, 
 and I will not stint to use them." 
 Saying this the self-satisfied martialist opened the 
 basket and solaced his appetite with a slice of pasty 
 and a draught of wine. 
 "I will now perform a turn of duty," he continued, 
 after his refreshment; and accordingly drawing his 
 hanger, he set forth to make a short circuit into the 
 open field. He had wandered some fifty paces into 
 the field, on this valorous outlook, when he bethought 
 him that he had ventured far enough, and might now 
 return, deeming it more safe to be near the fire and 
 the horses than out upon a lonesome plain, which 
 he believed to be infested by witches and their kin 
 dred broods. He had scarcely set his face towards 
 hif- original post when an apparition came upon his 
 sight that filled him with horror, and caused his hair
 to rise like bristles. This was the real bodily form 
 and proportions of such a spectre as might be sup 
 posed to prefer such a spot an old woman in a loose 
 and ragged robe, who was seen gliding up to the 
 burning fagots with a billet of pine in her hand, 
 which she lighted at the fire and ^hen waved above 
 her head as she advanced into the field towards the 
 innkeeper. Weasel's tongue clave to the roof of his 
 mouth, and his teeth chattered audibly against each 
 other, his knees smote together, and his eyes glanced 
 steadfastly upon the phantom. For a moment he 
 lost the power of utterance or motion, and when 
 these began to return, as the hag drew nearer, his 
 impulse was to fly; but his bewildered reflection 
 came to his aid and suggested greater perils in ad 
 vance; he therefore stood stock still. 
 "Heaven have mercy upon me! the Lord have 
 mercy upon me, a sinner!" he ejaculated; "I am 
 alone, and the enemy has come upon me." 
 "Watcher of the night," said a voice, in a shrill 
 note, "draw nigh. What do you seek on the wold?" 
 "Tetra grammaton, Ahaseel in the name of the 
 Holy Evangels, spare me!" muttered the innkeeper, 
 fruitlessly ransacking his memory for some charm 
 against witches, and stammering out an incoherent 
 jargon. "Abracadabra spare me, excellent and 
 worthy dame! I seek no hurt to thee. I am old, 
 mother, too old and with too many sins of my own 
 to account for, to wish harm to any one, much less 
 to the good woman of this wold. Oh, Lord, oh Lord !
 "Heaven have mercy upon me ! the Lord have mercy upon 
 me, a smner ! ' Ejaculated Weasel. Page 100. 
 Rob of the Bowl.
 why was I seduced upon this fool's errand?" 
 "Come nigh, old man, when I speak to you. Why 
 do you loiter there ?" shouted the witch, as she stood 
 erect some twenty paces in front of the publican and 
 beckoned him with her blazing fagot. "What dost 
 thou mutter?" 
 "I but sported with my shadow, mother," replied 
 Weasel, with a tremulous attempt at a laugh, as he 
 approached the questioner, in an ill assumed effort 
 at composure and cheerfulness. "I was fain to di 
 vert myself with an antic, till some friends of mine, 
 who left me but a moment since, returned. How 
 goes the night with you, dame?" 
 "Merrily," replied the hag, as she set up a shrill 
 laugh which more resembled a scream, "merrily; I 
 cannot but laugh to find the henpecked vintner of St. 
 Mary's at this time of night within the sound of the 
 tide at the Black Chapel. I know your errand, old 
 chapman of cheap liquors, and why you have brought 
 your cronies. You pretend to be a liegeman of his 
 Lordship, and you travel all night to cheat him of 
 five shillings. You will lie on the morrow with as 
 sad a face as there is in the hundred. I know you." 
 "You know all things, worthy dame, and I were 
 a fool to keep a secret from you. What new com 
 modity, honest mistress, shall I find with Rob? The 
 port is alive with a rumour of the Olive Branch; I 
 would be early with the Cripple. Ha, ha !" he added, 
 with a fearful laugh, "thou seest I am stirring in 
 my trade."
 "Garret Weasel," said the beldam, "you may take 
 it for a favour, past your deservings, that Rob will 
 see thee alone at his hut even in day time: but it is 
 as much as your life is worth to bring your huff -cap 
 brawlers to St. Jerome's at midnight. It is not law 
 ful ground for thee, much less for the hot-brained 
 fools who bear you company. Who showed them 
 the path to my cabin, that I must be driven out at 
 this hour?" 
 "Worthy, mistress, indeed I know not. I am ig 
 norant of what you say !" 
 "They will call themselves friends to the Chapel : 
 but we have no friends to the Chapel amongst living 
 men. The Chapel belongs to the dead and the tor 
 mentors of the dead. So follow your cronies and 
 command them back. I warn you to follow and 
 bring them back, as you would save them from 
 harm. Ha! look you, it is come already!" she ex 
 claimed, raising her torch in the air, as the flashes 
 from the Haunted House illumined the horizon ; "the 
 seekers have roused our sentries, and there shall be 
 angry buffets to the back of it !" At this moment the 
 first shot was heard. "Friends, forsooth!" she shouted 
 at the top of her voice: "friends, are ye? there is the 
 token that ye are known to be false liars. Wo to 
 the fool that plants his foot before the Chapel ! Stand 
 there, Garret Weasel : I must away ; follow me but 
 a step raise thy head to look after my path, and 
 I will strike thee blind and turn thee into a drivelling 
 idiot for the rest of thy days. Remember "
 In uttering this threat the figure disappeared ; Gar 
 ret knew not how, as he strictly obeyed the parting 
 injunction, and his horrors were greatly increased 
 by the report of the several shots which now reached 
 his ear from the direction of the Black House. 
 He had hardly recovered himself sufficiently to 
 wander back to the fire, before Dauntrees, Arnold, 
 and Pamesack arrived, evidently flurried by the 
 scene through which they had passed, as well as by 
 the rapidity of their retreat. 
 "Some wine, Garret ! some wine, old master of the 
 tap!" was Dauntrees' salutation: "and whilst we 
 regale as briefly as we may, have thou our horses 
 loose from the trees ; we must mount and away. To 
 the horses, Garret ! We will help ourselves." 
 "I pray you, Master Captain," inquired the pub 
 lican, having now regained his self-possession, "what 
 speed at the Chapel ? Oh, an we have all had a night 
 of it! Sharp encounters all round, masters! I can 
 tell you a tale, I warrant you." 
 "Stop not to prate now," interrupted Dauntrees 
 in a voice choked by the huge mouthful of the pasty 
 he was devouring; "we shall discourse as we ride. 
 That flask, Arnold, I must have another draught e'er 
 we mount, and then, friends, to horse as quickly as 
 you may ; we may be followed ; we may have ghost, 
 devil, and man of flesh, all three, at our heels." 
 "I have had store of them, I can tell you ghosts 
 and devils without number," said Weasel, as he 
 brought the horses forward.
 "You shall be tried by an inquest of both, for your 
 life, if you tarry another instant," interposed the 
 Captain, as he sprang into his saddle. 
 "What ! are we set upon, comrades ?" cried out the 
 vintner, manfully, as he rose to his horse's back, and 
 pricked forward until he got between Pamesack and 
 Arnold. "Are we set upon? Let us halt and give 
 them an accolado; we are enough for them, I war 
 rant you! Oh, but it had well nigh been a bloody 
 night," he continued, as the whole party trotted 
 briskly from the ground. "We had work to do mas 
 ters, and may tell of it to-morrow. Good Pamesack, 
 take this basket from me, it impedes my motion in 
 these bushes. Master Arnold, as we must ride here 
 in single files, let me get before thee : I would speak 
 with the Captain. Who should I see, Captain Daun- 
 trees," continued the publican, after these arrange 
 ments were made, and he had thrust himself into the 
 middle of the line of march, and all now proceeded 
 at a slackened pace, "but that most notorious and 
 abominable hag, the woman of Warrington Kate, 
 who lives, as everybody knows, on the Cliffs. She 
 must needs come trundling down before me, astride 
 a broomstick, with a black cat upon her shoulder, and 
 sail up to the fire which I had left, for a space, to 
 make a round on my watch for you may be sworn 
 a strict watch I made of it, going even out of my 
 way to explore the more hidden and perilous lurking- 
 places where one might suspect an enemy to lie. So, 
 whilst I was gone on this quest, she whips in and
 seats herself by the fire, with a whole score of devils 
 at their antics around her. Then up I come, natur 
 ally surprised at this audacity, and question them, 
 partly in soldier-wise, showing my sword ready to 
 make good my speech, and partly by adjuration, 
 which soon puts me the whole bevy to flight, leaving 
 Kate of Warrington at mercy: and there I con 
 strained her to divulge the secrets of the Chapel. 
 She said there had been devilish work under that 
 roof, and would be again ; when pop, and bang, and 
 slash, and crash, I heard the outbreak, and saw the 
 devil's lights that were flashed. I could hold no 
 longer parley with the hag, but was just moving off 
 at full speed to your relief, determined in this need 
 to desert my post which, in my impatience to lend 
 you a hand, I could not help when I heard your 
 footfall coming back, and so I was fain to bide your 
 "A well conceived sally of soldiership," said Daun- 
 trees, "and spoken with a cavalier spirit, Master 
 Garret. It hath truth upon the face of it : I believe 
 every word. It shall serve you a good turn with 
 his Lordship. What does Kate of Warrington in this 
 neighbourhood? She travels far on her broomstick 
 unless, indeed, what seems likely, she has taken 
 her quarters in the cabin we disturbed to-night. 
 These crows will be near their carrion." 
 By degrees the party, as they pursued their home 
 ward journey, grew drowsy. The publican had lost 
 all his garrulity, and nodded upon his horse. Arnold
 and Pamesack rode in silence, until Dauntrees, as if 
 waking up from a reverie, said 
 "Well, friends, we return from no barren mission 
 to-night. His Lordship may have some satisfaction 
 in our story ; particularly in the vintner's. We shall 
 be ready to report to his Lordship by noon, and after 
 that we shall hasten to quiet our Dame Dorothy. 
 The night is far spent : I should take it, Arnold, to 
 be past three o'clock, by the rising of the moon. At 
 peep of day we shall be snug upon our pallets, with 
 no loss of relish for a sleep which will have been 
 well earned." 
 As the Captain continued to urge his journey, 
 which he did with the glee that waits upon a safe 
 deliverance from an exploit of hazard, he turned his 
 face upwards to the bright orb which threw a cheer 
 ful light over the scenery of the road-side, and in the 
 distance flung a reflection, as of burnished silver, 
 over the broad surface of St. Mary's river, as seen 
 from the height which the travellers were now de 
 scending. Not more than two miles of their route 
 remained to be achieved, when the Captain broke 
 forth with an old song of that day, in a voice which 
 would not have discredited a professor: 
 "The moon, the moon, the jolly moon, 
 And a jolly old queen is she! 
 She hath stroll'd o' nights this thousand year, 
 With ever the best of company. 
 Sing, Hie and hoc sumus nocturno, 
 Huzza for the jolly old moon!"
 "Why, Garret, vintner, art asleep, man?" inquired 
 the Captain. "Why dost thou not join in the bur 
 "To your hand, Captain," exclaimed Weasel, rous 
 ing himself and piping forth the chorus 
 "Hie and hoc sumus nocturne, 
 Huzza, for the jolly old moon!" 
 which he did not fail to repeat at the top of his voice 
 at each return. 
 Dauntrees proceeded : 
 "She trails a royal following, 
 And a merry mad court doth keep, 
 With her chirping boys that walk i' the shade, 
 And wake when the bailiff's asleep. 
 Sing, Hie and hoc sumus nocturne, 
 Huzza for the jolly old moon! 
 This ditty was scarcely concluded for it was 
 spun out with several noisy repetitions of the chorus 
 before the troop reined up at the gate of the fort. 
 The drowsy sentinel undid the bolt at the Captain's 
 summons, and, in a very short space, the wearied 
 adventurers were stretched in the enjoyment of that 
 most satisfactory of physical comforts, the deep sleep 
 of tired men.
 There remains 
 A rugged trunk, dismember'd and unsightly, 
 Waiting the bursting of the final bolt 
 To splinter it to shivers. 
 The Doom of Devorgoil. 
 THE shore of the Chesapeake between Cape St. 
 Michael as the northern headland at the mouth of 
 Potomac was denominated by the early settlers 
 and the Patuxent, is generally flat, and distinguished 
 by a clear pebbly beach or strand, here and there re 
 lieved by small elevations which in any other region 
 would scarce deserve the name, but which are suffi 
 ciently prominent in this locality to attract remark. 
 It was upon this flat that, in ancient times, stood the 
 dwelling house of Paul Kelpy the fisherman a long, 
 low building of deal boards, constructed somewhat 
 in the shape of a warehouse or magazine. Some 
 quarter of a mile along the beach, so sheltered under 
 the brow of the slope as scarcely to be seen amongst 
 the natural shrubbery that shaded it, stood a cottage 
 or hut of very humble pretensions. It was so low 
 that a man of ordinary height, while standing at the 
 door, might lay his hand upon the eaves of the roof, 
 and correspondent to its elevation, it was so scanty 
 in space as to afford but two apartments, of which 
 the largest was not above ten feet square. It was
 strongly built of hewn logs, and the door, strength 
 ened by nails thickly studded over its surface, was 
 further fortified by a heavy padlock, which rendered 
 it sufficiently impregnable against a sharper assault 
 than might be counted on from such as ordinarily 
 should find motive to molest the proprietor of such 
 a dwelling. 
 To this spot I propose to introduce my reader, the 
 day preceding that at which my story has been 
 opened. It was about an hour before sunset, and a 
 light, drizzling rain, with a steady wind from the 
 north-east, infused a chilly gloom into the air, and 
 heightened the tone of solitude which prevailed over 
 the scene. A thin curl of smoke which rose from 
 the clumsy chimney of the hut gave a sign of habita 
 tion to the premises, and this was further confirmed 
 by the presence of a large and cross-visaged mastiff- 
 bitch, whose heavy head might be discerned thrust 
 forth from beneath the sill of the gable, a sullen 
 warder of this sullen place of strength. 
 In the larger apartment of the hut a few fagots 
 blazed upon the hearth, supplying heat to a pot that 
 simmered above them, the care of which, together 
 with other culinary operations, engaged the attention 
 of a brown, haggard and weather-beaten woman, 
 who plied this household duty with a silent and 
 mechanical thrift. Remote from the hearth, and im 
 mediately below a small window, sat, apparently 
 upon the floor, a figure eminently calculated to chal 
 lenge observation. His features were those of a
 man of seventy, sharp, shrewd and imprinted with 
 a deep trace of care. His frame indicated the pos 
 session, at an earlier period of his life, of the highest 
 degree of strength; it was broad in the shoulders, 
 ample in chest, and still muscular, although deprived 
 of its roundness by age. His dress, of coarse green 
 serge, made into a doublet with skirts that fell both 
 front and rear, secured by a leathern belt, was so 
 contrived as to conceal, in his present posture, his 
 lower extremities. A broad ruff received his locks 
 of iron gray, which fell over his back in crisp wiry 
 curls : a thick grizzly beard, of the same hue, gave 
 an elongation to his countenance which imparted to 
 the observer the unpleasant impression of a head 
 disproportionately large for the body, at least as seen 
 in its present aspect. 
 His girdle sustained a long knife or dagger, which 
 apparently constituted a part of his daily equipment ; 
 and the oblique flash of his eye, and tremulous mo 
 tion of his thin lip betrayed a temperament, from 
 which one might infer that this weapon of offence 
 was not worn merely as an ornament of the person. 
 The individual described in this summary was 
 familiar to report, throughout the province, as The 
 Cripple. His true name was supposed to be Robert 
 Swale, but this was almost lost in the pervading 
 popular designation of Rob of the Bowl, or Trencher 
 Rob an appellative which he had borne ever since 
 his arrival in the province, now some fifteen years 
 gone by. Of his history but little was known, and
 that little was duly mystified, in the public repute, 
 by the common tendency in the vulgar mind to make 
 the most of any circumstance of suspicion. The story 
 went that he had been shipwrecked, on a winter voy 
 age, upon this coast, and, after suffering incredible 
 hardships, had saved his life only at the expense of 
 the loss of both legs by frost. In this maimed con 
 dition he had reached the shore of the province, and 
 some time afterwards built the hut in which he now 
 dwelt, near the mouth of St. Jerome's. Here he 
 had passed many years, without attracting other no 
 tice than such as the stinted charity of the world 
 affords, when it is exercised upon the fate or fortunes 
 of an obscure recluse. 
 Before 'many years, some few of the traders and 
 country people round had found out that Rob was 
 occasionally possessed of good merchantable commo 
 dities much in request by the inhabitants of the port, 
 and dark whispers were sometimes circulated touch 
 ing the manner in which he came by them. The loss 
 of his legs was supplied by a wooden bowl or 
 trencher, of an elliptical shape, to which his thighs 
 were attached by a strap, and this rude contrivance 
 was swayed forward, when the owner chose, by the 
 aid of two short crutches, which enabled him to lift 
 himself from the ground and assume a progressive 
 A small painting of St. Romuald at his devotions, 
 by the hand of Salvator himself, hung over a dress 
 ing table, in the back room of the hut in which the
 bed of the Cripple was placed; and this exquisite 
 gem of art, which the possessor seemed duly to 
 appreciate, was surmounted by a crucifix, indicating 
 the religious faith in which he worshipped. This 
 might be gathered also from a curious, antique pix, 
 of heavy gilded metal, a ponderous missal with silver 
 clasps, a few old volumes of the lives of the saints, 
 and other furniture of the like nature, all of which 
 denoted that the ingredient of a religious devotee 
 formed an element in his singular compound of 
 The person who acted the part of servant in the 
 dwelling had long maintained a most unenviable 
 fame as The Woman of Warrington, in the small 
 hamlet of that name on the Cliffs of Patuxent, from 
 whence she had been recently transplanted to per 
 form the domestic drudgery in which we have found 
 her. Her habitation was a rude hovel some few 
 hundred paces distant from the hut of the Cripple, 
 on the margin of St. Jerome's Creek, and within 
 gunshot of the rear of the Black Chapel. T.o this 
 hovel, after her daily work was done, she retired to 
 pass the night, leaving her master or patron to that 
 solitude which he seemed to prefer to any society. 
 The surly mastiff -bitch, we have noticed, alternately 
 kept guard at the hut of the master and domestic, 
 roving between the two in nightly patrol, with a 
 gruff and unsocial fidelity, no unsuitable go-be 
 tween to so strange a pair. 
 The Cripple, at the time when I have chosen to
 present him to my reader, was seated, as I have said, 
 immediately beneath the window. A pair of spec 
 tacles assisted his vision as he perused a pacquet of 
 papers, several of which lay scattered around him. 
 The dim light for a while perplexed his labour, and 
 he had directed the door to be thrown wi4e open 
 that he might take advantage of the last moment be 
 fore the approaching twilight should arrest his occu 
 pation. Whilst thus employed, the deadened sound 
 of a shot boomed across the bay. 
 "Ha!" he exclaimed as he threw aside the paper 
 in his hand and directed his eyes towards the water ; 
 "there is a signal by my body, a signal gun! an 
 ill bird is flying homeward. Did you not hear that 
 shot, woman?" 
 "I had my dream of the brigantine two nights 
 ago," replied the servitress; "and of the greedy kite 
 that calls himself her master; the shot must be 
 "Whose can it be else?" demanded the Cripple 
 sharply, as he swung himself forward to the door- 
 sill and shook his locks from his brow in the act of 
 straining his sight across the dim surface of the bay. 
 "Ay, ay; there it is. Hark another shot! that 
 is the true pass word between us: Dickon, sure 
 enough ! The brigantine is in the offing. Cockles- 
 craft is coming in with the speed of a gull. He 
 comes full freighted full freighted, as is his wont, 
 with the world's plunder. What dole hath he done 
 this flight ? what more wealthy knave than himself
 hath he robbed ? Mischief, mischief, mischief good 
 store of it, I'll be sworn : and a keener knave than 
 himself he hath not found in his wide venture. He 
 will be coming ashore to visit the Cripple, ha! he 
 shall be welcome as he hath ever been. We are 
 comrades, we are cronies, and merry in our divis 
 ions the Skipper and the Cripple ! there is concord 
 in it the Skipper and the Cripple merry men 
 The beldam, accustomed to this habit of self-com 
 munion in the Cripple, apparently heeded not these 
 mutterings, until he, at length, accosted her with a 
 command : "Mistress Kate, double the contents of 
 your pot; the skipper and some of his men will be 
 here presently, as keen and trenchant as their own 
 cutlasses. They will be hungry, woman, as these 
 saltwater monsters always are for earthy provender." 
 "Such sharp-set cattle should bring their proven 
 der with them," replied the domestic, as she went 
 about increasing her store of provision in compliance 
 with her master's directions. 
 "Or the good red gold, or the good red gold, old 
 jade!" interrupted the Cripple. "The skipper doth 
 not shrink in the girdle from the disease of a lean 
 purse, and is therefore worthy of our worshipful 
 entertainment. So goes the world, and we will be 
 in the fashion! Though the world's malisons drive 
 him hither as before a tempest, yet, comes he rich in 
 its gear; he shall have princely reception. I am king 
 of this castle, and ordain it. Is he taking in sail?
 is he seeking an anchorage? Ha, he understands his 
 craft, and will be with us anon," he continued, as he 
 marked the movements of the approaching vessel. 
 There might be dimly seen, nearly abreast of St. 
 Jerome's, a close-reefed brig, holding her course be 
 fore a fair wind directly across the bay towards the 
 hut of the Cripple. She was, at intervals, lost to 
 view behind the thickening haze, and as often re-ap 
 peared as she bent under the fresh north-east breeze 
 and bounded rapidly with the waves towards the lee 
 shore. It was after the hour of sunset when the 
 tenants of the hut were just able to discern, in the 
 murky gloom of the near nightfall, that she had low 
 ered sail and swung round with her head seaward, 
 at an anchorage some two miles out in the bay. 
 "Quick, Mistress Kate, and kindle some brush 
 wood on the shore," said the master of the hut. "It 
 grows suddenly dark, and the boat's crew will need 
 a signal to steer by." 
 The woman gathered a handful of fagots, and, 
 kindling them into a blaze, transferred them to the 
 beach in front of the hut, where, notwithstanding 
 the rain, they burned with a steady light. This il 
 lumination had not subsided before the stroke of oars 
 rose above the din of the waves ; and the boat with 
 her crew, sheeted with the broad glare of the signal- 
 fire, suddenly appeared mounted on the surf, sur 
 rounded with foam and spray, and in the same in 
 stant was heard grating on the gravel of the beach. 
 Cocklescraft, with two seamen, entered the hut.
 The skipper was now in the prime of youthful man 
 hood ; tall, active and strong, with the free step and 
 erect bearing that no less denoted the fearlessness of 
 his nature than pride in the consciousness of such a 
 quality. His face, tinged with a deep brown hue, 
 was not unhandsome, although an expression of sen 
 suality, to some extent, deprived it of its claim to be 
 A scarlet jacket fitted close across the breast, wide 
 breeches of ash-coloured stuff, hanging in the fashion 
 of a kirtle or kilt to the knees, tight grey hose, accu 
 rately displaying the leg in all its fine proportions, 
 and light shoes, furnished a costume well adapted to 
 the lithe and sinewy figure of the wearer. He wore 
 in his embroidered belt, a pair of pistols richly 
 mounted with chased silver and costly jewels, and his 
 person was somewhat gorgeously and, in his present 
 occupation, inappropriately ornamented with gems 
 and chains of gold. His hair, in almost feminine 
 luxuriance, descended in ringlets upon his neck. A 
 large hat made of the palm leaf, broad enough to 
 shade his face and shoulders, but ill sorted with the 
 rest of his apparel, and was still less adapted to the 
 season and the latitude he was in, though it threw 
 into the general expression of his figure that trait of 
 the swaggering companion which was, in fact, some 
 what prominent in his character. 
 "How dost, friend Rob?" was his salutation in 
 crossing the threshold ; "how dost, Rob o' the Bowl, 
 or Rob o' the Trencher? bowl or trencher, either
 likes me; I am sworn friend to both," he continued 
 as he stooped and took the Cripple's hand. 
 "Ay thy conscience has never stayed thee," was 
 the Cripple's reply, as he received the skipper's grasp 
 "when thou wouldst put thy hand in another man's 
 bowl or trencher, and especially, Dickon, if they 
 were made of gold. Thou hast an appetite for 
 such dishes. How now! where do you come 
 "That shall be answered variously, friend of the 
 wooden platter. If you speak to me as Meinherr 
 Von Cogglescraft, I am from Antwerp, master of the 
 Olive Branch, with a comfortable cargo of Hol 
 lands, and wines French and Rhenish, old greybeard, 
 and some solid articles of Dutch bulk. But if it be 
 to the Caballero Don Ricardo, le beso las manos! 
 I am from Tortuga and the Keys, Senor Capi- 
 tan del Escalfador (there is much virtue in a painted 
 cloth) with a choice assortment of knicknackeries, 
 which shall set every wench in the province agog. I 
 have rare velvets of Genoa, piled and cut in the 
 choicest fashions: I have grograms, and stuffs, and 
 sarsnets, with a whole inventory of woman trumpery 
 the very pick of a Spanish bark, bound from 
 Naples to the islands, which was so foolish as to read 
 my flag by its seeming, and just to drop into the 
 Chafing-Dish when he thought he was getting a con 
 voy to help him out of the way of the too pressing 
 and inquisitive courtesies of certain lurking friends 
 of our's in the Keys. I have, besides, some trinkets,
 which are none the worse for having been blessed by 
 the church. You shall have a choice, Rob, to deck 
 out your chamber with some saintly gems." 
 "Ha! I guessed thy deviltry, Dickon," said Rob, 
 with a laugh which, as always happened when much 
 moved, brought tears down his cheeks "I guessed 
 it when I saw thee step across the door-sill with that 
 large and suspicious sombrero on thy head. It never 
 came from Holland though you would fain per 
 suade the province folks that you trade no where 
 else : it is of the breed of the tropics, and smells of 
 Hispaniola and Santo Domingo." 
 "It is a tell-tale," replied Cocklescraft, "and should 
 have been thrown overboard before this. Old Kate 
 of Warrington, thy hand and here is a hand for 
 thee ! How does the world use thee? Fairly, I hope, 
 as you deserve ? You shall have the sombrero, Kate : 
 you can truss it up into a new fashion for a bonnet, 
 and I have store of ribands to give thee to set it 
 "My share of this world's favour," said the crone, 
 in acknowledgment of the skipper's bounty, "has 
 never been more than the cast-off bravery of such as 
 hold a high head over a wicked heart. I have ever 
 served at the mess of the devil's bantlings. But, as 
 the custom is, I must be civil and thankful for these 
 blessings; and so, Master Cocklescraft, I give you 
 thanks," she added with a courtesy, as she placed 
 the hat upon her head and strutted fantastically in 
 the room, "for your dainty head-gear that you are
 unwilling to wear, and durst not, master, before the 
 Port Wardens of St. Mary's." 
 "How, Kate!" exclaimed the skipper, "you have 
 lost no whit of that railing tongue I left with you at 
 my last venture? I marvel that the devil hath not 
 shorn it, out of pure envy. But I know, Kate, you 
 can do justice to the good will cf a friend, after all : 
 I would have thee to know that thou hast not been 
 unconsidered, good mother of a thousand devilkins : 
 I have brought thee stuff for a new gown, rich and 
 ladylike, Kate, and becoming thy grave and matronly 
 years, and sundry trickeries for it, by way of garni 
 ture; and, reverend dam of night-monsters, I have 
 in store for thee some most choice distillations of the 
 West Indies, both plain and spiced. Thou dost not 
 spurn the strong waters, Kate of Warrington, nor 
 the giver of them?" 
 "This is a make-peace fashion of thine," said the 
 beldam, relaxing into a smile. "You thought not of 
 the woman of Warrington no, not so much as a 
 dog's dream of her until it chanced to come into 
 your head that the foolish crone had a will which it 
 might not be for your good to set against you. I 
 knew your incoming, Richard Cocklescraft, before it 
 was thought of in the province; and I know when 
 your outgoirig will be. You come with a surly sky 
 and a gay brow; you shall trip it hence with a 
 bright heaven above you, and deftly, boy but with 
 a heavy heart and a new crime upon thy soul." 
 "Peace, woman! I will hear none of thy croak-
 ings it is an old trick of thine; the device is too 
 stale," said Cocklescraft, half playfully and half 
 vexed. "You are no conjuror, Kate, as you would 
 make the world believe by these owl-hootings : if 
 you had but a needle's-eyeful of the true witch in 
 you, you would have foretold what bounty my luck 
 has brought you. Rob, we have packages to land to 
 night. Is the Chapel ready for our service?" 
 "How should it be other than ready! Doth not 
 the devil keep his quarters there?" said Rob with a 
 low-toned chuckle that shook his figure for some 
 moments, and almost closed his eyes; "hath he not 
 his court in the Chapel ? Go ask the whole country, 
 side ; they will swear to it on their bible oaths. Sun 
 dries have seen the hoofs and horns, and heard the 
 bowlings, ay, and smelt the brimstone ha, ha, ha ! 
 They'll swear to it. Is the Chapel ready, in sooth! 
 It is a precious Chapel! Paul Kelpy, thou wert an 
 honest cut-throat, to bedevil so good a house; we 
 turn it to account ha, ha ! It needs but to take the 
 key, Dickon. I warrant you ne'er a man in the 
 province, burgher or planter, gentle or simple, ven 
 tures near enough to molest you." 
 "The surf runs high," said Cocklescraft, "and 
 may give us trouble in the landing to-night ; and as 
 daylight must not find me in this latitude, I shall put 
 what I may ashore before the dawn, and then take 
 a flight to the opposite side of the bay. To-morrow 
 night I shall finish my work; and you shall soon 
 after hear, at St. Mary's, that the good and peaceful 

 brigantine, the Olive Branch, has arrived from Hol 
 land. Meantime, I will leave you a half dozen men 
 to garrison the Chapel, Rob." 
 "It is so well garrisoned with my merry goblins 
 already," said Rob, "that it requires but a light 
 watch. The fires alone would frighten his Lord 
 ship's whole array of rangers. That was a pretty 
 device of mine, Dickon blue, green, and red excel 
 lent devil-fires all ! Then I have masks faith, most 
 special masks ! the very noses of them would frighten 
 the short-winded train-bands of the Port into cata 
 lepsy. And the Chapel had an ill name when the 
 fisherman shed blood on the floor; but since we 
 blackened it, Richard oh, that was a subtle thought ! 
 it is past all power of exorcism; there is an ague 
 in the very name of the Black Chapel." And here 
 the Cripple gave way to a burst of laughter, which 
 had been struggling for vent during all this reference 
 to the arts by which he had contrived to maintain the 
 popular dread of the fisherman's lodge. 
 Whilst this conference was held, the crone had 
 prepared their evening meal, which being now ready, 
 Rob was lifted upon a low platform that brought him 
 to the proper level with the table, where he was able 
 to help himself. Cocklescrait partook with him, and 
 might almost have envied the keen gust and ravenous 
 appetite with which his host despatched the coarse 
 but savoury fare of the board for the Cripple's 
 power of stomach seemed to be no whit impaired by 
 age. He continued to talk, during his meal, in the
 same strain which we have described, now indulging 
 a peevish self-communion, now bursting forth with 
 some sarcastic objurgation of the world, and again 
 breaking a jest with his visitor. 
 When the seamen, under the ministration of the 
 aged domestic, had got their supper, Cocklescraft 
 took his departure. 
 All night long lights were gleaming in the Cha 
 pel; the rain continued in a steady misty drizzle, 
 and not a star was seen to tempt a wanderer abroad. 
 The morning, which broke upon an atmosphere 
 purged of its vapours, showed no trace of the brig 
 in the vicinity of St. Jerome's. Far down the bay, 
 hugging the eastern shore, might have been dis 
 cerned what a practised mariner would affirm to be a 
 sail ; but whether ship or brig whether outward or 
 homeward bound, might not be told without the aid 
 of a glass. 
 Up she rose and forth she goes, 
 I'll mote she speed therefor. 
 Adam Bell. 
 IT was nine o'clock of the morning before Daun- 
 trees and his companions, Garret and Arnold, rose 
 from their beds. Pamesack, whose taciturnity was 
 not greater than his indifference to fatigue, had, at
 an earlier hour, gone his way. A breakfast was 
 provided in the Captain's quarters, and the three 
 heroes of the past night sat down to it with a relish 
 which showed that, however unfit they might be to 
 contend against spiritual foes, their talents for this 
 encounter of material existences were highly respect 
 "You have had a busy time of it in dreams, Master 
 Weasel," said Dauntrees, since you laid yourself 
 down on your truckle bed this morning. You have 
 been reacting your exploits at the Chapel. I heard 
 you at daylight crying aloud for sword and dagger." 
 "I warrant you, Captain Dauntrees," replied the 
 publican, "my head, has been full of fantasies since I 
 laid me down to rest for I was exceeding weary 
 and weariness doth set the brain to ramble in sleep. 
 There was good argument, too, in our deeds at St. 
 Jerome's for a world of dreaming." 
 "Ah, the night has made a man of you, my gal 
 lant vintner. You should bless your stars that you 
 fell into such worthy company. You knew not here 
 tofore even with your experience at Worcester 
 what elements of valour it pleased Heaven to mix up 
 in the mould whereof thou wert made. A man never 
 sufficiently values himself until he has had some such 
 passage as this." 
 "Ay, and look you, Captain Dauntrees," said 
 Garret, his eye flashing with self-gratulation, "you 
 will reflect that I had the brunt of it alone, whilst 
 you three were banded together for common defence
 and support. There I was, by my single self, in the 
 very centre of them. A man needs more comfort 
 and companionship in a matter with witches and 
 devils than he does against your sword and buckler 
 fellows. Tut ! I wouldn't have cared a fig for a foe 
 that could be struck at ; but these pestilent things of 
 the dark hags on besoms, and flying bats as big as 
 a man, great sword-fishes walking on legs, with their 
 screechings, and mopings, and mewings Lord, 
 Lord, how it tries the reins of a solitary man! But 
 you had flashing and firing, and charging, Captain, 
 which is more in the way of what one expects in a 
 fight, and one is prepared for : it has life in it." 
 "That is most true, doughty Garret. A culverin 
 is but the whiff of an oaten pipe, compared with a 
 hag upon her broomstick. Thou wert ever the man 
 to encounter these women. It needs thy mettle to 
 face them. Now there is thy wife, Master Weasel 
 oh, but that is a perilous venture in store for thee! 
 You shall go to her and have it over, whilst I make 
 my report to his Lordship; when that is done I will 
 straight for the Crow and Archer, to help you in the 
 battle, which by that time will doubtless find you sore 
 at need." 
 "I must go to his Lordship with you," replied 
 Garret, in a lowered key; "'I must have my hand in 
 the report; after that we will set out together for 
 the inn." 
 "Why, man!" exclaimed Dauntrees, with affected 
 astonishment, "would you tarry to do your duty to
 Mistress Dorothy ? Do you not know that she hath 
 suffered agony of mind the live-long night in your 
 behalf, and that she is now in the very tempest of her 
 affection waiting for you?" 
 "I know it, I know it, worthy Captain ; but it doth 
 not become my respect for Lord Charles's service to 
 defer his business for mine own." 
 "Thou shalt not budge an inch," said Dauntrees, 
 "on any other path than that which takes thee quickly 
 to thy loving wife." 
 "Truly, Captain," replied Weasel, in a dolorous 
 tone," I would have thee to go with me; I beseech 
 you heartily, allow me to bear you company to his 
 Lordship. His Lordship will think it strange I did 
 not come: and it will take more than me to pacify 
 the dame." 
 "Well, friend Weasel, in consideration that you 
 contended single handed last night with a whole 
 score of devils, and bore thee gallantly; and, more 
 over, as it is such heavy odds against thee in this mat 
 ter of Dame Dorothy for, of a verity, I know she 
 is in a devil of a passion at thy contumacy, and not 
 less at mine, I'll be sworn why we will make a mus 
 ter of it and breathe our defence in solid column. 
 Arnold you go with us. And mark me, vintner, at 
 the fitting time, we shall regale." 
 "On the best in cellar or larder at the Crow and 
 Archer," replied Garret. "You have the word of a 
 man and a soldier for it." 
 "I wot of a woman and no soldier, whose word
 would go further to that bargain, Garret, than yours. 
 Make ready, friends, we must move." 
 Dauntrees now set his beaver jauntily over his 
 brow, and throwing his short cloak across his arm, 
 inarched through the postern of the fort, followed by 
 his trusty allies, to the mansion of the Lord Pro 
 Lord Baltimore received them in his library, and 
 there heard from the Captain a circumstantial nar 
 rative of the events of the preceding night. 
 "It is a strange tale," he said, "and may well per 
 plex the faith of the simple rustics of the province. 
 That evil spirits preside over that blood-stained 
 house, from your testimony, Captain Dauntrees, may 
 no longer be denied. Friends, you all saw these 
 "All," said Garret Weasel, with emphatic solem 
 nity as he straightened his body even beyond the per 
 pendicular line. "Pamesack and Arnold stood by 
 the Captain and can vouch for him. I maintained 
 a post of danger, an please your Lordship, alone; 
 what I saw neither the Captain, Arnold, nor Pame 
 sack, saw it was a fearful sight." 
 "What was it?" inquired the Proprietary, with 
 some earnestness. 
 "A woman," replied Garret, "seemingly a woman, 
 an your Lordship comprehends : but in truth a witch, 
 as we all do know : Kate of Warrington, of whom 
 your Lordship has heard. She it was who came sud 
 denly down upon the wold. How she came," here
 Garret shook his head, "and what came with her, 
 it was a sight to look upon!" 
 "The vintner affirms to sundry fantastic shapes of 
 imps and spectres in company with the woman of 
 Warrington," said Dauntrees. "We saw nothing of 
 the hag, having left Master Weasel, some distance in 
 our rear when we visited the Chapel. He was cold, 
 and required comfort. What he recounts, my Lord, 
 you have his own avouch for." 
 "And what say you, Arnold?" inquired his Lord 
 ship, smiling. 
 "These ghosts and goblins keep a hot house, and 
 the less we have to do with them the better," replied 
 the forester, gravely. 
 "They fired upon you, Captain?" said the Pro 
 prietary; "with what weapons?" 
 "They had the sharp crack of the musket and 
 pistol," replied Dauntrees, "or what seemed to be 
 such : yet I would not swear I saw carnal weapons in 
 the strife, though in the flash I thought I noted fire 
 arms. This may tell better than guess of mine, my 
 Lord," he added, as he held up his cloak and pointed 
 to a rent in one of its folds ; "this hole was made by 
 some missive from the house : whether it be a bullet 
 mark or an elf-shot, I will not say." 
 "Body o' me!" exclaimed Garret Weasel, as the 
 Captain pointed to the damage he had sustained, "I 
 knew not this before. There was hot work, I war 
 "There is knavery in alliance with this sorcery,"
 said the Proprietary, as he examined the cloak. 
 "These wicked spirits ever find kindred amongst 
 men. They have profligate companions of flesh to 
 profit by their devilish arts. I thank you, friends, 
 kindly, for this venture, and will turn it to whole 
 some account hereafter. Fare you well." 
 The party left the room, and now shaping their 
 course towards the Crow and Archer, soon descended 
 below the bank and took the road along the beach. 
 Whilst they trudged through the sand and gravel, 
 midway between the fort and the town, Dauntrees, 
 looking behind, saw a figure descending on horse 
 back from the main gate of the fort down to the road 
 upon which they now travelled. It was that of a 
 woman, whose gestures, at the distance of half a mile, 
 were sufficiently observable to show that she urged 
 her horse forward with impatient earnestness. As 
 soon as she arrived at the level of the beach, her speed 
 was increased nearly to the utmost of the faculty 
 of the animal which bore her, and she now came 
 flying over the sand, with her garments and loose 
 tresses floating in the wind. 
 "In the devil's name, what have we here?" ex 
 claimed Dauntrees. "As I live, it is our queen of the 
 hostel ! Oh, Garret, Garret, here is a volcano ! Here 
 is an outcome with a conclusion at hand! Stand, 
 masters, firmly on your legs, and brace up for the 
 onset !" 
 "Alack, alack !" groaned the publican ; "the woman 
 ii bereft. She hath my nag from the fort."
 "Ay, and rides upon your saddle, as if it were 
 made for her," ejaculated the Captain. "Take post 
 behind me, Garret : I will answer her speech." 
 "It were no more than the luck she deserves," 
 said Garret, pettishly, "if she should fall from the 
 nag and break her little ringer, or at the least sprain 
 an ancle-joint" 
 "Hold, runagates! varlets! out upon you for a 
 filthy Captain!" shouted the dame, in a shrill voice, 
 as she came within call of the party, and now gal 
 loped up to the spot at which they had halted. "Give 
 me that idiot from your beastly company. Garret 
 Weasel, Garret Weasel! you have been the death of 
 "Good lack, Mistress Dorothy, wife, why dost thou 
 bear thyself in such a sort as this?" 
 "I will bare thee to the buff, driveller, for this. 
 Are you not steeped in wickedness and abomination 
 by evil-consorting with this copper Captain, and this 
 most horrid wood ranger? Hast no eye for thy 
 family ; no regard for good name, that you must be 
 strolling o' nights with every pot-guzzler and foul- 
 breathed and cankered cast-off of the wars? I am 
 ashamed of thee. You have been in your cups, I 
 warrant, the live-long night." 
 "Dame, I must speak now," said Dauntrees. 
 "Thou, thou!" interrupted the hostess, with her 
 face scarlet from anger. "Never in a Christian land 
 should such as thou be permitted to lift thy head 
 before honest people. His Lordship would do but
 justice to the province to chain thee up in a dark 
 stable, as a bull which may not be trusted at large. 
 Did you not beguile me last night with a base lie? 
 Did you not practice upon me, you faithless, false 
 hearted coward?" here tears fell from the flashing 
 eyes of the voluble landlady. "Did you not steal 
 that lob, my husband, from me, thief ?" 
 "Appearances, dame," replied the Captain, with a 
 grave composure, "if they might be trusted, were 
 certainly to my disfavour last night. But then, I 
 knew that when this matter was all over I had a most 
 sufficient and excellent reason, which a considerate, 
 virtuous, and tender-hearted woman like yourself 
 would fully approve, when she came to hear it. 
 There was matter in hand of great import and 
 urgency ; no revelling, dame no riot but brave ser 
 vice, enjoined by his Lordship, and which it was his 
 Lordship's most earnest desire should be committed 
 in part to thy husband. It was an action of pith and 
 bravery he had on hand; and his Lordship being well 
 aware, dame, that Garret's wife was a woman of a 
 loving heart, and gentle withal in her nature, and not 
 fitted to endure the wringing of her affection by such 
 a trial as the adventure imposed upon Garret, he 
 charged me to make some light pretext for withdraw 
 ing thy husband from thine eye, which, by fraud, I 
 confess, I did, and am now since Garret hath 
 worthily achieved his most perilous duty here to 
 avow my own treachery. There is promotion and 
 great advantage at hand for this which will set up thy
 head, dame, the highest amongst them that wear 
 "We have barely escaped with our lives, Mistress 
 Dorothy," said Weasel, in a whining accent of depre 
 cation ; "we should be made much of and praised for 
 our duty, not be set upon with taunts and foul re 
 bukes; and when you know all, wife, you will be 
 sorry for this wounding of our good name." 
 "This is but another trick," said the landlady. 
 "Nay, good mistress," interrupted the Captain, "I 
 will agree to be gibbeted by thine own fair hand, if 
 I do not satisfy thee that in this adventure we are de 
 serving of all applause. The Lieutenant at the fort, 
 doubtless, . told thee that we were absent last night 
 on special duty at his Lordship's command?" 
 "The varlet did feign such a story, when I thought 
 to catch this fool in thy company. And he would 
 deny me, too, the nag ; but I brought such coil about 
 his ears that he was glad to give me the beast and set 
 all gates open. Where do you say you have spent 
 the night?" 
 "At the Black Chapel, mistress," said Weasel, with 
 a most portentous solemnity of speech : "at the Black 
 Chapel, by his Lordship's order ; and, oh, the sights 
 we have seen ! and the time we have had of it, wife ! 
 it would make thy blood freeze to hear it." 
 "On the honor of a soldier, dame! by the faith 
 of this right hand !" said Dauntrees, as he offered it 
 to the hostess and took her's. "I swear this is true. 
 We have had a night of wonders, which you shall
 hear in full when the time suits. We are on our way 
 now to the Crow and Archer, for thine especial 
 "Can this be true, Arnold ?" inquired the mollified 
 and bewildered landlady. "I will believe what you 
 "You may trust in every word of it, as I am a 
 Christian man. There be marvellous doings at the 
 Black Chapel. We have seen spirits and devils in 
 "It is graver matter, wife, than you wot of," said 
 "Ride forward, dame," added Dauntrees; "you 
 shall see us soon at the hostel. And I promise you 
 shall have the story, too, of the Mercer's Wife from 
 beginning to end : you shall dame." 
 "You are a wheedling, cogging cheat, Captain; 
 thy roguery will have a melancholy end yet," replied 
 the dame, as she now rode forward with a sunshiny 
 smile playing upon features which but a few mo 
 ments before were dark with storm. 
 When they reached the Crow and Archer they 
 found a group of traders assembled on the quay, gaz 
 ing with a busy speculation towards the mouth of 
 the river. By degrees the crowd increased, and 
 the rumour soon spread abroad that the Olive 
 Branch was in sight. A vessel was, indeed, dis 
 cernible across the long flat of St. Inigoe's, just en 
 tering the river, and those who professed a knowl 
 edge of nautical affairs had no scruple in announc-
 ing her as the brigantine of Cocklescraft. She was 
 apparently an active craft, belonging to the smaller 
 class of sea-vessels, and manifestly a faster sailer 
 than was ordinarily seen at that period. A fair and 
 fresh breeze impelled her steadily towards her haven, 
 and as she bounded over the glittering waters, the 
 good folks of the little city were seen clustering in 
 knots on every prominent cliff along the high bank, 
 and counting the minutes which brought this messen 
 ger from the old world nearer to their salutation. 
 Meantime the Olive Branch began to show the 
 sparkling foam which broke upon her bow; then to 
 give forth voices from her deck, audible to the crowd ; 
 presently to lower sail ; and at last, being stripped to 
 her bare poles and naked rigging, she glided with 
 lessening speed, slower and slower, until her ex 
 tended cable showed that her anchor was dropt and 
 her voyage at an end. 
 It was past noon when the brig came to her moor 
 ing, opposite the Town House wharf, and after a 
 brief interval, Cocklescraft, arrayed as we have be 
 fore seen him, except that he had changed his som 
 brero for a tasseled cap of cloth, landed on the quay, 
 and soon became the lion of the Crow and Archer.
 Every white will have its black, 
 And every sweet its sour. 
 Old Ballad. 
 THE birthday festival at the Rose Croft might be 
 said appropriately to belong to the eminent dominion 
 of the Lady Maria. It therefore lacked nothing of 
 her zealous supervision. With the aid of Father 
 Pierre and some female auxiliaries she had persuaded 
 the Collector a task of no great difficulty to sanc 
 tion the proceeding, and she was now intent upon 
 the due ordering and setting out of the preparations. 
 The day was still a week off, when, early after break 
 fast, on a pleasant morning the business-fraught lady 
 was seen in the hall, arrayed in riding hood and 
 mantle, ready to mount a quiet black-and-white pony 
 that, in the charge of a groom, awaited her pleasure 
 at the door. Natta, the little Indian girl, stood by 
 entrusted with the care of a work-bag or wallet ap 
 parently well stuffed with the materials for future 
 occupation, the parcel-fragments which thrifty 
 housewives and idleness-hating dames, down to this 
 day, are accustomed to carry with them, for the 
 sake of the appearance, at least, of industry. Just at 
 this moment the Proprietary came into the hall, and 
 seeing that his worthy sister was bound on some 
 enterprise of more than usual earnestness, he added
 to his customary morning salutation a playful inquiry 
 into the purport of her excursion. 
 "Ah, Charles," she replied, "there are doings in 
 the province which are above the rule of your bur 
 gesses and councils. I hold a convocation at the 
 Rose Croft to-day, touching matters more earnest 
 than your state affairs. We have a merry-making 
 in the wind, and I am looked to both for countenance 
 and advice. It is my prerogative, brother, to be 
 mistress of all revels." 
 "God bless thine age, Maria !" was the affectionate 
 reply of the Proprietary "it wears a pleasant ver 
 dure and betokens a life of innocent thoughts and 
 kind actions. May the saints bear thee gently on 
 ward to thy rest ! Come, I will serve as your cava 
 lier, and help you to your horse, sister. See, now, 
 my arm has pith in it. Hither, Natta there is the 
 wench on the pillion who could serve thee with a 
 better grace than that?" 
 "Thanks thanks, good brother!" ejaculated the 
 lady as the Proprietary lifted her to her seat, and 
 then swung the Indian girl upon the pillion behind 
 her. "Your arm is a valiant arm, and L is blessed 
 by more than one in this province. It has ever 
 been stretched forth in acts of charity and pro 
 "Nay, Maria, you are too old to flatter. Fie! I 
 have no advancement to offer thee. In truth thou 
 art sovereign here though you go through your 
 realm with but scant attendance for one so mangified.
 Why is not Albert in your train ? I may well spare 
 him as he has a liking for such service." 
 "Brother, I would not tax the Secretary. He 
 hath a free foot for his own pleasure ; and, methinks, 
 he finds his way to the Rose Croft easily enough 
 without my teaching. It is an ancient caution of 
 mine, in such affairs, neither to mar nor make." 
 "Heaven help thee for a considerate spinster!" 
 said the Proprietary with a benignant smile as he 
 raised his hands and shook them sportively towards 
 his sister. "Go thy ways, with thy whimsies and 
 thy scruples; and a blessing on them! I wish 
 yours were our only cares : but go thy ways, girl !" 
 he added, as the lady set forth on her journey, and 
 he withdrew from the door. 
 At the Rose Croft, the approaching merry-making 
 had superseded all other family topics, both in par 
 lour and kitchen. The larder was already beginning 
 to exhibit the plentiful accumulations which, in a 
 place of strength, might portend a siege: the stable 
 boys were ever on the alert, with their cavalry, to do 
 rapid errands to the town, and Michael Mossbank, 
 the gardener, was seen in frequent and earnest con 
 sultation with John Pouch, a river-side cotter, touch 
 ing supplies of fish and wild fowl. 
 Whilst the elder sister Alice despatched the graver 
 duties of the housekeeping, she had consigned to 
 Blanche the not less important care of summoning 
 the guests, and the maiden was now seated at the 
 table with pen in hand registering the names of those
 who had been, or were to be invited to the feast, 
 or in other words making a census of pretty nearly 
 the whole titheable population of St. Mary's and its 
 j "A plague upon it for a weary labour!" she ex 
 claimed as she threw down the pen and rested her 
 chin upon the palm of her hand. "I know I shall 
 forget somebody I ought not to forget and shall be 
 well rated for it. And then again I shall be chid for 
 being too free with my fellowship. What a world of 
 names is here! I did not think the whole province 
 had so many. There is Winnefred Hay, the View 
 er's sister, they have tales about her which, if they 
 be true, it is not fit she should be a crony of mine 
 and yet I don't believe them, though many do. 
 Truly the Viewer will be in a grand passion if I 
 slight her ! Sister Alice, give me your advice." 
 "Bid her to the feast, Blanche. We should be 
 slow to believe these rumours to the injury of a 
 neighbour. Winnefred Hay is not over discreet 
 and gives more semblance to an evil opinion than, in 
 truth, her faults deserve : but the townspeople are 
 scarce better in this quickness to censure especially 
 such as look to the tobacco viewing. Lawrence 
 Hay's place has something to do with that scandal." 
 "I am glad, sister Alice, you give me an argu 
 ment to indulge my own secret wish," replied 
 Blanche; "for I like not to believe harsh reports 
 against any of our province. And so, that is at an 
 end. Alack ! here is another matter for counsel :
 Grace Blackiston says Helen Clements is too young 
 to be at my gathering: she has two years before 
 her yet at school, and has only begun embroidering. 
 Oh, but I would as soon do a barefoot penance for 
 a month as disappoint her ! she is the wildest of all 
 for a dance, and looks for it, I know, though she 
 says never a word, and has her eyes on the ground 
 when we talk about it. Ha, let Grace Blackiston 
 prate as she will, Helen shall be here! Fairly, my 
 gossip, I will be mistress in my own house, I pro 
 mise you !" 
 "There is room for all thy friends, young and old," 
 said Alice; "and you should not stint to ask them 
 for the difference of a span or so in height. You are 
 not quite a woman yourself, Blanche, no, nor Grace 
 neither although you perk yourselves up so dain 
 "Would you have the gauger's wife, sister?" in 
 quired Blanche, with a face of renewed perplexity. 
 "I think my dear Lady Maria would be pleased if I 
 bid the dame for the ganger is a good friend of his 
 Lordship hot-headed, they say, but that does not 
 make him the worse and his dame takes it kindly 
 to be noticed." 
 "Even as you will, Blanche, it is a mark of gen 
 tle nurture not to be too scrupulous with thy ques 
 tions of quality a kind neighbour will never dis 
 grace your courtesy. But one thing, child, your 
 father will look to : see that you avoid these Coodes 
 and Fendalls and even the Chiseldines. There is a
 feud between them and the Proprietary, and my 
 Lord's friends are warm in the matter, your father 
 amongst the rest." 
 "I warrant you they get no bid from me," said 
 Blanche, as the colour mantled in her cheek. "I 
 hate them stock and branch yes, as my good lady 
 hates them." 
 Blanche had scarcely uttered these words before 
 the good lady herself rode past the window. The 
 maiden bounded forth to receive her, and Alice with 
 less precipitation followed. 
 "I come with pony and pillion," said the visiter 
 as she was assisted to the ground, and bustled into 
 the parlour. "I could not rest until I saw Blanche, 
 to know if all her biddings were abroad. My pretty 
 bird, pray look you to your task you have no time 
 to lose : there are the families beyond Patuxent and 
 our friends across the bay, besides many at home 
 that I know have not heard from you yet. And here, 
 sweet, I have brought you some trinketry which you 
 shall wear at the feast : a part is for Grace Blackis- 
 ton, and a part for you. Thou shalt have the choice, 
 Blanche: but whisht! not a word of it to Grace, 
 because I think she hath a conceit to be jealous of 
 thy favour." 
 Whilst the two sisters welcomed the lady and re 
 sponded to her voluble communications in a tone of 
 affectionate intimacy, the contents of the work-bag 
 were thrown open to view, and successively gave 
 rise to sundry discussions relating not only to the
 objects presented, but also collaterally to the thou 
 sand matters of detail connected with the festival, 
 thus engrossing the first hour of their interview, until 
 the subject was changed by an exclamation from 
 Blanche, as she looked through the window upon the 
 "Oh, but here is a gallant sight ! see yonder hawk 
 following a heron. He will strike presently the 
 heron cannot get away. Poor bird ! how he doubles 
 and drops in his flight to escape the swift hawk; 
 but it is of no avail. I should almost say it was sin 
 ful, if it was not approved and followed by those 
 I love best I should hold it sinful to frighten and 
 torture a harmless heron by such pursuit. There, 
 the hawk has struck, and down comes hawk and 
 quarry to the water." 
