UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA AT LOS ANGELES CATALOGUE OF THE (CORNER MAIN AND FOURTH STREETS, OLYMPIA.) PHILIP D. MOORE, STATE LIBRARIAN. 1891. OLYMPIA, WASH.: O. C. WHITE, STATE PRINTER. PREFACE. THE preparation and publication of this Catalogue was authorized by the Legislature of 1890. The work was begun in November, 1890, and was placed in the hands of the printer in February, 1891. An effort has been made to furnish a Catalogue with almost exclusive reference to its daily use as a manual in the Library. Facility and dis- patch in ascertaining whether any desired book belongs to the Library is the great object to be secured in such a manual; hence the order of works in the Catalogue is alphabetical, which explains itself, and there- fore obviates the necessity of frequent explanation by the librarian. The work is classified under two general heads: FIRST THE LAW DEPARTMENT, including Reports, Digests, Statute Law, Text Books, Abbreviations, etc. SECOND THE GENERAL DEPARTMENT, including Literary, Scientific, Historical, Religious and Miscellaneous Works. It is hoped that this Catalogue will prove useful to the large and con- stantly increasing number of those who make use of the books in the Library. Valuable assistance has been obtained in this work from the Catalogue of the Nevada State Library, and to its author, Mrs. Jennie D. Fisher, many thanks are due. The State Library is open every day, excluding Sundays and legal holidays, from 9 o'clock A. M. to 5 o'clock P. M. OLYMPIA, WASHINGTON, June, 1891. 464046 TABLE OF CONTENTS. LAW DEPAKTMEOT. UNITED STATES. FEDERAL AND GENERAL. DIGESTS. Page. National Digests of Reports and Statutes 3 United States Indexed Digest of S. C. Reports 3 United States Digest, Federal and State ' 3 Tables of Cases, Indexes and Treatises on Practice 3,4 REPORTS AND CASES. Circuit and District Courts 4-7 Miscellaneous Reports, containing U. S. Circuit and District Court cases 7, 8 United States Circuit Court Reports 4-6 United States District Court Reports 7 United States Supreme Court Reports 4 REPORTS AND CASES ON SPECIAL SUBJECTS. First Comptroller's Decisions 8 Leading and Special Cases 8 Opinions of U. S. Attorneys General.. : 8 Public Lands Decisions 8 United States Statute Law ... 8 STATES AND TERRITORIES. ALABAMA. Page. ARKANSAS. Page. Digests 9 Digests 11 Reports 9, 10 Reports 11 Statute Law 10 Statute Law ^ 12 CALIFORNIA. ARIZONA. Digests 12 Reports 11 Reports 12, 13 Statute Law.. 11 Statute Law.... ....13, 14 VI TABLE OF CONTENTS. COLORADO. Page. Digests 14 Reports 14 Statute Law .' 14 CONNECTICUT. Digests 14 Reports 14, 15 StatuteLaw 15, 16 DAKOTA. Reports 16 StatuteLaw 16, 17 DELAWARE. Reports 17 Statute Law 17 FLORIDA. Digests 18 Reports 18 Statute Law 18 GEORGIA. Digests 19 Reports 19 Statute Law 19, 20 IDAHO. Reports 20 Statute Law 20 ILLINOIS. Digests 21 Reports 21 Statute Law ... ... 21, 22 / INDIANA. Digests 22 Reports 22 Statute Law 23 IOWA. Digests 24 Reports 24 StatuteLaw 24, 25 KANSAS. Digests 25 Reports 25 StatuteLaw 25, 26 KENTUCKY. Digests 26 Reports 26 StatuteLaw.... 26, 27 LOUISIANA. Page. Digests 27 Reports 27, 28 Statute Law . v 28 MAINE. Digests 28 Reports 28, 29 Statute Law 29 MARYLAND. Digests 30 Reports 30 StatuteLaw 30, 31 MASSACHUSETTS. Digests 31 Reports 31 StatuteLaw 31, 32 MICHIGAN. Digests 32 Reports 32, 33 Statute Law 33 MINNESOTA. Digests 34 Reports 34 Statute Law 34 MISSISSIPPI. Digests 35 Reports '. 35 Statute Law 35, 36 MISSOURI. Digests 36 Reports 36 Statute Law 37 MONTANA. Reports 37, 38 Statute Law 38 NEBRASKA. Digests 38 Reports 38 StatuteLaw 38, 39 NEVADA. Reports 39 StatuteLaw.. 39, 40 TABLE OF CONTENTS. Vll NEW HAMPSHIRE. Page. Digests .................................................... 40 Reports .................................................. 40 Statute Law ...................................... ... 41 TENNESSEE. Page. Digests .................................................. 57 Reports ....... , .................................... 57, 58 Statute Law ......................................... 58 NEW JERSEY. Digests 41 Reports 42 Statute Law 42, 43 NEW YORK. Digests 43 Reports 43- 45 Statute Law 45, 46 NEW MEXICO. Reports 46 Statute Law 46 NORTH CAROLINA. Digests 46 Reports 47 Statute Law 47, 48 OHIO. Digests 48 Reports 48, 49 Statute Law 49, 50 OREGON. Digests 50 Reports 50 Statute Law 51 PENNSYLVANIA. Digests 51 Reports 51, 52 Statute Law 52, 53 RHODE ISLAND. Digests 53 Reports 53 Statute Law 54 SOUTH CAROLINA. Digests 55 Reports 55, 56 Statute Law.... ....56, 57 TEXAS. Digests 59 Reports 59 Statute Law 60 UTAH. Reports 60 Statute Law 60 VERMONT. Digests 61 Reports 61 Statute Law 61, 62 VIRGINIA. Digests 62 Reports 62 Statute Law 62, 63 WASHINGTON. Digests 63 Reports 63 Statute Law 63, 64 WEST VIRGINIA. Digests 64 Reports 64 Statute Law 65 WISCONSIN. Digests 65 Reports 65 Statute Law 66 WYOMING. Reports 67 Statute Law 67 NORTH DAKOTA. Statute Law... . 67 viii TABLE OF CONTENTS. FOREIGN LAW DEPARTMENT. ( Pages 68-74.) ENGLAND. Page. Page. Regnal Years ................................. 68, 69 Law Terms .......................................... 69 Bankruptcy Cases .............................. 72 King's Bench Reports . .................... 70 Common Pleas Reports ...................... 70 Queen's Bench Reports ................... 71 Crown Cases .......................................... 69 Law and Equity Reports .................. 74 Common Law Reports ............... ..70- 74 Modern Reports .................................. 69 Selected Cases ..................................... 74 Statute Law ......................................... 74 DIVISION II. AUTHOR INDEX TO TEXT-BOOKS, alphabetical ................................................ 77- 102 DIVISION III. SUBJECT INDEX. PART I contains an alphabetical arrangement of legal subjects ............... 105-131 PART II: Debates and Proceedings of Constitutional Conventions .......... 133 Digests and Indexes of State Reports ............................................. 132-136 Digests of United States Courts ......................................................... 136 Impeachment Cases and Trials ......................................................... 136 Legislative Journals and Public Documents ................................. 136-151 American State Papersand Archives ............................................. 151, 152 Congressional Miscellany .................................................................. 152-156 Miscellaneous Reports and Documents ............................... , ............ 156-165 Census of United States ............ ......................................................... 165 Congressional Annals, Debates, Globes, and Records ................ 165-168 DIVISION IV AMERICAN AND FOREIGN ABBREVIATIONS ..... .. 171-262 TABLE OF CONTENTS. IX GENERAL DEPARTMENT. LITERARY, SCIENTIFIC AND MISCELLANEOUS. Page. ARTS AND SCIENCES 265-276 ATLASES, CHARTS, MAPS, ETC 317-319 BIOGRAPHIES .. 281-283 CATALOGUES 319, 320 EDUCATIONAL WORKS 300.301 ENCYCLOPAEDIAS 292-294 EXPLORATIONS AND TRAVELS 294-298 FOREIGN WORKS Latin, French, Spanish, etc 313-316 HISTORY 283-292 MEDICAL WORKS 301,302 MILITARY AND NAVAL WORKS 298,299 MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS 308-312 NATURAL SCIENCE 276-281 NEWSPAPERS 320, 321 POETICAL WORKS 302, 303 RELIGIOUS WORKS 303-307 ADDENDA, comprising recent Reports and Text-Books 323-329 LAW DEPAKTMEOT. i. UNITED STATES. FEDERAL AND GENERAL. DIGESTS, REPORTS AND STATUTES. FEDERAL AND STATE COURTS. ABBOTT, B. V. National Digest of Reports and Statutes. 4 vols .1788-1885. New York. ABBOTT, B. V. National Digest of Reports and Statutes. Supp. Vol.5 1884-1888. New York. UNITED STATES INDEXED DIGEST of Supreme Court Reports, 1-131. 2 vols. and supp 1789-1886. Rochester. UNITED STATES DIGEST. Federal and State. 11 vols., with table of cases 1754-1851. Boston. TABLE OF CASES, INDEXES, AND TREATISES ON PRACTICE. BAKCOUB, O. L. Treatise on the Practice of the Court of Chancery. 2 vols Albany. 1843 BETTS, S. R. Practice in the Admiralty Courts of the United States . NCAV York. 1838 BIGELOW, M. M. American, Irish and English Over- ruled Cases from the earliest period to 1887 Boston. 1887 CONKLING, A. Admiralty Practice in United States Courts, with rules and forms Albany. 1848 CONKLING, A. Practice and Jurisdiction of the U. S. Courts. 2ded .New York. 1842 DANIELL, E. R. Practice of High Court of Chancery, with American Practice in Chancery, by J. C. Perkins. 2d ed. 3 vols. Boston. 1851 DUNLAP, A. Admiralty Practice of United States Courts. 2d ed New York. 1850 DESTY, R. Manual of Practice in U. S. Courts, with Notes of Decisions. 7th ed... San Francisco. 1889 AMERICAN LAW DEPARTMENT. FOSTKU, R. Practice and Jurisdiction of U. S. Courts, and removal of Causes from State to Federal Courts Boston. UNITED STATES DIGEST. Table of Cases. Vol. 6 Boston. 1890 L862 REPORTS. UNITED STATES SUPREME COURT. Reports and Reporters. Vols. Modes of Citation. DALLAS, A. J. 4 CRANCH, W 9 WHEATON, H 12 PETERS, R 16 HOWARD, B. C. 24 BLACK, J. S..... 2 WALLACE, J. W 23 OTTO, W. T 17 1-4 Dall. 1-9 Cranch. 1-12 Wheat. 1-16 Pet, 1-24 How. 1-2 Black. 1-23 Wallace. 1-17 Otto. DAVIS, J. C. B. 29 1-29 Davis, J. C. B. ion. 5-13U. S. 14-25 U. S. 26-41 U. S. 42-65 U. S. 66-67 U. S. 68-90 U. S. 91-107 U. S. 108-136 U. S. Period Cn n-ri'il. 1760-1800 1801-1815 1816-1825 1828-1842 1843-1860 1861-1862 |sr,:M874 is 75-1882 1882-1889 UNITED STATES CIRCUIT COURTS. FIRST CIRCUIT. (Composed of New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Maine and Rhode Island.) Reports and Reporters. . Volts. Modes of Citation. GALLISON, J. ....... 2 1-2 Gall. MASON, W. P 5 SUMNER, C 3 STORY, W. W 3 WOODBURY AND MlNOT 3 CURTIS, B. R 2 CLIFFORD, W. H 4 HOLMES, J. S 1 HASKELL, T. H 2 1-5 Mason. 1-3 Sumn. 1-3 Story. 1-3 Wood & M. 1-2 Curt. C. C. 1-4 Clif. Holmes. 1-2 Hask. Fox. Dec. J'eriod Covered. 1812-1815 1815-1830 1829-1839 1839-1845 1845-1847 1851-1856 1858-1878 1870-1875 1866-1882 SECOND CIRCUIT. ( Composed of Connecticut, Vermont and New York.) Reports and Reporters. l r ols. Modes of Citation. Period Covered. PAINE, E. 2 1-2 Paine. 1810-1840 BLATCHFORD, S 24 1-24 Blatch. 1852-1888 UNITED STATES FEDERAL AND GENERAL. THIRD CIRCUIT. (Composed of Pennsylvania and New Jersey, and since 1866 included Delaware.) Report* and Reporters. Vote. Modes of Citation. Period Covered. WALLACE, J. B 1 1 Wall. Sen. 1801 PETERS, R 1 1 Pet. C. C. 1803-1818 WASHINGTON, B 4 1-4 Wash. C. C. 1803-1827 BALDWIN, H 1 Bald. 1827-1835 WALLACE, JR., J. W 3 1-3 Wall. Jr. 1842-1862 FOURTH CIRCUIT. (Composed of Maryland, Virginia and Delaware until 1866, since then of Vir- ginia, North Carolina, South Carolina and Maryland.) Report* and Reporters. Vols. Modes of Citation. Period Covered, BROCKENBROUGH, J. W. 2 1-2 Brock. Marsh. Decs. 1802-1836 TANEY, R. B 1 Taney, or Campbell, J. M. 1836-1861 CHASE, S. P 1 Chase, or Johnson, B. T. 1865-1869 HUGHES, R. W..... 5 1-5 Hughes. 1792-1883 FIFTH CIRCUIT. (Composed of Alabama and Louisiana until 1866, and since then of those States and Georgia, Florida, Mississippi and Texas.) Reports and Reporters. \'ol*. Modes of Citation. Period Covered. WOODS, W. B 4 Woods. 1870-1883 SIXTH CIRCUIT OLD. (These Reports are to be found in the Fourth Cii'cuit.) NEW SIXTH AND OLD SEVENTH CIRCUIT. (Composed of Illinois, Kentucky, Michigan, Ohio and Tennessee.) Reports and Reporters. Volt. Modes of Citation. Period Covered. BOND, L. H 2 1-2 Bond. 1856-1871 FLIPPEN, W. S 2 1-2 Flip. 1859-1880 SEVENTH CIRCUIT. (Composed of Ohio, Indiana, Illinois and Michigan until 1866, and since then of Indiana, Illinois and Wisconsin.) Reports and Reporters. Volf. Modes of Citation. Period Covered. McLEAN, J. ... 6 1-6 McLean. 1829-1855 BISSELL, J. H . 11 1-11 Biss. 1851-1883 AMERICAN LAW DEPARTMENT. EIGHTH CIRCUIT. (Composed of Kentucky, Tennessee and Missouri until 1866, and since then of Missouri, Iowa, Kansas, Nebraska, Arkansas and Minnesota, to which, in 1876, Colorado was added.) Reports and Reporter*. Vols. Mode* of Citation. Period Covered. HEMPSTEAD, S. H 1 1 Hemp. 1839-1855 WOOLWOBTH, J. M 1 1 Wool. 1863-1869 DILLON,,!. F..... 5 1-5 Dill. 1870-1879 McCRAKY, G. W 5 1-5 McCrary. 1874-1883 NINTH CIRCUIT. (Composed of Mississippi and Arkansas until 1866, and since then of California, Oregon and Nevada.) Reports and Reporters. Vols. Modes of Citation. Period Covered. HEMPSTEAD, S. H. 1 (See Eighth Circuit. ) MCALLISTER, C 1 1 McAll. (See Cal. Circuit.) 1855-1859 DEADY, M. P 1 1 Deady. 1867-1869 SAWYER, L. S. B 13 1-13 Saw. 1870-1889 TENTH CIRCUIT. (Composed of California and Oregon from 1863 to 1866, when the district was abolished. The States comprising it are now found in the Ninth Circuit.) Reports and Reporters. Vols. Modes of Citation. Period Covered. DEADY, M. P 1 Deady. 1865-1866 CALIFORNIA CIRCUIT. (California, by Act of March 2, 1855, was made a separate circuit, and so con- tinued until the formation of Tenth Circuit in 1863.) Reports and Reporters. Vols. Modes of Citation. Period Covered. MCALLISTER, C 1 McAll. 1855-1859 DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA CIRCUIT. Reports and Reporters. Vols. Modes of Citation. Period Covered. CRANCH,W 6 1-6 Cranch, C. C. 1801-1840 FROM ALL THE CIRCUITS. Reports and Reporters. Vols. Modes of Citation. Period Covered. BRUNNER, A. Coll. Cases., 1 Brunner. 1791-1860. ABBOTT, B. V 2 Abb. U. S. 1865-1871 UNITED STATES FEDERAL AND GENERAL. UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURTS. Reports and Reporters. Vols. Modes of Citation. Period Covered. ABBOTT, B. V 2 Abb. U. S. 1865-1871 BEE, T 1 Bee. 1792-1809 BENEDICT, R. D. 10 Ben. 1865-1879 BOND, L. H 2 Bond. 1856-1871 UNITED STATES FEDERAL AND GENERAL. Reports and Reporters. Vols. Modes of Citation. Period Covered. BROWN, H. B. Admiralty... 1 Bro. Adin. 1857-1875 CBABBE, W. H 1 Crabbe. 1836-1846 DAVIS, E. H 1 Dav. 1839-1849 DEADY, M. P 2 Deady. 1861-1869 FISHER, R. Prize Cases 1 Fish. Pr. Cas. 1812-1813 FLIPPIN, W. S 2 Flip. 1859-1880 GILPIN. H. D 1 Gilp. 1828-1836 HEMPSTEAD, W. H 1 Hemp. 1820-1849 HOFFMAN, O. Land Cases... 1 Hoff. L. C. 1853-1858 HUGHES, R. W 5 Hugh. C. C. 1792-1883 LOWELL, J. 2 Lowell. 1865-1877 MCLEAN, J Vol. 6 6 McLean. 1854 NEWBERRY,J.S. Admiralty, 1 Newb. 1842-1857 OLCOTT, E. R 1 Olc. 1843-1847 PAINE, JR., E Vol. 2 Paine. 1810-1840 PETER, R. Admiralty 2 Pet. Adm. 1792-1807 SAWYER, L. S. B 13 Saw. 1870-1889 SPRAGUE, -P. Admiralty , Cases 2 Sprague. 1841-1864 VAN NESS, W. P. Prize Cases 1 Van Ness. 1814 WARE, A 2 Ware. % MISCELLANEOUS REPORTS, CONTAINING U. S. CIRCUIT AND DISTRICT COURT CASES. CONNECTICUT, Conn Vols. 4, 16, 32, 34 COOKE, Tenn Vol. 1 DALLAS, Pennsylvania Vols. 2, 3, 4 DAY, Connecticut Vols. 3, 4 GEORGIA, Ga. Vol. 35 OVERTON, Tennessee Vols. 1, 2 PHILLIPS, North Carolina Vol. 1 SMITH, New Hampshire Vol. 1 8 AMERICAN LAW DEPARTMENT. TAYLOR, North Carolina Vol. 2 TEXAS (supplement), Tex... Vol. 25 VERMONT, Vt... ...Vols. 20 to 25, and 29 WHEELER, Criminal Cases Vol. 2 REPORTS ON SPECIFIC SUJBECTS. - FIRST COMPTROLLER'S DECISIONS. Reports and Reporters. Volg. Mode* of Citation. Period Covered. LAWRENCE, WM. 6 1-6 Compt. Dec. 1880-1885 PUBLIC LANDS. DECISIONS of the Dept. of the Interior relating to public lands. 6 vols. 1881-1888 OPINIONS OF U. S. ATTORNEYS GENERAL. Reports and Reporters. Vols. Modes of Citation. Period Covered. HALL, B. F 5 1-5 Opin. TJ. S. Atty. Gen. 1791-1853 BENTLEY, A 2 17-18 Opin. U. S. Atty. Gen. 1877-1887 LEADING AND SPECIAL CASES. AMERICAN LEADING CASES. Hare, J. C. , and Wal- lace, H. B. 3 vols. Philadelphia. 1852 HARRIGAN, L. B., and THOMPSON, S. D. Self De- fense San Francisco* 1887 LAWSON, J. D. Cases on Defense to Crime. Vols. 3-5 San Francisco. 1887 LAWSON, J. D. Cases on Insanity as a Defense to Crime San Francisco. 1887 LEADING CASES IN EQUITY. By White and Tuder...Philadelphia. 1852 STATUTE LAW. COMPILATIONS, REVISIONS, ETC. REVISED STATUTES of the United States 1873-1875 REVISED STATUTES of the United States Washington. 1878 REVISED STATUTES of the U. S., Supplement Washington. 1881 GOULD and TUCKER. Notes on the Revised Statutes of the United States and the subsequent legis- lation of Congress to July 1, 1889 Boston. 1889 SESSION LAWS. U. S. STATUTES AT LARGE. 25 vols.... ....1789-1889 ALABAMA. STATES AND TEEEITOEIES. ORDER OF ARRANGEMENT. [Digests and Indexes, Reports, Statute Laws and Miscellaneous.] ALABAMA. DIGESTS. . Authors. Voln. Reports. Period Covered. BICKEELL 3 Minor to 76 Ala. 1820-1885 REPORTS. Reports and Reporters. Vols. Modes of Citation. Period Covered. MINOR, ^ 1 Min. 1 Ala. 1820-1826 STEWART, G. N 3 1-3 Stew. 2-4 Ala. 1827-1831 STEWAKT, G. N., and POR- TER, B. F 5 1-5 Stew. & P. 5-9 Ala. 1831-1834 PORTER, B. F 9 1-9 For. 1334-1839 ALABAMA, by the judges 11 1-11 Ala. X. S. 1840-1847 ORMAND, J. J 4 12-15 Ala. N. S. 1847-1849 COCKE, N. W 3 16-18 Ala. N. S. 1849-1851 SHEPHERD, J.W 3 19-21 Ala. N. S. 1851-1852 ALABAMA, by the judges 2 22-23 Ala. N. S. 1853 SHEPHERD, J.W , 18 24-41 Ala. N. S. 1853-1868 BANNER, J. L. C 1 42 Ala. N. S. 1868 JONES, T. G 6 43-48 Ala. N. S. 1869-1872 SHEPHERD, J.W 3 49-51 Ala. N. S. 1873-1874 JONES, T.G 6 52-57 Ala. N. S. 1875-1877 CLARK, JR., F. B 1 58 Ala. N. S. 1877 SANFORD, J. W. A 1 59 Ala. N. S. 1877 SHEPHERD, J.W 1 60 Ala. N. S. 1877 JONES, T.G 2 61-62 Ala. N. S. 1878 SHEPHERD, J.W 4 63-66 Ala. N. S. 1879-1880 MOORE, G. F 1 67 Ala. N. S. 1880 10 A.MKIMCAN I.A\V DKI'AIIT.M KNT. Report* and Reporters. Vols. SHEPHERD, J. W., and TILL- MAX, J. P 1 TiLLMAX, J.P 1 SHEPHERD, J. W 1 TiLLMAX, J.P 1 SHEPHERD, J. W 1 TILLMAX, J. P. 1 SHEPHERD, J. W 1 TiLLMAX, J.P 1 SHEPHERD, J. W. 4 MORRISET, E. P 1 HUTCHESOX, W. G 1 SHEPHERD, J. W. 2 HUTCHESOX, W. G 1 SHEPHERD, J. W. 5 Mode* of Citation. 68 Ala. N. S. 69 Ala. N. S. 70 Ala. N. S. 71 Ala. N. S. 72 Ala. N. S. 73 Ala. N. S. 74 Ala. N. S. 75 Ala. N. S. 76-79 Ala. N. S. 80 Ala. N. S. 81 Ala. N. S. 82-83 Ala. N. S. 84 Ala. N. S. 85-89 Ala. N. S. I'eriod Covered. 1880- 1881 1882- 1883 1887 1887 1881 1881 1881 1882 1882 1883 1883 1884 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 1890 STATUTE LAW. CODES. ORMOXD, J. J., BAGBY, A. P., GOLDTHWAITE, G. Montgomery. 1852 BRICKELL, HAMILTON and TILLMAX Civil Nashville. 1886 BRICKELL, HAMILTON and TILLMAX Criminal Nashville. 1886 SESSION LAWS. Laws, 4th biennial session 1853-1854 Laws, 5th biennial session 1855-1856 Laws, 6th biennial session 1857-1858 Laws, 7th biennial session 1859-1860 Laws 1878-1879 Laws 1880-1881 Laws : 1882-1883 Laws 1884-1885 Laws 1886-1887 Laws ... 1888 Laws ... 1889 ARIZONA ARKANSAS. 11 ARIZONA TEERITORY. STATUTE LAW. COMPILATION AND REVISION. BASHFORD, C. Compilation Albany. 1871 HOYT, J. P. Compilation Detroit. 1877 ARIZONA ( Commissioners ) Revised Statutes Prescott. 1887 SESSION LAWS. Acts, 2d session 1865 Acts, 3d session 1866 Acts, 4th session 1867 Acts, 5th session 1868 Acts, 7th session 1873 Acts, 9th session 1877 Acts, llth session 1881 Acts, 12th session 1885 ARKANSAS. DIGESTS. Authors. Vols. Reports. Period Covered. ROSE, W. M 1 Hemp & 1 Pike to 23 Ark. 1837-1861 OLIPHANT, T. J 1 24 to 45 Ark. 1861-1866 REPORTS. Reports and Reporters. Vols. Modes of Citation. Period Covered. PIKE, A ' 5 1-5 Pike. 1-5 Ark. 1837-1844 ENGLISH, E. H 8 1-8 English. 6-13 Ark. 1845.1853 BARBER, L. E 11 1-11 Barber. 14-24 Ark. 1853-1867 Cox, N. W 3 25-27 Ark. 1867-1872 MOORE, J. M 7 28-34 Ark. 1872-1879 TURNER, B. D 14 35-48 Ark. 1879-1886 MANSFIELD, W. W 4 49-52 Ark. 1886-1889 12 AMERICAN LAW DEPARTMENT. STATUTE LAWS. DIGESTS, COMPILATIONS, ETC. GOULD, J. Digest. Annotated Little Rock. IK.">K MAXSFIKLD, W. W. Digest. Annotated Little Rock. 1884 CONSTITUTION. POMKROY, J. M. Of 1868 Little Rock. 1870 SESSION LAWS. Acts, 10th session 1854-1855 Acts, 12th session 1858-1859 Laws ... 1866 Laws 1868 Laws... 1869 Laws... 1879 Laws... 1881 Laws 1885 Laws... 1887 Laws... 1889 CALIFOKNIA. DIGESTS. Author*. Voln. Reports. LABAT, II. J -2 1-16 Cal. GEAR, H. L., Index Digest, 1 1-67 Cal. Reports and Reporters. Vols. BENNETT, N 1 HEPBURN, H. P 3 MORRIS, W. G 1 BOORAEM, H. T 3 LEE, H 4 HARMON, J. B 3 BAGLEY, D. T. , and HAM. ... 4 HlLLYER, C. J. 3 REPORTS. Modes of Citation. 1 Cal. 2-4 Cal. 5 Cal. 6-8 Cal. 9-12 Cal. 13-15 Cal. 16-19 Cal. 20-22 Cal. TUTTLE, C. A 10 23-32 Cal. HALE, J. E 5 33-37 Cal. Period Covered. 1850-1861 1850-1887 Period Covered. 1850-1851 1852-1854 1855 1856-1857 1858-1859 1859-1860 1860-1862 1862-1863 1863-1867 1867-1869 CALIFORNIA. 13 Reports and Reporters. ROBIXSOX, T. Vols. 1 Mode* of Citation. 38 Cal. Period Covered. 1869 THOMPSON, R. A. 2 39-40 Cal. 1870-1871 TUTTLE, C. A. . 11 41-51 Cal. 1871-1877 TUTTLE and CARPEXTER... CARPEXTER, G. J. .. 1 1 52 Cal. 53 Cal. 1877-1878 1878-1879 SMITH, G. H. . 9 54-02. Cal. 1879-1882 COPE, W. W. 10 63-72 Cal. 1883-1887 POMEROY, C. P. 12 73-84 Cal. 1887-1890 r STATUTE LAWS. DIGESTS. WOOD, W. H. R. Digest of Laws. 1850-58 San Francisco. 1857 CODES. POLITICAL. HAYMOXD, C. ; BURCH, J. C. ; McCuxE, H. 2 vols Sacramento. 1872 CIVIL. HAYMOXD, C. ; BURCH, J. C. ; McCuxE, J. H. 1 vol Sacramento. 1872 POLITICAL. DEERIXG, F. P. Annotated. Vol. 1 .San Francisco. 1886 CIVIL. DEERIXG, F. P. Annotated. Vol. 2 San Francisco. 1886 CIVIL PROCEDURE. DEERIXG, F. P. Annotated. Vol. 3 San Francisco. PEXAL. DEERIXG, F. P. Annotated. Vol. 4 San Francisco. SUPPLEMENT DEERIXG' s CODE. Vol. 5 San Francisco. 1873-1874 1875-1876 1877-1878 1881 1885 . 1887 1889 1854 1855 1856 1858 1859 1860 AMENDMENTS. Political, Civil, Civil Procedure, and Penal Political, Civil, Civil Procedure, and Penal.. Political, Civil, Civil Procedure, and Penal .... Political, Civil, Civil Procedure, and Penal....! Political, Civil, Civil Procedure, and Penal ... Political, Civil, Civil Procedure, and Penal Political, Civil, Civil Procedure, and Penal. ... SESSION LAWS. Laws, 5th session Sacramento. Sacramento. Sacramento. ... Sacramento. Sacramento. ... Sacramento. Sacramento. Laws, 6th session Laws, 7th session Laws, 9th session Laws, 10th session Laws, llth session AMERICAN LAW DEPARTMENT. Laws, 18th session Laws, 20th session Laws, 21st session Laws, 22d session. 1868-1870 1873-1874 1875-1876 1877-1878 COLORADO. REPORTS. Reports and Reporters. Volt. Modes of Citation. HALLETT, M 2 1-2 Colo. FRANCE, L. B. 9 3-11 Colo. BECK, W. E 2 12-13 Colo, Authors. MORRISON DIGESTS. Volts. Reports. I 1-9 Colo. STATUTE LAWS. COMPILATIONS, REVISIONS, ETC. GENERAL LAWS. Published by authority. 1870-76 GENERAL STATUTES. Published by authority SESSION LAWS. Period Covered. 1864-1875 1876-1888 1889 Period Covered. 1864-1888 Denver. 1877 Denver. 1883 Laws, Territorial, 1st session. Laws, Territorial, 2d session. Laws, State, Acts, 2d session.. Laws, State, Acts, 3rd session. Laws, State, Acts, 6th session.. Laws, State, Acts, 7th session. 1861 1862 1879 1881 1887 1889 Authors. BALDWIN, SIMEON E. . DIGESTS. Vols. Reports. 2 1-47 Conn. Period Covered. 1785-1880 CONNECTICUT. 15 Reports and Reporters. KlRBY, E. 3 Vols. 1 fcEPORTS. Modes of Citation. Period Covered. Kirby. 1785-1788 1-2 Root. 1789-1797 1-5 Day. 1802-1813 1-21 Conn. 1814-1852 22-24 Conn. 1852-1856 25-58 Conn. 1856-1890 ROOT, J. 2 DAY, T. 5 DAY, T. . . ... 21 MATSON, W. N". . 3 HOOKER, J. 34 STATUTE LAWS. COMPILATIONS, REVISIONS, ETC. GENERAL STATUTES. Revision. Annotated New Haven. 1866 GENERAL STATUTES. Revision. Annotated... INDEX TO GENERAL STATUTES. 1875 to 1882. GENERAL STATUTES. Revision.... SESSION LAWS. Acts and Laws. Public Acts and Laws. Private Acts and Laws. Public Acts and Laws. Private . . Acts and Laws. Public Acts and Laws. Private Acts and Laws. Public Acts and Laws. Private Acts and Laws. Public Acts and Laws. Private Acts and Laws. Public Acts and Laws. Public :. Acts and Laws. Private . Acts and Laws. Public Acts and Laws. Private Acts and Laws. Public Acts and Laws. Private - Acts and Laws. Public Acts and Laws. Private Acts and Laws. Public Acts and Laws. Private Acts and Laws. Public Acts and Laws. Private Acts and Laws. Public Acts and Laws. Special ... Hartford. 1875 Hartford. 1883 Hartford. 1888 1856 1856 1857 1857 1858 1858 1859 1859 1860 1860 1861 1862 1862 1863 1863 1865 1865 1867 1867 1869 1869 1870 1870 1871 1871 16 AMERICAN LAW DEPARTMENT. Acts and Laws. Public 1872 Acts and Laws. Public I v 7:. Acts and Laws. Special 1873 Acts and Laws. Public 1874 Acts and Laws. Special 1874 Acts and Laws. Public , 1875 Acts and Laws. Public 1877 Acts and Laws. Special 1877 Acts and Laws. Public 1878 Acts and Laws. Special 1878 Acts and Laws. Public 1879. Acts and Laws. Special 1879 Acts and Laws. Public 1880 Acts and Laws. Special 1880 Acts and Laws. Public 1881 Acts and Laws. Public 1882 Acts and Laws. Special 1882 Acts and Laws. Public 1883 Acts and Laws. Special ..' 1883 Acts and Laws. Public , 1884 Acts and Laws. Public 1886 Acts and Laws. Special 1886 Acts and Laws. Public 1887 Acts and Laws. Public 1889 Acts and Laws. Special 1889 Acts and Laws. 3vols.... . 1836-1865 DAKOTA TEEEITOEY. REPORTS. Reports and Reporters. Voln. Modes of Citation. .BENNETT, G. G '. 1 1 Dak. SMITH, E. G...... 2 2-3 Dak. TRIPP, R. B 1 5 Dak. Period Covered. 1867-1877 1877-1884 1888-1889 STATUTE LAWS. CODES. HAND, G. H. Revised Codes Yankton. CALDWELL and PRICE. Compiled Laws Bismarck. 1877 1887 DELAWARE.. 17 SESSION LAWS. Laws, Territorial, 1st session 1862 Laws, Territorial, 2d session 1862-1863 Laws, Territorial, 4th session 1864-1865 Laws, Territorial, 13th session 1879 Laws, Territorial, 14th session 1881 Laws, Territorial, 16th session 1885 Laws, Territorial, 17th session 1887 Laws, Territorial, 18th session 1889 DELAWAKE. REPORTS. LAW. Reports and Reporters. Vols. Modes of Citation. Period Covered. HARRINGTON, S. M 1 5 Har. (Del.) 1848-1855 HOUSTON, J. W 5 1-5 Hous. (Del.) 1855-1875 CHANCERY. Reports and Reporters. Vols. Modes of Citation. Period Covered. BATES, D. M , 2 1-2 Bates. 1-2 Del. Ch. 1814-1868 BATES, G. H 2 3-4 Bates. 3-4 Del. Ch. 1866-1873 SAULSBUBY, W 1 1 Sauls. 5 Del. Ch. 1874-1889 CRIMINAL. Reports and Reporters. Vols. Modes of Citation. Period Covered. HOUSTOX, J. W 1 1 Hous. Crim. Rep. 1856-1879 STATUTE LAWS. CODES. Revised Code of 1852 as amended to 1874. SESSION LAWS. Laws . 1883 Laws 1885 Laws 1887 Laws 1889 SlG. 2. 18 AMERICAN LAW DEPARTMENT. FLOKIDA. DIGESTS. Authors. Vols. Reports. Period Covered. CHOATE, CHAS. A 1 1-24 Fla. 1846-1888 REPORTS. Reports and Reporters. Vols. Modes of Citation. Period Covered. BKAXCH, J 1 1 Fla. 1846-1847 AKCHEB AXD HOGUE 1 2 Fla. 1848-1849 HOOTJE, D. P 2 3-4 Fla. 1850-1852 PAPY, M. D 4 5-8 Fla. 1853-1859 GALBRAITH, J. B 3 9-11 Fla. 1860-1867 GALBBAITH and MEEK, L.R. 1 12 Fla. 1867-1869 DBEW, J. B. C 1 13 Fla. 1869-1871 COCKE, W. A 2 14-15 Fla. 1871-1876 RAXEY, G. P 5 16-20 Fla. 1876-1884 COOPEB, C. M : 4 21-24 Fla. 1884-1888 LAMAB, W. B 1 25 Fla. 1889 STATUTE LAWS. DIGESTS AND COMPILATIONS. MCCLELLAND, J. F. Digest of Laws...^ -. Tallahassee. 1881 SESSION LAWS. Laws, State. General Assembly, 8th session 1856 Laws, State. General Assembly, 9th session 1858 Laws, State. General Assembly, adjourned session 1859 Laws. Legislature, 12th session 1883 Laws. Legislature, 13th sesssion 1885 GEORGIA. 19 GEORGIA. DIGESTS. Authors. Vols. Reports. Period Covered. VANEPPS, H 1 62-81 Ga. 1878-1889 BACON, A. 2 1-40 Ga. 1846-1870 HARRIS, N. E 1 41-50 Ga. 1870-1874 SCHLEY, W. 1 English Statutes. 1776-1826 REPORTS. Reports and Reporters. VoU. .Vodes of Citation. Period Covered. CHARLTON, T. U. P 1 T. U. P. Charlt. 1805-1811 CHARLTON, R. M 1 R. M. Charlt. 1811-1837 DUDLEY, G. M 1 Dud. (Ga.) 1830-1833 GEORGIA DECISIONS 1 Ga, Dec. 1840-1843 KELLY, J. M 3 1-3 Kelly. 1-3 Ga, 1846-1847 KELLY and COBB, T. R. R.... 2 1-2 Kelly & Cobb. 4-5 Ga. 1848 COBB, T. R. R. 15 1-15 Cobb. 6-20 Ga. 1849-1856 MARTIX, B. Y :... 10 21-30 Ga. 1857-1860 LESTER, G. X 3 31-33 Ga. 1860-1863 BLECKLEY, L. E 2 34-35 Ga. 1864-1866 HAMMOND, N. J 9 36-44 Ga. 1867-1872 HAMMOND and JACKSON 1 45 Ga. 1872 JACKSON, H 13 46-58 Ga. 1872-1877 JACKSON and LUMPKIN 8 59-66 Ga. 1877-1881 LUMPKIN, J. H 10 67-76 Ga. 1881-1888 LUMPKIN and PEOPLES 1 77 Ga. 1888 PEOPLES, H. C 2 78-79 Ga. 1888 PEOPLES and STEVENS 5 80-84 Ga. 1889-1890 STATUTE LAWS. COMPILATIONS, REVISIONS, ETC. PRINCE, O. H. 2d ed. Digest of Laws Athens. COBB, HOWELL. Analysis of Statutes New York. COBB, T. R. R. Digest of Laws Athens. 1837 1846 1851 20 AMERICAN LAW DEPARTMENT. CODES. HOTCIIKLSS, W. A. Codification of the Statute Law of Georgia Savannah. 1845 COBH, HOWELL. Penal Code Macon. 1850 IBWIN, LESTER and HILL. Annotated Code Macon. 1873 LESTER, ROWELL arid HILL. Annotated Code Atlanta. 1882 SESSION LAWS. Laws, annual session 1847 Laws, biennial session 1849-1850 Laws, biennial session 1851-1852 Laws, biennial session 1853-1854 Laws, biennial session 1855-1856 Laws, annual and extra sessions 1868 Laws, biennial session 1880-1881 Laws, biennial session 1882-1883 Laws, biennial session 1884-1885 Laws, annual session 1886 Laws, annual session 1887 Laws, annual session 1888 Laws, annual session 1889 IDAHO TEEEITORY. REPORTS. Reports and Reporters. Vols. Modes of Citation. Period Covered. PRICKETT, H. E 1 1 Idaho N. S. 1866-1880 STATUTE LAW. COMPILATIONS AND REVISIONS. REVISED STATUTES. 1887 Boise City. 1887 SESSION LAWS. Laws, 4th session 1866-1867 Laws, 5th session 1868-1869 Laws, 10th session 1879 Laws, 13th session 1884-1885 Laws, 15th session 1888-1889 ILLINOIS. 21 ILLINOIS- DIGESTS. Authors. Vols. Reports. Period Covered. FREEMAN, N. L 2 1-15 111. 1819-1853 HENRY and READ 3 16- 29 111. 1854-1863 WOOD and LONG 2 1-38 111. 1819-1865 HILL, E. J. and R. W 6 1-120 111. 1819-1887 REPORTS. Reports and Reporters. Vols, Modes of Citation. Period Covered. BREESE, S. 2d ed 1 Breese. 1 111. 1819-1831 SCAMMON, J. Y 4 1-4 Scam. 2-5111. 1832-1843 OILMAN, C 5 1-5 Gilm. 6-10 111. 1844-1849 PECK, E 20 11-30111. 1849-1863 FREEMAN, N. 1 101 31-131 111. 1863-1890 , APPELLATE COURT. Reports and Reporters. Vols. Modes of Citation. Period Covered. BRADWELL, J. B 20 1-20 Bradw. 1-20 111. App. 1877-1886 SMITH, E. B 10 21-30 Smith. 21-30 111. App. 1886-1889 STATUTE LAWS. COMPILATIONS, REVISIONS, ETC. TREAT, S. H., SCATES, W. B., and BLACKWELL, R. S. Compiled Statutes. Annotated. 2 vols Chicago. HTJRD, H. B. Revised Statutes. 1 vol. 1874 Springfield. HURD, H. B. Revised Statutes. 1 vol. 1885 Chicago.- STARR and CURTIS. Annotated Statutes. 3 vols Chicago. 1858 1874 1885 1885 SESSION LAWS. Laws, 18th Assembly 1854 Laws, 19th Assembly 1855 Laws, 20th Assembly . 1857 Laws, 22d Assembly 1861 Laws, 24th Assembly 1865, Laws, 25th Assembly. 4 vols 1867 Laws, 26th Assembly. 2 vols. 18(*'.' 22 AMERICAN LAW DEPARTMENT. Laws, 27th Assembly. 2 vols 1871 Laws, 28th Assembly. 3 vols 1873 Laws, 29th Assembly. 2 vols 1875 Laws, 30th Assembly. 2 vols 1877 Laws, 31st Assembly 1879 Laws, 32d Assembly. 3 vols. 1881 Laws, 33d Assembly 1883 Laws, 34th Assembly 1885 Laws, 35th Assembly. 2 vols 1887 Laws, S6th Assembly 1889 Laws and Journal. 36th Assembly. Extra session 1890 INDIANA. DIGESTS. Authors. Vols. Reports. Period Covered. RIPLEY 2 1-73 Ind. 1817-1881 BLACK, J. B. , Supp. to Rip- ley 1 73-115 Ind. 1881-1889 REPORTS. Report* and Reporters. Volts. Modes of Citation. Period Covered. BLACK-FORD, 1 8 1 --8 Black. 1817-1847 CARTER, H. E. 2 1-2 Carter. 1-2 Ind. 1847-1851 PORTER, A. G. . 5 1-5 Porter. 3-7 Ind. 1851-1856 TANNER, G 7 1-7 Tanner. 8-14 Ind. 1856-1860 HARRISON, B 3 15-17 Ind. 1860-1861 KERR, M. C 5 18-22 Ind. 1862-1864 HARRISON, B 7 23-29 Ind. 1864-1868 BLACK, J. B 24 30-53 Ind. 1868-1876 MARTIN, A. N 17 54-70 Ind. 1876-1880 DICE, F. M ..29 71-99 Ind. 1880-1884 KERN, J. W 17 100-116 Ind. 1884-1888 GRIFFITH, J. L 7 117-123 Ind. 1888-1889 GRIFFITH, J. L ,] 124 Ind. 1890 INDIANA. 23 STATUTE LAWS. COMPILATIONS, REVISIONS, ETC. REVISED STATUTES. 2 vols Indianapolis. 1852 REVISED STATUTES. Annotated Chicago. . 1881 REVISED STATUTES. Annotated. 2 vols Chicago. 1888 SESSION LAWS. Laws, State, 14th session 1829-1830 Laws, State, 16th session 1831-1832 Laws, State, 18th session 1833-1834 Laws, State, 19th session 1834-1835 Laws, State, 24th session 1839-1840 Laws, State, 25th session 1840-1841 Laws, State, 28th session 1843-1844 Laws, State, 30th session 1845-1846 Laws, State, 31st session 1846-1847 Laws, State, 32d session 1848 Laws, State, 33d session 1849 Laws, State, 34th session 1850 Laws, State, 35th session 1851 Laws, State, 37th session 1853 Laws, State, 38th session 1855 Laws, State, 39th session 1857 Laws, State, called session (Nov.) 1858 Laws, State, 40th session 1859 Laws, State, 4 1st regular and special sessions 1861 Laws, State, 42d session 1863 Laws, State, 43d session 1865 Laws, State, 45th session 1867 Laws, State, 46th session 1869 Laws, State, 47th session 1871 Laws, State, 48th session '. 1873 Laws, State, 49th session 1875 Laws, State, 50th session 1877 Laws, State, 51st session 1879 Laws, State, 5 2d regular and special session 1881 Laws, State, 53d session 1883 Laws, State, 54th session 1885 Lawf, State, 55th session 1887 Laws, State, 56th session 1889 AMERICAN LAW DEPARTMENT. IOWA. DIGESTS. Authors. Vols. Reports. Period Covered. HAMMOND, W. G 2 10-20 Iowa. 1859-1866 McCLAiN, E 2 Mor. to 70 Iowa. ' 1839-1887 REPORTS. Reports and Reporters. Vols. Modes of Citation. Period Covered. MORRIS, E 1 Mor. Iowa. 1839-1846 GREEN, G 4 1-4 G. Green. 1847-1854 CLARKE, W. P. 8 1-8 Iowa. 1855-1859 WITH ROW, T. F 13 9-21 Iowa. 1859-1866 STILES, E. H 16 22-37 Iowa. 1866-1873 RUNNELS, J. S 19 38-56 Iowa. 1873-1881 HIGHT, B. W 2 57-58 Iowa. 1881-1882 EBERSOLE, E. C 21 59-79 Iowa. 1882-1890 STATUTE LAWS. REVISIONS AND COMPILATIONS. Revised Statutes Des Moines. 1860 McCLAiN, E. Annotated Statutes. 2 vols Chicago. 1888 CODES. Code Iowa City. 1851 .SESSION LAWS. Laws, State, 3d session 1852 Laws, State, 4th session 1853 Laws, State, 5th session 1854 Laws, State, 6th session 1855 Laws, State, 6th session 1856-1857 Laws, State, 7th session 1858 Laws, State, 9th session 1862 Laws, State, 9th session. Extra 1862 Laws, State, 10th session .- 1864 Laws, State, llth session 1866 Laws, State, 12th session 1868 KANSAS. 25 Laws, State, 13th session. Laws, State, 14th session. Laws, State, 16th session. Laws, State, 17th session. Laws, State, 18th session. Laws, State, 20th session. Laws, State, 21st session. Laws, State, 22d session.. Laws, State, 23d session.. 1870 1872 1876 1878 1880 1884 1886 1888 1890 Authors. DASSLEB, C. F. W. KANSAS. VoU. 2 DIGESTS. Reports. 1-32 Kansas. Period Covered. 1862-1884 REPORTS. Reports and Reporters. Vols. Modes of Citation. BANKS, E. V 5 1-5 Kan. WEBB, W. C 15 6-20 Kan. RANDOLPH, A. M. F 23 21-43 Kan. Period Covered. 1862-1870 1870-1878 1878-1890 STATUTE LAWS. COMPILATIONS, REVISIONS, ETC. DASSLER, C. F. W. Compiled Laws St. Louis. TAYLOR, I. General Statutes. Annotated. 2 vols. ...Topeka. SESSION LAWS. 1879 1889 Laws, Territorial, general and special sessions 1860 Laws, State, 1st session 1861 Laws, State, 10th session 1870 Laws, State, llth session 1871 Laws, State, 12th session 1872 Laws, State, 13th session 1873 Laws, State, 14th session 1874 Laws, State, 15th session 1875 Laws, State, 16th session , 1876 26 AMERICAN LAW DEPARTMENT. Laws, State, 17th session 1877 Laws, State, 19th session 1881 Laws, State, 20th session 1883 Laws, State, 21st session 1885 Laws, State, 22d session - 1886 Laws, State, special session 1887 Laws, State, 23d session 1889 KENTUCKY. DIGESTS Authors. Vols. Reports. Period Covered. MONROE and HARLAN 2 To 14 B. Monroe 1792-1853 BAKBOUE, J 1 Hughes to 13 Bush. 1785-1878 REPORTS. Reports and Reporter*. VoU. Modes of Citation. Period Covered. HUGHES, J. _ 1 Hugh, Ky. 1785-1801 KENTUCKY DEC. , SNEED 1 Sneed Ky. Dec. 1801-1805 HARDIN, M. D 1 Hardin. 1805-1808 BIBB, G. M 4 1-4 Bibb. 1808-1817 MARSHALL, A. K 3 1-3 A. K. Marsh. 1817-1821 LITTELL, W 5 1-5 Littell. 1822-1824 LITTELL, W. , Select Cases 1 Litt.~Sel.Cas. 1795-1821 MONROE, T. B 7 1-7 T. B. Mon. 1824-1828 MARSHALL, J. J 7 1-7 J. J. Marsh. 1829-1832 DANA, J. G 9 1-9 Dana. 1833-1840 MONROE, BEN 18 1-18 Mon. 1840-1857 METCALFE, J. P 4 1-4 Met. Ky. 1858-1863 DUVALL, A 2 1-2 Duv. 1863-1866 BUSH, W. P. D * 14 1-14 Bush. 1866-1879 RODMAN, J 5 78-82 Ky. 1879 1886 HINES, E. W 5 83-87 Ky. 1886-1889 STATUTE LAWS. COMPILATIONS, REVISIONS, ETC. WICKLIFFE, TURNER and NICHOLAS. Revised Stat- utes ....Frankfort. 1852 LOUISIANA. 27 STANTON, R. H. Revised Statutes. Annotated. 2 vols Cincinnati. 1860 MYERS, H. (Supp. to Stanton). Digest of Laws. Annotated Cincinnati. 1 866 BULLOCK, E. J., and JOHNSON, W. General Statutes. Annotated Frankfort. 1873 BULLITT, J. F.., and FELAND, J. General Statutes. Annotated Louisville. 1888 SESSION LAWS. Laws, General Assembly. 2 vols 1853-1854 Laws, Genei'al Assembly. 2 vols 1855-1856 Laws, General Assembly. 2 vols 1859-1860 Laws, adjourned and called sessions. 2 vols 1861-1863 Laws, General Assembly. 2 vols 1865 Laws, General Assembly. 2 vols. 1865-1866 Laws, General Assembly. 2 vols. 1873-1874 Laws, General Assembly 1887 Laws, General Assembly 1888 LOUISIANA. DIGESTS. Authors. Vols. Reports. HENNAN, WILLIAM D 2 1 Martin to 15 La. An. LOUQUE, CHARLES 1 15 to 30 La. An. TAYLOR, JAMES F. 1 30 to 40 La. An. REPORTS. Reports and Reporters. Volg. MARTIN, F. X. 12 MARTIN, F. X '. 8 MILLER, B. W 5 CURRY, T 14 ROBINSON, M. M 12 ROBINSON, M. M 4 KING, W. W 2 RANDOLPH, W. M. 5 Modes of Citation. 1-12 Mart. La. 1-8 Mart. N. S. 1-5 La. 6-19 La. 1-12 Rob. La. 20-31 La. 1-4 La. An. 5-6 La. An. 7-11 La. An. Period Covered. 1809-1860 1860-1879 1879-1888 Period Covered. 1809-1823 1823-1830 1830-1833 1833-1841 1841-1846 1846-1849 1850-1851 1852-1856 28 AMERICAN LAW DEPARTMENT. Reports and Reporter*. OGDEN, A. N. Volt. .... 4 Mode* of Citation. 12-15 La. An. I'eriod Covered. 1857-1860 GLENN, S. F. 3 16-18 La. An. 1861-1866 HAWKINS, S ... 6 19-24 La. An. 1867-1872 GAYARUE, C 4 25-28 La. An. 1873-1876 ROIJERTS, P. 3 29-31 La. An. 1877-1879 DENIS, H. 10 32-41 La. An. 1880-1889 STATUTE LAWS. COMPILATIONS, REVISIONS, ETC. PHILLIPS, U. B. Revised Statutes New Orleans. 1856 VOORHIES, A. Revised Laws. 2d edition New Orleans. 1884 SESSION LAWS. Laws, State, 1st Legislature 1853 Laws, State, 3d Legislature. 2 vols. 1856 Laws, State, 4th Legislature. 1st session 1857 Laws, State, 4th Legislature. 2d session : 1858 Laws, State, 4th Legislature 1859 Laws, State, 5th Legislature 1860 Laws, State, extra session , 1880 Laws, State, regular session 1886 Laws, State, regular session 1888 Laws, State, regular session 1890 MAINE. Authors. VlRCilN, WM. WlRT PLAISTED and APPLETON. DIGESTS. 1 27-43 Me. 1 1-68 Me. Reports. Period Covered. 1847-1857 1820-1878 REPORTS. Reports and Reporters. \'olg. Modes of Citation. iPeriod Covered. GREENLEAF, S 9 1-9 Greenl. 1-9 Me. 1820-1832 FAIRFIELD, J 3 1-3 Fairfield. 10-12 Me. 1833-1835 SHEPLEY, J. 6 1-6 Shep. 13-18 Me. 1836-1841 MAINE. Report* and Reporters. Vols. Modes of Citation. Period Covered. APPLETON, J 1 19 Me. 1841 APPLETON and SHEPLEY 1 20 Me. 1841 SHEPLEY, J , 10 21-30 Me. 1842-1849 REDINGTON, A. 5 31-35 Me. 1849-1853 HEATH, S 5 36-40 Me. 1853-1855 ADAMS, J. M 2 41-42 Me. 1856 LUDDEN, T. 2 43-44 Me. 1857-1858 HUBBARD, W 7 45-51 Me. 1858-1865 VIRGIN, W. W 9 52-60 Me. 1860-1872 SMITH, E. B 4 61-64 Me. 1867-1875 PULSIFER, J. D 4 65-68 Me. 1874-1878 HASTINGS, D. R 2 69-70 Me. 1878-1880 SPAULDING, J. W 10 71-80 Me. 1879-1888 HAMLIN, C. ... 1 81 Me. 1888-1889 STATUTE LAWS. REVISIONS. REVISED STATUTES. Annotated Bangor. 1857 REVISED STATUTES. Annotated Portland, Me. 1871 REVISED STATUTES. (4th revision.) Annotated Portland, Me. 1883 SESSION LAWS. Acts and Resolves, 34th session 1855 Acts and Resolves, 35th session 1856 Acts and Resolves, 36th session 1857 Acts and Resolves, 37th session 1858 Acts and Resolves, 38th session 1859 Acts and Resolves, 39th session 1860 Acts and Resolves, 41st session 1862 Acts and Resolves, 44th session 1865 Acts and Resolves, 45th session 1866 Acts and Resolves, 46th session 1867 Acts and Resolves, 48th session 1869 Acts and Resolves, 49th session 1870 Acts and Resolves, 50th session 1871 Acts and Resolves, 58th session 1879 Acts and Resolves, 60th session 1881 Acts and Resolves, 61st session 1883 Acts and Resolves, 62d session 1885 Acts and Resolves, 63d session 1887 Acts and Resolves, 64th session 1889 30 AMERICAN TAW DEPARTMENT. MAKYLAND. DIGESTS. Author*. \Olx. llcporlf. J'eriod Covered. RIX<;<;OLI>, J. T 1 Harris & McII. to 61 Md. including Bland & Johns... 1658-1886 REPORTS. LAW. Report* and Reporters. VoU. Mode* of Citation. Period,Covered. HARRIS, T. , JK. , and Mc- HKXRY, J 4 1-4 H. & McH. 1658-1799 HARRIS, T., and JOHNSON, R. 7 1-7 II. & J. 1800-1826 HARRIS, T., and GILL, R.W. 2 1-2 H. &. G. 1826-1829 GiLL,R.W.,andJoHNSON,J. 12 1-12 G. & J. 1829-1842 GILL, R. W 9 1-9 Gill. 1843-1851 MAGRUDKR, A. C 2 1-2 Md. 1851-1852 MILLER, 16 3-18 Md. 1852-1862 BREWER, N 8 19-26 Md. 1862-1866 STOCKETT, J. S. 45 27-71 Md. 1866-1890 CHANCERY. Reports and Reporters. \~oh. Mode* of Citation. Period Covered. BLAND, T 3 1-3 Eland's Ch. 1811-1832 MARYLAND CHANCERY DE- CISIONS ... 4 1-4 Md. Ch. 1847-1854 STATUTE LAWS. COMPILATIONS, REVISIONS, ETC. SCOTT, O., McCuLLouGH, H., and MACKALL, H. C. Code of Laws. 2 vols Baltimore. 1860 POE, J. P. Code of Laws. 2 vols Baltimore. 1888 SESSION LAWS. Laws 1856 Laws . 1858 MASSACHUSETTS. 31 Laws 1860 Laws, special session 1861 Laws 1862 Laws 1880 Laws .... 1882 Laws . 1884 Laws ... 1888 Laws 1890 > MASSACHUSETTS. Reports and Reporters. BENNETT, E. H. , GRAY, R. and SWIFT, H. W KELLEN, W. V. Supp Reports and Reporters. WILLIAMS, E. DIGESTS. Vols. Modes of Citation. t .. 3 1-127 Mass. ... 1 128-144 Mass. Period Covered. 1804-1879 1879-1887 Period Covered 1804-1805 1806-1822 1822-1840 1840-1847 1848-1853 1854-1860 1861-1867 1867-1872 1872-1873 1873-1874 1874-1888 1888-1890 1860 1882 1888 REPORTS. Vols. Modes of 1 Citation. 1 2-17 18-41 42-54 55-66 67-82 83-96 97-109 110-111 112-114 115-145 146-150 Mass. Mass. Mass. Mass. Mass. Mass. Mass. Mass. Mass. Mass. Mass. Mass. >oston. Joston. Boston. TYNG, D. A. 16 PICKERING, O. 24 1-24 Pick. METCALF, T. 13 1-13 Mete. GUSHING, L. S 12 1-12 Cush. GRAY, JR., H .. 16 1-16 Gray. ALLEN, C .. 14 1-14 Allen. BROWN, JR. , A. G. 13 BROWN, JR. , and GRAY, JR. BROWNJ JR. , A. G. 2 3 LATHROP, J. 31 KELLEN, W. V. 5 / COMPIl GENERAL STATUTES, 1860. PUBLIC STATUTES 1882 STATUTE LAWS. NATIONS, REVISIONS, ETC. Revised I INDEX TO PUBLIC STATUTES. 1882-1887.... 1 32 AMERICAN LAW DEPARTMENT. ACTS AND RKSOLVES OF MASSACHUSETTS BAY, with Charters of the Province. 2 vols.... 1757-1780 SESSION LAWS. Acts and Resolves 1859 Acts and Resolves 1 860 Acts and Resolves 1861 Acts and Resolves 1862 Acts and Resolves 1874 Acts and Resolves 1887 Acts and Resolves 1888 Acts and Resolves 1889 Acts and Resolves 1890 Acts and Resolves, special 1849 Acts and Resolves, special 1859 Acts and Resolves, special 1882 Acts and Resolves, special 1888 MICHIGAN. DIGESTS. Authors. Vols. Reports. JACOBS, A. P. , and CHANEY, II. A 2 1 Doug, to 71 Mich. Period Covered. 1836-1888 Reports and Reporters. Vols. DOUGLAS, S. T 2 MANNING, R. 2 GIBBS, G. C 3 COOLEY, T. M 8 MEDDAUGH, E. W. 1 JENNISON, W 5 CLARKE, H. K , 4 POST, H 14 CHANEY, H. A 22 FULLER, W. D 20 REPORTS. LAW. llfodes of Citation. 1-2 Doug. Mich. Manning. 1-3 Gibbs. 1 Mich. 2-4 Mich. 5-12 Mich. 13 Mich. 14-18 Mich. 19-22 Mich. 23-36 Mich. 37-58 Mich. 59-78 Mich. Period Covered. 1843-1847 1847-1850 1851-1857 1858-1864 1864-1865 1865-1869 1869-1871 1871-1877 1877-1886 1886-1889 MICHIGAN. 33 CHANCERY. Reports and Reporters. Volg. Modes of Citation. Period Covered. HARRINGTON, E. B 1 Harr. Mich. 1838-1842 WALKER, H. N 1 Walk. Mich. 1842-1845 STATUTE LAWS. COMPILATIONS, REVISIONS, ETC. HARRINGTON and ROBERTS. Revised Statutes Detroit. 1838 GREEN, S. Revised Statutes Detroit. 1846 COOLEY, T. M. Compiled Laws. 2 vols Lansing. 1857 HOWELL, A. Compiled Statutes. Annotated. 2 vols. ...Chicago. 1882 SESSION LAWS. Laws, annual session 1846 Laws, annual session 1847 Laws, regular session 1848 Laws, annual session 1849 Laws, annual and extra sessions 1850 Laws, annual session 1851 Laws, annual session 1852 Laws, regular session 1859 Laws, regular session 1861 Laws, extra session 1862 Laws, regular session 1863 Laws, regular session. 3 vols. 1869 Laws, extra session 1870 Laws, regular session 1871 Laws, extra session 1872 Laws, regular session 1873 Laws, regular session 1874 Laws, regular session. Public 1875 Laws, regular session. Public 1877 Laws, regular session. Public 1879 Laws, regular session. Public and local 1881 Laws, regular session. Public and local 1882 Laws, regular session. Public and local 1883 Laws, regular session. Public and local 1885 Laws, regular session. Public and local 1887 Laws, regular session. Public 1889 Laws, regular session. Public 1890 SlG. 3. AMERICAN LAW DEPARTMENT. MINNESOTA. DIGESTS. Authors. Volg. Reports, Period Covered. BENJAMIN, W. E 1 1-35 Minn. 1851-1888 REPORTS. Reports and Reporters. VoU. Modes of Citation. Period Covered. OFFICER, H 9 1-9 Minn. 1851-1864 SPENCER, W. A 11 10-20 Minn. 1865-1874 YOUNG, G. B 23 21-43 Minn. 1874-1890 STATUTE LAWS. COMPILATIONS, REVISIONS, ETC. REVISED STATUTES St. Paul. 1851 SHERBUENE and HOLLINSHEAD St. Paul. 1859 YOUNG, G. B. Revised Statutes-. St. Paul. 1879 YOUNG, G. B. Revised Statutes, with Supp. 3d ed.... St. Paul. 1883 SESSION LAWS. Laws, Territorial 1857 Laws, State, 1st session. General : 1858 Laws, State, 3d session 1861 Laws, State, 4th session. General and special 1862 Laws, State, 4th session. Extra 1862 Laws, State, 5th session 1863 Laws, State, 6th session 1864 Laws, State, 8th session 1866 Laws, State, 16th session 1874 Laws, State, 21st session 1879 Laws, State, 22d session. General 1881 Laws, State, 22d session. Special 1881 Laws, State, 23d session. General 1883 Laws, State, 23d session. Special . 1883 Laws, State, 24th session. General 1885 Laws, State, 24th session. Special 1885 Laws, State, 25th session. General 1887 Laws, State, 25th session. Special 1887 Laws, State, 26th session. General 1889 Laws, State, 26th session. Special 1889 MISSISSIPPI. 35 MISSISSIPPI. DIGESTS. Authors. Vols. Reports. Period Covered. GEORGE, JAMES Z 1 Walker to 44 Miss. 1818-1870 ANDREWS, G. Supp 1 45-57 Miss. 1871-1879 HEIDELBERG, D. W 1 45-64 Miss. 1871-1888 REPORTS. LAW. Reports and Reporters. Voln. Modes of Citation. Period Covered. WALKER, R. J 1 Walk. Miss. 1 Miss. 1818-1832 HOWARD, V. E 7 1-7 How. Miss. 2-8 Miss. 1834-1843 SMEDES and MARSHALL 14 1-14 S. & M. 9-22 Miss. 1843-1850 CUSHMAN, J. F 7 1-7 Cushm. 23-29 Miss. 1851-1855 GEORGE, J. Z 10 1-10 George. 30-39 Miss. 1855-1863 REYNOLDS, R. 3 1-3 Reynolds. 40-42 Miss. 1864-1869 MORRIS, J. S 6 43-48 Miss. 1870-1873 HARRIS and SIMRAL 4 49-52 Miss. 1873-1876 BROWN, J. A., and HEM- INGWAY, J. B. H 13 53-65 Miss. 1876-1888 BRAME and ALEXANDER 2 66-67 Miss. 1889-1890 CHANCERY. Reports and Reporters. Vols. Hfodes of Citation. Period Covered. FREEMAN, J. D 1 Fr. Miss. Ch. 1839-1843 SMEDES, W. C., and MAR- SHALL, T. A 1 S. & M. Ch. 1840-1843 STATUTE LAWS. COMPILATIONS, REVISIONS, ETC. REVISED CODE OF LAWS Jackson. 1857 CAMPBELL, J. A. P. Revised Code of Laws. An- notated Jackson. 1880 SESSION LAWS. Laws, regular session. 2 vols 1870 Laws, regular session 1873 36 A.MKKICAN I.A\V 1 )K I'AKT.M KNT. Laws, called session 1873 Laws, regular session 1874 Laws, regular session 1875 Laws, regular session 1880 Laws, regular session 1882 Laws, regular session 1884 Laws, regular session 1886 Laws, regular session 1888 MISSOUEI. DIGESTS. Authors. Vols. Reports. Period Covered. PATTISON, E. W 2 1 to 49 Mo. 1821-1872 STARK, Charles B. 3 50 to 89 Mo. and 1 to 23 Mo. App. 1872-1886 REPORTS. .* SUPREME COURT. Reports and Reporters. Vols. Modes of Citation. Period Covered. HOUCK, L 15 1-15 Houck. 1-15 Mo. 1821-1852 BENNETT, S. A 6 16-21 Mo. 1852-1855 JONES, H. M. 9 22-30 Mo. 1855-1860 JONES, BARCLAY, D. R. and WHITTLESEY, C. C 1 31 Mo. i,60-1862 WHITTLESEY, C. C 10 32-41 Mo. 1862-1867 POST, T. A 23 42-64 Mo. 1867-1877 SKINKER, T. K 15 63-7? Mo. 1877-1883 BROWN, F. M 21 80-100 Mo. 1883-1890 COURT OF APPEALS. Reports and Reporters. Vols. Modes of Citation. Period Covered. BERRY, A. M 16 1-16 Mo. App. 1876-1885 BERRY and MISTER, A. F. ... 12 17-28 Mo. App. 1885 LEWIS, E. A., and MISTER... 4 29-32 Mo. App. 1885-1888 LEWIS, and GUTHRIE, B. E. ... 3 33-35 Mo. App. 1888-1889 GOLDSMITH, D. , and GUTH- RIE 5 36-40 Mo. App. 1880-1890 MONTANA. STATUTE LAWS. COMPILATIONS, REVISIONS, ETC. HOCKADAY, PARISH, McDANiEL and MC!NTYRE. Revised Statutes. Annotated. 2 vols Jefferson City. 1879 FRANCIS, D. R., CLAYCOMB, S. H., and RUSSELL, J. J., Revised Statutes. Annotated. 2 vols Jefferson City. 1889 SESSION LAWS. Laws, State, 1 7th Assembly .. 1852-1853 Laws, State, 19th Assembly. Adjourned session 1857 Laws, State, 20th Assembly. 1 st session 1858-1859 Laws, State, 21st Assembly .. 1860-1861 Laws, State, 22d Assembly. Regular session 1862-1863 Laws, State, 22d Assembly. Adjourned session 1863-1864 Laws, State, 23d Assembly. Regular session 1864-1865 Laws, State, 23d Assembly. Adjourned session 1865 Laws, State, 24th Assembly. Regular session 1865-1866 Laws, State, 24th Assembly. Adjourned Session 1867 Laws, State, 25th Assembly. Regular session 1868 Laws, State, 25th Assembly .. 1869 Laws, State, 26th Assembly ... 1871 Laws, State, 26th Assembly. Adjourned session 1871-1872 Laws, State, 27th Assembly ... 1873 Laws, State, 27th Assembly. Adjourned session 1874 Laws, State, 28th Assembly ... 1875 Laws, State, 29th Assembly _. 1877 Laws, State, 30th Assembly ... 1879 Laws, State, 31st Assembly ... 1881 Laws, State, 32d Assembly ... 1883 Laws, State, 33d Assembly ... 1885 Laws, State, 34th Assembly ... 1887 Laws, State, 35th Assembly ... 1889 MONTANA. Reports and Reporters. BLAKE, H. N BLAKE and HEDGES, C REPORTS. I'ols. Modes of Citation. Period Covered. . 1 1 Mont. 1868-1873 2 2-3 Mont. 1873-1880 38 AMERICAN LAW DEPARTMENT. Reports and Reporters. Volt. Modes of Citation. Period Coeered. HEDGES, C 3 4-6 Mont. 1881-1886 BUCK, H. R 2 7-8 Mont. 1887-1889 MADDOX, F 1 9 Mont. 1890 STATUTE LAWS. COMPILATIONS, REVISIONS, ETC. COMPILED LAWS Montana. 1872 COMPILED STATUTES. Supp. edition Helena. 1888 SESSION LAWS. Laws, Legislature, 10th session 1877 Laws, Legislature, 13th session 1883 Laws, Legislature, loth session 1887 Laws, Legislature, 16th session 1889 NEBKASKA. DIGESTS, Authors. Vols. Reports. Period Covered. BROWN, G. A., Index Di- gest 1 1-15 Neb. 1871-1884 BROWN. Index Digest 1 1-20 Neb. 1871-1886 BROWN. Index Digest 1 1-25 Neb. 1871-1889 REPORTS. Reports and Reporters. Vols. Modes of Citation. Period Covered. WOOLWORTH, J. M 2 1-2 Neb. 1871-1872 CROUNSE, L 1 3 Neb. 1873-1874 BROWN, G. A 22 4-25 Neb. 1875-1889 LEESE, W. A 1 26 Neb. 1889 STATUTE LAWS. COMPILATIONS, REVISIONS, ETC. EASTABROOK, E. Revised Ter. Statutes Omaha. 1866 BROWN, G. A. Compiled Statutes Omaha. 1881 BROWN, G. A. Compiled Statutes. Annotated. 3d edition... Omaha. 1887 NEVADA. 39 SESSION LAWS. Laws, Ter. Legislative Assembly, 3d session 1857 Laws, Ter. Legislative Assembly, 4th session 1858 Laws, Ter. Legislative Assembly, 5th session 1859 Laws, Ter. Legislative Assembly, 6th session 1860 Laws, Ter. Legislative Assembly, 9th session 1864 Laws, Ter. Legislative Assembly, 10th session 1865 Laws, Ter. Legislative Assembly, llth session 1866 Laws, State Leg. Assembly, 1st, 2d and 3d sessions 1867 Laws, State Leg. Assembly, 14th session_ 1877 Laws, State Leg. Assembly, loth session 1879 Laws, State Leg. Assembly, 18th session 1883 Laws, State Leg. Assembly, 19th session 1885 Laws, State Leg. Assembly, 20th session 1887 Laws, State Leg. Assembly, 21st session .'. 1889 NEVADA. EEPORTS. Reports and Reporters. VoU. Modes of Citation. Period Covered. HAWLEY, T. P 2 1-2 Nev. 1865-1866 HELM, A 7 3-9 Nev. 1866-1874 BICKXELL, C. F. , aud HAW- LEY, T. P 10 10-19 Nev. 1874-1887 STATUTE LAWS. COMPILATIONS, REVISIONS, ETC. BONNIFIELD, M. S., and HEALY, T. W. Compiled Laws. 2 vols Carson City. 1873 BAILEY, D. E., and HAMMOND, J. D. General Stat- utes. Annotated Carson City. 1885 SESSION LAWS. Laws, State, 2d session 1866 Laws, State, 4th session. 2 vols. 1869 Laws, State, 5th session. 2 vols 1871 Laws, State, 6th session 1873 40 AMERICAN LAW DEPARTMENT. Laws, State, 7th session 1875 Laws, State, 8th session 1877 Laws, State, 9th session 1879 Laws, State, 10th session 1881 Laws, State, llth session 1883 Laws, State, 12th session 1885 Laws, State, 13th session 1887 MISCELLANEOUS. MARSH, A. J. Debates and Proceedings of the Constitutional Convention of 1864 San Francisco. 1866 NEW HAMPSHIKE. DIGESTS. Author . Vols. Reports. Period Covered. MORRISON, CHAS. R 1 1-46 N. H. 1816-1866 REPORTS. Reports and Reporters. VoU. Modes of Citation. Period Covered. SMITH, J 1 Smith, N. H. 1796-1816 ADAMS, N 1 1 N. H. 1816-1819 RICHARDSON, W. M., and WOODBURY, L 1 2 N. H. 1819-1823 NEW HAMPSHIRE 16 3-18 N. H. 1823-1848 FOSTER. W. L 1 19 N. H. 1848-1849 CHANDLER, W. E 1 20 N. H. 1845-4850 FOSTER, W. E 11 1-11 Foster. 21-31 N. H. 1850-1855 FOGG, G. G 6 32-37 N. H. 1855-1859 CHANDLER, W.E 7 38-44 N. H. 1859-1863 HADLEY, A 4 45-48 N. H. 1863-1869 SHIRLEY, J. M 7 49-55 N. H. 1869-1875 HALL, D 2 56-57 N. H. 1875-1876 JENKS, E. A 1 58 N. H. 1876-1879 LADD, W. S 6 59-64 N. H. 1879-1888 NEW JERSEY. 41 STATUTE LAWS. KEVISIONS AND COMPILATIONS. Compiled Statutes Concord. 1853 General Statutes, with Digested Index Manchester. 1853 General Laws, with Digested Index Manchester. 1878 SESSION LAWS. Laws (June) 1850 Laws (June) 1851 Laws (June) 1852 Laws (November) 1852 Laws (June) , 1854 Laws 1855 Laws 1856 Laws 1857 Laws 1858 Laws 1859 Laws 1860 Laws 1862 Laws :. 1863 Laws 1865 Laws 1867 Laws 1869 Laws 1870 Laws 1871 Laws :..... 1873 Laws 1874 Laws '. 1875 Laws : 1876 Laws^ 1878 Laws 1879 Laws . 1889 NEW JEESEY. DIGESTS. . Authors. I'ols. Reports. Period Covered. STEWART, J. H. Law and Equity 2 Coxe to 38 N. J. L. and Sax. to 27 N. J. Eq 1790-1876 STEWART, J. H. Supplement... 1 1876-1887 AMERICAN LAW DEPARTMENT. Reports and Reporter*. Vote. COXE, R. S 1 PENNINGTON,W.S., 2 SOUTHARD, S. L 2 HALSTEAD, W 7 GREEN, J. S. 3 HARRISON, J 4 SPENCER, R. D 1 ZABRISKIE, A. 4 DUTOHER, A...,,... 