?ij >V"L UC-NRLF Prospectus of the TESTAMENTS OF INVISIBLE LAW GIFT OF A TESTAMENTS OF INVISIBLE LAW Outlining the Millennial Comprehension of the Mental Element 7 f Copyright by E. J. /BERRYMAN Principal Turning Points in The Testaments of Invisible Law The Conscience Testament .... 1st part The Human Testament 2nd part The Model Testament 3rd part NOTE. The direct intention of the first Testament of the science of mind is to insure confidence in the everyday oppor- tunity of personal inspiration through invisible law. At least, for that purpose it is now hoped that the possibili- ties of mind will be so thoroughly explained in this volume that each individual may decide to use the same inspiration system of invisible influence, true to Superior Power. In that respect the everyday system of mind can only be explained by inspirations of the mental element of Superior Power. Besides an explanation of the mental process of nature in the following Testaments, it is expected to prove the importance of fulfilling a certain Bible promise for the turning of the "children" of nations. Naturally that success can be either at present, or in future. However, the importance of the Millennial turning step can be more thoroughly comprehended while reviewing the Millennial Testaments to be given for the purpose. 415532 INTRODUCTION OF THE MILLENNIAL TESTAMENTS The author of the present work has no intention of making a complaint against any class of people upon the face of the earth, yet he will attempt to give a suitable warning, so that many unfortunate conditions may be avoided in the future. First, it will be necessary to gain the confidence of a few, for with any Testament inspiration it would be unreasonable to expect to please the humor of every one. The cause often is that many are too thoughtless to know what really is best for themselves, and as for any higher opportunity for them, they are so sus- picious of the good intention of others, they will refuse and question anyone's reason for presenting a modern Testament step to direct them. Therefore, everyone who will honor this book de- serves a reward for taking such a responsibility where they have to protect themselves against the un- scrupulous demeanor of others. As far as the author is concerned, a people should know that after years of thought upon his duty, and in a most reasonable manner, that he is now sincere in presenting a modern inspiration to others. Cer- tainly it would be painful to be questioned about the truth or advent of it. In that way, when one will not accept the evidence to be given, they should at least know that it is not their duty to meddle with the duty of another. ^impossible to excuse the suspicions of such indifferent characters, except that one may say they are not yet complete, intellectually, and in that case it is not wise to continually aggravate them, even with the benefit they need. The intelligent individual will be considerate with such cases, and he deserves credit if he can absolve that doubt and injustice which many ply against themselves. It is well known that there are many who will not overlook the minor faults of Testament inspirations. Possibly such people are sincere in their fault-finding, and can receive some consolation by continuing to con- demn each Testament step of ages. There is a class in a humor to condemn the most sincere spiritual efforts that could be presented to them. There is no enmity to be held against such indi- viduals; except hereafter each new generation should be warned so they may avoid the mental defects of the past. Naturally, in giving a warning to such characters who cannot see the point of danger, a reasonable indi- vidual could not expect their praise. At the same time, no one should fear that locality where many justify themselves for ridiculing the sin- cere attempts of those who give their inspirations of a sacred influence. The wise will be calm among them, even when told that the law should handle those who are so spurious as to deal in the inspirations of Superior Power. Of course, it is painful to know that there are many so unjust as to condemn an inspiration which has been the constant companion of a prophet's lifetime; yet some are so cautious that they can only be suspicious of the sincerity of one who would give away the pic- tures of his nearest mind companion. From that, one may judge how an author feels when forced to defend himself against those char- acters who can only believe that each reflection of his inspiration is no more than a sign of mental weakness. There are others so cramped with theories requir- ing their own estimation that they would not stoop to pick up a modern Testament inspiration, although they might not be called upon to do so more than once in a thousand years. Of course, they have some other everyday tasks of their own which appear more important to them, and in that way they are excused for being proud of their usefulness. For that and other reasons, the Millennial Testa- ments will be left to lodge as they may in any lowly quarter. There, of course, will be a* great many who simply have no time whatever to notice Testament inspira- tions of the Creator's influence over them. And they can be pitied by those who know what a load the small mind of man is sometimes forced to endure. To help such unfortunate characters complete their duty towards others and themselves, the author will not add a new responsibility; but they should be fair in announcing their valuation of the present Testa- ment work. It is not a great satisfaction to ask that. Only it is best to prevent doubt where there is a certain multi- tude of individuals who have found fault with every other Testament step produced. It is supposed that such fault-finding is a more agreeable task to them than to look for the reason given them for changing their thought on the day of rest. But to waive every individual right to reason on the injustice of condemning personal inspirations, it should be known that the Testament intention was to enlighten others of the plan of Superior Power. And each student who reviews the Testaments of In- visible Law should judge for himself why it is that even an inspiration due to the influence of Superior Power does not necessarily mean a human perfection. That is when Superior Power influences the natural human mind; even then it is a question if that mind would be competent to produce a perfect Testament step. It is also a question if the work of that inperfect mind would be acceptable to all other shades of equally inperfect characters. In that or in any other reasonable way, all the faults of the Testaments of Invisible Law might be excused now and hereafter. The meaning is this: Except when it is to help others, it is more becoming for one to look for their own faults than it is to join a parade simply to show another's failure when spiritually influenced by Su- perior Power. In that case persons who will show themselves openly picking at the faults of a Testament system as presented by the average example of themselves, are unjust, unprincipled and unreasonable. Certainly such characters do not realize the mean- ing of a more desirable success outside of their own narrow world, and if they did they should not expect to transfer all that important bearing of theirs into the Creator's hereafter. For that reason a people have been told to become as "children" for the present, in order to enter even the first class in the future. It is safe to say that every being should be as a child to obey the Testament Commandments of the Creator. Possibly there will be no favors shown those who persist otherwise. Each Commandment is known to be reasonable. The fault found by the average character is that he can not examine the inspiration transfer, passing such Commandments over to this visible existence. If it is possible, the author would like to encour- age those skeptical individuals, for with a more direct thought they will certainly comprehend the truth. All that will be necessary to commence is to concentrate one's mind on the mental process of the Creator's in- visible influence over all people, as well as over a uni- verse in motion. In the present work the student must study so as to grasp the system of Invisible Law in space. He is to judge that the mental system of Superior Power is available to perfect his own individuality. For the time being he should have everything else shut out except his confidence in the possibility of in- spiration through that invisible system. He is to rec- ognize the truth of the Commandments of Superior Power. To study testaments, or, for that matter, any peda- gogic classic in any other way, suspicious of the truth of it, would naturally develop the inferior or skeptical quality of mind. For that reason it is an injustice to one's self to read the works of divine inspiration while they are permitting themselves to say it is not the truth. One should say that such works are given as proof of the reality of the invisible system, and they can not do any better than to accept the facts as given, either by inspiration or by common sense. However, the skeptical bearing is still evident with many subjects when one mentions the spiritual side of their mind ; and too often the educated class is the most unreasonable of all, for they are supposed to be com- petent. Certainly in their own way they are, but they should add a certain amount of respect due every Testament step of the Creator's divine system. Unfortunately, the demeanor of the educated class is apt to be opposite. They almost faint at that point ; they are positively too weak even to give the judg- ment they possess in that direction. It is believed, except that they may consider their own care farther, they will become weak in all their theories of their eternal importance in the present state. In that case while they have every other branch of learning well in hand, the majority are only as " chil- dren " in their comprehension of the Creator's mental system over themselves. When one thinks of it, there is an unbecoming neg- lect in that direction today. There is a style of injustice, contempt and sus- picion that a people show in preference to their respect due the Commandments of Superior Power. To judge fairly of His providence in all things, that contempt of a people towards all knowledge of His Laws is almost unbearable, and when taken with the injustice many practice towards themselves, it is one of the most disgusting qualities to be found in the human family today. It is hoped that the just individual will not be of- fended at this truth. He is to know that this conse- quential statement does not apply to himself. He is to judge by the sincerity of his usual deport- ment that the author does not wish to offend anyone, although presently there may appear a certain disgust for the faults of those characters who will judge them- selves to be perfect. Before provoking those well-meaning individuals, it would be no more than fair for the author to admit of his own faults. And it is no more than right to tell of another trouble they will have before they arrive at a full comprehension of the following work. First the author has no knowledge whatever of the grammatical construction of sentences. The only claim is that the effort will be sincere and there will be no direct attempt made to please those who believe otherwise. Even with numerous grammatical defects, the reas- onable individual will still believe that each Testa- ment report includes the honor of the writer. Certainly every technical defect is to be regretted, for a repeating of any grammatical error is apt to offend the highly refined mind. The hope is, however, that many of the educated class will overlook every shortcoming in the Testa- ments of Invisible Law. With a higher intelligence, many should see in this work why they are responsible, and why it is for them to proceed to advance the world spiritually in an en- lightened age. Again, it is hoped that the enlightened will not be aggravated when they find that the author makes no use of the rules of syntax. It is too late now for him to include a more desir- able technic, and for that reason, in many ways, the writer of the present work expects to remain among the beginners. By this claim the Testaments of Invisible Law is from the child's class, and everyone should be encour- aged to present their own superior Testaments of God's Law today. To be further advised of that opportunity it will be found that each Testament of Invisible Law is suitable for actual mind training. That is, mind power is de- veloped by the exertion of the individual in his at- tempt to arrive at his own comprehension. Where no thought is required, or concentration of mind is attempted, the student receives no special benefit not even diversion or pastime. In that respect it should be stated that the Testa- ments of Invisible Law will not be appreciated by those who have no time to exert their mind for their own comprehension of invisible influence over life. To comprehend this Testament, or most any inspi- ration, in a way to bring about the progress of a peo- ple, will require concentration of thought on the sub- ject. This is evident. Hence personal application should be understood as the positive requirement of every student who is to comprehend the mental system of Superior Power in space. Without that personal effort to finally grasp the full meaning of the following Testaments there will then be times when the student may judge this Tes- tament step is not intelligible and for that reason it 8 is safe to say that the indifferent character will be dis- couraged. He can not in that way receive a direct compre- hension of invisible influence over mind. At least, not until he is willing to stretch the natural perceptive faculty and thereby increase the average depth of his thought. It can be imagined from this and for other reasons that it will be for the student to decide if he is to benefit himself by perseverance. If he is willing, then he can comprehend the full meaning of the Testaments of Invisible Law. It is safe to say that most every Testament work is for the student who wishes to develop his mind in a spiritual sense. And if he can not be encouraged to persevere for that result, he is apt to fret and drop the work, possibly disgusted. Each skeptical growth in mind is only what it is, and the weak mind will be inclined to say this or that Tes- tament sentence is too oddly constructed, and it should be revised, for the effort is too great for one to analyze the sense of it. And yet that same effort includes the benefit they should receive to develop their mind for a more desirable success thereafter. However, when one. is not willing to strengthen their mind by a judicious thinking system, then they may give up to their natural weakness. It might as well be known among such characters that it will be impossible for them to comprehend this Testament of Invisible Law. It is only acceptable to those who can decide defin- itely to improve by the highest mental efforts of which they are capable. Those above the average will have the natural in- tuition. If one is eager for nothing but pleasure or pastime he should drop this work for the time being, as there are other modern inventions more suitable for those who wish to be excused to amuse themselves. It might also be remembered that there are times when one might derive a benefit from one of a thou- sand good intentions, although the one who proposed the benefit did not include a picture of the reality. It will be admitted, in addition to those desirable intentions, there should be suitable diversions to con- tent a world by actually balancing every tedious task. The truth of that possibility for life is evident. It can also be understood that Testament steps are not necessarily in opposition to pleasure, and still such efforts can only appear at their best when the indi- vidual is favorable and can decide to complete his preparation for the future state of existence. In every Testament