\^T'he Frontispiece is reproduced from the first volume of the " Posthumous Works of the learned Sir Thomas Browne^ Kt., Al.D., late of N'onvich,'''' 17 12, the poi'trait in xvhich ivas engraved by M. V, der Gucht. Ihis artist^ whose name was Michael., was of Flemish or Dutch extraction, and ivorkcd as an engraver in Etigland, as did two other Van der Gnchts. The coat- of-arms below the portrait, *^ Atgeiit, two bendlets sable betiuecn as many pellets, ^^ is not given in Burke's '^General Armory.''^ The coat there assigned to Browne {Ncther-Legh, Co. Chester) is ^''Argent, two bendlets bettveen as many mullets, sable ^ The family from which Sir Thomas Brozvne descended was of Upton, Cheshire.'] WALKtK 8.BOUTAUL.PM 3C |HYDRIOTAPHIA |URN BURIAL; WITH AN ACCOUNT loF SOME URNS FOUND AT BRAMP- TON IN NORFOLK, BY SIR THOMAS IBROWNE: WITH INTRODUCTION AND NOTES BY SIR JOHN EVANS, K.C.B., F.R.S., F.S.A. LONDON PRINTED AND ISSUED BY CHARLES WHITTINGHAM & CO AT THE CHISWICK PRESS MDCCCXCIH i ^3 6- CONTENTS. PAGE Introduction vii Hydriotaphia I Brampton Urns 87 Illustrative Notes . . . . loi LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. Portrait of Sir Thomas Browne Frontispiece Set of Four Saxon Urns . to face page () A Roman Urn ... » » 87 B i^3467^ EDITOR'S INTRODUCTION. The Life of Sir Thomas Browne has been already so often traced by other hands, including those of Dr. Johnson, in the various editions of his works, that it would be superfluous here to attempt to give more than an extremely succinct account of it, though such a brief summary seems desirable. Descended from a good Cheshire family, he was born in London on the 19th of « October, 1605, and, losing his father at an early age, was sent to school at Winchester, and subsequently to Broad - gates Hall or Pembroke College, Oxford, vv^here he graduated Bachelor of Arts in 1626, and took his Master's degree in 1629. He afterwards adopted medicine as a profession, and practised for some little time in Oxfordshire, but on the viii editor's introduction. invitation of his step-father, Sir Thomas Button, he accompanied him on a tour of inspection of the various castles and forts in Ireland. Being thus as it were uprooted from home, he travelled for a few years on the Continent, studying medicine in the famous schools of Mont- pellier and of " Padua beyond the sea," and finally taking his degree of Doctor of Medicine in the University of Leyden, probably in the year 1633. On his ^ return to England, about 1634, he seems to have settled as a physician at Shipden Hall, in the neighbourhood of Halifax, whence, after a residence of about three years, he was induced by the importu- nities of friends to migrate to Norwich, in which city he took up his abode in 1637. In that same year he was incor- porated a Doctor of Medicine at Oxford. At Norwich he took root, and for a period of forty-six years " practised physick " in that city, dying there on his birthday, the 19th of October, 1682, at the complete age of seventy-seven. In 1 64 1 he had married a congenial wife, EDITORS INTRODUCTION. IX Dorothy Mileham, by whom he left a son and three daughters. She it was who erected a memorial to her husband on the north side of the church of St. Peter's Mancroft. A tablet to her own memory has been placed on the opposite side. She died within little more than two years after her husband, in the sixty- third year of her age. As has already been remarked by Dr. D. Lloyd Roberts in his excellent edition of the "Religio Medici and other Essays," ^ the remains of Sir Thomas Browne were not destined to rest in peace. "In 1840 the lid of his coffin was accidentally broken open by a blow from a workman's pickaxe, and, to quote his own words, his bones were ' knav'd out of his grave,' his skull being deposited on show in the museum of Norwich Hospital." In connexion with the death of Sir Thomas taking place on the exact anni- versary of his birth, I am tempted to quote some speculations of his own upon another case of the same kind. In his ^ David Stott, 1892, p. xxxii. X editor's introduction. " Letter to a Friend upon occasion of the death of his intimate friend " is the \ following passage " : ^ — " Nothing is more '; common with Infants than to die on the ' day of their Nativity, to behold the worldly Hours, and but the Fractions thereof; and even to perish before their Nativity in the hidden World of the Womb, and before their good Angel is conceived to undertake them. But in Persons who out-live many Years and when there are no less than three hun- dred sixty five days to determine their Lives in every Year ; that the first day should make the last, that the Tail of the Snake should return into its Mouth pre- cisely at that time, and they should wind up upon the Day of their Nativity^ is indeed a remarkable Coincidence ; which, tho' Astrology hath taken witty Pains to salve, yet hath it been very wary in making Predictions of it." It was not until 1671 that Dr. Thomas Browne received the honour of knicrht- ^ "Posthumous Works," 17 12, part vii., p. 32. ^ According to the Eg)>ptian Hieroglyphick. editor's introduction. xL hood from Charles II. on the occasion of a royal visit to Nonvich. He had already attained to great eminence not only as a physician but as an author, his two well- known works, the " Religio Medici " and the *' Pseudodoxia Epidemica," the titles of which are recorded in his epitaph, having at that time long been published. The history of the first of these two works is singular. It was, according to the author's own statement, composed " at his leisurable hours for his private exer- cise and satisfaction," and the MS. being lent from hand to hand, an anonymous and surreptitious copy of it was published in 1642, and led to no small amount of comment. A second edition of this spurious volume having appeared, Dr. Browne in 1643 published "a true and full copy of that which was most im- perfectly and surreptitiously printed be- fore, under the name of ' Religio Medici.' " In all respects this was a remarkable book. Written by one who at the time was under thirty years of age, it might well have been composed by a man who xii EDITOR'S INTRODUCTION. had already attained to the span of three score years and ten. With the exception perhaps of an overfondness for paradox, and of a sHght tinge of personal vanity, all the usual attributes of youth seem to be absent, and yet the insight that it gives into the author's character is com- plete. " I am," he says, " I confess, natu- rally inclined to that which misguided zeal terms superstition, my common con- versation I do acknowledge austere, my behaviour full of rigour, sometimes not without morosity." Throughout the book we find the same curious admixture of scepticism and credulity, the same evi- dences of extensive and miscellaneous reading, the same starting of unexpected questions, whether in natural history or divinity, which are characteristic of his later works. The " Pseudodoxia Epidemica, or En- quiries into very many received tenents and commonly presumed truths which examined prove but vulgar and common Errors," was originally published in 1646, and went through six editions during the editor's introduction. xiii lifetime of the author, the last appearing in 1672. In writing the " Religio Medici," Sir Thomas Browne protests that he was under such disadvantage, that from the first setting of pen unto paper he had not the assistance of any good book whereby to promote his invention or relieve his memory, but in the " Pseudo- Goxia" he reminds one of the instance that he himself gives of Pineda, who " in one work quotes more authors than are necessary in a whole world." While inquiring into and exposing many of the vulgar errors of his time, the author is not in all cases free from error him- self, as might in all probability be ex- pected from one whose belief in witch- \ craft was firmly fixed, who preferred the Ptolemaic to the Copernican system of astronomy, who still retained some faith in judicial astrology, and whose Spagyric chemistry was that of the seventeenth century. Browne's next work of importance was that which is here reprinted, his " Hydriotaphia," the first edition of which xiv editor's introduction. was published in 1658, and "printed for Hen. Broine at the Signe of the Gun in Ivy-lanel' together with his '' Garden of Cyrus, or the Quincunciall, Lozenge, or Net-work Plantations of the Ancients, Artificially, Naturally, Mystically Consi- dered," a thoroughly characteristic trea- tise, full of odd botanical learning and of quaint conceits. Both works appeared at the end of a quarto edition of the " Pseudodoxia Epidemica," published in the same year. None of the other works of Sir Thomas Browne were published in his lifetime, but a small volume of" Certain Miscellany Tracts, written by Thomas Brown, K*. and Doctour of Physick, late of Norwich, and edited by Archbishop Tenison," appeared in 1684. This contains a tract on Artificial Hills, Mounts or Burrows in many parts of England. Another posthumous volume was pub- lished in 17 1 2, containing among other treatises an account of some urns found in Brampton Field in February, \66'j-'$), here reprinted. His " Christian Morals " editor's introduction. XV was first printed ini 7 1 6. Several Natural History papers, extracts from his Com- monplace Books and Correspondence, are given in Wilkin's edition of the " Works of Sir Thomas Browne," 1836, reprinted by Bohn and George Bell and Sons, The " Hydriotaphia, Urne-Buriall, or, A Discourse of the Sepulchrall Urnes lately found in Norfolk^' originated with the discovery, probably during the winter of 1657, of some forty or fifty urns con- taining burnt bones in a field at Old Walsingham, Norfolk. Although, as Browne says in his " Religio Medici," he always held a slender and doubtful respect unto antiquities, he seized this occasion for writing the most attractive, to most readers, of all his w^orks ; and this with- out inconsistency, as the whole treatise is as much of a moral as an antiquarian character, and that indeed which he admires is " far beyond antiquity, that is Eternity : and that is God himself" To use the words of a writer in the " Retrospective Review" :^ — "Sir Thomas ^ Vol. i. (1820), p. 85. xvi editor's introduction. ^V*''^ Browne in the work before us hath dared , to take the grave itself for his theme. He I deals not with death as a shadow, but as / a substantial reality. He dwells not on it as the mere cessation of life — he treats it not as a terrible negation — but enters on its discussion as a state with its own solemnities and pomps. Others who 1 have professed to write on death have treated merely of dying. They have fearfully described the rending asunder of soul and body — the last farewell to existence — and the state of the spirit in its range through new and untried scenes of rapture or of woe. Some have in- dividualized the theme, and written of death in relation only to particular per- sons or classes who become its victims. Those who regard it more universally and intensely — as Blair and Young — yet look but on its surface. They are con- versant only with cypresses, yew-trees, and gravestones, or hint at superstitions which endow the dead with life, and endue the tomb with something of vitality. Sir Thomas Browne alone treats of death editor's introduction, xvii as one subdued to its very essence. He encounters the tyrant, and * plucks out the heart of his mystery.' He speaks not of the agonies of dissolution ; but regards the destroyer only when he is laden with his spoils, and the subjects of his victory are at rest The region of his imagination is that space beneath the surface of the world, where the bones of all generations repose. His fancy works beneath the ground its way from tomb to tomb, rests on each variety of burial, ennobles the naked clay of the peasant, expands in the sepulchres of kings, and, skimming beneath the deepest caverns of the sea, detects the unvalued jewels 'in those holes which eyes did once inhabit.' The language of his essay is weighty yet' tender, such as his theme should inspire. We can imagine nothing graver. His words are sepulchral — his ornaments are flowers of mortality." The treatise is divided into five chapters, the first of which takes into consideration the various methods adopted by different nations for the disposal of their dead, xviii editor's introduction. whether by inhumation and " a moist Relentment " or by " fiery Resolution." Of carnal interment or burying, he says that " God himself that buried but one was pleased to make choice of this way," and though the Jewish nation admitted the practice of cremation (for the men of Jabesh burnt the body of Saul), yet " Christians abhorred this way of obse- quies, and though they stickt not to give their bodies to be burnt in their lives, detested that mode after death ; affecting rather a depositure than absumption." In Chapter 11. we come to the facts of the discovery at Walsingham, and the account given is supplemented by various notices of other antiquities and coins found in Norfolk and elsewhere. Besides numerous Roman coins and Norman, Saxon, and Danish pieces of Cuthred, Canutus, William, Matilda, and others, our author cites some " British coyns of Gold which have been dispersedly found," and no small number of silver pieces with a rude head upon the obverse, and with an ill -formed horse on the editor's introduction. xix reverse, with inscriptions, Ic. Duro. T. That Sir Thomas Browne was a collector of coins, as well as of all natural curio- sities, we may gather from the Diary of John Evelyn, who visited him at Norwich in October, 