5 VROOM, P. D 6 VROOM, G. D. W. ... 16 REPORTS. LAW. Modes Coxe, N. J. 1-2 Pen. N. J. 1-2 South. N. J. 1-7 Hals. N. J. 1-3 Green, N. J. 1-4 Harr. Spen. 1-4 Zab. 1-5 Dutch. 1-6 Vroom. 7-22 Vroom. of Citation. I N. J. 2-3 N. J. 4-5. N. J. 6-12 N. J. 13-15 N. J. 16-19 N. J. 20 N. J. 21-24 N. J. 25-29 N. J. 30-35 N. J. 36-51 N. J. Law. Law. Law. Law. Law. Law. Law. Law. Law. Law. Law. Period Covered. 1790-1795 1806-1813 1816-1820 1796-1831 1831-1836 1837-1842 1842-1846 1845-1855 1855-1862 1862-1872 1872-1889 EQUITY. Reports and Reporters. I'olg. Modes of Citation. Period Covered. SAXTON, N 1 Sax. 1 N. J. Eq. 1830-1832 GREEN, H. W 3 1-3 Green Ch. 2-4 N. J. Eq. 1834-1845 HALSTEAD, G. B 4 1-4 Hals. Ch. 5-8 N. J. Eq. 1845-1853 STOCKTON, J.P 3 1-3 Stock. 9-11 N. J. Eq. 1852-1858 BEASLEY, M 2 1-2 Beas. 12-13 N. J. Eq. 1858-1861 McCARTER, T. N. ... 2 1-2 McCar. 14-15 N. J. Eq. 1852-1863 GREENE, C. E 12 1-12 C. E. Greene. 16-27 N. J. Eq. 1862-1876 STEWART, J. H 18 1-18 Stew. 28-45 N. J. Eq. 1877-1889 STATUTE LAWS. COMPILATIONS, REVISIONS, ETC. REVISED STATUTES Trenton. 1847 REVISED STATUTES. 1709 to 1877. Annotated Trenton. 1877 SUPPLEMENT TO REVISION 1877-1886 SESSION LAWS. Acts, 72d Legislature 1848 Acts, 74th Legislature 1850 Acts, 76th Legislature 1852 Acts, 78th Legislature ! 1854 Acts, 79th Legislature 1855 Acts, 80th Legislature 1856 NEW YORK. 43 81st Legislature 1857 82d Legislature 1858 85th Legislature. Extra session 1861 87th Legislature 1863 88th Legislature 1864 90th Legislature 1866 9 1st Legislature 1867 102d Legislature 1878 103d Legislature 1879 104th Legislature 1880 105th Legislature 1881 106th Legislature 1882 107th Legislature 1883 108th Legislature 1884 109th Legislature '. 1885 1 10th Legislature 1886 lllth Legislature 1887 1 12th Legislature 1888 113th Legislature 1889 NEW YOEK. DIGESTS. Authors. Vols. BRIGHTLY, F. C. 3 COURT OF APPEALS. Authors. Vols. Reports. DAXFORTH, H. G., and WICKES, R. B..... 2 1-100 N. Y. REPORTS. SUPREME COURT AND COURT OF ERRORS. Reports and Reporters. Vols. Modes of Citation. CAIXES, G. Cases 2 in \v~y% Cai. Cas. COLEMAX and CAINES. Cases... 1 K Col. and Cai. Cas. CAIXES, G 3 1-3 Cai. COLEMAN,W , 1 Cole. Period Covered. 1794-1884 Period Covered. 1847-1885 Period Covered. 1796-1805 1794-1805 1803-1805 1791-1800 AMERICAN LAW DEPARTMENT. Reports and Reporters. Vols. Modes of Citation. Period Covered. JOHNSON, W. Cases 3 1-3 Johns. Cases. 1799-1803 JOHNSON, W 20 v/ 1-20 Johns. 1806-1823 COWEN, E 9 *4-9 Cow. 1823-1829 WENDELL, J. L. 26 ^1-26 Wend. 1828-1841 HILL, JR., N 7*Xf-7 Hill, N. Y. 1841-1844 DENIO, H 5 v-1-5 Denia. 1845-1848 LALOR, T. M. Supp. to Hill and Denio 1 Lalor. 1842-1844 COURT OF APPEALS REGULAR SERIES. Reports and Reporters. Vols. Modes of Citation. Period Covered. COMSTOCK, G. F...., 4 1-4 Corns. 1-4 N. Y. 1847-1851 SELDEN, H. R 6 1-6 Seld. 5-10 N. Y. 1851-1854 KERNAN, F 4 1-4 Kern. 11-14N. Y. 1854-1856 SMITH, E. P 13 1-13 Smith. 15-27 N. Y. 1857-1863 TIFFANY, J 12 1-12 Tiff. 28-39 N. Y. 1863-1868 HAND, S 6 1-6 Hand. 40-45 N. Y. 1869-1871 SICKELS, H. E 76 1-76 Sick. 46-121 N. Y. 1871-1890 SUPREME COURT. Reports and Reporters. Vols. Modes of Citation. Period Covered. BAKBOUE, O. L 67 1-67 Barb. 1847-1877 LANSING, A 7 1-7 Lans. 1-7 N. Y. Supr. Ct. 1869-1873 THOMPSON and COOK, 6 l-6Thom. &C. 8-13 N.Y. Supr. Ct. 1873-1875 HUN, M. T 57 1-57 Hun. 8-64 N. Y. Supr. Ct. 1874-1890 CHANCERY. DECISIONS OF THE CHANCELLORS. Reports and Reporters. Vols. Modes of Citation. Period Covered. JOHNSON, W 7 1-7 Johns. Ch. 1814-1823 HOPKINS, S. M 1 Hopk. Ch. 1823-1826 PAIGE, A. C 11 1-11 Paige Ch. 1828-1845 BAKBOUB, O. L 3 1-3 Barb. Ch. 1845-1848 DECISIONS OF THE VICE CHANCELLORS. > Reports and Reporters. Vols. Modes of Citation. Period Covered. EDWARDS, C 4 1-4 Edw. Ch. ^ 1831-1850 HOFFMAN, M 1 Hoff. Ch. 1839-1840 CLARKE, C. L 1 Clarke Ch. 1839-1841 SANDFOKD, L. H. ... 4 1-4 Sand. Ch. v' 1843-1847 NEW YORK. PRACTICE AND CODE. Report* and Reporters. VoU. Modes of Citation. Period Covered. C o L E M A x and C A i N E s. Cases 1 Cole, and Cai. Gas. 1794-1805 CODE REPORTER 3 3 Code Repr. 1850-1851 CODE REPORTS. N. S 1 1 Code Repts. N. S. 1850-1852 CRIMINAL, CASES. Reports and Reporters. VoU. Modes of Citation. Period Covered. WHEELER, J. D 3 1-3 Wheel. Cr. Cas. 1791-1825 MISCELLANEOUS. Reports and Reporter*. Vols. Modes of Citation. Period Covered. LOCKWOOD, R. Reversed Cases 1 Lock. Rev. Cas. 1799-1847 EDMOXDS, J. W. Select Cases 2 1-2 Edm. Sel. Cas. 1834-1850 YATES, J. V. N. Select Cases. 2d ed 1 Yates. 1809 ANTHON, J. Nisi Prius. 2d ed 1 Anth. N. P. 1808-1851 STATUTE LAWS. COMPILATIONS, REVISIONS, ETC. DUER, J., BUTLER, B. F. , and SPEXCER, J. C. Revised Statutes. 3 vols. Albany. 1836 THROOP, M. H. Revised Statutes Annotated. 4 vols. 8th ed Albany. 1889 SESSION LAWS. Laws. 6 vol 1774-1801 Laws, 74th session 1851 Laws, 75th session 1852 Laws, 76th session 1853 Laws, 83d session 1860 Laws, 84th session 1861 Laws, 85th session 1862 Laws, 103d session. 2 vols 1880 Laws, 104th session 1881 Laws, 105th session. 2 vols 1882 Laws, 106th session 1883 4(5 AMERICAN LAW DEPARTMENT. Laws, 107th session Laws, 108th session Laws, 109th session. Laws, 110th session. Laws, lllth session. Laws, 112th session Laws, 113th session 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890 TEKKITOEY OF NEW MEXICO. Reports and Reporters. GlLDERSLEEVE, C. H. . REPORTS. Volt. Modes of Citation. Period Covered. 2 1-2 N. Mex. 1852-1883 STATUTE LAWS. COMPILATIONS, REVISIONS, ETC. BARTLETT, E. L. , GREENE, C. W. , VALDEZ, S. , and CHA- VEZ, I. L. Compiled Laws Santa Fe. 1885 COMPILED LOCAL AND SPECIAL LAWS Santa Fe. 1885 SESSION LAWS. Laws, Spanish 1858 Laws, English * 1882 Laws, English 1884 NORTH CAROLINA. DIGESTS. Authors. Volg. Reports. Period Covered. JONES, H. C 2 in 1 6 Iredell's Law to Busbee's Law, and 4 Iredell Eq. to Busbee's Eq. 1845-1853 BATTLE, W. H 4 Martin, Law and Dev. Eq. to 70 N. C. 1778-1874 BAILEY, W. H 1 71 to 99 N. C. 1874-1884 SEYMOUR, A. S 2 80 to 100 N. C. 1884-1889 NORTH CAROLINA. Reports and Reporters. Vols. MARTIN, F. X 1 HAYWOOD, J 2 TAYLOR, J. L 1 N. C. CONFERENCE 1 MURPHEY, A. D. 3 CAROLINA LAW REPOSITORY, 2 N. C. TERM REPORTS 2 HAWKS, F. L. 4 DEVEREUX, T. P 4 DEVEREUX and BATTLE 4 IREDELL, J. 13 BUSBEE, P 1 JONES, H. C 8 WINSTON, P. H. 2 PHILLIPS, S. F 1 PHILLIPS, S. F 2 McCORKLE, J. M. 1 SHIPP, W. M 2 HARGROVE, T. L 8 KENAN, T. S 16 DAVIDSON, T. F 14 Reports and Reporters. Vols. DEVEREUX, T. P 2 DEVEREUX, T. P. , and BAT- TLE, W. H 2 IREDELL, J 8 BUSBEE, P 1 JONES, H. C 6 PHILLIPS, S. F 1 REPORTS. LAW. Modes of Citation. Period Covered. Mart. N. C. 1778-1779 1-2 Hayw. N. C. 1789-1806 Tayl. N. C. 1798-1802 N. C. Conf. 1800-1804 1-3 Murph. 1804-1819 1-2 Car. Law Rep. 1813-1816 1-2 N. C. Term Rep. 1816-1818 1-4 Hawks. 1820-1826 1-4 Dev. Law. 1826-1834 1-4 Dev. & Bat. 1834-1839 1-13 Ired. 1840-1852 Busb. 1852-1853 1-8 Jones N. C. 1853-1862 1-2 Winst. 1863-1864 Phil. N. C. 1866-1868 63-64 N. C. 1868-1870 65 N. C. 1871 66-67 N. C. 1872 68-75 N. C. 1873-1876 76-91 N. C. 1877-1884 92-105 N. C. 1884-1889 EQUITY. Modes of Citation. Period Covered. 1-2 Dev. Eq. 1826-1834 1-2 Dev. & Bat. Eq. 1834-1839 1-8 Ired. Eq. 1840-1852 Busb. Eq. 1852-1853 1-6 Jones Eq. 1853-1863 Phil. Eq. 1866-1868 STATUTE LAWS. COMPILATIONS, REVISIONS, ETC. BATTLE, W. H. Revised Statutes Raleigh. 1873 48 AMERICAN LAW DEPARTMENT. CODES. MOORE, B. F. and RODMAN, W. B. Revised Code. 1854 Boston. 1855 DORTCH, MANNING & HENDERSON. Code. 2 vols. 1883 ... New York. 1883 SESSION LAWS. Laws, Public and Private 1854-1855 Laws, Public and Private 1856-1857 Laws, Public and Private 1858-1859 Laws, Public 1859, 1861, 1862, 1863, 1864, 1866 Laws, Private 1867 Laws, Public 1868-1869 Laws, Public 1870-1871 Laws, Public 1871-1872 Laws, Public 1873-1874 Laws, Private 1873-1874 Laws, Public 1879 Laws, Public. Special session. (March) 1880 Laws, Public 1881 Laws, Public 1883 Laws, Public .* 1885 Laws, Public 1887 Laws, Public 1889 OHIO. DIGESTS. Authors. Vols. Reports. Period Covered. WALKER, J. B. , and BATES, C 3 1 Ohio to 30 Ohio St. 1816-1878 WELCH, J. Index. Digest... 1 Tappan to 43 Ohio St. 1816-1886 REPORTS. SUPREME COURT OHIO AND OHIO STATE. Reports and Reporters. Vols. Modes of Citation. Period Covered. WRIGHT, J. C 1 Wright, Oh. 1831-1834 HAMMOND, C. 9 1-9 Hammond. 1-9 Ohio. 1821-1839 OHIO. 49 Reports and Reporters. VoU. Modes of Citation. WILCOX, P. B 1 10 Ohio. STANTON, E. M 3 11-13 Ohio. GRISWOLD, H 6 14-19 Ohio. LAWRENCE, W 1 20 Ohio. McCooK, G. W 1 1 Ohio St. WARDEN, R. B 1 2 Ohio St. WARDEN, R. B. , and SMITH, J. H : 1 3 Ohio St. WARDEN, R. B 1 4 Ohio St. CRITCHFIELD, L. J IT 5-21 Ohio St. GRANGER, M. M 2 22-23 Ohio St. DEWITT, E. L 19 24-42 Ohio St. OKEY, G. B 3 43-45 Ohio St. BURGESS, L. J. 1 46 Ohio St. Period Covered. 1840-1841 1841-1844 1844-1850 1851 1852-1853 1853 1853- 1854- 1855- 1871- 1873- 1885- 1888- 1854 1855 1871 1873 1885 1888 1889 STATUTE LAWS. COMPILATIONS, REVISIONS, ETC. SWAN, J. R. General Statutes Cincinnati. 1854 * SWAN, J. R., and CRITCHFIELD, L. J. Revised Stat- utes. Annotated. 2 vols Cincinnati. 1860 SWAN, J. R., and SAYLER, M. Supp. to Revised Statutes. Annotated Cincinnati. 1868 DOUGHERTY, M. A., BRASEE, J. S., and OKEY, G. B. Revised Statutes. Annotated. 2 vols 1880 GIAUQUE, F. Revised Statutes. Annotated. 2 vols.... 1890 MISCELLANEOUS. School Laws 1862-1865 Constitution of Ohio 1889 SESSION LAWS. Laws, 51st General Assembly 1854 Laws, 53d General Assembly 1858 Laws, 53d General Assembly 1859 Laws, 54th General Assembly 1860 Laws, 54th General Assembly 1861 Laws, 55th General Assembly 1862 Laws, 55th General Assembly 1863 Laws, 56th General Assembly 1864 SlG. 4. 50 AMERICAN LAW DEPARTMENT. Laws, 56th General Assembly 1865 Laws, 57th General Assembly 1866 Laws, 57th General Assembly 1867 Laws, 58th General Assembly 1868 Laws, 58th General Assembly 1868-1869 Laws, 59th General Assembly 1870 Laws, 59th General Assembly 1871 Laws, 60th General Assembly 1872 Laws, 60th General Assembly 1873 Laws, 62d General Assembly 1876 Laws, 62d General Assembly 1877 Laws, 63d General Assembly 1878 Laws, 63d General Assembly 1879 Laws. (34th General Assembly 1880 Laws, 65th General Assembly '. 1882 Laws, (36th General Assembly 1883 Laws, 66th General Assembly 1884 Laws, 67th General Assembly 1885 Laws, 67th General Assembly 1886 Laws, 68th General Assembly 1887 Laws, 69th General Assembly , 1888 Laws, 70th General Assembly 1889 OKEGON. DIGESTS. Author f, Vols. Reports. ' Period Covered. CAREY, C. H. Index. Di- gest of Or. and Wash 1 1-14 Or. 1-2 Wash. 1853-1888 REPORTS. Reports and Reporters. Vols. Modes of Citation. Period Covered. WILSOK, J. G.._ 3 1-3 Or. 1853-1870 BELLINGER, C. B 5 4-8 Or. 1869-1880 ODEXEAL, T. B 3 9-11 Or. 1880-1884 STRATTOX, J. A 6 12-17 Or. 1884-1889 PENNSYLVANIA. 51 STATUTE LAWS. COMPILATIONS, REVISIONS, ETC. DEADY, M. P. , and LANE, L. Compiled General Laws. Annotated 1872 HILL, W. L. Codes and General Laws. Anno- tated. 2 vols San Francisco. 1887 SESSION LAWS. Laws, Territorial, 2d session 1850-1851 Laws, Territorial, 4th session 1852-1853 Laws, State, 6th session 1870 Laws, State, 14th session 1887 Laws, JState, 15th session . 1889 PENNSYLVANIA. DIGESTS. Authors. Vols. Reports. BRIGHTLEY, FREDERICK C.... 4 Of the various Courts. With table of overruled cases in volume 1. Period Covered. 1754-1889 REPORTS. SUPREME COURT. OLD. Reports and Reporters. Vols. DALLAS, A. J 4 ADDISON, A 1 YEATES, J 4 BINNEY, H. 6 V'BRIGHTLY, F. C 1 SERGEANT, T., and RAWLE, Jr., W 17 RAWLE, Jr., W 5 PENROSE, C. B. , and WATTS, W 3 WATTS, F 10 Modes of Citation. 1-4 Dall. Add. Pa. 1-4 Yeates. 1-6 Binn. Bright. Pa. 1-17 S. & R. 1-5 Rawle. 1-3 Pen. & W. 1-10 Watts. Period Covered. 1754-1806 1791-1799 1791-1808 1799-1814 1809-1851 1814-1828 1828-1835 1829-1832 1832-1840 52 AMERICAN LAW DEPARTMENT. Reports and Reporters. Vole. Modes of Citation. Period Covered. WIIARTON, T. I 6 1-6 Whart. 1835-1841 WATTS, F., and SERGEANT, II. J 9 1-9 W. & S. 1841-1845 PENNSYLVANIA SUPREME COURT. Reports and Reporters. VoU. Modes of Citation. Period Covered.. BARK, R. M 10 1-10 Barr Pa. 1-10 Pa. St. 1845-1849 JONES, J. P 1 Jones Pa. 11 Pa. St. 1849 JONES, J. P., and McMuR- TRIE, R. C 1 Jones & McM. Pa. 12 Pa. St. 1849 HARRIS, G. W 12 1-12 Harris Pa. 13-24 Pa. St. 1849-1855 CASEY, J 12 1-12 Casey Pa. 25-36 Pa. St. 1855-1860 WRIGHT, R. E 14 1-14 Wright Pa. 37-50 Pa. St. 1860-1865 SMITH, P. F 31 1-31 Smith Pa. 51-85 Pa. St. 1865-1876 NORRIS, A. W 15 1-15 Norris Pa. 82-96 Pa. St. 1876-1880 OUTERBRIDGE, A. A. 14 1-14 Out. Pa. 97-110 Pa. St. 1880-1885 AMERMAN, L 5 1-5 Am. Pa. 111-115 Pa. St. 1885-1887 CRUMRINE, B 19 1-19 Crum. Pa. 116-134 Pa. St. 1887-1890 STATUTE LAWS. COMPILATIONS, REVISIONS, ETC. BRIGHTLY, F. C. Digest of Laws. Annotated, llth edi- tion of Purdon, revised. 2 vols 1700-1883 BRIGHTLY, F. C. Digest of Laws. Annotated. Supp. to llth edition of Purdon. 1 vol 1883-1887 SESSION LAWS. Laws, General Assembly 1853 Laws, General Assembly 1855 Laws, General Assembly 1856 Laws, General Assembly 1857 RHODE ISLAND. 53 Laws, General Assembly. Laws, General Assembly... Laws, General Assembly... Laws, General Assembly... Laws, General Assembly... Laws, General Assembly... Laws, General Assembly... Laws, General Assembly... Laws, General Assembly... Laws, General Assembly... Laws, General Assembly... Laws, General Assembly.. Laws, General Assembly. Laws, General Assembly... 1858 1859 1860 1861 1862 1863 1864 1865 1866 1867 1873 1883 1887 1889 School Laws of Penn.... . 1873-1877 2 vols. EHODE ISLAND. DIGESTS. Authors. Vols. Reports. Period Covered. CLAPP, WM. A 1 1 to 10 R. I. 1828-1877 CLAPP, W. A. Index 1 1 to 15 R. I. 1828-1887 REPORTS. Reports and Reporters. Vols. Modes of Citation. Period Covered. Ax CELL, J. K. , and DUE- FEE, T 1 1 R. I. 1828-1851 DURFEE, T 1 2 R. I. 1850-1853 KNOWLES, J. P., and MET- CALF, E 1 3 R. I. 1853-1856 AMES, S 4 4-7 R. I. 1854-1863 AMES, S., KNOWLES, J. P., and BRADLEY, C. S 1 8 R. I. 1861-1867 TOBEY, J. F 2 9-10 R. I. 1868-1874 GREEX, A 5 11-5 R. I. 1874-1887 54 AMERICAN LAW DEPARTMENT. STATUTE LAWS. COMPILATIONS, REVISIONS, ETC. REVISED STATUTES Providence. 1857 GENERAL STATUTES Cambridge. 1872 PUBLIC STATUTES Providence. 1882 SESSION LAWS. Laws, Public 1844 Laws, Public .' 1851 Laws, Public....: 1853 Laws, Public 1857 Laws, Public 1858 Laws, Public 1860 Laws, Public 1861 Laws, Public 1862 Laws, Public 1869 Laws, Public 1857-1868 Laws, Public 1873-1878 Laws, Public 1882-1885 Acts and Resolves 1856 Acts and Resolves 1863 Acts and Resolves 1872 Acts and Resolves 1873 Acts and Resolves 1875 Acts and Resolves 1876 Acts and Resolves 1877 Acts and Resolves 1878 Acts and Resolves 1879 Acts and Resolves 1880 Acts and Resolves 1881 Acts and Resolves 1882 Acts and Resolves 1883 Acts and Resolves 1884 Acts and Resolves 1885 Acts and Resolves 1886 Acts and Resolves 1887 Acts and Resolves 1888 Acts and Resolves 1889 Index to Acts and Resolves . 1758-1850 SOUTH CAROLINA. 55 SOUTH CAEOLINA. DIGESTS. Authors. Vols. Reports. Period Covered. CHISHOLM, J. B., and HYDE, Bay to Shand Law. 1783-1881 Jr.,S 2 De S. to Rich. Equity. 1784-1868 THOMAS, Jr. ; J. P 1 11 to 24 S. C. 1877-1887 REPORTS. LAW. Reports and Reporters. Vols. Modes of Citation. Period Covered. BAY, E. H 2 1-2 Bay. 1783-1804 BEEVARD, J 3 1-3 Brev. 1793-1816 TREADWAY,W. R. H. Con- stitutional Reports 2 1-2 Tread. ' 1812-1816 MILL, J. Constitutional Ee- ports 2 1-2 Mill. 1817-1818 NOTT, H. J., and McCoRD, D. J 2 1-2 N. & McC. 1817-1820 McCoRD, D. J 4 in 2 1-4 McCord. 1821-1828 HARPER, W 1 Harp. 1823-1824 BAILEY, H 2 1-2 Bail. 1828-1832 HILL, W. R 3 1-3 Hill S. C. 1832-1837 RILEY, W 1 Riley. 1836-1837 DUDLEY, C. W 1 Dudl. S. C. 1837-1838 RICE, W 1 Rice. 1838-1839 CHEVES, Jr.,L 1 Chev. 1839-1840 McMuLLEN, J. J 2 1-2 McMull. 1835-1842 SPEERS, R. H 2 1-2 Speers. 1842-1844 STROBHART, J. A. 5 1-5 Strob. 1846-1850 ( 18^91 RICHARDSON, J. S. G 15 1-15 Rich. \ ( 1850-1868 SUPREME COURT. Reports and Reporters. Vols. Modes of Citation. Period Covered. RICHARDSON, J. S. G 10 1-10 S. C. 1868-1878 SHAND, R. W 21 11-31 S. C. 1877-1889 AMERICAN LAW DEPARTMENT. Reports and Reporters. Vols. DESSAUSSURE, W. H 4 HARPER, W 1 McCoKD, D. J. 2 RICHARDSON, J.S.G. Equity Cases 1 BAILEY, H. 1 HiLL,W. R 2 RILEY, W 1 DUDLEY, C. W 1 RICE, W 1 CHEVES, Jr., L 1 EQUITY. Mode* of Citation. 1-4 Desaus. Eq. Harp. Eq. 1-2 McCord Eq. Rich. Eq. Cas. Bail. Eq. 1-2 Hill Eq. Riley Eq. Dud. Eq. Rice Eq. Chev. Eq. J'eriod Coveted. 1783-1516 1824 1825-1827 McMuLLAN, J. J l McMull. Eq. SPEARS, R. H 1 Spears Eq. STROBHART, J. A. 4 1-4 Strob. Eq. RICHARDSON, J. S. G 14 1-14 Rich. Eq. STATUTE LAWS. COMPILATIONS, REVISIONS, ETC. Revised Statutes Columbia. 1873 General Statutes and Code of Civil Procedure Columbia. 1882 SESSION LAWS. Laws, General Assembly 1856 Laws, General Assembly 1857 Laws, General Assembly 1858 Laws, General Assembly 1859 Laws, General Assembly 1870-1871 Laws, General Assembly 1871-1872 Laws, General Assembly 1872-1873 Laws, General Assembly 1874-1875 Laws, General Assembly 1875-1876 Laws, General Assembly. Extra session 1877 Laws, General Assembly '. 1877-1878 Laws, General Assembly. Extra session 1880 Laws, General Assembly 1881 Laws, General Assembly 1882 Laws, General Assembly 1883 TENNESSEE. 57 Laws, General Assembly. Laws, General Assembly. Laws, General Assembly. Laws, General Assembly. Laws, General Assembly. TENNESSEE. 1884 1885 1887 1888 1889 DIGESTS. Authors. Volt. Reports. Period Covered. KING, H. C. 2d ed 3 Overton to 5 Lea, 1796-1880 KING, H. C. Supp 1 76 Tenn. to 87 Tenn. 1880-1888 REPORTS. Reports and Reporters. Vols. OVERTON, J 2 COOKE,W.W 1 HAYWOOD, 1 J. (3, 4, 5)... 3 PECK, J. 1 MARTIN, J. H. and YER- GER, G. S 1 YERGER, G. S 10 MtiiGs, R. J 1 HUMPHREYS, W. H 11 SWAN, W. G 2 SNEED, J. L. T 5 HEAD, J. W 3 COLDWELL, T. H. 7 HEISKELL, J. B. 2 12 BAXTER, J. 3 9 LEA, B. J 16 PICKLE, G. W 4 LAW. Modes of Citation. 1-2 Overton. Cooke Tenn. 3-5 Hayw. Tenn. Peck. 1-2 Tenn. 3 Tenn. 4-6 Tenn. 7 Tenn. Period Covered. 1791-1817 1811-1814 1816-1818 1821-1824 Mart. & Yerg. 8 Tenn. 1825-1828 1-10 Yerg. Meigs. 1-11 Humph. 1-2 Swan. 9-18 Tenn. 19 Tenn. 20-30 Tenn. 31-32 Tenn. 1818-1837 1838-1839 1839-1851 1851-1853 1-5 Sneed, Tenn. 1-3 Head. 33-37 Tenn. 38-40 Tenn. 1853-1858 1858-1859 1-7 Coldw. 41-47 Tenn. 1860-1870 1-12 Heisk. 48-59 Tenn. 1870-1874 1-9 Baxt. 60-68 Tenu. 1872-1878 1-16 Lea. 69-84 Tenn. 1878-1887 1-4 Pickle. 85-88 Tenn. 1887-1890 1. Volumes 1 and 2 Hay wood are North Carolina Reports. 2. Several volumes bearing Mr. Heiskel's name were reported by other per- sons, though under his supervision. Vols. 5 and 11 by W. B. Reese, Jr.; vols. 6 and 10 by T. H. Malone; vols. 7 and 12 by R. McP. Smith, and vol. 9 by J. C. Malone. 3. Baxter and Heiskell cover, in part, the same period, but do not report the same cases. 58 AMERICAN LAW DEPARTMENT. CHANCERY. Reports and Reporters. Volt. Modes of Citation. Period Covered. COOPER, W. F 3 Coop. Ch. Tenn. Ch. 1872-1878 STATUTE LAWS. COMPILATIONS, REVISIONS, ETC. MEIGS, R. J., and COOPER, W. F. Code Nashville. 1858 MILLIKEN, W. A., and VERTREES, J. J. Code. Annotated Nashville. 1884 SESSION LAWS. Laws, 19th General Assembly. Public 1831 Laws, 19th General Assembly. Private 1831 Laws, 30th General Assembly 1853-1854 Laws, 32d General Assembly '. 1857-1858 Laws, 33d General Assembly 1859-1860 Laws, 33d General Assembly. Extra session 1881 Laws, 40th General Assembly 1877 Laws, 41st General Assembly. Called session.... 1879 Laws, 41st General Assembly. 1st session 1879 Laws, 42d General Assembly 1881 Laws, 42d General Assembly. 1st extra session 1881 Laws, 42d General Assembly. 2d extra session 1882 Laws, 43d General Assembly 1883 Laws, 44th General Assembly 1885 Laws, 44th General Assembly. Extra session 1885 Laws, 45th General Assembly 1886 Laws, 46th General Assembly 1887 Laws, 47th General Assembly 1889 TEXAS. 59 TEXAS. DIGESTS. Authors. Vols. Reports. Period Covered. MYER, WM. G 2 1 to 7 Tex. App. ; Dall. to 51 Tex. 1840-1880 POSEY, S. A. Civil 1 52 to 65 Tex. 1880-1886 POSEY, S. A. Criminal 1 Dall. to 65 Tex. 1840-1886 REPORTS. SUPREME COURT. Reports and Reporters. Vols. Modes of Citation. Period Covered. DALLAM, J. W 1 Dall. Tex. 1840-1844 WEBB, J.,andDAVAL,T.H., 3 1-3 Tex. 1846-1848 HARTLEY, O. C 7 4-10 Tex. 1849-1853 HARTLEY, O. C. , and HART- LEY, R. K 11 11-21 Tex. 1853-1858 MOORE, G. F. , and WALKER, R. S 3 22-24 Tex. 1858-1860 WALKER, R. S 1 25 Tex. 1860 SUPPLEMENT BY PASCHAL, G. W 1 25 Tex. 1860 ROBARDS, C. L., and JACK- SO^, A. M 2 26-27 Tex. 1861-1865 PASCHAL, G. W 4 28-31 Tex. 1866-1869 WHEELOCK, E. M 6 32-37 Tex. 1869-1873 TERRELL, A. W. , and WALKER, A. S 14 38-51 Tex. 1873-1879 TERRELL, A. W 20 52-71 Tex. 1879-1888 WALKER, A. S 6 72-77 Tex. 1888-1890 COURT OF APPEALS. Reports and Reporters. Vols. Modes of Citation. Period Covered. JACKSON, A. M., and JACK- SON, Jr., A. M 28 1-28 Tex. Ct. App. 1876-1890 60 AMERICAN LAW DEPARTMENT. STATUTE LAWS. COMPILATIONS, REVISIONS, ETC. OLDHAM, W. S. , and WHITE, G. W. Digests of Laws. Annotated Austin. 1859 CODES. SAYLES, J., and SAYLES, H. Civil Code. 2 vols 1889 WILLSOX, S. A. Penal Code. Annotated 1888 SAYLES, JOHN. Texas Statutes. Annotated 1888 SESSION LAWS. Laws, 5th Legislature 1853-1854 Laws, 6th Legislature 1855-1856 Laws, 7th Legislature 1857-1858 Laws, 12th Legislature. Called session .". 1870 Laws, 20th Legislature. General 1887 Laws, 21st Legislature. General 1889 Laws, 21st Legislature. Special 1889 UTAH TERRITORY. REPORTS. Reports and Reporters. I'ols. Modes of Citation. Period Covered. MARSHALL, JOHN A., and ZANE, J. M 1 4 Utah. 1884-1886 ZAXE, JOHN M 1 5 Utah. 1886-1888 STATUTE LAWS. r COMPILATIONS, REVISIONS, ETC. COMPILED LAWS. Annotated. 2 vols Salt Lake City. 1888 SESSION LAWS. Laws, 2d session 1852-1853 Laws, 4th session 1854-1855 Laws, 1 1th session 1861-1862 Laws, 27th session 1886 Laws, 28th session 1888 Laws, 29th session 1890 VERMONT. 61 YEKMONT. DIGESTS. Authors. Vols. Reports. Period Covered. ROBERTS, DANIEL 1 N. Chip, to 48 Vt. 1789-1876 ROBERTS, D. Supp 1 49-60 Vt. 1876-1889 REPORTS. Reports and Reporters. Vols. Modes of Citation. Period Covered. WILLIAMS, C. L. * 2 28-29 Vt. 1854-1857 SHAW, W. G 6 30-35 Vt. 1856-1863 VEAZEY, W. G 8 37-44 Vt. 1864-1872 ROWELL, J. W 8 45-52 Vt. 1872-1880 PALMER, E. F 9 53-61 Vt. 1880-1889 STATUTE LAWS. COMPILATIONS, REVISIONS, ETC. SHAW, W. G. General Statutes. Annotated Burlington. 1863 SHAW, W. G. General Statutes. Appendix Burlington. 1870 PITKIN, C. H., HUSE, H. A., and WILLARD, A. Re- . vised Laws. Annotated Rutland. 1881 SESSION LAWS. Laws 1856 Laws 1857 Laws 1858 Laws . 1859' Laws ... 1860 Laws 1862 Laws 1 863 Laws 1864 Laws 1865 Laws 1866 Laws 1867 Laws 1868 Laws 1869 Laws, 1st biennial session 1870 Laws, 2d biennial session 1872 62 AMERICAN LAW DEPARTMENT. Laws, 3d biennial session 1874 Laws, 4th biennial session 1876 Laws, 5th biennial session 1878 Laws, 6th biennial session 1880 Laws, 7th biennial session 1882 Laws, 8th biennial session 1884 Laws, 9th biennial session 1886 Laws, 10th biennial session 1888 VIKGINIA. DIGESTS. Authors. Volg. Reports. MARTIN, W. B 1 Jeff, to 33 Gratt. CONVERSE, H. A 1 Index Digest. Period Covered. 1730-1880 1730-1880 REPORTS. SUPREME COURT OF APPEALS. Reports and Reporters. Vols. GRATTAN, P. R 5 MATHEWS, J. M 1 HANSBROUGH, G. W 6 Modes of Citation. Gratt. Period Covered. 1860-1880 75 Va. 1881-1882 80-85 Va. 1885-1889 STATUTE LAWS. COMPILATIONS, REVISIONS, ETC. HENNING, W. W. Statutes at Large. 13 vols 1619-1792 SHEPHERD, S. Statutes at Large. 3 vols 1792-1808 COMPILED LAWS OF VIRGINIA and W. VA Wheeling. 1866 CODES. BURKS, E. C. , STAPLES, W. R., and RIELY, J. W. Code. Annotated Richmond. 1887 SESSION LAWS. Acts and Resolutions 1852-1853 Acts of Assembly 1855-1856 Acts of Assembly 1857-1858 WASHINGTON. 63 Acts of Assembly '. 1858-1859 Acts of Assembly 1859-1860 Acts of Assembly 1866-1867 Acts of Assembly 1869-1870 Acts of Assembly 1871-1872 Acts of Assembly -.... 1877-1878 Acts of Assembly , 1878-1879 Acts of Assembly 1879-1880 Acts of Assembly 1881-1882 Acts of Assembly. Extra session 1887 Acts of Assembly 1887-1888 Acts of Assembly 1889-1890 WASHINGTON. DIGESTS. Authors. I'ols. Reports. Period Covered. CAREY, C. H 1 1-2 Wash. Ter. 1854-1885 REPORTS. Reports and Reporters. Vols. Modes of Citation. Period Covered. ALLEN, J. B '. 2 1-2 Wash. Ter. 1854-1885 STRUVE, H. G 1 3 Wash. Ter. 1887-1888 KREIDER, E. G 1 1 Wash. 1888-1890 STATUTE LAWS. COMPILATIONS, REVISIONS, ETC. CODE. CODE Olympia. 1881 CODE. Index Olympia. 1881-1887 HILL, W. LAIR. Code, 2 vols .'. Olympia. 1891 SESSION LAWS. Laws, 1st session, Ter 1853-1854 Laws, 2d session, Ter 1855 Laws, 3d session, Ter 1855-1856 64 AMERICAN LAW DEPARTMENT. Laws, 4th session, Ter 1856-1857 Laws, 5th session, Ter 1857-1858 Laws, 6th session, Ter 1858-1859 Laws, 7th session, Ter 1859-1860 Laws, 8th session, Ter 1860-1861 Laws, 9th session, Ter 1861-1862 Laws, 10th session, Ter... 1862-1863 Laws, llth session, Ter 1863-1864 Laws, 12th session, Ter 1864-1865 Laws, 13th session, Ter. 1865-1866 Laws, 14th session, Ter 1866-1867 Laws, 1st biennial session, Ter 1867-18-68 Laws, 2d biennial session, Ter 1869 Laws, 3d biennial session, Ter 1871 Laws, 4th biennial session, Ter 1873 Laws, 5th biennial session, Ter. 1875 Laws, 6th biennial session, Ter 1877 Laws, 7th biennial session, Ter. 1879 yS Laws, 8th biennial session, Ter 1881 S Laws, 9th biennial session, Ter 1883 r Laws, 10th biennial session, Ter. 1885-1880 Laws, llth biennial session, Ter 1887-1888 , Laws, State. 1st session 1889-1890 ^ Laws, State. Extra session 189U WEST VIRGINIA. DIGESTS. Authors. Vols. Reports. Period Covered. BEXT, JAMKS A 1 1 to 29 W. Va. and 1 to 21 Gratt. Va. 1863-1887 REPORTS. Reports and Reporter*. Vols. Modes of Citation. Period Covered. HAGAXS, J. M 5 1-5 W. Va. 1863-1872 MATHEWS, H. M. 4 6-9 W. Va. 1873-1876 WHITE, R 6 10-15 W. Va. 1877-1879 WATTS, C. C 1 16 W. Va. 1879-1881 CALDWELL, A 2 32-33 W. Va. 1889-1890 WISCONSIN. 65 STATUTE LAWS. COMPILATIONS, REVISIONS, ETC. CODE OF WEST VIRGINIA 1870 WOKTH, J. A. Amended Code Charleston. 1887 SESSION LAWS. Acts, extra session 1861 Acts, 1st session 1863 Acts, 3d session 1865 Constitution and Statutes . 1861-1866 Acts, 5th session Acts, 6th session. Acts, 7th session.. Acts, 12th session. Acts, 13th session. Acts, 14th session. Acts, 15th session. Acts, 17th session.. 1867 1868 1869 1875 1877 1879 1881 1885 WISCONSIN. DIGESTS. Authors. Vols. Reports. STARR, M. 1 Pinney to 54 Wis. BURNELL, G. W. Supp 1 55 to 73 Wis. Period Covered. 1836-1883 1883-1889 Reports and Reporters. I'olg. PINNEY, S. U 3 BURNETT, T. P 1 CHANDLER, D. H. 4 SMITH, A. D 11 SPOONER, P. L 4 CONOVER, O. M 43 CONOVER, F. K 18 SIG. 5. EEPORTS. Modes of Citation. Period Covered. 1-3 Pinn. 1839-1852 Burn. 1842-1843 1-4 Chand. 1849-1852 1-11 Wis. 1853-1860 12-15 Wis. 1860-1862 16-58 Wis. 1862-1883 59-76 Wis. 1883-1890 66 AMERICAN LAW DEPARTMENT. STATUTE LAWS. COMPILATIONS, REVISIONS, ETC. REVISED STATUTES South port. 1849 REVISED STATUTES Chicago. 1858 SANBORN and BEKRYMAN. Revised Statutes. Anno- tated. 2 vols Chicago. 1889 SESSION LAWS. Laws, General and Special 1851 Laws, General and Special 1852 Laws, General 1853 Laws, General 1854 Laws, Private and Local 1854 Laws, General 1857 Laws, Private and Local 1857 Laws, General 1858 Laws, Private and Local 1858 Laws, General 1860 Laws, Private and Local 1860 Laws, General 1862 Laws, Private and Local 1862 Laws, General 1863 Laws, Private and Local 1863 Laws, General 1870 Laws, Private and Local 1870 Laws, General : 1871 Laws, Private and Local 1871 Laws, General 1873 Laws, General 1874 Laws, General. 2 vols : 1876 Laws, General 1877 Laws, General 1878 Law r s, General 1879 Laws, General 1880 Law T s, General 1881 Laws, General 1882 Laws, General. 2 vols 1883 Laws, General. 2 vols. 1885 Laws, General. 2 vols, 1887 Laws, General. 2 vols..... . 1889 WYOMING NOETH DAKOTA. 67 WYOMING. REPORTS. Authors. Vols. Report?. Period Covered. THOMAS, E. A 1 1 Wy. 1870-1878 RINER, J. A 1 2 Wy. 1878-1882 STATUTE LAWS. COMPILATIONS, REVISIONS, ETC. WHITEHEAD, J. R. Compiled Laws Cheyenne. 1876 REVISED STATUTES. Annotated Cheyenne. 1887 SESSION LAWS. Laws, 5th session (Territorial) 1877 Laws, 8th session (Territorial) 1884 Laws, 9th session (Territorial) 1886 Laws, 10th session (Territorial) 1888 NORTH DAKOTA. STATUTE 'LAWS. Laws, 1st session 1890 FOREIGN LAW DEPARTMENT. ENGLAND. REGNAL YEARS. Length Sovereigns. Commencement of Reign. of lieign. WILLIAM I October 14, 1066 21 WILLIAM II September 26, 1087 13 HENRY I August 5, 1100 36 STEPHEN December 26, 1135 19 HENRY II December 19, 1154 35 RICHARD I September 23, 1189 10 JOHN May 2*7, 1199 18 HENRY III October 28, 1216 57 EDWARD I November 20, 1272 35 EDWARD II July 8, 1307 20 EDWARD III January 25, 1326 51 RICHARD II June 22, 1377 23 HENRY IV September 30, 1399 14 HENRY V March 21, 1413 10 HENRY VI September 1, 1422 39 EDWARD IV March 4, 1461 23 EDWARD V April 9, 1483 RICHARD III June 26, 1483 3 HENRY VII August 22, 1485 24 HENRY VIII April 22, 1509 38 EDWARD VI January 28, 1547 7 MARY July 6, 1553 6 ELIZABETH November 17, 1558 45 JAMES I March 24, 1603 23 CHARLES I March 27, 1625 24 THE COMMONWEALTH January 30, 1648 12 CHARLES IP May 29, 1660 37 1. Although Charles II did not ascend the throne until May 29, 1660, his reg- nal years were computed from the death of Charles I, January 30, 1649, so that the year of his restoration is styled the twelfth year of his reign. (68) ENGLAND. 69 Length Sovereign. Commencement of Reign. of Reign. JAMES II February 6, 1685 4 WILLIAM AND MART February 13, 1689 7 WILLIAM III 1695 8 ANNE March 8, 1702 13 GEORGE I August 1, 1714 13 GEORGE II June 11, 1727 34 GEORGE III October 25, 1760 60 GEORGE IV January 29, 1820 11 WILLIAM IV June 26, 1830 7 VICTORIA June 20, 1837 54 LAW TERMS. The law terms were originally timed by the church festivals from which they take their names. Hilary Term January 11 to January 31 Paschal or Easter Term April 15 to May 8 Trinity Term May 22 to June 12 Michaelmas Term.... ....November 2 to November 25 ENGLISH REPORTS. English Common Law Reports, containing a full reprint of the cases decided in Courts of King's Bench, Chancery, Common Pleas and Ex- chequer. In all 156 volumes, as follows, viz.: Reports and Reporters. Vote. Modes of Citation. Period Covered. " MODER^ REPORTS." 12 l-12Mod. , Mod. Cas. Mod. Cas. L. & Eq. 1660-1701 BLACKSTONE, SIR WM 2 1-2 W. Black. 1746-1779 DOUGLAS, S 1 Doug. 1778-1781 CROWN CASES. RUSSELL, W. O., and RYAN, EDWARD 1 Russ. & R. C. C. 1799-1824 MOODY, WM 1 Moody, C. C. 1824-1837 JEBB, ROBERT , 1 Jebb, C. C. 1822-1840 DURNFORD, C. , and EAST, E. H. Term Reports 8 1-8 Durn. & E. 1785-1800 EAST, E. H 16 1-16 East. 1800-1812 VESEY, Jr.,F. Chancery... 20 1-20 Ves. 1789-18L7 70 FOREIGN LAW DEPARTMENT. COMMON LAW REPORTS. Vole. Jieports and Reporters. Volt. Modes of Citation. Period Covered. 1 TAUNTON, W. P 2 5-6 Taunton. 1813-1816 2 TAUNTON, W. P., and STARKIK, T. 2 7 Taunton. 1 Stark. 1816-1817 3 HOLT, W., and STAEKIE, T.... 2 1 Holt. 2 Stark. 1815-1819 4*| BARNEWALL, R. V., and AL- DERSON, E. H 2 1-2 Barn. & Aid. 1817-1818 4 TAUNTON, W. P., and 1 8 Taunton. 1818-1819 MARSHALL, C., and 2 1-2 Marsh. 1818-1819 MOORE, J. B 3 1-3 Moore, J. B. 1818-1819 5 BRODERIP, W. J., and BING- HAM, P 1 1 Brod. & B. 1818-1820 BARNEWALL, R. V., and AL- DERSON, E. H 1 3 Barn. & Aid. 1818-1820 Gow, N 1 Gow (N. P. Cases). 1818-1820 6 BRODERIP, W. J., and BING- HAM, P 1 2 Brod. & B. 1820-1821 BARNEWALL, R. V., and AL- DERSON, E. H 1 4 Barn. & Aid. 1820-1821 7 BARNEWALL and ALDERSON, 1821-1822 E. H 1 5 Barn. & Aid. 1821-1822 BRODERIP, and BINGHAM, P.... 1 3 Brod & B. 1821-1822 8 BARNEWALL, R. V., and CRESSWELL, B 1 1 Barn. & C. 1821-1824 BINGHAM, P 1 1 Bing. 1821-1824 9 BARNEWALL and CRESSWELL, B 1 2 Barn & C. 1821-1824 BINUHAM, P 1 2 Bing. 1821-1824 10 BARNEWALL and CRESSWELL, B 2 3-4 Barn. & C. 1824-1825 11 BINGHAM, P 1 3 Bing. 1823-1825 BARNEWALL a-iid CRESSWELL, B 1 5 Barn. & C. 1823-1825 CARRINGTON, F. A., and PAYNE, J 1 2 Car. & P. 1823-1825 13 BINGHAM, P 2 3-4 Bing. 1826-1827 BARNEWALL and CRESSWELL, B 1 6 Barn. & C. 1826-1827 14 BARNEWALL and CRESSWELL, B 1 7 Barn. & C. 1820-1829 STARKIE, T 1 3 Stark. 1820-1829 CARRINGTON and PAYNE, J.... 1 3 Car. & P. 1820-1829 ENGLAND. 71 Vols. Reports and Reporters. Vols. Modes of Citation. Period Covered. 15 BINGHAM, P 2 4-5 Bing. 1827-1829 BARNEWALL and CRESSWELL, B 1 8 Barn. & C. 1827-1829 16 DOWLING, J.,andRYLAND,A., '8 1-8 Dowl. & R. 1827-1829 MOORE, J. B 2 4-5 Moore, J. B. 1827-1829 17 MOORE, J. B 5 6-10 Moore, J. B. 1821-1829 MOORE, J. B., and PAYNE, Jos 2 1-2 Moore & P. 1821-1829 MANNING, J., and RYLAND, A., 2 1-2 Man. & R. 1821-1829 BARNEWALL and CRESSWELL, 1 9 Barn. & C. 1821-1829 18 CHITTY, J 2 1-2 Chit. 1782-1819 19 BINGHAM, P 1 6 Bing. 1829-1830 CARRINGTON and PAYNE, J.... 1 4 Car. & P. 1829-1830 20 BINGHAM, P 1 7 Bing. 1830-1831 BARNEWALL and ADOLPHUS, J. L 1 1 Barn. & Adol. 1830-1831 21 BARNEWALL and CRESSWELL... 1 10 Barn. & C. 1830-1831 BINGHAM, P 1 8 Bing. 1830-1831 RYAN, E., and MOODY, W.... 1 1 Ryan & M. 1830-1831 22 BARNEWALL and ADOLPHUS 1 2 Barn. & Adol. 1830-1831 MOODY, W., and MALKIN, R. H 1 1 Moody & M. 1830-1831 BOWLING, J., and RYLAND, A., 1 9 Bowl. & R. 1830-1831 MOORE, J. B 2 11-12 Moore, J. B. 1830-1831 23 BARNEWALL and ADOLPHUS 1 3 Barn. & Adol. 1832-1833 BINGHAM, P 1 9 Bing. 1832-1833 24 BARNEWALL and ADOLPHUS 1 4 Barn. & Adol. 1830-1831 CARRINGTON and PAYNE, J.... 1 5 Car. & P. 1830-1831 25 BINGHAM, P 1 10 Bing. 1823-1834 CARRINGTON and PAYNE, J.... 1 6 Car. & P. 1823-1834 26 DOUGLASS, S 2 3-4 Doug. 1781-1785 27 BARNEWALL and ADOLPHUS 1 5 Barn. & Adol. 1781-1785 BINGHAM, P. (New cases.)... 1 1 Bing. N. C. 1781-1785 28 ADOLPHUS, J. L., and ELLIS, E. H 1 1 Ad. & E. 1831-1834 MOORE, J. B., and SCOTT, JOHN 2 1-2 Moore & S. 1831-1834 NEVILLE, S., and MANNING, W. M 3 1-3 Nev. & M. 1832-1834 29 ADOLPHUS and ELLIS, E. H.... 1 2 Ad. & E. 1834-1836 BINGHAM, P. (New cases.)... 1 2 Bing. N. C. 1835-1836 FOREIGN LAW DEPARTMENT. Volt. Reports and Reporters. Volt. Modes of Citation. Period Covered. 30 ADOLPHUS and ELLIS, E. H.... 1 3 Ad. & E. 1833-1836 MOORE, J. B., and SCOTT, JOHN 2 3-4 Moore & S. 1833-1836 NEVILLE, S., and MANNING, W. M 1 4 Nev. & M. 1833-1836 SCOTT, JOHN 1 2 Scott. 1833-1836 31 ADOLPHUS and ELLIS, E. H.... 2 4-5 Ad. & E. 1835-1836 32 BINGHAM, P. (New Cases) ... 1 3 Bing. N. C. 1835-1837 CARRINGTON and PAYNE, J 1 7 Car. & P. 1835-1837 33 ADOLPHUS and ELLIS, E. H.... 1 6 Ad. & E. 1837-1838 BINGHAM, P. (New Cases)... 1 4 Bing. N. C. 1837-1838 34 ADOLPHUS and ELLIS, E. H.... 1 7 Ad. & E. 1837-1839 CARRINGTON and PAYNE, J. 1 8 Gar. & P. 1837-1839 35 BINGHAM, P. (New Cases)... 1 5 Bing. N. C. 1838-1839 ADOLPHUS and ELLIS, E. H.... 1 8 Ad. & E. 1838-1839 36 ADOLPHUS and ELLIS, E. H.... 1 .9 Ad. & E. 1837-1839 SCOTT, JOHN 2 3-4 Scott. 1837-1839 NEVILLE, S., and MANNING, W. M 2 5-6 Nev. & M. 1837-1839 NEVILLE, S. , and PERRY, T. E 1 1 Nev. & P. 1837-1839 37 ADOLPHUS and ELLIS, E. H. ... 1 10 Ad. & E. 1839-1840 BINGHAM, P. ( New cases. )... 1 6 Bing. N. C. 1839-1840 38 CARRINGTON and PAYNE, J. ... 1 9 Car. & P. 1839-1841 DEACON, E. E. (Bankruptcy cases.) 1 1 Deac. 1839-1840 39 ADOLPHUS and ELLIS, E. H.... 1 11 Ad. & E. 1839-1840 MANNING, J., and GRANGER, T. C 1 1 Man. & G. 1839-1840 40 ADOLPHUS and ELLIS, E. H.... 1 12 Ad. & E. 1840-1841 MANNING, J., and GRANGER, T. C 1 2 Man. & G. 1840-1841 41 CARRINGTON and MARSHMAN, J. R .t 1 1 Car. & M. 1841-1843 ADOLPHUS and ELLIS. New Ser 1 1 Ad. & E. N. S. 1841-1843 42 MANNING, J., and GRANGER, T. C 1 3 Man.& G. 1841-1842 ADOLPHUS and ELLIS. New Ser 1 2 Ad. & E. N. S. 1841-1842 43 MANNING, J., and GRANGER, T. C.... . 1 4 Man. & G. 1842 ENGLAND. 73 Vols. Reports and Reporters. Vols. Modes of Citation. Period Covered. ADOLPHUS and ELLIS. New Ser 1 3 Ad. &^E. N. S. 1842 44 MANNING, J., and GRANGER, T. C 1 5 Man. & G. 1843-1844 45 ADOLPHUS and ELLIS. New Ser 1 4 Ad. & E. N. S. 1843 46 MANNING, J., and GRANGER, T. C 1 6 Man. & G. 1843-1844 47 CARRINGTON and KIRWIN, A. V 1 1 Car. &K. 47* INDEX 1 to 47 1 1843-1845 48 ADOLPHUS and ELLIS. New Ser 1 5 Ad. & E. N. S. 1843-1845 49 MANNING, J., and GRANGER T. C 1 7 Man. & G. 1844-1845 50 MANNING, J., and GRANGER and SCOTT 1 1 Man. G. & S. 1845 51 ADOLPHUS and ELLIS. New Ser 1 6 Ad. & E. N. S. 1841-1845 52 MANNING, J., and GRANGER and SCOTT 1 2 Man. G. & S. 1845-1846 53 ADOLPHUS and ELLIS. New Ser 1 7 Ad. & E. N. S. 1845 54 MANNING, J., _and GRANGER and SCOTT 1 3 Man. G. & S. 1846-1847 55 ADOLPHUS and ELLIS. New Ser 1 8 Ad. & E. N. S. 1846 56 MANNING, J., and GRANGER and SCOTT 1 4 Man. G. & S. 1847 57 MANNING, J., and GRANGER and SCOTT 1 5 Man. G. & S. 1847-1848 58 ADOLPHUS and ELLIS. New Ser 1 9 Ad. & E. N. S. 1846-1847 59 ADOLPHUS and ELLIS. New Ser 1 10 Ad. & E. N. S. 1847 60 MANNING, J., and GRANGER & SCOTT 1 6 Man. G. & S. 1848 61 CARRINGTON and KIRWIN, A. V : 1 2 Car. & K. 1845-1849 62 MANNING, J., and GRANGER & SCOTT . 1 7 Man. G. . 1886 112 LAW DEPARTMENT. COURTS: See Actions; Bankruptcy; Code Practice and Pleading; Crim- inal Law; Domestic Relations; Equity Jurisprudence; Evidence; Ex'rs and Adm'rs; Judgments; Jurisdiction; Marriage and Divorce; Mines and Mining; Pleading; Practice; Precedents; Probate Law; Removal of Causes; U. S. Courts. Conkling; Organization and Jurisdiction of Federal Courts 1842 Hawes; Jurisdiction of Courts 1886 Pomeroy; Equity Jurisprudence 1846 COURTS-MARTIAL : De Hart; Military Law and the Constitution and Practice of Courts-martial, with the Law of Evidence Applicable to Military Trials 1846 COVENANTS: Rawle; Covenants for Title 1887 COVERTURE: Tyler; Law of Coverture, embracing Dower, Marriage and Divorce, and the Statutory Policy of the Several States in Respect to Husband and Wife 1882 Schouler; Law of Husband and Wife 1882 CRIMINAL DFFEXSES: Lawson; Cases on Insanity as a Defense to Crime 1887 Lawson; Annotated Cases on Criminal Defenses 1887 Horrigan and Thompson; Cases in Self Defense 1886 CRIMINAL LAW: See Circumstantial Evidence; Habeas Corpus; International Law; Jurisdiction; Libel and Slander; Med. Juris- prudence; Statutes and Statutory Law; Trials. Bishop; Commentaries on Criminal Law 1882 Bishop; Criminal Procedure, or Pleadings, Evidence and Practice in Criminal Cases 1880 Bishop; Statutory Crimes 1883 Lawson; Cases on Defenses of Crime 1887 Russell; Crimes and Misdemeanors 1877 Stover and Heard; Criminal Abortion, Its Evidence, etc. 1868 Wharton; Criminal Law 1885 Wharton; Criminal Pleading and Practice 1889 Wharton; Evidence in Criminal Issues 1884 Maxwell; Criminal Procedure 1887 Wheeler; Criminal Cases 1823-1825 SUBJECT INDEX. 113 D. DAMAGES: Sutherland; Law of Damages, as applied to subjects of Con- tract and Tort 1884 DKBATES AND PROCEEDINGS OF CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTIONS: See Subject Index, Part II. DEEDS: See Real Property; Mortgages; Partnership. Devlin; Law of Deeds; Their Form, Requisites, Execution, Construction and Effect, including Tax Deeds and Sher- iff's Deeds 1887 DEFENSES TO CRIME: Lawson; Cases on Defense to Crime, annotated 1888 Lawson; Cases on Insanity as a Defense to Crime 1887 DEPOSITIONS: Weeks; Law of Depositions, with Abstracts of Statutory Law Pertaining Thereto 1880 DICTIONARY (Law): Anderson; Dictionary of Law, with Words, Phrases and Maxims, and an Exposition of the Principles of Law 1889 Bouvier; American Law Dictionary, with References to the Civil and Other Systems of Foreign Law 1889 DIGESTS: See Digests, Subject Index, Part II. DIRECTIONS: Bishop; Practical Directions and Forms for use in Prosecution and Defense, with a General Index to Bishop's Crim. Law 1885 DIVORCE: Schouler; Husband and Wife 1888 Tyler; Law of Coverture 1882 DOMESTIC RELATIONS: Schouler; Law of Domestic Relations, embracing Parent and Child, Husband and Wife, Guardian and Ward, Infancy, and Master and Servant .-. 1889 DOWER: See Executors and Administrators; Infancy; Probate Law. DOMICIL: Jacobs; Law of Domicil, National and Municipal, with Illus- trations 1887 Sig. 8. 114 LAW DEPARTMENT. E. EASEMENTS AND SERVITUDES: Washburn; American Law of Easements and Servitudes 1885 EJECTMENT: Tyler; Remedy by Ejectment and the Law of Adverse Enjoy- ment and Statutory Policy for Recovery of Real Property... 18*76 ELECTIONS: McCrary; American Law of Elections 1887 ELEMENTARY LAW: B^ackstone (Wendell); Commentaries on the Laws of Eng- land 1852 C'>oley; Constitutional Limitations 1883 II ire; Am. Constitutional Law 1889 EMINKVT DOMAIN: See Jurisdiction; Railroads. Lewis; Treatise of the Law of Eminent Domain in the United States - 1888 Mills; the Law of Eminent Domain 1888 EQUITY: White and Tudor; Leading Cases in Equity, with Notes 1852 EQUITY JURISPRUDENCE: Pomeroy; Equity Jurisprudence, showing the Union of Legal and Equitable Remedies under the Reformed Procedure... 1886 Story; Commentaries on Equity Jurisprudence 1886 ESTOPPEL: Bigelow; the Law of Estoppel, with its Application in Prac- tice ! 1890 Herman; Treatise on the Law of Estoppel. EVIDENCE: Elwell; Malpractice and Medical Evidence and Insanity 1881 Greenleaf; Treatise on the Law of Evidence 1883 Lawson; Expert and Opinion Evidence, Reduced to Rules, with Illustrations from Adjudged Cases. 1886 Lawson; Presumptive Evidence, Reduced to Rules 1886 Starkie; Practical Treatise on the Law of Evidence 1830 Stephen; Digest of the Law of Evidence 1888 Wharton; Law of Evidence in Civil Issues 1888 Wharton; Law of Evidence in Criminal Issues 1884 EXECUTIONS: Freeman; Law of Executions in Civil Cases, and of Proceed- ings in Aid and Restraint Thereof 1888 SUBJECT INDEX. 115 EXECUTORS AND ADMINISTRATORS: Schouler; Treatise on the Law of Executors and Administra- tors 1889 Woerner; Treatise on the American Law of Administration ... 1889 EXPERT TESTIMONY: Lawson; Expert and Opinion Evidence Reduced to Rules 1886 EXTRADITION: Spear, Law of Extradition, International and Inter-State, with Treaties and Statutes 1885 EXTRAORDINARY REMEDIES: High; Treatise on Extraordinary Legal Remedies, embracing Mandamus, Quo Warranto and Prohibition 1884 F. FEDERAL PRACTICE: Desty; Manual of Practice in U. S. Courts 1889 Foster; Treatise on Pleading and Practice in the Courts of the United States, with Chapter on Jurisdiction of Fed- eral Courts, Practice at Common Law, Removal of Causes from State to Federal Courts, and Writs of Error and Appeal . 1890 FELONY: See Criminal Law. FIXTURES : Ewell; Treatise on Law of Fixtures 1876 FORMS: Bishop; Practical Directions and Forms for use in Prosecu- tion and Defense 1885 Estee; Code Pleading, Practice and Forms 1886 FRAUD : Bigelow; Law of Fraud on its Civil Side, and Procedure as to Redress 1888 FRAUDS, STATUTE OF: Reed; Law of the Statute of Frauds, and of other like enact- ments in force in England and America 1884 FRAUDULENT CONVEYANCES: Bump; Conveyances made by Debtors to Defraud Creditors 1882 Wait; Fraudulent Conveyances and Creditors' Bills, with a Discussion of Void and Voidable Acts . 1889 IK) LAW DEPARTMENT. G. GUARANTY AND SURETYSHIP: Randolph; Law of Commercial Paper 1888 Murfree; Law of Official and other Penal Bonds 1885 GUARDIAN AND WARD: Schouler; Law of Domestic Relations 1889 H. HABEAS CORPUS: See Jurisdiction; Remedies; Trials. Church; Treatise on Habeas Corpus, including Jurisdiction, False Imprisonment, Writ of Error, Extradition, Man- damus, Certiorari, Judgments, etc., with Practice and Forms 1886 HIGHWAYS: Angell and Durfee; Treatise on the Law of Highways 1886 HISTORY: Hawkins; Pleas of the Crown 1795 HOMESTEADS AND EXEMPTIONS: Thompson; Treatise on the Law of Homesteads and Exemp- tions 1886 HUSBAND AND WIFE: Schouler; Husband and Wife, Law of 1882 Tyler; Commentaries on the Law of Infancy and Coverture 1882 I. IDIOCY: See Lunacy; Insanity; Medical Jurisprudence. INDICTMENTS: Wharton; Criminal Pleading and Practice 1889 INFANCY: Tyler; Law of Infancy, with Law of Guardianship, Custody of Infants and Coverture; embracing Dower, Marriage and Divorce; Husband and Wife 1882 INJUNCTIONS: Edens; Law, Practice and Forms of Injunctions, and of Inter locutory Orders 1852 High; on the Law of Injunctions 1890 INSANITY: Elwell; Malpractice; Medical Evidence and Insanity; Medical Jurisprudence 1881 SUBJECT INDEX. 117 INSANITY Continued: Harrison; Lunacy Laws of the States and Territories of the United States, and also of various other Countries 1884 Lawson; Cases on Insanity as a Defense to Crime 1886 Wharton and Stilles; Medical Jurisprudence, including a Trea- tise on Medical Unsoundness, by F. Wharton 1882 INSTRUCTIONS: Thompson; Law of Trials, including Instructions to Juries 1889 INSURANCE: Arnould; Law of Marine Insurance and Average 1850 Phillips; Treatise on the Law of Insurance 1840 Wood; Law of Fire Insurance 1886 INTERNATIONAL LAW: Chitty; Law of Nations 1812 Wheaton; International Law 1846 INTER-STATE LAW: Rover; American Inter-State Law 1879 J. JUDGMENTS: Freeman; Law of Judgments, including all Final Determina- tions at Law or in Equity 1886 JURISDICTION: See Actions at Law; Admiralty; Criminal Law; Executors and Adm'rs; Habeas Corpus; Pleading; Practice; Pro- bate Law. Hawes; Law Relating to Jurisdiction of Courts 1886 JURISPRUDENCE : Pomeroy; Equity Jurisprudence, adapted for all the States, under the Reformed Procedure 1886 Story; Commentaries on Equity Jurisprudence 1886 Wharton and Stilles; Medical Jurisprudence 1882 JURY TRIAL: Thompson; Law of Trials in Actions, Civil and Criminal 1889 JUSTICE OF THE PEACE: See Criminal Law; Jurisdiction; Practice. Clayton; Office and Duty of a Justice of the Peace and a Guide to Clerks, Constables, Coroners, Executors and Sheriffs 1824 L. LAND LAW: See Ejectment; Mining; Municipal Law; Real Property; Trial of Title to Land. 118 LA\V DEPARTMENT. LAND LAW Continued: Public Lands; Laws, Instructions and Opinions 1838 Public Lands; Certification by the Public Land Commission of the U. S. Laws, with Judicial and Executive Decisions... 1881 Public Lands; Laws of United States . 1884 Land Laws; Digest of Late Decisions 1884 Proudfit; Decisions of the Department of the Interior and General Land Office 1882 to 1888 LANDLORD AND TENANT: Taylor; American Law of Landlord and Tenant 1887 Wood; Treatise on the Law of Landlord and Tenant 1888 LARCENY: See Criminal Law. LAW, COMMERCIAL: Randolph; Law of Commercial Paper 1888 LAW OF NATIONS: Chitty; Law of Nations 1812 Wheaton; International Law 1846 LEADING CASES: Cooley; Law of Torts; Leading Cases 1888 Hare and Wallace; American Leading Cases, with Notes 1852 Harrigan and Thompson; American Cases on Law of Self- defense 1886 Lawson; Adjudged Cases on Defenses to Crimes, with Notes... 1886 Thompson; Law of Negligence, Leading Cases and Notes 1886 V White and Tudor; Equity Cases 1852 LEGACIES: See Probate Law; Wills. LIABILITY OK STOCKHOLDERS: Cook; Stock and Stockholders and General Corporation Law 1889 Thompson; Treatise on the Liability of Stockholders 1887 LIBEL AND SLANDER: Odgers; Law of Libel and Slander, with the Evidence, Pro- cedure and Practice, both in Civil and Criminal Cases, and Precedents or Pleadings 1881 Starkie; Law of Slander and Libel, and Malicious Prosecu- tions ... 1852 Townsend; Treatise on Slander and Libel and the Remedy by Civil Actions, with a chapter on Malicious Prosecution 1890 LIENS: Jones; Law of Liens. Common Law, Statutory, Equitable and Maritime ... . 1888 SUBJECT INDEX. 119 LIMITATION OF ACTIONS: Angell; Limitations of Actions at Law and Suits in Equity and Admiralty, with the American and English Statutes of Limitations 1854 Cooley; Constitutional Limitations which rest upon the Leg- islative Power of the States 1883 Wood; Limitations of Actions at Law and in Equity 1882 LUNACY: See Insanity; Medical Jurisprudence. Harrison; Insanity, with Lunacy Laws of various Countries 1884 Lawson; Insanity, vol. 2 of Criminal Defenses 188*7 M. MALPRACTICE: See Medical Jurisprudence. Elwell; Malpractice, with Medical Evidence and Insanity 1881 MANDAMUS: See Extraordinary Remedies; Habeas Corpus; Jurisdiction; Municipal Corporations; Remedies. MANSLAUGHTER : See Criminal Law; Trials. MANUALS: Soule; Lawyers' Reference Manual .. 1884 . Wade; Manual of American Mining Law 1889 MARITIME LAW: See Admiralty; Shipping; Insurance. Curtis; Rights and Duties of Merchant Seamen, according to the General Maritime Law and Statutes of the L^nited States . 1841 Flanders; Maritime Law 1852 MARRIAGE AND DIVORCE: Schouler; Law of Husband and Wife 1882 Tyler; Law of Infancy and Coverture .... .. 1882 MASTER AND SERVANT: See Domestic Relations. Wood; Law of Master and Servant, including Duties and Lia- bilities of Employers and Employes 1886 MEDICAL JURISPRUDENCE: Elwell; Malpractice and Elements of Medical Jurisprudence 1881 120 LAW DEPARTMENT. MEDICAL JURISPRUDENCE Continued: Wharton and Stille; Medical Jurisprudence, with Psycholog- ical Law and Law of Mental Unsoundness, Poisons, Homicides, Malpractice, Experts, etc 1882 MERCANTILE LAW: Smith; Mercantile Law of England and the United States 1887 MINES AND MINING: See Public Lands. Wade; Manual of American Mining Law, embracing U. S. Statutes, Land Office Regulations and Decisions and Local Statutes 1889 MISDEMEANORS: See Criminal Law; Trials. MORTGAGES: See Chattel Mortgages; Corporate Securities. Hilliard; Law of Mortgages of Real and Personal Property 1853 Jones; Law of Mortgages of Real Property 1889 MUNICIPAL CORPORATIONS: Dillon; Law of Municipal Corporations 1890 Horr and Bemis; Municipal Police Ordinances Power to Enact, Passage, Validity and Enforcement, with Forms 1887 1ST. NEGLIGENCE: See Accidents. Beach; Law of Contributory Negligence 1885 Sherman and Redfield; Treatise on the Law of Negligence 1888 Thompson; Law of Negligence in Relations not Resting in Contract; Leading Cases with Notes 1886 NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENTS: Daniel; Law of Negotiable Instruments, including Bills of Exchange; Promissory Notes; Bonds; Checks; Certifi- cates of Stock; Bills of Credit; Bills of Lading and Guar- antees 1886 Randolph; Law of Commercial Paper 1888 NEW TRIALS: See Appellate Law; Damages. Hayne; New Trial and Appeal and other Proceedings for Re- view in Civil Cases . 1889 SUBJECT INDEX. 121 NOTARIES PUBLIC: Proffat; Law Relating to the Office and Duties of Notaries Public, with Forms 1889 NOTICE: See Actions at Law; Mortgages. Wade; Law of Notice, as affecting Civil Rights and Reme- dies 1886 NUISANCES: See Medical Jurisprudence: Wood; Law of Nuisances, with Remedies Therefor at Law and in Equity 1883 o. OFFICIAL BONDS: Murfree; Law of Official Bonds and other Penal Bonds 1885 OFFICES AND OFFICERS: See Courts; Elections; Evidence; Jurisdiction; Municipal Law; Tax Titles. Mechem; Law of Public Offices and Officers : 1890 OPINIONS OF ATTORNEY GENERAL: Hall; Official Cpinions of the Attorneys General of the U. S. ... 1852 OVERRULED CASES: Bigelow; Index of Cases Overruled, Reversed, Denied, Doubted, Modified, Limited, etc., by the Courts of Amer- ica, England and Ireland, from 1315 to 1887 1887 P. PARENT AND CHILD: See Domestic Relations; Infancy. PARTIES TO ACTIONS: See Actions at Law; Pleading; Leading Cases. PARTITION: Freeman; Cotenancy and Partition 1886 PARTNERSHIP: See Commercial Law; Corporations. Bates; Law of Partnership 1888 Lindley; Law of Partnership 1888 PATENTS : Curtis; Law of Patents for Useful Inventions in the United States .... 1849 PENAL LAW: See Criminal Law. 122 LAW DEPARTMENT. PERSONAL LIBERTY: See Habeas Corpus. PERSONAL PROPERTY: See Fixtures; Liens; Chattel Mortgages; Sales. Schouler; Law of Personal Property 1884 PLEADING: See Bonds; Carriers; Criminal Law; Landlord and Tenant; Leading Cases; Libel and Slander; Actions at Law; Rem- edies; Trials. Bliss; Law of Pleading under the Codes of Civil Procedure 1887 Chitty; Treatise on Pleading and Parties to Actions 1851 Daniell; Pleading and Practice of High Court of Chancery 1851 Estee; Pleadings, Practice and Forms under Codes of Civil Procedure ... .1886 Pomeroy; Remedies and Remedial Rights under the Reformed American Procedure 1883 Wharton; Criminal Pleading and Practice 1889 PRACTICE: See Admiralty; Assignments; Attachments; Criminal Law; Courts; Damages; Ejectment; Evidence; Executors and Adm'rs; Habeas Corpus; Injunctions; Judgments; Jur- isdiction; Landlord and Tenant; Libel and Slander; Lu- nacy; Maritime Law; Marriage and Divorce; Medical Jurisprudence; Mining; Pleading; Probate Law; Pro- cedure; Shipping; Trial of Title to Land. Barbour; Practice of the Court of Chancery, with Precedents 1843 Daniel; Pleading and Practice of High Court of Chancery 1851 Conkling; Admiralty Practice 1848 Dunlap; Practice of Courts of Admiralty in Civil Causes of Maritime Jurisdiction, with Forms 1850 Estee; Pleadings, Practice and Forms 1886 Foster; Pleading and Practice in Equity in the Courts of the United States, including Jurisdiction of Federal Courts and Practice at Common Law 1890 Johnson and Harlan; Code of Practice in Civil and Criminal Cases, State of Kentucky 1854 PRECEDENTS: See Abstracts of Title; Code Practice and Pleading; Criminal Law; Highways; Partnership; Real Property; Libel and Slander. Barbour; Chancery Practice and Precedents 1843 PRESUMPTIVE EVIDENCE: See Circumstantial Evidence. SUBJECT INDEX. 123 PRESUMPTIVE EVIDENCE Confined: Lawson; Law of Presumptive Evidence, reduced to Rules 1886 PRINCIPAL AND AGENT: Mechem; Law of Agency 1889 Wharton; Law of Agency and Agents 1876 PROBATE LAW: See Wills; Executors and Administrators. Dickinson; Probate Practice, with Forms 1884 PROCEDURE: See Practice; Admiralty; Equity Jurisprudence; Insanity; Criminal Law; Jurisdiction; Landlord and Tenant; Libel and Slander; Tax Titles. Bishop; Criminal Procedure; or Pleading, Evidence and Prac- tice in Criminal Cases 1880 Desty; Federal Procedure; a Manual of Practice in the Courts of the United States 1889 Maxwell; Criminal Procedure, with Directions and Forms 1887 PROCESS: See Appellate Law; Criminal Law; Habeas Corpus; Jurisdic- tion; Practice. PUBLIC POLICY: Greenhood; Doctrine of Public Policy in the Law of Con- tracts, reduced to Rules 1886 / PROHIBITION: See Extraordinary Remedies; Jurisdiction; Remedies. PROMISES: See Contracts. R. RAILROADS (or Railways): See Corporations; Corporate Securities. Pierce; Law of Railroads 1881 Rorer; Law of Railways 1884 Wood; Law of Railroads 1885 RAILWAY ACCIDENT LAW: Patterson; Railway Accident Law; the Liability of Railways for Injuries to the Person ! 