nalTibraRyfacil SRLP UC SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY AA 001 189116 5 //// CmcuLAE, No. 484. Yl ^^^ is 1954 1 ■J&t VACANT PUBLIC LANDS ON JULY 1, 1916. Department of the Interior, liiENERAL Land Office, V/asMngton, D. C, July 1, 1916. The following tables show, by States, land districts, and counties, the area of unappropriated and unreserved public lands, STirveyed and unsurveyed, with a brief statement of their character. These figures are as nearly correct as is possible under the circum- stances, and are mainly intended to convey general information as to the quantity and character of public lands in the land districts and counties of the different States. The General Land Office can furnish no more definite information as to the location or character of the vacant lands than is here given. Neither the General Land Office nor the local offices can advise inquirers as to the location of the unappropriated tracts in counties where only a few acres are reported as vacant. InfoiTaation on that subject may be obtained by a careful examination of the records of the local offices, which are open for inspection when not in official use. A diagram of any township, showing the entered lands thereio, may be obtained from the register and receiver of the proper local office at a cost of $1; in ordering such a diagram the township and range numbers should be given. If because of the pressure of current business relating to the entry of lands registers and receivers are unable to make the plats or dia- grams mentioned above, they may refuse to furnish the same and return the fee to the applicant, advising him of their reason for not furnishing the plats requested; that he may make the plats or dia- grams himseK or have same made by his agent or attorney; and that he may have access to the plats and tract books of the local land office for this purpose, provided such use of the records will not intor- fere with the orderly dispatch of the public business. The local officers furnish prospective settlers general advice as to lands in their respective districts and literature regarding the method of making entry. However, personal inspection must be made of the tract to be entered before application is filed, and the settler should exercise great care to satisfy himseK as to its character before taking any other step. 55075°— 16 1 i VACANT PUBLIC LANDS ON JULY 1^ 1916. Statement showing the area of land unappropriated and unreserved on July 1, 1916. [Counties containing no unappropriated lands are omitted.] ALABAMA. Land district and county. Montgomery: Barbour . . . . Baldwin Blount Butler Calhoun Cherokee ChUton Choctaw Clark Clay Cleburne Colbert Conecuh Coosa Covington . . Crenshaw. .. Cullman Dale Dekalb Elmore Escambia... Etowah Fayette Franklin Greene Geneva Houston Hale Jackson Lamar Lauderdale.. Lawrence . . . Marion Madison Marshall Mobile Monroe Morgan Perry Pickens Pike St. Clair Shelby Sumter Talladega . . . Tallapoosa . . Tuscaloosa. - Walker Washington. Wilcox Winston State total Area in acres. Surveyed. 200 3,400 80 80 240 2,400 200 800 240 2,400 2,400 160 400 800 320 120 400 280 360 80 340 120 640 880 120 80 3,240 240 4,840 120 1,740 4,840 940 360 320 1,000 40 400 80 280 320 400 940 40 1,200 200 1,080 80 2,280 Unsur- veyed. 42, Total. 200 3,400 240 2,400 200 800 240 2,400 2,400 160 400 800 320 120 400 280 360 80 340 120 640 880 120 80 80 80 3,240 240 4,840 120 1,740 4,840 940 360 320 1,000 40 400 80 280 320 400 940 40 1,200 200 1,080 80 2,280 42,680 Character. Broken, sandy. Level, sandy. Mountainous, rolling. Pine, rolling, sandy. Broken, hUly. Mountainous, hilly, broken. Pine, sandy, rolling. Pine, rolling, sandy. Pine, rolling. Mountainous, hUly, broken. Do Do. Pine, broken, sandy. Do. Rolling, sandy. Level, sandy. Mountainous, broken. Pine, level, sandy. Moimtainous, broken, rolling. Pine, rolling, sandy. Do. Mountainous, broken. Broken, hilly. Mountainous, broken. Hilly, broken. Pine, sandy, rolling. Do. Hilly, broken. Pine, sandy. Hilly, broken, sandy. Do. Mountainous, broken. Do. Do. Broken, hilly, sandy. Broken, level, sandy. Do. Broken, hilly. Pine, rolling. Rolling, pine. Pine, level, sandy. Hilly, mountainous. Hilly, rolling, broken. Sandy, rolling. Mountainous, broken, hilly. Hilly, broken, rolling. bo. Do. Pine, sandy, rolling. Do. Mountainous, Ijroken, rolling. ARIZONA. Phoenix: Apache Cochise Coconino Gila Graham Greenlee Maricopa Mohave Navajo Pima Pmal Santa Cruz. . Yavapai Yuma State total 826, 191 853, 370 175, 704 30, 000 496,560 139, 420 574,3.30 437, 432 498, 864 848, 878 509, 080 89,422 534,357 552, 680 6, 566, 288 406,900 395, 280 120, 000 631,000 263, 080 2, 736, 440 3,940,089 133, 753 1,373,080 1,283,360 46,080 1,590,459 4,111,350 17,030,931 826, 191 1, 260, 270 570, 984 150, 000 1,127,620 402, 500 3, 310, 770 4,377,521 632,617 2, 221, 958 1,792,440 135, 502 2,124,816 4, 604, 030 23, 597, 219 Moimtainous, arid, grazing, timber. Mountainous, grazing. Mountainous, grazing, timber. Arid, broken. Mountainous, grazing, arid. Do. Arid, grazing, broken. Do. Do. Mountainous, arid, grazing. Arid, grazing. Mountainous, arid, grazing. Mountainous, timber, grazing. Arid, grazing, broken. VACANT PUBLIC LANDS ON JULY 1, 1916. Statement showing the area of land unappropriated and unreserved on July 1, 1916 — Con. ARKANSAS. Land district and county. Area in acres. 