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At the Regular Meeting held June i, 1880, the Society voted to publish the Proprietary Records of Worcester, and Franklin P. Rice was appointed to edit the same. Daniel Seagrave, Secretaiy. 495032 PART I. 1667-1686. RECORDS oi The Proprietors, TN the early period after the estal^Hshment of the Colony of Massachusetts, the rapidly increasing- population fed by emigration from the Old World, crowding- into the few towns by the sea coast, created a demand and necessity for new settlements and a wider field of action. The restless and independent spirit of our ancestors chafed under confinement in narrow limits, and they longed to push out into the wilderness regardless of the dangers and hardships there to be encountered, to find homes where they could breathe the pure air of heaven and enjoy that liberty for which they had already sacrificed so much. The General Court, beset with appeals and petitions, having in some instances extinguished the Indian titles, but claiming authority over the whole tract of country, granted from time to time, to individuals and companies, lands for farms and townships, and thither flocked the sturdy pioneers to lay the foun- dations by a life of toil and self-denial, of those communities of which our Commonwealth is to-day so justly proud. I'!{()l'. KEC. TO Records of the Proprietors. The persons to whom these lands were given, and those who were afterwards associated with them, were termed Proprietors. The grants of land were made siibjeft to certain conditions, usually settle- ment and cultivation, the maintenance of Christian worship and the establishment of schools. These settlements were controlled for the first few years, by committees appointed by the General Court, and under their direction the land was surveyed; the lots laid out to meet the requirements of those who be- came residents ; and the general welfare of the com- munity insured. The committees were usually in- terested in the ownership of the place. The organization of these companies of Proprie- tors was maintained for a considerable lenQth of time, some of them existing during the early part of the present century, A record of their proceedings was generally kept, and after the incorporation of the place, continued separate and distin(5l from the town affairs. These Proprietors' Books constitute a part of the archives of many of the older towns in Mas- sachusetts, though unfortunately, in some cases they have been lost or destroyed. Generally ante-dating by some years in their first entries, the records of the town proper, they furnish invaluable data for the groundwork of local history. The Pro[)rit;tary Records of Worcester are con- tained in one thick quarto volume of about 350 pages. They cover the jx-riod from 1667 to 1788, JVonrs/cr, MassacJntsctts. \ i there being an hiatus from i6S6 to 17 13, during which time no records were kept. The earher jjor- tions, owing to age, use and ncgle6t, are worn and mutilated, and some of the leaves have disappeared. The n:;cord from the permanent settlement in 17 13 to the year 1788, is [^reserved inta(5l. This portion comprises the plans, of which there are nearly three hundred.^ The first grant of land located in the vicinity of Worcester, was made by the General Court of Mas- sachusetts to Increase Nowell of Charlestown, May 6, 1657, and comprised a tratl of 3200 acres. Five years later, 1000 acres were given to the church in Maiden. October 19, 1664, 250 acres were granted to Ensign Thomas Noyes of Sudbury. The right of Increase Nowell was subsequently transferred to John and Josiah Haynes of Sudbury, and Nathaniel Treadaway of Watertown, who with Thomas Noyes as proprietors petitioned the General Court for the appointment of a committee to explore the country and report concerning its advanta^^'es for a settlement. Accordingly, 0(5lober ii, 1665, Capt. Daniel Gookin, Capt. Edward Johnson, Lieut. Joshua Fisher and Lieut. Thomas Noyes were di- re6led to make the survey," but the death of Noyes soon after, together with other circumstances, pre- ' A copy of these Records was made in 1856 by Mr. Frank W. Bigelow of Weston. Although containing many discrepancies, it has been of con- siderable service in making the transcrij)! for this volume. ^'For copies of the petition and order, see Lincoln's History of Worcester, appendix. 12 Records of the Proprietors. [1667. vented the discharg-e of their duty. On the 15th of May, 1667, a new committee was appointed as appears by the following order: — A copy of an orderr of the General Court \pon whicli grounded & rrested : & is Sd to bee anexed as line At a Generall court held at Boston ma\- the feefteenth Whearas this Court vpon the petition of ensigne [Noyes de- ceased] did nominate and appoint Capt Gookin and some oth[er3 place about 10 miles westward from Marl- borrow Called Quandsicamond ponds and to make rreport the place was capable to make [a plant]ation hath hetherto been neglecfled through the death ot Thomas Noyes and otherr impediments It is therrforre orrde[red] by this Courrt that Capt Daniel Gookin, Capt Edward Johnson Samuel Andrew & Andrrew Belcherr Senior err any three of them [are] desired & impoured as a Comitte to take an exa6l view of the Said p[lace] as soone as conueniently they can & to make a true rreporrt to this co[urt] wheitherr it be capable to make a village & what numberr of famil[ies] they conceue may bee therre Accomadated, and if they find it fit for [a] plantation then to offer vnto this court some meet expedient ho[w] the same may bee setled iS: improued forr the publike good & this court prohibit the laying out of any grants in the said place vntill the Comit[tee] haue made their rre- turnc w'h the court would haue don by the next session of this Court if it may : That this is a true coppy taken out of the Courts Records Attest. lM>w.\ki) Rawson Sccrctt. The service appears to have been performed by Gookin, Johnson and Belcher, who presented the report which follows: ^The figures in brackets indicate the pages in the nianuscrijit. Dots or words in brackets show the portions missing in the original. 1 668.] Worrcsfcr, AJassacIiHscffs. 13 [2] At ;i ( irncral courrt licld al luisloii the 24"' of ortohcrr 166S l''()r a i)laiitatii)ii al (Jiiaiisikainud now C'alk-d wocestcr wee hauc aconliiiL; to the Courrts orrderr (heinnto anexed) [viewed the] place therrin nieiitioiu'd and I'lnd it to bee al)Out 12 miles from Marrll)oiroiiL;h iieane theRoad to Sprringfeild and that [it is] a trract of very good Cvhestnut tree land, a large quantitye but [of meadow] wee find not so much, beecause a very considerable (juaniitee of [meadow] iS: vjjland about fiue thousand accerrs is laid out to parrticularr [jK^sons] tV confirmed by this courrt as wee arre informed which falls within [this] trract of land, vizt to Ensigne Noyes Deceased and his brrethcnen [three] thousand & two hun- dred accerrs, vnto the Church of maiden one tho[usand] accerrs vnto otherrs bought of Ensigne [Noyes] fiue hundred accerrs : But [all this] notwith.->landing wee conceue therre may bee enough medow forr a [small] plantation orr towne of about thirrty families c\: if those farmes be anexed to it, it may Supply al:)out Sixty fam- ilies. Therrforre wee [deem] it expedient, That the honoured court wilhe i)leased to rreserue it fo[r a] towne, beeing conuen- ientlv scitualed »S: wel waterred with ponds [and brooks] iS: lieing nearre midway btetwene Boston & Springfeild about one [day's] ioyrny from either. For the Setling wherrof wee do offerr \nto [the] coiut tliat which followeth 1 : That therre bee a meet proportion of land granted & laid out [for a] town in the best forrme the ])lace wil bearre about the [area] of eight miles squarre 2 : That a prrudent and able Comittee Bee appointed and im- l)r)[wered] by this courrt, to lay it out, to admit inhal)itants and orderr the affairres of this place, in formeing the towne, granting lotts [and] dirretting ^: orrderring all matterrs of a prudentiall nature, [nnlill] the ])lace be setled with a sufi-. (ient nuniberr of inliabilants & psons [of] discretion to orr- derr the affaires therrof in the iudgment of the cou[rt] 3 : That due carre be taken by the Said comittee, that a good ministerr [of] Crods word 1 ee placed therre, as Soone as may 14 Records of tJie Pj'oprietors. [1669. bee, that Such people [as may] therre bee planted may not line like lambs in a large place 4 : That therre be two or thrree hundred accers of land with a proportio[n of] medow in Some conuenient place at the dis- cretion of the Comittee [reserved] and layd out, forr the comonwealth & the comittee to haue powerr & lib[erty] to Setle inhabitants therrvpon forr hues orr time vpon a smal Rent to bee paid afterr the firste Seauen yearres Daniel Gookin Edward Johnson Andrew Belcher The Court approues of this rreturne, & orders that Capt Daniel Go[okin], Capt Thomas Prrentice, m'' Daniel Henchman & leist Richard Beeres [be] a Committee orr any thrree of them wherrof Capt Gookin to bee one as is desirred and rreturned. This is a true coppy taken ovt of the Courts records as Attest Edward Rawson Secret. At a meeting held in June, 1669, the Committee subscribed to the following articles and rules for the government of the proposed settlement: The names of the Comitte Psent Daniel Gookin Esq Records of the orrderrs and Agrreements of the Comittee appointed (S: authorized by the Caf- Tlwmas Prentice Generall Court, forr mannaging M"" Daniel Henclunan j & orderring a new plantation about forrteen miles westward from marlborouh near Quandsitamund pond : now Called Worces- ter which arre laid as foundation princijjles & Rules concerning the affayres of that place : concluded at A meeting of the Comitte in Cambridge July 6"' 1669 I It is agreed, & concluded by the Said Comittee, that this place at p't by rreason of Straitnes of meddow, cannot wel l)ee prroporrtioned to aboue ninty twenty fiue accerr house lotts at p'^^scnt 1669.] Worcestci', Massachusetts. 15 2 II is agreed and t (included Uiese lolls shall bee ijrropticjned as folows the meanest inhabitant, not to haue les then an twenty fine ac [re] honse lot; others two iwcnty hue accerr lotts, otherrs three twenl)' hue acrer house lotts & Some fowerr 25 acer house lolts wherin rrespe6t is [to] bee had to the qual- ity, estate, usei'ulnes and otherr considerations [of] the psons & family, vnto whome these lotts arre granted, according [as] the comittee in y"" discretion Shal think expedient. 3 It is agreed ordered i\: established that all allowances to the inainteyn[ence] of the minstry, and all lowne Rates Shalbc ])aid (S: j)rroi)ortioned vpon the inhabitants, from time to time \- torr euer according to proport[ion] cv diuision of hcnise lots : that is to say, if a twenty fuic accer lot [is] required to pay one Shilling then two twenty fine accer lotts is to p[ay] two Shillings three 25 accer lots three Shillings & hee y' hath fower tvve[nty] fiue accere lotts fower Shilling & the Same proportion in greater [or] lesser Sums (exept vpon experience it bee found inconueient in at\err time and So bee allerred by the comittee w'h the Generall consent of the people & propritorrs in the lots : 4 It is ordered & agreed that all diuision of medow land and otherr aflerr diuisions of land within the Said towne Shalbe made answerable & in i)ro [portion] to the house lotts & also all diuisions of woods timberr & i)astorage vvh[ich shall] or may hearafterr hapen to be diuided or apropriated Shalbe rregulated acco[rding] to the grants of the house lots 5 That this towne shalbe cast into so many diuisions orr endships as mayest bee most conuenient forr accomodation of the peo- ple forr improuement in the most aduantagious mannerr both of the comons & propritys 6 Thai there bee large high waies left both betwenc the diuisions & among [the] lotts forr the turning X: driuing Catle into the comons and conuenient pastures forr sheep 7 That the propritorr of each lot doe keepe cleare the high wy against his lott of vnderrwood, and wherre a way lies betwene tw(^ lolls earh proiirieter is to cleare the vnderwood aganst 1 6 Records of the Proprietors. [1669. his lot, so farre as }*^ halfe of the high way & all this is to be don from time to time vpon the penalty of paying Sixpence forr euery rod vncleared of vnder wood wch penaltys arre to be paid to the towne in a way of forrfeit for Such neglect & the mony So forfeited Shalbe imploy[ed] forr clearing the high wayes wherre it is omitted & negle(Sled 8 : That the most conuenient place nearest the midle of the towne & adjacent to [the] ministerrs lot At the appointment of the Comitte bee set aparte & improu[ed] forr placeing the meeting house forr the worship of God vpon it and that a conuenient lot of fifty acers : for the pprity of the first min- ister bee laide out as nearre as may bee to the said place forr a meeting house. 9 That their bee a l[ot of] fifty aceres laitl in the next conue- nient place [not] farre [from the forr the ministry that shall suceed in that villiage [in fiiture times lotts for the first minister & ministry shall haue [the same (juan- tity [6] 10 It is orderred and agreed that those persons who make the firrst beginning to setle this towne may make improucment (with the allowance of the Comittee orr any two of them) of any medow orr Indian broken vj) land though it fall not with- in theirr lotts, & if such imprcnierr Shall fence anny part therr- of the pson in whose lot such improuement or fencing shall fall, when it is diuided, Shall pay and satisfy the first improu- err answerable to the benifit that shall acrew to him or them by such fencing & improuement to bee agreed betwene the pties to mutuall satisfadlion, but in case of difference it Shalbe determined by this comittee or seleftmen if Such Shalbe at y' time II It is ordered & concluded that all comon charges that Shal orr may arise orr bee expended forr the Generall good X: be- hoofe of this towne, as purchase of the Indians, Field Suruaing of the towne & drawing a plat of it, laying out lotts, of comon concernc, procuring a minister pouiding for him building a ministerrs house, orr meeting house orr any otherr niatterr or 1669.] Worcester, MassacJiiisctts, 17 thin^f conducing to the publickc wclfarrc or good of the place, Shall all bee ])aid tS: prouided forr by a common Stock rraised vpon the inhabitants in jjporlion according to their rrespecftiue grants & house lotts ; (that of the ministers & ministry & Scoole only exepted) And if any morre lotts Shalbe granted afterr the first setling the towne, beeforre they bee entered in the towne book & confirmed to the grantee they Shall i)ay their proportion, vnto such comon charges : that haue been forrmer- ly ex])en(led orr disbursed forr the vse of the towne 12 That their bee a place rreserued in comon nearre the centerr of the towne conucnient forr that purrpose about twenty aceres forr a trayning place & to set a Scoole house vpon as nearre as may bee wherre the meeting house Shalbe placed 13 It is on-dered & concluded that all who haue lotts granted & laid out and acept therrof & they arre entered in the towne booke Shall make improue[ment] & Setle an inhabitant ac- ceptable to the comittee within three yearcs afterr their grant is confirmed & pay theirr proporrtion of comon charges as aboue, otherrwise the Said lot or lotts Shall rreturne againe into the hands of the Comittee to be disposed of to any otherr pson ; \: the pty so for[feiting] his or therre lot to loose his proporrtion of any comon charge disbursed l)y [him] prouided allwais the Comitte doth rreserue power in their hands to dis- [pense] with the stricStness of this orrder in case of the hand of diuine puidence disabeling Such a pson orr otherr iust rreason forr such an omision 14 That forr the incouragement of building a corn mill & saw mill within the p''sin6ls of the Said towne & forr the comon I'.enefit therrof It is ordered an[d] ag[r]eed by the Comitte that any place vj^on the rriuer orr brook called the mill brook Running not farre from the olil Indian forrt through the med- owes neare the Road way bee reserued to set a come mill & Saw mil vpon, in the most fit place therrof with free agress i\: regress to iS: from it and about an accer of ground laid to it for to build a house for a miller, to bee aproprietatatcd to y*^ PROP. REG. - 1 8 Records of the Proprietoi's. [ 1 669. mill, more [over] do grant a fifty accer lot with all acomoda- tions to it vnto such pson or psons [as] Shall build & main- teyne Said mills, the lot is to bee laid out with most Con . . . not yet laid out, also liberty is granted to the owners of the Saw mill to cut timber vpon any lands to Saw forr the vse of y* towne. 15 That there bee a lot of twenty fiue accers laid out w*h all aptences & priuiledges to it forr & towards the mayntenance of a Scoole & Scoolemaster «Sc to bee & raimaine to that vse & end forr euerr. 16 It is ordered & concluded that the comittee do rreserue pow- err in their hands [with] liberty to grant morre lotts ouerr and aboue those aboue mentioned if they Shal find the place ' capable to bearre it in future times & that it [is] like to cond- [uce] vnto the publike aduantage of the said plantation, & Such lots arre to ha[ve] theirr proportion in otherr diuisions they paying theirr due proportion [of the] comon charges 17 That there bee two hundred & fifty accers with meadows] laid [out in the most convenient place] next adjoyning vnto the laid out for [ ] lots for the according to the of the Gen" court Daniel Gookin 1669.] lVorccstc7^, Massachusetts. 19 Wee whose names are vndenvrritten being purposed and fuly in- tend[ing] (with the assistance of God) to Sctle ourr Selues inhab- itants vpon a new p[lanta]tion nearre fjuandsikamund pond called now worceser & granted by the Honerable Gcr»erall Court of Mas- sachusetts in New England vnto Danie[l] Gookin Escjuire, Capt Thomas Prrentice, Capt Daniel Henchman & Lei[ut] Richard Beeres the Said Gen" Courts Committee appointed to orrderr & Set[tle the] Same, to Admitt Inhabitants, to grant Lotts, & orderr the affaires thereof accord[ing] to an orderr of the Genera" Court bcarreing date o6lober 14"' 166S refferrence therevnto beeing had may morre fully appearre, wee who have hereafterr Subscribed our names haueing lotts granted vs therre the quantities rrespe<5liuely beeing in this book hearafter recorded : & a breefe mention of y*" number of o^ hous lot accers annexed in a Coll[umn] at the ends of our names : wee do hereby ingage and oblidge ourrselues ^ heires execulorrs and assignes seueraly vnto the Said committee & the honble (icn" Court & allso each vnto othcrr as wee are or shalbe inhabitants [of] the Said plantation of Worcester & doe declarre that wee doe & haue taken & accepted of ourr respe6liue house lotts granted to vs ourr heires &: assignes forr euerr : according to the article [s,] agreements, orderrs & conditions beforre expresed & recorded in this booke signed by the Comittee orr three of them & wee do furtherr ingage & bind ourselues ourr heirres exccutorrs iv: assignes to perrforme & obserue & keepe our respe[6live] du- ties & couenants as is aboue exp*" sed : In witnes vvherrof wee haue Sett o[ur] hands No Accers No Accers 20 Records of the Proprietors. On the 27th of May, 1669, a petition^ was pre- sented by the Committee praying the General Court to annul the grants previously made to the Maiden church and to Thomas Noyes, and to relinquish the rieht of the Commonwealth to the meadow lands in the center of the town. The request in relation to the grants was refused, but the meadow was re- leased. Various obstacles now intervened and it was not until the year 1673 that the efforts of the proprie- tors were successful in effe61ing a settlement. The right of Thomas Noyes had been sold by his heirs to Ephraim Curtis of Sudbury, who had taken pos- session of a tracl of about five hundred acres in the center of the place and ere(51:ed a house thereon. This establishment interfering with the plans of the Committee in regard to the equitable division of the land, they again appealed to the General Court to aid them in overcoming the difficulty.- After a hear- ing, Curtis was allowed to retain fifty acres in the town, and in lieu of the remainder was given 250 acres in the general apportionment without the bounds of the place. The claim of the Indians was now to be adjusted, and a tra61 of land eight miles square was purchased, the consideration being twelve pounds lawful money. The deed bears date July 13, 1674.=^ In April, 1675, the work of surveying the land 'Printed in Lincoln's History of Worcester. ''Ibid. ''Iljid. appendix. 1 675-] Worcester, MassacJnisctts. 21 was begun. Lots were laid out, confirmed and re- corded as follows: — [7] ft A returnc of Lotts at Quansicmud Survaid by Dauid Fiske Surr- uay'' don about the midst of Aprill 1675 '^^"^' ^^'''"^' '^'-■'''' vndcrr rre- corded. In the west squadron orr Diuision one the north side of Coneckiitiit Road. (Irraunted & layd out vnto Beniamin [Thomas?] Hall to him iv his hcires forr [ever] A house lot [] twenty hue accers, bounded withe the countrry iroad [from] Boston to Conecktitut S. S. K : Comon land : W. S. W. & N. N. W : Capt Dan[iel] Gookin E. N E. : his brreadth is twenty Six Poles, his length on hundre[d and] Sixty pole ; the side lines of this scjuadron arre all parralel & runne N W & B N ' northerrly the further head line rrunns N. E. & By E Estherly & the end next the countrry rroad the highway is his. bounds. Grranted & layd outt vnto Daniel Gookin eq sen^ to him & his heirs forr euerr a house lott forr fifty accerrs bounded with Beniamin Hall W. S. W. Samuel Gookin his sonn E. N. E : the country road S. S. E. & Comon lands N. N. W : his side lines N. W. & by N I northerly his hed line ran S. W. & by W westerly his brreadth fifty fowerr jiole Granted & laid out vnto Samuel Gookin (Son vnto Capt Gookin) to liim & his heires for euer a house lott forr twenty fine ccerrs, bounded with the country rroad S. S. E. with Daniel Gookin his fatherr W. S. W. Symon Meylins E. N. E. comon lands N. N. W. his side lines runn parrelel with his fotherrs tv: all the rrest of the squadron & his Bredth twenty Six poles these 2 lotts contain 75 accers lielong to iiiaij. Hen Dan Gook 2 2 Records of the Proprietors. [1675. Symon Meylins Granted & layd out to him & his heires for euer [a] house lott forr twenty fine accerrs, Bounded with Samuel G[ookin] on the west S : W, A high way foweiT rrod wide betwnc him & Ephra[im] Curtis E. N. E. the country rroad S. S. E. Comon lands N. N. W. his head l[ines] S W & by W westerly cS: the Side lines of this squadron runne all parralel N . . «& by N 3 northerrly. Grrnted & Layd out to Ephraim Curtis to him & his heires forr [ever] A fifty accer lott in complyance with an order of the Gen- eral Court June 5*^ 1674 : or rather at a Court held may 27 1674 at wch court therre was a difference detirmined betwene the Com- itte for this plantation & y'^ Said Curtis about a grant of 250 accers Curtis claimd in this place ; but his grant was made Nul in this place exept only a fifty accer lot where hee had begun to build a smal house : wch is now laid out & is Bounded W S W with a hiiih way fower polle wide betwixt him & Symon meylin w'h Capt Dan- iel Henchman E N. E : the country Road South Easterly Comon land N westerly his breadth vpon a square fifty pole but his head line are Rombus because of the turne of the country road which begins at the head of his land So y' the length of his head line vp- on the Rombus is Sixty nine pole & Runns N N E northerly \ his Side lines parelel w'h the rest of y'' Squadron Granted & laid out vnto Capt Daniel Henchman to him & his heires for euer a house [lot] forr twenty fine accerrs Bounded with Ephraim Curtis W S W. Leonard Hoare E N E The Country road S easterly Comon land N westerly his head lines are Rombus as the for[mer] and Runns N N. E northerly thirty eight pole his side lines arre paralel w'h the rest of the Squadron orr Diuision 1675-1 Worcester, MassacJnisetts. 23 [8j Granted iV layd vto Dr Leonard Hoarr to him & his heyrcs forr euerr a house lot of twenty fine accerrs bounded with Capt Daniel Henchman W. S. W. Comon land N N E c\: N W Country road S 1'2 his head lines not so much Ronibus as the former because the contry road barre of a litle his head lines beeing parralell Runn N E iS: by N northerly thirl)- one pole : his Side lines paralel w'h the rest (if tlie Squadrron. This lot rcsipjncd vp liy his Kxcciitor Mrs liridget Vsher & in stead there- of fowcr planting' lots conftaiiiini; J 40 accer granted recorded page 24 In the west S(]uadro7i orr Diiiision ojie the South Side of the Countrry rroad in quandsicamd now ivorcester town granted the lotts following yuly 6"'' 1613 Granted vnto Phineas Vpham to him \' his hcires forr cucrr a house Eott forr fifty accers, Bounded with the Countrry road N N W : with the Comon E N E with Philip Atwood W. S. W. with millbrook S S E. being in Breadth vpon the road to Coneticut about on hundred & ten pole in depth to the millbrook about ninty pole, the Side lines Runne S S E & N N VV : this lot layd out by Capt Gookin with the approbation of the rest of the comittee & Although it Should containe morre then fifty accerrs ; yet the Com- itee haue confirmed it to him for a fifty accer lot morre or Less, and this the comittes doth vpon a Rule of Justice & Equity in Consideration of the laubor trauile & a<51;iuity of the Said Vjjham, from time to time in furthering aduanceing & encouraging the Set- lemenl of the Said plantation Granted vnto Philip Atwood to him \: his heires forr euerr a house Lott forr fifty accerrs in the Same Diuision 24 Records of the Proprietors. [1675. Granted vnto Triall Newberry to him & his heires forr euer a house lot forr twenty fine akers Jg^" This lot is resigned vp & Triall Newbery receud his mony Bache from Capt Henchman [9] Layd out in the midle Sgiiadron orr Diuision on the north of the Country Road Granted & layd out (By mr John flint of Concord Suruaior) vn- to Tho[mas] Browne to him & his heires forreuerr a fifty akre house Lott & is bou[nded] with the country road: S: E with Richard Dana N. W. Jacob Dana S [ ] A high way N. E his breadth N. W. & S. E is 50 poll his length by y'' way is [ ] S. W & N. E: This Lott resigned vp & a grant made to him of a lott of 60 accers on or neare the same suruaid by Dauid Fisk platted & Recorded page 28 Granted & layd out to Richard Dana : (by S'' Flynt) to him & his [heirs] forr euer a fifty accers house lott, bounded with Thom- as Brown [ ] High waies north east & S. E. common lands S west his breadth N. W & S E is 50 poll his depth parelel w'h Thomas Brown 160 poll : N E & S W : a high way N. W. betwene him & Joel Jenkins 8®* This lot resigned & his disbursment repayd by Capt Henchman Granted to Joel Jenkins (layd out by Dauid fiske Suruaior) to him [and his] heires forr euer fowrr twenty fiue accer Lotts or on hundred accers for . . his Sonns, boimded S E witli a high way beetwene him & Richard D[ana] which line t.S: his ojiposite bee- ing paralell runne S. W. 160 pol his [ ] lines Run N N W west- erly 113 poll bounded with high waies N [ ] & S : E Comon land N. W. & S. W. B^" This lot resigned & his disbursment repaid By Capt Henchman '675-1 Worcester, MassacJmsctts. 25 (IninUd 111 |;i(()l) \\\x\\\ (laid out liy Dauid fiske Sunieye'') to him iV- liis hcires forr cucrr A twenty fine acccre lott on the north Side of the country road & Runns hy Thomas Browns N. VV north- erly 50 ])ole : the Southwest Side nins ])arrelel to it the same length Line by the country road runs S. W. & by W. westerly 80 l)ole [ ] boundeil with the country road S. E Thomas IJrovvn N. !<: Com[mon] land S. W. & N VV 8^" This lot resigned & his money repaid Iiy Capt Henchman /// (he mydlc Diuision on the South Side of the Contrcy Road &= otic tlir East Side of ftiil Brooke. (Granted to Captain Thomas Prentice & his hcires forr euer (laid out by Dauid fiske Suruayor on house lot of fif [ty] accercs the three long lines are all parralel & runne E . . . . northerly his length 1 60 poles the head lynes are parelel & Run S S W westerly iv beeing Rombus to his Side lynes arre 68 pole : & is bounded w'h Comon land west & north & East And w'h Beniamin web South. ffeV" This lott chainged wth Capt Henchman for two 25 Acccr lott laid out Sam lirigham (iershom Eames Granted to Beniamin web his heircs & assignes & laid out by Dauid fis[ke] A lot of 50 Accers bounded wth Capt prentice North, the lot for & Comon land South : Comon land E. & Comon land w : where it is intend [ed a] Country road Shal goe his length 160 ]>ole his head lines parrclel but to his Sides & South S. W. 67 pol 'X This lot resigned & his mony repaid by Capt Dan Henchman ntOV. KKC. 2 6 Records of the Proprietors. [1675. [10] Granted & Laid out for the first Learned pious & orthodox Minister & to his heires for euer A lot containing about forty Accers morre or less A highway to lye through it most Conuently : bound- ed on the N with Beniamin web & Comon land : the N Side Runns from the Brook East & by north northerly 1 2 7 poll his east Side runns S. S. E. Southerly 1 10 pol & the South Side is paralel to the North line 50 poll, the west line to the Brooke 30 pole : the brook beeing the bounds to the Corner Granted & Laid out To Beniamin Crane of Sudbury & his heires fifty accers his lines North Eighty pole west on hundred pol Bound- ed with Thomas Hall East Comon land west north & South Jg^" This lot Resigned by Crane & Satisfatition given him cS: is now grant- ed to peter Golding of Boston Granted & Layd to Thomas Hall [his] heires liueing in wooburn A lott of twenty fiue accers, East of Beniamin Crane the length eighty poll, the breadth fifty poUe Bounded with Beniamin Crane west, Comon land North East & South These two lotts last entered lye together distant from any other vpon a hill towards the great pond of Quandsicmond to the South ward of Capt prentices his lott about Easte a mile All these Lotts aboue mentioned were Suruayd by Dauid Fiske of Cambridge Suruayor about the midlc of Aj-irill 1675 & Returne made by the Comitte of y"" Gen" Court appointed to order y* i)lan- tation vizt Daniel Gookin Esqr Capt Thomas prentis Capt Daniel Henchman & Liest Richard Bcercs 1 675-] Worcester, MassacJiusctts. 27 more lofts laxil out l>y daiiid fiske flt tliat Same time J 11 the eastern Squadron lying fiext the Canity road to Boston Granted & I^yd out to Josci)h waight' iv his heyrcs a lot of twenty flue Accers boun(k(l w'h John i)rouencler East John Shaw west High way norh Contry road South Bredth 25 pole To John i)rouender of maiden (S: his heires for euer Granted & Layd out A lot of 25 Accers, Houndecl [with] Joseph wayht west, Samuel Brigham East Highway north, Contry road south 15readth 26 pole vpon the Stjuare But the head is Rombus because of the turne of the country road -__ Granted & Layd out to Samuel Brigham of marlboro[ugh] i\r his heires for euer a twenty fine Accer lott, Bounded with John I'rouender west, the Country road South, a high way north, 4 pole wide, a high way 6 pole wide east beetwixt y'' Said Brigham & Gershom Eames. This lot resigned & his disburse repaid by Capt Dan Henchman Gershom Eames had a Lot of 25 Accers layd out in this diuision Scjuadron But no Indian purchase was paid & the i)son is de [ceas- ed] (S: therfore it Signifyes nothing ' These 2 lotts now belong to Capt The : prentis Granted & Layd out to Thomas Grouer of maiden i\: to his heires for euer A twenty fiue Accer Lott, Lying at the North end of John Curtis & John Fay, & John Shaw exept a high way 4 pole wide that lye at the head of these lotts, his Side line 150 poll, next y'' lotts his north Side 100, his bre[adth] 55, there is a large high way at His west end w''h Runns aslant Cutting that end of his lot into a triangle The other end make two right Angls or a true Square ' Of Marlborough. 28 Records of the Proprietors. [1675. John paul of Maiden, Granted & layd out to h[im] & his heires &c fifty Accers, north west of Thomas Grouers But not Joyneing, But a large highway between John Pauls cornerr & the Slant end of Grours lott This land Joynes to John Shaw Second Lott now Simon meylins on the west Side & runs north & by west 148 polle his north end Runns we[st] & bee South 53 poll, his east Side runns Parrelel to his west Side, his South end runns west to John Shaw B^° This Lot was Suruayd But hee hath not paid his indian purchase & therefore it is not yet ratified by ye Coniitte to him Granted & Layd out to John Fay of marlborough & to his heires for euer a fifty accer Lott Bounded w'h John Curtis west John Shaw East highway 4 pole wide north Country road South. B^° This Lot resigned & his mony pd back by Capt Henchman To John Curtis of Sudbur}' granted a lot of 44 [a] ceres bound- ed with John Fay East Highway west & north, Country road South, his head line next the Road 8 pole, his north end Seuenty Six pole Runns E no E Easterly & So doth the north end of all the Lotts in the Squadron his Side lyne next John Fay 160 rod : 8^^ For this lot no indian purchase is paid & Therforetis not Confirm [ed] or Ratifyed by the Comittee to him Layd out to John Shaw [ ] of maiden a lot of 25 Acc[ers] in the foresaid diuision Bounded w'h John fay west Joseph waight East Highway north Coiuitry road South jgg^This man rremoued Since to Another Jurisdidlion i\: hath not ])a[ici] His Indian purchase iS: therforc his lott is not Ratified to him l)y the Comittee 1 675-] Worcester, Massachusetts. 29 M ^ Laid out to Gershom Earns of marlborough A lot of 25 Accerr East of Samuel Erighams Lot his length 1 20 pole running paralel to the Rest of y* Squadron his Bredth 36 pol the head lynes Run N N. E . . poll this lot falls Short of the rest of y'^ lotts at Both ends This person is dead & has neur paid the indian purchase & so the lot is not Conliruul liy the Comitte it now belong to Capt prents In another Sqimdron in the way to Lancaster Laid out J lotts as foUowcs their tines arr alt paretel, tut ttie tiead lynes arrc Roml>us 7'unne North by East Easterly ttieir Side tines To Michael Fleg of watertown a twenty fiue accer lott bounded with High way South, Land not layd out north (S: west, Joshua Bigola East his length 180 rod, by his head line 25 rod allowed Som out for wast land 6^^ For this lot yr is no indian purchase paid & So tis not confinned liy the Comitte To Joshua Bigellow of watertown Laid out a lott of 25 Accers in length & Bredth as michall Flegs is bounded w'h michall Fleg west (S: w'h Joseph Beamis East High way South Conion land north )^^ For this lot yr is no indian purchase paid & so tis not ratifyed by the Comitte To Joseph Beamis Laid ont^25 Accers of the Same length & Breadth of Joshua Bigolow bounded w'h Josci)h Bigolo west, Com- mon land East & North a high way South fi@i°" For this Lot yr is no indian purchase mony paid iV therfor tis not confirmed by tlie Coniilte 30 Records of the Proprietors. [1675. In the former diuision omitted 6^ now entered Granted And Layd out to Symon meylin a Second Lott of 25 Accers w*^!! was at first layd to John Shaw for a Second lott but he relinquishing it the Said meylin is granted it his Hne Runns North & by west Eighty two rod, the other line runs west & by South 5 1 rod bounded wh land not Laid out exept y' of John paul y' joynes to part of his east Side An Acco^ of Some other Lotts granted <5^' the indian pur- chase mony paid But the lotts not hiyd out as yet but ought to bee hiid out if the Said psons heraftcr named desired vizt To william Teylr of maiden A 25 Acer Lot To Jonathan Tredaway of Sudbury A 25 Accer Lot To william Adams a Shoo makerr ] . . t ^4. .^, r 1 o ji r-A 21; Accer Lott either of concorti or Sudbury J ^ These three are the psons that hauc pd the indian purchase mony to whome lotts ware granted hut not layd out Some progress had been made in the settlement and a few buildings ere6led, when the breaking out of King Philip's war in the summer of 1675, put a period to further operations. The inhabitants aban- doned the place in alarm, and in December following the buildings were destroyed by the Indians. The war ended with the death of Philip in August 1676. The Comittee now exerted themselves to re- establish the settlement, but the fears excited by the recent depredations of the savage foe were not easily quieted. The planters were urged to return, but "there was no going by any of them, or hope that 1679-1 IVorcesfcr, MassacJmsctts. 31 ihcy would do so: for divers of th(;m hcMnc;' impor- tuned to l;o would not." lv)r several years the el- forts of the Committee were without success. At a mcetinof of the Committee and others inter- ested, held at Cambridc^c, March 3, 1678/ th(i fol- lowing agreement was signed, but it seems to have been barren of result: \_Af^(i/'' Daniel Goo kin Maj' Dan Hcncliman Capt Tlio : prcniis These aire of yc Cuiuuiittee \^Dan^^icll Jenki)ts Richard Dnna Philip Athoood Thomas: Browne John Pail II Thomas Groucr yolin Fay Thomas Hall Ihomas Skinner John Beamis Richard Tree Michall Flcii,i; [/]r'//;/ Vpham (iViyiiam Tcylcr \^Bc']niamin wcbb [.S'r];;/^'// Mcylin At a meeting of Seuarall persons Intcrcs[te(l] in the plantation of Qwansicamend At Cambridge march. 3. lOy^ I It is agreed by all the persons named in the margent that God willing they in- tend iv pnrpose : (if God spare life I'v: peace continue to endeuo'' either in their psons, or by their Relations or by their purses to Setle the Said plantation : Som time the next Sumer come twelue month w'h Shalbe in yeare of our lord 1680 : — 2'^ they doe ingage to build in a way of a towne According [to] a modell pro- posed by major Gookin & major Hench- man or Some modell equiualent there- vnto for the Attainig these Six ends I Security from the enimys in case 2'-^ for the beter Conuenicy of Atending Gods worship thirdly for Better ImIu- catio[n] of y'"" Children in Scooles 4"' for the l)elter Accomodation of Trades men 5"' for Better Helps to [Ciuility?] 6"^ for more conuenient Helps in case of Sicknes fyre or other Casualty. 3 it is agreed y' each psons lot in y*" towne l)e equal to build \ p- on : & not to exeed halfe an accer In land or thereabouts. 'Old style. 32 Records of the Prop7'ietors. [1684. 