BIRKElcY LIBRARY univ:r,ity of california THE LOGIC OF HEGEL WALL ACE THE LOGIC OF HEGEL TRANSLATED FROM THE ENCYCLOPAEDIA OF THE PHILOSOPHICAL SCIENCES WILLIAM WALLACE, M.A., LL.D. FELLOW OF MERTON COLLEGE AND WHYTe's professor OF MORAL PHILOSOPHY IN THE UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD SECOND EDITION, REVISED AND AUGMENTED OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS tOAN STACK FIRST EDITION 1873 SECOND EDITION 1892 REPRINTED I904 Reprinted lithographically in Great Britain by LOWE & BRYDONE (PRINTERS) LTD., LONDON from sheets of the second edition 1931. 1950. 1959 oicm 13 P-'?/? E6-W3 NOTE The present volume contains a translation, which has been revised throughout and compared with the original, of the Logic as given in the first part of Hegel's Encyclopaedia, preceded by a bibliographical account of the three editions and extracts from the prefaces of that work, and followed by notes and illustrations of a philological rather than a philo- sophical character on the text. This introductory chapter and these notes were not included in the previous edition. The volume containing my Prolegomena is under revision and will be issued shortly. W. W. 557 CONTENTS Bibliographical Notice on the three Editions and three Prefaces of the Encyclopaedia of the Philosophical Sciences ix THE SCIENCE OF LOGIC. CHAPTER I. iNfTROPUCTlON 3 CHAPTER H. Preliminary Notion 30 CHAPTER HI. First Attitude of Thought to Objectivity ... 60 CHAPTER IV. Second Attitude of Thought to Objectivity : — I. Empiricism ........ 76 n. The Critical Philosophy 8a CHAPTER V. Third Attitude of Thought to Objectivity : — Immediate or Intuitive Knowledge . . . . . lai CHAP^-ER VI. Logic further Defined and Divided 143 CHAPTER VII. First Subdivision of Logic : — The Doctrine of Being . . . . . . . 156 vm CONTENTS. CHAPTER VIII. Second Subdivision of Logic : — Tht Doctrine ef Essence . CHAPTER IX. Third Subdivision of Logic : — The Doctrine of the Notion 207 287 NOTES AND ILLUSTRATIONS. On Chapter I II III IV . V VI . VII , VIII IX , 383 387 395 398 406 409 410 417 424 INDEX 433 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL NOTICE ON THE THREE EDITIONS AND THREE PREFACES OF THE ENCYCLOPAEDIA The Encyclopaedia of the Philos.ophical Sciences IN Outline is the third in time of the four works which Hegel pubhshed. It was preceded by the Phenomeno- logy of Spirit, in 1807, and the Science of Logic (in two volumes), in 1812-16, and was followed by the OuU lines of the Philosophy of Law in 1820. The only other works which came directly from his hand are a few essays, addresses, and reviews. The earliest of these appeared in the Critical Journal of Philosophy, issued by his friend Schelling and himself, in 1802 — when Hegel was one and thirty, which, as Bacon thought, ' is a great deal of sand in the hour-glass ' ; and the latest were his contributions to the Jahrbiicher fiir wissenschaftliche Kritik, in the year of his death (1831). This Encyclopaedia is the only complete, matured, and authentic statement of Hegel's philosophical system. But, as the title-page bears, it is only an outline ; and its primary aim is to supply a manual for the guidance of his students. In its mode of exposition the free flight of speculation is subordinated to the needs of the professorial class-room. Pegasus is put in harness. X THE THREE PREFACES Paragraphs concise in form and saturated with mean- ing postulate and presuppose the presiding spirit of the lecturer to fuse them into continuity and raise them to higher lucidity. Yet in two directions the works of Hegel furnish a supplement to the defects of the Encyclopaedia. One of these aids to comprehension is the Pheno- menology of Spirit, published in his thirty-seventh year. It may be going too far to say with David Strauss that it is the Alpha and Omega of Hegel, and his later writings only extracts from it \ Yet here the Pegasus of mind soars free through untrodden fields of air, and tastes the joys of first love and the pride of fresh discovery in the quest for truth. The fire of young enthusiasm has not yet been forced to hide itself and smoulder away in apparent calm. The mood is Olympian — far above the turmoil and bitterness of lower earth, free from the bursts of temper which emerge later, when the thinker has to mingle in the fray and endure the shafts of controversy. But the Phenomenology, if not less than the Encyclopaedia it contains the diamond purity of Hegelianism, is a key which needs consummate patience and skill to use with advantage. If it commands a larger view, it de- mands a stronger wing of him who would join its voyage through the atmosphere of thought up to its purest empyrean. It may be the royal road to the Idea, but only a kingly soul can retrace its course. The other commentary on the Encyclopaedia 'ts, supplied partly by Hegel's other published writings, and partly by the volumes (IX-XV in the Collected works) in which his editors have given his Lectures on the Philosophy of History, on Aesthetic, on the Philosophy of Religion, and on the History of Philo- ' Christian Mdrklin, cap. 3. OF THE ENCYCLOPAEDIA. XI sophy. All of these lectures, as well as the Philosophy of Law, published by himself, deal however only with the third part of the philosophic system. That system (p. 28) includes (i) Logic, (ii) Philosophy of Nature, and (iii) Philosophy of Spirit. It is this third part — or rather it is the last two divisions therein (embracing the great general interests of humanity, such as law and morals, religion and art, as well as the development of philosophy itself) which form the topics of Hegel's most expanded teaching. It is in this region that he has most appealed to the liberal culture of the century, and influenced (directly or by reaction) the progress of that philosophical history and historical philosophy of which our own generation is reaping the fast-accumu- lating fruit. If one may foist such a category into systematic philosophy, we may say that the study of the ' Objective ' and 'Absolute Spirit ' is the most interesting part of Hegel. Of the second part of the system there is less to be said. For nearly half a century the study of nature has passed almost completely out of the hands of the philo- sophers into the care of the specialists of science. There are signs indeed everywhere— and among others Helmholtz has lately reminded us— that the higher order of scientific students are ever and anon driven by the very logic of their subject into the precincts or the borders of philosophy. But the name of a Philo- sophy of Nature still recalls a time of hasty enthusiasms and over-grasping ambition of thought which, in its eagerness to understand the mystery of the universe, jumped to conclusions on insufficient grounds, trusted to bold but fantastic analogies, and lavished an unwise contempt on the plodding industry of the mere hodman of facts and experiments. Calmer retrospection will perhaps modify this verdict, and sift the various contri- Xll THE THREE PREFACES butions (towards a philosophical unity of the sciences) which are now indiscriminately damned by the title of NaturphUo Sophie. For the present purpose it need only be said that, for the second part of the Hegelian system, we are restricted for explanations to the notes collected by the editors of Vol. VII. part i. of the Collected works — notes derived from the annotations which Hegel himself supplied in the eight or more courses of lectures which he gave on the Philosophy of Nature between 1804 and 1830. Quite other is the case with the Logic— the first division of the Encyclopaedia. There we have the collateral authority of the 'Science of Logic,' the larger Logic which appeared whilst Hegel was schoolmaster at Niirnberg. The idea of a new Logic formed the natural sequel to the publication of the Phenomenology in 1807. In that year Hegel was glad to accept, as a stop-gap and pot-boiler, the post of editor of the Bamberg Journal. But his interests lay in other directions, and the circum- stances of the time and country helped to determine their special form. 'In Bavaria,' he says in a letter \ ' it looks as if organisation were the current business.' A very mania of reform, says another, prevailed. Hegel's friend and fellow-Swabian, Niethammer, held an important position in the Bavarian education office, and wished to employ the philosopher in the work of carrying out his plans of re-organising the higher edu- cation of the Protestant subjects of the crown. He asked if Hegel would write a logic for school use, and if he cared to become rector of a grammar school. Hegel, who was already at work on his larger Logic, was only half-attracted by the suggestion. * The traditional Logic,' he replied'*, 'is a subject on which there are text-books enough, but at the same time it is one which * Hegel's Briefe, i. 141, "^ Ibid, i. 172. OF THE ENCYCLOPAEDIA. xiii can by no means remain as it is : it is a thing nobody can make anything of: 'tis dragged along like an old heirloom, only because a substitute — of which the want is universally felt— is not yet in existence. The whole of its rules, still current, might be written on two pages : every additional detail beyond these two is perfectly fruitless scholastic subtlety ; — or if this logic is to get a thicker body, its expansion must come from psycho- logical paltrinesses.' Still less did he like the prospect of instructing in theolog}', as then rationalised. 'To write a logic and to be theological instructor is as bad as to be white-washer and chimney-sweep at once.' 'Shall he, who for many long years built his eyry on the wild rock beside the eagle and learned to breathe the free air of the mountains, now learn to feed on the carcases of dead thoughts or the still-born thoughts of the moderns, and vegetate in the leaden air of mere babble ^ ? ' At Nilrnberg he found the post of rector of the 'gymnasium' by no means a sinecure. The school had to be made amid much lack of funds and general bankruptcy of apparatus:— all because of an 'all- powerful and unalterable destiny which is called the course of business.' One of his tasks was ' by graduated exercises"to introduce his pupils to speculative thought,' — and that in the space of four hours weekly". Of its practicability — and especially with himself as instra- ment — he had grave doubts. In theory, he held that an intelligent study of the ancient classics was the best introduction to philosophy ; and practically he preferred starting his pupils with the principles of law, morality and religion, and reserving the logic and higher philosophy for the highest class. Meanwhile he con- 1 Hegel's Briefe, i. 138. ' Ibid. i. 339. xiv THE THREE PREFACES tinued to work on his great Logic, the first volume of which appeared in two parts, 1812, 1813, and the second in 1816. This is the work which is the real foundation of the Hegelian philosophy. Its aim is the systematic re- organisation of the commonwealth of thought. It gives not a criticism, like Kant ; not a principle, like Fichte ; not a bird's eye view of the fields of nature and history, like Schelling; it attempts the hard work of re-con- structing, step by step, into totality the fragments of the organism of intelligence. It is scholasticism, if scho- lasticism means an absolute and all-embracing system ; but it is a protest against the old school-system and those who tried to rehabilitate it through their compre- hensions of the Kantian theory. Apropos of the logic of his contemporary Fries (whom he did not love), published in 181 1, he remarks: 'His paragraphs are mindless, quite shallow, bald, trivial ; the explanatory notes are the dirty linen of the professorial chair, utterly slack and unconnected \' Of himself he thus speaks : ' I am a schoolmaster who has to teach philo- sophy, — who, possibly for that reason, believes that philosophy like geometry is teachable, and must no less than geometry have a regular structure. But again, a knowledge of the facts in geometry and philosophy is one thing, and the mathematical or philosophical talent which procreates and discovers is another : my province is to discover that scientific form, or to aid in the forma- tion of it^' So he writes to an old college friend ; and in a letter to the rationalist theologian Paulus, in 1814^, he professes : ' You know that I have had too much to do not merely with ancient literature, but even with mathematics, latterly with the higher analysis, differen- ' Hegel's Briefe, i. 328. ' Ibid. i. 273. ' Ibid. i. 373. OF THE ENCYCLOPAEDIA. xv tial calculus, chemistry, to let myself be taken in by the humbug of SRaturp^ilofop^ie, philosophising without knowledge of fact and by mere force of imagination, and treating mere fancies, even imbecile fancies, as Ideas.' In the autumn of 1816 Hegel became professor of philosophy at Heidelberg. In the following year ap- peared the first edition of his Encyclopaedia : two others appeared in his lifetime (in 1827 and 1830). The first edition is a thin octavo volume of pp. xvi. 288, published (like the others) at Heidelberg. The Logic in it occupies pp. 1-126 (of which 12 pp. are ©inleitung and 18 pp. a3or6egriff ) ; the Philosophy of Nature, pp. 127-204 ; and the Philosophy of Mind (Spirit), pp. 205-288. In the Preface the book is described (p. iv) as setting forth 'a new treatment of philosophy on a method which will, as I hope, yet be recognised as the only genuine method identical with the content.* Con- trasting his own procedure with a mannerism of the day which used an assumed set of formulas to produce in the facts a show of symmetry even more arbitrary and mechanical than the arrangements imposed ab extra in the sciences, he goes on : ' This wilfulness we saw also take possession of the contents of philo- sophy and ride out on an intellectual knight-errantry — for a while imposing on honest true-hearted workers, though elsewhere it was only counted grotesque, and grotesque even to the pitch of madness. But oftener and more properly its teachings — far from seeming im- posing or mad — were found out to be familiar trivialities, and its form seen to be a mere trick of wit, easily acquired, methodical and premeditated, with its quaint combinations and strained eccentricities, — the mien of earnestness only covering self-deception and fraud upon the public. On the other side, again, we saw shallow- ^^ THE THREE PREFACES ness and unintelligence assume the character of a scepticism wise in its own eyes and of a criticism modest in its claims for reason, enhancing their vanity and conceit in proportion as their ideas grew more vacu- ous. For a space of time these two intellectual ten- dencies have befooled German earnestness, have tired out Its profound craving for philosophy, and have been succeeded by an indifference and even a contempt for philosophic science, till at length a self-styled modesty has the audacity to let its voice be heard in controver- sies touching the deepest philosophical problems, and to deny philosophy its right to that cognition by reason the form of which was what formerly was called demonstration* 'The first of these phenomena may be in part ex- plained as the youthful exuberance of the new age which has risen in the realm of science no less than in the world of politics. If this exuberance greeted with rapture the dawn of the intellectual renascence, and without profounder labour at once set about enjoying the Idea and revelling for a while in the hopes and prospects which it offered, one can more readily forgive its excesses; because it is sound at heart, and the surface vapours which it had suffused around its solid worth must spontaneously clear off But the other spectacle is more repulsive; because it betrays exhaus- tion and impotence, and tries to conceal them under a hectoring conceit which acts the censor over the philo- sophical intellects of all the centuries, mistaking them, but most of all mistaking itself. 'So much the more gratifying is another spectacle yet to be noted ; the interest in philosophy and the earnest love of higher knowledge which in the presence ot both tendencies has kept itself single-hearted and without affectation. Occasionally this interest may have OF THE ENCYCLOPAEDIA. xvii taken too much to the language of intuition and feel- ing; yet its appearance proves the existence of that inward and deeper-reaching impulse of reasonable in- telligence which alone gives man his dignity, — proves it above all, because that standpoint can only be gained as a result of philosophical consciousness ; so that what it seems to disdain is at least admitted and recognised as a condition. To this interest in ascertaining the truth I dedicate this attempt to supply an introduction and a contribution towards its satisfaction.' The second edition appeared in 1827. Since the autumn of 1818 Hegel had been professor at Berlin : and the manuscript was sent thence (from August 1826 onwards) to Heidelberg, where Daub, his friend — him- self a master in philosophical theology — attended to the revision of the proofs. 'To the Introduction,' writes Hegel ^, * I have given perhaps too great an amplitude : but it, above all, would have cost me time and trouble to bring within narrower compass. Tied down and distracted by lectures, and sometimes here in Berlin by other things too, I have— without a general survey — allowed myself so large a swing that the work has grown upon me, and there was a danger of its turn- ing into a book. I have gone through it several times. The treatment of the attitudes (of thought) which I have distinguished in it was to meet an interest of the day. The rest I have sought to make more definite, and so far as may be clearer; but the main fault is not mended — to do which would require me to limit the detail more, and on the other hand make the whole more surveyable, so that the contents should better answer the title of an Encyclopaedia.' Again, in Dec. 1826, he writes': 'In the 0tatur^^iIofo^^ie I have made essential changes, but could not help here and ^ Hegel's Briefe, iL 204. ■ Ibid. ii. 230. VOL. II b xviii THE THREE PREFACES there going too far into a detail which is hardly in keeping with the tone of the whole. The second half of the ®eifieS^^ilofo))^ie I shall have to modify entirely.' In May 1827, Hegel offers his explanation of delay in the preface, which, like the concluding paragraphs, touches largely on contemporary theology. By August of that year the book was finished, and Hegel off to Paris for a holiday. In the second edition, which substantially fixed the form of the Encyclopaedia , the pages amount to xlii, 534 — nearly twice as many as the first, which, however, as Professor Caird remarks, 'has a compactness, a brief energy and conclusiveness of expression, which he never surpassed.* The Logic now occupies pp. i- 214, Philosophy of Nature 215-354, and Philosophy of Spirit from 355-534. The second part therefore has gained least ; and in the third part the chief single expansions occur towards the close and deal with the relations of philosophy, art, and religion in the State; viz. § 563 (which in the third edition is trans- posed to § 552), and § 573 (where two pages are en- larged to 18). In the first part, or the Logic, the main increase and alteration falls within the introductory chapters, where 96 pages take the place of 30. The SSorfcegriff (preliminary notion) of the first edition had contained the distinction of the three logical ' moments ' (see p. 142), with a few remarks on the methods, first, of metaphysic, and then (after a brief section on empiri- cism), of the ' Critical Philosophy through which phi- losophy has reached its close.' Instead of this the second edition deals at length, under this head, with the three 'attitudes (or positions) of thought to objectivity;' where, besides a more lengthy criticism of the Critical philosophy, there is a discussion of the doctrines of Jacobi and other Intuitivists. OF THE ENCYCLOPAEDIA. xix The Preface, like much else in this second edition, is an assertion of the right and the duty of philosophy to treat independently of the things of God, and an em- phatic declaration that the result of scientific investiga- tion of the truth is, not the subversion of the faith, but 'the restoration of that sum of absolute doctrine which thought at first would have put behind and beneath itself— a restoration of it however in the most charac- teristic and the freest element of the mind.' Any oppo- sition that may be raised against philosophy on religious grounds proceeds, according to Hegel, from a religion which has abandoned its true basis and entrenched itself in formulae and categories that pervert its real nature. 'Yet,' he adds (p. vii), ' especially where reli- gious subjects are under discussion, philosophy is expressly set aside, as if in that way all mischief were banished and security against error and illusion at- tained;* ... 'as if philosophy — the mischief thus kept at a distance — were anything but the investigation of Truth, but with a full sense of the nature and value of the intellectual links which give unity and form to all fact whatever.' ' Lessing,' he continues (p. xvi), ' said in his time that people treat Spinoza like a dead dog'. It cannot be said that in recent times Spinozism and speculative philosophy in general have been better treated.' The time was one of- feverish unrest and unwhole- some irritability. Ever since the so-called Carlsbad decrees of 1819 all the agencies of the higher literature and education had been subjected to an inquisitorial supervision which everywhere surmised political insub- ordination and religious heresy. A petty provincialism pervaded what was then still the small 0ieftpcn3=6tabt Berlin; and the King, Frederick William III, cherished * Jacobi's Werke, iv. A, p, 63. XX THE THREE PREFACES to the full that paternal conception of his position which has not been unusual in the royal house of Prussia. Champions of orthodoxy warned him that Hegelianism was unchristian, if not even anti-christian. Franz von Baader, the Bavarian religious philosopher (who had spent some months at BerUn during the winter of 1823-4, studying the religious and philosophical teaching of the universities in connexion with the revolutionary doctrines which he saw fermenting througliout Europe), addressed the king in a communication which described the prevalent Protestant theology as infidel in its very source, and as tending directly to annihilate the foun- dations of the faith. Hegel himself had to remind the censor of heresy that 'all speculative philosophy on religion may be carried to atheism: all depends on who carries it ; the peculiar piety of our times and the male- volence of demagogues will not let us want carriers \' His own theology was suspected both by the Rationa- lists and by the Evangelicals. He writes to his wife (in 1827) that he had looked at the university buildings in Louvain and Liege with the feeling that they might one day afford him a resting-place 'when the parsons in Berlin make the Kupfergraben completely intolerable for him^' 'The Roman Curia,' he adds, 'would be a more honourable opponent than the miserable cabals of a miserable boiling of parsons in Berlin.' Hence the tone in which the preface proceeds (p. xviii). ' ReUgion is the kind and mode of consciousness in which the Truth appeals to all men, to men of every degree of education; but the scientific ascertainment of the Truth is a special kind of this consciousness, involving a labour which not all but only a few under- take. The substance of the two is the same ; but as Homer says of some stars that they have two names,— I Hegel's Briefe, ii. 54. » Ibid. u. 276. OF THE ENCYCLOPAEDIA. xxi the one in the language of the gods, the other in the language of ephemeral men — so for that substance there are two languages, — the one of feeling, of pictorial thought, and of the limited intellect that makes its home in finite categories and inadequate abstractions, the other the language of the concrete notion. If we propose then to talk of and to criticise philosophy from the religious point of view, there is more requisite than to possess a familiarity with the language of the ephemeral consciousness. The foundation of scientific cognition is the substantiality at its core, the indwell- ing idea with its stirring intellectual life ; just as the essentials of religion are a heart fully disciplined, a mind awake to self collectedness, a wrought and refined substantiality. In modern times religion has more and more contracted the intelligent expansion of its contents and withdrawn into the intensiveness of piety, or even of feeling, — a feeling which betrays its own scantiness and emptiness. So long however as it still has a creed, a doctrine, a system of dogma, it has what philosophy can occupy itself with and where it can find for itself a point of union with religion. This however is not to be taken in the wrong separatist sense (so dominant in our modern religiosity) representing the two as mutually exclusive, or as at bottom so capable of separation that their union is only imposed from without. Rather, even in what has gone before, it is implied that religion may well exist without philosophy, but philosophy not with- out religion — which it rather includes. True religion — intellectual and spiritual religion— must have body and substance, for spirit and intellect are above all con- sciousness, and consciousness implies an objective body and substance. 'The contracted religiosity which narrows itself to a point in the heart must make that heart's softening and VOL. II b 3 xxil THE THREE PREFACES contrition the essential factor of its new birth ; but it must at the same time recollect that it has to do with the heart of a spirit, that the spirit is the appointed authority over the heart, and that it can only have such authority so far as it is itself born again. This new birth of the spirit out of natural ignorance and natural error takes place through instruction and through that faith in objective truth and substance which is due to the witness of the spirit. This new birth of the spirit is besides ipso facto a new birth of the heart out of that vanity of the onesided intellect (on which it sets so much) and its discoveries that finite is different from infinite, that philosophy must either be polytheism, or, in acuter minds, pantheism, &c. It is, in short, a new birth out of the wretched discoveries on the strength of which pious humility holds its head so high against philosophy and theological science. If religiosity per- sists in clinging to its unexpanded and therefore un- intelligent intensity, then it can be sensible only of the contrast which divides this narrow and narrowing form from the intelligent expansion of doctrine as such, re- ligious not less than philosophical.* After an appreciative quotation from Franz von Baader, and noting his reference to the theosophy of Bohme, as a work of the past from which the present generation might learn the speculative interpretation of Christian doctrines, he reverts to the position that the only mode in which thought will admit a reconciliation with religious doctrines, is when these doctrines have learned to 'assume their worthiest phase — the phase of the notion, of necessity, which binds, and thus also makes free everything, fact no less than thought.' But it is not from Bohme or his kindred that we are hkely to get the example of a philosophy equal to the highest theme — to the comprehension of divine things. ' If old things OF THE ENCYCLOPAEDIA. XXlll are to be revived — an old phase, that is; for the burden of the theme is ever young— the phase of the Idea such as Plato and, still better, as Aristotle con- ceived it, is far more deserving of being recalled, — and for the further reason that the disclosure of it, by assimilating it into our system of ideas, is, ipso facto, not merely an interpretation of it, but a progress of the science itself. But to interpret such forms of the Idea by no means lies so much on the surface as to get hold of Gnostic and Cabbalistic phantasmagorias ; and to develope Plato and Aristotle is by no means the sinecure that it is to note or to hint at echoes of the Idea in the medievalists.' The third edition of the Encyclopaedia, vv^hich ap- peared in 1830, consists of pp. Iviii, 600— a slight additional increase. The increase is in the Logic, eight pages ; in the Philosophy of Nature, twenty-three pages ; and in the Philosophy of Spirit, thirty-four pages. The concrete topics, in short, gain most. The preface begins by alluding to several criticisms on his philosophy, — 'which for the most part have shown little vocation for the business ' — and to his dis- cussion of them in the Jahrhilcher of 1829 [Vermischte Schrifien, ii. 149). There is also a paragraph devoted to the quarrel originated by the attack in Hengstenberg's Evangelical Journal on the rationalism of certain pro- fessors at Halle (notably Gesenius and Wegscheider), — (an attack based on the evidence of students' note-books), and by the protest of students and professors against the insinuations. ' It seemed a little while ago,' says Hegel (p. xli), ' as if there was an initiation, in a scientific spirit and on a wider range, of a more serious inquiry, from the region of theology and even of religiosity, touching God, divine things, and reason. But the very beginning of the movement checked these hopes ; the XXIV THE THREE PREFACES issue turned on personalities, and neither the preten- sions of the accusing pietists nor the pretensions of the free reason they accused, rose to the real subject, still less to a sense that the subject could only be discussed on philosophic soil. This personal attack, on the basis of very special externalities of religion, displayed the monstrous assumption of seeking to decide by arbitrary decree as to the Christianity of individuals, and to stamp them accordingly with the seal of temporal and eternal reprobation. Dante, in virtue of the enthusiasm of divine poesy, has dared to handle the keys of Peter, and to condemn by name to the perdition of hell many — already deceased however — of his contemporaries, even Popes and Emperors. A modern philosophy has been made the subject of the infamous charge that in it human individuals usurp the rank of God ; but such a fictitious charge — reached by a false logic — pales before the actual assumption of behaving like judges of the world, prejudging the Christianity of individuals, and announcing their utter reprobation. The Shibboleth of this absolute authority is the name of the Lord Christ, and the assertion that the Lord dwells in the hearts of these judges.' But the assertion is ill supported by the fruits they exhibit, — the monstrous insolence with which they reprobate and condemn. But the evangelicals are not alone to blame for the bald and undeveloped nature of their religious life ; the same want of free and living growth in religion charac- terises their opponents. ' By their formal, abstract, nerveless reasoning, the rationalists have emptied re- ligion of all power and substance, no less than the pietists by the reduction of all faith to the Shibboleth of Lord ! Lord ! One is no whit better than the other : and when they meet in conflict there is no material on which they could come into contact, no common ground. OF THE ENCYCLOPAEDIA. XXV and no possibility of carrying on an inquiry which would lead to knowledge and truth. " Liberal " theo- logy on its side has not got beyond the formalism of appeals to liberty of conscience, liberty of thought, liberty of teaching, to reason itself and to science. Such liberty no doubt describes the infinite right of fhe spirit, and the second special condition of truth, supplementary to the first, faith. But the rationalists steer clear of the material point : they do not tell us the reasonable principles and laws involved in a free and genuine conscience, nor the import and teaching of free faith and free thought ; they do not get beyond a bare negative formalism and the liberty to embody their liberty at their fancy and pleasure — whereby in the end it matters not how it is embodied. There is a further reason for their failure to reach a solid doctrine. The Christian community must be, and ought always to be, unified by the tie of a doctrinal idea, a confession of faith ; but the generalities and abstractions of the stale, not living, waters of rationalism forbid the specificality of an inherently definite and fully developed body of Christian doctrine. Their opponents, again, proud of the name Lord ! Lord ! frankly and openly disdain carrying out the faith into the fulness of spirit, reality, and truth.' In ordinary moods of mind there is a long way from logic to religion. But almost every page of what Hegel has called Logic is witness to the belief in their ultimate identity. It was no new principle of later years for him. He had written in post-student days to his friend Schelling : ' Reason and freedom remain our watch- word, and our point of union the invisible church ^' His parting token of faith with another youthful com- rade, the poet Holderlin, had been 'God's kingdom ^' ' Hegel's Brie/e, i. 13. * Holderlin's Leben (Litzmann), p. 183. XXVI THREE PREFACES OF THE ENCYCLOPAEDIA. But after 1827 this religious appropriation of philosophy becomes more apparent, and in 1829 Hegel seemed deliberately to accept the position of a Christian philo- sopher which Goschel had marked out for him. 'A philosophy without heart and a faith without intellect,' he remarks \ 'are abstractions from the true life of knowledge and faith. The man whom philosophy leaves cold, and the man whom real faith does not illuminate may be assured that the fault lies in them, not in knowledge and faith. The former is still an alien to philosophy, the latter an alien to faith.' This is not the place — in a philological chapter — to discuss the issues involved in the announcement that the truth awaits us ready to hand ^ * in all genuine con- sciousness, in all religions and philosophies.' Yet one remark may be offered against hasty interpretations of a 'speculative' identity. If there is a double edge to the proposition that the actual is the reasonable, there is no less caution necessary in approaching and studying from both sides the far-reaching import of that equation to which Joannes Scotus Erigena gave expression ten centuries ago : ' Non alia est philosophia, i. e. sapientiae studium, et alia religio. Quid est aliud de philosophia tractare nisi verae religionis regulas exponere ? ' ' Fernt. Schr. ii. 144. ^ Hegel's Briefe, ii. 80. The following Errata in the Edition of the Logic as given in the Collected Works {Vol. VI.) are corrected in the trans- lation. The references in brackets are to the German text. Page 95, line i. Unb DbieftitJttdt has dropped out after bet iSubjefti; »itdt [VI. 98, 1. lo from bottom.] P. 97, 1. 2. The and ed. reads (bie Oebanfen) nt^t in ©oI($CBt, instead of nid^t afg in ©cld^em {yd cd.). [VI. p. 100, 1. 3 from bottom.] P. 169, 1. 13 from bottom. Instead of the reading of the Werke and of the 3rd ed. read asin ed. II. 8l(fo ifi biefer ©egenftanb nicfltg. [VI. p. 178, 1. II.] P. 177, 1. 3 from bottom. S3erjianbe5;@egcnflanbc3 is a mistake for a3erfianbe3,'@e0enfafce0, as in edd. II and III. [VI. p. 188, 1: a.] P. 331, 1. 19. h)cittn should be toeitetn. [VI. p. 251, 1. 3 from bottom.] P. 316, 1. 15. !Dingli(^tcit is a misprint for 2)in0ftcit, as in Hegel's own editions. [VI. p. 347, L i.] P. 35a, 1. 14 from bottom, for feine Sbeatitdt read feiner Sbealitdt. [VI. p. 385, 1.8.] THE SCIENCE OF LOGIC {THE FIRST PART OF THE ENCYCLOPAEDIA OF THE PHILOSOPHICAL SCIENCES IN OUTLINE) By G. W. F. HEGEL THE SCIENCE OF LOGIC CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION. 1.] Philosophy misses an advantage enjoyed by the other sciences. It cannot like them rest the existence of its objects on the natural admissions of consciousness, nor can it assume that its method of cognition, either for starting or for continuing, is one already accepted. The objects of philosophy, it is true, are upon the whole the same as those of religion. In both the object is Truth, in that supreme sense in which God and God only is the Truth. Both in like manner go on to treat of the finite worlds of Nature and the human Mind, with their relation to each other and to their truth in God. Some acquaintance with its objects, therefore, philosophy may and even must presume, that and a certain interest in them to boot, were it for no other reason than this : that in point of time the mind makes general images of objects, long before it makes notions of them, and that it is only through these mental images, and by recourse to them, that the think- ing mind rises to know and comprehend thinkingly. But with the rise of this thinking study of things, it soon becomes evident that thought will be satisfied with nothing short of showing the necessity of its 4 INTRODUCTION. [i-a. facts, of demonstrating the existence of its objects, as well as their nature and qualities. Our original acquaintance with them is thus discovered to be inadequate. We can assume nothing, and assert nothing dogmati :ally ; nor can we accept the assertions and assumptions of others. And yet we must make a beginning : and a beginning, as primary and underived, makes an assumption, or rather is an assumption. It seems as if it were impossible to make a oeginning at all. 2.] This thinking study of things may serve, in a general way, as a description of philosophy. But the description is too wide. If it be correct to say, that thought makes the distinction between man and the lower animals, then everything human is human, for the sole and simple reason that it is due to the operation of thought. Philosophy, on the other hand, is a peculiar mode of thinking — a mode in which thinking becomes knowledge, and knowledge through notions. However great therefore may be the identity and essential unity of the two modes of thought, the philosophic mode gets to be different from the more general thought which acts in all that is human, in all that gives humanity its distinctive character. And this difference connects itself with the fact that the strictly human and thought- induced phenomena of consciousness do not originally appear in the form of a thought, but as a feeling, a perception, or mental image— all of which aspects must be distinguished from the form of thought proper. According to an old preconceived idea, which has passed into a trivial proposition, it is thought which marks the man off from the animals. Yet trivial as this old belief may seem, it must, strangely enough, be recalled to mind in presence of certain preconceived ideas of the present day. These ideas would put 2.] PHILOSOPHY AND RELIGION. 5 feeling and thought so far apart as to make them opposites, and would represent them as so antagonistic, that feeling, particularly religious feeling, is supposed to be contaminated^, perverted, and even annihilated by thought. They also emphatically hold that religion and piety grow out of, and rest upon something else, and not on thought. But those who make this separation forget meanwhile that only man has the capacity for religion, and that animals no more have religion than they have law and morality. Those who insist on this separation of religion from thinking usually have before their minds the sort of thought that may be styled after-thought. They mean 'reflective' thinking, which has to deal with thoughts as thoughts, and brings them into consciousness. Slackness to perceive and keep in view this distinction which philosophy definitely draws in respect of think- ing is the source of the crudest objections and re- proaches against philosophy. Man,— and that just because it is his nature to think, — is the oply being that possesses law, religion, and morality. In these spheres of human life, therefore, hinking, under the guise of feeling, faith, or generalised image, has not been inactive : its action and its productions are there present and therein contained. But it is one thing to have such feelings and generalised images that have been moulded and permeated by thought, and another thing to have thoughts about them. The thoughts, to which after-thought upon those modes of consciousness gives rise, are what is comprised under reflection, general reasoning, and the like, as well as under philo- sophy itself. The neglect of this distinction between thought in general and the reflective thought of philosophy has also led to another and more frequent misunderstand- 6 INTRODUCTION. [a-3. ing. Reflection of this kind has been often maintained to be the condition, or even the only way, of attaining a consciousness and certitude of the Eternal and True. The (now somewhat antiquated) metaphysical proofs of God's existence, for example, have been treated, as if a knowledge of them and a conviction of their truth were the only and essential means of producing a belief and conviction that there is a God. Such a doctrine would find its parallel, if we said that eating was impossible before we had acquired a knowledge of the chemical, botanical, and zoological characters of our food ; and that we must delay digestion till we had finished the study of anatomy and physiology. Were it so, these sciences in their field, like philosophy in its, would gain greatly in point of utility; in fact, their utility would rise to the height of absolute and universal indispen- sableness. Or rather, instead of being indispensable, they would not exist at all. 3.] The Content, of whatever kind it be, with which our consciousness is taken up, is what constitutes the qualitative character of our feelings, perceptions, fancies, and ideas ; of our aims and duties ; and of our thoughts and notions. From this point of view, feeling, per- ception, &c. are the forms assumed by these contents. The contents remain one and the same, whether they are felt, seen, represented, or willed, and whether they are merely felt, or felt with an admixture of thoughts, or merely and simply thought. In any one of these forms, or in the admixture of several, the con- tents confront consciousness, or are its object. But when they are thus objects of consciousness, the modes of the several forms ally themselves with the contents ; and each form of them appears in consequence to give rise to a special object. Thus what is the same at bottom, may look like a different sort of fact. 3.] FORM AND CONTENT OF THOUGHT. 7 The several modes of feeling, perception, desire, and will, so far as we are aware of them, are in general called ideas (mental representations) : and it may be roughly said, that philosophy puts thoughts, categories, or, in more precise language, adequate notions, in the place of the generalised images we ordinarily call ideas. Mental impressions such as these may be regarded as the metaphors of thoughts and notions. But to have these figurate conceptions does not imply that we appre- ciate their intellectual significance, the thoughts and rational notions to which they correspond. Conversely, it is one thing to have thoughts and intelligent notions, and another to know what impressions, perceptions, and feelings correspond to them. This difference will to some extent explain what people call the unintelligibility of philosophy. Their difficulty lies partly in an incapacity — which in itself is nothing but want of habit— for abstract thinking ; t. e. in an inability to get hold of pure thoughts and move about in them. In our ordinary state of mind, the thoughts are clothed upon and made one with the sensuDus or spiritual material of the hour; and in reflection, meditation, and general reasoning, we introduce a blend of thoughts into feelings, percepts, and mental images. (Thus, in propositions where the subject-matter is due to the senses — e. g. ' This leaf is green ' — we have such categories introduced, as being and individuality.) But it is a very different thing to make the thoughts pure and simple our object. But their complaint that philosophy is unintelligible is as much due to another reason ; and that is an im- patient wish to have before them as a mental picture that which is in the mind as a thought or notion. When people are asked to apprehend some notion, they often complain that they do not know what they have to think. 8 INTRODUCTION. 1 3-5. But the fact is that in a notion there is nothing further to be thought than the notion itself. What the phrase reveals, is a hankering after an image with which we are already familiar. The mind, denied the use of its familiar ideas, feels the ground where it once stood firm and at home taken away from beneath it, and, when transported into the region of pure thought, cannot tell where in the world it is. One consequence of this weakness is that authors, preachers, and orators are found most intelligible, when they speak of things which their readers or hearers already know by rote, — things which the latter are conversant with, and which require no explanation. 4.] The philosopher then has to reckon with popular modes of thought, and with the objects of religion. In dealing with the ordinary modes of mind, he will first of all, as we saw, have to prove and almost to awaken the need for his peculiar method of knowledge. In dealing with the objects of religion, and with truth as a whole, he will have to show that philosophy is capable of ap- prehending them from its own resources ; and should a difference from religious conceptions come to light, he will have to justify the points in which it diverges. 5.] To give the reader a preliminary explanation of the distinction thus made, and to let him see at the same moment that the real import of our consciousness is retained, and even for the first time put in its proper light, when translated into the form of thought and the notion of reason, it may be well to recall another of these old unreasoned beliefs. And that is the con- viction that to get at the truth of any object or event, even of feelings, perceptions, opinions, and mental ideas, we must think it over. Now in any case to think things over is at least to transform feelings, ordinary ideas, &c. into thoughts. 5-6.J THE CRITICS OF PHILOSOPHY. 9 Nature has given every one a faculty of thought. But thought is all that philosophy claims as the form proper to her business : and thus the inadequate view which ignores the distinction stated in § 3, leads to a new delusion, the -reverse of the complaint previously mentioned about the unintelligibility of philosophy. In other words, this science must often submit to the slight of hearing even people who have never taken any trouble with it talking as if they thoroughly under- stood all about it. With no preparation beyond an ordinary education they do not hesitate, especially under the influence of religious sentiment, to philoso- phise and to criticise philosophy. Everybody allows that to know any other science you must have first studied it, and that you can only claim to express a judg- ment upon it in virtue of such knowledge. Everybody allows that to make a shoe you must have learned and practised the craft of the shoemaker, though every man has a model in his own foot, and possesses in his hands the natural endowments for the operations required. For philosophy alone, it seems to be imagined, such study, care, and application are not in the least requisite. This comfortable view of what is required for a philosopher has recently received corroboration through the theory of immediate or intuitive knowledge. 6.] So much for the form of philosophical knowledge. It is no less desirable, on the other hand, that philo- sophy should understand that its content is no other than actuality, that core of truth which, originally pro- duced and producing itself within the precincts of the mental life, has become the world, the inward and outward world, of consciousness. At first we become aware of these contents in what we call Experience. But even Experience, as it surveys the wide range of inward and outward existence, has sense enough to lO INTRODUCTION. [6. distinguish the mere appearance, which is transient and meaningless, from what in itself really deserves the name of actuality. As it is only in form that philo- sophy is distinguished from other modes of attaining an acquaintance with this same sum of being, it must neces- sarily be in harmony with actuality and experience. In fact, this harmony may be viewed as at least an extrinsic means of testing the truth of a philosophy. Similarly it may be held the highest and final aim of philosophic science to bring about, through the ascertainment of this harmony, a reconciliation of the self-conscious reason with the reason which is in the world, — in other words, with actuality. In the preface to my Philosophy of Law, p. xix, are found the propositions : What is reasonable is actual ; and, What is actual is reasonable. These simple statements have given rise to expressions of surprise and hostility, even in quarters where it would be reckoned an insult to presume absence of philosophy, and still more of religion. Religion at least need not be brought in evidence ; its doctrines of the divine government of the world affirm these propo- sitions too decidedly. For their philosophic sense, we must pre-suppose intelligence enough to know, not only that God is actual, that He is the supreme actuality, that He alone is truly actual ; but also, as regards the logical bearings of the question, that existence is in part mere appearance, and only in part actuality. In common life, any freak of fancy, any error, evil and everything of the nature of evil, as well as every degenerate and transitory existence whatever, gets in a casual way the name of actuality. But even our ordinary feelings are enough to forbid a casual (fortuitous) existence getting the emphatic name of an 6.] PHILOSOPHY DEALS WITH ACTUALITY. Ii actual ; for by fortuitous we mean an existence which has no greater value than that of something possible, which may as well not be as be. As for the term Actuality, these critics would have done well to consider the sense in which I employ it. In a detailed Logic I had treated amongst other things of actuality, and accurately distinguished it not only from the fortuitous, which, after all, has existence, but even from the cog- nate categories of existence and the other modifications of being. The actuality of the rational stands opposed by the popular fancy that Ideas and ideals are nothing but chimeras, and philosophy a mere system of such phantasms. It is also opposed by the very different fancy that Ideas and ideals are something far too excellent to have actuality, or something too im- potent to procure it for themselves. This divorce between idea and reality is especially dear to the analytic understanding which looks upon its own abstractions, dreams though they are, as something true and real, and prides itself on the imperative ' ought,' which it takes especial pleasure in prescribing even on the field of politics. As if the world had waited on it to learn how it ought to be, and was not 1 For, if it were as it ought to be, what would come of the precocious wisdom of that ' ought ' ? When understand- ing turns this ' ought ' against trivial external and tran- sitory objects, against social regulations or conditions, which very likely possess a great relative importance for a certain time and special circles, it may often be right. In such a case the intelligent observer may meet much that fails to satisfy the general requirements of right ; for who is not acute enough to see a great deal in his own surroundings which is really far from being as it ought to be ? But such acuteness is mistaken in 12 INTRODUCTION. [6-7. the conceit that, when it examines these objects and pronounces what they ought to be, it is dealing with questions of philosophic science. The object of philo- sophy is the Idea: and the Idea is not so impotent as merely to have a right or an obligation to exist without actually existing. The object of philosophy is an actuality of which those objects, social regulations and conditions, are only the superficial outside. 7.] Thus reflection — thinking things over— in a general way involves the principle (which also means the beginning) of philosophy. And when the reflective spirit arose again in its independence in modern times, after the epoch of the Lutheran Reformation, it did not, as in its beginnings among the Greeks, stand merely aloof, in a world of its own, but at once turned its energies also upon the apparently illimitable material of the phenomenal world. In this way the name philo- sophy came to be applied to all those branches of know- ledge, which are engaged in ascertaining the standard and Universal in the ocean of empirical individualities, as well as in ascertaining the Necessary element, or Laws, to be found in the apparent disorder of the endless masses of the fortuitous. It thus appears that modern philosophy derives its materials from our own personal observations and perceptions of the external and internal world, from nature as well as from the mind and heart of man, when both stand in the im- mediate presence of the observer. This principle of Experience carries with it the un- speakably important condition that, in order to accept and believe any fact, we must be in contact with it ; or, in more exact terms, that we must find the fact united and combined with the certainty of our own selves. We must be in touch with our subject-matter, whether it be by means of our external senses, or, else, by our 7.1 WHAT THE ENGLISH CALL PHILOSOPHY. 13 profounder mind and our intimate self-consciousness. —This principle is the same as that which has in the present day been termed faith, immediate knowledge, the revelation in the outward world, and, above all, in our own heart. Those sciences, which thus got the name of philo- sophy, we call empirical sciences, for the reason that they take their departure from experience. Still the essential results which they aim at and provide, are laws, general propositions, a theory — the thoughts of what is found existing. On this ground the Newtonian physics was called Natural Philosophy. Hugo Grotius, again, by putting together and comparing the behaviour of states towards each other as recorded in history, succeeded, with the help of the ordinary methods of general reasoning, in laying down certain general prin- ciples, and establishing a theory which may be termed the Philosophy of International Law. In England this is still the usual signification of the term philosophy. Newton continues to be celebrated as the greatest of philosophers : and the name goes down as far as the price-lists of instrument-makers. All instruments, such as the thermometer and barometer, which do not come under the special head of magnetic or electric apparatus, are styled philosophical instruments \ Surely thought, and not a mere combination of wood, iron, &c. ought to ' The journal, to j, edited by Thomson is called ' Annals of Philo- sophy; or, Magazine of Chemistry, Mineralogy, Mechanics, Natural History, Agriculture, and Arts.' We can easily guess from the title what sort of subjects are here to be understood under the term ' philosophy.' Among the advertisements of books just published, I lately found the following notice in an English newspaper: 'The Art of Preserving the Hair, on Philosophical Principles, neatly printed in post 8vo, price seven shillings.' By philosophical prin- ciples for the pt eser\'ation of the hair are probably meant chemical or physiological principles. 14 INTRODUCTION. [7-8. be called the instrument of philosophy ! The recent science of Political Economy in particular, which in Germany is known as Rational Economy of the State, or intelligent national economy, has in England especi- ally appropriated the name of philosophy \ 8.] In its own field this empirical knowledge may at first give satisfaction ; but in two ways it is seen to come short. In the first place there is another circle of objects which it does not embrace. These are Free- dom, Spirit, and God. They belong to a different sphere, not because it can be said that they have nothing to do with experience ; for though they are certainly not experiences of the senses, it is quite an identical proposition to say that whatever is in con- sciousness is experienced. The real ground for assigning them to another field of cognition is that in their scope and content these objects evidently show themselves as infinite. There is an old phrase often wrongly attributed to ^ In connexion with the general principles of Political Economy, the term ' philosophical ' is frequently heard from the lips of English statesmen, even in their public speeches. In the House of Commons, on the 2nd Feb. 1825, Brougham, speaking on the address in reply to the speech from the throne, talked of ' the statesman-like and philosophical principles of Free-trade, — for philosophical they un- doubtedly are — upon the acceptance of which his majesty this day congratulated the House.' Nor is this language confined to members of the Opposition. At the shipowners' yearly dinner in the same month, under the chairmanship of the Premier Lord Liverpool, supported by Canning the Secretary of State, and Sir C. Long the Paymaster- General of the Army, Canning in reply to the toast which had been proposed said : 'A period has just begun, in which ministers have it in their power to apply to the administration of this country the sound maxims of a profound philosophy.' Differences there may be between English and German philosophy : still, considering that elsewhere the name of philosophy is used only as a nickname and insult, or as something odious, it is a matter of rejoicing to see it still honoured in the mouth of the English Government. 8-9.] SHORTCOMINGS OF EMPIRICAL SCIENCE. 15 Aristotle, and supposed to express the general tenor of his philosophy. ' Nihil est in intellectu quod nonfuerit in sensu ' : there is nothing in thought which has not been in sense and experience. If speculative philosophy refused to admit this maxim, it can only have done so from a misunderstanding. It will, however, on the converse side no less assert : ' Nihil est in sensu quod nonfuerit in intellectu.^ And this may be taken in two senses. In the general sense it means that voSs or spirit (the more profound ideaof voC? in modern thought) is the cause of the world. In its special meaning (see § 2) it asserts that the sentiment of right, morals, and religion is a sentiment (and in that way an expe- rience) of such scope and such character that it can spring from and rest upon thought alone. 9.] But in the second place in point of form the subjective reason desires a further satisfaction than empirical knowledge gives ; and this form, is, in the widest sense of the term, Necessity (§ i). The method of empirical science exhibits two defects. The first is that the Universal or general principle contained in it, the genus, or kind, &c., is, on its own account, indeter- minate and vague, and therefore not on its own account connected with the Particulars or the details. Either is external and accidental to the other ; and it is the same with the particular facts which are brought into union : each is external and accidental to the others. The second defect is that the beginnings are in every case data and postulates, neither accounted for nor deduced. In both these points the form of necessity fails to get its due. Hence reflection, whenever it sets itself to remedy these defects, becomes speculative thinking, the thinking proper to philosophy. As a species of reflection, therefore, which, though it has a certain community of nature with the reflection already 1 6 INTRODUCTION. [9-10. mentioned, is nevertheless different from it, philosophic thought thus possesses, in addition to the common forms, some forms of its own, of which the Notion may be taken as the type. The relation of speculative science to the other sciences may be stated in the following terms. It does not in the least neglect the empirical facts contained in the several sciences, but recognises and adopts them : it appreciates and applies towards its own structure the universal element in these sciences, their laws and classifications : but besides all this, into the categories of science it introduces, and gives currency to, other categories. The difference, looked at in this way, is only a change of categories. Speculative Logic con- tains all previous Logic and Metaphysics : it preserves the same forms of thought, the same laws and objects, — while at the same time remodelling and expanding them with wider categories. From notion in the speculative sense we should dis- tinguish what is ordinarily called a notion. The phrase, that no notion can ever comprehend the Infinite, a phrase which has been repeated over and over again till it has grown axiomatic, is based upon this narrow estimate of what is meant by notions. 10.] This thought, which is proposed as the instru- ment of philosophic knowledge, itself calls for further explanation. We must understand in what way it pos- sesses necessity or cogency : and when it claims to be equal to the task of apprehending the absolute objects (God, Spirit, Freedom), that claim must be substan- tiated. Such an explanation, however, is itself a lesson in philosophy, and properly falls within the scope of the science itself A preliminary attempt to make matters plain would only be unphilosophical, and con- sist of a tissue of assumptions, assertions, and inferen- lo.] CRITICISM BEFORE PHILOSOPHY ? 1 7 tial pros and cons, i. e. of dogmatism without cogenc}', as against which there would be an equal right of counter-dogmatism. A main line of argument in the Critical Philosophy bids us pause before proceeding to inquire into God or into the true being of things, and tells us first of all to examine the faculty of cognition and see whether it is equal to such an effort. We ought, says Kant, to become acquainted with the instrument, before we undertake the work for which it is to be employed ; for if the instrument be insufficient, all our trouble will be spent in vain. The plausibility of this suggestion has won for it general assent and admiration ; the result of which has been to withdraw cognition from an interest in its objects and absorption in the study of them, and to direct it back upon itself; and so turn it to a ques- tion of form. Unless we wish to be deceived bywords, it is easy to see what this amounts to. In the case of other instruments, we can try and criticise them jn other ways than by setting about the special work for which they are destined. But the examination of knowledge can only be carried out by an act of know- ledge. To examine this so-called instrument is the same thing as to know it. But to seek to know before we know is as absurd as the wise resolution of Scholas- ticus, not to venture into the water until he had learned to swim. Reinhold saw the confusion with which this style of commencement is chargeable, and tried to get out of the difficulty by starting with a hypothetical and proble- matical stage of philosophising. In this way he sup- posed that it would be possible, nobody can tell how, to get along, until we found ourselves, further on, arrived at the primary truth of truths. H is method, when closely looked into, will be seen to be identical with a very VOL. II. c l8 INTRODUCTION. [lo-ii. common practice. It starts from a substratum of ex- periential fact, or from a provisional assumption which has been brought into a definition ; and then proceeds to analyse this starting-point. We can detect in Rein- hold's argument a perception of the truth, that the usual course which proceeds by assumptions and antici- pations is no better than a hypothetical and proble- matical mode of procedure. But his perceiving this does not alter the character of this method ; it only makes clear its imperfections. 11.] The special conditions which call for the exist- ence of philosophy may be thus described. The mind or spirit, when it is sentient or perceptive, finds its object in something sensuous ; when it imagines, in a picture or image ; when it wills, in an aim or end. But in contrast to, or it may be only in distinction from, these forms of its existence and of its objects, the mind has also to gratify the cravings of its highest and most inward life. That innermost self is thought. Thus the mind renders thought its object. In the best meaning of the phrase, it comes to itself; for thought is its prin- ciple, and its very unadulterated self But while thus occupied, thought entangles itself in contradictions, i. e. loses itself in the hard-and-fast non-identity of its thoughts, and so, instead of reaching itself, is caught and held in its counterpart. This result, to which honest but narrow thinking leads the mere under- standing, is resisted by the loftier craving of which we have spoken. That craving expresses the persever- ance of thought, which continues true to itself, even in this conscious loss of its native rest and independ- ence, ' that it may overcome ' and work out in itself the solution of its own contradictions. To see that thought in its very nature is dialectical, and that, as understanding, it must fall into contra- II-I2.] THE PHILOSOPHIC STIMULUS. ig diction, — the negative of itself, will form one of the main lessons of logic. When thought grows hopeless of ever achieving, by its own means, the solution of the contradiction which it has by its own action brought upon itself, it turns back to those solutions of the question with which the mind had learned to pacify itself in some of its other modes and forms. Unfor- tunately, however, the retreat of thought has led it, as Plato noticed even in his time, to a very uncalled-for hatred of reason (misology) ; and it then takes up against its own endeavours that hostile attitude of which an example is seen in the doctrine that 'immediate* knowledge, as it is called, is the exclusive form in which we become cognisant of truth. 12.] The rise of philosophy is due to these cravings of thought. Its point of departure is Experience; in- cluding under that name both our immediate conscious- ness and the inductions from it. Awakened, as it were, by this stimulus, thought is vitally characterised by raising itself above the natural state of mind, above the senses and inferences from the senses into its own unadulterated element, and by assuming, accordingly, at first a stand-aloof and negative attitude towards the point from which it started. Through this state of antagonism to the phenomena of sense its first satis- faction is found in itself, in the Idea of the universal essence of these phenomena : an Idea (the Absolute, or God) which may be more or less abstract. Mean- while, on the other hand, the sciences, based on experi- ence, exert upon the mind a stimulus to overcome the form in which their varied contents are presented, and to elevate these contents to the rank of necessary truth. For the facts of science have the aspect of a vast con- glomerate, one thing coming side by side with another, as if they were merely given and presented, — as in C 2 20 INTRODUCTION. [12. short devoid of all essential or necessary connexion. In consequence of this stimulus thought is dragged out of its unrealised universality and its fancied or merely possible satisfaction, and impelled onwards to a develop- ment from itself. On one hand this development only means that thought incorporates the contents of science, in all their speciality of detail as submitted. On the other it makes these contents imitate the action of the original creative thought, and present the aspect of a free evolution determined by the logic of the fact alone. On the relation between ' immediacy ' and ' mediation ' in consciousness we shall speak later, expressly and with more detail. Here it may be sufficient to premise that, though the two ' moments ' or factors present them- selves as distinct, still neither of them can be absent, nor can one exist apart from the other. Thus the knowledge of God, as of every supersensible reality, is in its true character an exaltation aboye sensations or perceptions : it consequently involves a negative attitude to the initial data of sense, and to that extent implies mediation. For to mediate is to take some- thing as a beginning and to go onward to a second thing; so that the existence of this second thing de- pends on our having reached it from something else contradistinguished from it. In spite of this, the know- ledge of God is no mere sequel, dependent on the empirical phase of consciousness : in fact, its indepen- dence is essentially secured through this negation and exaltation. — No doubt, if we attach an unfair promin- ence to the fact of mediation, and represent it as imply- ing a state of conditionedness, it may be said — not that the remark would mean much — that philosophy is the child of experience, and owes its rise to a posteriori fact. (As a matter of fact, thinking is always the nega- tion of what we have immediately before us.) With 12.] EXPERIENCE INDISPENSABLE. 21 as much truth however we may be said to owe eating to the means of nourishment, so long as we can have no eating without them. If we take this view, eating is certainly represented as ungrateful : it devours that to which it owes itself. Thinking, upon this view of its action, is equally ungrateful. But there is also an a priori aspect of thought, where by a mediation, not made by anything external but by a reflection into self, we have that immediacy which is universality, the self-complacency of thought which is so much at home with itself that it feels an innate in- difference to descend to particulars, and in that way to the development of its own nature. It is thus also with religion, which, whether it be rude or elaborate, whether it be invested with scientific precision of detail or confined to the simple faith of the heart, possesses, throughout, the same intensive nature of contentment and felicity. But if thought never gets further than the universality of the Ideas, as was perforce the case in the first philosophies (when the Eleatics never got beyond Being, or Heraclitus beyond Becoming), it is justly open to the charge of formalism. Even in a more ad- vanced phase of philosophy, we may often find a doc- trine which has mastered merely certain abstract pro- positions or formulae, such as, ' In the absolute all is one,' 'Subject and object are identical,'— and only re- peating the same thing when it comes to particulars. Bearing in mind this first period of thought, the period of mere generality, we may safely say that experience is the real author o^ growth and advance in philosophy. For, firstly, the empirical sciences do not stop short at the mere observation of the individual features of a phenomenon. By the aid of thought, they are able to meet philosophy with materials prepared for" it, in the shape of general uniformities, i. e. laws, and classi- 22 INTRODUCTION. [12-13. fications of the phenomena. When this is done, the particular facts which they contain are ready to be received into philosophy. This, secondly, implies a certain compulsion on thought itself to proceed to these concrete specific truths. The reception into philosophy of these scientific materials, now that thought has re- moved their immediacy and made them cease to be mere data, forms at the same time a development of thought out of itself. Philosophy, then, owes its de- velopment to the empirical sciences. In return it gives their contents what is so vital to them, the freedom of thought, — gives them, in short, an a priori character. These contents are now warranted necessary, and no longer depend on the evidence of facts merely, that they were so found and so experienced. The fact as experienced thus becomes an illustration and a copy of the original and completely self-supporting activity of thought. 13.] Stated in exact terms, such is the origin and development of philosophy. But the History of Philo- sophy gives us the same process from an historical and external point of view. The stages in the evolution of the Idea there seem to follow each other by accident, and to present merely a number of different and un- connected principles, which the several systems of philosophy carry out in their own way. But it is not so. For these thousands of years the same Architect has directed the work : and that Architect is the one living Mind whose nature is to think, to bring to self- consciousness what it is, and, with its being thus set as object before it, to be at the same time raised above it, and so to reach a higher stage of its own being. The different systems which the history of philosophy presents are therefore not irreconcilable with unity. We may either say, that it is one philosophy at different 13-14.] RELATION OF SUCCESSIVE SYSTEMS. 23 degrees of maturity : or that the particular principle, which is the groundwork of each system, is but a branch of one and the same universe of thought. In philosophy the latest birth of time is the result of all the systems that have preceded it, and must include their principles ; and so, if, on other grounds, it deserve the title of philo- sophy, will be the fullest, most comprehensive, and most adequate system of all. The spectacle of so many and so various systems of philosophy suggests the necessity of defining more exactly the relation of Universal to Particular. When the universal is made a mere form and co-ordinated with the particular, as if it were on the same level, it sinks into a particular itself. Even common sense in every-day matters is above the absurdity of setting a universal beside the particulars. Would any one, who wished for fruit, reject cherries, pears, and grapes, on the ground that they were cherries, pears, or grapes, and not fruit ? But when philosophy is in question, the excuse of many is that philosophies are so different,' and none of them is the philosophy, — that each is only a philosophy. Such a plea is assumed to justify any amount of contempt for philosophy. And yet cherries too are fruit. Often, too, a system, of which the prin- ciple is the universal, is put on a level with another of which the principle is a particular, and with theories which deny the existence of philosophy altogether. Such systems are said to be only different views of philosophy. With equal justice, light and darkness might be styled different kinds of light. 14.] The same evolution of thought which is exhibited in the history of philosophy is presented in the System of Philosophy itself. Here, instead of surveying the process, as we do in history, from the outside, we see the movement of thought clearly defined in its native 24 INTRODUCTION. [14-15. medium. The thought, which is genuine and self-sup- porting, must be intrinsically concrete ; it must be an Idea; and when it is viewed in the whole of its univer- sality, it is the Idea, or the Absolute. The science of this Idea must form a system. For the truth is con- crete ; that is, whilst it gives a bond and principle of unity, it also possesses an internal source of develop- ment. Truth, then, is only possible as a universe or totality of thought ; and the freedom of the whole, as well as the necessity of the several sub-divisions, which it implies, are only possible when these are discrimi- nated and defined. Unless it is a system, a philosophy is not a scientific production. Unsystematic philosophising can only be expected to give expression to personal peculiarities of mind, and has no principle for the regulation of its contents. Apart from their interdependence and or- ganic union, the truths of philosophy are valueless, and must then be treated as baseless hypotheses, or personal convictions. Yet many philosophical treatises confine themselves tc ^uch an exposition of the opinions and sentiments of the author. The term system is often misunderstood. It does not denote a philosophy, the principle of which is narrow and to be distinguished from others. On the contrary, a genuine philosophy makes it a principle to include every particular principle. 15.] Each of the parts of philosophy is a philoso- phical whole, a circle rounded and complete in itself. In each of these parts, however, the philosophical Idea is found in a particular specificality or medium. The single circle, because it is a real totality, bursts through the limits imposed by its special medium, and gives rise to a wider circle. The whole of philosophy in this way resembles a circle of circles. The Idea ap- I5-I6.] AN ENCYCLOPAEDIA OF PHILOSOPHY. 25 pears in each single circle, but, at the same time, the whole Idea is constituted by the system of these pecu- liar phases, and each is a necessary member of the organisation. 16.] In the form of an Encyclopaedia, the science has no room for a detailed exposition of particulars, and must be limited to setting forth the commencement of the special sciences and the notions of cardinal im- portance in them. How much of the particular parts is requisite to con- stitute a particular branch of knowledge is so far inde- terminate, that the part, if it is to be something true, must be not an isolated member merely, but itself an organic whole. The entire field of philosophy therefore really forms a single science ; but it may also be viewed as a total, composed of several particular sciences. The encyclopaedia of philosophy must not be con- founded with ordinary encyclopaedias. An ordinary encyclopaedia does not pretend to be more than an aggregation of sciences, regulated by no principle, and merely as experience offers them. Sometimes it even includes what merely bear the name of sciences, while they are nothing more than a collection of bits of information. In an aggregate like this, the several branches of knowledge owe their place in the ency- clopaedia to extrinsic reasons, and their unity is there- fore artificial : they are arranged, but we cannot say they form a system. For the same reason, especially as the materials to be combined also depend upon no one rule or principle, the arrangement is at best an experiment, and will always exhibit inequalities. An encyclopaedia of philosophy excludes three kinds of partial science. I. It excludes mere aggregates of bits of information. Philology in its prima facie aspect belongs to this class. II. It rejects the quasi-sciences, INTRODUCTION. which are founded on an act of arbitrary will alone, such as Heraldry. Sciences of this class are positive from beginning to end. III. In another class of sciences, also styled positive, but which have a rational basis and a rational beginning, philosophy claims that constituent as its own. The positive features remain the property of the sciences themselves. The positive element in the last class oi sciences is of different sorts. (I) Their commencement, though rational at bottom, yields to the influence of fortuitous- ness, when they have to bring their universal truth into contact with actual facts and the single phenomena of experience. In this region of chance and change, the adequate notion of science must yield its place to reasons or grounds of explanation. Thus, e.g. in the science of jurisprudence, or in the system of direct and indirect taxation, it is necessary to have certain points precisely and definitively settled which lie be- yond the competence of the absolute lines laid down by the pure notion. A certain latitude of settlement accordingly is left : and each point may be determined in one way on one principle, in another way on another, and admits of no definitive certainty. Similarly the Idea of Nature, when parcelled out in detail, is dissi- pated into contingencies. Natural history, geography, and medicine stumble upon descriptions of existence, upon kinds and distinctions, which are not determined by reason, but by sport and adventitious incidents. Even history comes under the same category. The Idea is its essence and inner nature ; but, as it appears, every- thing is under contingency and in the field of voluntary action. (II) These sciences are positive also in failing to recognise the finite nature of what they predicate, and to point out how these categories and their whole sphere pass into a higher. They assume their state- I6-I7.] POSITIVE ELEMENTS IN THE SCIENCES. 27 merits to possess an authority beyond appeal. Here the fault lies in the finitude of the form, as in the pre- vious instance it lay in th^ matter. (Ill) In close sequel to this, sciences are positive in consequence of the inadequate grounds on which their conclusions rest : based as these are on detached and casual infer- ence, upon feeling, faith, and authority, and, generally speaking, upon the deliverances of inward and outward perception. Under this head we must also class the philosophy which proposes to build upon 'anthropo- logy,' facts of consciousness, inward sense, or outward experience. It may happen, however, that empirical is an epithet applicable only to the form of scientific ex- position ; whilst intuitive sagacity has arranged what are mere phenomena, according to the essential se- quence of the notion. In such a case the contrasts between the varied and numerous phenomena brought together serve to eliminate the external and accidental circumstances of their conditions, and the universal thus comes clearly into view. Guided by such an in- tuition, experimental physics will present the rational science of Nature,— as history will present the science of human affairs and actions — in an external picture, which mirrors the philosophic notion. 17.] It may seem as if philosophy, in order to start on its course, had, like the rest of the sciences, to begin with a subjective presupposition. The sciences postu- late their respective objects, such as space, number, or whatever it be ; and it might be supposed that philo- sophy had also to postulate the existence of thought. But the two cases are not exactly parallel. It is by the free act of thought that it occupies a point of view, in which it is for its own self, and thus gives itself an object of its own production. Nor is this all. The very point of view, which originally is taken on its 28 INTRODUCTION. [17-18. own evidence only, must in the course of the science be converted to a result, — the ultimate result in which philosophy returns into itself and reaches the point with which it began. In this manner philosophy ex- hibits the appearance of a circle which closes with itself, and has no beginning in the same way as the other sciences have. To speak of a beginning of philo- sophy has a meaning only in relation to a person who proposes to commence the study, and not in relation to the science as science. The same thing may be thus expressed. The notion of science— the notion therefore with which we start — which, for the very reason that it is initial, impMes a separation between the thought which is our object, and the subject philosophising which is, as it were, external to the former, must be grasped and comprehended by the science itself. This is in short the one single aim, action, and goal of philosophy — to arrive at the notion of its notion, and thus secure its return and its satisfaction. 