1 Surveyed. Unsur- veyed. Total. Character. Camden: Ashley 3 127 295 120 54 29 2 7,323 104 2,199 2,924 44 12 59 18, 737 129 5 2,112 12,516 564 1,379 173 3 127 295 120 54 29 2 7,323 104 2,199 2,924 44 12 59 18, 737 129 5 2,112 12, 516 564 1,379 173 Level and marshy Swampy. Do Bradley Calhoun. Clark Cleveland Columbia RoUing. Drew Garland Hempstead Hot Spring Howard Do Lafayette Low and wet. Little River Miller Montgomery Nevada Rolling. Ouachita Pike Polk Do Saline Do Sevier Do Union Flat and swampy, rolling. Total 48,910 48,910 Harrison: Baxter 18, 750 1,663 2,660 3,009 280 1,570 10, 320 600 14, 724 520 6,786 10, 030 16, 780 17,510 32,912 1,320 7,586 18, 7.50 1,663 2,660 3,009 280 1,570 10, 320 600 14, 724 520 6,786 10, 030 16, 780 17, 510 32,912 1,320 7,586 Moimtainous, timbered, mineral Benton Boone Carroll Crawford Do Franklin Do Fulton Do Independence Do Izard Do Johnson Do Madison Do Marion Mountainous, timbered, mineral. Do Newton Searcy Mountainous, timbered. Do Stone Van Buren Do Washington Do Total 147,020 147, 020 Little Rock: Arkansas 43 100 13, 360 120 2,160 7,494 4,720 40 760 4,640 5, .SOO 5,360 40 1,020 40 4,200 4,160 40 17,240 600 8,720 3,540 40 320 840 572 7,240 160 4,760 1.240 43 100 13,360 120 2,160 7,494 4,720 40 760 4,640 5,800 5,360 40 1,020 40 4,200 4, 160 40 17,240 600 8,720 3,540 40 320 840 572 7,240 160 4,760 1,240 Broken, timbered. Swampy. Moimtainous, timbered. Ashley Cleburne Cleveland Conway Moimtainous, timbered. Swampy, timbered. Moimtainous, timbered. Swampy, timbered. Craighead Crawford Desha Faulkner Franklin Broken, moimtainous, timbered. Broken, timbered. Broken, mountainous, timbered. Fulton Garland Grant Greene Swampy, timbered. Hot Springs Independence Do. Izard Do Jackson Do Johnson Lawrence Logan Do' MLssissippi Swampy, timbered. Do Monroe Montgomery I'errv Do Poinsett Swampy, timbered. Pope Pulaski Do' Randolph Saline Do. VACANT PUBLIC LANDS ON JULY 1^ 1916. Statenient shouing the area of land unappropriated and unreserved on July 1, 1916 — Con. ARKANSAS— Continued. Land district and county. Area in acres. Surveyed. Unsur- veyed. Total. Character. Little Rock— Continued. Scott 25,200 2,6S0 12,000 62,040 600 4,400 25,200 2,680 12,000 62, 040 600 4,400 Broken, mountainous, timbered. Do. Sharp Do. Van Buren Do. White Broken, timbered. Yell Do. Total 236, 289 206,289 State total 402,219 402,219 CALIFORNIA. Eureka: Del Norte 831 82,800 8,318 1,179 19,936 831 100,931 8,318 1,179 22, 496 Sea beach, mountainous. 18, 131 Mountainous, farming, grazing. Mountainous, grazing, timber. Farming, forest listings. Trinity 2,560 Mountainous, grazing', timber, farming. Total 113,064 20,691 133, 755 Independence: 10,581 2,623,940 619,497 283, 183 2,248,881 10,581 3,831,683 717,538 323, 756 3,346,610 Moimtainous, grazinc, mineral. 1,207,743 98,041 40, 573 1,097,729 Agricultural, mountainous, desert. Kern Grazing, mineral, agricultural. Do. Mono San Bernardino Mountainous, mineral, desert. Total 6, 786, 082 2,444,086 8,230,168 Los Angeles: Imperial 722,240 33,272 537,287 20,008 1,498,102 40,531 3,207,181 163,709 42, 648 204, OSO 14,347 137,532 1,906 339, 100 6,176 409, 726 332,839 62,418 926,320 47,619 674,819 21,914 1,837,202 46, 707 3,616,907 496, 548 95, 006 Level desert. Kern Arid, level desert, mountainous. Los Angeles Do. Orange Mountainous, hillv. Riverside Mountainous, rolling, level desert. Santa Barbara San Bernardino San Diego Mountainous, rolling. Mountainous, rolling, level desert. Do. Ventura Mountainous, rolling. Total 6,264,978 1,498,124 7, 763, 102 Sacramento: 18, 760 13,381 24, 574 62,832 34, 036 39,229 13,101 14, 395 9,720 26, 739 64, 268 13, 097 841 14,520 6, 021 23,729 17,134 195, 400 156, 938 31,974 13, 188 28, 860 18, 760 13,381 24,574 62, 832 35, 916 39, 229 15,601 14, 395 9,720 20, 739 64,208 13, 097 0, 921 14, 520 6,621 23,729 17,134 197, 560 203, 528 33,574 13,908 33,820 38, 776 25, 805 Mountainous. Hilly, grazing, mineral, farming. Butte.. Do. Do. Colusa 1,280 Do. El Dorado. . . Do. Fresno 2,560 Do. Glenn Do. Lake Mountainous. Madera . Hilly, grazing, faiming, mineral. Do. Merced Do. Modoc 6,080 Mountainous, grazing, timber. Napa . Do. Nevada Mineral, hilly, grazing. I'laccr Do. Stanislaus.. Do. Shasta 2, 160 40,590 1, 600 720 4,960 Farming, grazing, timber, mineral. Siskiyou Do. Tnolnmiip. . . , Mineral, grazing, timber. Tehama Hillv, grazing, mineral. Trinfty Mountainous, grazing, mineral, timber. Yolo 38, 776 25, 805 Hilly, grazing. Yuba Hilly, grazing, mineral. Total 889,118 1 65.950 1 955.008 1 VACANT PUBLIC LANDS ON JULY 1, 1916. 5 Statement showing the area of land unappropriated and unreserved on July 1, 1916 — Con. CALIFORNIA— Continued. Land.district and county. Area in acres. Surveyed. Unsur- veyed . Total. Cliaractcr. San Francisco: 1,255 13, 385 1,417 57, 416 1,920 29,482 2,400 151,622 19,100 195,371 2.50, 221 43,445 163, 957 2,120 217,545 29,904 52, 767 1,9.80 46, 030 23, 791 6,744 1,216 1,519 2,774 13,385 1,417 61,278 1,920 29,482 2,400 160, 462 19, 100 213,061 252, 781 43,445 167,992 2,120 221,385 29,904 56, 427 1,980 50, 670 26, 717 7,384 1,216 Mountainous. Do. Do. Fresno 3,862 Do. Do. Kern Do. Kings Do. Lake 8,840 Do. Merced Do. 17, 690 2,560 Do. Do. Do. 4,035 Do San Joaquin Do. San Luis Obispo Santa Barbara 3,840 Do. Do. Santa Claia 3,660 Do. Solana Do. 4,640 2,926 640 Do. Stanislaus Do. Yolo Do. Do. Total 1,313,088 54,212 1,367,300 Susanville: 799,295 245, 420 10,300 21,600 46, 746 16,840 3,877 846,041 262,260 14, 177 21,600 Timber, desert, grazing, minerol. Modoc Plumas Timber, desert, grazing, farming. Mountainous, timber, mineral. Do. Total 1,076,615 67,463 1,144,078 VisaUa: 148,230 8.5,065 28,897 8,. 361 1,920 8,426 54,090 7,067 26,724 1.55,297 111,7K9 28,897 8,361 1,920 8, 426 117, 838 Mountainous, grazing. Do. Kern Kings Do. Do. Do. San Benito Do. Tulare 63,748 Do. Total 334,9,89 97,539 4.32,528 15,777,934 4 248 065 i 50 m;^ aoa . ' ' COLORADO. Del Norte: Alamosa 46,021 3,108 192,737 1,598 7,080 3,840 49, 861 3,108 192, 737 1,598 10,920 29,440 105,798 331,013 Farming, grazing. Mouutamous, gra?-ing, mineral. Agricultural, grazing. Chaffee Fremont Huerfano 3,. 840 29, 440 Moimtainous, grazing. Las Animas Rio Grande 105,798 331,013 Farming, grazing. Farming, grazing, mineral. Saguache Total 687, .355 37, 120 724,475 Denver: Adams 640 480 38,880 7,360 3,080 21,400 5, 620 11,160 190, 456 2.59,. 520 18,610 640 480 58,720 68,451 28, 7.S0 21,400 5,620 14,360 190, 4.56 259,. 520 39, 090 Agricultural, grazing. Do. Arapahoe Boulder 19,840 61,091 25, 700 Clear Creek Do Douglas Arid, grazing, broken. Mountainous, grazing, mineral. Agricultural, grazing. Mountainous, grazing, mineral. Mountainous, grazing. Do. Eagle Elbert Gilpin , Grand 3,200 Jackson Jefferson 20, 480 Do. 6 VACANT PUBLIC LANDS ON JULY 1, 1916. Statement showing the area of land unappropriated and unreserved on July 1, 1916 — Con. COLORADO— Continued. Land district and count}'. Area in acres. Surveyed. Unsur- veyed. Total. Character. Denver— Continued. 268,060 6,160 268,060 6, 160 7,680 5,840 11,136 Mountainous, grazing, agricultural. Grazing; agiicuJtural. Routt 7,680 Mountainous, grazing, mineral. 