«i MIVeRSITY OF ! 1 * CALIFORNJA / lo -^ ^^X^i-'^^ . (c..^ ^rC^iv^-ijM^ o b^ ^ 9 ? * " -i^C-<^^ /rC^ *^-' i ^ f- Oc^ / /i >" ^A^e-^^"*-*-*-^ ■#--^ ^ f-S^^^^^^ THE GREEK TESTAMENT WITH ENGLISH NOTES. H KAINH AIA0HKH THE GEEEK TESTAMENT WITH ENGLISH NOTE?. BY THE REV. EDWARD BURTON, gOMETIME CANON OP CHRIST CHURCH AND REOIUS PROFESSOR OF DIVINITY. THIRD EDITION^ REVISED, WITH A NEW INDEX. OXFORD : JOHN HENRY PARKER. LONDON: W^HITTAKER AND CO., AVE MARIA LANE. CAMBRIDGE : J. AND J. J. DEIGHTON. ETON : E. P. WILLIAMS. M DCCCXLVIIl. OXFORD : PRINTED BY I. SHRIMPTON. ADYERTISEMENT TO THE SECOND EDITION. It was believed that tlie late Dr. Burton had left behind him an interleaved copy of his Greek Testament, containing sundry notes which he had prepared for a second edition : as however nothing of tlie kind has been found among his books and papers, this edition is little more than a reprint of the former, as in a work published under the sanction of Dr. Burton^s name it was not considered right to make any ftiaterial altera- tions or additions unauthorized by him. Accordingly the typo- graphical errors (which were not numerous,) have been cor- rected ■, a few of the references in the notes have been ren- dered more exact, and one or two verbal corrections have been made. In the Index of Greek Terms only a few additions have been made, but that of Things and Proper Names has been very much enlarged, so as to contain (it is believed,) a complete and classified list of all the proper names mentioned in the New Testament. To these has been added a third Index, viz. of Texts quoted from the Old Testament, which it is hoped will be found useful. a The only important alteration that however, is a manifest oversight, as may has been made in the arrangement of be seen at once by any one who will the text occurs in Heb. xi. 11, where in consult Bengel's edition, from which the Dr. Burton's edition (as also in several division into paragraphs has been bor- others,) a new paragraph begins. This, rowed. M^ b Oil PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION. It is perhaps hardly possible to produce a commentary upon the Scriptures, which shall be suited to readers of every descrip- tion. If it is intelligible to the poor, and to people of little education, it will not satisfy the curiosity of the learned : or if it enters into doctrinal and critical difficulties, there must be much which is unprofitable to the unlearned reader. The very nature of the case seems to make the union of these two objects impossible : and lest I should be thought to have attempted in the present publication, what I have already pronounced to be hopeless, I am anxious to state explicitly what is the class of readers for which this edition is intended. The notes are calculated for those persons who are not reading the Greek Testament for the first time, but who as yet have little acquaintance with the labours of critical com- mentators. If they should be found useful in the upper classes of Schools, to the younger members of our Universi- ties, and to the candidates for Holy Orders, the anxious wishes of the Editor will be amply gratified. It is not merely the fashion of the day which has induced me to compose the notes in English rather than in Latin. This custom seems indeed to be gaining ground in editions of profane authors, as well as of the Greek Testament : and unless the work is intended for circulation on the continent, or unless Latin notes are supposed to improve the reader^s proficiency in that language, there seems no reason why the difficulties of one dead language should be explained by a commentary written Vni PREFACE in another. In compiling notes from writers of different countries, and particularly from English commentators, it is obviously much more easy to convey their sentiments in our own language : and if such a system should be found more useful and agreeable to the majority of my readers, I shall consider it a recommendation rather than an objection, that the commentary has no pretensions to be considered learned. I have studied conciseness of expression to a degree which many persons will perhaps consider faulty : but it was not my intention to write dissertations, or to balance one elaborate argument against another. I have been satisfied with giving the result of opinions, and sometimes with adding two or more different interpretations, without deciding in favour of any. In almost every instance I have given the names of the commentators : and the reader who wishes for more infor- mation will thus be able to know where it is to be found. In order to render the present work more useful in this respect, and to make up in some measure for its own defi- ciencies, I have added a list of all the writers whose names are mentioned in the notes, together with the titles of their works. This list will be found at the end of the second^ volume. The text of the present edition is taken from that of Mill, which was printed at Oxford in 1707. Though the received text, as it is called, of the Greek Testament is generally con- sidered to have been settled by the Elzevirs, yet the editions, which appeared in the last century, have difi'ered from one another to a greater degree than is supposed by persons who have not examined this subject for themselves. The text adopted by Mill, though in some instances undoubtedly faulty, has perhaps had the greatest number of followers : and since this text has been adopted in the small and popular editions printed at Oxford in 1828 and 1830^ I have thought it better ^ [The first edition was in two Bishop Lloyd's edition, and has been volumes.] several times reprinted.] " [This is commonly known as ^ TO THE FIRST EDITION. ix to do the same. The reader will however find frequent men- tion of various readings in the notes. I have examined with no small labour and attention the copious materials which have been collected by Griesbach : and after weighing the evidence which he has adduced in favour of any particular reading, I noted down all those variations from the received text which seem to have a majority of documents in their favour. This abstract of Griesbach's critical apparatus may be seen in White's Criseos GriesbachiancB in N. T. Synopsis: and Vater, in his edition of the Greek Testament, published in 1824, has not only mentioned the reasons for preferring certain variations, but has admitted them into the text. Though the accuracy of these two persons might spare us the necessity of consulting Griesbach's notes, I preferred going through the same analysis myself; and it has been satisfactory to me to find, that my own conclusions were generally supported by these two independent authorities. Whoever may be induced to pursue a similar plan, will find that the common rules of criticism would require him to alter the received text in several places. The most remark- able variations are simply stated in the notes to this edition : but in hundreds of instances, where the difference consists in the collocation of words, in the addition or omission of the article, the substitution of 5e for kol, &c. &c., I have not thought fit to mention the variation. The reader will infer, in all the cases which have been noticed, that the various reading is probably that which ought to be admitted into the text. Editions of the Greek Testament with marginal references have not often been printed. Curcellseus set the example : and his selection of references (though not so copious as those in the margin of our English Bibles,) was followed in the small ' edition, alluded to above, which was published at Oxford in 1828. In the reprint of this edition, which was partly printed under my direction in 1830, these marginal references were given more accurately. A careful verification PREFACE of them led to the detection of several errors : and having verified them again myself for the present edition, I may per- haps venture to say, that their accuracy may be depended upon. Several have been omitted altogether : for though Curcellaeus professed to refer only to passages which were strictly parallel, the resemblance is often imaginary, and the references are perplexing to the printer and the reader, with- out being of any real use. The number of them might per- haps be reduced still further without any disadvantage. There is one use, which I wish the reader to make of these marginal references, which it is necessary to state in this place. They often save the insertion of a note : as when a quotation is made from the Old Testament, and the passage is set down in the margin : in these cases, the marginal reference is suffi- cient, unless the manner in which the passage is quoted re- quires some remark. So also in the Gospels, where there are many parallel passages which agree almost to the letter, I have not thought it necessary to repeat the explanation ; and if the reader should find a passage in Mark or Luke, which seems to want illustration, but which is passed over in the notes, he will perhaps find what he requires in the parallel place of Matthew, which is indicated in the margin. It is obvious, that this plan prevents much needless repetition, and is not really in- convenient to the reader. . I would also point out, that in other cases, where the notes may seem to be deficient, information may be obtained by con- sulting the Index. This is of two*^ kinds. The first contains a list of the most remarkable Greek terms, which are explained in the notes : and the second is an Index of facts and proper names. In many instances, where a word is apparently passed over without any explanation, it will be found, by a reference to the Index, that it had occurred in a former place, and had there received some illustration. In referring to the works of Philo, Josephus, or the Fathers, <= [See Advertisement to the Second Edition.] TO THE FIRST EDITION. XI I have frequently, for the sake of couciseuess, mentioned only the page. The necessity of more detailed reference is spared by my stating in this place, that I have made use of the Benedictine editions of the Fathers, of the edition of Philo by Mangey, and of Josephus by Havercarap. I have also frequently referred to the Dissertations contained in the Thesaurus Theologico-PhilologicuSj which forms an Appendix of four volumes to the great work called Critici Sacri. Two of these volumes contain Dissertations upon the New Testa- ment; and for the sake of brevity I have referred to them as Thes. Crit. Sacr. vol. i. or vol. ii. The dates, which I have followed in the Acts of the Apo- stles, and in arranging the order of the Epistles, will be found to differ from those which have been generally adopted in the present day. My reasons for preferring this scheme of chro- nology may be seen in a work which I published in 1830, entitled. An Attempt to ascertain the Chronology of the Acts of the Apostles and of S. Paul's Epistles. [1831.] TO KATA MATBAION EYArrEAION. S. MATTHEW. The call of Matthew to be a disciple is mentioned in Matt. ix. 9 ; Mark ii. 14 ; Luke v. 27. His name was also Levi. He is said to have preached k ^ ^ /jlA W" in Ethiopia ; but this is very uncertain. It has been supposed, that his . ■^f-f-- » ^^ Gospel was written in Hebrew : but no ancient writer can be proved to . r have seen such a document ; and it is more probable, that the original r"""^^ ^ was written in Greek. The earliest date assigned to its composition is the third year after the ascension, and some have placed it in the eighth year : but I should rather agree with those, who fix it much later : in support of which opinion we may refer to xxvii. 8 ; xxviii. 15 ; and it might be inferred from chapter xxiv. that it was published not long before the siege of Jerusalem ; perhaps about the year 60. TO RATA MAT0AION EYArrEAION. a Lu. iii. 23, '^BIBAO^ tyeveaeo)^ 'IH^OT Xpua-rov, vlov Aa^lS, vlov 1 bGen.xxi.2- '^/^^a^/^- ^' A^pacLfi ijivvrjae rov 'laaaK' ^la-aaK Se iyevvrjae 2 et XXV. 24 ; ^^j; 'Ja/caj/3' ^laKcb/S Be ejevvrjae rbv 'lovSav koI tov<; aBe\(f)OV'i cGeii.xxxviii. avTov. *^Tou3a9 Be ijevvTjde rbv ^ape? kol tov Zapa e/c t^9 3 iPat'ii's 9 Oafjbdp' ^ap€<; Be iyevvrjae rov ^Eapdyfju, 'Eapcbfju Be iyevvrjae dNum.vii.i2; TOV ^ Apdjjb' ^'Apd/jb Be ejivvrjae rov ^AfMivaBd^. ^AfiivaBd^ Be 4 ■ eyevvrjae tov NaaaacoV Naaaacbv Be iyevvrjcre tov XaXfKov. eRathiy. 17; ^2la\/Ji(i)V Be ijevvrjae tov Bob^ ck T>)y 'Pa')(a^' Bob^ Be eyev- 5 —12. vr]cre Tbv ^fljSrjB eK ttjs ^Povd' ^Il^rjB Be ejevvrjcre tov ^leaaal. nsara.xvi.i; ^^leadoX Be eyewTjae Tbv Aaj3lB Tbv ^acrCKea. Aa/SIB Be 6 ^aai- 6 2 Sam!xii.24. ^^i^? iyewTjae Tbv ^oXofiwvTa eK t^9 tov Ovpiov. ^^oXo/jLcdv 7 g iReg.xi.43; Be eyewTjae Tbv 'Po/3odfjb' 'Po^odfi Be eyevvrjae Tbv ^A^ud' et xiv. 31; ■> a n \ xs\ t i ^ t a f h»,ot'T Be iyevvr}(Te Tbv ^Icopdfi. 'Iwpd/jL Be eyevvrjae hiReg.xv.24; Tbv ^O^iav. ^^O^ia^ Be eyevvTjae Tbv ^IwdOafx' ^IcodOa/j, Be eyev- 9 L'';-2Par!xJi1: ^^^-e Tbv " AxaQ M^a? Bl eykvvTjae tov 'E^eKlav. "^'E^eKla^ 10 1 ; et xxi. 1. g^ eyewTjCTe Tbv Mavaaai]' Mavaa(T7]<; Be eyevvrjae Tbv ^A/xoov. 3S;efx\i2o] ^ AjjLODV Be ey€vv7]ae Tbv ^Iwalav ^'Iwaia^; Be eyevvrjae Tbv 'le- 11 2 Par. xxvi. 23 ; et xxvii. 9 ; et xxviii. 27. 1^ 2 Reg. xx. 21 ; et xxi. 18, 24 ; 1 Par. iii. 14, &c.; 2 Par. xxxii. 33; et xxxiii. 20, 25. 1 2 Reg. xxiii. 30, 34 ; et xxiv. 6 ; 1 Par. iii. 15, 16 ; 2 Par. xxxvi. 1, 4, 8. 1. BiySXos yeueaews 'iTjtroS Xpia-rov. These Joram begat Ahaziah ; Ahaziah begat Joash; words serve as a title, not to the whole Gospel, Joash begat Amaziah ; Amaziah begat Aza- but only to the genealogy. Camerarius, Er. riah {'O^iav). 1 Chron. iii. 11, 12. So in Schmidius, Raphel, Grotius. Others refer Ezra vii. 3. six generations are omitted be- them to the whole book, Hammond, Vitringa, tween Azariah and Meraioth : see 1 Chron. Calmet, &c. vi. 7 — 9. The three kings omitted by Mat- Ibid. David and Abraham were the two thew were descended from Ahab and Jezebel, principal persons, from whom the Messiah was and therefore perhaps not mentioned. See certainly expected to be descended. 1 Kings xxi. 21. 5. This marriage of Salmon and Rahab is 11. Jeconiah was not the son, but grandson, not mentioned in the Old Testament. The of Josiah : he was son of Jehoiakim, 1 Chron. Talmud contains traces of such a tradition, by iii. 15, 16. Some MSS. read 'luffias Se iyev- stating that Rahab was married to Joshua. vrja-e rhp 'IwaKelfi' 'loiaKelfx fie iy4uyr](T€ rhv See Lightfoot, Hor. Heb. ad 1. It has been 'Uxoviav. But this would make fifteen gene- observed that 366 years elapsed between the rations in the second series. As it is, there entrance into Canaan (when Salmon married are only thirteen generations in the third Rahab) and the birth of David, and yet only series: so that 'Uxoviau, in ver. 11, is perhaps four generations are named : hence some have to be taken for Jehoiakim ; and ^Ux'^vias, in thought that a different Rahab is intended by v. 12, for Jeconiah, which makes the numbers Matthew. Vid. Wolfius. and the generations right. Eusebius, GomaruS; 8. Matthew o.-nits three generations here. F. Lucas, Spanheim, Yardley, Wolfius. Kc^. 1.] ETATTEAION RATA MATOAION. 3 j^oviav Kol T0V9 dB€\(t>oif<; avrov, inl rij<; /ji€ToiK€dvr] avTS Xeycop, "^I(0(TT)(l>, i/fo? Aa^lB, fiTj o^rj6y<; irapaXa^elp Mapcdfi ttjp yvpalxd aov to yap ep avrfj yepprjOkp ck Ilvev[xaT6<; eaTip 21 dyiov. Preferat Be vibp, koI xaXecreL^ to opofia airrov ^Irja-ovp' p Lu. i. 31^ aiTTo^ yap adxrei, top Xa^p airrov diro T(ov dfiapTicjv avT(OP." Act.iv.1'2; 22 TovTo Be oXop yeyovep, Xpa TrXijpcoOfj to prjOep imo tov Kvpiov eJ^iiifss 39. 23 Bid TOV TTpo^rfTOV, XeyoPTo^, '^TSot', 7; Trap6evo* salvavit. r^v yvvaiKa avrov with ecos ov inKe, and have The Jews generailly •* write the name W'^. ^^^^ ««^ ohKijivwaKev ahr=hu in a parenthesis. "^ * "• .. Hemsius. Theophylact compares Gen. via. 7. B 2 4 ETATTEAION [k^^. 1,2. ^Icoar]^ airb tov virvov, eirolrjaev co? 'jrpoaira^ev avr& 6 ay- yeko^ Kvplov Kol irapeKa^e rrjv yvvoLKa avrov, xal ovk iyc- 25 vtocTKev avTTjv, eco? ov ereKe tov vlov avTrj.'^ '' AK0v*-^/ t / p^to-TT/ €L ev TOiv may be coupled either high priest: for after the time of Herod it with fiayoi {eastern magi,) or with irapeyevouro was not continued for life. Lightfoot, Kreb- (came from the east). Alberti, Justin Martyr, sius, Biscoe. Tertullian, and Epiphanius say they came Ibid, ypafifiarus rov Xaov. It is said that from Arabia; Clement of Alexandria and these were the lawyers who transacted civil Athanasius, from Persia. The Roman Catho- matters, and not the scribes who explained lies say that they were three : probably from the law. the three offerings in ver. 11 : and they may 5. Compare John vii. 42. have been called kings, from Psal. Ixxii. 10. 6. This quotation agrees neither with Heb. Their names have been called Melchior, nor LXX. In the latter we read koi ah, Caspar, and Balthasar. See Beausobre, Hist. BTjflXee/t, oIkos 'Ecppadct., 6\iyo(Trhs €? k.t.K. de Manichee, vol. i. p. 324. Hyde, Relig. Vet. without ovBafxws. The Syriac has, Nuni parva Pers. p. 382. Wolfius ad I. es ? Epiphanius gives two readings, vol. ii. 2. There is a remarkable passage concern- p. 35. See "Wolfius. ing the brilliancy of this star in Ignatius Ad 11. r^v oiKlav. If this is to be taken lite- Eph. 19. rally, it rather confirms the notion of Epi- tPs.lxxii.lO Esa. Ix. 6 K.<^.2.] RATA MATSAION. 5 C) evpov TO TraiBiov fiera MapiaprfaiV€Tai Kar ovap roJ 'I(o, Xeycop, " 'EyepdeU irapaXa^e to iraiBiov Koi Ttjv /jLr}T€pa ainov, Kal (f>evy€ et? AX'yxrrrrov, Kal XaOi CKel 60)9 ^'V eiTTCtf aoL fieXXet yap 'HpcoBijf; ^rjTelv to TraLBlop, tov 14 diroXkaat, aino." 'O Be iyepdeU irapeKa^e to TraiBlov Kal ttjv 15 /jLr)T€ pa axjTov wkt6<;, Kal dvexayprjaev et? AXyimTov, ^Kal rjv ^o%e.x\.\. €K€l ecu? T^9 TcXevrfj^; 'HpwBov iva TrXrjpoydfj to prjdev viro rov Kvpiov Bia rov irpo^rfrov, Xeyovro^, ''£Jf AlyvTrrov iKaXeaa 16 rov viov fiov,* Tore 'Hpf Kara rov ')(p6vov hv rjKplficoae irapd rwv 17 fidytov. Tore hrXtjpwdT) to prjdiv xnro 'lepe/xlov rov rrpo^rjTov, 18 \kyovTo 20 €V Alyinrrcdy Xeycov, " 'EyepdeU irapaXa^e ro rravBlov Kal rrjv firp-epa avrov, Kal rropevov eh yrjv ^laparjX' reOv^Kaac yap ol 21 ^rjTOvvr€<; rrjv ^jrv^V^ tov iraiBlov." 'O Be iyepOeU irapeXa^e ro iraiBiov Kal rrjv firjrepa avrov, Kal rjXdev eZ? yrjv 'laparfX. 22 dKovo^i]0')] eVet aireKdeiv' '^^rj/ia- naOeis he Kar ovap, ave^oypTr^aev eh ra fieprj r^? FaXiXaiaf;, KOL eXOcov KaTMKrja-ev et? ttoXlv Xeyofievrjv Na^aper' ottco? ttXtj- 23 pcodfj TO pTjdev BiA rSiv 7rpovyeLV diro rn}? fi€XXovar}<; 6pyrjo9 t^i^ pi^av rwv hevhpcdv Kelrav irdv ovv BevSpov 11 /J.T) TToiovu KapTTov KoXov, eKKOTTTeraL Kol et? TTvp ^dWerai. ^eyto fi€v ^airrltfi) v/«t? eV vharL €iirj(np avTOP. ^KaX fiaTTTia-deU 6 ^Irjaov^ dpe^rj evOv<; diro tov vBaTO<;' Kal IBoif, dpetpx^V^^^ avTw ol ovpapol, Kal elBe to Upevfia tov Seov 17 KaTa^aiPOP dxrel irepuTTCpdp, Kal epxojJLepop eir avTop. ^Kal IBov, (t)prj €K T(ap ovpapcjp Xeyovaa, " Ouro? ioTip 6 uto? fiov 6 dr^airqTo^, ep ^ evBoKrja-a,** e Joh.viii.S9 j Act. xiii. 26. t vii. tP ; Joh. XV. 6. K Mnr. i. 8' Lu. iii. 16 ' Joh. i. 26, Act. i. 5 ; et ii. 4 ; «t xi. 16; utxtx. 4. h xiii. 30; Lu. iii. 17. t Mar. i. 9; Lu. iii. 21. W Joh. 1. 83. 1 xii. 18; et xvii. 5; Esu. xiii. 1 ; Ph. ii. 7 ; Lu. ix. 35; 2 Pet. i. 17. 9. Svyarcu. This was the first intimation of the equality between Jews and Gentiles. 10. "'HStj est intendendi, non temporis ad- verbium, ut in hac phrasi, ov rwy iytyyuv fidyoy, oAA' IjSri Kal r&y «5 y«yoy6Twy." Ra- phel. ad I. He translates v inroSr^fiaTuv avrov. Luke iii. 16. ov ovk flfil iKcwhs Xvjcu rhy ifidyrd rwy viroSrifuiTuy ainov. Acts xiii. 25. ov ovk etfA 6^ios rh inrSSrjfMa rSav irohoiy \v(rai. Clement of Alexandria supposed an allu- sion to persons taking off their shoes before they went into the water, p. 679 : but Jose- phus writes, ^ 5^ ava^iaj/ fiky ehai Kal iroScov iy^axrOai rwy iKcivov eKcyev. Antiq. vi. 13. 8. Plautus calls servants sandaligerulos. Aul. iii. 5. 28. and in Terence we read, "Accurrunt servi, soccos detrahunt" Heaut. i. 1. 72. See Wolfius. Ibid. The words kolL irvpl do not occur in Mark i. 8 ; John i. 33 ; nor in Acts i. 5 ; and are wanting in some old MSS. The meaning of the Baptist seems to be explained by our Saviour in Acts i. 5. Origen understood that the good were to be baptized with the Holy Ghost, the bad with fire: (vol. iii. p. 139.) so also Albert!, Olearius: but most commen- tators understand it of the appearance of fire which accompanied the effusion of the Spirit. 12. &\(i>ya is here used for the com on the floor, the winnowing of which is expressed by StaKa6api(7. Raphel. Ibid. Hxvpoy. Raphel says that this does not mean chaff, but the straw. So Hammond, Wolfius. 13. It has been thought that Jesus was baptized in compliance with Exod. xxix. 4. See Wolfius. 15. 'AiroKpidfls elire. This is generally said to be an Hebraism. Raphel brings instances from classical writers. See note at Mark i. 4. 16. wcrel Trepiarepdv. The meaning perhaps is, not that there was a visible appearance like a dove; but that the appearance which was seen, whether of fire or any thing else, hovered and descended like a dove. Hammond, Al- berti. See Luke iiu 22. 17. These words seem to be spoken with a reference to Isaiah xiii. 1. which is quoted by the pseudo-Athanasius, iSov 6 irals fiov 6 ayain)- rhs, iv $ evS6K7)aty rj ^vxh Mow* O'^cro) rh Truev/xd fiov eV avrSy. (Dial. iii. De Trin. p. 520.) and nearly so by Didymus, De Trin. p. 116. See xii. 18. Ibid. ayaTTT^Ths appears to be used for an only son in Gen. xxii. 2, 12, 16. See Suicer. in V. et Heinsius, Exerc. Sacr. p. 102, 762. 8 ETATTEAION [kc^. 4. ^ Mar.i. 12; m^^^^^ ^ ^^^^^^ ^^^^Q^ ^.^ ^^^ v^^^ ^. ^^. Hl/ClJ/taTO?, 4 ireLpaaOrivai, xmo rov Bui^oXov. koX vr}v(p ^ijaerai dvepcoTro^, aXV i-jrl iravrl prjfiaTL iKiropevo/xevcp Bed arofjiaTO^i Seov."* Tore irapa- 5 Xafifidvei axnov 6 Bid^oXx)^ eU ttjv ar/lav ttoXlv, kol laTrja-ip o Ps.xci.u. avTov eVl to TTTepvycov rov lepov, °KaX Xeyet aintp, '* El vl6<; el 6 rov Oeov, ^dXe aeavrov Kdrco' yeypaTrrac yap, '"On roh dry- 7e\ofc? avrov evreXelrav irepl aov, Kal eVl %et/3wi/ dpovat ae, P Deut.Ti.i6. firjirore irpoaKO^^rj^ irpo<; Xidov rov iroBa aov.'" ^^Ecfyrj avrco 6 7 'Ir}(TOv<;, "TldXiv yerypairraiy ' Ovk eWetpao-et9 Kvpiov rov Oeov aov.^" TlaKiv irapaXafjufidvei avrov 6 Bcd^oT^x)^ ek 6poa)<: dp6T€tX€P atrot?.' 17 ^'Airo t6t€ iip^TO 6 'Irjaoik Krjpva-a-eip koX Xeyeip, " Mera- «. m 2; et x. 18 P0€iT€' rjyyiK€ yap t) ^aaiXeia tcop ovpapwp" ^Uepiirarwp he ['^]^^\ \l'. o ^Irjaov^ TTopct ttjp ddXaaaap Ti]<; PaXiXata?, elBe Bvo aSeX- Lu.v. 2; (JMis, XifKOPa TOP \ey6/x€P0P IleTpop, kol ^Aphpeap top dS€Xop avrov, ^dWopTa ol fiaOrjTal axnov' Kal dpoL^a nr i • d-li- ■ T«i,„ *!,„ Tj ♦• 4. ••• o J ri^ 1 v *i- 24. See T. Bartholmus De Morhis Bibhcts. John the Baptist, m. 2, and afterwards by the an t\ ^■ • r^i. o * •• ooo ^;o^:«i o - 7 'Ti 1 • J c \, Ju p. 62. Deylingius, Observ. Sacr. part ii. p. 283. disciples, X. 7. Ihe kingdom of heaven there- *^ oc -n v ^^ . - ^ ,. Kx. * r ♦!,» /•„,^,„„„ ' „^ ^ V T u u- • • 25. Decapolis was a district to the east of the tore was not come, when Jesus began his minis- , j • ^\. ^ -v. e nt rrt. * •*• »,„ -4 „ ituj-t L 1. Jordan, m the tribe of Manasses. The ten cities try; it was only at hand: it came, when he ' ^ j t. tj i ^ j t • i,*r * A'La r,-r.A ,« ^ „ • are enumerated by Bochart and Lightfoot. died and rose again. ^ -iT-in/o u iQ T., *i, D -i- e ^^^ ^ -x • Chap. V. 1. uaQ-nrai. Some persons have 18. In the Recognitions of Clement it is ., 1,^.1,^^1. ^i nl * • eo?,! fi,o* *!,„ ^ 4.V, r c- J A J thought that the sermon on the Mount is mis- said, that the father of Simon and Andrew , a -u a -kt ^^\ j ^i 4. -4. * 1 ^1 « a;^a ,rr^„„„ „•• a Tu- ,. 4.U £ ^ placed by S. Matthew, and that it took place died young, vii. 6. This was not the first ^r^ *u n- c ^i, \ a u- 1 • i * j time of their meeting with Jesus: see John f^''' '^' f^'^^ f the twe ye, which is related L41,&c. They had before been disciples of ^» ^- 2-4. See Luke vi. 13. 10 ETATTEAION [Ke. 5 c Lu. vi. 21 ; 7rpa€L^' OTL avTol KXrjpovofirjcrovart TVjV yPjv. '^/juaKapioi ol Tret- 6 Esa. Iv. 1;„ \r.,« ^^ / " >\ zi/ et ixv. 13. vct)VT€(; KUL otycoyTf? TTjv OLKaioavvr]V' on avTOL ^(opTaa-Br)- d vi. 14 ; (TOvraL ^fjLaKapcoL ol i\er]fiov6<;' on avrol iXeriOriaovTaL. ^/jbaKa- 7, 8 Mar. xi. 25 : r /j \ -n S' ' . <•' ' v v /^ v »' i / n. Jac. ii. 13. P^OL 01 KauapOl TT) KapOLO,' OTL aVTOi TOV tfCOV OylrOVrat. fMUKa- 9 H^b ^u^^il- P^^'' ^^ elprjvoiroioi' on avrol viol Geov K\rj6^crovTat. ^fiaKapiOi 10 icor xiii.i2; oi BeBicoyiievoL €V€Kev hiKaLO(TVvri^' on avTMV ianv rj BaaiKela IJoh.iii. 2. ^ , ^« ^ / / , J » S/ ' - V S> ' ,1 f iP(,t.iii.i4; TO)!/ ovpavo3V. ^fjbaKapLOi ecrre, orav oveioicrwaiv vfjba<; Kai buo- n 2 Tim. ii. 12. j^g.^^ i^fjX etircoo-L irdv Trovrjpov prjfjba Ka6' vfiwv -^evBoiJuevoL, eve- 1 Pet. iv. 14.' K6V i/Jbov. ^^atpere kol cuyaXKidaOe, on 6 iXLcrdoov€vaei' '-^ " «13; Deut. v. 22 (t>ov€v9) ouToO ei/o}, ei/o^o? eoTat rg Kpi/§»; efioi)(evda\fi6^ aov 6 8ef to9 aKavBdki^ei ae, e^eXe avTOv koX fidXe 45, 47. ' * diro aov' avfupepei ydp aoi iva diroXTjTai ev tcov /jlcXcju aov, 30 KOL fiT) oXov TO aa>fid aov ^rjdfj eh yeewav. koX el rj Be^td aov 'yelp atcapBaXi^ei ae, eKKoyjrov avTtjv Kal fidXe diro aov' avfi- €pei ydp aoi Iva diroXrjTai, ^v twi/ ^eXcov aov, Kal firj oXov to ' ^eut. xxiv. " / /r>x /T» » / ^I iiifr.xix.7; awfui aov pXtjUtj ei9 yeewav. Mar. x. 4 ; 31 " ^^EppeOrj Be, otc 09 &v diroXvay Tr)v yvvalKa avTOv, B6t(o ^ co^.^vii. 16. read and explained the Law in the synagogues ; the S. E. of Jerusalem, near the brook Cedron, which office became necessary after the return where the Jews offered human sacrifices to Mo- from Babylon, when the Hebrew language loch. Josiah put a stop to this custom, (2 ceased to be spoken. See ii. 4; xxii. 35. Kings xxiii. 10.) and the Jews used the place 21. •HKowroTf. Traditione accepistu. Light- ever after for throwing there all filth and dead foot bodies. From the fires, which were constantly Ibid. ToTs iipxcdois might be either the dative burning there, to consume these bodies, the or ablative. We find ainf in the dative after term came to be used for the place of suifer- ipfyflBri, in Rom. ix. 12. Herodotus writes ing for the wicked. See Wolfius, Schleus- ravra fiiv Alyvrrlouri (fyrrrai, by the Egyptians : ner. «s Kol wp6r€p6v fioi fJpirrcu, by me. Raphel 25. ^v rp SB^, i. e. as you are going with prefers this construction ; and Lightfoot con- him to the magistrate. See Luke xii. 58. siders 4ppc6ri toTs apxalois to mean, vetus est 26. Kodpdvrriy. From the Latin quadrans, traditio.^ See also Krebsius, Wolfius, PalaireL the fourth part of the as. 22. 6t/c7j is perhaps to be expunged from the 27. The words roh apxalois are perhaps in- text See Wolfius, Mill. terpolated here. Ibid. Tp Kpi is almost confined to the New Testament, Ibid. ^aKoi Theophylact says that /JoicA, ki and does not occur in the LXX. Syriac, signifies Kardmva'Tos, and L. de Dieu 30. 'AiroKOTTTeou oiv, & ^vxhf 'ffiOapxov]T6 €v TO) ovpavM, OTL 6p6vo<; i(7n TOV Qcov' firjTe ev rfi 35 b Ps.xiviii.2. yfjy on vttottoBlov ian rwv irohcov avrov' ^fi'^re et? 'lepoaoXv/Jia, on TToXt? iarl tov fMeyakov ^acrCKew^. /Lt^re ev Trj Ke(f>a\y aov 36 o/ii6crr}<;, otl ov hvvaaai jjblav rpt^a XevKrjv rj fieXatvav iroirjaaL* e « « /^ >-.-.> r/ \\c^j./ d Prov XX ^^''■^o-TT^z/at TO) TTOvrjpo)' oXX o(TTL<; (Te paTTiaev ewL TTjv be^tav 22 ; et xxiv. aov aiayova, aTpe-ylrov aiiTco kol ttjv aXXriv' kol tS deXovTL (;, ixt) iLmirfiyf, fn)Se 7($77uJ*€. canst not create one white or black hair. Lcescher, See Matt xxvii. 32. Strom, p. 34. 42. aitoarpatp^s. This form of the verb sig- 37. iK TOV nourjpov iariv. There is some nifies /o turn away from, as in Ueb. xii. 25. evil motive for it : if there were not, men would 44. iTn\p(a^6in« > » /\ ' > et xix. 2; VfMtiV O €V TOl? OVpaVOlavep^. Kai orav irpoaevxiJ* ovk eat) atairep oi xnroKpnaXy on (f>CXjovaLV iv rah avvaya>yaL<{ fcal iv raU y(i)vlcuav€pm. IIpoaevxo^^voL Be fir) ^arroXoytjaijTe, wairep ol iOviKoi BoKovat, yap otl iv ttj iroXvXoyia axnuiv elaa- 8 Kovad/jaovrai. fir) ovv o/xoLdydrjre avTOL Lu. xi. 2. irpoaevxeaSe v/jlcU' Tldrep rj/Mwv 6 iv Tot? ovpavoU, dryiaaOrjrco 10 TO ovofjid aov iXBeTco t) fiaaiXela aov yevr^OrjTco to deXrj/jbd 11 aov, o)9 iv ovpav^, xal iirl Tij<; 7^9* toi^ dpTov '^fi&v tov iwcoV' 46. reXcDfou, properly portitores, not publi- was the ordinary custom. See Mark xi. 25 ; cant: the latter were generally men of rank, Luke xviii. 11, 13. who farmed different branches of the revenue ; j 6. The words 4v r. o. aiov So? r]fuv orrifMepov' KoX d(f>€<; rjfjbtv ra 6(f>eLXrjfiaTa r^fiSiv, w? 12 KoX r]iieh a^le/JLev roh ocpeiXiraL^; rjfjbwv kol fjurj elaev€r/KrjrjTe 15 o xviii. 35. 7-0^^ cLvOpMiTOL^ TO, TrapaTTTco/jLara avTcov, ovBe 6 irarrjp v/jLmv d^^cret TO, TrapairrdiiiaTa vfjicov. "Orav he vrjcrrevrjre, /irj jl- 16 veaOe axTTrep ol vTroKpiral aKvOpcdiroi' d^avl^ovai yap ra Trpocr- coira avrcov, otto)? (f)av(bcn rot? dvOpwiroL^; vrjarevovre^;' d/xrjv Xe^ft) v/Jblv, on direxovai, top ficaObv avrcov. ^ij Be vrjarevcop 17 . aXec^al aov rrjv Ke(pa\r)v, koX to irpoawTTOv aov vly^at' otto)? ig - fjbrj (f)avfj<; rot? dv6p(i)7roi<^ vrjarevcov, dWd tu> irarpi aov tm ev rS KpvTTTW' KoX 6 irarrjp aov 6 ^eirwv ev rw KpvirrM, dnro- BcoaeL aoi ev tm ^avepw. V xix. 21; "^Mrj Orjaavpi^eTe vfuv 6r]aavpov<; eirl t»}? 7%, oirov arj^ Kal 19 Lu. xii 33;/-^« >j/4» Vf' -v' ^' x-^/ Tim. vi. 6, pp(oav(; apoimep€r€ avrcov ; Tldrf(ofi€v, Tj tI irUofiev, rj tI TrepifidXM^Oa ; irdirra yap Taxna Td eOmj em^rjTet olBe yap 6 iraTrfp vfuov 6 ovpdvto<; oti ^j^fere 83 TOVTcov diravTcov. f^/retre Bk wpSyrov ttjv ^aaCKeiav tov Geov Kol Tr)v BiKauxTvmjv avTov, kgI Tavra irdma irpocTTedijaeTac 84 vfiiir fiyj ovp ^pifivrjoTjTe ek ttjv avpi^v rj yap avpiov fiepcfjL- vijaei Ta €axrrrf<;. dpKerov ttj iQfiepa rj Kaxia avTfj fJLcrp^ fiCTpCLTe, avTifieTprjUijaeTai, vfiLV. Rom. ii. 1 ; 8 "Tt Be pkeireLoov aov, foTa-^ jtc 4 TTJV Be ev Tft) (TO) o^Odkfioi Bokov ov xaTavoeh ; rj 7rw9 epeh rw '^- 1^? 12 ; dB€\a) (TOV, ''A(f>e<; eK^aXoo to tcdpcfto^ diro tov 6(f)da\fiov aov » lu. vi. 41. 5 Kol IBoi), T) BoKo<; ev Tut 6(f>6a\fiS aov ; vTroKpcTa, cK^aXe Trpco- Tov TTJV Bokov ck tov 6(f>6a\fM)v aov, Kal TOTe BLa^eylrec<; €k- 6 ^aXelv TO Kdpo6a\fMov tov dBeXcftov aov. Mtj BcoTe y ^^^j 22 • TO djLov Tot9 Kval' fiTjBe fidXrjTe tov? fiapyaplTa<^ vfjLCJV ep,- ^'"■- .">• ^4 ; irpoaoev twi^ y^oipwv, firjTTOTe KaTaTraTijacoaLv auTOf? ev Tot? Job. xiv. 13; 7 TToalv avTwv, Kal aTpaevTedyr]Te. Epictet structions and admonitions of the gospel must i- 9. not be cast away upon the obstinate and incor- 33. Many of the Fathers quote a saying of rigible, Clarke, our Saviour, which is not recorded in the Gos- 16 ETATTEAION [K6«/>. 7. Vfilv. 7ra9 7a/3 6 alrcjv XafjL^dvei, kol 6 fTyrwi^ evplaKei, kcll tw 8 «Lu. xi. 11, KpovovTL avoirjr](TeTai. ^"H ri? ecTTti' ef u/xc5i^ avOpwirof;, w9 eai/ alrr^ar) 6 vlb<; avrov aprov, /ir) \l6ov eirihaioreL avrat ; koX 10 iav i')(9vv alrrjarj, fir) 6(f)tv eTTihwaeL avrat ; el ovv v/jL€l crS ovojian irpoe^r^revaafiev, Kal rS aat ovofian BaifJLOVia i^e^dXo/juev, Kal rw aca ovo/nan Bvvd/jLei<; g xxv.12,41 ; 7roXXd<; iiroi'^a-afiev ; ^Kal rore ofioXoy^aco avroh, on ovBi- 23 Lu xiii. 26, w f«> «>>>r>r)o/ \ 27; 1 Cor. '^ore eyvcov Ufta9* a7ro)(copeire air efiov oi epya^ofievoi rrjv dvopbiav. ^nd<; ovv oan^ dKOvei fiov rov<; X6yov'? 01 ypafifiareh. 8 KATABANTI he avrw utto rov 6pov<;, rJKoXovOrja-av avr^ 2 6y\joL iToXKoi' ^fcaX Ihov, XeTrpo? ekdilov TrpoareKvvei avn^ Xeycov, k Mar. i.40; 8 " Kvpie, iav 6€\.t)<;, Zvvaaal fie Kadapl^ai" Kol e/rreiVa? rrjv X^^P^y TT^o,TO auTov 6 ^Itjaov'i Xeyoyv, " SeXto, KaOapurdTjTi" 4 Kol €v6e(orj, " Kvpie, ovk el/jX tKavo<; iva fwv inro rrjv areyrjv €1(T€X0t)<;' aXXa fiovov elwe Xoyov, Kal ladrj- 9 crero* 6 tto*? fu)v, kox yctp iya> avOporrro^ elfu \mo i^ovalav, e)(a>v VTT ifULvrov y, v. 12, but it was probably in 6. 6 wais fiov. Luke, in vii. 2, 3, calls him the suburbs, and apparently of Capernaum, SovXos, but in 7, 6 irais fiov. V. 5. 8. fi6vov €tire \6yov. Palairet would render S. TertuUian notices the fact of Jesus touch- it, say but one word: but the true reading seems ing the leper contrary to the command of to be \6y(f>. Moses, (Lev. v. 3.) and considers it a proof 9. Kcd yap. The centurion reasoned thus: of his being more than human. Theophylact If / can have my orders executed by merely has the same remark. speaking a word, how much more canst thou ? 4. *Opa, ii.i\Ziv\ efinjs. This silence was only Ibid, xnth i^ovalav. He probably meant by enjoined upon him until he was cured. Wit- this, that he himself was bound to obey the sius, Meletem. p. 350. word of his superior officer. Ibid. T(f Upu, i. e. apxifpfi. Volfi^s. 12. ol vloi. The Jews were children of the Ibid, els fiaprvpiov avTo7s. As a witness or kingdom, but not necessarily heirs. God had proof to them that I do not destroy the law of adopted them, and in right of that adoption Moses. See x. 18. Or the words may be they might have inherited : but they lost their coupled with Zil^ov, shew thyself to the priest, inheritance by their misconduct. as a proof that thou art cured. The latter is Ibid. Josephus says of suicides, Toinwv ixkv preferred by Hombergius, AlbertL Ets /t. eV SStjs Sexerat Tas ■i^vxa-s (TKOTid!>T€pos. De Bel. avrovs, in Luke ix. 5, is a different expression. Jud. iii. 8. 5. The phrase of outer darkness is 5. According to Luke vii. 3, the centurion probably used in opposition to the lights which did not go himself, but sent elders of the Jews are supposed metaphorically to be burning in to Jesus : and when Jesus was not far from the the room where the guests are seated (ovaKAi- house, he sent some of his friends, 6. "A qui- 6it uepav avrov pepAnjfjLevrjv kul irvpeaaovaav, kul rjYaro r?;? ')(^6l- 16 /309 auT^?, /cat d^La<^ Se y6Vop,ev7) ol fiaOr]- 23 raX avrov. Kal IhoVy (reL(r/jb6dr(ov' avrbpav t&v Fefyye- " Mar. v. i • 8e irpo Kaipov fiaaaviaai r/fid^; ;" JO '*Hv Bk fJLCucphv CLTT avTwv arfekr) x^^P^^ 'rroXKcov ^ocrKopuivrj. ol Be BaifLov€vyov, Kal direXdovre; ek ttjv ttoXiv, 84 a7nJ77€tXai/ TT^irra, Kal ra tIov BaifMovi^ofievtav. Kal IBov, iraaa Tj TToXi? e^Xdev eh awdvrrjaiv rtfi *Irjepov axn^ irapaXvTiKov hrl kXIvt)<; fie^rjfievov' Kal ^r)fiet" Kal lBo)v 6 ^Irj<7ov<; TcLTepov, ehreZv, ^A(f>€covTai col al d/iapriar ^ c ehrelv, "Eyeipat, Kal irepiTrdTei ; "Iva Be elBrjre, on e^ovalav e^ct, 6 vio<; Tov dvOpwTTOv iirl t^? yrj<; dxpievac dfiapriafs" [rore Xeyei, t& wapaXirnKw,) "^EyepOeU apov aov ttjv kXIvtjv, Kal 28. T((rffv. Mark v. 1, and Luke viii. ^iceZ. The Vulgate, " nm longe." 26, write ro5a^j»'«i'. Origen says that the true Ibid. x°^P^^ iroWSov. There were 2000 readingisrep7e. Kal eyevero 10 avTou dvaK€t/jLevou iv rfj olklcl, kol IBov, ttoXXoI reXwvau koX dfiaprcoXol iXOovre^; avvaveKCLvro rw 'Irja-ov kol rot? iJLa6r]Tal6Tepa avvTr)povvTaL.'' ^TavTa avTov XaXovvTO<; avTOL}i^- Mark says, els ruv apxiorwa- Ibid. / came not to call righteous men to my •y^-yu>v, 6v6iJ.aTi 'ideipos. v. 22. Irenoeus speaks kingdom, but I came to call sinners to repentance, of " summi sacerdotis filia.^' p. 308. K*^9.] RATA MATGAION. 21 Kuvei avrm, Xeywv, ""On 77 Ovydrrjp fiov apri irekevTT^aev' aXKa i\$a)v errt^e? rrjv X^t/3a €U Kal IBwv avrrfv, elirc, ** Odpaet, Ovya- T€p' 17 TTioTt? arov ae(TU)K€. ae" Kal i(T(o6r} 17 ywrj diro t?}? &paXol, Kpdfyvre^ Kal Xeyovre^, "^EXerjaov r)fid<;, vl^ Aa^iB." 28 ^E\66vri Bk 619 rr)v oiKiav, rrpoarjXJdov avru> 01 rv\ol, Kal Xeyei avroU 6 *It;o"o09, " Iliarevere '6rt, BvvapLai rovro Trotrj- 29 6a\- fjuov axnSiv, Xeyrov, " Kara rrjv TrioTLV vfjLoiyp yevrjO^rco v/xlv" 30 Kal dveai')(6ri0a\fiol' Kal eve^pLfi-qaaro avrolt)fit,aav avrov ev okri rrj yfj eKeivrj. 32 '^Avrwv Be i^ep^ofievcov, IBoif, irpoarjve^Kav avrw dvdpayrrov <• Lu. xi. 14. 33 K(0(j)ov BatfiovL^ofievov. Kal €K^r)6evro<; rov Baifioviov, eXAXTjaev 6 KCiy6<;' Kal edavfuurav ol o^^Xoc, Xeyoin-e?, " OvBerrore i r v > / f v ^^ "" 17; Zech. avTOJV, OTi Tjo-av eKXeXvfievoL Kai €ppt/jb/jL€voi coael TTpo^ara arj c'lu.x. 2; ^X°^^ iroLfiiva, Srore XiycL toI<; jiaOr^rah avrov, "'O fiev B7 Joh. iv. 35. 0€pLo-fio^ 7ro\u9, ol Be epydrai oXijoc Ber)6r}Te ovv rod Kvpiou 38 rod OepLO-jiiov, ottcb? eK^akr) epydra^ et? rov Oepta/jubv avrov." It^tV-''^'^' ^ '^^'' '^P^^'^^^^^^/^^^o^ '^^^^ BcoBeKa /jbaOrjrd^ avrov, eBcoKev 10 Lu. ix. I. avroLb^ avrov' 'IdKco^o<; 6 rov ZepeBaiov, Kal ^Icodwrj^ 6 dBe\(f>6'' ^ut he derives it from ^3,^ zelotes, CKvXXfiv see Mark v. 35; Luke vii. 6 ; viii. 49. any]T(i). "/cat S9 edv firj Be^rai vfid<:, firjhk aKovarj " Mar.vi.ii. TOW \6yov^ vpMV, i^epxofievoi r^? olKia^ rj t?}? ttoXcox? cVeiV?;?, et x. 10 ; ' 15 itcTivd^aTe rov Kovioprov rtav nrohwv v/jlcjv. "d/jLrjv Xeyw v/mv, ^tl^y^Xe. ' dueKTorepov earcu y^ SoBofitop Kal FofioppcDV ev rip-epa icpiaeaj^, ° x>- 24 rj rfj TTokei itceivrf, 16 "^^IBoiff eyw dvooTiKkio vfms ux; Trpo^ara ev fi€a(p Xvkcdv p i-n- «• 8; yiveaOe ovv p6vip,oi w? 0/ 6(f>ei<:, koI dKipaioi co? ai Trepiarepal. 17 irpoa-exere Bk otto t&v dvdptinrdnv' 7rapaBo}(Tov6<; dSeX \ \ V / f c.\ f / » Mar. xiii. 13; fiUTovfievoi wo iravToyv but ro ovofia p,ov' o be irrrofieiva'; et/ Ibid, rh Uvevfia tov irarpSs. This seems to edpaxTiv fls S^hv, el fiij fxifiSov fiSvov. vi. 8. be the first promise of the Spirit whom the Luke, ti-frre ^ojSSoi/s, ix. 3; so that it is pro- Father was to send. See John xiv. 26 ; xv. 26; bable we are also to read pd$^ous in Matt. Acts i. 4. Ibid, i^ios. See note at 1 Tim. v. 18. 2L This relates to the first Christians. 11. Tts 6,^i6s fffTi, who is deserving that you 22. This verse is connected with ver. 18. ghould abide with him. Eisner, Wolfius. Hombergius. See Acts xxviii. 22. Ibid. i^4\dijTe. Ye go out o{ the city. Ibid. 6 inrofidvas. Olearius thinks this 14. ts ihy fii] Sc^rrrai for idy tis /xi] Se|7jTat. means, He that shall survive to the destruction See Raphel. of Jerusalem, shall be provided with means of 17. Beware of tJiese men. Palairet. escape. For re\os, vid. xxiv, 6. Ibid, iv Ta7s crvvayoyyaus. Compare xxiii. 23. nKea-rjTc. Raphel and Krebsius say U ETATTEALON [K.cp. lo. u Lu. vi. 40; TTou. ^OvK e(TTL fiaOTjTr]^ vTTep TOP BcBdo-KaXov, ov8e 3oOXo9 24 Joh. xiii. 16; t \ \ f y r^ t \«/l«(V / t r et XV. 20. VTTep TOP Kvpiov avTov. apKCTOv TO) jJLaurjTT) Lva fyemjraL 009 o 25 X xii. 24; St8acr«:a\o? avrov, koX 6 hov\o (pcorl' kol o ek to ou? 27 aKOV£T€, Krjpv^are iirl rcov Bayp^aTcov. kol p^rj (po^rjOrJTe airo rwv 28 airoKTeivovTOiv to a-Mp,a, rrjv Be '>jnr)(r)v p.r] Bvpap^evcov cuttq- Krelvav (fyo^^Orjre Be pLoXKov top Bvpdpbepop kol '^v^V^ /cat (TOipba aTToXicrac eV yeepprj. Ou%fc Bvo arpovOla da-crapiov ttco- 29 Xelrai ; kol ep i^ avrwp ov irearelrai eirl rrjp yrjp dpev rov z Lu.xxi.i8; Trarpo? vpicop' ^vpLCJP Be Kol at Tpi')(e<; r^? Ke<^aXri^ Trdcrai 30 2 sLm^'xivf' 'r]pi'OpirjpbepaL elcri. pirj ovp ^o^rjdijre' ttoXXwp arpovOiwp Bia- 31 a M (f^epere vp.el<;. ^TJd^ ovp 6arL<; 6p,oXoy^aeL ip ipol epbirpoaOep 32 38; Lu.ix. TO)P dpOpcoTTCop, 6pLoXoy)]a(o Kayd) ip avT(£> epLTTpoaOep rov Tra- 26 ; et xii. 8;, «>> r. r' 5.1 *j/ / w /i 2 Tim. ii. 12; TjOO? pLOV TOV eP OVpaPOL^. OCTTi^ UP apPr)(T7]TaL pLC epbTTpoCTUeP 33 Apoc. 111. 5. ^^^ dpOpcoiTcoPj app^aopLUL avrop Kayw epbirpocrOep tov 7raTp6 n \ r. ■> n ' '' \''>Hf/-»j>'> f e xvi. 24 ; fCat e')(Pp0l TOV aPUpCOTTOV, 01 OLKLaKOL UVTOV. °^ U (piXcOP TTttTepa 36 Mar viii.34: * ' f\>\>v >rt» \fi-»'< f\* ^7 Lu ix. 23. V P'V'^^P^ VTTep epue, OVK eCTTL pLOV a^LO<^' KttL o (piXcop VIOP rj f xvi. 25; OvyaTepa virep epue, ovk eVrt p,ov d^Lo<;' ^Kal 09 ov XapifidpeL ss Lu. ix. 24 ; ' TOP (TTaVpOP aVTOV Kal aKoXovdel OTtIo-O) pLOV, OVK eOTb pLOV d^Lot']Tov Xipfrerai' Kal 6 5e^o/Lt€i^o\ol dvafiXeTrovai., Kal ;^a)\ol '^^R''' \^l*\"*i' iraroxxTi.' Xeirpol KaBapi^ovraij Kal KQ)opovpr€<;, ip rolrJTaL koX 6 v6jjL0<; ccd? ^Icodvvov irpo- 13 o Mai. iv. 5; €(jii]T€Vcrav' ° KoX el Oikere he^aaOai, avTO^ eariv 'HXla^; 6 yu-eX- 14 pxiii 9- ^^^ ep')(eauai. ^0 e)(cov (ora aKoveiv, aKoverco. ^iivi oe o/jLoi- lo Apoc. ii. 17. d^Q-Qj T^^ yevedv ravrrjv ; 6/xoLa earl TrathapLOi^s iv ar/opah IQ q Lu. vii. 31. yi, V I r. «r/ >« V-v' -irr KauripLevoL<;, Kai 'Trpoacpcovovorc rot^ eTaipoi<; avrcov, Kai Xeyov- 17 acv, HvX'^orafiev v/mu, kol ovk aip')(f)aaopTiafX€voi,, xayo) 29 avaTravao) vfid<:. ^dpaTC tov ^vyov /ju)v ecf) v/JLa<;, koI fidOere y7Mch.ix.9; i , t ^ ,* «. » \ \« ^t \ r f Philip. ii.7,8; aw efiov, oTi irpao^ et/u Kai. Taireivo^; ttj xapdia' Kai evp-qaere jer. W i6. 30 ovaTTavatv toi^ yjrvxcu<; v/x(ov. *6 yap fi/yo9 fiov ^i;opTiov fiov €Xaf)6v iariv.*^ 12 •*JE2V iKciv^ T^ Kaiptp en-opevdrf 6 *Irj(rov<: toU a-dj3fiaat Bid • Mar.ii.23; T6>i> airopifuov ol 5^ fiadtfTal avTOv hrelvaaaVy KaX ^p^avTo Deut. xxiu. 2 TtXXetj/ araxvofi Kai eaOUiv. ol Be ^apiaalot lB6vTe<; elirov **• auT(fif " ^IBoVf ol fia&TfTal aov ttoioxhtiv, h ovk cf e isam. xxi. ek TOV oiKOv TOV Oeov, koX tois dprrov<; 7% Trpo6e<7eo)ar^€v, xxv. so Tot ow ou/c efoi/ ijv airry tparyew, ovoe toi^ ficT avrov, et, firj tol<; j^^ ^^{^ j^ 6 lepeviTi fi6voi<; ; **H ovk dviyvcoTC ev t^ vofKp, 6T^ toU adfi- »;etviii. si. jScuTiv ol lepeU hf t^ lep^ to o-dff^aTov ffe^rjXovo'i, Kai aval- xxviii. 9. 6 not euTi ; \ey(o Be vfiiv, oti tov lepov fiel^cov eaTlv wBe. ^el Se a ix. iS; ^ iyvcMceiTe tI eartv, * "EXeov deXu) Kai ov dvaiav,' ovk dv KaTe- 8 BiKaaaTe tov? dvaiTiovc \ V /I t > - V J. ' . \ > ' Lu. vi. 6, ioovy avufKOTTO^ rfv ttjv xet/aa ep^wy J^pav Kai eTrrjpooTrjaav ij^^^iy^i^. avToVy Tieyovref!, *' El efeoT* rot? ad^fiaaL OepaireveLV ;*' "'^joh'u^ie- 26. Kol, tru Subaud. ^(0/10X070 O/icu e v. 25. 6. You will perhaps say that this is not a Palairet. profanation, because done in the temple : but 28. wfipoprtffntyoi. Laden with the burden / say unto you, that there is here a person greater either of sins or of rites and ceremonies. than the temple, and what he permits cannot be Chap. XII. 1. Stck ruy 6~ 20 fievov ov a/SecreL' ea)9 dv eK^dXrj eh vlKO Lu. xi. 14. ^Tore 'jrpoarjvi'xOrj avrS Bac/jLovt^/jLevo<; rv(j)Xb<; Kal Kco(f)6/ vAw ./ -n' I Joh. V. Ifi; 82 €dr}(T€Tcu ainfy o? 8' &v enrri «* ''• *®- Kara rov IIvevfiaro<; rov dr^iov, om d(f)€6t]a€rac avrw, ovre ev 83 Tovrw Tw aluivt, ovre eu tw ixeXkoim. ""rj ironjaare to ^^'^^P^^ ^ j"i Vs 44. KaXov, Kal rov Kapirov avrov KaXov, rj irotriaare ro BivBpov aaTTpov, Kal rov Kapirov avrov aairpov ck yap rov Kapirov ro 84 BevBpov yiVQ>aK€rai. ^Fevviiuara eviBvwv, ttw? BvvaaOe d/yadd » iii. 7; XaXeiv, irovr)pot. ovra ; €K yap rov irepiaaevfiaro^i r?;? Kapoui<; m. vi. 45. 85 TO arofia \a\el. 6 dyado^ dvOpoyiro^ e/c toO dyaOov 6r}aavpov rip: KapBiao<; Kal dBeX^rj koI fJi>'^Tr]p e(TTiv'* » Mar. iv. ^ ''EN Be TTj rj/jbipa iKetvrj e^eXdoDV 6 ^l7](Tovaa€vdi)(T€T(w ooTif; Be ovk e;^et, kol ^et, La.viii. I8; 13 dp6i) E«a. vi. 9; f ^ f t ^ J " i ' \»\ « \ />. / Mar. iv. 12; i) Xeyouo-a, AKot) oKovaere, Kai ov fiij (rvinyre' Kai pKerrrovTe^i lu. viii. lO; 16 ^eyfrere, koI ov firj IBrjTe. eira'yyvd'q ydp t) KapBia tov Xaov tov- ^""J* *"\^® ' TOV, Koi ToU oktI ^ape(D^ rjKovaav, Koi tois o^ddkfiov^ avrwv e- 2« ; Rom. xdfifivaav fi^iroTe iBwai toi<; 60a\fioU, kol rot? walv dKovarcocrif Kal rfj KapBta auvctyai, Kal eTrurrpeylrcoai, Kal idawfiai avTov<;* l6**Tfiwv Be fULKdpioi ol 66a\fiol, oti, jdXeTrovat,' Kal Ta wra cxvi.i?; 17 vfiwv, OTI dKovei. dfjLTjv yap Xeyco vfuv, otl ttoXKoI TrpocjyfJTaL Kal ° *' ' BUaiot eireOv^fjaav IBelv h ^XeireTe, Kal ovk elBov Kal aKOvaai 18 h dKovere, koI ovk r)KOvaav. ^'TfieU ovv dKovaaTe ttjv irapa- a Mar. iv. 19 fio\r)v TOV airelpomo^;. Jlayro? aKovovTO^i tov \6yov T7JopMv \ » « « , ^ ^ » > / a > \ . Lu. iv. 16. avrov<; ev rrj la avrr] KaX at hvvdfiei^ ; "^oup^ "• xii. 46; ♦ /» « fs r ti >\f/ >«-v/ Joh. vi. 42. 0UT09 eariv o rov reKrovo^ vio<; ; ov)(} V M'^p avrov XeyeraL MapuLfi, KoX ol d^€\(f)oX avrov 'IdKw^o<; KaX ^Icoarjf; KaX ^Lfioyv 66 KaX ^IovBa<; ; KaX at dBe\aX avrov ov^X Trdaat, 7rpb rm KatpM riKovaev 'Hp(oSr]<; 6 rerpdpxn'i '^V'^ 14 dKor]v 'Ir}(Tov, Kol elire Toiov avrov. eXeye yap avrw 6 4 *Icodvvr)(;, " Ovk e^eari aoi e^etv avrrjv'* ^Kal Oe\o)v avrov 5 diroKrelvai, i? 'irpo(f>r}rr}v avrov elypv. yevecricdv Be dyofievwv rov 'HpcoBov, oapxv^ci'^o r) Ovydrrjp r^? 6 'Hp(oBLdBo<; iv rw /juearcp, Kal ijpea-e rS 'HpooBr)' oOev fieO' opKov 7 (hfjboXoyrja-ev avrfj Bovvai o idv alr'^o-rjrat. 'H Be Trpo/St^acr- 8 Oelaa vtto t^? firjrpo^ avrrj^;, " A6<^ /i-ot," (prjalv, " o)Be iirl irlvaKb rrjv Kea\r}V ^Icodvvov rov /Sairrca-rov." Kal ekvirrjOr) 6 ^aai- 9 X€U9, Bik Be Tovpr](r€V CKeldev iv 7r\o(

xv. 38 ; dvcucXiOrjvai eTri tov? ')(oprov^y Kal Xa^oav tow irevre apTovyaa/fov iravre^i, Kal exoprdadrjaav Kal 7)pav to 21 irepiaaevov rwv KXaarfiaTtDV, BQ}BeKa KOLvov6^ov CKpa^av. evdeco^ Be eXdXrjaev avroh 6 28 ^Ir^aovi, Xeyoav, " Qapaelre' eyoi eip,Ly fir) ^o^elade." ^ATroKpcdeU 12. rh /xo. There is good authority for Luke ix. 12. The Rabbis reckoned two even- reading rh trrwfjLa avrov. ings, the first at three, the second at sun- Ibid, (dar^/ay. Theophylact says that he was set. buried at Caesarea, and his head carried to 17. O* 5€ \4yov(riv. It was Andrew who Emesa. said this. John vi. 8. 13. He crossed the sea of Galilee, (John vi. 22. €v64a>s. Because he knew that the multi- 1.) and went to a desert place near Bethsaida, tude had thoughts of forcing him to declare (Luke ix. 10.) at the north-east end of the himself a king. John vi. 15. lake. Ibid, els rh irepav, to the country of Gen- Ibid. ir€^. They therefore went round the nesaret, near Capernaum, south part of the lake, and crossed the Jordan 25. Teraprp ^Irja-ov ol diro ^lepoaoXvfxcov r^pafi- 1 5 fjLareh Kal ^apia-aloi, Xeyovre<;, " Atari ol fMaOrjral aov irapa- 2 ^aivovai rrjv TrapdBocnv rcov irpecr^vrepcov ; ov yap vtirrovrai, rd<; %et/)ay avrwv, orav dprov eGQiwawP 'O Be diroKpCOeh 3 elirev avroh, " Atari Kal v/jueh irapa^aivere rrjv hroXrjv rov f Exod. ©eov Bid rrjv irapaBoaiv vpuwv ; ^'O yap ©eo<; evereiXaro Xejcov, 4 Deut. V. 16; J- tfia rov TTarepa aov, Kai rrjv firjrepa' Kai, ' O KaKoXoycov Exod.xxu?; '"'^'^^P^ V /^'^Te/ja, davdrw reXevrdro)'' vfieh Be Xeyere, '^O? dv 5 Lev. XX. 9 ; ^'[rjj-r} ^^ irarpl ri rfj arjrpl, A&pov, o edv eP eiiov dxbeXriOrj^, Kal 6 ov firj rtfirjarj rov rrarepa avrov rj rrjv firjrepa avrov Kai rjKV- pcoa-are rrjv evroXrjv rov ©eov Bid rrjv irapaZoaiv vficov. 'Tiro- 7 g Esa. xxix. Kptral, KdXMv- ' Joh. xv. s. 14 T€V€T€ avroW ^ xxiu. i6; oBrjyol ela-t, Tv\ol TV\bv ehv oBrjyfj, dfi- 15 (bore poi et? fiodvvov ireaovvTat," ^^AiroKpiOeh Be 6 ilerpo? iMar.vU.n. 16 etTTei/ airrw, " ^paaov r)pXv rr^v 7rapa^o\r)V raxrrqv" "'O ^e '^^^^'^JJ^^ ^Ifjaois ehrevy " ^Axfir^v Kal vfiek davveroi eare ; oinrco voelre, 17 oTi irdv ro eltrrropevofievov eh to eBp(bva eK^dWerai ; "Ta Bk eiaropevo^ieva ck tov ■• J^o. iii. 6. 0T0/UITO9 €K Tip; KapBla6voi, fioL-xeuUt iropvelac, kXjottcu, yjrevBofiapTvpiai, fi\a(T(j)r)/jLiai,' Mar. vii. 2i. 20 TavTa eoTi tcI Koivoxhna tov dvdpdyrrov to Be dvlirroL^i X^P^'' arfelv, ov Koivol tov dvOporTrov.'* 21 PKal efeX^o)v exeWev 6 ^Irjaov<; dvex<^pr)(T€v eh tu /JLeprj p Mar.vii.24. 22 Tvpov KoX SiB(ovo<;. KoX IBov, yuvt) Xavavala diro twv oplwv eKeivwv e^eXdova-a expavyaaev avrtp, Xeyovaa, " 'EXerjaov fie, 28 tcvpie, vik Aa^iB' rj OvyaTrjp fwv KaKw^ Baifiovl^eTat/' 'O Bk OVK direKpi&f) ainfj \6yov. koI irpoaeKdovTe; ol fjLaOrjTol avrov rjpoyroiv avTov, XeyovTe^, " ^AttoXvo-ov avTrjVy otl Kpd^ei oiriaOev 24 rj^v" *^'0 8e diroKpLdeh elirev, "Ovk direa-TdXrjv el fir] eh Ta q x. 5, 6; 25 Trpo^ara Ta diroXoiXoTa oXkov 'laparjk" ' H Be ekOova-a irpocr- nom. xv. 8. ' 26 eKvvei, ain-M, Xeyovaa, " Kvpte, ^oijOec fiot" 'O Be diroKpiOeh ehrev, " Ovk cctl KaXov Xa^elv tov dpTOV tcov TeKVcov, Kal fia- 27 Xelv Toh KwaploL/rt^uwi; T(av irLirTOvroiv diro t^9 T/aaTreJiy? 11. "TV Sf 8^J TOV (rrSfjittros tiijmv Svvafuv 18. koii/o7 rhv AyOpayirov. "Koivhv Koi iOviKhv oSovai ifol yKiarrp Kod xf^Aca-Jv (ytKa rwv avay- koL inralSevrov Kal aareKyrj SeiKyvaif avrbv, ovx^ Kcddjv Kol TCOV api(TT(ov iifK6afi7] '''V S^ ^|oSov rwi' ofxV- 21. rh. n4prr), fines. Wolfius. rwv oyayKcuoy fihy ykp irSv Zaoy uaepx^rai rpo- 22. Xayayaia. The land of Canaan, properly ()eoy so called, was by the sea and by the coast of Jor- Kol inrripeTOvv (ppoyfia^i KdWiffTov koX Apiaroy dan. Numb. xiii. 29. Mark calls this woman TovTwy ya^drm'." Plato, Timaus, p. 74. 'E\\j]v\s, 1,vpoy fity, ws ^(prj of the Canaanites were not driven out Judg. L UXdrwy, eicroSos, e|o5os 5* acpddprwv. iirei(rfpx(Tou 31, 32. fiiv yhp airr^ cr'iTia Koi irora, 6apTcd Tpoai' \6yoi 5' i^lacriy, adavdrov ^pvxris disciples to ask Jesus to cure her. See Luke diddvaToi y6fioi, 5i' S>v 6 \oyiKhs j^ios Kv^epyarai." xiii. 12. Schleusner understood it as meaning Philo Judaeus, vol. i. p. 29. satis/ac ejus precibus. Our Saviour's answer 13. The answer of Jesus may be thus para- seems to confirm this, phrased: Yes, I know that they have taken 24. OifK aTrecrrdKr]y. It was not intended offence, but it matters not : ye need not fear them ; that Jesus himself, during bis presence on for the time will come, when, like every plant earth, should preach to any but the Jews. which is not of my Father's planting, they will 27. *' El SaTres decoy elcri, Kal oirovvTai Qfol, be rooted out. vdyrws ttov kuI depdiroyres avTo7s flcriv, oTs jUeAet 16. 'AKfiijy signifies adhuc in good Greek, tov /xTjSe to, iriirTovTa ttis hix^poaias airdWv- Alberti, Raphel, Palairet (rdai." Philostr. Fit. Apollon. i. 19. p. 24. 38 ETATTEAION \K.? 6ekeLov^, KvXKov<;, kol eTepov<; ttoWou?, /cat eppuylrav avrov.'' Kal Xiyovacv avra> ol fiadrjral avrov, " UoOev 33 rjiuv ev iprjfjbla aprot roaovroi, ware ')^oprd(TaL o^ov rocrov- rov ;" Kal Xeyet avroh 6 ''Iijaov^, "II6a-ov<; dprov^ e^ere ;" 01 34 he elirov, " 'Eirrd, kol okuya IxOvBia." Kal eKeXevae rol<; 35 6')(Xoi^ dvaireorelv eirl rr)V yrjv kol Xa^cov tov? eirrd dprov<; Kal 36 T0U9 l')^6va<^, ev')(apL(Trr]a-a<^ eKXaae, Kal eBcoKe Tot9 fiadrjrah avrov, ol he fiaOrjral rw o^Xco. Kal €(j>ar/ov rrdvre^y Kal i^^p- 37 rdaOrjaaV Kal rjpoif ro rrepia-aevov rSiV KXaafidrcov, eirrd airv- pLBa<; irXripei^. ol he e(T6iovre<; rjaav rerpaKLa')(^LXioi dvBpe'^, 33 ^Q)/3t9 jvvaLKcov Kal rraihiOiv. Kal d'7roXvcra<; tov9 o)(Xov<; eve^r) eh rb rrXolov, Kal rfXOev 39 uxii. 38; 649 rd opia MayBoXd. ^Kal rrpocreXOovre^i ol ^apiaaloL /cat 16 Mar. viii.ll: v^ <^5 « Lu. xii. 54. ^ aooovKaiOL, TTeipaLpvre'^ eirrjpcorrja-av avrov aTj/jLetov eK rov ovpavov einBel^av avroh. 6 Be drroKpiOeh elirev avroh, " ^O^JrLa<; 2 yevo/jievr]\ %aA,t9 (77]/MeL0v eirigrjreL' Kai arj/jieiov ov oour^creraL avrt], ev fir) i 29. Trapot. T^v OdXaaa-av. Mark says avoi /xiffov viii. 10. Both places were at the southern end Twv bpiwv AeKairSKeccs. vii. 31. He was there- of the lake. Some copies read Magedan for fore on the eastern shore of the lake. See iv. Magdala. 25. Chap. XVI. 1. cr-qiictov iK rod ovpavov. 31. KvXKois. This work signifies having lost Theophylact seems to give the true meaning, a limb, in xviii. 8. It would appear, therefore, oTou ^\iov arriffai, creX'fjvrjv, Kepavvovs Korouya- that Jesus actually restored limbs which had y^'iv, a4pa aWoiwaai. ad Marc. viii. 1 1 . been lost, 3. orrvyvd^wv. Polybius applies (TTvyvSTrjs 32. rj/xepas. The true reading seems to be to the atmosphere, (iv. 21. 1.) and Pliny speaks Tififpai. The meaning is the same, though the of " coeli tristitiam." Hist. Nat. ii. 6. construction is different. There is something Ibid, ruv Kaipwv. The time predicted by the similar in Luke ix. 28. prophets for the coming of the Messiah. See 33. Compare Numb. xL 13, and 2 Kings iv. Luke xxi. 8 ; Eph. i. 10. 42, 43. 4, 5. Jesus and his disciples now sailed from 39. eVeySTj. The reading seems to be kvifi-q. the southern end of the lake to Bethsaida at Ibid. Ma7SaAa. Mark says AaKp.avovQd. the north-eastern. See Mark viii. 22. K«<^. 16] KATA MATGAION, 39 TO enjfielov *Ia)vd tov 7rpo^ou.^' KaX KaraXiTTCDV avrovs, dinjXOe. 6 yKal i\66vT€^ ol fxaOrjral avrov ek to irepav iireXddovTO yMar.viii.U; 6 aprov^ Xa^elu. 6 Be ^Irjaoik eiTrev avrol*;, "'Opdre KaX irpoae- """" ^' 7 ^^ere inro rij^ ^vfitjivov<; eXdfiere ; *ovBe tov<; eTrra aprov^ rSav T€TpaKL(T)(tXi(ov, t xv. 34. 11 Kol 7r6(Ta<; v ;" Tore a-vinjKav, on, ovk elire irpoae^eiv airo t^? fu/x-7;9 ToO aprov, aXX cnro t^ hiBaxH^ '^^^ ^apLaauop kol SaZBovKauav. 13 ^ ^E>Ma)v Bk 6 ^Ir)aovdppTjp TOP PaTTTKTTrjp' aXKoi Be 'HXulp' erepOL Be 'lepefilap, 15 »; €pa T \ / « / e ICor. ii.lO. 18 ^ Koryo) be aoi Xeyo), oti ov ei iieTpo jt « » -tr ' Lu. ix. 21. eLTTcoaiVj OTL avTo<; ecTTLV Irjcrov^ o A.pLaTo<;. ' XX. 17; ^^Atto Tore rtpParo 6 ^l7) v > ^ /J - ' ' T '^ v CT v /J - ' ' Lu. ix. 22. OTfc oeL avTov aTTekueiv 6t9 lepocroXvfJLa, Kai nroXKa iraueiv airo TMV Trpecr/Svrepcov Kal ap')(iepewv Kal ypa/jb/jbarecov, Kal diroKrav- 6r]vat, Kal rfj Tpirrj rj/Jbepa iyepOTjvai. Kal irpooKa^oiJbevo^; avrov 22 6 JJerpo^; rjp^aro iirin/Jidv avrw, Xeycov, ""I\6(o<; croi, Kvpie' ov /ir) earal aoL rovro." 'O Be arpa^eU elire rw Tier pay, ""TTrar/e 23 oTTiaco fiov, ^aravd, crKavBaXov /jlov el' ore ov poveh ra rov k X. 38; ©eovj dXkd ra rcov dvOpcoTTCov." ^ Tore 6 ^Ir]crov^ elire rol^ 24 Lu. ix. 23; ' fJLadr)ral '^^^ dpdrco rov crravpov avrov, Kal dKoXovdeiro) /jloi. ^09 25 Mar.viii. 35; r/ao dv dekr) rhv '^vyhv avrov acbaai, diroXeaec avrrjv' 69 S' dv Lu. xvii.33; { ^^ , v / \ '^ , . „ , ^ r / , ,' , v Joh. xii. 25. airoXeo-T) rr)v Yv')(f]v avrov eveKev efiov, evprjcrei avrrjv ^n jap 26 36 ^Lu' Y?* €\7) ^o)- *>»«•• 17; V. /' »/ \»5^vj\» « jAv ^/ 2Pet. i. 17; retjnj eTrt-aKiaa-ev avrovr Kat, idov, 68pa. ^Kal TrpoaeXOwv 6 'Jt;- r Dan. via. cow ij^lraro avrcjp, xal elTrev, " 'EyepOrjre, Kal fxr) ^ofielade.'* If i.^io* is!' 8 ^Eirdpavref{ hk rov^ 6(t>0d\fiov€p€re fioi avrop a)Be" Kal eTrerLfirjcrev avrut 6 ^Irj~ (Tovs, Kal e^XOep dir avrov rb Bac/iopcoPy Kal eOepaTrevOrj 6 19 Trat? aTTo ri]<; &pav >>/ f«>\i/ / r / t Mar. xi. 23 : afjLTjp yap A.e'ya) v/iLPy eap e^rjre iTLonv ft)9 kqkkop aipairew^, Lu. xvii. 6; epeire rcS opei rovrt^y Merd^rjOc eprevdep eKel, Kal fMera^rjaerac ^ ^°'' '''"■ '^* 3. bvojJbarL jjlov, ifie Bex^^ai' ^b<; 6 La. xvu. 2 ; g' * ^ (TKavBaXlcTrj €va rwv jJLLKpwv rovrcov rwv morrevovrayv et9 ijie, (Tviij)epeL avrat, Xva Kpe/iaaOf/ /jlvXo^ ovmb^ ijrl rbv rpd')(7)- Xov avrovy Kal KarairovrLaOfj iv rw ireXdr^ei rij^ 6aXd6a\fjLOV ek ttjv ^ayrjv elaeXOelv, rj Bvo 6(f>da\/Jiov<; eyovra 10 ^rjOrjvat, et? t^i' yeevvav tov ttu/oo?. 9'OpdTe fir) KaTa ol afy7e\06 avTwv €v ovpavok Bih iravTo<; fikeirovat to Trpoawirov tov Tra- il Tpo^ fiov tov iv ovpavok. ^^XOe yhp 6 vlb^ tov dvOporrrov awaai, h lu.xIx.io. 12 TO a7ro\ft>\69. * Ti vpuv BokcI ; iav yanjTai tivi dvOpayirtp exaTov ' Ln. xv. 4. TTpo^aTay KoX irTuivrjOfj ^p ef ainwv, ovyi d(f>€l^,/ ./ \ v^ f. »\ f,\ « \ Lev. xix. 17; 6v aov ^edv JJc.*^. 19. Bk fjk^ oKovarjf -TTapaXafie ficT^ aov ert eva rj Bvo, Xva inl aTO- > Deut. xix. 17 fUiTO^ Bvo fiapTvpcDV ^ TpiSiV aToOfj irav prjfia. ^idv B^ Trap- viii'. 17 ; aKovar) avTwv, elire ttj iKKXrjaia' edv B^ Kot tt}? eKKXijaiaff Trap- Hebr. x."28.' 18 OKovarj, earco aol warrep 6 eOviKo^ Kal 6 TeXoov7j<;. ^^AfirjvXer/eo «' Rom. xvi. v/uv, oaa edv B^OTjTe irrl r»}9 7779, earav Be Bep.eva ev tS ovpavw' 3.14; \ tf >>'%/ >\M »V .v-x / > n> n2 Job. 10. KaL oaa eav XvarjTe errl Tr/9 yrj<;, earai XeXv/ieva ev to) ovpavw. i qot. v. 9 • 19 ^irdXiv Xeycj vfilv, otc edv Bvo vfjUov av/Jxfxovi]a(oaiv eVl t?}? y7]<; " xvi. 19; V \ / ♦ > \ » / / » « Jo*>- x"' 23. irepL iravTOf; TrpayfiaTo^; ov eav aiTrjacovTai, yevijaeTai avTot<; o 1 joh. iii. _» \ •« f «> » <% ♦ / J ^ ' * '«22:etvli JO irapd TOV iraTpo^ fwv tov ev ovpavoL<;. ov yap eiai bxx) rj TpeL<; ' "*^***' awrfyfievot. eh to ifwv ovofia, ixel elfil iv fUaat axnwv** 8. KoKhv — ^, without pmKKov. See Mark earth purposely to give salvation. ix. 43; Luke xv. 7 ; xvii. 2; xviii. 14; Gen. 12. eVl to 5pij may relate to axpeh, or iropev xxxviii. 26 ; Psal. cxvii. 8. Examples are Bcis. more probably to the latter : leaving upon given by Raphel, ad I, and Wesseling at the hills would be ivl rois iptanv. Diod. Sic. xi. 11. 14. Such is the anxiety of God that all man- 10. ^c^ KOTcuppoirfiffrire, i. e. do not think that kind should be saved. you may do what is wrong, even though no 15. This verse may be connected with the one is present but a child. So Juvenal, xiv. preceding, if we lay a stress upon els 6eiXei,eiX6fievov. ^IBovre^ Be ol crvvBovXoi avrov rd yevofjueva, 31 iXvrrrjOrjaav <7(j)6Bpa' Kal eX66vre«>s rja-ei v/jllv, eav fxr) acprjre, €Kaaro<; rep aoeX(pco axrroVf arro rwv KapBicov v/jL(t)V rd 'Traparrrco/jLara avrojv.'* i Mar. x. 1. ^ KAI iyivcro ore ereXecrev 6 ^l7](Tov<; rov<; X6yov<; rovrov<;, 1 9 /JLerrjpev drrro rrj'; TakCkala^, Kal rjXOev eh rd opia t^9 ^IovBaia<^ rrepav rov ^lopBdvov. Kal rjKoXovdrjcav avra> 6')(Xol iroXXol, Kal 2 edepdrrevaev avrov^ eKel. Kal irpoaijiXOov avrS ol ^apiaaioL 3 s Gen. i. 27 ; 'JreLpd^ovre^ avrov, Kal Xeyovre, " Ei e^eartv dvOpcoiroi Mai' ii' 15 o.rroXv(TaL rrjv yvvalKa avrov Kara irdo-av air lav ;" ^'O Be diro- 4 t Gen. ii. 24 ; KptOeU cliTev avroh, " OvK dv€r/v(ore on 6 7rot^«ra9 dir dp')(fi'>'i Mar. X. II; Xvar] Ttjv yvvaiKa avrov, ev /nrj €7rt TTopveLa, Kai yafxijarj aXXrjv, lu. xvi. I8; 10 fioixarar kol 6 aTroXeXvfievrjp yafii]aa<; iarli/ rj alrla tov avOpda- 11 irov iJbcrh T^9 yvvatKo^i, ov 4pei yafirjaat," ^'O hk elirev y 1 Cor. vii. ainoUj " Ov Trairrev x€T€ t^ iratZta, Ka\ firj KociXveTc ain^ iXOelv Trp6<{ fie roiv yap toiovto)v iarlv rj ^aaiXeia twv ovpa- 15 va)v" Kal eiriOeU avToU Ta<; x'^^P^^* hropevOr] eKelOev. 16 ^KAI Ihoif, eh irpoaeXOwv ehrev avT(p, "AihaaKaXe dyaOe, rt « Mar. x.i7i 17 ayauov Troirjaco, iva ex^ ^(or)V aixavLov ; U be etirev avTo), " Ti fie Xeyet? dyaOov ; ouSet? dya^o<;, el fir) eh o Ge6<;. el he 6eXeL<; 18 ela-eXOetv eh ttjv ^(orjv, Tqprjaov Ta9 evToXd}v. xviii. 18. in the preceding. 17. Tt fie Keyeis ayad6u ; in what sense do you 9. According to Mark, this was said to the call me good ? Origen understood it as if it was disciples afterwards in the house. X. 10. rl fie Xeyeis irepl hyaGov ; and so R. Simon Ibid. 6j fjii]. The reading is probably /x^ iirl translates it: but they are certainly wrong, as iropveia. is plain from our Saviour's answer. 10. alrla, conditio. Boisius, Schwarzius. 18. See note at Mark x. 19. 11. x'^/'oCoTi rhv \6yov does not mean, are 46 ETATTEAION [k.. 19, 20. 809 TTTCo^ot?* /cat e^et? drjaavpov iv ovpavM' koX Bevpo axo- XovOei fJbOL.^' ^AKOvaa<^ he 6 veavurKOf; top \6.20.] KATA MATGAION, 47 6 619 TOP afiireXMva, koI o eav rj hUaiov 8a)cr(o v/jlIv. ol Be ttTnjX- dop. IlaXiP €^€\6a)P irepl €/CTr)p koI eppdrrjp copap, hroirjaep 6 axravTO)?. Trepl 8e ti^p epBeKavrjp oipap i^eXOcop, evpep dX\ovB€ earijKaTe oXrjp ttjp 7 ^fiepap dpyoi ; Xeyovaip aurcS, "Ore ovBeU rjfjLdJp^a6€. 'Qy^ia^ Be y€POfjLa/rjdaXfi6 ' v f fv r, y /% / ^ Lu. xviii. 31. apapaipofiep et? lepoa-oXvfia, Kai o vio<; rov apupcoTTov irapabo-^ dTjaerai Toi« *« v»«/ y y ^ t <^\ Mar. X. 35. 21 Tft)i/ uto)!/ airT7], " EIttc ipa Kadiawavp ovTOL ol Bvo VIOL fwv, €?. 20, 21. avTw, '' AwdfjieOa" Kal \eyet avrol^, " To fM€V Trorrjpiov fiov 23 iriea-Oe, Kal to ^dimaiJLa, o iycb ^aTrrl^o/jiai, ^airriGOrjaeaOe' TO he KaQiaai gk he^iwv fiov koI ef evcovv/jLcov fiov, ovk eaTLV r Mar. X. 41. ifiov Bovvat, oXX oU rjTol/jLaaTaL VTTO Tov iraTpofi jiov" ^Kal 24 • Mar. X. 42; cLKOvaavTe^ ol BeKa r/ryavaKTrjaav Trepl tmv Bvo dBeXSaJv. ^6 Be 25 Lu. xxii. 25. »Tr,> ^/ >\9 ,, ^^„r^ „ , ., Irjaov^ TrpoaKokeaafjuevo^ avTov^; eiirev, '' OioaTe 6tl ol apxov- T6? T&p edvwv KaTaKvpievova-LV avT&v, Kal ol /jueyaXot KaTe^ov- (Tid^ova-Lv avTwu. ovx ovtco^ Be eaTai ev vfuv d\X 09 edv 6e\y 26 ev vfuv fjiiya^ yeveaOat^ eaTco vfjLcov BcdKovor Kal 09 edv 6ekrj ev 27 t Phil. ii. 7; vfuv etvai irpMTo^, eaTco vjjlwv BovKor ^wairep 6 vm tov dvOpco- 28 1 Tim. ii. 6 ,' TTou OVK rfkOe BLaKOV7)67]vaL, dXKd BiaKovTJaai kol Bovvai ttjv rPet!'i!^18 "^^V^ aVTOV XVTpOV UVtI TToWmV." '^ ^KAI eKTropevoaevcov avTwv diro 'leptycb, riKoXovOria-ev avTw 29 uMar.x.46; V ^ ^, v 'S^ v S^ ' ia v ^i/ ^ y tew' Lu. xviii. 35. Op^A,09 ITOKV^. Kai LOOV, OVO TXXpXOL KaurjfieVOt, TTapa TTjV ooov, 30 dKovaavTe, the mount of Olives. Compare Mark xi. 1 ; 6 (rwr^p trot irapay^yovev, and the remainder John xi. 18. Lightfoot was mistaken in saying from Zech. ix. 9. x^'P^ a|rtOT0t9." 10 Kal €t(T€\66vT0/re, koX t^? KadeBpa^ Twv^-^t-^^ 'f ■ 18 7ra)XowTO)i/ t^9 irepurrepd^s. ^koX Xeyei avToi<;, *' reypaTrrai,, a Fm.m.T; **0 oIko^ fiov, oIko<; 7rpoa€V)(rpi K\r)6t]a€Tai'* vfieU Be avrov °™™"'"" 14 eTroLTJaare (nrqXaiov Xtjotcjv.** Kal TrpoaijXdov axnat TVkol HpXtred ffoi iUatoi koI ir^ctv, eArhs irpabs, Kui irififfiiiKiis M vwo^vyiov KcdwuKov v4ov. Origen gives five different translations, vol. iiL p. 74'2. John quotes the same passage, xii. 15, but dif- fers from Matthew and the LXX. See Carp- zovius, Surenhusius. 7. 6yoy Kal iruKoy. Our Saviour sate on the foal. Mark xi. 7. Ibid, iirdyto ainoiv, sc. twv Ifieerltev. Beza, Hombergius : but it more probably means the ass and foal, though Jesus only rode on one of them. Hackspanius, Wolfius. 8. rh. indTioL See 2 Kings ix. 13. Plutarch speaks of Cato being received, wirorjfleWwv rk ifidria To7s ir6oivlKU}U." Clem. Alex. vol. i. p. 104. Philo Judaeus speaks of Agrippa returning from Jerusalem ovx inrh fiias vSKfcos, oAA' vnh ttjs x'^P"-^ """(£- arfs, (pvWo^KovfievSs re Kal dav/xa^Sfievos eir' €U(re)3eiot. vol. ii p. 589. 9. 'naavva is not a Syriac word, but purely Hebrew, ^3 ny^EJ'in* serva nunc. The two words had become one, and were in frequent use as an exclamation : uffavva earu t(jJ vl$ Aa^lS, sahts ea, auxilium illud, quod in dictionibus ^yV^^ continetur, contingat filio Davidis : iiaavva ttrroa iv to7s i/r^ii)XXa fiovov koI Xe7et avrfj, '* MrjKert eK aov Kap7ro<; yevrjTai eh rov amva.^' Kal e^rjpdvOr} irapa'ypfrjiia r) (rv/cfj. Kal lB6vTe<; ol fjuaOrjTal eOavjxaaav, Xeyovre^;, " JJco^; 'irapa')(priiia 20 gxvii. 20. e^pdvOr] T) (TVKT] ;" ^^ATTOKptdeU Be 6 ^Irja-ov^; elirev aurot?, 21 "^Afir)V Xeyco vfuv, iav exT^^ iria-rtv, Kal fir) BiaKpiOrjTe, ov fiovov TO T7]<; (rv/cr]f; TTOiiqa-ere, dXXd Kav tm opei tovtw etTTT/re, h vii. 7; ^ApOrjTL Kal ^rj6r)rL eh rrjv OdXaaa^av, yevrjo-erai' ^Kal irdvra 22 Mar. xi. 24 ; r/ A > / > »^ « / -^ ' t n ii Ln. xi. 9 ; o, '''O irpayro^:" Aeyet, axnoh 6 ^Ir) BiKaioavi^<;, Kot "> Lu. iii. 12, ovK iTTurreva-aTe avrat, oi he TcXayvai Koi al iropvai eiriarevaav avrat' vfi€l<: Be IBome^ ov fi€T€/x€\rjdr)T€ varepov tov Tnarevcrai OVToi). 83 '"^"AWrjv 7rapa^6\T)v aKOvaarc. "AvdpWTTo^i rt? r)V otVo- " Mar. xii. l ; BecnroTf^^f oart? e^vrevaev dfiircXMva, Koi (f>p(vyfi6v axnut irepi' Esa. v. i ;* WriK€, KoX Gipv^ev iv avrat \r)v6Vf koI wKoBofirjae irvpyov, koX p"Vxxx. 8 ; 84 efeSoTO axTTov yecjpyolf;, koI direBrnirjaev. ore Be rfiyiaev 6 Kat- J^^Jj"^'"* /309 Tcov Kapircov, aTreareLXe Tois Bov\ov « . f .V V / . et xxvii. 1 ; K\r)povofjLO rov J -N ^ ' \ T^ / ' / Mar. xii. 10: fiovvr€ vfiwv rj ^aaiXeia rov Qeov, koX Eph. ii.20; 44 So^ijcrerai edvei rrotovvri rov<; KapTrov ov S' dv Trearj, Xlk- ^ J firjaei, avrov" Kal dKOvaavre<; ol dp^tepeh kcu oi ^apiaalot 31. reXuvcu k. t. \. Publicans and harlots ver. 41, and the corner stone implies that Christ are more likely than you to repent and believe the would unite the Jews and Gentiles in one build- gospel. See v. 19. ing. 32. iy 65^ BiKcuoffvvvs. Pointing out a way Ibid. aSnj. This is in the feminine, because by which ye might become righteous, viz. by the Hebrew has no neuter. Olearius, Casau- repentance and believing in Christ bon, Vorstius. Or it may refer to K€, 'Eralpe, 12 TTw? ela-rjXOe<; wSe fir) e)(wv evBvfia ydfiov ; 'O Be €(f>i/jL(odr]. 13 triii. 12; ^Tore eliTev 6 BaaiXeix; roh BtaK6vot<;, Anaavre^i avrov TroSa? etxiii. 42; , „ „ , ^ \ ' O /^ » v ' v ><- / et XXV. 30. Kau ')(eLpa<;, apare avrov Kat eKpaXere et? ro ' V ' '^A ' - avrov irayuoevaaicriv ev Xoyw. Kai arrocrreXXovdLV avrca rov<; 16 /jLadrjrd^ avrcov /J,erd rcov 'HpcoBiavcov, Xeyovre<;, " AiBdaKaXe, Chap. XXII. 2- ydixovs. A marriage feast, places where one street passes into another, and So Arrian, 6 Sc koI ydfjLovs evoi-na-eu iu ^ovffois where there is more likely to be an assemblage eavTov re Kal rdv kraipwv. Exped. Alex. vi. 4. of people. 6. See Raphe], Eisner. Christ is said to be 1 1. epSvfia yd/xov represents a life and con- wedded to the church in Eph. v. 23, &c. duct suitable to a person who professes to be- 3. Tohs SovXovs aitTov are the apostles and lieve in Christ. It is said that garments were preachers of the gospel. distributed to the guests as they entered ; so Ibid. Tovs K€K\r]/jL4vovs answers to the persons that allusion may be made to the assistance of who hear the gospel preached : whether they the Holy Spirit, which is given to every Chris- accept the terms of it, depends upon them- tian. selves. See xx. 16. The men in the parable 12. icpifidodT], from (plfios, capistrum. Jose- had received one invitation {rovs K^KXtiixhovs), phus uses the same metaphor, 6 pXv iretpifiwro and persons were now sent to see whether they Tois ifiepois. De Bel. Jud. i. 22. 3. would accept it (/caXeVat). 13. (TkStos. See viii. 12. 4. TcOvfieva. Eisner understands this lite- 14. See xx. 16. It will be observed, that rally of sacrifices performed at weddings : but the man was not chosen, because he had not a it probably means merely killed for the feast, wedding garment ; but it was his own fault that Wolfius. he had not. 9. Sie^6dovs rwv SBwv probably means the 16. 'Hpwiiavwv. There have been many K.^22.] KATA MATGAION, 53 oiBafiev OTL a\r)OT]<; el, /cat rrjv oBov rod Seov ev aXrjOeia StSacr- K€i Brjvdpcov. Kal X^e* 21 avTot?, " Tlvo<; rj eUwv avrrj koI t) €7nypa(}>^ ;" AeyovaLV avr^, '* Kaiaapo<;." Tore Xeyet avroU, " ^ 'AiroBoTe ovv ra Kaiaapo<;, r Rom.xiii.7. 22 KaiaapL' koI ra rov Seov, r^ Sew." Kal dKovaavT€€VTe^ avrov dirrjXOov. 23 * ^Ev eKeivtf rfj rjfiepa irpoarikOov avrw SaBBovKalot, ol \e- t Mar.xis.is; yoirre<; firj elpai dvdaraaiv, Kal eTnjpwTrjaav avrov, \eyovTe<;, Act.^xiii! 8. 24 " At,Bdol' KoX 6 TrpwTo? yafi-qaa^ iTeXevrrjae' Kal firj e^wy (rrrip- 26 fia, d^)Ke Ttjv ywauca avrov t^ dBeXxf)^ avrov. ofiolayf; Kal 6 27 Bevrepo6pov re 'Poj/xalois Te\eiu popular with the lower orders. VTroficvovffi, Kal /xero rhv ©ebv oiffovcri Qvtjtovs 34. iirl rh ourb is always said of persons Secrire^Tas. Josephus, De Bel. Jud. ii. 8. 1. meeting together in the same place. See Luke 18. Tl fxe ireipd^iTe ; The persons who asked xvii. 35 ; Acts i. 15 ; ii. 1, 44 ; iii. 1 ; iv. 26. the question consisted of Pharisees and Hero- 35. vohik6s. Mark calls him ypafi/xarfis. dians : the former would have condemned him, xii. 28. See Matt v. 20. 54 ETATTEAION [Ke<^.22,23. e Deut. vi.5; ev TOO v6fi(p ;" ^'O Be 'Ir)aov<; elirev avrm, " "* A'yaTrrjo-ei'i Kvptov 37 rov ©eov crov, iv oky rfj Kaphla aov, koX ev okrj rfj '\jru')(fj aov, Koi iv oXrj TTJ Biavoia aov. avrr) earl irpcori] koX fieyaXr] evroXrj. 38 fLev.xix.i8; ^ AevTepa Be ofJiOLa avrfj, ^ A^a7rr}(TeL<^ rov ifKrjcriov aov a>9 aeav- 39 Lu. X. 27 ; ' Tov. ^ iv TavTai^ Talrj- 40 l&c^^{ 8 ^ ' ^ ^vv7]v rrroBcov aov.' El ovv Aa^lB 45 etx. 12, 13, /caXet avrov Kvpvov, rrws vlo« \ -./ \ / 5. « et xxii. 12. ^^ ra ^vKaKrr}pLa avrcov, Kai fjueyaXvvovai, ra Kpaaireoa rayv nMar.xii.38; Ifjuarioov avrodV ^(^Ckoval re rr)v TrpwroKXialav ev Tot9 BeiTrvoi^, 6 La. xi. 43; \\ /i^/> " « \\> et. XX. 46 ; ^ai Ta9 7rpcdroKaaeopLa<; ev raL<; avvar/ciyyaL<^, Kat rov<; aairaa- 7 3 Joh. ver. 9. ^q^^ ^'j, .^.^^^ dr/opaL<;, Kal KoXelaOai vtto rwv dvOpooircov, pa^^l, ojac. iii. 1. pa^/SL vjMel^ Be /jlt} K\ri6rjre, pa^fii' °eh ydp earov vfiMV 08 p Mai. i. 6. Ka67)yr]rr)<;, 6 Xpiar6<;' irdvre^ Be v/juet^; cbBeX^ol eare. ^Kal 9 irarepa firj KaXearjre vjJbSyv eirl rrj^ 7^9* eh ydp eartv 6 Trarrjp v/JLcov, 6 ev Tot9 ovpavoL<;. /iirjBe KXrjOrjre KaOrjyrjraL' eh ydp 10 q XX. 26, 27. v/jLMV iariv 6 Ka6rjy7]rr]<^, 6 XpLar6<;. ^6 Be fiei^cov vfiwv earat 11 39. We perhaps ought to read Sevrepa bfioia to wear fringes in the borders of their garments. oSrr?. Numb. xv. 38. The following texts were worn 40. Kpefiavrai. So Plutarch, speating of the by them on the forehead and left arm, and in sayings, yvudi ffeainhv and jUTjSej/ &yav, says, e/c the borders of their garments : Exod. xiii. 3 — toinwv yStp ^pri\Tai tcL Xomd. irdvTa. Consol. ad 16 ; Deut. vi. 5 — 9 ; xi. 13 — 21. " Dicta sunt Apol. p. 116. Graece °^^ "^^^ €li€T€ elo-eXOelp. Oval vfjilv, ypafi/jLareU koX ^apiaaloi, inroKpiral, on irepuvyere ttjp dakaa' aop Kol TTJP ^pap, TToirja-ai, eva Trpoa-^Xvrop, koI orap yevrjrai, 16 7ro(etT€ avrop viop yehnnj^i BvTrKjorepop vfjuap. ^Oval v/jllv, oBt}- " *▼• 14; yol TVipXol, oi XeyoPT€€L'\j6l,. fjLWpol Kol TV(f>- Xoi' Tt? ycip fiei^wp € 21 KoX ip Trdai Tot? iirdptD avrov" ^kgX 6 ofjuxrof: ip t«3 i/aoS ofipvei r i Reg. t>»xi» ^ »'«S»»' »«> viii. 13 ; 22 €P aVTff) KoX €V T(p KaTOLKOVPTV aVTOV * Kal O/Waa^ €P TOO OV- 2 Par. vi. 3. papw, ofivvei ip r^ Spoptp rov Beov, Kal ip tw KaOrj/xevip iirdpco ' ^- ^^• avTov. 88 " •Oval vfup, ypa/j>fiaT€i^ Kal ^aa-uralot, inroKpLral, otl diro- • Lu. xi. 42. BcKaTOVTC TO TjBlXKTfJLOP Kal TO dPTjOoP Kal TO KVfJLLPOP, Kal OXJ)'^- Kare rd ^apvrepa rov vofJLOV, rrjp Kpicrip Kal top eXeov Kal Tr)v 24 irump' Taxna eSec TTOirja-ai, KdKclpa firj d(j>i€Pai. 'OBijyol Tvcp- \ol, oi BLv\i^oPT€<; top KODPOiira, Tr)P Be KdfirjXop KaTaTrtvovTe^;. 25 ^ Oval v/jup, ypafi/MiTeU Kal ^apLaalot, inroKpcTal, otl KaOa- ^ xv. 20 ; pl^ere to e^oyOep tov iron^plov Kal t^? irapoy^lBo^, ecrwOep Be M°ar!"vii. i. 26 yefiovaiv ef dprrarpY; Kal dKpa^la<;. ^apuaale Tv^Xe, KaOd- pta-ov irparrov to erro? toO iroTqpiov Kal t^9 7rapo'>^iBo^, Xva yhnjTai Kal to e/cT09 ainoyp KaOapop. 27 " ^ Oval vfup, ypafJLfiaTel'i Kal ^apiaatoL, viroKpiTal, oti c Lu. xi. u. TrapofjLoid^eTe Ta^t9 KCKOPuifiipoi^, o^TLpe^ e^codev fiev aLV0PTai 13. »c«T6. 23, 24. aypaloi, ecrcoOev Se jefj^ovaiv oa-ricov vcKpcov koX Tracrr}^ aKaOap- (TLa<;. ovTco koI vfjLeL<; e^oyOev [xev ^aiveaOe tol<; avOpwirotfi 28 d Lu. xi. 47. hiKaioi, eawOev he fMecrrol icTTe v7roKpi(re(o<; Ka\ avofila<^. ^Oval 29 vfjiLV, ypa/jL/juareL'^ kol ^apia-aloi, viroKpnal, on otKoSofjLeore Tov \ « V ><->«» « \ /, et xxii. 19 ; o-o(pov<; KUL ypa/jL/jLaT6L^' KttL 6^ avTcov a7roKT€V€CT€ Kai aTavpoD- O 2 Cor. XI. 24, cr€T€, KOL €^ uvTcov /jLa(7Tiy(oa€re ev rah (Tvvaywyal^ v/jlcov, kol g Gen. iv. 8; BlCO^€T€ CLTTO TToXeO)? 66? TToXtV ^OTTO)? €\6r) i(j) U/Xa9 'Jrdv OLfia 35 hUaiov, iK^^vvofievov iirl T979 7^9, dirb aXfiaro!. ^Xiyci) yap vjuv, Ov fJLrj fie 'IBrjTe dir dpTi, 39 Ps. 118. 26. r^ js ,/ xn >> / f j / » » a v f » €0)9 av €i7rr}Te, iLvXoyy/jbevo^ o €p')(p/jievo<; ev ovofiaTL Kvpiov. k Mar.xiii.i; ^KAI i^eXOcbv 6 ^Ir]crov, Kal nphs airaffi ras aWr}- \(i>y Xf'pos- A 5^j irdyra Karh ruv iiffffiwy ^KvpU' (Tfv 6 &(6s. De Bel. Jud. iv. 6. 1. KaTaKarjvai St ir\^y 6\lyov irdyra rhv anoy, %s tiy avTo7s ovk iir' 6\iya ZiiipKifffv ?t7j noKiopKovfieyois. Xifi^ yovy idKaffay. v. 1. 4. Kai a-irdyei rwy iiriTTj- Sfiay ijSri Sif\6oyro rroWol. v. 8. 2. See also v. 10. 2; V. 12. 3; vi. 3. 3. Ibid. Xoifioi. &(Tre rh fiev irpuTOV avrolt T^y (TTfyoxupiay yfytadai XoifjLwSj] (readai koI KaTapo(Tvvris rifiwpias inreffxov. Josephus, Antiq. xx. 8. 6. He also speaks of persons airaTtiBcvras vir6 tipos avdpdowov y6r)Tos, (Twrrfpiav owtoTs iirayyeWo/xivov Kal iravKav KaKuu, et jSoi/Arjfleiej' eireadai fiexpt ttJs iprjtiias avTcp. ibid. 10. 27. This was unintelligible then to the disci- ples, who expected Jesus to return soon in vi- sible pomp and glory : but he himself knew that he should not return till the day of judgment ; and he therefore says. Think nothing of thexe im- postors who pretend to be the Christ : he will never come again, till he come suddenly to judge the world. He then makes the secondary applica- tion of the prophecy to the destruction of Jeru- salem : Christ will return to punish the Jews as swift as the lightning, or as eagles darting upori their prey. K*^. 24.] KATA MATGAION. 59 Bvaficav, otJrtt)? €€yyof; aim)f;, koI ol aorepef ^i*^"4 • ireaovirraL airo rov ovpavov, koI at Bwd/x€i,, t Ml -. \» /. « 'j'lV Esa. xiii. 10; aVUpWTTOV €V TO) OVpaVO)' KOI TOT€ KOyfrOVrCU TTCUrai CU v\aL Joel ii. 31 ; T^9 yr}€\a>v rov ovpavov fiera SvvdfjL€(o<; xal B6^<; TroWrjf;. ^koI « Apoc. i. 7. aTTOOTcXci roiff dyyekov<; avrov fierd aaXirir/yo'; (fxovri^ fieyaXr}^, ic^.'xv.42; Kal hnawd^ovvXKa eK^vrj, ycvayaKcre 83 oTt eyyis ro ^€po9* "ouro) koX vfieU, Brav tSrjre irdvra ravra, « Jac. r. 9. 34 yiv vfuv, ov firj 30 3^ . 85 wapiXBrj r) yevea avTtj, eox? &v irdvra ravra yevrjrai. ^ 'O ovpa- Jj- »*»• 32, IA09 Kol 1} 77 irapeXevtrovra^y oi Be Xoyoi /xov ov firf TrapeXdcoa-i, b y. is. 86 ^Ilepl Bk rrj<; T)fi€pa<; iKclvr^t; koX rr}<; &pa<; ovBeU olBev, ovBk ol c Mar. xiii. 87 ayyeXot ro)v ovpavcov, el firj 6 iran^p fiov fwvo^, ^ "Hairep hk j ^n. x^ji. ai 'haepoi rov iVwe, oin-o)? eoTai koX v irapovala rov viov rov 2«. 27 ; » /> / ff V* » «,,« v« lPet.iii. 20; 88 avupayrrov. (txnrep yap rf€ et? rrjv Ki^corov, Kal ovk eyvwaaVf 60)9 rj\$€v 6 KaraKXvp6vi/JL0L eXa^ov eXatov 4 ev T0?9 cuyyeioL^ avroiv fiera rojv Xa/juirdBcov avr&v. xp^vl^ovro^ 5 Be rod vvfipovt- 8 /A0fc9 elirov, Aore r}iuv e'/c rov eXaiov vfi(ov, on at Xafi7rdBe<; rj/jicov a^evvvvrac. ^ AireKpiO'qaav Be al ^povL/MOL, Xeyovaai, 9 Mrjirore ovk dpKecrr) rj/juv Kal vjmv iropeveaOe Be fidXXov 7rpo^v may be understood of spiritual to teachers of the gospel : see ver. 45 : and if food, and the preachers of the gospel are alluded they neglect their duty, though they really be- to. 'Ev Kaipif is added, as meaning that the lieved the gospel, they will have the same teacher should always be ready, and watch punishment as those who merely pretended to every opportunity. believe. 46. iroiovvra oh-as. Preaching the gospel. Chap. XXV. 1. TJre. I conceive the 47. God will reward him as much as a mas- meaning still to be, that at the destruction of ter who promotes his servant to a post of honour Jerusalem there will be a marked difference be- in his household. tween the Jews who have embraced the gospel 49. The reading is probably iaQiri Se KoHi and those who have not : though it may also al- icivji. lude to the distinction between the good and bad 51. Sixorofiiia-ei. Beza, Casaubon, and at the last day. All the Jews professed to be Valckenaer, considered this to mean. He shall expecting their Messiah ; but the wise among separate him from the rest of the servants. But them embraced the gospel, and this was their all the ancient versions interpret it literally, as protection, when he came to take vengeance on did Boisius, Maius, Schmidius, &c. See Wol- the nation. fius. What is added of koI rh fiipos k. t. A. 2. We should probably read koI irevre fiwpal. seems rather to favour the former. 3. ahives. Probably at Ibid. vtroKpiTwv. The warning is addressed 9. M^irore, i. e. bpare iiiyiroTe. Eisner, Alberti. K«^.25.] KATA MATGAION, 61 11 auTov ek TOW ydfiovf!, koI €K\eia6r) rj Ovpa. varepov he epxov' rcu Kol at \onral irapOivoi, Xeyovcrai, Kvpie, Kvpie, dvoi^ov 12 r)fup. °'0 Sk aTTOKptdeU elTrev, ^A/jltjv X€7a) v/jlIp, ovk oZSa nvii. 23; 13 voa?. ^rprjyopeXre ovv, on om otBare rrjv rjfiepav ovB^ rrfv <> xxw. 42-, ^ , • , f V - » /I ' V Mar. xiii. Oi)pav, €v fi o viop 6 Ta irePTC rdXavTa Xafioyp, TrpoarjpeyKev dXKa irePTe rdXaPTa, Xeycop, KvpiCf irevre TaXaPTd /jlol irapeBcoKa^* 21 iBe, dXXa irePTe rdXapTa exepBijaa err auTol<;. *• ^K' eiaeXOe €t? rrjp ')(ja,pdp rov Kvpiov 22 r ^ ^ ^ r. , '/i/ ' » \ /i / 1 TheBs. 7ravTe<; 01 a^ioi wyyeKoi fjuer avrov, rore Kadiaeu evrt opovov 2^Thess. i. 7- ^0^9 avrov, ^Kal avva')(dr)(TeraL e/jLirpocrOev avrov iravra ra 32 JudffivenU; '^Qyyj^ ^al atpopLcl avrov^ air aX\i]\a)v, coairep 6 irotfir/v a^- u Rom. xiv. opl^eu rcL TTpo^ara airo rcov ipL^ayv Kal dr'qcrei ra fiev frpo/Sara 33 10; 2 Cor.v. 'C-j-" >« nS'V'/j '>-> -' 10 \ Ezech. ^^ oe^iwv avTOv, ra oe epicpta e^ evoyvv/jucov. et^xxxi' 17 " Tore epel 6 /SacriXev^; Tot9 ck Be^tcjv avrov, Aevre, ol evXo- 34 20, yirj/jLevoL rov Trarpo^ jjmv, KXrjpovo/JLrjaare rr)v rjroLfiaa/juevrjv vpZv «Esa.iviii.7; ^aatXelav aiTo Kara/3oX7]<; koct/jlov. ^iirelvaa-a jap, Kal iBcoKare 35 Ezech. J '' . '?^ ' » V ' / / J-/ >' V xviii. 7; f^ot (pajeLV eofYnjaa, Kai eiroriaare fie' ^ez^o? rj/ii^v, Kav crvvr)- faf.'iTilT' y^^'^^ f^^' yv/^vb^> fcal irepie^dXere fi6' rjaOevrjcra, Kal iir- 36 eaKe-sjracrOe fie' iv ^vXaKrj i]/jL7jv, Kal rjXOere irpo'^ fie. Tore 37 airoKpiOriaovrab avrw ol hiKaioi, Xeyovra, Kvpie, rrore ae etBofiev iretvcovra, Kal iOpiyjrafiev ; rj Bi'y^wvra, Kal eiroria-afiev; rrore Be ae elBofiev ^evov, Kal avvrjydyofiev ; rj t, v ' ' }) oiKaioi et9 (^(or)v aicoviov. bMar.xiv.i; ^ KAI iyevero ore ireXeaev 6 ^Irjaov^ irdvra^ rov<; X6yov exei. Luke has feSoKeTexeii'. viii. 18. This was spoken on Tuesday: see xxl 18; 33. AiKaa-rks Se fiera^h tovtuv KadrjffBai, ots, xxvi. 17. eireiS^ SiaSiKaaeiav, tovs juei/ Slkulovs KeXeveiv Ibid. TropaSiSoTOt. It is probable that Judas iropevea-Oai r^v els Se^iav re Kal &v(a 5ici rov ov- had made his agreement with the chief priests pavov TOVS 66 aSiKovs rrjv els apicrrepdv re while Jesus was delivering his prophecy, which Kal Kdro). Plato De Republ. x. p. 614. will account for this intimation of his treachery. 40. See note at v. 19. 3. apx^epus. At this time Caiaphas was pro- Chap. xxvi. 2. T^ irdffxa y't-verai. The perly the high priest: but the office was now feast of the Passover begins. Gerhardus, Raphel. frequently changed, and the persons who had Kt<; rov XeyofjUvov Kaida, koI avve^ovXevaavro Iva rov 6 'Irfaovv KpaTr/a-QXTt, B6\(p, Kal aTroKreivaxTtv, eXeyov Be, Mr) iv rfi coprrj, tva firj B6pv^09 yimjrai iv ra> \am. 6 'Tov 8e ^I'qaoii yevo^vov iv BrjOavia iv oIkIo. Xlfj'covo'i rov 7 \€7rpov, irpoaijXdev avrat yvvrj^ aXd^aarpov fivpov e^pvaa ^apvrifjLOV, Kal Karkx^ev irrl rr)v Kea\rjv avrov dvaKclfievov, 8 iB6vr€id KoafKp, \a\r}d/]v BcoBeKa, 6 Xeyofievof: *IovBa<; ^laKa- 16 fHtorrf^, TTpo^ Toif^ apx^epeK, 'elrre, " Tl OeXere fiot Bovvai,, Kayo) vfitv TrapaScoao) avrov ;" 01 B^ earrjaav avrat rpidKOvra dp- id yvpia' Kal diro rore i^ijret, evKatpiav iva avrov irapaBM. 17 ^TH Beirpdtynj r&v d^vfuov irpoarfkBov ol fMaOrjral rat 'Irja-ov, c Mar. xiv. S Job. xi. 2 ; et xii. S. d Deot. XT. 11; Job. xii. 8. • X. 4; Mar. xiv. 10; Lu. xxii. 4. f Zach.xi.l2. IT Mar. xiv. 12; La. xxii. 7. held it retained the name. The heads of the twenty-four orders or courses of priests were also called i.pxifpf'is- 5. llKfyov S«. But some among them said that they must not attempt a public execution : and therefore they devised the plan of deliver- ing him to Pilate. 6. This story is told in Mark xiv. 3. and John xii. 1. That in Luke vii. 87. happened at a different time. Matthew does not mention it in the order of time, for it happened six days before the passover; (John xii. 1.) he probably inserted it here to account for the treachery of Judas : yevofxevov implies an event which was past; and t6t€ iropevBfis, in ver. 14, may be con- nected with the end of ver. 5. The proper place for this story would be at the end of chap. xx. Ibid, lifuavos. Theophylact mentions a no- tion, that Simon was the father of Lazarus ; which seems improbable. See John xii. 2, where Lazams is mentioned as a guest. Simon had probably been cured by Jesus. 7. yvirf). This was Mary the sister of Laza- rus, (John xii. 3,) who was also present. (2.) Ibid, fxvpov. A pound of spikenard. John xii. 3. For the phrase aKa^aa-rpov fivpov, see Alberti ad I. and Eisner at Luke vii. 37. 'AAa- fiacnpov was used for a vessel of any material holding ointment. Ibid. Korex^^v. Plato mentions it as an honour, /xvpoy Kara rris K^paK'^s Karaxf^^v. De Republ. iii. p. 396. 8. ol fiaBrtToS. It was Judas who said this. John xii. 4. 9. iroWov, for three hundred pence. Mark xiv. 5 ; John xii. 5. 10. r»'ouj. Knowing the real sentiments of Judas. See John xii. 6. Ibid. Ilpyov Ka\6y. It is a good work, and one which you would approve of, if you knew that I should soon require anointing. 12. fiaXovaa ydp. The particle ykp explains the words, ifi^ ov irdvTorf ^xcf^t Ye will not have me always with you, for I am soon to die and to be buried. Ibid. Trp6s rh iyr. She has done it with re- ference to the laying out of my body for burial : see Mark xiv. 8. 13. T^ fvayyeKiov is particularly connected with the allusion to his death in the preceding verse : wherever the joyful news of this my death shall be announced, &c. 14. T6ri. See note at ver. 6. He did not go to the chief priests immediately after the anointing of Jesus, but four days afterwards. 15. f(TTT](raj/ may either signify weighed, or fixed, agreed upon. The former is preferred by Beza, Raphel, Palairet ; the latter by Theophy- lact, L. de Dieu. Mark has evrtyy^iXavTO, Luke (TwedevTO. Ibid. TpiaKovra apyvpia. Eusebius quotes rp. (TTaTrjpas. Dem. Evang. p. 479. Tillemont says that the sum was not more than ten crowns. Memoires, tome i. p. 50. Drusius observes that the price for a slave was thirty silver shekels, of a freeman, sixty. It was also the price of a man-servant's life: Exod. xxi. 32. 17. This was on Wednesday evening: they 64 ETATTEAION [K6<^. 26. Xeyoz^e? avTw, ''TIov Oe\6L<; eTOL/idcrayfjLev (tol ^a/yelv to iraa- %ci> ',^' 'O Be elirev, '''TTrar/ere eh ttjv ttoXlv TT/ao? top Setva, 18 Kol eiirare avrw, ^O BLBd ' j. ' 5- " «- ^ r > « r/ fie. KuL XvTrovfJievoL acpoopa yjp^avTO Xeyecv avTO), cKaaTO^ 22 iMar.xiv.20. avTMV, " MrjTL ijo) elfiL, KvpLC ;" ^'O Be aTTOKpiOeh elirev, *''0 23 iji^dy^a^ /leT e/juov ev tS Tpv^lw ttjv X^^P^i ovto^ fie irapa- Bcoaei. 6 fjLev vio 'SJ - Z) « \ '9 ,c A ^ a Lu. xxii. 19, yr]aa / c>v f " 18. irepi TToXXoyv eK^pvopuevov et9 acpeacv afjuapTccov. ^Xeyo) be vpuVj 29 were to eat the passover on Thursday: or it 23. If these words are the same with those may have been spoken on Thursday morning. recorded by John xiii. 26, they were said pri- 17. Uov 64\eis ; the inhabitants of Jeru- vately to John, and not openly to all. 'Efi^dxf/as salem received no pay for the use of their seems to imply that the action was passed, or houses at the festivals, but opened them gratis, then going on : Judas was perhaps at that time Saubert. (Crit. Sacr.) Lightfoot ad I. dipping his hand in the dish. Boisius thought 18. iroieiv rh vdcrxa would be a phrase in that Jesus meant merely to designate his own good Greek, as Xenophon uses noieiu to 'OKvfi- familiar friend, one who has dipped his hand in via. the dish with me. 19. ot fj.a6r}Tai. Peter and John. See Luke 24. This seems fully to prove that Judas did xxii. 8. not act merely from mistaken zeal, or an error Ibid. Nicephorus and Cedrenus say that it of judgment, as some have supposed, was in the house of S. John. But it is highly 25. 'AiroKpiOds. See John xiii. 27. improbable that at this time he had a house in Ibid. Su e?7ros. So Xenophon, avrhs, e» ' N-v'tf TT ' Joh. xii. 27. eireaev cttI irpoaayrrov avrov Trpoaev^ofievo'^ Kal Xeywv, liarep fjLOV, el Bwarov eort, irapekOerta drr ifjLov ro irorripiov rovro* 40 irXrfv ov^ eb? iya> OeXay, dXX o)? av." Kal ep')(erat> 7rpoy Oavdrov, where it 24, for the meaning of ews. seems to mean, / am in such pain, that I am 30. vfitrffo-atirfs. An hymn was sung before almost dead. and after the feast. That which was sung after 39. Trpoexedv. A great majority of MSS. consisted of Psalms cxv — cxviii. cxxxvi. Thes. read vpocreXQdiV. Crit. Sacr. part i. p. 1 98. Ibid, voriipiov. This term may allude to the 31. naTa|oT€ Tovs voifihas Koi iKffirdffare custom of a cup of some liquor being given to TO irp6$aTa. LXX. The Alexandrian MS. a person who was going to be executed. See agrees exactly with Matthew, except that it Mark xv. 23, and Matt. xx. 22. reads Trdrc^ov, which is most like the He- 40. Ovras seems to answer to our expression, brew. So ! See 1 Cor. vL 5. 32. /i6Tck 5€ t6. But though ye will all 41. wvevfia — adp^. Many of the Fathers leave me and be dispersed, and go to your own interpreted these expressions of the divine and homes again in Galilee, ye will find me arrived human nature of Jesus : but Polycarp, who there before you. See xxviil 7. had seen S. John, understood them of the dis- 66 ETATTEAION [Ke<^. 26. aTreXOcov irpoarjv^aro, Xiycov, '* Udrep fiov, el ov hvvarai tovto TO iroTYjpLov irapekOelv air efiov, iav fit} avrb irio), yevTjdrjrco to 6ekrjp,d aovJ' Kal eXOcbv evpicrK6L auTou? ttoXlv KaOevhovra^ 43 ^orav yap avrwv ol ocpOaX/jbol ^e^aprjfjbepot. Kal dcjjeU avrov^, 44 CLTreXdcDv ttoXlv, irpoarjv^aro Ik rpiTov, top avrbv \6yov elircav. Tore epxerav 7r/D09 tou? fiaOijrd^ avrov, Kal Xeyet avTOL<;, 45 " KaOevBere to Xolttov Kal dvairaveade ; ISov, rpjyiKev rj a>pa, Kal 6 v/o9 Tov dvOpcoTTOv TrapaBlBoTac el<; ^(jElpa^ dfjiaprcoXcov. ejeipeaOe, dycofiev. IBov, rjyyiKev 6 irapaBuBov^ jxe" 46 tMar.xiv.43; ^Kal €TC avTOv XaXovvTO^;, IBov, 'lovBa^; eh rcov BcoBeKa riXOe 47 Lu. xxii. 47 ; V , , « ,/ ^ ^ v y „ v c- /^ > v „ * Joh. xviii. 3, fcai fjL€T avTov o^Xo^i TToXv; fiera fia')(aipcov Kai ^vXcov, airo rcov dp^tepeayv Kal Trpea-^vrepcov rod Xaov. 6 Be TrapaBiBov^ avrov AS eBcDKev avroL^ arjfieLov, Xeycov, "'^Ov dv (pLXrjao), avr6lX7j(r€v avrov. 6 Be 'Irjaov^; elirev avrw, 50 " 'Eraipe, €(j) S irdpeu ; " Tore 7rpo(TeX66vre<; eire^aXov Ta? n Job. xriii. %et)oa? eirl TOV ^Irjaovv, Kal eKpdrrjaav avrov. ^Kal IBov, eh 51 10. « \5Tr«>r \ » >/ \ / TO)!^ fiera iTjaov, eKreivaeiXev avrov ' Gen. ix. 6; ro Q)rLov. ^rore Xe7et avrm 6 ^Ir]o-ov« / \f-v.T / jia^aipav et9 toz^ roirov avrrj^' iravre^ yap ol Xapovre' in r «\f r\ > / Joh.xviu.i2 '^^^ ^PX^^P^^f OTTOv 01 ypafJbjiarei^ Kai ol irpecrpvrepoL o-vvrjx- ^^- drjaav. 'O Be IIerpo eKadrjro jxerd rcov vir- i)Mar.xiv.55. Tjper&v, IBeiv TO Te\o9. ^01 Be dpxi^epeh Kal ol irpea^vrepoi Kal 59 ciples, as all modem interpreters do. Ep. ad 53. Sc«jS6«a. Theophylact observes, that he Phil. § 7. p. 189. named twelve legions on account of the twelve 45. I have put a note of interrogation after disciples. oi/a7rau€(r0e. So Luther, H. Stephens, Colo- 5Q. I have followed the majority of commen- mesius, R. Simon, Wolfius. Are ye sleeping tators in making this a continuation of our and resting yourselves for the remainder of the Saviour's words. See i. 22. time? Luke writes ri KadtvSere ; xxii. 46. 57. Kaiciri, Avvafiai KaraXva-aL c joh. a. \9, TOP POOP Tov Oeov, Kal BlcL rpLiop rjfiepiap oUoBofjirja-cu avrop" 62 Kcu dpcuTTa^, koX ipxofiepop iwl tXaarfp,i)ae' tI ert 'xpeiap exo/xep p.apTvp(OP ; tBe, pvp rjKov- 66 caTe Ttjp fiXaa^r)p,(,ap axnov. tI vpXp BoKel ; " 01 Bk diroKpi' ei 0€PT€<: eliroPf *'''Epoj(pi]T€vaop ^/up, Xpt. 26, 27. 'ver. 34; idicovncre. ^Kal eLLvnaOri 6 Uerpos rod prjiiaTO^; rov ^Iricrov 57 Lu. xxii. 61. I ; , „ '^ , J^, /^ '^ ^ ,' eLprjKOTO<; avTO), " Uri, irpiv aXcKTopa (pcDvrjcrac, t/ji? airap- vrjdrj //,€." KoX €^6\da)V efoj eKkavae TTLKpm. k Mar. XV. 1; ^ JJPfllA^ 8e 'yevofM6V'r]<;, (tv/jl/SovXlov eXa^ov iravre^ ol apy- 27 Lu. xxii. 66; „ ^, „, r>^« \ «iT'>r/ etxxiii. 1; 46/3669 KUL 01 TTpecrpVTepOL TOV XaOV Kara TOV iTjaOV, C0(TT6 Joh. xviii.28. /> >> >' ^S'' >\>/ \ /rv ^ oavarcocrac avTOV kul or)cravTe<; avTov aTrrjyayov, Kai irapebcoKav 2 avTov UovTLW nCXaTO) rat ry^eixbvu Tore IBcDV 'IovBa<^ 6 TrapaStSov? avrov, otl KareKpldrj, jxera- 3 /ubeXrjOeU aTrearpe-^e to, rpiaKOVTa ap^vpia roi^i ap')(Lepev(Ti Kal TOLv rpSirov i8oKifxd(r0r)v inrep avrcav' koI 5. ii/ T<^ i/a(jj. This shews that the Sanhedrim eKa^ov rohs rpiaKouTa apyvpovs, Kal ive^aAov met in the temple. avroiis els rhu oTkov Kvplov, els rh x(^vevTi]piov. Ibid. d7r7j7|aT0. It appears from Acts i. 18, If in Matt. 10, we read eScoKo, (as does Syr.) that, as he was suspended, he fell down, and his his quotation nearly resembles the Hebrew, bowels gushed out. Some ancient writers have See Glassius, Philol. Sacr. i. p. 196. Wolfius. said that an accident prevented his dying by Ibid, rov TerifjLTjficyov. " Pretiosa," Syr. ; suspension, and that his death did not ensue " Honorati," Mthiop.; "^Estimati," Beza, Cas- till some time after. Hammond and others talio, Erasmus, Pagininus. " Innocentis," Arab. have interpreted air-fiyi^aTO to mean, that he Pasor applies it to the field, died of grief. See Biscoe, p. 583, Krebsius, Ibid. oTrb vlwv 'IcrpaiiX. These words are Heinsius : note at Acts i. 18. Wolfius. connected with e\a^ov by Junius, Piscator, 7. ToTs |eVoJS. Probably the foreign Jews, Pasor, and Heinsius : with iriixiiaavro, or rert- who attended the festivals. firifievov, by Theophylact, Erasmus, Vatablus, 8. €(DS TTJs 7j ainw, '' Xv Xeyei^." Kal iv toJ KarrryopelaOat, axnov inro twv apx^epetou koI twv Trpea^vripcov, 13 ovSev aireKpivaro. Tore Xerfu avrw 6 JltXaro?, " Ovk aKoveif: 14 TToaa GOV KaTafuipTVpovtn ;" Kal ovk aireKpidr) avrcfi irpo^ ovBk ^u prffia, w(TT€ davfid^eiv rov rjye/JLOva \lav. 15 ^Karh he eopTrjv euodei 6 rjyeficDV airoXvetv eva rep o^X^) p Mar. xy. 6 ; 16 Bea-fuov, hv ffOeXov. elxov Be rore Beafiiov iirlaTj/Jbov, Xeyofievov joh"viil.8»,* 17 Bapa^^dv. <^jvrfyfiev(i)v ovv avrwv, elirev avrol^ 6 JTtXaTO?, " Tiva deXere aTroXva-o) vfjLiv ; Bapa^^dv, rj ^Irjaovu rov Xeyo- 18 fievov XpioTOv ;'* ^JIiBei yap ore BlcL 06vov TrapeBcjKav avrov. 19 KaOrjfJievov Be avrov errl rov ^rjpM,ro. that the soldiers took Jesus from the governor's Ibid. Bapa/3/3av. Origen says that some house into their own quarters. Compare John copies read 'Irjcrovv Bapa^^av, fj 'Itjctovp k. t. X. xviii. 28. vol. iii. p. 918. His name was perhaps Jesus Ibid, cntupav is sometimes translated Cohort, 70 ETAITEAION [K€(/). 27 t xxvi. 67 ; Esa. 1. 6. u Mar.xv.21; Lu. xxiii. 26. « Mar.xv.22 ; Lu. xxiii. 33; Job. xix. 17. y Psal. Ixix. 21. I Mar.xv.24 ; Lu. xxiii. 34 ; Job. xix. 23 ; Psal.xxii.lS. a Mar.xv.26 ; Lu. xxiii. 38; Job. xix. 19. bEsa.liii.l2; Lu. xxiii. 33. c Psal.xxii.7. Kal 6KBva'avT€a\7jv avTOv, Kol KoXafJLOv eTTv rrjv Be^iav avrov' koX yovv7r€TrjaavT€<; e/JLTTpoaOev avrov, iveirai^ov avrm, \eyovT€<;, " Xalpe, 6 ^aat- Xeix; TMV ^lovhalwv" ^kol i/juirTvaavre'; et? avrov, eXa/Sov rov 30 KokafJLov, Kal ervirrov et? rr)v KC^dkrjv avrov. Kal ore iv- 31 eirat^av avrM, i^eBvaav avrov rrjv 'xXa/juvBa, Kal evehvcrav av- rov ra ifidna avrov' Kal anrr]yar^ov avrov et? to crravpcocrai,. " ^E^epxo/J'evoL 8e evpov dvOpcoirov Kvprjvatov, ovofiart ^L/jucDva' 32 rovrov rffydpevaav Xva dpy rov aravpov avrov. ^KAI iX66vr6'^rou, ' Aie/Jbepia-avro rd Ifjudrid fiov eavroh, Kal eirl rov IfjLaria-fjLOV fiov efBaXov KXrjpov.* Kal 36 KaOrffievoL errjpovv avrov eKel. * Kal kiredr)Kav enrdva) Trj<; 37 KeaXr](; avrov rrjv airlav avrov fyeypa/Jbfievrjv, " Ovr6 xxvi. 6i ; \*/ ^f~ ~ , >f\*«y-k« Job. ii. 19. Tpiaip rf^pai<; ot,KooofioiV, acoaov treaurop' et vio<{ ec tov Geov, 41 Kardfirjdi cltto tov CTavpov." 'Ofiouo^i Be koI oi ap')^i,€pelp ypafifjuiTieop xal irpea-^irrepayp eXeyop, 42 " * "AXKov^ eatoaep, kaxnop ov BvpaTat aaxrai. el l3aai\€vto<;. " 48 ^/cal ev$€(o^ Bpafuap els cf avTWP, Kal Xa^cop r]K€ to ^ Mar.xv.37; A Ln. xxiii. 40; 'TPeV/MU joh. xix. 30. fil • Kal IBoif, t6 KaTaireTaafia tov poov ea^iaOr} eh Bvo dirb ' Exod. apGiOep 60)9 KaTW Kal 17 yrj eaeurdrj, koI at ireTpat €(r')(^La-9rjaap' 2 p^'r. iii! u. 62 Kal TCL fj,pr)p,eui dpet^Orja-ap, Kal iroXXa aay/xaTa tS)P KeKocfirj- 63 fiePdyp aryioyp '^epOrj, Kal e^eXBoPTe^ €k twp /JLprjfieuov, fieTa tt)p eyepatp avTov, elaijXOop el<; ttjp dr/iap ttoXip, kov epecpaplaOrja-ap iroXXoU. 64 ™ 'O Be eKaTOPTap^o*; koX oi pier avTov T7)povPTes tov 'It/- m Mar. (Tovp, IZopre^ TOP aeuapLOP Kal tcl yepop^eva, e^o^i]drjaav cr(f>6Bpn, J^ jj^j-j ^■J^ Ti^yovre:, " *AXr]6(t)<; Seov mo9 ^p ovto<;.'* 42. The reading is probably rurr€v' iv aU rjv Mapla 77 MayBaXyvrj, kol Mapla rj tov 'laKco- 66 fiov Kol 'I(oarj fjLrjrrjp, koX rj //-rjr^p rcbv vlwv Ze/SeBalov. oMar.xv.42; ^'OWIA^ Be yevofjL€V7]^, rfkOev dvdpcoTTo^ ttXovo-lo^ aiTO 'Apt,- 57 La. xxiii. 50;/)/ „ >t>ia \>\>/i/ «,-,. Joh. xix. 38. fJ'CLuatas, Tovvofia Icoa-rjcpj 09 kul avTo iveTvXi^ev avTo aivBovt /caOapa, ^koI eOrjKev 60 avTO iv TO) KacvM avTov fjuvrj/ieup, iXaTopirjaev iv ttj ireTpa' KOL Trpoa-KvXia-a^ XWov iJbe, 'H0Vj 66 q Mar.xvi.2; (T^payl(TaVTe avrov. yv he rj IBea avrov co? aarpa- 4 TTTj, KoX TO evBvfUL avTov XevKov ftxret x^^^* ""^^ ^^ "^^^ ^o^ov 6 avrov iaeUrOrjaav oi rr]povvr€ - vr V / r, y ,etxvi. 21; rjyepdr] yap, Kauoxi eiire. bevre, toere rov rorrov, oirov CKCiro et xvii. 23. 7 Kvpto6^ov Kal X^P^^ fi€yd\rf<;, eBpa- 9 fiov dirarfyeTKai rot<; fJMOrjrai'i avrov. *a)9 Be iiropcvovro aTrar/- tMar.xvi.9; yeikai rot? fjuwr)rai oi fxaOriral avrov vvKro^ eX66vrer}fiLa6rj 6 X070? oih-o? rrapd ^lovBaioL^ I^^XP'' '^V'^ crrjfiepov. ^ "^27 16 ^01 Be evBexa uaOrjral erropevOrjaav et? rr)v TaXCkaiav, et? •^°^- '"• ^^ ; V V ♦ » /t. > - « »T - V 'S^' 'V etxiii. 3; 17 TO opo. 28. iXaXTjcrev avTOL-^ U.^ C *a>-v-t-^< ^^w^ TO KATA MAPKON AFION EYArrEAION. S. MARK. It is disputed, whether Mark the Evangelist is the same as John sur- named Mark, the cousin of Barnabas, mentioned in Acts xii. 12, 25 ; xiii. 6, 13 ; XV. 37—39 ; Col. iv. 10 ; 2 Tim. iv. 11 ; Philem. 24 ; but if the Evangelist died in the eighth year of Nero, (A.D. 61, or 62,) as is said by Eusebius, he could not be mentioned in the Second Epistle to Timothy, which was not written before A.D. 64, and perhaps in 66. He seems therefore to have been a different person, and the companion of 8. Peter, by whom he was probably converted. He is said to have been with him at Rome : and to have written his Qospel at the request of the Christians in that city ; which would require us to fix its date not earlier than the year 58, perhaps a few years later. S. Mark is stated to have founded the church of Alexandria, and to have died in the eighth year of Nero. TO KATA MAPKON AnON EYArrEAION. • Mai. iii. 1; ^APXH Tov evayyeXiov ^Irjaov Xpta-rov, vlov rod ©eov' ^(»? 1 Matt xi. 10;/ » « •/ ^>TP.r<>\j /^^ \vo Lu. vii. 27. yeypaTTTat ei> roi<; 7rpo Matt.ir.i 2; , -f y i ^ « r> > / „ La. iv. 14; €19 rr}v TaXCkaiav, tcrjpva&cov to evayyeKiov t*;? paxrtXeia^; rov joh. iv. 43. 16 0eo£), ^Kal XeycDV, ""On ireTrXripayrai 6 Kcupo^, koI ^yyt/cev » Matt. iu. 2. i} fiaaCKjeia rov Seoxr ficravoeiTC koX iriareveTe eV to) evay' yeXup.'* 16 "ITeptTraTwv B^ iraph rrjv Od\abv avrov, ^dWovra<; d/jL(f)l- 17 ^rjarpov iv rrj OaXda-arj. jjaav ycLp aXiet?* koX elirev avroU 6 ^Irjaov^;, " Aeine OTTiaco fiou, koI iroiriaco vfidevr€6v avrov, Kal 20 avrov<; iv to) irXoi^ Karaprtfyvra. Believe in 23. "Eo. The Vulgate has sine, "let us alone," this good news which I have announced. as from iav : but it may be merely an exclama- 16. The reading is probably 'AySp4av rhv tion. Wolfius. aS€\(phv Tov M/xwvos, afi^ifidWoirras. 26. o-irapd^av probably means having violently 19. avTovs. Zebedee was with them : ver. 20. convulsed: (see 2 Sam. xxii. 8; Jerem. iv. 19.) and Matt. iv. 21. Luke says fi-qSev ^Kdxpav avr6v. iv. 35. 21. To7s adp^aa-iv. Wolfius takes this lite- 28. Trepixoppou. '^ot the countries surrounding rally iu the plural, for several sabbaths. It Galilee, but the whole region of Galilee itself. L. seems to mean, immediately upon his going to de Dieu. 78 ETATTEAION [k.. i, 2. aiv avTOi irepX avT7]<;. koI irpoaeXOcov rf^eipev avrrjv, Kparrjaa^ 31 T?}? %etpo? avT7]v. The report wovild be still more vium) of a house ; and the (rreyT) may have widely spread, if (as is most probable,) our Sa- been the curtain or awning, which was thrown viour intended the leper to go and shew himself over it. 'E^opi^avr^s is wanting in some MSS. to the priest at Jerusalem. Jerom has patefacientes. But Josephus uses Chap. II. 1. ii rjfiepwv. Xenophon uses the expression rohs opS^ovs rwv oXkwv ava- 5to XP^^°^ ^^ the same sense, vid. Raphel, OKdirrwy. Antiq, xiv. 15,,12. See note at Lxike .. Eisner, Wolf. Bos. Some Latin MSS, have v.- 19. —"^ " \ post octo dies : whence Mill thinks that Mark ' *^ K*<^. 2] KATA MAPKON. 79 Be 6 'Irfr}fjLiaUvai dfiap- • Em. xUU. 8 Tia<;, el fir) el? o Oeo? ; " Kal €v6eo)<; einyvov^ 6 *Ir]aov<; r^ ' gUTt^S. irvevfutTi avToOf oti oirro)? BuiXoyi^ovrcu ev eavroU, elirev 9 ajVro49, " Tl ravra BiaXoy limeade ev rai^i KapBiai'i vfjLwv ; ri eoTiv evKOTTforepov, elirelv rat 7rapa\vrt,KM, ^A^mvrai aot> al dfJLapriai' rj elirelvy "Eyeipai Kal dpov aov tov Kpd^^arov, koX 10 TrepnrdTet ; Xva Be elBijre, oti e^ovaiav e^^i 6 ut'o? tov dvdpco' irov d(f>tevai eVl rip! yij^ dfiapTiaaiov, Kadrj^evov hrl to TeXcovLov, Kal Xeyet 15 atrro), " *AKo\ov6ei, fioi.*' Kal dva,aTd<: rjKoXovdrjaev avT^. KaX iyevero ev t^ KaTaKelaOai avrop iv t§ oUia avTov, Kal iroXXol TeXjoivax Kal d/xapKoXol avvaveKetvTO to) ^Irjaov Kal rot? 16 fia0rjTai<; avrov' rjaav yap iroXXol, Kal rjKoXovOrjaav avro). Kal oi ypafjLfuiTeh Kal ol ^apiaaloi, tSoin-e? avrov eaOiovra /xeTa twv TeXxDvoiv Kal dfiapToyXcov, eXeyov tol<; fiaOrjTah avrov, " Ti OTt 17 /iera tcjv TeX(i>va)v Kal d/xapTcoXcov eaOiec Kal Trivec ;" sKal sLv.y. uKovaa^ 6 ^Irjaov^; Xeyei auroi?, " Ov 'xpeiav e^ovaiv ol la')(yov- \ Tim.'i. i5; T€9 laTpov, dXX^ ol KaKci)<; expvTef;. ovk rjXOov KaXeaai BiKa{ov<;, ^'*"' **'^^' 18 aXX^ dfiapT(oXois eh fJt^eTavoiav" ^Kal Tjaav ol /Lta^T/ral »» lu. v. S3 ; »T' v'".* ' ' vv \ Matt. ix. 1 4. layawov Kai ol twv 9apiaauov vrjarevovre^i' Kai ep^ovrac Kai, Xeyovaiv avrw, " AultI ol fxadrjTal 'Icodvvov Kal ol twv ^apu- 19 aalojv vrjarevovaiv, ol Be aol fiaOrfTal ov vrjaTevovai ;" Kal elirev avroh 6 ^Ir)aov 6 vv/j/pLO'i fier avrwv ecrrt, vrjcrrevecv ; baov ')(p6vov fieO^ 20 eaxjTcov e^ovaL tov vvfjLcjyLov, ov Bvvavrav vrjaTevecv iXevaovrac Be '^fiepai, OTav aTrapOfj air avTwv 6 vvficpio^, Kal TOTe vrjaTCV- t 21 aovaiv iv eKeLvat/^«'\'>i/0//j «j / \ \>/ Lev. viii. 31 ; Tov oiKov rov tfeov eiTL Ajdiaoap rov ap'x^iepeco'i, Kat rovay€v, ov<; ovk e^ecrri ^ayeiv el fir) roh lepevat, Kal eBcoKe Kal roh crvv avrw ovac ;'' Kal eXeyev avroh, " To 27 ad/S^arov Btd rov dvOpcoirov iyevero, ov')(^ 6 dvdpwiro'i Bid ro ad^^arov. ware Kvpio^ eariv 6 u/o? rov dvOpcoirov Kal rov 28 aafi^drovJ' Lu^vr?"'^' °' ^"^^ elarjXOe irdXiv eh rrjv (Tvvaycoyrjv, Kal rjv eKel dvOpco- 3 TTO? e^rjpafifievrjv e')((ov rrjv xeZpa, Kal iraperrjpovv avrov el roh 2 ad^^aat Oeparreva-ei avrov, Iva Kar7]yopr]aa)(nv avrov. Kal Xeyei 3 rm dvOpciirrw rut e^rjpa/jL/jLevTjv e')(ovri rrjv %etpa, " "Eyeipau eh TO fiecrov." Kal Xeyeo avroh, '* "E^ecm roh ad^^aaiv djya- 4 OoTTotTjaai,, rj KaKorroirjaaL ; '\|ru^^z/ dwaai, r\ drroKreivai ; " 01 Be iaicoTrcov. Kal 7[;epL^Xeylrd/jLevo^ avrov<^ jier 0/377}?, avXXv- 5 )., Trov[xevo^ eirl rfj HtoSp'&a^L r7]<; KapBia<; avrwv, Xeyei rm dv- - 4^^ OpooTrw, '' "EKreivov rrjv %et/)a aov.^' KaX e^ereive, Kal drro- i n Matt. xxii. KareardOrj 17 '^elp avrov vyir}^ &>? 77 dXXr}. ° Kal e^eX06vre<; ol 6 ^apLaaloi ev6ew<; jxerd rwv ^HpwBiavwv avfji^ovXiov eirolovv Kar avrov, orrw^ avrov arroXeaaxTL. o Matt.iv.25. « KAI 6 ^l7](70v^ dve')(Qipr](7e fierd ra)V fiaOrjr&v avrov ttjoo? 7 rr)v OdXacrdav Kal ttoXv ttXyjOo^ diro rr]<; TaXtXaia^ tjkoXov- 6r)(Tav avrM' Kal diro rrjf; ^IovBata<:, Kal dirb 'Irjpoa-oXvfioyv, Kal s drro rri<; ^IBovfJLala<;, Kal rrrepav rod ^lopBdvov Kal ol irepl Tvpov ^ 23. Ijp^avTo TToietv, for iiroiovv. See iv. 1 ; institution of God. He need not have appointed vi. 7, 55 ; Acts i. 1. 'O^hv iromv merely it at all, or might have appointed any other means, to walk along. day. He appointed it for the good of man ; 26. 'A^iddap. In 1 Sam. xxi. the priest's that he might have rest for his body, and might name is Ahimelech. Matthew and Luke do he taught by it to think of his Creator. Con- not mention his name, and the words 67r2 'A. sequently we are not to observe it so as to make TOV apxiepeas are wanting in some old MSS. it an injury to us : and the Son of God could Ahimelech had a son called Abiathar. 1 Sam. not be mistaken as to the right observation xxii. 20. Theophylact observes, that Ahi- of it. melech is only called the priest, and that A- Chap. III. 1. ird\Ly, on another sabbath. biathar may have been the high priest : but this Luke vi. 6. is improbable. Michaelis thinks the words may 4. The Cambridge MS. reads fiaWov ^ airo- mean, in the chapter of Abiathar. See xii. 26 ; KTiivai. See Matt, xviii. 8. Rom. xi. 2. For eVl 'A^iddap meaning in the 6. 'HpuSiavwv. See note at Matt. xxii. 16. time of Abiathar, see Raphel. Jesus was now in the dominions of Herod An- 27. The sabbath was a positive and arbitrary tipas. K.^. 3.J KATA MAPKON, 81 Kal Si^<*>va, 'rrXfjdo'i ttoXu, aKovaavT€<; 6 Xi/Ji(ovt> ovofia Ilerpov' Kal ^Iokco^ov rov «• Joh. i. 42. rov Ze^cBaiov, Kal 'laydvvrjv rov d£€\ov rov ^laKoo/Sov' Kal €7r- 18 iOrjKev avroU ovofiara Boavepyef;, 6 eariv, viol ^povrrj<;' Kal ^Av^ BpiaVt KoX ^iKimrov, Kal BapdoXofiaioVf Kal MarOalov, Kal So)- fidv, Kal ^loKCD^ov rov rov ^AXxfyaiov, xal GaSBalov, Kal Slfuova 19 rov Kavavlrrjv, koX ^lovBav ^laKapuorrjv, 09 Kal irapeBoyKev avrov, 20 Kal ep^ovrai ei? oIkov Kal aw€p')(erat, rrdXiv 6^o<;, ware 21 fit) Bvvaadai avrov^ fMJ)re aprov a/y€lv. Kal uKovaavre^ ol irap' avrov e^XOov Kparrjaai avrov eXeyov yap, ""On e^earr)." 22 *Kal oi ypafifiarelt oi diro * lepoaoXv/xoyv Kara^dvre eavrov Kal fjLefiepLtrrai,, ov Bvvarai aradrivai, dXXd reXo<; 27 ^«. "ou Bvvarat ovBel^i rd aKevrj rov la^ypov, elaeXOoDV eh « Matt. xii. rrjv olKiav avrov, BiapTrdaai, idv fit) irpwrov rov ia^ypov B^ajj, 28 Kal rore rrjv oIkulv avrov Biapirdaec. * dfjLtjv Xeyco vfilv, ore * Matt. irdvra d(f>e6i^a-erav rd dfiapr^fjuara Tot? vloU rwv dvOpayircov, Ln. xii! 10 ,- 29 Kal ^Xaarcfyq/jLLai oaaXaa(fyr}/jLi]a(iJcnv' 09 8' dv fiXaaecnv eh rov alwva, 30 dX\! evoxo^ eanv alcoviov Kplaecor " on eXeyov, " Uvevfia y Matt. U dKddaprov e)(eL." ^ "Ep^ovraL ovv ol dBeXxpol Kal rj fJ'V''"np Ln.ttiL 19. 14. hroiTja-e. Uoi(7v is used in the same i^carrj is rightly interipTeted, he is beside himself. sense in 1 Sam. xii. 6. So also AlbertL (See Thes. Crit. Sacr. part. ii. 17. Bgoy cg-ye?. J]^y^ l^Jl, See Drusius, Ca- p. 22.) Krebsius and Wolfius take ol trap av- ' ninius, XTHeDTeu. • " * " • tov to mean his disciples. Tillemont understood 21. e'l^Xflov. They set out: their arrival is that the relations of Jesus thought he had mentioned ver. 31. fainted from the crowd, and referred eXeyov, Ibid. "Otj e'leVxTj. KnatchbuU translates this not to the relations, but to the multitude, on passage, " And some hearing of it went out from disoit. (Afemoires, tome i. p. 114.) Theophy- him to stay it, (the multitude,) for they said, lact interprets as Raphel. it was mad." We read in Matt. xii. 23. 4^ia- 22. He had just cast out a blind and dumb Tutno iravTey ol ox^oi. but Raphel has shewn spirit Matt. xii. 22. that ol -Kap avTov means his relations, and that ^ 31. This seems to be a continuation of ver. 21. ■f;? 82 ETATTEAION [K6. 3, 4. avTOVf Kol efct) ecrrwre? aTriareCkav irpo'; avrbv, j/i«>«\ Lu. viii. 10 ; Kat fiT) <; rj Bcayy/jLov Bid rbv Xoyov, evOeo)^ (TKav- BaXi^ovraL. Kal ovroi elaiv ol et9 Ta9 aKavOa^ o-iretpo/jbevov, is A 1 Tim. vi. -f/j r\-/ ,, A ■^ f f «>« 17. ouTot CLO-LV OL TOV Xoyov aKovovTe<;, ^Kat av fiepcfivai rov aLUivo^s 19 34. The reading is probably rovs KVK\opov(Tiv, ^v 21 TpiaKovra, Koi ev e^KovTUy koI hf CKaTov." ^Kal eXe7e>/ • Matt. vis ; , - ,,, »^/ w r/ r V V ,^ /5« * Lu. viii. 16; avTOt,^, " MrjTi o Xvxvo^ epx^TCU, iva vtto tov fiobiov Tevrj »; et xi. 38. 22 imo Tr)v kXivtjv, ov^ '^va eirl ttjv Xvyyiav hrnedfi ; ^ov yap iari ' Matt, x.26 ; Tt KpVTTTOV, iciV fjLT) (f)aV€p(oOfj' Ovhk €y€V€TO CLTTOKpVi^OV, oXfC et xii. 2. 23 /W et? / »T/ « hMatt.vii.2: ekeyev avroK, " BXeireTe tl aKovere. ev a> fieTpfp fierpeiTc, l,,. ^j. 39 25 ^eTpr}6i](T€Tai, vfilv, koX irpooTeOi^aeTai vfilv TOtevTe<; tov oxXov, TrapaXafi- lu. viu. 22. ^dvovciv avTov 0)9 ^v ev Ta> irXoUp' Kal aXXa Be irXotdpLa r)v fieT 37 avTov. Kat, yiveraL XaLXayjr dve/jLov fieydXr)' to. Be KVfjuaTa eV- 21. This is addressed to the disciples, who 31. The true reading seems to be us kSkkov. were not to suppress the doctrine which they 33, KaBws ijSvpavTO aKoveiu. What he had had heard from Jesus, but were to shine like said of the gradual progress of the gospel, and lights in the world. its final extension to all mankind, was totally 22. tya. See note at Matt. i. 22. opposed to the Jewish notions of the kingdom 24. 61' ^ l^(Tp(f). If you freely dispense the of the Messiah : and if he had spoken plainer, instruction which you have received, you shall they would not have borne it. freely receive more. 36. &S ^v answers to our phrase, just as he 25. t)5 yap h.y exV- He that retains what he was. Without making any alteration, they hears, and makes a good use of it. immediately complied with his orders, and took 26. This parable tells us, that, though the him, just as he was sitting in the boat. Raphel. gospel appears to be spread by human means, 37. iir7fia\\ev may be either intransitive, and it is really God who nourishes it See 1 Cor. agree with KUfiara (Raphel), or transitive and iii. 6. agree with XoiAa^'. Hombergius, Elsnerus, 29. irapaB^, sc, eavrSy. Wolfius, prefer the latter. g2 84 ETATTEAION [Ke<|,. 4, 5. e^dXKev et? to ifkolov, wcrre avro rjhr) ^efjLi^eaOat. kol rjv avroo$-f)e-n(Tav. Not the disciples only, viii. 28. but the persons in the other boats : see ver. 36 ; 2. &v0payiro5. Matthew mentions two men. Matt. viii. 27. viii. 28. Ibid. Tis ovTos ; Wolfius quotes Libanius, 3. iivrifxiiois. The reading is probably yivi]- tovtX Se epyov audptoirov fji.€v oii^evhi, &eov Se fiaari. TLVos Kal Tvxvs, S>y Koi da\dTT7]s /xavia koi- 10. €|a) rris x'^P"'^' Luke writes els tV fML^eTai. H^vffaov direAflew'. viii. 31. Chap. V. 1. TaSaprivwv. See note at Matt. 11. to uov. The reading is probably t^ Spei. K*<^. 0.] KATA MAPKON. 85 ek TO irXolop, TrapCKaXei ainov 6 Bai/xoviaOeUf Xva ^ fier avrov. vj 6 Be 'Ir)(TOVrJK€v avrov, aX\a Xeyei avTM, ""Tirarfe er? Tov oIkop aov 7rpo9 tow (T0V<;, koI avarfyetXov auToi? oaa aoi 6 20 KvpLo Matt.ix. i; TTcpav, crvv^Orj 6j(\o<; 7roXi»9 e7r' avrov, koX tjv irapa T7jv daXaa- 22 \ » > f ^ > '?■ » «. V Lu. viii. 41. 28 Ia£tp€Xr)0€lo^7]6€laa Kal rpifjbovaa, elBvla o yiyovev irr avrfj, rjXOe koI rrpoaerreaev 84 avrco, koX elirev avrca rrdaav rrjv dX'^Oeiav. ^ 6 Be elirev avrfj, u x. 52 ; „ ^*, f , * / / rf » > / V Matt. ix. 22. * tyvyarep. rj Trwrrt? aov aecrcoKe ae' vrra/ye et9 ecprjvrjv, Kat, X6^ov, fjLovov rriareve." 37 Kal OVK dcfyrJKev ovBeva avro) awaKoXovOrjaav, el /jltj TIerpov 38 Kal ^laKoy^ov Kal 'Icodwrjv rov dBeX, otl Kal BvvdfJLeial avTov wSe tt/so? rj/jid^; ;" Kal eaKavBaXl^ovTO iv b Matt. avTcp. ^eXeye Be avToh 6 ^Ir]crov<;, "''Otl ovk ecrTt 7rpo'^T7)<; 4 xiii. 57; >/ >\j« /^>/^^^ « / \> Lu. iv. 24 ; ciTifjLO<;, 66 fjLT) ev TT) TTaTpLOL avTov, Kau ev TOL^ (TvyyeveaL Kai ev Joh. iv. 44. « olKia avTOv.^' ^Koi OVK 'nBvvaTO iKel ovBeiiiav Bvvafitv ttol- 5 c Matt. xiii. / t X ,. / > / ' /] V ^ « >/3 / 58. r](Taty ev /jly) oXuyoL<; appco(7T0i<; enrLOei^ Ta<; ')(eLpa^, eoeparrevae. d Matt.ix.35; Kal iOav/ML^e Bid Tr]v dTTiCTTLav avTcov ^Kal Trepirjye xa? Koyfjiwi 6 u. xui. . i^^ji^f^ BiBdaKoov. eiii. 13; ^KAI TTpocrKaXeLTai T0V9 BcoBeKa, Kal Tjp^aTo avTOV<; diro- 7 Lu. vi. 13 ;' (TTeXKeiv Bvo Bvo, Kol iBiBov avToh i^ovaiav twv irvevfJidTcov Tciiv f Matt! X. 9 • dKaOdpTcov. ^ Kal iraprjyyeCh^v avrot?, Xva firjBev atpcoaiv eh oBov, s Lu. ix. 3. ^l ^^ pd^Bov fiovov fiT) TTrjpav, fiT} dpTOV, fir) eh Tr}v ^(ovrjv %a\- gMatt.x.ii; Kov dXlC v7roBeBe/juevov«r^> / >« et xviii. 6. TOV %OUI/ TOV VTTOKaTCO TOiV TTOOOOV VjJUCOV, 66? fiapTVpiOV aVTOL^;. 08. aXaXd^ovTas is used for sounds of sorrow ther, Thamar or Martha, and Salome. as well as of joy. See Boisius, Eisner, and Ibid. ia-KavSaXi^ovTO. They felt his low the LXX. condition to be a stumbling-block in the way of 41. TaAt0i Kovfii in Syriac is Kopdcriov, eyei- their believing on him. See Matt. v. 29. tai. 2oi \4yco is added by S. Mark. 5. i]dvvaTO. It means, that he was not able to Chap. VI. 1. iruTpiSa. Nazareth. See find so many instances of faith, as to give him Luke iv. 16. the opportunity of working miracles. See Al- 3. 6 TiKTwu. This is the only place where berti. Jesus himself is called a carpenter. But it may 7. hvo Suo. So (rvfiv6dvin)riT7)? el? tcjp irporjTSiP** ^AKovp," "^Avt6<; yap 6 'HpcoBrj^; a7rodpprjp, Kal eBrjaep avrop ep rfj ov avrov, on avrtjp eydfirjaep, 18 "eX€76 yap 6 Twaw/r;*? tc5 'HpcoBrj, *'"0n ovk e^eorl aoi e')(eip ° Lev. 19 TTjv yvpauca rov dB€\tf>ov aov" 'H Bk 'H/MwSta? ipelx^v avrcp, ot xi. si! 20 Koi rfieXep avrop diroKrelpoj," Kal ovk -qBvpaTO. °6 ydp 'HpcoBrj^; « Matt.xiv.S; i^^etTo TOP ^Iciydwrfp, elBd)^ avrop dpBpa BUaiop Kal ar/cop, xal * aXrjp 'Icoappov tov ^aimoTovJ' 25 Kal elaeXdovaa ev6eaXTjp ^Icodppov tov ^aimaTov" KaX irepiXviro^ yev6fiepo<; 6 l3aa-iXev<;, Bed Tois opKOv<; Kal tov^ avpapaKetfjLepov<; ovk r/OeX- 27 rjaep airrrjp dderrja-ai. ^Kal evOeco^ diroaTeiXa'i 6 fiaxTLXev^i q Matt. xiv. 28 (TTreKovXaTcopa, errera^ep epexOrjpac ttjp KeaXrjp avTOv. 6 Be direXOdiP direKe^aXiaep avTOP ep ttj vX£LKfiy Kal rjpeyKe ttjp 13. iXalcfi. This has nothing to do with the 3. 2 ; xx. 2. 3. Sueton. Calig. 5. Tacitus, question of extreme unction. Oil was used in Annul, xv. 27, See Salmasius De Ling. Helle- the east for healing. See Luke x. 34. nist. p. 110. 14. 6 ^curiXevs. Herod was not properly a Ibid. x^'t^PX"*? may be taken generally for king, but tetrarch, as in Luke iiL 19. ofl&cers of rank in the army. 15. Some said he was a prophet, or perhaps 23. eus r}fj.iifjTTjs is ets t5>v irp. thus, and not i^avrrjs. Supply &pas. 17. The reading is probably iy (pvXaKfi. 27. a-ireKovXdTwpa, From the ha-tm spiculum ; 20. oKova-as avrov, iroWh iiroiei. He often though Casaubon derived it from speculor. It listened to him, and did many things at his sug- probably means one of the body guard of gestion. Herod, 21. fieyi-v //!>>>«?/'? f fa \ Jer. xxiii. 1- ^XA'^^) f^^^ ecr7rXar/-^viau7) eir avroL^j on rjaav oo? irpopara fiTj ^x%i^ i- ^%o^Ta TTOL/JLeva' Kal 7]p^aro hihdcTKeiv aurou? ttoXXcl. ^Kal 35 Lu. ix. 11 . ijSr) &pa<; ttoWt)? yevo/Jbivr)^, Trpo(TeX66vre/ '» «' \ ii<^ tr -\-\'''«« xiv. 15; Xeyovo-Lv, " Orb eprj/jLo^i eariv totto?, Kau rjor] wpa ttoXXtj' airo- 36 Job vi ^5^' ^^^o^ avTOV^s, Lva d7r6X66vre<; et? tou? kvkXo) ar/pov ^opTW. Kal 40 dveireaov rrpacTUU irpacnal, dva cKarov Kal dvd TrevrrjKovra. Kal 41 Xa/Smv Toi'9 irevre dprov<; Kal tov<; Bvo l')(6va<;, dva^eyjraf; eh Tov ovpavov, evXoyrjae' Kal KareKXaae tou? dprov^;, Kal eSlBov Tofc? fiaOrjrah avrov, 'iva irapaOoxriv avroh' Kal tou? Bvo l')(6va<^ i/jbipiae Traai. Kal ecparyov irdvre^, Kal i'xpprda-drja-av Kal rjpav ^| KXaa-fidrwv BcoBeKa ko(^Ivov<; TrXrjpei^, Kal diro rcov 1')(0vq)v. Kal 44 ^aav ol ^ajyovre^ tov? dprov<; v\aKrjv t^9 w/CTodvTaafia elvtu, koX dvcKpa^av irdirre^ yap avrov clZoVf xal €Tapd')(6T}a-av. koI €vd€0}v rrpea-^vripcDV Kal diro dr/opd<;, idv firj /Satt- riacovrai, ovk iaOiovcn' Kal dXKa iroWd iariv a nrapeka^ov Kparelv, ^aTrrca/jLov^ irorrjpuov Kal ^earoiv Kal ')(a\KL(ov Kal 5 kTuvmv) eireira iirepairoxnv avrov ol ^apccraloL Kal ol ypa/ju- fuirel^, " Atari ol fiaOrjrai aov ov Trepcirarovcn Kara rrjv vapd' Boaiv rcov Trpea-^vrepwv, dWd dvL7rroi,<; x^palv iaOlovav rov C dprov ;*' *'0 5e dTroKpiOeU elirev avrol^, ""On KaXws tt/jo- e Esa. xxix. €^€vaev ^Hevre<; yap rrjv ivToXrjv rov ^ "g"" ^ "* ^^' QeoVj Kparetre rrjv irapdhoaiv rwv dvOparrrcoVj ^airriap^ov'i Tit. i. i4. 48. ¥id(\t irape\dfiy avTovs. He seemed as if 1.) See Scaliger, Elench. Trihcer. c. vii. Drii- he was wishing to pass them. sius, Praterit. Uvyni} is the arm from the elbow 52. For the miracle of the loaves had not to the end of the hand, made them fully understand the miraculous 4. airh ayopas. When they come from market. power of Christ. *Av fx)] eupw/xev (payeiv Sk ^aXaveiov, Arrian. 55. Bvov K. T. K. Wherever they heard that Epictet. iii. 19. 'ETreav airh Seiiryov yevwvTat. he was in the country. Herodot. v. Raphel, Wolfius, Eisner, Palairet. Chap. VII. 2. inefv^airro seems to have But Krebsius interprets it, They will not eat been interpolated. what comes from the market, unless 8(C. 3. Vater observes, that irdvris ol 'lovda7oi is Ibid, ^ea-ruv. Erasmus derived it from |ea), to be connected with Kparovvres t^v it. twv irp. rado : but it more probably comes from the for it was not true of all the Jews. Latin Sextarius. Josephus uses it, Antiq. viii. Ibid, iriryinp. " Ad cubitum usque." Theo- 2.9. phylact, Bull. {Harm. Apost. Diss. Post. xvii. 1 Matt m I 15. 90 ETATTEAION [Kecp.-j. ^earwv kcli ttott^plwv, koX aXka irapofjuota roiavra iroXKa iroLeLTe" Kal eXeyev avTol<^, " Ka\m aderelTe rrjv ivroXrjv 9 g Exod. rod 0€ov, Lva rrjv TrapdBoatv v/jlmv TTjp^arjre. ^ Mwcr?}? yap 10 XX. 12; "9 £ rrif V / \v / >Vt« Deut. V. 16 ; €1776, * 1 Lfia TOP TTarepa (Tov Kai rrjv fjbrjrepa aov, Kai ' o KaKO- Eph! vL^2 ; ' ^o^^^v TTarepa rj /jbrjripa, Oavdrw reXeurdra)'' v/juel'^ Be Xeyere, 11 Exod,xxi.i7; ^J^^p eLTTTj avOpcdTTO^^ Tco TTarpl rj rfj firjTpl, Kop^av, 6 ia-rt, Deut. xxvii. Bcboov, o ecLV eP i/JLov oxbeXrjOm' Kal ovKeri dSlere avrov ovBev 12 16; Prov. ^„ « v , ^ 1 « x , . h > « v XX. 20. iTovrjaai rep irarpi avrov rj rrj jjurfrpi avrov, ^ aKvpovvre/ ^ ih. t ^ ,.1 A r / > \ / rov oyXoVy eXeyev avrot<;, AKOvere jjlov Trai/re?, Kai orvviere. k Act. X. 15; k ovBev idriv e^codev rod dvOpco'irov elaTTopevojJbevov et? avrov, o 15 Rom. xiv. c^, , , - . 'A^ N V ' ' , > , « 17, 20 ; ovvarai avrov KOivwcrai' aXXa ra eKiropevofieva air avrov, * tt xi 15 ^'^^^^^ ^^'^^ '^^ KOLVovvra rov duOpcoirov. ^em? e)(et Sira aKoveuv, 16 Matt. XV. cLKOvero)" ^ Kal ore elarfXOev eh oIkov diro rov 6')(Xov, eir- 17 rjpcorcov avrov ol fxaOr^ral avrov rrepl t^9 Trapa/SoXi]^. Kal Xeyei 18 avroL<;, " Ovrco Kal vjjbel^ davveroi eare ; ov voelre on irdv ro e^oyOev ela-rropevoixevov eh rov dvOpcoirov, ov Bvvarat avrov kol- voiaai ; on ovk elaTropeverac avrov eh rrjv KapBlav, dX>C eh 19 rr]v KoCXiav Kal eh rov d^eBpwva iKiropeverai, KaOapl^ov irdvra ra ^pcofiara." "EXeye Be, ""On rb ck rod dvO pcoirov 20 n Matt. eKiropevojJievov, €K€lvo kolvoI rov dvOpcoTTov. ^eacodev yap e/c 21 G^n. vi. 5 ; "^^ KapBLa fioi')(elaL, TTopvelai, 6aXfJbo<; rrovrjpo';, ^Xaacfyrj/jLia, v7repr](j)avLa, d. 7. 8.] KATA MAPKON. 91 28 Ta)v reKvwVy Kal ^aXelv tow Kvvapioi, kw^ov /jLoytXaXov, Kal Tra/aa^a- ' Matt.ix S2 ; 83 XoOo-fv ainov iva ivid^ avro) rrji/ %etpa. 'koI aTroXaySo/^ei^o? , ^"iii '23 . avTOP diro rov 6')(kov Kar iSiav, e^aXe tov<; 8aKTvXov<; avTov ^°^' '*• *• 84 ek rd (ora aurovy koI TTTUo-a? ijyjraTO t»/aj6df* 6 ioTif *' BuivoixOr}Ti," Koi evdicas 8i.rjvoi')(6r}dyw(n. Kal idv aTroXvcTQ) avTov? rerpaKiaxtXcoi- Kal drreXvaev 39*'*"' '^' avrov^. y Matt. 10 * Kal €vOecD<; i/x^d^i eh ro rrXolov jjuerd rcdv fJLaOrjrwv avrov, et kvi, \ -, 11 ^X^ev els rd fiepTj AaXfJuavovOd. y Kal i^TJXOov ol ^apiaaloc, Kal joh.^vi.^so'. 31. avhne(royTwv6ploayAeKair6\€a)S, through Chap. VIII. 2. vfiepas. The true reading the borders of Decapolis. See Matt. iv. 25. is probably rjfiepai, as in Matt. xv. 32. 34. 'EXov, e^yayev avTov efo) ttj^ Kco/nrj'^' Kal Trruo-a? eh TCL ojufjuara avrov, eindeh t^9 ')(elpa^ avrw, eTrrjpcora avrov, et Ti ^eireu ; Kal dva^e^^a^ eXeye, " BXiirco rov<; dv6pco7rov<;, 24 on to? BevBpa opo) irepLirarovvra^J" Elra irdXiv eTredrjKe ra? 25 ')(elpa^ eirl rov? 6(f)6aX/uLov<; avrov, Kal eTTOirjaev avrov dva- ^e-y^rau' Kal diroKareardOrj, Kal eve^eyjre rijXavyco^ d7ravrafiaixris. Luke calls it ttSKis ix. 10. to see such a sign, hut they wished to try his 24. The restoration of a hlind man to sight power, and to expose him if he failed. would require a double miracle ; the organ of 12. €t is here used for a strong negation. If vision must be made perfect, and the mind the sentence were complete, it would contain must be made capable of comprehending the some form of abjuration : e. g. peream, si &c. ideas which external objects present. If a or as we read in 2 Sam. iii. 35. rdSe iroiiiaai fioi blind man were suddenly to recover his sight he d &ehs Kal rdSe TrpoffOeir}. See Heb. iii. 11. would not know one object from another, be- 13. els rh irepav. Towards Bethsaida at the cause he had never seen them before. Our north eastern end of the lake, ver. 22. Saviour therefore must always have given this 15. 'HpwSoy. Matthew writes SaSSouKafwy, double power: but in the present instance he xvi. 6. from which it might be inferred that chose to give it by two distinct operations. Herod was a Sadducee. But see Matt. xiv. 2. 26. This may perhaps have been on account 16. "Oti. See note at Matt. xvi. 7. of the want of faith in the people of Bethsaida. 18. ov /jLvrtfiovevere ; Hombergius would con- See Matt xi. 21. nect this with irScovs Kotpivovs. K. i,. si ; TTOV TToXXa iradeiv, xal d-jroBoKifJUwdiivai diro rwv irpea^vrepiov Mrtt.xVi.ai; KaX dpxi^p€(op Kol ypafifULTeciyv, Kal diro/cTavdrjvaiy koX fierb. "J ^^]'^. ' 82 Tp€t9 riLL€pa<; dvaariivai.' Kal irappriala rov \6>yov i\d\ei. Kal Ln. ix. 22 ; Jo' * ' TT' " t* ' - . « i. rjv etxvm. 31; 88 7rpoa\apo/M€VO<; avrov o lieT/ao? r^p^aro eTrcrLfiav avra), ' o oe et xxiv. 7. emaTpa(f>€U Kal iBwv rov<; fiadr}rd<; avrov, eTrerifirjae rw Ilerpcp, '^^ ^*"* '"** X£7a)»/, ""Tirarfe orrlaoi fjLov, Saravd' ori ov (ppoveh rd rov &€ov, dXkd rd rcjv dvOpwirmv." 84 ^ Kal '7rpo Pnai. xiix. 3« dv6pQ)7ro<; dvrdWar/fjM t^ "'/''^^^ avrov ; ° 8? ydp dv iiraLo-- „Matt.x.33« X^^fl M^ "f^^ "^ov? i^ov€v/ '1/^ » /o' >« * \ f-\ n 1 \> r, Deut. xviii. 7 '*/cat eyevero v€7]6iv Kvei irdvTa i/ hk o ^lri, *' To irvevfxa to akaXov KaX K(o6v, eyo) aol emrdaaa), e^eXde ef avrov, koI /irjKeri €la€\6T} Matt. xvii. avrov Kar IBiav, **^'Ori rj^elv 7rpo9 aX\7;Xoi>9 yap BceXe)(dr}(Tav iv rrj oBw, rl<; ^^^^'^'*' S5 fiel^tDv. '/cal KadUra'i i(f>Q)VT)ae tow9 BdyBexa, Kal Xiyet avroL I. A \* > Matt.xii.30. 40 //.€. '09 yap OVK eart Kao vp,o)V, vrrep vfMov eanv. ''09 yap av ^ Matt.x.42. iroriaij vfidf; Tronjpiov vBaro<; iv ra> ovofiari /jlov, on Xpiarov ' Matt. 42 iare, dfirjv Xiyco v/jllv, ov fit) diroXearj rov fjLurOov avrov. ^Kal Lu.'xvii. 1 , 2. 23, 24, 37 ; Acts xxii. 30 ; Rom. viii. 26. See the mention cf my name, i. e. as soon as he liears Krebsius. that he is a Christian. 25. iyti) aoi 4iriri.(T / > \ > / V it TO aXaX /, / ' v v ^ -^ > « v v '^ ' Si ^ Eph. V. 31. irpoaKoXXTjorjaeTac irpo^ Trjv yvvaiKa avTov, Kav eaovTat 01 Ovo 8 X Matt.xix.6. eh adpKa jjblav' ware ovKeTU elal Bvo, dXXa jiia adp^. ^ b ovv 9 6 0609 avve^ev^ev, dv6pcoiropL^eT(o.'' Kal ev Ty oIklo, 10 itoXlv ol /jLa6r)Tal avTov irepl tov avrov eirrjpcorrjaav avrov. y Matt. V. 32; Y ^al Xiyet avToh, '*'^09 edv diroXvarj rrjv yvvaiKa avrov Kal 11 Lu. xvi. 18 ; yafiYjar] dXXrjv, fJLOi')(arai eir avrrjv' Kal edv yvvrj diroXvay rbv 12 11. * ' ' dvBpa avrrj^i Kal yajirjOy oXXm, /jLOL')(aTac" 43. KaXhv — ij. See Matt, xviii. 8. used in the sacrifice, is an excellent thing : and 49. It seems difficult to imagine that the it may remind you of the doctrine, which is to irupl in this verse is not connected with yeeuuav l^eep your minds from corruption : hut if either rod irvphs in ver. 47 : and therefore Tras means of them lose their virtue, they are good for every person who is cast into hell. Our Saviour nothing. says, For every such person shall be as a sacrifice Chap. X. 2. The article hefore *apuraioi is which is salted, (Lev. ii. 13.) and then consumed perhaps to he expunged. in the fire. Le Clerc thinks that our Saviour , Ibid. hiroX^ffai. Matthew adds Karh. ira€pov avTQ) TraiBia, iva aylrrjrcu ainwv ol Be * Matt. 14 fiadrp-al iireTifjUov roU 7rpoa-€pova-Lv. ^ IBwv Be 6 ^Irjaov^ ^ya- lu. xvili. i5. vaxTfjae, koI elirev avroU, " "Acpere tcl iratBia ep-xeaOai Tr/ao? \^^^^^^. tie, KoX an KoyXvere avrd' to>i» 7ap tolovtwv eariv ■>) BaaCkela et xix. u ; 15 Tov tyeov afiijp Xeyo) vfnv, 09 eav firj oe^rai ttjv paaiXeiav i pet. ii. 2. 16 TOV Seov ax? ircuBiov, ov urj elae\$rj ek aimjv.*' ^ Kal ivory- b jx. 36 ; ^ , , V a y \ « '. » > \ .^ ' » / Matt. xix. 15. Ka\i(Ta/ji€Vo. ft »«»/ »\ v^ ''>«"17' Lo. xii. S3 ; e/ip\€ya9 ain-o) rjyairriaev avTov, xav eirrev avT^, " ±jV aoi ^t xvi. 9. XHTTepel' VTrarye, oaa e^^et? TToiKijaov, Kal Bof Toh Trrw^^ot?, Kal Ifet? 6r) Seat" ^ Kal ijp^aTO 6 h Matt.iv.20- IIeTpo<; Xeyetv auTw, *' ^IBov^ rjfieh d(f)^Kafi€V irdvTa, Kal 7]K0- ^ ^*** 2^; 29 Xovdrjaafiev . lo. vfuv, ovhel'i ianv 09 cK^rjKev OLKLav, fj dSeX^oix;, 7) dSeX<; €Kd6r)T0 irapa i^v oSov Trpocrai' 47 TWf. Kal (iKova-af; on. ^Irjaov^ 6 Na^aypalof; iariv, rfp^aro Kpa^ecv 48 Kal \ey€iv, " 'O u/o? Aa^iS, 'Irjaov, iXerjaov /i€." Kal eVert- /iiQ)v avrat ttoXXoi, (W auoinjarj' 6 Be ttoWm fMoXXov cKpa^ev, 4y " 'Tt€ Aa^vbf iXerjcov fie" KaX oto? o ^Ir)(Tovwvov(ovel ae." 'O Be diro^aXcov to ifjAriov avrov, dva- 61 ora? r}\6e 7rpo9 rov ^Irjaovv Kal diroKpLdeU Xeyei avT(p 6 'Irj- aov^, " Tt ^eXet? 7rot?iar/^ /cat xMatt.xxi.i; BfjOaviav Trpo? to 6po<; ru)v *E\auoVf dTroa-reWeL Bvo ru)v °" *'** ^^' 1 fjLaBrjTiav avrov, koI Xeyei, avroi<;, " 'Tirdryere €19 rrjv Kcofjirjv TTjv Karevavri vfuov kqX €v6€a)<; elairopevofievoi el<{ avrr)p, evpfjaere irtoXov BeBefievop, € ov ovBel*: dvOpayrrayv KeKddiKe* 8 \v<; avrov 'xpeiav ex^c Kal evOeax; 4 avrov dTToarekel wSe." ^Atttj'XjOov Bk, Kal evpov rov ttcoXov BeBefievov 7rp6<: rrjv Bvpav efo) hrl rov dfjufy^ov, Kal Xvovatv 6 avrov. Kai nv€vT69 rov ttcjXov ;" 01 Be elirov avrol-v >«\f/ J'* v>//l »» 2Reg. ix. 13. lrj(TOvv, Kat, eirepoKov avrtp ra ifiana avruiv, Kai eKauurev eir 8 avrm. TToWot Be rd ifidna avrwv eoTpcjaav ek rrjv oBov dWot, Be orov^dBa^ eKorrrov ex rwv BevBpwv, Kal earpcowvov ek rrjv 9 oBov. ^Kal ol rrpodyovrevXXa, rjXOev el dpa evpriaei rl ev avrf}' Kal eX6a)v eir avrr]v, ovBev evpev el firj Chap. XI. 1. irphs rh opos rwv ^'EKaiSiv. 8. (TToifidZas seexas to xne?ia. branches of trees In the direction of, or journeying toward, the thick with leaves. mount of Olives, for Bethany was fifteen stadia 10. fiaaiXfia and tov irarphs rjH-uv AafilS are from the city, (John xi. 18.) and the mount of connected together. Olives five or six stadia. Josephus, ^nf i^. xx. 12. rp iiravpiou. Tuesday morning. 6. De Bel. Jud. y. 2. 3. 13. fiaKpddcu. He saw it at some distance 3. o7ro(rT€A.c7. The reading seems to he off: the tree itself was hy the way-side. Matt aTToareWei. xxi. 19. 4. Most MSS. read ircoXov without the article. h2 100 ETATTEAION [K,)9 TroXecoS' ^Kal 19 'TTpwl irapaiTopevoiJbevoij eioov rrjv , " 'Pa/S/Sl, cSe, r) avKrj fjv 21 Karr)pda-a) i^^pavrav.'^ Kal aTTOKptOeh 6 'Irjcrov^; Xeyei, avroh, 22 t Matt. *' "E')(eT6 TTiaTLV Seov. ^ djJbr^v yap Xeyco v/itv, on 09 dv eiTrrj rw 23 et^'xxf^2i • °P^^ TOVT(p, "ApOrjTL, Kal pXr)6r)n ek rrjv OdXaacrav, Kal firj Sia- Lu. xvii. 6. icpiOfi iv rfj KapSio, avrov, dXXd iriarevcrr] on a Xeyet ylverai, g Matt.7ii.7 ; €(rrai avrot edv etirr). « Bed rovro Xe7&) v/jlIv, Udvra oaa dv 24 Ln.^xi^d' 'rrpo(jev')(p[ievoL alreto-Oe, mcrrevere on Xafjb^dvere, Kal ear at Joh. xiv. 13; ^^2^^^ ^ Kal orav ar^KTjre Trpoo-evyofievoi, d/ \ > \ r » « \ % Ecci. xxviii. 7rarovvro<; avrov, 6p')(pvraL irpo^ avrov ol apx^Lepet^; Kat, ol ypa/u,- ?Matt jMireh Kal ol irpea^vrepoi, ^Kal Xeyovortv avrw, " 'Ev iroia 28 xxi. 23; i^ovala ravra 7rotet9 ; Kal rh aot, rrjv e^ovalav ravrrjv eBwKev, kExod!ii.i4; tW ravra 7roif}<; ;'' 'O Be ''Irjaov^ diroKpiOeh elirev avrohj 29 Act. IV. 7. (( "" E7rep(ori]cr(o vjid'; Kdyo) eva Xoyov, Kal diroKptOrjre /iol, Kal epcj v[uv ev iroia e^ovaia ravra ttolw. To ^dTrna-fia^Icodwov, 30 ef ovpavov tjv, r) ef dvOpcoircov ; diroKpiO'qre /jlol." Kal eXoyl- 31 ^ovro 7r/309 eavrov^, Xer^ovre^, " 'Edv etircofiev, 'Ef ovpavov, 1 vi.20; epel, Atari ovv ovk eir tar eva are avrS ; ^dXX edv elirwiMev, 'E^ 32 Matt. xiv. 5. ^yQp^ejj.f^i,>^ ecpo/Sovvro rov XaoV diravre<; yap elxov rov 'lamv- 13. ov yhp ^u Kuiphs (tvkuv. Why then did 14. airoKpiOeis. See Matt. iii. 15. he expect to find any? Kaiphs may mean the 18. icpo^odvro ydp. The particle ycip conveys time of gathering figs, as in xii. 2 ; Matt. xxi. the reason why they found it difficult to kill 34; Luke xx. 10; and yhp may connect these him, and were obliged to consult about the words, not with the last sentence, but the last means. Compare Luke xix. 48 ; xxii. 2. but one, et &pa evp^ffei t\ iv avry, as in xvi. 3, 20. irpwt, on Wednesday morning. 4. The meaning then would be, "Jesus thought 22. iria-riv &eov, l e. iv &ejp. See Luke vi. that there might be figs on the tree, (though 12; Rom. iii. 22, 26; Gal. ii. 16, 20. perhaps not quite ripe,) for the time of gather- 32. Nearly all the MSS. omit iav before ing them was not yet come." Kidder, Demonst. e'iirwfjLev. p. 100. K.^T7jpayfi6v, kol cjpv^€P vTroX^vtov, lu. xx.'g; Kol wKohofirjae Trvpryov, Koi e^eBoro avrov yewpyoh, koX direhrj- e^iu. l'*T*^' 2 p.r)(T€. Kal diretrreiXe irpo^; tolk? y€(Opyov<; t^J Kaipat BovXop, iva ^^'^'}^'^} * 8 irapd twv yewpywv Xd^rj aTro rod Kapirov tov dfjLireXayvo*;. ol 8k 4 Xa^6vTe<; avrov eheipavt Kal direareiXav kgvov Kal irdXiv dir- iareiXe 7rpo9 avTOv<; dXXov BovXov kukclvov Xido^oXria-avref; 6 €K€(l>aXala)(Tav, Kal dTreareiXav rjTifKo/jLevov, Kal irdXiv dXKov diriareCXe' kukuvov dTreKreivav Kal TroXXoiff dXXovrjv ravrrjv dv- o p^ai.cxviii. eyvwre ; 'Aidov, ov direhoKifiacTav ol olKohop,ovvre<;, ovroaXr]v ywvla^i. rrapd Kvpiov iyevero avrrj' Kal can J^u'^'J^x'"*!? ^' 12 Oavfjiatrrt} iv oSdaXfioU r^fiwv' " Kal i^tjrovv avrov Kparrjaai, Act. iv. 11 ; Kai €opt]urja-av rov o^xXov eyvcoaav yap ore irpo*; avrov^ rrjv 1 Pet. ii. 7. rrapa^oXi^v elire' Kal d(j)evr€<; avrov, dirrjXOov. 13 PKal diroariXXovcTL Trpo? avrov rLvd