4. That all former grants of lotts bee continu[ed] to the pro- ptys 5. that in case any mans Lot bee at to great a Distance from y*^ towne hee Shalbe accomadete[d] w'*' land nearerr the towne y' is free 6 : that the most conuenient place is to be chos[en] &: pitch'' vpon to build y*^ Towne : Somtime this next Sumer by the Comitee & y*^*" majo"" part of Such of y* people as goe vp to view the plase we intended this next may if God please 7 That aftter y'' plase is chosen & pitch'' vpon others that arre not p^sent do ingage to Sub [scribe?] to it & Setle theire This was don & vnanimously agreed by all the persons p''sent aboue named the day & yeare aboue written w'^h is Attested by me Daniel Gookin Sen^ Aticstour In 1682 the Committee were notified by the Gen- eral Court that the grant would be forfeited if some measures were not taken to re-settle the place. The necessity for decided a6lion was now apparent, and Capt. Daniel Henchman having submitted a plan for accomplishing the desired result, after some de- lay an agreement was entered into as follows: The Agreement Betwne the Committee for the plantation of Quansikamund Allius Worcester vizt Maior General Daniel Gookin "^ Ca])tainc Tliomas Prentice (S: [- The Comittee on the one Capt Daniel Henchman ) [p^'^ft] And Captainc Daniel Henchman iv: his copartners on the oth[er] Is hearafter Recorded in this Towne Rooke aco[rding] to couciianl, as followeth 1684.] Worcester, Massachusetts. 33 Boston Aprill 24"' 1684 By the Committee for the jilantation of Quansikamon (Allius worstcrr Wherreas the Hono''ed Generall Court did in the ycare 1668 Appoint «& impower S** Comittee to lay out the Said place to [the] contents of eight miles Scjuarre ; Admit Inhabitants, forme the T[o\vn], Graunt lotts, and order all matters of a prudentiall nature vntill those who were dwelling there, sufficient to maunage af- fa}T[es] as by record of S'' Court may appearre, And wherras S'* commitee in orderr to iust Setlem[ent] of S'' place, did not only purchase of the Indians dwelling there & pak- achauge land to the quantity beefore granted as by de[ed] Record- ed may appeare, But also after much care paynes and charge for a long time, did in the yeares 74 & 75 pcurre S[aid] planters to Setle there, who building after the manner of vverre not when the Indian warr Brake forth ; able to defend th[em] Sclues ; Init (juited the Sd plase to their owne and the countr[y's] great dammage And wheras in the year 78, S'' warr bceing ouer, S** Committee ordered [the] planters to returne to the Said place by the yeare 80 & bui[ld] together as to defend themselues : But there was no goeing by an[y] of them, or hope that they would So doe, for di- ners of them importu[ned to] goe, would not. And no other persons pesenting, the S*^ place was like to bee lost : for in o6lober 82 : the Cicnerall Court the[n sitting] Information was then giuen that if Something was not [done] to begin the S'' place it would bee Lost, Hervpon that the .Said plantation might bee Secured, the first planters preuailed with to ReSetle ; others incouraged to plant . . . .... publicke occasions prouided for ; Recompense made to them who ha[ve] laboured herin ; those rewarded y' Shall forward the Said plase, manufa[(5lures] promoted ; the country aduanlaged, Trauelers Accomodated not any damnified that PROP. REC. 34 Records of tJic Proprietor's. [1684. are Concerned. Daniel Henchman of the Said Committee, pro- posed on behalfe of himselfe [and] diuers in company with him seuerall things which if conse[nted] to by the Said Committee : would become vndertakers to begin the Settling [of] the Said place Vpon this there were at Seuerall times diuers deba[tes] and Agreements betwixt the Said Comittee & S'' Hen[chman] [14] as Aforesaid and at last a full conclusion made of all particub-s & herin after signed by S*^ Comitte & also by the Said Daniel Hench- man on behalfe of himselfe & Said Comp as vndertaker as Affore- Said, and is to bee entered in the towne Booke on behalfe of all concerned & not to bee Altered but by consent of S*^ Henchman as affore . I That all the Said plantation bee diuided into 480 lotts : 400 whereof to bearre all charges, the other So to bee rate Free and disposed of as afterr mentioned. And that 200 of the Said 400 : lotts Shalbe at the dispose of the vnderrtakerrs, to be planted by them and Such as they Shall procure. And the other 200 Lotts to remain to bee disposed of as formerly by the Said Comitte & to bee layd out at the northerly end of the Said plantation ; and the vndertakers 200 lots & the 80 lotts, rate free as affore, to bee layd out at the Southerly end therof II That land for a cittadel of about half a mile Squarre Shalbe layd out on the fort Riuer for house lotts, for those who Shall at their first Setling build & dwel theron and make it their certeyne place of abode for their families : to the end the inhabitants may Setle in a way of defence as inioyned by law, & formerly ordered for diuers rreasons by S*" Comittee ; & Each one So doing to haue their lots there according to a platt Taken containing 16 diuisions : 4 wherof Beeing on the Riuer are to Bee 3 of them for S'' vnder- takerrs, and the first planters who setle with them & the other where the milnes are to Stand, with 3 more in that Rainge, to bee for the S'' rate free lotts, And what land in the 2'' diuisions chosen by S"" vndertakers Shall bee ou''flowne by the milne dam or Shall bee taken vp for worke houses or waies to y"', sutable allowance Shalbe made out of y' Said 80 lotts diuisions, And also what hills 1 684-] Worcester, Massachusetts. 35 or rising r,Tound doth lye witliout the lines of the Sd rittadcll neare thervnto commanding the same, & therefore necdfull to be forti- fied, the propretrs of Such ground if they See good [cause] Shall haue the 6 rod way y' Shall bee next said lines & the way in Such l)lases to l)ee on the out Side of S*^ Hills or riseing ground and if any at their own charge Shall fortify theron, Allowance Shall be made y"" out of what they Shal aduance towards y' worke. iii That each of the Said 4.80 lotts Shall haue for an house lot in S'' Cittadel at least 6 rod square, & y' the lotts of those y' build not therin as afore Shalbee diuided & added proportionably to the lots of those who obserue order & Iniild therin ; and if the l)roprieters of any hill or rising ground as affore Shal build his house theron as in a fortified manner Such a person Shall rreteyne his lot in the Cittadell alltiioughe he build not therin ; 2'^ And for a ]ilanting lott 10 Accers wth .... for S** vndertakers 200 lotts (S: Said 80 lotts Shall bee of y*^ best land y' can bee found next to y* S'' cittadel, exept the land formerly layd out to the first planterrs wh they are to inioy in Case as affter foUoweth, otherwise to bee included in the sd 200 lotts of y' Said vndertakers and wch Said l)lanting lotts for y" vndertakers and the Said 80 lotts, arre all the planting lots that arre to bee taken vp in the Southerrly end of y'^ Said plantation. [15] 3'y and for a medow lott one accer it beeing Supposed that [there] is in the plantation 480 accers of meddow if les then each lot to abate if more then to haue an addition likewise all ce- dar swamps Shall [be] diuided in part 9 whearof to be for the Said 2 So lotts and the 5 remaining for the S'' 200 lotts resting at the dispose of the Said [committee] 4'y and for a farme lott 4 80 pt of all the remaining land in the sd plantation when the cittadel, meddow, cedar swamps & ways are deduc[t]ed wh as suposed will amount vnto 70 accers forr a lott iiii Therre beeing not land for the 200 Planting lotts So good as hoped neare vnto the cittadel for those y' setle theron those in- tcressed there Shall haue to each lot one accer of pine land or other land not layd out as n[ear] as may be to y'' Said cittadel & 36 Records of the Proprietors. [1684. which Shalbe dedu6led out of y*" farm Lotts. And those who will not Setle in y" Sd cittadel but one therre plan [ting] or farme lotts, shal So build as to haue 2 or morre houses within musket Sh[ot] of each other, that soe they may be in a way of Defence. And y' the dwellers in the S'' cittadel take like care as much as may bee to Se[cure] them Selues &: the building therin vntil all can bee fortified wth Sd vndcrtakers for tlierre 76 house lotts After men- tioned, they arre concerned in S*^ Cittadel whether the[y] buikl morre orr less therre arre to bcare their proportion of : V : That the way about the Cittadel bee 6 rod wide as wel as [a] country Road forr worke & passage without & within to them ; and [the] waies in the Cittadel two rrod wide, & beetwixt planting lotts of 40 ac[cers] 3 Rod wide or to y' (quantity which lotts may be ioyned together suble fencing & the way saued to the proprietors at p'^sent wherrc[in they] arre hindered in Comming to their lotts. And that the country road lead vp wherre carts haue Gon towards the norwest corner of the Cittadel & So past in to the Street next on the westerly Side wherr the milnes [are] to stand, that carts as wel as horse may pass therin. VI That the Said vndertakerrs Shall take to their owne ac6l 60 theire Said 200 lotts at there disposurre (S: make Such improuement of them by Such and So many persons (S: in Such time & mannerr [as] to them Shall Scenic good. 2 Shal rrescrue 16 lotts morre of the S'' 200 for vsefull Trades (S: imi)loyes for the promoteing of manufa6turres to bee disposed of to jiersons transient orr fixt that are honest & ind[ustrious] as soone as may bee : 3. Shall aduance pay one Accompt for Seaurall rreasons as well to incourage the first planterrs to returne as others to begin there 4 : Shall endeuor the Running the lynes of the Sd towne with all spcede [that] Returne may bee made to the (lenerall Court for Confirmation of y'' S'' graunt : 5 Shall in Ajirill i6cS3 pnjcure Seucrall persons to niiike a begin[ning of] the Said i)lan- tation wch .Shall there abide at least vntill otiierrs come to setle: 6'^ Shall at tlierre ownc cost with \vh;U speed may bee build [in] said Cittadel two fire roomes to shelter Such as Shall com there to Setle & trauelers vntill therre bee an ordinary for accomodation of i6S4-l Worcester, Massachusetts. 37 \vh[iaying what Shalbe rated [have] granted to him so many of sd lotts as they de^irre iv: the said vndertakers Judge [them] capable to improuc jly that such persons as cannot conueniently at least at first [settle] [i6]themselues in the said place Shall haue liberty to i)Iace a seruant there approued of by the Said vndertakers to whome they may if the [y] see good graunt a lott if desired j; that neither the said persons or seruants Shall dispose of there I. Otis vnto any who arre all ready interested in the said ])lacc vntil ther bee about fifty families settled therre, or to any otherr but who hal bee approued by sd vndertakers 4 : that all who take vp lotts in the yearc 1683, Shall setle vi)on Ihem in April 1684 : And all that take vp lotts in 84 Shall setle vp- on them in Ai)ril 85 otherwise euery ^one] of said lotts shallbee forfeited and disposed of to otherrs. 5 That if those who haue taken vp bnt one, two or three lotts Shall ioyn together (S: put in one seruant for 4 lotts it Shalbe Suffi- cient for the p*"seruing of there interest. 6 That all sd jiersons shall after y'' Said vndertakers lotts & the 80 lotts haue their choise of their land & medow as they take vp the lots & setle vpon them VII : That notwithstanding the Said first plantcrrs haue long b(\-forre this new Settlement forfeited the land layd them out iv had not right to any more then what the Said committee Saw fit to grant y"" for famile lotts, tjiey rreseuing it still in their power to ad- mit as many Inhabitants as they Saw Good if they Shall comply with the now Setlement and pay and doe as others admited by the Said vndertakers, they then Shal not only haue the land layd y"' out but also haue lotts in the cittadel : and fiirme lotts l\: medow s 38 Records of the Proprietors. [1684. in the northerly end of the Said plantation as otherrs haue accord- ing to the number of lotts taken vp by y"". And if they comply not yet they shall if desired haue paid y*" in conuenient time what they disbursed towards the Indian purchase & Suniaying wch is more than they could demand. And the Said land to bee forr the accomadation of the Said vndertakers for their planting lotts. VIII : That an Ac(5l bee kept of all pay recud for lotts & all disburse in setling the Said Towne. That the majo"" Generl bee paid halfe his disburse for the Indian purchase. That what the first planters haue paid y' comply as afforre Shall bee dis- counted in therre payments as others. That nothing Shalbe don to alterr any thing in this Setlement without the consent of the Comittee «S: sd vndertakers That care bee taken to procure a min- ister w'h all conuenient Speede a Schoole masterr in due time, And y' in the interim carre bee taken that the lords day bee Sanctified by the inhabitants meeting togetherr threon to worshij) Clod as they Shalbe. And y' such psons as are admited as afforesaid by S** vndertakers beeing certified for by the S*^ Henchman or his as- signes that they haue performed according as obliged vnto y*^ S*^ Committe they Shall thervpon haue vnder their hands a grant of all such lands as the said persons arre intersted in the Said ])lant- ation to them theirr heyirs & assignes as fully as y* sd committe is im poured to doe IX : That 60 of the S*" 80 rate free lotts Shalbe disposed of as followeth I : to the generall Court who granted the Said plantation in leiu of the land to bee layd out for the Country if so accepted 4 : lotts 2'^ to Daniel Gookin Esqr who procured the Said grant & hath laboured many yeares in y' affayre 8 lotts 3 To the Said vnder- takers for begining the said place ; & doing and Endeuoring as af- foresaid 6 lotts : 4 To the ministry 4 I(4ls, 5 and to the first min- istcrr 4 lotts, 5 to the towne for trayning & buriall places (Jv: other vses 4 lotts 6 to the Sclioole 3 lotts 7 to the first Schoolmaster 3 [lots] [i7]8tlily to the builders c\: mainteyners of a Saw milnc 3 lolls 9"-^ to the [like] persons for a grist milne 3 lotts : 10 to 1 684-1 Worcester, MassacJiusetts. 39 ihc building & mayntayning of for promoteing of vsc- full Trades & for a fulling mill when the place is capable therof 6 Lotts 1 1 To each one of the three of the Said Comittee 4 lotts apeice in all ii lolls for iheir care (S: paines And that the 20 re- maining Lotts of the Said No lolls be 10 of them at the disposurre of the Said C'omi [lice] for the Benefitts of the ])sons who shall lake- vp the Said 200 lotts And y' the said comittee take care of all those of the said 80 Lotts and all that apteyneth vnto them that haue not persons vpon the place to look after the Same vnlill possesed by the propieters of them Signed by the Said Commitee to S'' vndertakers Signed by S'' Daniel Henchman on bchalfc of himselfe ^: Said vndertakerrs to the S'' Comittee The report of the survey of the township made in 1683, here follows: — At A Gen" court hel[d] may the 7*'^ 16S4 The platt of Quandsicamund Plantation (now called Worcester) was presented to the Court by the Committe vizt Majo''Gen" Dan- iel Gookin, Capt Thomas prentice & Cai)t Daniel Henchman, And it Conteyneth 43020 Accorrs the South line runs from cpianssic- m[ond] pond S west & [the] west 1920 Rod wh is 6 miles : the west line bounds Runs North by west 45 min westerly & is in length is 3760 ro[ds] The north bounds or line Runss S west & by west 1920 Rod wh is The east line rrunns along by Quandsicamd pond North 5 '''" 15 '"'"' westerly 920 Rod wh is 3 mile lack[ing] 40 rod, then from the end of y*" pond aforesaid the line Runs N. T> : w 6 dcg westerly 60 rod wh is one mile i<: then Runns N. IJ. w 45 min westerly : 2290 Rod wh is 7 miles iv: 10 Ro[ds] within this plat there is 1000 accers Belonging to mai- den Churrch And 250 Accers to the Heirs & Assignes of Ephram Curtis & there is Remaining 810 accers more then the contents of 8 40 Records of the Proprietor's. [1685. miles squ[are] w'^h is about 2 Accers in the hundred allowance wh is less then [the] allowance giuen to land layd out in the wilder- nes. ■^ Samuel Andrew Sworen «& Allowed Surueyo'' The Generall Court Accepted Confirmed & Allowed the Piatt & Returne / In the new apportionment of land, lots were be- stowed as hereafter appears : — In pursuance of the Agreements aboue recorded The Lotts . Hereafter entered in this Towne booke were granted 6^ layd vnto the Seuerall pson concerned by order of Captaine Daniel Henchman Beforre his Death May 22"' 1685 Dafiiel Gookin Granted & layd out vnto Daniel Gookin Sen Esq sen his heires & assignes for euer the day & Cap Dan Henchman yeare aboue written (Suruaid by Dauid Fiske Nath HencJiman Sworen Suruaior) ; the psons in the margent Dikery Scriant named present. wil: a mulato on lott of about 100 Accers lying vpon xtopher Read the eastermost end of pakachooge H[ill] ^ Ben Eaton The lines & Rumbs are as folow : wee be- gan at a lot granted to Capt John wing^ of forty accers lying vpon the South Side of pakachoag hill of forty accers lying adioyning to the Towne Lyne wee began to measure at the North & by west angll of y*^ for mentioned lot, & Ran vpon a N. East & by East Rhom forty Rod, downe to half way riuer, ' Capt. John Wing of Boston was appointed to fill a vacancy in the Com- mittee occasioned hy the death of Lieut. Richard l?cers. who was killed in a light with the Indians, near Northlield, in 1675. 1 685-1 Worcester, Massachusetts. 41 allius pakachoag riiicr iX: then lurn[c(lj the Angle & Rannc vj)on a north <\: be west Rumhe two hundred & Eight Rod ; & this line (a great ])t of it) towards the forsaid Riuer & including all the low land fitt for to make meddow within y'' lott, then at y*^^ end (jf 208 rod wee turnd the angle & rann vi)on y' Runil)s Southwest & be west vp the Hill from the riuer Eighty polles or Rod neare to y" old path which Runs from the towne to pacha- chooge Hill. Then wee turnd another angle And Ranne a South (S: bee east line two hundred & eight pole & ioyned to Capt wings lot (aboue mentioned) & running on y' line or Rumb N east & Be east forty rod vntil wee com to the angle of capt wing lot where wee Itegan. within these 4 lines is included 100 Accres wood land grond Bounded one N East by East wtli lialfe way riuer or paka- chook riuer & y*^ South by Capt wing & the Rest l)y comon lands A Second Lott layd out the Same day by y Same Surua- \o^ <^ in peysance of y^ Same pso7is alwue Granted & layd vnto Daniel Gookin Esqr his heires & assigns [for] euer on Kjtt \i)on a plaine called Racoone plaine of 80 Acres Rumbs & Lines therof arre as followeth : wee began .... . . . .west Rumbe on hundred & Sixty pole or rods And Riuer on the north Side of it and Runne vpon the plaine i.\: Ranne \pon South west iK: bee west Rumbe on hu[ndre(l] »S: then turnd the Angll & Ranne vpon South Riuer including & all the low land vpon .... bounded by the Said Riuer South and the comon la[nd] .... vpon there lines are contained eighty accers from the towne or [18] The 2 lotts Recorded vpon the other Side arre my Shar l\: propotion forr 18 planting lotts of ten Accers apccse wh is for my first diuision : e.\ept meddow & House or Hut lots as affor. & I Ac6t my proportion of a 2*^ diuision or farme lotts wilbe 1260 * Accers in the on halfe of the plantation as it is granted out Capt I'KOr. KEC. A 42 Records of the Proprietors. [1685. Henchman & vndertakers as is aboue recorded, for my selfe . . . . .... not only of y*" comitty but on of y*^ vndertakers. These 2 lotts aboue are platted by the Suruaio'' among my ... . There is granted to the Said major Gookin & his heires & as- signes for euer eighten Hut lots or house lots neare the mils on the west Side of y" mil : only a highway betwene the mills & those Hutt lotts ; thes hut lotts lye within the limitts of the citadel or towne Ship Also Fisk is granted to the Said major Gookin & his heires & assignes for euer Eighten Accers of meddow land vizt for euery lot one accer to be had in proportion in y^ comon meddow of w'^h eighten Accers Six accers is layd & bounded by Dauid fisk to the Said major Gookin his heres & assignes for euer in the medow vpon mill brooke a litle below the mills w'^h medow is now in the occupation of Thomas Hall of Worcester vpon Rente. Graunted & layd out by Dauid Fiske Sworen Suruy' within the Towne of Worcester in New England "^ order & with approbation of Daniel Henchman vnto Capt John wing of Boston & vnto his heires and assignes for euer eightene ten accer planting lotts Six wherof are for his mills 3 lotts of Thomas Baker wth one hundred And Flighty accers lying in Aforsaid village a litle to the Northward of the Cittadel : being platted in the General platt, made by the Suruaiors & is bounded on the East with mil Brook, on the South with m' Adam winthrop & mr jjcirpoint lots on the west with Sim- son in part & with lands not layd out as yet in part Bounded on the north with George Danson of Boston Together Herewith granted to the Said John wing & his heires for euer F^ighteen Hutt lott vpon part wher- of his dwelling house & Barne now Standeth : morcouer granted to him & his heires & assignes for euer ten Rod of land round where his mills Standeth, together with the priuildge of the mill B[r]ooke to him only & his heires whilst Hee or they keep the 1 685-] Wo7'cestcr, Massachusetts. 43 mills in repaire fur the towns vse, Together also with liherly to (.'iilt c\: fall timber for the Saw mill : for the Towues vsc vpon any lands not Appropriated within the Towne [A]lso to him is granted tS: his heyres for euerr Eighteen [ac]ers of meddow ; to bee layd him (jiil in Seuerll of medow land according to proportion w'h [pjlantcrs, [ig] May the 22"' 16S5 Granted & layd out by the Suruaior Fiske within the Said Towne of Worcester; vntcj the Said Capt. John wing & his heircs for euer as assigne of Cowel of IJoston fower 10 acer lotts a percel of land and fower Hut lots & 4 acers medow Containing forty Accers Situate lying & beeing vpon paka- choog hill : on the South Side therof as it is platted in the Suruai- o's plat beeing bounded on the South wlh the Towne line, on the East wth lands vndiuided on the west & partly on the ncMlh wlh lands not duided, t^' in part on the north by majo"" Gookins lott of 100 accers : Also granted vnto the Said Capt wing & his heires & assignes for a Second Diuision of lands for farme lotts : in due projiortion with any other propriter in §'' place or Shalbe the jjarticukir (juan- tity of w'^h farme lotts cannot yet be wel known vntil, High waies, Cedar Swamps Sheepe comons & other publke lands for the min- istry, Scoole «& Such ocasion are known & measured, & ihe Re- mainder of land at the South end of the Towne of Worcester ac- cording to the forsaid agreements, Shalbe proportioned into two hundred and eighty lotts wherof the -Said John wings proportion is twenty two lotts : for his farme lotts All which lands aboue mentioned with all the priuiledges & Apptenances to them in any kind Belonging according vnto the Generall Courts (of the mas- sachusetts) Grant vnto the Comittee as is mentioned in the Same Recorded in this Booke page first is confirmed vnto him the Said John wing his heires & assignes forr euerr. Morcuer Cai)t John wing Admited an Inhabitant in the village of worcesterr. All the Grants ahouc expesed are confirmed to Capt John wing & his heiies and assif:;nes forr euerr; By the Coniitle of the IIonMc Presedent & 44 Records of the Proprietors. [1685. Councel impowred thervnto by this order dated June ii 1686 don at the meeting of Said Comitte at Boston July 9th 1686 & Signed by DANIELL GOOKIN Sen THOMAS TRENTICE WILLIAM BOND JOSEPH LVND & JOHN HAYNES [20] Oaober 5 1685 Graunted, & layd out by Dauid Fiske (Allowed Suruaio') with- in the Towne of Worcester in New England "'^ orderr & approba- tion of Capt Daniell Henchman, as is by him certified vnder his hand Before his Death, Vnto George Danson of Boston Baker & vnto his heires & assignes for euer, twenty lotts conteining 10 accers for each lot which is in the whole two hundred accers & is for planting lotts eleuen of which lotts arre in his owne Right, And the other nine lotts as . . assignee of Charles Creswait 3 : of John Birge 3 : & Samil Simpson 3 in all nine wch parcel of two hundred accers of land is Scituate lying &: beeing to the Norward of the Cittadall in woster & is platted & bounded in the Surueiors gen- eral platt beeing bounded on the East with milbrooke, one the South with Capt John wing one the west &: north with towne lands vndiuided <& north pond a plat wherof is in the hands of George Danson Signed by y^ Suruaio' Fisk Also there is granted to him his heires and Assignes for euer twenty Hntt lotts in the cittadcl as others haue & an accer of meddow for euey ten accer lott in the Comon medowes yet vndcuided. Also ; y' is granted to y* Said danson ; his heires (S: assignes for euer his due proportion of a Second diuision called farme Lotts at the South end of the plantation of Worcester according to agreement, the (juantity of w'h farme lotts cannot yet be known, vnlill, high wnyes Cedar Swamps, Sheepe Commons dv: other lands for pul)like vse for the ministry & Scoole &c Al w'h is beeing measured & Sub- raited then the Sd flanson is to haue twenty Lots of y*" two hun- dred & Eighty lotts . .of the remaindr acording to Articls of agree- 1 686.] Worcester, Massaclmsctts. 45 nicnt aboue Recorded, prouded all waies & not with Standing any thing contained in this grant he Shal not ere6l any corne mil or Saw mill vi)on the mil IJrook within his bounds nor Stop or or diuert the natural course of the broke to the mills of Capt wing alredy built. During such times as the S** mill Shalbe kept in repair fur the Towne vse formedy Granted to y'' S** wing to Incourage [2i]All which lands aboue mentioned with all the priuilidgcs & ap- jnirtenances to them in any kind Belonging according to the Gen- erull order Court of the massachusetts Granted vnto the Comittc as is ment[ioned] in the Same Recorded in this booke page Is Confir[med] vnto him the Said George Danson his heires & assignes for euer. All these grants of land arc Confirmed by the Comitte witnes hands the day Also dauid fiske Suruaior fully perfe6led the Suruay of the twen- ty lotts containing two hundred accers & drew a plott of it w'"h was psented to & aproned by the Comittee as wee Attest 16"' of August 1686. An Additionall grant vnto George Da?ison Baker of Boston The Comitte appointed by the presedent & Counsel for the vil- lage of Worcester as |R their order recorded page 23 both at the re(iuestt of George Danson & vpon Consideration of fifty Shillings in mony by him paid vnto the Comitte Towards defraying their charges in the affaires of that village Haue granted & doe herby graunt vnto the Said George Dan- son his heires & assignes for euer forty accers of land adioyning vnto his former grants of 200 accers 27 accers wherof lieth the North east end of a pond, and thirteen accers at the South west of the Said pond : both wch pells are adioyning to his other land [as] is cxprsed & manifested in a plat vpon file \nder the hands [of] dauid fiske Sur[veyor] with the approbation of the Comittee for laying out lots psented to vs 29"^ of 9 mo 1686 morre our; is granted iS: confirmed to him S'' Danson his heires tS: assignes for 4-6 Records of the Proprietors. [1686. cuer two pcells of me[ado\v] land as is exj/sed in the Said plot on percl wherof containes eleuen accers lying to the west S west of the forme.ntiond pond & the other fowerr [acres] of medow ly- ing to y* west of the Said pond adioyning to the mill Brooke both percels containe feifteen accers of medow wch is in part for his proportion of medow land belonging to [him] according to his lotts & grants aboue made : this done and Returned by the Suruayor fiske & admitted According to and order of the comitte dated nouember 5th last past & approued by the Said Coniittee this 24th of nouember 16S6 DANIEL GOOKIN Senr THOMAS PRENTIS Senr WILLIAM BOND Senr • [Gra]ntcd & layd out by Dauid Fiske allow[ed surveyor] within the Towne of Worcester in New England [with the] approbation of Capt Daniel Henchman dece[ased] certified vnderr his hand, vnto m'' Adam winthrop merchant his heires & assignes forr euer, fourr plantin[g lots] beeing ten accers each lot Containing in all forty accers beeing in the afforsaid village of Worcester as it is platt[ed in] the General plot, bounded one the East with the cittadel [on] the South with mrs Bridget vsher, one the north with Capt wing on the west with mr peirpoint, Together with .... planting lotts is also granted to him & his heirs & as- signes for eur his due proportion as otherrs haue of Hutt lotts in the Cittadel, & of medow lands and a Second diuision of land called farme lotts, with all other priuilidges & Benefitts to [the] Same Belonging as others haue in the Said plantation acc[ording] to Agreements with Capt Henchman aboue recorded page 1 2- And the Generall Court grant vnto the Comitte dated odtober . . 1668 aboue recorded page first This graunt is confirmed by the coniittee vvitnes our hands dated Granted & laid out to Beeter Goulding of within the Towne of Worcester in New England with Ai^probation of Cai)t Daniel Henchman dec [eased] certified vnder his hand, Six plant- 1 686.] PVoj'Ccsicr, Massaclnisctts. 47 ing lotts (:[oiitaining] ten accers each loi ; scituate \: lying in tlic village of [Worcester] afforsaitl : vi/.l one of the Said lolls being len aceis, lying loll of Thomas Allerton, the otherr fine being fifty [acres] formerly granted & layd out vnlo Beniamin Crane [and] recorded page 10 & by him relinciuished & Surrcn- dr[ed for] Satisfaction l)y him taken & reced, Also to him gran[t- ed of medow lying next to 1 7 accers laid out to S'' Dan- iel Henchman medow, also 5 accers of land for a pasture lot lying [near] his house lot in the cittadel, And also his due proportion [of] lands for farme lolls in ihe Said plantation All [which with] the priuiledges & Benefitts'to y'" belonging are fully . . .confirmed vnlo the Said peter (lolding his heires & assignes [forever acc]ord- ing to the granlt of the (Jcneral court made with iv to the comitle be]fore Recorded page i c\: page 13- 17: [Tjliis Grant is Conlirmed by the Com[mittee] [Gra]unted «S: layd out by Dauid Fiske an allow[ed sur\'cyor within the t]owne of worcesterr in New England |? order (S: [with llie approbation of Ca[pt Daniel Henchman as is by him certified vnd[er un]to M"" Hezikiah Vsher of Boston marchant tS: vnto his [heirs and] assignes for euerr fowerr plant- ing lotls containeing ten ac[res each] lot, wh is in all forty acers which is Scituate, lying & beeing in the village of Worcester, west- ward from the Cittadel & is exp''sed perticlar in the Bound- ed on the north with Capt John wing, on the east w'h a lot for- [mcrly laid] out to mr peirpoint on the South with mrs Bridget vsher ex*ecu[lrix] vnlo Dr Leonard Hoare ; ^: on the west with comon lands : Together with these planting lots is also granted to him (S: his hcyres & assignes for euer his due proportion as others of Hull lots in the cittadel and medow land & a Second iliuision of lots Called farme lotts with all other priuiledges & Benefitts to y*" Same belonging as others haue in the plantation, According vn- to Agreement of Capt Henchmans & aboue page 1 3 &c the Cen- Courts grant vnto the Same bearing date o6lober 14"* 1668 Recorded in this booke page i : This p;rnnt is conrirmcd liy the ("oniittc ns witnes ourr hands dated 48 Records of the Proprietors. [1686. Graunted & layd out by Dauid Fiske Allowed Suruayorr with- [in the] 'Fowne of Worcester in New England '^ order & appro- bation [of Capt D]aniel Henchman deceased, as is Certified vn- der his hand vn[to Mrs] Bridget Vsher of Boston excutorrx vnto Do6lor Leonard Ho [are d]eceased & is instead of a lot of 25 Accers granted to Do6lor Hoare recor[ded page 8 : vv'^h is relinquished by his executrs & is not included in the .... cittadell, & now to the Said mrs Bridget Vsher executrix as \nto [her] heires & assignes & the heires of Do6tor Leonard hoare is ... . granted & confirmed for euer foure ten accer lotts called [p]lanting lotts : containing in the whole forty accers Scituate lying in the forsaid village of worcesterr, as it is platted in the G[rant bo]unded on the east with mr Adam winthrop one the west with the Heires of Ephram Curtis. . . .H]ezikiah Vsher Together with these platt[ed In the summer of 1686, upon the appHcation of the Proprietors to the President and Council admin- istering the government of the Colony at that time, a new committee was appointed to superintend the affairs of the town; and the previous transa6tions were approved, and the grants of land confirmed. [23] After the chainge of the Gouerment which 25"" 1686 : It pleased the Presedcnt (!v: Councill [to] make Ensueing order, hervndcr Recorded Con [corning] the village or Towne of wor- cesterr By the President & Councill Ju[nc] the Elcuenth 1686 Vpon the Application of Capt John wing & ot[her] proprictcrrs in the Said village of worcesterr, forr [a] Comittee to regulate their afdiyers, granting lotts & Gouerneing the place as hath beene in vsc forr the Betterr Setlement thereof. 1 686.] Worcester, Massaihnsctts. 49 It is thcrforrc ordcrrcd that Maiorr Daniel (lookin, Caj/ Thom- as Prentice, m' Bond of wateitowne. Caja Joseph lintl & Decon John Haynes of Siull)u[ry] orr any three 3 of them, bee a Com- iltee (wherof maio'' [dookin] to be alhvays one of the Quoram) to order iS: reg[ulate] all niallerrs Relateing to the SellemeiU of the Said plantation haning alhvais respedt to the Conrirm[ation] of those lands that werre granted or in part or all layd out by Capl Daniel Henchman orr orderr) to the Seiieral ])roprietors thereof. \\\) R.\Ni«)i,rn Sccrty At a meeting of the aboue named comitte at Bos[ton] July 9"' 1686 in Pursuance of the aboue reed order, they made the follow- ing orders for Selling proprieties in the Towne of worcesterr. I That all graunts of land, made & recorded, in this [book] be- longing to that village : which were lawfully Suruayd & the In- dian purchase forr them payd according to agreement P>eforre the 15"' of April on thousand Six hundred Seauenty fiue c\: which haue not beene a6lually resigned by the respeftiue proprietors iv: Satis- fa(?tion to them giuen, as is al[so] Recorded, vnder the Said Graunts, Al Such graunts So (lualified, and not beforre excepted & Retriued are herby confirmed vnto the Seuerall Gran- tees, their [heirs] and assignes forr euer, according to their re- spe6liue before Recorded And the p^'sent Commitee do herby p[romise] (S: Ingage to giue the Said propriters any furtherr [infor]mation of the Same according to the jx)wer comited to y'" either by the orders of the Gen" [Court of the Pjesident & Councill [24]2 It is ordered that euery person or persons, that now inhabite in wosterr, or any person or persons tliat haue had grants of land within the said village, since the twenty fourth of April 1684 From Capt Daniel Henchman Deceased,^ who was impoured to doe the Same by Agreement with the former Comittee as is beeforre Re- ' Captain Henchman died in 1686. PKOF. Ki:r 50 Records of the Proprietors. [1686. corded, wee Say all Such grants of land, duly proued, to bee granted by him Bona fide, which arre not aftualy resigned or forfeited by the a6ls of the grantees : All Such grants with the priuelidges to y'" belonging, & additions of other diuisions of land herafter For the Said village arre herby Fully and Amply confirmed vnto the respe6liue pprieters their heires and Assignes forr euerr, & the Comitte do herby promise & ingage according to the powers to them Comitted To giue vnder their hands a particular confirma- tion of the respe6tiue grants, vnto euery proprieter & to Cause the Said grants to bee Recorded in the Towne Booke at the Charge of each prroprietorr & this to become at the grantees Request as Soone as hee or they Shall pesent a perticular vnder an allowed Suruayors hand of the place or places, bounds, (juantities and Abbutments of the Said grants or Lots to them beelonging. wee the comitc Subscribing do confirme the formerr order as witnes our hands July 9th 16S6 DANIEL GOOKIN THOMAS PRENTIS WILLL\M BOND This is Transcribed truly out of the original paper Subscribed by the Said Comittee wth their owne hands as is Attested by me DANIEL GOOKIN Sen July 10 1686 [28] Granted & layd out vnto Thomas Brown [in the] village of Wor- cester in New England Six ten [acre] lotts forr planting lots with all other diuisions [of] farme lotts & medowes in proportion wth others Said plantation w'^h lots are granted to him, his heires and Assignes forr euerr, by the order [of] the Comitte July 19"* 1686 ; The laying out [of] Said Lots vncertificd by the Suruaio' fiske & the appointed to lay out lots the 19'*' of nouem- ber 168. . and it lieth in woster one the north Sid of the road be- tvvene the cittadel of woster & Boston & is in len[gth] 160 pole & in Breadth 66 rod as it is expressed in the plat 1 686.] lVo7^cesfer, Massac Jnisetts. 51 (lisrribcd i\: bounded on tlu' Souih w'h die 53 142 102 147 v Dauid lligelo 4 Liuermore 6i 90 140 61: Klisha Rice 3 80 '35 97 Jont niarl)le 3 Hey wood 59 •55 lOI John Sternes 5 Eph Curtice 6o 89 '54 103 193 CoUr 'ring[?] 4 H Vshcr 62 121 H7 192 96 129 I'eter Golding 5 Hall — 78 '51 191 192 141 138 141 157 3d I): 172 192 191 Kneas Sater 3 63 109 lOI J IJarl^er '' Nat Jones Joshua Rice 4 4 4 J Leonard "^^ B : Vsher 64 132 117 •31 lOI 105 \ 64: 96 Geo : Paniitter 6 U Sergeant 65 85 157 142 100: James Hohnes James Rice 4 4 J Bull 66 117 no 112 138 160 97: 103 [page! 34 66: 102 2(1 1) see Thomas Prentice 6 I 10 166 98: 5:10 Gershom Rice 3 Dutton 67 156 97 Ditto Junr 2 granted — 81 96 James Rice 3 68 130 160 iTra : Knap 3 B illctcher 92 158 Isaac Miller Josiah Rice Epha Rice Junr 3 3 B: Tovvnsend 69 70 I II 157 88 >43 1392 1451 1-17 104 125 Nathl moor 3 Bull 71 89 150 97 : 70 : 10 School Lott 2 71 127 135 136 152 97 ^'inisters 4 72 ^^5 96 218 Ministerial 4 73 ^Zl 162 72 Stepr Minott [\V]m Payne [Benjja Allen rjo]nes Mill 2 2 4 3 S : Leonard 74 77 73 74 74 77 152 116 137 145 137 42: lOjSoc 196 G :Dan- 105 [son 119 l"-phraim Rice 3 70 no 1391 119 [Jojhn Gray 118 •47 Wald[o] 162 54 Records of the Proprietors. [1686. To On accott of c c ■r. \r. fol .2 .5 . , M ro •g meadow laid out fol Jonas Rice James Rice Gershom Rice John Hubbard James Holdin James Taylor Daniel Hey wood Thomas Gleson Thomas Hagat [Joshjua Rice [NJathl Moor obeda ward aron adams Dauid Haynes Jonas Rice Eliott & Smith Comitte Adam Winthrop Henchmans heirs Kenja lilag Jacob Leonard Richard ward [MJoscs Leonard [Lejonard Hore [Thjomas ISiney [Isjaac Wheler [Paljmer & Compa ditto ditto ditto ditto I?cnja tilagg I'eter King [J] Baron *> iS 20 4 15 4 4 J 4 18 4 6 4 5 6 3 3 atherton Ripley Paine Dll Hey wood Jont Hiibard Isa Dull Gookin A winthrop Henchman Jacob Leonard To Boggle Wing Co we 11 Terell Tomlin Sm Daniel Brown J Rice 39 14S 84 121 > 160 4u yi 1,1!) 40 46 154 lOI 41 "3 167 — 79 42 80 144 — 82 165 4S B3 149 112 127 139 — 106 44 "3 119 131 83 157 108 •35 156 45 lib 150 104 86 150 46 79 146 58 47 126 SO SO 50 115 51 75 239 148 52 130 115 112 116 53 87 128 81 123 54 121 — 78 167 SS 94 "25 56 94 I2S 125 — 94 »25 57 95 95 •25 I2S 58 .Mi M.