18.] As the whole science, and only the whole, can exhibit what the Idea or system of reason is, it is im- possible to give in a preliminary way a general impres- sion of a philosophy. Nor can a division of philosophy into its parts be intelligible, except in connexion with the system. A preliminary division, like the limited con- ception from which it comes, can only be an anticipation. Here however it is premised that the Idea turns out to be the thought which is completely identical with itself, and not identical simply in the abstract, but also in its action of setting itself over against itself, so as to gain a being of its own, and yet of being in full possession of itself while it is in this other. Thus philosophy is sub- divided into three parts : I. Logic, the science of the Idea in and for itself. i8.] PHILOSOPHY, HOW TRIPARTITE. 29 II. The Philosophy of Nature: the science of the Idea in its otherness. III. The Philosophy of Mind: the science of the Idea come back to itself out of that otherness. As observed in § 15, the differences between the several philosophical sciences are only aspects or specialisations of the one Idea or system of reason, which and which alone is alike exhibited in these different media. In Nature nothing else would have to be discerned, except the Idea: but the Idea has here divested itself of its proper being. In Mind, again, the Idea has asserted a being of its own, and is on the way to become absolute. Every such form in which the Idea is expressed, is at the same time a passing or fleeting stage : and hence each of these subdivisions has not only to know its contents as an object which has being for the time, but also in the same act to expound how these contents pass into their higher circle. To repre- sent the relation between them as a division, therefore, leads to misconception ; for it co-ordinates the several parts or sciences one beside another, as if they had no innate development, but were, like so many species, really and radically distinct. CHAPTER II. PRELIMINARY NOTION. 19.] Logic is the science of the pure Idea; pure, that is, because the Idea is in the abstract medium of Thought, This definition, and the others which occur in these introductory outhnes, are derived from a survey of the whole system, to which accordingly they are subsequent. The same remark applies to all prefatory notions what- ever about philosophy. Logic might have been defined as the science of thought, and of its laws and characteristic forms. But thought, as thought, constitutes only the general medium, or qualifying circumstance, which renders the Idea dis- tinctively logical. If we identify the Idea with thought, thought must not be taken in the sense of a method or form, but in the sense of the self-developing totality of its laws and peculiar terms. These laws are the work of thought itself, and not a fact which it finds and must submit to. From different points of view. Logic is either the hardest or the easiest of the sciences. Logic is hard, because it has to deal not with perceptions, nor, like geometry, with abstract representations of the senses, but with pure abstractions; and because it demands a force and facility of withdrawing into pure thought, of keeping firm hold on it, and of moving in such an ip.] LOGIC DEFINED. 3I element. Logic is easy, because its facts are nothing but our own thought and its familiar forms or terms : and these are the acme of simplicity, the a b c of every- thing else. They are also what we are best acquainted with: such as, 'Is' and 'Is not': quality and magni- tude : being potential and being actual : one, man}-, and so on. But such an acquaintance only adds to the difficulties of the study; for while, on the one hand, we naturally think it is not worth our trouble to occupy ourselves any longer with things so familiar, on the other hand, the problem is to become acquainted with them in a new way, quite opposite to that in which we know them already. The utility of Logic is a matter which concerns its bearings upon the student, and the training it may give for other purposes. This logical training consists in the exercise in thinking which the student has to go through (this science is the thinking of thinking) : and in the fact that he stores his head with thoughts, in their native unalloyed character. It is true that Logic, being the absolute form of truth, and another name for the very truth itself, is something more than merely useful. Yet if what is noblest, most liberal and most indepen- dent is also most useful, Logic has some claim to the latter character. Its utility must then be estimated at another rate than exercise in thought for the sake of the exercise. (l) The first question is: What is the object of our science ? The simplest and most intelligible answer to this question is that Truth is the object of Logic. Truth is a noble word, and the thing is nobler still. So long as man is sound at heart and in spirit, the search for truth must awake all the enthusiasm of his nature. But immediately there steps in the objection- Are we able to know truth? There seems to be a disproportion between finite beings like ourselves and the truth which is absolute : and doubts 32 PRELIMINARY NOTION. [19. suggest themselves whether there is any bridge between the finite and the infinite. God is truth : how shall we know Him ? Such an undertaking appears to stand in contra- diction with the graces of lowliness and humihty. — Others who ask whether we can know the truth have a different purpose. They want to justify themselves in living on contented with their petty, finite aims. And humility of this stamp is a poor thing. But the time is past when people asked : How shall I, a poor worm of the dust, be able to know the truth ? And in its stead we find vanity and conceit : people claim, without any trouble on their part, to breathe the very atmosphere of truth. The young have been flattered into the belief that they possess a natural birthright of moral and religious truth. And in the same strain, those of riper years are declared to be sunk, petrified, ossified in falsehood. Youth, say these teachers, sees the bright fight of dawn : but the older generation Hes in the slough and mire of the common day. They admit that the special sciences are something that certainly ought to be cultivated, but merely as the means to satisfy the needs of outer life. In all this it is not humility which holds back from the knowledge and study of the truth, but a conviction that we are already in full possession of it. And no doubt the young carry with them the hopes of their elder compeers ; on them rests the ad- vance of the world and science. But these hopes are set upon the young, only on the condition that, instead of re- maining as they are, they undertake the stern labour of mind. This modesty in truth-seeking has still another phase : and that is the genteel indifference to truth, as we see it in Pilate's conversation with Christ. Pilate asked 'What is truth ? ' with the air of a man who had settled accounts with everything long ago, and concluded that nothing particularly matters : — he meant much the same as Solomon when he says : ' All is vanity.' When it comes to this, nothing is left but self-conceit. The knowledge of the truth meets an additional obstacle in timidity. A slothful mind finds it natural to say : ' Don't X9.] LOGIC — THE QUEST OF TRUTH. 33 let it be supposed that we mean to be in earnest with our philosophy. We shall be glad inter alia to study Logic : but Logic must be sure to leave us as we were before.' People have a feeling that, if thinking passes the ordinary range of our ideas and impressions, it cannot but be on the evil road. They seem to be trusting themselves to a sea on which they will be tossed to and fro by the waves of thought, till at length they again reach the sandbank of this temppral scene, as utterly poor as when they left it. What comes of such a view, we see in the world. It is possible within these limits to gain varied information and many accomplishments, to become a master of official routine, and to be trained for special purposes. But it is quite another thing to educate the spirit for the higher life and to devote our energies to its service. In our own day it may be hoped a longing for sorhething better has sprung up among the young, so that they will not be contented with the mere straw of outer knowledge. (2) It is universally agreed that thought is the object of Logic. But of thought our estimate may be very mean, or it may be very high. On one hand, people say : ' It is only a thought.' In their view thought is subjective, arbitrary and accidental— distinguished from the thing itself, from the true and the real. On the other hand, a very high estimate may be formed of thought ; when thought alone is held adequate to attain the highest of all things, the nature of God, of which the senses can tell us nothing. God is a spirit, it is said, and must be worshipped in spirit and in truth. But the merely felt and sensible, we admit, is not the spiritual ; its heart of hearts is in thought ; and only spirit can know spirit. And though it is true that spirit can de- mean itself as feeling and sense— as is the case in religion, the mere feeling, as a mode of consciousness, is one thing, and its contents another. Feeling, as feeling, is the general form of the sensuous nature which we have in common with the brutes. This form, viz. feeling, may possibly seize and appropriate the full organic truth : but the form has no real congruity with its contents. The form of feeling is the lowest in which spiritual truth can be expressed. The VOL. II. D 34 PRELIMINARY NOTION. [19. world of spiritual existences, God himself, exists in proper truth, only in thought and as thought. If this be so, there- fore, thought, far from being a mere thought, is the highest and, in strict accuracy, the sole mode of apprehending the eternal and absolute. As of thought, so also of the science of thought, a very high or a very low opinion may be formed. Any man, it is supposed, can think without Logic, as he can digest without studying physiology. If he have studied Logic, he thinks afterwards as he did before, perhaps more methodically, but with little alteration. If this were all, and if Logic did no more than make men acquainted with the action of thought as the faculty of comparison and classification, it would produce nothing which had not been done quite as well before- And in point of fact Logic hitherto had no other idea of its duty than this. Yet to be well-informed about thought, even as a mere activity of the subject-mind, is honourable and interesting for man. It is in knowing what he is and what he does, that man is distinguished from the brutes. But we may take the higher estimate of thought— as what alone can get really in touch with the supreme and true. In that case, Logic as the science of thought occupies a high ground. If the science of Logic then considers thought in its action and its productions (and thought being no resultless energy produces thoughts and the particular tliought required), the theme of Logic is in general the supersensible world, and to deal with that theme is to dwell for a while in that world. Mathematics is concerned with the abstractions of time and space. But these are still the object of sense, although the sensible is abstrr.ct and idealised. Thought bids adieu even to this last and abstract sensible : it asserts its own native independence, renounces the field of the external and internal sense, and puts away the interests and inclinations of the individual. When Logic takes this ground, it is a higher science than we are in the habit of supposing. (3) The necessity of understanding Logic in a deeper sense than as the science of the mere form of thought is enforced by the interests of religion and politics, of law and i9-ao.] LOGIC — THE SCIENCE OF THOUGHT. 35 morality. In earlier days men meant no harm by thinking : they thought away freely and fearlessly. They thought about God, about Nature, and the State ; and they felt sure that a knowledge of the truth was obtainable through thought only, and not through the senses or any random ideas or opinions. But while they so thought, the principal ordi- nances of life began to be seriously affected by their con- clusions. Thought deprived existing institutions of their force. Constitutions fell a victim to thought : religion was assailed by thought: firm religious beliefs which had been always looked upon as revelations were undermined, and in many minds the old faith was upset. The Greek philo- sophers, for example, became antagonists of the old religion, and destroyed its beliefs. Philosophers were accordingly banished or put to death, as revolutionists who had sub- verted religion and the state, two things which were in- separable. Thought, in short, made itself a power in the real world, and exercised enormous ir luence. The matter ended by drawing attention to the influence of thought, and its claims were submitted to a more rigorous scrutiny, by which the world professed to find that thought arrogated too much and was unable to perform what it had undertaken. It had not— people said— learned the real being of God, of Nature and Mind. It had not learned what the truth was. What it had done, was to overthrow religion and the state. It became urgent therefore to justify thought, with reference to the results it had produced : and it is this examination into the nature of thought and this justification which in recent times has constituted one of the main problems of philosophy. 20.] If we take our prima facie impression of thought, we find on examination first {a) that, in its usual subjective acceptation, thought is one out of many activities or faculties of the mind, co-ordinate with such others as sensation, perception, imagination, desire, volition, and the like. The product of this activity, the form or character peculiar to thought, is the universal, or, in general, the abstract. Thought, regarded as an D2 36 PRELIMINARY NOTION. [20. activity, may be accordingly described as the active uni- versal, and, since the deed, its product, is the universal once more, may be called a self-actualising universal. Thought conceived as a subject (agent) is a thinker, and the subject existing as a thinker is simply denoted by the term ' I.' The propositions giving an account of thought in this and the following sections are not offered as assertions or opinions of mine on the matter. But in these pre- liminary chapters any deduction or proof would be impossible, and the statements may be taken as matters in evidence. In other words, every man, when he thinks and considers his thoughts, will discover by the experience of his consciousness that they possess the character of universality as well as the other aspects of thought to be afterwards enumerated. We assume of course that his powers of attention and abstraction have undergone a previous training, enabling him to observe correctly the evidence of his consciousness and his con- ceptions. This introductory exposition has already alluded to the distinction between Sense, Conception, and Thought. As the distinction is of capital importance for under- standing the nature and kinds of knowledge, it will help to explain matters if we here call attention to it. For the explanation of Sense, the readiest method cer- tainly is, to refer to its external source— the organs of sense. But to name the organ does not help much to explain what is apprehended by it. The real distinction between sense and thought lies in this — that the essen- tial feature of the sensible is individuality, and as the individual (which, reduced to its simplest terms, is the atom) is also a member of a group, sensible existence presents a number of mutually exclusive units, — of units, to speak in more definite and abstract formulae. 2o.j SENSE, CONCEPTION, THOUGHT. 37 which exist side by side with, and after, one another. Conception or picture-thinking works with materials from the same sensuous source. But these materials when conceived are expressly characterised as in me and therefore mine : and secondly, as universal, or simple, because only referred to self. Nor is sense the only source of materialised conception. There are concep- tions constituted by materials emanating from self con- scious thought, such as those of law, morality, religion, and even of thought itself, and it requires some effort to detect wherein lies the difference between such con- ceptions and thoughts having the same import. For it is a thought of which such conception is the vehicle, and there is no want of the form of universahty, without which no content could be in me, or be a conception at all. Yet here also the peculiarity of conception is, generally speaking, to be sought in the individualism or isolation of its contents. True it is that, for example, law and legal provisions do not exist in a sensible space, mutually excluding one another. Nor as regards time, though they appear to some extent in succession, are their contents themselves conceived as affected by time, or as transient and changeable in it. The fault in conception lies deeper. These ideas, though implicitly possessing the organic unity of mind, stand isolated here and there on the broad ground of conception, with its inward and abstract generality. Thus cut adrift, each is simple, unrelated : Right, Duty, God. Concep- tion in these circumstances either rests satisfied with declaring that Right is Right, God is God : or in a higher grade of culture, it proceeds to enunciate the attributes; as, for instance, God is the Creator of the world, omniscient, almighty, &c. In this way several isolated, simple predicates are strung together : but in spite of the link supplied by their subject, the predicates 38 PRELIMINARY NOTION. [ao. never get beyond mere contiguity. In this point Con- ception coincides with Understanding : the only distinc- tion being that the latter introduces relations of universal and particular, of cause and effect, &c., and in this way supplies a necessary connexion to the isolated ideas of conception ; which last has left them side by side in its vague mental spaces, connected only by a bare ' and.' The difference between conception and thought is of special importance : because philosophy may be said to do nothing but transform conceptions into thoughts, — though it works the further transformation of a mere thought into a notion. Sensible existence has been characterised by the attributes of individuality and mutual exclusion of the members. It is well to remember that these very attri- butes of sense are thoughts and general terms. It will be shown in the Logic that thought (and the universal) is not a mere opposite of sense : it lets nothing escape it, but, outflanking its other, is at once that other and itself. Now language is the work of thought : and hence all that is expressed in language must be uni- versal. What I only mean or suppose is mine : it belongs to me, — this particular individual. But language expresses nothing but universality; and so I cannot say what I merely mean. And the unutterable, — feeling or sensation, — far from being the highest truth, is the most unimportant and untrue. If I say 'The individual/ 'This individual,' 'here,' 'now,' all these are universal terms. Everything and anything is an individual, a ' this,' and if it be sensible, is here and now. Similarly when I say, ' I,' I mean my single self to the exclusion of all others : but what I say, viz. ' I,' is just every 'I,* which in like manner excludes all others from itself. In an awkward expression which Kant used, he said that I accompany all my conceptions, — sensations, too, desires, 30.] SUBJECTIVE THOUGHT AND FORMAL LOGIC. 39 actions, &c. 'I * is in essence and act the universal : and such partnership is a form, though an external form, of universality. All other men have it in common with me to be ' I ' : just as it is common to all my sen- sations and conceptions to be mine. But * I,' in the abstract, as such, is the mere act of self-concentration or self relation, in which we make abstraction from all conception and feeling, from every state of mind and every peculiarity of nature, talent, and experience. To this extent, ' I ' is the existence of a wholly abstract universality, a principle of abstract freedom. Hence thought, viewed as a subject, is what is expressed by the word ' I ' : and since I am at the same time in all my sensations, conceptions, and states of consciousness, thought is everywhere present, and is a category that runs through all these modifications. Our first impression when we use the term thought is of a subjective activity — one amongst many similar faculties, such as memory, imagination and will. Were thought merely an activity of the subject-mind and treated under that aspect by logic, logic would resemble the other sciences in possessing a well-marked object. It might in that case seem arbitrary to devote a special science to thought, whilst will, imagination and the rest were denied the same privilege. The selection of one faculty however might even in this view be very well grounded on a certain authority acknowledged to belong to thought, and on its claim to be regarded as the true nature of man, in which consists his distinction from the brutes. Nor is it unimportant to study thought even as a subjective energy. A detailed analysis of its nature would exhibit rules and laws, a knowledge of which is derived from experience. A treatment of the laws of thought, from this point of view, used once to form the body of logical science. Of that science Aristotle was the founder. He succeeded in assigning to thought what properly belongs to it. Our thought is extremely concrete : but in its composite contents we must distinguish the part that properly belongs 40 PRELIMINARY NOTION. [20. to thought, or to the abstract mode of its action. A subtle spiritual bond, consisting in the agency of thought, is what gives unity to all these contents, and it was this bond, the form as form, that Aristotle noted and described. Up to the present day, the logic of Aristotle continues to be the re- ceived system. It has indeed been spun out to greater length, especially by the labours of the medieval Schoolmen who, without making any material additions, merely refined in details. The moderns also have left their mark upon this logic, partly by omitting many points of logical doctrine due to Aristotle and the Schoolmen, and partly by foisting in a quantity of psychological matter. The purport of the science is to become acquainted with the procedure of finite thought : and, if it is adapted to its pre-supposed object, the science is entitled to be styled correct. The study of this formal logic undoubtedly has its uses. It sharpens the wits, as the phrase goes, and teaches us to collect our thoughts and to abstract — whereas in common consciousness we have to deal with sensuous conceptions which cross and perplex one another. Abstraction moreover implies the concentration of the mind on a single point, and thus induces the habit of attending to our inward selves. An acquaintance with the forms of finite thought may be made a means of training the mind for the empirical sciences, since their method is regulated by these forms : and in this sense logic has been designated Instrumental. It is true, we may be still more liberal, and say : Logic is to be studied not for its utility, but for its own sake ; the super-excellent is not to be sought for the sake of mere utility. In one sense this is quite correct : but it may be replied that the super-excellent is also the most useful : because it is the all-sustaining principle which, having a subsistence of its own, may therefore serve as the vehicle of special ends which it furthers and secures. And thus, special ends, though they have no right to be set first, are still fostered by the presence of the highest good. Religion, for instance, has an absolute value of its own ; yet at the same time other ends flourish and succeed in its train. As Christ says : ' Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and all these things shall be added unto you.' Particular ends can 20-2I.] THE UNIVERSAL AS THOUGHT-PRODUCT. 4I be attained only in the attainment of what absolutely is and exists in its own right. 21.] {b) Thought was described as active. We now, in the second place, consider this action in its bearings upon objects, or as reflection upon something. In this case the universal or product of its operation con- tains the value of the thing— is the essential, inward, and true. In § 5 the old belief was quoted that the reality in object, circumstance, or event, the intrinsic worth or essence, the thing on which everything depends, is not a self-evident datum of consciousness, or coincident with the first appearance and impression of the object ; that, on the contrary, Reflection is required in order to dis- cover the real constitution of the object — and that by such reflection it will be ascertained. To reflect is a lesson which even the child has to learn. One of his first lessons is to join adjectives with substantives. This obliges him to attend and distinguish : he has to re- member a rule and apply it to the particular case. This rule is nothing but a universal : and the child must see that the particular adapts itself to this universal. In life, again, we have ends to attain. And with regard to these we ponder which is the best way to secure them. The end here re- presents the universal or governing principle : and we have means and instruments whose action we regulate in con- formity to the end. In the same way reflection is active in questions of conduct. To reflect here means to recollect the right, the duty, — the universal which serves as a fixed rule to guide our behaviour in the given case. Our particular act must imply and recognise the universal law. — We find the same thing exhibited in our study of natural phenomena. For instance, we observe thunder and lightning. The phenomenon is a familiar one, and we often perceive it. But man is not content with a bare acquaintance, or with the fact as it appears to the senses ; he. would like to get behind the surface, to know what it is, and to comprehend 42 PRELIMINARY NOTION. [ai. it. This leads him to reflect : he seeks to find out the cause as something distinct from the mere phenomenon : he tries to know the inside in its distinction from the outside. Hence the phenomenon becomes double, it splits into inside and outside, into force and its manifestation, into cause and effect. Once more we find the inside or the force identified with the universal and permanent : not this or that flash of lightning, this or that plant— but that which continues the same in them all. The sensible appearance is individual and evanescent: the permanent in it is discovered by reflection. Nature shows us a countless number of indi- vidual forms and phenomena. Into this variety we feel a need of introducing unity : we compare, consequently, and try to find the universal of each single case. Individuals are born and perish : the species abides and recurs in them all : and its existence is only visible to reflection. Under the same head fall such laws as those regulating the motion of the heavenly bodies. To-day we see the stars here, and to- morrow there : and our mind finds something incongruous in this chaos — something in which it can put no faith, be- cause it believes in order and in a simple, constant, and universal law. Inspired by this belief, the mind has directed its reflection towards the phenomena, and learnt their laws. In other words, it has established the movement of the heavenly bodies to be in accordance with a universal law from which every change of position may be known and predicted. — The case is the same with the influences which make themselves felt in the infinite complexity of human conduct. There, too, man has the belief in the sway of a general principle. — From all these examples it may be gathered how reflection is always seeking for something fixed and permanent, definite in itself and governing the particulars. This universal which cannot be apprehended by the senses counts as the true and essential. Thus, duties and rights are all-important in the matter of conduct: and an action is true when it conforms to those universal formulae. In thus characterising the universal, we become aware of its antithesis to something else. This something else is the at-22.] THE UNIVERSAL AS ESSENCE OF THINGS. 43 merely immediate, outward and individual, as opposed to the mediate, inward and universal. The universal does not exist externally to the outward eye as a universal. The kind as kind cannot be perceived : the laws of the celestial motions are not written on the sky. The universal is neither seen nor heard, its existence is only for the mind. Religion leads us to a universal, which embraces all else within itself, to an Absolute by which all else is brought into being: and this Absolute is an object not of the senses but of the mind and of thought. 22.] (c) By the act of reflection something is altered in the way in which the fact was originally presented in sensation, perception, or conception. Thus, as it appears, an alteration of the object must be interposed before its true nature can be discovered. What reflection elicits, is a product of our thought. Solon, for instance, produced out of his head the laws he gave to the Athenians. This is half of the truth: but we must not on that account forget that the universal (in Solon's case, the laws) is the very reversr of merely subjective, or fail to note that it is the essential, true, and objective being of things. To discover the truth in things, mere attention is not enough ; we must call in the action of our own faculties to transform what is immediately before us. Now, at first sight, this seems an inversion of the natural order, calculated to thwart the very purpose on which knowledge is bent. But the method is not so irrational as it seems. It has been the conviction of every age that the only way of reaching the permanent substratum was to transmute the given pheno- menon by means of reflection. In modern times a doubt has for the first time been raised on this point in connexion with the difference alleged to exist between the products of our thought and the things in their own nature. This real nature of things, it is said, is very different from what we make out of them. The divorce between thought and thing is mainly the work of the Critical Philosophy, and runs counter to the conviction of all previous ages, that their agreement was a matter of course. The antithesis between 44 PRELIMINARY NOTION. [22-23. them is the hinge on which modern philosophy turns. Meanwhile the natural belief of men gives the lie to it. In common life we reflect, without particularly reminding our- selves that this is the process of arriving at the truth, and we think without hesitation, and in the firm beUef that thought coincides with thing. And this belief is of the greatest importance. It marks the diseased state of the age when we see it adopt the despairing creed that our knowledge is only subjective, and that beyond this subjective we cannot go. Whereas, rightly understood, truth is objective, and ought so to regulate the conviction of every one, that the conviction of the individual is stamped as wrong when it does not agree with this rule. Modern views, on the contrary, put great value on the mere fact of conviction, and hold that to be convinced is good for its own sake, whatever be the burden of our conviction, — there being no standard by which we can measure its truth. We said above that, according to the old belief, it was the characteristic right of the mind to know the truth. If this be so, it also implies that everything we know both of out- ward and inward nature, in one word, the objective world, is in its own self the same as it is in thought, and that to think is to bring out the truth of our object, be it what it may. The business of philosophy is only to bring into explicit consciousness what the world in all ages has believed about thought. Philosophy therefore advances nothing new; and our present discussion has led us to a conclusion which agrees with the natural belief of mankind. 23.] [d) The real nature of the object is brought to Hght in reflection ; but it is no less true that this exer- tion of thought is my act. If this be so, the real nature is a product of my mind, in its character of thinking subject— generated by me in my simple universality, self-collected and removed from extraneous influences, — in one word, in my Freedom. Think for yourself, is a phrase which people often use as if it had some special significance. The fact 23-24-] LOGIC IDENTIFIED WITH METAPHYSICS. 45 is, no man can think for another, any more than he can eat or drink for him : and the expression is a pleonasm. To think is in fact ipso facto to be free, for thought as the action of the universal is an abstract relating of self to self, where, being at home with ourselves, and as regards our subjectivity, utterly blank, our con- sciousness is, in the matter of its contents, only in the fact and its characteristics. If this be admitted, and if we apply the term humility or modesty to an attitude where our subjectivity is not allowed to interfere by act or quality, it is easy to appreciate the question touching the humility or modesty and pride of philo- sophy. For in point of contents, thought is only true in proportion as it sinks itself in the facts ; and in point of form it is no private or particular state or act of the subject, but rather that attitude of consciousness where the abstract self, freed from all the special limi- tations to which its ordinary states or qualities are liable, restricts itself to that universal action in which it is identical with all individuals. In these circum- stances philosophy may be acquitted of the charge of pride. And when Aristotle summons the mind to rise to the dignity of that attitude, the dignity he seeks is won by letting slip all our individual opinions and pre- judices, and submitting to the sway of the fact. 24.] With these explanations and qualifications, thoughts may be termed Objective Thoughts, — among which are also to be included the forms which are more especially discussed in the common logic, where they are usually treated as forms of conscious thought only. Logic therefore coincides with Metaphysics, the science of things set and held in thoughts, — thoughts ac- credited able to express the essential reality of things. An exposition of the relation in which such forms as notion, judgment, and syllogism stand to others. 46 PRELIMINARY NOTION. [24. such as causality, is a matter for the science itself. But this much is evident beforehand. If thought tries to form ?. notion of things, this notion (as well as its proximate phases, the judgment and syllogism) cannot be composed of articles and relations which are alien and irrelevant to the things. Reflection, it was said above, conducts to the universal of things : which uni- versal is itself one of the constituent factors of a notion. To say that Reason or Understanding is in the world, is equivalent in its import to the phrase ' Objective Thought.' The latter phrase however has the incon- venience that thought is usually confined to express what belongs to the mind or consciousness only, while objective is a term applied, at least primarily, only to the non-mental. (i) To speak of thought or objective thought as the heart and soul of the world, may seem to be ascribing conscious- ness to the things of nature. We feel a certain repugnance against making thought the inward function of things, especially as we speak of thought as marking the divergence of man from nature. It would be necessary, therefore, if we use the term thought at all, to speak of nature as the system of unconscious thought, or, to use ScheUing's expression, a petrified intelligence. And in order to prevent misconception, thought-form or thought-type should be substituted for the ambiguous term thought. From what has been said the principles of logic are to be sought in a system of thought-types or fundamental cate- gories, in which the opposition between subjective and objective, in its usual sense, vanishes. The signification thus attached to thought and its characteristic forms may be illustrated by the ancient saying that 'vovs governs the world,' or by our own phrase that ' Reason is in the world ' : which means that Reason is the soul of the world it inhabits, its immanent principle, its most proper and inward nature, its universal. Another illustration is offered by the circumstance that in speaking of some definite 24.] THE WORLD-REASON — THOUGHT IN THINGS. 47 animal we say it is (an) animal. Now, the animal, qua animal, cannot be shown ; nothing can be pointed out excepting some special animal. Animal, qua animal, does not exist: it is merely the universal nature of the individual animals, whilst each existing animal is a more concretely defined and particularised thing. But to be an animal,— the law of kind which is the universal in this case,— is the property of the particular animal, and constitutes its definite essence. Take away from the dog its aniinality, and it be- comes impossible to say what it is. All things have a permanent inward nature, as well as an outward existence. They live and die, arise and pass away ; but their essential and universal part is the kind ; and this means much more than something common to them all. If thought is the constitutive substance of external things, it is also the universal substance of what is spiritual. In all human perception thought is present ; so too thought is the universal in all the acts of conception and recollection ; in short, in every mental activity, in willing, wishing and the like. All these faculties are only further specialisations of thought. When it is presented in this light, thought has a different part to play from what it has if we speak of a faculty of thought, one among a crowd of other faculties, such as perception, conception and will, with which it stands on the same level. When it is seen to be the true universal of all that nature and mind contain, it extends its scope far beyond all these, and becomes the basis of everything. From this view of thought, in its objective meaning as vovs, we may next pass to consider the subjective sense of the term. We say first, Man is a being that thinks ; but we also say at the same time, Man is a being that perceives and wills. Man is a thinker, and is universal: but he is a thinker only because he feels his own universality. The animal too is by impli- cation universal, but the universal is not consciously felt by it to be universal : it feels only the individual. The animal sees a singular object, for instance, its food, or a man. For the animal all this never goes beyond an individual thing. Similarly, sensation has to do with nothing but singulars, such as this pain or this sweet taste. Nature does not bring 48 PRELIMINARY NOTION. [24. its vovs into consciousness : it is man who first makes him- self double so as to be a universal for a universal. This first happens when man knows that he is ' I.' By the term ' I ' I mean myself, a single and altogether determinate person. And yet I really utter nothing peculiar to myself, for every one else is an ' I ' or ' Ego,' and when I call my- self I,' though I indubitably mean the single person myself, I express a thorough universal. ' I,' therefore, is mere being-for-self, in which everything peculiar or marked is renounced and buried out of sight; it is as it were the ultimate and unanalysable point of consciousness. We may say ' I ' and thought are the same, or, more definitely, * I ' is thought as a thinker. What I have in my consciousness, is for me. ' I ' is the vacuum or receptacle for anything and everything : for which everything is and which stores up everything in itself. Every man is a whole world of conceptions, that lie buried in the night of the ' Ego.' It follows that the ' Ego ' is the universal in which we leave aside all that is particular, and in which at the same time all the particulars have a latent existence. In other words, it is not a mere universality and nothing more, but the universality which includes in it everything. Commonly we use the word ' I ' without attaching much importance to it, nor is it an object of study except to philosophical analysis. In the ' Ego,' we have thought before us in its utter purity. While the brute cannot say ' I,' man can, because it is his nature to think. Now in the ' Ego ' there are a variety of contents, derived both from within and from without, and according to the nature of these contents our state may be described as perception, or con- ception, or reminiscence. But in all of them the ' I ' is found : or in them all thought is present. Man, therefore, is always thinking, even in his perceptions : if he observes anything, he always observes it as a universal, fixes on a single point which he places in relief, thus withdrawing l\is attention from other points, and takes it as abstract and uni- versal, even if the universality be only in form. In the case of our ordinary conceptions, two things may happen. Either the contents are moulded by thought, but not the form : or, the form belongs to thought and not the 24.] PURE ABSTRACT THOUGHT. 49 contents. In using such terms, for instance, as anger, rose, hope, I am speaking of things which I have learnt in the way of sensation, but I express these contents in a universal mode, that is, in the forni of thought. I have left out much that is particular and given the contents in their generality: but still the contents remain sense-derived. On the other hand, when I represent God, the content is undeniably a product of pure thought, but the form still retains the sen- suous limitations which it has as I find it immediately present in myself. In these generalised images the content is not merely and simply sensible, as it is in a visual inspec- tion ; but either the content is sensuous and the form apper- tains to thought, or vice versa. In the first case the material is given to us, and our thought suppHes the form : in the second case the content which has its source in thought is by means of the form turned into a something given, which accordingly reaches the mind from without. (2) Logic is the study of thought pure and simple, or of the pure thouglit-forms. In the ordinary sense of the term, by thought we generally represent to ourselves something more than simple and unmixed thought ; we mean some thought, the material of which is from experience. Whereas in logic a thought is understood to include nothing else but what depends on thinking and what thinking has brought into existence. It is in these circumstances that thoughts are pure thoughts. The mind is then in its own home-ele- ment and therefore free : for freedom means that the other thing with which you deal is a second self— so that you never leave your own ground but give the law to your- self. In the impulses or appetites the beginning is from something else, from something which we feel to be ex- ternal. In this case then we speak of dependence. For freedom it is necessary that we should feel no presence of something else which is not ourselves. The natural man, whose motions follow the rule only of his appetites, is not his own master. Be he as self-willed as he may, the con- stituents of his will and opinion are not his own, and his free- dom is merely formal. But when we think, we renounce our selfish and particular being, sink ourselves in the thing, VOL. II. E 50 PRELIMINARY NOTION. [24. allow thought to follow its own course, and,— if we add any- thing of our own, we think ill. If in pursuance of the foregoing remarks we consider Logic to be the system of the pure types of thought, we find that the other philosophical sciences, the Philosophy of Nature and the Philosophy of Mind, take the place, as it were, of an Applied Logic, and that Logic is the soul which animates them both. Their problem in that case is only to recognise the logical forms under the shap>es they assume in Nature and Mind,— shapes which are only a particular mode of expression for the forms of pure thought. If for instance we take the syllogism (not as it was understood in the old formal logic, but at its real value), we shall find it gives expression to the law that the particular is the middle term which fuses together the extremes of the universal and the singular. The syllogistic form is a universal form of all things. Everything that exists is a particular, which couples together the universal and the singular. But Nature is weak and fails to exhibit the logical forms in their purity. Such a feeble exemplification of the syllogism may be seen in the magnet. In the middle or point of indifference of a magnet, its two poles, however they may be distinguished, are brought into one. Phj'sics also teaches us to see the universal or essence in Nature : and the only difference between it and the Philosophy of Nature is that the latter brings before our mind the adequate forms of the notion in the physical world. It will now be understood that Logic is the all-animating spirit of all the sciences, and its categories the spiritual hier- archy. They are the heart and centre of things : and yetat the same time they are always on our lips, and, apparently at least, perfectly familiar objects. But things thus familiar are usually the greatest strangers. Being, for example, is a category of pure thought: but to make *Is' an object of investigation never occurs to us. Common fancy puts the Absolute far away in a world beyond. The Absolute is rather directly before us, so present that so long as we think, we must, though without express consciousness of it, always carry it with us and always use it. Language is the 24.] THE LOGICAL CATEGORIES. 5 1 main depository of these t^'pes of thought ; and one use of the grammatical instruction which children receive is un- consciously to turn their attention to distinctions of thought. Logic is usually said to be concerned with forms only and to derive the material for them from elsewhere. But this ' only,' which assumes that the logical thoughts are nothing in comparison with the rest of the contents, is not the word to use r'jout forms which are the absolutely-real ground of everything. Everything else rather is an 'only' compared wuth these thoughts. To make such abstract forms a problem pre-supposes in the inquirer a higher level of culture than ordinary ; and to study them in themselves and for their own sake signifies in addition that these thought-tj'^pes must be deduced out of thought itself, and their truth or reality examined by the light of their own laws. We do not assume them as data from without, and then define them or exhibit their value and authority by comparing them with the shape they take in our minds. If we thus acted, we should pro- ceed from observation and experience, and should, for instance, say we habitually employ the term ' force ' in such a case, and such a meaning. A definition like that would be called correct, if it agreed with the conception of its object present in our ordinary state of mind. The defect of this empirical method is that a notion is not defined as it is in and for itself, but in terms of something assumed, which is then used as a criterion and standard of correctness. No such test need be applied : we have merely to let the thought- forms follow the impulse of their own organic life. To ask if a category is true or not, must sound strange to the ordinary mind: for a category apparently becomes true only when it is applied to a given object, and apart from this application it would seem meaningless to inquire into its truth. But this is the very question on which everything turns. We must however in the first place un- derstand clearly what we mean by Truth. In common life truth means the agreement of an object with our conception of it. We thus pre-suppose an object to which our concep- tion must conform. In the philosophical sense of the word, on the other hand, truth may be described, in general E 2 52 PRELIMINARY NOTION. [24. abstract terms, as the agreement of a thought-content with itself. This meaning is quite different from the one given above. At the same time the deeper and philosophical meaning of truth can be partially traced even in the ordinary usage of language. Thus we speak of a true friend ; by which we mean a friend whose manner of conduct accords with the notion of friendship. In the same way we speak of a true work of Art. Untrue in this sense means the same as bad, or self-discordant. In this sense a bad state is an untrue state ; and evil and untruth may be said to consist in the contradiction subsisting between the function or no- tion and the existence of the object. Of such a bad object we may form a correct representation, but the import of such representation is inherently false. Of these correctnesses, which are at the same time untruths, we may have many in our heads.— God alone is the thorough harmony of notion and reality. All finite things involve an untruth : they have a notion and an existence, but their existence does not meet the requirements of the notion. For this reason they must perish, and then the incompatibility between their notion and their existence becomes manifest. It is in the kind that the individual animal has its notion : and the kind liberates itself from this individuality by death. The study of truth, or, as it is here explained to mean, consistency, constitutes the proper problem of logic. In our every-day mind we are never troubled with questions about the truth of the forms of thought. — We may also express the problem of logic by saying that it examines the forms of thought touching their capability to hold truth. And the question comes to this : What are the forms of the infinite, and what are the forms of the finite ? Usually no suspicion attaches to the finite forms of thought ; they are allowed to pass unquestioned. But it is from conforming to finite cate- gories in thought and action that all deception originates. (3) Truth may be ascertained by several methods, each of which however is no more than a form. Experience is the first of these methods. But the method is only a form : it has no intrinsic value of its own. For in experience everything depends upon the mind we bring to bear upon 24.] LOGICAL TRUTH. 53 actuality. A great mind is great in its experience ; and in the motley play of phenomena at once perceives the point of real significance. The idea is present, in actual shape, not something, as it were, over the hill and far away. The genius of a Goethe, for example, looking into nature or history, has great experiences, catches sight of the living principle, and gives expression to it. A second method of apprehending the truth is Reflection, which defines it by intellectual relations of condition and conditioned. But in these two modes the absolute truth has not yet found its appropriate form. The most perfect method of knowledge proceeds in the pure form of thought : and here the attitude of man is one of entire freedom. That the form of thought is the perfect form, and that it presents the truth as it intrinsically and actually is, is the general dogma of all philosophy. To give a proof of the dogma there is, in the first instance, nothing to do but show that these other forms of knowledge are finite. The grand Scepticism of antiquity accomplished this task when it exhibited the contradictions contained in every one of these forms. That Scepticism indeed went further : but when it ventured to assail the forms of reason, it began by insinuating under them something finite upon which it might fasten. All the forms of finite thought will make their appearance in the course of logical development, the order in which they present themselves being determined by necessary laws. Here in the introduction they could only be unscientifically assumed as something given. In the theory of logic itself these forms will be exhibited, not only on their negative, but also on their positive side. When we compare the different forms of ascertaining truth with one another, the first of them, immediate know- ledge, may perhaps seem the finest, noblest and most appropriate. It includes everything which the moralists term innocence as well as religious feeling, simple trust, love, fidelity, and natural faith. The two other forms, first reflective, and secondly philosophical cognition, must leave that unsought natural harmony behind. And so far as they have this in common, the methods which claim to appre- 54 PRELIMINARY NOTION. [24. hend the truth- by thought may naturally be regarded as part and parcel of the pride which leads man to trust to his own powers for a knowledge of the truth. Such a position involves a thorough-going disruption, and, viewed in that light, might be regarded as the source of all evil and wicked- ness -the original transgression. Apparently therefore the only way of being reconciled and restored to peace is to surrender all claims to think or know. This lapse from natural unity has not escaped notice, and nations from the earliest times have asked the meaning of the wonderful division of the spirit against itself. No such inward disunion is found in nature : natural things do nothing wicked. The Mosaic legend of the Fall of Man has preserved an ancient picture representing the origin and consequences of this disunion. The incidents of the legend form the basis of an essential article of the creed, the doctrine of original sin in man and his consequent need of succour. It may be well at the commencement of logic to examine the story which treats of the origin and the bearings of the very knowledge which logic has to discuss. For, though philo- sophy must not allow herself to be overawed by religion, or accept the position of existence on sufferance, she can- not afford to neglect these popular conceptions. The tales and allegories of religion, which have enjoyed for thousands of years the veneration of nations, are not to be set aside as antiquated even now. Upon a closer inspection of the story of the Fall we find, as was already said, that it exemplifies the universal bearings of knowledge upon the spiritual life. In its instinctive and natural stage, spiritual life wears the garb of innocence and confiding simplicity : but the very essence of spirit implies the absorption of this immediate condition in something higher. The spiritual is distinguished from the natural, and more especially from the animal, life, in the circum- stance that it does not continue a mere stream of tendency, but sunders itself to self-realisation. But this position of severed life has in its turn to be suppressed, and the spirit has by its own act to win its way to concord again. The 24.] STORY OF THE FALL. 55 final concord then is spiritual ; that is, the principle of re- storation is found in thought, and thought only. The hand that inflicts the wound is also the hand which heals it. We are told in our story that Adam and Eve, the first human beings, the types of humanitj', were placed in a garden, where grew a tree of life and a tree of the know- ledge of good and evil. God, it is said, had forbidden them to eat of the fruit of this latter tree : of the tree of life for the present nothing further is said. These words evidently assume that man is not intended to seek knowledge, and ought to remain in the state of innocence. Other medita- tive races, it may be remarked, have held the same belief that the primitive state of mankind was one of innocence and harmony. Now all this is to a certain extent correct. The disunion that appears throughout humanity is not a condition to rest in. But it is a mistake to regard the natural and immediate harmony as the right state. The mind is not mere instinct : on the contrary, it essentially involves the tendency to reasoning and meditation. Child- like innocence no doubt has in it something fascinating and attractive : but only because it reminds us of what the spirit must win for itself. The harmoniousness of childhood is a gift from the hand of nature : the second harmony must spring from the labour and culture of the spirit. And so the words of Christ, ' Except ye become as little children,' &c., are very far from telling us that we must always remain children. Again, we find in the narrative of Moses that the occasion which led man to leave his natural unity is attributed to solicitation from without. The serpent was the tempter. But the truth is, that the step into opposition, the awakening of consciousness, follows from the very nature of man : and the same history repeats itself in every son of Adam. The serpent represents likeness to God as consisting in the knowledge of good and evil : and it is just this knowledge in which man participates when he breaks with the unity of his instinctive being and eats of the forbidden fruit. The first reflection of awakened consciousness in men told them that they were naked. This is a naive and profound trait. 56 PRELIMINARY NOTION. [24. For the sense of shame bears evidence to the separation of man from his natural and sensuous life. The beasts never get so far as this separation, and they feel no shame. And it is in the human feeling of shame that we are to seek the spiritual and moral origin of dress, compared with which the merely physical need is a secondary matter. Next comes the Curse, as it is called, which God pro- nounced upon man. The prominent point in that curse turns chiefly on the contrast between man and nature. Man must work in the sweat of his brow : and woman bring forth in sorrow. As to work, if it is the result of the disunion, it is also the victory over it. The beasts have nothing more to do but to pick up the materials required to satisfy their wants : man on the contrary can only satisfy his wants by himself producing and transforming the necessary means. Thus even in these outside things man is dealing with himself. The story does not close with the expulsion from Paradise. We are further told, God said, ' Behold Adam is become as one of us, to know good and evil.' Knowledge is now spoken of as divine, and not, as before, as something wrong and forbidden. Such words contain a confutation of the idle talk that philosophy pertains only to the finitude of the mind. Philosophy is knowledge, and it is through know- ledge that man first realises his original vocation, to be the image of God. When the record adds that God drove men out of the Garden of Eden to prevent their eating of the tree of life, it only means that on his natural side certainly man is finite and mortal, but in knowledge infinite. We all know the theological dogma that man's nature is evil, tainted with what is called Original Sin. Now while we accept the dogma, we must give up the setting of incident which represents original sin as consequent upon an acci- dental act of the first man. For the very notion of spirit is enough to show that man is evil by nature, and it is an error to imagine that he could ever be otherwise. To such extent as man is and acts like a creature of nature, his whole be- haviour is what it ought not to be. For the spirit it is a duty to be free, and to realise itself by its own act. Nature 24-25.] STORY OF THE FALL. 57 is for man only the starting-point which he has to transform. The theological doctrine of original sin is a profound truth ; but modern enlightenment prefers to believe that man is naturally good, and that he acts right so long as he continues true to nature. The hour when man leaves the path of mere natural being marks the difference between him, a self-conscious agent, and the natural world. But this schism, though it forms a necessary element in the very notion of spirit, is not the final goal of man. It is to this state of inward breach that the whole finite action of thought and will belongs. In that finite sphere man pursues ends of his own and draws from himself the material of his conduct. While he pursues these aims to the uttermost, while his knowledge and his will seek himself, his own narrow self apart from the universal, he is evil ; and his evil is to be subjective. We seem at first to have a double evil here : but both are really the same. Man in so far as he is spirit is not the creature of nature : and wiien he behaves as such, and follows the cravings of appetite, he wills to be so. The natural wickedness of man is therefore unUke the natural life of animals. A mere natural life may be more exactly de- fined by saying that the natural man as such is an individual : for nature in every part is in the bonds of individualism. Thus when man wills to be a creature of nature, he wills in the same degree to be an individual simply. Yet against such impulsive and appetitive action, due to the individualism of nature, there also steps in the law or general principle. This law may either be an external force, or have the form of divine authority. So long as he continues in his natural state, man is in bondage to the law. — It is true that among the instincts and affections of man, there are social or benevolent inclinations, love, sympathy, and others, reach- ing beyond his selfish isolation. But so long as these tendencies are instinctive, their virtual universality of scope and purport is vitiated by the subjective form which always allows free play to self-seeking and random action. 25.] The term ' Objective Thoughts ' indicates the /nUh — the truth which is to be the absolute object of philo- 58 PRELIMINARY NOTION. [25. sophy, and not merely the goal at which it aims. But the very expression cannot fail to suggest an opposi- tion, to characterise and appreciate which is the main motive of the philosophical attitude of the present time, and which forms the real problem of the question about truth and our means of ascertaining it. If the thought- forms are vitiated by a fixed antithesis, i.e. if they are only of a finite character, they are unsuitable for the self-centred universe of truth, and truth can find no adequate receptacle in thought. Such thought, which can produce only limited and partial categories and proceed by their means, is what in the stricter sense of the word is termed Understanding. The finitude, further, of these categories lies in two points. Firstly, they are only subjective, and the antithesis of an ob- jective permanently clings to them. Secondly, they are always of restricted content, and so persist in antithesis to one another and still more to the Abso- lute. In order more fully to explain the position and import here attributed to logic, the attitudes in which thought is supposed to stand to objectivity will next be examined by way of further introduction. In my Phenomenology of the Spirit, which on that account was at its publication described as the first part of the System of Philosophy, the method adopted was to begin with the first and simplest phase of mind, im- mediate consciousness, and to show how that stage gradually of necessity worked onward to the philoso- phical point of view, the necessity of that view being proved by the process. But in these circumstances it was impossible to restrict the quest to the mere form of consciousness. For the stage of philosophical know- ledge is the richest in material and organisation, and therefore, as it came before us in the shape of a result, it pre-supposed the existence of the concrete formations 25-] CRITICISM OF CATEGORIES. 59 of consciousness, such as individual and social morality, art and religion. In the development of consciousness, which at first sight appears limited to the point of form merely, there is thus at the same time included the development of the matter or of the objects discussed in the special branches of philosophy. But the latter process must, so to speak, go on behind consciousness, since those facts are the essential nucleus which is raised into consciousness. The exposition accordingly is ren- dered more intricate, because so much that properly belongs to the concrete branches is prematurely dragged into the introduction. The survey which follows in the present work has even more the inconvenience of being only historical and inferential in its method. But it tries especially to show how the questions men have proposed, outside the school, on the nature of Know- ledge, Faith and the like, — questions which they imagine to have no connexion with abstract thoughts, — are really reducible to the simple categories, which first get cleared up in Logic. CHAPTER III. FIRST ATTITUDE OF THOUGHT TO OBJECTIVITY. 26.] The first of these' attitudes of thought is seen in the method which has no doubts and no sense of the contradiction in thought, or of the hostility of thought against itself. It entertains an unquestioning belief that reflection is the means of ascertaining the truth, and of bringing the objects before the mind as they really are. And in this belief it advances straight upon its objects, takes the materials furnished by sense and perception, and reproduces them from itself as facts of thought ; and then, believing this result to be the truth, the method is content. Philosophy in its earliest stages, all the sciences, and even the daily action and move- ment of consciousness, live in this faith. 27.] This method of thought has never become aware of the antithesis of subjective and objective : and to that extent there is nothing to prevent its statements from possessing a genuinely philosophical and speculative character, though it is just as possible that they may never get beyond finite categories, or the stage where the antithesis is still unresolved. In the present in- troduction the main question for us is to observe this attitude of thought in its extreme form ; and we shall accordingly first of all examine its second and inferior aspect as a philosophic system. One of the clearest 27-a8.] PRE-KANTIAN METAPHYSIC. 6l instances of it, and one lying nearest to ourselves, may be found in the Metaphysic of the Past as it subsisted among us previous to the philosophy of Kant. It is however only in reference to the history of philosophy that this Metaphysic can be said to belong to the past : the thing is always and at all places to be found, as the view whi'i'h the abstract understanding takes of the ob- jects of reason. And it is in this point that the real and immediate good lies of a closer examination of its main scope and its modus operandi. 28.] This metaphysical system took the laws and forms of thought to be the fundamental laws and forms of things. It assumed that to think a thing was the means of finding its very self and nature : and to that extent it occupied higher ground than the Critical Philosophy which succeeded it. But in the first in- stance (i) these terms of thought were cut off from their connexion, their solidarity; each was believed valid by itself and capable of serving as a predicate of the truth. It was the general assumption of this metaphysic that a knowledge of the Absolute was gained by assigning predicates to it. It neither inquired what the terms of the understanding specially meant or what they were •orth, nor did it test the method which characterises the Absolute by the assignment of predicates. As an example of such predica*:es may be taken. Existence, in the proposition, * God has existence : ' Finitude or Infinity, as in the question, 'Is the world finite or infinite?' : Simple and Complex, in u.e propo- sition, ' The soul is simple,' — or again, ' The thing is a unity, a whole,' &c. Nobody asked whether such predi- cates had any intrinsic and independent truth, or if the propositional form could be a form of truth. The Metaphysic of the past assumed, as unsophisticated belief always does that thought apprehends the very self of 62 FIRST ATTITUDE TO OBJECTIVITY. [28. things, and that things, to become what they truly are, re- quire to be thought. For Nature and the human soul are a very Proteus in their perpetual transformations ; and it soon occurs to the observer that the first crude impression of things is not their essential being.— This is a point of view the very reverse of the result arrived at by the Critical Philosophy ; a result, of which it may be said, that it bade man go and feed on mere husks and chaff. We must look more closely into the procedure of that old metaphysic. In the first place it never went beyond the province of the analytic understanding. Without preliminary inquiry it adopted the abstract categories of thought and let them rank as predicates of truth. But in using the term thought we must not forget the difference between finite or discursive thinking and the thinking which is infinite and rational. The categories, as they meet ns prima facie and in isolation, are finite forms. But truth is always infinite, and cannot be expressed or presented to consciousness in finite terms. The phrase infinite thought may excite surprise, if we adhere to the modern conception that thought is always limited. But it is, speaking rightly, the very essence of thought to be infinite. The nominal explanation of calling a thing finite is that it has an end, that it exists up to a certain point only, where it comes into contact with, and is limited by, its other. The finite therefore subsists in reference to its other, which is its negation and presents itself as its limit. Now thought is always in its own sphere ; its relations are with itself, and it is its own object. In having a thought for object, I am at home with myself. The thinking power, the ' I,' is therefore infinite, because, when it thinks, it is in relation to an object which is itself. Gene- rally speaking, an object means a something else, a negative confronting me. But in the case where thought thinks itself, it has an object which is at the same time no object : in other words, its objectivity is suppressed and transformed into an idea. Thought, as thought, therefore in its unmixed nature involves no limits ; it is finite only when it keeps to limited categories, which it beheves to be ultimate. Infinite or speculative thought, on the contrary, while it no less 28.] PRE-KANTIAN METAPHYSIC. 63 defines, does in the very act of limiting and defining make that defect vanish. And so infinity is not, as most frequently happens, to be conceived as an abstract away and away for ever and ever, but in the simple manner previously indicated. The thinking of the old metaphysical system was finite. Its whole mode of action was regulated by categories, the limits of which it believed to be permanently fixed and not subject to any further negation. Thus, one of its questions was : Has God existence ? The question supposes that existence is an altogether positive term, a sort of ne plus ultra. We shall see however at a later point that existence is by no means a merely positive term, but one which is too low for the Absolute Idea, and unworthy of God. A second question in these metaphysical systems was : Is the world finite or infinite ? The very terms of the question assume that the finite is a permanent contradictor}' to the infinite : and one can easily see that, when they are so opposed, the infinite, which of course ought to be the whole, only appears as a single aspect and suffers restriction from the finite. But a restricted infinity is itself only a finite. In the same way it was asked whether the soul was simple or composite. Simpleness was, in other words, taken to be an ultimate characteristic, giving expression to a whole truth. Far from being so, simpleness is the expression of a half-truth, as one-sided and abstract as existence :— a term of thought, which, as we shall hereafter see, is itself untrue and hence unable to hold truth. If the soul be viewed as merely and abstractly simple, it is characterised in an inadequate and finite way. It was therefore the main question of the pre-Kantian metaphysic to discover whether predicates of the kind mentioned were to be ascribed to its objects. Now these predicates are after all only limited formulae of the under- standing which, instead of expressing the truth, merely impose a limit. More than this, it should be noted that the chief feature of the method lay in ' assigning ' or ' attributing' predicates to the object that was to be cognised, for example, to God. But attribution is no more than an external re- flection about the object : the predicates by which the 64 FIRST ATTITUDE TO OBJECTIVITY. [28-29. object is to be determined are supplied from the resources of picture-thought, and are applied in a mechanical way. Whereas, if we are to have genuine cognition, the object must characterise its own self and not derive its predicates from without. Even supposing we follow the method of predicating, the mind cannot help feeling that predicates of this sort fail to exhaust the object. From the same point of view the Orientals are quite correct in calling God the many- named or the myriad-named One. One after another of these finite categories leaves the soul unsatisfied, and the Oriental sage is compelled unceasingly to seek for more and more of such predicates. In finite things it is no doubt the case that they have to be characterised through finite predi- cates : and with these things the understanding finds proper scope for its special action. Itself finite, it knows only the nature of the finite. Thus, when I call some action a theft, I have characterised the action in its essential facts : and such a knowledge is sufficient for the judge. Similarly, finite things stand to each other as cause and effect, force and exercise, and when they are apprehended in these categories, they are known in their finitude. But the objects of reason cannot be defined by these finite predicates. To try to do so was the defect of the old metaphysic. 29.] Predicates of this kind, taken individually, have but a limited range of meaning, and no one can fail to perceive how inadequate they are, and how far they fall below the fulness of detail which our imaginative thought gives, in the case, for example, of God, Mind, or Nature. Besides, though the fact of their being all predicates of one subject supplies them with a certain connexion, their several meanings keep them apart : and conse- quently each is brought in as a stranger in relation to the others. The first of these defects the Orientals sought to remedy, when, for example, they defined God by attri- buting to Him many names; but still they felt that the number of names would have had to be infinite. 30-3r.] PRE-KANTIAN META PHYSIC. 65 30.] (2) In the second place, the metaphysical systems adopted a wrong criterion. Their objects were no doubt totalities which in their own proper selves belong to reason, — that is, to the organised and systematically- developed universe, of thought. But these totalities — God, the Soul, the World, — were taken by the meta- physician as subjects made and ready, to form the basis for an application of the categories of the under- standing. They were assumed from popular conception. Accordingly popular conception was the only canon for settling whether or not the predicates were suitable and sufficient. 31.] The common conceptions of God, the Soul, the World, may be supposed to afford thought a firm and fast footing. They do not really do so. Besides having a particular and subjective character clinging to them, and thus leaving room for great variety of interpreta- tion, they themselves first of all require a firm and fast definition by thought. This may be seen in any of these propositions where the predicate, or in philo- sophy the category, is needed to indicate what the sub- ject, or the conception we start with, is. In such a sentence as ' God is eternal,' we begin with the conception of God, not knowing as yet what he is : to tell us that, is the business of the predicate. In the principles of logic, accordingly, where the terms formu- lating the subject-matter are those of thought only, it is not merely superfluous to make these categories predi- cates to propositions in which God, or, still vaguer, the Absolute, is the subject, but it would also have the disadvantage of suggesting another canon than the nature of thought. Besides, the prepositional form (and for proposition, it would be more correct to sub- stitute judgment) is not suited to express the concrete — and the true is always concrete — or the speculative. VOL. II. F 66 FIRST ATTITUDE TO OBJECTIVITY. [31-33. Every judgment is by its form one-sided and, to that extent, false. This metaphysic was not free or objective thinking. In- stead of letting the object freely and spontaneously expound its own characteristics, metaphysic pre-supposed it ready- made. If anyone wishes to know what free thought means, he must go to Greek philosophy : for Scholasticism, Hke these metaphysical systems, accepted its facts, and accepted them as a dogma from the authority of the Church. We moderns, too, by our whole up-bringing, have been initiated into ideas which it is extremely difficult to overstep, on account of their far-reaching significance. But the ancient philosophers were in a different position. They were men who lived wholly in the perceptions of the senses, and who, after their rejection of mythology and its fancies, pre-sup- posed nothing but the heaven above and the earth around. In these material, non-metaphysical surroundings, thought is free and enjoys its own privacy,— cleared of everything material, and thoroughly at home. This feeling that we are all our own is characteristic of free thought — of that voyage into the open, where nothing is below us or above us, and we stand in solitude with ourselves alone. ^2.] (3) In the third place, this system of metaphysic turned into Dogmatism. When our thought never ranges beyond narrow and rigid terms, we are forced to assume that of two opposite assertions, such as were the above propositions, the one must be true and the other false. Dogmatism may be most simply described as the contrary of Scepticism. The ancient Sceptics gave the name of Dogmatism to every philosophy whatever holding a system of definite doctrine. In this large sense Scepticism may apply the name even to philosophy which is properly Specu- lative. But in the narrower sense, Dogmatism consists in the tenacity which draws a hard and fast line between cer- tain terms and others opposite to them. We may see this clearly in the strict * Either— or ' : for instance, The world is 32-33.] ONTOLOGY. 67 either finite or infinite ; but one of these two it must be. The contrary of this rigidity is the characteristic of all Speculative truth. There no such inadequate formulae are allowed, nor can they possibly exhaust it. These for- mulae Speculative truth holds in union as a totality, whereas Dogmatism invests them in their isolation with a title to fixity and truth. It often happens in philosophy that the half-truth takes its place beside the whole truth and assumes on its own account the position of something permanent. But the fact is that the half-truth, instead of being a fixed or self-sub- sistent principle, is a mere element absolved and included in the whole. The metaphysic of understanding is dog- matic, because it maintains half-truths in their isolation: whereas the idealism of speculative philosophy carries out the principle of totality and shows that it can reach beyond the inadequate formularies of abstract thought. Thus ideal- ism would say :— The soul is neither finite only, nor infinite only ; it is really the one just as much as the other, and in that way neither the one nor the other. In other words, such formularies in their isolation are inadmissible, and only come into account as formative elements in a larger notion. Such idealism we see even in the ordinary phases of consciousness. Thus we say of sensible things, that they are changeable : that is, they are, but it is equally true that they are not. We show more obstinacy in dealing with the categories of the understanding. These are terms which we believe to be somewhat firmer— or even abso- lutely firm and fast. We look upon them as separated from each other by an infinite chasm, so that opposite categories can never get at each other. The battle of reason is the struggle to break up the rigidity to which the understanding has reduced everything. 33.] The first part of this metaphysic in its systematic form is Ontology, or the doctrine of the abstract characteristics of Being. The multitude of these characteristics, and the limits set to their applicability, are not founded upon any principle. They have in 68 FIRST ATTITUDE TO OBJECTIVITY. [33-34- consequence to be enumerated as experience and cir- cumstances direct, and the import ascribed to them is founded only upon common sensualised conceptions, upon assertions that particular words are used in a par- ticular sense, .*nd even perhaps upon etymology. If experience pronounces the list to be complete, and if the usage of language, by its agreement, shows the analysis to be correct, the metaphysician is satisfied ; and the intrinsic and independent truth and necessity of such characteristics is never made a matter of inves- tigation at all. To ask if being, existence, finitude, simplicity, com- plexity, &c. are notions intrinsically and independently true, must surprise those who believe that a question about truth can only concern propositions (as to whether a notion is or is not with truth to be attri- buted, as the phrase is, to a subject), and that falsehood lies in the contradiction existing between the subject in our ideas, and the notion to be predicated of it. Now as the notion is concrete, it and every character of it in general is essentially a self-contained -unity of distinct characteristics. If truth then were nothing more th^.n the absence of contradiction, it would be first of all necessary in the case of every notion to examine whether it, taken individually, did not contain this sort of intrinsic contradiction. 34.] The second branch of the metaphysical system was Rational Psychology or Pneumatology. It dealt with the metaphysical nature of the Soul, — that is, of t'le Mind regarded as a thing. -It expected to find immortality in a sphere dominated by the laws of com- position, time, qualitative change, and quantitative increase or decrease. The name ' rational,' given to this species of psychology, served to contrast it with empirical modes of observing 34.] RATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY. 69 the phenomena of the soul. Rational psychology viewed the soul in its metaphysical nature, and through the cate- gories supplied by abstract thought. The rationalists en- deavoured to ascertain the inner nature of the soul as it is in itself and as it is for thought.