step one takes he will see that the work is for the individual who is willing to study and ponder on the highest meaning of his own life. If the individual has been unwilling to consider the future possibilities of life, or neglected that side of his mind in the past, then he should now decide pos- itively to read this volume, even though it calls for the greatest mental exertion. Many should decide to force themselves to the limit, although not at a time when they are aching with anxiety for temporary amusements. In fact, in most any unsettled condition, one would not be apt to concentrate their attention so as to re- ceive a direct benefit from the Testaments of Invisible Law. One would be more inclined then to join the critics of thoughts of the invisible process of Superior Power, 10 and the number of such characters need not be in- creased. For more desirable results, if one among a thou- sand can appreciate the following inspiration permit, then the author is well repaid, and it is guaranteed that the student will value the benefit he receives more than all the pastime he might arrange for with every pleasure invention known, The truth is, the permanent intention of this vol- ume is to place each student in a self-promotive con- dition of mind, which can best be done by developing his own power of thought in respect to the higher nature of himself. Naturally, at that point he can be left alone, for then the average beginner is capable of completing his own divine success. At least the human being can only be taught, at best. Then it is to think spiritually to develop that higher degree for itself. It is admitted that this work might be revised so that it would require no mental effort whatever to review the divine plan of the model life. But to re- move the necessity of thought, the student would have no mental practice to appoint his own spiritual suc- cess thereafter. Therefore that removal would nullify the first rule for the personal development of mind, as it is to be explained in the Testaments of Invisible Law. Certainly this need of personal application should be mentioned again, and even then there will be a class who can do no more than criticise each succeedant Testament inspiration. They should remember, however, that for one to doubt the truth and follow their critical action of mind towards this or any other inspiration, they are not ad- 11 vancing with confidence, then, in the plan for their own divine promotion. In that direction one should say in preference to the critical acceptance of inspiration that every step of it should be recommended to encourage others, and for their success it would be useless to continually re- vise an inspiration simply to please the critics of it. One should apply that reasoning in the present case, for it is now too late to recall the author to perfect his style of thought. In fact, it has taken a lifetime to convey the inspiration in as presentable a manner as it is. Still it is true that many improvements can be hoped for; but such advancements are due from the next student, who is to be encouraged to surpass the following Millennial inspiration himself. And for that each beginner can derive from the Testaments of In- visible Law a most desirable comprehension of the divine system of Superior Power. Beyond that, each individual's progress will be due to his own consideration of the Creator's invisible process of mind growth in space. It should be admitted that all knowledge possible of the Invisible Laws of the Creator is of the highest importance. Still, when one becomes fretful and uneasy in re- spect to the truth of such personal bearings, then the result can be imagined, and it is continually apt to be unsatisfactory. Therefore, in reviewing the following Testaments it is hoped that the student will agree to decide for the best. The intention is to benefit each individual, and in applying the benefit it is promised that when the in- 12 most intention is thoroughly explained it will not cause one tender heart to flinch. With that understanding, it is hoped that in time a majority will agree to favor the following everyday process recommended to develop the divine or the superior degree of mind. For the average student to comprehend the divine system of the Creator's superior influence in space, or even for one to commence, it is well to consider that every mind beginning today is a graft on the mental element, which grows and develops each scion through the natural power plant of the body. At any rate, in the twentieth century it is believed that many will admit the truth of the science of In- visible Law, and with confidence in that science of mind it will eventually be conceded that by proper use of mental qualities the reality of spiritual inspiration through space will be possible for each conscious mind beginning. At the present moment one may say that personal inspiration for the spiritual success of the average individual is in no way superior to the conscience in- fluence of the mental system of Superior Power. In that respect, besides more thoroughly introduc- ing the conscience process of the mental element, the Testaments of Invisible Law are now to be given as an authority on the process of divine inspiration, which nations are to consider in future. That is to say, the author's immediate intention is to prove by personal evidence of inspiration that the natural attraction of Superior Power in space does in connection with the individual's attention, give prac- tical Testament results, as intended for the spiritual promotion of life. To judge further of the importance of that state- 13 ment, the average student of the invisible system of mind is to first realize the natural process of superior influence over mind, as it is available for his everyday use. In the following message it will be proven that obedience to superior influence is the first decision to be desired for the spiritual success of the well-balanced individual, and in that many nations should see the op- portunity of their own divine indemnity. For that success it was proposed to outline the divine process of Invisible Law in the following mes- sage, relating to the spiritual inspiration of the aver- age subject. For this purpose the conscience system will first be presented, to prepare the ordinary beginner to com- prehend invisible influence natural to himself. For any further personal evidence of Superior Power to accrue therefrom, either by the process of nature or by the spiritual development of the indi- vidual for his success, the mental system of conscience inspiration must first be actually obeyed, and as quickly as the beginner can become apt to comprehend. To decide to benefit themselves by obedience to su- perior influence, it is fair to say that no one need guess at the integrity of such laws of Superior Power. Further than that, personally it is desirable in a permanent sense to encourage each beginner to pre- pare to be born again, true to the spiritual promotion of mind, for the future. For a commencement the author will present the conscience system of mind from his own experience. That being practical, it will be possible therefrom to explain the mental process of nature, natural to the human personality. Of that, it appears reasonable to promise a com- 14 prehensive outline of the divine system of invisible in- fluence for the spiritual promotion of each individual. Also in the Testaments of Invisible Law, it is to be proven it is by his process of thought, man mentally and spiritually equips himself to arrive at the final spirituality of mind. Further in the present work, as it relates to the author's record of his own spiritual growth in char- acter, it is fair to judge that the same natural system of the mental element is also practical for others to arrange for a more divine degree of mental develop- ment. At least, no one should question the process of in- visible or superior influence over themselves until they have made a personal study of the method announced in the following message, valid, for the spiritual suc- cess of others. 15 SYNOPSIS OF THE MILLENNIAL MIND MODEL FOR THE TURNING OF THE "CHILDREN" OF NATIONS For the conscience measure of everyday life to continually reappear, the Testaments of Invisible Law can hereafter be recommended to young men at about the turning point in their career. However, in that no preference need be given to modern Testaments; neither should anyone grieve at an additional Testa- ment installation. That is to say, it should be more thoroughly un- derstood how individual failure steps can be avoided at each critical period in life. For positive results with the youthful subject, there are personal points in life that even the parent hesitates to touch. No reproach is intended in this, for possibly all the Testaments of advice available would also be useless. However, in the following Testament a mind model will be explained, so that each individual may use the natural mental process, by which it is practical for himself to avoid a final danger as he turns along his way indifferently. It will first be proven to the reasonable individual that each generation continues to advance or degen- erate from the same natural passion points in life, from which it is expected many will decide that it is best to encourage confidence in the practical process of mind growth, now to be presented for a future im- provement. 16 With that intention the divine process of the mental element is to be outlined in the following message, and a people should agree that the Testaments of Invis- ible Law containing the system for each individual's spiritual promotion should not remain a secret. To insure that confidence, or for others to intro- duce a modern Testament inspiration, it is admitted it will be necessary to have the support of the past and many modern inspirations for the success of each additional step of religion. Such help will be called upon presently. But to proceed at the present moment one need only estimate the importance of an additional Testa- ment step for the Millennium. And that importance should be conceded today; at least it is known that for their success, or for their progress in a spiritual sense tomorrow, the majority do not seem inclined to accept ancient Testament re- sults, given, say in superstitious ages. To be fair to the world's advancement, possibly from that age past, the modern individual can not see the preference or his opportunity when one relates to the Savior system of superior influence. At any rate, today many appear doubtful. They are slow to prepare, or to comprehend and enlighten themselves of the divine process of their own nature. -- In that sense it is reasonable to believe that liberty for one should hope to further enlighten the world of the practical nature of the divine process of mind, and by the acceptance of that step in the twentieth cen- tury the majority might then proceed to develop the divine degree of themselves without fail. For a people's attention to that spiritual develop- 17 ment of mind, the present Testament will show no strain of ancient biography. That is, the Testaments of Invisible Law, as a new mind departure, is to be entirely original. The invisible system of mind will be given so it can be followed practically. Even to the perfection of character by the influence of conscience, or possibly by instinct. However, with all possible evidence of the mind process of space, yet it is very true for the majority to increase confidence in that it will be necessary for the enlightened to use their influence while others are hovering over modern Testament points. To be positive of the success of modern Testaments the enlightened need no more than thoroughly recom- mend the actual everyday process of superior influence over life; wherein nations should now be directed to increase confidence in the Creator's mental system of human inspiration. And therefrom it will be possible to insure many individual efforts for the majority to be spiritually promoted by the available influence of the mental ele- ment of space. For that success in every instance, it is safe to recommend a modern Testament step for the be- ginner to comprehend each conscience inspiration of himself, as directly due to the superior influence of the Creator's mental law over man's existence. At least, it is hoped with the Testaments of In- visible Law no one will claim hereafter that the results of theocracy are yet insufficient for them to obtain evi- dence of a divine opportunity natural to the mental element of space. To encourage them, as an inspiration relating to the possibilities of superior influence, the present cen- 18 tury Testament explains the process for developing the divine degree of mind from invisible power natural to everyday life, the mental system of which includes the animal and human families. Again, the present work will present a positive comprehension of the Creator's hypnotic power over visible existence. Naturally a part of the evidence is derived from the love-attracting influence wherein one mind attracts another. The important meaning of such invisible attrac- tions will be definitely outlined. The message also explains the Savior plan of su- perior influence, and how it is related to the human personality through the mental law of creation. And from that the divine possibility of each indi- vidual may be incorporated in the science of everyday life. To further enlighten a people of the divine oppor- tunity of mind, in the following Testaments there will be given positive instructions by which they may obtain superior results from the mental process of nature. And it is to be proven there is a penalty for disobed- ience to invisible laws. In fact, in the following Testaments of the invisible process of mind growth, a comprehensive picture of the spiritual responsibility of life will become visible to the average human being. To commence to apply one's thought for an indi- vidual benefit through the divine influence of Superior Power in space will be possible from the present mes- sage. Each sincere beginner may easily comprehend the practical system of mental development. As the world is now in possession of inventions de- pendent upon the invisible power of space, even the heterodox following should grant the personal import- 19 ance of invisible laws in relation to the human mind, and therefrom, after realizing the practical nature of conscience influence in space the skeptical individual has only to apply the Testament plan to "gain bene- ficial results from invisible influence natural to him- self. For other reasons not explainable, in brief, the present Testament is to be presented as an act of Providence which can not be proven from the first thoughts of a mental record to be used as a mind model for that purpose. By these few words one should understand that it is impossible to illustrate the meaning of the mental system of invisible law in a sentence. This synopsis is not even a mental shadow of all the important points to be explained in the present Testaments of the invisible system of mind. For the present it is sufficient to say of the follow- ing vital impression, that man's skeptical theories of Superior Power will never compare, except in the sense of a skeleton to discourage the human mind. 20 THE FATHER'S PROMISE OF AN INSPIRATION For an everyday forecaster, or even the spiritual property of mind to fulfill the specifications of a for- mer Testament prediction may perhaps appear to be a miracle, unless the conscience system of inspiration by invisible influence is understood. Therefore the available opportunity of personal inspiration through the natural influence of the mental element is now to be explained, so that the average individual may accept the reality of man's relation to invisible power. From the effort it is expected that the modern mind will increase confidence to accept additional Tes- tament inspirations. Even the enlightened Christian might as well pro- ceed at present to more thoroughly consider the na- ture