-> 134 •55 sy 97: 100: gratuit) 1 102 : 2d ^ZZ [P'^ge lOI [ •94 96 97 lOI 103 96 127 100 103 loO: 2d •34 96: 97 104 i- 46 : 146 46: 98 99 100: 75 100 100: 173 82: 246 •47 87: 106 lOI 198 96; lOI 206 97 96 100 To Jonas Rice 99-104 [aboue lVo7res/er, Massaclmsetts. 55 The foregoing records comprise all that remain in the Proprietors' Book relating to the first and second settlements of Worcester. F"rom 1686 to 1700 hut little is known of the proceedings of the inhabitants. It is not probable, however, that the town greatly advanced either in i)Oi)uIation or improvement, be- yond what is evidenced by the preceding docimients. The constant state of alarm and feeling of insecurity through fear of Indian attack, were the great draw- backs to the success of the undertaking; and when, near the close of the seventeenth century, outrages began to be perpetrated in the vicinity by the sav- ages, the place was once more deserted by all save one, the sacrifice of whose life was the last scene in the sad drama. The war known as "Queen Anne's" bcc^an in the year 1702 and continued until 1713. During this period little effort was made towards reclaiming the place. In 1709, a petition for aid in resettlement was presented to the General Court, but was not granted, the judgment of the Court declaring such an attempt inexpedient in the then disturbed state of the country. After the peace in 1713, another and successful effort was made, and from this time is dated the history of the permanent settlement of Worcester. PART II. 1713-1788. Anno Rcgni Anncs Rcgincc Duodecimo. A t a Great (S: General Court or assembly for her Majesties Prov- ince of the Massachusetts Bay in New England, begun cV' held in Boston in New England upon Wednesday y" 27 May 1713 and continued by prorogations to Wednesday y" 14 0<5lober following being the third Sessions. In C'ouncil tv: concurred by the Rcprescntavcs. 06lober 21' 1713 Upon reading a Representation & petition of Coll" adam Wenthrop, Gershom Rice & Jonas Rice &c on behalfe of them- selves and'other proprietors of lands within the Township of A\'or- cester, Setting forth their desire to Endeavour & enter upon a New Settlemeiit of the S'' plantation being driven therefrom by the late Indian Warr : praying the countenance and encouragement of this Court in their undertaking and Such directions and regulations as Shal be thought fit to make them defensible in case of a new rup- ture with the Indians : as also for a proper Comitte to be ajjpoint- ed to diredl in ordering the prudentials of the S'' plantation till they come to a full Settlement &c. and that the S*^ Comitte may be impowered to demand ^: receive the town bookes & records of their allotments and other things from the Successor of Capt John Wing dcesed who was Town Clarke and had them in his custody Ordered That the prayer of the petition be granted and the Honour'' William Taylor Est). Adam Wenthrop & William Dudley Esq. Lt Coll" John Ballantine and Thomas How Esq'' be a Comitte to receive all challanges, State the i)lace of the Town upon .Smal 6o Records of the Proprietors. [ 1 7 H- Lotts defensible, and what else is necessary for their establishment and ordering of their prudentials agreeable to the prayer in their petition and granting out allotments — Consented to Joseph Dudley Coppy as of record Examined Js : Addington S€ct [34] In Council • at a Great & General Court or Assembley begun & held at Loston on Wednesday the 26 of May I 714 The following report of the Comitte for Worcester accepted by the Representhtives, Read & Concurred — The General Court having been pleased by theirs of 21' OiSlober last to constitute a Comitte for receiving claimes of Such persons as are Interested in Worcester & for resetling that Town The S** Comitte do now humbly lay before this Honourable Court an acco" of what progress they have made therein after having posted up in this and other Towns printed notifications for persons concerned to bring in their Claimes, and having attended for four months time to receive the Same they made a journey up thither iv: allowed the claims of all who appear- ed to have been justly Interested there, and also admitted twenty eight persons more, to take up Lotts, Some of Twenty Acres, Some of thirty and Some of forty acres (as ^ Schedule hereto annexed) upon condition that they pay twelve pence '^ Acre for their plant- ing Lotts only, towards the General charge of Surveying and laying out the Town the old Inhabitants having formerly paid the Same Sum, and upon condition that within thre years from this time, I-'-ach of them build upon their S'' Lotts iV occujjy the Same for thre years at least from the time of their building, on penelty, that in default thereof they forfeit their Lotts, to be taken into the hands of the Comitte to be disposed of to others ; Which termes the new Grantees have readily consented to. 1714-] Worcester, MassacJmsctts. 61 now in order to the accomodating the Comunity il' that yicrsons may sit down in Safety, the Comitte humbly propose — i-'l'hat those persons who come in upon old claimes may be under the same obligations er of Acres Coll" Winthrop 4 - 10 acre Lotts Jonas Rice 3 - 10 acre from ditto Rice 3 - 10 acre James Holmes 4 - 10 acre from Dutton Gershom Rice 3 - 10 acre from T'ainc ditto 3 - 10 acre granted ditto 2 - 10 acre Nc 'I'he I leirs of James Butler 4 - 10 acre Jacob Lcnard 4 - 10 acre Thomas Prentice 5 - 10 acre •7'4-] Woi^ccsic7' , Mas sack usctts. 63 Mr" Salter 3 - 10 acre liridget Usher 4 - 10 acre Isaac Dull to Nath' more 4 - 10 acre ditto — 3 - 10 acre New Isaac lUiU to Rice Jonathan [ 4 - 10 acre Jonathan Ting 4 - 10 acre '1\) Diggory Sergeant George Parnicter 6 - 10 acre as Excuf James Rice 6 - 10 acre John Eliolt 10 - 10 acre ditto 8 - 10 acre John \\'ing to John [ ' 18 - 10 acre ditto 4 - 10 acre Tomlin ditto 6 - 10 acre Turell ditto 4 - 10 acre Cowell ditto 4 - 10 acre Daniel Peter & Palmer Golden 5 - 10 acre The heirs of Mr Henchman 15 - 10 acre Isaac Leonard 4 - 10 acre Jeacob Brown &c 6 - 10 acre 1 Josiali Haywood Jonathan Marl>le 3 - 10 acre Jonas Rice Peter King 3 - 10 acre To the Comitte 20 - 10 acre Ministerial 4 - 10 acre To y*" Minister 4 - 10 acre To the School 2 - 10 acre 100 64 Records of the Proprietors. [1714. [38] A List of New Loits granted. To To To To To To To To To To lo To To To To To To To To 'lo To March 'Pq To To 1717 Daniel Haywood & Deacon Haywood Henry Lee from Jont Hubbart ditto from Townsend Obediah Ward ditto from Leonard Hore Jolin Hubbard Benj" Barron from Jn° ALiryon ditto from Wlieler ditto from Davice Isaac Wheler Thomas Gleson Rich'' Ward from Hezekiah Bush David Haines from Nuten Moses Leonard James Tayler James Holden Ephraim Rice Ephraim Rice Jun'' Josiah Rice Elisha Rice Aaron Adams Daniel Livermore Tliomas Haggate George Danson Ephraim Curtice Stephen Minett of Boston \\'"' Payne of Boston Samuel Leonard 'i^^ Benj" Allen od 4 - 10 acre Lotts 3 - 10 acre 3 - 10 acre 10 acre 3 - 10 acre 3 - 10 acre 3 - 10 acre v5 10 acre 3 - 10 acre 3 or 4 - 10 acre 3 - 10 acre 10 acre -1 _ 10 acre 3 - 10 acre 1 _ v5 10 acre 3 - 10 acre 10 acre 3 - 10 acre 3 - 10 acre 10 acre 1 _ 10 acre 4 - 10 acre _ 10 acre 20 - 10 acres 6 - 10 acres '> _ 10 acres 2 - 10 acres 4 - 10 acres IS4 1714-] Wo7'cestcr, MassacJmsctts. 65 [39] 1718 The C'oniiUc lia\iiii( apoiiUcil 'I'liniiias How I-lsfi'' \: Lt Apiii L'.) liaynes to give Certificates for all Siu h of the Inhabitants of Worcester as have built houses on their Lolls & performed the con(hlions on which their J.otts were granted to them ; the S'' Thomas How antl Lt Haynes did on y" 23'' of april returne a list of Such as had complyed and paid the money for their home Lotts and they are accordingly put upon Record viz Granted and laid oul to Lt Jonas Rice by David Hayns Survey- or on the right of 'I'homas Atherton, Thre Ten acre Lotts (part of his Six ten acre Lotts laid out to him on S*^ Athertons acco') bound- ed South t\: partly West by land left for high vvayes bounded north with his other two ten acre Lotts wch two lotts are bountled by land in the jjossession of James Butler & by land now in the possession of James Rice bouned West partly by kuul in the possession of James Rice, bounded East by land left for a highway accortling to the draft Small red oake tree West 154 rod a heap of Stones o o o C/J a Stake 30 acres to Jonas Rice 30 acres o r^ ro o East 74 rod a heap of Stones East 80 rod a Stake Thre other thre acre Lotts complyed with as ^ Certift from Thomas How & David Haynes Sept'' 5 1718 ritor. Hi'X'. 66 Reco7'ds of the Proprietors. [ ^ 7 ' 4- [40] Granted & laid out to James Rice Thre ten acre Lotts on the right of George Ripley for which he has fulfilled the order of Court in Setling Worcester being butted and bounded according to the following plan, as it was laid out by David Haynes Surveyor bounded Southerly by land in the possession of Jonas Rice Westerly by a highway East by James Butlers Lott Northerly by the Lott that was formerly Paines Stake & Stones West 80 rod Stake & Stones o c o o 30 acres to James Rice o Stake & Stones East 80 rod Stake & Stones Granted & laid out to Gershom Rice Thre Ten acre Lotts upon the right of William Pain for which he has fulfilled the Courts or- der in Settling Worcester being butted & bounded according to the following plan as it was laid out to him by David Haynes Surveyor noth by land of James Holmes West by a hijjhway East by land in possession of CJershom Rice South by land in possession of James Rice iS: this land Incompasseth Gershom Rices house & orchard Stake West 2 d S 80 rod Stake t; 30 acres to -o u \. 5 Gershom Rice % ^ u > bA ;> TS N « w 4-1 a 2 stones East 2 d nt 80 Rod an oake I7I4-] Worcester, MassacJmsctts. 67 [41] Granted and laid out tu John Hubl)ard Three ten acre Lotts by order of the Comittc may 17 14 with all right in Comon in Wor- cester belonging to S** 30 acre Lott (lor which he has fulfilled the Courts order in Settling S'' Town) being butted & bounded accord- ing to the i)lan. Southerly by the mill brook P^asterly by the land of James Rice and by mill brook cvLiy way else by the Comon land David IIaynes, Sur' maple 30 acres to Jij'iii Ili.bhard t'th 'y nt 7S rod maple tree l-^ fe Oake Granted & Laid out to James Holdin Three Ten acre Lotts by order of the Comitte may 20' 1714 with all the right in Comon in Worcester belonging to a 30 acre Lott for which he has fulfilled the Courts order in Settling S*" Town, being butted and bounded according to the following plan as it was laid out by David Haynes Surveyer bounded 68 Records of the Proprietors. [1714. Southerly by the halfe way river Easterly by land laid out to Elisha Rice — on the north side of halfe way river near mount Tobscot Every way else by comon or undivided land — fh. ^4, ^f '^. >. 30 acres to N^ James Iloldin \ tn \ N >-> \ t-4 Ui 'S \ ■4-* l-H C/2 in [42] Granted and laid out to James Taylor Three ten acre Letts In Worcester, with the right in Comon belonging to S*" 30 acre Lott which was granted him by the Comitte may y*" 20' 17 14 for which he has fulfilled the Courts order for Setding S** Town being butted & bounded according to the following plan, as it was laid out by David Haynes Surveyor — bounded Southerly by a Lott laid out to m"' Leonard Joyning to Wigwam Hill near Quinsigamond pond Every other way by Comon land — ■ I7I4-] Worccsfei^, MassacJmsctts. 69 While Oake IT nt 5 dcg 10 m 80 rud Stake niarked I T & Stones o % > 30 acres to James Taylor o s Stone IT S 5 deg Et 80 Rod Stake marked 1 T Granted and out to Daniel Haywood upon the right of Deacon John Haywood four Ten acre Lotts in Worcester with all further divisions of land, which was granted his father by the Comitte may 1 714 for w*" he has fulfilled the Courts order for Settling S** Town butted and bounded according to the foiling plan as it was laid out by David Haynes Surv"" bounded north by the ministers Lett South by Ephraim Curtis land tS: Elliotts meadow East by a highway : West by Comon land — it runs cross y*^ mill meadow near y" burying place Wt 15 nt 182 ro Lid black Oake o ^^T^I^TuTD^iel II ay wood and of undivided meadow belonging to ye Town ^ ■*-• ^ 4 acres *^ 1 C/2 Stake % to black birch Et 15 St 182 rodd horn beam & Smal hemlock 70 Records of the Proprietors. [t7[4. [43] Granted and laid out to Thomas Gleason of Sudbury Thre Ten acre Lotts in Worcester for a house Lott that was granted to him by the Comitte in may last with y^ right of Comon &c for which he has fulfilled the Courts order for Settling S'' place butted and bounded according to the plan, as it was laid out to him by David Havnes Surv^ey'' bounded East by land in possession of Thomas & Ichabod Brown, north by the Country road & Every way else by the undivided land, lying at y^ Westerly end of Browns meadow red Oake N W S 29 d Wt 80 rod 30 ncres to Thomas Clleason White Oak nt 29 d Et 80 Rod Stake o ON White Oake Granted & laid out to Thomas Haggate a Twenty acre Lott In \Vorcester, which was Granted by the Comitte may 1714 with all rights and divisions in the Comon land belonging to S*^ Lott for which he has fulfilled the Courts order for Settling the Same : be- ing butted and bounded according to the i)Ian as it was laid out by David Haynes Surveyer lying Eastward of Browns meadow on y'' north side of the Country road (!<: bounded East by the Comon land South by the S'' Road north by land of Benj" Barnes West by land in y*" ])Ossession of Thomas .S: Ichabod Brown I7H-] Worcestc}', Massachusetts. 71 S 2 d nt 64 rod 20 acres tu \'^>. ■^ \^ \ "^ c i liuiiuis 1 lagf^alt \V TT V c 28 Z8 28 ip.t3d f Sf s Xq :y ?sp^\\ 28 33J} ini'FA\ I7I5-] / Vorccstcr, Massachusetts. 79 [50] By vcrtuc t)f a (iranl from llic lloir Comittc for Worcester hearing date Decern' 30' I 715 laid out to Ad'" Winthrop Es(j' forty three acres for his house L(;ii on the West Side ot S*" Winthrops Comitte Lott with one hundred acres for his second division as it is signified in the i)latl hounded Southerly hy a high way Six Rodd wide, Westerly and north- erly by undivided lantl, Kasterly by S'' Winthrops Comitte Lott. This forty thre acres is in lull Satisfadion for 43 acres S'' Win- throp resigned up for a minis- terial Lott a high way runing thro S** Lott i)aralel with the high way that crosseth the Comittes land as it is prickt out Surveyed by David Haynes black birch marked W [51] Worcester Oaober 3*^ i 716 By order of the Honour'' Com- itte, laid out to the Heirs of \\\' Daniel Henchman fiveteen Ten acre Lotts on the East side of mill brook in Worcester, Country road runing thro Some part of it as Signified in the platt : with a Town high way runing thro S** land in Some convenient place, bounded Westerly by S'' brook in part cV i)artly by comon hounded partly north by land laid out on the right of Daniel Turell, every way else hy the undivided land as it is Signified in the platt Surveyed by David Haynes 8o Records of the P^'oprietors. [1716. heap stones .-. DH West 16 d nt 200 rod CO 15-10 acre Letts to Daniel Henchman with allowance for high wayes red ^n*. '„ marked- Stones D H (U i p I I / I / I ' ,0 / if a/ ^ locTs I So rod White oaUe U H pine tree D H [52] By order of the Hon'' Comitte for Worcester laid out to Jacob Leonard of Bridgevvater on the right of Mathew Tomlin four Ten acre Lotts, hounded West by land formerly Samuel Daniels : East by land formerly Isaac Bulls & Tomlins every way else by undi- vided land : this land lyeth on and joyning to the South Side of Bimeleck hill as Surveyed by David Haynes 06lob'' 28 1 714 fullfilled the Courts order Stake & Stones Square angles 80 rodd Stones 4 Ten acre lotts to Jacob Leonard Mr Tomlin Pine tree & Stake 80 rodd Stake & Stones i7>5-] Woi'ccstcj', MassacJmsetts. 8i April 27 I 716 laid out to Richard Ward Thirty acres of land ill Worcester 011 ami joyning lu Indian Hill (\: i;ine Swainp begin- ing at a White oake tree N E 18'' Kt 120 rod To a White oake thence in a Sciuare angle 40 rcjd t(; a Stake & Stones, thence sfjuare angle 120 rod to a white oake tree, thence l(j the ]»la(L- we began bounded every way by comon land as signified in the plat for w'*' he has fulfilled the Courts order Surveyed ^ David Haynes white oake N E i8d E 120 rod stake stones white oake 29 roc -a o % 30 acres to Rd Ward while oake 120 rod O % white oake o ■ W •t ^ Stones 82 Records of the Proprietors. [1714. Worcester Janu"" 26 17 14 by order of y'' Honou'' Comitte laid out to Leonard Hore a thirty acre Lott at Worcester with all the right in Comon in Worcester belonging to S*^ 30 acres which was granted him by S*^ Comitte May 20"' 1714 lying on the West Side of mill brook on y* north Side Connect, old road partly & partly on y* South Side S*^ road bounded West by a Lott laid out to Jonathan Hubbard Easterly by Ephraim Curtis land every way else by comon as is signified in y'' plat Surveyed by D Haynes black oake bush E isd S 126 rod stake W I5d n 126 rod Walnut tre [54] By order of the Hon' Comitte for Worcester persuant an or- der bearing date march 28' & Sept 20' laid out to the heirs of mr Alexander Boggle at the desire of mr Thomas Biney of Hull in Worcester four ten acre lotts, lying Eastward of pine meadow Westward of mr Halls Lott joyhing to millstone hill bounded West- erly by land in possession of Isaac Wheler in part & in part by comon land, northerly & Easterly by comon land, Southerly by the new road leading from Jonas Rice to the pond as the trees are now marked & Signified in the plat for which Thomas Biney has complyed with the order of Court D Haynes Sur' white oake heap stones T B \ n w i7d nt 140 rod \ 4 Ten acre lotts to a Boggle \ Thomas Biney 10 «\ Grey oake T B SE 17S 112 rod heap stones T B I7I4] Worceskr, Massachusetts. 83 Deceml)' 20' 1714 iJy the order of the C'oniittc for W'orrcstcr laid out to Isaac Wlielcr Sen' of lucdlicld four Ten acre Lutl.-^ for a house Lott bounded S W by pine meadow, every way else by couKJU and undi\ided land, l\ing between pine meadow hill & rockey hill : eastward of Rattle Snake den as signified in y"" plat with all right in comon belonging to a 40 acre Lott provided he settle there for w'*' he has complyed with the Courts order I) Haynes Sun^' heap stones 102 rod Slake & Stones ON (jiey oake 40 acres to Isaac Wlieler provided he settle in Worcester himselfe S \V I7d W 102 rod ON O uhile oake [55]\Vorcester novemb' 14' 1714 By order of the Honou' Comitte for Worcester at the desire of m" Sarah Tomlin I have perambu- lated & renewed the bounds of Eighteen ten acre lotts besides Hutt lotts formerly Capt John Wings : bounded South by a high way or ministers land, tutching the N E Corner of Bridget Ushers Lott, bounded West by undivided land, north by undivided in part & partly by mill brook; East by mill brook and undivided land as Signified in y^ platt '{^ D Haynes Siu'' for w"'' mess' Palmer &c have fulfilled the Courts order 84 Records of the Proprietors. [^715- V\ IE{ N ; 14-5 ROD This farme formerly Capt John Wings In Worcester q' 18 - 10 acre lotts besides Hutt lotts iS [56] Worcester march 19' 1715 Laid out & renewed the bounds of Six Ten acre Lotts to m" Sarah Tomlin in Worcester on the East Side of mill brook bounded b}- y Citadel in i)art northerly in l)art by land laid out to Henchman, every way else by Comon land : This was on the right of Daniel 'I'urel and laid out by the Hon' Comittes order also ffour Ten acre Lotts to m" Sarah Tomlin on liogachoge hill on Cowclls right bounded South with the Town line I'^ast with land undivided : West X: i)arUy north by lands not divided, partly on y''' north by maj' dukins 100 acres also Six Hutt Lotts on the East side of mill brook on the right of 7H-] Worcester, MassacJuisctts. 85 m' (ioklin bDiiiuled West by S'' brook, South by y*" ministers Lott, every way else by coinoii land : a highway six rod wide thro S'' hut Letts as signified in y'^'' iilalt by David Haynes Sur' White oake 40 rod Stake & Stones black oake W 7d n 60 rod o c o __ ■f ? O o T3 5 Stake & 40 rod Stake & Stones White oake E 7d S 60 rod black Stones Stones 46 rod Stake oake 6 hut lott to Tonilin Stones 46 rod Stake [57] Worcester Dec' 20 1714 By order of the Hono' Comitte laid out and renewed the bounds of ffour Ten acre lotts at Wor- cester to Sarah Tomlin upon the right of Isaac Tomlin : bounded South & West by a highway north by land formerly Samuel Dan- iels in part & partly by land in the possession of Jacob Leonard : 86 Records of the Proprietors. [1714. East by undivided land as it is signified in the plat, this land ly- eth Easterly from the place that was formerly Isaac Bulls joyning to rockey hill Surveyed by D Haynes Mack oake Messr Palmer oulton & Waldo fulhlled ye Lourts order Stones S 2d E 80 rod Mac 4 - 10 acre Lotts T3 Sarah Tomlin 11 h w o 00 •Xl Stake (S: Stones n 2d \V 80 rod Stones Worcester nov' 4' 1 7 1 4 By order of y''* Honoun Comitte and at the desire of m" Tomlin laid out and renewed the bounds of 37 acres & \i^o\jic\ rod of land on the right of Samuel Daniel bounded South by land laid out on the right of Isaac Tomlin East by land in possession of Jacob Lenerd, West by a highway, north partly by James Butlers land, partly comon lying West of Bimeleck hill joyning to oake hill as surveyed by D Haynes Stones W : 2d S 69 rod Stake 37 acres 15 rod to « ^ nirs Tomlin 1 ^ 2 on Samuel Daniels rij^ht >3 >3 > c Stak ■X. e W 3d n 65 rod J, 16 1-4 acres to Sarah Tomlin on sd Daniels right % Stake Stake & Stones E 2d n 69 rod Stones oake tre E 3d S 65 rod oake tre joyning to ye north of the other Lotts on ye VV side of T.indec hill W by a highway I7I4-] Worcester, Massachusetts. 87 [58] Worcester nuv' 10' 17 14 By order of the Comitte laid out at y" desire of Thomas & Ichabod Brown of new Town Six Ten acre Lotts in Worcester bounded Easterly northerly & Westerly by undivided land Southerly l)y Thomas Gleasons Loti. 'I'his land lyeth in & joyning to a meadow called Browns meadow on boath sides of y" Country road with allowance for it & the bounds of S** land is renewed ^: Surveyed by David Haynes Surv"" for Worcester Stones iS; Stake S Ijy W id W 166 rod Stones \' Slake * I .« On O O 6 - 10 acre Lotts to Thomas & Jacob Brown \\itli allowance of ye Country road 6 rod thro it as formerly laid out 8^ o white oake Square angle 166 rod Stake at ye S end Meadow Janu' 29' I 7 14 By order of the Comitte laid out to Jonas Rice a Thirty acre Lott in Worcester with all right in comon belonging to S** 30 acre Lott which was granted him by y"' Comitte may 20 1 714 lying on both sides mill brook runing on cedar Swamp plain bounded Southerly by a highway, every way else by comon land and the great Cedar Swamp as signified in y* plat Surveyed by David Haynes W 1 2d S 116 rod pine tre EJni( 30 acres Cedar ■IV lort white oake I R white oake 40 roil 88 Records of the Proprietors. [1715. [59] Worcester march 1 6 i 7 1 4 By order of the Honour' Comitte laid out to John Barron in the room & right of John miriam a Thirty acre Lott at Worcester with right in comon to S** 30 acres granted by S** Comitte may 20' 17 14 to John miriam lying on y*-" north sides of Conne6l road near burnt coat plain on & joyning to Indian hill : bounded East by land laid out to Benj' Barron South by land laid out to Thomas & Jcabod Brown and undivided land : north by land laid out to Benj° ffletcher ANest by comon land near mill brook & signified in the platt Surveyed by D Haynes Benj* Barron Stake & Stones E 2d S 1 20 rod Stake & Stones =1 \ Stake 30 acres to John Barron in ye right of John miriam \ V & Stones W 2d nt 120 rod Browns land Stake & Stones Worcester march 1 7 1 5 By order of the Honour' Comitte laid out a Thirty acre Lott to Henry Lee in y'' roome of Samuel Davis lying on the East side of mill brook joyning to Indian hill : the new road of 6 rod wide nming thro it bounded Southerly by a lott that was laid out to m" Tomlin on y* right of Daniel Turell, every way else by comon land granted by y^ Comitte to S** S : Davis with all further rights &c of comon land & meadow in Worcester now conveyed to H. Lee Surveyed by D Haynes Stones n jd Et 86 rod white ash 30 acres to Henry Lee black oake Stones 1714.] Worcester, MassacJiusetts. 89 [60] Worcester J ami' 1714 ]!y order iA the ll(jiiuur' Cumille laid out to Josiah Haywood a Thirty acre Lott in Worcester with all right belonging to 30 acres which Lott was granted him by S** Comitte may 20' 1714 lying on iV joyning to y*' north Side of Hime- leck hill bounded northerly by land in the possession of the heirs of m' Peter Goldin deceased, every way else by comon or undi- vided land as is signified in the plat Surveyed by David Haynes icil oake E by S 80 rod pine tree is 3 cr W ON o poplar 30 acres to J()ii;ili llayuoijil o v8 W b n 80 rod wahuit l)iish Worcester nov'' 13 i 714 By order of the Hon' Comitte laid out to Ephraim Curtice & renewed the bounds of five ten acre Lotts in Worcester on the West side of the Contry road in & joyning to long Swamp boundad East by Country road every way else by un- divided land and markt trees as it is Signified in the i)latt Survey- ed by David Haynes 5. vV^\^' o'-i-' •aV*^ E C PROP. KEC. 12 90 Records of tJic Proprietors. [1714. [61] Worcester Janu'' 26 1715 Laid out to Daniel Livermore forty acres of land in Worcester on & joyning to little Bogachoge hill riming cross the french river including thre acres of meadow within S** plat, begining at an Elme tree runing S E 1 7*^8 120 rod to a white oake markt from thence Square angle 62 rod : thence square angle 125 rod to an elme tree in the side of a swamp thence to the place where we began as Signified in y" platt Suvey'' l9 David Haynes white oake n W lyd n 125 rod Eliae tre ON white oake 40 acres upland & 3 acres meadow to iJaniel Livernioor a> o Ehne S E ijd S 125 rod Worcester fifeb'' 3'' 17 14 By order of the Hono' Comitte laid out to Elisha Rice a Thirty acre lott at Worcester with y'^' right in comon belonging to S'^ 30 acres : which Lott was granted him by S*^ Comitte may 20' 17 14 lying on the north Side of halfe way riv- er joyning & so bounded by S'' river S : bounded westerly by a lott laid out to Ja : Holden every way else by undivided land as Signi- fied in the plat ^ D Haynes tree oake 30 acres to Elisha Rice o 'JT S E 15 E 120 rod. 1714] Worcester, Massachusetts. 91 [62] Worcester Dec' 23'' 1714 l^y order of the Honou' Comitte laid out Collr Jonatlian Ting Kst|' of Hezekiah Usher four Ten aqre Lotts, bounded East by ni" Bridget Ushers lott : north partly by land that was formerly Cap' Wings every way else by undivided land. This land is joyning to prospedt hill and long Swamp as Surveyed ^ David Haynes Red oake W 1 50! n 80 rod crooked white uake s i^ 7, 4 Ten acre lott to Collr Ting Hezekiah Usher o Stake cS: Stones E I5d S 80 rod Stake & Stones markt tree blown up Worcester ffeb' 1 714 By order of y* Hon'' Comitte & persuant to a Grant ; laid out to the Heirs of Peter Goulding & renewed the bounds of five Ten acre Lotts in Worcester near Quinsicamag pond bounded northerly in part by land laid out to the Heirs of m' Salter, Southerly by land laid out to Josiah Heywood, every way else by comon land, as it is butted bounded & Signified in this plan Surveyed by David Haynes Pop]ar ''''' ^-'^^ings heirs "S^^ Thon^as Hall Stones Stones ^hntj 20 rod oake 92 Records of the Proprietors, [1714. [63] Worcester ffeb' i' 1714 By order of the Honou' Comitte laid out and renewed the bounds of Thre Ten acre lotts in Wor- cester to the heirs of m"" Eneas Salter on y*^ right of Dutton bound- ed Southerly by land laid out to the heirs of Peter Golding, every way else by comon land as it is signified in the platt Sur\'eyed '^ David Haynes Stake o Stake E by S 82 rod white oake 30 acres to Eneas Salter Dutton 82 rod Mack oake Worcester Dec"" 20' 1714 By order of y* Hono' Comitte laid out & renewed the bounds of four ten acre Lott Worcester at y'' desire of m' James Butler on J Butler Sen'' right & newcomb in two parcalls : 3 - 10 acres bounded w' by land in possession of James Rice n' : by land of Joshua Rice South by Jonas Rice, E', by a high way also one 10 acre lott more on S** right bounded westerly by nath' moor formerly Bulls, n' a highway every way else by un- divided land lying at Williams Lott within it there is one acre for a hutt Lott as Signified in y' plat '^ David Haynes Stake & Stones W 80 rod Stake Stone o i ■r. 3 'I'en acre Lotts in ye right of lUitler iS: Newcomb Red oake whitcMftoakc E 80 rod Stake I714-] Worcester, Massachusetts. 93 [64] Worcester may 20' 1714 By order (jf the Hon' Coniitte laid out to Isaac Leonard of Bridgewater fforty acres of land in Wor- cester joyning to Rattle Snake hill hounded South by land formerly in possession of Samuel Leonard, every way else by undivided land : also four acres of meadow iv upland luar to his Lt^tt, bounded every way ])y untlivided land cV markt trees as signified in tlic jilat Surveyed by 1) llaynes 5 o 00 •T3 V. I5fl n 80 roil 40 acres lanil to Isaac Leonard ITS 3 u eg y •73 W isd S 80 rod S •o\/V*<^''lo\^^^^' Worcester Dec' 23'' i 714 By order of the Honou' Comitte laid out to m" Bridgett Usher in Worcester four Ten acre Lotts in Worcester, bounded, East by land of adam Winthrop South by undivided land, West by land laid out to the right of Hezekiah Usher, north by land formerly Capt Wings, this land lyeth in and joyning to long Swamp and prospect hill as Surv 1^ David Haynes white oake V S I5d W 80 rod black birch o 00 -it 4 - 10 acre Lotts A^ r.ridget Usher n 1^ a Stake S: Stones n I5d E 80 rod R Red oake 94 Records of the Proprietors. [ 1 7 1 4* [65] Worcester nov"" 5' 17 14 By order of the Honour' Comitte and at the desire of George Parmiter of Sudbury layd out and re- newed the bounds of Six Ten acre Lotts in Worccs' on the right of Digory Sergeant, for the heirs of Digory Sergeant bounded South by comon land, East and west and north by land left for high wayes : this land is westly of Isaac Bulls house Lott on & joyning to Sagatobscot hill as it is Signified in the platt Surveyed ^^ David Hayries Stake nt id west 130 rod Sto 6 : 10 acre Lotts for u ■T. Digory Sergeant - ^ S id Et 130 rod white oake Mones Worcester nov'' 4' 17 14 By order of the Honour' Comitte laid out & renewed the bounds of ffour Ten acre Lotts in Worcester to James Holmes of Woodstock at his desire bounded South & partly East by land in possession of Gershom Rice, north & partly East by undivided land West by a highway, this land lyeth on both sides of pine meadow brook on the East side of mill brook Suv' by David Haynes heap of stones W 5d S 80 rod Grey oake <2 4 - 10 acres to James Holmes maple tree K 2d n 80 rod on ye banke of pine meadow O o 00 Grey oake T7I4-] IVoi'Ccsfcr, MassacJnisctts. 95 [66] Worcester ffeh'' 2'' 1714 15y onlcr of the llonoui' Comitte laid out i\; renewed the hounds (;f four 'Ten a( le I,i)lth at Worces- ter at the desire of James Rice : to liini S'' James Ri( e on the kiylits of Isaac Bull, lying on cV joyning to y*" S' end of Uimcleck hill, bounded west by land formerly to niathew Tonilin now in l)ossession ai Jacob Leonard East (S: north by conion : also an addition t)f five acres of Swamp & low land on y*-' South Side y"*-" 4-10 acre Lott as is Signified in y'' plat also 4 acres of meadow (S: Swamp on y" South Side S'' lott, joyning to S'' lotts, with thre rod wide round S'' meadow for fencing as is Signiged in the plait Surveyed 1^ David Haynes i^ heap *'f ^'toiies on Snake hill o o 00 W S 100 rod Stake n 80 rodd Stones oil n rock ""^ac/ovv Worcester A])ril 30 i 7 1 6 By order of y'^ Honour' Comitte laid out to Capt Thomas Prentice fifty acres of land on & joyning to Chesnut Hill begining at a heep of stones on the north Easterly side of Chesnut hill runing S 2'^ W 154 Rod to a white oake tree : w 2'' n 52 rod to a white oake tree: n 2'' Et 154 rod to a red oake tree : 1*: 2'' S 52 rod to where we begun bounded Southerly by y" Country rode, every way else by comon land & marked trees as Signified in y*^^ platt Surveyed by David Haynes 96 Records of the Proprieto7's. [1714. Stones 154 rod white oake o 60 acres Capt Prentice O fi- red oake n 2d E 154 rod white oake [67] Worcester Dec"' 20' 17 14 By order of the Honour' Comitte laid out and renewed the bounds of thre Ten acre Lotts to (ier- shom Rice which he bought of Paine, & was formerly Duttons Lott : bounded South by the land of James Butler East by a high way, West by land now in the possession of Gershom Rice & James Holmes, nor by undivided land as it is signified in the platt (it lyeth Eastward of Gershom Rices house and joyning to oake hill) Surveyed by David Haynes ■ Stake Stake S 60 rod 30 acres to Gershom Rice 5 ^_, ■r. C3 Paiiies W w hite oake W 60 rod Stones Worcester march 21' 1714 By order of y"^ Hono' Comitte laid out to Gershom Rice in Worcester a Twenty acre Lott with all the right in Comon at Worcester belonging to S'' Lott of 20 acres which was granted him by the (Comitte may 20' 17 14 lying on grass plain I714-] Worcester, Massachtisetts. 97 on Bogachoge hill 'near the Southerly line of Worcester hounded every way by conion or undivided land as it is Signified in the platt Surveyed "1X8 1^ David Haynes Stake Stones Stake ^ij^ Stones blk oake [68] Worcester march 22*^ 17 14 By order of the Honour' Com- itte laid out to James Rice a Thirty acre Lott at Worcester, lying on both sides mill brook South westerly of obediah Wards lott bounded Easterly by comon land & by a high way : westerly by land laid out to John Hubbart & comon land, every way else by comon land it was granted him by the Comitte with all rights in comon belonging to S*^ 30 acres in may 1714 as it is Signified in the plat Surveyed David Haynes 112 rofl 30 acres James Rice maple Stones «f«ke 40 acicb ^'^ Pi"^ PROP REC. 13 ^8 Recoi'ds of the Proprietors. [ 1 7 H- Worcester march i6 1714 By order of the Hon' Comitte laid out to Benjamin ffletcher a Thirty acre Lott in Worcest' with the right in comon in Worcester belonging to 30 acres w"='' was granted by the Comitte may 20' 17 14 to Thomas Wheler, but now he be- ing on Whelers rights & in his rome lying on y'''' n* Side Connect rode near burnt coat plain joyning and bounded South by a lott laid out to John Barron East by Benjamin Barrons lott, every way else by comon as is signified in the plat Surveyed by David Haynes Stones E 2d S 1 20 rud Stake 30 acres to Tenja ffletcher in ye room of Wheler W 2d n 120 rod Stake [69] Worcester march 1 6' 1 7 1 4 By order of the Honour' Comitte laid out to Benj Barron in the roome & right of Benj" Townscnd a thirty acre Lott at Worcester with all the right in comon belong- ing to S'' 30 acres which was granted by y"" Comitte may 20 17 14 to Benj" Townsend lying on the north Side Conn6l old rode joyn- ing to burnt coat plain : joyning west & so bounded by the Lott of Benjamin ffletcher & John Barron South by the Lott of Thomas Haggat East & north by comon as signified in the plat Surveyed ^ David Haynes Stake E 2d S 64 "\ Stone \ \ 30 acres to Benja Barron III B Townscnd \ \ \ stake \ ^ W 2d n 64 A Stake 1714] Worcester, Massachusetts. 99 Worcester Janu'' 22' 1714 IJy (jrdcr of the Honour' Coiiiiltc laid out to Josiah Rice sone of Kphraiiii Rice of Sudbury a Thirty acre Lott at Worcester that was granted liiin by y'' C'oniitte may 1714 lying on mount Tobscut near to Shrewsberys Lott willi all right in comon to S'' Lott in Worcs and is bounded west by a high way, north by land in y'" possession of nath' moor, every way else by undivided land and meadow as it is Signified in the plat Sur- veyed by David Haynes Chesnut W id S 100 rod black oake highway 50 rod 30 acres Josiah Rice Stones 30 2 % Y. id 72 rod oake Stake black oa ike [70] Worcester Janu^ 28' i 714 By order of the Honour' Comitte laid out to Ephraim Rice Jun"" a Thirty acre Lott at Worcester which was granted him by y* Comitte may 1714 with all the right in comon belonging to S** 30 acres : lying at Rices bridge & runing cross mill brook : bounded Southerly by halfe way river, northerly by a highway, every way else by undivided land as is signified in the platt : there is one acre of meadow in this plat more than 30 acres w"^*^ is undivided meadow belonging to Worcester Surveyed 1^ David Haynes wt oakp ■^^ > -c "^ 30 acres ''.•l ih Rice c 1 IK re )ii( i«'low I'lack oak W I5d S 69 rod IT. Stake lOO Records of the Proprietors. [1714. Worcester nov"" 5' 1714 By order of the Comitte for Worcester laid out to Ephraim Rice Thirty acres of land for a house Lott : granted him / S** Comitte on may last bounded Easterly partly by undivided land partly by a highway every way else by undivided land lyeth on y* n' w' Side of the great oake hill S' W' from Jonas Rices house (also all right in comon to a Thirty acre Lott) as is Signified in y* plat Surveyed ^^ David Haynes w Jchope tree [71] Worcester march 21* 17 14 By order of y^ Hon' Comitte laid out to nath" moor a Thirty acre Lott granted by the Comitte in may 1714 lying on & joyning to Bogachge hill and is bounded every way by undivided land, with all rights in comon to land & meadow in Worcester not divided belonging to S'' 30 acres as Sig- nified in the plat Surveyed "[p D Haynes heap Stones maiked N M while oake N M — S W 26d W 120 rod 30 acres nathl moor white oake N M N K 26d E 1 20 rod white oake N M I7I4-] Worfcsfcr, Massac/nisc/fs. lOI Worcester may 20' 17 16 By order of tlie Hono' CV 4S% RED OAKE OAKE THE also laid out to y"^ S** minister four acres of meadow on millbrook bounded northerly by m' John Elliotts, Southerly by the ministe- rial meadow, every way else by comon upland and markt trees as signified in y* above plat : also four acres of ministerial meadow bounded northerly by y* ministers meadow, S by land laid out for the School, every other way by comon upland & markt trees as Signified in the plat Surveyed ^ David Haynes The Lott following fol 73 was laid out for Coir adam Winthrop but Exchanged by him / order of Comitte for y^ same quan' of land adjoyning to his Comitte Lott Dec'' 30 17 15 when the Lott was appropriated to the ministry by order of the S** Comitte as in the booke of their Entries fol 1 2 may be seen. [73] Worcester novem' 6 1714 By order of y*" Comitte I have renewed the bounds and markes of Coir Winthrops four Ten acre Lotts & added thre acres more to it out of part of the Cita- dell he joyns on bounded north by land formerly Cap' Wings, west by land of m" Bridget Usher, East by y* ministers South by un- divided land as Surveyerown : Southerly by the ministers second di- vision : also one hundred & four acres of land in S'' Worcester on the East side of mill brook joyning to S** Henchmans house Lott on the East and South Side of it boundcMl \\'esterly \: northerly by S'' homesteed, every other way upon comon land (except one cor- ner bounded upon the land of Isaac Wheler also (Thirty acres iV a halfe acre more in (S: joyning to the Breeches in Worcester on the north Side of Rutland rode, bounded Easterly by Worcester lown line, every way else by comon Eleven acres of the Sd thirty acres being meadow <\: laid out as meadow to Sd Henchmans Heirs — ) Thirty eight acres ', of Sd land is allowance for high ways meadow and pond in Sd land & wliat land is taken up for m"" Palmers mill pond one acre in thirty being allowance to make up measure for Sd quan'. The Thre hundred Seventy five acres be- ing in full of his second division without Sd allowance being grant- ed l\: laid out to Sd Henchmans Heirs cS: assigns for ever as is signified in the platts on y" other side Surveyed by David Haynes I'Kor. V.V.C. . . io6 Records of the Proprietors. [ ^ 7 1 8. STONES + WHITE OAKE OH QUoy 6ZZ J.3 p9I iN Henchmans 2d division of 279 acres 6 acres of it allowed for the rode thro it CHESTNUiV!'