— In philosophy at pre- sent we hear little of the soul : the favourite term now is mind (spirit). The two are distinct, soul being as it were the middle term between body and spirit, or the bond between the two. The mind, as soul, is immersed in corporeity, and the soul is the animating principle of the body. The pre-Kantian metaphysic, we say, viewed the soul as a thing. * Thing ' is a very ambiguous word. By a thing, we mean, firstly, an immediate existence, something we re- present in sensuous form: and in this meaning the term has been applied to the soul. Hence the question regard- ing the seat of the soul. Of course, if the soul have a seat, it is in space and sensuously envisaged. So, too, if the soul be viewed as a thing, we can ask whether the soul is simple or composite. The question is important as bear- ing on the immortality of the soul, which is supposed to depend on the absence of composition. But the fact is, that in abstract simplicity we have a category, which as little corresponds to the nature of the soul, as that of com- positeness. One word on the relation of rational to empirical psycho- logy. The former, because it sets itself to apply thought to cognise mind and even to demonstrate the result of such thinking, is the higher ; whereas empirical psychology starts from perception, and only recounts and describes what perception supplies. But if we propose to think the mind, we must not be quite so shy of its special phenomena. Mind is essentially active in the same sense as the School- men said that God is ' absolute actuosity.' But if the mind is active it must as it were utter itself. It is wrong therefore to take the mind for a processless ens, as did the old meta- physic which divided the processless inward life of the mind from its outward life. The mind, of all things, must be looked at in its concrete actuality, in its energy ; and 70 FIRST ATTITUDE TO OBJECTIVITY. [34-35. in such a way that its manifestations are seen to be deter- mined by its inward force. 35.] The third branch of metaphysics was Cosmology. The topics it embraced were the world, its contingency, necessity, eternity, limitation in time and space : the laws (only formal) of its changes : the freedom of man and the origin of evil. To these topics it applied what were believed to be thorough-going contrasts : such as contingency and necessity; external and internal necessity; efficient and final cause, or causality in general and design ; essence or substance and phenomenon ; form and matter ; free- dom and necessity; happiness and pain; good and evil. The object of Cosmology comprised not merely Nature, but Mind too, in its external complication in its pheno- menon,— in fact, existence in general, or the sum of finite things. This object however it viewed not as a concrete whole, but only under certain abstract points of view. Thus the questions Cosmology attempted to solve were such as these : Is accident or necessity dominant in the world ? Is the world eternal or created ? It was therefore a chief con- cern of this study to lay down what were called general Cosmological laws : for instance, that Nature does not act by fits and starts. And by fits and starts (sal/us) they meant a qualitative difference or qualitative alteration showing itself without any antecedent determining mean : whereas, on the contrary, a gradual change (of quantity) is obviously not without intermediation. In regard to Mind as it makes itself felt in the world, the questions which Cosmology chiefly discussed turned upon the freedom of man and the origin of evil. Nobody can deny that these are questions of the highest importance. But to give them a satisfactory answer, it is above all things necessary not to claim finality for the abstract formulae of understanding, or to suppose that each of the two terms in an antithesis has an independent subsistence or can be 35-36.] COSMOLOGY. 7 1 treated in its isolation as a complete and self-centred truth. This however is the general position taken by the metaphy- sicians before Kant, and appears in their cosmological dis- cussions, which for that reason were incapable of compassing their purpose, to understand the phenomena of the world. Observe how they proceed with the distinction between freedom and necessity, in their application of these cate- gories to Nature and Mind. Nature they regard as subject in its workings to necessity ; Mind they hold to be free. No doubt there is a real foundation for this distinction in the very core of the Mind itself: but freedom and necessity, when thus abstractly opposed, are terms applicable only in the finite world to which, as such, they belong. A free- dom involving no necessity, and mere necessity without freedom, are abstract and in this way untrue formulae of thought. Freedom is no blank indeterminateness : essentially concrete, and unvaryingly self-determinate, it is so far at the same time necessary. Necessity, again, in the ordinary acceptation of the term in popular philosophy, means deter- mination from without only,— as in finite mechanics, where a body moves only when it is struck by another body, and moves in the direction communicated to it by the impact. This however is a merely external necessity, not the real inward necessity which is identical with freedom. The case is similar with the contrast of Good and Evil, — the favourite contrast of the introspective modern world. If we regard Evil as possessing a fixity of its own, apart and distinct from Good, we are to a certain extent right : there is an opposition between them : nor do those who maintain the apparent and relative character of the oppo- sition mean that Evil and Good in the Absolute are one, or, in accordance with the modern phrase, that a thing first becomes evil from our way of looking at it. The error arises when we take Evil as a permanent positive, instead of— what it really is— a negative which, though it would fain assert itself, has no real persistence, and is, in fact, only the absolute sham-existence of negativity in itself. 36.] The fourth branch of metaphysics is Natural or Rational Theology. The notion of God, or God as 72 FIRST ATTITUDE TO OBJECTIVITY. [36. a possible being, the proofs of his existence, and his properties, formed the study of this branch. (a) When understanding thus discusses the Deity, its main purpose is to find what predicates correspond or not to the fact we have in our imagination as God. And in so doing it assumes the contrast between posi- tive and negative to be absolute ; and hence, in the long run, nothing is left for the notion as understanding takes it, but the empty abstraction of indeterminate Being, of mere reality or positivity, the lifeless product of modern * Deism.' (b) The method of demonstration employed in finite knowledge must always lead to an inversion of the true order. For it requires the statement of some objective ground for God's being, which thus acquires the ap- pearance of being derived from something else. This mode of proof, guided as it is by the canon of mere analytical identity, is embarrassed by the difficulty of passing from the finite to the infinite. Either the finitude of the existing world, which is left as much a fact as it was before, clings to the notion of Deity, and God has to be defined as the immediate substance of that world, — which is Pantheism : or He remains an object set over against the subject, and in this way, finite, — which is Dualism. (c) The attributes of God which ought to be various and precise, had, properly speaking, sunk and disap- peared in the abstract notion of pure reality, of indeter- minate Being. Yet in our material thought, the finite world continues, meanwhile, to have a real being, with God as a sort of antithesis : and thus arises the further picture of different relations of God to the world. These, formulated as properties, must, on the one hand, as relations to finite circumstances, themselves possess a finite character (giving us such properties as just, 36.] NATURAL THEOLOGY. 73 gracious, mighty, wise, &c.) ; on the other hand they must be infinite. Now on this level of thought the only means, and a hazy one, of reconciling these op- posing requirements was quantitative exaltation of the properties^ forcing them into indeterminateness, — into the sensus eminentior. But it was an expedient which really destroyed the property and left a mere name. The object of the old metaphysical theology was to see how far unassisted reason could go in the knowledge of God. Certainly a reason-derived knowledge of God is the highest problem of philosophy. The earliest teachings of religion are figurate conceptions of God. These concep- tions, as the Creed arranges them, are imparted to us in youth. They are the doctrines of our religion, and in so far as the individual rests his faith on these doctrines and feels them to be the truth, he has all he needs as a Christian. Such is faith : and the science of this faith is Theology. But until Theology is something more than a bare enumera- tion and compilation of these doctrines ab extra, it has no right to the title of science. Even the method so much in vogue at present— the purely historical mode of treatment— which for example reports what has been said by this or the other Father of the Church— does not invest theology with a scientific character. To get that, we must go on to comprehend the facts by thought, — which is the business of philosophy. Genuine theology is thus at the same time a real philosophy of religion, as it was, we may add, in the Middle Ages. And now let us examine this rational theology more nar- rowly. It was a science which approached God not by reason but by understanding, and, in its mode of thought, employed the terms without any sense of their mutual limi- tations and connexions. The notion of God formed the subject of discussion ; and yet the criterion of our know- ledge was derived from such an extraneous source as the materiahsed conception of God. Now thought must be free in its movements. It is no doubt to be remembered, that the result of indei>endent thought harmonises with the im- 74 FIRST ATTITUDE TO OBJECTIVITY. [36. port of the Christian religion :— for the Christian religion is a revelation of reason. But such a harmony surpassed the efforts of rational theology. It proposed to define the figu- rate conception of God in terms of thought ; but it resulted in a notion of God which was what we may call the abstract of positivity or reality, to the exclusion of all negation. God was accordingly defined to be the most real of all beings. Any one can see however that this most real of beings, in which negation forms no part, is the very oppo- site of what it ought to be and of what understanding sup- poses it to be. Instead of being rich and full above all measure, it is so narrowly conceived that it is, on the con- trary, extremely poor and altogether empty. It is with reason that the heart craves a concrete body of truth ; but without definite feature, that is, without negation, contained in the notion, there can only be an abstraction. When the notion of God is apprehended only as that of the abstract or most real being, God is, as it were, relegated to another world beyond : and to speak of a knowledge of him would be meaningless. Where there is no definite quality, know- ledge is impossible. Mere light is mere darkness. The second problem of rational theology was to prove the existence of God. Now, in this matter, the main point to be noted is that demonstration, as the understanding employs it, means the dependence of one truth on another. Tn such proofs we have a pre-supposition — something firm and fast, from which something else follows ; we exhibit the de- pendence of some truth from an assumed starting-point. Hence, if this mode of demonstration is applied to the exist- ence of God, it can only mean that the being of God is to depend on other terms, which will then constitute the ground of his being. It is at once evident that this will lead to some mistake : for God must be simply and solely the ground of everything, and in so far not dependent upon anything else. And a perception of this danger has in modern times led some to say that God's existence is not capable of proof, but must be immediately or intuitively apprehended. Reason, however, and even sound common sense give demonstration a meaning quite different from 36.] NATURAL THEOLOGY. 75 that of the understanding. The demonstration of reason no doubt starts from something which is not God. But, as it advances, it does not leave the starting-point a mere unex- plained fart, which is what it was. On the contrary it exhibits that point as derivative and called into being, and then God is seen to be primary, truly immediate and self-subsisting, with the means of derivation wrapt up and absorbed in him- self. Those who say : ' Consider Nature, and Nature will lead you to God ; you will find an absolute final cause : ' do not mean that God is something derivative : they mean that it is we who proceed to God himself from another ; and in this way God, though the consequence, is also the absolute ground of the initial step. The relation of the two things is reversed ; and what came as a consequence, being shown to be an antecedent, the original antecedent is reduced to a consequence. This is always the way, moreover, whenever reason demonstrates. If in the light of the present discussion we cast one glance more on the metaphysical method as a whoje, we find its main characteristic was to make abstract identity its prin- ciple and to try to apprehend the objects of reason by the abstract and finite categories of the understanding. But this infinite of the understanding, this pure essence, is still finite : it has excluded all the variety of particular things, which thus limit and deny it. Instead of winning a con- crete, this metaphysic stuck fast on an abstract, identity. Its good point was the perception that thought alone con- stitutes the essence of all that is. It derived its materials from earlier philosophers, particularly the Schoolmen. In speculative philosophy the understanding undoubtedly forms a stage, but not a stage at which we should keep for ever standing. Plato is no metaphysician of this imperfect type, still less Aristotle, although the contrary is generally believed. CHAPTER IV. SECOND ATTITUDE OF THOUGHT TO OBJECTIVITY. I, Empiricism. 37.] Under these circumstances a double want began to be felt. Partly it was the need of a concrete subject- matter, as a counterpoise to the abstract theories of the understanding, which is unable to advance unaided from its generalities to specialisation and determination. Partly, too, it was the demand for something fixed and secure, so as to exclude the possibihty of proving any- thing and everything in the sphere, and according to the method, of the finite formulae of thought. Such was the genesis of Empirical philosophy, which abandons the search for truth in thought itself, and goes to fetch it from Experience, the outward and the inward present. The rise of Empiricism is due to the need thvxs stated of concrete contents, and a firm footing— needs which the ab- stract metaphysic of the understanding failed to satisfy. Now by concreteness of contents it is meant that we must know the objects of consciousness as intrinsically determinate and as the unity of distinct characteristics. But, as we have already seen, this is by no means the case v/ith the meta- physic of understanding, if it conform to its principle. With the mere understanding, thinking is limited to the form of an abstract universal, and can never advance to the particu- larisation of this universal. Thus we find the metaphysicians engaged in an attempt to elicit by the instrumentality of 37-38.] EMPIRICISM. 77 thought, what was the essence or fundamental attribute of the Soul. The Soul, they said, is simple. The simplicity thus ascribed to the Soul meant a mere and utter simplicity, from which difference is excluded : difference, or in other words composition, being made the fundamental attribute of body, or of matter in general. Clearly, in simplicity of this narrow type we have a very shallow category, quite in- capable of embracing the wealth of the soul or of the mind. When it thus appeared that abstract metaphysical thinking was inadequate, it was felt that resource must be had to empirical psychology. The same happened in the case of Rational Physics. The current phrases there were, for instance, that space is infinite, that Nature makes no leap, &c. Evidently this phraseology was wholly unsatisfactory in presence of the plenitude and life of nature. 38.] To some extent this source from which Empiri- cism draws is common to it with metaphysic. It is in our materialised conceptions, i.e. in facts which emanate, in the first instance, from experience, that metaphysic also finds the guarantee for the correctness of its defini- tions (including both its initial assumptions and its more detailed body of doctrine). But, on the other hand, it must be noted that the single sensation is not the same thing as experience, and that the Empirical School elevates the facts included under sensation, feeling, and perception into the form of general ideas, propositions or laws. This, however, it does with the reservation that these general principles (such as force), are to have no further import or validity of their own beyond that taken from the sense-impression, and that no connexion shall be deemed legitimate except what can be shown to exist in phenomena. And on the subjective side Em- pirical cognition has its stable footing in the fact that in a sensation consciousness is directly present and certain of itself. In Empiricism lies the great principle that whatever 78 SECOND ATTITUDE TO OBJECTIVITY. [38. is true must be in the actual world and present to sen- sation. This principle contradicts that ' ought to be ' on the strength of which ' reflection * is vain enough to treat the actual present with scorn and to point to a scene beyond — a scene which is assumed to have place and being only in the understanding of those who talk of it. No less than Empiricism, philosophy (§ 7) recognises only what is, and has nothing to do with what merely ought to be and what is thus confessed not to exist. On the subjective side, too, it is right to notice the valuable principle of freedom involved in Empiricism. For the main lesson of Empiricism is that man must see for himself and feel that he is present in every fact of knowledge which he has to accept. When it is carried out to its legitimate consequences, Empiricism— being in its facts limited to the finite sphere — denies the super-sensibie in general, or at least any knowledge of it which would define its nature ; it leaves thought no powers except abstraction and formal universality and identity. But there is a funda- mental delusion in all scientific empiricism. It employs the metaphysical categories of matter, force, those of one, many, generality, infinity, &c. ; following the clue given by these categories it proceeds to draw conclu- sions, and in so doing pre-supposes and applies the syllogistic form. And all the while it is unaware that it contains metaphysics — in wielding which, it makes use of those categories and their combinations in a style utterly thoughtless and uncritical. From Empiricism came the cry : ' Stop roaming in empty abstractions, keep your eyes open, lay hold on man and nature as they are here before you, enjoy the present moment.' Nobody can deny that there is a good deal of truth in these words. The every-day world, what is here and now, was a good exchange for the futile other-world 38.] EMPIRICISM. 79 — for the mirages and the chimeras of the abstract under- standing. And thus was acquired an infinite principle, — that solid footing so much missed in the old metaphysic. Finite principles are the most that the understanding can pick out — and these being essentially unstable and tottering, the structure they supported must collapse with a crash. Always the instinct of reason was to find an infinite principle. As yet, the time had not come for finding it in thought. Hence, this instinct seized upon the present, the Here, the This,— where doubtless there is implicit infinite form, but not in the genuine existence of that form. The external world is the truth, if it could but know it: for the truth is actual and must exist. The infinite principle, the self-centred truth, therefore, is in the world for reason to discover: though it exists in an individual and sensible shape, and not in its truth. Besides, this school makes sense-perception the form in which fact is to be apprehended : and in this consists the defect of Empiricism. Sense-perception as such is always individual, alwa3'S transient : not indeed that the pro- cess of knowledge stops short at sensation : on the contrary, it proceeds to find out the universal and permanent element in the individual apprehended by sense. This is the pro- cess leading from simple perception to experience. In order to form experiences, Empiricism makes especial use of the form of Analysis. In the impression of sense we have a concrete of many elements, the several attributes of which we are expected to peel oft' one by one, like the coats of an onion. In thus dismembering the thing, it is understood that we disintegrate and take to pieces these attributes which have coalesced, and add nothing but our own act of disintegration. Yet analysis is the process from the immediacy of sensation to thought : those attributes, which the object analysed contains in union, acquire the form of universality by being separated. Empiricism there- fore labours under a delusion, if it supposes that, while analysing the objects, it leaves them as they were : it really transforms the concrete into an abstract. And as a conse- quence of this change the living thing is killed: life can 8o SECOND ATTITUDE TO OBJECTIVITY. [38. exist only in the concrete and one. Not that we can do without this division, if it be our intention to comprehend. Mind itself is an inherent division. The error lies in for- getting that this is only one-half of the process, and that the main point is the re-union of what has been parted. And it is where analysis never gets beyond the stage of partition that the words of the poet are true : * Encheiresin Naturae nennt'g bie (Sfiemie, v Tou fiq ovTos fVri) : a statement expressing the negativity of abstract Being, and its identity with not-Being, as made ex- plicit in Becoming : both abstractions being alike untenable. This maybe looked at as an instance of the real refutation of one system by another. To refute a philosophy is to exhibit the dialectical movement in its principle, and thus reduce it to a constituent member of a higher concrete form of the Idea. Even Becoming however, taken at its best on its own ground, is an extremely poor term : it needs to grow in depth and weight of meaning. Such deepened force we find e.g. in Life. Life is a Becoming ; but that is not enough to exhaust the notion of life. A still higher form is found in Mind. Here too is Becoming, but richer and more inten- sive than mere logical Becoming. The elements, whose 88- 89- J DETERMINATE BEING. 1 69 unity constitutes mind, are not the bare abstracts of Being and of Nought, but the system of the logical Idea and of Nature. {b) Being Determinate. 89.] In Becoming the Being which is one with Nothing, and the Nothing which is one with Being, are only vanishing factors ; they are and they are not. Thus by its inherent contradiction Becoming collapses into the unity in which the two elements are absorbed. This result is accordingly Being Determinate (Being there and so). In this first example we must call to mind, once for all, what was stated in § 82 and in the note there : the only way to secure any growth and progress in know- ledge is to hold results fast in their truth. There is absolutely nothing whatever in which we cannot and must not point to contradictions or opposite attributes ; and the abstraction made by understanding therefore means a forcible insistance on a single aspect, and a real effort to obscure and remove all consciousness of the other attribute which is involved. Whenever such con- tradiction, then, is discovered in any object or notion, the usual inference is, Hence this object is nothing. Thus Zeno, who first showed the contradiction native to motion, concluded that there is no motion : and the ancients, who recognised origin and decease, the two species of Becoming, as untrue categories, made use of the expression that the One or Absolute neither arises nor perishes. Such a style of dialectic looks only at the negative aspect of its result, and fails to notice, what is at the same time really present, the definite result, in the present case a pure nothing, but a Nothing which includes Being, and, in like manner, a Being which includes Nothing. Hence Being Determinate is (1) the unity of Being and Nothing, in which we get rid 170 THE DOCTRINE OF BEING. [89 90. of the immediacy in these determinations, and their contradiction vanishes in their mutual connexion, — the unity in which they are only constituent elements. And {2) since the result is the abolition of the contradiction, it comes in the shape of a simple unity with itself: that is to say, it also is Being, but Being with negation or determinateness : it is Becoming expressly put in the form of one of its elements, viz. Being. Even our ordinary conception of Becoming implies that somewhat comes out of it, and that Becoming therefore has a result. But this conception gives rise to the question, how Becoming does not remain mere Becoming, but has a re- sult.? The answer to this question follows from what Be- coming has already shown itself to be. Becoming always contains Being and Nothing in such a way, that these two are always changing into each other, and reciprocally can- celling each other. Thus Becoming stands before us in utter restlessness — unable however to maintain itself in this abstract restlessness : for since Being and Nothing vanish in Becoming (and that is the very notion of Becom- ing), the latter must vanish also. Becoming is as it were a fire, which dies out in itself, when it consumes its m_aterial. The result of this process however is not an empty Nothing, but Being identical with the negation,— what we call Being Determinate (being then and there) : the primary import of which evidently is that it has become. 90.J (a) Determinate Being is Being with a character or mode — which simply is ; and such un-mediated character is Quality. And as reflected into itself in this its character or mode. Determinate Being is a some- what, an existent. — The categories, which issue by a closer analysis of Determinate Being, need only be mentioned briefly. Quality may be described as the determinate mode imme- diate and identical with Being — as distinguished from Quan- tity (to come afterwards), which, although a mode of Being, 90-9I.] QUALITY. 17I is no longer immediately identical with Being, but a mode indifferent and external to it. A Something is what it is in virtue of its quality, and losing its quality it ceases to be what it is. Quality, moreover, is completely a category only of the finite, and for that reason too it has its proper place in Nature, not in the world of Mind. Thus, for example, in Nature what are styled the elementary bodies, oxygen, nitrogen, &;c., should be regarded as existing qualities. But in the sphere of mind, Quality appears in a subordinate way only, and not as if its qualitativeness could exhaust any specific aspect of m'nd. If, for example, we consider the subjective mind, which forms the object of psychology, we may describe what is called (moral and mental) character, as in logical language identical with Quality. This however does not mean that character is a mode of being which per- vades the soul and is immediately identical with it, as is the case in the natural world with the elementary bodies before mentioned. Yet a more distinct manifestation of Quality as such, in mind even, 11 found in the case of besotted or morbid conditions, especially in states of passion and when the pas- sion rises to derangement. The state of mind of a deranged person, being one mass of jealousy, fear, &c., may suitably be described as Quality. 91.] Quality, as determinateness which is, as con- trasted with the Negation which is involved in it but distinguished from it, is Reality. Negation is no longer an abstract nothing, but, as a determinate being and somewhat, is only a form on such being — it is as Other- ness. Since this otherness, though a determination of Quality itself, is in the first instance distinct from it, Quality is Being-for-another — an expansion of the mere point of Determinate Being, or of Somewhat. The Being as such of Quality, contrasted with this reference lo somewhat else, is Being-by-self. The foundation of all determinateness is negation (as Spinoza says, Omnis determinaiio est negatio). The unre- flecting observer supposes that determinate things are merely 172 THE DOCTRINE OF BEING. [91-92. positive, and pins them down under the form of being. Mere being however is not the end of the matter : — it is, as we have already seen, utter emptiness and instability besides. Still, when abstract being is confused in this way with being modified and determinate, it implies some perception of the fact that, though in determinate being there is involved an element of negation, this element is at first wrapped up, as it were, and only comes to the front and receives its due in Being-for-self.— If we go on to consider determinate Being as a determinateness which is, we get in this way what is called Reality. We speak, for example, of the reality of a plan or a purpose, meaning thereby that they are no longer inner and subjective, but have passed into being-there-and- then. In the same sense the body may be called the reality of the soul, and the law the reality of freedom, and the world altogether the reality of the divine idea. The word ' reality ' is however used in another acceptation to mean that some- thing behaves conformably to its essential characteristic or notion. For example, we use the expression : This is a real occupation : This is a real man. Here the term does not merely mean outward and immediate existence : but rather that some existence agrees with its notion. In which sense, be it added, reality is not distinct from the ideality which we shall in the first instance become acquainted with in the shape of Being-for-self. 92.] (3) Being, if kept distinct and apart from its deter- mintite mode, as it is in Being-by-self (Being implicit), would be only the vacant abstraction of Being. In Being (determinate there and then), the determinateness is one with Being ; yet at the same time, when explicitly made a negation, it is a Limit, a Barrier. Hence the otherness is not something indifferent and outside it, but a function proper to it. Somewhat is by its quality, — firstly finite,— secondly alterable; so that finitude and variability appertain to its being. In Being-there-and-then, the negation is still directly one with the Being, and this negation is what we call a Limit 92. J REALITY AND LIMIT. 1 73 (Boundary). A thing is what it is, only in and by reason of its limit. We cannot therefore regard the limit as only ex- ternal to being which is then and there. It rather goes through and through the whole of such existence. The view of limit, as merely an external characteristic of being- there-and-then, arises from a confusion of quantitative with qualitative limit. Here we are speaking primarily of the qualitative limit. If, for example, we observe a piece of ground, three acres large, that circumstance is its quantita- tive limit. But, in addition, the ground is, it may be, a meadow, not a wood or a pond. This is its qualitative limit. — Man, if he wishes to be actual, must be-there- and-then, and to this end he must set a limit to himself. People who are too fastidious towards the finite never reach actuality, but linger lost in abstraction, and their light dies away. If we take a closer look at what a limit implies, we see it involving a contradiction in itself, and thus evincing its dia- lectical nature. On the one side the limit makes the reality of a thing ; on the other it is its negation. But, again, the limit, as the negation of something, is not an abstract no- thing but a nothingwhich/s,— what wecallan 'other.' Given something, and up starts an other to us : we know that there is not something only, but an other as well. Nor, again, is the other of such a nature that we can think something apart from it ; a something is implicitlj' the other of itself, and the somewhat sees its limit become objective to it in the other. If we now ask for the difference between something and an- other, it turns out that they are the same : which sameness is expressed in Latin by calling the pair aliud—aliud. The other, as opposed to the something, is itself a something, and hence we say some other, or something else ; and so on the other hand the first something when opposed to the other, also defined as something, is itself an other. When we say 'something else' our first impression is. that something taken separately is only something, and that the quality of being another attaches to it only from outside considerations. Thus we suppose that the moon, being something else than the sun, might very well exist without the sun. But really the moon, as a something, has its other implicit in it : Plato 174 THE DOCTRINE OF BEING. [92-94- says: God made the world out of the nature of the 'one' and the 'other' {tov erfpov): having brought these together, he formed from them a third, which is of the nature of the 'one' and the 'other.' In these words we have in general terms a statement of the nature of the finite, which, as some- thing, does not meet the nature of the other as if it had no affinity to it, but, being implicitly the other of itself, thus undergoes alteration. Alteration thus exhibits the inherent contradiction which originally attaches to determinate being, and which forces it out of its own bounds. To materialised conception existence stands in the character of something solely positive, and quietly abiding within its own limits : though we also know, it is true, that everything finite (such as existence) is subject to change. Such changeableness in existence is to the superficial eye a mere possibility, the realisation of which is not a consequence of its own nature. But the fact is, mutability lies in the notion of existence, and change is only the manifestation of what it irr.plicitly is. The living die, simply because as living they bear in them- selves the germ of death. 93.] Something becomes an other : this other is itself somewhat : therefore it likewise becomes an other, and so on ad infinitum. 94.] This Infinity is the wrong or negative infinity : it is only a negation of a finite : but the finite rises again the same as ever, and is never got rid of and absorbed. In other words, this infinite only expresses the ought-to- be elimination of the finite. The progression to infinity never gets further than a statement of the contradiction involved in the finite, viz. that it is somewhat as well as somewhat else. It sets up with endless iteration the alternation between these two terms, each of which calls up the other. If we let somewhat and another, the elements of determi- nate Being, fall asunder, the result is that some becomes other, and this other is itself a somewhat, which then as such changes likewise, and so on ad infinitum. This result 94.] THE INFINITE PROGRESSION. 175 seems to superficial reflection something very grand, the grandest possible. But such a progression to infinity is not the real infinite. That consists in being at home with itself in its other, or, if enunciated as a process, in coming to itself in its other. Much depends on rightly apprehending the notion of infinity, and not stopping short at the wrong in- finity of endless progression. When time and space, for example, are spoken of as infinite, it is in the first place the infinite progression on which our thoughts fasten. We say, Now, This time, and then we keep continually going for- wards and backwards beyond this limit. The case is the same with space, the infinity of which has formed the theme of barren declamation to astronomers with a talent for edification. In the attempt to contemplate such an in- finite, our thought, we are commonly informed, must sink exhausted. It is true indeed that we must abandon the unending contemplation, not however because the occu- pation is too sublime, but because it is too tedious. It is tedious to expatiate in the contemplation of this infinite pro- gression, because the same thing is constantly recurring. We lay down a limit : then we pass it : next we have a limit once m.ore, and so on for ever. All this is but super- ficial alternation, which never leaves the region of the finite behind. To suppose that by stepping out and away into that infinity we release ourselves from the finite, is in truth but to seek the release which comes by flight. But the man who flees is not yet free : in fleeing he is still conditioned by that from which he flees. If it be also said, that the infinite is unattainable, the statement is true, but only because to the idea of infinity has been attached the circumstance of being simply and solely negative. With such empty and other-world stuff" philosophy has nothing to do. What philosophy has to do with is always something concrete and in the highest sense present. No doubt philosophy has also sometimes been set the task of finding an answer to the question, how the infinite comes to the resolution of issuing out of itself. This question, founded, as it is, upon the assumption of a rigid opposition between finite and infinite, may be answered by saying that 176 THE DOCTRINE OF BEING. [94-95 the opposition is false, and that in point of fact the infinite eternally proceeds out of itself, and yet does not proceed out of itself. If we further say that the infinite is the not- finite, we have in point of fact virtually expressed the truth : for as the finite itself is the first negative, the not-finite is the negative of that negation, the negation which is identical with itself and thus at the same time a true affirmation. The infinity of reflection here discussed is only an attempt to reach the true Infinity, a wretched neither-one-thing-nor- another. Generally speaking, it is the point of view which has in recent times been emphasised in Germany. The finite, this theory tells us, ought to be absorbed ; the infinite ought not to be a negative merely, but also a positive. That ' ought to be ' betrays the incapacity of actually making good a claim which is at the same time recognised to be right. This stage was never passed by the systems of Kant and Fichte, so far as ethics are concerned. The utmost to which this way brings us is only the postulate of a never-ending approximation to the law of Reason : which postulate has been made an argument for the immortality of the soul. 96.] (7) What we now in point of fact have before us, is that somewhat comes to be an other, and that the other generally comes to be an other. Thus essentially relative to another, somewhat is virtually an other against it : and since what is passed into is quite the same as what passes over, since both have one and the same attribute, viz. to be an other, it follows that some- thing in its passage into other only joins with itself. To be thus self-related in the passage, and in the other, is the genuine Infinity. Or, under a negative aspect: vi^hat is altered is the other, it becomes the other of the other. Thus Being, but as negation of the negation, is restored again : it is now Being-for-self. Dualism, in putting an insuperable opposition be- tween finite and infinite, fails to note the simple circum- stance that the infinite is thereby only one of two, and is reduced to a particular, to which the finite forms the 95] FINITE AND INFINITE. 177 Other particular. Such an infinite, which is only a par- ticular, is co-terminous with the finite which makes for it a limit and a barrier : it is not what it ought to be, that is, the infinite, but is only finite. In such circum- stances, where the finite is on this side, and the infinite on that, — this world as the finite and the other world as the infinite, — an equal dignity of permanence and inde- pendence is ascribed to finite and to infinite. The being of the finite is made an absolute being, and by this dualism gets independence and stability. Touched, so to speak, by the infinite, it would be annihilated. But it must not be touched by the infinite. There must be an abyss, an impassable gulf between the two, with the infinite abiding on yonder side and the finite steadfast on this. Those who attribute to the finite this inflexible persistence in comparison with the infinite are not, as they imagine, far above metaphysic : they are still on the level of the most ordinary metaphysic of understanding. For the same thing occurs here as in the infinite pro- gression. At one time it is admitted that the finite has no independent actuality, no absolute being, no root and development of its own, but is only a transient. But next moment this is straightway forgotten ; the finite, made a mere counterpart to the infinite, wholly separated from it, and rescued from annihilation, is con- ceived to be persistent in its independence. While thought thus imagines itself elevated to the infinite, it meets with the opposite fate : it comes to an infinite which is only a finite, and the finite, which it had left behind, has always to be retained and made into an absolute. After this examination (with which it were well to compare Plato's Philebus), tending to show the nullity of the distinction made by understanding between the finite and the infinite, we are liable to glide into the statement that the infinite and the finite are therefore VOL. II. N 178 THE DOCTRINE OF BEING. [95. one, and that the genuine infinity, the truth, must be defined and enunciated as the unity of the finite and infinite. Such a statement would be to some extent correct ; but is just as open to perversion and falsehood as the unity of Being and Nothing already noticed. Besides it may very fairly be charged with reducing the infinite to finitude and making a finite infinite. For, so far as the expression goes, the finite seems left in its place, — it is not expressly stated to be absorbed. Or, if we reflect that the finite, when identified with the infinite, certainly cannot remain what it was out of such unity, and will at least suffer some change in its charac- teristics ( — as an alkali, when combined with an acid, loses some of its properties), we must see that, the same fate awaits the infinite, which, as the negative, will on its part likewise have its edge, as it were, taken off" on the other. And this does really happen with the ab- stract one-sided infinite of understanding. The genuine infinite however is not merely in the position of the one- sided acid, and so does not lose itself. The negation of negation is not a neutralisation : the infinite is the affirmative, and it is only the finite which is absorbed. In Being-for-self enters the category of Ideality. Being-there-and-then, as in the first instance appre- hended in its being or affirmation, has reality (§ 91) : and thus even finitude in the first instance is in the category of reality. But the truth of the finite is rather its ideality. Similarly, the infinite of understanding, which is co-ordinated with the finite, is itself only one of two finites, no whole truth, but a non-substantial element. This ideality of the finite is the chief maxim of philosophy ; and for that reason every genuine philo- sophy is idealism. But everything depends upon not taking for the infinite what, in the very terms of its characterisation, is. at the same time made a particular 95-96] REALITY AND IDEALITY. I79 and finite. — For this reason we have bestowed a greater amount of attention on this distinction. The funda- mental notion of philosophy, the genuine infinite, de- pends upon it. The distinction is cleared up by the simple, and for that reason seemingly insignificant, but incontrovertible reflections, contained in the first para- graph of this section. {c) Being-for-self. 96.] (fl) Being-for self, as reference to itself, is imme- diacy, and as reference of the negative to itself, is a self-subsistent, the One. This unit, being without dis- tinction in itself, thus excludes the other from itself. To be for self— to be one — is completed Quality, and as such, contains abstract Being and Being modified as non- substantial elements. As simple Being, the One is simple self-reference ; as Being modified it is determinate : but the determinateness is not in this case a finite determinate- ness— a somewhat in distinction from an other— but infinite, because it contains distinction absorbed and annulled in itself. The readiest instance of Being-for-self is found in the ' I.' We know ourselves as existents, distinguished in the first place from other existents, and with certain relations thereto. But we also come to know this expansion of existence (in these relations) reduced, as it were, to a point in the simple form of being-for-self. When we say ' I,' we express the reference-to-self which is infinite, and at the same time negative. Man, it may be said, is distinguished from the animal world, and in that way from nature altogether, by knowing himself as ' I ' : which amounts to saying that natural things never attain a free Being-for-self, but as limited to Being-there-and-then, are always and only Being for an other. — Again, Being-for-self may be described as ideality, just as Being-there-and-then was described as reality. It is said, that besides reality there is also an ideality. Thus the two categories are made equal and parallel. Properly speaking, ideality is not somewhat out- N 2 l8o THE DOCTRINE OF BEING. [96-97. side of and beside reality : the notion of ideality just lies in its being the truth of reality. That is to say, when reality is explicitly put as what it impHcitly is, it is at once seen to be ideality. Hence ideality has not received its proper estima- tion, when you allow that reality is not all in all, but that an ideality must be recognised outside of it. Such an ideality, external to or it may be even beyond reality, would be no better than an empty name. Ideality only has a meaning when it is the ideality of something : but this something is not a mere indefinite this or that, but existence characterised as reality, which, if retained in isolation, possesses no truth. The distinction between Nature and Mind is not improperly conceived, when the former is traced back to reality, and the latter to ideality as a fundamental category. Nature however is far from being so fixed and complete, as to subsist even without Mind : in Mind it first, as it were, attains its goal and its truth. And similarly, Mind on its part is not merely a world beyond Nature and nothing more : it is really, and with full proof, seen to be mind, only when it involves Nature as absorbed in itself. — Apropos of this, we should note the double meaning of the German word aufhcben (to put by, or set aside). We mean by it (i) to clear away, or annul : thus, we say, a law or a regulation is set aside : (2) to keep, or preserve : in which sense we use it when we say: something is well put by. This double usage of language, which gives to the same word a positive and nega- tive meaning, is not an accident, and gives no ground for reproaching language as a cause of confusion. We should rather recognise in it the speculative spirit of our language rising above the mere ' Either— or ' of understanding. 07.] (/S) The relation of the negative to itself is a negative relation, and so a distinguishing of the One from itself, the repulsion of the One ; that is, it makes Many Ones, So far as regards the immediacy of the self-existents, these Many are : and the repulsion of every One of them becomes to that extent their repul- sion against each other as existing units,— in other words, their reciprocal exclusion. 97-98.] THE ONE AND THE MANY. l8l Whenever we speak of the One, the Many usually come into our mind at the same time. Whence, then, we are forced to ask, do the Many comr- ? This question is un- answerable by the consciousness which pictures the Many as a primary datum, and treats the One as only one among the Many. But the philosophic notion teaches, contrariwise, that the One forms the pre-supposition of the Many ; and in the thought of the One is implied that it explicitly make itself Many. The self-existing unit is not, like Being, void of all connective reference : it is a reference, as well as Being- there-and-then was, not however a reference connecting somewhat with an other, but, as unity of the some and the other, it is a connexion with itself, and this connexion be it noted is a negative connexion. Hereby the One manifests an utter incompatibility with itself, a self-repulsion : and what it makes itself explicitly be, is the Many. We may denote this side in the process of Being-for-self by the figurative term Repulsion. Repulsion ^s a term originally employed in the study of matter, to mean that matter, as a Many, m each of these many Ones, behaves as exclusive to all the others. It would be wrong however to view the pro- cess of repulsion, as if the One were the repellent and the Many the repelled. The One, as already remarked, just is self-exclusion and explicit putting itself as the Many. Each of the Many however is itself a One, and in virtue of its so behaving, this all-round repulsion is by one stroke converted into its opposite, — Attraction. 98.] (y) But the Many are one the same as another: each is One, or even one of the Many ; they are con- sequently one and the same. Or when we study all that Kepulsion involves, we see that as a negative attitude of many Ones to one another, it is just as essentially a connective reference of them to each other; and as those to which the One is related in its act of repulsion are ones, it is in them thrown into relation with itself. The repulsion therefore has an equal right to be called Attraction ; and the exclusive One, or Being-for-self, suppresses itself. The qualitative cha- l82 THE DOCTRINE OF BEING. [98. racter, which in the One or unit has reached the ex- treme point of its characterisation, has thus passed over into determinateness (quality) suppressed, /'. e. into Being as Quantity. The philosophy of the Atomists is the 'doctrine in which the Absolute is formulated as Being-for-self, as One, and many ones. And it is the repulsion, which shows itself in the notion of the One, which is assumed as the fundamental force in these atoms. But instead of attraction, it is Accident, that is, mere unintelligence, which is expected to bring them together. So long as the One is fixed as one, it is certainly impossible to regard its congression with others as anything but external and mechanical. The Void, which is assumed as the complementary principle to the atoms, is repul- sion and nothing else, presented under the image of the nothing existing between the atoms. — Modern Atomism— and physics is still in principle atomistic — has surrendered the atoms so far as to pin its faith on molecules or particles. In so doing, science has come closer to sensuous conception, at the cost of losing the precision of thought. — To put an attractive by the side of a repulsive force, as the moderns have done, certainly gives completeness to the contrast : and the discovery of this natural force, as it is called, has been a source of much pride. But the mutual impli- cation of the two, which makes what is true and con- crete in them, would have to be wrested from the obscurity and confusion in which they were left even in Kant's Metaphysical Rudiments of Natural Science. — In modern times the importance of the atomic theory is even more evident in political than in physical science. According to it, the will of individuals as such is the creative principle of the State : the attracting force is the special wants and inclinations of individuals; and 98.] ATOMISM. 183 the Universal, or the State itself, is the external nexus of a compact. (i) The Atomic philosophy forms a vital stage in the historical evolution of the Idea. The principle of that system may be described as Being-for-selfin the shape of the Many. At present, students of nature who are anxious to avoid metaphysics turn a favourable ear to Atomism. But it is not possible to escape metaphysics and cease to trace nature back to terms of thought, by throwing ourselves into the arms of Atomism. The atom, in fact, is itself a thought ; and hence the theory which holds matter to.consist of atoms is a metaphysical theory. Newton gave physics an express warning to beware of metaphysics, it is true ; but, to his honour be it said, he did not by any means obey his own warning. The only mere physicists are the animals : they alone do not think: while man is a thinking being and a born metaphysician. The real question is not whether we shall apply metaphysics, but whether our metaphysics are of the right kind : in other words, whether we are not, in- stead of the concrete logical Idea, adopting one-sided forms of thought, rigidly fixed by understanding, and making these the basis of our theoretical as well as our practical work. It is on this ground that one objects to the Atomic philo- sophy. The old Atomists viewed the world as a many, as their successors often do to this day. On chance they laid the task of collecting the atoms which float about in the void. But, after all, the nexus binding the many with one another is by no means a mere accident : as we have already remarked, the nexus is founded on their very nature. To Kant we owe the completed theory of matter as the unity of repulsion and attraction. The theory is correct, so far as it recognises attraction to be the other of the two elements involved in the notion of Being-for-self : and to be an element no less essential than repulsion to constitute matter. Still this dynamical construction of matter, as it is termed, has the fault of taking for granted, instead of deducing, attraction and repulsion. Had they been deduced, we should then have seen the How and the Why of a unity which is merely asserted. Kant indeed was careful to inculcate that Matter 184 THE DOCTRINE OF BEING. [98. must not be taken to be in existence per se, and then as it were incidentally to be provided with the two forces men- tioned, but must be regarded as consisting solely in their unity. German physicists for some time accepted this pure dynamic. But in spite of this, the majority of these physicists in modern times have found it more convenient to return to the Atomic point of view, and in spite of the warnings of Kastner, one of their number, have begun to regard Matter as con. sisting of infinitesimally small particles, termed 'atoms' — which atoms have then to be brought into relation with one another by the play of forces attaching to them,— attractive, repulsive, or whatever they may be. 1 his too is meta- physics ; and metaphysics which, for its utter unintelligence, there would be sufficient reason to guard against. (2) The transition from Quality to Quantity, indicated in the paragraph before us, is not found in our ordinary way of thinking, which deems each of these categories to exist in- dependently beside the other. We are in the habit of say- ing that things are not merely qualitatively, but also quanti- tatively defined ; but whence these categories originate, and how they are related to each other, are questions not further examined. The fact is, quantity just means quaUty super- seded and absorbed : and it is by the dialectic of quality here examined that this supersession is effected. First of all, we had Being : as the truth of Being, came Becoming : which formed the passage to Being Determinate : and the truth of that we found to be Alteration. And in its result Alteration showed itself to be Being-for-self, exempt from implication of another and from passage into another ;— which Being-for-self, finally, in the two sides of its process, Repulsion and Attraction, was clearly seen to annul itself, and thereby to annul quality in the totality of its stages. Still this superseded and absorbed quality is neither an ab- stract nothing, nor an equally abstract and featureless being : it is only being as indifferent to determinateness or character. This aspect of being is also what appears as quantity in our ordinary conceptions. We observe things, first of all, with an eye to their quality — which we take to be the character identical with the being of the thing. If we proceed to con- 98-99-] QUANTITY. 185 sider their quantity, we get the conception of an indifferent and external character or mode, of such a kind that a thing remains what it is, though its quantity is altered, and the thing becomes greater or less. B. — Quantity. {a) Pure Quantity. 99.] Quantity is pure being, where the mode or character is no longer taken as one with the being itself, but explicitly put as superseded or indifferent. (i) The expression Magnitude especially marks de- terminate Quantity, and is for that reason not a suitable name for Quantity in general. (2) Mathematics usually define magnitude as what can be increased or dimi- nished. This definition has the defect of containing the thing to be defined over again : but it may serve to show that the category of magnitude is explicitly understood to be changeable and indifferent, so that, in spite of its being altered by an increased extension or intension, the thing, a house, for example, does not cease to be a house, and red to be red. {3) The Abso- lute is pure Quantity. This point of view is upon the whole the same as when the Absolute is defined to be Matter, in which, though form undoubtedly is present, the form is a characteristic of no importance one way or another. Quantity too constitutes the main charac- teristic of the Absolute, when the Absolute is regarded as absolute indifference, and only admitting of quanti- tative distinction.— Otherwise pure space, time, &c. may be taken as examples of Quantity, if we allow ourselves to regard the real as whatever fills up space and time, it matters not with what. The mathematical definition of magnitude as what may be increased or diminished, appears at first sight to be more l86 THE DOCTRINE OF BEING. [99. plausible and perspicuous than the exposition of the notion in the present section. When closely examined, however, it involves, undercover of pre-suppositions andimages.the same elements as appear in the notion of quantity reached by the method of logical development. In other words, when we say that the notion of magnitude lies in the possibility of being increased or diminished, we state that magnitude (or more correctly, quantity), as distinguished from quality, is a characteristic of such kind that the characterised thing is not in the least affected by any change in it. What then, it may be asked, is the fault which we have to find with this defini- tion? It is that to increase and to diminish is the same thing as to characterise magnitude otherwise. If this aspect then were an adequate account of it, quantity would be described merely as whatever can be altered. But quality is no less than quantity open to alteration ; and the distinction here given between quantity and quality is expressed by saying increase or diminution : the meaning being that, towards whatever side the determination of magnitude be altered, the thing still remains what it is. One remark more. Throughout philosophy we do not seek merely for correct, still less for plausible definitions, whose correctness appeals directly to the popular imagination ; we seek approved or verified definitions, the content of which is not assumed merely as given, but is seen and known to warrant itself, because warranted by the free self-evolution of thought. To apply this to the present case. However correct and self-evident the definition of quantity usual in Mathematics may be, it will still fail to satisfy the wish to see how far this particular thought is founded in universal thought, and in that way necessary. This difficulty, how- ever, is not the only one. If quantity is not reached through the action of thought, but taken uncritically from our general- ised image of it, we are liable to exaggerate the range of its validity, or even to raise it to the height of an absolute cate- gory. And that such a danger is real, we see when the title of exact science is restricted to those sciences the objects of which can be submitted to mathematical calculation. Here we have another trace of the bad metaphysics (mentioned in 99.] THE MATHEMATICAL CATEGORIES. 187 § 98, note) which replace the concrete idea bj' partial and in- adequate categories of understanding. Our knowledge would be in a very awkward predicament if such objects as free- dom, law, morality, or even God Himself, because they cannot be measured and calculated, or expressed in a mathematical formula, were to be reckoned beyond the reach of exact knowledge, and we had to put up with a vague generalised image of them, leaving their details or particulars to the pleasure of each individual, to make out of them what he will. The pernicious consequences, to which such a theory gives rise in practice, are at once evident. And this mere mathematical view, which identifies with the Idea one of its special stages, viz. quantity, is no other than the principle of Materialism. Witness the history of the scientific modes of thought, especially in France since the middle of last century. Matter, in the abstract, is just what, though of course there is form in it, has that form only as an indifferent and external attribute. The present explanation would be utterly misconceived if it were supposed to disparage mathematics. By calling the quantitative characteristic merely external and indifferent, we provide no excuse for indolence and superficiality, nor do we assert that quantitative characteristics may be left to mind themselves, or at least require no very careful handling. Quantity, of course, is a stage of the Idea : and as such it must have its due, first as a logical category, and then in the world of objects, natural as well as spiritual. Still even so, there soon emerges the different importance attaching to the category of quantity according as its objects belong to the natural or to the spiritual world. For in Nature, where the form of the Idea is to be other than, and at the same time out- side, itself, greater importance is for that very reason attached to quantity than in the spiritual world, the world of free in- wardness. No doubt we regard even spiritual facts under a quantitative point of view ; but it is at once apparent that in speaking of God as a Trinity, the number three has by no means the same prominence, as when we consider the three dimensions of space or the three sides of a triangle ;— the fundamental feature of which last is just to be a surface l88 THE DOCTRINE OF BEING. [99-100. bounded by three lines. Even inside the realm of Nature we find the same distinction of greater or less importance of quantitative features. In the inorganic world, Quantity plays, so to say, a more prominent part than in the organic. Even in organic nature when we distinguish mechanical functions from what are called chemical, and in the narrower sense, physical, there is the same difference. Mechanics is of all branches of science, confessedly, that in which the aid -of mathematics can be least dispensed with, — where indeed we cannot take one step without them. On that account me- chanics is regarded next to mathematics as the science par excellence ; which leads us to repeat the remark about the coincidence of the materialist with the exclusively mathe- matical point of view. After all that has been said, we can- not but hold it, in the interest of exact and thorough know- ledge, one of the most hurtful prejudices, to seek all dis- tinction and determinateness of objects merely in quantitative considerations. Mind to be sure is more than Nature and the animal is more than the plant : but we know very little of these objects and the distinction between them, if a more and less is enough for us, and if we do not proceed to com- prehend them in their peculiar, that is their qualitative character, 100.] Quantity, as we saw, has two sources : the exclusive unit, and the identification or equahsation of these units. When we look therefore at its imme- diate relation to self, or at the characteristic of self- sameness made explicit by attraction, quantity is Con- tinuous magnitude ; but when we look at the other characteristic, the One implied in it, it is Discrete magnitude. Still continuous quantity has also a certain discreteness, being but a continuity of the Many : and discrete quantity is no less continuous, its continuity being the One or Unit, that is, the self-same point of the many Ones. (i) Continuous and Discrete magnitude, therefore, must not be supposed two species of magnitude, as loo.] CONTINUOUS AND DISCRETE. 189 if the characteristic of the one did not attach to the other. The only distinction between them is that the same whole (of quantity) is at one time explicitly put under the one, at another under the other of its cha- racteristics. (2) The Antinomy of space, of time, or of matter, which discusses the question of their being divi- sible for ever, or of consisting of indivisible units, just means that we maintain quantity as at one time Dis- crete, at another Continuous. If we explicitly invest time, space, or matter with the attribute of Continuous quantity alone, they are divisible ad infinitum. When, on the contrary, they are invested with the attribute of Discrete quantity, they are potentially divided al- ready, and consist of indivisible units. The one view is as inadequate as the other. Quantity, as the proximate result of Being-for-self, in- volves the two sides in the process of the latter, attraction and repulsion, as constitutive elements of its own idea; It is consequently Continuous as well as Discrete. Each of these two elements involves the other also, and hence there is no such thing as a merely Continuous or a merely Discrete quantity. We may speak of the two as two particular and opposite species of magnitude ; but that is merely the result of our abstracting reflection, which in viewing definite magni- tudes waives now the one, now the other, of the elements contained in inseparable unity in the notion of quantity. Thus, it may be said, the space occupied by this room is a continuous magnitude, and the hundred men, assembled in it, form a discrete magnitude. And yet the space is con- tinuous and discrete at the same time ; hence we speak of points of space, or we divide space, a certain length, into so many feet, inches, &c., which can be done only on the hypo- thesis that space is also potentially discrete. Similarly, on the other hand, the discrete magnitude, made up of a hundred men, is also continuous : and the circumstance on which this continuity depends, is the common element, the 190 THE DOCTRINE OF BEING. [100-102. species man, which pervades all the individuals and unites them with each other. (b) Quantum {How Much). 101.] Quantity, essentially invested with the exclu- sionist character which it involves, is Quantum (or How Much): i.e. limited quantity. Quantum is, as it were, the determinate Being of quantity: whereas mere quantity corresponds to abstract Being, and the Degree, which is next to be considered, corresponds to Being-for-self. As for the details of the advance from mere quantity to quantum, it is founded on this : that whilst in mere quantity the distinction, as a distinction of continuity and discreteness, is at first only implicit, in a quantum the distinction is actually made, so that quantity in general now appears as distinguished or limited. But in this way the quantum breaks up at the same time into an indefinite multitude of Quanta or definite magnitudes. Each of these definite magnitudes, as distinguished from the others, forms a unity, while on the other hand, viewed per se, it is a many. And, when that is done, the quantum is described as Number. 102.] In Number the quantum reaches its develop- ment and perfect mode. Like the One, the medium in which it exists, Number involves two qualitative factors or functions; Annumeration or Sum, which depends on the factor discreteness, and Unity, which depends on continuity. In arithmetic the several kinds of operation are usually presented as accidental modes of dealing with numbers. If necessity and meaning is to be found in these operations, it must be by a principle : and that must come from the characteristic elements in the notion of number itself (This principle must here be briefly exhibited.) These characteristic elements are Annumeration on the one hand, and Unity on the loa.] NUMBER. I9I Other, which together constitute number. But Unity, when applied to empirical numbers, is only the equality of these numbers : hence the principle of arithmetical operations must be to put numbers in the ratio of Unity and Sum (or amount), and to elicit the equality of these two modes. The Ones or the numbers themselves are indifferent towards each other, and hence the unity into which they are translated by the arithmetical operation takes the aspect of an external colligation. All reckoning is therefore making up the tale : and the difference between the species of it lies only in the qualitative constitution of the numbers of which we make up the tale. The principle for this constitution is given by the way we fix Unity and Annumeration. Numeration comes first: what we may call, making number; a colligation of as many units as we please. But to get a species of calculation, it is necessary that what we count up should be numbers already, and no longer a mere unit. First, and as they naturally come to hand. Numbers are quite vaguely numbers in general, and so, on the whole, unequal. The colligation, or telling the tale of these, is Addition. The second point of view under which we regard numbers is as equal, so that they make one unity, and of such there is an annumeration or sum before us. To tell the tale of these is Multiplication. It makes no matter in the process, how the functions of Sum and Unity are distributed between the two numbers, or factors of the product ; either may be Sum and either may be Unity. The third and final point of view is the equality of Sum (amount) and Unity. To number together num- bers when so characterised is Involution; and in the 192 THE DOCTRINE OF BEING. 102-103. first instance raising them to the square power. To raise the number to a higher power means in point of form to go on multiplying a number with itself an indefinite amount of times. — Since this third type of calculation exhibits the complete equality of the sole existing distinction in number, viz. the distinction be- tween Sum or amount and Unity, there can be no more than these three modes of calculation. Corre- sponding to the integration we have the dissolution of numbers according to the same features. Hence besides the three species mentioned, which may to that extent be called positive, there are three negative species of arithmetical operation. Number, in general, is the quantum in its complete spe- cialisation. Hence we may employ it not only to determine what we call discrete, but what are called continuous magni- tudes as well. For that reason even geometry must call in the aid of number, when it is required to specify definite figurations of space and their ratios. {c) Degree. 103.] The limit (in a quantum) is identical with the whole of the quantum itself. As in itself multiple, the limit is Extensive magnitude ; as in itself simple deter- minateness (qualitative simplicity), it is Intensive mag- nitude or Degree. The distinction between Continuous and Discrete magnitude differs from that between Extensive and Intensive in the circumstance that the former apply to quantity in general, while the latter apply to the limit or determinateness of it as such. Intensive and Extensive magnitude are not, any more than the other, two species, of which the one involves a character not possessed by the other : what is Extensive magnitude is just as much Intensive, and vice versa. I03.J INTENSIVE AND EXTENSIVE QUANTITY. 1 93 Intensive magnitude or Degree is in its notion distinct from Extensive magnitude or the Quantum. It is therefore inadmissible to refuse, as many do, to recognise this dis- tinction, and vi^ithout scruple to identify the two forms of magnitude. They are so identified in physics, when differ- ence of specific gravity is explained by saying, that a body, with a specific gravity twice that of another, contains within the same space twice as many material parts (or atoms) as the other. So with heat and light, if the various degrees of temperature and brilliancy were to be explained by the greater or less number of particles (or molecules) of heat and light. No doubt the physicists, who employ such a mode of explanation, usually excuse themselves, when they are re- monstrated with on its untenableness, by saying that the ex- pression is without prejudice to the confessedly unknowable essence of such phenomena, and employed merely for greater convenience. This greater convenience is meant to point to the easier application of the calculus : but it is hard to see why Intensive magnitudes, having, as they do, a definite numerical expression of their own, should not be as con- venient for calculation as Extensive magnitudes. If con- venience be all that is desired, surely it would be more con- venient to banish calculation and thought altogether. A further point against the apology offered by the physicists is, that, to engage in explanations of this kind, is to overstep the sphere of perception and experience, and resort to the realm of metaphysics and of what at other times would be called idle or even pernicious speculation. It is certainly a fact of experience that, if one of two purses filled with shillings is twice as hea\'y as the other, the reason must be, that the one contains, say two hundred, and the other only one hundred shillings. These pieces of money we can see and feel with our senses : atoms, molecules, and the like, are on the con- trary beyond the range of sensuous perception ; and thought alone can decide whether they are admissible, and have a meaning. But (as already noticed in § 98, note) it is abstract understanding which stereotypes the factor of multeity (involved in the notion of Being-for-self) in the shape of atoms, and adopts it as an ultimate principle. It is the same 194 ^^^ DOCTRINE OF BEING. [103-104. abstract understanding which, in the present instance, at equal variance with unprejudiced perception and with real concrete thought, regards Extensive magnitude as the sole form of'quantity, and, where Intensive magnitudes occur, does not recognise them in their own character, but makes a vio- lent attempt by a wholly untenable hypothesis to reduce them to Extensive magnitudes. Among the charges made against modern philosophy, one is heard more than another. Modern philosophy, it is said, reduces everything to identity. Hence its nicknapie, the Philosophy of Identity. But the present discussion may teach that it is philosophy, and philosophy alone, which insists on distinguishing what is logically as well as in experience different ; while the professed devotees of experience are the people who erect abstract identity into the chief principle of knowledge. It is their philosophy which might more ap- propriately be termed one of identity. Besides it is quite cor- rect that there are no merely Extensive and merely Intensive magnitudes, just as little as there are merely continuous and merely discrete magnitudes. The two characteristics of quantity are not opposed as independent kinds. Every In- tensive magnitude is also Extensive, and vice versa. Thus a certain degree of temperature is an Intensive magnitude, which has a perfectly simple sensation corresponding to it as such. If we look at a thermometer, we find this degree of temperature has a certain expansion of the column of mercury corresponding to it ; which Extensive magnitude changes simultaneously with the temperature or Intensive magnitude. The case is similar in the world of mind : a more intensive character has a wider range with its effects than a less intensive. 104.] In Degree the notion of quantum is explicitly put. It is magnitude as indifferent on its own account and simple : but in such a way that the character (or modal being) which makes it a quantum lies quite outside it in other magnitudes. In this contradiction, where the independent indifferent limit is absolute ex- ternality, the Infinite Quantitative Progression is made 104.] THE INFINITE PROGRESSION. 195 explicit— an immediacy which immediately veers round into its counterpart, into mediation (the passing beyond and over the quantum just laid down), and vice versa. Number is a thought, but thought in its complete self-externalisation. Because it is a thought, it does not belong to perception : but it is a thought which is characterised by the externality of perception. — Not only therefore may the quantum be increased or dimi- nished without end : the very notion of quantum is thus to push out and out beyond itself. The infinite quantitative progression is only the meaningless repeti- tion of one and the same contradiction, which attaches to the quantum, both generally and, when explicitly in- vested with its special character, as degree. Touching the futility of enunciating this contradiction in the form of infinite progression, Zeno, as quoted by Aristotle, rightly says, ' It is the same to say a thing once, and to say it for ever.' (i) If we follow the usual definition of the mathematicians, given in § 99, and say that magnitude is what can be in- creased or diminished, there may be nothing to urge against the correctness of the perception on which it is founded ; but the question remains, how we come to assume such a capacity of increase or diminution. If we simply appeal for an answer to experience, we try an unsatisfactory course ; because apart from the fact that we should merely have a material image of magnitude, and not the thought of it, magnitude would come out as a bare possibility (of increas- ing or diminishing) and we should have no key to the neces- sity for its exhibiting this behaviour. In the way of our logical evolution, on the contrary, quantity is obviously a grade in the process of self-determining thought ; and it has been shown that it lies in the very notion of quantity to shoot out beyond itself In that way, the increase or dimi- nution (of which we have heard) is not merely possible, but necessary. 196 THE DOCTRINE OF BEING. [104. (2) The quantitative infinite progression is what the re- flective understanding usually relies upon when it is en- gaged with the general question of Infinity. The same thing however holds good of this progression, as was already remarked on the occasion of the qualitatively infinite pro- gression. As was then said, it is not the expression of a true, but of a wrong infinity' ; it never gets further than a bare 'ought,' and thus really remains within the limits of finitude. The quantitative form of this infinite progression, which Spinoza rightly calls a mere imaginary infinity {infinitum imaginafionis), is an image often employed by poets, such as Haller and Klopstock, to depict the infinity, not of Nature merely, but even of God Himself. Thus we find Haller, in a famous description of God's " infinity, saying : 3c^ I>nife ungct)ciirc 3al)(fn, ©ebirge 9)ii(lionfn auf, 5(^ fc|e 3eit auf 3ett Unb SBelt auf ©ctt ju ipauf, Unb trenn i* von bet graufen ^b^' 9Wit @cfcuMube( uncber iiacf) I)iv fe"^ : 3ft a((e 2«ac^t ber 3a{)l, S^erntfftvt ju Saufnibniat, 9Jo(J> ni^t eiu %\){\[ »ou iDir. [I heap up monstrous numbers, mountains of millions • I pile time upon time, and world on the top of world ; and when from the aw.^ul height I cast a dizzy look towards Thee, all the power of number, multiplied a thousand times, is not yet one part of Thee.] Here then we meet, in the first place, that continual ex- trusion of quantity, and especially of number, beyond itself, which Kant describes as 'eery.' The only really 'eery' th^ng about it is the wearisomeness of ever fixing, and anon unfixing a limit, without advancing a single step. The same poet however well adds to that description of false infinity the closing line : 3^ l\i\) jle ab, nnb ©u (iegft ganj vor ntir. [These I remove, and Thou liest all before me. J I04.] PYTH 4GOREAN PHILOSOPHY. 