 "It is his Lordship's hawk," said the Lady Maria, 
 as she looked out upon the river. "Derrick the fal 
 coner must be abroad to-day with his birds: and 
 now whilst I speak, there he is walking along the 
 beach. And he is not alone neither : by that short 
 mantle and that feather, Blanche, you may know a 
 The colour rose on the maiden's cheek as she said, 
 "it is Albert, his Lordship's secretary." 
 "His eyes are turned this way," said the sister of 
 the Proprietary. "A wager he comes to the house 
 in the next ten minutes! He would fain find some 
 business with the Collector I know Master Albert's
 occasions : nay, do not flurry thyself, my sweet 
 "I wish the Secretary would come," returned the 
 maiden; "we have need of him; he promised to 
 show me how I were best to arrange my flower 
 "Then thou shouldst do well to despatch a mes 
 senger to him," interrupted the Lady Maria, play 
 fully; dost thou not think he might forget?" 
 "Oh no, my dear lady," replied Blanche, "Mas 
 ter Albert never forgets a promise to me." 
 "Indeed! Well, I should have thought that hav 
 ing occasion to make you so many promises for he 
 is here at the Rose Croft thrice a week at least and 
 every visit has its promise, or I mistake he would 
 forget full one half." 
 "I deal but scantily in promises with the Secre 
 tary," replied Blanche. "Master Albert's errands 
 here are for pastime mostly." 
 "Ah, he doth not forget," exclaimed the Lady 
 Maria; "for there I see the feather of his bonnet as 
 he climbs up the bank, and now we have his head 
 and shoulders; we shall get the whole man anon, 
 and Master Benedict Leonard in the bargain, for I 
 see him trudging in the Secretary's footsteps, as he 
 is wont to do; his young Lordship hath become the 
 Secretary's shadow. And there is Derrick behind. 
 They are all bound for this haven." 
 As the lady spoke, the Secretary was seen from 
 the window with the heir apparent and the falconer
 on the verge of the bank which they had just as 
 cended. Benedict Leonard had a hooded hawk upon 
 his fist; and Derrick, waving a light rod to which a 
 small streamer or flag was attached, was busy in 
 luring down the bird that had just flown at the 
 heron. Whilst the falconer continued his occupa 
 tion the Secretary and his young companion entered 
 the mansion. 
 Albert Verheyden's accost to the ladies was 
 characterized by a familiarity not unmixed with 
 diffidence, and a momentary flush passed across 
 his cheek as, after saluting Mistress Alice, and turn 
 ing to Blanche, his eye fell upon the sister of the 
 Proprietary. "I did not expect to find my honoured 
 lady so early at the Rose Croft," he said with a 
 profound reverence. "It should have been my duty, 
 madam, to attend you, but I knew not of your pur 
 pose; and the falconer being bent to fly the cast of 
 lanerets which Colonel Talbot lately sent to my Lord, 
 would have me witness the trial, and so I came with 
 Master Benedict to see this sport." 
 "Nay, Albert," replied the lady, "you should not 
 have been of my company even if you had sought 
 permission. I come to-day on no idle errand which 
 might allow your loitering paces and customary de 
 lays to gaze on headlands and meadows, whereby 
 you are wont to interrupt the course of your journey. 
 The matter of our present meeting has need of stir 
 ring feet, which go direct to their work, yours are 
 not such. Still, Master Albert, you shall not be use-
 less to-day: here is occupation to thy hand; 
 Blanche is in much want of a penman, and as you 
 are of the writing craft, she would gladly enlist thee 
 in her service that is, if thou hast not been 
 already marshaled and sworn under her colours." 
 "Master Albert, our dear lady does but jest," said 
 Blanche. "She knows I had at first no need of better 
 penman than myself, and now have need of none, 
 for, in truth, my work was finished ere she came. 
 But your service I may command in a better task. 
 You did promise to bring me some device for my 
 "The joiner will have them here to-day," replied 
 the Secretary. "I have not failed to spur his indus 
 try as well as my own poor invention to that endea 
 "Then all is done but the rendering of thanks," 
 said Blanche, "which yet I am not in the humour to 
 do, having matter of quarrel with you for that fol 
 lowing of the poor heron which, but now, we saw 
 the hawk strike down, whilst you were a looker-on, 
 and, as we suspect, an encourager of the trespass. It 
 was a cruel thing to assail the innocent fowl, which, 
 being native here, has ever found friends in our 
 house; yes, and has daily fed upon the flat below 
 the garden. These herons scarce fly when I walk by 
 them on the beach. I wish the falconer had sought 
 his quarry elsewhere than amongst my harmless 
 birds. You should have controlled him." 
 "I am deeply grieved," replied the Secretary. "In-
 deed, I knew not of the bird nor whence he came: 
 nor thought of it, in truth. A feather of his wing 
 should not have come to harm had I been aware 
 that he had ever pleased your eye. I am all unskilled 
 in these out-door sports, and have scarce worn out 
 the complexion of my school at Antwerp, where 
 worldly pastimes were a forbidden thought. A poor 
 scholar of the cloister might go free of blame if, in 
 this sunny and gallant world, the transport of a noble 
 game should rob him of his circumspection. I 
 thought of naught but the glorious circling of the 
 hawk and his swift and imperious assault. I crave 
 your pardon for my inconsiderate error." 
 "You speak more like a practised cavalier than a 
 scholar of the cloister," said the sister of the Propri 
 etary; "thou hast a cavalier's love of the sport, Al 
 "It doth not beseem me, madam," was the Secre 
 tary's reply, "to affect a pastime which belongs nei 
 ther to my rank nor humble means ; but, in sadness, 
 dear lady, I do love hawk, and hound, and steed. 
 And when in my sequestered study where, being, as 
 I thought, destined to the service of the altar, I read 
 mostly of holy men and holy things, little dreaming 
 that I should ever see the world it sometimes 
 chanced, in my stray reading, I fell upon a lay 
 wherein deeds of chivalry were told ; and then I was 
 conscious of a wish, I am now almost ashamed to 
 confess, that fortune might some day bring me better 
 acquainted with that world to which such deeds be-
 longed. Oh, blessed chance! it hath befallen now: 
 that is, I mean to say," continued the Secre 
 tary, checking himself, as his flashing eye fell to the 
 floor and a blush flitted across his brow "it hath 
 pleased Heaven to give me a kind master in my good 
 Lord, who doth not deny me to look on when these 
 sports are afield." 
 "And if we did strike down the heron, Blanche 
 Warden," said Benedict Leonard, saucily accosting 
 the maiden, and showing the hawk that was bound 
 to his wrist "what is a heron good for, but to be 
 brought down ? Herons were made for hawks yes, 
 and for the hawks of the Proprietary above all 
 others ; for I have heard say that every heron on the 
 Chesapeake, within my father's boundary, is his own 
 bird : so Derrick has said a hundred times. And 
 there's my Uncle Talbot, who flies a hawk better 
 than any other in the province I don't care if Der 
 rick hears me and has the best mews, he says that 
 these fire-arms have broken up hawking in the old 
 country ; and he told me I must not let it fall through 
 when I come to the province; for my father, he 
 thinks, doesn't care much for it. I promise you in 
 my time we shall have hawking enough chide as 
 you like, Mistress Blanche. It was partly for me 
 that my Uncle Talbot sent us this cast of birds. 
 Look at that laneret, Blanche, look at her! Isn't 
 that a bird? Talk to me of a goshawk after 
 "Benedict nephew," interposed the Lady Maria,
 "why dost thou fling thy bird so rudely ? She brushes 
 Blanche's cheek with her wing. Pray, not so bold : 
 Blanche will not like thee for it." 
 "Blanche will never quarrel with me for loving 
 my hawk, aunt," replied the boy playfully. "Will 
 you, mistress ? A laneret's wing and Blanche War 
 den's cheek are both accounted* beautiful in this prov 
 ince, and will not grow angry with each other upon 
 "I know not that, Benedict," replied the maiden; 
 "my cheek may grow jealous of your praise of the 
 wing, and mischief might follow. She is but a sav 
 age bird, and hath a vicious appetite." 
 "I will away to the falconer," said the boy. "It 
 is but wasting good things to talk with women about 
 hawks. You will find me, Master Albert, along the 
 bank with Derrick, if you have need of me." 
 "That boy hath more of the Talbot in him than 
 the Calvert," said the Lady Maria, after he had left 
 the room. "His father was ever grave from youth 
 upwards, and cared but little for these exercises. 
 Benedict Leonard lives in the open air, and has a 
 light heart. Thou hast a book under thy mantle, 
 Master Albert," continued the lady. "Is your bre 
 viary needful when you go forth to practise a lane- 
 "It is a volume I have brought for Mistress 
 Blanche," replied the Secretary, as, with some evi 
 dent confusion, he produced a gilded quarto with 
 clasps, from beneath his dress. "It is a delightful
 history of a brave cavalier, that I thought would 
 please her." 
 "Ah!" exclaimed the sister of the Proprietary, 
 taking the book and reading the title-page " 'La 
 tres j'oyeuse et plaisante Hisioire, composee par le 
 Loyal Seruitcur, des faits, gestes et prouesses du 
 bon Chevalier sans peur et sans reproche/ Ay, and 
 a right pleasant history it is, this of the good Knight 
 Bayard, without fear and without reproach. But, 
 Albert, thou knowest Blanche doth not read French." 
 "I designed to render it myself to Mistress 
 Blanche, in her native tongue," replied the Secre 
 "Blanche," said the lady, shaking her head, "this 
 comes of not taking my counsel to learn this lan 
 guage of chivalry long ago. See what peril you 
 will suffer now in journeying through this huge 
 book alone with Master Albert." 
 "I see no peril," replied the maiden, unconscious 
 of the raillery. "Master Albert will teach me, ere 
 he be done, to read French for myself." 
 "When thou hast such a master, and the Secre 
 tary such a pupil," said the lady, smiling, "Heaven 
 speed us! I will eat all the French thou learnest in 
 a month. But, Master Albert, if Blanche cannot 
 understand your legend, in the tongue in which it 
 is writ, she can fully comprehend your music and 
 so can we. It is parcel of your duty at the Rose 
 Croft to do minstrel's service. You have so many 
 songs and I saw thee stealing a glance at
 yon lute, as if thou wouldst greet an old acquain 
 "If it were not for Master Albert," said Alice, 
 "Blanche's lute would be unstrung. She scarce 
 keeps it, one would think, but for the Secretary's 
 "Ah, sister Alice, and my dear lady," said 
 Blanche, "the Secretary hath such a touch of the 
 lute, that I but shame my own ears to play upon it, 
 after hearing his ditties. Sing, Master Albert, I pray 
 you," she added, as she presented him the instru 
 "I will sing to the best of my skill," replied Al 
 bert, "which has been magnified beyond my deserv- 
 ings. With your leave, I will try a canzonet I 
 learned in London. It was much liked by the gal 
 lants there, and I confess a favour for it because it 
 hath a stirring relish. It runs thus: 
 'Tell me not, sweet, I am unkind, 
 That from the nunnery 
 Of thy chaste breast and quiet mind 
 To war and arms I fly. 
 'True, a new mistress, now I chase, 
 The first foe in the field; 
 And with a stronger faith embrace 
 A sword, a horse, a shield. 
 'Yet this inconstancy is such 
 As you too shall adore: 
 I could not love thee, dear, so much, 
 Lov'd I not honor more.' "
 "Well done! Well touched lute well trolled 
 ditty! Brave song for a bird of thy feather, Mas 
 ter Verheyden !" exclaimed the Collector, who, when 
 the song was finished, entered the room with 
 Cocklescraft. "That's as good a song, Master 
 Cocklescraft the Skipper, ladies my friend of 
 the Olive Branch, who has been with me this hour 
 past docketing his cargo : I may call him especially 
 your friend he is no enemy to the vanities of this 
 world. Ha, Master Cocklescraft, thou hast where 
 with to win a world of grace with the petticoats ! . 
 thou hast an eye for the trickery of the sex! Sit 
 down, sir I pray you, without further reverence, 
 sit down." 
 The Skipper, during this introduction, stood neai 
 the door, bowing to the company, and then advance4 
 into the room with a careless and somewhat over 
 bold step, such as denotes a man who, in the en 
 deavour to appear at his ease in society, carries hig 
 acting to the point of familiarity. Still his freedom 
 was not without grace, and his demeanour, very 
 soon after the slight perturbation of his first accost, 
 became natural and appropriate to his character. 
 "Save you, madam," he said, addressing the 
 sister of the Proprietary, and bowing low, "and 
 you, Mistress Alice, and you, my young lady of the 
 Rose Croft. It is a twelvemonth since I left the 
 Port, and I am right glad to meet the worshipful 
 ladies of the province once again, and to see that 
 good friends thrive. The salt water whets a sailor's
 eye for friendly faces. Mistress Blanche, I would 
 take upon me to say, without being thought too 
 free, that you have grown some trifle taller than be 
 fore I sailed. I did not then think you could be 
 bettered in figure." 
 The maiden bowed without answering the Skip 
 per's compliment. 
 "Richard Cocklescraft, " said the Collector, "I 
 know not if you ever saw Albert Verheyden. Had 
 he come hither before you sailed? His Lordship's 
 "I was not so lucky as to fall into his company," 
 replied Cocklescraft, turning towards the Secretary, 
 and eyeing him from head to foot. "I think I 
 heard that his Lordship brought new comers with 
 him. We shall not lack acquaintance. Your hand, 
 Master Verdun I think so you said?" he added, 
 as he looked inquiringly at the Collector. 
 The Collector again pronounced the name of the 
 Secretary with more precision. 
 "Nearly the same thing," continued the Skipper. 
 "Master Verheyden, your hand : mine is something 
 rougher, but it shall be the hand of a comrade, if 
 thine be in the service of worshipful Master Anthony 
 Warden, the good Collector of St. Mary's. I know 
 how to value a friend, Master Secretary, and a 
 friend's friend. You have a rare voice for a ballad 
 I pretend to have an opinion in such matters 
 an excellent voice and a free finger for the 
 "I am flattered by your liking, sir," returned Al 
 bert Verheyden coldly, as he retired towards a win 
 dow, somewhat repelled by the too freely proffered 
 acquaintance of the Skipper, and the rather loud voice 
 and obtrusive manner with which he addressed those 
 around him. 
 "Oh, this craft of singing is the touchstone of 
 gentility now-a-days," said Cocklescraft, twirling his 
 velvet bonnet by the gold tassel appended to the 
 crown. "A man is accounted unfurnished who has 
 no skill in that joyous art. Sea-bred as I am, Collec 
 tor worshipful Master Warden you would scarce 
 believe me, but I have touched lute and guitar myself, 
 and passably well. I learned this trick in Milan, 
 whither I have twice gone in my voyages, and dwelt 
 there with these Italians, some good summer months. 
 That is your climate for dark eyes and bright nights 
 balconies, and damsels behind the lattice, listening 
 to thrummers and singers upon the pavements below. 
 And upon occasion, we wear the short cloak and 
 dagger. I have worn cloak and stiletto in my 
 travels, Master Collector, and trolled a catch in the 
 true tongue of Tuscany, when tuck and rapier rung 
 in the burden. The hot blood there is a commodity 
 which the breeze from the Alps hath no virtue to 
 cool, as it doth in Switzerland." 
 "We will try your singing craft ere it be long," 
 replied the Collector. "We will put you to catch 1 
 and glee, with a jig to the heel of it, Richard Cockles- 
 craft. You must know Blanche is eighteen on the
 festival of St. Therese, and we have a junketing for 
 ward which has set the whole province astir. You 
 shall take part in the sport with the town's-people, 
 Master Skipper; and I warrant you find no rest of 
 limb until you show us some new antics of the fash 
 ion which you have picked up abroad. You shall 
 dance and sing with witnesses or a good leg and a 
 topping voice shall have no virtue! I pray you do 
 not forget to make one of our company on the festival 
 of St. Therese. Your gewgaws, Richard, and wo 
 man's gear, could not be more in season; every 
 wench in the port is like to be your debtor." 
 "Thanks, Master Collector, I have a foot and 
 voice, ay, and hand, ever at the service of your good 
 company. I will be first to come and last to depart. 
 I have been mindful of the Rose of St. Mary's in 
 my voyaging," he said in a respectful and lowered 
 tone, as he approached the maiden. "Mistress 
 Blanche is never so far out of my thoughts that I 
 might come back to the Port without some token 
 for her. I would crave your acceptance of a pretty 
 mantle of crimson silk lined with minever. I found 
 it in Dort, and being taken with its beauty, and 
 thinking how well it would become the gay figure 
 of my pretty mistress of the Rose Croft, I brought 
 it away, and now make bold to ask that is, if it be 
 agreeable to Mistress Blanche, and if I do not ven 
 ture too far that I may be allowed to bring it 
 "You may find a worthier hand for such a fa-
 vour," said Blanche, with a tone and look that some 
 what eagerly repelled the proffered gift, and mani 
 fested dislike of the liberty which the Skipper had 
 taken a liberty which was in no degree lessened to 
 her apprehension by the unaccustomed gentleness of 
 his voice, and the humble and faltering manner in 
 which he had asked her consent to the present. "I 
 am unused to such gaudy trappings, and should not 
 be content to wear the cloak;" then perceiving some 
 reproof, as she fancied, in the countenance of her 
 sister Alice and the Lady Maria, she added, in a 
 kindlier voice, "I dare not accept it at your hand, 
 Master Skipper." 
 "Nay/' replied Cocklescraft, presuming upon the 
 mildness of the maiden's last speech, and pressing 
 the matter with that obtrusiveness which marked his 
 character and nurture, "I shall not take it kindly 
 if thou dost not;" and as a flush overspread his 
 cheek, he added, "I counted to a certainty that you 
 would do me this courtesy." 
 "Men sometimes count rashly, Master Cockles- 
 craft," interposed the Lady Maria, "who presume 
 upon a maiden's willingness to incur such debts." 
 "Save you, madam," replied the Skipper; "I 
 should be sorry Mistress Blanche should deem it to 
 be incurring a debt." 
 "I have not been trained," said Blanche, with per 
 fect self-possession and firmness of manner, which 
 she intended should put an end to the Skipper's im 
 portunity, "to receive such favours from the hand of
 a stranger ; when I have need of a mantle, the mercer 
 shall be my friend." 
 "You will, perchance, think better of it when you 
 see the mantle," said the Skipper, carelessly, and then 
 added with a saucy smile, "women are changeful, 
 Master Collector ; I will bring the gewgaw for Mis 
 tress Blanche's inspection a chapman may have that 
 "You may spare yourself the trouble," said the 
 "Nay, mistress, think it not a trouble, I beseech 
 you ; I count nothing a trouble which shall allow me 
 to please thy fancy." As the Skipper uttered this he 
 came still nearer to the chair on which Blanche was 
 seated, and, almost in a whisper, said, "I pray you, 
 mistress, think not so lightly of my wish to serve 
 you. I have set my heart upon your taking the 
 "Master Skipper, a word with you," interrupted 
 the Secretary, who had watched the whole scene; 
 and aware of the annoyance which Cocklescraft's 
 rudeness inflicted upon the maiden, had quietly ap 
 proached him and now beckoned him to a recess of 
 the window, where they might converse without 
 being heard by the company. "It is not civil to im 
 portune the lady in this fashion. You must be satis 
 fied with her answer as she has given it to you. It 
 vexes the daughter of Master Warden to be thus be 
 sought. I pray you, sir, no more of it." 
 Cocklescraft eyed the Secretary for a moment with
 a glance of scornful resentment, and then replied in a 
 voice inaudible to all but the person to whom it was 
 addressed. "Right! perhaps you are right, sir; but 
 when I would be tutored for my behaviour, he shall 
 be a man, by my troth, who takes that duty on him, 
 and shall wear a beard and sword both. I needed 
 not thy schooling, master crotchet-monger!" Then 
 leaving the Secretary, he strode towards the maiden, 
 and assuming a laughing face, which but awkwardly 
 concealed his vexation, he said, "well, Mistress 
 Blanche, since you are resolved that you will not take 
 my poor bauble off my hands, I must give it over as a 
 venture lost, and so an end of it. I were a fool to 
 be vexed because I could not read the riddle of a 
 maiden's fancy; how should such fish of the sea be 
 learned in so gentle a study? So, viaggio, it shall 
 break no leg of mine! I will dance none the less 
 merrily for it at the feast; and as for the mantle, 
 why it may find other shoulders in the Port, though 
 it shall never find them so fit to wear it withal, as the 
 pretty shoulders of Mistress Blanche. Master War 
 den I must fain take my leave; my people wait me 
 at the quay. Fair weather for the feast, and a 
 merry time of it, ladies ! Adios, Master Collector !" 
 The gaiety of this leaving-taking was dashed with 
 a sternness of manner which all the Skipper's acting 
 could not conceal, and as he walked towards the 
 door, he paused a moment to touch Albert Verhey- 
 den's cloak and whispered in his ear, "We shall be 
 better acquainted, sir;" then leaving the house
 he rapidly shaped his course towards the town. 
 He had scarcely got out of sight before Blanche 
 sprang from her chair and ran towards her father, 
 pouring out upon him a volley of reproof for his un 
 advised and especially unauthorized invitation of the 
 Skipper to the festival. The maiden was joined in 
 this assault by her auxiliaries, the Proprietary's sister 
 and Mistress Alice, who concurred in reading the 
 simple-minded and unconsciously offending old gen 
 tleman a lecture upon his improvident interference 
 in this delicate matter. They insisted that Cockles- 
 craft's associations in the port gave him no claim to 
 such a favour, and that, at all events, it was Blanche's 
 prerogative to be consulted in regard to the admis 
 sion of the younger and gayer portions of her com 
 "Have you not had your will, my dear father," 
 was the summing up of Blanche's playful attack, "to 
 your full content, in summoning all the old humdrum 
 folks of the province, even to the Dominie and his 
 wife, who have never been known to go to a merry 
 making anywhere, and who are both so deaf that 
 they have not heard each other speak this many a 
 day ? and now you must needs be bringing the Skip 
 per hither." 
 "Lackaday, wench ! what have I done to redden 
 thy brow?" interrupted Mr. Warden, with a face of 
 perplexed good humour, unable longer to bear the 
 storm of rebuke, or to parry the arguments which 
 were so eagerly thrust at him; "I warrant now I
 have made mischief without knowing how! The 
 Skipper is a free blade, of good metal, and of a fig 
 ure, too, which, methinks, might please a damsel in 
 a dance, and spare us all this coil ; his leg has not its 
 fellow in the province. You take me to task roundly, 
 when all the while I was so foolish as to believe I 
 was doing you regardful service." 
 "He hath a wicked look, father," was Blanche's 
 reply; "and a saucy freedom which I like not. He 
 is ever too bold in his greeting, and lacks gentle 
 breeding. He must come to me, forsooth, with his 
 mantle, as an especial token, and set upon me with so 
 much constancy to take it ! Take a mantle from him ! 
 I have never even seen him but twice before, and 
 then it was in church, where he must needs claim to 
 speak to me as if he were an old acquaintance! I will 
 none of him nor his mantle, if he were fifty times a 
 properer man than he is !" 
 "Be it so, my daughter," replied the Collector. 
 "But we must bear this mishap cheerily. I will not 
 offend again. You women," he said, as he walked 
 to and fro through the parlour, with his hands be 
 hind his back, and a good natured smile playing over 
 his features, "you women are more shrewd to read 
 the qualities of men, especially in matters touching 
 behaviour, than such old pock-puddings as I am. I 
 will be better counselled before I trespass in this sort 
 again. But remember, Blanche, the Skipper has his 
 summons, and our hospitality must not suffer re 
 proach ; so we will e'en make the best we can of this
 blundering misadventure of mine. , For our own 
 honour, we must be courteous, Blanche, to the Skip 
 per; and, therefore, do thou take heed that he have 
 no cause to say we slight him. As I get old I shall 
 grow wise." 
 Blanche threw her arms around her father's neck 
 and imprinting a kiss upon his brow, said in a tone 
 of affectionate playfulness, "for your sake, dear 
 father, I will not chide : the Skipper shall not want 
 due observance from me. I did but speak to give 
 you a caution, by which you shall learn that the 
 maidens of this province are so foolish as to stand to 
 it, and I amongst the rest, that they are better able 
 to choose their gallants than their fathers, though 
 their fathers be amongst his Lordship's most trusty 
 "Now a thousand benisons upon thy head, my 
 child!" said the Collector, as he laid his hand upon 
 Blanche's glossy locks, and then left the apartment. 
 Friend to the sea, and foeman sworn 
 To all that on her waves are borne, 
 When falls a mate in battle broil 
 His comrade heirs his portioned spoil 
 Chalice and plate from churches borne, 
 And gems from shrieking beauty torn, 
 Each string of pearl, each silver bar, 
 And all the wealth of western war. Rokeby. 
 As the Skipper strode towards the town, his 
 dogged air and lowering brow evinced the disquiet;
 of his spirit at what had just occurred. He was 
 nettled by the maiden's rejection of his proffered 
 gift, and a still deeper feeling of resentment agitated 
 his mind against the Secretary. Far other man was 
 he than he was deemed by the burghers of St. 
 Cocklescraft belonged to that tribe of desperate 
 men, until near this period in the full career of their 
 bloody successes, known as "The Brethren of the 
 Coast." His first breath was drawn upon the billows 
 of the ocean, and his infancy was nursed in the 
 haunts of the buccaneers, amongst the Keys of the 
 Bahamas. When but a lad, attending upon these 
 wild hordes in their expeditions against the com 
 merce of the Gulf, he chanced to attract the notice 
 of the famous Captain Morgan, whilst that most ra 
 pacious of all the pirate leaders was preparing, at 
 Jamaica, for his incursion against Maracaibo. The 
 freebooter was charmed with the precocious relish 
 for rapine conspicuous in the character of the boy; 
 and, with an affectionate interest, took him under his 
 tutelage, assigning to him a post near his person, 
 rather of pageantry than service that of a page or 
 armour-bearer, according to the yet lingering forms 
 of chivalry. The incredible bravery of the bucca 
 neers in this exploit, and their detestable cruelties 
 were witnessed by this callow imp of the sea, with 
 a delight and a shrewdness of apprehension which 
 gave to his youthful nature the full benefit of the 
 lesson. He was scarce two years older when, in the
 due succession of his hopeful experience, he again 
 attended his patron upon that unmatched adventure 
 of plunder and outrage, the leaguer of Panama ; and 
 it was remarked that amidst the perils of the cruise 
 upon the Costa Rica, the toils of the inland march 
 over moor and mountain, and the desperate hazards 
 of the storming of the city, the page, graceful and 
 active as the minion of a lady's bower, and fierce as 
 a young sea-wolf, was seen everywhere, like an elvish 
 sprite, tracking the footsteps of his ruthless master. 
 About this date the European powers began to 
 deal more resolutely with the banditti of the islands, 
 and their trade consequently became more precarious. 
 They were compelled, in pursuit of new fields for 
 robbery, to cross the isthmus and try their fortunes 
 on the coast of the Pacific whither Cocklescraft 
 followed and reaped his harvest in the ravage of 
 Peru; but in turn, the Brethren found themselves 
 tracked into these remoter seas, and our adventurer 
 was fain, with many of his comrades, to find his way 
 back to the coves and secret harbours of Tortuga 
 and the Keys, whence he contrived to eke out a scant 
 subsistence, by an occasional stoop upon such de 
 fenceless wanderers of the ocean as chance threw 
 within his grasp. The Olive Branch was a beauti 
 ful light vessel, which, in one of his sea-forays, he 
 had wrested from a luckless merchant; and this ac 
 quisition suggested to him the thought that, with 
 such necessary alterations as should disguise her fig 
 ure and equipment, he might drive a more secure,
 an/i, perchance, more profitable trade between the 
 Atlantic colonies and the old countries; so, with a 
 mongrel crew of trusty cut-throats, carefully selected 
 from the companions of his former fortunes, and a 
 secret armament well bestowed for sudden emer 
 gency, he set himself up for an occasional trader 
 between the Chesapeake and the coast of Holland. 
 A lucky acquaintance with the Cripple of St. Je 
 rome's gave him a useful ally in his vocation as a 
 smuggler ; the fisherman's hut, long believed to be the 
 haunt of evil spirits, admirably favoured his design, 
 and under the management of Rob, soon became a 
 spot of peculiar desecration in popular report; and 
 thus, in no long space of time, the gay, swashing 
 cavalier, master of the Olive Branch, began to find 
 good account in his change of character from the 
 Filibuster of the Keys into that of smuggler and 
 trader of the Chesapeake. He had now made several 
 voyages from St. Mary's to the various marts of 
 Holland and England, taking out cargoes of tobacco 
 and bringing back such merchandise as was likely to 
 find a ready sale in the colonies. His absence from 
 port was often mysteriously prolonged, and on his 
 return it not infrequently happened that there were 
 found amongst his cargo commodities such as might 
 scarce be conjectured to have been brought from the 
 ports of Europe, consisting sometimes of tropical 
 fruits, ingots of gold and silver, and sundry rich fur 
 niture of Indian aspect, better fitted for the cabinet 
 of the virtuoso than the trade of a new province.
 Then, also, there were occasionally costly stuffs, and 
 tissues of exceeding richness, such as cloth of gold, 
 velvets of Genoa, arras tapestry, and even pictures 
 which might have hung in churches. These com 
 modities were invariably landed at St. Jerome's Bay 
 before the Olive Branch cast her anchor in the har 
 bour of St. Mary's, and were reshipped on the out 
 ward voyage. The Cripple of St. Jerome's had a 
 few customers who were privileged at certain periods 
 to traffic with him in a species of merchandise of 
 which he was seldom without a supply at his com 
 mand chiefly wines and strong waters, and coarser 
 household goods, which were charily exhibited in 
 small parcels at the hut, and when the bargain was 
 made, supplied in greater bulk by unseen hands 
 from secret magazines, concerning which the cus 
 tomer was not so rash as even to inquire for Rob 
 was a man who, the country people most devoutly 
 believed, had immediate commerce with the Evil 
 One, and who, it was known, would use his dagger 
 before he gave warning by words. 
 The open and lawful dealing of the Skipper, in the 
 port of St. Mary's had brought him into an acquaint 
 ance with most of the inhabitants, and as his arrival 
 was always a subject of agreeable expectation, he 
 was, by a natural consequence, looked upon with a 
 friendly regard. His address, gaiety of demeanour, 
 and fine figure which last was studiously set off tc 
 great advantage by a rich and graceful costume 
 Heightened this sentiment of personal favour, and
 gave him privileges in the society of the town which, 
 in that age of scrupulous regard to rank, would have 
 been denied him if he had been a constant sojourner. 
 Emboldened by this reception he had essayed to offer 
 some gallant civilities to the maiden of the Rose 
 Croft, which were instantly repelled, however, by the 
 most formal coldness. The awakening of a new 
 passion had overmastered both the ferocity and the 
 levity of his character. He was, in truth, the undi- 
 vulged, anxious and almost worshipping lover of 
 Blanche Warden. 
 When such a nature as I have described chances 
 to fall into the loving vein, it will be admitted to be 
 a somewhat fearful category both for the lady and 
 the lover's rival. Such men are not apt to mince 
 matters in the course of their wooing. 
 This was the person who now plied his way to 
 wards the port, in solitary rumination over two dis 
 tinct topics of private grief, each of a nature to rouse 
 the angry devil of his bosom. He could not but see 
 that his first approach towards the favour of his mis 
 tress had been promptly repelled. That alone would 
 have filled his mind with bitterness, and given a 
 harsh complexion to his thoughts; but this cause of 
 complaint was almost stifled by the more engrossing 
 sentiment of hostility against the Secretary. 
 "Who and what is this Master Secretary that hath 
 set the maiden of the Rose Croft to look upon me 
 with an evil spirit? I would fain know if he think 
 himself a properer man than I. Doth he stand upon
 his fingering of a lute, and his skill to dance ? Why 
 even in this chamber-craft I will put it to a wager he 
 is no master of mine. Is he more personable in shape 
 or figure? goes he in better apparel? or is that 
 broken English of his more natural to the province 
 than my plain speech, that he should claim the right 
 to chide me for my behaviour ? We shall understand 
 each other better, in good time, or I shall lack oppor 
 tunity to speak my mind : I shall, good Master Ver- 
 heyden, you have the word of a 'Brother of the 
 Bloody Coast' for that!" 
 Before the Skipper had ceased this petulant and 
 resentful self-communion, he found himself in the 
 neighbourhood of the Catholic Chapel, nearly in front 
 of the dwelling of Father Pierre, when the good 
 priest, who was at this moment returning from noon 
 day service, took him at unawares with the saluta 
 "Peace be with you, son! you reckon up the 
 sum of your ventures with a careful brow, and speak 
 loud enough to make the town acquainted with thy 
 gains, if perchance some of the chapmen with whom 
 thou hast dealing should be in thy path. How fares 
 it with thee, Master Skipper?" 
 "Ha, Mi Padre!" exclaimed Cocklescraft, instant 
 ly throwing aside his graver thoughts and assuming 
 a jocular tone. "Well met; I was on my way to 
 visit you : that would I have done yesterday upon 
 my arrival, but that the press of my business would 
 not allow it. You grow old, father, so evenly that,
 although I see you but after long partings, I can 
 count no fresh touch of time upon your head." 
 "Men of your calling should not flatter," said the 
 priest smiling. "What news do you bring us from 
 the old world?" 
 "Oh, much and merry, Father Pierre. The old 
 world plies her old trade and thrives by it. Knavery 
 hath got somewhat of the upper hand since they 
 have quit crossing swords in this new piece of Nime- 
 guen. The Hogan Mogans are looking a little surly 
 at the Frenchman for cocking his beaver so bravely ; 
 and our jobbernowl English, now that they can find 
 no more reason to throttle each other, have gone 
 back to their old sport of pricking the side of our 
 poor church. You shall find as many plots in Lon 
 don, made out of hand and ready for use in one 
 month, as would serve all the stage plays of the 
 kingdom for the next hundred years and every plot 
 shall have a vile Papist at the bottom of it, if you 
 may believe Gates and Bedloe. I was there when 
 my Lord Stafford was made a head shorter on Tower 
 Hill. You heard of this, father ?" 
 "Alack ! in sorrow we heard of this violence," re 
 plied the priest; "and deeply did it grieve my Lord 
 to lose so good a friend. Even as you have found it 
 in England, so is it here. The discontents against 
 the holy church are nursed by many who seek there 
 by to command the province. We have plotters here 
 who do not scruple to contrive against the life of his 
 Lordship, and his Lordship's brother the Chancellor.
 Besides, the government at home is unfriendly to 
 "You have late news from England ?" inquired the 
 "We have, and which, but that you are true in 
 your creed, I might scarce mention to your ear 
 the royal order has come to my Lord to dismiss his 
 Catholic servants from office every one. His Lord 
 ship scruples to obey. This, Master Skipper, I con 
 fide to you in private, as not to be told again." 
 "To remove all!" said Cocklescraft. "Why it 
 will sweep off his nearest friends Anthony War 
 den and all." 
 "Fven so." 
 "There is fighting matter in that, upon the spot," 
 exclaimed the Skipper. "By St. Sebastian, I hope it 
 may come up while I am in port! The Collector, 
 old as he is, will buckle on his Toledo in that quarrel. 
 He has mettle for it ; and I could wish no better play 
 than to stand by his side. Who is this Secretary of 
 my Lord's private chamber? I met him at the Col 
 lector's to-day." 
 "Master Albert Verheyden," replied the priest. 
 "I know his name they told it to me there but 
 his quality and condition, father?" 
 "You may be proud of his fellowship," said Father 
 Pierre; "he was once a scholar of the Jesuit school 
 at Antwerp, of the class inscribed 'Princeps Dili- 
 gentiae,' and brought thence by my Lord. A youth, 
 Master Cocklescraft, of promise and discretion a
 model to such as would learn good manners and 
 cherish virtuous inclinations. You may scarcely fail 
 to see him at the Collector's : the townspeople do say 
 he has an eye somewhat dazzled there." 
 "Craving pardon for my freedom, I say, Father 
 Pierre, a fig's end for such a model !" exclaimed the 
 Skipper, pettishly : "you may have such by the score, 
 wherever lazy, bookish men eat their bread. I like 
 him not, with his laced band and feather, his book 
 and lute : harquebuss and whinyard are the tools for 
 these days. I hear the Kendalls have been at mis 
 chief again. We shall come to bilbo and buff be-- 
 fore long. Your Secretary will do marvellous ser 
 vice in these straits, father." 
 "Son, you are somewhat sinful in your scorn," 
 said the priest, mildly; "the Secretary doth not de 
 serve this taunt " 
 "By the holy hermits, father, I speak of the Secre 
 tary but as I think. He does not awe me with his 
 greatness. I vail no topsail to him, I give you my 
 word for it." 
 "The saints preserve us from harm!" said the 
 churchman. "We know not what may befall us from 
 the might of our enemies, when this hot blood shall 
 sunder our friends. In sober counsel, son, and not 
 in rash divisions shall we find our safety. It doth 
 not become thee, Master Cccklescraft, to let thy 
 tetchy humour rouse thee against the Secretary. It 
 might warrant my displeasure." 
 "Mea culpa, holy father I do confess my fault,"
 said the seaman, in a tone of assumed self -constraint 
 "I will not again offend; and for my present atone 
 ment will offer a censer of pure silver, which in my 
 travels I picked up, and in truth did then design 
 to give, to the Chapel of St. Mary's. I will bring 
 it to the chapel, Father Pierre, as soon as my vessel 
 is unladen." 
 "You should offer up your anger too, to make this 
 gift acceptable," returned the priest. "Let thy dedi 
 cation be with a cleansed heart." 
 "Ha, Father Pierre," said the Skipper, jocu 
 larly ; "my conscience does easily cast off a burden : 
 so it shall be as you command. I did not tell you 
 that whilst my brigantine lay in the Helder, I made 
 a land flight to Louvaine, where a certain Abbot of 
 Andoyne, a pious, somewhat aged, and, thanks to a 
 wholesome refectory! a good jolly priest, hearing I 
 came from the province, must needs send for me 
 to ask if I knew Father Pierre de la Maise, and upon 
 my answer, that I did right well, he begs me to bring 
 his remembrance back to you." 
 "I knew Father Gervase," replied the priest with a 
 countenance full of benignity "some forty years 
 ago, when he was a reader in the Chair of St. Isidore 
 at Rome. He remembers me? a blessing on his 
 head ! and he wears well, Master Skipper ?" 
 "Quite as well as yourself," replied Cocklescraft. 
 "Father, a cup of your cool water, and I will de 
 part," he said, as he helped himself to the draught. 
 "I will take heed to what you have said touching the
 royal order and by St. lago, I will be a friend in 
 need to the Collector. Master Verheyden shall not 
 be a better one. Now fare thee well, father. Pere 
 grine Cadger shall have order to cut you off a cas 
 sock from the best cloth I have brought him, and 
 little Abbot the tailor shall put it in fashion for you." 
 "You are lavish of your bounties, son," replied 
 the priest, taking Cocklescraft by both hands as he 
 was now about to withdraw. "You have a poor 
 churchman's thanks. It gives me comfort to be so 
 considered, and I prize your kindness more than the 
 cassock. A blessing on thy ways, Master Cockles- 
 The Skipper once more set forth on his way to 
 wards the port ; and with a temper somewhat allayed 
 by the acting of the scene I have just described, 
 though with no abatement of the resentment which 
 rankled at the bottom of his heart, even under the 
 smiling face and gay outside which he could assume 
 with the skill of a consummate dissembler, he soon 
 reached the Crow and Archer. From thence he 
 meditated, as soon as his occasions would permit, a 
 visit to the Cripple of St. Jerome's. 
 The council had been summoned to meet on the 
 morning following that of the incidents just related, 
 and the members were now accordingly assembling, 
 soon after breakfast, at the Proprietary mansion. 
 The arrival of one or two gentlemen on horseback 
 with their servants, added somewhat to the bustle of
 the stable yard, which was already the scene of that 
 kind of busy idleness and lounging occupation so 
 agreeable to the menials of a large establishment. 
 Here, in one quarter, a few noisy grooms were col 
 lected around the watering troughs, administering 
 the discipline of the currycomb or the wash bucket 
 to some half score of horses. In a corner of the yard 
 Dick Pagan, the courier, and Willy o' the Flats, with 
 the zeal of amateur vagrants, were striving to cozen 
 each other out of their coppers at the old game of 
 Cross and Pile ; whilst, in an opposite direction, Der 
 rick was exhibiting to a group of spectators, amongst 
 whom the young heir apparent was a prominent per 
 sonage, a new set of hawk bells just brought by the 
 Olive Branch from Dort, and lecturing, with a 
 learned gravity, upon their qualities, to the infinite 
 edification and delight of his youthful pupil. Slouch 
 ing foxhounds, thick-lipped mastiffs and wire-haired 
 terriers mingled indiscriminately amongst these 
 groups, as if confident of that favouritism which is 
 the universal privilege of the canine race amongst 
 good tempered persons and contented idlers all the 
 world over. Whilst the inhabitants of the yard were 
 engrossed with these occupations, a trumpet was 
 heard at a distance in the direction of the town. The 
 blast came so feebly upon the ear as, at first, to pass 
 unregarded, but being repeated at short intervals, 
 and at every repetition growing louder, it soon ar 
 rested the general attention, and caused an inquiry
 from all quarters into the meaning of so unusual an 
 "Fore God, I think that there be an alarm of In 
 dians in the town!" exclaimed the falconer as he 
 spread his hand behind his ear and listened for some 
 moments, with a solemn and portentous visage. 
 "Look to it, lads there may be harm afoot. Put 
 up thy halfpence, Dick Pagan, and run forward to 
 seek out the cause of this trumpeting. I will wager 
 it means mischief, masters." 
 "Indians!" said Willy; " Derrick's five wits have 
 gone on a fool's errand ever since the murder of that 
 family at the Zachaiah fort by the salvages. If the 
 Indians- were coming you should hear three guns 
 from Master Randolph Brandt's look-out on the 
 Notley road. It is more likely there may be trouble 
 at the gaol with the townspeople, for there was a 
 whisper afloat yesterday concerning a rescue of the 
 prisoners. Troth, the fellow has a lusty breath who 
 blows that trumpet!" 
 "Ay, and the trumpet," said Derrick, "is not made 
 to dance with, masters : there is war and throat-cut 
 ting in it, or I am no true man." 
 During this short exchange of conjectures, Dick 
 Pagan had hastened to the gate which opened to 
 wards the town, and mounting the post, for the sake 
 of a more extensive view, soon discerned the object 
 of alarm, when, turning towards his companions, 
 he shouted, 
 "Wounds, but here's a sight ! Pike and musket,,
 belt and saddle, boys! To it quickly; you shall 
 have rare work anon. Wake up the ban dogs of the 
 fort and get into your harness. Here comes the 
 Dutch Doctor with his trumpeter as fierce as the 
 Dragon of Wantley. Buckle to and stand your 
 ground !" 
 "Ho, ho!" roared the fiddler with an impudent, 
 swaggering laugh. "Here's a pretty upshot to your 
 valours! Much cry and little wool, like the Devil's 
 hog-shearing at Christmas. You dullards, couldn't 
 I have told you it was the Dutch Doctor, if your 
 fright had left you but a handful of sense to ask a 
 question ? He is expected and wanted at the council 
 chamber at once," and, catching the Dutch Doctor 
 by the sleeve of his coat, the fiddler led him, without 
 further ceremony, to the chamber in which the coun 
 cil were convened. 
 Here sat the Proprietary, and Philip Calvert, the 
 Chancellor, who were now, with five or six other 
 gentlemen, engaged in the transaction of business 
 of grave import. 
 Some depredations had been recently committed 
 upon the English by the Indians inhabiting the upper 
 regions of the Susquehanna, especially by the Sin- 
 niquoes, who, in an incursion against the Piscatta- 
 ways, a friendly tribe in the vicinity of St. Mary's, 
 had advanced into the low country, where they had 
 plundered the dwellings of the settlers and even mur 
 dered two or three families. The victims of these 
 outrages happened to be Protestants, and Kendall's
 party availed themselves of the circumstances, to 
 excite the popular jealousy against Lord Baltimore 
 by circulating the report that these murders were 
 committed by Papists in disguise. 
 What was, therefore, but an ordinary though 
 frightful incident of Indian hostility, was thus exag 
 gerated into a crime of deep malignity, peculiarly cal 
 culated still more to embitter the party exasperations 
 of the day. This consideration rendered it a subject 
 of eager anxiety, on the part of the Council, to pro 
 cure the fullest evidence of the hostile designs of the 
 Indians, and thus not only to enable the province 
 to adopt the proper measure for its own safety, but 
 also confute the false report which had imputed to 
 the Catholics so absurd and atrocious a design. A 
 traveller by the name of Launcelot Sakel happened, 
 but two or three days before the present meeting of 
 the Council, to arrive at the port, where he put afloat 
 the story of an intended invasion of the province 
 by certain Indians of New York, belonging to the 
 tribes of the Five Nations, and gave as his authority 
 for this piece of news a Dutch doctor, whom he had 
 fallen in with on the Delaware, where he left him 
 selling nostrums, and who, he affirmed, was in a 
 short space to appear at St. Mary's. This story, with 
 many particulars, was communicated to the Proprie 
 tary, which induced the order to summon the doctor 
 to attend the council as soon after his arrival as pos 
 sible. In obedience to this summons, our worthy 
 was now in the presence of the high powers of the
 province, not a little elated with the personal conse 
 quence attached to his coming. 
 Lord Baltimore received the itinerant physician 
 with that bland and benignant accost which was ha 
 bitual to him, and proceeded with brief ceremony to 
 interrogate him as to the purport of his visit. The 
 answers were given with a solemn self-complacency, 
 not unmixed with that shrewdness which was an 
 essential attribute to the success of the ancient quack 
 salver. He described himself as Doctor Claus De- 
 bor, a native of Holland, a man of travel, enjoying 
 no mean renown in New York, and, for two years 
 past, a resident of Albany. His chief design in his 
 present journey, he represented to be to disseminate 
 the blessings of his great medicament; whereupon 
 he was about to launch forth into an exuberant 
 tone of panegyric, and had, in fact, already produced 
 a smile at the council board by some high wrought 
 phrases expressive of his incredible labour in the 
 quest of his great secret, when the Proprietary 
 checked his career by a timely admonition. 
 "Ay, we do not seek to know thy merits as a 
 physician, nor doubt the great virtue of thy drugs, 
 worthy doctor; but in regard thereto, give thee free 
 permission to make what profit of them you reason 
 ably may in the province." 
 "Your very goot and admirable Lordship, mis 
 translates de significance of my visit," said the Doc 
 tor, in his ambitious phrase; "for although I most 
 heartily tank your Lordship's bounty for de permis-
 sion to sell my inestimable medicament, still, I 
 come to opey your most honourable Lordship's 
 summons, which I make pold to pelieve is concerned 
 wid state matters pefore de high and noble 
 "We would hear what you can tell touching a 
 rumour brought to us by one Master Launcelot 
 Sakel, whom you saw at Christina Fort," said the 
 "Dere is weighty news, my Lord," replied the 
 Doctor. I have goot reason to pelieve dat de Nor- 
 dern Indians of New York are meditating and con 
 cocting mischief against your Lordship's province." 
 "Have a care to the truth of your report," said 
 Colonel" Talbot, rising from his seat: "it may be 
 worse for you if you be found to trifle with us by 
 passing current a counterfeit story, churned into 
 consistence in your own brain, out of the froth of 
 idle, way-side gossipings. We have a statute against 
 the spreaders of false news." 
 "If I am mendacious," replied the Doctor, "dat 
 is, if I am forgetful of mine respect for trute, dese 
 honourable gentlemens shall teal wid me as a lying 
 pusy pody and pragmatical tale-bearer. Your Lord 
 ship shall hear. It is put a fortnight ago, when I 
 was making ready for dis journey, in Alpany, I 
 chanced to see in de town so many as two score, 
 perhaps fifty Indians, who were dere trading skins 
 for powder and shot. Dey reported demselves to be 
 Sinniquoes, and said dey came to talk wid de tribes
 furder back, to get deir help to fight against de Pis- 
 "Indeed! there is probability in that report," 
 said the Proprietary : "well, and how had they sped ? 
 what was their success ?" 
 "Some of de Five Nations, I forget de name of 
 de tribe, my Lord it might pe de Oneidas dey told 
 us, promised to march early de next season; in 
 dere own worts, when de sap pegin to rise." 
 "In what force, did they say?" 
 "In large force, my Lord. De Piscattaways, dey 
 said, were frents to my Lord and de English, and 
 so dey should make clean work wid red and white." 
 "What more?" 
 "Dey signified dat dey should have great help 
 from de Delawares and Susquehannocks, who, as I 
 could make it out, wanted to go to war wid your 
 Lordship's peoples at once." 
 "True; and they have done so. The insolencies 
 of these tribes are already as much as we can endure. 
 Did they find it easy to purchase their powder and 
 lead in Albany ? I should hope that traffic would not 
 be allowed." 
 "My Lord, de traders do not much stop, when 
 dey would turn a penny, to reckon who shall get de 
 loss, so dey get de profit. Dese same Indians I saw 
 afterwards in de town^of New York, trading in de 
 same way wid Master Grimes, a merchant." 
 "Mischief will come of this," said the Proprie 
 tary, "unless it be speedily taken in hand. What
 reason was given by the Northern Indians for join 
 ing in this scheme?" 
 "I tink it was said," replied the Doctor, "dat your 
 Lordship had not made your treaties wid dem, nor 
 sent dem presents, dese two years past." 
 "True," interposed the Chancellor ; "we have failed 
 in that caution although I have more than once re 
 minded your Lordship of its necessity." 
 "It shall not be longer delayed," replied the Pro 
 prietary. "You are sure, Doctor Debor, these were 
 Sinniquoes you saw?" 
 "I only know dem by dere own report I never 
 heard de name pefore." 
 The Doctor in due time received permission to 
 retire, having delivered all that he was able to say 
 touching the matter in agitation before the Proprie 
 The Council were for some time after this inci 
 dent engaged in the consideration of the conspiracy 
 against the Proprietary, of which new evidences 
 were every day coming to light ; and it was now re 
 solved that the matter should be brought into the 
 notice of the judicial authority at an early day. 
 The only circumstance which I have further occa 
 sion to notice related to a diversion which was not 
 unusual at that day amongst the inhabitants of the 
 province, and which required the permission of the 
 Council. It was brought into debate by Colonel 
 "Stark Whittle, the swordsman," he said, "has
 challenged Sergeant Travers to play a prize at such 
 weapons as they may select and the Sergeant ac 
 cepts the challenge, provided it meet the pleasure of 
 his Lordship and the Council. I promised to be a 
 patron to the play." 
 "It shall be as you choose," said the Proprietary. 
 "This martial sport has won favor with our people. 
 Let it be so ordered that it tend not to the breach of 
 the peace. We commit it to your hands, Colonel 
 Talbot." The Council assented, and the necessary 
 order was recorded on the journal. 
 Some do call me Jack, sweetheart, 
 And some do call me Jille: 
 But when I come to the king's faire courte, 
 They call me Wilfulle Wille. 
 The Knight and Shepherd's Daughter. 
 THE Skipper's necessary affairs in the port en 
 gaged him all the day succeeding that of his interview 
 with Father Pierre, and therefore prevented him 
 from making his intended visit to the Cripple of St. 
 Jerome's. When the next morning broke upon him, 
 the early bell of St. Mary's Chapel informed him of 
 the Sabbath, a day seldom distinguished in his cal 
 endar from the rest of the week. It was, however,
 not unheeded now, as it suggested the thought that 
 an opportunity might be afforded him to gain a sight 
 of Blanche Warden and even, perchance an inter 
 view at the service of the Chapel. In this hope he 
 at once relinquished his design of going to St. 
 Jerome's, at least until after the morning offices of 
 the church were performed. Accordingly, at an hour 
 somewhat in advance of the general attendance of 
 the congregation, the Skipper was seen loitering in 
 the purlieus of the Chapel, where he marked with an 
 inquisitive but cautious watchfulness the various 
 groups that were coming to their devotions. When 
 at length his strained vision was able to descry a 
 cavalcade approaching from the direction of St. Ini- 
 goe's, and he discerned the figures of Albert Ver- 
 heyden and Blanche Warden dallying far in the rear 
 of the Collector and his daughter Alice, their horses 
 almost at a walk, and themselves manifestly en 
 grossed in an earnest conference, he turned hastily 
 towards the church and with a compressed lip and 
 knitted brow, ascended the stair and threw himself 
 into an obscure corner of the little gallery which 
 looked upon the altar. 
 The Collector's family entered the place of wor 
 ship. The Secretary still accompanied Blanche, 
 knelt beside her in prayer, opened her missal to the 
 various services of the day, and tendered the custom 
 ary offices of familiar gallantry common to such an 
 occasion with an unrebuked freedom : all this in the 
 view of the Skipper, whose eye flashed with a venge-
 ful fire, as he gazed upon the man to whom he at 
 tributed the wrong he deemed himself to have suf 
 fered in his recent interview with the maiden. The 
 service ended and the throng was retiring, when 
 Cocklescraft planted himself on the outside of the 
 door. His purpose was to exchange even but a word 
 with the daughter of the Collector at least to win a 
 recognition of his presence by a smile, a nod, the 
 smallest courtesy, so dear to the heart of a lover. 
 She came at last, loiteringly, with Father Pierre and 
 Albert Verheyden. Perhaps she did not see Cockles- 
 craft in the shade of the big elm, even although her 
 father's weaker sight had recognized him, and the 
 old man had stepped aside to shake his hand. She 
 passed on to her horse without once turning her head 
 towards him. The Skipper abruptly sprang from 
 the Collector to help her into her saddle, but Blanche 
 had already Albert's hand, and in a moment was in 
 her seat. Cocklescraft's proffered service was ac 
 knowledged by a bow and only a casual word. The 
 Secretary in an instant mounted his steed, and, with 
 the maiden, set forth on their ride at a brisk gallop. 
 The Brother of the Coast, forgetful of his usual cir 
 cumspection, stood with folded arms and moody 
 visage, looking darkly upon them as they disap 
 peared and muttering half audible ejaculations of 
 wrath. He was, after an interval, roused from his 
 abstraction by the hand of Father Pierre gently laid 
 upon his shoulder : 
 "You have forgotten the censer of virgin silver
 you promised t^ offer at this shrine," said the priest 
 in a grave voice. "It was to be an offering for the 
 sin of a wayward spirit of anger. Beware, son, that 
 thou dost no wrong to a brother." 