> / > « o 'Cr\ li/r > > v « /i / r 31, 32; povraL, OVK aveyvcoTC ev rrj pipXw Mcocreco^, eiri rrj^i parov, 009 Heb. xl. 16. j^^^ ^^^ ^ 0^v^ Xkycov] ' 'Eydi 6 Seb^ 'A/Spadfju, Kal 6 0e^9 ^laaaK, Kal 6 0eo9 'IaK(ol3 ;* ovk eariv 6 0eo9 vcKpcov, dXXd 27 0609 ^(ovToyv vfiec^ ovv ttoXv irXavdaOe.'* « Matt. ^Kal TTpoaeXOcov eh tmv ypafM/juaricov, aKOvcra^; avrwv av^r]- 28 xxii. 34; / 5P>\f/ .v« >r>> 'Zl> ^ >\ Lu. X. 25. TowTcov, €iO(o<; OTL KoKu)^ avT0L<; aTTCKpLUT], eTT7)p(OT7)crev avrov, y Deut.vi.4; " Hoia icrrl Trpwrrj iraawv hroXr} ;" ^'O Be 'Ir]crov Matt. Twj/ yrjpcav, Kav irpcxpaaev fUiKpa nrpocev^ofxevot,' ovtol X^jyov- Lu. %x. 47. TvXaKiov, iOewpei • i-"- '"'' ^ : TTft)? o o;^Xo9 paXKei yaXjcov et? to ya^o/ / f^vf / ''> f Q ' Lu. xxi. 19- '^^ ovojjba fjLov o oe v7ro/jL€iva '>'Tt>'j^ ' ' \ » «c^\j\ Lu. xxi. voeLTO)') TOTe 01 ev Ty lovbata (pevyeTwaav et? ra oprj' o be erri, 15 Dan^ix 27- '^^^ BwfiaTO^, fXT] KaTa^dTco et? Trjv OLKLav, fi7]Be el(TeXOeT(o dpaC et xii. 11. Ti i/c T'fj<; OLKLaf; avTOv' KOL 6 et? TOV dypbv (jov, jirj e7rc(rTpe'\jrdT(o 16 6t? Ta oiriaco, dpai to l/judTiov avTov. oval Be rat? iv yaaTpl 17 e')(ovaaL ^ ir f '-v'/O \f/ >A»//i - /v xxiv. 23 ; ^^ Z^') Kvpio'i eKoKopwae Ta^ tj/jbepaf;, ovk av eacouij iracra aap^' ^txxLS^^^' ^^^^ ^^^ '^o^*» e'/cXe/CTOU? oO? i^eXe^aTO, iKoXoficoae tu'^ r]ixepa<^. X Deut.xiii.i; "Xat TOTe idv Tt? v/z.ti^ etTTT?, ^IBov, wBe 6 XptcrTo<;, 7) IBoij iKelf 21 y 2Pet.iii.17' /^^ TTto-TeucTTyTe. ^ iyepOrjcrovTai yap '\jrevB6')(pLaT0L Kal 'yfrevBo- 22 zEsa.xiii.iO; TTpoSrJTai, Kal BwaovcTL a7]fjLela Kal TepaTa, ttoo? to dTTOifKavdVy Ezech. xxxii. ,5, v ^ \ » a ' v ' " S^^ 0\ ' '2- ^ 7; Joel. et ovvaTov, KaL Tov^ eKAeKTov^. yfyLtet? oe pXeTrcTe' coov, irpo- 2B etiii.'i5;' ^^pV'<^^ ^/^^^ TvdvTa. ^^AXX iv iK€ivat<; TaL<; r)/jLepai<;y fjueTa Tr)v 24 ^^"lu^^^' ^^^''^ iKeLKTjv, 6 ryXto? aKOTLaOrjaeTai, Kal r) aeXrjvr) ov Bcoorei xxi. 25; TO 6e770? avTm, Kal ol ddTepe^ tov ovpavov eaovTat iKiriiTTOv- 25 Apoc. Vi.l2. V f rv / f , ^ , « ^ /!/ V axiv. 62; '^^'^i f^^^ ^^ ovva/jLei<; ai ev rot? ovpavoL<; aaXevor^aovTav. ^ /cat 26 MTtt Ivi 27 • ^^^^ 6'^ovTai TOV vlov TOV dvOpcoTTov ip')(6fievov iv vecfteXaLt; et xxiv. 30 ; ficTa Bwdiieco^ TToWm Kal B6h]<;. Kal TOTe dirocTTeXel tou? 27 Lu. xxi. 27; , . , „ ^ , ,^ n > ^ x » .^ » Act. i. 1 1 ; ayyeXov<; avTOv, Kav einavva^eL tov^ eKXeKT0V<} avTOV eK TOiV I Thess. iv. / > / » > >/ ««•/>/ j « 16; iThess. 'T^o-aapwv ave/MDV, air aKpov yr}<; eo)? aKpov ovpavov. A ^oV 17 " ^ ^Atto Be tt}? avKTJ^ fiddere rrjv Trapa^oXrjV' OTav avTrjf; 28 b Matt. "^Bt} 6 KXdBo^ diraXo^i yevrjTai,, Kal iK / ,/ \ f >» <•/ « >/c> / Lu. xxi. 29. OTt eyyu? TO C/e/00? ecTTLV ovTO) /cat v/xet?, oTaz/ TavTa lorjTe yivo- 29 c Matt. fieva, yivcoaKeTe otl iyyv<; iaTCV iirl 6vpaL<;. ^ ^A/jurjv Xeyco v/juv, 30 Lu. xxi. '32. OTt ov fir) irapeXOr] r) yeved avTT), fie')(pt<; ov irdvTa TavTa yevr)- 9. els naprvpLov avToTs, that you may bear mt- 19. 6\i}pi5. Wolfius compares this phrase ness of my religion in their presence. with irav 4(Tti 6.u0pwTros (rvfi(f>o(yff. Herodot. 11. rh iri/ivjuLa rh ayiov. Luke makes our i. 32. Saviour say eyio Swaw k. t. A. xxi. 15. K,<^. 13, 14] RATA MAPKON. 106 31 rai. ^6 oifoavo^ koI i} yrj irapeXevaovrat' ol Zk Xoyoi /m)v ov fjLT) «« Pnai. TrapeXuaxn. Ega. xi. 8; 32 "*n€pl Be rfj^ rjfUpa^; €Kelv7)9 avdp(tyiro eVai/a) rpiaKoaitov hrjvapieov, Kal hoOrjvat, rol/P> »'«-v/l V ^» «r/ ^«>\ , fs xxvi. 14 ; ooodeKa, airqSJoe irpo^ rov<; ap')(}'epei,, kol ottov idv elaiXOrj^ elirare ra> olKoheaTTorrj, 14 *'Oti, 6 BiBdaKaXos Xeyei, Uov earb to KardXv/jia, ottov to Tratr^a fieTa T(OV fiaOrjTcov fiov ^dyo) ; fcal avTo^ v/mv hei^et dvdyyeov 15 pueya icTTpco/jievov eTOLfJLOV eKel eTOifidaaTe rj/jilv" Kal i^rjXOov 16 ol fjLaOrjTal avTov, Kal yX6ov eh ttjv ttoXlv, kuI evpov Ka6cb<; elirev aurot?, Kal rjTOifjLaa-av to 'Trda')(a. m Matt. ^Kal oylria^ yevoiievm epyeTai iieTa twv BwSeKa' ^Kal dva- 17 Lu. xxii. 14. Ket/JLev(OV avTwv Kai 6aviovT(DV, eiirev o irjcov^, " Afjur^v Xeyco Psi? xii 9^' ^/^^^> ^''"^ ^^*> ^'? ^f^(^v rrapahdycreL jie, 6 iaOlcov fiCT i/jLov." 01 19 Act. i. 16. g^ Tjp^avTo XvirelaOaif Kal Xiyeiv avTw eh KaO^ et?, " Mr} tl iyco ;" Kal dXXo<;, " M.rj tl eyco;'' 'O Be diroKpcOeh elirev avToh, 20 '^ Eh eK Twv BcoBeKa, 6 ifi/SaTTTOfievo^i /jlct ifjuov eh to Tpv^iov. Matt. °6 pL€V vlo<; Tov dvOpcoTTov virdyei,, Kadco^ ykypaiTTai irepl avTov' 21 xxvi. 24 ; jvc-v"'/!' '/ p-i-pfrv '^'/i' ^/ Lu. xxii. 22; ovai 06 Tft) avupcoiTw eKeivw, 01 ov o ufo? TOV avupcoTTOv irapaOL- Joh. xui. 18, g^.^.^^. kclXov 7]v avTM, el ovK iyevvT^Or) 6 dvdpay7ro<; eKelvo^" P Matt. vKal eaOiovTcov avTcov, XajSoiV 6 ^I7J(tov<; dpTov, evXoyr)cra<^ 22 Lu, xxii.' 19; e/cXao-6, Kol eBcoKev avToh Kal elire, " Ad^eTe, (j)dyeTe. tovto 1 Cor. xi. 23. » v«/ }} tt" '^ ■\ /D'^ ^ / > ' ea-Ti TO aay/jua fiov. Kai Xapcav to 7roTr}pLov, ev')(api(TTr](Ta<; 23 q Biatt. eBcoKev avToh' Kal eTTiov e^ avTov irdme^' Kal eVrrev avToh, 24 Lu. xxii.'39 ; " ToVTO icTTL TO al/jbd /JLOV, TO T^9 Kacvf]^ Bia6^K7]<;, TO TTCpl Joh. xviii. 1. -v-v"* ' >^■^/ t r>. tf if j\ f ■) r Matt TToXXxov eK^^vvofievov. a/jL7]v Xeyco v/jllv, otl ovKeTi ov /jltj ttuo ck 25 xxvi. 31 ; TOV yevvrjfjiaTO'^ Trj<^ dpbireXov, ea)<; T779 r)/Jiepa<; eKeLWjfi, OTav avTo Lu. xxii. 31 ; , ^ , „ „ , - r^ r. „ Joh. xvi. 32; TTivoii Kaivov ev TTJ paacXeia tov tfeov. "xVr" ^Kal vfjLvrj(TavTe(ovrj(TaL, Tph dirapvrjar} 37. ' ' fie'* * 'O Be eK TrepLaaov eXeye, " MdXXov edv fie Berj (rvvairo- 31 13. 8i5o. Peter and John. See Luke xxii. 8. all drank out of the same cup : and it is said 19. efs Ka9^ eh, for efs Kaff '4va. Beza wrote by R. Mordechai, that twenty-two persons cTy k56* tfs for efs /col elra efs. See John viii. 9; might drink out of the same cup. Thes. Crit. Rom. xii. 5. Sacr. pt. i. p. 199. 22. i(rdi6uTQ)v might be either while they were 27. The words 4v ifxol iv rf i/vkt\ toutjj are eating, or when they had eaten. Clarke. wanting in many MSB. Ibid. ^({76X6 is wanting in many MSS. 30. irplv 1) 8ls aXeKTOpa (puvrjcrai. Before the 23. It appears from hence, that at the pass- second cock-croiving, which was said to be at over each person had not a separate cup, but three in the morning. See xiii. 35. Kc<^ 14.] KATA MAPKON. 107 6av€lv troLy ov fi^ /ru^^ /Ltou €0)9 davuTov fiel- Lu. xxii.'44 ; 85 vaT6 w§€ /tai ypr)yop€LTe.'* *Kal irpoeXdwv fXLKpbv, hreaev eirl , Lo.Mii.4i. T^ 7779, KoX 7rpo(Trjv)(eTO, Itva, el Bvputov eari, irapeXOr) dir 86 avrov r) wpa' ^Kol eXeyep, " ^A^^a 6 irarTjp, irdpra Bvpard aoi. ^ Joh. vi. 38. irapepeyKe rb Trortjpcop drr e/xov rovro' aXV ov rl iyo) deXo), 87 dXX^ ri av" ^KaX epyerax Kal evpiaKei avTov<; Kadevhopra^;, " Matt. Kol Xeyei tm Tlerpcp, " Sifiayp, fcadevBei^; ; ovk Xayya^a^ fitap lu. xxii.'45. 88 tjpap yprjyopTJirai ; ^yprjyopelre koI irpoaev^eade^ Xva /a?; e\aeX- ^ Gai. v. 17. $7jre el's ireipaa-fiop. rb fiev irpevfia irpoOv/xop, 17 Be adp^ dade' 89 vrjf;" Kal irdXip dneyddoiP irpoa^v^aro, rbp avrbp Xoyop elirdiP. 40 KoX inrooTpey^af; evpep avrov*; irdXw Ka6evSopTa<;' rjaap yap ol 6BaXfiol avrSyp ^efiaprjfUvoi, kg* ovk "pBeurap ri avr^ aTTO- tcpi6(ocri. 41 Kal epx^rat rb rplrop, Kal Xeyei, avroU, " KaOevSere rb XoLirbp Kal dpairaveaOe ; dire^ei^ ^X6ev jJ &pa' IBov, TrapaBiBo- 42 TO* 6 u/09 Tov dpOpoyjrov eitX7](T(o, avr6<; ioTC Kparrjaare avrbp, Kal 46 aTraydryere d(TaXSy;" ^Kal ekdcop, ev$ico<; rrpoaeXdvup avru) 1 2 Sam. xx. 46 Xeyet, "'Pa^^l, pa^^i'" koX KarecfylXTjaep avrop' ol Bk eV- *' efiaXop err avrbp rd avrwp, koX eKpdrrjaap avrop. 47 Eh Be rL<; rwp rrapearrjKorcop, o-7raad/JLepo<; rrjp /judxacpap, eiraiae rbp BovXop rov a/3^t6peQ)9, Kal d<^elXep avrov rb wriop. *^ ^«*J- 48 KaX diroKpLdeU b ^Irjcroik elrrep avroh, "^fl lepw BiBda-KayPj Kal ovk eKparrjaare /le' 25. 60 ^dXV ipa TrXrjpcodooatp al ypa<^aL" ^Kal d^epre<; avrbp irdp- •» Jobxix. 61 Te9 e(l>vyov. Kal eh Tt9 peapicTKO^ rjKoXovdev avra>, TrepL^e/SXTj- ixxxviiTs. 36. *A)8)8a. See Gal. iv. 6. ^ 51. This has been said to be St. John by 41. dTTc'xft. Sufficit. So Anacreon, oirc'xef Ambrose, Gregory, Bede, &c. It is opposed by fi\4va) yap airrfiv. xxviii. penult. Herodotus Tillemont, Memoires, tome i. p. 1082. and Ca- also writes Kal fioi irapexet vvv u/xeW JS^px^iv, iii. saubon ad I. Epiphanius seems to have 142. Beza, RapheL thought it was James, the brother of our Lord. 44. a(rt « / ■> Act. vi. 13. Kai okov TO (TVveopLov e^rjTOvv Kara rov lija-ov ixaprvpiav, et? TO OavaTwcrai avTOV kol ou;^ evpiaKOV. ttoXKoI yap e-^evBofjiap- 56 Tvpovv Kwr avTov, Kot laai at pbapTvpiab ovic 'qaav. Kai rtz/e? 67 ixv. 29; avacrTdvTe<; i-yjrevBofiapTVpovv KaT avTov, XeyovTe^, ^""Otl 58 97yu,et? 7]Kovaaixev avTov \eyovTo<^, (Jti 6700 KaToXvcrco tov vaov tovtov tov 'xetpoTTOLTjTOV, KOL Blol Tpccov rj/xepcjv dWov d^etpo- TTOirjTOV OLKoBo/jiijcra)" KaX ovBe ovT(oi Matt.xxvi. avTcov. "" Kol dvaaTd> \-v/ j^r^vx"?* -xt \ t ap')(iepev<; eirrjpcoTa avTov, Kai Xeryet avTo), '^ 2iV et o XpcaTo^, o o Dan.vii.iO; mo9 TOV evXojTjTOv ;" °'0 Be ^l7]aov<; elirev, "'Eyd) elfjui. fcal 62 et^xw"! 30 ; oyjrea-Oe tov vlov tov dvOpcoirov KaO^fievov eic Be^icov tt}? Bvvd- et xxvi ^64*- f^^^'^} '^^^ ep')(6fM€V0V fieTO, T(x)V Ve(j)€\(OV TOV OVpaVOV." 'O §€ 63 Ln. xxi. 27 ; dp')(iepev<; Biapprj^a^ tovs ^trwi^a? avTov, Xeyet, " Tl eVt %/36taz^ et xxii. Or ; ff f J / „ p. , / I ( n t I Act. i. 11; e^ofxev fiapTvpcov ; rjKovaaTe tt;? pXaa(pr}fjLLa<;' tl vfjbiv (paive- 64 lThess.iv.l6; }) r^' <^^ ^ ' •> \ -i v a / 2Thess.i.ioi '^<^^ / C/t 06 ivavTe'i KaTeKpovuv avTov etvat evo^ov uavaTOv. Apoc. 1. 7. pj^^^ rjp^avTO TLve<; e/jLTTTveiv avTa>, kol TrepLKaXvirTeiv to irpocT' 65 Esa. 1.6; ' (OTTov avTov, KOL KoXacpL^eiv avTov, KOL XijeLv avTM, " Upo- Matt. xxvi. ./ jjvff ' »/ >N V/O -v -i 67 ; Joh. (prjTeva-ov Kai, OL vTrrjpeTaL pairLcrpLaa-LV avTov epaXXov. XIX. 3. q i^^v ^yjQ^ ^Q^ TIeTpov iv Tj} avXfj KdTw, ep'X^eTat fjula rlav 66 xxvi. 58, 69 ; iraLBLCTKwv TOV dp')(iepeoi V ' \ r^ N Matt.xxvii.l p€t9 ^era t(i)V Trpeapvrepwv Kai jpafXfiaTecov, Kai oXov to (TVV- lu. xxii. 66 ; ehpiov, hrjcraine^i rov 'Irjaovv aTnjveyKav koI irapiBcoKav rco 5l,^.*xviii'a8- 2 TIiXaTcp. "/cat eTn)pwTr)(T€V avrbv 6 UiXdro^, " Xv el 6 ^aac- Act. iii. i3. X€W rS)v ^lovBauov ;" 'O Be afroKpiOeh elirev avr^, "^t* xxvii. a, ii; 8 Xeyet?." Kai KaTryyopow avrov ol ap-)(Lepel/0' Joh. xviii.39. 8 /JLevo<;, oiTLV€66pop TrapoBeBay- 11 Keiaav axnov ol dp-^^iepel^i. ^ol Be dp^iepeh dpeaeiaav top o^Xop, • Matt. 12 ipa /jLaXXop TOP Bapafi^dv d7roXv 6)(X(p ro Uapop irotrjaat, dir- »> Matt. eXvaep ainol^i top Bapa^^dp' Kai irapeBcoKe top ^Irjaovp, pa- joh!*xix.'i. yeXXaxra^, tpa oTavpoydfj. 16 *^ 01 Be OTpaTLwrai dirry^ayop avrop eaw Tr\^ avXrj^;, 6 eaTL c Matt. 17 TTpaiTwpiop, Kai ovyKaXovaLP oXr]p Tr)p airelpap, Kai epBvovacp joh"icix. i avTOP 7rop(f)vpap, kol TrepLTcOeao-ip avTut 7rXe^aPTe<; dKavOivov 18 are^apop, Kai rjp^apro d. Kai ore eperrai^ap avrw, e^eBvaap avrop rrjp rrop^vpap, Kai ipeBvaap 21 avTOP rd l/JudrLa rd lBul' kol i^dryovaiP avrop, ipa aravpoiawaLP avrop. ^ KoX drfyapevovat, irapdyoprd riva Xl/jLcopa ICvprjpatup, ^ M&tt. €p')(6/JLepop drr wypov, top irarepa ^AXe^dpBpov Kai 'Povov, Xpa Ln!xxiii.'26. ap?; TOP aravpop avrov, 72. iiri^aXwv. Theophylact says, iiriKoXi^- seditions at the beginning of Pilate's govern- dfievos T^v KfaXa^ avTU)V, kol Xeyovre^i, "Oval, 6 Kara- i Matt. Xvcov Tov vooVj KOi iv TpLalv rj/jbipaLf; oiKohofiSyv (loicrov aeamov, 30 xxvii. 38; \ //D'V « '^ }) ' /^ f c>\ v^} - Lu. xxiii. 32. KUL Karapu UTTo TOV GTavpov. UjXOLw^ oe Kai OC ap')(LepeL^ 31 1* Esa.liii.12 : ' /$* v '-v -v ^-v v « / >a«. Lu. xxii. 37. ^/^'^ai'^ovTe^ TTpo? aXX7]Xov(i fieTu T(t)V ypafifxarecov eXeyov, I Psai.xxii.7; " "AXXov<; €<7(0(Tev, kavTov ov Bvvarai crcoa-aL. 6 Xpicrrof; 6 32 etlxix. 20; /0-v> '^'T ^-v /D/ «>\ « of/ et cix. 25 ; pacTLXev^ TOV 1 (xpar}X /caTapaTQ) vvv aiTo tov aTavpov, iva 39? Lu'^xxiii. ^^^/^^^ f^^^ TTLGTevawfiev'* Kal ol crvvearavpcofjievoL avTa> wvei- ^f ' 58^"^' ^'^f'^^ avTov. ^ Tevofievr] 33 Joh. ii.'i9. oXrjv TTjv yrjv, eict)? (opa<; ivvaTTjr ^Kol Ty wpa Tjj ivvaTrj i/36- 34 x'x^L^S; '^^^^ 'l7}aov<; (tivr}v fieydXTjv, e^eirveva-e. '^/cal tost ia-^mLu.' ^a^T^7reTa'S^ » I ' / ' , v 9 v r/ > Joh, xix. 38. Aat 77077 oyjcLaf; yevofieur}<;, eirei rjv TrapaaKevrj, o e(TTL irpo- 42 were living at Rome; and S. Mark's Gospel diet the declaration of Jesus in xiv. 25, for the was probably published at Rome, which may Jews did not consider 8|os as wine ; he quotes account for the mention of Rufus in this place. Spartianus, "Jussit vinum in expeditione ne- Simon was probably a disciple of Jesus, and minem bibere : sed aceto universos esse con- therefore singled out to carry his cross. tentos." 23. This was a custom observed towards 25. -^v h\ &pa rplrr}. Some have separated criminals, and said to be founded on Prov. this from Kai iffravpuxrav avrhv, and connected xxxi. 6. We find in the Talmud, " Prodeunti it with what goes before. ad supplicium capitis potum dederunt, granum 40. tov fiiKpov. S. Paul uses /xei^wv and thuris in poculo vini, ut turbaretur intellectus ixdaa-wu for elder and younger. Rom. ix. 12. ejus." Lightfoot. See Matt, xxvii. 34. New- Ibid. SoXco/iTj is said to have been the wife come observes, that this action did not contra- of Zebedee. Compare Matt, xxvii. 5Q. K.<,. 15, 16.] RATA MAPKON. Ill 43 ad^^aroVf TfkBev ^laxrq^ 6 awo *Api/ia6aia<;, €va^i]/juov /9ou- Xeirr^9, o? koI airro? ^v nrpoahe^ofievo^i ttjv ^cunXeiav rod Oeov' ToKfiTjaa^ elarfKJde 7rp6, 46 ^Kol aryof}daa<; (rivSova, /cat xadeXcbv avrov, eveCKvae rv aivhovL. ' ^^a". \ f/\ » v » / A ♦ / > / xxvii. 59; Kcu fcaTeurjKev avrov ev fivr}/xeL^, o 7)v XeXarofirjfievov etc 7reTpa<;' Lu.xxiii.53; 47 /cat TTpoae/cvkia-e \iOov eVl T^y dvpav tov fivrjfjLeiov. »; Be Mapia 42. * *"'' * 17 MayBaXrjvT) xal Mapia 'laxrij eOewpouv irov Tiderai. 16 y KAI Biaryevofievov tov aajB^aTOV, Mapia rj MayBaXrjvrj y Matt. Koi Mapia 17 ToO ^laKco^ov Kal 2!aX(o/xrj rjyopaa-av dpcofjiaTa, m. xxiv.* l ; 2 ipa eXOovaai dXeiylrcoaiv axnov. Koi Xiav frpcji t^? ftta? aafi- 8 ^aToyv epxovTai iirl to fivrjfielov, dvaTciXavTO^ tov rjXiov. Kal IXeyoi/ 7r/>09 €airr^9, "Tt? dtroicvXicet. r)fjuv tov XiOov ck t»79 4 6vpa6Bpa^ 'Kal elareXdovaai, et? « M»tt. TO fivr)fielov, elBov veavicKov KaO^/jLcvov ev Tot xiv. 28 ; I* / f« » \T«-i-v/ >«»\>/| a Matt. xxvi. Tpq), OTL irpoayei vfia t}? eK^e^rjKei eiTTa Baifwvta. eKeivr) tto- ^9^- "*• 18. pevOelaa dirrjyyeCKe to?? p^er axnov yevofjL€voL<;, TrevOovan Acat 14,16; n-v ' » « J / tf o« v'^'Zl '' i r^ Lu. viii. 2, KXaiovai. KaKewoi aKovaavTe^; otc grj Kat eueaur} vtt avT7]<;, 43. fvaxhP^v seems to mean a person of rolled hrh ttjs dvpas. But a fxvritiuov consisted condition. See Acts xiii. 50 ; xvii. 12. of two parts, the sepulchre, or inner part, where Ibid. jSouXcyr^js, Decurio. Vulg., Casaub. the bodies were deposited, the entrance to which But from Luke xxiii. 51. he would seem to was closed with a stone ; and the outer approach have been a member of the council or sanhe- or vestibule. The stone therefore was rolled drim at Jerusalem. Theophylact says that his from the mouth of the sepulchre, but was still office was to take care of the market within the vestibule, into which the women 44. iQavfiaaiv el. Raphel gives similar in- entered, and saw the angel. See John xx. 1, stances of d for Stj after davfid^eiy from Xeno- which reconciles Matthew and Mark. See phon and Herodotus. Krebsius does the same Wolfius. from Josephus. 8. tuxv is wanting in most MSS. 46. fK ■KiTpas. According to Salmasius, this Ibid, ov^tv elirov. L e. they told no one on does not mean cut out of a rock, but made of the road. wrought stone. Ad Solin. p. 851. 9. For the genuineness of the remaining part Chap. XVI. 4. ^v yap fieyas (r(p6Spa. This of this Gospel, see Mill in his edition of the is to be connected with ris avoKvXian k. t. A. New Testament. See xi. 13. Ibid. This appearance of Jesus to Mary 5. els rb iivr^jxeiov. This seems not to agree Magdalene is told at length in John xx. 14, with Matt, xxviii. 2, where we read that the &c. angel was sitting on the stone, which he had 112 ETArr. RATA MAPKON, ik.. is. tLu.KKiv.i3. r]7rLcrr7](Tav. ^ Mera Be ravra Bualv i^ avrojv irepiirarovcnv 12 • 9« ^^vep(o67j ev eripa fiopavep(o97}, 14 xxviii. 19; Kol wvelhiae rrjv airca-rlav avrcov koX aKXripoKapBlav, on roh Joh. XV. 16- ^ , >\> / y ■> / hjoh. Hi. u€aaafMevot<; avrov eyTjjep/juevov ovk eTriaTevaav. S Kal elirev 15 efxil^ip. <^^'^o2^> " nop6v6evT6(i ck Tov koct/jLOv diravTa, Krjpv^are rb iLu. X. 17; €vcvyye\LOV irdcrrj rfj Kria-et,. ^6 Tria-revaa^ koI ^aTmadeU 16 etViil?;' ccoOfjcreraL' 6 Be d7narriaa ' ^ -V '^ f'j- }) k Ln X 19- X^^P^^ eTTLorjo-ovai, Kai Ka\co ^ / "^ Heb. ii. 4. A[Jbr]V. 12. hvaiv. Some have thought these were not will he in a state of salvation, and reconciled the two mentioned hy S. Luke xxiv. 13, who with God. went to Emmaus ; hecause Mark adds, that the Ibid. KaraKpid^a-fTai. This does not neces- disciples did not believe them. But perhaps sarily mean that he will be punished for his some believed and some doubted, as in Matt. unbelief as a positive and specific sin ; but he xxviii. 17. was born tinder a sentence of condemnation, and 13. ouSe €/c6iVois ^iriffrcvcrav. This seems to if he does not believe in Christ, he rejects the contradict Luke xxiv. 33 — 36. Theophylact only means of having that sentence removed, says that by rots \onro7s Mark did not mean He that does not believe in Christ, will have the the apostles. sentence executed which was already hanging over 14. Tois eVSe/co. But there were only ten, him. See John iii. 17, 18.36; v. 24 ; viii. 24; for Thomas was not there. See John xx. 24. xii. 47, &c. So Xenophon calls the tyrants ol rpiaKovra, 17. crrjfieTa. These miracles were very com- after Critias and Hippomachus had been killed, mon among believers in the first century, and Hellen. ii. 4. 24. our Saviour's words were literally fulfilled. 16. awQiiffcrai, will be put in the way of sal- 20. iravraxov. This seems to shew that St. vation : he will be released from all his for- Mark did not write his Gospel till many years met sins, and at the moment of his baptism after the ascension. TO KATA AOYKAN AFION EYArrEAION. S. LUKE. Luke was a physician, (Col. iv. 14.) and perhaps a proselyte of Antioch. Nothing is known as to the time of his conversion : but he accompanied S. Paul from Troas in 46, (Acts xvi. 10.) and was with him on several occasions afterwards. He probably wrote his Gospel during the imprison- ment of S. Paul at Csesarea, A.D. 63-55 ; and the Acts during his im- prisonment at Rome, A.D. 56-58. He seems to have been particularly connected with the church at Philippi ; and the earliest traditions repre- sent him to have died in Achaia. c^- TO RATA AOYKAN AnON EYArrEAION. ^EUEIAHIIEP TToXkol e'7re')(eLp7)aav avard^acOab Si-^yr]- 1 ■ Heb. ii. 3 ; (TLV irepl TO)V 'Jr€7r\7}p0(f)0pr]/JL€VC0V iv TJfUV TTpay/jLaTCiyv, ^Ka6ot)<; 2 1 Joh. i. 1. /^ f«r>>j„ >r \r / / Lc ^ \^^^s "^^P^ ^^^^ ^^''^ °* ""^ ^PXi'^ avTOTTTaL Kai vnTrjperai, yevo-c^ b Act. i. 1. fievoc rov Xoyov, ^eBo^e Kajioi, TrapTjKoXovOrjKorc dvcoOev irdaiv s aKpi^w^, Ka6e^<; crol ypdyjrai, KpcLTiare ©e6(j>i\e, Xva iiriyvw'; 4 irepl MV Karrjxv^V^ \6ycov rrjv dcr(j)d\€i,av. c Matt. ii. 1. c "EFENETO iv raL<; r}/jLepat<; 'HpcoSov rov ^aai\eco<; Tr}<} 5 d 1 Par. 'IovBaLa<; iepev<; Ti9 ouo/jbaro Za')(apia<;, ^e'f i^7)iJb€pia<; ^A/Sid' Neh. xii'. 4, ' Kol 7] yVVT) aVTOV CK TCt)V OvyarepCOV ^AapMV, Kol TO ovofia auT7]<; ^EXhad^er. rjaav Be BUatoL afx^oTepoi ivcoTri-ov rod 6 ©eov, TropevofievoL iv irdaai^; ral<^ ivro\al<; kol BtKaiayfjiaa-L rov Kvpiov dfie/JLTrroL. kol ovk rjv avroi<; reKvov, KaOori r] 7 ^EXicrd^er rjv arelpa, koX djjb^orepoi irpo^e^rjKore^ iv rat^ '^/jLepaL<; avrcov rjaav. ^Eyevero Be iv rat leparevetv avrov 8 e Exod. iv rfi rd^ei tt}? i6^o<; iireweaev iir axrrov. ^Elire k ver. 60. hk 7rpo9 ai/Tou 6 dyyeXo^, " Mrf / N / f / ^ Q' >/ ' Jnd. xiii. 4; aiKepa ov fir) inrf, Kai irvevfiaTO^ ar/iov 7r\rja'tfr)r^." "Kal dtroKpt.deU 6 dyyeko^ elirev airr^, "pan- " ^Eydi elfii rafipir)\ 6 7rap€ '-k-v-v** ' v» '\ f Q ' '" Matt, xviii. tiireaTuXrjv \a\7i6<;. Kal iyivero 0)9 eirX^a-Orjaav ai ^fiepai t^9 XeiTovpyia^ airrov, dirrjXOev et9 24 TOV oiKov airrov, Mera he TavTa<; Ta9 r)/jLepa<; avveXa^ev ^EXtadficT r} yvrnj avTOVy Kal wepieKpv^ev eairrrjv /iriva<; 13. ftv. Because. See xii. 3 ; xix. 44 ; Theophylact Acts xii. 23 ; 2 Thess. ii. 10. It is so used by Ibid. €Tt. Jam inde. Erasmus. See Raphel. Aristophanes, Plut. 433. ad I. and at Rom. v. 6. Bos. *H ff OVOfXa ^IcOCTTjcf), i^ 27 OLKOV Aa^ih' Kol TO ovofia T779 irapOevov, Maptdfi. koX elaek- 28 ^ft)!/ 6 ayyeko'; Trpo? avrrjv eiTre, " Xalpe, K6')^apiT0)/j,evr}' 6 Kvpio<; fierd aov, evXoyrjfjievr} av iv yuvat^LV." 'H Be IBova-a 29 Bcerapd'^Orj iirl rat Xoya avrovy koX BieXoyl^ero TroTavro? eir) 6 daTraajjLo^ ovTOo^ov, 30 pii. 21; Mapid/Jb' evpe<; yap %a/3tz^ rrrapd tm Qew. ^kol IBoif, crvA,- 31 Esa. vii. 14 ; ^ / , , v \ /f- 'v v > / v w > « Matt. i. 21. ^VYV ^^ yaa-rpu, kul re^rj viov, Kai KaXecreu^ to ovofia avrov q Esa. ix. 6 ; 'It^ctoOz^. ^outo? earat fjbeya<;, kol Tlo<^ ' Tylrlarov KXrjOijcreTar 32 etiiv.5;' fcoL B(0(7€t avTM K.vpio<; 6 0609 TOV dpovov AajSlB TOV iTarpo'i pSl™cx'xidL' f^^'^ov, ^Kal ^acTiXevaec eTrl rbv ol/cov 'laKco/S et? tou? alo)va<^, 33 ^^- Koi Tri<; ^aa-iXela^ avrov ov/c earai TeXo?/^ Elire Be Mapcdfju 34 ' Dan. ii. 44 ; y v >r -. r ^ tt « " « > \ v p> > / » etvii.14,27; TT/jo? Toi^ ayycXov, iJo)? ecTTat TOVTO, eirei avopa ov yivuicrKw; Sal'ix"^; • ' ^^^ diTOKpiOel'^ 6 dyyeXos elirev avrfj, '' Uvevfjua dyiov iir- 35 iPar.xxii.iO; eXey^jeTat CTTt o^e, KciX BvvaiJLL<; * T'yjriarov iTnaKida-ei aor Blo etixxxix.36; /cat TO yevvco/JLevov dycov KXrjOriaerai T16<; ©eov. kol IBov, 3Q Jer.xxiii.5; ,^ /or / x » \ ^ JL " '^ ' 1 Cor. XV. 24; hiXL(7apeT 7} 0'^ iv TTj KOiXia avTYJ<;' Kal iirXrjaOr] irvev- fiaTOo^ 45 iv 77; KoCkla /jLov. Kol fULKapla 17 TrLOTevaaaa^ oti cotcu reXei- owrt? Tot? XeXa\7;/iei^ot9 ainfj irapa Kvpiov" ^vvv .c j^.x I • In^^i!'' 46 Kat etTre MapidfM, ** MeyaXvvei rj yjrv^ fiov tov Kvpiov, 47 KaX rjyaXKiaae to Trvevfid fjLOV iirl tm Oew rw aayTrjpi fiov' 48 *OTt iweSXeylrcv cttI t^v Tairelvwaiv rn? hovKm airrov. IBov ^^^^^•'^^^'* 49 yap, airo tov wv fiaKapiovav fie iraaat at yeveai' otl erroL'qae /)0 uMi, fieyaXeia 6 Bwuto^, koI ayiov to ovoaa avTov' ^koI to " Qen.xvU.?; Cr.-» v - -.n /,/ ,, Exod. XX. 6; 61 eX€09 avTov et? yeveadvov<; Bcavola ]^^i^\^ . b2 KCLphiaf; avTCJV. ^xadciXe Bwdara^i dirb OpovcDv, xal inlrcocre et h. 9 ; 63 TaTreivov^;. ^ Tr€iv(ovTa<; everrXrfaev arfaaojv, Kal TrXoirrourra? Psai. xxxiii. 64 i^airiareiXe kcvov^, 'dvTeXd^ero ^la-parjX 7raiBo<; avrov, fivrj- y. 5. 65 adrjvai eXiow, (*Ka609 tou? 7raT€pa<{ r)p,wv,) tw ^ * s*™* 66 'Affpa^fi KoX T^ (rrrepfJUiTi airrov €t9 toi/ aldva." "Efieive Be p«ai'. cxiii. 7; jj^ MapuLfi avv avry axrel firjva)(6r} Be to OTOfia airrov 'jTapa^(pr}fjLa Kal rj yXwaaa 65 ainov, Kal iXdXei, evXoywv tov Seov. Kal iyeveTO iirl 7rdvTa<; (t>6fio<; Toif<; irepLoiKovvTa^ ainov /, \>/ ^/ « «, laparjX, on eTrecrKeyaTO Kau eiroLTjae Xvrpcoatv tod Xao) av- fPsai. rov- ^ KOL i]j€ipe K€pa'« r« f /i/ Psai. cv. 9; Vf^''^> ^acpopco^, CK %et/309 rcov e')(upwv rjfjLCdV pvavevra^y Xa- 74 H^b^vLis.' '^P^^^^^ avru> JeV oadrijrc Kal BiKai^oavvrj ivwrmov avrov rrdaa^ 75 i Heb.ix.i4. ra? r]fJLepa€aec d/iaprtcov avrcov, ^Btd arrXdy^Qfa i\eov<; Oeov 78 ^^^\^7'^'W^v> eV oh iireaKeylraro r^ixd^i dvaroXr] ef liylrov^ ^ iTTcSdvat 7d et vi. 12. rot^ ev CTKorei Kai (tklo. Qavarov KadrjiJuevoL^, rov KarevOvvai et^m."/ ^' '^^^'^ TToBa^ '^jjbcbv ek oBbv elpi]vr]<;" °T6 Be iraiBiov rjv^ave Kal 80 etxiix'9- ^'^pci'^ciLovro TTvevfJuari' Kal rjv ev rah €pi]/JLOt^, eto? rjiiepa^ dva- etix. 1;' BeL^e(o<; avrov 7rpo etvat q q Matt. i. 25. auTOi)? e/cet, eiTXrjaOr/aav at rj/jbipat rov reKelv avrrjV ^Kali ereKe rbv vlbv avrrj^; rbv irpwroroKOV, Kal eairapydvcoaev av- rbv, Kal dveKXivev avrbv ev rrj (pdrvr)' Biorc ovk tjv avroh roTTof; ev toJ KaraXv/iari, 73. ^pKov is in the accusative instead of the made. Augustus ordered a general census genitive on account of %v which follows it, as three years before the birth of Christ, when in Mark vi. 16, 'Iwivvriv for 'Iwavvtis. Eisner. Sentius Saturninus was president of Syria, but See Matt. xxi. 42. no money was paid till twelve years afterwards, 75. T^s ^(oris. These words are wanting in when P. Sulp. Quirinius {Kvpi]VLos) was presi- several MSS. dent. See Josephus, vol. i. p. 867 ; ii. p. 194. 77. cV o<^6(r6t a^apTjwyauTWj'is to be coupled 422. Justin Martyr refers to the tax-roll as with a-anripias. John was to tell the people existing in his day, p. 65. So does Tertullian, that one was coming who would give salvation p. 417. 433. These two verses may be para- by the remission of sins. See iii. 3. phrased, Augustus issued a decree, that the m- 80. eV rats ip-fifiois. Lightfoot understands habitants of the whole Roman empire should have tliis merely to mean in the country, as opposed their names enrolled ; which enrolment was first to cities. Ad Matt. iii. 1. completed when P. S. Quirinius was procurator Chap. II. 1, 2. The best solution of this of Judeea. difficult passage seems to be, that the names 4. t(6\\.v. John calls it K&\it\. vii. 42. were enrolled several years before the tax was 7. eV t^ v\d(Taovr€vXaKa<; rfj^i wKTOf eTrl rrfu irolfiirqv avrcov. koI IBoif, dyy€\oo^r]dr]aav 6^ov fxer/av. Kal elirev av- roU 6 dyyeXo^, "Mr) o^€lad€' ISov >yap, evwyyeXi^ofiat vfilv 11 x^P^^ fi€yd\r]V, fjTL<: € iravrl toj XocG' otl irex^dr) v/xiv 12 o^ ioTrapyavcofievov, Kci- 13 tievov iv rfj dxiTinj." 'Kal i^alSinj^ eyevero avv rS dr/yeXfp ^TiAnMiAO-, n ' «'» / »/ V^-^V V-v' ApOC. V. 11. ttX^^o? (TTpaTia^ ovpavioVf aivovmuiv top tyeov Kai XeyomcoVf \\"*A6Pa iv w^L(TroL, koI ro fip€(f)o<; Kel- 17 fievov iv rfj drvr}. IBovre^ Be BieyvcopLaav Trepl rov pi]fiarov Xakrjdevrwv xmo roiv iroifievctiv 19 7r/)09 auT0V9. 17 Be Mapidfi irdvra avverrjpeL rd prjiiara rain a 20 (TVfi^dWovaa iv rrj xapBla avri)^. Kal iTrearpeyjrav ol 7roifjLeve<;, Bo^d^ovre; Kal alvovvre<; rov Gebv iirl rrdaiv oh ^Kovaav Kal elBoVj Kaday; iXaX-qdr) 7rpo9 avTOi59« \^ ' JK/^V " ' <*en. 21 ^KAI ore iTrXr^aOrjaav rjfiepai oKro) rov rrepirefielv ro irat- Lev.xii.'s; BloVy ^Kol iKkr}Or] ro ovofia avrov ^Irjaoik, ro KXrjOev viro rov „° * y* * drfyeXov rrpb rov (rvWrjcpdrjvcu avrov iv rfj koCKUi. Matt. i. 21. 22 ^KAI ore irrXtjadTjaav al rjfiepaL rov KaOapia/jbov avroov, et seqq^" * Kara rov vo/jlov Mcoa€CD<;, dvijyar/ov avrov el<; 'lepoaoXv/jLa, ^.^^°^' 2d Trapacrrrja-ai, t&) Avpiq), ^Kau(t)<; yey parrrau ev vofjiw KvpLOV, etxxn.29; * "On irdv dpaev Biavolyov fujrpav dyiov rw Kvpup K\r}6r)aerat,.* n u^mfiii* 13 • 24 '/cal ToO BovvaL dvaiav, Kara ro elprjfjievov iv voimo Kvpiov, ^^"^^^'^^'^^ • * Z6vyo<; rpvyovoyv 17 Bvo veoa ovo/bua Xvfiewv, koX 25 o avOpayiro^s ovto<; BLKato/ a-v"' '^'t ^-v v> Rom. ix. Keirai et? irrwcnv Kai avaaraacv iro aXcjv ev r(p iaparjK, Kai et? 1 Pe?ii 8- ^VH'^^^v avTikeyofjuevov {^Kal aov Be avrrj^ rrjv '^v^rjv BieXev- 35 icor.i.23,24; aerau poiKhala') oireo^ av diroKaXvcbdcjaLV eK iroXXo^v KapBcwv et2cor.ii.i6; s^ > '» Act. xxviu. OLaXoycafJLOL. d Job xix 25 ^^^^ ^^ "Avva TT/oo^TyTA?, Ovjdrrjp ^avovrjX, Ik vXrjla V t/i « r « \ ^ / etxxxiv, 23; 43 avTU)v et? lepoaoXvfia Kara to €Oo<; Trj<; €0pTT]€i,v avrou?, V7r€fi€iv€v ^Irjaov^i 6 iraU iv 'lepovaciXrip.' koX ovk eyv(o ^Icocnj^ Kot rj fiijTrjp av- 44 TOV. vofii(TavTep> > » V »». * ^ / \ \ . \ » / . « Joh. vii. 15, ibovTe<; avrov f e^errKayqaav Kat, Trpo*; avrov t) firjrrjp avTov 46. elTre, " Texvov, ri eTrolr)aa zi » AT *» ' . \ ♦ r ' etxviii. 34. KaTeprj fier avrov, /cat rfKuev ei9 JSa^aper' Kav riv vrroTaaao- fievof; avT0i9. Kal 17 fiijnjp avrov Bterijpei, iravra ra pr^puTa 62 ravra iv ry KapBia avrrpj. ^Kal ^Ir]<7ov<; irpoeKoirre ao^la Kal ^ '\,^^' rjKiKia, Kal x«P*Tt irapa Seat Kal dv6pw7roLviTtZo«>/ t / \ \ Mar. i. 3 ; (prjTov, XejovTO^, ^(OVT) po(t)VTOs r t y ^ te Tt f 7 Esa. Iii. 10 ; T0fc9 €K7r0peU0fJLeV0L<; O^J^Xofc? paTmaOTJVat VTT auTou, " 1 eVVYj- t> Matt. iii. 7 ; fxaTa exi^voiv, Tt? uTTeSet^ev ufuv (f)uyecv aTro r?}? fieXkoua7]<; q Matt.iii.8; Op7^? ,* ^TTOClJOraTe OUV KapTTOU^; d^LOU ^A^padp,. ^rjhrj he koX rj d^iVT) irpo'^ ttjv pit,av TOdv 9 hevBpcov KeiTav ttolv ouv hevBpov fjurj ttolovv Kapirov KcCkov Ik- KoiTTeTau KOL eh irup fidXKeTai." sAct. ii. 37. ^KaX eTTTjpcoTcov auTov ol 6)(XoL \eyovTe ' « \ v v » v n ' » / Jac, ii. 15, P'^TaOOTOa T(p jJUT] eXOVTL' Kai O C^COV ppCO/JUaTa^ OpLOLa) iKeyxofievof; vtt » Matt.xiv.S; ainov irepi 'HpvXcucfj. 21 • ^Eyevero Bk iv tcS ^aTTTiadfjvaL arravra tqv Xaov, koI • Matt.iii.i3; Irj«• »* ; oxrel •jrepLorepav en avrov, Kai et xvii. 5 ; Xeyovaav, " ^u et o uto9 /iov o ar^airt^ro^y ev aol rjvooKrjaa. ^^^ -^^^ 7 . 23 ^ Kai avro<; rjv 6 ^Irqaovi oxrel €T(av rpiaKovra dp^o/J^cvo^;, a)v, * Pe*- »• i"* 24 o)? ivofil^ero, viot 'I(aar}(f>, rov 'HXt, "^toO MarOdr, rov Acvt, xiii. 55; 25 ToO MeKxl* "^ov ^law^, rov 'laxn^if), rov MarraOiov, rod 'Afitof;, joh'yi^ii. 26 TOV Naovfi, rov 'EtrXl, rov Nayyal, rov MadB, rov Marra- •• Mutt. i. 1, 27 Oiov, rov Sefiei, rov *Ift)a^, rov *IovBa, rov ^Icoavvd, rov 28 ^Prja^, rov Zopo^dfieK, rov SdkadirfX, rov Nrjpl, rov MeXxh 29 rov ^ABBl, rov Koyadfi, rov ^EXfKoBafi, rov *^Hp, rov 'I(oa-rj, rov so ^BlXU^ep, rov ^loypelfiy rov MarSdry rov Aev):, rov Sv/j.€(oVf rod 31 ^lovBa, rov ^I(Darj, rov 'Icovdv, rov ^EXuLKelfi, rov MeXed, rov 32 Maivdv, rov Marradd, rov 'Naddv, rov Aa^lB, ^rov 'Iea-cral,^2Sam.v.i4; « ^ J ' 1 Par. 111. 5 ; 33 rov 'fl^TjBf rov Boo^, rov SaXfioDV, rov Naaaacov, rov Aficv- Zach.xii. 12- 34 a8a/9, rov *Apdfi, rov 'Eapwfi, rov ^apes, rov 'lovha, toO J^p'^'^^Jy^o' ^laKO)^, rov ^laaaK, rov ? ^A^padfi, rov Gdpa, rov Na^oyp, ^Gen. xi. 35 rov Sapoir^j rov 'Payav, rov ^dXeK, rov "E^ep, rov SaXd, ""*" ' 36 ^rov Kalvdvj rov ^Apa^dB, rod Srj/i, rov Ncje, rod Adfxex, ^ ^^°- ^• 37 rod MadovadXa, rod ^Evodx, rod ^lapeB, rod MaXeXe^X, toi) et xi. io,&c. 38 KaivdVf rod ^Evoy;, rod ' SijO, rod ^ABdfi, rod Oeod,)f(^ ' Gen. v. 3. 19. ♦iX/xirou is probably an interpolation. ceived that Jacob was the natural, and Heli the 22. The words watl trtpump^ are perhaps legal, father of Joseph ; for that Jacob married not to be coupled with aufjLariKtp efSct, but with the widow of his half-brother Heli. (ap. Euseb. KarajS^Ktu. They may mean, that there was H. E. i. 7.) Some have thought that Heli was some visible appearance, which hovered and the father of Mary ; so it is said in the Talmud: descended like a dove. AlbertL See MatL iii. but this seems irreconcileable with S. Luke. 16. 24. It will be observed that rov MarQar, rov 23. Justin Martyr understood this to mean Acut; occur again in ver. 29. They seem to thirty years, more or less, p. 186. Josephus have been omitted in ver. 24. by Africanus (/. c.) uses apx6ti.(vos in the same sense, otov fUhs «V Greg. Naz. {Cartn. 38. De Christi Geneal.) and apxofifvtf) $ouTi\€Z vol. L p. 414. The phrase Ambros. {Com. in Luc. 1. 3.) Perhaps also by probably means, that our Saviour wanted a Irenaeus, for he says that Luke mentioned little of being full thirty years of age. seventy -two generations (p. 219). Our present Ibid, vlhs 'Iwa^tp rod 'HA./. Matthew says copies have seventy-seven, i. e. from Christ that Jacob begat Joseph. Some have coupled to God inclusive : if we omit these two, and &v with TOV 'H\\, and put ws ivofii^eTo vlhs Matthat and Levi in ver. 24. and Cainan in 'Iwa^fp in a parenthesis, so that Jesus, and not ver. 36. (see note ad I.) we have seventy-two Joseph, would be called the son of Heli. See generations. Wolfius, Cur. Philol. p. 604. But it is plain 35. :iapovX' Nearly all the MSS. read that the article tov in every instance does not ^epovx- belong to the name which follows it, but to 36. tov Ka'ivdv. There is no mention of that which precedes, and means, the son of; Cainan in the Hebrew at Gen. xi. 12. The otherwise we should find vlhs tov 'luaijcp. LXX mention him. See Thes. Crit. Sacr. pt. Joseph therefore is certainly called the son of ii. p. 87. Gomarus, De Genealogia Christi. Heli. See Raphel, Palairet. Afiicanus con- 124 ETATTEAION [k^^. 4. iMatt.iv.i; ^ ^IH^OT^ Se iTveviiaTO^ dylov TrXvprif; vTriarpeylrev oltto 4} Mar. i. 12. « ^r S^ ' v >' ' « / , v ,/ ^ , . , 1 Exod. "^ov lopoavov KUL rjyero ev tm TrvevfiarL €t,<; rr}v eprjiiov ' r)/jL6pa v » /jv ,«,->. , Mar. vi. 1 ; Tet7pafjL/Jbevo<;' Kat eLarjXue KaTa to eLWUo^ avTco, ev ttj rjfJLepa Twv aa^/SdTOiVy et? ttjv avvaycoyrjv, Kal dveaTTj dvar/vcovaL. Kal 17 iireBoOi] avT