1886 RAPE: See Criminal Law. REAL ACTIONS: See Ejectment; Remedies. 124 LAW DEPARTMENT. REAL PROPERTY: See Tax Titles; Abstract of Title; Ejectment; Fixtures; Land Law; Husband and Wife; Liens; Mining; Mortgages; Trial of Title to Land; Vendors. Greenleaf, Cruise; a Digest of the Law of Real Property 1850 Tiedman; American Law of Real Property 1885 Washburn; American Law of Real Property 1887 RIPARIAN RIGHTS: Porneroy; Law of Riparian Rights, including, the Doctrine of Appropriation 1887 RECEIVERS: Beach; Law of Receivers Railway Corporations 1888 High; Treatise on the Law of Receivers 1886 " REFERENCE MANUAL: Soule; Lawyers' Reference Manual 1884 REHEARING: See New Trials. REMEDIES: See Conflict of Laws; Ejectment; Equity; Extraordinary Rem- edies, Libel and Slander; Notice; Nuisances; Torts. Ponieroy; Remedies and Remedial Rights by Civil Action according to Reformed American Procedure 1883 s. SALES: Benjamin; Treatise on the Law of Sale of Personal Property, with Notes 1888 SELF-DEFENSE: Harrigan and Thompson; American Cases on the Law of Self- Defense 1886 SHERIFFS : See Criminal Law. Mechem; Public Offices and Officers 1890 SHIPPING: See Admiralty; Maritime Law. Tenterden (Story and Perkins); Law Relative to Merchant Ships and Seamen : 1850 SPECIFIC PERFORMANCE OF CONTRACTS: Fry; Treatise on the Specific Performance of Contracts 1884 SUBJECT INDEX. 125 SPECIFIC PERFORMANCE OF CONTRACTS Continued: Pomeroy; Treatise on the Law of Specific Performance of Contracts, as it is enforced by Courts of Equitable Juris- diction in the U. S. 1879 SPIRIT OF LAWS: Montesquieu; Spirit of Laws 1802 STATUTE OF FRAUDS: Reed; Law of the Statute of Frauds .. 1884 STATUTES AND STATUTORY LAW: * Bishop; Statutory Crimes and Specific Offenses 1883 Dwarris, Potter's; Rules and Maxims of Constitutional Con- struction of Statutes 1885 Endlich; the Interpretation of Statutes 1888 Gould and Tucker; Notes on the Revised Statutes of the United States 1889 STOCK AND STOCKHOLDERS: Cook; Treatise on Stock and Stockholders, and General Cor- poration Law 1889 Thompson; Liability of Stockholders in Corporations 1887 STUDY OF THE LAW: Blackstone (Wendell); Commentaries on the Laws of Eng- land 1852 Conkling; Organization and Jurisdiction of the Supreme, Cir- cuit and District Courts of the United States, with Rules and Forms 1842 Kent; Commentaries on American Law 1851 T. TAXATION: See Assessments; Domicil; Jurisdiction; Railroads. Cooley; Law of Taxation, including the Law of Local Assess- ments . 1886 Desty; American Law of Taxation 1884 TAX TITLES: Black; Law of Tax Titles, their Creation, Incidents, Evidence and Legal Criteria 1888 Blackwell; Power to Sell Land for the Non-payment of Taxes 1889 TEXT-BOOKS (alphabetically arranged): Abortion; Storer and Heard. Abstracts of Title; Martindale. Actions and Defenses; Wait. Admiralty Practice; Betts. 12(5 LAW DEPARTMENT. TKXT-BOOKS Continued: Admiralty Practice; Dunlap. Admiralty Law and Practice; Conkling. Admiralty and Shipping; Desty. Agency; Mechem. Agency; Wharton. American Administrative Law; Woerner Appellate Proceedings; Powell. Assignments; Burrill. Attachments; Drake. Attachments; Wade. Bills; Chitty. Bailment; Schouler. Banking; Morse. Blackstone; Wendell. Carriers; Redfield. Chattel Mortgages; Jones. Chancery Pleadings; Daniels. Chancery Practice; Barbour. Circumstantial Evidence; Wills. Code Pleading; Bliss. Code of Practice; Johnson and Harlan. Commercial Paper; Randolph. Collisions in IT. S. Waters; Prebels. Commentaries; Kent. Conflict of Laws; Story. Conflict of Laws; Wharton. Constitution; Story. Constitutional Conventions; Jameson. Constitutional Law; Hare. Constitutional Limitations; Cooley. Contracts; Bishop. Contributory Negligence; Beach. Corporations; Waterman. Contracts; Parsons. Corporations; Morawetz. Corporate Security; Jones. Cotenancy; Freeman. Covenants for Title; Rawle. Criminal Law; Wharton. Criminal Law; Bishop. Criminal Defenses; Lawson. Criminal Evidence; Wharton. JUBJECT INDEX. 127 TEXT-BOOKS Continued: Criminal Pleading and Practice; Wharton. Criminal Procedure; Maxwell. Criminal Procedure; Bishop. Crimes and Misdemeanors; Russell. Damages; Sutherland. Deeds; Devlin. Depositions; Weeks. Dictionary, Law; Anderson. Dictionary, Law; Bouvier. Digest of Evidence; Stevens. Directions and Forms; Bishop. Domestic Relations; Schouler. Domicil; Jacobs. Dwarris on Statutes; Potter. Easements; Washburn. -Ejectments; Tyler. Eminent Domain; Lewis. Eminent Domain; Mills. Elections; McCrary. Equity Cases; Hare and Wallace. Equity Jurisprudence; Pomeroy. Equity Jurisprudence; Story. Estoppel; Bigelow. Estoppel; Harman. Evidence; Greenleaf. Evidence; Starkie. Evidence; Wharton. Expert Evidence; Lawson. Executions; Freeman. Executors; Schouler. Extradition; Spear. Extraordinary Legal Remedies; High. Federal and State Constitutions; Poore. Federal Practice; Foster. Federal Procedure; Desty. Fixtures; Ewell. Fixtures; Tyler. Fraud; Bigelow. Fraudulent Conveyances; Bump. Fraudulent Conveyances; Wait. Habeas Corpus; Church. Highways; Angell. 128 LAW DEPARTMENT. TEXT-BOOKS Continued: Homesteads and Exemptions; Thompson. Husband and Wife; Schouler. Infancy; Tyler. Injunctions; High. Injunctions (Eden); Waterman. Insurance; Arnould. Insurance; Phillips. Insurance; Wood. International Law; Wharton. Inter-State Law; Rorer. Judgments; Freeman. Jurisdiction; Hawes. Justice of Peace; Clayton. Landlord and Tenant; Taylor. Landlord and Tenant; Wood. Lawyers' Reference Manual; Soule. Law of Patents; Curtis. Law of Nations; Chitty. Liability of Stockholders; Thompson. Libel and Slander; Odgers. Libel and Slander; Townshend. Liens; Jones. Limitations; Angell. Limitations of Actions; Wood. Lunacy Laws; Harrison. Malpractice; El well. Mining Law, Am. ; Wade. Maritime Law; Flanders. Medical Jurisprudence: Wharton and Stilles. Master and Servant; Wood. Merchant Seamen; Curtis. Mortgages; Jones. Mortgages; Hilliard. Municipal Corporations; Dillon. Municipal Ordinances; Horr and Bemis. Mercantile Law; Smith. Military Law; De Hart. Negligence; Shearman and Redfield. Negligence; Thompson. New Trial; Hayne. Notaries; Proffat. Non-Contract Law; Bishop. SUBJECT INDEX. 129 TEXT-BOOKS Continued: Notes to TJ. S. Revised Statutes; Gould and Tucker. Notice; Wade. Nuisances; Wood. Negotiable Instruments; Daniels. Official Bonds; Murfree. Opinions of U. S. Attorneys General; Hall. Overruled Cases; Bigelow. Partnership; Bates. Partnership; Lindley. Personal Property; Schouler. Pleadings; Chitty. Pleadings and Practice; Estee. Pleas of the Crown; Hawkins. Police Powers; Tiedman. Presumptive Evidence; Lawson. Probate Practice; Dickinson. Public Office and Officers; Mechem. Public Policy; Greenhood. Railways; Pierce. Railway Accident Law; Patterson. Railroads; Rorer. Railways; Wood. Real Property; Greenleaf. Riparian Rights; Pomeroy. , Real Property; Tiedman. Real Property; Washburn. Receivers; Beach. Receivers; High. Remedies; Pomeroy. Sales; Benjamin. Shipping; Abbott. Specific Performance of Contract; Fry. Specific Performance of Contract; Pomeroy. Slander; Starkie. Spirit of Laws; Montesquieu. Statutes; Endlich. Statute of Fraud; Reed. Statutory Crimes; Bishop. Stock and Stockholders; Cook. Taxation; Cooley. Taxation; Desty. 810. 9. 130 LAW DEPARTMENT. TEXT-BOOKS Continued: Tax Titles; Black. Tax Titles; Blackwell. Title to Land; Sedgwick and Wait. Trials; Thompson. Trial Evidence; Abbott. Torts; Cooley. . Trusts; Perry. Ultra Vires; Green's, Brice's. Usages and Customs; Lawson. / Vendors; Sugden. Vendors; Warville. Waters; Gould. Wills; Beach. TORTS: See Damages; Med. Jurisprudence; Remedies. Cooley; Law of Torts, or the Wrongs which Arise Independ- ent of Contract 1888 Bishop; Commentaries on the Non-Contract Law and espe- ciajly as to Common Affairs not of Contract, or Every- Day Rights and Torts 1889 TRIAL EVIDENCE: Abbott; Rules of Evidence for Trials in Civil Actions at Com- mon Law, in Equity and under the Codes of Procedure 1890 TRIAL OF TITLE TO LAND: Sedgwick and Wait; Treating of Ejectment; Trespass to Try Title; Writs of Entry; Statutory Remedies for Recovery of Real Property, and embracing Legal and Equitable Titles and Defenses 1889 TRIALS: Thompson; Law of Trials in Actions Civil and Criminal 1889 TRUSTS : Perry; Law of Trusts and Trustees 1889 u. ULTRA VIRES: Brice; Green; Treatise on the Doctrine of Ultra Vires, or the Powers and Liabilities of Corporations, especially of Joint Stock Companies 1880 UNITED STATES COURTS: See Admiralty; Criminal Law; Digests; Overruled Cases; Pleading. SUBJECT INDEX. 131 UNITED STATES COURTS Continued: Conkling; Organization, Jurisdiction and Practice of Federal Courts, with Rules and Forms ......................................................... 1870 USAGES AND CUSTOMS: Lawson; Law of Usages and Customs, with Illustrative Cases... 1887 . VENDORS AND PURCHASERS: Sugden; Concise and Practical Treatise of the Laws of Vendors and Purchaaers of Estates .............................................................. ..... 1873 Warville; American Law of Vendor and Purchaser of Real Property ............................................................................................... .... 1890 w. WATERS: Gould; Law of Waters, including Riparian Rights, and Pub- lic and Private Rights in Waters, Tidal and Inland ............. 1883 WATERS, COLLISIONS IN: Preble; Collisions in United States Waters, with a List of all Cases Decided by the U. S. Supreme Court, Involving Maritime Collisions, with Synopsis of Law and Fact ....... ... 1886 WILLS: See Conflict of Laws; Executors and Administrators. Beach; Manual of the Law of Wills... .. 1888 132 LAW DEPARTMENT. PART II. Charters and Constitutions of the United States and the Several States, by B. P. Poore. 2 vols. DEBATES AND PROCEEDINGS OF THE CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTIONS. FLORIDA. Journal of Constitutional Convention. ILLINOIS. Debates of Constitutional Convention, 1870. 2 vols. KENTUCKY. Debates of Constitutional Convention, 1849. 2 vols. MASSACHUSETTS. Debates and Journal of Constitutional Convention, 1853. 4 vols. MARYLAND. Proceedings of Constitutional Convention, 1867. MICHIGAN. Debates of Constitutional Convention, 1850. MINNESOTA. Debates of Constitutional Convention, 1857. MISSISSIPPI. -Journal and Debates of Constitutional Convention, 1865. NEW HAMPSHIRE. Jom'nal of Constitutional Convention, 1889. NEW JERSEY. Journal of Constitutional Convention, 1844. NEW YORK. Debates of Constitutional Convention, 1846. NEVADA. Debates and Proceedings of Constitutional Convention, 1864. NORTH DAKOTA. Journal and Debates of Constitutional Convention, 1889. 2'vols. PENNSYLVANIA. Journal of Constitutional Convention, 1873. 2 vols. UNITED STATES. Journal of Constitutional Convention, 1787. VERMONT. Journal of Constitutional Convention, 1870. DIGESTS AND INDEXES. ALABAMA. BRICKELL, R. C. 3 vols. Minor to 76 Ala 1820-1885 ARKANSAS. ROSE, U. M. 1 vol. 1 Pike to 23 Ark 1837-1861 OLIPHANT. 1vol. 24 to 48 Ark 1861-1886 CALIFORNIA. LABATT, H. J. 2 vols. 1 to 16 Cal 1850-1861 GEAR, H. L. 1 vol. Index Digest. 1 to 67 Cal 1850-1887 SUBJECT INDEX. 133 COLORADO. MORRISON, R. S. 1 vol. Digest. 1 to 9 Col 1864-1888 CONNECTICUT. BALDWIN, S. E. 2 vols. Kirby to 47 Conn 1785-1880 FLORIDA. CHOATE, C. A. 1vol. 1 to 24 Fla 1846-1889 GEORGIA. BACON, A. O. 2 vols. 1 to 40 Ga 1817-1872 HARRIS, E. 1 vol. Index and Digest. 41 to 61 Ga 1882 VAN EPPS, H. 1 vol. 62 to 81 Ga 1878-1889 SCHLEY, W. 1 vol. Eng. Statutes in Force 1826 ILLINOIS. WOOD, C. H., and LONG, J. E. 2 vols. Creese to 38 111 1819-1866 FREEMAN, N. L. 2 vols. Breese to 15 111 1819-1854 HENRY and READ. 1 vol. 15 to 29 111. 1854-1863 HILL, E. J. 6 vols. Breese to 121 111 1819-1887 INDIANA. RIPLEY'S DIGEST. 2 vols. 1 to 73 Ind 1817-1881 BLACK, J. B. 1 vol. 73 to 114 Ind 1881-1888 IOWA. HAMMOND, W. G. 1 vol. 9 to 20 Iowa 1859-1866 MCCLAIN, E. 2 vols. Morris to 70 Iowa 1839-1887 KANSAS. DASSLER, C. F. W. 2 vols. McCahon to 32 Kansas 1858-1884 KENTUCKY. MONROE, B., and HARLAN, J. 2 vols. Ky. Dec. to 14 B. Mon .... T .... . 1792-1853 BARBOUR, J. 2 vols. Hughes to 13 Bush.... 1785-1878 LOUISIANA. HENNEN, W. D. 2 vols. 1 Martin to 15 La. An 1809-1860 LOUQUE, CHAS. 1 vol. 15 to 30 La. An 1860-1878 TAYLOR, JAS. F. 1 vol. 30 to 40 La. An 1878-1889 MAINE. VIRGIN, WM. W. 1vol. 27 to 43 Me. .... .1847-1857 PLAISTED and APPLETON. 1vol. 1 to 68 Me. . 1820-1880 134 LAW DEPARTMENT. MARYLAND. RINGGOLD, J. F. Index. 1st Harris & McHenry to 61 Md., including Bland and Johnson 1886 MASSACHUSETTS. BENNETT, E. H., GRAY, R., and SWIFT, H. W. 4 vols. 1 to 144 Mass..... 1804-1887 MICHIGAN. JAROBS and CHANEY. 2 vols. 1 to 71 Mich., including Mich. Chancery Reports 1836-1888 MINNESOTA. BENJAMIN, W. E. 1 vol. Index Digest, with Table of Cases. 1 to 35 Minn 1851-1888 MISSISSIPPI. GEORGE, JAS. Z. 1vol. Walker to 44 Miss 1818-1870 ANDREWS, G. 1 vol. Supp. 45 to 56 Miss 1871-1879 HEIDELBERG, D. W. 1 vol. 45 to 64 Miss 1871-1888 MISSOURI. PATTISON, E. W. 2 vols. 1 to 49 Mo 1821-1872 STARK, CHAS. B. 3 vols. 50 to 89 Mo .1872-1886 And Court of Appeals 1 to 23 1876-1886 NEW HAMPSHIRE. MORRISON, C. R. 1vol. 1 to 46 N. H 1816-1866 NEW JERSEY. STEWART, J. H. 2 vols. Law and Equity. Coxe to 38 N. J. Law, and Sax. to 27 N. J. Eq 1790-1876 STEWART, J. Hi Supp. vol. 3 1876-1887 NEW YORK. BRIGHTLY, F. C. 3 vols., with Table of Overruled and Re- versed Cases 1794-1884 COURT OF APPEALS. DANFORTH and WICKS. Vol.1. 1 to 94 N. Y. 1847-1884 DANFORTH and WICKS. Vol. 2, with Table of Citations. 95 to 100 N. Y 1886 NEBRASKA. BROWN, G. A. Index Digest. 1 vol. 1 to 15 Neb. 1871-1884 BROWN, G. A. Index Digest. 1 vol. 1 to 20 Neb. 1871-1886 BROWN, G. A. Index Digest. 1 vol. 1 to 25 Neb 1871-1889 SUBJECT INDEX. 135 NORTH CAROLINA. JONES, H. C. 1 vol. 6 Iredell to Busbee N. C 1845-1853 BATTLE, W. H. 4 vols. Martin to 70 N. C. , and Dev. Eq. to 70 N. C 1778-1874 BAILEY, W. H. 1 vol. 71 to 79 N. C 1874-1879 SEYMOUR, A. S. 2 vols. 80 to 100 N. C. 1879-1889 * OHIO. WALKER, J. B., and BATES, C. 2 vols. 1 to 24 Ohio St 1816-1878 BATES, C. 1 vol. 25 to 38 Ohio St 1875-1882 WELCH, JOHN. 1 vol. Index Digest. 1 to 44 Ohio 1823-1887 OREGON AND WASHINGTON. CAREY, C. H. 1 vol. 1 to 14 Or. and 1-2 Wash 1851-1887 PENNSYLVANIA. BRIGHTLY, F. C. 4 vols., including Table of Overruled and Reversed Cases 1754-1889 RHODE ISLAND. CLAPP, W. H. 2 vols. 1 to 15 R. 1 1828-1887 SOUTH CAROLINA. CHISHOLM, J. B., and HYDE, S., Jr. Index Digest. 2 vols. Bay to 14 S. C 1783-1880 THOMAS, J. P., Jr. 1 vol. 11 to 24 S. C 1877-1885 TENNESSEE. KING, H. C. 4 vols. Overton to 87 Tenn 1791-1888 * TEXAS. MYER, WM. G. 2 vols. Dall. to 51 Tex. and 1 to 7 Tex. App 1840-1880 POSEY, S. A. 2 vols. 8 to 20 Tex. App. and 52 to 65 Tex.... 1879-1887 VERMONT. ROBERTS, DANIEL. 1 vol. N. Chip, to 48 Vt 1789-1876 ROBERTS, D. 1 vol. Supp. 49 to 60 Vt 1876-1889 VIRGINIA. MARTIN, W. B. 1 vol. Jeff, to 33 Gratt 1790-1880 CONVEESE, H. A. .1 vol. Barradel to 33 Gratt 1733-1881 And West Virginia, 1 to 13 W. Va 1863-1880 136 LAW DEPARTMENT. WEST VIRGINIA. BENT, JAS. A. 1 vol. 1 to 29 W. Va. and also Virginia 1 to 21 Gratt 1863-1887 WISCONSIN. STARR, M. 1 vol. Index Digest. 1 to 54 Wis 1839-1882 BURNELL, G. W. 1 vol. Supp. 55 to 73 Wis 1882-1889 * UNITED STATES. FEDERAL COURTS. ABBOTT, B. V. National, of Reports, from the Organization of the Government to 1884. 4 vols 1886 ABBOTT, B. V. National, of Reports. 1st Supp. 1vol. 1884 to 1889 1889 BIGELOW, M. M. American, Irish and English Overruled Cases, with Supp. to 1887 UNITED STATES INDEXED DIGEST. 2 vols., with Supp. and Table of Cases 1789-1888 UNITED STATES. Federal and State. 11 vols 1851 CASES. BUTLER; Impeachment of , when Governor of Nebraska Omaha. 1871 Cox, E. ST. J.; Impeachment Trial of. 3 vols St. Paul. 1882 GOODWIN, H. K. ; Trial for the Murder of Albert D. Swan Boston. 1887 PAGE, S. ; Impeachment Trial of. 3 vols St. Paul. 1878 PIPER, THOS. W. ; Trial for Murder of Mabel H. Young Boston. 1887 ROBINSON, SARAH JANE; Trial of, for the Murder of Prince Arthur Freeman.... . Boston. 1888 LEGISLATIVE JOURNALS AND PUBLIC DOCUMENTS OF THE STATES AND TERRITORIES. ALABAMA. Senate Journal, 1856. House Journal, 1854, 1856, 1858. Report of Geological Survey, 1875, 1876. Report of Comptroller, 1858, 1859. LEGISLATIVE JOURNALS, ETC. 137 ARIZONA. Legislative Assembly Journal, 1st session, 1864; 2d session, 1865; 3d session, 1866; 4th session, 1867; 24th session, 1887. ARKANSAS. Senate Journal, 1881. House Journal, 1881. Public Documents, 1887, 1888. Constitution, 1868. Auditor's Report, 1882. Treasurer's Report, 1882. Report of Com. on Auditor's and Treasurer's Books, 1882. Report of State Board of Health, 1882. Report of State School for the Blind, 1882. Report of Deaf and Mute Institute, 1882. Report of Commissioner of State Lands, 1882. Report of Industrial University, 1887. Report of Sec. of State, 1880, 1882. School Report, 1881, 1882. Report of Geological Survey, 1888, vols. 2 and 3. CALIFORNIA. House and Senate Journals, 5th session, 1854; 6th session, 1855; 7th session, 1856; 8th session, 1857; 9th session, 1858; 10th session, 1859; llth session, I860; 12th session, 1861; 13th session, 1862; 14th session, 1863; 15th session, 1864; 16th session, 1866; 17th session, 1868; 18th session, 1869; 19th session, 1871; 20th session, 1873; 21st session, 1875; 22d session, 1877; 23d session, 1879; 24th session, 1881; 25th session, 1883; 26th session, 1885; 27th session, 1887. Documents and Reports, 1854, 1887. Report of Board of Equalization, 1884. Report of School Superintendent, 1869, 1872. Transactions of State Agricultural Society, 1858, 1859. Register of State University, 1888, 1889, 1890. Report of State Mineralogist, 1883, 1885, 1886, 1887, 1888. Geological Survey of California, 3 vols. Message of Governor, 1877. COLORADO. House Journal, 1862. Report of Superintendent of Public Instruction, 1883. Education in Colorado, 1861-1885. Annual Insurance Reports, 1886, 1887, 1888. 138 LAW DEPARTMENT. CONNECTICUT. Colonial Records, 11 vols., 1689-1775. Senate Journal, 1862. House Journal, 1862. Report of State Board of Education, 1856, 1877, 1879. Insurance Report, 1877. Report on Railroads, 1877. Agricultural State Reports, 1854, 1855, 1859, 1876. Report of Retreat for Insane, 1857. Report of Connecticut State Prison, 1856. Report of Bank Commissioners, 1877. Report of Geological Survey, 1837. History of Putnam's Statute, 1888. Manual of General Assembly, 1888, 1889. Two Hundred and Fiftieth Anniversary of 1st Constitution. DAKOTA. House Journal, 1862, 1885, 1887, 1889. Council Journal, 1865, 1885, 1887, 1889. Report of Railroad Commissioners, 1887. Legislative Manual, 1889. DELAWARE. Minutes of Council, 1776-1792. Insurance Reports, 1883, 1885. FLORIDA. Senate Journal, 1858, 1859, 1889. House Journal, 1856, 1858, 1859, 1889. Journal of Constitutional Convention, 1885. GEORGIA. House Journal, 1855-1856. Report of Comptroller, 1888. IDAHO. Council Journal, 1864, 1881, 1883, 1885, 1889. House Journal, 1871, 1883, 1885, 1889. Message of Governor, 1888, 1889. ILLINOIS. Senate Journal, 1861, 1863, 1865, 1867, 3 vols.; 1873, 1874, 1875, 1877, 1879, 1881, 1883, 1887, 1889, 1890. House Journal, 1861, 1863, 1865, 1867, 5 vols.; 1873, 1874, 1875, 1877, 1879, 1881, 1883, 1887, 1889, 1890. LEGISLATIVE JOURNALS, ETC. 139 Reports to General Assembly, 1861, 1863, 2 vols. ; 1865, 2 vols. ; 1867, 2vols.; 1871, 2 vols.; 1873, 2 vols.; 1875, 2 vols.; 1877, 4 vols.; 1879, 5 vols.; 1881, 3 vols.; 1883, 3 vols.; 1887, 4 vols.; 1889, 5 vols. Report of Commissioner of Public Charities, 1870, 1874, 1876, 1878, 1880, 1886. Report of State Auditor, 1876, 1874, 1880. Report of Industrial University, 1869, 1872, 1874, 1876, 1878, 1880. Report of State School Superintendent, 1873, 1880, 1882. Report of Attorney General, 1874, 1876, 1878, 1886. Insurance Reports, 1879, 1880, 2 vols. Report of State House Commissioners, 1874. Constitution of Illinois, 1870. Report of Southern Insane Hospital, 1874, 1876. Report of Northern Insane Hospital, 1876. Report of State Eye and Ear Infirmary, 1876. Report of Inst. for Feeble Minded Children, 1874. Report of Inst. for Deaf and Dumb, 1876. Report 6f Inst. for the Blind, 1876. Report of Soldiers' Orphan Home, 1876. Report of State Board of Education, 1876. Governor's Message, 1881. Catalogue of State Library, 1877, 1880. Report of Southern Illinois Normal University, 1876-1878. Report of Adjutant General, 1875-1876. Transactions of Department of Agriculture, 1870, 1872, 1873, 1874, 1876, 1877, 1878. Report of Secretary of State, 1874, 1876, 1878, 1880. Report of Railroad Commissioners, 1871, 1874, 1875, 1876, 1877, 1878, 1879, 1880, 1881, 1883. Report of State Board of Equalization, 1878. Report of State Board of Health, 1882. Report of Bureau of Labor Statistics, 1881. Geological Survey, vols. 5, 6, 7. INDIANA. Senate Journal, 1857, 1872, 1873. House Journal, 1872, 1873, 1889. Documentary Journal, 1857, 1872, 1873, 1888. Report of Supt. Public Instruction, 1860, 1864, 1880. Report on Pub. Health and Vital Statistics, 1888. Report of State Auditor, 1888. Report of Secretary of State, 1877, 1881. 140 LAW DEPARTMENT. Report on Agriculture, 1871, 1872, 1875, 1888. Report of State Treasurer, 1875. Report of State Librarian, 1885, 1886. Report of Hospital for Insane, 1889. Proceedings of Convention of Instructors of Deaf and Dumb. Catalogue of Official Publications, 1890. Life of Gov. Oliver P. Morton, 1876. Description of Indiana, 1878. Geological Survey, 1870, 1872, 1878. IOWA. Senate Journal, 1852, 1854, 1862, 1868, 1870, 1873, 1876, 1878, 1880, 1882, 1884, *886, 1888, 1890. House Journal, 1862, 1868, 1870, 1873, 1876, 1878, 1880, 1882, 1884, 1886, 1888, 1890. Legislative Documents, 1868, 2 vols. ; 1870, 2 vols. ; 1872, 2 vols. ; 1876, 3 vols.; 1878, 2 vols.; 1880, 4 vols.; 1882, 5 vols.; 1884, 5 vols.; 1886, 5 vols.; 1888, 5 vols. Historical and Comparative Census, 1836-1880. Reports of Adjutant General, 1864, 1865, 1867, 1868, 1874, 1880. Reports of Census, 1856, 1869, 1875. Insurance Reports, 1877, 1884, 1885, 1886, 1887, 1888, 1889. Reports on Criminal Returns, 1879, 1881, 1887. List of ex-Soldiers and Marines in Iowa, 1886. Geology of Iowa, 2 vols., 1870. Official Register of Iowa, 1888. Catalogue of State Library, 1872, 1883, 1889. Governor's Inaugural Address, 1882. Iowa at the Centennial, 1876. Agricultural Report, 1879. Horticultural Report, 1879. Cooperative Insurance. Elephant Pipes and Tablets in Iowa. Report of State Librarian, 1881. Report of Hospital for Insane, 1882. Report of Agricultural College, 1882. KANSAS. Senate Journal, 1881, 1883, 1885, 1886,. 1887. House Journal, 1881, 1883, 1885, 1886, 1887. Public Documents, 1870, 1871, 1873, 1874, 1880, 1882, 1884, 1886, 1888, 2 vols. Report of Adjutant General, 1864. LEGISLATIVE JOURNALS, ETC. 141 Report of State Treasurer, 1876, 1880. Report of Railroad Commissioners, 1883, 1884, 1885, 1887, 1888, 1889. Report of State Board of Health, 1887, 1888, 1890. Report of Bureau of Labor, 1887. Report on Agriculture, 1875. Report of State Librarian, 1886, 1890. Kansas Bar Association, 1888. Birds of Kansas. KENTUCKY. Senate Journal, 1853, 1865, 1866. House Journal, 1853, 1865, 1866. Public Documents, 1853, 1864, 1865. Report of Superintendent of Public Instruction, 1859, 1866. Report of State Auditor, 1860. Geological Survey, 1855, 1876. Catalogue of State Library, 1887, 1889. Reports on Agriculture, 1857, 1859. 1878. LOUISIANA. Senate Journal, 1853, 1860, 1880, 1886, 1888, 1890. House Journal, 1860, 1886, 1888, 2 vols. ; 1890. Report of State Auditor, 1864. Catalogue of State Library, 1886. Report of Attorney General, 1888-1889. Report of State Librarian, 1888-1889. Report of State Treasurer, 1888-1889. Message of the Governor, 1890. MAINE. Public Documents, 1855. Insurance Reports, 1888, 1889. Report on Geology and Agriculture, 1861. MARYLAND. Senate Journal, 1856, 1858, 1860, 1861, 1862, 1880, 1882, 1884, 1888, 1890. House Journal, 1856, 1858, 1860, 1861, 1880, 1882, 1884, 1888, 1890. Legislative Documents, 1856, 1860, 1861, 1862, 1880, 1882, 1884, 1888, 1890. MASSACHUSETTS. Public Documents, 1858, 1859, 2^018.; 1860, 2 vols.; 1861, 3 vols.; 1862, 3 vols.; 1873, 5 vols. Census of Massachusetts, 1885, 4 vols. 142 LAW DEPARTMENT. Report on Industry, 1885, 2 vols. Report on Public Records, 1885. Report of State Board of Education, 1876, 1878, 1879, 1880. Ichnology of Massachusetts, 1856. Report of State Auditor, 1862. Proceedings of Committee on Pleuro Pneumonia. Report of Boston Port Society. Legislative Manual, 1890. MICHIGAN. Senate Journal, 1846, 1847, 1848, 1850, 1851, 1869. House Journal, 1846, 2 vols.; 1847, 1850, 1851, 1869, 4 vols. Public Documents, 1844, 1847, 2 vols.; 1848, 1849, 2 vols.; 1850, 4 vols.; 1851, 3 vols.; 1853, 1869, 1870, 3 vols. Legislative Manual, 1879, 1881, 1883, 1885, 1887, 1889. Report of Supt. Public Instruction, 1852, 1869. Report of State Board of Agriculture, 1857, 1859, 1884, 1885, 1889. Report on Resources of Michigan, 1881, 2 vols. Report of Commissioner of Mineral Statistics, 1880, 1881, 1882, 1885, 1886, 1887, 1888. Report of Adjutant General, 1869. Report of Michigan Semi-Centennial, 1886. Report of State Librarian, 1882, 1888. Catalogue of State Library, 1882, 1883. Michigan Biography, 1888. Michigan University Book. Michigan in the War, 1861-1865. Michigan at Gettysburg. Michigan School Laws, 1889. Statistics of Saline Interests, 1881. Governor's Inaugural Message, 1877. MINNESOTA. Senate Journal, 1852, 1857, 1862, 1864, 18,65, 1874, 1879, 1881, 1883, 1885, 1887. House Journal, 1858, 1861, 1862, 1863, 1864, 1865, 1874, 1875, 1881, 1883, 1885, 1887. Public Documents, 1860, 1861, 1862, 1863, 1864, 1865, 1873, 2 vols.; 1874, 2 vols.; 1878, 3 vols.; 1879, 1882, 3 vols.; 1884, 6 vols.; 1886, 4 vols.; 1888, 4 vols. Report of Public Examiner, 1888. Legislative Manual, 1889. Report of Regents of University, 1874. LEGISLATIVE JOURNALS, ETC. 143 Bulletin of Academy of Sciences, 1886. Statistics of Minnesota, 1879. Report of State Librarian, 1889. MISSISSIPPI. Senate Journal, 1858, 1870, 1873, 1874, 2 vols.; 1877, 1880, 1882, 1884, 1888, 1890. House Journal, 1870, 2 vols.; 1873, 1874, 1875, 1876, 1877, 1878, 1880, 2 vols.; 1882, 1884, 1886, 1888/1890. Department Reports, 1877, 1878, 1880, 1882, 1883, 1885. Constitution of Mississippi, 1865. Geological Reports, 1857, 1860. MONTANA. Report of State Auditor, 1887. Report of State Treasurer, 1887. MISSOURI. Report of State Board of Equalization, 1877, 1878. Reports on Insurance, 1877, 1888, 1889. Insurance Laws of Missouri, 1875. Report on Missouri University, 1880-1882. St. Louis Law School, 1883. Geological Survey, 1874. NEBRASKA. Senate Journal, 1860, 1864, 1872, 1879, 1881, 1885. House Journal, 1867, 1872, 1879, 1881, 1882. Report of Impeachment Trial, 1871. Report of Commissioner of Public Schools, 1882. Report of Secretary of State, 1882. Report of Attorney General, 1882, 1883. Geology of Nebraska, 1880. NEW MEXICO. Council Journal, 1854, 1878, 1884. House Journal, 1851, 1853, 1878, 1884. Official Reports, 1882, 1883. Report of Bureau of Immigration. NEVADA. Senate Journal, 1864, 2 vols.; 1866, 2 vols.; 1867, 2 vols.; 1869, 2 vols.; 1871, 2 vols.; 1873, 1875, 1877, 1883. House Journal, 1864, 2 vols.; 1866, 2 vols.; 1867, 2 vols.; 1869, 2 vols.; 1871, 2 vols.; 1873, 1875, 1877, 1883. 144 LAW DEPARTMENT. Department Reports, 1864, 2 vols. ; 1873, 1875, 1877, 3 vols.; 1883. Report of State Mineralogist, 1873-1874. Constitutional Convention of Nevada, 1864. Report of Adjutant General, 1865. Report of Surveyor General, 1865. Report of Secretary of State, 1885-1886. Report of Comptroller, 1888. Report of State Librarian, 1888. Catalogue of State Library, 1890. NEW HAMPSHIRE. Senate and House Journals, 1853, 2 vols.; 1856, 2 vols.; 1857, 1858, 1859, 1860, 1861, 2 vols.; 1854, 1862, 2 vols.; 1873. Senate Journal, 1889. Geology of New Hampshire, 3 vols.; 1874-1878. Geological Report, 1841. Report of Supt. of Public Instruction, 1852, 1858, 1860, 1862, 1876. Transactions of State Agricultural Society, 1858, 1859, 1860, 1873, 1874. Thirteenth New Hampshire Volunteers. Report on State Papers. Journal of Constitutional Convention, 1889. NEW JERSEY. Senate Journal, 1859, 1866, 1878, 1881, 1883, 1885, 1886, 1887, 1888, 1889. House Journal, 1866, 1878, 1881, 1883, 1884, 1885, 1886, 1887, 1888, 1889. Legislative Documents, 1862, 1863, 1864, 1865, 1866, 1867, 1878, 2 vols. ; 1883, 2 vols. ; 1884, 1885, 2 vols. ; 1886, 3 vols. ; 1887, 3 vols. ; 1888, 3 vols. Journal of Constitutional Convention, 1844. Archives of New Jersey, 10 vols., 1709-1776. Report of Treasurer, 1881. Report of Geologist, 1840, 1883. Report of Bureau of Statistics, 1880, 1882. Report of State Librarian, 1888, 1889. Report of Supt. of Public Instruction, 1848, 1850, 1851, 1852, 1862, 1880. Report of Centennial Commissioner. Register of Volunteers, 1863. Digest of Fees and Salaries, 1888. Report of State Board of Health, 1880. Report of State College, 1883. LEGISLATIVE JOURNALS, ETC. 145 Report of Rutger's College, 1880, 1887. Report of Soldiers' Home, 1880. Report of State Lunatic Asylum, 1852. General Banking Law, 1852. Geological Survey of New Jersey, 5 vols. Legislative Manual, 1889. NEW YORK. Senate Journal, 1835, 1850, 1851, 1853, 1862, 1889. House Journal, 1835, 1850, 1853, 1802, 1889. Legislative Documents, 1835, 7 vols.; 1850, 7 vols.; 1851, 9 vols.; 1852, 10 vols. ; 1853, 9 vols. ; 1861, 3 vols. ; 1862, 16 vols. ; 1885, 2 vols. ; 1889, 26 vols. Report of State Board of Education, 1880, 1884. Report of State University, 1848, 1850, 1855, 1861, 1862, 1884, 1885, 2 vols.; 1886, 1887, 1888, 1889. State Museum of Natural History, 1879, 1882, 1885, 1886, 1887, 1888, 1890. Randall's Common School System of N. Y., 1851. Report of Treasurer, 1887. Report of Survey of Adirondack Wilderness. Report of Boundaries of New York. Governor's Message, 1869. Natural History of New York, 18 vols. Transactions of State Agricultural Society, 1846, 1847, 1848, 1849, 1850, 1851. Transactions of American Institute, 1850. Catalogue of State Library, 1861, 1882, 1884, 1885. Report of Trustees of State Library, 1884, 1885, 1887, 1888, 1889. Legislative Hand-Book. Report of Prison Association, 1850. Report on Condition of State Prisons. Report on Criminal Statistics, 1851, 1855. Report of Boundaries Commission, 1884. Report of Governors of Alms House, 1856. Report of State Medical Society, 1852. Report of Dairy Commissioners. Report of Buffalo Historical Society, 1888. Report on Onondaga Salt Springs. Open Letter 011 Insurance. Code of Election Laws, 1890. Sig. 10. 146 LAW DEPARTMENT. OHIO. Senate Journal, 1858, 1859, 1861, 1862, 1864, 1886, 2 vols. ; 1887, 1888. House Journal, 1858, 1859, 1860, 1861, 1862, 1864, 1886, 2 vols.; 1887, 1888. Executive Documents, 1857, 1858, 2 vols.; 1859, 3 vols.; 1860, 2 vols.; 1861, 2 vols.; 1862, 2 vols.; 1864, 2 vols.; 1865, 2 vols.; 1885, 2 vols.; 1886, 2 vols.; 1887, 2 vols. Report of State Auditor, 1864, 1865, 1866, 1868, 1869, 1870, 1872, 1873, 1874, 1875, 1877, 1878, 1879, 1880, 1881, 1882, 1883. Report of State Supt. of Schools, 1878, 1881, 1882, 1883, 1884, 1885, 1886, 1887. Geological Survey of Ohio, 5 vols. Reports on Insurance, 1887, 1888, 1889. Ohio Centennial Report, 1888. State Agricultural Reports, 1857 to 1887. Governor's Message, 1879. Catalogue of State Library, 1875. Roster of Ohio Soldiers, 3 vols. Ohio Railway Report, 1882. Insurance Reports, 1884, 2 vols. Report of Secretary of State, 1869. Ohio School Laws, 1865. Report of School Commissioner, 1858-1862. Report on Labor Statistics, 1879. Report of State Treasurer, 1865. Report of Idiotic Asylum, 1865. Report of Library Commissioners, 1887. Constitution of Ohio, 1889. OREGON. Senate Journal, 1853, 1860, 1870. House Journal, 1853, 1855, 1857, 1870. Public Documents, 1870. Report of Secretary of State, 1887, 1889. Report of Board of Trade, 1883, 1885. Report of Code Commissioners, 1853. Transactions of Oregon Pioneer Association, 1875-1877. Public Schools, Rules and Regulations. Journal of Constitutional Convention. PENNSYLVANIA. Senate Journal, 1860, 1865, 1866, 1867, 1873, 1887, 1889. House Journal, 1866, 1867, 1873, 1887, 1889. LEGISLATIVE JOURNALS, ETC. Executive and Legislative Documents, 1855, 1864, 2 vols. ; 1865, 4 vols. ; 1866, 4 vols.; 1867, 2 vols.; 1872, 1873, 3 vols.; 1882, 7 vols.; 1886, 7 vols.; 1888, 5 vols.; 1889, 6 vols. Pennsylvania Archives, 1783-1790. Report of Military Department, 1865, 2 vols. Report of Adjutant General, 1863, 1864, 1866, 1887, 1888. Report of State Librarian, 1887, 1888. Report on Insurance, 1887, 1888. Report of State Treasurer, 1885, 1887, 1888. Penn. Railway Report, 1865. Report of Supt. Pub. Instruction, 1886, 1888. School Reports, 1865, 1866, 1872. Report of State Colleges, 1866, 1888. Report of Inspector of Mines, 1886. Report of Sec. Internal Affairs, 1885, 1886. Report on Railroads, Telegraphs, etc., 1887. Report of Public Charities, 1872. Report of State Board of Health, 1886. Report on Industrial Education, 1889. Report of Attorney General, 1888. Maps to Official Documents. Plates to Magnetic Observations. Journal of Constitutional Convention, 1872, 2 vols. Lives of Eminent Philadelphians. Catalogue of State Library, 1873. Legislative Hand-Book, 1873, 1888, 1889, 1890. Report of Controller of Public Schools, 1857. Report of Pennsylvania State College, 1886. Report of College of Pharmacy. 1882, 1885, 1886, 1888. Health Compendium. Common School Laws, 1855. Pennsylvania Soldiers Buried at Andersonville. Report of Adjutant General, 1862. Report of Supt. of Public Printing, 1888. Pennsylvania System of Prison Discipline. Penal System of Pennsylvania, 1855. Report of House of Refuge, 1857. Report on Financial Affairs, 1843. Report of Institution for the Blind, 1866, 1867, 1876. Catalogue of Educational Exhibit, 1876. Message of Governor Beaver, 1889. New Public Buildings on Pennsylvania Square, Philadelphia. One Hundredth Anniversary of U. S. Constitution, 2 vols., 1889. 148 LAW DEPARTMENT. RHODE ISLAND. Legislative Manual, 1873, 1879, 1881, 1882, 1883, 1884, 1885. Rhode Island Institute of Instruction, 1845, 1847, 1848. Rhode Island Educational Magazine, 1852. Census of Rhode Island, 1865, 1875. Report on Poor and Insane, 1851. Registration Reports, 1856, 1857, 1859, 1880, 1882, 1883. Report of Board of Health, 1881, 1882, 1883. Census of Rhode Island, 1774. Report on Public Schools, 1854. SOUTH CAROLINA. Senate Journal, 1870, 1878, 1880. House Journal, 1870. 1878, 1880. Legislative Reports, 1870, 1874, 1876, 1878, 2 vols.; 1880. Report of Com. on Public Frauds, 1878, 2 vols. Report on Geological Survey, 1844. SOUTH DAKOTA. Senate Journal, 1890. House Journal, 1890. TENNESSEE. Senate Journal, 1860, 1861, 1875, 2 vols.; 1877, 1879, 1881, 2 vols.; 1882, 1883, 1885, 2 vols.; 1887, 1889. House Journal, 1860, 1875, 1877, 1879, 2 vols.; 1881, 2 vols.; 1882, 1883, 1885, 2 vols.; 1887, 1889. Public Documents, 1857, 1858, 1860, 1877, 2 vols.; 1879, 1881, 1883, 1885, 2 vols.; 1887, 2 vols.; 1889, 2 vols. Report of Comptroller, 1857, 1859. Report of State Capital Commissioners, 1859. Report of Tennessee Penitentiary, 1857, 1859. Report on Interest Laws, 1859. Report of Investigating Committee, 1858. Report of Hospital for Insane, 1857, 1859. Catalogue of Cumberland University. Report of Tennessee Blind School, 1859. Transactions of State Agricultural Bureau, 1858-1859. Agricultural and Mineral Wealth of Tennessee. Report of State Geologist, 1855. University Address. LEGISLATIVE JOURNALS, ETC. 149 TEXAS. Senate Journal, 1855, 1857, 1860, 2 vols.; 1866, 1870, 1889. House Journal, 1855, 1857, 1860, 1870, 1889. Reports of Departments, 1887, 1888. Report of Secretary of State, 1884. Report of Capital Building Commission, 1883-1889. Report of Geological Survey. UTAH. Journal of Legislative Assembly, 1855, 1890, 2 vols. VIRGINIA. Senate Journal, 1779, 1790, 1855, 1867, 1878, 1882, 1887, 1888, 1889- 1890. House Journal, 1850, 1852, 1853, 1854, 1855, 1856, 2 vols.; 1858, 1860, 1878, 1879, 1882, 1887, 1888, 1889-1890. Legislative Documents, 1851, 2 vols.; 1852, 2 vols.; 1853, 2 vols.; 1854, 2 vols. ; 1856, 10 vols.; 1858, 5 vols.; 1860, 6 vols.; 1877, 1879, 1881, 1886, 1887, 1888, 1889. Report of Debates, 1798. Journal of Virginia Convention, 1788. Journal of Convention, 1850-1851. Report of Railroad Commissioners, 1877. Virginia School Report, 1889. VERMONT. Senate Journal, 1856, 1857, 1858, 1859, 1860, 1861, 1862, 1863, 1864, 1865, 1866, 1867, 1868, 1869, 1870, 1872, 1874, 1876, 1878, 1880. House Journal, 1856, 1857, 1858, 1859, 1860, 1861, 1862, 1863, 1864, 1865, 1866, 1867, 1868, 1869, 1870, 1872, 1874, 1876, 1878, 1880. Legislative Documents, 1866, 1867, 1868, 1869, 1870, 1872, 2 vols.; 1874, 4 vols.; 1876, 3 vols.; 1878, 2 vols.; 1880, 1882, 1884, 1886, 1888. Registration Reports, 1857 to 1882, 24 vols. Report of Adjutant General, 1862, 1863, 1864, 1866. School Reports, 1872, 1878, 1880, 1882, 1884, 1885, 1886, 1888. Report of Bureau of Agriculture, 1877, 1879, 1881, 1883, 1885, 1888, 4 vols. Report of Agricultural Experiment Station, 1887, 1888. Report of State Board of Health, 1887, 1888. Report on Insurance, 1886, 1887, 1888, 1889. Journal of Constitutional Convention, 1870. 150 LAW DEPARTMENT. Legislative Directory, 1864, 1873, 1878, 1880, 1884, 1888. Report of Auditor, 1858, 1860, 1861, 1864, 1865. Report of State Board of Education, 1860, 1863, 1864. Report of Inspector of Finance, 1889. Centennial of Battle of Bennington, 1877. Transactions of Dairyraens' Association, 1873, 1889, 1890. Journal of Council of Censors, 1869. Report of Court Expenses, 1880. Address of George Sedgwick, 1880. Laws Relating to Savings Banks and Trust Companies. Register of Officers of Vermont Volunteers, J863. Report of Fish Commissioners, 1880, 1882, 1884, 1888. Report of Soldiers Home, 1888. Report of Supervisors of Insane, 1888. Report of Gettysburg Monument Commissioners. Governor's Message, 1888. Geology of Vermont, 4 vols. WEST VIRGINIA. Senate Journal, 1868. House Journal, 1868. Legislative Documents, 1868. Constitution and Statutes, 1861-1866. Governor's Message, 1881. WISCONSIN. Senate Journal, 1860, 1862, 2 vols.; 1870, 1871, 1873, 1874, 1876, 1877, 1883, 1885, 1887, 1889, 2 vols. House Journal, 1860, 1862, 2 vols.; 1870, 1871, 1873, 1874, 1876, 1877, 1883, 1885, 1887, 1889. Legislative Documents, 1857, 2 vols.; 1860, 1871, 2 vols.; 1873, 2 vols.; 1876, 2 vols.; 1877, 2 vols.; 1883, 2 vols.; 1885, 2 vols.; 1887, 2 vols.; 1889, 2 vols. Reports of Secretary of State, 1852. 1858, 1878, 1879, 1880, 1881, 1882. Catalogue of State Library, 1881, 1883. Report on State Agriculture, 1860. Legislative Manual, 1889. Laws Relating to Common Schools, 1851. Report of Board of Public Works, 1852. WASHINGTON. Journal of Council, 1855, 1860, 1861, 1862, 1871, 1873, 1877, 1879, 1883, 1888. Senate Journal, 1889-1890, 1891. CONGRESSIONAL MISCELLANY. 151 House Journal, 1854, 1855, 1857, 1862, 1863, 1869, 1881, 1883, 1888, (State) 1889-1890, 1891. Public Documents, 1889, 1890. Report of School for Defective Youth, 1887, 1889, 1890. State Auditor's Report, 1861, 1885, 1887, 1890. Report of Treasurer, 1883, 1887, 1890. Report of Hospital for Insane, 1883, 1887, 1890. Report of Supt. Penitentiary, 1887. Report of Pilot Commissioners, 1879, 1887. Report of Superintendent of Public Instruction, 1883, 1885-1886, 1887, 1890. Report of State Librarian, 1890. Report of Regents of University, 1887, 1890. Governor Miles C. Moore's Valedictory Address, 1889. Governor E. P. Ferry's Inaugural Address, 1889. Governor's Message to First State Legislature, 1889. Governor's Message to Special Session, 1890. Governor C. E. Laugh ton's Message to Second Legislature, 1891. Constitution of Washington, 1889. Legislative Manual, 1889-1890, 1891. WYOMING. Journal of Council, 1877, 1882, 1886. Journal of Assembly, 1877, 1882, 1886. AMERICAN STATE PAPERS AND ARCHIVES. AMERICAN ARCHIVES. A Documentary History of the Origin and Progress of the North American Colonies; of the Causes and Accomplishment of the Am- erican Revolution and of the Constitution of the United States, to the Final Ratification Thereof. Fourth Series. From the King's Message in 1774 to the Declar- ation of Independence by the United States in 1876, 4 vols. Fifth Series. From the Declaration of Independence in 1776 to the Definitive Treaty of Peace with Great Britain in 1783, 5 vols. AMERICAN STATE PAPERS. Foreign Relations. 2 vols 1789-1859 Public Lands. 5 vols . 1823-1837 152 LAW DEPARTMENT. Finance. 4 vols 1822-1828 Naval Affairs. 3 vols 1824-1836 Military Affairs. 5 vols 1823-1838 DIPLOMATIC CORRESPONDENCE. For the years 1863 (2 vols.), 1865 (4 vols.), 1867 (2 vols.), 1868 (2 vols.); 1872 (1 vol.), 1873 (2 vols.), 1874, 1875 (2 vols.), 1876, 1877. PAPERS RELATING TO THE TREATY OF WASHINGTON. Geneva Arbitration, 4 vols. British Case and Evidence at Geneva, 4 vols. Berlin Arbitration, 1 vol. CONGRESSIONAL DOCUMENTS AND MISCELLANY. TWENTIETH CONGRESS. Report on Intrenchment 1828 TWENTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. House Journal, 1st session 1843-1844 House Journal, 2d session 1844-1845 Senate Journal, 2d session 1844-1845 Reports of Committees. 3 vols 1843-1845 Report on Rhode Island Difficulties 1844 President's Message and Documents 1844-1S45 Executive Documents. 7 vols. 1843-1845 Miscellaneous Documents. 8 vols 1843-1845 TWENTY-NINTH CONGRESS. Senate Journal, 2d session 1846-1847 House Journal, 1st session 1845-1846 House Journal, 2d session 1846-1847 President's Message and Documents. 2 vols. 1845-1846 Proceedings of Military Courts Regarding Generals Scott, Pillow, Worth and Fremont. Executive Documents. 10 vols 1845-1847 Miscellaneous Documents. 15 vols. 1845-1847 THIRTIETH CONGRESS. House Journal, 2d sesssion 1848-1849 President's Message and Documents : 1847-1848 CONGRESSIONAL MISCELLANY. 153 Executive Documents. 12 vols .^ 1847-1849 Miscellaneous Documents. 7 vols 1847-1849 THIRTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Miscellaneous Documents. 3 vols. 1849-1850 THIRSY-SECOND CONGRESS. Senate Journal, 1st session 1851-1852 House Journal, 1st session 1851-1852 Senate Journal, 2d session 1852-1853 House Journal, 2d session 1852-1853 Executive Documents. 32 vols 1851-1853 Miscellaneous Documents. 28 vols. 1851-1853 THIRTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Senate Journal, 1st session 1853-1854 House Journal, 1st session 1853-1854 Senate Journal, 2d session 1854-1855 House Journal, 2d session 1854-1855 Executive Documents. 36 vols 1853-1855 Miscellaneous Documents. 43 vols. 1853-1855 THIRTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Senate Journal, 1st session 1855-1856 House Journal, 1st session 1855-1856 Senate Journal, 2d session 1856-1857 House Journal, 2d session 1856-1857 Senate Journal, 3d session 1857 House Journal, 3d session 1857 Executive Documents. 31 vols 1855-1857 Miscellaneous Documents. 47 vols. 1855-1857 * THIRTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Senate Journal, 1st session 1857-1858 House Journal/ 1st session 1857-1858 Senate Journal, 2d session 1858-1859 House Journal, 2d session 1858-1859 Executive Documents. 34 vols 1857-1859 Miscellaneous Documents. 48 vols 1857-1859 THIRTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Senate Journal, 1st session 1859-1860 House Journal, 1st session 1859-1860 Senate Journal, 2d session 1860-1861 154: LAW DEPARTMENT. House Journal, 2d session .... 1860-1861 Executive Documents. 20 vols 1859-1861 Miscellaneous Documents. 51 vols 1859-1861 THIRTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. House Journal, 1st session 1861-1862 Executive Documents. 5 vols. 1861-1862 THIRTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. House Journal, 1st session. 2 vols. 1863-1864 THIRTY-NINTH CONGRESS. House Journal, 2d session 1865-1866 FORTIETH CONGRESS. House Journal, 1st session 1867 House Journal, 2d session 1867-1868 House Journal, 3d session 1868-1869 FORTY-FIRST CONGRESS. House Journal, 1st session 1869-1870 House Jonrnal, 2d session 1870-1871 FORTY SECOND CONGRESS. House Journal, 1st session 1871 House Journal, 2d session . 1871-1872 House Journal, 3d session 1872-1873 Miscellaneous Documents 1871-1873 FORTY-THIRD CONGRESS. House Journal, 1st session 1873-1874 House Journal, 2d session 1874-1875 Miscellaneous Documents. 6 vols. 1873-1875 FORTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Senate Journal, 1st session. 4 vols 1875-1876 House Journal, 1st session. 6 vols. 1875-1876 Senate Journal, 2d session. 5 vols 1876-1877 House Journal, 2d session. 6 vols 1876-1877 Executive Documents. 10 vols. 1875-1877 Miscellaneous Documents. 54 vols 1875-1877 FORTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Senate Journal, 1st session. 5 vols. 1877 House Journal, 1st session. 6 vols. 1877 CONGRESSIONAL MISCELLANY. 155 Senate Journal, 2d session. 4 vols 1877-18*78 House Journal, 2d session. 7 vols. 1877-1878 Senate Journal, 3d session. 5 vols. 1878-1879 House Journal, 3d session. 3 vols 1878-1879 Executive Documents. 35 vols. 1877-1879 Miscellaneous Documents. 44 vols 1877-1879 FORTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Senate Journal, 1st session. 6 vols 1879 House Journal, 1st session. 5 vols 1879 Senate Journal, 2d session. 4 vols. 1879-1880 House Journal, 2d session. 2 vols. 1879-1880 Senate Journal, 3d session. 4 vols 1880-1881 House Journal, 3d session. 5 vols. 188C-1881 Executive Documents. 44 vols 1879-1881 Miscellaneous Documents. 52 vols 1879-1881 "FORTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Senate Journal, 1st session. 2 vols 1881-1882 House Journal, 1st session. 2 vols. 1881-1882 Senate Journal, 2d session. 2 vols 1882 House Journal, 2d session. 2 vols. 1882 Executive Documents. 44 vols 1881-1882 Miscellaneous Documents. 96 vols 1881-1882 FORTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Senate Journal, 1st session. 1 vol 1883 House Journal, 1st session. 5 vols. 1883 Senate Journal, 2d session. 1vol. 1884-1885 House Journal, 2d session. 2 vols 1884-1885 Executive Documents. 54 vols '. 1883-1885 Miscellaneous Documents. 62 vols 1883-1885 FORTY-NINTH CONGRESS. Senate Journal, 1st session. 1 vol 1885-1886 House Journal, 1st session. 3 vols. 1885-1886 Senate Journal, 2d session. 1vol. 1886 House Journal, 2d session. 1 vol ! 1886 Executive Documents. 81 vols. 1885-1886 Miscellaneous Documents. 80 vols. 1885-1886 FIFTIETH CONGRESS. Senate Journal, 1st session. 1 vol. 1887-1888 House Journal, 1st session. 4 vols. 1887-1888 156 LAW DEPARTMENT. Senate Journal, 2d session. 1 vol 1888-1889 House Journal, 2d session. 2 vols 1888-1889 Executive Documents. 37 vols. 1887-1889 Miscellaneous Documents. 34 vols..... . 1887-1889 MISCELLANEOUS REPORTS AND DOCUMENTS. Message and Documents for the years 1850-1851, 1853-1854, 1856-1857 (3 vols.), 1857-1858 (4 vols.), 1858-1859 (7 vols.), 1859-1860 (5 vols.), 1862, 1863, 1864, 1866 (3 vols.), 1868 (3 vols.), 1870 (3 vols.), 1872 (2 vols.), 1873 (3 vols.), 1875 (2 vols.), 1877 (2 vols.), 1879 (4 vols.), 1880, 1882, 1885, 1887 (2 vols.), 1889 (2 vols.). CONGRESSIONAL CONTESTED ELECTIONS. Digest of Election Cases in the House of Representatives, 42d, 43d and 44th Congresses, from 1871 to 1876 inclusive. Cutting vs. Reilly 1877 Acklen vs. Darrall 1877 Dean vs. Field 1877 Haralson vs. Shelley 1877 Patterson vs. Belford 1877 Richardson vs. Rainey 1877 Tillman vs. Smalls 1877 Wigginton vs. Pacheco 1877 Duffy vs. Mason 1879 Curtin vs. Yocum 1879 Mackey vs. O' Conner 1879-1880 Spoffard vs. Kellogg 1879-1880 Bisbee vs. Failey 1881-1882 Lowe vs. Wheeler 1881-1882 Sassinghaus vs. Frost. 3 vols 1881-1882 Campbell vs. Morey. 2 vols 1883-1884 Massy vs. Wise. 2 vols 1883-1884 Oferall vs. Paul 1883-1884 Digest of Election Cases in the House of Representatives, 44th, 45th 46th, 47th and 48th Congresses, from 1876 to 1883 inclusive, 2 vols. REPORTS AND MISCELLANEOUS. Report on Condition of the South, 1874-1875. Report on Mississippi Elections, 1875-1876, 3 vols. Report on Florida Election, 1876. CONGRESSIONAL MISCELLANY. 157 Report on Louisiana Election, 1876-1877, 7 vols. Report on South Carolina Election, 1876-1877, 4 vols. Report on Electoral Votes of New Jersey, Missouri, Virginia, West Virginia, Oregon and South Carolina, 1876. Commercial Relations, 34th Congress 1st and 2d sessions, 1855-1857, 8 vols. Commercial Relations, 1875, 1876, 1877, 1878, 1880 (2 vols.), 1881, 1882, (2 vols.), 1883, 1884, 1885, 1886. Commercial Digest, 1817, 1823. Report on Commerce and Navigation, 1854, 1857, 1858, 1874, 1875, 1876, 1877, 1878, 1879, 1880, 1881, 1882, 1883, 1885, 1886 (2 vols.), 1887 (2 vols.), 1888 (2 vols.). Report on Foreign Commerce, 1884-1885. Report on Foreign and Internal Commerce, 1887. Imports and Duties from 1867 to 1883 inclusive. Exports from the American Colonies from 1697 to 1789 inclusive. Exports from United States from 1789 to 1883 inclusive. Report on Inter-State Commerce, 3 vols.; 1887, 1888, 1889, 1890. Internal Commerce, 1876-1877, 1879, 1884-1885, 1886-1887 (2 vols.), 1889. Reports on Foreign Relations, 1875, 1876, 1877, 1879, 1881, 1883, 1884, 1885, 1886, 1887. Digest of International Law by Wharton, 3 vols., 1886. French and American Claims, 2 vols., 1884-1885. Reports of Commissioners, District of Columbia, 1881, 1885, 1886, 1887. Presidential Investigation, 1878-1879. Irregular Practice of Certain Attorneys, 1883-1884. Report on Alleged Outrages in Virginia, 1883-1884. Negro Exodus from Southern States, 1879-1880. Testimony Relating to Florida and Louisiana and the Cipher Telegrams, 1878-1879. Report of TJ. S. Civil Service Commission, 1883-1887. Operation of the Civil Service, 1887-1888. Consular Reports, 1883, 1884, 1886. Report on Trade Guilds in Europe, 1885. Report on the Licorice Plant, 1885. Report on Pounding and Polishing Rice, 1885. Reports of Commissioner of Education from 1870 to 1887, 16 vols. Reports of Secretary of Interior on Education, 1875, 1876, 1883. Reports of First Comptroller, 1875, 1876, 1877, 1879, 1880, 1882, 1884, 1885, 1886, 1887, 1889, 1890. Reports of Comptroller of the Currency and Commissioner of Internal Revenue, 1879-1880, 1881-1882, 1885, 1886, 1887. 158 LAW DEPARTMENT. Decisions of First Comptroller, 1880 to 1885, 7 vols. Report on Specie Resumption and Refunding of National Debt, 1879- 1880. Report on Cattle and Dairy Farming, 1885-1886. Jeanette Inquiry, 1883-1884. Report on Organization of Certain Bureaus, 1886. Report of Emma Mine Investigation, 1875-1876. Louisiana, South Carolina and Mississippi in 1878. Report on Indian Education and Civilization, 1885. Report on Indian Affairs Condition of the Indians in the Indian Ter- ritory and Other Reservations, 1885-1886. Report of the Fish Commission, 12 vols. Report on the Propagation of Food Fishes, 1875, 1876, 1878 (3 vols.), 1879, 1881, 1882, 1883, 1884, 1885, 1886. Reports on Fresh Water Fisheries, 1877, 1881. Report of Commissioner of Indian Affairs, 1882, 1886. The Public Domain with Statistics, 1883. Report of Public Land Commission, 1880-1881. Public Land Laws, 1838 (2 vols.), 1883 (2 vols.). Decisions of Dept. Interior on Public Lands, 1881-1888, 7 vols. Reports of Land Office, 1860, 1866, 1875, 1876. Private Land Claims, 1878-1879, 2 vols. List of Private Claims, 1880-1881, 2 vols. Receipts and Expenditures of United States, 1880, 1881, 1882, 1885, 1886. Report on Labor in Europe, 1885. Report on Labor in America, Asia, Africa and Australia, 1885. Report on Importation of Contract Labor, 1885. Report of Investigation of Labor Troubles in Missouri, Arkansas, Kan- sas, Texas and Illinois, 1887. Report on Marriage and Divorce, 1889. Report of Commissioner of Labor on Working Women in Large Cities, 4 vols., 1888. Reports of the Director of the Mint, 4 vols. Reports of the National Board of Health, 1879, 1880, 1882, 1883. Reports of Department of Agriculture, 1864, 1871, 1873, 1875, 1878, 1879, 1882, 1883, 1884, 1885, 1886, 1887, 1888. Report on the Fisheries Question, 1888. Bulletins of the Fish Commission, 1887. Reports of the Tests of Metals and Other Materials, 1886, 1887, 1888. Reports of Tests of Iron and Steel, 1880, 1884, 1886. Reports on the Production of Precious Metals in the United States, 1880, 1885, 1886. CONGRESSIONAL MISCELLANY. 