1671, and who records that his whole house and garden was " a para- dise and cabinet of rarities, and that of the best collection, especially medals, books, plants, and natural things." Browne's account of the silver coins probably struck by the Iceni or Eceni is both interesting and correct. The coins reading DVRO are extremely rare, and in modern times hardly any instances of their discovery are known, except that of a single speci- men at Weston, in Norfolk, in 1852,^ then described as unique by the late Mr. C. Roach Smith. In the Hunter* collection at Glasgow is, however, an- other example. What may have been the coin attributed to the Empress Maud, no one has hitherto been able to deter- mine. " As to the time of these Urns ^ " Numismatic Chronicle," vol. xv,, p. 98. ^ Evans' " Ancient British Coins," p. 390. XX editor's introduction. deposited, or precise antiquity of these Reliques, nothing of more uncertainty." A doubt appears to have arisen in Sir Thomas Browne's mind whether they were properly Roman, or might not have belonged to our British, Saxon, or Danish forefathers. For the modern antiquary, a glance at the Plate on which figures of some of the urns are given, suffices to show that they were of Saxon origin, and of the same general character as the numerous urns which have been found in the Eastern counties within the present century. The combs, and what would appear to have been the remains of brooches, and the other objects described are also of Saxon character. It is, however, well that Sir Thomas took the view that these were the urns of Romans, as, " from the common custom and place where they were found, is no obscure conjecture." Much of what follows in Chapter III. relates to the practice of burning the dead among the Romans, and the treatment and disposal of their ashes. But here also is much editor's introduction. xxi miscellaneous learning displayed, and not a little pious but quaint morality. The analogies between Christian rites and those of the Greeks and Romans, accompanied by many speculations as to the behaviour of ghosts mentioned by Homer, Virgil, and other ancient authors, and some hints as to the Christian hopes of future immortality, help to enrich the fourth chapter. All the rest of the work is, however, excelled by the fifth and last chapter, in which the pathetic and poetical imagi- nation of the author, his varied reading, his quaint conceits, and his pious trust, are every v/here conspicuous. It would, indeed, be difficult to find in any equal number of pages of any writer so many real gems of literature. There is hardly a paragraph in the whole but what will bear reading again and again, and each time with fresh admiration. What can more neatly and tersely convey the ideas of an author than such sen- tences as these : " Time which antiquates Antiquities, and hath an art to make dust xxii editor's introduction. of all things, hath yet spared these minor Monuments." " To subsist in bones, and be but Pyramidally extant, is a fallacy in duration." " To be namelesse in worthy deeds exceeds an infamous history. The Canaanitish woman lives more happily without a name, than Herodias with one. And who had not rather have been the good theef than Pilate^ There is, indeed, a peculiar charm running through the whole chapter, not only in the thoughts there embodied, but in the language in which they are clothed. And yet, as a rule, the language in which most of Browne's writings are composed is very peculiar, and in some respects un-English. The intense La- tinity of his style is almost everywhere apparent, and, indeed, anyone comparing the Latin version of the "Religio Medici" with the English, would feel inclined to pronounce the former the original, and the latter a too literal translation. Dr. Johnson says with regard to Sir Thomas Browne's style, that it is "a tissue of many languages ; a mixture of hetero- editor's introduction. xxif! geneous words brought together from distant regions, with terms originally appropriated to one art and drawn by violence into the service of another. But his innovations are sometimes pleasing, and his temerities happy." Sir Thomas Browne says of himself in the " Religio Medici," " For my own part, besides the jargon and patois of several provinces, I understand no less than six languages," but his ordinary written language seems more completely based on Latin itself than on any of its Romance successors. Notwithstanding his acquaintance with French or Italian, it is probable that much of his writing and discourse at Montpellier and Padua may have been in Latin, and that it was thus that his style was formed. The title of the present essay, "Hy- driotaphia," would appear to be of Browne's own composition. The word is formed from t/J^/^, an urn, or water- vessel, and Tcx.(piay a modification of rct(py]y burial. It would be superfluous to cite any of xxiv editor's introduction. the unusual Latinized words with which the text abounds, but attention may briefly be called to one or two passages in which the author's observations in natural history, and the cautious scep- ticism mixed with credulity of the author of the " Vulgar Errors," spontaneously crop out : "They that are so thick skinned as still to credit the story of the PhoeniXy may say something for animall burning : More serious conjectures finde some ex- amples of sepulture in Elephants, Cranes, the Sepulchrall Cells of Pismires and practice of Bees ; which civill society carrieth out their dead, and hath exe- quies, if not interrments." " Sallow makes more Ashes than Oake, and discovers the common fraud of selling Ashes by mea- sure, and not by ponderation." The bay " seeming dead, will restore it self from the root, and its dry and exuccous leaves re- sume their verdure again; which, if we mis- take not, we have also observed in fures " (furze). These are some instances of the former characteristic ; for the latter may be cited his speculations whether fishes editor's introduction. XXV wholly escaped the effects of the Deluge ; his remarks on the Crucifixion, and the relative height of the three crosses, and his doubts as to the burthen of Isaac being " sufficient for an holocaust." But it is time to leave Sir Thomas to speak for himself, and though possibly those are to be envied who now read the " Hydriotaphia " for the first time, those who have already read it are certain to find fresh charms both in manner and matter in reading it again and yet again. The first edition of the " Hydriotaphia" was, as already stated, published in octavo in 1658. The text of this edition is that which has been adopted in the following pages. A second edition in small quarto, but by the same printer, appeared in the same year, and formed a sequel to the fourth edition of the " Pseudodoxia Epi- demica." In this, rather more than a page is devoted to Marginal Illustra- tions omitted, or to be added to the Discourses of " Urn Burial " and of the " Garden of Cyrus," as well as numerous errata. These have been incorporated, xxvi editor's introduction. and the necessary corrections made, so far as applicable to the first edition. Some few evident misprints have also been corrected. The whole title-page of the first edition is here reproduced, although the text of the " Garden of Cyrus " is omitted. The treatise on " Brampton Urns," first published in 17 12 among the " Post- humous Works of Sir Thomas Browne," relates to a subject so closely cognate to the " Hydriotaphia," that it has been thought advisable to include it in the present volume, though the urns at Brampton seem to have been of Roman, and not of Saxon date. This little essay jj is far more purely descriptive and matter- of-fact than the imaginative " Hydrio- taphia," but apart from any archaeological interest will be found well worthy of attentive perusal. | HYDRIOTAPHIA, VimE-BVI^IALL, OR, A Difcourfe of the Sepulchrall Urnes lately found in ^(^O 7(^F O L ^ Together with The Garden of ^^^^^^ OR THE Quincunciall, Lozenge, or Net-work Plantations of the An- cients, Artificially, Naturally, Myftically Confidered. With Sundry Obfervations. By 'Thomas Browne D.of Phyfick. L o 0^T> ON, Printed for Hen. Brome at the Signe of the Gun in Ivy-lane. 1658. TO MY WORTHY AND HONOURED FRIEND THOMx'\S LE GROS^ OF CROSTWICK ESQUIRE. When the Funerall pyre was out, and the last valediction over, men took a lasting adieu of their interred Friends, little expecting the curiosity of future ages should comment upon their ashes, and having no old experience of the duration of their Reliques,heldno opinion of such after-considerations. But who knows the fate of his bones, a pompeios or how often he is to be buried? who J'^^^^'^^es A- sta, atque hath the Oracle of his ashes, or whether Europa, they are to be scattered? The Reliques f^^>f^''/ •^ , _ ^ terra tegit of many lie like the ruines of ^Po?npeys, Lybies. in all parts of the earth ; And when j-g^t^^^^b^t they arrive at your hands, these may Sea be- seem to have wandred far, who in a house and"^ direct ^ and Meridian Travell, have but Greenland. THE EPISTLE c Brought back by Cinion. Plutarch. , whereof a Jewish Priest had alwayes the custody unto yfi'^- f/ius his dayes. Jos. Lib. lo. Antiq. bodies, yet sometimes used great burn- ings neare and about them, deducible from the expressions concerningy^^/^^r^w, Sedechias, and the sumptuous pyre of Asa : And were so Httle averse from ' Pagan burning, that the Jews lamenting the death of Ccesar their friend, and revenger on Ponipey^ frequented the place where his body was burnt for many nights together. And as they raised noble Monuments and Mausolceunis for their own Nation •", so they were not scrupulous in erecting some for others, according to the practice of Daniel^ who left that lasting sepulchrall pyle in Echbatana, for the Medean and Persian Kings '. But even in times of subjection and hottest use, they conformed not unto the Rornane practice of burning ; whereby the Prophecy was secured concerning the body of Christ, that it should not see corruption, or a bone should not be broken ; which we beleeve was also provi- dentially prevented, from the Souldiers spear and nails that past by the little bones both in his hands and feet : Not of ordinary contrivance, that it should not corrupt on the Crosse, according to URNE-BURIALL. 19 the Laws of Roinane Crucifixion, or an hair of his head perish, though observ- able in Jewish customes, to cut the hairs of Malefactors. Nor in their long co-habitation with ^Egyptians, crept into a custome of their exact embalming, wherein deeply slash- ing the muscles, and taking out the brains and entrails, they had broken the subject of so entire a Resurrection, nor fully answered the types of Enoch, EliaJi, or Jonah, which yet to prevent or restore, was of equall facility unto that rising power, able to break the fascia- tions and bands of death, to get clear out of the Cere-cloth, and an hundred pounds of oyntment, and out of the Sepulchre before the stone was rolled from it. But though they embraced not this practice of burning, yet entertained they many ceremonies agreeable unto Greeke and Rommie obsequies. And he that observeth their funerall Feasts, their Lamentations at the grave, their musick, and weeping mourners ; how they closed the eyes of their friends, how they washed, anointed, and kissed the dead ; may easily conclude these were not meere 20 IIYDRIOTAPHIA, URNE-BURIALL. Pagan - Civilities. But whether that mournfull burthen, and treble calling out * after Absalom ^^ had any reference unto Absolom |-|^^ |^g|. conclamation, and triple valedic- Absoloni XT • 1111 Absolom tion, used by other Nations, we hold but 2. Sam. i8. ^ wavering conjecture. Civilians make sepulture but of the Law of Nations, others doe naturally found it and discover it also in animals. They that are so thick skinned as still to credit the story of the PJioeniXy may say something for animall burning : More serious conjectures finde some examples of sepulture in Elephants, Cranes, the Sepulchrall Cells of Pismires and prac- tice of Bees ; which civili society carrieth out their dead, and hath exequies, if not interrments. CHAP. II. The Solemnities, Ceremonies, Rites of their Cremation or enterrment, so solemnly delivered by Authours, we shall not disparage our Reader to repeat. Only the last and lasting part in their Urns, collected bones and Ashes, we cannot wholly omit, or decline that Sub- ject, which occasion lately presented, in some discovered among us. In a Field of old WalsingJiam, not many moneths past, were digged up between fourty and fifty Vrnes, de- posited in a dry and sandy soile, not a yard deep, nor farre from one another : Not all strictly of one figure, but most answering these described : Some con- taining two pounds of bones, distinguish- able in skulls, ribs, jawes, thigh-bones, and teeth , with fresh impressions of their combustion. Besides the extraneous sub- stances, like peeces of small boxes, or 22 HYDRIOTAPHIA, combes handsomely wrought, handles of small brasse instruments, brazen nippers, * In one and in one some kinde of Opale *.^ sent me by Near the same plot of ground, for my worthy ^ ^ i • j friend Dr about SIX yards compasse were digged 'witherk ^P ^^^^^ ^"^ incinerated substances, of iVal- which begat conjecture that this was the swgham. jj^trifia or place of burning their bodies, or some sacrificing place unto the Manes, which was properly below the surface of the ground, as the Arcs and Altars unto the gods and Heroes above it. That these were the Vrnes of Romanes from the common custome and place where they were found, is no obscure conjecture, not farre from a Romane Garrison, and but five Miles from Bra7i- caster, set down by ancient Record under the name of Brannodiiniirn. And where the adjoyning Towne, containing seven Parishes, in no very different sound, but Saxon Termination, still retainsthe Name oi BurnJiani, which being an early station, it is not improbable the neighbour parts were filled with habitations, either of Romanes themselves, or Brittams Ro- manised, which observed the Romane customes. Nor is it improbable that the Romanes URNE-BURIALL. 