THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA DAVIS The Founders of Geology By Sir Archibald Geikie, F.R.S. D.C.L.Oxf. ; D.Sc. Camb., Dubl. ; LL.D. Edin., Glasg., St. And. Corr. Instit. France; Acad. Berlin, Vienna, Munich, Turin, Lincei, Rome, Gottingen, Stockholm, Christiania, Belgium, Philadelphia, - Boston ; Nat. Acad. Washington, etc. Late Director-General of the Geological Survey of Great Britain and Ireland Second Edition London Macmillan and Co., Limited New York : The Macmillan Company 1905 A II rights reserved First Edition (Extra Crown 8vo) 1897. Second Edition, 8vo 1905. GLASGOW : PRINTED AT THE UNIVERSITY PRESS BY ROBERT MACLEHOSE AND CO. LTD. PREFACE IN the year 1896 the President of the Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, invited me to inaugurate the Lectureship founded in that seminary by Mrs. George Huntington Williams in memory of her husband, the distinguished and widely regretted Professor of Geology there. In accepting this invitation I chose for my subject an outline of the history and development of Geology during the period between the middle of the eighteenth and the close of the second decade of the nineteenth century an interval of about seventy years, full of peculiar interest to students of the science, for it was during that interval that the main foundations of modern geology were laid. In making this choice I was influenced by my experience of the limited acquaintance with the his- torical development of the science which has often been shown even by those who have done good service in enlarging its boundaries. English-speaking geo- logists have for the most part contented themselves with the excellent, but necessarily brief, summary of the subject given by Lyell in the introductory chapters of his classic Principles^ no fuller digest of geological history having been published in their language. It appeared to me that it might be useful to recount vi Preface the story of a few of the great pioneers during the momentous period which I wished to select, and to show, from their struggles, their failures, and their successes, how geological ideas and theories arose, and were step by step worked out into the forms which they now wear. The narrative thus proposed was made the subject of six lectures which were published in the summer of 1897 as a small volume entitled The Founders of Geo- logy. This work has been for some time out of print. In preparing a new edition 1 have departed from the original form of lectures, and from the restricted treat- ment of the subject which a short course of lectures necessarily involved. While retaining and also enlarg- ing the more detailed discussion of the remarkable period embraced in the original lectures, I have given a sketch of the earlier progress of geological ideas, from the times of ancient Greece onwards to the epoch that formed the starting point of my former volume. In this extension of the subject I have adhered to my original plan of tracing the origin and slow develop- ment of geological science, rather in an account of the careers of a few of the chief leaders by whom the progress has been mainly effected, than in an attempt to summarise also the work of their less illustrious contemporaries. Since the publication of the first edition, my lamented friend the late Professor Zittel of Munich published (1899) his Geschichte der Geologic und Paldontologie a work of extraordinary labour, fullness and accuracy, with which no student of geology who cares to know the history of his science can dispense. An excellent Preface vii abridged English translation of this voluminous treatise has been prepared by Mrs. Ogilvie Gordon. The scheme of treatment adopted by Professor Zittel, however, differs so much from that which I have followed that our two volumes may be regarded as in large measure supplementary to each other. While he has noted the contributions of all who have in any important way advanced general or local geology, I have selected for fuller consideration chiefly the lives and work of some of the masters to whom we mainly owe the foundation and development of geological science. November, 1905. CONTENTS CHAPTER I Introduction. Geological ideas among the Greeks and Romans in regard to (i) Underground forces ; (ii) Processes at work on the surface of the earth ; (iii) Proofs of geological changes in the Past, pp. 1-41 CHAPTER II Growth of geological ideas in the Middle Ages Avicenna and the Arabs. Baneful influence of theological dogma. Controversy regarding the nature of Fossil Organic Remains. Early observers ^ in Italy Leonardo da Vinci, Falloppio, Steno, Moro. The English cosmogonists Burnet, Whiston, Woodward. Robert Hooke, John Ray, Martin Lister, Robert Plot, Edward Lhuyd, - pp. 42-78^ CHAPTER III Scientific Cosmogonists Descartes, Leibnitz. Speculations of De Maillet and Buffon. Early illustrated works on fossil plants and animals Lang, Scheuchzer, Knorr, Walch, Beringer, pp. 79-103 CHAPTER IV The Rise of Geology in France Palissy. The labours of Guettard, - pp. 104-139 CHAPTER V The Foundation of Volcanic Geology Desmarest, - pp. 140-175. x Contents CHAPTER VI The Rise of Geological Travel Pallas, De Saussure, - pp. 176-191 CHAPTER VII History of the Doctrine of Geological Succession Arduino, Lehmann, Fiichsel, Werner, - - pp. 192-236 CHAPTER VIII The Wernerian School of Geology Its great initial influence and subsequent decline. Effect of the controversy about the origin of Basalt upon this School. Early history of Volcanic Geology. " History of opinion regarding Earthquakes, - - pp. 237279 CHAPTER IX The Rise of the modern conception of the theory of the Earth Hutton, Playfair, - pp. 280-316 CHAPTER X Birth of Experimental Geology Sir James Hall. Decay of Wernerianism, - pp. 317-332 CHAPTER XI The Rise of Stratigraphical Geology and of Palaeontology in France Giraud-Soulavie, Lamarck, Cuvier, Brongniart, and Omalius d'Halloy, pp. 333~377 CHAPTER XII The Rise of Stratigraphical Geology in England Michell, White- hurst, William Smith, Thomas Webster, the Geological Society of London, W. H. Fitton. Early teachers and text- books. Influence of Lyell, - - pp. 378405 CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION. Geological ideas among the Greeks and Romans in regard to (i) Underground forces ; (ii) Processes at work on the surface of the earth ; (iii) Proofs of geological changes in the Past. IN science, as in all other departments of inquiry, no thorough grasp of a subject can be gained, unless the history of its development is clearly appreciated. Nevertheless, students of Nature, while eagerly press- ing forward in the search after her secrets, are apt to keep the eye too constantly fixed on the way that has to be travelled, and to lose sight and remembrance of the paths already trodden. It is eminently useful, however, if they will now and then pause in the race, in order to look backward over the ground that has been traversed, to mark the errors as well as the successes of the journey, to note the hindrances and the helps which they and their predecessors have encountered, and to realise what have been the influences that have more especially tended to retard or quicken the progress of research. Such a review is an eminently human and instructive exercise. Bringing the lives and deeds of our fore- runners vividly before us, it imparts even to the most 2 Introduction abstruse and technical subjects much of the personal charm which contact with strenuous, patient, and enthusiastic natures never fails to reveal. Moreover, it has a double value in its bearing on the progress of those who are engaged in original research. A retrospect of this kind leads to a clearer realisation of the precise position at which they have arrived, and a wider conception of the extent and limits of the domain of knowledge which has been acquired. On the other hand, by enabling them to comprehend how, foot by foot, the realms of science have been painfully conquered, it furnishes suggestive lessons as to tracks that should be avoided, and fields that may be hopefully entered. In no department of natural knowledge is the adoption of this historical method more necessary and useful than it is in Geology. The subjects with which that branch of science deals are, for the most part, not susceptible of mathematical treatment. The conclusions formed in regard to them, being often necessarily incapable of rigid demonstration, must 'rest on a balance of probabilities. There is thus room for some difference of opinion both as to facts and the interpretation of them. Deductions and inferences which are generally accepted in one age may be rejected in the next. This element of uncertainty has tended to encourage speculation. Moreover, the subjects of investigation are them- selves often calculated powerfully to excite the imagination. The story of this Earth since it became a habitable globe, the evolution of its continents, birth and degradation of its mountains, the mar- Introduction 3 vellous procession of plants and animals which, since the beginning of -time, has passed over its surface, these and a thousand cognate themes with which geology deals, have attracted numbers of readers and workers to its pale, have kindled much general interest, and awakened not a little enthusiasm. But the records from which the chronicle of events must be compiled are sadly deficient and fragmentary. The deductions which they suggest ought frequently to be held in suspense from want of evidence. Yet with a certain - class of minds, fancy comes in to supply the place of facts that fail. And thus geology has been- encumbered with many hypotheses and theories which, plausible as they might seem at the time of their promulgation, have one by one been dissipated before the advance of fuller and more accurate know- ledge. Yet before their overthrow, it may often be hard to separate the actual ascertained core of fact within them from the mass of erroneous interpreta- tion and unfounded inference that forms most of their substance. From the beginning of its growth, geology has undoubtedly suffered from this tendency to specula- tion beyond the sober limits of experience. Its culti- vators have been often described as mere theorists. And yet in spite of these defects, the science has made gigantic strides during the last hundred years, and has gradually accumulated a body of well-ascer- tained knowledge regarding the structure and history of the earth. Few more interesting records of human endeavour and achievement can be found than that presented by the advance of this science. Little 4 Introduction more than a century ago geology had no generally acknowledged name and place in the circle of human studies. At the present day it can boast a voluminous literature, hundreds of associations all over the world dedicated to its cultivation, and a state organization in almost every civilized country for its systematic prosecution. I propose to trace some of the leading steps in this magnificent progress. Even speculations that have been thrown aside, and theories that have been long forgotten, may be found to have been not without their use in promoting the general advance. If all history is only an amplification of biography, the history of science may be most instructively read in the life and work of the men by whom the realms of Nature have been successively won. I shall therefore dwell on the individual achievements of a few great leaders in the onward march of geology, and indicate how each of them has influenced the development of the science. At the same time I shall trace the rise and progress of some of the leading principles of the science, which, though now familiar as household words, are seldom studied in regard to their historical develop- ment. Thus, partly in the life-work of the men, and partly in the growth of the ideas which they promul- gated, we shall be able to realise by what successive steps geological science has been elaborated. The subject which I have chosen, if treated as fully as it might fitly be, would require a full course of lectures or more than one printed volume. Within the limits which I have prescribed to myself, I can only attempt to present an outline of it. Instead of trying Introduction 5 to summarize the whole history of geology, I think it will be more interesting and profitable to pass somewhat briefly over ancient and medieval time during which geological ideas were crudely taking shape ; to dwell rather fully on the labours of a few of the early masters, who, by actual observation of nature and deduction therefrom, laid the broad foundations of the science, to touch only lightly on the work of some of their less illustrious contemporaries, and to do little more than allude to the modern magnates whose life and work are generally familiar. I have accordingly selected for fullest treatment, in this volume, what has been called the Heroic Age of geology, or the period which extends from the middle of the eighteenth to the earlier decades of the nineteenth century, an interval of about seventy years. A few later conspicuous names will require some brief notice in order to fill up the general outlines of our picture. The most casual observation is now-a-days sufficient to convince us that the surface of the earth has not always been as it is to-day. At one place sheets of sand and gravel point to the former presence of running water, where none is now to be seen. Elsewhere shells and other marine organisms underneath the soil show that the dry land was formerly the bed of the sea. Masses of sandstone, conglomerate and limestone, once evidently laid down in horizontal layers on the sea- bottom, but now hardened into stone, disrupted, placed on end, and piled up into huge hills and mountain- ranges, prove beyond all question to our modern eyes that stupendous disturbances attended the conversion of the sea-floor into land. 6 Introduction A few of the simpler and more striking of these features might attract notice even among the earliest and rudest tribes. But still more would the elemental forces of nature arouse the fears, excite the imagination and stimulate the curiosity of primitive man. Wind and lightning, rain-storms and river-floods, breakers and tidal waves, earthquakes and volcanoes would seem ,\> be direct and visible manifestations of powerful but " unseen supernatural beings. Nor would the more obtrusive features of landscape fail to add their influence mountains with their clouds, tempests and landslips ; crags and precipices with their strange grotesque half-human shapes, ravines with their gloomy cliffs and yawning chasms between. It is not difficult to conceive how from these con- - current materials there would spring fables, legends and myths, long before the spirit of scientific observation and deduction was developed, and how such fables might continue to satisfy the popular imagination long after that spirit had arisen among the more reflective few. The earliest efforts at the interpretation of nature found their expression in the mythologies and cosmogonies of primitive peoples, which varied in type from country to country, according to the climate and other physical conditions under which they had their birth. Geo- logical speculation may thus be said to be traceable in the mental conceptions of the remotest pre-scientific ages. The popular beliefs continued for a time to influence, in a greater or less degree, the speculations of the philosophers who began to observe the operation of natural processes and who, though their deductions Geology of Greeks and Romans 7 were often about as unscientific as the myths for which they were substituted, may yet be claimed as the earliest pioneers of geology. The first stages of advance in theoretical opinions on these subjects may best be illustrated by a brief survey of the geological ideas to be found scattered through the literature of Greece and Rome. Among the poets allusions abound to the popular interpretations of geological phenomena, wherein the influence of gods and heroes in altering the face of Nature became the subject of legend and myth. It is interesting to note the progress of the decay of these ancient superstitions and their replacement by more natural explanations, based upon actual obser- vation of the present order of things. As an example of this transition, reference may be made to the various attempts to account for the remarkable defile of Tempe, which was one of the marvels in the scenery of Greece. The wide mountain-girdled plain of Thessaly was popularly believed to have once been covered with a lake which was ultimately drained by the kindly intervention of Poseidon, who himself split open the gorge in the encircling rocky barrier, whereby a passage was given for the escape of the stagnant waters to the sea. Later generations attributed the friendly act to Hercules. By the time of Herodotus, however, (B.C. 500) the supernatural had given way, in the minds of reflective men, to a natural interpretation* of such features. Yet the Father of History, as was natural to his pious and reverential spirit, does not scornfully reject the long established belief. " That the gorge of Tempe, 7 ' he says, " was caused by Poseidon is 8 Strabds Scepticism probable ; at least one who attributes earthquakes and chasms to that god would say that this gorge was his work. It seemed to me to be quite evident that the mountains had there been torn asunder by an earthquake." l By the beginning of our era, supernatural inter- pretations of geological features had still further gone out of fashion among the writers of the day, and it- was now thought unnecessary even to allude to them. Strabo (B.C. 54 A.D. 25) simply refers the Vale of Tempe to the effects of an earthquake, as if its origin were so manifest as to offer no reasonable ground for any doubt. In no respect do the writings of this geographer differ more conspicuously from those of Herodotus than in their attitude towards the myths of the olden time. The difference no doubt marks the general progress of public opinion on the subject in the course of five centuries. Strabo usually passes over the legends in silence, and when he takes occasion to refer to them, it is not infrequently to reject them with contempt. He will not believe the story that the River Alpheus flows under the sea and rises again to the surface as the fountain of Arethusa at Syracuse, and the reasons which he gives for his refusal are such as a modern man of science might use. 2 Referring to a statue at Siris, in Southern Italy, which was alleged to have been brought from Troy after the siege and to have closed its eyes when certain suppliants were forcibly dragged away from its shrine, he sarcastically remarks that some amount of courage is required to believe this tale, and also to admit that so many statues 1 Book vii. 129. 2 vi, ii. 4. The Mediterranean Basin 9 could have been brought from Troy as were so reputed. 1 He states that while at the Memnonium at daybreak, he certainly heard a noise, but whether it came from the statue or was made by some of the company, he could not tell, though he was disposed to believe anything rather than that stones themselves emit sound. 2 He even carries this critical spirit into his account of alleged historical events, as where, in ridiculing the statement that the Cimbri were driven out of their territory by an extraordinarily high tide, he appeals to the known regularity and periodicity of the tides, as a natural, harmless and universal phenomenon, which disproves such tales. 3 In considering the opinions of the Greeks and Romans relative to the origin of the various features of the external world, it is well to note that the nations gathered together in the vast basin that drains into the Mediterranean Sea were placed in an exceptionally favourable position for having their attention drawn to some of these features. In particular, this region displays with remarkable fullness the operation of various natural agencies whereby the surface of the earth is altered. It reveals also in a striking manner to the observant eye proofs that these agencies have been at work from a remote antiquity, and have in the course of ages profoundly modified the distribution of sea and land. Thus the countries situated within its borders have been and still are subject to continual shocks of earthquake. For many thousands of years probably not a month has passed without a concussion in some part of the region, usually slight enough to 1 vi. i. 14. 2 xvn. i. 46. 3 vii. ii. I. io The Mediterranean Basin alarm without doing much damage, but ever and anon as appalling calamities that have prostrated cities and destroyed thousands of their inhabitants. Moreover another phase of subterranean energy has from time immemorial been conspicuously developed in the same region. Two distinct and widely separated volcanic centres exist in the Mediterranean basin, and have had their eruptions chronicled by poets and historians from a remote antiquity. One of these centres lies in the Aegean Sea, where the isle of Santorin still remains an active volcano. The other and much the more im- portant area extends from the Phlegraean Fields around Naples to beyond the southern coast of Sicily, and includes the great cones of Etna and Vesuvius, besides other smaller but active vents. From the dawn of history the inhabitants of Greece and Italy have wit- nessed the awe-inspiring eruptions of these volcanoes which notably coloured some parts of the old myth- ology. Again, the Mediterranean region contains within its limits a remarkable diversity of climates, and con- sequently a varied and abundant development of all those geological processes over which climate exerts a controlling influence. The mountain chains, from the ^ifar Pyrenees on the one hand to the distant Caucasus on the other, with their snow-fields and glaciers, their cloud-caps and storms, display the extremes of winter cold, and of rainfall, tempests and landslips. On the southern side of the basin lie wide tracts of country with little or no rain, and passing inland into vast sandy deserts of almost tropical heat. From the mountains innumerable torrents gather into lakes and The Mediterranean Basin 1 1 rivers, which water the plains and bear the drainage out to sea. Drought and inundation succeed each other, and the same river which at one time carries fertility all over its valley, at another time, swollen into an impetuous flood, spreads across the plains, sweeping away farms and villages, and burying the soil under sheets of sterile gravel and sand. The operations of such streams as the Rhone, the Po, the Tiber, the Danube, the Achelous and the Peneius were not only watched by the inhabitants along their banks but became the subjects first, of widely diffused legendary tales, and afterwards of philosophical dis- cussion. On the south side of the great sea, the Nile, with its mysterious sources and its unfailing / annual rise, furnished an inexhaustible source of wonder J and speculation. Further, all round the basin of the Mediterranean the younger geological formations, upraised from the sea, now underlie many of the plains and rise high along the flanks of the hills. In these deposits, shells and other remains of sea-creatures have been preserved in such vast numbers as could not fail to arrest atten- tion even in the infancy of mankind. Since the organisms are obviously like those still living in the neighbouring sea, the inference could readily be drawn that the sea had once covered the tracts of land where these remains had been left. This con- clusion was reached by some of the earliest Greek philosophers, and there can be little doubt that it led to those wide views of the vicissitudes of Nature which were adopted in later centuries by their successors. 12 Aristotles Views of the Universe Our retrospect of the growth of an intelligent appreciation of the geological phenomena so well developed in this long inhabited region need not take us further back than the time of Aristotle, the true Father of Natural History, (B.C. 384-322) who besides his own original contributions to science, supplies valuable references to writings of his pre- decessors which have not come down to us. His treatises furnish an admirable exposition of the state of natural knowledge in his time. When he wrote, the geocentric view of the universe was still publicly accepted without question. But he had firmly grasped certain truths regarding our globe, which, though taught long before by some of his predecessors, were not yet generally admitted. Thus he recognized that the planet possesses a spherical form, which is the most perfect of all, and he pointed in proof to the round shadow cast by the earth upon the moon during a lunar eclipse. He showed also by the difference in the aspect of the stellar heavens, as we move but a little way from north to south or south to north, that the mass of our globe must be relatively small. " The size of the earth is nothing," he says, u absolutely nothing, compared with the whole heavens. The mass of the sun must be far greater than that of our globe, and the distances of the fixed stars from us is much greater than that of the sun." 1 Accepting the common belief that the world consisted of four elements, he looked on these as arranged according to their relative densities. " The water is spread as an envelope round the earth ; in the same way, above 1 MeteoricSy i. viii. 6 ; xiv. 1 8. Aristotle on Earthquakes 13 the water lies the sphere of air, while outside of all comes the sphere of fire." 1 With regard to the surface of the planet, Aristotle had formed some sagacious conclusions, though mingled with certain of the misconceptions that were prevalent in his time. In trying to gain a general impression of the manner in which geological problems were treated by him and the succeeding naturalists and philosophers of antiquity we may find it convenient to consider them under the three sections of (i) Underground processes ; (2) Surface processes ; and (3) Evidence of geological changes in the past. i . Underground Processes. As Greece, from its special geological structure, has from time immemorial been subject to frequent earthquakes, the attention of the more reflective men in the country must have been early drawn to these subterranean disturbances and to a consideration of their possible cause. Aristotle has devoted a portion of his treatise on Meteorics to a discussion of earthquakes, and has quoted the opinions of some earlier philosophers in regard to them. He tells us that Anaxagoras (B.C. 480) accounted for these disturbances by the descent of the surrounding ether into the depths of the earth ; that Democritus (B.C. 460-357) thought they were caused by the bursting out of the mass of liquid within the earth, especially after heavy rains ; and also, after the earth had become desiccated by the great commotion arising from the fall of water from the full spaces into those that were empty ; and that Anaximenes (B.C. 544) supposed 1 Op. cit. ii. ii. 5. The sphere of fire, the "flammantia moenia mundi" of Lucretius, was the region of the stars and planets. 14 Aristotle on Earthquakes them to be produced by the disruption of mountains when the earth, at first full of water, dries up ; for he remarked that they take place chiefly during droughts and also during excessively wet seasons, because in the one case the earth is dried and splits up, while in the other, it gives way on account of being saturated with liquid. Rejecting the explanations of his three predecessors just cited, Aristotle remarks that if some of their views were true, earthquakes ought gradually to grow less abundant and severe, until at last the earth should cease to shake, but that as this diminution has not been observed, another interpretation must be sought. He accordingly proposes one of his own which is a curious and memorable instance of imperfect observation and inaccurate generalisation. Earthquakes are due, he thinks, to a commingling of moist and dry within the earth. Of itself, the earth is dry, but from rain it acquires much internal humidity. Hence when it is warmed by the sun and by the internal heat, wind is produced both within and without its mass. Wind, being the lightest and most rapidly moving body, is the cause of motion in other bodies ; and fire, united with wind, becomes flame which is endowed with great rapidity of motion. It is neither water nor earth which causes an earthquake ; it is the wind when what is vaporised outside returns into the interior. Remarking a relation between the frequency and violence of earthquakes and the state of the weather, Aristotle admits with Anaximenes that they occur most abundantly in spring and autumn, during the seasons of heavy rain and of great drought, but he thinks Aristotle on Volcanoes 15 that the reason of this relation should be sought in the fact that during these seasons there is most wind. 1 Aristotle regarded earthquakes and volcanic erup- tions as closely related phenomena. He states that it had been observed in some places, that an earthquake has continued until the wind from the interior has rushed out with violence to the surface, as had then recently happened at Heracleia on the Euxine, and before that event at Hiera (Volcano), one of the Lipari Isles. At this latter locality the ground rose up with a great noise and formed a hill that broke up and allowed much wind to escape from the fissures, together with sparks and cinders which buried the whole of the neighbouring town of the Liparans. The shock was even felt in some of the towns on the opposite mainland of Italy. Aristotle was further led to propose an explanation of the great heat that forms part of the volcanic phenomena. c ' The fire within the earth," he remarks, " can only be due to the air becoming inflamed by the shock, when it is violently separated into the minutest fragments. What takes place in the Lipari Isles affords an additional proof that the winds circu- late underneath the earth." 2 This idea that volcanic action was mainly due to the movement of wind imprisoned within the earth obtained wide credence in antiquity. Aeolus, the god of the winds, was believed to have his abode under the so-called Aeolian Isles, which are all of volcanic origin, and among which eruptions have been taking place since before the dawn of history. 1 Meteor. 11. vti., viii, 2 O/>. clt. n. viii. 20. 1 6 Lucretius on Earthquakes Aristotle in his wide survey of the organic and inorganic kingdoms did not omit to consider the nature of stones, metals and minerals, and to offer his suggestions as to their possible origin. He sup- posed the existence of two exhalations which play a notable part in nature both inside and outside the earth. One of these, the smoky or dry exhalation by burning substances, gives rise to minerals and other kinds of stone which are insoluble in water. The other or vaporous exhalation produces the metals which are fusible or ductile. Aristotle's favourite pupil, Theo- phrastus (6.0.374-287) took up this subject in a much more practical way in his tract on Stones, which describes the external characters, sources and uses of the more familiar rocks and minerals. Interesting as a narrative of what was known and thought in his day in regard to the mineral kingdom, it may be claimed as the earliest essay in Petrography. His treatise " On Fishes " contains a reference to remains of fishes found in the rocks of Pontus and Paphla- gonia. The philosopher thought that these fossils were developed from fish-spawn left in the earth, or that fishes had wandered from neighbouring waters and had finally been turned into stone. He also expressed the idea that a plastic force is inherent in the earth whereby bones and other organic bodies are imitated. Lucretius, whose great poem, De Rerum Nafura, appeared about half a century before the beginning of our era, states with his characteristic force the explanations then in vogue to account for the pheno- mena of earthquakes. The interior of the earth, Lucretius on Volcanoes 17 he declares, must be full of wind-swept caverns, with lakes, rivers, chasms and cliffs, as above ground. The fall of some of these vast mountainous rocks, under- mined by time, gives such a shock as to send gigantic tremors far and wide through the earth. Again, wind, collecting in these subterranean cavernous spaces, presses with such enormous force against the walls towards which it rushes as to make the earth lean over to that side, and to topple down buildings above ground. Sometimes the air, either from out- side or from within, sweeps with terrific whirling vio- lence into the vacant spaces underneath, until in its fury it cleaves for itself a yawning chasm in the earth by which it escapes to the daylight. Even when it does not issue at the surface, its violence among the many underground passages sends a tremor through the earth. The poet stating that he will explain how volcanic eruptions, such as those of Etna, arise, declares that the mountain is hollow within and that the wind and air inside, when thoroughly heated and raging furiously, heat the rocks around. Fire is thus struck out from these rocks and with its swift flames is swept by the air up the chasms, until it issues from the mountain- top, hurling forth ashes, huge stones, and black smoke. From the sea- floor caverns reach down into the depths of the mountain, and the water that enters there, mingled with air, rushes out again in blasts of flame with showers of stones and clouds of sand. 1 We are not definitely told, however, by what process the heat inside is engendered, whether the explanation 1 Z) an( i tne notices prefixed to his collected works. Personal characteristics 253 century there was no figure more familiar all over Europe than that of Von Buch. Living as a bachelor, with no ties of home to restrain him, he would start off from Berlin, make an excursion to perhaps a distant district or foreign country, for the determination of some geological point that interested him, and return, without his friends knowing anything of his move- ments. He made most of his journeys on foot, and must have been a picturesque object as he trudged along, stick in hand. He wore knee-breeches and shoes, and the huge pockets of his overcoat were usually crammed with note-books, maps, and geological implements. His luggage, even when he came as far as England, consisted only of a small baize bag, which held a clean shirt and silk stockings. Few would have supposed that the odd personage thus accoutred was one of the greatest men of science of his time, an honoured and welcome guest in every learned society of Europe. He was not only familiar with the writings of the geologists of his day, but knew the men person- ally, visited them in their own countries, and with many of them kept up a friendly and lively correspondence. He had an extensive knowledge of the languages of Europe, and had read widely not only in his own sub- jects, but in allied sciences, in history, and in literature, ancient and modern. Kindly, frank, outspoken, and fearless, he was beloved and honoured by those who deserved his friendship, and dreaded by those who did not. With tender self-sacrifice he would take his blind brother every year to Carlsbad, and with endless bene- factions did he brighten the lives of many who survived to mourn his loss. He died on 4th March 1853, in 254 G. de Dolomieu the seventy-ninth year of his age. A fitting monument to his memory was raised by subscriptions from all over Europe. In the picturesque region of Upper Austria, not far from Steyer, a granite boulder 1 6 feet high that had been borne by a former glacier from the Alps was chosen as his cenotaph. The stone, chiselled into a flat surface, bears inscribed upon it, with the reverence of admirers in Germany, Belgium, France, England, and Italy, the immortal name of Leopold von Buch. 1 While D'Aubuisson and Von Buch were, even in Werner's lifetime, emancipating themselves from the tenets of the Freiberg School, various other observers, without definitely becoming controversialists, were pro- viding a large body of material which eventually proved of great service in the establishment of a sound geology. Chief among them were those who devoted themselves with such ardour to the study of the Italian volcanoes. One of the most active and interesting of their number was Gratet de Dolomieu (1750-1801), who, born in Dauphine, died at the early age of fifty-one, after a strangely eventful life. At the age of 25 he published some works on science, for which he was elected a correspondent of the Academy of Sciences of Paris. He thereafter took to geological and mineralogical explora- tion, making his journeys on foot, with a bag on his back, and a hammer in his hand, and studying successively the minerals and rocks of Portugal, Spain, Sicily, the 1 An account of the movement for the preparation of this monu- ment will be found in Das Buch-Denkmal, a pamphlet by Ritter von Hauer and Dr. Homes, published in Vienna in 1858. It gives a portrait of Von Buch, and a view of the monument, with a map showing the position of the site. Faujas de St. Fond 255 Lipari Islands, the Pyrenees, the Alps, the Apennines, Central France, and the Vosges. He made extensive collections of specimens, and published many memoirs descriptive of the regions he visited. His attention was especially drawn to the active and extinct volcanoes of the Mediterranean basin. As far back as 1776 he made the announcement that he had found in Portugal evidence of volcanoes older than certain mountains of limestone a statement which he supplemented in 1784 with further evidence from Sicily, proving the inter- calation of ancient lavas among stratified deposits. 1 To this important discovery further reference will be given on a later page. Among his other writings allusion may here be made to his little volume on the Lipari Isles, to the paper in which, following Desmarest, he described the old volcanoes of Central France, and to his u Memoire sur les lies Ponces." 2 Though his theo- retical views were not always sound, he was a careful and indefatigable observer, and provided copious material towards the establishment of the principles of geology. To him more than perhaps to any of his contemporaries is science indebted for recognising and enforcing the connection of volcanoes with the internal heat of the globe. Faujas de St. Fond (1742-1819) did excellent service by his splendid folio on the old volcanoes of the Vivarais and the Velay a work lavishly illus- trated with engravings, which, by showing so clearly the association of columnar lavas with unmistakable 1 Journ. de Phys. xxiv., Septembre 1784, p. 191. 2 Journ. des Mlnes y vol. vii. (1798), pp. 393-405. 256 Spallanzani, Breislak volcanic cones, ought to have done much to arrest the progress of the Freiberg doctrine of the aqueous origin of basalt. 1 The same good observer undertook a journey into the Western Isles of Scotland towards the end of the eighteenth century, 2 when that region was much less easily visited than it now is, and con- vinced himself of the volcanic origin of the basalts there, thus adding another important contribution to the literature of volcanic geology. Spallanzani (1729-1799), the illustrious professor of Pavia, Reggio, and Modena, born in 1729, devoted his earlier life to animal and vegetable physiology, and was fifty years of age before he began to turn his attention to geological questions. But from that period onward he made many journeys in the basin of the Mediterranean from Constantinople to Marseilles. Of especial interest were his minute and picturesque descriptions of the eruptions of Stromboli, which at not a little personal risk he watched from a crevice in the lava. His Travels in the Two Sicilies and in some Parts of the Apennines contained a mass of careful observations among the recent and extinct volcanoes of Italy. 8 Another Italian vulcanist well worthy of remem- brance was Scipio Breislak (1748-1826) who, born in Rome and destined for the church, showed so strong a bent for scientific pursuits that he was eventually made professor of natural philosophy and mathematics at 1 Recherche* sur les Volcans eteints du Vivarais et du Velay, folio, 1778. 2 Voyage en Angleterre, en Ecosse, et aux lies Hebrides, ^ vols. 8vo, 1797. 3 Viaggji alle due Sic Hie, 1792-93. Montlosier 257 Ragusa, whence he passed to the Collegio Nazareno at Rome. His fondness for geological studies led to his appointment by Napoleon " Inspecteur des poudres et salpetres" in the kingdom of Italy, which gave him the opportunity of making himself personally acquainted with the geology of a large part of his native country. Powerful as an advocate for the Vulcanist doctrines in opposition to the prevail- ing Neptunism of his time, he wrote some excellent monographs on the geology of different parts of Italy, particular y of the Campania ; also an Intro- duction to Geology, of which a French version was published in 1812, and a more important treatise which, translated into French from his Italian manu- script, was published at Milan in three volumes in 1818. The attitude which Breislak took towards the Freiberg School may be inferred from his remark " I respect the standard raised by Werner, but the flag of the marvellous and mysterious will never be that which I shall choose to follow." * Reference has been made in an earlier chapter (p. 159) to F. D. de Reynaud, Comte de Montlosier (1755-1838) who is chiefly known as a distinguished French publicist. He went into exile at the time of the French Revolution, but ultimately returned to France, and in the end became a member of the Chamber of Peers where, even when he had passed his eightieth year, he continued to be one of the most assiduous orators. He was the author of many political writings, but deserves mention here for the small treatise which he published in 1789 and which, as we 1 Introduzione alia Geologia, 2 vols. 8vo, 1811. R 258 Montlosier on Vulcanism have seen, proved useful to Von Buch in Auvergne. Montlosier, being an Auvergnat proprietor, had from his boyhood been familiar with the physical features of that interesting region. His Essai gives a lively ac- count of the volcanic district from his own personal rambles, but it contains nothing of importance that is not to be found in the earlier writings of Desmarest, whose views he adopts, but without citing him as his authority. The last chapter of the Essai is devoted to a discussion of the nature of volcanic force, which the author regarded as something distinct from the " fire," and perhaps of the nature of electricity, "the energy whereof is increased under ground by chance encounter with certain antagonistic materials." He was at all events convinced that " neither coal, nor bitumen, nor any of the other substances known to us can possibly be the principle of volcanic force, which acts indiffer- ently upon everything it meets with." So long as the crude conception prevailed that volcanic action was due to the combustion of beds of coal or other inflammable materials, it was an obvious consequence that the production of volcanoes should be regarded as a comparatively modern feature in the history of our planet. Not until thick forests had flourished on the earth's surface, and had been buried deep under accumulations of sediment, could any subterranean conflagrations be expected to arise. But there was yet another influence which could not but retard the recognition of evidence of ancient volcanic eruptions preserved among the strata of the earth's crust. Hutton and his school, whose contri- butions to geological progress will be described in Plutonist mews of Igneous Rocks 259 the next chapter, while they vigorously contended for the igneous origin of the " whinstone " (basalt) rocks, in opposition to the teachings of the Neptunists, looked upon these rocks as " not of volcanic, nor of aqueous, but certainly of igneous origin," having been " formed, in the bowels of the earth, of melted matter poured into the rents and openings of the strata." 1 So intent were the Plutonists on collecting all the evidence they could find in favour of the deep-seated and intrusive origin of these masses, that they naturally neglected or explained away, in accordance with their own theory, the cases where there was no evidence of intrusion. The Neptunists, on the other hand, seized upon these very cases in support of their contention that sheets of basalt regularly inter- stratified with aqueous deposits must themselves have been precipitated from solution in water. The disputants on neither side perceived that a third and entirely distinct explanation of the facts could be given. If the strata of sedimentary materials were accumulated under water, as was universally admitted, might not the sheets of basalt and other presumably volcanic materials have been erupted upon the floor of that water, whether sea or lake, so as to alternate with the normal deposits of sediment ? Already two acute observers had led the way towards this, the true solution of the apparent con- tradiction, though neither school of combatants would accept their explanation. Desmarest, as we have seen, (p. 1 66) had declared as far back as 1775, that traces 1 Playfair's Illustrations of the Huttoman Theory, 234, 239. 26 o Dolomieu on Submarine eruptions of ancient subaqueous volcanic eruptions have been preserved among the sedimentary strata that overlie the granite of Auvergne. A year or two later, Dolomieu pointed out the evidence for the contemporaneous interstratification of volcanic sheets among ordinary marine deposits. He first directed attention to the subject in 1776, and brought forward still more clearly in 1784 proofs of ancient eruptions preserved in a series of marine limestones. 1 He showed that in the Val di Noto in Sicily such limestones, abound- ing in large corals and shells, attain a considerable thickness and lie in horizontal beds of white rock, alternating with numerous intercalations of dark vol- canic material. He found in one section eleven such prominent alternations, though if he had included the layers not more than an inch thick, this number would have been doubled. The volcanic material varied from band to band, two-thirds consisting of frag- mental detritus, and the remainder of sheets of basalt, sometimes regularly columnar. The most abundant constituent was a black sand or tuff, which had been laid down in thin layers, with the coarsest particles at the bottom. Some of the bands consisted of a conglomerate made up of blocks of different lavas cemented together in a calcareous or argillaceous matrix. In all the limestones Dolomieu found volcanic fragments to be generally present. He observed that the basalt-sheets sometimes lie directly on a floor of limestone, sometimes on a layer of aggregated cinders, and that in the former case the two rocks are inter- 1 " Sur les Volcans teints du Val di Noto en Sicile," Journ. de Physique, xxv., Septr. 1784, p. 191. Play fairs criticism of Dolomieu 261 mingled along the junction-plane. He rightly reasoned that these facts demonstrate the contemporaneous dis- charge of volcanic products over the sea-bottom, at the time when the limestones were in process of accumula- tion. He found a difficulty, however, in explaining how the basalts could have flowed so far as perhaps ten leagues, without becoming solid, and he thought that the vents from which the eruptions proceeded in such long succession must have rapidly risen above sea- level, otherwise their fires would have been speedily extinguished by the rush of the water down into their craters. The submarine volcanic series of younger Tertiary age in Sicily is now well known from the labours of subsequent observers, but it is not always pointed out that the credit of the original discovery of it belongs to Dolomieu. Play fair was fully acquainted with the arguments of the French geologist, and refers to them with characteristic candour. He brings forward what he considers "insuperable objections" to them objec- tions which in the light of present knowledge are easily removable but he frankly admits the value of Dolomieu's explanation of the facts by granting that " it makes a considerable approach to a true theory, and that the submarine volcanoes of Dolo- mieu have an affinity to the unerupted lavas of Dr. Hutton." 1 The long continuance of the Huttonian prejudice in favour of these " unerupted lavas " can hardly be better illustrated than by reference to the Descrip- tion of the Western Islands of Scotland, by John 1 Illustrations, 243. 