-""; ''°M0 S 10'' W' 273 RuOO aOH 092 S pOI i3 W lO' N ' 200 BOD HEWCHMANS MOMESTCAD 150 ACRFS STONES DM STONES E+ II N 60 STONES DH BLACK CAKE STONES OH BHEECHES 30 ACHES MEADOW tt LAND ITE OAKE SrOVES DM STONES DM i7i8.] pyo?'ccster, Massachusetts. 107 [77] Worcester Sepf 12' i 71 7 By order of y" Comitte c\: iktsu- anl to a (hant made to nalh' Jones by S'' Comitte for building a ( Irist- mi II in Worcester i\; to maintain the Same in (Jood repair twelve years for the Towns use : laid out to S'' Jones a thirty acre Lott in S'' Town on y' Soutii side halfe way river, \: on y'"' East of r>ocachoi(e hill with ri^ht to meadow X: after di\ isi(jn, provided he comply with his grant ^; pay taxes as other house Lolts do asterly Jonas Rice & James Rice house lott, northerly by land laid out to Jame Rice, Westerly & Southerly by highway — Seven acres of land one hundred & thirty rod lying on the South side of the highway on (xike hill bounded westerly [by] land in the possession of Josiali Rice northerly by the Rode, Easterly by land in possession of martha Sergeant, Souther- ly by Comon land as Signified in the plan — These parcells of land were laid out to Jonas Rice upon the right of atherton in part of his 2'' division to both his house lotts ^: there remain due Seventy one acres to boath divisions Sur\'eyed V Uiivid Haynes ii6 Records of the Proprietors, [1718. S W 2* SSS RICES LANO "Oo^ STONES [85] Worcester Oftob^ 27' 1718 By order of y^ Hon'* Comitte and persuant to a grant laid out for a 2'' division to the first or- dained minister in Worcester One hundred acres of land joyning to the Western side of prospe6l hill and meadow so bounded south- erly & Easterly in part, northerly by land in the possession of mr Henchmans heirs, every way else by comon and prospe6t meadow Lotts as signified in the plat Surveyed David Haynes 1718.] Worcesier, Massac Jiusetts. I I Worcester Oftob' 23'' 171S 15y onkr ot y'' (■(jiniUe iV persuanl to (Irant, laid out to martha Sergeant on y'' right of Digory Ser- geant to her ^; her heirs for ever one hundred iV lifly acres for a 2*^ division in Worcester with i in 30 allowance, lying westerly & n' westerly of north pond hounded Southerly 1)\- land laid out to y'' heirs of ( "apt Henchman, westerly partly by land laid out to Benj" fllag on y'" right of Th" Brown, Kt by land of Thomas Pal- mer i\:c, every way else by comon n' pond brook runing thro the north East corner of it as signifietl in y'' plat \} D Ilaynes C'onion land I'almer «S:c land Whil c>uk< •® n 18 H 278 Rod wliite J X nifirtha Sergeant 150 acres for 2d division wl allowance 00 c a. v. 3 C Stones S l6d W 278 rod 3 r> =r 3 p 3 3 htones tflaggs land [86] Worcester Sepf 18 i 718 By order of y' Hon" Comitte & persuant to a Grant, laid out to aaron adams Seventy five acres of land in Worcester in two parcells viz — ffifty one acres & forty five Rod joyning to his house lott bounded northerly in part by sd Lott tS: by land laid out to James Rice & mill brook : Southerly by a hi>^hvvay . [93] Worcester 061 10' 17 18 persuant to a Grant for a second division in Worcester by the Honor"* Comitte laid out to Thomas Palmer Esq', mesrs John Oulton & Cornelius Waldo nine hundred acres of land in Six parcells as signified in the following platts namely — ffour hundred & fivety acres upon the right of Cap' John Wing, with allowance for north pond, & for a new Road runing thro it, & I acre in thirty for swag of the chain in full of his 2^ di- vision — One hundred & fivety five acres laid out to them upon the right of Daniel Turell in S"* Worcester joyning to S*^ Turells House Lott bounded Easterly by land in possession of m' John Gray, Southerly by land in possession of m' Henchmans hiers, northeriy by land in possession of Henry Lee in part & part comon westerly by land laid out on the right of S' Daniel as it is signified in the platt, this hundred & fivety acres w' one acre in thirty allowance (w''*' is 5 acres) is in full of his 2^ division on Turells right — One hundred acres laid out to them on the right of Cowell on Bocachoge hill, bounded northedy on land in posses- sion of mesrs Eliott & Smith — westerly by the lands of nathanael moor & comon land. Southerly by the Town line, Eastedy bound- ed by land in possession of nath' Jones as it is Signified in the platt Sur\'eyed f> David Haines Sur' 17.8.] IVorcrsfcr, Massacliusc/fs. 125 SN*WH0N2H COM 3Cb M .„8I5 riN«33mrS VMlUVM In thiM'l^^t^f Wings &Turells Land i, contained seventy acres on accott „f Samuel Daniels 2d division in 3 larcells A SCALE OF ROD03 FOR THIS PLAV 100 RUDS TO AN INCH 50 150 ZuO 25J :oo 350 tOlj «!>0 SOO 60 ICO 151 2U0 7S9 30U 3St) 409 ^SO A SCALE OF RODS FQH CDWELLS '-ANO 50 100 ISO ZOJ ♦Reduced in size from tlic urifjinal. 1 2 6 Records of the Proprietors. [ ^ 7 1 8 . [95] ^Vorcester nov"" 12 1718 Persuant to a Grant for a 2^ divi- sion laid out to mess' Thomas Palmer John Oulton & Cornelius Waldo on the right of Isaac Tomlin, one hundred and thre acres & a halfe acre of land in Worcester near the Great meadow with thre and a halfe allowance for swag of Chain, bounded westerly by land in the possession of nath' moor, northerly partly by land of the above thre named persons, every way else by comon land this is in full of a second division on Isaac Tomlins right as it is signi- fied in the platt Surveyed V David Haynes Worcester novemb'' 13' 171S persuant to a Grant for a second division laid out to messrs Thomas Palmer John Oulton & Corne- lius Waldo on the right of Samuel Daniel ninety one and a halfe acres of land, with thre acres allowance for swag of Chain being four parcells as signified in the platt This is in part of Samuel Daniels second division & there yet remains to the same second division of Daniel forty and a halfe acres of land yet to be laid out to make his 2'' division full viz : 50 acres joyning on the Easterly side of mill brook & so bound- ed by S** brook, bounded northerly by the new rode every way else by land laid out to Turells 2** division — 28 acres in two parcells joyning to the Easterly side of Turells house lott, bounded East by the land of m"" Gray Southerly by m' Henchmans land, and also — 13 acres and a halfe joyning to Tomlins 2** division as it is Signified in the platt of S** Tomlins division 47 pr inch white oalast side of y*" dividing line by Lott as it fell and the Lotts fell Lott I -to L' Jonas Rice 4 acres bound n' by comon Swamp & markt trees 2-'ro Jacob Leonard 4i acres allowance — 3-T0 Tho' Palmer «.\:c 4 acres on the right of Tomlin bound Southerly by the town line, all these Lotts are bounded E' by comon upland markt trees & Stones & the West side Lotts are bounded by comon upland markt trees & stones 4- lo Henchmans heirs 5 acres of meadow — all these Lotts are laid out & granted to the proprietors their heirs & assigns for ever as Surveyed ^ David Haynes Great meadow Lotts ye other 10 acres belonging to Henchmans heirs, lies in ve Breeches of his 2d division 134 Records of the Proprietors. [1716. [loi] Worcester Oct' 18' 1716 Granted & laid out to the pro- prietors after named in Worcester in pine meadow for a first di- vision of meadow as it fell by Lett drawn, begining at the Easterly end of y*" meadow f Lott I -To Isaac Whelcr 4 acres meadow bounded E by Wheler land 2-'ro Josiah Haywood 3 acres of meadow 3-T0 James Butlers heirs 4 acres of meadow 4-'ro Eneas Salters 4 acres of meadow 5-T0 Palmer & Comp* 13 acres of meadow on y* right of Wing 6-'ro ditto 5 acres of meadow on y* right of Golding 7-'ro James Taylor 3 acres meadow & an allowance for bad— 8-To Gershom Rice 2 acres meadow on y^ right of Paine all the division lines run N 26'' W begining at Wheelers Lott and so down to the end, laid out and granted to them their heirs ^' assigns for ever, as signified in the ])lan Surveyed 'p^ David Hayncs Pine meadow Lotts 1716.] Horces/er, Massachusetts. 1 3 5 [102] Won ester ()(St' icS' 1716 (iranled \: laid out to James Rice ujion the right of Ripley 'I'hre acres c\: a halfe of meadow with one acre allowance for swamp, for his first division lying on both sides ffrench river, hounded South' iV ny comon & undivided land as it is also Sig- nified in the platt Surveyed P 1) Haynes 142 Records of the Proprietors. [1718. [108] Worcester nov"" 7' 1718 by order of the Hon** Comitte and persuant to' a grant laid out to Nath' moor for a Second division in Worcester, one hundred acres in two parcells, viz. — Thirty one acres & 40 rod joyning to his house Lott Westerly & so bounded northerly by land in the possession of Heirs of James Butler Sen"' Westerly by land in the possession of Palmer Oulton and Waldo, Southerly and Westerly by the Great meadow Lotts, and lands in the possession of Ephraim Rice Sen'" — — Seventy two acres and 108 Rod on the westerly side prospe6l hill joyning to Prospect brook & bear Hill, bounded Easterly by lands in the possession of the lieirs of Capt Daniel Henceman northerly by land laid out to John Sternes on y* right of Curtice Southerly by land laid out to the minister in j^art, every way else by Comon These two parcells of lands laid out on the right of Bull to nath' moor as iiignified in these platts : there is contained 100 acres for 2'' division & 3 acres allowance for swag of chain one acre of allow- ance for a bridle road from the great meadow Sur\ '^ '^ D Haynes o u « - o O '^ U|W u V S \ I'? 7o„„„, '0'> ,-, 1 5/ ^9 acres ,,;, . . '■'^i-i^r.. SlciiR'> land "^ aiJo, ance poj r, land I'S, 7i8.] Worcester, Massachusetts. 143 [109] Worcester novemb'^ 19' i 7 iS pcrsiiant to a (Irant by order of the Honoured Comitte laid out to the Heirs of Knos Saher Seventy Seven and a halfe acres of land for a Second division of 1 ind in Worcester, on the Westerly side of Quinsigemug i)ond in two parcells, viz : — ffour acres on the northerly side of S'' Salters house bounded Southerly by S'' house Lott, Westerly by a highway, P^asterly by land in the possession of moses Leonard, northerly by comon — — Seventy thre and a halfe acres of land joyning to ihc l']asterly end of S** Salters house Lott, bounded northerly by land in the possession of moses i>eonard Westerly in part by S'' house Lott, every way else by Comon land as it is Signified in the plat Sur- \\;i\c(\ '^ 1 )a\ id Haynes Stones C()iiii>n W 80 rod 73 acres So rod Salters 2cl Stones 00 1^ g. ( 'onion land Stones E 80 rod wliite oake 144 Records of the Proprietors. [1718. [no] Worcester nov'' 21 i 718 By order of the Honoured Com- itte and persuant to a grant laid out to Capt Thomas Prentice one hundred twenty four acres of land, to his heirs & assigns for ever for a second division in Worcester, lying on the westerly side of halfe way river, on and joyning to Chesnutt hill, on the East side and West side & north side of his house Lott bounded Easterly partly on the land in possession of macklaland and partly by the Country rode, bounded west and north by comon, bounded East by the house Lott of David Haynes in part & in part by S'' Pren- tice meadow and Comon land, as it is Signified in the platt Sur- veyed '^ David Haynes this land was laid out on the right of Capt Thomas Prentice de- ceased o^\^e f^entices meadow Capt '-■ontnined in \ '^■ ^=*eLou; these Jines/S ^---; '34ac,.es>^ ' '" 30 i.- llayiifs laiul i \V lod S 124 r n;ikc ' KliKill (onion Kcinaiiis to hi- l.,i,| ,,iii 2(> 1-2 acres \ one rodd I719-] Worcester, Massachusetts. 145 [hi] Worcester may 2'' 1719 |)crsuanl lo a grant by order of the Honoured Coniitte, laid out to Isaac miller his Heirs and as- signs for ever, Seventy live a< res with two acres allowance for swag ot chain for a second disisiou ot laud iu Worcester, joyning to his House Lolt on both sides of millhrook, hounded Southerly partly by land laid out to Henry Lee and ikuiIv by land in the possession of Benjamin ftlagg : bounded Westerly partly by land in the pos- session of mess' Palmer Oulton and Waldo, northerly j tartly by comon lanti and partly by land in the jjossession of S'' miller as it is Signified in the platt Surveyed ''^ David Haynes Lees land Coniun land [112] Worcester June 2'' 1719 persuant to a grant by order of y*" Comitte laid out to Richard Ward his Heirs and assigns for ever Seventy seven acres & eighty Rod neat for a second division of land in Woster, lying on y*" South side of the Country rode joyning to Curtis land (S: so bounded Easterly by S'' farme northerly partly by laiui in jtossession of Thomas Haggatt, partly by comon West- erly (S: Southerly by Comon, every way else by his House Lott as signified in the jdatt Surveyed '(■' l)n\i(l Haynes IKor KKC. 146 Records of the Proprietors. [1719. Worcester July 16 1 719 persuant to a grant by order H*^ Com- itte laid out to Thomas Glesson his heirs & assigns for ever Sev- enty five & a halfe acres of land (i in 30 allowance) for a second division of land in Worcester, lying north of north pond hill on boath sides the brook runing into the pond, bounded Southerly by land in the possission of Thomas Gleason, every way else by comon as signified in the platt Surveyed ^ David Haynts Stones Stones S 24d W 206 rod & 3-4 white uake T G Thomas Cileason 77 1-2 acres 2cl division 3 ® n 24d e 206 rod 3-4 Red Oake [113] Worcester persuant to a grant by order of y*" Comitte laid out to Joshua Rice his heirs and assigns for ever, 75 acres (w' 2), allowance) for his 2'' division of land in Woster on boath sides the C'ountry rode joyning to his House Lott near meeting house phiin, bounded lOasterly by an highway West partly I719-] / / ^07'cestcr, Massachusetts. 147 by lantl in possession of Jolm Ilulibard, Suutlily by ihc Country road & comon land, West & partly north by conion every way else by his house Lott according to the platt Surveyed f' I) Haynes Hot, ■•^e ^-Off white Oiike Worcester persuant to a grant of y'" Hon' Comitte laid out to John Hubbard his Heirs & assigns for ever 77', nett acres of land in Wostcr for a 2'^ division of land on y'' S' of y* Country rode bounded northerly by S** road Easterly by land of Joshua Rice, Southerly by comon land and mill brook & land & also Easterly, Westerly by land of Peter King as Signitied in the platt Surveyed p David Haynes ■n. ""■'i'^rco). '^r,U / lohn Hubbard 15 Its 77 1-2 acrc;> Itp •'"(// \. 148 Records of the Proprietors. [1719. [114] Worcester June i* 1719 persuant to a Grant by order of the Honoued Comitte laid out to Jonathan marable his Heirs and assigns for ever Seventy seven & a lialfe acres of land for his second division in Worcester — Sixty acres with two acres allowance on & joyning to a hill West of prospe6l meadow, bounded northerly by land laid out to nath' moor, Easterly by land laid out to the minister every way else by Comon land also — fifiveteen acres of land i on the south side & west end of his House Lott bounded Southerly & Westerly by land in the posses- sion of Benj" fflag Sen^, every way else by his own house Lott and Comon land, as Signified in the platt (an highway runing thro S'' Lott four Rod wide) Surveyed ^ David Haynes Stones 4^ 97i^ Jot)t ^'1 dh '^ 6. '^io. tSc]^ 97 vo^ . Stones •■''^'•es IS: Stones I719-] Worcester, Massacluisctts. 149 [115] Worcester Dec"' 10' 1719 pcrsiiant to the (jrder of the Wovi Comitte by vertue of a grant to m' adani W'intliroiJ ^^^r ^ third division in Worcester I have laid out one hundred and sixty acres of land in WDrces- ter, on iV' joyning to 1 atnuckdiill, namely : one hundred acres on his S'' Winthroi)s right, and Sixty acres on the right of Henjamin fliagg formerly Browns right it is butted and bounded as in the ])latt South by land laid out to ni'' Stephen minett — every way else bv comon land : there is a 4 Rod way runs cross S'' Lott as is Sig- nified in this platt This land lyes on and joyning to the North rode 1^ David Haynes S ■: nes E 244 V>.o^\ adnni ^^'intlll■op Esqr *^\ 160 acres of land 3d division Stones Stones W 244 Rod Stones [116] Worcester Dec' 11 1719 By order of y*" Hon** Comitte and persuant to a grant, I have laid out to Stephen minett one hundred acres of land in ^Vorcester on eS: joyning Tatnuc Hill namely fforty two acres on his own right ^: fixety eight acres on the Right of Rich'' Ward {w a 3'' division, tis butte'd & bounded as Signified in this platt, north by land laid out to Coir ^^■inthrop every wav else bv comon I50 Records of the Proprietors. [1719. Stones 244 Rod Stones "^ Stones W 244 Rod \\ Stones Worcester may 2*^ 1719 persuant to a grant by order of the Hon'* Comitte, laid out to the widow Ward her heirs & assigns for ever Seventy five acres w'*' 2\ for swag for a 2^ division of land in Worcester near mount ararat bounded Easterly by land in posses- sion of Joshua Rice, bound Westerly by land in possession of Daniel Haywood, every way else by Comon as Signified in the plat Surveyed ^ D Haynes Comon wood land while oake W 5d S n 2 rod p Widow Ward 00 75 acres So rod W 2d disision ^ D H a. o 00 o Chesnut E 5d N 112 rod Stones [117] Worcester Nov' 26 1718 By order of the Hond Comitte & persuant to a grant, laid out to Jacob Holmes ujjon y'' right of James Holmes one hundred acres of land with allowance of i in 30 for a 2** division of Innrl in Woster I719-] Worceste?', Massachusetts. \^\ — Sixty eight acres & 40 rod joyning to his hou^c Lull, IjouiuI Southerly 1)\' S'' house, P'.asterly by a meadow of his &: j/ conioji & his way runing thro S'' land 4 rod wide, every way else by comon as it is butted bounded & Signified in the platt — also twelve acres more joyning eastward to S** land & pine meadow N' Hill & Snake hill w' & S' by S*" Holmes land, N' & K by land of Deacon Haywood E' by comon land (S: laml of Isaac Wheler in full of his 2'' Division Surveyed '(j^ David Haynes _44j;od f locHT rt- _w_iod^nt 43 rod ~ Stones, 1 1 ^ "O 1 CJ u s a. tfl ■>■ V ^ S 00 >OJ r-M H Stones •e. JC maple N 2od I 40 rod \ 68 l>t acres of hi- James 2d divi? Holmes ion % i 1 s 20 W 145 rod !)1: < jake Worcester July 16 17 19 persuant to a grant of y' Comitte I have laid out to Thomas Gleson on y* right of Barnes Seventy five acres of land for a 2'' division w' 2', allowance, to the S'' Gleson his heirs rre<^^ »,00 t*^' s^ ^o-^" SSiijvs -ri^r-w""^^"'' LAND 1 64 Records of the Prop7'ietors. [1720. [129] Worcester ffel/ 20' 1720 persuanl to a Grant of the Com- itte laid out to Josiah Crosbe his heirs &c on & joyning to botli the prospe6l hills »& prospe6l meadow with allowance for chain & pine swamp in it & for a way to the meadow Lotts if need be namely Thirty four acres fifty thre Rod & \ w'^'' is 5 acres in full of second division on Col Tings right and halfe of his third divi- sion, the other part is laid out to m'' Jonathan Waldo (as is recorded) this 34 acres of land is in full with one third part of his third division on Tings right the other two thirds laid out to m'' Jon' Waldo (and Recorded) this land is bounded East north & partly South by land of Palmer Oulton & \\'aldo, bounded West by prospect meadow Lotts, East & partly South by Crosbes land & partly by laud laid out tor the School 3'' division, as signified in this platt Surveyed by David Haynes '•- '.S,/ .s7 02 rod Gray Oake I7I9-] Worccsfcr, Massac h u setts. 165 [130] Worcester nov' 19' 1719 persuant to a (irant of the 11 Comitte I have laid out to licnjaniin fllagg Sen'' one hundred acres of land with allowance for swag, for his second division on Isaac Leonards right in the St ])art In two jjarcells namely Seventy six acres on and joyning to the N W p' of little Hogachoge hill, bound- ed East & South by land of m' John Smith every way else by comon as signified in the platt alscj Twenty seven acres on & joyning to IJinieleck Hill where his house now stands, bounded n' by land of Jonathan marble. South by his own house Lott & m' Oultons land. West l)y comon. a high way runing cross y'' 27 acres of 4 rod wide as signified in this plat Sur' by David Haynes Worcester Odf 20' 1 7 19 persuant to a Grant of the H Comitte I have laid out to James Rice on boath sides of ffrench river near litde Bogachoge hill seventy seven acres & a halfe of land nett for a second division in S' part of Worcester, his Heirs & assigns for ever, as it is butted & bounded & set forth in this platt bounded every way by comon land marked trees & stones Surveyed by David Haynes 1 66 Records of the Proprietors. [1720. S E IC- & 103 B':^a [131] Worcester may 18' 1719 persuant to a Grant of the Hon** Comitte for Worcester I have laid out to Joshua Rice on Bridgett Ushers right for a Second division in the South part one hun- (h-ed acres of land with allowance for swag, and for a high way thro of 4 rod wide as signified in the platt also eight acres of land more within the plat of third division on the same right, on the East side of half way river and is bounded South Easterly by land of l)a\id Haynes, north by comon land, Westerly by comon land & by land of Daniel Haywood East by the widow wades land, S E by comon land This land is laid out to Joshua Rice his heirs & assigns for ever as butted bounded & signified in the plat Surveyed \^ David Haynes may 18' 1719 I have also laid out to Joshua Rice five acres of land on John Hubbards right, in part of S** Hubbards third di- vision on and joyning to bear-meadow and swamp N W by land of David Haynes West by m' alius meadow S E by land of Joshua Rice, north est by land in possession of Jacob Holmes as signified in the i)lat Surveyed by David Haynes ST on: c /h BOD STONFS 1719-1 IVorces/cr, Massachusetts. 167 [132] Worcester Sept 12* i 719 ])ersiiant to a Grant of the Hon** Coinitte I have laid out lo the heirs of James Butler and Newcc^mb on their right one hundred and thre acres of land in Worcester on the north side of tlie new road. West from (foldings & John Staines second divisions. This 1 13 acres nett is in full of this right for 2'' divisions hounded Mast hy (iouldings i\: Staines land, every way else by conic m laud as signified in the plat Surveyed by David Haynes .Stones 160 rod E i8d .S Stones James Butlers heirs acres 2(1 (li> isioii o Stones 1 1 W i8d N 160 rod o Stones Worcester Dec"" 16' 1 7 1 9 persuant to a Grant of the Hon*^ Comitte I have laid out to the widow Jehannah Ward Seventy five acres of land in Worcester with allowance, on her own right given to her by her husbands last will, for 2'' division in the South part lying westward of the meeting house joyning to her house Lott Est*^ and to Turkey meadow. South by land of Joshua Rice, west in part by John Staines land, north by land of m'' Palmer &c. East by her house Lott & that of Cap' Curtis now in possession of John Staines as signified in tlie ])latt Surveyed by David Haynes 1 68 Records of the Proprietors. [1720. Joshua Rices land Widow Wards 2d division nn 1-2 acres ston-s N E 4d E 145 >■' Palmer & Compa [133] Worcester nov' 20 17 19 persuant to a Grant of the H'' Comitt I have laid out to & for the use of the ministry in Worces- ter one hundred acres of land on and joyning to bear meadow plain on l)oath sides the Country rode bounded S by land of Peter King W' by land laid out for the use of the School 2'' division N' by land of David Haynes, E by a highway to bear meadow, every way butted & bounded by markt trees, stones & stakes in full of a second division for the ministry as signified in the platt Surveyed "■^ David Haynes fi ^1 Peter Kings ^! land highway D Haynes land I7I9-] IVorccstcj', Massachusetts. 169 may ryiQ ]iersiiant to a Clrant of the Hond Comitte I have laid out to James Rice in Worcester for a second tlivision, on ^ 77 1-2 acies of 2(1 division ^ \ 20 -^ acres of 3d division to [134] Worcester may 10' 1719 persuant to a Grant of the Com- itte I have laid out to Peter King alias Rice 103 acres of land in Worcester on the West l^ north side of cedar Swam]), bounded IC by a high way round the swamj), S' by land of l^j^hraim Rice Junr West by land of John Smith cV- ministry land north by ministerial land with allowance for the high way runing thro it this hundred & thre acres of land is 77^ acres of land is laid out of y' right of L' Jonas Rice and twenty five acres of the right of atherton, laid out to him his Heirs i\: assigns for ever as Signified in the plat Surveyed IvJ David Haynes I'ROP. RKC. 22 170 Records of the Proprietors. [1719. Cedar Swamp&RiS^ii^^^^ o ^^""--o™ ;;«>"•' Rice "f atherton Worcester nov' 19* 1719 persuant to a Grant of the Hon'' Comitte I have laid out to Jonathan moor in Worcester 100 acres of land near Bimeleck hill on the north side of Quinsicemug pond on the right of Bull for a second division viz forty seven acres on & joyning to S** hill Y. of his house lot, \v' by his own lott & a halfe arc runing between his & marbles house lott, bounded N' by land of Golding E by Bineys swamp, S' by land of Insign Jones as signified in the plat fififty iTve acres joyning to the south and West of his House Lott, E by land of m' alien, S' by comon land, W' by land of Palmer & Comp' wholly incompassing four 4 acres of meadow belonging to him, as signified in the plat ]i^ David Haynes laid out to him his heirs I'v: assigns for ever 1720.] / Voi'cester, Massac h usetts. 171 E ^^ ROD BiNEYS SWAMP r 2 o 31 COMON LAND ^ ^' K 100 nOD HOU^g SKNES Lorr [135] Worcester June 13; 1720 persuant to a Grant of the H Comitte I have laid out to L' Jonas Rice his Heirs and assigns for ever one hundred and tfifty acres of land in A\'orcester on and joyning to Tatunnck Hill near Worcester west line on S*" Rices right (S: on the ri-ht of athcrton hounded n' hy land of Colonel niiuott, S' by land of nath' moor, K' by land cjf the widow ward, \\' by comon land and markl trees, Stakes & Stons — This land is 75 acres on the right of athcrton, 75 acres on his own right with allowance for swagg of chain) in full of both his rights for a third di\ ision as Surveyed (J David Haynes moors land Stones W 140 rod Stones Jonns Rice 3d division in full 75 ncres on his o\\n rif^ht 75 acres on athcrtons ri^dit Stones K 240 rod Stake ministers land 172 Records of the Proprietors. [1720. Worcester may 20' 1720 persuant to a Grant of the Comitte I have laid out to Jonathan moor on the right of Bull 100 acres of land for his third divisions in the south part, lying on the East side of halfe way river to him his heirs «S: assigns for ever with al- lowance of 3 in 100 acres bounded west & north by lands of Pal- mer and Comp", East by John Staines South by land of James Holding: also 75 acres of land in S'' S' part joyning S' to land of S** moor, n' by S'* land, west by land of Elisha Rice, S' by y* widow wards land, west by Palmer & Comp" as set forth in the plat this I 75 acres lying on boath sides half way river tS: on the south side of the new road, is 175 acres is in full of boath his third divisions as Surved Stones S iSd \V 312 rod 140 rod Klisha I\ice £ o U CX) ■J-. -5 c Here is in tliis jilat 100 acres of land laid out 011 tlie right of Bull to Jonathan moor 3d division , 'I'o Flisha Rice this 75 acres is laid out p 'J. p" a. Palmer Oulton & Waldos land N 1 8(1 E 312 rod [136] Worcester may 20' 1720 persuant to a grant of the H Comitte I have laid out to nath' moor on the right of Bull 100 acres of land with allowance halfe ])art of his 3'' tlivision on Bulls right to him and his heirs for ever, as it is butted and bounded in this plat, South l)y land of the widow Ward, west by land laid out to Bulls right and James Holdings, north by land of mess"" Palmer & Comp" East by land of John Sternes and nath' moor, Joseph Hubbard & Daniel Haywood also may 20 1720 laid out to Elisha Rice Seventy fi\c acres of land joyning to the South side of tiiis Town on the lutst side of halfe way ri\er, bounded west by land of l-Misha Rice, East by Haywoods land, South by widow AN'anls land in these two platts of 175 acres of land are laid out together butted and botmded all round with marked trees hlisha Kice 75 .^j-res tu iiaihl m.M.r on the right of liull stones |[_j 5^ nil yc lUher side cntciL-(l y CX5 5 00 53 rod Hay woods land llubards land | stones ' S !,S<1 W (/> rod #■* o 3 4. 48 rod ^ o o a. stones WoRcslcr June 13' 1720 jjcrsuant to a Grant of ihc llond Comitte I have laid out to nath' moor his heirs and assigns for ever Seventy seven acres ^ oilaiid in Wcjrcester for a third tlivi- sion at and adjoynin^^ to the St)Utii end of Tatnuck near the west line of \\'orcester, bounded north by land laid out to liutenant Jonas Rice, bounded Ivt^i by lantl in possession of the Heirs of Diggery Sergeant iv every way else by comon land and markt trees as it is signified in this ])lat Surveyed "P David Havnes : C'liiuon land stones West 140 rod stones O nathl n:()ors 3d division 77 1-2 division ^ O 1^ 3 c o Stones East 240 rud lonas I\ices land stones [137] Worcester march 17' 1720 persuant to a Grant of the H'' Comitte I have laid out to m' \Villiam Payne for a third division in S"' Town fifty acres of land with allowance, to him his heirs and for ever in two i)arcells viz : Thirty acres of land joyning to y'" bounded north by S'' road East by QuinsicamOnd pond, west by a hiuh wav leading to moses Leonard South bv Wigwam Hill i\: comon land as it is signified in the platt also Twenty acres more on the Ivist side of ffrench river on and joyning to little Bogachoge hill, bounded west by land of F.nsign 174 Records of the Proprietors. [1721 Jones, South with Worcester Hne, every way else by comon land, w*^^"* two parcells are in full of his thirtl division of land as signified in the platt Surveyed "^ David Haynes Worcester may 10' 1721 persuant to a Grant of the Hon'' Comitte I have laid out to Insign nath' Jones Seventy five acres of land with 2\ allowance for his third division on boath sides of ffrench river, bound South by Worcester Town line, west by land of George Danson, north 1)\ land of Gershom Rice Jun' East by comon land as signified in y*" platt this land is laid out to his mill Lott right, to his Heirs & assigns for ever if he do I'ully comply and fulfill his Grant Sur\'' l)y David Haynes COI/CN LAMD [138] Worcester may 20' 1721 persuant to a Grant of the H'' Gomitte I iiave lai^ out near and adjoyning to mount in two parcells 103 acres of land lo the heirs of James Uutler and newcomb on y' light for a third division in the South part viz : Twelve acres it 140 rod on lioth sides tlie new rode joyning to mount boniKk'd N' with S'' liutlrrs 2' di\ision. S' with I72I.] Worcester, Massachusetts. 175 land of James moor, \v' by land of John (iray \\ by land in pos- session of andrew fferron as signified in y'' plat also ninty acres and 20 rod of land, on the N' side of his 2'' division, bounded w' by land of Palmer & Company N' by land of (Jeorge Danson Y} by land of Peter Ciokling as it is signilk-d in lhi> j^latt Surveyed by David Haynes Stones C TO _ ^' o 3 his 2d division E i8d S 160 rod Stones James Hutlers heirs 90 acres for a third division C/3 "fl 00 3 - ' n *- ^ < 9? so 9 •n n a. •a p Stones W i8d N 160 rod moors land W iSd Nt 40 red p his 2d division Stones Worcester may 16 1721 persuant to a Grant of the Hon'' Coin- itte for Worcester I have laid out to James Holmes one hundred acres of land with allowance for his third division in the South part near the South west corner of the Town between South brook and y" Town line bounded S' by land of George Danson, north by land of m"" Jonathan Waldo and m"" Henchmans land, west by y' Town line as it is signified in this jjlat Surveyed '-^ David Haynes .0 ^ I ^ o ,? / O James Holmes i)hraim Rices land as signified in this platt laid out to them and tiieir heirs for ever ^;^ D : Haynes Surv"" 1720.] Worcester, Massachusetts. 177 54 n S W I v' ^V 72 r(jion [141] Worcester march 12' 1721 persuant to a Grant of the H*^ Comitte I have out to the Heirs of mr. Salter deceased & on the original right of mr .-^neas Salter seventy 'iw^ acres of land with allowance for a third di\ision of land in Worcester, on the west side of Quinsicamond pond joyning to it hounded north by land of moses Leonard, west by said Salters 2'' division, South by comon land tS: markt trees as signified in this platt, laid out to them their heirs & assigns for ever in full of their 3'' division in the South part of Worcester '^ D Haynes COKIDMLkND " O 3 _iv floo MR SALTERb 3' DIVISION D' 7S ACRES Ann ALLOWfl.N STONES 720.] ]Vorccs/cr, MassacJmsctts. 179 Worcester June 16 1720 ])ersiiant to a grant of the Hon'' Com- itte I have laid out to Insi^^n natii' Jones for his third (Uvision in the South part of Worcester on Isaac Leonards right one hundred acres of land with allowance on boath sides of kittle brook or Lei- cester brook bounded north by the Country rode, west by Worces- ter line or [ ] South by land of Cap' rreiilice, Kast by comon land as signified in the platt. this 103 acres is laid (nit to him his heirs iS: assigns for ever for his third division in the South part of \\' orcester '\^ David Haynes Stones N b VV 45 ni W 197 rod Stones l-.iisigii Jones 103 acres on Leonards right in full of his second division Stones S h K 45 \\ 157 \oA 1-2 Stones [142] Worcester march 10' 1720 persuant to a grant of the Hon*" Comitte I have laid out to the heirs of Digery Sergeant 150 acres of land in Worcester on boath sides of halfe way river, north of Chesnut hill for his third division in the South ])art, bounded north by land laid out to the widow waril, west by land of George Dansons heirs, every way else by comon as in the platt & is in lull of his own right, to him his heirs & assigns for ever as butted ^: bounded & signified in this jjlatt Surveyed '(p David Haynes i8o Records of the Proprietors. [ 1 720. ' Comon land Digery Sergeants third division qt 150 acres Comon land belonging to George Dansons heirs Worcester may 10' 1720 persuant to a grant of the H'' Comitte I have laid out to Henry Lee, for his third division Seventy five acres of land, with allowance in two parcells viz : ffifty seven \ acres on and joyning to the South side of north pond hill & joyning to north pond and brook, bounded west by land of Isaac miller, north by vdl Jonathan Waldo's land, East by his own land. South by pond brook & the pond, East by meadow land laid out to mr Payne as signified in this platt to him his heirs & assigns forever also thre acres more allowance for the Country road 6 rod wide and the house lott is in jjossession of Henry Lee and Benjamin fflagg — also 22 acres more returned with Jonathan Waldo's third division & liargained for by S** Waldo this 57 acres \ is in full of Henry Lees 3'' division on his own right as is Surveyed |t^ iJavid Haynes 720.] Worcester, Massachusetts. i8i [143] Worcester Decemb'' \G 1719 persiiant to a (Irant of the Hon'' Coniitte I have laid out lo L' Jonas Rice his heirs and as- si:,ms for ever in y'' S' part for his sccord (li\ision on athertons right in t-.vo parccils viz : fifteen acres on and joyning lo Sagatobscut Hill houniUd n(jrth by land of Digery Sergeant c\: partly Rices own land, West and South by land of Joshua Rice East by land of Ephraim Rice Sen' as signified in the ])latt : also fiive acres of land on boalh sides of South biook called kittle brook the two parcells of land together wiUi the other parcell in full of S'' riglil of second division in the South part this 5 acres is bounded S' by Henchmans west by comon land, north by moses Leonards, East by Comon near to oxford road, all twenty one acres & i 20 rod on the west side of ffrench river joyning to James Rices mea David Haynes also « — ffel/ 14' 1721 I ha\e laid out to Josiah Rice fforty thre acres of land in jxHt ofliis tiiinl division in two parcells viz : — ffory thre acres on both sides of kettle brook or South brook on the west side of ffrench-river bounded South by land laid out to ni' Jonathan Waldo ; every way else by comon land and markt trees, Stakes and Stones, at the N W corner a pine tree — Two acres more near to it joyning to oxford road on the N' side of m'' Waklo's land >.\: the N' side of the brook aforesaid bound- ed S' by Wahlo's land every way else by comon land & markt trees as is signified in this plait, to him the S'' Josiah Rice his heirs and assigns for ever Surveved \^ Daviil Haynes 1 84 Records of the Proprietors. [1720. W 20» N'^ ISO ^/ // Jonathan Waldo 103 acres nett land on aliens right alias Leonards also 43 acres of land on 1 Rices right 20" N 65 BOD ■^STONES [146] Worcester June 18' 1720 persuant to a Grant of the Hon** Coraitte I have laid out to David Haynes his Heirs & assigns for ever, for a third division in the South part of ^Vorcester, on boath sides halfe way river & bear brook Seventy five acres of land with allowance, bounded South by land laid to the ministry and School ; north by land laid out to David Haynes as it is signified in the plat Surveyed '^ David Haynes also — ffifty acres and a halfe more within the same plat, laid out on the rights here after named viz : for laying out & finding chain men for 500 acres of land in 2'' & 3'' divisions in six places, to the minister ministry and School by order of the Comitte also laid out to David Haynes ffifteen acres of land on boath sides of bever- brook, bounded South by S'' Haynes land, East by ministerial land, West by land of D" Haynes north by land laid out on Ephraim Rices right to S'' David Haynes — Ten acres of land on boath sides of bcvor-brook, bounded East by the ministerial land, South by land of S'' Haynes, on west by S** Haynes land north by land laid out to S'' Haynes — also laid out to him [twenty?] thre acres of land on (ioldings right for looking & laying out his second division bounded S' by the 10 acres on Rices right — also laid out to S'' Haynes on the acco' of ot |iubli( k lands as training comon, sheep comoii and y'' burying / - 1 Worcesfc)', Massac Ji tcsetts. i8i jjlace, high waves it other i)ul)lit:k services, riming the center hne into the north hnlf (,\: in the South halfe. I ha\e laid to him his heirs (!i: assigns lor ever 'l'\venl\ thre a( res ot' land [147] Worcester april 23'' 1721 persuant to a Grant of the Hon** Coniitte I have laid out to m' Jonathan Waldo Sixty eight acres 160 Rod 11 foot of land on and jovning to north j^ond hill, on the right of Coll'' Ting \v''' is just two thirds of S'' Tings right, the other third belongs to Crosbe. This 68 acres &c is laid out to m' Jon" Waldo his heirs iv assigns for ever for his third (hvision in the South part as it is butted, bounded \: set forth in this jjlat namelv boimded west by land of nir l.cc. north bv I'homas Gleasons I">ast l)y David Haynes on Mphraini Rices right, south by land of mr AN'aldo as signified in the ]tlnt Smia'' 'j'' I >a\ id ffaynes PROP. RKC. 24 1 86 Records of the Proprietors. [ ^ 7 2 i . — april 23*^ laid out to Henry Lee Twenty two acres of land on & joyning to north pond hill in part of his third division, bound- ed south by land of Isaac miller, westerly by land of Thomas Gleason north by land laid out to Jonathan Waldo, as it is signified in this plat (to him >S: his heirs for ever) Surveyed tf? David Haynes — april 23'' laid out to the right of Ephraim Rice Sen' and on y*" right of Ephraim Rice Jun"", and on the right of Rich'' Ward ninty thre acres of land on and joyning to the Easterly and north- erly side of north pond hill, all in one peece as is signified in this plat bounded north by Thomas Gleason and the di\'iding line, Easterly by the Comittes land, every way else by land of m'' Jon'. Waldo as signified in this plat namely 26', acres laid out to the 2** division of Ephraim Rice Sen"", joyning to the Comittes land, Easterly also 6 acres I0 the right of Ephraim Rice Jun"" his 2'' di- vision w"-'"' arc in full of the S'' Rices 2*' divisions, nextly 190 acres m full of Wards 3'' divisions, also the remainder of this platt is 38 acres laid out in part of third divisions as signified in the plat laid out to him and his Heirs for ever as Surveyed 1^ David Haynes I72I.] Wo7'ces/er, MassacJnisctts. 