avairrv^as rh fiifiKiov. Herodotus has Vespasian e/c Trao-Tjs T^s tSt as oi/cou;tieV7/s. 3.Ju- this expression, i. 125. An ancient MS. was daa. He speaks of the Britons rijs Kaff rifias literally unrolled. This seems to shew that our olKovfj.4v7)s OVK i\a(r(r6va vrjcrov o'lKovvras. p. 189. Saviour made his own selection of the passage. Philo Judaeus opposes olKovp-ivri to kSct/j-os in Ibid. Seven persons were called out to read vol. ii. p. 98. and he says still more distinctly, in the synagogues: 1. a priest; 2. a Levite, K.,*.] RATA AOTKAN. 125 18 TO ^ifiKioV, €Vp€ TOP TOTTOV OV ^V yCypaflflivOV, * "ITyeV/Aa " Matt.xi.5; Kvpiov eV €/x€' OV €V€K€v cxpiai fi€ evarffeki^eaOai 7rTo>;j^ot9, etixi. i, a.' aTrioToXKe fi€ IdaaaOai tov<; avvrerpififiivovf; rrjv KapBlav KTjpv^cu aiyjiakciiToi^i ae6a\/xol rjaav drevL^ovre^ ai/rw. il^Hp^aTO he \eyeiv 7rp6<; avTov<{, ""Otl a-q/xepov TreTfKrjpayrav rj 2l'yparj avrrj iv TOt? walv vfi(ov." ^Kal Trazrre? ifiaprvpovv i}'^- ^T\ avTU), Kol idavfUL^ov iirl rol^ \6yoi<; tt}? '^apiTo^y roh iKiropevo- Matt.x\ii.54 ; r t #»/ >'«vv-v tt r\> * ' '' » Mar. vi.2,3; fi€V0L<; €K Tov aTOfjULTo<: avTov, Kai eXeyov, O^X ofTo? cotlp o jq^. vi. 42. 23 u/o9 ^laxr^ ;" *Kal elTre Trpo? avTovpvo<; tov opov^j i(f> ov rj 7ro\£9 avTcop (oko- 30 Bofirp-o, €19 to icaTaKprjfiPLaat, axnop' avTO^ he hieXdobv hcd fieaov avTwv eiropevero. 31 ^KAI KaTrjKdep €i9 KaTreppoovfj, ttoTup T779 FaXikalafi' kol ^ Matt.iv.t3; y 32 ^p hihdaKOJp avToi/f; ip Tot9 a-d^^aai. ^koI i^eirXijaaovTo eVt « Matt. vii. 33 TTJ hchaxji avTOVy otl ip i^ovala rjp 6 \0709 avTOv. ^Kal ip Ty ^' ''^^.' avpaywyfj rjp dv6p(07ro<; e)(wv irpevfia haifiopiov dxaOdpTov, /ecu t Mar. i, 23. o 34 dpexpa^e \ >>/» \j \>/ C/ jxeyaKw' Kai rjpcoTTjaav avrov Trepi avTtjs. Kai eTrto-ra? eiravw 39 y avTrjf;, iireTLiirjae tS TrvpeTM, Kal d, ToO i\06irra ^]^|raTO avrov eltrcov, " Sehxo, 14 KaOapiaOrjTi." Kal evOeo)^ t) Xerrpa dirrikOev dir avrov. ^ Ka\ 'LeT.xiii.Ji avT09 traprtyyeCKev avroa urjBevl elirelv " dXKa direXOoiv Bel^ov 21. 2S; . '^ : ', ^ y , K « /, « Matt. viii. A. aeavrov r tepei, koa, Trpoaeveytce Trepi rov Kauapiafiov gov, 15 Kadui. 5. Tt? Svvarai a^tevai d/JLapTLa<;, el fjurj fiovo^ 6 ©eo? ; " ^Eiruyvov'; 22 he 6 '1770-01)9 Tov? 8La\oyL(T/jLov<; avTwv, aTro/cpcOeU elire tt/jo? u Matt. ix. 5. auTou?, " Ti BiaXojL^eaOe ev rali; Kaphiau^ vfjL&v ; "rt ecrrtv 2B evKOTTwrepov, elirelv, ^A(f>e(0VTaL aoi at ajjuaprlaL aov tj elirelv, ^'Eyecpat kol •TrepLTrdrec ; iva Be elBrjTe on e^ovalav eyet 6 v/o? 24 Tov dvOpcoTTOv eVt T^9 yrj^ dievaL dixapria^y' elire tw irapdXe- Xv/juevo), " ^ol Xeyco, eyecpai,, kol dpa<; to kXlviBlov aov, iro- pevov et? rov oIkov aov'' KaX Trapaxprj/Jia dvaard'i evooTrcov 25 avrwVy dpa6^ov, XeyovTe^, ""Otl elBofiev irapd- Bo^a arjfjbepoimLin^ , 3<.30C. ^Ot^sC. »Matt.ix.9; ^Kol fieTO^avTa i^XOe, KoX edmauTO TeXcovrjv, ovo/naTL 27^ ^&T. 11. , ^gj^-^j;, KaOrjiJbevov irrl to TeXcovcov, kol elirev avTw, " ^AkoXovOcc mot/' Kal KaTaXciroDV diravTa, dvaaTd<; rjKoXovOrjaev avTw. 28 \^ , y XV. 1 ; yjfiTat enroir^ae Boynv iieNoXtw 6 A'evU avTco ev ttj oLKia avTOV' 29 \A\ Matt. ix. 10 ; ^ , „ '^ - — „ ^ \ v^ ^ * ,\ «? ' *> » « Mar. ii. 15. fcuL Tjv o')(Xo]^eL 6 veo<^ olvo^ tov9 daKov^i, Kal avTo<; eKxvOijaeTai, Kal ol daKol diroXovvTau' dXiXd olvov veov eU daKOv<; di\eL veov Xeyci yap, 'O 7raXato9 ^^i/OTorepo? iariv" v /iA./t*='^A.'*^' 6 • 'EFENETO Bk iv aa^^drcp Bevrepoirpcora) BuLTropevfaOai • Deut. >\rs\«« / vv-v^v t n v»>N \ xxiii. 25; avTov but roiv (rrropifKOir Kai eriWov oi p.aor)TaL avrov tov<; Mutt. xii. i ; 2 ardyyafii KaX rjaOiov, 'sjr /i\ V >^ ^ »»T " et xxiii. 12; 5 aappaai, ; ^KaL airoKpioei^; tt/jo? avrov^ enrev o l7jaov<;, etxxxi.Hi " OuSe rovTO dveyvarre, o iiroirjae Aa^lB, oirore eireivaaev avToay€, real eSw/ce xxix'',"32,83; Afal TO?? /a€t' auToO, o&irov KoX TOV aa^^drov:' ^^'- "■ ^®- 6 ^ ^EyepcTO Bk Koi iv erepy (ra^fidrtp elaeXdelv avrov eh ttjv k Matt. awarfor/Tjv Kal BiBdo-xeiv Kal ^v e'/cet dvOpcoTro^!, KaX t) p^eip ^m 7 avTov rj Be^ia ^v ^pd. iraper^pow Be avrov ol ypaiipureh KaX g ol ^apuraiot, el iv t^ aa^^drtp depairevaet' Xva evpaxn Acar- 8 rjyopiav avrov. avT6 ^IrjaoiMh-c-lu'^. /%3 12 ^^Eyevero Be iv raU ^/juepaif; ravrat?, i^rjXOev 09 t6 0/309 " Mati xir. irpoaev^aaOai' KaX r^v BiawKrepevoyv iv ^VJUP^aeu^^ tov Oeoir ^ .*' ', ^' 13 "koI oTe iyeveTO "^fjUpa, 7rpoa-e(f>(i)VT]a-€ toi/9 fia6rjTd<; airrov' KaX Matt. x. i; ^•vt./ »»»»»Pk/p> A \» /-v »' Mar. iii. 13 ; eK\e^afi€vo<; air avTcov ocobeKa, ovy — yeoy. Senarius. Wolfius con- was offered. Lev. xxiii. 16^ Luke probably siders this to be said with reference to the meant the first Sabbath in this series of weeks. Pharisees, who, being accustomed to their So also Lightfoot ad Matt. xii. 1. Newcome, former doctrine, would not immediately adopt Greswell. that of Jesus. 9. 'EirepaT-fia-w. It appears from Matt. xii. Chap. VI. 1. devrtpoTrpdrcp. Valckenaer 10. that the Scribes and Pharisees first asked conceived that the sabbaths which followed the him. Is it lawful to heal on the Sabbath day ? three great festivals were called ^€70X0, or Our Saviour's question was meant as an an- "KpSna : so that the sabbath which followed the swer to theirs, which is implied in eTrepwT'^orw. passover was called trpandirpayroy; that which Some have pointed this, eVfpwTTjo-w vfj.as rf followed Pentecost was called ScvrcpSTrpuTov ; e^eTTi k. t. X. ; . that which followed the feast of tabernacles, 11. avoias is generally rendered rage: it • TpiTSirpuToy. So also Grotius, Maldonatus, &c. perhaps means literally, that they were at their ••' Scaliger said that Luke intended the first sab- wits' end : they did not know what to do. bath after the second day of unleavened bread, 12. irpoaeuxv- Some interpret this of a place on which day the first sheaf was offered. Lev. of prayer, as in Acts xvi. 13. Olearius. But xxiii. 10, 11. The barley-harvest was at that TrpoaevxT] tov Qeov is prayer to God, as iriariy time ; but the wheat-harvest was at Pentecost, @eov in Mark xi. 22. Exod. xxiii. 16. The feast of Pentecost was 13. e/cXe^ci/xej/os. It will be observed, that called the feast of weeks, because seven weeks he selected them after passing the night in were reckoned from the day on which the sheaf prayer, and in John xvii. 6, 9, 12. God is 130 ETArrEAION [k.<^. 6. ojoh. i. 42. °^lfMcova ov KOI o)v6^a(Te Tlerpov, koI ^AvBpeav top dB6X0aX/jiov<; avrov et? tov<; fia07}Td<; 20 • Esa. iv. 1 ; avTov, eXcyc, " MaKdpLOL ol 7rTco-)(ol, ore vfxerepa earlv 17 etixv. 13; DaaCkeLa rov &€ov. ^fiaxapLoc 01 ireLvwvre^ vvv, on ')(ppra(j6r}' 21 t Matt V. 11- ^^^^^' l^'Cii^cLpiOi ol kXaiovrc^ vvv, on yeXdaere. ^/jLaKdpcol iare, 22 1 Pet. ii. 19 ; oVai/ /lL(T^<; irovrjpov, eveKa et^u'Ji^^' "^^^ ^^^^ "^^^ dvdpcoTTOV. ^'XjOLipere iv eKelvrj rfj rjfjiepa kol aKip- 23 » Amos r'^aare' IBov yap, 6 /jucaOb's vfJLoov 7roXu5 iv rw ovpavM' Kara Ecci! xxxi. Tavra yap irroiovv rol / t / J « Matt. V. 44 ; ovv rol<^ 'y^6vBo'irpo^rjraL<^ 01 Trarepe^s avrcov* 14, 20 ; " ^ ^AXX v/jllv Xeyco roL<; aKovovcnv, ^Ayairdre roix} i)^Opov» « vii 1 2 • 82 Of avupamoLy Kai vfiei^; iroteiTe airrot? ofioi(i}^r)- /f- / >' VN '» Deut. XV. 8. cATTtgn-e aTToXapeti/, ttowi f/xtv xa/3t? eo^ to iv •» Matt.vii.3. Tft) 6<^daXp.a> rov dBeXov aov, rrjv Be Bokov rrjv iv tm lBL(p 42 6(f)6aXfiM ov Karavoel dZeXq) aov, <> Prov. xviii. ^ABeX(f>€, de^ iK^dXtXou9, Xeywv avra>, " Kvpie, firj ctkvXKov' ov ydp el/jiL iKavo^i Xva vrro rrjv crreyrjv fiov elaekdrjf;' Bco ovBe e/iavrov 7 rj^LCoaa irpof; ae ekOelv dXkd elire Xoyay, Kal laOrjaerai 6 iral'^ fjbov. Kal ydp iyo) dvdp(07r6<; elfii viro e^ovcriav racraoiievo^j ^X^^ ^ VTT ejjLavrov arpari^ra^;, Kal Xer/a rovra, IlopevOrjri, Kal tto- peverac Kal dXX(p, "Ep^ov, Kal epyerau' Kal rS BovXo) fiov, JJoLTjaov rovro, Kal irotel." ^AKOvcra^ Be ravra 6 ^Irjaov^ eOav- 9 ^aaev avrov Kal 6^o<; a7ravra<;, koI eBoPa^ov rov Gebu y i. ««; -, ,,f,^ ,/ / , / , , «. y r, etxxiv. 19; Xeyoin-e*?, * Uri 7rpo Matt. xi. 7. rS)v drfyekcav ^Icodvvov, "ijp^aro Xeyecv 7rp6^rr]p ; paX, Xeyw vfilv, KaX 27 irepiaaorepop Trpocjrqrov. ^ovrof; ion irepX ov yey pairrat, ' ^IBov, * Mai in. i; | ^ iyo) diToareKKco rov dyyeXop fwv irpo Trpoacorrov aov, o? Kara- Mar. i. 2. 28 aKevdaei rrjp oBop aov ejJLirpoaOep gov? Aeyco yap v/ilv, fiel^cop ep yepvrjroU ywaiK&p 7rpo ^eVrre he 6 KvpLO^, " Tlvl ovv o/jLOKoaco 31 Tou? av6p(07rov<; t?}? ar/o<; kol olvoiroT'q^y TcXcovayv (pl\o<; KOL dfiaprcciX^y. xal iStKaLcodr] r) crodyr} fjuer avrov' 36 KoX elae\6u)V et? rrjv olKiav rov ^apiaaiov, dveKXldrj. Kal IBoVf 37 yvvrj iv rfj iroXet, rjTt^ tjv d/jLaprcoko. ^IBcbv Be 6 ^apiaalo^ 6 Ka\eaa<; avrov, elrrev iv eavrat, 39 Xeywv, " Ovro<; el rjv 7rpo(l)rjrr)<;, iylvaxTKev av ri^ Kal irorairr] rj yvvT], rjrLeL'kerab ^aav Al BaveiGrfj nvi' 6 et? axfyetke Brjvdpui TrevraKocna, 6 Be erepo<; irevrrjKovra. firj i')(ovrcov Be avrSiv diroBovvaiy d^t^orepoi^ ^X^' ^ piaaro. ri^; ovv avrcov, ehre, irXelov avrov dyarr^arev ;'' '.^tto- 43 KpiOel^ Be 6 SlfJLCov elireVy *''T7ro\a/jL^dva) ort, a> ro ifKelov e;^a- piaaroJ" 'O Be ehrev avrm, '' ^OpOco<; eKptva^" Kal ^9 ela-rfKOov, ov Biekiire Kara^tXoxxrd fiov TOU9 7ro8a9. ekaiat rrjv Ke^aXrjv fiov ovk 7]\€i^jra<;' avrr) Be fivpa 46 rjkeiy^e fJLOV rov<; 7r6Ba<;. ov %a/3ti', Xeyco croi, di^emvrat al 4.7 djjLapriai avrrj<; at iroWal, ore •^ydirrjare iroXv' m Be 6\l- g Matt.ix.2. 701^ d«/ «» €v eavroi^y "it9 outo? ea-riv 09 Kat ajJLapria^ afpirjcnv ; 31. The words elire S^ 6 Kvpios are wanting days before the passover. John xii. 1. See in nearly all the old MSS. and were probably Thes. Crit. Sacr. pt i. p. 202. Neither is added to complete the sense. there anj' reason to suppose that this woman 36. Tts rS)v iapiffaioiv. His name was Simon ; was Mary Magdalen. See Lardner, Deylingius, see ver. 40. Obs. Sacr. pt. iii. p. 227. 37. This seems certainly not the same story Ibid, iv ttj irdKei. Nain. L. de Dieu ad I. which is told by Matt. xxvi. 7 ; Mark xiv. 3; 45. elarjhdov. Some authorities read etV- and John xii. 3. That happened only six fjXdey, which seems better. See ver. 37 K*0. 7, 8.] KATA AOTKAN. 135 bO^ElTre Be 7rpo 5 ^ Kokov^ieirq MaryBaXrjvr), acf)' t}? Bat/jLovta Ittt^ t^eXrfKvOei, Koi ° " *'"' * *I(Ddwa ywrj Xov^ hnTpOTTOV 'Hpa)Bov, kol '^ovadvva, koI h-epai TTciXXalf aiTive^ Bltikovow avro) ano twv virapjaovTCDP avraU. 4 ^Swi6vT0<; Be 6^\ov rroWov, koI rwv Kara ttoKlv eirLiropevo- i Matt.xiii.S; 6 fievcjp 7r/3o? avrov, eiTre Blcl 7rapa^o\r]<;, " ^E^\6ev 6 (nreipcav TOV (nrelpai rbv (rrropov avrov' koI ev r^ airelpeiv avrov, h fikv erreae iraph rrjv oBov, koX KareTrar^Orj, koI to. 'rrereivcL tov ov- 6 pavov /caTecfxx/yev airro. xal erepov hreaev iirl ttjv irerpav, Kal 7 ^vev e^pdvSrj, BuL to firj e)(€LV IxfidBa. koi erepov hreaev iv fieatp Twv afcavO&v, koI avfi^velaai a^i aKavOqi q^TreirvL^cj.v {( 8 axno, KoX erepov hreaev hr\ ttjv yijv Tr)v drfodrjv, xal vhf hroirjae Kapvov eKaTOVTarrXacriovaJ* Taina Xiyav icfxovev, *' 'O 9 e)(a}v SiTa ctKoveiv, aKovha).'* ™ 'ETnjpancov Be ainov oi /ladrjral m Matt. 10 avTov Xeyoure?, rt? etrj rj Trapa^oXrj avrrj' "6 Be elirev, "'Tfuv Mar. iv! lo, BeBoTai yvwvai to. fiv(rr^puL T79 ^aaiKela^ tov Seoir Tola9 Be^ovTai, tov Xoyov, Kal xi, W^ "'"jf ovToi pi^av ovK e)(pvaiv, ol irpo^ Kaipov Tncrrevova-t, Kal ivKaipw "Matt. 14 Treipaa/jLOv diaTavTaL, ^to Be eh Ta9 aKdvdas; ireaov, ovtol Mar. iv. is. 'B eiaiv ol aKovaavTe^y kol vtto fiepcfivayv Kal ttXovtov Kal rjBov(ov ^1^*20; 15 tov ^lov TTopevofievoi (rvfnrvlyovTai, Kal ov TeXeaSopovai. to *'*'"• '^- ^^' ^v > « ^ «■ « r / > r, , 5./ -v « \ > /i« ixviii. 24; oe ev Tjj Kakrj yrj, ovtol euriv oiTive^ ev Kapoia KaXrj Kal ayaurj, Matt.xix23; aKovaavTefy tov Xoyov KaTexpwrif Kal Kapiro^opovarLv ev vrro- 1 Tim* Vi. 9. H^vfj. r xi. 33 ; 16 " ^OvBeh Be \uxyov aT/ra9, KaXvrrrec avTov aKcvei, rj vrroKaTO) ^a" iv! 21.' Chap. VIII. 3. HiTp6irov. Some under- ferent cities. stand this of Herod's deputy in the govern- 6. iKfx&Sa. Matthew and Mark write ^Oot ment : others of his treasurer or steward. See yT]s. Matt XX. 8 ; GaL iv. 2 ; 2 Mace. xi. 1. 12. ol iraph. r^v 6^hv, i. e. ol ie-x^fievoi rhv Ibid. ouT^. The best MSS. read axno7s. (rir6pov jrapa r^y 6S6y. 4. ^ifviSyros relates to the whole sentence : 1 4. iropevS/xevoi, going away from hearing the When the multitude, and they who had come to word. Eisner, Wolfius. Or it may merely him from every city, were assembled together. mean, as they go along in life. L. de Dieu. Jesus addressed them from a 16 — 18. Having spoken of the effect of the boat. Matt. xiii. 2; Mark iv. 1. word upon the hearers, he now tells his dis- Ibid. T&v Kara ■jr6\iv. The persons from dif- ciples what they must do as teachers of the 136 ETATTEAION [Ke<^. 8. kKlvt)^ TiOrjaiv' aXX iirl \v)(yLa<; i7rLTiOr}(rtv, ha ol elcTTropevo- M^ttlSe. ^^^°'' ^^^'^^^'' '^^ ^^'^- ^^^ y^P ^^'^'' KpVTrrbv, o ov (pavepov 17 Mar.'iv.22,' ^evrjaerau' ovSe airoKpvc^ov, o ov ^vwaOrjaeraty koX ek avepov f xL*'26T' ^^^^' ^^^"^^^ o^^ '^^^ cLKOveTe 09 r^ap cLV €XV, ^odrjCTerai 18 e? xxv'''29^-^' «^Tft>* iccil 09 CLV fJLT) €XV» Kol o BoK€i ex^LV, apOriaerai air Mar. iv. 25. aVTOV.^1 ( ■■ k . [$-iT ^.Mau. Tlapeyevovro Se 7rpo9 avrov rj fiijTrjp Kal ol aBeX^ol avrov, 19 etxiii 55; Kal ovK rfivvavTo CTVVTvx^lv avTcp Blol tov oyXov. Kal airrryyekr) 20 Mar. iii. 31, > '^ -y ' te ' rr f ' \ a > c^^ , f r / avTcp, Xeyovrcov, ±1 p^rjrrjp aov Kai ol abeXcpoL aov eaTtjKaaLv ^Jo^h^.xv.U; efo), IBelv ae 6€Xovt€<;." ^'O Be airoKpLdeU elire irpcx; avTov^, 21 ''Myrrjp fjLOV Kal aBeXcfyol fiov ovtol elauv, ol tov Xoyov tov Geov aKovovTe<; Kal 7roLovvT€<; avTov.'' 7 Matt. ^Kal iyiveTO iv fita twv r^fiepwv, Kal avTo<; eve^rj ek irXolov 22 Mar.^iv! 35 '^^^ °''' H'^^V'^^^l' CLVTOV, Kal 6L7r€ 7rp09 aVTOV" ^o^r)6evTe^ Be eOavfJLaaav, Xeyovre^ irpb^ clXXt]- \0u9j " Ti? apa ovt6<; €(Ttlv, on Kal T0fc9 ave/jiOLvyov, kol direXdovTe^; aTTT^y- ^ 85 yeiXav eh rrjv voXiv Kal €t? toi^ drypov<;. i^XOov Be IBelp to yeyovof}' ical ^XBov 7rpopovovvTa, irapd TOv ov €^Xr}Xv6ei Ta BaifMOVia, elvai axw axn^. direXva^ ^ 89 he avTov 6 'Ir}aov<;, Xeycov, *'*T'ir6€ et? tov oIkov aov, Kal \\ Birjyov oaa hroirjae aoi 6 Beo^.** KaX dTnjXOe, koO' oXrjv ttjv T^ •jtoXjlv KTjpvaacov oaa hrolrjtrev axntft 6 'iTjaov^hjj, .v u /' ^^''^ V 40 ^EFENETO Be ev t^ inroaTpeyjrac tov ^Irjaovv, direBe^aTO avTov 6 o^\o9* rjcav ydp irdwef; Trpoa-BoKcovTe^; avrov. 41 ^KaX IBoVy TJjXdev dvrjp at ovofia ^IdeLpo<;, Kal avTOv T7j<; <* Matt.ix 18; avvayarfip; {nrfjpy(€, Kal 7r€<7a)i; irapd tov? TroSa? toO 'Itjctov, 42 TrapeKaXcL ainov elaeXdelv ek tov oIkov axnov' oti OvyaTrjp fiovoyevr} Mar. V. 25; ev pvaei, aifuzTO*; airo €T(ov cxodeKa, ?/Tt9 et? taTpou? irpoaav- Lev. xv. 25. aXcoaaaa oXov tov ^lov, ovk ta')(y evdymov iravro'^ tov Xaov, Kal (09 IdOr] irapa^g' 48 XPVM^' o ^€ elTrev ainy, " Qapaet, dvyaTep, 17 TrwTTt? pas. V. 10. "Afivaaoy probably means the him gladly. place of torment. See Rev. ix. 1, 2, 11 ; xi. 7; 42. hjriQvmffKfv, was dying, or, on the point of xvii, 8. Clarke. death. See ver. 49. Mark says i(rx\« 5,«f«> /*- Mar. vi. 11; eKeLVr]<;, Kai TOV KOViOpTOV aiTO TOOV TTOOCJV V/l(OV aTTOTLVa^aTe, ttx^d^'6^.^ ' ^^^ P'O'prvpLov eV avTov^" 'E^epxofievoc Be Bi-qp^ovTO KaTd 6 Ta9 Kaip£L<;, evayyeXi^ofievoL Kal Oepairevovre^; TravTa')(pv. » Matt.xiv.i; ° ^HKOvae Be 'Hp(oB7)<; 6 TeTpdpxv^ "^^ ycvofieva vir avTov 7 .. ' ' ' TrdvTa' Kal BiTjTropeL, Bid to Xeyeadat inro tlvcov, ""Oti ^Icd- dvvTj^ iyqyepTai €k veKpcov" vrro tlvcov Be, " "Oti, 'HXla^; 8 i(j)dv7}'" dXXcov Be, ""Otv irpo7]Tr}<; eh twv dp^alcov dveaTTj." Kal elirev 6 'HpcoBr)^, " 'Icodvvrjv eyco direKeipaXLcTa' Tt9 Be 9 €5./ » Mar.vi.30— e7roLr)dfiSovs. This seems to mean that fiepos rijs vvktos. iii. 9. 3. Raphel, ad t. they were only to carry one staff. See Mark Ktrou9, " J0T6 auTot? v/ict? (jxiryelp." 01 he eiirov, " Ovk elaiv ^fjuv irXelov rj irhne aproi teal hvo ix^v€^, el ixyjtl iropevOeme^ 14 rjtuel Xaficjv he tow Trevre ^ dprov^ Kol Tou? hvo l^^va*;, dvap\k>^a^' '^'' ^4>^^^ ^^'' exoprdaOTja-av Trairre?* xal s tfpOrj TO 7r€pt(rivol h9, elai rive^ rcov ayhe earrjKorayv, ot ov fir) yevaovrai davdrov, ^.28; ea)9 dv thcoa-i rr)v ^aa-iXelav rov Seov." ^^'■' "^' \ i Ti r P.V \ \ / / ( \ f / »\" Matt.xvii.l; 28 * Eyevero be fiera roveX'r) Kal iirea-Klaaev avrov^;' itfio^rj- eiii. 22; Orjaav Be iv TO) iKeivovi elcreXOelv eh rrjv vecjjeXrjv. '^Kal ^(ovrj 35 Matt, iii. 17: >/ »« •/-. ^/ ^e r^f f ■> »r/ t etxvii. 5; eyevero eK rr]^ ve(j)eXr]^, Xer/ovcra, " Uvro<; eartv o vio? fjuov o rt S'. 7 ^^ ' cLyairrjro^i, avrov aKovere" Kal iv tw yeveaOat rr}v cfxovrjv, 36 r^r'-^fs-*' ^^P^^V ^ 'Irjaov^; fjuovo^. Kal avrol iaruyrjo-av, Kal ovBevl drrr]y- 2 Pet. i. 17 ; yeCXov iv iKeivai<^ rah rjiiepaif; ovBev d>v ecopdKaatv. 19^;° Act! iii. ^ 'Eyevero Be iv rfj ef^? Vf^^P^) KareXOovrcov avrwv diro rov 37 d^M opovi, <7vvrivrr)crev avrm 6^o / \ »c^ \ pXeyov eTTL rov viov fiov, ore fiovoyevrj^; earC fjLOf Kai loov, 39 TTvevfJLa Xafi^dvev avrov, Kal i^aL(J3vr]'i Kpd^ei, Kal o- \^ g xxu, 24 ; ^ovvro ipwrijaai, avrov rrepl rov prjfiaro'i rovrov. ^ElarjXde 46 Matt, xviii.l ;^\p>^ \> >« \ /* v /t# »« «^v Mar. ix. 33. 06 btaXoyLafio m««' oe^Tcu Tovro to ttcuoiop em to) ovofxaTL fiov, e/x€ oe^crai' xai Mar. ix. 87 ; §9 eai/ e/i,€ Be^rjrai, Bexercu top airoareiXaprd fie, '6 'yap fiiKpo- , °.^ ^^\ repof! ip iraaip vfiip irrrdp^oiPt ovto<; earat fiiya^i." m*^*' ^"' 49 ^ * AiroKpt^el'; Se 6 ^Icodpvrjq eiTrep, " '£7rto"TaTa, €l8o/X€P ripa n. eirl T^ opofuiTi aov eK^dWopra to, Baifiopia' Kal eKcoXvaa/xcp ■'■•«-8'». 60 avTOP, OTi ovK uKoXovOel aed^ rjiioyp" ^Ka\ clire 7rpo9 avrop 6 • «»• 23; jy I ,,V ^ / A V > V /!» f « f V r « Mtttt.3Cii.30; Irjaov^, "Mr) Kwkvere 09 70/3 ou/c €(m Kau r)fji(op, xnrep tj/jlcop Mar. ix. 40. 61 ^EFE^ETO Be ip r^ avfiirXrjpovaOai, tcL^ Vf^paeU Bk eireT ifirjaev avToi/^i^^9 dpOpdyjroiP aTroXeaat, dXXd auxrai." Kal eiropevOrjaap €19 hepap KQ)firjp. 67 P *EyepeTO Be iropevo/JLepayp avTtop ip Trj 6BS, elire tl^ irpof; p Matt. viii. W avTOP, " ^ AKoXovOrjcra) (oX€ovaXT]P KXipT]" '^EItTC Be 7r/309 eTepOP, " ^AkoXovOcL 1 Matt. viu. fioi,'* 'O Be elwe, " Kvpie, erriTpe^op fwi direXJOoPTL irpwTOP * eo ddyjrai top iraTepa fwv" Elire Be avTca 6 ^Ir)(Tov<;, **''Aev»?'' . v ^' \\n>\> / /\ Matt.x.9,10 ; TT'^paVj /JLTjoe vTroOTj/iiaTa' Kai /JLTjoeva Kara rrjv ohov aaTraarjaoe. (i 2 Reg!iv.1j9. *^^*? 1^ ^' ^^ oUiav elakp^W^^* irpoiTOV Xeyere, Elpijvr] to3 5 I Matt.x.i2 ; 0LK(0 TOUTft). Kol iuv LL€V v eKcl 6 fio? elprivTi^, iTTavaTTavaerai 6 Mar.vi. 10. , / , v % , , , ^^ /', csv , ,,,V ' , , , ^ , „ y Lev.xix.13; ^"^ aVTOV l) eLprjVTJ V/jLCOV €L 06 /J'T]y€, e(p V/JUWi avaKafJLY6L ^ €V7 14 • et^v 4 • ^^'^^ ^^ *^?? OLKtu jievere, eaoiovres Kai Tnvovre^ ra Trap avrcov Matt. x. 10; a^io<; yap 6 ipydrrjf; rov /Miadov avrov iari. fir) fierafiaivere ef et seqq. ; ' oIkUl<; ct? oIkuiv. Kol ck fjv S' av ttoXlv eia-ep')(7]ar6e, Kai Bexfov- 8 z M^t.ui.2' ''"^^ v/ia?, iadlere ra irapandefieva vfuv, ^xal Oepairevere rov<; 9 %" et iv. 17. ^p avry daOevel^i, Kai Xeyere avroL<;, "HyytKev i« ^-v r«> 'a et xviii. 6. oprov rov KoXXrjuevra rj/itv 6K rr)<; TroAeo)? v/ikov aTrojjLaaaojJLeua vfuv irXrjv rovro yivaxiKere, on rjyyuKev e^' uyita? ^ ^aoriXela rov OeoO. Xe7ft> Be vfuvt on ^oB6/juol<; iv rfj rjfiepa eKelvr) dveK- 12 b Matt. xi. rorepov earaL, rj rfj TToXet ikeivy ^ Oval aoL, Xopa^lv, oval 13 ' '^' aoL, Br]6(TaiBd' on el iv Tvpw koI 'XiBSiVL iyevovro at BvvdfJL6L KaOrjiievai '\ fierevorjaav. irXrjv Tvpa Kai ^lBoovc dveKrorepov earai iv ry 14 KplaeLy rj vfjilv. Kai av, Kairepvaovfi, rj eco^; rov ovpavov u\lrco- 15 c Matt.x.40 ; ^eto-a, 60)9 aBov Kara^Lpaa-Orjar). ^'O clkovcov v/jlcov, i/xov iq Mar. ix. 37;j / v»>/) « f<•^ ■> \ » n '>. ' ^\ > \ * n '^ >/i « Joh. xiii. 20 ; aKov€L' Kau au€ro)v vfia^^, e/jbe auercL' o oe ejj,e auercov, auerei iThess.iv.s. ^^j^ diToareiXavrd fie" d A oc. 'TTrecrrpeyjrav Be ol e^Bofir]KOvra fiera %apa9, Xeyovre€li irpo*: toi>9 fia07}Ta Piai.viii.6; choOr) fiot, irrro tov trarpos fiov koI ovBeU yLvoxTKCi, rt? iarip 6 inltt. xi. 2*7 ; f\»\» \ v/» f \ »v»rv \v et xxviii. 18: V10<;, €L fl7} O TTUTTJp, Kai Tl6a\fiol ol ^\e7roirre- » ; 28 TOV TrXrjaiop aov ox; aeavrov." "^Elire Be avr^, " '0/j^a>9 Jbc. u. 8. ' 29 d-TreKpWrjr rovro -rroiei, koI ^ijajj." 'O Bk OeXcov Bikoiovv iav- Ej;7h";;^;*' TOV, elire 7rp6 'iravBo')(el, Kal ehrev avrw, ^ETnfieX'^drjrL avrov' Kal o re dv irpoaBairavriari^, eyo) ev rm eTravep')(€adai fie dnroBcoao) aoiJf^^ StJL i^Jl 36 TiV ovv rovrcov rcov rpiwv BoKel aoL irXrjalov yeyovevat rov "^ Zl epmeaovro^i eh roif<; Xr}ard<; ;" 'O Be elirev, "'O rroirjaa^; ro €Xeo9 fier avrov" Elirev ovv avrw 6 'Irjaov^;, " Tlopevov, Kal ynsn^cnj, . a\f iroleL 6fioL(o<;." 88 ° 'EFENETO Be ev rm iropeveaOai avroif^, Kal avro^ eiarjX- et xii.^^3. ' 26. irws avayivdxTK^is ; Our Saviour alluded it iprjfjihv Kot irerpuSes. vol. ii. p. 299. to the Schema, which was read every morning 37. By this answer the lawyer was made to and evening, and which contained this precept, confess that a Samaritan was the neighbour of Vitringa, De Vet. Synag. p. 1060. a Jew. "Look not upon those only to be your 29. QfXuv SiKaiovv. He wished to prove him- neighbours who dwell near you, or are of the self righteous by she\ving that he had always same nation, religion, or sect : but think every acted in this way to persons of his own country, one such, who stands in any need of your relief 30. Jerom says, that the road between Jeru- or assistance, however otherwise he may be a salem and Jericho was so infested with robbers, stranger to you." Clarke. as to be called the bloody way. Josephus calls 144 ETATTEAION [Ke«^. lo, n. Oev et9 Koiijiriv nvd' yvvrj Be rt? ovofiaTL MdpOa vireBe^aro avTov eh Tov oIkov avrrj^;. koL TyBe rjv dBeXcpt] KoXovfievr] 39 Mapla, 7] KOL TrapaKaOlcraaa irapd tov^ TroSa? rod ^Irjcov ijKove \ \ ^^ t^^Ae-y«^/. TOV \6yov avrov. r) Be Mdpda TrepieoTraTO irepl iroWrjv Bluko- 40 viav eiria-raaa Be elire, " Kvpie, ov fiekei aoi on r) dBeke ocrwv q Matt.vii.7 •'^27^66. ^Kor/Q) vfjLLV Xcyco, Alrelre, Kal BoOrjcrerai vfilv ^rjreire, 9 Man xi. 24 ; KOL evpTjaere' Kpovere, Kal dvovyrjaerai vfilv. ird eavrov hiefiepurOrjf 7ra>? OTaOija-eraL rj ^aaikeia *^*'' "^' *^* ^ avTov ; ori XcYere, eV BeeX^efiovK eK^dWeiv fie rh Baifiovia. 19 el Be eyto ev BeeX^e^ovX eK^aXXci) rh Baifiopca, ol viol vfjuop ev 20 rivi eK^dXXova-i ; But rovro Kpiral v/iiov avrol eaovrai. el Be €P BcucrvXifi Seov eK^dXXti) rcL Baifiovui, apa €9a(Tev i(f>* v/idv-\ M»tt. xu. Xdaarj rrfp eavrov aiiXrjp, eV elptjvrj eart rk \rn'dp')(OPTa avrov' 22 eirkp Be 6 la^porepo'i avrov ifreXdwp PLtcrjori avrop, rrjp rrav- U*u^^iic ' (nrXiap avrov alpei, €* ij iirenoiOei, xal rk aicvXa avrov BtoBl- ^ 23 BcMTLP. *6 fir) cjp fier ifiov, tear* ifiov eari' koI 6 firj avpdycop * Matt. zU. 24 fier ifioVf aKoprrl^ei. *"Orap ro aKddaprop rrpevpu e^eXOrj , ^^^ ^^^ OTTO TOV dvBpdrrrov, BUp^erai Bi dpvBptop rorrcDP, ^rjrovp dpd- *^' irawTiP' Ka\ fir) evpiaxop, Xeyei, 'TiroKTrpeyjrci} els rop oIkop fiov 25 oOep e^fjiXOop* teal eXOop evpiaKei a-eaapuyfiepop Kal KeKoa-firj- 26 fiepop. ^rore rropeverai xal irapaXaa^dpei eirra erepa irpev- ^ ^o\i.\.u; C^ ^ , ^ , . V > ^S'' « ; « v2Pet.ii.20; ^ fiara rroprjporepa eavrov j Kai eiaeXaopra KaroiKet exei' /cat Heb. vi. 4 ; o- / \ V '»>/»' » ' / " / et X. 2tf. yLPerai ra eayara rov apvpwmov eKevpov x^ipopa rwp 7rp, "MaKapia 17 KoCXia rj ^aa-rda-aa-d (^ 28 0-6, KaX fuurrol 0&9 eOrjXaaa'i" *^-4vto? Be elire, " Mevovpye ' MattJ ; ^r ' / fiaxdpioi oi aKovopre^t rop Xoyop rov Seov Kal ^vXdaaopre^i^nom.Ln; 29 avrop." ^TS)P Be oyXoup eiraO potto iiepcop ripParo Xeyecp, " 'JJ J^c. i. 22. V ^ , r Ji . y, J^^y : y r, ''Matt. yevea avrrj Troprjpa earc aijfieiop eTTiyrjreL, Kai a-rjfieiop ov 00- xu. 39; 30 drfaerai avr^, el firj ro arjfielop 'Icopd rov 'irporjrov. Ka6ci)<; yap eyepero *Ift)m9 trrjfieiop roL<; NipevtraL^, ovrco<; earac Kal 6 31 v/09 rov dpOfXirrrov rfj yepea ravrt). ^ ^aa-LXiaa-g porov iyepOrj- e iReg.x. i; aerat ep rfj Kplaei fierd rS)P dpBpwv T779 yeved^ ravrrjf;, Kal MatTxii.42! KaraKptpel avrov<;' on rjX6ep €k tcop irepdrcop tt)? y/}? aKovaat rr)p ao(f)iap ^oXofiQ)pro<;, Kal IBov, irXelop H oXo/ncovrof; mBc. 32 ^dpBpe^ NcpevL dpaarijaoprat, ep rfj KpiaeL fiera r^? yei/ea? f jon. m. 5. ravTTj'i, Kal KaraKfUPOvaip avrrjp' otl fiereporjaap et? to k^~ pvy/ia 'Icopd, Kal IBou, irXelop 'Iwpd &Be. 15. The best MSS. read r^ Hpxovri. irvevfiaTi &€ov. 16. "Erepoi. Some of the Scribes and Ibid. t^Qacrev €<^' vfjias. Has come upon you Pharisees. Matt. xii. 38. before you expected it. Valcken. ad I. 1 7. oIkos ivl oIkov, sc. Siafiepi-v -v > > ^ \ -v ' v f » ^ v j/ Mar. iv. 21. fiooiov, oXX €771 Tfjv Mr)(yuiv, Lvu 01 ei,a7rop6vo/ji€vai TO (p€y'yo<; h Matt.vi.22. ^^^^^jj,^ h^ Xv^VO? ToO aWfiaTO^ i(TTLV 6 6<^6aXii6 \cCkri(Tai, rjpcaTa avTOV ^apLaalo^; TL \ AT^ f « f JfL f> \ >/<« /J 0s Tit. i. 15. O KVpi0 ' JL ' t, ♦ ^ ' « « /H ao 1 Sam.xv.22; TavTa cOec iTocrjaaL, KaKCiva fir} cupievat. " ovai vfitv tol^ ^apc- 43 Snckrvi.^s. o'^i'ot9, OTL dyaTTCLTe ttjv irpcoTOKaOeBpiav iv Tat9 Gvv(vy(Dyal<;y nxx. 46; Kal Tov v f \ « \ >/?. ^ J, Mar. xii. 38, KaL 9apL(TaL0L, VITOKpLTaL, OTL CCTTe (09 Ttt flVTJfieLa Ttt aOTjXa, Q o Matt.xxin. ^^^ qI dvOpcoTTOL ol TTepLTTaTOvvTe^i iirdvo) ovK oiBa(TLv" ^AtTO' 45 KpiOel^ Be T//9 TMV vofiUKOiv XeyeL avTtp, '^ ALBdaKcCKe, Tarha p Matt. XeryoDV Kal yfid>\ Joh. xvi. 2 ; TOVTO KttL rj aocpia TOV tfeov ecTTev, AiTocTTeXio et9 avTov^ irpO'^ tt'^^-' ^Ta^ Kal dTTOcTToXov^f Kal ef avTwv d'iroKTevov(TL Kal ixBLo^^- Heb. xi. 35. oV(TLV' ® IVa iK^TJTTjOy TO OLfia irdvTODV TWV ITpOCJyrjTWVf TO 6AC- 60 « Matt, xxiii. , ,,, '/-)-x«/ >\« « / 35. yyvofievov airo KaTapoXr)<; KO(Tfiov, airo rrj^i yevea^ Tavrrj^;, 38. i^airria-d-n. This word cannot here be the cup and platter, i. e. meat and drink. In- applied to immersion of the whole body : and stead of attending to the outside, they were to this perhaps is the only place in the New Tes- give real and substantial alms. Raphel. Wol- tament where it signifies a sprinkling or partial fius. washing. 42. vap4pxf(r0e' Palairet takes this to mean, 40. Eisner would read this without an in- ye pass over in silence, do not enforce. terrogation : He that hath cleansed the outside, -■ 44. &5T]\a. If we compare Matt, xxiii. 27. hath not also cleansed the inside : but the usual this word seems to allude to a tomb being dis- interpretation is better, Did not God, who made guised by outward ornament, so that a man the outside, make the inside also ? and therefore might inadvertently approach it, not knowing you ought to attend to the latter as well as to it to be a tomb. the former. O 49. See note at Matt, xxiii. 34. 41. TO ^v6vra mean, the things which are in .. K.a'€(i) /,7 n^^*^fJ f'^'T' uXil 2 * '^^ _P.l?- €7rUTWa^€L9, ^p^aTo T^eiv Trpo? tou9 fia6r]Td<; avrov ^'" ^"'' /d^f^TrpcoTov, " Ilpo(T€X€T€ €avT0L 1 « \ ^ ' Matt. X. 28 ; airoKTCivovTtop to atofia, kcu fiera Tavra fxr) exovTwv irepia- i pet. iii. u. 6 (TOTepop Tt Troirjaai. irrroBei^o) Bk v/up Tipa o^r)$rfr€' ^ofirj- 6rjT€ TOP /xera to dTTO/crelpcu i^ovaiap exppra ifi^aXetp et? C TTjp yecppap' pal, Xeyco v/xlp, tovtop ^o^rjdrjTe. ^Ov)(l 7rei^T6 • Matt,x.29. arpovOia TraXeiTai daaapicop Bvo ; kol ^p i^ avTWP ovk eaTLP 7 hrCkkX'qcrfiepop epaymop tov Seov' ^dX\d xal at T/^t^^e? t^9 ^ xxi is; fn -i: K€a\r]<; vfMOP 'TrdaqAgripiO/jLTjPTai. /irj ovp (jyo^etaOe' ttoWcop ^' / '^ OTpovdiayp BcacpepeTeJfL^Aeya} Be vfup, Has 69 ctp o/ioXoYTJcr?; c'ixhjs | % •> \ yf n Igak > /] ' V f '\ '^ > z) / ' Matt. X. 32; €P e/jLOt, efiirpoaaep TonrapupoyTrcDP, Kai o vio^/ /i*/v \ Matt. X. 19; 12 0-W19, fir) fiepifipaTe 7rw9 rj tl airoXoyr^crrjaoe, rj ti eLTrrjTe' to Mar. xUi. 11. yap arfLOP TTPev/Mi BiBd^ei vfidf; ev airrfj ttj topa, a Bel elTrelp." ^ 13 Klire Be tls avTw eK tov o^Xov, "^cBdaKaXe, elire tm 14 oBeT^m fJLOV jxepiaauOaL /jl€t e/iov tyiv KXrjpovofiCap." 'O Be elirev avrw, '' " ApO porire, t/9 fie KaTeaTrjae BLKacrTr)v ^ 15 fiepurnjp e v/jms ;" ^ EcTre Be irpos avTov<;, *^'OpdTe Kal (pv- 'iTim.vi.7. A 53. BeivS/^ iv€X(iv. L. de Dieu explains ithis the reason of what is said in the preceding. id, mean, uhdequaque imminere ipsi et incum- See i. 20 ; xix. 44 ; Acts xii. 23. where it also per^, sicut qutde corpore alicujus pendet nee inde signifies because, avelli potest, ut malum ipsi creet. 6. aaffapiwv, a diminutive from the Latin ■^ Ibid. aTroffrofiari^^iv, to harass him with ques- word as. itions. Beza, Grotius, Boisius. 8. SfioXoyliari iv ifxol is said to be an He- ^ 3. avff' S>v is^^T^slated quoniam by L. de braism. Dieu, who considers this verse as containing f^;~-/> I^JcL'i IWi^ 148 ETATTEAION [Ke ' ± f ' 'i/ ^^ "* c>\>«f 1 Cor. XV. 32; ^T7] TToWa' avuTTavov, (paye, irie, evcppaivov. ^eiire be avrw o 20 h*j J * 22 ®^^^f "Acjipwv, Tavry rfj vvktI ttjv yfrv^vv cov diraLrovcTLV diro etxxvii.8; aov' CL Be rjTol/JLao-a^, TivL eoTai ; ovTci)(} 6 Oojcravpi^cov eavrw, 21 et lii. 7 ; Kai, /jLT) et? tfeov ifKovroiv. i Matr^25' ^-E^TTe Be TTpof; Tou? fJLa9r]rd<; avTov, "Aid tovto vfilv Xeryco, 22 1 Pet. V. 7 ; jjirj fjuepLjuLvdre tJ "^vXV ^H'f^^j ^i ^dyrjre' firjBe rat o-cofiari, rl I Tim. vi. 8; €vBva7](T9e. 7] "^V^V '^XeloV e(TTi T*)? TpOi^ri^f Kul TO (T(OfJLa TOV 23 Phil. iv. 6. 5 p> / V IT / \ ' f/ J / k Job evov/jLaro<;. '^ Karavorjaare tov^ K0paKa<;, on ov (TireLpouaLV, 24: xxxix. 3 ; ovBe OeoiKovaLV oh OVK ean raaelov ovBe diroOiiKri. Kai 6 ©eo? rpecpet avrov^' iroaw jjuaXXov v/j,eL<; oLa crrjfiepov ovra, Kai avpLOV eh KXt/Savov ^aXXofievov, 6 ©eo? of;Tft)9 dfi^Levvvcrii irocrw fxaXXov vfxd \r« j« \_.' iTim.vi.i9. ^^^^ ^V^ oiacpueLpet,. oirov yap eanv o Urjaavpo^; vficov, eKei Kai, 34 15. Most MSS. read TTcfo-Tjs T^j 7r\6ov€|iay. 29. /w^ fxirewpi^etrBc. The best commen- Ibid. oTt OVK K.r.\.for not even when a man tators understand this de fluctuatione animi inter has abundance does his life consist in his pos- spem metumqtte dubii et suspensi. The meta- sessions. phor is taken from ships at sea ; Eisner, Pa- 16— 20. ComparePhilo Judaeus.vol. i. p. 132. lairet, Alberti; or, according to L. de Dieii, 21. 6ts 0ebj/, to the glory of God, or, in a from meteors in the air. Raphel thinks that manner agreeable to God. So Lucian, els rh the term implies an anxiety about useless Koivhv trXovreLV. Epist. Saturnal. p. 830. Eisner, things. 22, 23. The conclusion of this argument is 32. tV fiaciKeiav. This refers to what was omitted, which is, If God has given you life, said in ver. 31, frjTetTe tV /3- toC 0€oS. I told which is more than food, and the body, which you to seek the kingdom of God: and 1 now say, is more than raiment, why should jou be so that God intends to give you this kingdom. Do anxious about food and raiment? as if God not therefore value your worldly possessions, but would not give you the lesser, when he has prepare for the world to come. given you the greater. K.^/i2.] RATA AOTKAN. 149 35 77 KapBla vfuov earcu. ^"EoTwaav vjxwv al oa^ve^t irepLe^wa- q Eph.vi.u, S6 fjUvai, KoX ot \i/)(POi Kcuofievot' Kai vfi€i<; o/jlolol avupcovoi^i '7rpoaB€-)(o^€vot<; tov Kvpiov kavrSiv, 'rroTJ dvoKixrei ex ro)V(/jro'T% ^ . ydficavj ha, i\66ino^ Kot KpovaavTO<;, €vde(o ''^ \ 37 fULKapioi oi BovXoL eKclvoi, 01)9 ikOoav 6 KVptov\aKfj ekBrj, kol cvprj ovrco, 89 LLaKaoLol elaiv oi Zovkoi eKelvoi. ■touto 8^ yivaxTKCTe, otl, el rjSei ' Matt. ot/cod6(r7roT7;9 iroLa (opa o Kkeirrrj^ epx^rai, eyprjyoprjaev av, ixhess.v.a^ \>A>iA pt f V ^ »«t\f«'»2 Pet. iii. lOfi v 40 /eat ovK av acprjKe biopvyqvai tov oikov avrov. "^Kai v/^et? oio' Apoc. iii. 3 i^: ) ylveade erot^r otl fj &pa ov BoKCiTe, 6 vi6<; tov dvOpayrrov ep- ®' ^"f- ^*- 41 X'^°'^" -^"""f 8^ airr^ 6 Jler/jo?, "Kvpie, vpo^ rjf^^ rrjv irapa- Matt. xxiV. 42 ^o\r)v TavTTjv \e76t9, ^ Acat tt/so? Train-a? ;" "EtTTt" 3c 6 Kvpio<;, ^^v. 13 ; "Tt? a/>a eWtv o Trwrro? olKOv6fJU)<; xal p6vifjLO^, hv KaTaarqaec iThMi"/V 6 fcvpio^ eVl T?}? depairetafi axrrov, tov BiBovai iv Kaipw to en- u Matt. 43 TOficTpiov ; fuucdpio<: 6 Bovkofj iK€ivo<;, hv i\d(ov 6 Kvpto^ avTov It^xxy. 21 : 44 evp^aci TTOiovvTa otrro)?. d\rj6a)<; Xeyco vfilv, otv iirl iraau rot? ^ ^°'" '^* ^' 46 \nrdpxpv ^aTrrurdrjvai, xal ttw? (rvvexpfiac eo)? ov TeXeadfj ; Mar. x. 38 _, Kjv*.,/ J/ / ^« >«« >\^/' bMatt.x.34t 61 ° ooKevre otl eipr^vrjv TrapeyevofiTjv oowaL €v ttj yrj ; ovyi't X^ca Mich. vU. 6. 42. Tty K. T. A. Theophylact understood our give rite to persecution and suffering ; and as Saviour to mean that there would be few such, this must take place, I wish that it had already Ad xviii. 8. begun, that it might sooner finish. 49. Kcd -ri OfXa; ft IjSv avijcpdri. Origen 50. Kal irws (rvudxafiai '4(cs ov reXeffO^ ; This quotes it, koI tfOe 5e iKdij. vol. ii. p. 117. So seems to confirm the interpretation proposed in also Rufinus translates Origen, et quam volo ut ver. 49. Irenaeus quotes it, apparently from accendatur ! vol. ii. p. 236. 243. 317. Jerom memory, koX iravv eireiyofiai els avr6. p. 94'. translates Origen, et utinamjam ardeat. vol. iii. Epiphanius paraphrases the two verses thus, p. 374. et quid volo, nisi ut jam ardeat F vol. iii. iroTTjpiov exw ine'ii>, ical ri * vim, koI vl6<; eVt irarpl' /I'^ryp 53 eVt 6vyaTpl, koI OvyaTrjp eVt fir^rpl' irevOepa iirl rrjv vvfKJirjv avT7]<;, KOL vvfKJyrj eVt rrjv TrevOepav avTrj<;" dMatt.xvi.2. ^"E\€je Be KoX Tol^ 6')(\oi^, ^'"Orav lBtjtc rrjv ve<^eK7)v ava- 54 reWovarav airo Bvaficbv, €v66co<; Xer/ere, "Ofi^po<; ep')((ETai' kol ylverai, ovtco. kol orav vorov irveovra, Xejere, "Otl Kavawv 65 earar koX ylveTat. viroKptral, to TrpoacoTrov tt}? 77}? kol tov 56 ovpavov oiBare BoKi/Jud^eLV rov Be Kaupov rovrov ttw? ov Bokl- e Prov. /jbd^ere ; Tl Be kol d^ eavTwv ov Kplvere to BUaLOV ; ^w? / >>>/ > «fe^«^.v> hR Matt. V. 25. v7rayeL<; fiCTa tov avTiOLKov aov eir ap^ovTa, ev Trj ooo) 009 ep- yacriav d'TnjXXd'xjBai, oltt avTOV' firjiroTe KaTaavprj ae Trpo? tov l\ KptTTJV, KOL 6 KpiTri<; (TC TTapaBw Tft) irpCLKTOpL, KOL 6 TTpaKTCOp ae fidWr) ek ^vXaKijv. Xeyco aoi, ov fit) e^eXdr]<; eKeWev, eico? ov 59 KOL TO e(T')(aTov XeTTTOv d7roSa)9."\ 1^6- IQ, |):^< UAPH^AN Be Tive Xeyco v/jllv 5 I Esa. V. 2 ; dX)C idv fir) fj,€Tavo7]Te, irdvTe^; ojiom^ diroXela-Oe.'^ ^"EXeye Be 6 Matt.xxi.l9. , V 0>Nff'^"'»/ ' ''' •x'^ >« TavTr)v Tr]v irapapoXrjv, 2,VKrjv eL^e tl^ ev tq) afiireXcovL avTov 'jrecfiVTev/JLevrjv' kol rjXOe Kapirov ^rjTMV ev avTrj, kol ov')(^ evpev. elire Be 7rpb- < ; /^ . uvyarepa Appaafi ovaav, r)v ebrja-ev o 2,aTavac»J_23 Trope lav yroiov p,evo<; eh 'lepova-aX^/x. elire Be Tt? avToS, *' Kvpie, Jt^i/ ^ -^4 el oXiyoi oi ato^o/juevocSy Q Be elire 7rpo<; avroif^, " " ^AycovL^eaOe " Matt. vii. /^ i / ela-eXOelv Bid tt}? arevfj^TrvXrjr ort^TroXXol, Xeyct) v/uv, ^'qrrj- „^ 46; f jh^ crovcnv elaeXBelv, Kal ovk laxvcrova-iv. ^'A/>/ >,>«/ r>/ ^ > ^•^^-^^i^s ys^^ XXV. 41. TTot'ei^ eo-re- airoarrjre air efiov iravre^s ol epyaraL t^? aOLKia?. ^ K**^^..^**"- PeVet eVrat 6 KXav6p,o<; kol 6 ^pir/fjbb<; Toiiv oSovtcoVj orav o-yjrr]- 28 et xiii. 42 ; aOe ^A/SpaafM KOL ^laaaK koX ^Iukq)^ koX irdvTa^ Toixj 7rpo/ A v « / > « A V xix 30- etaiz/ ea"^aT0i, ol eaovraL irpwroi, Kai eiat irpoiToi ol eaovruL ^Ev avrfj rfj r^iiepa irpoa-rjkOov TLve' 32 /i»-irf/ ireKL ravTrj, ^IBov, eKBaXXco haiixovLa kol ldcr€L<; e-Ki/rekoi arjue- / pov KttL avpLov, Kai TTj rpiTrj reXeLov/jLaL. irXrjv 06l fie ayfjuepov 33 KOL avpLOV Kot rfj i^o/juevr) iropeveaOai' on ovk ivBe')(eTaL irpo- .^ • Matt. (biJTTjv d'jToXkcr6ci,i ePo) 'lepovaaX'^/ju. * 'lepovaaXrjfx, 'lepovcra- 34 xxin. 37; ^ , , ik^c^O^Jf. ^ , \ ^ a O ■\ ^tf^''-- \ Psal. x-rii. 8; A^yU,, 7) aTTOKT^lVOVda TOU? 7rpO(pr)Ta<;f KaV XLOOpoXova/X T0U9 aTrearaXfiivov^; irpo^ avrrjv, TToadKL ssTk^aT" J^AI eyevero ev tm iXOelv avrov eh oIkov tlvo<; t6)v ujp')(^6v' 14 ]^ cxvui. 26. j-^j, j.^p ^apLcraiCdv aa^^drw (payetv dprov, koI avrol yaav (\ ^^ v-r La'^*^- 'n-aparrjpov/iievoL avrov. Kal IBov, dvOpcoiros ns ^v vBpa)7riK6<: 2 « Matt. xii. efMirpoaOev avrov' "/cat dTTOKpidelk 6 ^Ir]crov<; eiire 7rpo. > •, > • but my ministry will not be interrupted by Herod : 5. 6vos. It is singular, that some of the best I shall finish it pi spite of him ; and after all shall MSS. read v\6%. t Psal. Ixix. 25 f^-T-to^TXJ ♦CO't^*^ '^l^-^^V K*f. 14.] RATA AOTKAN.JKJ 153 Kal ovK i4vj i\6a}p 6 a€ Kot avrov Ka\eaa<; ipei aoi, Ao^ rovrtp tottov Ka\ 10 Tore dp^ fji€T ai(r')(yvr)ovT(a » t 20 €X€ fie TTapT}Tr)fjL€Vov. Kal erepo? eiTTe, TwauKa eyrjfjba, Kal Bid 21 TovTo ov Bvva/xai, eXdelv. Kal TTaparyevofievof; 6 BovXov iKeivo<; aTTrjyyeiXe tu> Kvpi(p avTOv raura. Tore 6pyLa6el<; 6 OLKoBea- TTOTT)^ eiTTe Tw BovX(p avrov, "E^eXde ra^^eo)? eh rd^; TrXare/a? Kal pvfjLa<} T§9 Tr6\€G)9, Kal Tov> r Krehsius. _ ^ ^7^' V^C i 19. Zfvyr i Pocov, / Mf!. nioliiiti i hut innrr pro- DaDly /or husbandry. > j- 7. irapa$o\i) is used in this sense in Matt. XV. 15 ; Luke iv. 23. Ibid, ivextuv, sc. rhu vovv. See Acts iii. 5 ; 1 Tim. iv. 16. Plato writes t^v Sidvoiav ive- X^iv. De Leg. xi. ; or tovs oipdaX/xovs. Bos. It perhaps means, that he had been observing the persons who were at the Pharisee's table. See ver. 1. 12. Apia-Tov was properly an earlier meal than Seiirvov. ^ Ibid. Kol fifv 5^ Kcd iv rais iSiais Sairdvais ov rohs (pikovs &^iov irapaKa\e7v, aWa tovs TrpoffaiTovvras Kal tovs Seo/jLeyovs vKria-fiovris. Plato, Phadr. p. 233. 15. This person seems to have taken our i 2- A ^^^rh^"^ ^ ^^''' ^ S te/^ 154 ETATTEAION [K.. 14, 15. ycoXoif; /cat rv(j>\ov9 ela-ar/a/ye wSe. Kal etTrez/ o SovXo^;, Kvpie, 22 . '^ 4>^ ry eyov ev &>? i7reTa^a<;, Kal eVt roiro'^ €el^ etTre 25 , c Deut.xiu.6; TT/oo? avTOVf;, " *^£l' Tfc? ep')(eraL 7rp6 « \ v » / > c^ ' 7" K-*v< et xvi. 24 ; '^^'^ (TTavpov avTov, Kai ep^erat oTriao) fiov, ov ovvarai fiov Mar. viii. 34. g^I/ttt /Jbad7]Tl]<;. Tt? 7a/3 cf uyLtwi^, OeKcdv TTVpyov olKoSo/jL7]aaty 23 ou;(;l irpMTOV KaOlaa^; '\jr'r)(j)l^ev rrjv BaTrdvrjv, el e)(ev rd tt/jo? V* \,,^o,'^^PTI(t/jl6v ; Xva firjirore Oiirro^ avrov de/JbiXtov, Kal firj /or^u- 29 ^ ovro^ eKreXeaai, Trai/re? ol 6e(opovvre<; dp^oiVTat ep/irai^^euv avrm, Xeyovre?, "On OUT09 o dv9p(07ro<; yp^aro olKoBo/Juelv, Kal ovk SO Xa")(yaev eKTeXea-ai. ""H rk ^a \ \ f/-v /) -^ ' f ' zi / ' " ' « >' be TO aXct9 fioypavuTjj ev tlvl apTVurjaeTai, ; ovre €t9 yy]v, ovre 35 U^ €19 KOTT^lav gii^ni^ Jfl-7fr,r' fh^ /^aAA^m^Jt;^"- o excoz/ wra ,^, ' aKoveiv, dKOveroM£j[pi>i.'e'^f cl - i O I gjg^ggjjg;3j(^ - * H^AiV 06 eyyupirfWccurm nravre^ pt reXfUvai Kai oi afiap- 15 JJ*"j\^i5^' TOjXot, dKOveiv avTOv. Kal Sieyoyyir^v ol ^apiaaloi Kal ol 2 ypafifiarel^y XeyovTe<^, ""On ovto^ dfiaprcoXoi/^ nrpoaBex^rai, Kal avveadiei avT0i<;" Ehre he irpo^ avTOV<; Tr]V Trapa^oXrjv a g Matt.xviii. ravT7]v, Xeycov, " ^Tk dvOpcoiro^ e| v/mcov e%ft)z^ eKarbv irpo^ara, 4 ^^' Kal diroXeaa^ %v ef avTcov, ov KaraXeiTrei rd €wev7)K0VTaevvea ^ ev rfi eprjfxw, Kal iropeverai eirl to a7ro\G)Xo9, €0)j6<;. * \€7a) vfilv, ori ovtL\a<; koI to? yeiTova^, Xiyovaa, Xvy- » 10 ')(ap7jTi fwi, OTt, evpov Tr)v hpa^rjv r)v dirwXcaa. ovtm, \€70) vfup, xaph yiverai ivwmov riav ar/yi\wv tov Seov eirl ivl afxapra>\xp fieravoouvrt," ^ * 11 EtTre Bk, ""AvBpayrrot; tk elvc Bvo vlov^' kol elwev 6 i/ewrepo? / . ^ avrcjv Tft) irarpi, llaTepf oo? /xot to eTn/q^Xov /Lt€/309 t»/9 oi>-/ 13 9l f.oi..«w-^JLlI-«l 14 Sa7rai^v iroKiTtav Tfj<; ^^wpa? €K€ivr)/rei/ 16 avrov ei9 tou9 aypov^ avrov ^6 aTToXKvfiai ; apa7n6p aov 19 Kal ovKeri elfil d^iotX'r}a€P avrop. f etTre Be avrS 6 vto?, Ildrep, -V- rjfiaprop ek rop ovpapop Kal ipaymop aov, Kal ovKen elfil d^Lo<; 22 KXr)dri\i(u vl6ary6pre<; evf^pajfOwfiep' ore ovro<; 6 u/o? fiov veKfiD<; ^v, Kal -^v^-XA-n^ dve^rjae' Kal aTToXojXa)? ^p, kol evpeOrj. Kal rjp^avro ev<^pa(r '^«^j^ 25 veaOai. '*Hv Be 6 vio<; avrov 6 irpea^vrepo^ iv ajyp(p' Kal ox; 26 epx6/Mepo<; rf^yiae rfj oIklcl, rJKOvae ai//jL(f)6)vta<; Kal xop(ov' Kal TrpoaKaXeadfievo^i eva reop iraiBwp avrov, eirwddpero rl eXrj 27 TaOra ; 6 Be elnep avra>, "On 6 dBeX(l)6<; aov ^kw koi eOvaev 6 12. rh ivifi. fiepos. See Camerarius, Raphe!. 23. eiffare. Eisner understands this of a 13. This represents the heathen, who de- sacrifice for the return of his son: but he is parted far from God, and practised every probably mistaken. See Wolfius. abomination. 26. xopcof. Some understand this, not of 16. Kipariwv. It is disputed whether this dancing, but of the chorus of music. Mar- means the husks of pulse, or the frviit of a tree, tianaeus, Clericus. See Wolfius. ^ ^^^ J^A'^^ > ' ^^ "EAEFE he KoX irpos rov^ fjuadrfrd^ avrov, "^AvOpwiro^ re; 16 \ rjv irXovaiO'^, o? el')(ev olkovo/jlov kol ovro<; hie^rjOT] avrw m l^i hLoaKopprL^cov rd irrrdp'^ovra avrov. Kal (^oivrjaa^ avrov elirev 2 ^ auTft), i I rovro aKovo) rrepi aov ; aTrooo? rov Xoyov rrj<; olko- vojjbla^ aov ov ydp hvvrjarj eri OLKovofJueXv. Ehre he ev eavra> 3 6 oIkovojjLO'?, Ti TTOi^aco, ore 6 KvpL6<; fiov d^atpelrai. rrjv oIko- vofjulav drr efiov ; aKOTrretv ovk layvoa, hrairelv alayyvoiiai. eyvodv ri iroirjaay, Xva, orav fieraaradco rrjt; olKovojjbla';, he^covral 4 fie eh rov<; 0LK0v irpdyrw, Tloaov 6(f)eLXet. 16.] ;f KATA AOTKAN. , uM?^ 157 10 Xvay orav iKXiTrrjre, Be^wvrai vfid(i ek t^9 e^^^ouBJrteT}vd^' " 'O " "ix. i7. -Jj- 7ri(rrbiXdpyvpoi xmdp- p Matt, xxiii. (^ ( 15 ;^0Kre9, KOL i^efiv/crqpL^op avrop. ^ Kal elirep avT0t<;, "'^/^et? q Pgai.vil.i' eare ol BiKaiovpre^i eavrov^i evoymop rSiV dpdpwirwv, 6 Be ©eo? isamxvi.?. yipaxTKei to.^ KapBla^ vfuop' oti to €p dpdpdyjroLr'-> .^'■oJ'^ icXvy fui eiHOTTiop tov Seov e<-' < « » .» \ m t f Matt. V. 18; r^j^84 nafMip6fi€V0^ Ka$^ rj^epap Xa/^7T^w<^'. >r^3t®9 Be J/^ ^p opoyxvn Ad^apo^, ^9 €^€$Xr/To tt/jo? tOp irvXwpa ah^ni-^M^JU^ W//v>^ 21 Ktafiepo^t ical eiridv^ji^v 'xppTcu^Orjpai diro t&p '^^lx^wp tcop irtiT' I f Matt. v.SS ; Kai et xix. 9 ; Mar. X. 11 ; ^''^ 1 Cor. vii, 10. are in furthering their wcr'dly interest For fxayuiDva, see note at Matt. vi. 24. Ma^wvo t^j oSiicfos does not mean riches unjustly acquired^ but the idol of injustice, or that which unjust men make their idol. In ver. 11. it is opposed to rh ii\r}0iv6v. 9. 4K\lTirrf, sc. rhy filov. Bos, Palairet. See Gen. XXV. 8; Jer. xlii. 17, 22. Ibid, aloivlovs incrivds. This was perhaps a common expression : for Joseph us, speaking of those who die a natural death, says that there remains for them k\4os fiev alwviov, oIkoi it koI ytyfoi $f$aioi, KoBapcd 8e koI iirfjKooi fifvovarty al . 16, 17. TovTcov dwo T^9 rpairi^rj^; rov ifKovaiov oXKm, koI ol Kvve<^ ip- ')(6/JL6VOi airekeL'Xpv ra eXKr] avrov. iyevero 8e airoBavuv rov 22 irroaypv, koI aTreve')(6rjvat, avrov vrro rcjv dyyeXcov eh rov k6\- rrov rov 'A/3pad/j,' direOave he koX 6 7r\ovato<;, koX irdcjyr}. koX 23 '-\ iv Tw ahr] iirdpa^; rovv-^ voL<;, opa rov 'A^padp, diro ixaKpoBev, Kal Ad^apov iv roLvr6v6r)ri iv 21. ctXAck Kai. This is to express still more 30. Oitxi' I know that they will not hear them, strongly the wretched state of Lazarus : not 31. This was said with a special application only did he desire &c. but also the dogs &c. to the Jews, who were not persuaded even when 22. The Jews had three expressions for the Jesus rose from the dead. place whither the souls of just men were con- Chap. XVII. I. 'AvfvdeKToy is the same as veyed, The garden of Eden, The throne of ovk ej/Sexerai in xiii. 33. glory, Abraham's bosom. Lightfoot, Olearius. Ibid. ^»«-*^^ ite>^ . fjLoaov Tt oct7n/7;dy€(Tcu Kal TrUacu av ; Mi} xapti; \:3 €^€1 TflS BovX^ €K€ip^, OTL eTToirjae ra SiaraxOevra avr^ ; ov 10 BoKu>. ovT(o Kal vfjk€i^, oTuv 7roi'^(Trjr€ TTiivra to, BcaTa^evra £<-z u*.^— vsl-^^ vfilv, Xeyere/'OrL BovXot aj(p€Lona/M€P' on Q>(f>€i\o/x€P iroirj' (T€U, Treiroi^Kafxcp." £ 11 KAI eyepero ip t^ iropeveaOat avrop eld»«^^i/-v>/ > Lev. xiii. 2; " Hop€v0€PT€<; eTTiQei^aTe eai/rou? roc? tepevai. Kui eyepero €P ^^ ,iy. 2 . 15 T^ imdyeip avrois, €Ka$api^€, fierk 90PTJ/i/ SafMap€lTr)K€ (T€. f xxi. 8; 20 ^E7rep(DTr}6eh Bk irrro tojp ^apurauoPy irore ep^erac rj ^oxtl- J5*"mm!^ \eia TOV SeoVy direKplOi) avrolf; Kal elirep, " Ovk ep^erat r) ""'• 21. 21 fiaaiXeia tov Geov fJLerd irapiSvifpricreayi' ^ ovBe epovacp, ^IBov xxiv. 23 ; wSe, n IBoif eVet. IBov yap, r) ^aaCkeia tov Geov ipTo^i vfMWP ^ JJ[^t^"^j^^' 22 ioTLP^^ Elire Be Trpo? tov9 p^r^Ta^^ " ^E\£V(T0PTav 'f]fiepat, 27. ore eTri,6vp.ri(T€Te p^tup t(op rjp^pSiP tov vlov tov dpOpayjrov IBeip, et xviii.'sj ; 23 KoX OVK oyjreade. ^ koX epovaip vpZp, ^IBqv jaBej rj IBov CKei' p,r) Mrul^Vli- 24 aTreXOrfre, firjBe Bua^Te. ^axrrrep yap 17 dirfpaTrr) 17 daTpaTTTOvaa ^^ *^"- 22 ; e/c tt}? xnr ovpapop et? Tr)p xnr ovpapop Xdp.ireu' of/TO)? ea-Tai Kal Mar.vUi.si; 25 6 vl6<: TOV dpdpoyirov hf Ty rjfiepa ainov,/ irpwTOP Be Bel avrop et x. 33. ' 7. But even if you have this faith, you must 21. ivrhs vfiuv. Raphel interprets this apud not pride yourselves upon it, or think that you vos, among you, in your presence, alluding to have done a great thing in having it : for which the presence of Jesus himself. See John i. 26, of you having a servant 8rc. So Beza and others ; but some have taken it to 9. ov SoKu should not be translated, I do not mean, in your minds. The former is probably thuik so, but, I think he will not. the true meaning, as the words were addressed 11. Stk fiiaoxK Per locum inter Samariam et to the Pharisees, and the kingdom of .heaven GaliUeam medium, Samaria ad dextram, GaliUea was certainly not in their minds ; unless we ad sinistram relictis. Olearius. So also Kreb- take vfiwi/ as an expression for men in general, sius, per medios fines Samaria et GaliUrce, and 22. This seems to mean, that the time would L. de Dieu. But Vorstius took it to mean, come, when the apostles, in the midst of their through the middle of Samaria and Galilee. sufferings and afflictions, would long to have 18. T have put a note of interrogation after their Master again among them upou earth. ovTos, as Luther, Pricaeus, Wolfius, Vater. Beza, Calovius, Clericus, Wolfius. 20. /Merit. xapaTT}fn)(r€a)s, with circumstances 24. t^ rnxcpa avrov, the destruction of Jeru- of outward show to excite observation. salem. Calovius, Wolfius. Or it may mean, '•-^'f- fljii' h'^iln^J^^^^-''''^ ''"* 160 ETArrEAION [K.,f. 17, I8. TToXka TTaOetv, kol diroBoKVfJLaa-drjvaL airo Trj<; yev€a<; ravrrjq. (f k Matt. XXIV. k KoX Ka6(h Gen. xix. KoX rjkOev 6 KaTai ckv(T ^o<^^ Kol aTTcoXeaev a7ravTa<;. ^ 6/ji0LC0>>*« \>/^ xxix. 23; 2,ooofMO)Vf €pp€^e TTvp KaL U6L0V aiT ovpuvov, Ktti aTTcoXeo-ev fer r%^-^' ^TT^^T^?' Kara ravra earac fj rj/juipa 6 vto? rov dvOpdctirov diro- 30 \\ Amos iv. 1 1 ; KaXinTTeTCLV. " iv i/ceLVT) rfi rjuepa, 69 earai eVl rov B(oaaro<;, 31 Jndae ver. 7. OX / ,«>«>/ \ o / t > / v nMatt.xxiv. '^^^ ''■^ a-K6vr) uvrov ev rrj olkiu, fir) Karaparw apai avra' koI [^ y* . eV T63 a7/3o3 6/JLol(i)^vj^r)v avrov 33 Mrtt.^x.'39 • o"^a-at, diroXeaev avrr)V' kol 69 idv drroXiar) avrr)v, ^Q)oyov7)(reL ^ -^ et xvi. 25; ^^^^j,^ q ^^^ uyLttz/, ravrj) rff vvKrl eaovrat, Bvo iirl KXivr)6^aeraL, kol 6 erepof d<^edr)aerai, Bvo 35 ,cn^Wo^!' *"^' ^(Tovrat, dXrjOova-ai iirl rb avro' v /^ta 7rapaXrj(f)6rj(Terai, /cat r-— — ^ Biatt. 77 erepa dtfeurjaerac" ^Kal dTroKpiOevre^i Xeyovaov avrm, " Uov, ^^ Job xxxix. Actyjte ; (J be euirev 01^10*9, Uttoi; ro acDfia. ckcl avva')(f7r)T . '^(l^xi. 5-, ^EAKTEI^e kol TTapapd^r)V avroh rrpo^ ro Belv Trairrore lo ** ,, etxxi. 36; , ^' ^ v >|a<.'W^-x/ tr it / -? w o '- Ecc'..xviii.22; iTpocrev^eauaLj Kai fir) eKkakeLv, Xeywv, Kpirrjf; Tt9 'i^v ev nyc 2, Eph.*S.*i8^;' '^oXei, rov 0eov fir) (f>ol3ovfievo^, kol dvOpcoirov fir) ivrpe7rafj^0 » « " etlviii. 2; TT/jo? eavTov ravra Trpoarju^ero, U Weo?, ev^apLarco aoL, on Apoc. lii. 17. ou/ic 6t/xl &da\fjLoif<: eh rov ovpavov iirapat,' aXX' ervTrrev et? to arr]do<; ainov, Xeycui/, 'O Oeo?, iXdadrjTL pLOi Ta)**< a*.«^c*^*-C (iuapTcoXu)* 'Aeyw vfilv, Kare^rj ovto<; BeBiKaKoaivo^i.eh rov'xiy.U; J , * « « , ^ ^ « , >V»;f«*, X '*-^'^-^/ Jobxxii. 29; 6 Be raireivoiv cavrov, injrdyOijaerai." llL^lt^ 15 y npoae€pov Bk avTU) kuI to, fiperj, iva avr&v &7rrr}Tai' J* 16 IBovTCf; Be oi fiadrjral eTrerlfirjaav avrols. *6 Be ^Irjaoik nrpoa- y Ka\eadfi€voTqae Ti? avrqv dp^tnVy Xeytoi/, ^^ AiBddKoiXe dr^aQe, ■ Mar. x. 15. Id *cf 7roty]aa /-» Matt.xix.23; oi;" ^'O Be eiTre, " Ta dBvvara irapa dv6pco7roi,<;, Bvvard iari 27 /Q Jer.xxxii.i7; TTapd Tw Sew." ^ EiTTe Be 6 Tlerpo^, '''IBov, rjfieLp irpo^rwv rtp vlw.rop dvOpayrrov. ^ irapa- 32 Mar, viiL 31; BoOTjaerat jdp ,T0?9 WvedL, Kal ejjb'rrav'^Orja-eTaiy Kal v^m tov ^x^ov. See Matt. xi. 19; John Chap. XIX. 2. ZaKxcuos. Clement of Alex- xxi. 6. andria informs us that some considered Zac- 4. Si iKelvrjs. Erasmus and Beza supply chaeus to be Matthias, p. 579 ; but Tillemont SSov, but L. de Dieu thinks it may mean (tuko- observes that this could not be, because Matthias fiupaias. The preposition Sih seems certainly to had accompanied Jesus from the beginning of be an interpolation. K.*. l».] RATA AOTKAN. 163 fU^ 6 ^Ir)v. Kal IBdvre^; airavrei Bieyoyyv^oVj \e701rre9, '*"Otc rrapa a/xapraik^ dvBpl ' 8 eiarjkde KaTaXvaai," " XraOeU Se Zaic^alof; elire irpo^ rov » ill. u. Kvptov, **'IBov, TO. '^fiunj t(ou virapxovTwv fiov, Kvpie, 8lB(0fii r-rf TOt? TrTW^ot?* "fat et Ttvo9 TA k(TVKO^VTr)(Td, diroBiBay/jLi rer/wi- 9 ttXoOi/." °£t7r€ Be irpo^t avrov 6 'Irja-ov^, '*"Ort ai'ifiepov aw- »xui. le. Tr)pla Tft) oXK(p rovrtp eyiveru, Ka$6ri Kal avr6<; vl6^»'* Mlr.xlii.34. 18 Xaficiv cairrw fiaaiXclav, koX VTroarpeyjrai. KaXeaaf; Be BcKa n BovXov ras SeKa /jLva<; €')(ovti. {Ka\ 25 t viii. 18; eliTov avTcp, KvpLe, e%efc heKa iiva^.) ^Akr^w ^ap vplv, on iravrl 26 Matt.xiii.i2 ; « „ ^ a' » ^ S>^ <> \ V v t\ >/ > /I / et XXV. 29 ; Tco exovTi ootfrjaeTac airo oe rov fjurj exovTO<;, kul o €^^1 apdrj- Mar. iv. 25. <76Tat UTT aVTOV. TtXtjV rOV<; i')(6pOV<; fXOV iK€iVOV >ul Jj^ - f ^ ^ ^KAl iyevero d)? rjyytaev 6L a'a \ piyfavref; eavrcov ra ijiaria eirv rov rrcoXov, errepipaa'av rov y ^Irjaovv. TTopevo/Juevov Be avrov, virecrrpoavvvov rd Ifidria avrcbv 36 - iv ry 6Ba>. ^Eyyi^ovrocovy /leydXr] irepl iraawv wv elBov Bvvd- » ii. 14 ; fJLeoyv, ^ Xiyovre^i, " EvXoyr}fievo<; 6 ip^ofievo^ ^acriXev^; iv 6v6- 33 Ps. cxviii. 26; rr/ >/ j » « \^'»-'f|/ )} v > / Eph. ii. 14. /^ttTt KvpioV etprjvrj ev ovpavco, Kai oo^a ev v'Yiaroi<;. Aat 39 ^ W-~' '* rive^ rcov 0apLcrai(ov diro rov 6')(Xov elrrov irpo^ avrov, '' AiBdcr- • Hab.ii.ii. KaXe, iiTLr L/JL7j(Tov roh /J'a6r)ral<; aovJ' ^ Kal diroKpLOeh elrrev 40 avroU, " AeyoD v/mv, on idv ovroL o-LCOir^o-oya-Lv, ol XlOoi Kexpd- : P ^ovrat." Kal co? riyyuaev, IBq)V rr]v ttoXlv, eKXavcrev iir avrfj, 41 4 Xeywv, ""On el eyvco<; Kal av, Kal ye iv rfj rjfiepa ««i Jerusalem. 6'f)(rw irepl ffe irvpyovs k. t. X. Josephus states, Ibid. fip^avTO (Lirav rh ttXtjOos x'^lpoures. that in the fifth year of the war Titus raised a There is a similar construction in Xen. Ephes. wall round the whole of Jerusalem, vol. ii. p. ^\eov 5e ets rb Uphu 9vffovTes Hirav t6 TrX^0o5. 357, 358. Raphel thinks that it was a wall of i, p. 4, wood, and that our Saviour's words (xdpaKa) Ibid. Svudfiewy. It was particularly the rais- were literally accomplished, ad I. ing of Lazarus which caused the multitude to iv- ^ D-^' ^ii^ K.^.19,20.] KATA AOTKAN. 44 iov(Ti c/-^ 7 fjL€vo- . ooidLV avro)' 01 be yeaypyot, beipavre^ avrov, e^aireareiXav kcvov. / 11 Kol Trpoaidero Trefiylrai erepov BovXov ol Be KUKelvov Beipavre*; ^^r^/A-^^-- 12 Kal drtfidaavre<; e^aTreoreiXav Kevov, Kal Trpoaidero 7reyLt-v|rat— f^^^^— -n^""'^ 13 rplrov ol Be Kal rovrov rpavLLariaavre^; i^eBaXov. elire Be 6 "V^p Kvpio?>' 1/ h'TC"' ^v xxxvii. 18 : 1^ ayairrjrov tcro)? rovrov ibovre^ evrpairrjaovrav. ° lbovre<; oe Mattjcxvi.3; avrov ol yeeopyoly BieXoyi^ovro Trpo? eavrov<^, Xeyovre^;, ^^'''^^ foh^xi%^ 'i'/'^ eariv 6 KXvpov6uLo N f I i r, ^ ee rrt' • V * v / Rom. ix. 33 ; ^ v^l7 1 U 06 €fipX€Ya<; avroL<; ecTre, 'It ovv earv ro yeypafi/Mevov ipet.in,7. r^y^, ^^^ ^iCKOTT^s. This has prohably the same plains it, rrjs iftrjs irapovffias, tire ^\0ov liruTK^- l Q ineaning as V«V« i" ver. 42. Theophylact ex- y^avQai ^t^e7z/«(7ai^ yap oTL^^o^pTov^i rrjv TrapajSoXrjv TavTr)v elire.^i/- ^7^ ^^^fgj^,^, ' KciX 'irapaTr)pY]aavTe<; aireareCKav eyKa6eTov<;, vTroKpLvo- 20 ^ Mar. xii. i3^.yLtez^ou9 eavTov<; 8iKaLovv rrjv iravovp- 23 (U • ^^o^^^ylav, elire 7rpo<; avrov^, *' Ti fie irecpd^ere ; iirihei^are /jlol Stj- 24 vdpLov TtVo? ex^i' eiKova Kal iTnypacji^v ;" ^ArroKpiOevref; he Matt. CLTTOV, " Kaicrapo<;.'' ^'O Se etTrez^ avroh, *' '^TroSore rolvvv rd 25 BMm.j^.^^KaLaapo^ Kalaapc, Kal rd rov ©eov rw ©eat.'' Kal ovk icryv- 26 ^2,^ aa v iTnXa/BiaOac avrov p7]/jbaro<; evavrlov rov ^aov' Kal 6av- fif iLrirm.VTPc eTr). tti nrrrnu-nlrrei. nirrmt. enrir^nirni). P ct^L'-*^ , Jl fjbdaavre<; iirl rfj drroKpla-ev avrov, ea-ir/rjaav.^'''^-^^^''^ ° ¥*"• - TlpoaeXOovre^ he rtve<; rcov Xa^hovKalcov, ol dvrtXeyovre<; 27 Mar. iLii.is; avaaraacv fit) ecvat, eTnjpcorrjaav avrov, ^Xeyovre^;, '^ A thaa- 28 ^■^^^[^^-^^ KaXe, Mco(Trj<; eypa'yjrev r)iuv, idv nvo^ dhe\(f)0(; dTroOdvrj e^oiv . d jf'lt^t^r=r^^'^'^^^^'^^i f^^^ ovro<; dreKVOS d^oOdvy, Xva Xd^rj 6 dheX(f)o<^ avrov mj^ /'-Z ' rrjv yvvacKa, Kal e^avaarTjcrrj o-rrepfjba rS aSeX^w avrov. eirrd 290. •/^ht^ , /7- ^^^ dheXol rjaav, Kal 6 7rpcoro' .'^'A ^ »t « » faa' ei V^Kp a jrfioaajn^ oV' Mar, xii. 4 V yAN2JSAE'¥A^ Bk el^e roxrt ^dXKovra^ tA Bclpal - \i^' 2 c/9 TO ya^ov\iixu)v ir\ovaro<; avrri v « > ; / .. / r//-w > / > \ ty^ et xxiii. 21 : aovrai em tcd ovofULn fjLov, Xeyovrefj, On eyco evfiij Kai, U et xxix. 8 ; ^^^^ 9 KaA,pos Tj^^Ke. fir) ovp iropevOrjre ottIo-q) avriav. orav Be aKov- ^Thess''"^^' i^ arjre iroXefiov*; Kai aKaraaraaia^;, firj Trrorjdrjre' Bel yap ravra J' ^' ^ i 10 yeveaOai irpwrop, aW' ovk evOecD<; rb re7^ 12 6^7)rpd re Kai arjfjLela dir ovpapov fieydXa earai. ^ IIpo Be ^^^^J^H; fo ;Cr\ rovrcov dirdprcop eTn^aXoiknp icf) vfia<; rda? avrcov, kol ^'^^' '^- f' ^ A Blw^ovctl, 7rapaBcB6vre<; et? (jvpaycoya^ kgX ^vXaKd<;, dyo/jievovcol ing witness to your religion. y t'^ ^ v^ 168 ETArrEAION [K.. 21. • xii. 11 ; (TeraL Be v/xlv et? fiaprvpiov. ® OeaOe ovv eU ra^ KapBla^; vjjlwv, 14 JL OiA,\ Matt. X. 19;v ^j ■n/i--' t •> \ \ ^ ' f« ' \ ,^ j^^Mar.xiii. 11. fir] TTpofMeKeTav aiToXoyTjarjvaL' eyco yap bcoaco vfiLV arofjia /cat 15 f Exod.iv.i2; (j-Qipiav, ff ov Bvv^(T0VTaL avTeLiT6Lv ovBe avTLCTTrjvai iravre^ ol Act. vi. 10. dvTLKel/jievoL v/MV. & TTapaBod^aeaOe Be koI vtto yovecov koX 16 Act. vii.^59 •* o,Be\<^o3V KoX (TvyyevSiV koX '^v-)(a^ vfiwv. ^"Orav Be IBrjre kvkXov- 20 45 ; 2 Sam. jxevTjv VTTO aTpaToirkBcov Tr)v 'lepovaaXrjfi, rore yvwre on rff- 1 Reg. i. 52. yiKev Tj €p7]fjLa3cn<; avTrj<;. rore ol ev rfj 'lovBaia ^evyercocrav et? 21 If Matt. \" \ r i f )«> / .V'' "^ ' xxiv. 15 • "^^ ^/^^' ^^'' ^^ i^^ yw-eo-ft) avTr}<; eK^copeirojaav Kai 01 ev rau^ ')((*)- Mar.xiii.i4; p^j^ /^^ elcr€p)(eaacoaav eh avrrjv. on r^fxepai, eKBLKr)(je(i)^ avraL22 eiai, rov TrXrjpoyOrjvat irdvra ra yeypa/ifMeva. foval Be ral^; ev 23 Ti yaarpl e'^pvcrai-'i koI Tal^; 67]\a^ovcrai,<; ev eKelvaL<; ralf; rjixepai';' Q\ earab yap dvdyKt] iieyakt) eVl t?}? 7^9, kcli opyr) ev tw XaS 1 Rora.xi.25. TOVTW. ^ Kal TTcaovvTab (TTofiaTL fjbayalpd^;, Kal alx/iaXf^TbaOr]- 24 ^ ^ "^*29- ^o^'^^f' ^^'? Trdvra rd edvr)' kol 'lepova-aXrjfi earab TrarovfLevrj , ^J^^ Mar.xiii! 24; UTTO eOvWV, ci')(pb ifkrjpCoO (0(7 b Kabpol idvCJV. ^ Kal 6\«« ^5/^'^'^ -y-~ 10, 12; GV 7fK,L(p Kai aeXrjvr) Kab aaTpob<;, Kai eirb ri?? 7779 auvoyrj eovcov < j^'H^ Ezech." ^^ ' ^'^ diropla, r)')(pi)a7)s OaXda-ar)'^ koI adXov, dtroy^vxpvrwv dvOpco- 2mMU> Jo?' 10 31- ^^^ 4F^ ' •' -'■ " tL et XXV. 31 ; '« ^ Apyoiievcov Be TOVTCDV ybvea-Oab, dvpLKv^cLT^ , /cat eirapare 28 ^ etxxvi. 64; , '7^ \ , „ , % , , v-v / "> « „ Mar. xiii. 26 ; Ttt? Ke(paXa<; v/jL(ov' otoTt cyy b^eb rj a7roXvTpcoab<; v/jbcov. Ac?L 11 i ** -Kat etTre irapa^oXr^v avTol^, *' "IBere rr}V avKrjv Kal nrdvra 29 A^o^^c^T?^^' ^^ BevBpa. orav irpo^aXcoa-bv rjBrj, ^eirovre^ d eavrcav ybvco- 30 o Matt. (TKere orb 't]Br) €771/9 to ^€/do9 earbv. ovt(o Kal v/jbeb<; orav tBrjre si xxiv. 32; „ , , «■/»/> *>a-v/'^/c»« Mar. xiii. 28. TavTU ybvofieva, ybV(0(TKeTe on e77U9 eaTbv t) paabXeba rov tfeov. 15. e7i) 5c5(rft>. Mark says that the Holy of fi avdyKt] rrfs irevias. Far. Hist. xiv. 24. Ghost should speak for them. xiii. 11. Ibid. eV rip \a^. Most MSS. omit iv. 18. It is plain, from 6avaTdrjvat. The true reading is pro- hut the Vulgate has producant fructum, and bably irXria-^rjvai. Erasmus protrudunt gemmas. 23. cLviyKi] is used for affliction by Josephus, 31. It appears, therefore, that the kingdom but apparently for affliction caused by oppres- of God was not fully established till after the sion. See Krebsius. Dionysius Hal. speaks of destruction of the Jewish polity. See Matt 7) avayKT] tow Kifiov, Antiq. i. p. 94 : and iElian v. 19. K«<^. 21. 22.] RATA AOTKAN. 169 82 afirjv \eya) vfuv, otl ov ^tj vapiKOr) 17 yevea avrrj, 60)9 &v irdvra 33 yevrjTOi. ^6 ovpav6<; koI f) yrf irapeXeva-ovrai, ol he \6yoi ^ov ov p Psai.cii.ae, 34 fjLT) TrapeXdaxTL. ^ Tlpoa-e^ere Be eavroU, iirprore ^apyvOoxriv {lilt. ' vfuov ai Kaphiai iv KpaiTrdXr) koI fieffrj ical fi€pifivai<; fii(DflKaL<;, Heb." *Vi ; ^^ 35 KoX al6viBio<; €<^' vfid<; iircoTTJ rj rjfiepa CKeLPrj' ""o)? irayU yap 5JPet.iii.7,io. ,^> .v/ ^'zl' »\/ /I Rom. iTreXcvaerai ein jravTa^: tov^ Katfrj/xevoix; em irpoa-wirov iraarj*; xiii. is ; 86 T^9 y^. 'dypvTTvelrc ovv iv Travrl Kaipo^ovvTO yap rov Xaav. u Exod. 8 y ElaijXOe Bk 6 Haravd^i e^? 'louSai/ rov iinKaXovp^vov *IdrfQ)/jL€v" 01 Be elirov avroa, 10 "Uov OeXev^ eroi/jLoawfiev ;" 'O Be elirev avroU, ^*'IBov, ela- eXOovrcav vfi&v et? rrjv iroXiv, awavrrja-ei, vjuv dvdpco7ro<; KCpdfiiov vBaro9 OTOV T) d Matt. ^aaCkela tov Geov eXOrj" ^ Kal Xa^ayv apTov, €vyaoL(rTriaa<; 19 xxvi. 26 ; v ^ n vc. > « ,, / « rrf « ' » v C , Mar. xiv. 22; €K\U(T€, Kai €Oa)K€V aVTOL<^, XeyCDV, ioVTO eaTL TO acOfld /JLOV, 5^^ XI. io, ^Q yjrep v/jLcov OLdofievov tovto TTOLeiTe et? T7]v e^irjv avdfivr)- j \ ^ atv.'* 'flaavTCOi; Kal to TroTrjpuov fiera to BeiTri/fjcraL, XeycoVj 20 " Tovto to TrorrjpLOV, rj Kaivr) BiaOijKTj iv to3 alfxaTL jjlov, to e Matt. xxvi. virep vfiojv €KXvv6fievov. ^nXrjv ISoij rj ^Ap tov 7rapaBiS6vTO<; 21 Mar.xiv. 18; /^€ f^'^' ^/^ov ettI Trj/ V Jt- J « f « /^ ^ / ,T-, , cv\ id^^i 17 '^^^ ^^^ ^^'"^ ^^ avTcov o TOVTO fjLeXXcov irpacro-eLV. EyeveTO 06 24 ^" |c gMatt. fcal (pLXoveLKM iv avTOL<;, TO, tI<; avTwv Bokcl elvai fiet^cov. ^6 Be 25 I' , Mar. x'. 42, ^^"^^^ avToi<;, '* 01 /3aaLX€l<; Ttav eOvwv Kvpuevovaiv avTcov, Kal -gji'^hix. 48; ol i^ov(nd£pvTe'i avTCJV evepyerai KoXovvTac. ^va€L<; Be ovy ^'' 1 Pet. V. 3. OVTW'i' dXX J/L^-. 6 fjuel^cov iv vfiivj vXd<; tov ^la-parjX" ^Elire Be 6 KvpLO<;, '' ^IfjLcov, ^^^ ^iFet.v.8.^lp,(ov, IBov, 6 ^OTavcL'^ i^jjT^craTo v/Jid<;, tov (TLvidaat, co? tov dtf-t S ^>^*^^*alTOV' iya) Be iBerjdr]v irepl aov, ha firj iKXeiTrr} rj ttlo-tl^ aov 32 Pg/iz^ S' - q *^^^ ^^ TTOTe iirLO-Tpeylra^ aTijpL^ov tov<; dBeX(f)OvvKaKr)v koX M 649 ddvarov irop€V€v, 7ro)\i;o-aTa) ^ft!!^ ^ ^ 37 TO ifidriov avTOV, koI dyopda-aTco fMaxcupav. ^Xeyco ycip v/u,lv, p BuUiiLU; j^ OTi eri TouTO to yeypafifiivou Sei reXea-dtjvai iv i/iol, to, * Kal 38 fi€Ta dvofitDV €\oyLa;Or)'* koI yap ra Trepl ifwv TeXo? e;j^et/' 01 -^Kd/c^vccvC. 8e eiTTov, " Kvpie, IBov, fidxcu-pO'i' W& hvo" 'O Be elirep avroU, j^jkou^^ — 77^ 39 ^KAI e^eXOoiv hropevOn xarct ro eOo^ €19 to 0009 ra)v *" Matt. „ , //I c>v i ^ \ » '~ /I \ . r , xxvi. 36; 40 EXaiwv riKoKovurjCTav oe avr^ Kat 01 fiaorjrai avrov. ^yevo- Mar. xiv. 33 j,^^ fxcvo^ B^ errl rov tottov, elirev avT6l<;, " IIpo/v »»\ / »» tffn^X \\i Matt. €1 povXet TrapeveyKciv to TroTtjpiov rovro air €pu)v' irXrjv /xr) to ^^^j 39 . 48 diXrjfid fiov, dXX^ to (top yevea^wHi/ "HibOrj Be ainw dyyeXo^ ^HiJ^jJ.^O'^/^^ , ,- » « » / it \ ^k, f ^ » ^ / > ' Joh. vi. 88. 44 aTT ovpavov evia-xycav avTov. ^ Kai ^/mofievo^ ev arycopia, e^reiA- „ j^j^^ii 27. 4r/c> *«^'C> / >" \v « xxvi. 47 ; iovba<;, €49 Tft)i/ CoiOeKa, irpor^p'^^ero avrcov, Kai ijyyLcre T6o Mar.xiv.43; 48 ^Irjaov LXr](rai ainov. 6 Be ^Irjdov^i elirev avrS, " ^lovBa, ^tX?;- yL^^X-" ^ 49 fuiTL TOV vlov TOV dvOpdnTov irapaBiB(i)/ * y '^ cc T^' » '*• » ^ Matt. C^y* avTov TO eaojjLevov, eiirov airr^, " Kvpie, ec iraTa^ofiev ev fia- xxvi. 51 ; ^ X''^^P<} f" yKai eirdia^ev eh Tt9 ef avTWP tov BovXov tov dpX' Toh.'^Liol C^ t "60 XV. 20. ivi(rTpe ^a_yir^£S^ Others interpret it, satis de \ '^ #col ihv its ^te^v, 8ti inu cffroi 6 Sov\6s aov. his dictum. ^, >t*-fc. 3 , / .^-tv^ , 6 *- ' ^ 34-. (Hififpov is spoken with reference to the 39. ol fiaBural. All except Judas. See John ft- j Jevrxsh method of beginning the day from the xiii. 30. evenmg. 42. irap^vcyK^v. The infinitive for the im- 36. 6 fx^ 6XWI'. L. de Dieu understands it perative. Grotius, Raphel, Palairet Others :::^to mean, he that has no money to buy a sword, have taken it in the infinitive, and d for uti- - and refers to 1 Cor. xi. 22. nam ; see Palairet, and note at xii. 49. 37. rh, irepl ifiov t4\os (x^i, either, my life is 44. 0p6n$oi cSfiaros. Dionysius of Alex- drawing to a close; or, the things predicted of andria did not understand that our Saviour me must have their completion. Raphel, Kreb- literally sweated blood, but only drops as thick sins, and L. de Dieu prefer the latter. as blood, p. 39. Other Fathers agreed with 38. The disciples took Jesus literally, and him. See Thes. Crit. Sacr. pt. i. p. 210. thought that they wanted swords for immediate 45. axrrov is perhaps an interpolation, use : whereas he meant to warn them of the V^. J 172 ETATTEAION [k.^. 22. t€pea)<;, Kai a>\> « v \ «f«v Mar. xiv. 48. fievov^; ETT avTov ap')(^LepeL<^ Kai a-TparrjyoTu^ rov lepov Kai Trpecr- \Lt^ ^vrepov^, " '/i? iirl Xrjs^rjv i^eXrjXvdare /xeTa /jbaxaLpwv koI y ij ^v\(ov ; Kod^ ^fiepav ovros fiov fieO^ vfiwv iv rw lepS, ouk 53 e^efelvare Td<; xelpa^ eV efiL dW avTTj v/jl&v ianv rj wpa, KoX 7) i^ovaia rod (Tkotovs.^' * M&tt. r^Uyf^T A AABONTEH Be avrov rjyayov, Kai elariyayov avrov 54 Mar.'xiv.'53; et? Tov u^jcov rov dpx('€pi(or 6 Se JTeT/)09 rjKoXovdei aa/cpoOev, 12, 24. "ayavrcov be rrvp ev fieaa rr;? av\7]<;, Kai avyKadioravrcov 55 b Matt. avTMVf iKddriro 6 IIerpo<; ev uea-co avrcliv. IBovcra Be avrov Trat- 56 Mar. xiv. r^<>LaK7j Tfc? Kaurj/juevov TT/DO? TO ^ft)?, /Cat arevuTacra avro), eiire, Joh. xvUi. "Kai ovro<; avv avrw rjv.** 'O Be rjpyrjcraro avrov, Xeycov, 57 16, 25. « Tvvai, ovK olBa avrov" Kai ixerd ppavy erepo? IBcov avrov, 58 €(j>r}, " Kai (TV ef avrcbv el." 'O Be Herpo^ elirev, " " AvOpayTre, OVK elp^L" Kai Bcaarda-Tjf; warel Mpa<; /u-ta?, aXXoV ^^"^ '^ t Psai. ii. 2 ; ^ Kai CO? iyevero rjjjbepa, crvvm/Or} ro rrpea^vrepiov rov Xaov, 66 Matt.xxvii.l; , « ' v ,> n , / , v , v / Mar. XV. 1 ; apxt'CpeL'^ TG Kai ypajJbjxareL^, Kai avrjyayov avrov et9 ro awe- ctf-y^^ Joh. xviii. 28. ?■ f «.^/ ^rTr»'^'5*■v v »\?«ji 7T»*^ bpLov eavrwv Xeyovre^, " Jbi av ei o Xpiaro^;, eiire tj/jliv. hjiTve 67 g Dan.vii.l3; jvy , „ ff»Tr»\ r « >/ > \ / >\ 5>\ \ > Matt,xvi.27; oe ovroif;, hiav vfjbiy eirrco, ov /jurj mareva-rjre' eav be Kai epco- 68 etxxiv. 30; _9f"'^ > ^ » ^^'-*v (r'U^ / *>.»/ o.»\ ««v et XXV. 31 ; ^W^> ^v fit} a7roKpiUr]re fioi, yj airoXva-rjre. ^ airo rov vvv earai 69 M^r'' xi ^62 ^ ^^^^ ''^^^ dvOpcoTTOv Ka6rjp,evo^ CK Be^icjv T^9 Bvvdfjiea)<; rov Act. 1.11; Qeov." Elirov Be rrrdvre'^, " ^v ovv ei 6 vlb<; rov @eov ;" 'O 70 SThess.i.lO; ^^ y , v „, ce ffvt « 'v ' <•' > / ' ;^ /^' S>^ _ Apoc. i. 7. 06 7rpo9 avrovs to6tov. This is either ad- 53. avdodnrto tovto)" joh.xviu.ss ~ 6 01 he eTTiaxvov \€yoin€ liL i. 'Hp/ t » a'\ 'J- ' -» 'SJ ~ Matt. xiv. 1. iho>v rov Irfaow eyap^ XLav ^v yap ueAxov ef ikuvov loclv avToVf hid TO dtcoveiv iroWd irepX avTovr Koi ^\7rtfe Tt arjfielov 9 iheiv VTT avTOv yivofievov. eTnypcura he axnov ev \070t? UavoU' 10 avTo^i he ovhev direKpivaTO axncp. elaTrJKeiaav he ol dpxt'^pet'i 11 Kol ol ypafx^TeUf einovay: KaT7jyopovvTe<; axnov. e^ovOevrjaa^; he axnov 6 'Hp(oh7j<: avv toi<; orpaTevfiaaiv ainov, Kal efiTral^a^, 7repL^a\d)v axnov eadiyra TuL/jLirpdv, dveTre/JL^jrev avTov tw Uc- 12 XaTtp, " eyevovTO he ovTa tov Xaov Kal Ihoif, eyo) ^^^^^^^' /LJt^rr\ ivcoTTiov viiSjv dvaKolvaf; ovhev evpov ev tm dvOpcoirco tovtw xxvii. 26 ; l ♦ ^ ^ , , r ,.., *,cjv ,U ,1 . ,^Mar.xv.l5; ' 15 aLTiov, (i)v KaTTjyopeiTe kot axnoxr aXX ovoe Ilpco07]. 23. 'tfvio^.u jr^AJ^-^ eV/oafaz; Be TrafJLTrkTjdel Xeyoi/re?, " Atpe rovrov, airokvcrov he trw^ i:. iVK^ i^yu-tz/ Toi^ Bapa/S^dv" oarn^ rjv hia ardcnv nva yevo/jLemjv ev 19 .,u-»_4^, T T^ TToXei KoX 6vov ^e^r}/jLevo<; et? (pvXuKijv. Udkiv ovv 6 20 JJCKaro^ Trpoa-ecfxovrjae, dekwv airo\va-ai rov *Ir]aovv» ol 8e 21 eTrecfKovom^ \e'ii. 32; r «» / jii-^j//) >«\ \ Mar. XV. 21. vaiov rov ep')(^ofJLevov air aypov, eTreiJrjKav avro) rov aravpov, ^peuv oTTLdOev rov 'IrjoroV' ^HKoXovOei he avrcp ttoXv 7rXrj6o<; 27 rov Xaov, Kal yvvaiKOiV, at Kal eKorrrovro Kal eOprjvovv avrov. eavra<; KXalere Kal errl rd rcKva vfJLcbv. on Ihov, epxovrai rjfiepau ev ah epovaLy MaKdpiai 29 at arelpai, Kal KOtXlai at ovk eyevvrjaav, Kal fiacrrol ol ovk edrf- u Esa. ii. 19 ; Xacrav. ^ t6t€ dp^ovrat Xeyeiv T0i9 opeo-t, Ueaere e rjfjLar Kal 30 Apoc!'^. 16; '^^h ^ovvoh, KaXinjrare r)/jLd<;. "^ on el ev rat vypw ^vXa ravra si et ix. 6 V IPet ; irobevm^ ev ra> ^rjptp rl yevqrai ; " Jer. XXV. 29.' ^ *'Hyovro he Kal erepoi hvo KaKovpyoi avv avrS dvaipeOrjvai. 32 Ebi*.^m.^i2? y KaX ore drrriXOov eirl rov roirov rov KoXovjievov Kpaviov, eKel 33 y Matt. earavpaaav avrov, Kal rov<; KaKovpyov^, bv fiev eK he^Lcov, bv he Mar. XV. 22; ef dpL(Trep(j!}V. ^ 6 he 'I-Tycroi)? eXeye, " Ildrep, dcjye^ avroh' ov 34k ^*Act^'u n • 'y^/' ^'^^^^^ '^^ '^OLovai." Aia/iepL^ofjievoL he rd Ifidna avrov, '^^^^^ et vii. 60 ; e^aXov kXtjoov. ^ KOL elar^Kec 6 Xaoepovre^ avrS Kal Xeyovre'^, "El av el 6 ^aaiXev^ rwv 37 mI" XV. 29. 'lovhalcDV, (Twaov aeavrov." ^ ^Hv he Kal einypa^r] yey pa^- 38 b Matt. ij^lprq g'Tr' avr(p ypd/jb/jbaartv 'EXXtjvlkoU Kal ' PcofMaiKOL ^l T(^p KpefiaaOevrcov KaKOvpyoav e/37uioro^f} ait rov 41 SeoVf OTL iv TM avr^ KpifuiTi el ; koX t)/jLei<; fiev BiKai(opa etcrrj, kol (tkoto^ iyevero i^ oXrjv rrjv c Matt. 46 yfjp, €0)9 o>paov. eiarqKeuTav Be irdvref; oi yvtoarol avrov '^JJf^'j.. fioKpodev, KoX ywaMce^ ^ oyyaKoXovdrjaaa-ai, airn^ otto rfj^ Mar. «v. 8». ra\i\aia■ i ' 60 f KAI IBov, dvr}p opofju^i *I(i>a7}« xxviii. 1 ; /ivrj/Miy fpepovaat a ijroi/JLaaap apoD/juara, Kai rive7]rr]^, Bvvarbinov rov @eov in i. 6 ; Acts from some warm springs. Joseph, vol. ii. p. 264. iv. 19 ; viii. 21. literally, in the face of God, so 15. ^77/0-0$. He must have overtaken them, that God could bear witness to it. K*<^. 24.] RATA AOTKAN. 177 $ov TiP€ eiaeXueiv €t9 rrjv oo^av avrov ; ^ Jiai ap^a- phii.ii 7.&i-.; /ievo?, airo Moxreo)? Kal airo irdmoyp rwv 7rpor}Ta)v Birjpfii]- iPe't.Tu! oavevev avToh iv irdcaL^ Tal<^ ypap top aprop evKo- Ac. 81 7»7<»'€, ^ Af\a0a\fiol, Kal hreyvuxrap ainop' koI avr6- 83 rfpotyep f)pXv t^9 ypa^^ ;" Kal upa^rrdpre^i avrfj ry copa, im- ioTpeylrav €t9 'lepovaaXrjfif Kal evpov $r) ^ifUDPi" Kal avrol e^rjyovvro rd ip rfj 6B^, Kal a>9 iypoyadr) avroU iv ry KXdaei tov dprov. 86 ^ Tavra Be avrwv XaXovprwp, avTo<; 6 *Ir]aov<; ea-Trj ev fieatp a Mar. 37 avToop, Kal Xeyet axnoU, ** Elprjvr) vpZp." nrorjOepre^ Be Kal JqJ; ^^j^' ^g^ 38 €fjL(f>o^OL yepofiepot, eBoKovv Trpev/xa Oewpelp. Kal elirep avroh, '' Ti rerapayfiepoi, eare ; Kal Biari BiaXoyca/jLol dpa^aipovaiP 39 ep raX^ KapBiaL<; vfiwv ; ^iBere rd^ X^^P^^ /^^^ '^^^ '^^^^ iroBa^ tJoh.xx.20, ftou, art avTO^ iyo) elfiv '^^Xacjiriaare fie Kal XBere' ore Trvev/jua AL///rj 40 (jdpKa Kal oarea ovk e^et, Ka6o}<; ifie Oeoapelre ^xovra.^s^Kal JJj[^ i^^^J^ 41 Toirro elirdiv erreBei^ep avroU Td<; xelpa<; «* »»iv- ^ ; V r « V ^. V , « „ P> « /!« / Matt.xvi.21; eXaXTjaa 7rpo<; vfUL^i ere wv aw vjjlIp, ore oei TrXijpcourjvac iravra et xvii. 22 ; rd yeypa/JLfieva ep rat pofiw Mcoorea)<; Kal 7rpo^r;Tat9 fcal ,'>lraX- Mar. viu. 3i; 45 fioU rrepl e/iov.*^ Tore Blt^vol^cp avrcop rov povp, rov avvLevac f^^^'^^' (h^.^jj^ 46 ra? ypad<;' ^Kal elirev avrol^, ""On ovrco yeyparrraL, /cathver. 26; H vp> /l^vxrv •» /^ > «« Psal. xxii. 6; oirrct)? eoet Traueiv rov JLpcaroVf Kat avaarrjvui, e/c veKpwv rrj Act. xvii. 3. 84. It might be thought from Mark xvi. 13. 42. This also was done out of the notion that that some of the eleven did not believe the spirits do not eat. report of these two disciples. 44. The Hagiographa began with the Psalms, 39. This no doubt was the popular notion and contained also Proverbs, Job, Song of Solo- concerning spirits ; and the argument was mon, Ruth, Lamentations, Ecclesiastes, Esther, valid, whether our Saviour meant to confirm Daniel, Ezra, Nehemiah, Chronicles 1. and 2. the notion or no : he appealed to their own The remainder of the Bible was contained in idea of a spirit, and proved that he could not the Law (the Pentateuch) and the Prophets, be one. 178 ETATT. RATA AOTKAN, [Kf(f>. 24. » Act.xiii.38 ; TpLTj) rffjucpa, ^Kol K7)pv')(6rjvaL iirl TM ovofiuTL avTOv fierdvoLav 47 1 Joh. ii. 12. \ V I t « > / \ «a ^ i- f y \ t t Kau aqyeatv afiapriwv ei? iravra ra earn], ap^ajjuevov airo lepov- k Joh. XV. 27. adKrjfi. ^v/jl€l<; Si eare fxdprvp€<; tovtcov. ^koI IBoif, eyw aTro- 48 •t'S te'?^ ' ^'^^^^^ '^V^ eTrayyeXlav rod Trarpo? fiov i(f) vfiar t'/xet? Se et xvi. 7 ; Act. i. 4 ; et ii. toto. 49 m Act. i. 12. n Mar. xvL 19; Act. i. 9. rf VA^ k^\J\- KaOlaare ev rfj iroXei 'lepova-aXrj/j,, eo)? ov ivSvanaOe BvvafjLcv i^ vyjrovi.'* ^ ^E^^aye Be avroif^ e^co eo)? et? BrjOavLav kol iirdpa<; Td n ' ^ \ \ etix. 5; ^^ aVT(p ^(OfJ rjV, KUL T) ^ODTJ TJV TO 9ft)9 TCOV aVUpCOTTfOV, ^ KOl TO 5 Ei)h. iit.^9 • ^^^ ^^ "^V f^KOTia ^alvet, kov t) (jKOTia avro ov KaTeka^ev. H°h*-^2' '^^EyiveTo dv6pco7ro<; airecrTaXiMevo^ irapa Qeov, ovofia avTot & iJoh.v.'ii.^I(odvvrj<;. ovto<; rjXOev eh jiapTVpiav, Xva fiapTvprjari Trepl tov 7 d Matt iii 1- Y^'^^'^f ^^^ TTaVTe^i ITLCrTevaaXTL OL aVTOV. OVK r)V eKeLVO^S TO (f>co<;, 8 Mar. i, 2, Ac ; La. iu. 3 ; et vii. 27 ; Act. xiii. 24. Chap. I. 1.6A6yos. There can be no doubt that by the Logos S. John meant Jesus Christ ; and he perhaps used the term, because it was already in use with the Gnostic heretics. The Logos, or Reason, or Mind of God, which is spoken of by Plato, and which was nothing else but God himself, had gradually been per- sonified by the Alexandrian Jews, who almost spoke of the Logos as a separate being from God. The Gnostics (whose doctrine was compounded from the Persians, the Platonists, and the Jews,) completed this process, and made the Logos an emanation from God. The Christians, who were corrupted by Gnosticism, found a resemblance between the Logos of the Gnostics and Jesus Christ : and it is probable that towards the end of the first century, the name of Logos came to be applied even by orthodox Christians to Jesus Christ. S. John ■wrote his Gospel against these heretics, and in the opening of it he shews the difference between Jesus Christ and the Logos of the Gnostics. Ibid. 'Ev cipxv- The Gnostics made the Logos to have been put forth by God after the creation of the world. S. John asserts that Christ was in the beginning. Ibid. 0e({s. This is a direct assertion of the divinity of Christ. The Gnostics considered the Logos merely as an emanation from God. 3. All the early Fathers made the sentence end at ou5e eV, and coupled h 'yeyovev with iv avTcf. The modern punctuation seems to have been adopted in the fourth century, because the Macedonian heretics availed themselves of the other. 4. *0 yiyoviv iv avrcp ^uy^ ^v may mean, the thing which was made in or through him; i. e. the benefit which was gained for man through him, was life. When Adam fell, man lost the power of living for ever ; and this power was regained for man by Jesus Christ. See v. 26 ; xi. 25. 5. rb (o<; to aXfjOivoVt '^-J^' A , 'L, / v/i >/ j\> fj«*t viii. 18 ', 10 (fxoTi^et, irama avupwirov €p-)(Oficvov €t9 rov KOcrfMov. ^ €v rwetix. 5-, Koafup ^v, /cat 6 K6ap,o<; Be ainov iyevero, kol 6 Koafio^j avrbv * ^^^ j ^ 11 oy/c €yv(o. €t9 ra i8ta 77X^6, koI ol iSlol avrov ou irapeXa^ou. g Rom. 12 *oo"ot Se eXa^ov avrov, eSwAcei/ auroi^ e^ovaiav tckvu ©eoi) Gai. m.'26; 13 yeviadcUy toU TTiorevovaiv ei? to ovofia avrov' ^ dl ovk ef at- * Joh.'iii!i. fiarayv, ovBk €/c OeX^fiarofi aapKO^;, ovBk e'/c 6e\rjpxiro / \ r ^ f ,,f/^^ » > \ Xoyrjae, Kai ov/c r)pvrjaaTO' kul (o/ioXoyrjaev, " Ore ov/c elfu q Deut.xviii. iyo) 6 XptcTTo?." ^Kol '^puiTfjaap avTov, " Tl ovv ; 'HXia^ e* 21 av ;'* Kal Xeyeit " Ouic elfjLu" "'O 'irpoj>rirrj<; el crv ;'* Kal aTreKpWjf, " Ov" EIttov ovv avrm, " Tt? el ; Xva aTroKpiatv 22 rEsa.xi. 3; Scofiev TOt? TTefiy^aaLV r)fUL ovk ^Sfiv ahrSv. And at first I did 28. Brtdafiap^. Almost all the old MSS. and not know him. This is explained more at length versions read Brjdaultf but if this be the true in ver. 33. John began to exhort persons to reading, it cannot be the Bethany near Jeru- believe in him who was to come after him, be- salem ; nor can Trepav rod 'lopdduov (compare fore he had seen that person or knew who he iii. 26 ; x. 40.) have any other meaning than was. He knew him, however, before he bap- beyond, or on the other side of Jordan. See tized him. See Matt iii. 14. L. de Dieu. Ibid. a\\' Iva (pavfpwB^. But I baptized per- Bethany may have been the name of a dis- sons in the water, with the view to preparing them trict, (see note at Matt. xxi. 17.) and perhaps by repentance to receive him who was coming : by the same which Josephus calls Baravoda : but these means his coming was made known to the the place, where John baptized, seems certainly people of Israel. to have been in Judaea. See Matt. iii. 1 ; Mark Ibid. 4u r^ SSort fiairri^uv. The phrase in i. 5 ; Luke iii. 3. the water is exactly applicable to the ancient 29. rp eiravpiov. This was after the baptism mode of baptizing, hut in ver. 33. we find iv of Jesus; and in ver. 33. John reminds the TrveufiaTt oy/y, so that ^k CSart may properly be people of what he bad said the day before : but translated with tvater. K^ 1.3 KATA WANNHN. 188 ^Icodwrj^ \ey(ov, ""On redea/iac to Trvevfia Kora^alvov axrel 88 Trepia-Tepav ef ovpavov, xal efiewev eir ainov. 'Kayo) ovk fjheiv ' Matt.iU.U; avrov a\X 6 'iT€p,'>^a<; fie ^aTrri^eiv iv vhari, CKelvof; /xoi elireVy 'E hv av ihrjf; to Trvevfia Kara^alvov koX fievov tif avrov, 84 ovTO^ ioTiv 6 ^airritfiiv iv irvevfuvn ayitft. Kor/o) ecopaKCb, kcu fX€fiaprvpr}Ka on outo? efi BeKdrrj. ^^Hv 'AvBp€a<; 6 dBe\6^ XC- ^ M»tt.iT.i8. fuavo^ Tlerpov el? €K tS)v Bvo twv dxovadvTCJV trapci 'IcodwoVy 41 Kai djco'kovB'qadvTtov ain^. evpi6v TOJ/ XBu>v Xip-wva, KoX Xeyei ain^, ** EvpijKafiev tov Mecraiav," 42 o eoTt, ficOepfirjvevofJLevov, 6 Xptoro?* '/cal rfyarfev ainov Trpo? c Matt. xvi. tov 'Irfaovv. €fi^eyfrad-v' v'^^r >'TC» etxxxvii. 24i rHaVavarjK ep')(Ofi€vov irpo^i avTov, Kat \eyeL irept avTov, " Ibe Dan. ix. 24; 48 d\r]Oc!)*• *• avT(p, " ilpo TOV ae viXlttttov /-^ «/^«>/^/ \ ^'/ etxjriv. 4; 70Ta, Kai Tov? wYi^Kov^i Tov fe>eoL» avapaivovra sometimes means merely to drink sons of Clopas and Mary. Compare John xix. plentifully, as in Gen. xliii. 34. Hackspanius, 25 ; Matt, xxvii. 56 ; John vii. 3, 5, 10. It is Boisius. equally improbable that it was the marriage of 11. iiria-revffav. Were confirmed in their John himself. faith. Ibid. Kava. Josephus mentions a village of 12. fi-fiTVp' It is thought from this that Galilee called Cana. Fit. § 16. p. 9. It took Joseph was now dead. See also xix. 26. him all night to go from thence to Tiberias. Ibid. a5€\\»/ / Act. i. 24 ; iva Tt9 fiapTvpT)(Tri irepi. tov avupoyjrov avTor) rj 6 ©eo? fier airrov." ' ^ATreKpldrj 6 'It;- • Tit. iii. 5. (ToO? Kal elirev atTo5, ** ^Afirjv dfjLrjv Xeyco (TOL, idv firi ti ovpavw' ^ Kal Kadcb/i/ „ r/ r.'» '/ j ,\ \, a ver. 36 • ^^^^ '^^^ avupcoTTOv * iva ira'i o TTiarevcov et9 avrov fir) air- 15 i" j' h ^" ^10 ^^V^^^) ^^^' ^XV ^f^V^ alcovLov. ^ ovrco ydp r]yd'ir7)(Tev 6 0eo9 rov 16 «> Rom. V. 8 ; KOdfioVy Mare rov vlov avrov rov fiovoyevrj eScoKev, Xva 7rd<; 6 w^h. iv! 9. '^^'(^^^(liv eh avrov fir) d'Tr6Xr)rai, aXX,' e')(r) t,(t)r)v alcoviov. ^ ov 17 c ix. 39 ; ydp aTrioTeiXev 6 Oeo9 rov vlov avrov eh rov Koarfiov, Xva Kpivrj et xii. 47 ; v , ».^^»r/ /i«»' C'»>'»ri» ' » Lu. ix. 56 ; rov KocTfiov, aXX Lva amor) Koafio<; bo avrov. ^ o Tnarevcov ei\>/ f5>\\ />/?>/ r/ \ / d 24 • cLvrov OV Kpiverai' o oe fir) TTiarevcov r)Or) KeKpirai, on fir) irema- et vi. AO, 47 ; revKev eh ro ovofia rov fiovoyevov<; vlov rov Qeov. ^ avrr) Se 19 e i. 5, 10 11. eariv r) Kpiai<;, on ro 9C09 eKr)Xvoev et9 rov Koafiov, Kai -qya- irrjaav ol dvOpcoiroi fidXXov ro aKoro^^ ■t) ro <^a>9* rjv ydp 7rovr)pd is'^et'^se'^ ^^^^^ '^^ fc/oya. ^7ra9 ydp 6 cpavXa irpdaacov, fiiael ro ^co^, Kal 20 g Eph. V. 8. OVK ep')(eraL iTpoco9, Xva fir) eXey)(dfj rd epya avrov' ^ 6 Se 21 Origen considered it to mean, in this place, place of the Nevsr Testament. See Wolfius. from above, vol. iv. p. 561 ; and this is certainly 12. t^ iiriyeia. That part of the scheme 0/ its meaning in ver. 31; xix. 11. 23; James our redemption, which has its operation in this i. 17; iii. 15; Matt, xxvii. 51. Nicodemus world. seems to have taken it for SevTcpou, but that is 13. In Prov. xxx. 4. v/e read Tls avi^tt us not conclusive as to our Saviour's meaning ; rhv ovpavhv Kod Karffir) ; and he that is born from above is in fact born Ibid. Karafids. This seems decisive for the again, so that our Saviour may be said to have pre-existence of Christ, see ver. 31 ; and the intended both. words 6 &u are very remarkable, as shewing 3. ov Svi/arai. He cannot enter into the that Christ was still in heaven while he was on covenant of the gospel. earth. 5. ^1 iiSaros Kal irveinaTos. The meaning 17. If any persons are not saved through would be equally expressed by i^ iiSaros iv Christ, their condemnation will not be in conse- wyeifiari. A person is born again of the quence of his coming into the world : they Spirit, (ver. 6.) and this takes place at bap- were condemned already, and have rejected tism. the only means of having that condemnation 8. rh iryevfia. Our version says, the wind; removed. See ver. 18, 36; v. 24: Mark but many early writers took it literally for the xvi. 16. Spirit. It does not signify wind in any other K*.^ 3, 4.] KATA inANNHN. 187 iroiSiv rrjv dXijOeiav, epyerai irpo^ to <^9, Xva (fxwepayOf) avrov rh epya, ort cV Sea) iariv elfrfoafieva" 22 ** Mera ravra rjjXdev 6 'Irjaovi\o<; rov w/x viii. 23 ; * , . . , . . , N N , - . . , « r , lCor.xv.47. &)i/ €K Ttja6r}rd<; rroiel koi ^airrL^eL rj ^Icodvvrj<;' KoIroLye u m. 22, 26. 22. •7^1' ^lov^aiav yriv. This must mean the came now to consult him about this. Many territory of Judaea in contradistinction to Jeru- MSS. read *lovZaiov. salem. See ii. 23. It was perhaps in the 27. He means to say, that he was only exe- neighbourhood of the Jordan. See iv. 43. cuting a commission. Ibid. Kal 4$oiTm^€v. But see iv. 1, 2. Tille- 29. vvfi avrov. 771/ Se eVet irriyrj rod 'laKoa^. 6 6 otv 'l7](Tov<; KCKOTTLaKm 6K T^9 ohoLiTopla^y eKade^ero ovrco^ iirl rfj irrfyfj' wpa rjv waei e/crrj. "EpxeraL 'yvvrj ck -7^9 Sa/j,ap€la<; 7 dvTkrjaai vhwp. \eyet avrfj 6 'Irjaovf;, '' J69 fiot inelv,'* ol yap 8 fiaOTjTol avrov direkrjXvOeLaav eh rr)v iroKiv, Xva rpod^ dyo- y viu. 48; pdacoai, ^Xiyet ovv avr& 77 yvvrj 77 Sa/jLapeLri,<;, '' Ila)^ >« n>n>/ \»-f / Act. X. 28;^^*®^ ^^ '^^P ^/^°^ TTieti/ at,reL<;, ovar) *-\' ><' « \a>/ >\ \ Esa. xii. 3. ecTT^^ » Xejcov CTOL, Ao^ fjLoi TTLeiv, (TV uv rjrr](Ta^ avrov, teal • Jer. u. 13. eScoKev CLV (Toi vB(i>p t/Siv" '^AeycL avrS 77 yvvrj, " Kvpte, ovre 11 dvr\7]fjLa €xeipeap, Kal avr69 elira9,"0ri dvBpa ovk exco' irevre ydp dvBpa^ eo-%e9* 18 5, 11 ; Kal vvv ov ex€t';, ovk earl gov dvrjp' rovro d\7jdh etp7]Ka<;" 1 Reg. ix, 3;^, >«r \ it tr ' a ««> j/ •» /-fl^ 2Par.vii.i2. '^^eyet auTft) 77 yvvij, " jsjvpie, uecopco ore irpO(prjrr)(; ec av. ^0120 Chap. IV. 4. eSet. Josephus says that it her by Greek writers. Tillemont, Memoires, was the custom of the Galileans to travel through tome i. p. 219. Samaria, when they went to the festivals at 9. ov y^p — ^afiapeirais. This is the remark Judaea. Antiq. xx. 6. 1. and again, irdvTdiS eSei of the evangelist .for those who wish to go quickly, to pass 12. vaTp6s. Josephus says that the Sa- through Samaria ; for by that means the maritans claimed to be descended from Joseph, journey from Galilee to Jerusalem may be Antiq. ix. 14. 3. performed in three days. Vita. 52. Jesus was 13, 14. Ou5e Uu oZv Sk xAkkov irioi, $ SlSwffiv probably obliged to quit Judaea as quick as he 6 &ehs rhs aKpcirov /xedva-fxaTos TrScreis, rore filv could. Sometimes he took a more circuitous Sid rivos vinipeTovvTos rwv ayy4\wv, tv olvoxoeiv route. Mark x. 1. rt^laxn' tJtc Se Kal Si eavrov, fjirjSfi/a tov SiSov- 5. ^vxdp. Josephus mentions a town in ros Kal tov Xa/x^dpovTos ficTo^v TiBels. Philo Samaria called 2^Kt/ia, near to mount Garizim, Jud. vol. i. p. 296. vol. i. p. 582. and this hill was near to Sychar, 18. TreVrf. Heinsius conceived that these ver. 20. It is supposed to be the place after- five had been lawful husbands. wards called Flavia Neapolis. 20. Kal irphs aW-fiXovs iiroXenovv, tuv 6. o0Twy may be rendered eo facto, postea. ixlv 'Upoa-oXvfjiiTwy rb Trap' avTols Uphv ayiov L. de Dieu, Alberti. It probably means, he sat ehai \ey6vTuv, Kal tos dvaias iKc? Trenireiv down just as a tired person would do. See xiii. 6i,^iovut(dV twv Se l,afxap€iT5iv els tJ> rapi^elu 25. (note ;) Acts xxvii. 17. &pos K€\fv6vTuu. Joseph, vol. i. p. 585. 7. yvvii. The name of Photina is given to Kc^.4.] RATA IflANNHN. ISQ irarepe^ -q^JMiV iv tovt^ t^J 6p€i, irpoaeKvvrjtrap' Kal vfiei^i Xe- yere, ort iv 'lepoaoXvfioit; iarlv 6 totto?, ottou Set Trpoa-Kwelv.** 21 Aeyei avrfj 6 ^Irjaow, " Fvvaif iriarevaov fioi, on ep^^erat wpa, ore ovre iv ru> opei Tovrtp, ovre iv ^lepoaoXv/xoi^i TrpoaKuvjjaere 22 TO) frarpL ^vfiel^i 'rrpoatcweiTe o ovk otBare' 7;/x6t9 irpoaKwovfiev t j Reg. 23 oioafiev' ori 17 acorqpui €k rtav iovoauDV eariv. aXK ep'XjErai Eaa. u. S; b)pa Kal vvv iarlv, ore 01 d\r)6i.vol irpocTKwrjTal irpoiTKxnn'jaovai ^l^^y^!' T^ irarpl iv irvevfuiTi koX aXTjOeia." Kal yap 6 7rarr)p roiovrov^i •» **• *■ ^^ ^rjrel tow TrpoaKWOvvra^ avrov, STrvev/jUL 6 ©eo?' Kal toi;? «iCoraii.i7. irpoaKwouvra^ avrov iv irvevfiaTL Kal akrjOeia 3et irpoaKvvetv" 25 Aeyei ainm rj yvvrj, " OlBa oti, Mea-auKi epxerai/' (6 \€y6p,€vo ix.87. 27 avrfj 6 ^Irjaoik, " *Ey(o eifit, 6 XaXayv aoi.'* Kal irrl rovT

arf€." 'O Be ehrev avroU, " 'Ey(o fipdaiv e^co 83 (JMyelv, fjv vfieU ovk oiBare." "EXeyov ovv ol fJuOrjrai 7rp60a\fwv^ vfiwv, Kal dedaaaOe Ta? ^wpa?, ot£ 36 XevKal eun Trpo? Oepiafwv rjBf}. koX 6 6epify>v fiiaOov Xa/xfidvei, Kal awdyei Kapnrov ct? t,wr]v aicoviov iva Kal 6 crrrelpcov ofiov 87 X°'^PV '^^'' ° Oepl^cov, iv yap rovrcp 6 X070? iarlv 6 dX7)divb a. 1, 11. m "^HxOev ovv 6 ^Ir}aov<; rrdXiv eU rr)V Kava rrjf; FaXiXalaq, 46 OTTOv eTTOLTjae TO vBcop olvov. Kal rjv rt? ^aaCXiKo^i, ov 6 vlo I Cor. i. 22. drroOvrjo-Keiv. ^elrrev ovv 6 ^Ir)(Tov<; nrpo^ avrov, " 'Edv fir) aTj- 43 fiela Kal repara cBrjre, ov fir) TTLareixrrjre.'' Aeyeu rrpo'i avrov 49 o fia(7iXiK0<;, " Kvpte, KaTdfir)6L rrplv diroOavelv ro iratBiov fiovJ" Aeyei avrw 6 'Ir)a-ov<;, " Hopevov 6 vl6 Xoyw at elirev avrw 6 ^Irfaov^, Kal eiropevero. '^Br) Be avrov Kara^aivovro^, ol BovXot avrov dir'^v- 51 rr]crav avrw, Kal drzrf^yeiXav Xeyovre^;, ""On 6 irah aov fj." ^EirvOero ovv rrap avrcov rr)v &pav ev rj KOfiyjrorepov e(T')(e' Kal 52 elirov avrw, ""On %^€? wpav e^Bofirjv dr)Kev avrov 6 irvpe- r6<^" ^Eyvco ovv 6 7rarr}p, on iv eKelvrf rfj a>pa, ev y elirev 53 avT^ 6 ^Irfo-ovs, ""On 6 vl6<; aov ^fj' " Kal enriareva-ev avro^ Kal r) olKia avrov oXr). Tovro nrdXiv Bevrepov o-rjfielov eiroirfo-ev 54 6 'Jt^o-oO?, eXdayv €k t?}9 *IovBaiaeTsor\, qui in famulitio etministerio Chap. V. 1. lopr^, a /es^jva/, most probably regis sit. Krebsius. He was probably attached not the festival of the passover ; for this hap- to Herod's court. See Heinsius, Aristarch. pened soon after, (vi. 4.) and is called ri ^opr-ff. 47. cLKoiffas. Capernaum was about twenty- John probably meant the feast of Purim, which five miles from Cana. was kept about a month before the passover. 52. Kofi^Srfpov € ^fpX^P*"'' Diss. iii. 10. K,<^.3.J KATA WANNHN. 191 2 €49 'lepoaoKvfuu "Eari he iv tow ' Iepo\a)Uf ywXjSiV, ^]poJVf iKSexofMevcov ttjv tov vBaro^ 4 Kimjatp. dyyeXo'; yap Kara Kaipop Kark^aipep ip rfj KoXvfi- ^rjOpaf Kol erdpaaae to vBa>p' 6 ovp irp^To^i €fi^a<; fiera ttjp rapayr^p tov vBaTo^: vyt,i}(€i avrtp, " BiXcL^ vytrj^ yepiadai ;" ^ 7 ^AireKpidrj airr^ 6 da6epa)P, " Kvpce, dvOptoirop ouk e^co, Xpa orap Tapaydfi to vB«/, VTC> f > ' Matt, xii.45. ir}. ^direKpipaTO etviii. ss'. 2» '^(TTU It has been thought from this ex- iroKvv IJStj xP^^ov ^x", that he was old. pression, that John wrote his Gospel before the 13. i^evevaey, from iKvtiv, enatare, ex tnalis destruction of Jerusalem. But the pseudo- emergere, secedere. Krebsius. Jesus escaped Athanasius says, ^v KoXvufi'fidpa koI vvv 4 eavrov ovBev, eav fit] rv ^eirr} rov Trarepa iroLOvvra' a yap av eKelvo^; iroifj, ravra kol 6 vl6<; « iii. 35. 6fioui><; TTOLet *6 ycLp Trartjp ^cXel tov vlbv, koI irdvra heUvvav 20 avT(p a avTO<; irovel' kol fjiei^ova rovrcav hei^ei> avr^ epya, Xva v/jb6l/ <■/ \«> f/ f \>/ Apoc. iii. 1; A-eyo) vfiiv, OTL cp^CTaL (opa Kai vvv eaTLv, ore oi veKpoL ukov- G°rii^2o' ^^^"^^^ '^'» ^^wi^r}? TOV VLOV TOV ©cov, Kal ol cLKOvdavTe^ ^rjaov- Tau wairep yap 6 iraTrjp e')(ei ^(orjv iv kavTw, ouro)? eSoo/ce Kal 26 Tft) vm ^corjv €)(€Lv iv eavTw' Kal i^ovalav eBcoKev clvtm Kal 27 e'Da.n.Jtn.ii KpLCTLV TTOietv, OTL VtO? dvOpCOTTOV cVt/. ^ flT) 6aV/JLd^€T€ TOVTO' 28 1 Cor. XV. 52 ; f/ V rr > t / ' > >> / > / 1 Thess. iv. ^"^^ ^PX'^'^^^ o)pa, €v 7} TTtti^Te? 01 ev Tot? /iV7]fi€ioL<; aKovaovTai ^^' Trj<; (l>(Dvrj/ f'* 't'^^J«■v /»- »»/ 46. et? avaaTaatv ^o)^?* ot oe ra .> et xvii. 5. €aTLV T) /jLUpTVpLa ffV /lapTVpCL TTCpL ejJiOV. h i. 19. " ^ 'Tfi€Laa'€ov, y/xet? 5e TjdeXtjaaTe dyaXXtaaOPjvac Trpo? wpav 86 iv Tft) ^Tt avrov. 'e^o) 8€ e;^&) t7)i^ fiaprvpiav fteifo) roO 'ladv- i i. S3; vou* ra 7a/3 e/yya a eStoxe fioL 6 irarrjp Ifva reXeLayaco axnd, avrd et viii. 18 ; T^ epya h, iyco ttoiw, fuiprvpel irepl ijJLOv on 6 irarrip /xe avr- H xj^.^js, 87 €/ra9 fi€ Trarrjp, avro«»' ' >/ ^C' »" xxxiij. 20; e/xou. oi/re (fxovrjv avrov aKrjKoare TrunroTe, ovre €(,oo»>v ' tfMf/ 1 Tiin. vi. 16: 38 ewpuKaTe. koI top TUtyov avrov ovk e^ere fievovra ev vfiLV, on i joh. iv. m. 39 hv direaTeiXev eVeti^o?, T0VT

v, koI e/xxVi'v. le'; 40 iKCLval eurip al /xaprvpovaai irepl ifiov' Koi ov OeXere iXOelu jJi^jj^Yv! 2^*' 41 7r/309 /x€, Iva ^(orjv exrjrc. Ao^av irapd dvdpdyjroiv ov Xafi^dvco' Act. xvuii; 42 dXX eyvfOKa v/xd^, on rrjv drfdinjv rov Seov ovk e^ere iv eav- i5. 43 T019. iya> iXijXvda iv ru> ovo^ian rov irarpo^i fiov, Kal ov Xafx- fidveri fie idv dXXof; cXdrj iv t^ ovofian r^" ISitp, iKclvov 44 X^eade. •" ttok Bvvaade vfieh Trunewrai, Bo^av irapd dXXrf- >« xn. 43 ; - -/-»/ vN^'f* N ^ «/ /^ « t Rom. ii. 29. Xayv Xafipavovra, Kai Tr)v bo^av rrjv irapa rov fiovov tyeov ov 45 f?;7€tT€ ; fjLtj hoK€iT€ OTt iyo) KaTrjyopi)(T(o v/xwv 7rpo9 Tov irarepa' A% i/ \ \ t f^ t r> ei xxH. 16; yap e7n(JT€V€T€ MaxTrj^ eTrurrevere av Cfior irepi yap e/xov €K€l- etxUx. lo; 47 1^09 eypa^ev* cl Be rot? ixeivov ypdfjLfuuTLv ov Tnarevere, iray; {^j°** *^'"' Tot9 ifMOi<; pi]fjLaaL TTKrrevaere ;" 6 META ravra dirrfKBev 6 'Ir}aovdr/(i}' >\ \v^ '»'-v-\ '' 'y

6A.Trf»coT6, ye used to hope, and still con- i. 44. and the desert place was near to Beth- tinue to hope, which is the proper force of the saida, Luke ix. 10. 194 ETArrEAION [k..6. 6 ^Ir)aov toitw. aveireaov ovv ol avhpe<; rbv dpiO/iiov wael TrevraKtcrxl^toi. eXa^e Be tol/? dprov^ 6 'Irjaov^;, Kal ev^apia- ll TTja-a^ BiiBcoKe tol^ juLaOTjraLf;, ol Be fjLadrjTal to?? dvaKeLfievoir Ofioiw^ Kol €K Tcov oyjrapLcov ocrov i]6eXov. cb? Be eveirXtja-drja-av, 12 Xeyet tol<; fia67]Tal<; avrov, '' ^vpaydyere rd irepia-aevaavra KXao-jnara, ha fit] ti dTToXTjrai." ^vvrjyar/ov ovv, koI eyefjLLcrav 13 BcoBe/ca KO(j>LVOv^ KXaa-fidrwv ifc tcov irevre dprcov tcov KpidlvayVy eu ^ V9 ^ eireplcra-evcre TOt<; ^e^pcoKoaiv. "" ol ovv dv6po)7roc IBovre^ o 14 etvii. 40'; eiroirjae arjfMecov 6 'Irjaov^, eXe^ov, ''"On ovr6 r > \ / j> >t « » » et xxiv. 19 ; irpo? ara^lov; elKoaLrrevre rj 19 TpLaKOvra, decopovac rov ^Irja-ovv rrepiirarovvra iirl T77? OaXda- a-7]<;, Kal €771)? rov irXoiov yivopbevov Kal ecjjofir^dijaav. 6 Be 20 \e7et avroL<;, "'Eyco elpbi' purj (po^etarde." "HOeXov ovv Xa^elv 21 avrov eh ro irXolov, Kal eu^eoj? ro rrXolov eyevero eirl r^? yr^ eh rjV vrrTjyov. Tfj eiravpLov 6 6')(Xo<; 6 earriK(av 22 on irXoidpLov dXXo ovk rjv e'/cet el firj ev eKelvo eh eve^r)- aav ol fiaOrjral avrov, Kal on ov avvet, "'Pafi^l, irore a>Be yeyova 'o ■• t xii. 38; 81 a-rjfj.€iov, iva lixofxev kui Tnarevaw^ev aoi; ri epya^n ; ^oi ira- etxvi. i; T^pe? rjfiSiv TO fidvva e^xvyov iv rfi iprjiup, Kadaxi eoTi yey pajji- ^^^'^"29^ ' 82 fih/ov, * "ApTov e/c tov ovpavov eBm/cev avrot? (jxvyelv/ ** Elirev ^ ^"'- '• ^^' ovv avToh 6 'Ir]aov<;, ***A/xr)v, cl/jltjv Xeyw vfuv, ov Ma)^* ipxofievo^ 7rpo9 fie, ov fi^ veivdat)' Kal 6 Tnarevcov eUI'iv. 1. 86 6i9 ifik, ov fi^ Bty^arj irwrrroTe. oKS! elirov vpXv, 6tl Kal ecopuKaTt 87 ft€ Kal ov TTUTTevcre. vdv o BiBaxTi fwi 6 iraTrjp, wpo^ €/z^ ^f et* 88 Kal TOV ipxofievov trpo^ fie ov fir) eK^dXco e^o)' *otl KaTa^e^rjKa • iv. 84 ; €K TOV ovpavov, ovx iva iroua to ueXrjfia to efwv, aWa to Matt. xivi. 39 dekrjfia tov TT^fiyjravTOfi fie, ^tovto Be ev, years. ots SeSwfce fwi, jx^ airo\4aa>. 32. Jesus replies, that Moses did not really 40. deupwv. Vitringa thinks that allusion is give bread from heaven ; but it was now given intended to the brasen serpent. by God in the doctrine preached by his Son. 44. k\Kvar,. This is an obscure intimation Philo Judaeus allegorizes the giving of manna, of the future gift of the Holy Spirit. See ver. and compares it with the word of God, vol. i. 63, Q5. p. 120, 121, 484, 499, 566. See Deut. viii. 45. iv ro7s vpo /) / ; > / > f ,/ , <.^ , , ^, , Heb, iii. 16, 9«7?7 'cat yu-7) airovavrf. 'eyco cl/jLL o apTO<; o ^cov, o e/c tov ovpa- 51, Mii 13- ^^'^ KaTa^dr idv rt? 0a7?? e/c tovtov tov apTov, ^rjaeTac ek top aLMva. Kol 6 apT0<; he ov eyco Bcoaco, r} adp^ fjuov iaTiv, rjv iyco w iii. 9. Bcoaco virep t^? tov Koa-fJLov ^corjayelv ;" Elirev ovv avToh 6 'Irjaov<^, '' ' Aixrjv, bB dfirjv Xiyo) vficv, idv fit) dyr}Te ttjv adpKU tov viov tov dv6p(o- 1 iv. U. TTOV, KOi TTLTJTe UVTOV TO otflU, OVK 6-)(6Te ^(OYJV €P kaVTol^. 'o64 Tpcoyav jxov tyjv adpKa, koI ttlvcov fxov to alfjua, e^et ^(orjv alco- viov, KOi iycb dvaaT^a-cj avTov Trj 6cr')(jd,Tr) rjfiepa. rj yap adp^ 55 jxov dX7]6a)• 18. *I(TKapmrr}V outo9 yap ^^XXev ainov TrapaSiBovai, eU cov eV Twv Soyhexa. 7 Ki4I irepieiraTei 6 'Irjaov^ fiera ravra iv rfj TdKCkaia' ov yap rjOeXev iv rff ^lovBaia rrrepiTraTelv, otl i^rjTovv avrov ol ^lov- "2 Bcuoi diroKrelvai. * *Hv Be iyyu^ rj eoprrj rtov 'lovBatcov rj < Lev. xxiii. 3 (TKTjvoTTTjyia. "etTTOi/ ovv TT^o? avrov ol d^eXxfyol avrov, " Mera- „ j^^.j ^r)Oi evTCvOev, Kal viraye ei? t^i' ^lovBaiaVf iva Ka\ ol p^adryral jj^'^^i 3,. 4 GOV 0€(i)pi]av€' i5 paxTov acavrov rat KoafMp** "OvBc yap ol dBeKol avrov iiria- ' Mar. iu.21. 6 revov €t<: ainov. Aeyec ovv avroi- *6. i^i'jrovv avrov iv rfj eoprrj, Kal eXeyov, ** IIov iartv iKelvo^ ;'* 12 ■ Kal yoyyv. 7. T»}9 hbZaxri'i, TTOTCpov e/c rov Seov eanv, ^ iycb am ifjuavrov d V. 41. XaXoj. ^6 acj) iavTOV XaXcov, rrjv Bo^av rrjv IBlav ^Tjrel' 6 Be 18 ir)T(ov rr)v Bo^av rov TrifMyjravro^ avrov, ovto? aXr)9)j<; iart, koI eExod.xx.i; oBiKLa iv avTM ovK GaTLv. ^ ov Mcoa7]5>v>«.f« «\ / * i ,. ^ . Act. vii. 53. ^at OVO€L<; €^ VfKOV TTOtei, TOV VOfJLOV ,' 'rt flC giJTeiTC dirOKTeL- ItxHh]^' ^^^'" s'AireKpiOrj 6 o;^Xo9 koI elire, " AacfMovLov exetr rt? ae 20 et xi. 53; ^r}T€c aTTOKTelvai ,'" ' AireKpiOr) 6 'Ir}aov<; koI elirev avTol^, " "^Ev 21 Matt. xii. 14; „ ,, ^, ^ ,^^ _ ■-,_ Mar. iii. 6. ep>yov G7roL7](7a, tcuL iravT€^ Kplvere Kar 6\jnv, dWd rrjv BcKalav Kpicnv 24 Prov. xxiv. Kpivare." "EXeyov ovv Ttve BtBdaKCOv 6 'Ir]aov/-v /I / ^ / « / / Un o JLpcaro^ orav eXurj, fj,rjn irXeiova o-Tj/xeia rovrcov ttoct)- aei, a)v outo9 iirolfrjo'ev ;" "HKovcrav ol ^apia-alot rov 6')(Xov 32 yoyyv^ovro^ elTrev, 8tc J"* f?'',g €K Tov ver. fti ; et i. 46. 7 P»al. 43 ^ /ia/3lS, 6 XpuTTOft €px€Tai ;** ^XxuTfia ovv iv t^ ^X^V ^^' 44 v€TO hi avrov. rivh S^ rfSeXov ^f avr&v 7nd>»//->•». »»»x \ « «-v/i '• '' ' Mich. V. 2 ; 46 ovO€t * ^ -T * r V , N / lCor.i.20; 49 rcov 9apiv Kpivei c Exod. \v/i »\\»/ >>« / V *»/ xxiu. 1 ; rov avupoyrrov, eav fir) aKovar) Trap avrov irporepov, Kai yvoi) rt, ^ev. xix. is; b^rroiel;" ^^ArreKpiOrjaav Kal cIttov avro), " Mrj Kal av m '^V^^^^^^'l'^. TaXCXaia^ el ; ipevvrjaov Kal the, ort irpo^rjrTp; €K rrj^i FaXi- «'"'"• i*- 63 ^ta9 OVK iyrfyeprai," Kal erropevdj] eKacrrof; eh rov oc«ov Esk. ix'. 1, J; » ^ Matt. iv. 15. Q avrov. 2 *IH^OT^ Se eTropevOrj eh rb 6po6r) /jlovo^; 6 'l7]o-ov ^uaSdo wioir Go- n. 5, 9; ^ndXiv ovv 6 'Irjaov^; avroh iXdXrfce Xeya)v,"*Eya) elfjuc ro 12 et xii. 46, ^o)? rov Kocfiov o aKoXovowv cfjiOL, ov fjbr) irepLTrar'qareL ev rrj aKoria, dXX e^et to ^w? T17? fy)ri ol ^apt- 13 aatoi, " Sv rrepl creavrov fiaprvpeh' rj juaprvpla gov ovk ecrnv K T. 31. dXr^Ori^J' S ^ArreKpiOr) 'It^o-ou? kol ehrev avroh, " Kav iyo) fiap- 14 rvpo) irepl ifiavrov, dXrjOr}^ iariv 77 jxaprvpia fiov on olha TToOev ^Xdov, Kal ttov irrrdyco' vfieh he ovk o'ihare iroOev ep'^p- fiat^ Kol TTOV v7rdr/(o. vfZ6L<; Kara rrjv a-apxa Kpivere' iyo) ov 15 Kplvfo ovheva. Kal iav Kplva) he iyo), 17 Kpi(n vfierepw yey pairrai,, on hvo dvOpwTroyv 77 17 etxix.'is; fiaprvpia (dXifjOr}^ icrnv. iyco elfJLi 6 fiaprvpwv rrepl ifiavrov, Kal 18 Matt, xviii. ^. \ > « f / , ' a ■» jp^ '^ ' '^ . ^ 16 ; 2 Cor. fiaprvpel rrepi e/jLov o irefxyfa^; fie irarrfp. MtXeyov ovv avro), 19 Heb.^'. 28. "-^o^ ianv 6 rrarrjp aov ;" ^AireKpldrj 6 *l7](70v^, " Ovre ifie oiharCf ovre rov irarepa fiov. ^Lifik.'ffh€ire^Kal.,Toi! 7ma:^epq, fjjou.. decides that the passage is undoubtedly au- ^ 6; vfi^^omes. Some say that they wished thentic. to accuse him of exciting rebellion, if he deter- 5. \idoPo\(7(r6ai. Stoning is not specified in mined that she ought to be stoned, because the Levit. XX. 10. which only says, that the parties Jews had not the power of life and death. But shall be put to death. It appears however to be Biscoe thinks they only wished to lead him to alluded to in Ezek. xvi. 38, 40. and stoning is speak in mitigation of the law of Moses, p. 144. mentioned as the punishment for a betrothed See xviii. 31. person in Deut. xxii. 24, A tradition of the 9. hcrrwaa. The reading is probably olcra. Mahometans has been quoted to prove, that 10. ouSefs tre KareKpivtv ; Hath no one exe~ stoning was formerly mentioned in the Penta- cuted the sentence upon thee in the way that I teuch. See notes to Sale's Koran, vol. i. p. 55, proposed? bQ. Philo Judaeus says of a ttSpvi), as \v[xr) oZv 15. oh Kpivoi ovSeua. Jtidico neminem, i. e. Kol ^"n/xia Koi KOLvhv filaa-fjLa /faraAeueV^cu. vol. ii. non testor de me ipso. Raphel. See viii 50. p. 308. He is not speaking of adultery. where Kplvwv is used in the same sens^ K,^.8.] KATA WANNHN. 201 20 rjScire av.*' ' Tavra ra prjfiaTa iXaXtja-ev 6 ^Irjcrov^ iv T(p ja^O' i vii. 8, so. v\aKia), BiBciaKoiv iv to5 tep&)' kcu ovBel^; eiruKrev avrop, on oimta eXijXvdei t) a>pa auroO."*^ «>- lo oi 21 ^EiTrev ovv ndXtv avrot^ 6 *Jiy, vfieU ov hvvaade iXBelv.*' "EXeryov ovv oi ^lovBaloi, " MrjTi, diroKTevel kauroVy ore Xeyei, "Ottov eyw vTrdyo), vfieU ov 23 BvvaaOe iXdetv ;" Kxu elirev avroU, " 'TficK €k rwv Karta € 25 cliu, diroOavelaOe iv rat? dfxapTicu trepX v/jmv XaXelv xal Kpiveiv aW ' vii 28. 6 7r6/i>^a? fi€ aXrfiri^i iart, xdyco & "^Kovaa Trap' avTov, ravra 27 Xeyto €19 rov Koarfwv" Ovk eyvtoaav otc tov waTepa avToU 28 eXeyev. Elirev ovv ainoU 6 *l7)aov<{, " "OTav vyjraxrrjTe tov viov TOV dvOpoyrroVf t6t€ yvtoacaOe oti iyo) elfir Kal dir ifiav- tov ttoku ovBkv, dXXa Kadoy; iBtSa^e fie 6 nraTrjp /xov, Taxna 29 XaX*' ^ AireKpidrjaav avTut, " Sirepfia 'A^padfi iafiev, KoX ovBevl BeSovXevKafiev irdyiroTe' irws (rv Xiyei^f/'OTi iXevOepoc 34 yevtjaeaOe ;" ™ 'AireKplOTj avTo2<; 6 ^IrjRom.vi.i6; '«f ^ t «v. /^«^/> «r / 2Pet. ii. 19. vfuj/y OTC Tra? o ttoiwv Trjv afiapTtav, oovXov\aKiti}. This was in the court of 'Sri, and places only a comma after v/xTy ; from the women. See Mark xii. 41. the fact of my speaking to you at all, because 21. vdXiy. This may be with reference to you do not believe me, / have many things to vii. 33, 34. allege against you. See xii. 48 ; xv. 22. For 23. This is the reason why they could not tV o,px^v signifying omnino, see Palairet The follow him. meaning perhaps is, I am altogether what I have 24. See note at Mark xvi. 16. before told you that I am. 25. T^v apxhv is used for altogether, at all, 35. Compare Heb. iii. 5, 6. and for originally, at first. It is used in the 37. ov x^P^^ ^f' vfuy, non penetrat in vobis. latter sense in Gen. xiii. 4 ; xliii. 18, 20 ; Dan. L. de Dieu. viii. 1. Raphel prefers the former ; he reads 202 ETArrEAION [K€<^. 8. *A^paa/jb r}Te, ra epya rov ^A^paa/j, iiroieiTe av. vvv he ^7}T€It€ 40 fjbe aTroKTelvai, avOpcoiTov o? r-qv akrjOeiav vfuv XeXaXijKa, tjv YjKovaa irapa tov 0€OV' tovto ^A^paafx ovk e7roir)aev. v/j,€L ol ^lovBaloi, " Nvv eyvonKafiev on Batfioviov e^etf^. *A^padfi drredave, Kal ol 7rpo(f>rjrai, Kal av \e7et9, 'Edv n<; rov Xoyov fiov rr^prjOTfj ov firj yevaerao Oavdrov eh tov aloiva. firj 53 av fiei^03v el rov '7rarp6<; rffiwv ^A^padfi, 6an<; direOave ; Kal ol '7rpo(f>rjrat diredavov riva aeavrov av nroieh ;^^ 'AireKplOTf ^Iffaov^, " 'Edv eyft) Bo^d^w efiavrov^ rj Bo^a fxov ovBev eanv 54 eanv 6 Trarrjp fiov 6 Bo^d^wv fie, ov vfieh Xeyere, on 0eo9 vfict)V ian, Kal ovk eyvwKare avrov, eyco Be olBa avrov Kal edv 65 il jud eiTTco on OVK olBa avrov, eaofiat 6fioLo<; vfioyv, ■y^evarrf^ dXX' livx > olBa avrov, Kal rov Xoyov avrov rrjpoj. 'A/3padfi d Trarrjp vfioiv 56 ' t^tti? iMT'tcopvtlas. Origen thinks that the Jews words do not contain the cause, but the proof : meant to reproach Jesus with being born of we may know that the devil did not continue in fornication, ad I. the truth, because there is no truth in him. 42. i^ri\0ou relates to his coming originally L. de Dieu. from God, as being begotten by him : ^kw to Ibid, kox 6 Trarrip avrov. sc. i^euSous. In the his now coming into the world, as sent by him. Syriac there is no ambiguity : the pronoun is See xvi. 28 ; xvii. 8. feminine : he is a liar, and the father of it, i. e. 43. Beza translates it, Quare locutionem istam of a lie. L. de Dieu. meam non agnoscitis, quod non potestis audire ser- 48. I^fiapfirrfs. The Samaritans wauld per- monem meum ? L. de Dieu prefers making the haps have said of the Jews, as Jesus had now second part of the verse an answer to the first : said, that they were not God's people. UKOvfiv is to obey. Compare vii. 17. Aa\ia is 50. ea-riv 6 fV/Taij' Kal Kpivuu. There is one discourse, \6yos, doctrine. that seeketh my glory, and decideth in my 44. The reading is probably e/c tov iran-pSs. favour. See viii. 15. Ibid. Brt OVK eanv aX-fiOeia eV avrcf. These 54. Most MSS. read ©ebs f/fiuv. K..^.8,9.j KATA IflANNHN. 208 i^a\\ui\6v ix yeveri]^, Kai ^pw- 2 rrjaav avrov oi fjLaOrjTal avrov^ \eyovr€<;, " 'Pa^^l, rt? ijfiap- 3 rev, 0VT09, ^ ol yoveU avrov, iva TV(j>X6<; yevvrjOfj ;" ^AireKpiOr] 6 'Ir)aov9 eifit rov ' ' *. »• 6 Koafiov." Tama elircnv, emrva-e 'xcifuu, xal eTrolrjae tttjXov €K et xij. 35, 46. rov rrrwTfjLaro^, koI hr€)(pur€ rov mjXov irrl tow 60a\/xovf; 7 rov rxHt)\ov, Kal ehrev avr^, " "TTraye, viyfrai el<; rrjv KoXv/xjS^- Opav rov StXttydfi'" h epfirjveverat, ane(Tra\pAvo<;. aTnjXdev ovv Kal evly^ro, Kal ^X6e pXewoav, 8 Oi ovv yeirove^ Kal oi detopovvre; avrov ro rrporepov ore rvX6^ai>. drreXBtav Be Kal 12 vt,ylrdfxevo<; dve^Xey^a.'* Elrrov ovv avra>, " JJov eanv eKei- ^ vo. 9. he ard^^arov, ore rov Trrfkov eiroiTjaev 6 ^Ir)aov<^, koI dvecp^ev avTov TOW? 6(f)0aXfMOv6a\fiov<; fiov, koX iviy^dfjL7]Vy koX ftXeira)" "EXeyov 16 . ovv €K T(op ^apLo-aiwvTLvh, *' OvTo hvvarai dv6p(07ro<; dfjLapT(oXb<; roiavra arj^iela iroielv ; " Kal 9aX/jLov<; ;" 'O Be elirevy ""On 7rpo(f)7]rr}<; earlv" Ovk eiriaTevaav ovv ol'Iov- is Baioi Trepl avrov, ort rv(pXo'i rjv Kal dve^Xeylrev, eco<; orov eX6<; iyevvrjOr}' 'ttco^ Be vvv ^IXeireu, ovk 21 oXBafiev rj rt? ijvoi^ev avrov tou? 6(f)6aX/Jiov<;, rifiel^; ovk oXBajiev avro^ rjXiKLav e^eu' avrov eparija-are, avr6ea\fiois. ye do not know whence this man is, when he hath 22. aTroa-vudyoyyos. Either deprived of the been able to open my eyes. It is plain, that a, common advantages of society, or prohibited from man who can do this must be from God. entering the synagogues. K*.^ 9, 10] KATA inANNHN. 205 35 BthdaK€i^ rjfidq ;" Koi efe/9aXoi/ avrov efo). "HKovaev 6 *!?;- " i»; rj\jdov, iva 01 fX7j ^errovre^ ^eiraxn, Kal oi pKe'irovre<; TVff>kol ° 40 yevcovrat." Kal rjKOva-av ck rS>v ^apiaraicov ravra ol 6vr€\ol rjre, ovk &v eix^re dfutpriav' vvv 8e Xeyere/'Ort fiXeTro/xev' rj ovv dfiapria vp,oiv fievei. 10 " 'AMHN, dfirjv, Xeyeo vp.lv, 6 fif) el aKoXovOei, 6 on oiSaai rrjv (ftcovrjv avrot). dWorpi^ B^ ov firj aKoXovOijcrtoaLV, dWd ^v^ovrai air avrov' 6ri ovk olBaai rwv dXKorpitov rr)v 6 ^wvrjv" TavTfjv rrjv irapoip.uw elirev avroh 6 ^Irjaov^' iioelvoi Be OVK eyvcMTav rlva ^v d ekdXeL avrol^, 7 Elrrev ovv irdXiv avrolf; 6 'Irjaoik, ^* ^Ap,rjv, dfxrjv, XAyto v/uv, 8 ort iyco elp^i r) 6vpa rSiv Trpo^drayv. rrdvre elp.1 r) dvpa' BC ep.ov edv rL<; ela-eXOrj, acoOi]' 10 aerat, koX e'ureXevorerai Kal i^eXevaerat, Kal vop,r)v evprfaei,. 6 KXeirrTf^ ovk epyerai el firj Xva kXA^^ Kal dvarj Kal aTToXiar)' 11 iycD rjXOov Xva ^corjv ej^axrt, Kal irepta-aov e^aycnv. '*Ey(o elp.0 » Esa.xi. ii; o TToipLTjv o KaXo^' o TTOifXTjv o /ca\o9 rrjv y^x^^ avrov riurjcnv ^xxiv. 23 ; 12 vrrep rwv rrpo/Sdrcov. 6 /Jiia6wr6<; Be, Kal ovk cjv irotp.rjv, ov ovk ®* **''^''' 2'** eial rd rrpo^ara iBia, Oeoipel rov Xvkov ep^op^evov, koX d<^i7)crv rd irpo^ara, Kal ^evyev Kal 6 XvKo^i dprrdi^et avrd, koi aKop- 13 TTi^ei rd Trpo^ara. 6 Be p,ia6cor6(; (f^evycL, ore ptaOcoro^ earCf 14 Kal ov p,€XeL avru> rrepl rwv irpo^drwv. iyco eip^t 6 iroip^yv 6 /caXo9' Kal yivcocTKoy rd epA, Kal yvvdiOKopiat viro ru)v ep^wv, 15 KadoDho See Acts v. 36, &c. Wljitby. The words irph see the truth, and those who do not. i/xov are wanting in many MSS. 41. If ye had been really blind, and could not 14, 15. The members of this sentence, if have seen this miracle, ye would not have been properly disposed, would be as follow: yivdffKU guilty in denying it. Eisner, Clarke. ' tA ifia, Kadws yivaaKca rhu irarepa- /cat yivitxr- Chap. X. 6. irapoi/xiav is opposed to vap' KOfUii inrh rwv ifiuy, Ka0ci>s yivdxTKfi /i« i pr\ai(f in xvi. 25, 29. irarijp. 206 ETATTEAION \K.,p. lo. » Ezech. TTiv '^rvv'^v fiov rlOrjfjLt vTTeo Twv TTpo/Sdrcov. * Kal aXXa ttoo- 16 xxxvii. 22. ^ „ A , V , ,, ,^ ^ , , « , 5> « para e)(co, a ovk earcv eK t?;? avXr]<; ravrr)^' KUKeiva fie bei ayayelv, Kal rrj^ ^(Ovrj<; fjLov aKovcrovcrt' koI yevrjaeTai fila TToi/JLvrj, eh iroifxriv. Bta tovto 6 rrarijp /jue ay air a^ on iyo) 17 Tidrj/jLL Tr)v "^vx^v fiov, Xva iraKiv Xd^co avrrjv. ovheh alpei 18 avTTjv dir efJbOVy a)OC eyo) rlOrj/jbi, avrrjv anr ifiavrov. e^ovcriav ej^ft) Oelvai avrrjv, Kal e^ovalav e^co irakiv \a^elv avT'qv. rav- rrjv rrjv euroXrjv eXa^ov irapd tov 7rarp6Xaa-(^ifiia(i, Kal on cv, dvOpanro^i ojv, iroceh aeavrov i Psal.ixxxii. Qeov" * ^ AireKpldrf avroh 6 ^Irjaov^, " Ovk ean yey pafifievov 34 ev Tft) vofiw vfiwv, * ^Eycb ecTra, Oeoi eare ; ' el exelvov^ eiire 35 deov^iy 7r/309 01)9 o \6y09 rov ©eov eyevero, Kal ov Bvvarai XvOrj- 22. Tck iyKalvicu This feast was instituted 25. Elirov. 1 have said to you before, that my by Judas Maccabeus, when the temple was works &c. See v. 36. purified from the profanation of Antiochus 33. -Koms creavrhu ©eSy. This shews in what Epiphanes. 1 Mace. iv. 59 ; Josephus, Antiq. sense the Jews understood those words, / and xii. 7. 7. It continued eight days from the the Father are one, ver. 30. and the phrase, Son twenty-fifth day of the month Casleu, which of God : see ver. 36. fell about the middle of December. See Wolfius. 34. v6yL{f is here used for all the scriptures, 23. For Solomon's porch see Josephus, .<^« T ' T' /u \ /^ » : Matt.xxvi.7; aKeiy^aaa top /cvpiov fivptp^ iccu etcfia^cura tov<; irooa6S)iXo<; rjfiwp KeKOifir/Tai' dXXd 12 TTopevofuu ipa e^vrrpiaw ainop" EIttop ovp oi fiaOrjTal airrov, 13 *' KvpLe, el KeKoifjLrjTcu, aoyOijaeTCU.'^ Elp^Kei Be 6 ^iTjaov'i irepl TOV dapdTov avrov' eKeiPoi Be eBo^ap otl irepl t^9 koI' 14 /itjo-eo)? TOV vTTPov Xeyei. tot6 ovp elrrrep aurot? 6 ^Irjaov^; irup- 15 pn^uiy '* Adi^apof; diredape' Kal %atpo) BC vfia ^0^" DNn> g^' see note at i. 45. and also Luke x. 38. mellos parere. * 2. aXiiy^ouTou This anointing is mentioned 208 EYAITEAION [k^,^. ii. /la?, 6 Xeyofievo'^ Aihviio^;, rol^ arv/jb/jia07]Tal<;j ""Aycofiev koX r}fjL€L6<; /xov ovk dv eredv^Ket. dWd Kal 22 vvv olBa on oaa dv alr'^arf rov Gebv, Bcoaei aoi 6 Qeo'^J" Aeyec 23 ' V- 29 avrfj 6 'Ir}(Tov<;, ** ^ Avaanjaerai 6 dBeXcffO*; aov." ^Aeyet avTw 24 Mdpda, " OlBa on dvaarrjaerai, ev rfj dvaardaet ev rf} e(T')(dTrj r^jxepa," Ehrev avrfj 6 ^Ir]arov" vi. 35. '^ ^Q)/^. o TTcarevcov et? i/xe, Kav diroOdvr), ^^crerat' "^xal Tra? 6 2G fft)P Kal TTLcrreixov eh ifjue, ov fir) drroOdvr) ek rov alwva. marev- niv. 42; et9 TOVTo;" ^ AeTfei avra>, " Nal, Kvpte' eyco 'jreirla-revKa, on 27 etvi. 69; \ -9 < -v \ » r\ « /C» « ' ' ^ ' ' ' a Matt.xvi.i6. o^v ^t Api6? elBev avrrjv KXalov- 33 aav, Kal rov<; avveXd6vra<; avrfj ^lovBalov^; KXalovraXov, TTOLrjaat Xva Kal ovror} rov riOvrfKoro^ McipOa, " Kvpie, rjBr] 8^€i' Terapraio^ 40 yap €Ta elirov, ha iriaTevacoaLV on er€ inrdyeiv** 46 TloXXoX ovv ix riov 'lovBaieov ol i\66vr€^ irpb^ rijv Maplav, Ka\ $€au)p.€V avrov ovreo, rrdvre^ ^°" *""' ^* irurrevaovciv eh avrov Kal iXevaovrai ol 'Pcofuuot, Kal dpov- i^t 49 at-v t)fMi)V Kal rov rorrov Koi rb €0voa dvOpcDiro'i diroOdvrj irrrep rov Xaov, Kai firj oXov ro 51 edvo^ diroXrjraL." Tovro Be dcf) eavrov ovk elirev, dXXd dp^i^e- pevs ci)v rov eviavrov CKeivov, 7rpoer)revaev on, tfieXXev 6 'Irj- 52 aov^ cnroOvijaKeiv irrrep rov €6vov<;, Kal oir^ vrrep rov e6vov. ^ 'H ovv Mapla 3 Xa^ovcra Xlrpav fivpov vdpSov ina-TLKrj^ Trokvri/jbov, ijXeiyp'e Tov<; TToSa? Tov ^Irjaov, kol i^e/Jia^e Talvo<; 'laKapico- 4 T^?, 6 fjbiXXoyv avrov irapaZiBovai, ^' Atari rovro ro fxvpov ovk 5 t xia. 29. iirpdOr] rpiaKoaicov Brjvaplcov, Kal iBodr) tttco'^ol'^ ;'* ^Elire Be Q rovTO, ov'^ ore irepl rodv rrron'^wv e/neXev avrS, dXX on KXeirrrj'i rjv, Kal ro yXwa-a-oKO/juov el')(e, Kal rd /BaXXofMeva e^dara^ev. elirev o^v 6 ^Irjcrov'^, ""■^(jbe? avrrjv et? rr)v rj/juepav rod evra- 7 u Dent. XV. Laa/jiov fiov rer^pTjKev avro. " rov<; tttw^^ou? yap rrdvrore 8 11 ; Matt. >' zi' » '^ > \ 5> V > / v »j xxvi. 1 1 • ^X^'^^ t^^" ^^^^^V) ^M "^ ®^ TravTore eyere. Mar. xiv. 7, "Eyvco OVV o')(Xo<; TToXv? €K rwv ^lovBalcov ore eKei earo' Kal 9 rjXdov ov Bed rov ^Irjaovv fiovov, dXX Lva Kal rbv Ad^apov IBcoaiv, ov Tjyeipev eK veKpMv. i^ovXevcravro Be ol dp')(iepel^, Xva 10 Koi rov Ad^apov diroKreivoiaiV on ttoXXoI Bl avrov virrjyov H rmv ^lovBaiMV, Kal eTriarevov et? rov ^Iijaovv. » Matt. ^ Tfj iiravpLov 6)(Xo<; ttoXu? 6 eXOwv et? rrjv eoprrjv, aKovaav- 12 Mar.^xi. 7- '^^^ ^'^'' fyx^"^^^ ^ 'I^cToi)? et? ' IcpoaoXv/jLa, yeXa^ov rd ^ata rwv 13 Lu. xix. 35. (j)oi,viKcov, Kal e^rjXOov et? VTrdvrrjo-iv avrw, Kal eKpa^ov, '^ 'f2- 7 Psal.cxviii. / >> / f > / ' ' ' ' r^ ' ' /O % > 25, 26. aavva' evXoyrifjLevo<^ o ep')(Ofjbevo<; ev ovofian Kvpiov, o pacnXev<; rov ^Iapai]X." Evpcbv Be 6 'Ir)(Tov<; ovdptov, eKdOicrev eir avro, 14 « Zach. ix. 9. «a^(w? eVrt yey papLjJLevov, ' ^ Mrj (f)o^ov, Ovyarep ^lmv IBov, 6 15 ^acnXeix; gov ep')(eraL, Ka6ijfievo yey pafiixeva, Kal ravra eTTolrjaav avrS. epLaprvpei ovv 6 6^o<^ 6 mv fier av- 17 rov, ore rov Ad^apov ecficovrja-ev eK rov fjuvrj/jueiov, Kal ijyeopev Chap. XII. 1. Trph t^ rj/xepwu rov Trdaxa. 9. The multitude probably did not come on So in Amos i. 1. irph bio irwv rov areia-fiov. the evening of the arrival of Jesus, but the day See also 2 Mac. xv. 36. S. John meant Sa- after, i.e. Sunday. Greswell. turday. 10. ifiovXevaavro, determined. Grotius, Pa- 2. SeTvvov. It was in the house of Simon lairet. the leper. Matt. xxvi. 6. He may have been 12. Tfj inavpiov. If the remark at ver. 9. is the father of Judas Iscariot. See ver. 4. and correct, this was not Sunday, as is commonly vi. 71. supposed, but Monday. 3. \irpau, from the Latin lihram. 15. John appears to quote this from memory. 6. i$d(Tra^€v. Huetius explains this to be, See note at Matt. xxi. 5. auferebat, furahatur, as at xx. 15. Not. in 16. The disciples did not understand these Origen. vol. iii. p. 490, 491. This is supported prophecies the first time, i. e. when their ful- by Krebsius, Eisner, Deylingius : but opposed filment was first offered to them ; but after- by Abreschius, p. 535, who interprets ^aard^eiy, wards &c. tractare, administrare. K*4>. 12] RATA IflANNHN. 211 18 avTov eK v€Kpa)P' 6ia tovto kol vTnjvTtjaev avr^ 6 o)(\oepev, *6 ^CK/ap Tr)p A/ri/^^^i; • Matt.x.3»; avTOv, a-TToXeaei avrrjp' Kai o fiiacjp ttjp yvxnv avTov ep t^) Mar. viii. 35 ; 26 KoafKp TovT(pj el^ ^coijp ala>piop vXd^€i avTTi)P. ^ edp €/jloI Bia- et xvii. 33.' Kopij Tt9, €uol oKoXovdeiTW KoX OTTOV elfil €70), €K€l Kol 6 Bid- ''»'^:.*; KOPO<: o €fio^ eaTai' Kat, eap rt? e/tot oiOKOprj, TifirjaeL avTOP o i Thew. iv. irarrip. 27 " NifP f) "^i/XV y^^ TeTdpaKTav KaX tL eliroi ; Trarep, awaop fie €K T^9 &>/3a9 TavTT}';. dXXd Bid tovto rjXdop et? Tr]p u)pap 28 Tovrqv* iraTep, Bo^acop aov to opofia" ''HXdep ovp ^vvp KpiaL<; '.^ ^*™* €v. See xiv. 30; xvi. 11; 2 Cor. ing, when all persons will desire to see me ; but iv. 4 ; Eph. ii. 2. it will not be till after my death. 32. This is a prediction of the conversion of 25. Having mentioned his own death, he the world to Christianity, which would neces- takes the opportunity of preparing his disciples sarily cause the power of Satan to end. for similar sufferings. 34. p6hov. See note at x. 34. 27. tI fXira ; Irenaeus adds, ovk oTSa. i. 8. 2. Ibid. If we compare this with ver. 32, it Ibid. awd. A thanasius reads 'A)8j8a. p, 1195. seems plain that the Jews knew that Jesus 28. So^aaov. These are words of resignation : called hijnself the Son of Man, and that they Cause thy name to be glorified in any manner that understood the Son of Man to mean Christ, seemcth good to thee. (See note at Matt. viii. 20.) They now ask, Ibid. KaX iSS^aaa. I have caused my name what Jesus meant by calling himself the Son to be glorified by my former dispensations, and of Man, if he was not the Messiah ; and they mw I shall do so again by thy death. See xiii. thought that he could not be the Messiah, be- 31. cause he spoke of his being taken away p2 212 ETAITEAION [k.<^. 12, is. av Xeyec;, "On hel vyjrcoOrjvac top vlov rod avOpcoirov ; rt? iariv '1.9. 0UT09 6 1^/09 rod avOpoonrov ;'' ^Klrrev ovv avrol^ 6 ^Irjcrov^, 35 " "En fiiKpov 'y^povov ro ^w? fxeO'' vficov eari. TrepLirarelre ew^ TO (j)6)(oyo^ 'Haatov rod Trpocbnrov ttX-w- 38 Rom. X. 16. <3. A 9 ,Kr/ / , , „ , „ % ^' ,\ pcoar), ov eurre, Kvpie, Tt9 einareva-e ry aKorj rj/noiv ; /cau o /3pa)(^LCi)v KvpLOv rlvL direKaXvcjidr} ;' Aid rovro ovk rjBvvavro 3d h Esa. vi. 9; TTLarevetv, orL rrdXiv elirev 'Haata^, ' ^ TervcbXcoKev avrcov rov<; 40 Matt.xiii.l4 ; 5 j /) ^ \ \ / > r, \ ^/ r/ v „ry Mar. iv. 12; o(pcfaA./jLov9 lBiov Kocr^tf), et? TeX.O'j ijyd'irr)' 2 (T€u avTOis. KoX BeiTTvov yevofievov, rod Bui/SoXou ^Brj /8e/?\r;- /coTo? et? T7;i/ Kaphiav *IovBa Si/x(i)vo<; 'laKupKOTOv, I'va avrov 3 vapaBo}, ^elBay; 6 ^Irjaovf;, ort irdvTa BeBcoKeif avT(p 6 irarrjp et? p iii. ss; Ta? ^€lpa<;, kuI oti diro Seov i^XOe koI 7r/)o? toi/ Seov vTrdyei, MaTt! xxviii. 4 iy€lp€Tai €K TOV BCLTTPOV, KoX TiOrj(TL TO. l/xdria, KOL Xa/SoDV ^^' 5 XevTiov, Bie^(o, " "O iyo) ttolw, aif ovk olBaf; 8 dpTi, yvdxrrj Be fierd rairra." Aeyec auToS Uerpofi, ** Ov firj viyjrrjf; Tot«? TroSa? fwv €t9 top aitavcu'* ^AireKpidr) avrat 6 9 ^Irjaoik, " ^Edu fir) viyjrcj elX€re dXX^Xojp viir- 15 T€LP rov<; TToSa?. vir6Beuyp,a yap eBcoKa v/juv, Xva KadQ)v C-^-v '1* « ' >«>5>\>^-. Matt. X. 24 ; ovK eoTi oovXo vfjulp, 'O XafM^dvcop idp rtz/a " Matt. x.40. 2. Sfiirvov yevofifvov. When the supper had body, but only their feet, for this was the only taken place : not when it was over ; for it part which required washing : He that has bathed was resumed afterwards: see ver. 12. The himself has no need of washing himseff again, ex- same is implied in iyeipercu ix tov Seiirvov, cept his feet. He wished Peter to understand, in ver. 4. that he did not do this merely as an ordinary 4. TO. l/xaTia, probably not all his clothes, but washing, but to give them a lesson of hu- the pallium and siola : the tunica may have re- mility. maiued. See xxi. 7; Matt. v. 40 ; Mark xiv, 11. rhv irapadiSdvTa avrSu. Him that was 52. Ta IfitxTia is used for an outer garment, or betraying him, i. e. seeking or meditating to cloak, in Mark xv. 20. betray him. 10. Peter had asked Jesus to wash his hands 18. 'O rpwywu k. t. A. In the LXX, 6 and his head as well as his feet: Jesus tells him iaBlwv Uprovs p.ov ip.eyd\wn/ iir' ifis vnp- that it was not his intention to wash their whole vi 6 ^Irjaov'^, '^ '^O iroieh, iroirjaov rd^t'OV." Tovro Be ovBeh eyvco rcjv dva- 28 « xii. 6. Keipbkvwv TTpb'i rl elirev avrat. ^nvh yap eBoKovv, eirel rb yXaya- 29 aoKO/jLov elx^v 6 ^IovBa<;, on Xeyet avrm 6 'Ir), Kal 6 32 • vu. 34 ; 0eb<; BoPdaei avrbv iv eavra>, Kal €v6v<; BoPdaei avrov. ^TeKvla, 33 en fxiKpov fieu vfJiO)V eijJUL grjrrjcrere fie, Kai Kauco^ enrov rot? ^lovBaloi^;, "On oirov xnrdyo) eyo), vfieh ov BvvaaOe ekOelv, xal bxv. 12; vfjLLv Xeyco dpn. ^ivroXrjv KaiV7)V BlBcofit vfUV, ha arfairare ZA: Lev. xix. 18; >^ ^ /.. /) v ' / f ^ r/ \ r « j r- >^-n / Matt.xxii 39; aXXr)Xov^' Kau(o<; TiyaiTTjcra v/Jba<;, iva Kai v/jieL<; ayairare oXXt]- Jac.u 8-' ^ou?. iv rovro) yvdxTOvrat 7rdvre<; on ifiol /jLaOrjral icrre, iav 35 }^J^J'-}:.^^'\dryd7r7}v e')(7]re iv aXXrjXofc?." '^Aeyet, avrw ^ljjlcov Uerpo^, 36 et w. 16, 21. " Kvpte, irov V7rdye(, / / aTrapvrjay jie rpi^. "Mr) rapa(7(Teada> v/jlmv 17 KapBla' mar ever e eh rbv Sebv, 14 Kcu eh ifie marevere. iv ry oIkUi rov 7rarpb<; /jlov fiovau iroXXat 2 21. irapoixOv- See xi. 33. Judseiis speaks of a person, iroWdKis Se Kai 23. els. S. John himself. He must have iiriKKiuas irphs ols, 'Iva fx^ KardKovol tis erepos, been on the right hand of our Saviour, for it rjc^xv ^ai irpdws ivovOhfi. vol. ii. p. 552. The was ordered that each person should lie on his answer of Jesus was alike inaudible to the rest, left side. Thes. Crit. Sacr. pt. i. p. 197. *0i/ 28. ov^eh iyvw. Because they had not heard •^7a7ra,/or whom he had a particular affection. what Jesus said to John. 25. Most MSS. read ovrws after ^kuvos. See 30. ore oZv i^ri\ef. OZp is probably an in- note at iv. 6. terpolation, or else these words should be con- Ibid. \fyii avT^. This was said in a low nected with what follows, tone, so as not to be heard by tlie rest. Philo Chap. XIV. 2. fioml iroWai This was Ke^. 14.J KATA IflANNHN, 215 elaiir el he firj, elirov Ai/ vfilv. Ilopevo/MU eroifuiaai r&jrov 8 vfiw. ^KoX iav TTopevOo) koX eroi/xdao) v/xIp tottov, iraKiv €p')(o- ' ^er. 18; fxai KoX rrapaXi'jyjro/xai vfid^; 7rp6 , t \ ' / Mar. xi. 24. ep TO) opofiaTL fjiov, eyco Troirja-a). J° " ^Edp dyaircLTe fie, Ta'i €PToXd<; Ta^ e/xa? TrjptjaaTe. Kal eyio ep<0TT]i]a(o v/jLas 6p(j>apov 7ronjao/jL€v. 6 fir] ayaircov fie, rou? \6yov<; 24 /jLov ov TTjpel' Kal 6 X6709, ov aKovere, ovk eariv e'yao?, aXka rov irefJ/y^ravTO'^ fie irarpof;. Tama XeXaXrjKa vfuv Trap vfilv fievcov 25 h XV, 26, ^6 Be TrapciKXrjTO^, to irvevfia to op/lop, b irefiy^ret, 6 irarr^p ev tc3 26 et xvi. 7;,, , ?« t r. ^ ^ / y. / vr , r/ Lu. xxiv. 49. ovofxan fjbov, eKeivoi\eop avrov. vfieU ^tXot fiov eVre, idp Trot^re 1j oaa €y(o ivr^Wofiat. vfiiv. ovKeri vfid^i Xeyo) Bov\ov<;, otl 6 Bov- , \o9 ovK olBe ri iroiel avrov 6 Kvpiovc. N /I / Mutt, xxiv.9. iroLrfaovcLP vfitp bia ro opofia fiov, otl ovk oibaaL rov Tre/XYavra 22 fie. * el fiT} ^Xdop KOL eXdXrja-a avroh, dfiapriap ovk dxop' pvp xix.ai. 23 Be 7rp6a(TLP ovk e^ovaL irepl rrj^ dfiapria<; avrdv. 6 ep>e /jllo-oov, 24 Kal TOP irarepa fiov /xL« Mar. H. 19; ravra XeXaXrjKa vfiLP, iva orap eXurj rj oypa, fiprjfiopevrjre avrojv, lu. v. 34. OTL iyo) elirop vfitv ravra Be vfiLP e^ dp)(rj '/) ' V -V ^ ' ' j.' ' '>>>.'.' u/^a? et? TTacrav ttjv aXrjtfeLav ou yap XaXrjcreL acp eavTov, aXX oaa dv dKovay XaXr^cret, Kal tu ep)(o/jbeva dvayyeXel v/jllv. eKelvo<; 14 ' xvii. 10. ^^^ ho^daet, OTL €K Tov i/Jbov Xriy\reTai, Kal dvayyeXel vfilv. ^TrdvTa 15 oaa e)(jEi 6 TraTrjp, e/jA ecrTC hid tovto elTrov, otl e/c tov efiov XrjyjreTaL, Kal dvayyeXel vfuv. MiKpov Kal ou decopelTe /xe, Kal 16 ttoKlv fJLLKpbv Kal oyjrea-Oe /le, on eyuj virdyw Trpb<; tov TraTepa.*' EIttov oi)v eK TMV fiaOrjTcov auToO Trpo? aWTJXoy?, " Tl ei\i]KaT€, koI ireiruTTevKaTe on iyo) irapa tov 28 Seov i^)\6ov. €^}\6ov irapa tov Trar^o?, KaX iKrjKvda €t9 TOV Koa/Mov ttoXlv a<^lrjiJLi. Toi/ KoapLOVy KaX iropevopM, irpo^i TOV iraTepa." 29 Aeyovaiv airrm ol fiadfjTaX ainov, " "ISe, vvv Trapprjaia \a\6t9, 30 Kol irapoifilav ovhep.iav 7tJy€i,\vc» \ > \ > 'J** v» »\' rf t \ xxvi. 31 1 e*9 TCL loia, Kai €pL€ fiovov a«>€./ / y r/ -^ A p. /p. > « Matt, xxviii. €Oa>Ka<: avTw e^ovaiav iraxrq^ crapKO^;^ iva irav teowKa^ avTO), le. 3 BoxTr) avTOL<; ^wrjv auovLov. avTTj Be ioTiv 17 aluiVLo^ fyyt], Xva yt,vco}9* to epyov eVe- 6 Xeicoaa, o Se8a»ca9 p^L Xva ttol^o-o)' KaX vvv Bo^aaov p^e aVy irdTCp, irapd aeavrw, ttj B6^ ff el)(ov irpo tov tov. KoapLov eivat 6 irapd aoL ^EcfMvepcoa-d aov to 6vop,a Tot9 dv9p(07roL<;, 01)9 SiBo)- Kd. Knatchbull points it koX similar construction in vi. 39. Here it means, ov, \eyci} iifuv, oti rycb k. t. \. It perhaps tva iraaiv, ots SeScaKas avr^j, Scixrr) ^wijv ai Koafiw, Xva e^cocrt rr/v x^P^^ '^V^ e/irjv TreTTXrjpco/jLevTjv ev avroi,^, eyct) BeScoKa avTol<; rov \6yov aov, Kal 6 koct/jlo*; efii- 14 arja-ev avTov<;, on ovk elaXv Ik tov Koa-fiov, Ka6(o<; ejo) ovk elfil ex rov KOdfiov. ovk epoora) Xva aprj^ avTOV<; m rov Koa/iov, aXV 15 Xva rr)p7Jarj<; avrov<; €k rov Trovrjpov. e'/c rov Koo-fiov ovk elal, I6 Ka6o)<; €7ft> eK rov Koa/xov ovk el/jUL. aytaaov avrov^ ev rfj aXr}- 17 Oeia aov 6 Xoyo^ 6 ao<; aXr^Oetd eari. KaOco'i ifie direareiXa^; is eh rov Koa/j^ov, kcljo) direareCka avrov<^ et? rov Koa/xov Kal 19 virep avrcdv eyu) cuyid^o) e/jbavrov, Xva Kal avrol oiatv rjyiaa/jbevoc ev dXrjOeia. Ov irepl rovrcov Be epwro) /jlovov, dWd koI irepX 20 q X. 38; r(hv TTLarevaovrcov Bid rov \6yov avrcov et? i/jue' ^ Xva 7rdvre<; ez/ 21 i/oh.i. 3; <^^^' ica0(b<; av, Trdrep, ev ifiol, Koryo) ev aol, Xva Kal avrol iv rifMtv ev (oaiv iva Koa/juo'^ inarevarj on av /xe aTrecrretAa?. Kat 22 iyo) rrjv Bo^av rjv BeB « Lu. xxii. 39 ; Tvepav rov ^eifiappov ro)V KeBpcov, birov rjv Krjrro<^, et? ov eiarjX- 23. Oev avro^ Kal ol fiaOrfral avrov. fjBei Be Kal ^IovBa<;, 6 irapa- 2 ' ^.*"-. BiBov^ avrov, rov rorrov on rroXXdKi^ avvrj'yP'r] 6 'Ir]aov<; eKel Mar. xiv. 43; fierd r(bv fiadrjrcbv avrov. ^6 ovv 'IovBa<; Xa^wv rrjv arrelpav, 3 Lu. xxii. 47; x , ^ , , s -j- / r / v > « Act. i. 16. KaL eK rcov ap'^t'^pewv Kai ^aptaaicov V7r7]pera<;, epy^erac e/cet 11. oris. Most MSS. read ^. Chap. XVIII. 1. UpoaereraKTo Se avTols 11, 12. avTovs. Judas was not included in e| a-jrexouras rwp 'lepocToKvfxwv arahiovs CTpa- this prayer, for he was already gone out, xiii. ToireSevcracTdai Kara t6 ^EXaiwu Ka\ov/j.evuv opos, 30. t T7J Tr6\€i irphs auaroXiju avTiK^irai, /xear] ((xi- 12. vibs ttTTwAe/os. See note at 2 Thess. ii. 3. ^0774 ^aOeia Sieipyo/xeuov, ^ K^Spuv wvd^xaaTai. 17. ayiacTov avrous iv t§ a.Ki)Qiia aov. Con- Joseph, vol. ii. p. 321. He also speaks of gar- xecrate them to the preaching of thy word. dens at the foot of the mount of Olives. lb. p. 1 9. / devote myself for them, that they also 324. John perhaps wrote tov KeSpajv, which is may be devoted to preaching the truth. the reading of many MSS. The brook was not 20. 'in(rT€V(r6vTwv. Most MSS. read iriaTev- named from cedars, but from darkness. 6yTuv. 2. TToWdKis. See Luke xxi. 37. K.apeoi' koI XafiTraSmv koI ottXcdv. ^Irjcroik ovv eiSo)? truvTa ra €p-)(o/x€pa eV aurov, i^€\6(ov elirev atrot?, " Tiva 5 ^rjrelTe ;" 'ATrcKpiOrjaap ainio, " 'Irjaovv top Na^copaiop," Aiyei avroU 6 ^Irj BovXfi) MdKxo^. etTrep ovp 6 'Irjaotk t^ IleTpfj), " BdXe rrjp p.dyaipdp aov el<: rrjp Orficr^p. ro iroTijpiop h BeBcoKe fiot 6 TraTrjp, ov /jlt} frioi avTo ;" 12 * 'H OVP (nrelpa Kal 6 ')(LXlap')(o<; koX ol xnrqperat, tmp ^Iov- * Matt. 13 Baicop avpeXafiop top ^IrjcrovP, Koi eBrjaap avrop, ^kol aTr^wyop Marlxiv'ss; avrop 7rpo9 ''Awav Trpwror ^p ydp TrepOepo^ tov Ka'Lda et? ro Trpat- 28 rcopLov. rjv Be rrpoata' Kal avrol ovk elcrrjXOov et? ro ir pair cap iov, Lva fJLT} fiLavOcociVj aXX' iva ^dr/coat rb 7ravpovp irepie^aXop av- 3 TOPf Kal eXeyop, '* Xcupe, 6 fia^iXev^ twi/ 'lovBaioyp'" Kal iBc- 4 Bovp avT^ pairiafiaTa. ^E^Xdep otfp frdXip efo) 6 IIiXdTo<;, Kal X€76t avToU, *' "IBe, dycD vfilp ainop efapop, Kal to 'irop(l)vpovp IpATiop. Kal Xeyet 6 avToh, " "IBe, 6 dpOpwTTo^." "Otc ovp elBop avrop ol dp')(^Lepelo- 9 ^7]dr], Kal elaifSJOev eh to irpaiTaypLOP irdXip, Kal Xeyet tm ^Irj- aov, "Uodep el av;" 'O Be ^lijaov^ diroKpUTip ovk eBcoKep avTw. 10 Xk^ei OVP avTe, 'O ^acn- Xev? T(ov ^lovBaiwv dXX! otl eKelvo<^ elire, BaaLXev<; eljxi tmv 'lovBalcov." 'AireKpldr] 6 TliXdTOa, yeypa^a." 22 1 Matt. iQl Q^p (TTpaTLWTat,, 0T6 iaTavpcoaav tov 'Irjaovv, eXa^ov to, 23 Mar. XV. 24 ; l/jbdTLa avTOV, [kol eTToirjaav Tecrorapa f^eprj, eKdaTtp cTTpaTUOTr} /jLepo<;,) Kai tov ')(iTwva. rjv be o ')(^lt(ov appa TOV ^Irjcrov r} fiyTTjp avTov, kol r] dBeX7], 20 Xeyeif " Jt>/rft>." ° SK€voaXi)Vj TrapeBcoKe to Trvevfia. 31 01 ovv ^lovBaloi, 7va firj p-eivrj iirl rov aravpov rd aiofiara €v Tft) aa^fiuTfp, errel irapcuTKeur) ^v {^v yap fxeydXrj rj ^/xepa ixeivov Tou (Ta^^drov) i^p(OTT)a-av rov HtXdrov, ii'a Kareaycbaiv 32 auTU)V rd a-KeXrj, Kal apdaxriv. rjXOov ovv 01 arparicoTai, Kal Tov fj.€v TTpwTov KaTca^av rd aKeXtj Kal rov dXXov rod avcnav- 3,s pTj TrXrjpayOfj, ''Oarovv ov •*. ?""'*• 37 Gvvrpi^rjirerai avrov.* ^Kal irdXt.v erepa ypa(f>T] Xeyei, '"Oyjrov- N"in. i'x. 12. rat 619 ov e^€K€vrijaav.* n^Zach. xu. 38 ■■ MET A Be ravra i)p(i)Ti)• xii. 42 ; it Ck ' *■ a ^ '^'T " ' C-v^xv Matt, xxvii. ApiiJLauaia6^ov rMv 'lovBaMV, 7va dprj ro aoifia rov ^Irjaov' Kal eir- ^u ^^V 50 erpeyjrev 6 niXdro<;. rjXOev ovv Kal rjpe ro aM/ia rov 'Ir^aov. 8iJ *^X9e Be Kal NiK6Br)fjio<;, 6 iXdoDV 7r/)09 rbv ^Itjctovv vvKro^ ro • iii. 1. rrptaroVy ep(ov fiiyjia (T/jLvpvr}<; Kal dXorji; d)ael Xirpa^; eKarov. 40 eXa^ov ovv ro id^€LV. rjv 41 8e iv Tft) TOTTcp, OTTOV icTTavpcodr), /crJ7ro<;, koI ev tm Kryndd /jlvt]- fielov Kauvov, ev w ovBeTreo ouSet? ireOrj. i/cet ovv Bia rrjv irapa- 42 aKevr)v rcov 'lovBalcov, on 6771)9 '^v to ixyr^fxelov, eOrjKav rbv *lTjaovv. t Matt. t TH Be /JLLa t6)V aa^^drwv Mapia rj MajBaXTjvr] epx^raL 20 xxviii. 1 ; , / >/ >/ > v « \ o-\ ' v -x //i Mar. xvi. 1 ; TTpCOL, aKOTia^ CTt, 0Va-7]7}V, otl Bel avTov eK veKpMV dvaa-Trjvai. dTrrjX- 10 » Mar. xvi. 5. 6ov OVV TrdXtv 7rp6* ♦ * » /I N ' Lu. xxiv.36; Kcu TUiV uvptav K€K\€L(j^v6^ov Toiv 'lovBaioyv, ^Xdev 6 ^lTjaovv ore 25 ijiXOev 6 *Itjv i^\€p€ ttjv X^^P^ ^^^» Kal ySa\e et? Trjv irXevpdv fiov koX fir) yivov a7rt, "^Ep^p- fjLeda Kal rjfieu^ avv aoL" ^E^Xdov Kal dve/3r}(7av eh to irXolov 4 €v6v<;, Kal iv iKeivr) tJ vvktI iirlaorav ovBev. Trpcotd^ Be rjBr) yevofjLevr}<; e(mj 6 ^Ir}(Tov ^l/jlcovl IleTpa) 6 ^Irjaov^, 1& " ^ifjL(ov ^Imvd, dyaTra<; fxe ifXelov tovtcov ;" Aeyet, avTojj ^' Nal, Kvpie' av olBa<; otl (piXo) ae.'^ Aeyei aurw, " BoaKe ra dpvla fiov.'^ Aeyet avTw irdXiv BevTepov, ^' Jllfjicov 'Icovd, 16 dya7rd 17 TO TpiTOV, " ^ipLWV ^Icovd, <^iXefc9 /Jte ;" 'EXvtt'^Otj 6 IIeTpo to Tphov, " (f)iXel<; pie;" Kal elirev avTa>, '^ Kvpie, aif irdvTa olBa^' av yLV(oaKeL<; otl (fitXco ae." Aiyei, avT