197 Which means, that the true infinite is more than a mere world beyond the finite, and ihat we, in order to become conscii^us of it, must renounce that progressus in infimtum. (3) Pythagoras, as is well known, philosophised in num- bers, and conceived number as the fundamental principle of things. To the ordinary mind this view must at first glance seem an utter part-dox, perhaps a mere craze. What, then, are we to think of it? To answer this question, we must, in the first place, remember that the problem of philosophy consists in tracing back things to thoughts, and, of course, to definite thoughts. Now, number is undoubtedly a thought : it is the thought nearest the sensible, or, more precisely expressed, it is the thought of the sensible itself, if we take the sensible to mean what is many, and in reciprocal ex- clusion. The attempt to apprehend the universe as number is therefore the first step to metaphysics. In the history of philosophy, Pythagoras, as we know, stands between the Ionian philosophers and the Eleatics. While the former, as Aristotle says, never get beyond viewing the essence of things as material {vXrj), and the latter, especially Parmenides, advanced as* far as pure thought, in the shape of Being, the principle of the Pythagorean philosophy forms, as it were, the bridge from the sensible to the super-sensible. We may gather from this, what is to be said of those who suppose that Pythagoras undoubtedly went too far, when he conceived the essence of things as mere number. It is true, they admit, that. we can number things; but, they contend, things are far more than mere numbers. But in what re- spect are they more? The ordinary sensuous conscious- ness, from its own point of view, would not hesitate to answer the question by handing us over to sensuous per- ception, and remarking, that things are not merely numer- able, but also visible, odorous, palpable, &c. In the phrase of modern times, the fault of Pythagoras would be described as an excess of idealism. As may be gathered from what has been said on the historical position of the Pythagorean school, the real state of the case is quite the reverse. Let it be conceded that things are more than numbers ; but the meaning of that admission must be that the bare igS THE DOCTRINE OF BEING. '^104-105. thought of number is still insufficient to enunciate the definite notion or essence of things. Instead, then, of say- ing that Pythagoras went too far with his philosophy of number, it would be nearer the truth to say that he did not go far enough ; and in fact the Eleatics were the first to take the further step to pure thought. Besides, even if there are not things, there are states of things, and phenomena of nature altogether, the character of which mainly rests on definite numbers and proportions. This is especially the case with the difference of tones and their harmonic concord, which, according to a well-known tradition, first suggested to Pythagoras to conceive the essence of things as number. Though it is unquestionably important to science to trace back these phenomena to the definite numbers on which they are based, it is wholly in- admissible to view the characterisation by thought as a whole, as merely numerical. We may certainly feel our- selves prompted to associate the most general characteristics of thought with the first numbers : saying, i is the simple and immediate ; 2 is difference and mediation ; and 3 the unity of both of these. Such associations however are purely external : there is nothing in the mere numbers to make them express these definite thoughts. With every step in this method, the more arbitrary grows the association of definite numbers with definite thoughts. Thus, we may view 4 as the unity of i and 3, and of the thoughts associated with them, but 4 is just as much the double of 2 ; similarly 9 is not merely the square of 3, but also the sum of 8 and i, of 7 and 2, and so on. To attach, as do some secret societies ol modern times, importance to all sorts of numbers and figures, is to some extent an innocent amusement, but it is also a sign of deficiency of intellectual resource. These numbers, it is said, conceal a profound meaning, and suggest a deal to think about. But the point in philosophy is, not what you may think, but what you do think : and the genuine air of thought is to be sought in thought itself, and not in arbitrarily selected symbols. 105.] That the Quantum in its independent character is external to itself, is what constitutes its quality. In I05-106.] NUMBER AND RATIO. 1 99 that externality it is itself and referred connectively to itself. There is a union in it of externality, i.e. the quantitative, and of independency (Being-for-self),^the qualitative. The Quantum when explicitly put thus in its own self, is the Quantitative Ratio, a mode of being which, while, in its Exponent, it is an immediate quantum, is also mediation, viz. the reference of some one quantum to another, forming the two sides of the ratio. But the two quanta are not reckoned at their immediate value : their value is only in this relation. The quantitative infinite progression appears at first as a continual extrusion of number beyond itself. On looking closer, it is, however, apparent that in this progression quantity returns to itself: for the meaning of this progres- sion, so far as thought goes, is the fact that number is detei*- mined by number. And this gives the quantitative ratio. Take, for example, the ratio 2:4. Here we have two magnitudes (not counted in their several immediate values) in which we are only concerned with their mutual relations. This relation of the two terms (the exponent of the ratio) is itself a magnitude, distinguished from the related magni- tudes by this, that a change in it is followed by a change of the ratio, whereas the ratio is unaffected by the change of both its sides, and remains the same so long as the exponent is not changed. Consequently, in place of 2:4, we can put 3 : 6 without changing the ratio ; as the exponent 2 remains the same in both cases. 106.] The two sides of the ratio are still immediate quanta : and the qualitative and quantitative character- istics still external to one another. But in their truth, seeing that the quantitative itself in its externality is relation to self, or seeing that the independence and the indifference of the character are combined, it is Measure. Thus quantity by means of the dialectical movement so far studied through its several stages, turns out to be a return to 200 THE DOCTRINE OF BEING. [106, quality. The first notion of quantity presented to us was that of quaUty abrogated and absorbed. That is to say, quantity seemed an external character not identical with Being, to which it is quite immaterial. This notion, as we have seen, underlies the mathematical definition of magni- tude as what can be increased or diminished. At first sight this definition may create the impression that quantity is merely whatever can be altered : — increase and diminution alike implying determination of magnitude otherwise— and may tend to confuse it with determinate Being, the second stage of quality, which in its notion is similarly conceived as alterable. We can, however, complete the definition by adding, that in quantity we have an alterable, which in spite of alterations still remains the same. The notion of quantity, it thus turns out, implies an inherent contradiction. This contradiction is what forms the dialectic of quantity. The result of the dialectic however is not a mere return to quality, as if that were the true and quantity the false notion, but an advance to the unity and truth of both, to qualitative quantity, or Measure. It may be well therefore at this point to observe that whenever in our study of the objective world we are engaged in quantitative determinations, it is in all cases Measure which we have in view, as the goal of our operations. This is hinted at even in language, when the ascertainment of quantitative features and relations is called measuring. We measure, e.g. the length of different chords that have been put into a state of vibration, with an eye to the qualitative difference of the tones caused by their vibration, correspond- ing to this difference of length. Similarly, in chemistry, we try to ascertain the quantity of the matters brought into combination, in order to find out the measures or pro- portions conditioning such combinations, that is to say, those quantities which give rise to definite qualities. In statistics, too, the numbers with which the study is engaged are im- portant only from the qualitative results conditioned by them. Mere collection of numerical facts, prosecuted without re- gard to the ends here noted, is justly called an exercise of idle curiosity, of neither theoretical nor practical interest. MEASURE. C. — MEASURE. 107.] Measure is the qualitative quantum, in the first place as immediate, — a quantum, to which a deter- minate being or a quality is attached. Measure, where quality and quantity are in one, is thus the completion of Being. Being, as we first apprehend it, is something utterly abstract and characterless : but it is the very essence of Being to characterise itself, and its complete characterisation is reached in Measure. Measure, like the other stages of Being, may serve as a definition of the Absolute : God, it has been said, is the Measure of all things. It is this idea which forms the ground-note of many of the ancient Hebrew hymns, in which the glorification of God tends in the main to show that He has appointed to every- thing its bound : to the sea and the solid land, to the rivers and mountains ; and also to the various kinds of plants and animals. To the religious sense of the Greeks the divinity of measure, especially in respect of social ethics, was re- presented by Nemesis. That conception implies a general theory that all human things, riches, honour, and power, as well as joy and pain, have their definite measure, the trans- gression of which brings ruin and destruction. In the world of objects, too, we have measure. We see, in the first place, existences in Nature, of which measure forms the essential structure. This is the case, for example, with the solar system, which may be described as the realm of free measures. As we next proceed to the study of inorganic nature, measure retires, as it were, into the background ; at least we often find the quantitative and qualitative characteristics showing indifference to each other. Thus the quality of a rock or a river is nof tied to a definite magni- tude. But even these objects when closely inspected are found not to be quite measureless : the water of a river, and the single constituents of a rock, when chemically analysed, are seen to be qualities conditioned by quantitative ratios between the matters they contain. In organic nature, how- ever, measure again rises full into immediate perception. 202 THE DOCTRINE OF BEING. [107-108. The various kinds of plants and animals, in the whole as well as in their parts, have a certain measure : though it is worth noticing that the more imperfect forms, those which are least removed from inorganic nature, are partly dis- tinguished from the higher forms by the greater indefinite- ness of their measure. Thus among fossils, we find some ammonites discernible only by the microscope, and others as large as a cart-wheel. The same vagueness of measure appears in several plants, which stand on a low level of organic development, — for instance, ferns. 108.] In so far as in Measure quality and quantity are only in immediate unity, to that extent their differ- ence presents itself in a manner equally immediate. Two cases are then possible. Either the specific quan- tum or measure is a bare quantum, and the definite being (there-and-then) is capable of an increase or a diminution, without Measure (which to that extent is a Rule) being thereby set completely aside. Or the alteration of the quantum is also an alteration of the quality. The identity between quantity and quality, which is found in Measure, is at first only implicit, and not yet explicitly realised. In other words, these two categories, which unite in Measure, each claim an independent authority. On the one hand, the quantitative features of existence may be altered, without aflFecting its quality. On the other hand, this increase and diminution, immaterial though it be, has its limit, by exceeding which the quality suffers change. Thus the temperature of water is, in the first place, a point of no consequence in respect of its liquidity : still with the increase or diminution of the temperature of the liquid water, there comes a point where this state of cohesion suffers a quali- tative change, and the water is converted into steam or ice. A quantitative change takes place, apparently without any further significance : but there is something lurking behind, and a seemingly innocent change of quantity acts as a kind of snare, to catch hold of the quality. The antinomy io8.] MEASURE. 203 of Measure which this implies was exemplified under more than one garb among the Greeks. It was asked, for example, whether a single grain makes a heap of wheat, or whether it makes a bald-tail to tear out a single hair from the horse's tail. At first, no doubt, looking at the nature of quantity as an indifferent and external character of Being, we are dis- posed to answer these questions in the negative. And yet, as we must admit, this indifferent increase and diminution has its limit : a point is finally reached, where a single additional grain makes a heap of wheat ; and the bald-tail is produced, if we continue plucking out single hairs. These examples find a parallel in the storj' of the peasant who, as his ass trudged cheerfully along, went on adding ounce after ounce to its load, till at length it sunk under the unendurable burden. It would be a mistake to treat these examples as pedantic futility ; they really turn on thoughts, an acquain- tance with which is of great importance in practical life, especially in ethics. Thus in the matter of expenditure, there is a certain latitude within which a more or less does not matter ; but when the Measure, imposed by the individual circumstances of the special case, is exceeded on the one side or the other, the qualitative nature of Measure (as in the above examples of the different temperature of water) makes itself felt, and a course, which a moment before was held good economy, turns into avarice or prodigality. The same principle may be applied in politics, when the constitution of a state has to be looked at as independent of, no less than as dependent on, the extent of its territory, the number of its inhabitants, and other quantitative points of the same kind. If we look e.g. at a state with a territory of ten thousand square miles and a population of four millions, we should, without hesitation, admit that a few square miles of land or a few thousand inhabitants more or less could exercise no essential influence en the character of its constitution. But, on the other hand, we must not forget, that by the continual increase or diminishing of a state, we finally get to a point where, apart from all other circumstances, this quantitative alteration alone necessarily draws with it an alteration in the quality of the constitution. The constitution of a little Swiss 204 THE DOCTRINE OF BEING. [108 no. canton does not suit a great kingdom ; and, similarly, the constitution of the Roman republic was unsuitable when transferred to the small imperial towns of Germany. 109.] In this second case, when a measure through its quantitative nature has gone in excess of its qualita- tive character, we meet, what is at first an absence of measure, the Measureless. But seeing that the second quantitative ratio, which in comparison with the first is measureless, is none the less qualitative, the measureless is also a measure. These two transitions, from quality to quantum, and from the latter back again to quality, may be represented under the image of an infinite progression — as the self-abrogation and restoration of measure in the measureless. Quantity, as we have seen, is not only capable of alteration, i.e. of increase or diminution : it is naturally and necessarily a tendency to exceed itself. This tendency is maintained even in measure. But if the quantity present in measure exceeds a certain limit, the quality corresponding to it is also put in abeyance. This however is not a negation of quality altogether, but only of this definite quality, the place of which is at once occupied by another. This process of measure, which appears alternately as a mere change in quantity, and then as a sudden revulsion of quantity into quality, may be envisaged under the figure of a nodal (knotted) line. Such lines we find in Nature under a variety of forms. We have already referred to the qualitatively different states of aggregation water exhibits under increase or diminution of temperature. The same phenomenon is pre- sented by the different degrees in the oxidation of metals. Even the difference of musical notes may be regarded as an example of what takes place in the process of measure, — the revulsion from what is at first merely quantitative into qualitative alteration. 110.] What really takes place here is that the imme- diacy, which still attaches to measure as such, is set aside. In measure, at first, quality and quantity itself no -1 1 1.] MEASURE. 205 are immediate, and measure is only their ' relative ' identity. But measure shows itself absorbed and super- seded in the measureless : yet the measureless, although it be the negation of measure, is itself a unity of quantity and quality. Thus in the measureless the measure is still seen to meet only with itself. 111.] Instead of the more abstract factors, Being and Nothing, some and other, &c., the Infinite, which is affirmation as a negation of negation, now finds its factors in quality and quantity. These ( -) have in the first place passed over, quality into quantity, (§ 98), and quantity into quality (§ 105), and thus are both shown up as negations. (iS) But in their unity, that is, in measure, they are originally distinct, and the one is only through the instrumentality of the other. And (y) after the immediacy of this unity has turned out to be self-annulling, the unity is explicitly put as what it implicitly is, simple relation-to-self, which contains in it being and all its forms absorbed. — Being or imme- diacy, which by the negation of itself is a mediation with self and a reference to self, — ^rhich consequently is also a mediation which cancels itself into reference- to-self, or immediacy, — is Essence. The process of measure, instead of being only the wrong infinite of an endless progression, in the shape of an ever- recurrent recoil from quality to quantity, and from quantity to quality, is also the true infinity of coincidence with self in another. In measure, quality and quantity originally confront each other, like some and other. But quality is implicitly quantity, and conversely quantity is implicitly quality. In the process of measure, therefore, these two pass into each other : each of them becomes what it already was implicitly: and thus we get Being thrown mto abeyance and absorbed, with its several characteristics negatived. Such Being is Essence. Measure is implicitly Essence ; and its process consists in realising what it is implicitly. — The ordinary consciousness 206 THE DOCTRINE OF BEING. [in. conceives things as being, and studies them in quality, quantity, and measure. These immediate characteristics how- ever soon show themselves to be not fixed btit transient ; and Essence is the result of their dialectic. In the sphere of Essence one category does not pass into another, but refers to another merely. In Being, the form of reference is purely due to our reflection on what takes place : but it is the special and proper characteristic of Essence. In the sphere of Being, when somewhat becomes another, the somewhat has vanished. Not so in Essence : here there is no real other, but only diversity, reference of the one to its other. The transition of Essence is therefore at the same time no transition : for in the passage of different into different, the different does not vanish : the different terms remain in their relation. When we speak of Being and Nought, Being is independent, so is Nought. The case is otherwise with the Positive and the Negative. No doubt these possess the characteristic of Being and Nought. But the positive by itself has no sense ; it is wholly in reference to the negative. And it is the same with the negative. In the sphere of Being the reference of one term to another is only implicit ; in Essence on the contrary it is explicit And this in general is the distinction between the forms of Being and Essence : in Being everything is immediate, in Essence everything is relative. CHAPTER VIII. SECOND SUB-DIVISION OF LOGIC. THE DOCTRINE OF ESSENCE. 112.] The terms in Essence are always mere pairs of correlatives, and not yet absolutely reflected in them- selves : hence in essence the actual unity of the notion is not realised, but only postulated by reflection. Es- sence, — which is Being coming into mediation with itself through the negativity of itself— is self-relatedness, only in so far as it is relation to an Other, — this Other how- ever coming to view at first not as something which ts, but as postulated and hypothetised. — Being has not vanished : but, firstly, Essence, as simple self-relation, is Being, and secondly as regards its one-sided charac- teristic of immediacy. Being is deposed to a mere nega- tive, to a seeming or reflected light — Essence accordingly is Being thus reflecting light into itself. The Absolute is the Essence. This is the same defi- nition as the previous one that the Absolute is Being, in so far as Being likewise is simple self-relation. But it is at the same time higher, because Essence is Being that has gone into itself: that is to say, the simple self- relation (in Being) is expressly put as negation of the negative, as immanent self-mediation. — Unfortunately when the Absolute is defined to be the Essence, the negativity which this implies is often taken only to mean the withdrawal of all determinate predicates. This 2o3 THE DOCTRINE OF ESSENCE. [112. negative action of withdrawal or abstraction thus falls outside of the Essence — which is thus left as a mere result apart from its premisses.— the caput mortuum of abstraction. But as this negativity, instead of being external to Being, is its own dialectic, the truth of the latter, viz. Essence, will be Being as retired within itself, — immanent Being. That reflection, or light thrown into itself, constitutes the distinction between Essence and immediate Being, and is the peculiar characteristic of Essence itself. Any mention of Essence implies that we distinguish it from Being : the latter is immediate, and, compared with the Essence, we look upon it as mere seeming. But this seem- ing is not an utter nonentity and nothing at all, but Being superseded and put by. The point of view given by the Essence is in general the standpoint of ' Reflection.' This word ' reflection ' is originally applied, when a ray of light in a straight line impinging upon the surface of a mirror is thrown back from it. In this phenomenon we have two things,— first an immediate fact which is, and secondly the deputed, derivated, or transmitted phase of the same.— Something of this sort takes place when we reflect, or think upon an object ; for here we want to know the object, not in its immediacy, but as derivative or mediated. The problem or aim of philosophy is often represented as the ascertain- ment of the essence of things : a phrase which only means that things instead of being left in their immediacy, must be shown to be mediated by, or based upon, something else. The immediate Being of things is thus conceived under the image of a rind or curtain behind which the Essence lies hidden. Everything, it is said, has an Essence ; that is, things really are not what they immediately show themselves. There is therefore something more to be done than merely rove from one quality to another, and merely to advance from qualitative to quantitative, and vice versa : there is a permanent in things, and that permanent is in the first ria.] ESS EN I 209 instance their Essence. With respect to other meanings and uses of the category of Essence, we may note that in the German auxihary verb ' sein ' the past tense is expressed by the term for Essence ( ^.?s^w) • we designate past being as gewesen. This anomaly of language implies to some ex- tent a correct perception of the relation between Being and Essence. Essence we may certainly regard as past Being, remembering however meanwhile that the past is not utterly denied, but only laid aside and thus at the same time preserved. Thus, to say, Caesar was in Gaul, only denies the immediacy of the event, but not his sojourn in Gaul altogether. That sojourn is just what forms the import of the proposition, in which however it is represented as over and gone.— ' PVesen' in ordinary life frequently means only a collection or aggregate : Zeitungswesen (the Press), Post- wesen (the Post-Office), Steuerwesen (the Revenue). All that these terms mean is that the things in question are not to be taken single, in theirimmediacy,but as a complex, and then, perhaps, in addition, in their various bearings. This usage of the term is not very different in its implication from ourown. People also speak oi finite Essences, such as man. But the very term Essence implies that we have made-q step beyond finitude : and the title as applied to man is so far in- exact. It is often added that there is a supreme Essence (Being) : by which is meant God. On this two remarks may be made. In the first place the phrase 'there is' suggests a finite only : as when we say, there are so many planets, or, there are plants of such a constitution and plants of such an other. In these cases we are speaking of something which has other things beyond and beside it. But God, the absolutely infinite, is not something outside and beside whom there are other essences. All else outside God, if separated from Him, possesses no essentiality : in its isolation it becomes a mere show or seeming, without stay or essence of its own. But, secondly, it is a poor way of talking to call God the highest or supreme Essence, The category of quantity which the phrase employs has its proper place within the compass of the finite. When we call one mountain the highest on the earth, we have a vision of other high 2IO THE DOCTRINE OF ESSENCE. [112. mountains beside it. So too when we call any one the richest or most learned in his country. But God, far from being a Being, even the highest, is the Being. This definition, however, though such a representation of God is an important and necessary stage in the growth of the religious conscious- ness, does not by any means exhaust the depth of the ordinary Christian idea of God. If we consider God as the Essence only, and nothing more, we know Him only as the universal and irresistible Power ; in other words, as the Lord. Now the fear of the Lord is, doubtless, the beginning, — but only the beginning, of wisdom. To look at God in this light, as the Lord, and the Lord alone, is especially character- istic of Judaism and also of Mohammedanism. The defect of these religions lies in their scant recognition of the finite, which, be it as natural things or as finite phases of mind, it is characteristic of the heathen and (as they also for that reason are) polytheistic religions to maintain intact. Another not uncommon assertion is that God, as the supreme Being, cannot be known. Such is the view taken by modern * enlightenment * and abstract understanding, which is con- tent to say, II y a un etre supreme : and there lets the matter rest. To speak thus, and treat God merely as the supreme other-world Being, implies that we look upon the world before us in its immediacy as something permanent and positive, and forget that true Being is just the superseding of all that is immediate. If God be the abstract super-sensible Being, outside whom therefore lies all difference and all specific character. He is only a bare name, a mere caput mortuum of abstracting understanding. The true knowledge of God begins when we know that things, as they im- mediately are, have no truth. In reference also to other subjects besides God the category of Essence is often liable to an abstract use, by which, in the study of anything, its Essence is held to be something unaf- fected by, and subsisting in independence of, its definite pheno- menal embodiment. Thus we say, for example, of people, that the great thing is not what they do or how they behave, but what they are. This is correct, if it means that a man's conduct should be looked at, not in its immediacy, but only I12-II4.] ESSENCE — REFLECTION. 211 as it is explained by his inner self, and as a revelation of that inner self. Still it should be remembered that the only means by which the Essence and the inner self can be verified, is their appearance in outward reality ; whereas the appeal which men make to the essential life, as distinct from the material facts of conduct, is generally prompted by a desire to assert their own 'subjectivity and to elude an absolute and objective judgment. 113.] Self-relation in Essence is the form of Identity or of reflection-into-self, which has here taken the place of the immediacy of Being. They are both the same abstraction, — self-relation. The unintelligence, to take everything limited and finite for Being, passes into the obstinacy of under- standing, which views the finite as self-identical, not in- herently self-contradictory. 114.] This identity, as it has descended from Being, appears in the first place only charged with the charac- teristics of Being, and referred to Being as to something external. This external Being, if taken in separation from the true Being (of Essence), is called the Unessen- tial. But that turns out a mistake. Because Essence is Being-in-self, it is essential only to the extent that it has in itself its negative, /'. e. reference to another, or mediation. Consequently, it has the unessential as its own proper seeming (reflection) in itself. But in seem- ing or mediation there is distinction involved : and since what is distinguished (as distinguished from the identity out of which it arises, and in which it is not, or lies as seeming,) receives itself the form of identit}', the sem- blance is still in the mode of Being, or of self-related immediacy. The sphere of Essence thus turns out to be a still imperfect combination of immediacy and mediation. I n it every term is expressly invested with the character of self-relatedness, while yet at the same time one is forced P 2 212 THE DOCTRINE OF ESSENCE. [114-115. beyond it. It has Being, — reflected being, a being in which another shows, and which shows in another. And so it is also the sphere in which the contradiction, still implicit in the sphere of Being, is made explicit. As the one notion is the common principle underlying all logic, there appear in the developrnent of Essence the same attributes or terms as in the development of Being, but in a reflex form. Instead of Being and Nought we have now the forms of Positive and Nega- tive ; the former at first as Identity corresponding to pure and uncontrasted Being, the latter developed (showing in itself) as Difference. So also, we have Becoming represented by the Ground of determinate Being: which itself, when reflected upon the Ground, is Existence. The theory of Essence is the most difficult branch of Logic. It includes the categories of metaphysic and of the sciences in general. These are products of re- flective understanding, which, while it assumes the differences to possess a footing of their own, and at the same time also expressly affirms their relativity, still «)mbines the two statements, side by side, or one after the other, by an 'Also,' without bringing these thoughts into one, or unifying them into the notion. A. — Essence as Ground of Existence. {a) The pure principles or categories of Reflection. (a) Identity. 115.] The Essence lights up in itself or is mere reflec- tion : and therefore is only self-relation, not as imme- diate but as reflected. And that reflex relation is self-Identity. This Identity becomes an Identity in form only, or of 115.] IDENTITY. 213 the understanding, if it be held hard and fast, quite aloof from difference. Or, rather, abstraction is the imposi- tion of this Identity of form, the transformation of some- thing inherently ccuicrete into this form of elementary simplicity. And this may be done in two ways. Either we may neglect a part of the multiple features which are found in the concrete thing (by what is called analysis) and select only one of them ; or, neglecting their variety, we may concentrate the multiple characters into one. If we associate Identity with the Absolute, making the Absolute the subject of a proposition, we get : The Absolute is what is identical with itself. However true this proposition may be, it is doubtful whether it be meant in its truth : and therefore it is at least imperfect in the expression. For it is left undecided, whether it means the abstract Identity of understanding, — abstract, that is, because contrasted with the other characteristics of Essence, or the Identity which is inherently concrete. In the latter case, as will be seen, true Identity is first discoverable in the Ground, and, with a higher truth, in the Notion. — Even the word Absolute is often used to mean no more than 'abstract.' Absolute space and absolute time, for example, is another way of saying abstract space and abstract time. When the principles of Essence are taken as essen- tial principles of thought they become predicates of a presupposed subject, which, because they are essen- tial, is ' Everything.' The propositions thus arising have been stated as universal LawS of Thought. Thus the first of them, the maxim of Identity, reads : Every- thing is identical with itself, A=A: and, negatively, A cannot at the same time be A and not A. — This maxim, instead of being a true law of thought, is nothing but the law of abstract understanding. The propositional form itself contradicts it : for a proposition always pro- 214 ^^^ DOCTRINE OF ESSENCE. [115. mises a distinction between subject and predicate ; while the present one does not fulfil what its form requires. But the Law is particularly set aside by the following so-called Laws of Thought, which make laws out of its opposite.— It is asserted that the maxim of Identity, though it cannot be proved, regulates the procedure of every consciousness, and that experience shows it to be accepted as soon as its terms are apprehended. To this alleged experience of the logic-books may be op- posed the universal experience that no mind thinks or forms conceptions or speaks, in accordance with this law, and that no existence of any kind whatever con- forms to it. Utterances after the fashion of this pre- tended law (A planet is— a planet; Magnetism is — magnetism ; Mind is — mind) are, as they deserve to be, reputed silly. That is certainly matter of general ex- perience. The logic which seriously propounds such laws and the scholastic world in which alone they are valid have long been discredited with practical common sense as well as with the philosophy of reason. Identity is, in the first place, the repetition of what we had earlier as Being, but as become, through supersession of its character of immediateness. It is therefore Being as Ideality.— It is important to come to a proper understanding on the true meaning of Identity : and, for that purpose, we must especially guard against taking it as abstract Identity, to the exclusion of all Difference. That is the touch-stone for distinguishing all bad philosophy from what alone deserves the name of philosophy. Identity in its truth, as an Ideality of what immediately is, is a high category for our religious modes of mind as well as all other forms of thought and mental activity. The true knowledge of God, it may be said, begins when we know Him as identity, — as absolute identity. To know so much is to see that all the power and glory of the world sinks into nothing in God's presence, and subsists only as the reflection of His power and His 115-116.] IDENTITY AND DIFFERENCE. 215 glory. In the same way, Identity, as self-consciousness, is what dis^jngi\ishes man from nature, particularly from the brutes which never reach the point of comprehending themselves as ' I,' that is, pure self-contained unity. So again, in connexion with thought, the main thing is not to confuse the true Identity, which contains Being and its characteristics ideally transfigured in it, with an abstract Identity, identity of bare form. All the charges of narrow- ness, hardness, meaninglessness, which are so often directed against thought from the quarter of feeling and immediate perception, rest on the perverse assumption that thought acts only as a faculty of abstract Identification. The Formal Logic itself confirms this assumption by laying down the supreme law of thought (so-called) which has been discussed above. If thinking were no more than an abstract Identity, we could not but own it to be a most futile and tedious business. No doubt the notion, and the idea too, are iden- tical with themselves : but identical only in so far as they at the same time involve distinction. [S) Difference. 116.] Essence is mere Identity and reflection in itself only as it is self-relating negativity, and in that way self-repulsion. It contains therefore essentially the characteristic of Difference. Other-being is here no longer qualitative, taking the shape of the character or limit. It is now in Essence, in self-relating essence, and therefore the negation is at the same time a relation, — is, in short, Distinction, Re- lativity, Mediation. To ask, ' How Identity comes to Difference,' assumes that Identity as mere abstract Identity is something of itself, and Difference also something else equally inde- pendent. This supposition renders an answer to the question impossible. If Identity is viewed as diverse from Difference, all that we have in this way is but Difference ; and hence we cannot demonstrate the advance to difference, because the person who asks for the How of the progress 2l6 THE DOCTRINE OF ESSENCE. [116-117. thereby implies that for him the starting-point is non- existent. The question then when put to the test has obviously no meaning, and its proposer may be met with the question what he means by Identity ; whereupon we should soon see that he attaches no idea to it at all, and that Identity is for him an empty name. As we have seen, besides, Identity is undoubtedly a negative, — not however an abstract empty Nought, but the negation of Being and its characteristics. Being so. Identity is at the same time self- relation, and, what is more, negative self-relation ; in other words, it draws a distinction between it and itself. 117.] Difference is, first of all, (i) immediate differ- ence, i. e. Diversity or Variety. In Diversity the dif- ferent things are each individually what they are, and unaffected by the relation in which they stand to each other. This relation is therefore external to them. In consequence of the various things being thus indifferent to the difference between them, it falls outside them into a third thing, the agent of Comparison. This external difference, as an identity of the objects related, is Like- ness; as a non-identity of them, is Unlikeness. The gap wiiich understanding allows to divide these characteristics, is so great, that although comparison has one and the same substratum for likeness and un- likeness, which are explained to be different aspects and points of view in it, still likeness by itself is the first of the elements alone, viz. identity, and unlikeness by itself is difference. Diversity has, like Identity, been transformed into a maxim: 'Everything is various or different': or, 'There are no two things completely like each other.' Here Everything is put under a predicate, which is the re- verse of the identity attributed to it in the first maxim ; and therefore under a law contradicting the first. How- ever there is an explanation. As the diversity is sup- posed due only to external comparison, anything taken 117.] ^^^^ ^^^ UNLIKE. 217 per se is expected and understood always to be identical with itself, so that the second law need not interfere with the first. But, in that case, variety does not belong to the something or everything in question : it constitutes no intrinsic characteristic of the subject: and the second maxim on this showing does not admit of being stated at all. If, on the other hand, the something itself \s. as the maxim says diverse, it must be in virtue of its own proper character: but in this case the specific difference, and not variety as such, is what is intended. And this is the meaning of the maxim of Leibnitz. When understanding sets itself to study Identity, it has already passed beyond it, and is looking at Difference in the shape of bare Variety. If we follow the so-called law of Identity, and say,— The sea is the sea, The air is the air, The moon is the moon, these objects pass for having no bearing on one another. What we have before us therefore is not Identity, but Difference. We do not stop at this point however, or regard things merely as different. We compare them one with another, and thus discover the features of likeness and unlikeness. The work of the finite sciences lies to a great extent in the application of these categories, and the phrase 'scientific treatment' generally means no more than the method which has for its aim com- parison of the objects under examination. This method has undoubtedly led to some important results ;— we may par- ticularly mention the great advance of modern times in the provinces of comparative anatomy and comparative lin- guistic. But it is going too far to suppose that the compara- tive method can be employed with equal success in all branches of knowledge. Nor— and this must be emphasised — can mere comparison ever ultimately satisfy the require- ments of science. Its results are indeed indispensable, but they are still labours only preliminary to truly intelligent cognition. If it be the office of comparison to reduce existing differ- ences to Identity, the science, which most perfectly fulfils that end, is mathematics. The reason of that is, that quan- 2l8 THE DOCTRINE OF ESSENCE. [i 17-118. titative difference is only the difference which is quite ex- ternal. Thus, in geometry, a triangle and a quadrangle, figures qualitatively different, have this qualitative difference discounted by abstraction, and are equalised to one another in magnitude. It follows from Vv^hat.has been formerly said about the mere Identity of understanding that, as has also been pointed out (§ 99, note), neither philosophy nor the empirical sciences need envy this superiority of Mathe- matics. The story is told that, when Leibnitz propounded the maxim of Variety, the cavaliers and ladies of the court, as they walked round the garden, made efforts to discover two leaves indistinguishable from each other, in order to confute the law stated by the philosopher. Their device was un- questionably a convenient method of dealing with meta- physics,— one which has not ceased to be fashionable. All the same, as regards the principle of Leibnitz, difference must be understood to mean not an external and indifferent diversity merely, but difference essential. Hence the very nature of things implies that they must be different. 118.] Likeness is an Identity only of those things which are not the same, not identical with each other : and Unlikeness is a relation of things unlike. The two therefore do not fall on different aspects or points of view in the thing, without any mutual affinity : but one throws light into the other. Variety thus comes to be reflexive difference, or difference (distinction) implicit and essential, determinate or specific difference. While things merely various show themselves unaffected by each other, likeness and unlikeness on the contrary are a pair of characteristics which are in completely reciprocal relation. The one of them cannot be thought without the other. This advance from simple variety to opposition ap- pears in our common acts of thought, when we allow that comparison has a meaning only upon the hypothesis of an existing difference, and that on the other hand we can distinguish only on the hypothesis of existing similarity. 1 18-119.] SPECIFIC DIFFERENCE. 219 Hence, if the problem be the discovery of a difference, we attribute no great cleverness to the man who only distin- guishes those objects, of which the difference is palpable, e.g. a pen and a camel: and similarly, it implies no very advanced faculty of comparison, when the objects compared, e.g. a beech and an oak, a temple and a church, are near akin. In the case of difference, in short, we like to see identity, and in the case of identity we like to see difference. Within the range of the empirical sciences however, the one of these two categories is often allowed to put the other out of sight and mind. Thus the scientific problem at one time is to reduce existing differences to identity; on another occasion, with equal one-sidedness, to discover new differ- ences. We see this especially in physical science. There the problem consists, in the first place, in the continual search for new 'elements,' new forces, new genera, and species. Or, in another direction, it seeks to show that all bodies hitherto believed to be simple are compound : and modern physicists and chemists smile at the ancients, who were satisfied with four elements, and these not simple. Secondly, and on the other hand, mere identity is made the chief question. Thus electricity and chemical affinity are regarded as the same, and even the organic processes of digestion and assimilation are looked upon as a mere ghemical operation. Modern philosophy has often been nicknamed the Philosophy of Identity. But, as was already remarked (§ 103, note), it is precisely philosophy, and in particular speculative logic, which lays bare the nothingness of the abstract, undifferentiated identity, known to understanding ; though it also undoubtedly urges its disciples not to rest at mere diversity, but to ascertain the inner unity of all existence. 119.] Difference implicit is essential difference, the Positive and the Negative : and that is this way. The Positive is the identical self-relation in such a way as not to be the Negative, and the Negative is the different by itself so as not to' be the Positive. Thus either has an existence of its own in proportion as it is not the 220 THE DOCTRINE OF ESSENCE. [119. Other. The one is made visible in the other, and is only in so far as that other is. Essential difference is there- fore Opposition ; according to which the different is not confronted by any other but by its other. That is, either of these two (Positive and Negative) is stamped with a characteristic of its own only in its relation to the other : the one is only reflected into itself as it is reflected into the other. And so with the other. Either in this way is the other's own other. Difference implicit or essential gives the maxim. Everything is essentially distinct ; or, as it has also been expressed, Of two opposite predicates the one only can be assigned to anything, and there is no third possible. This maxim of Contrast or Opposition most expressly controverts the maxim of Identity : the one says a thing should be only self-relation, the other says that it must be an opposite, a relation to its other. The native unintelligence of abstraction betrays itself by setting in juxtaposition two contrary maxims, like these, as laws, without even so much as comparing them. — The Maxim of Excluded Middle is the maxim of the definite understanding, which would fain avoid contra- diction, but in so doing falls into it. A must be either + A or — A, it says. It virtually declares in these words a third A which is neither + nor — , and which at the same time is yet invested with + and — characters. If + W mean 6 miles to the West, and — W mean 6 miles to the East, and if the -f and — cancel each other, the 6 miles of way or space remain what they were with and without the contrast. Even the mere plus and minus of number or abstract direction have, if we like, zero, for their third : but it need not be denied that the empty contrast, which understanding institutes between plus and minus, is not without its value in such abstractions as number, direction, &c. 119.] POSITIVE AND NEGATIVE. 221 In the doctrine of contradictory concepts, the one notion is, say, blue (for in this doctrine even the sensuous generalised image of a colour is called a notion) and the other not-blue. This other then would not be an affirmative, say, yellow, but would merely be kept at the abstract negative. — That the Negative in its own nature is quite as much Positive (see next §), is implied in saying that what is opposite to another is its other. The inanity of the opposition between what are called contradictory notions is fully exhibited in what we may call the grandiose formula of a general law, that Everything has the one and not the other of all predi- cates which are in such opposition. In this way, mind is either white or not-white, yellow or not-yellow, &c., ad mfinitum. It was forgotten that Identity and Opposition are themselves opposed, and the maxim of Opposition was taken even for that of Identity, in the shape of the principle of Contradiction. A notion, which possesses neither or both of two mutually contradictory marks, e.g. a quadrangular circle, is held to be logically false. Now though a multangular circle and a rectilineal arc no less contradict this maxim, geometers never hesitate to treat the circle as. a polygon with rectilineal sides. But anything like a circle (that is to say its mere character or nominal definition) is still no notion. In the notion of a circle, centre and circumference are equally essen- tial ; both marks belong to it : and yet centre and circumference are opposite and contradictory to each other. The conception of Polarity, which is so dominant in physics, contains by implication the more correct defini- tion of Opposition. But physics for its theory of the laws of thought adheres to the ordinary logic ; it might therefore well be horrified in case it should ever work 222 THE DOCTRINE OF ESSENCE. [119. out the conception of Polarity, and get at the thoughts which are impHed in it. (i) With the positive we return to identity, but in its higher truth as identical self-relation, and at the same time with the note that it is not the negative. The negative per se is the same as difference itself The identical as such is primarily the yet uncharacterised : the positive on the other hand is what is self-identical, but with the mark of antithesis to an other. And the negative is difference as such, characterised as not identity. This is the diflFerence of difference within its own self Positive and negative are supposed to express an absolute difference. The two however are at bottom the same : the name of either might be transferred to the other. Thus, for example, debts and assets are not two particular, self-sub- sisting species of property. What is negative to the debtor, is positive to the creditor. A way to the east is also a way to the west. Positive and negative are therefore intrinsically conditioned by one another, and are only in relation to each other. The north pole of the magnet cannot be without the south pole, and vice versa. If we cut a magnet in two, we have not a north pole in one piece, and a south pole in the other. Similarly, in electricity, the positive and the negative are not two diverse and independent fluids. In opposition, the different is not confronted by any other, but by its other. Usually we regard different things as unaffected by each other. Thus we say : I am a human being, and around me are air, water, animals, and all sorts of things. Everything is thus put outside of every other. But the aim of philo- sophy is to banish indifference, and to ascertain the neces- sity of things. By that means the other is seen to stand over against its other. Thus, for example, inorganic nature is not to be considered merely something else than organic nature, but the necessary antithesis of it. Both are in essential relation to one another ; and the one of the two is, only in so far as it excludes the other from it, and thus relates itself thereto. Nature in like manner is not without mind, nor mind without nature. An important step has been taken, when we cease in thinking to use phrases hke ; II9-I20.] LAIV OF EXCLUDED MIDDLE. 223 Of course something else is also possible. While we so speak, we are still tainted with contingency : and all true thinking, we have already said, is a thinking of necessity. In modern physical science the opposition, first observed to exist in magnetism as polarity, has come to be regarded as a universal law pervading the whole of nature. This would be a real scientific advance, if care were at the same time taken not to let mere variety revert without explana- tion, as a valid category, side by side with opposition. Thus at one time the colours are regarded as in polar opposition to one another, and called complementary colours ; at an- other time they are looked at in their indifferent and merely quantitative difference of red, yellow, green, &;c. (2) Instead of speaking by the maxim of Excluded Middle (which is the maxim of abstract understanding) we should rather say : Everything is opposite. Neither in heaven nor in earth, neither in the world of mind nor of nature, is there anywhere such an abstract 'Either — or' as the understand- ing maintains. Whatever exists is concrete, with difference and opposition in itself The finitude of things will then lie in the want of correspondence between their immediate being, and what they essentially are. Thus, in inorganic nature, the acid is implicitly at the same time the base : in other words, its only being consists in its relation to its other. Hence also the acid is not something that persists quietly in the contrast : it is always in effort to realise what it poten- tially is. Contradiction is the very moving principle of the world: and it is ridiculous to say that contradiction is. un- thinkable. The only thing correct in that statement is that contradiction js not the end of the matter, but cancels itself. But contradiction, when cancelled, does not leave abstract identity ; for that is itself only one side of the contrariety. The proximate result of opposition (when realised as con- tradiction) is the Ground, which contains identity as well as difference superseded and deposed to elements in the com- pleter notion. 120.] Contrariety then has two forms. The Positive is the aforesaid various (different) which is understood to be independent, and yet at the same not to be 224 THE DOCTRINE OF ESSENCE. [120-121. unaffected by its relation to its other. The Negative is to be, no less independently, negative self-relating, self- subsistent, and yet at the same time as Negative must on every point have this its self-relation, i.e. its Positive, only in the other. Both Positive and Negative are therefore explicit contradiction ; both are potentially the same. Both are so actually also ; since either is the abrogation of the other and of itself. Thus they fall to the Ground. — Or as is plain, the essential difference, as a difference, is only the difference of it from itself, and thus contains the identical : so that to essential and actual difference there belongs itself as well as iden- tity. As self-relating difference it is likewise virtually enunciated as the self-identical. And the opposite is in general that which includes the one and its other, itself and its opposite. The immanence of essence thus de- fined is the Ground. (y) The Ground. 121.] The Ground is the unity of identity and differ- ence, the truth of what difference and identity have turned out to be, — the reflection-into-self, which is equally a reflection-into-an-other, and vice versa. It is essence put explicitly as a totality. The maxim of the Ground runs thus : Everything has its Sufficient Ground : that is, the true essentiality of any thing is not the predication of it as identical with itself, or as different (various), or merely positive, or merely negative, but as having its Being in an other, which, being its self-same, is its essence. And to this extent the essence is not abstract reflection into self, but into an other. The Ground is the essence in its own inwardness ; the essence is intrinsically a ground ; and it is a ground only when it is a ground of somewhat, of an other. lai.] GROUND AND CONSEQUENCE. 225 We must be careful, when we say that the ground is the unity of identity and difference, not to understand by this unity an abstract identity. Otherwise we only change the name, while we still think the identity (of understanding) already seen to be false. To avoid this misconception we may say that the ground, besides being the unity, is also the difference of identity and difference. In that case in the ground, which promised at first to supersede contradiction, a new contradiction seems to arise. It is however a contra- diction which, so far from persisting quietly in itself, is rather the expulsion of it from itself. The ground is a ground only to the extent that it affords ground : but the result which thus issued from the ground is only itself. In this lies its formalism. The ground and what is grounded are one and the same content : the difference between the two is the mere difference of form which separates simple self-relation^ on the one hand, from mediation or derivative- ness on the othen Inquiry into the grounds of things goes with the pointof view which, as already noted (note to § 112), is adopted by Reflection. We wish, as it were, to see the matter double, first in its immediacy, and secondly in its ground, where it is no longer immediate. This is the plain meaning of the law of sufficient ground, as it is called ; it asserts that things should essentially be viewed as mediated. The manner in which Formal Logic establishes this law of thought, sets a bad example to other sciences. Formal Logic asks these sciences not to accept their subject-matter as it is immediately given ; and yet herself lays down a law of thought without deducing it,— in other words, without exhibiting its mediation. With the same justice as the logician maintains our faculty of thought to be so consti- tuted that we must ask for the ground of everything, might the physicist, when asked why a man who falls into water is drowned, reply that man happens to be so organised that he cannot live under water; or the jurist, when asked why a criminal is punished, reply that civil society happens to be so constituted that crimes cannot be left unpunished. Yet even if logic be excused the duty of giving a ground for the law of the sufficient ground, it might at least explain VOL. II. Q 226 THE DOCTRINE OF ESSENCE. [121. what is to be understood by a ground. The common ex- planation, which describes the ground as what has a conse- quence, seems at the first glance more lucid and intelligible than the preceding definition in logical terms. If you ask however what the consequence is, you are told that it is what has a ground ; and it becomes obvious that the expla- nation is intelligible only because it assumes what in our case has been reached as the termination of an antecedent movement of thought. And this is the true business of logic : to show that those thoughts, which as usually em- ployed merely float before consciousness neither understood nor demonstrated, are really grades in the self-determination of thought. It is by this means that they are understood and demonstrated. In common life, and it is the same in the finite sciences, this reflective form is often employed as a key to the secret of the real condition of the objects under investigation. So long as we deal with what may be termed the household needs of knowledge, nothing can be urged against this method of study. But it can never afford definitive satisfaction, either in theory or practice. And the reason why it fails is that the ground is yet without a definite content of its own ; so that to regard anything as resting upon a ground merely gives the formal difference of mediation in place of imme- diacy. We see an electrical phenomenon, for example, and we ask for its ground (or reason) : we are told that electricity is the ground of this phenomenon. What is this but the same content as we had immediately before us, only trans- lated into the form of inwardness ? The ground however is not merely simple self-identity, but also different : hence various grounds may be alleged for the same sum of fact. This variety of grounds, again, following the logic of difference, culminates in opposition of grounds pro and contra. In any action, such as a theft, there is a sum of fact in which several aspects may be distin- guished. The theft has violated the rights of property : it has given the means of satisfying his wants to the needy thief: possibly too the man, from whom the theft was made, misused his property. The violation of property is unques- 121.] THE SUFFICIENT REASON. 227 tionably the decisive point of view before wliich the others must give way : but the bare law of the ground cannot settle that question. Usually indeed the law is interpreted to speak of a sufficient ground, not of any ground whatever : and it might be supposed therefore, in the action referred to, that, although other points of view besides the violation of property might be held as grounds, yet they would not be sufficient grounds. But here comes a dilemma. If we use the phrase * sufficient ground,' the epithet is either otiose, or of such a kind as to carry us past the mere category of ground. The predicate is otiose and tautological, if it only states the capability of giving a ground or reason : for the ground is a ground, only in so far as it has this capa- bility. If a soldier runs away from battle to save his life, his conduct is certainly a violation of duty : but it cannot be held that the ground which led him so to act was insuffi- cient, otherwise he would have remained at his post. Be- sides, there is this also to be said. On one hand any ground suffices : on the other no ground suffices as mere ground ; because, as already said, it is yet void of a content objec- tively and intrinsically determined, and is therefore not self- acting and productive. A content thus objectively and intrinsically determined, and hence self-acting, will herealter come before us as the notion : and it is the notion which Leibnitz had in his eye when he spoke of sufficient ground, and urged the study of things under its point of view. His remarks were originally directed against that merely me- chanical method of conceiving things so much in vogue even now; a method which he justly pronounces insufficient. We may see an instance of this mechanical theory of inves- tigation, when the organic process of the circulation of the blood is traced back merely to the contraction of the heart ; or when certain theories of criminal law explain the pur- pose of punishment to lie in deterring people from crime, in rendering the criminal harmless, or in other extraneous grounds of the same kind. It is unfair to Leibnitz to sup- pose that he was content with anything so poor as this formal law of the ground. The method of investigation which he inaugurated is the verj' reverse of a formalism Q 2 228 THE DOCTRINE OF ESSENCE. [121. which acquiesces in mere grounds, where a full and concrete knowledge is sought. Considerations to this effect led Leib- nitz to contrast causae efficientes and causae Jinales, and to insist on the place of final causes as the conception to which the efficient were to lead up. If we adopt this distinction, light, heat, and moisture would be the causae efficientes, not the causa finalis of the growth of plants : the causa finalis is the notion of the plant itself. To get no further than mere grounds, especially on ques- tions of law and morality, is the position and principle of the Sophists. Sophistry, as we ordinarily conceive it, is a method of investigation which aims at distorting what is just and true, and exhibiting things in a false light. Such however is not the proper or primary tendency of Sophistry : the standpoint of which is no other than that of 'Raisonne- ment.' The Sophists came on the scene at a time when the Greeks had begun to grow dissatisfied with mere authority and tradition and felt the need of intellectual justification for what they were to accept as obligatory. That desideratum the Sophists supplied by teaching their countrymen to seek for the various points of view under which things may be considered: which points of view are the same as grounds. But the ground, as we have seen, has no essential and objective principles of its own, and it is as easy to discover grounds for what is wrong and immoral as for what is moral and right. Upon the observer therefore it depends to decide what points are to have most weight. The decision in such circumstances is prompted by his individual views and sen- timents. Thus the objective foundation of what ought to have been of absolute and essential obligation, accepted by all, was undermined : and Sophistry by this destructive action deservedly brought upon itself the bad name pre- viously mentioned. Socrates, as we all know, met the Sophists at every point, not by a bare re-assertion of autho- rity and tradition against their argumentations, but by show- ing dialectically how untenable the mere grounds were, and by vindicating the obligation of justice and goodness,— by re- instating the universal or notion of the will. In the present day such a method of argumentation is not quite out of fashion. 121-122.] THE SUFFICIENT REASON. 229 Nor is that the case only in the discussion of secular matters. It occurs even in sermons, such as those where every pos- sible ground of gratitude to God is propounded. To such pleading Socrates and Plato would not have scrupled to apply the name of Sophistry. For Sophistr\' has nothing to do with what is taught :— that may very possibly be true. Sophistry lies in the formal circumstance of teaching it by grounds which are as available for attack as for defence. In a time so rich in reflection and so devoted to raisonm- ment as our own, he must be a poor creature who cannot advance a good ground for everything, even for what is worst and most depraved. Everything in the world that has become corrupt has had good ground for its corruption. An appeal to grounds at first makes the hearer think of beating a retreat : but when experience has taught him the real state of these matters, he closes his ears against them, and refuses to be imposed upon any more. 122.] As it first comes, the chief feature of Essence is show in itself and intermediation in itself. But when it has completed the circle of intermediation, its unity with itself is expHcitly put as the self-annulling of difference, and therefore of intermediation. Once more then we come back to immediacy or Being, — but Being in so far as it is intermediated by annulling the intermediation. And that Being is Existence. The ground is not yet determined by objective prin- ciples of its own, nor is it an end or final cause : hence it is not active, nor productive. An Existence only proceeds from the ground. The determinate ground is therefore a formal matter : that is to say, any point will do, so long as it is expressly put as self-relation, as affirmation, in correlation with the immediate existence depending on it. If it be a ground at all, it is a good ground: for the term 'good' is employed abstractly as equivalent to affirmative ; and any point (or feature) is good which can in any way be enunciated as confessedly 23© THE DOCTRINE OF ESSENCE. [122-123. affirmative. So it happens that a ground can be found and adduced for everything : and a good ground (for example, a good motive for action) may effect some- thing or may not, it may have a consequence or it may not. It becomes a motive (strictly so called) and effects something, e.g. through its reception into a will; there and there only it becomes active and is made a cause. {b) Existence. 123.] Existence is the immediate unity of reflection- into-self and reflection-into-another. It follows from this that existence is the indefinite multitude of existents as reflected-into-themselves, which at the same time equally throw light upon one another, — which, in short, are co-relative, and form a world of reciprocal depend- ence and of infinite interconnexion between grounds and consequents. The grounds are themselves existences : and the existents in like manner are in many directions grounds as well as consequents. The phrase ' Existence ' (derived from existere) suggests the fact of having proceeded from something. Existence is Being which has proceeded from the ground, and been reinstated by annulling its intermediation. The Essence, as Being set aside and absorbed, originally came before us as shining, or showing in self, and the categories of this re- flection are identity, difference and ground. The last is the unity of identity and difference.; and because it unifies them it has at the same time to distinguish itself from itself. But that which is in this way distinguished from the ground is as little mere difference, as the ground itself is abstract same- ness. The ground works its own suspension : and when suspended, the result of its negation is existence. Having issued from the ground, existence contains the ground in it the ground ooes not remain, as it were, behind existence, but by its very nature supersedes itself and translates itself into existence. This is exemplified even in our ordinary 133-134.] EXISTENCE. 23I mode of thinking, when we look upon the ground of a thing, not as something abstractly inward, but as itself also an existent. For example, the lightning-flash which has set a house on fire would be considered the ground of the con- flagration : or the manners of a nation and the condition of its life would be regarded as the ground of its constitution. Such indeed is the ordinary aspect in which the existent world originally appears to reflection, — an indefinite crowd "of things existent, which being simultaneously reflected on themselves and on one another are related reciprocally as ground and consequence. In this motley play of the world, if we may so call the sum of existents, there is nowhere a firm footing to be found : everything bears an aspect of relativity, conditioned by and conditioning something else. The reflective understanding makes it its business to elicit and trace these connexions running out in every dii ection ; but the question touching an ultimate design is so far left un- answered, and therefore the craving of the reason after knowledge passes with the further development of the logical Idea beyond this position of mere relativity. 124.] The reflection-on-another of the existent is however inseparable from the reflection-on-se.lf : the ground is their unity, from which existence has issued. The existent therefore includes relativity, and has on its own part its multiple interconnexions with other existents : it is reflected on itself as its ground. The existent is, when so described, a Thing, The ' thing-by-itself ' (or thing in the abstract), so famous in the philosophy of Kant, shows itself here in its genesis. It is seen to be the abstract reflection-on- self, which is clung to, to the exclusion of reflection-on- other-things and of all predication of difference. The thing-by-itself therefore is the empty substratum for these predicates of relation. If to know means to comprehend an object in its concrete character, then the thing-by-itself, which is nothing but the quite abstract and indeterminate thing in general, must S32 THE DOCTRINE OF ESSENCE. [124-125. certainly be as unknowable as it is alleged to be. With as much reason however as we speak of the thing-by-itself, we might speak of quality-by-itself or quantity-by-itself, and of any other category. The expression would then serve to signify that these categories are taken in their abstract immediacy, apart from their development and inward character. It is no better than a whim of the understanding, therefore, if we attach the qualificatory 'in or by-itself to the thing only. But this ' in or by-itself is also applied to the facts of the mental as well as the natural world : as we speak of electricity or of a plant in itself, so we speak of man or the state in itself. By this ' in-itself ' in these objects we are meant to understand what they strictly and properly are. This usage is liable to the same criticism as the phrase ' thing-in-itself.' For if we stick to the mere ' in-itself ' of an object, we apprehend it not in its truth, but in the inadequate form of mere abstraction. Thus the man, by or in himself, is the child. And what the child has to do is to rise out of this abstract and undeveloped ' in-himself,' and become * for himself what he is at first only ' in-himself,' — a free and reasonable being. Similarly, the state-in-itself is the yet im- mature and patriarchal state, where the various political functions, latent in the notion of the state, have not received the full logical constitution which the logic of political princi- ples demands. In the same sense, the germ may be called the plant-in-itself. These examples may show the mistake of supposing that the 'thing-in-itself or the 'in-itself of things is something inaccessible to our cognition. All things are originally in-themselves, but that is not the end of the matter. As the germ, being the plant-in-itself, means self-development, so the thing in general passes beyond its in-itself, (the abstract reflection on self,) to manifest itself further as a reflection on other things. It is in this sense that it has properties. {c) The Thing. 125.] («) The Thing is the totality— the development in expHcit unity — of the categories of the ground and of existence. On the side of one of its factors, viz. 125.] TH^ THING AND ITS PROPERTIES. 233 reflection-on-other-things, it has in it the differences, in virtue of which it is a characterised and concrete thing. These characteristics are different from one another ; theyliave their reflection-into-self not on their own part, but on the part of the thing. They are Properties of the thing : and their relation to the thing is expressed by the word ' have.' As a term of relation, ' to have ' takes the place of ' to be.' True, somewhat has qualities on its part too : but this transference of 'Having' into the sphere of Being is inexact, because the character as quality is directly one with the somewhat, and the somewhat ceases to be when it loses its quality. But the thing is reflection- into-self: for it is an identity which is also distinct from the difference, i.e. from its attributes. — Pn many lan- guages 'have' is employed to denote past time. And with reason : for the past is absorbed or suspended being, and the mind is its reflection-into-self; in the mind only it continues to subsist, — the mind however distinguishing from itself this being in it which has been absorbed or suspended. In the Thing all the characteristics of reflection recur as existent. Thus the thing, in its initial aspect, as the thing- by-itself, is the self-same or identical. But identity, it was proved, is not found without difference : so the properties, which the thing has, are the existent difference in the form of diversity. In the case of diversity or variety each diverse member exhibited an indifference to every other, and they had no other relation to each other, save what was given by a comparison external to them. But now in the thing we have a bond which keeps the various properties in union. Property, besides, should not be confused with quality. No doubt, we also say, a thing has qualities. But the phraseology is a misplaced one: 'having' hints at an in- dependence, foreign to the ' Somewhat,' which is still directly identical with its quality. Somewhat is what it is 234 THE DOCTRINE OF ESSENCE. [125-126. only by its quality : whereas, though the thing indeed exists only as it has its properties, it is not confined to this or that definite property, and can therefore lose it, without ceasing- to be what it is. 126.] (0) Even in the ground, however, the reflection- on-something-else is directly convertible with reflection- on-self. And hence the properties are not merely dif- ferent from each other ; they are also self-identical, in- dependent, and relieved from their attachment to the thing. Still, as they are the characters of the thing distinguished from one another (as reflected-into-self), they are not themselves things, if things be concrete ; but only existences reflected into themselves as abstract characters. They are what ar€ called Matters. Nor is the name ' things ' given to Matters, such as magnetic and electric matters. They are qualities pro- per, a reflected Being, — one with their Being, — they are the character that has reached immediacy, existence : they are ' entities.' To elevate the properties, which the Thing has, to the in- dependent position of matters, or materials of which it con- sists, is a proceeding based upon the notion of a Thing : and for that reason is also found in experience. Thought and experience however alike protest against concluding from the fact that certain properties of a thing, such as colour, or smell, may be represented as particular colour- ing or odorific matters, that we are then at the end of the inquiry, and that nothing more is needed to penetrate to the true secret of things than a disintegration of them into their component materials. This disintegration into independent matters is properly restricted to inorganic nature only. The chemist is in the right therefore when, for example, he analyses common salt or gypsum into its elements, and finds that the former consists of muriatic acid and soda, the latter of sulphuric acid and calcium. So too the geologist does well to regard granite as a compound of quartz, felspar, and mica. These matters, again, of which the thing consists, are 126-137.] MATTER. 235 themselves partly things, which in that way may be once more reduced to more abstract matters. Sulphuric acid, for example, is a compound of sulphur and oxygen. Such matters or bodies can as a matter of fact be exhibited as subsisting by themselves : but frequently we find other properties of things, entirely wanting this self-subsistence, also regarded as particular matters. Thus we hear caloric, and electrical or magnetic matters spoken of Such matters are at the best figments of understanding. And we see here the usual procedure of the abstract reflection of under- standing. Capriciously adopting single categories, whose value entirely depends on their place in the gradual evolution of the logical idea, it employs them in the pretended interests of explanation, but in the face of plain, unprejudiced percep- tion and experience, so as to trace back to them every object investigated. Nor is this all. The theory, which makes things consist of independent matters, is frequently applied in a region where it has neither meaning nor force. For within the limits of nature Lven, wherever there is organic life, this category is obviously inadequate. An animal may be said to consist of bones, muscles, nerves, &c. : but evidently we are here using the term 'consist' in a very different sense from its use when we spoke of the piece of granite as con- sisting of the above-mentioned elements. The elements of granite are utterly indifferent to their combination : they could subsist as well without it. The diff"erent parts and members of an organic body on the contrary subsist only in their union : they cease to exist as such, when they are separated from each other. 127.] Thus Matter is the mere abstract or indetermi- nate reflection-into-something-else, or reflection-into-self at the same time as determinate ; it is consequently Thinghood which then and there is, — the subsistence of the thing. By this means the thing has on the part of the matters its reflection-into-self (the reverse of § 125) ; it subsists not on its own part, but consists of the matters, and is only a superficial association between them, an external combination of them. 236 THE DOCTRINE OF ESSENCE. [128. 128.] (y) Matter, being the immediate unity of exist- ence with itself, is also indifferent towards specific character. Hence the numerous diverse matters coa- lesce into the one Matter, or into existence under the reflective characteristic of identit3^ In contrast to this one Matter these distinct properties and their external relation which they have to one another in the thing, constitute the Form, — the reflective category of differ- ence, but a difference which exists and is a totality. This one featureless Matter is also the same as the Thing-by-itself was : only the latter is intrinsically quite abstract, while the former essentially implies relation to something else, and in the first place to the Form. The various matters of which the thing consists are potentially the same as one another. Thus we get one Matter in general to which the difference is expressly attached externally and as a bare form. This theory which holds things all round to have one and the same matter at bottom, and merely to differ externally in respect of form, is much in vogue with the reflective understanding. Matter in that case counts for naturally indeterminate, but susceptible of any determination; while at the same time it is perfectly permanent, and continues the same amid all change and alteration. And in finite things at least this disregard of matter for any determinate form is certainly exhibited. For example, it matters not to a block of marble, whether it receive the form of this or that statue or even the form of a pillar. Be it noted however that a block of marble can disre- gard form only relatively, that is, in reference to the sculptor: it is by no means purely formless. And so the minera- logist considers the relatively formless marble as a special formation of rock, differing from other equally special form- ations, such as sandstone or porphyry. Therefore we say it is an abstraction of the understanding which isolates matter into a certain natural formlessness. For properly speaking the thought of matter includes the principle of form through- out, and no formless matter therefore appears anywhere 1 28-130.] MATTER AND FORM. 237 even in experience as existing. Still the conception of matter as original and pre-existent, and as naturally formless, is a very ancient one ; it meets us even among the Greeks, at first in the mythical shape of Chaos, which is supposed to represent the unformed substratum of the existing world. Such a conception must of necessity tend to make God not the Creator of the world, but a mere world-moulder or demiurge. A deeper insight into nature reveals God as creating the world out of nothing. And that teaches two things. On the one hand it enunciates that matter, as such, has no independent subsistence, and on the other that the form does not supervene upon matter from without, but as a totality involves the principle of matter in itself. This free and infinite form will hereafter come before us as the notion. 129.] Thus the Thing suffers a disruption into Matter and Form. Each of these is the totahty of thinghood and subsists for itself. But Matter, which is meant to be the positive and indeterminate existence, contains, as an existence, reflection-on-another, every whit as much as it contains self-enclosed being. Accordingly as uniting these characteristics, it is itself the totality of Form. But Form, being a complete whole of char- acteristics, ipso facto involves reflection-into-self; in other words, as self-relating Form it has the very function attributed to Matter. Both are at bottom the same. Invest them with this unit}', and you have the relatiori of Matter and Form, which are also no less distinct. 