187 sTONes 5Q ?R mcu COWllTEESILIVNO S-'ONFS NT PAflT OF woncEsrni bivioinc lin; 1 88 Records of the Proprietors, [1720. [148] Worcester ffeb"" 17' i 720 persuant to a Grant of the Hon** Comitte I have laid out to the heirs of m'' Daniel Henchman for a third division in the South part, in thre parcells Thre hundred and Seventy five acies of land with allowance for chain and for Rutland rode runing thro one part of S*^ land & encompassing in it thirty one acres of meadow in Second division in and joyning to a place called the breeches, this 375 acres of land and allowance is laid out in thre parcells viz : — 198 acres on the north side of the Country rode, west of Chesnut hill joyning to and in rockey swamp and frog-pond bound- ed Easterly by land of Cap' Thomas Prentice, north & partly East by land laid out on the right of George Danson & comon land, West by land in possession of deacon Daniel Haywood (also — 138 acres near again to the breeches & wholly incompassing thirty one acres of meadow & Second division belonging to S*^ heirs with allowance also for Rutland road runing thro that also — bounded East by Shrewsbury line, north by the dividing line of the north and south parts, we.st by land in possess" of Tho^ Hag- gat Soulh by land of the Comitte also — ffifty acres more on the South part of South brook, partly on the north and on boath sides of Leicester brook, taking in the beavour dam, bounded South by land of James Holmes, East by land of m' Jonathan Waldo, north by land of L' Jonas Rice, west by Leicester Town line as prt^tended — These thre parcells of land are laid out to the Heirs of m"" Daniel Henchman their heirs and assigns for ever, as they are butted bounded and signified in this platt, by markt trees stones and stakes & are in full of their third division with an allowance of a high way to Rutland Surved ^ David Haynes i STONCS E^ 0«KE Sto VMHlTe OArtE STONEb COMIT res LAND S10NE9 190 Records of the Proprietors. [1720. [149] Worcester Off 20* 1720 persnant to a Grant of the Hon'' Comitte I have laid out to Thomas Gleason Seventy seven acres 80 rod in full of his third Division in Worcester near grand hill adjoyning to Gran-hill, bounded northerly by land in possession of Th : Gleason every way else by comon land. In this platt is contained 73 acres of land v comon land and marked trees, also four acres of land on the East side french river joyning to land of said Jones every way else by Comon land and marked trees & in this j)latt these platts contain 20 acres laid out to him his Heirs (S: assigns for ever for a second division on Josiah Rices right Surveyed V-* David Haynes 1720.] Jl'orccster, Massachusetts. J 9. \\t nake [152] Worcester iiovemh'' 30' 1720 persuant tcj a (irant of the H** Comittc I have laid out one hundred acres of land to tlie min- isterial third division in Worcester, on the westerly side of beavour lirook. bound** west by land in possession of the widow Ward i^' South bounded Easterly by land of John Sterns, north by land of ni'' Gardner and the meadow Lotts. this 100 acres of land is for the use of the ministry their third di\ision Surveyed p David Haynes .^"^ Sternes \anA J. I V- ■ ministry 100 acres a. 3 c widow Ward 194 Records of the Proprietors. ['7 2 1 Worcester novembe'' 30' 1720 persuant to a Grand \_sic'\ of the Comitte I have laid out for the use of the School in Worcester fififty acres of land for a third division on boath sides Beavour brook & joyning to little prospect hill bounded N' by prospe6l meadow lotts Easterly by land of Palmer & Comp" and John Sterns South by Sternes' land in part & marked trees. West by ministerial land of the third division, as signified in this plat. Surveyed '^ I) Haynes and is in full of the 3** division 40 rod n >-i J. V ^ Ca> *-* — -;; -V < V. ^^ C c a. Krt o 52 rod >^chool Inn ,5,1 ,,,,;,. ,,^ I'rospedt meadow [153] ^^'orcester June lo* 1721 laid out to Henry Lee joyning to tlie north end of Tatnuck Hill Seventy seven acres of land cV' halfe for a third division on his own right by vertue of a Grant of y'' H Comitte to him his Heirs and assigns for ever, as butted and bounded Soutli b)- land of Coll"" Winthrop westerly by land in pos- ^essi()n of John Holden, north by land of Thomas Leonard East- erly by land Palnu r >.\: (Company as signified in the plat Surveyed y David Haynes 1719-] Worcester, Massachusetts. 195 stones W 170 rod C VVinthrops land stones T3 C/5 - -\ 3 0\ stones II : l,ce jd (livi^iun 77 1-2 acres E 1 70 rod Leonards land -\ •/J I\ stones Worcester may 19' 1719 persuant to a (Irant (if the H'' Coni- itte I have laid out to Josiah Rice fifty seven & halfe acres of land in full of his second di\ision. on or near Sacatobscut hill, on his own ri;;ht. joyning to his House Lott tv wholly incompassing it laid out to Josiah Rice his heirs and assigns for ever, as it is butted & l)ounded and set forth in this plat, with twenty acres more laid out to nath' Jones in full of his second division as signified in this platt Surveyed 't^ David Haynes bounded westerly iS: northerly by land of James Holding F^lisha Rice &c Easterly by L' Rice 10 2.'t Josiah Rice 57 1-2 acres 2ti division 'A ^/ s\ 10 1 \ W 2(1 S c \ 31 iO^ 'or/ x" A, ?r- 5 7() rml [157] Worcester June 10' 1720 ])ersuant to a grant of the H Coniitte 1 have laid out to Joshua Rice one hundred &' eighty acres 80 rod of land in two ])arcells for his third division on lirid- gett Ushers right \i/, one hundred iV hfty-thre acres on boath sides of halfe way river, bounded north by land of Digery Sergeant and west by the same. South in ]xart by comon land X: part by land of Obediah Ward and David Haynes. East by said Rices own land as it is signified in this ])latt 103 acres of this land is on L'shers right 53 acres on Homes' also Twenty four acres more & 80 rod of land on the south side of Turkey meadow, bounded south by the Country rode west by Hubbards land, nortli by turkey meadow; East by Joshua Rices land as signified in this jjlatt. in full of boath his third divisions Survexed V D Havnes 200 Records of the Proprietors. [1720. [158] Worcester 061"" 20 1720 persuant to a grant of the H on Comitte I have laid out to James Knoj) his heirs and assigns for ever — fforty acres of land for part of 'jponas Rices third division on said Rices right in Worcester in thre parcells viz : ninteen acres ninly thre rod on the South East side north jiond and joyning to said pond, hounded norih l)y north ]jon OIVN \*" SO ACRES ij SOUlO JAMES OICKSON 4\\PBEMT1CE MEADOW ^^^ iHAVNES L«NO -if [160] Worcester Janu"^ i' 1720 persuant to a Grant of the H" I have laid out to James Rice his Heirs & assigns fur ever in Worcester on the west side of ffrench river, on boath sides of Ox- ford Rode one hundred and thirty two acres of land t^- 93 rod in part of his third division on boath his rights viz : — Seventy seven «S: halfe acres on Ripleys right in full thereof for third division of land in the South part and — ffifty five acres 13 rodd of land on his own right in part of his third division, these two lotts are laid out together in one platt : bounded P^asterly by land of James Rice in part and comon land : northerly by land of Gershom Rice, westerly by land of Josiah King in part Every way else by comon land and marked as it is Signified in this platt Surveyed "^ David Haynes 1720.] IVorresfer, Massachusetts. Conion I'inc tree (75 203 Stones Esd S I 53 rod J .lines kice J( divisn pari i 77 ' 2 on Kip levs riglu in full 55- - on his own in part >, 4^ 132 ■^ s ^^' ^t^' ^,'/ #' Stones \Vt 5d S 153 rodt Stones [161] Worcester april 10' 1721 jjersuanl to a grant from the H"^ Comitte I ha\e laid out to (iershom Rice Jiin'' ftifty acres of land with allowance for swag of chain in two i:)arcells in Worcester for a third division of land on the right of (lershom Rice Sen' viz : — fortv six acres on boath sides of ffrench river, bounded South- erly by land laid out to nath' Jones : Comon land X: marked trees ; westerly by comon land t^' James macklans land and meadow left for George Danson or comon : ICasterly by comon land and mark- ed trees slakes c\; stones as in y'' platt — ffour acres of land more laid out to S'' Rice the same day South of his House lott. bounded South bv the 'I'own line north by land of (iershom Rice Jun' westerly by land of James mackleen : ICasterly l)y land in possession of S'' Rice as signified in the i)latt. — This 50 acres of land with the usual allowance for ^wagg of CJhain is laid out to (lershom Rice his heirs and assigns for ever in full of his 3'' di\ ision in Worcester as butted ^; bounded in the iilatt Surveyed p' D : Haynes 204 Records of the Proprietors. [1720. [162] Worcester novemb"" 30' 1720 persuant to a Grant of the H*^ Comitte I have laid out one hundred acres of land in two par- cell to the Rev*^ \Vl andrew Gardner in full of his third division viz : — ninty thre acres 150 rod of land on & joyning to the hill west of pine meadow bounded north in part by mr Gardners second division and land of Joseph Hubbard, westerly by land in the pos- session of Deacon Hubbard South by land in the possession of the widow W'ard : Easterly by land laid out to the ministry — Six acres of land & 10 rodd joyning to said (Gardners house Lott on the East side of mill brook, bounned westerly by land of said House Lott : north by mr Oultons land and East : South by land in possession of Deacon Haywood : these two parcells of land were laid out to him S*^ Gardner his heirs & assigns for ever, as they are butted bounded, laid out ^: Signified in these two platts Surveved "^ David Haynes andrew Gardner 3d divisn 93 acres 1 50 rod [163] Worcester april 10' 1720 laid out to m^ John Gray in thre parcells Seventy seven acres and a halfe of land in ihre parcells viz : — ffifty one acres on the I^ast side of half way river on boath sides of the Gountry road, bounded westerly by land in ])()ssession of Palmer Oulton & Waldo north and Easterly by land in posses- sion of Butlers heirs Southerly by land in the jjossession of Dea- con moor also 1720.] Wo7'cester, Massachusetts. 205 — Twenty six acres joyning to S** (irays house h^tt and second division as namely 13 acres 34 rod on the hill south of his own land, bounded north by his own land and land laid out l(j I5enja- niin fflagg : i*>asterly by land of Haggat ami Richard ward : South- erly and Westerly by land in the ])ossession of Palmer Oulton and Waldo as signified in the platt — 12 acres 126 rod of land on the soutli side of Richard Wards house lott, \: bounded N' by S** Lott : East by Wanls second di- vision : South iV \\' bNcouion land iV marked trees: these thre lotts q' 77 acres So rod in full of his third division as signified in y' platt Surveyed V I^ Haynes 5 W IB' V\ CO BOD [164] Worcester november the 30' 1720 persuant to a Grant of the Honoured Comitte, I have laid out to the widow Johanah Ward on her own right for third divJNioii, which right was her late husband Wards right. Thirty seven acres 80 rod of land jovning together in two i)ar< ills as nanich- 206 Records of the Proprietors. [1720. — Thirty two acres eighty rod joyning to west prospe6l hill joyn- ing to the ministerial land of third division bounded Easterly by the S** ministerial third division & partly north South by land in the possession of Joshua Rice, bounded west bv said Wards land also — ffive acres joyning as it is signified in the platt, bounded south by land in possession of Obediah Ward & Joshua Rice Fast by said land, north by ministerial land, this thirty seven acres 80 rod of land is in full of boath Wards third divisions as it is signi- fied in the platt Sui-veyed ^ David Haynes ^ohan: '<> [165] Worcester nov'' 10" 1720 persuant to a Cirant of the ("om- itte I have laid out to Deacon Daniel Haywood One hundred and thre acres of land nctt in Worcester in full of his third division in thre parcells namely — Sixty eight acres westward of Chesnut hill, on the N' side of the Country rode & bounded bv the same ami markes Easterly b\' land of m' Henchman: north by land laid out to Dansons right west by m'' Jolin Smiths land marked trees (.'v: stones as signified in the platt I72I.] lVo7res/er, Massac h usctts. 207 — Twenty four acres on the East side of mill hrook bounded westerly by the land of Deacon Haywod and meadow lotts and James Rices land : Soulh by James Huhnes land and l-^ast. north by m' andrew (Gardners incomijassing the old bur\inL; place So rod reserved for il — Eleven acres more adjo)ninL; to die north westerly end of his House lott, bounded l>',asterly by the S'' house lott northedy by land of Crosbe : e\ery way else by (."omon land and marked trees this thre parcells of land 1-, in full of S'' Haywods third division as it is signified in these thre platts 5 15' W M II ACRES Surveyed 1' f) Haynes CARONCH L^NO N IS ' E 44 SO noD BV W 4r* W 160 MP 3 HAVWOOD Z' BIVIS" 68 ACRES STOHtS i. m in Ul E [i66] Worcester march 21' 1721 persuant to a (irant of the Hon*^ Comitte 1 have laid out to Cap' Thomas Prentice one hun- dred and twenty i'we acres of land in Worcester on boath sides the Country rode westwartl of half wa\- ri\er in two parcells viz : — ninty seven acres with allowance joyning to Worcester line crossing S"' brook, bounded westerly with Worcester line. South by land laid out to Gershom Rice : Easterly by Tailers land north by Jones land. South by Binneys land as in the i)latt — this land lies near half a mile south of the Countrv rode 208 Records of the Proprietors. [1721. — Twenty eight acres of land on the north side of the Country rode westerly of halfe way river, bounded north by land in the .possession of S'* Prentice and David Haynes ; East by land in the possession of m'' John Smith : South by land in possession of mackleland : westerly by said Prentices land, a high way thro S'' land to David Haynes land two rodd wide as the trees are now marked : these two parcells of land are in full of Cap' Prentices third division Surveyed '-^ David Haynes p 7 \ti- Z' M 9.» Roq_ C.NV-l '.'■■. S30\1.N3H.? 3 r \ STONES, W S' N 18C ROD CAP- PRENTICE 3° DIVISION 37 ACRES sTkt^e £ *• jONtS ^p.-n [168] Worcester march 25' 1721 persuant to a grant of the Hond Comitte and by their order I have laid out to the right of George Danson One thousand two hundred acres of land in Worcester for his house Lott, seccnid is: third divisions in the South part of Wor- cester viz : — Twi) hundred \: eighteen acres 60 rod joyning to the S". west angle of the Town \- runing down to frem h river meadows, bounded S' Easterly by land of nath' Jones & Gershom Rice Jun'. Southly and westerly by the Town line, northerly by land of Jona- than Walflo and Jacob Holmes : two lumdred acres oi this land is PKOP. V.V.C. , 2 1 o Records of tJie Proprietors. [ i 7 2 i . house lott y'' 18 acres 60 rod part of his 2^ division butted & bounded b^ arked trees stakes & stones as signified in the platt, also — Thre hundred acres of land in part of his Second division joyning to Tatnuck and Snake hill, bounded north by land of Dea- con nath' moo", west by land of aron adams and partly north South by land in possession of the heirs of m' Henchman and Daniel Haywood East by land of Diggery Sergeant and partly comon, in this 300 acres is Six acres of meadow swamp, butted and bounded with marked tres stakes & stones as signified in the platt also — One hundred & twenty acres & 100 rod of land joyning to the line and so bounded by said line : north by land of Thomas Bowne [ ?] East by land of moses Leonard South by land of mr Henchman this 120 acres 100 rod is laid out in part of Dansons 2'' division as is butted bounded and signified in the platt — also — ffive hundred & Sixty seven acres & one hundred rod, whereof 67 acres 100 rod is in full of his 2** division, & 500 acres in full of his third division, this 567 acres & 100 rod of land is bounded westerly by land in possession of mesrs Palmer, Oulten, Waldo Southerly by land belonging to the Heirs of m' Ikitler, S' East by land of Palmer (ioldin, Cap' How, Peter King. John Stearns and Thomas Gleason, as signified in the i)lan, bounded n' westerly by the dividing line between the n' is: s' halfes of the Town as it is signified in the plan. These 4 platts contain 1206 acres, two hundred of w'"' is his House Lott, 500 to the Second division and 500 to the 3*^ di\ision, 6 acres of Swamp in steed of meadow also 14 acres of meadow Swam]) joyning East to the 218 acres [169] and on boath sides Kittle brook East of meadow of Elisha Rice west by land of Jonathan Waldo north by comon land asterly by Land I-aid out as a Second Division upon the original Right of Digery Sarjent deceased, every wav else by Common as signified in this platt Surveyed by David Haynes l-H h E! C t-. a- ^ rt 2 5 f-^ 3 3 33 'p' ►1 T. cT org OfQ >— < -^ stone s s tones digury Sarj ents land [174] July the 4 : 1727 : then the Sele6tmen of Worcester and Leicester and oxford did meet at the South west Corner of the town of Worcester and the South Last Corner of the town of Lei- cester & the north East Corner of the town of oxford, in order to preambulate and renew the Hounds between the said towns of Worcester dv Leicester and oxford So far as the said towns Joyned together .md ihey •)' Dated Worcester march the 14"" : i Henry Lee Dan' Ward James Holdin Dan' Heywood Jonas Rice James m'lellan moses Rice Natt" : Moore John Stearnes Benj' Flagg Ju' ' See page 107. 1732.] Worcester, Massachusetts. 219 Worcester ss : To Cap' Jonas Rice of Worcester and one of the above Subscribers Greeting Whereas appHcation has been made t(j me the Subscriber one of his majesties Justices of the peace for the County of Worcester that a proprietors meeting may be Called of the Proprietors of the undivided Lands in the South half part of Worcester for the Ends and purposes sett forth in the application on the other Part of this Sheet may fully appear these are therefore in his Majesties name to require you forthwith (persuant 10 the Directions of y" Law) to notify the Said Proprietors to meet and assemble themselves mt the meeting house in Worcester afore said on the Second tuseday of aprill next being tlic l'>leventh Day of said month by ten of the Clock in the fore noon of Said Day then & there to [ ] a6t on the within mentioned particulars Said notification to be by posting the particulars up in some publick place in Worcester afores'' here of fail not & make Due return hereof to said meeting with your Doings therein under your hand Given under my hand & Seal in Worcester this 15"' Day of march In the llfth year of his majesties Reign annoque Dom : i 731-2 John Chandler Ju' Justice peace ( uea", 1 Persuant to this warrant I have notified the Proprietors of the Comon and undivided Lands in the South half part^ of Worcester to assemble themselves at y" time .V- place above mentioned by posting up a notification In [177] a jjublick place in Worcester agreeable to the Directions of the Law Jonas Rice Worcester april 11"': i 732 'The "South Part" of Worcester included that portion soutli of wliat was set off in 1740 as the town of Ilolden, which was known at t.iis time as the "North Half" or "Part". 'I"he "Dividing Line" separated the two portions. 220 Records of the Proprietors. [1732. at a meeting of the Proprietors of the Comon and undivided Land in the South half part of Worcester on tuseday the Eleventh of april 1 732 Regulerly warned & mett at y* meeting house in said town at S** meeting Benjamin Flagg Jur was chosen moderator to regulate Sd meeting attests Jonas Rice voted at said meeting y' the meeting be adjourned for half an hour then to meet at the house of mr Dan" Heywoods In said town the Proprietors being mett at the house of Sd Heywood by said adjournment voted y' Said meeting be adjourned to Wed- nesday the 19'^ of this Instant april at two of the Clock afternoon at y* meeting house in Said town attest Benj" : Flagg Ju"' moderator at a meeting of the Proprietors of the Comon and undivided Lands in the South part of Worcester at the meeting house in said Worcester on april 19"' : i 732 : by an adjournment from april 1 1"" : 1732 : at said meeting Benj* Flagg Ju"" was Chosen Clerk for the above mentioned Proprietors and was then Sworn by William Jenison Esq'' to the FaithfuU Discharge of this office attests Jonas Rice voted at said meeting that the meeting be adjourned for half an hour then to meet at the house of mr Dan' Heywood in said town — then the S'' Proprietors meet at the house of said Heywoods by said adjournment, & voted that a Com"'" of five men be Chosen to Examin the Book Concerning n/ Zachariah Fitches Claim as CJardien to mr James Kilby and make report to the proprietors what they think may be best for y'' Proprietors to do thereon as soon as may be voted that William Jenison Escf Gershom Rice Moses Rice (Ja])' Jonas Rice tv: 15enj° Flagg Ju' be the C^mii''"'" for to F>xamin the Books and make re])orrt as aboves'' voted at S'' meeting that whereas David Haynes on the 12"' Day of September 1717 by order of a Com'''*' appointed by the Gen" : Court, for the reselling of Worcester and in jnirsuance of a Grant made by Said Com"'' to Cap' iiat loius Late of Sd Worcester. Laid out to Said loiies a thirtv acre Lott in llie town of Worcester and I732-J Worcester, Massachusi'tts. 221 on [178J the South Side of hah' way River \: un the Kast on Bog- achoage hill with tiie right of meadow and tither divisions which Lott and rights as above said was Granted to the Said Nat" Jones upon Conditions that Sd Jones build a (irist mill in worc:ester and maintain the same in (iood repair twelve years for the towns use provided he complied anil ])ay(l taxes as other house I.otts did antl not other wise now whereas the said nat" Jones has not Complied with the Grant of the Com'"' as above said and tliil not build dv Keep a Grist mill in the town of Worcester in (Jood repair twehe vears for the use of the said town as above said whereby tlie Sd town hath been greatly Damnified for want of Said mill therefore voted at the above said meeting that the Proprietors of the Comon \- undivided Land in Worcester do Chuse William Jenison P^sq"" Henry Lee Esq' and mr moses Rice their agents and Do hereby fully imi)ower them or any two of them in the name of the Projjrietors above said to sue for and recover the Possesion of the said thirty acre Lott as above said which was Granted to the Said Jones for l)uikiing and maintaining a (irJNtmill ftjr y*' use of v*' town of Worcester as above said and to sue fcjr iv; recover the Possession of the meadow be- longing to said thirty acre Lott and all the after I)i\isions that was Laid out to the above said thirty acre Lott fully impowering the Sd agents or any two of them to aiij^ear in any ('ourt of record and there in the name and at tlie Charge of the said proprietors to sue for the house Lott and the meadow and the Rights or Divisions as above said or for any one part there of and to prosicute to Effe(5t in the Law for the Recovering the Saime that so there may be a Grist mi!l built for the use of the town of Worcester agreeable to the (iood tlesign ^: Intent of the former (irant attests Benj" Flagg Ju' moderator voted at Sd meeting that Cap' Jonas Rice James Tayler Deacon nat" moore James Holdin antt thomas Stearns be a Com"*" to Con- sider upon y'' Petition of Dan' (ioi)kin Ksci' and view y*' undivided Luid in the South part to se where the said Petitioner can be ac- comodated with a building place and make return to the next meeting — Richard Ward 2 Robt marble 2 Thos adams -> James Iluldin 3 Thos Stearns s Thos Glezin 6 Robt Peible 3 James Hambleton 5 William Caldwe 11 7 Joseph maynard -> J 212 2- Records of the Proprietors. [^732. voted y* said meeting be adjourned to the third Wednesday of may next at ten a Clock fore noon at the meeting house in Wor- cester Benj'' Flagg Ju'' moderator the names and interest of the Proprietors y' voted in the fore- going meeting (viz) moses Rice 3 tens James tayler 3 tens Henry Lee Esqr on Joseph Crosby i 1-3 John Smith i 1-2 adam Winthrop Esqr 4 tens mathevv Gray 4: 1-2 Jonas Rice 3 on lienchmans rights 5 Abraham Wheeler 2 Benja Flagg Jur i 1-2 on Palmer & Waldo 24 & 2-3 [ ] Gookin Esqr i Gershom Rice Jur 2 himself i & 1-2 mcConcky 21-2 Danl Ward 6 WiUiam Jenison Esqr 2 1-2 Gershom Rice 2 1-2 Joshua Rice 4 natll moo re 7 IJenja Flagg, 4 attest Benj" Flagg Ju'' Clerk for Said Proprietors [179] at a meeting of the Proprietors of the Comon c^^ undivided Land in the South part of Worcester by adjournment from the 19 : of april 1732, to may i y"' : 1732 : voted at Said meeting by the Proprietors, that the Cedar swamps in said South part of Worcester be forthwith di\ided into Lotts voted that.mr Benj" : Flagg J u'' be the Surveyor to Lay out y" Ce- . dar Swamps above said to Every original right its Due pro- portion voted that mr James Holdin nu- Tho' Starnes iV- mr moses Rice be •■ ■ assist y* Surveyor as Chain men and y' tht-y l)e under oath to the Faithfull discharge of their trust voted : that the same Surveyor iv: Chain men appointed to Lay out the Cedar Swamps, renew the P>()imds of tiie publick Lands about the meeting house and return a platt ot y' same to the Pro])rietnrs in order to lie recorded in the IVoprietors book voted that Seventeen acr's of Lanil be laid out to Thunias Palmer Esq' in the undivided Land in Sd South part there being so 1732.] IVorcesltr, Massm/uisdlfs. 223 much 1))' a mistake Laid out lo ralincr Cioulding on the orig- inal right of liall which was laid out on Land licN^nging to said Palmer Esq' before & said seventeen acr's havcing been purchased hy Sd IVihncr of Sd Palmer (Moulding voted that Cap' Haynes be desiretl to make a return of y' Suney taken of all the Comon and undivided Land in the South half, at the next adjournment of this meetinL; voted that this meeting be adjourned tc; the lourleenth (.lay ot June next at the meeting house in Worcester at one of y' Clock afternoon attests Benj" Klagg Ju' moderator at a meeting (jf the Pro])rietors of the C!omon and undivided Lands in the South part oi Worcester by an adjournment from may 17"' : 1732 : to June the 14"" : 1732, at one of the Clock af- ternoon, then being mett. voted that in order for the Lotting out the Cetlar Swamps in the South i)art of Worcester a I )raught shall be made tor every original house Lott and Wherever the Lott Shall fall it shall be Laiil out begining at the most Southerly ICnd of the Cedar Swamp on mill brook with nimiber one and so Extending northerly in Course untill the whole of the swamp be Lotted out then to begin at the most Southerly [180] Find of the dry Cedar Swam and so to Extend to y* northerly End until the whole l)e finished, the Lotts to Run from siile to side of Ivach Swamp that Nahum Ward Esq' being present & not a Proprietor be desired to Draw for every house Lott and after the numbers were fairly Drawn it appeared that the numbers Drawn to Every original Lott was as foUoweth (viz) 224 Records of the Proprietors. [1732- Capt Jo new Capt L181] 10 ACRE Lons NO Jonas Rice 3- 1 acrs I i George Danson 20 - loacrs 2 James Rice 6 - 3 Barnes on Davis 3- 4 Jonathan Tyng 4 - 5 ! Isaac Wheeler 4 - 6 ! Isaac Bull 4 - 7 ' Wings on Cowels right 4- 8 ' ye heirs of obe : Ward on Hoars Right 9 James Holmes 4 - 10 i Eliot on majr Gookins Right 10 - II Peter Goiilding 5 - 12 1 Jonas Rice 13 ! Gershom Rice _ 14 1 John. Hubbard -^ J •sl Elisha Rice t _ ''1 Jacob Leonard 4 - 1 17 ' Lee on Hubburd ■ 8 Jonathan marble 3 ■ 10 19 Thos Haggett 2 - 20 James Butler 4- 10 21 Moses Leonard 3 " 10 22 the Heirs of ob: Ward 3 - 10 23 Richard Ward on bush 10 24 mr Salters Heirs 3- 10 25 Gershom Rice 3- 10 26 Thos : Brown 6 - 10 27 allin on Saiiil Leonards right 4 - 10 28 Eph : Curtis 5 - 10 29 William Payn 2 - [0 30 John Wing 18 - lo 3« Daiill l.ivermore 4 - 32 Bridgit usher 4 - 10 ^, Natll moore 3 - 10 34 ministerial 4 - 35 Nal : moore on J : liull 4 ■ 36 Wing 1)11 Tniniin 4 - « 37 Wing on Turei 6 - i^ Thos Glee/.en 3 ■ 39 Eliott on niaji < iooKin S - 40 J'l. I'arns on merriam 3 " 4' StL-i)li(;ii iniiiolt I'.sqr 2 - 42 1 1732.] IVorceste?' , Massa cJi ii setts. 22i Capt Capt first minister 4 ■ 10 43 Eph : Rice Jur James lloidin 3- 3- 10 10 44 45 now Benja [Ragg Jur Gershom Rice on Payn 3- 10 46 ye one half James 'I'aylcr 3- 10 47 [Benj Flagg Jur Thos Prentice 5 " 10 48 Peter King on Jonas Rice 3 " 10 49 Aaron adamses Josiai) Rice wing on Daniels Right 3- 5 ■ 10 10 10 50 5' 52 / now Benja I Flagg Jur David Haynes on Newton 10 53 School 2 - 10 54 Diggery Sargent 6> 10 55 Isaac Leonard 4 - 10 56 Dec Dan : Maywood 4 - 10 57 Adam Winthrop Esqr 4 ' "10 58 Ephraim Rice 3- 10 59 Benja Flagg Jur The Heirs of mr Henchman '5 - 10 60 Benja Barns on Wheelers 3 ■ 10 61 105 186 291 also voted at the meeting above said in answer to y* Petition of of Nahum Ward Esq' : attorney to mr Zechariah Fitch that W" Jcnison Esq' mr Gershom Rice m' Moses Rice, Cap' Jonas Rice & Benj' Flagg, Ju' : be a ConV'" to Consider of said Petition & ^. said Ward in his said Capacity Shall further offer in y' affair and make report to the Proprietors at their next meeting voted that this present meeting be adjourned to the first Tuseday of august next at one of the Clock afternoon at the meeting house in Worcester Benj' Flagg Ju' : moderator PKOP. KKC. 29 2 2 6 Records of the Proprietors. [1732. [182] at a meeting of the Proprietors of the Comon and undi- vided Land in the South part of Worcester mett by an adjourn- ment from the 14"' of June 1732 to tuseday the first day of august 1732 voted at said meeting that Henry Lee Esq' and mr Joseph Crosby Ju'' be aded to the Com'"" appointed to Consider upon the Petition of Dan" Gookin Esq'' said Com*'"" to make return at the next adjournment voted at said meeting that Cap' Jonas Rice & Benj" Flagg Ju- nior be desired to inform Cap' David Haynes in the name of y* Proprietors of the next adjournment and Desire him to make re- turn of his Survey Taken of all the undivided Land in the South part of Worcester voted that the Present meeting be adjourned to the Eighth Day of September next at one of the Clock afternoon at the meeting house in Worcester attests Benj" Flagg Ju"" moderator at a meeting of the Proprietors of the Comon and undivided Land in the South part of Worcester mett by an adjournment from august the first 1732 : to September the Eighth 1732 at the meet- ing house in said town at one of the Clock afternoon voted at the desire of Caj)' Jones that W"'" Jcnison Es(]' m' Ger- shem Rice (!s: Iknj" Flagg Ju' be a Com"'" to search the record and see what platts have been [ ] upon the right of m' George Danson voted that mr Dan' Heywood with the Persons above named be a Com"'" to Search the records and make report to the Proprietors what votes hath been made by said Proprietors relating to the six rod left for a road thro'' Said town voted )•' the Present meeting be adjournetl to tuseday the 19"' : Instant at one of the Clock afternoon at the meeting house in said town attests lienj" Flagg Ju' moderator 1732- I Worccstc)-, Massachusetts. 227 at a meeting of the Proprietors of the Comon & undivided Land in the South part of Worcester met on ilic nineteenth of Sej/ 1732: by an adjournment from y*' ICighth day of Said Sep' votetl at said meeting y' the return of the Com'" : appointed to \ iew ,s\\(\ {\w\ out a house Lott for Daniel Gookin Esq', be ad- journed to the next niceting voted at Said meeting y' a Com""'' of three men be Chosen to (ind out a peice or peices of Land in the Comon and undivided l>aiKl in the South of Worcester Suitable to Sell for to pay the Proprietors Just Debts and [183] make return to the Proprietors what the same will Sell for as soon as may be voted y' mr (Jershom Rice \\'illiam Jenison and Henry Lee Esii'" be the Com'"' for the Service above Said voted y' the present meeting be adjourned to the Second tuse- day of November next at ten of the Clock fore noon at the meet- ing house in Worcester Benj" Flagg Ju' moderator at a meeting of the I'r(j]jrietors of the CcMnon and undivided Land in the South i)art ol" Worcester mett on tuscday y* fourteenth dav of November 1732. by an adjournment from the ig'^'of Sep- tember I 732 : — \oted y' the P;-esent meeting be adjourned for one hour & half then to meet at the house of mr Thomas Starnes inholder in Wor- cester at which time and place Said Proprietors mett and at said meethig mr Gershom Rice William Jenison & Henry Lee Esq" a Com'"''' Chosen to view and find out soui peices of Comon Land in the South part of Worcester proper to be St)ld to pay the Pro- prietors Just Debts, reporled that there is a peice of Comon Land Lying on the South side of the roade Leading by mr Palmer Goulding and W"" Caldwels houses of about two acrs more or Less a peice of about two acrs between the house of said Goulding & Benj" Gates another i)eice of al)Out Eight acrs Lying Easterly and adjoyning to the Land of mr Gcshom Rice and about 90 acrs near Chestnut hill Ka( h of whic h i)eices the Com"'*^ are of opinion are Suitable to be sold for to pay the Said Pioprietors Debts & other- wise disposed of as the Proprietors Shall Se Cause 2 28 Records of the Proprietors. [1732. voted that Each of said peices Excepting the a bove mentioned ninty acrs, be Sold to the highest bidder for the use of said pro- prietors & the money be paid into the Proprietors Treasoror that shall be Chosen voted that William Jenison Esq^ Deacon Dan" : Heywood & mr James Moore be a Com'"'* to Sell the Land above said agreeable to the vote a bove said voted that Deacon Dan' Heywood be Treaseror for said Pro- prietors to Receive their money, & to pay it out agreeable to their order. voted that mr moses Rice be desired to waite on Cap' David Haynes and Desir him to Return y" platts of y* Comon Land in the South part and Inform us of his order from the Hon''''' Com"* relating to y* road thro' the town at the next adjournment [184] voted that this Present meeting be adjourned to the Last tuseday of December next at ten of the Clock fore noon at the meeting house in Said town Benj^ Flagg Ju' moderator at a meeting of the Proprietors of the Comon and undivided Land in the South part of Worcester met at the meeting house in Worcester on Tuseday the 26"' Day of December 1732 by an ad- journment from the fourteenth Day of November 1732 voted that the Present meeting be adjourned to the house of mr Tho' Starnes Inholder in Said town for one hour then being mett at the house of the Said mr Starnes at Said time « voted at Said meeting that in answer to the Petion of Dan" : Gookin Esq' the Sd Proprietors do Grant to Said Dan' Gookin Esqr his heirs and assignes a Convenient building place not to Exceed half an acre at or near the Litle Knowle near the meeting house in Worcester where the Rev'' mr Purr began to digg a Cel- lar Said building place to be Staked out at the descretion of a Com"" to be Chosen by Said Proprietors this (Jrant made upon Condition that Said Dan' Gookin Esq' build iV Settle on the same voted that Henry Lee Est]' mr James Taylor i\: W"' Jenison Est]'' be a Com'"' for the above Said Services iv make return at the next adjornment 1 733-] Worcester, Massachusetts. 229 voted at Said meeting that a Com"'" of three men he Chosen to Consider w hat may be proper to allow mr Moses Rice in Land adjoyning to his Dwelling house in Consideration of Som third Division Land whii h Said Rice Saith is his Due in the South jjart of Worcester voted y' lienj" Flagg J ur William Jenison Esq' and mr James Tayler be a Com''"*" for the above Said Service anrl make return at the next adjournment voted that Cap' Haynes be desired to attend at the next ad- journment with his Survey of the undivided Land in the South part of Worcester and that the Clerk inform him of the Same voted that the Present meeting be adjourned to the Last Tuse- ckiy of January next at ten of the Clock fc^re noon then to meet at the House of mr Thomas Stearnes Inholder in ^\'orcester attests Benj" Flagg Ju"" moderator [185] at a meeting of the Proprietors of the Comon and undi- vided Land in the South i)art of Worcester met at the house of m' Thomas Stearns in Worcester on the Last tuseday of January 1732-3 by an adjournment from Tuseday the 26: of December 1732 voted that Deacon Dan' Heywood m*" James Tayler & Cap' Jonas Rice be a Com"^"-' to Examin the the ac' of the Com'" who were Chosen to sue for and recover the Possession of y*" Lott Called the mill Lcjtt with the after Divisions, and said Com'" to make report as soon as possible voted that the meeting be adjourned for one half our then to meet at the house of the above Said Stearnes, .