 "I have not forgotten the censer, holy father," 
 returned the Skipper, with an ineffectual effort to 
 assume his usual equanimity. "I have only deferred 
 the offering until I may give it," he added in a 
 stern voice "with an honest conscience. Thou 
 shalt have it anon. I have business now that stands 
 in the way: good morning to you, father." And 
 with these words he walked rapidly away. 
 In the afternoon Cocklescraft was seen plying his 
 way from the quay in a small boat, attended by two 
 seamen who rowed him to a point some five or six 
 miles below the town, where he landed, and set out 
 on foot for St. Jerome's. 
 On the following morning, whilst the dawn yet 
 cast its grey hue over the face of the land, two men, 
 in shaggy frieze dresses, arrived at the hut of the 
 Cripple. They rode on rough little beach-ponies, 
 each provided with a sack. The mastiff bitch eyed 
 the visitors with a malign aspect from her station 
 beneath the door sill, and by her low mutterings 
 warned them against a too near approach. They 
 accordingly stood at bay. 
 "Curse on the slut!" said one; "she has the eye 
 of a very devil ; it might not be safe to defy her. 
 Not a mouse is stirring : the old Trencherman is as
 still as his bowl. Were it safe, think you, to wake 
 "Why not?" demanded the other. "He will be in 
 a passion, and threaten, at first, with his weapon ; 
 but when he knows we come to trade with him, I 
 will warrant he butters his wrinkles as smoothly with 
 a smile as you could desire. Strike your staff, 
 Nichol, against the door." 
 "The fiend fetch me, if I venture so near as to 
 strike, with that bitch at the step. Try it thyself, 
 Perry Cadger." 
 "Nay, and it comes to that, I will rouse him in 
 another fashion," said the other. 
 "Master Swale Master Robert Swale Halloo 
 "Rob, man, awake, turn out for thy friends!" 
 exclaimed the first. The growl of the mastiff bitch 
 was now changed into a hoarse bark. Some stir 
 was heard from the inside of the hut, and, in a mo 
 ment afterwards, the door was unbolted and brought 
 sufficiently open to allow the uncouth head and half 
 dressed figure of the Cripple to be seen. A short 
 blunderbuss was levelled directly in the face of the 
 visitors, whilst an ungracious repulse was screamed 
 out in a voice husky with rage. 
 "Begone, you misbegotten thieves! What makes 
 you here? Do you think I am an ale draper to take 
 in every strolling runagate of the night. Begone, or 
 by my body, I will baptize you with a sprinkling of 
 "In God's name, Robert Swale," exclaimed the 
 first speaker, "turn thy weapon aslant! Thou mayst 
 do a deed of mischief upon thy friends. We are 
 Nichol Upstake and Peregrine Cadger friends, 
 Rob, friends, who have come to drive bargains to 
 thy profit. Open your eyes, Master put on your 
 glasses we have gold in pocket, man." 
 "Ha, ha, ha!" chuckled the tenant of the hut; 
 "thou art astir, cronies! Ha, ha! I took ye for 
 land loupers sharks. By the Five Wounds, I knew 
 ye not ! Have patience a space and I will open." 
 When the Cripple had dressed himself he came 
 swinging forth in his bowl, and passing beyond the 
 curtilage of his dwelling went to the beach, whither 
 he was followed by his two visitors, who had now 
 dismounted from their ponies. Here he halted, and 
 taking off his cap, exposed his bare head and loose 
 white tresses to the morning breeze, which came 
 somewhat sharply from the water. 
 "Soh!" he exclaimed, "there is refreshment in 
 that! It is my custom to expel these night-cap 
 vapours with the good salt water breeze: that is a 
 commodity that may reach the province without pay 
 ing duty to his Lordship! a cheap physic, a cheap 
 physic, masters. Now what scent art thou upon, 
 Nichol Upstake? Perry Cadger, man of sarsnet 
 and grogram, I guess thy errand." 
 "In truth, Robert Swale," said Upstake 
 "No Robert Swale, nor Master Robert Swale," 
 testily interrupted the owner of the cabin : "none of
 your worshipful phrase for me! Thou art but a 
 shallow hypocrite to affect this reverence. Rob of 
 the Bowl is the best I get from you when your long 
 ings are satisfied; ay, and it is said with a curl of 
 your lip ; and you make merry over my unworthiness 
 with your pot-fellows. So, be honest, and give me 
 plain Rob ; I seek no flattery." 
 "You do us wrong, good Master Rob," interposed 
 Peregrine Cadger 
 "To your needs," said Rob, sternly: "Speak in 
 the way of your trade! You have no voice, nor I 
 ear for aught else." 
 "Then, in brief," said Nichol Upstake, "I would 
 fain know if you could supply me with Antigua to 
 day, or aqua vitse, I care not which ?" 
 "If such a thing might be, where wouldst thou 
 take it, Nichol?" inquired Rob. 
 "To Warrington on the Cliffs." 
 "Ay, to Warrington on the Cliffs; good! and 
 warily to be borne? no hawk's eye upon thy 
 "It shall be by night, if you like it," said the dealer. 
 "Well, well!" replied the Cripple; "I can give 
 you a little of both, master: a flagon or so; some 
 three or four. My hut is small, and hath a scant 
 cellar. But the money in hand, Nichol Upstake! 
 Good gold full weight and a fair price, too, mark 
 you ! I must have a trifle above my last market ten 
 shillings the gallon on the brandy, and two more for 
 the Antigua. Leave thy kegs, and see me again at
 sunset. The money in hand! the money in hand! 
 there is no trust in my commonwealth." 
 "It shall be so," said Nichol. 
 "And now, Master Cadger, what wilt? You have 
 a scheme to cozen dame and wench with gewgaws; 
 I see it in thine eye : and you will swear upon book 
 and cross, if need be, they have stood you a wondrous 
 hard purchase, even at the full three hundred per 
 cent, excess you purpose to exact above the cost; 
 and all the while it has come out of Rob's warehouse 
 as cheap as beggars' alms : Ha, ha, ha ! This world 
 thrives on honesty ! it grows fat on virtue ! knavery 
 only starves ! Your rogue in rags, what hath he but 
 his deserts ! Let him repent and turn virtuous, like 
 you and me, Perry, and his torn cloak and threadbare 
 doublet shall be fenced and lined to defy all weathers. 
 Hark ye, masters, I have camblets, satins, and vel 
 vets, cambric, and lawn for thee choice commodi 
 ties all. Thou shalt see them in the hut." 
 "How came you by so rich an inventory, Rob?" 
 The Cripple turned a fierce eye upon the mercer, 
 and with one glance conveyed his meaning, as he 
 touched the handle of his dagger and said in a low 
 "Dost forget the covenant between us ? Peregrine 
 Cadger, you know I brook no such question." 
 The mercer stood for a moment abashed, and then 
 replied : "An idle word, Master Rob, which meant 
 no harm : as you say, honesty will only thrive. You 
 shall find never a knave that is not some part
 fool. I will into the hut to look at the wares." 
 "Do so," said the Cripple. "You will find them 
 in the box behind the door. There is need that you 
 leave me, so follow him, Nichol. I have sudden 
 business, masters, which it does not concern you to 
 witness. When you have seen what you desire, de 
 part quickly ; leave your sacks and come back at sun 
 set. I charge you, have a care that your eyes do 
 not wander towards my motions. You know me, 
 and know that I have sentinels upon your steps who 
 have power to sear your eye-balls if you but steal one 
 forbidden glance: away!" 
 The dealers withdrew into the hut, wondering at 
 the abrupt termination of their interview, and im 
 plicitly confiding in the power of the Cripple to 
 make good his threat. 
 "The Lord have mercy upon us !" said the mercer, 
 in a smothered voice, after they had entered the 
 door; "the Cripple hath matters on hand which it 
 were not for our good to pry into. Pray you, 
 Nichol, let us make our survey and do his bidding, 
 by setting forth at once. I am not the man to give 
 him offence." 
 The cause of this unexpected dismissal of the visi 
 tors was the apparition of Cocklescraft, whose figure, 
 in the doubtful light of the morning, was seen by 
 Rob at a distance, on the profile of the bank in the 
 neighbourhood of the Wizard's Chapel. He had 
 halted upon observing the Cripple in company with 
 strangers, and had made a signal which was sufii-
 ciently intelligible to the person to whom it was ad 
 dressed, to explain his wish to meet him. 
 Rob, having thus promptly rid himself of his com 
 pany, now swung on his short crutches, almost as 
 rapidly as a good walker could have got over the 
 ground, towards the spot where the Buccaneer had 
 "Steer your cockleshell there to the right, old 
 worm!" said the Freebooter, as Rob came opposite 
 to the bank on which he stood. "You shall find it 
 easier to come up by the hollow." 
 "The plagues of a foul conscience light on thee !" 
 replied the Cripple, desisting from farther motion, 
 and wiping the perspiration from his brow. "Is it 
 more seemly I should waste my strength on the fruit 
 less labour to clamber up that rough slope, or thou 
 come down to me? You mock me, sirrah !" he added, 
 with an expression of sudden anger ; "Thou know'st 
 I cannot mount the bank." 
 "Thou know'st I can drag thee up, reverend frag 
 ment of a sinful man !" returned Cocklescraft, jocu 
 larly ; "yes, and with all thy pack of evil passions at 
 thy back, besides. Would you hold our meeting in 
 sight from the window of the hut, where you have 
 just lodged a pair of your busy meddlers your 
 bumpkin cronies in the way of trade? It was such 
 as these that, but a few nights ago, set his Lordship's 
 hounds upon our tracks. Come up, man, without 
 farther parley." 
 The Cripple's fleeting anger changed, as usual, to
 that bitter smile and chuckle with which he was 
 wont to return into a tractable mood, as he said, 
 "A provident rogue! a shrewd imp! He has his 
 instinct of mischief so keen that his forecast never 
 sleepeth. The devil hath made him a perfect scholar. 
 There, Dickon, give me thy hand," he added, when 
 he came to the steep ascent which his machine of 
 locomotion was utterly inadequate to surmount. 
 "Give me thy hand, good cut-throat. Help me to 
 the top." 
 The muscular seaman, instead of extending his 
 hand to his companion, descended the bank, and tak 
 ing the bowl and its occupant upon his shoulder, 
 strode upward to the even ground, and deposited his 
 load with as little apparent effort as if he had been 
 dealing with a truss of hay. 
 "Bravely !" ejaculated Rob, when he was set down. 
 "I scarce could have done better in my best day. 
 Now, what set thee to jogging so early, Dickon? 
 Where dost thou come from?" 
 "From the Chapel," replied the other. "I came 
 there from the Port last night, express to see you; 
 and having no special favour for the bed I slept on, 
 I left it at the first streak of light to go and rouse 
 you from your dreams, and lo ! there you are at one 
 of your dog and wolf bargains with the countryside 
 "Discreet knaves, Dickon, who have come to ease 
 us of somewhat of our charge of contraband : stout 
 jerkins stout and well lined ; rogues of substance
 Nichol Upstake, the ordinary keeper of Warrington, 
 and Perry Cadger, the mercer of St. Mary's. Seeing 
 thee here, I dismissed them until sunset. That Pere 
 grine Cadger is somewhat leaky as a gossip, and 
 might tell tales if he were aware that I consorted 
 with you." 
 "I see them taking the road on their ponies," said 
 Cocklescraf t ; "we may venture to the hut. I am 
 sharp set for breakfast, and when I have a contented 
 stomach, I will hold discourse with you, Rob, touch 
 ing matters of some concern to us both." 
 The Cripple and his guest, upon this hint, repaired 
 to the hut, and in due time the morning meal was 
 supplied and despatched. Cocklescraft then opened 
 the purport of his visit. 
 "Has it ever come into your wise brain, Master 
 Rob," he asked, "that you are getting somewhat old; 
 and that it might behoove you to make a shrift at 
 the confessional, by way of settling your account? 
 I take it, it will not be a very clean reckoning with 
 out a good swashing penance." 
 "How now, thou malignant kite!" exclaimed the 
 Cripple; "what's in the wind?" 
 "Simply, Rob, that the time has come when, per- 
 ad venture, we must part. I am tired of this wicked 
 life. I shall amend; and I come to counsel you to 
 the like virtuous resolution. I will be married, 
 Robert Swale, Man of the Bowl !" 
 "Grammercy! thou wilt be married! thou! I spit 
 upon thee for a fool. What crotchet is this ?"
 "I will be married, as I say, neither more nor less. 
 Now to what wench, ask you? Why to the very 
 fairest and primest flower of this province the Rose 
 of St. Mary's the Collector's own daughter. I 
 mark that devil's sneer of unbelief of yours, old 
 buckler man : truer word was never spoke by son of 
 the sea or land, than I speak now." 
 "To the Collector's daughter!" ejaculated the 
 Cripple, in a tone of derision. "Thy carriage is bold 
 in the Port, but no measure of audacity will ever 
 bring thee to that favour. Would'st thou play at 
 thine old game, and sack the town, and take the 
 daintiest in it for ransom ? You know no other trick 
 of wooing, Dickon." 
 "By my hand, Rob, I am specially besought by the 
 Collector to make one at a choice merry-making 
 which his daughter has on foot for next Thursday. 
 Ay, and I am going, on his set command, to dance a 
 gailliard with Mistress Blanche. Oh, she shall be 
 the very bird of the sea the girl of the billow, Rob ! 
 She shall be empress of the green wave that nursed 
 me, and the blue sky, and the wide waste. Her 
 throne shall be on the deck of my gay bark : and my 
 merry men shall spring at her beck as deftly as at 
 the boatswain's pipe!" 
 "You shall sooner meet your deservings," said 
 Rob, "on the foal of the acorn, with a hempen string, 
 than find grace with the Collector's child. Thy whole 
 life has been adversary to the good will of the 
 "I know it," replied Cocklescraft. "I was born 
 in natural warfare with the customs and all who 
 gather them ; the more praise for my exploit ! I shall 
 change my ways and forsake evil company. I shall 
 be a man of worship. We shall shut up the Chapel, 
 Rob; expel our devils; pack off our witches to Nor 
 way, and establish an honest vocation. Therefore, 
 Rob, go to Father Pierre; repent of your misdeeds, 
 and live upon your past gains. You are rich and 
 may afford to entertain henceforth a reputable con 
 "Do not palter with me, sirrah! but tell me what 
 this imports." 
 "Then truly, Rob, I am much disturbed in my 
 fancies. " I love the wench, and mean to have her 
 fairly if I can but after the fashion of the Coast if 
 I must. She doth not consent as yet mainly be 
 cause she hath a toy of delight in that silken Secre 
 tary of my Lord a bookish pale-cheeked, sickly 
 strummer of stringed instruments one Master Ver- 
 heyden, I think they call him." 
 "Ha !" exclaimed the Cripple, as a frown gathered 
 on his brow; "what is he? Whence comes he?" 
 "His Lordship's chamber secretary," replied 
 Cocklescraft; "brought hither I know not when nor 
 whence. A silent-paced, priestly pattern of modesty, 
 who feeds on the favour of his betters, as a lady's 
 dog, that being allowed to lick the hand of his mis 
 tress, takes the privilege to snarl on all who approach 
 her. I shall make light work with him by whipping
 him out of my way. Why are you angry, that you 
 scowl so, Master Rob?" 
 "I needs must be angry to see thee make a fool of 
 thyself," replied the master of the hut. "Verheyden 
 his Lordship's secretary!" he muttered to himself. 
 "No, no ! it would be folly to think it." 
 "Mutter as you will, Rob," said Cocklescraft ; "by 
 St. lago, I will try conclusions with the Secretary 
 folly or no folly! He hath taught the maiden," he 
 added, with a bitter emphasis, "to affect a scorn for 
 me, and he shall smart for it." 
 "Ha! thy spirit is ever for undoing!" exclaimed 
 Rob, suddenly changing his mood, and forcing a 
 harsh laugh of derision. "Mischief is your proper 
 element your food, your repose, your luxury. Well, 
 if thou needst must take on a new life, and strive to 
 be worshipful, I would counsel thee to begin it with 
 some deed of charity, not strife. I had as well make 
 my lecture to a young wolf ! Ha, Dickon, thou wilt 
 be a prospering pupil to the master that teaches thee 
 the virtue of charity ! Such rede will be welcome to 
 thee as water to thy shoes; I have scanned thee in 
 all thy humours !" 
 "I spurn upon your advice, and will not be scorned, 
 old man !" said Cocklescraft, angrily. "The maiden 
 shall be mine, though I pluck her from beneath her 
 father's blazing roof-tree; and then farewell to the 
 province, and to thee ! Mark you that ! I come not 
 to be taunted with thy ill-favored speech! My men 
 shall be withdrawn from the Chapel. I will put them
 on worthier service than to minister to thy greedi 
 "Hot-brained, silly idiot thou drivelling fool!" 
 shouted Rob. "Dost thou not know that I can put 
 thee in the dust and trample on thee as a caitiff? 
 that I can drive thee from the province as a vile 
 outlaw? Art thou such a dizzard as to tempt my 
 anger? If you would thrive even in your villanous 
 wooing, have a care not to provoke my displeasure ! 
 One word from me, and not a man paces thy deck : 
 thou goest abroad unattended, stiverless a fugitive, 
 with hue and cry at thy heels. How dar'st thou re 
 prove me, boy?" 
 "Thy hand, Rob," said Cocklescraft, relenting. 
 "You say no more than my folly warrants; I am a 
 wanton fool: your pardon let there be peace be 
 tween us." 
 "Art reasonable again? Bravely confessed, Dick 
 on! I forgive thy rash speech. Now go thy ways, 
 and the Foul One speed thee! I have naught to 
 counsel, either for strife or peace, since thou hast 
 neither wit, wisdom, nor patience for sober advice 
 against the current of thy will. It will not be long 
 before this maimed trunk shall sink into its natural 
 resting place and it matters not to me how my 
 remnant of time be spent whether in hoarding or 
 keeping. The world will find me an heir to squander 
 what little store it hath pleased my fortune to gather. 
 So go thy ways !" 
 "I will see you again, friend Rob," said the Buc-
 cancer. "I have matter to look after at the Chapel, 
 and then shall get back to the Port, to drive my 
 suit to a speedy issue. I came here but in honest 
 dealing with you, to give you friendly notice of my 
 design, and, perchance, to get your aid. You have 
 no counsel for me? It is well; my own head and 
 arm shall befriend me; they have stood me in stead 
 in straits more doubtful than this: farewell fare 
 As the Skipper stepped along the beach, Rob 
 planted himself in the door of the hut and looked 
 after him for some moments, nodding his head sig 
 nificantly towards him, and muttering in a cynical 
 undertone, "Go thy ways, snake of the sea, spawn 
 of a water devil! Thou married! ha, ha! Thy 
 lady gay shall have a sweetened cup in thee ; and thy 
 wooing shall be tender and gentle yea, as the appe 
 tite of the sword-fish. It shall be festival wooing 
 all in the light in the light of the bride's own 
 blazing roof : a dainty wolf ! a most tractable shark ! 
 Oh, I cannot choose but laugh !" 
 "You wear a sword, sir, and so do I !" 
 "Well, sir!" 
 "You know the use, sir, of a sword?" 
 "I do, to whip a knave, sir." The Hunchback. 
 THE festival of St. Therese, Blanche's birthday, 
 so anxiously looked for by the younger inhabitants
 of St. Mary's, and scarcely less heartily welcomed 
 by the elder, at length came round. Towards sun 
 set of an evening, mild in temperature and resplen 
 dent with the glorious golden-tipped clouds of the 
 October sky, the air fraught with that joyful fresh 
 ness which distinguishes this season in Maryland, 
 groups of gay-clad persons were seen passing on the 
 high road that led from the town to the Rose Croft. 
 The greater number, according to the usage of that 
 day, rode on horseback, the women seated on pil 
 lions behind their male escort. Some of the younger 
 men trudged on foot, and amongst these was even 
 seen, here and there, a buxom damsel cheerily mak 
 ing her way in this primitive mode of travel and 
 showing by her merry laugh and elastic step how 
 little she felt the inconvenience of her walk. 
 It must not be supposed from this account that the 
 luxury of the coach was altogether unknown to the 
 good people of the province. Two of these vehicles 
 were already within the dominions of the Lord Pro 
 prietary ; one belonging to his Lordship himself, and 
 the other to Master Thomas Notley, of Notley Hall, 
 member of the Council, and sometime, during the 
 Proprietary's late visit to London, the Lieutenant- 
 General of the province. They were both of the 
 same fashion, stiff, lumbering, square old machines 
 which had been imported some twenty years past, 
 and were often paraded in the street of St. Mary's 
 with their bedizened postillions and footmen, to the 
 inconsiderable enhancement, in the eyes of the burgh-
 ers, of the dignity and state of their possessors. The 
 bountiful foresight and supreme authority, it may 
 be said, of the Lady Maria had procured the aid 
 of both of these accommodations for the service 
 of the evening, and they were, accordingly, now 
 plying backward and forward between the Port and 
 the Collector's, for the especial ease and delectation 
 of sundry worshipful matrons whose infirmities 
 rather inclined them to avoid the saddle, and also 
 for the gratification of such favourites of the good 
 lady, amongst the younger members of the popula 
 tion, as she vouchsafed to honour by this token of 
 her regard. 
 The fame of the preparations at the Rose Croft 
 had attracted, in addition to the invited guests, all 
 such mere idlers as the humbler ranks of the towns 
 people supplied. In their estimation Willy of the 
 Flats, ordinarily a comrade of the idle craft, but now 
 elevated into a character of some importance on a 
 theatre of higher honour, was a personage at the 
 present moment of no mean consideration, and he did 
 not fail to let his consequence be seen and felt by his 
 old compeers. His fiddle, which was soon to be 
 called into active employment, was as yet suspended 
 to the kitchen wall in its green bag, and he strutted, 
 in vacant leisure, across the lawn in the presence of 
 his envying cronies at the gateway, with a vain 
 glorious and self-gratulating step, that showed, at 
 least, how complacently he viewed his own exalta-
 tion, even if he did not win as much worship from 
 the spectators. 
 "Troth, Michael Mossbank," he said with a sig 
 nificant twinkle of the eye; "but we will make dainty 
 work of it to-night our junketing shall be spoken 
 of on both sides of the bay, come this many a long 
 "You may make Bible oath to that," replied the 
 gardener ; "and you would never be fore-sworn." 
 "Out upon thee, Michael, thyself, for a churl, a 
 cockle weed! I eat no broken victual, I trow, at 
 thy hands : he would have scant fare who waited on 
 thy charity. A crowder has as much worship as a 
 spade-lifter any day in the year so, cock your nose 
 at some" one below you!" 
 "A jest for a gibe, Willy," returned the gardener 
 good humouredly; "a jest for a gibe! Play turkey- 
 cock and swell to your heart's content! and when 
 you have let off your spite go to the gate where you 
 are wanted. Go, friend Willy, I would not vex 
 you, in faith." 
 The fiddler, not displeased at the chance of show 
 ing his importance to the loiterers about the gate, 
 addressed the assemblage, consisting of some dozen 
 auditors, with a discourse upon the behaviour ex 
 pected of them on this interesting occasion both by 
 himself and the master of the feast. 
 Prominent amongst those upon whom this instruc 
 tion was bestowed, was one who had ever regarded 
 Willy with singular deference: this was a lean and
 freckled lad, just on the verge of manhood, whose 
 unmeaning eye, relaxed fibre and ever present smile 
 denoted a stinted intellect, whilst his unoffending in- 
 quisitiveness gained him admission to the skirts of 
 all gatherings, whether festive or sad. His restless 
 foot and characteristic thirst for knowledge habitu 
 ally impelled him to seek the most conspicuous post 
 of observation, and he was now, accordingly, in the 
 foremost rank of Willy's hearers. Wise Watkin 
 (for by this name he was familiarly greeted by young 
 and old), notwithstanding the parsimony with which 
 nature had doled out to him the gift of wit, was 
 remarkable for his acquaintance with all classes of 
 persons, and for a certain share of cunning in pick 
 ing up the shreds of whatever rumour might chance, 
 for the time, to agitate the gossip of the town: he 
 was still more remarkable for his inordinate admira 
 tion of the fiddler. 
 Willy had just concluded his lecture of advice to 
 his cronies, when his attention was arrested by the 
 rumble of wheels heard at a distance, and by a cloud 
 of dust which was seen rising in the neighbouring 
 wood through which the road lay from the town. 
 "Hearken, neighbours, his Lordship's coach!" 
 he cried out. "We shall have it here anon, stuffed 
 with people of worship. Take ranks on each side of 
 the road quickly, I beseech you ! I will see you all 
 cared for at the feast. Now, remember, at my signal, 
 thus, hands to your caps, lads, and girls, sink: 
 do it comely and altogether."
 "Ranks, ranks!" exclaimed Wise Watkin, who, 
 with officious alacrity, began to push the crowd into 
 the array indicated by the fiddler. "Heed Willy, 
 and do as he bids. I warrant you, he knows what 
 will please the gentle-folks hands to your caps !" 
 The motley ranks being formed according to the 
 fiddler's direction, awaited the arrival of those for 
 whom this formal salutation was designed. 
 Instead of the Proprietary's coach, a few mo 
 ments disclosed a cart with a little thickset, shaggy 
 pony attached to it, coming at high gallop upon the 
 road. On the bench above the shafts was descried 
 the jolly figure of the landlady of the Crow and 
 Archer, in the identical suit of green and scarlet in 
 which we have heretofore noticed her, playing the 
 part of charioteer. Beside her sat the terrified Gar 
 ret Weasel, who, of too light bulk to maintain a solid 
 seat, jolted fearfully to and fro at every spring of the 
 vehicle. The pony had manifestly taken the speed 
 of his journey into his own discretion, and, with the 
 shank of the bit gripped between his teeth, and head 
 curved sidewise, set his course doggedly for the 
 gate, in obstinate resistance of the dame, who, with 
 both arms at stretch, reddened brow and clenched 
 teeth, tugged at the reins, to turn him into a road 
 that led, by a circuit, towards the rear of the dwell 
 ing, whither she was now conveying sundry articles 
 of provision which she had undertaken to supply for 
 the feast. 
 "For the Lord's sake, friends, stop the beast!"
 shouted the treble voice of the vintner as soon as 
 he perceived Willy's corps "stop us for the love of 
 mercy !" 
 As the crowd gathered to arrest the runaways, a 
 waive of the hand from the dame suspended their 
 purpose. Her mettle was roused by the contumacy 
 of the pony; whereupon, in disdain of the proffered 
 aid, she gave loose rein to her beast, and, at the 
 same time plying her whip across his flanks, whilst 
 her forlorn helpmate, with eyes starting from their 
 sockets, shouted aloud for help, flew through the 
 gateway with increased velocity, a broad smile 
 playing upon the face of the dame as she cried out 
 to the lookers on, "Never heed the babe, a gay ride 
 will mend his health." 
 The address of the landlady in safely passing 
 through the narrow way, elicited a general burst of 
 applause, which rang in shouts until she had fairly 
 got the better of the self-will of her four-footed an 
 tagonist, and had halted him, panting, at the back of 
 the house. 
 "By my gossip," exclaimed Willy; "it was no 
 such great mistake to set down Dame Dorothy's 
 tumbrel for my Lord's coach ! If it had been a coach 
 and six it could not have made more dust or better 
 "It could not, on my conscience!" shouted Wise 
 Watkin, in a shrill response to Willy's laugh. 
 "There's a tickle to the ribs! that fiddler Willy 
 should take Dame Dorothy's cart and bow-necked
 Bogle for my Lord's coach!" and with this reflec 
 tion he joined still louder in the chorus which echoed 
 the general merriment, not doubting that the laugh 
 was occasioned by Willy's mistake. 
 Meantime the company continued to arrive. The 
 coaches came with new freights, and fresh parties 
 on horseback alighted at the gate. The Collector, 
 more than usually precise in apparel, stood at the 
 door receiving the frequent comers with all that par 
 ticularity of observance which so strongly marked 
 the manners of the past century; and group after 
 group was ushered into the hall. Here Mistress 
 Alice, in sad-coloured, silken attire, plain and be 
 coming in its fashion, gave welcome to her visitors ; 
 whilst the Lady Maria, in character of what might 
 be termed the patroness of the revel, took post by 
 her side. 
 Blanche Warden, with a playfulness that vibrated 
 between the woman and the girl, abandoned the re 
 ception of the guests to the elders of the family, and 
 gave herself up to the guidance of her prevailing 
 humour, as she appeared, at one moment, in the hall 
 smiling amidst the congratulations of friends, and 
 at another, skimming across the lawn with a dozen 
 of her school-mates in the random flight of their 
 wild fancies. 
 For a time, until the thickening shades of twilight 
 and the keenness of the evening air began to ad 
 monish them of the comfort of the house, many of 
 the guests, attracted by the unusual mildness of the
 season, loitered about the door or strolled across the 
 With the lighting of candles the first notes of 
 Willy's fiddle were heard in a bravura flourish sum 
 moning the dancers to the hall; and here the ball 
 was opened, according to prescriptive custom, with 
 the country dance, which was led off by no less a per 
 sonage than the Lady Maria, attended by the wor 
 shipful Collector himself as her partner, the couple 
 affording, both in costume and movement, the richest 
 imaginable portraiture of that "ancientry and state" 
 which so wonderfully pleased the fancy of our pro 
 genitors. Other dances of the same character, min 
 gled with jigs and reels, succeeded, and the company 
 soon rose into that tone of enjoyment which the con 
 tagious merriment of the dance diffuses over all such 
 assemblages. Cards, at that day, even more than at 
 present, constituted the sober resource of the elder 
 and graver portions of society of both sexes; and 
 accordingly, by degrees, the Collector had drawn off 
 to the parlour a respectable corps of veterans, who, 
 grouped around the small tables, pursued this ancient 
 pastime with that eagerness which it has always in 
 spired amongst its votaries, leaving the hall to the 
 unchecked mirth of the dancers. 
 "We heard it said that Master Cocklescraft, of the 
 Olive Branch, was to be here to-night," said Grace 
 Blackiston, as she encountered Blanche in the dance. 
 "He told Father Pierre that he was coming: and I 
 have heard it whispered too, that he has brought
 some pretty presents with him from abroad. I do 
 not behold him yet, and here is the evening half gone. 
 Oh, I do long to see him, for they say he dances 
 so well. Is he not coming?" 
 "He has been bidden," replied Blanche, "though 
 not much with my will : I care not whether he comes 
 or stays away." 
 "Ha, Blanche has no eye but for Master Albert," 
 said the merry maiden, as she turned off and ad 
 dressed herself to a school-mate who stood near; 
 "yet a good dancer is not to be scorned now-a-days, 
 even if the Secretary were a better. And if he were 
 a better, he doesn't dance so much that we should 
 content ourselves with him. The Secretary has not 
 been on the floor to-night, but must needs be track 
 ing and trailing Father Pierre about the room. I 
 do believe he does so for no purpose but to win 
 sights of Blanche Warden. I wonder if the dullard 
 can be in love ? It looks hugely like it." 
 The Secretary had, in truth, not yet mingled in 
 the dance, but from the beginning of the evening had 
 loitered in the hall, apparently watching the sports, 
 and, now and then, communing with Father Pierre, 
 who, though a priestly, was far from being a silent 
 or grave looker-on. 
 "They will presently begin to think Master Albert 
 Verheyden intends to set himself up for a philoso 
 pher," he said, as the Secretary encountered him on 
 the skirts of the dancers, the eye of the priest beam 
 ing with good-natured playfulness. "It is not usual
 for a squire of dames to be so contemplative. My 
 son, have you given over the company of damsels to 
 consort with an old priest in so gay a scene as this ?" 
 "Father, I would dance if there were need; but 
 there is not often an empty space upon the floor, nor 
 lack of those who seek to fill it. It pleases me as 
 well to hold discourse with you." 
 "Ah, benedictus ! my son, it is not at your time of 
 life that you may gain credence for such self-denial. 
 More than one of the maidens has put the question to 
 me to-night, how this should come to pass." 
 "Reverend father, though I will not deny I love 
 the dance, yet my nurture long made me a 
 stranger to it; and now, since my fortune has 
 brought me into the gay world, I scarce may con 
 quer the diffidence I feel to exhibit myself in such 
 unaccustomed exercise." 
 "It is an innocent pleasure, son Albert, and a 
 graceful. There is healthful virtue in these laughing 
 faces and active limbs. St. Ignatius forbid that I 
 should commend an unseemly sport ! but it hath ever 
 been my belief that the young men can find no better 
 instructors in the gentle perfections of charity and 
 good will than in their sport-mates amongst the 
 maidens, and so I preach in mine office : nor, truly, 
 may the maidens better learn how to temper their 
 behaviour with the grace of pleasing which hath in 
 it a summary of many excellences, Master Albert 
 than in the fellowship of our sons. Now, away with 
 thee! There is Blanche Warden, who has sent her
 eye hither a dozen times, since we have been speak 
 ing, to ask the question why I detain thee from thy 
 duty. Ah, blessed Therese! daughter Blanche does 
 not suspect I am chiding thee for that very fault 
 Go, my son ; it were shame to see you so little dainty 
 in your company to prefer the cassock to the petti 
 coat. Go, go !" 
 The lively gesture of the priest and his laughing 
 face, as he dismissed the Secretary from his side, at 
 tracted the notice of Blanche, who, as Albert Ver- 
 heyden approached her, saluted him with 
 "I am right glad, Master Albert, that Father Pierre 
 has seen fit to bestow upon you such chiding as, with 
 a will, I would have given you myself. I looked to 
 you to help me through my ball to-night, and made 
 sure of it that you would lead out some of the maid 
 ens to dance; for there are many here that have not 
 yet had their turn : there's Mistress Hay, the View 
 er's sister, she has sat there all night, unregarded 
 by mortal man. Ah, Master Albert, you are no true 
 friend to desert me in my need." 
 "Fair Mistress Blanche," replied the Secretary 
 with a downcast look, "I stand under your displea 
 sure, and acknowledge my undeserving. Indeed, my 
 dull brain did not perceive your straits. I waited for 
 your bidding. You will pardon me that, being 
 trained to obedience on your command, I did not now 
 presume to move without it. I will away and lead 
 forth the Viewer's sister on the instant." 
 "Nay, stay now : I have saved you that errand.
 Captain Dauntrees, upon my petition, has proffered 
 his hand, and, you may see, they are now standing on 
 the floor ready to begin. You shall find other duty." 
 "To dance with you, gentle mistress, an' it like 
 "How can it but like me, Master Albert?" Oh, but 
 I do affect this dancing ! And yet, truly, I much bet 
 ter like it as we have danced many a time at the 
 Rose Croft, on a winter's night, with our handful of 
 cronies, and sister Alice to touch the spinnet to a gay 
 tune, and you to teach us these new over-sea dances. 
 These were pleasant hours, Master Albert, and worth 
 a world of our stately birth-day junketings. Was it 
 not so?" 
 "I love not the crowd," returned the Secretary 
 with a lively emotion; "but these fire-side pastimes! 
 you may praise them with your most prodigal speech, 
 and still fall short of their just meed. We had no 
 holiday finery there to make proud the eye, nor 
 glozing speech to set up perfections which we did 
 not own, nor studied behaviour to win opinion by; 
 but what we were we seemed, and what we felt we 
 said. There is more virtue in these hearth-side com- 
 munings than you shall find in a hemisphere of 
 "Ah, Master Albert, you have seen the gaudy 
 world on the other side of the water, and can speak 
 of it with assurance. Our little, unfurnished province 
 hath but scant pleasures for you : it is a make-believe 
 to praise our homely hearths."
 "Now, by the blessed virgin Therese! I speak, 
 Mistress Blanche, the very breathings of my secret 
 heart, and tell you, though little I can boast of ac 
 quaintance with that gaudy world, nothing have I 
 seen, dreamed or tasted of worldly pleasure, nay, 
 nothing have I, in the wildest flight of fond imagina 
 tion, ever fancied of human happiness, that might 
 exceed the rich delight c those household scenes you 
 speak of." 
 "Were they not happy!" exclaimed Blanche, kin 
 dling into a rapture excited by the fervour of the 
 Secretary's earnest and eloquent manner. "We owe 
 so much of it to you, Master Albert. Until you came 
 into the province, we sometimes had a weary hour at 
 the Rose Croft : now, my father finds it weary when 
 you are away. I do not, because I may surely count 
 that it shall never be long until you are here again. 
 Sancta Maria! did we not stand here to dance? 
 and, look you, our turn has past all unheeded. Truly, 
 they will say we were both distraught ! We will to 
 the foot again and take another turn." 
 It was as the maiden had said. In the engross 
 ment of their conversation they had been passed by 
 in the country-dance. As they now went to the foot 
 to bring themselves into place, Blanche whispered, 
 "I rejoice the Skipper is not come to-night : his 
 shrewdness has taught him, notwithstanding my 
 father's good will, that there is but little relish for his 
 company at the Rose Croft." 
 "You reckon without your host, Mistress Blanche,"
 replied the Secretary. "There is the Skipper outside 
 of the window; and not well pleased with his own 
 ruminations, if I may judge by his folded arms and 
 thoughtful eye." 
 Cocklescraft had been in the porch, looking in upon 
 the scene, some moments before he was observed; a 
 crowd of domestics having so pre-occupied the same 
 station as almost to shield him from the notice of 
 those within. Whilst Blanche and Albert now danced, 
 he had planted himself in the door. His countenance 
 was grave, his attitude statue-like, and his eye sharply 
 followed the motions of the maiden. His dress, 
 somewhat outlandish but still within the license of 
 that period, was of a Spanish fashion, profusely dec 
 orated with embroidery and set off by jewels of ex 
 ceeding richness. The thoughtfulness of his coun 
 tenance denoted an abstraction, of which he was ob 
 viously not conscious at the moment, for he no sooner 
 caught the glance of Blanche than his whole bearing 
 underwent a sudden change; his eye sparkled, his 
 lip assumed a smile, and he became at once, in ap 
 pearance, the gay and careless reveller. 
 "God save the Rose of St. Mary's, the beautiful 
 flower of our New World !" he said, as he approached 
 the maiden with what she could not fail to note 
 as an over-acted effort to assume the cavalier. "Viva 
 la Padrona, tutta bella, tutta bona ! The damsels of 
 Portugal will teach you the meaning of that speech,- 
 pretty mistress. St. lago! but you have a gallant 
 company to-night," he added, as he cast his eyes
 around; in doing which he recognised Albert Ver- 
 heyden with a scarcely perceptible nod of the head, 
 and then turned his back upon him. "By your leave, 
 Mistress Blanche, I would dance with you at your 
 first leisure : the next dance, or the next, I am thine 
 humble servant for as long as you will. Shall it not 
 be the next dance, lady?" 
 "I will tell you anon : I know not whether I may 
 dance again to-night, Master Cocklescraft," replied 
 the maiden coldly. 
 "There spoke the same tongue that refused my 
 mantle! Your cruelty, mistress, exceeds that beauty 
 which all men so boast of in this province. I would 
 that I might bring you to look upon me with com 
 passion. Not even a dance with the queen of our 
 feast! A poor, rough-spoken sailor meets but little 
 grace in a lady's favour, when white handed lute- 
 players and ballad-singing pages stand ready at her 
 call. It is even as you will ! damsels have the privi 
 lege of denial all the world over, and I am too much 
 of a gallant to trouble you with an unwelcome 
 suit " 
 "I will dance with you, Master Cocklescraft," said 
 Blanche anxiously, as she saw the chafed spirit of the 
 Skipper working in his face notwithstanding his effort 
 to disguise it; whilst, at the same time, she feared that 
 his peevish allusion to the Secretary might have been 
 overheard; "call on me for the next set, and I will 
 dance with you." 
 "Now by the light, I thought your goodness would
 relent ! 'Tis not in your nature to be unkind. Gra- 
 cias! I am at your feet, Senora I shall be on the 
 watch. Scotch jig, reel, or country-dance, they all 
 come pat to me. I can dance the bransle, cinque- 
 pace, or minuet the corant, fandango, or gailliard. 
 You shall find me at home, mistress, in every clime. 
 Meantime, I will seek our host, the worshipful Col 
 lector : I have not seen him yet." 
 This unusual familiarity in the address of the Skip 
 per, and the importunate and even offensive freedom 
 of his manner were the result of an endeavour to 
 conceal a discontented temper under the mask of 
 gaiety. He had brooded over the incidents con 
 nected with his late visit to the Rose Croft, until he 
 had wrought himself into a tone of feeling that 
 might engender any extravagance of behaviour. 
 "Why, Richard Cocklescraft," said the host, upon 
 looking up from the cards which had been absorb 
 ing his attention, and discovering the Skipper, "art 
 thou here amongst the grey beards ? Why should you 
 flock to the old fowl when the young are gathered 
 in the hall ? There is no gout in your toe, I warrant. 
 Get thee back, man we will have no deserters here! 
 You promised to bring a blithe foot for a jig, Master 
 Cocklescraft; art tired of the sport already?" 
 "In truth, worshipful Master Warden," replied the 
 Skipper, "I have, but within this half hour, arrived 
 at the house ; 'tis not long since I left my brigantine, 
 where matters on board detained me." 
 "Ha, and you have not danced to-night ? Then you
 owe Blanche a turn of duty. Go quickly back, 
 Richard, and foot it with my girl. I have praised 
 your leg, man, and said enough to put you on your 
 mettle. Back to the hall, Master Cocklescraft, and 
 say to Blanche I sent thee for a straight-backed com 
 rade to hold her to the pledge of a reel." 
 "I am already bound to that pledge, and the time 
 is at hand to make it good. I but stole away for an 
 instant to pay my duty here," replied the Skipper; 
 and taking heart from the familiar greeting of his 
 host, returned to the dancing apartment with lighter 
 step and more cheerful face. 
 Blanche took the earliest moment to perform her 
 engagement, hoping by this alacrity to acquit herself 
 of her obligation in a manner least calculated to 
 occasion remark, and soonest to disembarrass herself 
 of her partner's importunity. The dance, on her part, 
 was a reluctant courtesy, and was accordingly so 
 manifested in her demeanour, in spite of her resolu 
 tion to the contrary. Cocklescraft, however, was too 
 much elated to perceive how ill he stood in the 
 maiden's grace. 
 When the engagement was accomplished the 
 maiden quickly escaped from her distasteful suitor, 
 by retiring from the hall and mingling with other 
 The guests were now summoned to supper. In a 
 wing of the dwelling house the tables were loaded 
 with dainty cheer, more to be remarked for its capa 
 city to please the palate, than for the enticements
 which modern epicurism has invented to gratify the 
 eye. An orderly division of matrons in damask and 
 brocade, escorted by quaint cavaliers in periwigs, 
 moved forward at a measured pace to make the first 
 'onslaught. These were followed by active bevies of 
 youthful revellers, who rushed pell-mell to the scene 
 of assault. 
 Upon the lawn in front of the house, Albert Ver- 
 heyden had erected a bower, which sheltered a rus 
 tic altar dedicated to St. Therese, over which the 
 name of Blanche had been wrought in large letters, 
 formed by a number of suspended lamps, which 
 threw a softened light for a considerable space 
 around. Hither, after supper, Mr. Warden, with a 
 small party of his guests, had strolled, in the inter 
 val before the sports of the evening were resumed. 
 Cocklescraft had watched the opportunity, and now, 
 somewhat elated with wine as well as buoyed up with 
 hope, had tracked the Collector's footsteps until he 
 found him separated some little space from his 
 "Well met, Master Warden!" was the Skipper's 
 accost, so familiarly whispered in the ear of his host 
 as to produce a slight movement of surprise. "Well 
 met, Caballero! I have a word for thy private ear; 
 this way, if you please. It is somewhat cool, so I. 
 will to my purpose roundly, in seaman's fashion." 
 "Speak what thou wilt, but quickly, Master 
 Cocklescraft, and in plain phrase: I shall like it the 
 '* Master Warden, then, without mincing the 
 matter, I would have your leave to woo our beautiful 
 maiden, your daughter." 
 "Who, what, how?" interrupted the Collector, 
 in a voice that spoke his astonishment. 
 "Your daughter, Mistress Blanche; ay, and have 
 your good word to the suit: I love her like a true 
 son of the sea heartily, and in that sort would woo 
 "What is it you ask?" again spoke the host with 
 increased surprise. 
 "I have gear enough, Master Warden; no man 
 may turn his heel on me for lack of gold." 
 "How now, sirrah!" interrupted the Collector, as 
 in this brief space the storm had gathered to the 
 bursting point: "You would woo my daughter? 
 woo her ? my Blanche ? Richard Cocklescraf t, hast 
 lost thy wits turned fool, idiot; or is thy brain 
 fevered with drink ? You make suit to my daughter ! 
 You win and wear a damsel of her nurture! Hear 
 me. Thy craft is a good craft I do not deny it; 
 an honest calling, when lawfully followed! a brave 
 calling! but thou sail'st on a false reckoning when 
 thou hopest to find favour with my girl Blanche. 
 Thy rough sea- jacket and thy sharking license on 
 the salt sea mates not with daughter of mine : the 
 rose leaf and the sea-nettle ! You venture too largely 
 on your welcome, sirrah!" he said, as his anger be 
 gan to show itself in his quickened speech, above his 
 effort to restrain it. "Master Skipper, there is in-
 science in this. Hark you, sir ! if you would not have 
 me disown your acquaintance and forbid you my 
 house, you will never speak again of my daugh 
 With this brief rebuke of the Skipper's aspirations 
 the host retreated hastily, and much out of humour, 
 into the house, leaving his guest in a state of be 
 wilderment at the sudden and unexpected issue of the 
 interview. For a moment the seaman stood fixed on 
 the spot, his lips compressed, his hands clenched, 
 and his eye directed to the retiring figure of the 
 Collector : at length, beginning to find breath and 
 motion, he muttered, "So, it has come to this! he 
 has been playing the hypocrite ! It was but a holiday 
 welcome, after all ! I shall note it for future remem 
 brance. A sea-nettle! By Saint Anthony he shall 
 find me one ! And that sharking license he spoke of : 
 he shall taste its flavour. This girl hath been trained 
 in her dislikes. Oh, it is his sport to see me foiled ! 
 I am brought here express to the ball by his per 
 suasion, nay, command; I am caressed with cour 
 tesies, and even challenged to romps with the maiden 
 by his own lips. Who so free in his admission here 
 as I? Thou'rt not too old yet, Anthony Warden, 
 to be taught the hazard of rousing a Bloody Brother ! 
 And as for thee, gay maiden, dream on of thy book 
 ish ballad-singer, Master Albert ! I have a reckoning 
 to settle with him. It will be a dainty exploit to send 
 him, feet foremost, into the Chapel for a blessing. 
 Luckily, Sir Secretary, you owe me the worth of
 an unsatisfied grudge! Softly Master Verheyden 
 himself! we meet at a fortunate hour." 
 The soliloquy of the Skipper was interrupted by 
 the approach of the Secretary, who entered alone 
 into the bower and paused a moment before the little 
 altar. A light tap on the shoulder made Albert 
 aware of the presence of Cocklescraft, and turning 
 round to confront the person who gave it, he was 
 immediately greeted with the accost, "I have a word 
 for your ear, sir; if you be a man you will follow 
 me out of this broad light. What I have to say is 
 better told where no one may observe us ; follow me, 
 "You are somewhat too peremptory," replied the 
 Secretary, as he stepped after the Skipper toward the 
 cliff : "I follow, though I think more courtesy would 
 befit your station. I have once before marked and 
 reproved your rudeness." 
 "I have no courtesies to waste on thee," said 
 Cocklescraft, sharply; "my business is with my 
 manhood. You have the maiden to thank that I did 
 not bring you to instant account for that insolent re 
 proof you speak of. I come to deal with you upon 
 it now. Art thou a man? Dar'st thou meet me 
 to-morrow, at noon, at Cornwaleys's Cross?" 
 "I dare meet you and any or all who have right to 
 claim it of me," replied Albert, promptly, "in the 
 way of honourable quarrel, if such be the meaning 
 of your challenge. And although I am ignorant of 
 your degree, and may question your right to defy
 me to equal contest, yet honoured as you have been 
 under this roof, I shall rest content with that 
 as sufficient pledge of your claim to my attention. 
 You shall find me, sir, punctual to your sum 
 "I scorn the shallow claim," returned the Skipper, 
 "to such honour as they who inhabit here may con 
 fer. The master of the Olive Branch need not vail 
 his top to a clerkish spinrter of syllables, even though 
 the minion's writing-stool be found in my Lord's 
 own ante-chamber. I shall see you to-morrow at 
 noon, at the Cross." 
 "To-morrow at noon," replied the Secretary, "you 
 shall not complain of my absence, sir." 
 "It is well! So good night, Master Secretary!" 
 rejoined the Skipper, scornfully, as he bowed to his 
 antagonist and set forth to seek his boat, which lay 
 in waiting beneath the bank. 
 The Secretary turned towards the dwelling, some 
 what disturbed by the novel situation into which he 
 had been so unexpectedly thrown, but resolved to 
 conceal the disquiet of his mind and preserve the 
 same outward composure which had marked his de 
 portment during the previous portion of the even 
 "Who lurks there?" he demanded in a stern voice, 
 as he perceived the figure of a man stealing off from 
 his path immediately in the vicinity of the spot where 
 the interview with Cocklescraft had terminated, 
 "Who is it?" he added, checking himself and speak-
 ing in a gentler tone, "that plays hide and seek here 
 on the lawn ?" 
 "Nobody," returned a voice from the shelter of 
 the shrubbery, "nobody but me, honourable Master 
 Verheyden : me, Watkin," continued the half-witted 
 lad, as he came visibly into the presence of the Secre 
 tary. "Hav'nt we had a famous junketing? Oh, 
 what I have eaten and drunk this blessed night ! and 
 what dancing, Master Verheyden! was there ever 
 such fiddling? Willy is a treasure to the quality, I 
 warrant you. Where have you such another?" 
 "You should be looking on at the dancing," said 
 Albert, anxious to ascertain from the lad if he had 
 heard anything of what had just passed between 
 himself and Cocklescraft. "How comes it, Watkin, 
 that you are away from your post?" 
 "Oh, bless you, Master Verheyden, I have more 
 on my hands than you would guess in a week's striv 
 ing. Now, what should Mistress Coldcale say to me 
 when I had gobbled up my supper, but, Watkin, take 
 this trencher and this pot down to the bank side, and 
 there feed the seamen of Master Cocklescraft's boat, 
 which you shall find at the landing below the garden. 
 And so, truly, there I found the hungry tarpaulins : 
 and they did eat, Master Albert, like fishes, and drink 
 like wolves. It is Mistress Blanche's birth-day, says 
 I, so we will have no hungry bellies here, comrades. 
 And they laughed, and I came up the bank as I went, 
 running almost out of breath to see fiddler Willy
 strike up again. And that's the way I fell pop upon 
 you, Master Secretary." 
 "It was a lucky speed, Watkin; now get thee 
 gone!" said Albert, as he slowly bent his steps 
 towards the hall and mingled again in the bustle of 
 the scene. 
 As midnight drew near the elder guests had all 
 retired; and at last even the most buoyant began to 
 yield to that weariness of limb, by which nature has 
 set her limit to the endurance of social pleasure, no 
 less peremptorily to those in the prime of youth than 
 to such as wane in their days of decline. 
 These businesses of fighting 
 Should be despatched as doctors do prescribe 
 Physical pills, not to be chew'd but swallowed: 
 Time spent in the considering deads the appetite. 
 EARLY in the morning after the ball, Willy of the 
 Flats, who had spent the night amongst the servants 
 at the Rose Croft, strayed forth from his truckle bed 
 and betook himself to the margin of St. Inigoe's 
 creek, where he sat down to look abroad over the 
 waters at the rising sun, and to profit by the breeze 
 as it cooled his brow, still aching with the effects of 
 the late revel. He had not been long in this position 
 before Wise Watkin, fresh from a truss of hay in
 the barn, espied him, and now hastened to take a 
 seat at his side. 
 "Well, lad of the clear head and mother wit, what 
 has brought you to the waterside so early?" was 
 Willy's question, as the obsequious Watkin came into 
 the presence of his patron. 
 "As I lay in the barn, Willy," replied Watkin, 
 with a world of gravity in his looks, "I heard first 
 a hem, mark you, and then a cough; and says I, 
 that's Willy of the Flats, by the sound of his throat. 
 And so, I gets up and looks out through the cranny, 
 and, sure enough, there was you walking, with your 
 hands in your pockets and your hat set a one side 
 like a gentleman : and then, says I, if Willy's stir 
 ring now so early, honest folks ought to be abroad 
 too. And with that, out I walked, he, he, he! and 
 here I am sitting beside you, like another gentle 
 "Then, Wise Watkin, since we are so sociable, 
 tell me what you think of our ball last night?" 
 "Oh, grand ! grand, grand, Master Willy ! Oh, 
 you have tickled Toby in the ribs, Master Willy! 
 you have done it, as it was never done before. 
 People will talk of Willy of the Flats after this. 
 Mistress Blanche will talk of you, Master Albert 
 will talk of you. I shouldn't wonder if his Lordship 
 should send you a purse of gold. I'm sure it's no 
 more than folks look to see done." 
 "And Mistress Coldcale did not stint to give you 
 plenty to stay your stomach, Watkin?"
 "Plenty, troth, and to spare, Willy ! Mistress Cold- 
 cale is a mother of open hands. I could live under 
 Mistress Coldcale all my born days and never grudge 
 what I did for her." 
 "Mistress Bridget will give us our breakfast this 
 morning," said the fiddler, patting the simpleton on 
 the head; "and then, Watkin, we must away. It 
 will not be well taken if we tarry too long after the 
 "There is more sport on hand to-day, Willy. We 
 must not go till that be over. There is to be a set-to 
 at Cornwaleys's Cross to-day." 
 "A set-to?" 
 "I know all about it, Master Willy. I heard them 
 appoint it." 
 "Heard who? What dost thou mean, Wise 
 "Listen, Willy ; it was as I shall tell you. When 
 I carried fodder to the boat last night, as Mistress 
 Bridget ordered I call a full trencher of meat fod 
 der, Master Willy I comes back by the way of the 
 stile over the hedge, when what should I see but two 
 gentlefolks in a discourse, and what should I hear 
 but Til meet you, and you will meet me to-morrow 
 morning at noon, at Cornwaleys's Cross.' Oh, it is 
 a made up business, Willy." 
 "Who art thou speaking of, thou slippery-witted 
 fool?" demanded the fiddler, sharply. 
 "Nay, if you tax me so keenly, Willy, I will not 
 answer. I could have told you what Master Albert
 said to me afterwards, when Master Cocklescraft 
 went over the bank and into his boat but I will 
 not, for thy sharpness." 
 "Now, Watkin, wise lad, are you not a fool to, 
 take in dudgeon the freedom of an old friend? 
 Come, there's a hand and in token of good will 
 you will tell me what all this story comes to." 