130.] The Thing, being this totality, is a contradiction. On the side of its negative unity it is Form in which Matter is determined and deposed to the rank of pro- perties (§ 125). At the same time it consists of Matters, which in the reflection-of-the-thing-into-itself are as much independent as they are at the same time negatived. Thus the thing is the essential existence, in such a way 238 THE DOCTRINE OF ESSENCE. [130. as to be an existence that suspends or absorbs itself in itself. In other words, the thing is an Appearance or Phenomenon. The negation of the several matters, which is insisted on in the thing no less than their independent existence, occurs in Physics as porosity. Each of the several mat- ters (colouring matter, odorific matter, and if we believe some people, even sound-matter, — not excluding caloric, electric matter, &c;) is also negated : and in this nega- tion of theirs, or as interpenetrating their pores, we find the numerous other independent matters, which, being similarly porous, make room in turn for the existence of the rest. Pores are not empirical facts ; they are figments of the understanding, which uses them to re- present the element of negation in independent matters. The further working-out of the contradictions is con- cealed by the nebulous imbroglio in which all matters are independent and all no less negated in each other. — If the faculties or activities are similarly hypostatised in the mind, their living unity similarly turns to the imbroglio of an action of the one on the others. These pores (meaning thereby not the pores in an organic body, such as the pores of wood or of the skin, but those in the so-called 'matters,' such as colouring matter, caloric, or metals, crystals, &c.) cannot be veri- fied by observation. In the same way matter itself, — furthermore form which is separated from matter, — whether that be the thing as consisting of matters, or the view that the thing itself subsists and only has proper ties, — is all a product of the reflective understanding which, while it observes and professes to record only what it observes, is rather creating a metaphysic, brist- ling with contradictions of which it is unconscious. 131.] APPEARANCE. 239 B. —Appearance. 131.] The Essence must appear or shine forth. Its shining or reflection in it is the suspension and trans- lation of it to immediacy, which, whilst as reflection- on-self it is matter or subsistence, is also form, reflec- tion-on-something-else, a subsistence which sets itself aside. To show or shine is the characteristic by which essence is distinguished from being, — by which it is essence ; and it is this show which, when it is developed, shows itself, and is Appearance. Essence accord- ingly is not something beyond or behind appearance, but just because it is the essence which exists — the existence is Appearance (Forth-shining). Existence stated explicitly in its contradiction is Appear- ance. But appearance (forth-shining) is not to be confused with a mere show (shining). Show is the proximate truth of Being or immediacy. The immediate, instead of being, as we suppose, something independent, resting on its own self, is a mere show, and as such it is packed or summed up under the simplicity of the immanent essence. The essence is, in the first place, the sum total of the show- ing itself, shining in itself (inwardly) ; but, far from abiding in this inwardness, it comes as a ground forward into existence; and this existence being grounded not in itself, but on something else, is just appearance. In our imagination we ordinarily combine with the term appearance or pheno- menon the conception of an indefinite congeries of things existing, the being of which is purely relative, and which consequently do not rest on a foundation of their own, but are esteemed only as passing stages. But in this conception it is no less implied that essence does not linger behind or beyond appearance. Rather it is, we may say, the infinite kindness which lets its own show freely issue into immediacy, and graciously allows it the joy of existence. The appear- ance which is thus created does not stand on its own feet, and has its being not in itself but in something else. God 24.0 THE DOCTRINE OF ESSENCE. [isr. who is the essence, when He lends existence to the passing stages of His own show in Himself, may be described as the goodness that creates a world ; but He is also the power above it, and the righteousness, which manifests the merely phenomenal character of the content of this existing world, whenever it tries to exist in independence. Appearance is in every way a very important grade of the logical idea. It may be said to be the distinction of philo- sophy from ordinary consciousness that it sees the merely phenomenal character of what the latter supposes to have a self-subsistent being. The significance of appearance how- ever must be properly grasped, or mistakes will arise. To say that anything is a mere appearance may be misinterpreted to mean that, as compared with what is merely phenomenal, there is greater truth in the immediate, in that which is. Now in strict fact, the case is precisely the reverse. Appear- ance is higher than mere Being, — a richer category because it holds in combination the two elements of reflection-into- self and reflection-into-another : whereas Being (or imme- diacy)is still mere relationlessness,and apparently rests upon itself alone. Still, to say that anything is only an appearance suggests a real flaw, which consists in this, that Appearance is still divided against itself and without intrinsic stability. Beyond and above mere appearance comes in the first place Actuality, the third grade of Essence, of which we shall afterwards speak. In the history of Modern Philosophy, Kant has the merit of first rehabilitating this distinction between the common and the philosophic modes of thought. He stopped half-way however, when he attached to Appearance a subjective meaning only, and put the abstract essence immovable out- side it as the thing-in-itself beyond the reach of our cogni- tion. For it is the very nature of the world of immediate objects to be appearance only. Knowing it to be so, we know at the same time the essence, which, far from staying behind or beyond the appearance, rather manifests its own essentiality by deposing the world to a mere appearance. One can hardly quarrel with the plain man who, in his desire for totality, cannot acquiesce in the doctrine of sub- 131-133.] THE PHENOMENAL WORLD. 241 jective idealism, that we are solely concerned with pheno- mena. The plain man, however, in his desire to save the objectivity of knowledge, may very naturally return to abstract immediacy, and maintain that immediacy to be true and actual. In a little work published under the title, 'A Report, clear as day, to the larger Public touching the proper nature of the Latest Philosophy : an Attempt to force the reader to understand,' Fichte examined the opposition between subjective idealism and immediate consciousness in a popular form, under the shape of a dialogue between the author and the reader, and tried hard to prove that the subjective idealist's point of view was right. In this dialogue the reader complains to the author that he has completely failed to place himself in the idealist's position, and is inconsolable at the thought that things around him are no real things but mere appearances. The affliction of the reader can scarcely be blamed when he is expected to consider himself hemmed in by an impervious circle of purely subjective conceptions. Apart from this subjective view of Appearance, however, we have all reason to rejoice that the things which environ us are appearances and not steadfast and independent existences ; since in that case we should soon perish of hunger, both bodily and mental. (a) The World of Appearance. 132.] The Apparent or Phenomenal exists in such a way, that its subsistence is ipso facto thrown into abey- ance or suspended and is only one stage in the form itself. The form embraces in it the matter or subsist- ence as one of its characteristics. In this way the phe- nomenal has its ground in this (form) as its essence, its reflection-into-self in contrast with its immediacy, but, in so doing, has it only in another aspect of the form. This ground of its is no less phenomenal than itself, and the phenomenon accordingly goes on to an endless me- diation of subsistence by means of form, and thus equally by non-subsistence. This endless inter-mediation is at VOL. II. R 242 THE DOCTRINE OF ESSENCE. [132-133- the same time a unity of self-relation ; and existence is developed into a totality, into a world of phenomena, — of reflected finitude, {b) Content and Form. 133.] Outside one another as the phenomena in this phenomenal world are, they form a totality, and are wholly contained in their self-relatedness. In this way the self-relation of the phenomenon is completely speci- fied, it has the Form in itself: and because it is in this identity, has it as essential subsistence. So it comes about that the form is Content : and in its mature phase is the Law of the Phenomenon. When the form, on the contrary, is not reflected into self, it is equivalent to the negative of the phenomenon, to the non-inde- pendent and changeable : and that sort of form is the indifferent or External Form. The essential point to keep in mind about the oppo- sition of Form and Content is that the content is not formless, but has the form in its own self, quite as much as the form is external to it. There is thus a doubling of form. At one time it is reflected into itself; and then is identical with the content. At another time it is not reflected into itself, and then is the external existence, which does not at all affect the content. We are here in presence, implicitly, of the absolute correlation of content and form : viz. their reciprocal revulsion, so that content is nothing but the revulsion of form into con- tent, and form nothing but the revulsion of content into form. This mutual revulsion is one of the most impor- tant laws of thought. But it is not explicitly brought out before the Relations of Substance and Causality. Form and content are a pair of terms frequently employed by the reflective understanding, especially with a habit of looking on the content as the essential and independent, the 133-] CONTENT AND FORM. 243 form on the contrary as the unessential and dependent. Against this it is to be noted that both are in fact equally essential ; and that, while a formless content can be as little found as a formless matter, the two (content and matter) are distinguished by this circumstance, that matter, though implicitly not without form, still in its existence manifests a disregard of form, whereas the content, as such, is what it is only because the matured form is included in it. Still the form comes before us sometimes as an existence indifferent and external to content, and does so for the reason that the whole range of Appearance still suffers from externality. In a book, for instance, it certainly has no bearing upon the content, whether it be written or printed, bound in paper or in leather. That however does not in the least imply that apart from such an indifferent and external form, the content of the book is itself formless. There are undoubtedly books enough which even in reference to their content may well be styled formless : but want of form in this case is the same as bad form, and means the defect of the right form, not the absence of all form whatever. So far is this right form from being unaffected by the content that it is rather the content itself A work of art that wants the right form is for that very reason no right or true work of art : and it is a bad way of excusing an artist, to say that the content of his works is good and even excellent, though they want the right form. Real works of art are those where content and form exhibit a thorough identity. The content of the Iliad, it may be said, is the Trojan war, and especially the wrath of Achilles. In that we have everything, and yet very little after all ; for the Iliad is made an Iliad by the poetic form, in which that content is moulded. The content of Romeo and Juliet may similarly be said to be the ruin of two lovers through the discord between their families : but something more is needed to make Shakespeare's immortal tragedy. In reference to the relation of form and content in the field of science, we should recollect the difference between philosophy and the rest of the sciences. The latter are finite, because their mode of thought, as a merely formal act, de- rives its content from without. Their content therefore is 244 7-//^ DOCTRINE OF ESSENCE. '133-134. not known as moulded from within through the thoughts which he at the ground of it, and form and content do not thoroughly interpenetrate each other. Thxs partition dis- appears in philosophy, and thus justifies its title of infinite knowledge. Yet even philosophic thought is often held to be a merely formal act ; and that logic, which confessedly deals only with thoughts qua thoughts, is merely formal, is especially a foregone conclusion. And if content means no more than what is palpable and obvious to the senses, all philosophy and logic in particular must be at once acknow- ledged to be void of content, that is to say, of content per- ceptible to the senses. Even ordinary forms of thought however, and the common usage of language, do not in the least restrict the appellation of content to what is perceived by the senses, or to what has a being in place and time. A book without content is, as every one knows, not a book with empty leaves, but one of which the content is as good as none. We shall find as the last result on closer analysis, that by what is called content an educated mind means no- thing but the presence and power of thought. But this is to admit that thoughts are not empt}^ forms without affinity to their content, and that in other spheres as well as in art the truth and the sterling value of the content essentially depend on the content showing itself identical with the form. 134.] But immediate existence is a character of the subsistence itself as well as of the form : it is conse- quently external to the character of the content ; but in an equal degree this externality, which the content has through the factor of its subsistence, is essential to it. When thus explicitly stated, the phenomenon is rela- tivity or correlation : where one and the same thing, viz. the content or the developed form, is seen as the externality and antithesis of independent existences, and as their reduction to a relation of identity, in which identification alone the two things distinguished are what they are. 135-] CORRELATION. 245 [c) Relation or Correlation. 135.] (aale ivei)!.' It ought rather to have been said that, if the essence of nature is ever described as the inner part, the person who so describes it only knows its outer shell. In Being as a whole, or even in mere sense-perception, the notion is at first only an inward, and for that very reason is something external to Being, a subjective thinking and being, devoid of truth.— In Nature as well as in Mind, so long as the notion, design, or law are at first the inner capacity, mere possibilities, they are first only an external, inorganic nature, the knowledge of a third person, alien force, and the like. As a man is outwardly, that is to say in his actions (not of course in his merely bodily outwardness), so is he inwardly: and if his virtue, morality, &.c. are only inwardly his, — that is if they exist only in his intentions and sentiments, and his outward acts are not identical with them, the one half of him is as hollow and empty as the other. The relation of Outward and Inward unites the two rela- tions that precede, and at the same time sets in abeyance mere relativity and phenomenalit}'^ in general. Yet so long as understanding keeps the Inward and Outward fixed in their separation, they are empty forms, the one as null as the other. Not only in the study of nature, but also of the spiritual world, much depends on a just appreciation of the relation of inward and outward, and especially on avoiding the misconception that the former only is the essential point on which everything turns, while the latter is unessential and trivial. We find this mistake made when, as is often done, the difference between nature and mind is traced back ' Compare Goethe's indignant outcry — 'To Natural Science,' vol. i. pt. 3 : 2)a3 ^cr' xi) fecf^ig 3at)re h?icber^oIen, Unt) flu^e brauf, aber Oftflc^Ien, — Dhtur ^at h)cbcr ^ern nc^ Sc^aate, 51 Hf^ ifl fte mit einftn ^o.U. 254 T-Z/E DOCTRIN£^ OF ESSENCE. [140. to the abstract difference between inner and outer. As for nature, it certainly is in the gross external, not merely to the mind, but even on its own part. But to call it external 'in the gross' is not to imply an abstract externality— for there is no such thing. It means rather that the Idea which forms the common content of nature and mind, is found in nature as outward only, and for that very reason only in- ward. The abstract understanding, with its * Either — or,' may struggle against this conception of nature. It is none the less obviously found in our other modes of consciousness, particularly in religion. It is the lesson of religion that nature, no less than the spiritual world, is a revelation of God : but with this distinction, that while nature never gets so far as to be conscious of its divine essence, that conscious- ness is the express problem of the mind, which in the matter of that problem is as yet finite. Those who look upon the essence of nature as mere inwardness, and therefore inacces- sible to us, take up the same line as that ancient creed which regarded God as envious and jealous ; a creed which both Plato and Aristotle pronounced against long ago. All that God is. He imparts and reveals ; and He does so, at first, in and through nature. Any object indeed is faulty and imperfect when it is only inward, and thus at the same time only outward, or, (which is the same thing,) when it is only an outward and thus only an inward. For instance, a child, taken in the gross as human being, is no doubt a rational creature ; but the reason of the child as child is at first a mere inward, in the shape of his natural ability or vocation, &c. This mere inward, at the same time, has for the child the form of a more outward, in the shape of the will of his parents, the attainments of his teachers, and the whole world of reason that environs him. The education and instruction of a child aim at making him actually and for himself what he is at first potentially and therefore for others, viz. for his grown-up friends. The reason, which at first exists in the child only as an inner possibility, is actualised through education : and conversely, the child by these means becomes conscious that the good- ness, religion, and science which he had at first looked upon 1 140.] INWARD AND OUTWARD. 255 as an outward authority, are his own and inward nature. As with the child so it is in this matter with the adult, when, in opposition to his true destiny, his intellect and will remain in the bondage of the natural man. Thus, the criminal sees the punishment to which he has to submit as an act of violence from without : whereas in fact the penalty is only the manifestation of his own criminal will. From what has now been said, we may learn what to think of a man who, when blamed for his shortcomings, it may be, his discreditable acts, appeals to the (professedly) excellent intentions and sentiments of the inner self he dis- tinguishes therefrom. There certainly may be individual cases, where the malice of outward circumstances frustrates well-meant designs, and disturbs the execution of the best- laid plans. But in general even here the essential unity be- tween inward and outward is maintained. We are thus justified in saying that a man is what he does ; and the lying vanity which consoles itself with the feeling of inward excellence, may be confronted with the words of the gospel : ' By their fruits ye shall know them.' That grand saying applies primarily in a moral and religious aspect, but it also holds good in reference to performances in art and science.. The keen eye of a teacher who perceives in his pupil decided evidences of talent, may lead him to state his opinion that a Raphael or a Mozart lies hidden in the boy : and the result will show how far such an opinion was well-founded. But if a daub of a painter, or a poetaster, soothe themselves by the conceit that their head is full of high ideals, their consolation is a poor one ; and if they insist on being judged not by their actual works but by their projects, we may safely reject their pretensions as unfounded and unmeaning. The converse case however also occurs. In passing judg- ment on men who have accomplished something great and good, we often make use of the false distinction between inward and outward. All that they have accomplished, we say, is outward -merely ; inwardly they were acting from some very different motive, such as a desire to gratify their vanity or other unworthy passion. This is the spirit of envy. Incapable of any great action of its own, envy tries 256 THE DOCTRINE OF ESSENCE. [140. hard to depreciate greatness and to bring it down to its own level. Let us, rather, recall the fine expression of Goethe, that there is no remedy but Love against great superiorities of others. We may seek to rob men's great actions of their grandeur, by the insinuation of hypocrisy ; but, though it is possible that men in an instance now and then may dis- semble and disguise a good deal, they cannot conceal the whole of their inner self, which infallibly betrays itself in the decursHS vitae. Even here it is true that a man is nothing but the series of his actions. What is called the ' pragmatic ' writing of history has in modern times frequently sinned in its treatment of great historical characters, and defaced and tarnished the true con- ception of them by this fallacious separation of the outward from the inward. Not content with telling the unvarnished tale of the great acts which have been wrought by the heroes of the world's history, and with acknowledging that their inward being corresponds with the import of their acts, the pragmatic historian fancies himself justified and even obliged to trace the supposed secret motives that lie behind the open facts of the record. The historian, in that case, is supposed to write with more depth in proportion as he succeeds in tearing away the aureole from all that has been heretofore held grand and glorious, and in depressing it, so far as its origin and proper significance are concerned, to the level of vulgar mediocrity. To make these prag- matical researches in history easier, it is usual to recom- mend the study of psychology, which is supposed to make us acquainted with the real motives of human actions. The psychology in question however is only that petty know- ledge of men, which looks away from the essential and permanent in human nature to fasten its glance on the casual and private features shown in isolated instincts and passions. A pragmatical psychology ought at least to leave the historian, who investigates the motives at the ground of great actions, a choice between the ' substantial ' interests of patriotism, justice, religious truth and the like, on the one hand, and the subjective and ' formal ' interests of vanity, ambition, avarice and the like, on the other. The latter 140-142.] ACTUALITY. 257 however are the motives which must be viewed by the pragmatist as really efficient, otherwise the assumption of a contrast between the inward (the disposition of the agent) and the outward (the import of the action) would fall to the ground. But inward and outward have in truth the same content ; and the right doctrine is the very reverse of this pedantic judiciality. If the heroes of history had been ac- tuated by subjective and formal interests alone, they would never have accomplished what they have. And if we have due regard to the unity between the inner and the outer, we must own that great men willed what they did, and did what they willed. 141.] The empty abstractions, by means of which the one identical content perforce continues in the two cor- relatives, suspend themselves in the immediate transi- tion, the one in the other. The content is itself nothing but their identity (§ 138) : and these abstractions are the seeming of essence, put as seeming. By the mani- festation of force the inward is put into existence : but this putting is the mediation by empty abstractions. In its own self the intermediating process vanishes to the immediacy, in which the inward and the outward are absolutely identical and their difference is distinctly no more than assumed and imposed. This identity is Ac- tuality. C— Actuality. 142.] Actuality is the unity, become immediate, of essence with existence, or of inward with outward. The utterance of the actual is the actual itself: so that in this utterance it remains just as essential, and only is essential, in so far as it is in immediate external existence. We have ere this met Being and Existence as forms of the immediate. Being is, in general, unreflected im- mediacy and transition into another. Existence is im- mediate unity of being and reflection ; hence appearance : VOL 11. s 258 THE DOCTRINE OF ESSENCE. [142. it comes from the ground, and falls to the ground. In actuality this unity is explicitly put, and the two sides of the relation identified. Hence the actual is exempted from transition, and its externality is its energising. In that energising it is reflected into itself: its exist- ence is only the manifestation of itself, not of an other. Actuality and thought (or Idea) are often absurdly opposed. How commonly we hear people saying that, though no objection can be urged against the truth and correctness of a certain thought, there is nothing of the kind to be seen in actuality, or it cannot be actually carried out! People who use such language only prove that they have not pro- perly apprehended the nature either of thought or of actu- ality. Thought in such a case is, on one hand, the synonym for a subjective conception, plan, intention or the like, just as actuality, on the other, is made synonymous with external and sensible existence. This is all very well in common life, where great laxity is allowed in the categories and the names given to them : and it may of course happen that e.g. the plan, or so-called idea, say of a certain method of taxation, is good and advisable in the abstract, but that no- thing of the sort is found in so-called actuality, or could possibly be carried out under the given conditions. But when the abstract understanding gets hold of these cate- gories and exaggerates the distinction they imply into a hard and fast line of contrast, when it tells us that in this actual world we must knock ideas out of our heads, it is necessary energetically to protest against these doctrines, alike in the name of science and of sound reason. For on the one hand Ideas are not confined to our heads merely, nor is the Idea, upon the whole, so feeble as to leave the question of its actuaUsation or non-actualisation dependent on our will. The Idea is rather the absolutely active as well as actual. And on the other hand actuality is not so bad and irrational, as purblind or wrong-headed and muddle-brained would-be reformers imagine. So far is actuality, as dis- tinguished from mere appearance, and primarily present- ing a unity of inward and outward, from being in contrariety 142-143] ACTUALITY. 259 with reason, that it is rather thoroughly reas6nable, and everything which is not reasonable must on that very ground cease to be held actual. The same view may be traced in the usages of educated speech, which declines to give the name of real poet or real statesman to a poet or a statesman who can do nothing really meritorious or reasonable. In that vulgar conception of actuality which mistakes for it what is palpable and directly obvious to the senses, we must seek the ground of a wide-spread prejudice about the relation of the philosophy of Aristotle to that of Plato. Popular opinion makes the difference to be as follows. While Plato recognises the idea and only the idea as the truth, Aristotle, rejecting the idea, keeps to what is actual, and is on that account to be considered the founder and chief of empiricism. On this it may be remarked : that although actuality certainly is the principle of the Aristotelian philosophy, it is not the vulgar actuality of what is imme- diately at hand, but the idea as actuality. Where then lies the controversy of Aristotle against Plato ? It lies in this. Aristotle calls the Platonic idea a mere hvvafu^, and estab- lishes in opposition to Plato that the idea, which both equally recognise to be the only truth, is essentially to be viewed as an tvipyeia, in other words, as the inward which is quite to the fore, or as the unity of inner and outer, or as actuality, in the emphatic sense here given to the word. 143.] Such a concrete category as Actuality includes the characteristics aforesaid and their difference, and is therefore also the development of them, in such a way that, as it has them, they are at the same time plainly understood to be a show, to be assumed or im- posed (§ 141). (a) Viewed as an identity in general, Actuality is first of all Possibility — the reflection-into-self which, as in contrast with the concrete unity of the actual, is taken and made an abstract and unessential essentiality. Possibility is what is essential to reality, but in such a way that it is at the same time only a possibility. 26o THE DOCTRINE OF ESSENCE. [143. It was probably the import of Possibility which in- duced Kant to regard it along with necessity and ac- tuality as Modalities, 'since these categories do riot in the least increase the notion as object, but only express its relation to the faculty of knowledge.' For Possi- bility is really the bare abstraction of reflection-into-self, — what was formerly called the Inward, only that it is now taken to mean the external inward, lifted out of reality and with the being of a mere supposition, and is thus, sure enough, supposed only as a bare modality, an abstraction which comes short, and, in more con- crete terms, belongs only to subjective thought. It is otherwise with Actuality and Necessity. They are anything but a mere sort and mode for something else : in fact the very reverse of that. If they are supposed, it is as the concrete, not merely supposititious, but intrin- sically complete. As Possibility is, in the first instance, the mere form of identity-with-self (as compared with the concrete which is actual), the rule for it merely is that a thing must not be self-contradictory. Thus everything is possible; for an act of abstraction can give any content this form of identity. Everything however is as impos- sible as it is possible. In every content, — which is and must be concrete, — the speciality of its nature may be viewed as a specialised contrariety and in that way as a contradiction. Nothing therefore can be more mean- ingless than to speak of such possibility and impossi- bility. In philosophy, in particular, there should never be a word said of showing that ' It is possible,' or * There is still another possibility,' or, to adopt another phrase- ology, ' It is conceivable.' The same consideration should warn the writer of history against employing a category which has now been explained to be on its own merits untrue : but the subtlety of the empty un- 1 43-] POSSIBILITY. 26 1 derstanding finds its chief pleasure in the fantastic inge- nuity of suggesting possibih'ties and lots of possibilities. Our picture-thought is at first disposed to see in possi- bihty the richer and more comprehensive, in actuality the poorer and narrower category. Everything, it is said, is possible, but everything which is possible is not on that account actual. In real truth, however, if we deal with them as thoughts, actuality is the more comprehensive, because it is the concrete thought which includes possibility as an abstract element. And that superiority is to some extent expressed in our ordinary mode of thought when we speak of the possible, in distinction from the actual, as only possible. Possibility is often said to consist in a thing's being thinkable. ' Think,' however, in this use of the word, only means to conceive any content under the form of an abstrac. identity. Now every content can be brought under this form, since nothing is required except to separate it from the relations in which it stands. Hence any content, however absurd and nonsensical, can be viewed as possible. It is possible that the moon might fall upon the earth to- night ; for the moon is a body separate from the earth, - and may as well fall down upon it as a stone thrown into the air does. It is possible that the Sultan may becomt Pope ; for, being a man, he may be converted to the Chris- tian faith, may become a Catholic priest, and so on. In lan- guage like this about possibilities, it is chiefly the law of the sufficient ground or reason which is manipulated in the style already explained. Everything, it is said, is possible, for which you can state some ground. The less education a man has, or, in other words, the less he knows of the specific connexions of the objects to which he directs his observa- tions, the greater is his tendency to launch out into all sorts of empty possibilities. An instance of this habit in the political sphere is seen in the pot-house politician. In prac- tical life too it is no uncommon thing to see ill-will and indolence slink behind the category of possibility, in order to escape definite obligations. To such conduct the same remarks apply as were made in connexion with the law 262 THE DOCTRINE OF ESSENCE. [143-144- of sufficient ground. Reasonable and practical men refuse to be imposed upon by the possible, for the simple ground that it is possible only. They stick to the actual (not mean- ing by that word merely whatever immediately is now and here). Many of the proverbs of common life express the same contempt for what is abstractly possible. ' A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.' After all there is as good reason for taking everything to be impossible, as to be possible: for every content (a content is always concrete) includes not only diverse but even oppo- site characteristics. Nothing is so impossible, for instance, as this, that I am : for ' I ' is at the same time simple self- relation and, as undoubtedly, relation to something else. The same may be seen in every other fact in the natural or spiritual world. Matter, it may be said, is impossible : for it is the unity of attraction and repulsion. The same is true of life, law, freedom, and above all, of God Himself, as the true, i. e. the triune God,— a notion of God, which the abstract 'Enlightenment' of Understanding, in conformity with its canons, rejected on the allegation that it was contradictory in thought. Generally speaking, it is the empty understanding which haunts these empty forms : and the business of philo- sophy in the matter is to show how null and meaningless they are. Whether a thing is possible or impossible, de- pends altogether on the subject-matter : that is, on the sum total of the elements in actuality, which, as it opens itself out, discloses itself to be necessity. 144.] (/3) But the Actual in its distinction from possi- bility (which is reflection-into-self) is itself only the out- ward concrete, the unessential immediate. In other words, to such extent as the actual is primarily (§ 142) the simple merely immediate unity of Inward and Out- ward, it is obviously made an unessential outward, and thus at the same time (^ 140) it is merely inward, the abstraction of reflection-into-self. Hence it is itself characterised as a merely possible. When thus valued at the rate of a mere possibility, the actual is a Con- 144-145-] CONTINGENCY. 263 tingent or Accidental, and, conversely, possibility is mere Accident itself or Chance. 145.] Possibility and Contingenc}^ are the two factors of Actuality, — Inward and Outward, put as mere forms which constitute the externality of the actual. They have their reflection-into-self on the body of actual fact, or content, with its intrinsic definiteness which gives the essential ground of their characterisation. The finitude of the contingent and -the possible lies, there- fore, as we now see, in the distinction of the form-deter- mination from the content : and, therefore, it depends on the content alone whether anything is contingent and possible. As possibility is the mere inside of actuality, it is for that reason a mere outside actuality, in other words, Contingency. The contingent, roughly speaking, is what has the ground of its being not in itself but in somewhat else. Such is the aspect under which actuality first comes before conscious- ness, and which is often mistaken for actuality itself. But the contingent is only one side of the actual, — the side, namely, of reflection on somewhat else. It is the actual, in the signification of something merely possible. Accordingly w^e consider the contingent to be what may or may not be, what may be in one way or in another, whose being or not-being, and whose being on this wise or otherwise, depends not upon itself but on something else. To over- come this contingency is, roughly speaking, the problem of science on the one hand ; as in the range of practice, on the other, the end of action is to rise above the contingency of the will, or above caprice. It has however often happened, most of all in modern times, that contingency has been un- warrantably elevated, and had a value attached to it, both in nature and the world of mind, to which it has no just claim. Frequently Nature— to take it first,— has been chiefly admired for the richness and variety of its structures. Apart, how- ever, from what disclosure it contains of the Idea, this rich- ness gratifies none of the higher interests of reason, and in 264 THE DOCTRINE OF ESSENCE. [145- its vast variety of structures, organic and inorganic, affords us only the spectacle of a contingency losing itself in vagueness. At anj'^ rate, the chequered scene presented by the several varieties of anjmals and plants, conditioned as it is by outward circumstances,— the complex changes in the figuration and grouping of clouds, and the like, ought not to be ranked higher than the equally casual fancies of the mind which surrenders itself to its own caprices. The wonder- ment with which such phenomena are welcomed is a most abstract frame of mind, from which one should advance to a closer insight into the innerharmonyand uniformity of nature. Of contingency in respect of the Will it is especially im- portant to form a proper estimate. The Freedom of the Will is an expression that often means mere free-choice, or the will in the form of contingency. Freedom of choice, or the capacity of determining ourselves towards one thing or another, is undoubtedly a vital element in the will (which in its very notion is free) ; but instead of being freedom itself, it is only in the first instance a freedom in form. The genuinely free will, which includes free choice as sus- pended, is conscious to itself that its content is intrinsically firm and fast, and knows it at the same time to be thoroughly its own. A will, on the contrary, which remains standing on the grade of option, even supposing it does decide in favour of what is in import right and true, is always haunted by the conceit that it might, if it had so pleased, have decided in favour of the reverse course. When more narrowly ex- amined, free choice is seen to be a contradiction, to this extent that its form and content stand in antithesis. The matter of choice is given, and known as a content dependent not on the will itself, but on outward circumstances. In reference to such a given content, freedom lies only in the form of choosing, which, as it is only a freedom in form, may consequently be regarded as freedom only in supposition. On an ultimate analysis it will be seen that the same out- wardness of circumstances, on which is founded the content that the will finds to its hand, can alone account for the will giving its decision for the one and not the other of the two alternatives. 145-146] CHANCE AND FREEWILL. 265 Although contingency, as it has thus been shown, is only one aspect in the whole of actuality, and therefore not to be mistaken for actuality itself, it has no less than the rest of the forms of the idea its due office in the world of objects. This is, in the first place, seen in Nature. On the surface of Nature, so to speak, Chance ranges unchecked, and that contingency must simply be recognised, without the pre- tension sometimes erroneously ascribed to philosophy, of seeking to find in it a could-only-be-so-and-not-otherwise. Nor is contingency less visible in the world of Mind. The will, as we have already remarked, includes contingency under the shape of option or free-choice, but only as a vanishing and abrogated element. In respect of Mind and its works, just as in the case of Nature, we must guard against being so far misled by a well-meant endeavour after rational knowledge, as to try to exhibit the necessity of phenomena which are marked by a decided contingency, or, as the phrase is, to construe them a priori. Thus in language (although it be, as it were, the body of thought) Chance still unquestionably plays a decided part ; and the same is true of the creations of law, of art, &c. The problem of science, and especially of philosophy, undoubtedly consists in eliciting the necessity concealed under the semblance of contingency. That how- ever is far from meaning that the. contingent belongs to our subjective conceptioa alone, and must therefore be simply set aside, if we wish to get at the truth. All scientific re- searches which pursue this tendency exclusively, lay them- selves fairly open to the charge of mere jugglery and an over-strained precisianism. 146.] When more closely examined, what the afore- said outward side of actuality implies is this. Con- tingency, which is actuality in its immediacy, is the self-identical, essentially only as a supposition which is no sooner made than it is revoked and leaves an existent externality. In this way, the external con- tingency is something pre-supposed, the immediate existence of which is at the same time a possibility, and has the vocation to be suspended, to be the pos- 266 THE DOCTRINE OF ESSENCE. [146-147- sibility of something else. Now this possibility is the Condition. The Contingent, as the immediate actuality, is at the same time the possibility of somewhat else,— no longer however that abstract possibility which we had at first, but the possi- bility which is. And a possibility existent is a Condition. By the Condition of a thing we mean first, an existence, in short an immediate, and secondly the vocation of this im- mediate to be suspended and subserve the actualising of something else. — Immediate actuality is in general as such never what it ought to be ; it is a finite actuality with an inherent flaw, and its vocation is to be consumed. But the other aspect of actuality is its essentiality. This is primarily the inside, which as a mere possibility is no less destined to be suspended. Possibility thus suspended is the issuing of a new actuality, of which the first immediate actuality was the pre-supposition. Here we see the alternation which is involved in the notion of a Condition. The Conditions of a thing seem at first sight to involve no bias any way. Really however an immediate actuality of this kind includes in it the germ of something else altogether. At first this some- thing else is only a possibility : but the form of possibility is soon suspended and translated into actuality. This new actuality thus issuing is the very inside of the immediate actuality which it uses up. Thus there comes into being quite an other shape of things, and yet it is not an other: for the first actuality is only put as what it in essence was. The conditions which are sacrificed, which fall to the ground and are. spent, only unite with themselves in the other actuality. Such in general is the nature of the process of actuality. The actual is no mere case of immediate Being, but, as essential Being, a suspension of itj own immediacy, and thereby mediating itself with itself 147.] (y) When this externality (of actuality) is thus developed into a circle of the two categories of possi- bility and immediate actuality, showing the intermedia- tion of the one by the other, it is what is called Real 147-] NECESSITY. 267 Possibility. Being such a circle, further, it is the totality, and thus the content, the actual fact or affair in its all-round definiteness. Whilst in like manner, if we look at the distinction between the two characteristics in this unity, it realises the concrete totality of the form, the immediate self-translation of inner into outer, and of outer into inner. This self-movement of the form is Activity, carrying into effect the fact or affair as a real ground which is self-suspended to actuality, and carrying into effect the contingent actuality, the condi- tions; i.e. it is their reflection-in-self, and their self- suspension to an other actuality, the actuality of the actual fact. If all the conditions are at hand, the fact (event) musi be actual ; and the fact itself is one of the conditions : for being in the first place only inner, it is at first itself only pre-supposed. Developed actuality, as the coincident alternation of inner and outer, the alternation of their opposite motions combined into a single motion, is Necessity. Necessity has been defined, and rightly so, as the union of possibility and actuality. This mode of ex- pression, however, gives a superficial and therefore unintelligible description of the very difficult notion of necessity. It is difficult because it is the notion itself, only that its stages or factors are still as actualities, which are yet at the same time to be viewed as forms only, collapsing and transient. In the two following paragraphs therefore an Exposition of the factors which constitute necessity must be given at greater length. When anything is said to be necessary, the first question' we ask is. Why ? Anything necessary accordingly comes before us as something due to a supposition, the result of certain antecedents. If we go no further than mere deri- vation from antecedents however, we have not gained a complete notion of what necessity means. What is merely 268 THE DOCTRINE OF ESSENCE. [147. derivative, is what it is, not through itself, but through some- thing else ; and in this way it too is merely contingent. What is necessary, on the other hand, we would have be what it is through itself; and thus, although derivative, it must still contain the antecedent whence it is derived as a vanishing element in itself Hence we say of what is necessary, ' It is.' We thus hold it to be simple, self-relation, in which all de- pendence on something else is removed. Necessity is often said to be blind. If that means that in the process of necessity the End or final cause is not explicitly and overtly present, the statement is correct. The process of necessity begins with the existence of scattered circum- stances which appear to have no inter-connexion and no concern one with another. These circumstances are an immediate actuality which collapses, and out of this negation a new actuality proceeds. Here we have a content which in point of form is doubled, once as content of the final realised fact, and once as content of the scattered circumstances whi'.ii appear as if they were positive, and make themselves at first felt in that character. The latter content is in itself nought and is accordingly inverted into its negative, thus be- coming content of the realised fact. The immediate circum- stances fall to the ground as conditions, but are at the same time retained as content of the ultimate reality. From such circumstances and conditions there has, as we say, proceeded quite another thing, and it is for that reason that we call this process of necessity blind. If on the contrary we consider teleological action, we have in the end of action a content which is already fore-known. This activity therefore is not bhnd but seeing. To say that the world is ruled by Pro- vidence implies that design, as what has been absolutely pre-determined, is the active principle, so that the issue corresponds to what has been fore-known and fore-willed. The theory however which regards the world as deter- mined throagh necessity and the belief in a divine provi- dence are by no means mutually excluding points of view. The intellectual principle underlying the idea of divine providence will hereafter be shown to be the notion. But the notion is the truth of necessity, which it contains in sus- 147-] NECESSITY AND FROVIDENCE. 269 pension in itself; just as, conversely, necessity is the notion implicit. Necessity is blind only so long as it is not under- stood. There is nothing therefore more mistaken than the charge of blind f^italism made against the Philosophy of History, when it takes for its problem to understand the necessity of every event. The philosophy of history rightly understood takes the rank of a Theodicee ; and those, who fancy they honour Divine Providence by excluding necessity from it, are really degrading it by this exclusiveness to a blind and irrational caprice. In the simple language of the religious mind which speaks of God's eternal and immutable decrees, there is implied an express recognition that necessity forms part of the essence of God. In his difference from God, man, with his own private opinion and will, follows the call of caprice and arbitrary humour, and thus often finds his acts turn out something quite different from what he had meant and willed. But God knows what He wills, is determined in His eternal will neither by accident from within nor from without, and what He wills He also accomplishes, irresistibly. Necessity gives a point of view which has important bear- ings upon our sentiments and behaviour. When we look upon events as necessary, our situation seems at first sight to lack freedom completely. In the creed of the ancients, as we know, necessity figured as Destiny. The modern point of view, on the contrary, is that of Consolation. And Consolation means that, if we renounce our aims and interests, we do so only in prospect of receiving compensation. Destiny, on the contrary, leaves no room for Consolation. But a close examination of the ancient feeling about destiny, will not by any means reveal a sense of bondage to its power. Rather the reverse. This will clearly appear, if we remember, that the sense of bondage springs from inability to surmount the antithesis, and from looking at what is, and what happens, as contra- dictory to what ought to be and happen. In the ancient mind the feeling was more of the following kind : Because such a thing is, it is, and as it is, so ought it to be. Here there is no contrast to be seen, and therefore no sense of bondage, no pain, and no sorrow. True, indeed, as already remarked, this attitude towards destiny is voio of consolation. But then, on 270 THE DOCTRINE OF ESSENCE. [147. the other hand, it is a frame of mind which does not need consolation, so long as personal subjectivity has not acquired its infinite significance. It is this point on which special stress should be laid in comparing the ancient sentiment with that of the modern and Christian world. By Subjectivity, however, we may understand, in the first place, only the natural and finite subjectivity, with its con- tingent and arbitrary content of private interests and in- clinations,— all, in short, that we call person as distinguished from thing : taking ' thing ' in the emphatic sense of the word (in which we use the (correct) expression that it is a question oi things and not oi persons). In this sense of sub- jectivity we cannot help admiring the tranquil resignation of the ancients to destiny, and feeling that it is a much higher and worthier mood than that of the moderns, who obstinately pursue their subjective aims, and when they find themselves constrained to resign the hope of reaching them, console themselves with the prospect of a reward in some other shape. But the term subjectivity is not to be confined merely to the bad and finite kind of it which is contrasted with the thing (fact). In its truth subjectivity is immanent in the fact, and as a subjectivity thus infinite is the very truth of the fact. Thus regarded, the doctrine of consolation receives a newer and a higher significance. It is in this sense that the Christian religion is to be regarded as the religion of conso- lation, and even of absolute consolation, Christianity, we know, teaches that God wishes all men to be saved. That teaching declares that subjectivity has an infinite value. And that consoling power of Christianity just lies in the fact that God Himself is in it known as the absolute subjectivity, so that, inasmuch as subjectivity involves the element of particularity, our particular personality too is recognised not merely as something to be solely and simply nullified, but as at the same time something to be preserved. The gods of the ancient world were also, it is true, looked upon as personal ; but the personality of a Zeus and an Apollo is not a real personality : it is only a figure in the mind. In other words, these gods are mere personifications, which, being such, do not know themselves, and are only known. 147-148] THE CONSOLATIONS OF NECESSITY. 271 An evidence of this defect and this powcrlessness of the old gods is found even in the rehgious beliefs of antiquity. In the ancient creeds not only men, but even gods, were repre- sented as subject to destiny (n-fTrpaj/xtVov or fifxnp^fvr]), a destiny which we must conceive as necessity not unveiled, and thus as something wholly impersonal, selfless, and bhnd. On the other hand, the Christian God is God not known merely, but also self-knowing ; He is a personality not merely figured in our minds, but rather absolutely actual. We must refer to the Philosophy of Religion for a further discussion of the points here touched. But we may note in passing how important it is for any man to meet everything that befalls him with the spirit of the old proverb which de- scribes each man as the architect of his own fortune. That means that it is only himself after all of which a man has the usufruct. The other way would be to lay the blame of whatever we experience upon other men, upon unfavourable circumstances, and the like. And this is a fresh example of the language of unfreedom, and at the same time the spring of discontent. If man saw, on the contrary, that whatever happens to him is only the outcome of himself, and that he only bears his own guilt, he would stand free, and in every- thing that came upon him would have the consciousness that he suffered no wrong. A man who lives in dispeace with himself and his lot, commits much that is perverse and amiss, for no other reason than because of the false opinion that he is wronged by others. No doubt too there is a great deal of chance in what befalls us. But the chance has its root in the ' natural ' man. So long however as a man is otherwise conscious that he is free, his harmony of soul and peace of mind will not be destroyed by the disagreeables that befall him. It is their view of necessity, therefore, which is at the root of the content and discontent of men, and which in that way determines their destiny itself. 148.] Among the three elements in the process of necessity — the Condition, the Fact, and the Activity — a. The Condition is {") what is pre-supposed or ante- stated, i. e. it is not only supposed or stated, and so only 272 THE DOCTRINE OF ESSENCE. [148. a correlative to the fact, but also prior, and so inde- pendent, a contingent and external circumstance which exists without respect to the fact. While thus contin- gent, however, this pre-supposed or ante-stated term, in respect withal of the fact, which is the totality, is a complete circle of conditions. (;3) The conditions are passive, are used as materials for the fact, into the content of which they thus enter. They are likewise intrinsically conformable to this content, and already contain its whole characteristic. b. The Fact is also (a) something pre-supposed or ante-stated, i.e. it is at first, and as supposed, only inner and possible, and also, being prior, an independent con- tent by itself. (/3) By using up the conditions, it receives its external existence, the realisation of the articles of its content, which reciprocally correspond to the conditions,, so that whilst it presents itself out of these as the fact, it also pioceeds from them. c. The Activity similarly has (a) an independent existence of its own (as a man, a character), and at the same time it is possible only where the conditions are and the fact. (^) It is the movement which translates the conditions into fact, and the latter into the former as the side of existence, or rather the movement which educes the fact from the conditions in which it is poten- tially present, and which gives existence to the fact by abolishing the existence possessed by the conditions. In so far as these three elements stand to each other in the shape of independent existences, this process has the aspect of an outward necessity. Outward necessity has a limited content for its fact. For the fact is this whole, in phase of singleness. But since in its form this whole is external to itself, it is self-externalised even in its own self and in its content, and this exter- nality, attaching to the fact, is a limit of its content. I49-I50-] SUBSTANCE AND ACCIDENTS. 273 149.] Necessity, then, is potentially the one essence, self-same but now full of content, in the reflected light of which its distinctions take the form of independent realities. This self-sameness is at the same time, as absolute form, the activity which reduces into depen- dency and mediates into immediacy. — Whatever is necessary is through an other, which is broken up into the mediating ground (the Fact and the Activity) and an immediate actuality or accidental circumstance, which is at the same time a Condition. The necessary, being through an other, is not in and for itself: hypothetical, it is a mere result of assumption. But this inter- mediation is just as immediately however the abrogation of itself. The ground and contingent condition is trans- lated into immediacy, by which that dependency is now lifted up into actuality, and the fact has closed with itself. In this return to itself the necessary simply and positively is, as unconditioned actuality. The necessary is so, mediated through a circle of circumstances : it is so, because the circumstances are so, and at the same time it is so, unmediated : it is so, because it is. {a) Relationship of Substantiality. 150.J The necessary is in itself an absolute correlation of elements, i.^e. the process developed (in the preceding paragraphs), in which the correlation also suspends itself to absolute identity. In its immediate form it is the relationship of Sub- stance and Accident. The absolute self-identity of this relationship is Substance as such, which as necessity gives the negative to this form of inwardness, and thus invests itself with actuality, but which also gives the negative to this outward thing. In this negativity, the actual, as immediate, is only an accidental which through this bare possibility passes over into another actuality. VOL. II. T 274 ^^^ DOCTRINE OF ESSENCE. [150-151. This transition is the identity of substance, regarded as form-activity (§§ 148, 149), 151.] Substance is accordingly the totality of the Ac- cidents, revealing itself in them as their absolute nega- tivity, (that is to say, as absolute power,) and at the same time as the wealth of all content. This content however is nothing but that very revelation, since the character (being reflected in itself to make content) is only a passing stage of the form which passes away in the power of substance. Substantiality is the absolute form- activity and the power of necessity : all content is but a vanishing element which merely belongs to this pro- cess, where there is an absolute revulsion of form and content into one another. In the history of philosophy we meet with Substance as the principle of Spinoza's system. On the import and value of that much-praised and no less decried philosophy there has been great misunderstanding and a deal of talking since the days of Spinoza. The atheism and, as a further charge, the pantheism of the system has formed the commonest ground of accusation. These cries arise because of Spinoza's conception of God as substance, and substance only. What we are to think of this charge follows, in the first in- stance, from the place which substance takes in the sys- tem of the logical idea. Though an essential stage in the evolution of the idea, substance is not the same with abso- lute Idea, but the idea under the still limited form of neces- sity. It is true that God is necessity, or, as we may also put it, that He is the absolute Thing : He is however no less the absolute Person. That He is the absolute Person however is a point which the philosophy of Spinoza never reached : and on that side it falls short of the true notion of God which forms the content of religious consciousness in Chris- tianity. Spinoza was by descent a Jew ; and it is upon the whole the Oriental way of seeing things, according to which the nature of the finite world seems frail and transient, that has found its intellectual expression in his system. This 151.] SUBSTANCE AND ACCIDENTS. 275 Oriental view of the unity of substance certainly gives the basis for all real further development. Still it is not the final idea. It is marked by the absence of the principle of the Western World, the principle of individuality', which first appeared under a philosophic shape, contemporaneously with Spinoza, in the Monadology of Leibnitz, From this point we glance back to the alleged atheism of Spinoza. The charge will be seen to be unfounded if we remember that his system, instead of denying God, rather recognises that He alone really is. Nor can it be main- tained that the God of Spinoza, although he is described as alone true, is not the true God, and therefore as good as no God. If that were a just charge, it would only prove that all other systems, where speculation has not gone beyond a subordinate stage of the idea, — that the Jews and Moham- medans who know God onl}' as the Lord,— and that even the many Christians for whom God is merely the most high, unknowable, and transcendent being, are as much atheists as Spinoza. The so-called atheism of Spinoza is merely an exaggeration of the fact that he defrauds the principle of difference or finitude of its due. Hence his system, as it holds that there is properly speaking no world, at any rate that the world has no positive being, should rather be styled Acosmism. These considerations will also show what is to be said of the charge of Pantheism. If Pantheism means, as it often does, the doctrine which takes finite things in their finitude and in the complex of them to be God, we must acquit the system of Spinoza of the crime of Pan- theism. For in that system, finite things and the world as a whole are denied all truth. On the other hand, the philosophy which is Acosmism is for that reason certainly pantheistic. The shortcoming thus acknowledged to attach to the con- tent turns out at the same time to be a shortcoming in respect of form. Spinoza puts substance at the head of his system, and defines it to be the unity of thought and exten- sion, without demonstrating how he gets to this distinction, or how he traces it back to the unity of substance. The further treatment of the subject proceeds in what is called T 2 276 THE DOCTRINE OF ESSENCE. [151-153. the. mathematical method. Definitions and axioms are first laid down : after them comes a series of theorems, which are proved by an analytical reduction of them to these un- proved postulates. Although the system of Spinoza, and that even by those' who altogether reject its contents and results, is praised for the strict sequence of its method, such unqualified praise of the form is as little justified as an un- qualified rejection of the content. The defect of the content is that the form is not known as immanent in it, and there- fore only approaches it as an outer and subjective form. As intuitively accepted by Spinoza without a previous me- diation by dialectic, Substance, as the universal negative pov/er, is as it were a dark shapeless abyss which engulfs all definite content as radically null, and produces from itself nothing that has a positive subsistence of its own. 152.] At the stage, where substance, as absolute power, is the self-relating power (itself a merely inner possibility) which thus determines itself to accidentality, — from which power the externality it thereby creates is distinguished — necessity is a correlation strictly so called, just as in the first form of necessity, it is substance. This is the correlation of Causality. [b) Relationship of Causality. 153.] Substance is Cause, in so far as substance re- flects into self as against its passage into accidentality and so stands as the primary fact, but again no less suspends this reflection-into-self (its bare possibility), laj's itself down as the negative of itself, and thus pro- duces an Eflfect, an actuality, which, though so far only assumed as a sequence, is through the process that effectuates it at the same time necessary. As primary fact, the cause is qualified as having absolute independence and a siibsistence maintained in face of the effect : but in the necessity, whose identity 153.] CAUSE AND EFFECT. 277 constitutes that primariness itself, it is wholly passed into the effect. So far again as we can speak of a definite content, there is no content in the effect that is not in the cause. That identity in fact is the absolute content itself: but it is no less also the form-character- istic. The primariness of the cause is suspended in the effect in which the cause makes itself a dependent being. The cause however does not for that reason vanish and leave the effect to be alone actual. F'or this dependency is in like manner directly suspended, and is rather the reflection of the cause in itself, its primariness : in short, it is in the effect that the cause first becomes actual and a cause. The cause consequently is in its full truth causa sui. — Jacobi, sticking to the partial conception of mediation (in his Letters on Spinoza, second edit. p. 416), has treated the causa sui (and the effectus sui is the same), which is the absolute truth of the cause, as a mere formalism. He has also made the remark that God ought to be defined not as the ground of things, but essentially as cause. A more thorough considera- tion of the nature of cause would have shown that Jacobi did not by this means gain what he intended. Even in the finite cause and its conception we can see this identity between cause and effect in point of con- tent. The rain (the cause) and the wet (the effect) are the self-same existing water. In point of form the cause (rain) is dissipated or lost in the effect (wet): but in that case the result can no longer be described as effect; for without the cause it is nothing, and we should have only the unrelated wet left. In the common acceptation of the causal relation the cause is finite, to such extent as its content is so (as is also the case with finite substance), and so far as cause and effect are conceived as two several independent exist- ences: which they are, however, only when we leave the 278 THE DOCTRINE OF ESSENCE. [153. causal relation out of sight. In the finite sphere we never get over the difference of the form-characteristics in their relation: and hence we turn the matter round and define the cause also as something dependent or as an effect. This again has another cause, and thus there grows up a progress from effects to causes ad infinitum. There is a descending progress too : the effect, looked at in its identity with the cause, is itself defined as a cause, and at the same time as another cause, which again has other effects, and so on for ever. The way understanding bristles up against the idea of substance is equalled by its readiness to use the re- lation of cause and effect. Whenever it is proposed to view any sum of fact as necessary, it is especially the relation of causality to which the reflective understand- ing makes a point of tracing it back. Now, although this relation does undoubtedly belong to necessity, it forms only one aspect in the process of that category. That process equally requires the suspension of the media- tion involved in causality and the exhibition of it as simple self-relation. If we stick to causality as such, we have it not in its truth. Such a causality is merely finite, and its finitude lies in retaining the distinction between cause and effect unassimilated. But these two terms, if they are dis- tinct, are also identical. Even in ordinary consciousness that identity may be found. We say that a cause is a cause, only when it has an effect, and vice versa. Both cause and effect are thus one and the same content : and the distinc- tion between them is primarily only that the one lays down, and the other is laid down. This formal difference however again suspends itself, because the cause is not only a cause of something else, but also a cause of itself ; while the effect is not only an effect of something else, but also an effect of itself. The finitude of things consists accordingly in this. While cause and effect are in their notion identical, the two forms present themselves severed so that, though the cause is also an effect, and the effect also a cause, the cause is not an effect in the same connexion as it is a cause, nor the 153-I54-] CAUSE AND EFFECT. 279 effect a cause in the same connexion as it is an effect. This again gives the infinite progress, in the shape of an endless series of causes, which shows itself at the same time as an endless series of effects. 154.] The effect is different from the cause. The former as such has a being dependent on the latter. But such a dependence is likewise reflection-into-self and immediacy : and the action of the cause, as it con- stitutes the effect, is at the same time the pre-constitution of the effect, so long as effect is kept separate from cause. There is thus already in existence another substance on which the effect takes place. As imme- diate, this substance is not a self related negativity and active, but passive. Yet it is a substance, and it is there- fore active also : it therefore suspends the immediacy it was originally put forward with, and the effect which was put into it : it reacts, i. e. suspends the activity of the first substance. But this first substance also in the same way sets aside its own immediacy, or the effect which is put into it ; it thus suspends the activity of the other substance and reacts. In this manner causality passes into the relation of Action and Reaction, or Reciprocity. In Reciprocity, although causality is not yet invested with its true characteristic, the rectilinear movement out from causes to effects, and from effects to causes, is bent round and back into itself, and thus the progress ad in- finitum of causes and effects is, as a progress, really and truly suspended. This bend, which transforms the in- finite progression into a self-contained relationship, is here as always the plain reflection that in the above meaningless repetition there is only one and the same thing, viz. one cause and another, and their connexion with one another. Reciprocity — which is the develop- ment of this relation -itself however only distinguishes 28o THE DOCTRINE OF ESSENCE. [154-156. turn and turn about ( — not causes, but) factors of causa- tion, in each of which — just because they are inseparable (on the principle of the identity that the cause is cause in the effect, and vice versa) — the other factor is also equally supposed. (c) Reciprocity or Action and Reaction. 155.] The characteristics which in Reciprocal Action are retained as distinct are (a) potentially the same. The one side is a cause, is primary, active, passive, &c., just as the other is. Similarly the pre-supposition of another side and the action upon it, the immediate primariness and the dependence produced by the alter- nation, are one and the same on both sides. The cause assumed to be first is on account of its immediacy passive, a dependent being, and an effect. The dis- tinction of the causes spoken of as two is accordingly void : and properly speaking there is only one cause, which, while it suspends itself (as substance) in its effect, also rises in this operation only to independent exist- ence as a cause. 156.] But this unity of the double cause is also [ii) actual. All this alternation is properly the cause in act of constituting itself and in such constitution lies its being. The nullity of the distinctions is not only po- tential, or a reflection of ours (§ 155). Reciprocal action just means that each characteristic we impose is also to be suspended and inverted into its opposite, and that in this way the essential nullity of the 'moments * is explicitly stated. An effect is introduced into the pri- mariness; in other words, the primariness is abolished : the action of a cause becomes reaction, and so on. Reciprocal action realises the causal relation in its com- plete development. It is this relation, therefore, in which reflection usually takes shelter when the conviction grows that 156.] ACTION AND REACTION. 2&1 things can no longer be studied satisfactorily from a causal point of view, on account of the infinite progress already spoken of. Thus in historical research the question may be raised in a first form, whether the character and manners of a nation are the cause of its constitution and its laws, or if they are not rather the effect. Then, as the second step, the character and manners on one side and the constitu- tion and laws on the other are conceived on the principle of reciprocity : and in that case the cause in the same connexion as it is a cause will at the same time be an effect, and vice versa. The same thing is done in the study of Nature, and especially of living organisms. There the several organs and functions are similarly seen to stand to each other in the relation of reciprocity. Reciprocity is un- doubtedly the proximate truth of the relation of cause and effect, and stands, so to say, on the threshold of the notion ; but on that very ground, supposing that our aim is a thoroughly comprehensive idea, we should not rest content with applying this relation. If we get no further than study- ing a given content under the point of view of reciprocity, we are taking up an attitude which leaves matters utterly incomprehensible. We are left with a mere dry fact ; and the call for mediation, which is the chief motive in applying ^he relation of causality, is still unanswered. And if we look more narrowly into the dissatisfaction felt in applying the relation of reciprocity, we shall see that it consists in the circumstance, that this relation, instead of being treated as an equivalent for the notion, ought, first of all, to be known and understood in its own nature. And to understand the rela- tion of action and reaction we must not let the two sides rest in their state of mere given facts, but recognise them, as has been shown in the two paragraphs preceding, for factors of a third and higher, which is the notion and nothing else. To make, for example, the manners of the Spartans the cause of their constitution and their constitution conversely the cause of their manners, may no doubt be in a way cor- rect. But, as we have comprehended neither the manners nor the constitution of the nation, the result of such reflec- tions can never be final or satisfactory. The satisfactory 282 THE DOCTRINE OF ESSENCE. [156-158, point will be reached only when these two, as well as all other, special aspects of Spartan life and Spartan history are seen to be founded in this notion. 157.] This pure self-reciprocation is therefore Neces- sity unveiled or realised. The link of necessity qua necessity is identity, as still inward and concealed, because it is the identity of what are esteemed actual things, although their very self-su"bsistence is bound to be necessity. The circulation of substance through causality and reciprocity therefore only expressly makes out or states that self-subsistence is the infinite negative self- relation — a relation negative, in general, for in it the act of distinguishing and intermediating becomes a pri- mariness of actual things independent one against the other, — and infinite self -relation, because their indepen- dence only lies in their identity. 158.] This truth of necessity, therefore, is Freedom : and the truth of substance is the Notion, — an indepen- dence which, though self-repulsive into distinct inde- pendent elements, yet in that repulsion is self-identical, and in the movement of reciprocity still at home and conversant only with itself. Necessity is often called hard, and rightly so, if we keep only to necessity as such, i. e. to its immediate shape. Here we have, first of all, some state or, generally speaking, fact, possessing an independent subsistence : and necessity primarily implies that there falls upon such a fact something else by which it is brought low. This is what is hard and sad in necessity immediate or abstract. The identity of the two things, which necessity presents as bound to each other and thus bereft of their independence, is at first only inward, and therefore has no existence for those under the yoke of necessity. Freedom too from this point of view is only ab- stract, and is preserved only by renouncing all that we immediately are and have. But, as we have seen already, 158-159] NECESSITY AND FREEDOM. 283 the process of necessity is so directed that it overcomes the rigid externality which it first had and reveals its inward nature. It then appears that the members, linked to one another, are not really foreign to each other, but only elements of one whole, each of them, in its connexion with the other, being, as it were, at home, and combining with itself. In this way necessity is transfigured into freedom, — not the freedom that consists in abstract negation, but free- dom concrete and positive. From which we may learn what a mistake it is to regard freedom and necessity as mutually exclusive. Necessity indeed qtui necessity is far from being freedom : yet freedom pre-supposes necessity, and contains it as an unsubstantial element in itself. A good man is aware that the tenor of his conduct is essentially obligatory and necessary. But this consciousness is so far from making an}' abatement from his freedom, that without it real and reasonable freedom could not be distinguished from arbitrary choice, — a freedom which has no reality and is merely potential. A criminal, when punished, may look upon his punishment as a restriction of his freedom. Really the punishment is not foreign constraint to which he is sub- jected, but the manifestation of his own act: and if he recog- nises this, he comports himself as a free man. In short, man is most independent when he knows himself to be determined by the absolute idea throughout. It was this phase of mind and conduct which Spinoza called Amor intellectualis Dei. 159.] Thus the Notion is the truth of Being and Essence, inasmuch as the shining or show of self- reflection is itself at the same time independent im- mediacy, and this being of a different actuality is im- mediately only a shining or show on itself. The Notion has exhibited itself as the truth of Being and Essence, as the ground to which the regress of both leads. Conversely it has been developed out of being as its ground. The former aspect of the advance may be regarded as a concentration of being into its 284 THE DOCTRINE OF ESSENCE. [159. depth, thereby disclosing its inner nature : the latter aspect as an issuing of the more perfect from the less perfect. When such development is viewed on the .latter side only, it does prejudice to the method of philosophy. The special meaning which these super- ficial thoughts of more imperfect and more perfect have in this place is to indicate the distinction of being, as an immediate unity with itself, from the notion, as free mediation with itself. Since being has shown that it is an element in the notion, the latter has thus exhibited itself as the truth of being. As this its reflection in itself and as an absorption of the mediation, the notion is the pre-supposition of the immediate — a pre-sup- position which is identical with the return to self; and in this identity lie freedom and the notion. If the partial element therefore be called the imperfect, then the notion, or the perfect, is certainly a development from the imperfect ; since its very nature is tlius to suspend its pre-supposition. At the same time it is the notion alone which, in the act of supposing itself, makes its pre-supposition ; as has been made apparent in causality in general and especially in re- ciprocal action. Thus in reference to Being and Essence the Notion is defined as Essence reverted to the simple immediacy of Being, — the shining or show of Essence thereby hav- ing actuality, and its actuality being at the same time a free shining or show in itself. In this manner the notion has being as its simple self-relation, or as the immediacy of its immanent unity. Being is so poor a category that it is the least thing which can be shown to be found in the notion. The passage from necessity to freedom, or from actuality into the notion, is the very hardest, because it proposes that independent actuality shall be thought as T59-] NECESSITY AND FREEDOM 285 having all its substantiality in the passing over and iden- tity with the other independent actuality. The notion, too, is extremely hard, because it is itself just this very identity. But the actual substance as such, the cause, which in its exclusiveness resists all invasion, is ipso facto subjected to necessity or the destiny of passing into de- pendency : and it is this subjection rather where the chief hardness lies. To think necessity, on the con- trary, rather tends to melt that hardness. For thinking means that, in the other, one meets with one's self. — It means a liberation, which is not the flight of ab- straction, but consists in that which is actual having itself not as something else, but as its own being and creation, in the other actuality with which it is bound up by the force of necessity. As existing in an in- dividual form, this liberation is called I : as developed to its totality, it is free Spirit ; as feeling, it is Love ; and as enjoyment, it is Blessedness. — The great vision of substance in Spinoza is only a potential liberation from finite exclusiveness and egoism : but the notion itself realises for its own both the power of necessity and actual freedom. When, as now, the notion is called the truth of Being and Essence, we must expect to be asked, why we do not begin with the notion ? The answer is that, where knowledge by thought is our aim, we cannot begin with the truth, because the truth, when it forms the beginning, must rest on mere assertion. The truth when it is thought must as such verify itself to thought. If the notion were put at the head of Logic, and defined, quite correctly in point of content, as the unity of Being and Essence, the following question would come up : What are we to think under the terms ' Being ' and 'Essence,' and how do they come to be embraced in the unity of the Notion ? But if we answered these ques- tions, then our beginning with the notion would be merely nominal. The real start would be made with Being, as we 286 THE DOCTRINE OF ESSENCE. [159. have here done : with this diiference, that the characteristics of Being as well as those of Essence would have to be ac- cepted uncritically from figurate conception, whereas we have observed Being and Essence in their own dialectical development and learnt how they lose themselves in the unity of the notion. CHAPTER IX. THIRD SUB-DIVISION OF LOGIC. THE DOCTRINE OF THE NOTION. 