^ being mett att Sd time & place the Com"'' : mentioned to Sue for the Said Lands brought in their ace' which is as followeth the ace" of \\'"' Jenison & Henry Lee Esq" for Carrying on the adion for the recovering the Land Called the mill Lands (viz) 230 Records of the Proprietors. \_^lZ?i- at the Inferiour Court for ye Jury our time & Expense £ d, - \o - o for time in going to boston to see an attorney i - 0-0 for Expenses in serving the Execution our time & to pay the Sheriff 4 - 10 - o at the Superiour Court for Coppying ye Case 1 - 0-0 to Entring ye aciion & Jurys fees 2 - 5-0 for our time & for attorneys fees 3 - 0-0 we the Subscribers being a Com""" to Examin the ace'" of the Com""^ a bove Sd find Due to them and the Sheriff ^16 : 9 - o Dan' Hey wood \ James Tayler \ Com'* Jonas Rice ) voted that the above ace' be alowed and that the Sum of Six- teen pounds nine ShiUings be paid by the Proprietors Treasurer to the Com'* appointed to Sue for the Land abo\e mentioned in full discharge for theire time and money Expended in Sd Service at Said meeting the following report was offered to the Pro- prietors [186] Whereas we the Subscribers being a Com""*" to Sell Several Peices of Land in the South part of Worcester one peice of Land Lying between Land Laid out to mr Salters right and a town road one peice between the Land of Palmer Goulding & abraham Wheelers Land one peice more between tlie Land of (iershom Rice and Benj" Flagg Senior we having appointed fryday the 26 : day of this month to Sell Said Lands - and tlic Peice y' Lyeth adjoyning to Said Salters Land ^; Said Road uioses Rice hath bought at three pounds & one Shilling per a('re and the other peice Lying between Said Goulding & Sd Wheelers Lands Benj" : Flagg Jimior hath bought at thirty Six Shillings per acre, the other peice Lying between Said Benj" Flagg Senior heirs and assignes Shall 232 Records of i/ie Proprietoi^s. \_'^7Z2)- have a title to the Land Provided that he build and Live on the Same reported at Said meeting as follows Persuant to a vote of the Proprietors of the Comon and undivided Land in the South part of Worcester made at their meeting on tuseday the 26 day of de- cember 1732 appointing us the Subscribers a Com'* to Consider what might be proper to allow m"' moses Rice in Land a(ljo}'ning to his Dwelling house in Consideration of Some third Division Land which Said Rice Saith is Due to him in the South part of Worcester have Concluded to allow Said Rice no rod of Land adjoyning to the house he now dwells in Said hundred & ten rod to begin at a heap of Stons northerly of Said Dwelling house ad- joyning to the high way or Comon Land and Runs East 29 : d" : S Eleven rod to Stons Second angle South 29 Deg" : west ten rod to Stones third angle W 29 Degs n : Eleven rod to Stones fourth angle a Straite Line to the Stons first al)Ove mentioned Said Land is bounded westerly by the road or Comon Every [188] way Else by undivided Land as is Signified in the Piatt here- with returned Said Land to be in full Satisfaction for Said third Di- vision all which is Subjected for the Proprietors Confirmation : W" Jenison \ January 30"* 1 732-3 James Taylor -Com'" Benj* Flagg Ju'j voted that the above report be accepted and the Plan recorded in the Proprietors Book which is hereafter recorded undivided Land Ritt : angl : 10 rod o o o ! 1 10 IDll I ^T] 1 I.iiid out \.o CL I ^' I '■/■' n CL •5 ^\ Moses Rice I o Rigt angl 10 rod o hi^h w ay or ("(juion voted at Said meeting that Ca])' I )a\ id Haynes be desired to make return of his Survey of all the undivided Land in the- South 1 733 -J IVorcesie]', Massachusc/ls. -y-^ J J part of worcesu-r liy the- iic\t adjournmL-nl if Ik- lv\pe<5ts to have- any thing fur l he hath ahvdy done in the matter voted that the meeting be adjourned Uy liie house of nir Dan' Heywood in Worcester on the third tuseday of mav next at one of the ("lock after noone attests Uenj" Flagg Ju' moderator at a meeting of the l'roi)rielors of the Cumun and undivided land in the South ])art of Worcester niett by an adjournment (;n the third tuseday of may i 733 voted at Said meeting that Said meeting be adjourned to the Last niunda\- of august ne[.\]t at one of the Clock after noon at the house of mr 'rhom' Stearns in Worcester Henj" Flagg Jii' moderator [189] at a meeting of the Proprietors of the Comon and undi- vided Land in the South ])art of Worcester met at the house of mr Tho" Starnes in Worcester on munday the 27"" day of august 1733, by an adjournment from the third tuseday of may 1733 voted that the remainder of the lliird Disision Due to mr Fetter (louldings right be recorded as returned by ("apt Ilaynes — voted : at Said meeting that W'" Jenison P^scj'' Deacon Nat" : Moore Liest Thomas Starnes messieurs James Hambleton iSc Rob'. Blare be a Com"'' fullv Impowered in belialf of the Proprie- tors to Joyn in Setling and renewing the bounds between the South cS: north part of Worcester with Such persons as are Chosen 1)\- the Proprietors of Said ncjrth part for tiiat purpose Whereas there hath been Som disi)ute for a Consiilerable time be- tween the towns of Worcester and Leicester relating to the preambulating the l)Oun(k between Said towns : the Select- men of Leicester refuseing to Joyn with the Sele6lmen of Worcester in ruiuiing the Line between Sd towns agreeable to worcesters anciant ])latt Therefore I'ltor. Kicc. ,„ 234 Records of the Propi'ietors. [i733- voted at Said meeting that Henry Lee Esq'' mr Benj" Flagg, and Benj" Flagg Jur be a Com"''' to assist the Selectmen of Wor- cester in that affair, and in Case Said dispute Shall not be other wise Settled to assist the Said Selectmen of Worcester in prosecuting the affair to F2ffe(5l in the behalf of the Pro- prietors in Such way & manner as they Shall thi.ik best at the Charg of the Proprietors Whereas there are Sundry Divisions in the South part of Worces- ter [190 J not yet returned nor recorded Therefore voted : that Benj" Flagg Ju' the Proprietors Clerk be desired to inform Cap' Da\id Haynes that he bring to the Proprietors at their next meeting all his Survey of the land in the South part of Worcester not yet returned perticulerly all Such of y* Second & third Division not yet returned «J\; recorded voted at Said meeting that the Present meeting be atljourned to the Last Tuseday of Sep"" next at one of the Clock afternoon at the house of mr Tho* Starnes in Worcester Benj" Flagg Ju' moderator att a meeting of the Proprietors of the Comon & undivided Land in the South part of Worcester met on the Last tuseday of Sep' 1733 : by an adjournment from august 27"' : 1733 Whereas it hath been intamated y' y' Second Di\ision of mr Dan' Biglo interferes with meado laid out to mr James Rice late of Worcester Deceased therefore voted: that Deacon Nat": Moore & mr Gershom Rice Ju' assist Cap' Haynes in rectifying the mistake if any be & return the Same to the Proprietors voted that the Six rod left thro' ihc town of Worcester to Leicester Called the new road, be reduced to three rod wide and the other three rod to be disposed off as the Proprietors Shall Se Cause — it being intamated that a Division of Land now in y* Possession of John cullon Fsci' lying on and adjoyning to litle prospick hill interferes with the other lands laid out & record- ed therefore — 1 733- I Worcester, Massaclinsitts. 235 \otf(i that inr l)an' Ward \: Robert lllarc bt- a Com'" to assist Cap' Haynes in rectifying Sd mistake if any be iv return the Same in onlir to be rerorded voted tiiat Jienj" Flagy Jur Henry Lee Esqr tS; maj"' Jonas Rice be a Com'"' to Stake (;iit the three rod thro' the town of Worces- ter Supposed to be a Road [191] ("ailed the new Road be- gining at l^stj' Lees Corner ICxtending westward to Leicester Hne, and make return in order to be recorded in the Froijrie- tors Kook whereas there is an allowame ot Six rotl wide a cross the land Laid out to the Hon'''" Com"'' for Worcester as well as Six rod in wc(hh at the heail of Said lands therefore voted that Six rod lyeing at the head of Said lands be deemed as Cornon ^S: undi\ided to be disposed of by the Proprietors voted thai 100 acres of the i)ooreist land on mill Stone hill t)e left Comon for the use of the Town for building Stones voted y' a com"''" of five men be Chosen to value the several peaces of Comon land in the South part of Worcester in order for an K(]uel distril)Ulion voted that C^ap' Hayns be allowed ten pounds for his Sevice in Surveying & plating all the peices of Comon land in the South part of Worcester he l)aying the Chain men and finishing the Same within Six months voted that maj' Rices Petition be refered to the next meeting voted that the present meeting be adjourned to the Last tuseday of December next to meet at the House of mr Thomas Stearns in Worcester at ten of the Clock fore noon Benj" Flagg Ju' moderator Worcester October : 10: 172S Laid out to Palmer (ioulding ninteen acrs & thirty five rod in Worcester in two peices namely nine acrs & thirty five rod near the South Last Corner of Worcester South of lenards medow bounded northerly by land laid out to mr alien partly ."v partly by 236 Records of the Proprietors. i^lZ moors land East by Gouldings land — also ten acrs more of land Laid out South of Joshua Rices field & So bounded north by said field, Easterly by a road Southerly by Land Laid out to m"" James Rice Said land is laid out as part of a third Division to the right of mr Peter Gould [ing?] deceased Surveyed b)' David Haynes jJO'Od J2 rod Voted that these Platts be recorded in case not recorded before [192] June 25 : 1733 laid out to \\'"' Jcnison Ks(]r forty five acrs of land as part of a third Division to the Right of Peter Gold- ing on halls right Said land l\cth near the S K Corner of the town has allowance for svvagg of Chain, Som allowance for bad land, to make it Kcjuel with others lotts Hounded Southerly by Worcester line West by land in possession of Judge Palmer northerly by land laid out to Jonathan moore in part iS: j)artly by coinon i\: by land laid out to Palmer Gouldin cV part by mr Foxcrofts land as Signi- fied in the plat Surveyed ' David Ha\nes ^733'] Worcester, MassacJnisclls. 237 voted this Plat Ik- recorded in case the full of the third hivision of said right be not recorded before S<^^ \^ .<<^" -xo"; Golding ofis land 45 acres & ^ | allowance coiiiuii lauu Cv moors I ■r. Worcester ofto"^ 16; 1728 laid out to the wido Joanali Ward Eisiht acrs «!v' half of Land in Worcester on the west side of beaver brook bounded South 1)\- land in possession of obediah Ward Fi^ast by marked trees of the nieatiow lotts north by ministerial land west by Rices land or comon as Signified in y'' jjlatt also five acrs more Joyning to the road leading to pine meadow (S: is bounded north by said road Southerly by the land formerly granted & laid out for the hig[h] way by y" mills South west by y'' way to the meeting house west comon land this 5 acrs of land lyes on y*" plain below y'' burying place and is in i)art tor ihird Division Sun-eyed by David Haynes it was voted these Platts be recorded in case the full of third Division was not recorded before road 22 1; acrs &/ road 2 § S S W II ds \V 80 rod 8 acrs & half ministerial land o 1.^ N 238 Records of the Proprietors. V^IH- [193] Worcester October 18: 1728 Persuant to a Grant of the Hon'' Com'^'' & by order of the Proprietors I have laid out to Tho^ Sternes in Worcester on the right of mr Curtis in part for his third Division Sixty four acrs & 34 rotl of land in Worcester in Six parcels as namly thirty acrs of land northerly of north pond hill Joyning to the Dividing line and So bounding north by Saiii line west by land laid out to the Right of Cap' Curtis to Robert Peibles bounded East by land in the possession of Esty Winthrop South- erly by land in the Possession of Richard Temple — also Six acrs 40 rod more of land Joyning to Boggachoage bounded Easterly on the land of James Hambleton north by comon land bounded south <.\: north by land laid out to the right of Dan' Liv- ermoore iS: Cieorg Danson with allowance — also Sixteen acrs & half Joyning to the n w side of his house Lott & so bounded East- erly by Sd house Lott north by land in possession of John Stearns westerly by land in possession of Esq'' oulton & Southerly bv Dan' Wards land & pardy west — also Eight acrs tV sixty two rod more on the East side of beaver brook bounded westerly by the meadow lotts & South by Joshua Rice meadow Easterly by land in the Possession of Dan' Ward north by Tho* Starnes own land — also one acre & 112 rod joyning to the S E corner of his house lott bounded north by his house lott South by the Comon Easterly by the Country road as signified in these platts this 64 acrs & 34 rod is in part of Tho' Starnes third Division also one acre & 100 rod near to Jacob Holms house Joyning to his land Easterly bounded Westerly by nickels land northerly by town road as Signified in the Piatt Surveyed by David Haynes These plats recorded in case not before recorded ^733-] Worces/er , A fassa r/i u se/fs . 239 '-'^\o DUE. 06 ROD LA«0 [194] at a meeting of tlie Proprietors of the Comon and undi- vided land in the South part of Worcester met by an adjournment on the last tuseday of December i 733 voted that Cap' Daniel Heywood Benj" Flagg Ju' m' moses Rice 'I'homas Haggett & Richard W'ard be a Com'" to measure and renew the Bounds of a peice of undivided land in the South part of Worcester lying between the land formerly laid out to Col minott now in the Possession of william Gray, and the Country road as it now is laid out and that Said Comtee give legal notice to Sd Gray to renew bounds with Said Com'" in behalf of the Proprietors, and report thereof th be made to the Proprietors voted that the Same Com'" be hereby impowered to renew bounds in behalf of the Proprietors with any of y" perticuler Proprie- tors in the South part as ocasion Shall be at the Charge of the Proprietors 240 Records of the Proprietors. [i734- voted at Said meeting in answer to the Petition of maj" Jonas Rice that the Proprietors do Grant unto Said Jonas Rice his heirs & assignes for ever forty acrs of land to be laid out in the un- divided land in the South part of Worcester in Consideration of Service don by him for the town & Proprietors in bringing forward the Settlement of the Town of Worcester voted that William Jenison Henry Lee Esq" & Cap' Dan^ Hey- vvood be a Com""^ to gitt the Same Sui-veyed in the Comon abovesd and return the Same to the Clerk to be recorded in the Proprietors Book : W"' Caldwell Benj" : Gates & mathew Gray desented against Selling or giving away any of their lands before it was divided voted that the present meeting be adjourned to the last tuseday of February next at one of y'' Clock afternoon at the house of of mr Tho' Starnes inholder in Worcester attests Benj" Flagg Ju"" mod' : Pursuant to a vote of the Proprietors of the Comon and undi- vided land in the South jxart of Worcester made at their meeting on the last tuseday of December 1733 we have laid out l^y a Sur- veyor forty acrs of Land with the usual allowance for Swagg of Chain in the Comon & undivided lands in the Sd South part of A\'orcester to maj' Jonas Rice his heirs and assignes forever lying on both sides of french River [195] Bounded Every way as dis- cribed in this platt herewith returned under the hand 'of Benj* Flagg Jur Surveyor and do hereby agree that the Same be recorded & Entered in the Proprietors Book of records Dated January the Seventh 1733-4 William Jenison ") Henry Lee r Com'" J )aniel Heywood ) at the request of William Jenison Henry Lee Est]" (S: Cap' Han' Heywood a Com'"" appointed to Lay out forty acrs of Land in the South part of Worcester to maj' Jonas Rice I have Laid out to Said maj Jonas Rice his heirs and assignes forty acrs of Land with ^734-] IVoj'ces/cr, . \Iassachusc/ts. 241 one in thirty allowed for Swagg of Chain Said hind lycth on boih sides of French River bounded westerly by the land of Thomas Parker in jiart and in jjart by Conion land and Kvery way Else by Comon land as signified in the platt hereafter Entered Surveyed by Benj" Elagg Ju^ January 7 : 1 7,53-4 S 2» W 130 ROD CUMON \ ♦C ACRES Aa. f\ // v'*^ \ o\ /, / \0r :; -vV / / /^ ^ '\ / / /^ c A / / /'^ \ / / V rflME // A S 7" W PARKERS L, AND V FRENCH HIVLS y^,o TIT s^ > <>^ /lALLWAl.tVJUTT at a meeting of the Proprietors of the Comon and undivided land in the South part of Worcester mett by an adjournment on the last tuseday of February i 733-4 voted that a letter be sent by the moderator to Cap' David Haynes Signifying it Sends in all the Platts of the third Divisions yet wanting in the South part of Worcester & that the Proprietors Expecl that he Compleats Sur\eying & returns the Platts of all the undivided land in y*' South part of Worcester according to the vote of the Proprietors the time for the Same to be done will be Ex- pired by the [196] Last tuseday of march next voted that the Present meeting be adjourned to the Last tuseday of march next at the meeting house Worcester at one of y' Clock afternoon Benj" Flagg Ju' moderator at a meeting of the Proprietors of the Comon and undivided Land in the South part of Worcester met b)- an adjournment on PKor. ui:c. -. 242 Records of tJie Proprietors. [1734. the last tuseday of march i 734 at the meeting house in Said Wor- cester voted that Said meeting be adjourned for hah" an hour then to meet at the house of Cap' Dan' Heywoods in Said Worcester — then mett at time & place — the Com'^^ appointed to Survey the Comon land in Worcester adjoyning to the Land formerly laid out to Col. Stephen minott reported as followeth Pursuant to a vote of the Proprietors of the Comon and undi- vided land in the South part of Worcester appointing the Subscri- bers a Com*'''' to Survey and renew the Bounds of a peice of un- divided Land in the South part of Worcester lying between the Land formerly laid out to Coll Stephen minott deceased and the Country Road as it is now laid out, haveing given legal notice to William Gray who posseses the Said land laid cut to Said minott to renew bounds with us in behalf of the Said Proprietors who re- fusing so to do we proceeded to Survey the Said Comon & undi- vided land and find three acrs i 20 rod in the Same all which is Submitted to the Proprietors for their further Pleasure Dan' Heywood -, Worcester march 19: 1733-4 Richard W'ard [^ ,^e Thomas Haggett i Benj" Flagg Ju"" - voted at Said meeting that this report be accepted and recorded and that the Said three acrs, &: hundred & twenty rod be Esteemed the Proprietors land Whereas Cap' David Haynes was formerly appointed [197] and Chosen to Survey and return the third Divisions In the South part of Worcester to the Clerk to be recorded as also to Survey & platt all the undivided Land that .Shall be remaining after the third di- vision is Compleated in the South part of Worcester the Projjrietors haveing adjourned their Sales Sundry times to waite for the Com- pleating Said work which Said Havnes hath not done Therefore voted that the I'roprietors will (Choose another Survcyer to finish Said Worcester voted at Said meeting that Benj" : Flagg Ju' he the Surveyer to Compleat the above Said work 1 734-] WoricsUr, Massachusiits. 243 voted lliat Kobnl iVibles (jershom Rice F2ns : Dan' Ward (a))' Dan" : He) wood L' Thonias Stearns i^ James Hamilton be Chain men to attend llic Surveyer in Said work voted dial die lliird Division yet to be laifl out be recorded without laying the Same before the Proprietors at their meeting — at the n)otion of nir Jacob Holmes mr James Taylor Cap' Dan" Heywood ^: William Jenison l"]s<]'' were appointed a Com'"' to make inquiery to a certain mistake that was supposed to be made in the Laying out Said Holmes Division Land, & to make return to the Proprietors concerning the Same voted that the Same Com"*', at die motion and Charge of Kit h- ard Tern] lie, be desired to make inquiry into a mistake Supposed to [be made] in the Laying out of the Lands Said Temple bought of Jams Knap and return the Same to the Proprietors voted that all the Propriet(jrs of Lands in the South part of Wor- cester that have not their Proportion of Land yet Laid out ^' re- corded, are desired to l)ring in their Claims to the Proprietors Clerk within nine months in order to be laid before the Proprietors who ma) not Kxpe6l any assistance of the Proprietors in \' affair after Said time voted y' 21 acrs returned by Ciap' Haynes to Thos Palmer be recorded if not l)efore recorded voted that the meeting be adjourned to the third Tuseday of June next at one of the Clock afternoon then to meet at the Court house in Worcester attests Benj" Pdagg Ju' moderator [198] Worcester 06tol)er : 1733 Laid out to Thomas Palmer Es(ir his heirs and assigns forever in Said Worcester twenty one acrs of Land Joyning to the dividing line and So bounded northerly by Said line bounded westerly Uy Land in the Possession of mr Palmer Bounded Southerly (S: East- edy by Comon land as Signifieci in this platt four a^ Dan" Heywood [ Gershom Rice ( Benj" Flagg Ju^ ^ Comtee a house lot Laid out to mr Salters heirs 10 acrs Laid out lo Lt Rice O 3 o Pursuant to a vote oi' the Proprietors of the Conion and undi- vided land in the South part of Worcester may the 17"' : 1732 ap- pointing us a Comtee to return a i)lat of the Comon Land by the meeting house in Worcester haveing Surveyed the Same do find Eleven acrs & one humhrd iV forty rod [201] Including the Burial place and the Road tliro' the Same Said Comon is l^Kuided as discribed in this platt herewith returned & Surveyed by Benj" Flagg all which is Submitted to the Proi)rietors bv us Moses Rice ^ Tho" Starns v Com""" Benj" Flagg Ju^ \ Worcester Sep' 3'' : 1 734 I735-J IVoncs/er, . l/assac/iiisd/s. 247 **>*«0 9(.> •-.. O ssV'^' phraim Rice in Consideration of y^ County Road runing thro' Said Adams Land Elsewhere Said Com"''' to make return to y'' Pr()])rietors their o])ini()n of y' affair voted that the present meeting be atijourned to )'' house of Cap' Dan' Heywood in Worcester on the Hrst tuscd of June next at one of the Clock afternoon P.enj" Flagg Ju'' moderator 735-J IVorceskr, Masscu/iusd/s. 249 April 21 : 1735 then Rcc" of W" Jenisoii i:.s(ir Set unly fur the payment of W" Jenison Escir Security for the payment of twenty three ijound fifteen Shillings for the use of y' Proprietors in full for twenty three (S: thre (juarters of Land SoM to Said Unison by the Proprietors of the Comon land in the South part of uorcoter I Say Ret'' by nie Daniel Heywood April 2 1 : 1735 then Rec" of Benj" Flagg Jur Security for the payment of ten pound Sixteen Shillings for y'" use of the Proprietors of y' South j>art of Worcester in full for Six acrs of land Sold to Said Flagg by Said Pro])rietors I Say Rec'' by me Daniel Heywood [204] Pursuant to a vote of the Proprietors of tlie Comon and undivided land in the South part of Worcester we the Subscribers have measured the peice of Comon land in Said South part Sold by Said proprietors to W'" Jenison Esif at twenty Shillings per acre and find it to Contains twenty three acr's and one hundred & twenty rod and is P.ounded Every way as discribed in this platt herewith recorded to Sd Jenison his heirs & assignes for ever he havcing given Security for the payment of Said twenty Shillings per acre according to the vote of the Proprietors dated Worcester april 21 ; 1735 Gershoni Rice ~i Dan' Heywood > Comtee Benj* Flagg Ju' ) i'HOJ'. KEC. -2 250 Records of the Proprietors. [1735- Benja Flagg Sen : land [205] Pursuant to a vote of the the Proprietors of the Comon and undivided land in the South part of Worcester we the Subscribers have measured the peice of Comon land Sold by Said Proprietors to Benj" Flagg Jur at thirty Six Shillings per acre and find it con- tains Six acr's with allowance of thirty six rod for road a cross the Same and is Bounded Every way as discribed in this platt here with recorded to Said Flagg his heirs & assigns for ever he having given Security for the payment of Said Six acrs according to the vote of Said Proprietors Worcester ai)ril 21 : 1735 William Jenison ") Dan' Heywootl v C'omtee Gershom Rice ) S by w : 78 rod by Goulding sJ^d_ /^/•a/, '"'H^ 6 acrs V* .cc D •"■ t— I s ^ Stones Dividing line 20 40 60 a scale of rods 252 Records of the Proprietors. \^\']}^%. [207] Worcester ss To Cap' Benj" Flagg of the Town of Wor- cester in the County of Worcester Gentleman, and Clerk of the Proprietors of the South half part of Worcester a fore Said Greet- ing whereas Seven of the Said Proprietors have made application to me the Subscriber one of his majesties Justices of the Peace for Said County for a warrent for Calling a meeting of Said Proprietors to Consider and a6l upon the following particulars I to obtain a full and certain account of the Several peices or parcels of Land in the Said South half that are yet unapropreated II : to lott and Sett of the Said parcels of Land to the Proprie- tors in proportion to their Respective Rights III : to Confirm Such Grants of Land as have been lately made in order to their being [nit \\\)OW record IV to dispose of any ])eice or peices of Land to prevent Con- troversy arising, or damage from accruing to particuler Persons V to tak an account of any Debts due from the Proprietors and to dispose of So much land as will be Sufticiant to discharge the Same VI to Call the Several Com""''' that have been appointed to an ace' : for what they have aCted in the affairs Comitted to them — VII : to agree upon a method for Calling future meetings VIII to See if the Proprietors will reconsider their former vote about dividing the Cedar Swamps in Said South part and to dis- pose of them Som other way as the Proprietors Shall See Cause IX for the Proprietors to take Such Effectual method as Shall dispossess Such perst)n or persons who are in the Possession of any of the Comon or undixided Lands in Said South i)art X to act on any otiu'r mailer or thing which the Sircumstances or Benifitt of thr Proprietors Recjuier as p tiieir ai>|)li(ation here- with dilivercd to you will ap])ear .-^^-^ These are therefore in his majesties name to require ^^^z you forthwith to notify the Said Proprietors of the South part of Worcester a fore Said that they assemble and meet together on monday the thirteenth day of February next at one ot ^73 8. J IVorcester, Massiu/iusc/ls. 253 the Clock in the after noon at the house of ('aj)' Daniel Heyvvoods in Said Worcester Iiiliolder then iV there to Transact on the fore- going perticulers and make (Uie Return hereof with your doings herein to Said Proprietors at the time of their meeting (liven under my hand antl Seal in \\'(ircester this 27"": day of January In the Kleveiith year of his majesties ReignAnno Dom : 1737-8 John Chandler : Jur [208] Worcester Feb: 13"': 1737-8 In obedience to tiiis warrent I ha\ e Warned the Proprietors of the Comon and undived Land ii: the South part of Worcester to meet & asseml)le at lime \: place within mentioned to adt on the within perticulers, by posting the Same according to the direction of the Law attests Benj" Flagg Ju' Proprietors Clerk at a meeting of the Proprietors of the Common ^: undivided Land in the South i)art of Worcester Legally met at the house of Cap' Dan" Heywoods inholder in Said Town on munday the 13''' day of February 1737-S at Said meeting Cap' Dan" Heywood was Chosen moderator attests : ]^>enj'' Flagg Jur Proprietors Clerk voted at Said meeting that Benj" : Flagg Jur mr Palmer Gold- ing Henry Lee Esi|r uw (iershom Rice Ju' and Robert Hlare be a com'"' : to Sur\ey tlie Several Peices of Comon and undivided Land in the South half of Worcester that is not as yett Sur\'eyed ; as Shall be in formed of by the Proprietors at any time and return an ace' of the Same in order to ])roix)rlion the Same to Each Pro- prietor according to their respecftive Rights voted that the abo\e named IJenj" : Flagg be the Surveyor for the Same at Said meeting W illiuii |enison Lxp- Cap' Daniel Heywood & mr James Taylor formerly appointed a Committee to Intpure into the mistake Supposed to be in the Siir\e\ of mr Jacob Holmes Second Divisini ami make return of the Same 2 54 Records of the Proprietors. \_^1Z^- Reported that Said Holmes Lines Interfereing Caused [h]is measure to fall Short, and that they are of opinion that Said Holmes be allowed to Lay out by the Surveyer and Chain men fifteen acrs of Land in Som one peice of the Comon & undivided lands in Said South half in full Satisfaction of his division that was found wanting in the measure — voted that the a bove report be accepted and that the Clerk Record the Same when Returned to him [209] voted that the a[bove] com'" chosen for measuring the Comon land, are appointed & chosen to lay out and return to, be recorded what is wanting in the Survey of Thomas Palmer Esqr by reason of the Interfereing of the Lines with other Lands, and also a Certain mistake in the Land of Esqr oulton at Little pros- pick, as also to make up what is wanting by Reason of the mistake in Land laid out to the wido Joannah ward all to be done at their Charge, and that they be returned to the Clerk to be recorded voted that Adam W'inlhrop Esqr, mr Cornelius waldo william Jenison Esqr Benjamin Flagg Jur & Cap* Dan" Haywood, be a Committee to call Proprietors meetings for the future as there Shall be ocasion and to post the Same according to Law voted that this meeting be adjourned to the house of mr Thomas Stearns inholder in this town, on the first munday of april next at one of the Clock afternoon Dan" : Heyvvood moderator at a meeting of the Proprietors of the Comon and undivided Land in the South part of Worcester met by an adjournment on the first munday of z.\m\ i 738 — a Letter being Communicated at Said meeting by the moderator from the Hon'''" Adam W'inthrop Esc|r wherein he complains that his Lands Laid out at Tatnick hill fails short in the measure in an- swer to whi(~h it is voted that tiie affair be referred t(j the next ad- journment for further information voted that Benj" Flagg Jur nir Palmer Golding Henry Lee Esqr Gershom Rice Ju' & Robert Blare be desired fiirther to proceed 1738.] IVorcesky, Massac/ntse/fs. 255 in Surveying Such peices of Common Land in the South as hath not yet l)een Surveyed and to make rejjort at tht- next meeting what will be i)roi)er for tlie Proprietors to Grant for a fourth Di- vision at the motion of Jacol) riolines Desireing to have leave to Lay out his Fifteen acrs of Laud (iraiited to him at the Last meeting in Two peices — voted that the a fore mentioned Committee for measuring the Comons or any three of them be a Committee lu i unsitler of his request and make rei)ort as soon as may l)e w' is proi>er for the Proprietors to act upon it and whether it may be done without hurting the interest of the Proprietors upon the i'etition of mr Pahner Couldings [210] Pra)'ing for Som allowance on the account (~if mr George Dansons Rights voted that Cap' Dan" Heywood Benj" Flagg Jur and mr (ier- shom Rice be a com"'' to consider his request & make report as soon as may be w' is proper for the Proprietors to a6l upon it voted, y' the Present meeting be adjourned to the house of Cap' moses Rice in Worcester on the last munday of June next at twelve of the Clock noon Dan" Mevwood mod' at a meeting of the Proprietors of the Comon and undivided Land in the South part of Worcester mett at the house of Cap' moses Rice the Last munday of June 1738 being y*" twenty Sixth day of Said June at Saitl meeting andrew m'tarland appeared at Said meeting \n behalf of John oulton Ksiir. and motioned y' y'' affliir of Said oulton relating to the making up the measure of lands laid out as third Division at little Prospict to Tho' : Palmer Esq"^ & Company on y"' Right of Cap' wing might be referred to the next meeting u])on his claiming for Said oulton forty acrs laid out to maj'' Jonas Rice there fore voted y' the Same be Continued and referred to the next meeting 256 Records of the Proprietors . {,^73^- voted y' the affair of m"' Palmer Goulding be Continued to the next meeting and y* W" Jenison Esq'' Cap' Dan" Heyvvood mr Joshua Eaton be aded to y" Com""^ appointed for y' affair voted y' the meeting be adjourned to the first munday of Sep' next at the house of Cap' Dan" Heywoods in Worcester at one of y*" Clock afternoon Dan" Heywood modr at a meeting of y* Proprietors of Comon land in the South part of Worcester mett on y*' first munday of Sep'' i 738 voted y' y* meeting be adjourned to the Eleventh of Sep'' 1738 at two of y* Clock afternoon at y'' house of Cap' Dan" Heywood in Worcester Dan" Heywood mod' att a meeting of the Proprietors of y*" Comon & undivided land in the South part of Worcester mett on the Eleventh of Sep' 1738 whereas in the resetling of Worcester a mong other things the Gen" Court ordered that when any Proprietor Setled on any old Claim not made out in the time of Setling when any such Claim was made out that y" Claimer Shall be [211] allowed the Same in Some other place and it so happening that forty acrs of Land Laid out to m' Cornelius Waldo and others near to north ])ond is now Claimed by mr Palmer Goulding on the Right of nir George Dan- son deceased, Said forty acrs being the Land declared forfeited by the Hon'''" : Com'"' : In complyance to the above order voted that Said Palmer Goulding have leave to Lay out by a Surveyor & Chain men appointed by the Proprietors in the undi- vided lands in the Sonth part of Worcester Eighty acrs in three places after the Grants hereafter mentioned are laid out (viz) Ja- cob Holmes Grant & y*' wido Whitneys ton acrs i)rovided they are laid out within one month, and to be in full Satisfa(!:ti()n for Said forty acrs voted that Benj" Flagg Ju"' as a Surveyor & Deacon Nat" moore & L' James Holdin as Chain men lay out the Grant made to Said Golding X: return the Same to the Clerk to record 1 738- 1 lio>res/t'r, Mass(i(/iu.uiis. 257 voted that the Same com"''" Lay tnit ten at rs to ihc wido Ju- hanah Whitney in full of her third Division which is found wanting in the measure and return the Same to the Clerk to record as also to Lay out the Clranl made to Jacob Holmes cV return the Same to be recorded — it being represented that a Division of Land laid out in the South part of Worcester to the heirs of maj' Henchman is wanting in the measure therefore evV.^^/ that Henj" : Flagg Jur Henry Lee Lsqr & Cap' Dan" Heywood be a Com'" to make return to the Pro- prietors what is wanting in Said Division at the next meeting voted that y"' meeting be adjourned to ihe first munday of o6to- ber next at the house of L' Stearns four of \'' Clock after noon Dan'' Heywood moderator [212] at a meeting of the Proprietors u{ the comon and undi- vided land of y*' South ]jart of Worcester on the first muixiav of Sep': 173erson's who have been now are or Shall be here after Tresspassers on the Common and undivided Land in Said Town of Worcester by Cuting or Carrying off any timber or wood belonging to Said proprietors or in any other way whatsoever that is to say to dispossess all Such person or persons who are in the possession of any of the Common or undivided Land in Said Town 3''ly that the Projirictors Sell the whole or aii\- part of the Said Commoii Land in Said Town for the most they can get and the money that Shall be produced or raised from the Sale thereof to be disposed of for Such use or uses as they Shall think projjer or otherwise to agree upon a Division of Said Land in Such a method as they Judge to be reasonable and Just 4ly that they take Some proper method to re6tify any mistake in the Survey and records of any part of the ministeerial or School Land in Said Town 5ly that Search be made in the records of Said Proprietors to Know whether Each Proprietor has had his division of Lands recorded and no more by any mistake of the Surveyor Cly : that the Proprietors (Miose Two Sutable i)ersons in the room of Adam winthrop I'v william Jenison Esqrs Deceased to be aded to the Com"""" to Call Proprietors meetings 262 Records of the Proprietors. [ ^ 74 7 • [217] yly & Lastly : that the Said Proprietors also a6t upon any other matter or thing that may be for their advantage Cornelius Waldo '\ Dated January 2^ : i 746 Daniel Heywood r Committee Benj" : Flagg ) the Subscribers Certify that the within or fore going warning hath been posted agreeable to Law Daniel Heywood Benj" : Flagg at a meeting of the Proprietors of the Conion and undivided Lands in Worcester Legally warned & niett at the Dwelling house of Lieu" Thomas Stearnes in Worcester on fryday the Sixth day of February 1746-7 : at Said meeting Jonas Rice Esqr was Chosen moderator attests Benj" : Flagg Proprietors Clerk voted at Said meeting that John Chandler Esqr mr Joshua Bigelow & Benj* : Flagg Esrjr or any two of them be a Committee, to put a finall End to the dispute arisen between the Towns of Worcester & Leicester respetling the Boundries between Said Towns in Such a way and manner as Said Committee Shall think most proper, & at the Charge of Said Proprietors voted at Said meeting that Cap' Dan" Ward be aded to the Com- mittee formerly appointed to Stake out the Road Commonly Called the new road in the Room of Henry Lee Esq' De- ceased voted at Said meeting that Coll Chandler Deacon nat" moore maj' Dan" : Heywood be a Committee to treat and agree with such person or persons who have been or now are Tresspassers on the Comon and undivided Land in Said Town as they Shall think proper, and also absolutely and without fail to prosecute in the Law to Effe6t all Such person or persons who Shall hereafter Trespass on any part of Said Comon Land in any way whatsoever, and in Case Said Com'''' Shall find any tim- ber or board Loggs Cut on Said undivided Land & Lying on the Same (jr VX^<: where Said Com"'*' are to dispose of the Same for the use of the IVoprietors 1 747-] IVorccsfer, Mnssac/iusc/ts. 263 [218] voted that llcnj" : Flagg Hs(|r maj' ; Dan" Htrywood & John Chandler FIscir he a Committee to rectify any mistake in the Survey or record of any part of the ministeeriall or School Land in Said Town voted that Cap' i'ahiu-r Colliding and Lieu' Tho' : Stearnes be aded to the Committee for Calling Proprietors meetings in the room of Adam winthrop iV william Jenison Esq" De- ceased voted at Said meeting that lienj" : Klagg Cap' Palmer Colliding and maj' Dan' Heywood be a Committee to make Search in to the records to See if liach Proprietor hath y' full of his rights recorded & no more as also to Se if all the Grants made by Said Proprietors arc recorded and make report to the Pro- prietors as Soon as may bee voted that what has been Expended in the house at this meeting be paid by maj' Heywood the Treasuror Said Proprietors to acct with him for tlie Same voted that the Present meeting be adjourned to the Second mon- day of march next at one of the Clock afternoon at the Dwelling house of maj' : Dan" Heywoods in Worcester attests Jonas Rice moderator at a meeting of the Proprietors of the Common & undivided Lands in Worcester met by an adjournment at the house of maj' Dan' Heywood in Said Worcester on the ninth of march 1746-7 whereas the Common and undivided Land in the Town of Wor- cester will not admitt of a Division too and among the Proprietors according to Each ones right or Share therein without Great Cost & Damage to Said Proprietors therefore voted that Benj* : Flagg and Jonas Rice Esq" [219] and nir John Chaddick or the major part of them be a Committee in the name of Said Proj^rietors to make Sale of all Such Land to the highest bidder after Justice has been done to all Such Proprietors [as] hav€ not yet had their Equitable proportion Laid out Except- ing also what is or has been in Controversy with the Pro])rietors 264 Records of the Proprietors. [1747. of Leicester and pass Good and ample Deed or deeds in the Law for Conveying the Same giveing thirty days notice of the time & place of Sale by posting up notifycations at the Publick houses in Worcester and by notifying the Same in the Boston Evening post at least four weeks successively, that Said Lands be sold in parcels or all together as Said Committee Shall Judge Proper or most for the advantage of the Proprietors and that the money ariseing by Such Sale Ly for the further order or disposition of the Proprie- tors voted that the third Division belong[ing] to the Late Benj" : Flagg Deceased be Completed & recorded voted that the return of a Sur\'ey of one hundred &: fifty acr's of Land Laid out June 1726 : by Benj" : Flagg Sur"" at the desir of Cap' Nathaniel Jones deceased by order of messures Ger- shom Rice James Taylor & moses Leonard to make y'^ right of mr George Danson Equel in proportion with others be recorded & held by the assigns of Said Nat" : Jones Deceased they paying the Charge of Said Survey & recording voted that the return of Sothing more then thirty acr's of Land Laid out by Nathaniel moore and moses Leonard in June 1724 : to John Kellog be recorded to Said Kellog and held by his assignes voted : that fifteen acr's of Land Contained in John Smiths Deed to Joseph Clark and of which there has been an omission in the recording of it be now recorded to Said Clark his heirs & assignes voted that the Committee for making Sale of the Lands first to Lay out to Brigadier Sam" Waldo Esqr Sixty two acr's of Land to Compleat a third Division of Land Laid owx. origin- ally on the [220] Right of Daniel Tural the Said Waldo Holding the Said right is wanting that Quantity voted that the a fore Said Committee have Liberty to Lay out to Cap' Palrqer Goulding So much Land as will Comj)leat a Grant made to him of hlighty acr's Se)/ : 10 : 1 73S, at their discretion 1747-1 IVorcesfcr, A/assac/iitsiits. 