23 early possessed this Countrey ; for though we meet not with such strict particulars of these parts, before the new Institution of Constantine, and military charge of the Count of the Saxon shore, and that about the Saxon Invasions, the Dalma- tian Horsemen were in the Garrison of Brancaster \ Yet in the time of Claudius^ Vespasian^ and Severus, we finde no lesse then three Legions dispersed through the Province oi Brittain. And as high as the Reign of Claudius a great over- throw was given unto the Iceni, by the Romane Lieutenant Ostorius. Not long after the Countrey was so molested, that in hope of a better state, Prasutagus bequeathed his Kingdome unto Nero and his Daughters ; and Boadicea his Queen fought the last decisive Battle with Paulinus, After which time and Conquest of Agricola the Lieutenant of Vespasian, probable it is they wholly possessed this Countrey, ordering it into Garrisons or Habitations, best suitable with their securities. And so some Ro- mane Habitations, not improbable in these parts, as high as the time of Ves- pasian, where the Saxons after seated, in whose thin-fiU'd Mappes we yet finde 24 HYDRIOTAPHIA, »^ Homi- niiin inji- nita mul- titndo est, creberri- maque icdfficia fere Galli- CIS consi' milia. Ciss. de hello Gal. 1.5. o In the ground of my worthy Friend Rob.Jcgon Esq. wherein some things con- tainedwere preserved by the most worthy Sir William Faston BK the Name of Walsingham. Now if the Iceni were but Ganimadinis, Anconians, or men that lived in an Angle wedge or Elbow of Brittain^ according to the Originall Etymologie, this countrey will challenge the Emphaticall appellation, as most properly making the Elbow or I ken oi Icenia. That Britain was notably populous is undeniable, from that expression of Ccb- sar ™. That the Romans themselves were early in no small Numbers, Seventy Thousand with their associats slain by Boadicea^ affords a sure account. And though many Roman habitations are now unknowne, yet sorne by old works, Rampiers, Coynes, and Urnes doe testifie their Possessions. Some Urnes have been found at Castor^ some also about Southcreake^ and not many years past, no lesse then ten in a Field at Buxton ", not near any recorded Garison. Nor is it strange to finde Romane Coynes of Copper and Silver among us ; of Vespa- sian^ Trajan, Adrian, Commodiis, Anto- ninus, Severus, &c. But the greater number of Dioclcsian, Constantine, Con- stats, Valens, with many of Victorinus PostJmmius, Tetricus, and the thirty Ty- URNE-BURIALL. 2$ rants in the Reigne of Gallieiius ; and some as high as Adrianus have been found about Thetford^ or SitomaguSy mentioned in the itinerary oi Anto7tmus, as the way from Venta or Castor unto London °. But the most frequent dis- ° From covery is made at the two Casters by Thetford Norwich and Yarmouth p, at BurgJicastle ^^^ ^o- , ^ „ manes ac- and Brancaster ^. counted thirty two miles, and from thence observed not our common road to London,, but passed by Cofnbretonium ad Ansam, Canomwfi, CcBsaj-omagus,^ &c. by Bretenham, Coggeshall, Chelmeford, Biirntwood, &c. P Most at Caster by Yarmouth, found in a place called East- bloudy-burgh furlong,, belonging to M"" Thomas Wood,, a person of civility, industry and knowledge in this way, who hath made observation of remarkable things about him, and from whom we have received divers Silver and Copper Coynes. i Belonging to that Noble Gentleman, and true example of worth Sir Ralph Hare Baronet, my honoured PMend. Besides, the Norman, Saxon and Dan- ish peeces of Ctithred, Canutus, William^ yJ/<2///<^<^V and others, somBrittish Coynes ^ A peece of gold have been dispersedly found ; ^-^^ ^^^^ And no small number of silver peeces presse said near ^ Norwich ; with a rude head upon -^ Biicken- the obverse, and an ill formed horse on /^^//^ Castle the reverse, with Inscriptions / ^oi- remams yet undiscovered. CHAP. III. Playstered and whited Sepulchres, were anciently affected in cadaverous, and corruptive Burials ; And the rigid Jews were wont to garnish the Sepul- ^ Mat. 23. "chres of the "" righteous ; Ulysses in b Eiiripi- Hecuba cared not how meanly he lived, "' so he might finde a noble Tomb after death. Great Persons affected great Monuments, And the fair and larger Urnes contained no vulgar ashes, which makes that disparity in those which time discovereth among us. The present Urnes were not ofone capacity, the largest containing above a gallon, Some not much above half that measure ; nor all of one figure, wherein there is no strict conformity, in the same or different Countreys ; Observable from those re- presented by CasalhiSy Bosio, and others, though all found in Italy : While many HYDRIOTAPHIA, URNE-BURIALL. $/ have handles, ears, and long necks, but most imitate a circular figure, in a sphe- ricall and round composure; whether from any mystery, best duration or capa- city, were but a conjecture. But the common form with necks was a proper figure, making our last bed like our first ; nor much unlike the Urnes of our Nati- vity, while we lay in the nether part of the Earth ", and inward vault of our ^ Psa. 63. Microcosme. Many Urnes are red, these but of a black colour, somewhat smooth, and dully sounding, which begat some doubt, whether they were burnt, or only baked in Oven or Sunne : According to the ancient way, in many bricks, tiles, pots, and testaceous works ; and as the word ' Us^a is properly to be taken, when occur- ring without addition : And chiefly in- tended by Pliny, when he commendeth bricks and tiles of two years old, and to make them in the spring. Nor only these concealed peeces, but the open magnificence of Antiquity, ran much in the Artifice of Clay. Hereof the house of Mausoliis was built, thus old Jupiter stood in the CapitoU, and the Statiia of Hercules made in the Reign of Tarquinius Priscus, was extant in Plinies dayes. 38 HYDRIOTAPHIA, TTOV, 0}> y OIKOVjliVT] OVK r)xcopij(J6r, Dion. And such as declined burning or Funerall Urnes, affected Coffins of Clay, accord- ing to the mode of Pythagoras^ and pre- ferred by Varro. But the spirit of great ones was above these circumscriptions, affecting copper, silver, gold, and For- pJiyrie Urnes, wherein Severiis lay, after a serious view and sentence on that which d XwpijfTf.lg should contain him ''. Some of these '^-^'.."^^ff^iL Urnes were thought to have been silvered over, from sparklings in several pots, with small Tinsell parcels ; uncertain whether from the earth, or the first mix- ture in them. Among these Urnes we could obtain no good account of their coverings ; Only one seemed arched over with some kinde of brickwork. Of those found at Buxton some were covered with flints, some in other parts with tiles, those at Yaj'inotcth Caster, were closed with Roniane bricks. And some have proper earthen covers adapted and fitted to them. But in the HomericalL Urne of Patroclus, whatever was the solid Tegument, we finde the immediate covering to be a purple peece of silk : And such as had no covers might have the earth closely pressed into them, after which disposure were URNE-BURIALL. 39 probably some of these, wherein we found the bones and ashes half mor- tered unto the sand and sides of the Urne ; and some long roots of Quich, or Dogs-grass wreathed about the bones. No Lamps, included Liquors, Lachry- matories, or Tear-bottles attended these rurall Urnes, either as sacred unto the Manes^ or passionate expressions of their surviving friends. While with rich flames, and hired tears they solemnized their Obsequies, and in the most lamented Monuments made one part of their In- scriptions ^ Some finde sepulchrall Ves- ® Ctim la- sels containing liquors, which time hath "'^Irll ^^' incrassated into gellies. For beside these Lachrymatories, notable Lamps, with Vessels of Oyles and Aromaticall Liquors attended noble Ossuaries. And some yet retaining a * Vinosity and spirit in them, * Lazius. which if any have tasted they have farre exceeded the Palats of Antiquity.'^ Li- quors not to be computed by years of f About annuall Magistrates, but by great con- five hun- junctions^^ and the fatall periods of King- //^/^. domes ^. The drauc^hts of Consulary date, \ Vuium were but crude unto these, and Optiman^ numanno- Wine but in the must unto them. ^J"*^ '^^'' turn. In sundry Graves and Sepulchres, we Petron. 40 HYDRIOTAPPIIA, meet with Rings, Coynes, and Chalices ; Ancient frugality was so severe, that they allowed no gold to attend the Corps, but onlv that which served to fasten their h 12. Ta- teeth '\ Whether the Opaline stone in bui.\. XI. ^j^jg Urne were burnt upon the fing-er of ae Jure ^ ^ ^ iacro. the dead, or cast into the fire by some jVez'eau- affectionate friend, it will consist with to.ast qtwi either custome. But other incinerable ^vimtr^^^^ substances were found so fresh, that they £runt, could feel no sindge from fire. These im cum illo • • ^ \ . ^ i i , sepeiire i^ upon view were judged to be wood, but urere, se sinking in water and tried by the fire, we found them to be bone or Ivory. In their hardnesse and yellow colour they most resembled Box, which in old ex- ^ Plin. /. pressions found the Epithete ' of Eternall, ^Xalaa^h ^^^*^ perhaps in such conservatories might numerat have passed uncorrupted. ^i,^^ i hat Bay-leaves were found green m ^ Surius. the Tomb of S. Humbert ^, after an hun- dred and fifty years, was looked upon as miraculous. Remarkable it was unto old Spectators, that the Cypresse of the Temple of Diana, lasted so many hun- dred years : The wood of the Ark and Olive Rod of Aaron were older at the Captivity. But the Cypresse of the Ark of Noah, was the greatest vegetable URNE-BURIALL. 4 1 Antiquity, \i JosepJms were not deceived, by some fragments of it in his dayes. To omit the Moore-logs, and Firre-trees found under-ground in many parts of England ; the undated ruines of windes, flouds or earthquakes ; and which in Flanders still shew from what quarter they fell, as generally lying in a North- East position ^ ^ Gorop. But though we found not these peeces miolcop]o. to be Wood, according to first apprehen- sion, yet we missed not altogether of some woody substance ; For the bones were not so clearly pickt, but some coals were found amongst them ; A way to make wood perpetuall, and a fit associat for metall, whereon was laid the founda- tion of the great Ephesian Temple, and which were made the lasting tests of old boundaries and Landmarks ; Whilest we look on these, we admire not Obser- vations of Coals found fresh, after four hundred years '". In a long deserted "^ Of Be- habitation ", even Egge-shels have been Ji"//^^^'^^. found fresh, not tending to corruption. teckma. In the Monument of King Childerick, ^^^^ the Iron Reliques were found all rusty and crumbling into peeces. But our little Iron pins which fastened the Ivory 42 HYDRIOTAPHIA, works, held well together, and lost not their Magneticall quality, though wanting a tenacious moisture for the firmer union of parts, although it be hardly drawn into fusion, yet that metall soon submitteth unto rust and dissolution. In the brazen peeces we admired not the duration but the freedome from rust, and ill savour ; upon the hardest attrition, but now ex- posed unto the piercing Atomes of ayre ; in the space of a few moneths, they begin to spot and betray their green entrals. We conceive not these Urnes to have de- scended thus naked as they appear, or to have entred their graves without the old habit of flowers. The Urne of PJiilo- pcEinen was so laden with flowers and ribbons, that it afforded no sight of it self The rigid Lycurgus allo\\^ed Olive and Myrtle. The Athenians might fairly except against the practise of Democritus to be buried up in honey ; as fearing to embezzle a great commodity of their Countrey, and the best of that kinde in Europe. But Plato seemed too frugally politick, who allowed no larger Monu- ment then would contain for Heroick Verses, and designed the most barren ground for sepulture : Though we cannot _ URNE-BURIALL. 43 commend the goodnesse of that sepul- chrall ground, which was set at no higher rate then the mean salary of Judas, Though the earth had confounded the ashes of these Ossuaries, yet the bones were so smartly burnt, that some thin plates of brasse were found half melted among them : whereby we apprehend they were not of the meanest carcasses, perfunctorily fired as sometimes in mili- tary, and commonly in pestilence, burn- ings ; or after the manner of abject corps, hudled forth and carelesly burnt, with- out the Esquiline Port at Rome ; which was an affront continued upon Tiberius, while they but half burnt his body *, and * Sueton. in the Amphitheatre, according- to the ^l^^^!^^/^- custome m notable Malefactors ; where- phitheatro as Nero seemed not so much to feare his ^f'^^l'^^^'- landuvi, death, as that his head should be cut off, not. Cas- and his body not burnt entire. ^'' '* Some finding many fragments of sculs in these Urnes, suspected a mixture of bones ; In none we searched was there cause of such conjecture, though some- times they declined not that practise ; The ashes oi ^ Domitian were mingled ^Sueton. with those oi Julia, of Achilles with those '""T'^^ ^'- of Patroclus : All Urnes contained not F 44 HYDRIOTAPHIA, Ergo vivi- c S. the most learn- ed and worthy M'" M. Casau- bon upon Antoninus. ^ Sic eri- muscuncti, &c. dum mus viva- mus. ® 'Avx^vrjv 7rai!