160.] The Notion is the principle of freedom, the power of substance self-reaHsed. It is a systematic whole, in which each of its constituent functions is the very total which the notion is, and is put as in- dissolubly one with it. Thus in its self-identity it has original and complete determinateness. The position taken up by the notion is that of absolute idealism. Philosophy is a knowledge through notions be- cause it sees that what on other grades of consciousness is taken to have Being, and to be naturally or immediately independent, is but a constituent stage in the Idea. In the logic of understanding, the notion is generally reckoned a mere form of thought, and treated as a general conception. It is to this inferior view of the notion that the assertion refers, so often urged on behalf of the heart and sentiment, that notions as such are something dead, empty, and ab- stract. The case is really quite the reverse. The notion is, on the contrary, the principle of all life, and thus possesses at the same time a character of thorough concreteness. That it is so follows from the whole logical movement up to this point, and need not be here proved. The contrast between form and content, which is thus used to criticise the notion when it is alleged to be merely formal, has, like all the other contrasts upheld by reflection, been already left behind and overcome dialecticaliy or through itself The notion, in short, is what contains all the earlier categories of thought merged in it. It certainly is a form, but an infinite and 288 THE DOCTRINE OF THE NOTION. [i6o-i6r. creative form, which includes, but at the same time releases from itself, the fulness of all content. And so too the notion may, if it be wished, be styled abstract, if the name concrete is restricted to the concrete facts of sense or of immediate perception. For the notion is not palpable to the touch, and when we are engaged with it, hearing and seeing must quite fail us. And yet, as it was before remarked, the no- tion is a true concrete ; for the reason that it involves Being and Essence, and the total wealth of these two spheres with them, merged in the unity of thought. If, as was said at an earlier point, the different stages of the logical idea are to be treated as a series of definitions of the Absolute, the definition which now results for us is that the Absolute is the Notion. That necessitates a higher estimate of the notion, however, than is found in formal conceptualist Logic, where the notion is a mere form of our subjective thought, with no original content of its own. But if Speculative Logic thus attaches a meaning to the term notion so very different from that usually given, it may be asked why the same word should be employed in two contrary acceptations, and an occasion thus given for con- fusion and misconception. The answer is that, great as the interval is between the speculative notion and the notion of Formal Logic, a closer examination shows that the deeper meaning is not so foreign to the general usages of language as it seems at first sight. We speak of the deduction of a content from the notion, e.g. of the specific provisions of the law of property from the notion of property ; and so again we speak of tracing back these material details to the notion. We thus recognise that the notion is no mere form without a content of its own : for if it were, there would be in the one case nothing to deduce from such a form, and in the other case to trace a given body of fact back to the empty form of the notion would only rob the fact of its specific character, without making it understood. 161.] The onward movement of the notion is no longer either a transition into, or a reflection on some- thing else, but Development. For in the notion, the i6i.] DEVELOPMENT. 289 elements distinguished are without more ado at the same time declared to be identical with one another and with the whole, and the specific character of each is a free being of the whole notion. Transition into something else is the dialectical process within the range of Being : reflection (bringing something else into light), in the range of Essence. The movement of the Notion is development: by which that only is explicit which is already implicitly present. In the world of nature it is organic life that corresponds to the grade of the notion. Thus e.g. the plant is developed from its germ. The germ virtually involves the whole plant, but does so only ideally or in thought : and it would therefore be a mistake to regard the development of the root, stem, leaves, and other different parts of the plant, as meaning that they were realiter pre- sent, but in a very minute form, in the germ. That is the so-called ' box-within-box ' hypothesis ; a theory which commits the mistake of supposing an actual existence of what is at first found only as a postulate of the completed thought. The truth of the hvpothesis on the other hand Ues in its perceiving that in the process of development the notion keeps to itself and only gives rise to alteration of form, without making any addition in point of content. It is this nature of the notion— this manifestation of itself in its process as a development of its own self,— which is chiefly in view with those who speak of innate ideas, or who, like Plato, describe all learning merely as reminiscence. Of course that again does not mean that everything which is embodied in a mind, after that mind has been formed by instruction, had been present in that mind beforehand, in its definitely expanded shape. The movement of the notion is as it were to be looked upon merely as play : the other which it sets up is in reality not an other. Or, as it is expressed in the teaching of Christianity : not merely has God created a world which confronts Him as an other ; He has also from all eternity begotten a Son in whom He, a Spirit, is at home with Himself. VOL. n. U 290 THE DOCTRINE OF THE NOTION. [162. 162.] The doctrine of the notion is divided into three parts, (i) The first is the doctrine of the Subjective or Formal Notion. (2) The second is the doctrine of the notion invested with the character of immediacy, or of Objectivity. (3) The third is the doctrine of the Idea, the subject-object, the unity of notion and ob- jectivity, the absolute truth. The Common Logic covers only the matters which come before us here as a portion of the third part of the whole system, together with the so-called Laws of Thought, which we have already met ; and in the Ap- plied Logic it adds a little about cognition. This is combined with psychological, metaphysical, and all sorts of empirical materials, which were introduced because, when all was done, those forms of thought could not be made to do all that was required of them. But with these additions the science lost its unity of aim. Then there was a further circumstance against the Common Logic. Those forms, which at least do belong to the proper domain of Logic, are supposed to be categories of conscious thought only, of thought too in the character of understanding, not of reason. The preceding logical categories, those viz. of Being and Essence, are, it is true, no mere logical modes or entities : they are proved to be notions in their trans- ition or their dialectical element, and in their return into themselves and totality. But they are only in a modified form notions (cp. §§ 84 and 112), notions rudimentary, or, what is the same thing, notions for us. The anti- thetical term into which each category passes, or in which it shines, so producing correlation, is not charac- terised as a particular. The third, in which they return to unity, is not characterised as a subject or an indi- vidual : nor is there any explicit statement that the cate- gory is identical in its antithesis,— in other words, its i6a-i63.1 SUBJECTIVE NOTION. 29I freedom is not expressly stated : and all this because the category is not universality, — What generally passes current under the name of a notion is a mode of under- standing, or, even, a mere general representation^ and therefore, in rhort, a finite mode of thought (cp. § 62). The Logic of the Notion is usually treated as a science of form only, and understood to deal with the form of notion, judgment, and syllogism as form, without in the least touching the question whether an^'thing is true. The answer to that question is supposed to depend on the content only. If the logical forms of the notion were really dead and inert receptacles of conceptions and thoughts, careless of what they contained, know- ledge about them would be an idle curiosity which the truth might dispense with. On the contrary they really are, as forms of the notion, the vital spirit of the actual world. That only is true of the actual which is true in virtue of these forms, through them and in them. As yet, however, the truth of these forms has never been considered or examined on their own account any more than their necessary interconnexion. A. — The Subjective Notion. [a) The Notion as Notion. 163.] The Notion as Notion contains the three fol- lowing 'moments* or functional parts, (i) The first is Universality— meaning that it is in free equality with itself in its specific character. (2) The second is Parti- cularity — that is, the specific character, in which the uni- versal continues serenely equal to itself. (3) The third is Individuality — meaning the reflection-into-self of the specific characters of universality and particularity ; — which negative self-unity has complete and original determinateness, without any loss to its self-identity or universality. 292 THE DOCTRINE OF THE NOTION. [163. Individual and actual are the same thing : only the former has issued from the notion, and is thus, as a universal, stated expressly as a negative identity with itself. The actual, because it is at first no more than a potential or immediate unity of essence and existence, may possibly have effect : but the iadividuality of the notion is the very source of effectiveness, effective more- over no longer as the cause is, with a show of effecting something else, but effective of itself. — Individuality, however, is not to be understood to mean the immediate or natural individual, as when we speak of individual things or individual men : for that special phase of individuality does not appear till we come to the judg- ment. Every function and 'moment' of the notion is itself the whole notion (§ 160).; but the individual or subject is the notion expressly put as a totality. (i) The notion is generally associated in our minds with abstract generality, and on that account it is often described as a general conception. We speak, accordingly, of the notions of colour, plant, animal, &c. They are supposed to be arrived at by neglecting the particular features which distinguish the different colours, plants, and animals from each other, and by retaining those common to them all. This is the aspect of the notion which is familiar to under- standing ; and feeling is in the right when it stigmatises such hollow and empty notions as mere phantoms and shadows. But the universal of the notion is not a mere sum of features common to several things, confronted b}?- a particular which enjo3'S an existence of its own. It is, on the contrary, self-particularising or self-specifying, and with undimmed clearness finds itself at home in its antithesis. For the sake both of cognition and of our practical conduct, it is of the utmost importance that the real universal should not be confused with what is merely held in common. All those charges which the devotees of feeling make against thought, and especially against philosophic thought, and the reiterated statement that it is dangerous to carry thought 163.] THE NOTION AS UNIVERSAL. 293 to what they call too great lengths, originate in the confusion of these two things. The universal in its true and comprehensive meaning is a thought which, as we know, cost thousands of years to make it enter into the consciousness of men. The thought did not gain its full recognition till the days of Christianity. The Greeks, in other respects so advanced, knew neither God nor even man in their true universality. The gods of the Greeks were only particular powers of the mind ; and the universal God, the God of all nations, was to the Athenians still a God concealed. They believed in the same way that an absolute gulf separated themselves from the barbarians. Man as man was not then recognised to be of infinite worth and to have infinite rights. The question has been asked, why slavery has vanished from modern Europe. One special circumstance after another has been adduced in explanation of this phenomenon. But the real ground why there are no more slaves in Christian Europe is only to be found in the very principle of Christianit}^ itself, the religion of absolute freedom. Only in Christendom is man respected as man, in his infinitude and universality. What the slave is without, is the recognition that he is a person : and the principle of personality is universality. The master looks upon his slave not as a person, but as a selfless thing. The slave is not himself reckoned an 'I'; — his *I' is his master. The distinction referred to above between what is merely in common, and what is truly universal, is strikingly ex- pressed by Rousseau in his famous ' Contrat Social,' when he says that the laws of a state must spring from the universal will [volonte ge'ne'rale), but need not on that account be the will of all {volonte de tous). Rousseau would have made a sounder contribution towards a theory of the state, if he had always keep this distinction in sight. The general will is the notion of the will : and the laws are the special clauses of this will and based upon the notion of it. (2) We add a remark upon the account of the origin and formation of notions which is usually given in the Logic of Understanding. It is not vce who frame the notions. The 294 ^^^ DOCTRINE OF THE NOTION. [163-164. notion is not something which is originated at all. No doubt the notion is not mere Being, or the immediate : it involves mediation, but the mediation lies in itself. In other words, the notion is what is mediated through itself and with itself. It is a mistake to imagine that the objects which form the content of our mental ideas come first and that our subjective agency then supervenes, and by the aforesaid operation of abstraction, and by colligating the points possessed in common by the objects, frames notions of them. Rather the notion is the genuine first; and things are what they are through the action of the notion, immanent in them, and revealing itself in them. In re- ligious language we express this by saying that God created the world out of nothing. In other words, the world and finite things have issued from the fulness of the divine thoughts and the divine decrees. Thus religion recognises thought and (more exactly) the notion to be the infinite form, or the free creative activity, which can realise itself without the help of a matter that exists outside it. 164.] The notion is concrete out and out : because the negative unity with itself, as characterisation pure and entire, which is individuality, is just what constitutes its self-relation, its universality. The functions or ' moments * of the notion are to this extent indissoluble. The categories of 'reflection' are expected to be severally apprehended and separately accepted as current, apart from their opposites. But in the notion, where their identity is expressly assumed, each of its functions can be immediately apprehended only from and with the rest. Universality, particularity, and individuality are, taken in the abstract, the same as identity, difference, and ground. But the universal is the self-identical, with the express qualification, that it simultaneously contains the particular and the individual. Again, the particular is the different or the specific character, but with the qualification that it is in itself universal and is as an 164.] MOMENTS OF THE NOTION. 295 individual. Similarly- the individual must be understood to be a subject or substratum, which involves the genus and species in itself and possesses a substantial exist- ence. Such is the explicit or realised inseparability of the functions of the notion in their difference (§ 160)— what may be called the clearness of the notion, in which each distinction causes no dimness or interruption, but is quite as much transparent. No complaint is oftener made against the notion than that it is abstract Of course it is abstract, if abstract means that the medium in which the notion -exists is thought in general and not the sensible thing in its empirical concreteness. It is abstract also, because the notion falls short of the idea. To this extent the sub- jective notion is still formal. This however does not mean that it ought to have or receive another content than its own. It is itself the absolute form, and so is all specific character, but as that character is in its truth. Although it be abstract therefore, it is the concrete, con- crete altogether, the subject as such. The absolutely concrete is the mind (see end of § 159)— the notion when it exists as notion distinguishing itself from its objectivity, which notwithstanding the distinction still continues to be its own. Everything else which is concrete, however rich it be, is not so intensely identical with itself and therefore not so concrete on its own part, — least of all what is commonly supposed to be concrete, but is only a congeries held together by external influence. — What are called notions, and in fact specific notions, such as man, house, animal, &c., are simply denotations and abstract representations. These abstractions re- tain out of all the functions of the notion only that of universality; they leave particularity and individuality out of account and have no development in these directions. By so doing they just miss the notion. 296 THE DOCTRINE OF THE NOTION. [165. 165.] It is the element of Individuality which first explicitly differentiates the elements of the notion. In- dividuality is the negative reflection of the notion into itself, and it is in that way at first the free differentiating of it as the first negation, by which the specific character of the notion is realised, but under the form of particu- larity. That is to say, the different elements are in the first place only qualified as the several elements of the notion, and, secondly, their identity is no less explicitly stated, the one being said to be the other. This realised particularity of the notion is the Judgment. The ordinary classification of notions, as clear, distinct and adequate, is no part of the notion ; it belongs to psychology. Notions, in fact, are here synonymous with mental representations ; a clear notion is an abstract simple representation : a distinct notion is one where, in addition to the simplicity, there is one 'mark' or character emphasised as a sign for subjective cognition. There is no more striking mark of the formalism and decay of Logic than the favourite category of the 'mark.' The adequate notion comes nearer the notion proper, or even the Idea : but after all it expresses only the formal circumstance that a notion or representation agrees with its object, that is, with an external thing. — The division into what are called subordinate and co-ordinate notions implies a mechanical distinction of universal from particular, which allows only a mere correlation of them in external comparison. Again, an enumeration of such kinds as contrary and contradictory, affirmative and negative notions, &c., is only a chance-directed gleaning of logical forms which properly belong to the sphere of Being or Essence, (where they have been already examined,) and which have nothing to do with the specific notional character as such. The true dis- tinctions in the notion, universal, particular, and in- 165-166.] JUDGMENT. 297 dividual, may be said also to constitute species of it, but only when they are kept severed from each other by external reflection. The immanent differentiating and specifying of the notion come to sight in the judgment: for to judge is to specify the notion. (b) The Judgment. 166.] The Judgment is the notion in its particularity, as a connexion which is also a distinguishing of its functions, which are put as independent and yet as identical with themselves, not with one another. One's first impression about the Judgment is the in- dependence of the two extremes, the subject and the predicate. The former we take to be a thing or term per se, and the predicate a general term outside the said subject and somewhere in our heads. The next point is for us to bring the latter into combination with the former, and in this way frame a Judgment. The copula ' is ' however enunciates the predicate 0/ the subject, and so that external subjective eubsumption is again put in abeyance, and the Judgment taken as a deter- mination of the object itself. — The etymological meaning of the Judgment {Urtheil) in German goes deeper, as it were declaring the unity of the notion to be primary, and its distinction to be the original partition. And that is what the Judgment really is. In its abstract terms a Judgment is expressible in the proposition: 'The individual is the universal.' These are the terms under which the subject and the predi- cate first confront each other, when the functions of the notion are taken in their immediate character or first abstraction, [Propositions such as, ' The particular is the universal,' and 'The individual is the particular,' belong to the further specialisation of the judgment,] It 298 THE DOCTRINE OF THE NOTION. [166. shows a strange want of observation in the logic-books, that in none of them is the fact stated, that in every judgment there is such a statement made, as, The indi- vidual is the universal, or still more definitely. The sub- ject is the predicate : {e.g. God is absolute spirit). No doubt there is also a distinction between terms like individual and universal, subject and predicate : but it is none the less the universal fact, that every judgment states them to be identical. The copula ' is ' springs from the nature of the notion, to be self-identical even in parting with its own. The in- dividual and universal are its constituents, and therefore characters which cannot be isolated. The earlier cate- gories (of reflection) in their correlations also refer to one another: but their interconnexion is only 'having' and not 'being,' i.e. it is not the identity which is realised as identity or universality. In the judgment, therefore, for the first time there is seen the genuine particularity of the notion : for it is the speciality or distinguishing of the latter, without thereby losing universality. Judgments are generally looked upon as combinations of notions, and, be it added, of heterogeneous notions. This theory of judgment is correct, so far as it implies that it is the notion which forms the presupposition of the judgment, and which in the judgment comes up under the form of difference. But on the other hand, it is false to speak of notions differing in kind. The notion, although concrete, is still as a notion essentially one, and the functions which it contains are not different kinds of it. It is equally false to speak of a combination of the two sides in the judgment, if we understand the term 'combination' to imply the inde- pendent existence of the combining members apart from the combination. The same external view of their nature is more forcibly apparent when judgments are described as produced by the ascription of a predicate to the subject. 166-167.] JUDGMENT. 299 Language like this looks upon the subject as self-subsistent outside, and the predicate as found somewhere in our head. Such a conception of the relation between subject and predicate however is at once contradicted by the copula ' is.' By saying 'This rose is red,' or 'This picture is beautiful,' we declare, that it is not we who from outside attach beauty to the picture or redness to the rose, but that these are the characteristics proper to these objects. An additional fault in the way in which Formal Logic conceives the judgment is, that it makes the judgment look as if it were something merely contingent, and does not offer any proof for the advance from notion on to judgment. For the notion does not, as understanding supposes, stand still in its own immo- bility. It is rather an infinite form, of boundless activity, as it were the pimctum saliens of all vitality, and thereby self- differentiating. This disruption of the notion into the differ- ence of its constituent functions, — a disruption imposed by the native act of the notion, is the judgment. A judgment therefore means th.> particularising of the notion. No doubt the notion is implicitly the particular. But in the notion as notion the particular is not yet explicit, and still remains in transparent unity with the universal. Thus, for example, as we remarked before (§ 160, note), the germ of a plant contains its particular, such as root, branches, leaves, &c. : but these details are at first present only potentially, and are not realised till the germ uncloses. This unclosing is, as it were, the judgment of the plant. The illustration may also serve to show how neither the notion nor the judgment are merelj' found in our head, or merely framed by us. The notion is the very heart of things, and makes them what they are. To form a notion of an object means therefore to become aware of its notion : and when we proceed to a criticism or judgment of the object, we are not performing a subjective act, and merely ascribing this or that predicate to the object. We are, on the contrary, observing the object in the specific character imposed by its notion. 167.] The Judgment is usually taken in a subjective sense as an operation and a form, occurring merely in self-conscious thought. This distinction, however, has no 300 THE DOCTRINE OF THE NOTION. [167-168. existence on purely logical principles, by which the judgment is taken in the quite universal signification that all things are a judgment. That is to say, they are individuals, which are a universality or inner nature in themselves, — a universal which is individualised. Their universality and individuality are distinguished, but the one is at the same time identical with the other. The interpretation of the judgment, according to which it is assumed to be merely subjective, as if we ascribed a predicate to a subject, is contradicted by the decidedly objective expression of the judgment. The rose is red ; Gold is a metal. It is not by us that some- thing is first ascribed to them. — A judgment is however distinguished from a proposition. The latter contains a statement about the subject, which does not stand to it in any universal relationship, but expresses some single action, or some state, or the like. Thus, ' Caesar was born at Rome in such and such a year, waged war in Gaul for ten years, crossed the Rubicon, &c.,' are propositions, but not judgments. Again it is absurd to say that such statements as^ 'I slept well last night,' or ' Present arms ! ' may be turned into the form of a judg- ment. * A carriage is passing by ' — would be a judgment, and a subjective one at best, only if it were doubtful, whether the passing object was a carriage, or whether it and not rather the point of observation was in motion : — in short, only if it were desired to specify a conception which was still short of appropriate specification. 168.] The judgment is an expression of finitude. Things from its point of view are said to be finite, because they are a judgment, because their definite being and their universal nature, (their body and their soul,) though united indeed (otherwise the things would be nothing), are still elements in the constitution which are already different and also in any case separable. 169-170.] JUDGMENT. 301 169.] The abstract terms of the judgment, 'The in- dividual is the universal/ present the subject (as nega- tively self-relating) as what is immediately concrete, w^hile the predicate is what is abstract, indeterminate, in short, the universal. But the two elements are connected together by an 'is': and thus the predicate (in its universality) must also contain the speciality of the subject, must, in short, have particularity : and so is realised the identity between subject and predicate ; which, being thus unaffected by this difference in form, is the content. It is the predicate which first gives the subject, which till then was on its own account a bare mental repre- sentation or an empty name, its specific character and content. In judgments like 'God is the most real of all things,' or 'The Absolute is the self-identical,' God and the Absolute are mere names ; what they are we only learn in the predicate. What the subject may be in other respects, as a concrete thing, is no concern of this judgment. (Cp. § 31.) To define the subject as that of which something is said, and the predicate as what is said about it, is mere trifling. It gives no information about the distinction between the two. In point of thought, the subject is primarily the in- dividual, and the predicate the universal. As the judgment receives further development, the subject ceases to be merely the immediate individual, and the predicate merely the abstract universal : the former acquires the additional significations of particular and universal,— the latter the additional significations of particular and individual. Thus while the same names are given to the two terms of the judgment, their meaning passes through a series of changes. 170.] We now go closer into the speciality of sub- ject and predicate. The subject as negative self-rela- tion (§§ 163, 166) is the stable substratum in which the predicate has its subsistence and where it is ideally 302 THE DOCTRINE OF THE NOTION. [170- 171. present. The predicate, as the phrase is, inheres in the subject. Further, as the subject is in general and immediately concrete, the specific connotation of the predicate is only one of the numerous characters of the subject. Thus the subject is ampler and wider than the predicate. Conversely, the predicate as universal is self-sub sistent, and indifferent whether this subject is or not The predicate outflanks the subject, subsuming it under itself: and hence on its side is wider than the subject The specific content of the predicate (§ i6_>) alone con stitutes the identity of the two. 171.] At first, subject, predicate, and the specific con tent or the identity are, even in their relation, still pu in the judgment as different and divergent. By implica tion, however, that is, in their notion, they are identical For the subject is a concrete totality, — which means no*^ any indefinite multiplicity, but individuality alone, the particular and the universal in an identity : and the predicate too is the very same unity (§ 170). — The copula again, even while stating the identity of subject and predicate, does so at first only by an abstract 'is.' Conformably to such an identity the subject has to be put also in the characteristic of the predicate. By this means the latter also receives ihe characteristic of the former : so that the copula receives its full complement and full force. Such is the continuous specification by which the judgment, through a copula charged with content, comes to be a syllogism. As it is primarily exhibited in the judgment, this gradual specification consists in giving to an originally abstract, sensuous universality the specific character of allness, of species, of genus, and finally of the developed universality of the notion. After we are made aware of this continuous specifica- 171.] JUDGMENT. 303 tion of the judgment, we can see a meaning and an interconnexion in what are usually stated as the kinds of judgment. Not only does the ordinary enumeration seem purely casual, but it is also superficial, and even bewildering in its statement of their distinctions. The distinction between positive, categorical and assertory judgments, is either a pure invention of fancy, or is left undetermined. On the right theory, the different judg- ments follow necessarily from one another, and present the continuous specification of the notion ; for the judg- ment itself is nothing but the notion specified. When we look at the two preceding spheres of Being and Essence, we see that the specified notions as judg- ments are reproductions of these spheres, but put in the simplicity of relation peculiar to the notion. The various kinds of judgment are no empirical aggre- gate. They are a systematic whole based on a principle ; and it was one of Kant's great merits to have first empha- sised the necessity of showing this. His proposed division, according to the headings in his table of categories, into judgments of quality, quantity, relation and modality, can not be called satisfactory, partly from the merely formal application of this categorical rubric, partly on account of their content. Still it rests upon a true perception of the fact that the different species of judgment derive their features from the universal forms of the logical idea itself. If we follow this clue, it will supply us with three chief kinds of judgment parallel to the stages of Being, Essence, and Notion. The second of these kinds, as required by the character of Essence, which is the stage of differentiation, must be doubled. We find the inner ground for this sys- tematisation of judgments in the circumstance that when the . Notion, which is the unity of Being and Essence in a com- prehensive thought, unfolds, as it does in the judgment, it must reproduce these two stages in a transformation proper to the notion. The notion itself meanwhile is seen to mould and form the genuine grade of judgment. 304 THE DOCTRINE OF THE NOTION. [171-172, Far from occupying the same level, and being of equal value, the different species of judgment form a series of steps, the difference of which rests upon the logical signifi- cance of the predicate. That judgments differ in value is evident even in our ordinary ways of thinking. We should not hesitate to ascribe a very slight faculty of judgment to a person who habitually framed only such judgments as, ' This wall is green,' 'This stove is hot.' On the other hand we should credit with a genuine capacity of judgment the person whose criticisms dealt with such questions as whether a certain work of art was beautiful, whether a certain action was good, and so on. In judgments of the first-mentioned kind the content forms only an abstract quality, the presence of which can be sufficiently detected by immediate perception. To pronounce a work of art to be beautiful, or an action to be good, requires on the contrary a comparison of the objects with what they ought to be, i.e. with their notion. (a) Qualitative Judgment. 172.] The immediate judgment is the judgment of definite Being. The subject is invested with a univer- sality as its predicate, which is an immediate, and therefore a sensible quality. It may be (i) a Positive judgment : The individual is a particular. But the individual is not a particular : or in more precise language, such a single quality is not congruous with the concrete nature of the subject. This is (2) a Negative judgment. It is one of the fundamental assumptions of dogmatic Logic that Qualitative judgments such as, ' The rose is red,* or 'is not red,' can contain truth. Correct they may be, i.e. in the limited circle of perception, of finite conception and thought : that depends on the content, which likewise is finite, and, on its own merits, untrue. Truth, however, as opposed to correctness, depends solely on the form, viz. on the notion as it is put and 172.] QUALITATIVE JUDGMENTS. 305 the reality corresponding to it. But truth of that stamp is not found in the Qualitative judgment. In common life the terms truth and correctness are often treated as synonymous : we speak of the truth of a content, when we are only thinking of its correctness. Correctness, generally speaking, concerns only the formal coincidence between our conception and its content, whatever the con- stitution of this content may be. Truth, on the contrary, lies in the coincidence of the object with itself, that is, with its notion. That a person is sick, or that some one has com- mitted a theft, may certainly be correct. But the content is untrue. A sick body is not in harmony with the notion of body, and there is a want of congruity between theft and the notion of human conduct. These instances may show that an immediate judgment, in which an abstract quality is pre- dicated of an immediately individual thing, however correct it may be, cannot contain truth. The subject and predicate of it do not stand to each other in the relation of reality and notion. We may add that the untruth of the immediate judgment lies in the incongruity between its form and content. To say ' This rose is red,' involves (in virtue of the copula ' is ') the coincidence of subject and predicate. The rose however is a concrete thing, and so is not red only : it has also an odour, a specific form, and many other features not implied in the predicate red. The predicate on its part is an abstract universal, and does not apply to the rose alone. There are other flowers and other objects which are red too. The subject and predicate in the immediate judgment touch, as it were, only in a single point, but do not cover each other. The case is different with the notional judgment. In pronouncing an action to be good, we frame a notional judgment. Here, as we at once perceive, there is a closer and a more intimate relation than in the immediate judgment. The predicate in the latter is some abstract quality which may or may not be applied to the subject. In the judgment of the notion the predicate is, as it were, the soul of the subject, by which the subject, as the body of this soul, is characterised through and through. VOL. II. X 306 THE DOCTRINE OF THE NOTION. [173. 173.] This negation of a particular- quality, which is the first negation, still leaves the connexion of the subject with the predicate subsisting. The predicate is in that manner a sort of relative universal, of which a special phase only has been negatived. [To say, that the rose is not red, implies that it is still coloured — in the first place with another colour; which however would be only one more positive judgment.] The in- dividual however is not a universal. Hence (3) the judgment suffers disruption into one of two forms. It is either {a) the Identical judgment, an empty identical relation stating that the individual is the individual ; or it is [b) what is called the Infinite judgment, in which we are presented with the total incompatibility of subject and predicate. Examples of the latter are : * The mind is no elephant : ' * A lion is no table ; ' propositions which are correct but absurd, exactly like the identical propositions: 'A lion is a lion ; ' ' Mind is mind.' Propositions like these are undoubtedly the truth of the immediate, or, as it is called, Qualitative judgment. But they are not judg- ments at all, and can only occur in a subjective thought where even an untrue abstraction may hold its ground. — In their objective aspect, these latter judgments ex- press the nature of what is, or of sensible things, which, as they declare, suffer disruption into an empty identity on the one hand, and on the other a fully-charged rela- tion — only that this relation is the qualitative antagonism of the things related, their total incongruity. The negatively-infinite judgment, in which the subject has no relation whatever to the predicate, gets its place in the Formal Logic solely as a nonsensical curiosity. But the infinite judgment is not really a mere casual form adopted by subjective thought. It exhibits the proximate result of the dialectical process in the immediate judgments preceding 173-174.] JUDGMENTS OF REFLECTION. 307 (the positive and simply -negative), and distinctly displays their finitude and untruth. Crime may be quoted as an objective instance of the negatively-infinite judgment. The person committing a crime, such as a theft, does not, as in a suit about civil rights, merely deny the particular right of another person to some one definite thing. He denies the right of that person in general, and therefore he is not merely forced to restore what he has stolen, but is punished in addition, be- cause he has violated law as law, i.e. law in general. The civil-law suit on the contrary is an instance of the negative judgment pure and simple where merely the particular law is violated, whilst law in general is so far acknowledged. Such a dispute is precisely paralleled by a negative judg- ment, like, ' This flower is not red : ' by which we merely deny the particular colour of the flower, but not its colour in general, which may be blue, yellow, or any other. Similarly death, as a negatively-infinite judgment, is distinguished from disease as simply- negative. In disease, merely this or that function of life is checked or negatived : in death, as we ordinarily say, body and soul part, i.e. subject and predicate utterly diverge. (^) Judgment of Reflection. 174.] The individual put as individual (i. e. as re- flected-into-self) into the judgment, has a predicate, in comparison with which the subject, as self- relating, continues to be still an other thing. — In existence the subject ceases to be immediately qualitative, it is in correlation, and inter-connexion with an other thing, — with an external world. In this way the universality of the predicate comes to signify this relativity — [e.g. useful, or dangerous ; weight or acidity ; or again, in- stinct ; are examples of such relative predicates). The Judgment of Reflection is distinguished from the Qualitative judgment by the circumstance that its predicate is not an immediate or abstract quality, but of such a kind as to exhibit the subject as in relation to something else. When we say, e.g. ' This rose is red,' we regard the subject in its X 2 3o8 THE DOCTRINE OF THE NOTION. '74-175- immediate individuality, and without reference to anything else. If, on the other hand, we frame the judgment, ' This plant is medicinal,' we regard the subject, plant, as standing in connexion with something else (the sickness which it cures), by means of its predicate (its medicinality). The case is the same with judgments like : This body is elastic : This instrument is useful : This punishment has a deterrent influence. In every one of these instances the predicate is some category of reflection. They all exhibit an advance beyond the immediate individuality of the subject, but none of them goes so far as to indicate the adequate notion of it. It is in this mode of judgment that ordinary raisonnement luxuriates. The greater the concreteness of the object in question, the more points of view does it offer to reflection ; by which however its proper nature or notion is not ex- hausted. 175.] (i) Firstly then the subject, the individual as individual (in the Singular judgment), is a universal. But (2) secondly, in this relation it is elevated above its singularity. This enlargement is external, due to subjective reflection, and at first is an indefinite number of particulars, (This is seen in the Particular judg- ment, which is obviously negative as well as positive : the individual is divided in itself: partly it is self-related, partly related to something else.) (3) Thirdly, Some are the universal : particularity is thus enlarged to universality : or universality is modified through the individuality of the subject, and appears as allness Community, the ordinary universality of reflection. The subject, receiving, as in the Singular judgment, a uni- versal predicate, is carried out beyond its mere individual self. To say, 'This plant is wholesome,' implies not only that this single plant is wholesome, but that some or several are so. We have thus the particular judgment (some plants are wholesome, some men are inventive, &c.). By means of particularity the immediate individual comes to lose its inde- pendence, and enters into an inter-connexion with something 175-176.] JUDGMENTS OF REFLECTION. 309 else. Man, as this man, is not this single man alone : he stands beside other men and becomes one in the crowd. Just by this means however he belongs to his universal, and is consequently raised. — The particular judgment is as much negative as positive. If only some bodies are elastic, it is evident that the rest are not elastic. On this fact again depends the advance to the third form of the Reflective judgment, viz. the judgment of allness (all men are mortal, all metals conduct electricity). It is as ' all ' that the universal is in the first instance generally en- countered by reflection. The individuals form for reflection the foundation, and it is orly our subjective action which collects and describes them as 'all,' So far the universal has the aspect of an external fastening, that holds together a number of independent individuals, which have not the least affinity towards it. This semblance of indifterence is how- ever unreal : for the universal is the ground and foundation, the root, and substance of the individual. If ^.^. we take Caius, Titus, Sempronius, and the other inhabitants of a town or country, the fact that all of them are men is not merel}' something which they have in common, but their universal or kind, without which these individuals would not be at all. The case is very different with that superficial generality falsely so called, which really means only what attaches, or is common, to all the individuals. It has been remarked, for example, that men, in contradistinction from the lower animals, possess in common the appendage of ear-lobes. It is evident, however, that the absence of these ear-lobes in one man or another would not affect the rest of his being, character, or capacities : whereas it would be nonsense to suppose that Caius, without being a man, would still be brave, learned, &c. The individual man is what he is in particular, only in so far as he is before all things a man as man and in general. And that generality is not something external to, or something in addition to other abstract qualities, or to mere features discovered by re- flection. It is what permeates and includes in it everything particular. 176.] The subject being thus likewise characterised 3IO THE DOCTRINE OF THE NOTION. [176-177. as a universal, there is an express identification of subject and predicate, by which at the same time the speciality of the judgment-form is deprived of all im- portance. This unity of the content (the content being the universality which is identical with the negative reflection-in-self of the subject) makes the connexion in judgment a necessary one. The advance from the reflective judgment of allness to the judgment of necessity is found in our usual modes of thought, when we say that whatever appertains to all, appertains to the species, and is therefore necessary. To say all plants, or all men, is the same thing as to say the plant, or the man. (y) Judgment of Necessity. 177.] The Judgment of Necessity, /'. e. of the identity of the content in its diflference (i), contains, in the pre- dicate, partly the substance or nature of the subject, the concrete universal, the genus ; partly, seeing that this universal also contains the specific character as negative, the predicate represents the exclusive essential character, the species. This is the Categorical judgment. (2) Conformably to their substantiality, the two terms receive the aspect of independent actuality. Their identity is then inward only ; and thus the actuality of the one is at the same time not its own, but the being of the other. This is the Hypothetical judgment. (3) If, in this self-surrender and self-alienation of the notion, its inner identity is at the same time explicitly put, the universal is the genus which is self-identical in its mutually-exclusive individualities. This judgment, which has this universal for both its terms, the one time as a universal, the other time as the circle of its self- excluding particularisation in which the 'either— or' as much as the ' as well as ' stands for the genus, is the 177.] JUDGMENTS OF NECESSITY. 3II Disjunctive judgment. Universality, at first as a genus, and now also as the circuit of its species, is thus described and expressly put as a totality. The Categorical judgment (such as ' Gold is a metal,' * The rose is a plant') is the un-mediated judgment of necessity, and finds within the sphere of Essence its parallel in the relation of substance. All things are a Categorical judg- ment. In other words, they have their substantial nature, forming their fixed and unchangeable substratum. It is only when things are studied from the point of view of their kind, and as with necessity determined by the kind, that the judgment first begins to be real. It betrays a defective logical training to place upon the same level judgments like 'gold is dear,' and judgments like 'gold is a metal.' That 'gold is dear' is a matter of external connexion between it and our wants or inclinations, the costs of obtaining it, and other circumstances. Gold remains the same as it was, though that external reference is altered or removed. Metal- leity, on the contrary, constitutes the substantial nature of gold, apart from which it, and all else that is in it, or can be predicated of it, would be unable to subsist. The same is the case if we say, 'Caius is a man.' We express by that, that whatever else he maybe, has worth and meaning, only when it corresponds to his substantial nature or manhood. But even the Categorical judgment is to a certain extent defective. It fails to give due place to the function or ele- ment of particularity. Thus ' gold is a metal,' it is true ; but so are silver, copper, iron : and metalleity as such has no leanings to any of its particular species. In these circum- stances we must advance from the Categorical to the Hypo- thetical judgment, which may be expressed in the formula : If A is, B is. The present case exhibits the same advance as formerly took place from the relation of substance to the relation of cause. In the Hypothetical judgment the specific character of the content shows itself mediated and dependent on something else : and this is exactly the relation of cause and effect. And if we were to give a general interpretation to the Hypothetical judgment, we should say that it expressly 312 THE DOCTRINE OF THE NOTION. [177-178. realises the universal in its particularising. This brings us to the third form of the Judgment of Necessity, the Dis- junctive judgment. A is either B or C ot D. A work of poetic art is either epic or lyric or dramatic. Colour is either yellow or blue or red. The two terms in the Disjunctive judgment are identical. The genus is the sum total of the species, and the sum total of the species is the genus. This unity of the universal and the particular is the notion : and it is the notion which, as we now see, forms the content of the judgment (S) Judgment of the Notion. 178.] The Judgment of the Notion has for its content the notion, the totality in simple form, the universal with its complete speciality. The subject is, (i) in the first place, an individual, which has for its predicate the reflection of the particular existence on its universal ; or the judgment states the agreement or disagreement of these two aspects. That is, the predicate is such a term as good, true, correct. This is the Assertory judgment. Judgments, such as whether an object, action, &c. is good, bad, true, beautiful, &;c., are those to which even ordinary language first applies the name of judgment. We should never ascribe judgment to a person who framed positive or negative judgments like, This rose is red, This picture is red, green, dusty, &c. The Assertory judgment, although rejected by society as out of place when it claims authority on its own show- ing, has however been made the single and all-essential form of doctrine, even in philosophy, through the in- fluence of the principle of immediate knowledge and faith. In the so-called philosophic works which main- tain this principle, we may read hundreds and hundreds of assertions about reason, knowledge, thought, &c. 178-180.] JUDGMENTS OF THE NOTION. 313 which, now that external authority counts for Httle, seek to accredit themselves by an endless restatement of the same thesis. 179.] On the part of its at first un-mediated subject, the Assertory judgment does not contain the relation of particular with universal which is expressed in the predicate. This judgment is consequently a mere sub- jective particularity, and is confronted by a contrary assertion with equal right, or rather want of right. It is therefore at once turned into (2) a Problematical judgment. But when we explicitly attach the objective particularity to the subject and make its speciality the con- stitutive feature of its existence, the subject (3) then ex- presses the connexion of that objective particularity with its constitution, i.e. with its genus; and thus expresses what forms the content of the predicate (see § 178). [This {the immediate individuality) house {the gemts), being so and so constituted {particularity), is good or bad.] This is the Apodictic judgment. All things are a genus {i.e. have a meaning and purpose) in an individual actuality of a particular constitution. And they are finite, because the particular in them may and also may not conform to the universal. 180.] In this manner subject and predicate are each the whole judgment. The immediate constitution of the subject is at first exhibited as the intermediating ground, where the individuality of the actual thing meets with its universality, and in this way as the ground of the judgment. What has been really made explicit is the oneness of subject and predicate, as the notion itself, filling up the empty 'is' of the copula. While its con- stituent elements are at the same time distinguished as subject and predicate, the notion is put as their unity, as the connexion which serves to intermediate them : in short, as the Syllogism. 314 THE DOCTRINE OF THE NOTION. [181. [c] The Syllogism. 181.] The Syllogism brings the notion and the judg- ment into one. It is notion, — being the simple identity into which the distinctions of form in the judgment have retired. It is judgment, — because it is at the same time set in reality, that is, put in the distinction of its terms. The Syllogism is the reasonable, and everything reasonable. Even the ordinary theories represent the Syllogism to be the form of reasonableness, but only a subjective form ; and no inter-connexion whatever is shown to exist between it and any other reasonable content, such as a reasonable principle, a reasonable action, idea, &c. The name of reason is much and often heard, and appealed to : but no one thinks of explaining its specific character, or saying what it is, — least of all that it has any connexion with Syllogism. But formal Syllogism really presents what is reasonable in such a reasonless way that it has nothing to do with any reasonable matter. But as the matter in question can only be rational in virtue of the same quality by which thought is reason, it can be made so by the form only : and that form is Syllogism. And what is a Syllogism but an explicit putting, i.e. realising of the notion, at first in form only, as stated above ? Accordingly the Syllogism is the essential ground of whatever is true : and at the present stage the definition of the Absolute is that it is the Syllogism, or stating the principle in a proposition : Everything is a Syllogism. Everything is a notion, the existence of which is the differentiation of its members or functions, so that the universal nature of the Notion gives itself external reality by means of particularity, and thereby, and as a negative reflection-into-self, makes itself an individual. Or, conversely: the actual thing is i8i-i82.j SYLLOGISM. 315 an individual, which by means of particularity rises to universality and makes itself identical with itself — The actual is one : but it is also the divergence from each other of the constituent elements of the notion ; and the Syllogism represents the orbit of intermediation of its elements, by which it realises its unity. The Syllogism, like the notion and the judgment, is usually described as a form merely of our subjective thinking. The Syllogism, it is said, is the process of proving the judgment. And certainly the judgment does in every case refer us to the Syllogism. The step from the one to the other however is not brought about by our subjective action, but by the judgment itself which puts itself as Syllogism, and in the conclusion returns to the unity of the notion. The precise point by which we pass to the Syllogism is found in the Apodictic judgment. In it we have an individual which by means of its qualities connects itself vVith its universal or notion. Here we see the particular becoming the mediating mean between the individual and the universal. This gives the fundamental form of the Syllogism, the gradual specifica- tion of which, formally considered, consists in the fact that universal and individual also occupy this place of mean. This again paves the way for the passage from subjectivity to objectivity. 182.] In the 'immediate' Syllogism the several as- pects of the notion confront one another abstractly, and stand in an external relation only. We have first the two extremes, which are Individuality and Universality; and then the notion, as the mean for locking the two together, is in like manner only abstract Particularity. In this way the extremes are put as independent and without affinity either towards one another or towards their mean. Such a Syllogism contains reason, but in utter notionlessness,— the formal Syllogism of Under- standing. In it the subject is coupled with an other character; or the universal by this mediation subsumes 3l6 THE DOCTRINE OF THE NOTION. [182. a subject external to it. In the rational Syllogism, on the contrary, the subject is by means of the mediation coupled, with itself. In this manner it first comes to be a subject : or, in the subject we have the first germ of the rational Syllogism. In the following examination, the Syllogism of Under- standing, according to the interpretation usually put upon it, is expressed in its subjective shape ; the shape which it has when we are said to make such Syllogisms. And it really is only a subjective syllogising. Such Syllogism however has also an objective meaning; it expresses only the finitude of things, but does so in the specific mode which the form has here reached. In the case of finite things their subjectivity, being only thinghood, is separable from their properties or their particularity, but also separable from their universality : not only when the universality is the bare quality of the thing and its external inter-connexion with other things, but also when it is its genus and notion. On the above-mentioned theory of syllogism, as the ra- tional form par excellence, reason has been defined as the faculty of syllogising, whilst understanding is defined as the faculty of forming notions. We might object to the con- ception on which this depends, and according to which the mind is merely a sum of forces or faculties existing side by side. But apart from that objection, we may observe in regard to the parallelism of understanding with the notion, as well as of reason with syllogism, that the notion is as little a mere category of the understanding as the syllogism is without qualification definable as rational. For, in the first place, what the Formal Logic usually examines in its theory of syllogism, is really nothing but the mere syllogism of understanding, which has no claim to the honour of being made a form of rationality, still less to be held as the em- bodiment of all reason. The notion, in the second place, so far from being a form of understanding, owes its degradation i8a-i83.] QUALITATIVE SYLLOGISMS. 317 to such a place entirely to the influence of that abstract mode of thought. And it is not unusual to draw such a distinction between a notion of understanding and a notion of reason. The distinction however does not mean that notions are of two kinds. It means that our own action often stops short at the mere negative and abstract form of the notion, when we might also have proceeded to apprehend the notion in its true nature, as at once positive and concrete. It is e.g. the mere understanding, which thinks liberty to be the abstract contrary of necessity, whereas the adequate rational notion of liberty requires the element of necessity to be merged in it. Similarly the definition of God, given by what is called Deism, is merely the mode in which the understanding thinks God : whereas Christianity, to which He is known as the Trinity, contains the rational notion of God. (a) Qualitative Syllogism. 183.] The first syllogism is a syllogism of definite being, — a Qualitative Syllogism, as stated in the last paragraph. Its form (i) is I — P— U : i.e. a subject as Individual is coupled (concluded) with a Universal character by means of a (Particular) quality. Of course the subject [terminus minor) has other characteristics besides individuality, just as the other extreme (the predicate of the conclusion, or terminus major) has other characteristics than mere universality. But here the interest turns only on the characteristics through which these terms make a syllogism. The syllogism of existence is a syllogism of understanding merely, at least in so far as it leaves the individual, the particular, and the universal to confront each other quite abstractly. In this syllogism the notion is at the very height of self-estrangement. We have in it an immediately individual thing as subject : next some one particular aspect or property attaching to this subject is selected, and by means of this property the individual turns out to be a universal. Thus we may say, This rose is red : Red is a 3l8 THE DOCTRINE OF THE NOTION. [183-184. colour : Therefore, this rose is a coloured object. It is this aspect of the syllogism which the common logics mainly treat of. There was a time when the syllogism was regarded as an absolute rule for all cognition, and when a scientific statement was not held to be valid until it had been shown to follow from a process of syllogism. At present, on the contrary, the different forms of the syllogism are met no- where save in the manuals of Logic ; and an acquaintance with them is considered a piece of mere pedantry, of no further use either in practical life or in science. It would indeed be both useless and pedantic to parade the whole machinery of the formal syllogism on every occasion. And yet the several forms of syllogism make themselves con- stantly felt in our cognition. If any one, when awaking on a winter morning, hears the creaking of the carriages on the street, and is thus led to conclude that it has frozen hard in the night, he has gone through a syllogistic operation : — an operation which is every day repeated under the greatest variety of conditions. The interest, therefore, ought at least not to be less in becoming expressly conscious of this daily action of our thinking selves, than confessedly belongs to the study of the functions of organic life, such as the pro- cesses of digestion, assimilation, respiration, or even the processes and structures of the nature around us. We do not, however, for a moment deny that a study of Logic is no more necessary to teach us how to draw correct conclusions, than a previous study of anatomy and physiology is required in order to digest or breathe. Aristotle was the first to observe and describe the dif- ferent forms, or, as they are called, figures of syllogism, in their subjective meaning : and he performed his work so exactly and surely, that no essential £(ddition has ever been required. But while sensible of the value of what he has thus done, we must not forget that the forms of the syllogism of understanding, and of finite thought altogether, are not what Aristotle has made use of in his properly philosophical investigations. (See § 189.) 184.] This syllogism is completely contingent («) in the matter of its terms. The Middle Term, being an abstract 184.] QUALITATIVE SYLLOGISMS. 319 particularity, is nothing but any quality whatever of the subject : but the subject, being immediate and thus empirically concrete, has several others, and could there- fore be coupled with exactly as many other universalities as it possesses single qualities. Similarly a single par- ticularity may have various characters in itself, so that the same medius terminus would serve to connect the subject with several different universals. It is more a caprice of fashion, than a sense of its in- correctness, which has led to the disuse of ceremonious syllogising. This and the following section indicate the uselessness of such syllogising for the ends of truth. The point of view indicated in the paragraph shows how this style of syllogisrn can ' demonstrate ' (as the phrase goes) the most diverse conclusions. All that is requisite is to find a medius terminus from which the transition can be made to the proposition sought. An- other medius terminus would enable us to demonstrate something else, and even the contrary of the last. And the more concrete an object is, the more aspects it has, which may become such middle terms. To determine which of these aspects is more essential than another, again, requires a further syllogism of this kind, which fixing on the single quality can with equal ease discover in it some aspect or- consideration by which it can make good its claims to be considered necessary and im- portant. Little as we usually think on. the Syllogism of Under- standing in the daily business of life, it never ceases to play its part there. In a civil suit, for instance, it is the duty of the advocate to give due force to the legal titles which make in favour of his client. In logical language, such a legal title is nothing but a middle term. Diplomatic transactions afford another illustration of the same, when, for instance, different powers lay claim to one and the same territory. In such a case the laws of inheritance, the geographical position of the 320 THE DOCTRINE OF THE NOTION. [184-186. country, the descent and the language of its inhabitants, or any other ground, may be emphasised as a mediiis terminus- 185.] (/3) This syllogism, if it is contingent in point of its terms, is no less contingent in virtue of the form of relation which is found in it. In the syllogism, according to its notion, truth lies in connecting two distinct things by a Middle Term in which they are one. But connexions of the extremes with the Middle Term (the so-called premisses, the major and the minor premiss) are in the case of this syllogism much more decidedly immediate connexions. In other words, they have not a proper Middle Term. This contradiction in the syllogism exhibits a new case of the infinite progression. Each of the premisses evidently calls for a fresh syllogism to demonstrate it : and as the new syllogism has two immediate premisses, like its predecessor, the demand for proof is doubled at every step, and repeated without end. 186.] On account of its importance for experience, there has been here noted a defect in the syllogism, to which in this form absolute correctness had been ascribed. This defect however must lose itself in the further specification of the syllogism. For we are now within the sphere of the notion ; and here therefore, gs well as in the judgment, the opposite character is not merely present potentially, but is explicit. To work out the gradual specification of the syllogism, therefore, there need only be admitted and accepted what is at each step realised by the syllogism itself. Through the immediate syllogism I — P— U, the In- dividual is mediated (through a Particular) with the Universal, and in this conclusion put as a universal. It follows that the individual subject, becoming itself a universal, serves to unite the two extremes, and to form their ground of intermediation. This gives the second 186-187.] SYLLOGISTIC FIGURES. 321 figure of the syllogism, (2) U — I — P. It expresses the truth of the first ; it shows in other words that the inter- mediation has taken place in the individual, and is thus something contingent. 187.] The universal, which in the first conclusion was specified through individuality, passes over into the second figure and there now occupies the place that belonged to the immediate subject. In the second figure it is concluded with the particular. By this con- clusion therefore the universal is explicitly put as particular — and is now made to mediate between the two extremes, the places of which are occupied by the two others (the particular and the individual). This is the third figure of the syllogism : (3) P — U — I. What are called the Figures of the syllogism (b^ing three in number, for the fourth is a superfluous and even absurd addition of the Moderns to the three known to Aristotle) are in the usual mode of treatment put side by side, without the slightest thought of showing their necessity, and still less of pointing out their import and value. No wonder then that the figures have been in later times treated as an empty piece of formalism. They have however a very real significance, derived from the necessity for every function or characteristic element of the notion to become the whole itself, and to stand as mediating ground. — But to find out what * moods ' of the propositions (such as whether they may be universals, or negatives) are needed to enable us to draw a correct conclusion in the different figures, is a mechanical inquiry, which its purely mechanical nature and its intrinsic meaninglessness have very properly consigned to oblivion. And Aristotle would have been the last person to give any countenance to those who wish to attach importance to such inquiries or to the syllogism of understanding in general. It is true that 322 THE DOCTRINE OF THE NOTION. [187-188. he described these, as well as numerous other forms of mind and nature, and that he examined and expounded their specialities. But in his metaphysical theories, as well as his theories of nature and mind, he was very far from taking as basis, or criterion, the syllogistic forms of the 'understanding.' Indeed it might be maintained that not one of these theories would ever have come into existence, or been allowed to exist, if it had been com- pelled to submit to the laws of understanding. With all the descriptiveness and analytic faculty which Aris- totle after his fashion is substantially strong in, his ruling principle is always the speculative notion ; and that syllogistic of 'understanding' to which he first gave such a definite expression is never allowed to intrude in the higher domain of philosophy. In their objective sense, the three figures of the syllogism declare that everything rational is manifested as a triple syllogism ; that is to say, each one of the members takes in turn the place of the extremes, as well as of the mean which reconciles them. Such, for example, is the case with the three branches of philosophy; the Logical Idea, Nature, and Mind. As we first see them, Nature is the middle term which links the others together. Nature, the totality im- mediately before us, unfolds itself into the two extremes of the Logical Idea and Mind. But Mind is Mind only when it is mediated through nature. Then, in the second place, Mind, which we know as the principle of individuality, or as the actualising principle, is the mean ; and Nature and the Logical Idea are the extremes. It is Mind which cognises the Logical Idea in Nature and which thus raises Nature to its essence. In the third place again the Logical Idea itself becomes the mean : it is the absolute substance both of mind and of nature, the universal and all-pervading principle. These are the members of the Absolute Syllogism. 188.] In the round by which each constituent function assumes successively the place of mean and of the two 188-189.] MATHEMATICAL SYLLOGISMS. 323 extremes, their specific difference from each other has been superseded. In this form, where there is no dis- tinction between its constituent elements, the syllogism at first has for its connective link equality, or the external identity of understanding. This is the Quantitative or Mathematical Syllogism: if two things are equal to a third, they are equal to one another. Everybody knows that this Quantitative syllogism appears as a mathematical axiom, which like other axioms is said to be a principle that does not admit of proof, and which in- deed being self-evident does not require such proof. These mathematical axioms however are really nothing but logical propositions, which, so far as they enunciate definite and particular thoughts, are deducible from the universal and self-characterising thought. To deduce them, is to give their proof That is true of the Quantitative syllogism, to which mathematics gives the rank of an axiom. It is really the proximate result of the qualitative or immediate syllogism. Finally, the Quantitative syllogism is the syllogism in utter formlessness. The difference between the terms which is required by the notion is suspended. Extraneous circum- stances alone can decide what propositions are to be pre- misses here : and therefore in applying this syllogism we make a pre-supposition of what has been elsewhere proved and established. 189.] Two results follow as to the form. In the first place, each constituent element has taken the place and performed the function of the mean and therefore of the whole, thus implicitly losing its partial and abstract character (§ 182 and § 184); secondly, the mediation has been completed (§ 185), though the completion too is only implicit, that is, only as a circle of mediations which in turn pre-suppose each other. In the first figure I — P — U the two premisses I is P and P is U are yet without a mediation. The former premiss is mediated in the third, the latter in the second figure. But each Y 2 324 THE DOCTRINE OF THE NOTION. [189-190. of these two figures, again, for the mediation of its pre- misses pre-supposes the two others. In consequence of this, the mediating unity of the notion must be put no longer as an abstract particularity, but as a developed unity of the individual and universal — and in the first place a reflected unity of these elements. That is to say, the individuality gets at the same time the character of universality. A mean of this kind gives the Syllogism of Reflection. (3) Syllogism of Reflection. 190.] If the mean, in the first place, be not only an abstract particular character of the subject, but at the same time all the individual concrete subjects which possess that character, but possess it only along with others, (i) we have the Syllogism of Allness. The major premiss, however, which has for its subject the particular character, the terminus medtus, as allness, pre-supposes the very conclusion which ought rather to have pre-supposed it. It rests therefore (2) on an Induction, in which the mean is given by the complete list of individuals as such,- -a, b, c, d, Sic. On account of the disparity, however, between universality and an immediate and empirical individuality, the list can never be complete. Induction therefore rests upon (3) Analogy. The middle term of Analogy is an individual, which however is understood as equivalent to its essential universality, its genus, or essential character. — The first syllogism for its intermediation turns us over to the oecond, and the second turns us over to the third. But the third no less demands an intrinsically determinate Universality, or an individuality as type of the genus, after the round of the forms of external connexion between individuality and universality has been run through in the figures of the Reflective Syllogism. igo.] SYLLOGISMS OF REFLECTION. 325 By the Syllogism of Allness the defect in the first form of the Syllogism of Understanding, noted in § 184, is remedied, but only to give rise to a new defect. This defect is that the major premiss itself pre-supposes what really ought to be the conclusion, and pre-supposes it as what is thus an 'immediate' proposition. All men are mortal, therefore Caius is mortal : All metals conduct electricity, therefore e.g. copper does so. In order to enunciate these major premisses, which when they say ' all ' mean the ' immediate ' individuals and are properly intended to be empirical propositions, it is requisite that the propositions about the individual man Caius, or the individual metal copper, should previously have been ascertained to be correct. Everybody feels not merely the pedantry, but the unmeaning formalism of such syllogisms as : All men are mortal, Caius is a man, therefore Caius is mortal. 1 he syllogism of Allness hands us over to the syllogism of Induction, in which the individuals form the coupling mean, ' All metals conduct electricity,' is an empirical pro- position derived from experiments made with each of the individual metals. We thus get the syllogism of Induction I in the following shape P— I— U. I Gold is a metal : silver is a metal : so is copper, lead, &c. This is the major premiss. Then comes the minor premiss : All these bodies conduct electricity ; and hence results the conclusion, that all metals conduct electricity. The point which brings about a combination here is individuality in the shape of allness. But this syllogism once more hands us over to another syllogism. Its mean is constituted by the complete list of the individuals. That pre-supposes that over a certain region observation and experience are com- pleted. But the things in question here are individuals ; and 326 THE DOCTRINE OF THE NOTION. [190, so again we are landed in the progression ad infinitum (i, i, i, &c.). In other words, in no Induction can we ever exhaust the individuals. The 'all metals,' 'all plants,' of our statements, mean only all the metals, all the plants, which we have hitherto become acquainted with. Every Induction is consequently imperfect. One and the other observation, many it may be, have been made : but all the cases, all the individuals, have not been observed. By this defect of In- duction we are led on to Analogy. In the syllogism of Analogy we conclude from the fact that some things of a certain kind possess a certain quality, that the same quality is possessed by other things of the same kind. It would be a syllogism of Analogy, for example, if we said : In all planets hitherto discovered this has been found to be the law of motion, consequently a newly discovered planet will probably move according to the same law. In the experiential sciences Analog^' deservedly occupies a high place, and has led to results of the highest importance. Analogy is the in- stinct of reason, creating an anticipation that this or that characteristic, which experience has discovered, has its root in the inner nature or kind of an object, and arguing on the faith of that anticipation. Analogy it should be added may be superficial or it may be thorough. It would certainly be a very bad analogy to argue that since the man Caius is a scholar, and Titus also is a man, Titus will probably be a scholar too: and it would be bad because a man's learning is not an unconditional consequence of his manhood. Super- ficial analogies of this kind however are very frequently met with. It is often argued, for example : The earth is a celestial body, so is the moon, and it is therefore in all probability inhabited as well as the earth. The analogy is not one whit better than that previously mentioned. That the earth is inhabited does not depend on its being a celestial body, but on other conditions, such as the presence of an atmosphere, and of water in connexion with the atmosphere, &c. : and these are precisely the conditions which the moon, so far as we know, does not possess. What has in modern times been called the Philosophy of Nature consists principally in a frivolous play with empty and external analogies, which, igo-iga.] SYLLOGISMS OF NECESSITY. 327 however, claim to be considered profound results. The natural consequence has been to discredit the philosophical study of nature. (y) Syllogism of Necessity. 