5,840 11,136 Do. Weld Agricultural, grazing. Total 848,402 137,991 986,393 Durango: 90,951 74,491 189, 199 118,406 90,951 171,281 189, 199 161,762 Agrlciiltural, timber, grazing. 96,790 Mountainous, agricultural, mineral. Grazing, agricultural, mineral. 43,356 Do. Total 473,047 140,146 613,193 Glenwood Springs: Eagle. 262,762 905,032 106,685 2,033,902 85,222 1.348,531 183,587 20,986 50, 706 20,227 31,737 19,200 9,782 114,875 283,748 955,738 126,912 2,065,639 104,422 1,358,313 298, 462 Farming, grazing, mineral. Garfleld Do. Farming, grazing. Moflat Farming, grazing, mineral. Pitkin Grazing, mineral. Rio Blanco Farming, grazing. Routt Farming, grazing, mineral. Total 4,925,721 267,513 5,193,234 Hugo: 2,910 5,210 3,040 2,910 12,120 3,040 Prairie, farming, grazing. Kit Carson 6,880 Do. Do. Total 11,190 6,880 18,070 Lamar: 80, 193 70,500 1,419 4,647 120, 902 120 13,428 SO, 193 70,500 1,419 4,647 120,902 120 13,428 Farming, prairie, hilly, grazing. Broken, hillv, prairie, grazing. Bent Prairie, grazhig. Rolling, prairie, grazmg. Broken, hilly, grazing. Prairie, grazing. Prairie, hilly, grazing. Total 291,209 291,209 Lcadville: Chaflee 88, 298 15, 369 9,049 349, 619 465 6, 449 88, 298 39, 246 9,049 360, 463 465 6,449 Mountainous, mineral, grazing. Grazing, agricultural, mineral. 23,877 Mountainous, mineral. Park 10, 844 Grazing, agricultural Mountainous, mineral. Teller Grazing, agricultural. Total 463, 249 34, 721 503,970 Montrose: Delta 138,075 38, OfiO 933,401 229, 073 471,164 311,063 247, 717 345, 262 530, 287 167,413 34,320 397, 157 42, 212 433,850 129,498 305, 488 72, 380 1,330,558 271,285 905,014 440, ,561 247,717 345, 202 589, 040 Moimtainous, coal, grazing. Mineral, grazing, arid. Mountainous, coal, mineral, farming, grazmg. Mountainous, mineral, timber, coal, graz- ing. Coal, farming, mineral, grazing. Montrose Do. Agi-icnltural, grazing, mineral, moun- tainous. Farming, grazing, mineral, timber. 58, 753 Agricultural, rich mineral, grazing, coal. Total 3,244,102 1,263,203 4, .507, 305 ' Puel)Io: Bent 31, 256 12, 274 13,276 31,256 12,274 20,116 Agricultural, grazing. Costilla Mountainous. Crowley 6,840 Agricultural, grazing. VACANT PUBLIC LANDS ON" JULY 1, 1916. Statement showing the area of land unappropriated and unreserved on July 1, 1916 — Con. COLORADO— Continued. Land district and county. Area in acres. Surveyed. Unsur- veyed. Total. Character. Pueblo— Continued . 77,560 760 15, 270 470, 105 170, 200 480 786, 454 7,120 149, 038 67,354 20, 961 26,280 77,560 760 18, 280 470, 105 180, 240 480 786, 454 7,120 ' 149,038 67, 354 20,961 31,640 Mountainous, grazing. Elbert --- . Agricultural, grazing" EI Paso 3,010 Mountainous, agricultural, grazing. Do. 10, 040 Do. Grazing, agricultural. Mountainous, agricultural, grazing. Grazing, agricultural. Do. Otero Pueblo Agricultural, mountainous, grazing. Mountainous. Teller 5,360 Mountainous, largely mineral. Total 1,848,388 25.250 1.873.6.38 Sterling: 14,315 9,060 5,055 1,749 6,436 10,062 60,004 14,315 9,060 5,055 2,755 50, 893 10, 062 104,500 Agricultural, grazing. Do. PhOlips Do. 1,006 44,457 Do. Washington Weld Do. Do. Yuma 44, 496 Do. Total 106,681 89, 959 196, 640 State total 12, 905, 344 2,002,783 14,908,127 FLORIDA. Gainesville: 2,508 674 4,415 919 15, 452 1,240 3,488 1,722 850 8,917 815 703 713 l,0(i5 180 147 10 7,620 18,010 12, 045 120 4,704 574 596 1,520 8,923 1,337 1,723 280 2,130 734 360 1,683 6,253 1,797 582 139 946 40 2,508 674 4,415 919 15, 452 1,240 3,488 1,722 850 8,917 815 703 713 1,065 180 147 10 7.020 18, 010 12,04.5 120 4,704 574 596 1,520 8,923 1,337 1,723 2S0 2,130 734 3J0 1,683 6,253 1,797 582 139 946 40 Low pine. Baker Do. Bay Do. Bradford . Do. Low pine, swamp. Calhoun Low pine. Do. Clay Do. Columbia Do. DeSoto Do. Do. Gadsden Do. Do. Hernando.. Do. Do. Jackson . . Do. Jefferson Do. Lafayette Low pine, swamp. Lake Low pine. Lee Low pine, swamp. Leon Low pine. Levy Do. Liberty Do. Do. Manatee Do. Marion Do. Monroe Low pine, swamp. Nassau Low pine. Okaloosa Do. Orange Do. Osceola Do. Pasco . . Do. Polk Do. Putnam Do. St. Johns Do. St. Lucie Low pine, swamp. Low pine. Santa Rosa Seminole. . Do. Sumter Do. 8 VACANT PUBLIC LAXDS OK JULY 1, 1916. Statement showing the area of land unappropriated and unreserved on Juhj ], 1916 — Con. FLORIDA— Continued. Land district and countj-. Area in acres. Surveyed. Unsur- veyed. Total. Character. Gainesville— Continued. 540 2,760 8,808 300 5,045 1,790 540 2,760 8, 808 360 5,045 1,790 Low pine. Do. Taylor Volusia Do. Walralla Do. Walton Do. Do. State total 135,237 135.237 IDAHO. Blackfoot: 219,240 76, 480 288, 770 49, 880 1,760 314, 660 318, 290 118, 960 19, 200 270, 720 94, 800 2,560 352, 520 207, 000 1,920 28, 920 78, 300 46, 000 1,960 338, 200 95, 680 559, 490 144, 6S0 4, 320 667, 180 525, 290 1,920 66, 730 209, 340 119,680 6,160 Bear Lake Rough, broken. Rolling, lava, hilly. Rolling, good agricultural. Rough, grazing. Rolling, agricultural. Do. Franklin Fremont Jefferson Lemhi Mountainous. Madison 37,810 131,040 73. 680 4,200 Rolling, hills. Oneida Rough, grazing. Do. Teton Mountainous. Total 1,515,810 1,222,860 2, 738, 670 Boise: Ada 167, 815 68, 153 163, 703 106, 802 448, 751 94, 554 80, 856 1, 828, 205 180, 454 167,815 68, 153 182, 903 106, 802 480, 751 111,834 223, 710 3,854,391 222, 694 Arid, mountainous. Adams Mountainous, grazing, timbered. 19, 200 Mountainous, timbered, grazing, mineral. Arid, grazing. Arid, mineral, mountainous. Canvon Elmore 32, 000 17, 280 142, 854 2, 026, 186 42, 240 Arid, mountainous, grazing, timbered. Arid, mountainous, grazing, mineral. Arid, mountainous, mineral, gra'ing. Owyhee Washington Arid, mountainous, timbered, mineral. Total 3, 139, 293 2, 279, 760 5,419,053 Coeur d'Alene: Benewah 18,697 19,711 5,139 17,292 68, 860 18, 697 19,711 5,139 17, 292 81,660 Agricultural, grazing, timbered. Agricultural, grazing, timbered, mineral. Do. Bonner Kootenai Agricultural, grazing timbered. Shoshone 12, 800 Agricultural, grazing, timbered, mineral. Total 129, 699 12, 800 142, 499 Ilailey: BinKhara 20, 748 953,114 407, 720 621, 635 164,377 43, 895 143, 808 21,948 528, 949 289, 380 151,935 166, 861 78, 235 295, 302 27, 268 1,001,433 14, 087 402, 897 33, 198 33, 880 22, 900 654, 400 177,594 328, 283 191,137 155.316 41,489 65, 489 48, 016 1,954,547 421, 807 1, 024, 532 197,575 77, 775 166, 708 676, 348 706, 543 617,663 343,072 322,177 119, 724 360, 791 Lava and sagebrush plains. Blahie Grazing, sagebrush, somewhat moun- tainous. Grazing, sagebrush, mountainoas. Do. Custer Fremont . Lava and sagebrush plains. Do. Gooding Mountainous, grazing, sagebrush. Do. Lincoln Lava and sagebrush plains. Do. Owyhee . Grazing and sagebrush plains. Lava and sagolirush jjlains. Grazing and sagebrush plains. Power Twin Falls Total 3, 887, 907 3,149,371 7, 037, 278 VACANT PUBLIC LANDS ON JULY 1, 1916. 