of the human intellect as the life relation of Superior Power. At any rate, with the Millennial Testament in hand, it is hoped that all nations will eventually give a genial hypothesis in their theology relating to the Creator's mental process in space. To insure the confidence of others, at least the average student of invisible law can now prepare him- self to comprehend wherein the divine opportunity of the mental element in which each individual develops mind for spiritual promotion, is practical. It is safe to say, for the majority to remain without an additional Testament step to comprehend the plan 21 of their own spiritual promotion as it is, then the doubtful individual may justly claim it is necessary to more thoroughly explain the invisible system of it. Therefore it would be well if a people could con- tinually repeat the actual process of divine inspira- tion. It is fair to judge that each inspiration of Superior Power is to encourage skeptical subjects, to mature their own mind for their own spiritual success. In that to interest the average personality by ex- ample, it will be found necessary to explain the in- visible process of mind; also, possibly to prove one's personal success therein. An explanation will be found in the following Mil- lennial message. To accept the message as an inspiration, or to pro- ceed to increase confidence in the inspiration oppor- tunity of Superior Power, one may judge that personal attention to superior influence should be the first de- cision of any individual attempting to prove that a modern inspiration should follow a former Testament step. It is admitted that a Testament coincident is be- yond the average individual's comprehension, as well as the conditions and the divining of every Testament step is actually beyond the personal conviction of the human mind. For that reason it will often be necessary to prove why nations should accept the coming Millennial Tes- taments as one in preference to isolating themselves with a grudge against additional inspirations. To connect this twentieth century step with the Bible Testaments, or for modern minds to accept any fulfillment of a former Testament prediction, their 22 confidence in the everyday mind system of inspiration through superior influence in space is a first necessity. That being understood, finally it should be possi- ble for many to recommend a twentieth century Testa- ment. In the absence of such a recommendation for an enlightened people it can only be promised when the skeptical individual will forbear* as advised in the present Testament, it will be equal to intrenching a su- perior degree of mind within himself. In fact, the Millennial Testament is to present the mental process of personal inspiration for each indi- vidual, and the immediate opportunity will soon be ex- plained as the conscience system of superior influence convenient to the natural attitude of everyday life. It is true that many variations of the natural mind may be unable to compare themselves to the mind model in the following message which will be given to explain the mind process of spiritual promotion. It is true there are some who may not comprehend. Still, for every doubtful case it is to be hoped they may judge that there is an open way continually convenient to others, and they will explain the divine process, where the present model is too faintly outlined. Often this Millennial effort, given to promote the future, may appear distant to the present student, and it may fail to help many skeptical individuals who de- sire to give attention to the same conscience system of divine influence. But suppose it is impossible to en- courage the most unfortunate failures, who will not comprehend, yet with the Millennial Testaments to enlighten future generations there should be created no heavy, unwelcome feeling. Instead of such painful results, presently it will be possible for many everyday characters to comprehend 23 the second step of the Savior system of superior in- fluence over life, most agreeable to themselves and others previously enlightened. In that it will be evident the Testaments of Invis- ible Law should be beneficial to all nations. As a guarantee to them for the most desirable re- sults, the following work is to prove that there is an everyday opportunity of personal inspiration through the mental element and with that opportunity for the majority to practice it will then be possible for nations to parallel the Millennial turning point for the "chil- dren" of the future. Naturally, in that direction a people should now or at any time be so enlightened that they might be agreeable to the Father's promise as given in the last Old Testament prediction. In reference to the Father's promise of a divine turning point, one may say it was announced, and it should be understood, that the reality of that turning of the "children" of all nations would at the proper time be proposed agreeable to the will of Superior Power. In respect to His promise there should be no harsh feelings against any nation's attempt to insure that turning towards the Father. All that is necessary now is to explain the millennial turning point of nations. To proceed, the enlightened are safe in recommend- ing the Millennial Testament fulfillment of the Father's promise as the second step of their religion. However, without that help of Christianity united, a modern Testament step can promise no more than justice to the indifferent. Therefore, to insure the confidence of nations in a modern Testament step, or to guarantee the success of the majority, naturally many desirable personalities 24 are expected to recommend that Millennial opportunity to the everyday mind, to be advised presently. By such help from those who will assume the re- sponsibility, a people can be agreeable to be enlight- ened of their relation to invisible law. At least, by using their own personality will be found the only practical way that can be imagined to present the pre-dedication of a twentieth century turn- ing step as agreeable to Superior Power. In passing that desirable result up to the future, the importance of a modern Testament step should be known presently. The subject will be mentioned again in relating to man's dependence on invisible influence. Then it may be possible to prove that Mother Nature is a suffi- ciently accurate proponent through the mental element and by the invisible laws of Superior Power she can continually develop the inspiration quality of each fa- vorable individual mind. Moreover, at present or hereafter, for one to con- tradict that available opportunity for personal inspi- ration, is to say that Testaments of invisible conditions are the impositions of impostors misleading the human family. To refute such a skeptical misconception, the ma- jority may know there never was a sublime or even a reasonable treatise to prove the deception of the laws of Superior Power, or of personal inspiration. Instead of that there are many model minds who contend for the divine opportunity of themselves, as well as to subdue and remove all doubt of the inspira- tion possibility or of the spiritual opportunity for others. Further, to prove the argument, all Testament steps explain how others can become spiritually enlightened. 25 Therefore, to judge the failure conditions of a peo- ple to excuse them, one should find the cause of their digression. Possibly for many there is some Testa- ment hiatus; if so, then that part of the divine plan should be explained. At any rate, it appears that many are not yet posi- tive of the process of personal inspiration. To direct them, possibly it will not be necessary to consider every important point granted in past Testa- ment efforts, except it is an acceptable way of proving to them that Superior Power is agreeable to the divine development of the individual mind, and in time the everyday process can be explained thoroughly. To insure a greater confidence for that result, it will be proven presently that superior influence is con- tinually available for personal inspiration in everyday life. In fact, the available Savior system of the mental element is to be explained in the present Testament, so that the average subject may become positive to develop the spiritual degree of himself from the divine influence of space. From that it is to be understood for the divine suc- cess of everyday life, enlightened individuals can here- after recommend the Millennial comprehension of in- visible law relating to visible creation. In many ways, from the present Testament, the sin- cere individual will comprehend how future beginners can be enlightened of the Savior process of superior influence, natural to themselves. In the meantime, to increase the confidence of them- selves it will be necessary for average students to accept the plan most practical to the majority. Sep- arating the personal thoughts of skeptical characters 26 from knowledge of the invisible system, given in each Testament inspiration. As the experiment should be made immediately, possibly it is best to explain that again. One can commence with the present Testament. Then, for the indifferent to guarantee the divine promotion of Superior Power due themselves by con- fidence in inspiration, they will need to review and value many points in the following message, where the student will be left to judge and credit the dependence of his own personality upon superior influence of the mental element. In that respect, to correctly outline the inspiration system of mind, the following conscience incitement will include the recommendation of Superior Power. It is inspired, we will say. Thereupon to insure confidence in the possibilities of his own personal inspiration through the mental element, a beginner will have to continue with confi- dence in Testament inspirations to direct himself spir- itually. He must have confidence to adopt the same divine system to insure personal evidence for the inspiration of the divine degree of himself. Even with the everyday proof of the conscience in- spiration of himself, the doubtful beginner will still find it difficult to impress upon himself the need of developing a quality of obedience to superior influence, as required for his own spiritual promotion. Continually, except one has that personal evidence to insure confidence in the inspiration opportunity of self, it will be difficult for them to excuse the spiritual profession of another, matured from the same quality of obedience to superior influence. Even with intelligent subjects, it will be found diffi- 27 cult for them to accept a recommendation from Su- perior Power, should a prophet present it for himself. That is to say, for any one to accept an appointment to fulfill a spiritual prediction of the past is- equal to a miracle; it is the impossible to the everyday mind, or the average skeptical beginner. For a beginner to have confidence even in his own conscience inspiration, the first necessity is to interest him, to decide that it is for his benefit. And even for themselves it is difficult to direct natu- ral human beings into an invisible possibility. For that reason, for any modern Testament inspi- ration to spiritually promote the majority, it will re- quire the confidence of nations for company. At this time it can only be expected that by knowl- edge of the mental process of nature for personal in- spiration, then it should be possible for those inter- ested to enlighten the majority to have confidence in the Millennial plan for their own spiritual promotion. At the present moment, with or without a Millen- nial presentment it is reasonable for any one to be- lieve that spiritual success is not due a people except through the proper efforts of themselves. Naturally there is a possibility of their neglect of each Testament step as though it was an injustice to themselves. Or they may doubt the inspiration possibility as available through the influence of Superior Power, and possibly there will be an unwillingness to accept further Testament inspirations to explain man's rela- tion to invisible law. In that way a people's failure in a spiritual sense can be considered imminent today, and when one re- members the reception given the Bible prophets that unwillingness appeared the same. 28 However, of that age, or of any age, it can be ad- mitted when a majority doubt the truth of Testament Commandments or inspirations in that direction, all their doubt is no disgrace to Superior Power. In fact, the superstitious action of either an ancient or a modern people can prove nothing except the skep- tical nature of the individual failing to judge correctly of the available Testament reality, of inspiration by superior influence. It is safe to compare skeptical individuals of all ages the same, comparatively, to be doubtful of a Tes- tament benefit is the same injustice to self today or yesterday; especially wherein the majority neglect the Savior plan recommending obedience to the superior influence of God. Continually to appear as the enlightened of his age, the modern mind can believe that to fail to trust in the divine plan in his own time, is more unjust to himself than to his descendants. To avoid the skeptical condition of ancient time, and apply the deduction to benefit themselves, today all nations will agree that each Christian step when accepted as intended, will develop confidence in man's inspiration opportunity true to Superior Power. Evidently each Testament step was presented in time to prepare a people to increase that confidence and they should trust in the divine process of invisible power, say, in the twentieth century. From that it can be understood at the present mo- ment, it is by a full development of confidence that it will be possible for the majority to comprehend the importance of the science of invisible law, however it should be introduced today even for the natural degree of mind to be spiritually promoted in the Millennium. To insure a definite comprehension of the invisible 29 process of the mental element, the everyday system of superior influence will be given in the following mes- sage explaining the near relation of the laws of Su- perior Power to visible existence. With that for a commencement of the science of in- visible law, next the average Christian student could be encouraged to believe that he may be further en- lightened, among others, to accept the Millennial steps of spiritual progress. It is reasonable to say that to be permanent events, each step will be prepared for justly and eventually accepted by enlightened nations. At any rate, the Millennial turning point of nations is now to be considered, including a favorable plan to be presented to the future outcast, the outlaw and the stray. As near as possible, without one imparity, the fol- lowing practical plan for developing the divine degree of mind will favor other Testament opportunities of life. In that the Millennial step of the invisible pro- cess of mind will prove it is continually safe to follow the first Savior steps of Christianity. However, for any one to give credit to the first or the second spiritual conception of the model life, they must have confidence in the inspiration character of the prophets as the inscriptive instruments favorable to the superior influence of the mental law. To accept such an appointment for the following analysis of the spiritual possibilities of the mental ele- ment, it will then be continually agreeable for the ma- jority to consider the practical process of nature, by which others mature a higher degree of mind by use of the inspiration opportunity of superior influence. Further than that, of the invisible system of mind, the Millennial Testaments will be sufficient to enlighten 30 the average individual of the personal importance of the conscience degree of himself. At this point it might be imagined that the enlight- ened should accept the conscience system of the Mil- lennial Testaments soon to be presented conveniently for the spiritual success of others. A benefit is to be derived therefrom