191.] The Syllogism of Necessity, if we look to its purely abstract characteristics or terms, has for its mean the Universal in the same way as the Syllogism of Reflection has the Individual, the latter being in the second, and the former in the third figure (§ 187). The Universal is expressly put as in its very nature intrinsic- ally determinate. In the first place (i) the Particular, meaning by the particular the specific genus or species, is the term for mediating the extremes — as is done in the Categorical syllogism. (2) The same office is per- formed by the Individual, taking the individual as immediate being, so that it is as much mediating as mediated :— as happens in the Hypothetical syllogism, (3) We have also the mediating Universal explicitly put as a totality of its particular members, and as a single particular, or exclusive individuality :— which happens in the Disjunctive syllogism. It is one and the same universal which is in these terms of the Disjunctive syllogism ; they are only different forms for express- ing it. 192.] The syllogism has been taken conformably to the distinctions which it contains ; and the general result of the course of their evolution has been to show that these differences work out their own abolition and destroy the notion's outwardness to its own self. And, as we see, in the first place, (i) each of the dynamic elements has proved itself the systematic whole of these elements, in short a whole syllogism, — they are conse- quently implicitly identical. In the second place, (2) the negation of their distinctions and of the mediation of 328 THE DOCTRINE OF THE NOTION. [192. one through another constitutes independency ; so that it is one and the same universal which is in these forms, and which is in this way also explicitly put as their identity. In this ideality of its dynamic elements, the syllogistic process may be described as essentially in- volving the negation of the characters through which its course runs, as being a mediative process through the suspension of mediation, — as coupling the subject not with another, but with a suspended other, in one word, with itself In the common logic, the doctrine of syllogism is supposed to conclude the first part, or what is called the ' elementary ' theory. It is followed by the second part, the doctrine of Method, which proposes to show how a body of scientific knowledge is created by applying to existing objects the forms of thought discussed in the elementary part. Whence these objects originate, and what the thought of objectivity generally speaking implies, are questions to which the Logic of Understanding vouchsafes no further answer. It believes thought to be a mere subjective and formal activity, and the objective fact, which confronts thought, to have a separate and permanent being. But this dualism is a half-truth : and there is a want of intelligence in the procedure which at once accepts, without inquiring into their origin, the categories of subjectivity and objectivity. Both of them, subjectivity as well as objectivity, are certainly thoughts — even specific thoughts : which must show themselves founded on the universal and self-determining thought. This has here been done — at least for subjectivity. We have recognised it, or the notion subjective (vvhich includes the notion proper, the judgment, and the syllogism) as the dialectical result of the first two main stages of the Logical Idea, Being and Essence. To say that the notion is subjective and subjective only, is so far quite correct : for the notion certainly is subjectivity itself Not less subjective than the notion are also the judgment and syllogism : and these forms, together with the so-called Laws of Thought (the Laws of Identity, Difference, and I92-I93-] NOTION AND OBJECT. 329 Sufficient Ground), make up the contents of what is called the ' Elements ' in the common logic. But we may go a step further. This subjectivity, with its functions of notion, judgment, and syllogism, is not like a set of empty compart- ments which has to get filled from without by separately- existing objects. It would be truer to say that it is sub- jectivity itself which, as dialectical, breaks through its own barriers and opens out into objectivity by means of the syllogism. 193.] This ' realisation ' of the notion,— a realisation in which the universal is this one totality withdrawn back into itself (of which the different members are no less the whole, and) which has given itself a character of 'immediate ' unity by merging the mediation: — this realisation of the notion is the Object. This transition from the Subject, the notion in general, and especially the syllogism, to the Object, may, at the first glance, appear strange, particularly if we look only at the Syllogism of Understanding, and suppose syllo- gising to be only an act of consciousness. But that strangeness imposes on us no obligation to seek to make the transition plausible to the image-loving con- ception. The only question which can be considered is, whether our usual conception of what is called an 'object' approximately corresponds to the object as here described. By ' object ' is commonly understood not an abstract being, or an existing thing merely, or any sort of actuality, but something independent, con- crete, and self-complete, this completeness being the totality of the notion. That the object {Objekt) is also an object to us {Gegenstand) and is external to some- thing else, will be more precisely seen, when it puts itself in contrast with the subjective. At present, as that into which the notion has passed from its mediation, it is only immediate object and nothing more, just as the 330 THE DOCTRINE OF THE NOTION. [193. notion is not describable as subjective, previous to the subsequent contrast with objectivity. Further, the Object in general is the one total, in itself still unspecified, the Objective World as a whole, God, the Absolute Object. The object, however, has also difference attaching to it : it falls into pieces, in- definite in their multiplicity (making an objective world); and each of these individualised parts is also an object, an intrinsically concrete, complete, and independent existence. Objectivity has been compared with being, existence, and actuality ; and so too the transition to existence and actuality (not to being, for it is the primary and quite abstract immediate) maybe compared with the transition to objectivity. The ground from which existence pro- ceeds, and the reflective correlation which is merged in actuality, are nothing but the as yet imperfectly realised notion. They are only abstract aspects of it, — the ground being its merely essence-bred unity, and the correlation only the connexion of real sides which are supposed to have only self-reflected being. The notion is the unity of the two ; and the object is not a merely essence-like, but inherently universal unity, not only containing real distinctions, but containing them as totalities in itself. It is evident that in all these transitions there is a further purpose than merely to show the indissoluble connexion between the notion or thought and being. It has been more than once remarked that being is nothing more than simple self-relation, and this meagre category is certainly implied in the notion, or even in thought. But the meaning of these transitions is not to accept characteristics or categories, as only implied ; — a fault which mars even the Ontological argument for God's existence, when it is stated that being is one 193.] NOTION AND OBJECT. 331 among realities. What such a transition does, is to take the notion, as it ought to be primarily characterised per se as a notion, with which this remote abstraction of being, or eve of objectivity, has as yet nothing to do, and looking at its specific character as a notional character alone, to see when and whether it passes over into a form which is different from the character as it belongs to the notion and appears in it. If the Object, the product of this transition, be brought into relation with the notion, which, so far as its special form is concerned, has vanished in it, we may give a correct expression to the result, by saying that notion (or, if it be preferred, subjectivity) and object are im- plicitly the same. But it is equally correct to say that they are different. In short, the two modes of expres- sion are equally correct and incorrect. The true state of the case can be presented in no expressions of this kind. The 'implicit' is an abstraction, still more partial and inadequate than the notion itself, of which the inadequacy is upon the whole suspended, by suspend- ing itself to the object with its opposite inadequacy. Hence that implicitness also must, by its negation, give itself the character of explicitness. As in every case, speculative identity is not the above-mentioned triviality of an implicit identity of subject and object. This has been said often enough. Yet it could not be too often repeated, if the intention were really to put an end to the stale and purely malicious misconception in regard to this identity: — of which however there can be no reasonable expectation. Looking at that unity in a quite general way, and raising no objection to the one-sided form of its implicit- ness, we find it as the well-known pre-supposition of the ontological proof for the existence of God. There, it appears as supreme^perfection. Anselm, in whom the 332 THE DOCTRINE OF THE NOTION. [193. notable suggestion of this proof first occurs, no doubt originally restricted himself to the question whether a certain content was in our thinking only. His words are briefly these : ' Certe id quo majus cogitari nequtt, non potest esse in intellectu solo. Si enint vel in solo intellectu est, potest cogitari esse et in re : quod majus est. Si ergo id quo majus cogitari non- potest, est in solo intellectu ; id ipsum quo majus cogitari non potest, est quo majus cogitari potest. Sed certe hoc esse non potest.' (Certainly that, than which nothing greater can be thought, cannot be in the intellect alone. For even if it is in the intellect alone, it can also be thought to exist in fact : and that is greater. If then that, than which nothing greater can be thought, is in the intellect alone; then the very thing, which is greater than anything which can be thought, can be exceeded in thought. But certainly this is impossible.) The same unity received a more objective expression in Descartes, Spinoza and others : while the theory of immediate cer- titude or faith presents it, on the contrary, in somewhat the same subjective aspect as Anselm. These Intui- tionalists hold that in our consciousness the attribute of being is indissolubly associated with the conception of God. The theory of faith brings even the conception of external finite things under the same inseparable nexus between the consciousness and the being of them, on the ground that perception presents them conjoined with the attribute of existence : and in so saying, it is no doubt correct. It would be utterly absurd, however, to suppose that the association in consciousness between existence and our conception of finite things is of the same description as the association between existence and the conception of God. To do so would be to forget that finite things are changeable and transient, i. e. that existence is associated with them for a season, 193] NOTION AND OBJECT. 333 but that the association is neither eternal nor insepar- able. Speaking in the phraseology of the categories before us, we may say that, to call a thing finite, means that its objective existence is not in harmony with the thought of it, with its universal calling, its kind and its end. Anselm, consequently, neglecting any such con- junction as occurs in finite things, has with good reason pronounced that only to be the Perfect which exists not merely in a subjective, but also in an objective mode. It does no good to put on airs against the On- tological proof, as it is called, and against Anselm thus defining the Perfect. The argument is one latent in every unsophisticated mind, and it recurs in every philosophy, even against its wish and without its knowledge — as may be seen in the theory of immediate belief. The real fault in the argumentation of Anselm is one which is chargeable on Descartes and Spinoza, as well as on the theory of immediate knowledge. It is this. This unity which is enunciated as the supreme perfec- tion or, it may be, subjectively, as the true knowledge, is pre-supposed, ;', e. it is assumed only as potential. This identity, abstract as it thus appears, between the two categories may be at once met and opposed by their diversity; and this was the very answer given to Anselm long ago. In short, the conception and existence of the finite is set in antagonism to the infinite ; for, as pre- viously remarked, the finite possesses objectivity of such a kind as is at once incongruous with and different from the end or aim, its essence and notion. Or, the finite is such a conception and in sach a way subjective, that it does not involve existence. This objection and this antithesis are got over, only by snowing the finite to be untrue and these categories in their separation to be inadequate and null. Their identity is thus seen to 334 ^^^ DOCTRINE OF THE NOTION. [193-194. be one into which they spontaneously pass over, and in which they are reconciled. B. — The Object. 194.] The Object is immediate being, because in- sensible to difference, which in it has suspended itself. It is, further, a totality in itself, whilst at the same time (as this identity is only the implicit identity of its dynamic elements) it is equally indifferent to its immediate unity. It thus breaks up into distinct parts, each of which is itself the totality. Hence the object is the absolute contradiction between a complete independence of the multiplicity, and the equally complete non-independence of the different pieces. The'definition, which states that the Absolute is the Object, is most definitely implied in the Leibnitzian Monad. The Monads are each an object, but an object implicitly 'representative,' indeed the total representa- tion of the world. In the simple unity of the Monad, all difference is merely ideal, not independent or real. Nothing from without comes into the monad : It is the whole notion in itself, only distinguished by its own greater or less development. None the less, this simple totality parts into the absolute multeity of differences, each becoming an independent monad. In the monad of monads, and the Pre-established Harmony of their inward developments, these substances are in like manner again reduced to 'ideality' and unsubstantiality. The philosophy of Leibnitz, therefore, represents con- tradiction in its complete development. As Fichte in modern times has especially and with justice insisted, the theory which regards the Absolute or God as the Object and there stops, expresses the point of view taken by superstition and slavish fear. No doubt God is the Object, and, indeed, the Object out and out, confronted with 194.] THE OBJECT. 335 which our particular or subjective opinions and desires have no truth and no validity. As absolute object however, God does not therefore take up the position of a dark and hostile power over against subjectivity. He rather involves it as a vital element in Himself Such also is the meaning of the Christian doctrine, according to which God has willed that all men should be saved and all attain blessedness. The salvation and the blessedness of men are attained when they come to feel themselves at one with God, so that God, on the other hand, ceases to be for them mere object, and, in that way, an object of fear and terror, as was especially the case with the religious consciousness of the Romans. But God in the Christian religion is also known as Love, because in His Son, who is one with Him, He has revealed Himself to men as a man amongst men, and thereby redeemed them. All which is only another way of saying that the antithesis of subjective and objective is implicitly overcome, and that it is our affair to participate in this redemption by laying aside our immediate subjectivity (putting off the old Adam), and learning to know God as our true and essential self. Just as religion and religious worship consist in overcom- ing the antithesis of subjectivity and objectivity, so science too and philosophy have no other task than to overcome this antithesis by the medium of thought. The aim of knowledge is to divest the objective world that stands opposed to us of its strangeness, and, as the phrase is, to find ourselves at home in it : which means no more than to trace the objective world back to the notion, — to our innermost self We may learn from the present discussion the mistake of regarding the antithesis of subjectivity and objectivity as an abstract and permanent one. The two are wholly dialectical. The notion is at first only subjective : but without the assistance of any foreign material or stuff it proceeds, in obedience to its own action, to objectify itself So, too, the object is not rigid and processless. Its process is to show itself as what is at the same time subjective, and thus form the step onwards to the idea. Any one whoj from want of familiarity with the categories of subjectivity and objectivity, seeks to retain them in their abstraction, will find that the isolated categories slip 336 THE DOCTRINE OF THE NOTION. [i94-i95- through his fingers before he is aware, and that he says the exact contrary of what he wanted to say. (2) Objectivity contains the three forms of Mechanism, Chemism, and Teleology. The object of mechanical type is the immediate and undifferentiated object. No doubt it con- tains difference, but the different pieces stand, as it were, without affmity to each other, and their connexion is only extraneous. In chemism, on the contrary, the object exhibits an essential tendency to differentiation, in such a way that the objects are what they are only by their relation to each other: this tendency to difference constitutes their quahty. The third type of objectivity, the teleological relation, is the unity of mechanism and chemism. Design, like the me- chanical object, is a self-contained totality, enriched however by the principle of differentiation which came to the fore in chemism, and thus referring itself to the object that stands over against it. Finally, it is the realisation of design which forms the transition to the Idea. {a) Mechanism. 196.] The object (i) in its immediacy is the notion only potentially ; the notion as subjective is primarily outside it ; and all its specific character is imposed from without. As a unity of differents^ therefore, it is a com- posite, an aggregate ; and its capacity of acting on any- thing else continues to be an external relation. This is Formal Mechanism. — Notwithstanding, and in this con- nexion and non-independence, the objects remain inde- pendent and offer resistance, external to each other. Pressure and impact are examples of mechanical relations. Our knowledge is said to be mechanical or by rote, when the words have no meaning for us, but continue external to sense, conception, thought; and when, being similarly external to each other, they form a meaningless sequence. Conduct, piety, &c. are in the same way mechanical, when a man's behaviour is settled for him by ceremonial laws, by a spiritual adviser, &c. ; 195-] MECHANISM. 337 in short, when his own mind and will are not in his actions, which in this way are extraneous to himself. Mechanism, the first form of objectivity, is also the category which primarily offers itself to reflection, as it examines the objective world. It is also the category beyond which re- flection seldom goes. It is, however, a shallow and super- ficial mode of observation, one that cannot carry us through in connexion with Nature and still less in connexion with the world of Mind. In Nature it is only the veriest abstract relations of matter in its inert masses which obey the law of mechanism. On the contrary the phenomena and operations of the province to which the term ' physical ' in its narrower sense is applied, such as the phenomena of light, heat, mag- netism, and electricity, cannot be explained by any mere mechanical processes, such as pressure, impact, displace- ment of parts, and the like. Still less satisfactory is it to transfer these categories and apply them in the field of organic nature ; at least if it be our aim to understand the specific features of that field, such as the growth and nourish- ment of plants, or, it may be, even animal sensation. It is at any rate a very deep-seated, and perhaps the main, defect of modern researches into nature, that, even where other and higher categories than those of mere mechanism are in operation, they still stick obstinately to the mechanical laws ; although they thus conflict with the testimony of unbiassed perception, and foreclose the gate to an- adequate knowledge of nature. But even in considering the formations in the world of Mind, the mechanical theory has been re- peatedly invested with an authority which it has no right to. Take as an instance the remark that man consists of soul and body. In this language, the two things stand each self- subsistent, and associated only from without. Similarly we find the soul regarded as a mere group of forces and faculties, subsisting independently side by side. Thus decidedly must we reject the mechanical mode of in- quiry when it comes forward and arrogates to itself the place of rational cognition in general, and seeks to get mechanism accepted as an absolute category. But we must not on that account forget expressly to vindicate for mechanism the VOL. II. z 338 THE DOCTRINE OF THE NOTION. [195. right and import of a general logical category. It would be, therefore, a mistake to restrict it to the special physical department from which it derives its name. There is no harm done, for example, in directing attention to mechanical actions, such as that of gravity, the lever, &c., even in de- partments, notably in physics and in physiology, beyond the range of mechanics proper. It must however be remembered, that within these spheres the laws of mechanism cease to be final or decisive, and sink, as it were, to a subservient position. To which may be added, that, in Nature, when the higher or organic functions are in any way checked or dis- turbed in their normal efficiency, the otherwise subordinate category of mechanism is immediately seen to take the upper hand. Thus a sufferer from indigestion feels pressure on the stomach, after partaking of certain food in slight quantity ; whereas those whose digestive organs are sound remain free from the sensation, although they have eaten as much. The same phenomenon occurs in the general feeling of heaviness in the limbs, experienced in bodily indisposition. Even in the world of Mind, mechanism has its place ; though there, too, it is a subordinate one. We are right in speaking of mechanical memory, and all sorts of mechanical operations, such as reading, writing, playing on musical instruments, &c. In memory, indeed, the mechanical quality of the action is essential : a circumstance, the neglect of which has not unfrequently caused great harm in the training of the young, from the misapplied zeal of modern educationalists for the freedom of intelligence. It would betray bad psychology, however, to have recourse to mechanism for an explanation of the nature of memory, and to apply mechanical laws straight off to the soul. The mechanical feature in memory lies m.erely in the fact that certain signs, tones, &c. are apprehended in their purely external association, and then reproduced in this association, without attention being expressly directed to their meaning and inward association. To become acquainted with these conditions of mechanical memory requires no further study of mechanics, nor would that study tend .at all to advance the special inquiry of psychology. 196-198.] MECHANISM. 339 196.] The want of stability in itself which allov/s the object to suffer violence, is possessed by it (see preced- ing §) only in so far as it has a certain stability. Now as the object is implicitly invested with the character of notion, the one of these characteristics is not merged into its other ; but the object, through the negation of itself (its lack of independence), closes with itself, and not till it so closes, is it independent. Thus at the same time in distinction from the outwardness, and negativing that outwardness in its independence, does this inde- pendence form a negative unity with self, — Centrality (subjectivity). So conceived, the object itself has direc- tion and reference towards the external. But this external object is similarly central in itself, and being so, is no less only referred towards the other centre ; so that it no less has its centrality in the other. This is (2) Mechanism with Afilnity (with bias, or ' difference '), and may be illustrated by gravitation, appetite, social instinct, &c. 197.] This relationship, when fully carried out, forms* a syllogism. In that syllogism the immanent negativity, as the central individuality of an object, (abstract centre,) relates itself to non-independent objects, as the other extreme, by a mean which unites the centrality with the non-independence of the objects, (relative c^'ntre.) This is (3) Absolute Mechanism. 198.] The syllogism thus indicated (I — P — U) is a triad of syllogisms. The wrong individuality of non- independent objects, in which formal Mechanism is at home, is, by reason of that non-independence, no less universality, though it be only external. Hence these objects also form the mean between the absolute and the relative centre (the form of syllogism being U — I — P): for it is by this want of independence that those two are kept asunder and made extremes, as well as related to z 2 340 THE DOCTRINE OF THE NOTION. [198-199. one another. Similarly absolute centrality, as the per- manently-underlying universal substance (illustrated by the gravity which continues identical), which as pure negativity equally includes individuality in it, is what mediates between the relative centre and the non-inde- pendent objects (the form of syllogism being P — U — I). It does so no less essentially as a disintegrating force, in its character of immanent individuality, than in virtue of universality, acting as an identical bond of union and tranquil self-containedness. Like the solar system, so for example in the practical sphere the state is a system of three syllogisms, (i) The Individual or person, through his particularity or physi- cal or mental needs (which when carried out to their full development give civil society), is coupled with the universal, i. e. with society, law, right, government. (2) The will or action of the individuals is the inter- mediating force which procures for these needs satis- faction in society, in law, &c., and which gives to society, law, &c. their fulfilment and actualisation. (3) But the universal, that is to say the state, government, and law, is the permanent underlying mean in which the indi- viduals and their satisfaction have and receive their fulfilled reality, inter-mediation, and persistence. Each of the functions of the notion, as it is brought by inter- mediation to coalesce with the other extreme, is brought into union with itself and produces itself: which pro- duction is self-preservation. — It is only by the nature of this triple coupling, by this triad of syllogisms with the same termini, that a whole is thoroughly understood in its organisation. 199.] The immediacy of existence, which the objects have in Absolute Mechanism, is implicitly negatived by the fact that their independence is derived from, and due to, their connexions with each other, and therefore to X99-aoo.] CHEMISM. 34I their own want of stability. Thus the object must be explicitly stated as in its existence having an Affinity (or a bias) towards its other, — as not-indiflferent. {b) Cliemism. 200.] The not-indifferent (biassed) object has an immanent mode which constitutes its nature, and in which it has existence. But as it is invested with the character of total notion, it is the contradiction between this totality and the special mode of its existence. Consequently it is the constant endeavour to cancel this contradiction and to make its definite being equal to the notion. Chemism is a category of objectivity which, as a rule, is not particularly emphasised, and is generally put under the head of mechanism. The common name of mechanical relationship is applied to both, in contra-distinction to the teleological. There is a reason for this in the common feature which belongs to mechanism and chemism. In them the notion exists, but only implicit and latent, and they are thus both marked off from teleology where the notion has real independent existence. This is true : and yet chemism and n>echanism are very decidedly distinct. The object, in the form of mechanism, is primarily only an in- different reference to self, while the chemical object is seen to be completely in reference to something else. No doubt even in mechanism, as it develops itself, there spring up references to something else : but the nexus of mechanical objects with one another is at first only an external nexus, so that the objects in connexion with one another still retain the semblance of independence. In nature, for example; the several celestial bodies, which form our solar system, compose a kinetic system, and thereby show that they are related to one another. Motion, however, as the unity of time and space, is a connexion which is purely abstract and external. And it seems therefore as if these celestial bodies, which are thus externally connected with each other, would 342 THE DOCTRINE OF THE NOTION. [200-202. continue to be what they are, even apart from this reciprocal relation. The case is quite different with chemism. Objects chemically biassed are what they are expressly by that bias alone. Hence they are the absolute impulse towards in- tegration by and in one another. 201.] The product of the chemical process conse- quently is the Neutral object, latent in the two extremes, each on the alert. The notion or concrete universal, by means of the bias of the objects (the particularity), coalesces with the individuality (in the shape of the product), and in that only with itself. In this process too the other syllogisms are equally involved. The place of mean is taken both by individuality as activity, and by the concrete universal, the essence of the strained extremes ; which essence reaches definite being in the product. 202.] Chemism, as it is a reflectional nexus of objec- tivity, has pre-supposed, not merely the bias or non- indifferent nature of the objects, but also their immediate independence. The process of chemism consists in passing to and fro from one form to another; which forms continue to be as external as before. — In the neutral product the specific properties, which the ex- tremes bore towards each other, are merged. But although the product is conformable to the notion, the inspiring principle of active differentiation does not exist in it ; for it has sunk back to immediacy. The neutral body is therefore capable of disintegration. But the discerning principle, which breaks up the neutral body into biassed and strained extremes, and which gives to the indifferent object in general its affinity and anima- tion towards another; — that principle, and the process as a separation with tension, falls outside of that first process. The chemical process does not rise above a conditioned 3oa-204.] TELEOLOGY. 343 and finite process. The notion as notion is only the heart and core of the process, and does not in this stage come to an existence of its own. In the neutral product the process is extinct, and the existing cause falls outside it. 203.] Each of these two processes, the reduction of the biassed (not-indifferent) to the neutral, and the differentiation of the indifferent or neutral, goes its own way without hindrance from the other. But that want of inner connexion shows that they are finite, by their passage into products in which they are merged and lost. Conversely the process exhibits the nonentity of the pre-supposed immediacy of the not-indifferent objects. — By this negation of immediacy and of externalism in which the notion as object was sunk, it is liberated and invested with independent being in face of that exter- nalism and immediacy. In these circumstances it is the End (Final Cause). The passage from chemism to the teieological relation is implied in the mutual cancelling of both of the forms of the chemical process. The result thus attained is the liberation of the notion, which in chemism and mechanism was present only in the germ, and not yet evolved. The notion in the shape of the aim or end thus comes into independent existence. [c) Teleology. 204.] In the End the notion has entered on free existence and has a being of its own, by means of the negation of immediate objectivity. It is characterised as subjec!".ve, seeing that this negation is, in the first place, abstract, and hence at first the relation between it and objectivity still one of contrast. This character of subjectivity, however, compared with the totality of the notion, is one-sided, and that, be it added, for the End itself, in which all specific characters have been put as subordinated and merged. For it therefore even 344 ^^^ DOCTRINE OF THE NOTION. [204. the object, which it pre-supposes, has only hypothetical (ideal) reality, — essentially no-reality. The End in short is a contradiction of its self-identity against the negation stated in it, i.e. its antithesis to objectivity, and being so, contains the eliminative or destructive activity which negates the -antithesis and renders it identical with itself. This is the realisation of the End : in which, while it turns itself into the other of its subjec- tivity and objectifies itself, thus cancelling the distinc- tion between the two, it has only closed with itself, and retained itself. The .notion of Design or End, while on one hand called redundant, is on another justly described as the rational notion, and contrasted with the abstract uni- versal of understanding. The latter only subsumes the particular, and so connects it with itself: but has it not in its own nature. — The distinction between the End or final cause, and the mere efficient cause (which is the cause ordinarily so called), is of supreme importance. Causes, properly so called, belong to the sphere of necessity, b-nd, and not yet laid bare. The cause therefore appears as passing into its correlative, and losing its primordiality there by sinking into dependency. It is only by implication, or for us, that the cause is in the effect made for the first time a cause, and that it there returns into itself. The End, on the other hand, is expressly stated as containing the specific character in its own self, — the effect, namely, which in the purely causal relation is never free from otherness. The End therefore in its efficiency does not pass over, but retains itself, i.e. it carries into effect itself only, and is at the end what it was in the beginning or primordial state. Until it thus retains itself, it is not genuinely primordial. — The End then requires to be specula- tively apprehended as the notion, which itself in the ao4.] TELEOLOGY. 345 proper unity and ideality of its characteristics contains the judgment or negation, — the antithesis of subjective and objective, — and which to an equal extent suspends that antithesis. By End however we must not at once, nor must we ever merely, think of the form which it has in conscious- ness as a mode of mere mental representation. By means of the notion of Inner Design Kant has resusci- tated the Idea in general and particularly the idea of life. Aristotle's definition of life virtually implies inner design, and is thus far in advance of the notion of design in modern Teleology, which had in view finite and out- ward design only. Animal wants and appetites are some of the readiest instances of the End. They are the felt contradiction, which exists within the living subject, and pass into the activity of negating this negation which mere subjec- tivity-still is. The satisfaction of the want or appetite restores the peace between subject and object. The objective thing which, so long as the contradiction exists, t. e. so long as the want is felt, stands on the other side, loses this quasi-independence, by its union with the subject. Those who talk of the permanence and immutability of the finite, as well subjective as objective, may see the reverse illustrated in the opera- tions of every appetite. Appetite is, so to speak, the conviction that the subjective is only a half-truth, no more adequate than the objective. But appetite in the second place carries out its conviction. It brings about the supersession of these finites : it cancels the antithesis between the objective which would be and stay an ob- jective only, and the subjective which in like manner would be and stay a subjective only. As regards the action of the End, attention may be called to the fact, that in the syllogism, which represents 346 THE DOCTRINE OF THE NOTION. [204-205. that action, and shows the end closing with itself by the means of realisation, the radical feature is the negation of the termini. That negation is the one just mentioned both of the immediate subjectivity appearing in the End as such, and of the immediate objectivity as seen in the means and the objects pre-supposed. This is the same negation, as is in operation when the mind leaves the contingent things of the world as well as its own sub- jectivity and rises to God. It is the ' moment ' or factor which (as noticed in the Introduction and § 192) was overlooked and neglected in the analytic form of syllo- gisms, under which the so-called proofs of the Being of a God presented this elevation. 205.] In its primary and immediate aspect the Teleo- logical relation is external design, and the notion con- fronts a pre-supposed object. The End is consequently finite, and that partly in its content, partly in the cir- cumstance that it has an external condition in the object, which has to be found existing, and which is taken as material for its realisation. Its self-determining is to that extent in form only. The un-mediatedness of the End has the further result that its particularity or con- tent — which as form-characteristic is the subjectivity of the End — is reflected into self, and so different from the totality of the form, subjectivity in general, the notion. This variety constitutes the finitude of Design within its own nature. The content of the End, in this way, is quite as limited, contingent, and given, as the object is particular and found ready to hand. Generally speaking, the final cause is taken to mean nothing more than external design. In accordance with this view of it, things are supposed not to carry their vocation in themselves, but merely to be means employed and spent in realising a purpose which lies outside of them. That may be said to be the point of view taken by Utility, which once 205-206.] MEANS AND ENDS. 347 played a great part even in the sciences, but of late has fallen into merited disrepute, now that people have begun to see that it failed to give a genuine insight into the nature of things. It is true that finite things as finite ought in justice to be viewed as non-ultimate, and as pointing beyond them- selves. This negativity of finite things however is their own dialectic, and in order to ascertain it we must pay attention to their positive content. Teleological observations on things often proceed from a well-meant wish to display the wisdom of God as it is especially revealed in nature. Now in thus trying to dis- cover final causes for which the things serve as means, we must remember that we are stopping short at the finite, and are liable to fall into trifling reflections : as, for instance, if we not merely studied the vine in respect of its well-known use for man, but proceeded to consider the cork-tree in con- nexion with the corks which are cut from its bark to put into the wine-bottles. Whole books used to be written in this spirit. It is easy to see that they promoted the genuine interest neither of religion nor of science. External design stands immediately in front of the idea : but what thus stands on the threshold often for that reason is least ade- quate. 206.] The teleological relation is a syllogism in which the subjective end coalesces with the objectivity external to it, through a middle term which is the unity of both. This unity is on one hand the purposive action, on the other the Means, i. e. objectivity made directly subservient to purpose. The development from End to Idea ensues by three stages, first, Subjective End ; second. End in process of accomplishment; and th rd, EJnd accomplished. First of all we have the Subjective End ; and that, as the notion in independent being, is itself the totality of the elementary functions of the notion. The first of these functions is that of self-identical universality, as it were the neutral first water, in which everything is involved, but nothing as yet discriminated. The second of these elements is the particu- 348 THE DOCTRINE OF THE NOTION. [ao6-ao8. larising of this universal, by which it acquires a specific con- tent. As this specific content again is reaUsed by the agency of the universal, the latter returns by its means back to itself, and coalesces with itself. Hence too when we set some end before us, we say that we ' conclude ' to do some- thing: a phrase which implies that we were, so to speak, open and accessible to this or that determination. Similarly we also at a further step speak of a man ' resolving ' to do something, meaning that the agent steps forward out of his self-regarding inwardness and, enters into dealings with the environing objectivity. This supplies the step from the merely Subjective End to the purposive action which tends outwards. 207.] (i) The first syllogism of the final cause repre- sents the Subjective End. The universal notion is brought to unite with individuality by means of particu- larity, so that the individual as self-determination acts as judge. That is to say, it not only particularises or makes into a determinate content the still indeter- minate universal, but also explicitly puts an antithesis of subjectivity and objectivity, and at the same time is in its own self a return to itself; for it stamps the subjec- tivity of the notion, pre-supposed as against objectivity, with the mark of defect, in comparison with the complete and rounded totality, and thereby at the same time turns outwards. 208.] (2) This action which is directed outwards is the individuality, which in the Subjective End is identical with the particularity under which, along with the con- tent, is also comprised the external objectivity. It throws itself in the first place immediately upon the object, which it appropriates to itself as a Means. The notion is this immediate power; for the notion is the self-identical negativity, in which the being of the object is characterised as wholly and merely ideal. — The whole Means then is this inward power of the notion, in the shape of an agency, with which the object as Means is flo8-ao9.] MEANS AND ENDS. 349 * immediately ' united and in obedience to which it stands. In finite teleology the Means is thus broken up into two elements external to each other, (a) the action and {b) the object which serves as Means. The relation of the final cause as power to this object, and the subjuga- tion of the object to it, is immediate (it forms the first premiss in the syllogism) to this extent, that in the teleological notion as the self-existent ideality the object is put as potentially null. This relation, as represented in the first premiss, itself becomes the Means, which at the same time involves the syllogism, that through this relation — in which the action of the End is contained and dominant — the End is coupled with objectivity. The execution of the End is the mediated mode of realising the End ; but the immediate realisation is not less needful. The End lays hold of the object immediately, because it is the power over the object, because in the End particularity, and in particularity objectivity also, is involved. — A living being has a body ; the soul takes possession of it and with- out intermediary has objectified itself in it. The human soul has much to do, before it makes its corporeal nature into a means. Man must, as it were, take possession of his body, so that it may be the instrument of his soul. 209.] (3) Purposive action, with its Means, is still directed outwards, because the End is also not identical with the object, and must consequently first be mediated with it. The Means in its capacity of object stands, in this second premiss, in direct relation to the other extreme of the syllogism, namely, the material or ob- jectivity which is pre-supposed. This relation is the sphere of chemism and mechanisrrl, which have now become the servants of the Final Cause, where lies their truth and free notion. Thus the Subjective End, which is the power ruling these processes, in which the 350 THE DOCTRINE OF THE NOTION. [209-aii. objective things wear themselves out on one another, contrives to keep itself free from them, and to preserve itself in them. Doing so, it appears as the Cunning of Reason is as cunning as it is powerful. Cunning may be said to lie in the inter-mediative action which, while it permits the objects to follow their own bent and act upon one another till they waste away, and does not itself directly interfere in the process, is nevertheless only work- ing out its own aims. With this explanation, Divine Provi- dence may be said to stand to the world and its process in the capacity of absolute cnnning. God lets men do as they please with their particular passions and interests ; but the result is the accomplishment of— not their plans, but His, and these differ decidedly from the ends primarily sought by those whom He employs. 210.] The realised End is thus the overt unity of subjective and objective. It is however essentially characteristic of this unity, that the subjective and objective are neutralised and cancelled only in the point of their one-sidedness, while the objective is subdued and made conformable to the End, as the free notion, and thereby to the power above it. The End maintains itself against and in the objective : for it is no mere one-sided subjective or particular, it is also the concrete universal, the implicit identity of both. This universal, as simply reflected in itself, is the content which remains unchanged through all the three termini of the syllogism and their movement. 211.] In finite design, however, even the executed End has the same radical rift or flaw as had the Means and the initial End. We have got therefore only a form extraneously impressed on a pre-existing material : and this form, by reason of the limited content of the End, is also a contingent characteristic. The End achieved 211-213.] MEANS AND ENDS. 35 1 consequently is only an object, which again becomes a Means or material for other Ends, and so on for ever. 212.] But what virtually happens in the realising of the End is that the one-sided subjectivity and the show of ob- jective independence confronting it are both cancelled. In laying hold of the means, the notion constitutes itself the very implicit essence of the object. In the mechani- cal and chemical processes the independence of the object has been already dissipated implicitly, and in the course of their movement under the dominion of the End, the show of that independence, the negative which confronts the notion, is got rid of But in the fact that the End achieved is characterised only as a Means and a material, this object, viz, the teleological, is there and then put as implicitly null, and only ' ideal.' This being so, the antithesis between form and content has also vanished. While the End by the removal and absorp- tion of all form-characteristics coalesces with itself, the form as self-identical is thereby put as the content, so that the notion, which is the action of form, has only itself for content. Through this process, therefore, there is made explicitly manifest what was the notion of design : viz. the implicit unity of subjective and objec- tive is now realised. And this is the Idea. This finitude of the End consists in the circumstance, that, in the process of realising it, the material, which is employed as a means, is only externally subsumed under it and made conformable to it. But, as a matter of fact, the object is the notion implicitly : and thus when the notion, in the shape of End, is realised in the object, we have but the manifestation of the inner nature of the object itself. Objectivity is thus, as It were, only a covering under which the notion lies con- cealed. Within the range of the finite we can never see or experience that th^ End has been really secured. The con- summation of the infinite End, therefore, consists merely in 352 THE DOCTRINE OF THE NOTION. [212-213. removing the illusion which makes it seem yet unaccom- plished. The Good, the absolutely Good, is eternally accomplishing itself in the world : and the result is that it needs not wait upon us, but is already by implication, as well as in full actuality, accomplished. This is the illusion under which we live. It alone supplie* at the same time the actualising force on which the interest in the world reposes. In the -course of its process the Idea creates that illusion, by setting an antithesis to confront it ; and its action consists in getting rid of the illusion which it has created. Only out of this error does the truth arise. In this fact lies the reconciliation with error and with finitude. Error or other-being, when superseded, is still a necessary dynamic element of truth : for truth can only be where it makes itself its own result. C— The Idea. 213.] The Idea is truth in itself and for itself, — the absolute unity of the notion and objectivity. Its ' ideal ' content is nothing but the notion in its detailed terms : its 'real' content is only the exhibition which the notion gives itself in the form of external existence, whilst yet, by enclosing this shape in its ideality, it keeps it in its power, and so keeps itself in it. The definition, which declares the Absolute to be the Idea, is itself absolute. All former definitions come back to this. The Idea is the Truth : for Truth is the correspondence of objectivity with the notion :— not of course the correspondence of external things with my conceptions, — for these are only correct conceptions held by me, the individual person. In the idea we have nothing to do with the individual, nor with figurate con- ceptions, nor with external things. And yet, again, everything actual, in so far as it is true, is the Idea, and has its truth by and in virtue of the Idea alone. Every individual being is some one aspect of the Idea : for 2 IS-] THE IDEA. 353 which, therefore, yet other actualities are needed, which in their turn appear to have a self-subsistence of their own. It is only in them altogether and in their relation that the notion is realised. The individual by itself does not correspond to its notion. It is this limitation of its existence which constitutes the finitude and the ruin of the individual. The Idea itself is not to be taken as an idea of some- thing or other, any more than the notion is to be taken as merely a specific notion. The Absolute is the uni- versal and one idea, which, by an act of 'judgment,' particularises itself to the system of specific ideas ; which after all are constrained by their nature to come back to the one idea where their truth lies. As issued out of this 'judgment' the Idea is in the first place only the one universal substance : but its developed and genuine actuality is to be as a subject and in that way as mind. Because it has no existence for starting-point and point cTappui, the Idea is frequently treated as a mere logical form. Such a view must be abandoned to those theories, which ascribe so-called reality and genuine actuality to the existent thing and all the other categories which have not yet penetrated as far as the Idea. It is no less false to imagine the Idea to be mere abstraction. It is abstract certainly, in so far as everything untrue is consumed in it : but in its own self it is essentially con- crete, because it is the free notion giving character to itself, and that character, reality. It would be an abstract form, only if the notion, which is its principle, were taken as an abstract unity, and not as the nega- tive return of it into self and as the subjectivity which it really is. Truth is at first taken to mean that I know how something 15. This is truth, however, only in reference to conscious- VOL. II. A a 354 T^^ DOCTRINE OF THE NOTION. [213. ness ; it is formal truth, bare correctness. Truth in the deeper sense consists in the identity between objectivity and the notion. It is in this deeper sense of truth that' we speak of a true state, or of a true work of art. These objects are true, if they are as they ought to be, i.e. if their reality corresponds to their notion. When thus viewed, to be untrue means much the same as to be bad. A bad man is an untrue man, a man who does not behave as his notion or his vocation requires. Nothing however can subsist, if it be wholly devoid of identity between the notion and reality. Even bad and untrue things have being, in so far as their reality still, somehow, conforms to their notion. What- ever is thoroughly bad or contrary to the notion, is for that very reason on the way to ruin. It is by the notion alone that the things in the world have their subsistence ; or, as it is expressed in the language of religious conception, things are what they are, only in virtue of the divine and thereby creative thought which dwells within them. When we hear the Idea spoken of, we need not imagine something far away beyond this mortal sphere. The idea is rather what is completely present : and it is found, however confused and degenerated, in every consciousness. We conceive the world to ourselves as a great totality which is created by God, and so created that in it God has manifested Himself to us. We regard the world also as ruled by Divine Providence : implying that the scattered and divided parts of the world are continually brought back, and made conformable, to the unity from which they have issued. The purpose of philosophy has always been the intellec- tual ascertainment of the Idea ; and everything deserving the name of philosophy has constantly been based on the consciousness of an absolute unity where the under- standing sees and accepts only separation.— It is too late now to ask for proof that the Idea is the truth. The proof of that is contained in the whole deduction and development of thought up to this point. The idea is the result of this course of dialectic. Not that it is to be sup- posed that the idea is mediate only, i.e. mediated through something else than itself. It is rather its own result, and 213-214.] THE IDEA. 355 being so, is no less immediate than mediate. The stages hitherto considered, viz. those of Being an-^ Essence, as well as those of Notion and of Objectivity, are not, when so distinguished, something permanent, resting upon them- selves. They have proved to be dialectical ; and their only truth is that they are dynamic elements of the idea. 214.] The Idea may be described in many ways. It may be called reason (and this is the proper philo- sophical signification of reason) ; subject-object ; the unity of the ideal and the real, of the finite and the in- finite, of soul and body ; the possibility which has its actuality in its own self; that of which the nature can be thought only as existent, &c. All these descriptions apply, because the Idea contains all the relations of understanding, but contains them in their infinite self- return and self-identity. It is easy work for the understanding to show that everything said of the Idea is self-contradictory. But that can quite as well be retaliated, or rather in the Idea the retaliation is actually made. And this work, which is the work of reason, is certainly not so easy as that of the understanding. Understanding may demonstrate that the Idea is self-contradictory : because the subjective is subjective only and is always confronted by the objective, — because being is different from notion and therefore cannot be picked out of it — because the finite is finite only, the exact antithesis of the infinite, and therefore not identical with it ; and so on with every term of the description. The reverse of all this however is the doctrine of Logic. Logic shows that the subjec- tive which is to be subjective only, the finite which would be finite only, the infinite which would be infinite only, and so on, have no truth, but contradict them- selves, and pass over into their opposites. Hence this transition, and the unity in which the extremes are A a 2 356 THE DOCTRINE OF THE NOTION. [214. merged and become factors, each with a merely reflected existence, reveals itself as their truth. The understanding, which addresses itself to deal with the Idea, commits a double misunderstanding. It takes y?rs/ the extremes of the Idea (be they expressed as they will, so long as they are in their unity), not as they are understood when stamped with this concrete unity, but as if they remained abstractions outside of it. It no less mistakes the relation between them, ever when it has been expressly stated. Thus, for example, it overlooks even the nature of the copula in the judg ment, which, affirms that the individual, or subject, is after all not individual, but universal. But, in the second place, the understanding believes /'/5 'reflection,' — that the self-identical Idea contains its own negative, or contains contradiction, — to be an external reflection which does not lie within the Idea itself. But the reflection is really no peculiar cleverness of the under- standing. The Idea itself is the dialectic which for ever divides and distinguishes the self-identical from the differentiated, the subjective from the objective, the finite from the infinite, soul from body. Only on these terms is it an eternal creation, eternal vitality, and eternal spirit. But while it thus passes or rather trans- lates itself into the abstract understanding, it for ever remains reason. The Idea is the dialectic which again makes this mass of understanding and diversity under- stand its finite nature and the pseudo-independence in its productions, and which brings the diversity back to unity. Since this double movement is not separate or distinct in time, nor indeed in any other way— otherwise it would be only a repetition of the abstract understand- ing — the Idea is the eternal vision of itself in the other, — notion which in its objectivity has carried out itself, — object which is inward design, essential subjectivity. 214-215.] THE IDEA. 357 The different modes of apprehending the Idea as unity of ideal and real, of finite and infinite, of identity and difference, &c. are more or less formal. They designate some one stage of the specific notion. Only the notion itself, however, is free and the genuine uni- versal : in the Idea, therefore, the specific character of the notion is only the notion itself, — an objectivity, viz. into which it, being the universal, continues itself, and in which it has only its own character, the total character. The Idea is the infinite judgment^ of which the terms are severally the independent totality ; and in which, as each grows to the fulness of its own nature, it has thereby at the same time passed into the other. None of the other specific notions exhibits this totality complete on both its sides as the notion itself and objectivity. 215.] The Idea is essentially a process, because its identity is the absolute and free identity of the notion, only in so far as it is absolute negativity and for that reason dialectical. It is the round of movement, in which the notion, in the capacity of universality which is individuality, gives itself the character of objectivity and of the antithesis thereto ; and this externality which has the notion for its substance, finds its way back to subjectivity through its immanent dialectic. As the idea is (a) a process, it follows that such an ex- pression for the Absolute as unity of thought and being, of finite and infinite, &c. is false ; for unity expresses an abstract and merely quiescent identity. As the Idea is {b) subjectivity, it follows that the expres- sion is equally false on another account. That unity of which it speaks expresses a merely virtual or underlying presence of the genuine unity. The infinite would thus seem to be merely neutralised by the finite, the subjective by the objective, thought by being. But in the negative 358 THE DOCTRINE OF THE NOTION. [215-216. unity of the Idea, the infinite overlaps and includes the finite, thought overlaps being, subjectivity overlaps ob- jectivity. The unity of the Idea is thought, infinity, and subjectivity, and is in consequence to be essentially dis- tinguished from the Idea as substance, just as this over- lapping subjectivity, thought, or infinity is to be distin- guished from the one-sided subjectivity, one-sided thought, one-sided infinity to which it descends in judging and defining. The idea as a process runs through three stages in its development. The first form of the idea is Life : that is, the idea in the form of immediacy. The second form is that of mediation or differentiation ; and this is the idea in the form of Knowledge, which appears under the double aspect of the Theoretical and Practical idea. The process of knowledge eventuates in the restoration of the unity enriched by differ- ence. This gives the third form of the idea, the Absolute Idea : which last stage of the logical idea evinces itself to be at the same time the true first, and to have a being due to itself alone. {a) Life. 216.] The immediate idea is Life. As soul, the notion is realised in a body of whose externality the soul is the immediate self-relating universality. But the soul is also its particularisation, so that the body expresses no other distinctions than follow from the char-^.cterisations of its notion. And finally it is the Individuality of the body as infinite negativity, — the dialectic of that bodily objectivity, with its parts lying out of one another, con- veying them away from the semblance of independent subsistence back into subjectivity, so that all the mem- bers are reciprocally momentary means as well as momentary ends. Thus as life is the initial particu- larisation, so it results in the negative self-asserting unity: in the dialectic of its corporeity it only coalesces with 216-2.8.] LIFE. 359 itself. In this way life is essentially something alive, and in point of its immediacy this individual living thing. It is characteristic of finitude in this sphere that, by reason of the immediacy of the idea, body and soul are separable. This constitutes the mortality of the living being. It is only, however, when the living being is dead, that these two sides of the idea are different ingredients. The single members of the body are what they are only by and in relation to their unity. A hand e.g. when hewn oflF from the body is, as Aristotle has observed, a hand in name only, not in fact. From the point of view of under- standing, Hfe is usually spoken of as a mystery, and in general as incomprehensible. By giving it such a name, however, the Understanding only confesses itr own finitude and nullity. So far is life from being incomprehensible, that in it the very notion is'presented to us, or rather the imme- diate idea existing as a notion. And having said this, we have indicated the defect of life. Its notion and reality do not thoroughly correspond to each other. The notion of life is the soul, and this notion has the body for its reality. The soul is, as it were, infused into its corporeity ; and in that way it is at first sentient only, and not yet freely self- conscious. The process of life consists in getting the better of the immediacy with which it is still beset : and this pro- cess, which is itself threefold, results in the idea under the form of judgment, i.e. the idea as Cognition. 217.] A living being is a syllogism, of which the very elements are in themselves systems and syllogisms (§§ 198, 201, 207). They are however active syllogisms or processes ; and in the subjective unity of the vital agent make only one process. Thus the living being is the process of its coalescence with itself, which runs on through three processes. 218.] (i) The first is the process of the living being inside itself. In that process it makes a split on its own 360 THE DOCTRINE OF THE NOTION. [218-219. self, and reduces its corporeity to its object or its in- organic nature. This corporeity, as an aggregate of correlations, enters in its very nature into difference and opposition of its elements, which mutually become each other's prey, and assimilate one another, and are re- tained by producing themselves. Yet this action of the several members (organs), is only the living subject's one act to which their productions revert ; so that in these productions nothing is produced except the sub- ject : in other words, the subject only reproduces itself. The process of the vital subject within its own limits has in Nature the threefold form of Sensibility, Irritability, and Reproduction. As Sensibility, the living being is immedi- ately simple self-relation — it is the soul omnipresent in its body, the outsideness of each member of which to others has for it no truth. As Irritability, the living being appears split up in itself; and as Reproduction, it is perpetually restoring itself from the inner distinction of its members and organs. A vital agent only exists as this continually self-renewing process within its own limits. 219.] (2) But the judgment of the notion proceeds, as free, to discharge the objective or bodily nature as an independent totality from itself; and the negative rela- tion of the living thing to itself makes, as immediate individuality, the pre-supposition of an inorganic nature confronting it. As this negative of the animate is no less a function in the notion of the animate itself, it exists consequently in the latter (which is at the same time a concrete universal) in the shape of a defect or want. The dialectic by which the object, being implicitly null, is merged, is the action of the self-assured living thing, which in this process against an inorganic nature thus retains, develops, and objectifies itself. The living being stands face to face, with an inorganic nature, to which it comports itself as a master and which it a [9-221.] LIFE. 361 assimilates to itself. The result of the assimilation is not, as in the chemical process, a neutral product in which the inde- pendence of the two confronting sides is merged ; but the living being shows itself as large enough to embrace its other which cannot withstand its power. The inorganic nature which is subdued by the vital agent suffers this fate, because it is virtually the same as what life is actually. Thus in the other the living being only coalesces with itself. But when the soul has fled from the body, the elementary powers of objectivity begin their play. These powers are, as it were, continually on the spring, ready to begin their process in the organic body ; and life is the constant battle against them. 220.] (3) The living individual, which in its first process comports itself as intrinsically subject and notion, through its second assimilates its external objec- tivity and thus puts the character of reality into itself. It is now therefore implicitly a Kind, with essential universality of nature. The particularising of this Kind is the relation of the living subject to another subject of its Kind : and the judgment is the tie of Kind over these individuals thus appointed for each other. This is the Affinity of the Sexes. 221.] The process of Kind brings it to a being of its own. Life being no more than the idea immediate, the product of this process breaks up into two sides. On the one hand, the living individual, which was at first pre-supposed as immediate, is now seen to be mediated and generated. On the other, however, the living indi- viduality, which, on account of its first immediacy, stands in a negative attitude towards universality, sinks in the superior power of the latter. The living being dies, because it is a contradiction. Im- plicitly it is the universal or Kind, and yet immediately it exists as an individual only. Death shows the Kind to be the power that rules the immediate individual. For the 362 THE DOCTRINE OF THE NOTION. [221-224. animal the process of Kind is the highest point of its vitality. But the animal never gets so far in its Kind as to have a being of its own ; it succumbs to the power of Kind. In the process of Kind the immediate living being mediates itself with itself, and thus rises above its immediacy, only however to sink back into it again. Life thus runs away, in the first instance, only into the false infinity of the progress ad infinitum. The real result, however, of the process of life, in the point of its notion, is to merge and overcome that immediacy with which the idea, in the shape of life, is still beset. 222.] In this manner however the idea of life has thrown off not some one particular and immediate 'This,' but this first immediacy as a whole. It thus comes to itself, to its truth : it enters upon existence as a free Kind self-subsistent. The death of merely immediate and individual vitality is the ' procession ' of spirit. {b) Cognition in general. 223.] The idea exists free for itself, in so far as it has universality for the medium of its existence, — as objec- tivity itself has notional being, — as the idea is its own object. Its subjectivity, thus universalised, is pure self- contained distinguishing of the idea, — intuition which keeps itself in this identical universality. But, as specific distinguishing, it is the further judgment of repelling itself as a totality from itself, and thus, in the first place, pre-supposing itself as an external universe. There are two judgments, which though implicitly iden- tical are not yet explicitly put as identical. 224.] The relation of these two ideas, which implicitly and as life are identical, is thus one of correlation : and it is that correlativity which constitutes the characteristic of finitude in this sphere. It is the relationship of re- flection, seeing that the distinguishing of the idea in its 224-225.] KNOWLEDGE AND WILL. 363 own self is only the first judgment — presupposing the other and not yet supposing itself to constitute it. And thus for the subjective idea the objective is the immediate world found ready to hand, or the idea as life is in the phenomenon of individual existence. At the same time, in so far as this judgment is pure distinguishing within its own limits (§ 223), the idea realises in one both itself and its other. Consequently it is the certitude of the virtual identity between itself and the objective world. — Reason comes to the world with an absolute faith in its abilit;, to make the identity actual, and to raise its certi- tude to truth ; and with the instinct of realising explicitly the nullity of that contrast which it sees to be implicitly null. 225.] This process is in general terms Cognition. In Cognition in a single act the contrast is virtually superseded, as rega~ds both the one-sidedness of sub- jectivity and the one-sidedness of objectivity. At first, however, the supersession of the contrast is but implicit. The process as such is in consequence immediately in- fected with the finitude of this sphere, and splits into the twofold movement of the instinct of reason, presented as two different movements. On the one hand it supersedes the one-sidedness of the Idea's subjectivity by receiving the existing world into itself, into subjective conception and thought ; and with this objectivity, which is thus taken to be real and true, for its content it fills up the abstract certitude of itself. On the other hand, it super- sedes the one-sidedness of the objective world, which is now, on the contrary, estimated as only a mere sem- blance, a collection of contingencies and shapes at bottom visionary. It modifies and informs that world by the inward nature of the subjective, which is here taken to be the genuine objective. The former is the instinct of science after Truth, Cognition properly so 364 THE DOCTRINE OF THE NOTION. [225-227. called : — the Theoretical action of the idea. The latter is the instinct of the Good to fulfil the same — the Practical activity of the idea or Volition. (a) Cognition proper. 226.] The universal finitude of Cognition, vv^hich lies in the one judgment, the pre-supposition of the contrast (§ 224), — a pre-supposition in contradiction of which its own act lodges protest, specialises itself more precisely on the face of its own idea. The result of that speciali- sation is, that its two elements receive the aspect of being diverse from each other, and, as they are at least complete, they take up the relation of ' reflection/ not of 'notion,' to one another. The assimilation of the matter, therefore, as a datum, presents itself in the light of a reception of it into categories which at the same time remain external to it, and which meet each other in the same style of diversity. Reason is active here, but it is reason in the shape of understanding. The truth which such Cognition can reach will therefore be only finite : the infinite truth (of the notion) is isolated and made transcendent, an inaccessible goal in a world of its own. Still in its external action cognition stands under the guidance of the notion, and notional principles form the secret clue to its movement. The finitude of Cognition lies in the pre-supposition of a world already in existence, and in the consequent view of the knowing subject as a tabula rasa. The conception is one attributed to Aristotle ; but no man is further than Aristotle from such an outside theory of Cognition. Such a style of Cognition does not recognise in itself the activity of thd notion— an activity which it is implicitly, but not consciously. In its own estimation its procedure is passive. Really that procedure is active. 227.] Finite Cognition, when it pre-supposes what is 227.] SCIENTIFIC METHODS. 365 distinguished from it to be something already existing and confronting it, — to be the various facts of external nature or of consciousness — has, in the first place, (i) Formal identity or the abstraction of universality for the form of its action. Its activity therefore consists in analysing the given concrete object, isolating its differences, and giving them the form of abstract univer- sality. Or it leaves the concrete thing as a ground, and by setting aside the unessential-looking particulars, brings into relief a concrete universal, the Genus, or Force and Law. This is the Analyticsil Method. People generally speak of the analytical and synthetical methods, as if it depended solely on our choice which we pursued. This is far from the case. It depends on the form of the objects of our investigation, which of the two methods, that are derivable from the notion of finite cognition, ought to be applied. In the first place, cognition is analj^ical. Analytical cognition deals with an. object which is presented in detachment, and the aim of its action is to trace back to a universal the individual object before it. Thought in such circumstances means no more than an act of abstraction or of formal identity. That is the sense in which thought is understood by Locke and all empiricists. Cognition, it is often said, can never do more than separate the given concrete objects into their abstract elements, and then con- sider these elements in their isolation. It is, however, at once apparent that this turns things upside down, and that cognition, if its purpose be to take things as they are, thereby falls into contradiction with itself Thus the chemist e.g. places a piece of flesh in his retort, tortures it in many ways, and then informs us that it consists of nitrogen, carbon, hydrogen, &c. True: but these abstract matters have ceased to be flesh. The same defect occurs in the reason- ing of an empirical psychologist when he analyses an action into the various aspects which it presents, and then sticks to these aspects in their separation. The object which is subjected to analysis is treated as. a sort of onion from which one coat is peeled off after another.. 366 THE DOCTRINE OF THE NOTION. [228-229. 228.] This universality is (2) a'so a specific univer- sality. In this case the line of activity follows the three 'momen's' of the notion, which (as it has not its infinity in finite cognition) is the specific or definite notion of understanding. The reception of the object into the forms of this notion is the Synthetic Method. The movement of the Synthetic method is the reverse of the Analytical method. The latter starts from the indi- vidual, and proceeds to the universal ; in the former the starting-point is given by the universal (as a definition), from which we proceed by particularising (in division) to the individual (the theorem). The Synthetic method thus presents itself as the developmen the ' moments ' of the notion on the object. 229.] (n) When the object has been i:i the first in- stance brought by cognition into the form of the specific notion in general, so that in this way its genus and its universal character or speciality are explicitly stated, we nave the Definition. The materials and the proof of Definition are procured by means of the Analytical method (§ 227). The specific character however is expected to be a ' mark ' only : that is to say it is to be in behoof only of the purely subjective cognition which is external to the object. Definition involves the three organic elements of the notion : the universal or proximate genus (genus proximum), the particular or specific character of the genus [qualitas specified), and the individual, or object defined. — The first question that definition suggests, is where it comes from. The general answer to this question is to sajr, that definitions originate by way of analysis. This will explain how it happens that people quarrel about the correctness of pro- posed definitions ; for here everything depends on what perceptions we started from, and what points of view we had before our eyes in so doing. The richer the object to 229-230.] SCIENTIFIC METHODS. 367 be defined is, that is, the more numerous are the aspects which it offers to our notice, the more various are the defini- tions we may frame of it. Thus there are quite a host of definitions of life, of the state, &c. Geometry, on the con- trary, dealing with a theme so abstract as space, has an easy task in giving definitions. Again, in respect of the matter or contents of the objects defined, there is no constraining necessity present. We are expected to admit that space exists, that there are plants, animals, &c., nor is it the busi- ness of geometry, botany, &c. to demonstrate that the objects in question necessarily are. This very circumstance makes the synthetical method of cognition as little suitable for philosophy as the analytical : for philosophy has above all things to leave no doubt of the necessity of its objects. And yet several attempts have been made to introduce the syn- thetical method into philosophy. Thus Spinoza, in par- ticular, begins with definitions. He says, for instance, that substance is the causa sni. His definitions are unquestionably a storehouse of the most speculative truth, but it takes the shape of dogmatic assertions. The same thing is also true of Schelling. 230.] (;3) The statement of the second element of the notion, i.e. of the specific character of the universal as particularising, is given by Division in accordance with some external consideration. Division we are told ought to be complete. That requires a principle or ground of division so constituted, that the division based upon it embraces the whole extent of the region designated by the definition in general. But, in division, there is the further requirement that the principle of it must be borrowed from the nature of the object in question. If this condition be satisfied, the division is natural and not merely artificial, that is to say, arbitrary. Thus, in zoology, the ground of division adopted in the classification of the mammalia is mainly afforded by their teeth and claws. That is so far sensible, as the mammals themselves distinguish themselves from one another by these parts of their bodies ; back to which therefore the general 368 THE DOCTRINE OF THE NOTION. [230-231. type of their various classes is to be traced. In every case the genuine division must be controlled by the notion. To that extent a division, in the first instance, has three members : but as particularity exhibits itself as double, the division may go to the extent even of four members. In the sphere of mind trichotomy is predominant, a circum- stance which Kant has the credit of biinging into notice. 231.] (y) In the concrete individuality, where the mere unanalysed quality of the definition is regarded as a cor- relation of elements, the object is a synthetical nexus of distinct characteristics. It is a Theorem. Being different, these characteristics possess but a mediated identity. To supply the materials, which form the middle terms, is the office of Construction : and the process of media- tion itself, from which cognition derives the necessity of that nexus, is the Demonstration. As the difference between the analytical and synthetical methods is commonly stated, it seems entirely optional which of the two we employ. If we assume, to start with, the concrete thing which the synthetic method presents as a result, we can analyse from it as conse- quences the abstract propositions which formed the pre- siippositions and the material for the proof. Thus, alge- braical definitions of curved lines are theorems in the method of geometry. Similarly even the Pythagorean theorem, if made the definition of a right-angled triangle, might yield to analysis those propositions which geometry had already demonstrated on its be- hoof. The optionalness of either method is due to both alike starting from an external pre-supposition. So far as the nature of the notion is concerned, analysis is prior; since it has to raise the given material with it§ empirical concreteness into the form of general abstrac- tions, which may then be set in the front of the synthe- tical method as definitions. 231.] SCIENTIFIC METHODS. 