9 Statement showing the area of land unappropriated and unreserved on July 1, 1916 — Con. IDAHO— Ck)ntmuecl. Land district and county. Area in acres. Suri'eyed. Unsur- veyed. Total. Character. Le wist on: 26, 401 92, 558 1,223 6,598 29,397 2,601 26, 401 96, 158 1,223 6, 598 40,077 2,604 Idaho 3,600 Mountainous, scattering timber, grazing. Mountainous, chiefly grazing. Mountainous, scattered timler, chiefly grazing. Nez Perce 10, 680 Shoshone Total 158, 7S1 14, 280 173,061 State total 8, 831, 490 6, 679, 071 15, 510, 561 KANSAS. Dodge City: 228 1,029 200 225 1,070 80 595 6,093 40 22,040 190 1, 195 1,412 1,370 120 1,118 640 41 1,126 1,480 200 228 1,029 200 225 1,070 80 695 6,693 40 22,010 190 1,195 1,412 1,376 120 1,118 640 41 1,126 1,480 200 Broken, sandy. Do Clark Do Edwards . Do Finney Do Do Greeley Agricultural. Broken, sandy. Grazing, broken. Broken, sandy. Do Hamilton Kiowa Grazing, broken. Broken, sandy. Do. Morton Ness . Do. Do. Scott Grazing, broken. Swampy. Grazing, agricultural. Stafford Stevens Wichita Grazing, broken. Total . . 41,098 41,098 Topeka: Cheyenne 8,480 40 1,680 1,600 1,640 240 160 40 1,040 8,480 40 1, 6S0 1,600 1,640 240 160 40 1,040 Rough, broken. Do. EUis Gove Do Do. Do. Sherman Do Trego Do. Do. Wallace Do. Total 14,920 14,920 State total 56,018 56,018 LOUISIANA. Baton Rouge: Acadia AUen Ascension Avoj'elles Beauregard Bienville Bossier Caddo Calcasieu Caldwell Cameron Catahoula Claiborne 55075°— 16 9 118 498 881 342 737 3,546 1,380 1,88.5 5,413 1,582 4,519 1,141 9 lis 498 881 342 737 3,546 1,380 1,885 5,413 1,582 4,519 1,141 Prairie. I'ino woods. Swampy. Prairie,"pino woods. Pine woods. High pine woods. Do. Do. Prairie, pine woods. Higli pine woods. Prairie, marsh. High pine woods. Piiie woods. 10 VACANT PUBLIC LANDS ON JULY 1, 1916. Statement showing the area of land unappropriated and unreserved on July 1, 1916 — Con. LOUISIANA— Continued. Land district and county. Area in acres. Surveyed. . L'nsur- ' veyed. Total. Character. Baton Rouge— Contd. 744 130 55 602 16 137 105 140 1,308 , 159 ^ 26 96 588 640 214 277 491 730 935 1,690 813 404 169 420 671 160 31 291 1,590 32 492 428 319 30 1,704 3,256 982 344 278 20 881 40 195 120 744 130 55 602 16 137 105 140 1,308 159 26 96 5.8.8 640 214 277 491 730 935 1,690 813 404 169 420 671 160 31 291 1, 590 32 492 428 319 30 1,704 3, 256 982 344 278 20 881 40 195 120 Allu^-ial. De Soto High pine woods. Pine. East Baton Rouge. . . East Carroll Low pine woods. Pine woods. Prairie, pine. Piue woods, hilly. Grant Do. Iberia . . Prairie, marsh. Pine v%'oods, hilly. Do. Lafouiche Agricultural. La Salle Pine Vr'oods. Agricultural. Hardwoods. Low pine woods. Morehouse Pine woods. Natchitoches Do. Ouachita Do. Plaquemines . Prairie, marsh. Pouite Coupee Ordinary farming, swampy. Pine woods, acricultiu-al. Red P.iver Do. Richland Do. Sabine Do. St. Charles Do. St. Helena... Pine woods. St. James Farming, swampy. Do. St. Jolui St. Landry Prairie, pine woods. St. Martin Prairie, swampy. St. Marv Do. St. Tammany Tansjipahoa Pine woods. Pine woods, swampy. Allu\ial. Tensas Terrebonne Low, swampv. Union Pine woods, farming. Prairie. Vernon Pine woods. Washington Pine woods, farming. Pine woods. West Carroll Pine woods, farming. Do. West Feliciana Winn Do. State total 44,804 44,804 MICHIGAN. Marquette: Alcona 1,609 5,836 160 373 251 80 3,180 80 1,772 1,015 10, 355 1,879 2,200 5,792 1,815 611 240 40 640 131 l,0-4> 65 2, 530 11,087 1,609 5, 836 160 373 251 80 3,180 80 1,772 1,015 10,355 1,879 2,200 5, 792 1,815 611 240 40 640 131 1,044 05 2,530 11.087 Light soil. Fair farming. Do. Allegan Alpena Do Antrim Do. Do. Baraga Do Benzie Do. Charlevoix Do. Chebovgan Do. Chippewa Timbered; farming. Fair farming Do. Clare Crawford Delta Do. Dickenson Do. Emmett Do. Gladwin Do. Gogebic Do. Grand Traverse Do. Houghton Do. Iosco Light soil. Wet Jackson ''^alkaska Light soil. Do. Keweenaw VACANT PUBLIC LANDS ON JULY 1, 1916. 11 Statement showing the area ofkmd unappropriated and unreserved on July 1, 1916 — Con. MICHIGAN— Continued. Land district and count J'. Area in acres. Surveyed. Unsur- veyed. Total. Character. Marquette— Continued. 160 2,436 240 4,104 1,942 40 80 5,491 123 40 2,960 796 40 2,960 140 80 160 640 120 452 200 1,698 1,120 1,480 9,276 720 80 120 160 2,436 240 4, 164 1,942 40 SO 5,491 120 40 2,960 796 40 2,960 140 80 160 640 123 Very light soil. Livingston Wet. Luce Fair farming. Do Do. Marquette Timbered, farming. Fair farming. Third-rate farming. Fair farming. Do. Menominee Monroe Do Montmorency Do. Do Do. Oakland ■\Vet Very sandy. Sandy, light soil. Timbered, farming. Fair farming. Ogemaw Ontonagon ... 452 200 1,698 1, 120 1,480 9,276 720 80 120 Fair farming. Do. Presfiue Isle Schoolcraft Do. Do. Saginaw Do. State total 90, ,540 93,540 MINNESOTA. Cass Lake: 177, 538 2,076 80 3,.S17 177, 538 2,076 3, 817 184, 462 Timbered, agricultural, swampy. Cass Timbered, agricultural, rough. Timbered, agricultural, swampy. Do 184,462 Total 367.973 367,973 Crookston: 315, 545 3,200 29,452 315, 545 3,200 29,452 Swamp, some brush and timber. Rough, brush, rock, some swamp. Swamp, some brush and timber. Total 348, 197 348, 197 Duluth: 360 680 200 100 21,000 SO 160 1,280 40 40 17, 700 7,400 ■ 360 CSO 200 100 21,000 80 160 1,280 40 40 17,700 7,400 74 160 240 80 80 40 32, 800 40 80 Agricultural, wet. Do. Cass Carlton Do Crow Wing Fractional (small) lots. Cook Swampv. Do " Hubbard Timber, farming, iron, wet. Kanabec Do " Lake Timber, iron, farming. 74 100 240 80 80 40 32,800 Otter Tail Swampv. Do " Pine Pope ? Do Scott Do Do St. Louis Agricultural, timber, iron. Swampy. Todd 40 80 Wadena Total 82.634 82,634 State total 798,804 ! 