^HV. A barbarous pastime at Feasts, when men stood upon a rolling Globe, with their necks in a Rope, and a knife in their hands, ready to cut it when the stone was rolled away, wherein if they failed, they lost their lives to the laughter of their spec- tators. Athenaus. single ashes ; Without confused burn- ings they affectionately compounded their bones ; passionately endeavouring to continue their living Unions. And when distance of death denied such con- junctions, unsatisfied affections conceived some satisfaction to be neighbours in the grave, to lye Urne by Urne, and touch but in their names. And many were so curious to continue their living relations, that they contrived large, and family Urnes, wherein the Ashes of their nearest friends and kindred might successively be received "", at least some parcels there- of, while their collaterall memorials lay in minor vessels about them. Antiquity held too light thoughts from Objects of mortality, while some drew provocatives of mirth from Anatomies *^, and Juglers shewed tricks with Skeletons. When Fidlers made not so pleasant mirth as Fencers, and men could sit with quiet stomacks while hanging was plaied * before them. Old considerations made few memento's by sculs and bones upon their monuments. In the Egyptian Obelisks and Hieroglyphicall figures, it is not easie to meet with bones. The sepulchrall Lamps speak nothing lesse URNE-BURIALL. 45 then sepulture ; and in their literall draughts prove often obscene and antick peeces : Where we finde D.M} it is ob- ^Diisma- vious to meet with sacrificing patera'?>, "^^"■^• and vessels of libation, upon old sepul- chrall Monuments. In the Jewish Hy- pogceum^ 2^\di subterranean Cell dit Rome ^ ^Bosio. was little observable beside the variety of Lamps, and frequent draughts of the holy Candlestick. In authentick draughts of Anthony and Jerome^ we meet with thigh-bones and deaths heads ; but the cemiteriall Cels of ancient Christians and Martyrs, were filled with draughts of Scripture Stories ; not declining the flourishes of Cypresse, Palmes, and Olive; and the mysticall Figures of Peacocks, Doves and Cocks. But iterately affect- ing the pourtraits of Enoch, Lazarzis, Jonas, and the Vision of Ezechiel, as hopefull draughts, and hinting imagery of the Resurrection ; which is the life of the grave, and sweetens our habitations in the Land of Moles and Pismires. Gentile inscriptions precisely delivered the extent of mens lives, seldome the manner of their deaths, which history it self so often leaves obscure in the records of memorable persons. There is scarce 46 HYDRIOTAPHIA, 'i Pausan. in Atticis. i Lamp rid. in- vit. Alexand. Seneri. •^Trajanus. Dion. riut. in vit. Alar- celli. any Philosopher but dies twice or thrice in Laertius ; Nor almost any life with- out two or three deaths in Plutarch \ which makes the tragicall ends of noble persons more favourably resented by compassionate Readers, who finde some relief in the Election of such differences. The certainty of death is attended with uncertainties, in time, manner, places. The variety of Monuments hath often obscured true graves : and Cenotaphs confounded Sepulchres. For beside their reall Tombs, many have found honorary and empty Sepulchres. The variety of Homers Monuments made him of various Countreys. Euripides ^ had his Tomb in Africa, but his sepulture in Macedonia. And Severus^ found his real Sepulchre in Rome, but his empty grave in Gallia. He that lay in a golden Urne"" emi- nently above the Earth, was not like to finde the quiet of these bones. Many of these Urnes were broke by a vulgar dis- coverer in hope of inclosed treasure. The ashes of Marcellus ' were lost above ground, upon the like account. Where profit hath prompted, no age hath wanted such miners. For which the most bar- barous Expilators found the most civill URNE-BURIALL. 47 Rhetorick. Gold once out of the earth The Com- is no more due unto it ; What was un- JJJe^^J/,^^/^ reasonably committed to the ground is KmgTheo' reasonably resumed from it : Let Monu- findin °out ments and rich Fabricks, not Riches sepuichrall 1 1 T^i r treasure. adorn mens ashes, ihe commerce 01 cassiodor, the living is not to be transferred unto Var. 1. 4. the dead : It is not injustice to take that which none complains to lose, and no man is wronged where no man is possessor. What virtue yet sleeps in this terra daninata and aged cinders, were petty magick to experiment ; These crumbling reliques and long-fired particles super- annate such expectations : Bones, hairs, \ Britan- nails, and teeth of the dead, were the ' earn atto- nia hodie earn attO' treasures of old Sorcerers. In vam we nite cek- revive such practices ; Present super- ^^^^ ^^^^'}.^ stition too visibly perpetuates the folly ut dedisse of our Fore-fathers, wherein unto old -^"^^f"^^: ' den possif. Observation this Island was so compleat, Piin. l. 29. that it might have instructed Persia. Plato's historian of the other world, lies twelve dayes incorrupted, while his soul was viewing the large stations of the dead. How to keep the corps seven dayes from corruption by anointing and washing, without exenteration, were an 48 HYDRIOTAPHIA, hazardable peece of art, in our choisest practise. How they made distinct sepa- ration of bones and ashes from fiery ad- mixture, hath found no historical! solu- tion. Though they seemed to make a distinct collection, and overlooked not c To be Pyr7'hus his toe "". Some provision they ^Ucet^de flight make by fictile Vessels, Coverings, recoiiditis Tilcs, or flat stones, upon and about the ^hicerivis. body. And in the same Field, not farre from these Urnes, many stones were found under ground, as also by carefull separation of extraneous matter, com- posing and raking up the burnt bones with forks, observable in that notable ^ Topygra- \a.mp of Ga/ua^ius. Jkfarfianus^, who'hdid ^xlfarlta- ^^^ ^^^^^ ^^ ^^^ ^^-^ Ustvinuin, OX vessell no. Erat wherein they burnt the dead, found in usfr^num ^^^ Esquiline Field at Rome, might have appciiattt7n afforded clearer solution. But their in- l^avera satisfaction herein begat that remarkable cotnbure- invention in the Funerall Pyres of some Cap. de Princes, by incombustible sheets made Campo with a texture of Asbestos, incremable Esauilino. n 01 j 1 1 • 1 flax, or balamanders wool, which pre- served their bones and ashes incommixed. How the bulk of a man should sink into so few pounds of bones and ashes, may seem strange unto any who con- URNE-BURIALL. 49 siders not its constitution, and how slen- der a masse will remain upon an open and urging fire of the carnall composi- tion. Even bones themselves reduced into ashes, do abate a notable propor- ' tion. And consisting much of a volatile salt, when that is fired out, make a light kind of cinders. Although their bulk be disproportionable to their weight, when the heavy principle of Salt is fired out, and the Earth almost only remaineth ; Observable in sallow, which makes more Ashes then Oake ; and discovers the common fraud of selling Ashes by mea- sure, and not by ponderation. Some bones make best Skeletons^, » Old bones some bodies quick and speediest ashes : f^^ording ^ ^ to LyscTus. Who would expect a quick flame from Those of Hydropicall Heraclitus ? The poysoned ^^^\ ?^'^" Souldier when his Belly brake, put out tail nor fat two pyres in Pto^r^/^^ But in the plague ^^^""coium- of Athens''^ one private pyre served two bus. or three Intruders ; and the Saracens Grac^ ^* burnt in large heaps, by the King of *^ Thucy- Castile^, shewed how little Fuell sufificeth. d Laurent. Though the Funeral 1 pyre of Patroclus Valla. took up an hundred foot^, a peece of an e'E^aro//- old boat burnt Pompey\ And \i the I'^^^JqI'' burthen of Isaac were sufficient for an 50 HYDRIOTAPHIA, f Spcran. Alb. Ovor. sThe brain. Hippo- crates. ^ Amos 2. I. e As Arte- misia of her Hus- band Mau- solus. holocaust, a man may carry his owne pyre. From animals are drawn good burning lights, and good medicines ^ against burn- ing ; Though the seminall humour seems of a contrary nature to fire, yet the body compleated proves a combustible lump, wherein fire findes flame even fi-om bones, and some fiaell almost from all parts. Though the § Metropolis of humidity seems least disposed unto it, which might render the sculls of these Urnes lesse burned then other bones. But all flies or sinks before fire almost in all bodies : When the common ligament is dissolved, the attenuable parts ascend, the rest sub- side in coal, calx or ashes. To burn the bones of the King of '^ Edom for Lyme, seems no irrationall ferity ; But to drink of the ashes of dead relations ^, a passionate prodigality. He that hath the ashes of his friend, hath an everlasting treasure : where fire taketh leave, corruption slowly enters ; In bones well burnt, fire makes a wall against it self; experimented in copels, and tests of metals, which consist of such ingre- dients. What the Sun compoundeth, fire analyseth, not transmuteth. That de- URNE-BURIALL. 5 1 vouring agent leaves almost allwayes a morsell for the Earth, whereof all things are but a colonie ; and which, if time permits, the mother Element will have in their primitive masse again. He that looks for Urnes and old sepulchrall reliques, must not seek them in the ruines of Temples : where no Religion anciently placed them. These were found in a Field, according to an- cient custome, in noble or private buriall ; the old practise of the Canaanites^ the Family of Abraham, and the burying place oi Josua, in the borders of his pos- sessions ; and also agreeable unto Roman practice to bury by high-wayes, where- by their Monuments were under eye : Memorials of themselves, and memento's of mortality into living passengers ; whom the Epitaphs of great ones were fain to beg to stay and look upon them. A language though sometimes used, not so proper in Church-Inscriptions ^ The ^Sistevia- sensible Rhetorick of the dead, to exem- ^°^' plarity of good life, first admitted the bones of pious men, and Martyrs within Church-wals ; which in succeeding ages crept into promiscuous practise. While Constantine was peculiarly favoured to manttus dc fiiner. 52 HYDRIOTAPHIA, be admitted unto the Church Porch ; and the first thus buried in England was Kirck' in the dayes of Cuthred}^ Christians dispute how their bodies should lye in the grave. In urnall en- terrment they clearly escaped this Con- troversie : Though we decline the Reli- gious consideration, yet in cemiteriall and narrower burying places, to avoid confusion and crosse position, a certain posture were to be admitted ; Which even Pagan civility observed, The Per- siatis lay North and South, The Mega- rians and PJioenicians placed their heads to the East : The Athenians, some think, towards the West, which Christians still retain. And Beda will have it to be the posture of our Saviour. That he was crucified with his face towards the W^est, we will not contend with tradition and probable account ; But we applaud not the hand of the Painter, in exalting his Crosse so high above those on either side ; since hereof we finde no authentick account in history, and even the crosses found by Helena pretend no such dis- tinction from longitude or dimension. To be knav'd ^^ out of our graves, to have our sculs made drinking-bowls, and URNE-BURIALL. 53 our bones turned into Pipes, to delight and sport our Enemies, are Tragicall abominations, escaped in burning Burials. Urnall enterrments, and burnt Reliques lye not in fear of worms, or to be an heritage for Serpents ; In carnal sepul- ture, corruptions seem peculiar unto parts, and some speak of snakes out of the spinall marrow. But while we sup- pose common wormes in graves, 'tis not easie to finde any there ; few in Church- yards above a foot deep, fewer or none in Churches, though in fresh decayed bodies. Teeth, bones, and hair, give the most lasting defiance to corruption. In an Hydropicall body ten years buried in a Church-yard, we met with a fat concre- tion, where the nitre of the Earth, and the salt and lixivious liquor of the body, had coagulated large lumps of fat, into the consistence of the hardest castle- soap " ; whereof part remaineth with us. After a battle with the Persians the Roman Corps decayed in few dayes, while the Persian bodies remained dry and uncorrupted. Bodies in the same ground do not uniformly dissolve, nor bones equally moulder ; whereof in the opprobrious disease we expect no long 54 HYDRIOTAPHIA, ""OiT/io- duration. The body of the Marquesse quesse of of Doj'sct Seemed sound and handsomely Dorset, cereclothed, that after seventy eight whose /- 1 \ A body being years was found uncorrupted ^ Common buried Tombs preserve not beyond powder : A 1530, was ^ 1 r 1608 upon firmer consistence and compage of parts the cutting jy^jcri^t \^q expected from Arefaction, open of the ^ ^ ' Cerecloth deep buriall or charcoal. The greatest fect^and^^" Antiquities of mortall bodies may remain nothing in putrified bones, whereof, though w^e the'flesf ' take not in the pillar of Lots wife or not har- Metamorphosis of Oi'teliiis "^^ some may in coiour^^ be older then Pyramids, in the putrified propor- Reliques of the generall inundation. softne'sse When Alexander opened the Tomb of like an Cyrus, the remaining bones discovered corps^ his proportion, whereof urnall fragments newiytobe afford but a bad conjecture, and have Burton's this disadvantage of grave enterrments, descript. of ^j^^t they leave us ignorant of most per- shire. sonall discoveries. For since bones afford d In his not only rectitude and stability, but figure Map of ,11 T • • -ui Russia. unto the body ; It is no impossible ''That Physiognomy to conjecture at fleshy skeleton of appendencies ; and after what shape the ^" ^°^!