 "As true as I am an honest man, Willy, I heard 
 it. Master Cocklescraft comes first to the hedge 
 and Master Verheyden following. Oh ho, says I, 
 here's a state matter, and so I doused my head under 
 the hedge. Then Master Cocklescraft says to our 
 honourable Secretary, you will meet me if you are 
 a man. And the Secretary says, I am a man of as 
 good gristle as you, and I will meet you at the Cross 
 Cornwaleys's Cross. When? says Cocklescraft 
 at noon to-morrow morning, says the Secretary. 
 I'll go and get ready, says Cocklescraft; and with 
 that, off he marches. There will be a pretty wrest 
 ling match for you, Master Willy ! And I shouldn't 
 wonder if they should get to a pitch of the bar before 
 they part: Master Cocklescraft has a great arm for 
 heaving a bar. You and me, Willy, will be there to 
 see it. Oh I made up my mind last night that the 
 first thing I did this day was to tell you, that you 
 might see it. I know you love a wrestle, Willy." 
 "Truly, this is a matter to be looked to, Watkin, 
 I will cast it over in my mind and tell you whether 
 we shall go to it or not." 
 "Well," continued Watkin, "the Secretary turns
 himself about to go to the house, and suddenly, out 
 of the back of his head, he spies me; and so takes 
 me to an account to say what I lurked there for. 
 Oh, bless you, Willy, I didn't tell him! I am no 
 fool; if I had let on about the wrestling I should 
 never have had the luck to get sight of it these 
 gentlefolks will not be a country gaze I know them : 
 the Secretary was not going to tickle Toby in my 
 ribs. All he got out of me was that I had borne a 
 trencher of fodder to the boatmen and so he went 
 his way, and I went mine." 
 "Thou art a wise boy, Watkin, and all that I 
 would have thee do now is keep thy counsel. Say 
 not a word of this to living man. We will have it 
 clean to ourselves." 
 "My lips shall be as fast as a padlock, Master 
 Willy. Mortal man shall not screw it out of me." 
 The fiddler having extracted from Wise Watkin 
 the particulars detailed in this dialogue, was shrewd 
 enough to interpret them according to the real nature 
 of the incident to which they referred. He knew 
 that the lad was scrupulous in telling the truth, as 
 well as he comprehended it, in all matters that came 
 under his observation, and Willy therefore had no 
 reserve in the assurance that there was on foot a 
 quarrel between the Secretary and the Skipper, which 
 was to be adjusted at Cornwaleys's Cross, on that 
 Upon revolving over the circumstances of Wat- 
 kins's disclosure, and maturely perpending, after his
 own manner, the pressure of the case, he came to 
 the wise conclusion that the best thing he could do 
 was to communicate the whole story to Blanche and 
 leave the matter in her hands. Accordingly, as soon 
 as the maiden had taken her morning repast, he 
 gained access to her in the little bower of St. Therese, 
 and there made her a confidential relation of the 
 particulars, not only as he received them from Wise 
 Watkin, but with such commentary as occurred to 
 him to belong to the probable state of the facts. 
 Blanche received the communication with the deepest 
 emotion. Whilst the fiddler told his story, her cheek 
 grew pale tears started in her eyes, her lip quiv 
 ered, her limbs, at last, became rigid, and she fainted 
 away. Before Willy, however, could quit her side 
 to call in others to her relief, she revived, and with 
 a tottering step made her way into the house. After 
 it was possible for her to realize fully the meaning 
 of all that Willy had told, she called her sister Alice 
 into a conference, and their joint conclusion was 
 to make known the matter to Mr. Warden. But 
 the Collector had already gone abroad, and time 
 pressed, leaving but a few hours for action. Their 
 next resource was Father Pierre ; and instantly upon 
 the thought of him, Alice sat down and wrote the 
 reverend priest a letter, narrating the whole story 
 and imploring his instant intercession by such offices 
 as he might believe most effectual to frustrate the 
 purpose of the belligerents. When the letter was 
 ready, Willy of the Flats was summoned into the
 presence of the ladies, and was strictly charged to 
 hie him with all haste to Father Pierre's dwelling, and 
 to put the missive into his own hands, as a matter of 
 the utmost importance requiring his immediate atten 
 tion. To this charge was added a dozen alternatives 
 adapted to every contingency dependent upon father 
 Pierre's possible absence or inability to act. Thus 
 commissioned, Willy, followed by his shadow, 
 Wise Watkin, set forth for the town, at a rate 
 which kept the good-natured attendant in a half 
 Whilst these things were going on at the Rose 
 Croft, the Secretary was not idle in his preparation, 
 for the issues of the day. He awoke at the dawn of 
 day, full of the thoughts connected with the affair in 
 hand; and in casting about for a fit counsellor and 
 friend in this emergency, he fixed his attention upon 
 Captain Dauntrees, as a man who would not only do 
 him a friendly turn, but as one well qualified to ad 
 vise him how to comport himself through the ordeal 
 of the meeting. Having resolved instantly to see 
 the Captain, he arose, and before the domestics were 
 stirring about the Proprietary mansion, threw his 
 cloak over his shoulder, concealing under its folds 
 his rapier, and betook himself to the Fort. Being 
 admitted by the sentry, he hastened to the little par 
 lour of the Captain's quarters, where he arrived 
 whilst that worthy was still snoring in his bed. The 
 master of the garrison, however, was soon awak 
 ened from his slumber by a servant with the
 announcement of his visitor, and immediately after 
 wards threw open his chamber door, which com 
 municated with the parlour, and disclosed to the 
 Secretary his burly figure half attired, whilst he was 
 yet busy in throwing on his garments. 
 "Good morrow, Master Verheyden !" he said with 
 a yawn, scarcely half awake ; "I take shame to myself 
 for a laggard to have so honourable a guest my 
 teacher of good habits in early rising. But the 
 Collector's wine was drugged last night, and had 
 a virtue of sleepiness in it which hath touched me in 
 the brain pan. It is not more than once in a man's 
 lifetime, Master Secretary, that so choice a maiden 
 as our Mistress Blanche comes to so rich an age as 
 eighteen. You may search the two hemispheres for 
 another like her, and still make a bootless er 
 rand of it. It was an occasion for a cup, and a 
 most reasonable excuse for a late nap in the morn 
 "The sun is just peering above the water, Cap 
 tain," replied the Secretary; "and he who sleeps 
 no later than sunrise, even without the excuse of a 
 night revel, may scarcely be chid for laziness. I 
 have broken in thus early upon you that I might 
 speak with you on a matter of moment to myself. I 
 want your counsel and friendship in an affair touch 
 ing mine honour, Captain Dauntrees." 
 "Ah, is it there the wind sits? Tarry, Master 
 Verheyden, but a moment, whilst I get my serving 1 
 man to truss my points, I shall be with you anon.
 An affair of the sword, truly ! It is well to be early 
 in the consideration of such matters. Matchcote, 
 hark ye! come hither, quickly," he shouted from 
 his door to his valet ; "come, gather these points and 
 set me abroad. There, there, now leave us, and 
 busy thyself about breakfast, Matchcote, we shall 
 have a relish for the best in the larder. Away, good 
 fellow!" As soon as the servant, in obedience to 
 this order, had left the apartment, the Captain in 
 quired "Who have we opposed to us, Master Ver- 
 heyden? Do we take him with long sword, tuck or 
 rapier? Where do we meet? But first begin the 
 story at the beginning." 
 "That I propose to do, Captain," said the Secre 
 tary, smiling. "This Cocklescraft, the master of 
 the Olive Branch, hath chosen to conceive himself 
 offended by a rebuke I found it necessary to give him 
 for some unseasonable importunity of our maiden of 
 the Rose Croft. It is almost a sennight past, and he 
 must needs tax me with it last night and challenge 
 me to a trial of manhood. His challenge grows 
 out of some sudden moodiness engendered by some 
 what that vexed him at the dance. Now, though I 
 hold the Skipper as scarce privileged to exact of me 
 the redress of his weapon, being of a base condition 
 so far as he is known in the province yet, Cap 
 tain, I did not choose to be defied by him, and, there 
 fore, without parley or asking time for deliberation, 
 accepted his challenge, wherein it was appointed to 
 hold the meeting this day at noon at Cornwaleys's
 Cross. I would entreat your friendship to stand by 
 me in this appointment ; and, as I am all unversed in 
 the usage of the duel, your better experience may 
 instruct me." 
 "It was well done on your part, Master Albert, 
 exceeding well done," replied the Captain. "I ap 
 plaud you for a gentleman of prompt spirit, and care 
 ful consideration of his honour. This same Master 
 Cocklescraft needs such discipline as you may teach 
 him. He tosses the feather of his bonnet somewhat 
 more jauntily over his shoulder than he has warrant 
 to do; and he hath a trick of turning the buckle of 
 his belt behind more frequently than peaceable, well- 
 disposed persons may choose to bear. I have noted 
 him with greater strictness than others in the port, 
 and have, from the first, written him down a dog of 
 rough breed, notwithstanding his velvet jerkin and 
 golden tassels. I have seen too many whelps of that 
 litter, Master Verheyden, not to know them when I 
 meet them. You did well to receive his challenge, 
 although one would hardly have thought you had 
 learned as much in the seminary at Antwerp. At 
 noon, is it ? We have some hours before us, Master 
 Secretary, and may employ the time in practice for 
 the encounter. I will give you some cautions that 
 shall stand you in stead to-day." 
 Whilst the Secretary was undergoing the Cap 
 tain's preparatory training in the Fort, the Skipper 
 was no less busy in making provision for the meet 
 ing. Having secured the services of a second, he
 betook himself on board of his vessel, which he 
 caused to be loosed from her mooring and then 
 dropped down the river opposite the creek of St, 
 Inigoe's, where he anchored his purpose being to 
 take a position convenient to the spot chosen for the 
 encounter, and to which he might proceed without 
 suspicion from the townspeople. 
 Cornwaleys's Cross was situated near the most 
 inland extremity of a deep and narrow inlet, known 
 by the name of St. Luke's creek a branch of St. 
 Inigoe's on a piece of meadow, surrounded by 
 woods, immediately at the foot of a range of hills, 
 not more than four miles, by land, from the Port of 
 St. Mary's, and about half that distance by water 
 from the anchorage of the Olive Branch. This spot 
 was traditionally notorious to the inhabitants of the 
 town as the scene of a melancholy event that had 
 happened nearly fifty years anterior to the date of 
 this story, in which a gentleman of repute in the 
 early history of the province, Captain Cornwaleys. 
 had the misfortune, on a hunting excursion, accident 
 ally and with fatal effect to lodge the contents of his 
 carbine in the bosom of his friend. The bitterness of 
 this unhappy gentleman's grief, unallayed by active 
 and meritorious service in the early wars of the 
 colony, induced him, in the decline of his life, to 
 erect a hermitage on the spot, whither he retired, in 
 obedience to a penitential vow, and dedicated the 
 remnant of his days to austere self-denial and relig 
 ious devotion. A cross of locust, now swayed from
 its perpendicular by age, still reared its shattered 
 frame above the ruins of the ancient hermitage. 
 In the vicinity of this spot, about half an hour be 
 fore noon, occasional glimpses through the foliage 
 might have been had of Captain Dauntrees and 
 Albert Verheyden, followed by Matchcote, the Cap 
 tain's man, all mounted, as they descended the 
 hill in the rear of St. Luke's, by a winding, gravelly 
 road, partially overgrown with bay-tree, alder, and 
 laurel. The murmur of cheerful conversation, and 
 now and then an outflash of audible mirth in the 
 voice of the Captain, for some moments before they 
 arrived at their halting point, would have puzzled a 
 casual hearer to guess the nature of their errand: 
 and when they reached the level ground and finally 
 reined up their horses, hard by the old, wind-shaken 
 cross, Dauntrees was till engaged in narrating to 
 the Secretary some story of pleasant interest, which 
 had evidently, for the time, drawn off at least the 
 narrator's thoughts from the main purpose of the 
 "By our patron! Master Verheyden," said the 
 commander of the Fort, as he carefully clambered 
 down from his saddle and drew forth his watch, "we 
 have here reached our ground before I was aware of 
 it : a cheerful companion has a marvellous faculty 
 in abridging a long road. The adventures of this 
 Claude de la Chastre would wear out a winter night 
 in the telling, and never a drowsy ear in the com 
 pany. I purpose, on a fit occasion, Master Albert, to
 rehearse to you more of that worthy soldier's ex 
 ploits. He served under six kings, and fought fifteen 
 duels, the last at three score and ten. I have seen 
 his chapel and tomb with my own eyes at Bourges, 
 and his true effigies cut in stone." 
 "I have been but a listener, Captain," said the 
 Secretary with a smile, "and would willingly hear 
 more of that valiant gentleman, when we have 
 brought our own adventures to an end. Methinks 
 now, we may find other occupation in the matter we 
 have in hand." 
 "Why as to that, Master Verheyden," replied the 
 Captain, "as we have very diligently perpended all 
 matters relating to this meeting, before we quitted 
 the Fort, and have now nothing left to do but to wait 
 for the accolade, the less thought we give it the bet 
 ter. We should go to this pinking and scratching as 
 a mumbling old priest goes to mass, even as a thing 
 of custom, wherein there is but little premeditation : 
 and yet, by my gossip, not exactly as a priest goes 
 to mass, for he goes hungry and dry : I would by no 
 means have it so. Here, Matchcote, that flask from 
 thy wallet? I have ever found that when an affair 
 of business or sport be on hand, it is good grace to 
 begin it, first by devoutly drawing thy sleeve, like a 
 Dutch toper, across thy mouth, and then to take such 
 reasonable and opportune refreshment as shall give a 
 fillip to the spirit without clouding the brain. And 
 so, by way of example, as your senior, Master Ver 
 heyden," he added, taking the bottle from the ser-
 vant's hand and applying it to his mouth, "here I 
 drink Good fortune to our venture! 
 'True eye and steady hand, 
 Home thrust and keen brand,' 
 as the rhyme has it. You will drink, master?" 
 "I pray you, excuse me, Captain," replied Albert; 
 "my head will not stand so early a freedom, and, to 
 say the truth, I have no relish for food or drink until 
 this affair be done. I scarce ate this morning." 
 "Over-anxiousness, Master Secretary! too eager 
 for thy first entry upon the field of Mars ! ha, ha ! 
 the token of a green soldier, a callow martialist; 
 but it is natural, and will wear off when thou hast 
 fought half-a-dozen of these bouts. I went through 
 it all myself. In my 'prenticeship I could neither 
 sleep nor eat faith! I will not say drink at the 
 contemplation of a pitched field, but was ever taken 
 up with the thought of making ready. Keep thyself 
 cool, Master Verheyden, it is a cardinal point of 
 discretion. And, I beseech you, be not fanciful in 
 your conceit of skill with your weapon; for though 
 you play well, you have a swordsman to deal with. 
 I pray, you, therefore, Master Secretary, bear your T 
 self humbly, as it were. Remember, this is thy first 
 "You shall find me tractable in all things, wortHy 
 Captain, to your better experience." 
 "By my manhood ! I think that nothing short of 
 the maiden herself will be fit guerdon for this exploit.
 He was a wise and a courteous king, as the ballad 
 feigns him, that gave his daughter to the brave 
 knight who overthrew his adversary in combat. 
 Now, I will take on me to say that no king of the 
 ballad ever had more need to be rid of a pestilent 
 suitor to his daughter than our worshipful friend, old 
 Anthony Warden, has to be free of this sea-dog. 
 Thou shalt fairly win a most fair meed: and here, 
 once more, I do thee honour in a sup, with this 
 May'st thou richly wear 
 The meed thou winn'st so fair! 
 There's verse for it halting verse, ha, ha ! Master 
 Verheyden, but of an honest coinage : it comes from 
 thine and the maiden's well-wisher." And with this 
 flash of merriment, the Captain again plied the flask, 
 and spent some moments laughing at his jest, when 
 he suddenly ceased with the remark, "I hear the 
 stroke of oars this Master Cocklescraft is at hand. 
 He is punctual, for it is just noon. We shall see him 
 It was as the Captain said: for at that moment 
 Cocklescraft, attended by two followers, was seen 
 coming up from the margin of St. Luke's, across the 
 meadow, to the place appointed for the combat. 
 Cocklescraft' s bearing was stern; his brow high 
 charged with passion, and a keen resentment flashed 
 from his eye, as he advanced into the presence of 
 his adversary. A slight salute passed between the
 combatants, and for some moments each party drew 
 In the presence of his antagonist Datmtrees' whole 
 deportment was changed. He had heretofore, as 
 , we have seen, assumed a cheerful vein of intercourse 
 with his principal, considerately adapted with a view 
 to amuse his mind and give him the necessary 
 assurance which the successful conduct of the enter 
 prise required a labour, however, which was in no 
 degree rendered necessary by the circumstances of 
 the case, as it was very apparent that the Secretary, 
 although a novice in the practice of the quarrel, was 
 altogether self-possessed and even eager for the issue. 
 The Captain, however, was not slow to perceive that 
 there was still in his carriage that hurried motion 
 and too anxious restlessness which betokened the 
 novelty of the situation in which he found himself, 
 and the earnestness of his desire to acquit himself to 
 the satisfaction of his own feelings. Through all 
 this cheerful colloquy of the Captain, Albert's man 
 ner was grave, and scarce responded to his com 
 panion's merriment; but now that the moment of 
 action arrived, he grew apparently more light- 
 hearted; whilst, on the other hand, Dauntrees be 
 came serious, and addressed himself to the business 
 in hand, like a careful and provident man. 
 "The Skipper is surly," said Dauntrees, as he stood 
 apart with the Secretary, wiping the sword that was 
 to be used by his friend. '"I am glad to see it: it 
 denotes passion. Receive the assault from him;
 stand on your defence, giving ground slightly to his 
 advance : then suddenly, when you have whipped him 
 to a rage, as you will surely do, give back the attack 
 hotly ; follow it up, as you did this morning in prac 
 tice with me, and you will hardly fail to find him at 
 disadvantage ; then thrust home for the shorter you 
 tnake this quarrel the better for your strength." 
 "I am more at my ease in this play than you think 
 me," replied Albert, smiling; "you shall find it so. 
 Pray let us go to our business." 
 The Captain, with two rapiers in his hand, ad 
 vanced to the ground occupied by Cocklescraft and 
 his friends. 
 "I would be acquainted with thy second, Master 
 Cocklescraft," he said. "Here are our swords : shall 
 we measure?" 
 "Master Roche Del Carmine," replied the Skipper, 
 as he presented a swarthy Portuguese seaman, the 
 mate of the Olive Branch; "this other companion is 
 but a looker on." 
 "I would thou had'st matched me," replied Daun- 
 trees, hastily, and with some show of displeasure, 
 with an antagonist of better degree, Master Skip 
 per, than this mate of thine. He was but a boatswain 
 within the year past. Our quality deserved that you 
 should sort us with gentlemen, at least." 
 "Gentlemen !" exclaimed the Portuguese, in a pas 
 sion; "St. Salvadore! are we not gentlemen enough 
 for you? We belong to the Coast " 
 "Peace, sirrah!" hastily interrupted Cocklescraft:
 "Prate not here leave me to speak ! Master Roche 
 Del Carmine is my follower, not my second, further 
 than as your bearing, Master Dauntrees, may render 
 one needful to me. I came hither to make my own 
 "I came to this field," replied Dauntrees, "pre 
 pared with my sword to make good the quarrel of my 
 friend against any you might match me with. So, 
 second or follower, bully or bravo at your heels, 
 Master Cocklescraft, I will fight with this Master 
 "That is but a boy's play, and I will none of it, 
 Captain Dauntrees," said Cocklescraft, angrily. 
 "This custom of making parties brings the quarrel 
 to an end at the first drawing of blood. I wish no 
 respite upon a scratch; my demand stops not short 
 of a mortal strife." 
 "My sword, sir!" said Albert Verheyden, hastily 
 striding up to the Captain and seizing his sword. 
 "This is my quarrel alone; Captain Dauntrees, you 
 strike no blow in it. Upon your guard, sir!" he 
 added, whilst his eye flashed fire, and his whole fig 
 ure was lighted up with the animation of his anger. 
 "To your guard ! I will have no parley !" 
 "Are you bereft?" exclaimed Dauntrees, inter 
 posing with his sword between the parties, and look 
 ing the Secretary steadfastly in the face. "Back, 
 Master Verheyden; this quarrel must proceed 
 Then conducting his principal some paces off, the
 other yielding to his guidance, he again cautioned 
 him against losing his self-command by such bursts 
 of passion. The Secretary promised obedience and 
 begged him to proceed. 
 "Go to it, in cuerpo strip to thy shirt, Master 
 Albert !" said the Captain. When the Secretary had, 
 in obedience to this order, thrown aside his cloak and 
 doublet, and come to the spot designated by his 
 second as his position in the fight, Dauntrees once 
 more approached the opposite party, went through 
 the formal ceremony of measuring swords, and then 
 returned and placed the weapon in Albert's hand, at 
 the same time drawing his own and planting himself 
 within a few paces of his friend. 
 "We are ready, sir!" he said, bowing to the Skip 
 per's attendant. 
 Cocklescraft lost no time in taking his ground; 
 Master Roche del Carmine, carefully keeping out of 
 the way of harm from any party. 
 The onset was made by the Skipper with an 
 energy that almost amounted to rage, and it was 
 with a most lively interest, not unmingled with 
 pleasure, that Dauntrees watched the eye of Albert 
 Verheyden, and saw it playing with an expression 
 of confidence and self-command whilst, with admir 
 able dexterity, he parried his antagonist's assault. 
 "Bravo!" exclaimed Dauntrees, more than once 
 during this anxious moment. "To it, Master Ver 
 heyden! passado hotly, master!" he cried aloud, at 
 the same time flourishing his own blade above his
 head when he saw Albert return the attack with great 
 animation upon his adversary, who was thus com 
 pelled to give ground. 
 This rapid exchange of thrust and parry was sud 
 denly arrested by the sword of the Skipper being 
 struck from his hand. The Secretary had disarmed 
 him, and instead of following up his advantage, 
 generously halted and brought the point of his own 
 sword to the ground. 
 "The fight is done; we hold you, sir, at mercy!" 
 said Dauntrees, promptly interposing, and placing 
 his foot upon the Skipper's rapier. "Master Ver- 
 heyden has come hither upon your challenge ; you 
 will acknowledge that your life is in his hands. You 
 have had your satisfaction, sir." 
 As the Captain said this he stepped one pace aside, 
 and Cocklescraft at the same instant picked up the 
 rapier from the ground, and madly called out for a 
 renewal of the fight, as with extended arm he pre 
 sented himself upon his guard. 
 "Instead of the favour that has been shown thee 
 in sparing thy worthless life, thou deservest to be 
 cloven to the chine for this dastardly bravado !" ex 
 claimed Dauntrees, as his spirit suddenly kindled into 
 wrath, notwithstanding the advice he had given the 
 Secretary to keep his temper. "Out upon thee for 
 a disgrace to thy calling!" he added, in a tone of 
 angry reproof, as, advancing nearer to the Skipper, 
 he struck the extended rapier with a dexterous under- 
 blow and made it spin in the air above his head ; "I
 could almost find it in my conscience to spit thee upon 
 my sword." 
 "By the Virgin, I will not see my Captain put 
 upon !" said Roche del Carmine, as he now advanced 
 towards the combatants, though still keeping a re 
 spectful distance between himself and the Captain, 
 whose skill of fence he had no mind to try. 
 "Nor I!" exclaimed the other attendant, at the 
 some time drawing his hanger and shouting, 
 "Whoop, Master Cocklescraf t ! Perros, a la savanna ! 
 For the Brothers of the Coast! let them have it in 
 the fashion of the Costa Rica!" 
 "Caitiffs !" vociferated Dauntrees, as he and Albert 
 Verheyden now sprang forward to engage with 
 the attendants 
 "Back to your boat, you knaves! Is it thus you 
 serve me?" interposed Cocklescraft, thrusting his 
 officious followers aside, and then whispering to the 
 mate, "There is an end of it begone!" 
 "By my sword, but here is a crossing of our plot!" 
 exclaimed Dauntrees, on looking towards the range 
 of upland over which the road towards the town lay, 
 and discovering no less a personage than the Pro 
 prietary and Father Pierre approaching them on 
 horseback ; "we have been informed on and tracked. 
 Thanks to our luck! his Lordship may do nothing 
 better than rail against us, as is his wont. He 
 has ever had a quick nose to scent out a duel 
 ay, and a nimble tongue, Master Verheyden, to 
 reprove one : this is not my first experience of his
 reprimand. We shall have it without stint presently." 
 'To the boat, quickly, and put off !" said Cockles- 
 craft, with a sullen, angry tone to his companions. 
 "I will find another day to right myself," he mut 
 tered, as he gathered up his sword, cloak, and hat, 
 and, with a moody swagger, hurriedly strode towards 
 his boat, which lay in a direction opposite to that 
 from which the Proprietary was hastening towards 
 the scene. In a few moments he had embarked, and 
 was seen shooting along the glassy surface of St. 
 Luke's, until he was speedily lost to view by round 
 ing one of the turns of the creek. In the meantime 
 Lord Baltimore and the priest arrived on the ground 
 of the combat before the Secretary had yet resumed 
 his doublet. 
 "Ah, my son, my son !" exclaimed the good Father 
 Pierre, as he pricked his steed forward in advance of 
 the Proprietary, and made haste to alight and throw 
 his arms around Albert's neck, kissing his cheeks, 
 whilst the tears flowed down his own; "my son 
 Albert, how could you be so unmindful of poor Father 
 Pierre, to give him all this pain? We saw swords 
 flashing in the sun, and heard the clank of steel. 
 Are you hurt, my son? You look pale." 
 "I am not hurt, Father, more than I am pained 
 to see you here," replied the Secretary, as he affec 
 tionately placed his arm across the old man's shoul 
 ders; "our quarrel has ended without the shedding 
 of blood." 
 "Albert Verheyden," said the Proprietary gravely,
 reining up beside the young man, "I take it much 
 amiss that one of my household should dare to con 
 temn the laws of this province by coming forth to 
 such appointment as I find you concerned in here. 
 I had reason to hope for the setting of good example 
 from him whom I chose for my Secretary ; but I find 
 you fostering an evil usage which is worthy no better 
 countenance than such as it hath gained from hot- 
 bloods and rufHers. Fie on thee, Albert! Is it for 
 thee, who hast but lately changed thy square cloister- 
 bonnet for the feathery gewgaw of a page is it for 
 thee to play at bilbo and buff like a common 
 royster? Have we no shallow-pated coxcomb with 
 the privilege of wearing a sword, who, for lack of 
 other quality to be noted by, hath learned a trick to 
 vapour and strut, and swear filthy oaths, and break 
 God's commandments and men's peace with his 
 bloody broils, but that a scholar and a gentleman, 
 nursed in all kindly studies ay, and who hath been 
 reared, Master Verheyden, within the pale of the 
 altar must needs turn buckler-man with a rude sea- 
 rover, and quarrel and strike as in an ale-house fray ? 
 Oh, it doth grieve me to find you thus !" 
 "My honoured Lord," replied Albert, not ventur 
 ing to raise his eyes from the ground, "I do confess 
 my fault, which with forethought and weighing of 
 all consequence, except my Lord's displeasure, I did 
 commit. I was called hither by such defiance as it 
 would not have consisted with my manhood to re 
 fuse. I have sought no companionship with the
 Skipper, nor knew that such man was, till within a 
 week and even now was prone to slight him off, as 
 one not worthy of my resentment; but, my good 
 Lord, venturing to presume upon my cloistered 
 schooling and my unskilfulness with my sword, he 
 must taunt with a question of my courage, and defy 
 me hither." 
 "And if a fellow who lives upon the element of his 
 own brawls must take a conceit to exalt his base con 
 dition by having a contest with his betters, shall he 
 compass it by bragging words and bullying ques 
 tions? Does it mend his manners, or exalt thy de- 
 servings to have a pass with him on the green sward ? 
 Would it comfort thee to bring away from this field 
 a hand red with his blood ? Captain Dauntrees, how 
 comes it to pass that I see you here? Your age 
 should have given you the privilege to be a peace 
 maker, not the fomenter of a quarrel." 
 "My Lord," said the Captain, folding his arms 
 across his breast and advancing one foot to give a 
 more sturdy fixedness to his attitude, whilst an ex 
 pression half comic lurked in his eye, "I am an old 
 ban-dog that has been chidden too often for barking 
 to heed reproof in my old age. Your Lordship hath 
 the credit of a persevering spirit to abolish the duello 
 within the province ; I foretell you will even give over 
 before your work is done : it were but lost pains, if 
 I might be so bold as to say so at least until your 
 Lordship shall find a more mannerly brood of lieges. 
 By the mass ! we shall win sainthood for our patience,
 if, in these saucy times, we may reach such perfec 
 tion of humility as to brook the insolence of some of 
 your Lordship's hopeful children of the province. 
 The Skipper was rude to our Mistress Blanche, 
 and the Secretary, like a cavalier, such as be 
 comes your Lordship's household, rebuked him for 
 it; and thereupon grew a considered challenge, 
 which Master Verheyden accepting, as, in my poor 
 judgment, he could not otherwise do, I came hither 
 with him to see fair play. It is well I did for, to 
 my thinking, this seaman would not have stopped 
 at any measure of treachery. He has a deep hate 
 against the Secretary, and the lesson Master Ver 
 heyden has taught him will not much sweeten his 
 "Thy profession, Captain Dauntrees, gives thee a 
 license which makes it but lost breath to chide thee," 
 said the Proprietary calmly, nowise offended with 
 the soldier's familiar and rebellious good nature; 
 "and, to say the truth, there is much rude speech and 
 provoking action to tempt even a more governed 
 man into quarrel; yet I would not have you believe 
 that I take this transgression so lightly. Albert Ver 
 heyden, you will incur my deepest displeasure if, 
 under any pretext or advice, you farther prosecute 
 this feud. Captain Dauntrees, I command you to 
 look to it, and charge you to arrest the first who 
 r ceks to revive the quarrel." 
 "On the faith of my love to your Lordship," re 
 plied Albert, "I promise that I will not again offend."
 "My dear son," interposed the priest, still holding 
 the Secretary's hand, "my experience has long ad 
 monished me that to preach restraint upon the de 
 sires of the young is but struggling up the channel 
 of a torrent : it is hard to teach patience under wrong 
 to those whose blood is hot with the fever of passion. 
 How should Father Pierre have borne the bereave 
 ment of his son, if thine adversary had chanced to 
 be too skilful for thy defence? There is yet an 
 other," said the good priest, drawing nigh to the 
 Secretary's ear and speaking almost in a whisper, 
 "who takes this peril even more to heart than Father 
 Pierre. Ah, Master Albert, you did not think of 
 them that loved you !" 
 The Secretary blushed at the last allusion of the 
 priest, as he hurriedly replied, "Father, it is over 
 now let us say no more about it." 
 "There, the truce is made!" said the old man, ex- 
 ultingly, whilst he grasped Albert by the hand and 
 shook it, a smile playing amongst the tears that stood 
 in his eyes: "We have made a truce benedicite! 
 We shall be as happy and as gay as ever! Allons, 
 mon enfant, put on thy cloak, and get thee to thy 
 horse. My Lord, we shall reserve our scolding for 
 another time." 
 "Get back to my house, Master Verheyden," said 
 the Proprietary in a quiet tone, not heeding the ap 
 peal to him, but with a thoughtful and serious 
 manner, which stood in marked opposition to the 
 light and laughing air of the priest. "Captain Daua-
 trees, do not tarry on this field, but follow us back 
 to the Port. Come on, Father Pierre, the day is 
 In a moment the Captain and Secretary were left 
 to themselves. 
 "Nay, never take on, Master Verheyden, nor fall 
 into dumps," said Dauntrees, observing that his com 
 panion felt the silent displeasure of the Proprietary. 
 "It is ever thus with his Lordship, who, from his 
 cradle, I believe, hath set his heart to the extirpation 
 of our noble art of self-defence. A conceit of his 
 which doth no harm. His face will be sunny again 
 to-morrow never heed it." 
 "I cannot see that I have done wrong," replied 
 Albert, with a sigh; "I would not offend his Lord 
 "Tut, man, if you watched his eye, you would 
 have seen in a corner of it that he likes you all the 
 better for this day's hazard. Now to horse!" 
 The combatants mounted and rode at a moderate 
 pace to the town. 
 I read you by your bugle horn, 
 And by your palfrey good : 
 I read you for a Ranger sworn 
 To keep the king's greenwood. Scott. 
 THE Skipper returned to his vessel in no gentle 
 mood, for, in the language of the ballad, "an angry
 man was he." Springing alertly from the small boat 
 to the deck of the brigantine, he peevishly flung down 
 his weapon and cloak, and paced to and fro, with a 
 hurried step, for some moments in silence. "Give 
 me drink! some wine!" he exclaimed, at length; 
 and when a boy, in obedience to this order, brought 
 him what he had called for, and he had put the liquid 
 to his lips, he shouted in a tone that made the lad 
 tremble, as he threw the glass upon the deck and 
 shivered it into fragments, "Knave! why dost thou 
 bring me this weak stuff ? I would have aqua vitae, 
 fool!" The stronger potation being supplied, he 
 eagerly swallowed a draught, and then threw him 
 self upon the seat at the stern of the vessel, where, 
 for a considerable space, he sat with his eyes fixed 
 upon the broad field of water around him. By de 
 grees the fever of his passion subsided into a sullen 
 thoughtfulness, and he began to meditate, with a 
 more self-possessed consistency of view, over the con 
 dition of his affairs. 
 "I renounce them, their tribe and generation !" he 
 said, mutteringly. "From this day forth, I renounce 
 them and all they consort with Anthony Warden 
 and his cronies; yes his Lordship and the rest. I 
 abjure all fellowship with them, but such fellowship 
 as my sword may maintain. The maiden! not so 
 fast, master!" he continued, with a smile that be 
 trayed the true devil of his nature: "scornful mis 
 tress, it would be over charitable to give thee up. 
 Bonny damsel, thou shalt dance a corant yet to my
 bidding and on the deck of my merry Escalfador; 
 but it shall be beneath a warmer sun than thy pride 
 has been nursed in: by my hand, you shall, girl, 
 if there be virtue in these honest cut- throats of mine ! 
 And Master Collector shall be cared for. I thank 
 thee, Father Pierre, for thy considerateness : didst 
 thou not let me into a secret touching the royal 
 order ? Faith, did you, holy father ! and I will make 
 profit of it. Oh, this excellent church quarrel, too! 
 I will join Master Chiseldine and Coode, and teach 
 them devilish inventions! Ha! that's a thought 
 worth the nursing Coode and the Fendalls! We 
 shall have blows struck ; we shall have good store of 
 cutlass and hanger-work, pistol-play and dagger! 
 Bravo ! there will be feasting for a hungry man ! I 
 will straight about this plot of mischief, whilst my 
 blood is warm enough to hatch it. Ho ! Roche ! order 
 me two men into the shallop I would visit the 
 Whilst the Skipper, in this amiable temper, was 
 making his way towards the town, I may take the 
 opportunity to give my reader a brief history of cer 
 tain persons and events with which our tale is now 
 Josias Fendall, when the Lord Protector had 
 seized upon the Proprietary's rights in Maryland, 
 had the address to obtain the appointment of Lieu- 
 tenant-General of the province, which he held under 
 this authority, until, by an act of treachery to those 
 who had procured his preferment, he was able to
 secure to himself the same post by the commission of 
 Cecilius, when in the decline of Cromwell's power the 
 government was restored to its rightful owner. 
 Having, in turn, attempted to betray the Proprietary, 
 and to usurp an independent control in the govern 
 ment, he was expelled from office; in consequence 
 of which he engaged in a rebellion which, after a 
 troublesome contest, ended in his banishment. The 
 clemency of the Proprietary eventually restored him 
 to the province, where, before the lapse of many 
 months, he fell into his old practices and again em 
 broiled himself with the authorities. He was a man 
 of an eager, seditious temper; a skilful dissembler in 
 conduct;, bold in action and dissolute in manners, 
 although sufficiently crafty to conceal his excesses 
 from public observation. He was now, in his old 
 age, the ringleader of the present troubles ; and some 
 months anterior to the opening of this narrative, his 
 threats of violence against the Proprietary as well as 
 certain well-founded suspicions of a design to over 
 throw the provincial government by force, had led to 
 his arrest for treason. He was, consequently, as we 
 have hinted in a former chapter, at this moment a 
 close prisoner in the gaol. His brother, Samuel Fen- 
 dall, upon this event, took upon himself to stir up his 
 friends to the enterprise of a rescue; but this had 
 produced no better result than to lodge Samuel in 
 the same prison with his kinsman. The Protestant 
 party, I mean that portion of them who had been 
 active in sustaining the violent measures set on foot
 by the Kendalls headed by John Coode, Kenelm 
 Chiseldine and some others, hotly resented this per 
 secution, as they deemed the imprisonment of their 
 friends. They had seduced into their association 
 George Godfrey, a weak-minded yet daring man, 
 who held the post of Lieutenant of the Rangers in the 
 service of the Proprietary, and who in this station 
 found many secret opportunities to promote the pur 
 poses of the malcontent party. John Coode himself 
 was, at this epoch, smarting under the exasperation 
 of a personal indignity which he had recently re 
 ceived from the Proprietary in an arrest, from 
 which he was released upon bail for coarse and in 
 sulting conduct to the Chancellor. He had hitherto 
 cunningly avoided or successfully concealed all open 
 participation in the plot which was hatching against 
 the present domination of the province, although he 
 had not, as we have heretofore seen, escaped the sus 
 picion of foul designs. He was a member of the 
 House of Burgesses, and, in the session which had 
 just terminated, had rendered himself conspicuous 
 for a keen, vindictive, and (as he was sustained by 
 the popular party) successful war of vituperation 
 against Lord Baltimore and his council. 
 About four o'clock in the afternoon, this Captain 
 John Coode, according to a custom which he was 
 prone to indulge, was found seated on a bench that 
 stood at the door of the Crow and Archer, recreating 
 his outward man with the solace of a tankard of ale 
 and a pipe, whilst his inward self was absorbed with
 a rumination that spread its bland repose over every 
 lineament of his ruddy and somewhat pimpled 
 At the moment I have introduced him to the view 
 of my reader, his meditation was interrupted by the 
 arrival of a horseman, a tall, athletic person, in 
 the prime of manhood, equipped partly in the manner 
 of a wood ranger, as was indicated by the hatchet 
 and knife in his belt and the carbine slung across his 
 shoulder, and partly in that of a dragoon betok 
 ened by his horseman's sword and the pistols at his 
 "Master Coode, your servant," was the greeting 
 of the rider whilst he dismounted and flung the rein 
 carelessly upon the neck of his steed, whose head 
 drooped and sides panted with the toil of his recent 
 journey: "Your ale is like to grow flat from a lack 
 of thirst: I can supply that commodity," he said, 
 as he took up the tankard and deliberately drained it 
 to the bottom. 
 "By G , Lieutenant, you had as well help your 
 self without my leave!" exclaimed Coode with a 
 laugh. "Where in the d 1 are you from now?" 
 "From Potapaco and the parts above," replied 
 Godfrey (for it was no other than the Lieutenant of 
 the Rangers) : "that painted devil Manahoton and 
 his wild cats have been prowling around the upper 
 settlements. There have been throat-cutting and 
 scalping again. Red haired Tom Galloway was 
 waylaid on his road to Zacaiah Fort, and the savages
 stole into his plantation and have murdered his wife 
 and children. Nothing but speed and bottom saved 
 me to-day : a party with that son of Tiquassino's 
 Robin Hood, they call him at least I suspect him 
 for it, from a limp which I saw in the fellow's walk 
 lay in cover and fired at me, just over there at the 
 head of Britton's bay. They must have been in 
 liquor, for they popped their pieces so much at ran 
 dom as to strike wide both of me and my horse. I 
 gave them a parting volley, as far as pistols and car 
 bine served, and then bade them good by.'* 
 "I dare be sworn they were stirred up to these 
 attacks," replied Coode. "These bloody Papists 
 have set a mark upon us all, and not only rouse the 
 savages against us, but disguise themselves, and 
 murder and burn with as hot a hand as the worst 
 red devil of them all. Whilst Charles Calvert is 
 allowed to hector it over the good people of the 
 province, we may hope for nothing 1 better. Did 
 you see Will Clements?" 
 "I did, and have news from him that the Huttons 
 and Hatfields, with twenty more on the Virginia side, 
 are ready to cross the river at the first signal." 
 "Have a care, Lieutenant," whispered Coode, as 
 he cast his eye towards the quay; "here comes a 
 boat with that fellow Cocklescraft, one of his Lord 
 ship's lurchers. It would do you no good to be seen 
 in parley with me. We meet to-night, at Chisel- 
 dine's. Let me see you there: and now, away to 
 your own concerns."
 "I will not fail to go to Chiseldine's, worthy Mas 
 ter Coode," replied the Lieutenant, whilst he now 
 turned aside to look after his beast. 
 "What ho! Garret Weasel, send me some one to 
 this horse!" he cried out as he thrust his head into 
 the door of the inn. 
 Instead of the innkeeper, the summons was an 
 swered by Matty Scamper, who, with a courtesy, 
 announced that both Master Garret and the landlady 
 were abroad; and upon being made acquainted with 
 the Lieutenant's wish, took upon himself the busi 
 ness of ostler and led off the jaded steed to the 
 stable, whilst Godfrey entered the hostel. At the 
 same instant Cocklescraft arrived at the door. 
 "Perhaps you could tell me, Master Coode," he 
 inquired, "whether Kenelm Chiseldine is likely to be 
 at home?" 
 "Faith, most unlikely as I should guess," replied 
 the burgess with a leer at the questioner. "Whilst 
 his Lordship allows the savages to shoot down and 
 scalp the honest people of the province, here under 
 his very nose a wise man will learn who his 
 visitor may be before he will allow himself to be 
 "Master Chiseldine has nothing to fear from me," 
 said Cocklescraft. "I would I might see him," he 
 added with an earnestness that forcibly attracted 
 Coode's attention. 
 "Why what, in the devil's name, have you to do 
 with Kenelm Chiseldine?"
 "More than you suspect, sir. I would speak with 
 him on affairs of importance. It perhaps may con 
 cern you to hear what I have to say." 
 "God's wounds, man! speak out, if thou hast 
 aught to say against me or my friends. This shall 
 be a free land for speech. Master Cocklescraft free 
 to all men: it is so already, let me tell you, to us 
 who wear our swords however his Lordship and 
 his Lordship's brangling church-bullies would fain 
 force it down our throats to be silent, with what you 
 call sedition." 
 "Your flurry is but spent breath, Master Coode. 
 If you will allow me an instant's private speech with 
 you, I will open myself in somewhat that may be 
 for your interest to hear. The bench of a public 
 tavern does not well become the matter of my 
 "Ha, a private conference, and on matter of mo 
 ment!" ejaculated Coode. "Then follow me, Mas 
 ter Cocklescraft, by the Town House path, amongst 
 the cedars on yon bank. Now, sir, you may speak 
 your mind though it were enough to hang a country 
 side," said Coode, as he strode slowly in advance of 
 the Skipper until they found themselves enveloped by 
 the thicket of cedar. 
 "I have heard it whispered," quoth the Skipper, 
 "since my arrival in the port, that you and others 
 have been brewing mischief, and are like to come to 
 scratches with his Lordship's men of the buff." 
 "And dost thou come to me with this fool's errand.
 Master Skipper?" interrupted the burgess. "Are 
 you sent hither, sirrah, to drain me of a secret which 
 you may commend to the notice of the Proprietary 
 for your own advancement in his good favour ? By 
 my hilt, I have a mind to rap thee about the pate 
 with my whinyard!" 
 "Tush, cool thy courage, valiant Captain, or 
 spend it where it may give thee more profit. I come 
 to thicken thy hell-broth with new spices of my own 
 devising not to mar it. I say again, I have heard 
 it whispered that you have bloody fancies in the 
 wind. I care not to inquire what they are, but 
 knowing thou hast no good will towards the Council 
 and their friends, I have a hand to help in any devil's 
 crotchet your plot may give life to. Besides, the 
 Olive Branch is a more spiteful imp than she looks 
 to be,- and you may, perchance, stand in need, here 
 after, of a salt water help-mate. I can commend 
 her to thy liking, Captain Coode." 
 Coode gazed with a steadfast and incredulous eye, 
 for some moments, in the face of the Skipper. At 
 last he asked "Art thou in earnest, Master Cockles- 
 craft? By G if thou comest here to entrap me, I 
 will have thee so bestowed that the kites shall feed 
 upon thy bowels before the breath be out of thy 
 "And so they may if I deceive you," replied the 
 Skipper, coolly. "Put me to the proof, Captain, 
 put me to the proof, and if I fail thou mayst fatten 
 all the kites of St. Mary's with my body."
 "Are you willing to say this before witnesses?" 
 inquired Coode. 
 "A legion if they hate the friends of the Council 
 as I hate them." 
 "Then come to-night to Master Chiseldine's. You 
 shall find me and others there. Until then, it may 
 be wise that we hold no more discourse together. 
 And so now we part." 
 Cocklescraft promised to keep the appointment, 
 and took his leave of the burgess who walked on 
 ward to the Town House. Here, Coode found Willy 
 of the Flats busy in setting up against the trunk of 
 the mulberry a sheet of paper, designed, according to 
 the custom of the town, to advertise some matter of 
 interest to the inhabitants. To the question "What 
 have you in the wind, Willy?" the fiddler's reply 
 was an invitation to the Captain to inform himself 
 by a perusal of the paper. He accordingly read as 
 follows : 
 "License given to Stark Whittle and Sergeant 
 Travers to play a prize at the several weapons be 
 longing to the Noble Science ( such as shall be agreed 
 on by them) publickly at such place in or near St. 
 Marie's City, as they shall for this day appoint: 
 provided that no foul play be used, nor any riott or 
 disturbance tending to the breach of his Lordship's 
 peace, be by them or any of their associates there 
 upon offered. Dated at his Lordship's mansion, in
 the City of St. Marie's this gth day of October, Anno 
 Domini, 1681. J. LLEWELLIN, Clerk." 
 "On the common, behind the Town House in St. 
 Marie's City, by permission of an order of Council,) 
 as above recited, a trial of skill shall be performed 
 between Stark Whittle and Sergeant Gilbert Travers, 
 two masters of the Noble Science of Defence, at 
 four of the clock in the afternoon of Thursday the 
 twenty-third of October instant. 
 "I, Stark Whittle, of the town of Stratford, Eng 
 land, who have fought thirty-one times at Hockley 
 in the Hole, at Portugal and in divers part of the 
 West Indies, and never left a stage to any man, do 
 invite Gflbert Travers to meet and exercise at the 
 several weapons following, viz: 
 Back Sword, Sword and Buckler, 
 Sword and Dagger, Case of Falchons, 
 Single Falchon. 
 "I, Gilbert Travers, sergeant of musqueteers, who 
 formerly served in the Walloon Guard of his High 
 ness the Prince of Orange, and hath held the degree 
 of Master of the Noble Science of Defence in forty- 
 seven prizes, besides four that I fought as a provost 
 before I took said degree, will not, in regard to the 
 fame of Stark Whittle, fail to meet this brave inviter 
 at the time and place appointed; desiring a clear 
 stage and from him no favour. 
 "This promises well, for a fair sport, Willy," said 
 Coode; "they are both pretty fellows with the 
 sword. Who has set this matter a foot?" 
 "I heard, an it please your worship," replied the 
 fiddler; "it is near a fortnight since, that Stark 
 Whittle and the Sergeant, being together at an ale- 
 drinking, on an afternoon, at Master Weasel's ordi 
 nary, and having got into a merry pin, must needs 
 fall into an argument, and thereupon into a debate, 
 as men commonly do now-a-days, upon church 
 matters. So, when words got high, and Stark 
 began to be puzzled by some of Gilbert's quiddities 
 which he learned from the priests, he whips off 
 from the church and turns the discourse upon sword- 
 craft. And thereupon, after some crowing by Gil 
 bert, Stark takes him short with a challenge to play 
 a prize which the Sergeant accepted out of hand. 
 Then it was left to Colonel Talbot to bring it to the 
 Council, and the next thing I hear of it is that 
 Colonel Talbot sends me here to set this writing, 
 concerning the whole matter, against the mulberry 
 before the Town House door." 
 Before Willy had got through this account of the 
 origin of Stark Whittle's challenge, Godfrey had 
 come to the spot. 
 "We may find an occasion in this prize fight that 
 shall jump with our plot, Lieutenant," said Coode. 
 "What think you Richard Cocklescraft had to tell 
 "I cannot guess."
 "Why, that these shavelings who meddle so much 
 in the affairs of the province and rule the Council 
 are downright knaves; that his Lordship is no 
 better than a sneaking dotard ; the Council themselves 
 but white-livered whelps of the litter of Babylon, 
 and that the whole brood of craw thumpers, taking 
 in master and serving-man all round, are but scurvy 
 thieves who deserve, each and all, to be set in the 
 stocks. Now, there is a wise Skipper! a clear 
 sighted, conscientious wight, who has seen his errors 
 and confesses them honestly! This Master Cockles- 
 craft has promised me to meet us at Chiseldine's 
 to-night, which I put it to him to do by way of test 
 to his honesty. If he come not there, I shall hold that 
 he has cozened me with a base, juggling, papistical 
 lie. And in that case, George Godfrey, I desire you 
 to set thy mark upon him; dost hear? So, until 
 we meet again at Master Chiseldine's, good even, 
 The residence of Chiseldine stood upon the river, 
 a short distance beyond the upper limits of the town, 
 from which it was separated by the small creek 
 which I have heretofore described as bounding the 
 common. This creek at its embouchure where it 
 crossed the river beach was reduced into a narrow 
 strait, scarcely, in the ordinary state of the tides, 
 beyond the compass of an active man's leap. Here 
 a small bridge gave to the townspeople access at all 
 times to the dwelling house of Master Chiseldine. 
 When the twilight hr.d subsided, some three or
 four visitors were found assembled under this roof, 
 and their number in the course of an hour was 
 gradually increased to as many more. Amongst 
 these, Coode and Godfrey were the first to arrive; 
 they were soon followed by a person of no small 
 influence in stimulating the disorders of that time 
 the Reverend Master Yeo. The host, Master 
 Kenelm Chiseldine, though a young man, had 
 already arrived at some authority in the House of 
 Burgesses by his persevering and zealous hostility 
 to the Proprietary, and had, through the popularity 
 which generally follows resistance to the established 
 order of things, obtained such a control over the 
 course of that unhappy dissension which agitated 
 the peace of the province, as entitled him to be con 
 sidered, in modern phrase, one of the leaders of the 
 movement. Conspicuous, at least for his estimate of 
 himself, in this assemblage, whither the love of hav 
 ing something to do, and a thirst for a patriot's im 
 mortality had lured him, was little Corporal Abbot, 
 the tailor a wight remarkable for the vast dispro 
 portion between the smallness of his person and the 
 greatness of his aspirations, and still more remark 
 able for an upspringing walk and an ambitious, erect 
 carriage of the head. 
 Such were the principal personages who were now 
 convened to deliberate upon the course of that secret 
 rebellion which, in a few years later than this period, 
 terminated in what is known in the history of Mary 
 land as the Protestant Revolution. Their more im-
 mediate purpose was to devise measures for the res 
 cue or liberation of the Fendalls. 
 It was late before Cocklescraft made his appear 
 ance in this assembly. His absence from Chiseldine's 
 began to be remarked. Master Yeo had already let 
 fall when Coode spoke of his interview with the 
 Skipper some expressions of distrust in the sin 
 cerity of such a conversion as the tale implied; and 
 more than one of the company hinted at a trick con 
 trived by the Papists to entrap them. Private 
 mutterings of dissatisfaction and threats of retribu 
 tion were growled in whispered tones. Corporal 
 Abbot was remarkably fierce and denunciatory. "By 
 my sword, neighbours !" he said, with a scowling 
 eye-brow, "an' I find it should turn out that we have 
 been paltered with by that briny rufHer, it shall go 
 hard with him, but he shall find that I wear cold 
 iron,- if he learn as much from never a man in the 
 town beside. To my seeming, this Richard Cockles- 
 craft ever had a hang-dog " 
 "Ay, that's true a hang-dog devil in his looks," 
 said Cocklescraft himself, taking the parole from the 
 speaker, as he strode into the room immediately be 
 hind the Corporal, who stood near the door. His 
 brow was flushed, his air hurried and disturbed, and 
 he had entered the outer door without knocking or 
 ceremony of announcement, and thus came into the 
 apartment where the meeting was assembled, at un 
 awares, and at the moment that his name was upon 
 the Corporal's lips. "Nay, Master Corporal, thou
 need'st not shrink, for thy brave speaking: 'tis a 
 license of a man of the wars to rail at such as leave 
 their colours ; and as I have left mine, I stand under 
 your reproof. God save you, my masters, for a set 
 of merry contrivers of mischief! By St. lago, but 
 you make a snug house of it here together ! Master 
 Chiseldine, Captain Coode would have me come here 
 to-night to speak before witnesses. Presto, change ! 
 is the word. I have done with the cowls and the 
 cassocks, and with all who bow to the honourable 
 Council : I have done with my lords gentlemen of 
 taffeta and buckram; yea, and have a reckoning 
 to make which shall be remembered in Maryland. 
 Santo Rosario! but I will make it," he added, as he 
 spoke, through his clenched teeth, "when the foremost 
 man amongst you all shall cry shame for pity ! We 
 shall forswear water-drinking, comrades. I have 
 renounced it to-day : for an hour past I have fed upon 
 the milk of Scheidam most wholesome usquebaugh, 
 without taint of Papistry in it: I fetched it myself 
 from Holland to the Crow and Archer. Ha! it has 
 baptized me in the faith of our new quarrel. I will 
 swear by it as your only holy water!" 
 "Master Cocklescraft, I would you had brought us 
 a cooler head though you are not the less wel 
 come," said Chiseldine. "Think you, sir, you can 
 strike, if there be need for it, at those you have lately 
 consorted with?" 
 "Strike!" exclaimed Cocklescraft, "Ay, by Saint 
 Anthony, can I strike! on the broad sea, or green
 land, in pell-mell or orderly fight, amongst pikes 
 and musquets, or grenades and culverins. I can 
 strike with sword or dagger, at waking man, or 
 sleeping babe grey head or green : strike, Master 
 Chiseldine, to drum and trumpet, or to the music of 
 shrieking wives and sobbing maidens. I have been 
 nursed to the craft. What else should have brought 
 me here to-night?" 
 "A most monstrous and horrid papistical school 
 ing the wolf has had!" piously ejaculated Master 
 Yeo, in the ear of a neighbour. "This fellow would 
 have been a Guido Fawkes in time." 
 "We must use him, nevertheless, reverend Master 
 Yeo," said Coode; "we shall teach him gentleness, 
 when we have got over the rough work of our plot." 