159 Reports on the Mineral Resources of the United States, 1884, 1886. Report of International Monetary Conference, 1878. Report on Art and Industry, 1880. Reports of Bureau of Animal Industry, 1887, 1888. Report of Fines and Deductions, 1888. Report of Mississippi River Commission, 1883. Report on Bridging the Mississippi River, 1878. Testimony of U. S. Pacific Railway Commission, 6 vols., 1887. Report on Central American Affairs. Reports of Governors of the Territories, 1878, 1879. Reports of U. S. Surveyor Generals, 1879. Reports of U. S. Postmaster General, 1867 to 1886, 24 vols. Report on Permanent Defenses, 1862. Report on Riots in New Orleans, 1866. Report of Joint Committee on Reconstruction, 1866. Report on Great Southern Railway. Report of Commissioner of Railroads, 1883. Report of Silver Commission, 1876, 2 vols. Reports of Chief of Ordnance, 1874 to 1886, 14 vols. Report of Sanitary Commission in Mississippi Valley. Report on Harper's Ferry, 1860. Reports' of Commissioner of Indian Affairs, 8 vols. Reports on Life Saving Service, 1876, 1880, 1881. Report on the Rocky Mountain Locust. Reports of Chief of Army Engineers, 62 vols. Reports on Finance, from 1853 to 1886, 18 vols. Reports on the Conduct of the War, 11 vols. Rebellion Record, 21 vols. Report on the Credit Mobelier. Roports of Commissioner of Columbia. Reports on the Mexican Boundary Survey, 4 vols. Report of Treasury Cattle Commission. Report of the Covode Investigation. Reports of U. S. Attorney Generals, 1885, 1886, 1887, 1888. Reports of Auditor General on Railroads, Canals and Telegraphs. Report on Alaska. Report on Colonial and Lake Trade, 1852. Report of Secretary of Navy on Armored Vessels, 1864. Report of Survey of Northern Boundary, 1877. Boutwell's Tax System, 1864. Estimates of Appropriations, 1885, 1887, 1888, 1889. Reports of Secretary of Interior, from 1877 to 1887, 22 vols. Reports of Secretary of War, from 1877 to 1887, 35 vols. 100 LAW DEPARTMENT. Reports of Secretary of Treasury, 1878 to 1887, 10 vols. Reports of Secretary of Navy, 1875 to 1887, 11 vols. Reports of Chief Signal Officer, 1881 to 1886, 4 vols. Report of Commissioner Internal Revenue, 1870. Smithsonian Reports, from 1856 to 1887, 23 vols. Smithsonian Contributions to Knowledge, vols* 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26. United States Treasury Regulations, 1857. United States Official Register, 1824, 18*30, 1832, 1835, 1838, 1839, 1841, 1843, 1865, 1869, 1871, 1873, 1875, 1876, 1877, 1878, 1879, 1880, 1881, 1882, 1883, 1884, 1885, 1886, 1887, 1888, 1889, 1890. Wharton's Digest of Documents, vols. 1, 2, 3. Digest of Attorney Generals' Opinions. Register of Department of Interior, 12 vols. Register of Department of Justice, 3 vols. Catalogue of War Department, 1882. Catalogue of U. S. Government Publications. Treaties of United States since 1876, 2 vols. Report on Great Atlantic Storm, March, 1888. Washington Observations, 1846, 1884. Northeastern Boundary Arbitration, 1827, 3 vols. Index of Journals of Congress, 4 vols. Postal Laws and Regulations, 1873, 1879, 1888. Laws Relating to the United States Navy, 1875. Report on the Tehuantepec Ship Canal. Flags of Maritime Nations, 1882. The Fishery Industry, 1881-1882, 6 vols. United States Agricultural Statistics. Report on the Grand Canon, Utah and Colorado River. Report of Washington Astronomical Observations. Report on the Land of the Arid Region. Report on the Geology and Mining Industry of Leadville. Report on the Geology of the Henry Mountain. Report on the Clays and Marls of New Jersey. Report on Comstock Mines and Mining. Report on the Geology of Comstock Lode, 2 vols. Report on Natural History Collections in Alaska. Report on Silver Deposits of Nevada. Report on Copper-bearing Rocks of Lake Superior. Report on Paleontology of the Eureka District. Report on Older Masozoic Flora of Virginia. Report on Marine and Naval Architecture. Report on the Upper Columbia River, 2 vols. CONGRESSIONAL, MISCELLANY. 161 Report on Tertiary History of Grand Canon District. Report on the Fortifications of To-day. Report on the Potomac Aqueduct. United States Ordnance Memoranda, 2 vols. Report on Metallic Ammunition. Report on Black Hills of Dakota. Report of Entomological Commission, 1882, 1884. Report of United States Geological Survey, 2 vols., 1881-1882. Catalogue of Congressional Library. United States Army Meteorological Register. United States Naval Observatory, 1845-1877. United States Naval Astronomical Observations. Coast Pilot of California, Oregon, Washington and Alaska. United States Mail Contracts and Offers, 12 vols. Proceedings of National Museum, 3 vols. United States Geological Survey of Colorado and Idaho, 1876, 1877, 1878, 1880, 4 vols. Memoirs of National Academy of Science, 1888. Report of Geological Survey, 1888, 2 vols. United States Geographical Surveys and Maps, 9 vols. Reports of Bureau of Ethnology, 9 vols. United States Geological and Geographical Survey of the Rocky Moun- tain Region. Report of Expedition to Yellowstone Park. Report of Explorations in Nevada and Arizona. Maps and Views with Message, 1855-1856. Explorations and Surveys for Railroad to the Pacific, 27 vols. Report of Polar Expeditions to Lady Franklin Bay, 2 vols. Report of Japan Expedition, 5 vols. Report of International Polar Expedition to Point Barrow. Report of Rev. Steamer Corwin's Arctic Cruise, 2 vols. Report of Hall's Second Arctic Expedition. United States Geographical Survey West of the 100th Meridian, 9 vols. tTnited States Geological Explorations of the 40th Parallel, 7 vols. United States Explorations of Great Basin of Utah, 1859. Exploring Expedition from Santa Fe to Junction of Grand and Green Rivers, 1859. Wilke's Exploring Expedition, 12 vols. Report upon the Colorado River of the West. United States Coast Survey, 1853, 1854, 1855, 1856, 1857, 1858, 1859, 1860, 1861 (2 vols.), 1863, 1867, 1868, 1869, 1870, 1871, 1872,1873, 1874, 1875, 1876 (2 vols.), 1877, 1879, 1880, 1881, 1882, 1883, 1884, 1885, 1886, 1887. Sig. ll. 162 LAW DEPARTMENT. United States Coast Survey Sketches, 1 vol. Patent Office Reports, 1847 to 1859, 24 vols. Specifications and Drawings of Patents for July, 1878; August, 1878; September, 1878; October, 1878; November, 1878; December, 1878; January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, Sep- tember, October, November, December, 1879; January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, No- vember, December, 1880; January, February, March, April, May, August, September, October, November, December, 1881; January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December, 1882; January, February, March, April, May, August, September, October, November, December, 1883; January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December, 1884; January, Febru- ary, March, April, May, June, July (2 vols.), August (2 vols.), September (2 vols.), October (2 vols.), November (2 vols.), Decem- ber (2 vols.), 1885; January (2 vols.), February (2 vols.), March (2 vols.), April (2 vols.), May (2 vols.), June (2 vols.), July (2 vols.), August (2 vols.), September (2 vols.), October (2 vols.), November (2 vols.), December (2 vols.), 1886; January (2 vols.), February (2 vols.), March (2 vols.), April (2 vols.), May (2 vols.), June (2 vols.), July (2 vols.), August (2 vols.), September (2 vols.), October (2 vols.), November (2 vols.), December (2 vols.), 1887; January (2 vols.), February (2 vols.), March (2 vols.), April (2 vols.), May (2 vols.), June (2 vols.), July (2 vols.), August (2 vols.), September (2 vols.), October (2 vols.), November (2 vols.), December (2 vols.), 1888; January (2 vols.), February (2 vols.), March (2 vols.), April (2 vols.), May (2 vols.), June (2 vols.), July (2 vols.), August (2 vols.), September (2 vols.), October (2 vols.), November (2 vols.), December (2 vols.), 1889; January (2 vols.), 1890. The Official Gazette of the United States Patent Office, containing the Patents, Trade-Marks, Designs and Labels. Issued weekly. From January 1, 1882, to March 3, 1891. American Ephemeris and Nautical Almanac, 1886, 1887, 1889, 3 vols. Professional Papers of Corps of Topographical Engineers, United States Army, 3 vols. Catalogue of Stars, observed at the United States Naval Observatory, 1845 to 1877, 2 vols. Memoirs and Observations of the National Academy of Science, 4 vols. Report on Fortifications and Other Defenses, with Plates, 3 vols. Washington Astronomical Observations, 1840. Official Register of the United States, 6 vols. CONGRESSIONAL MISCELLANY. 163 Reports of Commissioner of Patents, 8 vols. Offers and Contracts for Carrying the United States Mails, 3 vols. Estimates of Appropriations, 17 vols. Appropriations and Expenditures for Public Buildings, Rivers, Harbors, etc., 1787 to 1882. Records of United States Surgeon General' s Office, 5 vols. Meteorological Observations and Report, 4 vols. Astronomical and Meteorological Observations, 1881. United States Naval Astronomical Expedition to the Southern Hemi- sphere, 10 vols. United States Military Commission to Europe, 3 vols., 1859-1860. Report of Examination of Wool and Other Animal Fibers, 2 vols. Report on the Power and Machinery Employed in Manufactures and the Ice Industry, 1 vol. Report on Internal Revenue, 1883. Report on Payment of Awards under Certain Treaties between the United States and France, 1803 and 1831, and between the United States and Spain, 1819, 1886. Report of United States Nicaragua Surveying Party, 1885. Maps accompanying the same, 1 vol., 1885. Reports of Explorations and Surveys for the Tehuantepec Ship Canal. Report of Explorations and Surveys for a Ship Canal across the Isthmus of Darien. Report on Practical Tunneling. House List of Private Claims, First to Thirty-first Congress, 7 vols. Claims of Citizens of the United States and Mexico under Convention of July 4, 1868. Art of War in Europe, 2 vols., 1859-1860. Report on the War in the Crimea, by Captain Geo. B. McClellan, 1855- 1856. Treatise on Practical Tunneling, Explaining in Detail the Setting Out of the Work, Shaft Sinking, Heading Driving, Leveling Under Ground, Sub-excavating, Timbering and Construction of Brick Work of Tunnels, by F. W. Simms, Civil Engineer. Lieutenant Maury's Sailing Directions, 1853. Observations of the transit of Venus, 1874. Social Statistics of Cities, 1883. Report on the Rainfall of the Pacific Slope, Western States and Territo- ries, and the Climate of Oregon and Washington, 1888. Album of Agriculture, Statistics of the United States. Pennsylvania School Architecture. Journals of New York Legislative Council, 1691-1775. Journals of New York Provincial Congress, 1775-1777. 164 LAW DEPARTMENT. Journal of New York Assembly, 1780. Journal of Virginia House of Delegates, 5 vols., 1776-1786. Calendar of Virginia State Papers, 2 vols. Additional Fixed Stars, 1881-1884. Memorial Addresses on the Life and Character of Hon. Michael P. O' Con- ner, of South Carolina, 1881. Memorial Address of James G. Blaine on the Life and Character of Pres- ident James A. Garfield, 1882. Memorial Addresses on the Life and Character of Hon. Wm. M. Lowe, of Alabama, Hon. Jonathan T. Updegraff, of Ohio, Hon. Robert M. A. Hawk, of Illinois, Hon. John W. Shackelford, of North Car- olina, 1882-1883. Memorial Addresses on the Life and Character of Hon. Benj. H. Hill, of Georgia, 1883. Memorial Addresses on the Life and Character of Hon. Dudley C. Has- kell, of Kansas, Hon. Thomas Allen, of Missouri, Hon. Thomas H. Herndon, of Alabama, 1883-1884. The Dedication of the Washington National Monument, with the Ora- tions by Hon. Robert C. Winthrop and Hon. John W. Daniel, Feb- ruary 21, 1885. Memorial Addresses on the Life and Character of Hon. Henry B. Anthony, of Rhode Island, 1885. Memorial Addresses on the Life and Character of Hon. Reuben Ellwood, of Illinois, Hon. Joseph Rankin, of Wisconsin, Hon. Michael Hahn, of Louisiana, 1885-1886. Addresses on the Acceptance by Congress of the Statue of Hon. James A. Garfield, presented by the State of Ohio, 1886. Memorial Addresses on the Life and Character of Hon. Thomas A. Hen- dricks, Vice President of the United States, 1886; Hon. John F. Miller, of California, 1886. Memorial Addresses on the Life and Character of Hon. John A. Logan r of Illinois, 1887. Memorial Addresses on the Life and Character of Hon. Austin F. Pike, of New Hampshire, 1887. Memorial Addresses on the Life and Character of Hon. Abraham Doud- ney, of New York, Hon. John Arnot, Jr., of New York, Hon. Lewis Beach, of New York, Hon. William T. Price, of Wisconsin, Hon. Wm. H. Cole, of Maryland, 1886. Addresses Delivered in the U. S. House of Representatives on the Pre- sentation by the State of Massachusetts to the National Government of Portraits of ex-Speakers Sedgwick, Varnum and Banks, 1888. Memorial Addresses on the Life and Character of Hon. Seth C. Moffatt, of Michigan, 1887. CONGRESSIONAL MISCELLANY. 165 Addresses on the Occasion of the Death of Hon. Robert B. Reed, of Pennsylvania, 1865. Memorial Addresses on the Life and Character of Hon. Thaddeus Stevens, of Pennsylvania, 1868. Memorial Addresses on the Life and Character of Hon. John B. Rice, Representative in Congress from Illinois, Hon. Alvah Crocker, of Massachusetts, Hon. Samuel F. Hessey, of Maine, and Hon. Samuel Hooper, of Massachusetts, 1875. Memorial Addresses on the Life and Character of Hon. Henry Clay, of Kentucky, 1852. Tributes to the Memory of Abraham Lincoln, containing a reproduction in fac-simile of eighty-seven Memorials addressed by Foreign Mu- nicipalities and Societies to the Government of the United States, 1 folio volume, with Portrait. The Centennial Celebration and Washington Monument at Newburgh, N. Y., 1883. Statistical Annals of the United States, embracing Population, Com- merce, Navigation, Fisheries, Public Lands, Post Office Estab- lishment, Revenues, Mint, Military and Naval Establishments, Expenditures, Public Debt and Sinking Fund, from 1789 to 1818. Adam Seybert, M. D. Soldiers' National Cemetery, Gettysburg, 4 vols. INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITIONS. United States International Exhibition, 1876, consisting of Reports, Awards, etc., 10 vols. Paris Exposition, Reports of United States Commissioners, 6 vols. Vienna Exposition, Reports of United States Commissioners, 4 vols. United States Official Catalogue, Paris Exposition. Paris Electrical Exhibition, 1881. UNITED STATES CENSUS. Sixth United States Census and Compendium, 1840, 6 vols. Seventh United States Census and Compendium, 1850, 5 vols. Eighth United States Census and Compendium, 1860, 4 vols. Ninth United States Census and Compendium, 1870, 6 vols. Tenth United States Census and Compendium, 1880, 24 vols. ANNALS, DEBATES, GLOBES AND RECORDS. Secret Journals of Congress under the Confederation, 1775 to 1788, 4 vols. 160 LAW DEPARTMENT. ANNALS OF CONGRESS. y Date. Volt. For the years 1789-1791 2 For the years 1791-1793 1 For the years 1793-1795 1 For the years 1795-1796 1 For the years 1796-1797 1 For the years 1797-1799 2 For the years 1799-1801 1 For the years 1801-1802 1 For the years 1802-1803 1 For the years 1803-1804 1 For the years 1804-1805 1 For the years 1805-1806 1 For the years 1806-1807 , 1 For the years 1807-1808 2 For the years 1808-1809 1 For the years 1809-1810 2 For the years 1811-1812 2 For the years 1812-1813 1 For the years 1813-1814 2 For the years 1814-1815 1 For the years 1815-1816 1 For the years 1816-1817 1 For the years 1817-1818 2 For the years 1818-1819 2 For the years 1819-1820 2 For the years 1820-1821 1 For the years 1821-1822 2 For the years 1822-1823 1 For the years 1823-1824 2 CONGRESSIONAL DEBATES. For the years 1825-1826 1 For the years 1826-1827 1 For the years 1827-1828 2 For the years 1829-1830 2 For the years 1831-1832 3 For the years 1832-1833 1 For the years 1833-1834 4 For the years 1834-1835 2 For the years 1835-1836 4 For the years 1836-1837 2 For the years 1837-1838 2 CONGRESSIONAL MISCELLANY. 167 CONGRESSIONAL GLOBES. No Date. Vols. For the years 1833, 1834, 1835 1 For the years 1835-1836 1 For the years 1846-1847 1 For the years 1847-1848 , 1 For the years 1848-1849 1 For the years 1850-1851 1 For the years 1851-1852 1 For the years 1852-1853 2 For the years 1853-1854 , 5 For the years 1855-1856 4 For the years 1856-1857 4 For the years 1857-1858 8 For the years 1858-1859 2 For the years 1859-1860 2 For the years 1860-1861 3 For the years 1861-1862 4 For the years 1862-1863 2 For the years 1863-1864 4 For the years 1864-1865 2 For the years 1865-1866 4 For the years 1866-1867 3 For the years 1867-1868 6 For the year 1868. Trial of President 1 For the years 1868-1869 4 For the years 1869-1870 7 For the years 1870-1871 5 For the years 1871-1872 7 For the years 1872-1873 3 CONGRESSIONAL RECORDS. For the year 1873. Special session 1 For the years 1873-1874 7 For the years 1874-1875 4 For the years 1875-1876 7 For the year 1875. Trial of Belknap 1 For the years 1876-1877 5 For the year 1877. Electoral Commission 1 For the years 1877-1878 6 For the years 1878-1879 7 For the years 1879-1880 6 For the years 1880-1881 4 168 LAW DEPARTMENT. No. Date. Volt. For the years 1881-1882 16 For the years 1882-1883 5 For the years 1883-1884 7 For the years 1884-1885 4 For the years 1885-1886 9 For the years 1886-1887 3 For the years 1887-1888 4 For the years 1889-1890 12 LAW DEPARTMENT. DIVISION IV- ABBKEVIATIONS. AMERICAN AND FOREIGN. This list embraces the abbreviations found in Soule's Lawyers' Refer- ence Manual, in Abbott's and Bouvier's Law Dictionaries, and such other abbreviations for reports, reporters, periodicals, etc. , as are in com- mon use. A. American (see also Am.); Queen Anne; Anonymous; Ap- proved; Alabama; Arkansas; Abbott (see Abb.); Annals (Louisiana). A. B Anonymous Reports at the end of Benloe. A'B. R. J. N. S. W A'Beckett's Reserved (Equity) Judgments, New South Wales. A'B. R. J. P. P A'Beckett's Reserved Judgments, Port Philip. A'Beck. Judg. Viet A'Beckett's Reserved Judgments of Victoria. A. C.. Appellate Court; Case on Appeal; Appeal Cases. A. C. C American Corporation Cases (Withrow's). A. C. L. J American Civil Law Journal, New York. A. C. R. American Criminal Reports, edited by Hawley. A. D Anno Domini (in the year of our Lord); American Decis- ions (Selected Cases), San Francisco. A. Ins. R American Insolvency Reports. A. J. American Jurist. A. K. Marsh A. K. Marshall's Kentucky Reports. A. L. C American Leading Cases. A. L. J Albany Law Journal; American Law Journal (Hall's Philadelphia). A. L. J. N. S. American Law Journal, New Series, Philadelphia. A. L.M American Law Magazine, Philadelphia. A. L. Rec American Law Record, Cincinnati. A. L. Reg American Law Register, Philadelphia. A. L.Rep American Law Reporter. Davenport, Iowa. A. L. Rev American Law Review, Boston. A. L. T American Law Times. A. L. T.Bankr American Law Times Bankruptcy Repoi'ts. A. L. T. R. American Law Times Reports. A. M. and O Armstrong. Macartney and Ogle's Irish Nisi Prius Reports. A. Moo A. Moore's Reports, in 1 Bosanquet and Puller. A. P. B ..Ashurst's Paper Books, in Lincoln's Inn Library. A. R Anno Regni (in the year of the reign). A. R. R. R American Railway Reports. A. Rep American Reports (Selected Cases), Albany. A. V. Ch. Assistant Vice Chancellor. (171) 172 LAW DEPARTMENT. A. and E Adolphus and Ellis' English Queen's Bench Reports; Admi- ralty and Ecclesiastical. A. and E. N. S Adolphus and Ellis' English Queen's Bench Reports, New Series. A. and E. R. C. American and English Railway Cases. A. and H Arnold and Hodges' English Queen's Bench Reports. A. and N Alcock and Napier's Irish King's Bench Reports. Ab Abridgment; Abbott (see Abb.). Ab. Eq. Cas Equity Cases Abridged (English). Abb Abbott's United States Circuit and District Court Reports. Abb. Adm Abbott's Admiralty Reports. Abb. App. Dec Abbott's New York Court of Appeals Decisions. Abb. Beech. Tr Abbott's Report of the Beecher Trial. Abb. Ct. App Abbott's New York Court of Appeals Decisions. Abb. N. Cas Abbott's New Cases, New York. Abb. N. Y. App. ..Abbott's New York Court of Appeals Decisions. Abb. Pr Abbott's New York Practice Reports. Abb. Pr. N. S Abbott's New York Practice Reports, New Series. Abb. U. S '. Abbott's United States Circuit Court Reports. Abb. Y. Bk. Abbott's Year Book of Jurisprudence. Abr Abridgment; Abridged. Abr.Cas Crawford and Dix's Abridged Cases, Ireland. Abr. Cas. Eq. (or Eq. Cas.) Equity Cases Abridged (English). Abs Absolute. Ace Accord, agrees. Act. (or Act. Pr. C.).. .Acton's English Privy Council Reports. Act. Can Acta Cancellarise, by Monro. Ad Adams (see Adams); Addison (see Add.). Ad fin Ad finem, near the end. Ad. and E. (or Ad. and Ell.) Adolphus and Ellis' English King's Bench Reports. Ad. and Ell. N. S Adolphus and Ellis' Reports, New Series; English Queen's Bench, commonly cited Q. B. Adams Adams' Reports (41, 42 Maine); Adams' Reports (1 N. H.). Add. Addison's Reports, Pennsylvania; Addams' English Eccle- siastical Reports. Add. Ch Addison's Charges (see Addison's Reports, p. 109). Add. Ecc. (or E. R.) .Addison's Pennsylvania Reports. Addams Addams' Ecclesiastical Reports (English). Addis Addison (see Add.). Ad. Ej Adams Ejectment. Ad.Eq Adams Equity. Add. Con Addison Contracts. Adj Adjudged; Adjourned. Adm Admiralty; Admitted. Adm. and Ecc Admiralty and Ecclesiastical; English Law Reports, Ad- miralty and Ecclesiastical. Admr Administrator. Admx Administratrix. Adolph. and E Adolphus and Ellis' English King's Bench Reports. ABBREVIATIONS. 173 Ads Ad seetum, at suit of. Ag Agrees; Agreement; Against. Agr v Agrees; Agreement. Agra H. C Agra High Court Reports (India). Aik Aiken's Vermont Reports. Al Aleyn's Select Cases, King's Bench; Alabama; Allen (see All.). Al. and N. (or Al. and Nap.) Alcock and Napier's Irish King's Bench Reports. Ala Alabama; Alabama Reports; Miner's Alabama Reports. Ala. N. S. ..Alabama Reports, New Series (Alabama Reports, proper). Ala. Sel. Cas Alabama Select Cases, by Shepherd. Alb. Arb. Albert Arbitration (Lord Cairns' Decisions). Alb. L. J Albany Law Journal. Ale. (or Ale. Reg.) Alcock's Irish Registry Cases. Ale. and N. (or Ale. and Nap.) Alcock and Napier's Irish King's Bench Reports. Aid Alden's Condensed Reports, Pennsylvania. Alex. Cas. Reports of the Alexandria Case, by Dudley. Aleyn Aleyn's Select Cases, English King's Bench. All Allen (see Allen). All.N.B Allen's New Brunswick Reports. All. Ser Allahabad Series, Indian Law Reports. All. Tel. Cas. Allen's Telegraph Cases. Allen Allen's Massachusetts Reports; Allen's Reports, New Brunswick. Am. . American; Amended; Amendment. Am. C. L. J American Civil Law Journal, New York. Am. Corp. Cas American Corporation Cases (Withrow's). Am. Cr. Rep American Criminal Reports, edited by Hawley. Am. Cr. Tr Chandler's American Criminal Trials. Am. Dec American Decisions (Selected Cases), San Francisco. Am. Jur American Jurist, Boston. Am. L. Cas. American Leading Cases. Am. L. J. (or Am. Law J.) American Law Journal (Hall's), Philadelphia. Am. L. J. N. S American Law Journal, New Series, Philadelphia. Am. L. M American Law Magazine, Philadelphia. Am. L. Rec. American Law Record, Cincinnati. t Am. L. Reg American Law Register, Philadelphia. Am. L. Rep American Law Reporter, Davenport, Iowa. Am. L. Rev American Law Review, Boston. Am. L. T American Law Times, Washington and New York. Am. L. T.Bankr American Law Times Bankruptcy Reports. Am. L. T. Rep American Law Times Reports. Am. L. T. R. N. S American Law Times Reports, New Series. Am. Lead. Cas American Leading Cases (Wallace and Hare's). Am. Prob.Rep American Probate Reports. Am. R. R. Cas American Railway Cases (Smith and Bates'). Am. R. R. Rep American Railway Reports, New York. Am. Rep American Reports ( Selected Cases), Albany. 174 LAW DEPARTMENT. Am. Them American Themis, New York. Am. Tr.-M. Cas American Trade-Mark Cases (Cox's). Am. and Eng. Corp. Cas American and English Corporation Cases. Am. and Eng. Ry.C... American and English Railway Cases. Am. and Eng. R. R. Cas American and English Railroad Cases. Amb. (or Ambl.) Ambler's English Chancery Reports. Amd Amended. Amer American (see Am.). Ames Ames' Reports (4-7 Rhode Island); Ames' Reports (1 Minn.). Ames Cas. B. and N. .Ames' Cases on Bills and Notes. Ames, K. and B Ames, Knowles and Bradley's Reports ( 8 Rhode Island). An. Anonymous. And Andrews' English King's Bench Reports; Anderson's En- glish Common Pleas Reports. Andr Andrews' English King's Bench Reports (see also And.). Ang. and Dur Angell and Durfee's Reports (1 Rhode Island). Ang. Adv. Enj Angell on Adverse Enjoyment. Ang. Car Angell on Carriers. Ang. Corp Augell and Ames on Corporations. Ang. High Angell on Highways. Ang. Wat. Angell on Waters. Ang. Lim Angell on Limitation of Actions. Ann Queen Ann (see also Annally). Ann. Reg Annual Register, London. Annally ....Annally's edition of Lee, temp. Hard wicke. Anne Queen Anne (thus 1 Anne, denotes the first year of the reign of Queen Anne). Anon. Anonymous. Anst Anstruther's English Exchequer Reports. Anth.(or Anth.N.P.). Anthon's New York Nisi Prius Reports. App Appeal; Appendix; Apposition; Appleton's Reports (19, 20 Maine). App. Bre. Appendix to Breese's Reports. App. Cas Appeal Cases, English Law Reports. App. Cas. Beng Sevestre and Marshall's Bengal Reports. App. Ct. Rep Bradwell's Illinois Appeal Court Reports. App. Rep. Appeal Reports, Ontario. Appleton Appleton's Reports (19, 20 Maine). Appx. Appendix. Arch. Court of Arches, England. Arch. Cr. L Archibold's Criminal Law. Arch. Cr. Pr Archibold's Criminal Practice. Arch. Cr. Proc Archibold's Criminal Procedure. Arch. P. L. Cas. Archibold's Abridgment Poor Law Cases. Archer Archer's Reports (2 Florida Reports). Archer and Hogue Archer and Hogue's Reports (2 Florida). Arg Arguendo, in arguing; Arguments. Arg. Rep. Reports printed in the Melbourne Argus, Australia. Ariz ....Arizona. ABBREVIATIONS. 175 Ark Arkansas Reports; Arkley's Scotch Justiciary Reports. Ark. L. J Arkansas Law Journal, Fort Smith. Arkl Arkley's Justiciary Report, Scotland. Arms. Con. Elec. Armstrong's New York Contested Elections. Arms. Elect. Cas. Armstrong's Cases of Contested Elections, New York. Arms. M. and O Armstrong, Macartney and Ogle's Irish Nisi Prius Reports. Arms. Tr Armstrong's Limerick Trials, Ireland. Arn Arnold's English Common Pleas Reports; Arnot's Crimi- nal Trials, Scotland. Arn. El. Cas Arnold's Election Cases, English. Arn. and H. B.C Arnold and Hodges' English Bail Court Reports. Arn. and Hod. (or Arn. and H.) Arnold and Hodges' English Queen's Bench Reports. Arnot Cr.C. Arnot's Criminal Cases, Scotland. Art Ai'ticle. Ash. (or Ashm.) Ashmead's Pennsylvania Reports. Ashe Ashe's Tables to the Year Books (or to Coke's Reports; or to Dyer's Reports). Ashton Ashton's Opinions of the United States Attorneys General. Ashurt MS Ashurt's Paper Books, Lincoln's Inn Library; Ashurt's Manuscript Reports, printed in 2 Chitty. Asp. Cas. (or Rep.) English Maritime Law Cases, New Series, by Aspinwall. Ass Liber Assissarium; Book of Assizes. Ass. Jerus Assizes of Jerusalem. Ast. Ent Aston's Entries. Atch. Atchison's English Navigation and Trade Reports. Atk Atkyns' English Chancery Reports. Ats At suit of. Atty. Attorney. Atty. Gen Attorney General. Atwater (or Atw.) Atwater's Reports (1 Minnesota). Auch Auchinleck's Manuscript Cases, Scotch Court of Session. Aust Austin's English County Court Cases; Australia. Aust. Jur Austin's Lectures on Jurisprudence; Australian Jurist. Aust. L..T Australian Law Times. Austin C. C. Austin's English County Court Reports. Austin (Ceylon) Austin's Ceylon Reports. B. Bancus; Bench; the Common Bench; Book. B. A Bachelor of Arts. B. B Bail Bond. B.Bar .... Bench and Bar, Chicago. B. C Bail Court; Bankruptcy Cases. B.C.C :.... Brown's Chancery Cases; Bail Court Cases (Lowndes and Maxwell). B. C. R Bail Court Reports (Saunders and Cole) (or Lowndes and Maxwell). B. Ch Barbour's Chancery Reports, New York. B. D. and O Blackham, Dundas and Osborne's Nisi Prius Reports, Ire- land. B. E Baron of the Exchequer. B. F Bonum Factuui (approval indorsed on the decrees). 170 LAW DEPARTMENT. B. L Bachelor of Laws. B. L. R Bengal Law Reports. B. L. T Baltimore Law Transcript, Baltimore, Md. B. M Burrow's Reports, temp. Mansfield. B.Mon.(orB.Monr.) Ben. Monroe's Reports, Kentucky. B. N. C Bingham's New Cases, English Common Pleas; Brooke's- New Cases, English King's Bench; Busbee's N. C. Law Reports. B. N. P Buller's Nisi Prius. B. P. B. Buller's Paper Book, Lincoln's Inn Library. B.P.C Brown's Cases in Parliament. B. P. L. Cas. Bott's Poor Law Cases. B.P.N.R Bosanquet and Puller's New Reports, English Common Pleas. B. R. Bancus Regis, or King's Bench; Bankruptcy Reports; Bankruptcy Register, New York. B. R. H Cases in King's Bench, temp. Hardwicke. B. Reg Bankrupt Register, New York. B. S Bancus Superior, or Upper Bench. B. Tr Bishop's Trial. B. and A Barnewall and Adolphus' English King's Bench Reports; Barnewall and Alderson's English King's Bench Re- ports; Barron and Arnold's English Election Cases; Barron and Austin's English Election Cases; Banning and Arden's Patent Reports. B. and A. Pat. Cas Banning and Arden's Patent Cases. \ B. and Ad Barnewall and Adolphus' English King's Bench Reports. B. and Aid '. Barnewall and Alderson's English Bench Reports. B. and Arn Barron and Arnold's Election Cases. B. and Aust Barron and Austin's English Election Cases. B. and B Broderip and Bingham's English Common Pleas Reports; Ball and Beatty's Irish Chancery Reports; Bench and Bar (periodical), Chicago. B. and Bar Bench and Bar, Chicago. B. and C Barnwell and Cresswell's English King's Bench Reports. B. and F Broderip and Fremantle's English Ecclesiastical Reports. B.andH. Blatchford and Rowland's United States District Court Reports. B. and H. Lead. Cas. Bennett and Heard's Leading Criminal Cases. B. and I Bankruptcy and Insolvency Cases. B. and L Browning and Lushington's English Admiralty Reports. B. and P. Bosanquet and Puller's New Reports. B. and S Best and Smith's English Queen's Bench Reports. B. and V. (Ceylon) Beling and Vanderstraaten's Reports, Ceylon. Ba.and Be Ball and Beatty's Irish Chancery Reports. Bac. Ca Bacon's Case of Treason, 1641. Bagl Bagley's Reports (16 California). Bagl. and Har Bagley and Harman's Reports (17-19 California). Bai. (or Bail.) Bailey's Law Reports, South Carolina. Bai. (or Bail.) Eq Bailey's Equity Reports, South Carolina. Bail Ct. Cas Lowndes and Maxwell's English Bail Court Cases. ABBREVIATIONS. 177 Bail Ct. Rep Saunders and Cole's English Bail Court Reports; Lowndes and Maxwell's English Bail Court Cases. Bailey Bailey's Law Reports, South Carolina Court of Appeals. Bailey Eq Bailey's Equity Reports, South Carolina Court of Appeals. Bald Baldwin's United States Circuit Court Reports; Bald us (Commentator on the Code); Balclasseroni (on Mari- time Law). Bald. App. 11 Pet Baldwin's Appendix to 11 Peters. Baldw Baldwin (see Bald.). Ball and B Ball and Beatty's Irish Chancery Reports. Bane. Sup Bancus Superior, or Upper Bench. Bank. ...Bankruptcy; Bankruptcy Court. Bank. Ct. Rep Bankruptcy Court Reports, New York. Bank. Gaz Bankruptcy Gazette. Bank. Mag Bankers' Magazine, New York or London. Bank. Reg Bankruptcy Register. Bank. Rep American Law Times Bankruptcy Reports. Bank, and Ins. R Bankruptcy and Insolvency Reports, English. Banks Banks' Reports (1-5 Kansas). Bann. Br Bannister's edition of O. Bridgman's English C. P. Reports. Bann. and Ard. Banning and Arden's Patent Cases. Bar Barnardiston's English King's Bench Reports; Bar Reports in all the Courts, English; Barbour (see Barb.). Bar. Ch Barnardiston's English Chancery Reports. Bar Ex. Jour. .Bar Examination Journal, London. Bar. N Barnes' Notes, English Common Pleas Report. Bar. and Ad. Barnwell and Adolphus, English King's Bench Reports. Barn, and Al. Barnwell and Alderson's English King's Bench Reports. Bar. and Arn. Barron and Arnold's English Election Cases. Bar. and Aust Barron and Austin's English Election Cases. .Barb. ; Barbour's Supreme Court Reports, New York; Barber's Reports (14-24 Arkansas). Barb. Ch. Pr Barbour's Chancery Practice. Barb. Cr. L Barbour's Criminal Law. Barb. Cr. P. Barbour's Criminal Pleading. Barb. Ins Barber on Insurance. Barb. Abs. Barbour's Extracts of Chancellor's Decisions, New York (or the Saratoga Chancery Sentinel). Barb. (Ark.) '. Barber's Reports (14-24 Arkansas Supreme Court). Barb.Ch Barbour's New York Chancery Reports. Barb. S. C Barbour's Reports Supreme Court, New York. Barber Barber's Reports (14-24 Arkansas). Barn, (or Barn. C. P.) Barnes' English Common Pleas Report. Barn, (or Barn. K.B.) Barnardiston's English King's Bench Reports; Barnes' English Common Pleas Reports. Barn. Ch Barnardiston's English Chancery Reports. Barn. No .Barnes' Notes of Cases, English Common Pleas. Barn, and Ad. Barnwall and Adolphus' English King's Bench Reports. Barn, and Aid. ....Barnwall and Alderson's English King's Bench Reports. Barn, and Cr Barnwall and Cresswell's English King's Bench Reports. Barnes Barnes' Notes of Cases \n Common Pleas. Big. 12. 178 LAW DEPARTMENT. Barnet Barnet's English Central Criminal Reports. Barr Barr's Reports (1-10 Pennsylvania State); Barry (see Barry). Barr and Arn Barr and Arnold's English Election Cases. Bart. El. Cas Bartlett's Congressional Election Cases. Bates Bates' Delaware Chancery Reports. Batt. (or Batty) Batty's Irish King's Bench Reports. Bax. (or Baxt.) Baxter's Reports, Tennessee. Bay Bay's South Carolina Reports; Bay's Reports (1-3 and 5-8 Missouri). Beas Beasley's New Jersey Chancery Reports. Beat. (Beatty) Beatty's Irish Chancery Reports. Beav. Beavan's English Rolls Court. Beav. R. and C. Cas. English Railway and Canal Cases, by Beavan and others. Beav. and Wai. Ry. Cas Beavan and Walford's Railway and Canal Cases, England. Bee (or Bee Adm.) Bee's United States District Court Reports. Bel Bellewe's English King's Bench Reports; Bellasis' Bombay Reports; Beling's Ceylon Reports. Bel. Prob Belknap's Probate Law of California. Bel. Cas. t. H. VIII Bellewe's Cases, Henry VIII (Brooke's New Cases). Beling Beling's Ceylon Reports. Beling and Van Beling and Vanderstraaten's Ceylon Reports. Bell Bell's English Crown Cases Reserved; Bell's Scotch Ap- peal Cases; Bell's Scotch Session Cases; Bell's Calcutta Reports; Bellewe's English King's . Bench Reports; Brooke's New Cases, by Bellewe; Bellinger's Reports (4-8 Oregon); Bellasis' Bombay Reports. Bell App. Cass Bell's Scotch House of Lords (Appeal) Cases. Bell C. C Bell's English Crown Cases Reserved; Bellasis' Civil Cases, Bombay; Bellasis' Criminal Cases, Bombay. Bell C. H. B Bell's Reports, Calcutta High Court. Bell Cas Bell's Cases, Scotch Court of Session. Bell. Cas. t. H. VIII Brooke's New Cases (collected by Bellewe). Bell. Cas. t. R. II Bellewe's English King's Bench Reports (time of Richard II). Bell Cr. Cas Bell's English Crown Cases Reserved; Bellasis' Criminal Cases, Bombay Bell Diet. Dec Bell's Dictionary of Decisions, Court of Session, Scotland. Bell fol Bell's folio Reports, Scotch Court of Session. Bell H. C Bell's Reports, High Court of Calcutta. Bell H. L Bell's House of Lords' Cases, Scotch Appeals. Bell oct. (or 8vo.) Bell's octavo Reports, Scotch Court of Session. Bell P. C Bell's Cases in Parliament, Scotch Appeals. Bell Put. Mar Bell's Putative Marriage Cases. Bell Sec. App Bell's Appeal to House of Lords from Scotland. Bell Ses. Cas Bell's Cases to the Scotch Court of Session. Bellas Bellasis' Criminal (or Civil) Cases, Bombay. Bellewe Bellewe's English King's Bench Reports. Bellewe t. H. VIII Brooke's New Cases (collected by Bellewe). Belligh.Tr Report of Bellingham's Trial. ABBREVIATIONS. 179 Belt Bro Belt's edition of Brown's Chancery Reports. Belt Sup Belt's Supplement to Vesey Senior's Chancery English Re- ports. Belt Ves. Sen Belt's edition of Vesey Senior's English Chancery Reports. Ben Benedict's United States Court Reports. Ben. F. I. Cas Bennett's Fire Insurance Cases. Ben. and Dal Benloe and Dalison's English Common Pleas Reports. Ben. and H. L. C Bennett and Heard's Leading Criminal Cases. Bench and B Bench and Bar (periodical), Chicago. Bendl Bendloe (see Benl.). Bened Benedict's United States Court Reports. Beng. L. R Bengal Law Reports, India. Beng. S. D. A Bengal Sudder Dewanny Adawlut Reports. Benl Benloe's or Bendloe's English King's Bench Reports. Benl. in Ashe Benloe at the end of Ashe's Tables. Benl. in Keil Benloe or Bendloe in Keilway's Reports. Benl Benloe's Reports, English King's Bench. Benl. Old Benloe of Benloe and Dalison's English Common Pleas Reports. Benl. and Dal Benloe and Dalison's Common Pleas Reports. Benn See Bennett. Benn. Cal. Bennett's Reports (1 California Supreme Court). Ben. F. I. Cas Bennett's Fire Insurance Cases. Benn. and H. Cr. Cas. Bennett and Heard's Leading Criminal Cases. Benne Reporter of vol. 7, Modern Reports. Bennett Bennett's Reports (1 California); Bennett's Reports (1 Da- kota); Bennett's Reports (16-21 Missouri). Bent Bentley's Reports, Irish Chancery. Bentl. Att. Gen Bentley's United States Attorney General's Opinions. Ber Berton's New Brunswick Reports. Berm Bermuda. Berry Berry's Reports (1-9 Missouri Court of Appeal). Bert, (or Bert. N. B.) .Berton's New Brunswick Reports. Best and Sm Best and Smith's English Queen's Bench Reports. Bett's Adm. Pr Belt's Admiralty Practice. Bev. and M Beven and Mills' Reports, Ceylon. Bibb Bibb's Reports, Kentucky. Bick Bicknell's reports (10 Nevada). Bick. and Hawl Bicknell and Hawley's Reports (10 Nevada). Big Bignell's Reports, India. Big. B. and N Biglow's Cases on Bills and Notes. Big. Cas Biglow's Cases, William I to Richard I. Big. Cas. B. and N Biglow's Cases on Bills and Notes. Big. L. I. Cas Biglow's Life and Accident Insurance Cases. Big. L. and A. Ihs. Cas Biglow's Life and Accident Insurance Cases. Big. Lead. Cas Biglow's Leading Cases on Bills and Notes, Torts or Wills. Big. Ov. Cas Biglow's Overruled Cases. Big. Plac Biglow's Placita Anglo-Normannica. Bign Bignell's Indian Reports. Bin Binney's Pennsylvania Reports. 180 LAW DEPARTMENT. Bing Bingham's English Common Pleas Reports. Bing. N. C '. Bingham's New Cases, English Common Pleas. Binn Binney's Pennsylvania Reports. Biss Bissell's United States Circuit Court Reports. Bitt. W. and P Bittleson, Wise and Parnell's Reports (2-3 New Practice Cases). Bk Book; Black's United States Supreme Court Reports. Bl Black's United States Supreme Court Reports; Blatch- ford's United States Circuit Court Reports; Blackford's Indiana Reports; Henry Blackstone's English Common Pleas Reports; W. Blackstone's English King's Bench Reports. Bl. C. C Blatchford's United States Circuit Court Reports. Bl. D. and O Blackham, Dundas and Osborne's Irish Nisi Pi'ius Reports. Bl. H. Henry Blackstone's English Common Pleas Reports. Bl. Pr. Cas Blatchford's Prize Cases. Bl. R. (or Bl. W.) Sir William Blackstone's English King's Bench Reports. Bl.audH.(or Bl. and How.) Blatchford and Rowland's United States District Court Reports. Bl. and W. Mines Blanchard and Weeks' Leading Cases on Mines. Bla. Ch. Bland's Maryland Chancery Reports. Bla. H ..Henry Blackstone's English Common Pleas Reports. Bla. W Sir William Blackstone's Reports, English King's Bench. Black Black's United States Supreme Court Reports; Black's Reports (30-53 Indiana); H. Blackstone's English Com- mon Pleas Reports; W. Blackstone's English King's Bench Reports; Blackford's Indiana Reports. Black. Cond. Rep Blackwell's Condensed Illinois Reports. Black. D. and O Blackham, Dundas and Osborne's Irish Nisi Prius Reports. Black. H Henry. Blackstone's English Common Pleas Reports. Black R Black's United States Supreme Court Reports; W. Black- stone's English King's Bench Reports. Black. Sal Blackburn on Sales. Black. Tax. Tit Blackwell's Tax Titles. Blackf Blackford's Indiana Reports. Blackw. Cond Blackwell's Condensed Reports, Illinois. Blake Blake's Reports (1 Montana). Blanc, and W. L. C. ..Blanchard and Weeks' Leading Cases on Mines, etc. Bland Bland's Maryland Chancery Reports. Bland's Ch See Bland. Blatchf Blatchford's United States Circuit Court Reports. Blatchf. Pr. Cas. Blatchford's Prize Cases. Blatchf . and H. Blatchford and Rowland's United States District Court Reports. Bleckley Bleckley's Reports (34-35 Georgia). Bli. (or Bligh) Bligh's English House of Lords Reports. Bli. N. S. (or Bligh N. S.) Bligh's English House of Lords Reports, New Series. Bloom. Man. (or Neg.) Cas Bloomfield's Manumission (or Negro) Cases. ABBREVIATIONS. 181 Blount Tr Blount's Impeachment Trial. Bomb. H. Ct Bombay High Court Reports. Bomb. Sel. Cas Bombay Select Cases. Bomb. Ser. Bombay Series, Indian Law Reports. Bond Bond's United States Circuit Court Reports. Booraem Booraem's Reports ((5-8 California). Borr. Borradaile's Reports, Bombay. Bos Bosworth's New York Superior Court Reports. Bos. and Pul Bosanquet and Puller's English Common Pleas Report. Bos. and Pul. N. R. Bosanquet and Puller's New Reports, English Common Pleas. Bost.Law Rep Boston Law Reporter. Bos. Pol. Rep. Boston Police Court Reports. Bosw. Bosworth's New York Superior Court Reports. Bott (or Bott P. L. Cas.) Bott's Poor Law Cases. Bott P. L. Const Const's edition of Bott's Poor Law Cases. Bott Set. Cas. Bott's Poor Law (Settlement) Cases. Bouln Boulnois' Reports, Bengal. Bourke Bourke's Reports, Calcutta High Court. Bou. Die Bouvier's Dictionary. Br Bracton; Bradford; Bradwell; Brayton; Breese; Brevard; Brewster; Bridgeman; Brightly; British; Britton; Brockenbrough; Brooke; Broome; Brown; Brownlow; Bruce; see below, especially under Bro. Br. Bur. British Burmah. Br. C. C British (or English) Crown Cases (American reprint); Brown's Chancery Cases, England. Br. Col. British Columbia. Br. Cr. Ca British (or English) Crown Cases (American reprint). .Br. N. C. Brooks' New Cases, English King's Bench. Br. P. C Brown's English Parliamentary Cases. Br. Reg Braithwaite's Register. Br. Sup. Brown's Supplement to Morrison's Dictionary, Session Cases, Scotland. Br. Syn Brown's Synopsis of Decisions, Scotch Court of Session. Br. and Fr. (or Br. and F. Ecc.) Broderick and Fremantle's Ecclesiastical Cases, English. Br. and Gold Brownlow and Goldsborough's English Common Pleas Reports. Br. and L Brownlow and Lushington's English Admiralty Reports. Brad Bradford's Surrogate Reports, New York; Bradford's Iowa Reports; Bradwell's Illinois Reports. Brad. Surr Bradford's Surrogate Reports, City of New York. Bradf ,.'. Bradford's New York Surrogate Reports; Bradford's Re- ports, Iowa. Bradw ^Bradwell's Appellate Reports, Illinois. Branch Branch's Reports (1 Florida). Bray, (or Brayt.) Brayton's Vermont Reports. Breese Breese's Reports (1 Illinois). Brev Brevard's South Carolina Reports. 182 LAW DEPARTMENT. Brew, (or Brewer) Brewer's Reports ( 19-26 Maryland). Brewst Brewster's Pennsylvania Reports. Bridg. J Sir J. Bridgman's English Common Pleas Reports. Bridg. O Sir Orlando Bridgman's English Common Pleas Reports. Bright. (Pa.) Brightly's Pennsylvania Supreme Court Reports. Bright. N. P Brightly's Pennsylvania Nisi Prius Reports. Brisbin , Brisbin's Reports (1 Minnesota). Brit. Bur British Burmah. Brit. Cr. Cas British (or English) Crown Cases. Brit. Col British Columbia. Brit. Gui. British Guinea. Brit. Hond British Honduras. Bro. '. Brown's Pennsylvania Reports; Brown's Michigan Nisi Prius Reports; Brown's English Chancery Reports; Brown's Parliamentary Cases. Bro. Abr. in Eq. Brown's New Abridgment in Equity Cases. Bro. Adm Brown's United States Admiralty Reports. Bro. C. C Brown's English Chancery Cases. Bro. Ch Brown's English Chancery Reports. Bro. Ecc Brooke's Six Judgments in Ecclesiastical Cases (English). Bro. For Brown's The Form; Browne on Forestalling, Regrating, and Monopolizing, with Cases. Bro. Fix Brown on Fixtures. Bro. Ins Brown's Insanity.. Bro. Leg. Max Brown's Legal Maxims. Bro. N. B. Cas Brown's National Bank Cases. Bro. N. C Brooke's New Cases, English King's Bench. Bro. N. P Brown's Michigan Nisi Prius Reports. Bro. P. C Brown's English Parliamentary Cases. Bro. (Pa.) Browne's Pennsylvania Reports. Bro. Supp Brown's Supplement to Morrison's Dictionary of the Court of Session, Scotland. Bro. Syn Brown's Synopsis of Decisions, Scotch Court of Session. Bro. and Fr Broderick and Fremantle's English Ecclesiastical Cases. Bro. and G Brownlow and Goldsborough's English Common Pleas Reports. Bro. and Lush Browning and Lushington's English Admiralty Reports. Brock Brockenbrough's Marshall's Decisions, U. S. Circuit Court. Brock. Cas Brockenbrough's Virginia Cases. Brock, and Hoi Brockenbrough and Holmes' Virginia Cases. Brod. and Bing Broderip and Bingham's English Common Pleas Reports. Brod. and Fr Broderic and Fremantle's Ecclesiastical Cases, Brooke Brooke's New Cases, English King's Bench. Brooke Eccl. Jiulg Brooke's Six Ecclesiastical Judgments. Brooke N. C Brooke's New Cases, English King's Bench Reports. Brooke (Petit) Brooke's New Cases. Brooke Six Judg Brooke's Six Ecclesiastical Judgments (or Reports). Brookl. Rec Brooklyn Daily Record, Brooklyn, New York. Broun Broun's Justiciary Reports, Scotland. Brown A. and R. Brown's United States District Court Reports (Admiralty and Revenue Cases). ABBREVIATIONS. 183 Brown Brown's English Parliamentary Cases; Brown's English Chancery Reports; .Brown's United States District Court Reports; Brown's Michigan Nisi Prius Reports; Brown's Reports (4-10 Nebraska); Brownlow (and Goldsborough's) English C. P. Reports (see also Bro.). Brown Ch.Cas. Brown's Chancery Cases, English Chancery. Brown N. P Brown's Michigan Nisi Prius Reports. Brown P. C. Brown's Parliamentary Cases, English House of Lords. Brown Supp. Dec Brown's Supplement to Morrison's Dictionary, Session Cases, Scotland. Brown, and Gold Brownlow and Goldsborough's English Common Pleas Reports. Brown and Heming- way Brown and Hemingway's Reports (53-58 Mississippi). Brown, and Lush Browning and Lushington's English Admiralty Reports. Browne Browne's Pennsylvania Reports; Rrowne's Reports (97- 107 Massachusetts); see also Bro. Brown and Gray Brown and Gray's Reports (110-111 Massachusetts). Browne and Macn Browne and Macnamara's English Railway and Canal Cases. ' Brownl. and Gold Brownlow and Goldsborough, English Common Pleas Re- ports. Bru. (or Bruce) Bruce's Scotch Court of Session Reports. Brunner Sel. Cas Brunrier's Selected Cases, United States Circuit Courts. Bt Benedict's United States Circuit Court Reports. Buch Buchanan's (Eben J. or James) Repoi'ts, Cape of Good Hope. Buch. Cas. (orTr.) Buchanan's Remarkable Criminal Cases, Scotland. Buch. Ct. App. Cape G. H. Buchanan's Court of Appeal Reports, Cape of Good Hope. Buch. E. Cape G. H. .E. Buchanan's Reports, Cape of Good Hope. Buch. E. D. Cape G. H Buchanan's Eastern District Reports, Cape of Good Hope. Buch. J.CapeG. H J. Buchanan's Reports, Cape of Good Hope. Buck Buck's English Cases in Bankruptcy. Buck.Cooke BucknilPs Cooke's Cases of Practice, Common Pleas. Buck. Dec Buckner's Decisions (in Freeman's Mississippi Chancery Reports). Buff. Super. Ct Sheldon's Buffalo (N. Y.) Superior Court Reports. Bulst Bulstrode's English King's Bench Reports. Bunb Bnnburry's English Exchequer Reports. Bur Burrow's English King's Bench Reports; Burnett's Wis- consin Reports. Bur. M Burrow's Reports temp. Mansfield. Burke Cel.Tr. Bui'ke's Celebrated Trials. Burlesque Reps Skillman's New York Police Reports. Burm. L. R .Burmah Law Reports. < Burn Burnett's Wisconsin Reports. Burnet Burnet's Manuscript Decisions, Scotch Court of Session. Burnett Burnett's Wisconsin Reports. Burr Burrow's English King's Bench Reports. 184 LAW DEPARTMENT. Burr. S. C. (or Sett. Gas.) Burrow's English Settlement Cases. Burr Tr. Rob Burr's Trial, reported by Robertson. Burt. Cas Burton's Collection of Cases and Opinions. Burt.Sc.Tr Burton's Scotch Trials. Busb Busby's Law Reports, North Carolina. Busb. Eq Busbee's Equity Reports, North Carolina. Bush Bush's Kentucky Reports. B'utt's Sh Butt's edition of Shower's English King's Bench Reports. C Case; Chapter; Cited; Criticised; Chancery; Code; Co- dex; Court; Lord Chancellor; Corpus; Centum; Cowen (New York); Connecticut; California; Colorado; Can- ada. C. A Court of Appeals; Court of Arches; Chancery Appeals. C. B. Common Bench; Common Bench Reports (Manning, Gran- ger and Scott; Chief Baron. C. B. N. S Common Bench Reports, New Series. C. C. Circuit Court; Crown Cases; Chancery Cases; County Court; City Court; Civil Code; Cepi Corpus; Cole- man's Cases (New York); Cases in Chancery; Causes Celebras. C. C. A. County Court Appeals. C.C.C Choice Cases in Chancery. C. C. Chr Chancery Cases Chronicle, Ontario. C.C.E Caines' Cases in Error, New York; Cases of Contested Elections. C. C. R Crown Cases Reserved; City Court Reports; County Court Reports; Circuit Court Reports. C. C.U. S Circuit Court of the United States. C. I) Commissioners' Decisions, United States Patent Office. C. E. Gr ..C. E. Greene's New Jersey Equity Reports. C. H. and A Carrow, Hamerton and Allen's New Session Cases, En- glish. C. H. Rec City Hall Recorder (Rogers'), New York City. C. H. Rep City Hall Reporter (Lomas'), New York City. C. J Chief Justice; Chief Judge. C. J. B Chief Judge in Bankruptcy. C. J. C Couper's Judiciary Cases, Scotland. C. J. C. P Chief Justice of the Common Pleas. C. J. K\ B Chief Justice of the King's Bench. C. J. Q. B Chief Justice of the Queen's Bench. C. J. U. B Chief Justice of the Common (Upper) Bench. C. L Common Law; Civil Law. C. L. J Central Law Journal, St. Louis; Chicago Law Journal; Canada Law Journal, Toronto. C. L. J. N. S. Canada Law Journal, New Series. C. L. N Chicago Legal News. C. L. R Common Law Reports, printed by Spottiswoode; "En- glish Common Law Reports," American reprint; Cleve- land Law Record, Cleveland, Ohio. ABBREVIATIONS. 185 C. M. and R Compton, Meeson and Roscoe's English Exchequer Re- ports. C. N. Conf ..Cameron and Norwood's North Carolina Conference Reports. C. N. P Cases at Nisi Prius. C. N. P. C Campbell's Nisi Prius Cases. C. O Common Orders. C. of C. E Cases of Contested Elections, United States. C. P Common Pleas; Crown Pleas; Code of Procedure; Code of Practice; Code Penal. C. P. C. (or Coop.) C. P. Cooper's English Chancery Practice Cases; Code de Procedure Civile. C. P. C. t. Br. C. P. Cooper's English Chancery Reports temp. Brougham. C. P. C. t. Cott C. P. Cooper's English Chancery Reports temp. Cotten- ham. C. P. Div Common Pleas Division, English Law Reports. C. P. Rept Common Pleas Reporter, Scranton, Pa. C. P. U. C Common Pleas Reports, Upper Canada. C. R Chancery Reports; Code Reporter, New York. C. R. N. S Code Reports, New Series. New York. C. S Court of Session, Scotland. C. S. C Canada Supreme Court. C. S. C.R Cincinnati Superior Court Reporter. C. S. and P (Cragie, Stewart and) Paton's Scotch Appeal Cases. C. t. K Cases temp. King (Macnaughten's Select Chancery Cases, English). C. t. N Cases temp. Northington (Eden's English Chancery Re- ports). C. t. T Cases temp. Talbot, English Chancery. C. W. Dud C. W. Dudley's Law of Equity Reports, South Carolina. C. and A Cooke and Alcock's Irish King's Bench Reports. C. and C Coleman and Caine's Cases, New York. C. and D ....Corbett and Daniell's English Election Cases; Crawford and Dix's Irish Circuit Cases. C. and D. A. C Crawford and Dix's Abridged Cases, Irish. C. and D. C. C Crawford and Dix's Irish Circuit Cases. C. and F Clark and Finnelly's English House of Lords Reports. C. and J Crompton and Jervis' English Exchequer Reports. C. and K Carrington and Kirwan's English Nisi Prius Reports. C. andL Connor and Lawson's Irish Chancery Reports. C. and L. C. C Cane and Leigh's Crown Cases. C. and M Crompton's and Meeson's English Exchequer Reports; Carrington and Marshman's English Nisi Prius Reports. C. and Marsh Carrington and Marshman's English Nisi Prius Reports. C. and N Cameron and Norwood's North Carolina Conference Re- ports. C. and O. R. Cas :.English Railway and Canal Cases, by Carrow and Oliver et al. C. and P Carrington and Payne's English Nisi Prius Reports; Craig and Phillips' Chancery Reports. C. and R Cockburn and Rowe's English Election Cases. Sig. 13. 186 LAW DEPARTMENT. Ca Case or Placitum; Cases (see Cas.). Cai Games' New York Term Reports. Cai. Cas. (or Cas. Err.) Games' New York Cases in Error. Cai. T. R Games' (Term) Reports, New York. Cain Caines (see Cai.). Cairn's Dec Cairn's Decisions in the Albert Arbitration. Cai California Reports; Calcutta; Calthorp's English King's Bench Reports; Caldecott's English Settlement Cases; Calendae. Cai. L. J California Law Journal, San Francisco. Gal. Leg. Adv Calcutta Legal Adviser, India. Cai. Leg. Obs Calcutta Observer. Cai. Leg. Rec California Legal Record, San Francisco. Gal. Rep California Reports; Calthorp's English King's Bench Re- ports. Cai. S. D. A Calcutta Sudder Dewanny Adawalut Reports. Gale Calcutta (see Gal.). Cald. (or Cald. J. P., or Set. Cas.) Caldecott's English Magistrate's (Justice of the Peace) and Settlement Cases. Call Call's Virginia Reports. Calth Calthorp's English King's Bench Reports. Cam. Cameron's Reports, Upper Canada, Queen's Bench. Cam. Stell Cameron's Stelletta (Star Chamber). Cam. and Nor Cameron and Norwood's North Carolina Conference Re- ports. Camp Campbell's English Nisi Prius Reports; see also Campbell. Camp. N. P Campbell's English Nisi Prius Reports. Campbell Campbell's English Nisi Prius Reports; Campbell's Re- ports of Taney's United States Circuit Court Decisions; Campbell's Legal Gazette Reports, Pennsylvania. Can Canada; Canon. Can. L. J. (L. C.) Canada Law Journal, Toronto; (Lower) Canada Law Journal, Montreal. Can. L. J. N. S Canada Law Journal, New Series. Canada L. T Canada Law Times. Can. Pat. Off. Rec Canadian Patent Office Record. Can. S. C. Rep Canada Supreme Court Reports. Cane and L Cane and Leigh Crown Cases Reserved. Cap Capitulo; Chapter. Car Carolus; Carolina. Car. H. and A Carrow, Hamerton and Allen's New Session Cases, En- glish. Car.L.J Carolina Law Journal, Charleston, S. C. Car. L. Rep Carolina Law Repository, Raleigh, N. C. Car. O. and B. English Railway and Canal Cases, by Carrow, Oliver and Beven, etc. Car. and Kir Carrington and Kirwan's English Nisi Prius Reports. Car. and Mar. Carrington and Marshman's English Nisi Prius Reports. Car. and Ol English Railway and Canal Cases, by Carrow, Oliver, etc. Car. and P Carrington and Payne's English Nisi Prius Reports. ABBREVIATIONS. 