369 That these methods, however indispensable and bril- liantly successful in their own province, are unservice- able for philosophical cognition, is self-evident. They have pre-suppositions ; and their style of cognition is that of understanding, proceeding under the canon of formal identity. In Spinoza, who was especially ad- dicted to the use of the geometrical method, we are at once struck by its characteristic formalism. Yet his ideas were speculative in spirit ; whereas the system of Wolf, who carried the method out to the height of pedantry, was even in subject-matter a metaphysic of the understanding. The abuses which these methods with their formalism once led to in philosophy and science have in modern times been followed by the abuses of what is called ' Construction.' Kant brought into vogue the phrase that mathematics ' construes ' its notions. All that was meant by the phrase was that mathematics has not to do with notions, but with abstract qualities of sense-perceptions. The name 'Construction (constru- ing) of notions ' has since been given to a sketch or statement of sensible attributes which were picked up from perception, quite guiltless of any influence of the notion, and to the additional formalism of classifying scientific and philosophical objects in a tabular form on some pre-supposed rubric, but in other respects at the fancy and discretion of the observer. In the back- ground of all this, certainly, there is a dim conscious- ness of the Idea, of the unity of the notion and objec- tivity, — a consciousness, too, that the idea is concrete. But that play of what is styled 'construing' is far from presenting this unity adequately — a unity which is none other than the notion properly so called : and the sen- suous concreteness of perception. is as little the concrete- ness of reason and the idea. Another point calls for notice. Geometry works with VOL. II. B b 370 THE DOCTRINE OF THE NOTION. [231-232. the sensuous but abstract perception of space ; and in space it experiences no difficulty in isolating and defin- ing certain simple analytic modes. To geometry alone therefore belongs in its perfection the synthetical method of finite cognition. In its course, however (and this is the remarkable point), it finally stumbles upon what are tei ned irrational and incommensurable quantities ; and in their case any attempt at further specification drives it beyond the principle of the understanding. This is only one of many instances in terminology, where the title rational is perversely applied to the province of understanding, while we stigmatise as irrational that which shows a beginning and a trace of rationality. Other sciences, removed as they are from the simplicity of space or number, often and necessarily reach a point where understanding permits no further advance : but they get over the difficulty without trouble. They make a break in the strict sequence of their procedure, and assume whatever they require, though it be the reverse of what preceded, from some external quarter, — opinion, perception^ conception or any other source. Its inob- servancy as to the nature of its methods and their rela- tivity to the subject-matter prevents this finite cognition from seeing that, when it proceeds by definitions and divisions, &c., it is really led on by the necessity of the laws of the notion. For the same reason it cannot see when it has reached its limit ; nor, if it have trans- gressed that limit, does it perceive that it is in a sphere where the categories of understanding, which it still continues rudely to apply, have lost all authority. 232.] The necessity, which finite cognition produces in the Demonstration, is, in the first place, an external necessity, intended for the subjective intelligence alone. But in necessity as such, cognition itself has left behind its presupposition and starting-point, which consisted in 333-334.] WILL. 371 accepting its content as given or found. Necessity qua necessity is implicitly the self-relating notion. The sub- jective idea has thus implicitly reached an original and objective determinateness, — a something not-given, and for that reason immanent in the subject. It has passed over into the idea of Will. The necessity which cognition reaches by means of the demonstration is the reverse of what formed its starting- point. In its starting-point cognition had a given and a con- tingent content ; but now, at the close of its movement, it knows its content to be necessary. This necessity is reached by means of subjective agency. Similarly, subjectivity at starting was quite abstract, a bare tabula rasa. It now shows itself as a modifying and determining principle. In this way we pass from the idea of cognition to that of will. The passage, as will be apparent on a closer examination, means that the universal, to be truly apprehended, must be appre- hended as subjectivity, as a notion self-moving, active, and form-imposing. 08) Volition. 233.] The subjective idea as original and objective determinateness, and as a simple uniform content, is the Good. Its impulse towards self-realisation is in its behaviour the reverse of the idea of truth, and rather directed towards moulding the world it finds before it into a shape conformable to its purposed End. — This Volition has, on the one hand, the certitude of the nothingness of the pre-supposed object; but, on the other, as finite, it at the same time pre-supposes the purposed End of the Good to be a mere subjective idea, and the object to be independent. 234.] This action of the Will is finite : and its finitude lies in the contradiction that in the inconsister-t terms applied to the objective world the End of the Good is just as much not executed as executed, — the end B b 2 372 THE DOCTRINE OF THE NOTION. [334. in question put as unessential as much as essential, — as actual and at the same, time as merely possible. This contradiction presents itself to imagination as an endless progress in the actualising of the Good ; which is therefore set up and fixed as a mere ' ought,' or goal of perfection. In point of form however this contra- diction vanishes when the action supersedes the sub- jectivity of the purpose, and along with it the objectivity, with the contrast which makes both finite ; abolish- ing subjectivity as a whole and not merely the one- sidedness of this form of it, (For another new sub- jectivity of the kind, that is, a new generation of the contrast, is not distinct from that which is supposed to be past and gone.) This return into itself is at the same time the content's own 'recollection* that it is the Good and the implicit identity of the two sides, — it is a ' recollection * of the pre-supposition of the theoretical attitude of mind (§ 224) that the objective world is its own truth and substantiality. While Intelligence merely proposes to take the world as it is, Will takes steps to make the world what it ought to be. Will looks upon the immediate and given present not as solid being, but as mere semblance without reality. It is here that we meet those contradictions which are so be- wildering from the standpoint of abstract morality. This position in its ' practical ' bearings is the one taken by the philosophy of Kant, and even by that of Fichte. The Good, say these writers, has to be realised : we have to work in order to produce it : and Will is only the Good actualising itself. If the world then were as it ought to be, the action of Will would be at an end. The Will itself therefore requires that its End should not be realised. In these words, a correct expression is given to the finitude of Will. But finitude was not meant to be the ultimate point : and it is the process of Will itself which abolishes finitude and the contradiction it involves. The reconciliation is achieved, 234-236.] WILL. 373 when Will in its result returns to the pre-supposition made by cognition. In other words, it consists in the unity of the theoretical and practical idea. Will knows the end to be its own, and Intelligence apprehends the world as the notion actual. This is the right attitude of rational cognition. Nullity and transitoriness constitute only the superficial features and not the real essence of the world. That essence is the notion in posse and in esse: and thus the world is itself the idea. All unsatisfied endeavour ceases, when we recognise that the final purpose of the world is accomplished no less than ever accomplishing itself. Gene- rally speaking, this is the man's way of looking ; while the young imagine that the world is utterly sunk in wickedness, and that the first thing needful is a thorough transformation. The rehgious mind, on the contrary, views the world as ruled by Divine Providence, and therefore correspondent with what it ought to be. But this harmony between the ' is ' and the ' ought to be ' is not torpid and rigidly stationary. Good, the final end of the world, has being, only while it constantly produces itself. And the world of spirit and the world of nature continue to have this distinction, that the latter moves only in a recurring cycle, while the former certainly also makes progress. 235.] Thus the truth of the Good is laid down as the unity of the theoretical and practical idea in the doc- trine that the Good is radically and really achieved, that the objective world is in itself and for itself the Idea, just as it at the same time eternally lays itself down as End, and by action brings about its actuality. This life which has returned to itself from the bias and finitude of cognition, and which by the activity of the notion has become identical with it, is the Speculative or Absolute Idea. {c) The Absolute Idea. 236.] The Idea, as unity of the Subjective and Objec- tive Idea, is the notion of the Idea,— a notion whose object {Gegenstand) is the Idea as such, and for which 374 ^-^^ DOCTRINE OF THE NOTION. [236-237. the objective {Objekt) is Idea, — an Object which embraces all characteristics in its unity. This unity is consequently the absolute and all truth, the Idea which thinks itself, — and here at least as a thinking or Logical Idea. The Absolute Idea is, in the first place, the unity of the theoretical and practical idea, and thus at the same time the unity of the idea of life with the idea of cognition. In cog- nition we had the idea in a biassed, one-sided shape. The process of cognition has issued in the overthrow of this bias and the restoration of that unity, which as unity, and in its immediacy, is in the first instance the Idea of Life. The defect of life lies in its being only the idea implicit or natural: whereas cognition is in an equally one-sided way the merely conscious idea, or the idea for itself. The unity and truth of these two is the Absolute Idea, which is both in itself and for itself Hitherto we have had the idea in development through its various grades as our object, but now the idea comes to be its own object. This is the vorian voT](Tecoi which Aristotle long ago termed the supreme form of the idea. 237.] Seeing that there is in it no transition, or pre- supposition, and in general no specific character other than what is fluid and transparent, the Absolute Idea is for itself the pure form of the notion, which contem- plates its content as its own self. It is its own content, in so far as it ideally distinguishes itself from itself, and the one of the two things distinguished is a self-identity in which however is contained the totality of the form as the system of terms describing its content. This content is the system of Logic. All that is at this stage left as form for the idea is the Method of this content, — the specific consciousness of the value and currency of the ' moments ' in its development. To speak of the absolute idea may suggest the conception that we are at length reaching the right thing and the sum of the whole matter. It is certainly possible to indulge in a 337-238.] THE ABSOLUTE IDEA. 375 vast amount of senseless declamation about the idea abso- lute. But its true content is only the whole system of which we have been hitherto studying the development. It may also be said in this strain that the absolute idea is the universal, but the universal not merely as an abstract form to which the particular content is a stranger, but as the absolute form, into which all the categories, the whole full- ness of the content it has given being to, have retired. The absolute idea may in this respect be compared to the old man who utters the same creed as the child, but for whom it is pregnant with the significance of a lifetime. Even if the child understands the truths of religion, he cannot but imagine them to be something outside of which Hes the whole of life and the whole of the world. The same may be said to be the case with human life as a whole and the occurrences with which it is fraught. All work is directed only to the aim or end ; and when it is attained, people are surprised to find nothing else but just the very thing which they had wished for. The interest lies in the whole move- ment. When a man traces up the steps of his life, the end may appear to him very restricted : but in it the whole decursus vitae is comprehended. So, too, the content of the absolute idea is the whole breadth of ground which has passed under our view up to this point. Last of all comes the discovery that the whole evolution is what constitutes the content and the interest. It is indeed the prerogative of the philosopher to see that everything, which, taken apart, is narrow and restricted, receives its value by its connexion with the whole, and by forming an organic element of the idea. Thus it is that we have had the content already, and what we have now is the knowledge that the content is the living development of the idea. This simple retrospect is contained in the form of the idea. Each of the stages hitherto reviewed is an image of the absolute, but at first in a limited mode, and thus it is forced onwards to the whole, the evolution of which is what we termed Method. 238.] The several steps or stages of the Speculative Method are, first of all, (a) the Beginning, which is 376 THE DOCTRINE OF THE NOTION. [238. Being or Immediacy : self-subsistent, for the simple reason that it is the beginning. But looked at from the speculative idea, Being is its self-specialising act, which as the absolute negativity or movement of the notion makes a judgment and puts itself as its own negative. Being, which to the beginning as beginning seems mere abstract affirmation, is thus rather negation, dependency, derivation, and pre-supposition. But it is the notion, of which Being is the negation : and the notion is completely self-identical in its otherness, and is the certainty of itself. Being therefore is the notion implicit, before it has been explicitly put as a notion. This Being therefore, as the still unspecified notion, — a notion that is only implicitly or 'immediately' specified — is equally describable as the Universal. When it means immediate being, the beginning is taken from sensation and perception— the initial stage in the analytical method of finite cognition. When it means universality, it is the beginning of the synthetic method. But since the Logical Idea is as much a universal as it is in being — since it is pre-supposed by the notion as much as it itself immediately is, its beginning is a synthetical as well as an analytical beginning. Philosophical method is analytical as well as synthetical, not indeed in the sense of a bare juxtaposition or mere alternating employment of these two methods of finite cognition, but rather in sueh a way that it holds them merged in itself. In every one of its movements therefore it displays an attitude at once analytical and synthetical. Philosophical thought proceeds analytically, in so far as it only accepts its object, the Idea, and while allowing it its own way, is only, as it were, an on-looker at its movement and development. To this extent philosophising is wholly passive. Philosophic thought however is equally synthetic, and evinces itself to be the action of the notion itself. To that 238-341.] THE ABSOLUTE IDEA. 377 end, however, there is required an eflbrt to keep back the incessant impertinence of our own fancies and private opinions. 239.] [b] The Advance renders explicit the judgment implicit in the Idea. The immediate universal, as the notion implicit, is the dialectical force which on its own part deposes its immediacy and universality to the level of a mere stage or ' moment.' Thus is put the negative of the beginning, its specific character : it supposes a correlative, a relation of different terms, — the stage of Reflection. Seeing that the immanent dialectic only states ex- plicitly what was involved in the immediate notion, this advance is Analytical ; but seeing that in this notion this distinction was not yet stated,^t is equally Synthetical. In the advance of the idea, the beginning exhibits itself as what it is implicitly. It is seen to be mediated and deriva- tive, and neither to have proper being nor proper imme- diacy. It is only for the consciousness which is itself immediate, that Nature forms the commencement or im- mediacy, and that Spirit appears as what is mediated by Nature. The truth is that Nature is the creation of Spirit, and it is Spirit itself which gives itself a pre-supposition in Nature. 240.] The abstract form of the advance is, in Being, an other and transition into an other; in Essence showing or reflection in the opposite ; in Notion, the distinction of individual from universality, which con- tinues itself as such into, and is as an identity with, what is distinguished from it. 241.] In the second sphere the primarily implicit notion has come as far as shining, and thus is already the idea in germ. The development of this sphere becomes a regress into the first, just as the de- velopment of the first is a transition into the second. 378 THE DOCTRINE OF THE NOTION. [241-243. It is only by means of this double movement, that th( difference first gets its due, when each of the two members distinguished, observed on its own part, completes itself to the totality, and in this way works out its unity with the other. It is only by both merging their one-sidedness on their own part, that their unity is kept from becoming one-sided. 242.] The second sphere developes the relation of the differents to what it primarily is, — to the contradic- tion in its own nature. That contradiction which is seen in the infinite progress is resolved [c) into the end or terminus, where the differenced is explicitly stated as what it is in notion. The end is the negative of the first, and as the identity with that, is the negativity of itself. It is consequently the unity in which both of these Firsts, the immediate and the real First, are made constituent stages in thought, merged, and at the same time preserved in the unity. The notion, which from its implicitness thus comes by means of its differentiation and the merging of that differentiation to close with itself, is the realised notion,— the notion which contains the relativity or dependence of its special features in its own independence. It is the idea which, as absolutely first (in the method), regards this terminus as tnerely the disappearance of the show or semblance, which made the beginning appear immediate, and made itself seem a result. It is the knowledge that the idea is the one systematic whole. 243.] It thus appears that the method is not an ex- traneous form, but the soul and notion of the content, from which it is only distinguished, so far as the dynamic elements of the notion even on their own part come in their own specific character to appear as the totality of the notion. This specific character, or the content, leads itself with the form back to the idea ; 243-244.] THE ABSOLUTE IDEA. 379 and thus the idea is presented as a systematic totality which is only one idea, of which the several elements are each implicitly the idea, whilst they equally by the dialectic of the notion produce the simple independence of the idea. The science in this manner concludes by apprehending the notion of itself, as of the pure idea for which the idea is. 244.] The Idea which is independent or for itself, when viewed on the point of this its unity with itself, is Perception or Intuition, and the percipient Idea is Nature. But as intuition the idea is, through an ex- ternal 'reflection,' invested with the one-sided charac- teristic of immediacy, or of negation. Enjoying how- ever an absolute liberty, the Idea does not merely pass over into life, or as finite cognition allow life to show in it : in its own absolute truth it resolves to let the 'moment' of its particularity, or of the first charac- terisation and other-being, the immediate idea, as its reflected image, go forth freely as Nature. We have now returned to the notion of the Idea with which we began. This return to the beginning is also an advance. We began with Being, abstract Being : where we now are we also have the Idea as Being : but this Idea which has Being is Nature. NOTES AND ILLUSTRATIONS NOTES AND ILLUSTRATIONS CHAPTER I. Page 5, § 2. After-thought = 9'?a(^bcnfen, i. e. thought which retraces and reproduces an original, but submerged, thought (cf. Hegel's Werke, vi. p. xv) : to be distinguished from Reflexion (cf. Werke, i. 174). P. 7, § 3. On the blending of universal (thought) and indi- vidual (sensation) in what is called perception (SfBa^rnel^men) see EncycL §§ 420, 421. P. 8, § 3. Cf. Fichte, Werke, ii. 454 : ' Hence for the com- mon sort of hearers and readers the uncommon intelligibility of certain sermons and lectures and writings, not one word of which is intelligible to the man who thinks for himself,— because there is really no intelligence in them. The old woman who frequents the church— for whom by the way I cherish all possible respect — finds a sermon very intelligible and very edifying which contains lots of texts and verses of hymns she knows by rote and can repeat. In the same way readers, who fancy themselves far superior to her, find a work very instructive and clear which tells them what they already know, and proofs very stringent which demonstrate what they already beheve. The pleasure the reader takes in the writer is a concealed pleasure in himself. What a great man ! (he says to himselQ ; it is as if I heard or read myself.' P. 10, § 6. Cf. Hegel, Werke, viii. 17 : 'In this conviction (that what is reasonable is actual, and what is actual is reason- able) stands every plain man, as well as the philosopher ; and from it philosophy starts in the study both of the spiritual and 384 NOTES AND ILLUSTRATIONS. of the natural universe. . . . The great thing however is, in the show of the temporal and the transient to recognise the sub- stance which is immanent and the eternal which is present. For the work of reason (which is synonymous with the Idea), when in its actuality it simultaneously enters external existence, emerges with an infinite wealth of forms, phenomena and phases, and envelopes its kernel with the motley rind with which consciousness is earliest at home,— a rind which the notion must penetrate before it can find the inward pulse and feel it still beating even in the outward phases. But the infinite variety of circumstance which is formed in this externality by the light of the essence shining in it,— all this infinite material, with its regulations, — is not the object of philosophy. ... To comprehend what is, is the task of philosophy : for what is is reason. As regards the individual, each, whatever happens, is a son of his time. So too philosophy is its time apprehended in thoughts. It is just as foolish to fancy that a philosophy can overleap its present world as that an individual can overleap his time. If his theory really goes beyond actualities, if it constructs an ideal, a world as it ought to be, then such exist- ence as it has is only in his intentions — a yielding element in which anything you please may be fancy-formed.' Cf. Schelling, Werke, iv. 390: 'There are very many things, actions, &c. of which we may judge, after vulgar semblance, that they are unreasonable. All the same we presuppose and assume that everything which is or which happens is reasonable, and that reason is, in one word, the prime matter and the real of all being.' P. 11, § 6. Actuality (®irntc^feit) in Werke, iv. 178 seqq. P. 12, § 7. Cf. Fichte, Werke, ii. 333 : ' Man has nothing at all but experience; and everything he comes to he comes to only through experience, through life itself. All his thinking, be it loose or scientific, common or transcendental, starts from experience and has experience ultimately in view. Nothing has unconditional value and significance but life ; all other thinking, conception, knowledge has value only in so far as in some way or other it refers to the fact of life, starts from it, and has in view a subsequent return to it.' P. 13, § 7 (note). Thomas Thomson (1773- 1852), Professor of Chemistry at Glasgow, distinguished in the early history of chemistry and allied sciences. The Annals of Philosophy CHAPTER I. §§ 6-13. 385 appeared from 1813 to 1826. — The art of ■preserving the hair was published (anonymous) at London in 1825. P. 14, § 7 (note). The speech from the throne was read on Feb. 3rd, 1825. The shipowners' dinner was on Feb. 12. The Times of Feb. 14 gives as Canning's the words * the just and wise maxims of sound not spurious philosophy.' P. 17, § 10. ' Scholasticus ' is the guileless 'freshman,' hero of certain Facetiae (attributed to the Pythagorean philosopher Hierocles) which used occasionally to form part of the early Greek reading of schoolboys. K. L. Reinhold (1754-1823) presents in his intellectual history a picture of the development of ideas in his age. At the be- ginning his Attempt of a new theory of the human representa- tive faculty (1789) is typical of the tendency to give a subjective psychological interpretation of Kant's theory of knowledge. But the period of Reinhold's teaching here referred to is that of the Contributions to an easier survey of the condition of philo- sophy at the beginning of the nineteenth century (Seitrdge, 1801) : the tendency which Hegel, who reviewed him in the Critical Journal of Philosophy ( Werke, i. 267 seqq.), calls ' philosophising before philosophy.' — A similar spirit is operative in Krug's pro- posal (in his Fundamental Philosophy, 1803) to st,art with what he called ' philosophical problematics.' P. 19, § II. Plato, Phaedo, p. 89, where Socrates protests against the tendency to confound the defect of a particular piece of reasoning with the incompetence of human reason altogether, P. 22, § 13. The dictum that the historical succession of philosophical systems is identical with their logical sequence should not be taken too literally and mechanically. Its essential point is simply the theorem that history is not a casual series of unconnected events, — the deeds of particular persons, but is an evolution under laws and uniformities :— it is this theorem ap- plied to philosophies. But difficulties may easily arise in the application of the general principle: e.g. it will be seen (by comparison of § 86 and § 104) that though Pythagoras precedes Parmenides, and number is a stepping-stone to pure thought, still pure Being comes at an earlier stage than Quantity. P. 23, § 13. There is a silent reference to what Reinhold professed to make the subject of his teaching at Jena — ' philo- sophy without surnames ' (c^iie ©einamcu),— /. e. not a * critical ' VOL. II. C C 386 NOTES AND ILLUSTRATIONS. philosophy ;— or to the * Philosophy which may not bear any man's name' of Beck. As Hegel says, Werke, xvi. 138, 'The solicitude and apprehension against being one-sided is only too often part of the weakness which is capable only of many-sided illogical superficiality.' P. 27, § i6. By ' anthropology ' is meant not the anthropology of modem writers, who use the name to denote mainly the his- tory of human culture in its more rudimentary stages, and as exhibited chiefly in material products, but the study of those aspects of psychology which are most closely allied with physio- logical conditions. With the power of the intuition of genius to give almost all that logical synthesis can produce, cf. Werke, I. 331 : ' In this way a grand and pure intuition is able, in the purely architec- tonic features of its picture, though the inter-connection of neces- sity and the mastery of form does not come forward into visibility, to give expression to the genuine ethical organism— like a building which silently exhibits the spirit of its author in the several features of its mass, without the image of that spirit being set forth anywhere in one united shape. In such a delinea- tion, made by help of notions, it is only a want of technical skill which prevents reason from raising the principle it embraces and pervades into the " ideal " form and becoming aware of it as the Idea. If the intuition only remains true to itself and does not let analytic intellect disconcert it, it will probably— just because it cannot dispense with notions for its expression — behave awkwardly in dealing with them, assume distorted shapes in its passage through consciousness, and be (to the speculative eye) both incoherent and contradictory : but the arrangement of the parts and of the self-modifying characters betray the inward spirit of reason, however invisible. And so far as this appear- ance of that spirit is regarded as a product and a result, it will as product completely harmonise with the Idea.' Probably Goethe is before Hegel's mind. P. 28, § 17. The triplicity in unity of thought— its forthgoing ('procession,' cf. p. 362 seqq.) and its return, which is yet an abiding in itself (5}ci;fid^;f€iu) was first explicitly schematised by Proclus, the consummator of Neo-Platonism. In his Institutio Theologica he lays it down that the essential character of all spiritual reality (do-co/xaToi)) is to be itpihi kavro fnia-rpfiTTiKov, i. e. to return upon itself, or to be a unity in and with difference, — CHAPTER I, § 12— CHAPTER H, ^ 20. 387 to be an original and spontaneous principle of movement (c. 1 5) : or, as in C. 31 : nav to trpoibv an6 rivos kot ovainv €Tri(rrptos- session of certain pieces of knowledge which the vulgar under- standing had to do without. In it the philosopher could reason out for himself a God and an immortality and talk himself into the conclusion that he was wise and good.' Wolfs definition of philosophy is ' the Science of the possible in so far as it can be ' ; and the possible = the non-contra- dictory. P. 64, § 29. The oriental sage corresponds (cf. Hegel, Werke, xii. 229) to the writer known as Dionysius the Areopagite {^De Mystica Theologia, and De Divints Nominibus). — The same problem as to the relation of the Infinite (God) to the Finite (world) is discussed in Jewish speculation (by Saadia, Mamuni, &c.) as the question of the divine names, — a dogma founded on the thirteen names (or attributes) applied to God in Exodus xxxiv. 6. (Cf. D. Kaufmann, Geschichte der Attributenlehre.) The same spirit has led to the list of ninety-nine 'excellent names ' of Allah in Islam, a list which tradition derives from Mohammed. P. 65, § 31. Cf. Werke, ii. 47 seqq.\ 'The nature of the judgment or proposition— involving as it does a distinction of subject and predicate— is destroyed by the " speculative " pro- position. This conflict of the prepositional form with the unity of comprehension which destroys it is like the antagonism in rhythm between metre and accent. The rhythm results from the floating " mean " and unification of the two. Hence even in the " philosophical " proposition the identity of subject and pre- dicate is not meant to annihilate their difference (expressed by the prepositional fonn) : their unity is meant to issue as a harmony. The propositional form lets appear the definite shade or accent pointing to a distinction in its fulfilment : whereas in 396 NOTES AND ILLUSTRATIONS. the predicate giving expression to the substance, and the sub- ject itself falling into the universal, we have the unity in which that accent is heard no more. Thus in the proposition " God is Being " the predicate is Being ; it represents the substance in which the subject is dissolved away. Being is here meant not to be predicate but essence : and in that way God seems to cease to be what he is — by his place in the proposition — viz. the permanent subject. The mind — far from getting further forward in the passage from subject to predicate — feels itself rather checked, through the loss of the subject, and thrown back, from a sense of its loss, to the thought of the subject. Or,— since the predicate itself is enunciated as a subject (as Being or as Es- sence) which exhausts the nature of the subject, it again comes face to face with the subject even in the predicate. — Thought thus loses its solid objective ground which it had on the sub- ject : yet at the same time in the predicate it is thrown back upon it, and instead of getting to rest in itself it returns upon the subject of the content. — To this unusual check and arrest are in the main due the complaints as to the unintelligibility of philosophical works, — supposing the individual to possess any other conditions of education needed for understanding them.' P. 66, § 32, On the relation of dogmatism and scepticism see the introduction to Kant's Criticism of Pure Reason, and compare Caird's Critical Philosophy of I. Kani, vol. i. chap. i. P- 67, § 33. The subdivision of ' theoretical ' philosophy or metaphysics into the four branches, Ontology, Cosmology, Psy- chology (rational and empirical), and Natural Theology, is more or less common to the whole Wolfian School. Wolf's special addition to the preceding scholastic systems is found in the conception of a general Cosmology. Metaphysics precedes physics, and the departments of practical philosophy. In front of all stands logic or rational philosophy. Empirical psychology belongs properly to physics, but reasons of practical convenience put it elsewhere. P. 69, § 34. The question of the ' Seat of the Soul ' is well known in the writings of Lotze {e.g. Meiaphysic, § 291). Absolute actuosity. The Notio Dei according to Thomas Aquinas, as well as the dogmatics of post-Reformation times, is cuius purus (or actus purissimus). For God nihil potentiali- tatis habet. Cf. Werke, xii. 228 : * Aristotle especially has con- ceived God under the abstract category of activity. Pure acti- CHAPTER III, §§ 31-36. 397 vity is knowledge (ffiiffen)— in the scholastic age, actus fiurus— : but in order to be put as activity, it must be put in its "moments." For knowledge we require another thing which is known : and which, when knowledge knows it, is thereby appro- priated. It is implied in this that God — the eternal and self- subsistent— eternally begets himself as his Son,— distinguishes himself from himself. But what he thus distinguishes from himself, has not the shape of an otherness : but what is distin- guished is ipso facto identical with what it is parted from. God is spirit : no darkness, no colouring or mixture enters this pure light. The relationship of father and son is taken from organic life and used metaphorically— the natural relation is only pic- torial and hence does not quite correspond to what is to be expressed. We say, God eteiTially begets his Son, God distin- guishes himself from himself: and thus we begin from God, saying he does this, and in the other he creates is utterly with himself (the form of Love) : but we must be well aware that God is this whole action itself. God is the beginning ; he does this : but equally is he only the end, the totality : and as such totality he is spirit. God as merely the Father is not yet the true (it is the Jewish religion where he is thus without the Son) : He is rather beginning and end : He is his presupposi- tion, makes himself a presupposition (this is only another form of distinguishing) : He is the eternal process.' Nicolaus Cusanus speaks of God {De iocta Ignorantia, ii. i) as infinita actualiias quae est actu omnts essendi possibilitas. The term ' actuosity ' seems doubtful. P. 73, § 36. Sensus eminentior. Theology distinguishes three modes in which the human intelligence can attain a knowledge of God. By the via causalitatis it argues that God is ; by the via negationis, what he is not ; by the via eminen- tiae, it gets a glimpse of the relation in which he stands to us. It regards God i.e. as the cause of the finite universe ; but as God is infinite, all that is predicated of him must be taken as merely approximative {sensu etninentioH) and there is left a vast remainder which can only be filled up with negations [Durandus de S. Porciano on the Sentent. i. 3. i]. The sensus . etJiineniior is the subject of Spinoza's strictures, Ep. 6 (56 in Opp. ii. 202) : while Leibniz adopts it in the preface to ThJodice'e, ' Les perfections de Dieu sont celles de nos ^mes, mais il les poss^de sans bornes ; il est un ocean, dont nous n'avons requ 398 NOTES AND ILLUSTRATIONS. que les gouttes ; il y a en nous quelque puissance, quelque con- naissance, quelque bont6 ; mais elles sont toutes entiferes en Dieu.' The via causalitatis infers e.g., from the existence of morality and intelligence here, a Being whose will finds expression therein : the via eminentiae infers that that will is good, and that intelligence wise in the highest measure, and the via nega- tionis sets aside in the conception of God all the limitations and conditions to which human intelligence and will are subject. CHAPTER IV. P. 80, § 38. The verses (forming part of the advice which Mephistopheles, personating Faust, gives to the recently-arrived pupil) stand in the original in a different order: beginning „35ann t^at er bie X^eile in feincr ^anb," &c. The meaning of these and the two preceding lines is somewhat as follows, in versifica- tion even laxer than Goethe's : — If you want to describe life and gather its meaning, To drive out its spirit must be your beginning, Then though fast in your hand lie the parts one by one The spirit that linked them, alas! is gone. And ' Nature's Laboratory ' is only a name That the chemist bestows on't to hide his own shame. One may compare Wilhelm Meisfer's Wanderjahre, iii. 3, where it is remarked, in reference to some anatomical exercises : ' You will learn ere long that building-up is more instructive than tearing-down, combining more than separating, animating the dead more than killing again what was killed already. . . . Combining means more than separating : reconstructing more than onlooking.' The first part of Faust appeared 1808: the Wanderjahre, 1828-9. P. 82, § 39. The article on the ' Relation of scepticism to philosophy, an exposition of its various modifications, and com- parison of the latest with the ancient '—in form a review of G. E. Schulze's Criticism of Theoretical Philosophy— ^2^% republished in vol. xvi. of Hegel's Werke (vol. i. of the Vermischte Schriften). P. 87, § 42. In an earlier review of Kant's work {Werke, \. 83) on (AJldubeu unb 3BiJTen (an article in Schelling and Hegel's Journal) Hegel attaches more weight to a factor in the critical theory of knowledge, here neglected. Kant, he says, has — CHAPTER III, § 36 — CHAPTER IV, § 42. 399 within the limits allowed by his psychological terms of thought — 'put (in an excellent way) the d priori of sensibility into the original identity and multiplicity, and that as transcendental imagination in the "higher power" of an immersion of unity in multiplicity : whilst Understanding (33erfianb) he makes to con- sist in the elevation to universality of this d priori synthetic unity of sensibility,— whereby this identity is invested with a comparative antithesis to the sensibility : and Reason (aJemunft) is presented as a still higher power over the preceding compara- tive antithesis, without however this universality and infinity being allowed to go beyond the stereotyped formal pure in- finity. This genuinely rational construction by which, though the bad name " faculties " is left, there is in truth presented a single identity of them all, is transformed by Jacobi into a series of faculties, resting one upon another.' P. 87, § 42. Fichte : cf. Werke, i. 420 : ' I have said before, and say it here again, that my system is no other than the Kantian. That means : it contains the same view of facts, but in its method is quite independent of the Kantian exposition.' * Kant, up to now, is a closed book.'— i. 442. There are two ways of critical idealism. 'Either' (as Fichte) 'it actually de- duces from the fundamental laws of intelligence, that system of necessary modes of action, and with it, at the same time, the objective conceptions thus arising, and thus lets the whole com- pass of our conceptions gradually arise under the eyes of the reader or hearer; or' (like Kant and his unprogressive dis- ciples) ' it gets hold of these laws from anywhere and anyhow, as they are immediately applied to objects, therefore on their lowest grade (—on this grade they are called categories), and then asseverates that it is by these that objects are determined and arranged.' And i. 478 : ' I know that the categories which Kant laid down are in no way pro%>ed by him to be conditions of self-consciousness, but only said to be so : I know that space and time and what in the original consciousness is inseparable from them and fills them both, are still less deduced as such conditions, for of them it is not even said expressly— as of the categories— that they are so, but only inferentially. But I believe quite as surely that I know that Kant had the thought of such a system : that everything he actually propounds are fragments and results of this system; and that his statements have meaning and coherence only on this presupposition.' Cf. viii. 362. 400 NOTES AND ILLUSTRATIONS. P. 89, §42. Transcendental unity of self-consciousness. Kant's Kritik der reinen Vernun/i, § 16 : * The / think must be able to accompany all my ideas. . . . This idea is an act of spontaneity. ... I name it pure apperception ... or original apperception . . . because it is that self-consciousness which can be accompanied by none further. The unity of it I also call the transcendental unity of self-consciousness, in order to denote the possibility of cognition d priori from it.' P. 92, § 44. Caput Mortuum : a term of the Alchemists to denote the non-volatile precipitate left in the retort after the spirit had been extracted : the fixed or dead remains, * quando spiritus animam sursum vexit.' P. 92, § 45, Reason and Understanding. In the Wolfian School {e.g. in Baumgarten's Metaphysik, § 468) the term intel- lect (33erflanb) is used of the general faculty of higher cognition, while ratio (SScnmnft) specially denotes the power of seeing distinctly the connexions of things. So Wolff ( VemUnftige Gedanken von Gott, &c. § 277) defines 95er<^anb as 'the faculty of distinctly representing the possible,' and QSernunft (§ 368) as 'the faculty of seeing into the connexion of truths.' It is on this use of Reason as the faculty of inference that Kant's use of the term is founded : though it soon widely departs from its origin. For upon the ' formal ' use of reason as the faculty of syllogising, Kant superinduces a transcendental use as a ' faculty oi principles,^ while the understanding is only ' a faculty of rules' ' Reason,' in other words, ' itself begets conceptions,' and ' maxims, which it borrows neither from the senses nor from the understanding.' {Kritik d. r. Vern., Dialektik, Einleit. ii. A.) And the essential aim of Reason is to give unity to the various cognitions of understanding. While the unity given by under- standing is 'unity of a possible experience,' that sought by reason is the discovery of an unconditioned which will com- plete the unity of the former {Dial. Einleit. iv), or of 'the totality of the conditions to a given conditioned.' {Dial, vii.) It is this distinction of the terms which is dominant in Fichte and Hegel, where SSevfianb is the more practical intellect which seeks definite and restricted results and knowledges, while 33crnunft is a deeper and higher power which aims at complete- ness. In Goethe's more reflective prose we see illustrations of this usage : e.g. Wilh. Meister's Wanderjahre, i. it is said to be the object of the 'reasonable' man ' bag entgcgcngcfclte ju ubcrf^auen CHAPTER IV, §§ 42-45. 401 utib in Uebftcitnlimmung ^u bringen ' : or Bk, ii. Reasonable men when they have devised something verfldnbig to get this or that difficulty out of the way, &c. Goethe, in his SpHiche in Prosa (896), Werke, iii. 281, says 'Reason has for its province the thing in process (ba« aBcrbenbf), understanding the thing com- pleted (bag ©etrcibene) : the former does not trouble itself about the purpose, the latter asks not whence. Reason takes delight in developing ; understanding wishes to keep everything as it is, so as to use it.' (Similarly in Eckermann's Convers. Feb. 13, 1829.) Cf. Oken, 9iaturp^ilo[cp:^ie, § 2914. 93erfianb ifl aWicvocoemu3, i^ernunft aJJacrocceimu^. Kant's use of the term Reason, coupled with his special view of Practical Reason and his use of the term Faith (®laiibe), leads on to the terminology of Jacobi. In earlier writings Jacobi had insisted on the contrast between the superior au- thority of feeling and faith (which are in touch with truth) and the mechanical method of intelligence and reasoning (33ev|ianb and iJcrnuuft). At a later period however he changed and fixed the nomenclature of his distinction. What he had first called ©laube he latterly called 9Sernuiift,— which is in brief a ' sense for the supersensible ' — an intuition giving higher and complete or total knowledge— an immediate apprehension of the real and the true. As contrasted with this reasonable faith or feeling, he regards '-Bertkiib as a mere faculty of inference or derivative knowledge, referring one thing to another by the rule of identity. This distinction which is substantially reproduced by Coleridge (though with certain clauses that show traces of Schellingian influence) has connexions — like so much else in Jacobi— with the usage of Schopenhauer, ' Nobody,' says Jacobi, ' has ever spoken of an animal 93cniunft : a mere animal 33eifianb however we all know and speak of.' (Jacobi's Werke, iii. 8.) Schopen- hauer repeats and enforces the remark. All animals possess, says Schopenhauer, the power of apprehending causality, of cog- nising objects : a power of immediate and intuitive knowledge of real things : this is i>cifiaub. But ^crnunft, which is peculiar to man, is the cognition of truth (not of reality) : it is an abstract judgment with a sufficient reason ( Welt ah IV. i. § 6). One is tempted to connect the modem distinction with an older one which goes back in its origin to Plato and Aristotle, but takes form in the Neo-Platonist School, and enters the Latin world through Boethius. Consol. Phil. iv. 6 : Igitur uti est ad VOL. II. D d 402 NOTES AND ILLUSTRATIONS. intellectum ratiocinatio, ad id quod est id quodgignitur, ad aeter- nitatem tempus, and in v. 4 there is a full distinction of sensus, imaginatio, ratio and intelligentia in ascending order. Ratio is the discursive knowledge of the idea {imiversali consideratione perpendit) : intelligentia apprehends it at once, and as a simple forma (pura mentis acie contuetur) : [cf. Stob. Eel. i. 826-832 : Porphyr. Sentent. 15]. Reasoning belongs to the human species, just as intelligence to the divine alone. Yet it is assumed— in an attempt to explain divine foreknowledge and defend freedom - -that man may in some measure place himself on the divine standpoint (v. 5). This contrast between a higher mental faculty {mens) and a lower {ratio) which even Aquinas adopts from the interpretation of Aristotle {Summa Theol. i. 79, 9) is the favourite weapon in the hands of mysticism. After the example of Dionysius Areop., Nicolaus of Cusa, Reuchlin, and other thinkers of the Renais- sance depreciate mere discursive thought and logical reasoning. It is the inner tnens — like a simple ray of light — penetrating by an immediate and indivisible act to the divine — which gives us access to the supreme science. This simplex intelligentia, — superior to imagination or reasoning — as Gerson says, Consid. de Th. 10, is sometimes named mens, sometimes spiritus, the light of intelligence, the shadow of the angelical intellect, the divine light. From Scotus Erigena to Nicolas of Cusa one tradition is handed down : it is taken up by men like Everard Digby (in his Theoria Analytica) and the group of Cambridge Platonists and by Spinoza in t he seventeenth century, and it reappears, profoundly modified, in the German idealism between 1790 and 1820. P. 99, § 48. 'Science of Logic' ; Hegel's large work on the subject, published between 1812-16. The discussions on the Antinomies belong chiefly to the first part of it. P. 102, § 50. ' Natural Theology,' here to be taken in a narrower sense than in p. ^i, where it is equivalent to Rational Theology in general. Here it means ' Physico-theology ' — the argument from design in nature. P. 103, § 50. Spinoza — defining God as * the union of thought with extension.' This is not verbally accurate ; for according to Ethica, i. pr. 11, God, or the substance, consists of infinite attri- butes, each of which expresses the eternal and infinite essence, liut Spinoza mentions of ' attributes ' only two : Ethica, ii. pr. i. Thought is an attribute of God : pr. 2, Extension is an attribute, CHAPTER IV, §§ 45-54. 403 of God. And he adds, Eihica, i. pr. 10, Schol. * All the attributes substance has were always in it together, nor can one be pro- duced by another.' And in Ethica, ii. 7. Sch. it is said : ' Think- ing substance and extended substance is one and the same substance which is comprehended now under this, now under that attribute.' P. 110, § 54. 'Practical in the true sense of the word.' Cf. Kant, Werke, Ros. and Sch. i. 581 : 'A great misunderstanding, exerting an injurious influence on scientific methods, prevails with regard to what should be considered " practical " in such sense as to justify its place in practical philosophy. Diplomacy and finance, rules of economy no less than rules of social inter- course, precepts of health and dietetic of the soul no less than the body, have been classed as practical philosophy on the mere ground that they all contain a collection of practical propositions. But although such practical propositions differ in mode of state- ment from the theoretical propositions which have for import the possibility of things and the exposition of their nature, they have the same content. " Practical," properly so called, are only those propositions which relate to Liberty under laws. All others whatever are nothing but the theory of what pertains to the nature of things— only that theory is brought to bear on the way in which the things may be produced by us in conformity with a principle ; /. e. the possibility of the things is presented as the result of a voluntary action which itself too may be counted among physical causes.' And Kant, Werke, iv. 10. * Hence a sum of practical precepts given by philosophy does not form a special part of it (co-ordinate with the theoretical) merely because they are practical. Practical they might be, even though their principle were wholly derived f'-om the theo- retical knowledge of nature,— as technico-practical rules. They are practical in the true sense, when and because their principle is not borrowed from the nature-conception (which is always sensuously conditioned) and rests therefore on the supersensible, which the conception of liberty alone makes knowable by formal laws. They are therefore ethico-practical, i. e. not merely precepts and rules with this or that intention, but laws without antecedent reference to ends and intentions.* P. Ill, § 54. Eudaemonism. But there is Eudaemonism and Eudaemonism ; as Cf. Hegel, Werke, i. 8. ' The time had come when the infinite longing away beyond the body and the world D d 2 404 NOTES AND ILLUSTRATIONS had reconciled itself with the reality of existence. Yet the reality which the soul was reconciled to — the objective which the subjectivity recognised — was actually only empirical exist- ence, common world and actuality. . . . And though the recon- ciliation was in its heart and ground sure and fast, it still needed an objecti\ e form for this ground : the very necessity of nature made the blind certitude of immersion in the reality of empirical existence seek to provide itself with a justification and a good conscience. This reconciliation for consciousness was found in the Happiness-doctrine : the fixed point it started from being the empirical subject, and what it was reconciled to, the vulgar actuality, whereon it might now confide, and to which it might surrender itself without sin. The profound coarseness and utter vulgarity, which is at the basis of this happiness-doctrine, has its only elevation in its striving after justification and a good conscience, which however can get no further than the objec- tivity of mere intellectualism. * The dogmatism of eudaemonism and of popular philosophy (3luftldrung) therefore did not consist in the fact that it made happiness and enjoyment the supreme good. For if Happiness be comprehended as an Idea, it ceases to be something empirical and casual— as also to be anything sensuous. In the supreme existence, reasonable act (X^un) and supreme enjoyment are one. So long as supreme blessedness is supreme Idea it matters not whether we try to apprehend the supreme existence on the sideof its ideality, — which, as isolated may be first called reason- able act— or on the side of its reality — which as isolated may be first called enjoyment and feeling. For reasonable act and supreme enjoyment, ideality and reality are both ahke in it and identical. Every philosophy has only one problem — to construe, supreme blessedness as supreme Idea. So long as it is by reason that supreme enjoyment is ascertained, the distinguishability of the two at once disappears : for this comprehension and the infinity which is dominant in act, and the reality and finitude which is dominant in enjoyment, are taken up into one another. The controversy with happiness becomes a meaningless chatter, when happiness is known as the blessed enjoyment of the eternal intuition. But what was called eudaemonism meant — it must be said— an empirical happiness, an enjoyment of sensation, not the eternal intuition and blessedness.' P. 112, § 55. Schiller. Ueber die aesthetische Erziehung des CHAPTER IV, §§ 54-60. 405 Menschen (1795), l8th letter. 'Through beauty the sensuous man is led to form and to thought ; through beauty the intel- lectual man is led back to matter and restored to the sense- world. Beauty combines two states which are opposed to one another.' Letter 25. 'We need not then have any difficulty about finding a way from sensuous dependence to moral liberty, after beauty has given a case where liberty can com- pletely co-exist with dependence, and where man in order to show himself an intelligence need not make his escape from matter. If— as the fact of beauty teaches — man is free even in association with the senses, and if— as the conception necessarily involves — liberty is something absolute and supersensible, there can no longer be any question how he comes to elevate himself from limitations to the absolute : for in beauty this has already come to pass.' Cf. Ueber Anmuth und Wiirde (1793). 'It is in a beautiful soul, then, that sense and reason, duty and inclina- tion harmonize ; and grace is their expression in the appearance. Only in the service of a beautiful soul can nature at the same time possess liberty.' (See Bosanquet's History of Aesthetic.) P. 115, § 60. The quotation in the note comes from § %"] of the Kritik der Urtheilskraft [Werke, ed. Ros. and Sch. iv. 357). P. 120, § 60. Fichte, Werke, i. 279. 'The principle of life and consciousness, the ground of its possibility, is (as has been shown) certainly contained in the Ego : yet by this means there arises no actual life, no empirical life in time — and another life is for us utterly unthinkable. If such an actual life is to be possible, there is still needed for that a special impulse (9liiilop) striking the Ego from the Non-ego. According to my system, therefore, the ultimate ground of all actuality for the Ego is an original action and re-action between the Ego and something outside it, of which all that can be said is that it must be com- pletely opposed to the Ego. In this reciprocal action nothing is brought into the Ego, nothing foreign imported ; everything that is developed from it ad infinitutn is developed from it solely according to its own laws. The Ego is merely put in motion by that opposite, so as to act ; and without such a first mover it would never have acted ; and, as its existence consists merely in action, it would not even have existed. But the source of motion has no further attributes than to set in motion, to be an opposing force which as such is only felt. 4o6 NOTES AND ILLUSTRATIONS. ' My philosophy therefore is reahstic. It shows that the con- sciousness of finite natures cannot at all be explained, unless we assume a force existing independently of them, and completely opposed to them ; — on which as regards their empirical exist- ence they are dependent. But it asserts nothing further than such an opposed force, which is merely felt, but not cognised, by finite beings. All possible specifications of this force or non-ego, which may present themselves ad infinitum in our consciousness, my system engages to deduce from the specify- ing faculty of the Ego. . . . 'That the finite mind must necessarily assume outside it some- thing absolute (a 2)ing;aiufic^), and yet must on the other hand acknowledge that this something only exists for the mind (is a necessary noiimenon) : this is the circle which may be in- finitely expanded, but from which the finite mind can never issue.' Cf. Fichte's Werke, i. 248, ii. 478. CHAPTER V. P. 121, § 62. F. H, Jacobi {Werke, v. 82) in his Woldemar (a romance contained in a series of letters, first published as a whole in 1781) writes: 'The philosophical understanding (SSerflaub) is jealous of everything unique, everything immediately certain which makes itself true, without proofs, solely by its existence. It persecutes this faith of reason even into our inmost consciousness, where it tries to make us distrust the feeling of our identity and personality.' 'What is absolutely and intrinsically true,' he adds (v. 122), ' is not got by way of reasoning and comparison : both our immediate consciousness (QBiffen) — I am — and our conscience (©cnjiffcn) are the work of a secret something in which heart, understanding, and sense combine.' 'Notions (93e3riffe), far from embalming the living, really turn it into a corpse ' (v. 380). Cf. Fichte's words ( Werke, ii. 255), Slug bcm ®eh?iffen aflein flatnmt bie aBatjrtjcit, &c. P. 122, § 62, The Letters on the doctrine of Spinoza, pub- lished in 1785, were re-issued in 1789 with eight supplements. *A science,' says Jacobi in his latest utterance {Werke, iv, pref. xxx.) ' is only a systematic register of cognitions mutually referring to one another — the first and last point in the series is wanting.' CHAPTER IV, § 60 — CHAPTER V, § 63. 407 P. 123, § 62. Lalande's dictum is referred to by Fries {Populdre Vorlesungen iiber Sternkunde, 1 813) quoted by Jacobi in his Werke, ii. 55. What Lalande has actually written in the preface to his work on astronomy is that the science as he understands it has no relation to natural theology — in other words, that he is not writing a Bridgewater treatise. P. 123, § 63, Jacobi, Werke, ii. 222. ' For my part, I regard the principle of reason as all one with the principle of life.* And "• 343 • ' Evidently reason is the true and proper life of our nature.' It is in virtue of our inner tendency and instinct towards the eternal (iRic^tung unb Siticb auf bag (Swigc),— of our sense for the supersensible— that we, human beings, really subsist (iv. 6. 152). And this Dvgan bcr aiernel^mung beg Uebctrinnlic^cii is Reason (iii. 203, &c.). The language of Jacobi fluctuates, not merely in words, but in the intensity of his intuitionalism. Thus, e.g. iii. 32 : ' The reason man has is no faculty giving the science of the true, but only a presage ' (Sl^nbung beg SBai^ren). ' The belief in a God,' he says, at one time (iii. 206) ' is as natural to man as his upright position ' : but that belief is, he says elsewhere, only ' an inborn devotion (Sliibac^t) before an unknown God.' Thus, if we have an immediate awareness (ffiiJTen) of God, this is not knowledge or science (SBiffenfc^aft). Such intuition of reason is described (ii. 9) as ' the faculty of presupposing the intrinsically (an jii^) true, good, and beautiful, with full confidence in the objective validity of the presupposition.' But that object we are let see only in feeling (ii. 61). ' Our philosophy,' he says (iii. 6) 'starts from feeling— of course an objective and pure feeling.' P. 124, § 63. Jacobi {Werke, iv. a, p. 211) : 'Through faith (®laubc) we know that we have a body.' Such immediate know- ledge of our own activity — 'the feeling of I am, I act' (iii. 411) — the sense of ' absolute self-activity ' or freedom (of which the ' possibility cannot be cognised,' because logically a contradic- tion) is what Jacobi calls 'Jlnfcf^auung (Intuition). He distinguishes a sensuous, and a rational intuition (iii. 59). P. 125, § 63. Jacobi expressly disclaims identification of his ©laubcwith the faith of Christian doctrine {Werke, iv. a, p. 210). In defence he quotes from Hume, Inquiry V, and from Reid, passages to illustrate his usage of the term 'belief— by the distinction between which and faith certain ambiguities are no doubt avoided. 4o8 NOTES AND ILLUSTRATIONS. P. 129, § 66. Kant had said ^Concepts without intuitions are empty.' It is an exaggeration of this half-truth-(the other half is Intuitions without concepts are blind) that is the basis of these statements of Jacobi (and of Schopenhauer)— a view of which the following passage from Schelling {Werke, ii. 125) is representative. ' Concepts (SBeflriffe) are only silhouettes of reality. They are projected by a serviceable faculty, the understanding, which only comes into action when reality is already on the scene,— which only comprehends, conceives, retains what it re- quired a creative faculty to produce. . . . The mere concept is a word without meaning. ... All reality that can attach to it is lent to it merely by the intuition (9lnfcl}auung) which preceded it. . . . Nothing is real for us except what is immediately given us, without any mediation by concepts, without our feeling at liberty. But nothing reaches us immediately except through intuition.' He adds, however, * Intuition is due to the activity of mind (®cif^) : it demands a disengaged sense (frcicr (Sinn) and an intellectual organ (geijiigcg Organ).' P. 134. Cicero: De Natura Deorum, i. 16; ii. 4, De quo autem omnium natura consentit, id verum esse necesse est ; cf. Seneca, Epist. cxvii. 6. The principle is common to Stoics and Epicureans : it is the maxim of Catholic truth Quod semper, quod ubique, quod ah omnibus credittan est — equivalent to Aristotle's 6 Traa- ^oku, tovt dvai (})afMfv. — But as Aristotle remarks (An. Post. i. 31) TO KadoXov Koi fVl naaip a8LvaToi> ala-QuviO-Qai. Jacobi : Werke, vi. 145. ' The general opinion about what is true and good must have an authority equal to reason.' P. 136, § 72. Cf. Encyclop. § 400 : ' That the heart and the feeling is not the form by which anything is justified as religious, moral, true, and just, and that an appeal to heart and feeling either "means nothing or means something bad, should hardly need enforcing. Can any experience be more trite than that hearts and feelings are also bad, evil, godless, mean, &c. ? Ay, that the heart is the source of such feelings only, is directly said in the words : Out of the heart proceed evil thoughts, &c. In times when the heart and the sentiment are, by scientific theology and philosophy, made the criterion of goodness, religion, and morality, it is necessary to recall these trivial experiences.' CHAPTER V, S 66 — CHAPTER VI, § 82. 409 CHAPTER VI. p. 145, § 80. Goethe ; the reference is to Werke, ii. 268 (9iatur unb J?unfl) : 9Ber ®ro§cS rrifl, tjtu§ ftc^ jufammcnraffcn : 3n bet a3ef(^tdnhtn9 jcigt fic^ erfl bet aJJoijicr, Unb bag @efe| nur fanu ini6 gteif^eit geben. Such 'limitation' of aim and work is a frequent lesson in Wilhelm Meistet^s Wanderjahre, e.g. i. ch. 4. * Manysidedness prepares, properly speaking, only the element in which the one- sided can act. . . . The best thing is to restrict oneself to a handi- work.' And i. ch. 12 : 'To be acquainted with and to exercise one thing rightly gives higher training than mere tolerableness (halfness) in a hundred sorts of things.' And ii. ch. 12 : 'Your general training and all establishments for the purpose are fool's farces.' P. 147, § 81. Cf. Fichte, Werke, ii. 37. ' Yet it is not we who analyse : but knowledge analyses itself, and can do so, because in all its being it is a/eing. Each philosophy is perfect in itself, and possesses totality, like a work of genuine art. As little as the works of Apelles and Sophocles, if Raphael and Shakespeare had known them, could have seemed to them mere preliminary exercises for themselves — but as cognate spiritual powers;— so little can reason in its own earlier formations perceive only useful preparatory exercises.' Cf. Schelling, iv. 401. P. 160, § 86. Parmenides (ap. Simplic. Phys.): of the two ways of investigation the first is that it z's, and that not-to-be is not. 17 fjifp OTTtos earn ft Koi a»j ovk eoTi fXTj ehai. P. 161, § 87. The Buddhists. Cf. Hegel, IVerJte, xi. 387. Modern histories of Buddhism insist upon the purely ethico-re- ligious character of the teaching. Writers like von Hartmann {Religionsphilosophie^ p. 320) on the contrary hold that Buddhism carried out the esoteric theory of Brahmanism to the consequence that the abstract one is nothing. According to Vassilief, Le Bouddhisme, p. 318 seqq., one of the Buddhist metaphysical 412 NOTES AND ILLUSTRATIONS. schools, the Madhyamikas, founded by N&gardjuna 400 years after Buddha, taught that All is Void. — Such metaphysics were probably reactions of the underlying Brahmanist idea. But generally Buddhism (as was not unnatural 60 years ago) is hardly taken here in its characteristic historical features. P. 167, § 88. Aristotle, Phys. i. 8 (191 a. 26) : ' Those philo- sophers who first sought the truth and the real substance of things got on a false track, like inexperienced travellers who fail to discover the way, and declared that nothing can either come into being or disappear, because it is necessary that what comes into being should come into being either from what is or from what is not, and that it is from both of these impossible : for what is does not become (it already is), and nothing would become from what is not.' (5) is an addition of ed, 3 (1830) ; cf. Werke, xvii. 181. P. 168, § 88. The view of HeracHtus here taken is founded on the interpretation given by Plato (in the Theaetetus, 152; Cratylus, 401) and by Aristotle, of a fundamental doctrine of the Ephesian— which however is expressed in the fragments by the name of the everliving fire. The other phrase (Ar. Met. i, 4) is used by Aristotle to describe the position, not of Hera- clitus, but of Leucippus and Democritus. Cf. Plutarch, adv. Colotem, 4. 2 AT;/idx/3iT0k- Stopt'fcToi /^i) fj.a\\ov to 8ev fj to fiT]dev fivai ; cf. Simplic. in Ar. PAys. fol. 7. P. 169, § 89. !Dafel}n: Determinate being. Cf. Schelling, i. 209. * Being (©e^n) expresses the absolute, Determinate being CSafcijn) a conditional, 'positing': Actuality, one conditioned in a definite sort by a definite condition. The single phenomenon in the whole system of the world has actuality ; the world of phenomena in general has !^afet)n ; but the absglutely-posited, the Ego, is. I am is all the Ego can say of itself P. 171, § 91. Being-by-self: ^\\\'-^\i^-.\i\)\\. Spinoza, Epist. 50, figura non aliud quatn determinatio et determinatio negatio est. P. 172, § 92. ©veiije (limit or boundary), and @c^ran!c (barrier or check) are distinguished in Werke, iii. 128-139 (see Stirling's Secret of Hegel, i. 377 seqq.). Cf. Kant's remark, Krit. d. r. Vernunft, p. 795, that Hume only ciiifd^vanft our intellect, oJ}ne if)n ju begvenjen. P. 173, § 92. Plato, Timaeus, c. 35 (formation of the world- soul) : ' From the individual and ever-identical essence {oldia) CHAPTER VII, §§ 87-95. 413 and the divisible which is corporeal, he compounded a third intermediate species of essence. . . . And taking these, being three, he compounded them all into one form {Ibia), adjusting perforce the unmixable nature of the other and the same, and mingling them all with the essence, and making of three one again, he again distributed this total into as many portions as were fitting, but each of them mingled out of the same and the other and the essence.' P. 175, § 94. Philosophy. Cf. Schelling, Werke, ii. ^77. 'A various experience has taught me that for most men the greatest obstacle to the understanding and vital apprehension of philo- sophy is their invincible opinion that its object is to be sought at an infinite distance. The consequence is, that while they should fix their eye on what is present (baS ©fgcniravtigc), every effort of their mind is called out to get hold of an object which is not in question through the whole inquiry.' ... * The aim of the sublimest science can only be to show the actuality,— in the strictest sense the actuality, the presence, the vital existence (J)afct)n) — of a God in the whole of things and in each one. . . . Here we deal no longer with an extra-natural or supernatural thing, but with the immediately near, the alone-actual to which we ourselves also belong, and in which we are.' P. 177, § 95. Plato's Philebtts, ch. xii-xxiii (pp. 23-38) : cf. Werke, xiv. 214 seqq. : ' The absolute is therefore what in one unity is finite and infinite.' P. 178. Idealism of Philosophy : cf. Schelling, ii. 67. 'Every philosophy therefore is and remains Idealism ; and it is only under itself that it embraces realism and idealism ; only that the former Idealism should, not be confused with the latter, which is of a merely relative kind.' Hegel, Werke, iii. 163. 'The proposition that the finite is " ideal " constitutes Idealism. In nothing else consists the Ideal- ism of philosophy than in recognising that the finite has no genuine being. . . . The contrast of idealistic and realistic philosophy is therefore of no importance. A philosophy that attributed to finite existences as such a genuine ultimate absolute being would not deserve the name philosophy. . . . By "ideal" is meant existing as a representation in consciousness : what- ever is in a mental concept, idea or imagination is " ideal " : " ideal " is just another word for " in imagination,"— something not merely distinct from the real, but essentially not real. The 414 NOTES AND ILLUSTRATIONS. mind indeed is the great idealist : in the sensation, representa- tion, thought of the mind the fact has not what is called real existence ; in the simplicity of the Ego such external being is only suppressed, existing /d6i>os yap ?|a) Oeiov xopov torarai) ; Timaeus, 29 E ; and Aristotle, Metaph. i. 2. 22. P. 256, § 140. Goethe : SdmnitL Werke, iii, 203 {Maxime und Refleononen). ©egen gro^e ^Sprjiige cines ^nbem giebt c8 fein 9?ettuJig«ntittet old bie Siebc. Cf. Schiller to Goethe, 2 July, 1796. * How vividly I have felt on this occasion . . . that against surpas- sing merit nothing but Love gives liberty ' (ba^ cipt, !r)ag ift im ®runb ber J&errcn eignet ©eifl, 3n bent bie Sciten |t(!^ befpiegeln. Cf. also Hegel, Werke, ix. 8. ' A second kind of reflectional history is the pragmatic. When we have to do with the past and are engaged with a distant world, the mind sees rising before it a present, which it has from its own action as a reward for its trouble. The events are different ; but their central and uni- CHAPTER VIII, §§ 140-153. 423 versal fact, their structural plan is identical. This abolishes the past and makes the event present. Pragmatic reflections, how- ever abstract they be, are thus in reality the present, and vivify the tales of the past with the life of to-day. — Here too a word should specially be given to the moralising and the moral instructions to be gained through history,— for which it was often studied. . . . Rulers, statesmen, nations, are especially bidden learn from the experience of history. But what experi- ence and history teach is that nations and governments never have learned anything from history, or acted upon teaching which could have been drawn from it.* Cf. Froude : Divorce of Catherine, p. 2. ' The student (of history) looks for an explanation (of political conduct) in elements which he thinks he understands — in pride, ambition, fear, avarice, jealousy, or sensuality.' P. 257, § 141, Cf. Goethe, xxiii, 298. 'What is the outside of an organic nature but the ever-varied phenomenon of the inside? This outside, this surface is so exactly adapted to a varied, com- plex, delicate, inward structure that it thus itself becomes an inside: both aspects, the outside and the inside, standing in most direct correlation alike in the quietest existence and in the most violent movement.' P. 260, § 143. Kant, Kritik der reinen Vemunfi, 2nd ed. p. 266. P. 269, § 147. Cf. Schelling, IVerke, v. 290 (cf. iii. 603). ' There are three periods of history, that of nature, of destiny, and of providence. These three ideas express the same identity, but in a different way. Destiny too is providence, but recognised in the real, as providence, is also destiny, but beheld (angefc^aut) in the ideal.' P. 275, § 151. On the relation between Spinoza and Leibniz cf. Hegel, IVerke, iv. 187-193. It would be a mistake, however, to represent Leibniz as mainly engaged in a work of conscious antagonism to Spinoza. P. 277, § 153. Jacobi.— Jacobi (like Schopenhauer) insists specially on the distinction between grounds (@riint»e) — which are formal, logical, and verbal, and causes (Urfaci^cn) — which carry us into reality and life and nature. To transform the mere Because into the cause we must (he says) pass from logic and the analytical understanding to experience and the inner life. Instead of the timelessness of simultaneity which 424 NOTES AND ILLUSTRATIONS. characterises the logical relation of ground and consequent, the nexus of cause and effect introduces the element of time, — thereby acquiring reality (Jacobi, Werke, iii. 452). The con- ception of Cause— meaningless as a mere category of abstract thought — gets reality as a factor in experience, ein (Si-fa^runggbegriff, and is immediately given to us in the consciousness of our own causality (Jacobi, Werke, iv. 145-158). Cf. Kant, Kritik der reinen Vern. p. 116. P. 283, § 158. The Amor intellectualis Dei (Spinoza, Eth. V. 32) is described as a consequence of the third grade of cogni- tion, viz. the scientia intiiitiva which 'proceeds from an ade- quate idea of the formal essence of certain attributes of God to the adequate cognition of the essence of things (ii. 40, Schol. 2). From it arises (v. 27), the highest possible acquiescentia mentis, in which the mind contemplates all things sub specie aeternitatis (v. 29), knows itself to be in God and sees itself and all things in their divine essence. But this intellectual love of mind towards God is part of the infinite love wherewith God loves himself (v. 36) * From these things we clearly understand in what our salvation or blessedness or liberty consists: to wit, in the constant and eternal love towards God, or in the love of God towards men ' (Schol. to v. 36). CHAPTER IX. Page 289, § 161. Evolution and development in the stricter sense in which these terms were originally used in the seven- teenth and eighteenth centuries imply a theory of preformation, according to which the growth of an organic being is simply a process of enlarging and filling out a miniature organism, actual but invisible, because too inconspicuous. Such was the doctrine adopted by Leibniz {Considerations sur le principe de vie; Systeme nouveau de la Nature \ &c.). According to it development is no real generation of new parts, but only an augmentation into bulk and visibility of parts already outlined. This doctrine of preformation (as opposed to epigenesis) is carried out by Charles Bonnet, who in his Considerations sur tes corps organises (1762) propounds the further hypothesis that the 'germs' from which living beings proceed contain, enclosed one within another, the germs of all creatures yet to be. This is the hypothesis of * Emboiiement.' 'The system CHAPTER VIII, § 152--CHAPTER IX, § r6l. 425 which regards generations as mere educts' says Kant {Kritik der Urtheilskraft, § 80; Werke, iv. 318) * is called that of individual preformation or the evolution theory : the system which regards them as products is called Epigenesis, — which might also be called the theory of generic preformation, con- sidering that the productive powers of the generants follow the inherent tendencies belonging to the family characteristics, and that the specific form is therefore a ' virtual * preformation. In this way the opposing theory of individual preformation might be better called the involution theory, or theory of ©infc^ac^tctung {Emboitemenf). Cf. Leibniz {Werke, Erdmann, 715). ' As animals generally are not entirely bom at conception or generation, no more do they entirely perish at what we call death ; for it is reasonable that what does not commence naturally, does not finish either in the order of nature. Thus quitting their mask or their rags, they only return to a subtler theatre, where however they can be as sensible and well regulated as in the greater. . . . Thus not only the souls, but even the animals are neither generable nor perishable : they are only developed, enveloped, re-clothed, unclothed,— trans- formed. The souls never altogether quit their body, and do not pass from one body into another body which is entirely new to them. There is therefore no metempsychosis, but there is metamorphosis. The animals change, take and quit only parts : which takes place little by little and by small imperceptible parcels, but continually, in nutrition : and takes place suddenly, notably but rarely, at conception, or at death, which make them gain or lose much all at once.' The theory of Emboitement or Enveloppement, according to Bonnet {Considerations, &c. ch. i) is that ' the germs of all the organised bodies of one sp>ecies were inclosed {renfermds) one in another, and have been developed successively.' So according to Haller {Physiology, Tome vii. § 2) * it is evident that in plants the mother-plant contains the germs of several generations ; and there is therefore no inherent improbability in the view that tous les enfans, excepti un, fussent renferm^s dans Povaire de la pretniire Fills d'Eve.' Cf. Weismann's Continuity of the "Germ-plasma. Yet Bonnet {Contemplation de la Nature, part vii. ch. 9, note 2), says, ' The germs are not enclosed like boxes or cases one in another, but a germ forms part of another germ, as a grain forms part of the plant in which it is developed.' 426 NOTES AND ILLUSTRATIONS. P. 293, § 163. Rousseau, Contrat Social, liv. ii. ch. 3. P. 296, § 165. The 'adequate' idea is a sub-species of the 'distinct.' When an idea does not merely distinguish a thing from others (when it is clear), or in addition represent the characteristic marks belonging to the object so distinguished (when it is distinct), but also brings out the farther characteristics of these characteristics, the idea is adequate. Thus adequate is a sort of second power of distinct. (Cf. Baumeister's Instit. Philos. Ration. 1765, §§ 64-94.) Hegel's description rather agrees with the ' complete idea ' ' by which I put before my mind singly marks sufficient to discern the thing represented from all other things in every case, state, and time' (Baumeister, ib. § 88). But cf. Leibniz, ed. Erdm. p. 79 : notitia adaequata. P. 298, § 166. Cf. Baumeister, Instit. Phil. Rat. § 185: Judicium est idearum conjunctio vel separatio. P. 299, § 166. Punctum saliens: ih& punctutn sanguineum saliens of Harvey {de Generat. Animal, exercit. 17), or first appearance of the heart : the (myfifi alfiaTivt] in the egg, of which Aristotle {Hist. Anim. vi. 3) says rovro ro ar]\Li\.ov rrqda ) only, as said in pp. 331, 333. And Anselm admits c. 1 5 Domine, non solum es, quo majus cogitari neguit, sed es quiddam majus quant cogitari potest (transcending our thought). P. 333, line 2. This sentence has been transposed in the translation. In the original it occurs after the quotation- from the Latin in p. 332. P. 834, § 194. Leibniz : for a brief account of the Monads see Caird's Crit. Philosophy of I. Kant, i. 86-95. A monad is the simple substance or indivisible unity cor- responding to a body. It is as simple what the world is as a multiplicity: it 'represents,' i.e. concentrates into unity, the variety of phenomena : is the expression of the material in the immaterial, of the compound in the simple, of the extended outward in the inward. Its unity and its representative capacity go together (cf. Lotze, Mikrokosmus). It is the ' present which is full of the future and laden with the past' (ed. Erdm. p. 197); the point which is all-embracing, the totality of the universe. And yet there are monads— in the plural. P. 334, § 194. Fichte, IVerke, i. 430. * Every thorough-going dogmatic philosopher is necessarily a fatalist.' P. 338, § 195. Cf. Encyclop. § 463. 'This supreme inward- ising of ideation (Sovjlettung) is the supreme self-divestment of intelligence, reducing itself to the mere being, the general space of mere names and meaningless words. The ego, which is this abstract being, is, because subjectivity, at the same time the power over the different names, the empty link which fixes in itself series of them and keeps them in fixed order.' Contemporaneously with Hegel, Herbart turned psychology in the line of a ' statics and dynamics of the mind.' See (be- sides earlier suggestions) his De Aitentionis mensura causisque primariis (1822) and his Ueber die Moglichkeit und Nothiven- digkeit, Mathematik auf Psychologie anzuwenden (1822). P. 340, § 198. Civil society : distinguished as the social and economical organisation of the bourgeoisie, with their particu- larist-universal aims, from the true universal unity of citoyens in the state or ethico-political organism. P. 345, § 204. Inner design : see K^XiVs Kritik der Urtheils- kraft, § 62. Aristotle, De Anima, ii. 4 (415. b. 7) (}>avepbv 8' iy Koi ov CHAPTER IX, §§ 193-230. 429 tviKa f) ^vxf) curia : ii. 2 fwijv Xtyo/uef rqu 5i' avroi Tpo(f>rjv re Koi av$r](riv kqi (pOiaiv, P. 347, § 206. Neutral first water, cf. Encyclop. § 284, ' with- out independent individuality, without rigidity and intrinsic determination, a thorough-going equilibrium.' Cf. Werke, vii. 6. 168. ' Water is absolute neutrality, not ]ike salt, an indi- vidualised neutrality ; and hence it was at an early date called the mother of everything particular.' 'As the neutral it is the solvent of acids and alkalis.' Cf. Oken's Lehrbuch der Natur- philosophie, §§ 294 and 432. P. 348, § 206. Conclude = befd^tie^cn : Resolve = entfd^tiefcn. Cf. Chr. Sigwart, Kleine Schri/ien, ii. 115, segq. P. 359, § 216. Aristotle, De Anim. General, i. (726. b. 24) i] \e\p av(v \//^v;(t»c^ff Bwdfittos ovk tort x^^^P aWa fiovov 6fi(i>irvfiOv. Arist. Metaph. viii. 6 (1045. b. Il) ot 5« (Xeyovo-t) avvGarw fj (rvvdeafiov ^vxrjs (Tufiari to ^c. P. 360, § 218. Sensibility, &c. This triplicity (as partly distinguished by Haller after Glisson) of the functions of organic life is largely worked out in ScheUing, ii. 491. P. 361, § 219. Cf. Schelling, ii. 540. As walking is a constantly prevented falling, so life is a constantly prevented extinction of the vital process. P. 367, § 229. Spinoza (Eih. i. def. l) defines causa sui as id cujus essentia ifivolvit existentiam, and (in def. 3) defines substantia as id quod in se est et per se concipitur. Schelling : c Sonfiruftion. P. 372. ' Recollection ' = (Srtnnerung : /. e. the return from differentiation and externality to simplicity and inwardness: distinguished from ®bdc^tni§ = memory (specially of words). P. 373, § 236. Cf. Schelling, Werke, iv. 405. 'Every particular object is in its absoluteness the Idea; and accordingly the Idea is also the absolute object (©cgcnfianb) itself,— as the absolutely ideal also the absolutely real.' P. 374, § 236. Aristotle, Metaphys. xi. 9 (1074. 6. 34) avrov apa voel (6 vovs ^dfos), ftTrep (