7Q>i sai 12 VACAXT PUBLIC LANDS ON JULY 1^ 1916. Statement showing the area of land unappropriated and unreserved on July 1, 1916 — Con. MISSISSIPPL Land district and county. Area in acres. Character. Surveyed. LTnsur- veyed. Total. Jackson: 160 841 1,101 160 120 316 280 1,131 600 224 831 107 681 1,168 687 2,702 1,020 160 811 1,101 160 120 316 280 1,131 600 224 831 107 681 1, 168 687 2,702 1,020 238 280 174 358 3,370 283 713 159 285 480 40 199 106 437 41 120 362 159 651 1,319 959 40 177 199 39 78 294 557 201 269 386 159 159 80 439 360 1, 539 676 865 398 597 Agricultural, timbered. Do. Do. Agricultural. Do. Do. Agricultural, timbered. Agricultural. Do. Agricultural, timbered. Agricultural. Do. Pine woods, farming. Agricultural, timbered. Pine belt, level. Agricultiural, timbered. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Farming, somewhat broken. Agricultural. Agricuttural, timbered. Do. Pine belt. Do. Timbered, farming. Agricultural, timbered. Hilly, farming. bo. Farming. Agi-icultural. Level, farming, grazing. Agricultural, timbered. Do. Do. Do. Do. Generally level, farming. Do. Level, pine woods. Agricultural, timbered. Do. Do. Do. Do. Generally level. Agricultural. Generally level, farming. Agricultural, timbered. Do. Do. Do. Do. Swampy, farming. Attala Carroll Clarke Clay . .... Franklin 238 280 174 358 3,370 283 713 159 285 480 40 199 106 437 41 120 362 159 651 1,319 959 40 177 199 39 78 294 557 201 269 386 159 159 SO 439 360 1,539 676 865 398 597 Marion Oktibbeha Panola Pearl River Pike Rankin . . Scott Smith Tallahatchie . State total 30, 374 30,374 MISSOURI. Springfield: 38 3 114 85 15 40 80 40 55 38 3 114 85 15 40 80 40 55 Butler Carroll . . . . Holt Miller VACANT PUBLIC LANDS ON JULY 1, 1916. 13 Statement showing the area of land unappropriated and unreserved on Juhj 1, 1916 — Con. MISSOURI— Continued. Land district and county. Area in acres. Surveyed. Unsur- veyed. Total. Character. Springfield— Continued. 211 5 128 40 IS 40 40 211 5 128 40 IS 40 40 Ste. Genevieve Texas Wright 952 952 MONTANA. BUlings: Big Horn 63,110 138,179 13,151 106, 082 3,826 23, 336 15, 360 149,366 78,470 287,545 13, 151 106,082 3,826 47,452 Mountainoas, agricultural, gra:;i::-. Do. Do. Agricultural, gracing. Do. 24,'ii6" Do. Total 347, 684 188, 842 530, 526 Bozeman: 15,931 22,918 14,985 4,000 18, 1.54 101,253 24,715 2t>, 685 119,7.38 17,026 32,957 22, 918 22, 665 4,000 26,877 216,631 34,870 26,685 119, 738 Mostly grazing. Principally arid, grazing. Rolling, grazing. 7, 680 Gallatin Cfrazing, small amount farmi-ip' 8, 723 115,378 10, 155 Grazing, mountainous. Grazing, dry farming. Park Do. Stillwater Do. Gra.'iing, mountainous, dry fanning. Total 348,379 158,962 507, 341 Glasgow: 107, 239 437, 700 88, 125 448, 085 818,416 228,641 079, 504 103, 332 335,880 1,117,204 191,457 448, 085 1,515,188 Agricultural, grazin". Phillips Do. Do. Do. Valley 697, 772 Do. Total 1,8S)9,565 1,709,249 3,608,814 Great Falls: 54, 779 129, 747 6,183 15,693 12,836 158, 514 84, 189 63,476 118,2,55 129,747 6, 183 15,693 12,996 188, ,594 84, 189 Grazing, agricultural. Dof Broken, grazing. Hill Grazing, agricultiu-al. Lewis and Clark Teton 160 30, 080 Moimtainous, agricultiu-al. Grazing, agricultural. Toole Do. Total 461,941 93,716 555,657 Havre: Blaine 218,280 74, 180 136, 110 162,240 30, 720 389, 980 117,140 4,320 617,520 4,160 608,260 191,320 140, 430 779, 769 34,880 Mountainous, agriciiltiiral, grazir.'. Chouteau Do. Hill Do. I'liillips Do. Toole Do. Total 621, 530 1,133,120 1,754,6,50 Helena: 530,964 156,899 74,399 72, 106 12,547 306, 959 542,340 7,040 1,073,304 163,939 74,399 72, 103 12, 547 319, 753 Mountainous, agricultural, grazing. Do. Broadwater Do. Do. Gallatin Do. Jellerson 12,800 Do. 14 VACANT PUBLIC LANDS ON JULY 1, 1916. Statement showing the area of land unappropriated aiid unreserved on July 1, 1916 — Con. MONT ANA— Continued . Land district and county. Area in acres. Surveyed. Unsur- veyed. Total. Character. Helena — Continued. Lewis and Clark 256,091 193,258 282, 339 2,580 72,146 116,492 3,682 32,018 197,520 215,340 32,080 453,611 408, 558 314,419 2,. 580 157,080 139, 252 Mountainous, agricultural, grazing. Do. Do. Park Do. Powell 84,940 22,760 Do. Do. 3, 682 32,018 Do. Teton Do. Total 2,112,480 1,114,820 1 3,227,300 Kalispell: 77,400 4,270 36, 400 940 77,400 4,270 36, 400 940 Mountainous, timber, agricultural, graz- '%o. Do. Teton Do. Total 119,010 119,010 Lewistown: 31,320 220, 748 456,021 7,300 32,600 10,980 7,200 31,320 295,214 732, 991 14,980 51, 800 10,980 7,200 Broken, grazing. Dawson 74, 46fi 276,970 7,680 19, 200 Fai-ming, grazing, timber. Do. Farming, grazing. Agricultural, grazing. Farming, grazing, broken. Farming, grazing. Total 766, 169 378; 316 1,144,485 Miles City: 105, 120 943,680 32:3,680 552,000 74, 400 25,600 356,320 27,840 138,240 380, 160 1, 131, 200 741,280 213,360 1,323,840 1, 454, 880 1,293,280 74, 400 25,600 449, 920 27,840 Grazing, agricultural. Do. Do. Fallon Do. Do. Do. 93,600 Do. Do. Total 2,408,640 2,484,480 4, 893, 120 Missoula: 18,300 17,000 32, 9:>0 57,048 1,120 3,073 14, 285 5,000 79,000 37,636 23, .300 96,000 70, 566 57,048 4,0(X) 3, 161 AS., 447 Arid, grazing. Mountainous, timber, mineral. Do. Do. Powell 2,880 388 34, 162 Do. Kavalli Mountainous, timber, grazing. Sanders Mountainous, timber, mineral. Total 143, 7.56 159,066 302, 822 9, 229, 154 7,420,571 16,649,725 NEBRASKA. Alliance: Banner Box Butte. Dawes Garden .... Morrill Scotts BluH Sheridan . . . Sioux Total 1,080 2,400 1,480 5,400 3,515 1,600 6,970 5,295 27,800 240 ,080 8,320 36, 120 High tableland, hilly. Broken, grazing, sandy. V'ery rough, grazing. Sand hills, grazing. Do. Prairie, sandy, grazing. Prairie, sand hills, grazing. Very broken, rough, sandy. VACANT PUBLIC LANDS ON JULY 1, 1916. 