simply by con- centration of the individual mind. From that self -device to be explained in the follow- ing Testaments of the divine system of superior in- fluence, one will comprehend the nature of spiritual in- spiration natural for each individual's success. It is well known that for any permanent success spiritually, the confidence of a people will be required, even for them to understand the science of invisible law, to successfully help themselves. In each struggle of life the same confidence can be used, and where it is direct, then by persistence, per- sonal efforts will succeed. Every success requires an effort, and it is the same with the Savior plan of Superior Power. At least the failure beginner will eventually be left to overcome any difficulty he may have in applying the conscience quality of the mental law to himself. To encourage such a personal application, as well as to emphasize a nation's trust in the laws of Superior Power for the spiritual development of the average mind, the enlightened are soon to be called upon to propose the second step of the Savior's process in a favorable light. That is, to insure that divine success in everyday life, for the Millennial promotion of each individual, nations are now to be encouraged to accept the light of invisible law, of which a twentieth century Testa- 31 ment need be no more than a foundation for the future science of mind. It is fair to expect when any authority will realize a personal understanding of the Millennial Testaments of Invisible Law, then the future student of inspiration will be encouraged to propose many superior mental reflections for himself. At least, to study and follow the science of invisible influence should discourage no one. To apply the science of mind personally, the every- day influence of the mental element is to be explained in the following message. At this moment it can only be promised as the actual mind process for the spirit- ual promotion of each individual. In that the Testament of Invisible Law explaining the Savior system of the mental element will be suffi- cient to show there is a turning point to avoid the wayward course of the fallen and degraded. That is to say, should a people accept this Testa- ment compliment, then it will be found practical for them to become spiritually balanced by use of the con- science system to be given in the following Millennial message. Therefrom they can also form a suitable commence- ment to trust in the justice of the laws of Superior Power. For the immediate requirement for any promotion, it is justice to themselves to continually recommend the superior influence of the mental element. At all events, confidence in the Millennial oppor- tunity to comprehend the will of Superior Power should be encouraged among those who find fault with past Testament inspirations. It is evident, even in the divine direction, the natu- 32 ral individual is permitted to choose to be content even to spiritually condemn himself. At the same time, as many are spiritually enlight- ened, it is reasonable to say that it shows a neglect of their duty when the skeptical subject is allowed to remain in the dark, failing to comprehend the divine process of spiritual Testaments. To present that essential possibility, or to an ex- tent to counteract the past neglect of the enlightened, the well balanced student of the science of invisible law will, by a comprehension of the following message, be more competent to express his own mind to others, as well as to insure the spiritual inspiration of him- self. He can therefrom recommend the purpose of the first and the second Testament steps of the Savior plan. Naturally, to be positive of past or modern Testa- ment inspirations, a desirable success will require judgment and patience. With that understanding agreeable, from thence- forth to give justice to a modern opportunity of su- perior influence over mind, the student can at all times separate the everyday possibilities of individual prophets from their impressive glimpse of invisible law by inspiration. Possibly without the help of the well-balanced student, many will doubt the truth of divine Command- ments through Testament inspirations. In the twentieth century to avoid such contentions among the enlightened, all denominations should ap- pear agreeable to the reality of modern inspiration. They will show the same credulity as the prophets, who at all times correct the skeptical attitude of indi- viduals whose confidence in Superior Power is not 33 sufficiently matured. Usually such characters can im- prove until they are able to tell the truth of themselves. It is true many are content without believing in the spiritual requirements of Superior Power." They are excusable, possibly. Anyway they are mentally free to proceed to further condemn them- selves. In that way, it is possible they will overlook a per- sonal fault in themselves. To detect their fault, however, they need not study to severely condemn another's inspiration. Their own conscience correction is more reasonable and desirable results are usually practical. At least, let it be said that the skeptical beginner should have patience to give due respect, including justice, to others who were mentally qualified to suc- ceed by the Testament plan of personal inspiration. Of the reality of the inspiration opportunity of space, it is an excellent foresight for the enlightened to further explain the Millennial possibilities of su- perior influence for those who fail to comprehend the Testaments of the past. Even when among those opposed, the true prophet is continually apt to recommend the spiritual oppor- tunity convenient to others. It might as well be known that none but the sin- cere student of nature should be left alone to accept his own directions towards the truth of his own life. The other understanding of an everyday neglect of the divine development of mind can be that the average subject is necessarily free to consider per- sonal necessities first, and by that freedom the indi- vidual often encourages himself to be totally depend- ent upon some visible expedient to content his mind; 34 possibly in his existence attempting no more than to succeed financially for a time. However, it is reasonable to believe that the natu- ral or temporary condition is only excused by insuring a higher power of thought for a superior mental ex- istence suitable for life hereafter. To be indifferent to that future conception is skep- tically opposite to the divine will of God and without personally attempting a more desirable condition of mind, then that character by his own nature will be apt to fail to mature from the mental element any divine quality ever advised. Even with an individual will power developed, still one's success on the superior side of life is not to be considered the easiest forever. Even with the personal opportunity of spiritual success explained, the indifferent will continually fail. As time flies, often they fall into a mental condition that leaves no positive residue for a superior growth of mind. On the other hand, by accepting the divine oppor- tunity as offered, it is then possible by sincere thoughts to appreciate the invitation of future time. Each individual can mature the higher degree of mind naturally. In fact, there is a spur urging most every individual to consider the truth of a superior existence after death. At a moment 's notice, to give justice to the spiritual inspirations of all ages, one may say that the future opportunity of eternity appears as the only reasonable explanation of life. Of that there is no permanent or reasonable decis- ion to prove that the final step of life is mental de- struction. 35 While for the future state, even without a desirable Millennial effort, there is yet a well-balanced religious contention to prove the truth of each Testament inspi- ration relating to the providence of Superior Power. It might be said that all the Testaments of divine power are for a people to arrive at a comprehensive belief in the Creator's invisible influence as convenient in space and continually available for the everyday success of the individual. In fact, knowledge of the invisible opportunity of today is the most desirable mental balance for superior efforts to become visible tomorrow. At the same time the regalement of confidence in those inspirations to be expected can only be from the recommendation of the enlightened. That is to say, in connection with other acceptable inspirations coming due, the Testaments of Invisible Law can be considered as one intended to quicken the impression of obedience to the inspiration opportunity of Superior Power. In that sense, to judge by the skeptical nature of average subjects, it should be known that for the ma- jority to gain confidence in any Millennial inspiration, it will be best for nations to take the next spiritual step as one. Possibly their authority will be neces- sary to encourage future beginners to benefit them- selves as advised. Naturally the everyday promoter of the science of invisible law had best commence well balanced. However, each individual is free to express the truth of that or of his own life. In which to recom- mend or shape the importance of his own success, pos- sibly it will help one when he can judge or compare his divine promotion to the success of the individual model explained in spiritual Testaments. 36 For an immediate application thereof, the modern beginner is still safe to commence with the first Bible Testament thought of personal inspiration from Su- perior Power. By such confidence transferred to the following Millennial comprehension of the mental system of space it will then be possible for the majority to realize the divine plan of superior influence true to everyday life relating to themselves. Further than that, by having confidence in the everyday process of invisible law in space, the natural beginner can then decide how it is practical and why it is best to mature the model condition of mind, ad- vised as the Savior degree of himself. Evidently to commence for that success the ma- jority should decide even now to arrive at a more definite comprehension of the spiritual turning point of life ; from that every beginner may realize the truth of the divine plan by which he is to be born again suit- able to the hereafter. The practical system of superior influence over mind is to be presently advised, and it is promised, with the everyday process of the divine plan accepted, the individual can not fail to arrive at the spiritual promotion point in his life. To again consider the importance of the Millennial turning step as it is to be advised in the following Tes- tament, it will possibly be necessary to refer to a Bible prediction. Even after repeating it, one may believe that the Father's Bible promise of a turning attempt for the 1 'children" of nations will not be well understood in the twentieth century, should one wait to judge further from the silence of the majority. Even the Christian in his temerity, though it in- 37 creases confidence In the inspiration system to him- self, yet too often he leaves others to believe he is un- able to comprehend the meaning of that one prediction of a turning point; although it states plainly it is to avoid a curse, possibly of disobedience to the plan of Superior Power. It is safe to say that any indifferent attitude to- wards the truth and justice of that promise is unfavor- able for nations to increase confidence in the divine op- portunity of personal inspiration. In preference to any further contention whatsoever in the twentieth century, the true dictator of past or modern Testament opportunities, to avoid that curse, will advise the " children " of the superior purpose of a Millennial turning step, agreeable to the promise of the Father. To comprehend the sacred nature of the Millen- nial turning point to be advised, there will be many enlightened, and they may proceed in the manner most agreeable to exonerate themselves. For the first decision they may consider the Mil- lennial Testaments of invisible law for the second step of the Savior plan. Also, the Millennial turning point is to be explained therein, and from that many will realize how the spiritual birth of each individual is practical in everyday life. To confer for a more durable recommendation to others, after considering for themselves that Millen- nial system, the enlightened could then continue to encourage each love beginner to be born again as ad- vised in another Testament inspiration. And to be sure of that divine success among those who are not enlightened, no one should continue so unwise as to neglect the present Millennial compliment 38 to be explained as the divine system for the spiritual birth of the human mind. The process is to be recommended as practical, and will give favorable results even among those who con- sider all past Testaments of religion as a doubtful question. ^ In that direction it will be found while confessing his confidence in the Millennial Testament design, as proof of the divine process of invisible law, then for his own success among others, the average family be- ginner need only prepare properly and he will receive the divine degree of his spiritual promotion. He need only be well informed to obey the mental system of Superior Power. To improve the beginner should not be ashamed of his appointment by the divine process of superior in- fluence. To be successful at his best, one should reinforce himself mentally to appear with his own or another modern effort he may consider more suitable to en- courage others spiritually. He should have no fear of the truth of his own mind, even where he is apt to be questioned, as one inclined to recommend himself for a cryptical purpose. Indeed, it is unfortunate that it is so difficult to benefit suspicious characters. For that reason many fail to comprehend or to ap- preciate spiritual Testaments proposed to benefit themselves. In that respect it can be imagined the suspicious character would rather flunk than mention a Bible promise for the Millennial turning of the "children." Still one promise of that ancient history is to be ful- filled in the twentieth century. 39 Even then with the suitable proof of an inspiration^ it will yet continue difficult to spiritually encourage such skeptical individuals who choose to equivocate over benefits beyond what they need for their own vis- ible or immediate requirement. And in that they should know even the animal is competent to consider his physical need. To further explain the injustice of neglect of fu- ture possibilities, there is proof that the skeptical sub- ject is often unreasonable, even in his comprehension of the temporary requirements of life. One can fairly measure that size in character as un- reasonable, or as an unfortunate state of personal in- dependence. Although life is dependent upon Superior Power, a state of mind can yet be developed which will accept no evidence that can be presented of a divine oppor- tunity, practical for the only permanent success of man's existence. Those who are so suspicious should know there is nothing but good possible in a model plan intended for subjects left with the influence of nature to benefit themselves. They may rightly claim there is need of a more thorough comprehension of the invisible process of nature that is well understood by the enlightened ; still with the evidence available to explain the system of invisible law it is safe to say it will be no more than natural for many skeptical individuals to severely criticise the importance of such modern Testament in- spirations. They are apt to condemn any prophet who would endeavor to connect the natural mind of today with the invisible mental element of all ages. However, the Testament reality of the invisible 40 process of mind is to be given by inspiration to prove the divine influence of Superior Power. And should anyone fail to benefit themselves, then a modern prophet ? s obedience to the natural laws of the Creator need not be considered the fault. Previous to a modern Testament step, it is true, there was given many favorable premonitions. Possibly there are other Testament inspirations coming the same way. Then they should be considered, and many warnings, from which the everyday mind may decide for the best, as well as to become enlight- ened of the invisible, or the final opportunity. In making an addition to all those Testament in- spirations of the past, evidently to be entirely original now as one spiritually enlightened would require con- centration of thought sufficient to develop the inspira- tion quality of mind. For that success patience would also be required. Again, though the actual mental equipment to fol- low invisible influence is evident in the Testament in- spirations of all prophets, still in everyday life it is only those who exert their mind to be personally en- lightened of the divine system that will mature suffi- cient confidence, even with a Testament model for the spiritual promotion of themselves. It is true most Testament evidence of inspiration is difficult for everyday minds to follow. Yet, until other delegates appear, the Testament inspirations of the prophets should be accepted for each individual to direct the divine success of himself. Spiritual success being permanently desirable, its importance can not be over-estimated; and of that, it is only by confidence in the inspirations of Superior Power that the majority can be encouraged to be equally just to themselves. 