^ muscles and carnous parts might hang made by in their full consistences. A full spread Jj^^ Cariola * ^' shews a well-shaped horse be- bones. hinde, handsome formed sculls, give some URNE-BURIALL. 55 analogic of fleshy resemblance. A cri- « For their ticall view of bones makes a good dis- ^^^^^^ tinction of sexes. Even colour is not thickness. beyond conjecture ; since it is hard to be ^^,^5^ [^ deceived in the distinction of Negrd^ ° his view of sculls. ^ D antes Characters are to be fou^nd°^^' found in sculls as well as faces. Heixules gluttons so is not onely known by his foot. Other "iid Ix^-' parts make out their comproportions, tenuated, and inferences upon whole or parts. And conceited since the dimensions of the head measure them to the whole body, and the figure thereof in the gives conjecture of the principall facul- ^i^s^ ^^ „, . , 1 . , Jerusalem, ties ; rhysiognomy outlives our selves, and that it and ends not in our graves. '^^^s easie Severe contemplators observing these discovered lastinc^ reliques, may think them p;ood ^'^"^°, or ^ r 1.1 1 Onto in monuments 01 persons past, little advan- their tacre to future being's. And considerino: f^^.^^ * ^ 1 1-111 being made that power which subdueth all things by the two unto it self, that can resume the scattered ^!"^.^ °^ Atomes, or identifie out of any thing, cheeks, conceive it superfluous to expect a re- ^^'^^^"S ^ ^ over the surrection out of Reliques. But the soul Eye brows subsisting^, other matter clothed with due ^° ^^^ , ^' nose, and accidents, may salve the individuality : their sunk Yet the Saints we observe arose from ^^^^0^0 which makes up Onto. Parean Pocchiaie anella senza gem??ie che nel viso dc gll hiiomini Icgge huoino BaC hauria qtiiui conosciuto rcnimc. 56 HYDRIOTAPHIA, URNE-BURIALL. graves and monuments, about the holy City. Some think the ancient Patriarchs so earnestly desired to lay their bones in Canaan^ as hoping to make a part of that Resurrection, and though thirty miles from Mount Calvary, at least to lie in that Region, which should produce the first-fruits of the dead. And if ac- cording to learned conjecture, the bodies of men shall rise where their greatest Reliques remain, many are not like to erre in the Topography of their Resur- Tirin. in rection, though their bones or bodies be after translated by Angels into the field oi Ezechiels vision, or as some will order it, into the Valley of Judgement, or Jehosaphat}^ Ezek. CHAP. IV. Christians have handsomely glossed the deformity of death, by careful consi- deration of the body, and civil rites which take of brutall terminations. And though they conceived all reparable by a resur- rection, cast not off all care of enterrment. And since the ashes of Sacrifices burnt upon the Altar of God, were carefully carried out by the Priests, and deposed in a clean field ; since they acknowledged their bodies to be the lodging of Christ, and temples of the holy Ghost, they de- volved not all upon the sufficiency of soul existence ; and therefore with long services and full solemnities concluded their last Exequies, wherein^ to all dis- ^Rituak tinctions the Greek devotion seems most S%"r pathetically ceremonious. Gear in Christian invention hath chiefly driven ^f^^^^^^ at Rites, which speak hopes of another' life, and hints of a Resurrection. And 58 HYDRIOTAPHIA, b Siniilis revivi- sceiidi proTiiissa Democrito vanitas, qui non revixit ipse. Qua, inaliiiu, ista de- mentia est ; iterari z'i- tam inorte. Plin. 1. 7. c. 55- , ^ Kai Tciya dlK ya'iriQ tXTciCoiiO' ic (paoQ kk- flelv Xeixp- av ttTTOl- <^ a'cin- ceps. ^ Cedit enim retro de terrd qiiodfuit ante In terrain^ &c. Lucret. e Plato in Phced. if the ancient Gentiles held not the im- mortality of their better part, and some subsistence after death ; in severall rites, customes, actions and expressions, they contradicted their own opinions : wherein Democrittis went high, even to the thought of a resurrection ^ as scoffingly recorded by Pliny. What can be more expresse than the expression of PJiocy Hides ""? Or who would expect from Lucretius'^ a sentence of Ecclesiastes} Before Plato could speak, the soul had wings in Homer, which fell not, but flew out of the body into the mansions of the dead ; who also observed that handsome distinction of Demas and Soma, for the body conjoyned to the soul and body separated from it. Lucia7t spoke much truth in jest, when he said, that part of Hercules which pro- ceeded from AlcJimena perished, that from Jupiter remained immortall. Thus * Socrates was content that his friends should bury his body, so they would not think they buried Socrates, and re- garding only his immortall part, was in- different to be burnt or buried. From such Considerations Diogenes might con- temn Sepulture. And being satisfied that the soul could not perish, grow URNE-BURIALL. 59 carelesse of corporall enterrment. The Stoicks who thought the souls of wise men had their habitation about the moon, might make sHght account of subterra- neous deposition ; whereas the Pythago- rians and transcorporating Philosophers, who were to be often buried, held great care of their enterrment. And the Pla- tonicks rejected not a due care of the grave, though they put their ashes to un- reasonable expectations, in their tedious term of return and long set revolution. Men have lost their reason in nothing so much as their religion, wherein stones and clouts make Martyrs ; and since the religion of one seems madnesse unto an- other, to afford an account or rationall of old Rites, requires no rigid Reader ; That they kindled the pyre aversly, or turning their face from it, was an handsome Symbole of unwilling mini- stration ; That they washed their bones with wine and milk, that the mother wrapt them in Linnen, and dryed them in her bosome, the first fostering part, and place of their nourishment ; That they opened their eyes towards heaven, before they kindled the fire, as the place of their hopes or originall, were no im- G 6o HYDRIOTAPHIA, ' Ka/t', vale, nos ie or di- ne quo vatura permittet sequemur. proper Ceremonies. Their last valedic- tion ^ thrice uttered by the attendants was also very solemn, and somewhat answered by Christians, who thought it too little, if they threw not the earth thrice upon the enterred body. That in strew- ing their Tombs the Romans affected the Rose, the Greeks Ainaranthus and myrtle ; that the Funerall pyre consisted of sweet fuell, Cypresse, Firre, Larix, Yewe, and Trees perpetually verdant, lay silent expressions of their surviving hopes : Wherein Christians which deck their Coffins with Bays have found a more elegant Embleme. For that he seeming dead, will restore it self from the root, and its dry and exuccous leaves resume their verdure again ; which if we mistake not, we have also observed in fures. Whether the planting of yewe in Churchyards, hold not its originall from ' ancient Funerall rites, or as an Embleme of Resurrection from its perpetual ver- dure, may also admit conjecture. They made use of Musick to excite or quiet the affections of their friends, ac- cording to different harmonies. But the secret and symbolicall hint was the har- monicall nature of the soul ; which de- URNE-BURIALL. 6 1 livered from the body, went again to enjoy the primitive harmony of heaven, from whence it first descended ; which according to its progresse traced by antiquity, came down by Cancer^ and ascended by Capricornus. They burnt not children before their teeth appeared,^^ as apprehending their bodies too tender a morsell for fire, and that their gristly bones would scarce leave separable reliques after the pyrail combustion. That they kindled not fire in their houses for some dayes after, was a strict memoriall of the late afflictinp; fire. And mourning without hope, they had an happy fraud against excessive lamentation, by a common opinion that deep sorrows disturbed their ghosts ^ ^Tn manes That they buried their dead on their backs, or in a supine position, seem.s agreeable unto profound sleep, and com- mon posture of dying ; contrary to the most naturall way of birth ; Nor unlike our pendulous posture, in the doubtfull state of the womb. Diogenes was sin- gular, who preferred a prone situation in the grave, and some Christians ^ like "o Russians, neither, who decline the figure of rest, '^^"^' and make choice of an erect posture. ne Uede meos. 62 HYDRIOTAPHIA, That they carried them out of the world with their feet forward, not in- consonant unto reason : As contrary unto the native posture of man, and his production first into it. And also agree- able unto their opinions, while they bid adieu unto the world, not to look again upon it ; whereas Mahometans who think to return to a delightfull life again, are carried forth with their heads forward, and looking toward their houses. They closed their eyes as parts which first die or first discover the sad effects of death. But their iterated clamations to excitate their dying or dead friends, or revoke them unto life again, was a vanity of affection ; as not presumably ignorant of the criticall tests of death, by apposition of feathers, glasses, and reflexion of figures, which dead eyes re- present not ; which however not strictly verifiable in fresh and warm cadavers^ could hardly elude the test, in corps of four or five dayes : at least by some difference from living eyes. That they suck'd in the last breath of their expiring friends, was surely a prac- tice of no medicall institution, but a loose opinion that the soul passed out that URNE-BURIALL. 6^^ way, and a fondnesse of affection from some * Pythagoricall foundation, that the * Francesco spirit of one body passed into another ; ^^^^^^''f which they wished might be their own. mbn. That they powred oyle upon the pyre, was a tolerable practise, while the inten- tion rested in facilitating the accension ; But to place good Omens in the quick and speedy burning, to sacrifice unto the windes for a dispatch in this office, was a low form of superstition. The Archimime or Jester attending the Funerall train, and imitating the speeches, gesture, and manners of the deceased, was too light for such solem- nities, contradicting their Funerall Ora- tions, and dolefuU rites of the grave. That they buried a peece of money with them as a Fee of the Elysian Ferriman, was a practise full of folly. But the an- cient custome of placing coynes in consi- derable Urnes, and the present practise of burying medals in the Noble Foundations o{ Europe, diYQ laudable wayes of historical! discoveries, in actions, persons, Chrono- logies ; and posterity will applaud them. We examine not the old Laws of Sepulture, exempting certain persons from buriall or burning. But hereby we 64 HYDRIOTArHIA, apprehend that these were not the bones of persons Planet-struck or burnt with fire from Heaven : No Rehques of Traitors to their Countrey, Self-killers, or Sacrilegious Malefactors ; Persons in old apprehension unworthy of the eai^th ; condemned unto the Tartards of Hell, and bottomlesse pit of Plato, from whence there was no redemption. Nor were only many customes ques- tionable in order to their Obsequies, but also sundry practises, fictions, and con- ceptions, discordant or obscure, of their state and future beings ; whether unto eight or ten bodies of men to adde one of a woman, as being more inflammable, and unctuously constituted for the better pyrall combustion, were any rationall practise : Or whether the complaint of Perianders Wife be tolerable, that want- ing her Funerall burning she suffered intolerable cold in Hell, according to the constitution of the infernall house of Plato, wherein cold makes a great part of their tortures ; it cannot passe without some question. Why the Female Ghosts appear unto Ulysses, before the Heroes and masculine spirits ? Why the Psyche or soul of Tire- URNE-BURIALL. 65 sias is of the masculine gender*; who *\r\ Homer being bhnde on earth sees more then all J^jf^lj^^, the rest in hell ; Why the Funerall rfiptaUii^ Suppers consisted of Egges, Beans, ^^^'^^J^^*^^' Smallage, and Lettuce, since the dead are made to eat AspJwdels ° about the » In Elyzian medows? Why since there is ^^^''^'^* no Sacrifice acceptable, nor any propitia- tion for the Covenant of the grave ; men set up the Deity of Morta, and fruitlesly adored Divinities without ears ? it cannot escape some doubt. The dead seem all alive in the humane Hades of Homer, yet cannot well speak, prophesie, or know the living, except they drink bloud, wherein is the life of man. And therefore the souls of Pene- lope's Paramours conducted by Mercuiy chirped like bats, and those which fol- lowed Hercules made a noise but like a flock of birds. The departed spirits know things past and to come,yetare ignorantof things pre- sent. Agamemnon foretels what should happen unto Ulysses, yet ignorantly en- quires what is become of his own Son. The Ghosts are afraid of swords in Homer, yet Sybilla tels ^neas in Virgil, the thin habit of spirits was beyond the 66 HYDRIOTAPHIA, force of weapons. The spirits put off their malice with their bodies, and Ccesar and Pompey accord in Latine Hell, yet Ajax in Homer endures not a conference with Ulysses : And Deiphobus appears all mangled in Virgils Ghosts, yet we meet with perfect shadows among the wounded ghosts of Homer. Since Charon in Lucian applauds his condition among the dead, whether it be handsomely said of Achilles^ that living contemner of death, that he had rather be a Plowmans servant then Em- perour of the dead ? How Hercules his soul is in hell, and yet in heaven, and Julius his soul in a Starre, yet seen by ^neas in hell, except the Ghosts were but Images and shadows of the soul, received in higher mansions, according to the ancient division of body, soul, and image or siinulacJnnim of them both. The particulars of future beings must needs be dark unto ancient Theories, which Christian Philosophy yet deter- mines but in a Cloud of opinions. A ' Dialogue between two Infants in the womb concerning the state of this world, might handsomely illustrate our ignorance of the next, whereof methinks we yet dis- URNE-BURIALL. 