187 Carp. P. C. (or Car. Pat. Cas.) LCarpmael's English Patent Cases. Carpenter Carpenter's Report's (53 California). Carr. Carrington (see Car.). Carr. Cas Carran Summary Cases, India. Carr. Ham. and Al Carrow, Hamilton and Allen's New Session Cases, English. Carrau Carrau's edition of "Summary Cases," Bengal. Cart Carter. Carter Carter's English Common Pleas Reports; Carter's Reports (1-2 Indiana). Garth Carthew's English King's Bench Reports. Gary Gary's English Chancery Reports. Gary Part Gary on Partnerships. Cas ; Cases; Case's Reports (25-36 Pennsylvania State). Cas. App Cases of Appeal to the House of Lords. Cas. Arg. and Dec Cases Argued and Decreed in Chancery, English. Cas. B. R Cases Banco Regis temp. William III ( 12 Modern Reports). Cas. B. R. Holt Cases and Resolutions (of Settlement); not Holt's King's Bench Reports. Cas. C. L Cases in Crown Law. Cas. C. H Cases in Chancery, English; Select Cases in Chancery; Cases in Chancery (9 Modern Reports). Cas. Eq Cases in Equity, Gilbert's Reports; Cases and Opinions in Law, Equity and Conveyancing. Cas. Eq. Abr Cases in Equity, Abridged, English. Cas. F. T Cases temp. Talbot, by Forrester, English Chancery. Cas. H. L Cases in the House of Lords. Cas. in C Cases in Chancery; Select Cases in Chancery. Cas. K. B Cases in King's Bench (8 Modern Reports). Cas. K. B. t. H Cases temp. Hardwicke (W. Kelynge's English King's Bench Reports). Cas. L. and Eq Cases in Law and Equity (10 Modern Reports); Gilbert, Cases in Law and Equity, English. Cas. P. (or Pari.) Cases in Parliament. Cas. Pr. Cases of Practice, English King's Bench. Cas. Pr. C.P Cases of Practice, English Common Pleas (Cooke's Re- ports). Cas. Pr. K. B Cases of Practice in the King's Bench. Cas. R , Casey's Reports (25-36 Pennsylvania State). Cas. S. C. (Cape G. H.) Cases in the Supreme Court, Cape of Good Hope. Cas. Self Def Horrigan and Thompson's Cases on Self Defense. Cas. Sett Cases of Settlement, King's Bench. Cas. Six Cir. Cases on the Six Circuits, Ireland. Cas. t. Ch. II Cases temp. Charles II, in vol. 3 of Reports in Chancery. Cas. t. F Cases temp. Finch, English Chancery. Cas. t. Geo. I Cases temp. George I, English Chancery (8-9 Modern Re- ports). Cas. t. H Cases temp. Hardwicke, English King's Bench (Ridgeway, Lee, or Annaly); Cases temp. Holt, English King's Bench (Holt's Reports); West's Chancery Reports temp. Hard- wicke. 188 LAW DEPARTMENT. Cas. t. Holt Cases temp. Holt, English King's Bench; Holt's Reports. Cas. t. K Select Cases temp. King's English Chancery (edited by Macnaughten); Moseley's Chancery Reports, temp. King. Cas. t. Lee (Phillimore's) Cases temp. Lee, English Ecclesiastical. Cas. t. Mac Cases temp. Macclesfield (10 Modern Reports). Cas. i.Nap. Cases temp. Napier, by Drury, Irish Chancery. Cas. t. North. Cases temp. Northington (Eden's English Chancery Re- ports), Cas. t. Plunk Cases temp. Plunkett, by Lloyd and Gould, Irish Chan- cery. Cas. t. R. A Cases temp. Queen Anne (11 Modern Reports). Cas. t. Sugd Cases temp. Sugden, Irish Chancery. Cas. t. Tal Cases temp. Talbat, English Chancery. Cas. t. Wm. Ill Cases temp. William III (12 Modern Reports). Cas. Tak. and Adj Cases Taken and Adjudged (first edition of Reports in Chancery). Cas. w.Op Cases, with Opinions, by Eminent Counsel. Cas. Wm. I Bigelow's Cases, William I to Richard I. Cas. and Op Cases, with Opinions, by Eminent Counsel. Casey Casey's Reports (25-36 Pennsylvania State). Cel.Tr Celebrated Trials; Burke's Celebrated Trials. Cent. L. J Central Law Journal, St. Louis, Missouri. Centr. Ct. C. R Central Criminal Court Sessions Papers, London. Ch King Charles; Chancellor; Chancery; Chambers; Chal- mers' Colonial Opinions; Chicago. Ch. App. Cas Chancery Appeal Cases, English Law Reports. Ch. B Chief Baron of the Exchequer. Ch. Cas Cases in Chancery. Ch. Cas. Ch Choyce Cases in Chancery. Ch.Cham. Chancery Chambers' Reports, Ontario. Del. Ch Delaware Chancery Reports, by Bates. Del. Cr. Cas Delaware Criminal Cases, by Houston. Del. El. Cas Delane's English Election (Revision) Cases. Deleg Court of Delegates. Dem. Surr Demarest's Surrogate Reports, City of New York. Den Denio's New York Reports; Denis' Reports ( 32 Louisiana). Ch. Col. Op Chalmers' Colonial Opinions. Ch. C. P Chief Justice, Court of Common Pleas. Ch. Div Chancery Division, English Law Reports. Ch. J Chief Justice; Chief Judge. Ch. Prec Precedents in Chancery. Ch. Q. B Chief Justice, Court of Queen's Bench. Ch. Rep Reports in Chancery; Irish Chancery Reports. Ch. R. M R. M. Charlton's Georgia Reports. Ch. Sent Chancery Sentinel, Saratoga, New York. Ch. T. U. P T. U. P. Charlton's Georgia Reports. Ch. and Cl. Cas Cripp's Church and Clergy Cases. Chal.Op. Chalmer's Colonial Opinions. Cham Chambers' Reports, Upper Canada. Chamb Chambers (see Cham.). ABBREVIATIONS. 189 Chamb. Rep. Chancery Chambers' Reports, Ontario. Chan Chaney's Reports (37-44) Michigan; Chancellor; Chancery (see Ch.). Chanc Chancery (see Ch.). Chand Chandler's Reports, Wisconsin; Chandler's Reports (20 and 88-44 New Hampshire). Chand. Cr.Tr Chandler's American Criminal Trials. Chaney Chaney's Reports (37-44 Michigan). Charl.Pr.Cas Charley's English Practice Cases. Charlt. R. M R. M. Charlton's Georgia Reports. Charlt. T. U. P T. U. P. Charlton's Georgia Reports. Chase Chase's United States Circuit Court Decisions. Chase, or Johnston, B. T Chase's United States Circuit Court Reporter. Reported by Johnston. Chase Tr. Chase's Trial (Impeachment) by the United States Senate. Cher. Ca Cherokee Case. Ches. Ca Report of the Chesapeake Case, New Brunswick. Chest. Ca Case of the City of Chester, on Quo Warranto. Chev Cheves' South Carolina Law Reports. Chev. Ch. (or Eq.) Cheves' South Carolina Equity Reports. Chic.L.B Chicago Law Bulletin, Illinois. Chic, L. J Chicago Law Journal, Illinois. Chic.L.R. Chicago Law Record, Illinois. Chic. Leg. N Chicago Legal News, Illinois. Chip Chipman's Reports, New Brunswick. Chip. D D. Chipman's Vermont Reports. Chip. MS Reports printed from Chipman's Manuscript, New Bruns- wick. Chip.N N. Chipman's Vermont Reports. Chit Chitty's English Bail Court Reports. Chit. B. C Chitty's English Bail Court Reports. Chit. Car Chitty's Law of Carriers. Chit. L. Des Chitty's Law of Descent. Chit. Cr. L Chitty's Criminal Law. Chit. L. Ct Chitty's Law of Contract. Chit. L. N Chitty's Law of Nations. Chit. PI. Pr Chitty's Pleading and Practice. Chit. R Chitty's English Bail Court Reports. Chitt Chitty's English Bail Court Reports (see also Chit.). Cho. Ca. Ch Choyce Cases in Chancery. Chr. Rep Chambers' Reports, Upper Canada. Chr. Rob Christopher Robinson's English Admiralty Reports. Chur. Hab. Corp Church on Habeas Corpus. Cin. Law Bui Cincinnati Law Bulletin. Cin. Mun. Dec. Cincinnati Municipal Decisions. Cin. S.C.Rep Cincinnati Superior Court Reporter. Cine Cincinnati (see Cin.). Cir. (or Circ.) Circuit. Circ. Ct Circuit Court. Circ. Ct. in Eq Circuit Court in Equity. 190 LAW DEPARTMENT. City Ct. Rep City Court Reports, New York City. City H. Rec.. City Hall Recorder (Rogers'), New York. City H. Rep Lomas' City Hall Reporter, New York. City Rec City Record, New York. Civ. Proc. Rep Civil Procedure Reports, New York. Cl. App. Clark's Appeal Cases, House of Lords. Cl.Ch Clarke's Chancery Reports, New York. Cl.Home Clerk Home, Scotch Session Cases. Cl. and Fin. Clark and Finnelly's House of Lords Cases. Cl. and Fin. N. C House of Lords Cases, by Clark. Cl. and H Clarke and Hall's Contested Elections in Congress. Clark English House of Lords Cases, by Clark; Pennsylvania Law Journal Reports, edited by Clark; Clark's Reports (58 Alabama); see also Clarke. Clarke Ex Clarke on Extradition. Clark and Fin Clark and Finnelly's House of Lords Reports. Clark and Fin. N. S Clark and Finnelly's Reports, New Series. Clarke Clarke's New York Chancery Reports; Clarke's edition of 1-8 Iowa; Clarke's Reprorts ( 19-22 Michigan); Clarke's Notes of Cases, Bengal; see also Clarke. Clarke Ch Clarke's New York Chancery Reports. Clarke Not. (or R. and O.) Clarke's Notes of Cases, in his "Rules and Orders," Ben- gal. Clarke and H. Elec. Cas Clarke and Hall's Cases of Contested Elections in Con- gress. Clayt. Clayton's English Reports, York Assizes. Clerk Home Clerk Home's Decisions, Scotch Court of Session. Clev. L. Rec Cleveland Law Record, Ohio. Clev. L. Rep ..Cleveland Law Reporter, Ohio. Clif Clifford's United States Circuit Court Reports. Clif. Adm'rs Clifford's Guide for Administrators. Clif. South. El. Cas Clifford's Southwick Election Cases. Clif. and Rick Clifford and Rickard's English Locus Standi Reports. Clif. and St Clifford and Stephens' English Locus Standi Reports. Clk. Mag Clerks' Magazine, London; Rhode Island Clerks' Mag- azine. Cour Couroy's Custodian Reports. Clow L. C. on Torts.. ..Clow's Leading Cases on Torts. Co County; Company; Coke's English King's Bench Reports. Co. Ct. Chr. County Courts Chronicle, London. Co. Ct. Rep County Court Reports, English. Co. G Reports and Cases of Practice in C. P. temp. Anne, George I and George II, by Sir G. Coke. (Same as Cooke's Practice Reports). Co. Rep Coke's Reports, King's Bench. Cobb Cobb's Reports (6-20 Georgia). Cobb. St. Tr. Cobbett's (afterwards Howell's) State Trials. Cochr Cochran's Nova Scotia Reports. Cock. Tich. Ca Cockburn's Charge in the Tichborne Case. ABBREVIATIONS. 191 Cock, and Howe Cockburn and Rowe's Election Cases. Cocke Cocke's Reports (16-18 Alabama); Cocke's Reports (14, 15 Florida). Code Nap Code Napoleon. Code Rep New York Code Reporter. Code Rep. N. S New York Court Reports, N. S. Cog. Epit. Coglan's Epitome of Hindu Law Cases. Coke Coke's English King's Bench Reports (cited by parts and by volume). Col Colorado; Colorado Reports; Columna, in such a column; Column; Colonial; Columbia. Col. C. C Collyer's English Chancery Cases. Col. Cas Coleman's Cases (of Practice), New York. Col. L. J. N. Z ..Colonial Law Journal, New Zealand. Col. L. Rep Colorado Law Reporter. Col. and Cai Coleman and Caines' Cases, New York. Cold, (or Coldw.) Coldwell's Tennessee Reports. Cole Cole's edition of Iowa Reports Col. Cas. Pr Coleman's Cases, New York. Cole. Col. Sec Colebroke's Collateral Securities. Coll. Min Collier's Law of Mines. Coll Collyer's English Chancery Cases; Colles' Parliamentary Cases. Coll. P. C Colles' English Parliamentary (House of Lords) Cases. Colles Colles' English Parliamentary Cases. Colly. Collyer's English Vice Chancellor's Reports. Colo Colorado; Colorado Reports. Colo. L. Rep. Colorado Law Reporter. Colq Colquit's Reports (1 Modern). Covil Covil's Manuscript Decisions, Scotch Court of Session. Com Comyns' Reports, English King's Bench; Comberbach's English King's Bench Reports; Comstock's Reports; (1-4 New York Court of Appeals); Common; Commis- sioner; Communes (or Extravagantes Communes). Com. App Commissioner of Appeals. Com. B Common Bench; English Common Bench Reports (Man- ning, Granger and Scott). Com. B.N. S English Common Bench Reports, New Series. Com. Jour Journal of the House of Commons. Com. L. R English Common Law Reports (American reprint). Com. Law Common Law; Commercial Law. Com. Law Rep. English Common Law Reports (American reprint); Com- mon Law Reports, published by Spottiswoode. Com. Pat Commissioner of Patents. Com. PI Common Pleas, English Law Reports. Com. PI. Div Common Pleas Division, English Law Reports. Corn.Pl. Reptr Common Pleas Reporter, Scranton, Pennsylvania. Com. and Leg. Rep Commercial and Legal Reporter, Nashville, Tennessee. Comb Comberbach's English King's Bench Reports. Comm Commentaries. Comp. Dec Lawrence's First Comptroller's Decisions. 192 LAW DEPARTMENT. Comst Comstock's Reports (1-4 New York Court of Appeals). Comyns Comyns' English King's Bench Reports. Con. Contra; Contracts; Conover's Reports (16-52 Wisconsin); Constitution of Rolle's Reports (2 Rolle). Con. Cus Conroy's Custodian Reports. Con. and Law Connor and Lawson's Irish Chancery Reports. Cond. Ch. R. (or Eng. Ch.).. Condensed English Chancery Reports (American reprint). Cond.Eccl Condensed Ecclesiastical Reports (American reprint). Cond. Ex. R Condensed Exchequer Reports (Price, etc., American re- print). Cond. Rep. U. S Peter's Condensed United States Reports. Conf Conference Reports (by Cameron and Norwood) North Carolina. Cong. El. Cas Congressional Election Cases. Cong. Gl Congressional Globe, Washington. Cong. Rec Congressional Record, Washington. Conk. U. S. Pr Conkling's U. S. Practice. Con. Cas. Connoly's Cases in New York Reports. Cook. St. Hold. Cooke's Stockholders. Cool. L. Tax Cooley's Law of Taxation. Cool. L. Tr. Cooley's Law of Torts. Coote Mort Coote's Law of Mortgages. Con Connecticut; Connecticut Reports. Conover Conover's Reports (16-52 Wisconsin). Conr Conroy's Custodian Reports. Consist English Consistorial Reports, by Haggard. Const Constitution; Constitutional Reports, South Carolina, by Mills; Constitutional Reports, South Carolina, by Tread way; Constitutional Reports, vol. 1, South Caro- lina, by Harper. Const. N. S Constitutional Reports (Mill), South Carolina, New Series. Const. Oth Constitutiones Othoni (found at the end of Lynewood's Provincial e). Const. Rep See Const. Const. S.C Constitutional Reports, South Carolina, printed by Tread- way. Const. S. C. N. S South Carolina Constitutional Reports; New Series, printed by Mills. Const. U. S. Constitution of the United States. Cont. Contract; Contra; Continental; Continued by. Coo. and Al. Cook and Alcock's Irish King's Bench Reports. Cook V. Adm Cook's Vice Admiralty Reports, Nova Scotia. Cooke Cooke's Cases of Practice, English Common Pleas; Cooke's Reports, Tennessee. Cooke Pr. Cas Cooke's Practice Reports, English Common Pleas. Cooke Pr. Reg Cooke's Practical Register of the Common Pleas. Cooke and Al Cooke and Alcock's Reports, Irish King's Bench. Cooley Cooley's Reports (5-12 Michigan). Coop. C. C. (or Cas.). Cooper's Chancery Cases temp. Cottenham. Coop. C. and P. R Cooper's Chancery and Practice Reporter, Upper Canada. ABBREVIATIONS. 193 Coop Cooper's Tennessee Chancery Reports; Cooper's English Chancery Reports temp. Elclon; Cooper's English Chan- cery Reports temp. Cottenham; Cooper's English Chan- cery Reports temp. Brougham; Cooper's English Prac- tice Cases, Chancery. Coop. Ch Cooper's Tennessee Chancery Reports. Coop. Pr. Cas Cooper's Practice Cases, English Chancery. Coop. Sel. Cas Cooper's Select Cases temp. Eldon, English Chancery. Coop. t. Br Cooper's Cases temp. Brougham. Coop. t. Cott. Cooper's Cases temp. Cottenham, English Chancery. Coop. .Eld. Cooper's Cases temp. Eldon, English Chancery. Coop. Ten. Ch. Cooper's Tennessee Chancery Reports. Cooper Cooper (see Coop.). Copp Min. Dec Copp's United States Mining Decisions. Copp Pub. L. L Copp's Public Land Laws. Cor Coram; Coryton's Bengal Reports. Corb. and Dan Corbett and Daniel's English Election Cases. Cord Rgts. M. Worn. Cord's Legal Rights of Married Women. Cos Consul. Coss Consules. Cou Couper's Justiciary Reports, Scotland. Count. Cts. Ch County Courts Chronicle, London. Coup, (or Coup. Just.) Coupler's Justiciary Reports, Scotland. Court, and Macl Courtney and Maclean's Scotch Appeals (6-7 Wilson and Shaw). Cout. de N Coutumes de Normandie. Gout, de P Coutumes de Paris. Cow Cowen's New York Reports; Cowper's English K. B. Re- ports. Cow. J. P Cowen's Civil Jurisdiction of Justices of the Peace in New York. Cow. Cr. Rep. Cowen's Criminal Reports, New York. Cow. N. Y Cowen's New York Reports. Cowp Cowper's English King's Bench Reports. Cowp. Cas Cowper's Cases^in the third volume of Reports in Chan- cery). Cox Cox's English Chancery Reports; Cox's English Criminal Cases;- Cox's Reports (25-27 Arkansas). Cox Am.T.M.Cas Cox's American Trade Mark Cases. Cox C. C Cox's English Criminal Cases. Cox Ch Cox's English Chancery Cases. Cox Cr. Cas Cox's English Criminal Cases. Cox J. S. Cas Cox's Joint Stock Cases. Cox M. C ..Cox's Magistrate Cases. Cox Me. and H Cox, McCray and Hartslet English County Court Reports. Cox Tr. M Cox's Manual of Trade Mark Cases. Cox Tr. M. Cas Cox's American Trade Mark Cases. Cox and Atk Cox and Atkinson, English Registration Appeal Reports. Coxe Coxe's Reports, New Jersey. Cr Cranch's Reports, United States Supreme Court; Cranch's United States Circuit Court Reports; Criticised; Crown. Sig. 14. 194 LAW DEPARTMENT. Cr.C.C Cranch's United States Circuit Court Cases (Reports). Cr. Cas. Res Crown Cases Reserved. Cr. M. andR Crompton, Meeson and Roscoe's English Exchequer Re- ports. Cr. Pat. Dec Cranch's Decisions on Patent Appeals. Cr. S. and P. (or Cr. and St.) Cragie, Stewart and Paton's Scotch Appeal Cases. Cr. and Dix Crawford and Dix's Irish Circuit Court Cases. Cr. and Dix Ab. Cas.. Crawford and Dix's (Irish) Abridged Cases. Cr. and M Crompton and Meeson's English Exchequer Reports. Cr. and Ph Craig and Phillips' English Chancery Reports. Crabb R. Prop... Crabb on Law of Real Property. Crabbe Crabbe's United States District Court Reports. Craig and Ph Craig and Phillips' English Chancery Reports. Craig, and St. (or Craig. St. and Pat.)Craigie, Stewart and Paton's Scotch Appeal Cases. Craik C. C Craik's English Causes Celebres. Cranch Cranch's United States Supreme Court Reports. CranchC.C.(orD.C.)Cranch's U. S. Circuit Court Reports, District of Colum- bia. Cranch Pat. Dec Cranch's Patent Decisions. Craw, and D Crawford and Dix's Circuit Court Cases. Craw, and D. Ab. Cas. ,. Crawford and Dix's Abridged Cases, Ireland. Creasy Creasy's Ceylon Reports. Cress. Ins. Cas Cresswell's English Insolvency Cases. Crim. L. Mag Criminal Law Magazine, Jersey City, N. J. Crim. Rec Criminal Recorder, Philadelphia; Criminal Recorder, London; Criminal Recorder (1 Wheeler's New York Criminal Reports). CrippCh. Cas Cripp's Church and Clergy Cases. Critch Critchfield's Reports (5-21 Ohio State). Cro , Croke's English King's Bench Reports; Keilway's English King's Bench Reports. Cro. Car Croke's English King's Bench Reports temp. Charles I (3 Cro.). Cro. Eliz Croke's English King's Bench Reports temp. Elizabeth (1 Cro.). Cro. Jac Croke's English King's Bench Reports temp. James (Ja- cobus I. (2 Cro.). Cro. Sh. Cor. and Const Crocker's Duties of Sheriffs, Coroners and Constables. Crockford English Maritime Law Reports, published by Crockford. Croke See Cro. Cromp Star Chamber Cases, by Crompton. Cromp. Exch. R Crompton's Exchequer Reports, English. Cromp. M. and R Crompton, Meeson and Roscoe's English Exchequer Re- ports. Cromp. R. and C. Pr. Crompton's Rules and Cases of Practice. Cromp. and Jerv Crompton and Jervis' English Exchequer Reports. Cromp. and Mees Crompton and Meeson's English Exchequer Reports. ABBREVIATIONS. 195 Crounse Crounse's Reports (3 Nebraska). Crowther Crowther's Ceylon Reports. Cru. Dig. Real. Prop. ..Cruise's Digest of Law of Real property. Ct. Court; Circuit. Ct. App Court of Appeals. Ct. App. N. Z Court of Appeals Reports, New Zealand. Ct.Cl Court of Claims, United States. Ct. Err Court of Error. Ct. Gen. Ses Court of General Sessions. Ct. Rev Court of Review. Ct.Sess Court of Sessions, Scotch. Ct. Spec. Sess Court of Special sessions. Cul Culpabilis ( guilty). Cum. and Dun. Rem. Tr Cummins and Dunphy's Remarkable Trials. Cummins Cummins' Idaho Reports. Cun. (or Cunn.) Cunningham's English King's Bench Reports. Cur Curtis' United States Circuit Court Reports; Curia. Cur. Dec Curtis' Decisions, United States Supreme Court. Cur. Eq. Prec Curtis' P^quity Precedents. Cur. Ov. Ca Curwen's Overruled Cases, Ohio. Curry Curry's Reports (6-19 Louisiana). Curs. Can Cursus Cancellarise. Curt. Curtis' United States Circuit Court Reports; Curteis' En- lish Ecclesiastical Reports. Curt. C.C Curtis' United States Circuit Court Decisions. Curt. Cond Curtis' Condensed Decisions, United States Supreme Court. Curt. Dec Curtis' United States Supreme Court Decisions. Curt. Ecc Curteis' English Ecclesiastical Reports. Curtis Curtis' United States Circuit Court Reports. Curw. Ov. Cas Curwen's Overruled Cases, Ohio. Gush Cushing's Massachusetts Reports; Cushman's Mississippi Repbrts. Gush. Elec. Cas Cushing's Election Cases in Massachusetts. Gushing Cushing's Massachusetts Reports. Cushm. (or Cushmau) Cushman's Mississippi Reports. D Denied; Doubted; Decimus; Decree; Decret; Dictum or Dicta; Dictionary ( particularly Morison's Dictionary of Scotch Session Cases); Delaware; Dallas' United States and Pennsylvania Reports; Denio's Reports, New York; Dunlop, Bell and Murray's Reports, Scotch Session Cases (Second Series). D. B Domesday Book. D. C District Court; District of Columbia. D. C. A ..Divisional Court of Appeal, England. D. C. L Doctor of the Civil Law. D. Chip D. Chipman's Reports, Vermont. D. D Dono Dedit; Doctor of Divinity. D. Dec Dix's School Law Decisions, New York. D. F. and J. De Gex, Fisher and Jones' English Chancery Reports. 196 LAW DEPARTMENT. D. F. and J. B De Gex, Fisher and Jones' English Bankruptcy Reports. D. G De Gex; De Gex's English Bankruptcy Reports. D. J. and S De Gex, Jones and Smith's English Chancery Reports. D. J. and S. B De Gex, Jones and Smith's English Bankruptcy Reports. D. M. and G. De Gex, Macnaughten and Gordon's English Chancery Re- ports. D. M. and GB De Gex, Macnaughten and Gordon's English Bankruptcy Reports. D. N. S Do wl ing's Reports, New Series, English Bail Court; Dow, New Series (Dow and Clark, English House of Lords Cases). D. P. C Dowling's English Practice Cases. D. and B. (or C. C.). ..Dearsly and Bell's English Crown Cases. D. andC. Dow and Clark's English House of Lords (Parliamentary) Cases. D. and Ch Deacon and Chitty's English Bankruptcy Reports. D. and E Durnford and East's (Term) Reports, English King's Bench. D. and J , De Gex and Jones' English Chancery Reports. D. and J. B De Gex and Jones' English Bankruptcy Reports. D. and L Dowling and Lowndes' English Bail Court Reports. D. and M Davison and Merivale's English Queen's Bench Reports. D.and R Dowling and Ryland's English King's Bench Reports. D. and R. M. C Dowling and Ryland's English Magistrates' Cases. D. and R. N. P Dowling and Ryland's English Nisi Prius Cases. D. and S Drewry and Smale's Chancery Reports. D. and W Drury and Walsh's Irish Chancery Reports; Dmry and Warren's Irish Chancery Reports. D. and War Drury and Warren's Report's, Irish Chancery. Da Dakota; Dakota Territory Reports. Dai. Reg New York Daily Register. Dak Dakota; Dakota Territory Reports. Dal... Dallas' United States Reports; Dalison's English Common Pleas Reports (bound with Benloe); Dalrymple's Scotch Session Cases. Dal. Coop Dallas' Report of Cooper's Opinion on the Sentence of a^ Foreign Court of Admiraltj^. DaleEcc Dale's Ecclesiastical Reports, English. Dale Leg. Rit Dale's Legal Ritual (Ecclesiastical) Reports. Dalison Dalison's English Common Pleas Reports (bound with Benloe). Dall Dallas' Pennsylvania and United States Reports. Dall. Dec. (or Dall. Dig.). Dallam's Texas Decisions, printed originally in Dallam's- Digest. Dall. in Kiel Dallison in Kielway's Reports, English King's Bench. Dall. S. C Dallas' United States Supreme Court Reports, Dallas Dallas' Pennsylvania and United States Reports. Dalr Dalrymple's Decisions, Scotch Court of Session; (Dalrym- ple of ) Stair's Decisions, Scotch Court of Sessions; ( Dal- rymple of) Hailes' Scotch Session Cases. ABBREVIATIONS. 197 Dalrymple (Sir Hew) Dalrymple's Scotch Session Cases; (Sir David Dalrymple of ) Hailes' Scotch Session Cases; ( Sir James Dalrymple of) Stair's Session Cases; see also Dal. Daly Daly's New York Common Pleas reports. Dan Daniell's Exchequer and Equity Reports; Dana's Kentucky Reports; Danner's Reports (42 Alabama). Dan. and LI Danson and Lloyd's Mercantile Cases. Dana Dana's Kentucky Reports. Dan. Neg. Inst ....Daniel on Negotiable Instruments. Dann Dann's Arizona Reports. Danner Danner's Reports (42 Alabama). Dans, and L. Danson and Lloyd's English Mercantile Cases. Dart. Col. Ca Dartmouth College Cases. Dan. PI. and Pr. H. Crt. Ch Daniel Pleading and Practice in High Court of Chancery. Dart Vend Dart's Law and Practice of Vendors. Dar. Stat. Lira. Darby's Statute of Limitations. Das Dasent's Bankruptcy and Insolvency reports; also Com- mon Law Reports, vol. 3. Dav Davies' United States District Court Reports (now repub- lished as 2 Ware.); Davy's or Daives' Irish King's Bench and Exchequer Reports; Davies' English Patent Cases; Davies' Reports (Abridgment of Sir Ed. Coke's Reports); Davies' Hawaiian Reports. Dav. Coke Davies' Abridgment of Coke's Report. Dav. Ir.. Davies' Irish Reports. Dav. Pat. Cas Davies' English Patent Cases. Dav. and Mer Davison and Merivale's Reports, Queen's Bench. Davies Davies' United States District Court Reports (Ware, vol. 2). Davies Davies' (or Davis', or Davys') Irish King's Bench Reports. Davis Davis' Hawaiian Reports; Davis' (or Davys') Irish King's Bench Reports. Davis J.C.B Davis' United States Supreme Court Reports. Day Daj 7 's Connecticut Reports; Connecticut Reports, proper, reported by Day. De G. F. and J De Gex, Fisher and Jones' English Chancery Reports. De G. F. and J. By De Gex, Fisher and Jones' English Bankruptcy Appeals. De G. J. and S De Gex, Jones and Smith's Chancery Reports. De G. J. and S. By De Gex, Jones and Smith's English Bankruptcy Appeals. De G. M. and G De Gex, Macnaughten and Gordon's English Chancery Re- ports. De G. M. and G. By...De Gex, Macnaughten and Gordon's English Bankruptcy Appeals. De G. and J De Gex and Jones' English Chancery Reports. De G. and J. By De Gex and Jones' English Bankruptcy Appeals. De G. and Sm :.De Gex and Smale's English Chancery Reports. De Gex De Gex's English Bankruptcy Reports. De Witt De Witt's Reports (24-36 Ohio State). Dea Deady's United States District Court Reports, Dea. and Sw Deane and Swaby's Reports, Probate and Divorce. 198 LAW DEPARTMENT. Deac Deacon's English Bankruptcy Reports. Deac. and Chit Deacon and Chitty's English Bankruptcy Reports. Deady Deady's United States Circuit Court Reports. Dean Mecl. Jur Dean's Principles of Medical Jurisprudence. Deane Deane (and Swaby's) English Probate and Divorce Re- ports; Deane's Reports (24-26 Vermont). Deane Ecc. Rep Deane and Swaby's English Ecclesiastical Reports. Deaue and Sw Deane and Swaby's English Ecclesiastical Reports. Dears. C. C Dearsley's English Crown Cases. Dears, and B. C. C Dearsley and Bell's English Crown Cases. Deas and And Deas and Anderson's Reports, Scotch Court of Session. Dec Decision; Decree; Decretal. Dec. Com. Pat Decisions of the Commissioner of Patents. Dec. Jt. Com ...Decisions of Joint Commission. Dec. t. H. and M Decisions of Admiralty temp. Hay and Harriot. Deft Defendant. Del Delaware Reports; Delane's English Revision Cases. Den. C. C Denison's English Crown Cases. Den. and P Denison and Pearce's English Crown Cases (2 Denison). Denio Denio's New York Reports. Des Desty (see Dest.); Desaussure's South Carolina Equity Re- ports. Desaus. Eq. Desaussure's South Carolina Equit} 7 Reports. Dest. Am. Cr. Law Desty's Compendium of American Criminal Law. Dest.C.C Desty's California Citations and Table of Cases. Dest. Rem. Caus. Removal of Causes from State and Federal Courts. Dev. (or Deve.) Devereux's North Carolina Law Reports; Devereux's Re- ports, United States Court of Claims. Dev. C. C. (or Ct. Cl.).. Devereux's Reports, United States Court of Claims. Dev. L. (or Dev. N. C.)Devereaux's North Carolina Law Reports. Dev. and Bat Devereaux and Battle's North Carolina Law Reports. Dev. and Bat. Eq Devereaux and Battle's North Carolina Equity Reports. De Witt De Witt's Reports (24-36 Ohio State). Dew. Contr. Fut. Del. Dewey's Contract for Future Delivery. Di. (or Dy.) Dyer's English Reports, King's Bench. Dice Dice's Reports (71-73 Indiana). Dick Dicken's English Chancery Reports. Diet Dictionary. Dig Digest. . Dill Dillon's United States Circuit Court Reports. Dill. Rem. Caus Dillon's Removal of Causes from State to Federal Courts. Dill. Mun. Corp Dillon's Municipal Corporations. Disn Disney's Ohio Supreme Court Reports. Dist. Col District of Columbia. Dist. Ct District Court. Div Division. Div. and Mat.Ct Divorce and Matrimonial Causes Court. Dod. (or Dods.) Dodson's English Admiralty Reports. Dom. Dominus. Dom. Boc. Domesday Book. Domes Domesday Book. ABBREVIATIONS. 199 Don. Jur. Tr Donovan's Jury Trials. Donn Donnelly's Reports. English Chancery; Donnelly's Irish Land Cases. Doug. Douglas' Michigan Reports; Douglas' English King's Bench Reports; Douglas' English Election Cases. Doug El. Ca Douglas' English Election Cases. , Doug. (Mich.) Michigan Douglass' Law Reports. Dow. (or Dow. P. C.). Dow's House of Lords (Parliamentary) Cases; Dowling's English Practice Cases. Dow and C. Dow and Clark's English House of Lords Cases. Dow. and L. Dowling and Lowndes' English Bail Court Reports. Dow. and Ry Dowling and Ryland's English King's Bench Reports; Dowling and Ryland's English Nisi Prius Cases. Dow. and Ry. M. C Dowling and Ryland's English Magisti'ates' Cases. Dow. and Ry. N. P. ...Dowling and Rylaud's English Nisi Prius Cases. (Often bound at end of vol. 1, Dowl. and Ryl. K. B. Rep.) Dow N. S Dow and Clark's House of Lords. Dowl. (or Dowl. P. C.) Dowling's English Bail Court (Practice) Cases. Dowl. N. S Dowling's English Bail Court Reports, New Series. Dowl. Pr. C. N. S Dowling's Reports, New Series, English Practice Cases. Dowl. and Lownd. .,.. Dowling and Lowndes' English Practice Cases. Dowl. and Ryl Dowling and Ryland's English King's Bench Reports. Dowl. and Ryl. M. C. Dowling and Ryland's English Magistrates' Cases. Dowl. and Ryl. N. P.. Dowling and Ryland's Nisi Prius Cases. Down, and Lud Downton and Luder's English Election Cases. Dr Drewry's English Vice Chancellor's Reports; Drury's Irish Chanceiy Reports temp. Sugden; Drury's Irish Chancery Reports temp. Napier Dr. Att Drake on Attachment. Dr. and Sm Drwery and Smale's English Vice Chancellor's Reports. .Dr. and Wai Drury and Walsh's Irish Chancery Reports. Dr. and War Drury and Warren's Irish Chancery Reports. Draper Draper's Upper Canada King's Bench Reports. Drew Drewry's English Vice Chancellor's Reports; Drew's Re- ports (13 Florida). Drew, and Sm Drewry and Smale's English Vice Chancellor's Reports. Drink '. Drinkwater's English Common Pleas Reports. Dru Drury's Irish Chancery Reports temp. Sugden. Dru. t. Nap Drury's Irish Chancery Reports temp. Napier. Dru. t. Sug Drury's Irish Chancery Reports temp. Sugden. Dru. and Wai Drury and Walsh's Irish Chancery Reports. Dru. and War Drury and Warren's Irish Chancery Reports. Dub Dubitatur; Dubitante. Dud. (Ga.) Dudley's Georgia Reports. Dud. Ch. (or Eq.) Dudley's South Carolina Equity Reports. Dud. L. (or S. C.) Dudley's South Carolina Law Reports. Duer Duer's New York Superior Court Reports. Dun Duncan (see Dune.); Dunlap (see Dunl.). Dun. and Cum Dunphy and Cummins' Remarkable Trials. Dune. Ent. Cas Duncan's Scotch Entail Cases. Dune. N. P. .., ..Duncombe's Nisi Prius Cases. 200 LAW DEPARTMENT. Dune. Abr Buncombe's Abridgment of Coke's Reports. Dunlop (or Dunl. B. and M.) Dunlop, Bell and Murray's Reports, Scotch Series, Scotch Session Cases. Dunn Dunning's English King's Bench Reports. Dufree Dufree's Reports (12 Rhode Island). Durie Durie's Scotch Court of Session Cases. Durn. and E Durnford and East's English King's Bench Cases (Term Reports). Dutch Dutcher's New Jersey Reports. Duv Duval's Kentucky Reports. Dw.Stat Dwarris on Statutes. Dy Dyer's English King's Bench Reports. E East's Reports; Equity; Exchequer; English; Explained; Easter Term; King Edward; Aeodem (in the same place or under the same title). E. B. and E Ellis, Blackburn and Ellis' Queen's Bench Reports. E. B. and S Ellis, Best and Smith's English Queen's Bench Reports. E. C. English Cases; English Chancery; English Chancery Re- ports (American reprint). E. C. L English Common Law Reports (American reprint). E. D. S.. E. D. Smith's New York Common Pleas Reports. E. E Equity Exchequer; English Exchequer Reports (American reprint). E. E. R English Ecclesiastical Reports. E.I East India Company. E. L. and Eq English Law and Equity Reports (American reprint). E. of Cov Trial of the Earl of Coventry. E. R East's King's Bench Reports; Election Reports. E. T Easter Term. E. and A Ecclesiastical and Admiralty; Error and Appeal; Spiuks' Ecclesiastical and Admiralty Reports. E. and A.R Error and Appeal Reports, Ontario. E.and B Ellis and Blackburn's Queen's Bench Reports. E. and E Ellis and Ellis' English Queen's Bench Reports. E. and Y Eagle and Younge's English Tithe Cases. Ea. East's English King's Bench Reports. Eag. and Yo Eagle and Younge's. English Tithe Cases. East East's King's Bench Reports; East's Notes of Cases in Morley's Indian Digest. East N. of C East's Notes of Cases (in Morley's East Indian Digest). EC. (or Eccl.) Ecclesiastical . Eccl. and Ad Ecclesiastical and Admiralty; Spink's Ecclesiastical and Admiralty Reports. Eccl. R English Ecclesiastical Reports (American reprint). Eccl. Stat Ecclesiastical Statutes. Ed Edition; Edited; Editor; Edward Edingburgh; Eden's English Chancery Reports. Ed.Bro Eden's edition of Brown's English Chancery Reports. Ed. C. R Edwards' New York Chancery Reports. Ed. L. J Edinburgh Law Journal. ABBREVIATIONS. 201 Eden Eden's English Chancery Reports. Edinb. L. J Edinburgh Law Journal. Edm. Sel. Cas Edmonds' New York Select Cases. Edw King Edward; Edwards' New York Chancery Reports; Edwards' English Admiralty Reports; Edwards' Re- ports (2, 3 Missouri). Edw. Abr Edwards' Abridgment of Prerogative Court Cases. Edw. Adm Edwards' English Admiralty Reports. Edw. Bail Edwards on the Law of Bailments. Edw. Bills Edwards on Bills and Notes. Edw. Ch. Edwards' New York Chancery Reports. Edw. Lead. Dec Edwards' Leading Decisions in Admiralty (Edwards' Ad- miralty Reports). Edw. L. and Pr. Ref... Edwards' Law and Practice of Referees. Edw.Pr. Cas. Edwards' Prize Cases (English Admiralty Reports). Edw. Pr. Ct. Cas Edwards' Abridgment of Prerogative Court Cases. Edw. (Tho.) ..Edwards' English Admiralty Reports. El Queen Elizabeth; Elchies' Decisions, Scotch Court of Ses- sion. El. B. and E Ellis, Blackburn and Ellis' English Queen's Bench Re- ports. El. Cas Election Cases. El. and Bl. Ellis and Blackburn's English Queen's Bench Reports. El. and El. Ellis and Ellis' English Queen's Bench Reports. Elchies' Diet Elchies' (Dictionary of) Decisions, Scotch Court of Ses- sion. Elect. Cas., N. Y. New York Election Cases (Armstrong). Ell. Bl. and Ell Ellis, Blackburn and Ellis' English Queen's Bench Re- ports. Ell. Ins. Ellis on Fire and Life Insurance Annuities. Ell. and Bl Ellis and Blackburn's English Queen's Bench Reports. Ell. and Ell Ellis and Ellis' English Queen's Bench Reports. Elw. Mai Elwell on Malpractice and Medical Jurisprudence. Ellis W. Bl Elsley's edition of Wm. Blackstone's English K. B. Reports. Emer. Ins Emerigon on Insurance. Emer. Mar. Lo Emerigon on Maritime Loans. Eng English; English's Reports (6-13 Arkansas); "English Re- ports" (American reprint, edited by Moak). Eng. Ad English Admiralty; English Admiralty Reports (Amer- ican reprint). Eng. C. C. (or Cr. Cas.) English Crown Cases (American reprint). Eng. Ch English Chancery; "English Chancery Reports" (Amer- ican reprint). Eng. C. L English Common Law Reports (American reprint). Eng.Eccl English Ecclesiastical Reports (American reprint). Eng. Exch. English Exchequer Reports (American reprint). Eng. Judg Scotch Court of Session Cases, cases decided by the "En- glish Judges." Eng. L. and Eq English Law and Equity Reports ( American reprint). Eng. R. and C. Cas English Railway and Canal Cases. \ 202 LAW DEPARTMENT. Eng. Rep Moak's English Reports (American reprint); English's Re- ports (6-13 Arkansas). Eng. R'y and C. Cas... English Railway and Canal Cases. Eng. Sc. Ecc English and Scotch Ecclesiastical Reports. Eng. and Ir. App Law Reports, English and Irish Appeal Cases. English English's Reports (6-13 Arkansas). Ent Coke's Entries; Rastell's Entries. Entries, Antient Rastell's Entries (so cited in Rolle Abr.). Eod Eodem. Eq Equity. Eq. Cas Equity Cases in 9 Modern Reports. Eq. Cas. Abr Equity Cases Abridged (English). Eq. Judg Equity Judgments by ( A'Beckett), New South Wales. Eq. Rep Equity Reports; Gilbert's Equity Reports; Harper's South Carolina Equity Reports; The Equity Reports, pub- lished by Spottiswoode. Err. and App Error and Appeals Reports, Upper Canada. Ersk. Dec Erskine's U. S. Circuit Court, etc., Decisions, in 35 Georgia. Esp Espinasse's English Nisi Prius Reports. Estee PI. Pr. and Fr.. Estee's Pleading, Practice and Forms under Code of Civil Procedure. Et al Et alii (and others). Ev Evidence. Ev. Tr Evans' Trial. Ewell Fix Ewell on the Law of Fixtures. Ewell Cas. Inf. (or L. C.) Swell's Leading Cases on Disabilities Incident to Infancy. Ex. Eecutor; Exchequer (see Exch.) Ex. D. (or Ex. Div.). ...Exchequer Division, English Law Reports. Ex rel Ex relatione. Exch Exchequer; Exchequer Reports (Welsby, Hurlstone and Gordon); English Law Reports, Exchequer. Exch. Cas Exchequer Cases (Legacy Duties, etc.), Scotland. Exch. Cham Exchequer Chamber. Exch. Div Exchequer Division, English Law Reports. Exch. Rep. Exchequer Reports (Welsby, Hurlstone and Gordon); En- glish Exchequer Reports (American reprint). Exec Executor; Execution; Executive. Exp Expired; Ex parte; Explained. Executor Executor. Ext Extended. F.... : Followed; Finalis; Consuetudes Feudorum; Faculty Col- lection of Court of Sessions Decisions; Fitzherbert's Abridgment, octavo edition. F. B. C Fonblanque's Bankruptcy Cases. F. B. R Full Bench Rulings, Bengal. F. B. R. N. W. P Full Bench Rulings, Northwest Provinces, India. F. C Faculty Collection of Decisions, Scotch Court of Sessions, folio edition. F. C. R Fearne on Contingent Remainders. ABBREVIATIONS. 203 F. Diet Fames and Wooclhouselee's (folio) Dictionary, Scotch Court of Session Cases. F. and F Foster and Finlason's English Nisi Prius Reports. F. andFitz Falconer and Fitzherbert's English Election Cases. F. and J. Bank. De . Gex Fisher and Jones' English Bankruptcy Reports. F. and S Fox and Smith's Irish King's Bench Reports. Fac. Col. ( or Fac. Dec.) Faculty Collection of Decisions, Court of Sessions. Fairfield Fairfield's Reports (10-12 Maine). Falc Falconer's Scotch Court of Session Cases. Falc. Co. Cts Falconer on County Courts. Fac. Coll. fol Faculty Collection of Decisions, Scotch Court of Session, folio edition. Falc. andFitz Falconer and Fitzherbert's English Election Cases. Fam. Cas. Cir. Ev Famous Cases of Circumstantial Evidence, by Phillips. Far. (or Farr.) Farresley (see Farresley). Farresley Farresley's Reports (7 Modern Reports); Farresley's Cases in Holt's King's Bench Reports. Fed. Rep Federal Reporter. Fell Guar. Fell on Guaranty and Suretyship. Fent. Imp. Judg Fenton's Important Judgments, New Zealand. Fenton's N. Z Fenton's New Zealand Reports. Fer. Fixt Ferard on Fixtures. Ferg. Cons Fergusson's (Scotch) Consistorial Reports. Fergusson (Fergusson of) Kilkerran's Scotch Session Cases. Fern. Dec Decretos del Fernando, Mexico. Field Corp Field on Corporations. Field Dam Field on Damages. Field Int. Code Field's International Code. Field Pen. L Field's Penal Law. Field Pr. Corp. Field on Private Corporations. Fi. Fa Fieri Facias. Fin. Finch's English Chancery Reports; Finlason (see Finl.). Finch English Chancery Reports, temp. Finch. Finl. L. C Finlason's Leading Cases on Pleading. Finl. Rep. Finlason's Report of the Gurney Case. First pt. Edw. Ill Part II of the Year Books. First pt. H. VI Part VII of the Year Books. Fish Fisher's U. S. Patent Cases; Fisher's U. S. Prize Cases. Fish. Pat. Cas Fisher's United States Patent Cases. Fish. Pat. Rep Fisher's United States Patent Reports. Fisher's Pr. Cas Fisher's United States Prize Cases. Fitzg Fitzgibbon's English King's Bench Reports. Fitzh Fitzherbert's New Natura Brevium. Fla Fleta; Flanders (see Fland.). Fl. and K. (or Fl. and Kel.) Flannagan and Kelly's Irish Rolls Court Reports. Fla Florida; Florida Reports. Flan, and Kel Flannagan and Kelly's Irish Rolls Court Reports. Fogg Fogg's Reports (32-35 New Hampshire). 204 LAW DEPARTMENT. Fol Folio. Fol. Diet Kames and Woodhouselee's Folio Dictionary Scotch Court of Session. Fol. PI. as C Foley's English Poor Law Cases. Fonbl. (or Fonbl. N. R.) Fonblanque's English Cases (or New Reports) in Bank- ruptcy. For Forrest's Exchequer Reports; Forrester's Chancery Re- ports (Cases temp. Talbot). Forb Forbes' Decisions in the Scotch Court of Session. Forman Forman's Reports, Illinois. Forr Forrest's English Exchequer Reports; Forrester's English Chancery Cases (commonly cited, Cases temp. Talbot). Forrest Forrest's Reports, English Exchequer. Fors. Gas. and Op Forsyth's Cases and Opinions on Constitutional Law. Fort Fortesque's English Queen's Bench, etc., Reports. Forum Forum (periodical), Baltimore and New York. Fos Foster (see Fost.) Fost. Foster's English Crown Law or Crown Cases; Foster's N. H. Reports; Foster's Legal Chronicle Reports, Penn- sylvania. Fost. Tr. Rep Trials of the Rebels, etc. (Foster's Crown Cases). Fost. and Fin Foster and Finlason's English Nisi Prius Reports. Foster Foster's English Crown Law; Legal Chronicle Reports (Pa.) edited by Foster; Foster's N. H. Reports. Fount Fountainhall's Decisions, Scotch Court of Session. Fowl. L. Cas Fowler's Leading Cases on Collieries. Fox and Sm Fox and Smith's Irish King's Bench Reports. Fox Dig. Part..." Fox Digest of the Law of Partnership. Fr. Freeman's English King's Bench and Chancery Reports. Fr. E. C Fraser's Election Cases. Fr. Ch Freeman's English Chancery Reports; Freeman's Missis- sippi Chancery Reports. Franc. Judg Francillon's Judgment, County Courts. France France's Reports (3-4 Colorado). Fras.Elec. Cas Fraser's English Election Cases. Fraser Fraser's English Cases of Controverted Elections. Fraz. (or Fraz. Adm.) Frazer's Admiralty Cases, etc., Scotland. Free Freeman's English King's Bench Reports (1 Free., Free- man's King's Bench Reports; 2 Free., Freeman's Chan- cery Reports); see also Freem. Free. Ch Freeman's English Chancery Cases; Freeman's Mississippi Chancery Reports. Freem. C. C Freeman's English Chancery Cases. Freem. Ch See Free. Ch. Freem. Judg Freeman on Judgments. Freem. Cot Freeman on Cotenancy. Freem. Ex Freeman on Executions. Freem. (111.) Freeman's Reports (31-127 Illinois). Freem. K. B Freeman's English King's Bench Reports. French French's Reports (6 New Hampshire). ABBREVIATIONS. 205 Fries Tr Trial of John Fries (Treason). Full B. R Full Bench Rulings (Bengal or Northwestern Provinces). Fry Sp. Per Fry on Specific Performance of Contracts. G King George; Georgia; Gales English Exchequer Reports. G. B Great Britain. G. Gr G. Green's Iowa Reports. G. M. Dudl G. M. Dudley's Georgia Reports. G. and D.. Gale and Davison's English Queen's Bench Reports. G. and H Gavin and Hood's Indiana Statutes. G. and J Gill and Johnson's Maryland Reports; Glyn and Jame- son's English Bankruptcy Reports. G. and W. New. Tr Graham and Waterman on New Trials. Ga Georgia; Georgia Reports. Ga. Dec. Georgia Decisions. Ga. Supp Lester's Supplement (33 Georgia). Galbraith Galbraith's Reports (9-11 Florida). Galb. and M. Galbraith and Meek's Reports (12 Florida). Gale Gale's English Exchequer Reports. Gale Eas Gale on Easements. Gale and Dav. Gale and Davison's Queen's Bench. Gall Gallison's Reports, United States Circuit Courts. Gall. Cr. Cas Gallick Reports (French Criminal Cases). Gard. N. Y. Rept Gardenier's New York Reporter. Gardenhire Gardenhire's Reports (14, 15 Missouri). Gardn. P. C Gardner Peerage Case, reported by Le Marchant. Gaspar Gaspar's Small Cause Court Reports, Bengal. Gayarre Gayarre's Reports (25-28 Louisiana Annual). Gaz. Bank Gazette of Bankruptcy, London. * Gaz. and B. C. Rep.... Gazette and Bankrupt Court Reporter, New York. Geld, and Ox Nova Scotia Decisions, by Geldert and Oxley. Gen. Abr. Cas. Eq General Abridgment of Cases in (Equity Cases Abridged). Gen. Arb Geneva Arbitration. Gen. Ord General Orders. Gen. Ord. Ch General Orders of the High Court of Chancery. Gen. Sess General Sessions. Gen.T General Term. Geo Georgia; Georgia Reports; King George. Geo. Coop George Cooper's English Chancery Cases, time of Eldon. Geo. Dec Georgia Decisions. Georg Georgia. George George's Reports (30-39 Mississippi). Gib. Dec Gibson's Scottish Decisions. Gibb Gibbons (see Gib.). Gibbs Gibbs' Reports (2-4 Michigan). Gibbs' Jud. Chr Gibbs' Judicial Chronicle. Gibson (Gibson of) Durie's Decisions, Scotch Court of Session. Gif. (or Giff.) Giffard's English Vice Chancellor's Reports. Gil Gilman's Reports (6-10 Illinois); Gilmer's Virginia Re- ports; Gilbert's English Chancery Reports; Gilbert's English Cases in Law Equity. Giff. and H.... Giffard and Hemming's Reports, English Chancery. 206 LAW DEPARTMENT. Gil.andFal Gilmour and Falconer's Scotch Session Cases. Gilb Gilbert's Reports, English Chancery. Gilb. Cas Gilbert's English Chancery Reports. Gilb. Dev ..Gilbert on the Law of Devises. Gilb.Ej Gilbert on the Law of Ejectment. Gilb. Eq Gilbert's English Equity or Chancery Reports. Gilb. Rep Gilbert's English Chancery Reports. Gildersleeve Gildersleeve's Reports ( 1 New Mexico). Giltillan Gilfillan's edition of Minnesota Reports. Gill Gill's Maryland Reports. Gill Pol. Rep Gill's Police Court Reports, Boston, Massachusetts. Gill and Johns Gill and Johnson's Maryland Reports. Gilm Gilman's Reports (6-10 Illinois); Gilmer's Reports, Vir- ginia; Gilmour's Reports, Scotch Court of Session. Gilm. and Falc Gilmour and^Falconer's Reports, Scotch Court of Session. Gilp Gilpin's United States District Court Reports. Gilp. Opin Gilpin's Opinions of the United States Attorneys General. Gir. W. C.. Report of the Girard Will Case. Gl. and J Glyn and Jameson's English Bankruptcy Reports. Glanv. El. Cas Glanvill's English Election Cases. Glas Glascock's Reports in all the Courts of Ireland. Glenn Glenn's Reports (16-18 Louisiana Annual). Glyn and Jam. Glyn and Jameson's Reports, English Bankruptcy. Godb Godbolt's English King's Bench Reports. Godd Goddard on Easements. Gold, (or Goldes.) Goldesborough's or Gouldsborough's English K. B. Re- ports. Good. Pat Goodeve's Abstract of Patent Cases. Good, and Wooa Full Bench Rulings, Bengal, edited by Goodeve and Woodman. Gord.Tr Gordon's Treason Trials. Gosf Gosford's Manuscript Reports, Scotch Court of Session. Gould Gouldsborough's English King's Bench Reports. Gow (or Gow N. P.)....Gow's English Nisi Prius Cases. Gow Part Gow on Partnership. Gr Grant's Cases, Pennsylvania; Green's New Jersey Re- ports; Greenleafs Maine Reports. Gr. Eq. (or Ch.) (H. W. Green's New Jersey Equity Reports; Gresley's Equity Evidence. Gra Grant (see Grant). Granger's Report (22, 23 Ohio State). Grant Grant's Upper Canada Chancery Reports; Grant's Penn- sylvania Cases; (Grant of) Elchies' Scotch Session Cases; Jamaica Reports. Grant Cas Grant's Pennsylvania Cases. Grant Ch Grant's Upper Canada Chancery Reports. Grant E. and A. ..Grant's Error and Appeal Reports, Ontario. Grant Jamaica Grant's Jamaica Reports. Grant Pa Grant's Pennsylvania Cases. Grant U. C Grant's Upper Canada Chancery* Reports. Grat. (or Gratt.) Grattan's Virginia Reports. ABBREVIATIONS. 207 Gray Gray's Massachusetts Reports. Green Green's New Jersey Law on Equity Reports; Green's Re- ports (11 Rhode Island); G. Green's Iowa Reports; Greenleaf's Maine Reports. Green (C. E.) C. E. Green's Chancery Reports, New Jersey. Green Ch H. W. Green's New Jersey Chancery Reports. Green Cr. L. Rep Green's Criminal Law Reports. Green. Ev Greenlea'f on Evidence. Green G Green's Iowa Reports. Green L. (or N. J.) J. S. Green's Law Reports ( 13-15 New Jersey). Green. Ov.Cas Greenleaf's Overruled Cases. Green Sc. Tr Green's Scottish Trials for Treason. Greene G. Greene's Iowa Reports; C. E. Greene's New Jersey Equity Reports. Greenl Greenleaf's Reports (1-9 Maine). Greenl. Ov. Cas Greenleaf's Overruled Cases. Grenier Grenier's Ceylon Reports. Grif. L.Reg Griffith's Law Register, Burlington, New Jersey. Grif. P. R. Cas. Griffith's English Poor Rate Cases. Griswold : Griswold's Reports (14-19 Ohio). Guth. Sh. Cas Guthrie's Sheriff Court Cases, Scotland. Gwil. Ti. Cas Gwillan's Tithe Cases. H Hie here, in the same paragraph; King Henry; Hillary Term; Howard's United States Supreme Court Reports; Hill's New York Reports. H. A Hoc Anno. H. Bl Henry Blackstone's English Common Pleas Reports. H. C House of Commons. H. C. R High Court Reports, India. H. C. R. N. W. P High Court Reports, Northwest Provinces, India. "H. L. (or H. L. Cas.) House of Lords' Cases. H. L.Rep English House of Lords' Reports. H.T Hillary Term; hoc titulo. H. V Hoc verbo or his verbis. H. W. Gr H. W. Green's New Jersey Equity Reports. H. and B Hudson and Brooke's Irish King's Bench Reports. H. and C Hurlston and Coltman's English Exchequer Reports. H. and D Lalor's Supplement to Hill and Denio's New York Re- ports. H. and G Harris and Gill's Maryland Reports. H. and H Home and Hurlston's English Exchequer Reports; Har- rison and Hodgin's Municipal Reports, Upper Canada. H. and J Harris and Johnson's Maryland Reports; Hayes and Jones' Exchequer Reports, Ireland. H.^and M Henning and Munford's Virginia Reports; Hemming and Miller's English Vice Chancellors' Reports. H. and M. Ch Hemming and Miller's Chancery Reports, English. H. and McH. ( or ^ M'H.) Harris and McHenry's Maryland Reports. H. and N Hurlston and Norman's English Exchequer Reports. H. and P Hopwood and Philbrick's English Election Cases. 208 LAW DEPARTMENT. H. and R Harrison and Rutherford's English Common Pleas Re- ports. H. and T Hall and Twell's English Chancery Reports. H. and T. Self-Def Horrigan and Thomson's Cases on the Law of Self-De- fense. H. and W Harrison and Wollaston's English King's Bench Reports; Hurristone and Walmsley's English Exchequer Re- ports. Ha Hare's Chancery Reports. Ha. and Tw Hall and Twell's English Chancery Reports. Had See Haddington. Haddington Haddington's Manuscript Reports, Scotch Court of Ses- sion. Hadley ( or Hadl.) Hadley's Reports (45-48 New Hampshire). Hag. (or Hagg.) Adm. Haggard's English Admiralty Reports. Hag. (or Hagg.) Con. ..Haggard's English Consistory Reports. Hag. (or Hagg.) Ecc... Haggard's Ecclesiastical Reports. Hagan Hagan's Utah Reports. Hagans Hagan's Reports (1-5 West Virginia.) Hagan and Mill. Hagan and Miller's Reports (2 Maryland Chancery). Hailes Hailes' Decisions, Scotch Court of Sessions. Hal. Law Halsted's New Jersey Law Reports. Hale. Min. Cas Halcomb's Mining Cases, London, 1826. Hale Hale's Reports (33-37 California). Halk. Comp Halkerston's Compendium of Scotch Faculty Decisions. Hall Hall's New York Superior Court Reports; Hall's Reports (56-57 New Hampshire). Hall Am. L. J. Hall's American Law Journal. Hall Jour. Jur Journal of Jurisprudence (Hall's). Hall and Tw Hall and Twell's Reports, English Chancery. Hallett Hallett's Reports (1, 2 Colorado). Hals. Halsted's New Jersey Law Reports. Hals. Ch. (Eq.) Halsted's New Jersey Equity Reports, 1845-1853. Ham. Ins Hammond on Insanity. Ham. N. P Hammond's Nisi Prius. Hamilton (Hamilton of) Haddington's Manuscript Cases, Scotch Court of Sessions. Hammond Hammond's Reports (1-9 Ohio); Hammond's Reports (36- 44 Georgia). Hammond and Jack- son Hammond and Jackson's Reports (45 Georgia). Han Hannay's Reports, New Brunswick. Han. Hor Hanover on the Law of Horses. Hand Hand's Reports ( 40-45 New York). Handy Handy's Ohio Reports. Hammer Lord Kenyon's Notes (English King's Bench Reports), ed- ited by Hammer. Han. (N. B.) Hannay's New Brunswick Reports. Ha? Harmonized; Harrison (see Harr.). Har. (Del.) Harrington's Deleware Reports (1-5). Har.St.Tr Hargrave's State Trials. ABBREVIATIONS. 209 Har. and Gill Harris and Gill's Maryland Reports. Har. and John Harris and Johnson's Maryland Reports. Har. and McH. (or M'H.) Harris and M'Henry's Maryland Reports. Har. and Ruth. Harrison and Rutherford's English Common Pleas Re- ports. Har. and Woll Harrison and Wollaston's English King's Bench Reports. Hare Harcarse's Decisions, Scotch Court of Sessions. Hard, (or Hardin) Hardin's Kentucky Reports. Hard, (or Hardres) Hardres' English Exchequer Reports. Hardw Cases temp. Hardwicke, by Ridgway; Cases temp. Hard- wicke, by Lee. Hare. Hare's English Vice-Chancellors' Reports. Hare Con. Hare on Contracts. Hare. Disc. Ev Hare's Discovery of Evidence. Hare and Wai. L. C... American Leading Cases, edited by Hare and Wallace. Harg Hargrave's State Trials; Hargrove's Reports (68-75 N. C.). Harg. St. Tr. Hargrave's State Trials. Hargrove Hargrove's Reports (68-75 North Carolina). Harm Harmon's Reports (13-15 California); Harmon's Upper Canada Common Pleas Report. Harp Harper's South Carolina Law Reports. Harp. Con. Cas . Harper's Conspiracy Cases, Maryland. Harp. Eq Harper's Equity Reports, South Carolina. Harp. L. (or S. C.) Harper's South Carolina Law Reports. Harr. Harrison's Reports, New Jersey; Harrington's Reports, Delawai'e; Harrington's Chancery Reports, Michigan; Harris' Reports (13-24 Pennsylvania State); Harrison's Reports (15-17 and 23-29 Indiana). Harr. Con. La.R Harrison's Condensed Louisiana Reports. Harr. (Mich.) Harrington's (Michigan) Chancery Reports. Harr. (N. J.) ..Harrison's New Jersey Law Reports (16-19). Harr. and G Harris and Gill's Maryland Reports. Harr. and Hodg. Harrison and Hodgin's Upper Canada Municipal Reports. Harr. and J Harrison and Johnson's Maryland Reports. Harr. and M'H Harrison and McHenry's Maryland Reports. Harr. and Ruth Harrison and Rutherford's English Common Pleas Re- ports. Harr. and Sim Harris and Simrall's Reports (49-52 Mississippi). Harr. and Woll Harrison and Wollaston's English King's Bench Reports. Harring Harrington's Delaware Reports; Harrington's Michigan Chancery Reports. Harris Harris' Pennsylvania Reports (13-24 Pennsylvania State). Harris and Simrall . Harris and Simrall's Reports (49-52 Mississippi). Harrison Harrison's Reports (15-17 and 23-29 Indiana). Hars. Pr Harston's Practice and Pleadings. Hart Min. L Hart's U. S. Mining Statutes. Hartley Hartley's Reports (4-10 Texas). Hartley and Hartley Hartley and Hartley's Reports (11-21 Texas). Hast Hasting's Reports (69-70 Maine). Hast. Tr. .. . Trial of Warren Hastings. Sig. 15. 210 LAW DEPARTMENT. Hav. Ch. Rep Haviland's Chancery Reports, Prince Edward Island. Hav. P. E. I Haviland's Reports Prince Edward Island. Haw Hawkins (see Hawk); Hawaiian Reports. Hawaiian Rep Hawaiian Reports. Haw. Cr. Rep. Hawley's American Criminal Reporter. Haw. W. C Hawes' Will Case. Hawkins Hawkins' Reports (19-24 Louisiana Annual). Hawks Hawkins' North Carolina Reports. Hawks. P. C Hawkins' Pleas of the Crown. Hawl. C.R Hawley's American Criminal Reports. Hay Haywood's North Carolina Reports; Haywood's Tennes- see Reports; Hayes' Irish Exchequer Reports; see also Hayes. Hay Ace. (or Dec.) Hay's Decisions on Accident and Negligence. Hay. Exch Hayes' Irish Exchequer Reports. HayandM.