 The Parson assented by a nod of the head; and 
 then approaching the Skipper, inquired, "What argu 
 ment, worthy Master Cocklescraft, hath persuaded 
 you to renounce your old associates ? There may be 
 much edification in the experience of a man so 
 thoroughly converted." 
 "That concerns no man here," replied the seaman 
 bluntly. "Enough for you, sir, that I have changed 
 my colours. I come to you not alone, neither: I 
 have men to back me, and follow where I lead, and 
 a trim bark which may serve a turn when you are 
 put in straits. If you will have service out of me, 
 I ask no return for it but that you set quickly about 
 the work. Do you want motive for present quarrel ? 
 I can give it to you. I know it for a truth that the
 King hath sent orders hither to dislodge every Papist 
 from his office in this province ; and I know, further, 
 that the Council do, upon deliberation, refuse to obey 
 the King's bidding. There is a handle for rebellion 
 which may serve you for a throat-cutting ! But what 
 is a royal order to Charles Calvert if the wind of 
 his humour set contrary against it? A feather. 
 Who are they that counsel my Lord Baltimore ? The 
 men that feed their own idleness on the substance 
 of the honest folk who toil; the men who flatter 
 his Lordship with crafty courtesies. First amongst 
 them is that old grout-head, Anthony Warden: I 
 would have you note him, masters, for a chief leech ; 
 a most topping blood-sucker. To whom should the 
 offices of this province belong? To such as the good 
 pleasure of the Burgesses may appoint " 
 "Surely," grunted Coode. 
 "To such as the King would have " 
 "Without question," breathed the reverend Parson 
 "Then, there are reasons for rebellion as thick as 
 you could wish, masters," continued Cocklescraft, by 
 way of close to an harangue which showed him 
 qualified to take a rank amongst the demagogues of 
 the time not inferior to that of the most successful 
 masters of the art of agitation at the present day. 
 "So, fall to, and make yourselves worshipful digni 
 taries, men of consideration amongst your neigh 
 bours : I am here to help." 
 "Bravely spoken !" shouted Coode, as the Skipper
 concluded this successful essay in political oratory, 
 whilst severa. 1 voices re-echoed the commendation; 
 "that is the true aspect of our plot, and Master 
 Cocklescraft shows himself a worthy and apt scholar. 
 The sooner we come to buffets the better. We have 
 force enough to match the pikes and musquets of his 
 Lordship, and make ourselves masters of the Fort. 
 By a placard set against the mulberry at the Town 
 House this afternoon, it seems we are to have a prize 
 play between Stark Whittle and Sergeant Travers, 
 come next Wednesday week. This will not fail to 
 bring our friends of the country swarming to the 
 sport, and the occasion will be apt for us to manage 
 the appointments of a general revolt." 
 This suggestion receiving the countenance of the 
 conclave, was adopted, and the execution of the par 
 ticulars committed to Coode himself. For the 
 present, it was thought advisable that no immediate 
 step be taken in reference to the rescue of the Fen- 
 dalls, as it was very obvious, from various intelli 
 gence which had been brought to the conspirators, 
 that a crisis was near at hand which must be de 
 cisive of the question of strength between the two 
 After this the company gradually dispersed.
 She sat hie on the tap tower stane, 
 Nae waiting may was there; 
 She lows'd the gowd busk frae her breast, 
 The kaim frae 'mang her hair, 
 She wip'd the tear blobs frae her ee, 
 An' looked lang and sair. 
 The Mermaid of Galloway. 
 IT is proper, before we move onward with our 
 tale, to give some account of affairs at the Rose 
 Croft, towards which the interest of our lady readers 
 especially is very naturally directed. 
 After Willy of the Flats had departed with the 
 missive that was designed to frustrate the duel, there 
 was, for a considerable time, a general restlessness 
 manifested by the household, extending from Alice 
 Warden and Blanche downward through the entire 
 roll of domestics ; for Willy had not omitted to avail 
 himself of the occasion to give Mistress Coldcale a 
 circumstantial history of the whole affair of the 
 quarrel between the Skipper and the Secretary, in the 
 presence of Michael Mossbank, as well as of the 
 housemaids, the cook and the scullion, all of whom 
 were opportunely assembled in the kitchen, at work 
 amongst the litter and wreck of the last night's feast, 
 and were, of course, thrown by the recital into a 
 condition of most extraordinary doubt and curiosity 
 as to the upshot of the adventure. 
 When morning broke it found the Secretary's
 spirits enlivened by gay thoughts, and his counte 
 nance made cheerful by the impression of pleasant 
 dreams dreams that had conducted him into fairy 
 bowers where all the images that enchanted his view 
 bore some reference to the Rose of St. Mary's. He 
 sprang from his couch with the buoyancy of unusual 
 health, and, whilst he made his toilet, his mind ran 
 with an impatient resolve upon an early visit to the 
 Rose Croft. 
 Accordingly, as soon in the day as he might with 
 propriety visit at the Collector's dwelling for all at 
 once he grew scrupulous as to these observances 
 which, until now, had never entered into his reckon 
 ings he was mounted on his steed and forth and 
 away, a gallant cavalier seeking the bower of his 
 When he arrived at the Rose Croft, Blanche and 
 her father were just prepared to set out on a morn 
 ing's walk, and were upon the lawn sauntering 
 around the rustic temple which contained the altar 
 of St. Therese. 
 "Welcome, Master Verheyden," said the Collector 
 with a brisk and cordial greeting; "heartily wel 
 come! Zounds, man, you had brought us into a 
 fine coil yesterday! my women here, Alice and 
 Blanche, yea, and Mistress Bridget and Meg and 
 Sue, the whole of them, were as much astir as if 
 the Sinniquoes had made an inroad upon us. You 
 have been playing the swashing buckler-man since 
 \ve saw you last; you must try your hand at edge
 and point, Master Albert. Marry, after this thou 
 mayst wear thy toledo with an air, cock thy beaver, 
 and draw at a word, like a pretty fellow of the 
 rapier. Give us a hand, good Albert, I thank thee 
 for the service thou hast done in lowering the plume 
 of that saucy sea-urchin. Why didst not run him 
 through the body?" 
 The Secretary was not prepared for this bluff 
 questioning, and as he took the Collector's hand, his 
 cheek reddened and he replied with a modest mien, 
 "I sought no quarrel with the Skipper and am thank 
 ful that we parted with so little hurt." 
 Notwithstanding the complacency with which 
 Albert regarded his recent conduct, and the gaiety 
 of heart with which he now visited the Rose Croft ; 
 and despite his resolution to assume a bolder carriage 
 in the presence of Blanche, his bearing at this mo 
 ment was characterized by more than ordinary diffi 
 dence and show of respect. It was even with some 
 confusion that he now approached the maiden and 
 offered her his hand; and, what was equally to be 
 remarked, Blanche Warden, on her part, seemed to 
 have lost that confiding and unguarded tone of inti 
 macy with which she was e^er in the habit of re 
 ceiving the Secretary. Still, joy sparkled in her eye 
 and warmed her features w?th a genial flush, as she 
 noted Albert's humbleness in her presence, and read 
 in it his more profound ?nse of the value of her 
 "Our birth-day feast/'' he said, after saluting tHe
 maiden, "will be well remembered in the province 
 for the general content it has given. All voices are 
 praising Mistress Blanche: and she has won many 
 sincere wishes from the townspeople for long and 
 happy life." 
 "Alas !" replied the maiden, "whatever others may 
 think, I have wept sorely for that unlucky feast. I 
 did not wish it at first, and, in the end, had better 
 reason to grieve that I had been persuaded to 
 make it." 
 "Master Verheyden," interposed the Collector, 
 "thou hast come most seasonably hither: this girl 
 must have me consent to trail my old limbs after her, 
 like a young gallant, this morning, in a ramble to 
 enjoy the air, as she calls it simply because she 
 hath happened to leave her nest with the merry 
 chirp of a spring lark. Thou shalt take my place 
 as a fitter man for such service. There, Blanche, is 
 the Secretary for thee a better squire of thy body 
 than thy old rusty-jointed father! I have a more 
 profitable calling on hand to visit my fields. Ha, 
 Master Albert, you wear a love token on your 
 breast!" added the old gentleman, with a playful 
 smile, as he took in his hand a small miniature set in 
 gold, which hung by a chain from the Secretary's 
 neck, and had accidentally escaped unobserved from 
 beneath his vest in the action of dismounting from 
 his horse ; "some lady of the other side of the water, 
 eh? And on the back, here, letters which my eyes 
 are too old to make out without my glasses a posy,
 no doubt: 'Let fools great Cupid's yoke disdain ' 
 thou know'st the song, Master; 'tis the way of all 
 " Tis my poor mother's likeness," said Albert, 
 gravely, at the same time restoring the miniature to 
 his bosom. "She put it round my neck with her 
 own hands whilst she lay upon her death-bed : and I 
 have worn it ever since. 'Tis the only remembrance 
 I have of her. I was a child when she died, but not 
 too young to feel the loss of one who loved me so 
 The tear started into the Secretary's eye as he 
 spoke, and when Mr. Warden saw it, a tear also 
 came into his, which he brushed away with his hand, 
 saying, with an assumed vivacity, "Pardon, good 
 lad ! a thousand times I ask your forgiveness for my 
 rude speech. I did not think of what I said; and I 
 but love thee the more for thy kind memory of thy 
 mother. Hang up care by his wing! the world is 
 overstocked with it. You will stay to dinner with us, 
 good master? I go forth to look after some neces 
 sary affairs, and will be back before this girl has led 
 you her dance. At dinner I will have much to say 
 to you concerning that tarpaulin bully. A plague on 
 the wool cap ! I could have found it in my heart to 
 fight with him myself: my gray hairs against his 
 raver locks. Do you know, Master Verheyden, he 
 was ain to ask my leave to woo our girl here this 
 Blanche of mine? See how she hoists her red 
 ensign on the cheek at the thought of it: ay, and
 pressed it on me so rudely, and with such clap-me- 
 on-the-back familiarity, as he would have used to 
 cozen Mistress Dorothy of the Crow and Archer 
 out of a jack of ale. Thou should'st have spitted him 
 on thy sword, for a public benefaction, and had the 
 thanks of the Mayor and Aldermen for thy good 
 works. I would as lief see him so trussed as the 
 haunch of a brocket in my own kitchen." 
 "Nay, my dear father," interrupted Blanche, as 
 she saw a storm rising on the Collector's brow, "pray 
 you say no more about the Skipper. Master Albert 
 doth not like to be tasked with discourse of his 
 quarrel ; and besides, the Skipper " 
 "Hath had his belly full, I warrant thou would'st 
 say, girl. Well, well, I will order my horse, and 
 away; so go your own road. Farewell, Master 
 Albert, until I see you again at dinner." 
 The Secretary and the maiden now set forth upon 
 their walk, and directed their steps along the upper 
 margin of the bank which overhung the river, until 
 they were soon shaded in the forest that grew thickly 
 upon the steep slope by which the plain descended 
 to the beach. 
 "Heaven hath garnished out no fairer land than 
 this," said the Secretary, as at length, after pursuing 
 a path that wound through this wilderness, some 
 times descending to the pebbly beach and again 
 rising to the level of the plain above Blanche had 
 seated herself upon the trunk of a fallen tree, in a 
 position from which the whole extent of the river, the
 fort, and the upper headland, with the Town House, 
 were visible; "nor is there a nook upon this wide 
 globe which I would more contentedly make my 
 "It will ever be your home, Master Albert," was 
 the maiden's reply ; "for they who come hither from 
 the old world seldom think of going back. You can 
 find no reason to return/' 
 "My fortunes are guided by our good Lord," re 
 turned the Secretary, "and even now he sometimes 
 speaks of going hence again to England. With my 
 own free will, methinks, I should never leave this 
 sunny land. These woods are richer to my eye than 
 pent-up cities ; these spreading oaks and stately pop 
 lars, than our groined and shafted cathedrals and 
 our cloistered aisles : yes, and I more love to think of 
 the free range of this woodland life, these forest-fed 
 deer, and flight of flocking wild fowl, than all the 
 busy assembling of careful men which throng the 
 great marts of trade." 
 "Surely his Lordship would not take you hence 
 against your will," said Blanche, thoughtfully. "In 
 deed, we could not," she continued, and then sud 
 denly checking herself, as if upon some self-reproof 
 for speaking more freely than was proper, added, 
 "his Lordship will not leave the province again, 
 >r if he does " 
 "I am but an humble Secretary of his Lordship," 
 interrupted Albert, "and needs must follow as he 
 shall command."
 "He will not command it, Master Albert. Our 
 dear Lady Maria loves you well, as I have heard her 
 say, and will persuade his Lordship to command you 
 "I need not his command," replied the Secretary; 
 "it would be enough for me I was not constrained 
 to go hence; your wish, Mistress Blanche, nay, 
 your permission would keep me here, even if my 
 inclination tended back again to the old world." 
 "My wish, Master Albert! How could I have 
 other wish but that thou should'st stay?" inquired the 
 maiden, in all singleness of heart. "Do we not sing 
 and play together; ride, sail, hawk, and hunt to 
 gether? Have you not promised to render that his 
 tory of the good Chevalier into English for me ? Am 
 I not to be skilled in the French tongue, under your 
 teaching ? Oh, how could I wish other than that you 
 stay with us, Master Albert ?" 
 "Come what hazards may," said the Secretary, 
 with deep emotion, as he took the maiden's hand, 
 "I swear by this good day and by this beauteous 
 world, that I will never leave thee." 
 But few words more passed and these were of 
 such an import as my reader may well conceive, 
 from what has gone before till Albert Verheyden 
 kneeled at the maiden's feet and vowed unalterable 
 devotion to her happiness, and rose a betrothed lover. 
 With lingering steps and freer speech, Blanche hang 
 ing on Albert's arm, the plighted pair slowly returned 
 to the Rose Croft,
 I guess by all this quaint array 
 The burghers hold their sports to-day. 
 THE day appointed for the prize-play was mild 
 and clear; and as the anticipation of the sport had 
 created a stir throughout the province, there was 
 reason to expect a large attendance. 
 Stark Whittle had, within a year past, emigrated 
 to the dominions of the Proprietary from Jamaica, 
 and by dint of trumpeting his own renown an act 
 for which the professors of his craft were somewhat 
 distinguished had obtained the repute of a skilful 
 master of fence. Sergeant Travers had bee several 
 years in the province, and had already established 
 his fame in more than one trial, with such wandering 
 professors of the Noble Science as, at that era, were 
 to be found in every quarter of Christendom. Great 
 expectations were therefore entertained of an en 
 counter of rare interest to the men of the sword 
 a class which might be said to have comprehended 
 not only the military men of the times, and such 
 gentlemen in civil life as were educated in the use 
 of the weapon, but also that extensive circle of idlers, 
 boasters, tavern-frequenters, and sport-loving gentry 
 which have always passed under the denomination 
 of choice spirits. 
 Under the direction of Colonel Talbot the patron
 of all sports and pastimes in the province a plat 
 form or stage of deal boards, about twenty feet 
 square and three feet above the ground had been 
 constructed near the centre of the common in the 
 rear of the Town House. A few paces from the 
 platform stood a flag-staff, from which floated a 
 forked pennon bearing the device of the provincial 
 arms, ambitiously executed in oil by Master Bister, 
 the artist of the city. On a skirt of the common, 
 some six or eight tents marked the position of the 
 Court of Guard, formed by the garrison of the fort, 
 under the command of Nicholas Verbrack, the Lieu 
 tenant. Opposite to this encampment, a range of 
 booths had been erected by the townspeople, where 
 was displayed every variety of refreshment which 
 the housekeeping stores of the proprietors might 
 afford. These booths were distinguished by various 
 devices in the way of signs ; one presenting a banner 
 hung out on a pole with rude representation of a 
 Cock in jack-boots and sword, with his neck stretched 
 as in the act of crowing, and a label from his bill 
 having written on it 
 whilst another manifested its partizanship for the 
 adverse champion by the device of a bull in armour, 
 reared on his hind legs, with the inscriptioi 
 Others were designated simply by a green bush, the 
 old sign of good wine within. Amongst these tem 
 porary sheds was especially to be noted one which 
 was surmounted by a towering staff bearing a flag 
 embellished with the cross of St. Andrew, whose pro 
 prietor was sufficiently indicated by a flaring and, to 
 say the truth, not very perspicuous portraiture of the 
 Crow and Archer, from the pallet of Master Bister. 
 Sundry legends, scrawled in charcoal over the front 
 of the booth, expressed the utmost impartiality be 
 tween the combatants and their several friends, as 
 might be read in such as "Honour to the brave." 
 "A fair field and no favours," and others of similar 
 import equally guarded against the accident of de 
 noting the party of the host. Within the shed the 
 saucy face of our jolly dame Dorothy might have 
 been seen, long before the appointed hour of the com 
 bat, as she busied herself in adjusting matters to meet 
 the expected pressure of the day. 
 Such was the picture presented on the Town Com 
 mon about noon. Already a large number of the 
 inland inhabitants had arrived, and troops of new 
 comers were every moment seen halting their horses 
 in the vicinity of the common : others were discerned 
 as far off as the inequalities of the country allowed, 
 iourneying down from the distant highlands, or mov- 
 : ^"f forward in disorderly squadrons across the plain 
 1 v every road which led to the town. The river pre- 
 serted a scene not less animated. Boats of various 
 sizes, from a pinnace down to a canoe, were
 sprinkled over the whole expanse of water, ferrying 
 across the inhabitants who resided beyond the St. 
 Mary's river, as well as many from the opposite 
 shore of the Potomac. The hostel of Master Weasel 
 was thronged with guests, and every ale-house and 
 ordinary of inferior note bore testimony to the attrac 
 tion which the projected prize-play presented to the 
 country people both far and near. 
 About half an hour before four o'clock the com 
 mon was filled with the groups of spectators, leaving 
 the town almost emptied of its inhabitants. These 
 thronged around the booths, or strolled across the 
 plain, or took their places at the platform. Nicholas 
 Verbrack at this moment wheeled off his company 
 from the Court of Guard, and, marching to the scene 
 of the expected fight, formed them in two ranks im 
 mediately behind the flag-staff, which might be said 
 to represent the head of the lists. From this position 
 he detached sentinels, armed with pikes, who were 
 posted at intervals, in military fashion, around the 
 platform, at the distance of some ten paces from it, 
 beyond which limit the lookers-on were compelled to 
 retire, leaving the intervening space entirely clear. 
 The crowd which was thus thrust back consisted 
 indifferently of both sexes the women, as is always 
 the case in public shows wherever they may gain 
 admission, forming no inconsiderable portion of the 
 mass, and they were now seen elbowing their way 
 to the front of the throng, and sustaining their posi 
 tions there with as stout resolve as the sturdiest of
 their antagonists. Carts, wagons, tumbrels, and sun 
 dry nondescript conveyances, fabricated for the occa 
 sion and laden to their utmost capacity with females^ 
 formed a kind of rear division surrounding the stage. 
 Several gentlemen, among whom was the Pro 
 prietary, accompanied by his uncle Philip Calvert, 
 the Chancellor, nearly all the members of the Council, 
 Master Anthony Warden, and others, were seen 
 grouped together on horseback. Albert Verheyden 
 with Benedict Leonard had come in the train of this 
 party, but were now observed in various quarters of 
 the field, as they rode around to amuse themselves 
 with the spectacle. Chiseldine, the reverend Master 
 Yeo, and some others conspicuous in the ranks of 
 opposition to the Proprietary and his party, were 
 seen frequently reining up their horses together in 
 small squads, and as often dispersing, as if under 
 some occasional suggestion against the propriety of 
 their consorting too much together in public. 
 Cocklescraft, with Roche del Carmine and three or 
 four men in sailors' dress, the Skipper and his mate 
 being both armed rather beyond what was usual, 
 strolled about the field, without ostensibly partici 
 pating in the affairs of either party. 
 At a signal from Colonel Talbot, a trumpeter bear 
 ing an instrument which, like himself, was covered 
 with ribands, mounted upon the stage and blew r forth 
 a sprightly summons. When this was repeated thrice 
 two small parties were seen entering on the common 
 from different quarters. That which came from the
 direction of the centre of the town was immediately 
 descried as Stark Whittle and his party, consisting of 
 Captain Coode with three or four attendants. The 
 champion was wrapped in a horseman's cassock that 
 concealed his figure from observation, whilst beside 
 him walked his second, a squat, brawny, fierce little 
 man, with a huge red rose, a squint in one eye, a 
 scar across his brow, and a large broad-flapped 
 beaver garnished with a black ostrich feather, which 
 hung backward a span below his shoulder. This 
 worthy enjoyed the designation of Ensign Tick, be 
 ing a decayed officer of Lord Cecil's time, and still 
 retaining his title, though reduced to a sharking live 
 lihood in a civil station. He was, like his principal, 
 shrouded in a cloak : in one hand he bore a pair of 
 swords, and in the other a small creel or basket con 
 taining a bottle of usquebaugh and sundry com 
 modities used for the speedy staunching of a 
 wound furniture familiar to the backers of heroes 
 in such circumstances as those of his principal at the 
 present moment. The other group came from the 
 quarter of the Town House, by the road that led up 
 from the Crow and Archer, where they had betaken 
 themselves to await the summons : it was composed 
 of Travers, attended by Captain Dauntrees, and his 
 second, the Sergeant-Major of the musqueteers, 
 bearing the name of Master Stocket, one or two 
 privates of the same corps, and a cortege of bare 
 headed and bare-legged boys, that stepped forth at 
 the full compass of their stride, to keep pace with
 the rapid movement of the principals of the party. 
 As soon as these adverse bands came within the 
 range of the crowd, lanes were opened for their ad 
 mission, and the two champions, advancing to an 
 open space before the guard of soldiers, there threw 
 aside their cloaks and sprang upon the stage. They 
 were instantly followed by their seconds, whilst a 
 flourish of the trumpet and a long ruffle from the 
 drums and fifes of the musqueteers announced that 
 the ceremonies of the fight were about to commence. 
 The champions were both men of fine shape and 
 sinew, nearly equal in height and bulk, and both came 
 to their engagement with apparently composed and 
 cheerful countenances. The only face of wrath and 
 fire correspondent to the valorous prowess which had 
 impelled this warlike meeting was that of Ensign 
 Tick. He alone seemed to be duly impressed with 
 the resentment which a belligerent should indulge in 
 such a strife. Sergeant-Major Stocket retained a 
 practised calmness that was altogether professional, 
 and performed his duty on the stage with exemplary 
 gravity. The champions were dressed in military 
 costume ; Travers in that of his corps, Whittle in the 
 cumbrous scarlet coat of the English uniform. Both 
 wore the heavy, wide-legged boot, which, immedi 
 ately after mounting the stage, they exchanged for 
 pumps. As soon as this was done, they were sev 
 erally disrobed of their coats, and thus presented for 
 the combat in their shirt sleeves. A fillet of red 
 riband was tied around the right arm of the chal-
 lenger above the elbow, whilst one of green was 
 similarly adjusted on the arm of Travers. During 
 the arranging of these preliminaries, Dauntrees and 
 Coode had ascended the platform, that they might, as 
 patrons of the parties, bear testimony to the due 
 observance of the established laws of the play. When 
 all was done, and the combatants were announced to 
 be ready for the encounter, Coode retired from the 
 stage and took a post at that end of the platform most 
 remote from the flag-staff, whilst Dauntrees marched 
 with military precision to a post in front of his com 
 pany, where, taking a halberd from a sergeant who 
 held it ready for him, he planted himself, erect and 
 stately, immediately at the head of his men. The 
 seconds now advanced, each bearing in his hand a 
 pair of back-swords of moderate length, and each 
 selecting one for his principal, these were measured 
 in public to show, what had indeed been previously 
 adjusted by private regulation, that no advantage 
 was possessed by either side in the length of weapon, 
 and after this ceremony they were placed in the 
 hands of those who were to use them. The seconds 
 then retired to opposite points on the platform, whilst 
 the champions themselves, with a praiseworthy cour 
 tesy and some expressions of good will, shook hands ; 
 after which, with a flourish of swords and a gay 
 alacrity of manner, they wheeled round and took 
 the stations allotted to them by their seconds. 
 All this time the utmost silence pervaded the 
 crowd of spectators. Every one had pressed towards
 the stage at the summons of the trumpet : the booths 
 were deserted, or left with but a solitary watchman : 
 a sentinel here and there in the verge of the little 
 encampment on the skirt of the common was the 
 only moving thing that was not crowded up to the 
 scene of conflict. The Proprietary and his friends 
 had a post of honour assigned to them in the rear 
 of Dauntrees' soldiers, whence they might minutely 
 observe all that was going on. Chiseldine and his 
 party occupied a post at the opposite end of the stage, 
 relatively the same as that of the Proprietary; but 
 as no space was kept clear for their accommoda 
 tion, they were forced somewhat in the rear of the 
 crowd of spectators on foot, and a close observer 
 might have seen in their thoughtful countenances that 
 other subjects besides the trivial amusements of the 
 hour occupied their minds. 
 The champions now took their attitudes of attack 
 and defence, and forthwith engaged with great 
 vigour. Blows were made and parried with masterly 
 address. A quick onset, the assailant pressing his 
 antagonist across the full length of the stage, was 
 returned with an assault not less prompt, and the 
 weapons were wielded with a dexterity and sleight 
 that almost defied the eye to follow the several 
 strokes and their counter defences. Nothing was 
 heard but the clank of steel and the sullen stamp of 
 the combatants on the boards of the platform, as 
 they gave and received blows; but, as yet, neither 
 party Had gained advantage ; and the seconds, deem-
 ing that the first bout was played long enough, inter 
 posed to give their principals time to breathe. 
 Whilst the combatants, in this interval, were re 
 freshing themselves under the care of their seconds, 
 the busy murmur of conversation amongst the crowd 
 announced the interest which the play inspired. Many 
 tokens of active partisanship began to manifest them 
 selves, and it was obvious, from the emphasis with 
 which the commendations were bestowed upon the 
 new champion Whittle, that he was a decided 
 favourite of at least one party on the field a party 
 composed exclusively of Protestants ; whilst those of 
 the Catholic faith were no less energetic in their 
 advocacy of Travers. It had already grown to be a 
 sectarian division of feeling, founded on the well- 
 known religious professions of the two champions; 
 and as the Protestants were the most numerous on 
 the ground, it may be affirmed that Stark Whittle 
 enlisted the larger share of popular admiration. John 
 Coode was not backward to foment the party spirit, 
 which had thus unfortunately begun to be developed, 
 by such artifices as he well knew how to practise. 
 "Stark battles with the Papist as old Luther 
 battled with the Devil," he said exultingly to a group 
 of inland proprietors, who were casually discussing 
 the expected issue of the fight; "we shall see this cub 
 of Papacy disciplined with a wholesome Protestant 
 purgation presently." 
 The din of voices was suddenly stilled by the notes 
 of the trumpet, announcing the renewal of the fight.
 The parties again took their posts; and again the 
 clash of swords was heard, falling thickly upon the 
 ear. All was suspense and silence, except that now, 
 as a casual advantage was gained by one or other of 
 the combatants, notes of applause and exhortation 
 rose in half-stifled tones from the friends of either 
 side, or ejaculations of fear from their opponents, 
 these proceeding most frequently from the females. 
 This passage, however, suddenly terminated by a 
 stroke from Whittle's sword, the point of which just 
 severed the skin upon Travers' brow. The appear 
 ance of blood was a signal to drop their points, and 
 thus the combatants were afforded a second breath 
 ing spell. The wound of Sergeant Travers was no 
 sooner perceived than the whole party who had taken 
 such interest in his adversary's success, raised a 
 shout of exultation that rent the air. This mani 
 festation of triumph, rousing the partisans of the 
 opposite champion into a tone of feeling that par 
 took of defiance, they returned the acclamation with 
 no less vehemence, taking the word from Talbot as 
 he galloped round the confines of the crowd "Suc 
 cess to Gilbert Travers, a tried master of the Noble 
 In this temper of the bystanders, the third passage 
 was announced. Again the combatants engaged, 
 with more than their former vehemence, for, taking 
 the hue of their respective adherents, they were 
 wrought up into a state of ardent hostility, which 
 showed itself in the acerbity and vigour of their
 blows. The spectators were sensibly impelled, as the 
 struggle waxed fiercer, into more intense and angry 
 maintenance of their champions, and all other 
 thoughts seemed now to be absorbed in the desire of 
 victory. Unlike the former passages, this was 
 accompanied with all the clamour of incensed rivalry. 
 At no instant were the voices of partisans lulled into 
 silence. "Bravo, good Stark! Well played, Gil 
 bert!" "Huzza, excellent ! By Saint Dunstan, nobly 
 parried, Sergeant!" and similar expressions of 
 encouragement burst forth from the lips of the 
 excited groups, as they involuntarily laid their hands 
 upon their swords, and, breaking through all con 
 straint, passed up to the frame of the platform. In 
 the height of this animating impulse, Travers threw 
 aside a blow which had been directed with great 
 energy at his breast, and the vigour with which he 
 parried it swayed the sword of his adversary so far 
 out of his sphere of defence as to leave his body 
 open to the return stroke, which was plied with such 
 effect as to make a deep incision midway down 
 Whittle's thigh and thence across the knee, laying 
 open the flesh, through that whole track, to the bone, 
 and covering the wounded man with his blood. It 
 was observed that Whittle's previous stroke had been 
 thrown with such violence as to cause him to reel 
 from his footing when the force of the blow was 
 dashed aside into the air, and many were of opinion 
 that this slip of the foot was an accident which 
 should have saved him from the return cut that was
 made with such disabling effect. It was instantly 
 apparent that this hit decided the fight and gave the 
 victory to the Sergeant of the Musqueteers. 
 "A Roland for an Oliver!" exclaimed Talbot with 
 wild exultation. "Admirable, Sergeant! well done! 
 you have shorn the spur of that cock for a while, 
 at least." 
 "Huzza for Travers!" resounded over the field 
 from the voices of the large party of his friends; 
 whilst, on the other side, with equal vehemence, was 
 shouted, "Foul play! Shame, shame! A Papistical, 
 cowardly trick !" 
 "I'll meet thee, for a beggarly foister," cried an 
 incensed partisan, who sprang upon the platform 
 and shook his sword in Travers' face "I'll meet 
 thee, Master Toasting-iron, when you dare! I'll 
 give thee a lesson for striking a man below the 
 "Push it at him now, Master Hardthrust," ex 
 claimed a second, following in the steps of the new 
 challenger; he deserves no better than to be put 
 on his defence where he stands for a filthy Roman 
 as he is. A foul cut below the knee, and at a man 
 who has lost his footing ! That is the upshot of his 
 These invaders of the platform were instantly 
 confronted by two or three of the opposite party, who 
 ascended the stage to drag them off; and, in turn, 
 some dozens of either complexion in the quarrel 
 sprang to the aid of their respective friends thus
 presenting on both sides a compact body of excited 
 opponents fiercely bent on mischief. 
 Talbot was instantly off his horse, and, sword in 
 hand, rushed to the scene of broil, calling upon 
 Dauntrees to advance his men and make a clear 
 stage. Swords were drawn in all quarters, and the 
 first person with whom Talbot came in conflict was 
 John Coode, who, with his naked weapon in his 
 hand, was stimulating his partisans to commence an 
 assault. Talbot seized him by the front of his coat, 
 and presenting the point of his sword to his breast, 
 cried out "Swiller of the leavings of a tap room! 
 by my hand, if thou openest thy rotten throat with 
 but a cough, I will thrust my sword ell deep into thy 
 worthless body. Begone, hound!" 
 And with this word he pushed the burgess vio 
 lently over the edge of the platform, on the brink of 
 which he stood. In a moment the musqueteers were 
 marched by Dauntrees, in solid mass, upon the stage, 
 and the threatened rioters were thus expelled from 
 the seat of contest. Holding this position, the troops 
 had the command of the field, and by threatening to 
 fire, which Dauntrees, with the trained coolness of 
 an old soldier, announced, in a stentorian voice, he 
 would certainly do if further violence were menaced, 
 Chiseldine, Coode and their companions, amongst 
 whom was Parson Yeo, interfered to quiet the tumult 
 and draw off their adherents. During all this com 
 motion Corporal Abbot was seen on the outer skirt 
 of the crowd, brandishing his weapon, and hurrying
 to and fro with a look which had wrath enough in 
 it to annihilate the whole Church of Rome, yet mixed 
 up with a discretion which would have left a casual 
 spectator at a loss to determine exactly on what side 
 he was arrayed. "Odso!" he ejaculated; "let me 
 into that skirmish! I will teach them orderly be 
 haviour, the varlets! Shall we have brawls put 
 upon us? Shall we digest cold iron against our 
 will? No, by my belt not whilst my name is 
 Abbot! The fight will be this way anon and, I 
 warrant you, my hand is in it." 
 "Put up thy sword, thou venturesome fool," ex 
 claimed Verbrack, who in hurrying round the con 
 fines of the crowd with a small party of the mus- 
 queteers, encountered the man of war in the height of 
 his ire "put up thy sword nor stand vapouring 
 here like a grain thrasher!" which exhortation the 
 Lieutenant accompanied with a slight blow across 
 the offender's shoulders, laid on with the flat of his 
 "Ha, ha! venturesome you may find me, truly, 
 Master Lieutenant; but, as thou say'st, it is a good 
 example to put up our weapons when headstrong 
 men might be led off by evil examples" ; with which 
 sage reflection the wrath of the Corporal suddenly 
 surceased, and his weapon was immediately con 
 signed to its sheath, whence it was not abstracted for 
 full five seconds after the Lieutenant had dis 
 Godfrey had, at tHe first symptom of confusion,
 retired from the field, and Cocklescraft, with his sea 
 men, stood by an unconcerned spectator of the whole 
 scene nor passed a word with any one, except that 
 at one moment, when stalking around the platform, 
 the halberd of Dauntrees accidently, and without the 
 observation of the Captain, was protruded across his 
 path. The Skipper, disdaining to walk out of the 
 way of this impediment, drew his sword and struck 
 it down, saying fiercely as he did it, 
 "Find other service for your pike than to stop my 
 "By my troth, saucy master," replied Dauntrees, 
 "but I will speedily find service for my pike that shall 
 teach thee more civil behaviour. But pass on, sir, 
 you have a license in the Port to go free of all notice 
 except such as shall give thee accommodation in the 
 Lord Baltimore, with the graver gentlemen of his 
 suite, rode around the scene of disorder, manifest 
 ing the utmost concern, and exhorting all whom 
 he might address with any hope of persuasion to re 
 tire quietly from the field. The old Collector, how 
 ever, was not the most docile of his adherents; for 
 the veteran's blood had risen to fever heat, and he 
 repeatedly charged the rioters, cane in hand, with 
 strenuous reproof of their misconduct, expressed in 
 no very dainty terms. By degrees the authors of 
 these tumults began to withdraw from the scene of 
 action and to form themselves into detached bodies 
 far apart, where their rage was allowed to spend
 itself in unchallenged vituperation and rebuke of 
 their antagonists, and finally to subside, at least, into 
 a manageable degree of resentment. 
 Nor less upon the saddened town 
 The evening sunk in sorrow down. 
 The burghers spoke of civil jar, 
 Of rumour'd feuds and mountain war. 
 IN this state of excitement and exasperation, the 
 early twilight found the greater number of the spec 
 tators of the recent show, and crowds still lingered 
 in detached and angry parties about the common, 
 even until the new moon began to shed a pale light 
 over the field. The Council, whose suspicions of the 
 disaffected had, for some time past, put them on the 
 strictest observation of Coode and his friends, had 
 now seen enough in the conduct of that party to con 
 vince them that the spirit of rebellion was sufficiently 
 bold to manifest itself on the first occasion in some 
 decided and dangerous attempt upon the peace of the 
 province. They therefore determined to lose no time 
 in the adoption of such proceedings as should enable 
 them to act most effectually against the ringleaders. 
 With this view, Colonel Darnall was directed by the
 Proprietary to take measures to obtain accurate in 
 formation of the movements of Coode and his party. 
 He accordingly repaired to the Fort to Dauntrees, 
 who, after duly weighing the delicate nature of the 
 commission, determined to take the matter in his own 
 hands, and promised to report to the Council before 
 midnight. This being approved by Darnall, the Cap 
 tain, after he had taken his supper, threw aside his 
 military dress and equipped himself in that of a 
 burgher or private citizen of the Port ; and wrapping 
 himself in a cloak, set forward about nine o'clock on 
 his adventures. His first attention was given to John 
 Coode, and he consequently bent his steps towards 
 the dwelling of the burgess. The house stood retired 
 from a street or shaded lane, in a position somewhat 
 remote from immediate neighbours, whilst a thick 
 bower of foliage threw the mass of building at this 
 hour of midnight into deep obscurity. The Captain 
 approached as near to the premises as he might do 
 \vith safety, and, under the shelter of the shrubbery, 
 found himself in a post where he might observe, 
 without much risk of detection, at least such persons 
 as approached or left the house. He had no diffi 
 culty very soon to convince himself that the dwelling 
 was crowded with visitors. This was manifest not 
 only from the figures that were seen passing and 
 repassing the few dim lights that flickered from the 
 casements, but from the constant ingress and egress 
 of persons by the outer gate, the path to which led 
 immediately past the Captain's place of concealment.
 Many of the passers he could observe to be persons 
 from the inland settlements. After a brief lapse of 
 time came Parson Yeo, moving from the house to 
 the gate, and, at intervals, following him, Kenelm 
 Chiseldine, Godfrey, and several individuals known 
 to be prominent in promoting the late quarrel be 
 tween the Burgesses and the Proprietary. The few 
 words that dropped from the visitors of the dwelling 
 house, as they moved within the range of the Cap 
 tain's hearing, related to the Fendalls, and he more 
 than once heard Lieutenant Godfrey's name con 
 nected with them in a manner that it greatly puzzled 
 him to comprehend; for, as yet, Godfrey had alto 
 gether escaped the suspicion of the Proprietary's 
 friends. When these had gone by, the redoubtable 
 Corporal Abbot was the next that traversed the path 
 way. He was alone, and walked with a brisk pace 
 through the gate, after which he turned into the 
 street in a direction opposite to that which the greater 
 number of those who preceded him had taken. The 
 Captain now boldly left his hiding-place, and, with a 
 free step, followed the lonely professor of war and 
 the 'gentle craft,' and overtook him in a short space, 
 when he was enabled to discern that the troubles of 
 the day had led to some excess in the little martialist's 
 potations, by which his walk was rendered slightly 
 unsteady. The Captain, confiding in his disguise, 
 and the probable bewilderment of the tailor's brain, 
 accosted him boldly as a fellow-conspirator. 
 "Zounds, neighbour ! you are in haste to get under
 cover to-night. I have striven like a goaded horse to 
 overtake you all the way from the door of Master 
 Coode's. Wherefore so fast?" 
 "It isn't wise to be seen so near Master Coode's. 
 The Proprietary hath already an evil eye upon him, 
 and notes his associates." 
 "Truly, then it is discreet to make speed away 
 from the dwelling though it be, after all, but a 
 sneaking thing to fear the Proprietary. We are 
 enough to master his bullies, to my thinking." 
 "Enough! troth, are we. There is Lieutenant 
 Godfrey, as you might have heard him say, has sixty 
 men a score of them to come across the Potomac 
 ready to. ride into the town any night he may wink 
 his eye; besides the friends we have in swarms as 
 thick as pigeon-flights 'twixt this and Christina. 
 Enough, truly! enough and to spare, Master 
 Your pardon, I have forgot your name?" 
 "Whitebread," replied Dauntrees. 
 "Oh, surely! How addled is my pate! Master 
 Whitebread, we shall do it," said the Corporal, with 
 an utterance that might just be discerned to trip a 
 little on the tongue, for his excesses had not so much 
 disturbed as quickened his speech and left him more 
 communicative than in his present circumstances 
 was altogether safe. "We shall do it, Master White- 
 bread, on the night of the fifth of November, as the 
 reverend Master Yeo has appointed." 
 "Guy Fawkes's night," said Dauntrees. But the 
 Kendalls "
 "The Lord love you, Master Whitebread! thou 
 couldst not have rightly apprehended Captain Cocde. 
 Lieutenant Godfrey is to bring his troopers I am 
 one of them, and counted on : I wear his Lordship's 
 colours and take his pay, though I be not of his cause, 
 mark you Lieutenant Godfrey is to fetch his minute- 
 men on Wednesday come next sennight, and make 
 an onslaught upon the prison. We begin with that." 
 "Ay, so I take it, valiant Master Corporal. Cap 
 tain Coode so laid it down." 
 "Faith did he; and he looks to see it done to the 
 last scruple, which, I promise you, it shall be, if 
 there be virtue in steel!" 
 "But he did not explain how these friends from 
 Virginia should reach our shore." 
 "Thou wert asleep, Master Sweetbread : thou 
 wert dull. Did you not know that Master Cockles- 
 craft hath quarreled with the Proprietary, and 
 brings us his brigantine? Truly, does he! When 
 knaves fall out, honest men come by their own, ha, 
 ha ! By cock and pye, but that's a true word !" 
 "Now, good night, brave Corporal," said Daun- 
 trees, as soon as he came to a convenient point to 
 free himself of the company of the flustered and 
 leaky hatcher of treasons. "Good-night, and mayst 
 thou be soon rewarded for thy deserts." 
 "Good night, Master Sweetbread and thank 
 you heartily for your kind wishes I warrant you I 
 get my deserts. But remember," the tailor added, 
 laying his hand upon his lips ; "mute as a mattock
 not a breath !" Having given this parting admoni 
 tion, he pursued his way with a confident carriage; 
 and very soon after they parted, Dauntrees heard 
 his voice lifted up into a brisk song. 
 "Well," said the Captain, when he was left alone; 
 "for the sneaking trade of an eaves-dropper, I have 
 a most apt and commendable talent. In this, my 
 first traffic in so noble and praise-worthy an employ 
 ment, have I succeeded to a marvel. Scarce an 
 hour since my fertile genius struck out this point of 
 war, and here have I unravelled a whole web of 
 treason, that shall go nigh to hanging up these curs 
 by the score. All's fair in war, they say: but, by 
 my faith, I had rather have won my knowledge by 
 some little show of buckler-work, even if it were 
 but a show." 
 The Captain now took a road that led back 
 towards the common, where he carefully recon- 
 noitered the whole ground. Some few persons yet 
 loitered in the vicinity of the booths, and two or 
 three small bands of men, muffled in cloaks, were 
 seen in close conference amongst the cedars that 
 formed a thicket near the Town House. From this 
 point, looking across the narrow bottom of low and 
 marshy ground which lay between the town and the 
 homestead of Chiseldine, which was in full view 
 wherever an opening between the trees gave a range 
 to the eye, he could discover that the dwelling house 
 was more than usually lighted, and that visitors 
 were, at this late hour, thronging 1 the apartments.
 Whilst he was busy with these observations, 
 Lieutenant Godfrey and Cocklescraft emerged 
 from the cedars, in earnest discourse, and slowly 
 followed the path which led down the bank to 
 Master Weasel's inn. Without giving himself the 
 trouble to listen, he could not help hearing the short 
 colloquy which passed between them before they 
 entered the hostel. 
 "What would you have with a horse at this hour 
 of the night?" inquired the Lieutenant. 
 "It is but a freak," replied the Skipper. "By St. 
 lago, Lieutenant, I will deal roundly with him. In 
 honour, I will admonish him beforehand. He shall 
 have warning, on my conscience warning that it 
 shall make him pale to read." 
 "I will not baulk thy devilment, Dick Cockles- 
 craft: So, thou shalt have the steed. When wilt 
 thou return?" 
 "By as early a minute after midnight as I may 
 ride the space with such speed as thy beast by spur 
 ring may afford." 
 "Ha, ha ! a sailor o' horseback and the devil rides 
 at his crupper! Ho, Filch, there ostler Filch! 
 Hither, man : see that an hour hence, when Master 
 Cocklescraft hath finished his supper, thou saddle 
 my nag and fetch him where, Master Skipper?" 
 "To the Town House steps," said his companion. 
 "To the Town House steps dost thou hear?" 
 Dauntrees having now gathered all the informa 
 tion w T hich his good fortune through his night's
 adventure had thrown in his way, betook himself, 
 with all haste to the Proprietary mansion. Here he 
 found Lord Baltimore, Talbot, Darnall and others 
 awaiting his arrival. He narrated circumstantially 
 the strange and ample details connected with the 
 plots in concoction and their contrivers, as he had 
 learned them; and laid a tissue of facts before the 
 Council which left no room for hesitation as to the 
 judgment to be formed of the shape and pressure of 
 the rebellion. Having thus executed the commis 
 sion confided to him, he retired to his quarters. 
 On the following morning, soon after the town 
 was emptied of the press of visitors who had 
 crowded in the prize play, the greater portion of 
 whom had taken their departure at an early hour, 
 it is sufficient for me only to inform my reader, that 
 John Coode, Lieutenant Godfrey, and Corporal 
 Abbot, with a half score of others less distinguished 
 in this history, were snugly ensconced in gaol, 
 sharing the apartment of the persecuted patriots 
 Josias and Samuel Fendall. 
 For the present, neither Kenelm Chiseldine nor 
 the reverend Parson Yeo, were molested, though it 
 may be conceived that they did not pass free of 
 that close observation of their outgoings and in 
 comings with which, in all countries, suspected per 
 sons are wont to be favoured by the guardians of 
 the authority of government. 
 When day broke upon the drowsy burghers of
 St. Mary's on the morning after the prize play, the 
 Olive Branch was no longer to be seen in the river. 
 Such a sudden departure of so important a portion 
 of the commercial marine of the port, produced no 
 small degree of speculation amongst the waking 
 citizens as, by degrees, after sunrise, they began to 
 rub their eyes and look abroad. This speculation 
 became still more intense when, in a few hours, they 
 saw files of soldiers passing through the town, and 
 heard, immediately afterwards, the rumour of the 
 arrest of Coode and his compatriots. Still more was 
 it excited by a report which was early brought to 
 town from the Rose Croft, that the broad arrow 
 the mysterious presignification of mischief, a mark 
 by which a suspected person was proscribed, or a 
 devoted one forewarned had been found deeply 
 scratched, as with the point of a dagger, on the Col 
 lector's door. An unusual stir and buzz of mur 
 mured wonder prevailed through the little city, and 
 every body was on foot to learn the cause of these 
 phenomena. By some it was said that the Skipper 
 had gone on a trading excursion up the bay to Kent 
 Island, as it was his custom to do. Those in the 
 secret of the last night's conspiracy had no difficulty 
 in ascribing his departure to movements connected 
 with the plot: the broad arrow on the Collector's 
 door was easily accounted for by such as were aware 
 of Cocklescraft's midnight ride on Godfrey's horse; 
 and, on all sides, expectation was raised into silent 
 dread of some eruption that was to break forth, in
 a moment when none might be aware of it, and 
 from a quarter to which few might look. 
 The Council was convened at the Proprietary 
 mansion, and there the emergency was gravely 
 debated and the most energetic measures of precau 
 tion and defence adopted. The escape of Cockles- 
 craft, connected with his recent quarrel with the 
 Secretary, and the disclosure made by Abbot of his 
 concurrence in the plot of the conspirators, left no 
 doubt of his treachery. The outbreak was rendered 
 more formidable by its coincidence in point of 
 time with the contemplated incursion of the North 
 ern Indians, as related by the travelling doctor 
 a circumstance that seemed to infer correspondence 
 between the leaders of the conspiracy and the sav 
 ages, and to give the plot a consistency well calcu 
 lated to excite alarm. To these topics of apprehen 
 sion, on the part of the Council, was added a certain 
 undefined and anxious misgiving that the goblin 
 stories of the Wizard's Chapel, as reported by Daun- 
 trees and Arnold de la Grange, and now repeated 
 by the Proprietary with all the testimony he had 
 obtained to support them, had some connexion with 
 this long-hatched rebellion, and that there were 
 secret ramifications of the plot that had never yet 
 been suspected. The participation of Godfrey and 
 Cocklescraft in the designs of Coode, of which none 
 of the Proprietary's friends had entertained a sur 
 mise until the previous night, was a fact adapted 
 to confirm their fears of the wide diffusion of
 disaffection where it had not been looked for. The 
 result of this deliberation was a resolve to pursue 
 matters to a speedy conclusion by a decisive and 
 bold action. The ringleaders were to be brought 
 instantly to trial; the military force was to be 
 increased; their ranks purged of all who were sus 
 pected to want heartiness in the cause; and every 
 precaution was to be taken to provide against 
 assault from all quarters, by night or day. Captain 
 Dauntrees was commanded to look to the safety 
 of the town, and to endeavour to ascertain what had 
 become of Cocklescraft. 
 In this state of preparation and suspense, twenty- 
 four hours passed over without tidings of the 
 Skipper, or any new developments of the designs 
 of the conspirators. The vigorous measures taken 
 by the Proprietary seemed to have struck terror 
 into his adversaries, and at least driven them into 
 the shelter of silence and concealment. At the end 
 of this period Willy of the Flats, who was one of 
 those expert politicians who make it a point to 
 manifest their patriotism by the most eager zeal in 
 favour of the side that is uppermost, having until 
 the overthrow of Coode been strongly inclined to 
 take part with the agitators, now made his way, 
 about ten o'clock at night, into the Fort, and thence 
 to the presence of Captain Dauntrees. Approaching 
 the Captain, with an air of constrained self-import 
 ance, he said in a half whisper, 
 "News, Master Captain grave news, worshipful
 sir, state matters! I have come post-haste to tell 
 you, that twenty minutes ago no, that I may not 
 lie, I will say twenty-five minutes ago just so long 
 as with good speed a dog trot we will say it 
 might suffice for me to come hither from Master 
 Weasel's tap-room who think you I saw, and what 
 did he do?" 
 "Speak, varlet, without this windy prologue." 
 "There comes me in Master Cocklescraft, and 
 straight orders a noggin of brandy, whereof guz 
 zling it down with a most treasonable haste, he 
 wiped his lip, and asked for Lieutenant Godfrey and 
 when he heard that the Lieutenant was in prison 
 he bit his lip and gave a kind of ha ! or I might say 
 grunt, and walked very suspiciously away." 
 "And thou hadst not the wit to follow him?" 
 "Follow him, Master Dauntrees, I did, as far as 
 the cedars of the Town House, where the moon 
 being down I lost him. He might have been on 
 his way to the gaol, but I staid not to seek that out, 
 for turning round, now, said I, Willy, make for 
 the Fort as fast as you can, and tell the Captain the 
 whole matter." 
 "Thanks, at least, for that diligence of thine. 
 Thou shalt have thy supper and a stoop of liquor for 
 "Blessings on thy worship, for thinking of the 
 need of an empty man!" said Willy, as with his hat 
 tucked under his arm he went towards the Captain's,
 kitchen to acquaint Matchcote with his master's hint 
 touching the refreshment. 
 Dauntrees lost no time in despatching an inferior 
 officer, with two or three files, in quest of the Skip 
 per. These returned after midnight with a tale con 
 firming Willy's narrative; but with the further 
 intelligence that no traces could be obtained of 
 Cocklescraft beyond his appearance at the Crow and 
 The next day the Superior of the Jesuit House of 
 St. Inigoe's visited the Proprietary to inform him 
 that, at the dawn, the servants of his establishment 
 had found their skiff hauled up on the beach, some 
 fifty or a hundred yards remote from the wharf 
 where, on the preceding night, it had been carefully 
 locked by a chain, which, it appeared, had been 
 broken, showing that the boat had been used by 
 some person of whom no knowledge could yet be 
 obtained. He further stated that Fluke the fisher 
 man, who lived some distance below St. Inigoe's, on 
 the river bank, had that morning reported, that be 
 fore daylight his dogs had waked him with loud 
 barking, and that he had heard the footsteps of a 
 man upon the beach : that the fisherman had chal 
 lenged the stranger from his window, but had got 
 no reply, and was fain to let him pass on without 
 molestation, owing to the darkness of the hour. 
 This intelligence, combined with that brought to 
 the fort by the fiddler, strongly pointed to the visit 
 and retreat of the Skipper, and seemed to indicate
 that he was lurking somewhere near the mouth of 
 the river, and had, in the night, crossed St. Inigoe's 
 creek immediately from the wharf of the Jesuit 
 House to that of the Rose Croft, by which road he 
 had visited the town and returned again before day 
 Dauntrees, upon receiving this information, lost 
 no time in visiting the House of St. Inigoe's, to 
 inquire into the particulars ; after which he went to 
 see the fisherman. The result of this journey was 
 to confirm him in the impression of the secret cor 
 respondence of the Skipper with the town, and to 
 engage Fluke in the service of watching the future 
 motions of the same visitant. 
 Simon Fluke lived some two or three miles 
 below St. Inigoe's, near the mouth of the river, 
 where a small cabin gave shelter to his wife and 
 a troop of children. This man earned a hard liveli 
 hood by supplying his neighbours of St. Inigoe's 
 and the townspeople with fish; and it was greatly 
 to his content that he now found himself engaged 
 in the service of the Proprietary, with the promise 
 of a handsome reward if his good fortune should 
 enable him to aid effectually in securing the person 
 of the Skipper. 
 It was a few day's after his employment in this 
 service, that the sun was seen to set amongst thickly 
 scudding clouds and blasts of wind, such as, with 
 the near approach of November, are apt suddenly 
 to break in upon the serene autumn, giving rude
 foretastes of winter. The horzion was dark, and 
 the overmastered sun hopelessly struggled to fling 
 a parting beam upon the ruffled waters. 
 The fisherman had hauled his boat upon the sand, 
 bestowed his nets and other tackle in safety for 
 the night, and taken his seat at his fireside, with a 
 lighted pipe. The door of his hut standing wide 
 open and looking southwardly, showed him the 
 Potomac, even across to that remote cape called 
 by the early settlers after St. Gregory, but now 
 known as Smith's Point. 
 "Look out, dame," said the fisherman, as he cast 
 his eye over this extensive sheet of water, yet illu 
 mined with the light of parting day, "and you shall 
 see a strange craft beating up from the Virginia 
 shore; she is almost too light a skiff for such a sea 
 as that now running in. Hast seen it go down the 
 river to-day? Where can it belong?" 
 "It is a new sight to me," replied the wife; "I 
 saw nothing like it go down from St. Mary's to 
 "He does not shape his course, either, up the 
 river, so much as he makes for this shore," added 
 the fisherman. "He comes from some harbour on 
 the other side, short of St. Gregory. His business 
 must drive him hard, to bring him out at this hour, 
 in the teeth of such a wind. I will keep an eye on 
 that fellow, wife; there is enough in his venturing, 
 to raise a suspicion." 
 The homely supper of the family, soon after this,
 called off the fisherman from his watch, which 
 indeed the thickening shades of night soon rendered 
 useless, and the only vigilance which the master of 
 the hut could now exercise was shown in an occa 
 sional walk to the beach, in the hope that the 
 nearer approach of the boatman might inform him 
 with more certainty whether her course lay towards 
 the town. Nothing however was gained by these 
 visits ; no boat came in view, and the gloom forbade 
 further observation. The craft was some seven or 
 eight miles, at least, from shore when she was last 
 seen, and the fisherman, giving up all hope of learn 
 ing more that night, threw his weary frame upon 
 his tattered couch and sunk into a profound sleep. 