Beiirvw eirl to aTr]Oo<; avTov Kal elire, *' Kvpte, t/9 eanv 6 Tra- paBiBovf; ae ;" Tovtov IBoyv 6 JJeTpo^; Xeyet rw 'Irjaov, " Kvpie, 21 OUT09 Be Tt ;" Aeyei avT(p 6 'Irjaov^, " 'Edv avTov OeXxo fieveiv 22 7. yvfipSs. He had only his under garment thinks that this alludes to Peter having put on on. Mark xiv. 52. his fisher's coat and come to Jesus. 15. ttXuov TOVTwv. This was perhaps added, Ibid. iKT(V€7s. This perhaps alludes to because Peter alone had come out of the boat crucifixion, by which Peter is said to have to meet Jesus. Jtn I to infer from this action, died at Rome in the reign of Nero. that thou lovcst me more than these do ? 22. fxivuv. See 1 Cor. xv. 6. 18. ^^dafyves TrepifirdTfis. Dr. Clarke K*<^.2i.] RATA IflAJSNHN. 229 23 60)9 ep^o^uu, Ti Trpo? ae ; av oKoXovOei, fioi.'* 'E^XOev ovv 6 X0709 0^709 et9 T0V9 dS€X(j>ov<;, "On 6 fJLa6'rjTr]<: citetvo^ ovk a-JTodvi^cTKec KoX OVK elvev avTa> 6 ^It)(tov^, on ovk airoOvrjcTKei,' aXX', "'JSai/ auTov $€\6fi€pa ^i^ia. 'Afi^p. nPASEI2 T£2N ATIQN "- AnO^TOAON. ACTS OF THE APOSTLES. This is unquestionably the work of S. Luke, and was written subse- quently to his Gospel, i. 1. It appears from xxviii. 30. that it was at least not published till after the end of S. Paul's first imprisonment at Rome, i. e. till the year 58 ; but it was probably written during that period, or at the beginning of it ; otherwise S. Luke would have been likely to say more of S. Paul's history during those two years. The two last verses may have been added, when the imprisonment was over, at which time the work was probably published ; for, if it had been written later, the history of S. Paul would have been continued. I conclude therefore, that the Acts of the Apostles were written at Rome between the years 56 and 58, and were published in 58. n P A 2 E I 2 TON A r 1 ii N AnO^TOAON. 1 TON fikv irpanov \6yov eTroirjadfirjp Trepl irdvTCJV, w Geo- a.d. si. 2 ^£X6, (ov rjp^aro 6 ^Irjaov^i ttolcIv re koI BiBcirt u* >'(»•: 8 efeXe'faro, dvekri^dr}. oh KaX trapearrjaev eavTov ^cavra p^erh TO iraOelv airrov, ev ttoXXoF? T€Kjxrjpiot<;, Bt rjfieptov Tea-aapd"/^''^^^/^' Kovra amav6p>€vo<; ainoU, xai Xeycov ra irepl r^? ^aaCKeia^ . , > ,y a >^^y ' X > ^/ ^ . Joh.«iv.26; (ToKviKOV firj "^(opi^ecruat, aWa Trepifieveiv ttjv eirarfyeXiav tov et %y. ta.A^ ^ ^ 6 Trarpo?, *' rjv r^Kovaare fiov ^ oti ^loadwrjf; /xev e/3a7rTfc xP^^V '^ovtw diroKaOLordveLf; ^t «. le-.s^z^ 7 Ti]v fiaaCkelav roJ ^lapai'fK ; " Etire Be irpo^ avTov vfJLd-?y rjaav eh rov ovpavov, nropevofievov avrov, Kal IBoif, dvBpe<; Bvo 11 irapeLarrjKeiaav avroh ev eadrjrc XevKy, ot Kal ehroVj " "AvBpe^; Chap. I. 1. Thv irpSnov \6yop. The allu- Vulgate) understands this of Jesus associating sion to S. Luke's Gospel is evident, Philo with his disciples after his resurrection : but Judaeus uses \6yos in the same way, 6 filv Erasmus, Raphel, and Alberti, refer it more irporepos \6yos ^v Vfuv, & &e6BoTe, irepl tov properly to his convening them for the last time #c. T. A. vol. ii. p. 445. immediately before his ascension. Ibid. &c6 v/jlmv et? rov ovpavov, ovrw^ iXev- aerai ov rpoirov tOedcraaBe avrov iropevofxevov els rov ovpavov.'* fic-jtc<:\''>'i^^'^ T6t€ viriajpeylrav eh 'lepovaaXrjfi diro 6pov<; rov KaXov/juivov 12 *EXaLwvo<;, 6 earcv ey^^^^_^.,J[J_^ 'lovha rov yevo/jL€Vov oSrj^yov roLlr ^ - / rfZ 26 ^lovBaf;, TTopevBrivaL eh top tottop top IhuopX Kal eBwKap k\^- pois avTMP, Kal eirea-ep 6 ac\/}/30iadr] ^CTCL Tiiiv cpheKa diroaToXcop. f^ . ,^> /. ^^yj ^ 2 KAl €P ToS aufiTrXijpovadaL ttjp rjfi'ipap 1^9 tlePTTjKoa-Trjf;, 2 ^crai/ a7rain-€9 ofioOvfiaSop errl to awro. /cal iyepcTo a^po) €k Tov ovpapov iJx^** wtTTrep 6eyy€a6ai. ^Haap Be eV 'lepova-aXrjfi KaToiKovPTc^ 'lovBalot . 6 dpBpe^ evXa^X^i diro ttopto^ edpov^ tS)p vtto top ovpapop. yepo- i'*^*^*'^ tx€Pr]<; Be t))? (DpPj^ Tavrr)*;, amnj/Xde to ttXtjOo^ kol avpeyyOr)' 23. Both these persons were said to have heen of the seventy disciples. Eus. H. E. i. 12. Bar.>abas has been supposed to be Barnabas, but without foundation. Papias said, that he /j <, "drank poison without being hurt (Apud Eus. 1:^' "^i. 39.) Clement of Alexandria says, that some had considered Matthias to be Zacchaeus, which) seems highly improbable, p. 579. Many MSS." read Bop V oJkov. The house has been said to be that of Mary the mother of John, (xii. 12.) of Simon the leper, of Joseph of Arimathea, of Nicodemus, &c. Krebsius thinks it was a room in the temple. See i. 13. 3. Siafifpi^6tifvai yKaxrffai. This has gene- rally been taken to mean cloven tongues : but Siafjifpi^6/Mfvai may signify distributed, i. e. to each of the apostles. See Heb. ii. 4. Theo- doret conceived that the apostles' tongues were divided, and appeared to he on fire. A tongue of fire orcurs at Isaiah v. 24. in the Hebrew. Ibid, ixadiae seems to have no nominative. L. de Dieu says it agrees with irvp' but it might agree with irvivfia understood. 4. \a\t7v. They seem to have gone out of the room where they were sitting, and to have mixed with the multitude below. Ibid, kripais. In Mark xvi. 17. it is Kaiva7s. 5. 6uAa)3eTs. Luke calls Simeon SiKaios Kal (v\a$-f}s, ii. 25. They may have been called fv\a^e7s, because they were come to attend the festival. 6. (pwvrjs. This may perhaps allude to the sound, (^xos ver. 2.) It was certainly heard by the multitude, (see ver. 33.) who were perhaps assembled in the temple for prayer. *wf^ is nowhere used in the New Testament for a report. ^31 nPAaElX [K€^.^t^^ " KairvoV' 6 rfXio<; fxeraa-rpa^rjcrerai el^ [j i^yaXKiAaaro 17 yXSxrad fiov en Be kol rj adp^ ^jlov Karoo- kt)- ^txl'.\\,irifJ^\u ^ 21 vdxTU €7r €\7n'8t. OTA ovK iyKaTaX€tyjr€L<; ttjv yfrvx^v fiou ^^Qai'l!]]^*' ^ 28 oBov, ovBe B^* irXrjpwaeifi fie €vpov.tt^9 ° '\Avhf>€^d!B€\<^ol, efov ehrelv fierh irappifjala^ irpo^ v/ta? nrepl ^^Lk'^^^Sl^ TOV TTaToidpyov Aa^lBf on koX eTeXevvrjae teal erdSij, Kal to °xiii. 36; 80 fivrjfia ainjov i^V)(ri avTov ek ^'"''- *^' ^®* 82 aZov, ovBe 17 cap^ axnov elBe Bia(r(xv /xc in Psalm xvii. 5. 33. /SAeTrere. This shews that there was *n,'8ivwv signifies sorrows in Matt. xxix. 8. some visible appearance, which the people saw 27. aZov. See note at Luke xvi. 23. Most as well as the apostles. NO;/ is wanting in MSS. read oStjj'. many MSS. t 29. Jerom speaks of often going to pray at 34. Ttp Kvpicp /mv. We have our Saviour's 1 the tomb of David. S. Paul makes a similar own authority for saying, that David applied \ application of this prophecy in xiii. 36. these words to Christ. Matt. xxii. 43, \ 236 TIPABEIX [K^. s.] ' K TflN AnOXTOAflN. 237 ^' ^ r]fjL€pav 7rp66r)aav avrov at ^daet^ ic al rd a^vpd, Koi i^aWo/ievo^ ,e^ /'u<.tJc^ < eoTT) Koi TrepieTrdTei, Kal elariXOe avv ovroh ek to lepop, Trepi- 9 iraToiv KoX dWofievo^ koX alvwv rov Geov. real el^ev avrov Tra? 10 6 Xao9 TrepnraTovvra Kal alvovma tov Geov eTreyivwaKOV t€ avrov OTi oirro? ^v 6 tt/jo? rrjv i\€T}^oavvr]v KaO^fievo^i eVl rfj Qipaia TrvXr) rov lepov' Kal eTrXijadr^a-av Odfi^ovs Kal iKardaeayfi irrl Tft) avfi^e^TjKvrt avrta. ^^fc-wXLoJr' |mm a^>^(\.V^ • Kparovvrof Be rov iaOevros ;^&)XoO rov Uerpov Kal 'loydvvrjv, orvveBpafie Trpo? avrovovea yapLa-^vau vfilv, ^ rov Mar. xv. lf^'*'**^ ^ts. Be dpxjrpov rrj<: ^(t)rj<; direKrelvare' ov 6 Geov. Kal vvv, dBeX(f)ol, olBa ore Kara dyvqifiv cp-v^.w^cy.^^ c 18 en pd^are, oxTirep Kal ol dp^ovre^i vfiwv ' 6 Be ©eo? a Trpo- ^^axxiv.44. jV*v^ /caT/JTYetXe Bid aroparo^ irdvrcov rodv rrpocjyijTwv avrov rradelv 19 rov Xpiarov, eirXrjpaiaev ovro). p^eravorjcrare ovv Kal iirt- / 2. wpaiay. Joseplms mentions a gate of the understood, and the construction here may be, j temple which was covered with Corinthian tu-ass. — as if we had acted by our otvn power concerning I De Bel. Jtid. v. 5. 3.^ i^^^^'t^ M-tn.-^^ this man's walking. \ 5. iiTflxfv. See note at Luke xiv. 7. 13. Most MSS. read vfius /nev irapeidl>KaTe. 8. i^a\\6/xfPos iart] koX TrepieTrdret. He first 14. ZiKaiov. Jesus is called 6 S'lKaios in vii. leapt up, then stood upon his legs, and tlien 52; xxii. 14. walked about, to convince himself of his cure. 15. rhi/ apxvy^f t^s fitf^y* S. Peter seems 11. ouTou is probably the true reading, in- to explain this of Jesus being the first to rise stead of tov ladevTos x<^^ov. irom the dead, and by that means the cause of Ibid. arod. This was a kind of cloister, or all men rising again, covered colonnade. Philo Judaeus speaks of 16. iriaTei. This was the faith of the apostles, four such about the temple, vol. ii. p. 223. 17. Zawep oi ^pxaures v/xuv perhaps relates 12. ToO TrepjirareTi'. There is a similar con- ^ only to iTrpd^an, and not to Karh ikyvoiav. struction in vi^^s*©^ and in xxvii. 1, (ubi v. 1 18. Many MSS. place avrov after Xpurrhv not.) Perhaps in every such case wepi is to be instead of after irpocprrrwv. ^M*-'^" 238 nPA^EI^ [K.0.3,4. A.D. 81. arpe^^are, ch to €^d\,€im67]vac v/jlwv ra? a[Jiapria / t rs ^ f ^'/l/0^rl^^" ' 7rpo<; rov<; 7rarepa<; r)fi(ov, Xeywv 7rpo<; Afopaafi, Kai roj airep- c xiii. 46. /narl aov evevXoyr]dr]aovrat irdcrai at irdrfnai rrj<; 7?^?. '^ vfuv 26 r> , irpwrov 6 0609 dvaarrjaa<^ rov iralBa avrov ^Irjaovv, drr- "^ kareCXev avrov evXoyovvra uyaa?, ev rw drroarpe^eiv eKaarov diro rcov Trovrjpicjv v/hmv." AAAOTNTflN Be avrwv 7rpo9 rov Xabv, errearrjaav avroh 4 • --. ol lepel^ Kal 6 arparr)yoav koI ^laydwrjv Kot ^AXi^avBpoVt Kal 7 oaoi rjaav etc y€POv0ayoPTO, "'JEi/ irola Bvvdfiei ^ iv iroltp ovo/xari ^^ KiftuL « 8 hroirfaarc rovro vfji€ia\i]v ywvia'i. kol ovk earLv J^x^m*l6; »w-v-v »5>\» —'.f" \ V /» ff f\ Matt xxi 42: ev aXKfp ovcevt, 17 ^ [Ke<^. 4. AD. 31. yLte^a 7ap r/yuet?^ a eiBofiev kol r]Kovaafiev, fit) XaXelv/' 01 he 21 ^ ^v JO^ 1 f ^ / TTpoaanieCk'qcrdiJLevoi airekvaav avTOV<;, [Mrjhev €yp lcrKOVT€S ro ''^^^'*'^^'^^'*^''^^ j7r(j!)<;Ko\da(t)VTai avrov^, hia top Xaov, on irdvre'^ iBo^a^ov rbv \ j^y- Qeov iirl tw yeyovoTC. ircov yap rjv irXetovcov reaaapuKovTa 6 22 av6pa)7ro€ipr) rfj yvvaiKi avrov, €7ra}\rja€ ^*^^^^^j^^^ 2 /crrjfia, koI €Voai6^o^ /zeya? eVt 7rdvTai^ Tpi&v Bid(rrr}/jLa, Koi 8 17 Tvv^ avTov fiTj elBvla to yey ov66^o^ fieyaf; € oXrjv tt]v eKKXriaiav, Kal eVt Trai/ra? tou? aKovovTafi TavTC^ {^i^ /( . /P^^ 12 Aid Be T(ov yeipSiV tcov diroaroXxov eylvcTO (rrjfjiela Kal TepaTa ev Tft> Xoft) TToXXd' Kal rjaav ofiodvpxiZov diravTe^ ev tt} aToa 13 5^o\o/za>in"09* tcjv Be Xolttwv ovBel Kvpiw, TrXijOrj dvBpwv re Kal ywoLKwv waTe KaTCk Ta? TrXareta? eK^epeiv tou? dadeveU, Kal TiOevac eVt kXivojv /-^■^'-'-'^ ^L^,/^ Kal Kpa^^dTtov, Xva ip^ofievov IJerpov kcLv t) a KLa eincrK idar] jU^^^, [-*-^ 16 TLvl avTcov. crvvrjp-^eTO Be Kal to 7rXr}6o<; twv irept,^ TroXecov et? 'lepouo-aXrj/jL, Tcov aKauapTcov, omi/e? eOepaTrevovro a7rairre9?dt 17 ^Avaa-Td<; Be 6 dp-)(^iepevsheim (»nceives thew. to have b|jen pe^ons 13. Ko\\aiireh,/nke to them. See ix. 26. -Vwi, thatof deacons. \De iZ^fej/s^ oW^ Oons/. G^t. i. 37. 15. Kara ras irKardas, in every street. Many / Ibid. (rvyev\aKfj' avaaTp€yjravTe<; Be aTT^yyecXav XeyovTe avveBpiM' kol iTrrjpcoTrjaev 27 avTovt ^ a f '^ S^ -^*T' t^^^^TTi^ f^U-^ » v <- /^ n " » Heb uio- ^V<^o^^} 0^ vu,eLP '^ . ^ =r- k ^ . ^^' Be dKovcravre'^ Bierrpiovro, Kal i/SovXevovro dveXeiv av- ^^ -"^^^y Tou?. dvaard^ Be Tt? iv tc3 avveBpi^ ^api» 5,6.] TSIN AnOSTOAflN. 243 XiTjX, po^ohtBuaKa\o<; Tifuowv^ ypa(fyij<:, koX uTreaTtjae Xaov Itcavov ottutco avrov' Kdicelvo'i aTTcuXero, koX Trdvre^ oaoL iireiOovro avrat Biea-KopTriadrjaap. ,, 88 ical TO, pvp Xeyo) vfUPj dTroarrjTe diro tcop dpOpdyrrayp rovrcoVf (f^Ur-*s^ L^ KoX idaare avroik' 6t^ idp y ef dpdpcoTroyp rj ^ovXrj avrt) ^ 39 TO epyop ToiirOy KaTaXvOrjaerai' el hk ix Seov iarlp, ov Bv- . ^vaaSe KUTaXvaaL aino, fxyjirore xal 6€Ofid)(oi cvpeOrJTe.yit^^E- L4^/C^ %jt 'M^^'^ ireiaOrjaav Be avr^' koX vpoaKaXead/xepoi rov^ d7rovxv.,w^ 2 wpoaKaXeadfiepoL Be oi Bo)BeKa to ttXtjOo^ tS)P fiadrjrStPf eVrrop^ "'^tffent of tba' oanbeihPiiHv^ and died eighteen people against the payment of the tax. Aniicf. years before the destruction of Jerusalem. He xviiil'^l.-ti ; De Bel. Jud. ii. S. 1. j was perhaps less disposed, as being, a Pharisee, Ibid, axoypcuprjs. This payment was about. .^ to second ^e high priest, who was a Sad- ten years after the enrolment mentionedjn^Luke, ducee. ''-' ■'■'^ '■ '- ' 'J' ■^- >o*^ . ii,Ji*-but it was one and the same kiroypa^."'^'' 34. ^^a» iroc^o-cu, so. eavrois. Krebsius. Many Ibid. 'iKavhv is perhaps an interpolation. MSS. omit T* after $paxv. 39. Svi/affBe. We should perhaps read Swii- 35. The constrpction is» ■wpoaix'^^ kavrois, ataQe, and airrovs. ri fteWfTf irpdaaeiv iirl rois avOpdovou roinois. 40. ZdpavTts. Atpce came to have this signi- Bos, Alberti, PalaireL fication from the excoriation caused by scourg- 36. 0€u5as. Josephus mentions Theudas, a ing. leader of an insurrection : {Antiq. xx. 5.) but 41. avrov is perhaps an interpolation, this happened fourteen or fifteen years after 42. kot' oIkov. See note at ii. 46. Gamaliel's speech. There were probably two Chap. VI. 1. 'Ei' raZs rjfjLepais rairais. See persons of the same name, as there were four i. 15, where the words can only imply the lapse Simon's within forty years, and three Judas' of a few days. I conceive the appointment of within ten years, all leader^ oC, insurrections, the deacons to have happened within a few Casaubon, Krebsius. -^-^ ■ . -^ months after the ascension: perhaps a little Ibid. riva. In Philo'^Judseus we find So^iis before the feast of tabernacles, which took »ap' atiT

4u ^Ujlrtt^ Seov, hiaKovelv rpaire^ai^. iTriaKeyjraa-Oe ovv, aBeXcpol, dvSpa^ 3 tf^ ^4. a^^^^ ef v/iwi/ fiaprvpovfJievov<; cTrra, 7rXrjp€i<; irvevfiaTO'i ar/lov Kol ao(l)ia'^, 0U9 Karacrrrj avveBpiw, elBov ro irpoawirov avrov ooael rrpoacoirov dr/yeXovlj.jJtJLji' »C^ - {^f\ J^j. 2. SiaKoveii^ rpairi^ais, to keep an account of but many MSS. read x<^P'^^os for Trlffreas. the money. See note at Matt, xxv. 27. 9. Ai^eprivuu. This may come from the 3. Epiphanius says, that the seven deacons Latin word Libertinus : (L. de Dieu.) Biscoe were of the seventy disciples mentioned in Luke thinks they were Roman Jews, or Jews who or- X. 1. vol. i. p, 50. dinarily had their residence in Rome, and were Ibid. vX-fjpeis irveviiiaros ayiov seems always free of that city. Others have thought, that to mean, possessing the miraculous gifts of the they came from Libertum, a town of Africa ; Spirit. For aocpia see I Cor. xii. 8. and since they are mentioned with the Cyre- 5. irXiipri iricrTews Koi irvev^aros ayiov. I nians, &c. this seems not improbable. The understand this expression, like that in ver. 3, word KeyofievTis would then apply to all these to allude to the miraculous gifts of the Spirit : genitives. Biscoe adds, that there were 460 or iritTTis is mentioned as one of these in 1 Cor. 480 synagogues in Jerusalem, and many pro- xii. 9. See also ver. 8, 10 ; xi. 24. bably were built by Jews of different countries, Ibid. ^iXnnrov. See viii. 5,26, 40; xxi. 8. who resorted to them at the great festivals. He seems to have lived at Cassarea. They may have come now to the feast of taber- Ibid. UiKSXaoi/. The Nicolaitans, whom S. nacles. John condemns, Rev. ii. 6, 15, claimed this Ibid, rwv airb KiXikIos. Saul was probably Nicolas as their founder : but probably without one of these. .\ reason. 13. ^\Acrol /cat 'Trarep€<;, uKovaare. 6 Oeo? t?}? . . jiin - flvv 8ofi79 qk^^t; Tfti irarpl r)puav "A^paap. ovrt iv tj} Me ^ 3 irplv TJ KaToiKTjaac axnov iv Xappau, 'koI clire 7rp6<; at'Toj^, ' Qen. xii. i* * "E^eXde €K rrj^ yr]<; aov Koi €k t/)? avyy€yeia i vf;-Ct»*v^ L- IV 7 irownv, errj Ttrpcucoaia. xal to edvos, ^ idv ^ovXevcraxn, Kpivta '<^ k^ U>^ ^ ^Tft), ehrcv 6 Seor koX p^d Tama i^eXeva-ovrdi, Kal XaTpev- >•' -r ^ Li covai pMi iv t^J tott^ tout^.' *Kal eBcoKev aurcS Sta^/J/c?;!/ • Qen«vii.9 ; rCv»iU-cAA ygpj^o^^^. ^fji oirro)? iyevvrjae tov 'laaaK, Kal Trepiijepiev av- et xxv. 24 ^,^JJ>^>^ —""rov rrj r}p.ipa ttj oyoorj' Kat, o laaax tov laKwp, Kai o laKcop 9 Tov^ BcoBcKa iraTpidpxa^' "'cal ol iraTpiapxai' ^r]\(a(TavTe aveBovTO «i? AiyvTrrov Kai rjv o «€09 /a€t aurou, ''/cat , Qen.xii.s7. Nv^efeiXfTO aurov e/e iraxroyv t(OV OXi-jreoav avrov, Kal eBcoKev avrw 6\r)v rrjv yrfv Alyimrov Kal Xavadv, Kal OXLyjrif; pLeyaXr)' Kal oxr^ evpuTKOv xpprdiSrpfara ol irarepe^i -/*i^l .^'-> ■ "■ Chap. VII. 2. In reading this speech, we teuch makes his whole age one hundred and must remember that Stephen was accused of forty-five years. Biscoe thinks, that, though speaking against Moses and the temple. He Terah is said to have lived seventy years, shews, that the Jews were God's chosen people and begot Abram, Nahor, and Haran, perhaps long before the temple was built ; and that at Abram was not the eldest, and Terah may have first they rejected Moses. been one hundred and thirty, when Abram was Ibid. It might be thought from the passage bom. So also Mercerus. L. de Dieu thinks in Gen. xii. 1. that these words were spoken to that Stephen may have alluded to Abram set- Abram, while he was in Haran: but it will tling at Hebron, literally in the tribe of Judah : bear the sense drawn from it by Stephen. {(Is V v^-^'is vvv KuroiKeire :) and sixty years Some think he received a call in both places, elapsed between this and his leaving Haran. Lightfoot, Biscoe. Josephus speaks of God 6. TeTpaK6 (B. ^246 A.D. 31 .rjfiSi yaKovaa'i he laKOD^ ovra air a iv Alyvirrq), i^aireareike la// yGen.xiii.i. ^Q^^ iraTcpa^ rjfjLMV TrpwTov ^Kol iv Tft) Beurepo) dveyjmpicr6rj is & ' 'Ioi)(Tr)(f) Toloi^ avrov, kol cf>av€pov iyevero tm papOM to yevo^ rov 'Icoancb. ^aTrd^'fetXa? Se ^I(oa-r} V v f / r ^ „ V ^-vA^f^aoK^^ c Gen. '^^'' €Te\evrr)a€V avrd<;^ Kau ol irareoe'i rjficov' ^ /cat fMerereorjcrav IB ^ xivii. 3e; g^'ij ^v')(eix, Kol iriuTjaav iv rat 'jxvrip,arv o oivrjaaro ^A^pad/JuA^ '"^"^ Gen.xxi'ii.i6; Tt/i.^9 dpyvplov, TTapd rcbv vlcov ^E/Jbfiop rov ^v^e/x. ^KadoD<;l7 ptxxxiii. 19; p.\ v t, t / ^ > ' ,.• '^ r v » /-» v Jos. xxiv. 32. oe eyjL^ev o ')(povoeo9 rw '^^^'^•'^'^-A^padfjL, 7}v^jja-ev 6 \a6<; Kal eTrXrjBvvOr) iv AlyvTrrw, a')(pL<; i^ Cv-^'V^ ^^ dveorrr) ySatrtXeu? 6repo<; o? ou«: j/'Se^ toi/ 'Jo}ai]y^/jLevo<} ro yevo<; r]fio)v, iKdfcwae rov<; rrarepa^ rj/JLoov, rov , - y^ • Exod. ji. 2 ; rfotetv exOera rd ^pe(j)r] avrwv, et9 to fir) ^cooyovela-daL, ^ ^Ev 20 "'^^ Heh. xi. 23. f '^ ' //I ■n/r " \ >? > /> '^ ' jr\ « a > . , ft) Kaipo) eyevvrjuT) Moxj?)?, Acat t)!^ aareio^ rw dyeco' 09 <^^~A4i-n^| 'Exod.ii. 7. erpd^ fJLYiva^ rpeL<; iv to3 oiko) rov rrarpo^i avrov. [eKredevra 21 Be avrov, dveiKerd avrov t) Ovydrrjp ^apaw, Kal dveOpe-^aro avrov eavrfi el<; vlov. Kal i7rdcBevu7)Mcoo'rj<; rrda-rj ao(pia 22 Alyvirrmv rjv Be Bvvaro<; iv \6yoL<; Kal iv epyots. '12^ Be 23 irrXrjpovvro avrco recro-apaKOvraerrj^; ')(p6vo^, dve^rj iirl rrjv KapBiav avrov, iiriaKe^aadat rovs dBeX^pix; avrov rov<; vioijs f Exod.ii.ii. ^laparjX. ^Kal IBcov nva dBiKov^leiwi^T^/Mn^^ iiroirjaev 24 - y - iKBUt^cnv rat Kara^iwovpS'qi, 7rard^a<; rov Alyinrriov. ivofjLL^e 25 K'^^^<,^l^"S6 (Tvvievai, rovovvy€ Se Moxxf/s iv ra> \(rf(p rovrcpy KaX iyevero 7rdpouco<; ev '^'^''^'^^^^^. 80 yj} MaSiafi, ov eyevvrjaef viov<; Svo. * Kal irXrjpcoOemMv eroiv «^^i. iu. 3. re(TaapaKOVTa, aKf>Or) avrco iv rfj ip^fio) tov 6pov 6 ©eo? twv iraTcptDV aov, 6 Qeo cl^ ^ *^^ ••»' 'AfipcMfi Kal 6 6?e/? Jro^aaAC Acat 6 ©eo? 'Ia«a)/8.' ''Evrpo/j,o<; ^^ • i 88 y€v6fM€V0 ev Tjjetx et XI. xvi. 1. Iro^ 87 ipyjfifp errj TcaaapaKovra, * Ovto? icTTiv 6 M(ov r^'*^ 40 (lyrjaav Tat9 KapBiai^ avToyv €t9 Atyvrrrov, "et7r6Kr€9 txS ^Aapoiv, nExod. ' UoLTjaov r)pXv deov^ ot TrpoTTopevaovTai rjfjuayv 6 yap Ma)ar]palvovTo iv toi<; epyoL^ T(av tc^^«rc-c-o^ ^ X^Lpwv avTOiV. ^^Ea-Tpeyjre Be 6 0eo9, Kal 7rapeB(OKev auTOu? «> Jer. xix.i3; .y , „ ««»>^/)\/ »o //O-v Amos V. 25. XaTpev^iv Tji (TTpoTLa tov ovpavov Katfto^ yer/paTrraL ev pipXw 29. "Ei^iryc. In Exod. ii. 15. Moses is said xx. 16 : Judg. ii 1. There can be no doubt, to have fled through fear of Pharaoh. Philo re- that it was God himself who spoke to Moses presents Pharaoh as afraid of Moses conspiring out of the bush : but the Jews believed, as did against him, vol. ii. p. 87, 88. the Fathers, that the visible appearance, which Ibid. MoSiaju, Midian was to the south of Moses saw, was an Angel, or the second person the Dead sea, rather to the east, and extended in the Trinity. See Eisner, Diss, tie Lege Mosis as far south as the Red sea. per Angelas data. 33. ev y. Perhaps eV $. 37. Most MSS. read avaffT-f^aei 6 @ehs iK. 34. I5(i>v elSov. This seems to be an He- 38. \6yia ^wvra. The \6yia were all the braism, though it is used by Lucian, Dial, commands given by God to Moses. They are Mar. 4. sub fin. vol. i. p. 300. called ^avra, not because they gave life, (for 35. &pxovTa Kal \vTpuTi\v. The allusion see Gal. iii. 21,) but as the oracles of the true here to our Saviour is evident: he had been and living God, in opposition to pretended rejected, as Moses was at first rejected; and, oracles. See Rom. iii. 2; Heb. v. 12. like him, he was made an i.px<»v Kal KvTpayriis. 42. ''Earpexl/e. Wolfius understands eavrSv, Some MSS. read oTreo-ToA.Kei' avv x^'P'* Krebsius yptafjuqv. Ibid. k-yyiXov. See Exod. xxiii 20 ; Numb. 248 nPABEI^ [Ke.^. 7. ■^•^- ^^ ' T(ov '7rpo(f)7jTcov, * Mt] av, ^^' Tov? rv7rov<; ov<; eTTOL^aare irpoaKvvetv avrots' kol ixerqucm CccrH p Exod. v/xa? eireKeiva Ba^u\(ovo<;.' p 'H aKTjvrj rou pbapTiiplov rjv iv 44 Heb. viii. 5. T0?9 TTarpdcnv rjjiicjv iv rfj iprjiKp, KaOui^i OLir^arooXaXcov to3 ^4i^4^ 1 Jos. iii. 14. Jlifocr^, 'TTOLTJa-ac avrrjv Kara rbv tvttov op ecopaKer ^ fjp Kal ib Ji /u^ ^Wvna'^ov SL oBe^ p^iepoL ol Trarepef; rj/jicop /nerd ^Irjaov, ep ry ^^i ^ ' Kara(T')(e(TeL tojp eOpMP &p e^cocrep 6 0eo<; diro TrpoacoTrov tmp 1 1 Sam. TrarepcDP rj/jLayp, eeos t&p rj/nepayp Aa^iB' ^ o Seu> 'la/cwpl /-^ ^o- 47 X^'Pi'V^vcoirLOP 6 v'\jri^o<; ep ipfrxtii 12- ^^Z*^^ ^^ wKoSofMTjaep avrat olkop. ^A\X ov^ o v-x/rtKro? ep 48 Psal. cxxxii. x^ipoTTOLTJTOLf; PaOL\f«>v« / «r/j / rr Egech. xHv. <*i(TLP, V/JL€L^ aCL TO) TTVeVfJUaTi Tft) OTfiW aPThTnTTTere' ft)? 01 Trarepe^ v/jLmp, kuI vfiel<;. ripa tmp Trpor}rSiP ovk eBLw^ap ol 52 irarepes vjiSyp ; Kal drreKTeivap rov<^ 7rpoKarar/yeiXaPTa<; Trepl rrjp rov dpOpMTTOv CK Be^tcop earcora rov &eov." Kpd^apre<^ Be 57 ^(opfi fjLeydXrj, avpea^pp rd o)ra avrcop, Kal wpfjurjaap 6ju,oOv- r xxii. 20. fjLaBov iiT avTOP' y Kal eK^aX6pre<^ e^co r^? TToXeo)?, eXido- 58 ^oXoirp. Kal ol fidprvpe^ drreOepro rd l/judrca avrSyp nrapd 43. aveXA^sTe. The Hebrew word signifies 48. vaols is perhaps an interpolation. to raise up : but some have taken ave\d^eTe to 50. The Hebrew and LXX have this verse mean, ye have borrowed or adopted. Raphel. affirmatively, iravra yhp javra iiro'nia^v 7/ x^tp Ibid. 'PfiiKpdv. In the LXX 'Pot^dv ; but the fiov. Hebrew is M!*^, Kijoun, which is supposed to 51. aveplrp-tiroi rij KapSiq,. See Jerem. ix. , ,, ' *!, o o . o T J 26; Ezech. xliv. 7; 'Rom. ii. 29; Phil. iii. 3. be the same as the Sun or Saturn. See L. de n^ A/roc3 as' -pv. Many MSS. read Kapoiais. Ibid. r{nrovs. Images. Josephus calls Ra- ^2. rod SiKaiov. Christ was the only de- chel's images r6iroi. Antiq. i. 19. 11. Poly- scendant of Adam, who was in himself per- bius also speaks oi Q.Zu rhrovs. v. 9, 3. ^f % righteous, and hence he is called v Se to 6ai(SiTara twv iy rots v6- Ibid. iv rfi KaTaax^aei tuv iQvwv, while they H-ois Si' ayyihuv irapb. rov Qtov p.ae6vrwv. Antiq. were taking possession of the land of the heathen. xv. 5. 3. This was not fully effected till the time of David. 58. ol p.avov, eiTLKaXovficvov KoX Xeyovraj '* Kvpie 'Iv<^ov,'^^^''^^^"^**'' 60 Be^ai TO TTvevfui fiov" ©el? he tcL yovara, €Kpa^€ copy vt^xin^A. fxeydXrj, " Kvpie, fit) avov dvBpe^ 3 eu\a^et9, koI iirov^aavro Kowerov /jLcyav ctt avrm. ^HavXo^ '' «»-^ : Bk iXvfUiiveTo ttjv CKKXtjaiav, Kara tou9 oikov^ elanropevo- ii. /ii€j/09, avpedri(Terai aoL rj iirlvoia rr}? KapBla^ aov. et? ydp ^^okqv 23 ^■'^""^jT; \t iTLKpla^i Kal o-wS^cr/AQii-^Swwia? bpM ae ovra." ATroKpideU 24 '-*^Aj^'"\ Be 6 SlfjLcov elire, " AeTjOrjre v/jLeLijy^ rov ^Irjaovv. ax? Be eiropevovro Kara ri)v oBoi't rfkOov eiri ri vBcop' Kai (f>Tjaiv 6 evvov)(^o6r€poi et? TO vBoi>p, o re ^IXimro^ Kal 6 evvov)(p9 Kal daXfiS)V avrov, ovBeva e^eire, x^''P^yf^yovvTe(i Be av- rov elcTTJyaryov et? AafiaaKOV. Kal rjv r)p.epaayev ovBe eirtev. ^Hv Be rtKeis. oAAcfc Jerusalem. avicTTTjOi Koi eiireXflc k. t. A.." , 15. crKevos. So Polybius, Aa/JLOKKrjs vwrjpe- 5. (TKXrjphv K. T. X. This proverb occurs in TiKhv ^v aKfvos ev', see note Bacchie, 794 ; Peliad. fragm. and Pindar, Pyth. at Luke xvi. 8. ii. 173. 19. This account should be compared with 7. ehr-fiKeiffav, had stopped: for they fell to S. Paul's own words in Gal. i. 18-r-21. He the ground, xxvi. 14. went to Damascus immediately after the vision, Ibid. oLKovovres. In xxii. 9. it is said, tV ix. 8. staid there a very short time, and then (^wvV OVK ^Kovaav. They heard the sound of went to Arabia, and returned to Damascus, the words, but not the words themselves : or Gal. i. 17. He probably staid in Arabia great perhaps Saul's Cilician companions did not un- part of the three years mentioned in Gal. i. 18. derstand the language of Palestine, in which i. e. he went into Arabia late in the year 31, the words from heaven were spoken, xxvi. 14. and returned to Damascus early in 33. S. Luke 10. 'Avavias. See his character in xxii. may have been ill informed of S. Paul's move- 12. ments at this time, because he left Jerusalem 12. Most MSS. read x^'pas. upon the persecution, viii. 1. and was one of 13. Ananias may have heard of Saul from those who went to Antioch, xi. 19. which ap- the Jews who returned from the feast of taber- pears to have been his native city. K.^. 9.] TSIN AnOSTOAHN. 253 'Eyivero Be 6 HavXcx; fiercL t&v iv Aa/iaa-Kw fiaOrjTcjv r)fiepa'^^^ avTo^ovvTO avrov, firj irurrevovTefi oti iarl fiadrjTij^;, 27 Bapvd^af; Bk eirCXa^ofievo^ avrov riyaye irpo^ rovol Kanjyar/ov avrov €tv Be e^m 7rdvra<; 6 Uerpo';, de\<; rd yovara 40 IT poar)v^aro' Kal iincrrpey^afi irpo^; to aO^fJuaj elire, " Ta^idd, dvdaTT^Ot" 'H Be 7]Voc^e tov<; 6(1)0 aXfjLov<; avTrj<;' Kal IBovaa rov TLerpov, dveKdOuae. Bov<^ Be avrfj "xelpa, dvearrjaev avrrjv 41 (pcovijaa^; Be rov<; dyiovavep(o<;, t^crel wpav ivvdrrjv rrj^ rjfjuepa^, dy- %!:i-^ yeXov rov ©eov elaeXOovra irpo'i avrov, Kal ehrovra avrw, ** KopvrfK.i,e.** 'O Be dreviaa, ''At 'n-poaev')(ai aov teal al iXerjfJLocrvvaL aov dvefirja-av ei<; fivrj/juoavvov ivamiov rov Geov. Kal vvv Tre/JLyjrov et9 ^lomrrjv dvBpa<;, Kal /Jberdire/jbylraL 5 Sl/jucova, 09 iiTLKaXelraL JJerpo^' ovro<; ^evi^erai irapd nvu 6 35. l.apava.v. Saron was a plain that reached sarea, p, 302. Many MSS. omit ^u after r-is. from Joppa to Caesarea. See 1 Chron. xxvii. 29 ; 2. evayov irdv KOtvov fj uKaOapTov" 15 Kal (fxovij irdXiv €k Bevrepov trpo^ avrov, "'^A 6 ©eov eVa- 16 Odpiae, (TV firj koivov." Tovto Be iyevero ijrl rpir Kal irdXiv dveX^6r} ro o^ov/JLevo<; rov Gebv, fiaprvpovp^vo^i re vrro oXov rov edvovv, " ^AvdcrTrjdi' Kayoo avro^ avOpcoiro^ elfiL." Kal (tvvo/jll\(ov avrw elarjXOe, koX evpiarKei (Tvv6\rj\v66rar], "^Airo rerdprr]pa<; rjfjbrjv vr)aT€V(ov, Kal rrjv evvdrrjv copav Trpoa-evxofievo'; iv tc5 oXkw fjLov Kal ISov, dvr]p earrj evcoTTiov jjbov ev iaOijri, Xafjuirpa, Kai 31 ^(71, KopvrjXie, elcTTjKovcrOrj aov 77 7rpocrev)(r}, Kal at iXerjfio- avvai orov ifwiqcyOTfcrav evcainov rov Oeov. rrefjuy^ov ovv eh 32 ^loTTTrrjv, Kal fieraKdXecrac SifjLcova 09 emKaXelraL TIerpo<^' ovro^ ^evL^erac ev olklo, ^LfjLct)vo<; jSvpcrecDf; rrapd OdXaaaav 09 7rapayev6/jLevo<; XaXrjaeL croi. e^ avrrj<; ovv eire/jLylra 7rp6<; ae' 33 (TV re KaX(0'i eirolrjora'i irapayevofievo'^. vvv ovv irdvre^ r]fjLel Deut.x.i7; ^^AvoL^a^ ^ » > Job xxxiv. Xafipavofjuaif on ovk earn 7rpoa(0'7roX7]7rrr)<; o vyeo<;, aXX ev 35 7 ; EcX ^^ 'Jravrl eOvei 6 ^o^ov/iievo<; avrov Kal epya^o/juevo^ hiKaiocrvvrjv, XXXV. 16; heKTo<^ avTM idn. rov Xoyov ov direcrretXe roL<; viol<^ ^I<7parjX, 36 Gal. ii. 6; • evayyeXL^6/jLevo<; elprjvrjv Bid ^Irjaov Xpiarov, (o5to9 ecrn rrdv- Epbes. vi. 9 ; , \ 1 ' - >'S^ ^ ' ' « /3» "> Col. iii. 25; Twv KVpio<;,) ^v/jueL^ oioare ro yevofievov prjfia Kau 0X^9 T779 37 J i^^\^'ll' ^IovBaLa<^i dp^dfjuevov diro rfj^ TaXLXaia<^, fierd ro ^dirna-fia o w Ln. iv. 18. eKrjpv^ev ^I(odvvr] Terdprris r]ti4pas,four days ago. On is perplexed, but \6you as well as pnfia may be the day of the vision he sent oiFthe messengers, governed of olSare : Ye know the commutdcation ver. 7,' 8: the next day they arrived at Joppa, which God sent to the children of Israel— the dor- ver. 9 ; the next, they set out for Caesarea, ver. trine which was preached, or, the thing which took 23 : and on the fourth they arrived there, ver. place throughout the whole of Judcen — I mean. 24. For this use of ottJ) see xxiii. 23. ye know about Jesus of Nazareth, &c. Ibid, fi^xpi ratiTrjs ttjs wpas, four days ago K.p. 10,11] TflN AUOXTOAftN. 267 irdvTCdV o)v hroir)(T€v ev re rrj X^P^ '^^^ 'louBaicov Koi ip *Ie- A. D. Si. 40 pova-aXrjfjL' hif civelXov Kpefidaavre^ eVl ^vXou. '^tovtov 6 Se6<; « ii. 24. 41 ijyetpe ttj TpiTtf 7)p,€pa, Kal eBcoKev aurbv €fi(f>avr] jeviadai' °ov " xiii. 3i. TTairrl tm Xcuo, dXXd fxapTvai rol^ 7rpoKe)(€iporovriiiivoi^ virb Tov Geov, Jjfilv, oiTive^ avve^dyoixev Kal avpcTTio^ev avro), ixerh 42 TO dvaaTTjvaA, avrov ck veKpwV ^koI irapyf/yetXev rffilv Krjpv^ai p xvii. 3i ; «-^ vr. / a '' ./» »f / fv Rom. XIV 10; Tft) Xao), Kai bia/xaprvpaaacu, on avro<; eariv o (i}pia-/j,€vo<; vtto 2Cor. v. lo. 43 TOV &€0V KpiTTJf; ^(i)VTOi)V KOL VCKpOiV. ^ TOVTW 7rdvT€<; 01 TTjOO- ay€<; aurot?." 'Ap^d/ievo<; Be 6 6 Uerpo^ €^€Ti9eT0 avToZ<; Ka0e^<; Xeyoiv^ '* * ^Eyco rjfirjv iv iroXei • x. 9. ^loTnrrf Trpoa-evxofJLevo^i, Kal elBov iv iKaTdaec opa/ia, KaTa- ^ ^Ivov aK€v6<; tl to? oOovrjv fieydXrjv, Tecraapatv dp')(al<; KaOte- v^^^^^^ • 6 fievTjV iK TOV ovpavov, Kal rjXOev d')(pL^ i/iov' ek rjv aTevlcra^ KaTevoovv, Kal elBov tcl tct pdiroBa tt}? 7/)? Kal Ta drjpia Kal to, 7 epireTa Kal to, irereLvd tov ovpavov. ^Kovaa Be ^(ovij'i Xeyovcrrj^i 8 /jioi, '^i/aoTa9, TleTpe, dvaov Kal (fydye. Elirov Be, MrjBajjLO)!;, Kvpte' OTi irav kolvov 97 aKddapTOV ovBiiroTe ela-rfXOev ei? to 9 crro/JLa fiov. ^AireKpidr} Be fWL ^coprj iK Bevrepov iK tov ovpavov, ]o'^A 6 Oeo9 iKaddpLae, av fMrj koivov. Tovto Be iyeveTO iirl Tpl KvpLO)' oTt rjv dvr)p dya66<; kol irXrjpr]^ TrvevfiaTO^ 24 07/01; KoX TTicTTeco'^. KOL TrpoaeTeOr] o;^Xo9 lKavo<; tw Kvpup. *E^f]XOe Be ei9 Tapcrov 6 Bapvd^a^ dva^rjTTjaat, ^avXov, kol 25 evpcov avTov 7]yar^ev avTov et9 AvTiox^Lav. eyeveTo be avTov<; evLavTov oXov avvaxOrjvai ev tT) eKKXrjaLa, kol BoBd^aL o^Xov Ikuvov, XPVH'^'^^^^'' '^^ iTpoiTov ev 'AvTLOx^ia tou9 fiadrjTdfi 13. &v5pas is perhaps an interpolation. Bengelius, Le Clerc, Drusius, Benson, &c. 16, See i. 5. John the Baptist himself had But there is more authority for 'EWriPia-rds, also said this, Matt. iii. 11. and if "EAATjm? means Gentiles, and if this 17. €701) §6 Tis ^fxriv. Beza rejects 8e, which took place before the conversion of Cornelius, is wanting in some MSS. but Raphel defends it seems highly improbable that any Gentiles it. Cicero often uses ego' vera in the same were converted. I conceive, however, that S. manner. Luke was speaking of a later period, and, if 19. iirl ^recpducf), post Stephamim, Alberti, so, there would be no objection to reading "EA- Palairet ; ob Stephanum, Castalio, Beza, Eras- K-qvas, and understanding by it devoid Gentiles. mus, L. de Dieu. 21. Philostratus may have alluded to this Ibid. Kvirpioi. Mnason of Cyprus, an old rapid progress of the gospel at Antioch, when disciple, is mentioned in xxi. 16. he speaks of Apollonius leaving it, kolX ttjs 'Aj/- 20. 'Pi.vTi6x^<-o-v. Josephus says that the Jews Tzoxems ffw-qQus v$pL^ova-ns, koI jurjSev rwu 'EA- brought over a great number of Greeks to their \r)piKciv iairovSaKvias. iii. 58. p. 139. This religion at Antioch, KaKtlvous Tp6na tivl p.o7pav was between A.D. 37 and 47. avTwv TTeiroiT)VTO. De Del. Jud. vii. 3. 3. 2-5. Saul had gone to Tarsus A.D. 33. See ix. Ibid, fjcrav Z4 Tivis. This probably happened 30; Gal. i. 21. He had probably preached in some time after what is mentioned in the pre- Syria and Cilicia; see xv. 41. ceding verse. 26. xP^JM^Ticrat. See Rom. vii. 3. We find Ibid. Kvp'qvaioi. Lucius of Cyrene is men- ^priixaTi^fiv fiaaiXivs in Polybius xxx. 2. and tioned in xiii. 1. XPW«'^^«^«5 ^^ /3acriAei;s in Josephus De Bel. Ibid. 'EAATjj/to-Tcts. The reading of "EAAtjvos Jud. ii. 2. 5. It is said that Christiaims is is supported by Grotius, Beza, Usher, Cocceius, rather a Latin than a Grecian form. Kc,^. 11. 12.] TflN AnOSTOAflN. 259 27 XpKTTiavois. Ev TavTai<; Se rat? r^fiepat^ KaTrjkOov airb a. p. 4>. 28 ' lepoa-oXvfut^v 'irpo(l>}]Tai et? ^ AvTi6')(€iav, avaara<; Be el? c^ avT&v oi/ofuiTC "Ayct^o^ icr^fiavc Bui tov Tri/eu/zaro?, Xifibv fieyav fiiWeiv eaeaOai € oKr)v rrjv olKoufjLevrjv ooTt? koI 29 iyepcTo eVl KXavBiov Kaiov ^Iwdwov fiayaipa. kol IBodv oti dpearov eaTLV T049 ^IovBaioi';y irpoaedero avXXa^elv kol Tlerpov' ^aav A Be TifjUpcu TOiv d}^vp.(i)V' ov koX Truiaaf edero ei? v\daaeiv avTov, 5 ^ov\6/j,€vo Xaro. 6 fiev ovv Tlerpov eTrjpeiTo ev ti; (f>v\atcri' irpoaevxh Be rjv e/cTevrjfi yivofievT) xnro Trj<; eKKkrjaiaft 7rp6Br]<;, t§ vvktl eKeivy ^v 6 JTeT/309 Koifiu}p^vo<; fxera^v Bvo arpuTKOTcaVf BeBe/Juevo^i dXvaea-i Bval, ^vXcuce'i Te irpo rf;? dvpa olBa 1 1 dXr)6cb<; ort, e^aireareiXe Kvpio'^ rov dyyeXov avrov, Kal e^eiXero fxe eV %6t/909 'HpdaBov Kal vracr?;? r^? TrpoaBoKia^ rov Xaov rcov ^lovBaicov." XvviBoov re rjXOev eirl rrjv OLKiav Mapia^ t^? 12 firjrpb^; ^Icodvvov rov eTriKaXov/ievov MdpKov, ov rjaav Uavol (TVVTjOfiotafjLevoL Kal 7rpocrevy^6/j.evoL. Kpovaavro^ Be rov Uerpov r-t-jv Ovpav .rod 7rvX(ovo<;, irpoa- 13 •P]X6e rraiBiorKt) vTzaKovaab, ovopLan 'PoBtj' Kal eiriyvova-a rrjv 14 ^a>vr]v rov Uerpov, drro tt}? %a/oa9 ovk ijvoL^e rov rrvXwva, elaBpajMovaa Be drrrjyyeiXev eardvai rov Uerpov Trpo rod ttvXo)- j/o?. OL Be 77/30? avrrjv elirov, '' Malvr)." 'H Be Buaxvp^^^ro 15 ouTft)? ex^tv. 01 Be eXeyov, "'O dyyeXo<; avrov earlv." 'O Be 16 Uerpo<; e-rrefjieve Kpovcov dvoL^avre<; Be elBov avrov, Kal e^earrj- aav. Karaaeiaa<^ Be avrol<=; rfj %6i/9t auyav, Bn^ytjaaro avrol^ 17 7rft)9 6 Kvpio^ avrov e^rjyayev eK r?)? (f)vXaKrj<^. elire Be, '' " Airay- yeiXare ^laKco^fo Kal rol'^ d.BeX^ol<^ ravraJ" Kal e^eXOcov iiro- pevOr] 619 erepov roirov. Tevopuevr]'^ Be ri/iiepa<;, rjv rdpa^p'^ ovk is 0X-/709 ev roh a-rparLcioraL<;, rl dpa 6 Uerpo<^ eyevero. 'HpcoBrj^; 19 Be im^'qrr^aa'^ avrov Kal fir) evpwv, dvaKplvas rov<; <^vXaKa<;, eKeXevarev diraxOrivai' Kal KareXOcov diro rrj i. e. ad suppHcium. See Esther 6 yiXwTOTToihs Kpovaas t^v Qvpav elire t^ virax- xii. 3. So Pliilo Judaeus, air-qyovTO, ifiaari- ov(TauTi,el(Tayye7KaiocrTisTeeir).Si/7npos.\^.690. yovvTO, erpox'^^ouTO, vol. ii. p. 527. Pliny 'E7ci» Se kStttw irpoaeXdchu rijy Bvpav, Kal /Ji6\is writes, " perseverantes rfwj jussi." Epist. x. 97. K<^. 13] TSIN AnO^TOAflN, 261 20 Kaiaapeiav hierpi^cv. * ''Hv Be 6 'HpcoSr]<; Ovfiofiax^v TvploL<^ a.d. 44. Kal SiBo. is. A-D- ■^s. ^avOiaTaro he avTOLv, lo ■^ drreareiXav ol dp')(iavvdy(i)yoL rrpo^ avrov^<■'if ' '' * • » « / > « etxiii. 14. 'TTarepa'i rjfiMV Kat rov Xaov vYcoaev ev rriirapoLKia ev yp 2^5°'*'''^'' '^h^'^'^^h '<^<^^ /nerd 0pax^ovo<; vyjrrjXov e^rjyayev avrpv<; ef Num.xiv..S4; auTm' 'Vat o)? reaaaoaKovraern ypovov irpoTromoprjcrev avrov<; I8 Psal.xev.lO. , 1 , , , ^ ^ ^ "^ >^ v ' ^ V v ^ " Jos. xiv. 1 ^^ ^V ^PVH-^' '^'^^ KaoeXcDV eovr] eirra ev yy Jiavaav, KareKXr]- 19 2- pohiiTnaev avroh rr/v yy]v avrcov. ^ koX fierd ravra, 009 erecrt 20 pJud. ii. 16; ^t^" , , , ,,5. > r/ v >a " ^ etiii. 9. rerpaKoaioLv\fi<; Bevia^lu, errj Teoj^l^^^^^' Jf P 22 aapuKovra' '/cat ^efd&r/ji^d^ avrov, rjyeipev avroU rov AajSlh ^[ j^^p*' €i9 fSaaiXiay at koX elirc fxaprvprjaa^t * Evpov AajSlB rov toO Ose. xiu. n. ^l€o0ovfji€voL TOP QeoVy v^lv 6 X6yo<: t»)? ? Kal ev ra) yjraX/uLO) rw Sefrepw " ^^.'^"- f^-^^ 34 yeypairraL, ' Tlo^i tiov el av, iyo) arjfiepov yeyevvrjKd ae,' ^'On Mar. xv. 46; t.\>/ »\» « / /, ^ r /, Lu.xxiii.53; oe avearriafv avrov e/c v€Kp(ov,'fir)K€rc fieXXovra v7roarp€(p6LV joh. k\x. 68. €t9 BuKfOopav, ovray; etprjKev, *"Ort Bayaco v/mv rd ocna Aa^lB •' »• 24. 35 rd iTLor-d* ^Alo koI ev erepw Xeyfi, ' Ov BcoaeL^i rov oaiov aov Matt.' xxviii. / 2, 16; Mar. xvi. 6, 14; Lu. xxiv. 36; Joh. xx. 19; et xxi. I ; 1 Cor. xv. 5, 6. d Gen. iii. 15; et xxii. 18 ; et xx\n. 4; elxlix 10; Deut. xviii. 15 ; 2 Sam. vii. 12 ; Psal. txxxii. 11 ; Esa. iv. 2; et vii. 14 ; et ix. 6 ; et xl. 10; Jer. xxiii. 5 ; et xxxiii. 14 ; Ezeth. xxxiv. 23; et xxxTii. 24 ; Dan. ix. 24, 25. e Psal. ii. 7 ; Heb. i. ^\ ^^ et V. 5. i Esa. Iv. 3. g ii. 27, &c. ; Psal. x\\. 10. ^ Judges. From the division of the Judges to Palairet. I should then translate ^px^rai, not Samuel was only three hundred and forty-eight there comes one, but he comes. year.s. Some would read TpiaKoaiois for rtrpa- 27. Kplvavrcs. Having condemned Jesus. Koaiois. Kna^hbuU, Beza, Hamipond, Wolfius. 21. Josephus says that Saul reigned forty S\. This seems to imply that S. Paul had years, /fntiq. vi. 14, 9; and the probability of not himself seen Jesus. See Heb. ii. 3. it is shewn by Biscoe, p. 558. 32. iiixiv is omitted in many MSS. 22. /xtraa-rfiaas. Vel e regno, vel e vita. 33. at/aa-T-fja-as. See note at ii. 30. Raphel. Ibid. i^aXfieS. This psalm was always con- Ibid. Evpov K. T. A. These words are not sidered to be prophetic of the Messiah. See taken from any one passage in scripture, but Heb. i. 5, Many MSS. omit r

eut. ,y^CM xxxii. 21 ; ^ Esa. Iv. 5 ; Matt.viii.l2; t xxi, 4.3 ; om. X. 19. o Esa.xlix.O; et xlii. 6 ; Lu. iL32. P 2 Tim. iii. . 11. . ■H*.'*-^''-' et 264 nPA'BEIi: [K6<^. 15. Ihelv BLa(f)6opdv.' ^Aa^lh jiev yap Ihla yevea vir7)perrj(Ta vofiw Mcoa6(o<; BiKaL(6B9}vai, iv Tovrtp ■> Trd'i 6 TTcareixov BtKaiovrai. jSXeTrere ovv [jlt] iTrekOrj e'^' vjjlcl^ 40 ; TO elprjfievov iv rot? 7Tpocf)7]Tai<;, ' ^ "IBere, ol KaTapovT}Ta\, Kol iTTi^Kf^are, Kol 6avfjLd(raTe 6av- fidcria, Kol a(pavicrdriTe. 42. Most MSS. read i^iSvTuv 5e avrcov irap- fKaKovv eis rh fUTa^v. Ibid, fiera^v. Lightfoot understood this of the second and fifth days of the week, upon which the synagogues were held, ad Matt. iv. 23. But Krebsius quotes Joseplius as using /ueTo|i) for post : so it is understood by Eras- mus, Capellus, L. de Dieu. 43. iiruQov avTovs. Rogabant eos. Raphel. Most MSS. read -npocrfx.iveiv. 46. OVK a^iovs Kpiven iavTovs is the same as Kplvere eavrovs ovk a^ious, ye pass sentence upon yourselves us unworthy. 47. This quotation agrees with the Hebrew. 48. TeTayfji.4voi. This verse is to be con- trasted with ver. 46 : aTwOeiaQe rhv xSyov rov &eov is opposed to iBo^a^ov rhv \6yov rov Kvpiov, and ovk a^iovs Kpivere eavrovs rfis alct- vlov ^wfjy to ^loav reray/ieVoi ets ^W7)j/ atdviov. The Jews rejected the gospel, tl'.e Gentiles ac- cepted it : the former act was voluntary, and so was the latter : rdca^adai els is therefore to enrol oneself in, to put oneself in the number of. See Rom. x. 3 ; 1 Cor. xvi. 15. 50. ivaxvi^ovas. See xvii. 12; Mark xv. 43. It seems to mean, persons of condition. Most MSS. omit rds. K.<^ 13. 14] TflN AHOSTOAnN, 265 A.D. 45. Kol TOP ^apvd^av, Koi i^e^aXpy avTov<; airb toji/ 6pia)V avroiv. _ 51 *•©/ he iicfivd^aevoL rov kovlootov tcov irohwv avTMV eir avTov<; i x»v. 6,U; 52 rjXuop et? Ikovlov. oi oe fiautjTat eirXrjpovvro x°'P^^ '^^^ irvev- Matt. x. u ; r / Mar. vi. 11; /irtTO? ayiov. Lu. ix. 5. 14 'EFENETO Be iv 'iKOvltp, Kara ro axrro elaekOelv avTou<; €L(ov. ' iKuvop fiev ovv ^(^povov ^t- ' "'*• M ' . eTpiyjrav Trapp^ia^ofievoi. iirl tcS Kvpicp tw /xapTvpovvrc tm iieb. u. 4. Xoyo) Trj'i ')^dpLTO<; avrov, koX BlBovti (rrj/JLela kol repara ylve- ^ 4 (rdai Bia rdv p^etpwi/ aurojv. ea^J^Or) Be to '7rXi]do<; tt}? tto- ^Xvyov €i9 ra? TroXet? tt}? AvKaopia<;, Avar pan kol 7 Aep^r)v KoX ri)v Trepi^copov, Kaxel ^aav evayyeXi^o/jbevoi. -""T 8 "Kat Tt9 dvijp iv AvaTpoL<; dBuvaTO(>)vjj, " ^AvdarrjOi eVt tov9 7r65a9 o"ou opdo^;." Kal TpJXero 11 /cat Trepieirdrei,, >' 0/ 5e o;^Xot tSorr€9 eTroirjaev 6 TlavXo^, ' "xviii. 6. einjpav ri-jv (jxovrjv avrcov AvKoovtarly Xeyovre^i, "01 Seal opLOLW- 12 6evTe x. 26. / rl ravra iroielre ; Kal rjp^el^ ojJbOLOTTadel^ eajiev vjuv dvOpcoTroi, '-"^fit M^'wt/ evayyeXi^ofievoc vfidr] Ovetv avroL<;. xi^s?' ^'ETTrjXOov 8e CLTTO ^ AvriO')(eia<; Kal ^Ikoviov 'lovhaloL, Kal 19 2Tim.iii.ii. ircldavre^ rov<; 6^\ov<;, Kal XiOdaavr6<; rov IlavXov eavpov efo) ^i.^*^ 7 Tj^c^aJ^ '^V^ TToXeo)?, vop,Laavre ' « / Matt. X. 38; Ta? y'v;^a? ro)V fiaUijrwv, ,7r^paKa]^ovi>ref; ep.p.eveiv rr} iTKTrei, Lul'xxu!*' '^^^^i "on Bia iToXkfo^ OXi^^eaiv pel' r}ad TlavX^p Kal to3 Bapvd^a Trpo? avrov<;, era^av ''XoYy\, k Gal. ii. 1. dva^aiveiv IlavXov Kal Bapvd^av Kal rLva7jv TUiV edvoiV KoX iiToiovv X^P^^ fieydXtjv iraai> lA.t.*-4A-/Tj 4 Tot9 tt8eXv diro r^? aip€a€(o<; r T)fiep(OP dpxaitop 6 Seo<; ep i)fup e^eXe^aro Bid rod ctto- fioTO^ fwv dKoixrat, rd edprj top Xoyop tov evayyeXiov, kol iria- 5 Tev opofxaTi avToir koI tovto) (Tv/jL(f)Q)Povcnp ol Xoyoi tmp irpo- 16 (f>r}TQ)P, Kaddif; yeypaiTTai, '^Merd Taina dpaa-Tpeyp-co koX ai/- ' Amos ix. ' OlKoBo/JLTjaO) TT]P (TKTJPTJP Aa^XB TTJP ireiTTCOKViaP' Koi Td KOT- 2. xpf(r$vTfpovs. When the apostles were the latter partly in the affirmative. See xxi. 21. absent from Jerusalem, the church there was ' 7. ar^ «)/ r\ >\">-^ / ^ j^. Lev. iii. 17; crT€LAai avTOL^i Tov aTTe')(e(Tuai, airo TMV aXi(ryrjfiaTO)v tmij etooo- DeuI'xiiVs- ^ft>''' '^'^^ '^V^ ir0pV6ia)iV(i)(TK0fM6V0^. X xiii. ?7 ; ToTe eSoPe T0L<; dTToaToXoi^ Kol Tol<^ 7rp€a8vT6poi UavXw kol Bapvd^a, 'lovSav tov iTTLKaXovfievov Bapaa^dv, kol "XCXav, dvhpa^ r)yovfievov^ iv rot? aSeX^ot?, rypd-\lravTe<; Bid %ei/)o? avTCJV rdSe, " 01 dTrocTToXoi, koX ol irpea- 23 ^vrepoL KOL ol dSeXcpol, tol<; Kara t^i/ ^ AvTi6')(€Lav koI Xvplav y ver, 1 ; KoX KiXiKiav dSeX(f)OLc. t « 'j- a /i ' ) / t- t r. ^ r \ Job. ii. 19. (TCLfjiev OTi Tcve<; ef r)/jL(ov e^eXt'oi^re? erapa^av vfjLa<; \070t9, flf^O ^ dvaaK6va^0VT€<; ra? '^frvxd^ v/xmv, XeyovTe<; irepLTe/jLveaOat kov Tijpelv TOV vofMov, oh ov BieaTeiXdfjieOa, eBo^ev rjfiiv yevofievots 25 o/jLoOvfiaBov, eKXe^afiivov^i dvBpa<; Trifjuyjrat, tt/jo? vjiid<;, avv rot? « xiii. 50; dyair7]Tol^ rjfjicov Bapvd/3a kol UavXw, ^dvOpcoiroo^i irapaheBco- 26 etxiv. 19. / V , \ , - *f N o , ', „ / f « / Koai ra? yu^a? avTcov virep tov ovofiaTo^ tov Kvpiov rj/jucov ^Irjaov Xpcarov. dTreardXKajjiev ovv ^lovSav koX ^IXav, kol 27 avTov<; Bid Xoyov dirayyeXXovra'^ rd avrd. eBo^e ydp too dylw 28 a ver. 20 ; TTvevfiaTL KOL Tj/jLiv, fjLTjBev TfXeov eTnTiOeaOat v/jitv 0app<;, irXriv etxvi. 4; „,, , a''Zl 'C-%Z1/ \ r/ et xxi. 25. T03V eiTavayice^i tovtcov, ^aTre^eafJab eibwXoovTwv Kai ai^aT0Trwp, it is in the Hebrew, that they may the Jews would constantly be reminded of possess the remnant of Edom. The LXX appear them. to have read Q^j{ for DHii) and S. Luke added 22. rols airoffrSKois — e/cAe^a^iteVous — 7pci\|/- r>u Kvpco., which is not in'the LXX. See Wol- f^% Fo^ ^^niilar instances, see Ilaphel, Wol- fius and L. de Dieu. fius Krebsius. 17-19. Most MSS. read 6 iromu ravra . }^'^- 2'^«''- He is called - - > - /I J -J 2o. Most Moo, read oi irpeaBvr^poi aoe\(t>ot. 20. emcrrdXai aurois rov aTrexecrdai, to write t,-j „ , mi • • ^ c ^^ ^ \ i /o ^/..r«>r ^;.e j^urpose of their ahstaimm. ^^'^•. ^'J'.'^'"':- .^.'"^ 'f .^P^f ^*'^ 'iV"'^^^^^ Ibid. TTopj^f/as. All the other precepts are '^ ^"^^^^^^"^^'^^'-^^^'^^'^^'^'^^ probably been merely arbitrary or positive : fornication is spe- P^'l^f ^^ a ' ''^- \' cified, because the Gentiles did not look upon it 24 1 he words Xeyour.s ~ v6,.o, are perhaps as a sin. See ver. 29. an interpolation. ■Ibid. Ka\ rov aif^aros. Irenjeus adds, " et ^S rcc^ .^avayn.s tovtcov. These things, quaecunque nolunt sibi fieri, aliis ne faciant," ''''"\' ^'^""g^^, m themselves mdifferent, may p. 199; and there is other authority for this ^f' ^? ««"«^^d«r«d necessary M'heii Jews and insertion. See Lardner, vol. iii. p. 22-35. ^"! '^^^/''^ ^'!"^- familiarly together. 21. Ma>a?,s ydp. The Gentiles were advised 29. lie order of the words seems more to abstain from these things, because they would natural here than in ver. 20, since the prohi- give great oftence to the Jews. The Law of bition of fornication rests on very different Sloses was still read in the synagogues, and f/«^."^^ ^>-"^" the others : see ver. 20. It 18 since these things were forbidden in the Law, the same in xxi. 25. K«<^. \5, 16.] y TnN AnOXTOAflN. 269 Ka\ tti'Iktov Kul rropveiar ef wv BiaTrjpovvT€<: kavTOvvXia<;, koI fit) avveXdovra auTOL « '^"'yi' »'T '>5'>-i'' f-'l Tim. i. 2 ; 3 efiaprupeiTO inro tcov ev Avarpoi^ Kai Ikovlw aoeXcfxov. ^tou- 2 jim. i. 5, TOV rjOeXrjaev 6 IIavXo<; avv avTM e^eXdelv, Kal Xa^cov irepieTe- * ^'- ^• >v5.\ ^ •>r ^ r '\»/ » '^ ' •> / flCor.ix.20; . /i^ avTov, oia Tot«? iovoaiov*; tov<; ovTa<; ev TOL v (> / \ v 7. 06 TTopevo/jievcov rjficnv et? rrpoaev^^rjv, iraiOiaKTjv nva e^ovaav TTvevfia UvOwvo^ dTravr^ijaaL rjfuv, 7]n^ epyaalav ttoXXtjv rrap- 6. ^ie\e6vT€s. Most MSS. read di^KOov, and tijs Tuppr]yias. ii. 16. 2. iKdSvTes 86 in ver 7. Ibid. KoAccvia. Pliny calls Philippi a colony, Ibid. TaKaTiK-f)!/. They were warmly re- H. N. iv. 18. The people call themselves Re- ceived in Galatia, Gal. iv. 13 — 15, and worked mnns in ver. 21. miracles there, iii. 5. 13. v6\ews. Probably ttuA-tjs. Ibid. 'Acria. See ii. 9. Ibid, npoarfux^ is tsiken for a place of prai/er 7. Kara T^v Mua-., ad fines Mysite. Most MSS. by Knatchbull, Krebsius, Drusius, L. de Dieu, read eis ttji' Biduuiav, and rh Trvevfia 'Itjctou. Eisner. The word is used in this sense by 10. i^rjT-f}(raiJ.ev. Tiiis is the first place where Josephus, vol. ii. p. 26. and Philo, vol. ii. p. S. Luke speaks of himself as accompanying 523, 565 : but ivofxi^eTo can hardly be recon- S. Paul. ciidd with this sense ; and Kadia-avres — yvpai^l Ibid. (rvfifii^d^ovTes. CoUatis argumentis col- rather points out a place of general resort in ligentes. the open air. Ibid. 6 Kvpios. Many MSS. read 6 0eos. 14. Trop(pvp6nw\is. Wheeler mentions an in- 11. NtaTToXtv, distant about sixty-five miles scription in the ruins of Thyatira with the words from Samothrace. OI BA ,f , « X IThew. ii. 2. o-)(Axy; Kar axntov, Ka^, oi arpanjyoi, 7r€pippi]^av7€v\aKi)v, iraparfyeiKame^ tcS Beapiood<;, e^aXev ainov^ €19 rrjv eawrepav (f>u\aKrjv, xal tov^ 7r6Ba<; ^,^ 26 auTwv ^a(f>a\ia-aTo 6t9 to ^vKov. "Kara Be to /leaovvxTLOv " '^f- i^- ITaD\o9 #car5t\-<„\ J 26 wirro ^6 avTokf ol BeafiLoi. ^d(f)V(o Be aeiap})^ eyevero /jieya<;, r r. 19 ; ^\ wore aa\evdt]vaL Ta defieXia tov BeafjbcoTrjpiov dveay^rjadv T6 ^tjC,J^ 27 TTapayjp7]pua al Ovpai wdaai, Kal irdvrcDv Ta Bea/id dveOrj. c^vtt- vov\aKr]<^, airacrdiJLevo^ /jbd^aipav, e/xeWev eavTov dvaipelv, 28 vofii^ayv eKTre(f>€vyevaL toi'9 Beajjiiov^. €d)vr}a€ Be (fxDvfj fieydXr] 6 JIai;Xo9, \eycjv, " MrjBev Trpd^fj aeavTot KaKov diravTe^i yap 29 ea/xev evddBe." AtTf)(Ta^ Be (OTa elaeTr^BTjae, Kal evTpo/jLo<; 30 yev6fievo<; irpoa-eirecre tw UavXto Kal tm ^IXa' ^Kal Trpo- tov Xoyov et Vi. ii ; 33 Tou Kvpiov, Kal 7rd(TL Tot? ev TTj OLKia avTov. Kal irapaXajBoiv ^ ^"^^ ^' ^^' avTov<; ev eKelvri ttj atpa T779 WKTo»>\^ »/» //I /o vet xbc. 6. < ayar/a)v T€ avTOV^ et9 tov olkov avTov, irapeorjKe Tpaireyiv Kai rjyaXXidaaTOy iravoiKl 7r€7ncrTevK0i)<^ tu> Qcm. 20. (rrpaTTfyoiis. This was generally the own clothes or those of the apostles: but Al- Greek term for prafors. Biscoe thinks that berti brings many instances of clothes being they were the duumviri of the town, who were torn off the backs of persons who were scourged ; sometimes called prcetors, p. 317. and the magistrates are said to have done what 21. The introduction of new gods was for- they ordered to be done. See Mark xv. 1 3. bidden by the laws of Rome ; and the apostles Dion. Hal. rols pa^5ovxois iKe\ev,^C'^^^ ayrot'?, ^^ Aelpayre^ r)/iid^ Srjfioaria, dKaraKpiTov^, dvOpwirov^J^Oi/UAy 'PwfJiaiov^; virdpxopraf;, e^aXov eU (f)v\aKr]v, koX vvv XdOpa 97yLta? i/c^dWoucnv ov jdp' dWd i\66vr6<; avrol ri/jid<; i^- ayayiroxrav." ^AvtjyyetXav Se rot? aTpaTr}yoL<; ol pa^hovx,ot 38 rd prjfiara ravra' kol 6(f)0^i]dr](Tav dKovaavre^ on 'Pco/jLolol « Maft. viii. elat, ^ Kol i\06vT6<; TTapefcdXeaav avTov<;, Kal e^ayay6vTe<; rjpoa- 39 nov i^ekOelv r^? TroXeco?. e^ek66vT€<^ he e/c rrj'''' f^^"^^ ^^ '^^ etft)^09 Tft) HavXw elarrfkOe Trpo? avTov<;, Kal iirl 2 *PH&i.x%ii.6iad^/3c^raTpLa BceXeyero avrol^; diro tmv ypa(j)a)v, ^Biavolycov 3 —t^ ^^&u.^^\2\; fcal irapHndifievo^, on rov XpLarov eBet iradelv Kal dvaarrjvai 2(3 43- ^'^ veKpwv, Kai "on ouTo? eanv o Xpi,aT0<=; irjaov^, ov eyco Joh. i. 41. KarayyeXXco vfuv" yKal nve^ e^ avrwv eTreLaOrjaav, Kal irpocT- 4 et xxviii. 24. eK^TjpcodTjaav Tft) TlavXtt) Kal Tft) XiXa, TMV re ae^ofjiivcov ^pK^ 'EXX'^vcov iroXif 7rXrjdo<;, yvvatKMV re tcov irpcorcov ovk oXu^atW-'''-^']n^ %y]k(a(TjapTe<^ Be ol direiOovvre^ 'lovBaloL, Kal 7rpoaXa^6/jLevOc% I ra>v dyopaicov nvd<; dvBpa^ 7rovr]pov<;, Kal 6)(Xo'TroLiqa:avTe<;, eOo- ^^z,*,^ pv^ovv Tr)v ttoXlv eTriardvTe^ re ry qIklcl 'Idaovo^, i^rjrovv t xvi. 20. avTOV<; dyayelv et? rov Bfj/uLov ^/irj evpovre^ Be avTov<;, ecrvpov 6 Tov ^Idaova Kai nva<; dBeX / joh..xix. 12. eiaiv, ^ou9 viTooebeKTai la<7(ov' Kai ovtol 7ravTe<; airevavn i 35. pa^Soixovs, the liciors. The Codex Bezae there, 1 Thess. i. 5. and maintained himself by reads, crvvriXQov ol (TrpaTTjyol i-rrl rh avrb els r^v his own labour, 1 Thess. ii. 9 ; 2 Thesis, iii. 8. h.'yopa.u, Ka\ ava/j-frjadiyTes rhv (T^KTixhv rhv ye- He praises their faith and labour of love, •you6Ta e(po^ri6-naav Koi aireaTeiXau tovs — 1 Thess. i. 3, 8, 9. Many MSS. omit t) before 37. 'Pa>iJ.aiovs. " Facinus est vinciri civem (rvvayoyyri. Romanum, scelus verberari." C\c. iu Fer.vi. 66. 3. TvapariQefievos. Putting owe -pass&ge bp the *' Porcia lex virgas ab omnium civium Romano- side of another, so as to shew the reference of rum corpore amovit." Id. pro Rahir. 4. the whole to Christ. 39. irapeKaXecrav, comforted them. Biscoe, 4. irpoaeK\'npv ayopaiuv. Circumforavei. Demosthenes is, Trphs TTjv AuSiaf, to the house of Lydia. See speaks of irepiTpififxa ayopds. De Cor. 269. 19. Bos, Alberti, Raphel, Palairet. See Aul. Gell. xvii. 3. These persons were pro- Ibid. i^rjKeov. S. Luke appears to have staid bably Gentiles: see 1 Thess. ii. 14. at Philippi. See xxi. 5. Ibid, ^lacrovos. He seems afterwards to have Chap. XVII. 1, 'ATroWwvlau. Stephanus been with S, Paul at Corinth, Rom. xvi. 21. Byzant. places Apollonia in Illyria. See Horn. Ibid, ayayelu. Probably irpoayayetv. XV. 19. 7. airevavTi. In every other place this signi- Ibid. &€crcra\oviKr]v. While S. Paul was at fies, before, in front of; and so here it may Thessalonica, the Philippians sent him assist- mean, in the face of the decrees. They probably ance, Phil. iv. 15, 16. He worked miracles alluded to tlie Christians' refusing to worship rC^-' K«^. 17.] TflN AUOXTOAflN. 273 Twy Soyfidrcov Kataapo -XJi, 9 oKOvovTa^: ravra' koI \a^6vT€<; to Uavbv irapcL tov 'Idaovo^ ■ JZ 10 KoX tS)V XoiTToyVf aTreXva-av avTOva<;, el expt TavTa outox?. ttoXXol jxev ^°^' ^' ^^* ovv ef avTcov eirtOTevaav, Kai tcov 'EXXt/VlBcov yvvuLKcov tcov 13 eva^/jLOPWV koI dvBpoiV ovk oXlyoi. o)? Be eyvcoaav ol utto t^9 G€ ver. 4. Kal Tol<; ae^o/jLevoL<;, Kal ev rfj dryopa KaTa irdaav rjfMepav 7rp69 18 T0U9 7rtipaTvy)(dvovTa* Kal tiv€<; eXeyov, " Tl av OeXoL 6 s irrl t^v 6d\acrs and virefieiyay. trial. P«al. 1. 8. g Deut 27.4 nPAUEi:^ |Ke^. 17. A-D- 46. fiovpr€<; ^evoL et? ouSei/ erepov ev/^aipovv, rj Xiyetv rl koX VLKOVUV KaivoTepov. Sradeh Be 6 ITaOXo? iv fjueaoi rov^Apelov Trdyov, €(f)ri, ''^'Av- 22 Spe? ^AOrjvaloi, Kara iravTa co<; BeLaiBai/jLoveaxepov^; u/U-a? Oecopcb. 8i€p^6fi6vor,-p j ^ s ^ / Gen. i. 1 ; '^ov Koajjbov Kai TTuvTa Ttt ev avTcp, ovTO^ ovpavov Kai yi]<; KVpLO ^^^ ^^ 'X^eipoTTOLriroLf; vaoh KaTOiKel, ^ovBe vtto ')(eipwv 25 etcxxiv. 8; dvOpcoirwv OepaTTeveTai irpoateojX&^o'i tlvo^, avT6<; BiSov'/) 'Z}/ ^ ■> \ r' \ t „«,,,- f Gen. ii. 7- ^^^^^ aVUpCDTrCt^V^ KarOLKCLV eiTL TTaV TO 7rpOt€<; uvtm, iiriaTevaav a. p. 46 . iv oU Kol Aiovvaios 6 ^Ap€07rayLTrj<;, koI yvvy] ovofiarL Aa/jLapi, - xv'i. 14,15. 6 TifwBeo^, avvej^ero to> TTpevfiari 6 Uavl^oj, BiOjiapTvpofiepo^ o xiii.45,5i; Tot9 'lovBaioif; top Xpicrrop ^Iwjovp, *'dpiifd&&oiiXifi6p Be av~ as^am^i.'ie- Twi/ Kcu fi\a(T \ . ' ^ v/, ' n j^^ /OX » .^ ■ et xxvii. 25. 7 ttTTo 70V pvp €1? ra euprj Tropevao/xat. Kal fierapaf; CKeiuep ^Xdep €19 oiKiap Tt,p6o^0Vy dXkd \d\eL Kal fir) aKoinja-y^i' ^Blotl eyM elfxh fieTa " Joh- ». 16. aoVf Kal ovBeU eTriOjaeraL aoL tov KaKcoaaC ae' Blotl \a6 for Trveu/xart, and ehai ascribed to him, and many fabulous things told after 'lovSalots. of him. See Eusebius, H. E. iii. 4; iv. 23. 7. It seems to have been after this opposition Chap. XVIII. 2. KXavSiov. Suetonius from the Jews, that he wrote his first Epistle to mentions this decree, " Judaeos impulsore the Thessalonians. See 1 Thess, i. 7 ; iii. 6. Chresto assidue tumultuantes Roma expulit" 8, Kpiairos. He was baptized by S, Paul Claud. 25. himself, 1 Cor. i. 14. According to the Apo- 3. (TKy]voTroioi. Biscoe says, that all the Jews stolical Constitutions he was bishop of iEgina. brought up their sons to some trade, p. 248. Ibid. ifiairTi^ovTO. S. Paul himself only bap- S. Paul had maintained himself by his own tized Crispus and Caius, and the family of Ste- labour at Thessalonica, 1 Thess. ii. 9 ; 2 Thess. phanas, 1 Cor. i. 14, 16. iii. 8. See Witsius, Meletem. Leidens. p. 12. 11. He seems to have worked many miracles He was also supplied with assistance from at Corinth, 2 Cor. xii. 12. It was during this Macedonia, 2 Cor. xi. 9. His trade was pro- period that he wrote his second Epistle to the bably that of making small portable shades of Thessalonians. leather. 12. TaXXiwvos. This Gallio was probably the 5. KaTTJXdov. Compare 1 Thess. iii. 6. Silas elder brother of Seneca. He was banished by probably went to Corinth first, and Timothy, Tiberius, A.D. 32, but afterwards recalled, who had been to Thessalonica, followed after. Tacit. Ann. vi. 3. His servility to Nero is men- Ibid. aweixfTo. S. Paul became still more tioned, ib. xv. 73: he was put to death. Seneca earnest in preaching the gospel in consequence gives a high character of him. Nat. Quasi, iv. of the good accounts which were brought by prsef. Timothy from Thessalonica, 1 Thess. i. 7 ; iii. 6. x2 a^cce^^-*^ 276 . ., ITPASEI^ [k.<^. 18. A. p. 48. jS'^/jua, \€yovT6<;, '^"Otl irapa tov vojjlov ovTOi,*^ dvoJr^6Lv TO aTo/ia, elirev 6 FaXXLCOv tt/oo? tov? ^lovSaiov;, '' El SLff^,^ l^^v ovv rjv dSl/CTjfjLd tl rj pahcovpyrj/jLa Trovrjpov, w 'lovBaloi, kutu \6jov &v i]V€ax6fJ>rjv v/ncov' el Be ^rfTt^fid eaTi irepl Xoyov kol 15 ovofiaTCJV KUL vojxov TOV Kao v/jLa<;, oyecrc/e uvtol' KpiTt]^ yap iyo) TovTwv ov jSovXofiai elvai." Kal dir/jXaaev avTov/ / c^viwT^i >/ /^ ei%e yap ev)0v. KaTrjVTrjae be et? Ecpeaov, KaKeivov; KaTeXiirev 19 avTov' auTO? Be elaeXOobv eh Tr]v (Tvvay(o Heb. vi. 3. Kai avrj^^DT] aiTo Try9 Ecpeaov Kai KaTeXdcov et? Kacadpetav, 22 dva^d'^ Kal dairao-dfjievo^i Tr}v eKKXr^alaVj KaTe^i] et? 'Avtio- 'X^ecav. Kal ironfjcra'i ^/jowz^ Ttvd, e^f]X6e, Bcepx,ofievo<; Ka6e^fj<; 23 TTjv TaXaTiKr]V ^copai^ Kal ^pvyiav, eTnarTTjpi^ojv 7rdvTa<; rot'? fiadr]Td<;. //^ a. al^. YovTOf; rjV KaTrj^rjI^^vo^ '^h^ oBbv tov Kvpiov, Kal ^icov rw 25 a/ TTvevjiaTV eXdXeL Kal eBlBaaKev dKpi^w.49/\ 27 avTQ} i^eOevTO Tyjv tov Geov oBou. ^^ovXofiepov Be avrov 8te\- * iCor.tH:«i ' 6elv 6*9 rriv ^Ax^tav, irporpe^dpLevoL ol aBeXcpol eypayjrav roLv ypa'/*' Mar. i. 4, 8 ; 6 wa 7np Be ei9 ttjp ctvp- "* "'• ^*" ayayyrjp eTrapprjaui^eTO, eVl firjpa'i Tpelf; BiaXeyofJuepo^i Kal TreiOcjp 9 TO, irepl T^9 ^aaiXeuK; tov Beov. *'/29 Be TLPeepo'i cp ttj a)(^oXfj Tvpdppov tlpo^. Tovto Be eyeveTO eirl a.d. 49-51. e7T7 Bvo, wcrre iraPTaf; tol'9 KaToiKovPTa<; T}]P ^Aalap aKOuaat TOP Xoyop TOV Kvpiov ^Irjaov, ^IovBaiov<; re Kal "EXXrjpa^;. 11 ^Avpd/i€L<; T€ ov Ta9 Tv^ovaa^; eiroiei 6 0eo9 Bud tcop X^'^P^^ uZ \\i 20 12 JJavXov, S&aTe Kal eirl tol'9 depea6aL diro tov g v. 15. A.D. 52, when S. Paul wrote to the Corinthians, received any x«P«^Ma> or miraculous effusion 1 Cor. xvi. 19. They were at Rome A.D. 53, of the Holy Ghost, and they answered that when he wrote to the Romans, Rom. xvi. 3. they had not heard of any such effect. Grotius. having prohably left Ephesus on account of the Compare John vii. 39. They had perhaps been tumult, ib. : but they were again at Ephesus converted by Aquila, who had not power to im- A.D. 64 or 6Q, when S. Paul wrote his second part these miraculous gifts. See Rom. i. 11. Epistle to Timothy, 2 Tim. iv. 19. Theophylact 4. Most MSS. omit Xpi(n6v. says that they were martyred under Nero, ad 5. 'KKovaavres. Some make this a continua- Rom. xvi. 4. tion of S. Paul's speech. Beza, Cocceius. It 26. a.Kpi^4 " jdrjfjbijrpio^ yap Tt9 bvo- 24 fiart, dpyvpoKorro^i, ttolojv vaov<; dpyvpov<; ^Apre/niBo^;, rrapel- Xero Tot9 rexy7rciL<; epyaa^av ovk oXlyrjV ov<; avva6poicra<;, 25 Kal rov^ Trepl rd roiavra epydra^, elirev, *' "AvBpe'i, erria-racrOe 1,2. ffovZdpia and (rifi.i,Klv9ia are both Latin were celebrated in magic, words. Sudarium signified properly /Mj/ewm 9?fo Ibid, apyvpiov. About 1614/. if we under- sudor deiergitur, and then any cloth : see Luke stand Roman denarii : or 6250/. if we take it xix. 20 ; Jolm xi. 44 ; xx. 7. Semicinctium to mean the Jewish siclus. answers exactly to our word apron. 21. eflero iropfvea-dai. So iElian lldriKa epeiu, 13. Tives ottJ, Probably t/v^s Ka^. statui dicer e. Hist. Animal, ii. 11. Compare Ibid. i^opKKTTuiu. For these exorcists see with this verse 1 Cor. xvi. 4, 5. Josephus, A?itiq. viii. 2, 5; Luke xi. 19. 22. -xpivov. He meant to stay till Pentecost, 14. apxiepews. There was no high priest, which fell this year on the 24th of May, I Cor. properly so called, of the name of Sceva. He xvi. 8. may have been one of the heads of the twenty- 23. ttjs dSov. See ix. 2 ; xxii. 4 ; xxiv. 14. four courses, and the chief of the priests then 24. vaovs. The va>ts meant properly a shrine living at Ephesus. Inclosing a statue. See Herodot. ii. 63. Hence 16. Kal KaraKvpievcras avrwu. Most MSS. it came to signify a small portable shrine, read KaraKvpieixras ajxcpor^pwu. 24, 25. The apyupoK6iro$ was the silversmith, 19, irepUpyos signified properly pneter rem who received orders for these shrines: he em- curiosus : then in rebus humaucB menti imperviis ployed factors or tradesmen, tcxv^tcis, whose male curiosus. Horace uses curiosus so in Epod. labourers or ipydrai made the shrines. xviii. 25, The Ephesian letters, or characters. /-^ / Mf K.€aov, aXXa axehov Trao"?;? ri}? « Pt^:l:^l44- ^A*'<^r*^^ Jef: ^eWeLV Be koX KaOaipeladai tt)v fieyaXeiorrjra avTfjt xxvii. 2 r oyLoOu^aBov €t9 to dearpoVy avvapirdaavTe^ Tdiov koX 'Api'ar- coL^v! 10! 30 ap'xov MaKfB6va<;, LXoi, trefi-y^avre^ tt/do? 82 avTov, irapeKdXovv firj Bovvcu eavrov eU to OeaTpov. dXXoL /lev \ ovv aXXo TL eKpa^ov rfv yap 17 eKKXrja-la avyKe^vfievr), Ka\ ol B3'7rXeiov ^^€Xev__^3C^ i xij. 17 ; 81 XoyelaOai tw S/J/aw. eiriyvoyrcdv Be on ^lovBaio^; eVrt, (f)Q)vr} ot xxi. 40* eyeveTO fiia ck TrdpTa^v, &)? inl copae<7Loi, Tt9 yap eanv dvOpoyiro^, 09 ov yLvdxTKet Trjv ^Ei^eaiwv ttoXlv vecoKopov ovaav ri}? /xeydXrjf; uryx^^f /-^^ 36 6ed ttoXXm, rjXOev el? rip ^EXXdBa' 7rotrjeiv Bid MaKeBovld^. ^avveLTrero Be avrm ci')(^pL r^? ^AaLa<; 4 etxxi. 29; X(0'jTaTpo<; Bepoialo v > , \ /t-f /^ w"' * '^ / y^^^:..<^x^.- «;at rfXtjofxev 7rpo<; avTov<^ "'Wj''^^ ipwaoa a')(pL<; rj/juepcov Trevre, — *iir42,46; ov Bierpv^^afJiev r}fiepa<; eirrdd^sPv Be rfj fiia tmv cra^/Sdrcov, 7 et xi. 20. ' (TUVTjy/jLevcov Twv fJLa07]Toov ijti) KXdaai dprov, 6 JTaOA-09 Be- J^''Y\ eXeyero avTol<;, fieXXwv e^tevau rfj eiravpiov, irapeTetve re rov i ^1- Xoyov fie')(^pv fJueaovvKrioxr rjcrav Be XafiirdBe^ Ixaval iv rS 8 V7repv iro\KS>v 17. It is probable therefore that he had staid fiocouTwv, Kal aury irpo;X€tTat daKpva. Exped. all this time at Philippi. Alex. vii. 11,8. (5. a^vfiwv. Easter this year fell on the 23rd ^ Ibid. fiTJi/as TpeTs. He wintered at Corinth, of March. and there wrote his Epistle to the Romans. 7. Many MSS. read (rvvriyfiepcov tiixuv KKacra.. 4. (Tvveiirero. This seems to refer only to 8. -^crav (Tvvr]-yfxeyoi. Probably ^juef cruy. Sopater ; for the rest did not literally accom- 9. KaTa(p(p6p.evos — /carei/ex^f is. The former pany S. Paul till after he had come to Troas, implies the progress of his drowsiness, the latter nor did they all go only as far as Asia : Trophi- his being completely overcome by it. K.^.20.] TflN AnOIiTOAnN. 281 11 pelade rj yap '^vyjq ainov iv axnta iarriv." 'Avafta^^y ^ cO^- K^,^^ I KaTr)VTrj(Tap.ev dmiKpv Xiov. rfj he erepa TrapefidXofiev et? Xdfiov' KaX fielvmrre/ra9 ei? ^EeaoVy fiereKaXeaaro 18 TOW irpeafivrepois rfp; eKKXrjaia^i. ^ay; he irapeyevomo irpo^ ^ "•*• '®' avToVf elirev avroU, **'Tfi€i ^9 eire^rfv 6*9 ttjv ^Aaiav, ttw? fied^ v/jlcjv tov irdvra ')(p6vov ,j^^ 19 eyevofxrjv, hovXevcov t^ icvpl^ fiercL Trd^rrp; Taireivocppocrvvr)'; KalM^^^tM^O^ '^i**' TToXXtov hoKpvwif KaX ireLpaa/JLcoVf tcov av/jL^dvTcov fiot ev Tat? tA^ yt 20 iin^ovXaU to3v ^lovhauov o)? ovhev vTreaTeLXa^Tjv tmv avficpe- ^-^^^ povTcov, TOV fir} dvayyelXai vfilv KaX hihd^ai v/xa? hrj/jLoala KaX 2J KaT otKov IT' f - IT Lu. xxiv.47. TOV tyeov fierauoiav, Kat ttlcttlv ttjv et? tov Kvpiov r/fxcov Irj- \/ 22 oovv XpcaTohJ^KaX vvv Ihov, eyo) hehe/jtevof; tm Trvev/jLaTC tto- /V^**^/ pevofiaL eh 'uef^vadXrj/jL, Ta ev airrfj crvvavTija-ovTa /jlol /jlt) ^^jT^gtj. 28 €t5a)9, 'ttX^i/ OTt to irvevjui to ayiov kutu ttoXlv hiafiapTvpeTai » xxi. 4, ii. 24 Xeyov, "Otl heap,d fie KaX $XLyjreL xxi. is. yov iroLovfUiL, ovhe e')(co ttjv "^vyrjv fiov Tifiiav efiavTat, to? TeXec- Syaat tov hpofiov /lov fierd ')(apd<;, ^KaX ttjv huiKoviav rjv eXa- «= Gai- »• i ; ^ov irapd tov Kvpiov ^Irjaov, hiafiapnrvpaadat to euayyeXcov tt}? 25 ;xa/3tT0? TOV Geov. KaX vvv Ihov, eyw olha, otl omeTi o-^eaOe to irpoacoTTOv fiov vfie2. 20, 21. A. p. 53. Ka&apo<; iyoD airo rov aifiaro^ irdvTwv '^ov yap vTreareLXdiJLrjv 27 dLu.yii. 30; tqv fiT) dvayyelXui, vfilv iraaav Tr]v /SovXrjv rov Qeov. ^nrpoa- 28 e 1 Pet. V. 2 ; ^X^'^^ ^^^ eaVTOi^ Kol TTaVTL Tft) TTOiflVLO), €V W l'/Xa9 TO 7rV€V/jia eu™ le'^'^' TO dycov eOero i-TriaK67rov / vc>'' /i^f/ Matt. xxvi. ^^'^Ta Kau r)/jLepap ovk eTravcra/HTjv fxera oaKpvcov vovuercov €va 21; iJoh. eKoarov. ^Kal ravvv TraparWe/nai v/JLd<^, dSeX^ol, rw Seep Kai 32 h xix. 10. Tft) \67ft) T?}? ')(dpLro<^ avrov, ro) hwajievcp iTroiKoBo/jurjcrac Kal ' ^P^- * ^^- Bovvac vfuv K\7jpovofiiav iv roL>«?/ r 2 Cor. xi. 9 ; oro rai^i ')(^peiaL<; fjLov Kai rou^ ovau fier e/nov vTrrjperrjaav ai et xii. 13. yelped avrai. nrdvra vireBeiPa vuZv, on ovrco Koirioivra^i Bel 35 > xviii. 3;^^^ r>//i >/i / '^ ' \ Cor. ly. 12; avnXafj.pave(T6at rwv acroevovvrcov, jivrjixoveveiv re rcov Xoycov lThes8.ii.9; «ir/ jt <»v jv t , Tt/r / ^f i ^S^' 2 Thess. iii. 8. TOV KvpLov irjCFov, ort avro<; eLire, MaKapiov ecrn moovai m x.xi. 6. fJidXKov rj Xa/jb^dveiv.' " ^Kal ravra elTTCov, 6el<; rd yovara SG avrov, arvv Trdaiv avrol<; Trpoarjv^aro. 'lKavoiXovv avrov oBwdyfievoi fidXtara eirl ra> Xoyrp 33 o5 elprjKei, on ovKen jJueXXova-t rvm-ooacowov avrov Oecopelv. Z^/j^'/f^ rrpoeirefJiiTov Be avrov ek to irXxtj^SfL^ iv^ UMt.y*^A-Ji\___J 'fl^ Be eyevero ava')(PrivaL r)fidi(^o(T7raa6ein'd<; drr avrcov, 21 ev6vBpoiirjcravre/-v C' v « / \ r}fiepa<; eirra' OLrive<; tw llavXcp eXeyov 01 a rov irvevfiaro^, fir) o XX. 36. dva^aiveiv eh 'lepovaaXij/ju. °dre Be eyevero r)/idoif<; 8 €fji€iva/j,€v rj^epav fiiav Trap' avroh. rfj he eiravpiov e^eXOovre^ oi irepX Tov UavKov rjKdov eU KaLadpeiav kol elae\66vr€o{. ^ttj Be eTTLOvajj elcnjei 6 HavXo^ axw rjplv irpb^i « xv. i.s ; »T ' /3 ' ' » n / V » Gal. i. 19. 19 iuKwpoVj 7rai/T69 Te irapeyevovTO ot, irpea-pvrepoi,. /cat aaira- 8a/oL'9, Xejcov fiT} Treptre/jLvetv avrovVyy,.^vA*^>l/ iTreareiXafiev, KplvavTe^ fJLrjBev tolovtov ¥(f"g^v avTOVv\daaea6aL auTOV / r / \ ,«? ziv >/ > \r\ c/}^yX '^V ^X^/^^^V Vf^^P^ ^^^ avTOL<; ayviaUeif; eca-rjeL et? . to lepov, ^^^^^^^jL^^'-f^y^vayyeWcov rijv eKirXypcocrcv twv rjfjuepwv tov ayvLa-/xov,'€co^ I AhI °^ 'n-pov ovx dfxofOpwv, vol. Ihid. 'Iva ^vp-fja-uvTai. They were not to shave ii. p. 577. their heads during the continuance of the vow, 29. TpScpi/xou. See xx. 4. Numb. vi. 5; so that these persons had been / 31. x'^'<^PX^- This was the Roman officer/T* waiting since the continuance of their vow, (who commanded in the tower of Antonia over- \ and not being able to provide the offering, they j looking the temple, Josephus says of it, /co0ei j could not cut their hair. The phrase, ^va |u- 8e a-uuTJirro toTs tov Upov crroals, els a/xcpoTepas f ' priffuvrai, is therefore equivalent to, that they ; elx^ icara^daeis, 8i &v KaridvTes ol a\€<; Bia top dopv^ov, itceXeva-ev 35 dyeaOai avrov et9 rrjv Trapefi^oX^jv. ore Be eyevero iirl toi)? , dva^aO/jLOv^, avvefirj ^aardi^eavai avrov vtto tcov (TrpaTiWTwv 36 Blcl Ttjv ^iav Tov oyXov. ^TjKoXovOei yap rb ttXtJ^o? tov Xaov ' xxii. 22 ; Kpa^ov, " Aipe avrov. *— ^-^-^ i^VN^TV KAvm.^ joh. xix. is. MtXXcov re eladyeaOai et? rrjv irapefifioXrjv 6 ITaOXo? Xiyet T^ ')(iXuip-)((py " El e^earl /xoi eiireiv rt, 7rp6v T(*)V Tffieptov dvaaraT(aa-a79 KCXiKia^ OVK daijfiov TToXeo)? TroXtn;?* Beofiac Be ol )m^*^ yy ^' ""^ Kai~ira^epe^y djcovaare /jlov rrjs: Trpo^ v/Mi rfj 'E^patBc BuiXeiCTW nrpoae^oivei avTol rij^i KuXiKLa^, dvareOpafi- 2 cor. xi. 22 ;. fi€vo ^> >- '-: < 1-/^ 34. ifiovy. Many MSS. read ivt. 22. A-D- S3. TTpo? TOU? dB€\^V<;, €t9 Aa/JLUaKOP €7rop6JJfifJLr]V, d^COP Kol T0U9 CKelae ovrm hehefievov^ eh 'lepovaaXrj/j,, Xva Tiixwpr^Ocdatv.^AM^r^i^ mix. 3; "^iyivero Be fiou iropevofjuevcp kol eyyl^ovn rfj Aa/iaaKw ire pi 6 ^ 1 Cor. xv. 8; fjLearjfi^piav €^aL(l>vr)(i e/c rod ovpavov irepLaaTpdyjrai <^a)9 Uavov 2 Cor. xii. 2. \5/ri>' ' *^ »'^ j \ >/ i '^ ■» / nxxvii4 15 '^^Z^'' ^Z""^' ^"^^^^^ "^^ ^^? "^o eoa(po'j/0'' .^ovin >>/ « aavTOy KUL efKpopoi eyevovro' rrjv oe cpcovrjv ovk rjKovaav rov \a\ovvT6<; fioc, Elirop Be, Tl iroLrjaay, Kvpie ; 'O Be Kvpto<; ehre 10 Trpo? fie, ^Avaara<; iropevov eh AafiaaKov' KUKel aot XaXrjd^- a-€Tat irepl irdvTCdv wv reraKTal aoi iroirjaai. '/29 Be ovk ev- 11 efiXeiTOV diro Tfj<; B6^r)<; rod (pcorbf; eKelvov, 'xeLpayayyovfievcyi fjoi. 17. xjTTo Twv Gvvomcdv fioL, rfXOov 619 AufiacTKOv. P ^AvavLa<; Be Ti KaL aKovaat 1 Joh. ii. l.l\> r^ I i r^ rr u / >o \ / (pwvrv eK rov crrofiaro<; avrov on ecrrj fiaprv^ avrw irpo'^ irav- 15 rMaft.iij.ii; Ta9 dvOpMTTOv^, &v ed)paKa, yeveaOaC < 0/ /^^ ^'^ eKardaei, Kal IBelv avrov Xeyovrd fioi, ^irevaov Kal 18 ^ e^eXde ev rdy^et ef 'lepovcraXrjfi' Buori ov rrapaBe^ovral aov rrjv I ver. 4. fiaprvpiav rrepl ifiov. ^Kdyo) ^IttojJj Kvpue, avrol irrlcrravrai, 19 ort, ey(i) rjfirjv (pvXaKt^cov Kal Bepcov Kara rd^ (jvvaywyd<^ rov<^ uvii. 58; marevovra^ eirl ere' "Aral ore e^e')(eLro ro alfia Xrecpdvov rou 20 et vnu 1, fjidprvpo^ aov, Kal avro)' 23. piirTovvrwv tci IfiaTid, throiving off their \;i 13. iiriaTas. In ix. 17. it is iiridels rhs cZoM^'s, preparatory to stoning liim. See vii. 58, y(^e7pas. Ibid. KouioprSv. This also was perhaps indi- 16. 70V Kvpiov. Probably avTov. cative of their picking up stones to throw at him. 20. T^ avaipiaei avrov is perhaps an inter- 25. to7s i/Jiaaiv has been taken to mean either polation, t/ie ropes with which he was bound, or the ^,''> h\j»*^ ^/ O ''"Opa Tt /ieXXct? iroulif 6 yap dvOpoyiro^i ouro? 'PwyiAato? ^ 27 iari." Tlpo- ;^09, "'Eyo) TToXKou Ke(f>aXalov tt)v irokLTelav TavTqp e/crr/cra- Tt*..*^^. 29 /JirjP'*' O Be IlavXo'i €inev ^lovBaiwp, eXvaev avrov utto tcov Beafxoyv, KoX eKeXevaev e\$eiv tou9 dp')(L€pel '»rT'»-v vjv'* xxii. 24 ; 8 avTo) TVTTTeLv avTov TO oTOfMU. TOT€ o llav\o<;7rpo<; avTov enre, jcr xx. 2 ; " Tinrreiv ae fieXXei 6 ©eo?, Tor;^€ /^eKOPiofiepe' koX av KdOy ^-^[^ '^'^'.^J^/.,,^ Kpivcop fie Kara top uofiou, koI Trapavo/icop KeXevei^! p>e TUTrreo-- *rve;t i^ ttu, c*u*. 4 6ai." 01 Be 7rap€, TO be erepov ^apiaaLWV, eKpa^ev ev to) avvebpiw, pj.^i ■^^^^ 5. ""AvBpe'i dBe\(l>ol, ey- k.A^ /.x.'vv^ C^..;^ 288 TIPABEI^ [Ke.^. 23. A.D. 53. Xa.A,^o"az/TO?, iyevero crTaai,^ rcov ^apiaalcov kol twi/ 5' »;6-^w-v avTov KaTayayrj 7r/509 viiia<;, ft)9 fxeXXovTa^^ ocaytvcoaKeiv aKpi- ^ecTTepov Ta irepl avTOV' rjfieh Be, irpo tov eyyiaai avTov, eTOi- fioi eafJLev tov dveXelv avTov.'^ ^AKOvaa^ Be 6 vt09 t?59 dBeX^rj<; 16 UavXov TO eve^ov, 'JTapayev6fj,€vo• ^^T^U^ Kai fieXXopra apoipetaaat, irrr avroiP, eiri^ara^ avp tco arparev- 28 yuart i^etXufirjp axnop, fiadcop oti 'Pwfuuo^ iari. ^ovXop^epo^ Be yvwpai rhp alrlap Be fjp ipcKaXovpavT^, xarif/ayop avrop 29 6*9 TO (ffp'^tfpfop avTWP' hp evpop eyKoXovfiepop irepl ^TjTrj/xaroiPp^,,^^'^ TOV POfiov auTWP, fir)Bep Be d^iop Oapdrov rj Beaficjp eyKXrjfia 80 exovra. /iifpvuela'tj^ Be fioL iiri^vXij^i ei? top dpBpa fieXXecp IjiA'^ €. dpam^ov<; Be 6 rjye/jLWP, Kal ItcJ €Trep(OTi]aa<; ck ttoUls eVa/3;^«i9 eoTiy Kal Trv66fievot-***^ aov Trapayepcoprai" ^EKeXevae T€ axnop iv tw TrpaiTwpiw tov 'HpcoBov (fyvXdaaeadai. /w5j>a*0' ^*^^w 24 ^META Be irevre r)^iepa^ KOTefir) 6 dpxt'epev^ 'Apapia^ fiCTa k xxm. 2. t(op TTpea^vTepcDP Kal pijTopo^ TeprvXXov tip6<;, oltlpc^ eve^- ^^^^t^^w^aJ^ 2 viaap T(p rjyefiovL KaTa tov UavXov. KXrjOevTO^ Be avrov, C{UU(L i^fn. r]p^aTO KaTTiyopelp 6 TepTuWo?, Xeyayp, ** IloXXrj^ elpijprjf; 21. T^v eirayyfXiav. The order to be given by Ibid. Antipatris was about two- thirds of the yoii for Paul to be brought to the counciL distance. 23. df^io\d$ovs. Lancearios, satellites. Some 32. vopeveadai. Many MSS. read airdp- say, that it was their special office to guard x^*'^^*'- prisoners. 34. 6 rryiix^v is perhaps an interpolation., 24. *^\tKa. Antonius Felix, the brother of 35. irpairoapicp. The building of this mag- Pallas, was made procurator of Judaea and nificent palace by Herod is mentioned by Samaria together with Cumanus A.D. 48. Upon Josephus. the banishment of Cumanus in 51, he was sole Chap. XXIV. 1. it4vtc Tjfiepas. These are procurator. See Tacitus, Annul, xii. 54. Hist, perhaps dated from the notice given to the V. 9. Sueton. Claud. 28. high priest by C. Lysias, xxiii. 30, which was 25. Txmov. Conceived in this form. on the day before S. Paul arrived at Caesarea. 30. n€\\€it> is perhaps an interpolation. Ibid. tcDj' irpefffivrcpwu. Probably irpeafiv- 31. Sia TTjs vvkt6s. Biscoe says that this does repwv tivuv. not necessarily mean in one night, but that they 2. elpi^yris. Felix had liberated the country travelled by night, p. 356. Caesarea was sixty^ from banditti and impostors. Joseph. Jntiq, miles distant from Jerusalem. See also xvii. 10. xx. 8, 5. See Krebsius. U nPAB H?I^' >-x.o^ A.D. 53. i**-r. [K6. 24. TV^yavovTe rT'^fTT 01/ /Cat eKpaT^o-ajJiev KoX Kara tov '^^^ :^m) u^ et xxviii. 17 rjfJLerepov vofiov r)6ekr)aafiev Kpiveiv. TrapeXdcov Se Avaia^ 6 7] ')(Ckiap')(p<^ fierd nroWrjf; ^Laopd^~^lPA4yov(ovi) CKpa^a e<7Ta)9 er airroi?, Urt Tre/jt ai/ao-rao-eo)? pexpwv eyca KpL- vofiai, exa- ' *"^'.:.'j^ - . ' Ujnhr rr -^ " ^ ^ X' etxxvm.ltf. ^^,.4^^ rovrapyrj rrjp^tfai top JiavKQi^ f-^^fiv rre r^j^en-iv KaL firjoeva ^^J/*^ KQ)\veiv riov lBkdv avrov vTC^jpereiv ^ irpoaepyeaucu avrw. 24 Merd Be r)/x€pa^ TLvds vapayevofievof; o <^\tf avp Apov^ alWrj TJj ywaiKl avrov ovarj ^lovBaia, fiereTre/xyjraro rov UavKoVf Kal ijKovaep avrov rrepl rry; ct? Xpiarop irlareo)^, (ZZu*.*^--*^ 25 BtaXeyofiipov Be avrov Trepl BiKaio^vpf)^; Kal eyKp are la^ Kal Toi)/*w\i""'" Kp(fiaro<; rov /tcXXoirro? eaeaB^u^eyiAf>oPo<; yepofiepofi 6 . ^Ai>eria<; Bk rrXTjpwOeU a.d. 55. 0^9 eXafie BloBoxop 6 ^rjXi^ JJopKcop ^rjarop' OeXcop re X^P^' * '^*^' ^*' Ta9 KoradeaOat, roU 'Iou8atbi9 o ^rjXi^ KareXiire rov IlavXop BeBefiepop. 25 ^HUTOS ovv iiTL^d^ rfi eirapx^, /^ra rpeh r}fJLepa<; dpefirj 2 et9 'lepoaoXvfia dvo Kaiaapeia^. evedvL(Tap Bk avrat 6 dp^;" u^r-r-'-***^ U^ lepexs Kal oi irpcoroc rwp ^lovBaUop Kara rov UavXov, Kal Trap- 3 eKdXovp avrop, alrovfiepoL x^P^^ '^^'^ avrov, oirw^ p.erarrefiy^'q- rai avrov et? 'lepova-aXrjfi, eveBpav rroLovvreti dveXelv avrov Kard 19. Tiyis 'lovSauoi. The sentence is imper- husband; and Tacitus says of him, "per om- ;- feet L. de Dieu supplies ttaw: some MSS. nem saevitiam ac libidinem jus regium servili'l^ read rivts awh rJjs 'Aalas without S4, and so ingenio exercuit." Hist. v. 9. ''Eo'eaOai is per- connect it with what goes before ; but the au- haps an interpolation. thority is in favour of S4. 26. xP^M^to. Josephus states, that, in the 20. el is perhaps an interpolation. time of Albinus, who succeeded Festus, bribery 22. The reading seems to be ave^dXero Se of this sort was very common : koI [i6pos 6 fiij avTovs 6 *^\i|. Sovs rots SefffiatTripiois us vovriphs iyKareXelireTO. 23. fx^iv &y€w««c to Agrippa: she had 2. Most MSS. read ot apxiepe7s. '^^ been married before to Azizus king of the 3. ivdSpav. Josephus mentions, that, whenj Emeseni. See Josephus, ^wfj^. xx. 7, 2. Most Festus succeeded Felix, there were many sjcaml -- 1— MSS. read rfj iSici yvvaiKl without abrov. who infested the country and committed mur-\ ~^ 25. eixo$os. Felix might well tremble. He der. Antiq. xx. 8, 10. ' Ihad persuaded Drusilla to abandon her lawful u2 /v^t^^it-tP'c.gi^j^ ***;^t^U,^u^^ ; ^*'*'*'^*^;^. - ^.-^^-^^ — "^ 292 UPAUl^i^ ^ \K.^.ib. A. p. 55. T^i; o}>ov. 6 /A6i^ ovi' $r}crT09 aireKpidT), TrjpeitTuaL rov Uavkov 4 ei^ Kaiaapela, kavrov he fjbeWecv ev rap^ei iicTropevea-Oat' '' 01 6 ovv Bvvarol ev vfuVy" (j>rj(Tl, " o-vyKara^avre'^, eX ri ia-rlv ev tco ^ avBpl TOVTO), KanjyopeiTCoa-av avrov" Atarpl'^^a'; Be ev avroh 6 i^A >i ^^^ r)iJ,epa<; irXetov^i rj hma, Kara^ar^ >c-,-.^ Baioi^ OeXwv %«/3tv KaTaOecrOaL, diroKpiOel'; Ttp JJavXcp ecTre, '*^"'^^K>*-^^ut^^ ©eXet? et? 'lepoa-oXvfia dvafid<;, e/cec irepl tovtcov Kplvea-Qaf, ■-— — -^ iir ifiov ;'' Elire Be 6 IlavXo^, "'Eirl tov ^rjfJuiTO^ Kaiaapo^ ^^i^^K i(TT(o<; el/JLi, ov fjue Bel KpiveaOat,. ^lovBalov^ ovBev rjBCicrja-a, o)? »xviii. 14. Koi av KaXXTov eiruyivoicrKeL'i' ^el fiev yap clBlkw Kal d^iov Oa- 11 vaTOv '7re7rpa')(a rt, ov irapaiTovfJiav to diroOavelv el Be ovBev ecTTLV 03V ovTOL KaTTjyopovcTL fiov, ouSct? yLte BvvaTai avTol•< j ' " , king of Cilicia. See Juvenal, vi. 154; Biscoe, 1 13. ^hryplTrTTas. Agrippa II., son of Agrippa p. 46, 47. \ the Great On his father's death, the province 16. els air«6Aei(u/ is perhaps an interpolation. of Judaea was attached to that of Syria. Jive ^ \ ,■ ^^.^^^^^^^^^-^ ^^^ z*./^***.^^*^ K*^. 25, 26.] T/2iV ^nO^TOymN. 293 18 €K€\eva-a a;^^/')i/at toi/ avBpa' nrepX ov araOevre; ol KarrfyopoL a. p. S5. 19 ovhefiiav alriav iire^epop mp irTr€ }>6ov v eyoV ^rjT^/juara Se riva . . ; ; ^ ^^ .) J;>Xj^^ Trepl rrj^ iBia<; Beicrihcuuiovia^i elxov Trpo? avroVy koX irepl tcvo<: to 'Irjaov TedvyKOTO^, ov €avTa\ tft. /I' *^ ' \^>^rk\/et XXVi. SI. firjoev a^Lov uavaTov avTov ireirpa')(€vai, Kai avTov be tovtov 26 erriKaXeaafievov rov Se^aoTov, cKptv^ irefiireiv ainov. irepl c-. f.-^^'^^'-* ov da\€ vfiojv, Kol fxakurra iirl aov, ^aaCKev ^AypiiTiTa, 27 OTTO)? 7^9 dvaKpLae(orj, " 'E^iTpeireTal aou ^^-^Z inrep aeavTOv Xeyeiv.** ToTe 6 IIav\o<; direXoyelTO, eKTelva^ et xxvi. 4 ; 2 T^v X^^pcLy " Ilepl irdvTtov tav eyKaXovfiai virb ^lovBauov, ^acxi- Deut. xviii! Xev ^Aypiinra, rjyrj/jLai efiaxrrbv fuzKapLOv, fjueXXayv diroXoyetaOai lu/is ^p^i. 3 errl aov drjfiepov' fidXiOTa yPco&Trjv ovrd ae irdvTOJV Toiv KaTa ^^"^'j'^y, ^lovBaiovi eOoiiV re Kal ^rjfrjfMaToyv. Bib Beo/xai aov, ^aKpoOvficas «*7^'- ^^'*T^^^^^ 4 dKovaal /jlov. Trjv jiev ovv ^icoaiv fiov irjv ck veoTrjTo^;, ttjv et xi. i6; dir dpxv^ yevofiev7)v ev tw e$vei fiov iy 'lepoaoXvfioi^, taaai lt\x%tii.'u; 5 irdvTe<; ol 'lovBaioi, '^irpoyiv(i)aKOVTe<; fie avcoOev, eav ^^^o"^ xxxfv'ss- /jiapTvpeiv, OTi KaTa Tr)v dKpifieaTaTrjv aipeaiv t^9 '^/J>eTepa<; «* xxxvu. 24 ; 6 OprjaKeia(pov. Many MSS. read ^ffffpoi^ &u 4. e/c veSTryros. Because he was educated in int(v6ovv iyw irovripuv. the school of Gamaliel, xxii. 3. 20. TOVTOV. Probably Tovrwy. 5. atpeaiv. Josephus applies this term to 21. Trefi^w. Probably avavffiypo). the three sects of the Pharisees, Sadducees, and 25. KaTa\a$6fxevos. Many MSS. read kot- Essenes. Fita. t\a$6ixTjv, and omit /col before otnroG. Ibid. oKpi^effTdn-rtu. For expressions in Jose- 26. ypd^ai. Probably ypd^pa. phus confirming this, see Biscoe, p. 85 ; and Chap. XXVI. 3. yvdxTTT^v. For the ac- note at xxii. 3. cusative absolute, see Elmsley ad Heraclid. 693. 6. Many MSS. read t^s eij rohs irarepas Wolfius, Raphel, Alberti. fifuiy. 294 ;/' nPAUEU [K. « / I <> I \ '^^ ovcTLav Aapcov avatpov/JLepwp re avrwv KaTr)veyKa Yrjcpov. koI ll b,^ /cara Tracra? ra? avvar/(oya<; TroWa/ct? ri/jucopcov avrov^, rjvouy- Aaww „«. Ka^op ^aa^rj/jLeiv' 7r€pL^(b<; re ,lfjLfJiawafi€VO<^ avTOL<;, eSiwKov A>^, ^ vVrt ; eft)9 /cat eh Ta<; e^co TroXet?. ® ev oh fcal 7rop€u6fievo<; eh rijv 12 et xxii. 6. ^ v » jt. / \ I'- •«'*' ^ v „ , AajJbaaKOV jxer e^ovaLa<; Kai e'lrtTpoTrr]^ Tr]<; irapa rcov ap'^^ie- t ix. 3. pecov, ^ r}/Mepadrjo-ofJiai crot, e^aipov- 17^ .^ fiev6<; ere, eK tov Xaov kol TOiV iOvcov, eh 01)9 vvv ae diroaT^h^ayy t ^ Jp-*^ JSik^ ^ dvoV^ai 6^0d\fJbov<; avTwv, tov iTrtaTpeyjrai, diro ^ a « '^ vVt ' V/ h ix. 20,28; ovpavKp OTTTaaia, ^aXXa tol<; ev ZXafiacTKU) irpwTOV Kai lepoao- 20 ( etxxun 21- ^^f^^^^f ^^'*» irdadv re Trfv %c6pav t^9 'IovBaia, eireipwvTO Bta'x^eLpLo-aaOai,. eiriKovpia^ 2^^^} 1 ^^'* ^^20- °^^ Tv^f^v Tr}9 irapd tov @eov, d')(pu Trj<; r)fiepa eXdXrjaav fieXXovTcov ylveaOai, Kai M(0(Trj<^, ^el 23 7. viKra Kai r]/x4pav AaTptveLv seems to have 2 ; 2 Cor. xii. 2 ; Eph. iii. 3. It may be para- been a phrase for constant devotion. See Luke phrased, atid of the things which I shall tell you i. 75 ; ii. 37 ; xviii. 1 ; xxiv. 53; 1 Tim. v. 5 ; in future revelations. 1 Thess. V. 17. 17. i^aipov/xeuSs ae, eK tov \aov. Selecting Ibid. Many MSS. read iyKoXov/xai imh 'lov- you, that out of the Jews and the Gentiles, (to Saiwu, fiouriKev, without ' Ay piinra. whom I am now sending you,) you may open the 12. ev oTs. In the performance of which, as in eyes of some of them. Most MSS. omit vvv. xxiv. 18. 22. fxapTvpoifievos. All persons whatever, 14. 7f 'E^paiSi 5iaA€/cT(jj. This proves that high or low, would be obliged to acknowledge, S. Paul'addressed Agrippa in Greek. Many that I never said any thing contrary &c. MSS. read (pwv^v \eyovaav Trp6s fj.e rp 'E)8. S. 23. el iro^rjTtJs. He uses this phrase, as 15. Many MSS. read 6 5e kvqios. meaning that he was in the habit of reasoning 16. S)V re o(p6i]( «v^ 25 JJavXe' ra troXKa riTai^ ; olBa ori, TTto-revet?." 'O Be ^Aypimra^ irpo^ rbv TlavKov €(f>Tj, " 'Ev 6\iy(p /x€ Treideit Xpicmavov yevicr6ai." 29'0 Be nav\o<; elirev, " Ev^aifMr)v kv t^ ©e^S, Kal ev 6Xirf(p koi ev "TToXX^, ov fJMvov ]\ovrj, " * AiroT^XvaOai eBvvaro 6 av- Optoirof; 0UT09, el fitj eTreKeKXrjro Kaiaapa.^' 7 °*I2S Be eKpidr) rov diroirXelv r}puy fieXXovre^ KxTTTpoV j Bid ro rov^ dvepA)v^ elvai evavrlovi. ro re ireXarfo» 6 dofiev eh Mvpa t^? Avkuk;. KdKel evpd>v 6 eKar6vrap-)(^o^ .^JjjXL, rrXxTiov ^AXe^avBplvov irXeov eh rtjv ^IraXiav, eve^l^aaev r}^<; ^ 7 6t9 avro. iv iKavah Be rf/xepaL^ ^paBvTrXoovvre'^, Kal /Ji6XL<; yevo- j a.*-^*^ '^ 7 yi^evoi Kara rrjv KvlBov, /jlt) 7rpoae6ovro<; rifjLd generally signifies shortly, in a cases we may supply Trept. See also 1 Cor. vii. short time : but here it is the same as irap' 6\l- 37 ; Gal. iii. 10. yov, within a little. S. Paul in his answer makes Ibid, (nreipTjs Se^ao-r^s. Josephus mentions a play upon the word. Raphel. IXrjj/ linrecou KaXoviJL(VT]v ^e^aarrjvwv being at 29. eV TToW^. Many MSS. read iv fie- Caesarea a little before this time. De Bel. Jud. yd\c(>. ii. 12, 5. Biscoe conceives this to have been 30. Most MSS. read av4(TTr] re without koI an independent cohort, p. 312. See x. 1. ravra elirSi-ros avrov. 2. fieWovres. Some ^MSS. read fiiWovri Chap. XXVII. 1. iKpiOr} rov airoirXeiv rjixas. irXeii' els. Valckenaer (ad 1 Cor. ii. 2.) notices two other Ibid. 'Api(rrdpxov. See xix. 29; xx. 4; Col. instances of rov being thus used with an in- iv. 10 ; Philemon 24. finitive, iii. 12 ; 1 Cor. ii. 2 : he compares also -^jWcTrAfuo-a/itei/ was a naval teV^ for sfeilijjg^ Acts xx. 3. iyevero yvw fir] rov inro(rrpef^>^^**^ iidfyloji; qI 7rXeiOL'9 eOevro BovXhv avayOvvai KaKeWev. elrrw^i ovvaivro Karavrrjauvre^; ei^ ToLVLKa 'irapayecfjiacraij^ Xijieva ry^ KpwTi79 BXeirovra Kara XiSaKal Kara ywpov. vrroTrvevtavro^ y . be vorov, bo^avr€<^ rr]<; irpo ueaea)'; KeKp arrjKevai,, apavre<;^ acraov Cct^C^^ ''TapeXeyovro rrjv Kprjrr^v. fier ov iroXv he e^aXe Kaf x^vrrj^ 14 ■ a.vefio<; rv<^(ovLKo<^, 6 KaXovfieuoi; EvpoKXvBcov. avvapTraaOevro^i 15 Be rov irXoiov, Kal jirj Bwafxevov avro<^6aXixelv ra> aveixcpj em- io^i^ Id^ u^Bov re^ e(f)€p 6fjL€0a. vrjaiov Be n viroBpaiJLovre'i KaXov/Juevov KXav- 16 Brjv, fj.6XL<; IcT'^craujev TrepLKpa'z^^eveaOav rrj<; aKdepovro, ^^oBpco ^ oe^L/iagof ievcov rj/ncov. ry^ e^7]<; is /t/Cc-*^ ^^ e«:/3oX:9Ji--£.7roto{}zm)V Kal rfj rplrr) avr6')(eipe airo Tri<; Kpi)rj)o^ov, IlavXe, Kaiaapi ae Bel irapaarijvai' Kal IBoif, ■ 25 Ke^dpiaraC aov 6 Beo? Train-a? Tov mvui. i. 27 aelv/' '/2? Be reaaapetMaiBeKdrrj i/uf eyevero, Bia<\)eQoiievwvU<^>^^ *^ r rjfiwv iv T^ ^ABpUtj Kara ^e(TOV_ rrj<; vvKr6daei ax? eV rrp U^ ^4 Biar^elre, /JUTjBev Trpo&Xa^o/JievoL. Blo irapaKaXco v/i-a? Trpoa- Xa^elv rpo(f>r]^' rovro yap 7rpo<; rrj<; v/JLerepa<; a(orr}pui<; vrrdp- 35 ^ef ^ovBevo*-*^^ 40 aavro, el Bvvaivro, ef wcrat to ttXoIov. Kal rd<; dyKvpa^ rrepi- eXorre? eicov eh rr)v OdXacrcrav, dfia dvevT.e^ rd<; ^evKr'npia<; rojv 21. KepSr}(Tou, evttare. So Josephus, t6. ye little distance from the head of the ship. fuavOijvai ras x**?"* airrovs KepBaiueiv, Antiq. iL 34. The best MSS. read /ieTaA.ojSetj' and air- 3, 2. See Beza, Eisner, Palairet. oK^Trai. 27. 'A5pta, Strabo says that the name of 40. ctcav els t^iv ddXacraav. They let the ship Adriatic was extended in his day to the Ionian make way. sea. ' Ibid, avevres ras ^evKrriplas. Alberti says 29. Tlie best MSS. read fif^Trov Kara rpaxels that ships had two rudders, one in the prow, t6ttovs eKireffafiev. and one in the stem ; and that when the chains 30. iKTeiveiv. They pretended that they were were loosened, they went lower into the water, taking the boat to let down the anchor at some and checked the motion of the ship. 298 nPABEI^ [K6 / • \ \ -v /£> ' f -^ ^ " ^ Col. iii. 11. 'H'Lav rjfiLV* avaYavTe<; yap irvpav, TTpoaeXapovro 7ravTa<; r)iJba'^,i^<^yurcJ Bid TOV verov rov e^eaTwra, koX Bid to ^Jrvypi;. ^vcrrpky^avTO^i 3 -i.,^^...,yC''C<- Be TOV UavXov 01 be TrpoaeooKcov avTov fieXXeLV TrifjLTrpaauat rj Kara- a TTLTTTeiv d(pv(0 veKpov eirl ttoXv Be avrcov TrpoaBoKcovToyv, koI OeoDpovvToav firjBev aTorrov €49 avrov yivofxevov, fieralB aXXoj ievou^^'t.'-^^ eXeyov Oeov avrov elvat. 'Ev Be T049 Trepl rov roirov eKelvovT^ ^**^ vTTTJp'^e %et)/34«a rwTr^wTM Tfj<; v^aov, ovofian JlorrXifp, 09 dva- » Jac. V. 14, Be^djjievo^ rjfjid^i rpeh rjjxepa^ (j)tXo(j)p6v(o^_J^Laev. ^iyevero Be 8 H tJtvi . rov irarepa rov UorrXiov 'Trvperol<; KaX Bvaevrepla , idaaro avrov. rovrov ovv yevo/jbevov, 9 , < /^cc^^-^ >^a'' ol XoLTTol, ol €')(pvreois, irapeKkijOr^ev err avroU hnfielvai r}/jL€paol aKovcramefi TO, irepl rifi&v, i^XOov et? dTrdmrja-ip r]fuv d')(piet(o vot Be opTe^ irpo^ dXXrjXov^ direlCuovTO, eliroirro^ tov — "^ JJavXov prjfJUL 6j^/'"0t£ KaXa)<; to irpevfia to ay lop i^^V^^^ Efeda.Vii.V; f^' 26 Bid *Haatov tov hrpo(f>T^TOv tt/jo? tol/? 'TraT€pa<; rj/xayp, ^ Xeyov, JJ*"'*"'"^; * UopevOriTL Trp6 \ /. ^ O-v £y\ ' t \ '> v 1/5. Joh. xii. 40: Kai ov /JL7] cruP7jT€' Kai pXe7roPT€<; pXeylreTe, Kai ov firj ibrjTC. uom. xi. 8. 14. UoTtSXovs. Josephus mentions Jews at Pliny, Ep. x. 65. Puteoli. jintiq. vol. i. p. 864. Ibid. ko0' ^avrhv is either by himself, or ac- Ibid. ix' avTols. Probably irap' ainois. cording to his own fancy. Beza and Alberti ren- 15. Appii Forum and Tres Tabernae were on der it seorsim. the Appian way ; the former fifty-one, the lat- Ibid. (npaTtdm^. His left arm was fastened f 15. Appii Forum and Tres Tabernae were on der it seorsim. j I the Appian way ; the former fifty-one, the lat- Ibid. trrpaT 4—1 ter twenty-eight, miles from the city. Cicero by a chain to the prisoner's right arm. See i ! writes to Atticus, " Ab Appii Foro hora quarta: Seneca, Ep. 5. § 6. De Tranquil. I dederam aliam paulo ante Tribus Tabernis." 21. Since S. Paul sailed from Caesarea, there ' ii. 10. had not been time for the Jews to send to Rome 16. oTpaTOTeSapx!?- "^he commander of the about him : and the Jews at Rome had not prestorian bands, who at this time was Burrus. heard of him lately, because he had been two He commanded them from 51 to 62 : before and years in prison. I after his time there were two commanders. 23. ^eyiau. See Philemon 22. I Krebsius. For prisoners from the provinces 25. Most MSS. read irarepas vfiwv. \ being committed to the praefectus praetorii, see ^ i 300 nPAaEI^ TUN AnO^TOAflN. [Ke OTL T0t9 eOvecTLV airecTTdXi] TO aa)Ti]ptov rov ©eov, avTol Kol cLKovcrovTai" Ka\ ravra avrov elirovTO^; dirfjXOov ol ^lov- 29 BaloL, ttoXKtjv e')(pvTe^ iv eavrot^ a-v^rjrr^LV, .^x-A-^e-w*^ ^ A. D. 66-58. *'EMEINE Be 6 JTauXo? Bueriav oXrjv iv ISlm fiLo-Ocofiari, so i'lLr^ J^-^'^ '^^f' d'ireBe')(6T0 irdvra^; rov<; elaTropevofjuevous: Trpo? avrov, Krjpva- 31 Q /^^Jsr^'^^^ '^V^ ^aaCkelav rov ©eov, Kal BiBdcrKcov rd irepl rov Kvplov zSZl^^^'" Ir)(Tov XpLarov, /nerd 7rda7}<; Trapprja-uK: dKa)\vr(o 6 aiv imep rov 6v6fiaTO rut 0eo5 fwv hih ^Irjaov X/Df cttoi) xxxiv. 23 ; xmep TrdvTcov vfiwv, on r) 7rio-Tt9 v/jlcov KarayyeSXerai, iv oXw Dan. ix. 24 ; «/ h/ / »^«/~^^♦•v /»« Mich. vii. 9 TO) Koa-fup' '^/xapTV^ yap fiov e MLTpevo) ev rep 20. irveu/JLarl /jlov iv rut evayyeKup rov vlov avrov, o)? dBiaXelirro)^ <= Matt. i. 10 fiveiav v/iayv iroLov/Maty ^irdvrore iirl t(ov irpoaev^oyv fwv Seo- lu, i. 32 ; fi€vo<;, eiTray; rjhrj vrore evohcodi^aofiai, ip rut QeKr]pxvn tov ©€ov Act. ii. 3o ; n ikOelv 7rpo9 vfidf:' ^iirLiroOa) yap IBelv vfia<;, Xva rt A'^t^^^ 2 xi^^ u. 8. d Job. X. so, *c. ; Act xiii. 32, S3 ; Heb. i. 5 ; ▼. 5, 6. e xii. S ; xv. 15 ; xvi. 26 ; 1 Cor. xv. 10 ; Eph. iii. 8. ' 1 Cor. 1. 2 ; Eph. i. 1 ; 1 Thess. iv. 7. K Eph. v. 20 ; Heb. xiii. 15 ; 1 Thess. i. 8. h ix, 1 ; S Cor. i. 23 ; xi. 31 ; Gal. i. 20 ; Phil. i. 8 ; 1 Theu. u. 5 ; iii. 10 ; 2 Tim. i. 3. i xv. 23, 32 ; 1 Thess. iii. 10. k XV. 29. Chap. I. 1. iupcopurnivos. See Acts xiii 2 ; proved to be the Son of God by many tokens of Gal. i. 15. power, but particularly by his resurrection from 3. ytvoufvov. Born. Pyle, Macknight See the dead. See Acts x. 42 ; xvii. 3] . Gal. iv. 4. " 5. els vvoKoijv — edveaiv, to make all the Gentiles 4. dpiaOeuTos. Declared. Chrysostom, Theo- obedient unto faith. See a similar construction phylact, (Ecumenius. See Eisner. Le Clerc in ver. 16, 17 ; xvi. 26; 2 Cor. ix. 13; 1 Pet. says that 6pi^eiv signifies demonstrare, iia dare i. 22. definire, ut nulla possit esse ambiguitas. See 8. ^ep. Most MSS. read vepL Acts X. 42. 9. tV T(p itviviivri fiov. With all my Jieart, Ibid, iy Svydfifi. Efficaciter, patenter, as in and all my soul. Col. i. 29. He was proved to be the Son of God 10. 4\ee7v should be coupled with SeSfievos. by many signs of power. Beza, Schmidius : but Raphel connects de6- Ibid. /cari irvevfjM ayiwa-vvrjs. This is op- fxevos with ctirws. The former construction posed to Kara (TdpKa,Sindmea.us the divine 7iature seems preferable, and evo^wOiicrofiai alludes to of Christ, a& in 1 Pet iii. 18. his intended journey to Jerusalem. See xv. Ibid, e'l dj/ao-TOffews viKpwv. Raphel gives 25, 30. reasons for thinking this may mean, after the Ibid. ¥fiii ttotI Tandem aliquando. Raphel. resurrection of the dead. So Palairet. Christ was 304 Eni^TOAH [Ke^. i. t x\. 'ii. ^ ydpia/jba vfuv irvevfjiarLKov, et? to aT7]pi,')(0rjvai, vfia^i' ^roOro 12 VA^^Se iaTL, avfXTrapaKXrjOrjvaL iv v/jllv Bia tt}? iv dW^\oLv€vr€v6voVy €piBo9,6-v-J''>v*^ o2 d(Tr6pyov€v^rj TO Kpi/xa tov Oeov ; ^ tov^ ttXovtov t^? '^pW^OTrp-of; J V^- ^}i .y-r^'^'i avTov Kal Trj /' V „ \p.x\ Jer. xvii. 10; 6 OTL TO ')(prj(TTov TOV tfeov et9 fMCTuvoiav ae ayeL ; ^KaTu be tv/V xxxii. 19; (TKXrjpoTrjTd aov Kal dfieTavorjTOv KapBiav drjaavpi^eif; aeavTw f ^c"r/iu. s'.' g opyrjv iv rjfiepa 0/37^9 Kal diroKaXir^eco^i BLKaLOKpLaCa^; tov Oeov, \^°^' ^'.f®' 7 ''09 dTToBfoacL €KdaT