(orMarr.)Hay and Marriott's Admiralty Reports (usually cited, Marriott's Reports. Hayes' Exch Hayes' Irish Exchequer Reports. Hayes and Jo Hayes and Jones' Irish Exchequer Reports. Hayii. Lead. Cas Haynes' Student's Leading Cases. Hayw Hay wood's North Carolina Reports; Haywood's Tennes- see Reports. Hayw. L. R Haywood's Law Register, Boston. Hayw. (N.C.) Haywood's North Carolina Law Reports. Haz. Pa. Reg Hazard's Pennsylvania Register, 16 vols. Haz. U. S. Reg Hazard's United States Register, 6 vols. Head Head's Tennessee Reports. Heard Cr. L Heard's Criminal Law of Massachusetts. Heard Cr. PI Heard's Criminal Pleading. Heard Eq.Pl Heard's Equity Pleading. Heard Lib. and S Heard's Libel and Slander. Heath Heath's Reports (36-40 Maine). Heck. Cas Hecker's Cases on Warranty. Heisk Heiskell's Tennessee Reports. Helm Helm's Reports (2-9 Nevada). Hem See Hemp. Hem. and M Hemming and Miller's English Vice-Chancellor's Reports. Hem. and Mill Hemming and Miller's English Vice-Chancellor's Reports. Hemp, (or Hempst.) .Hempstead's United States Circuit Court Reports. Hen King Henry. Hen. Bl Henry Blackstone's English Common Pleas Reports. Hen. Man. Cas Henry's Manumission Cases. Hen. and Mun Henning and Munford's Virginia Reports. Hepb Hepburn's Reports (3, 4 California). Her. Chat Herman on Chattel Mortgages. Her. Est Herman on Law of Estoppel. Her. Ex Herman's Law of Executors. High Ex. Rem High on Extraordinary Remedies. High Inj High on Injunctions. High Rec High on Law of Receivers. Hil See Hill; Hilary. ABBREVIATIONS. 211 Hil. T Hilary Term. Hil. Vac Hilary Vacation. Hill Hill's N. Y. Reports; Hill's Law Reports, South Carolina. Hill Eq. (or Ch.) Hill's Equity South Carolina Reports. Hill N. Y Hill's New York Reports. Hill S. C Hill's South Carolina Reports (Law or Equity). Hill and Den Lalor's Supplement to Hill and Denio's Reports, New York. Hill. Am. Jur... Hilliard on American Jurisprudence. Hill Ch. Pr Hill's Chancery Practice. . Hill. Cont. Hilliard on Law of Contract. Hill Eq. (or Ch.) Hill's Equity S. C. Reports 1833-37. Hill. Inj Hilliard on the Law of Injunctions. Hill. Mort Hilliard on the Law of Mortgages. Hill N. Tr Hill on the Law of New Trials. Hill N. Y Hill's New York Reports. Hill. Real. Prop Hilliard's Law on Real Property. Hill. Rem Hilliard on Remedies for Torts. Hill S. C Hill's South Carolina Reports (L. or Eq.) Hill. Sales Hilliard on Sales of Personal Property. Hill. Tax Hilliard on Taxation. Hill. Torts Hilliard on Torts. Hill. Tr Hilliard on Trustees. Hill. Ven Hilliard's Law of Vendors. Hillyer Hillyer's Reports (20-22 California). Hilt Hilton's New York Common Pleas Reports. Hind. Pat Hindmarch on Patents. Hit. Cod Hittell's California Codes. Hog. St. Tr Hogan's State Trials, Pennsylvania. Hogue Hogue's Reports (1-4 Florida). Hole. L. Cas Holcombe's Leading Cases on Commercial Law. Hole. Debt, and Cr Holcombe's Law of Debtor and Creditor. Hollingshead Hollingshead's Minnesota Reports. Holm, (or Holmes) Holmes' United States Circuit Court Reports. Holt Holt's English King's Bench Reports; Holt's English Nisi Prius Reports; Holt's English Equity Reports. Holt Adm.Cas Holt's English Admiralty Cases (Rule of the Road). Holt's Eq. Holt's English Equity Reports. Holt K. B Holt's English King's Bench Reports. Holt N. P Holt's English Nisi Prius Reports. Holt R. of R Holt's Rule of the Road Cases. Home Home's Manuscript Decisions, Scotch Court of Session; see also Kames. Home (Cl.) Clerk Home, Scotch Session Cases. Home, H. Dec Home's Manuscript Decisions, Scotch Court of Session. Hooker Hooker's Reports (26 Connecticut). Hop Hopkins (see Hopk.). Hop. and C Hopwood and Coltman's English Registration Cases. Hop. and Ph Hopwood and Philbrick's English Registration Cases. Hope Hope (or Kerse) Manuscript Decisions, Scotch Court of Session. 212 LAW DEPARTMENT. Hopk. Adm. (or Judg.) Hopkins' Pennsylvania Admiralty Judgments. Hopk. Adm. Dec Admiralty Decisions of Hopkinson, in Gilpin's Reports. Hopk. Ch Hopkins' New York Chancery Reports. Hopw. and Colt Hopwood and Coltman's English Registration Appeal Cases. Hopw. and Phil Hopwood and Philbrick's English Registration Appeal Cases. Hole. Debt, and Cred. Holcomb's Law of Debtor and Creditor. Ho. Lords Cas House of .Lords Cases (Clark's). Hob Hobart's English King's Bench Reports. Hodg Hodges' English Common Pleas Reports. Hodg. Can. Elec. Cas. Hodgin's Canada Election Cases. Hoff. Pro. Rem Hoffman's Provisional Remainders. Hoff Hoffman's Land Cases, United States District Court; Hoff- man's New York Chancery Reports. Hoff. Ch. Hoffman's New Chancery Reports. Hoff. L. C. Hoffman's Land Cases. Hoff. Lead. Cas Hoffman's Leading Cases on Commercial Law. Hoff. N. Y Hoffman's New York Chancery Reports. Hoffm. Ch Hoffman's New York Chancery Reports. Hog Hogan's Irish Rolls Court Reports; (Hog) Harcarse's Scotch Session Cases. Hor. and Th. Cas Horrigan and Thompson's Cases on Self-Defense. Horn and H Horn and Hurlstone's English Exchequer Reports. Horr. and Th. Horrigan and Thompson's Cases on Self-Defense. Horw. and Y.B (Horwood's) Year Book of Edward I. Hough C-M. Cas Hough's Court-Martial Case Book, London, 1821. Hous Houston (see Houst.) House of L. House of Lords; House of Lords Cases. Houst Houston's Delaware Reports. Houst. Cr. Cas Houston's Delaware Criminal Cases. Hov. Fr Hovenden on Frauds. Hov. Sup Hovenden's Supplement to Vesey, Jr's, English Chancery Reports. How Howard's United States Supreme Court Reports; How- ard's Mississippi Reports; Howard's N. Y. Practice Reports. How. App Howard's New York Court of Appeal Cases. How. Cas Howard's New York Court of Appeal Cases; Howard's Popery Cases. How. Cr. Tr Howison's Criminal Trials (Virginia). How. (Miss.) Howard's Mississippi Law Reports. How. Po. Cas Howard's Popery Cases (Ireland). How. Pr Howard's New York Practice Reports. How. Pr. N. S Howard's New York Practice Reports, New Series. How. S. C. (or U. S.).. Howard's United States Supreme Court Reports. How. St. Tr Howel's English State Trials. Howell N. P Howell's Nisi Prius Reports, Michigan. Hu Hughes (see Hugh.). Hubbard Hubbard's Reports (45-51 Maine). ABBREVIATIONS. 213 Hub. Leg. Dir Hubbard's Legal Directory. Hubb. Sue. (or Ev.)....Hubback's Evidence of Succession. Hud. and Br Hudson and Brook's Irish King's Bench Reports. Hugh Hughes' "United States Circuit Court Reports; Hughes' Kentucky Reports. Hugh. (K'y) Hughes' Kentucky Reports. Hughes Hughes' United States Circuit Court Reports. Hum Humphrey's Tennessee Reports. Hume Hume's Scotch Session Cases. Humph Humphrey's Tennessee Reports. Hun Hun's New York Supreme Court Reports. Hunt Cas Hunt's Annuity Cases. Hunt Mer.Mag Hunt's Merchants' Magazine. Hunt. Tr Huntingdon's Trial (for Forgery). Hur. Hurlstone (see Hurl.). Hurl, and Colt Hurlstone and Coltman's English Exchequer Reports. Hurl, and Gord Hurlstone and Gordon's Reports (10, 11' Exchequer Re- ports, English). Hurl, and Nor. Hurlstone and Norman's English Exchequer Reports. Hurl, and Walm Hurlstone and Walmsley's English Exchequer Reports. Hut. (or Hutt,) Button's English Common Pleas Reports. Hyde Hyde's Reports, Bengal. I..: Idaho; Illinois; Indiana; Iowa; Irish (see Ir.). I.C.L.R. Irish Common Law Reports. I. C. R Irish Chancery Reports; Irish Circuit Reports. I. E. R Irish Equity Reports. I. J Irish Jurist, Dublin. I. J. Cas Irvine's Judicary Cases, Scotland. I. J. N. S Irish Jurist, New Series. .1. L. T Irish Law Times, Dublin, I.R Irish Reports. I.R.C.L Irish Reports, Common Law Series. I. R. Eq Irish Reports, Equity Series. I. R. R Internal Revenue Record, New York City. I. T. R Irish Term Reports, by Ridgway, Lapp and Schoales. la Iowa Reports. Ib. Ibidem, the same. Id Idem, the same. Ida. Idaho; Idaho Reports. Idaho (or Idaho N. S.) Idaho Territory Reports. Ill Illinois; Illinois Reports. Ind Indiana; Indiana Reports; India; (Est.) Indian. Ind. App Law Reports, Indian Appeals. Ind. App. Supp Supplemental Indian Appeals, Law Reports. Ind. Jur Indian Jurist, Calcutta: Indian Jurist, Madras. Ind. L. C. Com. Law..Indermaur's Epitome of Leading Common Law Cases. Ind. L. C.Eq Indermaur's Leading Cases in Conveyancing and Equity. Ind (East) Indian Law Reports. Ind. L. R. Alia Indian Law Reports, Allahabad. Ind. L.R. Bomb Indian Law Reports, Bombay Series. Ind. L. R. Calc Indian Law Reports, Calcutta Series. 214 LAW DEPARTMENT. Ind. L. R. Mad Indian Law Reports. Madras Series. Ind. L. Reg Indian Law Register, Lafayette. Ind. Rep Indiana Reports. Ind. Supr Indiana Superior Court Reports (Wilson). Ind. T Indian Territory. Inf Infra, beneath or below; In fine, at the end of a paragraph or title; Inferior. Ing. Ves Ingraham's Edition of Vesey, Jim. Ins. Insurance; Insolvency. Ins. L. J Insurance Journal, New York and St. Louis. Ins.Mon Insurance Monitor, New York. Ins. Rep Insurance Reporter, Philadelphia, Insolv Insolvency; Insolvent Debtor's Court. Int Introduction. Int.Cas Rowe's Interesting Cases (English and Irish). Int. Law Tr International Law Tracts. Int. Rev. Rec Internal Revenue Record, New Yoi'k. Iowa Iowa Reports. Ir Irish; Ireland; Iredell's N. C. Law or Equity Reports. Ir. C. L Irish Common Law Reports. Ir.Ch ^ Irish Chancery Reports. Ir. Cir Irish Circuit Reports. Ir. Eccl Irish Ecclesiastical Reports, by Milward. Ir. Eq Irish Equity Reports. Ir. T. R Irish Term Reports (by Ridgeway, Lapp and Schoales). Ired Iredell's North Carolina Law Reports. Ired. Eq Iredell's North Carolina Equity Reports. Irv Irvine's Scotch Justiciary Reports. J Scottish Jurist, Edinburgh; King James; Justice; John- son's New York Reports. J. A Judicature Acts of England. J. C Johnson's Cases, New York Supreme Court. J. C. P Justice of the Common Pleas. J. Ch. (or J. C. R.) Johnson's New York Chancery Reports. J. H Journal of the House. JJ. Justices. J. J. Mar J. J. Marshall's Kentucky Reports. J.K.B Justice of the King's Bench. J. Kel Sir John Kelyng's English Crown Cases. J. P Justice of the Peace. J. P. Sm J. P. Smith's English King's Bench Reports. J.Q.B. Justice of the Queen's Bench. J. R Johnson's New York Reports. J. S. Gr J. S. Green's New Jersey Reports. J.U.B Justice of the Upper Bench. J.andH. Johnson and Hemming's English Vice-Chancellors' Re- ports. J. and La T. Jones and La Touche's Irish Chancery Reports. J. and S Jones and Spencer's New York Superior Court Reports. J. and S. Jam Judah and Swan's Jamaica Reports. J.and W Jacob and Walker's English Chancery Reports. ABBREVIATIONS. 215 Jac Jacobus (Kiiig James); Jacob's English Chancery Re- ports. Jac. and Walk Jacob and Walker's Chancery Reports. Jackson Jackson's Reports (46-58 Georgia). Jackson & Lumpkin Jackson and Lurnpkin's Georgia Reports. James James' Nova Scotia Reports; King James. James (N. Sc.) James' Reports, Nova Scotia. James Sel.Cas. James 1 Select Cases, Nova Scotia. James and Mont. James and Montague's English Bankruptcy Reports (Jin 2 Glyn and Jameson). Jar. Cr.Tr Jardine's Criminal Trials. Jar. Wills Jarman on Wills. Jebb (or JebbC.C.) .Jebb's Irish Crown Cases. Jebb and B Jebb and Burke's Irish Queen's Bench Reports. Jebb and S Jebb and Smith's Irish Queen's Bench Reports. Jeff Jefferson's Virginia Reports. Jenk. (or Jenk. Cent.) Jenkins' Eight Centuries of Reports, English Exchequer. Jenn Jennison's Reports (14-18 Michigan). Jick.Est Jickling on Equitable Estates. Jo Jones (see Jon. and Jones). Jo. and La T Jones and La Touche's Irish Chancery Reports. John, (or Johns.) Johnson's New York Reports; Johnson's Reports of Chase's Decisions; Johnson's Reports, Chaneery, Mary- land; Johnson's English Vice-Chancellors' Reports. Johns. Cas Johnson's New York Cases. Johns. Ch Johnson's New York Chancery Reports; Johnson's En- glish Vice-Chancellors' Reports; Johnson's Maryland Chancery Decisions. Johns. Ct. Err Johnson's Reports, New York Court of Error. Johns. Dec Johnson's Maryland Chancery Decisions. .Johns. Rep Johnson's Reports, New York Supreme Court. Johns. Tr Johnson's Impeachment Trial. Johns. U. S Johnson's Reports of Chase's U. S. Circuit Decisions. Johns. V. C Johnson's English Vice-Chancellors' Reports. Johns, and Hem. Johnson and Hemming's English Chancery Reports. Johnst.(N. Z.) Johnston's Reports, New Zealand. Jon Jones (see Jones). Jones Ch. Mort. Jones on Chattel Mortgages. Jones Mort Jones on Mortgages. Jon. Exch Jones' Irish Exchequer Reports. Jon. Ir. Exch Jones' Reports, Irish Exchequer. Jon. and Car Jones and Carter's Irish Exchequer Reports. Jones 1 Sir William Jones' English King's Bench Reports. Jones 2 Sir Thomas Jones' English King's Bench Reports. Jones Jones' Reports (43-48,52-57,61,62 Alabama); Jones' Re- ports ( 11, 12 Pennsylvania State); Jones' Reports (22-30 Missouri ); Jones' Law and Equity Reports, North Caro- lina; Jones Irish Exchequer Reports; Jones' Upper Canada Common Pleas Reports. Jones, Barclay and Whittlesey Jones, Barclay and Whittlesey's Reports (31 Missouri). 216 LAW DEPARTMENT. Jones Eq Jones' North Carolina Equity Reports. Jones N.C Jones' North Carolina Law Reports. Jones (Pa.) Jones' Reports (11, 12 Pennsylvania State). Jones T Sir Thomas Jones' English King's Bench Reports. Jones U. C Jones' Reports, Upper Canada. Jones W Sir William Jones' English King's Bench Reports. Jones and C Jones and Gary's Irish Exchequer Reports. Jones and La T Jones and La Touche's Irish Chancery Reports. Jones and McM. (Pa.) Jones and McMurtrie's Pennsylvania Supreme Court Re- ports. Jones and Spen Jones and Spencer's New York Superior Court Reports. Jour. Jur Journal of Jurisprudence (Hall's). Jour. Jur. (Sc.) Journal of Jurisprudence and Scottish Law Magazine, Edinburgh. Jour. Law Journal of Law, Philadelphia. Jour. Ps. Med Journal of Psychological Medicine and Medical Juris- prudence. Joy Ace Joy on Evidence of Accomplices. Joy Conf Joy on the Admissibility of Confessions. Jud. Judgments; Judicial; Judicature; Book of Judgments. Jud. Chr Judicial Chronicle. Jud. Rep. Judicial Repository. Jud. and SAV Judah and Swan's Reports, Jamaica. Judg. U. B Judgments in the Upper Bench and Common Pleas. Jur Jurist, London, 1854 [or, the Jurist or Quarterly Journal of Jurisprudence, 1827; or the Jurist, Washington; or the Jurist, New York]. Jur. N. S Jurist, New Series, London. Jur. N. Y Jurist, or Law and Equity Reporter. Jur. Ros Roscoe's Jurist, London. Jur. (Sc.) The Scotch Jurist, Edinburgh. Jur. Wash. D. C Jurist, Washington, D. C. Juris Jurisprudence. Jurispr Jurisprudent, Boston. Jurist Jurist (see Jur.). Just. P The Justice of the Peace, London (periodical). K King; Keyes' New York Court of Appeal Reports; Ken- yon's English King's Bench Reports. K. B ; King's Bench. K. C King's Council. K. C. R Reports in the time of Chancellor King. K. S King's Sergeant. K. and F. N. S. W Knox and Fitzhardinge's New South Wales Reports. K. and G. R. C Keane and Grant's English Restriction Appeal Cases. K. and J Kay and Johnson's English Vice-Chancellors' Reports. K. and O Knapp and Ombler's English Election Cases. Kam Karnes' Decisions of the Scottish Court of Session. Kam. Rern. Dec Karnes' Remarkable Decisions, Scotch Court of Session. Kam. Sel. Dec Kames' Select Decisions, Scotch Court of Session. Kan. (or Kans.) Kansas; Kansas Reports. Kay Kay's English Vice-Chancellors' Reports. ABBREVIATIONS. 217 Kay and Johns Kay and Johnson's English Vice-Chancellors' Reports. Ke Keen's English Rolls Court Reports. Keane and Gr ..Keane and Grant's English Registration Appeal Cases. Keb. : Keble's English King's Bench Reports. Keen Keen's English Rolls Court Reports. Keil. (or Keilw.) Keilway's English King's Bench Reports. Kel. 1 Sir John Kelyng's English Crown Cases. Kel. 2 Wm. Kelynge's English Chancery Reports. Kel. Ga Kelly's Georgia Reports (1-3 Georgia). Kel. J Sir John Kelyng's English Crown Cases. Kel. W Wni. Kelynge's English Chancery Reports. Kelly Kelly's Reports (1-3 Georgia). Kelly and Cobb Kelly and Cobb's Reports (4, 5 Georgia). Kelyng Kelyng's English King's Bench Reports. Ken Kentucky (see K'y). Ken. Dec. Kentucky Decisions, by Sneed. Kenan Kenan's Reports ( 76-91 North Carolina). Kent. Kentucky (see K'y). Keny Kenyon's English King's Bench Reports. Keny. C. H. (or 3 Keny.) Chancery Reports at the end of 2 Kenyon. Kern Kernan's Reports (11-14 New York Court of Appeals). Kerr Kerr's New Brunswick Reports; Kerr's Reports (18-22 In- diana). Kerr (N. B.) Kerr's Reports, New Brunswick. Kerr Disc Kerr's Law of Discovery. Kerr Fr Kerr's Law of Fraud and Mistake. Kerr Inj Kerr on Injunctions. Kerr Rec Kerr on Receivers. Kerse .", Kerse's Manuscript Decisions, Scotch Court of Session. Key. (or Keyes) Keyes' New York Court of Appeals Reports. Keyl Keilway's (or Keylway's) English King's Bench Reports. Kilk Kilkerran's Decision's, Scotch Court of Session. King King's Reports (5, 6 Louisiana Annual). KingCasJemp, Select Cases temp. King, English Chancery. Kir. (or Kirb.; or Kirby) Kirby's Connecticut Reports. Kn. (or Kn. A. C.) Knapp's Appeal Cases (English Privy Council). Kn. N. S. W Knox, New South Wales Reports. Knapp Knapp's Privy Council Rep'orts, England. Kn. and Moo Knapp and Moore's Reports (3 Knapp's Privy Council Re- ports). Kn. and O ...Knapp and Ombler's English Election Reports. Knowles ...Knowles' Reports (3 Rhode Island). K'y Kentuckjr; Kentucky Reports. K'y Dec. Sneed's Kentucky Decisions. Kyd Aw Kyd on Awards. Kyd Bills Kyd on Bills of Exchange. Kyd Corp Kyd on Corporations. L Liber; Law; Loi; Limited; Lansing's Supreme Court Re- poi'ts, New York. 218 LAW DEPARTMENT. L. C.. Lord Chancellor; Lower Canada; Leading Cases. L.C.B Lord Chief Baron. L. C. Eq White and Tudor's Leading Cases in Equity. L. C. G Lower Court Gazette, Toronto. L. C. J Lord Chief Justice; Lower Canada Jurist, Montreal. L. C. Jur Lower Canada Jurist. L. C. L. J Lower Canada Law Journal, Montreal. L. C. R Lower Canada Reports. L. H. C Lord High Chancellor. L.I Legal Intelligencer, Philadelphia. L. J The Law Journal, London; Law Journal (see Hall); Lord Justices' Court. L. J.Adm Law Journal, New Series, Admiralty. L. J. App Law Journal, New Series, Appeals. L. J. Bank Law Journal, New Series, Bankruptcy. L. J. C. C. R. Law Journal, New Series, Crown Cases Reserved. L. J. C. P ..Law Journal, New Series, Common Pleas. L. J. Ch Law Journal, New Series, Chancery. L. J. C. P. D. Law Journal, New Series, Common Pleas Decisions. L. J. D. and M Law Journal, New Series, Divorce and Matrimonial. L. J.Ecc ....Law Journal, New Series, Ecclesiastical Cases. L. J. Ex. D Law Journal, New Series, Exchequer Division. L. J. Exch Law Journal, New Series, Exchequer. L. J. H. L Law Journal, New Series, House of Lords. L. JJ Lord Justices. L. J. M. C ...Law Journal, New Series, Magistrates' Cases. L. J.M. and W Morgan and Williams' Law Journal, London. L. J. Mat. Cas Law Journal, New Series, Divorce and Matrimonial. L. J. N. C. Law Journal, Notes of Cases. L. J. N. S The Law Journal, New Series, London. L. J. O. S The Law Journal, Old Series, London. L. J. P. (or P. C.) Law Journal, New Series, Privy Council. L. J.P.D.and A Law Journal, New Series, Probate, Divorce and Admir- alty. L. J. Prob Law Journal, New Series, Probate. L. J. Q. B Law Journal, New Series, Queen's Bench. L. J. Q. B. D Law Journal, New Series, Queen's Bench Division. L. J. Rep. Law Journal Reports. L. J. Rep.N. S Law Journal Reports, New Series. L. J. Sm Smith's Law Journal, London. L. and C. C. C Leigh and Cave's Crown Cases. L. and E English Law and Equity Reports (American reprint). L. and E. Rep Law and Equity Reporter, New York. L. and G. t. Plunk. Lloyd and Gould's Irish Chancery Reports, temp. Plurikett. L. and G. t. Sug Lloyd and Gould's Irish Chancery Reports, temp. Sugden. L. and M Lowndes and Maxwell's English Practice Cases. L. and T. .Longfield and Townsend's Irish Exchequer Reports. L. and W Lloyd and Welsby's English Mercantile Cases. La. Louisiana; Louisiana Reports; Lane's English Exchequer Reports. La. An Louisiana Annual Reports. ABBREVIATIONS. 219 La. L. J Louisiana Law Journal, New Orleans; Louisiana Law Journal (Schmidt's), New Orleans. La. T. R Louisiana Term Reports (3-12 Martin, Louisiana). La Them. L. C La Themis (Periodical), Lower Canada. Lab Labatt's California District Court Reports. Lab. Cal. Labatt's California District Court Reports. Lac. R. R. Dig. Lacey's Digest Railroad Decisions. Lack. Leg. R Lackawanna Legal Record. Lalor Lalor's Supplement to Hill and Denio's New York Re- ports. Lane. Bar The Lancaster Bar (periodical). Lane Lane's English Exchequer Reports. Lang. Ca. (or L. C. Cont.) Langdell's Cases on the Law of Contracts. Lang. Ca. (or L. C. Sales) Langdell's Cases on the Law of Sales. Lang. Cont Langdell's Cases on Contracts. Lang. Eq. PI Langdell's Cases in Equity Pleading. Lang. Sales Langdell's Cases on the Law of Sales. Lans Lansing's New York Supreme Court Reports. Lans. Ch Lansing's Chancery Decisions, New York. Lap. Dec Laperriere's Speaker's Decisions, Canada. Lat. Latitat; Latch. Latch Latch's English King's Bench Reports. Lathrop Lathrop's Reports (115-131 Massachusetts). Lauder (Lauder of) Fountainhall's Scotch Session Cases. Law The Law, London (periodical). Law Aim Law Almanac, New York. Law Am. Jour Law Amendment Journal. Law Bui Law Bulletin. San Francisco. Law Cas. Wm. I Law Cases, William I to Richard I. Law Chr Law Chronicle, London (or Edinburgh ). Law Chr. and Jour. Jur Law Chronicle and Journal of Jurisprudence. Law. Cr. Def Lawson's Criminal Defense. Law. Dig Law Digest, London (periodical). Law Ex. J Law Examination Journal, London. Law Int Law Intelligencer. Law Jour Law Journal (see abbreviations under L. J.). Law Jour. (M. and W Morgan and William's Law Journal, London. Law Jour. ( Smith's) ..J. P. Smith's Law Journal, London. Law Lib. Law Library, Philadelphia. Law Lib. (N. S.) Law Library, New Series, Philadelphia. Law Mag Law Magazine, London. Law Mag. and Rev Law Magazine and Review. Law N Law News, St. Louis. L. L. N. S Law Libraiy, New Series, Philadelphia. L. M. (or Mag.) Law Magazine, London. L. M. (or Mag.)L. R. Law Magazine and Review, London. L. Mag. Rev Law Magazine and Review, London. 220 LAW DEPARTMENT. L. M. and P Lowndes, Maxwell and Pollock's English Bail Court Re- ports. L. N Libel Niger or the Black Book. L. O. Law Orders; Law Observer, London. L. P. C Lord of the Privy Council. L. P. R Lilly's Practical Register. L. R LaV Reports; Law Reporter (Law Times Reports, N. S.); Law Review; (Irish) Law Recorder; Louisiana Reports. L. R. A. and E English Law Reports, Admiralty and Ecclesiastical. L. R. App English Law Reports, Appeal Cases, House of Lords. L. L. Burm Law Reports, British Burmah. L. R. C. C English Law Reports, Crown Cases Reserved. L. R. C. P English Law Reports, Common Pleas. L. R. C. P. D English Law Reports, Common Pleas Division. L. R. Ch....; English Law Reports, Chancery, Appeal Cases. L. R. Ch. D English Law Reports, Chancery Division. L. R. Eq. English Law Reports, Equity. L. R. Ex English Reports, Exchequer. L. R. Ex. Div English Law Reports, Exchequer Division. L. R. H. L English Law Reports, English and Irish Appeal Cases. L. R. H. L. Sc English Law Reports, Scotch and Divorce Appeal Cases. L. R. Ind. App English Law Reports, Indian Appeals. L. R. Ir. Law Reports, Ireland. L. R. N. S Irish Law Recorder, New Series. L. R. N. S. W Law Reports, New South Wales. L. R. P. C English Law Reports, Privy Council, Appeal Cases. L. R. P. Div English Law Reports, Probate, Divorce and Admiralty Division. L. R. P. and D. English Law Reports, Probate and Divorce. L. R. Q. B English Law Reports, Queen's Bench. L. R. Q. B. Div English Law Reports, Queen's Bench Division. L. R. S. A Law Reports, South Australia. L. R. Sc. and D English Law Reports, Scotch and Divorce Cases, before the House of Lords. L. R. Sess ...English Law Reports, Session Cases. L. R. Stat English Law Reports, Statutes. L. Repos Law Repository. L. Rev Law Review. ^ L. S. Locus Sigilli Place for a Seal. L. Sal Salic Law. L. T Law Times Journal, London; Law Times, Scranton, Pa. L. T. B Law Times Bankruptcy Reports (American). L. T. N.S.(orL.T.R. N. S.) Law Times (New Series) Reports, London. L. T. R. The Law Times Reports in all the Courts. L. and A. Ins. Cas Life and Accident Insurance Cases. L. and C Leigh and Cave's English Crown Cases Reserved. Law. Rec. Law Recorder, Dublin. Law Reg American Law Register, Philadelphia. Law Rep Law Reports (see L. R.); Law Reporter, Boston (or Lon- don; or Toronto; or Montreal). ABBREVIATIONS. 221 Law Rep. N. S Monthly Law Reporter. Boston. Law Repos Carolina Law Repository, North Carolina. Law Rev. Law Review, London; American Law Review, Boston. Law Rev. Q Law Review, Quarterly, Albany, N. Y. Law Rev. and Q. J Law Review and Quarterly Journal, London. Law Stu. Mag Law Student's Magazine, London. Law T. Law Times, London; Law Times. Scranton, Pa. Law T. Rep. N. S Law Times Reports, New Series. Law Tr Law Tracts. Law W Law Weekly, New York. Law. and Eq. Rep Law and Equity Reporter, New York. Law. and Mag. Mag. ..Lawyers' and Magistrates' Magazine, London. Lawrence Lawrence's Reports (20 Ohio). Lawrence Comp. Dec. Lawrence's First Comptroller's Decisions. Lawy. Mag Lawyers' Magazine. Ld. Ken Lord Kenyon's English King's Bench Reports. Ld. Raym Lord Raymond's English King's Bench Reports. Le Mer Le Merchant's Gardner Peerage Cases. Lea Lea's Tennessee Reports; Leach. Leach Leach's English Crown Cases. Leach Cl. Cas Leach's Club Cases, London. Lead. Cas. Am American Leading Cases, by Hare and Wallace. Lead. Cas. Eq Leading Cases in Equity, by White and Tudor. Lect Lecture. Lee Lee's English Ecclesiastical Reports; Lee's Reports, (9-12 California). Lee, G. Sir George Lee's English Ecclesiastical Reports. Lee t. Hard. Lee's Cases temp. Hardwicke, English K. B. and Ch. Lef . Dec. Lefevre's Parliamentary Decisions, reported by Bourke. Lefroy English Railroad and Canal Cases. Leg Leges; Legibus. Leg. Adv Legal Adviser, Chicago, Illinois. Leg. Bibl Legal Bibliography, by J. G. Marvin. Leg. Chron Legal Chronicle, Pottsville, Pennsylvania. Leg. Chron. Rep Legal Chronicle Reports, Pennsylvania. Leg. Exam Legal Examiner, London (or New York). Leg. Exam. N. S Legal Examiner, New Series, London. Leg. Exam. W. R Legal Examiner, Weekly Reporter, London. Leg. Exam and L. C. Legal Examiner and Law Chronicle, London. Leg. Exam, and Med. J Legal Examiner and Medical Jurist, London. Leg. Exch Legal Exchange, Des Moines, Iowa. Leg. G Legal Guide, London. Leg. Gaz Legal Gazette, Philadelphia. Leg. Gaz. Rep Legal Gazette Reports. Leg. Inq Legal Inquirer, London. Leg. Int Legal Intelligencer, Philadelphia. Leg. News Legal News, Chicago; Legal News, Montreal. Leg. Obs Legal Observer. Leg. Op Legal Opinions, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. Leg. Rem. Legal Remembrancer, Calcutta. 222 LAW DEPARTMENT. Leg. Rep Legal Reporter, Dublin; Legal Reporter, Nashville, Tenn. Leg. Rev Legal Review, London. Leg. Y. B Legal Year Book, London. Leg. News The Legal News, Lower Canada. Leg. and Ins. Rept Legal and Insurance Reporter, Philadelphia. Legg Leggett's Reports, Sind, India. Leigh Leigh's Virginia Reports. Leigh and C Leigh and Cave's English Crown Cases. Leo. (or Leon.) Leonard's English King's Bench Reports. Lest. L.L Lester's Decisions in Public Land Cases. Lester Lester's Reports (31-33 Georgia). Lest. Supp. (or Lest. and But.) Lester and Buttler's Supplement to Lester's Georgia Re- ports. Lev Levinz's English King's Bench Reports. Lew Lewin's English Crown Cases, Reserved. Lew.C. C Lewin's English Crown Cases. Lew. Tr Lewin's Law of Trustees. Lew.L.Cas Lewis' Leading Cases on Public Land Law. Lewis Lewis' Reports (1 Nevada). Ley Ley's English King's Bench Reports. Lib Liber (book); Library. Lib. Ass Liber Assisarum (Year Books, Part V). Lib. L. and Eq Library of Law and Equity. Lib. Reg Register Books. Life and Ace. Ins. R. Bigelow's Life and Accident Insurance Reports. Lil Lilly's English Assize Reports. Lil. Abr. Lilly's Abridgment, or Practical Register. Lil. Reg. Lilly's Practical Register. Lind. Part Lindley's Law of Partnership. Lit. (or Litt.) Littell's Kentucky Reports; Littleton's English Common Pleas Reports. Lit. (or Litt.) Sel. Cas. Littell's Select Kentucky Cases. Littell Littell's Kentucky Reports. Liv Livingston's Mayor's Court Reports, New York. Liv. Jud. Op. (or Cas.) Livingston's Judicial Opinions, New York. Liv. L. Mag Livingston's Law Magazine, New York. Liv. L. Reg Livingston's Law Register, New York. LI Leges (Laws); Lloyd. LI. and G. t. P. Lloyd and Gould's Irish Chancery Reports, temp. Plunkett. LI. and G. t. S Lloyd and Gould's Irish Chancery Reports, temp. Sugden. LI. and W. (or Lloyd and W.) Lloyd and Welsby's English Mercantile Cases. Loc. cit Loco citato (in the place of cited). Loc. Ct. Gaz Local Courts and Municipal Gazette, Toronto. Lock. Rev. Ca Lockwood's New York Reversed Cases. Lofft Lofft's English King's Bench Reports. Lorn. C. H. Rep Loma's City Hall Reporter, New York. Lond. Ju London Jurist. Lond. L. Mag London Law Magazine. ABBREVIATIONS. 223 Long S Long on Sales of Personal Property. Longf. andT. Longtield and Townsend's Irish Exchequer Reports. Lorenz Lorenz's Ceylon Reports. Lou. (or Louis.) Louisiana (see La.). Low. (or Low. Die.) Lowell's United States District Court Reports. Low. Can. Jur Lower Canada Jurist, Montreal. Low. Can. L. J Lower Canada Law Journal. Low. Can. R Lower Canada Reports. Lownd. M. and P Lowndes, Maxwell and Pollock's English Bail' Court Re- ports. Lownd. and M Lowndes and Maxwell's English Bail Court Reports. Luc. (or Lucas) Lucas' Reports (Modern Reports, Part X). Lud. El. Cas Luder's English Election Cases. Ludden Ludden's Reports (43, 44 Maine). Lum. P. L. Cas Lumley's Poor Law Cases. Lush. (orLush.Adm.) Lushington's English Admiralty Reports. Lut. (or Lutw.) Lutwyche's English Common Pleas Reports. Lut. Elec. Cas Lutwyche's Election Cases, England. Lut. R. C Lutwyche's English Registration Appeal Cases. Luz.Leg.Ob Luzerne Legal Observer, Carbondale, Pennsylvania. Luz. Leg. Reg Luzerne Legal Register, Wilkesbarre, Pennsylvania. Lyne (Wai.) Lyne's Irish Chancery Cases, from Wallis' Notes. M Queen Mary; Michaelmas Term; Maritime; Mortgage; Modified; Miles Pennsylvania Reports; Massachusetts; Maryland; Maine; Michigan; Minnesota; Mississippi; Missouri; Montana; Morison's Dictionary of Decisions, Scotch Court of Session; Session Cases, 3d Series, Scot- land (Macpherson, etc.). M' See Mac. and Me. M.C Magistrate Cases; Mayors' Court. M. C. C. Moody's English Crown Cases, Reserved. M. D. and D. (or De G.) Montagu, Deacon and De Gex's English Bankruptcy Re- ports. M. G. and S Manning, Granger and Scott's English Common Pleas Re- ports. M. L. J Memphis Law Journal, Tennessee. M. L. R Maryland Law Record, Baltimore. M. M. R Mitchell's Maritime Register, London. M. P. C Moore's English Privy Council Cases. M. R Master of the Rolls. M. T Michaelmas Term. M. and A Montagu and Ayrton's English Bankruptcy Reports. M. and B Montagu and Bligh's English Bankruptcy Reports. M. and C Mylne and Craig's English Chancery Reports; Montagu and Chitty's English Bankruptcy Reports. M. and Chit. Bankr Montagu and Chitty's Bankruptcy Reports, English. M. and G Manning and Granger's English Common Pleas Reports; Maddock and Geldart's English Chancery Reports. M. and Gel Maddock and Geldart's English Chancery Reports (6 Mad- dock). 224 LAW DEPARTMENT. M. and Gord Macnaughten and Gordon's English Chancery Reports. M. and H Murphy and Hurlstone's English Exchequer Reports. M. and K. Mylne and Keen's English Chancery Reports. M. and M Moody and Malkin's English Nisi Prius Reports. M. and M'A Montagu and M'Arthur's English Bankruptcy Reports. M. and P Moore and Payne's English Common Pleas Reports. M. and R Manning and Ryland's English King's Bench Reports; Moody and Robinson's English Nisi Prius Reports; Maclean and Robinson's Scotch Appeal Cases. M. and R.M. C Manning and Ryling's English Magistrate Cases. M. and S Maul and Selwyn's English King's Bench Reports; Moore and Scott's English Common Pleas Reports. M. and W Meeson and Welby's English Exchequer Reports. M. and Y... Martin and Yerger's Tennessee Reports. Mac See Me. Mac. and G Macnaughten and Gordon's Chancery Reports. Mac. N. Z. Macassey's New Zealand Reports. Mac. Pat. Cas Macrory's Patent Cases. Mac. and Rob Maclean and Robinson's Appeal Cases. MacAr. Pat. Cas MacArlhur's Patent Cases. MacArth MacArthur's District of Columbia Cases. Macas Macassey's Reports, New Zealand. Mace. Cas. Maccala's Breach of Promise Cases. Maccl Macclestield's Reports (Modern Reports, Part X). Maccl.Tr Macclestield's Trial (Impeachment), London, 1725. Macd. Jam Macdougald's Jamaica Reports. Macf. (or Macfar.) Macfarlane's Reports, Jury Courts, Scotland. Mackey Mackey's Reports, District of Columbia. Macl McLean's United States Circuit Court Reports; Maclaur- in's Scotch Criminal Decisions. Macl. Dec Maclaurin's Decisions, Scotch Courts. Macl. and R Maclean and Robinson's Scotch Appeal Cases. Macn Macnaughten's Select Cases in Chancery, temp. King; W. M. Macnaughten's Reports, India. Macn. (Fr.) Sir Francis Macnaughten's Bengal Reports. Macn. N. A. Beng Macnaughten's Nizamut Adawlut Reports, Bengal. Macn. S. D. A. Beng...W. H. Macnaughten's Sudder Dewanny Adawult Reports, Bengal. Macn. Sel. Cas Select Cases in Chancery, temp. King, edited by Macnaugh- ten. Macn. and G Macnaughten and Gordon's English Chancery Reports. Macph Macpherson, Lee and Bell's (Third Series) Scotch Court of Session Cases. Macq Macqneen's Scotch Appeal Cases. Macq. H. L. Cas Macqueen's Scotch Appeal Cases, House of Lords. Macr. P. Cas Macrory's Patent Cases. Macr. and H Macrae and Hertslet's Insolvency Cases. Mad Maddock's English Chancery Reports; Madras. Mad. H. C Madras High Court Reports. Mad. Jur Madras Jurist, India. Mad. S. D. A. R Madras Sudder Dewanny Adawlut Reports. ABBREVIATIONS. 225 Mad. Sel. Dec Madras Select Decrees, Mad. Ser Madras Series, East India Law Reports. Mad. and Gel Maddock and Geldart's English Chancery Reports (6 Mad- dock). Mad Maddock's Reports, English Chancery. Made p Made perpetual. Madr Madras (see Mad.). Mag. Magistrate, London. 1 Mag. Cas Magistrates' Cases (especially the series edited by Bittles- ton, Wise and Parnell). Mag. Char Magna Charta. Mag. Rot Magnus Rotulus (the great Roll of the Exchequer). Magruder Magruder's Reports (1, 2 Maryland). Mai Maine; Maine Reports. Maitland Maitland's Manuscript Scotch Session Cases. Malloy Malloy's Irish Chancery Reports. Malone Editor Heiskell's Tennessee Reports. Man Manning's Reports (English Court of Revision); Manitoba; Manning's Reports (1 Michigan); Manuscript; see also Mann. Man. Cas Manumission Cases in New Jersey, by Bloomtield. Man. Dem Mansel on Demurrer. Man. Lim Mansel on Limitations. Man. El. Cas Manning's English Election Cases (Court of Revision). Man. Gr. and S. Manning, Granger and Scott, English Common Pleas Re- ports. Man. and G Manning and Granger's English Common Pleas Reports. Man. andRy Manning and Ryland's English King's Bench Reports. Man. and Ry. Mag. Cas Manning and Ryland's English Magistrates' Cases. Manb. Coke Manby's Abridgment of Coke's Reports. Manitoba Armour's Queen's Bench and County Court Reports, temp. Wood, Manitoba. Mann Manning's English Court of Revision Reports; see also Man. Manning Manning's Reports (1 Michigan). Manum. Cases Manumission Cases, New Jersey (Bloomfield's). Mar Maritime; March's English King's Bench Reports; Mar- shall's United States Circuit Court Reports; Marshall's Kentucky Reports; Martin's Louisiana Reports; Mar- tin's North Carolina Reports; Marshall's Reports, Bengal. Mar. Br March's Translation of Brooke's New Cases. Mar. L. C English Maritime Law Cases (Crockford). Mar. L. C. N.S English Maritime Law Cases, New Series (Aspinall). Mar. La Martin's Louisiana Reports. Mar. N. C Martin's North Carolina Reports. Mar. N. S Martin's Louisiana Reports, New Series. Mar. R English Maritime Law Reports. Mar. Reg '. Mitchell's Maritime Register, London. March March's Ti'anslation of Brooke's New Cases, King's Bench. Sig. 16. 220 LAW DEPARTMENT. March N. C March's New Cases, English King's Bench. Marine Ct. R Marine Court Reporter (McAdara's), New York. Marr Marriott's English Admiralty Decisions; Marrack's Euro- pean Assurance Cases. Marr. Adm Marriott's Reports, English Admiralty. Mars Marsden's English Admiralty Reports. Marsh Marshall's United States Circuit Court Decisions; Mar- shall's English Common Pleas Reports; Marshall's Ben- gal Reports. Marsh. (A. K.) A. K. Marshall's Kentucky Reports. Marsh. C. P Marshall's English Common Pleas Reports. Marsh. Beng. (or Calc.) Marshall's Reports, Bengal. Marsh. Ceylon Marshall's Ceylon Reports. Marsh. Dec Marshall's United States Circuit Court Decisions (or Mar- shall on the Federal Constitution). Marsh. J. J. J. J. Marshall's Kentucky Reports. Marsh. Op Marshall's Constitutional Opinions. Mart Martin (see Martin). Mart. Cond. La Martin's Condensed Louisiana Reports. Mart. Conv Martindale's Conveyancing. Mart. Dec United States Decisions in Martin's North Carolina Re- ports. Mart. (La.) Martin's Louisiana Reports. Mart. (N. C.) Martin's North Carolina Reports. Mart. N. S Martin's Louisiana Reports, New Series. Mart. U. S. C. C Martin's United States Circuit Court Reports. Mart, and Yerg Martin and Yerger's Tennessee Reports. Martin Martin's Louisiana Reports; Martin's North Carolina Re- ports; Martin's Reports (21-30 Georgia); Martin's Re- ports (54-62 Indiana). Marv. Leg. Bib Marvin's Legal Bibliology. Mas Mason's United States Circuit Court Reports. Mass. Massachusetts; Massachusetts Reports. Mass.L. R Massachusetts Law Reporter, B'oston. Mat Matthews (see Math.). Mats, (or Matson) Matson's Reports (22-24 Connecticut). Matthews Matthews' Reports (6 West Virginia). Man. and Sel Maule and Selwyn's English King's Bench Reports. Maur. Dec Mauritius Decisions. Max Maxim. Mayn Maynard's Reports, Edward II (Year Books, Part I). May Fr. Con May on Fraudulent Conveyances. May Ins May on Insurance. Me See also Mac. McAll McAllister's United States Circuit Court Reports. McAr McArthur's District of Columbia Reports. McBride McBride's Reports (1 Missouri). McCah McCahon's Kansas Reports. McCar McCarthy's New Jersey Equity Reports. McCl McClelland's English Exchequer Reports. ABBREVIATIONS. 227 McCl. and Y McClelland and Younge's English Exchequer Reports. McCook McCook's Reports (1 Ohio State). McCord McCord's South Cai'olina Law Reports. McCord Eq. (or Ch.).. McCord's South Carolina Equity Reports. McCorkle McCorkle's Reports (65 North Carolina). McCr. (or McCrary)....McCrary's United States Circuit Court Reports. McFar McFarlane's Reports, Scotch Jury Court. McGill McGill's Manuscript Scotch Session Cases. McGl. (or McGloin). McGIoin's Louisiana Reports. McL. (or McLean) McLean's United States Circuit Court Reports. McL. and R. McLean and Robinson's Scotch Appeal Cases. McMul McMullen's South Carolina Law Reports. McMnl. Eq McMullen's South Carolina Equity Reports. McNagh McNaghten (see Macn). McPherson McPherson, Lee and Bell's (Third Series) Scotch Session Cases. McQ McQueen's Scotch Appeal (House of Lords) Cases. Md Maryland; Maryland Reports; Harris and McHenry's . Maryland Reports. Md. Ch Maryland Chancery Reports. Md. L. Rec Maryland Law Record, Baltimore. Md. L. Rep Maryland Law Reporter, Baltimore. Me. Maine; Maine Reports. Means Means' Kansas Reports. Meddaugh Meddaugh's Reports (13 Michigan). Mees. and Ros Meeson and Roscoe's English Exchequer Reports. Mees. and Wels Meeson and Welsby's English Exchequer Reports. Meigs Meigs' Tennessee Reports. Melv.Tr Melville's Trial (Impeachment), London. ' Mem. L. J Memphis Law Journal, Tennessee. Menz Menzie's Reports, Cape of Good Hope. Mer Merivale's English Chancery Reports. Merc. Cas Mercantile Cases. Met. (or Mete.) Metcalfs Mass Reports; Metcalf's Kentucky Reports. Metc.K'y Metcalfs Kentucky Reports. Meth. Ch. Ca Report of the Methodist Church Case. Mich Michigan; Michigan Reports; Michaelmas. Mich. N. P Michigan Nisi Prius Reports. Mich.T Michaelmas Term. Mich. Vac Michaelmas Vacation. Middx. Sit Sittings for Middlesex at Nisi Prius. Mil Miles' Pennsylvania Reports; Miller (see Mill.) Mil. Rep Militia Reporter, Boston. Miles Miles' District Court Reports, City and County of Phila- delphia, Pennsylvania. Mill Mill's South Carolina Constitutional Reports; Miller's Re- ports (1-5 Louisiana); Miller's Reports (3-18 Maryland). Mill. Dec Miller's Decisions (Woolworth's Reports) United States Circuit Court. Mill. Dec Miller's Decisions United States Supreme Court. Mill. La Miller's (1-5 Louisiana). 228 LAW DEPARTMENT. Mill. Md Miller's Reports (3-18 Maryland). Miller Miller's Reports (1-5 La.); Miller's Reports (3-18 Md.). Milw Milward's Irish Ecclesiastical Reports. Min Minutes; Minor; Minor's Alabama Reports. Min. Repts Mining Reports. Minn Minnesota Reports. Minor Minor's Reports, Alabama. Miss Mississippi; Mississippi Reports. Mitch. M. R Mitchell's Maritime Register, London. Milf. Eq. PI Milford's Equity Pleading. MM Manuscripts. Mo. Missouri; Missouri Reports; Moore's English King's Bench Reports; Moore's English Common Pleas Re- ports; Moore's English Privy Council Reports; Modern Reports, English; King's Bench, etc.; see Mod.; Monthly. Mo. App Missouri Appeals Reports. Mo. Bar. Missouri Bar, Jefferson City. Mo. (F.) Sir Francis Moore's English King's Bench Reports. Mo. I. A Moore's Indian Appeals. Mo. (J. B.) J. B. Moore's English Common Pleas Reports. Mo. Jur Monthly Jurist, Bloomington, Illinois. Mo. L. Mag. Monthly Law Magazine, London. Mo. Leg. Exam Monthly Legal Examiner, New York. Mo. P. C Moore's English Privy Counsel Reports. Mo. W. Jur Monthly Western Jurist, Bloomington, Illinois. Mo. and P Moore and Payne's English Common Pleas Reports. Mo. and R Moody and Robinson's English Nisi Prius Reports. Mo. and S : Moore and Scott's English Common Pleas Reports. Moak Eng. Rep Moak's English Reports. Mod Modern Reports, English King's Bench, etc. Mod. Cas Modern Cases, 6th Modern Reports. Mod. Cas. L. and Eq... Modern Cases at Law and Equity, 8 and 9 Modern Re- ports. Mod. Cas. per Far. (or t. Holt) Modern Cases temp. Holt, byFarresby, 7 Modern Reports. Mod. Rep. The Modern Reports, English King's Bench, etc.; Modern Reports by Style, Style's King's Bench Reports. Mol. (or Moll.) Molloy's Irish Chancery Reports. Moly Molyneau's Reports, English Courts. Mon. Montana Territory; Montana Reports; T. B. Monroe's^ Kentucky Reports; Monthly. Mon. (B.) B. Monroe's Kentucky Reports. Mon. (T. B.) T. B. Monroe's Kentucky Reports. Mon. Law Mag Monthly Law Magazine. Monr. Monroe (see Mon.). Mont Montana; Montana Reports; Montagu's English Bank- ruptcy Reports; Montriou's Bengal Reports. Mont. Cond.Rep Montreal Condensed Reports. Mont. D. and DeG Montagu, Deacon and DeGex's English Bankruptcy Re- ports. ABBREVIATIONS. 229 Mont. L. R Montreal Law Reporter. Mont, and Ayr ..Montagu and Ayrton's English Bankruptcy Reports. Mont. and-Bl Montagu and Bligh's English Bankruptcy Reports. Mont, and C Montagu and Chitty's English Bankruptcy Reports. Mont, and MacA Montagu and MacArthur's English Bankruptcy Reports. Month. J. L Monthry Journal of Law, Washington. Month. Jur Monthly Jurist, Illinois. Mon. L. M Monthly Law Magazine, London. Mon. Law Rep Law Reporter, Boston. , Month. Leg. Ex Legal Examiner, New York. Month. West. Jur Monthly Western Jurist. Montr Montriou's Reports, Bengal; Montriou's Supplement to Morton's Reports. Moo Francis Moore's English King's Bench Reports; J. M. Moore's English Common Pleas Reports; Moody's En- glish Crown Cases. Moo. A Moore's Reports (1 Bosanquet and Puller, after page 470). Moo. C. C Moody's English Crown Cases Reserved. Moo. Cr. C. Moody's Crown Cases, English Courts. Moo. C. P Moore's English Common Pleas Reports. Moo. G. C Moore, The Gorham Case, English Privy Council. Moo. Ind. App Moore's Reports, Privy Council, Indian Appeals. Moo. P. C Moore's Privy Council Cases. Moo. Tr Moore's Divorce Trials. Moo. and Mai Moody and Malkin's Nisi Prius Reports. Moo. and Pay Moody and Payne's English Common Pleas Reports. Moo. and Rob Moody and Robinson's English Nisi Prius Reports. Moo. and Sc Moore and Scott's English Common Pleas Reports. Mood, (or Moody) Moody's English Crown Cases Reserved. Mood, and Malk Moody and Malkin's English Nisi Prius Reports. Moore Moore's English King's Bench Reports; Moore's English Common Pleas Reports; Moore's English Privy Coun- cil Report's; Moore's Reports (28-33 Arkansas). Moore A Moore's Reports in 1 Bosanquet and Puller. Moore E. I Moore's East Indian Appeal. Moore G. C. Moore's Gorham Case (English Privy Council). Moore K. B Sir F. Moore's English King's Bench Reports. Moore P. C Moore's Privy Council Reports. Moore P. C. N. S Moore's Privy Council Reports, England, New Series. Moore and R Moore and Payne's English Common Pleas Reports. Moore and S Moore and Scott's English Common Pleas Reports. Moore and Walker .Moore and Walker's Reports (22-24 Texas). Mor. Morison's Dictionary of Decisions in the Court of Ses* sions, Scotland; Morris, see Morr. Mor. Die Morison's Dictionary of Decisions, Scotch Court of Ses- sion. Mor. la Morris' Iowa Reports. Mor. Min Rep Morrison's Mining Reports. * Mor. St. Cas Morris' Mississippi State Cases. Mor. Supp Supplement to Morison's Dictionary, Scotch Court of Session. 230 LAW DEPARTMENT. Mor. Syn Morison's Synopsis, Scotch Session Cases. Mor. Tran Morrison's Transcript of United States Supreme Court Decisions. Morg. and W. L. J Morgan and Williams' Law Journal, London. Morr Morris' Reports, Iowa; see also Morris, and Mor. Morr. Diet, (or M. Diet.) Morison's Dictionary of Decisions, Scotch Court of Session. Morr. Jam Morris' Jamaica Reports. Morr. St. Cas Morris' State Cases, Mississippi. Morr. Supp Supplement to Morison's Dictionary, Scotch Court of Session. Morr Trans. Morrison's Transcript, United States Supreme Court. Morris Morris' Iowa Reports; Morris' Reports, 5 California; Mor- ris' Reports, 43-48 Mississippi; Morris' Jamaica Re- ports; Morris' Bombay Reports. Morris and Har Morris and Harrington's S. D. A. Reports, Bombay. Morse Tr Morse's Famous Trials. Morton Morton's Reports, Bengal. Mos Moseley's English Chancery Reports. MS Manuscript. MSS Manuscripts. Mum. Jam Mumford's Jamaica Reports. Mumf Mumford's Jamaica Reports. Mun Municipal; Munford's Virginia Reports. Munf Munford's Virginia Reports. Mur Murphey's North Carolina Reports; Murray's Jury Court Reports, Scotland; Murray's Ceylon Reports; Murray's New South Wales Reports. Mur. U. S. Ct Murray's Proceedings in the United States Courts. Mur. and Hurl Murphy and Hurlstone's English Exchequer Reports. Murph. Murphy's North Carolina Reports. Murr Murray's Scotch Jury Trials; Murray's Ceylon Reports; Murray's New South Wales Reports. Murray Murray's Scotch Jury Court Reports. Murray (Ceylon) Murray's Ceylon Reports. Mutukisna Mutukisna's Ceylon Reports. Myl. and Cr. Mylne and Craig's English Chancery Reports. Myl. and K. Mylne and Keen's English Chancery Reports. Myr Myrick's California Probate Court Reports. N Note; Novelise; Nebraska; Nevada; New. N. A Non allocatur. N. B Nulla bona; Nota bene; New Brunswick. N. B. R National Bankruptcy Register, New York; New Bruns- wick Reports. N. B. R New Brunswick Reports. N. Benl New Benloe, English King's Bench Reports. N. C North Carolina Reports; Notes of Cases, English Eccle- siastical and Maritime. N. C. C : New Chancery Cases ( Younge and Collyer). N. C. Conf . North Carolina Conference Reports. N. C. Ecc. ... ....Notes of Cases in the Ecclesiastical and Maritime Courts. ABBREVIATIONS. 231 N. C. L. Rep North Carolina Law Repository. N. C. Str Notes of Cases, by Strange, Madras. N. C. T. Rep North Carolina Term Reports. N. Chip N. Chipman's Vermont Reports. N. D No date. . N. E New England; New Edition. N.E. I Non est inventus. N. F Newfoundland; Newfoundland Reports. N.H. New Hampshire; New Hampshire Reports. N. H. R New Hampshire Reports. N. H. and C. English Railway and Canal Cases, by Nichol, Hare, Car- row, etc. N. J New Jersey; New Jersey Reports. . N. J. Eq. (or Ch.) New Jersey Equity Reports. N. J. Law New Jersey Law Reporter. N. J.L. J New Jersey Law Journal, Somerville, N. J. N. L Nelson's Lutwyche, English Common Pleas Reports. N. L. L New Library of Law and Equity, English. N. M New Mexico; New Mexico Reports. N. of Cas Notes of Cases, English Ecclesiastical and Maritime Courts; Notes of Cases at Madras (by Strange). N. of Cas. Madras Notes of Cases at Madras. N. P. C Nisi Prius Cases. N. P. R Nisi Prius Reports. N. R New Reports (English); Bosanquet and Puller's New Re- ports; Not Reported. N. R. B. P New Reports of Bosanquet and Puller. N. S New Series; Nova Scotia. N. S. L. R Nova Scotia Law Reports. N. S. W New South Wales. N. S. W. L. R New South Wales Law Reports. N. Sc. Dec Nova Scotia Decisions. N. W. P Northwest Provinces, India. N. W. P. H. C Northwest Province, High Court Reports, India. N. W. Rep Northwest Reporter, St. Paul, Minn. N. Y New York; New York Court of Appeals Reports. N. Y. App. Dec New York Court of Appeals Decisions. N. Y. Cas. Err New York Cases in Error (Caine's Cases). N. Y. Ch. Sent New York Chancery Sentinel. N. Y. City H. Rec New York City Hal'l Record. N. Y. Civ. Pr. Rep. New York Civil Procedure Reports. N. Y. Code Reptr New York Code Reporter. N. Y. Code Rep. N.S. New York Code Reports, New Series. N. Y. Ct. App New York Court of Appeals. N. Y. El. Cas New York Contested Election Cases. N. Y. Jud. Rep New York Judicial Repository (Bacon's). N. Y. Jur New York Jurist. N. Y. Law Gaz New York Law Gazette. . N. Y. Leg. N New York Legal News. N. Y. Leg. Obs New York Legal Observer (Owen's). N. Y. Leg. Reg New York Legal Register. 232 LAW DEPARTMENT. N. Y. Moii. Law Bui. ..New York Monthly Law Bulletin. N. Y. Mun. Gaz New York Municipal Gazette. N. Y. Op. Att. Gen Sickle's Opinions of the Attorneys General of New York. N. Y. P. R New York Practice Reports. N. Y. Reg New York Daily Register. N. Y. Rep New York Court of Appeals Reports. N. Y. Reptr New York Reporter (Gardner's). N. Y. Spec. Term R... Howard's Practice Reports. N. Y. Super. Ct New York Superior Court Reports. N. Y. Suprem. Ct New York Supreme Court Reports. N. Y. T. R New York Term Reports (Caine's Reports). N. Y. Them New York Themis. N. Y. Trans New York Transcript, New York City. N. Y. Tran. N. S. New York Transcript, New Series, New York City. N. Z New Zealand. N. Z. Jur New Zealand Jurist. N. Z. Jur. N. S. New Zealand Jurist, New Series. N. Z. Rep New Zealand Reports, Court of Appeals. N. and H Nott and Huntington's Reports ( 1-7 U. S. Court of Claims). N. and Hop Nott and Hopkins' Reports (8-15 U. S. Court of Claims). N. and M Neville and Manning's English King's Bench Reports. N. and M. Mag Neville and Manning's English Magistrates' Cases. N. and Me Nott and McCord's South Carolina Reports. N. and P Neville and Perry's English King's Bench Reports. N. and P. Mag Neville and Perry's English Magistrates' Cases. Nap Napier. Napton Napton's Reports (4 Missouri). Narr. Mod Narrationes Modernse, or Styles' King's Bench Reports. Nat National. Nat. B. R National Bankruptcy Register. Nat. Bank. Reg National Bankruptcy Register Reports. Nat. Reg..... National Register, edited by Mead, 1816. Nal. St. P Nalton's Collection of State Papers. Nd Newfoundland Reports. Neb Nebraska; Nebraska Reports. Neg.Cas Bloomfield's Manumission (or Negro) Cases, New Jersey Nels. (Nels. or Nels. 8vo.) Nelson's English Chancery Reports. Nell Nell's Ceylon Reports. Nels Nelson's Chancery Reports, England. Nels. Abr Nelson's Abridgment of the Common Law. Nels. Fol. Rep Finch's Chancery Reports, edited by Nelson. Nev Nevada; Nevada Reports. Nev. andMacn. Neville and Macnamara's English Railway and Canal Cases. Nev. and Man Neville and Manning's English King's Bench Reports. Nev. and Man. Mag. Cas ' Neville and Manning's English Magistrates' Cases. Nev. and McN. Neville and McNamara's Railway and Canal Cases. Nev. and P Neville and Perry's English King's Bench Reports. Nev. and P. Mag. Cas. Neville and Perry's English Magistrates' Cases. ABBREVIATIONS. 233 New Ann. Reg New Annual Register, London. NewBenl New Benloe's Reports, English King's Bench. NewBr .....New Brunswick Reports. New Gas. Eq New Cases in Equity, 8, 9 Modern Reports. New Mag. Cas New Magistrates' Cases, Bittleston, Wise and Parnell. New Pr. Cas. New Practice Cases, English. New Rep. New Reports in all the Courts, London; Bosanquet and Puller's New Reports, 4, 5 Bos. and Pul. New Sess. Cas Carrow, Hamerton and Allen's New Session Cases, En- glish. New Term Rep New Term Reports; Bowling and Ryland's King's Bench Reports. New York ] See N. Y. Newb Newberry's United States Admiralty Reports. Newbyth Newbyth's Manuscript Decisions, Scotch Session Cases. Newf. Sel. Cas Newfoundland Select Cases, Nich. H. and C Nicholl, Hare and Carrow's English Railway and Canal Cases. Nicholl English Railway and Canal Cases, by Nichol, etc. Nicholson Nicholson's Manuscript Decisions, Scotch Session Cases. Nient cul Nient culpable not guilty, Nil. Reg Nile's Weekly Register. Nisbet Nisbet of, Dirleton's Scotch Session Cases. No.Ca.Ecc.and Mar. ..Notes of Cases (English), Ecclesiastical and Maritime. Nol. (Mag. or Just. or Sett. Cas.) Nolan's English Magistrates' Cases. Non cul Non culpabilis not guilty. Norris Norris' Reports, 82-96 Pennsylvania. Nort. L. C Norton's Leading Cases on Inheritance, India. North Reports temp. Northington, Eden's English Chancery Re- ports. Northw. Pr Northwest Provinces, India. Northw. Rep Northwestern Reporter, St. Paul, Minn. Not. Cas Notes of Cases in the English Ecclesiastical and Maritime Courts; Notes of Cases at Madras, Strange. Not. Cas. Madras Notes of Cases at Madras. Not. Dec Notes of Decisions, Martin's North Carolina Reports. Not. Op Wilmot's Notes of Opinions and Judgments. NottandHop Nott and Hopkins' Reports, 8-15 United States Court of Claims. Nott and Hunt Nott and Huntingtou's Reports, 1-7 U. S. Court of Claims. Nott and McC Nott and McCord's South Carolina Reports. Noy Noy's English King's Bench Reports. O Ohio Reports; Oregon Reports; Overruled; Otto's United States Supreme Court Reports; Orders. O. B Old Bailey; Old Benloe; Orlando Bridgeman. O. B. S Old Bailey's Sessions Papers. O.Ben Old Benloe's Reports, English Common Pleas. O. Bridge Orlando Bridgeman 's Reports, English Common Pleas; Carter's Reports, tent}). Bridgeman, English Common Pleas. 