6^ course in Platoes denne, and are but Embryon Philosophers. Pythag07'as escapes in the fabulous hell of Dante ^, among that swarm of Philo- ^ -^^/ ?«- sophers, wherein whilest we meet with caTt^. P/ato and Socrates, Cato is to be found in no lower place then Purgatory. Among all the set, Epicunis is most considerable, whom men make honest without an Elysium, who contemned life without en- couragement of immortality, and making nothing after death, yet made nothing of the King of terrours. Were the happinesse of the next world as closely apprehended as the felicities of this, it were a martyrdome to live ; and unto such as consider none here- after, it must be more then death to dye, which makes us amazed at those audaci- ties, that durst be nothing, and return into their Chaos again. Certainly such spirits as could contemn death, when they ex- pected no better being after, would have scorned to live had they known any. And therefore we applaud not the judg- ment of Machiavel, that Christianity makes men cowards, or that with the confidence of but half dying, the despised virtues of patience and humility, have 68 HYDRIOTAPHIA, abased the spirits of men, which Pagan principles exalted, but rather regulated the wildenesse of audacities, in the at- tempts, grounds, and eternall sequels of death ; wherein men of the boldest spirits are often prodigiously temerarious. Nor can we extenuate the valour of ancient Martyrs, who contemned death in the uncomfortable scene of their lives, and in their decrepit Martyrdomes did probably lose not many moneths of their dayes, or parted with life when it was scarce worth the living. For (beside that long time past holds no consideration unto a slender time to come) they had no small disadvantage from the constitution of old age, which naturally makes men fearfull ; complexionally superannuated from the bold and couragious thoughts of youth and fervent years. But the contempt of death from corporall ani- mosity, promoteth not our felicity. They may set in the Orchestra, and noblest Seats of Heaven, who have held up shaking hands in the fire, and humanely contended for glory. Mean while Epicurus lyes deep in Dante s hell, wherein we meet with Tombs enclosing souls which denied their im- URNE-BURIALL. 69 mortalities. But whether the virtuous heathen, who lived better then he spake, or erring in the principles of himself, yet lived above Philosophers of more spe- cious Maximes, lye so deep as he is placed ; at least so low as not to rise against Christians, who beleeving or knowing that truth, have lastingly denied it in their practise and conversation, were a qusery too sad to insist on. But all or most apprehensions rested in Opinions of some future being, which ignorantly or coldly beleeved, begat those perverted conceptions. Ceremonies, Say- ings, which Christians pity or laugh at. Happy are they, which live not in that disadvantage of time, when men could say little for futurity, but from reason. Whereby the noblest mindes fell often upon doubtfuU deaths, and melancholly Dissolutions ; With these hopes Socrates warmed his doubtfull spirits, against that cold potion, and Cato before he durst give the fatall stroak spent part of the night in reading the immortality of Plato^ thereby confirming his wavering hand unto the animosity of that attempt. It is the heaviest stone that melan- choly can throw at a man, to tell him he 70 IIYDRIOTAPHIA, URNE-BURIALL. « is at the end of his nature ; or that there is no further state to come, unto which this seemes progressionall, and otherwise made in vaine ; Without this accom- ph'shment the naturall expectation and desire of such a state, were but a fallacy in nature, unsatisfied Considerators ; would quarrell the justice of their con- stitutions, and rest content that Adam had fallen lower, whereby by knowing no other Originall, and deeper ignorance of themselves, they might have enjoyed the happinesse of inferiour Creatures ; who in tranquility possesse their Consti- tutions, as having not the apprehension to deplore their own natures. And being framed below the circumference of these hopes, or cognition of better being, the wisedom of God hath necessitated their Contentment : But the superiour ingre- dient and obscured part of our selves, whereto all present felicities afford no resting contentment, will be able at last to tell us we are more then our present selves ; and evacuate such hopes in the fruition of their own accomplishments. CHAP. V, Now since these dead bones have already out-lasted the living ones of Methuselah^ and in a yard under ground, and thin walls of clay, out-worn all the strong and specious buildings above it ; and quietly rested under the drums and tramplings • of three conquests ; What Prince can promise such diuturnity unto his Reliques, or might not gladly say, * Sic ego componi versus in ossa veliin. * Tibtdlns. Time which antiquates Antiquities, and hath an art to make dust of all things, ""c^afdata hath yet spared these 7m'nor Monuments, cum In vain we hope to be known by open ^Lf/^^i^ and visible conservatories, when to be Phethonis. unknown was the means of their con- '\, ^^^^' Tiov criofia tinuation and obscurity their protection : ^pvxai Ka- li they dyed by violent hands, and were yi^lZ,us thrust into their Urnes, these bones relinquen- become considerable, and some old Phi- J^^^v'^^ losophers would honour* them, whose purissima. 72 HYDRIOTAPHIA, bin the Psalme of Moses. '^Accord- ing to the ancient Arith- metick of the hand wherein the little finger of the right hand con- tracted, signified an hundred. Pieriiis in Hiero- glyph. souls they conceived most pure, which were thus snatched from their bodies ; and to retain a stronger propension unto them : whereas they weariedly left a languishing corps, and with faint desires of re-union. If they fell by long and aged decay, yet wrapt up in the bundle of time, they fall into indistinction, and make but one blot with Infants. If we begin to die when we live, and long life be but a prolongation of death ; our life is a sad composition ; We live with death, and die not in a moment. How many pulses made up the life of MetJiu- j^/<2//, were work for Archimedes'. Com- mon Counters summe up the life oi Moses his man^ Our dayes become consi- derable like petty sums by minute accu- mulations ; where numerous fractions make up but small round numbers ; and our dayes of a span long make not one little finger ^ If the nearnesse of our last necessity, brought a nearer conformity unto it, there were a happinesse in hoary hairs, and no calamity in half senses. But the long habit of living indisposeth us for dying ; When Avarice makes us the sport of death ; When even David grew URNE-BURIALL. 73 politlckly cruell ; and Solomon could hardly be said to be the wisest of men. But many are too early old, and before the date of age. Adversity stretcheth our dayes, misery makes * Alcrnenas * One nights, and time hath no wins^s unto it. f^^^^ ^^ ^ ' ^ long as But the most tedious being is that which three. can unwish it self, content to be nothing, or never to have been, which was beyond the 7?^«/(^-content of /od, who cursed not the day of his life, but his Nativity : Content to have so farre been, as to have a Title to future being ; Although he had lived here but in an hidden state of life, and as it were an abortion. What Song the Syrens sang, or what The puz- name Achilles assumed when he hid Jions^o^^' himself among women, though puzling Tiberius Questions are not beyond all conjecture. ^Gramma- What time the persons of these Ossuaries rians. entred the famous Nations of the dead, Dotiatus and slept with Princes and Counsellours, ^^ *^"f^; might admit a wide solution. But who vmviKpSiv. were the proprietaries of these bones, or Horn, Job. what bodies these ashes made up, were a question above Antiquarism. Not to be resolved by man, nor easily perhaps by spirits, except we consult the Provin- ciall Guardians, or tutellary Observators. 74 HYDRIOTAPHIA, Had they made as good provision for their names, as they have done for their Reliques, they had not so grosly erred in the art of perpetuation. But to sub- sist in bones, and be but Pyramidally extant, is a fallacy in duration. Vain ashes, which in the oblivion of names, persons, times, and sexes, have found unto themselves, a fruitlesse continuation, and only arise unto late posterity, as Emblemes of mortall vanities ; Anti- dotes against pride, vain-glory, and mad- ding vices. Pagan vain-glories which thought the world might last for ever, had encouragement for ambition, and finding no Atropos unto the immortality of their Names, were never dampt with the necessity of oblivion. Even old ambitions had the advantage of ours, in the attempts of their vain-glories, who acting early, and before the probable Meridian of time, have by this time found great accomplishment of their designes, whereby the ancient Heroes have already out-lasted their Monuments, and Mechani- call preservations. But in this latter Scene ^That the - .^ , 4. u T\/r world may of time we cannot expect such Mummies last but six unto our memories, when ambition may years.^" fear the Prophecy of Elias ^, and Charles URNE-BURIALL. 75 the fifth can never hope to live within two Methuselds of Hector K f Hectors And therefore restlesse inquietude for f^'^^elast- ^ ing above the diuturnity of our memories unto pre- two lives sent considerations, seems a vanity almost ^^/^f^^e" out. of date, and superannuated peece of fore that folly. We cannot hope to live so long prTiJ'ce'wos in our names, as some have done in their extant, persons, one face of Janus holds no pro- portion unto the other. 'Tis too late to be ambitious. The great mutations of the world are acted, or time may be too short for our designes. To extend our memories by Monuments, whose death we dayly pray for, and whose duration we cannot hope, without injury to our expectations, in the advent of the last day, were a contradiction to our beliefs. We whose generations are ordained in this setting part of time, are providentially taken off from such imaginations. And being necessitated to eye the remaining particle of futurity, are naturally consti- tuted unto thoughts of the next world, and cannot excusably decline the consi- deration of that duration, which maketh Pyramids pillars of snow, and all that's past a moment. Circles and right lines limit and close H 76 HYDRIOTAPHIA, g e The character of death. ^ Old ones being taken up, and other bodies laid under them. ^ Gruteri Inscrip- tiones An- tiqjice. ^ Cuperem notum esse quod sh?i, non opto ut sciatur qualis sirn. Card, in vita pro- pria. all bodies, and the mortall right-lined circle^, must conclude and shut up all. There is no antidote against the Opium of time, which temporally considereth all things ; Our Fathers finde their graves in our short memories, and sadly tell us how we may be buried in our Sur- vivors. Grave-stones tell truth scarce fourty years ^ : Generations passe while some trees stand, and old Families last not three Oaks. To be read by bare Inscriptions like many in Gruter\ to hope for Eternity by ^nigmaticall Epi- thetes, or first letters of our names, to be studied by Antiquaries, who we were, and have new Names given us like many of the Mummies, which men show in several countries, giving them what names they please : and unto some the names of the old Egyptian Kings out oi Herodotus, are cold consolations unto the Students of per- petuity, even by everlasting Languages. To be content that times to come should only know there was such a man, not caring whether they knew more of him, was a frigid ambition in Cardan ^ : disparaging his horoscopal inclination and judgement of himself, who cares to subsist like Hippocrates Patients, or URNE-BURIALL. yj Achilles horses in Homer, under naked nominations, without deserts and noble acts, which are the balsame of our me- mories, the Entelechia and soul of our subsistences. To be namelesse in worthy- deeds exceeds an infamous history. The Canaanitish woman lives more happily without a name, then Herodias with one. And who had not rather have been the good theef, then Pilate ? But the iniquity of oblivion blindely scattereth her poppy, and deals with the memory of men without distinction to merit of perpetuity. Who can but pity the founder of the Pyramids ? Hero- stratus lives that burnt the Temple of Diana, he is almost lost that built it ; Time hath spared the Epitaph oi Adrians horse, confounded that of himself In vain we compute our felicities by the advantage of our good names, since bad have equall durations ; and Thersites is like to live as long as Agamemnon : Who knows whether the best of men be known ? or whether there be not more remark- able persons forgot, then any that stand remembred in the known account of time, without the favour of the ever- lasting Register? the first man had 78 HYDRIOTAPHIA, been as unknown as the last, and Methuselahs long life had been his only- Chronicle. Oblivion is not to be hired : The greater part must be content to be as though they had not been, to be found in the Register of God, not in the record of man. Twenty seven Names make up the first story before the flood, and the recorded names ever since contain not one living Century. The number of the dead long exceedeth all that shall live. The night of time far surpasseth the day, and who knows when was the Equinox ? Euery houre addes unto that current Arithmetique, which scarce stands one moment. And since death must be the Liicina of life, and even Pagans could * Emi- doubt * whether thus to live, were to dye. ^"'''•^* Since our longest Sunne sets at right descensions, and makes but winter arches, o Accord- ^^^ therefore it cannot be long before we ing to the lie down in darknesse, and have our light ?hf jewef i" ^shes \ Since the brother of death who place daily haunts us with dying vienientd'Sy walcandle ^"^ ^^"^^ ^^^^ grows old it Self, bids us in a pot of hope no long duration : Diuturnity is a the^corps. ^^^^"^ ^md folly of expectation. Leo. Darknesse and light divide the course URNE-BURIALL. 