262 y. Macculloch, K. C. von Leonhard Macculloch (1773-1835), published in 1819. This now classic work undoubtedly gave a great impetus to geological progress, especially in the department of the science which deals with the igneous rocks. The number and striking character of the illustrations which it afforded of the truly eruptive nature of these rocks did much to strengthen the Plutonist cause throughout the world. Yet though the region described included the great basalt-plateaux of the Inner Hebrides, with what we now recognise to be their abundant evidence of the superficial outpouring of streams of basic lava and showers of volcanic ashes, in continuous sequence, as clearly exposed along hundreds of miles of sea-precipices, no reader of Macculloch's volumes would be likely to gather from them that any such record of prolonged volcanic activity is to be found in the West of Scotland. Even so late as the year 1832, K. C. von Leonhard, in his ample monograph on Die Basalt-Gebilde, fully describes the volcanic features of these rocks as dis- played in Auvergne, the Eifel and other districts, but when he comes to deal with the sheets of basalt intercalated among the strata of the Earth's crust, he is chiefly careful to mark their connection with dykes, and the proofs they furnish that they have been injected into and have altered the contiguous strata. It would almost appear that if in the earlier years of last century a Vulcanist had maintained the contemporaneity of a basalt-sheet with the sedimentary deposits among which it lay, he would have run some risk of being regarded as having gone over to the Neptunist camp. Notwithstanding the lessons so clearly taught by Slow progress of Volcanic Geology 263 Desmarest from the structure of Auvergne, and by Dolomieu from that of the Val di Noto, many years had to pass away before it began to be generally realised that all the sheets of igneous material inter- calated among the sedimentary formations of the terrestrial crust are not plutonic intrusions, but that not a few of them are unquestionably lavas and ashes, thrown out by once active volcanoes, either under the sea or on land. Only by slow steps of investigation was the truth at last ascertained and admitted that volcanic action has been abundant all over the globe, from the earliest geological times, and that a record of its successive phases has been pre- served among the rocks. When at last the controversy as to the origin of basalt, and the eruptive character of the so-called "Trap-rocks" had been settled, and men were able, apart from the disputes of the rival schools, to look at these rocks impartially, with the view of learning what record they have to contribute to the history of the earth, it was fitting that progress in this subject should begin to be made in Britain a portion of the earth's surface which, for its size, contains a fuller chronicle of past volcanic activity than any other land hitherto examined. A brief outline of the early stages of this research within the British Isles will show how slowly yet how securely the foundation stones in this depart- ment of geology were laid. Among the followers of the Wernerian faith who early emancipated themselves from Werner's doctrines regarding volcanic rocks, an honourable, place must be assigned to Ami Bou (1794-1881). Born in 264 Ami Boue Hamburg, but of Swiss parentage and old French, descent, he was sent for his medical education to the University of Edinburgh, where he graduated as M.D. in the year 1816. But his strong bent towards natural history pursuits led him to take up geology, in which he was trained after the Wer- nerian system by Jameson. He rambled far and wide over Scotland, and formed his own conclu- sions as to the origin and age of many of the igneous rocks so abundantly developed in that country. Leav- ing Edinburgh, he settled for a time in Paris, and while there, wrote an excellent treatise in French, with the title of Essai Geologique sur I'Ecosse, which though it bears no date, appears to have been published in the year 1820. In many respects this remarkable work was far in advance of its time, particularly in regard to the views expressed in it regarding the trappean rocks. Boue's acute eyes recognised the volcanic nature of the great series of " roches feldspathiques et trappeennes " of central Scotland, which he claimed to mark eruptions in the time of the Old Red Sand- stone. He boldly introduced for the first time, into- the geological table for that country, a division entitled " Terrain Volcanique," wherein he included not only the younger basalts of the Inner Hebrides which had been described by Faujas St. Fond, Macculloch and others, but also the basalts, andesites, trachytes > tuffs and other rocks intercalated in the Carboniferous system. On the other hand, Charles Daubeny (1795-1867) another pupil of Jameson, who afterwards wrote an. excellent treatise on volcanoes, could so late as 1821 Charles Daubeny, Henry T. De la Beche 265 still speak of granite passing into sandstone, of " fire and water, although such opposite agents, having in some instances, produced effects nearly, if not alto- gether identical," and of the probability that what is now known to be a typical and admirable series of alternations of basalt-lavas with tuffs and sedimentary fossiliferous strata, was entirely the product of aqueous deposition. 1 But in the third and fourth decades of the nine- teenth century a number of independent observers had their attention aroused by the intercalation of rocks which they could only regard as volcanic, among the older stratified formations of Britain. In his singularly suggestive volume entitled Researches in Theoretical Geology r , published in 1831, Henry Thomas De la Beche (1796-1855) expressed, though cautiously, his opinion that some at least of the " trappean " rocks associated with the lower parts of the " grauwacke series " in different countries of Europe, appear to have been contemporaneous with the strata among which they lie, " precisely as a bed of lava may flow over a sandy 1 Letters to Professor Jameson, Edln. Phil. Journ., 1820-21. In Conybeare's Introduction to Conybeare and Phillips* Outlines of the Geology of England and Wales, published in 1822, regretful reference is made to the " excessive addiction to theoretical speculations " on the part of the zealous rival partizans of the Huttonian and Wernerian systems at Edinburgh. The author refrains from pro- nouncing any judgment on the controversy as to the origin of the Trap rocks, being desirous " to keep these conjectural specula- tions entirely distinct from that positive knowledge, acquired from observation, which is as yet the only certain portion of geological science." One can see that, in spite of this laudable caution, Conybeare's sympathies were rather in favour of the igneous views. 266 De la Beche on Ancient Volcanoes bottom and afterwards be covered up by a deposit of sand or mud." He had himself observed considerable accumulations of " comminuted trappean matter " among the greenstones and porphyries of the older grauwacke of Devon and Cornwall, and was inclined to believe them to represent volcanic ashes ejected at the time that the associated sediments were in course of de- position. He was thus led to suppose " that there had been ejections of igneous matter into the atmo- sphere or beneath shallow water, and consequently that we might expect to discover similar facts among the other fossiliferous rocks, under favourable circumstances and in different parts of the world." 1 While these observations were in progress in the south of England, another series on a larger scale was advancing in the Lake District of the north. In that mountainous tract Adam Sedgwick (1785-1873) had spent some years, tracing the intricate structure of the ground, and had found a great group of green slates and porphyries, comprising fine compact slates with coarse granular concretionary masses and breccias or pseudo-breccias ; likewise amorphous, semi-columnar, prismatic porphyries, which did not take the form of dykes nor altered the limestone that rests upon them. He therefore " inferred that the whole group is of 1 Op. /. pp. 384, 385. The "ashes" here referred to are of Middle Devonian age. He also recognised the probable con- temporaneous eruption of the trappean rocks associated with the much younger red conglomerate of South Devon which may be Permian. Geological Manual, 1831, p. 389. The progress of the Geological Survey in later years enabled De la Beche to add fresh details regarding the Lower Silurian volcanic rocks of Southern Wales. Mem. Geol. Survey, vol. i. (1846) pp. 29-36. Sedgwick on Palceozoic Volcanoes 267 one formation which has originated in the simul- taneous action of aqueous and igneous causes long continued." 1 Sedgwick next turned his attention to the compli- cated geological structure of the mountainous region of North Wales, and after great labour succeeded in unravelling it. Among the important additions to geological science made by him at this time was the recognition of the intercalation of vast masses of igneous rocks among the ancient sedimentary series (Cambrian and Lower Silurian) of that region. He distinguished trappean conglomerates, contemporaneous sheets of " felstone-porphyry " and " felstone," and found the two classes of aqueous and igneous rocks so interlaced that they could not be separated and were regarded by him as of contemporaneous origin. He likewise noted the presence of later intrusions of " greenstone " and other trappean masses. Thus the existence of a vast complex of ancient Palaeozoic lavas, tuffs, and breccias was introduced into geological literature. 2 While the Woodwardian Professor was at work 1 Proc. Geol. Soc. vol. i. p. 248 (5th January, 1831) and p. 400 (2nd May, 1832). 2 Proc. Geol. Soc. ii. (1838) pp. 678-9; iii. (1841) p. 548 ; iv. (1843) p. 215. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. i. (1843) pp. 8-17; iii. (1846) p. 134. In the last cited paper Professor Sedgwick speaks -of at least ninety hundredths of the trappean rocks of North Wales being of contemporaneous origin with their associated strata ; but he regards them all as essentially "subaqueous or plutonic." He shows how they have been involved in all the latter plication of the region, and how they may be used as recognisable and well- defined stratigraphical platforms. 268 Murchisons Volcanic Researches in North Wales his friend Roderick Impey Murchison (1792-1871) was engaged on the borders of the Principality in attacking the sedimentary (grauwacke) strata that emerge from under the base of the Old Red Sandstone, as will be more particularly noticed in Chapter XIII. He had not advanced far in this investigation before he in turn was confronted with many examples of what were evidently igneous rocks,, intercalated among the stratified formations to which he was more specially directing his attention. In one of his papers, read before the Geological Society in 1824, he shows at what an early period in his inquiries he had detected proofs of true volcanic masses associ- ated with these formations. He there remarks " that as some of the porphyritic and felspathic rocks alternate conformably with strata of marine origin, containing organic remains of a very early period, and as some of the layers in which such remains are imbedded have a base of true volcanic matter, the date of the origin of this class of rock is thereby fixed. These conformable alternations of trap and marine sediment establish a direct analogy between their mode of production and those replications of volcanic ejections and marine deposit which are now going on beneath the present seas ; whilst they further explain the manner in which, in times of the highest geological antiquity, the porphyry- slates were arranged in parallel laminas with the sedi- mentary accumulations of that age. The existence of certain strata containing organic remains, yet possessing a matrix composed in great measure of the same materials as the adjacent ridges of trap-rock, has strengthened the inference that some of the ebullitions Hay Cunningham, Charles Maclaren 269 of these submarine volcanoes were contemporaneous with the period in which these animals lived and died, the finer volcanic ejections having, it is presumed, led to the formation of the volcanic sandstone." 1 In Scotland, after the war between the Plutonists and the Neptunists had ceased, a period of calm, almost of stagnation ensued, so far at least as regarded the inves- tigation of igneous rocks. While it was now generally conceded that these rocks had really resulted from the action of subterranean causes, the old Huttonian idea still prevailed that they had all been injected among the strata at some depth beneath the surface. Even so late as 1834 when Hay Cunningham, a pupil of Jameson, began to prepare the materials for his essay on "The Geology of the Lothians,'"^ he failed to distinguish between the intrusive and contempor- aneously intercalated sheets of igneous rock, although each series is admirably developed in the region which he had to investigate and describe. In the year 1839 there was published by far the most important treatise that had yet been devoted to the description of any por- tion of the ancient volcanic rocks of Britain the Sketch of the Geology of Fife and the Lothians by Charles Maclaren. In this classic work the structure of two groups of hills Arthur's Seat and the Pentlands was worked out in ample detail, and the volcanic history of each of them was admirably traced. In the one case, l Proc. Geol. Soc. ii. (1834) p. 92. Fuller discussion of the subject, with ample local details, was given in his Silurian System, which was published at the end of 1838. See especially pp. 225, 258, 268, 287, 317, 324 and 401. 2 Mem. Werner 'Ian Soc. vol. vii. 270 The Geological Survey of Great Britain the successive outflows of a series of " clay stone "" " clinkstone " and " porphyry " lavas, from subaqueous- craters or fissures, belonging to the time of the Old Red Sandstone, was demonstrated by conclusive proofs, In the other, the combination of subterranean injec- tion and superficial outflow from a crater of Lower Carboniferous age was clearly shown, together with evidence of alternations of basalt-lavas with volcanic tuffs, succeeded by prolonged denudation and a subsequent renewal of volcanic activity on the same site. The author, by appeals to the known behaviour of modern volcanoes, illustrated each main feature in the history of these ancient centres of eruption. His convincing and suggestive essay ought to have immediately stimulated the investigation of the subject in other parts of the same region, where innumerable examples of the phenomena, on even a more striking scale, remained still unknown or misunderstood. But Maclaren did not himself continue his volcanic researches, nor for nearly twenty years did any one arise to take up again the work which he had sa well begun. The Geological Survey in Wales developed with great detail the history of the igneous rocks which had been briefly noticed by Sedgwick and Mur- chison. Subsequently the extension of the Survey to Scotland in 1854 brought to light the remarkable fulness of the volcanic record in that kingdom. Gradually this record has been deciphered for the whole of the British Isles, which are now found to include a singularly varied and prolonged succession of volcanic rocks, extending through Palaeozoic time Progress of Volcanic Geology abroad 271 and another wide-spread and complicated series dating from the older part of the Tertiary period. 1 It is unnecessary to trace the progress of investi- gation in other countries regarding the volcanic action of former geological periods. In Germany, the lavas and tuffs of Devonian and Permian age have long been made familiar by many able writers. In France, besides the complicated history of the Tertiary volcanic history which, first sketched in broad outline by Desmarest, has been followed into the minutest details by Fouque, Michel Levy, Boule and other observers, a great series of Palaeozoic eruptions has been brought to light by Barrois. In the United States also, a long and complicated volcanic record, dating from older Tertiary time, has been made known by the geologists of the various surveys which have been extended over the Western States and Territories. And thus the present active volcanoes of the globe have been shown to be the latest in a series which can be traced backwards into the remotest geological periods. We have seen in the course of these chapters that volcanoes and earthquakes were assumed, even as far back as the time of the ancient Greeks and Romans, to be connected phenomena arising from one common cause, but that no attempt was made during all the subsequent centuries either by close observation or well-devised experiment to discover what this active - cause might be. The prevalent opinion was that which looked upon subterranean wind as the main 1 I have given a full account of this volcanic history in my Ancient Volcanoes of Great Britain, 2 vols., 1897. J 272 Early investigations of Earthquakes agent of commotion, aided by the collapse of the roofs or sides of underground caverns. When the disturbance of the air in these recesses reached a I maximum of intensity its friction or that of falling / masses of loosened rock set fire to combustible mate- \ rials, and eventually the wind and hot vapours forced \their way with violence to the surface in volcanic explosions. That earthquakes are common in volcanic districts had been recognised from the earliest times, but they had been experienced also in regions where there were no active volcanoes. In the latter case they were regarded as volcanic convulsions which had not succeeded in opening a vent above ground. But down to the middle of the eighteenth century no real progress had been made in the solution of the problem of their origin. The year 1750 was remarkable for the number of earthquakes which at that time affected the west of Europe, and which caused some alarm in the south of England. The Royal Society collected and pub- lished the narratives of many observers, and likewise some lucubrations on the " philosophy of earthquakes." The same century was distinguished for its great activity and rapid advance in the investigation of electricity. This new and still mysterious force, so stupendous, sudden and swift in its operation, seemed to some minds to offer a probable explanation of the pheno- mena of earthquakes. The earliest writer who tried to picture to himself the manner in which electricity acts in the process seems to have been Dr. Stukeley, who contributed several communications on the subject to the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society. Stukeley and Michell on Earthquakes 273 He " did not enter into the common notion of struggles between subterraneous winds, or fires, vapours or waters, that heaved up the ground like animal convulsions ; but always thought it was an electrical shock, exactly of the same nature as those, now become very familiar in electrical experiments." In one passage he remarks that, owing to peculiar meteorological conditions, a wide extent of country is sometimes brought into a highly electrified state and that if then a " non-electric cloud " should dis- charge its contents, in a heavy shower of rain, " an earthquake must necessarily ensue." In another part of the same essay he refers to "a black sulphureous cloud " which comes " at a time when sulphureous vapours are rising from the earth in greater quantity than usual ; in which combined circumstances, the ascending sulphureous vapours in the earth may pro- bably take fire and thereby cause an earth-lightning, which is at first kindled at the surface, and not at great depths, as has been thought ; and the explosion of this lightning is the immediate cause of an earth- quake." * Of a very different stamp from these crude specu- lations was an essay by the Rev. John Michell (1724-1793) read before the Royal Society in the spring of the year 1760. During the decade that had elapsed since the "earthquake year" of 1750, western Europe had not ceased to be shaken, and there had happened the great Lisbon earthquake of ist November 1755 the most extensive and disas- trous catastrophe which had ever been recorded. l Phil. Trans, vol. xlvi. (1750), pp. 643, 676. 274 Michell on Earthquakes The keenest interest was consequently aroused in the subject of earthquakes, and numerous reports from eye-witnesses of the effects of that great disturbance were printed in the 49th volume of the Philosophical Transactions. Among the various papers Michell's " Essay on the Causes and Phenomena of Earth- quakes " stands out conspicuously as by far the most important contribution to this branch of science that had yet appeared in any language or country. Starting on the assumption that earthquakes are due to the sudden access of large quantities of water to subter- ranean fires, whereby vapour is produced in sufficient quantity and elastic force to give rise to the shock, the author proceeds to adduce facts and arguments in support of this hypothesis. In the course of the discussion he points to the frequency of earthquakes in the neighbourhood of active volcanoes, and to their usual occurrence as accompaniments of volcanic erup- tions. He states that the motion of the ground in earthquakes is partly tremulous and partly propagated by waves which, succeeding each other at intervals, generally travel much further than the tremors. He sees no difficulty in believing that subterranean fires may continue to burn for long periods without the access of air, and he adopts the idea that the spon- taneous combustion of subterranean pyritous strata among inflammable materials may be the cause of the fires of volcanoes. If the vapours raised from these fires, and finding an outlet at volcanic vents, are power- ful enough to convulse the surrounding region to a distance of ten or twenty miles, what may we not expect from them when they are confined under Michell on Earthquakes 275 ground and prevented from escaping ? When the roof above one of the volcanic fires falls into the molten mass below it, all the water contained in the fissures and cavities would be precipitated into the fire and be almost instantly raised into vapour, which, by its first effort, would form a cavity between the melted matter and the superincumbent rock. This rock would thus be first compressed, and then, on recovery, dilated, producing a vibratory motion at the surface of the ground, and partially occasioning the noise that accompanies an earthquake, though this may also be due to the grating of the parts of the earth together during the wave-like motion through them. The waves propagated through the earth are largest above their source of origin, and gradually diminish until they may only be detected by the motion of sheets of water and objects suspended from a height, as hanging branches and lamps in churches. Michell further remarks that while earthquakes are frequent in mountainous districts, they are usually less extensive there than those which originate under the sea, and he thinks that far more extensive fires may exist below the ocean than on land, where the mass of material lying above them is less. In seeking to find the focus of origin of an earthquake, this acute writer points out that if lines be drawn in the direction of the observed track of the earth-waves through all the places affected, " the place of their common inter- section must be nearly the place sought." He shows that the great Lisbon earthquake had its origin under the Atlantic, somewhere between the latitudes of Lisbon and Oporto. While admitting that a sufficient number 276 Michell's Earthquake theory of accurate data had not then been collected to permit any satisfactory computation of the depth of origin of earthquakes, which might considerably vary, he yet thought that " some kind of guess might be formed concerning it," and in illustration of such a " random guess " he supposed that the depth at which the Lisbon earthquake took its origin " could not be much less than a mile, or a mile and a half, and pro- bably did not exceed three miles." From this brief summary of his opinions it will be seen that Michell still laboured under the popular and time-honoured delusion that volcanoes take their rise from the combustion of inflammable strata below ground, and that he attributed earthquakes exclusively to the influence of these subterranean fires. Realising that the sudden development of large bodies of vapour within the terrestrial crust might start the disturbances of earthquakes, he made a great onward step in show- ing that successive waves would be generated in that crust, and would travel outwards, in constantly diminish- ing amplitude until they finally died away. It was the first time that this conception of earthquake motion had been laid before the world. Michell, however, appears to have assumed the propagation of the vapour to be the cause of the wave-like motion of the ground. He speaks of the vapour "raising the earth in a wave as it passes along between the strata, which it may easily separate in an horizontal direction." He refers to " the wave at the surface of the earth occasioned by the passing of the vapour under it," and states that "the shortest way that the vapour could pass from near Lisbon to Loch Ness A. Perry, R> Mallet 277 was under the ocean." But with all his limitations we may yet rank him as the great pioneer of the modern science of Seismology. 1 It was not until about the middle of last century that scientific methods and instrumental research began to be seriously applied to the study of earthquake phenomena, and the modern science of Seismology came into being. Alexis Perry of Dijon had rendered important service by laboriously collecting statistics of earthquakes from all countries and of all ages back to the early centuries of our era. But it is more especially to the labours of Robert Mallet (1810- 1881) that we owe the initial impetus which has led to such valuable results in recent years. In 1846 he published a paper " On the Dynamics of Earth- quakes/' 2 which, as he himself says of it, was " the first attempt to bring the phenomena of the earthquake within the range of exact science, by reducing to system the enormous mass of disconnected and often dis- cordant and ill-observed facts which the multiplied 1 Michell was specially distinguished as an astronomer. After serving various offices at the University of Cambridge, where he had graduated as fourth wrangler, he became rector first of St. Botolph's, Cambridge, and for the last twenty- six years of his life, of Thornhill in Yorkshire. He was a Fellow of the Royal Society, and author of a number of remarkable papers on astronomical subjects. His essay on earthquakes may have led to his being appointed in 1762 to the Woodwardian Professorship of Geology at Cambridge, but it appears to be his only contribution to geological science. Not only does it treat of the subject of its title, but it gives an excellent account of the tectonic arrangement of the stratified formations, to which further reference will be made in a later chapter. 2 Trans. Roy. Irish Acad. vol. xxi. (1846), p. 51. 278 Mallet's Earthquake Researches narratives of earthquakes present, and educing from these, by an appeal to the established laws of the higher mechanics, a theory of earthquake motion." In this his earliest contribution to the subject he announced his famous definition of that motion as " the transit of a wave of elastic compression in any direction, from vertically upwards, to horizontally, in any azimuth, through the surface and crust of the earth, from any centre of impulse or from more than one, and which may be attended with tidal and sound waves dependent upon the former, and upon circumstances of position as to sea and land." This epoch-making essay was followed by his paper on the " Observation of Earthquake Phenomena" contributed to the Admi- ralty Manual of Scientific Enquiry in 1849, an ^ thereafter by a voluminous series of Reports pub- lished by the British Association for the Advancement of Science from 1850 to 1858. These Reports included a Catalogue of recorded earthquakes from 1606 B.C. to A.D. 1850, and a full discussion of the facts and theory of earthquake phenomena. Mallet's enthusiasm in the study of these phenomena received a vivid stimulus from the occurrence of the Neapolitan earthquake of December 1857 the third in point of extent and severity hitherto experienced in Europe. Under the auspices of the Royal Society, he was enabled to visit the scene of devastation in southern Italy, shortly after the calamity, and to make careful observations of the effects upon buildings and upon the surface of the ground. The results of his investigation formed the subject of his work in two volumes The First Principles of Observational Sets- Recent Earthquake Investigation 279 mology (Great Neapolitan Earthquake of 1857). Mallet further contributed to our knowledge of the trans- mission of waves of shock through the earth's crust by exploding gunpowder and measuring the rate at which the shock travels through different kinds of materials, such as loose sand, on the one hand, and solid granite, on the other. The subsequent progress of seismology belongs to a later time than falls within the limits marked out for treatment here. The science has made a great advance since Mallet's time, more particularly as a consequence of the greater perfection of instru- mental observation, and of the labours of Professor John Milne and the native observers in Japan a region where earthquakes are frequent and sometimes of great violence. Such is the general interest in the subject that observing stations, furnished with good self-registering seismographs, are now to be found in many parts of both hemispheres, and such is the sensitiveness of these instruments that every severe earthquake is detected and registered even at the antipodes of the region from which it originates. CHAPTER IX RISE of the modern conception of the theory of the Earth. Hutton, Playfair. WHILE the din of geological warfare resounded across Europe, and the followers of Werner, flaunting the Neptunist flag in every corner of the continent, had succeeded in making the system promulgated from Freiberg almost supplant every other, a series of quiet and desultory researches was in progress, which led to the establishment of some of the fundamental principles of modern geology. We have now to turn our eyes to the northern part of the British Isles, and to trace the career of a man who, with singular sagacity, recognising early in life the essential processes of geological change, devoted himself with unwearied application to the task of watching their effects, and collecting proofs of their operation, and who combined the results of his observation and reflection in a work which will ever remain one of the great classics of science. In following the course of his researches, we shall see another illustration of the influence of environment on mental tendencies, and mark how the sea-shores and mountains, the James Hut ton 281 glens and lowlands of Scotland have given form and colour to the development of geological theory. James Hutton (1726-1797) was born in Edinburgh on the 3rd June 1726, and was educated at the High School and University of that city. 1 His father, a worthy citizen there, had held the office of City Treasurer, but died while the son was still young, to whom he left a small landed property in Berwick- shire. While attending the logic lectures at the University, Hutton's attention was arrested by a reference to the fact that, although a single acid suffices to dissolve the baser metals, two acids must combine their strength to effect the solution of gold. The professor, who had only used this illustration in unfolding some general doctrine, may or may not have made his pupil a good logician, but he certainly made him a chemist, for from that time the young student was drawn to chemistry by a force that only became stronger as years went on. When at seventeen years of age he had to select his profession in life, he was placed as an apprentice in a lawyer's office. But genius is irrepressible, and amid the drudgery of the law the young clerk's chemistry not infrequently came to the surface. He would be found amusing himself and his fellow-apprentices with chemical experiments, when he should have been copying papers or studying legal proceedings, 1 For the biographical details in this sketch I am indebted to the admirable "Biographical Account of Dr. James Hutton" by his friend and illustrator, Playfair. This was first printed in the Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, and will be found in vol. iv. of Playfair's collected works 282 Hut tons Education and Early Career so that finally his master, seeing that law was evidently not his bent, released him from his engagement, and advised him to seek some other employment more suited to his turn of mind. Hutton accordingly, after a year's drudgery at law, made choice of medicine as the profession most nearly allied to chemistry, and most likely to allow him to indulge his predilection for science. For three years he prosecuted his medical studies at Edinburgh, and thereafter, as was then the custom, repaired to the Continent to complete his professional training. He remained nearly two years in Paris, pursuing there with ardour the studies of chemistry and anatomy. Returning to Scotland by way of the Low Countries, he took the degree of Doctor of Medicine at Leyden in September 1749. But the career of a physician seems to have grown less attractive to him as the time came on for his definitely settling in life. He may have been to some extent influenced by the success of certain chemical researches which he had years before begun with a friend of kindred tastes researches which had led to some valuable discoveries in connection with the nature and production of sal ammoniac, and which appeared to offer a reasonable prospect of commercial success. In the end he abandoned all thought of practising medicine, and resolved to apply himself to farming. He was a man never disposed to do things by halves. Having made up his mind in favour of agriculture as his vocation, he determined to take advantage of the best practical instruction in the subject then available. Accordingly Hut ton as Farmer 283 in 1752 he betook himself to Norfolk, lived with a Norfolk farmer, and entered with all the zest of a young man of six-and-twenty into the rural sports and little adventures which, in the intervals of labour, formed the amusement of his host and his neighbours. It appears to have been during this sojourn in East Anglia that Hutton's mind first definitely turned to mineralogy and geology. He made many journeys on foot into different parts of England. In Norfolk itself there was much to arouse his attention. Every here and there, the underlying White Chalk came to the surface, with its rows of fantastically-shaped black flints. To the east, lay the Crag with its heaps of sea- shells, stretching over many miles of the interior. To the north, the sea had cut a range of cliffs in the Boulder-clay which, with its masses of chalk and its foreign stones, presented endless puzzles to an inquirer. To the west, the shores of the Wash showed the well-marked strata of Red Chalk and Car- stone, emerging from underneath the White Chalk of the interior. Hutton tells, in one of his letters written from Norfolk, that he had grown fond of studying the surface of the earth, and was looking with anxious curiosity into every pit or ditch or bed of a river that fell in his way. After spending about two years in Norfolk, he took a tour into Flanders, with the view of com- paring the husbandry there with that which he had been studying in England. But his eyes were now turned to what lay beneath the crops and their soils, and he took note of the rocks and minerals of the 284 Hut ton relinquishes Farming districts through which he passed. At last, about the end of the summer of 1754, he settled down on his own paternal acres in Berwickshire, which he cultivated after the most approved methods. For fourteen years he remained immersed in rural pur- suits, coming occasionally to Edinburgh and making, from time to time, an excursion to some more distant part of the kingdom. His neighbours in the country probably looked upon him only as a good farmer, with more intelligence, enterprise, culture and knowledge of the world than were usual in their society, and displaying a playful humour and liveliness of manner which must have made his companionship extremely pleasant. Probably not one of the lairds and farmers in the South of Scotland, who met him at kirk and market, had the least suspicion that this agreeable neighbour of theirs was a man of surpassing genius, who at that very time, amidst all the rural pursuits in which he seemed to be absorbed, was meditating on some of the profoundest problems in the history of the earth, and was gathering materials for such a solution of these problems as had never before been attempted. The sal ammoniac manufacture had proved suc- cessful, and from 1765 Hutton became a regular co-partner in it. His farm, now brought into excel- lent order, no longer afforded him the same interest and occupation, and eventually he availed himself of an opportunity of letting it to advantage. He deter- mined about the year 1768 to give up a country life and establish himself in Edinburgh, in order that, with uninterrupted leisure, he might devote himself entirely to scientific pursuits. Establishes himself in Edinburgh 285 The Scottish capital had not yet begun seriously to suffer from the centripetal attractions of London. It was the social centre of Scotland, and retained within its walls most of the culture and intellect of that ancient kingdom. Hutton, from his early and close connection with Edinburgh, had many friends there, and, on his return for permanent residence, was received at once into the choicest society of the town. One of his most intimate associates was Dr. Joseph Black, the famous chemist to whom we owe the discovery of carbonic acid. This sympathetic friend took the keenest interest in Hutton's geological theories, and was able to contri- bute to their formation and development. Hutton himself acknowledges that one of his doctrines, that of the influence of compression in modifying the action of heat, was suggested by the researches of Dr. Black. The chemist's calm judgment and exten- sive knowledge were always at the command of his more impulsive geological friend, and doubtless proved of essential service in guiding him in his speculations. Another of Hutton's constant and intimate asso- ciates was John Clerk of Eldon, best known as the author of a work on naval tactics, and the inventor of the method of breaking the enemy's line at sea, which led to so many victories by the fleets of Great Britain. A third member of his social circle, who may be alluded to here, was the philosopher and historian Adam Ferguson, a man of remarkable force of character, who, to his various literary works, which were translated into French and German, added the distinction of a diplomatist, for in 1778-1779 he acted 286 Hut ton's versatility as Secretary of the Commission sent across the Atlantic by Lord North to try to arrange the matters in dispute between the mother country and her North American colonies. When Hutton found himself in these congenial surroundings, with ample leisure at his command, he appears to have turned at once to his first love in science, by betaking himself to chemical experi- ment. Even without the testimony of his biographer, we have only to look at his published works to be impressed by his unwearied industry, and by the extra- ordinarily wide range of his studies. Though up to the time of his settling in Edinburgh he had published nothing, he had read extensively. There were hardly any of the sciences, except the mathematical, to which he did not turn his attention. He was a diligent reader of voyages, travels and books of natural history, carefully storing up the facts which seemed to him to bear on the problems of the earth's history. He not only prosecuted chemistry and mineralogy, but dis- tinguished himself as a practical meteorologist by his important contribution to the theory of rain. He wrote a general system of physics and metaphysics in one quarto volume, and no fewer than three massive quartos were devoted by him to An Investigation of the Principles of Knowledge, and of the Progress of Reason from Sense to Science and Philosophy. At the time of his death he was engaged upon a treatise on the Elements of Agriculture. Hutton was thus no narrow specialist, wrapped up in the pursuit of one circumscribed section of human inquiry. His mind ranged far and wide His geological environment 287 over many departments of knowledge. He took the keenest interest in them all, and showed the most vivid sympathy in their advancement. His pleasure in every onward step made by science and philosophy showed itself in the most lively demonstra- tions. " He would rejoice," we are told by Playfair, " over Watt's improvements on the steam-engine, or Cook's discoveries in the South Seas, with all the warmth of a man who was to share in the honour or the profit about to accrue from them. The fire of his expression, on such occasions, and the anima- tion of his countenance and manner, are not to be described ; they were always seen with great delight by those who could enter into his sentiments ; and often with great astonishment by those who could not." While so much was congenial to his mental habits in the friendly intercourse of Edinburgh society, there was not less in the scenery around the city that would stimulate his geological proclivities. He could not take a walk in any direction without meeting with illustrations of some of the problems for the solution of which he was seeking. If he turned eastward, Arthur's Seat and Salisbury Crags rose in front of him, with their memorials of ancient volcanic eruptions. If he strolled westward, the ravines of the Water of Leith presented him with proofs of the erosive power of running water, and with sections of the successive sea- bottoms of the Carboniferous period. Even within the walls of the city, the precipitous Castle Rock bore witness to the energy with which in ancient times molten material had been thrust into the crust of the earth. a88 Huttoris elaboration of his Theory No more admirable environment could possibly have inspired a geologist than that in which Hutton now began to work more sedulously at the study of the former changes of the earth's surface. But he went far afield in search of facts, and to test his interpretation of them. He made journeys into different parts of Scotland, where the phenomena which engaged his attention seemed most likely to be well displayed. He extended his excursions likewise into England and Wales. For about thirty years, he had never ceased to study the natural history of the globe, constantly seeking to recognise the proofs of ancient terrestrial revolutions, and to learn by what causes they had been produced. He had been led to form a definite theory or system which, by uniting and connecting the scattered facts, furnished an intelligible explanation of them. But he refrained from publishing it to the world. He had communicated his views to one or two of his friends, perhaps only to Dr. Black and Mr. Clerk, whose judgment and approval were warmly given to him. The world, however, might have had still a long time to wait for the appearance of his dissertation, had it not been for the interest that he took in the founda- tion of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, which was incorporated by Royal Charter in I783. 1 At one of x The Royal Society had been preceded by the Philosophical Society, out of which it sprang. Edinburgh at that time was famous for the number of its clubs and convivial meetings, at some of which Black and Hutton were constant companions. Various anecdotes have been handed down of these two worthies and their intercourse, of which the following may suffice as a specimen. "These attached friends agreed in their opposition to the usual vulgar prejudices, and frequently discoursed together upon the absurdity of many generally Hut tons ' Theory of the Earth ' 289 the early meetings of this Society he communicated a concise account of his Theory of the Earth, which appeared in the first volume of the Transactions. This essay was afterwards expanded, with much ampler details of observations and fuller application of principles to the elucidation of the phenomena, and the enlarged work appeared in two octavo volumes in the year 1795 with the title of Theory of the Earth, with Proofs and received opinions, especially in regard to diet. On one occasion they had a disquisition upon the inconsistency of abstaining from feeding on the testaceous creatures of the land, while those of the sea were considered as delicacies. Snails, for instance why not use them as articles of food ? They were well known to be nutritious and wholesome even sanative in some cases. The epicures, in olden time, esteemed as a most delicious treat the snails fed in the marble quarries of Lucca. The Italians still hold them in esteem. The two philosophers, perfectly satisfied that their countrymen were acting most absurdly in not making snails an ordinary article of food, resolved themselves to set an example ; and accordingly, having procured a number, caused them to be stewed for dinner. No guests were invited to the banquet. The snails were in due season served up ; but, alas ! great is the difference between theory and practice so far from exciting the appetite, the smoking dish acted in a diametrically opposite manner, and neither party felt much inclination to partake of its contents. Nevertheless, if they looked on the snails with disgust, they retained their awe for each other ; so that each conceiving the symptoms of internal revolt peculiar to himself, began, with infinite exertion to swallow in very small quantities the mess which he internally loathed. Dr. Black at length broke the ice, but in a delicate manner, as if to sound the opinion of his messmate, ' Doctor, do you not think that they taste a little a very little queer ? ' 4 D queer, D - queer, indeed ; tak them awa', tak them awa' ! ' vociferated Dr. Hutton, starting up from table and giving full vent to his feelings of abhorrence." A Series of Original Portraits, by John Kay (commonly known as Kay's Edinburgh Portraits), vol. i. p. 57. T 290 James Hut ton Illustrations. After Hutton's death his friend Playfair published in 1802 his classical Illustrations of the Huttonian Theory. We are thus in possession of ample information of the theoretical views adopted by Hutton, and of the facts on which he based them. Before considering these, however, it may be convenient to follow the recorded incidents of his quiet and unevent- ful life, that we may the better understand the manner in which he worked, and the nature of the material by which he tested and supported his conclusions. It was one of the fundamental doctrines of Hutton's system that the internal heat of the globe has in past time shown its vigour by the intrusion of large masses of molten material into the crust. He found many examples of these operations on a small scale in the neighbourhood of Edinburgh and in the lowlands of Scotland. But he conceived that the same effects had been produced in a far more colossal manner by the protusion of large bodies of granite. This rock, which Werner had so dogmatically affirmed to be the earliest chemical precipitate from his primeval ocean, was surmised by Hutton to be of igneous origin, and he believed that, if its junctions with the surrounding strata were examined, they would be found to furnish proofs of the correctness of his inference. The question could be easily tested in Scotland, where, both in the Highlands and among the Southern Uplands, large bodies of granite had long been known to form important groups of mountains. Accordingly, during a series of years, Hutton undertook a number of excur- sions into various parts of his native country, and returned from each of them laden with fresh illus- Excursions in Scotland 291 trations of the truth of the conclusions at which he had arrived. At one time he was busy among the roots of the Grampian Hills, at another he was to be seen scouring the lonely moorlands of Galloway, or climbing the precipices and glens of Arran. His visit to Glen Tilt has been made memorable by Playfair's brief account of it. 1 He had conjectured that in the bed of the river Tilt actual demonstration might be found that the Highland granite has disrupted the surround- ing schists. Playfair describes how " no less than six large veins of red granite were seen in the course of a mile, traversing the black micaceous schistus, and producing, by the contrast of colour, an effect that might be striking even to an unskilful observer. The sight of objects which verified at once so many impor- tant conclusions in his system, filled him with delight ; and as his feelings, on such occasions, were always strongly expressed, the guides who accompanied him were convinced that it must be nothing less than the discovery of a vein of silver or gold that could call forth such strong marks of joy and exultation." Another of Hutton's fundamental generalisations was tested in as vivid and successful a manner. He taught that the ruins of an earlier world lie beneath the secondary strata, and that where the base of these strata can be seen, it will be found to reveal, by what is now known as an unconformability, its relation to the older rocks. He had at various points in Scot- land satisfied himself by actual observation that this relation holds good. But he determined to verify it 1 Hutton's account is in the portion of the third volume of his Theory referred to in a note on p 297. 292 Hut ton, Hall and Play fair once more by examining the junction of the two groups of rock along (the coast where the range of the Lammermuir Hills 'plunges into the sea. Accom- panied by his friend Sir James Hall, whose property of Dunglass lay in the immediate neighbourhood, and by his colleague and future biographer, Playfair, and favoured with calm weather, he boated along these picturesque shores until the unconformable junction was reached. The vertical Silurian shales and grits were found to protrude through, and to be wrapped round by, the red sandstone and breccia. " Dr. Hutton," Playfair writes, " was highly pleased with appearances that set in so clear a light the different formations of the parts which compose the exterior crust of the earth, and where all the circumstances were combined that could render the observation satisfactory and precise. On us who saw these pheno- mena for the first time, the impression made will not easily be forgotten. The palpable evidence presented to us of one of the most extraordinary and important facts in the natural history of the earth, gave a reality and substance to those theoretical speculations which, however probable, had never till now been directly authenticated by the testimony of the senses. We often said to ourselves, what clearer evidence could we have had of the different formation of these rocks, and of the long interval which separated their forma- tion, had we actually seen them emerging from the bosom of the deep ? . . . The mind seemed to grow giddy by looking so far into the abyss of time ; and while we listened with earnestness and admiration to the philosopher who was now unfolding to us the Hut tons person and mode of life 293 order and series of these wonderful events, we became sensible how much further reason may sometimes go than imagination can venture to follow." Hutton's lithe active body betokened the unwearied vigour of his mind. His high forehead, firmly moulded features, keen observant eyes, and well- shaped, rather aquiline nose, marked him out at once as a man of strong intellect, while the gentleness that beamed in his face was a reflex of the kindliness of his nature. His plain dress, all of one colour, gave a further indication of the unostentatious simplicity of his character. His mode of life was in harmonious keeping with these personal traits. After working in his study during the day he would invariably pass the evening with his friends. " A brighter tint of gaiety and cheerfulness spread itself over every countenance when the doctor entered the room ; and the"^ philosopher who had just descended from the sublimest specula- tions of metaphysics or risen from the deepest re- searches of geology, seated himself at the tea-table, as much disengaged from thought, as cheerful and gay, as the youngest of the company." His character was distinguished by its transparent simplicity, its frank openness, its absence of all that was little or selfish, and its overflowing enthusiasm and vivacity. In a company he was always one of the most ani- mated speakers, his conversation full of ingenious and original observation, showing wide information, from which an excellent memory enabled him to draw end- less illustrations of any subject that might be dis- cussed, where, "when the subject admitted of it, the 294 Huttoris last illness witty and the ludicrous never failed to occupy a con- siderable place." Though his partnership in the chemical work brought him considerable wealth, it made no differ- ence in the quiet unostentatious life of a philosopher, which he had led ever since he settled in Edinburgh. A severe attack of illness in the summer of 1793 greatly reduced his strength, and though he recovered from it and was able to resume his life of activity, a second attack of the same ailment in the winter of 1796 terminated at last fatally on the 26th March, 1797, when he was in his seventy-first year. Hutton's claim to rank high among the founders of geology rests on no wide series of writings, like those which Von Buch poured forth so copiously for more than two generations. Nor was it proclaimed by a host of devoted pupils, like those who spread abroad the fame of Werner. It is based, so far at least as geology is concerned, on one single work, 1 and on the elucidations of two friends and disciples. On the 7th of March and 4th of April, 1785, Hutton read to the Royal Society of Edinburgh his Memoir on a " Theory of the Earth ; or an In- vestigation of the Laws observable in the Com- position, Dissolution and Restoration of Land upon the Globe." Extending to no more than 96 quarto pages, it was written in a quiet, logical manner, with no attempt at display but with an apparent anxiety to state the author's opinions as tersely as possible. 