•> t \ t \ « y ', *, , 19 Jobxxxiv.i9; '^cup avofi(D<; r]/xapTov, avo/JLCo<; kul airokovvrai' kul o/ ,, .Tac.i.22,25i ^^fJiOV TTOLT), OVTOb VO/JLOV flT) ej(pVTe^, eaVT0b<; eiCTL VOfJLOr OLTLVe^ 15 1 Joh. iii. 7. ipBeUvvvrai, to epyov tov v6/jlov ypaivTov ev rat? Kaphlauf; av- y^j^MSt TMV, avfjLiJLapTvpovar) ^^ ^IovBaLOepouTa, exi- mia, utilia, and controversias, but he does not de- cide between them. The phrase probably means, to observe the distinctions which are proper to be \l:ept, whether those distinctions relate to the xceremonial law, as in this passage, or to the 'taoral law, as in Phil. i. 10. Theophylact ex- plains it, Kpiveis ri Set irpa^ai, Kol ri /xri Sel irpa^ai. Andocides has a similar expression, Seivhv fxcv ovv iari koI virh ruv ayvoovvruv Tck diKaia iracrx^i'V KaKws' ttoXv Se x"-^^'''^^'^^P'**'f '6rau Tis iTTiffrdfJievos ret Zia (f>av€pa) 'Joi/8ato9 eVrtv, ovBe rj iv tu> (f)av€pS "' "x- 7; 29 eV aapKi irepiTO/JL^' °dXX 6 iv toS KpvTTT^ 'IovBalo<;, koX irepi- nDeut.x.iO; To/i7) Kap8la<; iv Trvev/iaTi, ov ypafifiuTi' ov 6 enraivo^ ov/c ef j***jj'^. dvOpayrrayv, aXX' iK tov Seov. ^"^- "• ' ' '„ rri/'tN >-»TC' */f.,/ « Phil, iii.2,3; ' Ti. ow TO Treptaaov tov lovoaiov, rj rt? rj (acpeXeia Tr]<; vepi- i Pet. iu. 4; «rt^\\/ / « \\w> 1 Cor. iv. 5 ; 2 TOfiTfi ; °7ro\u, KaTa iravra Tpoirov. irptDTOv /J.ev yap otc ema-' i rheB8.ii.4. 3Tev6r}a-av to. Xoyta tov Oeov. Prt yap, el rjiria-Trjo-dv Ttj'e9 ; ? "• ^^' 4 ui^ 17 dinaTla ainojv ttjv itiotlv tov Oeov KaTapynaet ; ^ari Deut.'iv.7,8; yev KaOoy; yiypaTrrai, yevoiTO' yiveaddd he 6 ©eo? dX?;^/;?, 7ra? he dvdpcoTrof; '>^ev(TTr)9 av BiKaui>6fj9 Kpivel 6 '' ^^j'; "Jt^^MJcv 7 ©6^9 TOV fc6a^i Tivef; r)fia vii. 7 ; Gal. ii. 16; ci. 17; Joh. V. 46; Act. XV. 1 1" ; xxvi. 22. d X. 12; .^./T^Sal. iii. 28 fW^tJol. iu. 11. e xi. 32 ; Gal. iii. 22. f Matt.xx.29; Eph. i. 7 ; ii. 8; 1 Tim. ii. 6 ; Tit. iii. 5, 7 ; 1 Pet. i. 18. g Act. xiii. 38, 39 ; xvii. 30 ; 2 Cor. V. 19 ; Col. i. 20 ; 1 Joh. ii. 2 ; iv. 10. halov^ re koX "EXKrjva<^ Travra^ vcj) afiapTiav etvai, ^KaOoa^ ye- l(K . ypairrau, ^"Ort ovk ecrrt StKaio^ ouSe els' ovk eartv 6 crvvLwv^i ov/c ear IV 6 iK^rjrcov rov Oeov. irdvTe^ e^eKkivav, a/xa r]')(^pe(xo- 12W>P^ drjcrav. ovk eari ttoimv ;j^|077crTOT??Ta, ovk eariv k'cos €v6<;. '^Tdo^ 13 dvecpy/juevo'^ 6 Xdpvy^ avrcov, ral^ yXcocrcrati; avrwv iSoXiovaav '• ^-f^' ' , to9 aaiTiocov viro ra %etA,7; avrcoif ^(ov to aTo/jLa apa<; Kat ttl- 14 Kpta'i ye/jiet. ^'o^et? ol TroSe? avrcov eK'^^eat alfia' (rvvrpipjxa koX 15^^^^ TaXaLircDpia ev rat? oool<; avrcov Kai ooov eipr^vq^ ovk eyvwaav. yj ^ovK ecTTL <^6(Bo^ Qeov direvavTi rcov 6(j)0a\fi(ov avrcov.y ^OX- 18 Safiev Be otl ocra 6 v6fjLoavep(tiTat, fiaprv- 21 pov/xevrj vivo rov v6/jlov Kal rcov 7rpo^r]ra)V, '^ BiKaioavvr) Be ©eov 22 Bia 7rL(rreco<; ^Irjaov Xpiarov, ]^ irdvra'^ Kal feirL) Trdvra^;^ rov<; "Z '7rLar€vovra<;' ov ydp ean Bia&roX'ry^ ^jrdure<; ytcp rfixaprov, Kal 23 varepovvrai, t»}? B6^r}<; rop^Qeov, ^BtKaLovfiepoL Bcopedv rfj avrov 24 '^dpin, Bid tt}? d'iro\vrp(oa-e(o<; r-?}? ev Xpia-rM ^Irjaov, Sov irpo- 25 eOero 6 0eo9 IXacrr^piov Bid tt}? rrLareco^i ev ra> avrov aifMart, et? evBet^LV t?}? BiKaioavvr}^ avrov Bid rrjv irdpeaiv rwv Trpo- 10, 11. S. Paul here quotes very loosely. The LXX read, ovk can tvoiwv xPV^T^TTjra, OVK i(TTiv '4ccs kv6s. Kvpios e/c TOV ovpavov Si- (Kv^pev iirl Tohs vlohs twv avOpuircov, tov t5e7v fl icTTi (Tvviuv, ^ e/cfrjTcSi/ t))v @e6v. These verses, from 10 to 18, all occur together in some good MSS. of Psalm xiv. 15. The LXX read, ot Sh irJSfs avTwv iwl vofripiap Tpixovari, raxtvoX iyx^at aTfia. See Prov. i. 16. 19. p6/j.os. See note at John x. 34. This argument is addressed particularly to the Jews. They would have allowed that the Gentiles de- served punishment for their sins: but S. Paul has no reference whatever to his past life : the greatest sinner, if he has this faith, is at that time accounted righteous : and the best of men is not accounted righteous for his own works, but on account of his faith in Christ. This righteousness is called SiKaioa-vpr) Qeov, because it is not a man's own righteousness, or tlie result of his own merits, but because God allows him to be accounted righteous for sake of his faith. See X. 3 ; Phil. iii. 9. where it is called Trjv ck @eov diKaioffvuTfu. 22. eis irduTas Kal iirl TrdvTas. It has ^eeij^ made known (Trc^avepwrat) to all men, and^^e privilege extends to all men. ' shews, that the Jewish scriptures spoke of the.r,y 23. vffTepovvTai is a metaphor from persons Jews being all guilty in the sight of God ; and 'left behind in a race. A6^r]s Qeov is the image therefore the whole world is guilty. 20. Consequently, if Jews or Gentiles were to be tried by their obedience to the law, either the law of Moses, or the natural law written upon their hearts, they could not appear righteous in the sight of God : for either of these laws would only serve to convict them of sin. There seems an allusion to Psalm cxliii. 2. For ov — iraC ov 7rpo9 TOV Seov ^ ti yap rj ypaei\r)/Ma' t^ Be firj €pya^ofiev6'Tjaav ai djxapTiaL, fiaxd- 9 pto9 dvTjpf ft) oif /XT} XoyiarjTat Kvpco<; ufiapTiav.' 'O fiaKa- h Act.xiii.39 ; Qal. ii. 16. v'/ t^ivi 1 Eva. li. S. k Oen XV. 6; Gal. iii. 6; Jac. ii. 23. I xi. 6. ■n Psal.xxxii. 1.2. 2G. «j$ th flvai ahrhv Zlkoxov. To shew that it is He, and not man, who is righteous. See StKaiocrufT} ©eoO in ver. 21. Thv ix iriaTfus *It).4. piafjLo 1^ Job. XV. 22 ; ^i^ rj-^ elvat ^efiaiav rrjv eirayyeXiav iravrl tw a-irepfiarL, ov tm 2Cor.iii.7,9. €K TOV vofiov [lovov, dXXd Kal Tft) i/c TTiWeco? ^A^pud/Jb, 09 iari ig '*■"'* ' irarrjp Trdvrcov rjfM&v {^Ka6oo<; yey pairrai, '"On Trarepa ttoXXojv 17 rGen.xvii.5. edvoiv TeOeiKa crc/) Karevavn ov eTricrrevcre ©eov, rov ^coottol- ^JoU-C^* Gen.xv.4,5; ov vTO ^ T0U9 veKpov<^, Kal KaXovvro..i-«-^c7cap eXmoa err eXirioL eiriarevaev, et9 to yeveauat avrov ira- t Gen. repa rroXXwv eOvcbv, Karjp^-ro elprjuLevov, ' Ovro} / V xviii. 11; (TTTepfia (TOV "■ Kai fjUTj aatrevr](Ta<; rrj iriarei, ov Karevorjcre ro id Heb. XI. 11, ^^yjQ{) (jo)ixa 7]Sr) veveKpco/juivov, eKarovraerr}^ irov virdp^j^, u Heb.xi.i8. KaX rr]v veKpwaiv T'^9 p^r]rpa Se(o, */cat Triojpo^optjuu^ on o eirifyyekrav, *v Eph. ». is. 2 TOP SeOP Bid TOV Kvpiov r)/X(OP ^ItjaOV XpiaTOV, ^Bl OV koi T1]P -= Joh. x. 9; N » A^»^4 » / » \ / / > T xiv. 6; irpoaayayyrjp €a-)(tpcafi€P ttj iriaTCi et? ttip x^P''^ tuvttjv, ap rj i cor. xv. 1 : €(TTfJKafJL€P' Koi ^i/;^ft>/i€^a €7r' iXiriBi t?)? Bo^r}^ tov Geov. ^^^^2"^ ^*^ ' S'^ov ^opop Bk, dXXd Kol Kavxfofieda ev toi^ OXl'^ea^iPy elBoTC^ h**^- "' ® " jp ^ f /K ' • f Vy .» - f ^v ' > ^ > JPhil. i. 29; 4 oTi T) ffXiyif; vTTOfiovTjp KUTepya^eTai, *?) de vTro/xopt) OoKifirjp, jac. i. 2, 3. b iQ Be BoKifiTj iXiriBa, 1) Be eXirU ov KaTOuayypei' oti 17 dydirr) * ^'^' '• ^• TOV Seov eKK^vTcu ev Tai^ K^ a.M tov evo<; TrapaTrroy/jbarc ol ttoWuI diredavov, iroWS /xaXXov r] %a/0t9 tov &eov koI rj Bcoped iv x^P'''^"' '^V '^^^ ^^^^ dvdpcoTTov 'Irjcrov XpLo-Tov et? tou<; TToXXoij^ iTteptoraevae. kol ov^ &)? Be ei^o? dfiapTi]cravTO<;, 16 TO Bcoprj/xa' to fjuev yap Kplfia ef evb "Apa odv cb? Be evb the reconciliation, mentioned in ver. 11, and commentators take it to mean, that Adam was this leads him to speak of the sin of Adam, a type of Christ. All mankind were repre- which made that reconciliation necessary. sented in Adam, as the cause of their punish- 12. e^' ^. Some translate it, in whom, or ment ; and so they are all represented in Christ, after whom, viz. Adam ; but it more probably as the cause of their restoration. means, in as much as, or because : (See 2 Cor. 15. iirepiacrevae. The difference between V. 4. (see note): Phil. iii. 12; iv. 10.) all men the vapdwrcoixa and the x«P*<''M« is this: the were subject to death, because all men were pardon granted by God is not merely for that sinful (^/xapTou, which is the same as afiaprw- one sin of Adam, but for all the sins which are Xo\ KaTearddria-av in ver. 19). committed by all men. Ol iroWol ^s the same 13. But since it might be said, that, where as Trdvres. there was no law, there was no transgression, 16. SifjpTjfia and xap'tJ"/"" ^^^ ii^ ^*c* ^^^ same and consequently death ought not to have been thing : the latter is free pardon ; the former is inflicted, he observes, that all persons died be- the gift of eternal life. Kai ovx ws St' kvhs tween the times of Adam and Moses ; and, as a/xapT^a-apros [rii Kpi/xa, ovtw St' evhs St/catow- death comes by sin, it must have been the sin of tos] rh Sdoprt/jia. The two effects did not take Adam, which caused all his descendants to die, place exactly in the same way. whether they committed actual sin or no. "Axpi Ibid, i^ euhs, sc. TrapairTw/j.aTOS. v6fjLov is generally understood to mean, U7itil 17. Most MSS. read et jap iv r^ kA napa- the law of Moses : but I would rather render the irrd/jLari. passage, As far as there was law, so was there 1 8. After irapairTcofiaTos, we are to supply sin in the world: (which is given as a proof, the word Kpifia, and after SiKauaixaTos we are that all men had sinned : for all men have a law to supply xap'O';'*"' This verse does not con- of some kind or other :) but in cases where there tradict ver. 15. The righteousness of Christ is no law, (as in infants or ideots,) personal sin extended to all men, as the sin of Adam ex- is not imputed to them : but still they are subject tended to all men : but the parallel does not ^*" vtfsXi ^ *^ npo^ PiiM^iorx "^sia St' ez^o? BiKauo^TO^i, et? irdvra^ avOpdnrovi, eh BiKaioxriv lit ^cut;?. uxnrep yap Bid r/}? irapaKorjf; rov €v6▼• n ; irapeianjXuev, t,va TrXeovaar} TrapaTrrayfia. ov oe €7rA.eovao-ei/ oai. iii. 19, ff ft / f/ r/ rf '/O' 23. 21 i) a^pTuif vTrepeircpuraevaev i) X^pi?* ti/a wairep epafiev. He had said (v. 18.) that continues. For if by this resemblance or repre- Christ's death atones for all the personal sins of sentation we have been partakers in his death, we men : and he now prevents the mistaken notion, shall also be partakers in his resurrection. It is that therefore men should continue in sin. then only necessary to supply avfKpvToi before 2. Tp afiofn'Kf. By sin, as in ver. 10, 11. See avaa-T(i, eV Xpiaro) 'Irja-ov tm Kvpiw rjfMcov. Mr) ovv ^aaiXeverco rj afiaprla iv rw Ourjro) 12 v/jLMV ao)/xaTi, et? to viraKoveiv avrfj iv ral^ eTrtOv/JLLaL^ avrov- • xii. I ; ^fJLTjhe TrapLardveTe rd fiekr) vfiSyu oifka dBiKia^ tJ dfiaprla' 13 Gai.'ii.'20; oXkd 7rapa(TTi]aaT6 €avTov'*ftd T€Xo9 eKelvwv, 6dvaT0f Ir «> ' rC vojjLov XaXco^ OTL 6 v6fio<; KVptevet tov dvOpcoirov i(j) oaov xpo^ov i. e. the sinful nature which he assumed: ry 19. ' AuOpwirii^ov Xeyca. T am speaking of what @e^, by or in consequence of his divine nature. is the common case with men, in consequence oj 11. ehai and rep Kvpic{> r]fiuv are perhaps that weakness which is natural to your flesh. He interpolations. means, that he was not addressing or censuring 12. Most MS S. omit ouT^ eV. them personally, but he was speaking of the 13. Do not give up your members to sin, which common case of all men. will use them as instruments of wickedness. Ibid, els r)]v avofxiav, the effect of which was 14. ov ydp. This is given as a reason, why that you became wicked: els ayiaa/xby, the effect sin should not now be their master: and the of which is that you are made holy. reason is, because ye are not under the law : i. e. 20. iXevdepoi ^re rp SLKaiocwp. Quod ad your righteousness is not made to depend upon justitiam attinet, liberi eratis. Righteousness your perfect obedience to any law : if it were, certainly could not claim you as its servants, you could only be accounted guilty for the vio- 21. riva KapnSy. What enjoyment ? lation of the law : sin would be sure to get the Chap. VII. \.yiv(!o(TKov(nv6yLov. lamspeak- better of you : but you are put into a state of ing to persons who know what is the nature of a being accounted righteous by the free grace of law, viz. that the law imposed by any man is in God. force so long only as the man is alive. Many 16. He now tells them of the alternative persons make rod avQpdnrov to be governed by which is before them: Do ye not know, with Kvpieiei — has force over the man — but the former respect to the Master whom ye are to serve, that construction is preferred by Eisner, Hammond, you must either serve sin, which leads to death, or Mosheim ; and the illustration in ver. 2. seems obedience, which leads to justification ? to require it. There is a construction somewhat 17. TVTTou. The proper construction would similar in 1 Cor. ii. 11, and perhaps in James be, vTrriKo{i(raTe rtp riTrcp SiSaxrjs, els tv Trap- iii. 8. Some make y6p.05 the nominative to f?;, fSodrjTe, ye have obeyed that form or scheme of but I have preferred d &vdpanros, as in 1 Cor. doctrine, to the guidance of which ye were com- vii. 39. ffiitted. /_-.^ A. . _ 1^ .t..... . ti, ^ .■ f ^^- ^ '^ '.. 2 g. 'j7 f^hp ir7ravSpo<: yvin} tw fwin-t dvSpl BeSerai vofifp' iav Be fi Cor. vii. ** ,'/!/ f»\ / >v «' «>cs/_v2, 10, 39, Z airodavrf o avr)p, KaTr)p^rjTai. airo tov vojjlov tov avopo<;, '^«/3Ct gMatt.v.32. ovv ^a)ino<; tov dpBp6evr)v dvBpl eTepcp. ^&oprja-(t)p,€if to) ©eo). ^ot€ yap rfp.ev iv ttj aapKi, 1 vi. 21 ; Ta TradripuTa twv dp^apTUOP Ta Bid tov vofiov ivrjpyelTO iv TOLopi]craL T

ov, dirodapopTe^t, ep c5 KaTeL')(o/jL€da, cocrTe 2 Cor. iii. 6. BovXeveip "^fm^i iv KOU/OTqTi Trvei^/iaTo?, kol ov iraXaioTqTi, ypafifuiTo^. 7 Tt omf ipovfiev ; 6 vofux; dfuipTia ; firj yevoLTO' dWd Tr)v ' i>i. 20 ; » , , V » x t \ / / N > /) / > Exod. XX.17; afjLopTiav ovK eyvtDVt ei, firj bia vofiov ttjv t€ yap einuvp.Lav ovfc ueut. v. 21. 8 jiBeiVf €1 fiT) 6 vopxy; e\eyev, ' Ovk i'mdvp>^(T€i<:'* "^dapTia, Bid r^ ivToXi)<; KaTeipydaaTO iv e/tol Oai. ui. 19, 9 Trdaav iiridvp-iav' X'^pt? ydp vofiov dfuipTia veKpd. iyoi Be e^tov %a)pt9 vofJLOV wore' eXdovarj^ Bk rfj^ ivToXrj rd>6riri r^ y^fitft Ye were put to death by the law, (see Gal. ii. 19.) els rb yevcadai, so that you are released from your slavery to sin, and are become the servants of another Master. (See note at iv. 11.) "li/a KapTroP^s ySfiov wore. I will sup- pose there to have been a time when men did not know any thing of the prohibitions of the law : (and all infants are in such a state:) at that time their actions were not sinful : but as soon as they were aware of the commandments and pro~ hibitions, they did what was prohibited, their ac- tions were sinful, and they incurred the penalty of death. '£70? is used for any person whatever. ?*l V.fA^TtOL ^^Xj^bJuA yvu-^^^^A^ rKt. ^/tv^l^v^A Ia/vaaa t.t^l.Q.-<7 316 Eni^TOAH [lurp. 7, 8. n L(^.xviii)5; ave^rjaev, eycb he aireOavov^ koX evpeOt] fioc rj ivToXr) rf el<; 10 11, 13. ^(^^i^} CLvrr} et9 OdvaTov. rj rfap a^apTia a(j)0£jjb7]v Xa^ovaa, Bia U 01 Tim. 1.8. T?}? eWoX?}? e^rjircLTrjae fie, kov Be avTrjS.vc\>/)/^ - -'• fJiiaU), TOVTO TTOLO). CL Oe O OV UeXo), TOVTO irOlO), aVfM(p7)/JLL T(p 16 vofjiw OTL KaX6 « / ' /J' ^ \ /!/> / efJiOi, TovTeaTiv ev Ty aapKL fiov, ayauov. to yap ueXeuv irapa- Ketrai pbOi, to Be KaTepyd^eaOai to KaXov ov^ evplaKw. ov ydp 19 o OeXco, TTOiSi dyaOov aXX' o ov OeXw KaKov, tovto Trpdaaco. el 20 Be o ov deXco eycbj tovto itolcx), ovk eTi eyco KaTepyd^ofjuai, avTo, aXX T) OLKOvaa ev ifioi afiapTia. EvptaKco dpa tov vofiov tco 21 OeXovTL ifiol TTOtelv to KaXov, otl e'/xol to KaKov irapaKeuTai. • Psai. j. 2; ^avvr'jBofiai ydp tco vo/jlco tov ©eov KaTa tov eaco dvOpcoTTOv 22 2 Cor.iv. 16; J ^ / ^\ «/ * / \ « /^ / j / Eph. iii. 16. pXeTTco 06 €T€pov vofiov ev Tot? yLteXecTi fjLov avTiaTpuTevofievov 23 t Gal. V. 17. ^^ po/jLcp TOV vo6<; jJLOV, Kal al')(/iaXci)T L^ovTd fie Tcp vofjLcp T/79 dfiapTLa<; tm ovtl ev rot? fieXeal fiov. TaXacTrcopofi eycb dvdpco- 24 7ro9' Ti? fie pvaeTao €k tov acofiaTO^i tov OavuTOV tovtov ; ev)(a- 25 piCTca Tft) Seo) Bid ^Irjaov XptaTov tov Kvplov rjfiMV. dpa ovv auT09 iycb tm fiev vol BovXevco vofxco ©eov, tj} Be aapKL, vofico h L .l^i^/r ^/^^P'^^^^'mO^^^^ ^£^^^^ KaTdicpifia tol<; ev XpiaTM 'Irjaov, 8 . ■■' ' ■ , ,. / ■ ■, / ■' ■#. r^ 11. e'lTjTTciTTjo-e, persuaded me that it was law- my own mind, it follows of course, that the law, ful to do that which I liked : koX St aur^s careK- which forbids me to do it, must be good. Teiveu, atid made me subject to death in conse- 21. I find, therefore, this law or principle in quence of the commandment which I had me, viz. on rh KUKhv TrapaKeirai ifiol 6e\ovTi broken. iroielv rh kuXSu. 13. I have followed the punctuation of Beza, 22. rhv eaw &v9pu>irou. We find this expres- Elsner, Schniidius, Wolfius. Has that which is sion in Plato, (pairj tiv SeTi/ ravra Trpdrreii/ Kal good been the cause to me of death ? By no means : ravra Xeyav, odev rod avQp'jiirov 6 euros &y0pw- it was sin which was the cause : so that sin ap- iros eaTai iyKpan-eararos. De Republ. ix. p. 589, pears to have effected my death in consequence of and in the Talmud, " Cutis et caro vestis est the law, which is good, having denounced penal- hominis ; sed spiritus interior homo vocatur." ties : so that sin becomes still more sinful, be- See Eisner. cause it caused me to transgress so good a law. 24. (rcifiaros rov Oavdrov is the same as ad- re^oi/c is perhaps an interpolation. fiaros Ovrirov or v^Kpov, (see vi. 12; viii. 11,) 14. vvevfjLariKSs. Persuades a man to do that and therefore roinov agrees with a-wfxaros. See which his better part approves : iyii Se (TapKiKos Luke xvi. 8. ilixi, but men in their natural state are inclined to 25. / thank God, He will deliver me, through follow their lusts. Ileirpafiivos- the metaphor is Jesus Christ. Knatchbull. Many MSS. read still kept up of a man being the slave of sin. X"P'^ ^^^' ^v-xapicrrS). 15. ov yivctxTKca. The meaning is, that a ser- Chap. VIII. 1. OvSiu KaraKpifxa. This is vant does not act from his own judgment; he the conclusion from the preceding verse. If does merely what his master tells him. God has saved me through Christ from that 16. v6fj.os all throughout this passage means death to which I was condemned, there is now a law, natural or revealed. If I do ivhat my no sentence of condemnartion to those who master (sin) tells me, which is not the wish of believe in Christ, and have applied to them- K.f.8 1 npos* p/2M^iorx 317 2 /Lt/; /cara crapKa irepiTrarovaLV, dXXA Karh Trvevfia. "6 7010 « vi. 18,22 ; vo/j,o Irjaov yXevuepcoae /te GuI. v. 1. 3 diro TOV v6/jlou t^? dfiapTLa^a? eV ofiouofiaTt aapKb0^ iv rjfilvy toU /jltj kutu adpxa irepiiraTovaLVf dXfsM 6 fcaTu nrvev/JM. ^Oi yap KaTct adpKa 6vt€^, rd rfj^ o-ap/to? ' icof.h.h. 6 povQvo'iv' oi Se KaTd Trvev/jui, Td tov 7rv€VfMaT0p6vT]fjLa Trp; aapK6p6vrj/xa r^? aapKOf;, €')(9pa et? Seov 8 Tft) ydp vofi^ TOV Seov 01);^ inroTdxTacraL, ovSe ydp BvvaTai' ^ol • iCotTh.^ 9^6 iv crapxl orre?, Se^ dpeaai ov SvvavTat. '^'T/iet? 8k ovk bicor.iji.i6; fore iv aapKi, aXA' iv irvev/JLaTi, cXirep irvevfia Geov oIk€l iv piai.Y. 19*. v/uv. el Bi Tt9 irvev/xa XpioTov ovk €)(€t,, ovTOev\eTai ia-fiev ov ttj aapxl, tov Kara coi.'iii.*^*' «. 13 adpKa ^qv *et ydp KaTa adpKa {^re, fikWere dTroOv^crKeiv ' ^"■^- ^■}^' el Be TTvevfiaTL Td<; irpd^eL^ tov (Tco/xaTO? OavuTovTe, ^jja^eade. 2 Tim. i. 7 ;' 14 ^"Ocroi 7'/) TTvevfiaTV Seov dyovTat, oinoi elaiv viol Qeov^f^ov lyl^s/e'; /)lin. }7i ^ ydp i\dj3€T€ TTvevfui BovXeia'^ ttuXiv et? \//^« Eph. i. 13 : irvevfia avfifiapTvpei tod irvev/jLaTi rjfKov, otl ea-fiev T€Kva &eov. iv; 30. 17 *a Be TeKva, kol K\rjpov6/jLOf KXrjpovofMOL fiev Oeov, o-iry/cX?;- ' Act.xiv.22; /jsvv «v / r/ N 5'j-/i- 2Tim. ii. 11. povofioL oe JLpKTTOv eiTTep (TVfi'rrapov€7v ra rrjs aapKhs in ver. 5. and therefore 2. 'O v6fj.os ToO TTv. T7JS ^wT)s iu X. 'I. The means the addicting oneself to the flesh, joining ordinance of God, that spiritual grace and eternal the parti/ of the flesh. life shall belong to those who believe in Christ. 7. oh SvuaTai. Man has no power to do this Tow v6,uov TTJs afi. Koi TOV BavoLTov, the ordinance of himself, without the assistance of the Spirit. of God, that sin and death shall always accom- 9. etirep. Since, pany each other. Ibid. The Spirit of God, and Spirit of Christ, 3. rod pofiov is here the natural law, or know- appear to be synonymous. ledge of right and wrong. This was not able to 10. In your bodies you may be considered to make a man do what is right, because his lusts have suffered death for your sins, but spiritually drew him to what was wrong. Th aSvvaTov is you have i;een restored to life, because your the accusative absolute. laitli is couhted for righteousness. See iv. 25. Ibid. ffapKhs apaprias, i. e. aapKhs apapTwXris. 15. 'A/8)8a 6 irariip. See Gal. iv. 6. Ibid, vepl apaprias. See note at Heb. x. 6. 17. e'lirep. Since the end of our suffering with Ibid. KUTCKpiye, inflicted sentence upon, i. e. him is that we may be glorified with him. 318 EUIXTOAH [Ke<^. 8. k Matt.v.i2; jjiev' ^Xoyl^o/jtai yap on ovk a^ia ra TvaOrjfjLaTa tov vvv fcacpov 18 Phil. iii. ' 'Trpo'^ Tr}v fiiWovcrav So^au aTroKaXvcj^drjvat et? r}fid<;. 'HyaplO J^^g^^'^ 6- CLirokapadtOKia tyj^ KTia€0}<; rrjv airoKakvy\nv roiv vlmv tov 0€ov ■ OM^^ i^T^f ••• 9 a'jreKhe')(6Tai. ttj yap /jLaraioTrjTLj^ ktIoi^ vTrerdyr], ov-^ i/covaa, 20 dWa ^La TOV virord^avTa, hr eKiriht^ otl kol avrrj rj KTiai v \ > \ ^ / „ v r « 2 Cor. V. 2, 4. oXXa Kai avTOi Tr]v a7rap')(f]v tov rrvevfJiaTO^ €^0VTe<^, Kau r]/iiet<; avTol iv eavTol / rvr/ VSv^ Psai. vii. 9 ; TOU TTvevfiaTO'i, oTi KaTa iyeov evTvy^aveo virep ayiwv. Uioa- 28 Jer. xi. 20; 5.\f/ «> « ^/^\ ' '>''/iv xvii. 10. A*-^^ ^^ ^'^^ "^^^^ ayairwai tov dyeov iravTa avvepyei et? ayauov, qEph.i.5,11; Tot9 KaTo, TTpodeaiv kXtitol'^ ovacv. ^OTL ou? irpoeyvQ), Kal TTpO- 29 Phil. iii. 21; / / j: r, , , « r« , « , \ , ,^v Col. i. 18. (opLo-e ol<}' Ol)? Be TTpodtpiae, TOVTOV<; Kal cxvin. . i/cdXeae. Kal ou? eKoXeae, tovtov<^ Kal eBiKaiaxrev' ov vol. i. p. 715. take tov iSlov vlov in its strict literal sense : for K.<^. 8.9.] nPO^" P/2M^I0rZ'. 319 €(f>€i(TaTO, d\\* inrep -qfuav Trdvrayv 7rapeB(OKev avrhu, ttw? ou^^l tEsa 1.8,9. 33 Kai aw avToy ra irama rjfiLU ')(^apLcr€TaL ; 'ri? eyKaXeaei Kara Mar.xvi.i9; 84 €K\jeKT(jdv 0€ov ; 6eo9 6 SiKuiayp ; "rt? o Kara Kpij/wv ; Xpiaro^ Jj.^^jV *» Kf ««V^^ o ttTj^d^avft)!^, /xaWoi/ Se Acal iyepdeU, o? /cat etrru/ eV 8^f ta rou ''•i 2 ; 85 &€ov, 09 /cat evTxrfxavei, xnrep rj/MOV ; T19 J7/xa9 ^((opia-eL airo rrj? 1 .loh. ii. 1. wydirris rod Xpicrrov ; OXiyjri^if rj arevo^copLa, rj Siftvyyuo?, »Vxiiv.%2; 86 \ifi6<;,rj yvfivorrj*;, rj kivBvvo<;, rj fui^aipa ; "^Ka9(o<; yeypaTrrai, ^cor. Iv! ii'- *"0t* €V€fca aov davarovfieda oXrjv rrfv rjfjUpav' €\o/ Joh. i. 1 ; if Cnriitt i»«8 merely an adopted Son, whom set apart and consecrated by Christ to his ser- God allowed to be put to death, we could not vice : and he had prayed that this devotion of infer from thence that He would also give us himself might be for the good of his country- all things. men. 33. I have followed the punctuation of Lock, 4. 'lC, '^Ev7 2t'^^'-^\1 'Jo-aa/c K\r)6)]aeTal aoL airepfiaJ' Wovreo-riv, ov ra reKva tt}? 8 cGenxxi.i2; (TapKo'^, TavTa T€Kva TOV ©€ov' dWa TO, TeKva rrj<; eiraytyeKia^ Heb.'xi. is'; '^oyl^eTah eh (Tirepfjua. ^ i7rayy6\ia<; yap 6 \6yo(; o5to9, 'Kara 9 f Gal. iv. 28. ^gp icatpov TOVTOV eXevaojJLai, fcal ea-rat rfj Xdppa vl6>'v^ \ ' Ti /D ' 5<-f\ / >/ jf y _ ]o. fjLovov 06, aWa fcat JrepeKKa e^ evo<; kolttjv exovaa, ia-aaic tov •> Gen. XXV 21 • Trarpo^ rj/JLcbv' fjurjirw yap yeyyr^OeuTcov, fMrjSe Trpa^dvTcov rl 11 dyaOov rj kukov, Xva i) KaT lickoyrfv tov ©eov TrpoOecni; fjuevrj, i Gen. XXV. ovK 6^ epyoiVy dXh! €K TOV KaXovvTO'^, ^ipprjOrj avrfj, '"Otl o 12 . 1^ fiel^cov SovXevacL rco ikdaaovc' ^ KaOoi^ yeypaiTTai. 'Tov ^la- 13 ACft)/3 rjyaTTTjcra, tov Be Haav e/jLiaTjaa/ 1 Dent. •Tt ovv ipovfJiev ; fjLt) dBcKLa irapd tm ©ew ; fir) yevoiTO. "^tS 14 a'par. xi'x. 7; ydp MoDafj XiyeL, '^EXe^aco bv dv eXeo), fcal oiKTeipTJaco ov dv^^ xxxiv!'io^.' OLKTeLpco.' dpa ovv ov TOV 6eXovTO- > V \ <> / / n Exod. ix. ^^^^ TOVTO €^rjy6ipa ere, oirco'; evoeL^wfiat ev aoi Tr}v ovvafitv ^^- fjbov, Kal 67rco @ew ; firj Sap. XV. 7. •^ 6. What I have said of these high privileges, to any other nation ? Certainly not. Neither is ^ \ might seem at variance with what I have also he now unjust in pardoning the Gentiles and ~ said, of the Jews being no longer the chosen accepting their faith : for this is just what he nation : btit it is not that the word of God has did to the Jews, when he pardoned their idol- f ailed: he promised blessings to the true atry at the intercession of Moses, Exod. xxxiii. Israelites: but this did not mean all the de- 19. ( scendants of Jacob, but those who have faith. 16. 6e\ovTos probably relates to Abraham i_^ 9. The LXX is very different : 'Eirava. 9. 10.] npo:s PfiMAior^. 821 21 e/3€t TO •frKiKXfxa rat TrXtiaaiTi, " Tt fjL€ iTTOirja-a^ ovTO) "• ^» ''^' 6e\(M)v 6 Seo'i evhei^aadai t/;v opyi)V, koI yvfopLcrat to hvvaTov avTov, ^veyKCP ev troW^ fxaKpoOvfiia oKevrj opyt)^ KaTtjpTia/jiiva 23 el's airdiXeiav' iccu Xva yvtapiari tov ttXovtop tt}? B6^rj<; airrov, 24 eVl (TKevrj eXeov?, h vporp-oL/jiaaev ek Bo^av, ov<; kol eKoKeaev i . -^ '. 25 {)iias ov iJLovov eP ^lovBalayv, dXXa koI eP iOvcov^^oDfi koX ev too "-Oie. li. 2»;i/lf41|A *^ N./ rr\ ^ ». \ ' '^ V V / IPet. ii.lO. ,0-^ JT flarje Xeyet, * KaXeato tov ov Xaov /lov, Xaov fjiov Kai, ti]v ovk lOt t 2fi ri>ya'jr7)fievr]v, '^yaTnjfxevrjv/ "koI eoTui ev tu> TOTTtp ov €ppj]6r} * o«e. i. lO. avToU, Ov Xa6p,oi- Lrm. lu. 22; 80 oi>6r)/^€v.* Tl ovv epovfiev ; oti edvrj to, /jltj BuaKovra BiKULoav- ^^^''^- *^- V7)v, KaTeXa^e BucaioavvTjVy BiKatoavvrjv Be ttjv ex TricrTfo)?* x ,. ? . 81 * ^Ida XlOcp tov irpodKOfJip^aTO'^, ^KaOax; Jga"''ci!viii. yeypaTTTOL, * ^IBov, TiOrjfjLi ev ^icov XiOov 7rpoaK6fJL/JLaTO<;, Kal ^'^} ^*"' Trerpav a-KavBdXov Kal /7ra? ]o iriarevcov eV avTM ov KaTaia- Lh. ii. 34 n' y \ J * iPet.ii.^ XVpOtjaeTai. ^ ^ ,i^.3,. 10 ^AAEA^OIy rj fiev evBoKia rr/? efirj<; KapBia> IX. 31. '^ dyvoovvT6<; yap rrjv rov 0€ov hiKaioavv-qv, koI rrjv IBlav 8l- 3 Kaioavvrjv t^qrovvre'^ orrrjaai, rfj hiKaLoavvrj rov Seov ov^ vir- c Matt. V. 17; eTiiyrjcrav. ^Te\o<; yap vo/jlov XpiaTo<; ei? BiKaioavvTjv iravrl tw 4 \^-\(>'2,'^CoT!vii\z\'^t'(^TevovTLJ^'^Mwari<^ yap ypd^ei rrjv SiKaioavvrjv rrjv eK rov 5 IQ^^^ai. ui. 24. y^jj^Qy^ '"Ore 6 TTOLr^aa^ avrd duOpcoiro'^, ^yaerai, iv avroh* '1 Ezech.xx.u; ® 'fl" he €K 7rL(rT6a><; hiKaioavvT] ovToo XeyeL, ' Mrj elirr]^ iv rrj 6 j ^ Gal. iii. 12. ^, T» » /D ^ » ^ ' ' } '-»>'* -v ' ', o Deut. XXX. f^cLpoia cTov, 1 1? avapTjaerac et? rov ovpavov ; tovt eaTi Xpoa-- i^ u. 12. Tov Karayayelv ' rj Tt9 Kara^rjaerai eU rrjv d/3vaaov ;' tovt 7 f Deut. XXX. eaTL XpcaTov eK v6KpS)v dvayayelv ^dXkd tl Xkyei ; ' ^Eyyv'^ 8 i aov TO prjfid icTTiv, iv Tat aTO/maTL aov Kal iv rfj KapBla aov' J g Matt. X. 32. TOVT 6(TTi, TO prffxa tt}? iTiaT€(o<^, o Kijpvcraojiiev' Son idv ojjuo- 9 Xoy^ar}<; iv tS a-TOfJLaTL aov KvpLOv ^Irjcrovv, Kal Trtarevo-rj'; iv rf) KapBla arov otc 6 ©eo? avTov rjyeipev iK veKpcov, crcoOrjarj' KapBia yap incrTeveTaL eU BiKaioavv-qv, GToyban Be ofJuoXo^eh-at 10 I. ix. 33 ; et? acoTrjpLav. ^Aeyec yap 77 ypacbrj, ' 11 d^ 6 TTiaTevwv iir 11 Esa. xxviii. j«> a' i \ r\y ^ •> ^ ^\>tcn/ 16. avT(p ov KaTai,aj(yvor)aeTai. ' Uv yap eaTU oiaaToXr) lovoaiov 12 Act X 3/35- '''^ 'cat "EXXt;!/©?- o yap avTo^ Kvpio<; irdvrcov, ttXovtmv ek XV. 9; 7rdvTa<; tov<; iircKaXov/JLevov; avTov ^^Ud^ yap, o? dv iiriKa- 13 Eph. i. 7; ' XearjTaL to ovofia Kvplov, crcoOrjaeTat.'' ~TTa)<; ovv iinKaXeaoV' 14 k Jo'eiii 32- ^^^ ^^'** ^^ ^^'^ iiTLaTeva-av ; iroi'^ Be TTiarevaovaLv ov ovk tjkov- Act. ii. 21. aav ; '7rcl)<; Be aKOvaovav %ft)/3t9 K7]pvaaovTO<; ; Wm Be Krjpv^ov- 15 Nahum i! 15. ^''^ ^^^ M cnro(TTaXwa-(, ; KaOcb^ yey pairTat, ' 'fl^ oopaloi 01 TToSe? T(bv evayyeXi^o/juevcov elprjvrjv, tmv evayyeXt^o/jievcov rd •uEsa.im. I; dya6d.' "^ AXX ov 7rdvTe<; virnKovcrav tco evayyeXlco' 'Haata}apy]<; iyevofxrjv tol<; ifik /xt) iirepcoTibai.* 21 ' » V ' ' 'JO > 2 Cor. xi. 22; yevoiTO' Km yap eyco laparjXiTTjf; Cifii, e/c airep/naro'; Appaafi, pwi. Ui. 5. 2 (f)vXr]s Beviapi.lv. ovk aTrdtxraro 6 ©609 tov Xaov avTov, ov irpo- ^1 '-^ "'"'^ f^ '- eyvto, rj ovk oiBaTe ev 'HXla rt Xeyet 17 ypari ; 0)9 evrvyxavev ^tto^U^a4 8 TtS Oeo) /cara toO ^laparjX, Xeycov, ' ^Kvpte, tou9 irpo^Ta'; aov * i Reg.'tiK. cLTreKTeivav, Kal Ta Ovo'iaoT'qpLd aov KaTeaKay^av Kouyo) irrr- €Xeul>6rjv fi6vo<;, xal ^rp-ovai ttjv -^vxn^ P-ov* * 'ilWa ti Xeyet 1 1 Reg. xix. avT(p 6 yprjpMTKTpLOf; ; ' KaTeXiirov epxivTot e7rTaKLdaXpLol amoiv tov firj ^Xerreiv, Kal tov ^wtoi/J^,]^ .ja jgt^C 11 avTcov Bca7ravTo 'lapa-fiK ; Did not the Jews 6. ixfi Otherwise. See 1 Cor. v. 10. The know that God meant to make hU word known to latter clause, et 8c i^ Epycov — 6^701^ seems an the Gentiles? '<,■ , . ; ^- ■ interpolation. Chap. XI. 1. iirc56T)(rav. In John xii. 40. vevd- 2. TTpoeyvw. God may be said not to have puKfy is opposed to Tfr6 avTMV TrapaTrrco/jbaTi 97 acoTrjpia Tot9 edvecriv, el<; to irapa^TjXcocrat avrov^. el Be rb TrapdirTcojiia 12 ^1/yy^yiyf^\A4^<>^^ avTcov 7rXovTO<; koct^iov, kol to rfTTrjjxa avTcov ttXovto^ eOvwv, c sv. ledj^Troo-ft) fidWov to TrXrjpcojjLa avTcov ; C^'Tficv yap Xeyco rot? 13 Act. ix. 13; >//! yti er /^>^J/^r^^/^ \rs , xiii. 2 ; euvecriv €9 oaov fxev et/xt €700 eovoiv airoaToXo^;, tyjv OiaKovlav GaK f.Ve ; ^^°^ So^d^Q), et TTW^ TTapa^TjXaxTQ) jjLov TTjv adpKa, Kol adocra) 14 ii. 2, 8; Tim9 ef avTcbv.) el yap 97 aTro^oXrj avTcov, KaTaXXayri /coaaov, 15 rr^ Eph. iii.8; , , / ^ , -^J V y V , - tK: > S>N r , ' V r / iTim.ii.7; Tt? ?; TTpoaX'qyL^, et jLT] ^(orj etc yetc^wy; et oe ?; airap'^r) ayta, 16 - d Je™ii6. '^^^ '^^ (j^vpa/jua- Kal el rj^y^dyia, Kal ol kXo^oi. ^el 8e Tive^ llj^ .'^V^^JXt^ tiSj^iTcov KXdScov i^eKXaadrjaav, av he dypieXaio^ mv eveKevTpladrj^; iUr to 'WAj cLt^ ^p avTol^i, Kal avyKOLVwvb^ rfjs pi^r]^ Kal Trjo^ov' el yap 6 Geb<; tmv kcvtcl (f>v(TLV KXdBcov ouk e<^et- 21 M" 1 0^? ' l^c^d ^^'^°' ^ 7^^ ^^^^ ^°^ (fiei(T7]TaLfs^ "IBe ovv ^PW'^oTrjTa Kal 22 LTlc>*v«rrcor.^; diroTOfjiLav Oeov' eirl aev tov^ 4e&6vTa^, diroToalav ^eirl Be Heb.iii.6,14. ^ , )\>/ « , »\\ ae, 'XprjaTOTTjTa, eav e7n/jLeiV7]p6vcfJL0L,) otl 7rcop(oaL. ii,i2.j nPOX PftMAIOr^. 825 ■2& yeyoveVj d-xpi^ ov ro rrXrjpco/jLa T(t)v idvcop elaiXOr)- '/cat ovtq) ^ EHa.Ux.io. Tra? ^laparjX ao)0/](T€rai, Ka6a)s yiypaiTTai, *"flfet eV 5*40)^ 6 27 pv6fi€vo iii. 9/^ ''' w > / Vv' ^/^o'/l -v' *j^' ^ Gal. iii. 22. 88 iva TOV J I pauo^ irXovrov Kat cro(pui^ kul ,„ j^^^ ^^ 7 ^ yvayareay; Geov' ca? dve^epevmjTa rd KpifjLara avTov, teal aj/ef- P^aixxxvi.fl; 3i i^viaoTOt at ohol avrov. "rt? 70^ €71/0) i/o£)i/ Kvpiov ; rj T49 ■. Esa.xi.iS; 80 av/j,^ovXo^ axnov eyivero ; °ri ti? irpoeZcDKev avr^, Kal dvraTro- Brp.'ix'"i3;',^ /•- 86 BodriceraL avrat ; Port ef auroi) Kal Bi axnov Kal ei^ avrgv rd ^^'"'- ":\^; '^y 12 in^Pi4Ki4il/2 01^ vfjM^, dB€X(l>ol, Bcd/^p OLKTipfjiMv Tovl^^'X'iV'' Geov, Trapa^riiaai tcl awfiara v/mov Over lav ^coauv, dr/iau, ev- qvi. 13, 16; ^^«>^ x^ /f-rN X . <. . • 1 Pet. ii 5. 2 apcoTov TO) tyewy ttjv XoyiKrjv Xarpeuiv vfMov ^Kav fjurj aifa')(r)' ^ ^^ j^ j ^q, futTL^eaOe tw a^wl'£ tovto), aWa fxera^op^ovcrOe rfj dvaKatvwaeL '^- ^^ ; le/cUA/J^AAjj ToO V009 VlUoV, 619 TO .BoKlLLutetV VULCL^y TL TO OiXvLLa TOV & GOV -TO 1 Theas.iv.S ^^y. » /l^ V^K^iJw^-V^ ^ '^ sA' ^ r^ " ' ^ Col. iii. 10; 3 ayauov Kai cvaptoTov Jcai TeXeiov. 'Aeyco yap oca Tr)<; ^(^apiTO^ i joh. ii. 15. T»;9 oov€ia7jpoP€lp eh to o-oxfypovelv, CKaaTtp OD account of their forefathers : i. e. God still 2. Most MSS. read o-u0-x7?AtaTifea-0at and wishes, that they would have faith and enter neraiA.op(pova6ai. into the covenant: it depends upon themselves, Ibid, ri rh de^rjua k.t. A. Rufinus mentions whether they are elect or no. two translations, Qua sit voluntas Dei, quod bo- 29. For God can never repent of the favour num et beneplacitum et perfectum ; and, Quce sit which he shewed formerly to the Jews, nor of voluntas Dei bona et beneplacita et perfecta. his having called them to be his peculiar people. Origen. vol. iv. p. 64'4. 31. ■^iretflijo-oy t^ Vfierfpcfi. Have been ex- 3. hih. may be a form of adjuration, as in cited to unbelief by jealousy at seeing the mercy ver. 1. He is supposed to allude to the dis- shewn to you. He means to say, that as the tribution of spiritual gifts. Gentiles have been freely forgiven by God, so Ibid. p.4rpov -rriarcws. If we compare ver. 6, may the Jews be. Eph, iv. 7, it might be thought that these 32. Has convicted all of disobedience. Raphel. spiritual gifts were bestowed in proportion to 35. Neither Jew uor Gentile can say that he the faith of individuals. 326 ETilXTOAB. [Ke. 12. uiCor.xii.27; "oi/Tft)? ol TToWol €v aco/jid iafiev iv XptG-TM. 6 Be Kad^ eh aWt]- 5 Eph. 1. 23; '^ -r" Sjv / v \* ' / v S^ iO " /. V. 23; Atoi/ fjLeXr}' ^e^ovTe^i be ^(apKT^aTa Kara rrjv X^P''^ '^V^ oooeucrav 6 x°i Cor xii ^A*-^^ Bidcpopa' €LT€ iTpor}TeLav, Kara rrjv dvcCKo^lav Tr}<; irla- 4, 5, 6, 10; Teco9' Y elre hiaKoviav, iv ttj SiaKovla' etre 6 hihdaKcov, iv rfj St- 7 siCoT.%n.2S; Baa- KaXia' ^elre 6 irapaKaXodv, iv rfj irapaKKrjcrei. 6 fieTaBi8ov<;, ^ ^ 1 Pet! w. 10, iv aTrXorrjTL' 6 Trpolard/bLevo^;, iv aTrovBy' 6 iXecov, iv IXaporrjTi* fi/t ^^' . » 'JEf dr/dirrf dvinroKpiTO^;. diroa-Tvyovvre^ to irovqpov, koX- 9 I, &c.; X(o/jbevoL Tft) dya6a>' ^rfj ia et9 dXX'^Xov 11 a Psai. TTvev/jLan ^eoz/re?, tc3 Kaipa> BovXevovre^;' ^rfj eXiriBL ')(P'Lpovre<;, 12 xcvii. 10; rfj OXiyjreL virofjievovre'^, rfj irpoa-evxfj TrpoaKaprepovvre'i' ® rat? 13 Amos V. 15;', „,, '„ \'ia*-/c>/ f> 1 Tim. i. 5 ; %/3etat9 T03V ayLWV KOt,V(ovovvTe<;, rr)v (ptXo^eviav ouoKOVTe<;' ^ ev- 14 -Jvf's*^^^' ^oyeLTe tou? BidiKovra^; viJ,d<;' euXoyelre, koX /jlt) KarapdaOe. J^* bHeb.xiii.l, Xa/petl/ fMCTO, X^lpOVTOdV, KoX KXaieiV /Ji€Ta KXacovToyv. ^T0l5 rkt4i^ 1 Pet. ii. 17 ; avTO et? aKKrfXov^ (ppovovvref;' firj to, vyfrrjX^ povovvTe^, dXSA 'X^Xr fc A^ociii'is '^°^'* ''''^^'"ec^'ots (TvvaTrayoiievoL. fit) yiveaOe ^p6vi,fioL irap eav- K„w<--^a XV. 13 ; Tol<;. ^ firjBevl KaKov dvrl KaKov diroBiBovTe^. irpovoov/nevoL 17 '1.,-— ^ — 1 Thels. V. ' /^ctXa ivcoTTiov irdvTwv dvOpoaircov '^ el Bvvarov, to ef vficov, 18 c^oLiy!2- fieTa 'jrdvTcov dvOpcoTToyv elpr]vevovTe<;. ^/jlt) eavTovf; iKBiKovvTe<;, id Heb. xii. 1 ; dyaTTrjTol, dXXcL BoTC TOTTOV TYf opyfj' yeypaTTTat yap, ' ^E/jloI e I Cot. ■Kxi.i; i/cBUrjaL';, iyo) avTairoBcoao), Xeyeo KvpLo^.' ^'Eav ovv Treiva 20 6 exPp6<^ (70V, yjrco/JLi^e avTOV iav Bcyjra, Trortfe avTov tovto Heb. xiii. 2, 16: 1 Pet. iv. 9. r^^p TTOCQJV, dv0paKa<; TTuoo? cTOipevaei^ eTTi TTiv KeSaXrjv avTov. tMatt.v.44; '/ . , \ C . S, . v V , « , V, . T ', d/ Lu. vi. 28 ; /jLT} vlko) vtto tov KaKOv, aXXa VLKa ev TO) ayauco to KUKoix^ Ml ICor.iv. 12; ' ' H JbM- '^5^^ 1 Pet. iii, 9. g xi. 2.5 ; xv. 5 ; Prov. iii. 7 ; Psal. cxxxi. 1 ; Esa. v. 21 ; 1 Cor. i. W; Phii. ii72, 3,l6. h Prov. XX. 22 ; Matt. v. 39 ; I Cor. vi. 7 ; 2 Cor. viii. 21 ; 1 Thees. v. 1.5 ; 1 Pet. iii. 8, 9. i Mar. ix, 50; Heb. xii. 14. k Lev. xix. 18 ; Deut. xxxii. 35 ; Eccl. xxviii. 1 ; Matt. v. 39; Heb. x. 30. 1 Prov. xxv. 21 ; Matt. v. 44. 5. Ka0' els. See note at Mark xiv. 19. Most Kaip^. S. Paul meant to exhort them to give MSS. read rb Se Kud' eh. themselves up entirely to the Lord. See Acts 6, 7, 8. We must supply exovres and ea-rw. xx. 19 ; Eph. vi. 7 ; Col. iii. 24. - Eisner, Wolf: or perhaps ffw^poveiv, let him 16. (Twa-n-aySfifvoi. Suffering yourselves to be ^ bear himself meekly in the exercise of any of these led away with, i. e. following. • <; gifts. 18. el Swarhv, if the thing is possible, Th i^ 6. /caTck rijv ava\. T17S mffrews. According vfiuy, at least as far as you are concerned. to the proportion in which he has received this 19. S(Jt6 tSttov. Plutarch says, Se? 5e /t^e gift, which is in proportion to his faith. See irai^ovTas ttj opyp SiSSvai rSnov, De Cohib. Ira, ver. 3. p. 462. and' in Eph. iv. 27. we find /aVjtc Sidore 7. SiaKovlav, exercising the public office of a tSttov T(p Sia$6\<(>, so that S. Paul perhaps | deacon. meant in this passage, give place to him who is 8. fieraSiSois. He who is inspired to impart properly the minister of vengeance : for it is his possessions to others. Charity was one of written, &c. Knatchhull, Krebsius. This isj the spiritual gifts ; 1 Cor. xii. 28. also the interpretation of Chrysostom, fficume-j Ibid. onrAc^TTjTt, Tacitus says of L. Vitellius, nius, Hammond, Beza, Casaubon, and the^ " Inerat tamen simplicitas ac liberalitas." Hist. Gothic version appears to supply deov after iii. 86. See 2 Cor. viii. 2 ; James i. 5. opy^. So in Ecclus. xix. 17, eXey^ov rhv ir\r)- 9. aydirr) aTroffTvyovvres. There is a clou ot3ov' ov yap ^ g ™j*'^*' eitcri Tr]V pAyaipav <\>opel' Geov yap BtaKOVO'^ eariu, eKBi,KO<{ ei? 12, &c.; b opyi]V TO) TO KUKOP TTpaao^ovrL' olo avayKT) vTroTaaaeatfaL, ov Dcut. v. 6 fJLOPOv Bid TTjp opyrjp, dXXd Koi Bed ttjp avpelBrjatP. Bid tovto yap M^tt.xix. 18; Kal d>6pov6pOP' TO) TO T€\09, TO TcA-p?* TO) TOV (pofioP, TOP 6- j^* ." Li. ^OJ^^Ity^ 8 /9ov T^ Tr)p Tifiijp, TTJP TL/jLi]P. ^ M^jBepl p.T]Bep ocpelXerey el firj » iCor.xv.34; TO dyairdp aWrjXoi/?* 6 ydp dyaTrwp top eTepop, p6p.op TreifKifj- 1 Thess. v. 6. 9 pwKe. *ito ydpy ' Ov /iot;^evaei9, ou opevaeL^, ov /cXe-v/rei?, 01) -v/rei/- V^fJ* ]['^'/ ' BouapTvp^" Luxxi.34; Toirr^ T^) \079j apaK€(f)a\at,ovTai, ev t^, AyairrjcreL^; top irXt]- icor.vi.9,io; 10 <7iW (TOV o)? iavTOP.' ^i] dyuTrrj tw ttXtjctlop kokop ovk epyd^e- qJi^vj/ac; Tar -jrXi'jpayfia OVP pofiovn dydirrj, ^ ^ fTL!j.iv^'2; 11 'K^I toOto, €t3oTe9 TOP Kaipop, oti wpa y/jbd^ 7]Bt] ef vttpov v. 6, &c.; ,/i~ «\>/ f~f '*"' " Jac. iii. 14 ; eyepui)pai' pvp yap eyyvTepop rj/xcup 7) ao)T7)pLa, rj OTe eina-Tev- 1 pet. iv. 3. 12 aa/jL€P. ^r) pv^ irpoeKoyyePj rj Be rj/xipa rjyyiKep. dirodco/jLeOa ovp ' ^^%*q. 13 Ta epya tov ' " ' - -— \ / > //D V. 16; €P Tjfiepa, eva')(rifiop(t)<; TrepiTraTrjacofjiep, fir) kco/jloc<: kul fieuac^;, ipet. a. li; 14 fiT) /coiVat? Kal d r / <•/ >«>pv/ -r.^^ irap r}/ji€pav, o? oe Kpivei iraaav rj/juepav. eKaaropovc!)v rrjv rjfjbepav, Kvplw (j)povel' kol 6 1 Tim. iv. 3. f \ . /^ \ ?/ it" ' 'j ^ ^ f a ' tz i o //.?/ (ppovwv Tr)v r)p,€pau, KvpLM ov (ppoveu. o eaUiwv, KvpL(p eadiei, ev-xapKnel yap r(p 0eM' Kal 6 firj eadicov, Kvpiw ovk q1\.u.20;' iaOiet, Kal ev-)(api(Trel tm 0€M' ^ovBeU yap rj/jLcov eavrS ^fj, 7 IThess.v.lO; viP>\f «>/)/■ >/ \o« "^ rr ' 1 Pet. iv. 2. '^■ai ovO€i<; eauTO) airouvrjaKeL. eav re yap ^co/Jiev, rat Kvpuo s e Act. X. 42 ; ^(^^^f j^. ^^p -j-g d7ro6vi]afccofM6v, Tft) Kvplw dTToOvrjaKOjiev. edv fMatt. T€ ovv ^(tifxev, idv re dirodvr}(TK(oiJbev, tov Kvptov eafiiv, ^ek 9 2'cor^v.'io. '^ovTO ydp XpL(TT0 "^ '^^^ ^^ "^^ €^ovu€veLo-o-a i^ofioXoyrjcreTai tw ©eo)/ ^"Apa ovv e/cacrro? rj /jlcov 12 1 Cor. X. 32 ; Tj-g^^ savTOv Xoyov Bcoaei. Tu> @ea>. '^MrjKeTi ovv dXXTjXovi KpU 13 k Matt. V(ojuL6v' dXXd TOVTO KplvaTe jxdXXov, TO fJbrj Tidevau TrpoaKOfjbfjLa llt.^x.'is; '^^ dBeX^(p rj aKavBaXov. ^olBa Kal ireTreiafiai iv Kvpiw ^Irjaov, 14 4 ^'•"'^io'"' ^^^ ovBev KOivov Bl kavTov, el fjurj tm Xoyc^o/juevqi tI kolvov eivac, I Tim. iy. A leKelvq) KOLVOV ^el Be Bid ^pwfjia 6 dBeX/xaTi. See 1 Cor. viii. 11. Ilapa is never used by S. Paul (except in the 16. rh aya66i'. That which is in itself so good, Epistle to the Hebrews,) for prce. Valckenaer viz. your liberty. Let it not be evil spoken of ad 1 Cor. iii. 1 1. and abused, which might be the case, if the lh]d. Tr\r]po(pop. be fully convinced. Seeiv. 21. Christians were known to dispute upon these Grotius renders it, let each keep his own opinion. points. 6. Kvpicp. By what he considers the will of the 1 7. Admission into the Christian covenant does Lord. The words kuI 6 u^ o. ti]v ijp.. Kvpitfi ov not require abstinence from certain food ; but it K.,p. 14. 15.] nPOZ PS2MAI0TX. 339 Kul 'jr6a-i XpiarM, €vdp€aTO<; tc3 Ge^, 19 Koi BoKi/Mo^i Tot9 dv6p(i)7roi 21 dvOpoyrrtfi tcS hut TTpoaKOfifiaTOf; eayelv •> icor. via. Kpia^ firjBe vieiv olvov, firjBe eV c5 6 dBeX(f)6 BoKCfid^ei. 23 6 Be BuucpLp6fiepo<;, idp (j)dyTj, KaTaKe/cpiTai, on ovk i/c 7rtQ- -J^^ .y^ / SCjh- 1 5 Tea)?- nap Be o ovk €k tt/ eiXop.ep » icor.ii 22; Be r)p,€U ol BvycLTol tu daOepijp^ara Tuyp d^vpdjwp ^aard^eip, Kal 2 fiTj eavToZ'i dpecTKeiP' Pe/ca TrXyariop dpeaKero) p icor.ix 19; ''^. 8 e*9 TO dyadop Trpo? oUoBofM^p. ^xal ydp 6 Xpca-To^ ovx eauro) i.h.i.'ii. 4', 5. ijpeaep, dXXd KadoD^yeypairrai, * 01 opecBiafwl twp 6pet,Bvt,6pT(ov i Ps^ii ixix.9._ __ 4 ff£, hrhreaop^ eV e/te/ ' "Oaa ydp tt poeyfyii^j^^ €J^ ri]P r^fieTepav '^ iv. 2s, Ux_ ^^ ^ ^^^' BtBaaKOrXiap 7rpo€ypdrj, ipu Bid r^? xnropLOPrfi Kal Trjf; Trapa- 'iTim.m.\^,j^if. 6 /cXijo-eo)? TO)P ypa(op tijp eXTTiBa e;^a>/Aei/. '6 Be Seo^ t^9 vtto- • ^'>- 1.6; u^M\t fiopij^ Kal T779 7rapaKXi]povelp ip dXXij- Phii. ii. 2 ; 6 Xot? Acara Xpio^op 'Irj(Tovp, iW o^odvfiaBop ip hi (rrofiaTh "*' Bo^d^rjre top Oeop Kal irarepa tov Kvpiov rjixSiP 'Irjaov Xpia- [^^'^^^' ' 7 ToO. ^Aio TrpoaXa/jL^dpeo'de aWz/Xoi/?, Ka6oD//i v 5 / Psai. ixvii. 5. TTttXtj/, ' At'PeLTe Tov KvpLov, TTauTa Tu euvT}, KttL eiraiveaare « Psai. cxvu. ^^^^^^ 7rdvT6/5« / >\ / 7raa-7]<; xapa' vficov TT poire fx$r]vai eKei, tav vfi(ov irpanov dirb fi€pox;<; i/jLTrXrjadco. 25 ^NvpI 5c TTOpevofUit, 6tv iv ' lepovaaXrjfjL- "^evBo- J^^^'.^'"' fcrjx- 2, i2; avTwv €Kot,vci)vr]aav rd eOurj, 6(j>eiXov(Tt, Kal iv rot? o-ap/ct/fot? „, ^i. 17 • 2B XeiTovpyrjaai avroU. tovto ovv eiriTeXeaa^, Kal o'5^gQ^«/^£? Qa^'vi'jjl^' avToU Tov Kapirov rovrov, direXevaofiai Bl v/jlcov et? rrjv Sira- 29 viav. °olBa Be on, ep^ofievo^ Trpo? u/ia?, iv irXrjpcj/xaTi, evXoyiaol, Bid TOV Kvpiov rjficov 'Irjaov Xpiarov, Kal Bid t>}9 drfdirq^ rov w€VfuiTO<;, avvaycavlaaaOal fjLoi iv rat? nrpoaev^al'i 81 imep ifwv irpo'; top Geov, ^iva pvaBoj dnb tru 1^ - '^^J' jac. iv. is. \ Q STNISTHMI Be v/xlv ^oi^r)v rr^v aB€X(f)rjv rjfiMV, ovaav ' xvi. 20 ; ^BiaKOvov T»79 iKKXr)/v n y TT" f »♦•' " »' V ' ; . > « ) M > » Phil. iv. 9: behave ev Kvpt^ a^ia)9 rcov ar/iayv, Kat, irapaarrjie avrrf ev o) ^ T^ess. aj/ L'/xwi/ XPV^V 'TTpdyfiaTL' Kal yap avrrj iTpoaTdrL<; ttoXXcov g'^J^j^g 5 iyevTidrj, Kal avrov iaov. * ^A&TraaaaOe UpiaKiXXav zeal iiiic; "^^i ,' ' > " , Y . ,^ !. r, , V Heb.xiii.20. 4 AKvXav TovTOv<; julov oXrive^^ ^ v \ \ » « / r , 2 Thess. iii. avTOv, fcuu UXvfiTrav, Kai Tou? avv avTOL'i 7ravTa v > /i.\ > , ^\ > \ ' i» r ^^ /^ \ c Act. xiii. 1- f^^^ etvat €L<; TO ayat/ov, aK€paLov•. rri ' a ^ ' ^ A ' ^ ^. 1 Tim. i. 2. ^ AaiTai^ovTai vjxa^ 1 tfjL0U€0 v/jui<; arr^pi^ai, Kara to evayye- '.^'^\l:^' Xiov uov Kal TO /cnpvyua ^Inaov Xptarov, Kara diroKokvylnp Co\. i. U; , , y '. ! {, a, ^s \ 2Tiin.i. 10; 26 fivoTtjpLov yipovoL'i aLddVLOL^ ae(TLyr)p.evov, ^ rj diro KopivOov Bid ^OL^rjS^^ ^lofv ^^ '^SS-^ 21. 'IcUrwr. He was of Thessalonica, Acta Ibid. xP^yott cduvlois. We find inroKeKpv/Li- xvii. 5. fidyov avb ruv aiwvoiv in Eph. iii. 9, oirox. d/rb Ibid, 'itaff'ntarpos. Probably Sopater of Be- ruv alwvtov koX i^d rSiv ytvfuv in Col. i. 26, rcea, Acts xx. 4. X"/*"' 8o^<«''^n>' ^»' X. 'I. irph xp^^uv alwviwv in 2 22. TtpTios. Bumian thought that this might Tini. i. 9, fwfjs aiWfou, V i-n^yyt'iKajo irph be Silas : ^\^ is /rr*. 'Er Kt>p(y is to be XP^*"^" (uuyiov in Tit. i. 2, Xpiarov -npoiyvwa- \ A .u 1 ^ jv ufVou irpb >coTa/3o\7JJ kScuov in 1 Pet. i. 20 ; all coupled with a^^iroMai. Jhich passa^^es seem to prove, that the doctrine 23. raios. This was probably the Caius who ^f redemption had been revealed from the be- w.as baptized by S. Paul, and apparently an m- ginning, but faintly and obscurely. habitant of Corinth, 1 Cor. i. H. Origen says 26. The construction is, ypwpidd^uTOS re Sik there was a tradition of his being the first ^^^^ ^poibTrnKciu—tls inr. mcr^ws els irdura bishop of Thes&a bnica, vol. ly p. 687, but this ^^ ^^^^^ ^„^ ^,, .^,,, ^^ ^^^^ ;t„„^„ ^^ p^„^f^^_ was more probably Cams the Macedonian, men- ^-^^^ declarations, which were given by the com- ''^l?,^!^,*" ^^^^^ ^*^- 2„^- , . „« « ^. wanrf o/ Gorf,/or the purpose of bringing all na- Ibid. EpocTTOj. See Acts XIX. 22; 2 Tim. - tior,s ivto obedience to the gospel. See i. 5. *%:., . , .... ,. 27. ttJ.'y w. See, 1 Tim. i. 17. Ibid. o(Ko>'o/ids. Admtntslrator, dtspensator ^ pfc«niarMm puhlicarum. Krebsius. The inscriptions at the end of the Epistles Ibid, rrjs w6\foii. Corinth. are later additions, and not to be depended on. 25. See note at xiv. 28. Many of them are demonstrably wrong. ^S=s:25=2s^ FIRST EPISTLE TO THE CORINTHIANS. •^ This Epistle was written before Easter in the year 52, at the end of S. Paul's long residence in Ephesus. The Corinthians had written to S. Paul, vii. 1, and he had accounts of schisms and dissensions among them, i. 11 ; 2 Cor. i. 23 ; ii. 1. Perhaps the same false teachers who had been to Galatia had been also to Corinth. S. Paul probably sent his Epistle by Timothy, iv. 17 ; Acts xix. 22, who was to pass through Macedonia, and he himself meant to go to Corinth after Pentecost, xvi. 8 ; iv. 19 ; xvi. 6. if nAYAOY TOY AnOSTOAOY H npo2 KOPINeiOY2 Eni2T0AH nPXlTH. 1 IIATAOS K\r)TO ^Irjaov, k\7}tol<; u, 21 ; dyioiM \f« Rom. i. 7 : iqfi(ov IfjtTOv Apiarov, ev Tram tott^ avrtav re Kat, Vf^^^' Epu!i.i; 8 ''xapt? u/iti/ /cal elpijvrj diro Geov irarpofi r)^Siv koX Kvptov ^I!^^"'^^;!' ^Irjaov Xpiarov. n. 22 ; 4 ^Ev)(apt'ar(>y TO) C^ew yitou iravrore Trepi vfiwv, ein rrj %a/DtTt ,, ^^^ j 7. 6 Tov Seov TTj Bo6ei(Trj v/mv iv XpcoTw 'Irjcrov' ^otl iv iravrl ^^p\\^^ 6 £7r\oyTto"^7;T6 eV avr^, iv iravrl \6y(p koI irdarj yvdoaet, /caOoD^ c Rom. i. 8. 7 TO fiaprvpiov rov Xpiarov i^e^amdrj iv v/jlIv ^ware vfidf; fit) sJor viii.7- varepeladai iv fjir)Bevl ')(apLa/jLarL, d'7r€KBe')(Ofiivov<; rrjv dTroKa- ^o\.i.9.c^y:jiei\iMj ^ , /.IT/ f«>T "-V ==^f*"^/OiO' «Phil.ui.20; sXvytv rov Kvpiov rjfjLcov Irjaov Xpiarov '09 /cai pepataxret Tit. „. 13. vfjui<; 6ft)9 Te\ou9 dveyK\^rov<; iv rfj rj/xepa rov Kvpiov Tjjjiwv [} J^i'f^"- 9 ^Irjaov Xpiarov. ^7riar6<; 6 0eo9, Bi ov iKXr^drjre eh Koivcoviav v- 23 ; rov viov avrov ^Trjaov Xpiarov rov Kvpiov ^fjiwv. g ^' 13 . 10 ^ UapoKaXci) Be u/xa?, dBeX iii. 4; TO}V Xx67j<;, OTV eptSc? iv vfilv elcTL' ^Xejco 8e rovTo, on eKaaro 8e ^AiroXkco, iyo) Be Kr)(f)a, eyoi) Be Xpiorrov. Me/jLeptcrrat 6 XpL(TT6\j/ »iCl^^ Job xii. 17, (Tv^r}T7]Tr)(i TOV ai(ovo<; tovtov ; ov^i e/jioypavev o tveo? ttjv ao- 2^' 24. (hiav TOV Koaiiov tovtov ; ^ 'ETreiBh yap iv tv crotbia tov ©eov 21 n MaU.xi.25; ^, „ ,^, ;^^ -^ ^' ^ IC)^ '^J' Lu. X. 21 ; OVK eyvco o Koafj.o'^ ma ttj^ aoq)La<; tov kyeov, evooKrjaev o Eom. i. 21,^^\rv\« / r« / r. \ / 28. cyeo? oia Tr]<{ /zwpia? tov Kr]pvyfiaTO<; arwaai tov^ 7naTevovTa<;' r Matt. ^iTreLBr) Kal ^lovBalot ariixelov alTovai, koI "EXXr)ve<; ao(f)tav 22 xvi. 1;' ^rjTovaiV ^Tjixeh Be KrjpvaaofJLev XpcaTov iaTavpcofjievov, 'Jou- 23 »H iT- BaLOL<; fiev crKdvBaXov, "EXXrjaL Be jioiplav ^avToh Be rot? 24 Matt. xi. 6. fcXr]roL<; 'IovBaLOL<; re Kal "EXXrjai,, XptaTov ©eov Bvvafiiv Kal t Rom.i. 16;^^^ ., „ v v ^^ r\ r- ± ' «'/)' Col. ii. 3, tfeov ao^€(T6ai. xiii. 11 ; Gal. vi. 1. Bos, Eisner, Valckenaer. 19. a0€TT^cr£o. In the LXX, Kpv\pw. 11. ray XxSrjs, the children of Chloe. Gro- 20. Valckenaer applies croc^^s to moral philo- tius, Valckenaer. See Rom. xvi. 10, 11, where sophers, ypafi/xaTevs to persons acquainted with this can hardly be the meaning. history, laws, &c. , o-i/^Vjttjttjs to natural phiioso- 12. \eya Se rovTO. T mean to say. See Rom. phers. Fell understands ypufx/iarevs of th^ XV. 8 ; Eph. V. 32 ; Col. ii. 4. Raphel. Jews. See Isaiah xxxiii. 18. Ibid. 'AiroWdi. See Acts xviii. 24. 27 ; 21. iv ttj aotpia rod @eov. In the wise go- xix. 1. vernmeiit of God, or, in the clear manifestatic Ibid. Krj^a. It does not follow, that Peter of the wisdom of God. Fell, Macknight. It"^ had been to Corinth. The Judaizing teachers means, that human wisdom did not lead men t had perhaps made use of his name. perceive the wisdom of God, which they might] 13. ne/jLepiarai, does Christ belong to any one have done by the works of nature. See Rom.i;. part only ? i. 20. W 14. evxapicrrSi. I am now very thankful. 22. (rr]ne7oi/. Since S. Paul worked many Ibid. KplffTTov. See note at Acts xviii. 8. miracles, this must mean a sign from heaven. Ibid, rd'iou. Caius had a house at Corinth, some visible manifestation of God coming to and received S. Paul. Rom. xvi. 23. redeem his people. See Matt. xii. 38 ; xvi. 1. 16. ^Teoi, on ov " Joh.vii.48; TToXXol (ro(f>OL Kara adpKa, ov ttoXXol Svvarol, ov ttoWoI €v- 27 yeveU' dWa to, fioapd rov Koa/jLov i^eXe^aro 6 Se6<;, "va Toi>? 28 iA'.^f. jt-- rjXdov ov tcad^ inrepoyrjv Xdyov ff aotpia^ KaTayyiXXoyv ^M^'' b gI'i Ji li /ofi^ 2 TO fiapTvpLOV TOV Seov. ^ov ydp eKpiva tov elhevau t\ iv c Act. «viii. — - — " 3 vfiiv, el fiTj ^Irjaovv Xpiarov, xal tovtov eajavpayfievov. '^'cat acoi. x. lO; iyoi iv dixdepeia koi iv (JKtfi^ Kal iv rpofjup iroXXS eyevofjLrjv "!: ^^ '^ . 4 vpbs vfjLdia<; Xqyoiiav he XaXovfiev iv rot? reXetbt?* aoiav he ov tov ro^^*j^.25. aiwVO(iSbs, fiifiSs. 'Avdpanivrjs alone you are now Christians. is perhaps to be expunged. Ibid. SiKaioavyT). Valckenaer connects this, Ibid, iv airo^ti^ei trvevfiarot Ka\ Swd/xewf. not with hs iyfVTjdTf, but with vfxels iffre : ejus Origen understands irvfv/j.aTos of the prophecies beneficio vos estis in Christo Jesu SiKaioavvj] &c. concerning Christ, and Swdfifus of the miracles i. e. estis justificati, sanctificati et redempti. So worked by S. Paul : vol. i. p. 320. but irvfv- did Alethaeus, Le Clerc : but the common con- /iOTos probably refers to the gifts of the Spirit, struction is to be preferred. The doctrine of which he imparted : these were his means of Christ not only contains wisdom, and much demonstrating the truth of the gospel, truer wisdom than what the Gentiles seek ; but 6. iv rois TeXcioty. In holy, or perfect things. it also gives, what human vrisdom cannot give, Knatchbull, Eisner, Hombergius : but if we justification, &c. compare this passage and iii. 1, 2. with Heb. v. 31. In Jerem. ix. 24. the LXX read, iv 12, 13, 14; 1 Cor. xiv. 20; Eph. iv. 13; Phil. TovTif} KavxdaOu 6 Kavxcafi^vos, ffvvtuv kolI iii. 15. the meaning more probably is, A^cwerMe- yivwaKeiv Sti iyw elfxi Kvpios. less we preach that which is known to be wisdom Chap. II. 1. fiaprvpiov. Some MSS. read, by those who are perfect, i. e. who have been ini- fivariipiov, which is preferred by Beza and tiated. Te'A.77, or TeAeTol, signified mysteries, as Valckenaer. See i. 6. is observed by Valckenaer. 2. eKpiva TOW elSevai. See note at Acts xxvii. Ibid, twv apxSvrwv. Theophylact interprets 1. But the TOV is probably an interpolation it o{ tovs aocpovs Kal \oyoypd(povs Kal frfjTopas. here. It is the same as iKpiva elSevai ohSev. It probably means, the persons in office and au- 3. affQevfia. See note at 2 Cor. xii. 7. thority, whether Jews or Gentiles. ^J),, 338 Eni-^TOAH [Ke0. 2, 3. K Matr.xi 25; Joh. vii. 48; xvi. 3 ; Act. iii. 17; xiii. 27 : 2 Cor. iii. 14. -,^^ver. 14 ; •j'^ 'M^sa. Ixiv. 4. Matt, xiii. 11 ; xvi. 17 ; 2 Cor. iii. 18; 1 Joh. ii. 27. k Prov. XX. 27 ; xxvii. 19 ; Jer. xvii. 9. • Rom. viii. 15. "1 ver. 4 ; i. 17; 2 Pet. i. 16. n Rom. viii. 7. Prov. xxvii. 19 ; xxviii. 5 ; lThess.v.21; 1 Joh. iv. 1. p Job XV. 8 ; Esa. xl. 13; Jer. xxiii. 18; Sap. ix. 13 ; Kom. xi. 34. q Heb. V. 12, 13; 1 Pet. ii. 2. Tr)V a7roK€Kpv/Ji/JL€vr]V, (fiv Trpooapicrev 6 Qeo^ irpo rcov alcovwv eiol, ovk r)Bvvr]9r]V XaXrjcrai vfuv 0)9 Trvev/juarLKol^;, d\}C 0)9 <7apKLK0L<;, ft)9 V7]7rioi<; iv Xpta-rM. ^ ydXa u/i.a9 eTroriaa, Kal ov ^pSy^a'^ ovTro) yap rjBvvaaOe, aXX' ovre en vdv Bvvaade' 10 11 12 ' 13 14 15 16 7. airoK€Kpvfifi4j/rp/, which before was hidden. See Rom, xvi. 25. Ibid, els hS^au 7ifiS>v, for the future glory of us believers. 8. Kipiov Trjs 56^t]s, See Psalm xxiv. 10; Acts vii. 2. 9. I have followed Valckenaer in placing the words ^v irpocopiffcv — iffravpaxrav in a paren- thesis ; and then a\Kh & ocfiOahfj-hs k. t. \. is a continuation of oKXa KaXovficv in ver. 7. ' Ibid. This quotation agrees neither with the Hebrew, the LXX, nor with any other transla- tion. Origen says of it, " In nullo regulari li- bro invenitur, nisi in secretis Eliae prophetas." vol. iii. p. 916, The passage does not refer to the happiness of a future state, but the doctrines of the gospel. 11. I would not connect tis with avdpdoircav, but take the words as they stand : For who knovs, even in the case of men, the deep things (to /3a0rj) of a man, except &c. See Rom. vii. 1. ■ 12. rh TTvevfjLa rod KScrfiou, worldly wisdom. Ibid. TCI y(api(TdevTa, the whole of God's gra- cious dispensation in the gospel. 13. SiSoKToTs. See a similar construction in John vi. 45. Ibid. TTvevfjLaTiKols, sc. \6yois. Interpreting what the Spirit has revealed in words which the Spirit directs. For avyKpiveiv see Gen. xL 8, 16, 22; xli. 12, 13, 15. 14. "^0x1x65. "Vvxh is the vital principle which we have in common with other animals : \ irvfvixa is the intellectual faculty which is pe- culiar to man. See xv. 44. and Valckenaer ad h. I. Theophylact says, ^'I'X"'^'' T^'P &vdpcairQv Xeyei rhv Kara uaecos v6fiovs, Kal /utjScj/ av- BpdoTTLvov (ppovovvra, ad Luc. i. 46. (vol. i. p, 280.) ^^ivxi'Kbs therefore is the man who has only the natural powers of the mind, unenlightened by the Spirit. Ibid. Tri/evfx.aTiKas avaKplverai, they are only examined and understood by means of spiritual illumination. :>>t,, 15.^7rui£F«h-««;«ry M2^Bo». Others refer it to ra rov irvev/xaros rov @eov. Ibid, vir' ovBev6s, i. e. \pvxitov. 19. Neither here, nor in Rom. xi. 34. is the whole quotation given, which is in the LXX, ris eyyoi uovv Kvpiov ; Koi ris avrov -v-v'«^:i^ »*' " V » xviii. 26 j 7 revaa, AiroWuyi CTroriaev, aW o Weo? rjv^avev ware ovre o ^ix. i. 8 (fyvreiKOP iari ri, ovre 6 rrori^cov, aXfC 6 av^dvcov 0609. ^o oav€p6v yevrjaerar 17 yap rjfiepa ^^^JJ; ,g. BvXcoaeL' on iv vvpl drroKaXvirrerai' Kal cKuarov ro ep70z/ Matt, xvi.is; , «, . y S r, , V XV / aal, irvphs rhy &vSpa 9. Our translation says. For we are labourers aw^eiv. Aristid. together with God : perhaps it should be, /or tt-e 16. vabs Qeov is used for the Christian are only fellow-labourers of, L e. employed by, Church, or body of believers. See 2 Thess. ii. 4. God. 17. (pdelpei, corrupts with false doctrines. 10. &\\os. Alluding to any persons, who had 18. Origan and Chrysostom couple iv t4> followed him at Corinth. alavi rovrcp with fxoophi yeveadoo. 12. xpvc^'^ K. T. \. So X.eno^hon, etdiffficpoi 19. 'O bpaa-aS/jLevos K.r.\. S.Paul agrees dpav 01 &i/dpa)iroi awpohs airov, ^vXccv, Xidcov — . with the Hebrew: the LXX read, 6 KajaKa/j,- Hell. iv. 4. 12. S. Paul may speak here of true fiavwv aocpovs iv rp (ppoviiaei. and false doctrines, or of true and false believers. 20. twv irocpwv.' In LXX and Keh. av6p6- 13. r)T)fiepa. This perhaps means the day of irwv. z2 340 EnillTOAH [kcdv "- Job ix. 2; /^^t* o o^ avaicpivMV fie, Kvpio'i eanv. ^(oare fir) irpo Kaipov n o ^^^. KpiveTe, eo)? au eXor) o Kvpto^, 09 fcai cpconaei ra KpvTrra rov 1 "^ob- >"• 20, 0-/C0T0U9, KoX ^avepcoaeo Td<; ^ouXd<; tmv KapBicov kol rore 6 iDan.vii.iO; €7raivool, fj,erea)(r}fidnaa ei? ejxavTov kol ^AttoXXq) 6 ^^''^^' 10- ^''' ^/^^'^> '^^^ ^^ Tjfuv jjbdOrjre ro fit] virep yeypairrai (ppovetv, Apoi-. XX. 12. ipa pbrj els virep rov ei/09 (pvaiovaOe Kara rov erepov. "t69 yap ae 7 Rom^xirk.' BiaKptveo ', Tt Be e^ei^ o ovk eXa^e<^ ; el Be Kal eXa/3e9, rl Kav- n joh.m.27; ^acrat 0)9 jiT] Xa^cov ; "HBr] KeKopea/ievoL iare, ijBr) cTrXov- S jac. i. 17;' rrjaare, ')(copl^, eire QdvaTOS, all stolus sibi et Apollo. Palairet, Eisner. of you have an equal share in the good things of Ibid. vir\p rod kvos. On account of any par- life, and are equally certain to die. See Pyle. ticular teacher. If it meant one above another, Chap. IV. 1. I have no wish to be looked it would be els virlp rbv kvd. upon as the head of a party : but let every one Ibid, 'iva /xt) (pvariovaQe. For 'Iva with an in- consider us merely as servants of Christ. dicative see ix. 18; xi. 34; Gal. iv. 17; Rev. 2. ft Se \om6v. As for ayiything else, my only xxii. 14. and Valcken. ad I. wish is to he found a faithful servajit. ^'x ^/rw/ter^, i Act.xxiii.a; \ / v>»t*'/l V' «-\ 2Cor. iv. tt; 12 Kal yvfivr)T€vofi€V, Kav Ko\a 3; 14 eay; apm. ^Ovk ivrpcrrwv vfid^ ypd(j>co ravra, a\X' eb? re/cm Kom. xu.i4; 16 ^lov drfa'm)Tu vovOero). ^idv yap /JLVpiov^i '7raL^ay(oyov<; eyr^re iv 2 Thess. iii.s.' Xoio-tS, d\X ov TToWov^ Trarepa?' ev yap XoLarw ^Irjo'ov Bid * Lain.iii.45. .,* ., ,v,.,/ ^ ^ '^^r,*,. tl Thess. ii. 16 Tov evayyeKiov eyto vfia^ eyevvrjcra. ^irapaKoXw ovv v/xa<;, fiifirj' 11. 17 Tai fU)v yiveaSe. y Aid tovto eTre/x-v/ra vpuv Tt/Modeov, 09 icrrt xvUL ii- I reKvov fiov dyairr^rov Ka\ iriarop iv Kvpi6<; ovSk 6 elf, 09 Bvvrjaerai Biaxpivai ava ^aov tov aSeX^oO avrov ; aXKa 7 ah€\<^(; fiera a^e\o\j Kpiverai, koX tovto iirl air 1ov ovo/xan rov Coi. iji. 7 ; __,,_ ^ V, « , ^zri^'^ Tit. iii. 8; Kvpu)v Irjaovy xai, €V to) irvevfxan rov kjcov i}fi(av. Heb. x. 22. 12 ^Hdvra fiOL e^eariir d\V ov irdvra avfM€p€u irdvra fioi ' *• 23. 13 If €OTtir dXV OVK eyo) i^ovaiaaOtjao^c viro rivof;. ' Td /S/9a>- xv. so ; ' fiara rfj KoiXta, xal i) KoiXia rot? ^p(op,aaiv' 6 Bk 0eo9 Kal^^^^-^y;]!'. ravrrjv xal ravra Karapyi]/xarL' *6 Be 0eo9 Acat rov KvpLov t Act. n. 24 ; 16 fiyeipe, koI v/Lta9 e^eyepel Bid rfj<; Bwdfieoy; avrov. ""Ovk olBare Jlu^iri*'** on, rd (Tcoaara vuwv ueXv Xpiarov eanv ; dpa;rf KvpiM, l^f^'"'^i'. 18 §v TTvevfid ian^ ^evyere rijv iropveiav. rrdv d/idprrj/na o e'di^ ^ph. v. 3i. ' u n »\ ^ / It »c\ / >y Job. xvii. TTOLija-rf avupoi'rro 5 \ f ~ .» / /J \ " ^ f ' 5^^ ^ 2Cor.vi,16; ^ /eai OVK eare eavruiv ; ^ ^yopaaurjre yap TiyLt?79' oo^aaare brj rov Eph. ii. 21 ; Heb. ui. 6 ; 1 Pet. iL 4^^"^ • TO. 83 ; Gal. iii. 13 ; Heb ix. 12 ; 1 Pet. i. 18, 19 ; 2 Pet. ii. 1. 5. I have said this to shame yoo, and as sup- 13. Perhaps the whole of the passage ri /^posing there is no person of superior judgment Ppufj-ara — KaTapyijafi is to be taken, like among you. ndura fKu t^eariv in ver. 12, for a saying of the 7. I have hitherto spoken about the settling of Corinthians : meat is made for the belly, and the disTpntes; but it is altogether wrong, that the disputes belly for meat, anfi both will hereafter be de- themselves exist : ye ought not to quarrel at all. stroyed : to which S. Paul replies, but still the 9. M^ irXayaa-de. They perhaps abused the body was not made for fornication ; and men will saying, mentioned in ver. 1 2, Trdin-a fioi f^eariy. rise again hereafter to give an account of what See viii. 9 ; Gal. v. 13 ; 1 Pet ii. 16. they did in the body. 1 1. The end of this verse seems to contain an Ibid. 6 Kvpios r^ adfiaTi. S. Paul seems here allusion to the form of baptism in the name &c. to unite the idea of the body of a man, and of The whole passage alludes to a person being re- the body of believers. Christ is the head of the leased from his sins at baptism, and sanctified latter ; see Rom. xii. 5 ; 1 Cor. xi. 3 ; xii. 27 ; by the Holy Spirit. Eph. v 23 ; Col. i. 18. 12. UdpTu fjuu e^co-Tiv. This was perhaps a 15. &pas odv. Some MS S. read 4ipo oSj', which saying of the Corinthians, when they wished to is preferred by Bos and Valckenaer. excuse their sensuality and their eating of meats 18. irav a/xapr-nfia, every other sin. offered to idols. See x. 23 ; Tit. i. 15. 19. vahs tov eV vfuu ayiou irvevixaros. In iii. Ibid. i^ovcTiaffd-fitro/jLai. I have power over all 16. he said pahs 0eoS. See Eph. ii. 22. things i but none of them shall have power over 20. r/7opa' TV^ iiridv/xlas, aWa t^v fjTTav •yvvaiica adxreis, d [xi] ; Some MSS. confirm this wv6fiaa€. by reading f) fii} ; K.<^. 70 npos KOPiNsioTi; a. 345 (TTou CO? K€K\rjKev 6 Kvpiool, iv ^p''- V: ® > TOVTM /JL€viT(0 ITapCL Tft) SciS^ McUf (? /oSS k yi. 20 ; 25 TlepX Be Ttov 7rap6eva)v, iiriTor/rjv Kvpiov ovk €)((o' yvay/jirjv Be fpct.us^vd- 26 BlBcd/xi, o)? i^Xeijfievo'i inro Kvpiov Tnaro^ elvai. vo/xl^o) ovv, ^ ^^^' "• ^• toOto KaXhv inrdp^ecv Bid ttJv ivearcoaav dvdyKijv, on KaXov 27 dvOpdyjrtp to oi5tu>9 elvai. BiBeaai yvvaiKi ; firj i^tfreL Xvaiv Xe- 28 Xvacu diro yvvaiKo^; ; fiTj ^lyret, yvvaiKa. idv Be koI yq/J'r)<;, ou-^ yjfjLapT€<;' kol idv yqfirj ij irapOivo^, ou;^ ijfiapTe' OXlyfriv Be rfj 29 aapKL e^ovaiv ol tolovtoc iyo) Be vfMoyv elBo/jLai. ' Tovro Be ' Rom. (fnjfjLi,, dB€Xxl>ol, 6 KOipos (TweoTaXfievo'i to Xjoiitov ioTiv, Xva koI i pet. w. 7. 01 e)(0VT€ Kvplw' 6 Be ya/x^aa^ fiepifjiva rd *^"'1'*..^ji 34 ToO Koafiov, 7ra>9 dpeaei rfj yvvaiKl. Me/iepia-Tat, r) yvvrj Kal n i Tim. v. 5. 17 irapdevo'^ 17 dyafio<; fMepi/jLva rd rov Kvpiov, Xva y d/yla Kal aoi)/xari Kal Trvev/xarL' t) Be yaiirfaaaa fieptfiva rd rov Koafiov, 36 TToi? dpeaei rw dvBpl. rovro Be Trpo? to vfJLoJv avrwv avficpepov Xe^o)* ov)(^ Xva ^p6-)(0v vfilv iinfidXeo, dXXd tt/jo? to eva^rj/iov 18. firj iirnrxdadct. Epiphanius conceived sage about marriage. S. Paul knew that a this to allude to a surgical process, by which time of severe persecution would come, when the effect of circumcision was removed. So it would be better to have no worldly ties. See Theophylact. Josephus says that Antiochus ver. 28. Tovro and ovras refer to irapQfvwv. Epiphanes ordered the Jews i-KitntanQai. vol. ii. 29. 6 Kaiphs (TvvfffTaX/xevos rh \onr6v iariv. p. 503. See Sehleusner, Celsus vii. 25 ; [Paul. The time, which is about to come, is one of trouble iEgin. vi 53 ;] 1 Mac. i. 15. Wolfius. and affliction. See Sehleusner, Valcken. ad 26. 23. TifjLTis ^yepdffdrtTf. Knatchbull reads Ibid. ^va. This denotes, not the cause, but this interrogatively, and understands it, not of the consequence. See Matt. i. 22. The mean- redemption through Christ, but of liberty pur- ing is, that in the time of persecution all persons chased by a slave : he opposes rifiris i^yopda- would suffer equally. Brire; to SovKos iKK-fjOrts ; but it more probably 31. ^pcifxevoi, KaTaxp>^\a \ r^ rt ' iTim. ii. 5. ayaiTci rov tfeov, ouro? eyvcoarau vrr avrov) ^irepv t^? ppco- 4: \^^\' -'m\ ^^^? o^^ ''■^^ elBcoXoOvrcoVy o'lBafiev on ovBev etBcoXov ev Koa/ico, joh. xiii. 13; Kat on ovoeu^; c?eo9 erepo v »/ » > « >' > \ « '-./'' > v /I \ Rom xi. 36 ; fJLevot tfeoi, etT€ ev ovpavo), eire em T779 77^9* [coaTrep €i,ai aeov PhiLii. 11!' '^oXXol, Kal KVpLOi TToXXoL') ^dXX r)[uv eh 0eo9 o irarrjp, ef ov 6 n X. 28 ; rd irdvra, Kal rj/uLeh et? avrov Kal elq Kvpto<; 'It^o-ov? Xptcrro?, Rom. xiv. 14, rv , ^ ,, , vr«cs> >,^ n'/|^^'> ' '< r 23. oL OV ra iravra, Kau 7)//.et? ol avrov. " AXX ovk ev iracnv r) 7 35. fvwpSffeSpov, or as it is in many MSS. sometimes held in the temples : and the meat evirdpeSpov, implies a constant attendance, or offered to idols was sometimes can-ied home, sitting near. or sold in the shambles. Ibid. airepicrirda-Tws. Without forcing you. Ibid, yvuxris. Perhaps this word had already KnatchbuU : but Raphel defends the common in part acquired its technical sense, which gave interpretation, without being distracted by worldly a name to the Gnostics. They boasted to have cares. the true knowledge of God : and some of them 36. Et 5e Tis k. t. \. If any one think that he made no scruple of eating things offered to idols. is disgraced on account of his daughter, if she is See Rev. ii. 14. still unmarried, though past the age. Valckenaer, 2. The reading is probably, 5o/ce7 iyvwKevou who quotes the pseudo-Phalaris, p. 130. -wacri ri, oHirca eyuw Kudtiss Set yv&vai. yap avdpwrrois atax^o'Tov SeSoKrai Trapa rovs ttjs 3. This perhaps is an allusion to the Gnostics. (pva-eoos xp^'^^us dvydrrip oiKovpovcra. ' Aaxrjfjio- That man truly knows God, who shews his love vuv is said with ref^erence to evaxv/^^ iii to God by not giving offence to his brother, ver. 35. Ovtos has been referred to God, and to him that Ibid. Koi oiirws 6(f)ei\€i, and there is need of it loves God. See xiii. 12 ; Gal. iv. 9 ; 1 John iv. 7. being so, i. e. if his daughter wishes it. 4. erepos is probably an interpolation. 37. fjLrj 6X'«"' o.vdyKT]u, not forced by the wishes 6. e| ov. Compare Rom. xi. 36 ; Col. i. 16. of his daughter. It means, that God the Father is the first cause Ibid. Tou rripiiv. See note at Acts xxvii. 1. of all things being made : aU things proceed 38. Kptilffaov. 5^^/er, on account of the per- from Him. secutions which are coming on. Ibid, ds avrdv. With reference to Him. "We S9. vSficp is perhaps to be expunged : but if are to turn all our thoughts towards him, and retained, it means by law, not to the law. See to do everything to his honour and glory. The Rom. vii. 2. same expression is applied in Col. i. 16. to the Ibid. fiSuov iu Kvpicfi. Tertullian understands Son of God. this of marrying a Christian, p. 167, 532. Ibid. St' ou. Christ is often spoken of as the Epiphanius says, /xr) iv iropueiq, nrj iv jxoix^^, person by whom the Father made the world, fiil iv K\^i\iiyaixia, aK\' iv trappriaia, iv af/xv^ John i. 3, Heb. i. 2, but in Rom. xi. 36. 5t' ydfi(f>. vol. i. p. 498, 499. Theodoret, TovTeari avrov is applied to God as well as i^ avrov. (ra}(j>p6va}s re Kal ivvSfxws, evae^el avSpl Kal The whole passage not only excepts Jesus iria-r^. iv. p. 310. Christ from created beings, but shews his UJiiott Chap. VIII. 1. fiSwXoevrwv. Feasts were with God, Kc.^.8.9.] nPOS KOPINSIOTS A, 347 yv(o<^ elScoXo- 0VTOV iadiovaif xal rj avveihrjai^; avrdv aaOevt)^ ovaa /xoXvverai,. 8 ^BpwfUL he fjiMOL^ ov TraploTTjaL tw ©eo)* ovre y^p iav ^dyto/jLcv, « Rom. xiv. 9 Trepiaa-evofiev' ovre iap /jltj (fxiyw/jLev, varepovfieda, "^BXeTrere j p^^m. xiv. Be urjTTO)? J^ ePovaia vaoiv avrri irpoaKoiiiia yevnrai roL<; dade- l?\^^'\„ .. " .X . VS N V v^ T ; ,sj ^ . Gal. V. IS. 10 vovaiv eav yap rt? ibrj ae, tov e^ovra yvcocriv, ev ecocoXeio) Ka- TaK€Lfi€Pov, ov)(i Tj cvveLBfjai'i avTov daOevov'i 6irroov<;, kol TUTrroinre? avroov rrjv ^^^ 18 avvei&rjaiv d6v fiov, ov firj dy(i) Kpea €t9 top 2 Cor. x'i. 29. al(ova, iva p>Tj tov aBeX<^v fiov , i^^^ i\ •' (^\ 9 '^OTK elfjkl ttTTooToXo? ; ovk elpX eXevdepof; ; ov^l ^Irjaovv eiv. \i; XpiOTOv TOV KvpLov i)p.S>v ecopuKa ; ov to epyov fxov v/xet? eare A^ct.ii.s.iT; 2 iv KvpUp ; el aXKoipayU 7^9 €/x^arfeiv Kal irielv ; "firj ovk txpfiev i^ovalav dBeXcjyrjv 2The".iii.9! ywauca Trepidyeiv, 609 Kot 01 XolttoI dirooToXoi, Kal 01 dBeXdvovTevei, djxireXwva, Kal e/c tov Kapirov avTov ovk 1 Pet. v. 2. iaOiec ; rj Tt9 Troifialvet TroLfivrjv, Kal €k tov ydXaKTO\flov, the temple of an idol, as IIo- Thes. Crit. Sacr. pt. ii. p. 40, 41.) Tertullian, GfiSelop and 'HpoucXetov, the temple of Nep- however, thought that S. Peter was the only tune and of Hercules. See Albert! ad Glossar. married apostle, and that yvfalna meant a fe- p. 126. male attendant, p. 529, 530. Hilary says, that Ibid. otKo5o)iiTj07j. 9. 'Ov ^LixMcreL^ (3ovv akowvTa' Mr) rcov jSowv /li^.ei rw Sew ; h 2Tim.ii.6. h^ g^' rjjjia'^ 7rdvT0) v « kAct.xx.33; A^ei^i /Lte7 \ <^ r/ <•/ / ■> ■> / ^ \ / XX. 34 ; eypayjra be Tavra, iva ovtco yevrjrao ev e/xou koXov yap fjboi 'iThess.iilg- f^^^^ov dirodavelv, rj to Kavyr]yid fiov Xva tU Kevcoarj. ^edv yap \q 2Thetis.iii.8. evayyeXl^cofiat, ov/c eaTi jjlol Kavyriiia' dvdyKrj ydp jjlol eiriKei- oKom. i. 14. .>\o/ >\»\ \> ^ fc, r.'\f\ p iv. 1. '^^^ o^^'' oe fjLOL eaTiv eav /jlt} evayyeXiL,(0[jiai. Pet yap ckcov 17 TOVTO irpdaaw, fjuiaOhv e^w' el Be a/ccov, oLKovo/jUtav ireiTLcrTev- fiai. Tt9 ovv /jbOL eaTiv 6 fiLcrOodaprov. eyo) toivw ovto) rpe^o), &)? TpIuV. 4 ; 27 ov/c (iht]\(o? ov/c depa hepayv ^aW ^^" ^"^^p^iJ^^o. TTta^o) p^v TO ^ tcrjpv^a<;, m. 11. , s 1^ r t y Rom. vi. auT09 aooKip.o<; yevcop^c is, i9 ; 10 *0T de\(o he v/Lta? dyvoeiv, dh€\ol, ore oi irarepe^ '5^^*' c^i" }ii *a. irdme'i xnro ttjv vee\'r)v ^aav, koI irdvre'i hid tt)? 6aXaa(rr)<; , Exod. 2 hirjXdov, Kol Trdvre^ ek top Mcoarjp e^airrlaavTO ev rfj veeKr} J[|"; g.^ .' 8 KoX €V rfi daXdaarj, ^koI Train-e? to avro ^pwpa irvevp^riKov pj"/; ,^^^^^i'j, 4 €(bayov, ^Kol irdvre^ ro avrh iropLa irvevpuLiLKov hnov einvov i3, u ; \ y « » -. /5 ' ' r <^\ r , , CV. 39. yap €K TTPevpuTiKip; aKo\ovoovarj(; irerpa^, y oe irerpa tjp o , ^xod. xvi. b Exod. xvii. 6; Num. xx. 11; xxi. 16 ; Pnal. Ixxviii. 15. 14, Ac: P«al. ct. 40. 25. rrdyra iyKpartvtreu. Horace speaks of his abstaining vftifre et vino. A. P. 414. Epi- ctetus writes, Zti >/ >/ c^ iH, 56; Wavra oe iravra rviroi avvepauvov CKeivoLf;' eypacf)!] Be ttjoo? 11 cvi. 14'. vovOeaiav rjfMwv, ek 01)? rd reXr} jtav alayvcov Kar'^vrrjaev. ^ware 12 o BoKcov ecrrdvaL, /SXeTrero) fir} Trea-yMjIIeipaafjLo^ v/id^ ovk 13 ?xvii. 2 ; etkrjcbev el fjurj dvdpd)7nvo<;' inaro^ Be 6 ^eo?, 09 ovk idaei vad Treipaafio) KOL rr)v eK^aaiv, tov BvvaaOat vfjud^; vireveyKelv. ^Atoirepj dya- 14 Rom. XV. 4. 'jrrjTol fiov, (pevyere diro tt}? elBcoXoXarpeiaf;. co? ^povlfioL^i 15 •< Rom.xi.2O. ^/ / f«f/t n^ ' «>-v/A>-N 1 i 8 9 • Xeyco, KpLvare vjieu^ o (j)r]/jLL. " to iroTrjpiov rrjf; evXoyuifi o evXo- 16 lThess.y.24; ryOUyLteZ/, OlT^^l KOIVCOVM TOV aL/XaTO<; TOV XpiaTOV i(TTL ; TOV >» 2 Cor. dpTOV OV KXcbfieV, Olf^i KOLVCOVia TOV O-QOfJUaTO^ TOV XpiaTov I'joh.'v. 21. ^^'^^^ * °OTt el? dpTO<;, ev acb/jLa oi ttoXXol iafiev ol yap irdvTe^; 17 n Matt. xxvi. 6/c Tov kvo^ dpTov /JbeTe')(o/j,ev. P/3Xe7reT6 tov ^IcrparjX KaTa 18 o xii. 27; crdpKa' ov')(i ol icrOlovTe'i Td<; Ovcria^, kolvcovoI tov OvaiaaTijplov Rom. xu. 5. ^l(j.l . ^il OVV ^rj/JiL ; OTL elBwXoV TL icTTlV ; rj OTL elBo)X66vTov 19 vii. 15. ' TL iaTLv ; ^ dX^ OTL CL 6veL Ta eOvrjf BaLfiovloL^; 6veL, kgX ov Sew' 20 ^7"'' ^ .. „ ov OeXo) Be vad<; kolvwvov^ twv BaLULOvlwv ylveadaL. ^ov BvvacrOe 21 rLev. xvn. /; ^ ' ^ ^ ' ^ ' ^ >^//i Deut, 7rOT7)pLOV KvpLOV TTLVeLV KttL TTOTTJpLOV OaLJJLOV LCOV OV OVVaaUe xxxii. 17; Psal. cvi. 37 ; Apoc. ix. 20. » Deut. xxxii. 38 ; 2 Cor. vi. 15. Israelites. See Wolfius. S. Paul uses the word of the Christian dispensation was the last of with reference to the antitype, Christ, who fol- those periods, into which the world may he said lowed the Israelites. All the Fathers supposed to have been divided. See note at Heb. i. 1. the Angel, mentioned in Exod. xxiii. 20; Numb. 12. effTwai. I have followed Valckenaer, XX. 16, to be the second person of the Trinity. who forms this word thus, lo-TOKeVat, IcrraeVat, 5. KareffTpdod'na-av. In Numb. xiv. 16. we kcTrauai. read KaTfiTTpwa-eu avrovs iv t^ ip-fifJi-V' 13. Ilcipa(Tix6s. This was perhaps the tempta- 7. trai^^iv, to dance, as in Homer, Od. 6'. 251 ; tion, which the Christians had in times of per- Aristoph. Ran. 445 ; Herodotus ix. 1 1 . So also secution, to eat eiSwXSdvra. iudere in Virgil, Eclog. vi. 21. 16. S. Paul argues thus: "When we partake 8. e'lKoaiTpels. In Numb. xxv. 9. we read of the bread and wine, we are in communion twenty-four thousand, and so says Josephus. with Christ : and so a person who partakes of a Perhaps twenty-three thousand died by the sacrifice offered to an idol, is in communion plague, one thousand by the sword. Krebsius, with the idol ; and though the idol is really no- Pyle. Alberti thinks that a stress is laid upon thing, yet the person, who believes it to be a twenty-three thousand dying m one day. god, is in his own conscience guilty. 9. XpiarrSv. See note at ver. 4, and Fell's 18. 'lo-pa^/A. Kora aapKa. See Rom. ix. 6; commentary. Gal. vi. 16. Ibid, iireipaaav. . They tempted God ten 20. We must supply the negative ov, as in times. Numb. xiv. 22. It means that they Arrian, fi^ yap rh ^eos i^^AwKu avrov ; aXAei tried the patience of God. rrjy iraidiav aw^wv epxofxai irphs o.\n6v. iv. 7 11. TtJiroi. The reading is probably TuiTiKftjs. See Raphel. Ibid, ajt^j/wj/. See note at Tit. i. 2. The time K.^. 10. 11.] npo^ KOPiNeiOYs a. 351 22 Tpa7r€^r}<; Kvpiov fiere^eip kcll Tpa7r€^Tj<; hai/JLovicov. ^r/ trapat^rj- » Deut. 23 Xov^v TOP Kvpiov ; fiTj la^vporepoL avrov ia/jLcv ; ^Tldvra „ vi. 12. /iot €^€aTiP, aXV ov Trdpra €p€L' iravra /jlol e^ecrrip, dXx! 24 ov Trdpra oIkoBojjlci. ^firjB€l<; to eavrov ^rjTeiroy, dWa ro rod ' »"•• ' J 25 erepov eKoaro^. Udp to ip fjuiKeWa) iraiKovfievop iaOiCTe, fjLrjSep Phil. ii. 4. 2G dpaKpiPOPT€<; Bia Ttjv ovpeiSrjaLP' ^tov yap Kvpiov rj yrj koI to ' ^^'- 2?' 27 TrXrjpoyfia avrrj^:, *et 6e rt? /caXet v/xa Rom.xiv.6 ; / / 'iO^j.'* f\»»\» «1 Tim. iv. 4. ;^ttptTt fi€T€j(Q>, Tt p\aa-7j/M)VfJLaL xnrep ov €70) evxctptaTco ; 81 ^JSrTe ovp iadiere, eiTe TriVere, €lt€ ti TrotetTe, irdpTa et? Sofaz^ «= Coi. iii. i7. 32 ©€oO 7rot€tT€. ^d7rp6(TKOTroi, yipeade kuX 'IovBaioiaXrj<; C'^cop, KaTaia'xypev ttjp k€- p^?J' X' ^' ^ ■^ 6 ^aXrjp avTov. iiuaa Be yvprj Trpoaev^ofieprj rj irpocfyrjTevovaa aKa- *• 23. fioi is probably an interpolation. they were not subject to their husbands ; and 2-t. (Kourros is probably an interpolation. this might have brought scandal upon the 26. TOV Kvpiov. Every thing i» the earth was Christians. See xiv. 34 ; 1 Tim. ii. 12. created by God, and therefore may be eaten. Ibid. Kca\^ tov avSphs d XpiarSs' KttpaA^ tov they mean, there are many other things in the XpiaTov b 9(6$. The first is proved by Gen. iii. compass of the world which you may eat. 16 ; 1 Pet. iiL 1, and would have been sufficient 29. Tvo t(. I do not tell you that you ought for the argument : but S. Paul adds the ana- to feel this scruple in your own conscience ; logy of order and subordination in the church, nor do I feel it in mine ; for why is my liberty Thus the husband and the wife are one, Gen. ii. Jtettled or decided by another man's conscience? I 24 ; but the husband is the head. The church, still have the liberty, though perhaps I do not i. e. all Christians, are spiritually one with choose to exercise it, on account of another Christ ; but Christ is the head, Eph. i. 22 ; v. man's scruples: but, independently of this, ;// 23 ; Col. i. 18. Christ is one with the Father, eat of the meat and give God thanks, there is no John x. 30 ; but the Father is the head. Now jtist reason why I should be censured. Xapht if the wife does not observe her subjection to m&y me3ir\, by the favour of God, or with thanks, her husband, she acts contrary to the whole rs in XV. 57 ; Rom. vi. 17; 2 Cor. ii. 14; viii. scheme and spirit of Christianity. 16 &c. 4. Tpoiprrreiav. This alludes to a man being Chap. XI. 3. The Corinthians had perhaps extraordinarily inspired to interpret scripture, asked whether women, if they were inspired to See Index. speak in their assemblies, should have their Ibid. Karct KetpaXrjs exooV' Theophylact ob- heads covered or no. 8. Paul treats the ques- serves, that this might imply a covering, or long tion as one which concerns the subjection of hair. We find Kara K€aXr]v €avT7]<;' ev i Gen. 26,27 V. 1; ix. 6. k Gen. ii. 18 Num.v.18; fyayj eVrt Kttl TO avTO rfj i^vprj/jLevrj. ^^el yap ov KaraKakvir- 6 eut. xxii. 5. y ^ , ^ jcvvj'v vv , ^ rerac yvvr/, Kai Keipacruco' ei be aio-y^pov yvvaLKi to Keipaauat 7) ^vpdadat, KaTa/caXviTTeaOci). '^dvrjp fiev yap ovk ocpeiXec KaTa- 7 KaXvTTTeaOai Trjv Ke(j)a\rjv, el/cobv koX So^a Oeov V7rdp')(03v. yvvr) he Bo^a dvBp6<; ea-Tiv ^ov yap eoTiv dvrjp etc yvvaiKo<;, dXKa yvvrj 8 21, 22 ef dvSpor Kal yap ovk e/CTiaOq dvrjp 8td Trjv yvvacKa, dWd yvvr] 9 Old Tov dvopa' oca tovto o^e/Xet 17 yvvrj i^oucrlav eyeiv eTrl t^? 10 K€q)a\7]^ Bid Tov<; dyyeXov^. irXrjv out6 dvrjp %ft>pt9 yvvaLKo<;, ovre u yvvr] %<»/3i9 dvBpo<;, ev Kvplrp' Mcnrep yap r] yvvr] ifc tov dvBpo<;, 12 ovTco Kal 6 dvrjp Bed tt)? yvvauKO^, Ta Be irdvTa eK tov Oeov. ev 13 vfilv avTOL^i KpivaTe' irpeTrov eVrt yvvalKa dKaTaKdXviTTov tw 0eft) Trpoaev'^eaOao ; rj ovBe avTrj r] <^vat^ BtBda-Kec v/jLd<^, otl 14 dvrjp fjuev edv ko/jLo,, dTifiia avTcp ecTL' yvvrj Be edv Kofjud, Bo^a i5 I lTim.vi.4 aVTT] e(TTlV ; OTL r] KOfJbT] dvTl TTepL^oXuLOV BeBoTUL aVTY]' ^ei Be 16 Tt9 BoKel (ptXoveLKOf; elvai, T^yLtet? TOiavTrjv avvijOecav ovk e')(pfjLev, ovBe at eKKXr]aiaL tov ©eovA t\ >.< Tovto Be irapayyeXXcov ovk eiraiVM, otl ovk eh to KpelTTOv, 17 ni i.10,11,12. aW eU TO rJTTOv o-vvep)(^e(TOe. ^irpwTov fiev yap avvep')(oiie- 18 V(jL>v v/jL(bv ev TTJ eKKXrjaLa, dK0V(o G^laybaTa ev vplv v'Trdp')(eiv, n Matt. Kal fiepo^ TL TTidTevco' " Bel yap Kal alpeaei<; ev vfilv elvai, iva 19 xviii. 7; f?.' I \ ' >f« / »,« Act. XX. 30 ; OL OOKLflOL (pavepOL yevWVTai ev VfJLtV. (TVVep^0/ji€V(0V OVV V/jiCOV 20 eVt TO avTo, OVK eaTi KvptaKov Belirvov (payelv eKaaTO^ yap to 21 'IBiov BeliTvov irpoXafi/SdveL ev tm ay€LV, Kal 09 /JLev Trecva, 09 figurative sense in ver. 3. Theopliylact ot- 14;. (pvais. " N on videntur tihi contra naturam serves, that tV 'ce^aA.TJv avrov may mean vivere, qui commutant cum foeminis vestcm ?" Christ, who is the head of the man; and so Seneca, Ep. 122. § 7. So Phocyh 201: — Valckenaer understands it : but I would rather "Apcreaiu ovk iireoiKe ko/j.^, x^^^^''^ 8f yvvai^i. take it literally, he disgraces his head, because ^vcns means here custom, or the nature of things he acts as a woman. established by custom. Valckenaer interprets 5. It might seem as if S. Paul here counte- Kojxav, ornare comam muliebri cultti. nanced or allowed women to teacli in public. Ibid, ari/xia, a thing held in no honour, contrary to what he says in xiv. 34 ; 1 Tim. ii. thought lightly of. Salmasius. 12, but he is here speaking of occasional or ex- 16. (pi\6yeiKos. If any one choose to dispute traordinary inspiration. what I have said, I can only add, that the custom 5. i^vprjfievT]. The Grecian women shaved does not exist in the churches. their heads for mourning. Plutarch, Quasi. 17. The reading is probably TrapayyeAAw ovk Rom. p. 267. For the disgrace of it see Aristoph. iwaiuwu. He had praised them in ver. 2. Thesmoph. 838; Apuleius, Met. ii. p. 44. In 18. rfj iKK\r]alcf. This is understood to mean Germany it was a punishment for adulteresses. the church, i. e. the building, by Fuller, Selden, Tr.citus, Ger»2. 19. Mede. But the word had hardly acquired that 7. yvvrj Se 56^a, i. e. etKwv Koi 5 Jao. ii. 6. 17 Tfj al/xaTt* toOto iroLeiTe 6adKi,<; 2Q &u TTunjTC, €t? TTjv €u.T)v dvdfJLvr]aaTO^ /^ » SJ' Q 't' - ' "Heb.xu.5. 84 p.evoL 619 TO (par/eLV, aXXriXov<; eKOe'^eaue' ei be Tt9 iretva, ev 10. oiK(p iadiero)' iva fjirji ek Kpiaa avvep^^aOe. Ta Be Xonrd, 009 av eXdto, BiaTd^ofiai, // ^'^ /JT '■^S ' 12 TIEPI Be tS}v irvevfiartKCDVy aBeX(j)ol, ov OeXxo vfjid^; dyvoeiv. Eph, a.' 2 ^oiBaTe OTi edvrj ^Te, 7rpo9 to, eiBooXa Ta d fiev yap Blo, tov Trvevfiaro^; BlBorat \6yota ovK e(TTLV ev yueXo9, dXXa iroXXd. edv etirr) 6 7rov<;, 15 r!nl iii 11 C/ y^ >>V\ >»\> rs r > \r. > (jTi OVK etfjLL %et./3, OVK ei/uLL eK TOV o-coyitaTO?, ov irapa tovto ovk ecTTLv eK TOV (T(OfiaT0<;. Kal edv eXirr} to ou?, ''Otl ovk elpX o<^- 16 OaXjjLos, OVK elpX eK tov ad)fjLaTO<;, ov irapd tovto ovk ecTTLv ck tov ad)/jLaTO<;' el oXov to aMfia o^6aXiM)<^, nrov rj aKorj ; el oXov 17 aKorj, nrov rj oa^prjaLS ; vvvl Be 6 0eb<; edeTO Ta fjueXij, ^v eKaa- 18 TOV avTcbv iv TO) atajiiaTi, Ka6ot)Tov diroaro- J-^^s, so; Xow, Bevrepov Trpo^tJTa?, rpirov SiBacTKaXovfi, hreira Sum/tei?, h Rom. xU. elra ')(apL«A \ t\ V «• \ / tf V Matt.vii. 22: iraaav rrjv yvcociv, xai eav e^o) iraaav ttjv inaTLv, caare oprj ^^^^ 20 ; 8 fiedioTaveiv, drfdirqv Be /mt) e^^a), ovBiv elfii. xal idv ylrcofilaco *"• ^^' irdma rd irrrdpxovrd /xov, kol idv rrapoBco to aco/jid /lov Xva 4 KavOrjcwfuiL, dyaTnjv Be fit] e^^ci), ovBkv axpeXov/JLat. ^'H dyaTrrj k Prov.x.i2; fiaKpodvfiel, ')(pr)(rTev€Tai' r} dr/dinj ov ^tjXol. 7) dydirrj ov irep- ^ ^^'' '^' ®' 5 irepeveraLy ov (f)vaL0VTac, ' ovk da'^tjfioueL, ov ^rjrel rd eavTrj «-/ * •\ Hf ^ vm» ' i \ fk Phil. ii. 4. 6 OV Trapo^vveraii ov Xoyi^erai to KaKOVy ^ ov yaipei cttl rfj ^ p^^j ^ 3 . •J dBiKLa, avyxalp€L Be rfj dXr)dela, ^irdvra areyei, iravra 'rrL\> / /i\ \j //I yivco(TKQ) eK jxepovi, rore be einyvaicrofjbaL Kaaco^ kul eTreyvcoc^drjV. vvvl Be fJbeveL Trlari^;. iXirh, ayaTrr], rd rpla ram a' fjuei^wv Be 13 rovTcov rj dyd7r'rjS..Viait < HZ^ I^SS'* p xii. 31. vAIiflKETE rrjv d^dirTjv ^rjXovre Be rd irvevfiarLKd, fiaX- 14 q Act. ii. 4; Xov Be Lva TrpocfyrjTevrjTe. ^6 ydp \a\cov yXonaarrj, ovk dt/0p(O7roL^V)(a (pcovrjv BcBovra, etre avXb<;, etre KiOdpa, edv 7 BcaaToXrjv rot? 3e /tal tw vot. eVel eai/ €v\oy^(rr}<; TcS TTVCVfULTt, 6 cLva'ifK.rjpSyv rov roirov rov IBcayTov ttw? epet to 17 d/xrjv eTTi T^ o^ ev^apLoriat iireihrj tl \e7et9 ov«r oZSe ; oru /tei/ 18 yap /ca\c39 exr)(ap(,(rrelp€(TiV dXXd rfj KaKLa vrj- • P«ai. 21 Trm^ere, toT? Be p€'« ' Dent. T019 aTTiaroi^' 17 oe TrpocfyqTeui ov T019 airicrroL^, aXXa rois inar- ^xviii. 49 ; 23 revovaiv. idv ovv avveXdrj 17 iKKXrja-ia oXr) eVl to avro, Kal K8»^^*v'"- irdvre^ yXcixraaif; XaXaxriv, eiaeXdaxrc Be IBtcoTaL 7) dTnarov, 24 ou/c ipovaiv OTL fULLveade ; idv Be 7rdvT€avepd ylverai,' kol ovrco ireaayv iirl Trpodanrov irpoaKW^o'ec T9) Se^, dirayyeXXcov otc 6 ©eo? ovrax; iv vfuv iari, 13. Xva iitpfirivfvTt. "iva denotes the conse- irtoas 9ti XaX-fiffova-i Tip \a^ roirq} — Koi oi/K quence, not the cause : see Matt, i, 22. The ijOfK-qffav aKovew. It agrees tolerably with the meaning is, Let no man offer up a prayer in Hebrew. The prophecy meant, that the Is- public in a foreign language, unless there be raelites should be carried into strange coun- some one to interpret it tries : and S. Paul quotes it as shewing that the 14. yovs. The meaning of my prayer pro- hearing a strange language might be a great duces no fruit to others. misfortune. Perhaps what is said of children 16. iiTfl, otherwise, as in v. 10. in ver. 20. may allude to the passage preceding Ibid. ayairXrjpwy rhv r6irov rov ISiutov, does this prophecy. See Lowth. not mean, sitting in the seats of the laity, as 22. "hcTTc is perhaps ah inference, not from some have rendered it, but, being in the situa- the passage just quoted, but from the preceding tion or condition of an uninspired person, 'iSid^s remarks. If persons already converted (toTs means a person, who does not understand the ir larrevovaiv) heard a strange language, which language, neither by learning nor by inspira- they did not understand, it was no evidence to tion. See 2 Cor. xi. 6. them (ou aTifiiiov) that the persons speaking Ibid, ofi-fiv. SeeDeut xxvii. 15, &c.; Nehem. were inspired: but if any of the heathen {to7s viii. 6 ; 1 Esdras ix. 47. aviffTois) who understood this language, heard 18. fiov is probably an interpolation, and the it, they would acknowledge the gift to be mira- reading should be yXwaoT) XoAw. culous. On the other hand, the interpretation 19. 5io rod vo6s. The reading is probably of scripture affords no evidence to those who Ty voL are not yet converted, but it is a great evidence 20. tccuBla. To wish for the gift of tongues to those who already believe the scriptures, without any advantage from it, was certainly 24. vAvres, all that speak in the assembly by childish. inspiration. Ibid- T6\€tos is used for a full-grown man in Ibid. €A67xeToi inrh irdvroav. Conviction is Eph. iv. 13; Heb. v. 14, and in several profane produced in his mind by his hearing all the authors. See Schleusner. prophets expounding. 21. vSfi^. Passages from the Psalms are Ibid. avaKpiv^rai. He is led to examine him- quoted as from the Law in John x. 34 ; xii. 34; self. See ii. 14, 15 ; iv. 3, 4 ; ix. 3 ; x. 25. XV. 25. This seems to be taken from Isaiah 25. Compare Isaiah xlv. 14. Kal oSrw is xxviii. 11, 12, though it is very different in the probably an interpolation. LXX, hik <(>avKiap})p xn\4a)v, 5t^ •y\ v/jlmv 6 X0709 rov ©eov i^rfkOev ; r} 36 « 2 Cor. X. 7 ; et? vyLta? /jLovov^; KaT^VTr/aev ; ^ec ri? BoKel rrpocpijTr}'; elvai rj 37 1 Joh. iv. 6. \ > /A / I r « (•/ ^ XT' f 'V irvev/juarLKO'i, e'Trir/ivcoa-Kerco a ypacpco v/ullv, otl rov Kvpcov evaiv )2. ivroXaC' el Be rt? dyvoel, dyvoelrw. "flare, dBeXipol, ^rfkovre 38 Rom. i! 16; "^^ '7rpo(f)7)reveLV, Kal ro TuiXelv yXwaaaL^; /jut) KCoXvere. irdvra^Q Gal. iii. 4. evo-xVH'Ovco^ Kal Kara rd^iv yLveadoy.'^-'T^ fix . \V^ i. 23; ' ^rNflPIZfl Be vjjblv, dBeX^ol, ro ei^yeXiov o evrjyyeXi- 15 Psai! xxii. cdjir^v vfjLLV, o Kal TTapeXd^ere, iv S Kal ecrrrjKare, ^Bl ov Kal 2 E^'a^iiii 5 • ^^^^^^^y ''"^'^^ Xoycp evTjyyeXLadfirjv v/jlIv, el Kare')(eret iKro^ el Dan. ix. 24. tin elKTj e7ncrrev(Tare. '^IlapeBcoKa- ydp viuv iv irpcoroi^, o Kal 3 Zach.xiii.7;'^' '^ /O . '' V ^ ' '/3 ' x ^ r « r ^ iPet. ii. 24. irapeXapoV on Xpiaro^ aireoavev virep rcov afjLapncov rj/jucov, 26. Whether any of you feel himself inspired control of these persons ; and they can be silent to utter a psalm, or to give any instruction, or when they please. to speak in a foreign language, or to communi- Ibid. For God does not wish these gifts to be cate any revelation, or to interpret words spoken exercised in a confused and disorderly manner, in a foreign language, let this gift, whatever but quietly. it be, be exercised with a view to benefit the 34. d\A.' viroTda-treorOai. We must understand hearers. KeXevourai, or some such yirord. See 1 Tim. 27. Sio. Knatchbull interprets it, in two or iv. 3. three tongues at the most : or it may mean, If 34. 8 v6ixos. The established custom. there be speaking in foreign languages, let it be 36. In ver. 33. he had referred to the ex- with two or three persons at most, and one after ample of other churches ; and he now reminds the other ; and let there be one person to inter- the Corinthians, that the gospel did not begin preL Pyle. See ver. 29. with them. 28. aiyoTw. Let the person, who has the gift 37. He means this as a test of their being of tongues, be silent. really inspired or no : if they were, they would 29. SiaKpiveTua-av. Let the rest listen to find out that he was giving the commands of their exposition, and determine the sense of the Lord : if they did not find it out, they were scripture accordingly. not inspired. 30. But if one of these hearers should him- Chap. XV. 2. ado^earOe. Ye are placed in self receive a revelation, which he wishes to your state of salvation. See Index in v. ffd- communicate, let him wait till the first person feadai. has finished speaking. See Pyle. Ibid. eiKr} may either mean hastilij, incon- 32. This is said with reference to the heathen siderately, or in vain, to no purpose. priests, {irpoda, /cara ra? r^paurj Js^rjcpa, eiTa Toif; oco- hos. vi. 2; USexa. erreira ui$ri errdvay irevraKoaioL^ aS€\<}>oL(: icpdira^, ef Mau! xii. io , 6JV oi TrXeioiK? aevovaiv eox? doTi, tlv€<; Be kol iKoi/JLyjdrjaav f Mar.xvi.i^ ti 1 1 , / • ~ > ' « «/ Lu.xxiv. 3^ \[\^ erreiTa oxfidr) 'Iukm^o), eira toU airocrrokoi^i iracLV, ^ ea-'xarov ioh. %%. \9 ; flew / f \ »«> ' Vf/J > 'h'X ' ' Act. X. 41. I he rravrtDV, wa-Kepei to) €fcrp(OfiaTi, w(pOr) KUfioi. "eyo) 7a/3 et/it g j, j. 6 eXa^tcTTO? Twi' aTTOo-ToXwir S? o»V et/il iKav6<; KoXelcrOaL diro- Act.ix 3,17; 10 r»»>»\> \5 //I >-»-v\h Act. viii. 3: elfil 6 eifii, Kat rj x«/>t? avrov rj et? e^ie ov Kevrj eyevrjdrj, aXka .^ ^. irepiaa-orepov axnwv irdmrnv iKoiriaaa, ovk eya) Be, a\V i} ^^^^ *^\ 11 vapt? ToO ©eoO 17 o-ui/ e/iol. etre ovv eyo), eire CKeivoL, ovray Eph. iii, 8 ; 12 Kijpva-an/iev, kol outo)? hnareixTare. El Be Xpiarbf; Krjpva-- 1 Tim. i. 13 aerai, oti U veKpoiV iyijyepTai, ttw? Xeyovai tiv€<; ev vfuv, on j^^j'^*''- 13 dvdtrrcuTi<; veKpdv ovk ecmv; el Be dvdaTaai<; veKpSiv ovk eanv, 2Cor xi.as; 14 ovBe XpKTTo^ eyiiyeprai' et be Xpiaro^ ovk eyijyepTai, kcvov lb dpa TO K^pvjfia i)fia)V, K€vr) Be koX rj TrwTTt? vfjia>u. J ev/3to-/co- J Act. u. 24. fieda Be koX yjrevBofjApTvpe^i rov Seov, on efiaprvpijaa/jLev Kara tov Seov, on ijyeipe rov XpioTOv, ov ovk eyeipev, eXirep 16 dpa veKpol ovk iyelpovrai' el yap veKpol ovk iyeipovraiy ovB^ 17 Xpi. Valckenaer and others read tc^j for a false testimony concerning God. rivi : but this seems too Attic. S. Paul may Ibid. Kara tov @eov. De Deo. Palairet have meant, that he had not had the discipline So Xenophon, tovto (j^v S^ Karo irdvTwu Flep- and preparation of the other apostles. owv exofiev \4yeiy. Cyrop. i. p. 6. 11. But whatever may be the comparison 17. ert eVre k. t. A. It was the sin of Adam, between me and the other apostles, our doctrine which made him subject to death, and lost him is the same : we all preach the resurrection, the power of living for ever. If Christ has not and this was the faith which you received at recovered for us tliis power, we are still subject your conversion. to that grievous penalty of sin. Ibid, o&rws cTTto-TeiJcraTe. For Trio'Teueii' being 18. airuKovTo. They are dead, and have no used for the first conversion of Christians, see promise of rising again, ver. 2; Rom. xiii. 11; Eph. i. 13. 19. i\e€iv6Tepoi. If there be no resurrection, 12. It seems plain from this, that some per- then all men are equally to be pitied as to a tHc^^^ 360 Eni^TOAH k ver. 23 Act.xxvi.'23; Col. i. 18 ; 1 Pet. i. 3 ; Apoc. i. 5. I Gen. ii, 17 ; iii. 6; Rom. V. 12, 18 ; vi. 23. ni ver. 20 ; 1 Thess. iv. 15, 16, 17. n ii. 6. o Psal. ex. 1 ; Act. ii. 34 ; Eph. i. 20 ; Col. iii. 1 ; Heb. i. 13; X. 13. P P8al.viii.6 ; ex. 1; Matt. xi. 27; xxviii. 18 ; Eph. i. 22 ; Heb. u. 8. q iii. 23 ; xi. 3. r Rom. viii. 36. • iv. 9 ; 2 Cor. iv. 10, ia/jievA ^ Nvvl Se Xpcaro^; iy^jeprai, e/c vefCpMV, airapyri tmv 20 K6KOL/jb7]fjLivcov iyeV€TO. ' eTretBr) yap 8l avdpcoTrov 6 6dvaT0<^, 21 KoX hi avOpcoTTOV avdaraai^ veKpoiV. warrrep yap ev T