234 LAW DEPARTMENT. ' O. B. and F. N. Z Olivier, Bell and Fitzgerald's New Zealand Reports. O. C Orphan's Court. O. G Official Gazette, United States Patent Office, Washington. O. S Old Series; Ohio State Reports. O'Keefe Ord O'Keefe's Orders in Chancery, Ireland. O'Mal. and H O'Malley and Hardcastle's English Election Cases. O. and T. Oyer and Terminer. Observ Observations. Oct Octavo. Oct.Str Octavo Strange, Select Cases relating to Evidence. Off. Gaz. Pat. Off Official Gazette, U. S. Patent Office, Washington, D. C. Officer Officer's Reports, 1-9 Minnesota. Ogden Ogden's Reports, 12-15 Louisiana. Ohio Ohio Reports. Ohio L. J Ohio Law Journal. Ohio R. Cond Ohio Reports, Condensed. Ohio St Ohio State Reports. Olc. (or Olc. Adm.) . .Olcott's United States District Court (Admiralty) Reports. Old Ben Benloe in Benloe and Dalison, English Common Pleas Re- ports. Oldr Oldright's Reports, Nova Scotia. Oliv. B. and L English Railway and Canal Cases, vols. 5-7, by Oliver, Beavan and Lefroy. Oll.B. and F ....Ollivier, Bell and Fitzgerald, New Zealand Reports. O'Mal. and H O'Malley and Hardcastle's Election Cases. Onsl. N. P Onslow's Nisi Prius. Ont Ontario; Ontario Reports. Ont. App Ontario Appeal Reports. Ont. Pr. Rep Ontario Practice Reports. Op. Att. Gen Opinions of the United States Attorneys General. Op. N. Y. Att'y Gen...Sic'el's Opinions of Attorneys General of New York. Or Oregon; Oregon Reports. Or. T. Rep Oregon Term Reports, 1, 2 Martin's Louisiana. Ord Orders; Ordinances. Oreg Oregon; Oregon Reports. Orl.Bridgeman Orlando Bridgeman's English Common Pleas Reports. Orl. T. R Orleans Term Reports, 1, 2 Martin's Louisiana Reports. Ormond Ormond's Reports, 12-15 Alabama. Ot. .....Otto's United State's Supreme Court Reports. Out Outerbridge's Reports, 97, 110 Pennsylvania State. Over, (or Overton) Overton's Tennessee Reports. Ow Owen's English K.B. Reports; New South Bench Reports. Owen Owen's English King's Bench Reports. Oxley Young's Vice Admiralty Decisions, Nova Scotia, edited by Oxley. P Easter (Paschal) Term; Pennsylvania; Peters; part; page; placitum; Partidad; Pickering's Massachusetts Reports. P. A. D Peter's Admiralty Decisions. P. C.C Privy Council Cases; Peters' Circuit Court Reports. P. C. L. J Pacific Coast Law Journal, San Francisco. ABBREVIATIONS. 235 P. C Pleas of the Crown; Parliamentary Cases; Practice Cases. Prize Cases; Patent Cases; Privy Council; Prize Court; Probate Court; Precedents in Chancery. P.C.R Parker's Criminal Reports, New York. P. D English Law Reports, Probate Division. P. E. I. Rep Prince Edward Island Reports (Haviland's). P. F. S P. F. Smith's Reports, 51-8H Pennsylvania State. P. Jr. and H. (or P. and H Patton, Jr.. and Heath's Virginia Reports. P. L. Public Laws; Pamphlet Laws; Poor Laws. P. L. J Pennsylvania Law Record; Pittsburgh Legal Journal, Pa. P. L. R. Pennsylvania Law Record, Philadelphia. P.N. P. Peake's English Nisi Prius Cases. P. O. Cas Perry's Oriental Cases, Bombay. P. P Parliamentary Papers. P. R Parliamentary Reports; Pennsylvania Reports, by Parsons and Watts. P. R. C. P Practical Register in Common Pleas. P. R. Ch Practical Register in Chancery. P.R.U.C Practice Reports, Upper Canada. P. R. and D Power, Rodwell and Dew's English Election Cases. P. S. C. U. S Peters' Supreme Court, United States. P. S. R Pennsylvania State Reports. P. W. (or P. Wms.) Peere Williams' English Chancery Reports. P. and C Prideaux and Cole's Reports, English Courts (New Ses- sion Cases, vol. 4). P. and D Perry and Davison's English Queen's Bench Reports. P. and H Patton, Jr., and Heath's Virginia Reports. P. and K. Perry and Knapp's English Election Cases. P. and M L.. Philip and Mary. P. and R Pigott and Rodwell's Election Cases, English. P. and W Penroe and Watts' Pennsylvania Reports. Pa Pennsylvania; Pennsylvania Reports, by Penrose and Watts; Pennsylvania State Reports. Pa. L. G Legal Gazette Reports (Campbell's), Pennsylvania. Pa. L.J Pennsylvania Law Journal Reports (Clark's); Pennsyl- vania Law Journal, Philadelphia. Pa. L. Rec Pennsylvania Law Record. Philadelphia. Pa. N. P .'.. Brightly's Nisi Prius Reports, Pennsylvania. Pa.St Pennsylvania State Reports. Pa. St. Tr Pennsylvania State Trials (Hogan's). Pac. Coast L. J Pacific Coast Law Journal, San Francisco. Pac. Law Mag Pacific Law Magazine, San Francisco. Pac. Law Rep Pacific Law Reporter, San Francisco. Pai Paine's United State's Circuit Court Reports; Paige's New York Chancery Reports. Pai. Ch Paige's New York Chancery Reports. Paige Paige's New York Chancery Reports. Paine C. C Paine's United States Circuit Court Reports. Pal. (or Palm.) Palmer's English King's Bench Reports. Pamph . Pamphlet. LAW DEPARTMENT. Papy Papy's Reports (5, 7 Florida). Par Paragraph; Parker's English Exchequer Reports. Par. Bills and N Parsons on Bills and Notes. Par. Cont Parsons on Contracts. Par. Costs Parsons on Costs. Par. Merc. Law Parsons on Mercantile Law. Par. Part Pai'sons on Partnership. Par. Wills Parsons on Wills. Par. Dec Parsons' Decisions, Massachusetts. Par. Eq. Cas Parsons' Select Equi% Cases, Pennsylvania. Par. W.C Parish Will Case. Park Parker's New York Criminal Reports; Parker's English Exchequer Reports. Park. Cr. Cas Parker's New York Criminal Cases. Park. Exch Parker's English Exchequer Reports. Park. Rev. Cas... Parker's English Exchequer Reports (Revenue Cases). Parker Parker's English Exchequer Reports; Parker's New York Criminal Reports; Parker, N. H. Reports. Parl. Cas Parliamentary Cases (House of Lords Reports). Parl. Reg Parliamentary Register. Pars Parsons (see Par.). Pars. Ans Parsons' Answer to the Fifth Part of Coke's Reports. Pars. Eq. Cas Parsons' Select Equity Cases, Pennsylvania. Pas (Terminus Paschae) Easter Term. Pat Patent; Paton's Scotch Appeal Cases; Paterson's Scotch Appeal Cases. Pat. App. Cas Paton's Scotch Appeal Cases, Craigie, Stewart and Paton; Paterson's Scotch Appeal Cases. Pat. Law Rev... Patent Law Review, Washington, D. C. Pat. Off. Gaz Official Gazette, United States Patent Office, Washington, D.C. Pat. and H Patton, Jr., and Heath's Reports, Virginia. Pat. and Mur Paterson and Murray's' Reports, New South Wales. Pater Paterson's Scotch Appeal Cases; Paterson's New South Wales Reports. Paton (Craigie, Stewart and) Paton's Scotch Appeal Cases. Patr. Elect. Cas Patrick's Election Cases, Upper Canada. Patt. and H Patton and Heath's Virginia Reports. Pea Peake's English Nisi Prius Reports. Peake Add. Cas Peake's Additional Cases, vol. 2 of Peake. Peake N. P Peake's English Nisi Prius Cases. Pears Pearson's Reports, Pennsylvania. Pearce C. C Pearce's Reports in Dearsly's Crown Cases, English. Peck Peck's Tennessee Reports; Peck's Reports, 11-30 Illinois; Peckwell's English Election Reports. Peck (Tenn.) Peck's Reports, Tennessee. Peck. El. Cas Peckwell's Election Cases, English. Peck Tr Peck's Trial, Impeachment. Peckw Peckwell's English Election Cases. Peere Wms Peere Williams' Reports, English Chancery. Pen. N. J Pennington's Reports, New Jersey. ABBREVIATIONS. 237 Pen. and W Penrose and Watts' Pennsylvania Reports. Penn Pennsylvania; Pennsylvania State Reports; Pennypack- er's Pennsylvania Reports; Pennington's New Jersey Reports; Penrose and Watts' Pennsylvania Reports. Penn. L. J Pennsylvania Law Journal. Penn. L. G. or Penn. Lg. Gaz Pennsylvania Legal Gazette Reports, Campbell's. Penn. L. J.R Pennsylvania Law Journal Reports, Clark. Penn. L. Rec Pennsylvania Law Record. Penn. Rep Pennsylvania State Reports; Penrose and Watts' Pennsyl- vania Reports. Penu. St. (or St'. R.)... .Pennsylvania State Reports. , Penna Pennsylvania. Penning. Penuington's New Jersey Reports. Penr. and W Penrose and Watts' Pennsylvania Reports. Peo. L. Adv People's Legal Advertiser, Utica, New York. Per. Or. Cas. Perry's Oriental Cases, Bombay. Per. and Dav. Perry and Davison's English King's Bench Reports. Per. and Kn Perry and Knapp's English Election Reports. Perry Sir Erskine Perry's Reports, in Morley's (East) Indian Digest; Perry's Oriental Cases. Perry and Kn Perry and Knapp's English Election Cases. Pet ..Peters' United States Supreme Court Reports; Peters' United States Circuit Court Reports; Peters' Admiralty Reports; Peters' Prince Edward Island Reports. Pet. Abr Peterdorff's Abridgment. Pet. Adm Peters' U. S. District Court Reports (Admiralty Cases). Pet. Br Petit Brooke, or Brooke's New Cases, English King's Bench. Pet. C.C Peters' United States Circuit Court Reports. P,et. Cond Peters' Condensed Reports, United States Supreme Court. Pet. S. C Peters' United States Supreme Court Reports. Peters Adm Peters' United States District Court Reports (Admiralty Decisions). Petit Br Petit Brooke, or Brooke's New Cases, English King's Bench. Ph Phillips' English Chancery Reports; Phillimore's English Ecclesiastical Reports (see Phil.). Ph. Ch.. Phillips' English Chancery Reports. Ph. St.Tr Phillip's State Trials. Phil. Mch. Liens Phillip's Mechanics' Liens. Pheney Rep Pheney's New Term Reports. Phil Phillips' English Chancery Reports; Phillips' North Caro- lina Reports; Phillips' English Election Cases; Philli- more's Ecclesiastical Reports. Phil.Ecc. Judg Phillimore's Ecclesiastical Judgments. Phil.Ecc. R Phillimore's English Ecclesiastical Reports. Phil. El. Cas Phillips' Election Cases. Phil. Eq Phillips's North Carolina Equity Reports. Phil. Fam. Cas Phillips' Famous Cases in Circumstantial Evidence. Phil. Law Phillips' North Carolina Law Reports. 238 LAW DEPARTMENT. Phil. N. C Phillips' North Carolina Law Reports. Phil. St. Tr Phillip's State Trials. Phila Philadelphia Reports. Phill , .Phillips (see Phil.). Phillim Phillimore's English Ecclesiastical Reports; see also Phil. Phillim. Int. L Phillimore's International Law. Phillips Phillips' English Chancery Reports; Phillips' North Caro- lina Reports, Law or Equity. Pick Pickle's Tennessee Reports. Pierce R. R Pierce's R. R. Law. Pig. and R Pigott and Rodwell's English Registration Appeal Cases. Pike Pike's Reports (1-5 Arkansas). Pin. (or Finn.) Pinney's Wisconsin Reports. Piston (or Pist.) Piston's Mauritius Reports. Pict.Tr Pitcairn's Criminal Trials, Scotland. Pitts. L. J Pittsburg Legal Journal. Pitts. Rep... Pittsburg (Pennsylvania) Reports. PI. (or PI. Com.) Plowden's Commentaries or Reports, English King's Bench, etc. PI. L Platt on Leases. Plow Plowden's English King's Bench Reports. Po. Ct Police Court. Pols. Nat Poison's Law of Nations. Poll Pollexfen's English King's Bench Reports; see also Pol. Pol. (orPollex.) Pollexfen's Reports, English King's Bench; Police. Poll. Prod Pollock on the Production of Documents. Pom. Const. Law Pomeroy on the Constitutional Law of the United States. Pom. Contr Pomeroy on Contracts. Pom. Eq. Jur Pomeroy on Equity Jurisprudence. Pom. Mun. Law Pomeroj" on Municipal Law. Pom. Rem. ....Pomeroy on Civil Remedies. Pop. (or Poph.) Popham's English King's Bench Reports. Poph. (2) Cases at the end of Popham's Reports. Porter Porter's Alabama Reports; Porter's Reports (3-7 Indiana). Post Post's Reports ( 23-36 Michigan); Post's Reports (42-64 Mis- souri). Poth. Cont Pothier on Contracts. Poth. Cont. S Pothier on Contract of Sale. Poth. Ob Pothier on Law of Obligation. Pow. R. and D Power, Rodwell and Dew's English Election Cases. Pow. Conv Powell on Conveyancing. Pow. Dev Powell on Devises. Pow. Mort Powell on Mortgages. Pp Pages. Pr Price's English Exchequer Reports; Principium ( the be- ginning of a title, law or section). Pr. C. K. B Practice Cases in King's Bench. Pr. Ch Precedents in Chancery, by Finch; Practice in the High Court of Chancery. Pr. Co Prerogative Court. Pr. Dec Printed Decisions, Sneed's Kentucky Decisions. ABBREVIATIONS. 239 Pr. Div Probate Division, Law Reports; Pritchard's Divorce and Matrimonial Cases. Pr. Kxch Price's English Exchequer Reports. Pr. Falc President Falconer's Reports, Scotch Court of Sessions. Pr. L Private Laws. Pr. Min Printed Minutes of Evidence. Pr. Reg. B. C Practical Register in the Bail Court. Pr. Reg. C. P Practical Register of the Common Pleas. Pr. Reg. Ch Practical Register in Chancery. Pr. and Div Probate and Divorce English Law Reports. Pra. Cas Prater's Cases on Conflict of Laws. Pratt Cont. Cas Pratt's Contraband-of-War Cases. Pref Preface. Prer. Ct Prerogative Court. Pres.Falc President Falconer's Scotch Session Cases, Gilmour and Falconer. Pres. Abs Preston on Abstracts. Pres.Conv Preston on Conveyancing. Pres.Est Preston on Estates. Pres. Leg Preston on Legacies. Pri. (or Price) Price's English Exchequer Reports. Price Notes P. P. Price's Notes of Points of Practice, English Exchequer Cases. Pickett Pickett's Reports, Idaho. Prid. and C Prideaux and Cole's Reports (English), New Session Cases, vol. 4. Prin. Dec Printed Decisions (Sneed's), Kentucky. Priv. Counc. App Privy Council Appeals. Pro. quer Pro querente (for the plaintiff). Prob. Div Probate Division, English Law Reports. Prob. and Adm. Div. .Probate and Divorce, English Law Reports. Prob. and Mat Probate and Matrimonial Cases. Prof. Jur Proffatt on Trial by Jury. Prof. Not ....Proffatt on Notaries. Prof. Wills Proffatt on Wills. Prop. Lawyer Property Lawyer (periodical), England. Prt. Rep Practice Reports. Psych, and M. L. J Psychological and Medico-Legal Journal, New York. Pt Part. Pugs Pugsley's Reports, New Brunswick. Pulsifer Pulsifer's Reports, 65-68 Maine. Pyke Pyke's Lower Canada King's Bench Reports. Q Quorum; Question; Questioned; Quadragesms (Year Books, Part IV); Quebec; Queensland. Q. B Queen's Bench; Queen's Bench Reports, Adolphus and Ellis, New Series; English Law Reports, Queen's Bench; Queen's Bencli Reports, Upper Canada; Queen's Bench Reports, Quebec. Q. B. Div Queen's Bench Division, English Law Reports. Q. B. R Queen's Bench Reports, by Adolphus and Ellis, New Series. 240 LAW DEPARTMENT. Q. B. U. C Queen's Bench Reports, Upper Canada. Q. C. Queen's Counsel. Q. L. R Quebec Law Reports. Q. S Quarter Sessions. Q. T Qui tarn. Q. V Quod vide (to*which, refer). Q. War Quo Warranto. Quadr Quadragesms (Year Books, Part IV). Quar. Law Jour Quarterly Law Journal, Richmond, Va. Quar.L. Rev Quarterly Law Review, Richmond, Va. Queb. L. R Quebec Law Reports. Queb. Q. B. Quebec Queen's Bench Reports. Queens. L. J Queensland Law Journal. Queens. L. R. Queensland Law Reports. Quin. (or Quincy) Quincy's Massachusetts Reports Quinti Q.uinto Year Book, 5 Henry V. R Reports; Railroad; Railway; King Richard; Roy or Rex; Rolls; Revision; Reserved; Resolved; Repealed; Rawle's Pennsylvania Reports; Rettie, Crawford and Melville's (Fourth Series) Scotch Session Cases. R. A Registration Appeals; Regular Appeals. R. C. Rolls of Court; Record Commissioners; Railway Cases; Registration Cases. R. C. and C. R Revenue, Civil and Criminal Reporter, Calcutta. R.I Rhode Island; Rhode Island Reports. R. J. and P. J. Revenue, Judicial and Police Journal, Calcutta. R. L. and S Ridgeway, Lapp and Shoales' Irish King's Bench Reports. R. L. and W Robert, Learning and Willis' English County Court Re- ports. R. M. Ch R. M. Charlton's Georgia Reports. R. P. C Real Property Cases, English. R. P. and W (Rawle) Penrose and Watts' Pennsylvania Reports. R. R. Railroad; Railway. R. R. and Can. Cas Railway and Canal Cases, English. R. t. F Reports temp. Finch, English Chancery. R. t. H Reports temp. Hardwicke (Lee), English King's Bench; Re- ports temp. Holt (Cases Concerning Settlements). R. t. Hardw Reports temp. Hardwicke, English King's Bench. R. t. Holt Reports temp. Holt, English King's Bench. R. t. Q. A Reports temp. Queen Anne (11 Modern). R. and B. Cas Redfield and Bigelow's Leading Cases on Bills and Notes, R. and C. Cas Railway and Canal Cases, English. R. and C. N. Sc. Russell and Chesley's Reports, Nova Scotia. R. and G. N. Sc Russell and Geldert's Reports, Nova Scotia. R. and M Russell and Mylne's English Chancery Reports; Ryan and Moody's English Nisi Prius Reports. R. and M. C. C. Ryan and Moody's Crown Cases Reserved, English. Rail, (or Railw.) Cas. ..Railway Cases. Rail, and Can. Cas Railway and Canal Cases, English. Ram Cas. P. and E Ram's Cases of Pleading and Evidence. Ram. and Mor Ramsey and Morrin's Montreal Law Reporter. ABBREVIATIONS. 241 Rand Randolph's Virginia Renorts; Randolph's Reports (21-41 Kansas); Randolph's Reports (7-11 Louisiana Annual). Raney Raney's Reports (16 Florida). Rang Dec Sparks' Rangoon Decisions, British Burmah. Ratt. L. C Rattigan's Leading Cases on Hindoo Law. Raw. (or Rawle) Rawle's Pennsylvania Reports. Raw. Cov Rawle's Covenant's for Title. Rawle Pen. and W (Rawle) Penrose and Watts's Pennsylvania Reports. Raym Lord Raymond's English King's Bench Reports. Raym.Ld Lord Raymond's English King's Bench Reports. Raym. Sir T Sir Thomas Raymond's English King's Bench Reports. Rayn Rayner's English Title Cases. Real Est. Rec Real Estate Record, New York. Real Pr. Gas Real Property Cases, English. Rec Record; Recorder. Rec. Dec Vaux's Recorder's Decisions, Philadelphia. Red Redtield's New York Surrogate Reports. Red. Am. R. R. Cas Redfield's American Railway Cases. Red. Bail Redfield on Bailments. Red. Cas. R. R Redtield's Leading Cases on Railroads. Red. Cas. Wills Redfield's Leading Cases on Wills. Red. R. R. Cas Redfield's Leading Cases on Railroads. Red. and Big. Cas. B. and N Redfield and Bigelow's LeadinglCases on Bills and Notes. Redf. (or Redf . Surr.). Redfield's New York Surrogate Reports; see also Red. Redington Redington's Reports, 31-35 Maine. Reed Fraud .Reed's Leading Cases on Statute of Frauds. Reeve Des Reeve on Descents. Reeve Dom. Rel Reeve on Domestic Relations. Reg Daily Register, New York City. Reg. App Registration Appeals. Reg. Cas Registration Cases. Reilly Reilly's English Arbitration Cases. Rem. Cr. Tr Remarkable Criminal Trials. Rem. Tr Cummings and Durphy's Remarkable Trials. Rem. Tr. No. Ch Benson's Remarkable Trials and Notorious Characters. Rep. (1, 2, etc.) 1, 2, etc., Coke's English King's Bench'Reports. Rep Report, or Reports; Repealed; Wallace's "The Re- porters;" The Reporter, Boston, Massachusetts; The Reporter, Washington and New York. Rep. Ass. Y. (Clayton's) Reports of Assizes at Yorke. Rep. Cas. Eq Gilbert's Chancery Reports. Rep. Cas. Madr. Reports of Cases, Dewanny Adawlut, Madras. Rep. Cas. Pr Reports of Cases of Practice, Cooke's. Rep. Ch Reports in Chancery, English. Rep. Ch. Pr Reports on Chancery Practice. Rep. Com. Cas Reports of Commercial Cases, Bengal. Rep. Const. Ct Reports of the Constitutional Court, South Carolina (Treadway, Mill or Harper). Rep. Cr. L. Com Reports of Criminal Law Commissioners. Rep. Eq Gilbert's English Reports in Equity. Sig. 17. 242 LAW DEPAETMENT. Rep. in Ch Reports in Chancery, English. Rep. Q. A Reports temp. Queen Anne, 11 Modern. Rep. Sel. Cas.Ch Kelynge's (W.) Reports, English Chancery. Rep. t. Finch (Reports temp.) Finch, English Chancery. Rep. t. Hard Lee's Reports temp. Hardwicke, English King's Bench. Rep. .Holt Reports temp. Holt, (English Cases of Settlement). Rep. t. O. Br Carter's English Common Pleas Reports temp. O. Bridge- man. Rep. t. Q. A Reports temp. Queen Anne (1J Modern Reports). Rep. t. Talb Reports temp. Talbot, English Chancery. Rep. Yorke Ass Reports of Assizes at Yorke (Clayton's Reports). Reports Coke's English King's Bench Reports. Reptr Reporter, Boston, Mass. Res Resolved; Resolution; Reser\ 7 ed. Res. Cas Reserved Cases. Res. Judg. N. S. W Reserved and Equity Judgments, New South Wales. Rettie Rettie, Crawford and Melville's Scotch Session Cases (4th series). Rev. C. and C. Rep. Revenue, Civil and Criminal Reporter, Bengal. Rev. Cas Revenue Cases. Rev. J. and P. J Revenue, Judicial and Police Journal, Bengal. Reynolds Reynolds' Reports (41, 42 Mississippi). Rice Rice's South Carolina Law Reports. Rice Eq. (or Ch.) Rice's South Carolina Equity Reports. Rich- .....Richardson's South Carolina Law Reports; Richardson's Reports (3-5 ISlew Hampshire). Rich. Ch. (or Eq.) Richardson's South Carolina Equity Reports. Rich. Ct. Cl. Richardson's Court of Claims Reports. Rich. Ch. (or Eq. Cas.). .Richardson's South Carolina Equity Cases. Rich.N. S Richardson's Reports, South Carolina, New Series. Rich. Pr. Reg Richardson's Practical Register, English Common Pleas. Rich, and W Richardson and Woodbury's Reports (2' New Hampshire). Ridg. (or Ridg. t. Hard., or Ridg. Cas., or Ridg. and Hard.) Ridgeway's Reports temp. Hardwicke, Chancery and K. B. Ridg. Ap. (or P. C.)... .Ridgeway's Irish Appeal (or Parliamentary) Cases. Ridg. L. and S Ridgeway, Lapp and Schoales' Irish Term Reports. Ridg. Parl Ridgeway's Irish Appeal (or Parliamentary) Cases. Ridg.Rep.(or St.Tr.) .Ridgeway's (individual ) Reports of State Trials in Ireland. Ridgew. Ridgeway (or Ridg.). Ril. (or Riley) Riley's South Carolina Law Reports. Ril.(orRiley)Eq.(or Ch.) Riley's South Carolina Chancery Reports. Ril. Harp Riley's Edition of Harper's South Carolina Reports. Riv.Ann.Reg Rivington's Annual Register. Rob. App Robinson's Scotch Appeal Cases. Rob. Cas Robertson's Scotch Appeal Cases. Rob.Chr Robinson's English Admiralty Reports. Rob. Consc. Cas Robard's Conscript Cases, Texas. Rob.Ecc Robertson's English Ecclesiastical Reports. ABBREVIATIONS. 243 Rob. Jun William Robinson's English Admiralty Reports. Rob. L. and W Roberts, Learning and Wallis' County Court Reports. Rob. La Robinson's Louisiana Reports. Rob. S.I Robertson's Sandwich Island (Hawaiian) Reports. Rob Robinson's Virginia Reports; Robinson's Louisiana Re- ports; Robertson's New York Superior Court Reports; Robertson's English Ecclesiastical Reports; Chr. Rob- inson's English Admiralty Reports; W. Robinson's En- glish Admiralty Reports; Robinson's Scotch Appeal Cases; Robertson's Scotch Appeal Cases; Robinson's Reports, 38 California; Robinson's Reports, 1-4 Louis- iana Annual; Robert's Reports, 29-31 Louisiana An- nual; Robard's Reports, 12, 13 Missouri; Robard's Conscript Cases, Texas; Chr. Robinson's Upper Canada Reports; J. L. Robinson's Upper Canada Reports; Robertson's Reports, 1 Hawaiian. Rob. Sc. App Robinson's Scotch Appeals, English House of Lords. Rob. Sr. Ct Robertson's New York Superior Court Reports. Rob. U. C Robinson's Reports, Upper Canada. Rob. Va Robinson's Virginia Reports. Rob. Wm. Adm Wm. Robinson's English Admiralty Reports. Robards Robards' Reports, 1, 2 and 13 Missouri; Robards' Texas Conscript Cases. Robards and Jackson Robards and Jackson's Reports, 26, 27 Texas. Robb Pat. Gas Robb's United States Patent Cases. Roberts Roberts' Reports, 29-31 Louisiana Annual. Robertson Robertson's Scotch Appeal Cases; Robertson's New York Superior Court Reports; Robertson's New York Marine Court Reports; Robertson's English Ecclesiastical Re- ports; Robertson's Hawaiian Reports; see also Rob. Robin. App Robinson's Scottish Appeal Cases. Robinson Chr. Robinson's English Admiralty Reports; W. Robin- son's English Admiralty Reports; Robinson's Virginia Reports; Robinson's Louisiana Reports; Robinson's Scotch Appeal Cases; Robinson's Reports, 38 Cali- fornia; Chr. Robinson's Reports, Upper Canada; J. L. Robinson's Reports, Upper Canada. Robt Robert; Robertson, 82. Rodman Rodman's Reports, 78 Kentucky. Rog. C. H. R Rogers' City Hall Recorder, New York. Rog. Rec Rogers' City Hall Recorder, New York. Rol. (or Roll.) Rolle's English K. B. Reports. Roll Rolle's English K. B. Reports. Roll Roll of the Term. Rolle Rolle's English King's Bench Reports. Rolls Ct. Rep Rolls' Court Reports. Rom Romilly's Notes of Cases, English Chancery. Root Root's Connecticut Reports. Rose. Jur Roscoe's Jurist, London. Rop. Leg Roper on Legacies. Rop. Prop Roper on Property. 244 LAW DEPARTMENT. Ror. Jud. Sal Rorer on Judicial Sales. Rose (or Rose B. C.) Rose's Reports, English Bankruptcy. Rose W. C Rose Will Case, New York. Ross Ldg. Cas Ross' Leading Cases on Commercial Law. Rot. Flor Rotse Florentine, Reports of the Supreme Court or Rota, of Florence. Rowe Rowe's Interesting Parliamentary and Military Cases. Rowell Rowell's Reports, 45-52 Vermont. Rt. Law Repts Rent Law Reports, India. Ruff, (or Ruff. andH.) Ruffin's (and Hawks) North Carolina Reports. Runnell Runnell's Reports, 38, 56 Iowa. Rus Russell (see Russ.). Russ Russell's English Chancery Reports. Russ. Elect. Cas Russell's Election Cases, Nova Scotia. Russ. N. Sc Russell's Equity Cases, Nova Scotia. Russ. t. Eld Russell's English Chancery Reports temp. Eldon. Russ. and Ches Russell and Chesley's Reports, Novia Scotia. Russ. and Ches Russell and Chesley's Equity Reports, Nova Scotia. Russ. and Geld. Russell and Geldert's Reports, Nova Scotia. Russ. and M. Russell and Mylne's English Chancery Reports. Russ. and Ry Russell and Ryan's English Crown Cases Reserved. Rutg. Cas Rutger-Waddington Case, New York City, 1784. Ry Railway; Railroad. Ry. Cas Reports of Railway Cases. Ry. and Can. Cas Railway and Canal Cases, England. Ry. and M Ryan and Moody's English Nisi Prius Reports. Ry. and M. N. P Ryan and Moody's Nisi Prius Reports, English. S Shaw, Dunlop and Bell's Scotch Court of Session Reports, 1st Series; Shaw's Appeal Cases, House of Lords, Scotland. S. (or ) Section. S. A. L. R South Australian Law Reports. S. App Shaw's Scotch House of Lords (Appeal) Cases. S. Aust. L. R South Australian Law Reports. S. B Upper Bench, or Supreme Bench. S. C South Carolina; South Carolina Reports, New Series; Same Case; Superior Court; Supreme Court; Sessions Cases. S. C. C Select Chancery Cases, Part 3 of Cases in Chancery; Small Cause Court, India. S. C. E Select Cases Relating to Evidence (Strange). S. C. R South Carolina Reports, New Series; Harper's South Carolina Reports; Supreme Court Reports. S. Car South Carolina; South Carolina Reports, New Series. S. D. and B Shaw, Dunlop and Bell's Scotch Court of Session Reports, 1st Series. S. D. and B. Sup. Shaw, Dunlop and Bell's Supplement, containing House of Lords' Decisions. S. Just Shaw's Justiciary Cases, Scotland. S. L Solicitor at Law. S. L. C Smith's Leading Cases. ABBREVIATIONS. 245 S. L. C. App Stuart's Lower Canada Appeal Cases. S. L. J Scottish Law Journal, Edinburgh. S. L. R Southern Law Review, St. Louis Mo.; Scottish Law Re- ports, Edinburgh. S. S Synopsis Series of United States Treasury Decisions. S. S. C Sandford's New York City Superior Court Reports. St. (or St. Tri.) State Trials. S. Teind Shaw's Teind Cases, Scotland. S. V. A. R Stuart's Vice Admiralty Reports, Quebec. S. W. Law J Southwestern Law Journal and Reporter, Nashville, Tenn. S. and B Smith and Batty's Irish King's Bench Reports. S. and C Saunder's and Cole's English Bail Court Reports. S. and D. Shaw, Uunlop and Bell's Scotch Court of Session Reports, 1st Series. S. and L Schoales and Lefroy's Irish Chancery Reports. S. and M Shaw and Maclean's Appeal Cases, House of Lords; Smedes and Marshall's Mississippi Reports. S. and M. Ch Smedes and Marshall's Mississippi Chancery Reports. S. and R Sergeant and Rawle's Pennsylvania Reports. S. and S Sausse and Scully's Irish Rolls Court Reports; Simons and Stuart, English Vice Chancellors' Reports. S. and Sm Searle and Smith's English Probate and Divorce Reports. S. and T Swabey and Tristram's English Probate and Divorce Re- ports. Salk Salkeld's English King's Bench Reports. Salm. Abr Salmon's Abridgment of State Trials. Salm. St. Tr Salmon's edition of the State Trials. San Sanders; Sand-ford (see Sand.). San Fr. L. B San Francisco Law Bulletin. San Fr. L. J San Francisco Law Journal. Sand Sandford's New York Superior Court Reports. Sand. Ch Sandford's New York Chancery Reports. Sand. I. Rep Sandwich Island (Hawaiian) Reports. Sandf Sandford's New York Superior Court Reports; Sandford's Reports, 59 Alabama. Sandf. Ch Sandford's New York Chancery Reports. Sandl. St. Pap. Sandler's State Papers. Sar. Ch. Sen Saratoga Chancery Sentinel. Sau. and Sc Sausse and Scully's Irish Rolls Court Reports. Saund Saunders' English King's Bench Reports. Saund. and C Saunders and Cole's English Bail Court Reports. Saund. and Mac Saunders and Macrae's English County Court Cases. Sausse and Sc Sausse and Scully's Irish Rolls Court Reports. Sav Savile's English Common Pleas Reports. Sav. Priv Trial of the Savannah Privateers. Saw. (or Sawy.) Sawyer's United States Circuit Court Reports. Sax. (or Saxt.) Saxton's New Jersey Chancery Reports. Say Sayer's English King's Bench Reports. Sc. Scilicet (that is to say); Scarccaria (Exchequer); Scott's Reports, English Common Pleas; Scotch; Scammon's Illinois Reports. 246 LAW DEPARTMENT. Sc. Jur Scottish Jurist. Sc. L. J Scottish Law Journal and Sheriff Court Record. Sc. L. M Scottish Law Magazine and Sheriff Court Reporter. Sc. L. R Scottish Law Reporter, Edinburgh. Sc. Sess. Cas Scotch Court of Session Cases. Sc. and Div. App Scotch and Divorce Appeals ( Law Reports). Scac Scarccaria Curia (Court of Exchequer). Scam Scammon's Reports, 2-5 Illinois. Sch. and Lef. Schoales and Lefroy's Irish Chancery Reports. Schalk Schalk's Jamaica Reports. Schm. L. J Schmidt's Law Journal, New Orleans. Schuyl. Leg. Rec Schuylkill Legal Record, Pottsville, Pa. Sci. fa Scire facias. Scire fa. ad dis. deb.. Scire facias ad disprobandum debitum. Scil Scilicet (that is to say). Sco Scott's English Common Pleas Reports. Sco. N. R Scott's New Reports, English Common Pleas. Scot. Scotland; Scottish. Scot. Jur Scottish Jurist, Edinburgh. Scot. L. J Scottish Law Journal and Sheriff Court Record. Scot. L. M. Scottish Law Magazine and Sheriff Court Reporter. Scot. L. R Scottish Law Reporter, Edinburgh. Scott Scott's English Common Pleas Reports. Scott N. R Scott's New Reports, English Common Pleas. Scr.L. T Scranton Law Times, Pennsylvania. Searle and Sm Searle and Smith's English Probate and Divorce Reports. Sec Section; Secus (otherwise); Sectindum. Sec. Leg Secundum Legem (according to Law). Sec. reg Secundum regulam (according to rule). Seed. pt. (Edw. III).. Part 3 of the Year Books. Seed. pt. H. VI Part 8 of the Year Books. Sees Sections. Sect Section. Sedg. L. Cas Sedgwick's Leading Cases on Damages. Seign.Rep Seigniorial Repoi'ts, Lower Canada. Sel. Cas. Ch Select Cases in Chancery, Part 3 in Cases in Chancery. Sel. Cas. D. A Select Cases (Sudder), Dewanny Adawlut, India. Sel. Cas. Ev Select Cases in Evidence (Strange). Sel. Cas. N. F Select Cases, Newfoundland. Sel. Cas. N. W. P Selected Cases, Northwest Provinces, India. Sel. Cas. N. Y Yates' Select Cases, New York. Sel. Cas. t. Br (Cooper's) Select Cases temp. Brougham. Sel. Cas. t. King Select Cases in Chancery temp. King. Sel. Cas. t. Nap (Drury's^ Select Cases temp. Napier, Irish Chancery. Sel. Cas. with Opin Select Cases with Opinions, by a Solicitor. Sel. Dec. Bomb Selected Decisions, Sudder Dewanny Adawlut, Bombay. Sel. Dec. Mad Select Decrees, Sudr Udawlut, Madras. Sel. L. Cas Select Law Cases. Seld Selden's Reports, 5-10 New York Court of Appeals. Seld. Notes Selden's Notes, New York Court of Appeals. Self. Tr Selfridge's Trial. ABBREVIATIONS. 247 Selw. and Barn. The first part of Barnewald and Alderson's English K. B. Report. Sem.(or Semb.). Senible (it seems). Serg. and Lowb. Rep. .English Common Law Reports, American reprint edited by Sergeant and Lowber. Serg. and Raw Sergeant and Rawle's Pennsylvania Reports. Sess.Cas Session Cases, English King's Bench Reports; Scotch Court of Sessions Cases. Sess. Cas. Sc Session Cases, Scotch Court of Sessions. Sess. Pap. C. C. C. Session Papers, Central Criminal Court. Sess. Pap. O. B Session Papers, Old Bailey. Sett, (or Sett, and Rem. Cas.) English Settlement and Removal Cases ( Burrow's Settle- ment Cases). Sev. H. C Sevestre's High Court Reports, Bengal. Sev. S. D. A Sevestre's Sudder Dewanny Adawlut Reports, Bengal. Sh Sheriff; Shower's English Parliamentary Cases; Shower's English King's Bench Reports; Shipley's Reports, 13-18 and 21-30 Maine; Shaw's Scotch Appeal Cases; Shaw, etc.. First Series Scotch Court of Session Cases; Shaw's Scotch Judiciary Cases; Shaw's Scotch Teind Court Re- ports; G. B. Shaw's Reports, 10, 11 Vermont; W. G. Shaw's Reports, 30-35 Vermont; Shirley's Reports, 49- 55 New Hampshire; Sheldon's Buffalo, N. Y., Superior Court Reports; Shepherd's Reports, 19-21,24-41, 49-51, 60, 63, 64, 65, 66, 68, 70, 72, 74, 75, 87 Alabama; Shipp's Reports, 66, 67 North Carolina; Shadford's Reserved Judgments, Victoria. Sh. App. Shaw's Scotch Appeal Cases. Sh. Crim. Cas Shaw's Criminal Cases, Justiciary Court. Sh. Jus Shaw's Justiciary Cases, Scotland. Sh.W. and C Shaw, Wilson and Courtenay's Scotch Appeals Reports (Wilson and Shaw's Reports). Sh.andDunl Shaw and Dunlop's Scotch Court of Session Reports (1st Series). Sh. and Mad Shaw and Maclean's Scotch Appeal Cases. Shand Shand's Reports, 11-30 South Carolina, N. S. Shaw Shaw, Scotch Appeal Cases; Shaw, etc., 1st Series Scotch Court of Session Cases; Shaw's Scotch Justiciary Cases; Shaw's Scotch Tiend Reports; G. B. Shaw's Reports, 10, 11 Vermont: W. G. Shaw's Reports, 30-35 Vermont. Shaw Dec Shaw (etc.) Decisions in the Scotch Court of Session (1st Series). Shaw, Dunl. and B.... Shaw, Dunlop and Bell's (1st Series) Scotch Session Cases. Shaw (G. B.) G.B. Shaw's Reports, 10, 11 Vermont. Shaw H. L Shaw's Scotch Appeal Cases, House of Lords. Shaw Jus Shaw's (John) Scotch Justiciary Cases. Shaw T. Cas. Shaw's Scotch Tiend Cases. Shaw (W. G.) W. G. Shaw's Reports, 30-35 Vermont. Shearm. and Red. Neg Shearman and Redtield on Negligence. 248 LAW DEPARTMENT. Shel Sheldon (see Sheld.). Sheld. (or Sheldon) .Sheldon's Reports, Superior Court of Buffalo, New York. Shep Shepley's Reports, 13-18 and 21-30 Maine; Shepherd's Re- ports, 19-21, 24-41, 60, 63, 64, 65, 66, 68, 70, 72, 74, 76, 87 Alabama. Shep.Cas Sheppard's Cases of Slander, etc. Shep. Sel. Cas Shepherd's Select Cases, Alabama. Shepherd Shepherd's Reports, 19-21, 24-41, 60, 63, 64, 66, 68, 70, 72, 74, 76, 87 Alabama. Shepley Shepley's Reports, 13-18 and 21-30 Maine. Sher. Ct. Rep Sheriff Court Reports, Scotland; Sheriff Court Reporter. Ship. Gaz Shipping Gazette, London. Shipp Shipp's Reports, 66, 67 North Carolina. Shir. D. C. Ca Shirley's Dartmouth College Cases. Shir. L. C Shirley's Leading Cases Made Easy. Shirley Shirley's Reports, 49-55 New Hampshire. Show... Shower's Parliamentary Cases; Shower's K. B. Reports. Show. K. B Shower's English King's Bench Reports. Show. P. C Shower's English Parliamentary Cases. Sick Sickels' Reports, 46-123 New York Court of Appeals. Sick. Min. Dec Sickles' Mining Laws and Decisions. Sick. Op . Sickles' Opinions of the New York Attorneys General. Sid Siderfin's English King's Bench Reports. Sim Simon's English Vice-Chancery Reports. Sim. Dig. Pat. Dec. Sirnonds' Digest of Patent Office Decisions. Sim. N. S Simon's English Vice-Chancery Reports, New Series. Sim. and Stu. (or Sim. andS Simons and Stuart's English Vice-Chancery Reports. Sinclair Sinclair's Manuscript Decisions, Scotch Session Cases. Sir T. J Sir Thomas Jones' Reports. Six Circ. Cases on the Six Circuits. Skill. Pol. Rep Skillman's New York Police Reports. Skin Skinner's English King's Bench Reports. Skinker Skinker's Reports, 65-70 Missouri. Slade Slade's Reports, 15 Vermont. Sloan Leg. Reg Sloan's Legal Register, New York. Sm Smith (see Smith). Sm. C. C. M Smith's Circuit Courts-Martial Reports, Maine. Sm. Cond. Ala Smith's Condensed Alabama Reports. Sm. L. J J. P. Smith's Law Journal, London. Sm. L. C Smith's Leading Cases. Sm. L. Cas. Com. L Smith's Leading Cases on Commercial Law. Sm. and B. R. R. Cas.. Smith and Bates' American Railway Cases. Sm. and Bat Smith and Batty's Irish King's Bench Reports. Sm. and G Smith and Gifford's English Vice-Chancery Reports. Sm.and M Smedes and Marshall's Mississippi Reports. Sm. and M. Ch. Smedes and Marshall's Mississippi Chancery Reports. Smed. and M Smedes and Marshall's Mississippi Reports. Smed. and M. Ch Smedes and Marshall's Mississippi Chancery Reports. Smi. and Bat Smith and Batty's Irish King's Bench Reports. SmithC.P.(orE.D.)..E. D. Smith's Common Pleas Reports, New. ABBREVIATIONS. 249 Smith(E.P.)(orCt. App.) E.P. Smith's Reports, i5-27 New York Court of Appeals. Smith Smith's New Hampshire Reports; J. P. Smith's English King's Bench Reports; J. P. Smith's Pennsylvania State Reports; E. P. Smith's Reports, 15-27 New York Court of Appeals; E. D. Smith's New York Common Pleas Reports; Smith's Reports, 54, 55 California; Smith's Re- ports, Indiana; Smith's Reports, 61-64 Maine; Smith's Reports, 1-11 Wisconsin; Smith's volume of Heiskell's Tennessee Reports; see also Sm. Smith Ind Smith's Indiana Reports. Smith ( J. P.) J. P. Smith's English King's Bench Reports. Smith Lead. Gas Smith's Leading Cases. Smith Me Smith's Reports, 61-64 Maine. Smith N. H Smith's New Hampshire Reports. Smith N. Y Smith's Reports, 15-27 New York Court of Appeals. Smith (P.F.) (or Pa.) P- F. Smith's Pennsylvania State Reports. Smith Wis Smith's Reports, 1-11 Wisconsin. Smith and B.R.R. C. Smith and Bates' American Railway Cases. Smith and Bat Smith and Batty's Irish King's Bench Reports. Smoult Notes of Cases in Smoult's Collection of Orders. Calcutta. Smy Smyth's Irish Common Pleas Reports. Sneed Sneed's Tennessee Reports; Sneed's Kentucky Decisions. Sneed Dec Sneed's Kentucky Decisions. So. Aus. L. R. ..South Australia Law Reports. So. Car South Carolina; South Carolina Reports. So. Car. Const South Carolina Constitutional Reports, by Treadway, by Mill, or by Harper. So. L. J Southern Law Journal and Reporter, Nashville, Tenn. So. L. R Southern Law Review, Nashville, Tenn. So. L. R. N. S. Southern Law Review, New Series, St. Louis, Mo. So. West L. J Southwestern Law Journal, Nashville, Tenn. Sol. J .'Solicitors' Journal, London. Sol. J. and R Solicitors' Journal and Reporter, London. South Aus. L. R South Australia Law Reports. South Car South Carolina. South. Law. J Southern Law Journal, Tuscaloosa. South. Law J. and Rep. Southern Law Journal and Reporter, Nashville. South. Law. Rev Southern Law Review, St. Louis. Southard Southard's New Jersey Reports. Southw. L. J. Southwestern Law Journal and Reporter. Sp Spinks' English Ecclesiastical and Admiralty Reports; Spear's South Carolina Law Reports. Sp. A v .... Special Appeal. Sp. Eq. (or Ch.) Spear's South Carolina Equity Reports. Sp. Pr. Cas Spinks' Prize Cases. Sp. T Special Term. Sp. and Sel. Cas Special and Selected Law Cases. Sparks Sparks' Reports, British Burmah. Spaulding Spaulding's Reports, 71-80 Maine. 250 LAW DEPARTMENT. Spear (or Speer) Spear's (or Speer's) South Carolina Law Reports. Spear (or Speer) Eq... Spear's (or Speer's) South Carolina Equity Reports. Speer See Spear. Spel. Rep Spelman's Reports, Manuscript English King's Bench. Spencer Spencer's New Jersey Reports; Spencer's Reports, 10-20 Minnesota. Spinks Spinks' English Ecclesiastical and Admiralty Reports. Spinks P. C Spinks' English Prize Cases. Spooner Spooner's Reports, 12-15 Wisconsin. Spottis Sir R. Spottisvvoode's Reports, Scotch Court of Session. Spottis. C. L. & Eq. Rep Sprague's Law and Equity Reports, published by Spottis- woode. Spr. (or Sprague) Sprague's United States District Court (Admiralty) De- cisions. S*t State; Story's United" States Circuit Court Reports (see Sto.); Stair's Scotch Court of Session Reports; Stuart (Milne and Peddle). Scotch Session Cases. St.Cas Stillingfleet's Ecclesiastical Cases, English. St. Ch. Cas Star Chamber Cases. St. Clem St. Clement's Church Case, Philadelphia. St. Eccl. Cas Stillingfleet's Ecclesiastical Cases. St. Mark St. Mark's Church Case, Philadelphia. St. P State Papers. St. Rep State Reports. Sin. Eq ..Smith's (J. W.) Manual of Equity; Smith's Principles of Equity. St. Tr The State Trials (English). Stair Stair's Reports, Scotch Court of Session. Stanton Stanton's Reports, 11-13 Ohio. Star Starkie's English Nisi Prius Reports; see also Stark. Star Ch. Ca Star Chamber Cases. Stark. Ev Starkie on Evidence. Stark. Lib Starkie on Libel. Stark. SI. and L Starkie on Slander and Libel. Stark Starkie's English Nisi Prius Reports. Stat. An Statistical Annals. Stat. at L United States Statutes at Large. State Tr State Trials, English. Steph. PI Stephen on Pleading. Stew Stewart's Alabama Reports; Stewart's N. J. Equity Re- ports. Stew. Adm. (or V. A.).. Stewart's Vice-Admiralty Reports, Nova Scotia. Stew.Eq Stewart's Reports, 28-44 New Jersey Equity. Stew. (N. J.) Stewart's New Jersey Equity Reports, 28-44. Stew. N. Sc Stewart's Admiralty Reports, Nova Scotia. Stew, and P Stewart and Porter's Alabama Reports. Stiles Stiles' Reports, 22-37 Iowa. Still. Eccl. Cas Stillingfleet's Ecclesiastical Cases. Sto. (or Sto. C. C.) Story's United States Circuit Court Reports. Stock. Stockton's New Jersey Equity Reports. ABBREVIATIONS. 251 Stock Non Com. Stock on Non Compos Mentis. Stockett Stockett's Reports, 27-70 Maryland. Stockt. Ch Stockton's New Jersey Chancery Reports. Story Story's U. S. Circuit Court Reports; see also Sto. Story Ag Story on Agency. Story Bail... Story on Bailments. Story Bills Story on Bills. Story Comm Story on Commentaries. Story Contr Story on Contracts. Story Eq. Jur Story on Equity Jurisprudence. Story Eq. PI Story on Equity Pleadings. Story Part Story on Partnership. Story Pr. Notes Story on Promissory Notes. Str Strange's English King's Bench Reports. Str. Gas. Ev. (or Str. 8vo.) Strange's Cases of Evidence (Octavo Strange). Str. N. C Sir T. Strange's Notes of Cases, Madras. Stra Strange (see Str.). Stran Strange (see Str.). Strange, Madras Strange's Notes of Cases, Madras. Stringfellow ' Stringfellow's Reports, 9-11 Missouri. Strob Strobhart's South Carolina Law Repoi'ts. Strob. Eq. (or Ch.) Strobhart's South Carolina Equity Reports. Stu. Adm. (or V. A.) .Stuart's Vice-Admiralty Reports, Lower Canada. Stu. Ap Stuart's Appeal Cases, Lower Canada King's Bench Re- ports. Stu. K. B. (or L. C.)... Stuart's Lower Canada Reports. Stu. Mil. and Ped Stuart, Milne and Peddie's Scotch Court of Session Re- ports. Stuart Stuart's Lower Canada Reports; Stuart's Vice-Admiralty Reports; Stuart, Milne and Peddie's Scotch Session Cases. Stuart L. C. K. B Stuart's Lower Canada King's Bench Reports. Stuart L. C. V. A Stuart's Lower Canada Vice-Admiralty Reports. Sty Style's English King's Bench Reports. Sty. Pr. Reg Style's Practical Register. Sud. Dew. Ad Sudder Dewanny Adawlut Reports, India. Sud. Dew. Rep Sudder Dewanny's Reports, N. W. Provinces, India. Sug. Pow Sugden on Powers. Sug. Vend : Sugden on Vendors. Sum Sumner's United States Circuit Court Reports. Summ. Dec Summary Decisions, Bengal. Sumn Sumner's United States Circuit Court Reports. Sumn. Ves. (or Sum. Ves.) Sumner's edition of Vesey's Reports. Sup Superior; Supreme; Superseded; Supplement. Sup. Ct. Reptr Supreme Court Reporter of Decisions of United States Su- preme Court. Super Superior. Supp. Ves. Jun Supplement to Vesey, Jtm.'s, Repoi'ts. Supr Supreme. 252 LAW DEPARTMENT. Suth Sutherland's Reports. Suth. Bengal Sutherland's High Court Reports, Bengal. Suth. F. B. R Sutherland's Full Bench Rulings, Bengal. Suth. P. C. J. (or A.). .Sutherland's Privy Council Judgments (or Appeals). Suth. W.R Sutherland's Weekly Reporter. Sw. (or Swab.) and Tr Swabey and Tristram's English Probate and Divorce Re- ports. Swab, (or Swab. Adm.) Swabey's English Admiralty Reports. Sw Swanston's English Chancery Reports; Swabey's English Admiralty Reports; Sweeney's New York Superior Court Reports; Swan's Tennessee Reports; Swinton's Scotch Justiciary Cases; Swan; Sweet; Swift. Swan Swan's Tennessee Reports; Swanston's English Chancery Reports. Swan. Ch Swanston's English Chancery Reports. Swans, (or Swanst.). Swanston's English Chancery Reports. Sween Sweeney's New York Superior Court Reports. Sweet M. Sett. Cas Sweet's Marriage Settlement Cases. Swin Swinton's Scotch Justiciary Reports. Swin. Jus. Cas Swinton's Justiciary Cases, Scotland. Swin. Reg. App Swinton's Scotch Registration Appeal Cases. Swint Swinton (see Swin.). Syme Syme's Scotch Justiciary Reports. Syn. Ser Synopsis Series of the United States Treasury Decisions. T Tempore (in the time of); Territory; Title; Trinity Term. T. B.M T. B. Moore's Kentucky Reports. T. Jones (or 2 Jones) .T. Jones' English King's Bench Reports. T. R Term Reports (Durnford and East); Teste Rege. T. R. N. S Term Reports, New Series (East's Reports). T. R. (N. Y.) Caine's (Term) Reports, New York. T. R. E Tempore Regis Edwardi. T. Raym Sir T. Raymond's English King's Bencji Reports. T. T Trinity Term. T. U. P. Charlt T. U. P. Charlton's Reports, Georgia. T. and C Thompson's and Cook's New York Supreme Court Re- ports. T. and G Tyrwhitt and Granger's English Exchequer Reports. T. and M Temple and Mew's Crown Cases, English. T. and P Turner and Phillips' Reports, English Chancery. T. and R Turner and Russell's English Chancery Reports. Tait Tait's Manuscript Decisions, Scotch Session Cases. Tal. (or Talb.) Cases tempore Talbot, English Chancery. Tarn Tamlyn's English Rolls Court Reports. Tan Taney's United States Circuit Court Reports. Tap Tappan's Ohio Reports. Tarl. Term R Tarleton's Term Reports, New South Wales. Taun. (or Taunt.) Taunton's English Common Pleas Reports. Tay Taylor (see Taylor). Tay. Gloss Taylor's Law Glossary. ABBREVIATIONS. 253 Tay. ( J. L.) J. L. Taylor's North Carolina Reports. Tay. Med. Jur Taylor's Medical Jurisprudence. Tay. Poi Taylor on Poisons. Tay. N. C Taylor's North Carolina Reports. Tay. U. C Taylor's Upper Canada Reports. Tay. and B Taylor and Bell's Bengal Reports. Taylor ...Taylor's North Carolina Reports; Taylor's Upper Canada Reports; Taylor's Bengal Reports. Taylor U. C Taylor's King's Bench Reports, Upper Canada (nowcOn- tario). Tel Telegram, London. Temp Tempore (in the time of). Temp. Geo. II Cases in Chancery tempore George II. Temp, and M Temple and Mew's English Crown Cases/ Tenn Tennessee; Tennessee Reports (Overton's). Tenn. Cas. Thompson's Unreported Cases, Tennessee. Tenn. Ch Cooper's Tennessee Chancery Reports. Tenn. Leg. Rep Tennessee Legal Reporter, Nashville. Terr Territory. Term Term Reports, King's Bench (Durnford and East's Re- ports). Term N. C Term Reports, North Carolina, by Taylor. Terr Territory; Terr-ill's Reports, 52-71 Texas. Terr, and Walk. Terrell and Walker's Reports, 38-51 Texas. Tex Texas; Texas Reports. Tex. App Texas Court of Appeals Reports, Crinfinal Cases. Tex. L. J Texas Law Journal, Tyler, Texas. Th Thomas (see Thorn.); Thomson (see Thorn.); Thompson (see Thomp.). Th. C. C Thacher's Criminal Cases, Massachusetts. Th. Ca. Const. Law .Thomas' Leading Cases in Constitutional Law. Th. and C Thompson and Cook's New York Supreme Court Reports. Thac. Cr. Cas ..Thacher's Massachusetts Criminal Cases. Them La Themis, Montreal, Quebec; The American Themis, N. Y. Tho. Thomas (see Thorn.); Thomson (see Thorn.); Thompson (see Thomp.). Thorn. Thomson's Reports, Nova Scotia. Thorn. Const. L. (or L. C.) Thorns' Leading Cases on Constitutional Law. Thorn. Dec 1 Thomson, Nova Scotia Reports. Thorn. Rep 2 Thomson, Nova Scotia Reports. Thorn. Sel. Dec Thomson's Select Decisions, Nova Scotia. Thorn, and Fr Thomas and Franklin's Reports, 1 Maryland Chancery. Thomas Thomas' Reports, Wyoming Territory. Thomp. Cal Thompson's Reports, 39, 40 California. Thomp. N. B. Cas Thompson's National Bank Cases. Thomp. Tenn. Cas Thompson's "Unreported" Tennessee Cases. Thomp. and C Thompson and Cook's New York Supreme Court Reports. Thompson Thompson's Reports, 39, 40 California. Thomson Thomson's Nova Scotia Reports. 254 LAW DEPARTMENT. Thorn Thornton' Notes of Cases, Ecclesiastical and Maritime. Thos Thomas (see Thorn.). Thr. Verb. Agr Throop on Validity of Verbal Agreements. Thr. J. St. Comp Thring on Joint Stock Companies. Tich. Tr Report of the Tichborne Trial, London. Tiffany (or Tiff.) Tiffany's Reports, 28-39 New York Court of Appeals. Till, and Yates App...Tillinghast and Yates on Appeals. Tinw ...Tinwald's Reports, Scotch Court of Sessions. Tit Title; Tithe. To. Jo Sir Thomas Jones' English King's Bench Reports. Tobey Tobey's Reports, 9-10 Rhode Island. Toml. (Cas.) Tomlin's Election Evidence Cases. Toml. Supp. Br Tomlin's Supplement to Brown's Parliamentary Cases. Tot. (or Toth.) .... Tothill's English Chancery Reports. Town. St. Tr Townsend's Modern State Trials. Towns Townshend (see Town.). Tr Trial; Treatise; Transcript; Translated; Translation; Translator. Tr. App New York Transcript Appeals. Tr. Ch Transactions of the High Court of Chancery, Tothill's Reports. Trans. App Transcript Appeals, New York. Tread. Treadway's South Carolina Constitutional Reports. Tri. Bish Trial of the Seven Bishops. Tri. E. of Cov Trial of the Earl of Coventry. Tri. per P .*.... Trials per Pais. Trin Trinity Term. Tristram Tristram's Supplement to 4 Swabey and Tristram. Tru. Railw. Rep Truman's American Railway Reports. Tuck Tucker's New York Surrogate Reports; Tucker's Select Cases, Newfoundland. Tuck. Sel. Cas Tucker's Select Cases, Newfoundland. Tuck. Surr Tucker's Surrogate Reports, City of New York. Tud. Cas. Merc. Law..Tudor's Leading Cases on Mercantile Law. Tud. CasR. P Tudor's Leading Cases on Real Property. Tupper Tupper's Reports, Ontario Appeals; Tupper's Upper Can- . ada Practice Reports. Tur. (or Turn, and Rus.) Turner and Russel's English Chancery Reports. Turn, and Ph Turner and Phillip's Reports, English Chancery. Turner Turner's Reports, 36 Ai'kansas. Tuttle Tuttle's Reports, 23-32 and 41-51 California. Tuttle and Carp Tuttle and Carpenter's Reports, 52 California. Ty Territory; Tyler. Tyl. (or Tyler) Tyler's Vermont Reports. Tyng Tyng's Reports, 2-17 Massachusetts. Tyr. (or Tyrw.) Tyrwhitt's English Exchequer Reports. Tyrw. and Gr Tyrwhitt and Granger's English Exchequer Reports. U Utah; Utah Reports. U. B Upper Bench. U. B. Pr Upper Bench Precedents temp. Car. I. ABBREVIATIONS. 255 U. C Upper Canada. U. C. C. P Upper Canada Common Pleas Reports. U. C. Ch Upper Canada Chanceiy Reports. U. C. Cham. Upper Canada Chambers Reports. U. C. E. and A Upper Canada Error and Appeal Reports. U. C. K. B Upper Canada King's Bench Reports, Old Series. U. C. L. J Upper Canada Law Journal, Toronto. U. C. L. J. O. S Upper Canada Law Journal, Old Series. U. C. O. S. Upper Canada King's Bench Reports, Old Series. U. C. Pr. (or P. R.) ..Upper Canada Practice Reports. U. C. Q. B. UPP 61 " Canada Queen's Bench Reports. U. C. Q. B. O. S Upper Canada Queen's (King's) Bench Reports, Old Series. U. K United Kingdom. U. S United States; United States Reports. U. S. C. C United States Circuit Court; United States Court of Claims. U. S. Ct. Cl Reports of the United States Court of Claims. U. S. D. C United States District Court. U. S. Jur United States Jurist, Washington, D. C. U. S. Law Int United States Law Intelligencer and Review, Providence and Philadelphia. U. S. Law Jour United States Law Journal, New Haven and New York. U. S. Law Mag United States Law Magazine, New York. U. S. Reg. .United States Law Register, Philadelphia. U. S. St. Tr United States State Trials ( Wharton's). Ulm. L. Rec Ulmen's Lawyers' Record, New York. Up. Ben. Per Upper Bench Precedents, temp. Car. I. Up. Can Upper Canada (see U. C.). Utah Utah Reports. V Versus (against); Vesey (see Ves.); Vermont; Voce; Vic- toria; Victorian. V. A Vice Admiralty. V. C Vice Chancellor; Vice Chancellor's Court. V. C. C Vice Chancellor's Court. V. D Various dates. V. L. R Victorian Law Reports, Australia. V. N Van Ness' Prize Cases. V. R Vermont Reports. V. and B. Vesey and Beanies' English Chancery Reports. V. and S Vernon and Scrivens' Irish King's Bench Reports. Va Virginia; Virginia Reports; Gilmer's Virginia Reports. Va. Cas Virginia Cases, by Brockenbrough and Holmes. Va. Ch. Dec Chancery Decisions, Virginia. Va. L. J. Virginia Law Journal, Richmond. Va. R. Virginia Reports; Gilmer's Virginia Reports. Vanderstr Vanderstraaten's Ceylon Reports. Van K Van Koughnet's Reports, 15-21 Upper Canada, C. P. Van N Van Ness' Prize Cases. Vaug. (or Vaugh.) Vaughan's English Common Pleas Reports. Vaux Vaux's Recorder's Decisions, Philadelphia. 256 LAW DEPARTMENT. Ve. (or Vea.) Vesey (see Ves.). Ve. (or Vea.) and B... Vesey and Bearnes' English Chancery Reports. Veazey Veazey's Reports, 36-44 Vermont. Vent Ventris' English Common Pleas Reports. Ver. (or Verm.) Vermont Reports. Vern Vernon's English Chancery Reports. Vern. and Scr. Vernon and Scriven's Irish King's Bench Reports. Ver Vernon and Scriven's Irish King's Bench Reports. Ves Vesey, Senior's, English Chancery Reports. Ves. Jr Vesey, Junior's, English Chancery Reports. Ves. Jun. Supp Supplement to Vesey, Jr.'s, Reports, by Hovenden. Ves. Sen Vesey, Senior's, Chancery Reports. Ves. and Bea Vesey and Beames' English Chancery Reports. Vez Vezey's (Vesey's) English Chancery Reports (see Ves.). Viet. L. R. Victorian Law Reports, Australia. Viet. L. T Victorian Law Times, Melbourne. Viet. Rep Victorian Reports. Viet. St. Tr. Victorian State Trials. Vil. and Br. Vilas and Brayant's edition of the Wisconsin Reports. Virg Virginia (see Va.); Virgin. Virgin Virgin's Reports, 52-60 Maine; Virginia (see Va.). Viz Videlicet (that is to say). Vo Verbo. Vr. Vroom's New Jersey Reports. Vroom (G. D. W.) G. D. W. Vroom's New Jersey Law Reports, 36-46. Vs Versus (against). Vt Vermont; Vermont Reports. W King William; Wheaton's United States Supreme Court Reports; Wendell's New York Reports; Watt's Reports, Pennsylvania; Weekly; Wisconsin; Wyoming. W. A Western Australia. W. Bl Sir William Blackstone's English King's Bench Reports. W. C. C. Washington's United States Circuit Court Reports. W. H. Chron Westminster Hall Chronicle, London. W. H. andG Welsby, Hurlstone and Gordon's English Exchequer Re- ports. W. J Western Jurist, Des Moines, Iowa. W. Jo Sir William Jones' English King's Bench Reports. W. Kel. William Kelynge's English Chancery Reports. W. L. Gaz Western Law Gazette, Cincinnati, Ohio. W. L. Jour Western Law Journal, Cincinnati, Ohio. W. L. M. Western Law Monthly, Cleveland, Ohio. W. L. R Washington Law Reporter, Washington, D. C. W. N Weekly Notes, London. W. N. Cas Weekly Notes of Cases, Philadelphia. W. P. Cas Wollaston's English Bail Court (Practice) Cases. W. R Weekly Reporter, London; Weekly Reporter, Bengal^ Wendell's Reports; Wisconsin Reports; West's Re- ports (English Chancery). W. R. Calc Sutherland's Weekly Reporter, Calcutta. W. Rep West's Reports temp. Hardwicke, English Chancery. ABBREVIATIONS. 257 W. Rob W. Robinson's English Admiralty Reports. W. T. R Weekly Transcript Reports, New York. W. Ty. R Washington Territory Reports. W. Va. West Virginia Reports. W. W. and A'B. Viet. Wyatt, Webb and A'Becket's Reports, Victoria. W. W. and D. Willmore, Wollaston and Davison's English Q. B. Reports. W. W. and H Willmore, Wollaston and Hodges' English Q. B. Reports. W. and C Wilson and Courtenay's Scotch Appeal Cases (see Wilson and Shaw). W. and M Woodbury and Minot's United States Circuit Court Re- ports; William and Mary. W. and S Watts and Sergeant's Pennsylvania Reports; Wilson and Shaw's Scotch Appeal Cases. W. and S. App Wilson and Shaw's Scotch Appeal, English House of Lords. W. and T. Eq. Ca. (or L. C.) White and Tudor's Leading Cases in Equity. W. and W. Viet Wyatt and Webb's Victoria Reports. Wa Wallace (see Wall.). Wai. by L Wallis' Irish Reports, by Lyne. Walk Walker (see Walker). Walk. Ch Walker's Michigan Chancery Reports. Walk, Mich Walker's Michigan Chancery Reports. Walk. Miss Walker's Mississippi Reports. Walker Walker's Mississippi Reports; Walker's Michigan Chan- cery Reports; Walker's Reports Texas. Wall Wallace's United States Supreme Court Reports; Wallace (Senior), United States Circuit Court Reports; (Wal- lace's) Philadelphia Reports; Wallis, Irish Chancery Reports. Wall. C. C Wallace's Reports, U. S. Circuit Court, 3d Circuit. Wall. Jr Wallace's (J. W.) United States Circuit Court Reports. Wall. Rep Wallace on the Reporters; Wallace's United States Su- preme Court Reports. Wall. S. C Wallace's United States Supreme Court Reports. Wall. Sen Wallace's (J. B.) United States Circuit Court Reports. Wallis Wallis' Irish Chancery Reports. Wallis by L Wallis' Irish Chancery Reports, by Lyne. Walsh Walsh's Registry Cases, Ireland. Wash, and Haz. P. E. I Washburton and Hazard's Reports, Prince Edward Island. Ward. Warden's Reports (see Warden). Warden Warden's Reports, 2, 4 Ohio State. Warden and Smith .Warden and Smith's Reports, 3 Ohio State. Ware Ware's United States District Court Reports. Wash Washington; Washington's United States Circuit Court Reports; Washington's Virginia Reports; Washburn's Reports, 16-23 Vermont. Wash. C. C Washington's United States Circuit Court Reports. Wash. Jur Washington Law Reporter, Washington, D. C. Wash. Ter Washington Territory Reports. Sig. 18. 258 LAW DEPARTMENT. Wash. Ter. N. S Allen's Washington Territory Reports, New Series. Wash. Va ....Washington's Virginia Reports. Washburn Washburn's Reports, 16-23 Vermont. Wat Watkins (see Watk.); Watson (see Wats.). Wat. C. G. H Watermeyer's Cape of Good Hope Reports. Watermeyer Watermeyer's Cape of Good Hope Reports. Watts Watts' Penn. Reports; Watts' Reports, 16, 17 West Vir- ginia. Watts and Serg Watts and Sergeant's Pennsylvania Reports. We West; West's English House of Lords Cases; West's Chancery Reports. Web. Pat. Cas Webster's Patent Cases. Web. Tr. The Trial of Professor Webster for Murder. Webb Webb's Reports, 6-20 Kansas. Webb, A'B. and W Webb, A'Beckett and Williams' Victorian Reports, Aus- tralia. Webb, A'B. and W. Eq Webb, A'Beckett and Williams' Equity Reports, Victoria. Webb, A'B. and W. I. P. and M Webb, A'Beckett and Williams' Insolvency, Probate aud Matrimonial Reports, Victoria. Webb, A'B. & W. Min Webb, A'Beckett and Williams' Mining Cases, Victoria. Webb and Duval Webb and Duval's Reports, 1-3 Texas. Webs Webster (Web.). Week. Gin. L. B Weekly Cincinnati Law Bulletin. Week. Jur Weekly Jurist, Bloomington, Illinois. Week. L. Gaz Weekly Law Gazette, Cincinnati. Week. L. Rev Weekly Law Review, San Francisco, California. Weeklj- No Weekly Notes of Cases, London. Week. No. Cas Weekly Notes of Cases, Philadelphia. Week. Reptr Weekly Reporter, London; Weekly Reporter, Bengal. Week. Trans. Repts.. Weekly Transcript Reports, New York. Weight. Med. Leg. Gaz Weightman's Medico-Legal Gazette, London. Wei Welsh's Irish Registry Cases. Welsb. H. and G Welsby, Hurlstone and Gordon, English Exchequer Re- ports. Welsh Welsh's Registry Cases, Ireland; Welsh's Irish Cases at Sligo; Welsh's (Irish) Case of James Feighny, 1838. Welsh Reg. Cas. Welsh's Irish Registry Cases. Wend Wendell's New York Reports. West West's Reports, English House of Lords; West's Reports, English Chancery; Western Tithe Cases; Weston's Re- ports, 12-14 Vermont. West. Aust. Western Australia. West Ch West's English Chancery Reports. West t. H West's English Chancery Reports temp. Hardwicke. West H. L West's Reports, English House of Lords. West. Jur Western Jurist, Des Moines, Iowa. West. L. J. ... ....Western Law Journal, Cincinnati, Ohio. ABBREVIATIONS. 259 West. L. Mo Western Law Monthly, Cleveland, Ohio. West. Leg. Ob Western Legal Observer, Quincy, Illinois. West. Ti. Gas Western Tithe Cases. West Va West Virginia; West Virginia Reports. Weston Western's Reports, 12-14 Virginia. Wh : Wheaton's United States Supreme Court Reports; Whar- ton's Pennsylvania Reports; Wheeler's New York Criminal Reports. Wh. Cr. Cas Wheeler's New York Criminal Cases. Wh. and T. L. C. White and Tudor's Leading Cases in Equity. Whar Wharton's Pennsylvania Reports. Whar. St. Tr Wharton's United States State Trials. Whart Wharton (see Whar.). Wheat Wheaton's United States Supreme Court Reports. Wheel Wheeler's New York Criminal Cases; Wheelock's Reports, 32-37 Texas. Wheel. Br. Cas Wheeling's Bridge Cases. Wheel. Cr. C Wheeler's New York Criminal Cases. Wheel. Cr. Rec. Wheeler's Criminal Recoi'der, New York, 1 Wheeler Criminal Cases. Whit. Pas. Cas Whitman's Patent Cases, United States. White White's Reports, ,10-15 West Virginia. White and T. L. Cas. ..White and Tudor's Leading Cases in Equity. Whitm. Lib. Cas.. Whitman's Massachusetts Libel Cases. Whitm. Pat. Cas Whitman's Patent Cases. Whitm. Pat. Law Rev Whitman's Patent Law Review, Washington, D. C. Whittlesey Whittlesey's Reports, 38-41 Missouri. Wight El. Cas Wight's Election Cases, Scotch. Wight, (or Wightw. ...Wightwick's Election Exchequer Reports. Wil Williams (see Will.); Wilson (see Wils.). Wilcox Wilcox Report, 10 Ohio. Wilk. and Ow Wilkinson, Owen, Patterson and Murray's "New South Wales Reports." Will Will's English Common Pleas Reports. Will. Ann. Reg Williams' Annual Register, New York. Will-Bund St. Tr... Will-Bund's Cases from the State Trials. Will. Mass Williams' Reports, 1 Massachusetts. Will. P. Peere Williams' English Chancery Reports. Will. Saund '.....Williams' Notes to Saunders' Reports. Will. Woll. and Dav.. Willmore, Wollaston and Davison's English Q. B. Reports. Will. Woll. and Hodg Willmore, Wollaston and Hodges' English Q. B. Reports. Will. Vt Williams' Reports, 27-29 Vermont. Willes Willes' English Common Pleas Reports. Williams Williams (Peere) "English Chancery Reports; Williams' Reports; 27-29 Vermont; Williams' Reports, 1 Mass. Williams P Peere Williams' English Chancery Reports. Willm. W. and D Willmore, Wollaston and Davison's English Q. B. Reports. Wilm. W. and H Willmore, Wollastou and Hodges' English Q. B. Reports. Wilm Wilmot's Notes of Opinions, English King's Bench. 260 LAW DEPARTMENT. Wilm. Op. (or Juclg.)..Wilmot's Notes of Opinions. Wils. Wilson's English Common Pleas Reports. Wils. Ch Wilson's English Chancery Reports. Wils. Ent Wilson's Entries and Pleadings (same as 3 Lord Ray- jnond). Wils. Exch Wilson's English Exchequer Reports. Wils. (Ind.) Wilson's Indiana Superior Court Reports. Wils. K. B Sergeant Wilson's English King's Bench Reports. Wils. and Court Wilson and Courtenay's Scotch Appeals Cases (see Wilson and Shaw). Wils. and Sh Wilson and Shaw's Scotch Appeals Cases. Wilson Wilson's English Common Pleas Reports; Wilson's En- glish Chancery Reports; Wilson's English Exchequer Equity Reports; Wilson's Indiana Superior Court Re- ports; Wilson's Reports, 1, 2 Oregon. Win Winston's Law Reports, North Carolina; Winch's English Common Pleas Reports. Win. Eq Winston's Equity Reports, North Carolina. Winch Winch's English Common Reports. Wins. Eq Winston's Equity Reports, North Carolina. Winst. (or Winst. Eq.) Winston's Law or Equity Reports, North Carolina. Wis Wisconsin; Wisconsin Reports. Wis. Leg. N Wisconsin Legal News, Milwaukee. With. Corp. Cas. Withrow's American Corporation Cases. Withrow Withrow's Reports, 9-21 Iowa. Wm. Bl William Blackstone's English King's Bench Reports. Win. Rob William Robinson's English Admiralty Reports. Wms Williams (see Will.). Wrns. Ann. Reg Williams' Annual Register, New York. Wms. Mass Williams' Reports, 1 Massachusetts. Wms. Notes Williams' Notes to Saunders' Reports. Wms. Peere Peere Williams' English Chancery Reports. Wms. Saund Williams' Notes to Saunders' Reports. Wms. Vt Williams' Reports, 27-29 Vermont. Wol. Wollaston's English Bail Court Reports. Wolf, and B Wolferstan and Bristow's English Election Cases. Woll. (or Woll. P. C... Wollaston's English Bail Court Reports (Practice Cases). Wood Wood's United States Circuit Court Reports; Wood's En- glish Tithe Cases. Wood Deer Wood's (Decrees in) Tithe Cases. Wood, H. ...: Hutton Wood's Decrees in Tithe Cases. Wood Ti. Cases Wood's Tithe Cases. Wood. & M. (or Woodb. & M.) Woodbury and Minot's United States Circuit Court Re- ports. Woodf. Cel. Tr Woodfall's Celebrated Trials. Woodm. Cr. Cas Woodman's Reports of Thacher's Criminal Cases, Mass. Woods (or Woods C. C.) Woods' United States Circuit Court Reports. Woodw. Dec. Pa. Woodward's Common Pleas Decisions, Pennsylvania. Wool Woolworth's United States Circuit Court Reports; Wool- rych (see Woolr.). ABBREVIATIONS. 261 Wool. C. C Woolworth's Reports, United States Circuit Courts, 8th Circuit (Fuller's Opinions). Woolw Woolworth's United States' Circuit Court Reports; Wool- worth's Reports, 1 Nebraska. Words. Elect. Cas Wordsworth's Election Cases. Wr Wright (see Wright). Wr. (or Wr. Pa.) Wright's Reports, Pennsylvania State Reports, vols. 37-50. Wr. Ch. (or Wr. Ohio) Wright's Chancery Reports, Ohio. Wright . Wright's Reports, 27-50 Pennsylvania State; Wright's Ohio Reports. Wright N. P Wright's Nisi Prius Reports, Ohio. Wy Wyoming; Wyoming Reports; Wythe's Virginia Chan- ceiy Reports. Wy. Die Wyatt's Dickens' Chancery Reports. Wyatt, W. and A'B Wyatt, Webb and A'Beckett's Reports, Victoria. Wyatt, W. and A'B. Eq Wj'att, Webb and A'Beckett's Equity Reports, Victoria. Wyatt and W., A'B. I. P. M Wyatt, Webb and A'Beckett's Insolvency, Probate and Matrimonial Reports, Victoria. Wyatt, W. & A'B. Min Wyatt, Webb & A'Beckett's Mining Cases, Victoria. Wyatt and Webb Wyatt and Webb's Mining Cases, Victoria. Wyatt and W. Eq Wyatt and Webb's Equity Reports, Victoria. Wyatt and W. I. P. and M Wyatt and Webb's Insolvency, Probate and Matrimonial Reports, Victoria. Wyatt and W. Min Wyatt and Webb's Mining Reports, Victoria. Wyman Wymau's Reports, India. .Wynne Bov Wynne's Bovill's Patent Cases. Wythe Wythe's Virginia Chancery Reports. Y Year; Yeates' Pennsylvania Reports. Y. B Year Book, English King's Bench. Y. B. Ed. I Year Books of Edward I. Y. B. S. C Year Book, Selected Cases, 1. Y. and C Young and Collyer's English Chancery Reports. Y. and J Young and Jarvis' English Exchequer Reports. Yates Sel. Cas Yates' New York Select Cases. Yea. (or Yeates) Yeates' Pennsylvania Reports. Yerg. Yerger's Tennessee Reports. Yo. Young (see You.). Yorke Ass Clayton's Reports, Yorke Assises. You Younge's English Exchequer Equity Reports. You. and Coll. Ch Younge and Collyer's English Chancery Reports. You. and Coll. Ex Younge and Collyer's English Exchequer Equity Reports. You. and Jerv Younge and Jervis' English Exchequer Reports. Young Young's Reports, 21-26 Minnesota. Young Adni Young's Nova Scotia Admiralty Cases. Young M. L. Cas Young's Maritime Law Cases. Younge Younge's English Exchequer Equity Reports. 262 LAW DEPARTMENT. Younge and Coll. Ch. Younge and Collyer's English Chancery Cases. Younge and Coll. Ex. Younge and Collyer's English Exchequer Equity Reports. Younge and Jerv Younge and Jervis' English Exchequer Reports. Zab Zabriskie's New Jersey Reports. Zinn Ca. Tr. .. Zinn's Select Cases in the Law of Trusts. GENEEAL DEPAETMENT. LITERARY, SCIENTIFIC, HISTORICAL, RELIGIOUS, ETC. AETS AND SCIENCES. ARCHITECTURE, Building, Masonry, Joinery and Carpentry, with thirty- six plates engraved on steel. Wni. Hosking, Thomas Tredgold and Thomas Young. 1 vol. ART OF PAINTING ON GLASS. Emanual Otto Fronberg. 1 vol. ADMIRALTY MANUAL OF SCIENTIFIC ENQUIRY. Sir John Herschell. 1 vol. AGRICULTURE AND AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTRY. Petzholdt and Thaer. ANIMAL CHEMISTRY, in its applications to Physiology and Pathology. Baron Liebig. 1 vol. ANATOMY FOR ARTISTS. H. Balliere. 1 vol. BLOWPIPE, as applied to Chemistry and Mineralogy. J. J. Berzelius. 1 vol. BRIDGE CONSTRUCTION, with practical illustrations. Herman Haupt. 1 vol. CIVIL ENGINEERING. D. H. Mahon. 1 vol. CIVIL ENGINEERING, an Encyclopedia Historical, Theoretical and Prac- tical. Edward Cresy. 2 vols. CATECHISM OF THE STEAM ENGINE, illustrative of the scientific princi- ples upon which its operation depends, and the practical details of its structure, together with its application to mines, mills, steam navi- gation and railways. John Bourne. 1 vol. DESSICATED ALIMENTARY VEGETABLES, being the reports of two boards of U. S. naval officers. 1 vol. ENGINEERS' AND MACHINISTS' ASSISTANT. A series of plans, sections and elevations of stationary, marine and locomotive engines, water wheels, tools, etc., with illustrations. Blackie & Son. 1 vol. ELEMENTS OF AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTRY AND GEOLOGY. Jas. F. W. Johnston. 1 vol. ELEMENTS OF AGRICULTURE. Geo. E. Waring. 1 vol. ELEMENTS OF SCIENTIFIC AGRICULTURE, or the connection between sci- ence and the art of practical farming. Prize essay. John P. Nor- ton. 1 vol. ELEMENTS OF MECHANISM, elucidating the principles of the practical construction of machines, with illustrations. T. Baker. 1 vol. ELECTRIC TELEGRAPH. Its history and progress, with illustrations. Edward Highton. 1 vol. (265) 266 GENERAL DEPARTMENT. EXAMPLES ON THE INTEGRAL CALCULUS. James Harm. 1 vol. ELECTRO-METALLURGY; including the applications of the art to manu- facturing processes; illustrated. James Napier. 1 vol. ELEMENTS OF SPHERICAL TRIGONOMETRY. James Hann. 1 vol. EQUATORIAL ARITHMETIC, applied to interest, annuities, insurance and general commerce. W. Hipsley. 1 vol. EXPERIMENTS ON THE FORM OF SHIPS ANI> BOATS, with illustrations of models. W. Bland. 1 vol. FIRST MNEMONICAL LESSONS IN GEOMETRY, ALGEBRA AND TRIGONOME- TRY. Rev. Thos. P. Kirkman. 1 vol. LIBRARY OF ILLUSTRATED STANDARD SCIENTIFIC WORKS. Contents of: Volume 1. Muller's Physics and Meteorology. Volume 2. Weisback's Mechanics of Machinery and Engineering. Volume 3. Knapp's Chemistry Applied to the Arts and Manufac- tures. Volume 4. Knapp's Chemistry applied to the Arts and Manufac tures. Volume 5. Weisbach's Mechanics of Machinery and Engineering. Volume 6. Quekett's Practical Treatise on the use of the Micro- scope. Volume 7. Fau and Knox's Anatomy of the external Form of Man. Volume 8. Graham's Elements of Chemistry. Volume 10. Knapp's Chemistry applied to the Arts and Manufac- tures. MARINE AND NAVAL ARCHITECTURE, or Theory and Practice blended in Ship Building, with engravings. John W. Griffiths. 1 vol. MOULDER'S AND FOUNDER'S GUIDE, being a Treatise on Moulding and Founding in green sand, dry sand, the moulding of machine frames, mill gear, hollow ware, bells and statues; together with description of moulds for iron, bronze, brass and other metals, and the con- struction of melting furnaces, with illustrations. Fred Overman. 1 vol. MUCK MANUAL FOR FARMERS. Samuel L. Dana. 1 vol. MECHANICS OF SOLIDS AND FLUIDS, with illustrations. W. H. C. Bart- lett. 1 vol. MICROSCOPIST, a complete Manual on the Microscope, with illustrations. Joseph H. Wythes. 1 vol. POPULAR SCIENTIFIC LIBRARY. Contents of: Volume 1. Mechanics and Useful Arts; Natural Philosophy. Professors Horsford and Wyman. Volume 2. Geology, Mineralogy, Paleontology, Botany and Zool- ogy. Prof. Agassiz and others. ARTS AND SCIENCES. 267 Volume 3. Mechanics arid Useful Arts; Astronomy, Meteorology, Geography, Antiquities and Patents. Prof. Jos. Henry and others. Volume 4. The Foot-Prints of the Creator, or the Asterolepis of Stormness. Hugh Miller. With a memoir of the author by Prof. Agassiz. Volume 5. The Old Red Sandstone, or New Walks in an Old Field, with illustrations. Hugh Miller. PRACTICAL ESSAYS ON MILL WORK AND OTHER MACHINERY. Robert Buchanan. 1 vol. PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICE OF STATICS AND DYNAMICS. T. Baker. 1 vol. PRACTICAL TUNNELING, a treatise explaining the work in detail. F. W. Simms. 1 vol. RECENT IMPROVEMENTS IN THE CHEMICAL ARTS. Prof. James C. Booth and Campbell Morfit. RUDIMENTARY TREATISE ON AGRICULTURAL ENGINEERING. -G. H. An- drew. 1 vol. RUDIMENTARY TREATISE ON ARCHITECTURE, with illustrations. W. H. Leeds. 1 vol. RUDIMENTARY TREATISE ON THE PRINCIPLES OF DESIGN IN ARCHITECT- URE, with illustrations. E. L. Garbett. 1 vol. RUDIMENTARY TREATISE ON ALGEBRA. James Hadden. 1 vol. RUDIMENTARY TREATISE ON ANALYTICAL GEOMETRY AND CONIC SEC- ,. TIONS. James Hann. 1 vol. RUDIMENTARY TREATISE ON ARITHMETIC. James Hadden and J. R. Young. 2 vols. RUDIMENTARY TREATISE ON THE BLASTING AND QUARRYING STONE FOR BUILDING AND OTHER PURPOSES; illustrated. Lieut. Gen. Sir John Burgoyne. 1 vol. RUDIMENTARY TREATISE ON THE MANUFACTURE OF BRICKS AND TILES, with illustrations. E. Dobson. 1 vol. RUDIMENTARY TREATISE ON CLAY LANDS AND LOAMY SOILS. Prof. Donaldson. 1 vol. RUDIMENTARY TREATISE ON CLOCK AND WATCH MAKING, including Church Clocks, with illustrations. E. B. Denison. 1 vol. RUDIMENTARY TREATISE ON THE CONSTRUCTION OF CRANES AND MA- CHINERY FOR RAISING HEAVY BODIES, with illustrations. Joseph Glynn. 1 vol. RUDIMENTARY TREATISE ON THE DRAINAGE OF DISTRICTS AND LANDS, with illustrations. G. D. Dempsey. 1 vol. RUDIMENTARY TREATISE ON FOUNDATIONS AND CONCRETE WORKS, with illustrations. E. Dobson. 1 vol. 268 GENERAL DEPARTMENT. RUDIMENTARY TREATISE ON ELECTRICITY; being a- concise exposition of the Principles of Electrical Science and the purposes to which it has been applied, with illustrations. Sir W. Snow Harris. 1 vol. RUDIMENTARY TREATISE ON GEOLOGY, with illustrations. Lieut. Col. Portlock. 1 vol. RUDIMENTARY TREATISE ON TUBULAR AND OTHER GIRDER BRIDGES, particularly describing the Brittannia and Con way Tubular Bridges, with engravings. G. Drysdale Derapsey. 1 vol. RUDIMENTARY TREATISE ON LOGARITHMS AND MATHEMATICAL TABLES. Henry Law. 1 vol. RUDIMENTARY TREATISE ON THE HISTORY, CONSTRUCTION AND ILLU- MINATION OF LIGHTHOUSES, with illustrations. Alan Stevenson. 1 vol. RUDIMENTARY TREATISE ON LIMES, CEMENTS, MORTARS, ETC. George R. Burnell. 1 vol. RUDIMENTARY TREATISE ON MAGNETISM; being a concise exposition of the general principles of Magnetical Science, with illustrations. Sir W. Snow Harris. 2 vols. RUDIMENTARY TREATISE ON THE MARINE ENGINE, AND ON STEAM VES- SELS AND THE SCREW, with illustrations. Robert Murray. 1 vol. RUDIMENTARY TREATISE ON MASONRY AND STONE CUTTING, with illus- trations. E. Dobson. 1 vol. RUDIMENTARY AND PRACTICAL TREATISE ON Music. Charles C. Spen- cer. 2 vols. RUDIMENTARY TREATISE ON NAVIGATION, including directions for Great Circle Sailing; an essay on the Law of Storms and Variable Winds, together with explanation of terms used in ship building, with illus- trations. James Greenwood. 1 vol. RUDIMENTARY TREATISE ON THE ART OF CONSTRUCTING AND REPAIR- ING COMMON ROADS, with illustrations. Henry Law. 1 vol. RUDIMENTARY TREATISE ON NAVAL ARCHITECTURE AND SHIP BUILD- ING, with an exposition of the elementary principles of the science, with illustrations. James Peake. 2 vol. RUDIMENTARY TREATISE ON STEAM BOILERS, with illustrations. R. Armstrong. 1 vol. RUDIMENTARY AND ELEMENTARY TREATISE ON STEAM AND LOCOMO- TION, with illustrations. John Sewell. 1 vol. RUDIMENTARY TREATISE ON WELL DIGGING, BORING AND PUMP WORKS, with illustrations. J. George Swindell. 1 vol. RUDIMENTARY TREATISE ON WARMING AND VENTILATION; being a con- cise exposition of the general principles of the art of warming and ventilating buildings, mines, ships, etc., with illustrations. Charles Tomlinson. 1 vol. ARTS AND SCIENCES. 260 RAILWAY ENGINEERING, or Field Work preparatory to the construction of railways. T. Baker. 1 vol. RUDIMENTARY CHEMISTRY, including an essay on the application of chemistry to agriculture. George Fownes. 1 vol. RUDIMENTS OF THE ART OF BUILDING; illustrated. Edward Dobson. 1 vol. RURAL ECONOMY, in its Relations with Chemistry, Physics and Meteor- ology; or, an Application of the Principles of Chemistry and Physiology to the Details of Practical Farming. J. B. Bous- singault. 1 vol. RURAL ARCHITECTURE AND LANDSCAPE GARDENING; with illustrations. A. J. Downing. 1 vol. REPORT ON EUROPEAN DOCK- YARDS; with plates and maps. By Philip Hickborn, U. S. N. 1 vol. SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO KNOWLEDGE. Contents as follows: Volume 1. Ancient Monuments of the Mississippi Valley, compris- ing the results of extensive original surveys and ex- plorations; with. 48 plates. E. G. Squire and E. H. Davis. Volume 2. Researches Relative to the Planet Neptune. Sears C. Walker. On the Vocal Sounds of Laura Bridgeman, compared with the Elements of Phonetic Language. Dr. Francis Lieber. Mic/oscopical Examination of Soundings off the' Atlantic Coast of the United States. Prof. J. W. Bailey. Contributions to the Physical Geography of the United States. Charles Ellet. With plates and illustrations. Volume 3. Observations on Terrestrial Magnetism. John Locke. Researches on Electrical Rheometry. A. Seochi. Natural History of Fresh Water Fishes of North America. Charles Girard. History of the Marine Algae of North America. Wm. Henry Harvey, M. D. An Account of a Collection of Plants made by Charles Wright in an Expedition From Texas to New Mexico. Asa Gray, M. D. The Law of De- posit of the Flood Tide, Its Dynamical Action and Office. Lieut. C._H. Davies. Description of Ancient Works in Ohio. Chas. Whittlesey. With plates. Volume 4. Grammar and Dictionary of the Dakota Language. Rev. S. R. Riggs, A. M. Volume 5. A Flora and Fauna Within Living Animals. Joseph Leidy, M. D. Memoir upon the Extinct Species of Fossil Ox. Joseph Leidy, M. D. Anatomy of the 270 GENERAL DEPARTMENT. Nervous System of Rana Pipiens, a Species of Ba- trachian Reptiles. Jeffries Wyman, M. D. With plates. Volume 7. Account of a Tornado Near New Harmony, Indiana, 1852. John Chappelsmith. Notes on New Species and Localities of Microscopical Organisms. J. W. Bailey, M. D. The Antiquities of Wisconsin. T. A. Lapham. A Memoir on the Extinct Sloth Tribe of North America. Joseph Leidy. With plates. Volume 9. On the Relative Intensity of the Heat and Light of the Sun Upon Different Latitudes of the Earth. L. M. Meech. Illustrations of Surface Geology, Including Traces of Ancient Glaciers in Massachusetts and Vermont. Prof. Edward Hitchcock. Mexican His- tory and Archaeology, With a Special Notice of Zapotec Remains. Brantz Mayer. Researches on the Ammonia Cobalt Bases. Wallcott Gibbs. With plates. Volume 10. Nereis Boreali-Arnericaiia, or Contributions to a His- tory of the Marine Algae of North America. W. H. Harvey, M. D. Magnetical Observations in the the Arctic Seas. Elisha Kent Kane, M. D. A Grammar and Dictionary of the Yoruba Language, with a description of the country and people of Yo- ruba. Rev. T. J. Bowen. With plates. Volume 11. North American Oology; being an account of the geo- graphical distribution of the birds of North America during the breeding season, with figures and de- scriptions of their eggs. Thomas M. Brewer, M. D. An account of the Total Eclipse of the Sun on Sep- tember 7, 1858, as observed in Peru. Lieut. Gilliss. Magnetic and Meteorological Observations at Girard College Observatory, Philadelphia. A. D. Bache. Meteorological Observations in the Arctic Seas. Dr. Kane. The Coleoptera of Kansas and Eastern New Mexico. John L. Le Conte, M. D. Observa- tions on Terrestrial Magnetism in Mexico. August Sonntag. On Certain Storms in Europe and Amei 1 - ica, December, 1836. Elias Loomis. With plates. Volume 12. Astronomical Observations in the Arctic Seas. Elisha Kent Kane, M. D. On Fluctuations of Level in the North American Lakes. Chas. Whittelsey; Mete- orological Observations at Providence, R. I. Prof. ARTS AND SCIENCES. 271 A. Caswell. Meteorological Observations near Washington, Ark. N. D. Smith, M. D. Researches upon the Venom of the Rattlesnake, with an investi- gation of the Anatomy and Physiology of the Or- gans concerned. S. Weir Mitchell, M. D. With plates. Volume 13. Tidal Observations in the Arctic Seas. Dr. E. K. Kane. Meteorological Observations in the Arctic Seas. Sir Leopold McClintock. Ancient Mining on the Shores of Lake Superior. Chas. Whittelsey. Discussion of the Magnetic and Meteorological Ob- servations at Girard College Observatory, Phil. A. D. Bache. Records and Results of a Magnetic Survey of Pennsylvania. Dr. A. D. Bache. Re- searches upon the Anatomy and Physiology of Respiration in the Chelonia or Turtle. S. Weir Mitchell, M. D. With plates. Volume 14. Discussion of Vertical Force and the Magnetic Effect of the Aurora Borealis. Dr. A. D. Bache. On the Construction of a Silvered Glass Telescope, 15^ in- ches in aperture, and its use in Celestial Photography. Henry Draper, M. D. Palaeontology of the Up- per Missouri Invertebrates. F. B. Meek and T. V. Hayden, M. D. Cretaceous Reptiles of the United States. Prof. Jos. Leidy. With plates. Volume 15. Investigation of the Orbit of Neptune, with general tables of its motion. Prof. S. Newcomb. On the Fresh Water Glacial Drift of the Northwestern States. -Chas. Whittelsey. Geological Researches in China, Mongolia and Japan. Raphael Pumpelly. Physical Observations in the Arctic Seas. Isaac I. Hayes, M. D. With plates. Volume 16. The Gray Substance of the Medulla Oblongata and Trapezium. John Dean, M. D. Results of Meteor- ological Observations at Brunswick, Maine. Dr.i Parker Cleaveland. Results of Meteorological Ob- servations at Marietta, Ohio. S. P. Hildreth, M. D. On the Mummy Case in the Museum of the Smith- sonian Institution. Charles Pickering. The Orbit and Phenomena of a Meteoric Fire Ball, seen July 20, I860. Prof. James H. Coffin. On the Trans- Atlantic Longitude. B. A. Gould. The Indians of Cape Flattery, at the entrance to the Straits of Juan 272 GENERAL DEPARTMENT. De Fuca, Washington. James G. Swan. With plates. Volume 18. Tables and Results of the Precipitation in Rain and Snow in the United States and in Central and South America. Prof. Joseph Henry. Memoir on the Secular Variations of the Elements of the Orbits of the Eight Principal Planets Mercury, Venus, the Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. John N. Stockwell. Observations on Terrestrial Magnetism and on the Deviation of the Compasses of the U. S. Ironclad Monadnock during her cruise from Philadelphia to San Francisco. Wm. Ilark- ness, M. D. With maps. Volume 19. Problems of Rotary Motion Presented by the Gyro- scope, the Precession of the Equinoxes, and the Pendulum. Major-General J. G. Barnard. A Con- tribution to the History of the Fresh Water Algae of North America. Dr. Horatio C. Wood, Jr. An Investigation of the Orbit of Uranus, with general tables of its motion. Prof. Simon Newcomb. With plates. Volume 20. The Winds of the Globe, or the Laws of Atmospheric Circulation Over the Surface of the Earth. Dr. James Henry Coffin. With tables and charts. Volume 21. Statement and Exposition of Certain Harmonies of the Solar System. Dr. Stephen Alexander. On the General Integrals of Planetary Motion. Prof. Simon Newcomb. The Haidah Indians of Queen Charlotte's Islands, British Columbia, with a description of their carvings, tatoo designs, etc., with plates. James G. Swan. Tables, Distribution and Varia- tions of the Atmospheric Temperature in the United States. Prof. Joseph Henry. Volume 22. Explorations of the Aboriginal Remains of Tennessee. Joseph Jones, M. D. The Sculptures of Santa Lucia Cosumalwhuapa in Guatemala, with an ac- count of travels in Central America and on the western coast of South America. S. Habel, M. D. The Archa3ological Collection of the United States National Museum. Chas. Rau. The Palenque Tab- let in the United States National Museum. Charles Rau. On the Remains of Later Pre-Historic Man, Obtained From Caves in the Catherina Archipelago, ARTS AND SCIENCES. 273 Alaska, arid Especially From the Caves of the Aleu- tian Islands. W. H. Dall. With plates. Volume 23. Lucernariae and Their Allies. A Memoir on the Anat- omy and Physiology of Lucernarians and Their Re- lations to Other Acalephae, to Beroids and Polypi. Henry James Clark. On the Geology of Lower Louisiana and the Salt Deposit of Petite Anse Island. Eugene W. Hilgard. On the Internal Structure of the Earth, Considered as Affecting the Phenomena of Precession and Nutation. J. G. Barnard. A Classi- fication and Synopsis of the Trochilidae or Humming- Bird. Daniel Girand Elliot. Fever; A Study in Morbid and Normal Physiology. PI. C. Wood, M. D. With plates. Volume 24. Results of Meteorological Observations at Providence, R. I., extending over a period of forty-five years. Prof. Alexis Caswell. Tables and Results of the Precipitation, in Rain and Snow, in the L T nited States, Central and 'South America. Charles A. Schott. With plates and charts. Volume 25. Pre-Historic Fishing in Europe and North America. Charles Rau. Archaeological Researches in Nicar- agua. J. F. Bransford, M. D. On the Contents of a Bone Cave in the Island of Anguilla, West Indies. Edward D. Cope. With plates and illustrations. Volume 26. Researches upon the Venoms of Poisonous Serpents. S. Weir Mitchell, M. D. , and Edward T. Reichert, M. D. Genesis of the Arietidae. Alphens Hyatt. Plates and cuts. SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS. Contents as follows: Volume 2. On Recent Improvements in the Chemical Arts. Prof. J. C. Booth. The Electro-Magnetic Telegraph; Catalogue of Portraits of North American Indians, with sketches ofiscenery, etc. J. M. Stanley. Cat- alogue of North American Birds and of North American Reptiles. S. F. Baird. Check List of the Shells of North America. W. G. Binney. Volume 4. Synopsis of the described Neuroptera, or Hexapod In- sects of North America. Hermann Hagen. Synop- sis of the described Lepidoptera, or Butterflies of North America. -John G. Morris. Volumes. Bibliography of North American Conchology. W. G. Binney. Sig. 19. 274 GENERAL DEPARTMENT. Volume 6. Monographs of the Diptera of North America. R. Ostensacken and H. Loew. List of the Coleoptera, or Beetles and Weevils of North America, including new species. John L. LeConte, M. D. Volume 7. Monograph of the Bats of North America. H. Allen, M. D. Land and Fresh Water Shells of North America. W. G. Binney. Researches upon the Hydrobiinse and Allied Forms. Dr. W. Slimpson. Monograph of American Corbiculadae (recent and fossil). Temple Prime. Check List of the Inver- tebrate Fossils of North America. F. B. Meek. Catalogue of Minerals with their Formulas, etc. T. Egleston. Dictionary of the Chinook Language of Oregon. George Gibbs. Instructions for Re- search Relative to the Ethnology and Philology of America. George Gibbs. Volume 8. Monographs of the Diptera of North America. R. Ostensacken. Calalogue of the Orthoptera (grass- hoppers, Iot3usts, etc.) of North America. Samuel H. Scudder. Land and Fresh Water Shells of North America. T. Bland. Arrangement of Families of Birds. Objects of Scientific Investigation in Rus- sian America. Volume 9. Bibliography of North American Conchology previous to the year 1860. W. G. Binney. Volume 10. The Mollusks of Western North America. Philip P. Carpenter. Arrangement of the Families of Mol- lusks. Theodore Gill, M. D. Instructions for Ob- servations of Thunder Storms. Prof. Joseph Henry. Directions for Constructing Lightning Rods; Queries Relating to Tornadoes. Prof. Henry. Questions Relative to the Food Fishes of the U. S. Prof. Baird. Volume 11. Arrangement of the Families of Mammals and of the Families of Fishes. Theodore Gill, M. D. Direc- tions for Collecting and Preserving Insects. A. S. Packard, M. D. New Species of Coleoptera of North America. Prof. LeConte. Volume 12. Review of American Birds in the Museum of the Smithsonian Institution. S. S. Baird. The Con- stants of Nature; Specific Gravities; Boiling and Melting Points, and Chemical Formula. F. Wig- glesworth Clarke. ARTS AND SCIENCES. 275 Volume 15. Biographical Index of North American Botany. Ser- eno Watson. The Toner Lectures, on the Structure of Cancerous Tumors and the Mode in which Adjacent Parts are Invaded. J. J. Woodward. Dual Char- acter of the Brain. C. E. Brown-Sequard, M. D. On Strain and Over-action of the Heart. J. M. Da Costa, M. D. A Study of the Nature and Mechanism of Fever. H. C. Wood, M. D. Sequels of the Con- tinued Fevers. W. W. Keen, M. D. Subcutaneous Surgery. William Adams, M. D. Volume 16. Land and Fresh Water Shells of North America. Geo. W. Tryon, Jr. The Nature of Reparatory In- flammation in Arteries of the Ligature. E. O. Shakespeare, M. D. List of Described Species of Humming Birds. Daniel G. Elliott. Volume 17. The Smithsonian Institution; Documents Relative to its History and Origin. William J. Rhees. Volume 18. The Smithsonian "institution; Journals of Board of Regents, Reports of Committees, Statistics, etc. W. J. Rhees. Volume 19. Proceedings of the United States National Museum. Vols. 1 and 2 Volume 20. Bulletin of the Philosophical Society of Washington. Volume 21. James Smithson and his Bequest. William J. Rhees. Memorial of Prof. Joseph Henry, with Addresses by Hons. Hannibal Hamlin, Robt. E. Withers, James A. Garfield and Samuel S. Cox; Professors Asa Gray, William B. Rogers and General William T. Sherman. Volume 22. Proceedings and Papers of the United States National Museum. Volume 23. Biography of the Fishes of the Pacific Coast of the United States. Theodore Gill. Flora of St. Croix and the Virgin Islands, West Indies. Baron H. F. A. Eggers. Catalogue of the Collection to Illustrate the Animal Resources and the Fisheries of the United States. G. Brown Goode. Economical Invertebrates of the American Coasts. W. H. Dall. Contribu- tions to the Natural History of Arctic America. Ludwig Keemlien. Volume 24. Synopsis of the Fishes of North America. D. S. Jor- don and C. H. Gilbert. Volume 25. Bulletins of the Philosophical Society of Washington; Biographical Society of Washington, with the Ad- 276 GENERAL DEPARTMENT. dresses on the Occasion of the Darwin Memorial Meeting; Transactions of the Anthropological Society of Washington. Volume 26. Suggestions for the Sanitary Drainage of Washington City. Geo. E. Waring, Jr. Classification of the Coleoptera of North America. J. L. LeConte and Geo. H. Horn. Volume 27. The Constants of Nature. Atomic Weight Determi- nations. Geo. F. Becker. Volume 28. Tables, Meteorological and Physical. Arnold Guyot. Volume 29. Catalogue of Scientific and Technical Periodicals, 1665 to 1882, together with Chronological Tables. Henry C. Bolton. Volume 30. Scientific Writings of Joseph Henry. 2 vols. Volume 31.- Synoptical Flora of North America. Dr. Asa Gray. Volume 32. The Constants of Nature: A Table of Specific Grav- ity for Solids and Liquids. Frank W. Clarke. In- dex to the Literature of a Spectroscope. Alfred Tuckerman. Volume 33. Bulletins of the Philosophical Society of Washington. 5 vols., 1883-1887. SHIPBUILDING. A. B. Cranze. 1 vol. NATURAL SCIENCE. ANIMAL KINGDOM, arranged in conformity with its organization. Baron Cuvier. 4 vols. AMERICAN FARMER IN ENGLAND, with illustrations. Fred Law Olm- sted. 1 vol. AUDUBON'S SYNOPSIS OF THE BIRDS or NORTH AMERICA. 1 vol. AMERICAN ORNITHOLOGY, to which is added a Synopsis of American Birds, including those described by Audubon, Bonaparte, Nuttall and Richardson, with illustrations. T. M. Brewer. 1 vol. AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTRY: Lectures to Farmers. Alexander Petzholdt. 1 vol. BIRDS OF THE COLORADO VALLEY. A repository of scientific and popu- lar information concerning North American Ornithology. Elliott Coues. 1 vol. NATURAL SCIENCE. 277 CHEMISTRY, including applications of the Science to Medicine, Pharmacy and the Arts, illustrated. Robert Kane, M. D. 1 vol. CABINET CYCLOPAEDIA OF NATURAL HISTORY, illustrated. Dr. Dionys- ius Lardner. 2 vols. COSMOS. A Physical ^Description of the Universe. Alexander Wm. Humbolt. 4 vols. FRUITS AND FRUIT TREES OF AMERICA, or the Culture, Propagation and Management of Fruit Trees, with illustrations. A. J. Downing. 1 vol. FOSSIL FISHES AND FOSSIL PLANTS of New Jersey and the Connecticut Valley, with plates. J. S. Newberry. 1 vol. FOSSILS OF THE BRITISH MUSEUM, or Petrifactions and Their Teachings, with illustrations. Dr. G. A. Man tell. 1 vol. FLORA OF NORTH AMERICA, containing descriptions of the indigenous and naturalized plants growing north of Mexico. Drs. Torrey and Gray. 2 vols. FLORA AMERICANA: The Genera of the Plants of the United States, finely illustrated with 186 plates. Isaac Sprague and Dr. Asa Gray. 2 vols. FLORA BOREALI AMERICANA; or, the Botany of the Northern Parts of British America, illustrated by numerous plates. Sir William Jackson Hooker, L. L. D. 2 quarto vols. GEOLOGICAL OBSERVER. An Exhaustive Treatise on Geology, with illus- trations. Sir Henry T. De La Beche. 1 vol. GEOLOGY. A general account of the Constitution and Structure of the Earth; illustrated. Dr. Edward Hitchcock. 1 vol. PRINCIPLES OF GEOLOGY, illustrated with maps and plates. Sir Charles Lyell. 1 vol. MANUAL OF ELEMENTARY GEOLOGY, or the Ancient Changes of the Earth and Its Inhabitants. Illustrated. Sir Charles Lyell. 1 vol. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF ALABAMA. 2 vols. ' GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF ARKANSAS. 2 vols. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF CALIFORNIA, with illustrations. J. D. Whit- ney. 3 vols. % GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF ILLINOIS, with plates. A. H. Worthen. 3 vols. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF INDIANA, with maps and plates. E. T. Cox and John Collett. 9 vols. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF IOWA, MINNESOTA AND WISCONSIN, with illus- trations. David Dale Owen. 1 vol. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF IOWA, with plates. Charles A. White, M. D. 2 vols. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF KENTUCKY, with plates. David Dale Owen. 2 vols. 278 GENERAL DEPARTMENT. GEOLOGY AND NATURAL HISTORY OF MAINE, with illustrations. Ezekiel Holmes. 1 vol. GEOLOGY AND NATURAL HISTORY OF MISSISSIPPI, with plates. B. L. C. Wailes and E. W. Hilgard. 3 vols. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF MISSOURI, 1874. 1 vol. GEOLOGY AND PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY OF NEBRASKA. Samuel A ughey. 1 vol. GEOLOGY OF NEW HAMPSHIRE, with plates, maps and cuts. E. H. Hitchcock. 3 vol. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF NEW JERSEY, including Mineralogy, Botany and ZoOlgy. Geo. H. Cook. 4 vols. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF NORTH CAROLINA, with maps and plates. W. C. Kerr. 1 vol. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF OHIO, with maps, plates and cuts. J. S. New- berry. 6 vols. GEOLOGY OF VERMONT, descriptive, theoretical, economical and sceno- graphical, with maps and plates. Edward Hitchcock and Albert D. Hager. 2 vols. U. S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY, with maps and plates. 9 vols. GEOLOGICAL EXPLORATIONS OF THE 40TH PARALLEL. Clarence King, U. S. Geologist. 6 vols. Volume 1. Systematic Geology, illustrated by plates and maps. Volume 2. Descriptive Geology. 26 plates. Volume 3. Mining Industry. James D. Hague, with Geological Contributions by Clarence King. Illustrated by 37 plates. Volume 4. Palaeontology and Ornithology, illustrated by 24 plates. Volume 5. Botany. Sei'eno Watson. Illustrated by a map and 40 plates. Volume 6. Microscopical Petrography. ^F. Zirkel. Illustrated by 12 plates. Volume 7. Monograph on the Extinct Toothed Birds of North America, with plate^ Prof. Othniel Charles Marsh. GEOLOGY OF THE HENRY MOUNTAINS IN UTAH, with plates. G. K. Gilbert. 1 vol. LANDS OF THE ARID REGION OF THE UNITED STATES, with a more de- tailed account of the lands of Utah, with maps. J. W. Powell. 1 vol. GEOLOGY AND MINING INDUSTRY OF LEADVILLE, COL., with plates and atlas. S. F. Emmons. 2 vols. GEOLOGY OF THE COMSTOCK LODE AND THE WASHOE DISTRICT, with plates and atlas. Geo. F. Becker. 2 vols. NATURAL SCIENCE. 279 MONOGRAPHS OF THE U. S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF THE GREAT BASIN, NEVADA, with maps and plates. G. K. Gilbert. 1 vol. GEOLOGY OF THE QUICKSILVER DEPOSITS OF THE PACIFIC SLOPE, with an atlas and plates. George F. Becker. 1 vol. MONOGRAPHS OF U. S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY: Contributions to the Knowledge of the Older Mesozoic Flora of Virginia, with plates. W. M. Fontaine. 1 vol. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF THE GRAND CANON DISTRICT OF THE COLO- RADO RIVER, with plates. Charles E. Dutton. 1 vol. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY IN NEVADA: The Invertebrate Fossils of the Eu- reka district, Nevada, with plates. Chas. D. Walcott. 1 vol. U. S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY: The Copper Bearing Rocks of Lake Supe- rior, with plates and maps. Roland D. Irving. 1 vol. HISTORY OF THE WALRUSES, SEA LIONS, SEA BEARS AND SEALS OF NORTH AMERICA, with illustrations. Joel Asaph Allen. 1 vol. LAKE SUPERIOR: Its Physical Character, Vegetation and Animals, ele- gantly illustrated. Louis Agassiz. 1 vol. METEOROLOGY. Prof. L. F. Kaenrty. Illustrated with 15 plates. 1 vol. METALLIC WEALTH OF THE UNITED STATES, illustrated with plates and cuts. J. D. Whitney. 1 vol. MINERAL STATISTICS OF MICHIGAN. 7 vols. MINERALOGY OF NEVADA. 1 vol. MINERALOGY. A Treatise by Charles Upham Shepard, with cuts. 2 vols. MINERALOGY. An Elementary Treatise by William Phillips, with notes by Prof. Brooks. 1 vol. NATURAL PHILOSOPHY, including Mechanics, Hydrostatics, Hydraulics, Pneumatics, Heat, Optics, Astronomy, Electricity, Navigation, Chemistry, Botany, etc. Illustrated. 4 vols. NATURAL HISTORY OF NEW YORK: Volumes 1, 2. Paleontology, with plates. James Hall. Volume 3. Geology of the First District, with plates. W. W. Mather. Volume 4. Geology of the Second District, with plates. E. Em- mons, M. D. Volume 5. Geology of the Third District, with plates. Lardner Vanuxem. Volume 6. Geology of the Fourth District, with maps and plates. James Hall. Volume 7. Zottlogy of New York, or the New York Fauna; Mam- malia, with plates. James E. DeKay. Volume 8. Zoology, or the New York Fauna; Birds, with colored plates. James E. DeKay. 280 GENERAL DEPARTMENT. Volume 9. Zoology, or the New York Fauna; Mollusca and Crus- tacea, with colored plates. James E. DeKay. Volume 10. Zoology of New York, Plates of Reptiles and Fishes. Volumes 11, 12. Flora of New York, comprising full descriptions of all Plants in the State, with colored plates. John Torsey, M. D. Volume 13. Mineralogy of New York, comprising detailed descrip- tions of the Minerals and their uses, with plates and maps. L. C. Beck, M. D. Volumes 14, 15, 16, 17. Agriculture of New York, comprising the classification and composition of the soils, and an ac- count of the Agricultural Productions of the State, with a large collection of colored plates. E. Em- mons, M. D. ORNITHOLOGY OF THE UNITED STATES AND CANADA. Volume 1, Land Birds; volume 2, Water Birds. Prof. Thomas Nuttall. PHILOSOPHY OF THE INDUCTIVE SCIENCES, founded upon their history. Dr. Wm. Whewell. 2 vols. SANDSTONE OF THE CONNECTICUT VALLEY, especially its Fossil Foot- marks, with maps and plates. Professor Edward Hitchcock. 1 vol. THE TERTIARY INSECTS OF NORTH AMERICA, with plates. Samuel H. Scudder. 1 vol. THE SOLAR SYSTEM; a Descriptive Treatise upon the Sun, Moon and Planets. Prof. J. Russell Hind. 1 vol. THE TREES OF AMERICA, Native and Foreign, scientifically and popu- larly described. Illustrated. D. J. Browne. 1 vol. THE NORTH AMERICAN SYLVA; a Description of Forest Trees of the United States and Canada, illustrated by 156 colored engravings. F. Andrew Michaux. 3 vols. THE NORTH AMERICAN SYLVA; a Description of Forest Trees not de- scribed in the work of F. A. Michaux; illustrated by 121 fine col- ored plates. Prof. Thomas Nuttall. 3 vols. UNIVERSAL GEOGRAPHY, a Description of all parts of the World, with maps and engravings. M. Malte-Broun. 3 vols. UNITED STATES GEOLOGICAL SURVEYS, west of the one hundredth merid- ian. Lieut. Geo. M. Wheeler, Corps of Engineers, U. S. Army. 10 vols. Contents as follows: Volume 1. Geographical Report, with maps and plates; Epitome of Warren's Memoir, giving an account of English expeditions since 1800; Explorations and Surveys. Volume 1. Appendix. Memoir of Explorations and Surveys. Volume 2. Astronomy and Barometric Hypsometry, with plates. BIOGRAPHIES. 281 Volume 3. Geology and Mineralogy of Colorado, Utah, Nevada, Arizona and New Mexico, with plates. Volume 3. Supplement. Geological Examinations in Southern Colorado and the Carboniferous Invertebrate Fossils of New Mexico, with maps and plates. Volume 4. Paleontology; Invertebrate Fossils; Extinct Vertebrate Fossils, with plates. Volume o. Zoology; the Zoology of the Western United States; Collections of Mammals; Ornithological Collections; Collections of Batrachians and Reptiles; Collections of Fishes; Hymenoptera; Diurnal Lepidoptera; Cole- optera and Fresh Water Leeches, with plates. Volume 6. Botany; Collections made in California, Colorado, Ne- vada, Arizona and New Mexico, with plates. Volume 7. -Archaeology; Collections from Ruined Pueblos of Ari- zona, New Mexico and California, with Indian Vocab- ularies, with plates. Volume 8. Tables of Geographic Positions and Distances, together with Lists of Barometric Altitudes, Magnetic Decli- nations, and Itineraries of Important Routes. VIEWS OF NATURE, or Contemplations of the Sublime Phenomena of Creation, with Scientific illustrations Alex. Von Humbolt. 1 vol. BIOGRAPHIES. AMERICAN BIOGRAPHIES. Jared Sparks. 15 vols. (vol 11 missing). Contents as follows. Volume 1. Lives of Patrick Henry and Robert Cavalier deLaSelle. Volume 2. Lives of James Otis and James Eglethorpe. Volume 3. Lives of Gen. John Sullivan, Jacob Leisler, Nathaniel Bacon and Major John Mason. Volume 4. Lives of Roger Williams, Timothy Dwight, President of Yale College, and Count Pulaski. Volume 5. Lives of Benjamin Thompson, Count of Rumford; Gen- eral Zebulon Montgomery Pike and Samuel Gorton. Volume 6. Lives of Ezra Stiles, President of Yale College; John Fitch and Annie Hutchinson. Volume 7. Lives of John Ribault, Sebastian Rale and William Palfrey. 282 GENERAL DEPARTMENT Volume 8. Lives of General Charles Lee and General Joseph Reed. Volume 9. Lives of Leonard Calvert, first Governor of Maryland; Samuel Ward and General Thomas Posey. Volume 10. Life of General Nathaniel Greene, of the Army of the Revolution. Volume 12. Lives of Commodore Edward Preble and William Penn. Volume 13. Lives of Daniel Boone and General Benjamin Lincoln. Volume 14. Life of John Ledyard, the great American Traveler. Volume 15. Lives of Major William Richardson Davie, Governor of North Carolina, and Samuel Kirkland, Missionary to the Indians. ADAMS, JOHN, Second President of the United States, Life and Works of. 8 vols. AMES, FISHER, Life and Works of. 2 vols. AMERICAN GOVERNORS, from 1620 to 168Y, Memoirs of, with portraits. Jacob Bailey Moore. 1 vol. BIOGRAPHY, People's Book of. 1 vol. BURR, AARON, Memoir of, with selections from his correspondence. M. L. Davis. 1 vol. BIOGRAPHY AND MYTHOLOGY, Greek and Roman, Dictionary of; illus- trated. Dr. Wm. Smith. 3 vols. BIOGRAPHICAL AND CRITICAL MISCELLANIES. William H. Prescott. 1 vol. CICERO, MARCUS TULLIUS, Life and History of . Dr.'Conyers Middleton. 1 vol. COLLINGWOOD, VICE-ADMIRAL, Memoirs of. G. Newhatn Collingwood. 1 vol. CLAY, HENRY, Life and Times of; with portrait. Calvin Colton. 2 vols. EATON, GEN. WILLIAM, Life of. 1 vol. 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GEORGE, Life of; with maps and plates. Hon. Bushrod Washington. 5 vols. WASHINGTON, GEN. GEORGE, Life of. John Marshall. 2 vols. HISTORIES. ADMINISTRATIONS OF WASHINGTON AND JOHN ADAMS. Edited from the papers of Oliver Wolcott, Secretary of the Treasury. Geo. Gibbs. 2 vols. AMERICA: An Historical, Geographical, Commercial and Philosophical View of the United States, and of the European Settlements in America, with plates. W. Winterbotham. 4 vols. 1796. 284 GENERAL DEPARTMENT. AMERICA, with maps. Gilbert Imlay. 1 vol. AMERICA, Progress of, from the Discovery of, by Columbus; Historical, Geographical and Statistical. John MacGregor. 2 vols. AMERICAN REVOLUTION. S. F. Wilson. 1 vol. AMERICAN REVOLUTION, History of. Charles Botta. 2 vols. AMERICAN REVOLUTION, with especial reference to the part sustained by Connecticut. R. R. Hinman. 1 vol. AMERICAN WAR OF THE REVOLUTION; History of its Origin, Progress and Termination. C. Stedman. 2 vols. AMERICA, History of. James Thomson Callender. 1 vol. 1798. ANGLO-SAXONS, History of, from the Earliest Period to the Norman Conquest. Sharon Turner. 3 vols. ANCIENT HISTORY OF THE EGYPTIANS, CARTHAGINIANS, ASSYRIANS, PER- SIANS AND GRECIANS, including a History of the Arts and Sciences of the Ancients, with maps and plates. Charles Rollin. 2 vols. ANNALS OF ALBANY, with plates and maps. Joel Munsell. 4 vols. ARCHIVES OF PENNSYLVANIA; selected and arranged from original .docu- ments in the office of the secretary of, conformably to acts of gen- eral assembly. Samuel Hazard. Volume 1. From 1664, when Articles between the Dutch and En- glish, in New York, were consented to, to 1747. Volume 2. Commencing with a Proclamation of Peace with France, in a letter from the Duke of Bedford to the Governor, 1748, to the Account of Col. Armstrong's Expedition against Kittanning in 1756. Volume 3. Commencing in 1756, with Orders in Council respect- ing Letters of Marque, to 1760. Volume 4. Commencing with Indenture of Agreement between Lord Baltimore and Thomas and Richard Penn, July 4, 1760, to the Correspondence of the Committee of Safety, 1776. Volume 5. Commencing with Letter from Dr. Benj. Rush, 1776, to Communication from Gen. Roberdeau to President Wharton, 1777. Volume 6. Commencing with Address of Council of Safety to Delegates in Congress, 1777, to Letter from Henry Laurens, President of Congress, 1778. Volume 7. Commencing with Address of Col. Thos. Hartley to Congress, 1778, to Letter of Ben. Franklin to Presi- dent Reed, 1779. Volume 8. Commencing with Inquiry into the Sale of Ship Gen- eral Green, 1779, to the Communication from Capt. John Irwin to President Reed, 1781. HISTORIES. 285 Volume 9. From Letter of Rev. Wm. Rogers to President Reed, 1781, to Letter of Alex. McClean to President Dick- inson, 1783. Volume 10. From 1783 to 1786. Volume 11. Commencing with Letter from Col. John Franklin to Doctor Hamilton, 1786, to Reports of State Officers, 1790. 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Commencing with the Charter from King Charles II to William Penn, January 27, 1682, to November 27, 1700. Volume 2. Proceedings of Council, from December 18, 1700, to May 16, 1717. Volume 3. From the arrival of Lieutenant Governor William Keith, May 31, 1717, to January 23, 1735-1736. Volume 4. From February 7, 1735-1736, to October 15, 1745. Volume 5. From December 17, 1745, to March 20, 1754. Volume 6. From April 2, 1754, to January 29, 1756. Volume 7. From January 29, 1756, to January 11, 1758. Volume 8. From January 13, 1757, to October 4, 1762. Volume 9. From Oct. 15, 1762, to Oct. 17, 1771. Volume 10. Containing Proceedings of Council, from Oct. 18, 1771, to Sept. 27, 1775; together with Minutes of the Coun- cil of Safety, from June 30, 1775, to Nov. 12, 1776. Volume 11. Proceedings of Council of Safety, from Nov. 13, 1776, to March 17, 1777; also the Minutes of the Supreme Executive Council, from March 4, 1777, to May 20, 1779. HISTORIES. 287 Volume 12. 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Volume 4. Proceedings of General Assembly, Feb. 25, 1707, to Dec. 2, 1740. Volume 5. Proceedings of General Assembly, Jan. 27, 1741, to November, 1756, including the period of wars be- tween Great Britain and France. Volume 6. Proceedings of General Assembly, from January 10, 1757, to October, 1769. Volume 7. Proceedings of General Assembly, February, 1770, to Letter of Gen. Washington to the Governor of Rhode Island, September 17, 1776. Volume 8. Proceedings of General Assembly, from October, 1776, to December, 1779, with plates. COLLECTIONS OP THE MAINE HISTORICAL SOCIETY: A Documentary His- tory of the State of Maine, Including its Discovery, with an Appen- dix on the Voyages of the Cabots. William Willis. 1 vol. CHRONOLOGICAL HISTORY OF NEW ENGLAND in the form of Annals, from 1602 to 1730.-- Thomas Prince. 1 vol. CONQUEST OF PERU, History of, with a preliminary view of the civiliza- tion of the Incas. W. H. Prescott. 2 vols. 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