41 To guarantee that desirable condition, no indi- vidual should be so critical of inspiration as to con- demn the possibility of Power Superior to man. In this there is a reasonable hope that it *will not be necessary for modern minds to condemn the reality of modern Testament inspirations. Hpwever, it should be known without direct proof of the benefit that some error in a prophet 's personal capacity might as well be expected. In the same way sufficient evidence may be demand- ed of any professor. Man's mental power being limited, the possibility of an error is the same in all time, therefore judgment should be used to properly criticise any erratic claim of an individual inspiration. The decision is no more than justice to Superior Power. For that reason every distractive inspiration at- tempt should be criticised; still it is well to remember that man's superior efforts should remain as the only visible proof of invisible influence for the spiritual de- velopment of other individual beginners. That is to say, no one need hide the prophet's in- spiration quality of mind, for then there would be no inceptive evidence of the divine process of superior influence in space, which will be further considered for justice to others. It should be known that knowledge of the laws of the Creator is possible only by inspiration. It can at the same time be supposed that the natural mind, even when inspired, is not infallible. Still, a people are wise to believe that individual prophets were prepared or to be appointed as intended to pre- sent spiritual Testaments to enlighten others in the same direction. The decision should be approved in respect to the 42 coming Millennial step. At least until the possibility of an error becomes visible. Even then the critical individual might as well use judgment. Some discretion is due, as it is well known even when the evidence of a Testament inspiration is posi- tive, it will still be found to a certain extent that the skeptical reasoning of others against it can be positive and masterful. This should be considered when it is necessary for one to listen to the criticism of a modern Testament inspiration. From that it can be judged at present there is a limit even for the power of inspiration to urge the in- dividual mind to comprehend the invisible process of the mental element of space. At least the urging possibility of a twentieth cen- tury prophet is limited even when contending with him- self to prepare the Millennial comprehension of the in- visible process of mind true to Superior Power. Every just deliberation of that should be thor- oughly understood as desirable. At the same time the reasonable character should admit that personal in- spiration in respect to spiritual Testaments was the only method used in the past, and at present it is the only influence known by which to further enlighten the average mind spiritually. To expect one to fulfill the Father's promise in any other way would be most unreasonable ; also it would be unreasonable to expect any device in the following Testaments, outside of a practical plan for a people's spiritual success by proper use of the mental element. Further than that, to guarantee the success of such Testaments, naturally it might be expected that many should agree to the same divine comprehension of self 43 and be agreeable to insure confidence in the Millennial step of invisible law. Thereafter, with that advancement made then, after accepting the Millennial Testaments, nations would be more free to recommend superior inspirations of fu- ture prophets who mature suitable to follow the dicta- tions of invisible influence. In that respect, when all nations will increase con- fidence from the Millennial step, then it is possible, in due time, that spiritual inspiration can become the conscience motive power to produce the future classic to be accepted as a Testament perfection. In the meantime, for an immediate infixing of the invisible process of the mental element, a practical model for the divine promotion of the average indi- vidual can be easily arranged by referring to the Mil- lennial Testaments soon to be recommended as the sec- ond step of the Savior system of space. It is true the same Millennial step of the savior process is to be thoroughly explained by the enlighten- ed, so that each skeptical beginner may be encouraged to comprehend the divine process of superior influence. It is to be explained in the same way that each sincere individual could commence the spiritual promotion of himself. It is reasonable to expect as the Millennial process of personal inspiration becomes popular, then after in- cluding the success of the majority from the present Testament step, it will be possible to choose a superior model, due from the same Millennial process, thereby more thoroughly enlightening the world of the laws of Superior Power. Continually, a superior step is a possibility. It may be the demand of the future. For the immediate future it is advisable for all who 44 are interested to give some attention to the fulfillment of the Father's promise of a turning point as announc- ed on the last page of the Old Testament. To avoid all unnecessary contention as to the mean- ing of that turning of the " children, " each individual analogism of the Father's promise should be arranged for a suitable turning point to be considered in the twentieth century. Many may include the following Millennial message in their personal plan for the divine turning of the children of all nations. With so much personal freedom, possibly no cyclical or emphatic precision should be expected of the Mil- lennial turning step, except that the success of the Father's promise is to be considered and it should be approved in an enlightened age. Even a superstitious age promoted the first Chris- tian step as it was announced. And at present, to judge the incidence, or the neces- sity of a second Testament step, one may consider that the acceptance of the first Testament step was desir- able to insure confidence in the possibility of future inspirations to be considered thereafter. To increase confidence in the inspiration oppor- tunity of Superior Power to benefit all ages, one may say that the Christian Bible step has been forced to endure a world of opposition. It has been criticised by a certain type of intelli- gence in all ages. However, it remains a well-known fact that the con- centration of mind necessary to master its meaning, or to locate its fault, has benefited the family as a pro- gressive people. From that it can be imagined Testament steps are permanent steps to serve the purpose for which they 45 were Intended. They are to direct the reformatory course of progress as well as to elevate all practical channels of thought. Even so, yet for a modern Testament "attempt it is possible to realize the possibility of failure when one remembers the reception recorded of the first Christian step of time. From this it can be supposed that Christian steps are aggravating to everyday minds. Certainly it is not simply because they are told to prepare as " children" for a discriminating process promised for all diso- bedience to the will of Superior Power. If so, then that unjust contempt will often be applied as a peo- ple's condemnation against modern Testaments of in- visible law. In time it can also be understood that each Testa- ment step will be excused by the just, for therein one can find a way to guarantee their own spiritual promo- tion. Other than for that public benefit by the expedience of inspiration, the individual prophet character has no fear of the absence of an approval from others; neither is he forced to expand the inspiration quality of himself simply to be agreeable to others. At the same time it is possibly no more than cour- teous for the student of invisible law not to continue content to witness the neglect of others and he should improve his own comprehension of each direct law of Superior Power, thereby hoping to enlighten others in an age of reason. Then again, it should be known that there is a time estimated when additional Testament inspirations may be expected for the directing of the human family to benefit themselves spiritually. Thereof, to guarantee any reasonable acceptance 46 of such Testament beginnings there is a continual fas- cination in the confidence of the enlightened, and from that the evidence may appear whereby others may judge the plan of Superior Power given today is in- tended to benefit the majority tomorrow. Of the necessary quality of inspiration there will be an exact deduction in the following Testaments. The hope is that others may be encouraged to promote modern time to finally comprehend the mental pro- cess of invisible power in space. Though tomorrow was a more appointable time to recommend that special progress of nation, still it is a fact to be admitted that there is much visible proof today of the need of that Millennial turning step. That is to say, it is lamentable that it is necessary to more thoroughly encourage enlightened human be- ings to avoid the possibility of their spiritual failure. To encourage the majority to accept a modern Tes- tament inspiration to benefit themselves, the next pos- sibility of success is to be divined by the enlightened when the mental process of spiritual promotion is har- moniously explained in the following message: Of the need of this in addition to each and every Testament effort in existence, the reasonable student will judge that the proposed Millennial step is desir- able for removing the skeptical condition of his day. He will not commence by condemning the faults or doubting the foliage of an individual inspiration. To homologate any Commandment of Superior Power known, confidence in divine inspiration should be personally exhibited at that time, and in that re- spect the demand is urgent today if the present Tes- tament intention is to be accepted to advise modern nations to consider a Millennial commencement step as agreeable to Superior Power. 47 At least a practical turning point for the " chil- dren " of all nations is to be advised presently. The mental process for the turning is to be presented for a practical beginning, and to fulfill the Father's prom- ise the Millennial turning effort can be judged as the second step of the divine system of superior influence over life. Of that to show due respect, or to trust in God for further inspirations, the spiritually enlightened are to meet the indifferent half way. Beyond that, to prove his confidence in the justice and judgment of Superior Power, the enlightened student need not stop at any Testament point given in the past or present. To encourage the majority, he can approve of all advisable inspirations due, as well as donating the twentieth century Testament as an inspiration for the turning at present, or he can say it is a Millennial compromise for the future. By this it may be expected that a Millennial mind model to direct others is to be consented to presently. It will be possible then for the majority to be enlight- ened to use the available everyday process of superior influence in space. And of that, to further explain the divine process of the mental element, the Millennial message in full is to be an authority. For justice to themselves, to comprehend the invis- ible process for the spiritual development of the natu- ral growth of mind, many should appear favorable to the existence of such modern Testament inspirations, and they should be recommended as a negotiable evi- dence of authority superior to man. For those previously enlightened to be contrary to 48 this, to delay among others against the modern inspi- ration point, it is then possible that the twentieth cen- tury Testament step will meet with an indifferent re- ception, even though it might thereafter be thoroughly exonerated for including a Bible prediction of the past in support of the Millennial plan recommended as an advisable turning point for the future. In fact, all former Testament steps appear to en- courage confidence for a final Millennial attempt. For that reason, modern prophets should now for- tify themselves to appear as the future legalist guar- anteed by the Testaments of Invisible Law. And from the science of invisible law, insuring the Millennial suc- cess of all nations, then the future Savior step can be proposed. The Millennial step, having as a foundation the science of the invisible process of mind, is safe to be recommended for the present. In that to be a paragon, it need be no more than a thorough comprehension of the most practical system for developing the divine degree of mind through the light of superior influence, all of which is continually available, even if not acceptable to those in the dark. In that respect, as an authority, the Testaments of Invisible Law will encourage enlightened minds to modernize the Millennial step until the Father's prom- ise to the ' ' children ' ' is eventually intonated agreeable to the indifferent. At least, the science of invisible law is to be intro- duced in the twentieth century, so that no nation need delay the coming steps of spiritual progress, even though many individuals would prefer to wait for a miracle ; and possibly even then they would be doubtful of man's relation to the invisible influence of Superior Power. 