 During the night a growl of the house-dog, and 
 the tread of a foot upon the gravel, woke the 
 uneasy-slumbering dame, but the sound had died 
 away amidst the plash of waves upon the strand, 
 before she could rouse the heavy and torpid frame 
 of her snoring lord. When at last he woke, it was 
 only to utter a drowsy and bewildered reproof for 
 the annoyance he had suffered, and to fall back 
 again into his former deep unconsciousness. At 
 early dawn, however, he was abroad, breathing the 
 sharp, cold breeze of the clear morning. Below his 
 hut, seaward, he could descry upon the beach, some 
 miles short of Point Look Out, the small craft 
 which, on the previous evening, he had noted stand 
 ing across the river. It was a suspicious sight to 
 see a boat at such a time in such a place; and con-
 necting it with the circumstances his wife had 
 remarked in the night, Fluke found reason enough 
 to put himself on the watch for the person who con 
 trolled its motions. He accordingly went into his 
 hut, sticking under his girdle a horseman's pistol 
 which he kept for domestic defence, and taking a 
 stout \vhite-oak staff in his hand, he trudged forth 
 along the margin of the river, resolved to plant him 
 self in some advantageous position, whence he might 
 intercept any one who should approach the boat by 
 land. He had not left his door above half an hour, 
 before his wife observed a traveller, in a seaman's 
 dress partially concealed by a grey cloak, striding 
 on foot along the field contiguous to the beach, in 
 the same direction that her husband had just taken. 
 The mastiff of the household was the first to chal 
 lenge the stranger, by springing almost to his 
 heel, a trespass that was instantly resented by a 
 sturdy blow from a walking-stick that sent the dog 
 yelping back to the hut. 
 "St. lago! I will kill the dog!" exclaimed the 
 wayfarer. "Woman," he added, as soon as he 
 became aware that the dame had her eye upon him, 
 "why dost thou not chain up the beast? By my 
 hand! I will make short work with him if he 
 interrupt me again." And without waiting to hear 
 the dame's half-chiding, half-encouraging address 
 to the dog "Get thee in, for a saucy, old, honest 
 snarler !" or her defence of him : "He will not hurt 
 you, sir; his growl is worse than his bite," he
 strode so rapidly onward as soon to be out of view. 
 In less than an hour after sunrise, the little 
 chaloupe was seen laying her course gallantly before 
 the wind, with her tiny sail filled almost to burst 
 ing, as she bore for the opposite side of the Poto 
 It creeps, the swarthy funeral train, 
 The corse is on the bier. 
 THE distant bell of St. Inigoe's was heard sum 
 moning the priests of the House to the chapel 
 service of the Vigil of All Souls, or, in other 
 words, the season had now advanced as far as high 
 noon on the last day of October, when the quay 
 in front of the Crow and Archer was enlivened by 
 the gossipping faces of a group of quidnuncs who 
 had assembled there in the warm sunshine, to dis 
 cuss a most melancholy piece of intelligence which 
 had just come to town, and which was debated with 
 that characteristic respect for truth and decent spirit 
 of condolence with which horrible accidents and 
 distressing casualties are generally propagated. 
 "There's proclamation of hue and cry out," said 
 Willy of the Flats, speaking as one who had 
 obtained possession of a state secret "I heard it
 myself, but now, at the mansion, from Master 
 Llewellen, who was sent for, on set purpose, by his 
 Lordship, to make proclamation by hue and cry as 
 fast as it can be writ down." 
 "Good reason!" replied Mug the sexton; "I'll 
 warrant you Tiquassino's men have slipped across 
 the bay, with Jackanapes or Robin Hood at their 
 lead, to whet their knives on Christian flesh; and 
 if they are to be caught, we must do it quick, I can 
 tell you, neighbours. Will the body be brought to 
 "That shall be as Master Coroner shall order," 
 said Garret Weasel, with the air of a man who felt 
 himself entitled to instruct the company in matters 
 of law. "No one durst touch the body till the coro 
 ner has dealt with it. Giles Ferret must have a 
 fancy, forsooth, to summon me on his jury! but 
 I foiled him on privilege, d'ye see, masters, for the 
 Sheriff hath set me down on the panel for the pro 
 vincial court next week; so no two juries for me, 
 Master Coroner, says I. Lord, lord! I could no 
 more face Simon Fluke's family, to say nothing 
 of the dead man himself, in their distress, than I 
 could look upon my own dame in her winding- 
 "Troth ! you shall never look at me in that dress," 
 exclaimed the laughing landlady, who stood on the 
 skirt of the crowd, hitherto unseen by her husband. 
 "I have pranked out two as pretty men in woollen 
 as yourself, Garret Weasel, before I had the good
 luck to clap eyes on you; and, faith, I mean to put 
 you to bed with the shovel, ere I go myself. What 
 are the townsfolk good for, that they are not up and 
 abroad to find out the villains who murdered the 
 fisherman ?" 
 "They talk of a following with hot hand," said 
 Derrick Brown, in reply to the question of the hos 
 tess, "as soon as the Coroner comes back. The 
 Indians are lurking somewhere upon the border of 
 the settlements : take my word it will be proved so." 
 "An' we were sure of that," said Garret Weasel, 
 "I should be for boot and spur, harquebuss and 
 hanger, up and away, lads; but we must move 
 with caution in the matter till we get lawful ground 
 for an out-riding. Give us the hue and cry before 
 we start." 
 "Some do say," interposed Master Clink, a 
 mender of kettles, who had left his work so hastily 
 that he had not thrown aside his leather apron, 
 "that the murder was done by Papists in the dis 
 guise of Indians." 
 "I'll warrant you as many lies will be pinned 
 upon the back of this murder as it will hold," said a 
 tall, sallow, spare-built man, who was known as the 
 head constable of the riding of St. George's. "It 
 is ever the fashion now, when a piece of mischief 
 has been practised, for one side or the other to turn 
 it into a church matter. Everybody knows that 
 Simon Fluke was as good a Roman as there was 
 in the riding. Why dost thou prate about the
 Papists, Tom Clink ? Who told thee that monstrous 
 "By the faith of my body! I did hear it whis 
 pered," replied the tinker; "though, as I am an 
 honest man, I did not believe it." 
 Whilst this little knot of newsmongers continued 
 upon the quay, discussing the rumours of the day 
 and, now and then, enlivening their drooping spirits 
 with a resort to the red lattice of the Crow and 
 Archer, behind which Matty Scamper and Dame 
 Dorothy by turns administered the refreshment of a 
 cup of ale or some stronger potation, two boats were 
 discovered approaching the harbour from a point 
 below St. Inigoe's, and making as much speed as 
 their complement of oars would allow. As they 
 neared the quay, it became apparent that the first 
 contained a coffin attended by the fisherman's 
 family, and two priests; the second was freighted 
 with the jury under the charge of Master Giles Fer 
 ret, the Coroner. 
 Whilst the boats are approaching, we recur to our 
 narrative where we left it at the conclusion of the 
 last chapter; deeming it necessary to say that the 
 anxious wife, after venting some unavailing and 
 affectionate expressions of impatience at her hus 
 band's delay in returning to his breakfast, sat down 
 to her meal, unconscious of the cause that detained 
 her mate, and ascribing his absence to that care 
 lessness of hours which grew out of the nature of 
 his calling. Noon came, and the frugal board was
 again spread for dinner, but to it came no father of 
 the wondering household ; still the vacant seat was 
 not so unusual a spectacle as to excite alarm. But 
 when the sun began to dip upon the verge of the 
 western horizon, and no trace could be discerned 
 of the homeward step of the fisherman, fears arose 
 in the bosom of his wife, and long and earnestly 
 she paced the beach and strained her sight to catch 
 his expected form. At length, heading her little 
 household troop, she sallied forth, with hurried 
 step, along the sands, for more than a mile; and 
 finding no vestige of him, returned sorrowfully to 
 her humble roof and gave up the night to that 
 sharpest of all the trials by which grief may assail 
 the human breast, the half-hoping, half-fearing, 
 silent, doubting watchfulness for the approach of 
 evil tidings, which the heart, by a strange presenti 
 ment, sometimes truly foretells. 
 At daylight her eldest boy was despatched to the 
 house of St. Inigoe's for aid, and very soon some 
 four or five persons were on foot to scour the coun 
 try in quest of the lost man. A short search dis 
 closed the dreadful truth : the body was found in a 
 thicket of cedar, with the marks of a bullet through 
 the brain ; the spot within a hundred paces of the 
 shore of a small inlet (at this day known as Smith's 
 creek,) that flowed from the Potomac a few miles 
 westward of Point Lookout. There were the foot 
 prints of men upon the beach, and marks of the keel 
 of a boat which had been drawn up on the sand.
 The wretched wife could only tell of her husband's 
 jdeparture in the morning: all other recollections, 
 in the depth of her sorrow, were swept from her 
 mind; and the persons who were busy in seeking 
 out the facts of the murder were obliged to leave the 
 spot with nothing better than vague conjectures as 
 to the agency by which it was perpetrated. 
 The tidings were quickly brought to the town, 
 and the Coroner instantly proceeded with a jury to 
 the spot to perform the duties required by the law. 
 His office was soon discharged, and, as we have 
 seen, he was now, early in the afternoon, on his 
 return with the body of the deceased, attended by 
 the wailing family and the jury who had pro 
 nounced their verdict of "intentional homicide by 
 persons unknown." 
 In the excited state of parties, at this crisis, the 
 Proprietary did not choose to risk a popular tumult. 
 Already, as was usual at that day, regardless of any 
 ascertained fact relating to the murder, common 
 opinion ascribed it to the Indians; whilst the more 
 violent of the factionists noised it abroad as a con 
 trivance of the Catholic party to overawe their ad 
 versaries, directly charging the murder upon the 
 friends of the Proprietary, who, it was alleged, had 
 accomplished it in the garb of Indians. The ani 
 mosity with which this improbable and, in this 
 case, absurd report (for the deceased was known by 
 many, to be of the same faith with his imputed 
 murderers) was propagated, induced, in the mind
 of Lord Baltimore, an apprehension of some dis 
 turbance, and he had accordingly directed Captain 
 Dauntrees to keep his force in readiness to suppress 
 any attempt at disorder which might arise. The 
 boats, therefore, were no sooner discovered ap 
 proaching the quay, than the garrison of the Fort 
 were drawn out by their Captain and marched to 
 the foot of the mulberry at the Town House, where 
 they awaited the funeral procession, which it was 
 designed they should accompany to the grave. 
 Many of the townspeople of both sexes formed 
 in the procession, which was brought up in the rear 
 by the company of musqueteers, who wheeled into 
 the line of march, as the last of the marshalled fol 
 lowers of the body passed from beneath the shade of 
 the mulberry. The bell of the Chapel of St. Mary's 
 tolled whilst the train moved, at a measured pace, 
 towards the church door, where being met by Father 
 Pierre, the corpse was deposited in the aisle; and 
 the good priest, with such despatch as might com 
 port with the solemnity of his duty, performed the 
 appointed service of the dead, in the presence of the 
 large body of spectators who had pressed into the 
 Whilst the crowd was still engaged as witnesses 
 of this scene, a rumour was whispered around that 
 the proclamation of hue and cry had just been put 
 forth by the council. A messenger came for Cap 
 tain Dauntrees, who was observed, immediately 
 afterward, silently to steal forth from the church,
 and to take his way with hasty strides towards the 
 Proprietary mansion. By degrees, one after an 
 other, the spectators followed, and were soon 
 discovered in groups scattered about the town; 
 until, at last, the corpse was left with but few more 
 attendants than were necessary to perform the 
 proper duties of sepulture. 
 Half an hour had scarcely elapsed before 
 mounted men were seen galloping through the ave 
 nues of the little city. The silence which attended 
 the funeral procession was exchanged for busy and 
 clamorous conversation; the bell had ceased to toll, 
 and in its place the notes of a trumpet were suc 
 cessively heard at several points, as a horseman 
 paced from place to place, and read the proclama 
 tion calling on the burghers to follow with Hue 
 and Cry the perpetrators of the vile murder of 
 honest Simon Fluke. 
 Whilst the burial of the fisherman, and the topics 
 to which it gave rise, engrossed the attention of 
 young and old in the town, Albert Verheyden, 
 dressed in a riding suit with a winter surcoat or 
 horseman's cassock loosely thrown around his per 
 son, made his appearance on horseback at the Rose 
 Croft. He had engaged to ride towards the Chesa 
 peake with Colonel Talbot and a troop of followers, 
 to explore the country as far down as Point Look 
 out, where rumour had already affirmed certain 
 Indians of suspicious bearing to have recently 
 landed from the opposite shore of the Chesapeake.
 Talbot himself had projected this expedition mainly 
 with a view to sift out and expose the calumny 
 which imputed the recent murder to the friends of 
 the Proprietary; and he was the more whetted in 
 his purpose by a secret expectation that a vigorous 
 endeavour would enable him not only to refute the 
 slander, but to furnish evidence of the agency of 
 the opposite party in the perpetration of the crime. 
 His purpose being made known in the family of 
 the Proprietary, it was with a modest yet eager 
 petition that Albert Verheyden asked leave to 
 accompany him on the expedition, a request which 
 was granted with even more alacrity than that with 
 which it was made. The hour appointed for setting 
 out was delayed only until a sufficient party should 
 be collected; and this was retarded by the ceremony 
 of the funeral and the common anxiety to await the 
 tidings expected by the coroner and his attendants. 
 In the meantime, the Secretary, feeling more con 
 cern in the affairs at the Rose Croft than in the 
 gossip of the town, repaired thither to await the 
 moment of departure, having commissioned the 
 young Benedict Leonard to ride as far as the Col 
 lector's and give him warning when the troop 
 should take the road a service which the heir ap 
 parent promised to perform with the greater satis 
 faction, as it assigned him some show of duty in the 
 general engrossment of the household, and there 
 fore conferred upon him an importance interesting 
 to his vanity.
 The Secretary had been seated for some time in 
 the parlour with Blanche, where he related to her 
 the story of the fisherman's murder with a touching 
 sadness; and when he told her of his purposed ad 
 venture, it was with a prouder tone than he had 
 ever assumed before ; there was even perceptible in it 
 a trace of self-exaltation altogether unusual in his 
 speech. Blanche listened with maidenly reserve, as 
 if she was almost ashamed to confess the interest she 
 took in Master Albert's communication. She was 
 solicitous for his health and comfort in the dreary 
 ride through the woods he was about to under 
 take, and which might be prolonged until late at 
 night ; and she was fain almost to advise him against 
 such an exposure, but she feared to tell him so 
 much, lest it might be thought taking too great a 
 freedom. Thus engrossed, the hours flew by un 
 heeded, and, in truth, forgotten, until the afternoon 
 had reached nearly four o'clock, when suddenly 
 Benedict Leonard, without announcement or even 
 premonitory rap at the door, entered the parlour. 
 "Goodness, Master Albert !" he exclaimed, "think 
 of me such a crack-noddle! You will never trust 
 me again, I may make sure of that. Would you be 
 lieve it, I rode full two miles past the Rose Croft 
 here, with my uncle Talbot and John Alward, and 
 all the people on their way to hunt the murderers, 
 without so much as ever once thinking of you? I 
 said, when we started, I would ride as far as St. 
 Inigoe's mill, and then come back; and I as clear
 forgot you till I stopped at the mill as if there was 
 no such person as you or Blanche Warden in the 
 wide world : and I might have thought of Mistress 
 Blanche, too, because my Aunt Maria gave me a 
 message for her now what is it ? Oh, it is gone, 
 it is gone ! a plague on it ! that's got out of my head, 
 too. No matter, Master Albert, my Uncle Talbot 
 told me to say, when we parted, that he would be on 
 the path which leads down to Point Lookout, and 
 that you must follow as fast as you can." 
 "It is late in the evening for so long a ride, Master 
 Albert," said Blanche, as with a look of alarm she 
 involuntarily laid her hand upon his shoulder; "you 
 will not venture alone so near nightfall ?" 
 "I should be accounted a most faithless laggard if 
 I stayed behind now," replied the Secretary. "There 
 is a broad road for some four miles, and I will go at 
 speed till I overtake the riders. At the greatest 
 mischance," he added, smiling, whilst he buttoned 
 his overcoat closely across his breast, " 'tis but a 
 night in the woods. I will keep this vigil of Hallow 
 Mass like a hermit or rather like a squire of chiv 
 alry undergoing the ordinance of knighthood, by 
 watching over his sword. The holy saints be with 
 you, mistress ! I must set good store by the daylight 
 and turn it to account : farewell, till we meet again !" 
 "Farewell!" faintly echoed the maiden; "Master 
 Albert, let us see you to-morrow." 
 When Albert Verheyden turned out upon the 
 highroad he put spurs to his horse and raised his
 speed to a gallop, until he found himself immersed 
 in the hills and ravines which lay about the head of 
 St. Inigoe's. One or two wayfarers whom he had 
 chanced to meet had answered his inquiry after his 
 companions by informing him that a troop of towns 
 people, consisting of some eight or ten, had passed 
 along the road at a pretty brisk motion not less than 
 three or four miles ahead of him. The broken coun 
 try into which he had plunged (the road winding 
 through narrow dells and surmounting short and 
 steep acclivities), the thickets that tangled his path, 
 and the occasional swamps of the low grounds, 
 forced him to slacken his pace and proceed with 
 greater caution on his route. The prints of horses' 
 hoofs upon the damp soil in places were fresh, and 
 showed him that he was not only on the right track, 
 but also that he was at no great distance behind 
 his company. Once or twice the Secretary reined 
 up his horse and directed his eyes toward the 
 heavens, as he meditated an abandonment of his 
 expedition and a return home before nightfall, but 
 as often his pride forbade a retreat whilst his com 
 rades were afield, and he resumed his journey. He 
 was in momentary expectation of overtaking the 
 party in advance, and made sure of doing so when 
 he should reach the fisherman's hut upon the river 
 beach, towards which it was his purpose to direct 
 his way. Occasionally a farmhouse opened upon 
 his view across a distant field ; but he was unwilling 
 to lose the time which a digression from his road to
 visit it would have required, only for the sake of 
 assuring himself of his road, with which he believed 
 himself to be sufficiently acquainted. 
 It grew at last to be dark night, and, to add to 
 his discomfort, the rain began to fall. The Secre 
 tary dismounted from his horse and stood, with 
 suppressed breath, endeavouring to catch the sound 
 of distant waves, hoping to find himself near enough 
 to the river to obtain this guide to his footsteps; 
 but all was silent, except the pattering of rain upon 
 the dry leaves of the forest, and the impatient paw 
 ing of his horse upon the sod. He shouted aloud for 
 his lost companions, but his voice echoed, without 
 response, through the lonesome wood. "I jested 
 with thee," he muttered to himself, in a jocular tone, 
 referring to the maiden who was ever uppermost in 
 his thoughts, "I jested with thee, but a few hours 
 ago, upon my keeping a vigil of Hallow Mass in the 
 woods. Dear Blanche, I thought nothing farther 
 away than that jest should be true; but here my 
 evil destiny hath brought me, for a punishment, to 
 make it real." 
 He now groped around to gather some dry wood, 
 hoping, by the aid of his pistol, to kindle a blaze by 
 which he might warm himself and prepare to spend 
 the night in more comfort than on his horse. He 
 laboured in vain, for everything he could lay his 
 hand on was saturated with moisture. At length he 
 mounted again into his saddle, determined to ride 
 onward until he should chance to find some place of
 shelter. He had now not only lost his path, but also 
 all perception of his course : the darkness confused 
 him, and he therefore plodded on at a slow pace, 
 unconscious to what quarter of the compass his foot 
 steps tended, and discouraged with the thought that 
 every moment, perhaps, carried him still further 
 from the home he was anxious to seek. 
 In this state of mind, for full four hours after 
 dark, did he wander, uncertain of his way, through 
 wood and over plain, mid brush and brier, over fen 
 and field. At length his ear could plainly distinguish 
 the beat of waves upon a strand, and it was with a 
 joyful change of feeling that he believed himself, 
 after so weary a circuit, approaching the margin of 
 the river, along which he was aware he should have a 
 plainer ride, with the certainty, in the course of a 
 mile or two, of finding some human habitation. As 
 the sound of the waters grew stronger, whilst he 
 advanced to the beach, his eye was all at once greeted 
 with the welcome sight of a taper glimmering 
 through the glade, and, by its steady light, assuring 
 him that no Will-o'-the-wisp, as sometimes he 
 feared, had risen to bewilder his journey. 
 With new courage and reviving strength he 
 shaped his course towards the friendly ray; on 
 which pursuit we must now leave him, to attend 
 to other personages in our story.
 Have not we 
 commonwealth amongst ourselves, ye Tripolites? 
 A commonwealth? a kingdom! And I am 
 The prince of Qui-va-las, your sovereign thief, 
 And you are all my subjects. 
 The Sisters. 
 WHEN Cocklescraft asked for Godfrey's horse on 
 the night that succeeded the prize-play, the reader 
 will remember that, as Captain Dauntrees overheard 
 the conversation, it was accompanied with an avowal 
 of a purpose to warn an enemy, whose name was 
 not disclosed, of some premeditated harm which the 
 speaker designed to inflict. 
 The broad arrow scratched on the door of the 
 Collector's dwelling, when discovered on the ensuing 
 morning, plainly enough referred to the fearful 
 menace of the seaman, and sufficiently indicated how 
 bitter was his change of feeling against the peaceful 
 inmates of the Rose Croft. Mr. Warden attached 
 but little consequence to the implied threat, nor 
 troubled himself with measures to guard against the 
 intended mischief, believing it to be but an ebullition 
 of that spirit of disaffection which the prompt 
 measures of the Council had already so far rebuked 
 as to leave but little to apprehend. 
 Cocklescraft, immediately after returning to the 
 town from his midnight ride, went on board of his
 brigantine, and quietly weighing anchor, set sail 
 down the river and thence across the Potomac 
 here some eight miles wide and finally, before day 
 light, made his way into a small creek on the Vir 
 ginia shore, a few miles above Smith's Point, or 
 Cape St. Gregory. Here his vessel lay sheltered from 
 the observation of the few boats which passed up 
 and down the Potomac, thus affording him probable 
 security against pursuit; whilst, at the same time, 
 the inhabitants of this region were reputed generally 
 to be friends to the cause of the Fendalls and 
 enemies of long standing to the Proprietary. He 
 had, therefore, only to make known the colours 
 under which he had lately taken service, and he 
 might assure himself of stout partisans in his 
 On the second night after his arrival at this retreat, 
 up to which period he had remained ignorant of all 
 that had transpired in the town in regard to the 
 arrest of his comrades, he threw a cloak over his 
 shoulders, and taking a common sailor-cap, got into 
 his yawl, which was now rigged with a mast and 
 sail, and steered for a point on the Maryland shore, 
 but a short distance below the hut of the fisherman. 
 His motive for this caution in not approaching 
 nearer to the town arose from an apprehension that 
 he might be watched by the garrison of the Fort, 
 and perhaps pursued to his lurking place an appre 
 hension suggested by that sense of guilt which pre 
 dominated over every other feeling since his deser-
 tion of his late friends and what weighed with 
 heavier terror upon his mind his abandonment of 
 his church. To avoid this notice he landed near the 
 mouth of St. Mary's river, and proceeded from that 
 point, on foot, to the town, a distance of some five 
 or six miles. In his journey along the beach he had 
 passed by the hut of the fisherman, and had crossed 
 the creek of St. Inigoe's, immediately from the 
 Jesuit House over to the Collector's landing place, 
 being enabled to make this passage in the manner 
 detailed by the Superior to the Lord Proprietary. 
 Upon his arrival at the Crow and Archer after 
 night, he became acquainted for the first time with 
 the arrest of the conspirators. This intelligence 
 hastened him away to hold a short interview with 
 Chiseldine, by whom he was admonished to tarry 
 as short a time as possible in the port, as orders 
 were already abroad for his apprehension. The ad 
 vice thus timely offered enabled him to effect a 
 speedy retreat to his boat, by the same route that 
 he had taken in coming to the town; and he was 
 thus saved from the fate that would have overtaken 
 him if he had remained half an hour longer than the 
 moment of the fiddler's visit to Captain Dauntrees. 
 Tired of lying perdue so long on the Virginia 
 shore, he determined to proceed with his brig first 
 to St. Jerome's, where he proposed to wait two or 
 three days to observe the course of events, and then 
 either to sail abroad or take his course up the Chesa 
 peake, where, if pursued, he was willing to trust
 to the speed of his vessel to baffle all endeavours 
 towards his arrest. Upon the deck of the Olive 
 Branch, or, as she has now laid aside her peaceful 
 character, we may call her the Escalfador he felt 
 himself secure against annoyance from any naval 
 force at the disposal of the Proprietary, and this cir 
 cumstance, together with a strong confidence in the 
 number of the disaffected with whom he was associ 
 ated, inspired him with an audacity that almost defied 
 the public authorities even in their own resorts. 
 With a view to communicate his intended change 
 of position to his confederates, he made his second 
 visit to the town pretty nearly in the same man 
 ner that he had accomplished the first. His stay in 
 the port, however, was longer than on the former 
 night, and it was consequently after break of day 
 that he passed the hut of Simon Fluke. On his near 
 approach to the spot where his skiff awaited him he 
 encountered the fisherman, who was lurking upon 
 his path, and who, at the moment they came within 
 speaking distance, was endeavouring to conceal him 
 self in a thicket of cedars. Cocklescraft was not a 
 man to hesitate in the commission of a crime under 
 any circumstances, and least of all when it con 
 cerned his safety. On the present occasion he did 
 not stop to parley with the person who waylaid his 
 footsteps, but obeying the impulse of his habitual 
 sense of hostility to his kind, and the ferocity of his 
 nature, he drew a pistol from his girdle and dis 
 charged the contents with such certain effect that
 the fisherman fell dead at his feet without a groan. 
 He tarried not to look upon the murdered man, nor 
 to take any concern even for the disposal of the 
 body, but leaving it a prey to the wild birds that 
 hovered near, he stept into his boat with as little 
 emotion or remorse as if he had despatched some 
 prowling beast, not caring to inquire who or what 
 he was that invaded his path. 
 On the night that followed this adventure the 
 Olive Branch quitted her temporary harbour, and the 
 next morning found her secretly ensconced behind 
 a woody headland, in a nook of St. Jerome's creek, 
 about two miles above its mouth, where she lay safe 
 from the view of all who navigated the Chesapeake. 
 Cocklescraft began already to feel that he had 
 joined his new associates in an hour not the most 
 auspicious to his fortunes. The arrest of the leaders 
 and the quiet that seemed to prevail throughout the 
 land created a doubt in his mind whether anything 
 was likely to be achieved in the way that he desired ; 
 and more than once he meditated a retreat from the 
 province, yet resolved before he did so to signalise 
 the event by some flagrant act of vengeance upon 
 his enemies. This thought seemed to please him; 
 and he spent the day in ruminating over schemes of 
 retribution against those who had of late treated him 
 with such contumely. Uppermost in his breathings 
 of hatred was the name of Albert Verheyden, and a 
 demon smile curled upon his lip when he muttered it. 
 Such provision as might hastily be made for a
 short voyage now engrossed the attention of his 
 crew. His armament was put in order, water 
 > taken in, and every thing done except the stowing 
 on board of such commodities as he designed to take 
 away to other markets to prepare him for sailing 
 within the next twenty-four hours, if occasion 
 should require. 
 When night came on, and the rain fell, and the 
 moon was quenched, and the murky, cheerless 
 atmosphere so congenial with the unlawful com 
 plexion of his designs admonished him how little 
 likely it was that prying feet or watchful eyes should 
 be abroad, a revel was held in the Wizard's Chapel. 
 Amidst the lumber that lay piled in confusion over 
 the floor of the rude but spacious building, room 
 was found for a rough table, around which empty 
 casks, broken boxes and other appropriate furniture 
 of a smuggler's den supplied seats sufficient for the 
 accommodation of twelve or fifteen persons. Here 
 were assembled the crew of the Escalfador, with an 
 abundant supply of strong liquors and tobacco. A 
 fire blazed on the ample hearth, furnishing to such 
 as desired it the means of cooking, in a simple 
 fashion, some substantial elements of the evening 
 meal; an opportunity which was not neglected, as 
 was apparent from the bones and scraps of broken 
 victuals which lay scattered about the fireplace, and 
 from the strong fumes of roasted meat which sent 
 their savour into every corner of the apartment. 
 The men who constituted this company, number-
 ing without their leader full sixteen, were robust, 
 swarthy seamen, the greater portion of them dis 
 tinguished by the dark olive complexions and curling 
 black hair which denoted their origin in Portugal or 
 other parts of the South of Europe. Several wore 
 rings in the ears and on the fingers, and were 
 bedizened with strange and outlandish jewelry. The 
 thick moustache and shaggy brow gave a peculiar 
 ferocity to more than one of the company, whilst 
 the close and braided seaman's jacket, gaudy woollen 
 caps and wide breeches the common costume of 
 the crew imparted a foreign air to the whole group. 
 Some wore rich girdles with ornamented pistols and 
 daggers; and the plainest among them showed a 
 knife secured under a leathern belt. Their only 
 attendant was Kate of Warrington, who grudgingly 
 answered the frequent call for fresh potations, as the 
 revellers washed down their coarse mirth with 
 draughts of brandy and usquebaugh. 
 Cocklescraft sat somewhat elevated above the 
 rest, at the head of the board, where, without carous 
 ing as deeply as his sailors, he stimulated their noisy 
 jollity by clamorous applause. A witness rather 
 than a partaker of this uncouth wassail was the 
 Cripple, who, having matters of account to settle 
 with several of the crew before they took their de 
 parture, had now swung himself into a corner, 
 where, with a lighted faggot stuck in the crevice of 
 the wall, he alternately gave his attention to a pouch 
 containing his papers of business and to the revelry
 of the moment, chiding the prodigal laughter of the 
 crew one moment with querulous reproof and the 
 next with a satirical merriment. 
 "Bowse it, lads!" exclaimed Cocklescraft, as he 
 brandished a cup in his hand; "drain dry to the 
 Escalfador! our merry little frigate shall dance 
 to-morrow on the green wave, so do honour to the 
 last night we spend ashore. Remember, we have a 
 reckoning to settle before we depart with the good 
 folks of St. Mary's. Are you all ready to follow me 
 in an exploit of rare deviltry ? Speak, boys !" 
 "Ay, ready, Master Captain!" was the response 
 in a general shout. 
 This outburst roused the Cripple, who, lifting his 
 head from the paper, which at that moment he was 
 perusing, and looking from under his spectacles 
 upon the crew, was heard to mutter when the shout 
 subsided "As ready as wolves to suck the blood of 
 lambs. How can they be else under thy nursing, 
 "Ha, old dry bones, art thou awake? By St. 
 lago! I thought that thy leaden eyelids, Rob, had 
 been sealed before this. Ho, lads, bring Master 
 Robert Swale forward we shall treat him as be 
 comes a man of worship : upon the table with him, 
 The face of the Cripple grew instantly red, as a 
 sudden flash of passion broke across it. He dropped 
 the paper from his hand and drew his dagger; 
 then, with a compressed lip and kindling eye, spoke
 out "By St. Romuald! the man that dares to lay 
 hand on me to move me where it is not my pleasure 
 to go shall leave as deep a blood stain on this floor 
 as flowed from the veins of Paul Kelpy. Who are 
 you, Dickon Cocklescraft, that you venture to bait 
 me with your bullies?" 
 "How now, Master Rob ?" exclaimed the Skipper, 
 as he rose from his seat and approached the Cripple. 
 "Would'st quarrel with friends? 'Twas but in 
 honest reverence, and not as against your will, that 
 I would have had thee brought to the table. Come, 
 old comrade, we will not be ruffled when we are 
 to part so soon. What would'st thou have, good 
 "These bills shall be first paid by your drinking 
 roysters before they go to sea," replied the Cripple, 
 somewhat appeased by the Skipper's manner. "Here 
 are items of sundry comforts supplied meat and 
 drink and lodging; and here are services of Mis 
 tress Kate both in making and mending; here for 
 trampling down my corn, and for killing " 
 "Pshaw a fig's end for thy trampings and kill 
 ings, and all this rigmarole of washing and mend 
 ing!" interrupted Cocklescraft. "I would be sworn 
 thy conscience has undercharged thy commodity: 
 so, there is enough to content thee for the whole, 
 with good usury to the back of it," he said, putting 
 a well-stored purse of gold into Rob's hand. "Thou 
 hast ever been too modest in thy dealings, friend 
 Robert of the Trencher : when thou gettest older
 thou wilt know how to increase thy gear by lawful 
 "A hang-dog a scape-grace a kill-cow a 
 devil's babe in swaddling bands of iniquity, thou art, 
 child Dickon !" said Rob, laughing with that bitter, 
 salt laugh that gave to his countenance the expres 
 sion of extreme old age. "Thou dost not lack, with 
 all thy wickedness, an open hand. I have ever found 
 thee ready with thy gold. It comes over the devil's 
 back Dickon, ha, ha! over the devil's back, 
 youngster, and it goes you know the proverb. 
 This closes accounts, so now for your humour, lads. 
 I will pledge you in a cup." 
 "To the table with him, boys," said Cocklescraft, 
 nodding his head to those who sat near him ; and in 
 a moment the Cripple was lifted up in his bowl and 
 set, like a huge dish, in the middle of the board, a 
 ghastly grin of acquiescence playing all the time 
 upon his sallow features. 
 "Fill me a glass of that wine of Portugal," said 
 Rob, as soon as he found himself in the centre of 
 the company. "Here, boys," he added when the 
 wine was put in his hand, "here is success to your 
 next venture, and a merry meeting- to count your 
 "Amen to that!" shouted Cocklescraft. "Our 
 next venture will be a stoop upon the doves of St. 
 "And a merry meeting will it be when you count 
 your grains," interposed the harsh voice of Kate of
 Warrington. "Robert Swale will keep the reckon 
 ing of it." 
 "Peace, old woman," said Cocklescraft, sharply; 
 "your accursed croaking is ever loudest when least 
 "Fill for rrie," cried out Roche del Carmine, in his 
 Portuguese accent. "I will pledge the Captain and 
 our company with 'His Lordship's Secretary,' we 
 owe him a debt which shall be paid in the coin of 
 the Costa Rica." 
 "Bravo, A la savanna, perros! Huzza, boys, 
 shout to that!" clamoured Cocklescraft at the top 
 of his voice. "Drink deep to it, in token of a deep 
 vengeance! I thank you, Master Roche, for this 
 remembrance. Now, comrades, you have but half 
 an hour left before you must depart to bring down 
 the brigantine to the mouth of the creek. A pipe 
 and a glass more and then away : so, to it roundly 
 and make profit of your time! Tobacco, Mistress 
 Kate, fill Master Swale's pipe first, and then 
 mine : make the bottle stir, my merry men all !" 
 Having thus given a new spur to the revelry of 
 the board, the Skipper, unasked, broke forth with a 
 smoking song familiar to the tavern-haunters of that 
 era : "Tobacco's a musician, 
 And in a pipe delighteth; 
 It descends in a close 
 Through the organ of the nose, 
 With a relish that inviteth. 
 This makes me sing, So, ho, ho! 
 so, ho, ho, boys.
 Ho, boys, sound I loudly, 
 Earth never did breed 
 Such a jovial weed 
 Whereof to boast so proudly." 
 "The cackle of a wild goose, the screech of a 
 kingfisher in foul weather, hath more music in it, 
 Dickon Cocklescraft, than this thou call'st singing," 
 said Rob. "I would counsel thee stick to thy voca 
 tion thy vocation, Master Shark, of drinking and 
 throat-cutting, and leave this gentle craft of music- 
 making to such as have no heart to admire thy 
 virtues. Ha, ha !" he paused a moment to indulge 
 his laugh. "When a galliard of thy kidney, dashed 
 with such poisonous juices as went into the milk that 
 fed thee, hath a conceit to be merry, the fire-crack 
 ling of roof trees and the clashing of steel are the 
 fittest melody for his mirth. Dickon, try no more 
 ditties thou wilt never make a living by the 
 "By St. James! I have sung at more honourable 
 feasts than it ever fell to your lot to partake of. Ay, 
 and lady-songs, too, and been applauded for my 
 voice, old goblin of the Bowl! Have I not sung at 
 the back of Sir Harry Morgan's chair, in the great 
 hall of the Governor of Chagres, in the Castle St. 
 Lawrence, when we made feast there after the sack 
 of the place?" 
 "Truly," replied the Cripple; "whilst the hall 
 streamed with blood, and the dead corpse of the
 Governor was flung like rubbish into a corner, to 
 give more zest to your banquet " 
 "You have a license, Rob of the Trencher," inter 
 rupted Cocklescraft, "to snarl at those you cannot 
 excel. So e'en take your own sweep. When you 
 can better sing a better song, then I will hearken to 
 "On my conscience, can I now, at this very speak 
 ing, Dickon Cocklescraft," said the Cripple, "a better 
 song than ever trilled through thy pipes. 
 All dainty meats, I do defy, 
 Which feed men fat as swine/ " 
 he sung, by way of proof of his skill, with a tremu' 
 lous cadence and melancholy whine, as he flourished 
 his pipe in a line with his eyes, and nodded his head 
 to mark the time. 
 "The man has gone clean mad," ejaculated Kate 
 of Warrington, who had for some time past been 
 quietly seated on a stool near the fire, and who now 
 arose and stepped up to the table to satisfy herself 
 that it was actually the Cripple whose voice had 
 aroused her. "Thou hadst better be telling thy beads 
 and repenting of thy sins upon thy shrivelled hams 
 than tinkling thy cracked and worn-out voice at mid 
 night, to be laughed at by guzzling fools '.arked at 
 by sea-dogs ! It is time, Robert Swale, thy old bones 
 were stretched on thy bed." 
 "Faith, thou say'st true, Mistress Nightshade," 
 replied Rob; "thou speak'st most truly: I am over
 easy to be persuaded into unwholesome merriment 
 it hath been the sin of my life. So put me on the 
 floor and now my crutches my sticks, Kate. 
 There thy lantern, Kate." 
 "Away, lads, to the brigantine," said Cocklescraft, 
 rising from his seat. "When you get her at anchor 
 off the Chapel, come ashore and pipe me up with the 
 boatswain's whistle. We have some boxes here to 
 put on board ; and then, good fellows, we will make 
 a flight into the city, and ruffle the sleep of some of 
 the burghers by way of a farewell. Rob, I will go 
 with you to your cabin : I shall catch an hour's sleep 
 in my cloak." 
 "As thou wilt as thou wilt, Dickon," returned 
 the Cripple as he set forth, with a brisk fling, on his 
 journey, lighted by the lantern of the beldam. 
 "Leave the lamp burning," said Cocklescraft to 
 the last of the crew, as the man was about to follow 
 his companions, who had already left the room; "it 
 will serve to steer by when the brigantine comes out 
 of the creek." 
 In the next moment the Wizard's Chapel was de 
 serted by all its late noisy tenants, and the Skipper 
 was on his way, in the track of the Cripple, towards 
 the hut.
 Cold drove the rain November's wind 
 Sang to the night with dreary din: 
 A wanderer came, but did not find 
 A heart or hand to let him in. 
 Glengonar's Wassail. 
 As Albert Verheyden approache nearer to the 
 light that had broken upon his view and cheered his 
 footstep, he was able to discern the dim outline of a 
 building of ample dimensions, obscurely traced on 
 the eastern horizon, now relieved of that background 
 of forest which had hitherto circumscribed his vision. 
 The rain still continued to fail in a soft and steady 
 drizzle, through which a feeble, diffused light barely 
 sufficed to show that the moon, new entering on her 
 second quarter, struggled to assert her dominion 
 over the night. The w:\ve rolling in upon t^e sand 
 with a ceaseless and sharp monotony apprised him 
 of the proximity of a broad expanse of water, and he 
 had accordingly little doubt that re had now reached 
 the shore of the Potomac somewhere, as he con 
 jectured, in the neighbourhood of the cabin of Simon 
 Fluke, whither he supposed his steps had unknow 
 ingly tended through the long and perplexed circuit 
 of his bewildered journey. 
 When within an hundred paces of the light, he 
 found his further progress on horseback embarrassed 
 by a somewhat precipitous bank, which induced Him
 to alight and make the rest of his way on foot, leav 
 ing his horse attached to the drooping limb of the 
 tree under which he had dismounted. \Yith eager 
 step he advanced to the house, and on reaching the 
 door, knocking loudly for admission." 
 "Good people," he exclaimed as he repeated his 
 knocks, "arouse for the sake of a benighted wanderer 
 who has lost his way in the wood. Pray you, give 
 me admittance." 
 There was no answer; and finding that upon 
 touching the latch the door yielded to his thrust, he 
 entered without further ceremony. The embers of a 
 large fire glowed on the hearth : a solitary iron lamp, 
 supplied with the fat of some animal, instead of oil, 
 burned with a bickering flame upon the middle of a 
 coarse table, over which cups and cans, glasses and 
 bottles were strewed in disorder; pipes lay scattered 
 around, and the coarse hempen covers of bales and 
 cordage of broken packages lumbered up the corners 
 of the room. As the Secretary raked up the glowing 
 coals and warmed himself before the welcome fire, it 
 was with an air of wonderment, not unmixed with 
 apprehension, that he cast his eyes around this 
 strange and uncouth place, and lost himself in the 
 attempt to conjecture whither his erring fortune had 
 conducted him. 
 "Here have been dwellers," he said, "and recently; 
 but whither have they fled? Can I have so far 
 lost my way as to have straggled to the Patuxent, 
 instead of the Potomac? Faith, I believe it; for I
 have heard my Lord has a store-house there, where 
 he collects his customs and this, by what I see 
 around me, must be some such place. Well, Patux- 
 ent or Potomac, I care not which ; most heartily is 
 the roof welcome; for beyond this I venture not 
 again to-night. I shall stretch me down on these 
 coarse wrappings. And there, good cassock, thou 
 hast done me faithful service to-night : before the 
 fire I spread thee out to dry, and in this corner make 
 my bed." 
 As these muttered ruminations escaped the Secre 
 tary's lips, he collected the remnants of bags and the 
 rough cloths that had formerly served to envelope 
 items of merchandise into a heap on one side of the 
 fireplace "near the wall; and spreading his wet sur- 
 coat in front of the live embers which he had now 
 renovated with some billets of wood that lay at hand, 
 he flung his exhausted frame upon his hastily-gath 
 ered bed, and in a few moments was locked in a sleep 
 that might have defied the clamour of a marching 
 Here we leave him, whilst we turn to the hut of 
 the Cripple. 
 The Skipper, intending to meet his men as soon as 
 they should despatch the business upon which they 
 were sent, and desirous to snatch a short repose in 
 the interval of their absence, had thrown himself, 
 immediately after entering Rob's cabin, upon a couch 
 of the skins of wild animals, which the woman of 
 Warrington had spread for him; Rob had with-
 drawn into his own apartment, and the crone, hav 
 ing now discharged her household cares, hastened 
 over the bank to her solitary lodge. For some time 
 the Cripple remained in an abstracted self-com 
 munion, whispering to himself bitter taunts upon 
 his own folly in consorting with the ruffians of the 
 Chapel, and occasionally chuckling with his cus 
 tomary sneer, at the profligate arts by which they 
 collected their wealth, and the dissolute liberality 
 with which it was squandered. After this, accord 
 ing to a usage which was observed with singular 
 exactness for one of his habits of life, he addressed 
 himself to his devotions, with the apparent fervour 
 of a sincere penitent, and scrupulously performed 
 the offices of prayer and meditation appointed by 
 the ordinances of the church to which he belonged. 
 When, at length, he was about to retire to rest, he 
 was not able contentedly to do so, until, with that 
 characteristic solicitude which belonged equally to 
 his temper and the period of his life, he gave a few 
 parting moments to the computation of the gains of 
 the day. 
 "Dotard!" he exclaimed, as he began to cast up 
 this account, "I have left my wallet in yonder 
 Chapel, with all my papers. Oh these cup-riots 
 these heady revels, made for hot-brained fools and 
 prodigal unthrifts! What fellowship should my 
 white hairs and hollow wrinkles find with them, 
 that I must needs turn herdsmen to these bears? 
 Folly goeth armed with a scourge, and layeth on
 roundly, good faith ! How have I been whipped by 
 that most wise fool in my time! Well, for a pen 
 ance, get thee back, thou curtailed and misshapen 
 sinner ! get thee back the weary way to the Chapel. 
 Ha! should these night-birds make prize of my 
 written memorials! Hasten hasten thee, Rob! 
 The lantern the lantern! and then away." 
 The lantern was lighted and swung by a small 
 chain across his shoulder, and taking his crutches, 
 he was soon beyond his threshold, making good 
 speed to the Wizard's Chapel. 
 This sudden motion had so far roused his spirit 
 and altered his mood which was ever fitful and 
 subject to rapid change that as he swung briskly 
 onward, he found himself humming a tune; and 
 when he had reached the door of the Black House, 
 he was engaged in audibly singing the words of the 
 song which had been so unceremoniously suspended 
 by the interposition of Kate of Warrington: 
 "He needs no napkin for his hands, 
 His finger-ends to wipe, 
 That keeps his kitchen in a box 
 And roast meat in a pipe." 
 "Marry, I can troll it with the best of them yet !" 
 said, evidently proud of his performance, as he 
 pushed the door open and entered the apartment. 
 His first movement was towards the corner where 
 he had been sitting before he was lifted to the table; 
 here he discovered the leather pouch as he had left
 it. His eagerness to find what he sought in this 
 spot, rendered him for the moment unobservant of 
 everything else; but, now, on casting his eyes 
 around him, he perceived the coat of the Secretary 
 hanging in front of the fire and, in the next instant, 
 the figure of Albert Verheyden himself prostrate on 
 his rude pallet, breathing the long and audible in 
 spirations of profound sleep. It was apparent to 
 the Cripple, at a glance, that the person who lay 
 stretched before him was not of the crew of the 
 Skipper. With an instinctive motion he drew his 
 long knife, or dagger, from its sheath, and swayed 
 himself forward to the very side of the sleeping 
 man. The dagger was uplifted, and about to 
 descend with the impulse of a brawny muscle that 
 would have pinned the victim to the floor, when 
 the Cripple suspended the blow, only to make 
 more sure, by the flash of the light of his lan 
 tern across the sleeper's face, that the person he was 
 about to assail was one who had no claim, from 
 acquaintance or confederacy, to the privilege of 
 entering under this forbidden roof. When the 
 secret of the Black House was endangered by the 
 rash curiosity of prying eyes, or even by the invol 
 untary knowledge of the casual wanderer, no 
 scruple of conscience, nor shrinking reluctance to 
 do a deed of murder, might withhold the arm of the 
 ruthless ascetic who ruled unquestioned over this 
 fearful domain. 
 A savage scowl lowered upon his sallow front as
 Blessed St. Romuald, shield me from this sight!" murmured 
 Rob whilst with still fixed eyes he stared upon this image before 
 aim. Page 339. __ Rab o
 he stretched forth his long arm and passed the 
 lantern across the quiet visage of his unconscious 
 victim, whilst his right hand still held the dagger in 
 act to strike. The scowl suddenly changed, as he 
 stooped forward more narrowly to scan the coun 
 tenance of the sleeping man, and a strange ex 
 pression of instant terror took its place. For some 
 seconds his gaze was riveted upon Albert Verhey- 
 den's beautiful features, as heaving his head up 
 ward, in a casual motion of his slumber, the Secre 
 tary threw the whole contour of his face into the 
 full blaze of the light and disclosed his glossy and 
 almost womanish ringlets, which now straggled 
 over his ear and upon his beardless cheek. 
 "Blessed St. Romuald, shield me from this 
 sight!" murmured Rob, with a slow utterance and 
 whispered voice, whilst with still fixed eyes and a 
 frame trembling in every fibre, he stared upon the 
 image before him. "Is it a spectre conjured hither 
 from the grave, or the juggling cheat of a fiend, 
 that reads to me, in that face, the warning of a life 
 of sin? Oh God! I cannot strike thee, whatsoe'er 
 thou art ! So, in very truth, she looked whilst slum 
 bering on her pillow : that same fair forehead that 
 silken eye-lash, that curling lip. Who art thou, and 
 whence comest? What witchcraft hath thrown 
 thee into this foul abode? Sure, I am awake! I 
 have not closed mine eye to-night. There stand the 
 tokens of this night's debauch; these cups, these 
 flasks, and this familiar den of villany, all bear tes-
 timony that I do not wander in my sleep. These 
 limbs are flesh and blood," he added, as he raised 
 Albert's yielding hand from his bosom; "and that 
 brow is warm with the heat of healthful action. 
 Holy saints of Heaven! can it be? What is 
 here?" he suddenly demanded, as his eye caught 
 a glimpse of a jewelled trinket which, as the sleeper 
 lay, was disclosed in the inner folds of his dress, and 
 which the Cripple drew forth by the chain to which 
 it was attached. " 'To LOUISE !' " he exclaimed, 
 when his eye fell upon the simple inscription on the 
 back of the richly mounted miniature "God of 
 Heaven, by what miracle am I haunted with this 
 sight! Louise Louise poor girl! that little por 
 traiture of thyself I gave thee with mine own 
 hand 'tis now two and twenty years ago : it was 
 a stolen effort of the painter's skill, and thou wert 
 then an angel of light that shed a blissful radiance 
 upon my path. And is it then true, that this Ver- 
 heyden, upon whose head I have heard ruffian curses 
 heaped and pledged in maddening draughts by 
 devils at their carouse, is thy child, Louise? Mine, 
 I would fain confess, after a long and stubborn life 
 of passionate denial and scornful hate. Oh, 
 Louise!" he groaned aloud, as tears coursed down 
 his withered cheek, whilst he bent over the Secre 
 tary and parted the hair from the forehead, upon 
 which he imprinted a kiss; "hapless was thy fate, 
 but doubly wretched mine. William Weatherby, 
 thou hast been the fool and dupe of that devilish
 disease of thy blood which hath brought showered 
 curses upon thee and thine! There, sleep on the 
 bosom of thy child, mother of an unhappy destiny!" 
 he said, as he quietly replaced the miniature. "This 
 is no place for thee, unwary boy! I must rouse him 
 ere these blood-hounds fall upon his track " 
 "A soaking night, by St. Anthony!" ejaculated 
 the boatswain of the Escalfador, who, at this in 
 stant, thrust open the door and, with four or five of 
 the seamen, came clamorously towards the fire. 
 "Push us yon bottle, and let us see if there be any 
 of the stuff left." 
 "And let us have fire, Master Boatswain; I am 
 chilled to the marrow. Pipe thy best whistle for the 
 Captain r he told thee to pipe it roundly, as soon as 
 the brigantine was out of the creek." 
 "I warrant you, I will wake him," replied the 
 boatswain, as he went to the door and blew his shrill 
 "Ho, old boy of the bowl ! what i' the devil makes 
 thee here?" demanded one of the crew, when his eyes 
 fell upon Rob, who had, at the entrance of the men, 
 extinguished his light. 
 "Knave!" returned the Cripple; "who gave thee 
 license to huff and swagger under this roof ? Where 
 is Roche?" 
 "Aboard the brigantine with five of our mess 
 mates. They have her at hand ready to take in 
 the stowage the Captain spoke of." 
 "We heard as we came across the field," said the
 boatswain, "the snort of a runaway horse, which 
 this fool Francis must take to be a devil in earnest 
 and he falls to crossing himself like an old monk 
 in a battle with Belzebub." 
 "Whisht! we have a traveller here," said Rob, 
 whose restless eye and anxious motion had evinced 
 the disquiet of his mind, ever since the sailors had 
 burst into the room, and who had now placed him 
 self in such a position as to screen the Secretary 
 from their observation, "a traveller who has doubt 
 less lost his way and wandered into the Chapel." 
 "Why dost not give him the knife?" interrupted 
 the boatswain, in a whisper ; " 'tis the old law of the 
 Black House." 
 "Cut-throat!" ejaculated Rob, "am I to be 
 schooled by thee in the law of the Black House? 
 The stranger hath come at unawares, and is now 
 asleep. He hath seen nothing, heard nothing, and 
 can report against no one. Put a bandage across 
 his eyes before he awakes, and let two of 
 the men bear him, in silence, on their shoulders 
 free of the Chapel, and set him down in the woods. 
 Thou hast stabbing enough, John of Brazil, in thy 
 proper calling, without doing murder in sport." 
 "Ha, ha! thou preachest, by Saint Longface! 
 Thou'rt growing tender-hearted, father Robert!" 
 said the boatswain, laughing. 
 "Caitiff, wolf! kite! thou shark of the bloody 
 mouth!" exclaimed the Cripple, in a voice sup 
 pressed by the fear of waking the sleeper, whilst his
 face grew crimson with rage; "but that I have no 
 limb to reach thee, that taunt should be thy last. 
 Here, Francis ! thou and Pedro, muffle this traveller 
 in his cassock and take him hence; when thou hast 
 borne him a quarter of a mile in the woods, set him 
 down to make his own way." 
 Before the sailors could obey this order, and whilst 
 they hesitated to perform what seemed to them an 
 useless service of humanity, Cocklescraft entered the 
 apartment. At the same moment Albert Verheyden, 
 whose slumber ha'd been disturbed by the clamour 
 of conversation, now awoke, and, startled by the 
 first impression which the inmates of the place made 
 upon him, sprang to his feet, retreated to the wall 
 and drew his sword. 
 "Where am I and who are ye?" he exclaimed, 
 with a confused perception of the persons around 
 him, and of the spot he inhabited. "Your pardon, 
 friends," he added, as gaining more self-possession, 
 he turned the point of his weapon to the ground, 
 and smiled; "I had an evil dream that awoke me. 
 Will your goodness let me know for I am a be 
 nighted traveller what place this is, and to whom 
 I am indebted for this shelter?" 
 "Ha, by St. lago, thou art most welcome, Mas 
 ter Verheyden!" said the Skipper, as he recognized 
 his enemy in the person who had made this appeal 
 to the good-will of the company. 'Tis my house; 
 make free of it, master! I did not hope for ti.e 
 honour of this courtesy; thrice welcome! Thou
 hast been abroad to-day to seek the man who made 
 bold to lodge a bullet in the brain of yon caster of 
 nets, below St. Inigoe's ; do I not guess well ? Thou 
 hast had most marvellous good luck; for first, be 
 fore all the world, thou, his Lordship's Secretary, 
 hast chanced upon the very murderer. What will 
 thou do with him, Master Verheyden?" 
 "A misadventure has thrown me in to the power 
 of banditti,' replied the Secretary, with quiet resig 
 nation. "I have naught to say. I know you daring 
 to do the purpose of a wicked will, and can hope for 
 no mercy." 