79 of time, and oblivion shares with memory, a great part even of our Hving beings ; we sHghtly remember our felicities, and the smartest stroaks of affliction leave but short smart upon us. Sense endureth no extremities, and sorrows destroy us or themselves. To weep into stones are fables. Afflictions induce callosities, miseries are slippery, or fall like snow upon us, which notwithstanding is no unhappy stupidity. To be ignorant of evils to come, and forgetfull of evils past, is a mercifuU provision in nature, where- by we digest the mixture of our few and evil dayes, and our delivered senses not relapsing into cutting remembrances, our sorrows are not kept raw by the edge of repetitions. A great part of Antiquity contented their hopes of subsistency with a transmigration of their souls. A good way to continue their memories, while having the advantage of plurall succes- sions, they could not but act something remarkable in such variety of beings, and enjoying the fame of their passed selves, make accumulation of glory unto their last durations. Others rather then be lost in the uncomfortable night of nothing, were content to recede into the common 8o HYDRIOTAPHIA, being, and make one particle of the publick soul of all things, which was no more then to return into their unknown and divine Originall again. Egyptian ingenuity was more unsatisfied, contriv- ing their bodies in sweet consistences, to attend the return of their souls. But all * Omnia was vanity, feeding * the winde, and vamtas ^ f^jiy^ jj^^ ^Egyptian Mummies, which ventiyvofiy) Caifibyses or time hath spared, avarice Vy^^'^^' J^ow consumeth. Mummie is become olim Aqui- Merchandise, Mizraiin cures wounds, marhur'^' ^^^ Pharaoh is sold for balsoms. V. Drus. In vain do individuals hope for Im- mortality, or any patent from oblivion, in preservations below the Moon : Men have been deceived even in their flatteries above the Sun, and studied conceits to perpetuate their names in heaven. The various Cosmography of that part hath already varied the names of contrived constellations ; Ninirod is lost in Orion, and Osyris in the Dogge-starre. While we look for incorruption in the heavens, we finde they are but like the Earth ; Durable in their main bodies, alterable in their parts : whereof beside Comets and new Stars, perspectives begin to tell tales. And the spots that wander about URNE-BURIALL. 8 1 the Sun, with Phaetons favour, would make clear conviction. There is nothing strictly immortall, but immortality ; whatever hath no be- ginning may be confident of no end. All others have a dependent being, and w^ithin the reach of destruction, which is the peculiar of that necessary essence that cannot destroy it self; And the highest strain of omnipotency to be so powerfully constituted, as not to suffer even from the power of it self But the sufficiency of Christian Immortality frus- trates all earthly glory, and the quality of either state after death, makes a folly of posthumous memory. God who can only destroy our souls, and hath assured our resurrection, either of our bodies or names hath directly promised no dura- tion. Wherein there is so much of chance that the boldest Expectants have found unhappy frustration ; and to hold long subsistence, seems but a scape in oblivion. But man is a Noble Animal, splendid in ashes, and pompous in the grave, solemnizing Nativities and Deaths with equall lustre, nor omitting Cere- monies of bravery, in the infamy of his nature. 82 HYDRIOTAPHIA, Life is a pure flame, and we live by an invisible Sun within us. A small fire sufficeth for life, great flames seemed too little after death, while men vainly affected precious pyres, and to burn like Sardanapalus, but the wisedom of fune- rall Laws found the folly of prodigall blazes, and reduced undoing fires, unto * Accord- ^^ ^^^ ^^ sober obsequies, wherein few ing to the could be SO mean as not to provide wood, i^«/kfand pi^ch, a mourner, and an Urne*. Beronicam Five Languages secured not the Epi- Necex^Eo- taph of Gordia7tus^ \'^° The man of God rum bonis Hves longer without a Tomb then any plusinven- , ...,,. ^ 11 \ ^ turn est t)y one, mvisibly mterred by Angels, quamQuod and adjudged to obscurity, though not sufRceretad • , 1 . 1 1 • , • 1 emendam Without some marks directmg humane pyram Et discovery. Enoch and Elias without pice77t qui- , - , 1 • 11 • 1 bus corpora either tomb or buriall, in an anomalous cremaren- state of being- are the great Examples tiir Et ^ prifica of perpetuity, in their long and living (onducta memory, in strict account being still on empta. this side death, and having a late part a In Greek, y^^ ^^ ^^^ upon this Stage of earth. If Hebrew, in the decretory term of the world wfe ArfbFckr' ^^^^^ "°^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^ changed, accord- defaced by ing to received translation ; the last day the^Em- ^^^^ make but few graves ; at least quick perour. Resurrections will anticipate lasting Se- URNE-BURIALL. 83 pultures ; Some Graves will be opened before they be quite closed, and Lazarus be no wonder. When many that feared to dye shall groane that they can dye but once, the dismall state is the second and living death, when life puts despair on the damned ; when men shall wish the coverings of Mountaines, not of . Monuments, and annihilation shall be courted. While some have studied Monuments, others have studiously declined them : and some have been so vainly boisterous, that they durst not acknowledge their Graves; wherein ^ Alaricus seems most ^Jomandes subtle, who had a River turned to hide Geticis. his bones at the bottome. Even Sylla that thought himself safe in his Urne, could not prevent revenging tongues^ and stones thrown at his Monument. Happy are they whom privacy makes innocent, who deal so with men in this world, that they are not afraid to meet them in the next, who when they dye, make no commotion among the dead, and are not toucht with that poeticall taunt of Isaiah ^ '^ Isa. 14. Pyramids, Arches, Obelisks, were but the irregularities of vain-glory, and wilde 84 HYDRIOTAPHIA, enormities of ancient magnanimity. But the most magnanimous resolution rests in the Christian Religion, which tram- pleth upon pride, and sets on the neck of ambition, humbly pursuing that infallible perpetuity, unto which all others must diminish their diameters, and be poorly d Angulus seen in Angles of contingency '^. J'^^^^fjf^'^' Pious spirits who passed their dayes least of in raptures of futurity, made little more Angles. q|- ^j^-g ^yQj-i^j^ \kiQr\ the world that was before it, while they lay obscure in the Chaos of pre-ordination, and night of their fore-beings. And if any have been so happy as truly to understand Christian annihilation, extasis, exolution, liquefac- tion, transformation, the kisse of the Spouse,^^ gustation of God, and ingres- sion into the divine shadow, they have already had an handsome anticipation of heaven ; the glory of the world is surely over, and the earth in ashes unto them. To subsist in lasting Monuments, to live in their productions, to exist in their names, and praedicament of Chymera's, was large satisfaction unto old expecta- tions, and made one part of their Ely- ziums. But all this is nothing in the Metaphysicks of true belief To live URNE-BURIALL. 85 indeed is to be again our selves, which being not only an hope but an evidence in noble beleevers ; 'Tis all one to lye in S* Innocents * " Church-yard, as in the Sands of ^gypt: Ready to be any thing, in the extasie of being ever, and as content with six foot as the Moles of Adrianus^. Lucan Tabesne cadaver a solvat An rogus hand refert,- ® In Paris where bodies soon con- sume. ^ A stately Mauso- leum or se- pulchral pyle built by Adria- 11 us in Rovie, where now standeth the Castle of S*' An- gela. Tlcxir Irt '^^oftploTh af\^: Jt>'dMS %yura/riO Jo ,CRACUNA i^.^^vhich might imply Cracuna figuli^ or the Name of the Manufactor, for Inscriptions com- monly signified the Name of the Person interr'd, the Names of Servants Official to such Provisions, or the Name of the Artificer, or Manufactor of such Vessels ; all which are particularly exemplified by the Learned Licetus^^ where the same Inscription is often found, it is probably, of the Artificer, or where the Name also is in the Genitive Case, as he also observeth. Out of one was brought unto me a Silver Denarius^ with the Head of Diva Faustina on the Obverse side, on the * Vid. Licet, de Lucernis. 94 URNES FOUND IN Reverse the Figures of the Emperor and Empress joining their Right Hands, with this Inscription, Concordia ; the same is to be seen in Augustmo ; I also received from some Men and Women then present Coins of Post/minus, and Tetricus, Two of the Thirty Tyrants in the Reign of Gallzenus, which being of much later Date, begat an Inference, that Urne- Burial lasted longer, at least in this Country, than is commonly supposed. Good Authors conceive, that this Custom ended with the Reigns of the Antonmi, whereof the last was Antoninus Helioga- balus ; yet these Coins extend about Fourscore Years lower ; and since the Head of Tetricus is made with a radiated Crown, it must be conceived to have been made after his Death, and not before his Consecration, which as the Learned Tristan Conjectures, was most probably in the Reign of the Emperor Tacitus^ and the Coin not made, or at least not issued Abroad, before the Time of the Emperor Probus, for Tacitus Reigned but Six Months and an Half, his Brother Florianus but Two Months, unto whom Probus succeeding, Reigned Five Years. BRAMPTON-FIELD. 95 There were also found some pieces of Glass, and finer Vessels, which might con- tain such Liquors as they often Buried in, or by, the Urnes ; divers Pieces of Brass, of several Figures ; and in one Urne was found a Nail Two Inches long, whither to declare the Trade or Occupa- tion of the Person, is uncertain. But upon the Monuments of SinitJis in Gruter^ we meet with the Figures of Hajnmers^ Pincers, and the like ; and we find the Figure of a Coblers Awl on the Tomb of one of that Trade, which was in the Custody oi Berini, as Argulus hath set it down in his Notes upon Onuphrius, Of the Antiquities ^/Verona. Now, though U^'nes have been often discovered in former Ages, many think it strange there should be many still found, yet assuredly there may be great Numbers still concealed. For tho' we should not reckon upon any Vv^ho were thus buried before the Time of the Romans, [altho' that the Druids were thus buried, it may be probable, and we read of the Urne of CJiindonactes, a Druid, found near Dijon in Burgundy, largely discoursed of by Licetus,'] and tho', I say, we take not in any Infant which was Minor igne rogi, 96 URNES FOUND IN before Seven Months, or Appearance of Teeth, nor should account this Practice of burning among the Britains higher than Vespasian, when it is said by Tacitus, that they conformed unto the Manners and Customs of the Romans, and so both Nations might have one Way of Burial ; yet from his Days, to the Dates of these Urnes, were about Two Hundred Years. And therefore it we fall so low, as to conceive there were buried in this Nation but Twenty Thousand Persons, the Account of the buried Persons would amount unto Four Millions, and conse- quently so great a Number of Urnes dis- persed through the Land, as may still satisfy the Curiosity of succeeding Times, and arise unto all Ages. The Bodies, whose Reliques these Urnes contained, seemed thoroughly burned ; for beside pieces of Teeth, there were found few Fragments of Bones, but rather Ashes in hard Lumps, and pieces of Coals, which were often so fresh, that one sufficed to make a good Draught of its Urne, which still remaineth with me. Some Persons digging at a little Dis- tance from the Urne Places, in hopes to find something of Value, after they had I BRAMPTON-FIELD. 