v veKpav. Muller, in his Dissertation upon this difficult passage, mentions seventeen different interpretations of it: but I should prefer the most simple and literal one, which refers it to vicarious baptism. Epiphanius says, that this was practised by the Cerinthians, who probably began in the first century: and he and Tertullian mention it of the Marcionites, who appeared in the second century. S. Paul would then argue thus: If there be no resurrection, why are even the heretics so firmly convinced of it, as to baptize a living person for the dead ? for if the dead do not rise again, what can be the use of baptizing them ? Ti iroii](rov€(T€\of; ; el vcKpol ovk iyeipovrai, 33 ^(t>dya)fjL€V KOI irUo/jLev, avpiov yap aTToOvrjaKOfiev. firj ifKa- tEsa.xxii.i8; 34 mo-^e* ** 6€Lpov J9^ Eph. v. 14. ' 86 *'-/4X\' ipel Tt9, 7Ta)9 eyeipovrat oi vcKpol ; iroUp Sk o-co/xart ' Ezech. 36 epxovraL ; ^''A$opa, eyelperaL ev d6apalcL' 43 '(nrelperai ev drifiiaf eyeiperai ev B6^' (nreiperaL ev daOeveia, » Phfl.HL2i. 44 eyeiperai ev Bwd/xei' (nrelperai a-cofxa -y^v^LKov, eyeiperai awfia * irvevfiariKov. eari awfia -slrv^iKov, Kal eari ac^fia irvevfiariKov. a Gen. a. 7 ; 45 ^oirro) Kal yeypoTnaiy * ^Eyevero 6 TrpwTO? dvOpayrro'; ^ABdfi eh f j™^ iVs 46 "^^hv ^(oo'av* 6 eo-p^aT09 *ABdfi eh irvevfia fydoirotovv. dX>C 3i. »« N ^'■^■N^^l \v V c Gen. V. .?: OV irpwTov TO TTvevfULTiKoVf aXKa to yfrvxi'Kov, eireiTa to wvev- j^^^ jjj 3^ : 47 fULTiKOV. ^6 7r/3a>T09 dv6p(07ro<; e/c 77)9, ')(0iK6fi' 6 Bevrepo^ dv- ?p™ ^^??'^^; 48 ^/3ft)7ro9, 6 Kvpio<; e^ ovpavov. 0I09 6 yolKo^it tolovtoi Kal otiv.ii; 49 p^oMCot* Kal olo^ 6 eTTovpdvvo^y TOtovTOV Kal oi hrovpdvLOL' ^Kal 1 jok. iu, 2.' 33. This is generally said to have been a 40. This is a still closer analogy. We talk verse in the Thais of Menander. (See Mill.) of heavenly bodies, and earthly bodies : so that But Clement of Alexandria calls it a tragic which is buried may be a body, and so may that iambic, p. 350 ; and Socrates quotes it as which is raised. proving that S. Paul read Euripides. Hist. 41. This is often quoted as proving that Eccl iii. 16. Perhaps Menander took it from there will be degrees of happiness hereafter: Euripides. but perhaps it only shews, that the body which 34. SiKalws may mean perfectly, properly, or, is buried, and the body which is raised, may be as is fit, as you ought to do. as different as the sun and the stars. Ibid, fii) afiaprdvfTe. Ne aberretis a veritate 44. ii/vxni6i'. See ii. 14. 2a)/xo trpfvfiariKbu circa resurrectiovem. Palairet, Raphel, Olearius. appears a contradiction in terms : but (rufia, in Ibid, ayvaxriav. This word perhaps contains the language of S. Paul, does not mean a body an allusion to the Gnostics, who pretended to as opposed to spirit. The body of an angel is know God, and denied a general resurrection, trw/xo irvcvfjiaTiKSv. The reading is probably ef S. Paul says that they did not know God. icrri awixa >^vxm6v. 36. The objectors did not understand how a 45. The quotation from Gen. ii. 7. means body, which was reduced to dust, could be that Adam at his creation received a vital prin- raised again. S. Paul shews, by the analogy of ciple, which was calculated to last for ever, a grain of wheat, that the same thing may rise This was lost by him, and man continued sub- again, though wholly altered in form and ap- ject to death, till Christ restored to him the pearance. power of living for ever. 37. el Tvxoi, for instance. See xiv. 10. Ibid. fcrxaTos 'ASct/t. The parallel between 39. If the term ^sA may be applied to things Adam and Christ consisted in this, that both differing so much from each other as a man represented the whole human race : the one and a fish, the term body may be applied to that was the author of death, the other of life, to all which is buried, and to that which rises ao-ain, mankind, though they differ greatly. 47. 6 Kvpioi is probably an interpolation. NSV 362 EnmTOAH lKe«5/ /^ ^/ \ \ f \ •) /\ f xxiv. 31 ; ^^ T?7 ^o-^arrj a-aXTnyyc craXTnaet, yap, kul ol veKpoi eyepurj- i^Thess. IV. fjourai ao Be GeS %apt9 to) BlBovti r]p,iv to vIko<; ^1 ° •''' ' ^la TOV Kvpiov rjp.(ov ^Irjaov Xpia-Tov. "flaTC, dBe\(^oi fiov 68 dyaTTTjTol, eBpaloL yiveaOe, d/JLeTaKLV7}T0L, irepLcraevovTe^; ev tm epyw TOV Kvpiov TrdvTOTe, elBoTe^ otl 6 /cotto? vp^cov ovk eaTi Kevo^ ev Kvpi(pA Vko«ju 3o - ^^55- I Aft. xi. 29 ; ^ IIEPI Bk T*)? Xoyta<; Trj / m \ 2Cor.vui. 4; Tat9 eKKATJCTLaLfi Tr}'' >« / 16,19. oe Trapar/evcofiaL, oi;9 eav ooKip^aaTjTe, ol eTriaToXayv tovtov^; irepr^w direveyKelv ttjv X^P^^ vp^cov eh 'lepovaaXyp,' edv Be y 4 » Act.xix.2i; d^Lov TOV Kdp^e TTopeveadac, avv epuol iropevaovTai. ^^EXevao- 5 iiaL Be Tpo<; vpbdf;, oTav Ma/ceBovlav BieX6co' MaKeBoviav yap BvepxopLar irpo'i vpbd^ Be Tvypv irapap^evo), rj fcal Trapa'xecp'daco, 6 iva u/iet9 fie 7rpo7rep,'\lrr}T€ ov edv Tropevcofiac. ov OeXo) yap vpui^ 7 dpTL iv TrapoBw IBetv eXTr/fo) Be ^povov Tivd einpLelvaL 7rpb *Eav Be eXOri TitioOeo^. BXeirere ha acbofiax! yevr)Tai, ttoo? q iv. 17 ; 11 vfiar TO 7ap ep70i^ Kvpiov epya^erat, w? /cat €70)* >»;Tt9 ovv iTi,e8g.iii.2. ainop i^ovdeinjOT}. "jr poire (lylrare Be avrov ev elp^inj, iva eXOr) " iTi1n.iv.12. 12 Trpo? ^' iKBe^ofiO'i' y^p avrov fiera tS)v dBe\(f)&v, JJepl Bk ^ATToXKoi) Tov aBe\(l>ov, iroXXa irapetcaXeca avrov, Xva eXOrj 7r/509 u/xa? jjuera rwv aBeX^wV Kal irdvrco^ ova ^v OeXrjfia IS iva vvv txBrjy iXeixrerav Be orav evKaiprjar). * rprjyopetre, »Ej)h.\i.iOi 14 (m]K€r€ iv rfj Tricrrei' AvBpi^eade, KparaiovaOe' irdvra vfiwv ev dr/dinj yivea-do), 15 ^UapaKaXw Be v/Ma<;, dBeX> V'^tii^ x>^ ' -> t I Rom. xvi. 5. on eariv a'irap)(y) tt;? il^^am?, Kat et? ovaKovLav rot? ayioLava Kal ^ovprovvdrov Kal ^A')(aiKov, on ro u^wi; ^«'''""- ^^' 18 vr) drrb ^iXiinroiv Bid ^r€(l>avd, Kal ^ovprowdroVj Kal ^AyalKov, koX TL/JLodeov.y 9y^ou^ D; , J^rCZ 8. iwififvw. This was frustrated by the not / it, ^ &ebs ovk 1jdf\ev. Macknight, Apollos was in the theatre. See Acts xix. 23. v unwilling, 9. Ovpa. This may be a metaphor from the Ibid. iXivff^rai. Jerom says, that Apollos door of the circus, through which the horses went to Corinth after this. passed ; and the avriKiifievei were his an- 15. oi^an. Respect, pay attention to. Wol- tagonists. See Lydius, Agonist. Sacr. c. 30. fius, Pyle, 10. TiiJ.6deos. S. Paul sent Timothy and Ibid. SiaKoviav. It seems probable, that Erastus into Macedonia. Acts xix. 22. Eras- Stephanas was a deacon of the church of Co- tus probably staid in Macedonia, while Timothy rinth, or perhaps a presbyter, and that he went proceeded to Corinth. See ver. 17. now to Ephesus with the letter to S. Paul. Ibid. Iva a;9 yevofievrjf; rjfitv ev ttj Aaia, on Kav virep- icor.xv.32. ^oXrjv i^api]9r}fiev irrrep BvvafjiiVy coare i^airoprjOijvai r}fia<; Kal Chap. I. 4. rovs iv ird'^> Phil. i. 19; iToXkoiv TrpoacoTToyv TO et? rjfias ')(api€lB6fl€V0paLV(DV /X€, el firj 6 \ir7rov/jL€Po wv ehei fie ^^l- » viii 22 ; peiv 7r67rotC7co9 ern, Travra? u/ia9, oti, rj efjur) X^P"' Trairrcoi/ v/xcov cai. v. 10. 4 ioTiv. €K ycLp TToWifi ffXlyjreciyi; xal crvvoxV'i Kaphia^ eypay^a vfilv BicL TToWcou BaKpvayv, ovx "'^ XvTrrjdrjre, aWct rrjp ayaTnjv ipu ypwTe r^p e^o) 7rept(raoT€pa)<; et9 vfid<;. 5 "jEi he Tt? \€\v7rr}K€P, ovk ifie XeXvTnjKep, aXX* dtrb fjuepovf, » icor. 7. 1. 6 tpa fiTj cTTi^apci), Trarra? u/xa?. * Ikupop tm roLovrtp rj eViTt/xia « i Cor. v. 5. 7 avn; 17 irrro tcop TrXeioptop' oxrre Toupapriop fjMXXop vfid. 2, 3. yAct. xvi.8; ^^EXOobv Be €L f t \ / ■> a f „ J /„ Ezecii.xi.i9; /^o/*^*^^ /Cat avaycvcocTKo/jievT] vTTo rravTcov avup(p7Tcov ^(pavepov- 3 He^vufio A'-^^o* ^'^'' ^^'^^ iiTio-ToXr] Xptarov BtaKovrjOetaa v(j> rjpLwv, hii. 16; iyyeypapLfjLevT) ov p^eXavi, dXXd rrvevp^aTL &eov ^mvto^;, ovk iv I V. 18 • nrXa^l XiOivai^, dXXd iv irXa^l KapBla^ aapKivai^. neirouOrjo-LV 4 Jer.xxxi.31; g^ rOLUVTTJV e')(ppLeV BlcL TOV XpiCTTOV TT^O? TOV SeOV ^ OV^ OTt 5 27, 29 ; UavoL iorpLev dcf eauTOJV, XoyiaaadaC tl, ox; e'f eavTwv, dXX* rj Heb.viii.6,8. LicavoTT]^ r)p,o}V e/c TOV tfeov * 09 Kat cKavcoaev r)jjLa<; OLaKovov<; q e V. 12; X. 8. 1 Cor. ix. e Exod. xxiv. 12 ; xxxiv. 1 ; 1^ 12. This is to shew still more his affection for the Corinthians, and his desire to visit them. "When he came to Troas, though there was good opportunity there for preaching the gospel, yet because he did not find Titus there, who was bringing him an account from Corinth, he passed on, and went into Macedonia. 14. dpia/jL^eveiv means to lead about in a triumphal procession; and is applied either to the conquered enemy, as in Col. ii. 15, or to the friends of the victor, who accompanied him. It is understood here in the latter sense by Eisner. Ibid. o(Tfii]v. Flowers were thrown into the car in triumphal processions : see Ovid, Trist. iv. 2, 29: and Plutarch speaks of the streets on such occasions being dvjj.iafxdTcop Tr\r}p€7s. Vita jEmil. p. 272. 15. If we still follow the metaphor, (rw^ofievois means the conquerors who had escaped, and d.iTo\XvfjL4vois the conquered, who were often put to death at the triumph. Cicero writes, " At etiam qui triumphant, eo diutius vivos hostium duces reservant, ut his per triumphum ductis pulcherrimum spectaculum fructumque victoriae populus Romanus percipere possit: tamen cum de foro in Capitolium currum flec- tere incipiunt, ilios duci in carcerem jubent: idemque dies et victoribus {aw^otx^vois) imperii et victis {a.-KoKKviJ.f.voLs) vitae finem facit." In Ver. v. 30. 16. oh fiev. To the vanquished, the smell of these perfumes is a prelude to death : oh Se, to ta- ¥ ith I the victorious party, it is a sign of fresh life and vigour. Ibid. Kol irphs ravra rls iKavSs ; Theophylact explains this to mean. And who is sufficient of himself to do this without the power of God? See\- iii. 5. 17. KairriXivovres, adulterating. The meta- phor is taken from vintners mixing water wit wine. Valcken. ad 1 Cor. v. 6. S. Paul says, Who is able of himself to preach the gospel? • We do not pretend to do so : we preach it as j coming from God, without mixing with it any ., thing of our own. Chap. III. 1. 'Apx^M-eOa. S. Paul asks, By thus speaking of our own sincerity, are we beginning to recommend ourselves ? To which he answers, No, unless we want recommendatory letters to you, which we do not. But perhaps the reading is ^ /xi] ^p-p^ofxiu ; or do we want ? 2, 3. There seem to be two metaphors here. In ver. 2. the conversion of the Corinthians is said to be the letter of recommendation of the apostles. In ver. 3. Christ is supposed to have written a letter, the execution of which is com- mitted to the apostles. 4. This verse may be connected with the end of the last chapter. The sincerity, with which we preach the word of God, gives us confidence : not as if we are able to preach it of ourselves, for it comes from God. Fell. 5. Wolfius refers acp' kavrwv to the will, i^ eavrwp to the power. K*^ 3.] npos KOPiNSior^ b. KaiVT)^ 8ia0ritcr]<;, ov ypafi^TO<:, aWa Trvev^aror to yap 7 ypdfifjia aTro/creivei,, to Be irvcvpu tfooiroLeX. ^Ei Be rj BiaKOvia ^Jj^^J*. rov davuTov ev ypd^fia7, wore firj BvvaaBoj, aTevlaai, tois vlovC e7roi>po)6r} ^f/JJ; "^^'ji^j! T^ vorj^uLTa avT(ov. a^f, yap tv « > ^^ 'r7~ 2 Thess. ii KUL € KeKcCkv ^fJbevov TO cvayyeXiov '^fjLcov, ev T0t9 aTToWv-^Y ^^' aevoL*; earl KeKaXvLLiiivov' " ev oh 6 ©eo? tov alwvo -y/ "C''*- ''"v « 31,40; Tot9 Toi^ (orta/jLov TOV evayycXLOV Trj9 T^9 B6^7]<; TOV ©eov ev irpoaoiircp 'Ir}pov t^9 OXiyjreco^; rjficov Ka& '^^l;^^\!^\ vnep^oXrjv ec? virep^oXrjv aUoviOV ^dpo^s 36fi;9 Karepyd^eraL R.un.vm.^i8; 18 jJ/Atf, ^firj aKonrovvrwv Tjfiwv ra ^XcTrofieva, aXXa to, p,r] ^e- ,. ro,o. viii. TToaeva' to, yap SXeTroaeva, irpoaKatpa' to, Be ^rj ^CTrofieva, ^*- /■ >Vjrflivo \ " »v r>/ r " > > " ''2 Pet. i. 18, lAJigrS aivavuim^ oioap^ev yap, oti eav rj einyevo^: tj/jlcov oiKia rov aKt^- 14. ' vov^ KcmikvOfj, oLKoBofjirjv €/c Gcov €xo/JL€P, oUlav dx^i'poiroiriTov, g^^""* ^"^ i auavLOP, iv toU ovpavoU. ^KaX yap ev tovt(o arevd^ofieVy to.. 1 cor. xt. 8 olK7]Tqpu)v r)fiS)v to e^ ovpavov eTrevhuaaadai ifniroOovvre'i' ei ^ .' ^^ 476 Ka\ ivBvad/xevot,, ov yvfxvol, evpedrjao/JLeda. "/cat yap ol oWe? Rom.yiii.i6; ip Ttp (TKi]P€(, arepd^ofiep ^apov/xepoi' iireiBr) ov 6i\o/jL€P e/cSv- iv. 30. aaadai, aXX eTrepBva-aadai,, Ifpa Karairodfj to dprjTOP xmo '^^l^J"^/' '^^ 6 ^/jLaTO6^op TOV KvpLov, dp6 pitiTTOvi ireidofjiePf Geo) Apoc. li. 23 Be 'ire(t)ap€p(o/Meda' cXtti^q) Be Kal ip Tat? avpevB^aeaip uyu-wi/ 1 iv. 2 ; 12 'ireapepwadai. "ou yap irdXtp eairrovop/JLrjp BiB6pTe<; v/jllp Kav^V/^'^'^o^ vrrep rj^wp, Xva e^V'^e in. 1 ; ' 13 7r/309 Tois €P rrpoaayTr^ Kavxo>fi€POv 4k cawpov koX ptoyros oIkiSIov ercise of faith : we cannot really see him, as we iurfjLfyws aTraWaTrofiai." Apud Stob. Serm. 117. shall do, when we have got rid of this body. p. 600. 10. rh. Zia tov adfiaros. iElian speaks of 2. iy TovTcp. On this account, i. e. on ac- rh Sto tov awfiaTos vpuTTSfieva. Hist. Anint. count of the certain knowledge (ofSafiey) of the v. 26. dwelling prepared in heaven. Olearius, Wol- 11. &€^ vftpayepc&fiiBa. Our sincerity is per- fius. fecily known to God. There is perhaps an al- Ibid. 6| ovpavov is heavenly, as in Luke lusion to . In outward appearances. putting on the glorified body : but the best 13. i^eaT-qixev and cw 2 Heb.^xiL'is! ^'JrrjKovad (Tov, Kal ev rjfJ'epa Lai% ev q 1 Cor.'ii. 4; V7)(TT€LaCr)fiia^ \ o-N ' Psal. cxviii. eTTLyivcoaKo^voL' o)? airouvrjaKome';, koi loov, ^(O/xev' a>? Trat- i^. 10 Bevofievoi, Kal fir) davarovfievoL' cop \u7rou/x€i/ot, ilel Be ^atpoi/- re?' ax? 7rTft);^oi, ttoXXou? 8e TrXoyri^oKre?* cu? fMrjBep e)(pPT€^, Kal irdvra /caTe;^ovTe9. Ij To arofia t^/mcjv dvecpye 7rpo9 t'/Aa?, KoplvOcoi, rj KapBia tj^imv 12 TreTrXaTi/rraf ™ ou awr](TLi/ Kol apia-Ttpwv. Probably in allusion person, fo the sword iu the right hand and the shield in 16. In the LXX it is, Kal d^ffco r^v (TK-nviiv the left. We read of the shield of faith, and the fiov iv vfuv Kal iixTrepnrariiaM iv v/xiv Kal sword of the Spirit, in Eph. vi. 16, 17. taofiai vfiwi/ &ehi, Kal v/xels ta^aQe imol Xa6s. 8. «s irxdvoi, looked upon as deceivers, koL 17. In the LXX, 'ATrdo-TTjTe, a7r^ ^74 EUIXTOAH [K€«^. 7, 8. «i.4. iravTV 6\,i^6fi€VOi' e^wOev fidxat, eo-codev ^o^ov. ^aXX! 6 Tra- 6 paKoKwv rov<; raireLVOV^; irapeKoXecyev r}/jbd<; 6 ©eo? ev rfj irapovcria Tlrov' ov fiovov he ev ry Trapovaia avrov, aWa koX 7 ev rfj irapaKkrja-eL y TrapeKXojOrj i o^X ^''^* eXinrr^Or^re, aX\' on iXviT'^OrjTe eh fierdvoLav iXvTT^drjre yap Kara Oebv, Xva ev firjBevl ^Tjfjuiaydrjre e^ tjjjlcov. b 2 Sam. ^j} rydp Kord ©cov XvTTr) fierdvoiav els aa>Tr)plav dfierafie- 10 Matt. xxvi. 'XrjTov Karepyd^eraL' rj he rov Kocrfiov Xvirrj ddvarov Karep- I^ii^is yd^erac Ihoif yap, avro tovto to Kara ©eov Xviri^drjvat, viiid<;, ii iroarjv Kareipyda-aro vfxiv airovhrjv ; dXkd diroXoyiaVj dXXd dr/avdKT7]aLV, dXXd 6l3ov, dXXd einiroOrjcriv, dXXd ^rjXov, dX}C eKhUrjcTLv. ev iravn avveanjo-are eavTov^a v/ilv, ov^ eiveKev rov dhiKr]- 12 6^ov Kal roofJLOv ehe^aade avrov, Phiiem.8,21. '^^aipco on ev Travrl Oappw ev vfuvSjfif ^n-^^^JX i^S'S^ 16 Q^iTlt' TNflPIZOMEN he vfiiv, dheXtfol, r^v xdptv rov Seov 8 K\fi«. i; ^aptv Kal TTjv KOLvwviav t^9 Biaxovia^ tt}? et? tou? ayiov^ he^- Rom. :^. 20? 5 aadai rjfMa^i, teal ov Ka6(o<; rfXnriaafiev, ahX eavrovxevaev 6 @e6s ; 8ti t^v -jrTux^vffaaav (pvaiv 4. x'^P"' is kindness, or liberality : and koi- iv eavr^ aveKafiero p. 949. The passage con- vwvlav TTJs SioKovlas is the relief which they have tains a strong argument for the pre-existence contributed. See Acts ii. 42. and divinity of Christ. Ibid. S4^aa9ai Tj/xas. These words appear to 10. yvdr/xftu, my opinion or advice. Seel Cor. be an interpolation, and to have been added for vii. 6, 40. the sake of clearness. If they are expunged, Ibid, a-rrb iripvai, a year ago, or in the course Xii' and Koivwviav are governed by ^^ookov, of the last year. It might be thought from 1 and the construction is thus : for even above Cor. xvi. 1. that the Corinthians had consulted their means, voluntarily, and most earnestly en- S. Paul about the collection to be made for the treating us [to permit it"], they gave this charit- poor in Judaea ; and this was several months able collection of theirs, and not merely this, before the writing of this second Epistle. It which was what we hoped they would do, but they appears, that they had not only made a collection gave themselves before every thing else to the at that time, but that the wish originated with Lord and to us. themselves. 6. els t6. So that we exhorted Titus, He 11. Sk tov exety. In proportion to what you had probably on a former occasion excited have. Schmidius, Wolfius. the Corinthians to charity {irpoeiffip^aro), and 376 EUI^TOAH [Ke^. 8, 9. nreplaaev/JLa ei? to eKeivwv vareprj/jba' iva koI to eKeivmv Tre- pla-aevfia yevr)Tai ek to v/jlcov va-Teprjfia' otto)? ryevrjrai laoTT]^;, kExod. xvi. ^KaOa)<; jiypaiTTai, '*0 to ttoXv, ovk eirXeovaae kol 6 to 15 ^ * oKlyov, OVK rfKoTTovqae.* XdpL^ Be tS ©€m Tft) BlBovtl Tr}v ainrjv avrovSrjV irrrkp vfi&v 16 iv Ty KapBia Tltov otl ttjv fiev irapdKXrjaiv eSe^aTo, avrov- 17 BaiOTepo^i Be irTrdp')(Q)v, avdalpeTO^i i^Xde 7rpo9 vfjid^. Xvv- 18 e7re/jbyjra/JL€v Be fieT avTov tov dBek€iv vfuv. olBa jdp Tr)v irpoOvfilav vficov, fjv 2 1 Cor. XVI. 1. ^^^p {jjj^^p Kavx^ty^'CLi' MaKeBodiv, otl ^A')(aia irapedKevaaTai diTo Trepva-V kol 6 ef v/jlmv ^^Xo9 ripedicre tou9 TrXelova^, eireix'^a Be tou9 dBeX have been mentioned in Acts xx. 4. supposed to allude to his gospel. But they Ibid, veiroid-ficrei. Through the great confidence mean in the preaching of the gospel, as in x. 14 ; which he has in you. Phil. iv. 3, 15. Some have supposed Barnabas, 23. fJfre vnep Tirov. If any inquire concerning and some ApoUos : or it may have been Sil- Titus. vanus. Ibid. airSffroXoi iKKKtiaiwv. Sent by the 19. -x^ipoTov-neih — (TvyeKS-nfios. This was churches. This might confirm the notion of true of Silvanus. See Acts xv. 40. Or per- the two persons being Macedonians. Epaph- haps it may mean, that this person was ap- roditus is called the apostle of the Philip- pointed by the Macedonian churches to accom- 'pians in Phil. ii. 25. I e. he was sent by pany S. Paul to Judaea (avv rf? x<^ptTi touttj). them. If so, he may have been one of the persons 24. Kavx'lio'ews. See vii. 14 ; viii. 3, 24. mentioned in Acts xx. 4. The Macedonians Chap. IX. 2. airh iripvai. See viii. 10. with S. Paul at Corinth were Sopater, Jason, 3. a8e\(povs. See viii. 18, 22. Aristarchus, and Secundus. In Acts xix. 29. 4. MaKfSSves. The Macedonians, who ac- Caius and Aristarchus are called avviKhrifioi companied him, are mentioned in Acts xx, 4. Tla^Kov, and Aristarchus accompanied S. Paul K,<^. 9] npos KOPiNeioTs b. srr fjLTj Xeyeofiev vfieK, iv rf) {rrrocrrdaet. ravrrj t?}? «av;^>icrea)9. 6 uvarfKcuov ovv ifyrjadfjLr}v TrapaKoXiaai tow aSeX^ou?, tva TrpoeXOoyaiv ei9 vfJM^, koI irpoKaTapruroyat rrjv TrpoKaTijy^ yeXfiivrju evXoyutv vfioiv Taimjv eToi/irjv etvai, ovrco^ w? evXo- 6 yiavy Kot firj wtrrrep TrXeove^lav. ° Toino he, 6 (TTreipav (f)eiSo- » Prov. fieifcd^, (f>€i8ofi€V(D^ Kcu dcplacL' Kol 6 (TTretpeov iir euXoyiat?, xxii. 9'. 7 eTT* evXoyiaif; Koi Oepiaei. °6Ka (nreipovri, koI dprov elt 1 En. iv. 10. ^pctXTiv xPPVrri<^^h ^^^^ ttXtjOvpcu top cnropop vfjuop, kol av- 11 ffjo-at Ta yepinjfiaTa Trjt SiKCUO kavrov, on Ka6(b<; fji€TpoVj ii^iKiadcu aypi koX 14 vfuav ov yap <»? firj €(f)iKvovfJL€voL 619 u/za? irirepeKretvofiev eavTOv^' a'xpi, yap xal vfidv i(f>ddaa/JL€v iv rat evayyekUp rov 15 XpiOTOv' *ovK et? TO, d/jLcrpa Kav^wfJ^vov iv aWorpiot? /cottoi?, iRom.xT.ao. iXTTiBa Be expme^, av^avofievrj^ t»)? TTto-reo)? v/jboyv, iv vfuv 16 fieyaXwOrjvai, Kara rov Kavova rjfiMV, eZ? irepLatreLav, et? t^ xnrepeKciva vfiwv evaryyeXlaaaOaiy ovk iv ak\oTp{(p kuvovl €l9 6 o<^t? Kvav i^rjirdrrjaev iv tj} iravovp- a oen. iii. 4 ; , , yla axnovy ovro) 0apfj rd vo^fiara u/xwv dirb tt}? aTrXoTT/ro? ^°^* ^" ^fl^f^ 4x779 6t9 rov XpioTov, *ei, fiev yap o epxofJ^vo<: aWov Irja-ovv^^^^ Krjpv , \ , /)/ . «' » f « h* '' ' Eph. iii. 4. 7 oaX ev iravri fpav€p(ooevrepap/l(T€TaL els ifJ^e ev rot? Kki^aai, Trj Phii.iii.i9. /JLaTL^erai ek ayyeXov ^wto?" ™ou fiiya ovv el Kal ol ScdKovoc 15 avTov iJLeTao-')(T]/jLaTi^ovTaL 009 Bmkovol BtKai,oavvi]poa- Rfm*xf"i^' ^^^ Xeryo), toX/aw Kdyoi^^'E^paLOi elai ; Kdyoo' ^Iapa7]XlTaL22 qvi, 4; etVt ; Kdyco' Girepixa^A^padp, elat ; Koryoa' ^BidKovot Xptarov iB Act. ix. 16:> i«>-v''r\>/)/ / xxi. 11; ei<7L ; 7rapa(ppovo)v XaXco, virep eyco' ev Koiroi^i ireptaaorepco'i, lO^^si^"^' ^^ 'TrXrjyah VTrepfiaXXovreos, iv (fivXaKah iTeptv\aKa7s. Clement in his Epistle speaks Corinthians. of S. Paul eTrTia, KLvBvvoi9 iv daXdaarj, Kivhvvov^ iv yjrevSaBiXcpoi^' iv Koirtp Kcii fi6)(6/^i^ct fcal yufjLvorrjTi. *;^ft)/3t9 xo^j; t Act. xx. ih, vapefCTo^i, r) i7na-vaTa(TLv evXoyrjTo^ ei? roi)povp€i r^v AafjLoa-fcrjvtav 'iroXiv, triacraL /x€ OiXcov' f Th,,M.*ii'. 5. S3 Kol Sia OvpiBo^ iv vyov Td<; x^H^^ avrov. Kav\da6(U hr) ov avficpipei, /xor 2 iXevaofULi yap et? oTrraaiafs KaX diroKokir^eL^i Kvplov. "otSa * A9 rpirov ovpavov. kol olBa rov roLovrov avSpcoTTOVj {etre iv ato/xari, etre e/cro? rov crco/jLaro^;, ovk o28a, 4 6 ©eo? olBev,) on rjpTrdyrj et? rov irapdheLaov, koi rfKovaev r (^»^^, 7 24. »opA /i*fai», sc. irXiry^r. The punishment of whipping was not to exceed forty stripes, Deut. XXV. 8: and as the whip was made of three thongs, they never gave more than thir- teen blows, which made thirty-nine stripes. (See Josephus, Antiq. iv. 8, 21.) S. Paul says inrh 'lovScdtev, because Jews had a right to punish Jews, and therefore he did not plead his Roman citizenship. Biscoe, p. 246. 25. rpls ippaBSiadrjy. One of these is men- tioned, that at Philippi, Acts xvi. 23. Ibid. fiTo|. At Lystra, Acts xiv. 19. Ibid. Tpls ivavdynffa. None of these are mentioned in the Acts. See pref. to Ep. to Titus. Ibid. xexo/ijKa. So Cicero, *' Apameae quin- que dies morati Iconii decern /ectmu«." Ad Att. v. 20. 26. ix ycvovs. A popularibus meis. GaL i. 14. 28. Tctfv TrapcKT6s. Beside the things which I have omitted. Chrysostom, Wolf. Beside these external inconveniences. RapheL Ibid, iiriavffraffis is the act of many things pressing at once upon a person : but many MSS. read iirla-raa-is. 29. This is to shew the great interest which he took in all the churches. Who among my converts is suffering from any infirmity, and I do not partake of his sufferings f Who is per- verted or misled in his Christian principles, and I burn not with grief and with zeal to recover him ? 30. kaQevdas is here used for sufferings. 31. Most MSS. read Kvpiov 'Irja-ov olSiu. 32. iQiKipxvs is a person appointed by an- other to govern a country. Ibid. 'Apera. Aretas was king of Arabia Petraea, and Herod Antipas married his daugh- ter. When Herod took his brother Philip's wife, the daughter of Aretas left him and fled to her father, who made war upon Herod. He totally defeated him in battle, and it was probably then that he got possession of Damascus. Chap. XII. 1. We perhaps ought to read KavxaaOai 5e, and omit yap after iKiixrofiau Ibid. knoKaKii^fis. See Acts xviiL 9 ; xxiL 17; xxiii. 11; GaL ii. 2. 2. iv XpicTT^. A Christian. See v. 17. That he meant himself, is plain from ver. 6, 7. Ibid. SeKarfo-a-dpwp. About the year 38, while he was in CUicia. See Acts ix. 30; xi. 25. Ibid, rpirov ovpavov. The Jews are said to have spoken of three heavens : 1. the air, in which the birds fly ; 2. the sky, in which the stars are ; 3. the heaven, or abode of God. 3. Some persons have believed that two dis- tinct raptures are mentioned by S. PauL Bull, Whitby. 4. TrapaSeia-ov. This was the term used by the Jews for the place of departed souls ; and was supposed by many of the Fathers to be diiFerent from the third heaven. See Luke xxiii. 43. KDCCCLT- ■- XVI e X. Xi. 16, <1 Job ii. 6, 383 Eni^TOAH {K.cp. 12. b xi. 30. apprjTa prffjuara, a ovk e^ov avOpwirw XaXijaaL. ^ virep rov 5 roiovTov Kav^^aofjuat' virep he i/jiavTOV ov Kavxn^opjau, el fjif) ' k ev Tol^ aa6eveiaL<; rov Xpcarov. Slo evBoKco ev aaOeveiai^i, ev 10 v^peahVy ev avar^Kau^iy ev hioayfioh, ev aTevo'^wpiau^, virep *xi. 1,5. XpicTTOv' orav yap aa6ev(b, Tore hvvarof; elpa. ^Teyova d^pcov 11 Kavx'^/^^vo'i' vfJLel^ /le rfvar^Kdaare. ejob yap &6v' fitjTi eirXeove/crrjaev v/jLd<; Tlto^ ; ov TO) atn-o) irvevfiaTL TrepteTraTrjaafjiev ; ov to?? auTot? ixv€o^ovfiat, fydp, firf tto)? iX6o>v ovx oiot'? " *• 2; ^ diXo) €vpva-uo- t/Wy» jr-V«A'*|« 21 cei^f djcaTcurraalai' firj irdXiv iXdovrd fie TaTreiVQxrrj 6 ©eo? ^ fiov TTpo? v/Aa?, /cal 7r€vd^a-a> iroXXov^; rcdv TrpOTj/jiapTrjKOTCov, , '^ ^ /cal /u,^ fL€Tavor)(Tdvra>u eirl ry dKadapaia kov iropveia koX daeXyeia ^ eirpa^av. '*-■'-' ''<^-' ^ 13 °TPITON TovTO epxofuu tt/jo? v/^?* cttI ar6fiaro<; hvo fjuap- o xii. i4; / \ « /I / « » ^ _ / \ Num. XXXV. 2 Tvpayv Kat, rpicou oTautja-erai irav prjfia. p TrpoeiprjKa kul irpo- 30 ; Dent. XeyWf dxi iraptjuv to BevTepov, koX dTToov vvv ypdxfxD, rot? irpo- ^J^\'i^'. rjfiapTtjKoaL kcu toa? XotTrot? Trdxrip, oti> edv eXdco ek to TrdXip, JJ*";"^'"' 8 0V €iaofiai,' '•eTTcl BoKLfirjv J^rjrelTe tov ev ifiol XaXoOuro? viu. 17 ; 4 XpioTov, 69 €49 i'/xa9 ov/c dcBevel, dXXd Bwarel iv vfjuv. ^koX ^ ^j' gl. ♦yap el €<; ©eoO* q Matt.x.20, KoX yap TjfieU dadepovfiev ev avro), dXXd ^rjaofjceda avv avrw 1 p^t. iii'is! ^ 6 €K BvvdfMeayi Seov ek v/JLd<;» ■eairroi^ 7ret,pd^eTe el iare eV tJ • iCor.xi.28; TTiVret, eavTov^i BoKLfid^ere' rj ovk eTnyLvdoaKere eawTOL'9, OTt 6 ^Ir)aov<; XpiaTO^; ev v/jlIv eariv ; el fi-qri dBoKL/jLol iare. eXTrl^m 7 Be OTt yv(oaeaOe on r^fielf; ovk eafiev dBoKL/Mot. ei/^o/JLUL Be Trpof TOP OeoVf /iirj TTOirjacu vfidi Kaxov firjBev, ov)(^ Xva r)/jLelav(o/JLev, ttW' iva v/xel^; to KaXov iroLrjre, r]p,el<; Be 0)9 dBoKifiot * xu 30 ; 8 (Ojxev. ov yap ovvafieua ti Kara rrja> is probably an interpolation. not know by these proofs, that Jesus Christ dwelleth 3. The false teachers had questioned the in- in you ? unless indeed ye are destitute of these '• spiration of S. Paul. He now reminds them of proofs. the proofs which he had given of it by working 6. aSSKifioi here and in ver. 5. means, without miracles among them ; and tells them in ver. 5. proof of divine power. to examine themselves, whether they had proof 7. / pray that I may not he obliged to inflict of Christ being in them by miraculous gifts. any evil on you : or, that you may not do any evil. 3. hvparii, shews his power by the miracles I do not want to give proofs of my power by pu- which he enables me to work. nishing you. The reading is perhaps evx^p-fda. 4. This is inserted to shew, that it was Christ 8. For if you do well, I cannot exercise my who gave miraculous power to the apostles, power against you : there will be no need of it. 'E| aarOeveias means, the weakness of human na- 9. aadevw/xev. When we are not obliged to iure which he had assumed, as in 1 Pet. iii. 18. give proofs of our power. and therefore e/c ^wafx^ws 0eoC may mean, Ibid. KardpTiaiv. See 1 Cor. i. 10. 384 EUUT, UPOX KOPINSIOT^ B. [k.. is. TOVTO ravra airayv ypd\j « » / v*/~\^ «>/ \>/ xyls- avTO OVK effTiv &\Ko. The false teachers wished to join the Law and the Gospel, and told the Galatians, that this was the real gospel, to which they were called. S. Paul says, that this is not the gospel at all, and therefore cor- rects himself in having spoken of it as another gospel. Ibid. €t fii) is here used for aAA^, as in Matt. xii. 4 ; Luke iv. 27 ; 1 Cor. vii. 17 ; Rev. ix. 4. 8. Trap' h is generally rendered contrary to what : Whitby prefers beside what. Ibid, avddefia and avadrfixa means properly something set apart : but avddrjfJLa is generally taken in a good sense for a votive offering, or thing consecrated; avaBefxa in a bad sense for a thing devoted to curses. See Rom. ix. 3; 1 Cor. xvi. 22. K.^. 1, 2.3 EniSTOAH nPOS TAAATAX. 387 €1 TL<: vfid<: evayyeXi^eraL Trap b TrapeXd/Sere, avdOefia earo). 10 ^dprt yap dvdpJ]V TTOTt' iv tu> ^lovBalapM^ on KaO^ xrrrep^oXrjv eBidiKov yLm.\; \ ■> ^ t «*/:i'« \ t ' a •> ' \ ' xxvi. 9 ; 14 Tt)v eKKk'qcuiv Tov tyeovy xav eiropifovv avn^v xat, irpoeKCTrTOv ^hw. m. 6. €v To> *IovBaia-/JM irrrep ttoWoi^ avvT)'KLKL(OTa Act. ix.iSj 16 fM^Tpo? fioUi Ka\ KaKiaad t?)? ;(;aptT09 avrov, "^diroKaXv- uom. 1. 1 ; -^o* TOV vlov avTOV iv ifwl, iva evayyeXL^cofiat avTov iv to?? •'^I^; ' *• 17 €6v€ >^ >^^»2 Cor. iv. 6 ; rjX&ov et? lepoaoXvfui wpos is probably an interpolation. 21. Compare Acts ix. 26 — 30; xxii. 17 — 16. (TapKl Kal a'lfiaTu Compare Matt, xvi. 21. 17; 1 Cor. XV. 50; Eph. vi. 12; Heb. ii. 14. 23. evayyeXi^eTai. This seems to shew, that S. Paul therefore was not instructed by Ana- S. Paul preached the gospel while he was in Bias. ^ Cilicia. See Acts xv. 23, 41, 17. 'Apa^tav. See note at Actsix. 19. cc2 388 EmUTOAH [K6(/>. 2. Sia Sefcareaadpcov ircov ttoXlv ave^rjv eh 'lepocroXv/jua fMcra Bapvd/3a, avjinrapaXa^oov koX Tlrov dve^rjv he Kara diro- 2 KoXv^jrLv, Kol dve6efM7}u aurot? to evayi' \ ' >«>/ ix. 1. rjXue lleTp09 et9 ApTLo^eoav, KaTa irpoacoTrov avT(p avTea-TTfv, ^IdK(ii^o<; Kal K7)f- 4. Sia Se Tois. And this was done, i. e. I refused to have Titus circumcised, on account of the false brethren ivho introduced themselves into our meetings. 5. rp inroray^, by submitting to them. Ibid, ah-fideia.' See ver. 14 ; iii. 1 ; v. 7. S. Paul's was the true gospel, which proclaimed faith in Christ as sufficient 6. The sentence seems to be imperfect after thai Tt. Grotius savs, that S. Paul meant to add ov^ey vpocre\afi6fji.rjv, but that altering the form, and repeating ot SoKovvres, he says ouSev irpocravedevTO. Hombergius thinks that the sentence is complete, and interprets uTrh ruu SoKovi/Twi/ ovSeu fioi Siaas. Ibid. 'AvTbSxfKtv. This vi&it of Peter to Antioch is not mentioned in the Acts. It pro- K.^. 2.] nPOX TAAATAX. 389 12 on. KaTeyvaxTfievo^ ^v. irpo tov yhp iXSeTv Tiva<: aTrb 'IaK(o- Qov. f^€ja^ rtav eOvSiV awi]a6iev' ore he rjkOoVy irrrea-reWe koI 13 d<; 55? icoX OVK ^lovhaCxm, rl ra edvq dvajKd^eif; 'lovBat^etv ;" 16 'Hixet? Svaet ^lovSaloi, koI ovk eP eOvwv daaproAol, ^etSore? = 'i'>- ^i; . „ \R ^ P8al.cxliii.2 J OTt ov BiKaiovTai dv6pciyTro<; i^ epycov vofJLOv, edv firj Bid irlcrTecofi Rom. i. 17 ; *Ir}aov Xpia-rov, kcu rj/jLeh €i? Xpiarbv 'Irjaovv iirtaTevaafiev, "'" ' ipa BiKauodcjfJLev ck TrtWeo)? Xpiarov, koX ovk e^ epywp vo/nov' 11 Biori, ov BiKOKodqaerai ef €pya)v vofwv irdaa adp^. el Be ^rf- a Rom. vi. T0vvT€' drredavoVf iva 0ep f/jo-o). 10. bably took place, A.D. 46, after S. Paul's re- turn from the council, and before his second journey. Mark perhaps accompanied him. See Acts xv. 87. 11. Kori •Kp6iruiroy is said to mean secundnm speciem, in appearance or pretence, by Cliry- sostom and Jerom : but the usual interpretation of openly, publicly, is supported by Eisner, Rapiiel, Krebsius. In Deut vii. 24. we have OVK ayTiariiatTai ovSds Kara •irp6, not to the Law, but by the Law. The Law denounces death : and if it were not for the Law, i. e. for positive ordinances, the sinner would not be condemned to death. See Rom. iii. 20; iv. 15; v. 13; vii. 7; 1 Cor. xv. 56. S. Paul therefore says. In consequence of the Law, I was condemned to death by the Law, that I might be restored to life by God. The only consequence of the Law is, that I became subject to the sentence of death ; from which there was no escape : but I am restored to life by the mercy of God, who accepts my faith in Christ. This construction of the dative may be seen in Rom. vi. 2, 10, 11 ; viii. 24; 2 Cor. v. 15; X. 4; Gal. v. 25; Eph. ii. 1 ; iv. 23 ; \ Pet ii. 24 ; iii 18 ; iv. 6. sm ^Vt<-*^ «i.4; V. 24; vi. 14; Rom. vi. 6 ; Eph. V. 2; Tit. ii, ]4. f Heb.vii.ll «v. 7. h Act. ii.38; viii. 15 ; XV. 8 ; Eph. i. 13. i 2 Joh. 8. w Gen. XV. 6 : Eom. iv. 3; Jac. ii. 23. I Rom. iv. 11, 12, 16. "1 Gen. xii.3: x\iii. 18; xxii. 18; xxvi. 4; Act. iii. 25. n Deut. xxvii. 26. o ii. 16; Hab. ii. 4 ; Rom. i. 17 ; iii. 20 ; Heb. X. 38. aTavc EnUTOAH [Kf. 2, 3. ^XpKTTM a-vv€/jbevo<;. ^tovto /xovov Oekw fiaOelv d(f v/jumv, ef 2 epycov v6/jbov to irvev/Lua iXd^ere, rj ef aKorrj^;^ 7ri(TTe(i)9 ; ovra^ 3 dvorjTOL ecrre ; ivap^dfievoi irveviiari, vvv aapKl eirireXelcrde ; ^rooravra iirdOere elKrj ; et ye teal elKrj. 6 ovv iTTL'^oprjycov vfuv 4 TO TTvev/Jia, KoX ivepywv Bvvdfiei<; iv vfuv, i^ epycov vojjlov rj i^ uKor]<; TTiarewf; ; ^Ka6a)<; ^A^paajju irrla-Tevae rS ©eS, teal eXo- 6 ylcrOri avrw eh BcKatoa-vvrjv. KyLvwa-Kere apa on ol e/c 7riareci)<;i 7 ovTol elaiv viol ^A^pad/jb, ^irpolBova-a Be rj ypa(j>7} on iic irlcr- 8 Teo)9 BtKaioL TO, eOvT) 6 0eo9, irpoewr^yyeXlaaTO rS ^A^paafju, '"On ivev\oyr)6ri(TOVTat iv a-ol irdvra rd edvi]'^ axrre ol iK 9 Tricrreoi)?, evXoyovvrac ervv rat TrccTTm ^A^padfi. oaoL yap e'f 10 epywv vo/JLOV eicnv, viro Karapav eL^ / «/ / f\f« / xxi. 23 ; paaev €/c r/;? KaTapa<; rov vo^ov, yevo/Mevo<; xmep r)ficop Karapa' Rom. viii. 3; f^iypaTTTcu yap^'^Kvi^Kardparo^ ira^ 6 KpepAfievool, Kara dvOpwirov Xeyw, o/xo)? dvOpcoTrov ineh.ix.n. \C Kedvpioaevnv BiaOntcnv ovSeU dderel n einhuiTd^aeTai' ^rw Se ' ver. 8 ;^'^^ '>«0 ^ ' 'Zl ' ' >/ V - ' ' - ,Gen. xii. 7; Appaafi €ppr)ori c>\« / »"v f* >r "«" \ »^_ Rom. X. 12; Cveou e oaov ^(povov 6 KXr}pov6/j,o<; 4 xiix!'iO; vrjiTLo^; €(TTLV, ovBev Bta(f)epet BovXov, Kvpio^i irdvToov wv dXXd 2 E^'h r 10^ ' ^^ einrpoirov^ earl Kal oIkovo/jlov^, ouxpv t?}? irpoOeafiui^ rod nu. 26; irarpo'^. ^ovray Kal rjixeh, ore rjiiev vrjinoi, virb t^ o-Tot;j^e2a 3 f^i^^ g*Rom. viii. "^^^ KOCT/JLov Tjfiev BeBovXwjievoL' *0T€ Be rjXOe TO irXrjpcoiJLa tov 4 r 15- 'xpovov, e^awecTTeCXev 6 ©eo? tov vlov avTOV, yevofxevov m yvv- b Rom. viii. n rvom. Vlll. \ / t \ r er/ \ f \ f ti^^' ■ / f/ ,. 16, 17. aiKotJLfvov. The in a place from which they cannot get out. Ets passage confirms the doctrine of Christ being TTji/ fieWova-av k. t. A. means until the faith born of a virgin. which was to come was revealed. 5. vloQeariav. See iii. 27. 24. iTai8ayary6s. The metaphor is taken from 6. 'AjSySa. Alberti considers this an allusion a father committing his children to a pedagogue, " ad familiarem ac blandam puerorum vocem, as was the custom anciently. The Law, which qua Patrem compellant, etiam balbutiendo." constantly reminded men of their transgressions. See Rom. viii. 15. and their inability to obtain eternal life, pre- 7. The reading is probably KK'qpov6nos 8jo ^ pared them gradually for justification by faith. Qeov. 27. Xpiffrhu iy€$vaa€T€ TToXiv €7rl TO, oadevTi Kol iTTcoxck OTOix^la, oh irakLv avco- -^f*"^ 10 6ev BovXeveiv dekere ; ^rjfiepa^ 7rapaTT)pelo^ovfiai v/ia?, firiiroyi eiifrj KeKoirlaKa 12 TiveaOe eo? eyo), on Kay(o w? vfi€L<;, aSeX^l, BiofULL vfjuoiv. 13 ovSev ii€ TiBL/c^aaTe' "^olBare Be otl Bl aadeveiav tt}? crap/co? ^ * ^or. li.S; 14 €injyy€\ia-afj.ijv vfitv to T£pT^Vf ^Kau top Tretpaa-fj^ /jlov top » Mai. ii. 7. ^2^ cV T77 aapKi fjLOu ovk i^ovuevrjaare ovBe efeTTTWO^ a\X to? 16 ayyeXov Seov eBe^aade fie, o)? Xpiarov ^Irjaovv. rt? oui/ ?7V 6 fiaKapi(rpu)da\fj,oveiy ircUiv means to turn back : not that the making you trust to the Law, rather than to Galatians turned again to the Mosaic law, for faith in Christ : and they do this, not through they had never followed it before : but by any regard for you, but 'iva ainohi JVjAouTe, turning to it now, they went back, they lost that you may look up to them as objects of ground, when compared with the progress which envy. For 'Iva with an indicative see 1 Cor. iv. 6. they had made in the gospel. Fell. But see v. 1. 18. KaX6v. This wish of theirs, to be looked 10. Some put a note of interrogation after up to as an object of envy, is good in a good iviaxTTovs. cause : and I should wish you to look up to 12. T'lvfcrQe ws iydo. These are expressions me ; but not only while I am among you. of intimate friendship. See 2 Chron. xviii. 3. 20. avopov/xai. I am perplexed : I canhardlj Ibid. owSeV fie r)SiK()/>>\ \^ /fr\« 0L//ii,>\-v «»7-«v / '/„ Col. iu. 11. eKoe')(Ofieua. °€V yap JLpL(rra> Irjaov ovre irepLrofirj ri La')(yei, 6 " "'* ^•' 9i ovre dKpo^vG-rla, dXXd TriVrt? Bl dyd7rr}vpafjM Xp^ol. ^iyo) Treiroida el<: vfiaol, el TrepirofjLrjv en KTjpvcre'Kov, Koi diroKoyfrovTCU oi dva iCor.viii.9; TTjv ekevBeplav eU a<^pfir]v rfj aapKi, aXKa BicL rrj^ drfdin}^ 2 Pet. \ 19 ; 14 Bovkevere aWnXot?. ''O yap 7rd<: i/6uo? iv evl Xoyw ttXv f^^' ^' , ^ , , \ / r t Lev.xix.l8; 16 povraiy ev tod, * Ayainjaei^ rov ifkrjaLOV aov co? eavrov.* El Matt. vii. 12 ; Be d\Xi]\ovfi BoKvere kuI Kareadlere, ^Xeirere firf viro dXXi]- Rom. xL 9-, Xtov dvaXa>eijTeJ Of . . v-' • 4. Jac- H. «. 16 ^Aeyco Sc, irvevpxLTt irepnraTeiTe, koI eTriOvfilav (rapKo<; o^ ''Rom.vi.i2; 17 firj reXecnrre, '1} 7^^ adp^ hnOvfjuel Kara rov 7n/eu/xaT09, to xi'i! ul'^^' Be TTifevfia Kara t^? aapKor ravra Bk dvruceirac dXXrjXoc^, Xva J^^* "* ^^\fhia>pfiaKeuij exOpai, l/oet?, ^jXol, 6v/jLol,^pLdeLat, BL')(paTa^ [at, at- vi. 9;,'yir'VvM '■^^^ 21 peaet^i, °6vol, fie6aL,'Ka>fiot,, koI rd ofioia rovroL^' & irpO' cdi. iJ.'s'. ' jjd* Xeyo) vfitv, KaOw^ koi. rrpoehrov, on oi rd roiavra irpda-aovre^ \T' '"' ^'*' 22 QaGLXeiav Seov ov icXrfpovofirja-ovaLV. p6 Se Kap7r6<; rov irvev- "Apoc.^xii. « fULro^i ecrnv dydirrf, ^a/ja^ ^IpjjvTj, fJuaKpoOvfiia, xpV^^orrjf;, l^J^X/g-^'^' 23 dr/aOcoavvrjf irian^, 7rpd6r7j(;, eyKpdreca' ^xard rwv roLovrwv ^°'- '"• i^ „^ » V r ,. ' S'V « -V « \ / , / I 1 Tim. 1,9. 24 OVK eon vofjLO^, ^oi oe rov Apiarov, rrjv aapKa earavpcocrav , ^ 20 • 25 ain/ Tot? TradijfjLaa-c xal raU e7n6vfiuiL<;. *Kl ^cofiev irvevixarty ^°": 7^'^^^v^'-^^ 26 rrvev/Man koI crT0V)^5ip.ev. ^firj yivatfieOa kcvoBo^ol, dXXi]Xov<; * Rom. -nu.s J ^^ ' Q 7rpoKaXov/jL€VOt, dXXT]XoL.6. KarapTL^ere top tolovtov iv irvev^aTL irpaorriTO^, crKoirjav cre- » 1 ThesB. avTov /jLT) kol (TV TTeLpaadfj^. ^aXKrfKodV ra /Sdpr) ^aara^ere, 2 1 joh!iv.2i. >«:at ouTG)? dva7r\r)pco(TaTe tov voixov ^tou Xpiarov. ^el yap 8 X 1 cor.viii.2. gQ^gj Tt? eluat Tt, LLTiBev MV, kavTOV (bpevaTTard' Yro Se epyop ^ ylCor.xi.28; , ^ 5^ ^, ,, v , ^S , v' , y' ^ 2 Cor. xiii. 5. CaVTOV OOKLfjLa^€T(i> eiCa(TrO<;, KUV TOTE 669 eUVTOV flOVOV TO KttV- 1 Psal.lxii.l2; %^/^a ^^^^) f^^^ OU/C €1? TOV €TepO^' ^6ICa/vj/^/>\ \/ J Col. iii. 11. ovTe TrepLTOfiT} Ti i^yyei, ovTe aKpopya-TUi, aXka Kauvrj KTi^i<;./jjJji^ Psai cxivS- '^'^^^ *^^^^ '^^ /cai/oi^t TOUTft) ^ ii. 29 ; f^al eX,eo9, KoX iirl TOV ^laparfK tov Qeov. «2Cor.iv.io. ^Tov XoLTTov, KOTTov; fiot /MTjBeU '7rape')(eT(i)' iyd) ydp ra 17 1. (TKOTrwv. He first addressed them in the 12. evirpoffw/rrjcrai, speciose apparere, IcBte lau-\ plural, irvevfiaTiKoi he now addresses each of teque vivere. Eisner. He understood S. Paul ' them. to mean, that these false teachers wished to 2. /3a(rT<£f'eT€. This does not contradict ver. escape persecution, and therefore to make a 5. Each person is to be judged for his own fair show to the Jews, by enforcing the Law of sins: but he is not to try to lighten his own Moses. burden, by making that of his neighbour Ibid, r^ aiavp^. If they had preached, heavier : he should rather try to lighten his that salvation could only be obtained by faith neighbour's sins. in a person who was crucified, they would have 4. els eavrhv (x6vov. He shall have rejoicing been persecuted by the Jews. in himself alone, and not in comparing himself 13. Kavxh^fovrai. They would boast to the with another. Jews of being so zealous for the Law. 11. irrjhlKois ypdfjLfiaffi. Chrysostom and 15. rl i(rx^fi' The reading is probably ri Theophylact understood this to mean, with iariu. what kind of letters, as if the writing was very Ibid. Kaiv^ Kriais. Whoever believes in bad : so also Doddridge, Whitby. But ypd/j.- Christ, is supposed to have died with him, and fiara means an epistle in Acts xxviii. 21, and then to rise again with him ; so that he is born our version, how large a letter, is followed by or created again, and begins a new life. Beza, Le Clerc, Beausobre, Wolfius. S. Paul 16. oL dfirjv, IIp6/ t '^ £\ '^ \f« \b Gal. i. 8: 2 Irjaov X"P*' ^f^''^ '^°^ €ip7]vrj airo tyeov 7raTpo't- " / »«»'?> / f Matt. iii,17. 6 avrov, *e(,9 errauvov 60^9 T7;9 %a/?tT09 avrov, ev rj e')(apLra)aev ^.^^ ^ 7 r)/jM<; iv TO) i^aTrrjfiivtp' ^iv o5 e^ofiev rrjv diroXvrpwcnv 8ta "i. 8, 16-, fs e/ y ^ \ yf a ^ f \^ Act, XX. Ln \ rov aiuarof; avrov, rrjv acpeaiv rcov TrapaTrrco/jLarcov, Kara rov coi. i. U; G ^ ^ «/ y L T i / i f m , / lPet.i.18,19: 8 TTAOirrov T7;9 x^piros avrov, 7)9 errepuraevcrev et9 r)fjLa<;, ev irady ^^^ ^^ jj 9 aoSia Kol pov^(xei,, ^yvayplaa^i rj/niv to /ivar'^ptov rov ^eX?;- *> "i- 9 ; *.« vx>5./ >«A //J j»« Rom.xvi.25; fuiro XptarS, rd re ev to?? ovpavoc}9* ^ev avTM, ev S kol eKXrjpcoOTjfiev, 7rpoopt(T6eine\A « cz * /-\ \ r^ -rr i f/N»r « lThe8s.i.2; eT^"* TWl' 'TTpO(jeV")((xiV puOV LVa O C?e09 TOU KvpLOV tJfJLCOV Ilf](TOV 17 2 Thess. 1. 3. XpLcrrov, 6 TTarrjp rrj<; Sof ?;9, §«»; vyLCti/ irvevfUL aoj)ia -b> tiv.i2i5 16- ®^ f^ovov.ev TO) aioiVL rovrw, aXka Kau ev r(p [leWovri' "/cat 22 V. 23, 30; ,jj-^pTa vTTeraPev viro rov^ rroBa^ avrov' ^Kal avrov eScoKe Ked)- Rom. xu. 5 ; y , v , „ , / r/ > v % « , « n Col. i. 18; a\r)V VTrep iravra rrj eKKXrjcTLa, rjn'; eari ro acofjua avrov, ro 23 u Col. ii. 13. 7rXtJ/9ft)/Aa rov iravra ev rrd(TL irXrjpovfievov. ^Kal vfMd<; 6vra6riixev. We have been reckoned, or is not necessary to be thus critical in the lan- have obtained a share. See Acts xvii. 4 ; Col. guage of S. Paul. i. 12. Many MSS. read iK\i)Qi}fj.iv. Ibid. 6 irKoxnos rijs S<$|7jy, the glorious riches, 12. Trpot]KTriK6ras is applied to the Jews by (see iii. 16.) Ti]s K\r}p. iv roh aylois. Of the Raphel, Macknight, Fell, Pyle : but it may lot which he has distributed among the saints : mean generally those who were the first to be- i. e. of the inheritance prepared for Christians. lieve. 19. /caret t^v iyepyeiav. With respect to the 13. iu ^ is the same as in ver. 11. In which effect. state also are ye Ephesians. 20. iirovpaviois may mean, in spiritual things, Ibid. Tri(TTiva)Ti(T/x4vovs Tohs 6(p. T. 5. V. etSeVat rls this, is in ver. 5. K. r. A. the construction is grammatical : but it K««^. 2] nPO^ E^EHIOTS' 401 2 P€Kpov<; Tot? TrapaiTTcofjLaai koX raU dfiapriaifij *eV ah 7roT^«v. 6; a 7r€pL€TraTT^a-aT€ Kara top aiayva rov Koafiov rovrov, Kara rov joh. xii. iif apxovra -nj^ e^ovaia^ rov a€po<;, rov Trvevfiaro^ rov vvv evep- ^J{ ^j .' 5 yovvTo<; ev roh vloU t^9 direideLar lev oh koI rjp.eh Trai/re? *^"'- '"•.^'^• dv€(rTpdva€i, 6pyr]<;, &>? koi oi Xolttol' *o Bk 0€O9, 7r\oi5o-to9 » Rom »• 12. wv €v iXeet, Bid rrjv iroWrjv dr/diTrjv avrov rjv "^dTrrjaev 6 VH-d<;, *Kal ovra^ Tjfidf; V€Kpov ^Irjaov' tW ^°^"^^'^'* ivSei^TOri iv toi<; aloyai roh i7r€p)(p/jL€V0L<; rov vircp^aXKovra irKovrov 77)9 yapLroff avrov iv '^prjarorrjrt e^' ?7yLta9 ev Xpurrw |'Rom.ui,24; 8 iTjaov °rrj yap y^apirC eare creaeoafievoi oia rri<; iriarecofi' Titns lii. 5. 9 Ka\ rovro ovk ff vfia>v, Oeov to BA »>/ v-vr A Titus ii. 14. 12 ;^€t/307rot»7TOU, *OTt ^6 ev rco xaipo) eKeivqt %a)/)t9 Xpiarov, . v. 8 • dirrjXKorpKop.evoL t^9 iro\ir€ia6repa ev, Kal to fieaoroi'^^ov Gai. iii. 28. 16 rod par/fiov \vaa<;, ^rrjv e-^dpav iv rfj aapKL avrov, rov vofiov col^n'^u ^' ra>v ivroXcov iv Boypuai Karapyqaa^' Xva rov<; Bvo Krlaj) ez/ • Rom. vi. 6; r»»»c/ ^"/j «>/ i\» -v viii. .3 ; 16 eavrw €t9 eva Kacvov avapcinrov, irouov eip'^vrjv' ^Kai airoKaraX- coi. i. 20. Xd^ roiff; dad)orepov > « V 'v w /i\ ) / cxlviii. 14; 17 aTTOKreiva'i rrjv €)(upav ev avrat' ^KaL eXucov einjyyeXuraro Esa. ivii. 19. 1. irapairrtinaffu In consequence of your 1 Thess. iv. 7. sins. See Rom. vi. 2. 14. The wall which separated the court of 2. alwva may perhaps be personified here, as the Gentiles. See Ezech. xliv. 7 ; Acts xxi. it was by the Gnostics, who gave the name of 28 ; 1 Mace. ix. 54. JEons to the beings who emanated from God. 15. tV %x'^pav is either the enmity between See Tit. i. 2. for the common meaning of Jew and Gentile, or the enmity which existed oXav. between the Gentiles and God : probably the Ibid, aepos. Eisner proves that both Jews latter : see Col. i. 21 ; Rom. v. 10 ; viii. 7. It and Gentiles believed the cur to be peopled by is governed by Karapyfiaas. spirits. Ibid, ruv ivToXSiv iv SSyfiaai. Of command- Ibid. Tov ■KVivixaros. The more natural con- ments consisting in decrees. The law which con- struction would be rb wvevfia. tained, these was the cause of the separaD'on be- 6. y^nd in spiritual matters has assembled us tween Jew and Gentile. all together in Christ. See i. 3, 10. i6. iv ^yl adfioTu His own body. See Col. 7. To7s alaai ruts iirepxofA.evois. In the pe- i. 22. riod which is now coming on. See Heb. ii. 5. Ibid, iv out^, i. e. r^ o'TavpQ. J»5rom, 8. Xva fjii) Tis. So that no one can boast. Wolf. 10. iirl ipryois aya6oTs, as ivl aKadapaief, in Dd 402 Eni^TOAH [K,cp. % a t"I" ^^'o €lpi]vrjv vfitv Tot9 fULKpdv KoX Tot? iy^ix;^ ^otl Zl avrov evoiiev 18 Jon. X* y J \ v r 1 / ^^ xiv. 6 ; Trjv irpoa-a^oiyr^v oi a/i(f)OT€poL iv evl Trvevfj^an ttdo? top irar- Rom. V. 2;/ v "Vj/jvc-/ \ / ,v Heb. X. 19, ^P^' ^P^ °^^ 0VK6TL ecTTe ^€voi KUL TTapoiKot, aWa avfiTroXLTai, 19 m^Psai ^^^ a7iCDi/ Kol olfcecoL Tov Oeov, "" eTTOLKoBo^rjOevre^i iirl rw Be- 20 cxvui. 22 ; fieXm T(ov aTTOdToXcdv KoX TTpoctijTcov, oWo? oLKpoyoDVialov Esa. xxviii. »«>■»■ '^v «n''?« f'^\ 16; Matt. CLVTOv Irjaov JLpC(TTOv, " €V o) TTacra 7/ OLKOOO/Jirj (Tvvapjj,o\oyov- 21 rcon^ii, /^^^ "^f^^ ^^'^ ^«^^ ^7*01^ eV KvpLO), °iv w kol vfji6i<; avvouKoho- 22 1 Pe%iV 5- P'^^^^^' ^^'^ KaTOLK7)rrjpiop TOV @€ov iv 7rv€Vfiari. Apoc.xxi.U.* ^TOTTOT %a/3fcj' iyo) IlavXo^ 6 Seafito^ tov XpcaTov 'Irj- 3 1 Cor! Hi. ^^^ ^'^^P ^P'^v Twz^ eOvoiV ^el-ye rjKovo-aTe ttjv otKovofJLiav Trj / « /-» '^ \ c^ /i « \ \ r i 9 • ''"^^ ocopeav rr?? ')(apiTo *. / -v '» « xr <» u v j / / Gal. i. 11, 12. ^^^ av€^L')(yuiaTov irXovTOV TOV XpcaTOV, ^ Kav cpcoTLaac TravTas 9 • Col. i. 26. Tt9 ■»7 KOLvcovla TOV fivo-TTjplov TOV diTOKeicpvfJb^hov diro TCOV Gal. iii. 14,*28, 29. u Rom. i. 5. ' Act. ix. 15 ; xiii. 2 ; xxii. 21 ; xxvi. 17 ; 1 Cor. xv. 9 ; Gal. i. 16 ; 1 Tim. i. 13 ; 2 Tim. i. 11. y i. 9 ; Rom. xvi. 25 ; Col. i. 16, 26 ; Tit. i. 2, 3 ; Heb. i. 2 ; 1 Pet. i. 20. 17. Tois iyyvs. To the Jews. They were near, 2. e'^ye occurs in iv. 21; Gal. iii. 4; Col. i. as being already in covenant with God. 23. It might be translated if, or since : but in 1 8. iu ev\ irvevfxari. Both Jews and^entiles every case S. Paul seems to mean that they received the same Spirit. See iv. 3. might or ought to have done this or that. 19. He is still alluding to the former separa- Ibid, rrjv oIk. k. t. \. The means used by lion of Jews and Gentiles, and the exclusion God for dispensing the favour bestowed upon you of the latter from the temple. He tells them, which has been committed to me. that they now were admitted to all the privi- 3. rh fiva-r-fipiou. This was the equal ad- leges {(TvfnToX7rai) of the Jews, and belonged to mission of Jews and Gentiles, as is said in ver. the temple {oIk^Ioi) of God. He then con- 6. Many MSS. read iyvwpia-OT). tinues the same idea in a metaphor, and con- Ibid. iTpoeypai\ia iv oKiycfi. I have written sider^ Jews and Gentiles as actually forming before in a few words. He had mentioned the one common temple. admission of the Gentiles in several parts of the 20. aKpoywviaiov. Jesus Christ is supposed two first chapters. to be the corner stone, which holds together all 5. iv is perhaps an interpolation. the different stones, i. e. Jews and Gentiles. 6. This is the fiva-T-fipiov mentioned in ver. 3. 22. Into which temple ye also are built to- Avtov is perhaps an interpolation. gether with the Jews, so as to make a building in 7. rriv SoQelaav. The best MSS. read t^s tvhich God dwells by his Spirit. God was said Sod€iar)s. to dwell in the Jewish temple, and he is now Ibid, ivepyeiav. In allusion to the mira- said to dwell in the hearts of all Christians, be- culous assistance of the Spirit. See 1 Cor. cause the Holy Spirit dwells there. xv. 10 ; Gal. ii. 8. Chap. III. 1, Tovtov x"P'»'- On account 8. i\axi(rT0Tep(p. A comparative from the of the equal admission of Jews and Gentiles. superlative : less than the least : so fiei^orepav, S. Paul was apprehended at Jerusalem, and 3 John 4. Sextus Empiricus has eXaxto'TtJ- sent to Rome, because he preached this doc- totos, ix. p. 627. trine. He does not finish the sentence here, 9. tIs t) Koivwvia rod ixvcrrripiov would mean, but resumes it in ver. 13 : we may, however, what is this participation of yours in the privileges supply ejyul in this place. See vi. 19, 20. of the gospel: see ver. 8 : but the true reading K^3,4.] nPO:S E^ESIOTS, 403 aliovwv ev rca Sew to) ra Trdvra KTiaairn hia 'Irjaov XpL- 10 arov' ^'iva yvcopiadf/ vvv Tal<; dp^al<; Kal rai^; i^ovia 11 Tov Seov, Kara irpodeaiv rS)V ala)vo)V, rjv iiroCrjcrev ev Xpi- 12 oTft) ^Irjaov Tot Kvpi

e)(p/jL€V rrjv Trapprjalau '^ '\ui6', icai, TTjv 7rpoa-ary(ayT)v €V ireTTOiorjaec oia rrj'; TTwrreft)? avrov xvr. 6 ; 13 ''Sto alrovfiai, firj eKKcucelv iu rak OXiy^eal fJLov imep i'/awi^, SX J. 19. 14 ffrt? COT* Sofa vfjuov tovtov %a/3*i' Kafiirray rd fyovard /jlov ^} Thesa. 16 TTpo? TOV trarepa rov Kvpiov r)fi(i)V irjaov Xpiarov, e^ ov 16 Trdaa iraTptd ip ovpavolf; koI eVt 7^? opoad^erav' ^Tva Scow «= vi. 10 ;^ rt VN ^\. ~S'I- '-SJ' ' 2Cor. ivn6.\ v^LV, KUTa TOV ttKovtov Tt]fJui TOV Seov, 'toJ Be Bvvafievtp virep Trdvra TroLrjaat « Rom. xvi. trrrtp c/e Trepuraov u)v airovfieoa r) voovfiev, Kara rrjv bwafiLv j^i, 24. 21 ri)v ivepyovfiemjv iv tj^uv, avTM 17 Bo^a iv rfj iKKXrja-ia iv Xpurro) ^IrjaoVf €t9 nrdaa^ rd<; yeved^ rov aloovof; rS)v alo)vo)v, d^i']v. 4 ^TlAPAKAAfl ovv vfm^ iyo) 6 BeafjuLOi iv KvpLw, afiW phu.ila?; 2 irepiTrarrjaai rrj<; K\r]poavvr) ^ / /i ^ « ) /p> « / r « 1 Cor. xu. yu-a, Kau(oaiaVf kol eBcoKe Bojiara rok dv6pco7roL//D /> » \r/ \ /r) « > m Psai. -^ '^ ^^» aveprj, ri eariv ev fir) on /cat Karepr} irpwrov eLv » > > x s-x ' v 5^ 5- / Rom, xii. (pr)Ta> *^7r/909 Tov KarapTL(7fMov Twv OT^mv, eU ep^ov BiaKOVia^i, 12 2 Tim. 4, 5. ^i^ oiKoBojbirjv 70V a(o/LLaro<; rov Xpiarov' fMexpt Karavrrjo-ayfjiiv i^ V. 23 ; ' ol irdvTe^ eh ttjv horrjra Trj<; irLareco'; kol tt)^ €7rt,'yvco(reQ) '*/C»«>vc> /> > / ?-./ « 1 Cor. xii. 27; ^ov utou Tou fo'eov, 6^9 uvopa TeXciov, €49 fierpov r]Xi,KLa<; rov ^°^'^-^^' TrXrjpcofiaro'i tov XpiaTov' ^Xva fJb7]KeTb wjjbev vr)moL, kXvBw- 14: iCor.xiv.20; pc^o/jbevoL KOL irepi^epofievoi TravTL dvefjbw t% BLBa/3' » ' v v n TY) Kvpeia TO)!/ avupcoTTcov, ev Travovpyia rrrpof; ttjv fieuooecav «i. 22; T779 irXdvY]^' ^ dXrfOevovTe^ Be ev d'ydirri av^i]am/jbev ek avTov 15 Col. i! 18. T« irdvTa, 09 earLV rj Ke(baXr}, 6 Xpt/«- «/ « >>(>\ fjLepov<;, TrjV av^rjaiv tov aco/jLaTo<; iroieiTaL et9 OLKOOOfMrjv eavTOV ev dydrrrj. u Rom. i. TovTO ovv Xiyct) KoX fiapTvpofiat ev Kvplco, fir] Ken vfjba/c6. LXX, e\afies SSfiara iu avQpdirtp. irXdyiov wanep irv^vfiari irapaSiSovs eaindv. De The Syriac and Arabic versions support '4ZwKi. Aud. Poet. p. 106. 9. kvi^f]. He argues, that, if Christ ascended Ibid. /cujSei^. Such sleight as is used by into heaven, he must first have been on earth. gamesters. Fell. Ibid. TrpwTov is omitted in many MSS. Ibid, irphs t))v /xeO. According to the different Ibid. KardlfTepa. This may mean simply > £:\ ^ ^ \ \ u \ If >1 Thess. iv.5. koTpKDfievot. Trj<; ^a)7]<; tov tyeov, ova ttjv ayvoiav ri]V ovaav ev 19 avToUy Sia Trjv Trcopaxnv tt}? KapSia^; avroiV yomi/e? a-rr^jXyr]- y Rom. i. /core? eavTOv^i irapiScoKav r^ daeXyeia et? ipyaaiav uKaOap- 20 Trapopy kt/jlo) 2 Thess. iii. 2" Vfia>V, ^fl1]T€ BlSoTe TOTTOV T

'^(peiav e^ovTi. ^Tld^ X0709 E^k. vH. 13'; \» f. t f« \> ' a 'a-v'" Ixiii 10' (TaTTpo'i €/c TOV (TTOfuiTO^ vfjLOJv /jLt) eKTTopeveauco, aXX ev rt? 2 qo,_ j' 22 • dyad6<; 7rpo9 oIkoBo/jlt)v t^9 ypeia^j Xva Bay %a/3ti/ rot? ukov- ▼• *• _\\.v " ^ -^ \ tf «irk«>Th Col. iii. 19. SO ovat' ^Kai. fir) \1r7retTe to Trvevfui to aycov tov xyeov, ev ^,Mattvi.i4- iapayia6i)Te et' «>/ « / '^-v-v ^v vv.' xiii. 12 • '^^^'f €pyot<; T0t9 aKapiTOL^; TOV aKOTOv^, fiaXXov be Kai eXey- 1 ^o"^: ^' ® ' X^"^^' '^^ y^P f<^P^^V yf'VOfxeva vir avTwv ala'^pov eVrt koI 12 2 Cor. vi. 14; XeycLV "Ttt Be TTovTa iXeyvoiieva, viro tov 9 Kal 23 • Geniii^ie'^ XpL(rTO<; Ke<^aX7] t^9 iKKXrjcrla^, Kal avTo^; iaTL acoTrjp tov 1 Cor. a(Ofj,aT0<;' dXX wairep rj iKKXrjala viroTaaaeTaL tm XpLaTO), 24 Col. iii.'i8; ovTM Kal at yvvaLK€9 Tot9 lBlol<; dvBpdaiv iv TravTL. ^01 2b Tit. ii. 5;v^ j « \ « f « /l\ \«ir \ 1 Pet. iii. 1. avop€<;, cuyaTTaTe Ta<; yvvaLKa<; eavTwv, Kau(o<; KaL o XpLaT0<; ' *■ ^1' ^l : rjydTnjae Tr)V eKKXijaiav, kol eavTov irapeBwKev virep auT^9* Rom. xii. 5 ; I Cor. xi. 3 ; xii. 27 ; Col. i. 18, 24. g v. 2; Gal. i. 4 ; Col. iii. 19 ; 1 Pet. iii. 7. 4. evxapiarla. He is here giving rules xxvi. 19. (in the Hebrew) and Ix. 1. about their conversation, and advises them to 16. i^ayopa^Sfievoi. See Dan. ii. 8. iv' oAtj- accustom themselves to discourse of the praises delas olSa '6ri Kaiphp vfif7s i^ayopd^ere, I know of God. that you are seeking to gain time. So it pro- 5. €0-T6. Most MSS. read tar^. bably means here, making the most of the time ; 6. Let no man persuade you that such things seeking all opportunities of doing as much good are not wrong. as you can in this short and evil time. Fell. Ibid, vlovs. See 2 Thess. ii. 3. 19. rp KupSi^. Most MSS. read rots Kap- 9. irv^vfiaroi. The best MSS. read (pan 6s. Siais. 11. iheyxeiv is to discover, or bring to light, 21. 0^ov. Most MSS. read Xpi(rrov. as in Heliodorus, Beiyhs 5e 6 rrjs 8i/crjs ocpOaX/xhs, 22. viroTda-aeade is omitted in some MSS. fKiyXoiv KoL to afii)vuTa Kp6(pia Kal aQ4pnra 23. Kol avrSs. The reading is probably (pwri^wv. p. 397. avrhs (rwr^p 7ov (rdonaros. He, i. e. Christ, 13. ttSv yap. Some have translated it, for being the Saviour of the church, which is his that which makes every thing manifest is the body : and so every man ought to consult the light. good of his wife : see ver. 28. 14. This is not exactly a quotation from any 24. iSlois is omitted in many MSS. passage of scripture, though ii resembles Isaiah K*^. 5.6.1 nPOX E^ESIOTX. 407 26 ^iva avTTjp dyidcrr}, Kadapura<; r^ XompS rov vBaTO<; ep prj- »• Joh. m. 5; 27 fMiTi, ^'iva Trapaar tJot) avrrjv eavrw evSo^ov, rrjv ifCKkrja- lap TiuiL &; y V »»> * » 'C V « ' •'v-v' '/ 1 Pet. Hi. 21. fjLTj e^ovoap (TTTiXop fj pvTioa rj rv r€L\.ov(np ol dpBp€• 24 ; irpoaKoWrjOrjaerat, 7rp6<; ttjp yvpaiKa airrov, Kal eaoprac ol 1 Cor. vi. 16. 82 Bvo €19 cdpKa fiLUP.' To fiu(TTi]pcop TOVTO /JLcya iaTlp' iyoa 88 Sk Xeyo) eh Xptarop, koI et? ttjp iKKXrjalap. ttXtjp Kal v/jLel Deut. vi. €/>€?, /Lti7 Trapopyi^CTe Ta TeKPa vfMOP, aXX eKTpecpere avTa coi. lii. 21. €P iraihela Kal povdeala Kvplov. pC0i.iii.22; *^ f / * r / V , \ ,f ITim. vi, 1; 6 ^Oi oovXoi, vTraKovere to*? KvpioL > > '^ \ Col.iii.24,25: /cat vyMP avT(i)P o Kvpio<; earip ep ovpapoi<;, Kai irpoaoairO' jv. 1 . Xrjy^la OVK ecTTL Trap avrw. ^^ ^®*' *• ^^* 10 To XoiTTOP, dBeX \ \ \ jt- / \ \ xiv. 30 ; aXXa 7rpo9 Ta? a,p')(ja,^y 7rpo<; Ta? e^ovaLav. The allusion is evident Ibid, opx"^ ^^^ i^ovaiai mean angels in i. to Gen. ii. 23. We arefiesh of his flesh, and bone 21 ; iii. 10 ; Col. i. 16 ; ii. 15 ; Rom. viii. 38. f^ his bone. Ibid. KOff^oKparopas. Our Saviour calls the 40^ Eni^TOAH nPO^ E^E^IOTS. [Keep. 6. fjiOKpdropaf; rod (tkotov^ tov aloivo >' / «> ... r r> >/ >\ »•. iThess.v.s' '''^^^ TTooa? €V eTOLfiao-LCL TOV cvayyeKLOv Tr] hwrjaeaOe irdv- y Heb.iv.i2; ra Ttt /ScXt; TOV irovrjpov TO, Treirvpcofjueva a^ecrai' ^kol ttjv n ii. 16; ' irepLKe^cCKaiav tov awTrjpiov Be^aorde, koI Tr)V fid'XjcLipav tov TMatt TTvevfiaTO^, 6 iaTL prjfjua ©eov' ^Sta Trdo-rj^ irpoa-evxv^ kol Ber]- 18 xxiv. 42 ; trec!)? 'TTpocrev^ofievoL iv TravTi Kaipo) iv TrvevfiaTi, koI et? avTo XXV. 13; />> « ,/ * / \c>/v Lu. xviii. 1 ; TOVTO or^pviTVOvvTe^ €V iraarj 7rpo(TKapTepi]aet Kai oerjaei irept Bom. xii. 12; / «f/ f, \ t \ y r^ r/ S'^'a' 'in Col. iv. 2 ; '^(IVTWV TWV Or^KOVy ^KUL VTTCp CflOV, IVa jJLOL 00U6L7] \oyO<; CV 19 iinew.v.i/. avoi^ei TOV aTo/jLaTO« / »5"-va'> »> A t CLVTQ) Trapprjataa-cofjiai,, &)? oet fie XaXyjaai,. xxviii. 20 ; ^'Iva Be elBriTC Kol viieLea-L0vaP€pois iv Xpiarat yeveadat, iv oX,y rcS irpai- 14 T(api(fi Koi TOt? X^tTToi? iraaiy koX rova}V ip Kvpicp TrcTToidoTaf; rot? Sea/not? fiov TreptaaoTepay; rokfiav 15 d(f>6^(o€p€iP T0t9 Bca/JLol^ fwv ol Be ef dryaTrrj^!, elBore^ 18 OTi €19 diroXoylap tov evayyeXiov Kel/juii,. ti yap ; 7r\T)p irapTL Tpoir^, etT€ 7rpo 2 Cor. i. ii . TovTo fioi diro^'^aeTcu et? aamjpuiv Bed t/)? v/jlwp Beijaeo)^ 20 'cai eTri^opVy^^ "^^v irpev/xarof; ^Irjaov XptoTOv, ^Kard r^j; » Rom. v. 5. dvoKapa^oKiav koX eXTriBa fiov, on ip ovBepi al<; rod 27 iTheas.ii.'n. ^^arf/eXiov rov Xpi« / qRomxii.io- A'^^^^ TO et? avTov TTLdTeveiv, oKXa Kav to virep avrov 7ra<7- I Pet. V. 5. '^eiv rov avrov ar^wva e%oi/T69 olov there iv i/jbol, koI vvv 30 I I Cor. X. 24; , , , , , f^„ ^ / ^ > xr « >/ r» xiii. 5. uKovere ev e/xoL. hii rLfj Qeov virdp^pnv ov^ dpTTar/fiov r]yr]aaro tog Lu. xxii. 27 ; €ti/a.t tcra ©eS, "aXX' eavrov cKevcoae, fJLop(l)r)v BovXov Xaj3(ov, 7 Joh. xiii. 14;>f/ >/l' ' .vv / f/i\ Rom. i. 3; ^^ o/jLoicofiari avup(07Tcov yevofievo<;' "^Kat crxfjfiarL evpeueL<; 8 gIi.^Iv 4. ^' dv0pco7ro-f}v re Kal fieyidos 10. KaraxOovluv may mean evil angels, in K^p, 2.] npos ^lAinnHXior^. 413 Xoyijarjrat on, Kvpio<; ^Ir](TOv<; XpttrTO?, ei<; Bo^av Geov TraTpofj. 12 axTTe, aryaTnjTOi fiov, Ka9(o6^ov koI rpofiov Tqv eavTOJU (Twrrjplav 18 Karepyd^eade' ^6 ©eo? yap cotlv 6 cvepycov ev v/iiv Kol to '' scor.ui.S; 14 6e\€iv KOL TO €if€pyelv vTrep rr}? €vBoKia<;. iravra iroLelre 16 xoypU yoyyvafjLOJV xal BiaXoyLaficov, Xva yevr)(T6e dfie/JLTTTOC KOI dxepaioi, TCKva Seov dpco/jirjTa iv /leaq) y€V€d<; (TKo\idcoarrjp€<; iv Koa-fio), \6 '^Xoyov ^ft)?)? i7r€)(ovr€<;, et? Kavyr)fia i/nol et«? rjfjLepav Xpiarov, "SCor.i.u; oTi ovK et9 Kcvov eBpafiov, ovSe ei? kcvov iKoiriaaa. ixhess.iiiP; 17 **'^\V el Kol (nrevSofJuai irrX ttj OvaCa kol Xeirovpyia t^? "^cor.vii.i- 18 Trto-recD? vfuov, ;^atpa) kol avyxalpo) vdcriv v/jlIv to 8* avrb 2 Tim. iv. 6. Kal vfieh xp-lpeTe Kal avyxaipeTk fwi. 19 •'JEXTTtfto he iv Kvpiqy 'Iriaov, TiiioOeov Tayeaa^ iretiylrat • Act. xvi. i ; «^ , « r. , N y ,r^ \ N V ' - .S' > Rom.xvi.21; 20 vfjLW, iva Kayoa €vyv)((o, yvovov Kal auvepybv Kal avaTpa- ^'^'^^™' 2* Tuovrjv fjLOv, v/jL(ov Be diroaToXov, Kal XeiTovpyov t^9 %/36/a9 26 /tou, irefjLsjraL 7rpo9 vfid^' iTreiBrj iimroOwv rjv irdvTa'i vfid<;, 21 KoX dBrj/jLovcbv, Blotl r^KovaaTe otl rjadevr^ae. Kal yap rjadevrjcre irapaTrXrioTLOv OavaTO)' a\V 6 0eo9 ainov '^Xeijaev, ovk avTov 28 Be fwvov, dXXa Kal i/jue, iva fir) Xinrrjv eVl XvTrrj j 414 Em^TOAH [K.C/,. 2,3. » 1 Cor. Kor/cb a\v7r6T€po<; ft). ^irpoaBexeade ovv avrov iv KvpiM fiera 29 lThess.v.l2 ; TTaO-?;? %apa?, Kol TOU? TOLOVTOV0L fjbov, x^^P^'^^ ^^ Kvplw' rd avrd 3 2 Cor. xi. 13.' ypd^GLV vfuv, ifiol /i€V ovK oKvijpov, v/iiLV Bk daa\€<;' ™y3X,e- 2 1 Deut.x.l6; \ / a-\ f \ \ > / /-. / v XXX. 6; "Trere tov^ Kvva^, pAeTrere rovvXr}<; Bevla/uv, 'E^pah^ 18,21,22. i^'E^palwv, Kara vo^iov ^apLaalo^, ^Kard ^rjXov Blmkcov rrjv q P Gen. xvii. >-v' vc- / \ ^ > r v 12. eKKA,7}(TLaV, KUTa OLKCLLOaVVTJV TTJV €V VOflO) y€VO/jL€VO<; ajie^'ITTO'^. q^Act.viu.3; r'^^^' ^^^^^ ^^ ^^^ /ce/jSt;, TavTa 7]yr)jjiai> Bod tov XptaTov 7 o'M'ii- ivf^^^^' ^dXXd fievovvye koI rjyov/jiaL irdvTa ^tj/jlluv elvau Bids 1 Tiin. i. 1*3, TO virepexov tyj^ yv(oaea)<; XptaTov 'Irjarov tov Kvpiov /jlou, 44 a t- xiii. g^» *j, ^^ jrdvTa i^rjfMLcodrjv koi rjyov/Jiai (TKV^aXa elvai, ha «jer. ix. XpKTTOv KepBrjaw, ^KoX evpedSi iv avTM, firj ex^v ifirjv BiKac- d Joh. xvii. 3. 0(TVV7)V Tr)V ix VO/JLOV, dXXd TTJV Bid 7rt(7T6ft)9 XpiaTov, Tr)V iic 111^2? 22^'' ®^°^ BiKaioavvr^v iTrl ttj TrlcrTet, "toO yvwvai avTov, kol ttjv lo ix. 30 ; Bvva/jLLV Tr}<^ dvacTTddecd^ avTov, KOL T'qv KOLvcovtav TUiV iradrj- u Rom. vi. fJidTcov avTov, a-vfi/jLop(j)Ov/i€VO<; Tft) OavaTO) avTov, el 7r(o<; kut- li ?lii.'iV- avTrjdco ek Trjv i^avdaTaaiv twv v6Kpa)V' ^ovx otl tjBt] eXa- 12 JCor.iv. ^Qp^ ^ ^g^ TeTeXelco/jLaL, Blcokco Be el kol KUTaXd^ay, i(f> 2 Tim.'ii. at KOL KaT€Xi]. Such righteousness as the vice to me, which you at this distance were not Law can give to those who obey its precepts, capable to perform, Pyle. See 1 Cor. xvi. 17. 8. ii^r]fjLui)dr]v. I have not only looked upon Chap. III. 2. Kvvas. He means the Jews, them as loss, but I have* actually deprived my- and perhaps calls them dogs, because they ap- self of them. plied this term to the Gentiles, (Matt. xv. 26.) 9. r^v (k @eov Sik. See Rom. iii. 21. and were always snarling and biting. 10. tov yvwuai. See Matt. ii. 13. Ibid. KaraTOfxi}!/. The Jews were always Ibid. Koivwviav. The share which we have in boasting of their circumcision, and S. Paul his sufferings. shews his opinion of it by calling it a mere Ibid, o'vix/xopcpovfievos. Having died together cutting of the flesh. with him, cinws, in the hope that I may attaiii. 3. irepiTOfi-f}. We Christians have the true 11. Many MSS. read t^j/ e'/c vfKpwv. circumcision of the heart. See Acts vii. 51. 12, 13, 14. The whole of this passage is a Many MSS. read irvevfiari @eov. metaphor from persons running in a race: 5. TrepiT0/j.i). Some read irepiro/tp : but the the prize is, the resurrection from the dead. nominative is preferable ; and we have a simi- 12. TereAeiw/nat may be the same as rhv lar construction in Rom. xii. 9 ; Heb. xiii. 5. dpSuov rereKiKa in 2 Tim. iv. 7. S. Paul means to say, that he was not circum- Ibid. 4(p' ^. For which, or, with reference to cised as a proselyte. which. It was for the purpose of giving him Ibid. Bey'iafj.ii'. The tribe of Benjamin was tliis very prize that Christ took S. Paul into his perhaps thought to have some distinction, as service. K«<>. 3, 4.] npos ^lAinnHXioTX. 415 ifxavTov ov Xoyi^ofiai KaT€Lkr)^evaL' lev he, ra /juev cmlaw eVt- y lu. ix. 62; l^\avdav6ixevopov(Ofi€jr koI et ri erepco^; ^h. 2- IQ (f)pov€iT€, Kcu TovTo 6 Beo9 vfiip airoKoXv^ei. '^ttXtjv ek o ^'^'"•''"•^^J 17 €dd, «»• i ; 19 Toi/9 ex"pov/>.> «» / >« r\l Pet. V. 3. (OP o u€o<; rj KoiXia, Kai r) oo^a ep ttj aLa-)(ypr} ainrcjp, oi Ta ^ j> ^ 20 iiriyeia popovPT€op Tat a^dapMTV T779 86f /;9 avrov, « 1 Cor. i. 7 ; /Kara ti;i/ epepyeuw rov ovvcuruai avrov Kai vTrora^ai eavrto iThe«si.io: --i -.^,-^- * Tit. ii. 13. ra Travra. ' 1 Cor. XV. 4 ^"flSTE, oBeXxftoi fiov ayaTnjrol Kal hrtTroOrjrot, xapa Ka) 26, 27, 43, 2 aTe^^»i \« «\«5./ \ Apoc. iii. 5; ev fiepifjipare, aXX ep irapn rrj Trpoaeuxj) fcau rrj oerjaeL /xera xiii. 8; €v-)((^pL(TTLa^ ra alnj/xara v/mop ypcopL^eaOco 7rpo9 top &e6p' ^^-/gV. 7 ^Kal 17 elpyjVT} rov Seov, r] vTrepe^ovaa irdvra vovv, (f>povprj(Tei, i iii. 1 ; X P>/f« \\ / f«»i7- «»T " lThe«B.v.l6. Ta9 Kapoia^ vfKov Kai ra voijfiara v/mov ev Xpcarw Irjcrov. u Heb. x.25. I Psal. W. 22 ; Matt. vi. 25 ; 1 Tim. vi. 8, 17 ; 1 Pet, v. 7. "» Job. xiv. 27 ; Rom. v. 1 ; Eph. ii. 14. 15. TfXfioi. As wumy of us, therefore, as are 20. "KoKlrtvfm. The place of our citizenship, perfectly instructed in the gospel, let us think that We are not citizens of this world, but only this is the prize which we are to aim at : and if strangers and sojourners. Rapliel. you have any other notions upon the subject, God Ibid, i^ ov, either ovpavov, or voKiTeiixaTos. will provide means for you to be enlightened. 21. aupa rijs ratreifwaews fi/xuiv. i. e. (rwfxa 16. iey denied the fact of Christ posed to have been Clement, who was after- having died upon the cross. The Gnostics wards bishop of Rome, but nothing is known did this. of his being at Philippi. 19. 5d|oL The Gnostics boasted of their 5. 6 Kvpios iyyvs may mean, The Lord is knowledge. S. Paul may have alluded to this, near to you, and watches over you. or it may mean, as Raphel says. Qui de iis 6. Mt/Scv fj-epi/xvaTf. Distress yourselves for rebus glorianiur, quarum eos pudere oportebat. nothing. See Matt vi. 25. 416 EniXT. npos ^lAinnH^ioT:^. iR^rp. *. n Rom. ° To XoiTTov, dBe\(f)ol, 6L\7J, oaa ev^rj/xa, el Tipov€LV' 6^' o5 Kol e\> 6,8. . OTt Kau varepTjaLV Keryco' eyco fyap efiauov, ev oi^ €L/ii, avr- r icor.iv.ii; dp')(r]<; elvac. ^olBa Be TaireLVovaOaiy olBa Kal irepLaaeveiv. 12 2 Cor. XI. 27. g>^ TTai/Tfc Kal iv TTciai /jLCfjivrj/jbaL Kal ')(oprdt,€a6ai. Kal ireivaVj Kal irepiaaeveiv koI varepeladai' iravra layy(ti ev rS ivBvva- 13 • i. 7. fiovvrl fie XpLarat. ^TfXrjv Ka\S>^ eTroi'^aare, avyKOivcovijaavref; 14: t 2 Cor. xi. fiov rfj Oxiyjrei. ^otBare Be Kal v/ieU, ^LXiTnr^aLoc, on, iv dpyJQ 15 ' ' ToO evayyeXlov, ore i^Xdov dirb MaKeBovia^, ovBefiia fioi iK- KXrjauL iKOLVcavrjaev eU Xoyov B6ae(i)<; Kal Xj^-v/reo)?, el /jltj u/xet? /jLovoL' OTL Kal iv ©eaaaXovlKT) Kal anra^ Kal 8t kol 20 iraTpl rj/ju(bv rj Bo^a eh TOV6<;, ^Tol5.^j«> -wr « / ?« ^)/ j\ Eph. i. 2; ^ai inaTOL*; a06A, \f\f«5>/ "-^t- «f\ ^fiojv, 09 ecrn iriarro^ virep vpiwv oiaKovo<; rov Xpiarov, o Kai 8 gRom.xii.2; BrjXcbaa'^ rjfjiiv rrjv vfioiv dydrcr\v iv irvevfjiari. ^Aid rovro koX 9 V. 10, 17. 77/^6^9 ci

<-/« xr* / > « > / Eph. iv. 1; '^TrepiTrarrjaai vfjui fcap7ro expp-^v Heb ii. h; rr)v diToXvrponTLv hva rov ai/JLaro<; avrov, rrjv d(f)€(nv twj/ 1 Act.xx.28; 15 d/xapTid)v' ""o? iariv cIkodu rov Seov rov dopdrov, 7rp(or6roKo<; ^pJ' !^'j'^. 16 TTttO-?;? tcrlaeayi' ^ori iv avrw ifcriaOrj rd irdvra, rd ev rot? 1 P"'. i. it». » ~ V \ » \ « « * V e r V V >/ ./ '" Joli.xiv.9; ovpapoi €vB6ktjp,a KaroiKYjaat, '^koI Sl avrov o Act. > -v-v'** ^' 1 t \ y / p.\ « xxvi. 23 ; airoKaraWa^at, ra iravra €t9 avrov, €ipr]vo'iroir)(ra<; oiu rov i q^j^ ^v. at/LiaT09 rod aravpov avrov, Be' avrov, etre rd iirl -7^9 7^9, £^'^^^{'22- 21 e?T€ rd iv roU ovpavoi<;. ^xal vfid^ rrore 6vra<; dirriKkorpKO' iv. is ; fievov<: Kai i')(6pov^ rfi hiavoia iv T0t9 epyoLav6p(o6ri rol'i dylov^ avrov' ^oh TjdeKrja-ev 27 '^j["°'2' J^' 6 0609 yvoapia-aL, rL<; 6 7r\ovTO<; rr}? S6^7] Phil. i. 30. yov/jL€vr)v iv ifjLol iv Svvd/jL6L. ^ OeXoy yap v/jLd<; elBevat, rjXi- 2 Kov dr^wva e%ft) irepl v/jumv koI ra>v iv AaoBiKela, Kal octol ou^ c joh.xvn.3. eci)pa/ca<7t to rrpoawirbv fiov iv aapKi, '^iva 7rapaK\7]0a)aLV 2 at KapBiat avr&v, av/jL^L^aaOivrcov iv dydirrj, Kal el^i irdvra irXovrov r?)? nr\7]po^opLai \ Cor. \.-24. fjLvarrjpLOV rov ©eov Kal TTarp6<; Kal rod Xpiarov, ^iv S elal 3 irdvre^ oi 6r]cravpol t^9 cro^la/ 'iaV'^ ' ^ f 1 L\jr. V. 3. Xoyia' ^et yap Kai rrj aapKi airetfJUL, aXka too TrvevfiarL aw 5 v/MV elfUf ^(aLpcov Kal ^Xeircov vfMiov rr)v rd^iv, Kal ro arep- e I Thess. eo)/jLa T7y9 649 Xpiarov rrlarew^ v/jloov. ^009 ovv irapeXd^ere 6 Jud£e'3. Toi' Xpiarov ^Irjaovv rov Kvptov, iv avrrn irepiirareire, ^ippi- 7 ii Eph. ii. ^(Ofievoi Kal irroiKoBo/jLovfjievot iv avrm, Kal ^e^aiov/jievoi iv iii.' 17.* ^5 'n'iarei, KaOm iBiBd')(^97}re, 7repiaaevovrevi^6ixcvos. I am earnestly la- 3. ev ^, i. e. fivarrip'Kp, or Xpiar^. botirlng. S. Paul had the care of the churches 4. Tovro 5e Xiju. 1 mean to say. See upon him while he was at Rome, and laboured 1 Cor. i. 12. hard to check the false doctrines, particularly 8. avKaywyuv applies to robbers. ^i\oao kul irepieT/jLijOrjTe irepLrop^rj a-x^ei- ». Deut.x.16; po7roLT)T6VT€»• ?• 14 dfi€voov T0t<; Boy/xaacv, o rjv inrevavTiov tj/jllv, koi ^ ^p^- "• *» avTo ffpKev eK tov ^aov, 7rpo(rr)\a)aa * oar . «/ > \ ^ ^ -V ' Heb. ii. 14. 17 €opTr]<: 7] vovfirjvia^; r) (fipovetre, /jlt) rd 2 2, &c,; ifjj-l rj-jjf^ ryrjfj, ^direddvere ydp, kol 77 ^wrj vficov KeKpvirrat crvv 3 Gal. ii. 20. Tc5 XptCTTM iv Tc3 06o3' ^ OTaV 6 XptCTTO? (pavepcodfj, Tj ^(Orj 4 pwlhlV/' V/^^^} '^ot€ kol vfjLel<; avv avrtp (^avepwOrjo^ea-de iv Bo^rj. 1 Joh. iii. 2. ^NeKpcoo-are ovv rd fjieXt] vjmmv rd iTrl t?}? 77)9, iropveiav, 5 vii. 5, 23; ' d/caOapaiav, nrdOo^, iiridvixiav KaKrjv, kov rrjv irXeove^lav, 7]tl<; Eph.\^?!22; ^'^"^^^ elBcoXoXarpeia, ^Bi' a epx^raL rj opyrj rov ©eov eVt tou9 6 iTh^'-5 "^^^^^ ''"^** direiOela'^' ^iv oh kol vfi€l<; irepf.eTrarijcraTe Trore, 7 e icorvi.io; oVe i^r]T€ iv avTOi<;' ^vvvl Be dirodeaOe kol vfjLel<; rd irdvTa, s Ap0c.xxii.i5. ^pyv^) Ov/bLov, KaKiav, ^Xacrcfyrj/ublaVj ala'X^poXoylav, iK rov aro- f Rom. vL fiaro^; vjjlmv. ^Mt] y^evBeade eh dXXijXov^;, direKBvadfjLevoL 9 vii! 5 ; ' TOV iroXaiov dvOpcoTTov avv Tah nrpd^ea-LV avTov, ^ kol ivBv- 10 1 Cor. vi. 11;^ ^' ^» ' »>/ 1 ■> f Eph ii. 1 ; cfCL/^^vot TOV veov, TOV ava/caivov/jLevov 669 eiriyvwcnv KaT euKova Tit. iii. 3. j^^ KTUaaVTO^ aVTOV ^OTTOV OV/C €VC " EXXfJV KOL ^lovBoLO^;, 11 Eph. iv. 22; TTepLTO/jbt} KOL dxpo^vcTTLa, Bdp^apo<;, ^KvO'r]po8aXo9 aind^. Ta reKva, vTraKovere Tot9 yovevcrt Kara 1 Pet. iu. 7. 21 irdvra' Tovroydp iariv evapearov rat KvpLW. "Ot '^^'''^P^'*f\J'u''^'A 22 M ipeOi^ere Ta reKva v^v, I'va jj-rj dOvf^axTLV. ^ 01 BovXoi, x Eph. vi. 5 ; f f \ / « \/ f v''_tZ)-\l Tim. vi. 1 ; inraxov€T€ Kara iravra Tot9 icara aapKa Kvpioi « Matt.xiii.U; Kvpiov ev ovpavou;, 1 Cor. iv. 1 ; 2 ^Tfi nrpoaev^fj Trpoa-KapTepeLTe, ypifyopovvTa iv avTrj ei' o^cor'ii 12- 3 €ir)(apt(rTLa' ^irpoaevxofJ^voi otfia koX irepl r)p,o)v, Xva 6 0eo9 ^p^- ^••f.^' >/t.f'«/l/ '- ^ ' ^ •\ '^ V > " 2Thes8.ui.l. avoi^ T)/iLv uvpav tov Xoyov, XaXr]la 7repL7raT€LTe 7rpo<; toix; e^o), tov Katpov i^ar/o- ^^' „ y H » -v *' * " ' » / ft^ > / diii. 16; 6 pa^o/M€Voi. ° o Xoyopd<; 6 ef vficov, S0OX09 Xpiarov, 12 Rom. XV. 30; , > j^r c \ c r> > « « r/ Phiiem. 23. TTovTOTe aycovo^ofi€vo<; VTTep vfjLcov ev Tat9 'Trpoa6V)(aL<;, Lva (TTTjre rekeiov /cat Treirkrjpco/jievoi iv iravrl OeXrjiiari, rov Seov. /juaprvpco yap ainw on e')(eL ^rjXov iroXvv inrep vfiwv kol 13 1 2 Tim. iv. ''"^^ ^^ AaoBiKela Kol Tcov iv ^lepairoXeL. ^daTrd^erai v^d<; 14 Phiiem 24 -^ovKu^i 6 Larpo<; 6 dyairrjTo^, koI Arjfid'i. ^ddTrdcraade tov<; 15 ic Rom.xvi.5 ; iv AaoBiKeia dBeX(j)OV »• / v ICor. iv. 16; t;/i6£? fu^Tjrai TjfXMV eyeinjtfijTe /cat rov Kvpiov, be^afievoi top xi. i ; 7 \6yop €P ffkiylrei ttoWij /iera x^P^'* TTPev/xaTO^ dylov, Mare 2 The"s UiV yeveaOat, vfid^ ti/ttou? Trdcrt rot? Tna-revouaip ip ry Maxe- 8 Sop la xal rfj ^A^ata. ^dcf) vficop yap i^y^X^rai 6 \6yo /-.^ * f yf ^ V vf« \h Matt. iii. 7; rjfioyp airayyeWovaiP oiroiap eiaooop e)(piJL€P 7rpo<; vfia*;, Kat Act. in-, TTw? erreaTpeylrare Trpo? top Seop diro twi/ elBcoXoyp, SovX€V€ip^p^f*\^ ^o- 10 Seco ta)PTL xal dXvBipw, ^Koi dpaiiepetp top vIop avTov i^^'^^^'^^^^^'' .*,«*/*. r .,. « X , . Apoc.x.7. TCDP ovpavwVj OP rjyeip€P €k PCKptop, Irja-ovp, top pvofiepop i i. 5, 9. Tjfjua^ diro tt)? 6pyrj ^'H yap vapaKXtja-L^ rjp^wp ovk ix 7rXdpr]f;, xit. i. 3. iovBe iP dKaOapaia'i, oine ip h6X(p' ^dXXd KaOoo^ BeBoKiada- " ^'^^■^^•^^'> \/^/-»« /i«\> rr 2Cor. 11.17; fxcBa VTTO TOV Seov TrKrrevaijpai to evwyyeXLov, ovrco Xa- iv. 2 ; Xov/Ji€P, ovx c^? dpOp(i)7roL<; dpiaKOpre^;, dXXd tm @eu> tw xii. 17. 6 SoKt-fui^opTi ra? Kaphia^ tjpMP. " Oine yap TTore ip Xoycp " ^"^ )^- KoXaK€ia<; iyeprjOrjfiep, KaOoD^ otSaTc' oine ip Trpo^daeL irXeop- xii. 4.3 ; ta?, C7eo, by corruption of the truth, 8. This would seem to shew that some time 2 Cor. xii. 16. had elapsed since S. Paul left Thessalonica. 4. TriaTevdrjuai evayyeXiov, to be entrusted But there was much communication between with the preaching of the gospel, as in Rom. iii. Thessalonica and Corinth, two large maritime 2; 1 Cor. ix. 17; Gal. ii. 7; 1 Tim. i. 11 ; towns. See Grotius. Titus i. 3. 9. This shews that he was writing to persons 5. iv xSytp KoXaKelas, not under a charge or who had been idolatrous Gentiles. accusation of flattery, as Heinsius, Hammond, Ibid. SoiXeveiv. The Roman Catholics ap- Le Clerc : but the whole sentence means, we ply Xarpcveiv to God, Sov\ev(iv to the saints, never made use of flattering words. WolfiUvS. But this passage is opposed to such a dis- So iv \6ycf) aXridilas, 2 Cor. vi. 7. tiuction. Ibid, iv irpo(()daeL irXeovc^ias, with some pre- 10. This may have been one of the ex- fence which covered our avaricious views. pressions which the Thessalonians misinter- 428 EniXTOAH [K.9 av rpo(po^ oaKirr) ra eavT7]<; reKva. ^ovrw^ i/jL6Lpo/ji€voi 8 q 2 Cor. xu. y^^p^ evBuKOVfiep jJLerahovvaL v/jllv ov fiovov to evayyeXiov rov Qeov, dWd kol rd^v')(a\>^« >«\f / / Act. xiii. 50 ; tva acDUO)(TCVj 669 ro avairXTjpcoaaL avrwv raapo vficjv, Kal evayyeXiaa/juivov r/filv ttjv ttlo-tlv Kal TTJV aryd'mjv vfia>v, Kal on eyere /xveuiv r^fuov dyaOrjv iravTOTCj i7n7roOovvT€<; f)fia<; iZelv, Kaddirep koI rjfiel^i vfid<;, 7 hid TOVTO irap€K\7]drjfi€v, dS€\(l)ol, i v/xlVf eVt Trdarj ttj 8 SXlyjtci, Kal dvdrfKTi rjfxojv, Bid t^9 v/jl/>/ >r / w n «1 Cor. i. 8 ; vfJLCov Ta9 Kapbia<; a/jL€fi7rT0V<; ev ouyicoavvrj, efMirpoaVev tov phn. i. lo. Seov Kal 7raT/)09 rjfiwVt eV ttj irapovaia tov Kvpiov tj/jlcov ^Irjaov XpiaTOv ^lerd irdvTcov t(ov dyiwv ainov. 4 ^TO XoiTTov ovv, dBeX<^ol, ipcDTCJfiev u/^a? koI Trapa/ca- p^u. i. 27. more natural ? for what is the thing which gives 3. ry fi-qSha 9 Bel vfxa, Xva irepLaaevrjre /jloXXov oiBare yap TLva^ irapayyeXia^ iScoKafMev vfjuv Bca 2 Tov KvpLOV ^Irjaov. tovto yap iart, OiXrjjjia tov Geov, 6 3 ayui koI h Epj^ i^_ Ti/jif], ^/jlt} iv TrdOec iTndvfiia'^, KaOdirep Kal rd eOvq rd /jlt] 5 17,18, elBora tov ©eov 'to fji>r) virep^aiveiv Kal irXeoveKTelv iv tw q Trpdy/MiTi TOV dB€X(f)ov auTov, Blotl gkBlko^s 6 Kvpio<; irepX irdvTcov TOVTOiV, Kadd)^ Kal TrpoelirafJiev v/mv Kal Bce/jbapTvpa- k Lev.xi. 44; yu-e^a. ^ov ydp CKoXeaev ^//.a? 6 0eo9 evrt aKaOapaia, dXX* 7 Job. xvii. 19. ^'^ dyLaa-fiQ). Woiyapovv 6 dOeTwv, ovk dvOpcoirov dOcTCCj 8 I Ln. X. 16. dXXd TOV ©eov TOV Kal BovTa TO irvevfjua avTov to dyiov ek rjjid^. •" Lev. ^Uepl Be T?7? v KeKOLfMrjiMevtov, \z Xva fjbrj XvTTTJaOe, Ka9a)<; Kal ol Xoiirol ol firj e')(0VTe Kvplov, otl 77/1,649 ol l^oiVTe^, 15 ol irepLXeLTTOfievoL, els Trjv irapovaiav tov Kvplov ov /jltj (j)$d- 1. apiffKciv 0e(p. We are here perhaps to 8. roiyapovv, in consequence therefore of insert Kaflci^s Koi TreptiraretTe. our having once had these holy thoughts given Ibid. Xva TrepKraeirrre ficiWop is to be coupled us by God. with 4p(OTWfifu. Ibid. SSvra, The reading is probably S/- 3. For this is the will of God, and this is Soi/ra, and vfias for rjfxas. the meaning of your sanctification : the Holy 13. 0€Aa>. The reading is probably deXoyuei'. Ghost was given you at your baptism, that you Ibid. The Thessalonians seem to have ex- might obey his suggestions, and abstain from pected, that Christ was coming shortly to erect evil. a kingdom, of which all believers would be 4. (TKevos has been interpreted wife by Au- members : they therefore grieved for the dead, gustin and Heinsius : but it more probably as if they had been deprived of this privilege, means a body. Theodoret, Theophylact, Sal- 14. Sto tov 'lijaov probably belongs to &^€i; masius, Wolfius. if it were coupled with KoifirjdeyTas, it should Ibid. T//i^. A person dishonours his body be Sia rhu 'lT}. 4, 5] nPO:S eESSAAONIKEI^ A. 431 16 trcofxev Toif<; KoifJL7]6evra<;' ^ori avrbv, d^e\olf ov p^/oetiai/ Mar. xhi. 2 ex€T€ vfilv ypd€a6ai' 'avrol yap dfcpi^(b<; otBare, otl 77 r^jjuipa 2 Pe^t*iH 10 • 8 Kvplov 0)9 KXeTrT7jdX€ta, Tore al^vlhio^i avroU ifpiaraTai t lu. xxi. oKedpof;, wcrrrep 17 Oihlv rfj iv yatrrpl ixovarj, Kal ov firj iKv- l^^^' 4 ytoaiv. " vfJL€Lol, ovk iare iv aKoret, Xva r) yfiepa « lu. xvi. 8 ; 6 vfidfi 0)9 Ac\e7m;9 KaraXd^r}' ^irdvre^ v/jLeU viol (i)T6<; icrre Eph. v.'s.^^' 6 KaX viol T}fi€pa ivBvadfievoL OdapaKa Triareax; Kal dydirrj^;, Kal irepLKejiaXalav 1 Pet. v. 8. 9 iXirlBa acoTTjpLar ^oti ovk edero rj/jLd<; 6 Oeo9 et? opyrjv, dXX^ 13,°™'*'"' ek TrepiTTOLTjaiv acorrjpuK;, Bid rov Kvplov rj/x&v ^l7)aov Xpicr- ' Esa.iix.i7; 10 roVf ^ rov dirodavovro^ irrrep ^ficov, iva etre yprjyopwpbev, elre Eph. vi. 11 KaOevBco/jLeVf d/Mi avv avrco ^rjaw/xev. Btb rrapaKaXelre dXKrj- ^ i^m!ix.22; Xov?, Kal OLKoBofielre eh rov eva, KaOax; Kal rroLelre, ^ p^*- "-8. 12 ^'EPflTflMEN Be v/JLd<;, dBeXcfyol, elBivai rov^ K07n(ovra<; 8,9; >f-. \ .. / f«> rr / V /I '< 2 Cor. v. 15. €v vfJLLV, Kai irpoLara/Juevov^ v/jlcov ev Kvpicp, Kai> vovverovvra^^ ^TT [ - ^v lCor.ix.ll; 14 TO epyov avrwv eiprjvevere ev eavroi v » ' XX. 22 ; Tore TO w^avov 0L(iiKeT6 KttL €6? aWr]\ov<; Kai ei? iravra'i. Matt. V. '39-, ^TTaz^Tore ')(aip6T6. ^ dBLaX€LTTT(ool^. 7728 1 Joh. iv. 1. / ^f' f«»T «-v '< /j'f" >' ni Phi i 8 X^P^'^ '^^^ SSAjpiOV r)/jL(OV iTjaOV A.pLCrTOV fJieu VflOJV. afJLrjv. n iii. 13 ; " 1 Cor. i. 9- npo^ ©eaaaXovLKeif; irpcoTTj 6ypdd>r) dirb ^AOrjvcov. X. 13; ' 2 Thess. iii. 3. P Rom. xvi. 16 ; 1 Cor. xvi. 20; 2 Cor. xiii. 12 ; 1 Pet. v. 14. q Col. iv. 16. 16. irdvTore x«^P«t6, be cheerful at all times. 22. e'tSovs. Our version renders it appear- 1 9. (r$€vvvTe. There is the same metaphor ance : but perhaps it only means sort, or kind. in 2 Tim. i. 6. ai/a^wirvpeiv rh X'^P'<''M« tou Theophylact, Benson. 0eou, and in Rom. xii. 11. Allusion may per- 23. irpivfia and vj/ux^ are opposed to each haps be intended to the fiery descent of the other in 1 Cor. ii. 14 ; xx. 44 ; Jude 19. For Spirit. the meaning of irveviu.a and ^vxv see 1 Cor. 20. trpocprjTiias fx^ i^ovdevelTc. It may mean, ii. 14. If any pretend to the gifts of the Spirit, do not 26. ^iX-fifiari. See Fesselius, Jdv. Sacr. iii. treat it as nothing, but irdvTa SoKi/xd^erf, try 7. p. 283. and Wolfius ad Rom. xvi. 1 6. whether their pretensions are true. Or as Ben- 27. Macknight infers from this verse that the son interprets it, Do not count prophecy less than Epistle was sent to the elders. 'A7(ot$ is pro- other spiritual gifts. See 1 Cor. xiv. 1, 3, 4, 5. bably an interpolation. The reading is probably iravra Se SoKind^ere. SECOND EPISTLE TO THE THESSALONIANS. This Epistle was written a few months after the former, probably in the year 47, while S. Paul was at Corinth. Acts xviii. 11. Sufficient time had elapsed for S. Paul to hear of the reception of his former Epistle. Ff nAYAOY TOY AOO^TOAOY H nP02 E 2 2 A A O N I K E I 2 Eni2T0AH AETTEPA. a 1 Thess.i.i. '^UATAO^ Kol Si\ovavo<: KoX TtfioOeo^, rfi eKKkrjcrLa 0ecr- 1 aaXovLKeayv iv ©ew Trarpl rj/jL(ov koL Kvpi(p 'l7](rov XptarM- b 1 Cor. i. 3 ; ^'^dpt<; vfuv Kol elpijvrj aiTo ©eov Trarpo? yfxcjv koI Kvptov 2 1 Pet. i. 2. I IT « ■wr- A Irjaov XpL TTCLVTore nrepl vficov, aSeX- 3 Coi.i.3;' f« »>>-v/-» ifKeovaL^u 7] arfaiTt] €vo<; eKaarov iravTcov vficov et? aWr]\ov<;' d 2Cor.vii.i4; ^&aT6 ri/jbd'i avTOV^i dv vfiLV Kav')(aa6av iv ral^i iKKX7jaiai^«>\ f-/l'» f«« Trj<; oiKaia^ KpLcreco^; rov kyeov, et? to KaTa^LcourjvaL vfiaXoyo^t Bl86vto<; iKhlfC7)(TLV Tot? /jlt) elhocTL ©eov, koI tol<; firj vTraKovovcL rw evayyeXico rov Kvplov Vficov ^Ir}(TOv XpLo-rov' kEaa. ii. 19. ^omz^e? BUrjv rl(TOV(TLV, oXeOpov alcoviov, aTTO TTpOCrcOTTOV TOU 9 i Act. i. 11; Kvplov, KOL aTTO Trj<; 86^7}<; Tfj<; ia-yvo'i avrov, ^orav eXOrj ivBo^- 10 1 Thess. i.lO; /j« > « r / > « v /i /i« j « Apoc. i. 7. aauTjvaL €V T0t9 ar/LOL<; avrov, Kai oavfJLaaurjvai ev iracn roi<; iTLarevova-iv, on iina-revdr] ro fjuaprvpiov rjfjuayv 6<^' uytta?, iv rrj rjfiepa iKclvy. ek o Kal irpoa-evxofJ'eOa rrdvrore irepX vficov, 11 Chap. I. 5. ej/Sety/to, which will be a proof Ibid. '6ti imtrrevOT] — ^<^' v/xau These words hereafter, that God rewards all persons ac- seem to be inserted on account of iraai to?j cording to their works. iriaTiiovffiv, which goes before. S. Paul hav- Ibid. €is rh KOT. This is connected with aTs ing said that Christ, at his second coming, avexfffOe, which ye suffer, that ye may be found would be an object of admiration to all believers, worthy of the kingdom of God. applies this in his own mind especially to the 6. etirep for 4Trd. Chrysost., Wolf. Thessalonians ; and he means to say, Among 8. iv Tvpl \oyhs is connected by Mac- these believers you will be included, because knight, as in our version, with 5iS6vtos eKdiKrj- you received the gospel when we preached it Ttjv xa/atv tov Oeov rj^iSiV KoX Kvpiov ^Irjaov Xpiarrov. 2 ^EPflTflMEN Be vfidoi, irrrep rrjfi irapova-ia^ tov Kvpiov rjficjv ^Irjaov XpioTov, Kol rjficjv iirLO-vvarfwyri^ inr 2 avToVy ^ €19 TO fit) ra')(itt}9 BC rjficoVy o)? OTt iviaTrjKev rj rj/xepa tov 8 XpioTov. *M»}Tt9 vfid<: i^airaTrjari KUTa firjBiva Tpoirov otl, idv firi eXOrj 17 diroaTaaia 7rpct)T0V, koI d7roKaXv9fj 6 dv- 4 6pamo9 Oeov KaOiaai, diro- k Jnr.xxix.8; Matt.xxiv.4; Eph. V. 6 ; Col. ii. 18; 1 Joh. iv. 1. 1 Matt. xxiv. 23 ; Kph. V. 6 ; 1 Tim. iv. 1 ; 1 Joh. ii. 18; Apoc.xiii.il. in Dan.xi.86. 11. tvSoKiay i,ya$v eavrov Kaipo). ^to yap 7 fivcTTTjpLov i]8r) ivepyeiTai rr/^ avo/jULafj, fiovov 6 Karkx^v apri, ojobiv. 9; eiw? etc fjLeaov yevrjrai' °Kal rore a7roKaXv66naeTai 6 auouoq, 8 Esa. xi. 4 ; ,, , p- , > ^ ' '^ / rs , , « n Apoc. xix. OP o Kvpio<; avaXcodei, too irveviJuaTi tov a-TofJiaro<^ avrov, Kal p Dent xiii f^<^'T^P7W^^ '^V ^'^rL^avela T^9 Trapovaiai; avrov' ^ ov iariv 9 i,&c.; jj irapova-la Kar ivipyecav rov Saravd eV 'irda-rj Bwd/Jbei Matt. xxiv. y , y , I /?. n \ > / > / 24; Job. Kai, a7]ixeioL\ '^ t '^ <■-' /)'> / f\ « iv. 3. avrov^ TO) yfevoei' Lva /cpioooac iravre^; 01 /jurj iricrreva-avre'^ 12 24^ &^'-'' '^^ dXrjOela, dXX' evSoKi]6L' 13 iTim. iv. 1. Xofiev €V'xapLcrreiV tcS ©ew rrdvrore rrepl v/iicbv, a8eX(j)ol i^ya- 1 j^egg_ i 4 TTT/yLtei^ot VTTo Kvpiov, orL elXero u/xa? 6 ©eo? dir dp^r]'^ et. Col. iv. 3. ' ^ TO Xonrbv, 7rpoa€V)(^eade, dBeX(pol irepl rjfjLMV, Xva 6 X6yo<; 3 mean, that the Gnostics would introduce them- here intended. selves into the Church, and represent them- 10. eV ro7s. The preposition is perhaps to selves as divine. he expunged. 'AiroWv/xevois is opposed to ffw- 6. rh Karexov, that which hindereth. S.Paul ^oix^vois in 2 Cor. ii. 15, as it is here to ffojQri' probahly meant himself and the other apostles, vai. during whose lifetime the Gnostics did not so Ibid, avff wv, because. See Luke i. 20. Ti}v fully discover themselves ; nor did the open aydirrjv ttjs aATj^eias may perhaps mean, the apostasy of the Christians take place till the true love, i. e. God's love to man in the scheme apostles were gone. of redemption ; as repaan ypeiSovs mean false 7. T^ nv(TTT]piov T7]s cLuofjiias. This perhaps wonders. merely means, this strange and unaccountable 11. 7re;U\f/ei. The reading is probably ire/xTrej. wickedness. Josephus says, Kal Thu 'ApTiiraTpov 13. rtt' apxris from the beginning of the world, fiihi/ ovK h,v afidpToi tis elirwy KaKias fivariipiou. See Eph. i. 4. The scheme of redemption had De Bel. Jud. p. ] 15. It seems to have been a been arranged by God from the beginning. See proverbial expression, answering to ours of a Matt. xix. 4. monster of iniquity. Ibid, ei's (rwTjjplav. God hath chosen you to Ibid. 6 Karexa/v, sc. fCTi. The monstrous be saved by being sanctified by the Spirit, and by wickedness of the Gnostics is already in action ; believing in the truth : i. e. ye are sanctified by but there are causes which will hinder it from the Spirit, and continue to believe the gospel ; shewing itself openly until this hinderance is re- and therefore ye will obtain the salvation which moved. 'O KarextDv (IcrTt). There is that which God ordained from the beginning. Compare hindereth. 1 Pet. i. 2. 8. 6 Avoftos. Still the singular for the plural : 16. The reading is probably Kai e«hs 6 then these wicked persons will shew themselves irariip. openly. 17. {/fxas after a-rripi^ou is perhaps to be 9. The false miracles of the Gnostics are omitted. K,^. 3.] nPOS eESSAAONIKEIS B. 437 r/,/j« .\-^»/ V '^ t a ' » Horn. XV. 81. IVa pV(Tf7(0/JL€V UTTO TU)V aTOTTWV KUL ITOVTjpOiV aVUpa)TT(i)V' Of , j^h ^viLlS; 8 yap iravrmv rj iriv\d^€L diTo rov 'irovrjpov. ^TreiroiOaiJiev he iv Kvplcp i Thc.ss.v.24. «.«r«.r/A '-V-W f f \ f \ /«2 Cor. vii. €

/ 1 Cor. xiv.33 Irjaov JLpioTov /Mcra iravrayv vp^v, ap^rjv. 2cor.xiii.11 Phil. iv. 9 ; 1 Thes8.v.23. 21/30? 0€(Taa\oviKei<: Bevrepa iypdvffea}iiev. This may allude ipyd^n koI vfpKpyd^ri in this sense, Philipp. iv. to the violence of the Jews, Acts xviiu 13. p. 150. 3. rov irovTipov may mean the evil one, as in 12. The reading is probably irapaKoXoviiiv Matt vi. 13 ; xiii. 19, 38 ; Eph. vi. 16. 4v Kvpltp I. X. 5. iis tV oryAirriv k.t.K. Macknight takes 14. 5io t^s eVto-ToXTjs, this has been con- this to mean, to imitate the love of God towards nected with o-Tj/iCioOo-^e, signify that man to me man, and the patience of Christ. But I should by letter : but I should rather connect it with rather interpret it, that you may love God, and what goes before, and armeiovade means, mark continue to shew patiently your faith in Christ. that man, keep your eye on him. In Rom. xvi. For this sense of virofioi^, see 1 Thess. i. 3 ; 1 7. it is (tkottuv. Titus ii. 2. 17. ovra ypdcfxa. The part, which S. Paul 6. ffTeWeadai is velum contrahere, to sail cau- wrote with his own hand, began with these tiously, to avoid. words, and then followed ^ X'^P'^ '^' '''• ^' ^^'^ich. Ibid. irap6\afis. The reading is probably is the conclusion of all his Epistles, and was irap€\d$eTe. probably always written with his own hand. 11. vfpiepya^ofievovs. Not doing any thiijg This might have been added through the fear for themselves, but busying themselves about of a counterfeit Epistle : see ii. 2. other persons' affairs. Demosthenes has i^ Sv FIRST EPISTLE TO TIMOTHY. I suppose this Epistle to have been written soon after S. Paul left Ephesus in 52 : (see Acts xx. 1.) perhaps from Troas. At the beginning of the year he had sent Timothy to Corinth, iatending him to return before his own departure : (Acts xix. 22 ; 1 Cor. iv. 17 ; xvi. 10, 11.) but Timothy reached Ephesus either after S. Paul had left it, or but a short time before : and since S. Paul committed the church at Ephesus to Timothy, he sent this letter with instructions. For a life of Timothy, see Acta Sanctorum, Jan. 24. Cave, TiUemont. nAYAOY TOY An02T0A0Y H npos T I M O e E O N EmSTOAH nP12TH. X ^TIATAOS airooToXofs ^Irja-ov Xpiarov, Kar einrarfyv ©eoO • Act. ix. i5 ; (Ttorripo^ rifjL&p, Kal Kvplov ^Irjcov XpLorov tQ? e\7r/8o? '^ficov, Qai/i. i.' i^Tifwdicp yvrjarup reicvtp iv Trwrref ^apt?, e\eo9, elprjvr) aTTo b Act. xvi. i ; S^ov irarpo^ rffimv koI Xpiarov 'Irja-ov rod Kvplov r)fMov» iThess.^iL?; . 3*^X0^0)9 irapeKoKead ae TrpoafielvaL iv ^E^eaw, iropevo^evo^;^^^-^'?' et? MaKchoviav, iva nrapcuyyeikri'i tktI jxr] erepoSiBaaKaXeiv, 1 Pet. i. 2.' 4 ^/x7;Se TTpoaix^cv /xvdoL<; kol yeveaXayLaif; aTre/aai/rot?, ami/e? g^^l 6^7!' ^rjTqa€L sj /fc »r - v ^ s J a ' Ln. V. 32; 'TTpCOTO) eV0ei^7]Ta(, ITjaOVfi JLpi<7T0>«>o\ 1 Joh. iii. 5. 7r/309 vTTOTVTTMaLV Tcov fJueWovTcov TTLaTevetv eiT avTQi 619 ^corjv «n vi, 15, 16; alcovcov "Vft) Be ^acnXel rcov aloovcov, dipOdprq), dopdrw, fiovw 17 Rom, xvi. 27. j«y^« ^ nc^'j- > n "< « »' >/ aocpo) tfew, Ti/JLr) kul oo^a et9 tou9 aicova^ tcov aLcovcov. a/xrjv. nvi. 12; ^Tavrrjv Tr)V rrrapayyeXlav TrapaTiOe/jbaL (tol, reKvov Ti/JioOeej is 2 Tim. iv. 7. V V , , v y i f <■/ / , /Cara Ta9 7rpoayovaai'20 iv. 14. * ianv *T/j,evaLo Xaravay Xva TracBevdcbcri, /jltj ^Xa(Tpoavvr}<;. 3 ^mXTOX \6yoL\dpyvpov' rod IBlov oXkov KdK6j<; irpo- 4 ia-rdfievoVf reKva exovra ev vTrorayfj fierd 7rdar}v KcCKia^ TrpolaTafjuevot, koI t&v IBlwv o'Ikcov. ol yap KaXcj^ 13 BLaKovr)ofM€vo<; Tote- xit. i. 14 ; XifioeXifi6<; eariv, eirayyeXiav '"• ^' 9 exovaa ^onp; rrj<; vvv Ka\ Tr]r}T€la<; ^erd €7n$6(T€(o<; tmv ')(eipo)V xix 6 • '^^^ nrpea^vreplov, ravra fMcXera, iv TOVTOLfjL€vr] rjXTnKev iirl rov Gebv, 6 xviii. 1. V /«p./ v« « \\ KaL 7rpocrp,€veL raLrepaTj, 'Bovv dXowvra ov (l)L/juoa€Lpt? TTpoKpifiaro'^i, firjBev iroicov Kara irpocKXiaiv. f^Xeipaf; [y^^^' *'** Ta^ew^ firjBevl cTriTiOct,, fjLrjBe KOLV(ovet ap,apTLai<^ aXXorplaa. « >v. u ; 28 SeauTov aryvov Tijpev ^ firjK€Ti yBpoirorei, aXX otvcp oXuyw viii. 17 ; "Xpo^i ^tu TOP aTO/xaxov aov Kat ra? e^ppra KpvjSrjpai ov Bvvaiai. 6 ^'OSOI elalp inro ^vyop BovXov, tou? lBLOV»»•' »'/! '^ v\w "/^^ \f Col. iii. 22 ; Tifirj<; a^iov\ > ' r y fr% \ y Prov. XV. 16; 6 rotovToyp. " iLari be iropio-fio^ fi€r/a<; r) evaepeca fiera avr- Heb. xiii. 5. 17. rifirji seems to mean support, ox mainte- 25. rcb &K\a>s exovro. Those good works, nance. See ver. 3. which are not Trp6d-n\a. Alberti, Bos, Wolfius. 18. Koi 6^105. These words are not in the Chap. VI. 1. Sfo-irSras, i.e. unbelievers. Old Testament, unless allusion is intended to 2. ttjs evepycaias avTi\a/x$ap6/j.€Poi. Receiv- Lev. xix. 13. They are recorded in Matt. x. ing the benefit of their services. Eisner, Mac- 10, Luke X. 7, as spoken by our Saviour, and knight. were perhaps a proverbial expression. Perhaps 5. irapahiaTpi^aX would be perverse diaputa- S. Paul only meant "Bovv aX. ov (pifi(a(reis as a tions : but the true reading is probably Siaira- quotation, and he added the latter sentence as parpiBal, vehement contentions. well known. Ibid. vofxi^6vrwv. Who look upon religion 21. iKKcKTuv ayy4\uv. Josephus writes, merely as a means 0/ gaining money. See Acts uapTvpofjLai 5' iyw fxkv v/j-uv to. ayia, Kol tovs xx. 29; Rom. xvi. 18; 2 Cor. ii. 17 ; 1 Thess, hpovs ayy4\ovs rod &eov, Koi irarpiSa rijv koi- ii. 5 ; Tit. i. 11 ; Jude 16. The words av toiovtwv are perhaps an interpola- 24. This is said with reference to Timothy tion. forming a judgment of other men. Some men's 6. /ueri avrapKeias, if accompatiied with con- sins are quite plain and notorious, anticipating tentment. Schmidius, Wolfius. Bringing with the examination {Kpicnv) made into them : others' it a sufficiency. Hombergius. are not found out till they are examined. 446 EniXT. nPOX TIMOSEON A. [K,. 6. ojobi.2i; apKeia ^ dvOpoaire rov Qeov, ravra \j^ « / > ^ r> f^ r> >/ • 2 Tim. ii. ^''b^^ '^^^ KoXov aywva Trj / i. 18; evcDTTiov TToWtov fiapTvpcov. ^ 11 apwy yeWw croi evmiriov rov 13 2.5^ 2^^ 0eoO rov ^(O07roLovvT0<; rd iravra, kol Xptcrrov ^Irjcrov rov Ta^Vi"-^ ^a/DTvpT^craz/TO? eVt Uovriov IliXdrov rrjv koXtjv ofioXoyiav, 2 Tim. iv. 7. rrjprjo-ai ae rrjv evroXrjv dairCkoVj dveirlXrjTrrov, fie'^t rrj<; em- 14 Deut. ' (f>avela<; rov Kvplov rj/jiMV ^Irjaov Xpia-rov, ^fjv Kaipols IBlol^ 15 ^^^'^V Q,Bel^eL 6 jjbaKdpio^i kol /jb6vo«> / t\ -y^ 'C'V'/i/ >^\ joh.xviii.37. vacTiav, (pft)? OLKcov aiTpoairov, ov euoev ovoei<; avupcoTrwv, ovoe a'oc xvii^u- ^^^^^ Bvvarai, w nfjur) kol Kpdro<; alwviov. diir)V. xix. 16. ^Tols rrXova-loL^ iv too vvv aloivi rrapdyyeXXe, fir] vyjrqXocfjpo- 17 20; veiv, firjBe riXintcevai eirl rrXovrov dBrfKonjn, aXX iv rat &e