265 voted, that the afore Said C'omniittce be directed to Sec that Jus- tice be done to F:ach Proprietor in any Lands wanting to Compleat former Divisions at the Charg of Such Proprietors voted that Said ('tances of all the Lands left for Roads in the Town t)f Worcester, and where the Land lell in is not taken up or in part taken up for Roads to Sett a moderate value thereon and that the price they So Sett be paid by the person or persons to whom the Land afore Said be So assigned, if they Se Cause to Comply or to Setle any of the atbre Said Lands in any other way they Shall think proper and that they make report to the Proprie- tors so Soon as may be for the Proprietors then to (irant the afore Said Lands to the person they are by the Committee assigned to their heirs and assignes for eser voted that Benj" : Flagg Jonas Rice Esq' \: m' John Chaddick be a Committee fully impowered to Setle the alfair with mr Thomas Hagget respecting his having Laid out to him live acrs 76 ; perch as third division more then his Grant, and to Say what Said Hagget Shall \y<\\ for the Same for the use of the Proprietors iV to make return as Soon as may be at Said meeting the Committee appointeil to Setle the affair wih the Heirs of Stephen minott Esq' deceased respecting about three acrs & three cjuarters of an acre of undivided I^and in Worcester, Said Deceased Built a house and Barn on, made 276 Records of the Proprietors. [1751- a verbal report that they had treated with in'' minott one of the heirs as also one of the Ex'"" to the Said deceaseds Last will and testament & that they are of opinion in Case Said Executor forth with pay four pounds Lawfull money for the use of the Proprietors that then the Said three acres and three quarters of an acre be it more or Less, be Granted to Said deceaseds heirs for ever voted that this report be accepted provided the Said Executor * forth with pay to Benj" : Flagg Esq"' for the use of the Pro- prietors the above mentioned Sum of four pound Lawfull money voted that twenty Shillings Lawfull money be paid out of the Pro- prietors money to maj'' Daniel Heywood in full discharge for his and his Brother Josiah Heywood of Concord Service in Carrying the Chain for to mcsure the meadows in Worcester Said maj"" Heywood to be accountable to Said Josiah Hey- wood for the one half of Said Twenty Shillings [232] voted that the Charge of the house at the present meeting being two pounds twelve Shillings & ten pence old tenor be paid by maj'' Rice out of the Proprietors money in his hands voted that this meeting be adjourned to the Dwelling house of maj"" Daniel Heywoods in Worcester on the twentieth of may next at one of the Clock after noon attests Benj* : Plagg moderator at a meeting of the Proprietors of the Comon anti undivided Land in Worcester mett by an adjournment on the 20"' of may voted that this meeting l)e adjourned to the first monday of Sep': next twelve of the Clock at noon at the Dwelling house of Maj"" Daniel Heywoods in Said Worcester attests Benj" : FUigg moderator 175'-] IVorcesU'r, Massai/iusi'//s. 277 [233] These are to Warn all the Proprietors of the Coinou and undivided Lands in Worcester to meet and assemble at the House ot inaj' Daniel Heywood in Worcester on y' 20''' Day of Novem- ber next Ensueing at twelve o Clock Said Day then and there to act on y"" articles tbllowinji^ vizt i"' To Choose a Proprietors Clerk 2 to Receive y"' Report of y* Late Comitte appointed for Selling y* Comon and undivided Lands in Worcester in order that Each proprietor may Receive their proportion 3 To Choose a Surveyor if ncedfuU 4 To Receive y'' Re]:)ort of maj'' Daniel Heywood Late proprie- tors Treasurer 5 To See if the Late Comitte has made Satisfaction to all y' pro- prietors that had any demands on y* proprietors if not that it ma)- be Done 6 to acl any thing or things that y* proprietors Shall think to be for y* Proprietors Benefit Daniel Heywood ] Dated the 28"* of ocftober i 75 i Palmer Golding - Comitte Thomas Stearns j November 20"' 1751 These are to Certify that the within No- tification has been posted according to Law Daniel Heywood 'I'homas Stearns Palmer Goulding Entered from y*' original \\'arrant & Indorsement and Compared there with J Chandler Jur : Clerk [234] Att a meeting of the Proprietors of y' Comon and undi- vided Land in Worcester Legally warned and mett at the Dwell- ing house of maj' Daniel Heywood on y' 20"* Day of November Major Daniel Heywood was Chosen moderator John Chandler Ilsii was Chosen Clerk of said proprietors and was sworn in the meeting by Jonas Rice Esq 2/8 Records of the Proprietors. [ ^ 7 5 ^ • Voted that m' William Young be y* Surv^eyor for finishing & Compleating y* Survey of such Lands as are needful! for y^ pro- prietors To do and said Surveyor is desired to attend as he shall be Called upon by Jonas Rice Esq and m' John Chadick who are surviving of the Comitte Chosen march y*" 9"' 1746 and that said young be on oath Voted that m"" Joshua Biglo and John Chandler Jun'' Esq be a Comitte to settle accounts with major Daniel Heywood Treasurer of the proprietors and Report at the adjournment of this meeting for y"" Proprietors to aft thereon and the Clerk is desired to attend on them with the Books The Comitte for Laying out Lands to make satisfaction to such pro[prietors] as had any Demands on y" proprietors made a Ver- ball Report that they had Compleated that affair Therefore Voted that the fifth article in the warrant Relateing thereto be Dismissed and it is accordingly Dismissed In answer to the Second article in the warrant & as the Comitte appointed y^ i 7"" of Last December have not Compleated the af- fair then Comitted to them which Relates to said second article Therefore Voted that said Comitte be desired to Compleat y' afiair as soon as may be ^S: to Lay y* same before y'' proprietors at y* adjournment of this meeting Voted that m' Joshua Bigelow & maj"" Heywood be a Comitte with the Clerk to Receive all the Books Papers & Plans belonging to the Prop' that were in y* Keeping of the Late Clerk Benjamin Flagg Esci Dec*^ and to give a Discharge to m' asa Flagg Exc' of y" Testament of said Deceased for y'' same Voted that tlie Survivors of the Comitte heretofore appointed for Selling y* Comon Lands are desired to Compleat that affair forth \\'\\\\ in as much as there Cant l)e a Division of the money among y" proprietors till the same is Done Voted that seven shillings and sixpence be paid oiit of y* Comon stock for y* Expenses at this meeting at niaj' Heywood which was paid by maj'' Rice 1752.1 Worcester, Massachusetts. 279 [235] Vutcil ihal this inccting l:)e adjourned to the Third monday of Feb')' next at Twelve o ClcMk at noon at llie House of maj' Daniel Heywood The above Votes pass*" at Said meeting Daniel Heywood mod'' att ami in Said meeting John Chandler Esq was sworn to the faithfull Discharge of y'' office & Duty of Clerk of Said prop" Before me Jonas Rice Jus' ])ac Entered from y*' originall Votes Anil comjxared there with V J Chandler Pro : Cler Worcester ss Decern'' 2'' : 1751 \\'"' young Chosen Surveyor &6t made oath that m all things to w'''' he miyht be called by the Comittee in Sur\eying as in y'' afore going Votes is mentioned that he would act foithfuUy [ ] J Chandler Jus' pac Att a meeting of the Proprietors of the Comon and undivided Land in Worcester held by ailjournmenl this: 17"' Day of Febru- ary : 1752 : at Twelve of the Clock at noow from the 20"' Day of November Last at the House of maj'' Dan' Heywood in Worcester 1 m' Joshua 15iglo and John Chandler Jun' l^sif a Comitte ap- pointed at the meeting in nov' Last to Settle accounts with maj' Heywood Treasurer of y"* proprietors made Report which was Read and accepted and the Said Treasurer is accordingly Discharged and it was Voted that the Note of Ten pound Sixteen shillings due from the Estate of Benj" Flagg Esq' Dec*^ old Tenor be divided with the money arising by the Sale of Lan *— * 1-^ 3- cr -^ ft rD p 3 =r "^ G. ^ rc P p . !/J •^ p 3 P c n « j 1 m n 3 a. 3^ F—r- P 3 5 a •—I ?r ^ a •-I ■"^ 0^ p n 5! a S" c a 5! 3 3* (Ti p 3- 2. p CL t-i* f-* "-1 aoA3A.ins SunoA „,AV ^ 2Ui ii(iNE3Ha "fe^': QMb-l saiNjib ='11 ' — ^ ~--^^^ / r 1 i ' ; / * 1 1 a /^ 5- H IN / -< 1 >— ' !->' llJ / • '1 i/i* « / , 1' .'r-1 f II 8// 3- p -1 1— r ;z / // >-.^ / tv /.. / p 3 ;' '^ H ,'i ^ 3 P ! 1 > 1 _p n if. 1 Q 1 ~ 1 ? X / '^ 4^. U) IT. HH "O 1 i / P I I ^ / H-( n \ c* / ^ C- ir. J X"^ a c/ t-^ 7: / a 0. w cr?' c i e BY THf- MEEOLE "', ', ° > , r 1 ? ' IT » 1 rT"^ K] 3 Cr P ^ r; 1/1 Ui P o 3- 3 t/) O 3 o Q S pi 2. 3 -< CU (Ti /VQ RO?. ' STUMP in A^'^ vV^ i\V *oO VZ^' W" ^■^ _,.--'\l> '''V*"^' t--^' The Deed signed [ ] 20 day of march 1743 These two plans one grant X: 68 rod & the other 10 acres & 120 rod with what Land was Laid out adjoyning to ye place where Benja Flagg Scnr dwelt in his life lime compleats his third division entered / order / J Chandler Pro Cler 2 88 Records of the Proprietors. [1752. [242] Worcester June 1726 Whereas Mes' Gershom Rice James Tayler and moses Lenard was appointed and chosen a Com'*^ by the Proprietors of Land in Worcester to View the Lands and meadow Laid out in the South part of said Worcester upon the Right of mr George Danson Dec'' and to allow and make said Right Equal in proportion with others : By order of said Comitte (and at the Disire of Cap' Nathanil Jones I have Laid out one hundred and fifty acres of Land in the South part of Worcester in full satisfa6lion and to make up said Dansons Right in the South part of Worcester Equall in proportion with other Rights said hundred and fifty acres was Laid out with al- lowance of one in thirty and Lyeth in four peices (viz') Eighty seven acres and seventy one Rod upon the Road Leading to Lei- cester bounded northerly by said Road westerly by the Land of Cap' Jones Southerly by the Land of Simon Gates Easterly by the Land of Parker and Beard also Twenty nine adjoyning to Daniel Biglows house Lott and is bounded northerly by Said Bigelows Land westerly by meadows Southerly by the Land of \Villiam m'^Clellan Easterly by the Land [of] Gershom Rice Jun — also seventeen acres upon Bagachoage hill adjoyning to the other side of said Biglows Land bounded Southerly by said Big- lows Land west by Comon Land northerly by Land in possession of Bartholomew flagg Easterly by the Land of m"^ John Smithe also Twenty one acres Lying upon Tatnick Hill near to Leicester Line and is bounded northerly by y'^ Lantl of Isaac moore westerly by the Line called Cap' Wards Line S. by the Land Laid out to aaron Adams East by the Land of Nath' moore and Ephraim Roper as is Signified in these Platts Surveyed by Benj" Flagg ns^-l PVo7^cesier, Massachusetts. 289 saiva § K-c CLELUENS LAND In NOUVV I •! 3 SCALE OF RODS [243] Rec*^ June : 25. i 752 of m' John Chaddick one of y* Com'" for Seling Land Twenty Shillings being for Land Sold in' James Putnam '^ J Ciiaiidler at a meeting of y* [proprietors of the] Comon & undivided Land in Worcester by adjournment this 18"' day of Sep' : (N S) 1752 being y^ first monday in said month at Twelve of y* Clock from y*" 1 7"* day of febry Last at the house of major Dan' Heywood in Worcester Voted that y* Expenses of meeting being one shilling, & Six shillings & five pence formerly Expended by major Heywood both Sums being Seven Shillings & five pence be allowed him out of y'" moiiy due to y" proprietors from him Voted that this meeting be further adjourned to y* first monday in October next at one of y" Clock after noon to meet at this place Att Daniel Heywood mod' Entred ^ J Chandler pro' : Clerk PUOP EEC. 37 2 90 Records of the Proprleto7's. [ 1752. Att a meeting of y* proprietors of y' Comon and undivided Land in Worcester held by adjournment this 2'^ day of Odlo"" 1752 being y^ first monday in said month at one of the Clock afternoon from the iS'"" of Sep'' Last at y" house of maj'' Dan' Heywood Voted that W" young & James Boyd be desired to see if there be any Comon Land Lying between or adjoyning to maj'' Hench- mans Land & Land of S** Boyd & to Report as soon as may be Voted that the Land sold by W'" Jenison Esq"' (since Dec'') to James Hamilton by Deed dated Jan'^y 30 1729 Containing by Es- timation Seventeen acres & a hundred & forty Rod laid out as part of a third Division to y" heirs ccf Peter Goulding Dec'' now in the possession of Charles Apthorp Estj'' be confirmed & Ratifyed agreeable to said Deed Voted that a plan of 26 acres & 86 perch of Land Taken by W™ Young Surveyor Sep"" 15 1752 (part of which was formerly laid out to Cap' Goulding) now laid before y' proprietors for con- firmation be Reported to the adjournment of this meeting for fur- ther consideration [244] Voted y' y^ Expenses at this meeting being Ten Shillings & Sixpence be allowed to maj"" Heywood & then the meeting was by Vote adjourned to the Sixth day of Nov' next to meet at this place at one a Clock after noon atis Dan' Heywood mod'' Entered ^9 J Chandler Pro' Cler at a meeting of the proprietors of the Comon and undivided land in Worcester held by adjournment this sixth day of november 1 75 i at one of the Clock after noon (from the second day of 0€i- ober Last) at the dwelling house of major Daniell Heywood in Worcester The Proprietors incjuireing of John Chandler Esq"^ and the Rest of the Comitte for Receiving and paying out the mony belonging to said propri[etors] ariseing by the sale of their Land &(5t made a Verball Report that they had paid and git discharges from Twenty six i)ersons including the Town Treasurer for the Publick Lotts and that the Rest of y" mony lys in the hands of the Pur- chassers, therefore 1 75'- 1 Worcester, Massiuhusctls. 291 Voted that the C'omittee be desired forth \vi:h to Recover the mony due to the proi)rietors as soon as may be that sjjeedy pay- ment be made to the Rest of the proprietors Voted : that if John Chandler lOsqr i\: WilHam Johnson are will- ing to Resign about Niiiteen acres of the Land they bought of the Comittee at Wigwam Hill next the Town Land that the same be Laid off to make up the mmisteriall lS: School Lwii.i j)i\isions they not being compleat That then the said C handler & Johnson be allowed for said Land in i)ro])ortion to what they gave for the whole and the Literest since their purchass Voted that Two Shillings & Eight pence be allowed to Othniell Taylor for service if lie has not been allowed that simi heretofore also Voted to allow Deacon Thomas W b.eekT Two Shillings for service done by him Voted that the Lxpenses at this meeting be ['aid to major Hey- wood being Six Shillings a platt taken by William Young the 15"' of Sep' last [245] dis- cribing the bounds of Twenty Six acres & Eighty Six perc h of Land was Laid before the meeting by Elisha Smith Jun' which in- cludes Eighteen acres and about sixty se\en perch which he for- merly bought ofC'ap' Palmer (loulding the overpluss being some thing more than Eight acres and he S** Smith basing been at the Expense of Eight Shillings to Run and assertain the bounds .1' having now paid to the Proprietors Eighteen shillings & Eight pence more Lawfull Therefore Voted that said overplus land be and hereby is Oranted to said I'ilisha Smith Jun"^ his heirs & As- signs for ever and that the Plan be Rounded and then the meeting was adjourned without ilay an' Daniell Heywood mod"' Entered p J Chandler Cler of y* Pro'. 292 Records of the Proprietors. [1752. land laid out on Danson Right This Piatt contains 26 acres & 86 perch Whitneys land This platt was protra(fted by a scale of 30 perch to an inch The Land laid down in this platt lays and is bounded as signi- fied in S** platt part of which was laid out to Palmer Goulding pursuant to a vote of the proprietors V W" Young Surveyed Sep' : y" 15"' : i 752 Entered from the originall & compared therewith 1^ J Chandler pro cler ^759-J VVoi'cester, Alassacliusctts. 293 [246] stones -^••"7./ ^1^ '^';:?/^-' o c 10 acres to '^Oc/^ Benja Flagg 3d Division I W. 2 S 100 Rod ""'^"es stones Benjamin l''laggs land This is a plaii cjf Ten acres of Land in Worcester granted by the jjroprietors of Said Town at their meeting To Benjamin Flagg Esq"" as part of his third Division Surveyed nov'' 20 1755 ^ W" Young Surveyor The above plan was Entered from the originall Dec' 9 1755 '^^ y* Desire of Benj" Flagg '^ J Chandler jjro cler NB I suppose it is y* Land to compleat a third Division belonging to Benj" Flagg to w*^** the Record & plans have Refference See page 173. 219 & 236 & 241 P^g^ 173 70 acres 241 9 I 28 10 J 90 o 28 ye above plat 10 100 o 28 \\cli is 28 perch too much Worcester ss To ( "aj)' Thomas Starnes of Worcester one of y' proprietors of y'' ("omon and undivided Lands in said Town Greeting Whereas application hath been made to me y' Subscriber one of His majesties Justices of y*" peace for y' County of Worcester by seven of y*^ proprietors of said comon iv undivitled lands for 2 94 Records of the Pi^oprietors. [^759- calling of a proprietors meeting. In y*" i*'' place to Choose a moderator. 2'''-^' to come into some method to confirm unto Cap : Palmer Goulding such part of a grant of Eighty acres of Land made to him on y*" ii**' of Sep'' 1738 as hath been omitted to be Surveyed & Recorded 3'''-^ to come into some proper method to dispose of any of y'' comon & undivided Land in said propriety that yet Remains unsold ,'^^. These are therefore to require you y*" said Tho' Starnes I Stal I V / forth with pursuant to y" directions of y* Law to notifie y* said proprietors to meet and assemble Themselves at y*" House of. maj'' Dan' Heywood in Worcester on thursday y'" 24"* day of may current at three of y'^ Clock afternoon then and there to a<5l on y' afores** articles said notice to be given by posting up y" particulars in some publick place in said Town, hereof fail not iS: make Re- turn hereof with your doings hereon to said [meeting] given under my hand and seal dated at Worcester the 3'' day of may a D 1759 In y'' 32'' year of his majesties Reign Tim" Paine Entred from y" originall attest |j? J Chandler Pro Cle [247] Worcester may 24. 1759 agreeable to y*" within war' to me directed I on the 3'' day of may cur' warned all y*-' proprietors within mentioned to meet at time and place within mentioned to a6l on y*" within war' by posting up a True Copy at a pubhck house in S'' Town *(1^ Thomas Starnes Entered from y" originall [ ] in \'' war' afores*" '"^ John Chandler pro : cler att a meeting of the proprietors of the Comon and undivided land in the Town of Worcester upon due warning given met at the house of major Dan' Heywood in Worcester on Thursday may 24 •V 759 at three of y' Clock afternoon Major Daniell Heywood chose moderator Att John Chandler projjrietors Clark In answer to y'' second article in y'' warrant Voted that a plan of Ten acres and three quarters of Land with Eighty perch allowed I759-J Worcester, Massachuse/ts. 295 for a Roatl adjoyning lo lanil fmiiKTly laid (jut to Jonathan nioore be accepted & Recorded as part of )'' llighty acres granted to Cap' I\almer (Moulding in SciV ; i 7.38 ii: confirmed to him his heirs or assigns jiruvided the same has not heen heretofore laid out & properly Recorded to some other proprietor it appears said plan was taken by Benjamin Flagg Dec'' at saic meeting Voted that twenty one acres of land sold by said Goulding to mi( hacll Lovell Eighteen acres to Elisha Smith Junr Sixteen acres & twenty Rods to Lieu' (iershom Rice and three acres \; a iinartcr to adonijah Rice be all confirm'd and wiili ihe afore mentioned peice is in full of y*" (irant of I'^ighty acres Voted that John Chandler Jun'. Joshua Biglo & John Chadick be a Comittee to Look up and Survey & assertain all such comon or undivided Land as belongs to y" proprietors in this Town and after proper & due notification of the time antl place of sale pro- ceed to sell y* same to y* highest bidder that the mony ariseing thereby be disposed of as y*" i)roprietors at any adjournment of this meeting shall direct, and y* Comittee may imploy a Surveyor as they may think proper, and in the sale of said Lands y' Com- ittee or Either of them may be purchassors any Deed they or y* major part of them may give to be binding (!v Vallid. Voted that the I'Lxpense of this meeting be paid by y" proprietors Treas' & then the meeting was by Vote adjourned to the first monday of november next, to meet at Two of the Clock P m at this place — Att' Daniel Heywood mod' Entered from the originall Vots ^ John Chandler prop" Clerk The plan of y' Ten acres and Three quarters with y' Eighty perch for a Roatl is Entered in y* following page 248 296 Records of the Proprietors. [248] [1760. V; 1-2,,--' '- Gouldine ro acre<; .>4 "ifh «?o rod al- Jo^ved for a Ro3^ This plan Entered ^ John Chandler proprs Clerk at a meeting of the Proprietors of y* Comon & undivided Land In Worcester by adjournment from y* 24"" day of Last may to the first monday In no\ember Currant at two of the Clock P m at y* House of major Daniel Heywood In Worcester Voted that this meeting be adjourned to the first Tuesday In January next at two o Clock afternoon at this Place att Daniel Heywood moderator Worcester Nov' 5 : 1759 at a meeting of the Proprietors of the Comon and undivided Land in Worcester by adjournment from y* first monday In no- vember to Tusday the first day of January Current at two o Clock P m. at the House of major Daniel Heywood In Worcester 1760.] M^orccster, Massachusetts. 297 voted that the Expenses of this meeting as also the Expenses of y*^ meeting on y<-" 24"' of may Last being Eleven shillings (S: Eight pence half penny be paid by y*-' Comittc for y*^ sale of the ('onion Land out of y'' mony in their Hands [249] \'()le(l tlKU this meeting be adjourned to the first monday in april next at two o C.'lo( k afternoon at this jjlare att Daniel Heywood moderator Worcester Jany : i 760 Entered 'j^ John Chandler Pro Cler at a meeting of y"^ Proprietors of y*^ Comon and undivided Land In Worcester by adjournment from y first Day [of] January Last to y*^ first monday of april Currant at two o Clock afternoon at y*^ House of major Daniel Heywood In Worcester Voted that y^ Expenses of this meeting be paid by the Comitte for y*^ sale of y*^ Comon Land out of y'= mony In their Hands Voted that this meeting be adjourned to y*-' twenty first Day of a])ril Currant at this Place at two o Clock afternoon att Daniel Heywood moderator Worcester aiirill 1 : i 760 loitered "^ John Chandler Pro Cle at a meeting of y^ Proprietors of y^ Comon and undivided I^ind In Worcester held by adjournment on y*-" 21 day of aprill at the house of Major Daniell Heywood in Worcester at Two of y*^ Clock afternoon from y*^ first day of Jan'y Last Voted that this meeting be further adjourned lo monday the Sixth day of may next at five of y"^ Clock afternoon Att Dan' Heywood moiP Worces'' aprill 21:1 760 Entered 1^. John Chandler Cle Att a meeting of y"^ [proprietors of the] Comon and undi\ided Land in Worcester by adjournment from y" 21 day ot Aprill I^st to this 6"' (lav of mav i 760 at live of the ('lo(k afternoon at y HKill' Ki;c. ,0 298 Records of the Proprietors. [1760. house of Major Dan' Heywood in Worcester Voted that this meeting be further adjourned to the first monday in September next to meet [at] this place at five of the Clock afternoon Daniell Heywood mod' Entered ^ J Chandler Pro' Cle [250] Worcester ss To Dan' Heywood Esq of Worcester one of y'' principall proprietors of y* Comon and undivided Land in S** Town of Worcester Greeting Whereas seven of y" principall proprietors of y* Comon and un- divided land in said Town of Worcester having by writing under their hands made application to me y* Subscriber requesting me to make out a war' diredled to one of y* proprietors of S*^ Comon & undivided Land for y* calling of a meeting of S** proprietors to be held at y" house of S"* Dan' Heywood in said Town of Worces- ter on Tuesday y* 6"' day of may next then and there to adl on y' following articles, first To choose a moderator (2""^') for y* proprietors to choose a Comittee if they think proper to take on them the defense of an adion of Ejectment Jonathan Gates has brought ag" Joshua Biglow of Worcester for y* Recovery of y* Pos- session of part of Certain lands sold by said proprietors Com'*"-" to said Biglow & also to appropriate so much mony now in y* hands of S"* proprieters Comittee as may be found necessary for defend- ing y* same — (3''') to choose a Clerk for S** proprietors in y'' Room of y* Hon""'* John Chandler Esq who desires to Resign You are therefore hereby required and diretled to notifie & warn the proprietors of y* comon and undivided lands in S** Town of Worcester to assemble and meet at y*" time & place afors*" then and there to a(^ iv vote on y" articles afors'' as they shal Judge proper l)y posting up a notification there of in some publick place or places within y*" said Town of Worcester fourteen days at Least before y* day aj^pointed for S** meeting w""** notification must be in writing under your hand and make due return hereof with your proceedings on y'' same to y" S"" jjroprietors that they may a6\ on y* matters afos** agreeable to y" Laws of this province and for your so doing this shall be your sufficient warrant 1 760. j IVorccsfcr, Alassac/msii/s, 299 Given under my hand and sea! at Worcester this 22'' day of aprill In y* 33** : year of His maj' Reign anno Dom. 1 760 James Putnam Jus' pac Worcester may 6 : iiGo pursuant to y'' within warr' I have no- tified the within proprietors to a[)pcar at time and \)\m c within mentioned to att on the articles therein Expressed by posting up a True ami attested cuj))' thereof in \\"urcester y* 22'' day of Last aprill V DiHiiell Heywood Entered from the originall warrant & Return thereon V John Chandler prop' Cle at a meeting of y' proprietors of y" Comon and undivided land in the Town of Worcester upon due warning given met at y* house of major Daniell Heywood in Worcester on Tuesday may 6. i 760 at five of the Clock afternoon Major Dan' Heywood Choose mod- erator att John Chandler prop's Cle In answer to the second article in the warrant [251] Voted that John Chandler Junr Esq and .\r John Chadick be a Comittee Jovntly and sever [all] y fully authorized and impowered in y' name of S'' proprietors to appear in defense of y*" action Referred to in y* warrant & y'' same at y^ charge of y'' proi)rietors to pursue to nnall Judgment & therein to proceed in all Lawfull ways and means in defense thereof and if they shall think proper to Referr y^same (with y*" consent of any Court of Justice before whom y' a6lion shall come) in order for a fmall accomodation there they are hereb\ impowered so to do Voted that the charge of this meeting being is lod be paid by y" Comittee appointed at a former meeting Voted that this meeting be adjourned to the first monday of Sep' next to meet at this place at 5 : oH'lock afternoon Daniel Heywood mod' Entered may. 6. 1760 John Chandler pro' Cle Worcester ss To Daniel Heywood l^sc]' of Worcester one of the Principel Proprietors of y' Comon and ur.divided Land in S Town Greeting 2,00 Records of tJie Proprietors. [1761. Whereas seven of the Principal Proprietors of y* Comon and undivided Land in said Town of Worcester have by writing under their hands made application to me the Subscriber one of his maj- estys Justices of y* peace for S'' County Requesting me to make out a warrant Directed to one of the Principe! Proprietors of said Comon and undivided Land for calling a meeting of said Pro- prietors to be held at y* House of you the said Daniel Heyvvood In said Town on Fryday the sixth Day of november next two oClock afternoon there and then to a6l <5n y^ following articles First to choose a moderator 2^^ For the Proprietors to Grant such sums of mony as shall be necessary for y* Discharging }'* Cost of y^ adlion Jonathan Gates of S** Worcester Recovered against the proprietors or to order the Payment In such way and manner as they shall think Proper as also to order the Payment for the Sums Ex- pended by the Comitte of the Proprietors in the Defense of said attion 3 for the Proprietors to come into some method for satisfying Joshua Bigelo for y* Land Recovered of him by said Gates and to order the Damage he has Sustained to be paid to him 4 To Choose a Proprietors Clerk in the Room of the Hon''''' John Chandler who desires to Resign SEAL These are Therefore to Require you the said Daniel Heywood [252] forthwith Pursuant to y* Directions of y^ Law to notifie the said Proprietors to meet and assemble themselves at time and Place aforesaid then and there to a6t and vote on y*" articles afore- said as they shall Judge Proper said notice to be Given by posting up the Particulars in some Publick Place in Worcester at Least fourteen Days before said meeting hereof fail not and make Return hereof with your Doings herein to said Proprietors Given under my liand and seal this 21 Day of Odlober a D 1761 in y' first year of y* Kings Reign Timothy Paine Jus' Pacis 1/61.] Worcester, Massachusetts. 301 Worcester nov 6: 1761 I Warned all y' Proprietors of Wor- cester to meet at time & Place within mentioned to act on y* within articles by Posting up a True and attested Copy of this Warrant at a Publick House in said Town fourteen Days before y*" meeting \l Daniel Heywood at a meeting of y' Proprietors of y* Comon &: undivided Land in the Town of Worcester at the House of major Daniel Heywood on fryday the Sixth Day of nov a D i 761 Major Danii'l Heywood was Chosen moderator att John Chandler Proprietors Clerk on the second article voted that major Daniel Heywood & Cap' Jacob Hemingway be a Comitte to autiit the accounts Relative to y* suit the Proprietors Lost with Jonathan Gates and also to Re- port y'' C'ost Recovered In y* Execution at the adjournment of this meeting on the third article voted that Cap' John Curtis and m' Phinehas Heywood be Desired on oath to apprise the Land Jonathan Gates Recovered against m' Joshua Biglo which the Proprietors sold him as also y*" Damages said Biglo sustains by Reason of y* Loss of y* Land on the fourth article voted that John Chandler Ju' Esq' be Pro- prietors Cler in y* Room of y'' Hon'''* John Chandler Esq' also voted that he Receive the book & Papers of y* Late Proprietors Clerk and Give him a Receipt for them after he is sworn who was sworn In the meeting [253] Voted that this meeting be adjourned to monday the twenty third Day of november Currant at three oClock afternoon to be held at this Place att Daniel Heywood moderator the aforegoing Warrant (S: Warning & Votes Consequent thereon was p:ntered & Compared f> John Chandler Jr Prop Clerk Worcester ss : To Daniel Heywood of Worcester in the County of Worcester Esq and a Principel Proprietor of y' Comon and un- divided Land In said Town 2,02 Records of the Proprietors. [ ^ 761 . Whereas Six of said Proprietors have made application to me the Subscriber one of his majestys Justices of the Peace for said County Requesting me to make out a Warrant Directed to some one of said Proprietors to meet at y*" House of major Daniel Hey- wood In Worcester on monday the 23"^ Day of november Currant at three oClock afternoon there and then to a6t on the following articles viz' — To Choose a Comitte to settle the accounts of y" mony now in the hands of y'' Comitte for y*" Paying the Proprietors Each one his Respective propordon of y* mony the Comon Land sold for and Receive the Ballance Discharge y^ old Comitte and to order the same in the hands of such Person or Persons as the Proprietors shall Judge Proper to be Disposed of agreeable to the votes of said Proprietors Seal You are therefore hereby Desired to Warn and notifie the said Proprietors agreeable to the Diredlion of y'' Law to meet and as- semble at time and Place aforesaid then and thers to act on y* afore mentioned articles and make Return hereof with your Doings hereon to said Proprietors before y^ said meeting Given under my hand and seal this Ninth day of november a D I 761 In y'' second year of his majestys Reign Tim" Paine Worcester nov 3'' 1761 I warned the Proprietors of Worcester to meet at time & place & for the Purposes above mentioned by Posting up a true & attested Copy of this Warrant at a Publick House in said Town fourteen Days before the meeting ^ Daniel Heywood [254] at a meeting of the Proprietors of y'^ Comon and undivided Land in the Town of Worcester at y" House of major Daniel Hey- wood on monday y" 23"* day of nov' a D i 7JI major daniel Heywood was chosen moderator att.s John Chandler Jr Proprietors Cler on the article of y* Warrant voted that mess Joshua Piglo John Chaddick & Jacob Hemingway be a Comitte to audit the accounts of y' Comitte of y*^ Proprietors of Worcester for paying Each one 1/61.] Worcester, Masmcliusetts. 303 his Respective Proportion of y' mony the ('omon Land sold for & Report y* Sums of mony now in llieir Hands and to Report at this meetuig- the above Comitte Reported that there is now in the hands of y* Hon''''' John Chandler Ksij Recekening Interest 59 : 9 : 7 In y* Hands of major Daniel Heywood \ Recekoning Interest ) 10 : 5 : 6 69 : r r : i In y*" hands of Jolm Chandler Jr nothing as by this Report on file appears \vhi( h was Read & accepted Whereupon it was voted 1)\- the Proprietors that upon y* said Comittees paying y' above sum into the hands of y* Person to be appointed to Receive y' same they be Discharged voted that John ('handler Jr Receive the within sum of sixty nine pound Eleven Shillings &; a penny and that he pay the same agreeable to y" vote and order of y*" Projjrietors voted that after John Chandler Jur has paid the charges of y' suit Jonathan Gates Recovered against y* proprietors y' charge of y^ Comitte for Defending y' same and the Damage & Cost S** Josh- ua Biglo Sustained by y" Loss of y"" Land and the Expenses of y* meeting being twenty two shillings & seven pence that he pay what still shall Remain in his hands to such Persons who have not Received their proportion of y* mony ariseing by y' sale of y* Comon Land in said Town they making out a Legel Claim and that he take Proper Receipts to secure the Proprietors so far as the same will Extend as also any other sum he may Receive for the Pro()rietors In Consequence of y* sale of any Comon Land The aforegoing votes Passed at said meeting att Daniel Heywood Entered from the original >' John Chandler Jr Proprietors Cler [255] at a meeting of the Proprietors of y' Comon and undivided Land In the Town of Worcester this twenty third day of november a D I 76 1 by adjournment from y' sixth Day of november currant and then met 304 Records of the Propi'ietors. [1761. Major Daniel Heywood and Cap' Hemingway a Comittee ap- pointed on y^ sixth of november Last for auditing y*^ accounts Relative to y'^ action Jonathan Gates Recovered against y^ Pro- prietors Reported that they had Examined y^ accounts of John Chandler jr and find Due to him y*^ sum of 14:14:8 To m"" Joshua Biglo y*^ sum of 5:12:10 The Execution against y^ Proprietors Including x" officers fees 13 : 7 : 9 : i i : • for seven Rights he Rec'' which he had ' no Right too y^ same belonging to i o o Joshua Rices adm" march () 1769 ~^ Cash of Ca])t (loodwin 2: 14: o PHor. Ki:c. o 06 Records of the ProprLeto7's. [1762. [258] Worcester ss : Daniel Heywood Esq. a Proprietor in the comon and undivided Land in tlie Town of Worcester In the County of Worcester ^^ Whereas nine of said Proprietors have made application V *'^'' / to me y^ Subscriber one of his majestys Justices of y^ peace for y^ County of Worcester Desireing me to notifie a meeting of said Proprietors to be at y*^ House of major Daniel Heywood In Worcester on monday the twelfth Day of april next five oClock after noon then & there to ait on y*^ following articles 1 To Choose a moderator 2 to see if y*^ Proprietors will make any Grant of Land or mony to Cap' Palmer Goulding in Consequence of y^ Land Recovered by the Heirs of Jonathan moore Dec'' which Land said (ioulding sold Cap' Thomas Stearnes and said Stearns sold Joshua Biglo and is y*^ same Land Laid out to said Goulding and Recorded to him in the Proprietors Records 3''' for y« Proprietors to chuse a Comitte to Prosecute any Person who is in y*^ Possession of any of their Land or that have any of their monys in their Hands and to make Suitable Grants of mony for Pursuing any a6tion or anions that y^ Proprietors shall order Vou are therefore Hereby appointed to Notifie said Proprietors to meet and assemble at time and place above mentioned then and there to a6l on y"^ foregoing articles and make Return hereof with your Doings hereon to y*^ Clerk of said Proprietors at said meet- ing- Given under mv hand and seal this twenty third day of march anno Dom 1762 Tim" Paine Worcester april 12: 1762 I have warned the Proprietors of Worcester to meet at time and Place within mentioned to ad on y*-" within articles by Posting up a true co]iy of V within Warrant at a Publick House in said Town fourteen Days before y'' meeting Daniel Heywood 1762.] IVorces/cr, Afassac/iusc/ts. 307 [259] at a Legal meeting of the Proprietors of y« Comon and un- divided Land 111 the Town of Worcester at y^' House of major Daniel Hey\vo(;(l on nioiulay the 12"' Day of april a D i 7C2 five oC'lock afternoon major Daniel Heywood was Chosen moderator all John Chandler Jr Proprietors Clerk voted ihal this meeting he adjourned to y-" 19"' Instant at 5 oClock afternoon to he held at this Place att Daniel Heywood moderator Entered from y" original Warrant & votes & compared tiiere- with '^ John Chandler Proprietors Cler at a meeting of the Proprietors of y'= Comon and undivideii Land In y'' Town of Worcester at y" House of major Daniel Hey- wood in Worcester on y 19"' Day of april a D 1762 five oClock afternoon by adjournment from the twelfth Day of april Currant then mett on y^ second article voted that y^' s\nn of thirteen pound Six shillings and Eight j^ence Lawfull mony be and hereby is (iranted unto Capt Palmer Coulding in full consideration of y'= Land Re- covered by y"^ Heirs of Jonathan moore Dec'' which the said (ioulding sold to Capt Thomas Stearnes and said Stearnes to Joshua Biglo and that y^ l^ro])rietors Clerk pay y"-" same out of y"-" mony in his hands and charge y^" same to y-' Proprietors he Taking said (iouldings Discharge for y same voted thai John Chandler Ju' and Joshua Biglo be and are hereby Chose a Comittee In y'' name of y"^ Proprietors to sue for the Possession of any peice or peices of Land any person or Per- sons have unjustly Crot into the Possession of belonging to the Proprietors or that have any of y-' Proprietors monys in their Hands and that y*^ Exi)enses of such suit cjr suits be born by y*-" Propriety voted that y^' Expenses of this meeting being six shillings antl ten pence half ])eney be paid b\' y^' Proprietors Cler out of y' mony In his Hands y aforegoing votes passed at said meeting all Daniel Heywood moderalor Entered from y'' original votes iV' compareil therewith "^ John ChantUer Jr Pro Cler 3o8 Records of the Prop7'ieto7's. [1764. [260] Worcester ss To John Chandler Esq'' Clerk to y^ Proprie- tors of y^ Comon and undivided Lands in Worcester Greeting Whereas a Number of said Proprietors have Requested that there might be a meeting of said Proprietors held at y*^ house of major Daniel Heywood In Worcester on monday y^ ninth Day of January next at five oClock afternoon first to choose a moderator 2*^ to see if y^ Proprietors will order any sum of mony to be paid to y*^ heirs of y^ Late Benj" Flagg Esq'' and Jonas Rice Esq' & to m' John Chaddick \\\ order to Enable them to settle the Dispute that has Lately arisen about y^ Hill In said Town called millstone Hill which they sold to said Heywood as a Comittee of said Pro- prietors & which hath since been adjudged to belong to y^ town of Worcester they having by mistake sold said Hill to said Hey- wood as comon (& undivided Land or to do any thing Relative thereto that y*^ Proprietors shall then Judge Proper .'