97 digged about Three Quarters of a Yard deep, fell upon an Observable Piece of Work,^* whose Description this Figure affordeth. The Work was Square, about Two Yards and a Quarter on each Side. The Wall, or outward Part, a Foot thick, in Colour Red, and looked like Brick ; but it was solid, without any Mortar or Cement, or figur'd Brick in it, but of an whole Piece, so that it seemed to be Framed and Burnt in the same Place where it was found. In this kind of Brick-work were Thirty-two Holes, of about Two Inches and an Half Diameter, and Two above a Quarter of a Circle in the East and West Sides. Upon Two of these Holes, on the East Side, were placed Two Pots, with their Mouths downward ; putting in their Arms they found the Work hollow below, and the Earth being clear'd off, much Water was found below them, to the Quantity of a Barrel, which was conceived to have been the Rain-water which soaked in through the Earth above them. The upper Part of the Work being broke, and opened, they found a Floor about Two Foot below, and then digging onward. Three Floors successively under 98 URNES FOUND IN one another, at the Distance of a Foot and Half, the Stones being of a Slatty, not Bricky, Substance ; in these Partitions some Pots were found, but broke by the Workmen, being necessitated to use hard Blows for the breaking of the Stones ; and in the last Partition but one, a large Pot was found of a very narrow Mouth, short Ears, of the Capacity of Fourteen Pints, which lay in an enclining Posture, close by, and somewhat under a kind of Arch in the solid Wall, and by the great Care of my worthy Friend, Mr. William Mashani^ who employed the Workmen, was taken up whole, almost full of Water, clean, and without Smell, and insipid, which being poured out, there still re- mains in the Pot a great Lump of an heavy crusty Substance. What Work this was we must as yet reserve unto better Conjecture. Mean while we find in G niter that some Monuments of the Dead had divers Holes successively to let in the Ashes of their Relations, but Holes in such a great Number to that Intent, we have not anywhere met with. About Three Months after, my Noble and Honoured Friend, Sir Robert Paston^ had the Curiosity to open a Piece of BRAMPTON-FIELD. 99 Ground in his Park at Oxnead, which adjoined unto the former Field, where Fragments of Pots were found, and upon one the Figure of a well-made Face ; but probably this Ground had been opened and digged before, though out of the Memory of Man, for we found divers small Pieces of Pots, Sheeps Bones, some- times an Oj/ster-shel\ a Yard deep in the Earth, an unusual Coin of the Emperor Volusianus, having on the Obverse the Head of the Emperor, with a Radiated Crown, and this Inscription, Imp. Cces. C. Volusiano Aug. that is, Lnperatori Ca^sari Caio Vibio Volusiano Augusto. On the Reverse an Human Figure, with the Arms somewhat extended, and at the Right Foot an Altar, with the In- scription, Pietas, This Emperor was Son unto Cams Vibius Tribonianus Callus, with whom he jointly reigned after the Decii, about the Year 254 ; both he, himself, and his Father, were slain by the Emperor Aiinilianus. By the Radiated Crown this Piece should be Coined after his Death and Consecra- tion,^^ but in whose Time it is not clear in History. I ILLUSTRATIVE NOTES, ILLUSTRATIVE NOTES. " It cannot be denyed but he hath pass'd over many hard places untouch'd, that might deserve a Note ; that he hath made Annotations on some where no need was ; and in the explication of others hath gone besides the true sense."— The Annotator upon " Religio Medici" (Thomas Keck of the Temple) to the Reader. Page 3, n. i.— The Le Gros, Gross, or Groos family settled at Sloly, near Crostwick, so early as the reign of Stephen, and became possessed of the manor and hall of Crostwick in the 38th year of Henry VIII.— Wilkin. Page 4, n. 2. '' Imperial faces P—¥lx. Le Gros must doubtless have been a collector of Roman coins. Page i i,n. 3.— According to St. Jerome, Adam was buried at Hebron, but other traditions place the site of his sepulchre on Mount Calvary. " Hie hominem primum suscepimus esse sepultum Hie patitur Christus, pia sanguine terra madescit Pulvis Adae ut possit, veteris, cum sanguine Christi Commixtus, stillantis aquae virtute lavari." Tertullian, Carm. cofit. Marcion, ii. 4. See more in Bayle's Dictionary, s.v. Adam. I04 ILLUSTRATIVE NOTES. Page 13, n. 4. — This refers to the raven " who would salute and bid Good-morrow to Tiberius Csesar, and after him to Germanicus and Drusus, the young princes, both Caesars, every one by their names." The bird, having done this regu- larly for many years, was killed by a shoemaker, who in return was murdered by the people. " But contrariwise the carkasse of the dead Raven was solemnly enterred, and the funerals per- formed with all ceremoniall obsequies that could bee devised. For the corps of this bird was bestowed in a coffin, couch, or bed, and the same bedecked with chaplets and guirlands of fresh floures of all sorts, carried upon the shoulders of two blacke Mores, with minstrels before sound- ing the haut boies, and playing on the fife, as farre as to the funerall fire, which was piled and made in the right hand of the Causey Appia two miles without the cittie" (Pliny, "Nat. Hist.," X. c. 43). This took place in a.d. 35. Page 16, n. 5. — This calls to mind the "Yle that is clept Cafifolos. Men of that Contree, whan here Frendes ben seke, thei hangen hem upon Trees : and seyn, that it is bettre, that Briddes, that ben Angeles of God, eten hem, than the foule Wormes of the Erthe" (Maunde- ville's " Travels," ed. 1839, p. 194 ; see also p. 308). Page 16, n. 6. — "As the men and horses dispatched by fire for the service of the dead are but paper figures, so offerings of clothes and money may be represented likewise. The imi- tations of Spanish pillar-dollars in pasteboard covered with tin-foil, the sheets of tin-foil paper which stand for silver money, and, if coloured ILLUSTRATIVE NOTES. 10$ yellow, for gold, are consumed in such quantities that the sham becomes a serious reality, for the manufacture of mock-money is the trade of thousands of women and children in a Chinese city" (Tylor's "Primitive Culture," 1871, vol. i., p. 445). In ancient tombs in the Crimea pieces of *' ghost-money," or imitations of coins made in thin gold-foil, are often found. Page 20, n. 7. — With regard to this bird, " which after many hundred years burneth itself, and from the ashes thereof riseth up another," see " Vulgar Errors," book iii., chap. 12. Page 22, n. 8. — The objects described as having been found with the urns at Old Wal- singham are characteristic of Saxon interments. The small boxes may possibly have been cylin- drical thread-boxes of bronze, like those in Neville's " Saxon Obsequies," pi. xv., and the " handles of small brass instruments " were pro- bably either clasps, as in Neville, pi. xii., or fibulas. The " opale " may have been a glass or crystal bead. The urns themselves may be paralleled by some figured by Neville. It has been supposed that some of them are still pre- served in the British Museum, but I have not been able to trace their existence. Page 25, n. 9. — As I have observed in the Introduction, the coin here mentioned is hardly susceptible of identification, nor can it easily be imagined that any such inscription as Elle rHa elle should occur upon a coin. The only pieces that can with any show of proba- bility be assigned to Matilda are those which I attributed to her in 185 1 ("Num. Chron.," vol. I06 ILLUSTRATIVE NOTES. xiv., p. 66). They seem to bear the legend MATILDA IM.,or her title of IMPERATRIX only. Page 31, n. 10. — The reputed rubies were merely garnets, such as are so commonly inlaid in Merovingian and Saxon ornaments. The "many hundred Imperial coyns " must be re- duced to four, if Chifflet speaks truly. These were in silver, ranging from Hadrian (circ. A.D. 120) to Constantius II. (circ. A.D. 360), and all were perforated so as to serve as pendants. Page 31, n. 11. — In Sir Thomas Browne's "Museum Clausum, or Bibliotheca Abscondita " ("Certain Miscellany Tracts," London, 1684), under the heading of " Rare and generally un- known Books," appears " The Letter of Quintiis Cicero^ which he wrote in answer to that of his Brother Marcus Tulliiis^ desiring of him an account of Britany^ wherein are described the Country State and Manners of the Bri tains of that Age." Page 39, n. 12. — It is hardly possible for this " Vinosity " to have remained unchanged through centuries ; but in a Roman sepulchral urn that I exhumed from a barrow at Youngsbury near Ware, were lumps of a manna-like substance. On being burnt these proved to consist of in- cense, and I have thus smelt the sweet savour of the funeral offerings of probably not less than 1600 years ago (" Archasologia," lii., 294). Page 39, n. 13. — There does not appear to be any definite statement to this effect in Plato. In his " Republic," book viii., he maintains that the forms of government, five in number, succeed ILLUSTRATIVE NOTES. 10/ each other in a definite order, and at the end of the cycle recommence. In book x. (6i 5) he fixes the duration of human Hfe at a hundred years, and inasmuch as throughout the " Repubhc " he insists on the analogy of the State with the in- dividual, his interpreters seem to have assumed the duration of the cycle to be five hundred years. Page 52, n. 14. — St. Chrysostom more than once reports that Constantine was buried in the atrium of a church ; but that burials took place in English churches before the days of Cuthred, A.D. 796-805, appears from a rule as to consecra- tion of altars laid down by Archbishop Theodore of Canterbury, A.D. 668-692 (see Prof. Cheetham in Smith's " Dictionary of Christian Antiquities,'' s.v. Churchyard). Page 52, n. 1 5.— Instead of" knav'd," Wilkin's and some other editions read " gnawed." " Knav'd " seems to me the preferable reading. Can Browne have been thinking of the grave- scene in " Hamlet," " This skull had a tongue in it," " How the knave jowls it to the ground " ? Page 53, n. 16. — Here, as in some other cases. Sir Thomas Browne was in advance of his time. The substance like Castile soap into which the muscles and albumenoid portions of the body are converted under certain circumstances is now well known under the name of " adipocere," or " adipocire," a name which appears to have been given to it in 1787 by MM. Fourcroy and Thouret, who are commonly regarded as the first discoverers of this peculiar chemical com- pound. Their discovery originated in the old burial-ground of the Innocents at Paris being K I08 ILLUSTRATIVE NOTES. laid out for building purposes, when the fosses coinmwies^ each containing from 1200 to 1500 bodies, were laid bare. Page 54, n. 17. — A note of the author, which, however, does not appear in the first edition of the " Hydriotaphia," explains that the Cariola is that part in the skeleton of a horse which is made by the haunch-bones. The term seems to be Italian. In Florio's " Italian and English Dictionary," 1659, Cariolaor Carriola is defined to mean "a trundle-bed . . . also the root or rumpe of a horse's taile." Cotgrave, in his " French Dictionary," gives Cariol and Cariole as "the root of a horse's tayle, or the bone thereof ; the rumpe bone." Page 56, n. 18. — The valley between Jeru- salem and the Mount of Olives is supposed to have received the name of Jehoshaphat from the King of Judah of that name. There is, however, no evidence that the valley which was known as that of Kedron obtained this designation before the fourth century of the Christian era. Page 61, n. 19. — "Hominempriusquam genito dente cremari mos gentium non est " (Plin., "Hist. Nat.," vii., 16). ' ' terr4 clauditur infans Et minor igne rogi " (Juv., Sat., xv., 14b), Page 82, n. 20. — This is the epitaph of Gordian III,, recorded by Julius Capitohnus as having been placed on his tomb by the soldiery of Philip, and as having been destroyed by Licinius. Page 84, n. 21. — In connexion with this, Mr. Edward Marshall, in " Notes and Queries," August 13th, 1892, p. 123, calls attention to a ILLUSTRATIVE NOTES. IO9 passage in Jeremy Taylor, who writes with regard to the death of Bassus Aufidius, " And therefore his last scene was not so laborious, but God called him away something after the manner of Moses, which the Jews express by * oscuhmi oris Dei,' ' the kiss of God's mouth,' that is, a death indeed foresignified, but gentle and serene, and without temptation." Mr. Marshall also cites some other passages relating to the death of Moses by the kisses of the Lord's mouth. Page 85, n. 22.— See Evelyn's "Diary," 1st April, 1644, "Here I took a turn in St. Innocents' Churchyard, where the story of the devouring quahty of the ground (consuming bodies in twenty-four hours), the vast chamels of bones, tombs, pyramids and sepulchres took up much of my time." Page 93, n. 23. — Red-glazed ware, commonly called " Samian," has been found in London bearing the mark, CRACVNA. F. (Smith's "Collectanea Antiqua," vol. i., p. 151). The F probably stands for FECIT. Page 97, n. 24. — It is hard to understand what this " Observable Piece of Work " may have been. Possibly the remains of a hypo- caust were found, and the holes in the wall of burnt clay may have been flues for heated air. Page 99, n. 25. — The author was in error in supposing that the radiate crown was always significant of a coin with the head of the emperor thus decorated having been struck after his death. From the days of Nero onwards, em- perors often assumed this crown upon their coins, probably as claiming some of the attri- butes of Apollo or the Sun. Tribonianus is a misprint for Trebonianus. CHISWICK PRESS :—CHAKI.ES WHITTINGHAM ANU CO. TOOKS COURT, CHANCERY LANE. RETURN TO the circulation desk of any University of California Library or to the NORTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY BIdg. 400, Richmond Field Station University of California Richmond, CA 94804-4698 ALL BOOKS MAY BE RECALLED AFTER 7 DAYS 2-month loans may be renewed by calling (510)642-6753 1-year loans may be recharged by bringing books to NRLF Renewals and recharges may be made 4 days prior to due date DUE AS STAMPED BELOW OCT 2 5 1994 SEP 1 ^ 1998 LD21A-10m-8,'73 (R1902S10)476 — A-31 General Library Uoiveriity of California Berkeley y.C. BERKELEY LIBRARIES CD3S312t,ST m