15 Statement showing the area of land unappropriated ami unreserved on Juhj 1, 1916 — Con. NEBRASKA— Continued. Land district and county. Area in acres. Surveyed. Unsur- veyed. Total. Character. Broken Bow: 2,399 3,129 2,281 8, SS7 160 6,165 10, 978 1,421 2,940 5,798 2,390 3,129 2,281 8,887 160 6,165 10,978 1,421 2,940 5,798 Sandy, rolling, small valleys. Do. Do. Do. Custer Do Grant Do Hooker Do. Do. Do. Thomas Do. Total 44, 158 44, 158 Lincoln: Chase 1,000 1,180 200 1,100 656 600 1,000 1,180 200 1,100 656 600 Broken, sandv, grazing. Do. Dundy Frontier Do. Hayes Hitchcock Broken, grazing. Rough, sandy, grazing. Broken, grazing. Kedwillow Total 4,736 4, 736 North Platte: Arthur 1,686 320 70 1, 467 358 1,686 320 70 1,407 358 205 1,127 160 1,244 442 80 Grazing. Do. Banner Deuel Do. Garden Do. Keith .. .. Do. ICimball 265 1,127 160 1,244 442 80 Do. Lincoln Do. Logan Do. McPherson Do. MorriU Do. Perkins Very sandy. Total 7,219 7,219 O'Neill: Antelope 40 134 ItiO 1,440 920 1,400 160 160 40 134 160 1,440 920 1,400 1(50 160 Sandy grazing. Do. Boyd Brown Do. Garfield Do. Holt Do. Loup Do. Koek Do. Do. Total 4,414 4,414 Valentine: Brown 2,748 44,621 600 1,640 2,748 44,621 COO 1,640 Rough, sandy, grazing. Do. Cherry Keyapaha Do. Rock Do. Total 49, 609 49,609 State total 137,936 8,320 140,256 NEVADA. Carson City: Chureiiill.. Clark Douglas... Esmeralda Eiueka ilumholdt Lander Lincoln. .. Lyon Mineral . . . 1,303, 3, 169, 178, 1, 083, 18, 2, 535, 86, 2, 098, 345, 1,208, 2, 648, 133 4, 340, 465 192,704 1,990,215 58,271 6, 323, 972 130, 308 6, 060, 261 574,571 1,880,826 Mountainous, arid, grazing, little timber Do. Do. Do. Mountainous, arid, grazing. Do. Do. Do. Do. Moimtainous, arid, little timljer. 16 VACANT PUBLIC LANDS ON JULY 1, 1916. Stateinent showing the area of land unappropriated and unreserved on July 1, 1916 — Con. N EVA D A— Continued. Land district and county. Area in acres. Surveyed. Unsur- veyed. Total. Character. Carson City— Continued. 3,333,871 25,685 97, 970 5, 547, 656 19,980 1.272 8,881,527 45,665 99, 242 2, 925, 407 19,300 Mountainous, arid, grazing, little timber. Mountainous, arid, grazing, second Ormsby growth. Mountainous, arid, grazing. 2, 033, 574 891'. 833 Moiuitainous, arid, grazing, second White Pine 19,300 growth. Mountainous, arid, grazing, little timber. Total 17,518,342 18,652,585 36,170,927 Elko: ChurcMll 128, 510 6, 145, 148 861,178 1,138,173 932, 921 571,481 405, 698 2, 827, 867 7,000 994, 139 1, 286, 628 305, 6.S4 1,477,242 188,740 170,187 1, 763, 554 135, 510 7, 1.39, 287 2, 147, 806 1,443,857 2,410,163 760, 221 575, 885 4,591,421 Mountainous, arid, grazing, little timber. Elko Do. Eureka Mountainous, arid, grazing, no timber. Do. Do. Do. Mountainous, arid, grazing, little timl;er. White Pine Do. Total 13,010,976 6,193,174 19, 204, 150 Sta+e total 30,529,318 24, 845, 759 5.5,375,077 NEW MEXICO. Clavton: Colfax .... ... 25, 860 14,540 6,520 20,960 239, 360 25,860 14,540 0,520 20,960 239, 360 Arid, broken, grazing. Mostly grazing, some broken. Grazing. Do! Union.. Grazing, broken. Total 307, 240 307,240 Fort Sumner: 485,760 14,400 485,760 14,400 388,240 422,400 108,000 Broken, grazing. Ciury Grazing. Guadalupe 388,240 422, 400 108,000 Do. Lincoln Do. Broken, grazing. Total 1,418,800 1,418,800 Las Cruces: 1,484,841 769,668 822,580 1,150,051 1,353,488 2,329,189 246, 543 848, 655 324, 800 470, 597 216,300 1,176,373 1,731,384 1,618,323 1,147,380 1,620,648 1,569,788 3,505,502 Grazing, mountainous. Grant Do Do. Otero Do. Do. Do. Total 7,909,817 3,283,268 11,193,085 Roswell: Chaves , Eddy 886,502 1,754,797 649,642 194,043 485,916 951,893 349,319 696,076 102, 400 1,372,418 2, 706, 690 99S.961 S90;il9 102, 400 125,383 Grazing, rolling prairie. Mostly prairie, timber in moimtains. Lincoln Grazing, timber in mountains. Otero Grazing. Socorro Undulating prairie. Torrance 125, 383 Prairie, grazing. Total 3,610,307 2,585,604 6,195,971 Santa Fe: 40, 182 11,841 378, 610 479, 770 74, 282 421,682 301, 292 765, 679 243, 126 21, 700 61,882 11,841 395, 190 &31, 661 91,746 622, 693 640, 967 1,261,593 345,561 Timber, grazing, agricultural. Colfax Mountainous, grazing, coal. 16,550 151,891 17,464 201,011 339,675 495,914 102, 435 G razing, agricultural. Mountainous, timber, grazing, coal. Mountainous, grazing, a;;riculturr.l. Mountainous, grazing, agricultural, coal. Sandoval Do. Grazing, agricultural, coal. San Miguel Timber, grazing, agricultural. VACANT PUBLIC LAXDS ON JULY 1^ 1916. 17 Statement showing the area of land unappropriated and unreserved on July 1^ 191S — Con. NEW MEXICO— Continued. Land district and county. Area in acres. Surveyed. Unsur- veyed. Total. Character. Santa Fe— Continued. 172,549 728, 901 238, 118 421,903 702,897 113, 160 58,834 224, 834 147,840 102,491 285,709 787, 735 462, 952 569,743 805,388 Do. Taos Mountainous, timber, grazing, agricul- tural. Timber, grazing, agricultural, saline. Do. Torrence Total 4,980,862 1,996,799 6, 977, 061 Tucumcari: 1,140 21,098 135, 484 4,144 48, 436 1,140 21,098 147,051 9,897 66, 436 Very rough, broken. Broken, grazing, some agricultural. Grazing, agricultural, mostly broken. Broken, grazing; some agricultural. Rolling, sandy, grazing. 11,567 5,753 18,000 Union Total 210, 302 35,320 245, 622 State total 18,437,388 7,900,991 26,338,379 NORTH DAKOTA. Bismarck: Burleigh 2,080 1,079 1,533 1,741 1,019 5,176 1,140 910 626 522 24, ,866 80 81 2,080 1,079 1,533 1,741 1,019 5, 176 1,140 910 626 522 24, 8:i'i 83 81 Agricultural, grazing. Do. Kidder Do. Logan Do. Mercer Do. Morton Do. Mcintosh Do. McLean Do. Oliver Do Do. Sioux Do Stutsman Do. Wells Do Total 40,853 40,853 Dickinson: Billings 59, 633 35, 807 33,560 18,520 85, 900 23,711 59, 633 85, 807 33, SCO IS, 520 85,900 23,711 Agricultural, rough, grazing. Do Bowman Do. Oolden Valley Do. McKenzie Do. Slope Do. Total 257, 131 257, 131 Minot: Benson 202 57 733 440 1,184 590 7, 050 1,044 278 2,196 202 57 733 440 1,1.S4 590 7, 050 1,044 278 2,196 Prairie, farming. Grazing, farming. Do. Bottineau Burke Cavalier Do McHenry Do. McLean Do Mountrail Do. Pierce Do. Renville Do. Ward Do. Total 13, 774 13,774 Williston: Burke 161 4,053 3, 128 49,582 12,517 161 4,053 3, 128 49, 582 12,517 Broken, gra-inT. Do Divide Mountrail Do. McKenzie Broken, grazing, farming. Broken, grazing. Williams Total 69, 441 69,441 State total 381, 199 381,199 VACANT PUBLIC LAXDS ON JULY 1, 1916. Statement shoning the area of land unappropriated and unreserved on July 1, 1916 — Con. OKLAHOMA. I^and district and county. Area in acres. Surveyed. Unsur- veyed. Total. Character. Guthrie: Alfalfa ... 1,252 467 4,243 542 579 12,400 452 519 4,401 3,805 33 2,376 1,526 235 2,254 349 4,652 57 5,529 3,501 4,533 1,385 1,252 407 4,243 542 579 12,400 452 519 4,461 3,865 33 2,376 1,520 235 2,2.34 349 4,652 57 5, 529 3,501 4,533 1,385 Grazing. Do. Rough, grazing. Blaine Grazing. Sandv, grazing. Grazing. Sandy, grazing. Grazing. Dewey. Do! Ellis Sandy, grazing. Grant Do. Rough, grazing. Do. Grazing. Sandy, grazing. Do. Rough, grazing. Pottawatomie Sandy, grazing. Rough, grazing. Texas Grazing. Rough, grazing. Grazing. State total 55, 250 55,250 OREGON. Bums: 74,779 142,633 3, 040, 845 12, 296 74,779 143,113 3,684,441 12,296 Grazing, limber, farming. 