^^. These are Therefore to Impower you y*^ said John Chand- ^^^^ ler to notifye y^ said Proprietors to meet at time & place aforesaid to a(5l on y'^ above matters by Posting up Proper notice thereof in some Publick Place in said town fourteen Days before said meeting as y^ Law Dire6ls and to make Return hereof with your Doings hereon unto said Proprietors at S*" meeting Given under my hand and seal this nineteenth Day of Dece' a D 1763 in y'= fourth year of his majestys Reign Tim" Paine Just Pac' Worcester ss Dec 24: 1763 I have warned and notifyed y^ Proprietors aforesaid to meet at time and place & for y^ Purposes above mentioned by Posting up a true and attested Copy of this Warrant at y'' House of major Daniel Heywood In S'' Worcester John Chandler Proj) Cler at a Legal meeting of y'^ Projjrietors of y^ Comon and undivided Land In y'^ 'iown of Worcester at y"-' House of major Daniel Hey- wood on monday y*^ ninth Day of January a D 1764 att John Chandler Prop Cler 1764.] Worcester, Masstu/iusef/s. 309 voted that Danirl Ilcywood John Chandler c^ J(jshua Hij^lo [261] be a Coiiiitlee to ICxainine whither y*-' mony for which mill stone Hill was sold by y*-' Comittee of y^ Proprietors was ever ac- counted for by y*-" Comittee to y" Persons to whom they were ordered to pay y*-" same by y"-' l'r()j)rietors and that they make Re- port at y-' adjournment of this meeting voted that this meeting be adjourned to monday y^' thirteenth Day of February next five oClock afternoon to be held at this place the aforegoing votes Passed at said meeting att Daniel Heywood at a meeting of y<= Proprietors of y*^ Comon and undivided Land in y*^ Town of Worcester at y'^' House of major Daniel Heywood on y"^ thirteenth Day of Feb', live oClock afternoon ~^ adjourn- ment from y*^ ninth Day of January Last voted that tiiis meeting be adjourned to y*^ first monday of april a 1) 1764 at six oCKjck afternoon to be held at this place Daniel Heywood att a meeting of y*^ Proprietors of y^ Comon and undivided Land In Worcester at y'-" House of major Daniel Heywood on y^ first monday In april a d 1764 six oClock afternoon by adjournment from y-' 13"' of February Last voted that this meeting be adjourned to monday y*^ 27"' Day of august next 6 oClock afternoon to be held at this place . Daniel Heywood at a meeting of y^ Proprietors of y'= Comon and undivided I^and In Worcester at y*^ House of major Daniel Heywood on y-' Twenty seventh Day of august a D 1764 six oClock afternoon by adjourn- ment from y'^ first nujiiday In ai)ril Last voted that John Chandler l'>s(i Jacol) Hemingway cS: Cap' Israel Jenison and Cap' James Cootlwin be a Comittee to P^xamine y« County Records and see what Land y^ Comittee for selling Lands have sold the considerations in y^^ I )eeds mentioned y" mony paid In Expenses t^- y^' sum paid 1>\- order of y^' Proprietors that so y"-" Proprietors may be able to 1 )clrruiiiic wlicthcr y" Comittee for 3IO Records of the Pj'oprietors. [iZ/O- selling Land have accounted for all y^ mony they Received and the charge of searching be paid by y"^ Clerk out of y*^ mony in his hands Voted that this meeting l)e adjourned to monday the [262] twenty fourth Day of Sept next at six oClock afternoon to be held at this place y*^ aforegoing votes Passed at S** meeting att Daniel Heywood The aforegoing Warrant & Votes were Entered from y^ original & compared therewith '^ John Chandler Prop Cler Worcester ss To the Hon'"'^ John Chandler Esq. Clerk of the Proprietors of y^ Comon and undivided Land In Worcester In y^ County of Worcester You are hereby Required forthwith to Warn and Give notice unto y^ Proprietors of y^ Comon and undi- vided Land In y*^ Town of Worcester In y"^ Count}- of Worcester to meet and assemble at \^ House of major Daniel Heywood In Worcester on monday the twenty sixth day of march at four oClock after noon then and there to a(5l on y*^ following articles viz' I To Choose a moderator I I for y^ Proprietors to order if they see Cause to Reimburse Daniel Heywood y*^ sum of mony he paid the Proprietors for a tract of Land sold by their Comittee to him Lying In said Town at a place Called millstone Hill the same having been Recovered in a Due course of Law from his assigns or to Grant him Releife in such way & manner as to them shall seem Just cS: Reasonable hereof fail not and make Return hereof with your Doings hereon unto y^ said Proprietors at said meeting Given under my hand and seal at Worcester the fifth Day of march anno Dom 1770 Tim" Paine Just Pacis Worcester march 9 : 1770 In obedienc:e to y"" above Warrant I Warned all y Proprietors of y'= C'omon and undivided Land in Worcester to meet at time \: place above mentioned by Posting up a true & attested Copy of this Warrant at a Publick House In said Worcester more then fourteen Days before y*-' meeting John Cliandler Pro])" Cler Entered from y'^' original il' Com])'" therewith ^ John Chandler iVoi)" Cler 1770.] Worcester, Massachusetts. 311 [263] Worcester march 26 1770 at a meeting of Propr* of y«^ Comon t\: undivided Lands In Worcester four oClock after noon after Legal warning Ciiven Cai)t James Goodwin was chosen moderator att John (handler Proj/ Cler Whereas it ai)i)ears to y^ Proprietors that there is now in the hands of John Chandler Escj y"-' sum of seven jjound one shilling (S: three pence Lawful mony y'^ same having Laid in his hands for some time past and no person or Persons having Laid in their Claim agreeable to former votes of the Proprietors to Receive y*= same and whereas it ap])ears to said Proprietors that major Daniel Heywood who Purchased nearly one Hundred acres of Land on millstone Hill of y*-" Proprietors Comittee y"^ same being Recovered of him or his assigns in Due course of Law Therefore voted that y- said John Chandler Pay said Daniel Heywood said sum of seven pounds one shilhng and three pence now in his hands Provided the said Heywood (jive a sufficient Release to y'^ Proprietors from any further Claim Relative to y*^ sale aforesaid and that y*-' said John Chandler be i\; hereby is Indemnifyed from any further Demand from y*^ Proi)rietors for said sum of seven j^ound one shilling tS: three pence the aforegoing vote Passed at said meeting att James Coodwin moderator Filtered from v*^ original iK: Compared therewith *^ John Chandler Prop' Cler [264] [Plank] [265] Whereas on y*^ twenty sixth Day of march Currant at a Le- gal meeting of y*^ Proprietors of y^ Comon and undivided Ixmd In Worcester they voted that John Chandler Ks(|' Pay unto me y*-' Subscriber the sum of seven jiound one shilling nidi\ided Land in Worcester to meet at time and Place ^: for y^' Purposes herein mentioned by Posting up a true and attested Copy of this Request & warrant at a Publiik House in Worcester Kighteen Days before y^ meeting lohn Chandler at a Legal meeting of y" Proprietors of y" Comon and undi\ ided Land in y" Town of Worcester at y^ House of Ca])t William Jones In Worcester on monday y*-' fourth Day of ai)ril a D 1774 at two oClock afternoon John Chandler Ks(| was unanimously Chosen moderator at I John Chandler Prop" Cler voted that Joshua Biglo and John Chandler I^sq of Worcester and m' Jcjhn Childs Jur of Holden be a Comittee to assertain y'= bounds of y*^ meadow Lotts on french River and take a survey thereof as also y*" Comon Land adjovning and make Report at y" adjournment of this meeting voted that this meeting be adjourned to Tuesday y^' i 7"' Day ol may next at five oClock afternoon to be held at this Place att John Chandler moderator Entered from y'' original ^: Compared therewith '^ John Chandler Pro" Clerk PROP. RKC. ,n 40 14 Records of the Proprietors. [^774- [268] at a meeting of y*^ Proprietors of y- Comon and undivided Land in Worcester by ajournment from y^ fourth day of april to y« 1 7"" Day of may at y^ House of William Jones In Worcester 5 "Clock afternoon y^ Comittee appointed on y^ fourth day of april Last to assertain y^ bounds of y^ meadow Lotts on trench River & to assertain y^ bounds of y'' Comon & undivided Land adjoyning made Report that they had attended said service & are of opinion that there is no Comon adjoyning S*^ meadow which Report was accepted voted that this meeting be adjourned to y^ second monday In ausust next at five oClock afternoon to be held at this Place att John Chandler moderator Entered from y^ original ..^ compared therewith ^ John Chandler Prop Cler at a meeting of y'^ Proprietors of y^ Comon & undivided Land In Worcester by adjournment to y« second monday In august a D 1774 5 "Clock afternoon on y^ third article in y^ Warrant y^ Question was jxit whither y^ Plan of twelve acres & a half of Land Laid out In January 1769 to Compleat a Grant made to Jacob Holmes on y« 1 3"" of February 1737/8 of fifteen acres be Recorded & it passed in y^ affirmative att John Chandler moderator Entered from y^ original (S: compared therewith ^ John Chandler Pro]/ Cler 1776.] Worcester, Massachusetts. 315 [269] > 1 ■c^ ' s!^ e? v; .-C ^ ^ ^xP' '■- acres i5 / • /and -5 -'"'Jafin at the Desire of Capt Thomas Stearnes I ha\e Surveyed twelve acres & an half of Land Laying in Worcester to be Laid out on Jacob Holmes Right said twelve acres and an Half was surveyed January 1 769 and Lay as Discribed in this Piatt Surveyed ^ W" Young Entered from v*^ original & Compared therewith ^ John Chandler Prop' Clerk [The following petition, warrant and record of meeting relating to the election of a clerk in the place of Hon. John Chandler, who had become a refugee, the recovery of the hooks, etc., were written upon two loose sheets. Tliev are here placed in chronological (jrder. Upon one of the sheets is the bill of expenses of the connnittee appointed in 1713 to aid in the settlement of the town. This is printed at the end of the Record on page 318. — F. P. R.] To Daniel Hcnshaw ICst]' a Justice of the Peace for the Countey of Worcester in the province of the massachtisetts Bay in New England the Sub.scribers proprietors of the township of Worcester o 1 6 Records of tJie Proprietors. \^\']']6. in the Countey of Worcester petition and humbly Sheweth that John Chandler Esq'' has been for many yers Clerk of said pro- prietors and has had the keeping of the proprietors Books papers and money & now has fled off from the' town of Worcester among the Refugees wee therefore pray that your Honor would grant a Warrant for Calling a meeting of the proprietors for the purposes her in after mentioned one the last monday of June next at the Dwelling house of mrs mary Sterns inholder in Worcester at one a Clock in the afternoon then and there to transa6t the following matters viz to Choose a moderator of said meeting a Clerk of the proprietors to Receive the proprietors Books papers and money and if they see Cause may Chuse assessors Colle6lors of taxes a Treasurer a Serveyouer Chain men to Determine what sums of money shall bee Raised to Defrey the Charges that have or may arise and to pass all such votes as by them may bee thought Con- ducive to promot the Intrest of said propriety and to agree upone methods for Calling meetings for the future and your petitioners shall ever pray &c Dated at Worcester 23 may 1776 Joshua Bigelo" James Brown Absolam Rice Robert Smitli Jacob Hemenway [ohn (iats Worcester ss To John Gates one of the proprietors of the township in the foregoing petition Greeting ^~. You are hereby Required to Notifie and warn the pro- V / prietors of said townshi]) to meet at the Dwelling House of mrs mary Sterns Inholder in Worcester one the last monday in June next att one a CIcxk in the afternoon for the pur- pose sett forth in the said ]jetition Given under my hand & seal this 23 may AD 1776 Daniel Henshaw Ju[stice of the Peace] In i)ursuance of the foregoing warrante I have Notified the jjro- prietors within named to attend at time and place with in men- tioned lolin Gats 1788.] Worcester, MassacJiHsctts. 317 In obedaiKc to the fore Going warrant tlic |)ro]jrietors meet at time and jihice within mentioned and passed the following vots 1 voted that Joshua Bigelow be moderator of this meeti[ng] 2 that Joshua Bigelow l>e Ciiosen proprietors Clark in the Rome of John Chandler 3 voted that Jacolj Hemenway and Robrte Smith and Absolam Rice Bee a Committey to wait one M" Chandler with Joshua Bigelow and Receve the Books 4 voted that this meeting be adjourned to the second mondey in July attest Joshua Bigelow moderator [270 & 271] [Blank] [272] To Benj" Heywood Estjr We the Subscribers pray your Honour would forthwith call a Proprietors meeting of this Town as the Law directs in such cases for the following purposes (viz) i"' To choose a Moderator 2'' 'I'o see in as much as the proprietors Clerk now standing is much adva[n]ced in age and unable to do any duty in that office whether the Proprietors will choose another Clark in his room and to do and a6t on the above as they .shall see fit Worcester February 6"' i 788 Ebenezer Willington William Taylor Jacob Hemingway Nath' Moore Jonathan Rice John Stowers Joshua Johnson John White Robert Smith Commonwealth of Massachusetts y^-^ Worcester ss To Jonathan Rice one of the principal v ''^ ' l)ro])rietors al)0ve named The above re(iuest being mad to m'e one of the Justice of the peace for the County of Worcester you are 3 1 8 Records of the Proprietors. [1788. hereby dire<5led and impowered to warn a meeting of the Proprie- tors of the Town of Worcester in manner as the Law dire6ls to be holden at the House of m"" John S[t]owers Inn-holder in S'' Wor- cester on Thusday y^ 6"" day of September next at three of the clock in afternoon for the purpose in the foregoing request main- tained ; for wich this shall be your Warrent Given under my hand and seal at Worcester the nineteenth day of august in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and Eighty eight Benj" Heywood Jus. Peace [The original warrant is endorsed as follows:] September the 5 1 788 In Obedience to the within warrant I have Notified & warned in the usual way & maner the within Named proprietors to attend at time i^ place within mentioned Jonathan Rice [Bill of expenses of the committee appointed in 1713 to effect the reset- tlement of Worcester. See pages 59 to 62 and note on page 315.] The Town of Worcester Dr 1714 Dec^ 1 6"' To y*^ Comittee for their Expenses ) at their several meetings & in their | journey to Worcester in order to the \ Settling the S** Town &c w''' was ^i6„09„ 2 j)'' in equal proportion by y'^ ('omittee ^ [kND oK llIK KKCORU.J CORRF.C'I'IOX: Page 173. At end of sixth line fnnn hottoni supply "•country road.' Subscribers' Names. Subscribers' Names. The Worcester Society of Anticiuity,* 'I'he City of \Vorcester, Hon. Clark Jillson, Albert Curtis, Esq. Hon. Stephen Salisbury, Kllery H. Crane, Ksq. Mr. All)ert A. Lovell, Elijah H. Marshall. Es(]. Stephen Salisbury, Jr.. ICsq. Mr. John G. Smith, Nathaniel Paine, Esq. Mr. Nelson R. Scott, James A. Smith, Esq. Mr. P^dward R. Lawrence, Charles B. Whiting, Esq. Hon. Alexander H. Bullock, Hon. Daniel .\. Cleason, Mr. Henry L. Shumway, William S. P.arton, Esq. Mr. Richard O'Flynn, Benjamin J. Dodge, Esq. Hon. Frank H. Kellev, Worcester, Medford, Mass. Worcester, NuiiibtT of ('ojtieH. 75 25 10 10 10 10 10 10 5 4 4 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 I I I I * K.Nchange List of the Society. PKor. Ki:c 41 322 Subscribers Names. Number o1 Copies. Hon. William W. Rice, Thomas M. Lamb, Esq. Mr. William A. Emerson, Mr. Henry F. Stedman, Andrew Athy, Esq. Mr. Alfred S. Roe, Gen. Augustus B. R. Sprague, Clarendon Harris, Esq. William T. Harlow, Esq. Mr. Henry D. Barber, Burton W. Potter, Esq. Hon. Edward L. Davis, Rev. George Allen, Mr. William B. Howe, Daniel Seagrave, Esq. Mr. Augustus Stone, Mr. Edward B. Hamilton, Samuel E. Staples, Esq. Mr. Waldo Lincoln, William .\. Smith, Esq. Harvey B. Wilder, Esq. Mr. Elliott H. Peabody, Charles \. ("hase, Esc). Hon. Henry P. Upham, Lewis W. Hammond, l^sq. Massachusetts Historical .Society, Francis .A.. Gaskill, Escj. Boston Public Library, Boston AtheniTcum, Charles H. Guild. Esq. Worcester St. Paul. Minn. Worcester, Boston, Worcester, Boston, East Somrrville, Mass. Siii)S(ri/>rrs XiUfU's. -> "^ N limber ttV Mr. (K-orge E. LittlcfiL-ld, luhii A. Lewis, I'lsij. 'I'honias li. Hodge, Kstj. (ieorge Sumner, ICsq. Mr. Calel) .\. WM!. Hon. Horace Davis. F. Hourquin, Es(i. Mr. Charles B. Todd, Mr. Charles W. Kenno, Boston. W'orr ester, San Francisco, Cal Philatleli^hia, Pa. Redding, Conn. East Orange. X. J. General Index. General Index. The names of persons and places are spelled in various ways in the original. The modern method is generally used in this index. A hyphen connecfting two numbers denotes thai the subject will be found on the intervening pages. Adams, .\aron. 54, 64, 73, 109. 115. 117. 118, 121. 122. 129. 130. 1 09, 190. 210, 225. 288. Thomas, 222, 248. William, 30. Addington. Isaac, 60. 62. .Agreements of the Settlers. 19, 31. 32 .\llen. Rev. l^enjamin. 53. 64, 104, 153, i6(), 170. 183, 224. .\llei-ton. [Atherton?] Thomas, 47, 51 .Andrew, Samuel, 12, 40, 281. Anne's War, Queen, 55. .■\pportii)nment of land, 15. .\pthorp. Charles, 290. [ .\rarat. Mount. 150, 153. ' Area of the Town, 13. 39. .\thciton, 54. 115. 169, 171. iSl. Thomas, 65. 1 17, I 19. .\twood. Philip, 23, 31. Audion, lands to be sold by, 263. 295 .\iuliting Cumniillee, 302. 304. Haker. Thomas. 42. Hallantine J(;hn. 59. 77. 78. Harl)er, J. 53. Robert, 283. Barnes, Henjamin, 70. 151. 224. Barron, Benjamin, 64. 77, 88. 98, 132, 138. John. 54. 98. Beamin, John, 31. Beamis, Joseph. 29. Bear Brook. 153, 184. Hill. 142. Meadow, 168. Beard. 288. Beaver Brook, 110. 137, 162, 184.' 193- I94- 196. 238. Beers, Richard. 14. 19, 26, 40. Belcher, .Andrew. 12. 14. Bigelow. Daniel. 114. 121, 122, 129, 130, 160, 177. 234, 288. David, 53, 112. Joseph. 29. Joshua. 29, 262. 278. 279. 295, 298, 300-307- 309. 313- 316. 317- Timothy. 312. Bimeleck Hill, 80. 86. 89. 165. 170. Binney, Thomas. 54, 82, 108. HI. 112, 140. 157. 163, 170. 182. 207. Binning. [Binney?] 196. Birge. John. 44. Bladder I'^nd. 106, 108, 215. Hill. 243. Blare. Robert. 233. 235. 253, 254. Bogachoage. see Pachachoag. Boggle. 54- Alexander, 82. 157. Thomas, 1 12. 182. Bond. William. 44. 46. 49-5'- 328 General Index. Books. Proprietors" lo. Boston. 13, 21. Evening Post, sale of land to be advertised in. 264. Boston, Nathaniel. 266. Boundaries, disputes concerning, 261 262. 266. 268. 270, 271. Boundary Lines established or re- newed. 216. 233, 239. Boyd. James. 290. Boyden. John, 312. Breeches, the, 133, 188. Bridge, Stone. 283. Brigham. Samuel, 25. 27. 29. Brown. 54, 149. 154. 213. Ichabod. 70. 88. Jacob. 63. 87. J.ames, 283. 312, 316. Luke. 268. 269. 272. Thomas. 24. 25. 31. 50, 51. 70, 87. 88. 105, 113, 154. 210, 216, 224. Bull, Isaac, 51, 53, 54, 63, 71, 80. 86 92. 94- 95. 142, 170. 172, 224. Burial Place. 38, 69, 184, 207. 244. j Conditions of the Grants, 10. 246, 283. ■ Connecticut Road, 21. 23. 82.88,98 10^. Chaddick, Davitl. 312. John. 263, 272. 275. 278. 281. 283-285. 295, 299. 302, 308. Chainmen appointed. 222, 243, 256. Chandler, John, 258, 262. 263. 267. 272. 277-281, 285-287, 289- 296, 298. 300. 301. 303-305. John. Jr. 217, 219. 267, 272,274 275, 277-281. 283. 284, 295, 297-299. 301-304, 307- 317- Mrs. 317. Characteristics of the place, 13. Chestnut Hill, 73. 95, 144, 157, 179. 188. 206. 227. Childs. John. Jr. (of Holden) 313. Citadel, the, 34-36. 42, 44, 46. 84. Claim, Indian. 20. Clark, Joseph, 264. Clerk chosen. 220, 301. 317. Committee to explore the country, 1 1 12. Report of. 13. Committees appointed by the (ien- eral Court, 10, 19. Common Charges, how paid, 16. Burncoat Plain, 77. 88. 98. Burr, Rev. Isaac. 228, 231. Bush, Hezekiah, 64. 224. Butler. James, senior. 92. James. 62. 65, 66. 86. 92. 96, Cowden. 134, 142. 167. 174. 215, 224,1 Cowel. - 251. Butler's Heirs, 204, 210. C Caldwell, William, 222, 227. 240. Cambridge, 14. Cedar Swam]i, 87. 169. Plain, 87. Cedar Swamps, votes concerning, 222, 223. 252, 266. Corn Mill, see C.rist Mill. Court House, Proprietors to meet at, 243- - 2S1. 43- 54, 63, 84. 85. 124, I 125, 129. 130. 158, 224. Crane, Benjamin, 26, 47. I Creswait, Charles. 44. I Crosby, 185. 207. I Joseph. 155, 222. 226. Josiah. 164. I Curtis. 142. Kphraim. 20, 22, 39. 53. 64, 69, 82. 89, 103, III. 120, 137. 167 196. 213. 215, 224. 238. Gefio'ii! huicx. 329 Curtis, John. 27. 28. 259. 301, 304. C'urtis Kann, 140, 145, lOi, 25S. D Dana, Jacol). 24. 25. Richani. 24. 31. Daniel, Samuel. 54, 63, 80, 85. 86, 124-127. 158, 225. Danson, (leorge. 42. 44. 45, 53. 64. 163. 174. 175, 179. 183. 188, 190. 203. 20(). 209, 214, 215, 224, 226, 238, 255. 256, 264. 287, 288. Danson's l'>r()ok, 258, 273. Davis. 53. 224. Samuel. 88. l)ei)ts to he i)aifl. 227. Deed. Indian, 20. Dickson, [ames. 162. 201. Dividend to the I*ro]iriel()rs. 281. Dividing Line, 158. 17b. 1S8, 190, 208. 210, 23S. 243. 251. Dudley, (lov. Joseph. 60, 62. William. 59. 77. 78. Dutton, 53, 62. 92. 96. E [iames. Gershom, 25. 27. 2Q. Eaton. Benjamin, 40. foshua. 256. Ejectment, suit of, 298. Elliott, 54, 224. John. 63, 74-76. 102. Elliott and Smith, 119. 124. 131. 141 Endshijis or Divisions. 15. Estate for maintenance of (Jospel Ministry. 265. Expenses of committee to settle Wor- cester. 318. F Fay, John. 27. 28. 31. Fences to he [lulletl down, 245. First Grant of Land. 11. Fisher, Joshua, 1 1. Mske. David. 21, 24-26, 40. 42-44, 46-48, 5 1 . Fitch. Zachariah, jjctiticm of. 218. 220. 225.* I'laflg, Asa, 278. Hartholomew. 288. Benjamin, 54. 108, 11 3- 115, 117, 145. 148, 149, 156, 165, 180, 197. 205. 209, 213. 216, 222, 230, 234, 250. Benjamin, Jr. 216, 218, 220. 222 225. 226. 229. 230. 232-235, 239-245, 249, 250, 252-264, 267, 269. 270. 272-276. 278- 281. 283. 285. 287, 288, 293, 295. 308. Michel. 29. 31. Flag Hill, 156. Fletcher, lienjamin. 53. 88, 98. 177. Flint, John, (ofi'oncord) 24. l-'orfeiturc of lots, I 7. Fort, Indian, 17. Fort River. 34. Foxcroft, 'I'homas. 236. 237. 266, 285 French River, 74. 90. 121, 129, 130. i,>5- '36. "j';. 141- 173- iJ^«- 183. 192, 203. 209. 214, 240, 241, 281. 313. 314. Meadow. 312. Ciardner. Rev, Andrew, 193, 204. 207 (lates, Benjamin, 227. 240. John. 31 0. Jonathan. 244. 298. 300, 301, 303. 305- Simon, 288. George, Isaac. 51. Gleason. Thomas. 54, 64, 70. 87. 114 127. 146. 151. ISI, 185. 186, 190. 210. 222, 224. Goddard, Rohert. 271. PKOr. KF.C. 42 330 Getieral Index. « Good for nothing I'lain, 196. Goodwin, James, 305, 309, 311, 312. Gookin. Daniel, 11, 12, 14, 17. 19, 21, 23, 26. 31, 32, 38-46. 49- 51. 54. 74-77. 84. 131. 160. Daniel, Jr. 218, 221. 222. 224, 226, 227, 231. Samuel, 21. 22. Goulding. 85, 120, 134, 167. 170, 184, 209. Palmer, 63, 210, 215, 223, 227, 230. 235-237. 253-256. 263, 264, 267, 274, 277. I'io. 287, 291. 292. 294-296. 305-307. Palmer, Jr. 269. Peter. 26, 46, 47, 53. 63. 89. 91, 92. 108, 113. 114. 15^'. 175- 192. 224, 233, 236. 281. 290. Grand Hill, 190. 199. Grass Plain. 96, 107, 112, 121. Gray, 126. John, 53. 114- 1 1 5- '24, 154. 175, 198, 204. Matthew. 222, 240. William, 239. 242, 293. Great Meadow, 133. 142, 152. Green, Samuel, (of Leicester) 217. Green Hill. 182. Grist Mill, 17, 38. 45, (07. 218. 221. Grover. i'hdm.is. 27, 28. 31. H Haggatt, Thomas. 54. 64, 70. 71. 98, 103, 140. 144. 161. 176. 188. 198, 205. 224, 239. 275. 282. Halfway River, 73-75, 90. 99. 1 10, III. 113, 119. 131, 138. 141, '44, 'S-v 158, 172, 179, 184, 199. 201. 204. 207. 22 r. Hall, 192. Benjamin. [Thomas?] 2\. Thomas, 26, 41. 42, 53. 82, inS, 215, 223. Hambleton, James. 222, 233, 238, 243, 281, 290. Haynes. David. 54. 64, 73, 109-111, 138, 144, 160. 162. 166, 183. 184, 199, 200, 208, 217, 220, 223, 225, 226, 228, 229, 232- 238, 241-243. 251. B@^ His name as Surveyor appears on nearly every page from 65 to 216. John. II. 44, 49. 51. Josiah. II. Hemenway. Jacob. 301. 302, 305, 309. 316. 317. Henchman. Daniel, 14, 19, 22-28, 31 32. 34, 38. 39, 42, 44, 46, 48. 49. 5'- 54, 63. 79. 80. 84, 105 108, 1 1 3- 1 15, 117. 120, 124. 126. 133, 142, 156, 157. 163, 175. 181, 183. 188. 190, 206, 210. 215, 222, 225, 257. 266, 279. 290. Nathaniel. 40. Henshaw. Daniel, 315, 316. Heywood. Benjamin, 317, 318. Daniel. 53. 54. 64, 69. 1 13, 131, 137. 151, 160, 166. 172. 188, 191, 204. 206, 207. 210. 217, 218. 225. 226. 228-232, 239. 240, 242-249. 253-264, 267, 269. 270, 272-282, 284, 285. 287, 289-291, 294-311, 315. John, 69, 10 1. Josiah. 63, 89, 91, 134. 197- 276 Phinehas, 301. 304. Hoar. Leonard. 22. 23, 47. 48, 54. 64. 71, 82. 224. Holden. James, 54. 64, 67. 68. 90, 109-III, 117, 119. 129, 130. 172, 175. 195. 218. 221. 222, 225, 256. John. 194. 1 Iiilden. town of, 260. Gcjicral Iiiticx. 331 Holmes, Jacob, 137, 150, 153, 16C, 209, 238. 243, 24.S, 253. 255- 257. 259, 3'2. 314. 315. James, 53, 62, 94, 96, 150, 151. 183, 188. 196, 207, 224. Homes. [Holmes?] 198. 199. House Lots. luimher of. 14. How. 'riiomas, 59. 65. 77, 7S. 177. 210. Hubbard. 137. John. 54. 64. 67, 97, 127. 147, 166, 177, 208, 2og. 224. Jonathan. 71, 82. Joseph. 172. 204. I Inciinibiances to be removt-ci, 218. Indian Deed. 20. Indian Hill. 81. 88. J Jenison, Israel. 283, 309. William, 217. 220-222. 225-233, 240. 243-245, 247-249. 253, 254. 256, 258. 259. 261. 263, 281. 284. 290. lenkins. Daniel, 31. Joel. 24. [olinsun, Kdward, II. 12. 14. Joshua. 317. William, 280, 286, 291. Jones, 207. Nathaniel. 53, 104, 107. 124, 139, 141, 170. 174. 179. «92. 195, 203, 209. 214. 215. 218, 220. 221, 226, 243. 244, 251. 264. 288. William, 312-314. K Kellog, John. 264. Kettle Brook, (also called Leicester and South Rrook) 179, 183. 188, 210. Kilby. James. 21 8, 220. King. 162. Isaac. 163. Josiah, 157. 202. Peter, 54. 63. 117. 119. 121. 147 168. 169. 201. 210, 225. King's ISrijok. 1 30. Knaj). I-rancis. 53. H. 154. James. 123. 181. 200. Knight. Ldward, 258. Kn<)|). see Knap. Land for the Commonwealth, 14, 20. Learned. Ebenezer and Isaac, (of Oxford) 217. Lee. Henry, 53, 64. 88, 124. 135, LA 145- '54- 155. 'So- 185, 186. 194, 200, 208, 218, 221. 222, 226-229, 234. 235. 240. 245, 248, 253. 254, 257. 258, 262. Leicester, 140, 188. 190. 216, 233, 261, 262, 264. 266, 268. 270, 271, 288. Leicester Brook, see Kettle Brook, Leonard, 68. 216. 235. Isaac. 63. 93. 140. 141, 165. 178 224. Jacolj. 53. 54, 62. 80, 85, 86. 95 «33- 224. Moses. 54, 64. 81. 118, 143. 163 173. 178, 181, 182. 196. 199. 210, 224. 288. Samuel. 53. 64. 93, 104, 153, 183 224. Thomas. 177. 194. Lime, jjersons who engaged to burn, 218. Lincoln's History of Worcester, II, 20. Line. Dividing, --t-f Dividing Line. 332 General Index l>ivermore, 53, 129. Daniel. 64, 90. 121. 224. 238. David. 177. Long Swamp. 91. 93. Lots, number of. 34. Lovell. Michael. 295. Lynd, Joseph. 44. 49. M 144. Maclaland. - Maclan. James, 181, 201, 203. William, 157. Maiden Church, grant to. 11. 13. 39, 78. Farm, 260. Manufactures to be promoted. 36. 39 Marble, Jonathan. 53. 63, 89. 148, '55' 156, 165. 170, 197. 224. Robert. 222. Marlborough, 13. Mary on. John. 64. Maynard, Joseph. 222. McC'iellan, James, 21S. William. 283. 288. McConky, 222. McF'arland. Andrew. 255. Meadow Land, division of. 15. Meeting House, land for, 16. Land near. 218. 244-246. Meeting Mouse Plain. 146. Meetings, Proprietors', committee for calling. 254. 260, 261, 263, 267. 274. Merriam, John, 88, 224. Meylin. [Melleii?] Symon, 21 2, 30. 31- Mill, see Crist Mill. Saw Mill. .Mill Urook. 17. 23. 42. 44-46, 72. 73 79. 80, 82-84, 87, 88, 94, 97, 99, loi. 105. 117, 123. 126, L3'- «35' '36, 145- '47- '54- 156. 169. i8i, 200, 204, 223. Moarlow. 127. Miller, Isaac. 53, 89. 138, 145, 154, 180, 181, 186, 198. 200. James, 138, 182. Mill Lot to be recovered. 218. 221. 229. Millstone Hill, the property of the town. 235. 308. Other refer- ence to, 82. 108, 112, 115. 213. 309-311- Minister to be settled. 13. 38. Ministerial Land, 53, 63, loi, 113, 148, 162. 168, 169, 184, 193, 206, 218. 224, 237, 261, 263, 265. 274, 280, 283. 291. Minister's Lot, 16, 26. 63, 102, 105, '56. 225. Ministry, allowance for. it;. 16. 38, fc'3- Estate for maintenance of. 265. Minot. Stephen, 53, 64, 103. 139, 140 149, 154. 158. 171. 200. 224, 242, 258, 275. 276, 284. Mistakes in the .Survey to be redlitied 261, 280. Moore. Isaac, 288. James, 175, 215. 228, 230. 231. Ji)nathan, 95. 104, 170. 172, 192 236, 306. 307. Nathaniel, 53, 54, 63, 71. 72, 99 100. 105, 112, 114, 120, 126, 129. 130, 142, 14S, 156, 160, 171-173, 190. 204, 210, 217, 218, 221, 222, 224, 233. 234. 256, 262. 264, 269, 288, 312. 317- Mower, Samuel. 281. 283, 284. N Newberry. Trial. 24. Ncwcomb, 92, 167, 174. Newhall, Thomas, (of Leicester) 217 Newspaj^ers, Boston Weekly. 282. \<'\\t(iii. (\uten") 64. 225. General Index. 333 Nichuls. (Nickels) 2.18. Nonsuch. 161. North Urook, 1 18. North I'oncJ. 44. II7, 132, 154. 155. 176, 180. 200. Hrook. 117. 138. \y). I Si. 256. Hill, 115. IK). 146, 151. 180, 185, 186, 238. Nowell, Increase, il. Noyes, Thomas. 11-13. 20. Oak Hill. 72. 73, 100, 115, i()<). Orders of the ( ieneral Court, 12, 59. Osland. Jonathan. 315. Oulton. see Palmer. Oulton & Waldo John, 108, 124. 126. 165. lyi. 204, 234. 238. 254. 255. Oxford, town of. 216. Oxford Road. 163. 181. 199, 202. Pachachuag, (or liogachoj^e) Hill. 40. 41, 75. 76, 90, 97, 100. 107 112, 114, 121. 160, 165. 173. 238, 288. River, 41. Raiiif. 62. 74.96. 154, 156, 180, 196. J 98. 200. Timothy. 294, 300. 306. 312. 313 Willi.ini. 53, 64, 66. 103. 139. 173. 224. 225, 280. I'almer. Eliakem, 266. Thomas, 105. 117. 124, 126, 133 167, 215, 223. 236, 237, 243. 251. 254- 255, 284. 287. 293. Palmer, ( )ulti(n and \Valdi>, 54. '^}„ .S(). 106, 107. 127. 130, 134. 141. 142. 145, 154, 156. 158, 160, 164. 170, 172, 175. 177, 181, 194, 200, 204. 210. 222. F'arker, 'Thomas. 241, 288. Parmeter. Oeorge, ^3, 63. 94. Partrid)^c Herry Swam]), 1 13. Paul. John. 28. 30. 31. Peibles. Robert. 222. 238. 243. Peirpoint. 42. 46. Penalty for not clearing highways, 16 Permanent Settlement, 55. Petitions to General Court. 1 1. 20. 55 Philij)'s War. King. 30. Pine Meadow. 82. 83, 134. 198. 209, 237- Brook, 72. 94. 1 lill. 83, 182, 209. Pine Swamp, 81. Pond Hill. 155. 156. , Prentice, Thomas, 14. 19, 25-27, 29, 31. 32. 39. 44. 46, 49, 50. 51. 54, 63. 74, 95. 96. 131, 144, 179, 188, 201. 207. 208. 225. President and Council. 43. 45, 48, 49 Pro])rictary Records of Worcester, condition cjf, 10, n. Written Copy of. 1 1. Proprietors, list of old. 62. Prospect Hill. 91. 93. 105, 116. 120, 142. 164. 194. Little. 158, i(>4, 194. Prospctfl Brook, 128, 142. 283. Meadow. 116. 148. 155. 156. 158. 159, 164. 194. Provender, John, 27. Putnam. James. 289. 299. Quinsiganiond Pond. 12, 14. 26. 39. 68, 77, Si. 91. 111. 140. 143, 163. 170, 173, 178. 192. Raccoon Plain. 41. 75. 76. Rams' Island. 163. ^ Randolph, Ed. 49 Rates. Town. 15. Rattlesnake Den. S3: Hill. 93. 334 Gejicral Index, Rawson. Edward, 12. 14. Read, Christopher. 40. Receipts for money paid, 245. 268, 289. Records. County, to be examined, 309. Early, of Worcester, 217. to be searched. 261, 263. Refugee, John Chandler a Tory, 316. Rice, Absolom, 269, 316. I Adonijah, 295. Elisha, 53, 64, 68, 90, 109-111. 129. 130. 172. 176, 195. 210, 1 214. 224. I Ephraim, 53. 64. 99. 100. no,' 133> 142, 152, 176. 181. 1S4- 1S6, 225. 248. ■ I Ephraim. Jr. 53. 64, 109. II5, ' 117, 119. 129. 130. 169. 186,^ 201, 225. Gershom, 54. 59. 62, 66, 72. 74, 94. 96. 97, 107. 112, 114. 121- 123. 127-130, 134, 169. 181, 182, 192. 196, 198, 199, 201, 207. 214, 217. 220. 222, 224, 226, 230, 243. 244, 246, 248- 250. 255, 264. 288, 295. Gershom. Jr. 174. 192, 203. 222. 234- 253. 254, 288. James, 53, 54, 63, 65-67. 92, 94, 97, 115. 117. 122, 123. 135, 136. 165, 169. 181. 198, 199, 202. 207, 224, 234, 236. Jonas. 54. 59. 62, 63. 65. 66, 82, 87. 92. 100, II5-117, 119, 121- 123, 129, 133. 155, 158. 163, 169, 171, 173. 176. 181, 188. 195, 200. 218-222, 224, 229, 230- 235- 240, 248, 255. 261. 263, 265, 267. 270. 272-282, 284. 285, 308. Jonathan. 317, 318. Rice. Joshua, 53. 54. 71. 92, 137, 146. 147. 150. 152, 153. 166, 167. 181, 199. 206. 222. 236, 238. 305. Josiah. 53. 64. 99, no, 115. 116 133. 176. 183. 192. 195. 225. Moses. 158, 218, 220, 221. 225, 228-232, 239. 244, 245. 247, 248, 255. Thomas, 269. Richardson. Thomas, (of Leicester) 217. Ripley. 54. 122. 123, 135, 136, 169. 202. George. 66. Rocky Hill. 83. 86. Roper, Ephraim. 288. Rosbury, George, 51. Rules for Government, 14. Rutland Road, 105. 161. 18S. Sagatohscot Hill. 68, 94. 99, 1 10. 152 176. 181. 195. Salter. Eneas, 53. 91. 92. 1 18, 134. 143. 163. 178. 192. 224. 230, 246. Mrs. 63. Sarjent or Sergeant, Dickery. 40. 51, S3- 63, 71-94. I05« i'7- ^ZZ^ 152. '73' '77. •79- iSi. 182, 197. 199, 210. 216. 225. Martha, 113-117. Saw Mill, 17. 18. 38,43, 45. School and Schoolmaster, land for, «8, 38. 53, loi. 162. 168, 184, 194. 201, 218, 225, 258, 261, 263. 267. 2S0. 283, 291. School House, land for, 17. Schoolmaster lo he j)rocLued, 38. Shaw, John, 27, 28, 30. Sheep C( minion, 184. General hulcx. 335 Shrewsl)ury, 1 88. Simpson. Samuel, 44. ' Skiiuifi-. 1 h(jm.i>, ^i. Sniitli, ^4, 201. See also I-'lliott and Smith. Elisha, Jr. 291, 295. i John. 74-76, 131. 160. 165. 169. 201, 206. 208, 222. 264. 288. Rul)ert. 316, 317. Snake Hill. 151, 190, 210. South Hiook. see Kettle Brook. South Knd of the Toun. number of Lots in, 43. South 1 lill, 196. South Part. 219. Springtiehl, 13. Squadrons or i*ivi>ions. 21. 23, 24, 27. 29. ! Stearns, John. 53, 89. 105, 108. 120, 142. 158, 167, 172. 177, 181, 193. 194. 196. 208. 210, 215, 238, 245. ; Mary, 312, 316. ; Thomas, 221, 222. 227-229, 233- 235. 238. 240. 243-247, 254, 257. 261-263. 267. 269, 270, 280, 283. 293, 294. 306. 307. 3'5- Stouell, John, 269. Stowers. John. 317, 318. Subscribers' Names, 321. Sujjar I'ond, 132. Suits in Law, 267. Surveyors api)ointed, 222, 242, 253. '278. Tatnuck. 173. Hill. 149, 171. lyi. 208. 210, 254. 28S. Taylor. 163. 207. James. 54, 64, 68. 69, 81, III. fi2, 134. 182. 196. 199. 221. Taylor, James (continued) 222. 225, 228-230, 232, 243, 245. 247, 253, 264, 288. Othniel, 291. William. 30, 31, 59, 62, 77-79, .3>7- Temple. Richard. 238. 243, 284. Tereil, 54. 63, 126. 127. Ting. Jonathan. 53. 63, 91, 127. 128. 154, 'SS. 164. >«5- 224- Tomlin, 54. 63, 127, 133, 158, 224. I-,aac, 85. 126. Matthew, 80, 95. Sarah. 83-86. 88. loi. Townsend, llenjamin. 53. 64, 98. Training (Iround. 17, 38, 113. 184. Treadaway, Jonathan, 30. Nathaniel. 1 1. Treasurer elected. 228. Tree, Richard, 31. Trespassers. 261, 262. Turell. Daniel, 79. 84. 85, 88, 124, 12S, 158. 224. 264. Turkey Brook. 1 58. Meadow, 137. 167, 199. U Uphani. John. 31 . Phineas. 23. Usher. ISrid^et. 23. 46-48, 53, 63. 83 91. 93, 102. 127. 128, 152. 166 199. 224. He/.ekiah. 47, 48, 91. 93, 121. W Waight, Joseph, 27. Waldo, 53, 214, 274. t'ornelius. 124, 126. 254, 256, 2rK). 262, 266, 267, 274, 275. [onathan, 154. 155, 164. 180, iSi. 183. 1S5. 186, 188, 200. 204, 210. Samuel. 264, 280, 287. 336 Ge7teral Index. Wallace, Widow. 287. William. 287. Ward. 122. Daniel, 218. 231. 235, 238. 243, 262, 312. Widow Johanah. 150, 158. 166. 167. 171. 172. 179, 191. 193. 196, 204, 205, 237, 254. Nahum, 223, 225. Obediah. 54,-64, 72, 97. 127, 128. 169. 199. 206. 224, 237. Richard, 54. 64. 81. 127, 128. 145. 149. 186, 205. 213, 224. 239- Ward's Line, 271, 288. Warrants for Proprietors' Meetings. 217. 219. 252. 260, 261. 273. 277. 293. 298. 299. 301, 306. 308, 310. 313, 316. 317. Weazle Brook, 132. 154, 155. Web, Benjamin. 25, 26, 31. Weeks. William, 51. Wheeler. 64, 132. 215. Abraham. 222. 230, 250. Isaac. 54. 64. 82. 83. 105, 108. 109. 134, 151. 155, 208, 209, 224. Thomas, 98, 2S1. 283. 284. 291. White, Isaac, 208. John. 317. Whitney. 292. Widow Johanah, 256, 257. Wigwam Hill. 68. 81. 173. 280, 291, Wil, a mulatto. 40. Wiley. Joseph, 287. Willard, Xahum. 283. Williams, 92. Willington. 259. Ebenezer, 317. Wing, John. 40-46. 48. 54, 59. 63. 71. 83, 84, 91, 93. loi, 102. 124, 125. 127. 134. 156, 158, 224, 255- Winter Hill. 197. Winthrop. Adam, 42, 46-48. 54, 59, 62. 77-79. 93, \o\. 102. 123, 132. 149, 155, 158. 194. 198, 208, 222. 225, 238, 254, 260. 261. 263. 283. 284. Woods. 199. Vuung. William, 27S. 279, 285-287, 290-292. 312. 313. 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