1 The first sketch and the expansion of it into two octavo volumes may be regarded as practically one work, so far as the originality of conception is concerned. His literary style 295 Probably no man realised then that this essay would afterwards be regarded as marking a turning-point in the history of geology. For some years it remained without attracting notice from friend or foe. 1 For this neglect various causes have been assigned. The title of the Memoir was perhaps unfortunate. The words " Theory of the Earth " suggested still another repetition of the endless speculations as to the origin of things, of which men had grown weary. System after system of this kind of speculation had been proposed and had dropped into oblivion ; and no doubt many of his contemporaries believed Hutton's " Theory " to be one of the same ill-fated brood. His friend Playfair admits that there were reasons in the construction of the Memoir itself why it should not have made its way more speedily into notice. Its contents were too condensed, and contained too little explanation of the grounds of the reasoning. Its style was apt to be prolix and obscure. It appeared, too, in the Transactions of a learned society which had only recently been founded, and whose publications were hardly yet known to the general world of science. 1 It does not appear to be generally known that Desmarest, de- parting from his usual practice of not noticing the work of living writers, wrote a long and careful notice of Hutton's Memoir of 1785 in the first volume of his Geographic Physique, published in 1794-1795. He disagrees with many of Hutton's views, such, for instance, as that of the igneous origin of granite. But he generously insists on the value of the observations with which the Scottish writer had enriched the natural history of the earth and the physical geography of Scotland. " It is to Scotland," he says, "that Hutton's opponent must go to amend his results and sub- stitute for them a more rational explanation" (p. 75)- 296 Hut ton's Opponents At last, after an interval of some five years, De Luc assailed the " Theory " in a series of letters in the Monthly Review for 1790 and 1791. So far as we know, Hutton published no immediate reply to these attacks. He had often been urged by his friends to publish his entire work on the Theory of the Earth, with all the proofs and illustrations which had been accumulating in his hands for so many years. He delayed the task, however, until, during the convalescence from his first severe illness, he re- ceived a copy of a strenuous attack upon his system and its tendencies by Richard Kirwan, a well-known Irish chemist and mineralogist of that day. 1 This assailant not only misconceived and misrepre- sented the views which he criticized, but charged their author with atheistic opinions. Weakened as he was by illness, Hutton, with characteristic energy, the very day after he received Kirwan's paper, began the revision of his manuscript, and worked at it until he was able to send it to the press. It appeared in 1795, tnat i s > ten 7 e ars after the first sketch of the subject had been given to the Royal Society of Edin- burgh. Besides embodying that sketch, it gave a much fuller statement of his conclusions, and an ampler presentation of the facts and observations on which they were founded. It formed two octavo volumes. Playfair tells us that a third volume, 1 " Examination of the Supposed Origin of Stony Substances," read to the Royal Irish Academy, 3rd February, 1793, and pub- lished in vol. v. of their Transactions, p. 51. For a crushing exposure of Kirwan's mode of attack see Playfair's Illustrations of the Huttonian Theory, 119, 418. Play f air's t Illustrations ' 297 necessary for the completion of the work, remained in manuscript. 1 If Hutton's original sketch was defective in style and arrangement, his larger work was even more unfortunate in these respects. Its prolixity deterred readers from its perusal. Yet it is a vast storehouse of acute and accurate observation and luminous de- duction, and it deserves to be carefully studied by every geologist who wishes to comprehend the history of his own science. Fortunately for Hutton's fame and for the onward march of geology, the philosopher numbered among his friends the illustrious mathematician and natural philosopher, John Playfair (1748-1819), who had been closely associated with him in his later years, and was intimately conversant with his geological opinions. Gifted with a clear penetrating mind, a rare faculty of orderly logical arrangement, and an English style of altogether remarkable precision and elegance, he was of all men best fitted to let the world know what it owed to Hutton. Accordingly, after his friend's death, he determined to prepare a more popular and perspicuous account of Hutton's labours. He gave in this work, first a clear statement of the essential principles of Hutton's system, and then a series of notes or essays upon different parts of the J A portion of this precious manuscript containing six chapters (iv.-ix.) came into the possession of Leonard Homer, F.R.S., who presented it to the Geological Society of London. It remained hardly noticed in the library of the Society until 1899, when at my solicitation the Society printed and published it. This is the only portion of the MS. now known to exist. 298 Play fairs 'Illustrations' system, combining in these a large amount of original observation and reflection of his own. His volume appeared in the spring of 1802, just five years after Hutton's death, with the title of Illustrations of the Huttonian Theory of the Earth. Of this great classic it is impossible to speak too highly. After the lapse of a century it may be read with as much profit and pleasure as when it first appeared. For precision of statement and felicity of language it has no superior in English scientific literature. To its early inspira- tion I owe a debt which I can never fully repay. Upon every young student of geology I would im- press the advantage of reading and re-reading, and reading yet again this consummate masterpiece. How different would geological literature be to-day if men had tried to think and write like Playfair ! There are thus three sources of information as to Hutton's geological system his first sketch of 1785, his two octavo volumes of 1795, w ^ tn tne portion of the third volume published in 1899 and Playfair's Illustrations of I8O2. 1 Let us now consider what were his fundamental doctrines. Although he called his system a Theory of the Earth, Hutton's conceptions entirely differed from those of the older cosmogonists, who thought them- selves bound to begin by explaining the origin of things, and who proceeded on a foundation of hypo- thesis to erect a more or less fantastic edifice of mere speculation. He, on the contrary, believed that it is 1 To these may be added the memoirs by Sir James Hall which appeared after Hutton's death and from which some interesting particulars may be gleaned as to the master's opinions. Hut ton's ' Theory of the Earth ' 299 the duty of science first to try to ascertain what evi- dence there is in the earth itself that will throw light upon the history of the planet. Instead of invoking conjecture and hypothesis, he proceeded from the very outset to collect the actual facts, and to marshall these in such a way as to make them tell their own story. Unlike Werner, he had no preconceived theory about the origin of rocks, with which all the pheno- mena of nature had to be made to agree. His theory grew so naturally out of his observations that it involved no speculation in regard to a large part of its subject. Hutton started with the grand conception that the past history of our globe must be explained by what can be seen to be happening now, or to have happened only recently. The dominant idea in his philosophy is that the present is the key to the past. We have grown so familiar with this idea, it enters so intimately into all our conceptions in regard to geological ques- tions, that we do not readily realise the genius of the man who first grasped it with unerring insight, and made it the chief corner-stone of modern geology. From the time of his youthful rambles in Norfolk, Hutton had been struck with the universal proofs that the surface of the earth has not always been as it is to-day. Everywhere below the covering of soil he found evidence of former conditions, entirely unlike those visible now. In the great majority of cases, he noticed that the rocks there to be seen consist of strata, disposed in orderly arrangement parallel with each other. Some of these strata are formed of pudding-stone, others of sandstone, of shale, of lime- 300 James Hut ton stone, and so forth, differing in many respects from each other, but agreeing in one essential character, that they are composed of fragmentary or detrital material, derived from rocks older than themselves. He saw that these various strata could be exactly paralleled among the accumulations now taking place under the sea. The pudding-stones were, in his eyes, only compacted gravels, the sandstones were indurated sand, the limestones were in great part derived from the aggregation of the remains of marine calcareous organisms, the shales from the consolidation of mud and silt. The wide extent of these strata, forming, as they do, most of the dry land, seemed to him to point to the sea as the only large expanse of water in which they could have been deposited. Thus corroborating the deductions of previous observers, the first conclusion of the Scottish philo- sopher was that the greater part of the land consists of compacted sediment which, worn away from some pre-existing continents, was spread out in strata over the bed of the sea. He realised that the rocks thus formed are not all of the same age, but, on the contrary, bear witness to a succession of revolutions. He acknowledged the existence of a series of ancient rocks which he called Primary, not that he believed them to be the original or first-formed rocks in the structure of the planet, but that they were the oldest that had then been discovered. They included the various schists and slates which Werner claimed as chemical precipitates, but in which Hutton could only see the hardened and altered mechanical sediments of a former ocean. Above them, and partly formed out of His mews on Consolidation of Strata 301 them, came the Secondary strata that constitute the greater part of the land. But all these sedimentary deposits have passed from their original soft condition into that of solid stone. Hutton attributed this change to the action of sub- terranean heat. In his day, the chemistry of geology was exceedingly imperfect, though in Hutton's hands it was greatly less erroneous than in those of Werner. The solubility of silica, for instance, and its capacity for being introduced in aqueous solution into the minutest crevices and pores of a rock, were not known. It need not, therefore, surprise us to find that in the Huttonian conception the flints in chalk were injected into the rock in a molten state, and that the agate of fossil wood bore marks of igneous fusion. Hutton did not realise to what an extent mere compression could solidify the materials of sedimentary strata, nor how much may be done, by infiltration and deposition between the clastic grains, towards converting originally loose detritus into the most compact kind of stone. But there was one kind of compression which though not perhaps at first obvious, was clearly perceived by him in its geological relations. Following out ideas suggested to him by Black, he saw that the influence of heat upon rocks must be largely modified by pressure. The more volatile com- ponents, which would be speedily driven off by a high temperature at the surface of the earth, might be retained under great pressure below that surface. Hutton conceived that limestone might even be fused in this way, and yet still keep its carbonic acid. This idea was ridiculed at the time, but its truth was 302 James Hut ton confirmed afterwards by Hall's experiments, to which I shall allude in the sequel. The next step in Hutton's reasoning was that whereby he sought to account for the present position of the strata which, originally deposited under the sea, are now found even on mountain-crests 15,000 feet above sea-level. We have seen how Werner looked on his vertical primitive strata as having been precipitated from solution in that position, and as having been uncovered by the gradual subsidence and disappearance of the water. Hutton attacked the problem in a different fashion. He saw that if the exposure of the dry land had been due merely to the subsidence of the sea, it would involve no change in the positions of the strata relatively to each other. What were first deposited should lie at the bottom, what were last deposited, at the top ; and the whole should retain their original flatness. But the most cursory examination was, in his opinion, sufficient to show that the actual conditions in nature were entirely different from any such arrange- ment. Wherever he went, he found, as Steno had done, proofs that the sedimentary strata, now forming most of the land, had in large measure lost the horizontal or gently inclined position in which sedi- mentary deposits are normally accumulated. He saw them often inclined, sometimes placed on end, or even stupendously contorted and ruptured. It was mani- festly absurd, as De Saussure had shown in the Alps, to suppose that pebbles in vertical beds of con- glomerate could ever have been deposited in such positions. And if some of the vertical strata could thus On Disturbance of Strata 303 be demonstrated to have been originally horizontal or nearly so, there could be no reason for refusing to con- cede that the same alteration had happened to the other vertical strata, even although they might not afford such obvious and convincing proofs of it. As Steno had long before pointed out, no stratum could have ended off abruptly at the time of its formation, unless against a cliff or slope that arrested its detrital materials from drifting further, nor could it have been accumu- lated in plicated layers. But nothing is more common than to find strata presenting their truncated ends to the sky, while in some districts they are folded and crumpled, like piles of carpets. Not only so, but again and again, they are found to be sharply dis- located, so that two totally different series are placed parallel to each other. Hutton recognised that these changes, which were probably brought about at different periods, must be attributed to some great convulsions which, from time to time, have shaken the very foundations of the earth. He could prove that, in some places, the Primary rocks had in this way been broken up and placed on end before the Secondary series was laid down, for, as on the Berwickshire Coast, he had traced the older vertical strata overlain and wrapped round by the younger hori- zontal deposits, and had also observed, from the well- worn fragments of the former enclosed in the latter, that the interval of time represented by the break between them must have been of considerable duration. Having been led by this train of observation and deduction, to the demonstration of former gigantic disturbances, by which the bed of the sea had been 304 James Hittton upheaved and its hardened sediments had been tilted, plicated and fractured, in order to form the existing dry land, Hutton had next to look round for some probable cause for these phenomena. He inferred that the convulsions could only have been produced by some force that acted from below upward, but was so combined with the gravity and resistance of the mass to which it was applied, as to create a lateral and oblique thrust that gave rise to the contortions of the strata. He did not pretend to be able to explain the nature and operation of this subterranean force, though he believed it to be essentially due to the effects of heat. Far from sharing the ancient misconception that volcanoes are due to the combus- tion of inflammable substances, he connected them with the high internal temperature of the globe, and regarded them as " spiracles to the subterranean furnace in order to prevent the unnecessary elevation of land, and fatal effects of earthquakes/' 1 Unlike Werner, Hutton saw that while no mere combustion of inflammable substances could account for this high temperature of the subterranean regions, the actual conditions involved must be so far different from ordinary combustion as not improbably to require no circulation of air, nor any supply of carbonaceous or other materials as fuel. The nucleus of the globe might accordingly "be a fluid mass, melted, but unchanged by the action of heat." In this way, appealing at every step to the actual facts of nature, Hutton built up the first part of his 1 Theory of the Earth, vol. i. p. 146. It will be remembered that a similar opinion was expressed by Strabo. On Intrusive Rocks 305 immortal Theory. Most of the facts cited by him were more or less familiar to men ; and some of the obvious inferences to be drawn from them had been deduced by other observers before his time. But no one until then had grouped them into a coherent system by which the earth became, as it were, 1 her own interpreter. The very obviousness and familiarity of his doctrine at the present time, when it has become the groundwork of modern geology, are apt to blind us to the genius of the man who first conceived it, and worked it into a harmonious and luminous whole. In the course of his journeys in Scotland, Hutton had come upon many examples of rocks that were not stratified. Some of these occurred among the Primary masses ; others were observable in the Secondary series. Reflecting on the probable reaction of the heated interior of the globe upon its outer cooler shell or crust, he had come to the conclusion that many, if not all, of these unstratified rocks were to be regarded as material that had once been in a molten condition, and had been injected from below during some of the great convulsions indicated by the disturbed strata. He distinguished three principal kinds of such intrusive rocks " Whinstone," under which term he included a miscellaneous series of dark, heavy, somewhat basic rocks, now known as dolerites, basalts, diabases and andesites ; Porphyry, which probably comprised such rocks as felsite, orthophyre and quartz-porphyry ; and Granite, which, though the term was generally used by him in its modern sense, embraced some rocks of more basic character. He showed that the whinstones correspond so 306 James Hut ton closely to modern lavas in structure and composition, that they may be regarded as probably also of volcanic origin. But, as was discussed in Chapter VIII. (p. 259), he did not suppose that they had actually been erupted at the surface, like streams of lava. He found them to occur sometimes in vertical veins, known in Scot- land as dykes, a term now universal in English geolo- gical literature, and sometimes as irregular bosses, or interposed as sheets between the strata. He believed these rocks to be masses of subterranean or unerupted lava, but as we have seen, the grounds on which he reached this conclusion were not always such as the sub- sequent progress of inquiry has justified. The deduc- tion was itself in many cases correct, but the reasoning that led up to it, was partly fallacious. Hutton argued, for instance, that the carbonate of lime, so commonly observable in his " Whinstones " indicated that the rock had been fused deep within the earth, under such pressure as to keep that mineral in a molten state, without the loss of its carbonic acid. Like other mineralogists of his day, he was not aware that the calcite of the amygdales has been subsequently introduced in aqueous solution into the steam-cavities, and that the diffused lime-carbonate in the body of the rocks generally results from their partial decom- position by infiltrating water. Much more accurate were his observations that whinstone has greatly indu- rated the strata into which it has been injected, even involving and fusing fragments of them, and reducing carbonaceous substances, such as coal, to the condition of coke or charcoal ; that it has sometimes been intruded among the strata with such violence as to On Whinstone and Granite 307 shift, upraise, bend and otherwise disturb them, and that it can be seen to have been thrust abruptly into one continuous succession of strata, which, above and below it, are exactly alike, and have obviously been at one time in contact with each other. Granite, as Hutton pointed out, differs in many important respects from " whinstone," more par- ticularly in its position, for it was then believed to lie beneath all the known rocks, rising to higher elevations and sinking to greater depths than any other material in the crust of the earth. Yet though he admitted its infraposition, he differed from the Neptunists in regard to its relative antiquity. He believed it to be younger than the strata which rest upon it, for he regarded it as a mass that had once been melted and had been intruded among the rocks with which it is now found associated. He supported this conclusion by various arguments, chief among which was one based on the occurrence of veins that diverge from the granite and ramify through the sur- rounding rocks, diminishing in width as they recede from their parent mass (p. 291). Properly to appreciate the value of these doctrines in regard to the development of a sound geological philosophy, we must bear in mind what were the prevalent views entertained on the subject when Hutton worked out his theory. We have seen that granite, generally regarded as an aqueous formation, was affirmed by Werner to have been the first pre- cipitate that fell to the bottom from his universal ocean. H. B. De Saussure, who had seen more of granite and its relations to other rocks than Werner, or 308 James Hut ton indeed than any other geologist of his time, remained up to the last a firm believer in the aqueous origin of that rock. Even after the death of the great Swiss geologist, Cuvier, sharing his opinions on these matters, proclaimed as late as the year 1810 his belief that De Saussure overthrew the doctrine of central fire, or of a source of heat within the earth's interior, demonstrated granite to be the oldest rock, and proved it to have been formed in strata that were deposited in water. 1 Nobody before Hutton's time had been bold enough to imagine a series of subterranean intrusions of molten matter. Those who adopted his opinion on this subject were styled Plutonists, and were looked upon as carrying out the Vulcanist doctrines to still greater extravagance, " attri- buting to the action of fire widely-diffused rocks which nobody had till then ever dreamt of removing from the domain of water." 2 According to the Huttonian theory, fissures and openings which have from time to time arisen in the external crust of the earth have reached down to the intensely hot nucleus. Up these rents the molten material has ascended, forming veins of whinstone underground, and, where it has reached the surface, issuing there in the form of lava and the other phenomena of volcanoes. Every geologist recognises these generalisations as part of the familiar teachings of modern geology. We have seen that Werner made no distinction, as regards origin, between what we now call mineral- 1 Cuvier, " liloge de De Saussure," Eloges, i. p. 427. 2 Cuvier, Op. cit. ii. p. 363. On Mineral Veins 309 veins and the dykes and veins of granite, basalt or other eruptive rocks. He looked upon them all as the results of chemical precipitation from an ocean that covered the rocks in which fissures had been formed. Hutton, in like manner, drew no line be- tween the same two well-marked series of veins, but regarded them all as formed by the introduction of igneous material. Though more logical than Werner, he was, as we now know, entirely in error in confound- ing under one denomination two totally distinct assem- blages of mineral matter. Werner correctly referred veins of ores and spars to deposition from aqueous solution, but was completely mistaken in attributing the same origin to veins of massive rock. Hutton, on the other hand, went as far astray in regard to his explanation of mineral veins, but he made an important contribution to science in his insistence upon the truly intrusive nature of veins of granite and whinstone. There was another point of difference between the views of Werner and of Hutton in regard to mineral veins. One of the undoubted services of the Freiberg professor was his clear demonstration than veins could be classified according to their directions, that this arrangement often sufficed to separate them also according to age and material, those running along one parallel, and containing one group of minerals, being intersected by, and therefore older than, another series following a different direction, and consisting of other metals and vein-stones. This important dis- tinction found no place in Hutton's system. To him it was enough that he was able to show that certain 310 James H^ltton veins known to him were intrusive masses of igneous origin. 1 In the Huttonian theory we find the germ of the Lyellian doctrine of metamorphism. Hutton, having demonstrated that granite is not an aqueous but an igneous rock, further showed that the u Alpine schis- tus," (which included sandstones, shales and slates, as well as crystalline schists), being stratified, could not be original or primitive, but had been deposited like recent sediments, and had been invaded and altered by the granite. A passage from his chapter, "On the Primary Part of the Present Earth " may be quoted in illustration of the sagacity of his judgment on this subject : u If, in examining our land, we shall find a mass of matter which had been evidently formed originally in the ordinary manner of stratification, but which is now extremely distorted in its structure and displaced in its position, which is also extremely consolidated in its mass and variously changed in its composition, which, therefore, has the marks of its original or marine composition extremely obliterated, and many subsequent veins of melted mineral matter interjected, we should then have reason to suppose that here were masses of matter which, though not different in their origin from those that are gradually deposited at the bottom of the ocean, have been more acted upon by subterranean heat and the ex- 1 In Playfair's Illustrations, however, the successive origin of mineral veins is distinctly affirmed, 226. Reference is there made to the coincidence between the prevalent direction of the principal Cornish veins and the general strike of the strata, and to the intersection of these by the cross-courses at nearly right angles. On the universality of Denudation 3 1 1 panding power, that is to say, have been changed in a greater degree by the operations of the mineral king- dom/' 1 Hutton here compresses into a single, though somewhat cumbrous, sentence the doctrine to which Lyell in later years gave the name of metamorphism. Hutton's vision not only reached far back into the geological past, it stretched into the illimitable future, and it embraced also a marvellously broad yet minute survey of the present. From his early youth he had been struck with the evidence of incessant decay upon the surface of the dry land. With admirable insight he kept hold of this cardinal fact, and followed it fearlessly from mountain-top to sea-shore. Wherever we may go, on each variety of rock, in every kind of climate, the doom of dissolution seemed to him to be written in ineffaceable characters upon the whole surface of the dry land. No sooner was the bed of the ocean heaved up into mountains, than the new terrestrial surface began to be attacked. Chemical and mechanical agents were recognised as concerned in this disintegration, though the precise nature and extent of their several operations had not then been studied. The general result produced by them, how- ever, was never appreciated by any observer more clearly than by Hutton. From the coast, worn into stack and skerry and cave, by the ceaseless grinding of the waves, he had followed the progress of cor- rosion up to the crests of his Scottish hills. No rock, even the hardest, could escape, though some resisted more stubbornly than others. 1 Theory of the Earth, vol. i. pp. 375, 376. This passage may serve also as an illustration of Hutton's peculiar style of composition. 312 James Hutton The universality of this terrestrial waste had been more or less distinctly perceived by other writers, as has been pointed out in previous pages. But Hutton saw a meaning in it which no one before him had so vividly realised. To his eye, while the whole land undergoes loss, it is along certain lines traced by running water that this loss reaches its greatest amount. In the channels of the streams that carry off the drainage of the land he recognised the results of a constant erosion of the rocks by the water flowing over them. As the generalisation was beauti- fully expressed by Play fair : " Every river appears to consist of a main trunk, fed from a variety of branches, each running in a valley proportioned to its size, and all of them together forming a system of valleys, communicating with one another, and having such a nice adjustment of their declivities, that none of them join the principal valley, either on too high or too low a level, a circumstance which would be infinitely improbable if each of these valleys were not the work of the stream that flows in it. " If, indeed, a river consisted of a single stream without branches, running in a straight valley, it might be supposed that some great concussion, or some powerful torrent, had opened at once the channel by which its waters are conducted to the ocean ; but, when the usual form of a river is con- sidered, the trunk divided into many branches, which rise at a great distance from one another, and these again subdivided into an infinity of smaller ramifica- tions, it becomes strongly impressed upon the mind that all these channels have been cut by the waters On excavation of Valleys 313 themselves ; that they have been slowly dug out by the washing and erosion of the land ; and that it is by the repeated touches of the same instrument that this curious assemblage of lines has been engraved so deeply on the surface of the globe." 1 The whole of the modern doctrine of earth- sculpture is to be found in the Huttonian theory. We shall better appreciate the sagacity and prescience of Hutton and Playfair, if we remember that their views on this subject were in their lifetime, and for many years afterwards, ignored or explicitly rejected, even by those who accepted the rest of their teaching. Hall, their friend and associate, could not share their opinions on this subject. Lyell too, who adopted so much of the Huttonian theory and became the great prophet of the Uniformitarian school, never would admit the truth of Hutton's doctrine concerning the origin of valleys. Nor even now is that doctrine uni- versally accepted. It was Jukes who in 1862 revived an interest in the subject, by showing how completely the valley system in the south of Ireland was due to the action of the rivers. 2 Ramsay soon after followed with further illustrations of the principle. 3 Later effective support to Hutton's teaching has been given by the geologists of the United States, who, among the comparatively undisturbed strata of the Western ^ Illustrations of the Huttonian Theory, p. 102. It will be remembered that the subaerial excavation of valleys was first demonstrated in ample detail by Desmarest from Auvergne, and subsequently by De Saussure from the Alps. The doctrine was afterwards sustained by Lamarck. See chap. xi. 2 Quart. Journ. GeoL Soc. xviii. (1862). Physical Geology and Geography of Great Britain , 1863. James Hut ton Territories, have demonstrated, by proofs which the most sceptical must accept, the potency of denudation in the production of the topography of the land. To the Huttonian school belongs also the con- spicuous merit of having been the first to recognise the potency of glaciers in the transport of detritus from the mountains. Playfair, in his characteristically brief and luminous way, proclaimed at the beginning of last century that " for the removing of large masses of rock the most powerful engines without doubt which nature employs are the glaciers, those lakes or rivers of ice which are formed in the highest valleys of the Alps, and other mountains of the first order. . . . Be- fore the valleys were cut out in the form they now are, and when the mountains were still more elevated, huge fragments of rock may have been carried to a great distance ; and it is not wonderful if these same masses, greatly diminished in size, and reduced to gravel or sand, have reached the shores or even the bottom of the ocean." 1 Here the conception of the former greater extension of the glaciers was fore- shadowed as a possible or even probable event in geological history. Yet for half a century or more after Playfair's time, men were still speculating on the probability of the transport of the erratics by floating icebergs during a submergence of Central Europe under the sea, an hypothesis for which there was not a particle of evidence. No geologist now ques- tions the truth of Playfair's suggestion. In the whole of Hutton's doctrine he rigorously guarded himself against the admission of any principle 1 Illustrations, p. 388. On Continuity of Natures operations 3 1 5 which could not be founded on observation. He made no assumptions. Every step in his deductions was based upon actual fact, and the facts were so arranged as to yield naturally and inevitably the conclusion which he drew from them. Let me quote from the conclusion of his work a few sentences in illustration of these statements. In the interpretation of Nature, he remarks, " no powers are to be employed that are not natural to the globe, no action to be admitted of except those of which we know the principle, and no extra- ordinary events to be alleged in order to explain a common appearance. The powers of Nature are not to be employed in order to destroy the very object of those powers ; we are not to make Nature act in violation to that order which we actually observe, and in subversion of that end which is to be perceived in the system of created things. In whatever manner, therefore, we are to employ the great agents, fire and water, for producing those things which appear, it ought to be in such a way as is consistent with the propagation of plants and the life of animals upon the surface of the earth. Chaos and confusion are not to be introduced into the order of Nature, because certain things appear to our practical views as being in some disorder. Nor are we to proceed in feigning causes when those seem insufficient which occur in our experience." 1 No geologist ever lived among a more congenial and helpful group of friends than Hutton. While they had a profound respect for his genius, they were drawn towards him by his winning personality, and 1 Theory of the Earth, vol. ii. p. 547. 316 James Hittton he became the centre of all that was bright, vivacious and cheerful in that remarkable circle of eminent men. If he wanted advice and assistance in chemical questions, there was his bosom-friend Joseph Black, ever ready to pour out his ample stores of knowledge, and to test every proposition by the light of his wide experience and his sober judgement. If he needed companionship and assistance in his field journeys, there was the sagacious Clerk of Eldin, willing to join him, to examine his evidence with judicial impartiality, and to sketch for him with an artistic pencil the geological sections on which he laid most stress. If he felt himself in need of the counsel of a clear logical intellect, accustomed to consider physical problems with the precision of a mathematician, there was the kindly sympathetic Playfair, ever prompt and pleased to do him a service. With such companions he discussed his theory in all its bearings. Their approval was ample enough for his ambition. He was never tempted to court publicity by frequent communications to learned societies, or the issue of independent works treating of his geological observa- tions and discoveries. But for the establishment of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, he might have delayed for years the preparation of the first sketch of his theory, and had it not been for the virulent attacks of Kirwan, he might never have been induced to finish the preparation of his great work. He was a man absorbed in the investigation of Nature, to whom personal renown was a matter of utter indifference, contented and happy in the warm regard and sym- pathetic appreciation of the friends whom he loved. CHAPTER X BIRTH of Experimental Geology. Sir James Hall. Decay of Wernerianism. AMONG the friends with whom Hutton associated in Edinburgh there was one to whom allusion has already been made, but who demands more special notice here, seeing that to him a distinguished place must be assigned among the founders of geology. To Sir James Hall of Dunglass we owe the establish- ment of experimental research as a powerful aid in the investigation and solution of geological problems. 1 Inheriting a baronetcy and a landed estate in East Lothian, not far from the picturesque cliffs of St. Abb's Head, and possessed of ample leisure for the prosecution of intellectual pursuits, he was led to interest himself in geology. His father, a man of scientific tastes, became acquainted with Hutton when the future philosopher was a farmer in the neigh- bouring county of Berwick. From these early days Hutton found the hospitality of Dunglass always open to him. It will be remembered that the famous J The previous experiments of De Saussure have already been referred to (ante p. 189) but they were not continued and led to no satisfactory conclusions. 3 1 8 Sir James Hall visit to the rocks on the coast at Siccar Point, described by Playfair, was made with Sir James from that house. At first Sir James Hall could not bring himself to accept Hutton's views. " I was induced," he tells us, "to reject his system entirely, and should probably have continued still to do so, with the great majority of the world, but for my habits of intimacy with the author, the vivacity and perspicuity of whose conver- sation formed a striking contrast to the obscurity of his writings. I was induced by that charm, and by the numerous original facts which his system had led him to observe, to listen to his arguments in favour of opinions which I then looked upon as visionary. After three years of almost daily warfare with Dr. Hutton on the subject of his theory, I began to view his fundamental principles with less and less repug- nance." As his objections diminished, Hall's interest in the details of the system increased. His practical mind soon perceived that some of the principles, which Hutton had established by reasoning and analogy, might be brought to the test of direct experiment. And he urged his friend to make the attempt, or allow him to carry out the necessary researches. The proposal received little encouragement from the philosopher. Hutton believed that the scale of Nature's processes was so vast that no imitation of them, on the small scale of a laboratory, could possibly lead to any reliable results, or as he afterwards expressed himself in print, " there are superficial reasoning men who, without 1 Trans. Roy Soc. Edln. vi. (1812), pp. 71-186. His early Experiments 319 truly knowing what they see, think they know those regions of the earth which can never be seen, and who judge of the great operations of the mineral kingdom from having kindled a fire and looked into the bottom of a little crucible." 1 Sir James Hall, notwithstanding his veneration for his master, could not agree with him in this verdict. He was confirmed in his opinion by an accident which had occurred at Leith glass-works, where a large mass of common green glass, that had been allowed to cool slowly, was found to have lost all the properties of glass, becoming opaque, white, hard and crystalline. Yet a piece of this substance, when once more melted and rapidly cooled, recovered its true vitreous characters. Hall's shrewd instinct at once applied this observation to the Huttonian doctrine of the igneous origin of granite and other rocks. It had been objected to Hutton's views that the effect of great heat on rocks was to reduce them to the condition of glass, but that granite and whinstone, being crystalline substances, could never possibly have been melted. Yet here, in this glass-house material, it could be demonstrated that a thoroughly molten glass could, by slow cooling, be converted into a crystalline con- dition, and could be changed once more by fusion into glass. Hutton had overlooked the possibility that the results of fusion might be modified by the rate of cooling, and Hall at once began to test the matter by experiment. He repeated the process by which the devitrified glass had been accidentally ob- tained at the glass-house, and found that he could 1 Theory of the Earth, vol. i. p. 251. 320 Sir James Hall at will produce, from the same mass of bottle glass, either a glass or a stony substance, according to the rate at which he allowed it to cool. Sir James was too loyal a friend and too devoted an admirer of the author of the Theory of the Earth to pursue these researches far during the philosopher's lifetime. " I considered myself as bound," he tells us, u in practice to pay deference to his opinion, in a field which he had already so nobly occupied, and I abstained during the remainder of his life from the prosecution of experiments which I had begun in I790." 1 The death of Hutton in 1797 allowed the laird of Dunglass to resume the experiments on which he had been meditating during the intervening years. Select- ing samples of u whinstones," that is, intrusive dole- rites and basalts, from the dykes and sills in the Carboniferous strata around Edinburgh, he reduced them in the reverberatory furnace of an iron-foundry to the condition of perfect glass. Portions of this glass were afterwards re-fused and allowed to cool very slowly. There was thus obtained " a substance differing in all respects from glass, and in texture completely resembling whinstone." This substance had a distinctly crystalline structure, and Hall gave it the name of crystallite, which had been suggested by the chemist, Dr. Hope. Before he was interested in the defence of the Huttonian theory, Sir James had made a journey into 1 For Hall's papers see Trans. Roy. Soc. Edin. iii. (1790), p. 8 ; v. (i79 8 )P-43; vi.(i8i2),p.7i ; vii.(i8i2),pp. 79, 139,169; P- 3M- His discovery of Origin of Dykes 321 Italy in the year 1785, visiting Vesuvius, Etna, and the Lipari Isles, and having for part of the time the advantage of the company of Dolomieu. He could not help being much struck with the resemblance between the lavas of these volcanic regions and the familiar " whinstones " of his own country. So close was this resemblance in every respect that he felt " confident that there was not a lava in Mount Etna to which a counterpart might not be produced from the whinstones of Scotland." At Monte Somma he noted the abundant u vertical lavas " which, in bands from two to twelve feet broad, run up the old crater-wall. These bands seemed to him at the time u to present only an amusing variety in the history of volcanic eruptions," and, like Dolomieu and Breis- lak, he looked on them as marking the positions of rents which, formed in the mountain during former volcanic explosions, had been filled in from above by the outflow of lava down the outer fissured surface of the cone. Subsequent reflection, however, led him to reconsider this opinion, and to realise that these " vertical lavas " were " of the utmost consequence in geology, by supplying an intermediate link between the external and subterraneous productions of heat. I now think," he remarks, " that though we judged rightly in believing those lavas to have flowed in crevices, we were mistaken as to their direction ; for instead of flowing downwards, I am convinced they have flowed upwards, and that the crevices have performed the office of pipes, through which lateral explosions have found a vent." He had observed, also, that the outer margins of some of these dykes, 322 Sir James Hall in contact with the surrounding rock, were vitreous, while the central parts presented the ordinary lithoid texture. This difference, he saw, was fully explained by his fusion experiments. The lava having risen in a cold fissure, and having been suddenly chilled along its outer surface, consolidated there as glass, while the inner parts, which had cooled more slowly, took a crystalline structure. These observations are of historic interest in the progress of volcanic geology. Hall had sagaciously found the true interpretation of volcanic dykes, and he at once proceeded to apply it to the explanation of the abundant dykes of Scotland. He thus brought to the support of Hutton's doctrine of the igneous intrusion of these rocks a new and strong confirma- tion from the actual crater of a recent volcano. When engaged upon his fusion experiments with Scottish whinstones, it occurred to Hall to subject to the same processes specimens of the lavas which he had brought from Vesuvius and Etna. The results which he thus obtained were precisely similar to those which the rocks from Scotland had yielded. He was able to demonstrate that lavas may be fused into a perfect glass, and that this glass, on being re-melted and allowed to cool gradually, passes into a stony substance not unlike the original lava. In this manner, the close agreement between modern lavas and the ancient basalts of Scotland was clearly proved, while their identity in chemical composition was further shown by some analyses made by Dr. Robert Kennedy. Sir James Hall had thus the satisfaction of showing that a fresh appeal to direct experiment His experiments on Compression 323 and observation furnished further powerful support to some of the disputed doctrines in the theory of his old friend Hutton. 1 There was another and still more important direc- tion in which it seemed to this original investigator that the Huttonian doctrines might be subjected to the test of experiment. It was an important feature in these doctrines that the effects of heat upon rocks must differ very much according to the pressure under which the heat is applied. Hall argued, like Hutton, that within the earth's crust the influence of great compression must retard the fusion of mineral substances, and retain within them ingredients which, at the ordinary atmospheric pressure above ground, are rapidly volatilized. He thus accounted for the retention of carbonic acid by calcareous rocks, even at such high temperatures as might melt them. Here then was a wide but definite field for experiment, and Hall entered it with the joy of a first pioneer. As soon as he had done with his whinstone fusions, he set to work to construct a set of apparatus that would enable him to subject minerals and rocks to the highest obtainable temperatures in hermetically closed tubes. For six or seven years, he continued his researches, conducting more than 500 ingeniously devised experiments. He enclosed carbonate of lime in firmly secured gun-barrels, in porcelain tubes, in tubes bored through solid iron, and thereafter exposed it to the highest temperatures which he could obtain. 1 " Experiments on Whinstone and Lava," read before the Royal Society of Edinburgh 5th March and i8th June 1798, Trans. Roy. Soc. Edin. vol. v. p. 43. 324 Sir James Hall He was able to fuse the carbonate without the loss of its carbonic acid, thus practically demonstrating the truth of Hutton's contention. He obtained from pounded chalk a substance closely resembling marble. Applying these results to the Huttonian theory, he contended that the effects shown by his experiments must occur also on a great scale at the roots of volcanoes ; that subterranean lavas may melt lime- stone ; that where the molten rock comes in contact with shell-beds, it may either drive off their car- bonic acid or convert them into limestone, according to the heat of the lava and the depth under which it acts ; and that his experiments enabled him to pronounce under what conditions the one or the other of these effects would be produced. He con- cluded that having succeeded in fusing limestone under pressure, he could adduce in that single result " a strong presumption in favour of the solution which Dr. Hutton has advanced of all the geological phenomena ; for the truth of the most doubtful principle which he has assumed has thus been estab- lished by direct experiment." 1 Hardly less striking were Hall's experiments in 1 " Account of a series of experiments showing the effects of com- pression in modifying the action of heat," read to the Royal Society of Edinburgh, 3rd June 1805. Trans. Roy. Soc. Edin. vi. p. 71. The same ingenious observer subsequently instituted a series of experiments to imitate the consolidation of strata. By filling an iron vessel with brine and having layers of sand at the bottom, he was able to keep the lower portions of the sand at a red heat, while the brine at the top was not too hot to let the hand be put into it. In the end the sand at the bottom was found compacted into sandstone. Op. at. x. (1825), p. 314. His experiments on Plication 325 illustration of the processes whereby strata, originally horizontal, have been thrown into plications. His machine for contorting layers of clay is familiar to geological students from the illustrations of it given in text-books. 