(i)- La. xii. 15. pia^ fcol dvrL6e(Tei<; t^? 'y^evBcovvfiov yv(0(T€(o<;' ^rjv rivh iiray- 21 Jac°ii^5. ' yeXXofievoi, TTepl rrjv irlariv rjaroxr^a-av. "H %a/0i9 fierd crov. b ver. 12; dfiriV. Matt. vi. 20 ; ^ ' Ln. xii. 33 ; ^l\', IIpo<; TijjboOeov Trpcorrj iypd r rs > « dRom.yiii.i5. "^^^ ^^ ^^^ avvTTOKpiTOV TrtoTea)?, 7]TL<; 6V(pKr}ae irpcoTov ev rrj « ii. 3 ; f^dfjL/jbrj (TOV AmBi KOL TTj fjA)Tpl (TOV EvvLKj}, TTe'jreLCT [lav Be on Rom^i!\%;' KoX iv (Toi '^ AC 7]V aWuiV dva/jLL/jLV7](TKQ) (T€ dva^OOTTVpelv TO 6 Eph.ui. J; ^^p^Q-^flt rj-Qj) @eov, 6 icTTiv iv (Tol Btd T^? eTTt^ecreo)? twv Col. iv. 18 ; '^eipSiV fiov ^ ov ydp eBcoKev r^jxiv 6 ©eo? Trvevfia BeiXla^, 7 Phiiem. ]', dXXd Bwdfiecd^ Kal drydTriT; kol (Taxppovia/jbov. ^fit} ovv iirau- s f Rom. ^X^^^V^ '''^ P'Ct'prvpLOV TOV Kvplov rjfiMV, fjLTjBe ifie tov Bea/MLOV ^7^-29.30; avTov' dXXd (TvyicaK0'Trdd7j(T0v rw evayyeXi(ii Kard BvvafjLiv Eph. i. 4 ; ©60V, ^Tov (TuxTavTO^ rjfid^ fcot KaX6(TavT0<; KXrj(TeL dyla, ov 9 *''• 11; \\v f»N >-\-\\ i>c>/ 'zi V' ^ Tit. iii. 4,5,6. Kara Ta epya rj/xcov, aXXa kut loiav irpoueaiv, Kai ^apti^ Trjv Chap. I. 1. kot' ^7ro77€\/a»'. To make or as I have. The meaning seems to be, In the known the promise. Pyle, Wolf, Macknight. constant mention which I make of you in my See Tit i. 1. prayers, I add my thanks to God. See Phile- 2. Tifiodeep. Timothy was with S. Paul in mon 4. his first imprisonment at Rome, (Phil. i. 1 ; 4. SaKpvwv. Probably at their last parting. Col. i. 1 ; Heb. xiii. 23) : after which he pro- 6. ava^wTrvpeTi/. See note at 1 Thess. v. 19. bably returned to Ephesus, to preside over the 7. ov ydp. You ought not to be remiss in church in that city. exercising your spiritual gifts, for Christians Ibid. reKV(fi. This seems to shew that Timo- are not afraid, they love all men, and have due thy was converted by S. Paul. Acts xvi. 1. discretion. 3. airh vpoySvcDV. He means to assert, that, 8. rh fiapripiov. Be not ashamed of hearing though he had embraced the gospel, he still testimony to our Lord, i. e. of preaching the worshipped the same God, whom his ancestors gospel. had worshipped. Ibid. (TvyK. rtf evayyeKlcf. Be partaker in Ibid, ws ex* "f^ig^t ^^ either, that I have, my sufferings for the gospel. K..^. 1, 2.] EniST. nPOS TIMOSEON B. 449 10 Bodeurav rjfxlv iv Xpiarm ^Irjcrov irpo y^povcov alwvLUiV, »a- « Esa.xxv.8; /)« ^^''S^^''''J. ' "^ " f«»r ^ Roni.xvi. 25; vepcDueiaaif oe wv Oia ri]6apaiav Bia rov evcvyyeXiov, ^el<; o eTcOrjv iyo) '^'ip^f ^ '.^ ' 26 • 12 teal aTTOcTToXo? xal BiBdaKa\o<; eOvSiV hC fjv alriav koI ravra Tit. i. 2; / ,,,^» . , / "fcv > T / V Heb. ii. 14; iraaytDy aXK ovk eTraia^xyvofiac. oida yap w TreTriaTevKa, kul i Pet. i. 20. Trerreiafjiai otl BvvaT6<; iari rrjv 7rapa6i]K7]V fiov (jivXd^ai, ei9 '' i^'^i)'''^*' 18 €K€ivrjv TTjp ijfxipav. ' vTTOTVTrwaLv €')(€ iryiaivomcov Xoycou, wv '''«»• si ; Trap €/jU)v r]Kovaa<;, ev iTLarei kul ayairtj ttj ev JLpia-TO) irjaov Oai. i, 15 ; 14 ^Tr]v koXtjv TrapaKarad^KTjv (f>vXa(ov Bid Tri^eu/xaro? 07101; rov "rim. u. 7. 16 €voiKovvTO"• ^^• 16 re? oi iv rfj ^Aaia, wv i6pov olkw' otl 7roWdKL<; fie ai^- ' >v. 10, ic. 17 e>/rufe, Koi ttjv &\vaiv fiov ovk iirrjaxvvdi), dXkd yevo/ievo^ Act.'xxvi'ii. 18 iv 'PoifiTj, airovBcuorcpov i^tjTrjae fie Kal evpe' Barrj avTw 6 H'^^^^' Kvpio<; evpelv eXeo? irapd Kvpiov iv iKeivrj rfj rjfiepq. kol oara iv 'Ep.\ ' >-v' «/^ Ps.cxxxii.l 1: 4 irfaov Xpiarov. ofOet? arparevofievo^ efiirXeKeraL raLrf ydp ctol 6 KvpLoyo<;' el yap (TwaTreOdvofiev, kol (TV^y 5./ 5>v ^ / / > / Q)TepLKa<; eTnuv/jLiafi cpevye' oicoKe be otKaLoavvrjv, irtaTLV, aya- irrjv, elprjVTjv yu-era twv eTrvKaXovfievcov tov Kvpuov eK Ka6apdr}/ioL, yovevaiv direLdeh, d^d- ° " * 8 piaroi, dvoacoi, daropyoL, dairovBot, Bcd^oXot, dKpaTeltXdya6oL, TrpoBoraL, TT/aoTreret?, TeTV(i)fjL€Voi, (f>iX' 6 r]Bovoi /xdXXov fj (piXodeoi, ^e')(0VTe<; fi6p(f)(oaiv evae^ela^if rr)v ^ "• 16, 23; P>v5./ .«> / \ ' > / i» / Matt.vii, 15; 6 06 ovva/jLip avTrj f>t/ t\»/ \> ^ / 2 The88.iii.6i TCDi/ yap eiaiv oi evovvome^ et? Ta< /''T /'/I' xxxiv. 19 ; &T]/xaaip, ola poi eyepcTO ep ApTco^eLa, ep Ikoplo), ep AvaTpoLv eiKrefieiav. vol. i. p. 340. to Christianity, the vaiSeia, the Christian insti- Ibid, dvvafj.iv. True religion has power to tution or instruction : questions about things regulate the heart and conduct : these men shew never taught by Christ, never required of any by their actions that their religion has not this Christian to believe at his baptism. Pyle. Or power. it may be taken actively, questions not calcu- 8. Jannes and Jambres were mentioned by lated to instruct : see iraiSevovTa in ver. 25. Numenius the Pythagorean : (Origen. c. Cels. The allusion is to the Gnostics. p. 543, Eus. Preep. Evang. p. 411,) and in the 25. /ii^xore for &v trore, if by chance, in hopes Chaldee Paraphrase upon Exod. vii. II; Numb. that. xxii. 22. Pliny also speaks of Jamnes and 26. I would refer avrov to the Sov\os Kvpiov, Jotapes, (xxx. 1.) The Vulgate has Mambres. and iKeivov to 6 QeSs: and in hopes they may Ibid. a56Kifioi. hicapable of discerning. Rom. awake out of sleep, being taken alive by the ser- i. 28. vant of the Lord out of the snare laid by the 10. vapT]Ko\o{fdriKas. See Luke i. 3 ; 1 Tim. Devil, to do the will of God. Pyle, Macknight. iv. 6. Chap. III. 1. ia-xdrais rj/xepais. See note 14. iiri(Tr<&dr]s is different from iiriarrfidris ; at 1 Tim. iv. 1. it means, thou hast been assured of. 5. jxSp^affiv. So Philo, rivls rwv iiTifiop(pa- Ge2 452 Eni^TOAH [K,e iv irdaL, KaKOTrddrjaov, epyov Trolrjaov evay- 5 Eph! iv. 11. yeXidTOv, TTfV BiaKovlav (TOV 'jrX7]po^6p7)aov, ^^Eyo) yap 7]B7} 6 \^^}^-^-'^^i crTrevBofiaL, Ka) 6 Kaipo<; t/)9 eyLt»}9 dvaXvaew^ i(pea-T'r]K6' ^tovI 2 Pet. i. 14. dr/cova TOV KaXov riyoovca/JLat, tov Bpojjbov TeTeXeKa, ti]V TriaTiv 24 gj"".' ^^' TeTfjpTjKa' ^XoLirov diroKeLTal /jloi 6 riy? BtKaiocrvvT^f; (jTe « 1 Pet. V. 4; ^^^^^ aVTOV. Jac. i. 12. ^TTOvBaaov eXOelv 'irpQ r > ) « Ti/T / ' ■\ a^ if \ « Phiiem. 24. ^^'^f' f^ovo^ fjiCT ejxov. MapKov avaXapoov aye fieTa aeavTOV c Act. XX. 4; lo-7-t r^ap fjLOL ei;%/377epe, Kal TO, ^L^Xia, fxaXiaTa Ta9 jJiefx- d iTimA.20. ^pdva<;. ^' AXe^avBpo<; 6 x^XKei)'^ TroXXd fioc KaKO, eveBei^aTO' 14 diroBcpT] avTot 6 Kvpioq KaTa ra epya avTov' ov Kal ai) ^v- 15 Xdcraov, Xiav yap dvdeaTrjKe tol^ r)fjieTepoL<; \070fc9. *Ev rfj I6 TrpcoTT] fjLov diroXoyia ovBei<; fioi (rv/nirapeyeveTO, dXXd 7rdvTe<; fjLe iyKaTeXvnov /jlt) avToU XoyLdOelr]' 6 Be Kvpi6<; fioi Trap- 17 16. This might either mean, all scripture is p. 1259. inspired and useful &c. or, all inspired scripture 1 1 . MdpKov. See the Introduction to S. is also useful &c. Pyle conceives allusion to be Mark's Gospel. made to the prophecies concerning Christ and 12. Tychicus probably went to take care of his kingdom, and the apostasy from it. the Ephesian church during the absence of Chap. IV. 2. emaipcos aKalpws. Not wait- Timothy, ing for opportunities, but making them. 13. ^aihSyriv. This word is also written 6. e\6vr]s, o- fyr)Of], /cat aKOvar) irdvra ra edvq' koI ippvaOr}v ck oTOfiaTo^ 18 \eojn-o9' ical pixreral fie 6 Kvpio^ diro Trai/ro? ep'yov irovrjpoVy KoX 6pov ot-«i. 16; 20 Kov, ^''EpaaTo0L irdvrefs. 6 KvpLO'i ^Ir]crov<; XptaTo^; fiera Tov irvevfiarof; 09 Tifwdeov Bevrepa rrj'i ^E(f)e(rLO)v eKKkr^ala^ irpoiTov hriaKOTTov '^eiporovrjOevra iypdcfyrj utto *P(Ofn)<;, ore etc Bevre- pov 7rap€av€p(oa€ Be KaipoL<; lBiot<; Tov \6yov avTov, ev /ajpuy/iaTL o eTrtaTevOrjv iyo) kut eTrna- 4yr)v TOV a(OTripopova, hi- 8 g ii. 1 ; Kaiov, 6'' i\\<>«» «/^ oiKov<; avarpeTTOvai, oL0a 2Tim.iii.5; »>/ ■? \ f , 'f/* «/9 Jude4. ''■<^*> vr}cpaXiov<; ecvat, are/jLVOv<;, acocppova';, vyLaLV0VTa<; ry ina-- n 1 Tim. ii.9 ; ^f j^ T^ dyaTTT), rfj virofMovfj' ^TTpecrjBvTLBa<^ a)aavTco7jfi7]Tat. Tov<; vewrepovi waavrw^ irapaKaXet aoxppo- 6 ^iTimu-^^^^' PTrejol irdvra aeavrov irape')(piJievo<^ tvttov koXcov epycov, 7 1 Pet. ii. eV rjj BiBaaKoXia dBLa(f)6opLaVf G-efjLVorrjra, d<^6apaiav, ^Xoyov 8 iii' 16.' ^i'^} aKaTayvwGTOVi Lva 6 ef evavria^i evrpairfj, /xrjBev e^^wv 9. iriffTov in this sense means true or genuine, sion Kp^res ael ypeva-Tai seems to have heen pro- such as may be trusted. See iii. 8. verbial : see Palairet. Ibid. Toifs avTiXiyovTas is taken for the Ibid. h.pyai. This probably alludes to the Gnostics by Grotius, Hammond, Vitringa. idleness and uselessness which generally attend 10. The reading is probably iroWoX avvw6- gluttony. TUKTot. 14. 'lov5aiKo7s fiidois. I should understand Ibid, oi iK vepiTOfiijs. He perhaps did not al- this also of the absurd fables of the Gnostics, lude to the ordinary opposition of the Jews, but which contained many Jewish legends, to the Jewish Gnostics, who adopted circum- 15. trdvTa Kadaparots KaQapols. This was a cision and other parts of the Mosaic law. maxim of the Gnostics, who used it to cover 12. X^ios avTwu TrporiTai twv 6ewu great boast of the Gnostics, and hence they took yev6fj.evoi. De Repub. ii. p. 366. But Epimeni- their name. des seems to have been considered literally a Ibid. aSSKi/jioi. Licapable of discernment. prophet : Cicero speaks of those who " concita- Rom. i. 28 ; 2 Tim. iii. 8. tione quadam animi, aut soluto liberoque motu Chap. II. 3. Trpfcr/StrrtSaj. There were fe- futura pra-sentiunt, ut Baris Bceotius, ut Epi- male elders, and female deacons, menides Cres." De Divin. i. 18; and Apuleius 5. ayadas may be either coupled with oIkov- calls him " inclytum fatidicum," Florid, i. p. pahs, or taken separately. Many MSS. read 352. S. Paul may have quoted one of their o'lKovpyois. own poets, from what Plato represents a Cretan Ibid. ^ka(TavXov. ^Aov\ov<; tStot? hecnroTai'; inrorda-' r Eph. vi. 5; .^ a •> " »' ♦ \>>/ \ , Col. iii. 22; JO aeauai, €u iraaiv evapearou^i eivai, firj avTi\€yovTa<;, firj voo-/x€i/ €V T^) vvv aUovL' ^TTpoaBexofievoi rrjv /xaKaplav eX,- ^^^"^•''jo?' iriBa Kol €7riT]fji€lu, dfidxpixi eluai, 67rtet/cet9, rrdcrau evBeiK- ▼. 8 ; 8 vvfieifov^ TrpaoTTjra irpo's iravra^; avupoi)7rov6ov(p 8iayovT6<;, crrvyrjTOi, Rom. iii. 4 fiiaovmres aXX-^Xov*;' ^6t€ Be 1) p^t^otott^s kol t) (pcXavOpwirla iv.'a, 6; 5 eVe^ai^ tov a(i)Trjpo<; rj/JLoyv Geov, ^ovk ef epycov rcov ev ^i- 2"h.'ii. 4,9; Kaioavvrj (ov eiron](TapLev rjiJueh, dXh^ Kara tov avTOv eXeov,^'^^} € > ' Q , ^ ,^ c, r. , \ TT ^ fRora. viii. o piTi, KXrjpovofjLoi yevcofieaa KaT eXinba ^corj^ aicovLOV. llcaTos 23,24. 6 Xoyos, KaX TrepX tovtcov ^ovXo/mll ae Bia^e^aiova-Oat, iva ^ ^^.^ •. ^ . povTL^(i}at KaXwv epycov irpotaTaadaL ol ireinorTevKOTes tu> iv. 7 -, 9 Sewr Taind eVrt Ta KaXd kol oa^eXifjia toI^ dvOpd)7roi<;. ^jjlw- 2 Tim.' ii. 23. 8. u/iajv. Probably ti^jmv. baptism. They are then saved from tlieir for- 11. (rccT'^pjos should perhaps be coupled with mer sins. •waaiv aydpiairois, and the article tj omitted. Ibid. vaXiyy^vfalas. This word only occurs 13. TOV fifyoKov &eov may be connected with twice in the New Testament. In Matt. xix. 'IrjiTov XpiffTov, our great God and Saviour Jesus 28. it means the resurrection : it is here evi- Christ : and the absence of the article before dently coupled with the washing of baptism ; irwrripos supports this construction. The same at which time the stain of original and actual rule may be applied in Eph. v. 5 ; 2 Thess. i. sin is washed away, and the person is in a man- 12; 1 Tim. v. 21 ; 2 Pet i. 1; Jude 4. The ner born again: every thing which is past is term Saviour is applied indifferently in this blotted out, and he begins a new life, without Epistle to God Jtnd Christ: see i. 3, 4; ii. 10; being subject to the wrath of God for what is iiL 4, 6. past This is expressed by avaKaiudaeas Uvei- 14. Kahv Trepiovcriov. See Exod. xix. 5 ; ixaros aylov : he then becomes a new creature Deut vii. 6 ; xiv. 2; xxvi. 18. by the operation of the Holy Ghost We find Chap. III. 3. 7]iJ.€7s. S. Paul here identi- avayevviiaras in 1 Pet i. 3, and ayayeyevvrifie- fies himself with other persons, though this voi, ib. 23. description did not apply to himself. See 1 7. SiKauoeei/res, having been justified : having Thess. iv. 15. had all our sins forgiven at baptism, when we o. eacca-ev. :Zw^eiv is often applied to per- appeared righteous in the sight of God. See sons being put in a state of salvation, when Rom. v. 1, 9. they are taken into covenant with Christ at 8. The reading is probably ravrd iari Ka\d. 458 Eni^TOAH nPOX TITON. [Ktv^. 3. h Matt, xviii. 17 ; Rom.xvi. 17; 2Thess.iii.6; 2 Tim. iii. 5 ; 2 Joh. 10. J Act. XX. 4 ; Eph. vi. 21 ; Col. iv. 7 ; 2 Tim.iv. 12. k Act. xviii. 24 ; 1 Cor. i. 12. pa<; Be ^r}Tr}Rom.xvi.5; rfj af^aiT'qrrjj kol ^ Apyiinroi rcS avarpaTLcoTr) rjiiSiV, koI tt] lCor.xvi.l9; ' , , / ' , ^ , * / ' f « v ,' , > v /-k - Col.iv.15,17 ; fCaT OLKOV (TOV eKKXTJCTM' %a/3fc9 VflLV Kav Ctpi^VT) aiTO (y€OV 3 Phil. II. 2o. rjYaTpo<; Tj/jboov Kol Kvplov ^Irjcrov Xpiarov. « 1 Thess.i.S; ^ Ev)(^apvaT(0 Tfi5 0€a> fjLOV, TTCLVTOre flV€iaV (TOV 7r0L0V/JL€V0<; 4 2 These, i. 3 ^^^ rj-^p 'irpoaeV)(5iV jJLOV, ^ CLKOVWV (TOV T1]V aydlTTJV KOL Trjv 6 Col. i. 4. TVKTTiVj fjV e^Ct? TT/JO? TOP KvpiOV iT)(TOVV Kai et? TTaVTa^ TOi"? dyiovs' oircos rj KOLVcovla t^9 Tr/orrew? crov evepyrjaKovfj /jloi iv rot? Sec/xoi? 14 TOV evayyeXiov 'x^/'^'f ^^ '^V^ ^^ yv(Ofi7)(s ovBev rjOekrja-a t i Cor. ix. 7. iroiTJaai, Xva fir) ax; Kara avaryKfjv to ayaQov aov i5> aW^ 16 KUTU eKOvaiov, tolxcl yap Bia tovto ex^pio^Or) 7rp6<; copav, 16 iva auoviov ainov airexxi^' ovkctl to? BovXov, dW' vwep Bov- \ov, dB€\bv dyaTTrjTov, fiaXiara i/jLol, froacp Be jxaXKov aol, 17 Kal iv aapxl koi iv Kvplw ; el ovv ifxe ex^^^ koivcovov, irpoa- 18 Xa^ov avTov o)? ifie. El Be tl riBUrjae ae rj o<^et\et, tovto 19 ifiol iXXoyei. eyco IlavXo^ eypayjra ttj ip,fi xei/at, iycb cltto- Tiaay iva fifj Xeyto aoi, oti koI aeaxrrov fioi TrpoaocpeiXei^. 20 Nal, dBeX(f>€, iyj( 7^5 o n-irCTdun^^ P^ f^^-^,M^^* *^'< y U^^ f^^Jy f^.^ nAYAOY TOY AnOSTOAOY H npos EBPAIOY2 Eni2TOAH. 4 1 ^nOATMEPfl^ Kot irokirrpoTro)'; iraXai 6 ©eo9 XaX^yW? . Eph. i. lOj Tot? trarpdaiv iv toi<; TrpoAi/rat?, eir eayaTwv rwv riiiepwv ^*'* '^' ^' / K'-v f-j'^hA*//! / '^'b Psal. ii. 8; /- • 2 rovT(ov €\a\rja€v ijfjLcv €P vi(o , °ov earjKC KXrjpopg/iou iravTwv, Matt.xxi. asr^*'^'-^ 8 3t' ov Ka\ rov^ al^ ^^ ad/JL€Vo<; rcov dfiapriaiv rj/iayp, eKdOta-ev iv Be^ta Tr]<; fieya- vLi cxj. 1 ; " 4 \ft)o-ui/7;9 eV in|f7?Xot9, ^TOo-oi>rft) KpelrTwv yevofievo^ tmv 07- jX x'i'v.^^;' yiXcov, o; ' ' Apoc, iv. 11. d Eph. i. 21 ; Phil. ii. 9, 10. « v. 5 ; 2 Sam. vil. 14; 1 Par. xxii. 10 ; xxviii. 6 ; Psal. ii. 7 ; Act. xiii. 33. Chap. I. 1. rioXv/Afpws, Frequently. IloAu- Tp6v-v ^fitpcov. This phrase is used for Ihe times of the Christian dispensation, in Acts ii. 17 ; 1 Pet. i. 20. See note at 1 Tim. iv. 1. The reading is probably iaxarov. See also Heb. ix. 26 ; 1 Cor. x. 11 ; 2 Pet iii. 3. 2. edrjKf, constituit. So Xenophon, dels rovs ytpovras Kvpiovs rod irepl rrjs ^vxvs aywvos. De Rep. Lac. p. 684. Arrian, Toiovr6v aedufiei/ iroXtTTji' KopivBiuv. Epist. iii. 1. p. 264. Ibid. K\T]pQv6ixov. According to Gal. iv. 1. this is equivalent to Kvpiov: and he is called Lord of all in Acts x. 36. The full meaning is, that Christ is Lord of all things in right of his inheritance, i. e. as the begotten Son of God. K\7?f)ovoVos seems used in the same sense in Rom. iv. 13, and Festus writes, " Haeres apud antiques pro domino ponebatur." Ibid. aXwvas. This means worlds or the world in xi. 3. It has the same meaning in Wisdom iv. 2 ; xiii. 9 ; xiv. 6. It represented the He- brew Qtl^yiy, which signified long periods of time, or eternity ; and the Alexandrian Jews seem to have used it for the world. See note at Titus i. 2. 3. oTratfyatTiUo is the effulgence or radiance proceeding from light. Philo Judaeus calls man, Ti\s p.aKapias (pvaews iKixwyeiov ^ anSffTraff/xa 1j airavyafffia. De Mundi Opif. pag. 33, and the breath which was breathed into his nostrils, T^s fiaKapias Kal rpiap.aKapias (piKrecos aTrairyaa- fia, De Spec. Leg. pag. 356. » The fathers were fond \of illustrating the generation ot the Son by tWe effulgence proceeding Vrom light : artd this pdtesage ma\mean, that \he gloiVof tlie Father \as reflectid in the Son.\ Ibid. \apaKTrip is an impression like that made by a seal ; and it is here said, that the inrScTTaais of the Father was stamped or im- pressed upon the Son, so that the Son repre- sented this hypostasis, as an impression re- presents the seal. 'tv6ara(Tis did not signify person till the third or fourth century : before that it signified essence^ or substance, i. e. the mode of being-. Ibid. (p€pwv. Causing to move along, directing. So Seneca, " Deus ille maximus potentissimus- que ipse vehit omnia," Epist. 31. § 9. Ty ^i]- fiaTt Svj/dfiews avrov, i. q. t^ ^-fifi. avrov Swarqi, Pierce reads avrov, God's word, not avrov. 4. K€K\T]pov6iu.7iKfv. This implies that he inherited the name as Son. Christ is superior to the angels, because he is the begotten Son of God. ^ n A/. ^>i^^ — ^^^^ ^^ ^ ? 464 Eni^TOAH ^.^^^^ '/ ' [Ke^. 1, 2. f Psal. xcvii. fiepov yeyivvrjKa ere ;' -fiTat iraXiv, ' ^Eyo) ea-ofiaL avTu> et? irarepa, koI avT6<; earal fjLOL eh vlov ;' ^"Orav he ttoXlv elcr- 6 Roin.viii.29; a7a7?7 TOVjTrpw TOTOKOv 669 T^i' oiKov/jLevTjv, \eyei, ' Kab irpoa-zy^nJU^ gPsaiciv4 '^^^W^'^^^^^^ avrS irdvre^ dyyeXoi Qeov.* sKal irpo'^ /ubeu 7 Tov<; dyye\ov<; \eyei, ' 'O iroccov rov^ dyyekov^ avrov irvev- I' Psai.xiv.6. yu-ara, KoX rov<; XeiToupyov.4^ Act.ii, 22; Pttoj? rjjieh eK^ev^ojxeOa TrjXiKavTT)^ diJi,eXr]amfTe7^/a9 z,^'^ xix. ] 1 ; WT*9 dpyhv XaBovaa XaXeladai Bid tov Kvolov, vtto tmv , 1 Cor. xii. 4, ; !,^' ' » - 'O /O 'ZJ a ^ \ 7,11. aKovaavT(t)v 6t« vfjua^ epepaccourj, ^avpeTTLfiaprvpovvTo^i tou 4| 5. yeyevvqKa. tre. The force lies in the word ye'yepvit]Ka. Christ is the begotten Son of God. The second Psalm is applied to Christ by S. Peter, Acts iv. 25 ; and by S. Paul, Acts xiii. 33. That the Jews so applied it, is proved by Pierce. See v. 5. Ibid. Kol iraXiv. This was said primarily of Solomon, 1 Chron. xvii. 13, xxii. 10, xxviii. 6, 2 Sam. vii. 14, but there are expressions in the prophecy which cannot apply to Solomon. 6. traKiv is the same as in ver. 5, and Rom. XV. 10, 11, 12. It may be paraphrased. And in another Psalm, which refers to Christ under- taking the work of man's redemption. See x. 5. The LXX read 6776X01 avrov : in the Hebrew it is God: but in Deut. xxxii. 43. the LXX have inserted the passage as here quoted. For irowTOTOKos see Psalm Ixxxix. 27 ; Rom. viii. 29. ^ ^ 7. A.€7et, sc. 7) ypaijyf]. Ilphs Tohs ayyeXovs, with respect to the angels, Erasmus, Raphel. Valckenaer translates the passage, Qui ex ventis spirantibus facit angelos suos, quique fulminibus utitur ut ministris suis publicis. 8. That the xlvth Psalm is applied by the Jews to the Messiah, see Estius ad I. 'O ©ehs is the nominative for the vocative, as in x. 7 ; Matt, xxvii. 29 ; Mark v. 8 ; ix. 25 ; x. 47 ; Luke viii. 54 ; John xx. 28 ; Rom. viii. 15. 12. lAi|6is. Some MSS. read uWd^eis, as does the Alexandrian MS. of the LXX, and this agrees with the Hebrew. 13. That this passage applies to the Mes- siah, is said by our Saviour himself, S. Peter and S. Paul. See the margin, and Schoetge- nius, Hor. Hebr. p. 192. 14. Philo Judaeus speaks of 6776X04 XuTOvp- yol, vol. ii. p. 387. We must remember in all these quotations, that the Psalms from which they are taken were considered by all the Jews to be addressed to the Messiah. S. Paul as- sumed this as proved, because he was writing to Jews. Chap. II. 1. Am toCto. Because Christ is superior to angels. Having proved this point, he proceeds to argue that the revelation made by Christ is superior to that made by angels : i, e. the Gospel is superior to the Law. Ibid, trapappvwfiiv. Ne quando prceterfluere ea sinamus. ISos, Valckenaer, Fell. But Chry- sostom explains it, pJi] iKiriaup-ev, and Eisner, ne deficiamus : so as never to be drawn or tempted from them. Pyle. 2, ayy4\ci)y. See note at Acts vii. 35, 53. 3. a.KovffduTwi'. Hence it has been argued, that the Epistle was written by a person who had not seen Christ. See Acts xiii. 31. This, however, would not contradict what S. Paul #4 Kc4». 2] nPOS EBPAIOTS. 465 Seov (TTjfjLeLOLf; t€ koI repcuri, kcu 7roiKCkac<: Svvdfieai, koX \ TTveufuiTO'i ar/iov fiepiOfioU, Kark rrjp avrov dek7)«*r\»/)/ tt t cxliv. 3. atvvpdv(i) rci irdvra, ovhev J^^^'.^^ ^^, V** y/ ' d avvTrora/cro v vvv Be oinro) opco/juev avrm rd P^iii- "-7.8^ ^j^Vg iravra vTrorerarffieva. ^rov Be ^pa^v ti Trap' dyyeXov^; i^Xar- JtiT^xiv. ^ rca^evov ^Xeiro^iev 'Irjaovv Bid ro Trddrj/jua rov davdrov, ^o^V^lct^ti\ n- Kal n^fj €ar€av(Ofi€vov, otto)? X^P'''^'' ®^oi) virep iravro^ yev- ▼• 3i ; 10 arjrai Oavdrov. ^"EirQeire yap avr^, BC ov rd irdvra kol Bl , x. iofi4l^'^^^ ov rd rrdvraf ttoXKjov^ vloifio.\.xxn. 11 Tijoi<; fiov, ev fie(T(p eKKXrjaui^; v/jl- 12. 13 J^o-o) olkm avrov. IIXeiovo<; yap B6^7]fjLoin-09* dWa TrapOKoXeLTe eavTov^i KaO^ eKdarrjv rjfjLepav, i L^^- o^t? ov TO ayjfiepov KoXeiTCU, Xva fir) CKkrjpvvO^ Tt? i^ vfiwv A if^ y-^*"^-^ J/yn dfrdrri t^9 dfiapTia^' ^fieroxot yap yey ovafiev rov Xptarov, « Rom. •^I'Hti^; ~ * \ . N « f / / /^ o a > viii. 17. / eavirep ttjv ap-)(rjv t^ imoaraaeoi^ H'^XP'' t€A,ou9 pepaiav 16 Kordtrxt^fiev, °iv toJ XeyeaOai, 'S^fiepov, idv rrj^ (fxavrj^ av- o ver. 7. ToO aKoiHTfjref fit) aKXrjpvvrjTe to? KapBia^ vfiwv, o)? iv ra> 16 irapaTTtKpaafi^* TtW? ydp aKovaavref; irapem-U^ayav ; dW' /i^-«o^-'^ 17 ou irdpTd 01 i^eXd6vT€ r^ KOi ry6,p ia-/jL€v evTjyyeXiar/JbivoLf KaOdirep kclk^Ivov d\V ovk 2 (ocpeMjaev o Xoyo)? epooyLtT)? ouTO), * Attfc KaTeiTav(Teu o kyeo^ ev ry rjfJbepa ry e^Bofjbr] diro Trdvrcov twv epyoDV avTOv.' kcu ev roina iraXiv, 5 * El elcreKevaovTai eh rrju Kardiravaiv fiov.' ^Eirel ovv diro- q v-*?c-t.-^.L^^ XeLTrerat rivd<; elaekOelv eh avrrjv, koI ol irporepov ^vayyeXi- tiii. 7, 15; 0"^€i'T€9 OVK el(7rjk6ov Bl diTelOeiav, ^irakLV TLva 6pi§£Cr)fjbipav, 7 Psai. xcv. . ( ^jjjj^epov,* ev Aa^lh Xeycov, fjuerd Toaovrov XP^^^^> fcaOoyi etprjrac, ' ^rjfjiepov, edv rrj^; vr)(; avrov aKOvarjTe, /jlt) aK\rj~ pvv7)T€ Ta9 KaphLa (oairep diro twv Ihlwv 6 ©eo?. ^TrovBdaco/jiev ovv eld- u Esa. xiix. 2 ; e\6elv eh eKclvTjv TTjV KardiravcLv, Xva firj ev rm avrm rt? Eph. vi. 17.' vTToBeiryfiaTt ireay t^? direLBeia^. "fwi/ ydp 6 X0709 rov &eov, 12 1 c:^a/u>'^^Ze^ 2. €vr]yy€\i«^t9 riiuov. weireLpaiievov he KaTcL iravra KaO^ onoLorrira^^^^-^^'^V' ^v r / a ' /3 * X '^^-^ ^IJoh. 111. 5. ^^^^ 16 X<»/31? a/MapTLar * irpoae pycofie Ua ovv fxera irapprjaia^ tw « x. 19, &c. ; 6p6v

XafjL^av6fjL€V0<;, inrep dvOpayrrayv KaOloTarab rd irpo'i rov Qeov, c u! is; 3 iva irpoasfispri htopd re t(al 6vaia<; irrrep dfiapriayv, ^fierpLO- j^^ ^g' W*^ P nra^€W hwdp^vo^i ToleiXei,, Ka6co/}\ »>f/ ^/ cvivf \ > \ j« Joh. viii. 54 ; 6 ere* B/caC/a)9 /cat ev tTepci) Xe7et, ' 2,v i€pev<; et? toi' atwi/a, Act. xiu. 33, ex. 4. ,&c. 7 /cara ttjv rd^LV MeX^^tceSe/c/ *^"09 eV rat? r)[iepai<; rrj^ aap- ^J^jj* ^ kj^KOf; avTov, Seiiael*; re Kal lK€T7)pia « VS'' xxvi. 38, ^M'• avrov e/c uavarov fiera Kpavyri wv eiraOe rrjv vTraKorjv, ^Kal reXeccoOeU eye- 'Phil. ^ r / » /» « ^ u / > / 6, &C. X j/ero Tot9 viraKovovaiv avrm Traacv airio^i acoT7]pLa<; aLcovLOV t a. 10, 13. T€T paxv^tiTlJ-fva is a metaphor from vie- upon himself this office. tims which are laid open, and the inside ex- 6. The hundred and tenth Psalm is referred posed as fully as is expressed in ver. 12; or to the Messiah by oiir Lord himself, Matt, perhaps from the neck of the victim being xxii. 43. turned back so as to shew the face, supine 7. aapKos. This is a plain proof that Christ exposita. had a higher nature. See ii. 1 4. ^ Ibid. Trphs tv. With whom we have to do, or, Ibid. elaoKovaeeis. This word implies that 0/ whom we are speaking, or, to whom we shall a person is assisted as well as heard, and some give account. translate it delivered from his fear. Jesus was 14. apx^epia. He now returns to the notion not delivered from death, but an angel strength- of Christ being a high priest, which was begun ened him, Luke xxii. 43, and he was raised- in iii. 1. again from death. Chap. V. 2. /x^TpioiradeTv. To be only mode- 8. e/xadeu — eTraOe. This was a proverbial ex- raiely affected with anger, i.e. to be indulgent pression, as /^a0'<7yitaTOTa7ra0'^/xoTO, Herod. i.207; to. The Peripatetics said rhy coc^bv (JLeTpioiraOrj e/j.a6ov jxkv t eiradou, Philo Jud. vol. i. p. 566 ; fify elvai, airadrj 8e ovk elvai. el fiei/ -^u jxaQuv ft Se? iraQeiv, koX fiij iraBeTv, 3. inrep a/jLapriav. Many MSS. read irepl afi. Ka\hu rh fiadilv el Se iraQelv, Tt Set /xofle?!'; tra- See X. 6. Qe^v yap xp^- Bemocritus apud Stobasum. This 5. 6 AoA-^jo-as. The same person, i. e. God, passage seems to shew, that the Epistle was who spoke those words in the second Psalm, written in Greek, appointed Christ to be our high priest : and 9. reXeiwOeis. See ii. 10. the second Psalm is prophetic of Christ taking 470 Eni^TOAH iKf. 5, 6. ^>-^ ../v^ v,K^' ,^J^B, irpoa-ayopevOeU viro rod 0€ov ap')(t€pevrj<;. - ' 1 tcor.iii.2; Va? ydp 6 fierexop yd\aKro<;, direipo^ \6yov BtKaioa-vvyr 13 Ephav! 14a ^W^o? ydp iarv reXeiwv Be iariv t) areped rpocjirj, rcov Blci 14 ^ii>r* r^i/ e^ip rd alaOrjrijpLa yeyvfwacriMeva expvroyv irpo^ BidKpKnv tJ^ f^^^^^ "^^ ^^'' fcciKov. A 10 dpovfini6a in ver. 1. / will proceed to give you this strong food, and will presently (in ch. vii.) explain to you the passage about Melchizedek. 4. If you cannot receive this strong food, there is no use in repeating the former ele- ments : and if you have forgotten them so en- tirely as to apostatize from your faith, you cannot receive another admission into the covenant by baptism. Ibid. 'P^hvvarov. This does not imply, that God cannot pardon an apostate ; but he cannot be again baptized. The passage relates only to apostates, and to the non-iteration of baptism. Ibid. (pwria-dfUTas was used in later times as synonymous with fiaicTiadfUTas. See Suicer, Bingham. It probably has that meaning here, and X. 32. All these accusatives are governed by avaKaiul^eip. Ibid. Swpeas. This means the gift of the Holy Ghost, as is explained in the next clause. 5. fxeWovTos alwvos. See ii. 5. This clause might be translated the privileges of the gospel. 6. Kal irapaireaSyTas. And having aposta- tized. Ibid. ivoKoivl^fiv. Once more to make them new creatures by baptism, els /xeTdvoiav upon their repentance. Even if they repent, there is no power to re- admit them by baptism. Ibid, amtrravpodtnas is said to mean simply K«0.6.] nPOS EBPAI0T2!. 471 7 u/oi/ Tov ©eoO /cat 'rrapahcuyfiarl^ovra^i. yi] yap ?; iVLOvcra rov en ainrj^ TroXXaAct? ip^ofievov verov^ Kal TLKTovaa ^ordm^v jfu - evOerov e/cetVot? 5*' ot/? kul f^wpyefraL, fieraXajilSdvei evXoyia iK€povaa Be dK6.v6a<; kol T/)t/SoXou?, dh6Kip:o4Pi^^A^ , 9 Acal Karapa^ C77W, ^ to tcXo? €t9 Kavatv, HemeiaiMeSa hk ^ irepl v^v, dyairrjTol, rd Kpeirrova kol ixofieva (Twrr^pia^, 10 et KoX ovrci) XaXovfiev. "ou yap dBiKo<; 6 0eo?, eTrikaOecOav » Prov. Tou e/yyou vficov kul rov, kpttov tt;? aya7rr}<; 7)9 eveoei^aaoe Matt. x. 42 ; ^tt/L ^*'? ''"o ovop.a avTov, BcaKomjcravTe^ toZ? 07/049 kol BcaKOvovpre^. i^Thets.'i. 3. 11 i7ndvfM)Vfi€V Be ckootov vfMav rrjv avrrjv ivBeUvvaOai, airovBr^v 12 7r/309 rrji; irkrjpo^opiav Tq<; €K7riBo<; d-)(pL riXovi' Lva fiij vcodpoX J<^cTtzj-^^C I -^ yevrjade, fii/jujral Bk twv Bed iriaTeca^; koX /jLaKpoOvfita^; Kkrj- l\^tLci.-L^<^ n povofJMxnntov rd^ hrarfyeXia^:. °Tm ydp *A^pad/jb iirar/yeLXd- ° Oon.yiiS; lx€voev €pfjb7]vevo/jb€vo vlu> rov » Gen.xiv.20. ©eov, fievec lepev.y^ u Gen, xiv. oacbvo^i ^A^podfj,' "6 he fMT) yeveaXoyov/JLevo<; e^ avrwv, hehe- 6 19,20; , V » > -. / >^ ^ Rom. iv. 13 ; KarooKe rov Appaafi, Kai rov e^ovra ra tJ? ovBeU TTjOop--^*^ *«^« «^^^^*^ 14 i(rxrjK€ TftJ Ovaiaarr}pi(p' ^TrpoSrjXov ydp ort ef ^lovBa cti/a- « Esa. xi. i ; reraXxep 6 KvpLO<; rj/jL(aVf et? rjv ^?/y • pT~ n aKaTaXinov '^/laprvpel yap, '"On av Upev^ eh rov alwvaS^.^s 18 Kara rrjv ra^iv M.€X')(LaeoeK. ° Auerrjcn^ fjuev yap yiverau tt^o- ^^^^ -; 'g 19 a70uiL-*'*'<-^ x-v A^ w \ /!> f > ' v f / Rom. viii. 3: 20 ot tj<; eyyi^fiev too tyeayJi^Kai Kau oaov ov x^P^^ opKco/ioauK;, ^ph. a. is; 21 (''ot ftev 'ya/3 X&)/3i? 6pKCDfioaia<; eiaXv lepel^ yey ovore^;, 6 Be '"• ^^• /Ltera opKcofuxriaf: Bid rod \eyoirro? tt/jo? axnov, * "HfMOcre Kv- pLOp.oun 25. IvTv/yx^vf^iv. See Rom. viii. 34. trapKOs, ix. 10. 474 EniSTOAH lK. v v . 21. ouev avar/KaLOV eveiv tl Kav rovrov o 7rpo-^ „ V / ' /) v sJ^H^JJ^^j: Act. vii. 44 ; C^tCt MLrpeVOVGL rwV eTTOVpaVLCOV, KaO(D ^ be ota(bQga>repa<; rerevve Keirovpyia^;, oaco Kai KpeLrrovo<^ ecrri ' y- OLauTjKrj^i fieajrrjf;, r^ri^ em Kpeurroaiv e7rar/ye\Lai<; vevofio- 6err)raL. El yap rf irpayrr) h > ' r v ' v $■ 5^ /f- f/ v ^v 1 Job. ii. 27, eaovrai (mol et9 Xaov, ^Kai ov firj OLOa^coo-iv €Kacrro<; rov ttXtj- ii 26. v\\/rj\6Tepos. This means, that our high sentation &c., or rather, who are the ministers of priest is not on earth, but in heaven. that which is a representation &c. See xiii. 10. 28. avdpairohs — vt6if. This seems an express 6. Nwl Se. But now, being in heaven, assertion that the son is not man. Ibid, ^tis — vevofiodeTT^rai. Which has its Chap. VIII. 1. KecpaKaiov. The sum of enactments made upon better promises. When the argument is, that our high priest performs God enters into a covenant with man, he im- his ministry in heaven. poses certain conditions and laws (j/o/ioflerct) 2. rS>v ayiuv probably means the holy place, and he holds out certain promises (€7ra77e- the true sanctuary, of which the earthly is a Kias). type. See 'dyiov Koa\aiov in ver. 1. LXX. In our version it is. Although I was. an Ibid. Twv Upeoiv. Perhaps an interpolation. husband to them. The Hebrew word is said to 5. Who perform their ministry by the repre- have both meanings. Ktp. 8, 9.] npo^ ebpaiot:s. 475 ^^'^0-iov'avTOV, Kol €Kaov avrov, \eymv, TvwOt rov Kvpiov OTi Trai/re? elB^aoval jie airo fiLKpov avrcjv eiw? fieyd- 12 Xov ainayv, * or I t\€o)€p€L irrrep iavrov kol rtov rov Xaov dyvorj/xdrfDV ^tovTO Br)- joh. xiv. 6.' 11. n\Titov) eirlde/xa, waayel irwfia, rh XeySfievov iXaaffjpiov, vol. ii. p. 150 ; and he gives a figurative mean- ing to all these things. 7. o(ira|. On one day in the year: but he went in more than once on that day. c Act.xiii.39; Gal. iii. 21. d Lev. xi. 2 ; Nam. xix. 7, &c. e iii. 1 ; iv. 14; vi. 20 ; viii. 1. f X. 10 ; Act. XX. 28 ; Eph. i. 7 ; Col. i. 14 ; 1 Pet. i. 19; Apoc. i. 5 : V. 9. gx. 4; Lev. xvi. 14, 16; Num. xix. 2,4. h vi. 1 ; Eph. V. 2 ; Gal. i. 4 ; ii. 20 ; Tit. ii. 14; 1 Pet. i. 19 ; iii. 18; 1 Joh. i. 7 J Apoc. i. 5. i xii. 24 ; Act. xiii. 39 ; 476 ^ EniXTOAH [Ke.^. 9. Xovvih^ Tov TTi^ez^yLtaTO? rov arylov, fjurjirca 7r6€aL. 9, 10.] nPOS EBPAIOT^. 477 17 (t>€p€ar6aL Tov BiaOefiivov ^BmO^ki] yap iirl veKpoU /8e/9ata, i' »«!• "»• i»« ^_ 18 €7rei firj ttotc la-xvei ore Q 6 Biade/nepo^ i odev ou6' t) TrpcoTTj cIxJm-^^/^^ 19 ;^a)/3t9 ar/AaT09 eyKeKaivLarau ^\a\r)9€Lv to aXiia rwv Lev. xvi. 14, fioa-)((Miv Kai Tpay(i)v, fjuera uoaro? Kau epiov kokjc^vov Kai va- adtytrov, airro re to ^i^iov Koi rravra tov Xaov ippavTiae, 20 "Xeyo)!', ' ToOro to al/jua t^? BiadqK7j<; 1^9 iveTeiKaTO irpo^ »> Exod. 21 u/xa? 6 0e69.'')f-^"Kal t^i^ aKr]VT)v BLjcqX. TrajfTa t^, a .^f / 'C'/ X' /'J. xxvi. 28 ; TToXXcuv uveveyKCiv a/jiapTia<;, eic oeirrepov %ft)/3t? ap^apTia4p€Tai. die once, so did Christ ; and as men will ap- 19. See Exod. xxiv. where only the blood of pear again at the judgment, so will Christ. calves is mentioned, and nothing said o{ water, 28. The best MSS. read oxiTu Kai. * or wool, or hyssop, or of his sprinkling the book. Ibid. aveveyKelv. See 1 Pet. ii. 24. See Lev. xiv. 4^—6, 49 — 52. Uavra is neither Ibid. x««'P«y a/xaprias. Without the load of in the Hebrew nor LXX. sin which he took upon himself. In his own 20. In the LXX, iSov, rh alfia rrjs Siad^KTjs nature he was as much without sin at his first ris Sjeflero Kvpios vphs vfias. coming as at his second. 21. (TKT]vj]v. This could not have been done Chap. X. 1. 2/cia is opposed to auixa in at the same time, for the tabernacle was not Col. ii. 1 7. Here it seems to mean an outline, yet made. It may mean, that in like manner as opposed to clK6va, a perfect drawiyig or repre- he afterwards sprinkled the tabernacle, as in sentation. Cicero writes, " Nos veri juris ger- Exod. xl. 9 — 11, though no mention is there manseque justitiae solidam et expressam effi- made of blood, but only of oil : Josephus, how- giem nullam tenemus, umbra et imaginibus ever, mentions blood. {Antiq. iii. 8.) Or it ulimur." De Offic. iii. 17. may relate to the service prescribed on the an- 478 , EniXTOAH [Ke^. lo. avTTjv rrjv euKova tmv TrpayfiaTcov, Kar iviavrov rah avrats 6va-iai<^, a? irpoa^epovauv et? to hirjveKh, ovBeTTore SvvaraL T0i»9 irpoaep^iMevovi reXeiojaai. eVel ovk av eiravaavro irpoa- 2 ^epofievai, ota to /JLTjSejjLiav e)(€Lv en avveiBrjaiv ajxapTiMv Tou? \aTpevgvTa \Maprvpet Be rjiuv Kal rb 15 • • viii 8- TTi^eO/xa TO dyiov fxerd yap rb rrpoeiprpcSS^^^ ^Avrrj rj BLadijKij, i6 Jer. Ttyi^i/^'^^^vBiad'naofjiaL 7rpb».». See ver. 14. 6.'irepl hfiaprlas. Some read it as one word, 3. avafivna-ts. On the great day of atone- irepia/xaprias, and so in Lev. vi. 25 ; Numb, ment all the sins of the year were atoned for, viii. 8. Otherwise dvalas must be understood, which they would not have been if each parti- Ibid. evSSKrjffas. LXX ^Trjffas, al. i^-fiTTjcras. cular expiation had been effectual. Philo says See ver. 8. of the sacrifices of bad men, ov Kvcriv afiapTT]- 7. /ce^oAfSt fii^klov. As it is predicted con- fidrup, oAA' incdiivqiTiv ipya^S/xeva. De Vita cerning me in the scriptures. K€v axnSiV eTri/ypdyjtto ai/rou?* kol tmv d/xapTia)v avrwv 18 KoX tS>v dvofitxop axnSiv ov firj fiv7)ado) en." " Orrrov B^ d€(ns joh. x! 9 ; ' TOVTO)Vf OVK €Tt TTpOCT^Opd TTepl dfXapTUK;. (Ut^u uc^^^x, ^ ''^Im v 2- 19 '' "JSvoj/re? ovv, dBeXSoL Trapprja-iav etV rhv eiaoSov rwv Eph.ii.is.is; 20 ayuDP €V TO) aifian lyjaov, rjv a^Kaiviaev rjfiLV ooov irpoa- c iv. u, le. ibarov koX ^uxrav. Bid rov KaTaTrerda/naTO^, TovreaTi r^? aap- ^ ^^?*=^' 'v t n \ t f I t \ ' — \ « n y-v M J xxxvi. 25; 21 /CO? avrov, ^Kai. lepea tieyav eirt top olkov tov &eov, '^TTfioo"- Eph. iu. 12; 22 tU^^nti^^ N ' > /i ~ f y ^^ 4fLf^^x^^^,t» Jac. i. «. €p)(a>fi€ua /M€Ta aXr]Ut,vi]. KaT€x<^f^ Tr)P ofioXo- 24. 24 yiap t?}? eX7ri5o9 dKXiprj, Trtcrro? yap 6 eVayyetXa/zei^o?* koI xiii°T^ , Karapoui^iev aXXriXoy^ et? Trdpo^vatMop ayairn^ Kai koXcop ep- Jj j^ ' 26 y(OP, ^fjLT) irftS?r^LMuffaiSf^ rtjp iirKTVPaywyrjp^avrwp, Ka6d> \ 'yAv'A*V V ' «-v -v " Num. XV. 30; €uoop€pa oe 7 49 xxxvi. 5 ; €K^o^ ^Kpi\* >/ »/i/ v/ c»« / XXXV. 30 ; 29 67rt ovaip rj rpi^i fiapTvacp aiToupr}aK€i' ^iroatp ooKure %et- Deut.xvii.6; /30Z/09 a^i,(i)ur}o)TLa6ePT€<; iroXXrjp d6Xrfat!u virefieipaTe ira- Phiii- 29,30. 33 OrjfidTcop' " toOto fiep, 6peLBt,afJiol<; Te Kal dXjyjrea-i, deaTpi^o- iv. u. 17. Some MSS. add here vartpov XcVet, and ings of the Christians through fear of persecu- e niiething of this kind must be added to answer tion. to/46TciTbxpo6jpT)K«i'ai in ver. 15. The prophecy Ibid. tV W^pc-v- The day of trial. He is given at length in viii. 8, &c. means the troubles into which the Christiana 19. cts T^v (iaoiov. So as to enter in. were brought by the Jewish war. Ibid, iv t4» atfiari. See ix. 25. The high 26. anapraj/dfTuv. He clearly means apos- priest entered the holy of holies with the blood tasy. If we commit this sin voluntarily. See of the sin-offering. Lev. xvi. 15. vi. 4, 5,6. 20. ^v iyeKcdviarev 6dhy, i. e. dScp %v eVe/cai- Ibid, ovk eri. There does not remain any yiaev. other sacrifice for sin. The Jewish sacrifices Ibid. fftHTou'. If any person except the high cannot put away sin, and you have yourselves priest entered the holy of holies, he died : the refused the benefit of Christ's death, entrance into heaven gives life. See ^A.jri5a 29. iv $ riyidadij. Under the Law the ^uaav, 1 Pet. i. 3. sprinkling of blood was used to sanctify : so Ibid. ffopKos. The priest could only enter we are said metaphorically to be sanctified by the holy of holies by going through the veil : we the blood of Christ. can only enter into heaven by the death of Ibid- ivvfipiffas. Apostates must deny the Christ. influence of the Holy Spirit. See note at Matt, 22. vpoa-fpxdfi^Ba, ippavrifffievoi, and \e\ov- xii. 32. fi4voi are all words belonging to the service of 30. 'Efiol. See note at Rom. xii. 19. the temple : \€\ovfj.4voi may relate to baptism. Ibid. KpiveT. God says in Deut. xxxii. 36. 23. ofioXoyiav. See iiL 6. that he will judge, i. e. punish his people. See 25. iTTUTwayaryftv. Perhaps some of them Kpive? in xiii. 4. had beguu to absent themselves from the meet- 32. <()WTi /cal ryap Tol<; SeafioU fiov «• « / r/ t- > > « iThess.ii.i4; 7*^ft>cr'^oi/Te9 e%etz^ ev eavTOL \ f r\ r y \ \ « Ecci.xiiv.i6; evpioTKeTO, OLOTi fieTeurjKev avTOV CJ'60?. Trpo yap ttj^ fiera- r' yit*-^ ^eq;eft)? avrov /me/jLapTvprjrai ' evrjpearrjKevaL tm &eM'' %ct)pt9 6 Be TTtcTTeo)? aSuraTOi^ evapearrjaai' ina-TevaaL J^A Bel tov irpoaepxofievov tm OeS, on eaTL,' /cal roh ifC^rjTOva-LV avTov t.c*>A-<^"'^^ fjbL/ j^cs^-? / \/ v Phil. iii. 9. aCOTTjpiaV TOV OiKOV aVTOU' OL 97? XaTeKOlVe TOV KOCTfJLOV, Kac y ^^u^^.Li^-*^ 34. The true reading seems to be roTs Secrfii- things hoped for, as in Artemidorus, &(rT€ v & Tre-rrovdev evplTpiav, iv (TKrjvals KaTOLKi]^^;, fxerci ^laaa/c "^fj^ /icat lcuca>p rtov avyKMjpouo/Jxov Trj^i efrayyeXia'; t?/? avTrj"• -*; 11 /icai &r}fUovpy'^ 6 0eo9. ^TIiaTei, koI avrrj ^dppa Bvva/jbLV x\\iu; . et9 Kara^oXijv xvii. i9; 6J/09 €y€PP^r)&ap, Kai ravra pepeKpoy/jLevov, Kau(o<; ra aarpa Rom. iv. i9. Tov ovpapov TO) 7rXt]deL, Koi (oael dfifio<; >; Trapa to p^etXo? ^^^^"'y".^' * ' 13 T^9 6aXda ^^ M!itt.xxii.32; VLOv. 010 ovK 6y«u 'T ^J^ »A^ N ' xlviii. 5, 15, o^r]67]aav to Bidrwwfia jov ^avXaK7]<;, . 23. The parents of Moses had faith in the promise of a Redeemer, who was to be de- scended from Jacob, and therefore preserved their son. 24. ^liyas. Forty years old. Acts vii. 23. 7. So Philo. 'O Se eV avThv (pedaas rhv Zpov rrjs avdpwirtyTfs cvrvxias, Kal duyarpiSovs fihu rod Toaoirov fiaffiKecos vofiiadels .... ri]V cvyyeviKijv koI TrpoyoviK^fV i^-fiXwae iraiSelav. vol. ii. p. 85. . 26. iif Kiy{nrr(p. The reading is probably PklyvirTov. Ibid. oviiBifffxhv XpiffTov. The reproach which he was likely to suffer for thus acting from a principle of faith in the Messiah to come. Pyle. See 2 Cor. i. 5 ; Col. i. 24. 27. KaTiKiTTcu. When he went with the children of Israel. 31. TT6pvi]. It has been said, that the same Hebrew word signifies meretrix and cauponaria. 32. 4m\fl\pei, So Philo, iwiKliroi ttv 6 filos rov fiov\op.ivov SirtjeiaOai, vol. ii. p. 115; and Isocrates, i'jri\iTroi S* &j/ 7}fxas 6 ttSs xP^'^os, ei K. T. A. Ad Demonic, p. 7. 33. KarrfyuvicravTo. Joshua, David, &c. Ibid. elpyda-avTo SiKaiocrvi/rjv. Worked out for themselves righteousness, Phinehas &c. Ibid. iiriTvxov. Caleb, Joshua, David. Ibid, ecppa^au. Samson, Daniel. 34. e^A<«>y<«»>, , , ^, ^r xxi. IS; 8S povfjL€voi, 6\ipofi€voi,*KaKoir)(pv/jL€POL, (xiv ovK rw a^Los vepii Deut. '^^^ cuyLaa^oVi ov %««)/)t? ovO€l opei,, fcal /ce/cav/xevo) jfi Dent. V. 22. TTVpl, Kol yv6<^(p, Kol (TKOTO), Kul OviWrf, " KOi ad^TTJC^yO'^ VX^ 19 XX 19 •" '^"^ ^>wvri pr)fiaTaiVy r}<; oi afcovaavje'^ iraprjTiqaavTO pur] Trpoa- y^ Deut, V. TeOrjvau avToh \6yov' °ovk e^epov yap to BiaaTeXkofMevov, 20^^«*^ xviii. 16. ' Kdv Orjpiov Oiyj) TOV opovi, 'kL6o^o\T]6i]o^€pov Tjv TO (f>avTa^6/j,€Vov, Ma)cr7j(; 21 9. cTto. Itane vero? Ergone? Raphel, Al- against such an obstacle, and blood being berti, Valckenaer. drawn. Ibid, irarepas rrjs di]ffofiiv aKovaai t^v (pa>v^v Kvplov. vfiiv ^ifo &v(i) ofi6s phor (Trpoa-KSirreiv) in Rom. ix. 32 ; Gal. v. 7. «/*». MiavOuai may allude to a person running K,/ v / > f \ n jxnn v" Psal,cii.26; Xeycov, * Jbjri aira^i . €70) <7eta) ov /jlovov ri]v yr)v, aXXa kul Matt. 27 rov ovpav6v.\ "To 8e, ' ert aTraf,' St/Xo? twv <7aXei>o/uei^ft)i/ g^pe't^iu'io. f^ir T^^rroreo^ o)? ireTroirj/JLevajv, Xva fjbeivrj ra /xr) aaXeVofieva. » 1 Pet. ii. 5. is ^ Bio ^aaCXeiav dadX€vrov7rapaXa/ji^dvovre<;, exfof^ev Y«fl/J^^ [x^'a"*'^"^^' St 1^9 Xarpevtofiev evapksrrojk r^ Sew, fierd alBov^ kol evX(tA\l^m. 20 /Sc/a?. JkoI yap ' 6 Beo9 i7/aiXo^eviac6vfi€V0i> rol<; irapova-iv. avrb ' /l«*r-«'<- >M » / t ^ / J H o<; ifiol ^or]6o<^, Kai ov xii. 9. vered his commandments then by an earthly mes~ Ibid. Ou pi]. This quotation agrees with the senger, Moses. Thv air ovpavwv, Him who Hebrew of Joshua i. 5 ; the LXX have, ovk actually came from heaven. iyKaraKeirf/w ce, ouS' inrepdrpopai ae. In Deut. 26. ov. This seems to ascribe to Christ xxxi. 8, ovk avijaet (re, ovdf pi] at iyKara*- what is ascribed in Exodus to God. TV 7^"; A»t?j. A I 2 Cor ■ Phil. iv. "' ver '486 . EniXTOAH [K.povvT4a'y€LV ovK e')(pvcnv e^ovcriav ol ry aKrjprj Xarpevovre^i. Col. ii. 8, 16; ^ 'j/ y v? n'' '' >\f/ 2The8s.ii.2; ^wi^ ^^ap eL(7<^> TOVTCov ra o-ay/juara KaraKaUraL e^co rrjs gExod.^ Trapejjb^oXri^i' ^hio Kal ^l7ja-ov, Tovrirrrv Kapirov x^cKioDV ojjloKo- k Psal. 1. 23; ryoiWcOI^ TM OVO/jUaTL aVTOV. Va}? Se eVTTOUaS Kal KOLVCOVLa^ P'V 16 Ose. xiv. 2; iirCkavOdveaOe' TOLavTaL<; yap 6vcrlacs evapeareLrai 6 ©e6<;. 1 Pet. ii. 5. ll€Lueau6 TOLS r)yov/jL6VOLa avrov, ttooojv iv v/juv ro evdpearov '.•::tU r^ ivcowiov avrov, Sid ^Irjcrov Xpia-rov' o§ t} Bo^a et? tou? alwva^ rcov alcovcov. dfi^v. ^ UapaKoXS) Be vp.depeo9 'EfipaiovvXaiol fwv, orav Treipaa/Moh ^^^^^'> Z nrepLiretrnre woiKi\oi/ri;i^o9, aKaTdaTaTO<; iv Trao-at? rat? 6Bol<; avrov. Kav- job xiJ'2- 10 X^^^ 5e 6 dB€\(f)6<; 6 raireLvb'; iv r& in^et avrov' e© §e Psai. cu. ii; 7r\ouo-to9 iv TTJ TaireLvaxreL avrov y on o)? av6o<; ^pprov 7ra/o- Ecci.xiv.is; 11 ekevaerai. dvereiXe yap 6 ^\ao9 avv tw Kavawviy kolI i^i]pav€ icor.Vii.3i; Tov x^pTOVj Kal TO avdo « /i / (Ti/r ' » v A f / Prov. iii. 11; 12 p€uiiavov rrj^ ^corj<;, 2'Tim^iv! s'- ov iTnjyyeLTuLTo 6 KvpLos. That which tries 9, 10, If any among you is poor and low in your faith, viz. these irejpoToy.i\.6; 'jrXavdaOe, dheXSoi fiov dyairrjroi' ^irdaa S6a-L<; dyaOt} kul 17 Mai. iii. 6;„5., /-. yf Af ^ /D« y \ r. v Joh. iii. 27 ; Trap 0(op7)[Mi TeXeiov avcouev ecrrt Karapaivov airo rov 7raTpo<; Rom. xi. 29 ; « J / >?•>>/ a -n v a « > / 1 Cor. iv. 7. Twz/ (f)(OT(ov, TTUp ft) ovK evL irapaWor/r] , rj Tpo7rr)<; airoa-Kiacr/jLa. h Joh. i. 13 ; ^^ovXijOeU d7r€Kvr](Tev r}iJid' « >/ /I v .,„ 1 Pet. i. 23. Slare, aoe\q)Oi fjLOv ayairr^TOi, earoo Tra? avupco7ro<; Ta')(vs 19 '^™27- ^^'^ ^^ aKovaai, l3paSv<; ek to XaXrjaat, fipaBi)^ et? opyrjv. Bcchv.i, 2. ^opyrj yap dvBpb<; BtKaioavvrjv &eov ov Karepyd^erai,. ^ A l6 20 ^ ^^^^'^J^'^^' dirode/jLevoL irdo-av pvirapiav kuI irepiaGelav KaKia^;, iv irpav- 1 Pet. ii. I. TT^Tt Bk^aade Tov 6/ji(f>vTov \6yov, Tov Bvvdfievov awaat Ta9 "' Matt. • \r« mT^'Zl^^ ^-v' \ \ r > vii. 21; yi'%a? vjjioyv. ^1 iveave be TroLTjrau Xoyov, Kai fxr) fjbovov aKpo- 22 RonT'ii^is- '^'^^^' 7rapaXo7t^o//.ez^ot eaurou?. ^^otl el tl<^ dKpoaTr]/)/ v Joh. xiii. 17. 'KapaKVYaavoif<; koX %^/)a9 eV t^ OXiyjrei avrwv, dcnrikov kavrov rrjpelv anro rod Koafiov. 2 '^AAEA^OI /jLoVf fMTj iv 'Trpoa(07rd\T}y^LaLopovvTa rrjv iadrjra T7]V Xa/jLirpav, koI elirryre avrat, Sv Kadov c58e /caXw?, koX tw tttco^^ eiTnjre, ^ Sif arfjOi, €K€i, rj Kadov ayBe inro to viroirohiov /jlov, koI ov hveKplOryre iv eavrolt, kol iyiveade Kpiral BiaXoyca-fjLwv tto- f^ vrfpwv, ^oKOvaaTC, ahe\T}fiovT]v, ' ^ Ayairrjaec^i tov ttXtjctlov arov co? aeavrbv,' KaX(o<; " Lev.xix.i5; 9 TTotetTe* "et Be irpoa-oaiToXrprTetTe, dfJLapTLav ipyd^eadcf iXey^^o- xvi. 19! 10 /jicvoL inrb tov vofiov co? wapa^dTOL, ^ooti^ yap okov tov v6p.ov ''^^^"ge- 11 TTjprjaeif TrralaeL Be iv evl, yeyove irdvTOiv evo')(o<;. y© yap Matt. v. eiTToav, ' Mr} p,0L^ev(Tri<;* elire Kal, ' Mrj <^ovev(Tr}r * el Be ov Ga'i. m. 10. 12 yitot^evo-et?, ^ovevaecf; Be, yeyova fir) iroL^aavTL eXeo?' '^^^ ][ Jiatt^iia- KaTaKav)(aTai eXeo? Kpiae(o<;. xviu. 35 ; 14 ^ Ti TO 6€Xo<;, dBe\(f>ol p.ov, iav iriaTUV Xeyrj T19 e^^i'Vy epya ^ i. 23 ;' 15 Be an eyv ; arj BvvaTOi 77 TTMTTi? aSyaaL avTov ; ^^Edv Be dBeX- Matt.vu. 26. 909 rj aoeXpLa-(rovac. GeXet^ Be yvwvai, w avdpwire 20 ' Gen. xxii. \ » r i \r>>/ , ■, f t a /^ \ 9, 12. ^^^e, OTL rj iridTL^ %«»pt? Twi' epywv vexpa eartv ; * A/3paafi 21 6 irarrjp r/fiMV ovk ef epywv eBLKauodrj, dveveyKa ^fcal e7r\7)p(t)drj rf ypacprj rj Xeyovaa, '^EiTLaTevae 23 Gal. iii. 6. g^ ^A^pudfi TM ©eM, KoX iXoyiaOr) avTw eh BiKaLoavvrjv' XX. 7;'°°* ^'^^^ (f>L\o<; Oeov eKXrjOr). opdre tolvvv otl ef epycov BcKaLovrat 24 Esa. xii. 8. avOpcoTTO^, Kol OVK €K iTLCTTeco^; fiovov ,* ^ 6fioLco<; Be KoX 'PaajB r] 25 vi. 23 ; ' TTopVY) OVK e'f epycov eBiKaicoOr], vTroBe^afievrj tov<; dyyekov^, Heb. xi. 31. \ f / 'C' « ' /D -x " " \ v « \ / Kai eTepci ooco eKpaXovaa ; coairep yap to acofia ^co/ot? irvev- 26 x^*8' fJ'CtTO'i veKpov ecTTLV, ovTCo KoX r) TTLO-TL^i xcoph TCOV €pycov veKpd Rom. ii. 20, icTTL. 21 » Ecci.vii.20 • ^Mff TToXXoX BiBdcTKoiXoL ylvenQe, dBeXcf)ol fiov, elBoTe? otl 3 Si^^xiv^'i^- ' A*-^^?^^ Kplfia Xrjylrofieda. ^iroXXd yap TTTaio/iev aTrai^re?. et rt? 2 xix. 16; eV Xoyw ov TTTalet, ovTO<; reXeio? dvrjp, BvvaTO epya ex»" 23. iirKrjpeidr]. This scripture was true at Se7^ov K. T. K. A man will perhaps ask me, as if the time to which it applies, but the truth of this were the only test required. Hast thou it was shewn more fully a,t'terv/a,rds. faith ? To which 1 answer, Yes^ and I have 24. You see, therefore, that works may contri- works as well : shew me &c. bute to shew a man's justification, and the act of Ibid. Sil^ov. As the words stand here, there faith is not the only thing which proves it. is an emphasis on cob and fiov. Shew me thy 25. It is plain from Heb, xi. 31. that the faith by thy works, and I will shew thee my faith of Rahab was commonly spoken of; and faith by my works. But the best MSS. read S. James may have alluded to the words of XODph Tuv ipywv (TOV in the first clause. S. Paul in that place. He now asks. What do 19. & 0€bs efs. The unity of God was held we know of RahaVs faith, except by the works by the Jews and Gnostics as well as by Chris- which she did ? tians. Chap. III. 1. ixct^ov Kplp.a. Those who in- 21. We must remember, that Abraham's struct others, will be called to a severer account : justification by faith took place several years for all persons are liable to commit faults ; and before he offered up his son. S. James would they who attempt to teach, make their liability not have denied, that Abraham's faith was still greater. counted to him for righteousness : but he means 2. By becoming a teacher, he is very likely to say, that, if his faith was disputed, it may be to commit faults with his tongue, the right proved by works which he did afterwards. Was government of which is a sign of great manage- not the faith, which was counted to Abraham for ment. righteousness, proved subsequently by his offering 3. t8ou. Most MSS. read et Se. his son? Abraham offered up his son, because 4. 'iSov is omitted in many MSS. he had faith in the promise, which God had Kfo. 8, 4.] lAKflBOT. 493 iKax^ov TTTjBaXiov, oirov av i} opfirj tov €v6vvovto<; ^ovXrjraL' b "oiJtq) Kot t] yXcoaaa /xiKpov ^eXo? earl, koX fie^aXavxei. ^IBov, ^ p**'- *"• 6 oXiyou TTvp r)Xucriv vXrjv dvdirreL' °Kal »; yXwaaa irvp, o Koa- ixxiii. 8, 9; « ,5.^ r, fN" /}/ ,«/^ Prov. xii.18; /A09 Tr;9 abiKia^. oirro)? 17 yXayaaa Kaoio-Tarac ev tol<; /JLeXeatv xv. 2. rifX(ov, T) (rmXovaa oXov to o-w/ur, /cat (j)XoyL^ov(Ta tov Tpo;^oi' ° j^***- J^- 7 T?}? yeveaeo)'!, Kol Xoyi^o/jL€vrj inro t^9 yeevvrir irdcra yap ^viTi^ 6rjpia>v re /cat Trereivcov, epirercov re kol ivaXicov, Sa/jud- 8 ^€TaL Kal hehdfiaaraL Ty v(T€t rfj dvOpoyirlvr)' tt)i/ Be yXSxraav ouSet? Bvvarav dvOpcoTrcov BafjAaar dKaTda')(eTOV KaKov, /JLearr} 9 lov davaTr}6pov. Pev avrfj evXoyovfiev tov 0e6v koI iraTepa, pOen. i. 27; Kal iv ainij KaTapw/xeda Tov «Se\^ot fiov, Taxna ovtco yiveaOaL. fJbrjTi 12 1) iTTjyr] €K T779 avTrj6<; Kal cTnoT^fUov iv vfilv ; Bec^dTco e/c t^«? KaXrj<; 1 Eph. v. 8. 14 dvaaTpoi]<; to. epya avTOv iv TrpavTrjTi (TO(f>ui<;. ^el Be ^rjXov "^ ^°^- ^i"* TTLKpov e^eTe Kal ipiOelav iv ttj KapBlq v/jlwv, fir) KaTaKavX'^o'Oe 15 Kal yjrevBeaOe KaTci t/)? dXrjdeia^\r)(^L'^V> Baifiovi(oB7)<;. ^ottov t icor.iii.3; \ t»<»-v v>/l^>«» I v„,„^ „ Gal. V. 20. yap y;Xo9 Kai epLueia, e/cet uKaTaaTaaia Kav irav (pavXov irpay- 17 fia. 7) Be dva>6ev aocj^la irpwTov fiev dyvi] iaTiv, eireiTa elprf- vucT), iirieiKTjfi, evrret^^?, fieaTt) iXeov<; Kal KapirSiv dyaOwv, 18 d^LdKpLTO06vov iiriTToOei TO TTvevfJLa o KarwKTja-ev iv r)/MV ; ^fiei^ova 8e 6 Mich. iii. 4 ; g^'g^Q.^ j^cLpLV Blo Xiyei, ''O 0609 vTrcprjipdvoL^ dvnrdaaeTaVy ijoh. iii.22; Ta7reti^o?9 Be BlBcocn ')(apiv.' ^ ' TTrordjijTe ovv ro) 0eo5. dv- 7 y Joh.xv.i9; TiaTrjTe Tw Bta^oXw, Kal (j)ev^6TaL a0' v/jlcov' ^iyylaare rep 8 ati'i^o- ®^^> '^^^ iyyuel v/ullv. KaOaplaare %ei/)a9, dfiaprayXol, Kal ay- 1 Joh. ii. 15. T/laare KapBia<;, Si\|ri/^ofc. '^raXaLTrcaprja-aTe Kal irevOrjo-are Kal 9 Prov. m?34J KXavaare' 6 76X0)9 vf.iwv els 7rev6o<; fjLeTaarpacjy^TQ), Kal rj %a/3a mS ^^ ' ^^'^ Kar^ipecav. ^TairecvcodrjTe evdorrriov rov Kvplov, Kal vyjrcoaet lO xxiii. 12 ; uyaa9. ' XIV. 11 ; ' ^Mr) KaraXaXetre aXXi^Xcov, dBeX(f)0L' 6 KaraXaXwv dBeXov, 11 1 Pet. v.'s. Kal Kpivcov rov dBeX' ™ "ATE vvv, ol TrXovcTLOi, KXavaare, 6XoXviovre / T, « -N « t '^ t JAct.xviii.2i- '^'*^^^'^^/'^<*^'* vyu-tuj^ Tat9 e7rep')(o/iievaL<;. "o 7rAoi;T09 f/^wi^ (xe- 2 Heb'vi%^^' ^V^^f f^^'' "^^ Ifidna vjjLwv aTjrofipcora yeyovev °6 ')(pv(TO ' »,>r« ,/- Deut. ufirfaavTOiv Ta '^irpv(j>^aaT6 eVl t^? 7^9, koI eVTraraXT^fraTe' "J Lu.xvi.i9, 6 iOpeyjraTe Tdo\, eoa? rr}? 7rapov(rLa(; tov Ku- r Deut.xi.i4. plov, tBoif, 6 ye(i)pyo<; eKBex^Tai tov rlfiiov Kapirov t^? 7^9, /xaKpoOvfiwv iir avrS, eo)? av Xd^rj verov Trpcoifiov koI o-yjn/jLov' 8 /MiKpodv/Ji^aaTe Kal vfieh, a-TTjpi^are rd<; KapBiaolf Xva fjLT) KaraKpidrfre IBov, 6 KpLTrjf; irpb twv Ovpwv 10 ^arrjKev. ^'TiroBeiyfJLa Xd^CTC rrj<; Ka/coTradeia^, dBeXcpol fiov, t Matt. v. 12. Kal •n}? fJUiKpo6vfila0L fiov, JJai. cm. 8. fiT) 6fivv€T€y fjLrJTe TOV ovpavov, fir]T€ TTjv yrjv, firjTe dXXov tlvcl g/^^"- ^• opKOV ffTto Be vfMav to val, val, Kal to oif, ov' Xva fir] viro 13 KpLtTLV irearjTe. "f KaKOiraOet tU iv v/jlIv ; 7rpoaevxea-6co' ev- l,f,'^b.''-l^ 14 6v/jL€L Tt? ; yjraXXeTCi). ^dadevet tU iv vfiiv ; irpoaKaXeadaOo) t Mar.vi.i3; TOLN? TrpeajSvTepov^ Tr]^ iKKXrjala^;, Kal Trpoaev^daOcoa-av iir ^'^^' ^^' avrovy dXeiyjravTe<; axnov eXaiq), iv tm ovofiaTC tov Kvpiov. 15 Kal T) evxh T^9 TTtoTeo)? acoaec tov KdfJLVOVTa, Kal iyepel avTov 6 Kvpio<;' Kciv dfJLapTia^ rj TreTroivKm, d^eOrjaeTau avTw. 16 ^E^ofJioXoyeurOe dXXi]Xoi,<; Ta irapairToaixaTa, Kal ev-)(e(r6e virep dXXrjXwv, oirco^ ladrJTe. iroXv laxvei Berjaif; BuKalov ivepyov- ^ ^ j^^^ 17 fievrj. "'HXf'a? dvOpwiro^ rjv 6/jLoto'Tra6r]<; yfilv, Kal 7r/30o-6u;^5 ^viu m^ ^^ irpoa-rjv^aTO tov /jltj ^pe^ac, Kal ovk e^pe^ev iirl t^? 7^7? ivi- Lu. iv. 25. 3. cts (xaprvpioy. Your gold and silver be- 7. He now addresses himself particularly to coming rusty will be a proof to you that you the Christians, have not been employing them well. 8. irapovaia. This evidently refers to the Ibid, is -Kvp is generally connected with destruction of Jerusalem. See Matt. xxiv. 3. ol, iuv TA9 €V v/MV irXavTjdfj airo T^? a\ri6eiav ^Iriaov S lCor.xv.20; „ \' , , ^ > , / v. , '^ , ^ r . , 2 Cor. i. 3 ; KpLaTOv, o KUTa TO TToXv avTov eA€09 avar/€VPr)(Ta^ r)fia<; et? j^^i! 18.' eXTTiSa t,oy f'<^%«''"^* ^eV « djaW'.daOej oKuyov dpri, el Seov eWt, 6 f c*o?hri3 • ^t^7r'r;^6rTe9 ev ttolklKoi^; ireipaafxol^, ^ Xva to SokI/jllov vjiwv 7 Jac. i. 3. 7-^,- iria-Teco^, ttoXv TifJudtTepov ')(pv v \ \ \ 2 Cor. V. 7 ; "TTvpo^ oe ooKifJia^ofievov, cvpeufj et9 eiraivov Kai Tifirjv /cat Hj.xi.1,27. g(J^^j;^ g'y diroKoKxr^ei ^Irjaov XptaTov' ^ov ovk etSore? a7a- 8 xiix. 10; Trare* et^ oi^, a/ort fxr] opSiVTes, inaiTevovTe^ Be, dyaXkidade ix. 24 ; ' X^/3^ ai/e/cXaXT^Tft) KOL BeBo^aa-fievy, KOfii^o/juevoi, to reXos T7J9 9 ?Psai xi^7- '^^^'^^^^ vficov, acorrjpiav '\|rt/^ft>i'* ^7re/3t ^9 (TcoTr)pLa<; e^e^rj- 10 Esa. liii. TTjaav KOL i^Tjpevj^aav 7rpo(f)rJTai, 01 irepl t?}9 €t9 L'//.a9 ')(dpiTO<; Ln.x^.26.7rpo(Tfi4pov in ver. 20. But the reading is probably i^6vTfS. Ibid, iv ayiaafi^. They were called, by the Ibid. SeSolatr/^eVj; is which has been already sanctification of the Spirit, to obey the gospel, glorified, and may allude to the gifts of the and to be partakers in the benefits of Christ's Spirit which had been received, death. 9. Kom^Sfxevoi. Being in the way of receiving. 3. ^wffav. See dhhv ^wcrav in Heb. x. 20. The process of their salvation was going on. 5. (ppovpovfievovs — els ffwr-qpiav. They were 11. els riua to what person, fl ito7ov Kaiphv or guarded by faith from all attacks, and enabled to what time. The prophets foretold the suffer- to arrive at salvation. ings of the Messiah, and his subsequent exalta- 6. eV ^ ayaWiaade. Wherefore rejoice. tion, according as they were inspired ; but they 7. iroT^v TifiicoTepou. The troubles, which had not a clear notion of the person or the tried the Christians, were really of muck more time to which these prophecies pointed. Tb K^ 1, 2.J EUIXT, riETPOT A, TO €v avToi9 TTVcvfia XpicTTOv, TTpofxapTvpofievov rh eh Xpiarov 12 TradTJfULTa, /epOfJLevrjv vfuv x^P''^ ^^ diroKaXv-^eL ^Irj- "• Lev.xi.44; 14 6^fp rov tt)? 7rapoLKlarjTe' ° e^ore^ ore ov <^6apTol<;, dpyvpm ^ »iCor.vi.20; Xpval^, €Xirrpa}6r)r€ iK t^9 fiaraia alLfiart, o)? dfivov djMOfiov Kal dairi- ^^^^^^^ .28- 20 Xou, Xpiarov' '^Trpoeyvcoa/juevov fiev irpo KaTa^oXrj<; Koafjiov, ^ ^°^\^' "^ • 21 (txiV€pa>d€VT06apTi]«- Apoc. xiii. 8. a>9 x^P'^^'*' '^^^ Traaa oof a avapoDirov 009 avuo<; ^pprov. e^rjp- ^ ^^^ ^^ 33 . 25 dvdr] 6 xppro^t Kal to dvdo<; avrov i^eireae' ro Be prj/Ma Kvpiov ^^f^' "• ^* fievei eh rov alwva.' Tovro Be iart, ro pijfjLa rb evayyeXccrOev Act. xv! 9 ; 2 eh v/xd66vovr}, to XoytKov aSoXov ydXa iTniroOrja-are, Xva iv » Paal. xxxiv. '"'j-zi'^ vv '/ a tr \ r -^ , s avTQ) av^rjUrjTe, "^eiirep eyevaaade on xPV^to'^ o Kvpco^. yJTpo? 3 cx^viu-22- ^^ TrpoaepxofMCUOi, \l6ov ^covra, viro avOpcoircov /utev diroSe-^ Eph. ii. 20. BoKifiaafMepov, irapd he @eu> eKkeicTov, evTC/xov, ^ koX avrol o)? 5 i:^r2ir" ^ ' ^'•^^^ ^wj/T69 olKoSo/xelade, oIko^ TrvevfjuarcKO^, lepdrevfia dytov, Rom*xii\'- ^^^^^'y'^"' TTj^ew/xaTt/ca? 6vaia^ evirpoaSeKTOv^ toS ©ew Bid Eph. ii. ^Irjcrov XpLCTTOv. ^Aio KOi irepUx^L eV T^ ypa^fj, ^ ^IBov, tl- G Phil. iv. 18; ^'7/'''t iv ^CQ)V XiOoV aKpoycOVtaloV, eKXeKTOV, eVTlfJLOV Kol 6 aIIca's; "^^^"^^^^^ eV avTM ov fir) KaraLaxvvOfj.' ^'T/jllv ovv r/ rifxr] 7 ^- 1^- Tol Psai. irpoaKO/JLfj.aTO'i Kai irerpa aKavoaXov, ol TrpocrKoirTova-L, tw cxviii. 22; Xoyo) direiOovvTe^, eU o kol iredrjaav' ^vaeU Be yevo Act. iv. 11. paa-iXetov leparev/xa, eovo^ ayiov, Xaa et? irepiirolria-Lv, otto)? L^ u!^34*-^^' '^^'^ dperd^i e^ayyelXTjTe tov €k aKorov^ v[jbd<^ KaXeaavro^; eZ? Rom. ix.33; ^^ Oav^a(TTov avTov (^W9' ^ol TToxe ou Xao^ij vvv Be Xab<; Qeov' 10 d Exod. ol ovK r/Xerj/jLevoL, vvv Be iX€r)6evTe<;. Drat^vfi.'e; ^'AFAIIHTOI, TrapaKaXo) w? irapoiKov^ koX TrapewLBrj/jLov^i, U ^^^•^is- a,'irex'^crOaL rcov aapKiKwv e7n6u/xLMV, aXTive^ arparevovrac Kara Eph. i. 14; r?}? 'yjrvxv'i' ^^V^ dvacrTpo(j)r)v v/jlmv iv rot? eOveauv e^oi/re^ 12 Col. 1.13; KaX7]v, Xva iv m KaraXaXovaLV v/jlcov ft)? KaKoiroiwVj iK rcov v.^i.* ' KoXoiV epycov iiroirrevaavTe^i Bo^dacoaL tov Qeov iv rj/jiepa eOBe. i. 10; eTTtfr/toTT?}?. ^^TTTordyrjTe ovv irdarj dvOpwirlvrj Kriaei 8ta 13 Rom.ix.25. TOV Kvpiov elVe /SaaiXel, a)s virepexovTC ^eire rjyefjLoaiv, co? 14 xxix. 15-' ^^ avTOV 7re/M7ro/JLevoL<;, ei? eKOLKrjatv /juev KaKoiroLcov, eiracvov p«.xxxix.i3; g^ dyadoTTOLcbv ^OTL ouTO)? iaTL TO OiXriiia TOV @€ov, dyaOo- 16 cxix. 19 ; ' Rom.xiii.i4 ; 7roLovi'Ta<; (f)i/jLovv TTjv TMV d(f)p6vcov dv6p(07rcov dyvoxrlav' ^&)9 16 Gal. V. 16, 24; ,^ //j \ \ t > /^ v r, / \ i^ Jac. iv. 1. eXevfJepoi, Kau fir) o)? eTTLKaXv/jL/jLa e^ovTe^ t7)<; KaKia'i Trjv eXev- l}^^'^^',. Oepiav, dXX^ w? BovXol Geov. ^irdvTa^ TLaiia-aTe, Tr)v dBeX- \1 Matt. V. 1d;J ^^ /\ \ r\ r « Rom. xii. 17; (j^oTTjTa dyaTTCLTe, TOV Oeov ^ojBelaoe, TOV paaCXea TLfMUTe. Phil. ii. 15. h Rom. xiii. 1 ; Tit. iii. 1. ' Rom. xiii. 3,4. k Tit. ii. 8. ' Joh. viii. 32; Gal. V. 1, 13 ; 2 Pet. ii. 19. »' Matt. xxii. 21 ; Rom. xii. 10 ; Heb. xiii. 1 ; 2 Pet. i. 7. 2. \oyiKhv yd\a is the milk of the gospel, in Ibid, \i9ou — ywvias. A quotation from Psalm allusion to \6yov in i. 23. cxviii. 22. Ibid. &So\ov. Unadulterated. See SoAoOvres, 8. \idos — crKavSaKov. In allusion to Isaiah 2 Cor. iv. 2. viii. 14, koI ovx ws Xidov irpoaKSixfiaTi (Tvvavrii- Ibid. av^t)6riT€. Ye may grow up to manhood. aecrde, ovSe ws Tcerpas irTw/xaTi. Most MSS. add els crwTrjplav. Ibid, ot TTpoaK6irrovv \idov iroXvTeKrj, iKX^KThv, aKpoyw- aperds fjLOv Sir}yu(r6ai. For Xahs els ir(pLiroir](riv viaiov, evTi/xov, els rii. QefxiXia auTTjs* koX 6 iriar- see Tit. ii. 14. Tfvuu OV jj.)] Karaiax^^^V' Instead of ov fi^ 12. Tj/xepa iina-KOTrrjs is either the day wlien K(x,Tai(Txw6fj it is in the Hehrevf nan festinabit. God visits with vengeance, (Is. x. 3; Jer. vi. 7. TJ/i'^. In allusion to ei/ri/xos in the words 15,) or the day of inquiry being instituted by the of Isaiah. To you he is \i6os fUTifxos. heathen. See note at Luke xix. 44. K, ^ , /, « X , , , ' X * V « - „ Col. iii. 22; ov fiovov Tot? arfaaoL(; Kai eTnecKeaiVf aXXa Kai tol<; aKoXioL<^. iTim vi. i; 19 ^TovTO yap x^P^'^* ^^ ^^^ avveiSrja-LV Oeov viro^epei rt? Xv7ra<;, ^^'^i^^j ^jo 20 irda-)((^v ahiKw^. ^ttoIov yap /cXeo?, el aixaprdvovre^ koI KoXa- p iii. U; i^6fi€vot v7rofjL€V€iT€ ; oXX el dyadoTTOLovvre^i kuI Trao-^oi/re? q jij [-j.' 21 v7ro/JL€V€lT€, TovTO x^P'''* "^^p^ ScM. ^Elr)T€ vvv eirl Tov TTOLfieva Kal eTriorKoirov twv yjrvxcou J^^^'v" ^^ ; VflSiV. J6^^ dyvr)v dva(Trpo(f>r)v vfjubv Vwv earco ovx o e^coOev i/ULTrXo- lit. ii. a. KTj^ rptx^v, ical 7repi6e(7€(o<; xP^^^^^t V €vBvaeco ^'^- '■• ^• « / \f/ / rf i >/ '>/^«^ Roin. ii. 29; Tou irpaeo^ Kau rjavxiov irvevfiaro^;, o eanv evcoTrcov rov iyeov vii. 22 ; 5 TToXuTeXe?. ovTd) ydp irore Kal at ayiai yvvalKe^, at cXttI- ^^°^'^'''^^' Lpvcrai eiTi tov tyeov, eKoafiovv eavTa<;, viroraaaofievai, tol<; 12. 6 lBioLo^ov/j,evac iir^Befiiav irrorjaiv. ^01 dvBpe<; ofioiod^;, ? daOevearepo) cKeveL tw yvvaiKelq), rcor.'i. 10 ; d7rovefiovTe? Kal avyKXrjpovofioi, ^a/OtTO? ^ft)?}?, et9 j^j^'ig '" ^ ' to /i^ eKKOTTTeadac Ta9 Trpoarevxd'i v/xoov. dLev.xix.i8; 8 ^T6 Be Te\o9, 7rairre9 6/jL6(f>pove^, crvfjUTradel^f ^tXaSeX^ot, xx. 22 ; 9 ei;o-7rXa7;^wt, 6^ov avroov jjur) (^o^rjOfjTe, lirjhe rapa')(6riTe' Kvpiov he tov Seov drftdaaT^ iv rat? Kap- 15 Matt. V. 10; huiL^ VfJLCOV. ''Eroifioi he del tt/do? diroXoylav nravrl rm anovvTL vfm ayairwv Tjfiepas whole argument, which turns upon the good- Iduv ayadds ; ness of Christ in suffering for other persons ; 1 3. fufiTiTai Probably fVjXwTo/. in which same character he also went and preached 14. In Isaiah viii. 12, 13. the LXX read rhv &c. See iv. 4. Se (pSfioy avTov oif jx^ XvyUU^Ot,i\la. It perhaps this consideration : L e. let this idea of Christ means, the exercise of charity will hinder many having died for us serve as your defence sins from being committed. See James v. 20. against the lusts of the flesh. Most MSS. read /coAjJirret. Ibid. 6 traQibv iv aapKi. He that suffers the 11. et tis. Each person is to remember, penalty annexed to human nature, viz. death. that he is acting under the immediate influ- 3. TOV $iov is perhaps an interpolation. ence of the Holy Spirit 4. 4v ^. Wherefore, i. e. because you have Ti. 7; E8a.xlviii.l0; 2 Thess.iii.9 hi. 4; ii. 25 ; Esa xl. 11 ; 504 EniXTOAH [K,. 4, 5. rav o Geo<; Sia ^Irjaov XpLarov,

r), &)? ^ivOV V/JLLV (TVfl^aLVOVTO^' ^ aXkcL Ka6b iS » 2 Cor.iv.lO; « « « -xr «/]/ f <•/ \j« Phil. iii. 10 • fcotvcoveire TOt? Tov 2i.pi / . \vj\ />\ 11. Tou (yeov llv€v/JLa e

17 18 . oiKov TOV dyeov eu be irpcoTOV a

5? Ezech. fieWov(T7) « v» «■'■^•^' Joh. x. 11; vjJLLV TTOL/JLVLOV TOV tfeov, eTTLaKOTTOvvTe^ firj avayica' « /^ \ f « Lu. i. 52 ; pi^favTe^i eiT avTOV, OTL avTQ) fjLeXet irepi vfjLcov. xviii. 14 ; Jac. iv. 10. 1 Psal. xxxvii. 5 ; Iv. 22 ; Matt. vi. 25, 26 ; Phil. iv. 6 ; Heb. xiii. 5. 14. There is perhaps allusion to Isaiah xi. 19. ws is perhaps an interpolation. 2, Koi avairaieTai iir' avrhv iruevfia tov &eov, Chap. V. 1. 6 Kol ttjs fieWovcrrjs. This vyevfia (Topias, k. t. A.. may allude to S. Peter having been present at Ibid. fiKa(T(pTiix€iTai, sc. rh Svofia XpiffTOv. the transfiguration. He then was admitted to 15. aWoTpioeiriffKOTTos. A person who med- see an earnest of the state of glory in which dies in other persons' affairs. The Jews were the righteous will be hereafter. Compare accused of doing this. 2 Pet. i. 16 — 18. 16. ftcpet. See 2 Cor. iii. 10. But the read- 3. rS>v KXiipasv. The persons or offices com- ing is perhaps ovSfioTi. milted to you. See Acts i. 25. 17. otKov TOV @€ov. This title belonged for- 5. ve^Tcpoi. Mosheim understands this of merly to the Jews, but afterwards to all Chris- persons who had a certain office in the church, tians, whether Jews or Gentiles. S. Peter al- See Acts v. 6. 'riroTa(T(r6ixeuoi is perhaps an ludes to the approaching persecution of the interpolation. Christians. Ibid. iyKofi^wa-affde. K6filios is a knot, and Ibid, et Se irpwTov, sc. ApxeTat. If God iyKSn^wfia a garment twisted in a knot, and suffers Christians to be persecuted now, what will worn over the others, he do to those who do not believe in Christ ? K«^. 5.] TIETPOY A. 505 8 '^N^yfrare, yprjyoptjaaTe, on 6 avrihiKO^ vfioiv StaySoXo?, •" 1. 13-, 9 <»9 Xecav wpv6fi€vo<;, TreptTraret, ^tjtwv riva Karairir)' "o5 ami- jobi! 7; Af / n't A /!» f«P Act. xii. 13 aXTjarj xapLV tov tyeov, et? rjv € Heb.xii.105 €7rarf/e\fjLaTa BeB(opr)Tai, iva Bca tovtcov yevrjaOe 6eLa<; kolvcovoI 5 (^vaeay^i diro^vyovTef; t^9 iv K6aiJ.(p ev iiriOvfjLLa ^dopd<;. Koi avTo TovTO 8e, (nrovBrju irdaav Trapeca-eveyKavTe^;, iTn^oprjy^- aaT€ iv T^ TTiaTeL vfmv ttjv dpCTrjv, iv Be ttj dperfj Tr)v yvwavv, eiv Be rfj yvaxrei Ttjv iyKpuTecav, iv Be tti iyKpaTeia ttjv virofio- 7 vrjVy iv Be ttj vTrofiovfj t^z/ evae^euiv, iv Be ttj evae^ela ttjv 8 ^i\aBeXuiv, iv Be rrj ^iXaZeXf^ia ttjv ar/aTrrjv. <= raOra yap c Tit. lU. u. v/jlIv inrdp)(pvTa xal irXeovd^ovra ovk dpyoif v \ ' .r. xvii. 5. eaTLV o vio<; fjbov o ar/a7rr]To<;, €t? ov eyca €vooK7](ra» K.aL Tav- 18 Tr]v T^i/ (jjcDVTjv rj/jueU rjKovaaiJiev ef ovpavov ivex^elaav, arvv w Psai. avTU) 6vTe<; iv tw opet tS dylw. ^K.al e-)(oiJbev ^e/SaiOTepov tov 19 2 Cor. iv. 6. 7rpo(j>r}TLKov \6yov, M /caXft)? TToieiTe 7rpoaexovTe<^, co? Xv')(y(p I 2 Tim. ^alvovTi iv av')(jM7]pw TOTTft), 60)9 OV iQfjbepa hiavydaj), Kal ^wa- i"p^^*- ^opo7)TeLa ypa(f)rj^ tS/a? iTTiXva-eco^i ov yi- Matt. ' veTai. ^ov yap OeXrjiiaTL dvOpcowov rjve^Or] ttotc irpo(j>7)TeLa, 21 a"7 x^ 29 ■ ^^^' ^^^ IIvev/JLaT0<; drylov ^epo/xevot eXdXrjaav ol ayioi ©eov I Tim. iv. 1 ; dvOpCOTTOl. Jud. iv. 18. ' ™ ^EFENONTO he Kal y^evhoirpo^riTai iv tm Xaa>, w? koI 2 f. Kat ncTfiov. This alludes to baptism. S. Peter was a witness : but it is more proba- Such a person forgets that at baptism he was ble, that he is here urging the certainty of cleansed from the guilt of all his past sins. See Christ's second coming : and he appeals to the ver. 4. transfiguration, as an earnest of Christ's future 10. This shews, that KKrjffis and iK\oy^ glory. meant the same thing, viz. admission into the 19. He is still urging the certainty of Christ's Christian covenant : but whether this election second coming. We have also the declaration of is fieffaia, depends upon our own conduct. prophecy upon this point, which is more certain 11. Since the kingdom of God means the state than any thing else. of the gospel here on earth, 7} etffoSos els rijv )8. Ibid, ecus ov -rifiepa. Until the day itself, which rod Kvpiov does not mean the entrance into hea- is the subject of prophecy, appear, ven, but the admission of Christians into the gos- 20. tSlas iiriKvaeas. Some explain this to pel covenant : and S. Peter says, for thus your mean, no prophecy is its own interpreter, others, admission into the gospel will be followed by abun- no prophecy is to be interpreted by itself, but to dant supplies of gifts and graces. be taken in connexion with others. But what 12. Many MSS. read Aih fieW-fjaw aei vfjLcis. follows in ver. 21. seems to shew it to mean, Ibid, rf irapovcTT) aX-qQ^ia. The true doctrine, No prophecy proceeds from the prophet's own which is now preached, in opposition to the false fancy : and this is confirmed by Philo Judaeus, doctrines which were shortly to appear. See 7rpo(/)^T7js yap "(Siov (i\v oi/Sfv airo / Tv/v^*>>«\ xxxii. 35; 70t9 i/fia? €fjL7rop€vaomaL' oi? to Kpip.a eKTrakat ovk apyei, Kat iTim. vi.5; 4 r; dirdcikei.a avT(ov ov vvard^ei. °El yap 6 ©eo? dyyiXcov dfiap- Jud.'k.^^* Ttjadmcov ovk i^elcraro, dWd aecpalf; ^6(f)0v raprapaxra^ irap- " Job iy. 18 ; 6 €Ba)K€P 619 fcpiaip T€Tr)pT]/JLevovs' ^Kol dp^atov Koa/iov ovk e'^et- i joh. in. s\ aarOi dXX' oyBoop Nwe 8LKaioavpr)<; KrjpvKa 6 .' « T > '^ . / K8a.xiii.l9; 8 p\€fj,fULTt> yap Kai uKorj o Clkuios, e^KarovKdiV ev avrocs, r)fjL6- Jer. 1. 40 ; 9 pap ef i)fi€pa<; "^v^vv hiKaiap upo/jlol^ epyoL<; i^aadvi^ep- ^olhe xvL 49; Kvpio<: evae^el^ €k Treipaa/xov pveaOai, dhUovi he eU rj/nepap f^°*'^^''' ^^'' 10 Kpiaeay; Ko\a^ofjL€POvpo-Q [0 i6. ' povpra<;. ToX/jLrjral av6dBeiepovat. KaT avroiv irapd Kvpi(p fiXdacftrj/nop Kpianv. ^ovrot u jud. 10. Chap. II. 1. \|/€u5o5iSa9 aXoya ^(oa cjyvaiKa yeyevvrjfieva 6t9 aKacrtv Kot (pOopav, iu oh ayvoovai /BXaacjyrj/jLovvTef}, iv ttj (j>6opa avTwv Kara- X Jud. 12. ^OaprjCTOVTai, ^ KOfjuiov/juevoi /jllo-Oov aBiKLa^;. 'HSovrjv rffOVfievoL 13 i7)v iv rjfjLepa Tpv(j>r}v, airiXoL kol /mo/jLoLj evTpv<^wvrewvov, iv dvOpcoTTOV (fxovfj o<; rov (tkotov^ eh a Jud. 16, aloiva TeTrjpT^rat. ^'TirepoyKa yap jxaraLOT'qTo^ ^OeyyojievoL 18 BeXedfyvaiv iv iindvfjLLaL^; aapKo<; daeXyelai^i tov<; 6vt(o<; diro- b joii.viii.34 ; (pvyovTa^; T0U9 iv irXavT) dvacrTp€(f}o/jLevov<;f ^ eXevOepiav avroh 19 GaLvl^is; ' i'TrayyeXXofievoi, avrol BovXol virdp')(pvre^ tt}? t^Oopm' w yap 1 ^ti^' ^^ ' '^*"> i]TTr)Tai, TOVTW Kol BeBovXwTac. ^El yap d7ro^vy6vTe<; rd 20 c Matt. xii. jxida-fjiara rov KoafjLov, iv iTnyvojaei tov 'Kvpiov Kal (Ta)Trjpo<; Heb.vi'. 4; 'I^aov XpidTOv, TOVTOL^ Be irdXiv i/JL7rXaK€VTeTrjpo/ >«»/!' ' ^ Tim. iii. 1 ; ^fi€p Psai. xc. 4. 9 Kal xtXta crrj uy; r^fiepa fiia, ™ ov ^paZvveL 6 Kvpiov t?)? iirary- "■ Ezech. yeXla^, ay; Tive^ ^paZvrrJTa r)yovvrai,' dXXd fjuaKpoOu/JLel et? xxxiii. I'l ; i7/ia9, fir) l3ovX6fi€vo/ / Matt. xxiv. p.eva Xvur) N^ V \\>/-v Ixvi. 22; 13 P Kaivov^ be ovpavov^ Kai yrjv Kaivr^v Kara to eTrayyeXfia Apoc. xxi. 1. Chap. III. 1. iv cds. In both of which water is an element in the consistency of earth. Epistles. S. Peter says, that these mockers forgot the his- Ibid. (tXiKp. hiay. Plato has the same expres- tory of the creation and the deluge. The word sion, (l\iKpivu Tp Siavola xP^H-^^os. PhcBdon, of God created the heavens, and caused the p. 66. A. earth to appear out of the waters ; but the 2. TOV Kvpiov KoH o-anrjpos is connected with earth was afterwards destroyed, when the foun- i,iroaT6\u>v, as in Jude 17. The apostles often tains of the great deep were broken up, and the made the Gnostic corruptions the subject of windows of heaven were opened. Gen. vii. 11. their discourses, 2 Thess. ii. 5; Jude 17. The 6. Hi' S>v means by the water from the hea- best MSS. read airocTSKav vfiwv. vens and the earth. 3. ^ir' eVx- rwv Tjfiepwv. See Heb. i. 1. The 7. Wolfius shews that both Jews and heathen words iv ifuraiy/iovp are to be inserted before expected the world to be destroyed by fire. ifartuKToi. 8. This shews that the apostles did not ex- 4. irapova-ias. We know from 2 Thess. ii. 1. pect the speedy end of the world. that the apostles were misunderstood in what 9. €7ro77eA/as. See ver. 4. It means the they said concerning the second coming of declarations of scripture concerning the second Christ : they were supposed to say, that the coming of Christ. world was coming to an end very shortly. 10. iv wktI is perhaps an interpolation. These mockers said, that there was no reason to Ibid, trroix^la perhaps mean the heavenly believe this, for the world had continued the bodies. same without any change from the begin- 11. \vop.ivcov. Dissoluble, or in a state of ning. dissolution. 5. TovTo d4\ovTas. Wishing it to be as they 1 2. avevSovTas. If Christ delays his second say, i. e. wishing that there may never be an coming, that men may have time to repent, his end of the world, nor a day of judgment. coming will be hastened, if men need no re- Ibid. €| SSoTos Kal 5i' vSaros. The earth pentance. See Acts iii. 19. rose from out of the waters, Gen. i. 9, and 13. Kaivois. This need not signify, that 512 EniXTOAH UETPOT B, [k.<^. 3. qiCor. i 8; avTOv TTpooSoKcofjiev, iv ol? ZiKaioavvrj KaioiKei. ^8ib, dyaTrr]- 14 Phil. i. 10 : \ « o ^ ^ ^ " -V v > / 1 The«s. "^01, ravTa irpoaboKCdVTe^, airovoaaare acnriXot kul afuo/JLrjroL \''2-6 ' clvtS evpeOrjvai ev elprjvri, ■" koX rrjv rov Kvplov rjficov jxaKpoOv- 15 r Rom. ii. 4. fjblav, acorrjplav r^^etaOe' Kado)^ kol 6 dyairTjrbfi r^fxwv dheK<^o<; • Rom. riav\o<; Kara Tr)v avrut hoOeicrav ao(pLav eypayjrev vfuv, ^ q)<; 16 viii. 19; v, , ^j'^^^^^i >« v / ] Cor. XV. 24 ; Kat cv 7ra rj ho^a Kal vvv Kal eh rjixepav ala)vo<;. d/JLijv. tliere will be another heaven and earth, similar Ibid, iv oTs. In which subject. There is to the present, but a different state of things. perhaps better authority for reading eV ats. 15. fiaKpodvfiiav. This delay in Christ's Ibid. airdoKeiav. They supposed S. Paul to coming. say, that the world was coming shortly to an Id. ws Kal. This seems to shew, that by end: and because it did not do so, they pre- Kad(li)s — eypaTpev S. Peter alluded to some par- tended that his preaching was false, and they ticular Epistle of S. Paul. continued in those sins which lead to destruc- Ibid. irepl roiruv. Concerning Christ's second tion. C07ni7ig. \ FIRST EPISTLE OF S. JOHN. The genuineness of this Epistle has never been disputed. It is said by IrenoDUs and other ancient authors to have been written from Ephesus : but its date is uncertain. Some have supposed it to have been written before the destruction of Jerusalem : but it is much more probable that it was written at the end of the first century. We know nothing of S. John's history from the New Testament, between his attending the council at Jerusalem in 46, (Gal. ii. 9,) and his being banished to the island of Patmos, (Rev. i: 9.) The latter event happened in the persecution, which Domitian raised against the Christians toward the close of his reign. S. John is said by Tertullian and Jerom to have been put into a vessel of boiling oil at Rome, and to have come out unhurt. He probably returned from his banishment at Patmos in the year 96, when Domitian was suc- ceeded by Nerva ; and after that he may have written this Epistle from Ephesus. Augustin and others speak of it as addressed to the Parthians : but this is imcertain. Irenaeus states that he wrote his Gospel against the heresy of the Cerinthians and Nicolaitans : and these persons, who were Gnostics, seem to be alluded to in this Epistle. Some Gnostics be- lieved the body of Christ to be a phantom ; i. e. they denied that Jesus Christ had come in the Jlesh. See iv. 2, 3. The Cerinthians did not be- lieve this : but they held that Jesus and Christ were two different persons ; that Jesus was bom of human parents, and that Christ descended upon him at his baptism ; i. e. they did not believe that Jesus was Ch^"*^ ' (^t '' or the Son of God, (v. 5.) l1 IQANNOY TOY An02T0A0Y Eni2T0AH KA0OAIKH nPf2TH. 2 Pet. i. 16 b Joh « Lo.xxiv.39; a ""Q "^HN cbif apr)(r\<^, o aKrjKoafiev, o ecopaKafiev rot<; 66da\- 1 27; fjLOi<; rjiMaVf o eueacrafjueua, kul at %et/9e9 rjficov eyTjXacjyrjarav, i / 2- '^^P'' '^^^ "^^oyov rrjs ^corjf;' i^Kal rj ^cor) icpavepooOrj, koI icopd- 2 Roni.xvi.26; /cayLtej', Kol /JLapTvpovfJuev, Kol uTTayyiWofjuev vjMV rrjv ^(or]V Col. i. 26; ^ ,, „ ^ y y , \ t J f n t r, \ 2Tim. i. 10; T»7i/ aicovLov, r)Ti^ rjv TTpo^i Tov TTUTepa, KUL €(pav€pcoar] r)fj,tl/') cJohxvii2i- *^^ e(B/!>a«;a/iei/ kol dKrjKoa/jLev, dTrar/yeXXofiev v/jLlv, ha Kal 3 1 Cor. i. 9. vfiel/; KOLVcovlav exv^^ Z*^^' Vf^^' "^^^ r; KOivcovia Be r) rjfjUzTepa /juerd TOV irarpo^ Kal fieTct tov vlov avTov ^Irjaov XpiaTov' a 2 Joh. 12. ^Kal Tavra fypdofM€V v/JilVf Xva r) xapd vfiuv y ireTrKrjpco/jievT]' 4 • Joh. i. 9; ^Kal avTT) i5> / »\ v «•/ / >/ > > « ^ ' ea-TLV ovoefjLia. eav eiirwiiev otl KOLVcoviav e^pp^ev p,€T avTov, 6 1 Pet. i. 19 ; Kal iv TM aKOTCL TTepLTTaTcofjiev, ylrevBopLcOa, Kal ov TToiovp^ev Apoc. i. 5. > >^ /^ f>\ 5.^ ' '^ ± ^ « f > ' g 1 Reg. '^V^ a\rjt7eiav' ^eav be ev tw (pcaTL irepiiraToyp^ev, (os avT00r]. The fact of Christ S. John may have intended to refute this no- being the author of life was proved by his tion, as in his Gospel, {4v a.px§,) by saying resurrection. that Christ was from the beginning, i. e. from 3. /ie0' 7]iiwv. Either with us Jews, or with all eternity. Or it may mean, that Jesus and us apostles. See ii. 2. Christ had been united from the beginning, i. e, 4. He had told them in ver. 3. that they and from the birth of Jesus ; and Christ did not all Christians might have communion with the descend upon Jesus at his baptism. Father and the Son : and he says, / am now Ibid. aK7]K6afi€v. S. John means to state, writing to you, that the Joy attending this com- that he had been a personal hearer of Christ, munion may be fully possessed by you ; viz. by and therefore must have known the true doc- your living in obedience to the gospel. See trine concerning him. ii. 1. Ibid, ideaffdfieda is a stronger word than ew- 5. ivayyeKta. And this communion with God pdKttfiev, and denotes fixed and constant attention, is tbhat we have heard promised by Christ, and Ibid. i\f/7)\d(pT] vo/ r/ Prov. xxviii. o/jLoXoy(Ofi€v Ta9 a/uipTia<; r)^i/, 7riaT0fj r}fuv T^? dfiapria^y koX Kadaplarj r)iJLar v\ />T« viii. 34 ; €av Tt? afiapTTj, TrapaKXrjTOi/ exofJ^ev 7rpoaiv6L. ^6 Xeyav iv tm (JxotI elvac, Kal Rom.xiii.i2; ,-\ 'C>-\j^^ >'» « » « /JVC/ >/ r'1 Thess. V. 10 TOV aoeXov avTOv, iv Ta> (JxotI fjbevei, Kal aKavSaXov 1 ni- ^^ } ,,> >« » >/ «v " ^ ♦^■'vJ^^ >«> «1 Cor. xiii. 2'. 11 €1/ airro) ovk eaTtv, 'o oe p^iaoiv tov aoeX(7aX/iiov«^<*> vfUV, veavLCTKOL, otl vevLKrjKaTe tov irovrjpov. 9. SiKotos. God is himself righteous ; and it ner which was never seen before. is God's righteousness by which we are justi- Ibid. 3 cittiv. I am writing to you about a fied. See Rom. iii. 21. thing which really and truly exists in him and in 10. ^(ixmiv. Because God has declared the you, but not in other persons : for heathen dark- sinfulness of man, and the necessity of his sins ness is now dispelled, and the gospel has put this being forgiven. duty in its proper light. Chap, II. 3. yiy^a-Koixev. The Gnostics 9. ^uri. The Gnostics talked of being in had their name from professing to know God ; the light. and some of them held an indifference of ac- 10. (TKdvSaXou. There is nothing which makes tions. S. John makes obedience to be the test him stumble. See Jolm xi. 9. of knowledge. 12. tskvIu. This means literally yoMwg- cAj7- 5. 7) aydmi rod Qeov. The love which man dren. He exhorts them to love one another, has for God. merely on the principle that God had so loved 7. ivToX-ffv. He means the command to love them as to take them into covenant, and re- one another. This was not given now for the lease them from the penalty of sin for the sake first time, but the Christians had heard it from of Christ. the beginning of their conversion. 'Air apxris 13. irarepes. He exhorts the older persons at the end of the verse is perhaps an interpola- to love one another, and appeals to them as tion. having felt and known the effect of the gospel 8. iroiXLv. In another point of view this upon the heart and life. commandment may be called new : Christ has Ibid. veavlffKOi. He appeals to persons who enforced it by precept and example in a man- had arrived at maturity, as having felt tempta- l12 616 Eni^TOAH lKe/ f Jac. iv. 4. TO, 6V TO) KoajJiw. €av Tfc9 ayaTTo, TOP KoajJLOVj ov/c earcp rj dyaTTTj TOV Trarpo? iv avTM' otl irdv to iv Tat Koafiq), 77 1 6 iTnOvfiia r?}? aapKO^, kol rj iinOvfiLa tmv 6(j>6a\fjLcov, kol 97 aXa^oveia tov /Slov, ovk ecTTvv iic tov iraTpo'^, dX>C i/c tov 7 VaaLxcio ; Kocfjbov iaTL. ^ Kot 6 Koa'fjLO'i TrapdycTac, fcal Tj iiriOvfiia av- 17 iCor.vii.3i; TOV' 6 Be TTOLwv TO 6e\7)/iia TOV ©eov fxevei et9 TOV alcova. i^^'il'.^^' ^Uaihla, ia^aTT] a) pa i / n'T7»*« « « 'J-«-v Q >-v -\ ' 5.24; yivcoaKO/juev OTL ecr')(aTri (opa eaTiV. ^ iL^ rj/ncov e^irjXvov, aW 19 Act, XX. 29:>-? »«-?« / a 2Thess.ii.3; ^f/c r](Tav €^ TjfKov' €L yap rjdav €^ r)/ji(ov, fjL6fjL6vr)K6to-av av 2 Joh. 7. ^g^' r]fjLuiV' aX>C Xva (^avepmOwauv otl ovk elal 7rdvTe<; ef rjficjv * Act. XX. 30. i,\fr. / V >\«r/ \>/^ / bjoh.xiv.26; '^"^ vfjL€L9 j^pKrixa e^CTC ttTTo TOV aytov, Kai 0L0aT6 iravTa. 20 xvi. 13. Ovk eypayjra vjuvy otl ovk olhaTe ttjv dXrjOeLav, dXS! otl oXhaTe 21 c iv. 3 ; avTTjv, Kal OTL ifdv i/reOSo? iK T^9 dXrjOela^ ovk eaTL. ^ Tl<; 22 ecTTLV o YeucTT?;?, et /jltj o apvovp,evop aydirri, ws a.f/.-ffxat'ou know every thing about these people. cvvvwdpxeiP a\\-f)\oi5 (pus koI o-kStos. vol. ii. 21. / have not written this, as if you did not p. 649. know what is the true doctrine : but I have writ-^ 16. These three vices are sensuality, covet- ten it, because you do know what it is, and that ousness, and pride. avy error in faith hinders a man from being a 18. eVxaTTj wpo. See note at Heb. i. 1. true Christian. Ibid. avrixpicTTOs. This is the first men- 22. 6 ^pevarrjs. The false teacher, or holder of tion of antichrist in the New Testament : but a false doctrine. S. Paul had foretold an apostasy in the latter Ibid, apvovfievos. The Cerinthians did this, times, (1 Tim. iv. 1,) and he probably alluded See pref. to this Epistle. to the Gnostics. S. John says, that this anti- Ibid, ovtos. These are the antichristian christian apostasy was now arrived : and this apostates, described by the apostles, who deny passage proves the meaning of iffxarr} &pa. that the relation of Father and Son exists be- Antichrist was not any one individual, but any tween God and Jesus Christ, opponent or corrupter of the gospel. 23. Whoever does not believe that Jesus is 19. The Gnostics had been spreading their the Son of God, does not in fact believe in God doctrines for a long time, but they did not be- the Father. Most MSS. add, 6 bfioXoySov rhv gin to draw away the Christians till toward the vibv Kal rhv irarepa ^x^i. end of the century. See 2 Thess. ii. 6. S. John 24. If you continue in the doctrine which alludes to this in 4^ tj/hcov i^^KOou, they went you have learnt from the beginning of your away from our body, but did not really belong conversion, you will believe Jesus Christ to be to us. the Son of God. K,^.'2,3.] inANNOT A. 517 26 iTTTjyyeiXaTO rj^ilvy Trjv ^(orjv Trjv alcoviov. ravra eypayjra vfuu 27 irepl roiv 7r\ap(ovT(0V vfjLa<:. ^Kal u/iet? to y^pLa/jui o i\d^€T€ » Jor. xxxi. dir avTOv, iv vfilv fieveiy koX ov ypeiav ex^re ha tI? StS^icr/ciy joi,' xiV. 26 ; «» j-v-v*' \>\ / c-c-' f« \ / xvi. 13. vfJM^' aXK 0)9 TO avro ')(pL /)« y t y r. Mar. viii. 38. oavepoyorj, e^^ea/u-ei/ Trapprjaiav, kul fir] aia'^^vvudy/JLev air avrov, 29 €V rfi 7rapov(rla avrov. ^idv €lB)]T6 on BUaLos iav€pcoOTj ri iaofieOa' otBafiev Be oru idv (pavepcodfj, Jcoliiii.i2' 8 o/jLoloi avr(o iao/xeda, on o^ofieda avrov Ka6a) . « 2Cor. V. 21; €(pav€p(ot7rj, iva ra/r/.>.«»t/0^ f / . « oQen.iii.lS; OULpoXov eanv on air ap^<; oiapo\o<; a/iapravei. et? rovro joh. viii. 44. iavepa)6Tj 6 uio? roO GeoVy iva Xvcttj rd epya rov Biaf^okov. 9 P 7ra? 6 yeyevvT) fjbivof; iK rov Oeov d/j,apriav ov TToiei, on (Tirep- p v. is ; >«>>«/ \>5./ f / w> «1 Pet. i. 23. fxa avrov ev avro) /xevei Kai ov ovvarai a/iapraveiv, on e/c rov 10 Seov yeyevvrjrai. ^ iv rovr

\f» •\ ' A y ^ y y y rs r/ y n, Joh. xiii. 34 : avTTj eanv t) arfyeXia rjv iJKovaare air apxv^) ^^ci ayaTTco/xev ^^ ^^ 12 a\X7;\ov9* * ov Kadd)^ Kaiv iK rov TTOvrjpov rjv, Kal ead^a^e rov » Gen. iv. 8 ; »?^J.^ ' '» V / ' >' J J- > ' » V " Heb. xi. 4. aoeXcpov avrov' Kai %a/3ti^ rivo<{ eacpa^ev avrov ; on ra epya t j^i^ ^v. 13 avrov TTOVTjpd rjVy rd Be rov dBeX(J30v avrov BUaia. ^ fir] OavjJbd- ^^.\.^\\ 14 Jere, dBeX^oi fiov, ei fiiael vytta? 6 K6afio<;. ^'Hfjiel^ otBajiev on u ii.9.10,11. 26. This confirms the interpretation given to 7. irXavaT(a. This is directed against the ver. 18, 19. Gnostics, who held an indifference of actions. 27. rh xP't^Mo- The aid of the Holy Spirit. 8. ZtdkoXos. See note at 2 Pet. ii. 4. 29. ^1 axrrov yeyewrrrai. A true Christian is 9. yeyej/vrifj.epos Sk tov &(ov is a true and he that does works suited to a man in a state of genuine ChrisLian. See v. 1. justification. Ibid, (nrepixa is used with reference to 7€7€i'- Chap. III. 1. Most MSS. read Kai ifffiev vrjfievos. A Christian is born again by the word after K\T)9w/j.ev. of God ; and if this continues in him, he ab- 4. Every one who commits a sin, also violates stains from sin. a law ; and is therefore liable to punishment. 13. fiKTeT. If your deeds are righteous, as 5. This is an exhortation to imitate Christ, those of Abel, do not wonder if the world hates by abstaining from sin. He came into the world you, as Cain hated Abel. and died, that he might free us from our sins : 1 4. The test, by which we may know whether if therefore we are like him, we should continue we are true Christians or no, is whether we lorn free from sin, 'Rijmu is perhaps an interpolation, our brother. 518 EnUTOAH [Ke^.3.4. fi€Ta^€^i]Kafi€V ix tov Oavdrov ek rrjv ^orjv, on djaiTM/jLev tov<; 21^5": "' dBe\(l)ovr 6 fit} dyaircju tov dSeXcfibvj /j^iuei ev tm Oavdrw. ^ 7ra? 15 Gal. V. 21, 6 ixL(TSiv TOV dBeXcftov avTov, dvOpwiroKTOvo'i ecrrC' Koi o^Sare on joh.* iii! 16 ; 7ra9 dvOpcoTTOKrovo^; ovK e^et ^cor)v auoviov ev avrw /juivovaav. Rom.^v. 8 ; "" '^^ '^^^^ ijvcoKafxev r7)v dydirrjv, on eKeivo^ virep rjfiwv rrjv le Eph.v.2,25. yjrvxnv avTOV ed7]K€' Kol rj/net^ 6(j>eL\o/i€v virep rwv dBe\(l>(ov rd^; Deut. xv'. 7 ; '^f %«? TiOhaL. ^ O? 8' dv €XU TOV /SlOV TOV KOCTflOV, KOL OecOpTJ 17 jTc/iLis.' "^^^ dSeT^ov avTOv XP^iav exovTa, kol KXeia-ij Ta (rrrXdr/xva 1 Psai.x.i7; avTov diT avTOV, TTco? T} dyaTTTj TOV ©eov /jLevec ev avTw ; TeKVia 18 "rv.''i8; ' H'OV, fir} dyairco/Mev Xoym /jbrjSe yXcaaar], dXh! epyw koI dXr^deia' xx^^i.''9i^^' '^^'^ ^^ '^^^'^V yi'VOiCKOfiev OTt eK TTj^ dXrjOeuK; ecrfjuev, kol efiTrpo- 19 MatrxLT2\^- ^^^^ ciVTOv 7r€L Trapprja-Luv e^ofiev irpo^; tov &edv, ^ koi edv 22 Matt.xxii.39; aLTOffMev, Xa/jL^dvofiev Trap avTOv, OTt Tas evToXds avTov Tn- Joh. vi. 29 ; « v \ > \ > / » « « \ ^ xiii. 84; povfiev, Kau Ta apecTTa evcomov avTov ttolov/jlcv. ^koX avTrj 23 xvii. 3', ^a-Tiv T] evToXrj avTov, iva maTeva-co/jLev tw ovofiaTL tov viov 1 Pet^\> ^8^ ' ^^'^°^ ^Irja-ov XptdTov, KoX dyaiToiiiJuev dXXrjXov^, KaOo)\»>« \> / / f/ / y r r, Rom. ^ii. 9. '^"^ CLVTO^ ev avTQ), Ktti cv TOVT(p ywwaKOfiev OTL fjLevet ev rjfiiv, c Jer. xxix.8; eK TOV IIv€V/JLaTO<; OV T^fUV ehcOKeV. 15.16; * ^^ATAUHTOly fir) TravTL irvev/jban inaTeveTe, dXXd Bokl- /^ 1 Cor.^xiv.29- f^^^^'^^ '^^ iTvevfiaTa, el etc tov Seov eaTiv otl iroXXol yjrevBo- 1 Thess.v.2i; 7ypo<^7}rat e^eXrjXvOacTiv eh tov KoafJLOv. ^ev tovtw yivaxTKeTe 2 2 Joh. 7 ; TO UvevfJba TOV ©eov' irdv irvevfia o o/juoXoyel ^Irjaovv XpcaTov Apoc. 11. 2. , v>N-w/i' » «/^«j/ \« » A d 1 cor.xii.3; ^^ o^apKL eXrjXvuoTa, eK TOV (dfeov eaTL, ^ kul irav irvevfia o 3 2 Joh. 7. y^^ 6/jLoXoyel tov ^Irjaovv XptaTov ev aapKi eXrjXvOoTa, ex " 11. 18, 22; ^ — . f\ i if \ n / i \ f> y / A a Thess. ii. 7. TOV tfeOV OVK CaTL' Kai TOVTO eaTL TO TOV aVTL'Xpi'O'TOV, O 15. avdpoyiroKTdvos. In the eye of God he is said that the presence of the Spirit is the test of like Cain, who slew his brother. a man having God dwelling in him. He now Ibid, nivovffau. If he was a Christian, he guards against false pretensions to the Spirit. once had the promise of eternal life : but such Ibid. SoKifid^ere. If a person pretends to persons as these lose the promise. have the Spirit, try and examine whether his 16. r^p aydirriv means, the love of God ; but doctrine is sound. the passage may be translated, In this we have Ibid. \f/evdoTrpo(prJTai. Men falsely pretending experienced love. to be inspired. The Gnostics. Ibid, rideuai. This perhaps is an exhorta- 2. -Trav irv^vfia. Every person so professing to tion to patience and constancy under persecu- he inspired: i. e. professing himself a Chris- tion. tian. 17. ayd-Kr] rov 0eoO. See ii. 5. Ibid, iu ffapKi iX-nXvOSra. This may allude 18. fi^ ayairwfiev. Let us not profess to love to the Docetae, who denied that Jesus had a God. real body ; or to the Cerinthians, who denied 19. iu TovT(f}. By this test, viz. of our ac- that Christ, as well as Jesus, was born of Mary, tions. 3 Some ancient copies read t Xvei rbv 'Itj- Ibid. neiffoficv. The only way of making cow/', instead of t /x^ dfioKoytT rhy 'I. X. iu a. us feel secure in our own hearts, is to know ^A. which perhaps meant, who separates Jesus that we have obeyed God. from Christ. Socrat. H. E. vii. 32. The words 20. We may perhaps supply yiv^aKOficv be- Xpiarrhv iv trapKi f\7]\ve6ra are perhaps an in- fore the second Srt. terpolation in this verse. Chap. IV. 1. In the preceding verse he had Ibid, rh tov avTi)(pi(rTnv, sc. rb nviVfia. Per- Ke^.4.j IflANNOT A. 519 4 dxrjKoarc or* epx^rcu, koI vvv ev Ta> Koa-fi^ iarlv ^^. 'T/i€ifi€P dW^Xovi' otl r/ dydirrj etc tov 0€ov €ap€p(i)0r) 77 drfdirr) tov Seov ep '^fUP, otl i vn. 16; \ fv »»«\ «»/^ «^::k^»^ ' Joh. iii. 16; TOP viop avTOv top ^poyePTj aTreaTOAJcep o tveos et? top ko- ^^^ ^ g . 10 (TfjLOP, ipa ^i] Joh. xiv.20; .„»^iN » >« / « >\ > «/^« ., T^ \ f « xvii. 21. 16 o W€0? ep avTO) fiepeL, kul airro? ep tw tfeoy. p Aat ^yLtet9 „ j^^j^ j 14 eypcoKafMCP kol ireirLaTevKafiep t^v dydTrrjp, fjp ej^et 6 0eo? ef p ver. 8, 12. 17/uj/. 6 Oeo? dydirq earl, kol 6 fiepwp ep Ty drfdirr], ep tS Gcm fJLCPeL, KOL 6 ©eo? €P aUTft). 17 '^^Ep TOVT(p TeTeXeuoTaL 17 dyaTrrj fied^ rjp.wp, Xpa irapprja-iap 1 J'- ^'3^'^^' €')(ci)/jLep ep TTj rjfiepa Trj<; Kpiaecofi, otl Ka6(b<; eKeLv6<; €(ttl, KaL 18 i7/Lt€t9 eafiep ep t« Koafjup tovtm. 6^0Pj otl 6 ^6^0^; KoKaa-LP e)(€L' 6 Be ^o^ovfi€PO<; ov TeTeXeiwTaL ep Trj dr/dTrrj. 19 i7/x€t9 dyaTTcofiep avTOP, otl avTo^ irpSyTo^ rffdirrjo-ep '^fjbd<;. ^ 20 T^^ Edp Tt? eXiryj^OTL dyairSi top Geop, kol top dBeX^op airrov w.'n'. sons, who call themselves Christians, and hold 16. ivrjfuu is said to he the same as els vf^as, this doctrine, are the antichristian apostates, but it may mean (xevwv iv Tjfuv, as in ver. 12, whose coming you have had foretold. 13, 15. 6. 6 fivbXTKav rhv &f6v. He that really knows 17. 'Ej/ rovT(f. By this, viz. by loving our God : an allusion to the Gnostics. brother, we give a proof that our love of God is Ibid. 'E#c Tovrov. From the test given in sincere : and thus we have boldness in the day of ver, 2. trial, i. e. of persecution : for in this world we 12. No one can actually see God : but we are exposed to persecutions, as Christ was. Com- can tell whether He is dwelling in us by the pare 1 Pet. iv. 17. (Kpifia.) love which we feel for each other. 18. ytvcoaKO/JLev ore dyarroifjiev 2 T^ reKva rov ©eov, orav rov ©eov cuyairwiMev, Kal ra? evroXd'i avrov rrjpcofiev. ^^avrrj yap eanv r) arydiTT) rov ©eov, Xva ra? 3 evro\a<; avrov rrjp&jiiev' Kal at ivroXal avrov ^apelat ovk elalv' ^orc rrdv ro yer^evvT^fievov e« rov ©eov viKa rov Koafiov 4 Kal avrrj iarlv rj vlktj y) vLKrjaacra rov KOcryMV, r} iriarL^i rj/juayv. yrt? ear IV 6 vlk5)V rov koctiiov, el fjur) 6 7na-reva)v ore 'iTycroO? 5 eariv 6 f to? rod ©eov ; Ovro^ ianv 6 eXOoDv Bo v8aro<; Kal aXjjMro^;, ^Irj<7ov ovpava>, 7 6 Uarrjp, 6 Aoyo^, Kal ro ayiov UvevjjLa' Kal ovroi ol rpels ev elai. Kal rpel « > / f « V >\ wj. Jer. xxix. 12; 16 Tt aLTOD/JLcda KUTa TO V€M)fia aVTOV, aKOVCL 1^/J,0)V' KUL eaV Olba- Matt. vii. 8 ; fiev OTL dKov€L Tjfuov, 8 &v ahcofieOa, oiBafiev otl expfJ^ev to, at- j^Jj ^iv. iS; 16 rrJ/xaTa h rjTqKafxev Trap avTOv. '^Edv rt? tBy tov aSeX^oi^ ^JJ: '2^, . avTOv dfiapTdvovTa dfiapTLav firj tt/do? OdvaTOV, alTi](T€L, kol Ja^- »• *• ^, ^^o^ «f / \ ^ a^ >f glSam.ii.25; ooixret avT(p ^corjv, rot? afUipTavovaL /jltj tt/jo? UavuTOv. ev elBcoXcov. dfjLrjv. ucor. x.i4. 9. If in all cases we shpuld admit the testi- 16. eo-rtj/ afiapria. This is perhaps wrongly mony of three human beings, the testimony of translated, there is a sin, as if some particular God is of course more to be regarded : for the sin was intended : it should be, there is sin testimony, which I have mentioned as borne by which leads to death. S. John left it to the these three persons, is in fact the testimony of discretion of his brethren : if one of them com- God. Most MSS. read 3t{ for ^v. ' mitted a venial sin, and the rest prayed for the 10. If a man has the true belief concerning sinner, they might be the means of his being Jesus having been always the Son of God, it is pardoned: but if the sin was enormous, they a sign that he is moved by the same Spirit must not expect their prayers to be heard, which bore testimony to Jesus at his baptism. 18. ysyevurifievos. See iii. 9. No person, who Compare 1 Cor. xii. 3. remembers that he is in covenant with Christ, Ibid. 6 fi^ iria-Tevcov rtf 0e^. He who does lives in the practice of habitual sin. not believe what God said concerning Jesus being 19. i K6a^ios '6\os. All unbelievers. his beloved Son. 20. 'iva yiv. rhv aXrjdifSv. This is directed 11. The meaning of the testimony is, that against the Gnostics, who boasted of knowing Jesus, the Son of God, is the person who is to God. S. John says, that Jesus Christ alone give eternal life to mankind. enables us to know the true God. 12. 6 excov rhv vlov. He that receives Jesus Ibid, ovros. This seems to refer to Jesus as the Son of God. Christ : and the passage is quoted by Athana- 13. Koi Iva TTicTTevrrre. And that you may sius, as proving the divinity of Christ. continue to believe rightly. The words toTs TrtcTT. 21. elSdKwv. This probably alludes to the cts T^ ov. TOV vlou TOV @€ov Site pcrhaps an in- sacrifices which had been offered to idols. See terpolation. Rev. ii. H. SECOND EPISTLE OE S. JOHN. The genuineness of this Epistle was called in question by some of the ancients, but it is quoted by writers of the second century, and the sentiments are very similar to those in the first Epistle. It was perhaps written about the same period. The same may be said of the third Epistle. IQANNOY TOY An02T0A0Y EniSTOAH KA0OAIKH AETTEPA. 1 'O nPEXBTTEPOX ixXe/crfj Kvpia koI rot? reKvoL^; avrri^, 0U9 eyo) ayaTTCJ (v oKrfOela, kol ovk eyo) fiovo'^y ciXka koX 2 7rdvT€<; 01 eyvcw/core? ttjv aX-^^eiav, 8i^ rrjv akr]6eLav rrjv jjuk- 8 pov 'N >-v-\'-v h\f' >> 1 Thess. iv.9 : 6 rjv eL^o^i^v air apxv^} ^^^ ar^aTTwfiev aWrJKow ° Kat, avrrj eariv ^ p^^ j^ g.' ayaTrr), Xva TrepnrartofJLev Karct ra? ivro\d<; avrov. avrrj iariv Jjf °j^^- "gg'.® ' r} imoXr), KaOax; rjKovaare dir dpyr\ ^; ^• ovK e^ec 6 fJL€V(ov iv rfj Bi8a')(rj rov Xpiarov, outo? Kal toi/ ^ u^ij jj 23. 10 irarepa Kal rov vlbv eyei. ^eX Ti? epx^Tav tt/jo? vfuiep€Lf firj Xafi^dvere avrov eh oiKiav, icor. v. ii; 11 Koi %atpetv avrm firj Xeyere* o yap Xeymv avrS ')(a[peiv, kol- q^^I. i. 8, 9 ; «■'*>/>/*« /^ 9 Tim 111 5 • rwi^et Tot? epyoL^ avrov roL<; irovrjpoL';. Titm 16. 12 ^ JJoWa e%a)i/ v/mv ypd9 Ka\co<; 7roirj€Lv, aXX ov OeXa) Bl^ /j,€\avo<{ Kal KoKd- « 2 Job. 12, 14 fUiv aoi ypdyfrat' eXTTtfo) Be evOecofi IBelp l\oL' daird^ou tou9 (f>l\ov€iv v^lv Trepl iTim. i. is- tr^ KOiinj<; aorrqpia^, dvdr/Krjv e / />' Gen. xix. aWa a7ro}U7rovTaov oiKrjTrjpiov, et? Kpicnv fxeyakT]^ 24 ; Dent. 7 ^fiepa^ Bea/jioU diBLoi^ vnro ^6(j)ov TeT'^prjKev ^ox? ^oBofia '^^^ J^'^^ xifi.'ig. Fo/Moppa, Kcu at ire pi aura? 7r6\€i9, tov o/jlolov tovtol<; TpoTrov ^^^- ^^- ^^> e/aropvevaaaaif Kal direXdovcraL onria-co aapKo^s eTepa<}, irpo- Thren. iv. 6 ; 5 tceivrai Beir/fia 7rvp66^(o«'?>/o v v/« ^« 2 Thess. i. 7. aaepeia^ avTbiV (ov rjaeprjaav, Kai irepi iravToyv tcov (TKXrjpcov wv iXdXrjcrav Kar avTov d/jLapTcoXol ao-eySet?." P 2 Pet. ii. P OvTOL €l/ />/ s « \\<«>/I/ 2Tim. iii. 1; e(T')(aT(p Xpov(o edovTau ejJbiTaiKTaiy Kara Ta^ eavrcov eTnuvfjLLa^ i'vll ii 1- '^opevofjievot twv dae^eicov. "'••^- ^OvTol eldiv 01 diToBiopifyvTe^;, y^v')(^LKol, irvevfia fir) exovTeq. 19 xviii. 1 ; VyLtet? 06, ayaTTTJTOL, TJ) ayLCOTaTJ] VflCOV TTiaTeL e7rotKooofiovvTe<; 20 1 Cor, ii. 14. r \ y / */ r r \»>/ eairrof?, ev TrvevfJbaTi cuyico Trpoaev^ofievoL, eavrov^ ev a/yairy 21 Seov Tr}pi]6fia) aw^ere, iK tov irvpo^ dp7rd^ovTe<;y 23 /jLLaovvTe<; Kal tov dirb t^9 (rapKo^ iaTnXayfJbevov ^trwya. 11. i^exvOvo'fi'^- Et deceptione mercedis, qua lated from the Ethiopic by the late Abp. Lau- deceptus est Balaam, effusi sunt. Beza, Schmi- rence, and contains a passage very similar to dius, Wolf. this. It is supposed to have been written be- 12. hrydirais. This is the only place where fore the birth of Christ. the love-feasts of the Christians are mentioned. 17. ottoottcJAcwj'. The apostles foretold the The Gnostics probably joined them with a view corruptions of the Gnostics. See the places in to corrupting the Christians. the margin. Ibid. o-irtAaSes are said to signify rocks in the 18. iax^'^V XP^^V- See Heb. i. 1. sea: but we find (XiuKoi in 2 Pet. ii. 13, which 19. aTrohiopi^ovTis, sc. kavroiis. The Gnos- certainly means spots. tics probably spoke of themselves as distin- Ibid. SeySpa (pdivoirwpipd. Trees which have guished from all other persons. lost their fruit. Schmidius, Wolf. Ibid. ^l/vxiKoi. See 1 Cor. ii. 14. 14. '4$8ofjLOs. Adam, Seth, Enos, Cainan, 21. 070717; @eov. Love for God, Mahalaleel, Jared, Enoch. 22. SiaKpiuSfievoi. Making a distinction. Ibid. '"Evdix- Many of the Fathers quote an 23. ^>' u> Sew acoTTjpi -tjfiwv, Bo^a koX fxeyaXwavvrj, Kpdro^ kol J^^j^^' j jy i^owruit Koi vvv Kal el^i Trdma^ tov? alr}T€Ca / ' c ver. 8 ; yeypafifieva' o yap Kaipo^i €771/9. iii. 1 ; 4 ^ 'Ia>dvvr] ^ Bo^a Kal rb Kpdro^ eh Tot'9 alwva'i rcov ' ^- ^^ > aid)V(ov. dfi^v, iPet.u. 5,9, 7 ^ loov, ep^erav fiera rcov vecpeXcov, Kav oyeraL avrov Tras ^ach.xii.io; 6daXfi6^, Kal oXrive^ avrov i^eKevrrjaav, Kal Ko-^ovrac iir ^^^^^^^''^i. 8 avrov iraaai at d>v\al t^9 7^9. vol, dfi^v. "^'Eyco el/JLi, rb A xxvi. 64; Joh. xix. 37 { Act. i. 11 ; 2 Thess. i. 10; Jud. 14. g xxi. 6 ; xxii. 13 ; Esa. xli. 4 ; xliv. 6 ; xlviii. 12. Chap. I. 1. 4y tcJx*'- This shews, that Ibid, ruv eTrrh irvevfidrcDV. This is gene- part at least of the things revealed was to be rally understood to mean the Holy Ghost, who fulfilled shortly. See ver. 3, 19. is here coupled with the Father and the Son, 2. ifuipripriae fiaprvpiav, hath borne testimony as the author of grace and peace. The expres- to Jesus Christ. See ver. 9 ; xx. 4. "Oaa elde (re sion may refer to the various gifts and commu- is perhaps an interpolation) may mean, that he nications of the Spirit. See v, 6. testified things which he had actually seen. 5. 6 fidftrvs. This seems to be another sole- (1 John i. 1.) cism, instead of toC fidprvpos, though some put 4. axh TOV S &v. I would not attempt to a stop at Xpunov, and connect 6 fxdpTvs with defend the solecism : but it is plain that S &v what follows, as if it were rcfJ fidprvpi — T(fi 070- (like I AM in Exod. iii. 14.) is used by S. John Tr-f]irayri — avrip t) SS^a. as an indeclinable title of God ; which is still 6. ficuriAeXs Kal. Most MSS. read $a ^v). If we 7. It is plain from this verse, tliat tLe glory could say in English, that Moses was sent by and power in ver. 6. are ascribed to Christ. the I AM, S. John might write arrh tov 6 iiv, or Ibid. i^eKevTr^crav. See Zech. xii. 10; John airh 6 tiv, for tov is perhaps to be expunged, xix. 37. See ver. 8. M ni 2 xxii. 1.' 1 ii. 1 ; xiv. 14 Dan, vii. 13 xix. 12 532 AnOKAATWI^ [K6. i. Koi TO /2, apxv '^^^ Te\o?," Xiyei 6 Kvpio^, " 6 wv koX 6 rjv koI 6 ip^ofievo^, 6 TravTOKpdrwp." h Rom. ^ ^Eyot) ^Icodvv7]ii, 6 Kol dB€\(f)6? ;^mbi/' koX ol n xiv. 2. 6(j>6aXfJL0l aVTOV 0)9 ^Xof 'TTVpO^' ° KOt 01 TToSe? aVTOV OflOLOL 15 ')(cCkKoXL^dv(pj ft)? iv KafjLLV^ TreTTvpafievoL' Kal rj (ovr) avrov " ii. 1, 12 ; ft)? (f)C0V7J vBdTOJV TToXXoOV ° KOL ej(WV iv TTj Be^Ca aVTOV %6fc/3t 16 iii. 1; if t / \» « f ^««^/c./ xix. 15, 21; aa-Tepa« « xiiv. 6 ; TTooa? avTov ft)? veKpo^' Kav eireuijKe ttjv oe^tav airrov %et/9a xiviu. 12. ^^» ^^\^ Xeycov fioij " Mr) aeiv6s. 24 ; Heb. xi. 26. Aspid. 112. Schwarzius derives it from \eifiw. Ibid. ndTficp. See preface to this book. Ter- to melt, as itidaphs from neldw. tullian and Jerom speak of S. John having been 16. j^o/icpaia Sia-TOfios. This is a metaphor immersed in boiling oil at Rome before his for the word of God, i. e. the doctrine of the banishment to Patmos. gospel. See Eph. vi. 17 ; Heb. iv. 12. 11. The words 'Eyti elfii — tax^-'^os kcCl are 19. c( etVt. See note at ver. 1. {h rdx(i-) omitted in most MSS. So also tois ip ^Aa-lq.. 20. rb nv viKCJvn Bcoaco avro) (f>aye'lv etc rov f i;\ou ^®°" "' *' Trj<: fa)^opov a fieXXeL. Probably iir^ipacras tovs Kcyov- ttjs iv ^fjLvpvri iKKXriaias. ras cavrovs airo 5- V xiv. ; ex(o KaTa aov oKuya, on e%€69 e/cet KpaTovvTa^ ttjv Oihaxrjv xxxi. 16. Ba\ad/JL, o? ihlSaaKev tm BaXd/c ^aXelv axavBaXov ivcoiriov TO)V vicbv ^laparfky ^ayelv elhwXoOvTa Kal TropvevaaL. ovtcds 15 e;)^et? Kal av KpaTovvTa<; Tr)v BiBaxv^ tmv NiKoXaiTcov, o fjucroj. d i. 16; ^MeTav6rj(Tov' el Be fir], ep^o/ial aoi Twxy, Kal iroXefiriaa) fieT 16 xix. 15, 21 ; , „ , « t , / « / / C/-V ./ ^ , Esa. xi. 4 ; aVTCOV eV TJ] pOflCpaUl TOV CTTO/XaTO? flOV, U eX^^V Oi;? aKOV' 17 2The.^.ii.V; ^''^'^^ TL TO Uvevfia Xiyet Tal^ iKK\7)criai^' Tw vikmvtc Bcoaco Heb. IV. 12. fl^^T-^ (j)ayecv diTO TOV fidvva tov K€Kpv/ifievov, Kal Bcoa-o) avTu> '\jrr]jrr]9 ra aKCvrj rd, KepafiiKci awrpi^erat, co? Kayo) p'jai.^i.'s • 28 etXrjcba irapd rov irarpo^i llov koX Baxroy avro) rov dcrrkpa ^°- ''^"- 29 ; 29 rov TTpcoLvov, (J exyv ow aKovaaro) rv ro Ilvevfia Xeyet ral^ €KKXrj'\j v2 Pet. iii. 10. 3 /Mcva evwTTLov rov tieov. ' /Mvij/juoveve ovv ttw? €LXr](pa<} Kai m iv. 4 ; riKovaau idvwv. All this passage relates trine which you received, and the precepts which to the conduct of Christians under persecution : you heard. and it probably means, that, if they continue 4. 1. aA\' ajjiXo) Ti}? €V ^ Ckahek^ela iKK\7jaLa}? w/^a? TOV ireipacr/jLOv r?}? jjLeXXovar}<; €p')^6cr6ai, iirl t»)? olKov/Jb6vr)<; 6Xr] dyyeXtp t^? eKKXrjaia^i AaoBuKewv ypdyjrov, TdBe 14 ti. 5, 6; XeyeL 6 Afirjv, 6 fidpTv; 6 TnaTo^i kol dX'qOivof;, ^r] dp')(7] T7]Xb^ kol yvfivo^;, ^avfi^ov- ib xix. H;, ,, »,« / /J \ 2 Cor. V. 3. Xevot) aoL cuyopaaaL Trap efioy 'XpvaLOV Treirvpcafievov €K irvpo^, 7. K\e75a, 1. K\eiu. The passage is taken Ibid. 6 'A/xiiv, In Isaiah Ixv. 16. God is from Isaiah xxii. 22, where it is r^v K\e7da called 'ij^i^ >n7N, "fr^nt'f' ?' ?'"'p "•(•^rj^v,™?'^' ^T' Ibid. WapxCthe principle, that which first the Chrtsttan church, of which Chnst has the ^^^^^ ^^^J^^ j^^^ being. key, and gives it to those who are themselves jg ^v-^nhs-^,ffr6s. It has been observed, faithful, and are anxious to convert others. ^hat this may be an allusion to the country 8. evpau, an opportunity of preaching the gos- ^ Laodicea, which is full of hot springs pel. See 1 Cor. xvi. 9. ^^^ exhalations Ibid. fiLKp^u Uua^Liv. In allusion to the jg ^ ,^^^ ^^^3 i^ the effect produced by .small number of believers, and the power of i^^kewarm water, their heathen enemies. ^^ nTu>xhs-rv4>\hs-yv,iy6s. These three 9. SiSw/MLis the same as 7rot„,r«. I w^l give ^^^^^^^ ^^^ ^^^-^ remedies are mentioned in some 01 these persons into your power, and jo cause them to come &c. They were probably fg. 'ir,irvpwfi4you. He alludes to the fire of Gnostics, (see u 9,) some of whom came over secution, which would shew whether they to Christianity about this tune. ^^^^ r^^^ ^,.^,, •„ j^^,^ l*. 1. TTjs eu AaooiKfiq. iKKK-rtalas. K«p. 3. 4.] IflANNOT. 587 I'va TfKovrria'Y)^' Ka\ i/jbdria Xevxh, tva irept^dXr), koI firj (pave- payOfj )7 altT'xyvr) t% yv/xv6T7jr66a\fiov<; aov, Xva ^e7rr)<;. ^iyco oaov'i iav ^iXw, iX.ey')((o y Job v. 17; 20 /cat iraiBevo)' ^i'jXmo-ov ovv kol fieravorjcrov. ^^IBov, ea-rrjKa u,ii; >\v/l' V / »' J' r> I n Heb. xii. 5,6. em, TTjv uvpav Kai Kpovco' eav rt? aKovarj ttj^ (pcovrjf; /jlov, ' Kai dvoL^rj rr]v 6vpav, elaeXevaofjuaL vrpo? ainbv, kol heLirvqtKo Job. xiv. 2i, 21 /icr' axrrovt koI auT09 fJ^T ifiov. *'0 vlkcov, Baxreo a^TO) , ^ 26, S7 ; Kadiaat, /xer' ifjuov iv tm dp6v(p fiov, to? Kayo) evUrja-a koX Lu*"xxii'' 30- 22 eKaOia-a fierd tov Trarpo? fiov iv rw Opov^ avTov. 'O e^cov ^ Oor. \\. 2 ; 0U9 aKOva-dico ri ro Uvevfia Xeyci rat? eKKXTjalaif;" 4 ^ META ravra elSov, Koi IBov, Oupa iQveqyy/iiivr) iv rm »> i. lo. ovpavm, KOL rj (fxavrj t) tt/xott/, yjv rfKovaa ax? adX7rLyyo<; XaXov- (rrj<; fier ifiov, Xiyovcra, " ^Avd^a wSe, kol hei^w aoL a Bel 2y€V€0aXficov €fi~ 7 TrpoaOev Kal oiriaOev. Kal to ^wov to irpoiTov ofioLov XeovTL, Kai TO Bevrepov ^wov o/jlolov fjL6. 4, 5. ja9 ef KVKkoOev, Kot ecrcdOev ye/iovTa 6(j)0a\fjL(ov, koI avd' iravcriv ovk exovcTLV rj^epa^ kol vvktos \iyovra, '' "Ayw^, ayto<;, ar/io<;, Kvpioa)v^ fxeydXrjj " Tt? icTTLV d^iOpar/lBa^ avTOV ;" Kal ovBelvX7]<; ^lovSa, rj pl^a AajSlB, dvol^at Rom^'xv'ia! '^^ ^I'^Xiov Kal Xvcrat ra? CTrra (T(j)par^lBa<; avTov." ^Kal elBov, 6 w i. 4 ; Kal IBoif, iv fJiiao) tov Opovov Kal twv Tecradpcov ^cocov, Kal iv iv. 5 '; fieaai tcov irpea^vTepcov, dpviov eaT7]Ko6 to ^i^Xiov e/c Trjl^a AafiiS. Isaiah calls Christ r) ^i^a parchment, and this contained writing on both tov 'leffo-al, (xi. 10,) where it seems to mean, sides. S. John could not have known this be- the root which springs from Jesse, as it is in fore the roll was unfolded: he only saw a book, ver. 1, ^A^los iK rris ^l^vs 'Uaffai. ^ifiKiov : and he knew afterwards that this book Ibid. Kvaai is perhaps an interpolation, contained writing on both sides. 6. koX iSob may be expunged. Ibid. KaTea-(ppayicrfj.4vov, sealed down. The Ibid. ocpOaXfiovs. Compare Zech. iv. 10, eTrro seals were placed upon the last fold, and the ovroi 6(pda\uoi clcriv oi iTrifiKcirovTts ivl iraaav roll could not be opened without breaking t^v y/jv. them. Ibid, eirra irvev/jLara. See note at i. 4. 2. Tis iariv &^io5 ; Who is of dignity suffi- Ibid, o'l elari, 1. a elai. cient ? 7. t6 ^i^\iov is perhaps an interpolation. Kc<^.5,c.] IflANNOT. 539 €/caBr)v Kaivrjv, Xe- '" xiv. 3; yovT€<;, " "^fto? €L Xa^elv ro ^l^lov koX avol^ai ra? apa- i cor*v*i. 20*; dyr)(;, kol rpfopaaa^i tm Qcm rjfid^; iv rw ^pj,^^, ' 7 . aifiarl aov €k 7rdaT)ay/JL€vov \a^€LU T7]p BvvafJLLv KOL ttXovtov Kal P »v. 11. U lav Kal la-)(vv Kal TLfjurjv Kal Bo^av Kal evkoyiav." ^ KaP ^'^"" "' ^^' irav Krlafxa 6 i Xa^elp rrjv 8. fKoaros refers only to the twenty-four cddifuu are perhaps to be omitted. elders, not to the f«a. Chap. VI. 1. The visions, which S. John 9. 'pSV Kaivijv may mean, the new song, in now saw upon the opening of each seal, were the same sense as Svo/xa Kaivhv in ii. 17, iii. 12. not depicted upon the roll, nor would its con- The name of Christian, and songs of praise ad- tents be perceptible till all the seals were dressed to Christ, were new at the time when opened : but at the same time that the Lamb S.John was writing. opened the first seal, S. John saw the figure of Ibid. T)y6pacras rjixas. The elders speak not a white horse &c. and so with the rest only in their own name, but in that of all Ibid. (r(ppayLSwi', 1. eTrra (T(pp. Christians. See note at iv. 4. Ibid. ei/6s. The first. See ver. 3. 10. Many MSS. read avrovs for rj/u.as, and Ibid, ^wvrjs, 1. (pwvf}. Many MSS. omit Kal fiouTiXeiaovai. jSAcTre. 11. Twv ^wwv is governed, not by KvK\69ev, 2. A multitude of commentators, ancient (1. KvK\w,) but by (pwirfiv. I heard the voices and modern, refer this vision to the first going of the angels round the throne, and of the fwa, forth of the apostles to preach the gospel. The and of the elders. white horse denoted their going, not as warriors, 13. If we consider, that the Lamb is here but as messengers of peace. The final triumph united with God the Father (see note at iv. 2.) of the gospel is also indicated. in receiving worship from every creature, ktl- 3. koX jSAeVe is perhaps to be omitted. (T/io, it is hardly possible to conceive that the 4. 'Ltt-kos irvpp6s. This probably denotes the Son himself is a created being. quarrels of Christians among themselves, which Ibid, iv Tp 7p, 1. eVl rrjs yijs. proceeded to a dreadful extent in the fourth Ibid. ■JTovra, 1. iravras. century. Compare our Saviour's prediction in 14. The words dKoa-iTioaap^s and ^wvti — Matt. x. 34. 540 AnOKAATmS lK.. 6. elprjirqv airo rrj<; 7779, koI Xva oKXrfKovfi crd^o)i\aayii4vuv. This seems clearly to bable, that we are to understand a scarcity of refer to the martyrs. S. John may have recog- spiritual food, as in Amos viii. 1 1 , not a famine nised some who were martyred in his own day ; of bread, nor a thirst of water, but of hearing of but this vision comprehends the martyrs of the words of the Lord. This was peculiarly the every age. case in the dark ages. Ibid. r^)v fiaprvplav, 1. Ti]V ft. rov apviov. Ibid, fi)) abiK-{](Tris. The oil and wine may 11. 1. koI 4S69ti avrols eKda-rcp o-toXt; Aeu/c^. denote the saving truths of the gospel, (Isaiah Ibid. jxiKphv is perhaps to be omitted. Iv. 1,) and the exclamation concerning the Ibid, ews ov irK'npooOSxn, 1. c«s irXrtpctxruiTu dearness of wheat and barley, i. e. the scarcity Until the number of all the martyrs is complete. of spiritual instruction, is followed by a charge 12. This vision seems to relate to the end of to the teachers of those days not to corrupt the the world, and the final triumph of the gospel gospel : a charge, which the event shewed to over its enemies. Compare our Saviour's pre- be very necessary. diction, Matt. xxiv. 29. K«^. 6, 7] IflANNOT. 541 a€i(rfi69 ^i^lov eiXiaa-ofievov, koI 'ttolv opof; koI vrj(To > i ^ r « v ' I , « Lu. xxiii. 30. 0/36(7* /cat Tat? Trerpat?, " llea-CTe €