 "You guess me right," replied Cocklescraft 
 sternly. "I dare do what I will to do. Thee and 
 thine, especially I hate and have sworn against 
 thy life. No to-morrow's sun rises on my Lord's 
 dainty and darling minion. By the law of our 
 brotherhood, thou cliest this night, Albert Verhey 
 den. John of Brazil, take him forth and, by the 
 lamp-light, discharge a brace of pistols into his 
 heart. His heart be sure of it ! I would strike his 
 heart: it shall kill more than one," he muttered 
 as he turned fiercely away. 
 "Dickon Cocklescraft," said Rob, with a gather 
 ing anger that was ill concealed under the show of 
 calmness which he now assumed, "have" I lost my 
 authority under this roof mine own roof, let me 
 tell thee, that thou venturest to usurp my right to 
 ordain the fate of the rash fool who invades our 
 secret? At peril of your future peace and thriving
 fortune, John of Brazil, dare to do the bidding of 
 your Captain! Would'st have the evidences of his 
 death rising up in judgment against us, in the blood 
 thou spill'st? Thou art but an apprentice, Dickon, 
 to thy devil's craft, and a halter will yet reward thee 
 for thy folly. I will pronounce the doom of this in 
 truding spy. Drown him ! let the wide waters wash 
 away all trace of the deed : let the ravening shark 
 devour him." 
 "Ha, ha!" ejaculated Cocklescraft, with a sneer, 
 "thou has a conceit in thy humanity, Rob! Do it 
 do it in thy own way; but, in the devil's name, be 
 quick about it. I have a merry sport for these lads 
 to-night, and little time to lose : so, despatch." 
 "Give me Francis and Pedro," said Rob, "and 
 I will order the matter myself." 
 "Away then, about it!" said Cocklescraft; "we 
 lose time in prating like women at this baby-play. 
 You have commodities to go aboard to-night look 
 to it, John. Give a signal to the brigantine to send 
 the yawl ashore briskly, boys; we must work; so, 
 to it!" 
 And in this strain of ordinary business occupa 
 tion, the Skipper turned from the horrible fate of 
 his victim with a careless indifference almost for 
 getting, in the concern of shipping some contraband 
 merchandise, (the rapine of his last voyage), the 
 dreadful tragedy which, at his instance, was now in 
 a course of acting. 
 Albert, calm and silent, like the victim of a Pagan
 sacrifice, neither gave vent to the agony of his feel 
 ings in sighs, nor offered resistance to the savage 
 hands that pinioned his arms. Under the direction 
 of the Cripple, the two sailors conducted their cap 
 tive towards the hut, Rob himself following with 
 the coat of the Secretary thrown over his own 
 The rain still poured steadily down, and the faint 
 light of the moon had disappeared, leaving the scene 
 in almost perfect darkness. Albert Verheyden, his 
 arms bound with cords, moved at the bidding of his 
 ruthless conductors, at a brisk and firm pace, along 
 the beach, until the party arrived opposite the hut 
 of the Cripple. They approached the door, which 
 being thrown open, gave to their view the smoulder 
 ing fire that still threw forth a glimmering ray from 
 the hearth. A pine fagot soon kindled up a blaze, 
 and cast a broad, lurid light over the apartment. At 
 Rob's command the prisoner was brought in and 
 stripped of his doublet, his boots and his weapon, 
 all which were taken in charge by the master of the 
 hut. A deadly paleness was spread over the Secre 
 tary's face whilst these preparations were making; 
 but his lip did not quiver, nor did his eye lose its 
 "Why not take my life at once? Why mock my 
 spirit with this horrible delay?" he asked, in a tone 
 that partook as much of anger as of grief. "I 
 appeal to stones to brutes, more senseless than 
 stones! Holy martyrs, aid me in my extremity!"
 he added, with a subdued and Designed temper. 
 "God will avenge this wrong." 
 "Why dost falter, knaves?" exclaimed Rob, when 
 he saw the sailors retreat a pace and mutter inaud 
 ible whisperings to each other. "Ha, thou must 
 be wrought, by thine accustomed devil, to this work. 
 There, go to it: there are strong waters to aid thy 
 lacking courage drink your fill ! I will help thee." 
 Rob now gave to the seamen a bottle, which they 
 put alternately to their lips. "Fear it not, Pedro! 
 Stint not, Francis! 'Tis an ugly job at best, and 
 needs the countenance of a man's draught. Drink 
 again !" 
 "Ay, bravely will I, like a Bloody Brother!" re 
 plied Pedro, making good his word by a second ap 
 plication of the bottle. "I have been on the Coast, 
 Master Rob, with Mansvelt, before I ever saw Cap 
 tain Cocklescraft." 
 "Ha!" said Francis, in a French accent, "and 
 wasn't Francois Le Grand at the taking of Mara- 
 caibo, and in the fight with the three Spanish galle 
 ons? Diavolo! give me the bottle!" 
 "Brave lads, both !" shouted Rob, with an attempt 
 to laugh ; "brave lads, and worthy ! We shall be late 
 with our work, haste thee!" 
 "The necklace ! I had forgot the necklace !" said 
 Pedro, with a somewhat thick utterance; and leav 
 ing the room for a moment, he returned with a large 
 round stone, which was expertly enveloped in cords 
 and fastened around the Secretary's neck.
 "Now to the skiff, lads! get it ready upon the 
 beach see that thou hast the oars." 
 At this command the sailors went forth to make 
 their preparations. 
 "In God's name, boy!" eagerly demanded the 
 Cripple, the moment the seamen had left the room, 
 "cans't swim? Answer quickly; I would save thy 
 "I can." 
 "Thanks for that word ! Thou wilt sit beside me 
 in the boat I will cut these cords. When I extin 
 guish my light, spring into the wave; make to this 
 shore. You will find your weapons and your gar 
 ments under the door-sill. These drunken knaves 
 I will detain from pursuit. Make your way north 
 ward, along the beach. Four miles from here you 
 will reach the dwelling of one Jarvis you will find 
 him friendly." 
 "All ready, Master Rob !" shouted one of the sea 
 men, as he thrust his head within the door. 
 "Take more drink, Pedro 'tis a wet night," said 
 Whilst the sailor obeyed this command, the 
 Cripple took up a billet of resinous pine, which he 
 lighted at the fire, and, under the guidance of this 
 flaming torch, Albert was led to the boat. 
 The two mariners took their places at the oars; 
 the captive was seated alongside of the Cripple, who 
 assumed the helm, and all things made ready for 
 their eventful voyage. The surf ran high under the
 pressure of an easterly wind, which blew in upon 
 this shore ; and nothing was heard but the stunning 
 sound of the surge, whose foam sparkled as it broke 
 on the beach from the dark waste of waters of the 
 bay. The torch streamed aloft in the wind, fling 
 ing its light full upon the faces of the sturdy oars 
 men, and plainly enough disclosed to Rob the stupe 
 fying effect of their late debauch at the Chapel, re 
 doubled as it was in the recent potations which had 
 been supplied at the hut. Albert Verheyden, unable 
 to account for the sudden interest which the Cripple 
 had so hurriedly expressed in his fate, scarcely could 
 persuade himself to believe in its sincerity. But still, 
 like one in a dreadful hazard resolved to avail him 
 self of every chance, he inclined his body towards 
 his companion, anxiously waiting to find himself 
 relieved of the strictures that bound his limbs. From 
 suspense, doubt and almost despair, he was suddenly 
 elevated to the most exhilarating hope, when he 
 found the knife of the Cripple applied to sever the 
 cord that suspended the weight to his neck, and, in 
 almost the same instant, to set his arms free. The 
 boatmen were struggling to push the boat over the 
 sand in which she was partially imbedded, and hav 
 ing got afloat waited the moment to go out upon 
 the ebbing surf. 
 "Steady! strike together, and briskly!" said Rob, 
 "you will bring home a lighter load than you take. 
 There sturdily as we ride the wave! Ha, the 
 fiend on that white cap! this salt sea is an unruly
 monster it has quenched my light. Pull away 
 we have shipped a hogshead of brine ! A plague on 
 thee for handling an oar ! thou hast left me never a 
 dry thread to my back : mine eyes flash fire with 
 this dripping sea. In the name of the wizard! are 
 we not too light in our craft for such a heavy sea?" 
 "All free!" said Pedro. "A little salt water will 
 do no harm; we have good space before us. Keep 
 her head to it, Master Rob. You may throw the 
 landlouper over, now. If the tide should wash him 
 ashore, there's a berth to be found for him in the 
 "Over with him!" said Francis; "I would not 
 row a cable's length in so dark a night to drown 
 a king." 
 "Ha! by my body, I believe that wave hath rid 
 us of the spy before we were willing to part with 
 him!" said Rob; "he is not in the boat I can feel 
 nothing of him around me. Thou hast better eyes 
 than I, Francis; look under the seat. Seest thou 
 the prisoner?" 
 "I see nothing here," replied the seaman. 
 "Nor I," added his comrade; "these landsmen 
 have never a liking to a long voyage ha, ha ! Well, 
 he sleeps where no one will call to wake him in the 
 morning. Put about, Master Rob!" 
 "I know not right hand from left north from 
 south, in this darkness," returned the Man of the 
 Bowl, as he still kept the boat heading on her out 
 ward course.
 "Down to leeward!" cried Pedro. "Dost not 
 know when the wind is in your teeth?" 
 "Ay," responded Rob, "thou'rt a wise teacher, 
 master frize-jacket ! So, now for the surf again 
 another drenching ! I am a mad-cap fool to be play 
 ing the boy, in my old days, with these storm-chick 
 ens. But, to your oars, lads! we must back to 
 Some time was taken up in maneuvering the boat 
 so as to bring her bow towards the shore, and a full 
 half hour elapsed before the voyagers had again 
 reached the hut. 
 As Rob made haste towards his dwelling, he 
 heard footsteps approaching from the direction of 
 the Chapel, and anxious to relieve his mind, on the 
 instant, from the doubt whether the Secretary had 
 been fortunate in his endeavour to reach the shore, 
 he swung himself the more rapidly forward, and 
 before he entered his door, thrust his arm beneath 
 the sill to ascertain if the clothes, to which he had 
 directed Albert's attention, were removed. 
 "Holy St. Romuald, my blessed patron, I thank 
 thee!" he ejaculated, upon assuring himself that the 
 articles deposited had been taken off; "and here, 
 on this threshold, in the sincerity of a godly vow, 
 I dedicate the remnant of a sinful life to penitence 
 and prayer! Is it you, Master Cocklescraft ?" he 
 demanded, confusedly, as the footstep he had heard 
 now arrived at the gate of his enclosure. "A stormy 
 night we have had for this foul play."
 "Have you done it, and well ?" eagerly inquired 
 the Skipper. "Hast given that saucy jack to the 
 supper of the crabs ? By my fellowship, I envy you, 
 Robert Swale! and would have chosen to do the 
 deed myself, if it were not, that having made a miss 
 in my encounter with him with swords, it might be 
 taken cowardly in me to handle him in this fashion. 
 I was glad, Rob, you took it upon yourself. Didst 
 make a clear plunge of it? Did he pray for his life, 
 ha? Oh, it was a rare chance that gave him to us 
 this night! Tell me how he bore himself." 
 The sailors coming up at this moment, Rob was 
 obliged to confess that neither he nor the oarsmen 
 had seen the prisoner go overboard; and thereupon 
 he related the extinguishment of his light, the heavy 
 surf, and the subsequent missing of the victim. 
 "A weight was fastened around him?" sharply 
 inquired the Skipper. 
 "It was." 
 "And he did not shuffle it off? Art sure of it? 
 A light there, Pedro! let me see the boat." 
 The light was brought, and the boat examined, 
 and the stone which had been prepared to sink the 
 body found lying under the stern-seat. 
 "Ten thousand devils! he has escaped," roared 
 Cocklescraft. "Fool that I was, to trust this mat 
 ter to a deformed and unfurnished cripple! how 
 happened he to be so weakly bound and lightly 
 watched, that in such brief time he could release his 
 arms and cast away this weight?"
 Rob listened to the outpouring of the Skipper's 
 wrath and impatience, with an unaccustomed calm 
 ness. Ordinarily his fretful and rebellious temper 
 would have broken out, at such rebuke, into impre 
 cation and defiance, and he would have spoken in a 
 tone which would have made the leader of the pirate 
 crew quail before him. There was, in the counte 
 nance and bearing of the misshapen tenant of the 
 hut, an expression of command and harsh and fiery 
 resolve, which alone might master the rough minds 
 with whom he held his daily commerce; but there 
 was, besides, a personal awe of him, derived from 
 his secluded life and greater intelligence, approach 
 ing to the fear inspired by a supernatural being, 
 which was sufficiently potent to disarm the hostility 
 and secure the obedience of the credulous seamen 
 who followed the fortunes of Cocklescraft. 
 "Thou must needs have a revel to-night, in the 
 Chapel, Dickon," he said, with a laugh in which he 
 could not entirely disguise his scorn; "and these 
 tarred monsters of thine have grown muddy-brained 
 and thick-sighted; they have neglected to do their 
 work of breath-stopping no neatly, as thou hast 
 taught them of old." 
 "Whither hath the slave fled?" exclaimed Cockles- 
 craft, as they returned to the hut. "Lurks he not 
 in the bush, may he not yet be followed and re 
 "Oh, truly !" replied the Cripple ; "it is the nature 
 of an escaped captive to lurk around his prison; an
 eaglet that hath broken his cage will fret against 
 the wires for admittance the wolf will dally upon 
 the footstep of the hunter. When thou can'st be 
 lieve these, Dickon, thou mayst hope to find the 
 prisoner still prowling in the neighbourhood of the 
 "The curse of the Brethren of the Coast upon 
 him! By St. lago I will have my vengeance yet! 
 Rob, as the fox hath scaped from your hand, I 
 may claim a service of you. I shall set forth in 
 stantly for St. Mary's, with a dozen of my picked 
 men. I have doings on foot, old sinner, that shall 
 delight thee in the telling. Mischief, mischief, 
 Master Rob of the Trencher! which I shall keep 
 secret until it be done. I would put such of my 
 crew as remain behind barely enough to sail the 
 brigantine under your command. You will go 
 aboard and direct her to an anchorage on the outer 
 side of the Heron Islands nearest the mouth of St. 
 George's river. There will I join you soon after 
 daylight. Oh! but his Lordship's city shall ring 
 with wailing at my leave-taking! What say'st thou, 
 Rob? Wilt go aboard?" 
 "When dost thou set forth ?" inquired Rob. 
 "Now, on the instant as soon as I may gather 
 my cut-throats in the yawl." 
 "And at what hour shall the brigantine sail?" 
 "By two o' the clock, at latest, as much soonei 
 as you choose." 
 "Ha, ha ! Thou wilt make me a limb to Help tfiy
 deviltry. Well, so be it, Dickon !" said the Cripple, 
 after a moment's pondering over the proposal. "I 
 will take on the office of Skipper for the nonce, as 
 thou takest on thy more accustomed garb of an in 
 carnate devil." 
 " 'Tis agreed," cried Cocklescraft, turning around 
 to leave the cabin; "behind the first of the Heron 
 Islands, Master Rob St. George's, I think it is called 
 remember! And have a caution that, before you 
 cast anchor, you have got a position from which 
 the brigantine may not be observed from the town." 
 "Ay, truly," returned the Cripple, nodding his 
 head and smiling in derision, as the Skipper de 
 parted and closed the door after him "I will take 
 good care that the brigantine be not observed from 
 the town!" 
 It was now an hour past midnight. Cocklescraft 
 hurried to the Black House where he found his crew 
 awaiting his return. Francis and Pedro were di 
 rected to take Rob on board of the brigantine, and 
 with two other seamen, who were appointed to go 
 before them, to await the Cripple's orders. The rest 
 of the crew, amounting to twelve men, were armed 
 with cutlasses, pikes and pistols, and, under the im 
 mediate command of Cocklescraft, took possession 
 of the yawl. In brief space, the Captain himself 
 stepped on board. With the turn of the night the 
 rain began to abate; the wind was veering round 
 westwardly, and appearances seemed to indicate a 
 change of weather before morning.
 The word being given, the boat was shoved off 
 from the strand; and the regular, sturdy and rapid 
 stroke of the oar was heard, long after she was lost 
 to view, as she laid her course towards Cape Look- 
 Soon after this, Francis and Pedro knocked at 
 the door of Rob's cabin. "We are ready to put 
 you on board of the Escalfador, Master Swale," 
 said the first, just thrusting his capped head and 
 frize-clad shoulders into the hut. 
 "I am with you, honest gentlemen," returned the 
 Cripple, as he came forth and followed them to the 
 "Up with your anchor," cried out Rob, when he 
 found himself on the deck of the brigantine. "Pedro, 
 make what sail thou think'st best, and stand out into 
 the bay." 
 In less than half an hour the sailor waited on his 
 new captain for orders. "We have a fair berth up 
 and down, master. Whither do we steer?" 
 "To the Patuxent," replied Rob. 
 "Ay, ay our course is northward." And the 
 brig was soon under easy sail with the wind abeam, 
 as it blew moderately from the west, with here and 
 there a star twinkling through the breaking clouds, 
 as she made her way towards the headlands of the 
 Both child and nurse are fast asleep 
 And closed is every flower, 
 And winking tapers faintly peep, 
 High from my lady's bower. 
 Joanna Baillie. 
 COCKLESCRAFT had not communicated to his men 
 the exact nature of the expedition in which they had 
 embarked. They were only aware that their leader 
 had conceived a deep and mortal hatred to certain 
 individuals in the port; that he had fled from it as 
 an outlaw; and that their services were required in 
 some daring enterprise which was designed to in 
 flict chastisement upon his enemies j they cared to 
 know no more. 
 In an hour they had doubled Cape Look-Out and 
 were making dextrous speed up the Potomac. 
 Cocklescraft himself was moody and silent. His 
 thoughts dwelt upon the past scenes of the night, 
 and upon his present long-revolved purpose, which, 
 during the last twenty-four hours, scarce left him 
 leisure to think of other matters. Even the acci 
 dental capture of his enemy at the Chapel, and the 
 escape of that enemy from the fate allotted to him, 
 lost their power to move him, whilst he gloated upon 
 the cherished design of this night. 
 In another hour the boat had weathered the head 
 land at the mouth of St. Mary's river. As the Skip-
 per entered the river the first of the Heron Islands 
 lay upon his left, and he anxiously surveyed the 
 localities, to regulate the course of his retreat to his 
 brigantine, which by his order was to be in waiting 
 for him abreast the outer shore. "The blessed sun," 
 he muttered to himself "shall light me with his 
 first rays to-morrow, on my seaward track, with 
 my vengeance satisfied to the last scruple. Ay, by 
 St. lago," he added, as he shook his clenched hand, 
 and gnashed his teeth with the energy of his resolve, 
 "to the last doit of the delpt !" 
 Another interval of silent labour at the oar, and 
 the dim light in the windows of the Chapel attached 
 to the House of St. Inigoe's, yet far off, upon the 
 narrow strip of land which jutted entirely across the 
 direct line of the boat's course, as she hugged the 
 shore, showed the mariners that some one of the 
 officials of the house was at the service of early 
 matins on the vigil of the Feast of All Souls; and 
 their familiarity with the watches of the night ap 
 prised them, that the hour approached four of the 
 And now the creek of St. Inigoe's is opened upon 
 their view; and on the further bank, the house of 
 the Rose Croft, with its embowering trees, is dis 
 tinctly traced against the clear starlit sky. A soli 
 tary taper glimmering through an upper window, 
 denotes a lady's bower, where, under the protection 
 of the friendly ray, Blanche Warden, perchance, 
 reposes in innocent slumber, her fancy sporting in
 dreams of him who day and night lives in her 
 This reflection flashed across the brain of Cockles- 
 craft as he directed the head of the boat into the 
 "Pull, with a long sweep and a quick," he said in 
 a low but stern voice. "These watch dogs of the 
 fort may catch a glimpse of us." Then having ad 
 vanced far enough to interpose the bluff bank of the 
 Rose Croft between him and the fort, he commanded 
 the men to cease rowing, whilst they muffled their 
 "Not a word above your breath," he now added 
 in giving the orders which were to guide his follow 
 ers through the enterprise for which they had been 
 brought hither. "Listen to me : we land under 
 yonder bank creep in silence to the dwelling you 
 see above, and pluck from her bed the fairest damsel 
 of this Western world. Mark me, comrades, you 
 have sacked towns and spoiled many an humble 
 roof; you have torn children from the breasts of 
 their mothers, and wives from the arms of their hus 
 bands; you have dragged maidens from the inmost 
 chambers of their dwelling and laughed at their 
 prayers for safety, and you have rioted over all, 
 with the free license of the Bloody Brothers but 
 take it to your souls this night, that if, in the assault 
 of yonder house, one unnecessary blow be struck, a 
 war cry be raised or deed of violence done, the man 
 who offends dies by my hand. And further, when
 the maiden is brought into your presence let no rude 
 speech assail her ear. I go to seek a bride, not to 
 plunder; and I command you all, on the duty you 
 owe your leader, as Brethren of the Coast, that you 
 do her all honour as mistress of the Escalfador. My 
 sweetest revenge," he muttered without intending 
 to be heard by the crew "is to marry the worship 
 ful Collector's daughter without his leave or her 
 own, by St. lago! The rose shall consort with the 
 sea nettle, Anthony Warden! though it be not to 
 your liking. Do ye heed me, messmates? Roche 
 del Carmine, to you I look to see this order en 
 "If it be but the taking of a single damsel," mur 
 mured Roche, "it was hardly worth leaving the 
 warm fire and the bottle of the Chapel. Ha ! it will 
 be a story to tell in the Keys that our last frolic in 
 St. Mary's was at the Captain's wedding!" 
 "Dost thou prate, sirrah?" demanded Cockles- 
 craft. "By my sword, I am in earnest in what I 
 say I will shoot down the man that disobeys my 
 "I will answer for the crew," said Roche del 
 Carmine; "the lady shall be handled as gently as a 
 child in the arms of its nurse." 
 "Ay," responded several of the sailors ; "the Cap 
 tain shall not complain of us." 
 The oars were muffled and the boat was once 
 more in full progress towards her destination. A 
 few minutes sufficed to bring the voyagers to the
 small wharf beneath the cliff of the Rose Croft, and 
 in a moment all were ashore, except a single mari 
 ner who was left to guard the boat. 
 "Peace!" whispered Cocklescraf t ; "peace with 
 that rattling of pikes. Form under the bank and 
 remain quiet until I ascend and examine the place." 
 The leader now crept, with noiseless footstep, up 
 the pathway which terminated upon the plain in 
 front of the dwelling. He walked across the lawn, 
 by the very spot where, scarce a fortnight gone by, 
 he had had his hostile interview with Albert Ver- 
 heyden. The little rustic temple of St. Therese yet 
 stood, with its faded foliage, upon the grass-plot; 
 the flower stands were still there, although the plants 
 were removed to their shelter from the frost; noth 
 ing met the eye of the foul-purposed rover but the 
 images of content and innocence which marked the 
 abode of a happy family; even the house dog, who 
 at first growled as with show of battle, changed his 
 threat into greeting as the Skipper proffered his 
 hand and claimed acquaintance. The tokens of con 
 fiding security were all around him, and as he re 
 called the last time he had visited this place, and re 
 membered the incidents of the festival of St. Therese 
 the maiden's coldness, her father's disdain, and 
 the Secretary's favour, he laughed with the thought 
 of the mastery he now held over the fate of the 
 household. He could scarcely withdraw himself 
 from the luxury of his present rumination, but wan 
 dered to and fro in front of the dwelling, then
 made a circuit around it, and, returning again to the 
 front, stood beneath the window through which the 
 feeble taper shone with that steady but subdued ray 
 which of itself was a symbol of the deep repose of 
 the tenant of the chamber. 
 "I could wake thee, lady gay," he said, "with as 
 blithe a serenade as ever tuned thy dream to pleas 
 ant measures but that I lack the instrument. And 
 though I be not the cavalier of thy fancy, Blanche 
 Warden, pretty Rose of St. Mary's, yet, by my 
 soul, I love thee well enough to put myself to some 
 pains to teach thee how thou shalt love me. We 
 dance together on the green wave to-morrow, lass! 
 little as you dream of such merriment now. And 
 as I would not have thy blushes seen, I must e'en 
 lead thee forth before the day." 
 With this sally, he returned to his comrades, and 
 commanded them to ascend the bank. Three men 
 were detached around the house to keep a look-out, 
 and the other eight, following Cocklescraft himself, 
 approached the hall door. 
 "What, ho! Fire, thieves, robbers!" shouted 
 Cocklescraft, aided, in raising a clamour, by his 
 men, at the same time striking loudly with the butt 
 of a pike against the door. "Rouse ye, rouse ye, 
 or you will have a house about your ears! Fire, 
 Master Warden, thieves, rovers and savages!" 
 A scream was first heard in the chamber from 
 the window of which the light had been seen 
 and Cocklescraft putting his hand to his ear,
 laughed as he recognised the voice of the maiden. 
 "By our lady," he said "our gentle mistress 
 sings well!" 
 In the next instant a window was thrown open on 
 the opposite side of the house, and the figure of 
 Anthony Warden, in his night gown, with a candle 
 in his hand, was partially thrust out, whilst he ex 
 "What is this pother? Who comes at this hour 
 to alarm the family ? Who are ye, I say, that seek 
 to disturb the rest of my household with your vil 
 lainous shoutings?" 
 "Answer him, Roche," whispered Cocklescraf t ; 
 "I dare not." 
 "Open your doors, Collector," said Roche; "we 
 have business with you." 
 "Get you hence, drunken knaves!" returned Mr. 
 Warden. "I will call my servants and drive you off 
 the ground." 
 "By my hand, if you do not open your doors, 
 Master Warden," said Cocklescraft, finding that he 
 could not trust the conduct of the assault to his 
 mate, "we will break them open, and quickly " 
 "Who are you that speak so saucily?" demanded 
 the Collector. 
 "Richard Cocklescraft an old friend, Master An 
 thony, who being about to put to sea, would make 
 his last visit to the officer of the Port. Throw wide 
 your doors and let us in, old man, or it may be the 
 worse for thy grey hairs."
 "Ho, Michael Mossbank, Nicholas, Tomkin!" 
 shouted Mr. Warden, as he withdrew his head from 
 the window ; "up, get up bring me my blunderbuss 
 we are beset stir yourselves, my trusty fellows !" 
 The house was now lighted in various parts, and 
 every one was on foot. Blanche at the first sum 
 mons sprang from her bed, and ran to her sister 
 Alice, screaming in a paroxysm of alarm ; but whilst 
 the invaders parleyed with her father, she had suffi 
 ciently resumed her self-possession to make a hasty 
 toilet, and then to repair to the protection of Mr. 
 Warden's presence. The old man, not coolly for 
 he was wrought into excessive rage but with all 
 necessary discretion and forecast, made his arrange 
 ments for the coming struggle. Two or three ser 
 vants had gathered around him, as he descended the 
 staircase to meet the assailants who were still bat 
 tering at the door ; and it was with difficulty that he 
 could shake off the females, who clung around his 
 step with piteous intreaties that he would not ven 
 ture into collision with the band who, it was now 
 evident, must, in a few moments, make good their 
 entrance into the house. 
 "Leave me, daughters get thee back to thy 
 chamber," he cried, as he forced his way through 
 their feeble impediment, with a blunderbuss in his 
 hand, and, followed by the servants, took a station 
 midway in the hall, whence he was able to direct his 
 defence to either the front or the rear. 
 The precautions to which the inhabitants of the
 province were accustomed to resort for the purpose 
 of guarding their dwellings against the attacks of 
 the Indians, had rendered, in fact, every house al 
 most a castle, and it was no easy matter, without 
 the proper tools, to force an admission against the 
 will of the owner. The stubborn character of the 
 defences of Mr. Warden's dwelling detained the 
 assailants longer than they expected, and gave time 
 to the small garrison within to take all measures for 
 guarding themselves that the condition of the house 
 The door at length yielded to the vigour of the 
 Attack, and as it flew wide open, the veteran master 
 of the mansion stood with dauntless front, in full 
 view of the eager seamen; in the same instant his 
 piece was discharged with such effect, that the two 
 foremost men reeled and fell across the threshold. 
 "Give me thy gun, Michael," he exclaimed, as he 
 turned to the gardener and seized the long Spanish 
 fowling-piece with which my reader has already had 
 some acquaintance ; "I will teach these ruffians good 
 manners! Back knaves! unhand me, villains! 
 Michael, Nicholas!" 
 "Stay that blow, coward !" roared Cocklescraft at 
 the height of his voice, in the exertion of his full 
 command over the crew, as they had, immediately 
 upon receiving the Collector's fire, rushed forward 
 and overcome the old man by the press of numbers, 
 the servants having fled at this onset. "Strike 
 him, and you shall fall by my own sword !" he con-
 tinued, as with his cutlass he turned aside the pike 
 of a seaman who had aimed it at the Collector's 
 breast. "Is it for men to war against grey 
 "Save my father oh God, spare his life!" 
 screamed Blanche, as she now sprang, wild with ter 
 ror, half way down the stair. "Men of blood, have 
 mercy on his age! he is old too old to do you 
 harm. Oh, save him !" 
 "By the blessed Virgin, gentle mistress, I swear 
 not one hair upon his head shall suffer harm, for 
 thy sake, dainty lady, if for no other!" exclaimed 
 Cocklescraft, as with one bound he placed himself 
 beside the maiden ; and raising her aloft on his arm, 
 he leaped back to the hall and thence out upon the 
 lawn. "Follow me, comrades!" he shouted, as he 
 bore the screaming maiden stoutly on his shoulder 
 down the bank, and laid her senseless upon the seat 
 of the boat. Here he threw his cloak over her per 
 son, and summoned his men immediately to their 
 posts, having taken care to bring away the two 
 wounded seamen. The boat was about to be shoved 
 off from the wharf, when the figure of a female was 
 descried coming, at a rapid flight, from the direction 
 of the dwelling, and uttering a shrill note of lamen 
 tation, as she begged them to stop : 
 "For the love of God, leave her behind ! Oh, have 
 pity, good men, and do not tear away the Collector's 
 daughter, our young mistress ! Christian men, spare 
 her to us ! She will die of cold she will perish on
 the water her blood will be on your heads!'' 
 "Thou'rt a good nurse, Mistress Coldcale," said 
 the Skipper with a sportive tone which mocked the 
 distress of the sufferers; "and as our queen will 
 want an attendant, thou shalt even go with us. Put 
 the old woman aboard, comrades !" he added, speak 
 ing to some of the men, who, almost before the 
 housekeeper could utter the shriek which now rose 
 from her lips, was lifted over half a dozen heads, 
 and deposited beside her young lady. 
 "Cheerily, now to your oars!" shouted Cockles- 
 craft, exulting in the success of his inroad. "Lay 
 your sinews to it, lads, until we get clear of the 
 creek, and then up with your sail! we have a fair 
 wind and a merry voyage before us. Speed thee! 
 I scent the coming dawn." 
 Almost in as brief space as we have taken to re 
 late it, the boat had shot forth into the middle of 
 the creek, and now glided over the waters like an 
 imp of darkness flying homeward to his ocean cave 
 freighted with the spoils of some evil errand. 
 And hurry skurry, forth they go, 
 Unheeding wet or dry ; 
 And horse and rider snort and blow, 
 And sparkling pebbles fly. Leonora. 
 ALBERT VERHEYDEN; at the appointed signal 
 from the Cripple, had sprung into the surf, at
 the moment when it broke with its greatest violence 
 against the bow of the boat, and, almost without an 
 effort, was swept in upon the hard beach. His first 
 motion, on gaining his breath, was to hasten to the 
 hut, seize the clothes that had been stripped from 
 him, as well as his weapons, and to speed, at the full 
 measure of his strength, now animated by his mys 
 terious and almost miraculous deliverance, north 
 wardly along the margin of the bay; keeping suffi 
 ciently remote from it, however, to screen himself 
 by the thickets, which grew a short distance from 
 the water's edge, from detection by those who might, 
 perchance, be on the watch to observe his course. 
 His limbs were chilled, and it was only by violent 
 and unintermitted motion that he was able to pre 
 serve himself from the dangerous consequences 
 which were likely to attend his exposure. By de 
 grees, exercise threw a glow over his frame, and he 
 soon found himself recovering his suppleness of 
 limb and power of enduring the toilsome walk by 
 which he laboured to reach the friendly shelter in 
 dicated by Rob's hurried instruction in the hut. 
 After what seemed a progress of at least twice the 
 space in which he was told he should find the dwell 
 ing of Jarvis, he was, at length, greeted with the 
 cheerful sight of an humble homestead, seated so 
 near the shore that the fence, which bounded the 
 curtilage of the dwelling, actually bordered upon 
 the confines of the tide-mark. He staid not to con 
 sider how he were best to claim admittance, but
 walked at once to the door and rapped loudly, as a 
 distressed man is apt to feel it his right to do in 
 a Christian land. 
 "I pray you, good people, open your door to me," 
 he said; "rise, Master Jarvis, and admit a friend. 
 Rise, kind sir; in the name of charity, I intreat the 
 shelter of your roof." 
 In a moment the door was ajar, and a sleepy voice 
 heard from within challenging the comer 
 "Who are you that strays so late, in so lonely a 
 "A friend, good Master Jarvis." 
 "Is it shipwreck?" inquired the master of the 
 house, as he opened the door and admitted the wan 
 derer. "Stand a moment, sir, until I get you a 
 light. Are you alone?" 
 Before an answer could be given to either of these 
 queries, the questioner had departed, and in a few 
 moments returned with a candle, whose light 
 disclosed to the Secretary a comfortable family 
 room, furnished according to the primitive but use 
 ful fashion of a substantial tiller of the soil of that 
 era. It took but little time for Albert to rehearse 
 the eventful story of the night, and his narrative 
 was answered with a kindness that gave him assur 
 ance of being now under the protection of a friend. 
 The good man of the house seeing that nothing 
 was so necessary to his guest as sleep, detained him 
 no longer than was requisite to enable his dame to 
 prepare a couch, to which the Secretary, upon the
 housewife's summons, eagerly repaired, and soon 
 turned his sufferings to a happy account, as, in self- 
 felicitation at his escape, and in rendering thanks 
 to God for the mercy that had raised him up a friend 
 in his extreme need, he sank into sweet oblivion of 
 all the past. 
 At the dawn of day, he rose refreshed and invigor 
 ated, and, being provided with a horse by the hos 
 pitable farmer, staid only to express his gratitude 
 to his host for the favours he had received, and then, 
 with as much expedition as he could command, 
 pricked onward to the town. 
 The rising sun gilded the chimney-tops of the 
 dwelling of the Rose Croft, as the Secretary turned 
 a delighted eye upon that quiet scene, whilst he de 
 scended from the distant hill which gave him a 
 glimpse of what he deemed, that happy homestead, 
 through the embowering trees. The atmosphere 
 was instinct with a keen and bracing healthfulness 
 which gave a cheerful tone to the feeling of all ani 
 mated nature. 
 The roofs and bowers of the Rose Croft sank 
 from his view, as he hastened onward; and he, at 
 length, found himself on the skirts of the little city. 
 There were ominous gatherings of the burghers in 
 the street; and the speakers shook their heads, and 
 seemed to the Secretary to converse with a myste 
 rious gravity. 
 "They have heard," he said to himself, "of my 
 mischance in losing my way, and are fancying that
 I have encountered the Indians. No, they see me 
 riding here, yet no one comes to greet me: there 
 are other tidings in the wind." 
 And with this conclusion, anxious to know what 
 had occasioned this early commotion in the little 
 mart of news, he pressed forward to the Proprietary 
 An hour before the arrival of the Secretary, Rob 
 of the Bowl, mounted on a sober-paced horse, his 
 thighs grasping the saddle with more security than 
 one might expect from his diminished quantity of 
 limb, his trencher hanging by a strap like a huge 
 shield at his back, (this being his customary mode 
 of travel when his occasions required him to assume 
 the equestrian) entered the town. He had run the 
 Escalfador into the little inlet of Mattapany, just 
 inside the Patuxent, where he left her under the 
 guns of the Fort which the Proprietary maintained 
 at this post ; and repairing immediately on shore, he 
 communicated to the commander of the garrison 
 the circumstances which induced his visit, requesting 
 that the brigantine should be detained at her present 
 mooring until his Lordship's pleasure might be 
 known. Then, having procured a horse, he set 
 forth, long before day-light threw its flush upon 
 the eastern sky, upon his journey to St. Mary's, not 
 doubting to hear, upon his arrival there, a story of 
 outrage (though against whom or how perpetrated 
 he could not guess) done by the band of the Wiz 
 ard's Chapel. Without stopping to notice the won-
 dering gaze of the townsfolk at the strange, though 
 not altogether unfamiliar spectacle he exhibited to 
 them, he made his way directly to the dwelling of 
 Father Pierre. 
 By the aid of the good father himself, he was dis 
 mounted from his horse and straightway conducted 
 into the study of the churchman. 
 "You have reason to be amazed at this early 
 visit, reverend father," he said, "but my errand will 
 brook no ceremony." 
 "Thou comest to tell somewhat of the ruffians," 
 hastily answered Father Pierre, with a look and tone 
 of sorrow, which informed the Cripple, at the outset, 
 that some deed of horror had already been done, 
 "who last night violated the sanctuary of the worthy 
 Collector's roof, and stole away his daughter " 
 "Hah!" exclaimed Rob, kindling with sudden 
 wonder; "was that the drift of Dickon Cockles- 
 craft's venture ! He has stolen the damsel ? Viper ! 
 hellhound ! I heard it not, holy father ; but I guessed 
 no less an outrage. I have hastened hither, faster 
 than these crippled limbs are wont to travel, to tell 
 thee where the robber may be found. I knew his 
 purpose of mischief, though not against whom it 
 tended ha, ha, ha! I have baulked him! I have 
 baulked him !" 
 "Speak, old man, more coherently : we are lost in 
 doubt, and overcome with grief, say, where has the 
 ravisher fled?" 
 "To the Heron islands, at the mouth of the river.
 There he hopes to find his brigantine but I have 
 cheated him, Father Pierre ! Lose no time but set 
 pursuit on foot." 
 "The town is wild with conjecture," returned the 
 priest; "Master Warden's servants have told the 
 dreadful tale; but whither to search, no one yet 
 has told. Come instantly with me to the Proprie 
 tary's. He who can point out the path of rescue 
 will be a welcome guest." 
 The priest lost no time in causing Rob to be again 
 set in his saddle; and walking beside the horse 
 across the plain which separated the dwelling of 
 the Proprietary from the city, Father Pierre soon 
 halted with his companion at the door. 
 Previous to the arrival of the Cripple, and after 
 wards, during the conference between him and the 
 Proprietary, in which measures were debated for 
 the pursuit of the pirates, the excitement of the in 
 habitants of St. Mary's was aroused to the most in 
 tense agitation. The tidings brought from the Rose 
 Croft had awakened the town at the dawn of day, 
 and rumour told in every dwelling the sad history 
 of the Skipper's onslaught. 
 "The Olive Branch did not slip off so quietly on 
 a harmless flight," said Nicholas Verbrack, the lieu 
 tenant of the fort, as he stood in the midst of some 
 eight or ten companions, on a bluff bank which, near 
 the middle of the town, gave a view of the whole 
 extent of the river. "I ever thought that there was 
 something too saucy both in the craft and in her
 Skipper, to have either of them accounted honest 
 dealers in the Port." 
 "Honest dealers!" exclaimed Master Wiseman, 
 one of the five aldermen who were elected every 
 two years to preserve the corporate franchise of 
 the city, and who contrived to make up for the 
 want of official duty by a redundancy of official im 
 portance. "Honest dealers, forsooth! That fellow 
 Cocklescraft hath ever been under the suspicion of 
 the board. We have noted him, masters; but what 
 could we do when his Lordship hath ever been per 
 sonally present in the city, and hath, I may say, 
 encouraged the fellow as a trader, because, for 
 sooth, his custom helped to fill the exchequer of the 
 province. Morals before money has always been 
 my song; but it is preaching to a degenerate age 
 what have we to expect ?" 
 "And the women," added Peregrine Cadger, "the 
 women ran away with the man's wits. Why, mark 
 you, sirs what man, I would ask, but would grow 
 bold and freakish, ay, and wicked, who has wife, 
 maid, and widow ever at his heels, singing and say 
 ing all manner of flatteries, till, at last, one would 
 think they had no other note." 
 "Oh, but it was horrible, most aggravating and 
 miserable, this taking off!" groaned Willy, the 
 fiddler. "Proudly and gladly would I have felt to 
 be taken in her stead ! I would suffer every misfor 
 "And the worst of it is, Master Willy," inter-
 rupted Wise Watkin, "they have taken Mistress 
 Pridget Coldcale that's a loss to the province: I 
 should not lie if I said to the whole town." 
 "Why stand prating and grieving like gossips at 
 a funeral," said John Firebrace, the smith, "whilst 
 all the time the rascal thieves are putting more land 
 and water between them and us. I think their wor 
 ships of the council are somewhat tedious over the 
 matter; they talk longer than is necessary, or else 
 that old crop-limbed, vinegar-face, Rob of the Bowl, 
 hath more to tell, than commonly it is his habit. It 
 is special matter that has brought him to the Port 
 this morning. He knows more devil's-dealing than 
 it pleases him, at all times, to let his neighbour hear. 
 Yonder rides Master Verheyden, the Secretary," he 
 added, as Albert now appeared at a distance direct 
 ing his course towards the mansion of the Proprie 
 tary; "he may hasten matters. I would that they 
 would put us in the way of doing something to save 
 our poor young lady from the jaws of these 
 The smith had scarcely ceased speaking when 
 Captain Dauntrees was seen coming towards the 
 group. Whilst he was yet some fifty paces off, he 
 called out to the Lieutenant, 
 "Master Verbrack, quickly get thee to the fort, 
 and march me instantly twenty men down to the 
 quay. See that they be provided, Lieutenant, with 
 all things necessary for service. Lose no time; but 
 The Lieutenant instantly departed, and the Cap 
 tain approaching the assemblage, continued, 
 "John Firebrace, get thy horse, man, and thy 
 weapon. Colonel Talbot rides down the opposite 
 bank of the river, with a score of good fellows at 
 his heels. He counts upon you and your friends. 
 Meet him quickly on the common behind the Town 
 These orders, hastily given, separated the com 
 pany; and every one now hied towards the places 
 appointed for these gatherings. 
 Already Colonel Talbot was on horseback col 
 lecting some of the more active young men of the 
 town ; and in an incredibly brief space for in truth 
 most of them were expecting the summons a troop 
 of some twenty were assembled, ready to follow 
 wherever he should command. Amongst these were 
 Arnold de la Grange and old Pamesack, both 
 equipped and mounted after their accustomed fash 
 ion, in a manner that might have provoked a smile 
 from the furred, and laced, and feathered cavalry 
 of more orderly armies, but which, we may venture 
 to believe, was quite as effective as a more gaudy 
 furniture. Last in this marshaled array, came Al 
 bert Verheyden, pale, breathless, and almost fren 
 zied with the narrative he had just heard of the 
 disasters of the night. He staid at the mansion but 
 long enough to substitute a more active horse for the 
 clumsy animal on which he had made his journey 
 to the town; and then hastened to join the party
 who were about to be ferried across the river, and 
 to scour the country along the opposite shore. 
 Meantime the musqueteers arrived at the quay, 
 where two barges being in readiness, the men were 
 separated into equal divisions, and, very soon after 
 sunrise, were embarked under the respective charge 
 of Dauntrees and the Lieutenant, who, with all ex 
 pedition, shaped their course towards the islands at 
 the mouth of the river. 
 Talbot despatched a half dozen of the party to 
 scour the shore of the Potomac below St. Inigoe's; 
 the rest, under his own command, and attended by 
 Albert, were transported to the opposite side of St. 
 Mary's river, by every boat that could be mustered 
 for such a service; and being now collected on the; 
 further bank, sprang forward, at the orders of their 
 leadr, on their career of duty, with an alacrity which 
 showed how deeply they took to heart the outrage 
 which it was now their purpose to chastise. 
 She turned her right and round about, 
 And she swore by the mold, 
 "I would not be your love," said she 
 "For that church full of gold." 
 He turned him right and round about, 
 And he swore by the mass, 
 Says "lady, ye my love shall be, 
 And gold ye shall have less." Old Ballad 
 WHEN Cocklescraft and his crew had again 
 doubled the point of St. Inigoe's, on their retreat,
 the sail of the yawl was spread before the breeze, 
 and she skimmed the waves like a bird of the sea. 
 Blanche had yet scarcely shown signs of animation, 
 except in the low and smothered moan that escaped 
 from beneath the folds of the cloak which, with an 
 officious care, the leader of the pirate gang had dis 
 posed for the protection of her person from the cold. 
 Beside her crouched the housekeeper, sobbing and 
 sighing and uttering ejaculations of alarm one 
 moment for her own fate at the next, for the lot 
 of her young lady, and at intervals shrieking with 
 a causeless terror, as the little bark, bending to the 
 wind, dipped the end of her sail into the wave. 
 The seamen, now released from the oars, were 
 called to the care of their bleeding comrades. Roche 
 del Carmine, the mate, was already dead, and the 
 other writhed in the torments of an unstaunched 
 wound. The band were too familiar with the acci 
 dents of war to be much moved by the fate of their 
 companions, and accordingly, after applying a band 
 age to the hurt of the living man, and merely dispos 
 ing the body of the dead one in a position least in 
 convenient to themselves, they assumed that glee- 
 some indifference to the hazards of their condition, 
 which has ever been a characteristic trait of the 
 hardened and reckless temper engendered by the dis 
 cipline of the Buccaneer's life. 
 The beams of the sun had begun to bicker on the 
 face of the waters when the fugitives reached the 
 island of St. George's, the first of those few scat-
 tered islands in the Potomac which passed under 
 the general name of the Heron Islands. During this 
 brief voyage, Cocklescraft had in vain endeavoured 
 to soothe the maiden with kind words and protes 
 tations that no harm should befall her. He took 
 her cold hand and it quivered in his grasp ; and when 
 he released it, it fell lifeless back upon her bosom; 
 he laid his palm upon her brow, and a clammy mois 
 ture bespoke the agony that wrung it. 
 "Dame," he said, addressing Mistress Coldcale; 
 "thou art better skilled than I, in these woman 
 qualms, look to thy lady, and tell me of what she 
 may stand in need. Thou shalt take her presently on 
 board of the brigantine, and the whole vessel, if 
 she require it, shall be given up to her comfort." 
 "She stands in need of her father's house," re 
 plied the dame, with more spirit than she might 
 have been thought, from her previous fright, to pos 
 sess. "She stands in need of friendly faces and kind 
 hearts ; her soul is bowed down by misery. She will 
 never open her eyes again, never, never unless it 
 be to look upon the friends from whom you have 
 stole her. Oh, Master Cocklescraft you have broken 
 bread under her father's roof and have sat in the 
 warmth of his fireside his old eyes have looked 
 kindly upon you, and he has spoken words of wel 
 come that have gone to your heart with a blessing 
 in the very sound of them; how can you heap tor 
 ments on the head of his child? In sorrow and 
 wailing have you borne her away, and she will
 quickly wither in your hand; you have stolen a 
 flower that dies in the cropping. And oh, her grey- 
 haired father! with a broken heart, you have cast 
 him down to the tomb." 
 "By St. Mary, woman, but I honour, love and 
 cherish the maid !" returned Cocklescraft. "Have I 
 not loved her long, as never father loved her, 
 thought of her on the wide waters of the ocean, 
 under every sun ; dreamed of her night after night, 
 in many a weary voyage, borne her image before 
 me in storm and battle, in the chase and in the 
 flight, beneath the stars in the dead hour of mid 
 night, and at the feast at high noon? Have I not 
 made honourable petition for her, from her father 
 and been refused with scorn and foul insult? And 
 have I not now, at last, entrapped her as gently as 
 she doth the winter bird that seeks a crumb upon her 
 window sill? By my faith, fairly have I won her, 
 and proudly will I wear her, dame ! Her father ! I 
 owe him nothing for his kindly greeting and warm 
 fireside, and breaking of bread; he hath paid him 
 self by his disdain and mockery of my suit. Have 
 I not there," he added, speaking with an angry 
 vehemence and pointing towards the bow of the 
 boat "given the life-blood of two of my best and 
 bravest comrades to the old man's wrath, and 
 yet did I not myself turn aside the blow that would 
 have laid him upon the floor of his own hall?" 
 "Better that he had so fallen," replied the dame, 
 "than live to witness what his old eyes saw last
 night. Better that he died outright, than live to lose 
 his child." 
 "Be silent, woman," exclaimed the Skipper, "if 
 thou canst not give me fairer speech. When this 
 anger is gone, and the maiden is more resigned, I 
 will speak to you not now. To your oata, good 
 fellows," he said in a calmer tone to the seamen, as 
 with the rising sun the breeze had fallen away and 
 the sail flapped loosely against the mast. "We must 
 pass through this narrow strait to the opposite side 
 of the islands; we shall find the brigantine there 
 at anchor." 
 A confined and crooked channel, scarce above a 
 pistol shot wide from shore to shore, divided the two 
 islands .immediately across the mouth of St. Mary's 
 river, and afforded a passage for a light boat be 
 tween. These islands, thickly timbered to the water's 
 edge, effectually prevented, by their forest screen, 
 the voyager along the inner shore from discerning 
 the largest vessel which might be in the river beyond. 
 It was, therefore, with undoubting confidence in the 
 certainty of finding the Escalfador at her appointed 
 ground, that the leader of these rude Argonauts 
 commanded his men to labour at the oar whilst they 
 shot through the strait I have described. 
 When they emerged upon the open river, on the 
 outer side of the islands, the sun, looming through 
 the thick autumnal haze, shot his fiery beam over 
 the broad sheet of water, without disclosing to the 
 anxiously-searching eye of Cocklescraft trace of
 brig or boat or sail of any kind. His vision, how 
 ever, was circumscribed within a narrow horizon ; 
 for the mist which, at this season, broods over the 
 landscape, the forerunner of a genial day scarce 
 brought within the compass of his observation the 
 nearer points of the mainland, and effectually shut 
 out all more distant objects; a circumstance 
 which however embarrassing to his present inspec 
 tion, had so far been favourable to his escape from 
 the prying eye of the sentinel on the look-out sta 
 tion of the Fort of St. Mary's. 
 "Ha! twice have I been fooled by that old do 
 tard of St. Jerome's," he peevishly murmured, when, 
 after straining his sight in every direction, he be 
 came aware that the brigantine was nowhere to be 
 seen ; "he hath overslept himself, forsooth, or must 
 stay to mumble a paternoster, or tell his beads. 
 Why did I trust a laggard with this enterprise ! But 
 that I spoke somewhat hastily and with temper to 
 him last night, and would not have his displeasure, 
 I would have seen him gibbeted e'er I would have 
 given the brigantine into his charge. Yet he is 
 trusty, and hath a devil's spice in him that fits him 
 somewhat for such an outcome, too. He will be 
 here anon; the wind has left him, and what he 
 had was in his teeth ; the Escalfador makes not such 
 way as may keep pace with my longings. Patience 
 for a season, and meantime we will land on the 
 island, comrades, and wait for our crippled ad 
 With this intimation he steered directly upon the 
 beach. "John of Brasil," he continued; "use your 
 time to scoop a grave for our comrade Roche, and 
 see him bestowed with such honour as belongs to a 
 Brother of the Coast. Joseph, thou and a messmate 
 will kindle a fire under yonder oak these women 
 are frozen into a dead silence. Harry Skelton, get 
 to the lower end of the island, and there keep watch 
 upon the river, and report every thing that comes 
 in sight. Now, Mistress Bridget, thou and our lady 
 Blanche shall have sway over the whole island; 
 the lady shall be an empress and thou her maid of 
 honour. See, how quickly preferment comes ! You 
 have your liberty, pretty Rose of St. Mary's so 
 cheer up, and make a fair use of it." 
 To this ill-timed jocularity the maiden yielded no 
 reply; and the Skipper believing that, upon being 
 left alone with Mistress Coldcale, she would perhaps 
 relent into a more tractable tone of feeling, quitted 
 the boat with the seamen who had gone to execute 
 his several orders, and thus abandoned the two fe 
 males to themselves. 
 "Alack, alack!" sobbed Blanche, as she raised 
 her head and then dropped it on the lap of the house 
 keeper; "dear Bridget, what will become of us? I 
 shall die, I shall die! my poor father!" 
 "Poor indeed, mistress," replied the dame. "If 
 we are not rescued, he will never hold up his head 
 after the loss of his child. Oh, if our townspeople 
 would but follow, as I trust in the saints they will !"
 "Is there a chance of it," exclaimed Blanche, 
 "good Bridget, is there a chance of it !" 
 "Ay, truly, my dear young lady, good and rea 
 sonable hope that these villains have been watched 
 and will be followed. Be of good cheer, and trust 
 in Heaven. This bloodhound thought to find his 
 vessel at the island, but the saints have befriended 
 us, and the vessel has not yet come. All will go 
 well, mistress, such wicked men shall not prevail 
 against the shield of innocence." 
 "The fire blazes cheerily, Mistress Coldcale I 
 pray thee intreat our lady to come ashore," called 
 out Cocklescraft from a distance. 
 "Arouse thee, child, I shall be at thy side," said 
 the dame; "it may be discreet not to provoke the 
 Skipper he is a harsh man and may be rude, if we 
 be stubborn." 
 "Mother of Grace, sustain me!" said Blanche, as 
 her frame shook from head to foot, and she grasped 
 the arm of her friendly attendant. "Even as thou 
 shalt advise, I walk, Bridget I pray thee hold me," 
 she added, as, raising herself on her feet, her loose 
 and disordered tresses fell over her wan cheek and 
 covered her breast and shoulders. "Oh, God, this 
 trial will craze my brain !" 
 "Do not sink, dear child thou needest fire, 
 and this barbarous Captain hath provided it 
 pray thee, be of stout heart, and trust in coming 
 Encouraged by the support of her companion,
 "Spare me! 1 ' Exclaimed Blanche "Oh, spare me from a 
 broken heart." Page 385. Rob of the Bowl,
 Blanche feebly tottered towards the bow of the boat, 
 and thence landed on the beach. Whilst she leaned 
 upon Mistress Coldcale's arm and advanced towards 
 the fire, Cocklescraft came forward to meet her; 
 and as he was about to address her in that tone of 
 light salutation in which he had heretofore spoken, 
 he was arrested in his first words, by the maiden 
 flinging herself upon her knees, immediately at his 
 feet, and looking up in his face with her eyes be- 
 dimmed with tears, as she cried out for mercy 
 "Spare me!" she exclaimed "Oh, spare a 
 wretched girl, who has never imagined, thought, 
 nor spoken word of harm against you. Save me 
 from a broken heart and bewildered brain from 
 misery, ruin and disgrace. If I, or any friend of 
 mine have ever given you offence, on my knees and 
 in the dust, I intreat forgiveness ; pardon, pardon 
 a fault whereof I have ever been unconscious. If 
 one touch of pity dwell in your bosom, oh think of 
 the miserable being at your feet and send her back 
 to her home. Land me but on yonder shore, and 
 I will, morning and evening, remember you in 
 prayers and invoke blessings on your head !" 