1 He showed how closely the con- volutions of the Silurian strata of the Berwickshire coast could be experimentally imitated by the lateral compression of layers of clay under considerable vertical pressure. In this, as in his other applica- tions of experiment, he led the way, and laid the foundation on which later observers have built with such success. 2 There was thus established at Edinburgh a group of earnest and successful investigators of the history of the earth, who promulgated a new philosophy of geology, based upon close observation and carefully devised experiment. Among these men there was only one teacher the gentle and eloquent Playfair ; but his functions at the University were to teach mathematics and natural philosophy. He had thus no opportunity of training a school of disciples who 1 Tram. Roy. Soc. Edm. vol. vii. p. 79 and Plate iv. As already remarked, Hall differed from his master and from Playfair in regard to their views on the efficacy of subaerial denudation. He preferred to invoke gigantic debacles of water rushing over the land, and to these he attributed the transport of large boulders and the smoothing and striation of rocks, now referred to the action of glaciers and ice-sheets. 2 The most illustrious of Hall's successors, A. Daubree, has made generous recognition of the importance of the work of the early master. Daubree's own studies in experimental geology are a monu- ment of patient, skilful and original research, and well sustain the high reputation of the French school of geologists. 326 Robert Jameson might be sent forth to combat the errors of the dominant Wernerianism. He did what he could in that direction by preparing and publishing his admir- able " Illustrations/' which were widely read, and, as Hall has recorded, exerted a powerful influence on the minds of the most eminent men of science of the day. But another influence, strongly antagonistic to the progress of the Huttonian philosophy, was established in Edinburgh at the very time when the prospect seemed so fair for the creation of a Scottish school which might do much to further the advance of sound geology. Robert Jameson (1774-1854), whose influence and writings have been referred to in Chap- ter VIII., had studied for nearly two years at Freiberg under Werner. After two more years spent in continental travel, full of enthusiasm for his master's system, he had returned to the Scottish capital in 1804, when he was elected to the Chair of Natural History in the University. His genial personal character, and his zeal for the Freiberg faith soon gathered a band of ardent followers around him. He had much of Werner's power of fostering in others a love of the subjects that interested him- self. Travelling widely over Scotland, from the southern borders to the furthest Shetland Isles, he everywhere saw the rocks through Saxon spectacles. From the very beginning, the books and papers which he wrote were drawn up after the most ap- proved Wernerian method, pervaded by the amplest confidence in that method, and by hardly disguised contempt for every other. Nowhere indeed can the The Wernerian Natural History Society 3 27 peculiarities of the Wernerian style be seen in more typical perfection than in the writings of the Edin- burgh professor. 1 In the year 1808, Jameson founded a new scientific association in Edinburgh, which he called the a Wer- nerian Natural History Society," with the great Werner himself at the head of its list of honorary members. So far as geology was concerned, the original aim of this institution appears to have been to spread the doctrines of Freiberg. I know no more melancholy contrast in geological literature than is presented when we pass from the glowing pages of Playfair, or the suggestive papers of Hall, to the dreary geognostical communications in the first published Memoirs of this Wernerian Society. On the one side, we breathe the spirit of the most enlightened modern geological philosophy, on the other we grope in the darkness of a Saxon mine, and listen to the repetition of the familiar shibbo- leths, which even the more illustrious of Werner's disciples were elsewhere beginning to discard. The importation of the Freiberg doctrines into Scot- land by an actual pupil of Werner, carried with it the controversy as to the origin of basalt. This question, it might have been thought, had been practically settled there by the writings of Hutton, Playfair, and Hall, even if it had not been completely solved by 1 See, for instance, the way in which he dismisses the observations of Faujas de St. Fond on Scottish rocks, and the unhesitating declara- tion that there is not in all Scotland the vestige of a volcano. Mineralogy of the Scottish Isles (1800), p. 5. He never loses an oppor- tunity of a sneer at the " Vulcanists " and " fire-philosophers." 328 Robert Jameson Desmarest, Von Buch, D'Aubuisson, and others on the Continent. But the advent of Jameson rekindled the old fires of controversy. The sections of the rocks laid open among the hills and ravines around Edin- burgh, which display such admirable illustrations of eruptive action, were confidently appealed to alike by the Plutonists and the Neptunists. Jameson carried his students to Salisbury Crags and Arthur Seat, and there demonstrated to them that the so-called igneous rocks were manifestly merely chemical precipitates in the " Independent Coal formation." The Huttonians were ready to conduct any interested stranger to the very same sections to prove that the whinstone was an igneous intrusion. There is a characteristic anec- dote told of one of these excursions in an article by Dr. W. H. Fitton in the Edinburgh Review. One of the Irish upholders of the aqueous origin of basalt, Dr. Richardson, had attained some notoriety from having found fossils in what he called basalt at Port- rush, on the coast of Antrim. His discovery was eagerly quoted by those who maintained the aqueous origin of that rock, and though eventually Playfair showed that the fossils really lie in Lias shale, which has been baked into a flinty condition by an intrusive basaltic sheet, this explanation was not accepted by the other side, and the fossiliferous basalt of Antrim con- tinued to be cited as an indubitable fact by the zealous partizans of Werner. While these were still matters of controversy Dr. Richardson paid a visit to Scot- land, chiefly with reference to fiorin grass, in which he was interested. The writer in the Edinburgh Review tells us that he was asked by Sir James Hall, to meet Irish opponents of Hut ton 329 Dr. Hope and the Irish geologist. " It was arranged that the party should go to Salisbury Crags, to show Dr. Richardson a junction of the sandstone with the trap, which was regarded as an instructive example of that class of facts. After reaching the spot, Sir James pointed out the great disturbance that had taken place at the junction, and particularly called the atten- tion of the doctor to a piece of sandstone which had been whirled up during the convulsion and enclosed in the trap. When Sir James had finished his lecture, the doctor did not attempt to explain the facts before him on any principle of his own, nor did he recur to the shallow evasion of regarding the enclosed sand- stone as contemporaneous with the trap ; but he burst out into the strongest expressions of contemptuous surprise that a theory of the earth should be founded on such small and trivial appearances ! He had been accustomed, he said, to look at Nature in her grandest aspects, and to trace her hand in the gigantic cliffs of the Irish coast ; and he could not conceive how opinions thus formed could be shaken by such minute irregularities as those which had been shown to him. The two Huttonian philosophers were confounded ; and, if we recollect rightly, the weight of an acre of fiorin and the number of bullocks it would feed formed the remaining subjects of conversation." 1 It is not needful to follow into further detail the history of the opposition encountered by the Huttonian theory of the earth. Some of the bitterest antagonists of Hutton hailed from Ireland. Besides Richardson, with his fossiliferous basalt, there was Kirwan, President 1 Edinburgh Review, No. Ixv. 1837, p. 9. 33 Decay of IVernerianism at Edinburgh of the Royal Irish Academy, whose ungenerous attacks stung Hutton into the preparation of his larger treatise. In England and on the Continent another determined opponent was found in the versatile and prolific De Luc. But though these men wielded great influence in their day, their writings have fallen into deserved oblivion. They are never read save by the curious student, who has leisure and inclination to dig among the cemeteries of geological literature. The gradual progress of the Huttonian school and the concomitant decay of Wernerianism at Edinburgh, are well indicated by the eight volumes of Memoirs published by Jameson's Wernerian Society, which ranged from 1811 to 1839, an interval of less than a generation. The early numbers might have emanated from Freiberg itself. Not a sentiment is to be found in them of which Werner himself would not have approved. How heartily, for example, Jameson must have welcomed the concluding sentence of a paper by one of the ablest of his associates when, after a not very complimentary allusion to Hutton's views about central heat, the remark is made u He who has the boldness to build a theory of the earth without a know- ledge of the natural history of rocks, will daily meet with facts to puzzle and mortify him." 1 The fate which this complacent Wernerian here predicted for the followers of Hutton, was now surely and steadily overtaking his own brethren. One by one the faithful began to fail, and, as we have seen, those who had gone out to preach the faith of Freiberg came back !The Rev. John Fleming, Mem. Wer. Soc. vol. ii. (1813), p. 154. Defection of Jameson's Pupils 331 convinced of its errors, and of the truth of much which they had held up to scorn in the tenets of the Plu- tonists. Even among Jameson's own students, as already noticed (ante, pp. 241, 263), defections began to appear in the early decades of last century. His friends might translate into English, and publish at Edinburgh, tracts of the most orthodox Wernerianism, such as Werner's Treatise on Veins , or Von Buch's Description of Landeck, or D' Aubuisson's Basalts of Saxony. But his pupils, who went farther afield, who came into contact with the distinct current of opposition to some of the doctrines of the Freiberg school that was now setting in on the Continent, who began seriously to study the igneous rocks of the earth's crust, and who found at every turn facts that could not be fitted into the system of Freiberg, gradually, though often very reluctantly, went over to the opposite camp. Men like Ami Boue would send to Jameson notes of their travels, full of what a staunch Wernerian could not but regard as the rankest heresy. 1 But the Professor with great impar- tiality printed these in the Society's publications. And so by degrees the Memoirs of the Wernerian Society ceased to bear any trace of Wernerianism, and con- tained papers of which any Huttonian might have been proud to be the author. 2 One important result of the keen controversies 1 See Mem. Wer. Soc. vol. iv. (1822), p. 91. 2 See, for example, the papers by Hay Cunningham in vols. vii. and viii. In an Address to the Geological Society in 1828 Fitton alluded to the universal adoption in Britain of " a modified volcanic theory, and the complete subsidence, or almost oblivion of the Wernerian and Neptunian hypotheses." Proc. Geol. Soc. i. p. 55. 33 2 Decay of mere Theorizing between the Vulcanist and Neptunist schools in Europe is to be found in the appeal that was necessitated to Nature herself for a solution of the disputed problems. The days of mere theorizing in the cabinet or the study had now passed away. Everywhere there was aroused a spirit of inquiry into the evidence furnished by the earth itself as to its history. The main theo- retical principles of the science had been established, so far as related to geological processes and their influence in the structure of the terrestrial crust. But the palaeontological side of geology had still to be opened up. The fruitful doctrine of stratigraphy remained to be developed and applied to the elucidation of the grand record of geological history. How this doctrine, which has done more than any other for the progress of geological investigation, was worked out will be the subject of the next four chapters. CHAPTER XI THE Rise of Stratigraphical Geology and of Palaeontology Giraud- Soulavie, Lamarck, Cuvier, Brongniart, and Omalius d'Halloy in France. THAT the rocks around and beneath us contain the record of terrestrial revolutions before the establish- ment of the present dry land, was an idea clearly present to the minds of the early Italian geologists, and, having been so eloquently enforced by Buffon, was generally admitted, before the end of the eighteenth century, by all who interested themselves in minerals and rocks. The Neptunists and Vulcan- ists might dispute vigorously over their respective creeds, but they all agreed in maintaining the doctrine of a geological succession. Werner made this doctrine a cardinal part of his system, and brought it into greater prominence than it had ever held before his time. His sequence of formations from granite, at the base, to the youngest river-gravel or sea-formed silt, betokened, in his view, a gradual development of deposits, which began with the chemical precipitates of a universal ocean, and ended with the modern mechanical and other accumulations of terrestrial sur- faces, as well as of the sea-floor. But, as we have 334 The Doctrine of Geological Succession seen, the lithological characters on which he based the discrimination of his various formations proved to be unreliable. Granite was soon found not always to lie at the bottom. Basalt, at first placed by him among the oldest formations, turned up incontinently among the youngest. He and his disciples were consequently obliged to alter and patch the Freiberg system, till it lost its simplicity and self-consistence, and was still as far as ever from corresponding with the complex order which nature had followed. Ob- viously the Wernerian school had not found the key to the problem, though it had done service in showing how far a lithological sequence could be traced among the oldest rocks. Hutton's views on this question were in some respects even less advanced than Werner's. He realized, as no one had ever done so clearly before him, the evidence for the universal decay of the land. At the same time, he perceived that unless some compensating agency came into play, the whole of the dry land must eventually be washed into the sea. The upturned condition of the Primary strata, which had once been formed under the sea, furnished him with proofs that in past time the sea-floor has been upheaved into land. Without invoking any fanciful theory, he planted his feet firmly on these two classes of facts, which could be fully demonstrated. To his mind the earth revealed no trace of a beginning, no prospect of an end. All that he could see was the evidence of a succession of degradations and up- heavals, by which the balance of sea and land and the habitable condition of our globe were perpetuated. Recognition of the importance of Fossils 335 Hutton was unable to say how many of these revo- lutions may be chronicled among the rocks of the earth's crust 1 Nor did he discover any method by which their general sequence over the whole globe could be determined. A totally new pathway of investigation had now to be opened up. The part that had hitherto been played by species of minerals and rocks was hence- forth to be taken by species of plants and animals. Organic remains, imbedded in the strata of the earth's crust, had been abundantly appealed to as evidence of the former presence of the sea upon the land, or as proofs of upheaval of the sea-floor. But they were now to receive far closer attention, until they were found to contain the key to geological history, to furnish a basis by which the past revolutions of the globe could be chronologically arranged and accurately described, and to cast a flood of light upon the history and development of organised life upon the surface of the earth. Apart altogether from questions of cosmogony or of geological theory, some of the broad facts of stratigraphy could not but, at an early time, attract attention. In regions of little-disturbed sedimentary rocks, the superposition of distinct strata, one upon another, was too obvious to escape notice. A little travel with observant eyes would enable men to see that the same kinds of strata, accompanied by the 1 Playfair thought that the revolutions may have been often repeated, and that our present continents appear to be the third in succession, of which relics may be observed among the rocks. Works, vol. iv. p. 55. 336 Lister's observations on Fossils same topographical characters, ranged from district to district, across wide regions. We have found that it was in countries of regular and gently-inclined stratified rocks that Lehmann and Fttchsel made their observations, which paved the way for the develop- ment of the idea of palaeontological succession. We have now to trace the growth of this idea, and the discovery that organic remains furnish the clue to the relative chronology of the strata in which they are imbedded. The fact that different rocks contain dissimilar but distinctive fossils had been noted by various observers long before its geological significance was perceived. Thus, as far back as 1671, we find Martin Lister affirming, in a letter already cited (p. 76), that "quarries of different stone yield us quite different sorts or species of shells not only one from another (as those Cockle- stones of the iron-stone quarries of Adderton, in Yorkshire, differ from those found in the lead-mines of the neighbouring mountains, and both these from the cockle-quarrie of Wansford Bridge, in North- amptonshire ; and all three from those to be found in the quarries about Gunthrop and Beauvour Castle, etc.), but, I dare boldly say, from anything in nature besides, that either the land, salt or freshwater doth yield us." 1 Again, John Strange writing in 1779 remarks that 1 Phil. Trans, vol. vi. p. 2283. Greenough in his Critical Ex- amination of the First Principles of Geology, 1819, (p. 284), in quoting this passage, adds that Lister had " followed the course of the Chalk Marl over an extensive tract of country by mere attention to its fossils," but no reference is given to the authority for this statement. Strangers tracing of Lias Outcrop 337 " the Gryphites oyster is not only found abundantly in the lower part of Monmouthshire and about Purton Passage, but also extends in considerable aggregates along the neighbouring midland counties ; having myself traced them, either in gravel or limestone, through Gloucestershire, Worcestershire, Warwick- shire and Leicestershire, occupying in like manner the lower parts of those counties, under the hills." 1 It would thus appear that the outcrop of the Lias had been traced, by means of its fossils, across a great part of England some years before William Smith began his labours. There were two regions of Europe well fitted to furnish any competent inquirers with the evidence for establishing, by means of fossil organic remains, this supremely important section of modern geology. In France, the Secondary and Tertiary formations lie in undisturbed succession, one above another, over hundreds of square miles. They come to the surface, not obscured under superficial deposits, but projecting their escarpments to the day, and showing, by their topographical contours, the sharply defined limits of their several groups. Again, in England, the same formations cover the southern and eastern parts of the country, displaying everywhere the same clear evidence of their arrangement. Let us trace the progress of discovery in each of these regions. To a large extent this progress was simultaneous, but there is no evidence that the earlier workers in the one country were aware of what was being done in the other. 1 Archaeokgidj vol. vi. (1782), p. 36. Y 338 Giraud-Soulame To the Abbe J. L. Giraud-Soulavie (1752-1813) the merit must be assigned of having planted the first seeds from which the magnificent growth of strati- graphical geology in France has sprung. Among other works, he wrote a Natural History of Southern France in seven volumes, of which the first two appeared in the year 1780. He gave much of his attention to the old volcanoes of his native country, and devoted several of his volumes entirely to their description. But his chief claim to notice here lies in a particular chapter of his work which, he tells us, was read before the Royal Academy of Sciences of Paris on I4th August I779- 1 In describing the cal- careous mountains of the Vivarais, he divided the limestones into five epochs or ages, the strata in each of which are marked by a distinct assemblage of fossil shells. The first of these ages, he declared, was represented by limestone containing organic remains with no living analogues, such as ammonites, belemnites, terebratulae, gryphites, etc. Having no more ancient strata in the district, the Abbe called this oldest limestone primordial. His second age was indicated by limestone, in which the fossils of the preceding epoch were still found, but associated with some others now living in our seas. Among the new forms of life that appeared in these secondary strata he enumerated chamas, mussels, comb-shells, nautili, etc. These, he said, inhabited the sea, to- gether with survivors from the first age, but the latter at the end of the second age disappeared. 1 Histoire Naturelle de la France Meridionale, tome i. 2 me partie, chap. viii. p. 317. His "Five Ages" in the Vivarais 339 Above their remains other races established them- selves, and carried on the succession of organised beings. The third age was one in which the shells were of recent forms, with descendants that inhabit the present seas. The remains of these shells were found in a soft white limestone, but not a trace of ammonite, belemnite, or gryphite was to be seen associated with them. Among the organisms named by the Abb were limpets, whelks, volutes, oysters, sea-urchins, and others, the number of species increasing with the comparative recentness of the formation. He thought, like Werner, that the most ancient deposits had been accumulated at the highest levels, when the sea covered the whole region, and that, as the waters sank, successively younger formations were laid down at lower and lower levels. From the occurrence of worn pebbles of basalt in the third limestone, Giraud-Soulavie inferred that vol- canic eruptions had preceded that formation, and that an enormous duration of time was indicated by the erosion of the lavas of these volcanoes, and the transport and deposit of their detritus in the white limestone. The fourth age in the Vivarais was represented by certain carbonaceous shales or slates, containing the remains of primordial vegetation to which it was difficult to discover the modern analogues. Giraud- Soulavie believed that he could observe among these slates a succession of organic remains similar to that displayed by the limestones, those strata which lay on the oldest marble containing ammonites, while the 34 Giraud-Soulavie most recent enclosed, but only rarely, unknown plants mingled with known forms. It would thus appear that the deposits of the so-called fourth age were more or less equivalents of those of the three cal- careous ages. The fifth age was characterised by deposits of conglomerate and modern alluvium, containing fossil trees, together with bones and teeth of elephants and other animals. " Such is the general picture," the Abbe remarks, " presented by our old hills of the Vivarais, and of the modern plains around them. The progress of time and, above all, of increased observation will augment the number of epochs which I have given, and fill up the blanks ; but they will not change the relative places which 1 have assigned to these epochs." * He felt confident that if the facts observed by him in the Vivarais were confirmed in other regions, a historical chronology of fossil and living organisms would be established on a basis of incontestible truth. In his last volume, replying to some objections made to his opinions regarding the succession of animals in time, he contends that the difference between the fossils of different countries is due not to a geographical but to a chronological cause. " The sea," he says, " produces no more ammonites, because these shells belong to older periods or other climates. The difference between the shells in the rocks rests on the difference in their relative antiquity, and not on mere local causes. If an earthquake were to submerge the ammonite -bearing rocks of the Vivarais beneath the Mediterranean, the sea returning 1 Op. dt. p. 350. Sagacity of his generalisations 341 to its old site would not bring back its old shells. The course of time has destroyed the species, and they are no longer to be found in the more recent rocks." i The sagacity of these views will at once be acknow- ledged. Yet they seem to have made, for a time, no way either in France or elsewhere. The worthy Abbe, though a good observer and a logical reasoner, was a singularly bad writer. At the end of the eighteenth century a wretched style was an unpardon- able offence even in a man of science. 2 Whatever may have been the cause, Giraud-Soulavie has fallen into the background. His fame has been eclipsed, even in France, by the more brilliant work of his successors. Yet, in any general survey of geological progress, it is only just to acknowledge how firmly he had grasped some of the fundamental truths of stratigraphical geology, at a time when the barren controversy about the origin of basalt was the main topic of geological discussion throughout Europe. We have seen that the distinctness, regularity, and persistence of the outcrops of the various geological formations of the Paris basin suggested to Guettard the first idea of depicting on maps the geographical distribution of rocks and minerals. The same region and the same features of topography and structure inspired long afterwards a series of researches that contributed in large measure to the establishment of the principles of geological stratigraphy. No fitter birthplace could be found in Europe for the rise of 1 Op. cit. tome vii. (1784), p. 157. 2 D'Archiac, Geologic et Pa/eon fotogie, 1866, p. 145. 34 2 G. P. Rouelle this great department of science. Around the capital of France, the Tertiary and Secondary formations are ranged in orderly sequence, group emerging from under group, to the far confines of Brittany on the west, the hills of the Ardennes and the Vosges on the east, and the central plateau on the south. Not only is the succession of the strata clear, but their abundant fossils furnish a most complete basis for stratigraphical arrangement and comparison. Various observers had been struck with the orderly sequence of rocks in this classic region. Desmarest tells us that the chemist G. F. Rouelle (1703-1770) was so impressed with its symmetry of structure that, though he never wrote anything on the subject, he used to discourse on it to his students at the Jardin des Plantes, of whom Desmarest himself appears to have been one. He would enlarge to them upon the significance of the masses of shells imbedded in the rocks of the earth's surface, pointing out that these rocks were not disposed at random, as had been supposed. He saw that the shells were not the same in all regions, that certain forms were always found associated together, while others were never to be met with in the same strata or layers. He noticed, as Guettard had done before him, that in some districts the fossil shells were grouped in exactly the same kind of arrangement and distribution as on the floor of the present sea a fact which, in his eyes, disproved the notion that these marine organisms had been brought together by some violent deluge ; but which, on the other hand, showed that the present land had once been the bottom of the sea, and had been Researches in the Paris Basin 343 laid dry by some revolution that took place without producing any disturbance of the strata. Rouelle recognised a constant order in the arrangement of the shells. Thus, immediately around Paris, he found certain strata to be full of screw shells (Turritella, Cerithium, etc.), and to extend to Chaumont, on the one side, and to Courtagnon near Rheims, on the other. He pointed to a second deposit, or u mass " as he called it, full of belemnites, ammonites, gryphites, etc. (Jurassic), forming a long and broad band out- side the eastern border of the Chalk, and stretching north and south beyond that formation up to the old rocks of the Morvan. Desmarest's account of his teacher's opinions was published in the third year of the Republic. 1 It is thus evident that Rouelle had formed remarkably correct views of the general strati- graphy of the Paris basin probably long before 1794. Desmarest himself published many valuable observa- tions regarding the rocks of the Paris basin in separate articles in his great Geographic Physique. Lamanon had written on the gypsum deposits of the region, which he regarded as marking the sites of former lakes, and from which he described and figured the remains of mammals, birds and fishes. Noting the alterna- tions of gypsum and marls, he traced what he believed to be the limits of the sheets of freshwater in which they were successively deposited. Still more precise was the grouping adopted by Lavoisier (1743- 1794). This great man, who, if he had not given himself up to chemistry, might have become one of ^Geographic Physique (Encyclopedic Methodiqui)^ tome i. (1794), pp. 409-431. 344 Lavoisier as Geologist the most illustrious among the founders of geology, was, as already stated (p. 1 1 5), associated early in life with Guettard in the construction of mineralogical maps of France. As far back as the year 1789, he distinguished between what he called littoral banks and pelagic banks, which were formed at different distances from the land, and were marked by distinct kinds of sediment and peculiar organisms. He thought that the different strata, in such a basin as that of the Seine, pointed to very slow oscillations of the level of the sea, and he believed that a section of all the stratified deposits between the coasts and the mountains would furnish an alternation of littoral and pelagic banks, and would reveal by the number of strata the number of excursions made by the waters of the ocean. Lavoisier accompanied his essay with sections which gave the first outline of a correct classification of the Tertiary deposits of the Paris region. His sketch was imperfect, but it represented in their true sequence the white Chalk supporting the Plastic Clay, lower sands, Calcaire Grossier, upper sands and upper lacustrine limestone. 1 A few years later, a more perfect classification of these Tertiary deposits was published by Coupe, but without sufficiently detailed observations to convince his contemporaries that the work was wholly reliable. 2 1 Mem. Acad. Roy. Sciences (1789), p. 350, pi. 7. This memoir of Lavoisier on modern horizontal strata and their disposition is fully noticed by Desmarest in the first volume of his Geographic Physique, p. 783. Lavoisier's distinction between pelagic and littoral organisms and deposits was afterwards adopted by Lamarck (postea, p. 355). 2 Journ. de Physique, tome lix. (1804), pp. 161-176. Lamarck's Biography 345 The Tertiary formations of the great basin of the Seine were destined not only to furnish a vast impetus to the development of stratigraphical geology, but to provide the first broad scientific basis for the foundation of the science of Palaeontology. In this momentous development of geological science two names stand out with conspicuous prominence among those who carried on the work Lamarck and Cuvier. Jean-Baptiste-Pierre-Antoine de Monet, Chevalier de Lamarck (1744-1829) came of an ancient but somewhat decayed family, and was born in a village of Picardy, as the eleventh and youngest child of the Seigneur de Beam. 1 The ancestral patrimony having become too slender to provide a living for the boy, he was designed for the church, and was sent to begin his studies under the Jesuits of Amiens. But since for centuries his ancestors had been soldiers, and he had three brothers in the army, he could not bring himself to settle down finally to the peaceful life of an ecclesiastic. The death of his father in 1760 gave him an opportunity of leaving his books and joining the French forces that were then engaged in the disastrous war which began in 1756. With no other passport than a letter of introduction from a lady in his neighbourhood to the Colonel of the Beaujolais regiment, he set out for the seat of war, mounted on a sorry nag, and attended by a poor 1 For the biographical details of Lamarck's life I am indebted to Cuvier's Eloge of him in the Recueil des Eloges Historiques, vol. iii. p. 179, and to the excellent volume by Mr. A. S. Packard, Lamarck, the Founder of Evolution: His Life and Work, 1901. 346 Lamarck lad of his village. He arrived at the camp immedi- ately before an attack was to be made on the allied army under Prince Ferdinand of Brunswick. In this attack, known as the battle of Willingshausen (i4th July 1761), which ended in the signal defeat of the French, young Lamarck at last found himself in charge of his company, whereof all the officers had been killed in the action, and which was left behind unnoticed in the confusion of the retreat. The oldest grenadier of the band counselled him to retire, but the youthful volunteer, with characteristic courage, refused to move without orders from the post that had been assigned to them. Not without some risk and difficulty he and the remnant of his company were at last relieved and withdrawn. He was at once rewarded for his valour by being made an officer by the Commander-in-Chief. Further pro- motion followed, and after the peace he passed some time in garrison duty. The enforced leisure of this kind of life, and the seclusion rendered necessary by a severe accident, led him to return to some of the studies, more particularly to botany, which had inter- ested him during his stay at the College. Seeing at last no prospect of a satisfactory future in the army he resolved to try his fortune elsewhere, and to qualify himself for the medical profession. Having, however, an annual allowance of no more than 400 francs, he eked out his slender income by working for a portion of his time in the office of a banker. His medical education is said to have extended over four years. But he does not seem ever to have taken up the practice of the profession, His first scientific Paper 347 though the scientific training he then received must have been an excellent prelude to his subsequent career. Lamarck, from his early love for plants, threw himself with all the ardour of his enthusiastic and indomitable nature into the study of botany, inso- much that at the age of 24 he abandoned everything else to be able to devote himself to its pursuit. He worked under Bernard de Jussieu at the Jardin des Plantes, and made botanical excursions round Paris with Rousseau. He was eventually appointed Keeper of the Herbarium of the Royal Gardens at the miser- able salary of 1000 francs, afterwards increased to 1800. Yet his first published essay showed that he was not entirely engrossed in botanical studies. Not improbably the high garret in the Quartier Latin, which he had tenanted as a student, and which com- manded a wide view of the sky, had given him occasion to watch the movements of the clouds and other phenomena of meteorology. At all events, in the year 1776, when he was 32 years of age, he presented to the Academy of Sciences a memoir " On the Vapours of the Atmosphere," which was well received, and proved to be the first of a long series of contributions from him to meteorological science. After ten years of earnest botanical study Lamarck published in 1778 his Flore Franfaise in three volumes. In this work he gave a succinct description of all the wild plants of the country, arranged in accord- ance, not with the Linnaean system of nomenclature, but with a classification which he had himself devised. This treatise, at the special instance of BufFon, was 348 Lamarck printed at the expense of the Government and it at once placed its author in a prominent position among the naturalists of the day. Buffon's friend- ship proved a valuable aid to him in various ways, and doubtless helped to secure his speedy election into the Academy of Sciences. But he still remained exceedingly poor, and had a hard struggle to support himself and the family that was now growing up around him. From the time of the appearance of the F/ore Franc, aise Lamarck continued for fifteen years to work mainly at botanical subjects, contributing papers to the Memoirs of the Academy of Sciences, and producing the successive botanical volumes in the great Encyclopedic Methodique. These labours had raised him into the front rank of botanists, but they did not make the tenure of his appointment so secure that he had not to defend his position. He was compelled to publish a statement of the nature and importance of the duties he had to perform, and at the same time he urged that more ample provision should be made for the scientific work of the Museum and Garden. The National Convention took up the matter, and in the summer of 1793 reorganised and enlarged the establishment. Of the twelve new chairs then founded, the botanical appointments were naturally bestowed on the two senior distinguished botanists of the staff, Jussieu and Des- fontaines, while Lamarck was offered one of the chairs of zoology. When it is remembered that he was now verging on 50 years of age, and that he had never paid much attention to zoological matters, but had given up his time and energies to botany, one may Professor of Invertebrate Zoology 349 well feel astonishment at the courage of the man in accepting the appointment and resolving to make him- self master of another science. The title of his chair was " Professor of Zoology ; of insects, of worms and of microscopic animals," and the annual stipend 2868 livres or about 115 sterling. Having made up his mind to undertake the new duties, he threw himself with such courage and zeal into them, that before many years he was acclaimed as an even more accomplished and original zoologist than he had been a botanist. Yet he continued to find time for excursions into physical science. He went on for a succession of years publishing meteorological reports, which may be re- garded as in some respects forerunners of the weather- charts of recent times. He also entered the lists against the prevalent chemical and physical opinions of the day, propounding some extraordinary views which had no experimental basis and were generally regarded as too eccentric to require refutation. In the course of his zoological studies Lamarck was led directly and indirectly to make important contribu- tions towards the advance of geology. In dealing with the invertebrata, especially with the mollusca, he studied and described the varied assemblage of fossil shells so abundantly and perfectly preserved among the Tertiary deposits of the Paris basin. Correlating the living with the extinct forms, he was enabled to present a far broader and more accurate picture of the invertebrate division of the animal kingdom than had ever before been attempted. Cuvier has been claimed as the great founder of vertebrate Palaeontology; Lamarck may with at least equal justice be regarded as the founder 35 Lamarck of the invertebrate half of the science. His researches among the shells of the Paris basin furnished, as we shall see, an accurately determined basis on which Cuvier and Brongniart could work out the stratigraphy of that region. But Lamarck's original and philosophical genius could not be confined within the limits of the mere determination of new genera and species. From the contemplation of these details, he advanced into broad generalisations among the higher problems of biology. He propounded views in organic evolution which, though received at the time with ridicule and subse- quently with neglect, have in later years been revived, and meet now with a constantly increasing degree of acceptance. His Philosophic Zoologique has become a classic in biological literature, while his great work the Animaux Sans Vertebres, which appeared in seven vol- umes between 1815 and 1822, marks a memorable epoch in the march of natural history, and will ever remain one of the glories of French science. Though Lamarck wrote little on geology, the extent to which he had pondered over the problems of the science, which in his time had hardly taken definite shape, is well illustrated by the little volume which he published in 1802 under the title of Hydrogeologiel x The full title of this little known but extremely interesting treatise is as follows : " Hydrogologie, ou Recherches sur 1'influence qu'ont les eaux sur la surface du globe terrestre ; sur les causes de 1'existence du bassin des mers, de son deplacement et de son transport successif sur les diffe~rentes points de la surface de ce globe ; enfin sur les changemens que les corps vivans exercent sur la nature et Tetat de cette surface. Par J. B. Lamarck, Membre de 1'Institut National de France, Professeur-Administrateur au Museum d'Histoire On origin of Hills and Valleys 351 The object of this work was to propose and attempt to solve four problems, the solution of which must constitute the foundation of any true theory of the earth, ist. What are the natural effects of the move- ments of the terrestrial waters on the surface of the globe ? 2nd. Why is the sea confined to a basin and within limits that always separate it from the projecting dry land ? 3rd. Has the basin of the sea always existed as we now see it, and if not, what is the cause that led to its being elsewhere, and why is it not there still ? 4th. What is the influence of living organisms on the mineral substances of the earth's surface and crust, and what are the general results of this influence ? i. Lamarck realised more clearly than most of his contemporaries, the part played by terrestrial waters on the surface of the land. He recognised that nothing can ultimately resist the alternating influence of wetness and drought, combined with that of heat and cold, and that the disintegration of mineral sub- stances by these atmospheric conditions prepares the way for the erosive action of running water in all its various forms. As the result of this action, plains are hollowed out into ravines, and these are widened into valleys. The spaces between rivers are worn into ridges, which in course of time become high crests. Naturelle &c." Paris, An X (1802). It is interesting to note that this volume and Playfair's Illustrations of the Huttonian Theory were published in the same year, and to contrast the opinions of the two writers. In all that relates to the organic world, the French naturalist had a far wider outlook than the Scottish philosopher, while on the other hand, the latter showed a truer insight into most of the physical problems of geology with which he dealt. 35 2 Lamarck If the surface of the land had been at first a vast plain, yet at the end of a certain time, through the operation of its water-courses, it would have lost that aspect, and would ultimately come to be traversed with mountains like those with which we are familiar. In these deductions, the French philosopher re-echoed the principles established by De Saussure, Desmarest and Hutton. But he carried them to an extreme which may possibly have raised a prejudice against them. He declared that every mountain which has not been erupted by volcanic action or some other local catastrophe, has been cut out of a plain, so that the mountain-summits represent the relics of that plain, save in so far as its level has been lowered in the general degradation. Geologists have accepted this explanation for the systems of mountains which, having no internal or tectonic structure peculiar to themselves, appear to have been carved out of ancient tablelands. Lamarck, however, though he speaks of local catas- trophes, seems to have had no conception of any wide- spread cause whereby the terrestrial crust has from time to time been folded and driven upwards into vast chains of mountains. He admits that in many mountains the component strata are often vertical or highly inclined. But he will not on that account believe in any universal catastrophe, such as had been demanded by many previous writers, and was still loudly advocated in his own time by his fellow-countryman Cuvier. He considers that the inclination of the strata may be due partly to the natural slope of the surface on which the sediments were originally deposited, like the talus- slopes of mountains, partly and frequently to many On origin of Ocean-basin 353 kinds of accidents, such as arise from local subsidence. But he enters into no further detail, and shows no personal knowledge of the real structure of a true mountain-chain. The task of the fresh waters, according to this thinker, is thus two-fold ; to erode the dry land, thereby producing valleys and mountains, and to spread the detritus over plains, before finally sweeping it out to sea, where it tends towards the filling up of the sea-basins. 2. In attempting to solve his second problem Lamarck ventured far beyond his depth in regard to the physics of the earth, and broached some crude ideas, based on no reliable evidence, but directly con- trary to such facts regarding the ocean as were known in his time. He conceived the ocean-basin to owe its existence and preservation to the perpetual oscilla- tion of the tides, and partly also to a general westerly movement of the water. He supposed the tidal oscillation to be a gigantic force which has actually eroded the basin and now prevents it from being shallowed, through the deposit of land-derived sedi- ment, by continually scouring this sediment out and casting it up along the more sheltered shores of the land. Since the sea does not cover the whole globe, but is gathered into its vast basin, the centre of gravity of the earth does not strictly coincide with what Lamarck called its "centre of form." Owing to the shifting of the ocean-bed westward, he thought that the centre of gravity is simultaneously displaced and slowly makes a revolution round the centre of form. In these speculations the great naturalist displayed a singular 354 Lamarck misapprehension of the effects of the tides, and made no allowance for any movement of the terrestrial crust. 3. The same limited acquaintance with the facts which were needed for the solution of his difficulties is not less conspicuous in the way in which he dealt with his third problem. He thinks that in spite of the tidal oscillations which seem to retard the deposit of sediment over the sea-floor, the basin of the ocean might eventually be filled up, or that at least the sea would rise above its present mean level, if some unceasingly active cause did not counteract this ten- dency. Looking around at the margin of the land in different quarters of the globe, he sees what seems to him evidence that the waters of the ocean are subject to a continual impulse which drives them from east to west, due, he believed, to the influence chiefly of the moon, but partly also of the sun. He does not show, however, in what form this impulse is imparted otherwise than in the tidal wave. The eastern coasts of the continents appear in his eyes to be wasted by the attacks of the sea, while the western shores, being sheltered from these attacks, receive deposits of sediment. He looks on the Gulf of Mexico as a vast hollow, dug out of the land by the westerly advance of the Atlantic. The eastern side of Asia, with its chains of islands and the passage opened for the marine currents between these islands and Australia, appeals to his mind as a striking example of the truth of his generalisation, while the eastern side of America is hardly less confirmatory, although the sea has not yet cut through the Isthmus of Panama. On the study of Fossils 355 Much more interesting and satisfactory is Lamarck's fresh demonstration, from authentic and irrefragable evidence, of the long accepted truth that the sea has once covered many parts of the surface of the globe from which it has long disappeared. This evidence rests on the occurrence of organic remains, and in dealing with it he evidently feels himself at home with his subject, and launches warmly into its discussion. The term "fossil," as we have seen (p. 215), had been indiscriminately applied to any mineral substance dug out of the earth, but Lamarck now for the first time definitely restricts it to the u still recognisable remains of organised bodies." x After citing a number of examples of the occurrence of such remains in the heart of mountains, at great heights above the sea and in different widely separated parts of the globe, he proceeds to dwell on the importance of fossils as monuments that furnish one of the chief means of ascertaining the revolutions which our globe has undergone. He urges naturalists to study fossil shells, to compare them with their analogues in our present seas, to investigate carefully where each species is found, the banks formed of them, the different layers which these banks may display, and other associated features. He points out, as Lavoisier had done before him (p. 344), that among fossil shells some are pelagic and some littoral, and that they even occasionally in- clude terrestrial and fluviatile forms. These last would, in his opinion, be much more numerous had not their greater fragility led to their being generally broken and destroyed before they could be washed into the sea. 1 Hydrogeologie, p. 55. 