49 It is to be understood that the science of mind can not be comprehended by the average individual of to- day; still the Millennial light of invisible law will be found advisable in avoiding a superstitious develop- ment in the mental growth of future time. For the present for a nation to commence to ar- range for the skeptic to accept a superior Millennial benefit, the truth of man's mind, or of the mental sys- tem of space can be delineated from the following mes- sage. Besides such available Testament inspirations for the divine success of a people through the everyday process of invisible law, naturally there should be many who will qualify to recommend the same truth to en- lighten the majority at a suitable time. At least it can now be relied upon that knowledge of the invisible system of the mental element is to be one of the accomplishments made possible to the youth- ful or the average mind of today. To arrange for that success after judging by the results of the past, one will admit it can only be when the enlightened are willing to urge that higher educa- tion, so that modern Testament steps could promise the spiritual promotion of the majority, as they should be at present or in the future. For that definite, if not dogmatic Millennial at- tempt to be proposed hereafter, or for a more convinc- ible turning attempt to be for the "children," it can be prepared by any sincere individual who will attach to his own life the following system to be given. Evidently any success to be expected will ensue from confidence in the most practical plan to develop the model mind. And, from that success many indif- ferent or skeptical personalities may be balanced by transferring a reasonable amount of the same knowl- 50 edge of another's relation to invisible laws, wherein that law relates to themselves. From that it can be promised, by personal or spe- cial attention to the Millennial message, one will more thoroughly comprehend the theology of man's relation to invisible influence. Then superior inspirations can appear in future and even those results can be consid- ered repairable as soon as direct decisions appear to guide each progressive effort superior to the past. In fact, many sanable conditions may appear at odd times, and it is for the enlightened to judge and supply their need. In that way the social or the spiritual promotion of the majority continues possible, even as Testament steps appear to correct objectionable conditions as they develop. As an example, the skeptical beginner may judge that the twentieth century Testament is intended, pos- sibly, for the Millennial turning at a future time. While those interested in a nation's higher education will believe that the following message also applies to that individual or the modern mind, of which inspira- tion is to encourage a people's promotion in each con- secutive age. At the best a people can only be expected to confine themselves to the sanctioned reality of Testament in- spirations, and in that sense it is safe for all who are interested in the divine plan to attempt to petition the average subject to prepare for the Millennial turning point. Of that any announcement of the coming Mil- lennial message is not to permit of a nation's delay for something superior. That superior inspiration to be announced on a future day may only be hoped for at the present mo- 51 ment, while the present introduction can be actually pronounced as desirable in the same direction. In addition to such confidence, for the Millennial opportunity of the majority in the twentieth century there is another necessity. That is, modern minds are to insure the success of the second step of the Savior system of space. In other words, the second step of the divine plan is to be thoroughly explained in the future from the Testaments of Invisible Law. And without due atten- tion to the proposed Millennial turning of nations, then it is to be supposed that the wreck of the human family will be in proportion to that predisposed curse of the individual spirit, all of which can be predicted as possible, from the last statement in the last words of the Old Testament. It can be understood that all the Testaments of time indicate the positive nature of the Father's interest in life, and it is sufficiently plain for all those who wish to accept. Possibly there is no necessity of using the modern beginner's time now to further consider such Testa- ments or miraculous premonitions of the will of Su- perior Power. In preference to any delay among those compli- ments due in the past, to fulfill the Father's Bible promise at present is considered more advisable, and in that the first intention now will be to explain what should be recommended so the skeptical beginner will approve of his own providential turning today. For that purpose, to increase confidence in the Father's inspiration power superior to man, it should only be necessary for one to acknowledge the reality of invisible influence, natural to his own mental con- dition. 52 This first necessity will be more thoroughly illus- trated in the following message, which will be found sufficient for average minds to further enlighten them- selves of the mental system of Superior Power. For everyday beginners to further estimate the importance of that divine system to be explained, other than the original Savior process of superior influence in space, one need not suppose there is another method to save the human wreck. To more thoroughly comprehend that savior sys- tem of the invisible laws of life, it can be known that it is no longer practical or masterful to encourage the imagination of skeptical characters with a miracle of invisible power over mind. However, to fill his Testament engagement accept- ably, one might believe that every spiritual thought is a miracle, from which no one should be left content to stop the purpose of mind at the ending of their present temporary condition. Yet where the skeptical deduction of others is pre- dominant, their doubt will continue as though it was true, except nations should decide to exert themselves spiritually; a little further mentally, to prove import- ant realities of the science of the invisible in relation to the visible. That is to say, with all previous inspirations avail- able, still to the average individual of the twentieth century, the everyday influence of Superior Power over mind remains a question, one too many. To prevent that doubtful development of mind, or to prove the divine opportunity of space, the actual skeptical growth among a people is all that will be required to excuse the present Testament step. At the same time others should be willing to intro- duce the Millennial turning point more ominously, re- 53 commending the Testaments of the Father y s promise in another way. For the present it is safe to say He will influence others to state the turning point, so that a people may realize the fulfillment of His Bible promise direct. It is fair to believe from that inducement all nations are to have confidence to insure the turning of the " children" true to the plan of Superior Power. Naturally at an advisable time nations should be enlightened of the plan in full by inspiration. Eventually such help will certainly be possible. For the present it is only expected to more thor- oughly legalize the opportunity of divine influence as far as it can be practically applied, true to the mental process of Superior Power over man. Further than that to fulfill a former Testament in- terpretation of the will of Superior Power, or even to mention superior influence as forced through the in- visible qualities of mind, one will understand that the explanation of such a direct influence over man may only operate favorably upon the natural faculties of those who trust in the sacred influence of God. Thereby they can influence themselves to compre- hend in their own nature the same point from which to solve the every-day possibility of personal inspira- tion through that invisible law of space. Thereafter of their success it is reasonable for one to believe that others should be enlightened to compre- hend the same mental process, to arrive at a similar point of spiritual or personal promotion by individual effort. It is to be hoped that such personal efforts for spiritual success will be easily induced by recommend- ing the system to be installed presently. However, of this practical process for spiritual suc- 54 cess by obedience to an invisible law, it can now be understood that it will be possible for some one to con- tinually detect a fault. For tbat reason it remains for others to contend that it is not the fault of the inspiration or the divine process of the mental element. That is to say, skeptical beginners are free to crit- cise a benefit intended to enlighten themselves and many will even when others prove the superior inten- tion of such Testament inspirations for the Millennial age and fulfill the requirement for themselves. To commence to counteract the freethinking of the contrary individual of today, the enlightened may be- lieve that each Testament of Invisible Law is for the future spiritual success of nations. Still, with due respect for the future to encourage a nation's confi- dence, other inspirations might hereafter be applied for to benefit each age the same. Possibly to benefit each new generation, the need of superior efforts can be admitted now, as the indifferent character is still too evident. The fact is this, even with the help of all past Testa- ment inspirations, yet for many there will appear no Millennial turning point acceptable except as individual nations prepare to consider each providential com- mandment to mature themselves spiritually. Naturally they should increase confidence to trust in the inspira- tions of invisible power, as each Testament appears. Serious thought of the Testaments of invisible law for that preparation should be recommended for the Millennial inspiration of each individual to be in fu- ture. To encourage themselves in the meantime, the pro- cess of superior influence over mind will soon be ex- plained for everyday use. Then, as a people adopt the 55 process, many natural minds will take easily to the superior side of life. Of course, they will first become enlightened, well- balanced in respect to visible existence. They can then mature their superior balance by nature from thoughts of the visible as a relation of ethereal conditions. Thereby, as spiritual beginners, many will follow the conscience system in an apologetical manner proven to be a necessity for success in the first or the second step of the divine process of superior influence. It can be known that each personal attempt to obey conscience influence helps to mature the natural de- gree of mind to become superior. Even then except the individual is a degree beyond the average, there is a misfortune natural to many. That is, though practically converted true to con- science, yet some are silent as though ashamed of their spiritual condition ; they keep it as a secret. And in fail- ing to recommend themselves as spiritual beginners, they in that respect slight their duty towards others. It is to be hoped of their spiritual frame of mind, they only fear that they will be judged as something unworthy of the attention of Superior Power. In preference to that fear of ridicule, however, it should be remembered that it is by the popular senti- ment of the enlightened that the skeptical contingency can be encouraged to become the model examples of themselves. Therefore, nations should appear with con- fidence to consider the Millennial promotion of time. Again, it can be understood for the separate indi- vidual to appear alone to defend any Testament in- spiration or modern promotion for everyday life, he will require nerve at present. And yet the only hope remaining is that each individual in the question will 56 present his personal recommendation of the divine plan superior to a secret in life. A personal effort of that nature will be realized from the coming Millennial message, including conti- nuity of thought for a people's divine success by proper use of the system of invisible law. To develop the divine degree of mind it is first ad- visable to adopt the plan of personal inspiration to be mentioned hereafter. Each person's requirement may vary, it is true, but at the same time for a people to be fair to the model opportunity promised in all Testaments for success at present, they could only be expected or required to cor- rectly apply to themselves the exact truth of the prophets' best efforts. To judge by that, a beginner need not be perfect. The perfect quality is not demanded yet in the inspi- rations of Superior Power. So far, even the prophet quality is disputable, but those who doubt the Testa- ment argument should be told wherein they are unjust to themselves. By such directions, it is reasonable to expect among all sincere subjects, finally some enlightened beginner will see fit to produce the perfect volume of knowledge, thereby presenting the visible reality of inspiration for the skeptical minds of others to favorably consider. Continually many such efforts would be desirable, even though the reality fails to exist permanently; still the individual confession is most commendable. For a direct benefit from each individual inspira- tion to reappear continually, all nations should be en- couraged to promote the model efforts of themselves. Among other efforts suitable to that purpose, to encourage the individual in his own promotion, the 57 Testaments of Invisible Law should not remain a secret. To insure further confidence in past, present or future inspirations of the family, the immediate re- quirement to be expected of a people is that they may mature a more thorough comprehension of the invisible system of space, including superior influence natural to the everyday mind. Confidence in superior influence over life was pos- sible to the model minds of the past, and it can be at present; and confidence to trust in the inspiration power of God should be among the majority in future. To hasten that enlightened day of judgment for further inspirations of the divine turning point to be popular in the Millennium, the Testaments of Invisible Law will encourage even the skeptical subject to exon- erate the mental process of Superior Power from the faults due to a people's low estimation. That is to say, in the personal inspirations of fu- ture ages, in order to explain the mind system of space properly, one will be forced to join the visible body of mind to the same rational faculties of the invisible life element of his surroundings. Therefrom for everyday use, it will be possible presently to commence a practical comprehension of the Savior process of superior influence in space. A personal synopsis of mind equal to an inspira- tion over the visible to arrive at the invisible condition of the mental element is a first necessity. Even then for the average beginner to excuse a modern explanation of the mind process of Superior Power, or to accept any other inspiration of the divine system, it should be considered, for his own benefit only; at the best, to develop towards that degree of 58 confidence will require direct firmness of the educa- tional authorities of a people. It is by that firmness, however, to persevere for the best intention that the modern beginner may derive the most desirable comprehension of the science of in- visible law. To commence, one can be positive that each Testa- ment of Invisible Law is a spiritual benefit concurrent with the progress of time. More than that, Testaments should be accepted as divine Commandments intended for a purpose. Even with such compliments to insure the confi- dence of a people in modern inspirations, still the per- severance of the enlightened will be required to encour- age the doubtful individual to consider the reality of the spiritual comprehension of any Testament, and thereby many should recommend the same plan for the final success of themselves. To further approve of that expectancy of the Mil- lennial plan for man's spiritual promotion by superior influence, one must force themselves from their pre- vious indifference or disbelief in the Creator's invisi- ble laws. Even then it requires an effort unusual for the skeptical individual to urge himself up to the su- perior side of life. In fact, it is equal to a personal inspiration for the individual to prepare to encourage himself spiritually. To do so he is not to cramp the faculty by keeping it as a secret. From that understanding incidental to the success of the following Testaments, the spiritual beginner as yet need not believe that all past inspirations will be sufficient to promote all future time. Often the inspirations of the past fail to influence a certain class of people. 