 "This posture doth not become our queen," said 
 Cocklescraft, stooping to raise the maiden to her 
 feet, who shrinking from his touch crouched still 
 lower to the earth. "This is but a foolish sorrow. 
 Do I not love thee, Blanche ? Ay, by the virgin ! 
 and mean to do well by thee. I have stuffs of price 
 on board the Escalfador, which shall trick thee out
 as gloriously as a queen indeed; our dame here, 
 shall ply her skill at the needle to set thee forth 
 quickly. And then that pretty robe of crimson and 
 minever which unthinkingly you did refuse, you 
 shall wear it yet, girl. I have chains of gold and 
 jewels rare, to make you gay as gaudiest flower of 
 the field. I will bear you to an enchanted island, 
 where slaves shall bend before you to do your bid 
 ding, and where you shall have store of wealth to 
 scatter with such profusion as in dreams you have 
 never even fancied. We will abide in a sea-girt 
 tower upon a sunny cliff, and through your window 
 shall the breeze from the beautiful blue Atlantic fan 
 you to evening slumbers. My gay bark shall be 
 your servant, and ride, at your command, upon the 
 wave; whilst our merry men shall take tribute from 
 all the world, that thou mayst go braver and more 
 daintily. Cheer up, weeping mistress ; your mishap 
 is not so absolute as at first you feared. Thy hand, 
 Blanche sprang to her feet with a sudden energy, 
 and retreating a pace from her persecutor, cast upon 
 him a look of resolute and indignant pride : 
 "Base wretch," she said, "I dare to spurn your 
 suit. Defenceless as I stand here, a weak and cap 
 tive maid, if it be the last word I have to utter, 
 I abhor you, and your loathsome offer." Then re 
 lapsing into that tone of grief from which this mo 
 mentary impulse had drawn her, she added, "Did 
 you think did you think, Master Cocklescraft,
 when you stole me from my father's house, that fair 
 speech from you, or promise of gold, could win me 
 to be your wife? Oh, sir, if, in that error, you have 
 heaped the sin of this deed upon your soul, quickly 
 learn that not all the gold of all the mines, nor long 
 est wooing, nor promise of a kingdom, if that were 
 yours to give, might persuade me, though the 
 speaking of the word should lift me from abject 
 misery or the pangs of death, to give a favourable 
 word to your suit. With holy faith and saddest rev 
 erence, I call my guardian, the ever-blesed virgin 
 Therese, to hear my vow; I never will be thine." 
 "A boat, a boat!" cried out the voice of the man 
 at the lower point of the island, and instantly this 
 painful interview was at an end. The seamen had 
 since their landing been busy in depositing the body 
 of the mate in a shallow grave, and had just set up a 
 wooden cross, formed of the boughs of trees, to mark 
 the spot, when the alarm from the look-out reached 
 them. Cocklescraft repaired, with all haste, to the 
 end of the island, and was soon aware, not only of 
 the boat to which the seaman alluded, but also of a 
 second of the same description, dimly seen in the 
 haze, at no great distance behind the first They 
 were both holding their course towards the mouth 
 of St. Mary's River, close on the eastern margin, 
 as if their purpose were to proceed down the Poto 
 mac. St. George's Island lay abreast the opposite 
 or western shore, and it was therefore necessary 
 for these boats, if they were destined for the island,
 to take a course nearly across the entire breadth of 
 the river at its mouth. As, at the moment when 
 first descried, they gave no indication of such a pur 
 pose, Cocklescraft, (who did not doubt that these 
 were parties in pursuit of him) began to assure him 
 self that his retreat to the island was not discovered, 
 and that his pursuers were most probably bound to 
 St. Jerome's. Again he cast a troubled eye over the 
 waters, in the hope to perceive the brigantine, for 
 which, at this moment, he looked with increased 
 solicitude, as he had reason to apprehend that, on 
 her voyage up the Potomac, she must pass the boats 
 that were apparently on the voyage downward. For 
 some time, he gazed keenly abroad in silence, or 
 muttering only inaudible curses on the delay of 
 Rob with the Escalfador, and on his own folly in 
 committing the vessel to the Cripple's guidance. 
 It was not long before the boats had reached the 
 Potomac. Here, instead of shaping their further 
 voyage, as the Skipper had been led to expect, 
 towards the Chesapeake, they took the opposite 
 course and stood directly for the island. They were 
 near enough to make it apparent to Cocklescraft 
 that each was filled with armed men, and if any 
 doubts of their hostile purpose had existed before, 
 it now became altogether unquestionable. Hasten 
 ing towards the spot where the yawl was drawn up 
 on the strand, the buccaneer ordered his crew im 
 mediately to their posts. Blanche and Mistress 
 Bridget were forced to take their former seats, and
 the boat being shoved off, was directed towards 
 the point of land opposite the western extremity of 
 the upper inland, then only known as a nameless 
 sandy flat, thinly covered with pines, but of late 
 rendered somewhat more familiar to public repute, 
 by the comfortable accommodation with which it has 
 been provided as a place of refuge against the heats 
 of summer, and for the luxury of its bathing. 
 "By St. lago, we are hotly followed!" said the 
 retreating and anxious rover, as he now measured 
 the size of the barges with his eye, whilst they shot 
 out from behind the cover of the extreme eastern 
 point of the islands and disclosed themselves in 
 full pursuit; "and with swift craft, well manned. 
 The devil hath sent us a dead calm, otherwise, 
 with this rag of canvass, I would show these lurch 
 ers the trick of a sea-fight; as it is, we must give 
 them a clean pair of heels. Oh, that my good brig- 
 antine were here ! I would defy twenty barges, and 
 sweep through them all. Lustily, good fellows! 
 slacken not; halter and harquebuss are on our 
 track; we die by hemp or leaden bullet if we are 
 overtaken so pull amain. You have been in as 
 great straits before and found a lucky ending. We 
 shall see Rob anon, when this mist shall lift its cur 
 tain; and, once in sight of our good bark, we shall 
 fight our way to her side. Courage, friends!" 
 In this strain of exhortation, Cocklescraft spoke 
 at intervals to his men, whilst anxiously looking to 
 the rear h watched the progress of his pursuers and
 seemed to count every wave that broke against their 
 bows. Not even his experienced eye could tell which 
 of the struggling rivals in this race had the swiftest 
 keel. So intense became the competition that soon 
 all other cares were absorbed in the engrossing 
 thought of the escape. The boat's crew fell into 
 silence, and when the necessary orders were deliv 
 ered they were spoken in the low tone of familiar 
 conversation, as if the speakers were afraid they 
 might be overheard by the enemy in their wake. 
 If the concern of the leader and his crew in their 
 present condition was eager, still more did it awaken 
 the feelings of Blanche Warden and Mistress 
 Bridget. The maiden seemed to have forgotten her 
 tears ; occupied with a more absorbing emotion than 
 her grief, she found herself renovated in strength, 
 and by degrees assuming an upright posture in the 
 boat, whence, with an ardent and unblenching gaze, 
 she kept her eye fixed upon the barges that came like 
 angel-messengers to her deliverance. 
 Two miles or more yet lay between the parties in 
 the chase. Cocklescraft steered towards the upper 
 headland for Piney Point to use its modern desig 
 nation and reaching this, found a long sweep of 
 the river ahead of him, bounded by a smooth strand 
 unmarked by creek or inlet. At one moment he 
 thought of running for the Virginia shore, and 
 there, by doubling back upon his pursuers, aim to 
 win the Capes of Potomac, in the hope of meeting 
 the Escalfador; but he could not count sufficiently
 on the speed of his boat to risk so dangerous a 
 "If I can but keep my way till night, I shall baffle 
 these hounds upon my track;" he said, in pondering 
 over the emergency. "A weary day it is before 
 me, and a long run till night. Perchance, I may 
 meet some stouter craft upon the water, some up- 
 river trader, whom I may easily master, and once 
 on a broader deck, I will fight these landsmen with 
 all their odds against me. Or, at the worst, I shall 
 run ashore, if I am pressed, and take to the thicket, 
 where at least, till day be done, I may lie concealed, 
 and after find my way to the Chapel." 
 In this perplexity and doubt he still pursued his 
 voyage. The point which he had passed momen 
 tarily screened him from the view of his pursuers; 
 but in clue time the barges were again seen across 
 the white sandy flat, apparently, by the effect of that 
 optical deception which may be observed on a low 
 shore, raised above the level of the land and looming 
 to twice their natural size. 
 "They come, they come Heaven be praised, they 
 gain upon us!" involuntarily ejaculated Blanche, as 
 she rose from her seat and gazed across the extrem 
 ity of the point. 
 "Not so fast, my merry queen," said Cocklescraft, 
 for the moment attracted by the lively utterance of 
 the maiden; "they do not gain upon us, mistress; 
 you forget that they must weather the point by that 
 same circuit which you may see traced by our wake.
 392 r 3B OF THE BOWL 
 Thou wilt be a better sailor anon. Steadily, good 
 lads! do not overwork yourselves; we are likely to 
 hav& a long run of it." 
 Now, for some miles, the chase continued with 
 little diminution of the space between the parties. 
 At length it began to be perceptible that the barges 
 drew nearer to the object of their pursuit; the short 
 ened stroke of the oar denoted the flagging strength 
 of the labouring Buccaneer, whilst the unabated 
 vigour of the pursuers showed that the chase was 
 urged by men enured to the toil of rowing. Still, 
 there was the energy of desperate men in the force 
 with which the flying band held on their way, and 
 Cocklescraft did not yet abandon the hope of weary 
 ing down the strength of those from whom he fled. 
 Another hour, and the barges still crept up nearer to 
 their chase. A death-like stillness prevailed on board 
 the latter, broken only by the monotonous dipping 
 of the oar and its dull jar upon the boat, as the sea 
 man, with unvarying time, turned it in the 
 row-lock and repeated his stroke. Still nearer 
 came the barges and nearer, with fearful cer 
 "They come within musket shot!" exclaimed 
 Cocklescraft. "To the land, boys! we must even 
 fight them on the land." 
 "Back your oars!" cried out Dauntrees, from 
 the leading barge; "back, and lay to, or by St. 
 Michael, I fire!" 
 A scream from Bridget Coldcale was, for a mo-
 ment, the only answer that reached the ears of the 
 "To your feet, mistress!" said Cocklescraft, as 
 seizing Blanche by the arm he placed her erect in 
 the boat. "Fire at your peril!" was the reply he 
 now gave to the accost of his enemy; "my crew 
 sail under the protection of the Rose of St. Mary's. 
 Have your weapons at hand !" he added, addressing 
 his men; "we must e'en leave our boat, and this 
 precious freight to these land-rats, and take to the 
 wood. You cannot call me cruel, pretty maiden, 
 for I give you up, in pure courtesy, to your friends. 
 You will remember the Master of the Escalfador as 
 a gallant who would have made you mistress of as 
 pretty a dowry as ever won maiden's good will. 
 We have had a merry morning of it, lady I would 
 it had been longer but these churls behind forbid 
 it; so, without more ceremony in the leave-taking 
 for thou seest I must needs be in haste fare thee 
 well, girl ! Even without asking this favour, I kiss 
 thy cheek. To the shore, lads !" 
 As he spoke, and made good his word by stooping 
 over the maiden and enforcing her submission to 
 this parting token of his gallantry, the boat struck 
 the sand, and, in an instant, leader and crew had 
 sprung into the shallow water and bounded to the 
 shore, leaving but their wounded comrade and the 
 maiden with her faithful companion on board of the 
 boat. A volley was discharged from the nearest 
 barge at the fugitives, but the result served to show
 that the common deception of distance on the water 
 had misled the party who fired; the balls fell short 
 of their mark, and the persons aimed at were soon 
 out of sight in the forest that covered the shore. 
 Upon the land side an enterprise was afoot of 
 almpst equal excitement to that upon the water. 
 The party of horsemen that had crossed with 
 Colonel Talbot to the opposite shore of St. Mary's 
 River, submitting to the guidance of Arnold de la 
 Grange and his old Indian comrade, were conducted 
 along a path which threaded the thickets lying 
 around the head of an inlet, that now bears the name 
 of St. George's, and thence took a course down the 
 peninsula towards Piney Point. Whilst galloping 
 upon the further margin of the inlet by which the 
 eastern side of the peninsula was formed, and yet 
 two miles from the point, they perceived the yawl 
 of Cocklescraft stretching across from the islands 
 toward the main. A halt was immediately called 
 by the commander of the party, and they were or 
 dered to screen themselves and their horses from ob 
 servation among the wild shrubbery of the spot. 
 "It is even as the Cripple of St. Jerome's told 
 us," said Talbot. "This is the boat of the Olive 
 Branch with her thieving knaves. You may know 
 the Skipper, Master Verheyden, by his flat bonnet 
 and scarlet jacket. See, he looks sternward and 
 waves his hand to his rowers as if he would hasten 
 their speed." 
 "And I see the forms of cowering females at his
 feet," added Albert. "The boat makes for the point. 
 A blessing on the day! these marauders design to 
 land. Oh, happy chance that we are here! let us 
 not delay to set upon them." 
 "Hold, Master Secretary! be not too eager," re 
 plied the leader. "Think you they will land, if 
 they see us lying at lurch to attack them ? No, no ! 
 our honest friend of the Bowl hath stolen away their 
 brigantine, and the cheated felons, all agaze at their 
 mishap, are now seeking a hiding place where they 
 may abide till night, and then, perchance, repair 
 their misfortune by some other villany. We should 
 mar our best hope if they but catch a glimpse of 
 us. So, quiet, gentlemen; your impatience shall 
 find action soon enough e'er we get home again. 
 Ah, good luck, friends! see how bravely sets the 
 wind of our fortune; yonder comes old Jasper 
 Dauntrees, like a trusty comrade, hot in chace, with 
 his barge trimmed to the nicety of an arrow's feath 
 ering. He follows close in the wake of the Free 
 booter and at his heels, by my faith, there opens 
 now, from behind the point of the island, his second 
 party. Push for it, old friend! The good powers 
 cheer thee in thy race !" 
 "Master Cocklescraft," said Arnold, "will not be 
 so fool-hardy as to land on that deep sand with two 
 helpless women to take care of, whilst he has a sol 
 dier like Captain Dauntrees to track his march." 
 "You are right, Arnold," returned Talbot, after 
 watching the leading boat for a space; "the Skipper
 steers wide of the beach, and means to make a run 
 of it up the river; he is already passing by the 
 point. Gentlemen, to horse again ! we will get back 
 towards the highland and there keep an even speed 
 with the chace, and, like well trained hawks, stoop 
 upon our quarry in the nick of time. Beware the 
 open ground, that the Skipper may not see us on 
 the heights." 
 In obedience to this command, the party set out 
 quickly, by a retrograde movement, towards the 
 upland, which, although somewhat remote from the 
 river, gave them, at frequent intervals, where the 
 cleared forest allowed, an extensive range of river 
 view. Having gained this height, they traversed it 
 in a line parallel to the course of the shore, ever di 
 recting their anxious eyes to the fierce contention 
 between the boats for mastery in the race. Occa 
 sionally, in this progress, ravines were to be passed, 
 a piece of marshy land to be avoided, or an open 
 field, which might expose the party to the view of 
 the boatmen, to be shunned. In all such passages of 
 the journey, the services of Pamesack and of Arnold 
 -de la Grange contributed greatly to the speed with 
 which this scouting company were enabled to keep 
 pace with the rapid flight of the boats. With deep 
 .and intense speculation did the horsemen watch the 
 progress of the chace, and measure the distance be 
 tween the fugitives and their pursuers. Albert Ver- 
 heyden, almost counting the strokes of the Skip 
 per's *?ars as their wet blades flashed the sunbeams
 upon his sight, rode, for some time in despairing 
 "He loses not an inch !" he breathed to himself, as 
 his thought ran upon the Freebooter's chance of 
 evading his enemies ; "he has men at the oar used 
 to the sleight, and he will tire down his pursuers." 
 Again he gazed, and with no better hope. But 
 when, after losing sight of the river for a long space 
 whilst the party galloped over a piece of wooded 
 low ground, he came again in view of the boats, 
 joy beamed from every feature of his face as he ex 
 claimed to his companions, "We advance upon his 
 flight and shorten the space between ! The Skipper 
 grows weary of his labour; thanks to the Cap 
 tain and his noble comrades, the day begins to 
 brighten on our enterprise." 
 "We will halt here," said Talbot, reining up his 
 steed upon a summit which commanded a near view 
 of that region, recognised at the present day as Med 
 ley's Neck; "the game is nearly run down and 
 presently will come our time to speak a word of 
 comfort to this renegade spoiler. He strains for yon 
 der point, as if there he meant to land. By the body 
 of St. Ignatius ! it is a wise choice he has made. We 
 have him if his folly be so bold as to touch that 
 strand we have him in a trap. He comes he 
 comes, driving headlong into our hands. Fol 
 Without waiting to marshal his troop, and even 
 without looking behind, Talbot spurred his horse to
 a gallop, and plunged into the forest which covered 
 the lowland even down to the river brink. 
 As Cocklescraft and his band deserted their boat 
 and fled into the wood, Dauntrees with the barges 
 drove rapidly in upon the shore. A loud huzza 
 from his men announced the recapture of the maiden 
 and Mistress Bridget. The Captain himself, by the 
 aid of a boat-hook, made a spring from his barge 
 with an agility that would not have passed unap- 
 plauded even at an earlier period of his life, and was 
 the first to board the Skipper's abandoned yawl. 
 "God bless thee, gentle damsel !" he exclaimed as 
 he eagerly seized Blanche by both hands and almost 
 lifted her into his arms, whilst the maiden, with 
 scarce less alacrity, her eyes laughing through the 
 big drops that rolled down her cheeks, threw her 
 head upon his breast, and sobbed with convulsive 
 joy "God bless thee, dear Mistress Blanche! we 
 will make your father a happy man again. And you, 
 old sweetheart, Bridget, they would have stolen you 
 away! Lieutenant," he added, almost in the same 
 breath, "leave six files with our oarsmen to guard 
 the boats ; and see that they draw off from the shore 
 into a fathom water, there to await our signal when 
 we return. The rest of the men will push forward 
 on the track of the runaways. Follow, comrades; 
 we have no time to lose." 
 As the Captain spoke, he was already pushing his 
 way into the wood, on the footsteps of the retreat 
 ing pirates, at the head of some dozen files of mus-
 queteers. In another moment, the two females were 
 left alone with the boats and their appointed guard. 
 "Spread yourselves across the neck," said Arnold 
 de la Grange, as with a small division of the horse 
 men he had now reached a position not more than 
 half a mile from the Point. "Pamesack, creep down 
 on the shore of Britton's Bay, and report whatever 
 comes in sight. The first man who finds the enemy 
 will discharge his firelock. Scatter, gentlemen, scat 
 This little party of scouts were at the next mo 
 ment extending their line across the extremity of 
 Medley's Neck, and cautiously drawing towards the 
 Point. Some distance in their rear was to be seen 
 Talbot and the rest of the horsemen moving at a 
 walk, in a compact body, upon the trail of the 
 ranger's advance, and silently awaiting the signal by 
 which they were to be guided to the quarter where 
 their attack was to be made. After a short period of 
 suspense, the report of a carbine, from the direction 
 taken by Pamesack, arrested the general attention, 
 and, on the instant, Albert, with three or four com 
 panions, set off at high speed towards the spot. On 
 reaching the margin of the little bay which formed 
 one confine of the neck of land, he discovered, ad 
 vancing at a quick pace, though yet some distance 
 off, the handful of men whom the wild adventure of 
 the Skipper had brought into these desperate circum 
 stances. They were in close array, armed with 
 pikes, and led forward by their reckless captain.
 The confidence with which they hurried upon their 
 march seemed to indicate an unconsciousness of any 
 foe except the party in their rear. 
 This conviction was now instantly changed, as 
 they became aware of the presence of Verheyden 
 and his friends. Staggered by this unexpected dis 
 closure, they were observed to halt for a moment, 
 as if to receive some counsel from their chief, and 
 then to advance with a steadiness that indicated 
 prompt and desperate resolve. Their ranks were 
 formed with more precision; their pace gradually 
 quickened, as they came nearer to their enemy; 
 and having approached so near as to enable either 
 side to hear the commands of the other, Albert could 
 distinctly recognize the voice of Cocklescraft ex 
 horting them to the onset. In another moment, they 
 set up the war-cry which they had learned from the 
 Spaniards of the Gulf, and which had grown to be 
 their own, from the recollections of the bloody frays 
 with which it was associated "A la savanna, per- 
 ros ! to the field, dogs !" and thus shouting, anti 
 cipated the attack of their enemies by themselves 
 striking the first blow. 
 Talbot had delayed to follow Verheyden, only 
 until he could assure himself that the signal shot 
 truly announced the presence of Cocklescraft's party. 
 This was rendered certain by a messenger who rode 
 back to report the fact, and, without loss of time, the 
 commander of the troop repaired to the scene of the 
 assault. The pirates had already forced the little
 party of horsemen to give ground, when Talbot 
 reached the spot. 
 "Upon them, gentlemen," he cried aloud, without 
 halting to form his men; and, in an instant was 
 seen, opening his way through the pikes of the 
 buccaneers with his sword. Albert Verheyden, lead 
 ing on th0 little band of untrained' cavalry, followed 
 with impetuous haste in the track of s his commander. 
 The compact array of the pirates being broken, a 
 confused pell-mell fight ensued, with sword, | pike 
 and pistol, which was marked by various success. 
 Two or three of the horsemen were thrown to the 
 ground, and as many of the seamen slain. Albert's 
 horse was killed by a , pistol-shot, and the rider for 
 a moment was brought into imminent peril. Cockles- 
 craft, animated as much by revenge, as by a deter 
 mination to sell his life at a dear price, no sooner 
 perceived the prostrate Secretary than he sprang 
 upon him, and would have done the work of death, 
 if Arnold de la Grange, who had followed Albert's 
 footsteps through the fray, had not thrown himself 
 from his horse and rushed to his comrade's rescue. 
 He arrived in time to avert the stroke of the Skip 
 per's sword, by interposing his carbine, and, at the 
 same moment, seized Cocklescraft by the shoulder 
 and dragged him backward to the earth. The active 
 seaman was, in an instant, again upon his feet, but 
 before he could renew the fight with effect, he found 
 himself overwhelmed by the musqueteers, whose 
 unobserved approach now put an end to the struggle.
 "Hands off!" exclaimed Cocklescraft, shaking 
 from him some two or three assailants, who had now 
 crowded upon him, as the blood of a recent wound 
 over the eye trickled down his cheek; "hemmed in 
 and overnumbered, I surrender; you may do with 
 me as you will I ask no favours at your hands." 
 And saying this, he flung his sword, with a moody 
 and sullen anger, upon the ground. "A fairer field 
 on land or water, and by St. lago! we would have 
 disputed it with you till set of sun. We came not pre 
 pared for this fight we have neither arms nor am 
 munition to cope with an equal force, much less 
 with the swarm that you have brought on horse and 
 foot against this little boat's crew. Take your vic 
 tory and make the best of it !" 
 "Silence!" said Dauntrees with the habitual calm 
 ness of an old soldier: "Call your men to the foot 
 of yonder tree, or I may prick them thither with a 
 Under a chestnut hard by, the remnant of the 
 buccaneers, amounting to not more than seven men 
 beside their leader, assembled. Some of them 
 bore the marks of the severity of the conflict in 
 wounds upon their persons. Three of the Skipper's 
 men were found dead upon the field. Their oppo 
 nents had escaped with better fortune. Two only 
 were found severely though, it was believed, not 
 mortally wounded ; a few others slightly. A guard 
 was detailed to conduct the prisoners to the boat; 
 the dead were hastily buried in the wood, and the
 wounded borne on the shoulders of their comrades 
 to the point of embarcation. 
 It was already afternoon when victors and van 
 quished were bestowed in due order in the boats. 
 The horsemen had by this time set forward on their 
 homeward journey, eager to report the good tidings 
 of the day. The captured yawl, manned with a 
 proper complement of rowers, was consigned to the 
 maiden and her faithful Bridget, attended by the 
 Secretary and Captain Dauntrees the former of 
 whom, we may imagine, had many things to say to 
 the maiden, which, however agreeable to the nar 
 rator, would make but dull entertainment on our 
 All matters being now disposed for sailing, the 
 squadron of boats, led by the yawl, put off in order 
 from the shore, and, with moderate speed, bent their 
 course towards the anxious little city. 
 Before sundown the maiden was placed in her 
 father's longing arms on the little wharf of the Rose 
 Croft, and, in due time, the prisoners were marched 
 through a crowd of gaping townspeople into the 
 Fort of St Mary/s.
 No more the slave of human pride, 
 Vain hope and sordid care, 
 I meekly vow'd to spend my life 
 In penitence and prayer. 
 The Hermit of Warkworth. 
 DURING the day occupied by the events narrated 
 in the last chapter, the Cripple of St. Jerome's re 
 mained in the dwelling of Father Pierre. His mis 
 anthropy had relaxed into a kinder tone, and con 
 trition had spread a sadness over his mind. In this 
 temper he had made his shrift, and abjured the law 
 less life and evil fellowship into which his passions 
 had plunged him, and now offered up a sincere and 
 needful vow of penitence, to which he was resolved 
 to devote the scant remainder of his days. The 
 good priest did not fail to encourage the convertite 
 in his wholesome purpose, nor to aid him with such 
 ghostly counsel as was likely to strengthen his reso 
 The Proprietary had directed the brigantine to be 
 brought from Mattapany to St. Mary's, and she 
 had, in consequence, been anchored in the harbour, a 
 short distance from the quay, before Dauntrees had 
 returned from his late expedition; the men left by 
 Cocklescraft to navigate her were held on board as 
 prisoners, under a small guard from the Mattapany
 Fort. The provincial court, the chief judicial au 
 thority of the government, had assembled on the 
 same day, with the intention to continue its sessions 
 until the cases of the conspirators were disposed of. 
 The sitting of this court had attracted, from all 
 quarters of the province, an unusually large crowd 
 of attendants; and the town was accordingly filled 
 with farmers, planters and craftsmen from the in 
 terior, who, in character of suitors, witnesses, men 
 of business, or mere seekers of news, occupied every 
 place of public accommodation. 
 Such was the state of things at the close of the 
 day to which we have referred. The faction ad 
 verse to the Proprietary, notwithstanding the vigi 
 lance -with which they were watched, still found 
 means for private conference. A few of the prin 
 cipal men who had not yet fallen under the sus 
 picion of the public authorities, assembled in familiar 
 guise under the roof of Chiseldine, and there con 
 sulted upon their affairs. The hope of rescuing 
 Fendall and his companions by force, although some 
 what depressed by recent events, was not abandoned. 
 There were some sufficiently bold still to encourage 
 this enterprise, and they spoke confidently of the 
 assistance of friends, now in the port, who were 
 anxious to bring about an immediate conflict with 
 the Proprietary. It was deemed essential to the 
 success of this attempt that the Olive Branch should 
 be got into the possession of the conspirators ; with 
 out the aid of the brigantine, neither the escape of
 the prisoners, nor the assistance of their confederates 
 on the opposite shore of the Potomac could be relied 
 on, even if all the other chances turned up favour 
 ably to the design. 
 These topics were duly debated in conclave, and 
 the result was a determination to leave the enterprise 
 in the hands of those who had projected it, either 
 to be pursued or abandoned as the means at their 
 command might counsel. With this conclusion the 
 restless spirits, who had met at Chiseldine's, retired 
 to organise their plans amongst their kindred mal 
 contents throughout the town. 
 On the following morning when the hour for com 
 mencing business drew nigh, an unwonted throng of 
 customers frequented the tap-room of the Crow and 
 Archer. There was but little of that cheerfulness 
 which usually characterizes such a resort; the occu 
 pants of the place seemed to be chiefly engaged with 
 matters that rendered them thoughtful, and their 
 conferences were held in undertones; many loitered 
 through the room in silence; and it was manifest 
 that the aspect of public affairs had impressed all 
 with a sense of the weightiness of the issues which 
 were pending. The concourse was no less conspic 
 uous upon the quay. Here little knots of burghers 
 and inland inhabitants, sorted according to the com 
 plexion of their political sentiments, whether of hos 
 tility or attachment to the Proprietary, were scat 
 tered about in quiet communings, and exchanging 
 distrustful and hostile glances as they came within
 the sphere of each other's observation. The yawl of 
 the Skipper lay secured to the wharf by a rope, and 
 the Escalfador, scarce a cable's length out in the 
 stream, was near enough to present to the view of 
 the townspeople the sentinels that paced her deck, 
 and kept guard over the remnant of the pirate band, 
 who were yet detained on board until their pres 
 ence might be required by the authorities. 
 The arrival of Lord Baltimore at the Town House 
 attended by Albert Verheyden and the greater num 
 ber of the members of the Council, as it indicated 
 his Lordship's intention to examine the prisoners in 
 person, served to increase the public interest in the 
 events of the day, and to draw a considerable portion 
 of trie crowd into the immediate neighbourhood of 
 the Hall of Justice. The Proprietary with his friends 
 took possession of a chamber opposite to that occu 
 pied by the court, where they were soon joined by 
 the sturdy old Collector who, with an erect and 
 vigorous carriage, and a face flushed with mingled 
 resentment and pride of manhood aroused by the 
 recent events, rode up to the door and alighted 
 amidst the salutations of his townsmen and the 
 clamorous expressions of their joy at the good for 
 tune which had restored him his daughter. A brief 
 interval brought Father Pierre, conducting Rob of 
 the Bowl, to the same spot, and by order of the 
 Proprietary they were both admitted into the cham 
 The prisoners had not yet arrived. In the mean
 time the Council were occupied with such inquiries 
 as the presence of Albert Verheyden suggested. 
 The appearance and demeanour of the Cripple of 
 St. Jerome's engrossed the chief interest of the as 
 sembly. His age, his deformity, his singularly 
 harsh and shrewd features, the extraordinary mys 
 tery of his life, his connexion with the ruffians of 
 the Chapel, his apparent contrition, amounting to 
 melancholy, above all, his presence in this conclave, 
 amongst persons with whom he had never before 
 exchanged a word, were circumstances of a nature 
 to throw around him the eager regard of the by 
 standers. There was a peculiarly subdued and sor 
 rowful expression in his countenance, as he gazed 
 with silent intensity, upon the features of Albert 
 Verheyden and listened to his story of the disasters 
 of that night of horrors, in which Rob had first 
 become acquainted with him. The old man's lip 
 quivered and his eye glistened with a tear, as he 
 dwelt upon the tones of the Secretary's voice, and 
 watched the changes of his countenance. At length, 
 whilst the Secretary still continued his eventful nar 
 rative, unable longer to control his feelings or re 
 strain his eagerness to catch every word that fell 
 from Albert's lips, he heaved an involuntary but 
 deep sigh, and muttered, loud enough to be heard 
 by every one in the apartment: "Oh, God, I have 
 been reserved for this deed ! in mercy, have I been 
 spared to save his life." After a pause he added in 
 a voice of loud and fervent entreaty "I pray you,
 gentlemen, raise me to the table that I may look 
 him nearer in the face; my eyes are old and dim;" 
 he continued, wiping away the tear with his hand, 
 "this seared and maimed trunk holds me too near 
 the earth ; it hath placed me below my fellow man 
 and taught my spirit to grovel to grovel," he re 
 peated with a bitter emphasis "in the very mire of 
 the basest fellowship. Lift me on the table, I beseech 
 you. I have saved his life! the saints be thanked, 
 I have saved his life!" he uttered with a wild ges 
 ticulation. "Albert, I had made up my mind to 
 save it with loss of my own ! I had, boy !" 
 The strange frenzy that for the time seemed to 
 possess the deformed old man, the wild glance of 
 his eye and the nervous tone, almost of raving laugh 
 ter, with which he ejaculated these last words, gave 
 rise to an instant doubt of the sanity of his mind; 
 but in a moment he subsided into a calmer state, and 
 resumed his original self-command. 
 Upon a sign from the Proprietary his request was 
 complied with, and he was lifted upon the table that 
 occupied the middle of the room. 
 "Go on, boy/'he continued, as soon as he was 
 adjusted in this position; then suddenly checking 
 himself for the familiarity of the address, "I crave 
 pardon I forget Master Verheyden," he added, 
 choking with the utterance of the name, as now 
 within a few feet of the Secretary he still more nar 
 rowly gazed upon his face "I pray thee, go on !" 
 When the Secretary had concluded his narrative,
 a deep silence prevailed throughout the room, and 
 all eyes were bent upon the Cripple in expectation 
 that he had something to disclose which all were 
 anxious to hear. He, however, remained mute, still 
 fixing his gaze upon Albert; and when the Secre 
 tary casually turned his back upon him, he reached 
 forth his hand and caught the skirt of the young 
 man's cloak, with an evidently unconscious motion, 
 as if he sought by this constraint to prevent the Sec 
 retary from leaving him. 
 The Proprietary at length, as much struck with 
 the deportment of the Cripple as the rest who wit 
 nessed it, and hoping to draw from him some history 
 of himself, addressed him in a tone in which the 
 severity of rebuke seemed to have been softened by 
 the anxious interest he took in the endeavour to 
 learn more of the singular person to whom he spoke. 
 It was therefore with a grave, though scarcely stern 
 manner that Lord Baltimore accosted him : 
 "Master Robert Swale," he said, "the Secre 
 tary's narrative which we have just heard has a 
 dreadful import ; nor is it coloured by a distempered 
 fancy. We are all witnesses to facts connected with 
 this fearful tale that leave no room to doubt the scru 
 pulous truth of all that has been told " 
 "True in every syllable, true!" interrupted Rob, 
 with quick assent. "As God shall judge us, it is all 
 "It is a tale," continued the Proprietary, "fraught 
 with crimes of ruthless men who, we find, have lived
 in near companionship with you. Long has the 
 province been frightened with stories of wicked rites 
 celebrated in the Black Chapel, as our people have 
 been taught to call that accursed house. The com 
 mon terror could solve the mystery only by refer 
 ring it to the acts of the Fiend, and it has ascribed to 
 you some fearful intercourse with evil spirits." 
 "It hath it hath, and with reason! mea culpa, 
 mea culpa, mea maxima culpa!" muttered Rob, as 
 he vehemently struck his bosom with his open palm. 
 "More sober eyes have seen in your sequestered 
 life and rare communion with your fellow men, but 
 the evidences of a mind soured by adversity a 
 mind, it would seem, not so humbly cast as your 
 condition might infer, but stricken, as the common 
 belief has signified, by some heavy blow of for 
 A stifled groan spoke the listener's apprehension 
 of the Proprietary's words. 
 "All have been deceived; you have not lived that 
 secluded life which in charity many have imputed to 
 you. No sorcery nor witchcraft hath wrought these 
 terrors, but the trickery of lawless ruffians; and 
 what was deemed your solitude, it is now confessed, 
 was active and commanding fellowship in this den 
 of robbers. Thou art too far journeyed in the vale 
 of years to be reproved, even if time, which seldom 
 fails to do his office, had not already been the aven 
 ger of the past. Your interposition in behalf of the 
 Secretary's life, your removal of the brigantine and
 prompt repairing hither, as well as rumours, which 
 I trust are true, of clear shrift and penitential vow, 
 announce an honest though a late purpose of amend 
 ment. We think you owe it now to the consum 
 mation of this good purpose, that you divulge all 
 it concerns us to know of that wicked haunt, the 
 Wizard's Chapel, the scene of so much grief and 
 crime, and of its inmates. Speak freely, old man." 
 "My Lord," answered Rob, with a calm though 
 somewhat tremulous voice; "the story of my life I 
 have confided to this holy man. Until my sand is 
 run would that its stream were spent! that story 
 lies in his bosom under the seal of the confessional. 
 I dare not again rehearse it : when I am gone he 
 will tell it. It will be heard with curses by many 
 I deserve them; but if a life clouded by disgrace 
 and stung with misery may atone for a deed of pas 
 sion, I pray, with an humble spirit, that my story 
 may raise one voice of pity but it doth not concern 
 us to speak of this," he said as in deep emotion he 
 paused for some moments with his hand closely 
 pressed across his eyes "these are unaccustomed 
 tears, my Lord, I have not wept before to-day this 
 many a long year. 
 "What concerns my coming to the province, the 
 life I have led here and the history of the Black 
 House," he resumed after an interval in which he 
 had regained his composure "of these, I have no 
 scruple to speak. Sixteen years ago, my Lord, I 
 sailed from a port on the other side of the Atlantic,
 with some little store of wealth consisting chiefly of 
 jewels. My destination was the islands : my name 
 was hidden from the world, and I had hoped to hide 
 myself. Disasters at sea drove us upon this coast, 
 where in a winter's storm, such as I have never 
 known but that, our ship was wrecked. I know not 
 who survived I only know that it pleased Heaven 
 for my sins, to prolong a life that I could have bet 
 ter parted with than any who found their grave 
 beneath the waters. I chanced to save the larger 
 portion of my valuables, and, on a raft of floating 
 spars, was drifted into the Chesapeake, where a fish 
 erman took me up almost lifeless, famished and 
 starved with cold. He put me down at St. Jerome's 
 I had no wish to face my fellow men, and, for 
 such hire as I gave him, provided me with comforts, 
 the scant comforts my condition needed, in that for 
 saken house, which then was terrible, as it hath been 
 since the house where Paul Kelpy murdered his 
 own family. There, my Lord, I lived a solitary 
 lodger, with no attendant near me except an aged 
 woman, who afterwards abandoned me and took up 
 her habitation at Warrington on the Cliffs : she 
 hath of late again returned. That winter passed 
 away in suffering ay, to the full measure of my 
 deserts and when spring came, my frosted limbs 
 had rotted off, and I lay on my pallet that wretched, 
 deformed and unsightly thing thou seest me now. 
 There, for many weary years, I dwelt, a man of sin 
 and misery. Use made my state familiar, and I be-
 gan to think my penance would, at last, restore my 
 peace of mind. In this lone spot, from which all the 
 world turned away with shuddering-, I did not dream 
 that worldly passions could again be awakened. But 
 it so fell out that, four years ago, a band of bucca 
 neers in a trim brigantine, led by this ravening wolf 
 Cocklescraft, tempted their fortune in these waters. 
 They came in the disguise of traders, pitched upon 
 the Chapel as their lurking place, won me to their 
 purpose of unlawful commerce, and drove their craft 
 with such success as you, my Lord, have seen. I 
 consorted with them, first because they were out 
 lawed men, and in that thought I took pleasure; 
 there was sympathy, the food for which my heart 
 was hungered. They built me a lodge, and came and 
 went as my familiar guests and I made money by 
 them. Can you wonder, my Lord, that I became 
 their comrade? they made me their chief I had 
 their secret, they gave me friendship, and they 
 brought me that devil's lure, gold gold more than 
 I had ever known before. Can you wonder, my 
 Lord, that I became their companion? The treas 
 ures of the Chapel needed guarding from curious 
 eyes. I made the spot to be doubly desecrated we 
 had visors, masks and strange disguises. I had the 
 skill to compound chemical fires : we had sentinels 
 on the watch, and plied our game of witchcraft sea 
 sonably, till the whole country was filled with 
 alarm " 
 At this moment, some tumult from without at-
 tracted the attention of the inmates of the chamber, 
 and interrupted the further narrative of the Cripple. 
 At a distance, in the direction of the Fort, was 
 seen a guard of some ten or twelve musqueteers ad 
 vancing along the principal street of the city, led by 
 Captain Dauntrees in person, and forming an escort 
 to Cocklescraft and the prisoners who had been cap 
 tured with him. Their progress was impeded by the 
 crowd that thronged upon their path, amongst whom 
 were some who scarcely attempted to conceal their 
 sympathy with the prisoners, and who by signs, if 
 not by words, cheered them with the hope of deliv 
 erance from their present durance. Nods of recog 
 nition were exchanged with Cocklescraft, and signi 
 ficant gestures made which he was at no loss to 
 comprehend. The press increased as they drew near 
 the door of the Town House, and in the disorder 
 incident to the introduction of the prisoners into the 
 building, more than one of the movers in the late 
 sedition found an occasion to assure the master of 
 the Escalfador, by a brief hint, of their readiness to 
 co-operate in seizing the brigantine. 
 Cocklescraft and his crew were conducted into 
 the presence of the Proprietary by Dauntrees, who, 
 leaving the guard in the hall or passage way that 
 separated the court-room from that occupied by the 
 Council, ranged the prisoners within the apartment 
 on either side of the door, which, being left open, 
 exposed to view the musqueteers, who were thus in 
 a position to do their duty in case any difficulty
 should render their interference necessary; whibt 
 the crowd, at the same time, intruded itself into the 
 hall with such importunity as to leave but little space 
 for the occupation of the guard. 
 Cocklescraft had lost none of the moodiness that 
 characterized his demeanour after his surrender on 
 the day previous. He was somewhat paler, owing to 
 the wound upon his brow, which was now bound up 
 with a bandage of black silk that, in some degree, 
 enhanced the sickly aspect of his complexion. Still 
 the fire of his spirit sparkled in his unquenched eye, 
 and a sullen scowl, as he looked Albert Verheyden 
 in the face, rested on his features. A slight but 
 guarded expression of surprise flashed across his 
 countenance when his glance encountered Rob of 
 the Bowl. He was unaware of the presence of the 
 Cripple in the Port ; nor had he, up to this moment, 
 ever entertained a suspicion that Rob had deserted 
 him. The escape of the Secretary he imputed alone 
 to the carelessness of the seamen; the failure of the 
 brigantine to meet him at the rendezvous, he set 
 down to accident and unskil fulness, and her presence 
 now in the harbour to a cause altogether discon 
 nected with any conjecture of treachery in the Crip 
 ple. Even the old man's presence before the Coun 
 cil, he attributed to force, and believed him to be, 
 like himself, a prisoner. In this conviction he now 
 found himself before the chief authorities of the 
 province. He was, of course, weaponless ; and as all 
 eyes were turned upon him, he stood with folded
 arms, his cloth cap dangling from his hand, gazing 
 in silent defiance upon the assembly. He meditated 
 no purpose of defence to the charges which he ex 
 pected to hear : the facts of his late outrage admitted 
 none, and the presence of the Secretary assured him 
 that the crime he had attempted to perpetrate on 
 All SouFs Eve had been divulged in all its enormity, 
 and with such full identification of the actors in it 
 as to render useless all attempt even at palliation. 
 The unabashed gesture of the Buccaneer, his con 
 fident port and look, even of scorn, provoked an in 
 stant emotion of resentment in the Proprietary as 
 well as of the greater number of those who sur 
 rounded him. 
 "Viper!" he said, "dost thou approach us with 
 this shameless front to brave our authority in the 
 province! Does no sense of crime abash thy brow, 
 that here, in the presence of those whom thou hast 
 most foully wronged, thou showest thy dastardly 
 face without a blush! Richard Cocklescraft, you 
 came hither, as all men thought, a peaceful trader, 
 and found the friendship of the Port accorded to 
 you, without stint or question. Again and again 
 you left us, and returned ; and the townspeople ever 
 gave you hearty welcome to their homes. How 
 brief a span is it, since we saw you breaking bread 
 and sharing the wine-cup with this aged father, 
 whose daughter, execrable villain, thou soughtest to 
 carry off by force, in the dead hour of the night? 
 Hast thou not plotted against the life of the Secre-
 tary? Didst thou not murder the fisherman, bloody 
 and remorseless man ? Didst thou not, like a coward, 
 strike at the gray hairs of this venerable man, when 
 thou stol'st upon him in his sleep ?" 
 "No!" replied the pirate leader, in a voice loud 
 and angry, undaunted by the presence of the chief 
 functionaries of the province, and untamed by his 
 captivity. "He lies who says I struck at the Col 
 lector, though, by St. lago, Anthony Warden may 
 claim no favour at my hands, " 
 "Favour at thy hands!" exclaimed the Collector, 
 who could not sit quiet whilst the Skipper spoke 
 "A boy, who undertakes to play at man's game, with 
 men! A boy to prate me thus!" 
 "I pray you, Master Warden," interposed the Pro 
 prietary, mildly, "do not interfere." 
 "I struck not at the Collector," repeated Cockles- 
 craft; "I look to match my sword with men not 
 spent with age. When others would have beaten 
 this old man to the ground, I saved him. I plotted 
 not against the Secretary's life," he continued, an 
 swering the accusations which the Proprietary had 
 at random heaped upon him. "I slew the fisher 
 man, as a hound that had been set to track my 
 path. I carried away this old man's daughter, be 
 cause I loved her. Are you answered, Lord Balti 
 "Impudent outlaw" returned the Proprietary, 
 with an excitement of speech altogether unaccus 
 tomed, "dost thou beard us with a confession of thy
 crimes? Have the laws of the province no terrors 
 "I never acknowledged your Lordship's laws," 
 retorted the seaman, scornfully. "I have lived above 
 them coming when I would, and going when it 
 pleased me. By St. Anthony, your Lordship hath 
 but a sorry set of lieges! You might do well to 
 teach the better half of the freemen to remember 
 that Charles Calvert claims to be Lord and master 
 of this province they seem to have forgotten it. 
 You think I am saucy, my Lord; I have but one 
 master here Old Rob of the Trencher, my fellow 
 prisoner: we will die in company." 
 "Peace, knave!" ejaculated Rob, in his former 
 peevish voice of command. "I know thee and thy 
 villanies of old. Never again call me comrade of 
 thine. Thou shalt not depart in ignorance of the 
 favour you owe me, Dickon Cocklescraft. Know 
 that I saved the Secretary's life that I gave back 
 the daughter to her father's bosom " 
 "Thou!" exclaimed Cocklescraft, with a deeper 
 storm thickening on his brow. "Thou! didst thou 
 betray me?" 
 "I foiled thee," replied Rob, as a vengeful smile 
 played on his features, "in thy horrid plot; I saved 
 the boy's life ha, ha! I saved his life! and left 
 thee on the island without a refuge thy villany de 
 served it." 
 "Betrayed, betrayed by thee!" vociferated the 
 Pirate, as with the swift spring of the tiger he
 threw himself upon the Cripple, and seized the long 
 knife from the old man's girdle, and plunged it deep 
 into his bosom, shouting as he struck the blow, "By 
 St. lago, I have paid thee for it!" 
 The suddenness of the deed took all by surprise, 
 and scarce a step was made, nor a hand raised to 
 arrest the murderer, who, with a quickness that 
 defied orderly resistance, turned towards the door, 
 with the bloody weapon in his hand, and pronounc 
 ing aloud the watchword that seemed to electrify his 
 men "A la savanna!" rushed, at the head of his 
 crew, into the hall. The guards at the door were no 
 less unprepared for resistance than the persons with 
 in, whilst the crowd in the hall gave ground, with 
 that sudden panic which belongs to all unorganized 
 masses of men, and fled tumultuously before the 
 Buccaneer and his band thus increasing the con 
 fusion and rendering it impossible for the weak 
 guard of the hall, either to follow the fugitives with 
 the necessary expedition to overtake them, or to fire 
 upon them, without risk of greater injury to friend 
 than foe. 
 As soon as Cocklescraft was seen on the open 
 ground in front of the Town House, driving with 
 headlong haste towards the quay, the partisans of 
 Coode and Fendall, constituting a considerable num 
 ber of those who frequented the spot, increased 
 the disorder by a clamour which, under the show of 
 pursuit, in truth retarded the movement of those 
 who endeavored to intercept the flying band. The
 momentary consternation in the chamber being over, 
 the Proprietary and those around him, sprang from 
 their seats and ran to the great door, whence they 
 could witness the struggle of pursuit. Dauntrees, 
 at the first moment, had repaired to his men, and 
 was immediately busy in attempting to open a way 
 through the crowd, in which he was greatly impeded 
 by the tumultuous interference of the malcontents. 
 Albert Verheyden, in the act of moving to leave the 
 apartment, was recalled by the voice of the wounded 
 man, and instantly returned to his side, where, with 
 Father Pierre, he awaited, in anxious suspense, the 
 recapture of the prisoners. 
 Meantime Cocklescraft furiously urged his on 
 ward course. He had snatched a sword in the crowd, 
 with which he became a formidable enemy to all 
 who crossed his path, and soon discovered, from 
 their shouts, that his nearest pursuers were in fact 
 aiding his escape. The only exception to this was 
 Talbot and our old friend Arnold, who, foremost in 
 the melee, had at one moment, as they sped down 
 the bank, come in actual contact with the fugitives, 
 and Talbot had exchanged more than one pass with 
 Cocklescraft. The crowd thickened on the quay; 
 shouts rent the air, and cries of encouragement and 
 strife resounded from all sides. 
 The passage over the quay was opened the boat 
 gained, the rope severed, the oars in place, and in 
 another instant the buccaneers were in full flight 
 upon their accustomed element. The musqueteers
 hasten to the wharf, their small band jostled, 
 pressed, and swayed by the encumbering crowd an 
 ineffectual volley is fired Cocklescraft waves his 
 hand in triumph the Escalfador is won from the 
 feeble resistance of her light guard, and the pirates 
 are again upon their own deck. The cable is slipped, 
 sail after sail drops from the yard or runs up along 
 the mast the brigantine swings round to a fair 
 and stiff breeze under a cloudless heaven, and cleaves 
 her way mid-stream towards the mouth of the river. 
 A few harmless shots were fired from the Fort, as 
 she bounded past ; and almost before the bewildered 
 burghers were aware, she had swept beyond the 
 limit of the harbour her daring master standing 
 at the helm and looking back at the town, scarce 
 able to realize the truth of his own escape, as he 
 waved his bonnet in derision of the gaping crowd. 
 Many eyes still lingered upon this fleeting vision, 
 until the white sails of the Escalfador disappeared 
 behind the projecting headland which opened to her 
 prow the broad current of the Potomac. 
 Not all could note this stirring strife of flight. A 
 melancholy attraction drew back the Proprietary and 
 his council to the chamber. When Albert was re 
 called to the side of the wounded man, it was but to 
 hear his own name pronounced in a whispered ac 
 cent, and then to see the sufferer faint away. For 
 some minutes, Father Pierre and the Secretary, the 
 only persons in the room, thought life was fled ; but 
 whilst they still watched, the light of the eye flick-
 ered upon them, and, by degrees, a sickly animation 
 returned to the body. When Lord Baltimore and 
 the others had gathered around, Rob was able to 
 speak. His voice was faint, and his gaze was upon 
 the Secretary. 
 "My web is wove," he said, in that figurative 
 language which had grown to be his habitual form 
 of expression. "Albert Verheyden thou look'st 
 upon upon thy father William Weatherby a 
 man of crime and misery. Thy hand, boy thy 
 lips upon my brow there there," he whispered, 
 as his son, pale as a spectre and trembling with 
 emotion, bent down over his prostrate trunk and 
 kissed his forehead. "Pity me, my son, and forgive 
 me for thy mother's sake. Poor Louise 
 Louise " and with this name again and again 
 breathed from his lips, when no other sound could 
 be heard, his spirit was gradually wafted from its 
 mutilated and weary tenement of clay. 
 "I forgive thee I forgive and pity!" breathed 
 Albert, with sobs that shook his whole frame, as 
 he threw himself upon the lifeless body of his father. 
 "My dear Albert, leave this place," said Father 
 Pierre; "let us go to the Chapel, and there thou 
 may'st temper thy ^rief with prayer. His Lordship 
 will take order for the disposal of the body. I have 
 a paper which I was charged, when this event should 
 take place and in his reckoning it was not far off 
 to deliver into thy hands. Come, and when we 
 have done our duty at the altar, I will give it thee."
 With silent step and slow, Albert leaning on the 
 arm of the priest, they left the Town House, and 
 walked towards the little Chapel of St. Mary's. 
 HERE ends my tale. We have no longer an inter 
 est to follow the fortunes of the personages who 
 have been brought to view in this motlied narrative 
 of trivial and tragic events. A brief memorandum 
 will tell all that remains to gratify the inquiries of 
 rny readers. 
 After the crossings of fortune which we have 
 read in the history of Albert and Blanche, we may 
 presume the time, at last, came for the current of 
 true love to run smooth as a glassy lake. The next 
 festival at the Rose Croft found Father Pierre in 
 a prominent official position, and the maiden a 
 blooming bride upon the arm of the happy Secre 
 The worldly wise will be pleased, perhaps, to 
 learn that, after some most liberal appropriations 
 to charitable uses, by way of purification of the more 
 than doubtful uncleanness of the Cripple's wealth, 
 Albert fell heir to no small hoard ; and this gear, as
 it was generously distributed in acts of hospitality 
 and bounty to the poor, we would fain hope the 
 straitest casuist will allow, was not unjustly taken 
 by the Secretary, his title to it resting upon the 
 will of William Weatherby, which was produced in 
 due time by Father Pierre. 
 As to the conspirators, they were losers in every 
 way. First the Buccaneer and his Brigantine came 
 not to their rescue; and secondly, the trials pro 
 ceeded without interruption. Josias Fendall was 
 fined in a very heavy sum, and imprisoned at the 
 pleasure of the Proprietary. His brother and John 
 Coode, from some apprehension, of rousing too 
 keenly the popular grudge, were more mildly dealt 
 with. George Godfrey was sentenced to death, but 
 finding favour upon the petition of his wife, had his 
 punishment commuted into a rigorous confinement 
 in the gaol of St. Mary's. 
 What became of the other confederates of Coode 
 and Fendall, the records do not inform us; but we 
 may infer that the dominant party in the province 
 felt their authority too slender to prosecute them 
 with much severity 
 "They fear to punish, therefore do they pardon." 
 Touching our unfortunate friend of "the gentle 
 craft," the warlike corporal, history happens to have 
 embalmed his memory with the unction of a favour 
 ite, and to have consigned him to the notice of pos 
 terity with a distinctness of fame that would, if he
 could have contemplated it, have almost made him, 
 in spite of his miseries, in love with rebellion. I 
 find in the proceedings of the council, in the month 
 of March following these events, the "the humble 
 petition" of Edward Abbott, a "poor, distressed, and 
 sorrowful penitent" who most dolorously complains 
 of his insufferable confinement, meekly confessing 
 his sins, and affirming by way of extenuation, that 
 in the commission of them, "he was so much in 
 drink that he did not remember any thing either 
 what was done or spoken at the time." And to this 
 petition is appended the following entry: 
 "The petitioner making his submission in open 
 court, upon his knees begging pardon for his offence, 
 the Justices are ordered to wave sentence passing 
 against him, his Lordship having granted his par 
 And so, gentle reader, good night! We part, I 
 would even indulge the hope, but for a short period ; 
 after which we may find motive to look again into 
 the little city and renew our acquaintance. 
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