payia'Q)fJi€v tol'9 BovXov<; tov ©eov tj/jlcov cttI t&v 4 fi€T(iyTr(ov avTcjv" ^Kal rjKovaa tov dpi,OfjLov twv icr^payio-- <= xiv. i. fievcDV, pfiB^ ^tX,ta8e9 ipayLa/JL6V0i ck 7rd(Tr)<; vXrjpaytafjLevoL' ifc payia/jU€VOL' ix ^vXr}<; FdB, 6 c^ ^tXm3e9 i(Tpar/iafjt,ivoi>' e/c vXrjdaXelfij iff ;)^t\taSe9 ecrj)pa- yia/xevoi' ck vXrjvXrj^ Xvp^atv, iff p^t\ta869 ia-parfLafievoc' e/c ^u\^9 Aev'i, iff ')(^LXidBepayLa-/jLevot' gk (j>vXrj(; ^Iaa')(ap, iff 12. 1. (reX^ftr 8X17. * out the twelve by naming Ephraira and Manas- 15. SwoTol, 1. larxvpoi seh, the sons of Joseph. S. John mentions Chap. VII. 1. This vision is closely con- Manasseh, though he also names the tribe of nected with the last, as might be expected, Joseph; but he omits the tribe of Ephraim, since both of them accompanied the opening of perhaps because it was one of the first to fall the sixth seal. Before the enemies of the gos- into idolatry, (Judges xvii. 5.) The same rea- pel are finally destroyed, S. John sees the ad- son is given for the omission of the tribe of mission of believers to their blessedness in Dan, (see Judg. xviii..30): but since the vision heaven ; and though he says /xero ravra elSov, is not to be taken literally as to the numbers of the things represented here might seem to pre- the sealed, but was only intended to represent cede those mentioned in vi. 12 — 17. the Jewish believers, the names and order of Ibid. ayy4\ovs. These angels were perhaps the tribes are immaterial, commissioned to bring about the conversions 7. Aevt There was no reason for the tribe mentioned in vi. 12, &c. of Levi being omitted by S. John, though it 4. The Jewish believers are mentioned first, was not reckoned among the twelve tribes in and there were many myriads of them so early the division of Canaan. But in the heavenly as A.D. 53. Acts xxi. 20. Canaan there is no temple, and all are priests 6. MavaacTTJ. In the book of Numbers, Moses to God : see xxi. 22. omits the tribes of Levi and Joseph, and makes 542 AnOKAATWIS [k.,^. 7, 8. X'^'^t'dBe^ iv\ij. a iii. 5, 18; ^META ravra elSov, koI IBov, 6x'Xo rjficov tS fcaOrjfjbevq) eVt rod Opovov koi tk dpvLCp" Kat Trai/re? ol dyyeXoi iarijKeaav kvkXo) tov Opovov 11 KaX tS)v irpea^VTepcov koI tcov reaadprnv ^cocov, kol eirea-ov ivcoTTLOV TOV Opovov cttI 'iTpoo'coTTOV avTO)v, KOI irpotjeKvvrjaav TM ©ew XiyovTe*;, *' ^AfJLrjV' r) evXoyla koI t) Bo^a kol rj ao(f)ia 12 Kal ri ev^apLaTLa koI rj Tifjurj kol t} BvvafiLs kol r) ia^p^ toJ ©eat 'f}iJbS)V eh tou? al(ova<; tcov alcovcov. dfiriv." Kal direKplOr} 13 €19 etc Tcov irpeapvTepwv Xiycov /ulol, " Ovtol ol irepL^e^Xrj/biivot f i. 5 1 Ta9 aToXd , v ireLvacrovaiv ert, ovoe oiylnja-ovacv €TL, ovoe fir) irearj eir avTOv xxi. 4 ; YJXLO'i OvBe TTCLV KaVfia' * OTt, TO dpVLOV TO dvd fiecrOV TOV 17 Psal.xxiii.l; ^ , «,v \«^/ »\>vt,/ y Esa. XXV. «. Opovov TTOLjJLaveL avTOV9 \afi7rdv darepwv, Xva aKoriaOy rb rpirov avra>v, Kal r) rjfiepa firj (f)alvT} rb rpirov avrrjfi, Kal r) vv^ ofiolco^;. 13 Kal elBov Kal rjKovaa evbcovfj fieydXrjy *' Oval, oval, oval, roU Kar- oiKOvaiv irrl rrj<; 7^9 ix r&v Xoiirojv (l)a)V(ov t^9 crdXTTiyyo's T&v rpicjv drfyeXoDv roov fieXXovrwv aaXirl^ecv.'* 5. rhv Kifiavarrhy, 1. rh KifiavuThv, and avr6. make a fair show, but in time of persecution fall Ibid. Kol ^jSoXcj/. Our Saviour says, irvp away. ^\eov fiaXiiv eis t^v yrjv, Luke xii. 49, by 8. r))v BAXaaaav may mean, the Gentile which he meant, that his religion would give Christians. The burning mountain represents rise to many dissensions : and so it may be the persecutions carried on by the Heathen, meant here, that from the same quarter would 9. The persecution destroyed a great many proceed prayers which are acceptable to God, persons and their property, and quarrels and dissensions which would agi- 10. This seems to represent the corruption of tate the earth. This representation resembles the gospel by heretics, probably by the Gnos- the vision which accompanied the opening of tics. the second seal, vi. 4. Ibid, aar-fip. A star signifies an eminent 7. The trumpets seem to denote the persecu- leader. This seemed to come from heaven, tions of the church. and dazzled by the doctrine which was taught Ibid. fU r^v yi}v, upon the land, as distin- Ibid, irorafiuv — iSdruv. The sources of true guished from the sea : see ver. 8. It perhaps doctrine. Great part {rh Tp'nov) of the gospel represents the Jewish Christians. Woodhouse. doctrines was corrupted by heretics. Many MSS. read after this, koL rh rpirov t^s 11. 1. 6 "Aiptveos, koX iyevero. yjjs KOTe/caTj. 12. This shews the darkness and ignorance Ibid, rh rpirov, a considerable part. The which followed the corruption of the true doc- trees may mean genuine Christians, those who trine. The sun, moon, and stars represent the are rooted and grounded in the faith. Many of light of the gospel, which was now obscured, these were destroyed by the fire of persecu- 13. ayy 4\ov, 1. aerov. tion. The green grass may mean, those who 544 AnOKAATWIX [Ke./.. 9. •njmi. 8; ^KAI 6 TTe/JLTTTOf; dyjeXx)^ io-aXircae, koI elBov acrripa e/c 9 La. viii. 31 «> r> ' y \ « \>^'/i j^r-^v Tov ovpavov ireTTTCOKora ei, vi. 6 ; ^Ka\ ippidr] avToi^i iva fir) dBcKijacoai, tov ^(opTOV Trj? XeovTcov rjaav, Kal el')(pv Oco- 9 paKa/ /p» /p, V Ixviii. 18; apiufio^ arparev/jLaTwv rov nririKov ovo /iivpvabe^ fivpLaooiV kul Dan.vU. 10. 17 rjKOvaa tov dptdfwv avrtav. Kal oi/to)? elBov tov<: Xirirov^; iv rfi opdcreu, Kal tov? Kadrj/xevov; iir avrayv e'xpma^ d(apaica<; irvpi- vov^ Kal vaKtvOlvov^ Kal ^ewwSei?' koI at K€(f>aXal TOiV iTnrcoi/ co? K€(f>a\al XeovTcov, Kal e/c Toyv aTOfjuaTcov avTcjv eKiropeveTai irvp 18 Kal Kairvo^i Kal delov. xmo twp TpiSiV tovtcov dire/cTdvOrjaav to TplTOV T(i)V dvOpOiTTOyV, €K TOV TTUpO? Kal CK TOV KaiTVOV Kal 6K 19 TOV 6dov, TOV iKTTopevo/JLevov €K Twv oto/jAtcov avTwv. at yap e^ovaiai airrSiv iv tco aTo/juiTi aincov elaL Kal iv TaL \ «\\> «xx^« Peal. cvi. 37. oaifjLovLa, Kai €Loo)Xa Ta ypvaa Kai Ta apyvpa Kau ra ^(aXKa Kal Ta XiOiva Kal Ta ^vXiva, a ovtc pXeTretv BvvaTat, ovre 21 oKoveiv, oine irepLTraTelv Kal ov fiCTevoTjaav iK twv (f>6vcov avTOiVf ovT€ iK TMV (jyapfULKCicov avrwv, ovtg iK r^y 7ropvela? 6 7]Xio<;, Kal ol TroSe? avTov ax? 2 o-TvXoi irvpo^y Kal el^ev iv ttj X'^ipl avTov ^i^XapiStov dvecoy- fievov, Kal edrjKe tov iroSa avTov tov Se^cbv iirl ttjv ddXacr- 3 a-avy TOV he evdavvfiov iirl ttjv yrjv, Kal CKpa^e (pcovrj /jueyaXfj, axrrrep Xecov fjLVKaTat. Kal OTe CKpa^ev, eXdXrjaav al eTTTa 4 jSpovTal Ta? eavTMv (ovd<;' "^Kal otc iXAXTjaav al eiTTa ^pov- y Dan. Tat Ta<; (pcDva^ eavT(OV, efieXXov ypaipeiv Kai rjKOvaa (pcovrjv xn. 4, 9. 14. ts 6?xf, 1. i eX""- 18. 1. airh twv rpiav vXrjywv rovrwv. Ibid. Ev<(>pdTT}. This perhaps merely means 19. 1. v yhp i^ovaia twv %inro)V iv r^ ffrdnaTt that the invasion was to come from the east. outwv eVrf. 15. els T^v &pav. S. John perhaps used this 20. Those Christians, who did not embrace expression, because he was speaking of an event Mahometanism, were corrupted by all kinds of which was very distant. The very hour was superstitions and impurities. fixed in the counsels of God, and these angels Chap. X. 1. This chapter contains no new could not move till that hour was come. prophecy, but merely describes the giving of Ibid. Th TpiTov. See viii, 7. a-rroKTeivaai the little book to S. John. "AAAoi' is perhaps perhaps refers to the corruption of doctrine : a an interpolation. considerable number of nominal Christians 2. 1. Koi e^Kwp 4v rf} x- avrov fiiPKapiSiov. were spiritually destroyed. 4. rcks (^eoi/ciy lauraji' may be omitted. S.John 16. 1. Kal 6 apidfihs tuv (Ttparevfidraju tov was perhaps going to write down what he had Tinrou /jLvpidSes fivpidSoop- i}Kovr}rai6T ifiov Kal Xeyovaa, " "Tit aye, Xd^e ro ^c^XaplStov ro i^vewyfxevov ev rfj %et/9t dyyeXov rov ecTTwro? eirl rr) arofiarl fiov w? fieXc, yXvKV' Kal ore e(f)ayov avro, iiriKpdvOr) rj KoiXia fiov. Kal Xeyei, fwc, ^* Aei ae ird- 11 Xiv 'iTpor)revaaL irrl XaoU Kal edveai Kal yXcoaaai^; Kal ^aat- Xevac TToWofc?/' d Ezech. '^ Kal 48607) jjboi KaXafxo' ^koI rr)v avXrjv rr)v e^coOev rov vaov 2 CK^aXe e^co, Kal fxr) avrrjv fxerprjar)'^, on eSodr) roL<; eOveav Kal rr)v iroXiv rrjv dylav irarriaovaL /j,r]va Exod.vU., Xva fiT) ^pixV ^^o^ €V r)/jLepaL<; avrwv TrjvXc!>p kol yXcoaacop koX €0P(OP Td TTToiyLWiTa avTWP r)fjL€pa<; rpeU kol rffiicrv, xal tu 10 TTTco/xaTa avTWP ov/c dcfy^aovat Tedrjpai eh iiprjfiara. koX ol KaToiKovPTc^ eTTt Ttj'i 7779 ')(P'pov(np eV avroh kol ev(f)paP' OrftTOPTCu KaX hwpa irefi^frova-ip dXXT]Xot<;, oti ovtoi ol Svo 11 irporJTa4, i^adpiaap tov<; KaroLKOVPra^i eirl r^? 7^?. Kal fjierd Ta9 Tpeis rjjjLepa^ koX T^fiiav, irpevfUL ^a)rj6^o<; fi€yatopr)p /xeydXr}p ck tov ovpapov Xeyovaap avTol^, '' ^Apd^rjTe (aSe" Kal dpe^yjaap eh top ovpapop ep ttj pe<^eXr), Kal 13 edecoprjaap airrov^ ol e^Opol avTcop. Kal ep eKecprj ttj &pa eyepero aecafMo^; fieya*;, Kal to SeKaTOP t^9 7roA,eci)9 erreae, Kal dTreKTCLpdrjaap ep tw aet(Tfiw opofULTa dpOpcoTTcop ^tXtaSe9 eirrd' Kal ol XolttoI ep,j)o^oi eyepoPTO, Kal eBcoKap Bo^ap T(f 14 Sew TOv ovpapov. ^'H oval 77 BevTepa dirrjXOep' IBov, r} ouat 1 viu. 13 ; , * , V , ix. 12; •q TplTTJ epX^TO't' T^X^' *V. 1. 16 ™ KAI 6 €^BofJLo<; dyyeXo^ eadXiriae, Kal eyipoPTO ^wpal »> x. 7. fieydXaL ep Tot ovpaPM, Xeyovaav, "^ ^EyepoPTo ac ^acriXelai TOV Koap^ov TOV Kvpiov r]p.S)p Kal tov XpiCTTOv avTov, Kal 16 ^aaiXeva-ei ek tou9 alwpa^ tcop alcopcop" "Kal ol eiKOdi Kal n iv. 4, 10 ; Teaa-ape Oem, °XeyoPTe<;, '' Evxapi(TTovp>€P (tol, Kvpie „ j ^ g. 6 Oeb<; 6 TraPTOKpdTcop, 6 cop Kal 6 rjp Kal 6 epxofiepo<;, oVtiv.S; 18 etX7j(f)a<; ttjp Bvpap^ip gov ttjp fieydXrjp Kal e^aalXevaa^;, Kal xix. 6.' 8. ra irreSjuaTo, 1. rh vTwfia. 13. Dean Woodhouse considers this part of Ibid. f]fjLwv, 1. axfTwv. the prophecy to be still unaccomplished : 1. 9. fixi^ovffiv iK Twv \awv. Persons of all ^/*epot for S!>pq.. nations, tribes, &c. shall see. 15 — 18. This perhaps refers to a future and 10. e^aaaviaav. It is not meant, that the final extension of the gospel, two prophets really tormented the inhabitants of 15. 1. iyevero rj ^aaiXeia. the earth: but such was the calumny of their 17. koX 6 epx^H-^yos is perhaps an interpola- adversaries. tion. 12. ^Kovirav, 1. iJKovaa. Nn2 548 AnOKAATWIS [Ke,^. u, 12. ra euvrj a>p'yia6ri€ydXoL<;, KOL hia^Oelpai roi^ hiaf^dei- povra^ T7}v yijv.'^ p XT. 5. pKAI rjvoiyr) 6 vao^ tov ©eov iv ro) ovpavw, kol &d7} 77 19 KL^coTos T^9 hia6rjKr)a\ri<; avTrj^ (7T6(j)avo ovpavM, Kal iSoif, hpaKwv 3 yU67as TTVppo^y ^X^^ «:e<^a\a? eTrra Kal KepaTa BeKa, Kal iirl rd*; K€v, 6 KaTrjyopayv avruiv ivcoTrtov rod &€ov rjfjueov rj/xepa^; kol 11 pvkt6<;. ^Koi avrol evUrjaav avrov hia to al/ia tov apviov kol Slo, y Rom.vHi V ^ / - / > -> \ > > / V , \ 23, 34, 37; TOV \oyov Tt]<; fiapTvpia» ^ »\« «\«\\ Psal.xcvi.ll; 01 ev airrot? <7Kr]vovirr€<}. ovai tol^ KaTOiKovai ttjv yrjv Kai Tt]V Esa.xUx.is. ddXaaaav, oti KUTi^rj 6 Bui^oXo^ 7rpo<; v/j,d<; e^aoav Ovfwv fxeyaVy 18 et5a)9 OTi oXiyov Kaipov e;)^et." Kai ore elBev 6 BpaKMV oti e^XrfOr) ei? ttjv yi)v, ihiw^e ttjv yvvoLKa r]TC<; eT6K6 tov appeva. 14 *Ka\ iBodrjaav rfj yvvaiKt, Bvo TTTepvye^; tov clctov tov fieydXov, »Dan.vii.25; r/ / »vv »\/ y n tr r § XU. 7. iva TrenjTai et? rr/r^ epTj/juov et? tov tottov avTrj<;, ottov Tp€aXd<; kiTTa Kai KepaTa BeKa, Kai eVl tmv KepaTOJV avTOv BeKa BiaBrjfjLaTa, Kai eirl Td<; 2 K€aXdfi avTov ovofia ^Xaa^TjfJbia^. ^ Kai to Orjpiov o elBov rjv c xii. 9. OfMOiov rrrapBdXei, Kai ol 'ir6Be<; avTov co? dpKTOv, Kai to aTOjia avTov (i? aTo/ia XiovTO^. Kai cBcokcv avTu> 6 BpaKcov ttjv Bvvon 3 fiLv avTOv Kai tov Opovov avTOv Kai i^ovalav /leydXTjv. ^ Kai d xvu. 8, elBov fiiav T03V K€(f)aXa)v ainov o)? ea-^ayfievrjv eh ddvarov, Kai rj irXrjyrj tov OavaTOv avTOV eOepairevdrj. Kai eBavfiaaev oXtj rj 4 yrj oiriao) tov drjplov, * koI irpoa-eKVvrjaav tov BpaKOVTa o? eBw- • xviii. 18. 11. OVK ^airr/o-oj/ is the same as rtniK-qaav, Chap. XIII. 1. There is a remarkable agree- they did not regard their life, but even ran the ment between this passage and that in Dan. risk of death: they were neglectful of life, even vii. 2 — 15. The beast of the Apocalypse re- unto death. sembles the four beasts of Daniel, but more 12. 1. ovai Tp y^ /cot rp 0a\d / \ y^ > n > « >«- / fiCTa Tcov ajLcov kul VLKTjorai avTOVi' kul eoour} avTO) e^ovaria iirl irdaav ^vXrjv kol ryX&aaav koX e6vo'> -i /> / > ^o « ' « -^ ^ "9 ' 52. ^Kai eibov aXXo urjpiov avapaivov e/c 7^9 7779, Kai et%e KepaTa ll I xi. 7. gj^Q ouoia dpvlw, Kal ekdXet 0)9 BpdKoov. "* /cat rr/z/ ePovaiav tov 12 20. TrpcoTov ur)piov iracrav iroieL evoniriov avTOv Kai iroLei ttjv yrjv Kal TOL'9 KaTOLKOvvTa^ ev avTTJ Iva irpocrKwrjawai to Orjplov to n xvi. 14 ; irpcoTOV, OV iOepaiTevdr) rj irXrjyr] tov BavdTOV avTOV' " Kal rroiel 13 Matt. « f^ f/ v« n a I >«> « xxiv. 24 ; (Trjixeba fJbeyaXa, iva Kai irvp Trocfj KaTapaiveiv ck tov ovpavov 2Thess. 11.9. g^j Twi^ ynv ii'coTnov TO)V duOpcoTTcop. '^ Kal TrXava 701)9 KaToo- 14 o Deut.xiii.l. ^ ' \\ ^ . 5V V > ^ . .V ,5,. ' -' '^ KovvTa^ ewL T779 7^9, ota ra arj/jueta a eboor) avTO) ".roirjaat ei/co- iTLov TOV Orjplov, Xeycov Tot9 KaTOiKovauv eirl t^9 7^9, Trotrjaac etKova TM drjpiw o e;^ei T-qv irXrjyrjv T779 fia')(^aipa Bovvai Trvevfia Tjj eiKOVi tov Orjplov, 'iva Kal 16 XaXrjarj rj elKQ)V tov Orjplov, Kal TTOCijar], ocroL av fj^rj irpoaKwrj- q xix. 20. (7(0(TL TTJV cLKOva TOV Oifplov, iva dTTOKTavOcbcn. ^ Kal iroiel 16 irdvTaSf TOvfj.a(ri KaTaari^ovT^s avTrjv crtS^- beast rises from the land, which perhaps implies p(p ■7reiTvpwfx4v(f) irphs ave^dhenrTov Sia/j-ov-nv, vol that it is a Christian power, or connected with ii. p. 221. Kf«^. 13, 14] IflANNOT. 561 TrayXrja-ai, el fi^j 6 eywv to '^apa'yixa, 77 to ovofia tov Orjpiou, rj 18 TOV dp(,6fi6v TOV 6v6fjLaT0ia iaTiv. 6 e^tov • xy. 2; TOV vovv ylnji(TdTQ) tov dpi6p,ov tov dtjplov dpi9fJLb? v\rjv Kal yXcoaaav Kal Xaov, *\e- a pwai. 7 yovTa ev (fxovf} fieydXr), " ^o^'qdrjTe tov Qeov Kal hoTe «^tc!) cxxi" 8 • Bo^av, OTL rjXdev rj wpa t^9 Kpia-e(o<; avTov' Kal irpoaKwrjaaTe ^^^Jt^'^f^' 15. Tw TTOi'qcravTL TOV ovpavov Kal ttjv yijv Kal OdXaaaav Kal ttt;- ''vii. 24. 8 yd^ vBdTQ)v." ^Kai dXXo 1^ ; 9 uv/JLOv Trj<; 7ropveLa<; avTr] ^b St/ofia. The mark was of spiritual fornication. See iropueias in ver. 8 the name impressed in letters. It will be re- Ibid. 1. ovtoi inrh 'Irfo-ov Tjyopda-driaau. membered that it was the name of the first 5. S6\os, I. \l/€vSos. The words ivdnriov — beast, xiii. 1. 0eoO may be omitted. 18. rbv apiOfiSv. Irenaeus mentions the 6. KaToiKovyras, 1. KaOrjficvovs, and iirl trap word AATEIN02, the letters of which make up ^dvos. the number QQ& : but the same number has 8. 1. &\\os Sevrepos HyycXos. been extracted from so many other words, that Ibid. BojSyAwj'. Even Roman Catholic corn- it is useless to attempt the solution. mentators refer this to Rome, understanding Chap. XIV. 1. This vision may be taken pagan Rome. Many Protestants apply the to represent the true church, which continued prophecy to the reformation, and the downfall through the times of the serpent, the beast, and of the papal power : 1. Bafiv\(bv rj fieydKri, iK the false prophet. rod oXvov. Ibid. 1. rh ovofia axnov Koix rh ovofiarov irarpds. 9. 1. &W05 &yy€\os rplros, 3. 1. q.Sovffiv (^hi]v. 10, KeKcpacrfi^vov aKparov. Compare Psalm Ibid. oLTrb t^s yrjs may still mean, out of the Ixxv, 8, iroTiipiou oivov aKparov irKrjpfs >cfpd ./ > / e / v v 10. aL(ova<; aiayvcov Kai ovk exovauv avairava-iv 7}fjLepa<; xat vvkto^ ol irpocTKVVOvvTe^ to Orjplov koI ttjv eiKova avTov, kol et rt? e xiii. 10. XafjL^dv€L TO ')(apar/fjLa tov 6v6/jLaTO<; avTov." ® ^flBe virofiovr) 12 Twv aylcov eaTiv oihe ol ttj povvT€avov ')(^pvaovu, kol iv tjj %6t/3t avTov BpeTravov o^v. ^ kol lb aX\o9 dyyeXo^i i^rjXOev e'/c tov vaov Kpd^cov iv /jbeydXr} (l)covfj Tw Ka67}fjL6vq) iirl t^? v6(f)eXr}<^, " ^e/JL^frov to hpeiravov aov KOL Oepiaov, OTt rjXde aoi rf at pa tov Oepia-ai, otl i^pdvdrj 6 depKTixo^ TY}<; yrjfi." Kal e/SaXev 6 Ka6r}iMevo e^ovTt to Spiiravov to o^v, Xeycov, " Ue/JL- yjrov (TOV to hpeiravov to o^v, Kal Tpvyrjaov tov<; ^6Tpva'-v "z:*'* vv 'c>v n y / -/ Psal. cxi. 2; oxreo)? 6oi;\ov tov ryeov, kul ttjv wdrjv tov apviov, Xeyoi/re?, oxxxix. 14. " MeyaXa koI davfUKrra tcl epya arov, Kvpie 6 ©eo? 6 irav- TOKpoLTtop' hucaiat, KaX oXtjOlvoI at oSol aov, 6 /SacrtXeu? tmv 4 arfiayv. °Ti9 ov fir) o^r)dfj ac, Kvpce, Koi hoPdarj to ovofid » Ena. r, f n tf / \ un tff, \ Ixvi. 23; <; r/)? ovpavw' ^Kol e^fjXdov ol eiTTa dyyeXoi i i. i'^- expvT€LdX'rjv avTov eTrl ttjv yfjv koX iyevcTo 6Xko<; KaKov koX Ex'od. Ix. 9, TTOvrjpop €t9 T0U9 dv6 pdiiTovi T0U9 e'xpvra'i to 'xapdr^fxa tov ^^' ^^ 8 drjplov KaX Toxs tj} clkovl avTOv Trpofrv^r) ^(baa direOavev iv tij 4 OaXdaarj. KaX 6 TpLTO<; dyy€Xo<; e^C'^ee TtfV (pioXrjv avTOV 649 TOi'9 iroTa/iiov^ KaX 669 Ta9 TTTjyd^; tcov vBdTayv KaX eyevsTO 5 alfia, ^KaX ^Kovaa tov dyyiXov twv vBdTwv XeyovTO<;, *' At- » i. 4, 8; Kcuor]T(bv i^e^eav, KaX al/Jba avTOL<; eSft)/ca9 » Matt.xxia. 7 ineiv' d^LOL ydp elat" yRaX rjKOvaa dXXov eK tov Ovaiaa- ^ ^^ ^g. TrjpLov \e701n-09, " NaXj KvpL€ 6 0609 o iravTOKpdToyp, dXrjOLvaX xv. 3. 8 Kal BucuLaL at Kpiaet^ aov." KaX 6 T6TapT0<; dyyeXo<^ ^^^X^^ rr}v LaXr)v avTOv iirX tov '^Xlov KaX eB66r) avTa> Kav/naTL- 9 arat TOi'9 dvOpdnrov^ iv TrvpL ^kcu iKavfjuaTLadrja-av ol dvOpo)- *ver. 11,21. 3. tpS^iv Ma/aews. A song of triumph, such pour from, as in 1 Sam. x. 1. Woodhouse. 1. ras as Moses sang, when Pharaoh was destroyed. eTrra (piaKas. 3. 0710;;', 1. ievwv. Ibid. The pouring out of these vials means 4. cre may be omitted: 1. fA6vos ciyios' on generally the punishments inflicted upon the Trdvres ?i^ov(ti. enemies and persecutors of the church. The 6. \ipov Kadap6v. The righteousness of the prophecy is probably still unaccomplished. saints, xix. 8. 5. ayy^Kov rwy uSdrcov. " Judaei singulis re- Chap. XVI. 1. 0t(£Aos. The vial was a bus angelum peculiarem tribuunt." Schoetge- basin, bowl, or cup, commonly used in the nius, who proves this from Rabbinical writers, ancient church to contain the offering of meal 7. Most MSS. read koI iJKovaa tov dvaiaa- or of incense, standing before the altar of in- rripiov. cense for that purpose. It was also used to 554 AnOKAATWi:S [K,i]/jL7]crav to ovo/jua rov @eov rov €'XpvTO<; i^ovalau iirl ra'!; 'irXrjya'i ravra^;, kol ov fierevorjaav hovvav avTOi ho^av. Kal 6 Tre/jbTTTO^; ayyeko^ ^'fe^^^ee r^v (fnaXrjv avrov eVl rov lo Opovov rov 07]plov' kol iyevero r} ^aatXeia avrov ea-KorcO' fievT)' Kal i/juaaraojvro ra? y\oocrcra<; avr&v iic rov rrovov, Kal 11 i^Xa(Tpdrr)V' Kal i^rjpdvOr) ro vBcop avrov, iva eroLfiaaOfj rj oho^ rcov ^aaiXecov rcov diro • xii. 9; ouvaroXwv rjXiov. ^ Kal elBov eK rov ar6/JLaro<; rov SpaKov- is XX. 10. TO? Kai eK rov arofJbaro<^ rov uTjpiov Kai eK rov crrofiarof; rov ^^evhoirpoc^rjrov rrvev^iara rpia aKaOapra ofioia ^arpd- bii. 10; Xot9* ^ elal yap nrvevy^ara haifjLovcov iroiovvra crrjixela, eKiro- U xvii, u'; pevecrOai errl rov^ pacrCXel^ tt}? 7>}9 Kal rrjfi olKovfMevrjfi oXt;?, XX 9 ' ' <^yvayayeLV avrovidXa<;, Kal iXaXijae fier ifiov Xeywv jjlol, "Aevpo, Bel^cj aoi to Kpifia tt;? 7r6pvrj<; rij^i fieydXTj^i, rij? KaOr}/j,€vr} xiii. 1 ; elhov yvvaiKa KaOrj/jLemjv eVt Orjpiov kokkivov, ye/nov ovofidrmv ^^'^' ' 4 ^Xaiav. al kirrd Ke^aXal opri elalv eTrra, ottov rj yvvr) 10 KddrjTaL CTT avTOiv, Kal fia. 17, 18. yov avTov Bel /jbelvac. koI to Orjplov, o rjVy kol ov/c eari, koI U avTO<; 6yBo6<; ian, kol ck tcov eirrd icrri, kol et? aTrcoXeMv q xiii. I ; xjirajyei. ^ Kal ra hma /cepara a elSe?, hcKa /3a(TiX6L<^ elatv, 12 0LriV6<; ^aaCkelav ovttq) eXa^ov, a\X i^ovalav cb? ^adtXeX'i IJbLav (opav Xa/jL^dvovat /jLerd rov drjplov. ovtol filav ryvay^rjv 13 €)(pv(n, Kot TTjv BvvajjLLv KoX rrjv e^ovaiav eavrtbv ra> drjpicp rxvi. 14; BiaBcBoyaovaLV. ^ ovTOi pberd tov dpvlov iroXefjU^aovaL, kol to 14 xix. 16; >/ / »\f'i7'/ / 'V ^r>-\v iTim.vLib. ^pJ^^ov VLKijcFeL uvTov^, OTi j\vpLo<^ KvpLcov ccTTt Kai BaaiXev^ ^acnXicov, kol ol fier avrov kXtjtoI kol 6kX€ktoI kol ttlo-toL'' sEsa.viii.?. ^ Kal Xijei, fMOL, ^' TcL vBara a elSe?, ov r) iropvr] KdOrjTai, ib t xviii. 8, Xaol Kal 6)(\oL elal, Kal eOvr] Kal jXaxraat. ^ Kal ra SeKa i6 Kepara a elSe? iirl to Orjpiov, ovtol iiLarjaovai rrju Tropprjv, Kal '^pr)fjL(o/Jiivr)v TroirjaovaLV avrrju Kal yv/ivrjv, Kal Ta? adp- Ka ' ' '/3' ^ Jer. 1. 39 ; P^^^ oaL/iovcov KttL cpvXaKT) TTavTo^ 7rvevfMaT0?9 e'/c T»79 Bvvd/jL€(o<; tov crTpr)vov^ avTrjs iirXovTrjaav.^' xGen.xix.i2; ^Kal 7]K0va-a dXXrjV (ficovrjv CK TOV ovpavov Xeyovaav, "^E^- 4 £sa.xlviii.20; /■v/i5»»>''«-v f"/ v / « Hi. 11 • €Xu€T€ e^ avTT]^, o Xao^ fJbov, iva fxr} avyKOLVcovrjarjTe Tat<; r^V45' d/jLapTiat,<; avTrjq, Kal 'iva pJq Xd^rjTe ck tmv TrXrjycov avTr]<;' 2 Cor. vi. 17. » OTL r]KoXov67](Tav avTrj^i al djiapTLaL d')(pi tov ovpavov, Kal 5 bxiv 10- ifJ'VrjI^oveva-ev 6 0eo9 Ta dBLKTj/naTa avTrj^;. ^diroBoTe avTrj 0096 Ps.cxxxvii8; /cal avTTj diTeBcoKev valv, Kal BiTrXayoraTe avTrt BiirXa KaTa to, Jer. 1.15. „ ,^ , . '^ \ ^ , , , '' ^ r^ ^ . -- . epya avTr]<;. ev to) iroTrjpLw w eKepacre, KepacraTe avTJj OLirXovv' c Esa.xivii.8. ^6(Ta iBo^aaev eavTrjv Kal icTTpijvlaore, toctovtov B6t€ avrfi 7 ^acravLcr/JLov Kal nTevdo<^. otl iv ttj KapBla avTrj6^ov rov f xW. 8 ; ^aaavKTfjLOv ainrj»»»/ V ' >« »5.\ » /o J/ r xxvii. 36. 12 avTTj, on top yo/xou avTwv ovO€l<; ayopa^ec ovKen, yofjuov ^pvaov, Kal apyvpov, Kal \l6ov rtfiiov, Kal fxapyapirov, Kal ^vaaov, Kal 7ropvpa^, Kal ar]piK0v, Kal kokklvov, Kal irav ^vXov Bvlvov, Kal irav aKevo^ €\e|^i^X^? o'ov dwrjXOev diro aov, Kal Trdvra rd Xnrapd Kal rd Xafiirpd dTrrjXOev diro aov, Kal 16 ovKen ov firj evp^ay^^ avrd. 01 efiiropoL tovtcov, ol irXovTrj- aavre^ dir airn}^, dtro liaKpodev ar^aovrai Bid tov \ > \ \fef*>*^.. \f .« «■/ Esa, xliv. 23; avTTjVj ovpave, Kai 01 ayiot airoaroXoi Kai 01 TVpocpTjTai, on xUx. i3 ; €Kpiv€V 6 Beo? TO Kpifia vfiMV ef avrrjv" ^^^' ^'" ^^' 21 °Kal ripev el? dyyeXo'i la')(vp6<; XlOov 00? fjuvXov fJieyav, /cat » Jer. h. 64. e^aXev et? rrjv OdXaaaav, Xeycav, *' Ovtco<; opfirjiMan ^rjOj]- p Ega.xxiv.8; 22 aerai Ba^vXcbv rj jxeydXr) iroXi'i, Kal ov /jltj evpedrj en. ^Kal Jer. vii. 34; (jicovr) KidapwBoiv Kal fiovaiKwv Kal avXrjrwv Kal aaXiriarwv xxv. 10 ; , V , * /) « 5 \ y V « / / / , Ezecb. xxvi. OV jjLTj aKOvaarj ev aoi en, Kai Tra? re)(yiTr]y 9. 1. K\a6(rov^ f/ >r>r/>/ V' V / xviii. 20 ; KaL OLKaiat UL KpLaeL<^ uvToV OTC eKpLve rr]V TTopVTjv Tr}V fieya- ^3 ■ Xr)V, rjTLt; ecpueipe rrjv yqv ev rf] Tropveia avTr)<;, Kat e^eoiKTjae uxiv, H; TO olfjia 7MV BovX(OV UVTOV CK T?}? %et/309 aVTf] a>,^ ^ '•■ \ * \ » « > o ' Esa. xxxiv. Tcpov eipT]Kav, AXXrfXovLa' Kat o Ka7rvo<; avTr)<; avapaiveu » i 4 6 ^^'^ '^^^'^ al(ava<; rcov aloovcov" ^Kal eireaov ol irpea^vrepoi 4 ol eLKoat Kal Teacrape<; kol rd reaaapa fwa, Kal TrpoaeKuvrjaav Tft) Gew TM KaOrjfievq) eVt rov Opovov, Xeyovre^;, " ^Ajxriv' ^ AXXrjXovia." Kal (pcovrj €k rod Opovov e^rjXOe, Xeyovaa, 5 " Alvelre rov &eov tj/jloov, 7rdvTe<; ol BovXol avrov kol ol (fyo^ov- yxi. 15, 17; fJLeVOL aVTOV Kol ol fJLLKpol KOL ol fiejdXoL.'' ^ Kol TjKOVaa COS 6 covr]v 6')(Xov TToXXov, kol w? ^oovrjv vBdrayv iroXXcov, Kal ob? (fxovrjv ^povTOiv l(T')(ypwv, Xe 0ea) irpoaKvvrjaov r) yap fjiaprvpia rov ^Ijjaov iarc ro TrvevjMa rrj<; 7rpo ra iv Tut ovpavS riKoXovdei avrut i' >v\f/ \>\\ Ixiii. 3 : 16 TOV iravTOKpaTopo^, " Kai e^^i' eiri to ifuiTiov kul eirt tov firj- ^ rpj^^^j jj g pov avTov TO ovofjba fyeypa^fjievoVf *' BacrtXeu? ^aaiXeayv «at''xvii. U; i^, ' » i t^ ^ '♦S^ " " ^ ' - » 'N f^ / ITim. vi. 15. 17 KvpL0<; Kvpicov. ■Aa^ etoor ei/a ayyeXov eaTMTa ev tco tjXlw' i jer. xii 9; Kol €Kpa^€ (fxovfj fjLeydXrj, Xeycov iracn, toI<; opveot^ rot? ireTco/JLev- Ezech xxxix. ot? iv fieaovpavTj/jLaTi, "JeDre Kal avvdyeaOe el/ y r. xiv. 10 ; TOVTOv o Yev007rpopdyi(Tev iirdvo) avTOV, iva fir] TrXav^arj to, edvrj ert, a'Xpt' TeXeaOfi tcl ')(^LXia er??' Kal fieTa TavTa Bel axnov Xvdrjvat 4 fiLKpov ')(p6vov. ° Kal elBov Opovov^, Kal iKdOtaav iir avTov<;, v. 10 ; ' Acat Kpifia iBodrj avrolr Kal ra? -xjru^a? tmv TreireXeKLa/jbevcov ^{^^\\^'^l\ Bid Tr)v fJLapTvpiav ^Irjcrov Kal Bid tov Xoyov tov @€0v, /cat ^'^"•Tj'; ®' 0LTLV€<; ov TrpocreKvvrjcTav tw Orjplo) oine ttj cIkovl avTov, Kal Matt.xix.28; >»^.r) \/ 5*v\/ '>« vjvyl Cor. vi. 2, 3. ovK eXapov to ')(apwyfia ein to fieTwirov avTcov Kai eiri T171/ 2Tim. ii. u. X^^P^ avTCJV Kal e^rjaav Kal i^aalXevcrav fiCTa XptcrroO P. '• ^; 5 %tXta €T7j' ol Be XoLTTol tS)V veKpSiV ovk dve^rjaav emf; TeXeaOfj v. 10 ; x'-vv & t J / t / n Tt/r / \ Esa. Ixi. 6 ; 6 Ta ')(^iXui eTT}. avTT} rj avaaTacnv\aicr)<^ avrov, '^ kol i^eXevaerai ifkavrjaai ra eOvq ra 8 Ezech. , «/ / «<^\T^\ \^i/rv xxxviii. 2; €V raL<; reaaapai ycoviaL\»'-v rfj/ixffv «_ Gwayayeiv avrov^ et? iroXe^iov, cov o apLU^o^o\r)v roiv ar^i(ov Kal rr}v ttoXlv rr]v i^yaTn^/jue- vr)v' Kal KarepTj nrvp diro rov Qeov ck rod ovpavov, Kal Kar- xiv. 10, 11; e(f)ay€v avrov^' ^ Kal 6 hid^oXo^ 6 ifKavodv avrov<; e^rjOr} eL<; 10 • 2 Periii 10. "^V^ Xlp'VrjV rov irvpo « ' T . , » X . y iii. 12; ct07;9 epXrjurjaav 6t9 rrjv Xi/jLvyv rov irvpo^ ovro<; eanv o oev- 2Cor^xi 2- '^^P^^ Odvaros. Kal el Ti9 ov)(^ evpeOr) iv rfj yS//3A,^ Tr79 fo)?}? 15 Gal. iv. 26 ; yey pafJL/jLevo<;, i^XrjOr} 6^9 ryv Xl/jlvtjv rov 7rvp6>/ 1 Ezech. ovpavoy^«> «> XXXV. 10 ; o-aXrjfjb Kaivyv Karapaivovaav arro rov kyeov eK rov ovpavov, \^°l\V' yroi/jbacrfjiivTjv (09 vvfKJiijv KeKoa/Jbrj/jbevTjv rw dvBpl avrrj(ovrj<^ fi€ydXi]<; iK rov ovpavov Xeyovar^^^, " ^Ihov, 77 xix.9;' (TKTjvr) rov Gcov jierd rwv dvOpdnrcov, Kal crK7)V(oaei (ler av- E8a.xmi.i9; '^^^' '^^^ avrol Xaol avrov eaovrai, Kal avr6<; 6 0eb<; earai, 2 Cor. V. 17, yLter avroiV, 0eo9 avrcov. * Kal i^aXelyjrei, 6 0eo9 7rdv SdKpvov 4 xvi. 17, 22 ; diro rS)v 6(f)6aXfjLCi)v avrcov, Kal 6 6dvaro«/^v \»\>/ Heb. viii. 10. KXrjpovofjir)ov€v' Ezech. ^ \»\« ^« »'> S^'5• \>' xlviii. 31. o€Kay KaL em Tot? irvXoxnv aaP7]<;. Kal vabv ovk elBop ev avTTj' 6 yap KvpLO<; 6 0eb<; 6 iraPTOKodTcop pao^ "' xxii. 5; , « , V V , / ^n V f '^ > / • V r, Esa. Ix. 19 ; 23 avrr]^ eaTt, Kau to appiov. ™ Kai rj 7roAfc9 ov xp^^^ ^X^^ '^^^ Zach. xiv. 7. 7. irdvTa, ]. ravra. 10. t^v fieydXriv is perhaps an interpolation. 8. 1. To7s Se 5ei\o7s Koi clx'kttois, koI afiapTu- 14. 1. Kal eV avrwu SctiSeKa ovS/xara, \o7s Koi. ejSSeAiryjucVots. 21. Siacpca^s, 1. 5iavyi}s. 9. 1. Koi ^\d€V fls eK TWV. 562 AnOKAATWIS [Ke.^. 21, 22. TjXiov ovBe T179 /i« ' >/ ■niT'V' ^''■vzl » '^ « « Zach. iiv. 7. ^"vOiV 64? aVTrjV. P iiat Of //.^ €LCr6\ur) €69 aVTTJV TTUV KOLVOVV 27 p m. 5 ; ^ctt TTOLOvv fiBeXvj/jba Kol i/reOSo?, et ytt^ ot yeypafifjbivot iv rS XX. 12'; ^Lp\i(p T% ^G)?}? ToO dpviov. ^ KoL eBct^i juLOL KaOapov TTura- 22 xxii. 14,15: \f/e> «»«-\ ^^ '-v-v ' ' > Exod. f^ov voaTO<; ^coT]^ Xa/jLTTpov ft)? KpvaraXKov, eKiropevofievov e/c Psai ixS 29 • "^^^ Opovov Tou ©€ov KOL Tov dpVLOV. ^ iv fJieao) tt}? ifkareia^; 2 Joel iii. 17 ; aVTYj^ KOL TOV TTOTa/jLOV ivTCvOeV Kot ivTevdeV ^vXov ^ft)?}?, q Ezech. iroLOvv KapTTOV^i BwBcKa, Kara /jLrjva eva e/cacrrov dTToBcBovv zJch/xiv 8. "^^^ Kapirov avrov' Ka\ rd (j>vXXa rod ^vXov et? Oepaireiav r ii. 7 ; rSiv iOvSiv. ^ Kal irdv KaravdOefia ou/c earat err Kal 6 6p6- 3 XXI. 21; ' \ «>/ » »«>/ v»C>«-\ Gen. ii. 9 ; vo^ rov tfeov Kav TOV apvLov €v avrrj ear at, Kai ol oovXol Ezech. xlvii. >'«■% / >'"f\vi v ' >« 12. avrov Xarpevaovaiv avrco' ^ Kai oYovrat ro rrpoawTTOv avrov, 4 » Zach. xiv. KOL TO ovo/jua avrov eVl rMV fierayiTcov avroov. " Kal vv^ ovk 6 t iii. 12 • earaL iKel, Kal ^petW ovk ep^ovcrt Xv')(yov Kal (f)(or6<; rjXloVy Matt. V. 8 ; ^'^-^ Kvoio &€M TTpOCTKVVrjCTOV." ^Kal XiyeC fJLOL, "Mrj 10 xii. 4. (jcppayiar)'^ rov<; X6yov<; t»79 'Trpocf>7jreia<; rov ^l^Xlov rovrov b 2 Tim iii''* \5/5 V«*»^'^'^ / " \ r t n j^g on o Kacpo<; 6771^9 eartv. °o aoLKcov aoiKrjaarco en, Kai o pvircov \\ pviTcoadrco ert' Kal 6 BiKaio^ BiKaicoOrjrco en, Kal 6 dyw; '^ 'Es&.xhio; dyiacjd'^rco en. ^Kal IBov, ep')(pfiat ra^v, Kal 6 fjLi. 2. eva may be omitted. Kt4>. 22.] inANNOT. 563 15 €4? Tr]V TTOKlP. *€^0) i)e oi KVV€>>/ V'>«i-v« \ « ICar. vi 10: Kai 01 aipf} diro twp Xoycop /3t/3Xoi; »> m. 5 ; Trj^9, /^al e/c r>}9 TroXeo)? tt}? dyuK;, kol t(op ^^j 27'; 20 yeypafifjUpcDP eV fiiffXltp tovtw. Aeyei 6 fiapTvpcop TavTa, ^^o^- ^^ ^ *' Nat, epxofiai Ta^if'" dfJLtjp, pal, epxpv, Kvpie ^Irjaov. Deut. iv. 2 ; 21 'H ;^a/3t? TOV KvpioV rjflOJP ^IrjaOV XptaTOV flCTO, 7rdPT0)V Psal.lxix.29; » « » ^ ' Prov. XXX. 6. Vfuop. Afirjp. 1 6. Kol 6pdpii/bj, 1. 6 xpcgTv6s. 1 9. 1. Kal idv rts &.s t6 /ic'pos 18. (Tvufiaprvpovfjicu yiip, 1. ixaprvpw yap iyw. ainov airh rov ^vKov ttjs iwrjs. Ibid. iwiTiB^ wphs, 1. ^irid^ irl. fV , . o 2 LIST OF COMMENTATORS MENTIONED IN THE NOTES. Abreschius, Dilucldationes Thucydideee, quibus N. T. loca illustrantur. 1755. Adamus, Corn. Observationes theologico- philologiccB, 1710. Alberti, Observationes philohgicce in sacros N. F. libros. 1725. Alethaeus, Griindliche Erlduterung der dun- kelsten Oerter Alten und Neuen Testaments. 8 vol. 1714. Amelius, Erdrterung der dunkelsten und schwersien Schriftslellen im N. T. 2 vol. 1711. Arndius, Miscellanea Sacra. 1648. Bartholinus, T. Miscellanea medica de morbis bibVuis. 1705. Beausobre, Le N. T. traduit en Franqois. 2 vol. 1718. Bengelius, N. T. Grcecum. 1734. Benson, History of the First Planting of the Christian Religion. 1756. Paraphrase on Six of S. Paul's Epistles. 2 vol. 1752. Beza, Adnotationes majores in N. T. 1594. et in editione N. T. Biscoe, History of the Acts of the Apostles. Oxford, 1829. Blackwall, Sacred Classics defended and illustrated. 2 vol. 1727. Boisius, Veteris interpretis cum Beza aliis- que recentioribus collatio. 1655. Bos, L. Aiarpi^al, sive Exercitationes philo- hgicce. 1700. Observationes miscellanece ad loca qncedam cum N. F. turn exterorum Scriptorum Grcecorum. 1707. Calniet, Commentaire litteral sur tous les llvres de VAncien et du Nouveau Testament. 1723-6. Calovius, Biblia Illustrata. 4 vol. 1719, Camerarius, Commentarius in N. F. elabora- tus. 1642. Cappellus, J. Observationes in N. T. 1657. L. Spicilegium post messem ; nova nonnullorum N. T. locorum Illustratio. 1632. Carpzovius, Commentatio critica ad libros N. T. in genere. 1730. Casaubon, De rebus sacris et ecclesiasticis adversus Baronium, Exercitationes XVI. 1655. Chemnitius, Harmonia IV Evangelistarum, Clarke, S. Paraphrase on the IV Evange- lists. 2 vol. Cocceius, Expositiones N. T. inter opera. Colomesius, Observationes Sacrce. 1709. De Dieu, L. Critica Sacra, sive Animad- versiones in loca qucedam difficiliora V. et N. T. 1693. Deylingius, Observationes Sacra. 5 Part 1735. Drusius, inter Criticos Sacros. Eckhardus, Technica Sacra. 1716. Eisner, J. Observationes Sacrce in N. F. li- bros. 2 vol. 1720. Erasmus, inter Criticos Sacros. Estius, In omnes Pauli et aliorum apostolo- rum epistolas commentarius. Fabricius, J. Alb. Observationes selectee in varia loca N. T. 1712. Codex apocryphus N. T. 2 vol. 1703. Fell, Paraphrase and Annotations upon all S.Paul's Epistles. 1702. Ferus, Enarrationes in Matt., Joan. Sfc. Fesselius, Adversaria Sacra. 1723. Flacius, M. Clavis Scriptures Sacra. 1674. Glossa Compendiaria in N. T. 1670. Fullerus, N. Miscellanea Theologica. 1650. Gatakerus, De stylo N. T. 1648. Adver- saria miscellanea. 1651. Gerbardus, Annotationes in varios N. T. libros. Glassius, Philologia Sacra. Gomarus, Selectiorum Evangeliorum loco- rum Illustratio. inter opera theol. Greswell, Dissertations upon the Principle and Arrangement of a Harmony of the Gospels. 4 vol. 1830. Grotius, inter Criticos Sacros. Hackspanius, Notce philologico-theologicee in varia S. S. loca. 1664. Hallet, Notes on some peculiar Texts of Scripture. 1 729. LIST OF COMMENTATORS MENTIONED IN THE NOTES. 165 Hammond, Paraphrase and Annotations upon the N. T. Heinsiut, D. Exercitationea sacra ad N. T. 1639. Aristarchus Sacer. Heupelius, Marci Evangelium, Notis gram- matico-historico-criticis illustratutn. 1716. Hombergius, Parerga Sacra. 1712. Hug, Introduction to the Writings of the N. T. translated by Wait 2 vol. 1827. Junius, Fr. In Act. Apost., Epist. ad Hebr., Epist. Jud»y et Apocalypsim Sacra Par- allela. Keuchenius, Annotata in omnes N. T. li- bros. 1755. Knatchbull, Annotations upon some diffi- cult texts in all the books of the N. T. 1693. Kochius, Observationes miscellanete. 1713. Krebsius, Observationes in N T. e Flavio Josepho. 1755. Le Clerc, Nota in paraphrasim Hammondu Le N. T. traduii, avec des remarques. 1703. Le Moyne, Faria Sacra. L'Empereur, Notte ad codices Middoth et Bava Kamma. 1630, 1637. Lightfoot, Hor■' i1 / /.~!'>^ //■, 570 /, INDEX I. OF GREEK TERMS EXPLAIJSED IN THE NOTES. iiBfia. Gal. iv. 6. ifiwraos. Luke viii. 31. iyaTrriT6s. Matt iil 17. •yyapev€iy. Matt v. 41. ayidl^fir. John xviL 17 ; 1 Cor. viL 14. iyios. I Thess. iii, 13. ayvifttv. John xi. 55 ; Acts xxL 24. iyopcuos, i,y6paios. Acts xix. 38. ^Sris. Matt. xvi. 18. iii6Kifios. 1 Cor. ix. 27; 2 Cor. xiii. 6; 2 Tim. iil 8 ; Tit L 16. oTvos. Matt xxL 16. cCtptais. Acts V. 17: xxiv. 14: xxvi. 5; 1 Cor. xi. 19. tdrlcL Matt xix. 10 : xxvii. 37. eddy. 1 Cor. x. II ; Gal. i. 4; Eph. ii. 2 ; 1 Tim. i. 17 ; 2 Tim. i. 9 ; Heb. i. 2. oKfi-fiy. Matt XV. 16. dicouetv. 1 Cor. xiv. 2. i«p(s. Matt iii. 4. oAoAcffftv. Mark v. 38. oXeKTopotpcoyla. Matt xxvi. 34. oAA' ^ Luke xii. 51 ; 1 Cor. iii. 5. aXATjXouto. Rev. xix. 1. cLfiaprla. 2 Cor. v. 21. aydyKTj. Luke xxi 23. oa'ayKouoi. Acts x. 24. avddffjLo. Rom. ix. 3; GaL i. 8. avaKpiveadcu. 1 Cor. xiv. 24. avaards. Acts v. 1 7. aya. 2 Cor. V. 2. evavrlov rov @eov. Luke xxiv. 1 9. '4veKev subintellect. Matt. ii. 13: xi. 1 ; Acts iii. 12: vii. 19. epoxos. 1 Cor. xi. 27. ivTvyx<^veiv. Rom. viii. 26, 34. e| avTris. Mark vi. 25. 4^ ovpavov. 2 Cor. v. 2. i^ayopd^eiv. Eph. v. 16. i^ofxoXoyuffOai. Luke xxii. 6. ^6v. 2 Cor. xii. 4. e|ou(rm cum genitivo. Matt. x. 1 ; 1 Cor. ix. 12. i^ovffiai. Eph. i. 21 : vi. 12. iirapxia. Acts xxv. 1. iirei Rom. iii. 6 : xi. 6, 22 ; 1 Cor. v. 10 : xiv. 16 : XV. 29. eirexeip. Luke xiv. 7 ; Acts iii. 5. iirl. Markx. 11 : xii. 26. ivrl Th avT6. Matt. xxii. 34. iirifiaXdv. Mark xiv. 72. eviyvwaris. Coh i. 9. ewiKaXeTadai. 1 Cor. i, 2. iiriXa/xfidvecrdai. Heb. ii. 16. eiriopKeiv. Matt. V. 33. ^TTtoufftos. Matt. vi. 11. eiriTToQeiv. James iv. 5. iiria-Koir-fi. 1 Pet ii. 1 2. eirttrirSo-eat. 1 Cor. vii. 18. iirirpoTTos. Luke viii. 3 ; Gal. iv. 2. iwovpdvios. Eph. i. 3. epyaaia. Luke xii. 58. effTCLvai. Acts xii. 14; 1 Cor. x. 12. ea-Tcis. Matt xxiv. 15. evXafi-fls. Acts ii. 5. evXoyla. 2 Cor. ix. 5. eupiffKeip. Matt x. 39. evffxhl^^v. Mark xv. 43 ; Acts xiii. 50. evrpaireXia. Eph. v. 4. €>' ^. Matt xxvi. 50 ; Rom. v. 12 ; 2 Cor. V. 4; Phil. iii. 12. EXPLAINED IN THE NOTES. 569 ( John xL 17. « pro fxaWoy ij. Matt, xviii. 8. irY'7a\aiovv. Mark xii. 4. KK-npopofieTv. Matt. v. 5. KX^poy. Acts i. 17, 26; 1 Pet v. 3, K\r}pova,5.ovpyla. Acts xiii. 10. paKd. Matt. V. 22. ^rjf^ci. Matt xviii. 16. aapKiK6s. 1 Cor. iii. 1. ardrou. Matt. xiii. 33. (r$€Vfviiy. 1 Thess. v. 19. aefiaa-fia. 2 Thess. ii. 4. ai/jLiKivdiov. Acts xix. 12. (rli/dwv. Matt xxvii. 59. (TKavSaKi^eiu. Matt v. 29 ; Mark vi. 3. (TKevos. Acts ix. 15 ; 1 Thess. iv. 4. (TKTivoTroi6s. Acts xviii. 3. (TKTivos. 2 Cor. v. 1. o-Kto. Heb. x. 1. CKvWeiu. Matt. ix. 36. rroolyipayi^fiy. John vL 27 ; 2 Cor. L 22. trirep. Rom. v. 8 ; 2 Thess. ii. 1. inrtp^oy. Acts i. 13. inro^oivvuuy. Acts xxvii. 17. inoKpiTal. Luke xii. 56. frroirXer*'. Acts xxvii. 4, 6ir6(rTcuris. 2 Cor. ix. 4; Heb. i. 3 : iii. 14: xi. L il>euK6yris. 2 Tim. iv. 13. id\r). Rev. xvi. 1. ^i\0T ififTadat. Rom. xv. 20. tf>pay€\\6w, ii\iia.ri^fiv. Acts xi. 26. t|/Tj<^os. Rev. ii. 17. ■^vxh. Matt ii. 20 : vi. 25 ; 1 Cor. ii. 14 ; 1 Thess. v. 23. y^vx^is. 1 Cor. ii. 14 : xv. 44; Jude 19. wSTi/es. Matt xxiv. 8 ; Acts ii. 24. ws &v. 1 Cor. xi. 34 ; Phil. ii. 23. ws Bti. 2 Cor. V. 19 ; 2 Thess. ii. 2. wa-ayvd. Matt. xxi. 9. INDEX II. OF THINGS AND PROPER NAMES. The references to the notes are marked by the letter n. Aaron, Luke i. 5; Acts vii. 40 ; Heb. v. 4 : vii. 11: ix. 4. Abaddon, (or Apolhjon,) Rev. ix. 11. Abel, Matt, xxiii. 35; Luke xi. 51 ; Heb. xi. 4: xii. 24. Abia, (or Abijah,) the course of, Luke i. 5. Abia, (or Abijah, or Abijam,) king of Ju- dah, Matt. i. 7. Abiathar, Mark ii. 26 w. Abijah, Abijam. \^Ah;a.'] Abilene, Luke iii. 1. Abiud, Matt. i. 13. Abraham, Matt. i. 1, 2, 17 : iii. 9 : viii. 11 : xxii. 32 ; Mark xii. 26 ; Luke i. 55, 73 : iii. 8, 34 : xiii. 16, 28 : xvi. 22, 23, 24, 25, 29, 30: xix. 9: xx. 37; John viii. 33, 37, 39, 40, 52, 53, 5Q, 57, 58 ; Acts iii. 13,25: vii. 2, 16, 17, 32: xiii. 26; Rom. iv. 1, 2, 3, 9, 12, 13, 16 : ix. 7 : xi. 1 ; 2 Cor. xi. 22 ; Gal. iii. 6, 7, 8, 9, 14, 16, 18, 29: iv. 22; Heb. ii. 16: vi. 13: vii. 1, 2, 4, 5,Q,9: xi. 8, 17 ; James ii. 21, 23; 1 Pet. iii. 6. Call of Abraham, Acts vii. 2 w. Absinthium, (or Apsinthus,) the star Worm- wood, Rev. viii. 11. Accusative absolute. Acts xxvi. 3 n ; Rom, viii. 3 n. Aceldama, Acts i. 19. Achaia, Acts xviii. 12, 27: xix. 21 ; Rom. XV. 26 : xvi. 5 ; 1 Cor. xvi. 15 ; 2 Cor. i. 1 : ix. 2 : xi. 10 ; 1 Thess. i. 7, 8. Achaicus, 1 Cor. xvi. 17. Achaz, (or Ahaz,) Matt. i. 9, Achim, Matt. i. 14. Adam, Luke iii. 38; Rom. v. 14; 1 Cor. XV. 22, 45; 1 Tim. ii. 13, 14; Jude 14. Addi, Luke iii. 28. Adramyttium, Acts xxvii. 2. Adriatic Sea, Acts xxvii. 27 n. Adultery, John viii. 5 n. JEneas, Acts ix. 33, 34. iEnon, John iii. 23. Agabus, Acts xi. 28: xxi. 10. Agapae, 2 Pet. ii. ISn; Jude 12 ti. Agar, (or Hagar,) Gal. iv. 24, 25, Agrippa, (or Herod Agrippa IT.,) Acts xxv. 13, n, &c. : xxvi. 1, &c. Ahaz. lAchaz.] Alexander, the son of Simon and brother of Rufus, Mark xv. 21. Alexander, member of the Sanhedrim, Acts iv. 6 n. Alexander, a Jew of Ephesus, Acts xix. 33. Alexander, a coppersmith, 1 Tim. i. 20 n ; 2 Tim. iv. 14 «, Alexandria, Alexandrian, Acts vi. 9 : xviiL 24: xxvii. 6: xxviii. 11. Alphaeus, (or Clopas,) the father of James the Less, Matt. x. 3 ; Mark iii. 18 ; Luke vi. 15 ; Acts i. 13. Alphaeus, the father of Levi (or Matthew,) Mark ii. 14. Amen, 1 Cor. xiv. 16 w; Rev. iii. 14 w. Aminadab, (or Amminadnb,) Matt i. 4; Luke iii. 33. Amon, Matt. i. 10. Amos, Luke iii. 25. Amphipolis, Acts xvii. 1 . Amplias, Rom. xvi. 8. Ananias, husband of Sapphira, Acts v. l,&c. Ananias, a disciple at Damascus, Acts ix. 10, &c. : xxii. 12, &c. Ananias, high-priest. Acts xxiii. 2, 3 n, 5 n : xxiv. 1 . Andrew, Matt. iv. 18: x. 2; Mark i. 16, 29: iii. 18: xiii, 3; Luke vi. 14; John i. 40, 44 : vi. 8 : xii. 22 ; Acts i. 13. Andronicus, Rom. xvi. 7. Angel, Matt, xviii. 1 w ; Acts vii. 35 «, 53 n: x. 3 w ; 1 Cor. xL 10 n ; Eph. iii. 10 n ; Col. 1, 20 n; 1 Tim. v. 21, 7/; Rev. i. 20 w: xvi. 5 w. Anna, Luke ii, 36, Annas, Luke iii, 2 n; John xviii. 13, 24; Acts iv. 6 n : xxii. 5 w. Antichrist, 1 John ii. 18 w. Antioch, in Pisidia, Acts xiii. 14: xiv. 19, 21; 2 Tim. iii. 11. INDEX OP THINGS AND PROPER NAMES. 573 Antioch, in Syria, Antiochian, Acts vi. 5 : xj. 19, 20 M, 21 n, 22, 26, 27 : xiii. 1 : xiv. 26 : XV. 22, 23, 30, 35 : xviii. 22 ; Gal. ii. 11. Antipas, Rev. ii. IS. Aulipas, Herod. [Herod Antipas.'] Antipatris, Acts xxiii. 81. Antonia, tower of, Acts xxi. 34 n. Antonius Felix. [Felix.] Apelles, Rom. xvi. 10. Apollonia, Acts xvii. 1. ApoUos, Acts xviii. 24, 25 n : xix. 1 ; 1 Cor. i. 12: iii. 4, 5, 6,22: iv.6: xvi. 12 n; Tit. iii. 13 n. Apollyon, (or Abaddon,) Rev. ix. 1 1. Apostles, Luke vi. 13 n ; Rom. L 1 1 n : xvi. 7«. Apphia, Philem. 2 n. Appii Forum, Acts xxviii. 15. Apsinthus, (or Absitithium,) the star Wonn- wood, Rev. viii. 11. Aquila, Acts xviii. 2, 18, 26 n; Rom. xvi. 8 n; 1 Cor. xvi. 19; 2 Tim. iv. 19. Arabia, Arabian, Acts ii. 11 ; Gal. i. 17: iv. 25. Aram, (or Ram,) Matt i. 3, 4; Luke iii. 83. Aratus, quoted by S. Paul, Acts xvii. 28 n. Archelaus, Matt ii. 22, n. Archippus, Col. iv. 17; Philem. 2 n. Areopagite, Dionysius the. Acts xvii. 34. Areopagus, {oi Mars- hill,) Acts xvii. 19, 22. Aretas, Matt. xiv. 3 n; Acts ix. 2 « ; 2 Cor. xi. 32 n. Arimathea, Matt, xxvii. 57 «; Mark xv. 43 ; Luke xxiii. 51 ; John xix. 38. Aristarchus, Acts xix. 29 : xx. 4 : xxvii. 2 n ; 2 Cor. viii. 19 n ; Col. iv. 10 ; Philem. 24. Aristobulus, Rom. xvL 10. Armageddon, Rev. xvi. 16 «. Arphaxad, Luke iii 36. Artemas, Tit. iii. 12. Artemis. [Diana.] Asa, Matt. i. 7, 8. Asaph, Matt xiii. 35 n. Ascension, place of, Luke xxiv. 50 n. Aser, {or Asher,) tribe of, Luke ii. 36 ; Rev. vii. 6. Asia, Asiatic, Acts ii. 9 w : vi. 9 : xvi. 6 : xix. 10, 22, 26, 27 : xx. 4, 16, 18 : xxi. 27: xxiv. 18: xxvii. 2; 1 Cor. xvi. 19; 2 Cor. i. 8 ; 2 Tim. i. 15 ; 1 Pet. i. 1 ; Rev. i. 4, 11. Asiarchs, Acts xix. 31 n, Assos, in Mysia, Acts xx. 13, 14, Assos, in Crete (?) Acts xxvii. 13 n. Asyncritus, Rom. xvi. 14. Athens, Athenian, Acts xvii. 15, 16, 21, 22 : xvii. 1 ; 1 Thess. iii. 1. Attalia, Acts xiv. 25. Augustus Caesar, (AijyovffTos,) Luke ii. 1. Augustus, (Se'iScurTos, or the Emperor,) Acts XXV. 21, 25 : xxvii. 1. Azariah. [Ozias.] Azor, Matt. i. 13, 14. Azotus, Acts viii. 40. Baal, Rom. xi. 4, n. Babylon, Matt. i. 11, 12, 17 ; Acts vii. 43; 1 Pet. v. 13 (?). Mystic Babylon, 1 Pet. v. 13 n (?) ; Rev. xiv. 8, n: xvi. 19 : xvii. 5 : xviii 2, 10, 21. Balaam, 2 Pet. ii. 15 «; Jude 11 ; Rev. ii. 14 n. Balak, Rev. ii. 14. Baptism, Matt, iii 6 n, 13 n: xx. 22 w; John iii. 5 n ; 1 Cor. xv. 29 n ; Heb. vi. 2 w ; 2 Pet. 1 n, 4 n, 9 « : ii. 20 «. Barabbas, Matt, xxvii. 16, 17 n, 20, 21, 26; Mark xv. 7 n, 11, 15 ; Luke xxiii. 1 8 ; John xviii. 40. Barachias, (or Berechiah,) Matt, xxiii. 35. Barak, Heb. xi. 32. Bar-Jesus, (or Elymas,) Acts xiii. 6. Bar-Jona, Simon, Matt. xvi. 17. [Peter.] Baniabas, Joses, Acts i. 23 n : iv. 36 n : ix. 27: xi. 22, 25, 30: xii. 25: xiii. 1, 2, 7, 43, 46, 50 : xiv. 12, 14, 20: xv. 2, 12, 22, 25, 35, 36, 37, 39 ; 1 Cor. ix. 6 ; Gal. ii. 1, 9, 13; Col. iv. 10. Barsabas, Judas, Acts xv. 22. Barsabas, Joseph, (or Justus,) Acts i. 23 n. Bartholomew, Nathanael (?), Matt. x. 3 n; Mark iii. 18 ; Luke vi. 14 ; John i. 46 n ; Acts i. 13. [Nathanael] Bartimseus, Mark x. 46. Beelzebub, (or Beelzebul,) Matt. x. 25 n'. xii. 24, 27 ; Mark iii. 22 ; Luke xi. 15, 18, 19. Belial, (or Beliar,) 2 Cor. vi. 15. Benjamin, tribe of. Acts xiii. 21 ; Rom. xi. 1 ; Phil. iii. 5 n ; Rev. vii. 8. Beor. [Baser.] Berechiah {or Jehoiada?). [Barachias.] Beroea, Bercean, Acts xvii. 10, 13: xx. 4. Bernice, Acts xxv. 13 n, 23 : xxvi. 30. Bethabara, John i. 28. Bethany, Matt. xxi. 17 n: xxvi. 6; Jilark xi. 1, 11,12: xiv. 3; Luke xix. 29 : xxiv. 50 ; John i. 28 : xi. 1, 18 : xii. 1 ; Acts i. 12 It. 574 INDEX OF THINGS Bethesda, John v. 2 n. Bethlehem, Matt. ii. 1 », 5, G, 8, 16 ; Luke ii. 4 «, 15 ; John vii. 42. Bethphage, Matt xxi. 1 n ; Mark xi. 1 ; Luke xix. 29. Bethsaida, Matt. xi. 21 n ; Mark vi 45 : viii. 22 ; Luke ix. 10 : x. 13 ; John i. 44: xii. 21. Bishops, Acts xx. 17 n; Phil. i. 1 «; Tit i. 5n', Rev. i. 20 ra. Bithynia, Acts xvi. 7 ; 1 Pet. i. 1 . Blastus, Acts xii. 20. Boanerges, (viz., James and John,) Mark iii. 17. Booz, (or Boaz,) Matt i. 5 ; Luke iii. 32. Breaking of bread, Acts ii, 42 n. Brothers of our Lord, Matt. xiii. 55 «; John ii. 1 n : vii. 5 n : xix. 25 n ; 1 Cor. ix. 5 n. Bosor, (or Bear,) 2 Pet ii. 15. Bumis, Acts xxviii. 16 n. Csesar, Matt xxii. 17, 21; Mark xii. 14, 16, 17 ; Luke xx. 22, 24, 25 : xxiii. 2 ; John xix. 12, 15; Acts xvii. 7: xxv. 8, 10, 11, 12, 21: xxvi. 32: xxvii. 24: xxviii. 19 ; Phil. iv. 22. Caesar, Augustus, Luke ii. 1. Caesar, Claudius, Acts xi. 28 : xviii. 2. Caesar, Tiberius, Luke iii. I. Caesarea, Acts viii. 40: ix. 30: x. 1, 24: xi. 11: xii. 19: xviii. 22: xxi. 8, 16: xxiii. 23, 33: xxv. 1, 4, 6, 13. Caesarea Philippi, Matt. xvi. 13 w ; Mark viii. 27. Caiaphas, Matt xxvi. 3, 57n; Luke iii. 2 n ; John xi. 49 : xviii. 13, 14, 24, 28; Acts iv. 6 n. Cain, Heb. xi. 4; 1 John iii. 12; Jude 11. Cainan, son of Arphaxad, Luke iii. 36 n. Cainan, son of Enos, Luke iii. 37. Caius. \^Gaius.'\ Calvary, (or Golgotha,) Luke xxiii. 33. Cana, John ii. 1 «, 1 1 : iv. 46 : xxi. 2. Canaan {Xavadv). [^Chanaan,'] Cauanite, (Koj/oWttjs,) Matt. x. 4 n ; Mark iii. 18. \_Simon.'] Candace, Acts viii. 27. Capernaum, Matt iv. 1 3 n : viii. 5 : xi. 23 : xvii. 24; Mark i. 21 : ii. 1: ix. 33; Luke iv. 23, 31 : vii. 1 : x. 15 ; John ii. 12: iv. 46: vi. 17,24,59. Cappadocia, Acts ii. 9 ; 1 Pet i. 1. Carpus, 2 Tim. iv. 13! Castor and Pollux, Acts xxviii. 11, Cedron, John xviii. 1. Cenchrea, Acts xviii. 18 ; Rom. xvi. 1. Cephas, (or Peter,) John i. 42; 1 Cor. i. 12 : iii. 22 : ix. 5 : xv. 5 ; Gal. ii. 9. iPeter."] Cerinthians, 1 John v. 6 n. Chaldeans, Acts vii. 4. Chanaan, Chanaanite, (or Canaan, Cariaan- ite,) Matt xv. 22 n ; Acts viL 11 : xiii. 19. Chapters, Mark xii. 26 n ; Rom. xi. 2 n. Charity, 1 Cor. xiii. 13 n. Charran, (or Haran,) Acts vii. 2, 4. Chief priests. Matt ii. 4 n: xxvi. 3 w; Acts xix. 14 «. Chios, Acts XX. 15. Chloe, 1 Cor. i. 11. Chorazin, Matt xi. 21 n ; Luke x. 13. Christ, divinity of, John i. 1 w: x. 33 », 35n: xii. 41 n ; Acts xx. 28 n ; Rom. ix. 5 n ; 2 Cor. v. 19 ra: viii. 9 ra: xii. 19 «: xiii. 4ra; Gal. i. 1 ra; Phihii. 6ra; Col. i. 16 n, 18 ra: iii. 13 n; 1 Thess. iii. 11 n; 2 Thess. i. 12n; 1 Tim. iii. 16 w; Tit ii. 13 ra ; Heb. v. 7 « : vii. 3ra, 28 ra : ix. 14w; 1 Pet ii. 4 ra ; 2 Pet L 1 ra; 1 John v. 20 n; Jude 4 n ; Rev. i. 8 n: v. 13 ra. Prayer addressed to Christ, Acts i. 24 ra : vii. 59 n; 1 Cor. i. 2 ra. Pre-existence of Christ, John i. 15 ra : iii. 13 ra : xvii. 5 n. Coming of Christ, Matt xxiv. 3 ra. Chuza, Luke viii. 3. Cilicia, Acts vi. 9: xv. 23 ra, 41: xxi. 39: xxii. 3: xxiii. 34: xxvii. 5; Gal. L 21. Cis, (or Kish,) Acts xiii. 21. Clauda, Acts xxvii. 16. Claudia, 2 Tim. iv. 21 . Claudius Csesar, Acts xi. 28 : xviii. 2. Claudius Lysias. \^Lysias.'] Clement, Phil. iv. 3 ra. Cleopas, (KA.e 9: xiiL 31 : xxiiL 7 &c., 15; Acts It. 27: xiii. 1. Herod Philip, husband of Herodias, Matt xiv. 8 n, [PAi7/p.] Herod Philip, (or Philip^) tetrarch of Itu- r«a, Luke iii. 1 it. Herod the Great, Matt ii. 1 «, 3, 7, 12, 13, 15 n, 16 n, 19, 22; Luke 15: iii. 1 n ; Acts xxiii. 35 7 Herodians, Matt xxii 16 n ; Mark iii. 6 n : xii. 13. Herodias, Matt xiv. 3, 6; Mark vi. 17, 19, 22; Luke iii. 19. Herodias, daughter of, Matt xiv. 6 &c. ; Mark vi 22 n. Herodion, Rom. xvi 11. Hezekiah. \^Ezekitu.'\ Hezron. [JE«-om.] Hierapolis, Col. iv. 13. Hinnom, Matt v. 22 n. Holy Spirit, John viu 39 n ; Acts i. 4 n ; Rev. i. 4 «. Hosanna, Matt xxi. 9 n. Hours of prayer, Acts ii. 15 n : iiL 1 n : v. 7 « : X, 3 «. Hymenaeus, 1 Tim, i. 20 « ; 2 Tim. ii. 17. Iconium, Acts xiii. 51 n: xiv. 1, 19, 21 : xvi 2; 2 Tim. iii H. Idumsa, M^rk iii 8. Ignatius, Matt, xviii 2 n. Illyria, Rom. xv. 19 n. Immanuei \^Emmanuel.'\ Isaac, Matt i. 2 : viii U : xxii 32 ; Mark xii. 26 ; Luke iii 34 : xiii 28 : xx. 37 ; Acts iii 13 : vii 8, 32 ; Rom, ix. 7, 10 ; Gai iv. ?8; Heb. xi 9, 17, 18, 20; James ii. 21. Isaiah. \_Es(uas.^ Iscariot, Judas, Matt x. 4 » : xxvi 14, 25, 47: xxvii 3, 5n; Mark iii 19: xiv. 10, 43 ; Luke vi. 16 : xxii 3, 47, 48 ; John vi 71 : xii 2 n, 4: xiii. 2, 26, 29 : xiv. 22 : xviii 2 &c. ; Acts i 16, 18 n, 25. Israel, Israelite, Matt ii 6, 20, 21 : viii 10 : ix. 33 : x. 6, 23 : xv. 24, 31 : xix. 28 : xxvii 9, 42 ; Mark xii 29 : xv. 32 ; P Luke i 16, 54, 68, 80: ii 25, 82, 34; iv. 25, 27 : vii. 9 : xxii 80 : xxiv. 21 : John i 31, 47, 49 : iii 10 : xii 13 ; Acts i 6 : ii 22, 36: iii 12 : iv. 8, 10, 27 : v. 21, 81, 35: vii 23, 37, 42: ix. 15: x. 36 : xiii 16, 17, 23, 24 : xxi 28 : xxviii 20 ; Rom. ix. 4 n, 6, 27, 31 : x. 1, 19, 21 : xi 2, 7, 25, 26 ; 1 Cor. x. 18 ; 2 Cor. iii 7, 13 : xi 22 ; Gai vi 16 ; Eph. ii 12 ; Phii iii 5; Heb. viii 8, 10: xi 22; Rev. ii. 14: vii 4 : xxi. 12. Issachar, tribe of, Rev. vii. 7. Italy, Italian, Acts x. 1 : xviii 2 : xxvii 1, 6 ; Heb. xiii. 24. Itursa, Luke iii 1 n. Jacob, son of Isaac, Matt i. 2 : viii 11 : xxii. 32; Mark xii. 26; Luke i. 33 : iii 34; xiii 28: xx. 37 ; John iv. 5,6, 12; Acts iii 13 : vii 8, 12, 14, 15, 32, 46 ; Rom. ix. 13: xi. 26 ; Heb. xi 9, 20, 21. Jacob, son of Matthan, Matt i 15, 16. Jairus, Mark v. 22 ; Luke viii. 41. Jambres, 2 Tim. iii. 8. James, the son of Alphaeus, (or the Just,) Matt x. 3 : xiii 55 n : xxvii. 5Q ; Mark iii. 18 : vi 3 : xiv. 51 n : xv. 40: xvi. 1 ; Luke vi 15, 16 n i xxiv. 10 ; Acts i 13 : xii 17 n : xv. 13 : xxi 18 w; 1 Cor. xv. 7; Gai i 19 n: ii 9, 12; James i 1; Jude 1 n. James, the son of Zebedee, Matt. iv. 21 : x. 2 : xvii. 1 ; Mark i. 19, 29 : iii 17 : v. 37 : ix. 2 : x. 35, 41 : xiii 3 : xiv. 33 ; Luke v, 10 : vi 14 : viii 51 : ix. 28, 54 ; Acts i. 13 : xii 2. Janna, Luke iii 24. Jannes, 2 Tim. iii 8. Jared, Luke iii 87. Jason, Acts xvii 5 &c. ; Rom. xvi. 21. Jphoiada. [Berechiah.^ Jechonias, (or Jehoiakim?) Matt, i \\ n. Jechonias, {ox Jehoiachin ?) Matt, i 12. Jehoiachin, Jehoiakim. \_Jechonias.'\ Jehoram. [^Joram.'] Jehosaphat [^Josaphat.'] Jephthae, (or Jephthah,) Heb. xi. 32. Jeremias, (or Jeremiah,) Matt ii. 17 : xvi. 14 n : xxvii. 9. Jericho, Matt xx. 29 ; Mark x. 46 ; Luke X. 30 : xviii 35 : xix. 1 ; Heb. xi 30. Jerusalem, Matt ii 1, 8: iii 5 : iv. 5 n, 25 : V. 35 : xv. 1 : xvi. 21 : xx. 17, 18 : xxi 1, 10: xxiii 37; Mark i 5: iii. 8, 22: vii 1 : x. 32, 33: xi 1, 11, 16, 27: XV. 41; Luke ii 22, 25, 38, 41, 42, 43, 578 INDEX OF THINGS 45 : iv. 9 : v. 17 : vi. 17: ix. 31, 51, 53 : X. 30 : Xiil 4, 22, 33, 34 : xvii. 11 : xviii. 31 : xix. 11, 28 : xx. 20, 24 : xxi. 20, 24: xxiii. 7, 28: xxiv. 13, 18, 33, 47, 49, 52; John i. 19: ii. 13, 23: iv. 20, 21, 45: V. 1, 2: vii. 25: x. 22: xi. 18, 55: xii. 12; Acts i. 4, 8, 12, 19: ii. 5, 14: iv. 6, 16: v. 16, 28 : vi. 7: viii. 1, 14, 25, 26, 27: ix. 2, 13, 21, 26, 28: X. 3i>: xi. 2, 22, 27: xii. 25: xiii. 13, 27, 31 : XV. 2, 4 : xvi. 4 : xviii. 21 : xix. 21 : XX. 16, 22 : xxi. 4, 11, 12, 13, 15, 17, 31: xxii. 5, 17, 18, 22: xxiii. 11: xxiv. 11: XXV. 1, 3, 7, 9, 15, 20, 24: xxvi. 4, 10, 20 : xxviii. 17 ; Rom. xv. 19, 25, 26, 31 ; 1 Cor. xvi. 3 ; Gal. i. 17, 18 : ii. 1 : iv. 25. Mystic Jerusalem, Gal. iv. 26 ; Heb. xii. 22 ; Rev. iii. 12 : xxi. 2, 10. Jesse, Matt. i. 5, 6 ; Luke iii. 32 ; Acts xiii. 22 ; Rom. xv. 12. Jesus, (or Joshua,) Acts vii. 45 ; Heb. iv. 8. Jesus, sumamed Justus, Col. iv. 11. Jewry. IJudea.'} Jew, Jews, Jewish, Matt. ii. 2 : xxvii. 11, 29, 37 : xxviii. 15 ; Marki. 5 : vii. 3: xv. 2, 9, 12, 18, 26 ; Luke vii. 3 : xxiii. 3, 37, 38, 51 ; John i. 19 : ii. 6, 13, 18, 20 : iii. 1, 22, 25 : iv. 9, 22 : v. 1, 10, 15, 16, 18 : vi. 4, 41, 52: vii. 1, 2, 11, 13, 15, 35: viii. 22, 31, 48, 52, 57: ix. 18, 22: x. 19, 24, 31, 33: xi. 8, 19, 31, 33, 36, 45, 54, 55: xii. 9, 11 : xiii. 33: xviii. 12, 14, 20, 31, 33, 35, 36, 38, 39 : xix. 3, 7, 12, 14, 19, 20, 21, 31, 38, 40, 42 : xx. 19 ; Acts ii. 5, 10, 14 : ix. 22, 23 : x. 22, 28, 39 : xi. 19 : xii. 3, 11 : xiii. 5, 6, 42, 43, 45, 50 : xiv. 1, 2, 4, 5, 19 : xvi. 1, 3, 20 : xvii. 1, 5, 10, 13, 17: xviii. 2, 4, 5, 12, 14, 19, 24, 28 : xix. 10, 13, 14, 17, 33, 34: XX. 3, 19, 21 : xxi. 11, 20, 21, 27, 39 : xxii. 3, 12, 30 : xxiii. 12, 20, 27, 30 : xxiv. 5, 9, 18, 24, 27 : xxv. 2, 7, 8, 9, 10, 15, 24 : xxvL 2, 3, 4, 7, 21 : xxviii. 17, 19, 29 ; Rom. i. 16 : ii. 9, 10, 17, 28, 29 : iii. 1, 9, 29 : ix. 24 : x. 12 ; 1 Cor. i. 22, 23, 24 : ix. 20 : x. 32 : xii. 13; 2 Cor. xi. 24; Gal. ii. 13, 14, 15: iii. 28 ; CoL iii. 11 ; 1 Thess. ii 14; Tit. i. 14 ; Rev. ii. 9 : iii, 9. Jezebel, Rev. il 20. Joanna, Luke viii. 3 : xxiv. 10, Joanna, (or Joannas,) Luke iii 27. Joatham, Matt. i. 9. Job, James v. 1 1. Jochanan, rabbi. Acts iv. 6 n. Joel, Acts ii. 16. John, the Baptist, Matt. iii. 1 &c. : iv. 12 : ix. 14: xi. 2 n, &c., 9 n, &c.: xiv. 1 n, 2, 3 n, &c., 12 n : xvi. 14: xvii. 13 : xxi. 25, 26, 32; Mark i. 4 n, &c., 14: ii. 18 : vi. 14, 16 &c. : viii. 28 : xi. 30, 32 ; Luke i. 13, 60, 63 : iii. 2 &c„ 20 : v. 33 : vii. 18 &c. : ix. 7, 9, 19 : xi. 1 : xvi. 16 : xx. 4, 6 ; John i. 6 &c., 40 : iii. 23 &c. : iv. 1 : v. 33, 36 : X. 40, 41 ; Acts i. 5, 22 : x. 37 : xi. 16 : xiii. 24, 25 : xviii. 25 n : xix. 3, 4. John, the Evangelist, Matt. iv. 21 : x. 2 : xvii. 1; Mark i. 19, 29: iii. 17 : v. 37: ix. 2, 38 : X. 35, 41 : xiii. 3 : xiv. 33 ; Luke V. 10: vi. 14: viii. 51 : ix. 28, 49, 54: xxii. 8; John i. 35 n: xviii. 15 n: xix. 27 n ; Acts i. 13 : iii. 1, 3, 4, 11 : iv. 13, 19: viii. 14: xii. 2, 12; Gal. ii. 9 ; Rev. i. 1, 4, 9 n : xxi. 2 : xxii. 8. His Gospel, John v. 2 n : xix. 40 n. John, sumamed Mark, Acts xii. 1 2 n, 25 : xiii. 5, 13 n: XV. 37 n: 2 Tim. iv. 11 n. [Mark.'\ John, member of the Sanhedrim, Acts iv. 6. Jonan, Luke iii. 30. Jonas, (or Jonah,) the prophet. Matt. xii. 39, 40, 41 : xvi. 4 ; Luke xi. 29, 30, 32. Jonas, (or Jonah,) father of Peter, Matt, xvi. 17; John i. 42 : xxi. 15, 16, 17. Joppa, Acts ix. 36, 38, 42, 43 : x. 5, 8, 23, 32 : xi. 5, 13. Joram, (or Jehoram,) Matt i. 8 n. Jordan, Matt. iii. 5, 6, 13 : iv. 15, 25 : xix. 1 ; Mark i. 5, 9 : iii. 8 : x. 1 ; Luke iii. 3 : iv. 1 ; John i. 28 : iii. 26 : x 40. Jorim, Luke iii. 29. Josaphat, (or Jehosaphat,) Matt. L 8. Joseph, of Arimathea, Matt, xxvii. 57 n, 59 ; Mark xv. 43, 45 ; Luke xxiii. 50 ; John xix. 38. Joseph Barsabas, sumamed Justus, Acts i. 23. Joseph, son of Jacob, John iv. 5; Acts vii. 9, 13, 14, 18 ; Heb. xi. 21, 22. Joseph, tribe of. Rev. vii. 8. Joseph, son of Jonan, Luke iii. 30. Joseph, son of Judas, Luke iii. 26. Joseph, husband of Mary, Matt i. 16, 18 &c. : ii. 13, 19 ; Luke i. 27 : ii. 4, 16, 33, 43 : iii. 23 n : iv. 22 ; John i. 45 : ii. 12 « : vi. 42. Joseph, son of Mattathias, Luke iii. 24. Joses, son of Alphaeus, Matt xiii. 55 n : xxvii. 56 ; Mark vi. 3 : xv. 40, 47. Joses, sumamed Barnabas, Acts iv. 36. {Barnabas.'] AND PROPER NAMES. 579 Joses, son of Eliezer, Luke iii. 29. Joshua. [Jems.'] Josias, (or Josiah,) Matt i. 10, 11 «. Juda, (or Judas,) son of Jacob, Matt. i. 2, S ; Luke iii. 83 ; Heb. vii. 14. Juda, land of, Matt ii. 6 ; Luke i. 39. Juda, tribe of, Matt ii. 6 ; Heb. vii. 14 : viii. 8 ; Rev. v. 5 : vii. 5. Judas, (or Juda,) son of Joannas, Luke iii. 26. Judas, (or Judoi) son of Joseph, Luke iii. 80. Judas, sumamed Barsabas, Acts xv. 22, 27, 82. Judas of Galilee, Matt. xxii. 16 n, 17 n ; Luke xiii. 1 n : xxiii. 5 n ; John x. 8 n ; Acts V. 37 n. Judas, or Jude, the Apostle, (or Lebbteus, or Thaddaus,) son of Alphaeus, Matt x. 8 n : xiii. 55 n : xxvi. 47 ; Mark vi. 3 ; Luke vi. 16 n; John vii. 5n: xiv. 22; Actsi. 18: ix. 11; Jude 1. Judas, sumamed Iscariot. \^Iscariot'\. Judea, Matt ii. 1, 5, 22 : iii. 1, 5 : iv. 25: xix. 1 : xxiv. 16 ; Mark i. 5: iii. 7 : x. 1 : xiii. 14; Luke i. 5, 65: ii. 4: iii. 1 : v. 17: vi. 17: vii. 17: xxi. 21: xxiiL 5; John iii. 22 : iv. 3, 47, 54 : vii. 1, 3 : xi. 7 ; Acts i. 8 : ii. 9 : viii. 1 : ix. 31 : x. 37 : xi. 1, 29: xii. 19 : xv. 1 : xxi. Ift: xxvi. 20 : xxviii. 21 ; Rom. xv. 31 ; 2 Cor. i. 16 ; Gal. i. 22 ; 1 Thess. ii. 14. Julia, Rom. xvi. 15. Julius, Acts xxviL 1, 3. Junia, Rom. xvi. 7. Jupiter, (or Zeus,) Acts xiv. 12, 13 : xix. Z5. Justus, of Corinth, Acts xviii. 7. Justus, Jesus, CoL iv. 11. Justus, Joseph, Acts i. 23. Justification, Rom. iii. 21 « : v. 1 «, 9 n : x. 10 n ; GaL ii. 17 n ; Tit iii. 7 «. Kingdom of God or heaven. Matt iii. 2 n : iv. 17n: V. 19n: xiii. 24 w : xvi. 28 n: xviil 1 n : xxi. 43 n : xxvi. 29 n ; Luke xxi. 31 n. Kish. [Cw.] Korah. iCore.'} Lamech, Luke iii 36. Laodicea, Laodicean, Col. ii. 1 : iv. 13, 15, 16; Rev. i. 11: iii. 14. Lasaea, Acts xxvii. 8 n. Last days, Acts ii. 17 n ; 1 Tim. iv. 1 w ; Heb. i. 1 n ; 2 Pet. iii. 3 n ; 1 John ii. 18 n. Latin, Luke xxiii. 38 ; John xix. 20. Latin terms. Matt xxvii. 26 n ; Luke xii. 6 n ; John ii. 15 n i xii. 3 n : xix. 19 n; Acts xix. 12 n. Law, John x. 34 n ; 1 Cor. xiv. 21 n. Lazarus, the beggar, Luke xvi. 20 &c. Lazarus, brother of Mary and Martha, John xi. 1 n, &c.: xii. 2, 9, 10, 17. Lebbaeus, (or Judas, or ThaddcBus,) Matt x. 3n. [Judas.'] Legion, Mark v. 9. Levi, son of Jacob, Heb. vii. 9. Levi, tribe of, Luke x. 32; John i. 19; Acts iv. 36 ; Heb. vii. 5, 11 ; Rev. vii. 7. Levi, (or Matthew,) Mark ii. 14 n ; Luke v. 27, 29. [Matthew-I Levi, father of Matthat, Luke iii. 24 n, 29. Libya, Acts ii. 10. Libertines, Acts vi. 9. Lily, Matt vi. 28 n. Linus, 2 Tim. iv. 21«. Lithostrotus, (or Gabbatha,) John xix. 13. Locusts, Matt iii. 4 n ; Rev. ix. 5 n. Logos, Luke i. 2 n ; John i. 1 n ; Acts x. 36 n ; Tit i. 3 n ; 1 Pet i. 23 « ; 1 John i. 1 n, Lois, 2 Tim. i. 5. Lot, Luke xvii. 28, 29, 32 ; 2 Pet ii. 7. Lucius, Acts xiii. 1 ; Rom. xvi. 21. Luke, (or Lucas,) Luke i. 1 n : xxiv. 18 n; John vi. 66 n ; Acts iv. 24 n : xi. 28 n : XX. 5 » ; 2 Cor. viii. 18 n ; Phil. ii. 20 n : iv. 3n; Col. iv. 14 » ; 2 Tim. iv. 11; Philem. 24. Lycaonia, Acts xiv. 6, 11. Lycia, Acts xxvii. 5. Lydda, Acts ix. 32, 35, 38. Lydia, Acts xvi. 14, 40. Lysanias, Luke iii. 1. Lysias, Claudius, Acts xxiii. 17 &c., 26 : xxiv. 7, 22. Lystra, Acts xiv. 6, 8, 21 : xvi. 1, 2; 2 Tim. iii. 11. Maath, Luke iii. 26. Macedonia, Macedonian, Acts xvi. 9, 10, 12 : xviii. 5 : xix. 21, 22, 29 : xx. 1, 3: xxvii. 2 ; Rom. xv. 26 ; 1 Cor. xvi. 5 ; 2 Cor. i. 16 : ii. 13 : vii. 5: viii. 1 : ix. 2^ 4 : xi. 9; Phil. iv. 15 ; 1 Thess. i. 7, 8 : iv. 10 ; 1 Tim. i. 3. Madian, (or Midian,) Acts vii. 29 ?^. Magdala, Matt xv. 39 «. 580 INDEX OF THINGS Magdalene, Mary, Matt, xxvii. 56, 61 xxviii, 1 ; Mark xv. 40, 47 : xvi. 1,9; Luke viii. 2 : xxiv. 10 ; John xix. 25 : XX. 1, 11, 16, 18. Magi, Matt ii. 1 n, 11 n; Luke ii. 39 n. Magic, Acts xix. 19 n. Magog, Rev. xx. 8. Mahalaleel. [Maleleel] Mahometans, Rev. ix. 13 n : xiii. 11 n. Mainan. [Menan.'} Malchus, John xviii. 10. Maleleel, (or Mahalaleel,) Luke iii. 37. Mammon, Matt vi. 24 n ; Luke xvi. 9, 11, 13. Manaen, Acts xiii. 1 n. Manasses, (or Manasseh,) Matt i. 10. Manasseh, tribe of. Rev. vii. 6. Mark, (or Marcus,) John vi. 66 n ; Acts xii. 12 n, 25 : xv. 37, 39 ; Col. iv. 10 ; 2 Tim. iv. 11 ; Philem. 24; 1 Pet v. 13 «. His Gospel, Mark xvi. 20 n. Marriage, 1 Cor. vii. 26 w ; 1 Tim. iii. 2 «. Mars-hill, (or Areopagus,) Acts xvii. 22. Martha, Luke x. 38, 40, 41; John xi. 1 &c. : xii. 2. Mary, the Virgin, Matt i. 16, 18, 20 : ii 11: xiii. 55: xxvii. 56 n; Mark vi. 3 Luke i. 27 &c., 32 w : ii, 5, 16, 19, 34 John xix. 25, 27 n ; Acts i. 14 ; Gal. iv. 4n. Mary,'3wife of Clopas, Matt xxvii. 56, 61 : xxviii, 1 ; Mark xv. 40, 47 : xvi. 1 ; Luke xxiv. 10 ; John xix. 25 w. Mary, sister of Lazarus, Luke x. 39, 42 ; John xi. 1 &c, : xii, 3, Mary, a disciple at Rome, Rom. xvi. 6. Mary, mother of Mark, Acts xii. 12. Mary Magdalene. {Magdalene.'] Mathusala, (or Methuselah,) Luke iii. 37. Mattatha, Luke iii. 31. Mattathias, son of Amos, Luke iii. 25. Mattathias, son of Semei, Luke iii. 26. Matthan, Matt i. 15. Matthat, son of Levi, Luke iii. 24 n, 29. Matthew, (or Levi,) Matt ix. 9 : x. 3 ; Mark ii. 14 re : iii, 18 ; Luke vi. 15 ; Acts i. 13, His Gospel, Matt xxiii, 35 n : xxiv, 15re : xxvii. 8 n : acxviii. 15 n. Matthias, Acts i. 23 n, 26. Media, Mede, Acts ii. 9. Melchi, son of Janna, Luke iii. 24. Melchi, son of Addi, Luke iii. 28. Melchisedek, Heb. v. 6, 10 : vi. 20 : vii. 1, 10, 11, 15, 17, 21. Melea, (or Meleas,) Luke iii. 31. Melita, Acts xxviii. 1. Menan, (or Mainan,) Luke iii. 31. Menander, quoted by S. Paul, 1 Cor. xv. 33 n. Mercurius, (or Hermes,) Acts xiv. 12. Mesopotamia, Acts ii. 9 : vii. 2. Messias, (or Messiah,) John i. 41 : iv. 25. Methuselah. [Mathusala.] Michael, Jude 9 ; Rev. xii. 7. Midian. [Madian.] Miletus, Acts xx. 15, 17 ; 2 Tim. iv. 20. Millennium, Rev. xx. 4 n. Mitylene, Acts xx. 14. Mnason, Acts xxi. 16. Moloch, Acts vii. 43. Moses, Matt viii. 4 : xvii. 3, 4 : xix. 7, 8 : xxii. 24: xxiii. 2; Mark i, 44: vii, 10: ix, 4, 5 : X, 3, 4 : xii, 19, 26 ; Luke ii, 22: V, 14: ix, 30,33: xvi, 29,31: xx, 28, 37: xxiv. 27, 44; John i, 17, 45: iii 14 : V. 45, 46 : vi, 32 : vii, 19, 22, 23 : viii, 5: ix. 28, 29; Acts iii. 22: vi, 11, 14 : vii. 20 &c., 44 : xiii. 39 : xv. 1, 5, 21 : xxi. 21 : xxvi. 22 : xxviii. 23 ; Rom. v. 14 : ix. 15 : x. 5, 19 ; 1 Cor. ix. 9 : x. 2 ; 2 Cor, iii, 7, 13, 15; 2 Tim, iii. 8j Heb. iii. 2, 3, 5, 16: vii. 14: viii. 5: ix. 19: X. 28 : xi. 23, 24 : xii. 21 : Jude 9 ; Rev. XV. 3. Mount of Olives, Acts i. 12 n. Myra, Acts xxvii. 5. Mysia, Acts xvi. 7, 8. Naaman, Luke iv. 27. Naasson, (or Nahshon,) Matt i. 4; Luke iii. 32. Nachor, (or Nahor,) Luke iii. 34. Nagge, Luke iii. 25, Nahor. [Nachor.] Nahshon. [Naasson.] Nain, Luke vii. 11 w. Naphtali. [Nephthalim.] Narcissus, Rom. xvi. 11 n Nathan, Luke iii. 31. Nathanael, (or Bartholomew 2) Luke xxiv. 18 re ; John i. 45, 46 re, 47, 48, 49 : xxi. 2. [Bartholomew.] Nativity, Matt. ii. 2 n, 11 re, 16 re. Naiim, Luke iii, 25. Nazareth, Nazarene, Matt ii. 23 re : iv. 13 : xxi. 1 1 : xxvi. 7 1 ; Mark i. 9, 24 : x. 47 : xiv. 67 : xvi. 6 ; Luke i. 26 : ii. 4, 39, 51 : iv, 16, 34 : xviii, 37 : xxiv, 19 ; John i. 45, 46: iv. 43 re: xviii. 5, 7: xix. 19: Acts ii. 22 : iii. 6 : iv. 10 : vi. 14 : x. 38 ; xxii. 8 : xxiv. 5 re : xiivi. 9. Neapolis, Acts xvi. 11. AND PROPER NAMES. 681 Nephthtlim, (or ^Tapift /aii,) land of; Matt. iv. 13, 15. Nephthalim, tribe of, Rev. Tii. 6. Nereus, Rom. xvi. 15. Neri, Luke iii. 27. Nero, 2 Tim. iv. 17 n. Nicanor, Acts vi. 5. Nicodemus, John iii. 1 &c. : vii, 50 : xix. 89. Nicolaitans, Rev. ii. 6 «, 15. Nicolas, (or Nicolaus,) Acta vi. 5. Nicopolis, Tit. iii. 12 «. Niger, Simeon, Acta xiii. 1. Nineveh, Ninevite, Matt xii. 41; Luke xi. 30,32. Noe, (or Noah,) Matt. xxiv. 37, 38 ; Luke iii 36 : xvii. 26, 27 ; Heb. xi. 7 ; 1 Pet. iii. 20 ; 2 Pet il 5. Nominative absolute, Mark ix. 20 n : xii. 40 n i Luke xxi. 6 n ; Acts xx. 3 n ; 2 Cor. i. 7 fi. Nymphas, CoL iv. IS. Obed, Luke iii. 32. Oil, Mark vi. 13 n ; James v. 14 n. Olives, Mount of. Acts i. 12 n. Olympas, Rom. xvi. 15. Onesiraus, Col. iv. 9 ; Philem, 10 &c.; Rev. ii. 1 n. Onesiphonis, 2 Tim, i. 16 : iv. 19. Outer darkness. Matt viii. 12 n. Ozias, (or Uzziah, or Azariah,) Matt i. 8 w, 9. Pamphylia, Acts ii. 10: xiii. IS: xiv._24: XV. 38 : xxvii 5. Papal power. Rev. xiii. 11 n. Paphos, Acts xiii. 6, 18. Parmenas, Acts vi. 5. Parthia, Parthian, Acts ii. 9. Passover, Matt xxvi. 17 n, 20 «, 26 n, 80 n; Mark xiv. ^3 «; Luke xxii. 17 n ; John xiii. 23 n : xviiL 28 n. Number of Passovers attended by Jesus, John ii. 13 n : V. 1 n : vi. 4 n : xi. 55 n. Patara, Acts xxi. 1. Patmos, Rev. i. 9. Patrobas, Rom. xvi. 14. Paul, (or Saul,) Acts xiii. 9 &c., 81 n: xiv. 9 &c. : XV. 2 &c. : xvi. 3 &c. : xvii. 2 &c. : xviii. 1 &c. : xix. 1 &c. : xx. 1 &c. : xxi. 4 &c. : xxii. 25 &c. : xxiii. 1 &c. : xxiv. 1 &c. : XXV. 2 &c. : xxvi. 1 &c. : xxvii. 1 &c. : xxviii. 3 &c. ; Rom. i. 1 ; 1 Cor. i. 1, 12, 13 : iii 4, 5, 22 : vii. 8 « : ix. 4 n : XV. 82 B : xvi. 21 ; 2 Cor. i. 1 : vi. 5 w : X. 1, 10 n : xi. 23 n : xii. 7 n ; Gal. i. 1 : V. 2; Eph. i. 1 : iii. 1 ; Phil. i. 1; Col. i. I, 23: iv. 18; 1 Thess. i. 1 : ii. 18 ; 2 Thess. i. 1 : iii. 17 ; 1 Tim. i. 1 ; 2 Tim. i. 1 ? Tit. i. 1 ; Heb. ii. 3 ra ; Philem. l, 9, 19; 2 Pet iii. 15. [Satd.] Paulus, Sergius, Acts xiii. 7. Pavement, (or Gabbatha,) John xix. 13 «. Peleg. [Phalec.) Perga, Acts xiii. 18, 14: xiv. 25. Pergamos, Rev. i. 11 : ii. 12. Pentecost, Acts ii. 1 ». Persis, Rom. xvi. 12. Peter, Simon, (or Bar-Jona,) Matt iv. 18 : viii. 14 n : x. 2 « : xiv. 28, 29 : xv. 15 : xvi. 16, 18 n, 22, 23 : xvii. 1, 4, 24, 26: xviii. 21 : xix. 27 : xxvi. 33, 35, 37, 40, 58, 69, 73, 75 ; Mark i. 16, 29, 30, ZS : iii. 16 : v. 37 : viii. 29, 32, 33 : ix. 2, 5: X. 28 : xi. 21 : xiii. 3 : xiv. 29, 33, 37, 54, 66, 67, 70, 72 : xvi. 7 ; Luke iv. 38 : v. 3 &c. : vi. 14 : viii. 45, 51 : ix. 20, 28, 32, 33 : xii. 41 : xviii. 28 : xxii. 8, 31, 34, 54, 55, 58, 60, 61, 62: xxiv. 12, 34; John i. 40 &c. : vi. 8, 68 : xiii. 6, 8, 9, 24, 86, 37 : xviii. 10, 11, 15, 16, 17, 18, 25, 26, 27 : xx. 2, 3, 4, 6 : xxi. 2, 3, 7, II, 15, 17, 18 n, 20, 21 ; Acts i. 13, 15: ii. 14 &c. : iii. 1 &c. : iv. 8 &c. : v. 3 &c., 15, 29 : viii. 14, 20 : ix. 32 &c. : x. 5, 9 &c. : xi. 2 &c. : xii. 3 &c. : xv. 7, 85 n ; 1 Cor. i. 12 n ; Gal. i. 18 : ii. 7, 8, 9 «, 11 «, 14 ; 1 Pet i. 1 ; 2 Pet I 1. ^Cephas.'] Phalec, (or Peleg,) Luke iii. 35. Phanuel, Luke ii. 36. Pharaoh, Acts viL 10, 13, 21 ; Rom. ix. 17 ; Heb. xi. 24. Phares, Matt i. 3 ; Luke iii. 33. Pharisees, Matt. iii. 7 « : v. 20 : ix. 11, 14, 34 : xii. 2, 14, 24, 38 : xv. 1, 12: xvi. 1, 6, 11, 12 : xix. 3 : xxL 45 : xxii. 15, 33 n, 34, 41 : xxiil 2, 13, 14, 15, 28, 25, 26, 27, 29 : xxvii. 62; Mark ii. 16, 18, 24 : iii. 6 : vii. 1, 3, 5 : viii. 11, 15 : x. 2 : xii. 13 ; Luke v. 17, 21, 30, 33 : vi. 2, 7 : vii. 30, 36, 37, 39 : xi. 37, 88, 39, 42,43, 44, 53: xii. 1 : xiii. 31 : xiv. 1, 3 : XV. 2 : xvi. 14 : xvii. 20 : xviii. 10, 11 : xix. 39 ; John i. 24: iii. 1 : iv. 1 : vii. 32, 45, 47, 48: viii. 8, 13: ix. 13, 15, 16, 40 : xi. 46, 47, 57 : xii. 19, 42: xviii. 3 ; Acts v. 34 : xv. 5 : xxiii. ^6, 7, 8, 9 : xxvi. 5 ; Phil. iii. 5. Philadelphia, Rev. i. 1 1 : iii. 7. Philemon, Philem. 1 &c. Philetus, 2 Tim. ii. 17. 682 INDEX OF THINGS Philip, the Apostle, Matt. x. 3 ; Mark iii. 18 ; Luke vi. 14 ; John i. 43 &c. : vi. 5 ra, 7 : xii. 21, 22 : xiv. 8, 9 ; Acts i. 13. Philip, (or Herod Philip,) husband of Hero- dias. Matt. xiv. 3 n ; Mark vi. 17 ; Luke iii. 19. Philip, (or Herod Philip,) tetrarch of Iturea, Luke iii. 1. Philip, the deacon, Acts vi. 5 n : viii. 5 &c., 26 &c. : xxi. 8, 9 n. Philippi, Philippian, Acts xvi. 12 : xx. 6 ; Phil. i. 1 : iv. 15 ; 1 Thess. ii. 2. Philippi, Caesarea. lC(Bsarea Philippi.'} Philologus, Rom. xvi. 15, Phlegon, Rom. xvi. 14. Phoehe, Rom. xvi. 1. Phoenice, Acts xi. 19 : xv. 3 : xxi. 2 : xxvii. 12. Phrygia, Acts ii. 10 : xvi. 6 : xviii. 23. Phygellus, 2 Tim. i. 15. Pilate, Pontius, Matt, xxvii. 2 «, 11 &c., 58, 62, 65; Mark xv. 1 &c., 43, 44; Luke iii. 1 n: xiii. 1 : xxiii. 1 &c., 52; John xviii. 29 &c. : xix. 1 &c., 31, 38 ; Acts iii. 13 : iv. 27 : xiii. 28 ; 1 Tim. vi. 13. Pilate, the wife of. Matt, xxvii. 19 «. Pisidia, Acts xiii. 14 : xiv. 24, Polycarp, Rev. ii. 8 n. Pollux, Castor and. Acts xxviii. 11. Pontius Pilate. [Pilate.'\ Pontus, Pontic, Acts ii. 9 : xviii. 2 ; 1 Pet. i, 1, Porcius Festus, iFestus.l Prisca, (or Priscilla,) Acts xviii. 2, 18, 26 ; Rom. xvi. 3 ; 1 Cor. xvi. 19 ; 2 Tim. iv. 19. Prochorus, Acts vi. 5. Proselytes, Acts viiL 27 n : x. 2 w. Ptolemais, Acts xxi. 7. Publicans, Matt. v. 46 « : ix. 9 n, 1 1 «. Publius, Acts xxviii. 7, 8. Pudens, 2 Tim. iv. 21. Purim, feast of, John v. 1 n. Puteoli, Acts xxviii. 13, Python, Acts xvi. 16. Quartus, Rom. xvi, 23. Quirinus, P. Sulpicius. \_Cyrenius.'] Rachab. [Rahdb.'] Ragau, (or Reu,) Luke iii. 35. Rahab, (or Rachab,) Matt. i. 5n\ Heb, xi, 31 ; James ii, 25 n. Ram. [^Aram.'] Rama, Matt. ii. 18. Rachel, Matt. ii. 18. Rebekah, Rom. ix. 10. Red Sea, Acts vii. 36 ; Heb. xi. 29. Rehoboam. [^Rohoam.'] Remphan, Acts vii. 43 n. Reu. \^Ragau.'] Resurrection, 1 Cor. xv. 13 n, 36 n ; 2 Tim. ii. 18 n. Reuben, tribe of. Rev, vii. 5. Rhegium, Acts xxviii. 13. Rhesa, Luke iii. 27. Rhoda, Acts xii. 13. Rhodes, Acts xxi. 1. Roboam, (or Rehoboam,) Matt. i. 7. Rome, Roman, John xi. 48; Acts ii. 10: xvi. 21, 37, 38 : xviii. 2 : xix. 21 : xxii. 25, 26, 27, 29: xxiii. 11, 27: xxv. 16: xxviii. 14, 16, 17; Rom. i. 7, 15 ; 2 Tim. i. 17. Rufus, Mark xv. 21 n ; Rom. xvi. 13 7^ ; Ruth, Matt. i. 5. Sabbath, Matt. viii. 16 n : xii. 2 n ; Mark ii. 27 n ; John vii. 22 n ; xix. 31 n. Sabbath day's journey. Acts i. 12 n. Sadoc, Matt. i. 14. Sadducees, Matt iii. 7 n : xvi. 1, 6, 11, 12 : xxii. 23, 31 n, 33 n, 34; Mark xii. 18 ; Luke XX. 27 ; Acts iv. 1 « : v. 17 : xxiii. 6, 7, 8 ra. Sala, (or Salah,) Luke iii. 35. Salamis, Acts xiii. 5. Salathiel, (or Shealtiel,) Matt. i. 12; Luke iii. 27. Salem, Heb. vii. 1, 2. Salim, John iii. 23 n. Salmon, Matt. i. 4, 5 ; Luke iii. 32. Salmone, Acts xxvii. 7. Salome, Matt. xiv. 6 n : xxvii. 56 n : Mark XV. 40 n : xvi. 1. [Zebedee.] Salvation, Rom. v. 9 n. Samaria, Samaritan, Matt. x. 5 « ; Luke ix. 52: X. 33 : xvii. 11, 16; John iv, 4, 5, 7, 9, 12 M, 20 n, 25 n, 39, 40 : viii. 48 ; Acts i. 8 : viii. 1, 5, 9, 14, 25 : ix. 31 : XV. 3. Samos, Acts xx. 15. Samothracia, Acts xvi. 11. Samson, Heb. xi. 32. Samuel, Acts iii. 24 : xiii. 20 ; Heb. xi. 32. Sanhedrim, Matt. v. 22 w ; Acts v. 21 ra. Sapphira, Acts v. 1. Sarah, Rom. iv. 19: ix. 9; Heb. xi. 11; 1 Pet. iii. 6. Sardis, Rev. i. 11 : iii. 1, 4. Sarepta, (or Zarephath,) Luke iv. 26. Saron, (or Sharon,) Acts ix. 35 n. Saruch, (or Serug,) Luke iii. 35. AND PROPER NAMES. 583 Satan, Matt iv. 10 n : xii. 26: xvi. 23; Mark i. 13 : iii. 23, 26 : iv. 15 : viii. 83 ; Luke iv. 8 : x. 18 : xi. 18 : xiii. 16 n : xxiL 3, 31; John xiii. 27; Acts v. 3: xxvi. 18 ; Rom. xvi. 20 ; 1 Cor. v. 5 n : vii. 5; 2 Cor. iL 11 : xi. 14: xii. 7 n; 1 Thess. ii. 18 n ; 2 Thess. ii. 9 ; 1 Tim. i. 20 » : V. 15 ; RcY. iL 9, 13, 24 : iii 9 : xii. 9 : XX. 2, 7. Saul, (or Paul,) Acts vii. 58 : viii. 1, 3 : ix. 1 &c.: xi. 25, 30: xii. 25 : xiii. 1, 2, 7, 9: xxii. 7, 13: xxvi. H. [Paul.] Saul, reign of, Acts xiiL 21 n. Sceva, Acts xix. 14. Scribes, Matt, ii. 4 » : v. 20 n : xxii. 35 n ; Luke V. 17 n. Scriptures, division of, Luke xxiv. 44 n ; John vi 45 n. Sc>thia, Scythian, CoL iiL IL Secundus, Acts xx. 4. Seleucia, Acts xiii. 4. Sem, (or Shem,) Luke iii 36. Semei, Luke iii. 26. Sepulchre, Mark xvi 5 «. Sergius Paulus, Acts xiii. 7. Serug. [Saruch.] Seth, Luke iii. 38. Seventh commandment, Mark x. 1 9 w. Seventy disciples, Luke x. 1 it. Sharon. iSaron.'] Shealtiel. [Salathiel.} Shechem. [Sychem,'} Shem. [Sem.] Sidon, Sidonian, Matt, xi 21, 22: xv. 21 ; Mark iii 8 : vii. 24, 31 ; Luke iv. 26: vi 17: x. 13, 14; Acts xii. 20: xxvii 3. Silas, (or Silvanus,) Acts xv. 22, 27, 32, 34, 40 : xvi. 19, 25, 29 : xvii. 4, 10, 14, 15 : xviii. 5. [Silvanus.] Silvanus, (or Silas,) Rom. xvi 22 n ; 2 Cor. i 19; 1 Thess. i 1 n: iii. 1 n; 2 Thess. i. 1 ; 1 Pet v. 12 n. iSilas.} Siloam, Luke xiii 4 n ; John ix. 7, 11. Simeon, son of Hillel(?), Luke ii. 25 n, 29 n, 34 ; Acts v. 34 n. Simeon, son of Juda, Luke iii. 30. Simeon, sumamed Niger, Acts xiii 1. Simeon, tribe of. Rev. vii 7. Simeon Peter, Acts xv. 14; 2 Pet i 1. [Peter.] Simon Bar-Jona, (or Simon Peter,) Matt, xvi 17 ; John i 42 : xxi. 15, 16, 17. [Peter.] Simon, brother of our Lord, Matt xiii 55 n ; Mark vi. 3. Simon Cananites, (or Simon Zelotes,) Matt. X. 4; Mark iii. 18. [Simon Zelotes.] Simon, of Cyrene, Matt xxvii. 32 n ; Mark XV. 21 n; Luke xxiii. 26; Rom. xvi 13 n. Simon, father of Judas Iscariot, John vi 71 : xii. 4 : xiii. 2, 26. Simon, the leper. Matt xxvi. 6 ; Mark xiv. 3. Simon Magus, Acts viii. 9 n, 13 &c. Simon, or Simon Peter. [Peter.] Simon, a Pharisee, Luke vii. 40, 43, 44. Simon, the taimer. Acts ix. 43 : x. 6; 17, 32. Simon Zelotes, (or Simon Cananites,) Luke vi 15; Acts i. 13. [Simon Cananites.] Sina, (or Sinai,) Acts vii 30, 38 ; GaL iv. 24, 25. Sion, (or Zion,) Matt xxi 5 ; John xii. 15; Rom. ix. 33 : xi. 26 ; Heb. xii. 22 ; 1 Pet. ii 6 ; Rev. xiv. 1. Sisters of Jesus, Mark vi. 3 n. Smyrna, Smymean, Rev. i. 11 : ii. 8. Sodom, Matt x. 15 : xi. 23, 24 ; Mark vi 11 ; Luke X. 12 : xvii 29 ; Rom. ix. 29 ; 2 Pet ii. 6 ; Jude 7. Spiritual Sodom, Rev. xi 8. Solomon, Matt. i. 6, 7 : vi. 29 : xii. 42 ; Luke xi. 31 : xii. 27 ; John x. 23 ; Acts iii. 11 : V. 12: vii 47. Son of David, Matt ix. 27 n. Son of God, Matt xiv. 33 n : xvii 26 n ; Luke xxii 69 n ; John v. 18 « : x. 33 n ; Rom. viii 32 n. Son of Man, Matt viii 20 n ; Luke xxii 69 n ; John xii 34 n. Sopater, (or Sosipater ?) Acts xx. 4. Sosipater, (or Sopater 1) Rom. xvi 21. Sosthenes, Acts xviii 17 « ; 1 Cor. i. 1 n. Spain, Rom. xv. 24, 28. Spiritual gifts. Acts xix. 2 «; Rom. i 11 n; 1 Cor. ii. 4 «: iv. 19 »; 1 Tim. iv. 14 ». Stachys, Rom. xvi. 9. Stephanas, 1 Cor. i 16: xvi 15, 17. Stephen, Acts vi. 5, 8 &c. : vii. 1 &c., 59 : viii 2 : xi. 19 : xxii. 20. Stoics, Acts xvii 18. Susanna, Luke viii. 3. Swearing, Matt v. 34 «. Sychar, John iv. 5 ». Sychem, (or Shechem,) city. Acts vii 16 n. Sychem, ^Pr Shechem,) son of Hamor, Acts vii 16 ra. Symeon. [Simeon, Simon.] Synagogues, Luke iv. 17 «; Acts vi 9 n. Syntyche, Phil. iv. 2. 584 INDEX OF THINGS AND PROPER NAMES. Syracuse, Acts xxviii. 12. Syria, Syrian, Matt. iv. 24 ; Luke ii. 2 : iv. 27; Acts XV. 23, 41: xviii. 18: xx. 3: xxi. 3 ; Gal. i. 21. Syrophenician woman, Mark vii. 26. Tabernacles, feast of, John vii. 2 n, 38 « ; Acts viii. 27 n. Tabitha, (or Dorcas,) Acts ix. 36, 40. Tamar. [^Thamar.'] Tarsus, Tarsian, Acts ix. 11, SO: xi. 25: xxL 39 n : xxii. 3, 28 n. Temple, Mark xiii. 1 n ; John ii. 20 n ; Acts i. 13 n : ii. 2 n : iii. 2 n : xxi. 28 n. Temple of God, 1 Cor. iii. 16 «. Temptation, Matt. iv. 2 «. Terah, Acts vii. 4 ». [ Thara.} Tertius, Rom. xvi. 22. Tertullus, Acts xxiv. 1, 2. Thaddaeus, (or Lebbceus, or Judas,) Matt. X. 3 ; Mark iii. 18. [^Judas.'\ Thamar, (or Tamar,) Matt. i. 3. Thara, (or Terah,) Luke iii. 34. Theophilus, Luke i. 3 n ; Acts i. 1. Thessalonica, Thessalonian, Acts xvii. 1, 11, 13 : XX. 4 : xxvii. 2 ; 1 Thess. i. 1 ; 2 Thess. i. 1 ; Phil. iv. 16 : 2 Tim. iv. 10. Theudas, John x. 8 n ; Acts v. 36 n. Thomas, called Didymus, Matt. x. 3 ; Mark iii. 18 ; Luke vi. 15; John xi. 16 n : xiv. 5 : XX. 24 &c. : xxi. 2 ; Acts i. 13. Thorn in the flesh, 2 Cor. xii. 7 n. Thyatira, Acts xvi. 14; Rev. i. 11 : ii. 18, 24. Tiberias, John vi. 23. Tiberias, Sea of, (or Lake of Gennesaret, or Sea of Galilee,) John vi. 1 : xxi. 1. Tiberius Caesar, Luke iii. 1. Timaeus, Matt. x. 46. Timon, Acts vi. 5. Timotheiis, Acts xiv. 6 ni xvi, 1 n ; xvii. 14, 15 : xviii. 5 ; xix. 22 : xx. 4 ; Rom. xvL 21 ; 1 Cor. iv. 17 n : xvi. 10 ; 2 Cor. L 1, 19 ; Phil. i. 1 : ii. 19 ; Col. I 1 ; 1 Thess. i, 1 n : iii. 1 n, 2, 6 ; 2 Thess. 1. I ; 1 Tim. i. 2 «, 18 : iv. 12 n; vi. 20 ; 2 Tim. i. 2 w : ii. 22 n ; Philem. J n ; Heb. xiii. 23 ; Rev. ii. 1 ». Titus, 2 Cor. ii. 13 : vii. 6, 13, 14 : viil 6, 16, 23 : xii. 18 ; Gal. ii. 1, 3 ; 2 Tim. iv. 10; Tit. i. 4n. Tombs, Matt, xxiii. 27 n ; John xi. 38 n. Tower of Antonia, Acts xxi. 34 «. Trachonitis, Luke iii. 1. Transmigration of souls, John ix. 2 n. Tres Tabernae, Acts xxviii. 15 w. Troas, Acts xvi. 8, H : xx.5, 6; 2 Cor. ii. 12 ; 2 Tim. iv. 13. Trogyllium, Acts xx. 15. Trophimus, Acts xx. 4 : xxi. 29 ; 2 Tim. iv. 20. Tryphaena, Rom. xvL 12. Tryphosa, Rom. xvi. 12. Tychicus, Acts xx. 4 ; Eph. vi. 21 ; Col. iv. 7; 2Tim. iv. 12; Tit. iii. 12. Tyrannus, Acts xix. 9. Tyre, Tyrian, Matt. xi. 21, 22: xv. 21; Mark iii. 8 : vii. 24, 31 ; Luke vi. 17 : x. 13, 14 ; Acts xii. 20 : xxi. 3, 7. Uncircumcised, Acts vii. 51 «. Urbanus, Rom. xvi. 9. Unas, (or Uriah,) Matt. i. 6. Uzziah. lOzias.'] Vow, Acts xviii. 18 n : xxi. 24 «. Widows, 1 Tim. v. 9 n. Wisdom of God, Matt, xxiii. 34 n. Wormwood. [Absinthium. } Zabulon, (or Zebulun,) land of, Matt. iv. 13, 15. Zabulon, (or Zebulun,) tribe of. Rev. vii. 8. Zacchaeus, Luke xix. 2, 5, 8. Zacharias, (or Zechariah,) son of Barachias, Matt xxiii. 35 n; Luke xi. 51. Zacharias, father of John the Baptist, Luke i. 5, 12 &c., 40, 59, 67 : iii. 2. Zara, (or Zerah,) Matt. i. 3. Zarephath. [Sarepta.'] Zealots, Luke vi. 15 «• Zebedee, Matt iv. 21 : x. 2 : xx. 20 : xxvi. 37: xxvii. 56; Mark i. 19, 20: iii. 17: X. 35 ; Luke v. 10 ; John xxi. 2. Zebedee, wife of, Matt. xx. 20 : xxvii. 56. \_Salome.2 Zebulun. [Zabulon.'] Zechariah. [Zacharias.'] Zelotes, Simon, (or Simon Cananites^) Jjuke vi. 15 ; Acts i. 13. Zenas, Tit. iii. 13. Zerah. [Zara.] Zerubbabel. [Zorobabel.] Zeus, (or Jupiter,) Acts xiv. 12, 13. Zion. [Sion.] Zorobabel, (or Zerubbabel,) Matt. i. 12 «, 13 ; Luke iii. 27. INDEX III. OF TEXTS QUOTED FROM THE OLD TESTAMENT. GENESIS. i. 27 Matt xix. 4 ; Mark x. 6. ii. 2 Heb. iv. 4. iL 7 1 Cor. XV. 45. ii. 24. Matt. xix. 5 i Mark x. 7,8; Eph.v.31. ii. 24 1 Cor. vi. \6. vi. 5 ? James iv. 5. viii, 21 ? James iv. 5. xii. 1 . Acts vii. 3. xii. 8 . . Gal. iii. 8. XV. 5 Rom. iv. 18. XV. 6. Rom. iv. 3 ; Gal. iii. 6 ; James ii. 23. XV. 18, 14. Actsvii. 6, 7. xvii. 5 Rom. iv. 17. xviii. 10, 14 Rom. ix. 9. xxi. 10 . Gal. iv. 30. xxi. 12 Rom. ix. 7. xxii. 16, 17 Heb. vi. 13, 14. xxii. 18. . . . Acts iii. 25 ; Gal. iii. 16. XXV. 23. . ... . . . Rom. ix. 12. xxvi. 4. . . . Acts iii. 25 ; Gal. iii. 16. xlvii. 31 (LXX) . ... Heb. xi. 21. EXODUS. iii. 6. Matt xxii. 82 ; Mark xii. 26 ; Luke XX. 37. ix. 16. . . . . ... . Rom. ix. 17. xii. 46. . ...... John xix. 36. xiii. 2. ... .... Luke ii. 23. xvi. 18. . . . . . . 2 Cor. viii. 15. xix. 6. ....... 1 Pet ii. 9. xix. 13. . . . . . . . Heb. xii. 20. XX. 12. . Matt XV. 4: xix. 19; Mark vii. 10: X, 19; Luke xviii. 20; Eph. vi. 2, 3. XX. 13. . Matt v. 21 : xix. 18 ; Luke xviii. 20; Rom. xiii. 9; James ii. 11. XX. 14. Matt v. 27 : xix. 18 ; Mark x. 19 ; Luke xviii. 20 ; Rom. xiii. 9 ; James ii. 1 1. XX. 15, 16. . Matt xix. 18 ; Mark x. 19 ; Luke xviii, 20 ; Rom. xiii. 9. XX. 17 Rom. vii. 7 : xiii. 9. xxi. 17. . . Matt. XV. 4; Mark vii. 10. xxi. 24. ...... . Matt v. 38. xxii. 28. . . . . . . .■ Acts xxiii. 5. xxiv. 8. . . . . . . . Heb. ix. 20. XXV. 40. . . . Acts vii. 44 ; Heb. viii. 5. xxvi. 30 Acts vii. 44. xxix. 45 2 Cor. vi. 16. xxxii. 1. ...... : Acts vii. 40. xxxii. 6. . . . ." . . .' 1 Cor. x. 7. xxxiii. 19. . . .' . . .' Rom. ix. 15. LEVITICUS. xi. 44 . . .' 1 Pet i. 16. xii. 8 Luke ii. 24. xviii. 5. . . . Rom. x. 5 ; Gal. iii. 12. xix. 2. 1 Pet i. 16. xix. 12. ...... . Matt v. 33. xix. 13? 1 Tim. v. 18. xix. 18. . Matt V. 43: xix. 19 : xxii. 39 ; Mark xii. 31 ; Rom. xiii. 9 ; Gal. V. 14; James ii. 8. XX. 9. . . . Matt XV. 4; Mark vii. 10- xxiv. 20. . ... . . . . Matt v. 38. xxvi. 11, 12 2 Cor. vi. 16. NUMBERS. ix. 12. xi. 29? John xix. 36. James iv. 5. DEUTERONOMY. iv. 24, ....... Heb. xii. 29. V, 16. Matt XV. 4: xix. 19; Mark vii. 10: X. 19; Luke xviii. 20 ; Eph. vi. 2, 3. v. 17. . . Matt V. 21 : xix. 18; Luke xviii. 20 ; Rom. xfii. 9 ; James ii. 11. V. 18. . Matt V, 27 : xix. 18 ; Mark x. 19 ; Luke xviii. 20 ; Rom. xiii. 9 ; James ii. 11 . v. 19, 20. . Matt xix. 18; Mark x. 19 ; Luke xviii. 20 ; Rom, xiii. 9. Qq 586 INDEX OP TEXTS V. 21 Rom. vii. 7: xiii. 9. vi. 4 Mark xii. 29. vi. 5. . . Matt. xxii. 37 ; Mark xii. 30 ; Luke X. 27. vi. 13. . . i Matt. iv. 10 ; Luke iv. 8. vi. 16. . . . Matt. iv. 7 ; Luke iv. 12. viii. 3 Matt. iv. 4 ; Luke iv. 4. X. 20 Matt. iv. 10; Luke iv. 8. xviii. 15, 18. . . . Acts iii. 22: vii. 37. xviii. 19 Acts iii. 23. xix. 15. . . Matt, xviii. 16 ; John viii. 17; 2 Cor. xiii. 1. xix. 21 Matt. V. 38. xxi. 23 Gal. iii. 13. xxiv. 1. . .... . . Matt. V. 31. xxiv. 14, 15? . . ... 1 Tim. v. 18. XXV. 4. . . 1 Cor. ix. 9 ; 1 Tim. v. 18. XXV. 5. . Matt. xxii. 24; Mark xii. 19; Luke XX. 28. xxvii. 26. . . . . . . . Gal. iii. 10. XXX. 12— 14 . . . . . Rom. x. 6—8. xxxi. 8. ....... Heb. xiii. 5. xxxii. 17. . . . . . . . 1 Cor. X. 20. xxxij. 21 Rom. X. 19. xxxii. 36. . Rom. xii. 19; Heb. x. 30. xxxii. 43 Rom. xv. 10. JOSHUA. i. 5. Heb. xiii. 5. JUDGES. xiii. 5 ? Matt. ii. 23. 2 SAMUEL. vii. 14. . . 2 Cor. vi. 18 (?) Heb. i. 5. xxii. 50 Rom. xv. 9. 1 KINGS. xix. 10, 14. ...... Rom. xi. 3. xix. 18 Rom. xi. 4. 13. ii, 1, 2. ii. 7. ii. 9. iv. 4. v. 9. JOB. PSALMS. . 1 Cor. iii. 19. Acts iv. 25, 26. Acts xiii. 33 ; Heb. i. 5 : v. 5. Rev. ii. 27. Eph. iv. 26. Rom. iii. 13. vi. 8. . . Matt. vii. 23 ; Luke xiii, 27. viii. 2 Matt. xxi. 16. viii: 4—6 Heb. ii. 6—8. viii. 6 1 Cor. xv. 27. X. 7 Rom. iii. 14. xiii. 3 (LXX & Vulg.) Rom. iii. 12—18. xiv. 1—3 Rom. iii. 10—12. xvi. 8— 11 Acts ii. 25— 28. xvi. 10 Acts ii. 31 ; xiii. 35. xviii. 2 Heb. ii. 13. xviii. 49. Rom. xv. 9. xix. 4 Rom. x. 18. xxii. 1. . Matt, xxvii. 46; Mark xv. 34. xxii. 18. . Matt, xxvii. 35; John xix. 24. xxii. 22 . Heb. ii. 12. xxiv. 1 1 Cor. X. 26. xxxi. 5. Lulve xxiii. 46. xxxii. 1,2 Rom. iv. 7, 8. xxxiv. 12—16. ... 1 Pet. iii. 10—12. xxxiv. 20 John xix. 36. XXXV. 19 John xv. 25. xxxvi. 1. . Rom. iii. 18. xl. 6—8. ...... Heb. x. 5—7. xii. 9 John xiii. 18. xliv. 22 Rom. viii. 36. xlv. G,7 Heb. i. 8, 9. Ii. 4 Rom. iii. 4. liii. 1—3 Rom. iii. 10—12. Ixviii. 18 Eph. iv. 8. Ixix. 4 ? John xv. 25. Ixix. 9. . . . John ii. 17; Rom. xv. 3. Ixix. 22, 23 Rom. xi. 9, 10. Ixix. 25 Acts i. 20. Ixxviii. 2 Matt. xiii. 35. Ixxviii. 24 John vi. 31. Ixxxii. 6 John x. 34. Ixxxix. 20 Acts xiii. 22. xci. 11, 12. Matt iv. 6; Luke iv. 10, II. xciv. 11 1 Cor. iii. 20. xcv. 7— 11 Heb. iii. 7— 11. xcv. 7, 8 Heb. iii. 15: iv. 7. xcv. 11. . . . . . . . Heb. iv. 3, 5. xcvii. 7. . ... ... . Heb. i. 6. cii. 25—27. ..... Heb. i. 10—12. civ. 4 . Heb. i. 7. cix. 3 ? . ..... . John xv. 25. cix. 8. . . Acts i. 20. ex. 1. Matt. xxii. 44 ; Mark xii. 36; Luke XX. 42 ; Acts ii. 34, 35 ; Heb. i. 13. ex. 4 Heb. V. 6: vii. 17,21. cxii. 9. 2 Cor. ix. 9. cxvi. 10 2 Cor. iv. 13. cxvii. 1 Rom. xv. 11. cxviii. 6 Heb. xiii. 6. ex viii. 22. Matt. xxi. 42 ; Mark xii. 10 ; Luke XX. 17 ; Acts iv. 11 ; 1 Pet. ii. 7. QUOTED FROM THE OLD TESTAMENT. 587 cxviii. 23. . . Matt. xxi. 42 ; Mark xii. 11. cxvjii. 26. ... Matt xxi. 9 : xxiii. 39. cxxxii. 11 Acts ii*. 30, cxl. 3 Rom. iii. 13. PROVERBS. i. 16 Rom. iii. 15. iii. 7 Rom. xii. 16. iii. 11,12 Heb. xii. 5, 6. iii. 34. ... James iv. 6 ; 1 Pet. v. 5. •X. 12. 1 Pet iv. 8. xxi. 10? James iv. 5. XXV. 21, 22 Rom. xii. 20. xxvi. 11 2 Pet ii. 22. ISAIAH. i. 9 Rom. ix. 29. vi. 9. Matt. xiii. 14 ; Mark iv. 12 ; Luke viii. 10; Acts xxviii. 26; Rom. xi. 8. vi. 10. . . . Matt xiii. 15 ; Mark iv. 12 ; John xii. 40 ; Acts xxviii. 26. vil 14 Matt i. 23. viii. 12, 13 1 Pet iii. 14, 15. ix. 24, . . viii. 14, Rom. ix. 33. xvii. 10. . viii. 17, 18 Heb. ii. 13. xxxi. 15. . ix.1,2 Matt iv. 15, 16. xxxi. 1,9? X. 22, 23 Rom. ix. 27, 28, xxxi, 31—34, xi. 10 Rom. XV. 12. xxxi. 33, 34. xii. 3 ? John vii. 38. xxi. 9 Rev. xiv. 8 ; xviii. 2. xxii. IS 1 Cor. xv. 32. xxii. 22 Rev. iii. 7. \ XXV. 8 1 Cor. XV. 54. XXV. 8 Rev. vil 17; xxi. 4. xxvii. 9 ? Rom. xi. 27. xxviii. 11, 12 1 Cor. xiv. 21. xxviii 16. Rom. ix. 33 : x. 11 ; 1 Pet ii. 6. xxix. 10 Rom. xi. 8. xxix. 13. . Matt xv. 8, 9 ; Mark vii. 6, 7. xxix. 14 1 Cot. i. 19. xxxiiL 18 1 Cor. i. 20. xl. 3—5 Luke iii. 4 — 6. xL 3. Matt iii. 3 ; Mark i. 3 ; John i. 23. xL 6, 8 1 Pet i. 24, 25. xL 13. . . Rom. xi. 34; 1 Cor. ii. 16. xliL 1—4. . ; . . Matt xii. 18—21. xiv. 9 Rom. ix. ^0. xiv. 23 Rom. xiv. 11. xlix. 6 Acts xiii, 47. xlix. 8 2 Cor. vi. 2. xlix. 10 Rev. vii. 16. Iii. 5 Rom. ii. 24.' Iii. 7 Rom. x. 15. ii. 28— 32. Iii. 11, 12. 2Cor. vi. 17. ii. 32. . . Iii. 15. ....... Rom. xv. 21. liii. 1. . . John xii. 38; Rom. x. 16. Hii. 4 Matt viii. 17. liii. 5 1 Pet ii. 24. liii. 7, 8 Acts viii. 32, 33. . liii. 9 1 Pet ii. 22. liii. 12. . Mark xv. 28 ; Luke xxii. 37. liv. 1 Gal. iv. 27. liv. 13 John vi. 45. Iv. 3 Acts xiii. 34. Ivi, 7. . . . Matt xxi. 13 ; Mark xi. 17 ; Luke xix. 46. lix. 7, 8 Rom. iii. 15, 16, 17. lix. 20, 21 Rom, xi, 26, 27. Ix. 1 ? Eph. V. 14. Ixi. 1, 2 Luke iv. 18, 19. Ixii. 11 Matt xxi. 5. Ixiv. 4. 1 Cor. ii. 9. Ixv. 1,2 Rom. X. 20, 21. Ixvi. 1,2 Acts vii. 49, 50. Ixvi. 24. ... . Mark ix. 44, 46, 48. JEREMIAH. 1 Cor. i. 31; 2 Cor. x. 17. . Rev. ii. 23. . Matt ii. 18. . 2 Cor. vi. 18. Heb. viii. 8—12. Heb. X. 16, 17. JEREMIAH. LAMENTATIONS. 111. to '. EZEKIEL. xii. 2 ? Rom. xi. 8. DANIEL. ix. 27 : xii .11. . .Matt xxiv. 15; Mark xiii. 14. HOSEA, i. 10. . Rom. ix. 26. ii. 23. . Rom. ix. 25. vi. 6. . . . . Matt ix, 13: xii 7. X.8. . Luke xxiii, 30. xi. 1. . Matt ii, 15. xiii. 14. 1 Cor. XV. 55. JOEL. Acts ii. 17—21. . Rom. X. 13. 588 INDEX OF TEXTS QUOTED FROM THE OLD TESTAMENT. AMOS. HAGGAI. V, 25—27 Acts vii. 42, 43. ii. 16. ix. 11, 12. . . . . . Acts XV. 16, 17. MICAH. viii. 16. "' i , ix. 9. . V. 2. . . . . . .... Matt ii.' 6. xi. 13. vii. 6. . , Matt. x. 35, 36 ; Luke xii. 53. xii. 10. xiii. 7. Heb. xii. 26. ZACHARIAH. Eph. iv. 25. Matt. xxj. 5 ; John xii. 15. Matt, xxvii. 9, 10. ....... John xix. 37. Matt. xxvi. 31 ; Mark xiv. 27. HABAKKUK. i. 5. . . . . . . . . Acts xiii. 41. i. 2, 3. iL 3. . . . . . ... Heb. x. 37. iii. 1. . ii. 4. . . . Rom. i. 17; Gal. iii. 11; Heb. x. 38. MALACHL ..'... . Rom. ix. 1 3. , . Matt. xi. 10; Marki. 2; Luke vii. 27. iv. 6 Luke i. 1 7. f n oxford: printep r.y i. shrimfton. ^ hOuM- — 1 _ / _ { \ "^ / ^IC^^Xyi^ ^.^ //l/%-1^vA><-/2X-2^ u^ 4 TfOA^i^^ h- 1 {n^^U z^..^- ■^; ^- k~ .**:- i)LiMxmr;2.!^ TTicrTw ^ql^ViC^u .t / / . .--/ t^U^^. rr, ■ ^X^ ^ rvvr ?h I , /^ lj-xJX <:^^€. U. //o^ ^^-*>v^rxj-riZt) A ^^^sPiV ^^ ^^ ^ ^^ , i 1 '"r !,^^' P- '• 14 DAY USE RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED LOAN DEPT. RENEWALS ONLY— TEL. NO. 642.340S This book is due oa the last date stamped below, or on the date to which renewed. 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