356 Lamarck Discussing the cause of the former long-continued sojourn of the sea on so many parts of the surface of the land, he inquires whether we are to invoke the occurrence of the Deluge or some great catas- trophes, as had so often been done in the past, and as continued to be done for many years afterwards by Cuvier. He will admit such an extraordinary cause if it be granted to have endured for the vast periods of time which the accumulation of thick and regular deposits of marine remains must have required. But he would rather seek for some explanation that will be more in accordance with the observed order of Nature. He was thus a follower of the Huttonian theory. And here the great naturalist breaks forth in a tone that reminds one of the language of his Greek prototype, Aristotle : " In this globe which we in- habit, everything is subject to continual and inevitable changes. These arise from the essential order of things, and are effected with more or less rapidity or slowness, according to the varying nature or position of the objects implicated in them. Nevertheless they are accomplished within a certain period of time. For Nature, time is nothing, and is never a diffi- culty ; she always has it at her disposal, and it is for her a means without bounds, wherewith she accom- plishes the greatest as well as the least of her tasks." " Oh, how vast is the antiquity of our earth ! and how small are the ideas of those who assign to the existence of this globe a duration of six thousand and some hundreds of years from its beginning to our own days ! " " Losing trace of what has once On oceanic displacement 357 existed, we can hardly believe nor even conceive the immensity of our planet's age. Yet how much vaster still will this antiquity appear to man when he shall have been able to form a just conception of the origin of living creatures, as well as of the causes of their gradual development and improvement, and above all when he shall perceive that time and the requisite conditions having been necessary to bring into existence all the living species now actually to be seen, he himself is the final result and actual climax of this development of which the ultimate limit, if such there be, can never be known." 1 With such a limitless vista of past time to contemplate, Lamarck could indulge in unfettered speculation on the secular displacement of the ocean basin, and the concomitant submergence of the land. Inappreciably slow though the mutation might be, he believed it to be part of the regular order of nature, proceeding without interruption until every part of the dry land had in succession become the bed of the sea. In this slow westerly movement, the ocean seemed to him to have travelled round the globe, not once but perhaps many times, every part of the land becoming first the shore, and then passing under the scour of the great oceanic waters until at last reduced to form the bottom of the marine abysses. He thought that this displacement of the basin of the sea, by producing a constantly variable inequality in the terrestrial radii, causes a shifting of the centre of gravity of the globe as well as of the two poles, and that as this variation, markedly irregular though 1 O/>. dt. pp. 67, 88, 89. 358 Lamarck it be, appears not to be confined within definite limits, probably every point on the surface of our planet may have successively passed through all the different terrestrial climates. 1 Though his theory of the interchange of land and sea cannot be accepted, it is impossible to read with- out admiration Lamarck's marshalling of the facts on which he relied, and his acute reflections on the deduc- tions to be drawn from the characters and probable habitats of organic remains. He points out the im- portance of distinguishing pelagic from littoral shells, each series being usually found in distinct beds, the one marking deep water the other former shore-lines. Every part of the earth's surface that has once been overspread by the sea has had twice a zone of littoral shells and once a deposit of pelagic shells, making three distinct and successive formations, representing the passage of a vast lapse of time. No sudden catastrophe is admissible as an explanation of the facts ; such an event would have jumbled the organisms together and would have broken the more delicate shells, which have nevertheless been admirably preserved in great numbers among the other fossils. Again, the bivalves, with which many of the lime- stones are crowded, would not so commonly have retained their valves in contact, unless they had lived and died where their remains are found. In Lamarck's opinion a large part of the calcareous material, now to be found on the surface and within the crust of the earth, has been derived from once living organisms. He will not admit the propriety 1 Op. cit. p. 87. On origin of Limestone 359 of the term re than eighteen years earlier and he now complain that so striking a truth, only discoverable by obervation, On consolidation of Rocks 361 should have been rejected and apparently scorned by the very men who ought to have been the first to welcome it. We can hardly wonder, however, that his contemporaries should have refrained from treating this speculation as a serious contribution to science. And yet though the conclusion was wholly unten- able, it must in justice to Lamarck be admitted that he perceived in this matter, far more vividly than any other naturalist of his time, the importance of the part played by plants and animals in effecting geological changes by decomposing mineral matter, and thus modifying the surface of the earth and pro- viding fresh materials for its crust. No one before his day had been able to follow so clearly the suc- cessive stages through which organic remains pass until they become crystalline stone, presenting no trace of their original organic structure. He distinguished between the consolidation of stratified rocks through the deposit of fine sediment (Lapidescence par sedi- mens\ and through permeation by some cementing material (Lapidescence par infiltration)^ He showed that agates and petrifactions are examples of the results of such infiltration, but he came to the singular conclusion that the " elementary earth," " vitreous earth," or silica of the chemists, has been so potent an agent in infiltration that it constitutes the base 1 In this department of his subject Lamarck held much more accurate opinions than Hutton and Playfair, who were so carried away by their view of the efficacy of underground heat, as to believe that flints and agates had been injected in a molten state into the rocks in which they are now found. 362 Lamarck of all the earths and stones of every sort, in short, of solid matter everywhere. When he thus threw aside as error all that had then been ascertained as to the chemistry of minerals, he found no difficulty in accounting for all rocks as the results of the decay of organic bodies. He looked on granite, for example, not as the " primitive " rock which mineralogists had called it, nor as directly con- nected with the material that forms the interior of the globe, but as due to the transport of the decaying debris of organisms by rivers, and to the accumulation of this detritus on the floor of the sea. He believed that all argillaceous materials come from the decay of plants and all calcareous materials from the remains of animals, and that from these two chief sources the most important and abundant earthy and stony bodies are derived, all the other mineral substances being only mixtures or modifications of these. Even metals appeared to him divisible into two series, according as their earthy base has been supplied by animals or by plants. Here again he generalised from the undoubted precipitation of some metallic salts by organic matter to the production of all metallic sub- stances from the same cause. His discussion ends with a pungent attack on the chemists of his day and their methods, and he declares that though all the world may believe them, he is content to be alone in his disbelief. There can be little doubt that this spirit of opposi- tion to many of the prevalent opinions of the time, together with the apparent extravagance of some of his doctrines, conspired to detract from the position His services to Geology 363 and influence to which Lamarck's splendid abilities and achievements justly entitled him among his con- temporaries. During the last ten years of his long life he suffered from total blindness, and had to rely on the affectionate devotion of his eldest daughter for the completion of such works as he had in progress before his eyesight failed. The world is becoming more conscious now of what it owes to the genius of this illustrious naturalist. Among those students of science who have most reason to cherish his memory, geologists should look back gratefully to his services in starting the science of Palaeontology, in propounding the doctrine of evolution and in affirm- ing with great insight some of the fundamental principles of modern geology. Returning now to the Paris basin, we may take note that not until the year 1808 was the Tertiary strati- graphy of this district worked out in some detail, so as to furnish a foundation for the establishment of a general system of stratigraphical geology in France. This task was accomplished by two men who have left their mark upon the history of the science, Cuvier and Brongniart. Georges Chretien Leopold Dagobert Cuvier (1769- 1832) came of an old Protestant family in the Jura, which in the sixteenth century had fled from persecu- tion and had settled at Montbeliard, then the chief town of a little principality belonging to the Duke of Wilrtemberg. He was born at that place on 23rd August 1769, and after a singularly brilliant career at school and at the Caroline Academy of Stuttgart, became tutor in a Normandy family living near Fecamp. He had been drawn into the study of natural history, 364 Cumer when a mere child, by looking over the pages of Buffon, and had with much ardour taken to the observation of insects and plants. In Normandy, the treasures of the sea were opened to him. Gradually his dissections and descriptions, though not published, came to the notice of some of the leading naturalists of France, and he was eventually induced to come to Paris, where, after rilling various appointments, he was elected to the chair of Compara- tive Anatomy in 1795. Cuvier's splendid career belongs mainly to the history of biology. We are only concerned here in noting how he came to be interested in geological questions. He tells himself that some TerebratuLe from the rocks at Fecamp suggested to him the idea of comparing the fossil forms with living organisms. When he settled in Paris, he pursued this idea, never losing an opportunity of studying the fossils to be found in the different collections. He began by gathering together as large a series as he could obtain of skeletons of living species of vertebrate animals, as a basis for the comparison and determina- tion of extinct forms. As a first essay in the new domain which he was to open up to science, he read to the Institute, at the beginning of 1796, a memoir in which he demonstrated that the fossil elephant belonged to a different species from either of the living forms. Two years later, having had a few bones brought to him from the gypsum quarries of Montmartre, he saw that they indicated some quite unknown animals. Further research qualified him to reconstruct the skeletons, and to demonstrate their Brongniart 365 entire difference, both specifically and generically, from any known creatures of the modern world. He was thus enabled to announce the important conclusion that the globe was once peopled by vertebrate animals which, in the course of the revolutions of its surface, have entirely disappeared. These discoveries, so remarkable in themselves, could not but suggest many further inquiries to a mind so penetrating and philosophical as that of Cuvier. He narrates how he was pursued and haunted by the desire to know why these extinct forms dis- appeared, and how they had come to be succeeded by others. It was at this point that he entered upon the special domain of geology. He found that besides studying the fossil bones in the cabinet, it was needful to understand, in the field, the con- ditions under which they have been entombed and preserved. He had himself no practical acquaint- ance with the structure and relations of rocks, but he was fortunate in securing the co-operation of a man singularly able to supply the qualifications in which he was himself deficient. Alexandre Brongniart (1770-1847) Cuvier's associate, was a year younger than the great anatomist. Born in Paris, he began his career early in life by endeav- ouring to improve the art of enamelling in France. Thereafter he served in the medical department of the army until he was attached to the Corps of Mines, and was made director of the famous porcelain factory of Sevres. He had long given his attention to minerals and rocks, and was eventually appointed professor of mineralogy at the Museum of Natural 366 Cuvier and Brongniart History. But his tastes led him also to study zoology. Thus, among his labours in this field, he worked out the zoological and geological relations of Trilobites. There was consequently in their common pursuits, a bond of union between him and Cuvier. They had both entered upon a domain that was as yet almost untrodden ; and each brought with him knowledge and experience that were needful to the other. Accordingly they engaged in a series of researches in the basin of the Seine, which continued for some years. Cuvier relates that during four years he made almost every week an excursion into the country around Paris, for the sake of studying its geological structure. Particular attention was given to two features, the evidence of a definite succession among the strata, and the distinction of the organic remains contained in them. At last the results of these in- vestigations were embodied in a joint memoir by Cuvier and Brongniart, which first appeared in the year iSoS. 1 The two naturalists continued their researches with great industry during the following years. An account of these additional observations was read by them before the Institute in April 1810, and was published as a separate work with a map, sections, and plate of fossils in i8n. 2 Referring afterwards to this conjoint essay and its subsequent enlargement, Cuvier generously wrote that though it bore his name, it had become 1 Journal des Mines, tome xxiii. (1808), p. 4.21. 2 Essai sur la Geographic Mineralogique des Environs de Paris, avec une Carte geognostique et des Coupes de terrain, 410, 1 8 1 1 . An enlarged edition of this separate work appeared in 1822. Their work in the Paris Basin 367 almost entirely the production of his friend, from the infinite pains which, ever after the first conception of their plan, and during their various excursions, he had bestowed upon the thorough investigation of all the objects of the inquiry, and in the preparation of the essay itself. 1 Brongniart's experience as a mining engineer would naturally make him fitter than Cuvier for the requirements of stratigraphical research. It is not necessary for our present purpose to trace the development of view shown by these observers during the three years that elapsed between the appear- ance of their first sketch and that of their illustrated quarto memoir. It will be enough to note the general characters of their first essay, and to see how far in advance it was of anything that had preceded it. After briefly describing the limits and general feat- ures of the Seine basin, the authors proceed to show that the formations which they have to consider were deposited in a vast bay or lake, of which the shores consisted of Chalk. They point out that the deposits took place in a certain definite order, and can be easily recognised by their lithological and palaeontological characters throughout the district. They classify them first broadly into two great groups, which they afterwards proceed to subdivide into minor sections. The first of these groups, covering the Chalk of the lower grounds, consists partly of the plateau of lime- stone without shells, and partly of the abundantly shell-bearing Calcaire Grossier. The second group comprises the gypseo-marly series, not found uniformly distributed, but disposed in patches. 1 Difcours sur les Revolutions de la Surface du Globe, 6th edit. p. 294. 368 Cuvier and Brongniart Starting from the Chalk of the north of France, the two observers succinctly indicate the leading char- acters of that deposit, its feeble stratification, chiefly marked by parallel layers of dark flints, the varying distances of these layers from each other, and the dis- tinctive fossils. Putting together the organisms they had themselves collected, and those previously ob- tained by Defrance, they could speak of fifty species of organic remains known to occur in the Chalk a small number compared with what has since been found. The species had not all been determined, but some of them, such as the belemnites, had been noted as different from those found in the " compact lime- stone," or Jurassic series. From the platform of Chalk, Cuvier and Brongniart worked their way upward through the succession of Tertiary formations. At the base of these, and resting immediately on the Chalk, came the Plastic Clay a deposit that in many respects presented strong con- trasts to the white calcareous formation underneath it. It showed no passage into that formation, from which, on the contrary, it was always abruptly marked off, and it yielded no organic remains. The two geologists accordingly drew the sound inference that the clay and the chalk must have been laid down under very different conditions of water, and they believed that the animals which lived in the first period did not exist in the second. They likewise concluded that the abrupt line of junction between the two forma- tions might indicate a long interval of time, and they inferred, from the occurrence of an occasional breccia of chalk fragments at the base of the clay, Their work in the Paris Basin 369 that the chalk was already solid when the clay was deposited. The next formation in ascending order was one of sand and the Calcaire Grossier. It was shown to consist of a number of bands or alternations of lime- stone and marl ; following each other always in the same order, and traceable as far as the two observers had followed them. Some of the strata might diminish or disappear, but what were below in one district were never found above in another. "This constancy in the order of superposition of the thinnest strata," the writers remark, "for a distance of at least 12 myria- metres (75 English miles), is in our opinion one of the most remarkable facts which we have met with in the course of our researches. It should lead to results for the arts and for geology all the more interesting that they are sure." One of the most significant parts of the essay is the account it gives of the method adopted by the explorers to identify the various strata from district to district. They had grasped the true principle of stratigraphy, and had applied it with signal success. The passage deserves to be quoted from its historical importance in the annals of science : u The means which we have employed, among so many limestones, for the recog- nition of a bed already observed in a distant quarter, has been taken from the nature of the fossils contained in each bed. These fossils are generally the same in corresponding beds, and present tolerably marked differ- ences of species from one group of beds to another. It is a method of recognition which up to the present has never deceived us. 2 A 37 Cuvier and Brongniart " It must not be supposed, however, that the differ- ence in this respect between one bed and another is as sharply marked off as that between the chalk and the limestone. The characteristic fossils of one bed become less abundant in the bed above and disappear altogether in the others, or are gradually replaced by new fossils, which had not previously appeared." 1 The authors then proceed to enumerate the chief groups of strata composing the Calcaire Grossier, beginning at the bottom and tracing the succession upward. It is not necessary to follow them into these details. We may note that, even at that time, the prodigious richness of the lower parts of this formation in fossil shells had been shown by the labours of Defrance, who had gathered from them no fewer than 600 species, which had been described by Lamarck. It was remarked by Cuvier and Brong- niart that most of these shells are much more unlike living forms than those found in the higher strata. These observers also drew, from the unfossiliferous nature of the highest parts of the formation, the in- ference that during the time when the Calcaire Grossier was deposited slowly, layer after layer, the number of shells gradually diminished until they disappeared, the waters either no longer containing them or being un- able to preserve them. The gypseous series which succeeds offered to Cuvier and Brongniart an excellent example of what Werner termed a " formation," inasmuch as it pre- sents a succession of strata markedly different from each other, yet evidently deposited in one continuous ^-Journal des Mines, xxiii. p. 436. Their work in the Paris Basin 371 sedimentation. Cuvier had already startled the world by his descriptions of some of the extinct quadrupeds entombed in these deposits. In calling attention to the occurrence of these animals, the authors refer to the occasional discovery of fresh-water shells in the same strata, and to the confirmation thereby afforded to the opinion of Lamanon and others, that the gypsum of Montmartre and other places around Paris had been deposited in fresh-water lakes. They saw the importance of a thin band of marl at the top of the gypseous series which, in spite of its apparent insignificance, they had found to be trace- able for a great distance. Its value arose partly from its marking what would now be called a lithological horizon, but even more from its stratigraphical in- terest, inasmuch as it served to separate a lacustrine from a marine series. All the shells below this seam were found to be fresh-water forms. Those in the seam itself were species of Tellina, and all those in the strata above were, like that shell, marine. The two geologists, struck by the marked difference of physical conditions represented by the two sections of the gypseous series, had tried to separate it into two formations, but had not carried out the design. Higher up in the series, above a group of sands and marine sandstones, an unfossiliferous siliceous limestone, and a sandstone formation without shells, Cuvier and Brongniart found a widespread fresh-water siliceous limestone or millstone, specially characterised by containing Limnea, Planorbis, and other lacustrine shells. 37 2 Cumer and Brongniart The youngest formation which they described was the alluvium of the valleys, with bones of elephants and trunks of trees. Subsequent research has slightly altered and greatly elaborated the arrangement made by Cuvier and Brongniart of the successive Tertiary formations of the Paris basin. But although the subdivision of the strata into definite stratigraphical and palaeontological platforms has been carried into far greater detail, the broad outlines traced by them remain as true now as they were when first sketched a century ago. These two great men not merely marked out the grouping of the formations in a limited tract of country. They established on a basis of accurate observation the principles of palaeontological strati- graphy. They demonstrated the use of fossils for the determination of geological chronology, and they paved the way for the enormous advances which have since been made in this department of science. For these distinguished labours they deserve an honoured place among the Founders of Geology. Cuvier's contributions to zoology, palaeontology, and comparative anatomy were so numerous and import- ant that his share in the establishment of correct stratigraphy is apt to be forgotten. But his name must ever be bracketed with that of Brongniart for the service rendered to geology by their conjoint work among the Tertiary deposits of the Paris basin. Although Cuvier's researches among fossil animals, and the principles of comparative anatomy which he promulgated, contributed powerfully towards the Cumer's Contributions to Geology 373 foundation and development of vertebrate palaeon- tology as a distinct department of biology, his services to geology proper may be looked upon as almost wholly comprised in the joint essay with Brongniart. Geology indeed had much fascination for him, and he wrote a special treatise on it entitled A Discourse on the Revolutions of the Surface of the Globed In this work he maintains the opinion that the past history of the earth has been marked by the occur- rence of many sudden and widespread catastrophes, exceeding in violence anything we can imagine at the present day, whereby the surface of the land has been overwhelmed by the sea, and its inhabitants have been destroyed. Briefly reviewing the usual action of rain and frost, brooks and rivers, the sea and volcanoes, he comes to the conclusion that the former revolu- tions were so stupendous that " the thread of Nature's operations was broken by them, that her progress was altered, and that none of the agents which she employs 1 In its first form it was prefixed to the Recherches sur les Ossemens Fossiles as a Preliminary Discourse on the Theory of the Earth (1821). It was afterwards published separately as the Discours sur les Revolutions de la surface du Globe (1826). The work showed no marked ad- vance in geological progress. Yet it went through six editions in the author's lifetime, the latest (6th) corrected and augmented by him appearing in 1830. The versions published in England were edited and copiously annotated by Prof. Jameson of Edinburgh, whose notes to the early editions supply some curious samples of his adherence to Wernerianism. Cuvier was also the author of a Report on the Pro- gress of the Natural Sciences, presented to the Emperor Napoleon in 1808, in which he expressed various vague and indefinite opinions on geological questions. In his earlier years his geological bias was decidedly towards Wernerianism (see the references in his Eloge on De Saussure already cited, p. 308). 374 Cuvier and Lamarck to-day could have sufficed for the accomplishment of her ancient works." 1 The contrast between these opinions and those of Lamarck on the same subject could not fail to im- press the minds of their contemporaries. Cuvier was a Cataclysmist, Lamarck an Evolutionist. The former by his brilliant style, his social charm, and his in- fluential position commanded the attention of the world, so that his geological volume, though views which it specially advocated have long since been aban- doned, went through a number of successive editions, besides being translated into English and German. It became, indeed, one of the chief portals through which the ordinary reader of the day made his acquaintance with the science of geology. Lamarck's little Hydro- geologie, on the other hand, met with no such success. Though in many respects, in spite of its occasional extravagance, a more philosophical treatise than Cuvier's, it never reached a second edition, has never been reprinted, and has almost sunk out of sight. Notwithstanding the prominence assigned by Cuvier to great cataclysms in the past history of our planet, he recognised that there has been, on the whole, an upward progress among the races of animals that have successively flourished upon the earth. The oviparous quadrupeds, for instance, preceded the viviparous. But, unlike Lamarck, he set his face against evolution, and refused to admit that the existing races can be modifications of ancient forms, brought about by local circumstances, change of climate or other causes ; for if any such evolution had taken place, he claimed 1 Discours Prelimlnaire, p. xiii. Cumer on the Deluge 375 that some evidence of it should have been found in the shape of intermediate forms in the rocks. He regarded species as permanent, though varieties might arise. He offered a detailed argument to prove, from physical facts and from the history of nations, that the present continents are of modern date, and he entered into an elaborate refutation of the alleged antiquity of some peoples. He believed, with De Luc and Dolomieu, in opposition to the opinions so well expressed by Lamarck, that if any conclusion has been well-established in geology, it is that a great and sudden catastrophe befell the surface of the earth some five or six thousand years ago, whereby the countries inhabited by man were devastated and their inhabitants were destroyed. At that time portions of the sea-floor were upraised to form the present dry land. But the rocks show that this land had previously been inhabited, if not by man, at least by land-animals, and thus that one preceding revolution, if not more, had submerged these tracts and swept away their population. But it was the relation of such terrestrial revolu- tions to the organic world which chiefly attracted the great French naturalist. He could foresee the deeply interesting problems that awaited solution in regard to the alternation of sedimentary materials and the succession of organic remains in the great series of stratified formations, and he concludes his discourse with these eloquent words : " What a noble task it would be were we able to arrange the objects of the organic world in their chronological order, as we have arranged those of the mineral world. Biology would 376 Cumer's Eloges thereby gain much. The development of life, the succession of its forms, the precise determination of those organic types that first appeared, the simultaneous birth of certain species and their gradual extinction the solution of these questions would perhaps en- lighten us regarding the essence of the organism as much as all the experiments that we can try with living species. And man, to whom has been granted but a moment's sojourn on the earth, would gain the glory of tracing the history of the thousands of ages which preceded his existence and of the thousands of beings that have never been his contemporaries." x Cuvier's brilliant career is well known, but I am only concerned at present with those parts of it which touch on geological progress. In 1802, the year in which Lamarck's Hydrogeologie appeared, he became perpetual Secretary of the Institute of France, and it was in this capacity that he composed that remarkable series of Eloges in which so much of the personal history of the more distinguished men of science of his time is enshrined. Eloquent and picturesque, full of knowledge and sympathy, these biographical notices form a series of the most instructive and delightful essays in the whole range of scientific literature. They include sketches of the life and work of De Saussure, Pallas, Werner, Desmarest, Sir Joseph Banks, Hatly, and Lamarck. Five years after the appearance of the earliest con- joint memoir by Cuvier and Brongniart, the structure of the country which they described was still further explored and elucidated by a man who afterwards 1 From the first edition of the Discours Preliminaire, 1821. nOmalius cfHalloy 377 rose to fill an important place among the geologists of Europe J. J. d'Omalius d'Halloy (1783-1875). In 1813 this able observer read to the Institute a memoir on the geology of the Paris basin and the surrounding regions. 1 It corrected and extended the work of his predecessors among the Tertiary forma- tions, but its interest for our present purpose centres mainly in its important contribution to the stratigraphy of the Secondary rocks. He recognised the leading subdivisions of the Cretaceous series, and actually showed the extent of the system upon a map. He likewise ascertained the stratigraphical relations and range of the Jurassic system, which he called the " old horizontal limestone," and which he correctly depicted in its course outside the Chalk. His little map, with its clear outlines and colours, is of historical importance as being the first attempt to construct a true geological map of a large tract of France. It was not a mere chart of the surface rocks, like Guettard's, but had a horizontal section, which showed the Jurassic series lying unconformably upon the edges of the Palaeozoic slates, and covered in turn by the Gault and the Chalk. 1 Ann. des Mines, i. (1817), p. 251. He was the author of numerous subsequent memoirs on the geology of Belgium and the north of France, as well as of several excellent text books of the science. CHAPTER XII THE Rise of Stratigraphical Geology in England. Michell, White- hurst, William Smith, Thomas Webster, the Geological Society of London, W. H. Fitton. Early teachers and text- books. Influence of Lyell. WHILE in France it was the prominence and richly fossiliferous character of the Tertiary strata which first led to the recognition of the value of fossils in stratigraphy, and to the definite establishment of the principles of Stratigraphical geology, in England a similar result was reached by a study of the Secondary formations, which are not only more extensively developed there than the younger series, but display more clearly their succession and persistence. But in both countries the lithological sequence, being the more obvious, was first established before it was con- firmed and extended by a recognition of the value of the evidence of organic remains. Early in the eighteenth century Strachey published the succession of formations from the Coal to the Chalk (p. 194). Michell in 1760 gave a clear ac- count of the stratified arrangement of the sedimentary formations, describing their general characters and the persistence of these characters for great distances, and Michell on Geological Succession 379 showing that while on the flat ground the strata re- main nearly level, they gradually become inclined as they approach the mountains. 1 He pointed out that the mountains are formed generally of the lower or older rocks, while the more level ground lies usually on the upper and nearly horizontal strata. He re- marked further that the same sets of strata, in the same order, are generally met with in crossing Britain towards the sea, the direction of the ridge being towards the north-north-east and south-south-west. That he was familiar with the broad features of the succession of the geological formations in England, from the Coal-measures of Yorkshire up to the Chalk, is shown by an interesting table which seems to have been drawn up by him about 1788 or 1789, and which was published after his death. 2 Michell enables us to form a clear conception of his views by the following illustration. " Let a number of leaves of paper," he remarks, " of several different sorts or colours, be pasted upon one another ; then bending them up into a ridge in the middle, conceive them to be reduced again to a level surface, by a plane so passing through them as to cut off all the part that has been raised. Let the middle now be again raised a little, and this will be a good general representation of most, if not all, large tracts of mountainous countries, together with the parts adjacent, throughout the whole world. From this formation of the earth it will follow that we ought to meet with the same kinds of earths, stones, and minerals, appearing at the surface in long 1 Phil. Trans, vol. li. (1760), part ii. p. 582, et seq. ^Phll. Mag. vol. xxxvi. p. 102, and Hi. p. 186. 380 Whitekurst on Stratigraphy narrow slips, and lying parallel to the greatest rise of any long ridge of mountains ; and so, in fact, we find them." Contrast this clear presentation of the tectonic structure of our mountains and continents with the confused and contradictory explanation of the same structure subsequently promulgated from Freiberg. Michell clearly realised that the rocks of the earth's crust had been laid down in a definite order, that they had been uplifted along the mountain axes, that they had been subsequently planed down, and that their present disposition in parallel bands was the result partly of the upheaval and partly of the denudation. Another English observer, whose name may be mentioned here, is John Whitehurst (1713-1788) who published in 1778 an "Inquiry into the Original State and Formation of the Earth." This work was the last effort of the fantastic English School of Cosmogonists. Amid absurd speculations as to the condition of Chaos and other equally visionary topics, he wrote well on organic remains, and showed that he clearly grasped the stratigraphical succession of the formations in Derbyshire and other parts of England. " The strata invariably follow each other," he remarks, u as it were, in alphabetical order," and though they may not be alike in all parts of the earth, neverthe- less, " in each particular part, how much soever they may differ, yet they follow each other in a regular succession." While the stratigraphical sequence of the geological formations in England was thus partially realised by William Smith, Father of English Geology 3 8 1 a few pioneers, its final establishment was the work of William Smith (1769-1839) usually known as the " Father of English geology." He definitely arranged the rocks in their true order from the Killas series (Cambrian and Silurian) of Wales up to the Tertiary groups of the London basin. More particu- larly he determined the subdivisions of the Secondary, or at least of the Jurassic (Oolitic) rocks, and estab- lished their order, which has been found applicable not only to England but to the rest of Europe. No more interesting chapter in scientific annals can be found than that which traces the progress of this remarkable man, who, amidst endless obstacles and hindrances, clung to the idea which had early taken shape in his mind, and who lived to see that idea universally accepted as the guiding principle in the investigation of the geological structure, not of Eng- land only, but of Europe and of the globe. William Smith came of a race of yeoman farmers who for many generations had owned small tracts of land in Oxfordshire and Gloucestershire. 1 He was born at Churchill, in the former county, on 23rd March 1769, the same year that gave birth to Cuvier. Before he was eight years old he lost his father. After his mother married for the second time, he seems to have been largely dependent upon an uncle 1 The biographical details are derived from the Memoirs of William Smith, LL.D., by his nephew and pupil, John Phillips, 1844. The biographer (1800-1874) became himself a leading geologist in England and for the last eighteen years of his active and useful life was the genial Reader and Professor of Geology in the University of Oxford. 382 William Smith for education and assistance. The instruction obtain- able at the village school was of the most limited kind. With difficulty the lad procured means to purchase a few books from which he might learn the rudiments of geometry and surveying. Already he had taken to the observing and collecting of stones, particularly of the well-preserved fossils whereof the Jurassic rocks of his neighbourhood were full. He came to be interested in questions of drainage and other pursuits connected with the surface of the land, and in spite of want of encouragement, made such progress with his studies that at the age of eighteen he was taken as assistant to a surveyor. But he had no education beyond that of the village school and what he had been able to acquire through his own reading. This early defect crippled, to the end of his life, his efforts to make known to the world the scientific results he obtained. Smith's capacity and steady powers of application were soon appreciated in the vocation upon which he had entered. Before long he was entrusted with all the ordinary work of a land surveyor, to which were added many duties that would now devolve upon a civil engineer. From an early part of his professional career, his attention was arrested by the great variety among the soils with which he had to deal, and the connection between these soils and the strata under- lying them. He had continually to traverse the red ground that marks the position of the Triassic marls and sandstones in the south-west and centre of England, and to pass thence across the clays and limestones of the Lias, or to and fro among the His early Geological studies 383 freestones and shales of the Oolites. The contrasts of these different kinds of rock, the variations in their characteristic scenery, and the persistence of feature which marked each band of strata gave him constant subjects of observation and reflection. By degrees his surveying duties took him farther afield, and brought him in contact with yet older forma- tions, particularly with the Coal-measures of Somerset and their dislocations. At the age of four-and-twenty, he was engaged in carrying out a series of levellings for a canal, and had the opportunity of confirming a suspicion, which had been gradually taking shape in his mind, that the various strata with which he was familiar, though they seemed quite flat, were really inclined at a gentle angle towards the east, and terminated sharply towards the west, like so many " slices of bread and butter." He took the liveliest interest in this matter, and felt convinced that it must have a far deeper meaning and wider application than he had yet surmised. His first start on geological exploration took place the following year (1794) when, as engineer to a canal that was to be constructed, he was deputed to accom- pany two of the Committee of the Company in a tour of some weeks duration, for the purpose of gaining information respecting the construction, man- agement, and trade of other lines of inland navigation. The party went as far north as Newcastle, and came back through Shropshire and Wales to Bath, having travelled 900 miles on their mission. The young surveyor made full use of the opportunities which this journey afforded him. He had by this time satisfied 384 William Smith himself that the stratigraphical succession, which he had worked out for a small part of the south-west of England, had an important bearing on scientific questions, besides many practical applications of im- portance. But it needed to be extended and checked by a wider experience. u No journey, purposely con- trived," so he wrote, " could have better answered my purpose. To sit forward on the chaise was a favour readily granted ; my eager eyes were never idle a moment ; and post-haste travelling only put me upon new resources, General views, under exist- ing circumstances, were the best that could have been taken, and the facility of knowing, by contours and other features, what might be the kind of stratification in the hills is a proof of early advancement in the generalisation of phenomena. " In the more confined views, where the roads commonly climb to the summits, as in our start from Bath to Tetbury, by Swanswick, the slow driving up the steep hills afforded me distinct views of the nature of the rocks ; rushy pastures on the slopes of the hills, the rivulets and kind of trees, all aided in defining the intermediate clays ; and while occasion- ally walking to see bridges, locks, and other works, on the lines of canal, more particular observations could be made. " My friends being both concerned in working coal, were interested in two objects ; but I had three, and the most important one to me I pursued unknown to them ; though I was continually talking about the rocks and other strata, they seemed not desirous of knowing the guiding principles or objects of these Early geological tour 385 remarks ; and it might have been from the many hints, perhaps mainly on this subject, which I made in the course of the journey, that Mr. Palmer jocosely recommended me to write a book of hints." 1 We can picture the trio on this memorable journey the young man in front eagerly scrutinizing every field, ridge, and hill along each side of the way, noting every change of soil and topography, and turning round every little while, unable to restrain his exuberant pleasure as his eye detected one indication after another of the application of the principles he had found to hold good at home, and pointing them out with delight to his two sedate companions, who looked at him with amusement, but with neither knowledge of his aims nor sympathy with his enthusiasm. For six years William Smith was engaged in setting out and superintending the construction of the Somer- setshire Coal Canal. In the daily engrossing cares of these duties it might seem that there could be little opportunity for adding to his stores of geological knowledge, or working out in more detail the prin- ciples of stratigraphy that he had already reached. But in truth these six years were among the most important in his whole career. The constant and close observation which he was compelled to give to the strata that had to be cut through in making the canal, led him to give more special attention to the organic remains in them. From boyhood he had gathered fossils, but without connecting them definitely with the succession of the rocks that contained them. 1 Memoirs, p. 10. 386 William Smith He now began to observe more carefully their dis- tribution, and came at last to perceive that, certainly among the formations with which he had to deal, "each stratum contained organized fossils peculiar to itself, and might, in cases otherwise doubtful, be recognized and discriminated from others like it, but in a different part of the series, by examination of them." 1 It was while engaged in the construction of this canal that Smith began to arrange his observations for publication. He had a methodical habit of writ- ing out his notes and reflections, and dating them. But he had not the art of condensing his material, and arranging it in literary form. Nevertheless, he could not for a moment doubt that the results which he had arrived at would be acknowledged by the public to possess both scientific importance and prac- tical value. Much of his work was inserted upon maps, wherein he traced the position and range of each of the several groups of rock with which he had become familiar. He had likewise ample notes of local sections, and complete evidence of a recognis- able succession among the rocks. Not only could he identify the strata by their fossils, but he could point out to the surveyors, contractors, and other practical men with whom he came in contact, how useful in many kinds of undertakings was the detailed know- ledge which he had now acquired. In agriculture, in mining, in road-making, in draining, in the con- struction of canals, in questions of water-supply, and in many other affairs of everyday life, he was able 1 Memoirs, p. 1 5 . As Engineer and Surveyor 387 to prove that his system of observation possessed great practical utility. In the year 1799, n ^ s connection with the Canal Company came to an end. He was thereafter com- pelled to put his geological knowledge to commercial use, and to undertake the laborious duties of an engineer and surveyor on his own account. Eventually he found considerable employment over the whole length and breadth of England, and showed singular shrewdness and originality in dealing with the engineer- ing questions which came before him. He was a close observer of nature, and his knowledge of natural processes stood him in good stead in his professional calling. If he had to keep out the sea from low ground, he constructed his barrier as nearly as possible like those which the waves themselves had thrown up. If he was asked to prevent a succession of landslips, he studied the geological structure of the district and the underground drainage, and drove his tunnels so as to intercept the springs underneath. His nephew and biographer tells us that his engagements in con- nection with drainage and irrigation involved journeys of sometimes 10,000 miles in a year. Such continuous travelling to and fro across the country served to augment enormously his minute personal acquaintance with the geological structure of England. He made copious notes, and his retentive memory enabled him to retain a vivid recollection even of the details of what he had once seen. But the leisure which he needed in order to put his materials together seemed to flee from him. Year after year passed away ; the pile of manuscript rose 388 William Smith higher, but no progress was made in the preparation of the growing mass of material for publication. In the year 1799, William Smith made the acquaint- ance of the Rev. Benjamin Richardson, who, living in Bath, had interested himself in forming a collection of fossils from the rocks of the neighbourhood. Look- ing over this collection, the experienced surveyor was able to tell far more about its contents than the owner of it knew himself. Writing long afterwards to Sedg- wick, Mr. Richardson narrated how Smith could decide at once from what strata they had respectively come, and how well he knew the lie of the rocks on the ground. " With the open liberality peculiar to Mr. Smith," he adds, " he wished me to communicate this to the Rev. J. Townsend of Pewsey (then in Bath), who was not less surprised at the discovery. But we were soon much more astonished by proofs of his own collecting, that whatever stratum was found in any part of England, the same remains would be found in it and no other. Mr. Townsend, who had pursued the subject forty or fifty years, and had travelled over the greater part of civilized Europe, declared it perfectly unknown to all his acquaintance, and, he believed, to all the rest of the world. In consequence of Mr. Smith's desire to make so valuable a discovery universally known, I without reserve gave a card of the English strata to Baron Rosencrantz, Dr. Mailer of Christiania, and many others, in the year iBoi." 1 The card of the English strata referred to in this letter was a tabular list of the formations from the Coal up to the Chalk, with the thicknesses of the several 1 Memoirs, p. 31. His original Table of Strata 389 members, an enumeration of some of their characteristic fossils, and a synopsis of their special lithological peculiarities and scenery. This table was drawn up in triplicate by Mr. Richardson, at Smith's dictation, in the year 1799, each of the friends and Mr. Towns- end taking a copy. Smith's copy was presented by him to the Geological Society of London in 1831. Though not actually published, this table obtained wide publicity. It showed that the fundamental prin- ciples of stratigraphy had been worked out by William Smith alone, and independently, before the end of the eighteenth century. He had demonstrated, as his friend and pupil Farey testified, " that the fossil pro- ductions of the strata are not accidentally distributed therein, but that each particular species has its proper and invariable place in some particular stratum ; and that some one or two or more of these species of fossil shells may serve as new and more distinctive marks of the identity of most of the strata of England/' 1 Had Smith's table been printed and sold it would have established his claim to priority beyond all possibility of cavil. But even without this technical support, his place among the pioneers of stratigraphy cannot be gainsaid. Notwithstanding the abundant professional employ- ment which he obtained, Smith never abounded in money. So keenly desirous was he to complete his investigation of the distribution of the strata of Eng- land, for the purpose of constructing a map of the country, that he spent as freely as he gained, walking, riding, or posting in directions quite out of the way 1 See note on p. 394. 