480 37, 596 Do. Harney Do. Do. Total 3, 870, 553 38,076 3,914,629 La Grande: Baker 302,560 114,480 20,160 65,400 10, 240 65,040 4,899 307,459 114,480 20, 160 65,691 16, 240 75, 838 Timbered, mountainous, giazing, farm- ing, fruit, mineral. Timbered, farming, grazing, mineral. Timbered, farming, grazing. 291 Arid, farming, timbered, grazing. Timbered, farming, grazing. 10.798 Generally rolling, farming, grazing, fruit. timbered Total 583,880 ■• 15,988 599, 868 Lakeview: 401,215 877,416 2,272,707 401,215 984,:S58 2,526,051 Agricultiu-al, grazing, monntainons. 106,942 253,344 Agricultural, grazing, timber. Agricultural, grazing, timber, moun- tainous. Total 3,551,338 360,286 3,911,624 Portland: 2,710 9,252 1,118 1,272 12,459 880 526 fiOO 19,098 320 410 2,710 9,252 1,118 1,272 12,4,59 880 526 600 19,608 320 410 Hilly, grazing, farming. Mountainous, timber, grazing, farming. Broken, grazing, agricultural. Do. Do. Mountainous. Broken, agricultural, grazing. Polk Do. Hilly, timbered, grazing, farming. Do. Yamhill Do. Total 49, 245 49,245 Roseburg: Benton 3,367 15, 979 35,993 33,843 3,367 17,239 38, 691 38,803 Timber, grazing. Coos 1,200 2,701 4,900 Timber, aKiicultura!. Curry Mountainous, timber. Douglas Mineral, grazing, limber. VACANT PUBLIC LANDS ON JULY 1^ 1916. 19 Statement showing the area of land unappropriated and unreserved on July 1, 1916 — Con. O R E G O N— Continued. Land district and county. Area in acres. Surveyed. Unsur- veyed. Total. Character. Roseburg— Continued. Jackson 55,8,85 33, 4.88 638 28,516 1,038 319 2,240 8,976 58, 125 42,464 638 28.516 1,038 319 Timber, grazing, fruit. Timber, faiining, mineral. Timber. Klamath Lane Timber, farming, mineral. Broken, grazing. Hilly, grazing. Linn Total 209,066 20.137 229. 203 The Dalles: Crook 493,278 45,. 390 43, 100 40 130.910 4.985 39.403 117. 8;)5 147.651 1,260 1,760 494.538 47. 1.50 43, 100 40 138. 590 4.985 40.043 117.. 855 147.651 Grazing, broken, hilly, mountainous. Do. Gilham Do. Hood River Do. 7. 0.80 Do. Do. Sherman 640 Do. Wasco Do Wheeler Do. Total 1.022.612 11,340 1,033.952 Vale: Baher 228,715 15,410 451,480 3,954.049 228.715 15.410 451.480 4,903,683 Grazing, dry farming, timber. Grant Grazing, dry fanning. Grazing, dry farming, some timber. Malheur 949.634 Total : 4,649,654 949, 634 5, 599, 288 State total 13.942,348 1.395,461 15, 337, 809 SOUTH DAKOTA. Bellefourche: Butte 355,908 136, 866 960 19,170 355,908 136, 866 900 19, 170 Prairie, grazing, farming. Lawrence Broken, grazing. Total 512,904 512,904 Gregory: Bennett 82,125 475 34, 4.84 82, 125 475 34, 434 Grazing, sand hills. Very rough, grazing. Rough, rolling, grazing. Mellette Total 117,084 117, 0S4 Lemmon: Corson 139, 810 89,280 53, 720 1,440 139, 810 89,280 53,720 1,440 Prairie, rough, rolling, many buttes, stony hills. Do Harding Perkins Do Sioux (N. Dak.) Do Total 284, 250 284,250 Pierre: Brule 440 1,006 157 200 158 33 240 110 49, 735 820 32, 780 51 725 520 440 1,006 157 200 1.58 33 240 110 49,735 820 32, 780 51 725 520 Rough, hilly, grazing. Do Campbell Charles Mix Do Clark Clay Low, wet, sand bar. Low, wet, small tracts. Low, wet, lake bed. Do Day Edmunds Faulk Haakon Rough, hilly, grazing. Hughes Jackson Rough, hilly, bad lands (part). Kingsbury Lyman..". Rough, hilly, grazing. Do. Potter 20 VACANT PUBLIC LANDS ON JULY 1, 1916. Statement showing tJie area of land unappropriated and unresa'ved on July 1, 1916 — Con. SOUTH DAKOTA— Continued. Land district and county. Area in acres. Surveyed. Unsur- veyed. Total. Character. Pierre — Continued. Spink 600 137,310 0,860 2G6 600 137,310 6,860 266 Low, swampy, lake bed. Stanley Rough, hilly, grazing. Sully Do. Walworth Do. Total 232,011 232,011 Rapid City: Custer 91,960 212,140 230 157, 720 194,850 35,163 127, 123 212,140 18,818 157, 720 194, 850 Partly moimtainous, timbered, mineral, Fall River grazing, agricultural. Prairie, part broken, grazing, agricultural. 18,618 Partly mountainous, timbered, mineral, grazmg. Prairie, broken, grazing. Part mountainous, part prairie, tim- bered, mineral, grazing. Total 656, 870 53,781 710,651 Timber Lake: 103, 245 106, 360 316,083 103, 245 106,360 316,083 Broken, grazing, farming. Do. Ziebach Do. Total 525, 688 525, 688 State total 2, 328, 807 53, 781 2, 382, 588 UTAH. Salt Lake City: 551,381 1,409,218 33,414 637, 029 32, 202 126, 275 683,036 547,230 719,792 1,073,890 628,814 559, 093 1,111,992 46, 267 111,069 267, 562 . . 769, 240 720, 108 549, 982 227,537 82,126 10, 964 63,550 885, 796 1,964,723 1, 180, 740 25, 175 1, 086, 527 1,724,663 2, 297, 134 62,246 78, 795 9,967 3,015,578 29, 318 38, 691 185, 771 7,557 1,972,210 305, 285 2,500 65, 645 1,078,076 25,211 1,271,489 1,959,200 260, 951 719, 155 43, 166 189, 825 1,568,832 2,511,953 1,900,532 1,099,065 1,715,341 2, 283, 756 3, 409, 126 108, 513 189, 804 277, 529 3, 784, 818 45, 101 318,582 716, 242 100,895 3,564,153 404,319 76, 790 841,096 1, 27SI, 185 100, 000 Generally arid, agricultural, grazing, mountainous. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. .S gricul tural, grazing. Mountainous. Arid, mountainous, mineral, tural, grazing. Do. mineral. Box Elder Carbon Davis Emery Iron... Juab Kane Millard Piute Rich Salt Lake 15,783 279,891 530, 471 102,338 1,591,943 99,034 74, 2C0 775, 451 201, 103 81,389 Sanpete Sevier Summit Tooele Utah Wasatch Weber Total 13, 053, 203 17,695,875 30,755,078 Vernal: 287,125 5, 785 1,03.5,960 47, 786 287, 125 5, 785 1,809,323 51,526 Uinta 833,363 3,740 agricul- Wasatch Total 1,376,656 837, 103 2, 213, 759 State total 14,435,859 18,532,978 32,968,837 VACANT PUBLIC LANDS ON JULY 1, 1016. 21 Statement showing the area of land unappropriated and unreserved on July 1, IDIG — Con. WASHINGTON. Land district and county. Area in acres. Surveyed. Unsur- veyed. Total. Character. North Yakima: 72, 240 34, 480 124,240 91, 600 72,240 34, 480 124, 240 92,560 Arid, mountainous. Grant Do. Kittitas . . . Arid, mountainous, timbered. Yakima 960 Do. Total .