59 Then it is fair to say for the future that all Testa- ment efforts, as they appear, will be required in addi- tion to past inspiration necessities, intended to encour- age the confidence of others. In that each individual is free to consider the spirit- ual purpose of himself. To remain content with one inspiration step, fu- ture nations may fail to advance in a spiritual sense for themselves. To avoid that state of perpetual delay, or to apply available Testament inspirations for immediate use in the spiritual turning of the majority, it will soon be found advisable to intercept the actual qualities of the mental element in their practical bearing upon the everyday nature of the individual mind today. It can be claimed to encourage a people to mature the natural degree of mind, is the purpose of all in- spirations. At any rate, until that is thoroughly con- sidered, there will be no increase of confidence in Tes- tament inspirations of the past or present. In that case the decadence of the divine quality can be ex- pected. Again, should the enlightened be doubtful of the process of superior influence, then there is not a suit- able confidence induced for the majority to proceed to develop the divine degree of mind from the mental in- tensity of space. The question is, How can a greater spiritual suc- cess be promised in that direction! For the majority to practice the divine plan of thought, it is true everyone should have hope and be positive to proceed for the best, even when they know that the spiritual success of many skeptical individuals need not be expected until they can be further en- 60 lightened in a more practical manner than they are today. For that success it can be understood that it is not necessary for future inspirations to imitate the past. At least spiritually all are free to proceed condition- ally; they are to be true to superior influence, natural to themselves. To encourage them the model efforts of the past are valuable to a certain extent; beyond that the av- erage mind has a thorough disregard for the down- right impersonator of any model individual of the past. Even from that fact one may judge that invisible influence is to be considered available in each age for model minds to advance and present the successive spiritual step of themselves. To doubt this is to believe that the mental oppor- tunity or divine process of inspiration was for the past, and to be unknown thereafter, even though it was necessary to keep man's spiritual confidence up to the requirement of a nation's progress. To reconsider that possibility of modern inspira- tions for the spiritual promotion of a people today, it is only necessary to analyze the mental process of superior influence as it appeared most convenient to the human intellect in all ages. Besides the past inspiration opportunity of the prophets, it should be understood that the same di- vine influence dispensed by nature then is also avail- able now for the spiritual development of the average individual today. To be spiritually successful today, one must not be too eager to curtail his own and the thoughts of others who comprehend the system of mind growth in space. Both mind and body commence at nothing and peo- 61 pie should know the value of conscience and of pas- sions, in their development. More of the truth will be explained in the following message. The importance of the lapsable individual's obe- dience to the practical process of superior influence in space is also to be thoroughly considered, and yet many skeptical individuals will prove where it would be best for others to qualify themselves to comprehend superior steps in the science of invisible law. Such a desirable furtherance will be necessary, it is admitted. At least, every enlightened personality should now proceed to mature a thoroughly just com- prehension of the invisible process of mind power in space. Even then there will be a certain unjust or skeptical minority who may fail to respect the Crea- tor's fundamental power as superior to themselves. It is possible that the requirement or demand for a superior Testament could appear therefrom, and one may know that it will be for justice to Superior Power. In that way, no one should refuse to recommend their own forethought or a superior masterpiece. For that reason, to encourage many to perfect their personal inspirations in future, the Millennial step of invisible law might as well be accepted now. There- after it will be possible to increase a people's confi- dence, as well as to explain each individual opportunity to develop the highest degree of mind from superior influence over life. Naturally, by a more thorough comprehension of the divine process of invisible law over man, it should be possible then to benefit the human family univer- sally. At this time, it will be remembered that the skepti- 62 cal individual Is still suspicious of the Christian char- acter, also of his inspiration. The atheist by being stiff in his belief is sure that the Christian is weak, and mentally unbalanced. He fears that his inspiration motor is cracked and soon to be thoroughly disordered. It can be imagined for one to recommend a refresh- ing Testament attempt to calm such atheistical char- acters prefectly is difficult. However, it should be known after deducting all such personal failures due to ignorance of the divine process of everyday life; even then there would be a plausible reason for enrolling the Testaments of Invisible Law. Further, in addition to every visible reason in ex- istence, the intention in the following message is for the majority to realize the practical method of the mental element, from which to insure other inspiration steps more suitable to the skeptical individual of fu- ture ages. Even with that additional knowledge more agree- able, still it must be admitted it is only by their own concentration of thought to follow the mental process of nature exact, that others may have confidence to propose such superior Testament inspirations to them- selves. However, as they appear consecutively they should be accepted to enlighten the world of the in- visible system of Superior Power. To produce a superior masterpiece in the future contradiction of the present or any past inspiration whatever is not necessary. For the appearance of superior inspirations, all that is required is for the individual mind intended to make his own personal attempt superior. And by obedience to the everyday mind process of nature to be outlined in the following message, that 63 superior promotion is to be considered a possibility continually. In other words, each Testament of Invisible Law is intended to enlighten individual beginners spirit- ually, so that they may use the inspiration system of the mental element and thereby develop the higher fac- ulties of themselves. The mental system of space, as soon as presented, can be considered, infallibly. And by further use of the Testaments of Invisible Law spiritual success will appear practical to the ma- jority, who should recommend the acceptance of the mental process of nature, as it is to be explained for the Millennial turning of the " children. " There should be no doubt of the practical nature of the Creator's process for developing the divine degree of mind. The truth should be thoroughly understood. For that reason it is a necessity for a modern nation to enlighten the world of each Testament step. Then future generations may surpass the previous inspira- tions of mind. Many possibly are satisfied to say that their busi- ness can continue without such a promotion of spiritual inspirations. Still it should be evident even to them that the Testament steps of time are intended for the best, and the skeptical individual should not object if nations should so desire to eventually comprehend the life plan of Superior Power in full. The set individual might even imagine that a peo- ple will finally admit, even for the present, to have confidence in a Testament step of progress past was a positive requirement for a greater benefit to be there- after. That is the comprehension of the Creator's 64 power in full could only be possible to a future gen- eration. Even in that light, possibly there are some who will oppose every modern attempt to prepare them to realize the justice of the mental process of Superior Power. It is believed that some people would be sus- picious though He appeared diurnally to be agreeable to themselves. It will be found that there are many who will prefer under all conditions to condemn those who advance the truth of the mind rays of space, simply because the reality is invisible. Therefore, all that need be claimed for the Testa- ment promotions of invisible law is, that they are in- tended to enlighten others of the opportunity of a success, due each individual, by the proper use of su- perior influence natural as life itself. It is understood, without confidence, many condemn the prophets as well as their own inspiration oppor- tunity, true to the process of Superior Power. In any way it is difficult to influence them to believe in the inspiration decorum of real prophets. Still even the skeptical individual should say it is useless to condemn Testament steps when it is evident for the time being they are the best that the human mind can produce for the spiritual progress of nations. To place this thought in another sentence, the model mind of the future is one who will perfect the Testa- ment comprehension of the divine power of mind, thereby insuring personal promotion by use of super- ior influence over life ; and of that mind power in space the human body is no more than a life motor, generat- ing each passion faculty from the mental rays of that quality imbedded in the electric current invisible. When that is more thoroughly understood, then it 65 will be agreeable to implicate Superior Power in the coming inspirations of the natural degree of mind. Even as the natural mind is today, many should say there was no question of the possibility of a future inspiration at the time the Father's Bible promise of a turning point was given. Evidently to give promise, or the presentment of an incessant turning attempt for the "children" of the future to consider was as practical in an ancient age as it is today for a nation to say that the Millennial Testament step is to appear soon; wherefore, now is the time to fulfill the Father 's promise ; it is appoint- ed; and many should favor the Millennial condition psychologically, as it is to be recommended to the family. At all events, without any further doubt, all people should know that a Millennial step of social progress is to be proposed presently, and it need be no more than a conversable comprehension of the Creator's system of invisible law, by the proper use of which nations are to avoid the curse of each individual spirit. Naturally, the importance of a nation's acceptance of the plan will be explained in the following Millen- nial message, proximately compassing the inspiration opportunity of the mental element available for the spiritual turning to be either now or in future ages of the Millennium. Certainly in that acceptance a people are free to suit themselves, and they may prefer to retain their faults ; at least, a large part of the inventory. In that case, to judge criminal conditions fairly at present, and the uncertainty of superior or more divine results among that multitude immediately, then it should be agreeable for enlightened nations to connect 66 modern time with the fulfillment of the Father's promise of a significant turning point practical to the " children, " or the generations coming. It is fair to say that an acceptance of the Millen- nial Testaments thereof need only be considered as sufficient to promote the twentieth century age, after which nations could be prepared for superior steps in future ages of the Millennium. For a commencement to be appointed in the twen- tieth century, however, without due respect from na- tions to countenance the inspiration process of in- visible law, practical for superior realities thereafter, then it would appear strange for any prophet among them to solicit against the silence of those in authority, even for a modern Testament inspiration to be recom- mended to the average character. Even at the best, possibly with all the help and the confidence of model minds of all nations, still the every- day adoption of the Testament process of the mental element will be neglected by many dense subjects. They will be content to exist without the Millennial compre- hension of the invisible process for the spiritual pro- motion of life. Previous to their success, possibly the only com- pliment that should be necessary to influence the en- lightened is to say that man is a near relation to the invisible influence of Superior Power. At any rate, even to indulge a superior idea, the author will continue to infer for himself that it is dis- respectful to further discuss the reality of superior influence in space, and then exclude the inspiration power of the Father as unavailable to fulfill His prom- ise at the proper time. If there was a delay of the necessary evidence in 67 the past, there is to be no excuse or pretext presenta- ble hereafter except the silence of the majority. Yet in an inevitable way some one may say the promise of the turning of the children was fulfilled in the Bible time, but no one knew it, and now no one need explain it. To attempt to answer them, after referring to the contentions of many centuries, it should be known in that time the Bible step was its own fulfillment. No one need suppose it was more. That is, in the original inspiration it was sufficient to give the promise of a turning point to avoid the curse of a people. Thereupon a personally direct, as well as a durable attempt, would be the final evidence of the fulfillment of that promise of the Father. Natu- rally, at the same time it was advisable to mention a prophet who could be expected to propose the turning of the " children. " The need of that for the delivery of such a message is plain. However no unbounded conduciveness is ex- pected in the Millennial decision of nations to accept that point, or even to consider the importance of init- iating a people in the purpose of the Father's promise, immediately. Still, in the future that promise should not be ex- plained in an indistinct or ineffective manner. The only special request to be expected after the delivery of the Millennial message presently is that many will decide and further prove to others that by a favorable acceptance of the Testaments of Invisible Law, then one opportunity to fulfill the Father's prom- ise of a turning point for nations will be near in all future time. After considering the absence of decisive turning attempts in the past, then to decide to commence the 68 turning today, certainly there need be no question about the need of an approval or the need of an inspira- tion from Superior Power. And now, at this late date, while considering that neglect of the past respecting the turning of the "chil- dren," how can any reasonable person say that the Father would condemn the sincere attempt of a mod- ern nation who would accept the opportunity to re- spect His promise neglected to a certain extent. Of any delay, however, of the past it may be judg- ed as excusable. A desirable success could only be expected at the proper time. Otherwise, although the turning of the "children" by a prophet was proposed in ancient time, still the credulous condition of the majority to accept divine inspirations to turn as one family does not appear feasible even yet. That being the case, possibly a previous prepara- tion should not have been expected. And for any suc- cess whatever today should one judge by the lack of confidence in respect to ancient or modern spiritual efforts, then it might be known to encourage a people at present to turn their minds towards the future, a prophet certainly would need the recommendation of Superior Power. And when that is mentioned the average character, especially the indifferent and the skeptical, would be aggravated. Many can imagine then the turning result would be unsatisfactory, as those subjects would denounce the inspiration step, the Millennial Testaments and the turning. They would condemn as an impossibility such an 69 appointment of the natural mind by the influence of Superior Power. That is to say, although specifically admonished to trust in God, yet that class of subjects will fail to