39 William Smith of his business. " Having thus emptied his pockets for what he deemed a public object, he was forced to make up, by night-travelling, the time he had lost, so as not to fail in his professional engagements." Stimulated by the kindly urgency of his friend Richardson, who alarmed him by pointing out that if he did not publish his observations, some one else might anticipate him, Smith was prevailed upon to draw up a prospectus of a work in which he proposed to give a detailed account of the various strata of England and Wales, with an accompanying map and sections. A publisher in London was named, and the prospectus was extensively circulated ; but it led to nothing. Eventually Smith established himself in London as the best centre for his professional work, and in 1805 he took a large house there, with room for the display of his collections and maps, which were open to the inspection of any one interested in such matters. Among his materials he had completed a large county map of Somersetshire, as a specimen of what might be done for the different counties of England. This document seems to have been exhibited at the Board of Agriculture, and a proposal was made that he should be permanently attached to the corps of engineers then engaged in surveying the island. But the idea never went farther. Not until thirty years later was it re- vived by De la Beche, and pressed with such persever- ance as to lead in the end to the establishment of the present Geological Survey of Great Britain. From 1799, when Smith first contemplated the pub- lication of his observations, every journey that he took was as far as possible made subservient to the His geological Map of England 391 completion of his map of England. At last, but not until the end of the year 1812, he found a publisher enterprising enough to undertake the risk of engrav- ing and publishing this map. The work was begun in January 1813, and was published in August I8I5- 1 It was appropriately dedicated to Sir Joseph Banks, President of the Royal Society, who had encouraged and helped the author. William Smith's map has long since taken its place among the great classics of geological cartography. It was the first attempt to portray on such a scale not merely the distribution, but the stratigraphy of the formations of a whole country. Well might D'Au- buisson say of it that " what the most distinguished mineralogists during a period of half a century had done for a little part of Germany, had been undertaken and accomplished for the whole of England by one man ; and his work, as fine in its results as it is astonishing in its extent, demonstrates that England is regularly divided into strata, the order of which is never inverted, and that the same species of fossils are found in the same stratum even at wide distances."' But it is not so much as a cartographical achieve- ment that Smith's great map deserves our attention at present. Its appearance marked a distinct epoch in stratigraphical geology, for from that time some of what are now the most familiar terms in geological nomenclature passed into common use. Smith had no scholarship ; he did not even cull euphonious terms 1 For the title and description of the map see p. 452, where refer- ence will be found to the map of G. B. Greenough. 2 Tralte de Geognosit (1819), tome ii. p. 253. 39 2 William Smith from Greek or Latin lexicons ; he was content to take the rustic or provincial names he found in common use over the districts which he traversed. Hence were now introduced into geological literature such words as London Clay, Kentish Rag, Purbeck Stone, Car- stone, Cornbrash, Clunch Clay, Lias, Forest Marble. By ingeniously colouring the bottom of each forma- tion a fuller tint than the rest, Smith brought the general succession of strata conspicuously before the eye. Further, by the aid of vertical tables of the formations and a horizontal section from Wales to the vale of the Thames, he was able to give the details of the succession which, for some twenty-four years, he had been engaged in unravelling in every part of the kingdom. Of especial value and originality was his clear sub- division of what is now known as the Jurassic system. He did for that section of the geological record what Cuvier and Brongniart had done for the Tertiary series of Paris. After the first copies of the map had been issued, he was able still further to subdivide and improve his classification of these strata, introducing among the new bands, Crag, Portland Rock, Coral Rag, and Kellaways Stone. 1 In the memoir accompanying the map, the tabular arrangement of the strata drawn up in 1799 was inserted, with its column giving the names, so far as he knew them, of the more characteristic fossils of each formation. To the laborious researches of William Smith we are thus indebted for the first attempt to distinguish 1 Phillips, Memoirs, p. 146. His professional reverses 393 the various subdivisions of the Secondary rocks, from the base of the New Red Sandstone up to the Chalk,, and for the demonstration that these successive plat- forms are marked off from each other, not merely by mineral characters, but by their peculiar assemblages of organic remains. From his provincial terminology come the more sonorous names of Purbeckian, Port- landian, Callovian, Corallian, Bathonian, Liassic, which are now familiar words in every geological text-book. In his eagerness to make his map as complete and accurate as was possible to him, Smith spent so freely of his hardly-earned income that he accumulated no savings against the day of trial, which came only too soon. He had been induced to lay down a railway on a little property which early in life he had purchased near Bath, with the view of opening some new quarries and bringing the building-stone to the barges on the canal. Unfortunately the stone, on the continuance and quality of which the whole success of the enter- prise rested, failed. It became necessary to sell the property, and thereafter the sanguine engineer was left with a load of debt under which most men would have succumbed. Struggling under this blow, he was first compelled to part with his collections of fossils, which were acquired by the Government and placed in the British Museum. Next he found himself no longer able to bear the expense of the house in London which he had occupied for fifteen years. Not only so, but hard fate drove him to sell all his furniture, books and other property, keeping only the maps, sections, drawings and piles of manuscript which were so precious in his own eyes, but for which nobody 394 William Smith would have been likely to give him anything. For seven years he had no home, but wandered over the north of England, wherever professional engagements might carry him. His income was diminished and fluctuating, yet even under this cloud of trial he retained his quiet courage and his enthusiasm for geological exploration. That a man of Smith's genius should have been allowed to remain in this condition of toil and poverty has been brought forward as a reproach to his fellow- countrymen. It may be doubted, however, whether a man of his strong independence of character would have accepted any pecuniary assistance, so long as he could himself gain by his own exertions a modest though uncertain income. It is not that his merits were unrecognised in England, though perhaps the appreciation of them was tardier than it might have been. In 1818 a full and generous tribute to his merits was written by Fitton, and appeared in the Edinburgh Review for February in that year. 1 But though his fame was thus well established, his financial position remained precarious. He had gradually formed a consulting practice as a mineral and geo- logical surveyor in the north of England, and he 1 At the end of 1817 there seems to have been some inquiry as to priority of discovery in regard to Smith's work. In the following March, Mr. John Farey contributed to Tilloch's Philo- sophical Magazine a definite statement of Smith's claims, showing that the fundamental facts and principles he had established had been freely made known by him to many people as far back as 1795, and that Farey himself, on 5th August 1 807, had published an explicit notification of Smith's discoveries and conclusions as to fossil shells in the article on Coal in Rees' Cyclopedia. His figure and character 395 eventually settled at Scarborough. From 1828 to 1834 he acted as land-steward on the estate of Hackness in the same district of Yorkshire. In 1831 he received from the Geological Society the first Wollaston Medal, and the President of the Society, Adam Sedgwick, seized the occasion to pro- claim, in fervid and eloquent words, the admiration and gratitude of all the geologists of England towards the man whom he named " the father of English geology." Next year a pension of jioo from the Crown was conferred upon him. Honours now came to him in abundance. But his scientific race was run. He continued to increase his piles of manu- script, but without methodically digesting them for publication. He died on 28th August 1839, m t ^ ie seventy-first year of his age. William Smith was tall and broadly built, like the English yeomen from whom he came. His face was that of an honest, sagacious farmer, whose broad brow and firm lips betokened great capacity and decision, but would hardly have suggested the enthusi- astic student of science. His work, indeed, bears out the impression conveyed by his portrait. His plain, solid, matter-of-fact intellect never branched into theory or speculation, but occupied itself wholly in the observation of facts. His range of geological vision was as limited as his general acquirements. He had reached early in life the conclusions on which his fame rests, and he never advanced beyond them. His whole life was dedicated to the task of extending his stratigraphical principles to every part of England. But this extension, though of the utmost importance 396 William Smith to the country in which he laboured, was only of secondary value in the progress of science. Besides his great map of England, Smith published also a series of geological maps, on a larger scale, of the English counties, comprising in some instances much detailed local information. He likewise issued a series of striking horizontal sections (1819) across different parts of England, in which the succession of the formations was clearly depicted. These sections may be regarded as the complement of his map, and as thus establishing for all time the essential features of English stratigraphy, and the main out- lines of the sequence of the Secondary formations for the rest of Europe. In another publication, Strata Identified by Organised Fossils (1816), he gave a series of plates, with excellent engraved figures of charac- teristic fossils from the several formations. He adopted in this work the odd conceit of having the plates printed on variously coloured paper, to corre- spond with the prevalent tint of the strata from which the fossils came. He had no palaeontological knowledge, so that the thin quarto, never completed, is chiefly of interest as a record of the organisms that he had found most useful in establishing the succession of the formations. There is yet another name that deserves to be remembered in any review of the early efforts to group the Secondary formations that of Thomas Webster (I773-I844). 1 As far back as 181 1, this clever artist 1 Webster was born in the Orkney Islands, received his education at Aberdeen, and came early in life to London. He practised as an architect, and made journeys in England during which he devoted Webster 397 and keen-eyed geologist began a series of investiga- tions of the coast-sections of the Isle of Wight and of Dorset, and continued them for three years. They were published in 1815, the same year that Smith's map made its appearance. 1 They were thus indepen- dent of that work. Webster had already studied the Tertiary formations of the Isle of Wight and had pub- lished a remarkable memoir upon them in which he recognised their alternations of fresh-water and marine strata, 2 as had been done in the Paris basin. He now threw into tabular arrangement the whole succession of strata from the upper fresh-water (Oligocene) group through the Lower Tertiary series to the Kimmeridge shale in the Jurassic system. He clearly defined each of the leading subdivisions of the Cretaceous series, and prepared the way for the admirable later and more detailed work of William Henry Fitton (i78o-i86i) 3 much time to geological enquiry. In 1826 he became House-secre- tary and Curator to the Geological Society, and in 1841 was appointed Professor of Geology in University College, London. iSee Englefield's Isle of Wight (1815), p. 117. 2 Trans. Geol. Soc. vol. ii. This and his other memoirs are classic contributions to the Secondary and Tertiary geology of England. 3 Fitton, though of English lineage, was born in Dublin. After distinguishing himself at Trinity College there, he at first proposed to enter the church, but his predilection for natural science turned him into medicine, and he finally took the degree of M.D. and for some years practised as a physician in Northampton. Early in life he studied at Edinburgh, and acquired there under Jameson a love of geological pursuits. Eventually, having married a lady possessed of ample means, he retired from his profession, and established himself in London, where his house became one of the scientific centres of his time. From 1817 down to the middle of last century he continued at intervals to contribute articles to the Edinburgh Review on the 398 Geological Society of London to whom we are indebted for the first detailed and accurate determination of the succession of strata and their distinctive fossils, from the base of the Chalk down into the Oolites, in the south of England and the neighbouring region in France. More particularly he showed the relations and importance of the Green- sand formations, his memoirs on which are now among the classics of English geology. In concluding this sketch of the early progress of stratigraphical geology in Britain I may refer to the important influence exerted by the Geological Society of London which was founded in 1 807 " to investigate the mineral structure of the Earth." At that time the warfare between the Neptunists and Plutonists still continued, but there were many men, interested in the study of geological subjects, who were weary of the conflict of hypotheses, and who would fain devote their time and energy to the accumulation of facts regard- ing the ancient history of the globe, rather than to the elaboration of theories to explain them. A few such enquirers formed themselves into the Geological Society, and soon attracted others around them until, in a few years, they had established an active insti- tution which became a centre for geological research and discussion, published the contributions of its progress of his favourite science. These essays showed him to be an able and elegant writer, who was not only conversant with all the advances in the geology of the day, but having also an intimate acquaintance with the history and literature of the science, was able by his criticism to exercise a guiding influence on his contemporaries. His researches among the Greensand formations, on which his fame rests as an original observer, were continued for twelve years from 1824 to 1836. Cony b ear e and Phillips 399 members in quarto volumes, and eventually was incorporated by Royal Charter as one of the leading scientific bodies of the country. This society, which has been the parent of others in different countries, continues to flourish, and its publications, extending over nearly a century, contain a record of original researches which have powerfully helped the progress of all branches of geology. Besides their papers issued by the society, some of the early members published separate works which greatly advanced the cause of their favourite science. Among these early inde- pendent treatises perhaps the most important was the Outlines of the Geology of England and Wales by W. D. Conybeare (1787-1857) and W. Phillips (1775-1828) which appeared in 1822. In this excel- lent volume all that was then known regarding the rocks of the country, from the youngest formations down to the Old Red Sandstone, was summarised in so clear and methodical a manner as to give a powerful impulse to the cultivation of geology in England. From the outline given in this and the previous Chapter, it will be seen that during the last two decades of the eighteenth and the first four of the nineteenth century, great progress was made in the study of the stratigraphy of the Secondary and Tertiary formations of France and England, while the principle of the application of the evidence of organic remains to the identification of these formations from district to district was everywhere applied with signal success. From the youngest alluvial deposits down through the whole series of sedimentary rocks to the Car- boniferous system, the clue had been obtained and 400 Rapid growth of Stratigraphy put to use whereby the stratigraphical order could be satisfactorily established from one country to another. A prodigious impetus was now given to the study of geology. The various stratified forma- tions, arranged in their true chronological sequence, were seen to contain the regular and decipherable records of the history of our globe, which could be put together with at least as much certainty as faded manuscripts of human workmanship. The or- ganic remains contained in them were found to be not random accumulations, heaped together by the catastrophes of bygone ages, but orderly chronicles of old sea-floors, lake-bottoms, and land-surfaces. The centre of gravity of geology was now rapidly altered, especially in Western Europe. Minerals and rocks no longer monopolized the attention of those who inter- ested themselves in the crust of the earth. The petri- fied remains of former plants and animals ceased to be mere curiosities. Their meaning as historical docu- ments was at last realised. They were seen to have a double interest, for while they told the story of the successive vicissitudes which the surface of the earth had undergone, from remote ages down to the present, they likewise unfolded an altogether new and mar- vellous panorama of the progress of life upon that surface. They had hitherto shared with minerals and rocks the usage of the term " fossil." As their im- portance grew, they were discriminated as " organized fossils." But the rising tide of awakened interest, follow- ing Lamarck's lead, swept away the qualifying participle, and organic remains became sole possessors of the term, as if they were the only objects dug out of the Geological Text-Books 401 earth that were any longer worthy to be denominated fossils. While the whole science of geology made gigantic advances during the nineteenth century, by far the most astonishing progress sprang from the recognition of the value of fossils. To that source may be traced the prodigious development of stratigraphy over the whole world, the power of working out the geological history of a country, and of comparing it with the history of other countries, the possibility of tracing the synchron- ism and the sequence of the geographical changes of the earth's surface since life first appeared upon the planet. To the same source, also, we are indebted for the rise of the science of Palaeontology, and the splendid contributions it has made to biological investigation. In the midst of the profusion, alike of blossom and of /fruit, let us not forget the work of those who sowed ^*the seed of the abundant harvest which we are now reaping. Let us remember the early suggestive essays of Guettard, the pregnant ideas of Lehmann and Fiichsel, the prescient pages of Giraud-Soulavie, the brilliant work of Lamarck, Cuvier and Brongniart, and the patient and clear-sighted enthusiasm of William Smith. To another feature in the rapid advance of geology after these pioneers had gone to their rest, brief allusion must here be made. The amount of ascertained fact regarding the structure and history of the earth was every year increasing at so rapid a rate that it became necessary to prepare digests of it, for the use of those who wished to be informed on these subjects or to keep pace with the advance of knowledge. Hence 2 c 402 Geological Text-Books arose in different countries, text-books, manuals and other general treatises wherein an account was given of the facts and principles of geological science. The earlier works of this kind were in some cases a mere reproduction of the system taught by Werner at Frei- berg. Such were the Lehrbuch der Mineralogie (1801- 1803) of F. A. Reuss and the Treatise on Geognosy (1808) by R. Jameson which formed the third volume of the first edition of his System of Mineralogy. The citations which have been made in Chapter VII. from the Edinburgh Professor's volume may serve as illus- trations of the Wernerian geognosy. But the great advance made by the science during the first three decades of last century, consequent on the development of stratigraphy and the construction of geological maps led to a complete change in the method of treatment adopted in the text-books. In the excellent Traite de Geognosie of J. F. d'Aubuisson de Voisons the transition from Neptunianism to more modern and scientific views is well displayed. In Germany various treatises ap- peared in which the newer developments of geology were discussed, the most voluminous and exhaustive being the admirable Lehrbuch of C. F. Naumann. In Belgium the JLUmem de Geologic of Omalius d'Halloy and his Abrege went through successive editions, and did good service in spreading a knowledge of the science. In Italy the works of Breislak already cited (p. 257) especially his Institutions Geologiques (Milan and Paris 1818) were useful additions to geological literature. In England the Outlines of Conybeare and Phillips, already noticed, deserves a special commendation. Nine years later the Manual of Geology by H. T. Lyell's Influence 403 De la Beche appeared (1831) and at once established for itself a world-wide reputation for its ample and clear presentation of the science. It was translated into French and German, and an edition of it -was also published in the United States. De la Beche's other works, more particularly his Researches in Theo- retical Geology (1831) and his How to observe in Geology (1835), which showed his remarkable range of acquirement, his scientific insight and his wide practical acquaintance with rocks in the field, were important contributions to the science. But of all the English writers of general treatises on geology, the first place must undoubtedly be assigned to Charles Lyell (1797-1875) who exercised a profound influence on the geology of his time in all English-speaking countries. Adopting the principles of the Huttonian theory, he developed them until the original enunciator of them was nearly lost sight of. With unwearied industry he marshalled in admirable order all the observations that he could collect in support of the doctrine that the present is the key to the past. With inimitable luci- dity he traced the operation of existing causes, and held them up as the measure of those which have acted in bygone time. He carried Hutton's doctrine to its logical conclusion, for not only did he refuse to allow the introduction of any process which could not be shown to be a part of the present system of Nature, he would not even admit that there was any reason to suppose the degree of activity of the geological agents to have ever seriously differed from what it has been within human experience. He became the great high priest of Uniformitarianism a creed which grew to be 404 Charles Lyell almost universal in England during his life, but which never made much way in the rest of Europe, and which in its extreme form is probably now held by few geolo- gists in any country. Lyell's Principles of Geology will, however, always rank as one of the classics of geology, and must form an early part of the reading of every man who would wish to make himself an accomplished geologist. The last part of this work was ultimately published as a separate volume, with the title of Elements of Geology^ in which a large space was devoted to an account of the stratified fossiliferous formations. This treatise, diligently kept up to date by its author, continued during his life-time to be the chief English exposition of its subject, and the handbook of every English geologist. Lyell's function was mainly that of a critic and exponent of the researches of his contemporaries, and of a philosophical writer thereon, with a rare faculty of perceiving the connection of scattered facts with each other, and with the general principles of science. As Ramsay once remarked to me, " We collect the data, and Lyell teaches us to comprehend the meaning of them." But Lyell, though he did not, like Sedgwick and Murchison, add new chapters to geological history, nevertheless left his mark upon the nomenclature and classification of the geological record. Conceiving, as far back as 1828, the idea of arranging the whole series of Tertiary formations in four groups, according to their affinity to the living fauna, he established, in conjunction with Deshayes, who had independently formed a similar opinion, the well-known classification into Eocene, Miocene, and Pliocene. The first of these terms was His Tertiary Classification 405 proposed for strata containing an extremely small pro- portion of living species of shells ; the second for those where the percentage of recent species was considerable, but still formed the minority of the whole assemblage, while the third embraced the formations in which living forms were predominant. The scheme was a somewhat artificial one, and the original percentages have had to be modified from time to time, but the terms have kept their place, and are now firmly planted in the geological language of all corners of the globe. CHAPTER XIII PROGRESS of Stratigraphical Geology The Transition or Greywacke formation resolved by Sedgwick and Murchison into the Cam- brian, Silurian and Devonian systems. The Primordial Fauna of Barrande. The pre-Cambrian rocks first begun to be set in order by Logan. THE determination of the value of fossils as chrono- logical documents has done more than any other discovery to change the character and accelerate the progress of geological inquiry. No contrast can be more striking than the difference between the con- dition of the science before and after that discovery was made. Before that time, while the Wernerian classification of the rocks of the earth's crust prevailed, there was really little stimulus to investigate these rocks in their chronological relations to each other. They were grouped, indeed, in a certain order, which was believed to express their succession in time, but their identification from one country to another pro- ceeded on no minute study of their internal structure, their fossil contents, or their tectonic relations. It was thought enough if their mineral characters were determined so that they could be placed in one or other of the divisions of the Freiberg system. Hence, Influence of Fossils on Stratigraphy 407 as was pointed in an earlier chapter, when an orthodox disciple of Werner had relegated a mass of deposits to the Transition series, or the Floetz or the Inde- pendent Coal-formation, as the case might be, he considered that all that was really essential had been ascertained, and his interest in the matter came practi- cally to an end. But the extraordinary awakening which resulted from the labours of Soulavie, Lamarck, Cuvier, Brongniart and William Smith, invested the strata with a new meaning. As stratigraphical investigations multiplied, the artificiality and inadequacy of the Wernerian arrangement became every day more apparent. Even more serious than the attacks of the Vulcanists, and the disclosure of eruptive granites and porphyries among the Transition rocks, were the discoveries made among the fossiliferous stratified formations. It was no longer possible to crowd and crush these rocks within the narrow limits of the Wernerian system, even in its most modified and improved form. The necessity for expansion and for adopting a perfectly natural nomenclature and classification, based upon the actually observed facts, as these were successively ascertained, made itself felt especially in England and in France. Hence arose the curiously mongrel terminology which is now in use. Certain formations were named from some prominent mineral in them, such as Carboniferous. Others were dis- criminated by some conspicuous variety of rock, like the Cretaceous series. Some took their names from a characteristic structure, like Oolitic, others from their relative position in the whole series, as in the 40 8 Progress of Stratigraphy case of Old Red Sandstone and New Red Sandstone. Certain terms betrayed the country of their origin , as did William Smith's English provincial names, like Gault, Kellaways Rock, and Lias. The growth of the present stratigraphical nomen- clature is thus eminently characteristic of the early rise and progress of the study of stratigraphy in Europe. Precisians decry this inartificial and hap- hazard language, and would like to introduce a brand new harmonious and systematic terminology. But the present arrangement has its historical interest and value, and so long as it is convenient and intelli- gible, I do not see that any advantage to science would accrue from its abolition. The method of naming formations or groups of strata after districts where they are typically developed has long been in use and has many advantages, but it has not sup- planted all the original names, and I for my part hope that it never will. With regard to what are now known as the Tertiary and Secondary formations, the Wernerian " Floetz," under which they were all comprised, soon sank into disuse. 1 But there was a long pause before the strata of older date were subjected to the same diligent study. 1 One of the latest adaptations of the word was that of Keferstein in his Tabellen fiber die vergleichende Geologic (1825). He frankly threw over Wernerianism, but stuck to the pre- Wernerian Floetz, which he arranged in five subdivisions, (i) Youngest Floetz, alluvium, etc. ; (2) Tertiary Floetz, marls, gypsum, etc., of Paris, Brown coal ; (3) Younger Floetz, or Chalk rocks, Chalk, Jura Limestone, Greensand ; (4) Middle Floetz, or Muschelkalk Lias, Keuper marl, Bunter sandstone, Zechstein ; (5) Old Floetz, or Mountain Limestone Coal, Mountain Limestone. The IVernerian Lithological Seqtience 409 For this delay various good reasons may be assigned. We have seen that William Smith's researches went down into the Coal-measures, but he had only a general and somewhat vague idea of the sequence of the rocks beneath that formation. In the table accompanying his map (1812) he placed below the Coal the Derbyshire Limestone followed by Red and Dunstone, Killas or Slate and lastly Granite, Syenite^ and Gneiss. Some of these rocks were known to be fossiliferous, but in general, throughout Western Europe, they had been so disturbed and dislocated that they no longer presented the proofs of their sequence in the same orderly manner as had led to the recognition of the succession of the younger formations. It will be remembered that in his original scheme of classification Werner grouped some rocks as Primitive (uranfangliche), and classed together as Floetz the whole series of stratified formations between these and the alluvial deposits. Further experience led him to separate an intermediate group between the Primitive and the Floetz, which he denominated Transition. He considered that this group was " deposited during the passage or transition of the earth from its chaotic to its habitable state." 1 He recognised that it contains the earliest organic remains, and believed it to include the oldest mechanical deposits. He subdivided the Tran- sition rocks rather by mineral characters than by ascertained stratigraphical sequence. The hardened variety of sandstone called greywacke formed by far the most important member of the whole series, and 1 Jameson's Geognosy, p. 145 (1808). 410 Transition and Greywacke was believed by Werner to mark a new geognostic period when, instead of chemical precipitates, mechanical accumulations began to appear. The two Wernerian terms Transition and Greywacke survived for some years after the commencement of the great stratigraphical impulse in the early years of last century. They formed a kind of convenient limbo or No-man's Land, into which any group of rocks might be thrown which obstinately refused to reveal its relations with the rest of the terrestrial crust. Down to the base of the Carboniferous rocks, or even to the bottom of the Old Red Sandstone, the chronological succession of geological history seemed tolerably clear. But beneath and beyond that limit, everything be- tokened disorder. It appeared well-nigh hopeless to expect that rocks so broken and indurated, generally so poor in fossils, and usually so sharply cut off from everything younger than themselves, would ever be made to yield up a connected and consistent series of chapters to the geological record. And yet these chapters, if only they could be written, would be found to possess the most vivid interest. They would contain the chronicles of the earlier ages of the earth's history, and might perhaps reveal to man the geography of the first dry land, the sites of the most ancient seas, the positions of the oldest volcanoes, the forms of the first plants and animals that appeared upon the planet. There was thus inducement enough to attack the old rocks that contained within their stony layers such precious memorials. It is not that the Transition rocks were entirely neglected. The keen interest awakened in fossils led Oldest Fossiliferous Rocks 411 to renewed search among the fossiliferous members of that ancient series. A large number of organic remains had been collected from Devonshire, Wales, the Lake District, Rhineland, the Eifel, France, Sweden, Norway, Russia, as well as from New York and Canada. These fossils were distinct from those of the Secondary formations, and they were obviously distributed, not at random, but in groups which reappeared at widely separated localities. 1 As yet, however, no clue had been found to their stratigraphical sequence. Speci- mens from what are now known as Cambrian, Silurian, Devonian, and even Lower Carboniferous strata were all thrown together as coming from the undefined region of the Greywacke or Transition rocks. A task worthy of the best energy of the most accomplished geologist lay open to any man bold enough to under- take to introduce among these rocks the same strati- graphical method which had reduced the Secondary and Tertiary formations to such admirable order, and had furnished the means of comparing and correlating these formations from one region to another. This 1 The amount and nature of the information in existence regarding the Transition rocks or Greywacke, at the time when Murchison entered upon their investigation, may be gathered from the summaries contained in the contemporary general treatises on Geology. Even as late as the spring of 1833, Lyell, after devoting about 300 pages to the Tertiary formations, dismissed the Paleozoic series in twelve lines (Principles of Geology, vol. iii. (1833), p. 326). One of the fullest of the early descriptions of the older fossiliferous rocks, with copious lists of fossils, will be found in the first edition of De la Beche's Geological Manual (1831), p. 433, under the head of " Grauwacke Group." But no attempt is there made to arrange the rocks strati- graphically, and the fossil lists comprise organisms from all the older Palaeozoic formations without discrimination of their horizons. 412 Roderick Itnpey Murchison task was at last accomplished by two men, working independently of each other in Wales and the border counties of England. Murchison and Sedgwick, whose observations on ancient volcanic action have already been referred to, carried the principles of Cuvier, Brongniart, and William Smith into the chaos of old Greywacke, and succeeded in adding the Devonian, Silurian and Cambrian chapters to the geological record, thus establishing a definite order among the oldest fossiliferous formations, and completing thereby Palaeo- zoic stratigraphy. Roderick Impey Murchison, who was born in Ross- shire in 1792, belonged to a family that had lived for centuries among the wilds of the north-western Highlands of Scotland, and had taken part in much of the rough life of that remote and savage region. 1 Entering the army when he was only fifteen years of age, he served for a time in the Peninsular war, and carried the colours of his regiment at the battle of Vimieira. During the subsequent retreat to Corunna he narrowly escaped being taken prisoner by the French. On the conclusion of the Napoleonic wars, seeing no longer any prospect of military activity or distinction, he quitted the army, married, and for some years devoted himself with ardour to fox-hunting, in which his love of an open-air life and of vigorous exercise could have full gratification. But he was made for a nobler kind of existence than that of a mere Nimrod. His wife, a woman of cultivated tastes, had led him to take much interest in art and 1 The biographical details are taken from my Life of Sir Roderick /. Murchison, ^ vols. 8vo, 1875. His early Career 413 antiquities, and when Sir Humphry Davy, who also recognised his qualities, urged him to turn his attention to science, she strenuously encouraged him to follow the advice. He at last sold his hunters, came to London, and began to attend lectures on chemistry and geology at the Royal Institution. Murchison was thirty-two years old before he showed any interest in science. But his ardent and active temperament spurred him on. His enthusiasm being thoroughly aroused, his progress became rapid. He joined the Geological Society, and having gained the goodwill of Buckland, went down to Oxford for his first geological excursions under the guidance of that genial professor. He then discovered what field- geology meant, and learnt how the several parts of a landscape depend for their position and form upon the nature of the rocks underneath. He returned to London with his zeal aflame, burning to put into practice the principles of observation he had now been taught. He began among the Cretaceous formations around his father-in-law's home in Sussex, but soon extended his explorations into Scotland, France and the Alps, bringing back with him at the end of each season a bundle of well-filled note-books from which to prepare communications for the Geological Society. These early papers, meritorious though they were, do not call for any special notice here, since they marked no new departure in geological research, nor added any important province to the geological domain. During six years of constant activity in the field, Murchison, together with Sedgwick, worked out the structure of parts of the west and north of Scotland, 414 Murchison and toiled hard in disentangling the complicated structure of the eastern Alps ; he also rambled with Lyell over the volcanic areas of Central and Southern France. Thereafter he determined to try whether the " interminable greywacke," as he called it, could not be reduced to order and made to yield a stratigraphical sequence, like that which had been so successfully obtained among younger formations. At the time when be began, that is, in the summer of 1831, absolutely nothing was known of the succession of rocks below the Old Red Sandstone. It was an unknown land, a pathless desert, where no previous traveller had been able to detect any trace of a practic- able track towards order, or any clue to a system of arrangement that would enable the older fossiliferous rocks of one country to be paralleled, save in the broadest and most general way, with those of another. Starting with his "wife and maid, two good grey nags and a little carriage, saddles being strapped behind for occasional equestrian use/' Murchison made his way into South Wales. In that region, as was well known, the stratigraphical series could be followed down into the Old Red Sandstone, and within the frame or border of that formation, greywacke was believed to extend over all the rest of the Principality. Let me quote a few sentences in which Murchison describes his first entry into the domain with which his fame is now so inseparably linked. " Travelling from Brecon to Builth by the Herefordshire road, the gorge in which the Wye flows first developed what I had not till then seen. Low terrace-shaped ridges of grey rock, dipping slightly to the south-east, appeared on the His Silurian Quest 415 opposite bank of the Wye, and seemed to rise quite conformably from beneath the Old Red Sandstone of Herefordshire. Boating across the river at Cavansham Ferry, I rushed up to these ridges, and, to my inex- pressible joy, found them replete with Transition fossils, afterwards identified with those at Ludlow. Here then was a key, and if I could only follow this out on the strike of the beds to the north-east, the case would be good." l With unerring instinct Murchison had realised that if the story of old Greywacke was ever to be fully told, a beginning must be made from some known and recognisable horizon. It would have been well-nigh useless to dive into the heart of the Transition hills, and try to work out their complicated structure, for even if a sequence could then have been determined, there would have been no means of connecting it with the already ascertained stratigraphical series, unless it could be followed outwards to the Old Red Sandstone. But by commencing at the known base of that series, every fresh stage conquered was at once a definite platform added to what had already been established. The explorer kept along the track of the rocks for many miles to the north. No hunter could have followed the scent of the fox better than he did the outcrop of the fossiliferous strata, which he saw to come out regularly from under the lowest members of the Old Red Sandstone. Directed to the Wye by Buck- land, he had the good-fortune to come at once upon some of the few natural sections where the order 1 Life, vol. i. p. 182. 4i 6 Murchison of the higher Transition rocks of Britain, and their relations to the overlying formations, can be distinctly seen. He pursued the chase northwards until he lost the old rocks under the Triassic plains of Cheshire. " For a first survey," he writes, " I had got the upper grauwacke, so called, into my hands, for I had seen it in several situations far from each other, all along the South Welsh frontier, and in Shropshire and Herefordshire, rising out gradually and conformably from beneath the lowest member of the Old Red Sandstone. Moreover, I had ascer- tained that its different beds were characterized by peculiar fossils, ... a new step in British geology. In summing up what I saw and realised in about four months of travelling, I may say that it was the most fruitful year of my life, for in it I laid the foundation of my Silurian system. I was then thirty-nine years old, and few could excel me in bodily and mental activity." 1 Not only did the work of these four momentous months mark a new step in British geology. It began the lifting of the veil from the Transition rocks of the whole globe. It was the first successful foray into these hitherto intractable masses, and pre- pared the way for all that has since been done in de- ciphering the history of the most ancient fossiliferous formations, alike in the Old World and in the New. Contenting himself with a mere announcement of his chief results at the first meeting of the British Association, held in York in 1831, Murchison gave a brief outline of his subdivisions of the Upper 1 Op. clt. pp. 183, 192. Establishes the Silurian system 417 Greywacke to the Geological Society in the spring of I833. 1 He continued to toil hard in the field,, mapping on the ground his various formations, and making careful sections of their relations to each other. Every fresh traverse confirmed the general accuracy of his first observations, and supplied him with further illustrations of the persistence and dis- tinctness of the several groups into which he had subdivided the Greywacke. At the beginning of 1834, he was able to present a revised and corrected table of his stratigraphical results, each formation being defined by its lithological characters and organic remains, and the subdivisions being nearly what they still remain. 2 The Ludlow rocks are shown to pass upward into the base of the Old Red Sandstone, and downward into the Wenlock group, which in turn is succeeded below by the Horderley and May Hill rocks, followed by the Builth and Llandeilo flags. By the summer of 1835, at tne instigation of Elie de Beaumont and other geological friends, he had made up his mind as to the name that should be given to this remarkable assemblage or system of formations which he had disinterred from out of the chaos of Greywacke. Following the good rule that stratigraphical terms are most fitly formed on a geographical basis with reference to the regions wherein the rocks are most typically developed, he had looked about for some appropriate and euphonious term that would comprise his various formations and connect them with that borderland of England ^Proc. Geol. Soc. vol. i. (1833), p. 474. 'id. vol. ii. (1834), P- IJ - 2 D 4i 8 Murchison and Wales where they are so copiously displayed. This territory was in Roman times inhabited by the tribe of the Silures, and so he chose the term Silurian a word that is now familiar to the geo- logists of every country. 1 At the same time Murchison published a diagram- matic section of his classification which, except in one particular, has been entirely sustained by subsequent investigation. He there groups the whole series of formations as the Silurian system, which he divides into Upper and Lower, drawing the line of separation where it still remains. In the upper section come the Ludlow and Wenlock rocks ; in the lower the Caradoc and Llandeilo. The base of the series, however, is made to rest unconformably on a series of ancient slaty greywackes. No such base exists, for the Llandeilo group passes downward into a vast series of older sediments. At that time, however, both Murchison and Sedgwick believed that a strongly marked separa- tion lay between the Silurian System and the rocks lying to the west of it. Murchison used to maintain, with perfect justice, that he had succeeded in his task, because he had followed the method which had led William Smith to arrange so admirably the Secondary formations of England. He was able to show that, apart from mere lithological differences, which might be of only local value, his formations were definitely characterized, each by its peculiar assemblage of organic remains. If Smith's labours had not only brought the Mesozoic rocks of England into order, but had furnished a 1 Phil. Mag. July 1835, p. 48. Prepares his Silurian Monograph 419 means of dealing in like fashion with the rocks of the same age in other countries, there seemed no reason why the palaeontological succession, found to distinguish the greywacke in England and Wales, should not be equally serviceable among the Transition rocks of Europe and even of America. And if this result should be achieved, Murchison might fairly claim that he had added a series of new and earlier chapters to the geological history of the globe. The various brief communications to the Geological Society, after the first discoveries in 1831, though they had made geologists familiar with the main results of Murchison's work, only increased their desire to know the detailed observations on which his general- isations were founded, and more particularly to have complete information as to the assemblages of organic remains which he had discovered. Previous collec- tions from the Transition rocks were generally of little service for stratigraphical purposes, because those of widely separate horizons had all been mixed together. But Murchison's specimens had been carefully gathered, with the view of sustaining his classification, and for the purpose of forming a basis of comparison between the Transition rocks of Britain and those of other countries. Early in the course of his wanderings along the Welsh border, he had been urged to prepare a full and more generally accessible account of his labours than was offered in the publications of a learned Society. Accordingly, adding this task to his other engagements, he toiled at the making of a big book, until at last, towards the end of the year 1838, that is, about seven years from the time when he broke ground by the 420 Murchison banks of the Wye, he published his great work, The Silurian System, a massive quarto of 800 pages, with an atlas of plates of fossils and sections, and a large coloured geological map. The publication of this splendid monograph forms a notable epoch in the history of modern geology, and well entitles its author to be enrolled among the founders of the science. For the first time, the succession of fossiliferous formations below the Old Red Sandstone was shown in detail. Their fossils were enumerated, described and figured. It was now possible to carry the vision across a vast series of ages, of which hitherto no definite knowledge existed, to mark the succession of their organisms, and thus to trace backward, far farther than had ever before been possible, the history of organised existence on this globe. It has already been pointed (ante p. 268) that while carefully working out the stratigraphy of the region, Murchison had come upon various masses of eruptive rock, some of which he recognised as intrusive, while others he saw to be lavas and ashes that had been ejected over the floor of the ancient ocean. In this way he was able to present a picture of extraordinary interest, in which the geologist could mark the position of the old seas, trace the distribution of their organisms, and note the sites of their volcanoes. Even before the advent of his volume, the remark- able results which he had succeeded in obtaining had become widely known, and had incited other observers all over the world to attack the forbidding domain of Greywacke. In France, his classification had been adopted, and applied to the elucidation of the older Adam Sedgwick 421 fossiliferous rocks by Elie de Beaumont and Dufr6noy, who were then engaged in constructing their geo- logical map of that country (p. 456). In Turkey it had been similarly made available by Boue and De Verneuil. Forchhammer had extended it to Scandi- navia. Featherstonhaugh and Rogers had applied it in the United States. Thus within a few years, the Silurian system was found to be developed in all parts of the world, and Murchison's work furnished the key to its interpretation. Let us now turn to the researches that were in progress by another great master of English geology, simultaneously with those of Murchison. Adam Sedg- wick belonged to a family that had been settled for 300 years or more in the Dale of Dent, a picturesque district which lies along the western border of York- shire. To the end of his long and active life his heart ever turned with fondness to the little valley where he first saw the light, and to the kindly dalesmen among whom he spent his boyhood. He remained to the end a true dalesman himself, with all the frankness of nature, mirthfulness and loyalty, so often found among the natives of these pastoral uplands. He was born in the year 1785, his father being the Vicar of Dent. After receiving his school education at the neighbour- ing little town of Sedbergh, he went to Trinity College, Cambridge, which thenceforth became his home to the end of his life. At the age of thirty-three he was elected to the Woodwardian Professorship of Geology. Up to that time, however, he had shown no special interest in geological pursuits, and though he may have read a little on the subject, his knowledge of it was 422 Sedgwick probably not greater than that of the average college Fellow of his day. But his appointment as Professor awakened his dormant scientific proclivities, and he at once threw himself with all his energy and enthusiasm into the duties of his new vocation. Gifted with mental power of no common order, which had been sedulously trained in a wide range of studies, possessing a keen eye for the geological structure of a region, together with abundant bodily prowess to sustain him in the most arduous exertions in the field, eloquent, witty, vivacious, he took at once the place of promin- ence in the University which he retained to the last, and he came with rapid strides to the front of all who in that day cultivated the infant science of geology in England. What little geology Sedgwick knew, when he became a professor of the science, seems to have been of a decidedly Wernerian kind. He began his geological writings with an account of the primitive ridge and its associated rocks in Devon and Cornwall. His earliest paper might have been appropriately printed in the first volume of the Memoirs of the Wernerian Society. In later years, referring to his Neptunist beginnings, he confessed that " for a long while I was troubled with water on the brain, but light and heat have completely dissipated it," and he spoke of " the Wernerian non- sense I learnt in my youth." 1 It was by his own diligent work in the field that he came to a true perception of geological principles. His excursions carried him all over England, and enabled him to l Life and Letters of Adam Sedgwick, by J. W. Clark and T. M'K. Hughes, vol. i. p. 284. Conjoint labours with Murchison 423 bring back each season a quantity of specimens for his museum, and a multitude of notes from which he regaled the Cambridge Philosophical Society with an account of his doings. Eventually he joined the Geological Society of London, and found there a wider field of action. After a time, Murchison also became a fellow of that Society, and he and Sedgwick soon formed a close intimacy. This friendship proved to be of signal service to the cause of geological progress. The two associates were drawn towards the same departments of investigation. They began their co- operation in the year 1827 by a journey through the west and north of Scotland, and from that time onward for many years they were constantly working together in Britain and on the Continent of Europe. It would be interesting, but out of place here, to linger over the various conjoint labours of these two great pioneers in Palaeozoic geology. We are only concerned with what they did, separately and in con- junction, towards the enlargement of the geological record and the definite establishment of the Palaeozoic systems. Sedgwick began his work among the older fossiliferous formations by attacking the rugged and complicated region of Cumberland and Westmoreland, commonly known as the Lake District, and in a series of papers communicated to the Geological Society he worked out the general structure of that difficult tract of country. Though fossils had been found in the rocks, he did not at first make use of them for purposes of stratigraphical classification. He ascer- tained the succession of the great groups of strata by noting their lithological characters. One of the 424 Sedgwick and Murchison most remarkable features of his investigation has been above referred to (p. 266) the recognition of volcanic rocks intercalated among the ancient marine sediments of the Lake District. These rocks, since so fully worked out, and now known as the " Borrowdale Volcanic Series," of Lower Silurian age, were first assigned to their true origin by Sedgwick, who thus made an important contribution to the progress of volcanic geology. By a curious coincidence, Sedgwick and Murchison both broke ground in Wales during the summer of 1831. But while Murchison determined to work his way downward, from the known horizons of the Old Red Sandstone of South Wales into the greywacke below, Sedgwick, with characteristic dash, made straight for the highest, ruggedest and most complicated tract of North Wales. Returning to the same ground the following year, he plunged into the intricacies of the older Palaeozoic rocks, and succeeded in disentangling their structure, tracing out their flexures and disloca- tions, and ascertaining the general sequence of their principal subdivisions. It was a splendid achievement, which probably no other man in England at that time could have accomplished. But valuable as this work was, as a contribution to the elucidation of the tectonic geology of a part of Britain, it had not yet acquired importance in general stratigraphy. In the first place, Sedgwick's groups of strata were mere lithological aggregates. They possessed as yet no distinctive characters that would allow of their being adopted in the interpretation of other countries, or even in distant parts of Britain. Their respective work in Wales 425 They contained fossils, but these had not been made use of in defining the subdivisions. There was thus neither a basis for comparison with other regions, nor for the ascertainment of the true position of the North Welsh rocks in the great territory of Greywacke. In the second place, there was no clue to the connection of these rocks with any known formation, for they were separated from everything younger than themselves by a strong unconformability. The Carboniferous and Old Red Sandstone strata were found to lie on the upturned edges of the older masses, and it was im- possible to say how many intervening formations were missing. Murchison's researches, on the other hand, brought to light the actual transition from the base of the Old Red Sandstone into an older series of fossiliferous formations underneath. There could, therefore, be no doubt that part at least of his Silurian system was younger than Sedgwick's series in North Wales. And as he found what appeared to be older strata emerging from underneath his system, and seeming to stretch indefinitely into the heart of Wales, he naturally believed these strata to be part of his friend's domain, and at first left them alone. Such, too, was Sedgwick's original impression. The two fellow-workers had not drawn a definite boundary between their respective territories, but they agreed that the Silurian series was less ancient than the rocks of North Wales. As a distinct name had been given to what they believed to be the younger series, Murchison urged his associate to choose an appropriate designation for what they regarded as the older, and in the 4 summer 426 Cambrian and Silurian Controversy of 1835 the term " Cambrian " was selected. 1 By this time Murchison had learnt that no hard and fast line was to be drawn between the bottom of the Silurian and the top of the Cambrian series. " In South Wales he had traced many distinct passages from the lowest member of the ' Silurian system ' into the underlying slaty rocks now named by Professor Sedgwick the Upper Cambrian." Sedgwick, on the other hand, confessed that neither in the Lake District nor in North Wales was the stratigraphical succession unbroken, and that in these regions it was impossible to tell " how many terms are wanting to complete the series to the Old Red Sandstone and Carboniferous Limestone." : He adopted a threefold subdivision into Lower, Middle, and Upper Cambrian, but this classification rested merely on mineral characters, no attempt having yet been made by him to determine how far each of his subdivisions was defined by distinctive fossils. Eventually it was ascertained that the organic remains in the upper part of the Cambrian system were the same as those found in the Lower Silurian formations as defined by Murchison. It became obvious that the one series was really the equivalent of the other, and that they ought not to be classed under separate names. The officers of the Geological Survey, working from the clearly defined Silurian formations, could draw no line between these and those of North Wales, which Sedgwick had classed as Cambrian. Finding the same 1 From " Cambria," the old name of Wales. Brit. Assoc. August i835,P/5*7. Mag. vol. vii. (December 1835), P- 4 8 3 "On the Silurian and Cambrian Systems" by A. Sedgwick and R. I. Murchison. 2 Op. at. Joachim Barrande 427 fossils in both, they felt themselves constrained to class them all under the same designation of Silurian. Murchison, of course, had no objection to the indefinite extension of his system. Sedgwick, however, after some delay, protested against what he considered to be an unjustifiable appropriation of territory which he had himself conquered. And thus arose a mis- understanding between these two old comrades, which deepened ere long into a permanent estrangement. It is not my intention to enter here into the details of this unhappy controversy. 1 My only object in referring to it is to point out how far we are indebted to Sedgwick for the establishment of the Cambrian system. He eventually traced through a part of the Welsh border a marked unconform ability between the Upper Silurian formations and everything below them, and he proposed that his Cambrian system should be carried up to that physical break, and should thus include Murchison's Lower Silurian formations. But as these formations had been defined stratigraphically and palaeontologically before he had been able to get his fossils from North Wales examined, they obviously had the right of priority. And the general verdict of geologists went in favour of Murchison. While this dispute was in progress in Britain, a remarkable series of investigations by Joachim Barrande (1799-1883) had made known the extra- ordinary abundance and variety of Silurian fossils in Bohemia. This distinguished observer not only re- cognised the equivalents of Murchison's Upper and 1 1 have already given a full and, I believe, impartial account of it in my Life of Murchison. 428 The Primordial Fauna Lower Silurian series, but found below that series a still older group of strata, characterized by a different assemblage of fossils, which he termed the first or Primordial fauna. It was ascertained that represen- tatives of this fauna occur in Wales among some of the divisions of Sedgwick's Cambrian system, far below the Llandeilo group which formed the original base of the Silurian series. Eventually, therefore, since the death of the two great disputants, there has been a general consensus of opinion that the top of the Cambrian system should be drawn at the upper limit of the Primordial fauna. 1 By this arrangement, Sedgwick's name is retained for an enormously thick and varied succession of strata which possess the deepest interest, because they con- tain the earliest records yet discovered of organised existence on the surface of our globe. It was Sedg- wick who first arranged the successive groups of strata in North Wales, from the Bala and Arenig rocks down into the depths of the Harlech anticline. His classification, though it has undergone some slight modification, remains to this day essentially as he left it. And thus the name which he selected for his system, and which has become one of the household words in geological literature, remains with us a memorial of one of the most fearless, strenuous, gentle 1 It has been proposed by Professor Lapworth that the strata named by Murchison Lower Silurian and claimed by Sedgwick as Upper Cambrian, should be taken from both and be given a new name, " Ordovician." But this proposal is fair to neither disputant. By all the laws that regulate scientific priority, the strata which were first separated by Murchison and distinguished by their fossils, should retain the name of Lower Silurian which he gave them. The ancient Greywacke 429 and lovable of all the master minds who have shaped geological science into its present form. By the establishment of the Cambrian and Silurian systems a vast stride was made in the process of reducing the chaos of Greywacke into settled order. But there still remained a series of rocks in that chaos which could not be claimed as either Cambrian or Silurian, and did not yield fossils which would show them to be Carboniferous. Before any dispute arose between Sedgwick and Murchison as to the respective limits of their domains in Wales, they were led to undertake a conjoint investigation which resulted in the creation of the Devonian system. The story of the addition of this third chapter to early Palaeozoic history may be briefly told. It had long been known that Greywacke or Transi- tion rocks cover most of the counties of Devon and Cornwall. Closer examination of that region had shown that a considerable tract of Greywacke, now known as Culm-measures, contains abundant carbonaceous material, and even yields fossil plants that were recog- nised as identical with some of those in the Carboni- ferous system. It was at first supposed by De la Beche that these plant-bearing rocks lie below the rest of the Greywacke of that part of the country. Murchison, however, from the evidence of his clear sections in the Silurian territory, felt convinced that there must be some mistake in regard to the supposed position of these rocks, for he had traversed all the Upper Grey- wacke along the Welsh border, and had found it to contain no land-plants at all, but to be full of marine shells. He induced Sedgwick to join him in an 43 Sedgwick and Murchison in Devonshire expedition into Devonshire. The two associates, in the course of the year 1836, completely succeeded in proving that the Culm-measures, or Carboniferous series, lay not below but above the rest of the Grey- wacke of the south-west of England. But what was that Greywacke, and what relation did it bear to the rocks which had been reduced to system in Wales ? The structure of the ground in the south-west of England is by no means simple, and, indeed, is not completely understood even now. The rocks have been much folded, cleaved, crushed, and thrust over each other. But besides these subsequent changes, they present a great contrast in their lithological characters to the Old Red Sandstone on the opposite side of the Bristol Channel. Neither Sedgwick nor Murchison could find any analogy between the Devon- shire Greywacke and the red sandstones, conglomerates and marls which expand into the Old Red Sandstone of South Wales, and lie so clearly between the Car- boniferous Limestone above and the Upper Silurian formations below. Nor could Murchison see a re- semblance between that Greywacke, or its fossils, and any of his Silurian rocks. With their twisted and indurated aspect, the Devonshire rocks looked so much older than the gently inclined Silurian groups by the banks of the Wye, that both he and Sedgwick thought they more resembled the crumpled and broken rocks of North Wales, and they accordingly first placed them in the upper and middle parts of the Cambrian system. 1 This correlation, however, was made mainly on l Prof. Geol. Soc. ii. (1837), p. 560. William Lonsdale 431 lithological grounds. The Devonshire rocks were not without fossils, and considerable collections of these had already been gathered by different residents in the county, but no one had yet endeavoured to make a comparison between them and those of known stratigraphical horizons elsewhere. This task was undertaken at last by William Lonsdale (1794- 1871), who towards the end of the year 1837 came to the conclusion that the greywacke and limestone of South Devonshire, judged by their fossil contents, must be intermediate between the Silurian and the Carboniferous formations, that is, on the parallel of the Old Red Sandstone of other parts of Britain. Such a decision from a skilled palaeontologist raised up some serious difficulties, which completely non- plussed the two able geologists who the year before had gone so gaily down to the south-west of Eng- land to set matters right there. It seemed to them as if Lonsdale's opinion was opposed to what had been regarded as definitely settled in the stratigraphy of the older stratified rocks. For two years they continued in complete uncertainty as to the solution of the problem. But at last after the examination of innumerable specimens, endless discussion, and inter- minable correspondence, they came to adopt Lonsdale's views. They saw that the abundantly fossiliferous rocks of South Devon contained, in their lower members, fossils that reminded them of Silurian types, while in their upper members, they yielded species that were common also to the Carboniferous Lime- stone. The two geologists therefore recognised in these rocks an intermediate series of strata, containing 43 2 Establishment of the Devonian System a marine fauna which must have flourished between the Silurian and the Carboniferous periods. That fauna was not represented in the Old Red Sandstone, which, with its traces of land-plants and remains of ganoid fishes, appeared to have been accumulated under other geographical conditions. To distinguish the series of rocks containing this well-marked facies of marine organisms, they chose the name " Devonian," from the county where these rocks were originally studied and where their true position was first ascertained. 1 The authors claimed that the establishment of the Devonian system was " undoubtedly the greatest change which has ever been attempted at one time in the classification of British rocks.' 1 But it was far more than that. It was the determination of a new geological series of world-wide significance, the un- folding of a new chapter in the geological annals of our globe. Soon after Sedgwick and Murchison had finally announced to the Geological Society their reform of the geology of Devonshire, they started for Rhineland, the Harz and Fichtelgebirge, and succeeded in demonstrating that the Devonian system is more extensively and completely developed there than in its original Devonshire home. I have dwelt on those labours of Sedgwick and Murchison which more especially place their names among those of the founders of geology. But besides these exploits they each accomplished a vast amount of admirable work, and helped thereby to widen the bounds and strengthen the foundations of the science to which they devoted their lives. To enter upon 1 Trans. Geol. Soc., 2nd ser. vol. v. pp. 688, 701 (April 1839). Personal characteristics of Mure his on 433 the consideration of these further achievements, how- ever, would lead me beyond the limits to which this volume must be restricted. Murchison, who had succeeded De la Beche in 1855 as Director-General of the Geological Survey of Great Britain, held that office until his death in 1871. To the last, he retained the erect military bearing of his youth, and even under the weight of threescore years and ten could walk a dozen of miles and keep a keen eye on all the topographical and geological features of the surrounding hills. Tali and dignified in manner, with much of the formal courtesy of an older time, he might seem to those who only casually met him to be proud or even haughty. But under this outer crust, which soon dropped away in friendly intercourse, there lay a friendly and helpful nature. Indomitable in his power of work, restless in his eager energy in the pursuit of his favourite science, full of sympathies for realms of knowledge outside of his own domain, wielding wide influence from his wealth and social position, he did what no other man of his time could do so well for the advance of science in England. And his death at the ripe age of seventy- nine left a blank in that country which has never since been quite filled. Sedgwick was in many respects a contrast to Murchison. His powerful frame reminded one of the race of dalesmen from which he sprang. His eagle eyes seemed as if they must instantly pierce into the very heart of the stifFest geological problem. In his prime, he always made straight for the roughest 2 E 434 Personal characteristics of Sedgwick ground, the steepest slopes, or the highest summits, and his bodily strength bore him bravely through incredible exertion. Unfortunately his health, always uncertain, would react on his spirits, and times of depression and lethargy would come to interrupt and retard his work, whether with hammer or pen. But even his gloomiest fits he could turn into merriment, and he would laugh at them and at him- self, as he described his condition to some friend. His gaiety of spirit made him the centre and life of every company of which he formed part. His frank manliness, his kindliness of heart, his trans- parent childlike simplicity, his unwearied helpfulness and his gentle tenderness, combined to form a char- acter altogether apart. He was admired for his intellectual grasp, his versatility, and his eloquence, and he was beloved, almost worshipped, for the overflowing goodness of his character. When in the early part of this century, one discovery after another was made which showed that Werner's so-called primitive rocks reappeared among his Transition and Floetz formations, a doubt began to arise whether there were any primitive rocks at all. 1 We have traced how Murchison and Sedgwick cleared up the confusion of the Transition series and created the Devonian, Silurian and Cam- brian systems. In W T ales certain schists had been detected by Sedgwick below his Cambrian rocks, but they did not greatly interest him, and he never 1 Thus D'Aubuisson wrote in 1819 "Geology no longer possesses a single rock essentially primitive" (Traite de Geognosie, tome ii. p. J97)- William Edmond Logan 435 tried to make out their structure and history. After- wards A. C. Ramsay (1814-1891) and his associates claimed these schists as metamorphosed parts of the Cambrian system. To this day their true position has not been settled further than that they are known to be pre-Cambrian. The vast and varied series of rocks, which have now been ascertained to underlie the oldest Cambrian strata, have undergone much scrutiny during the last half century, and their true nature and sequence are beginning to be understood. The first memorable onward step in this investigation was taken in North America by William Edmond Logan (1798- 1875). Many years before his time, the existence of ancient gneisses and schists had been recognised both in the United States and in Canada. At the very beginning of the century, the wide extent of these rocks had been noted by W. Maclure, whose general geological sketch-map of a large part of the United States will be referred to on a later page. In 1824 and afterwards, Dr. J. J. Bigsby (1792-1881) spent much time among these rocks to the north of Lake Superior. Subsequently the gneisses of the Adirondack Hills were described by Amos Eaton. At the very beginning of his connection with the Geological Survey of Canada in 1843, Logan con- firmed the observation that the oldest fossiliferous formations of North America lie unconformably on a vast series of gneisses and other crystalline rocks > to which he continued at first to apply the old term Primary. By degrees, as he saw more evidence of parallel structures in these masses, he thought 436 Alexander Murray, S terry Hunt that they were probably altered sediments, and he referred to them as Metamorphic. That portion of the series which includes thick bands of limestone he proposed to consider as a separate and overlying group. In the course of years, working with his associates Alexander Murray and T. Sterry Hunt, he was able to show the enormous extent of these primary rocks, covering as they do several hundred thousand square miles of the North American con- tinent, and stretching northwards to the borders of the Arctic Ocean. He proposed for these most ancient mineral masses the general appellation of Laurentian, from their development among the Laurentide mountains. Afterwards he thought it possible to subdivide them into three separate groups, which he designated Upper, Middle and Lower. In the course of his progress, he came upon a series of hard slates and conglomerates, containing pebbles and boulders of the gneiss, and evidently of more recent origin, yet nowhere, so far as he could see, separable by an undoubted unconformability. These rocks, being extensively displayed along the northern shores of Lake Huron, he named Huronian. He afterwards described a second series of copper-bearing rocks lying uncon- formably on the Huronian rocks of Lake Superior. He thus recognised the existence of at least three vast systems older than the oldest fossiliferous for- mations. He may be said to have inaugurated the detailed study of Pre-Cambrian rocks. Subsequent investigation has shown the structure of the regions which he explored to be even more complicated and Logans services to Geology 437 difficult than he believed it to be, and various im- portant modifications have been proposed in his work and terminology by the able geologists of Canada and the United States who have continued his labours. But he will ever stand forward as one of the pioneers of geology, who in the face of incredible difficulties, first opened the way towards a compre- hension of the oldest rocks of the crust of the earth. CHAPTER XIV PROGRESS of Stratigraphical Geology continued. Influence of Charles Darwin. Adoption of Zonal Stratigraphy of fossiliferous rocks. Rise of Glacial Geology, Louis Agassiz. Development of Geo- logical map-making in Europe and North America. THE fundamental principles of Stratigraphy having been well established before the middle of last cen- tury, this branch of geological science has during the last fifty years undergone a remarkable expansion from four influences. Firstly, it has been profoundly modified by the writings of Darwin ; secondly, it has been greatly affected by the introduction of zonal classification among the fossiliferous formations ; thirdly, it has been augmented by the rise and extra- ordinary development of Glacial Geology ; and lastly, it has enormously gained by the multiplication of detailed geological maps. I. Charles Darwin (1809-1882) contributed several valuable works to the literature of geology. But it is not for these that I now cite his name. The two geological chapters in his Origin of Species produced the greatest revolution in geological thought which has occurred in my time. Younger students, who are familiar with the ideas there promulgated, can hardly realise the effect of them on an older generation. Influence of Darwin on Stratigraphy 439 They seem now so obvious and so well-established, that it may be difficult to conceive a philosophical science without them. To most of the geologists of his day, Darwin's con- tention for the imperfection of the geological record, and his demonstration of it, came as a kind of surprise and awakening. They had never realised that the history revealed by the long succession of fossiliferous formations, which they had imagined to be so full, was in reality so fragmentary. And yet when Darwin pointed out this fact to them, they were compelled, sometimes rather reluctantly, to admit that he was right. Some of them at once adopted the idea, as Ramsay did, and carried it further into detail. 1 Until Darwin took up the question, the necessity for vast periods of time, in order to explain the char- acters of the geological record, was very inadequately comprehended. Of course, in a general sense, the great antiquity of the crust of the earth was everywhere admitted. But no one before his day had perceived how enormous must have been the periods required for the deposition of even some thin continuous groups of strata. He supplied a criterion by which, to some degree, the relative duration of formations might per- haps be apportioned. When he declared that the intervals which elapsed between consecutive formations may sometimes have been of far longer duration than the formations themselves, contemporary geologists could only smile incredulously in their bewilderment, 1 See the two Presidential Addresses to the Geological Society, by A. C. Ramsay, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vols. xix. (1863), xx. (1864). 44 Zonal Classification in Stratigraphy but in a few years Ramsay showed by a detailed exam- ination of the distribution of fossils in the sedimentary strata that Darwin's suggestion must be accepted as an axiom in geological theory. Again, the great naturalist surmised that, before the deposition of the oldest known fossiliferous strata, there may have been antecedent periods, collectively far longer than from the date of these strata up to the present day, and that, during these vast, yet quite unknown, periods, the world may have swarmed with living creatures. But his contem- poraries could only shrug their shoulders anew, and wonder at the extravagant notions of a biologist. But who nowadays is unwilling to grant the possibility, nay probability, of Darwin's surmise ? Who can look upon the earliest Cambrian fauna without the strongest con- viction that life must have existed on this earth for countless ages before that comparatively well-developed fauna came into existence ? For this expansion of our geological vision, and for the flood of light which has been thrown upon geological history by the theory of evolution, we stand mainly indebted to Charles Darwin. II. Although the value of organic remains as a means of identifying strata had been amply proved during the earlier half of last century, neither geologists nor palaeontologists were then aware of the extent to which this chronological and stratigraphical test could be carried out in the practical classification of fossiliferous formations. They were content with the broad subdivisions, often to a large extent based on variations of sedimentary material, into which they arranged the geological record. Eventually, however, Its application in Europe 441 it was shown by Oppel 1 and Quenstedt 2 that the Jurassic series of Western Europe is not only capable of subdivision into the lithological groups which William Smith found to be distinguished by their peculiar fossils, but that in these groups it was often possible to trace a succession of horizons or zones, each characterised by the presence of one or more species of organic remains, which are either confined to it or are more particularly conspicuous in it ; that these zones can be followed over Germany, France and England, and that, though the lithological character of the strata may vary locally, the same sequence of genera and species of fossils is on the whole maintained. These observers found that the Ammonites are especi- ally serviceable in the identification of such zones, on account of their comparatively limited vertical range. Thus in the Lias no fewer than seventeen zones have been distinguished, each of which is known by the name of its characteristic Ammonite, as the zone of Psiloceras planorbe^ which lies at the bottom, and that of Lytoceras jurense y which forms the top of the series. The same principle of arrangement was afterwards found to hold good for the Cretaceous formations, and it has since been extended through the lower Palaeozoic rocks down even to the bottom of the Cambrian system. In the Silurian formations the most useful fossils for zonal purposes have been shown by Professor Lapworth to be the Graptolites. The lowest known fossiliferous platform among the rocks of the Old and New Worlds is that of the l Die Juraformation Englands, Frankreichs und Deutschlands, 1856-58. 2 Der Jura, "1858. 44 2 Rise of Glacial Geology O!ene/!us-zone, where this distinctive genus of trilobite is found. This extension of William Smith's doctrine of " Strata identified by fossils " has greatly contributed to the progress of stratigraphy, and has furnished a fresh clue to the interpretation of the structure of dis- tricts in which the fossiliferous rocks have been much dislocated and plicated. The general succession of zones appears to be always similar, even in widely separated regions ; but the same zones are not every- where present nor do the same genera and species always range over the world, though where they do reappear they are believed to keep the same relative order of occurrence. III. The rapid development of Glacial Geology forms one of the most interesting chapters in the history of modern science. It began within the memory of men yet living, and many of the observers who have most energetically contributed to its progress are still actively at work. The literature devoted to glaciation has grown into a huge bulk, and continues to increase every year. Looking back to the beginning of the investigation we may note that although, as has been already alluded to (p. 314), Playfair, at the beginning of last century, had pointed out the pre-eminent place of glaciers as the agents of transport for large blocks of stone, his acute observation seems to have passed out of mind. 1 Venetz and Charpentier were the first to take up anew this interesting department of geology, to trace the dispersal of the crystalline rocks of the Central Alps outward across the great Swiss plain ^Illustrations of the Huttonian Theory, p. 348. Ante p. 314. J. L. R. Agassiz, his early career 443 to the flanks of the Jura mountains, 1 and thus to demonstrate the former great extension of the Swiss glaciers. It was reserved, however, for Agassiz to perceive the wide significance of the facts observed, and to start the investigations that culminated in the recognition of an Ice Age which involved the whole of the northern part of our hemisphere, and in the voluminous literature which has recorded the rapid progress of this department of geology. Jean Louis Rodolphe Agassiz (1807-1873) was born in Switzerland, and rose to distinction by his scien- tific work in Europe, but he went to the United States when he was still only forty-two years of age, and spent the last twenty-seven years of his life as an energetic and successful leader of science in his adopted home. His fame is thus both European and American, and the geologists of New England, not less than those of Switzerland, may claim him as one of their most distinguished worthies. We must pass over the brilliant researches into the history of fossil fishes, which placed the name of Agassiz high among the palaeontologists of Europe when he was still a young man. What we are more particularly concerned with here is the share he had in founding the modern school of glacial geology. As far back as the summer of 1836 he was induced to visit the glaciers of the Diablerets and Chamounix, and the great moraines of the Rhone valley, under the guidance of Charpentier, whose views as to the former extension of the ice he was disposed to doubt l Schzveizer. Gesell. VerhandL 1834, p. 23 ; Ann. des Mines, viii. (1835) P- 2I 9 5 Leonhard und Bronn, Ne-ues Jahrb. 1837, p. 472. 444 Agassiz and reject. But the result of this tour was to convince him that the phenomena were even more stupendous than Charpentier had asserted. In spite of the claims of his palaeontological and zoological undertakings, Agassiz was so fascinated by the ice-problem of the Alps that he must needs pursue the subject with all the enthusiasm and industry of his character. He took the earliest opportunity of again investigating the evidence furnished by the slopes of the Jura moun- tains, and became so firmly convinced of the truth and wide importance of the conclusions at which he had arrived that he determined to publish these to the world. Accordingly in the summer of the following year (1837), when only thirty-three years of age, he took the opportunity, as President of the Helvetian Society of Natural Science, to give an address in which he struck, with the hand of a master, the keynote of all his future research in glaciation. Tracing the distribu- tion of the erratic blocks above the present level of the glaciers, and far beyond their existing limits, he con- nected these transported masses with the polished and striated rock-surfaces which were known to extend even to the summits of the southern slopes of the Jura. He showed, from the nature of these smooth surfaces, that they could not have been worn into their characteristic forms by any current of water. The fine striae, engraven on them as with a diamond-point, he proved to be precisely similar to those now being scratched on the rocky floors of the modern glaciers, and he inferred that the polished and striated rocks of the Jura, even though now many leagues from the nearest glacier, must have acquired their peculiar His glacial studies in Switzerland 445 surface from the action of ice moving over them, as modern glaciers slide upon their beds. He was thus led to conclude that the Alpine ice, now restricted to the higher valleys, once extended into the central plain, crossed it, and even mounted to the southern summits of the Jura chain. Before Agassiz took up the question, there were two prevalent opinions regarding the transport of the erratics. One of these called in the action of power- ful floods of water, the other invoked the assistance of floating ice. Agassiz combated these views with great skill. His reasoning ought to have convinced his contemporaries that his explanation was the true one. But the conclusions at which he arrived seemed to most men of the day extravagant and incredible. Even a cautious thinker like Lyell saw less difficulty in sinking the whole of Central Europe under the sea, and covering the waters with floating icebergs, than in conceiving that the Swiss glaciers were once large enough to reach to the Jura. Men shut their eyes to the meaning of the unquestionable fact that, while there was absolutely no evidence for a marine sub- mergence, the former track of the glaciers could be followed mile after mile, by the rocks they had scored and the blocks they had dropped, all the way from their present ends to the far-distant crests of the Jura. Agassiz felt that the question was connected with large problems in geology. The former vast extension of the Swiss glaciers could be no mere accidental or local phenomenon, but must have resulted from some general lowering of temperature. He coupled with 446 Agassiz this deduction certain theoretical statements regarding- former climates and faunas, which have not been sup- ported by subsequent research. The main conclusions which the Swiss naturalist drew, so greatly interested him that he spent part of five successive summers investigating the vestiges of the old glaciers, and the operations of those of the present time. He convinced himself that the great extension of the ice was connected with the last great geological changes on the surface of the globe, and with the extinction of the large pachyderms, whose remains are so abundant in Siberia. He believed that the glaciers did not advance from the Alps into the plains, but rather that ice once covered all the lower grounds, and finally retreated into the mountains. Having arrived at these conclusions from studies in his native country, Agassiz was naturally desirous to see how far his views could be tested or confirmed in a region far removed from any existing glaciers. Accordingly, in the year 1840, three years after his address at Neufchatel, he had an opportunity of visiting Britain, and took advantage of it to examine a considerable part of Scotland, the north of England, and the north, centre, west, and south-west of Ireland. The results of this investigation were of remarkable influence in the progress of glacial geology. Agassiz demonstrated the identity of the phenomena in Britain with those in Switzerland, and claimed " that not only glaciers once existed in the British Islands, but that large sheets (nappes) of ice covered all the surface." l 1 Proc. Geol. Soc. vol. iii. (1840) p. 331. Impetus given by him to Glacial Research 447 These and the subsequent researches and glacial monographs of the great Swiss naturalist started the study of ancient glaciation. At first his conclusions had been regarded as rank heresy by the older and more conservative geologists of the day. Von Buch " could hardly contain his indignation, mingled with contempt, for what seemed to him the view of a youth- ful and inexperienced observer." x A. von Humboldt also threw cold water upon the ardour of his young friend. But by degrees the opposition waned, and Agassiz had the satisfaction of seeing his most doughty opponents come over one by one to his side. Nowhere were his triumphs more signal than in the British Isles. Buckland (1784-1856), who enjoyed the advantage of being shown the evidence in Switzerland by Agassiz himself, was the first con- vert of distinction. He signalised his change of opinion by publishing a paper to prove the former presence of glaciers in Scotland and the north of England, followed by another communication on " the glacio-diluvial phenomena in Snowdonia and the adja- cent parts of North Wales." 2 Lyell about the same time was won over by Buckland, and likewise hastened to announce his acceptance of the new views by pub- lishing a paper on the former existence of glaciers in Forfarshire. 3 A few years later James David Forbes (1808-1868) gave an account of glaciers that nestled 1 Louis Agassiz, his Life and Correspondence, by E. Gary Agassiz,. vol. i. p. 264. ' 2 Proc. Geol. Soc. vol. iii. (1841) pp. 332, 345, 579. *Proc. Geol. Soc. vol. iii. (1841) p. 337. 448 J* D. Forbes; C. Maclaren; R. Chambers among the Cuillin Hills of Skye, 1 and Charles Maclaren found glacier moraines in the valleys of Argyleshire. 2 At first, however, the existence of former glaciers in the valleys of Britain was the main conclusion sought to be established. British geologists, and indeed geolo- gists generally, were still for many years unwilling to admit that not only the mountain-valleys, but even the lowlands of the northern hemisphere were, at a late geological period, buried under sheets of land-ice. They preferred to call in the action of floating ice, without perceiving that in so doing they involved themselves in far more serious physical difficulties than those which they sought to avoid. Important service towards the ultimate acceptance of Agassiz's enlarged conception of the glaciation of Europe was rendered by Robert Chambers (1802- 1871), in a series of suggestive papers on the superficial deposits and striated rocks of Scotland, 3 and in another contribution (Tracings of the North of Europe > 1851), l Edin. New Phil. Journ. xl. (1845) p. 76. To Forbes glacial geology stands deeply indebted. He contributed to the Edinburgh New Philosophical Journal an important series of letters from 1842 to 1851. He was likewise the author of excellent papers in the Proceedings and Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, of three memorable contributions on the viscous theory of glacier- motion in the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London (1846) and of two now classic works, his Travels through the Alps of Savoy, etc. (1843) and Norway and its Glaciers (1853). *Edin. New Phil. Journ. xl. (1845) P- I2 5 xlv "- ( l8 49) P- I0 ^ ; xlix. (1850) p. 334 ; Ib. new series i. (1855) p. 189. 3 Edin. New Phil. Journ. liv. (1852) p. 229 ; Ibid, new ser. i. (1855) p. 103 ; ii. p. 184. Earliest Geological Maps 449 in which he detailed the results of a journey made by him to the north of Norway. In later years, by the labours of T. F. Jamieson, A. C. Ramsay and others, the extension of land-ice over the British Isles, and the direction taken by the chief ice-sheets in their move- ment across the country, came to be regarded as well- established facts in Post-Tertiary geology. The literature of this branch of the science is now extensive and is increasing every year at a rapid rate. In Europe and in North America the glaciation of almost every region has been studied in great detail. A vast quantity of important fact has been accumu- lated to fill in the broad outlines traced by Agassiz, but his teaching in all its essential parts has long been generally accepted, and his name is now enshrined as the main founder of glacial geology. IV. Geological Maps. As the progress of strati- graphical geology has been so largely aided by the production of maps on which the distribution and order of succession of the various rocks can be made visible to the eye, it may not be inappropriate to close a sketch of the foundation and development of this branch of the science with a short account of the first beginnings and early history of geological cartography. It will be remembered that, as far back as the year 1683, Martin Lister suggested that it would be possible to show the distribution of the soils, rocks and minerals of a country upon the basis of an ordinary topographical map. He brought before the Royal Society, and published in the Philo- sophical Transactions, what was called " An ingenious proposal for a new sort of Maps of Country, together 2 F 450 Martin Lister s project with tables of sands and clays, such chiefly as are found in the north parts of England, drawn up about ten years since, and delivered to the Royal Society, March 12, 1683, by the Learned Martin Lister, M.D." 1 In this " soile or mineral map" it was proposed that " the soile might either be coloured or otherwise distinguished by variety of lines or etchings, but the great care must be, very exactly to note upon the map where such and such soiles are bounded. " By the term c soil ' Lister meant not only the vegetable soil at the surface, but the sub- soil and rocks underneath. "For I am of opinion," he remarks, " such upper soiles, if natural, infallibly produce such under minerals, and, for the most part, in such order." the geological structure of the country, Geological Survey of Great Britain 457 together with the position and distribution of the useful minerals; to prepare horizontal sections on a scale of six inches to a mile ( 10 iUo)> showing the true form of the surface and the ascertained or inferred arrangement of the rocks underneath ; to publish various memoirs and monographs in which the geology, palaeontology, useful minerals and mineral industries of the country should be fully described, and to form a museum in which the rocks, minerals and fossils of the British Isles should be amply represented by collec- tions of specimens. The first maps issued by the English Survey at once attracted notice as the largest and most detailed maps that had yet appeared of any part of the surface of the earth. De la Beche with much sagacity and energy secured an able staff of professors for his School of Mines, who did much to stimulate the study of geology, mineralogy, palaeon- tology, and natural history. Among these men were Andrew C. Ramsay (1814-1891), Edward Forbes (1815-1854), Warington Smyth (1817-1890), Lyon Playfair (1818-1898), and John Percy (1817-1889). De la Beche was succeeded in 1855 by Murchison, under whom the staff of the Survey was much aug- mented. The example set by the mother country has been followed among the Colonies and Dependencies of Britain, nearly all of which now have their inde- pendent geological surveys. Most civilized countries have also adopted similar organisations, so that now detailed geological maps have been published for a large part of Europe and North America. Even Japan, in adopting the methods of the West, has not omitted to include among them well-equipped geological 45 8 Early American Surveys and seismological surveys. By the detailed style of mapping now in general use the geological structure of the earth is becoming every year more accurately known. International co-operation has likewise been called into requisition. And we are now in possession of a geological map of the greater part of the European continent, prepared mainly by the collaboration of the national surveys of the different countries, under the auspices of the International Geological Congress. While geology, as shown by the production of Maps and Memoirs, has made such steady progress in the Old World, its advance has been in many respects even more rapid and striking in the New. When we look back upon the history of the science on the other side of the Atlantic the first name that prominently comes before us is that of William Maclure (1763- 1 840), who has been called the " Father of American Geology." He was born at Ayr in Scotland, and after acquiring a fortune in business in London, he went in 1796 to the United States and finally settled there. Having developed a taste for geology in Europe, he was soon attracted by the comparative simplicity and the imposing scale of the geological structure of his adopted country, and in the course of some years made many journeys across the Eastern States. He recorded on a map his observations of the distribution of the rocks, and in 1809 made a communication on the subject to the American Philosophical Society at Phila- delphia. In 1817, having extended his knowledge during the intervening eight years, he presented his map to that Society, and it was then published. This map is of special interest, as the first sketch of the Maclure, Eaton 459 geological structure of a large part of the United States. It is on a small scale only 120 miles to an inch (7603200) b ut it gi yes a broad delineation of the general distribution of the larger formations. Maclure was an open-minded adherent of the Freiberg system of classification, for he frankly states that " although subject to all the errors inseparable from systems founded upon a speculative theory of origin, the system of Werner is still the best and most compre- hensive that has yet been formed." The area depicted on this map extends from the Canadian frontier to the Gulf of Mexico and from the Atlantic Coast westward to about the 94th meridian. The formations represented by colour are " Primitive Rock, Transition Rock, Secondary Rock, Old Red Sandstone, Alluvial Rock," and a green line is traced from the north-east of New York State southwards into Tennessee, " to the westward of which has been found the greatest part of the salt and gypsum." Among the errors of this sketch-map, hardly avoid- able at the time, is the inclusion of various important members of the Tertiary series among the alluvial deposits. Further, among the Secondary formations there is classed the horizontal westward extension of the same rocks which, where highly inclined further east, were regarded as Transition. But even with these mistakes, the map must be admitted to be a meritorious first outline of the geology of a vast extent of territory. In the year 1828 Amos Eaton (1776-1842) gave a fuller synopsis than Maclure had done of the rocks of North America, but misplaced some of the subdivisions. 460 Early geological maps of United States G. W. Featherstonhaugh (1780-1866), who was ap- pointed " United States Geologist," was employed in making various surveys for the Government, and collected a large amount of material towards the construction of a better geological map of the whole country. Born in France and well acquainted with the rocks of Europe, he was able to institute a closer and more correct parallel between these rocks and their American equivalents than had previously been attempted. Another early pioneer in the geology of the United States was Lardner Vanuxem (1792-1848) whose work on the geological survey of the State of New York deserves special recognition. As one of his important services he corrected the error of taking an inclined position as any reliable indication of the relative age of rocks, and insisted on the paramount importance of identifying strata by the organic remains contained in them. Following this principle, he was able to declare that the Transition rocks of Ohio, Kentucky and Tennessee were shown by their fossils to be of the same age as those at Trenton Falls in New York, and all of them equivalents of some of the Transition rocks of Europe wherein the same fossils had been found. Later than these early leaders came the group of distinguished men who, by their researches and surveys in Pennsylvania, not only added a series of admirable maps to geological literature, but enriched the science with suggestive memoirs on mountain structure William Barton Rogers (1804-1882), Henry Darwin Rogers (1808-1866), and J. P. Lesley (1819-1903). Most of the other States of the American Union have Geological Surveys in United States 461 also instituted State Geological Surveys, and have pro- duced excellent maps and descriptive memoirs, besides amassing valuable collections of the minerals, rocks and fossils of their respective domains. The central government organised various surveys of the western territories, which did admirable work of a pioneering and prospective kind under such leaders as J. D. Powell (1834-1902), J. S. Newberry (1822-1892), Clarence King (1842-1898) and F. V. Hayden (1829-1887). When it was found in 1879 tnat some of these explora- tions were traversing the same ground, a consolidation of the whole geological effort was made, and the Geo- logical Survey of the United States was established. The magnitude and excellence of the work already accomplished by this organisation place it in the fore- front of all national geological enterprises. CHAPTER XV THE Rise of Petrographical Geology William Nicol, Henry Clifton Sorby. Conclusion. I TURN now to the Petrographical department of geological inquiry, as exhibiting the last great forward stride which the science has taken. We have seen how greatly geology and mineralogy were indebted to Werner for his careful and precise definitions. The impulse which he gave to the study of Petrography continued to show its effects long after his time, more particularly in Germany. Methods of examination were improved, chemical analysis was more resorted to, and the rocks of the earth's crust, so far as related to their ultimate chemical constitution, were fairly well known and classified. Their internal structure, however, was very imperfectly understood. Where they were coarsely crystalline, their component minerals might be readily determined ; but where they became fine-grained, little more could be said about the nature and association of their constituents than might be painfully deciphered with the help of a hand-lens, or could be inferred from the results of chemical analysis. Hence though not actually at a standstill, petrography continued to make but slow progress. In some countries indeed, notably IV. Nicolinvents a new petrological method 46 3 in Britain, it was almost entirely neglected in favour of the superior attractions of fossils and stratigraphy. But at last there came a time of awakening and rapid advance. In order to trace the history of this petrographical resuscitation, we must in imagination transport our- selves to the workshop of an ingenious and inventive mechanician, William Nicol, who was a lecturer on Natural Philosophy at Edinburgh in the early part of last century. Among his inventions was the famous prism of Iceland spar that bears his name. 1 Every petrographer will acknowledge how indispensable this little piece of apparatus is in his microscopic investi- gations. He may not be aware, however, that it was the same skilful hands that devised the process of making thin slices of minerals and rocks, whereby the microscopic examination of these substances has become possible. In the course of his experiments, Nicol hit upon the plan of cutting sections of fossil wood, so as to reveal its minutest vegetable structures. He took a slice from the specimen to be studied, ground it perfectly fiat, polished it, and cemented it by means of Canada balsam to a piece of plate-glass. The exposed surface of the slice was then ground down, until the piece of stone was reduced to a thin pellicle adhering to the glass, and the requisite degree of transparency was obtained. Nicol himself prepared a large number of slices of fossil and recent woods. Many of these were described by Henry Witham in his 1 See Nicol's original account of his prism in Edln. New PhiL Journ. vol. vi. (1829), p. 83. 464 W. Nicol's services to Petrography Observations on Fossil Vegetables (1831), to which Nicol supplied the first published account of his process. Here then geologists were provided with a method of investigating the minutest structures of rocks and minerals. As it was now made possible to subject any part of the earth's crust to investigation with the microscope, it might have been thought that those who devoted themselves to the study of that crust, especially those who were more particularly interested in the structure, composition and history of rocks, would have hastened to avail themselves of the new facilities for research thus offered to them. It must be confessed, I am afraid, that geologists are about as difficult to move as their own erratic blocks. They took no notice of the possibilities put in their way by William Nicol. And so for a quarter of a century the matter went to sleep. When Nicol died, his instruments and preparations passed into the hands of the late Mr. Alexander Bryson of Edinburgh who, having considerable dexterity as a manipulator, and being much interested in the process, made many additions to the collections which he had acquired. In particular, he made numerous thin slices of minerals and rocks for the purpose of exhibiting the cavities containing fluid, which had been described long before by Brewster 1 and by William Nicol. 2 In my boyhood I had frequent opportunities of seeing these and the other specimens in Mr. Bryson's cabinet, as well as the fine series of fossil woods sliced so long before by Nicol. 1 Trans. Roy. Soc. Edin. vol. x. (1824), p. I. 2 Edin. New. Phil. Jour. vol. v. (1828), p. 94. H, C. Sorby 465 At last Mr. Henry Clifton Sorby came to Edin- burgh, and had an opportunity of looking over the Bryson collection. He was particularly struck with the series of slices illustrating " fluid-cavities," and at once saw that the subject was one of which the further prosecution could not fail to " lead to important conclusions in geological theory." 1 He soon began to put the method of preparing thin slices into practice, made sections of mica-schist, 2 and found so much that was new and important, with a promise of such a further rich harvest of results, that he threw his whole energy into the investigation for several years, and produced at last in 1858 the well-known memoir, On the Micro- scopical Structure of Crystals^ which marks one of the most prominent epochs of modern geology. I have always felt a peculiar satisfaction in the re- flection that though the work of William Nicol was never adequately recognised in his lifetime, nor for many years afterwards, it was his thin slices, prepared by his own hands, that eventually started Mr. Sorby on his successful and distinguished career, and thus opened out a new and vast field for petrographical investigation. It is not necessary here to recapitulate the achieve- ments which have placed Mr. Sorby's name at the head of modern petrographers. He, for the first time, showed how, by means of the microscope, it was possible to discover the minute structure and 1 Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. xiv. (1858), p. 454. 2 Brit. Assoc. Reports, 1856, sections, p. 78. 3 Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. xiv. (1858), p. 453. 2 G 466 H. C. Sorby composition of rocks, and to learn much regarding their mode of origin. He took us, as it were, into the depths of a volcanic focus, and revealed the manner in which lavas acquire their characters. He carried us still deeper into the terrestrial crust, and laid open the secrets of those profound abysses in which granitic rocks have been prepared. His methods were so simple, and his deductions so start- ling, that they did not instantly carry conviction to the minds of geologists, more particularly to those of his own countrymen. The reproach that it was impossible to look at a mountain through a micro- scope was brought forward in opposition to the new departure which he advocated. Well did he reply by anticipation to this objection. " Some geologists, only accustomed to examine large masses in the field, may perhaps be disposed to question the value of the facts I have described, and to think the objects so minute as to be quite beneath their notice, and that all attempts at accurate calculations from such small data are quite inadmissible. What other science, however, has prospered by adopting such a creed ? What physiologist would think of ignoring all the invaluable discoveries that have been made in his science with the microscope, merely because the objects are minute ? . . . With such striking examples before us, shall we physical geo- logists maintain that only rough and imperfect methods of research are applicable to our own science ? Against such an opinion I certainly must protest ; and I argue that there is no necessary connection between the size of an object and the Zirkel, Rosenbusch, Fouquk, Lkvy 467 value of a fact, and that, though the objects I have described are minute, the conclusions to be derived from the facts are great." 1 Professor Zirkel was the first geologist of note who took up with zeal the method of investigation so auspiciously inaugurated by Mr. Sorby. But some five years had elapsed before he made his com- munication on the subject to the Academy of Sciences of Vienna. 2 From that date (1863) he devoted himself with much zeal and success to the investigation, and produced a series of papers and volumes which gave a powerful impetus to the study of petrography. This department of geology was indeed entirely re- constituted. The most exact methods of optical research were introduced into it by Professor Rosen- busch. Professor Fouque, M. Michel Levy and others, and the study of rocks once more competed with that of fossils in attractiveness. We have only to look at the voluminous literature which, within the last fifty years has sprung up around the investigation of rocks, to see how great a revolution has been effected by the introduction of the microscope into the equipment of the geologist. For this transformation we are, in 1 Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. xiv. (1858), p. 497. See also Mr. Sorby's Presidential Addresses to the Geological Society for 1879 and 1880. 2 Sitzungsber. Math. Naturzviss. vol. xlvii. ist part (1863), p. 226. In this paper the author refers to previous occasional use of the micro- scope for determining the mineralogical composition of rocks by Gustav Rose, G. vom Rath, G. Jenzsch, M. Deiters and others. In England the first geologist who published the results of his microscopical examination of rocks was David Forbes, Popular Science Review (October 1867), vol. vi. p. 355. 468 Varied avocations of Geologists the first instance, indebted to William Nicol and Henry Clifton Sorby. In the account which has been presented in this volume of the work of some of the more notable men who have created the science of geology, one or two leading facts stand out prominently before us. In the first place, even in the list of selected names which we have considered, it is remarkable how varied have been the ordinary avocations of these pioneers. The majority have been men engaged in other pursuits, who have devoted their leisure to the cultivation of geological studies. Steno, Guettard, Pallas, Fachsel, and many more were physicians, either led by their medical training to interest themselves in natural history, or not seldom, even from boyhood, so fond of natural history as to choose medicine as their profession because of its affinities with that branch of science. Giraud-Soulavie and Michell were clergymen. Murchison was a retired soldier. Alexandre Brongniart was at first engaged in superintending the porcelain manufactory of Sevres. Desmarest was a hard-worked civil servant who snatched his intervals for geology from the toils of incessant official occupation. William Smith found time for his researches in the midst of all the cares and anxieties of his profession as an engineer and surveyor. Hutton, Hall, De Saussure, Von Buch, Lyell and Darwin were men of means, who scorned a life of slothful ease, and dedicated themselves and their fortune to the study of the history of the earth. Playfair and Cuvier were both teachers of other branches of science, irresistibly drawn into the sphere Slow growth of some parts of Geology 469 of geological inquiry and speculation. Of the whole gallery of worthies that have passed before us, a comparatively small proportion could be classed as in the strictest sense professional geologists, such as Werner, Sedgwick and Logan. Were we to step outside of that gallery, and include the names of all who have helped to lay the foundations of the science we should find the proportion to be still less. From the beginning of its career, geology has owed its foundation and its advance to no select and privi- leged class. It has been open to all who cared to undergo the trials which its successful prosecution demands. And what it has been in the past, it re- mains to-day. No branch of natural knowledge lies more invitingly open to every student who, loving the fresh face of Nature, is willing to train his faculty of observation in the field, and to discipline his mind by the patient correlation of facts and the fearless dissec- tion of theories. To such an inquirer no limit can be set. He may be enabled to rebuild parts of the temple of science, or to add new towers and pinnacles to its superstructure. But even if he should never venture into such ambitious undertakings, he will gain, in the cultivation of geological pursuits, a solace and enjoy- ment amid the cares of life, which will become to him a source of the purest joy. In the second place, the history of geological science presents some conspicuous examples of the length of time that may elapse before a fecund idea comes to germinate and bear fruit. Consider for a moment how many years passed before the stratigraphical con- ceptions of Fttchsel, Lehmann, and Giraud-Soulavie 47 Tardy reception of new doctrines took more definite shape in the detailed investigations of Cuvier, Brongniart and Smith, and how many more years were needed before the Secondary and Tertiary formations were definitely arranged and subdivided as they now stand in our tables. Remember too that even after the principles of stratigraphy had been settled, a quarter of a century had slipped away before they were successfully applied to the Transition rocks, and a still longer time before the system of zonal classifi- cation was elaborated. Note how long the controversy lasted over the origin of basalt, and how slowly came the recognition of volcanic action as a normal part of terrestrial energy, which has been in operation from the earliest geological times and has left its memorials even in the oldest known parts of the crust of the earth. Mark also, in the history of physio- graphical geology, that though the principles of this branch of science were in large measure grasped by Desmarest, De Saussure and Hutton in the eighteenth century, their work was neglected and forgotten until the whole subject has been revived and marvellously extended in our own day. Again, let me recall how slowly the key that now unlocks the innermost mysteries of rock-structure was made use of. Five-and-twenty years elapsed after William Nicol had shown how stony substances could be investigated by means of the microscope, before Mr. Sorby called the attention of geologists to the enormous value of the method thus put into their hands. Other five years had to pass before the method began to be taken up in Germany, and a still longer time before it came into general use all over the world. Tendency to specialisation 471 Such instances as these lead to two reflections. On the one hand, they assure us of the permanent vitality of truth. The seed may be long in showing signs of life, but these signs come at last. On the other hand, we are warned to be on the outlook for unrecognised meanings and applications in the work of our own day and in that of older date. We are taught the necessity not only of keeping ourselves abreast of the progress of science at the present time, but also of making our- selves acquainted as far as we possibly can with the labours of our predecessors. It is not enough to toil in our little corner of the field. We must keep our- selves in touch both with what is going on now, and with what has been done during the past in that and surrounding parts of the domain of science. Many a time we may find that the results obtained by some fellow-labourer, though they may have had but little significance for him, flash a flood of light on what we have been doing ourselves. I am only too painfully aware how increasingly difficult it is to find time for a careful study of the work of our predecessors, and also to keep pace with the ever-rising tide of modern geological literature. The science itself has so widened, and the avenues to publication have so prodigiously multiplied, that one is almost driven in despair to become a specialist, and confine one's reading to that portion of the litera- ture which deals with one's own more particular branch of the science. But this narrowing of the range of our interests and acquirement has a markedly prejudicial effect on the character of our work. There is but slender consolation to be derived from the conviction, 472 Avoidance of Dogmatism borne in upon us by ample and painful experience, that in the case of geological literature, a large mass of the writing of the present time is of little or no value for any of the higher purposes of the science, and that it may quite safely and profitably, both as regards time and temper, be left unread. If geologists, and especi- ally young geologists, could only be brought to realise that the addition of another paper to the swollen flood of our scientific literature involves a serious responsi- bility ; that no man should publish what is not of real consequence, and that his statements when published should be as clear and condensed as he can make them, what a blessed change would come over the faces of their readers, and how greatly would they conduce to the real advance of the science which they wish to serve ! In the third and last place, it seems to me that one important lesson to be learnt from a review of the successive stages in the foundation and development of geology is the absolute necessity of avoiding dog- matism. Let us remember how often geological theory has altered. The Catastrophists had it all their own way until the Uniformitarians got the upper hand, only to be in turn displaced by the Evolutionists. The Wernerians were as certain of the origin and sequence of rocks as if they had been present at the formation of the earth's crust. Yet in a few years their notions and overweening confidence became a laughing-stock. From the very nature of its subject, as I have already remarked, geology does not generally admit of the mathematical demonstration of its conclusions. They rest upon a balance of probabilities. But this balance Conclusion 473 is liable to alteration, as facts accumulate or are better understood. Hence what seems to be a well-established deduction in one age may be seen to be more or less erroneous in the next. Every year, however, the data on which these inferences are based are more thoroughly comprehended and more rigidly tested. Geology now possesses a large and ever-growing body of well-ascertained fact, which will be destroyed by no discovery of the future, though it will doubt- less be vastly augmented, while new light may be cast on many parts of it now supposed to be thoroughly known. Each of us has it in his power to add to this accumulation of knowledge. Careful and accurate observation is always welcome, and may eventually prove of signal importance. While availing ourselves freely of the use of hypothesis as an aid in ascertaining the connection and significance of facts, we must be ever on our guard against premature speculation and theory, clearly distinguishing between what is fact and what may be our own gloss or interpretation of it. Above all, let us preserve the modesty of the true student, face to face with the mysteries of Nature Proving all things and holding fast that which we believe to be true, let us look back with gratitude and pride to what has been achieved by our forerunners in the race, and while we labour to emulate their devotion, let us hold high the torch of science, and pass it on bright and burning to those who shall receive it from our hands. INDEX. Achelous, River, n, 35. Aeolian Isles, 15, 20. Agassiz, J. L. R., 443. Agricola, 146, 147, 221. "Alluvial Rocks" of Werner, 215. Alps, glaciers of, in the history of Glacial Geology, 443, 444. America, progress of geology in North, 458. Ammonites, value of, in zonal stratigraphy, 441. Anaxagoras on earthquakes, 13. Anaximenes on earthquakes, 13, 23- Ancients, growth of naturalistic views among, 7, 40 ; geological conceptions of, 13, 28, 33 ; liberty of speculation among, 40. Animals and plants, Lamarck on geological action of, 360. Arabs, science among the, during the Dark Ages, 42. Archiac, Comte d', 108, 115, 181. Arduino, G., 180, 195. Aristotle on cosmical position of the earth, 1 2 ; on earthquakes, 14 ; connected earthquakes with volcanoes, 15 ; on origin of minerals, 1 6 ; on rivers, 28 ; on former changes of earth's surface, 34 ; on a Universal Flood, 52. Auvergne, volcanic geology of, 127-135, 141, 150, 158, 243, 246, 247 ; first topographical map of, 154, 1 60, 169. Avicenna on geological changes, 43- Banks, Sir Joseph, 148, 391. Barrande, J., 427. Barrois, C., 271. Basalt, controversy as to the origin of, 135, 146, 149, 152, 1 60, 202, 221, 223, 242, 244,246, 327 ; supposed fossils in, 328. Beringer, J. B., 102. Bi g sb 7> J- JU435- Black, Dr. Joseph, 285, 288, 316. Black Sea, gain of land on shores of, 29. Blode, K. A., 263. Boate's Ireland's Natural! His- toric, 113. Bohemia, Silurian fauna of, 427. Bosphorus, gain of land in, 29. Bottiger, C. A., 207. Boue, Ami, 241, 247, 263, 421. Boule, M., 271. Breislak, S., 256, 402. Brewster, D., 464. Britain, Agassiz finds traces of old glaciers in, 446 ; Buckland, Lyell, and J. D. Forbes on glaciers in, 447. British Association for the Ad- vancement of Science, 416. Index 475 Brocchi, G., 51. Brongniart, Alexandra, 365. Bryson, A., 464. Buckland, W., 413, 415, 447. Buch, L. von, 242 ; lineage and education, 245 ; his first geo- logical work, 246 ; visits Auvergne and abandons Wer- nerian doctrine of the aqueous origin of basalt, 246 ; his account of Auvergne, 247 ; his investigations in Scandinavia, 250 ; on recent uprise of Scandinavia, 251 ; his geo- logical map of Germany, 251 ; his extensive travels, 252 ; his personal appearance and habits, 253 ; opposes glacial geology, 447- Buffalo, fossil, of Siberia, 179. Buffon, G. L. Leclerc de, 88 ; his Theory of the Earth, 89 ; his Epoques de la Nature, 90, 140, 193 ; on "days" of Creation, 91 ; on earliest mountains and valleys, 92, 94 ; on first beginnings of life, 92 ; on origin of volcanoes, 93 ; on age of the earth, 95, 96 ; on denudation, 94, 95 ; on 'final extinction of the earth by cold, 95 ; his literary skill, 96. Burnet, Thomas, his Sacred Theory, 66, 90. Cambrian system, established by Sedgwick, 426 ; zonal strati- graphy applied to, 441. Cardano on fossil shells, 51. Cartography, history of geological, ^ 77> I"; "5- Cataclysmists or Catastrophists, .: 374.472- Catherine II., Empress of Russia, ,'7 6 : Cesalpino on fossils, 53. Chalk, fusion experiments on, 324 ; Cuvier and Brongniart on the, 368 ; zonal stratigraphy applied to, 441. Chambers, R., 448. Charpentier, T. von, 442, 443. Charpentier, J. F. W., 452. Childrey's Britannia Baconica, 113. Chronology, geological, deter- mined by fossils, 336. Church, influence of the, on geological speculation, 44, 64, 65> 73, 97- Clerk, John, of Eldin, 285, 288, 316. Condorcet on Guettard, 105, 107, 109, 137. Conybeare and Phillips' Geology of England, 108, 265, 399, 402. Cook, voyages of Captain, 172,176. Cosmogonies, origin of popular, 6, 65. Cosmogonists, rise of the English 65 ; French Descartes, 79 ; Leibnitz, 81 ; De Maillet, 84; Buffon, 88. Coupe, 344. Cretaceous system, zonal strati- graphy applied to, 441. "Crystallite"ofSirJames Hall, 3 20. Cunningham, R. Hay, 331. Cuvier, on Scheuchzer's supposed fossil man, I oo ; on Guettard, 107 ; on Desmarest, 142, 143, 145, 171 ; on De Saussure, 183, 308 ; on Werner, 207, 2 34 2 35> 2 37 ; on granite, 308 ; birth and early career of, 363 ; becomes Professor of Comparative Anatomy, 364 ; on extinct vertebrates, 364 ; his services to geology, 372, 401 ; his doctrine of catas- trophes, 3/3 ; becomes Per- petual Secretary of the Institute of France, 376. 47 6 Index D'Alembert and Desmarest, 143. Danube, River, n, 32. Darwin, C., influence of, on modern geology, 438. Daubeny, C., 109, 264. Daubree, A., 325. D'Aubuisson, J. F., 218, 231, 241, 391, 402, 434. Davy, Sir Humphry, 413. De la Beche, H. T., 265, 402, 411, 429, 456. De Luc, J. A., 1 86, 296, 330. De Verneuil, 6. P., 421. Deiters, M., 467. Deltas, Strabo on, 30. Deluge of Noah, invoked to account for fossil organic re- mains, 46, 48, 51, 60, 61, 67, 98, 100, 102 ; local and transitory nature of, recog- nised, 52, 61, 71 ; invoked as one of the great geological events in the history of the earth, 66, 67, 90. Democritus on earthquakes, 13. Denudation, Steno on, 57 ; Ray on, 74, 126; Buffon on, 94, 95 ; Guettard on, 121, 139; Desmarest on, 158, 161 ; De Saussure on, 188 ; Hutton on, 311. Descartes, R., cosmogony of, 79. Deshayes, 404. Desmarest, N., on Guettard, 107, 129, 132, 134; biographical sketch of, 141 ; earliest geo- logical essay of, 143 ; begins the study of Basalt and the volcanic region of Auvergne, 147 ; discovers the volcanic origin of Basalt, 152, 223 ; his demonstration of volcanic history and denudation in Auvergne, 160 ; his caution in the publication of his obser- vations, 153, 154, 155, 161 ; his avoidance of controversy,. 162, 167, 169, 175 ; on Physical Geography, 168 ; sketch of, by Cuvier, 171 ; not cited by L. von Buch, 247 ; on Hutton, 295 ; his account of geological progress in the Paris Basin, 342, 343, 344. Deucalion, flood of, 35 [mis- printed " Decalion " in text]. Deville, Ch. Sainte-Claire, 108. Devonian system, established by Sedgwick and Murchison, 429. Diderot and D'Alembert, En- cyclopedic Methodlque of, 107, 168, 169. Diluvialists, rise of the, 47. Dolomieu, G. de, 174, 254, 260, 321. Dover Strait, Desmarest on cutting through of, 143. Dufrenoy, P. A., 421, 456. Dykes, 306 ; Hall's discovery of origin of, 321 ; chilled margins of, noted by him, 321. Earth, varied history of the, 5 \ speculation as to early history of, 59-61, 65,79, 8l > 8 4 8 9> 90 ; evidence for evolution of, 192. Earthquakes, frequent in Medi- terranean basin, 9 ; ancient Greek explanations of, 13, 14; Roman poets and philosophers on, 1 6 ; nature of motion of, discussed by Seneca, 23 ; ideas of the ancients concerning, 27; Hooke on, 69, 71 ; Ray on, 75 ; Descartes on, 80 ; Leibnitz on, 82 ; Fuchsel on, 199 ; of Lisbon, 273, 275 ; Michell's work on, 273 ; modern research regarding, 279. Eaton, A., 435, 459. Index 477 Edinburgh in the latter half of the eighteenth century, 285 ; geological environment of, 287, 328 ; Royal Society of, 288, 316 ; convivial clubs of, 288 ; School of Geology established at, 325. Egypt, geological changes ob- served by the Ancients in, 28, 29>.33> 3". Electricity invoked to account for volcanoes and earthquakes, 257, 272. Elephants, fossil, of Siberia, 178. lilie de Beaumont, 417, 421,456. Empedocles, a martyr to science, 27. Encyclopedic Methodique, 107, 168, 169. Eocene, 404. Eratosthenes, 33. Erzgebirge, geology of the, 196. Ethiopia, 32. Etna, 10, 17, 18, 19,25, 27,39,' 323- Europe, International Geological Map of, 458. Evolution, as displayed in his- tory of the earth, 5, 192 ; of organic types, 84, 87 ; Lamarck on, 350; opposition of Cuvier to doctrines of, 374. Evolutionists, 472. Experiment in Geology, 1 90, 317. Falloppio on Fossils, 52. Faujas de St. Fond, 174, 255,327. Featherstonhaugh, G. W., 421, 460. Ferguson, Adam, 285. " Figured " or " Formed " Stones, 45 6 9> 74 77> 8 3 97> IOO > 102, 119. Fitton, W. H., 239, 328, 331, 394> 397- Fleming, Rev. John, 330. Floetz rocks, 196, 214, 218, 220, 222, 225, 231, 232,408, 409. Flood. See Deluge. Forbes, D., 467. Forbes, E., 457. Forbes, J. D., 447. Forchhammer, G., 421. " Formations " in Geology, Fiichsel on, 199 ; Werner on, 212, 230, 370 ; Cuvier and Brongniart on, 370. Fortis, J. B. A., 174. Fossil, original application of the term, 215, 355 ; modern signi- fication of, first assigned by Lamarck, 355; and afterwards universally adopted, 400. Fossils, deductions of the Ancients from, 33 ; arouse attention in the Middle Ages, 43 ; controversy as to nature of, 45, 48, 69, 97 ; regarded as "sports of Nature," 45, 53, 74, 83, 98 ; claimed to be really of organic origin, 5 51, 52, 54, 55, 60,61,67, 69, 83, 100, 1 1 8, 1 20, 200 ; early illustrated works on, 67, 69, 76, 77, 98, 100, 102 ; include extinct types, 84, 364 ; show a succession of species, 84, 92, l8 9 J 93 374; growth of study of, 98, 100, 101, 102, 104, 117, 1 1 8, 119, 196, 200, 336, 338, 34 2 > 349>355> 3^4, 369, 3 86 > 396, 4 01 5 littoral and pelagic, 344, 355, 358; chronological significance of, at last recognised, 406. Fouque, F., 39, 271, 467. Fracastoro on Fossils, 5 I . France, rise of geology in, 104 ; discovery of old volcanoes in, 127, 141, 146; leading position in geology early acquired by, 140, 157. 47 8 Index Freiberg, Mining School of, 204, 206, 208, 237, 239. Fiichsel, G. C., 197-201, 233, 336, 4 01 - Fusion, Hall's experiments on, 3I9 322. Generelli, expositor of Moro, 65, 126. Geognosy of Werner, 211. Geological changes in the past, views of the Ancients regard- ing, 33- Geological Maps, history of, 449. Geological nomenclature, un- systematic growth of, 407. Geological Record, imperfection of the, 439. Geological Sections, 185, 193, 196, 198. Geological Society of London, 2 97>.39 8 > 4 I 3>.4 I 7>423 ; Geological succession, doctrine of, 59, 192, 201, 232, 250, 333. Geological Survey of Great Bri- tain, volcanic researches of, 270 ; work of, among Cambrian and Silurian formations, 426 ; foundation and objects of, 456. Geological time, Buffon on, 91 ; Lamarck on, 356 ; Darwin on, 439-. Geologists, varied avocations of, 468. Geology, historical method in, 2, 59, 90, 162, 192 ; and speculation, 3, 6 ; and super- stitions, 6 ; earliest pioneers of, 7 ; Palasontological, first be- ginnings of, 107, 117,118, 119, 1 39 ; modern development of, 349.. 355, 358, 364, 4oi ; Physiographical, early observa- tions in, 121, 1 60, 162 ; Vol- canic, 127, 133, 140, 147, 162 [see also Volcanoes] ; first use of term, 186 ; experimental research in, 190, 317; Strati- graphical, rise of in France, 333; in England, 378 ; re- markable advance of, 400,438 ; rise and development of Gla- cial, 442 ; rise of Petrograph- ical, 462 ; lies open to all observers, 469. Germany, basalts of, 147, I57 r 160, 221, 242, 249; ancient volcanic rocks of, 271. Gesner, Conrad, 45. Giant's Causeway, 146, 147, 150. Giraud-Soulavie, 338-341, 401. Glacier action, Playfair on, 314, 442 ; in Britain, 446, 447. Glaser, G., 451. Glass, Hall's observations on slow cooling of, 319. Gneisses, Pre-Cambrian, 435. Granite, De Saussure on, 188; Werner on, 214, 230, 232; Von Buch on, 251 ; Hutton on, 290, 307 ; Lamarck on, 362. Greece, earliest geological ideas in, 7, 28, 33 ; subject to earth- quakes, 13. Greenough, G. B., 336, 453, 456. Greywacke, 409, 410, 429. Griffith, R., 455. Guettard, J. E., early career of, 105 ; drawn to Geology through Botany, 106 ; neglect of work of, 1 08 ; early min- eralogical surveys of, 1 1 o ; on geology of Paris basin, 1 1 6 ; palaeontological work of, 1 1 7, 1 1 8, 119, 140; on physio- graphy, 121; on effects of rain and springs, 121 ; on work of the sea, 122 ; on rivers, 123 ; on the sea-bottom, 1 24 ; on limit of wave-erosion, 125 ;. Index 479 on denudation, 126, 139, 159; volcanic discovery made by, 127, 1 40; on Basalt, 135,149, 223 ; his character as drawn by Condorcet, 137; his service in regard to palaeontological geology, 401. Haidinger, W., 252. Hall, Sir James, 292, 298, 302, 313, 317-325, 328. Harz, geology of the, 196. Hauer, Franz Ritter von, 254. Hay-Cunningham, R. J., 269. Hayden, F.V., 4 6i. Heat, effects of, influenced by pressure, 301, 323. Hercules in geological myths, 7. Herodotus, geological conceptions of, 7 ; on the Nile, 28, 32, 36; on fossil shells, 33. Hooke, Robert, on methods of research in natural science, 49 note ; his contributions to geo- logy, 68; on change of the earth's centre of gravity, 70 ; on the former length of a day and of a year, 70 note; on fossils as geological records, 71; on volcanoes, 72. Homer, Leonard, 297. Homes, M., 254. Humboldt, A. von, 245, 246, 447- Hunt, T. S., 436. Huronian rocks, 436. Hutton, J., 188, 191, 218, 258; birth and early training of, 28 1 ; takes to farming, 282, 284 ; led to take interest in geology, 283 ; goes to Flanders, 283 ; settles in Edinburgh, 284 ; his scientific acquirements, 286 ; his experiment on the eating of snails, 288; his Theory of the Earth, published, 289, 294; on igneous rocks, 259, 290 ; his geological excursions, 291 ; on the significance of an uncon- formability among rocks, 291; his personal characteristics, 293 ; attacked by De Luc and Kir- wan, 296, 329; account of his system, 298 ; on composition of the land, 300; on action of subterranean heat, 301 ; on supposed igneous origin of flint, 301, 361 ; on influence of pressure on rocks in modifying effects of heat, 301, 323; on disturbance of strata, 302 ; on the cause of these disturb- ances, 303; on origin of vol- canoes, 304 ; on whinstone, 305; on granite, 307; on min- eral veins, 309; on metamor- phism, 310; on the degradation of the land, 311; his reliance on observation, 315; his circle of friends, 315 ; his relation to the doctrine of geological succession, 334. Ice, disputed action of, in Post- Tertiary Geology, 445, 448. Infiltration in the consolidation of rocks, Lamarck on, 361. Ireland, Griffith's Map of, 453. Ischia, 20. Islands, Strabo on origin of, 20 ; Ovid on, 38. Jameson, R., 211, 213, 218, 219, 226, 227, 239, 264, 265, 326, 402. {amieson, T. F., 449. apan, geological and seismolog- ical surveys of, 457. {enzsch, G., 467. ukes, J. B., 313. Jurassic formations, 381, 392, 441. 480 Index Jussieu, the Brothers, 106. Keferstein, C., 197, 201, 222, 244, 408. Kennedy, Robert, 322. King, Clarence, 461. Kirwan, R., 296, 316, 329. Knorr, G. W., his plates of fos- sils, etc., 101. Lake District, ancient volcanic rocks of, 266. Lake Superior, pre - Cambrian rocks of, 435. Lamanon, 343, 371. Lamarck, early career of, 345 ; devotes himself to botany, 347; publishes his Flore Franfaisc, 347 ; becomes Professor of Zoology, 348 ; his contribu- tions to geology, 349; founder of invertebrate Palaeontology, 349 ; publishes his Hydrogeo- k&*> 35 5 contributions to evolution, 350; on origin of mountains and valleys, 351 ; on action of terrestrial waters, 353; on origin of the ocean- basin, 353 ; on the use of organic remains in the rocks, 355? 358 ; on the order and antiquity of Nature, 356 ; on antiquity of the earth, 356 ; on interchange of land and sea, 3 5 7 ; on origin of the calcareous material in the earth's crust, 358; on origin of limestone, 359 ; on the condition and thickness of the earth's crust, 359; on the Pouvoir de la Vie, 360 ; on consolidation of rocks, 361; on granite, 362; fate of his Hydrogeologte, 374; his services to palaeontology, 401. Land, submergence and elevation of, 20, 34, 37; gain of, by river deposits, 28, 29. Landslips, Guettard on, 122. Lang, K. N., his Historia Lapl- dum, 98. Lapworth, Prof. C., 441. Laurentian rocks, 436. Lava, Hutton on " unerupted," 35; Lavoisier, 1 15, 343. Legends, geological origin of some, 6. Lehmann, J. G., 180, 195, 233, 33<5> 401- Leibnitz, cosmology of, 8i; re- cognized the co-operation of hypogene and epigene forces in geological history, 82 ; on earthquakes and volcanoes, 82; on fossils, 83. Leonhard, K. C. von, 262. Lesley, J. P., 460. Lhuyd, Edward, on Fossils, 77, 117. Lias, outcrop of, traced by Strange, 337; zonal stratigraphy of, .441. Life, speculations on evolution of, ^87. Linnaeus, 189. Lipari Isles, 15, 20. Lister, Martin, on fossils, 76, 336 ; on mineralogical maps, 449- Littoral fossils, 344, 355, 358. Logan, W. E., 435. Lonsdale, W., 431. Lucretius, cited, 13 ; on earth- quakes, 1 6. Lyell, C., 159, 311, 313, 403, 411, 414. Macculloch, J., 261, 454. Maclaren, C., 269. Maclure, W., 435, 458. Index i Maillet, Benoit de, his Telliamed, 84. Majoli on Fossils, 53, 64. Malesherbes, C. G. de L., 128, 145. Mallet, R., 277. Man, speculations as to origin of, 88. Maps, earliest geological, 77, III, 112, 115, 139, 198, 449. Mattioli, on the materia pinguis, 5 2 : Mediterranean basin, favourable for the study of geological features, 9, 10, 1 1. Mercati on Fossils, 52. Metamorphic rocks, 436. Metamorphism, Hutton on, 310. Michell, J., 273, 277, 378. Michel-Levy, A., 271, 467. Milne, J., 279. Mineral and Fossil collections, early examples of, 52, 68, 78, 98, 101, 102. Mineralogy, early cultivation of, 140 ; Werner's services to, 2IO. Mines, foundation of British School of, 456, 457. Miocene, 404. Monte Nuovo, 47, 61. Montlosier, Comte de, 159, 174, 248, 257. Moro, Anton-Lazzaro, his geo- logical theories, 61. Mountains, geological influence of, 10; origin of, 57, 90; dif- ferent ages of, 57; Pallas on formation of, 180; scenery of, formerly considered repulsive, 182; de Saussure's success in kindling a love of, 182 ; La- marck on origin of, 351. Murchison, R. I., 159; early re- searches of, on ancient volcanic rocks, 268, 420; his birth and early career, 412 ; becomes a geologist, 41 3 ; begins an attack on the " interminable Grey- wacke," 414 ; establishes the "Silurian system," 418; associ- ated with Sedgwick in found- ing the Devonian system, 429; personal characteristics of, 433 ; appointed Director-General of Geological Survey, 457. Murray, Alexander, 436. Myths, geological origin of, 6, 7. Naumann, C. F., 402. Neptunists, 218, 246, 247, 257, 259, 262, 269, 328, 331. Newberry, J. S., 461. Nicol, W., 463, 465. Nile, River, u, 28, 29, 32, 36. Ocean, theory of a former uni- versal, 60, 62, 90, 214, 217, 220, 230. Old Red Sandstone, 408, 430, 432. O/ 77. Plato on source of rivers, 28. Playfair, J., 259, 261, 281, 287, 290, 291, 292,295, 296, 297, 310, 312, 314,316, 325, 351, 361, 442. Playfair, Lyon, 457. Plication, Hall's experimental illustration of, 325. Pliny, the Elder, 26 ; on earth- quakes and volcanoes, 27. Pliocene, 404. Plot, Robert, on Fossils, 77. Plutonists, 218, 259, 262, 269, 328, 331. Po, River, 1 1 . Pompeii, earthquake at, 22, 23, 27. Porphyry, Werner on, 214; Hutton on, 305. Poseidon, in geological myths, 7. Powell,]. D., 461. Pre-Cambrian rocks, 435. Present, as a Key to the Past, 298. Pressure, influence of, in modify- ing effects of heat, 301, 323. Primitive rocks, 180, 195, 214, 222, 230,232, 310,409,435; Lamarck's rejection of the term, 359> 362. Primordial Fauna, 428. Puy de Dome, 1 30. Pyritous strata, spontaneous com- bustion of, 76, 94, 274. Pythagoras on the system of Nature, 37. Quenstedt, F. A. von, 441. Ramsay, A. C., 313, 435, 439, 449> 457- Raspe, R. E., 173. Rath, G. vom, 467. Ray, John, influence of orthodoxy on, 73 ; his views on denuda- tion, 74, 126; his opinions on fossils, 74 ; on earthquakes and volcanoes, 75 ; cited, 78. Reuss, F. A., 402. Rhineland, Basalt of, 147, 148, 1 60. Rhinoceros, fossil, of Siberia, 1 79. Rhone, River, 1 1. Richardson, Dr. (Portrush), 328. Richardson, Rev. B., 388. Rivers, views of the Ancients on geological action of, 28 ; Guettard on, 123 ; Hutton and Playfair on, 312; Lamarck on, 351. Rochefoucault, Due de la, 144, 145. Rocks, threefold classification of, 180, 195, 196, 214; chrono- logical sequence of, 194, 198 ; geological succession of, 192, 201, 232, 250, 333 ; Lamarck Index 483 on consolidation of, 361 ; method of making thin slices of, for microscopical examina- tion, 463. Rogers, H. D., 460. Rogers, W. B., 421, 460. Rome, earliest geological ideas in, 7. Rose, G., 467. Rosenbusch, H., 467. Rouelle, G. F., 342. Royal Society, Curatorship of Experiments in, 68 ; foreign member of, 99, 100 ; collects earthquake records, 272, 274; assists Mallet's investigation of earthquakes, 278. Russia, early scientific survey of, Sand, experiment in consolidation of, 324. Santorin, volcanic action at, 24. Saussure, H. B. de, on valleys, 159 ; on the Alps, 181 ; in- fluence of, in removing the popular dislike of mountain scenery, 182 ; on granite, 185, 307 ; on disturbed strata, 187, 302 ; on erosion of valleys, 1 88 ; experimental researches of, on rocks, 190. Saxony, Basalt of, 147, 157, 160, 221, 242, 249. Sea, early observations on former presence of, n, 33, 34, 36, 37> 38, 43, So, 5 1 , 5 2 53 55, 59, 60, 62, 70, 71, 84, 85, 90, 104, 118; supposed to have subsided into earth's interior, 66, 90, 93 ; origin of salinity of, 62, 82, 124; absence of erosion much below surface of, 125. Secondary rocks, 180, 195, 378, 38i, 397, 399,408,470. Sedgwick, A., researches of, on ancient volcanic rocks, 266 ; on W. Smith, 395 ; associated with Murchison, 412, 423 ; birth and career of, 421 ; be- comes Woodwardian Professor of Geology, 42 1 ; in the Lake District, 423 ; in Wales, 424 ; establishes the Cambrian system, 426 ; associated with Murchi- son in forming the Devonian system, 429 ; personal charac- teristics of, 433. Seismology, rise of, as a branch of science, 277. Seneca, his Natural Questions, 21 ; on the system of Nature, 21 ; on earthquakes, 22 ; on volcanoes, 24. Severinus, Peter, cited, 49. Scheuchzer, J. J., geological writ- ings of, 98-100. Scotland, volcanic geology of Western Isles of, 148, 256, 264 ; volcanic rocks of central, 264, 269, 287'; granite of, 291 ; unconformable rocks in, 292, 303 ; eruptive rocks in, 305 ; Macculloch's Geological Map of, 454. Scrope, G. P., 109, 128. Siberia, fossil pachyderms in frozen soil of, 178. Silesia, Basalt of, 147, 160. Silica, Lamarck's view of relative importance of, 361. Silurian fossils, first published illustrations of, 1 17. Silurian system, established by Murchison, 418 ; his mono- graph on, 420 ; application of zonal stratigraphy to, 441. Smith, William, birth and early career of, 381; becomes land- surveyor, 382; his first geolog- ical expedition, 383 ; acquires 4 8 4 Index a detailed knowledge of the Secondary formations, 386, 388; his "Table of Strata," 388 ; collects materials for a geological map of England, 389 ; settles in London, 390 ; publishes his Map, 391; value of his work among the Jurassic formations, 392 ; involved in financial difficulties, 393 ; re- ceives the Wollaston medal, 395; his personal appearance, 395 ; his publications, 396 ; his services to Stratigraphy, 401 ; limits of his stratigraph- ical knowledge, 409 ; descrip- tion of his Map, 452. Smyth, Warington W., 457. Soland, Aime" de, 108. Somma, dykes of, 321. Sorby, H. C., 465. Spallanzani, 256. Springs, early conceptions of origin of, 28, 31, 6 1, 74. Staffa, 148. Stars, supposed influence of, in the production of "figured stones," 45, 50, 52. Steno, Nicholas, career of, 53; on fossil sharks' teeth, 54; his geological treatise, 5 5 ; on stra- tified formations, 55 ; on dis- turbances of strata, 56, 57, 302, 303; on erosion of strata, 57; on Fossils, 58; on geolog- ical history, 59. Strabo on Vale of Tempe, 8 ; on River Alpheus, 8 ; on statues said to have been brought from Troy, 8; on the Memnonium, 9; on the exodus of the Cim- bri, 9 ; character of his Geo- graphy, 1 8 ; on volcanoes and earthquakes, 1 8, 19, 304; on origin of islands, 20; on hydro- graphy of Mediterranean basin, 29 ; on deltas, 30 ; on rivers, 31; on displacing action of vegetable roots, 31; on the final destruction of the human race, 32 ; on fossils, 34 ; on former geological changes, 36. Strachey, John, 194, 378. Strange, John, 336. Strata, inferences from vertical, 185, 188, 199, 221. Stratification, Steno on, 55; dis- turbances of 57; de Maillet on, 86 ; de Saussure on, 185, 1 88; Strachey on, 194; Fuchsel on, 198. Stratigraphy, early progress of, 56, 194, 198, 333. Strato on geological changes in Egypt, 33- Stukeley, W., 272. Supernatural, decay of the, in in- terpretations of topographical features, 8. Surveys, national geological, 456. Tempe, explanations of origin of Vale of, 7. Tertiary Rocks, 180, 195, 341, 345, 363, 397, 399> 44, 4 8 , 470. Text books of Geology, 401. Theophrastus on stones, 1 6 ; on a plastic virtue in Nature, 16, , 45 * Thessaly, draining of lake in, 7. Thuringer Wald, geology of the, 197. Tiber, River, 1 1. Transition Rocks of Werner, 214, 220, 231, 409, 470 ; early re- searches in, 410; Murchison's researches among, 414, 417, 419, 429; of America, 459, 460. Trappean Rocks, 264, 265, 267. Travel, rise of Geological, 176. Index Trilobites, first recognition of, 117. Uniformitarianism in Geology, i.99 43> 47 2 - United States, volcanic geology of, 271; geologists of, on river erosion, 313 ; early geological maps of, 458. Universal formations of Werner, 212, 214, 215, 230. Vallisneri, Antonio, 60. Valleys, origin of, 57, 94, 159, 188, 312, 351. Vanuxem, L., 460. Venetz, J., 442. Vesuvius, 10 ; recognised by Strabo to be a volcano, 1 8 ; eruption of in A.D. 79, 23, 27; experiments in fusion of lavas of, 322. Vinci, Leonardo da, 50. Vivarais, geology of the, 338. Voigt,J. K. W., 223. Volcanic geology, 127, 133, 140, 162. Volcanic rocks, 195 ; interca- lated among ancient geological formations, 259, 339 ; ascer- tained to be of all geological periods, 263 ; Tertiary, 260 ; Carboniferous, 264, 271 ; Old Red Sandstone and Devonian, 264, 266, 270, 271 ; Silurian, 266, 267 ; Cambrian, 267 ; Permian, 271. Volcanoes, in Mediterranean basin, 10; Aristotle's explana- tion of, 15 ; Lucretius on, 17; as safety-valves, antiquity of the doctrine of, 19 ; Seneca on, 24; appealed to in the Middle Ages as agents in the accumulation of the fossiliferous formations, 47, 53, 62, 64 ; supposed to be due to combustion of in- flammable substances, 25, 56, 57> 60, 73, 75, 80, 82, 93, 133, 156, 225; attributed to spontaneous decomposition of iron-pyrites, 76, 94, 274; sup- posed modern origin of, 82, 93, 224, 225, 258 ; first dis- covery of extinct, in France, 127-135, 339 ; connected with internal heat of the globe, 255 ; supposed connection of with electricity, 258. Vulcanists, 133, 136, 218, 224, 246, 247, 252, 257,262, 327, 33*. Walch, J. E. I., his Das SteinreicA, 101 ; continued G. W. Knorr's work on Fossils, 102. Wales, volcanic geology of, 267, 268, 270. Wallerius, 189. Weather, influence of on earth- quakes and volcanoes, 14, 19, 27. Webster, T., 396. Werner, A. G., forestalled by Guettard in his explanation of origin of Basalt, 136, 156,226; opposed volcanic theories, 175, 222, 225; on aqueous origin of granite, 185, 290, 307 ; wide influence of, 201 ; popu- larity of, 202; childhood and education of, 203; training of, in mining, 204; at Leipzig University, 205; first published essay of, 225 ; appointed to Freiberg Academy, 206 ; per- sonal appearance and charm of, 207; style of lecturing of, 208, 233, 235 ; character of his teaching, 209, 238 ; method- ical characteristics of, 209, 230, 231; mineralogical nomencla- 4 86 Index ture of, 210; "universal for- mations" of, 212, 213, 214, 215, 230; his classification and chronological arrangement of rocks, 213, 230, 333 ; his ex- planation of the origin of rocks, 215; his theory of a universal ocean and of chemical precipi- tates, 214, 217, 220; on dis- turbance in the earth's crust, 221, 228, 302 ; his contro- versy about Basalt, 223, 226 ; on nature of volcanoes, 224, 226; on veins, 229, 308, 309; his dislike of writing, 233 ; source of his influence, 236; his services to science, 237, 462 ; loyalty of his followers to, 240. Wernerian School of Geology, 237, 239 ; decline of, 241, 244, 246, 250, 251,252,254, 330. Wernerian Society, foundation of, 327, 33- Wind, important part assigned to, by the ancients in subter- ranean phenomena, 14, 16, 19, 23, 25, 26, 27, 38, 271. Whinstone, Hutton on, 305 ; Hall's experiments with, 320 ; resembles lava, 321. Whiston, W., his New Theory of the Earth, 67. Whitehurst, John, 380. Widenmann, J. F. W., 224. Witham, H., 463. Woodward, John, his geological views, 67. Xanthus the Lydian, 33. Xenophanes of Colophon, 33. Zirkel, F., 467. GLASGOW : PRINTED AT THE UNIVERSITY PRESS BY ROBERT MACLEHOSE AND CO. LTD- Works by Sir Archibald Geikie F.R.S., D.Sc., etc. TEXT-BOOK OF GEOLOGY. With Illustrations. Fourth Edition. Revised and Enlarged. In Two Vols. 8vo. 305. net. THE ANCIENT VOLCANOES OF GREAT BRI- TAIN. With Seven Maps and numerous Illustrations. In Two Vols. Super Royal 8vo. 363. net. THE SCENERY OF SCOTLAND VIEWED IN CONNECTION WITH ITS PHYSICAL GEOLOGY. Third Edition. 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