- 322,560 960 323, 520 Seattle: Chehalis 80 1,600 200 1,900 300 840 2,800 80 2,200 200 74,640 300 840 4,600 44, 120 4,500 Mountainous, poor timber. Clallam 600 Burned over mountain. Rough. 172,740 Timbered. ■ Mason Mountainous. Rough, timbered. Skagit 1,800 2 44, 120 1,000 Timbered. Snohomish Do. 3,500 Rough. Total 11,220 120, 260 131, 480 Spokane: 1,940 40 14,360 29, 080 13,055 41,476 1,172 116,813 938 1,040 40 16, 426 29,080 13,055 41,476 1.172 123^ 690 938 Arid, seabland. Arid, mountainous. Ferry 2,066 Timber, grazing, mineral. Lincoln Agricultural , grazing, arid. Farming, mineral, grazing. Mountainous, grazing, timbered. Arid, rough. Spokane Stevens 6,877 Agricultural, grazing, timbered. Whitman Grazing. Total 218,874 8,943 227,817 Vancouver: Clarke 4.506 2.432 20,656 2,615 54 9,281 78 4,. 506 5, 632 23, 466 5,870 ,54 9,281 78 Mountainous, rough, some timber. Cowlitz 3,200 2,810 3,255 Do. Klickitat Rough,, little timber. Rough, some timber, grazing. Rough! Motmtainous, some timber. Broken. Total 39, 622 9,265 48, 887 Walla W^alla: 7, 985 30,847 32,617 4,, 508 37, 551 609 11,818 4,269 3,177 7,985 30, 847 32, 617 4,. 508 37, 551 609 11,818 4,269 3,177 Grazing, desert, poor farming. Mountainous, grazing, some farming. Grazing_, desert. Mountamous, grazing, some timber. Grazing, desert. Asotin Frankl in , . Garfield Grazing, mountainous. Klickitat Grazing, desert. Walla Walla Grazing, some timber. Grazing, some farming. Total 1.33, 381 133. 381 Waterville: 24, 031 56, 3S2 78, 460 545 97, 708 8, 280 1,920 32.311 58, 302 78, 460 Douglas Rough, grazing. Sandy, grazuig. Grant 545 97. ,8fi,S Okanogan 160 Mountainous, farming, grazing. Total 257, 126 10,360 j 267,486 State total 982, 783 149, 788 1,132,571 1 Including 70,820 acres within odd-section grant to the Northern Pacific Ry. Co. 2 Including 43,8^0 acres within odd-section grant to the Northern racific Ry. Co. 22 VACANT PUBLIC LANDS ON JULY 1^ 1916. Statement showing the area of land unapprojjriated and unreserved on July 1, 1916 — Con. WISCONSIN. Land district and county. Area in acres. Surveyed. Unsur- veyed. Total. Character. Wausau: 90 306 1,210 160 394 40 120 97 342 28 40 160 83 47 120 80 40 40 415 28 110 622 124 411 96 117 270 40 41 201 90 306 1,210 160 394 40 120 97 342 28 40 160 83 47 120 80 40 40 415 28 110 622 124 411 96 117 270 40 41 201 Sandy soil. Do. Bavfield Farming, rolling, somewhat sandy. Buffalo . - . As^ricultural. Fair agricultural. Broken. Clark Grazing, agricultural. Agricultural, sandy. Fair aiiricultural, some sandy. Agricultural. Eau Claire Fair agricultural. Rough hardwood. Do. Do. Rolling, sandy loam. Sandy soil. Hardwood, little rough. Fair agricultural. Agricultural, some sandy. Fair agricultural. Hardwood, with ledges of rock. Rocky, soil sandy loam. Polk Fanning. Price Hardwood. Kusk Do. Sauk Agricultiu-al. Hardwood. Rough, broken. Vilas Sandy soil. Some clay, agricultural lands. 5,872 5,872 WYOMING. Buffalo: Big Horn 1,008,029 527, 090 10,444 170,999 1,570,212 51,857 356,006 1,073,078 45,120 1,053,149 527, 090 10,444 170,999 1,570,242 51,8.57 378, 846 1,073,078 Grazing, mountainous, agricultural. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. 22, 840 Do. Do. Total 4,708,345 67,900 4,836,305 Cheyenne: 938,906 2, 002, 424 151,078 294,859 57, 734 377,551 537, 740 21,581 10,701 32,979 900, 487 2,013,125 184,057 294,859 57, 734 377,551 537,740 About one-half broken, mountainous; Carbon other half prairie, grazing, farming; farm land mostly along streams. Greater portion broken, mountainous, some timber, agricultural lands along streams. Mountainous, arid, timber. Fremont Broken, grazing, dry farming. Laramie. Prairie, broken grazing, dry farming, irri- Platte . gable land along streams. Prairie, broken, grazing, dry farming. Mountainous, broken, grazing, alkaline plains. Total 4,300,292 65, 261 4,425,553 Douglas: 1,652,221 967, 731 2, 755, 191 830, 074 43,480 1,695,701 997,731 2, 7.-)5, 191 830, 074 Grazing, mountainous, mineral. Do Do. Do. Total 6, 205. 217 43,480 6, 248, 697 VACANT PUBLIC LANDS ON JULY 1, 1916. 23 Statement showing the area of land unappropriated and unreserved on July 1, 1916 — Con. WYOMING— Continued. Land district and county. Area in acres. Surveyed. Unsur- veyed. Total. Character. Evanston: 552, 807 3, 725, 831 1,514,937 583,337 217,893 585,921 1,136,144 3,943,724 2, 100, 858 Mountainous, grazing, timber. Sweetwater Dry farming, grazing, alkaline. Uinta-Lincoln Dry fanning, grazing, mountainous. Total 5, 793, 575 1,387,151 7, 180, 726 Lander: 154,278 1,906,149 697, 741 861,957 31,555 154,278 1,947,989 745, 187 903, 401 31,555 Mountainous, farming, grazing, timber. 41,840 47,446 41,444 Arid, mountainous, farming, grazing, Hot Springs some timber. Broken, farming, grazing. Park Do. . Do. Total 3,651,680 130. 730 3,782,410 Sundance: 1, 604, 248 35,060 284,658 19,060 845, 605 1,604,248 35, 060 550, 828 19,060 845, 605 Broken, grazing. I'rairie, grazing, farming. Crook 266, 170 Semimountainous, fertile valleys. Broken, grazing. Timber, grazing, farming. Total 1, 788, 631 266, 170 2,054,801 State total 26, 567, 740 1,960,752 28, 528, 492 RECAPITULATION BY STATES. State. Area in acres. Surveyed. Unsurveyed. Total. 42,680 6,566,288 402,219 15, 777, 934 12,905,344 135,237 8,831,490 56,018 44,804 90,540 798,804 30,374 952 9,229,154 137,936 30,529,318 18,437,388 381,199 55, 250 13,942,348 2,328,807 14, 435, 859 982, 783 5,872 26,567,740 42,680 17,030,931 23,597,219 402, 219 4,248,065 2,002,783 20,025,999 Colorado 14, 908, 127 135,237 Idaho 6,679,071 15,510,561 Kansas . . .... 56,013 44,804 Michigan . 90,540 798, 804 30,374 Missouri 952 7,420,571 8,320 24.845,759 7,900,991 16,649,725 146,255 Nebraska . . 55,375,077 New Mexico 26,338,379 North Dakota ... 381, 199 Oklahoma 55, 250 Oregon 1,395,401 53, 781 18,532,978 149, 788 15,337,809 South Dakota 2,382,588 Utah 32,968,837 Washington 1,132.571 Wisconsin 5,872 Wyoming 1,960,752 28,528,492 Grand total 162,716,338 92.229,251 254,945,589 24 VACANT PUBLIC LANDS ON JULY 1, 1916. ALASKA. The unappropriated lands in Alaska are not included herein. The total area of Alaska is 378,165,760 acres, of which abqut 15,500,000 acres are reserved. Approximately 740,000 acres have been surveyed under the rectangular system. ■R'ASIIINCTON : GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE : 1918