identify themselves with any inspirations whatever. Of course, they are ashamed of such efforts. And to prove they are also unreasonable with their freedom in opposing the management of a people by the inspiration sensibility due from Superior Power, it will for a moment be supposed that modern nations have favorably considered the importance of the Mil- lennial plan; then to surpass that age of reason, after being enlightened of their responsibility to trust in the law of God coming generations could be advanced spiritually. That future generations would be more apt then to supply themselves with a superior inspiration, even to fulfill a Testament prediction to prepare to turn and surprise themselves. To specify the need of a similar success at present, nations may believe that their acceptance of the first available turning step suitable to a modern age would also be agreeable to Superior Power. At any rate there need be no discreditable or mock- able feelings engendered against a reasonable attempt. It would be more becoming for one to immediately con- sider the world and its own business as a small affair in the everyday routine of the Creator's power over the universe. Even under the most friendly conditions, it is dif- ficult to prove to a people the willing support of Su- perior Power. In that way in each sincere effort to gain the attention of busy minds, prophets could no more than attempt to intercept them spiritually and 70 today the demand for the enlightened mind is immi- nent. Even with the Testaments of Superior Power, it can be understood when the world is the opposition, then a one-prophet power is an insignificant weight. And it is under those unfortunate conditions that the fulfillment of a Bible promise is to be announced in a modern Testament. Naturally the suspicions of the ordinary mind in respect to the influence of Superior Power over an in- dividual or as a property in space, can not be avoided. It will not be attempted. The best any man can do in presenting an inspira- tion step is to signalize therein that he is prepared to defend himself, having confidence to stand alone. To judge of an unfavorable acceptance as an every- day result, one might as well expect, as far as the ma- jority are concerned, that there will be a failure of any individual inspiration that a modern personality might propose, providing he was left to recommend it for himself. And this undesirable or skeptical attitude of the majority will continue to prevail as long as the divine strain of the natural mind is not openly directed by in- dividuals enlightened of the educational possibilities of the law. To further interest those in need, a prudential plan is soon to be proposed for the Millennial turning step of nations and when they are thereafter encour- aged to accept the same social system of the law to be recommended presently, then the Milliennial success of the majority can be promised. Until then it is not to be supposed that the follow- ing mind model to be announced in connection with the 71 mental process of spiritual promotion can possibly avoid criticism. Even an open criticism is not the worst to be f eared, as many will be hypocritical, unjust and deceitful, all of which need not be a pre-warning among those who de- sire to issue benefits. It is to counteract those unfavorable developments of mind in everyday life that modern students are to be further enlightened to prepare themselves to direct others in respect to the divine system of the invisible laws of life. In order to arrive at a more desirable point of progress, the enlightened are to continue confident of the benefit promised in the Millennial comprehension of the mental element, of which many will observe the truth in the present message explaining the near rela- tion of the average mind to the divine influence of Superior Power. Naturally, divine success can only be expected by obedience to the practical process of superior influence over mind. From that alone a superior opportunity in life can be promised. With knowledge of the human impact soon to be ex- plained, of the system of invisible law, then a personal effort is the only question. However, with all that knowledge of the invisible plan in one Testament inspiration, yet it is safe to say that a sufficient degree of confidence to use the plan is uncertain with skeptical subjects so busy keeping up- to-date. For them self-interest is natural under present con- ditions, and the perfectly divine mind is not to be ex- pected. Slight errors may appear daily. At the same time, in the confusion, should one desire to repair their shortage, the process will soon be given that con- 72 science may direct the individual in his higher devel- opment agreeable to Superior Power. For that mental development of the average sub- ject, or of his attempt to believe in the desirable op- portunity of future life, there is continual evidence that a skeptical opposition is more natural to such in- dividuals ; and that is a sufficient reason for every na- tion to decide not to hesitate or neglect any oppor- tunity for a further spiritual or higher educational benefit. A sufficient number of years have passed to pre- pare all nations to judge of the need, the intention, and eventually the lodgment of the proposed spiritual turn- ing attempt, as announced in the first Bible Testament. To think for a moment of the nature of the Father's promise or the turning opportunity, then the enlight- ened can imagine at least they should believe that the truth can only be thoroughly explained by inspira- tion. Further facts can be expected in the following Mil- lennial Testaments, the intention being to encourage nations to trust in the law of God, which is a first ne- cessity in the turning of the " children " towards the Father. Without direct help for that result by the educa- tional authority of nations, there need be no doubt of one fact : that is, many will immediately decide to ab- sent themselves; they will follow others who would actually go astray among the world's most desirable pleasures. At the same time, and under comparatively the same pleasure conditions, spiritual success can be promised to each individual who will simply develop a just understanding and use it as directed in the present 73 twentieth century Testament of the turning point. One may judge what is for the best. For the highest personal success in everyday life, the consociation to be presently advised for the devel- opment of the model mind can be explained as an at- tempt to prove the necessity of confidence in the Cre- ator's mind power of space. Also there will be out- lined presently the proper acceptance of invisible in- fluence for the mental maturity of each individual human being. For such there is to be presented a practical at- tempt for the Millennial turning of nations to trust in the providence of God. With all due respect at this moment before present- ing the every-day process of man's mind nature, prac- tically to gain the confidence of the majority, the author is prepared to continue positive to the end, confident of the truth of his own mind. Other than that, in a providential sense, possibly no one should feel they are called upon to assume anv further responsibility respecting the will of Superior Power. Presently, by extending beyond all that has been mentioned of the divine system of superior influence over mind, one may expect it will be easier for them to harmonize the entire Millennial promotion for their use of the mental element for their individual develop- ment. Of that, it may be necessary to dwell upon many everyday truths of the human personality in relation to invisible law. It may also be understood now that to intelligently explain man's relation to the invisible element of mind, it will at the proper time be necessary to thoroughly consider all that a modern prophet might say of him- self. 74 That is to say, the divine process of superior in- fluence in space will no more than be explained. There- after it is to be found possible for others to compre- hend and apply to everyday life each turning point that is to be mentioned in the following message. Of that, to receive any benefit whatever, the skep- tical beginner who questions the nature of spiritual in- spirations should immediately commence to direct himself properly to concentrate mind, and to adont the actual plan to be proposed in the Testaments of Invisible Law. From this present moment success can be, by the correct tension of the student, thereby separating the natural and possibly the skeptical character's influence from the Testament process of invisible law, all of which will in due time be considered in the light of inspiration. Naturally, every past or future success of that can only be due to the use of natural faculties reflecting the influence of superior authority. By that reasoning alone it should be possible for the majority to judge the importance of superior in- fluence over any prophet and from that they should accept the truth of the invisible system of mind as soon as it appears. At any rate, the average beginner should become agreeable to the inspiration opportunity before he can commence positive to develop confidence in the process of invisible law, which can be proven practically; and yet to any one that system of space will appear intan^i- ble, except they consider it as a consequent of Superior Power. In that respect, to consider the special need of every individual case when illustrating the Millennial step of invisible law, the modern prophet is not to delay, not even to give justice to himself. His thought is to be 75 of superior influence over the average mind, as it should be. And therefrom each individual is to apply the Millennial plan in a manner suitable to himself. Those are the conditions to agree upon at- present. Even then the modern prophet may expect the ordi- nary or the indifferent mind to be suspicious of anv point he may consider to explain man's relation to the laws of Superior Power. It is understood that invisible influence is a natu- ral necessity of the mental element, therefore by the lamentably skeptical condition of the average mind the sincere spiritual beginner need not be discouraged. It is to be hoped from that he will gauge the dumb- ness of the majority as evidence that they are unequal to Testament inspirations of the invisible process of life. Therefrom each sincere individual should pre- pare and encourage others to have confidence in his own inspiration or the most available Testament at- tempt. At all events, it is necessary now for each beginner to decide to develop the divine degree of mind, pro- ceeding to prepare accordingly, as one arranging for himself as a co-equal of the divine degree. In the following twentieth century message every- day thoughts will be proposed while directing the stu- dent, and from that he may realize the circumstance of the Millennial mind model, as providentially pre- pared for the majority to comprehend the direct pro- cess of invisible laws over life. Possibly after a careful study of the mind model of the Millennial Testaments, it will be evident to the student of the mental system why it is that all minds differ. It is equally true of the prophets. Often it is difficult for one to even comprehend the reasoning, good or bad, of another. 76 Even a model Testament can not guarantee to be a model for all minds. However, spiritually, as in all things, man has a choice. He may even say there are other superior efforts due and therefrom decide to give his own. In that sense it appears reasonable to say for the near future that the Millennial mind-model now prom- ised will soon be surpassed, and it is to be hoped that many will attempt to further enlighten modern minds. Also in future ages it will be necessary to reflect the actual spiritual requirement of the time. The intention at present should be to encourage such superior results for a people to finally arrive at a world-wide benefit. And that success can be prom- ised when each one is open in applying to the " chil- dren " the Millennial turning point soon to be given as a remedy. For a Millennial or any spiritual turning point to be a success, one must consider the need of a model plan as a necessity to gain a personal benefit for each individual self. Thereafter, possibly the Savior personality should appear again, but the majority need not expect another immediately to make their personal attempt for their own spiritual success. For the ordinary individual to prepare now or to commence the Savior attempt of himself soon was cer- tainly the practical intention of the Savior model of the past, and for success the beginner need only com- prehend and obey the mental process of divine influence in space. Confidence in the same savior process of nature can be considered as a first necessity for the spiritual suc- cess of each individual. Naturally it is by that same mental system of su- 77 perior influence over life that a prophet would be in- clined to consider the importance of the Father 's prom- ise of an attempt to turn the " children. " To commence any turning attempt imaginable, a modern prophet or any individual would have no time for levity. Even for a small measure of success the prophet must be personally prepared, well-balanced in char- acter, to announce himself as a beginner on the level. Among other requirements he will understand that his inspiration for the spiritual promotion of others as himself, is not to remain a secret. In that to gain the confidence of others he will con- tinually concentrate mind on the predestinate oppor- tunity of each individual life. It will even be neces- sary to remove each beginner's selfishness before they will accept the mental process of personal inspiration suitable to mature the divine degree of themselves. The sincere prophet will first balance himself justly as one competent to help others to comprehend their everyday relation to invisible influence true to Superior Power. To further explain such a personal attempt, it can be understood to be successful, one will be required to use their judgment. In a spiritual sense it requires judgment even for one to consider the responsibility of the human mind acceptable to others. Besides this respect due others, the true prophet in all ages appears to be eminently qualified to judge of the nature of his appointment to obey the will of Superior Power. At least to fulfill the Father's promise of an at- tempt to turn the "children," the prophet appoint- ment, above all things, would include personal respon- 78 sibility, in which the individual should be qualified to balance himself mentally when up in the air. Thereof, at the time to be agreeably enlightened of the inspiration opportunity for the turning of them- selves, many should practice a personal application of the same mental balance that they may not condemn the inspiration of another. In preference, they will proceed to realize in all their duty that it is justice to themselves to obey su- perior influence the same. Naturally, as it was with a prophet, it is by the same confidence in the will of Superior Power that it will be possible for the majority to avoid the curse of their own spirit. And in that respect the thoughtful individual will be inclined to follow the same mental system of personal inspiration which is to be proposed for the spiritual turning of each individual now and in the Millennium. To commence at present as an individual, or as a promoter of the Millennial process for the turning of the "children," evidently it is time to proceed so that others may comprehend the mind model, the Millen- nial step and the Testaments of Invisible Law. Of the thirty- three books of the Testaments of Invisible Law the preliminaries of the CONSCIENCE SYSTEM for the millennial turning of the children will appear in Book No. 1 For the publication, address Publishing Department California Press 340 Sansome Street, San Francisco ^ -79 if- - 2t> X $ '- THE YC 15783 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY