i : PHILLIPS' S MINERALOGY. FIFTH EDITION. COMPRISING SIX HUNDRED WOOD CUTS " The study of Mineralogy, whether it be viewed as tending to increase individual wealth, to improve and multiply arts and manufactures, and thus promote the public good ; or as affording a pleasant subject for scientific research, recommends itself to the attention of the citizen and the scholar." Pro/. Cleaveland. AN ELEMENTARY TREATISE ON MINERALOGY: COMPRISING AN INTRODUCTION TO THE SCIENCE; BY WILLIAM PHILLIPS, F.L.S.M.G.S.L. &C. HON. MEMBER OF THE CAMBRIDGE AND YORKSHIRE PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETIES. FIFTH EDITION, FROM THE FOURTH LONDON EDITION, BY ROBERT ALLAN : CONTAINING THE LATEST DISCOVERIES IN AMERICAN AND FOREIGN MINERALOGY; WITH NUMEROUS ADDITIONS TO THE INTRODUCTION. BY FRANCIS ALGER, MEMBER OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY OF ARTS AND SCIENCES, OP THE NATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR THE PROMOTION OF SCIENCE, OF THE BOSTON SOCIETY OF NATURAL HISTORY, ETC. _.-*'.. ^\j3 P- * f'.Y^> OF THE \ UNlVERSr x , OF BOSTON : WILLIAM D. TICKNOR & CO. M DCCC XLIV. P Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1844, BY FRANCIS ALGER, In the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the District of Massachusetts. PREFACE. WHEN I first commenced this work, my intention was merely to add to the deservedly popular Treatise of the late Wm. Phillips, the principal localities of North American minerals, and such new species as I could conveniently gather from the few journals within my reach, and to send it forth as a still later edition of that work. Pro- fessor Cleaveland's Mineralogy having been long out of print, there had been for some time an urgent call in this country for an elemen- tary system like Phillips's, based on a chemical arrangement, and illustrated by numerous figures of the primary and secondary forms of crystals ; and I supposed that in three or four months, I could make the additions proposed, and, to some extent, answer this call. As Dr. Thomson's work was more recent, my first intention was to republish his first volume, by adding to it a short introduction on Crys- tallography, and embodying as many of the figures from Phillips's as possible. But I relinquished this idea, on learning that Prof. Web- ster, of Harvard University, had been engaged in the same labor, and had actually prepared a volume on the basis of Dr. Thomson's and Phillips's, which was even publicly announced as in the press. From the apprehension that two works were not required, I was unwilling, finding also that the publisher declined proceeding in the undertaking, to engage in either, until, after repeated inquiries, I learnt that the publisher who had announced Dr. Webster's work as in press, had suspended its publication ; and, eventually, that there was little pros- pect of his proceeding with it. The pressing calls for a work of this character throughout the United States, finally led me to the prepara- tion of the present volume . But I soon found that to make the additions proposed, without embodying a more complete view of the chemical constitution of the species, their atomic formulas, &c., would he but a very imperfect exposition of the present advanced state of mineralo- 703 11 PREFACE. gical science. It occurred to me that the value of Phillips's Treatise, would be greatly enhanced, by introducing generally the symbolic characters, and the mineralogical formulas, adopted by Dr. Thomson. To effect this, it became necessary to rearrange the introductory sec- tions on the metals and other simple bodies, and to express their atomic relations to each other, according to the system of equivalents which had been arrived at by the investigations of Drs. Thomson and Prout. The explanatory remarks at the close of the Introduction, render it un- necessary to repeat the reasons why these atomic weights have been preferred. They have been also introduced, in a tabular form, with familiar illustrations of their uses, for the benefit of the student. It will be observed that they generally agree with the numbers obtained by Berzelius, if multiplied by ten ; and, consequently, the mineralogical formulas founded on the same analyses, will be the same whether we adopt one or the other ; that is, simply divide by the smallest num- bers, or calculate from the quantities of oxygen contained in the several constituents, as has also been explained in the Introduction. Hence a large number of Dr. Thomson's formulas, agree with Beu- dant's ; the discrepancies generally arising from arbitrary considera- tions, having reference to their essential and non-essential constituents. The formulas given by other authorities, also vary in the same man- ner, so that we sometimes have two or three for the same mineral. Chemical formulas have occasionally been given, when employed by the analysts themselves, or in stating the composition of some of the more complex species, particularly of the metals ; but for the purposes of mineralogy, they should not be generally introduced to the exclu- sion of the mineralogical signs, which answer all the ends desired in. making known the proximate constituents of the species, and do not involve a knowledge of chemistry beyond that which most students should possess. Much may, however, be said in favor of adopting the plan so well carried out by Beudant, of employing both formulas. Besides the changes thus alluded to, it seemed necessary to treat of some subjects most essentially connected with the science, which had either not been fully or adequately discussed, or had been entirely omitted. I allude to Crystallography, and to the doctrines of Pseu- domorphism, Isomorphism and Dimorphism. Of these last, but little was known when the late Mr. Phillips prepared his last edition ; but they were subjects familiar to Mr. Allan, and certainly should not have been entirely overlooked by him. They have been now treated of, perhaps with as much copiousness as is desirable ; while the Crystallographical part, has been enlarged by the addition of many PREFACE. Ill new figures, and the leading definitions and elementary principles of this department of the subject. These are founded on the Popular Introduction to Crystallography, by Brooke, whose system of nota- tion and primary forms, first adopted by Phillips, has been followed, the new figures of crystals now introduced, being lettered and drawn in accordance with them. It is undoubtedly the simple, unmathemati- cal method of acquainting the student with Crystallography, as made known in the writings of Brooke, and first practically exemplified by the numerous diagrams scattered through the successive editions of Mr. Phillips's work, which has conferred upon it a popularity altoge- ther unequalled by any other treatise on the subject. His accurate measurements of crystals, sometimes confirming, and often disproving, the previous, more mechanical , determinations by Haiiy, and which are given so extensively in this volume, have rendered his labors in mineralogy of invaluable service to other authors who have since published. This was his peculiar province, and he has acquired in it a pre-eminence which will ever identify his name with mineralogy. In the general arrangement of the Descriptive part, I have made no changes. A few species have occasionally been transferred from one class to another, in consequence of newer and more accurate analyses ; and in some instances, for the same reason, substances described as distinct species, have been united with others; or introduced only as varieties. Some of these last are the following : Nacrite has been united with Talc, (Brunswick, Me., Nacrite with Mica) ; Xantho- phyllite with Clintonite, or Seybertite, according to Prof. G. Rose ; Wollastonite and Stellite of Dr. Thomson, and Pectolite of Kobell, with each other, under the name of Stellite ; Okenite of Kobell, with Dysclasite of Connell ; Harringtonite of Dr. Thomson, with Mesole ; Scolezite with Mesolite ; Spinellane with Hauyne ; Pleonaste with Spinelle ; Meionite with Scapolite ; Humboldite of Levy, with Da- tholite ; Phillipsite of Beudant, with Purple Copper ; Neoctese of Beudant, with Scorodite ; Fibrolite with Kyanite ; Xenolite of Nordenskiold, with Bucholzite ; Junkerite of Dufrenoy, with Spa- those Iron ; Beudantite of Levy, (as shown by MM. Damour and Descloizeaux) with Pharmakisederite ; Cyprine with Grossularite, as shown by the analysis of Richardson ; Beudantite of Monticelli and Covelli, with Nepheline ; Mellilite with Humboldilite, as shown by M. Damour. The number of these might perhaps at the present time be considerably increased. For example, Brooke and Tamnau, have shown the crystallographical identity of Phacolite with Chabasie, though Breithaupt maintains the distinction, and the analyses by An- * IV PREFACE . derson and Rammelsberg, are not decisive on the point. Rammels- berg's recent analysis of Comptonite compared withThomsonite, also shows an exact agreement in the atomic constitution of these two mine- rals, yettheir crystallographical identity is not fully admitted. Of Ame- rican species, Chlorophyllite of Jackson, is classed with the Hydrous lolite of Bonsdorff; Washingtonite of Shepard, with Ilmenite ; Stellite of Beck, with Stellite of Dr. Thomson, under the name of Anhydrous Lime-Mesolite ; Bisilicate of Copper of Bowen, with Chrysocolla ; Microlite of Shepard, with Pyrochlore ; Beaumontite of Levy, and Lincolnite of Hitchcock, with Heulandite ; Eremite and Edwardsite of Shepard, with Monazite ; Eupyrchroite of Emmons, with Phos- phate of Lime ; Pickeringite of Hayes, with Magnesian Alum ; Danaite of Hayes, with Mispickel ; Chiastolite with Andalusite ; Boltonite of Nuttall, with Picrosmine ; Rensselaerite of Emmons, with Pyroxene.* All the additions by Mr. Allan have been retained, with the exception of the Table of the Composition of Species, which was rendered unnecessary by the substitution of the formulas. They are credited to him as quotations from his " Manual," so far as they are thus distinguished in his edition; but in numerous instances, fresh matter has been interwoven with them, as it has been throughout the work. These freedoms with the author's text, were rendered neces- sary by the impracticability of introducing so large an amount of mat- ter in the form of notes. A few notes, however, were unavoidable ; these, when written by Phillips or Allan, are so indicated. For the rest, the present editor is responsible. The matter now introduced rather exceeds three hundred pages. It comprises over one hundred additional figures in the Introduction, and the Descriptive part ; with the new species, foreign and Ameri- can, brought into notice since the date of the last edition ; and the addition of many foreign, as well as all the important American locali- ties. The last have been gathered from various sources, but princi- pally from the State Reports, by Profs. Hitchcock, Beck, Emmons, Shepard, W. B. and H. D. Rogers, Drs. Troost, Jackson and Haugh- ton. The localities in Nova Scotia, have been given from the personal observations of Dr. Jackson and the editor. While several minerals, supposed to be new, have been united with others, but one new species has been proposed, viz. Hayesine, or Borocalcite, described at p. 318. One or two changes have been made in the naming of species, which seemed to be demanded by a * For authorities in these cases, as well as most of those cited oil the last page, the reader will refer to the articles themselves. PREFACE. IT simpler or more characteristic expression of their distinguishing prop- erties. Thus the Uniaxial Mica, which differs from the Biaxial species, in containing Magnesia, I have disinguished as Magnesian Mica. The two prominent species of Iron ore, the Magnetic and Specular, both of which are known to be magnetic, have been more appropriately designated under the names of Pleisto-Magnetic Iron, and Oligisto-Magnetic Iron. Red Hematite, and one or two other varieties of iron ore, hitherto included under the last species, with which they have liitle affinity, have been transferred to the species Limonite, which also comprises Brown Hematite, Goethite, and Stilp- nosiderite, hitherto described in this work as distinct species. In the preparation of this work I have consulted the various treatises on the science, the numerous Reports of our own Mineralogists and Geologists, who have been called into the field by the various State Legislatures, as well as oar Scientific Periodicals, and the Transac- tions and Journals of various Scientific Societies. To the American Journal of Science, that most invaluable repository of all the discover- ies in American mineralogy during the last twenty-five years, I am particularly indebted for numerous statements and facts present- ed in the following pages. Dana's Latin names have been introduced along with many other additional synonyms, particularly those by Prof. Jameson. The principal foreign sources from which some of the most important additions have been obtained, are the London Edinburgh and Dublin Philosophical Magazine ; Jameson's New Edin- burgh Journal of Science; Brewster's Edinburgh Journal of Science; Thomson's Records of General Science ; the Reports of the British Association; the Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, and of the Geological Society of London ; De la Beche's Report on Devon, Cornwall, <5fc. ; and Brooke' 's article, Mineralogy, in the Encyclopedia Metropolitana. Berzelius's Annual Reports, (usually the French or German reprints,) have been largely consulted, as have also the prin- cipal French journals, the Annales de Chimie et de Physique, and the Annales des Mines ; Journal fur praktische Chemic ; Poggendorfs An- nalen der Physik und Chemie ; Kongl. Vetenskaps Academiens Handlin- gar ; Verhandlungen der Kaiserlich- Russischen Mineralogischen Gesell- schaft zu St. Petersburg, 1842. The other sources of information have been acknowledged in the body of the work. The Chemical Mineralogy by Rammelsberg,* (2 Vols. and 1st Supp.,) a most thorough and laborious treatise, comprising all the important analy- ses of mineral species hitherto published, has often been consulted ; * C. F. Rammelsberg. Handworterbuch des Chemischen Theils der Mineralogie, in 9 Tola. 8vo. Berlin, 1841. Ea-ttes Supplement, $c., 1 vol. 8vo. Berlin, 1843. VI PREFACE. and I have only to regret that I was unable to obtain a copy of this work, until a considerable part of the present Treatise had been printed. By the obliging courtesy of Charles Cramer, Esq., late Secretary of the Imperial Mineralogical Society of St. Petersburg, I have re- ceived copies of the Transactions of that and a similar body of the active scientific men of Russia, of whose labors frequent mention has been made. I am indebted to other friends, for several valuable journals, or works, on the science, which have supplied important information. Among these I would here mention Dr. Feuchtwanger, of New York, Joseph A. Clay, Esq., of Philadelphia, Saml. L. Dana, Esq., of Lowell. Of those gentlemen, who have supplied me with many valua- ble facts, or have given me their friendly advice on many occasions, I would also mention the names of Dr. C. T. Jackson, A. A. Hayes, J. E. Teschemacher, and Prof. J. W. Webster. I am indebted to the two first named gentlemen, for the analyses of several minerals, the results of which were first communicated to this work The analyses of Stellite, Sillimanite, Washingtonite, and Acadialite, were obligingly undertaken by them at my request, and were instituted on some very pure crystals, which I had placed in their hands. From Mr. James H. Blake, I have received very valuable notices of all the localities discovered or visited by him, during his late tour through the rich mineral districts of South America : he has besides supplied me with several new analyses. My obligations are particu- larly due to J. E. Teschemacher, Esq., for the measurements of the crystals of several species which had not before been fully or accu- rately determined, and without whose nice observations with the reflecting goniometer, the identity of several substances, supposed to be distinct, could not have been completely established. Nor can I close this preface, without expressing my sincere thanks to W. G. Lettsom, Esq., of the British Legation at Washington, for his very frequent contribution of facts, as well as his valuable suggestions. I am also under obligations to Henry Heuland, Esq., of London, and Dr. Thomson of Glasgow, for facts relating to foreign localities. It is proper to add , that whilst the labor in preparing this volume has been much greater than was anticipated, my time has been devoted to it at intervals, amid other pursuits ; and this is the apology now offered on account of its slow progress through the press ; its publi- cation having been promised at a much earlier period. F. A. BOSTON, MAY 20, 1844. INTRODUCTION TO MINERALOGY. PART I. CONTENTS OF THE INTRODUCTION. PREFACE, by the Author, ..... ""! -'' K ' : '. ix CHARACTERS OF MINERALS, . , . : .''-'"; '*"*' "^ xxii Physical Characters , ...... l -. : ' ' V xxiv External Form, and Simple Preliminary Definitions, . xxv Crystals Defined, . . . . . ..';. xxv Structure,. . . . . v . ''--",'-. ^"^ f xxix Cleavage, . "-';"" \'\ _'*"' i' ?; :> " '. ^v-.V;" : *;* ".^ * *";**'' .-> xxx Primary Forms, and their Geometrical Relations, . xxxi Different Systems of Primary Forms, . ''*. * '""'' - ; . . xxxii The Lettering of Crystals explained, .... xxxiii Primary Forms enumerated, xxxiv Each Primary Form described, xxxvi Mechanical Cleavage, and Secondary Forms of Crystals, xlii Derivation of Secondary Forms, .... xliv Hemitrope, or Twin Crystals, ..... li Measurement of the Angles of Crystals, ... liv Common Goniometer described, ..... liv Reflecting Goniometer described, .... Ivi The Comparative Value of these Instruments, . . lix Varieties of Structure, Ix Fracture, Ixi Frangibility, Ixii Scale of Hardness, Ixiii Transparency, and Lustre, , * . . . Ixv System of Colors, ........ Ixvi Flexibility, Elasticity, and Double Refraction, . . Ixx Touch, Taste, Odor, r : . Ixxii Vlll CONTENTS . Touch, Taste, Odor, Ixxii Streak, Adhesion to the Tongue, and Magnetism, . Ixxiii Electricity, Ixxiv Phosphorescence, and Specific Gravity, . . . Ixxvii Pseudomorphism, Ixxx Table of the principal Pseudomorphous Minerals, . Ixxxii Isomorphism, Ixxxii Groups of Isomorphous Bodies, Ixxxiv Dimorphism, Ixxxv Chemical Characters, Action of the Blowpipe, Ixxxvi Scale of the Fusibility of Minerals, . . . xci Cupellation, and Action of Acids, .... xciii Table of Elementary Substances, xcvi Non-Metallic Bodies enumerated and described, . . xcvi Metallic Bodies enumerated and described, ci Systematic Arrangement of Mineral Species, . . cxviii Atomic Constitution of Minerals, ..... cxx Symbols and Atomic Weights of Bodies entering into the composition of Minerals, cxxiii Tables, showing the Formulas, Specific Gravities, and Hardness of Minerals, arranged in their respective Classes, cxxvi PREFACE TO THE THIRD EDITION. THE present differs from the preceding edition in some respects, which appear to require notice in this place. The most important additions and improvements that have been made, consist, first, in the introduction of notices or descriptions of about eighty minerals, of which the greater part have been discovered since the publication of the preceding edition ; secondly, in the insertion of the results obtained by a careful examination of most crystalline minerals, as regards their structure and cleavage; thirdly, in the addition of a figure to the verbal description of most substances found in a crystallized state, representing the primary form, and another the secondary planes in connection with those of the primary crystal, together with such measurements of the planes as I have been able to obtain, chiefly by means of the reflective gonio- meter of Dr. Wollaston ; in the fourth place, advantage has been taken of a translation of Berzelius's excellent work on " The Use of the Blowpipe in Chemical Analysis and the Examination of Minerals, by J. G. Children, F. R. S. L. &, E. &,c." in so far as relates to the more simple experiments B X PREFACETOTHE with that useful assistant to the student in recognizing min- erals; and, fifthly, the meanings of the names by which min- erals are commonly known in this country are mostly given at the foot of the page containing the description, except where, being chemical, they manifestly have been derived from the composition of the substance. In regard to arrangement, no alteration has been made in this edition, except where new and more satisfactory analyses de- manded a change : on the subject of the arrangement, therefore, it seems requisite only to add, that, having in the first instance adopted it as being in my own estimation the most advantageous to the student that I could devise, the experience of its utility now induces me to recommend it to him as an instructive method of placing the minerals in his cabinet. In pursuing the at once pleasant and laborious investigations connected with the important characters of cleavage, crystalline form, and measurement, and which were undertaken with the view of rendering the present edition more instructive to the student, it will be imagined that I have myself derived much information ; and, although some new facts relative to these points have resulted, it must be acknowledged that much yet remains for future investigation. If the more accomplished mineralogist should condescend to consult this little work, he will perceive that the measurements of the crystalline forms, and especially of the secondary planes, are not precisely exact, do not on all occasions relatively agree : for in no instance has it been attempted to correct the geometry of nature by a resort to the more rigid laws of calculation. It has been ascertained, by a comparison of the measurements taken from similar and brilliant planes of different crystals, that, owing to some natural inequality of surface, the same pre- cise angle is rarely obtained, and hence those given in the suc- ceeding pages cannot be expected to be absolutely exact. Ex- perience, however, leads to the conclusion that the limit of error is considerably within one degree, that it rarely exceeds forty minutes, and that it is frequently confined to a minute or two. The measurements annexed to the figures will therefore be THIRD EDITION. XI considered only as near approximations to the true value; but where those of the primary form have been obtained from planes produced by cleavage, which is generally noted, when that is the case, in the description of the mineral, they may be con- sidered as approximating the truth much more nearly than when taken by means of the natural planes. A considerable propor- tion of the whole will perhaps be found sufficiently precise to form a basis for the calculations of the mathematician, and, together with the accompanying figures, to induce the student to examine the forms of crystals, and to delineate and measure the angles formed by the meeting of the planes by which the crystals in his own cabinet are bounded. If errors should be found in the following pages, greater than those above alluded to, they are to be attributed to my own want of exactness in noting the measurements obtained ; for, although much care has on all occasions been taken to select the smallest and most brilliant crystals, and to note the results faithfully, it is scarcely to be hoped that errors of this nature have altogether been avoided. It may perhaps be concluded that, by adopting at once the figures and measurements given by Haiiy, and other mineralo- gists, much chance of inaccuracy might have been prevented. But it must be observed, that where the primary form is not a regular geometrical solid, such as are the cube, regular octa- hedron, and six-sided prism, the means resorted to for deter- mining the true measurements namely, that of subjecting the planes obtained by cleavage to the reflective goniometer is a more certain method than that adopted by Haiiy ; and it will be perceived that a very large proportion of all the primary forms are not regular geometrical solids, such, for instance, as the oblique and doubly oblique prisms, and the very numerous class of rhombic prisms. Where the cube, regular octahedron, six-sided prism, and other regular solids, are the primary forms, I have adopted the measurements given by Haiiy, acknowledg- ing them in all cases by annexing the letter H, or by some other mode ; first, however, verifying them in most cases by the re- flective goniometer. In a very few instances, the authority of Xll PREFACETOTHE the Comte de Bournon has been resorted to, but not without acknowledgment. It will of course be understood that where no authority is mentioned, the measurements have been obtained by the reflective goniometer, and, from what is said above, that they must be considered only as approximations.* In regard to the figures to which the measurements are an- nexed, it may be observed, that these are not in all cases the representatives of single crystals, for in some of them are asso- ciated the planes observed on two or three ; thus occasionally rendering the form more complicated than any single crystal I have =>een, but not more so than may probably be found here- after. This .mode has been adopted, as offering to the student the greatest assistance that I could devise, since it combines at one view all the observed planes, without increasing enormously the bulk and consequent expense of the work, as must have been the case if all the varieties of form had been given sepa- rately. As to the drawing of the figures, it remains to be added, that they are not given as the result of a laborious exe- cution by the assistance of the rules of geometrical projection; but, in the general, only as diagrams, wanting the precision which in that case might have been claimed for them, and drawn without any other rule than such as the hand and eye could furnish. The letters on each plane of the larger figures have been so placed, according to the system of notation adopted in the 11 Familiar Introduction to Crystallography, &c., by H. J. Brooke, F. R. S. &c.," a work which may, without hesitation, be recommended strongly to the student, as being calculated to teach the interesting science on which it treats in its most pleasing form, and of which the first part is so simple that, without any reference to trigonometry, geometry, or algebraical calculation, it shows, by means of the figures of crystals and attendant explanations, the position on the primary forms of * In some, though comparatively few instances, the crystals of a substance have not been found sufficiently bright for the use of the reflective goniometer ; the common goni- ometer has then been resorted to, and the measurements taken by it are always distin- guished by having the letters c. ff. annexed to them. [P.] THIRD EDITION. Kill every secondary or modifying plane to which those forms are liable, and thereby the transitions of one form into another ; and here, if he be so inclined, the student may stop, after hav- ing gained all that a purely mechanical view of the subject will afford him, or he may proceed to the second part, in which crystallographyjs treated more scientifically; and it may be added, that the pupil may, in either case, attain such a knowledge of it, as will not fail to open to him new sources of delight in this interesting department of Mineralogy.* To the author of the fore-mentioned work I am under much obligation, for assistance on various points connected with the improvements which it is confidently hoped will be manifest in the present edition. Often as his name occurs in its pages, I have been yet more often indebted to him, not only for the loan of specimens, amongst which were several that I could not oth- erwise have obtained, but for assistance in the clearing up of many difficulties which, without his help, would have been left in doubt, or would have terminated in error. My acknowledgments and thanks are also thus publicly due to several others of my friends. To Thomas Allan, F. R. S. L. &/ E. for many useful criticisms, of which I have not failed to avail myself, as well as for the liberal transmission from Edin- burgh of some rare and valuable minerals. To Ashurst Ma- jendie, M. G. S. for the loan of well-defined crystals of several scarce substances. To Samuel Luck Kent, M. G. S. for a free access to his cabinet upon all occasions, and for his cheerful permission to avail myself of the advantage in any manner that might tend to benefit the work, and even for the presentation to me of some rare substances. To Henry Heuland, For. Sec. G. S. for some valuable minerals presented to me in a manner consistent with his well-known liberality ; a liberality which also I have experienced in numerous instances from G. B. Sowerby, F. L. S. to whom likewise I am greatly indebted for * It is to be hoped that the distinguished author, above alluded to, will soon cause to be issued a new edition of his work, which is now most eagerly demanded by mineralog- ical students. [An. ED.] XIV PREFACE TO THE many valuable hints, and for the readiness with which he has upon all occasions endeavored to promote my views. In conclusion, if the utility of a nice investigation of the structure of crystallized minerals, and the measurement of their angles, should become an inquiry, it may be replied that they often determine the differences existing betweenjninerals which greatly resemble each other. This, as is observed more at large in the following " Introduction," is fully exemplified in the differences discovered by means of the reflective goniometer, between the measurements of the primary rhomboids of carbo- nate of lime, carbonate of lime and magnesia, and carbonate of iron ; minerals which often so greatly resemble each other, that the difference between them can only be ascertained by a resort to chemistry, or the reflective goniometer. The utility of a close attention to this instrument has been further manifested since the foregoing was written, and in a very remarkable manner : A mineral which has always been considered as bit- terspar from the Tyrol, and of which the primary crystal is a rhomboid not distinguishable by the unassisted eye from that of either of the foregoing, was found by the reflective goniometer to afford measurements different from them all ; the cause of this became manifest by a resort to analysis, which proved it to be a new compound, namely, a carbonate of magnesia and iron. The reflective goniometer is moreover of great use to the geologist, who finds those rocks which are termed primi- tive, and many of those which are called transition, or the oldest secondary, to consist, not of one homogeneous mass, as is often the case with those of a newer origin, but of two or more min- erals, so intermixed and associated that a reference to the chem- ist is of little avail to him : by such means he may indeed be- come informed whether a particular earth or alkali is to be found in the mass, but the various substances of which it is com- pounded are often too minute, and therefore too intimately as- sociated with the others, to allow of a determination as to which of the component substances may contain the earth or the alkali so discovered. Hence structure, if it exist, becomes a character THIRDED1TION. XV of essential importance ; for it will be found that fragments far too minute for analysis will often afford brilliant planes, well adapted to the use of the reflective goniometer. A knowledge of structure, therefore, and of the measurements of the primary forms of minerals, is very important to the geologist ; but where structure does not exist, the examination of the various external characters of the minute portions forming the aggregate of the rock are often of singular advantage; and hence the geologist should become intimately acquainted with the external charac- ters of at least all such substances as are found entering into the composition of rocks. Mineralogy, therefore, is in reality essential to the geologist ; it is the very alphabet to the older rocks, and it is probably to be attributed in great measure to the want of due preparation for the study of these rocks, by an intimate acqaintance with minerals in the simple state, that the primary and transition tracts of England and Wales have been investigated in a far less degree than those of a newer origin. "It has been said of crystals," says the Abbe Haiiy, "that they are the flowers of minerals ; an observation concealing a very just idea beneath the air of a comparison which appears to be only ingenious." The importance of "form will become more evident," he further observes, " if, in pursuing our inqui- ries into the niceties of the mechanism of structure, we con- ceive all these crystals as the assemblages of integrant mole- cules perfectly resembling each other, and subject to the laws of regular arrangement. Thus, although by a superficial notice of crystals we might adjudge them to be only the sports of nature, a more intimate acquaintance with them leads to this conclusion, that the Deity, whose power and wisdom prescribed the unerring laws of the planetary motions, has also established those which are obeyed with the same fidelity, by the molecules composing the various substances concealed in the recesses of the earth." MAY 10, 1823. W. P. XVI PREFACE TO THE EXTRACTS FROM THE PREFACE TO THE SECOND EDITION. [I have thought it proper to introduce a few paragraphs from the preface to the second edition of this work, because they have a beautiful, and, even to this day, not untimely application to the whole subject, and are well calculated to excite the interest of the student in the pursuit of an ennobling and invigorating science. The closing words of both prefaces are characteristic of what was the pervading spirit and purpose of the excellent author.] Jim. Ed. THE most effectual and advantageous method of acquiring a competent knowledge of minerals, is undoubtedly that of personal instruction. The superiority which France and Ger- many have attained in mineralogical science, is in great meas- ure to be attributed to the facility of obtaining instruction, both public and private. Mineralogy, as it is too commonly pursued, is made to con- sist more in the recognition of minerals than in the knowledge of what may be termed its principles ; more in the possession of specimens, and in that satisfaction which arises from ar- ranging them in their places, than in subjecting them to those investigations which, when once they are attempted, are found to constitute the real value and even the charm of the science. The beginner may be assured that it is replete not less with entertainment than with instruction ; for whether the observa- tion of the physical characters of structure, phosphoresence, or electricity or whether the blow-pipe, or those investiga- tions which belong to chemistry, may be most congenial to him, each will be found to possess an ample source of gratifi- cation, in the instruction which curious phenomena never fail to convey to the mind, and in the exertion of the ingenuity required for their development. It may be assumed that the physical characters of minerals are more likely to interest the generality of students, as being more obvious, and probably more consonant with their general pursuits, than the chemical characters. Of the physical, struc- ture will be found the most inviting and most uniform, and therefore the most important of them all. The manner in which it is treated of in the Introduction, being purely mechan- ical, is not likely to satisfy the advanced mineralogist, for whom indeed it is not designed ; but perhaps may interest the student SECOND EDITION. sufficiently to induce him to pursue the subject still further ; and what if I say, to tempt him to complete his acquirements by a resort to the works of the Abbe Haiiy, in which he will find structure, and its interesting and beautiful consequence, regular external form, illustrated by the application of the mathematics to its laws. The catalogue of simple substances offers to our notice some striking considerations, when viewed as including, according to the present state of our knowledge, all the com- ponent materials of the crust of the globe. This crust, how- ever, is primarily constituted of earthy compounds, in which only two or three of the metals are found either intermixed, or in a state of combination ; for the metals and metalliferous ores principally occur in the veins which traverse mountainous or hilly countries, and their quantity, as compared with that of the rocks which enclose them, sinks into insignificance. The alkalies occur in too trifling a proportion to be of much con- sideration in this point of view ; and the acids, excepting the carbonic, and their bases, excepting perhaps only carbon, are similarly circumstanced. But if we would look still more nar- rowly into the composition of the crust of the globe as consist- ing chiefly of the earths and earthy minerals, we shall find that only three of the ten earths ^vhich have been discovered, namely, silica, alumine, and lime, are found to constitute its great bulk ; for although magnesia is a constituent of a moun- tain rock, it is by no means plentiful, nor does magnesia enter into its composition in a large proportion. The other earths are found only in comparatively small quantity, and chiefly, if if not altogether, in veins. If, however, we pursue the investigation further, we shall find that the three earths above mentioned are compound bodies, consisting on the average of about 50 per cent, of oxy- gen, combined with the bases, silicium, aluminum, and calcium, in the proportion also of 50 per cent, in the aggregate. Now if we turn our attention to what is known of the nature of these four elements, oxygen, silicium, aluminum, and calcium, which primarily constitute the great mass of the crust of the XV111 PREFACE. globe, some curious facts will be presented to our consideration. The first and most abundant element, oxygen, has eluded the vigilant eye of the analyst, being known to him, in its purest state, only in combination with caloric, as a gas ; silicium and calcium, although they may have been rendered visible, can scarcely be said to have been seen in a separate form, and hence their precise nature is unknown ; while calcium has been observed to possess the color and lustre of silver ; but as it spontaneously takes fire the instant of its exposure to the air, its nature has not been examined. It is admirably observed by my friend J. G. Children, that " with four simple elements (oxygen, hydrogen, carbon, and nitrogen, a brief alphabet for so comprehensive a history) has a bountiful Providence composed the beautiful volume of the living world; where, turn to what page we may, fresh loveli- ness meets the eye, fresh cause of admiration and delight." (Essay on Chem. Analysis, p. 271.) That part of the creation, therefore, which is animate, is composed of some of the same elements as the inanimate : and, according to the present state of our knowledge, the elements employed by the great Artificer of the Universe, in the forma- tion of the globe, and all the animal and vegetable creation, but little exceeds the number of fifty, reckoning as elements some substances which are suspected to be compounds. And when we reflect upon the fact, that a very few of these actually constitute a very large proportion of the whole ; upon the nature of these elements, that several, even of those which have been employed in by far the most important degree, have either eluded our research, or are known to us chiefly by their agencies upon their wonderful arrangement, subservient to the purposes of organization in the living, and structure in the inanimate ; upon the affections and properties of matter in gen- eral, we may adopt the language of the Abbe Haiiy, and say that Nature is thus exhibited " under an aspect which claims for its Author the tribute of our admiration and our reverence." MAY, 1819. W. P. INTRODUCTION. THE investigation of the structure of the earth belongs to the science of Geology. It may, however, be interesting to take a rapid survey of the present state of our knowledge respecting it, were it only for the sake of showing its intimate connection with mineralogical pursuits. In speaking of the earth, and of our knowledge of its nature, it is essential that the limited extent of that knowledge should always be had in remembrance. We are acquainted with it only to a very inconsiderable depth ; and when it is recollected that, in proportion to the bulk of the earth, its highest moun- tains are to be considered merely as unimportant inequalities of its surface, and that our acquaintance does not extend in depth more than one fourth of the elevation of those mountains above its general level, we shall surely estimate our knowledge of the earth to be extremely superficial ; that it extends merely to its crust. The term "Crust of the Earth," therefore, relates only to the comparative extent of our knowledge beneath its surface. It is not used with the intention of conveying an opinion that the earth consists only of a crust, or that its centre is hollow ; for of this we know nothing. The term may not be philo- sophical, but it is convenient. The nature of the crust of the earth is most readily studied in mountains, because their masses are obvious ; and also be- cause, as they are the chief depositories of metalliferous ores, the operations of the miner tend greatly to facilitate their study. XX OF THE OBJECTS OF MINERALOGY. Mountains are composed of masses which have no particular or discernible shape; or, as is more commonly the case, of strata or beds, either horizontal or oblique, sometimes nearly vertical. In these masses and beds, different structures have been ob- served. Some of them are crystalline; that is to say, are com- posed of crystals deposited in a confused manner, as in granite : or of crystals imbedded in some other substance, as in porphyry. These crystalline rocks contain no organic remains; and, as they are always found beneath, never above, those which do contain them, they are considered to have been of earlier formation, and therefore have been termed Primitive rocks* Other mountain rocks have no appearance of crystallization ; but on the contrary, seem rather to have been formed by the mere falling down, or settlement, of the substances of which they are composed, from the solution which contained them. These are always found above, never beneath, the crystalline rocks, and often include abundance of organic remains, both animal and vegetable. The more ancient of these, or such as contain the remains of animals of which the genera and species are extinct, are called Transition rocks ; the more recent, or such as contain the remains of animals most nearly resembling those now inhabiting our oceans, are called Secondary, and Tertiary ; arid of this last Mr. Lyell has made four subdivi- sions founded on the nature of the fossils. Primitive and secondary rocks have suffered considerable change and ruin from causes which it is not our present object to notice; and their disintegrated portions, having been formed anew, now constitute that peculiar description of deposit which is termed alluvial, or diluvial, and which therefore consists of the debris of rocks. But there is still another and a very different kind of rock, abundantly found in certain countries, which may in great measure be considered, like the preceding, as resulting from the ruin of rocks, but from an opposite cause, or by an agent directly the reverse, viz. by fire; constituting those known by the name of Volcanic rocksj Many of these strongly bear the * These remarks now require some qualification. Von Buch has shown that granite is not always subordinate to the so-called newer rocks, and has pointed out a very "remarka- ble instance in Scandinavia, where this rock occurs in strata between other rocks which contain fossils, and are also traversed by it in veins. Mr. Lyell has also recorded a simi- lar occurrence in the Hartz, where, he says, the granite is mixed with grey-wacke slate, containing organic remains. (Jameson's Edinburgh Philosophical Journal, Vol. xxx, p 211 ; Lyell's (Geology, Vol. i. p. 66, Philadelphia edition,) [AM. ED.] f The terms volcanic or igneous rocks, seem to be applied by the author to the trap rocks and the masses of modern eruptions of existing or but recently extinct volcanoes, OBJECTS OF MINERALOGY. Xxi marks of heat, and even of fusion ; some, on the contrary, offer no evidence of their having been subjected to heat. Lofty mountains composed of primitive rocks usually present rugged and uneven summits, and steep acclivities on the sides, as though they had suffered by convulsion. Such as are wholly or externally composed of secondary beds or strata are less rugged, their summits are flattish or somewhat rounded, and their sides present acclivities more easily accessible. Both primitive and secondary mountains, more particularly the former, are traversed in various directions by fissures of different dimensions. These fissures are not often empty, but are partially, and sometimes, though but rarely, filled with stony or metalliferous substances. They are termed Mineral Veins; and from them a large proportion of the specimens composing the cabinet of the mineralogist are obtained ; indeed, almost all such as, from their rarity, brilliancy, or peculiarity of form and com- bination, possess the greatest attraction for the mere collector. Mineralogy is a science of such interest that it would be much to be regretted if its real objects and tendency were mis- understood, or suffered to degenerate into an avidity merely for the collecting of what is brilliant or rare. To the attainment of the science of geology, which is intimately connected with agriculture and the arts of life, that of mineralogy is essentially requisite. The study of mineralogy, therefore, does not include only a knowledge of the more rare and curious minerals : there is nothing in the mineral kingdom too elevated, or too low, for the attention of the mineralogist, from the substances com- posing the summits of the loftiest mountains, to the sand or gravel on which he treads. It is true that the aggregated masses of compound rocks are not arranged in a mineralogical collection ; but it must be remembered that each of the sub- stances of which such aggregated masses are constituted, are comprehended in a mineralogical arrangement, and therefore find their places in the cabinet. Granite, indeed, is not to be found there ; but its components, quartz, felspar, and mica, are met with in every one. Thus, then, by the study of what, in opposition to the term aggregated rocks, may be termed simple minerals, the mineral- ogist becomes enabled to detect the substance with which he holds acquaintance by itself, when aggregated with others in a including the trachites ; hut geologists now comprehend under the same class the granites and the primitive rocks generally, all of which exhibit, under some of their forms, evi- dences of their igneous origin ; so that no opposite cause can be ascribed to one, which is not applicable to the others ; nor can either of them he properly regarded as the ruins of previously existing rocks, hut only as the cooled, solidified mass of what before existed in the fluid state. [An. En.] C XX11 CHARACTERS OF MINERALS. mass; and thus he becomes qualified for the more difficult and more important study of the science of geology, which embraces a knowledge of the nature and respective positions of the masses and beds composing mountains, and indeed of country of every description, whether mountainous or otherwise. It is not, therefore, or at least it ought not to be, the sole object of the mineralogist to be able to distinguish the several genera and species of mineral substances ; nor should his atten- tion be confined to the mere task of recognizing a mineral at first sight, or of being capable of at once assigning it a proper place in his cabinet. He should hold a more enlarged acquaint- ance with minerals, and with the circumstances attending them, in what may be termed their native places; he should know something of the positions they respectively bear towards each other in those places; he should become acquainted with their relative ages, deduced from the nature of the rocks in which they are found; their comparative scarcity or abundance; their combinations; the countries in which they occur; and their characters, both internal and external. This knowledge, it may be repeated, is the first and requisite step in the science of geology ; not that it is essential to this science that every mineral should be accurately known; some are of comparatively little importance in a geological point of view, from their extreme scarcity ; but it is essential to become acquainted with simple minerals in the general, because of some of them, many of the vast masses of the earth are composed. Minerals which are found only in primitive rocks, are said to belong to primitive countries ; by which name are designated such tracts as are chiefly composed of primitive rocks. The substance in or on which a mineral is found, is called its gan- gue, or matrix; when in its natural place or position, a mineral is said to be in situ; when this place and position are known, we are acquainted with its habitat. CHARACTERS OF MINERALS. 1. It is one of the first, if not the first inquiry of those who are uninstructed in mineralogy, if a specimen, of quartz, for in- stance, be shown them, how they may recognize it. The reply necessarily is, that it is essential to observe it closely, to study it, to mark with precision its characters ; that as minerals are not organized bodies, their characters are less defined, and therefore not so readily intelligible, as those of such bodies as CHARACTERS OF MINERALS. XX111 possess regular organization; that, in fact, there is no treat- ise, by a reference to which the beginner is enabled, if he take up a mineral, to arrive at once at a knowledge of its nature ; * that, therefore, at present, practical observation is the only mean of attaining this knowledge. It will be of advantage, then, that these characters, and the mode of observing them, should be pointed out. 2. Although long experience and attention give a facility in recognizing minerals by mere inspection, this facility can only be acquired by such means. There are certain minerals which may at once be detected by some simple experiment; that is to say, there exist a few possessing some one character which decides with precision what the mineral must necessarily be, because that character belongs to no other. For instance, there are three substances which often so nearly resemble each other, that simple inspection indicates no difference, even when reduced by cleavage to the primary form. All may be cleaved into obtuse rhomboids, differing from each other in measure- ment. If the planes of one of them meet at the angles of 105 5' and 74 55', it is carbonate of lime ; if the second measures 106 15' and 73 45', it is bitterspar ; the third, measuring 107 and 73, is carbonate of iron. But comparatively few substances can be known by so simple a process ; some cannot be cleaved with regularity ; we must then resort to other characters ; and it is frequently only by a comparison of several of these that the desired object is attained. It is therefore essential that the characters belonging to each should be faithfully detailed in describing it, since there is no book to which the beginner can resort, that will enable him to distinguish the generality of min- erals with facility. 3. The characters belonging to most simple minerals may be said to be numerous. If its parts cohere, it possesses some degree of hardness ; by trying its hardness, we may discover the ease with which its breaks, or \\sfrangibility ; and we may or may not perceive that it possesses a regular structure; if the structure be regular, we discover the forms into which it may be divided, and amongst them, that from which all the rest are derived, or its primary crystal. These regular forms may be termed the geometrical characters of the substance : al- though, along with numerous others, they are commonly included under the term of physical or external characters. 4. These characters are extremely important; but taken *The method proposed by Professor Mohs is perhaps the most systematic, and approaches nearer to this desirable point than any other, more especially as regards crystalline minerals. [E. ED.] XXIV PHYSICAL CHARACTERS. alone, with whatever precision they might be given, we should still be far from a competent knowledge of the real nature of the substance examined. For there are substances of which the primary form is the same in each, and which resemble each other so strikingly, in their common physical characters, that it is with great difficulty we can distinguish between them as species, without calling in the aid of chemistry. And again, there are others which do not crystallize at all. This science, therefore, becomes an important auxiliary to mineral- ogy ; so important, that no complete and thorough mineralogical system can be established unless it be based upon chemical principles. And the student who enters upon the study of the science with some previous knowledge of chemistry, will find a delight and satisfaction in his progress which he would fail to experience without it, though he should never prove to be, nor aspire to be, a thorough analytic chemist. We cannot agree with the author of a recent Treatise on Mineralogy, that any system ought to be made, or can be made, so simple as "not to require any, the least, knowledge of chemistry, in order to its being perfectly comprehended in all its parts." * The characters of minerals should therefore be treated of under two equally important divisions ; viz : physical or external, and chemical. The optical properties are sometimes treated of un- der a distinct head, but they may be included among the phy- sical characters. PHYSICAL CHARACTERS. 5. These characters are numerous, and require to be well defined, in order that the same language may always convey the same definite idea : there exist, however, and often in the same substance, such very nice shades of difference in certain of them, that much at last is necessarily left to experience. The learner will find that, after a laborious endeavor to dis- cover by written description what a mineral is, it will be much more easy to discover what it is not; and at all times he will reap an infinitely greater and more speedy advantage from per- sonal instruction than from books. Such, however, as can resort only to the latter, will find that an attentive observation * Shepard's Treatise on Mineralogy ; preface to part first. It is from this circumstance of rejecting altogether the guidance of chemistry, added, perhaps, to its hard nomencla- ture, that the natural history system of Mohs has not met with that reception which the great talents of its author, and of its translator into English, would otherwise have secured for it. The mixed system by Naumann, or the last purely chemical arrange- ment by Berzelius, founded on electro-chemical relations, seem to lead us to an easier and more perfect acquaintance with the mineral kingdom. It is to be regretted that neither of these works has as yet been translated into English. [AM. ED.] EXTERNAL FORM AND PRELIMINARY DEFINITIONS. XXV of the physical characters, and a comparison of them in differ- ent minerals, will forward the acquisition of knowledge. These characters are comprehended under the following heads: External Form, &c. Structure perfectly crystal- line. Primary Forms of Crystals. Mechanical Cleavage of Crys- tals. Secondary Forms of Crystals. Measurement of the Angles of Crystals. Structure imperfectly crys- talline, and its varieties. Fracture. Frangibility. Hardness. Transparency. Lustre, Color. Flexibility. Double Refraction. Touch, Taste, and Odor. Streak. Powder. Adhesion to the Tongue. Magnetism. Electricity. Phosphorescence. Specific Gravity. External Form, and Simple Preliminary Definitions. 6. Only a small proportion of the specimens admitted into our collections can be said to possess precise external forms, since they mostly exhibit, on one side or the other, and are sometimes entirely bounded by, surfaces produced by fracture. There are comparatively few minerals which are found in masses absolutely isolated. 7. Nevertheless there are many minerals to which partic- ular external forms belong; some few are found in single or separate crystals, and the surfaces of others are coated by them. A crystal may be defined as a more or less symmetrical, geometrical solid, commonly bounded by plane surfaces, which in mineralogical language are termed planes or faces, as a, 6, c, fig. 1. An edge is formed by the meeting of two planes, as the line d, fig. 1. A plane angle, or, as it may be termed more simply, an angle, is formed by the meeting of any two lines or edges, as d o e, dog, fig. 1, which are formed by the meet- ing of the lines do, o e, and do, og. A solid angle is a point formed by the meeting of three or more planes, or plane angles, as at o, fig. 1. The value or measure of angles is the number of degrees, minutes, &c. of which they consist. In measuring angles, the circle is divided into 360 equal parts, called degrees ; each degree into 60 equal parts, called c* XXVI EXTERNAL FORM AND minutes ; and each minute into 60 seconds : the divisions being thus designated : 360, GO 7 , 60". If one fourth part of the circle, or 90, be intercepted by two lines a o, o b, of the annexed figure, which meet at an angle a, o, b, in the centre, those lines are perpendicular to each other, and the angle at which they meet is said to meas- ure 90, and is termed a right angle. If the portion of the circle thus intercepted be less than J, as shown by the lines o b, o c, the angle b o c will measure less than 90 ; it is then called acute; if it measure more than 90, as it would if the angle were formed by the lines a o, o c, it is called obtuse. In fig. 1, the plane a, and the opposite, on which the figure rests, are called summits, or bases, or terminal planes, and the planes b and c, with those opposite to. and parallel with them, are termed lateral planes. The edges of the terminal planes, as d, e, m, n, are called terminal edges. The edges/", g,h, produced by the meeting of the lateral planes, are termed lateral edges. Planes are said to be similar, when their corresponding edges are proportional, and their corresponding angles equal. Edges are similar, when they are produced by the meeting of planes respectively similar, at equal angles. Angles are similar, when they are equal, and contained within similar edges respectively. Solid angles are similar, when they are composed of equal numbers of plane angles, of which the corresponding ones are similar. A triangle is a figure bounded by three sides, and the sum of its angles equals 180 degrees. Fig. 2 is an equilateral triangle, or a figure contained within three equal sides, and containing three equal angles. Fig. 3; an isosceles triangle, has two equal sides, a, b, which may con- tain either a right angle, or an acute, or obtuse angle. If the PRELIMINARY DEFINITIONS. XXV11 contained angle be less than a right angle, the triangle is called acute ; if it be greater, it is called obtuse. The line on which c is placed is called the base of the triangle. Fig. 4 ; a scalene triangle, has three unequal sides, and contains three unequal angles. Fig. 5; a square, has four equal sides, containing four right angles. / Fig. 6 ; a rectangle, has its adjacent sides, a and b, unequal ; the four contained angles being right angles, like the square. Fig. 7 ; a rhomb, has four equal sides ; two of its angles, d and e, are obtuse ; the other two, d and b, are acute. Fig. 8 ; an oblique-angled parallelogram, has its opposite sides parallel, but its adjacent sides, a, b, and its adjacent angles, c, d, une- qual. By parallelogram is to be understood any right-lined quadrilateral plane figure, whose opposite sides are equal and parallel. When certain forms of crystals have a rhomb as the figure of some of their planes, they are termed rhombic. A prism is rarely found having only three sides, very com- monly four, six, eight, or more sides; the sides, or lateral planes, surround its axis, which is an imaginary line passing down the middle of the prism, from the centre of the upper terminal plane to the centre of the lower; the terminal planes are also called the bases. But prisms are found both very long and very short ; when long, and the crystals slender and curved, they are termed capillary; when straight, acicular ; when the prism is short, the crystal is said to be tabular. A pyramid is formed by the meeting of three or more planes at a point, which is termed the apex, each plane being bounded by edges ; considered separately, a pyramid is supposed to have a base, which is the case in regard to the tetrahedron ; but in respect of most other forms, it is only imaginary, as in the instance of the octahedron, which often is termed a double four-sided pyramid ; and also the dodecahedron with triangu- lar faces, which is frequently denominated a double six-sided pyramid. The prism and the pyramid are, however, often combined in the same crystal, which, in that case, is generally described XXV111 EXTERNAL FORM, ETC. as a prism of four, six, or eight sides, terminated by a pyramid of four or more sides. 8. We have spoken of the edges and solid angles of crys- tals; these, however, are sometimes wanting; for, instead of the edge or the solid angle, we find a plane; the edge or solid angle is then said to be replaced or truncated. These are, however, merely terms of convenience; neither the edges nor angles ever were on the crystal, and therefore could not have been replaced, truncated, or taken off. But when it is said that the lateral or terminal edges are replaced, or when a solid angle or an apex is described as being truncated, it is meant only by a single plane, unless expressed to the contrary.* When the edges of a crystal are replaced by two planes, separated only by an edge, they are said to be bevelled. If any plane replacing an edge, and, being parallel to it, incline equally on the two adjacent planes; or if, replacing a solid angle, it incline equally on all the adjacent planes, it is called a tangent plane. Thus the planes replacing the solid angles and the edges of the octohedron, figs. 3 and 6, of red oxide of copper; the edges of the rhombic dodecahedron, figs. 2 and 3, of garnet; the lateral edges and terminal solid angles of the rhomboid, fig. 2, of carbonate of lime ; and the edges of the hexagonal prism shown by the letter d, under the head of beryl ; and of those of the tetrahedron shown by the letter e, under the head of grey copper ore are a few examples of tangent planes that can be readily referred to. 9. These truncations and bevelments are sometimes so slight as not to alter the general form of the crystal ; but are often sufficiently deep to give it a perfectly different figure. Thus the octahedron passes into the cube, the cube into the octahedron, and the latter into the rhombic dodecahedron, as will presently be shown. 10. These passages of one form into another, and in many more respects than are above recited, are constantly found to occur in certain mineral substances. This is not ideal. For not only may a series of crystals be observed which exhibit these transitions, but they may also be proved by evi- dence of the most convincing kind, arising out of an exarnina- * We must, however, make certain exceptions to some of the preceding remarks in regard to prismatic crystals. Every crystal which has lateral and terminal planes is not considered as being prismatic ; as, for instance, the cube, which is a solid of perfect pro- portion, all its sides being equal ; so with the rhombic dodecahedron, which also appears, in some points of view, as having lateral faces; but as these solids are perfectly symmet- rical, their apparently lateral and terminal faces are never so distinguished, and, when their edges are replaced, the fact is merely stated without distinction ; indeed, it com- monly happens in these perfectly geometrical solids, and in others, as the regular octahe dron and the tetrahedron, that when one edge is replaced, the others are so also. [P.] STRUCTURE. XXIX tion of these crystals by a method more decisive than that which depends on the accuracy of the eye. The fact here alluded to is, that the crystals of many substances may, by the application of force, be mechanically divided or cleaved, in the direction of the lamina (along their natural joints), so as to reduce the one form into the other; but the consideration of this fact belongs properly to that division of the subject which may be denominated structure. Structure. 11. Structure, when it exists in a mineral substance, arises from the particular arrangement of the minute portions or mole- cules of which it is composed. 12. In some minerals this arrangement exists both in the regular crystals in which these occur, and in those masses which have no particular external form. 13. Of the forms of those minute and imperceptible mole- cules which are aggregated by the law of attraction into masses, nothing is known with certainty. Conjecture has in some in- stances been allowed to supply the deficiency. The conse- quences of this arrangement, however, are very perceptible, and may be satisfactorily proved, in some instances, by the rudest attempt; a slight blow, or letting fall a specimen of certain minerals on the floor or the pavement, will suffice to produce instantaneous conviction that this arrangement does exist ; for by such means fragments of perfectly regular form may be obtained, and from the faces of these fragments may again be procured thin slices, of which the larger planes are perfectly parallel, and these slices may again be subdivided into regular forms, until the fragments are no longer percepti- ble without the aid of the microscope. 14. Structure, then, it may be repeated, arises from the particular arrangement of the minute portions or molecules of which the mineral is composed. If a mineral can be mechanically divided or cleaved in direc- tions which produce only one particular form, that form is de- nominated its primary or primitive crystal. For instance, cal- careous spar can only be cleaved into the form of an obtuse rhomboid of particular measurements, which therefore is termed its primary crystal ; a rhomboid has six planes, which are par- allel two and two. Calcareous spar therefore has three cleav- ages; it possesses natural joints in three directions: so has common salt, of which the primary form is the cube; and also galena. XXX STRUCTURE. But some minerals are not so circumstanced. Fluor spar, which may be cited as yielding with ease to mechanical divis- ion, is an instance. It cleaves in four directions, and affords three different forms, a regular octahedron, a regular tetrahe- dron, and an acute rhomboid ; of these, the first has arbitrarily been selected as the primary crystal, and convenience may be assigned as the reason for the preference. Other substances are cleavable in a still greater number of directions; for instance, blende, from which may be extracted a rhombic dodecahedron, and from this an obtuse rhomboid, an octahedron, an acute rhomboid, and an irregular tetrahe- dron ; in this mineral, also, the choice of a primary crystal has been arbitrary, the rhombic dodecahedron having been selected. Further instances might be cited, but these will suffice ; they are particularly quoted because of the remarkable ease with which the learner may satisfy himself of the facts. The faces produced by this mechanical separation of crys- tals, are usually called faces of cleavage, and they are, of course, parallel with the faces of crystallization of the primary form, or of those planes, by which the primary figure, when obtained, is bounded. 15. Many minerals yield to cleavage with ease only in one direction, of which topaz is an instance. The structure of such is described as being perfectly crystalline or lamellar in one direction. Sapphire yields to cleavage in one direction with much ease ; in the others with extreme difficulty. 16. The arbitrary selections just noticed will suffice to in- duce the suspicion, that in this department Mineralogy has not yet attained perfection, and also to lead the pupil to investigate, as he advances in the science, rather than take for granted what is asserted without proving the facts. 17. Other circumstances also exist, sufficient to make us extremely cautious on this point. Some minerals, to which primary forms have been assigned, do not yield, or have not yet been found to yield, to regular cleavage in more than one direction, or even not in any direc- tion. In these determinations one of two modes has been re- sorted to. In the first, thin fragments of the substance have been held up between the eye and the light; and by this means the Abbe Haiiy was enabled in several instances to deduce the probable form of the primary, from the directions of the crev- ices, or appearances of natural joints, which are observable in the fragment; and, in many, these have afterwards proved to be correct. By the other mode, the primary form is deter- mined by analogy, that is, by a comparison of the forms of the V vSiUFosj^ PRIMARY FORMS. XXXI crystals of a mineral with those of other known substances ; but this may in some cases prove a source of error. Sometimes, also, the natural joints may be shown by simply heating the mineral, which causes them to separate ; at others, the appearance of strise may serve as a guide, as will be shown further on. 18. Cleavage can be accomplished in various ways, dependent on the nature of the substance. In some> as in blende, it is best effected by a sharp knife, when the mineral is held between the fingers, because of its numerous natural joints, which a blow might disturb in the wrong direction. In sulphate of strontian it is done by the same means, for another reason ; namely, because it is easily cracked in directions con- trary to the natural joints, even by a slight blow. Fluor and calcareous spar are best cleaved by putting them on a table, and placing the edge of a knife or razor along their natural joints ; a slight blow then separates them. The oxide of tin yields only to the pressure of the cutting pincers, when held in proper directions.*" 19. By one or other of the preceding methods, however, most minerals have had assigned to them some one solid, as the primary form of the several varieties of crystals in which they are found. Primary Forms, and some of their Geometrical Relations considered. 20. The system of Primary, or Fundamental Forms, ac- cording to which minerals are described in this treatise, is that adopted by Brooke in his " Introduction," and consists of fif- teen in- number. Their names are as follow: 1. Cube; 2. Regular Tetrahedron; 3. Regular Octahedron; 4. Rhombic Dodecahedron ; 5. Octahedron with a square base ; 6. Octa- hedron with a rectangular base ; 7. Octahedron with a rhombic base ; 8. Right Square Prism ; 9. Right Rectangular Prism ; 10. Right Rhombic Prism ; 11. Right Oblique-angled Prism ; 12. Oblique Rhombic Prism; 13. Doubly Oblique Prism; 14. Rhomboid; 15. Regular Hexagonal Prism. By some authors these primary forms are not recognized as such, but they are all included under new systems of Crystal- lization, founded on what are called the " Axes of Symmetry " of Crystals, or "Axes of Crystallization" a method which *For further practical hints on this subject, vide Mr. Phillips's Communication to the London Geological Society, On the Primitive Crystals of Certain Substances, and on the Modes of cleaving them, inserted in vol. iv. of its transactions. [E. ED.] XXXH PRIMARY FORMS. was first adopted by the German mineralogists, and originated with Weiss, Though they are actually observed forms, either natural, or obtained by cleavage, as will be shown under the species, it is obvious that in describing them, they may be re- duced to fewer divisions, or classed according to certain geo- metrical affinities. Thus they could all be comprehended un- der the cube, the regular tetrahedron, the rhombic dodecahe- dron, the octahedron, the six-sided prism, and the parallelepi- ped; the term parallelepiped including all those solids whose bounding planes are parallel two and two ; as, for instance, all the varieties of the rhomboid, both acute and obtuse ; all prisms, both right and oblique, of which the terminal planes are rhombic ; and all the square and rectangular prisms which do not possess the precise proportions of the cube. Weiss and Prof. Mohs include all under the Rhombohedral, Pyramidal, Prismatic, and Tessular Systems; and G. Rose, in his Treatise, published at Berlin in 1838, comprises them under " Six Systems of Axes of Crystallization." These have been adopted in England by Prof. Miller,* by whom they are thus stated; viz: the Octahedral, the Pyramidal, the Rhombohedral, the Prismatic, the Oblique Prismatic, the Doubly Oblique Pris- matic. Mr. Brooke, also, in the late article attributed to him, in the Encyclopedia Metropolitana, has modified his system, and assumes only the Rhomboid, the Square Prism, the Right Rhombic Prism, Oblique Rhombic Prism, Doubly Oblique Prism, and the Cube; the last answering to the Tessular, the next three, to the Prismatic, and the other two to the two first in the above-named system of Mohs. But, in the present edi- tion of this work, the American Editor prefers to adhere to Brooke's original number of Primary Forms, as they have been generally adopted by American authors, and are, of course, fa- miliar to our students. Besides, all the species in this work have been described in reference to them by Mr. Phillips, who, from a large number of observations and measurements, seems to have been satisfied that they afforded a true and natural ex- planation of the character and relations of form among crystal- lized minerals. Should the new systems generally prevail, the student will be better prepared for the investigation of them, by his knowledge of the less mathematical and abstruse method pursued in this.t * Treatise on Crystallography, by W. H. Miller, F. R. S., Professor of Mineralogy in the University of Cambridge. London, 1839. f Mr. Griffith of Glasgow, the translator of H.Rose's Analytical Chemistry, endeavors to show that " the doctrine of primary forms is useless and mischievous, being equally una- dapted for popular and for scientific nomenclature." His work (a System of Crystallo- graphy, with its application to Mineralogy ; Glasgow, 1839) shows considerable inge- PRIMARY FORMS. XXX111 Examples of these primary forms will be exhibited, with their various modifications, by secondary planes, when we come to describe the mineral species; but that the student may the more readily comprehend them, we shall offer a few explanations in the present connection, and introduce figures, (see p. xxxvi) having their angles, edges, and planes designated by appropriate letters, without which it would be impossible to convey to his mind any very accurate idea of the variety of crystalline forms. The vowels, A, E, i, o, are used to designate the solid angles ; some of the consonants, B, c, D, F, G, H, to designate the primary edges; and p, M,T, (primitive) to designate the primary planes of crystals. The same letter is repeated where the angles, edges, and planes, are similar; and different letters are used when those angles, edges, or planes, are dissimilar, as explained on page xxvi. Thus, the letter A is repeated on the angles of the cube, these being all similar; while A and E are placed on the alternate angles of the right rhombic prism, to show that there the opposite angles only are similar. So the letter p is repeated in all the planes of the cube, for the same reason that they are all similar. In the right rhombic prism, (fig. 10) the letter p stands only on the terminal plane, the lateral planes having the letter M placed upon them. This implies that the lateral planes are not similar to the ter- minal plane; but the letter M being repeated on both the lateral planes, denotes that these are similar to each other. In the Right Oblique-angled Prism , the lateral planes are dis- tinguished from each other by the letters M and T, implying that they are dissimilar to each other, as both are to the ter- minal plane, which is designated by p. The ' and " added to some of the letters, are intended merely to distinguish two or more similar planes from each other. It is not deemed necessary to give any figures of the second- ary forms of crystals, as these modifications will be fully and familiarly shown in figures annexed to the descriptions of spe- cies in the body of the work, where they will also be fre- quently accompanied by the parent figure, from which they are all derived, or to which they may all be referred. nuity, and no small share of knowledge of his subject ; but it is mainly based on the sys- tem of Rose, though, in its applications, it is somewhat modified. His notations and sym- bols, and all the machinery by which he describes the various combinations of forms, have not an attractive appearance, and, when understood, possess no advantages that will lead to t/ie abandonment of the simpler methods adopted by Brooke and others, which are based on the idea of fundamental forms, and have now acquired the sanction of popular use. It may be observed that the models which are intended to illustrate his work, formed of cream-colored porcelain, and representing the most simple and compli- cated natural crystals, are as well adapted to one system as another, and they will be found to be of great practical utility to the student. They are from one to four inches in diameter, and sufficiently smooth to admit of very good approximate measurements with the goniometer. [AM. ED.] D XXXI V PRIMARY FORMS. Examples of Primary Forms. The Cube may be seen in Native. Gold and Silver, Iron Py- rites, Fluor Spar, Analcime, and Galena; the Tetrahedron in Grey Copper Ore ; the Rhombic Dodecahedron in Garnet and Blende ; the Regular Octahedron in Pleisto-magnetic Iron, Red Oxide of Copper, and Spinel ; Octahedron with a square base, in Zircon, Tungstate of Lime, Molybdate of Lead, and Anataste; Octahedron with a rectangular base, in Arseniate of Copper; Octahedron with a rhombic base, in Sulphur; Right Square Prism, in Apophyllite, Scapolite, and Idocrase; Right Rectangular Prism, in Harmotome, Phillipsite, and Anhydrite ; Right Rhombic Prism, in Mesotype, Topaz, and Sulphate of Barytes; Right Oblique-angled Prism, in Sulphate of Lime and Heulandite; Oblique Rhombic Prism, in Lau- monite and Mica ; Doubly-oblique Prism, in Felspar, Sappare, and Axinite; Rhomboid, in Quartz, Carbonate of Lime, Tour- maline, and Chabasie; Regular Hexagonal Prism, in Beryl and Phosphate of Lirne. Rv referring to the above-named substances, the student will find the various modifications of form, which have resulted from the replacement of some of the edges or solid angles belonging to the figures soon to be intro- duced, with the recorded angular measurements of many of the most commonly occurring natural crystals. The small letters resting upon the planes which have replaced the pri- mary edges and angles, as shown in these figures of natural crystals, are intended to distinguish the classes of modifications by which they have been derived from the primary forms. They are characters of much importance in describing crys- tals, and as their application is uniform, they may be easily remembered after a little study. For the entire series of trans- formations which they are intended to express, but which are too numerous to be here introduced, the student is desired to consult the "Tables of Modifications" in Brooke's Crystallo- graphy. A few references to the figures in the body of the work, which should be compared with those which are lettered in the following section, are all that will be required in these in- troductory remarks. Under the species Native Gold, the solid angles of the Cube are replaced by tangent planes, class a, passing into the Octahedron. Under Analcime, the same figure has its solid angles replaced by three planes, class b, producing a figure with 24 trapezoidal faces, the ordinary form of this mineral ; the replacement of its solid angles by three planes, class c, resting on the edges, produces a figure having 24 isos- celes triangular planes: this may be seen in Iron Pyrites. PRIMARY FORMS. XXXV Class d, the replacement of the solid angles by six planes, forming a figure containing 48 triangular faces, which may be seen under Fluor Spar, fig. 12. When the edges of the cube are replaced by tangent planes, class e, the new figure produced will be a Rhombic Dod- ecahedron. When its edges are replaced by two planes, class f, a series of four-sided pyramids is formed on the faces of the Cube. Class g, alternate solid angles replaced by tangent planes, producing the Regular Tetrahedron. Class k, edges replaced by single planes inclining at unequal angles on the adjacent primary planes. They give rise to the Pentagonal Dodecahedron, shown in figs. 5 and 6, under the species White Cobalt. The incipient planes of this class may be seen on the large figure, under the same species. In the Regular Tetrahedron, class a shows the replacement of the solid angles by tangent planes; class ft, the same angles replaced by three planes resting on the primary planes; class c, by three planes resting on the primary edges; and class d, by six planes. Class e, edges of the Tetrahedron, replaced by tangent planes ; class/", edges replaced by two planes. These several modifications may be seen in the large figure, under the species Grey Copper. In the Regular Octahedron, class a, angles replaced by tan- gent planes ; class b, solid angles replaced by four planes rest- ing on the primary planes; class , by four planes inclining on the primary edges, the first resulting in the Cube, the second in a figure with 24 trapezoidal planes, the last in one with 24 isosceles triangular planes; class d, solid angles replaced by 8 planes, producing the same result as class d of the Cube, or a figure having 48 triangular planes (fig. 12 of Fluor Spar). Class e, edges of the Octahedron replaced by tangent planes, tending to the Rhombic Dodecahedron, shown in fig. 3, and large figure, under Magnetic Iron ; class jT, edges replaced by two planes, fig. 9, under Red Oxide of Copper. The large figure, under the same species, shows the replacements an- swering to o, b, c, d, e, and f. Rhombic Dodecahedron, class a, acute solid angles replaced by tangent planes, by which the figure is passing into the Cube; class 6, by four planes resting on the primary planes; class c, by four planes resting on the edges, producing the trapezohedron, contained under 24 equal trapeziums, as shown in fig. 4, under Garnet; class d, same angles replaced by 8 planes; class c, obtuse solid angles replaced by tangent planes, passing into the Regular Octahedron, as shown in figs. 2, 3, XXXV111 PRIMARY FORMS. acute; or we may call one the greater and the other the lesser edge of the base. The Octahedron with a rhombic base, fig. 7, is contained under eight equal scalene triangles. Crystals of this class will differ from each other in the inclination of p on p', and of p on p". Octahedrons are said to be in position Fig. 7, when they are so held or placed that their bases are horizontal. This last figure is drawn with the greater diagonal of the base horizontal ; that is, in the direction of the two farthest opposite E angles of the base (a diagonal signifying a line connecting two opposite angles of any parallelo- gram). The faces meet at the edge B, at a more acute angle than at the edge c. One is therefore called the acute, and the other the obtuse edge of the pyramid. The solid angle at E will be termed the acute lateral solid angle, and that at i, the obtuse lateral solid angle. The Right Square Prism is a quadrilateral solid whose edges B and G (fig. 8) are unequal, or whose bases are equal squares, and sides are equal rectangles. It has an axis in four directions similar to the cube, and a line connecting the centres of the bases, which is called the prismatic axis, as c, d. The lateral edges G G, are always longer or shorter than the terminal ones B B : otherwise the form would be a cube. Crystals of this class will of course differ from each other in the comparative length of the edges G and B. The Rig/it Rectangular Prism (fig. 9) is a quadrilateral solid whose bases are equal rectangles.* It has the same number of axes with the last figure described. The lateral edges G G, are similar, but of a dif- ferent length from the terminal edges c B,- which are not equal. Individuals of this, class will differ from each other in the com- parative length of the edges c, G, and B. The Right t Rhombic Prism (fig. 10) is a quadrilateral solid, *The difference between the right square and the right rectangular prism will be read- ily understood by calling to mind the definition given of a. square and a rectangle, at p. xxvii, or, to convey a more direct meaning, he may call one a right prism with a square base, and the other a right prism with a rectangular base; the base of one having its edges all of equal length, while the other has its opposite edges only equal, or its adjacent edges unequal. f The student will observe that prisms are called right or oblique when, supposing them to be held with their lateral planes perpendicular, their terminal planes are either at right angles with them, or are placed obliquely, at a greater or less angle than 90 degrees. In the quadrilateral or quadrangular prisms, it is evident that two of the faces are chosen as bases. PRIMARY FORMS. XXXIX whose bases are equal rhombs, and whose lateral planes are either equal squares, or equal rectangles. Besides the pris- matic axis e,f, it has two greater and two lesser axes; the first pass through the solid angles which terminate the acute edges of the prism, as E e, and the latter through Fi s< 10 - those which terminate the obtuse edges of the prism, as A a. The solid angles at A are the obtuse, and those at E the acute, solid an- gles. The edge G and its opposite are the acute, and the edge H and its opposite, the a obtuse, lateral edges. Examples of this class of crystals will differ from each other in the inclination of M on M', or in the ratio of the edge H to the edge B. It is said to be in position when on its rhombic base, with an obtuse edge towards the observer. Fig. 11. The Right Oblique-angled Prism (fig. 11) is a quadrilateral solid, whose bases are equal oblique-angled parallelograms. Besides the prismatic axis, (small fig.) it has the same axes as the last primary form described, and like it, its angles and edges may be similarly designated : A obtuse, E acute, solid angles. The lateral edges at H are the obtuse, those at G the acute, lateral edges. The edges B are the greater, and c the lesser, terminal edges. Examples of this class will differ in the inclination of M on T, and in the relative lengths of the edges C, B, H. The Oblique Rhombic Prism (fig. 12) is a quadrangular prism, whose bases are equal rhombs, and whose lateral faces are equal oblique-angled parallelograms. Besides the several axes described in the last figure, the oblique rhombic prism has two transverse axes which pass through the lateral solid angles e,f, g, h, of the small figure. The figure is supposed to be oblique in the direction o A, of the large figure; so that the terminal plane forms an obtuse angle with the edge H. The planes MM' may meet at an acute or an obtuse angle. If at the former, the prism is said to be oblique from an acute xl PRIMARY FORMS. Fig. 12. edge; if at the latter, oblique from an obtuse edge. The solid angle at A may, in either case, be called the acute solid angle; that at o, the obtuse solid angle; and those at E, the lateral solid angles. The edges B are called the acute terminal edges, and those at D the obtuse terminal edges. The edge H and its opposite are the oblique edges of the prism, and G and its opposite, the lateral edges of the prism. Individuals of this class will differ from each other in the inclination of M on M', and in the ratio of the edge H to the edge D. Fig. 13. The Doubly Oblique Prism (fig. 13) is a quadrangular solid whose bases are equal oblique-angled parallelograms. Besides the prismatic axis, it has four unequal axes passing through the opposite pairs of solid angles, which are shown in the small figure. It differs from the oblique rhombic prism in the angles A, E, i, and o, which are dissimilar, and also in its acute terminal edges B, c, and its obtuse terminal edges D and F. It is sup- posed to stand oblique in the direction o, A, so that the ter- minal plane forms an obtuse angle with the edge H. The prismatic axis inclines from a perpendicular. The same terms used in designating the edges and angles of the oblique rhombic PRIMARY FORMS. Xli prism, may be employed in describing corresponding ones be- longing to this class. The individuals will differ from each other in the inclination of p on M, p on T, and M on T, and in the ratios of the edges D, H, and F. Fig. 14. The Rhomboid (fig. 14) is a solid contained under six equal rhombic planes. The line a b (small figure) which passes through the summits, is called the perpendicular axis, and the lines c d, ef,g h, which pass through the opposite pairs of lateral solid angles, are termed the transverse axes ; those from a to 6, and c to d, are sometimes called the greater and lesser axes of the rhomboid. The crystal is said to be in position when the perpendicular axis is vertical. The solid angle A (large figure) and its opposite, forming the other extremity of the greater axis, are called the solid angles of the summit, or the terminal solid angles ; the edges B the terminal edges, or edges of the summit; the solid angles at E, the lateral solid angles ; and the edges D, the lateral edges. Individuals be- longing to this class are usually distinguished from each other by the inclination of p on p'. When p on P' measures more than 90, the rhomboid is called obtuse; when less, it is called acute. The Regular Hexagonal Prism (fig. 15) is a right prism whose bases are regular hexagons. Any two of the contiguous lateral planes, as M on M', measure 120. The line represented from A to the opposite solid angle, may be regarded as one axis, and it may have as many axes as it has opposite solid angles; but the line c d, passing through the centre, or the prismatic axis, is the only one now referred to in describing the modi- fications of this form. Individuals of Fig. is. Xlii MECHANICAL CLEAVAGE AND THE this class will differ from each other in the ratio of the edge G to the edge B. Mechanical Cleavage and the Secondary Forms of Crystals considered. 21. Whoever undertakes, for the first time, the examination of the crystalline forms of a mineral, will find, if they be nume- rous, that many of them seem to possess no mutual relation. 22. He will, however, eventually discover that a substance, from whatever country it may be brought, always assumes crys- tals, which, if they yield readily to mechanical division, will always afford by it the same nucleus or primary form. 23. Hence we have a right to conclude that the form of the molecules constituting these crystals must invariably resemble each other in the same substance, and that their arrangement must be invariable in regard to each other. 24. How comes it, then, will be the inquiry, that so great a diversity of external forms should be produced by an invaria- ble internal arrangement? A satisfactory answer to this ques- tion cannot perhaps be given. We only know the fact, and are compelled in general terms to suppose it to be the conse- quence of affinity, or attraction, or polarity; of laws to which matter is subject. We must not, however, fail to notice the curious and important fact, that the crystals of a mineral, from what part of the world soever it may be brought, and however unlike each other at first sight in external form, are always found to possess such a mutual relation as will enable the observer to trace them to the same primary form.* 25. A few of the many minerals which may be cleaved with regularity have already been noticed ( 14), and we have pointed out the manner in which the crystals of certain sub- * This fact, that the angles of similar planes of a crystal of the same mineral, whatever may be its dimensions, precisely agree in their measurements, seems to have been entertained at a very early date. Nicolas Steno, a Dane, published a dissertation in 1669, in which he says, " that though the sides of the hexagonal crystal may vary, the angles are not changed." And Dominic Gulielmini, in 1707, expresses the same idea, though in more remarkable language. He says : " Nature does not employ all figures, but only certain ones of those which are possible ; and of these the determination is not to be fetched from the brain, or proved a priori, but obtained by experiments and observations. Since there is here a principle of crystallization, the inclination of the plane and of the angles is always constant." Henckel of Saxony, in 1827, described several classes of min- erals in reterence to their forms ; and the enthusiasm he displays on the subject is well worth recording. " Neither tongue nor stone can express the satisfaction which [ received on setting eyes upon this spar covered with galena, (probably the beautiful pol- ished crystals which we often see accompanying the spar from the mines of Saxony) and thus it constantly happens that one must have more pleasure in what seems worthless rubbish, than in the purest and most precious ores, if we know aught of minerals." Lin- nteus first attempted to arrange minerals according to their crystalline forms. The first persons who seem to have had any notion of the truncation of the angles and edges of crystals, and the consequent passage of one form into another, are Werner, in 1774, and Demeste, in 1779. But the true relations of the changes of form were not understood until Rome de Lisle and Hatty brought their mathematical minds to the subject, and SECONDARY FORMS OF CRYSTALS CONSIDERED. xliii stances may be reduced to their primary forms ( 18). Let us now attend to the manner in which the primary forms of certain minerals may be supposed to have increased, so as to assume external forms which appear to have little or no affinity with the primary. The forms thus produced are called secondary forms, and however numerous or complicated they may appear, they are ultimately reducible to the same central nucleus of the species, when it is susceptible of cleavage. It must not, however, be supposed that the primary nucleus is always concealed by the super-position of particles which give rise to these secondary forms; on the contrary, there are many mineral species in which the primary form, either perfect, or but slightly modified on its edges or angles, is the one which prevailingly occurs in nature. This is shown in the case of the regular hexahedron in beryl, and the octahedron in diamond, spinel and pleisto- magnetic iron. The number of secondary forms which actually occur is very large, but the possible number which may occur, of variable dimensions, may be said to be infinite. Calcareous spar alone has presented to our observation up- wards of eight hundred different varieties of form, derived from an obtuse rhomboid. 26. In examining a cubical crystal of fluor, we find that all its solid angles may readily be taken off by means of a knife; and that by thus displacing each angle, we produce eight triangular planes, which are smooth and brilliant; we moreover find that it cannot be cleaved, so as to produce a brilliant plane in any other direction. Fig. 1. Fig. 2. laid the foundations of a new and beautiful science. The former, in 1783, speaks of the invariability of the angles of crystals of each kind, under all the changes of relative dimen- sions which the faces may undergo : and shows that this law applies only to the primitive forms, from each of which many secondary forms are derived hy various changes. He illustrates this principle in its application to a large numher of crystals, of which lie gives drawings in his work. But Haiiy may be said to have shown its truth by its application to the whole mineral kingdom ; and to him we are indebted for our knowledge of the importance of cleavage, and the consequent expression of the laws of deviation of the secondary from the primary forms, by means of the decrements of the successive layers of xllV MECHANICAL CLEAVAGE AND THE 27. Then let the lines of fig. 1 represent a cube, and the dotted lines, the triangular planes produced by cleavage. 28. The cube having its solid angles displaced, is also represented in fig 2. If, however, we pursue the cleavage by which we produced the triangular planes; that is, if layers or laminae parallel with those planes are removed, we reduce the volume of the crystal by degrees, and finally change its form; for we ultimately find that the eight triangular planes of the cube become the eight triangular planes of the octahedron within it. Let us not fail to observe that the termination of each solid angle of the octahedron forms, as it were, a point in the centre of each plane of the cube. 29. If we still go on, and remove from each plane of the octahedron other laminae, we thereby reduce its size, but do not alter its form ; hence the octahedron is considered to be the primary form of fluor. 30. Every one of the laminaB taken off in this process may be again subdivided; it may be broken into octahedrons, tetrahedrons, and acute rhomboids ( 14). 31. Assuming, then, the octahedron to be the primary form of fluor ( 14), and knowing that all its lamina? may be divided into regular forms, is it not reasonable to conclude that the whole cube, upon which we first began to operate, is com- posed of minute solids of a definitive form, whatever that form may be; and since the cleavage is attainable only in the direc- tions specified (26), is there not reason for concluding that they must be arranged with perfect regularity ? 32. Hence the cube (which is therefore one of the second- ary forms of fluor) appears to be the consequence of a regular arrangement, on the planes of the primary octahedron, of ex- tremely minute solids, resembling each other in respect of form. We may assume this without pretending to decide the precise form of those molecules or integrant particles. 33. When, therefore, we describe a crystal of fluor, as being a cube of which the solid angles are (naturally) replaced by triangular planes, we do not describe it either truly or phi- losophically ; but we thus describe it from motives of conveni- integrant molecules. Gahn, a German philosopher, was the first who observed the regular integrant rhomboidal structure of c.ilcareons spar. Bergman took up the idea, and showed how, in various ways, crystals of this substance may be produced by the union of small rhomboids from one single figure. And it is not certain whether Haiiy was aware that Bergman had thus, several years before him, shown that an hexagonal prism of cale-spar was made up by the juxtaposition of solid rhombs on the planes of a simple rhombic nucleus. As he makes no mention of Bergman's recognition of this fact, though he refers to his memoir on the subject, it is probable that it was original with them both. For many other important facts in the history of the science of crystals not generally known, the student is referred to vol. iii. of the eloquent and learned " History of the Inductive Sciences," by the Rev. William Whewell. [An. ED.] SECONDARY FORMS OF CRYSTALS CONSIDERED. xlv ence ; we might more aptly term it a'cubo-octahedron, because the triangular planes belong manifestly, from what has pre- ceded, to the octahedron, and the larger planes to the cube ( 28). But there are few crystals to which terms so conveni- ent could be applied. 34. Let us take one more example, in which the regular octahedron is the primary ; this will also apply to fluor. Fig. 1. Fig. 2. 35. Let fig. 1 represent a crystal of fluor in the form of the rhombic dodecahedron. The same form is visible in fig. 2, and within it an octahe- dron; the lines of the latter being somewhat the darkest. 36. Now, by the latter figure, we perceive that the rhombic dodecahedron is the consequence of an accession of crystalline laminae composed of molecules placed in regular succession on every plane of the primary ; the laminae regularly diminishing in size until they arrive at a point, and producing on every plane of the octahedron a low three-sided pyramid. 37. On one plane of the octahedron in fig. 2, the laminae, progressively diminishing and terminating in a point, are shown by lines, and these lines or striae are often visible in the rhombic dodecahedron, when the primary is an octahedron. Whenever striae are seen on the planes of a crystal, they generally denote that it may be cleaved along them. These may be observed in dodecahedrons of fluor and red oxide of copper, of which the primary is the regular octahedron ; and if the substance does not yield to cleavage, they sometimes serve as a clue to the determination of the primary form. But it may be asked, how does it happen, that if these laminae progressively diminish, forming, as represented in fig. 2, a sort of step from one to the next, that the planes have sometimes a perfectly brilliant polish, without any of the roughness which in such a case might be expected. The answer is simple. E xlvi MECHANICAL CLEAVAGE AND THE The molecules composing the crystal may be termed almost infinitely small, since no limit has been found to mechanical division. 38. Hitherto the octahedron has been assumed as the pri- mary ; let us now take the cube, and suppose the octahedron and rhombic dodecahedron to be its secondary crystals, as they are in several minerals. Afterwards the pentagonal dodecahe- dron will be considered as arising from the same primary form. Fig. 1. Fig. 2. 39. Let the lines of fig. 1 be a regular octahedron, and let the square formed by dotted lines represent the planes which would be produced by replacing the solid angles. 40. In fig. 2, the octahedron is represented as having its solid angles replaced, and a cube within it. On considering the relations of these two figures, it is manifest that, by pursu- ing the cleavage parallel with all the planes produced by dis- placing the solid angles of the octahedron, we ultimately con- vert that form into the cube. This might be performed in the instance of common salt, but octahedral crystals of salt are rare. If, however, we apply the knife, or the hammer, to each of the solid angles of an octahedron of galena, we find that they may readily be taken off, so as to obtain a brilliant cube. 41. By pursuing the division still further, that is, by taking off laminae in the same directions, we only reduce the volume of the cube, not alter its form. 42. If then the cube, which, in this case, is the primary crystal, can only be cleaved into cubes (as is the case with com- mon salt and galena), we conclude that the octahedron, which is only a secondary form, has arisen from an accession, on every plane of the primary cube, of crystalline laminae composed of minute cubes ; the points of the solid angles of the cube be- ing, in the preceding figure, precisely in the centre of the planes of the octahedron. SECONDARY FORMS OF CRYSTALS CONSIDERED. 43. Let us now consider the rhombic dodecahedron as arising from the cube. This figure represents the rhombic dodecahedron, having within it a cube. On considering the relation of these two solids, we conclude that the rhombic dodecahedron, which is the secondary crystal, arises from the primary cube by an accession of crystalline laminae on each plane of the cube, so as to form thereon a low quadrangular pyramid; and progres- sively diminishing in size, so as to terminate in a point. This pyramid, if the primary can only be cleaved into cubes, is as- sumed to be composed of cubic molecules, regularly arranged. 44. These laminae, progressively diminishing, are repre- sented on one plane of the primary nucleus, and the same ob- servations apply to the crystals thus formed as were made upon the rhombic dodecahedron arising out of the octahedron ( 34). The striae, it has been observed, sometimes denote the primary. In this case it will be seen that their direction is parallel with the lesser diagonals of the rhombic planes ; and the existence of these striae in the aplome, usually ranked as a variety of garnet, induced the Abbe Haiiy to suspect its primary to be a cube. Fig. 1. Fig. 2. 45. We now proceed to consider the trapezoidal dodeca- hedron as a secondary crystal of the cube, in other words, as xlviii MECHANICAL CLEAVAGE AND THE arising from a regular deposition of crystalline laminae on the planes of that solid. Fig. 1 represents a trapezoidal dodecahedron; a solid bounded by twelve equal and similar trapeziums; it is some- times termed the pentagonal dodecahedron, all its planes being five-sided. The same dodecahedron is also seen in fig. 2, having within it a nucleus in the form of a cube. 46. We here observe that on each plane of the cube there is an equal and similar pyramid; and that each pyramid is not, as in the instance of the rhombic dodecahedron just described, composed of equal and similar planes. But, in this instance, the planes of each pyramid are equal and similar, two and two ; a and a resemble each other ; and the two small triangular planes, the one above, the other below the planes a, a, also resemble each other. 47. Here, therefore, there must necessarily be an arrange- ment of the little cubic molecules of which the crystal is as- sumed to be composed, very different to that which, in the in- stance of the rhombic dodecahedron, produced a precise uni- formity. Here, between a a we have a line, but the four planes on each surface of the cube terminated, in the rhombic dode- cahedron, in a point in a single cube. 48. Let us observe whence this difference of form arises, on the assumption that the crystal is composed of cubic mole- cules. Let a, b, c, d, e,f, be the cubic nucleus, or primary crystal, composed of minute cubic molecules. Then ,/, e, h, n, will be one of the six pyramids on the planes of the cube. SECONDARY FORMS OF CRYSTALS CONSIDERED. xlix 49. Now there is a remarkable difference in the arrange- ment of the cubic molecules on the two sides of this pyramid, which are obvious to us; the same difference will consequently exist between the other two. On the side a,f, h, n, which re- sembles the steps of a stair-case, we observe that these steps are two ranges of molecules in breadth, and only one in height. But the very reverse of this is the case of the sidef,c, h', for in this, the molecules are two ranges in height and only one in breadth. 50. The consequence of this difference in the arrangement of the molecules is, that the quadrangular sides of the pyramid incline much more upon the upper plane of the cube than those which are triangular. Not so in the instance of the pyramids on the planes of the cube forming the rhombic dodecahedron (p. xlvii) ; for in them, as in all the preceding figures, the super-position of molecules on the primary nucleus is on every side equal and similar, producing equal and similar planes, and precisely equal measurements in every direction. The struc- ture in those crystals may therefore be termed simple : as the planes decrease equally to a point, they are said to arise from a simple decrement. But the structure of the pentagonal dodecahedron may be termed compound, because its planes do not decrease equally on all sides ; the decrement is compound. Of this species of structure there are several varieties. 51. But it may be objected, that since the molecules of which crystals are constituted are too minute to be detected by the he.lp of the most powerful glass, every thing which can be said in regard to the form of these molecules must necessarily be theoretical. 52. This of course will be granted. We are not specially contending for any peculiar form in the integrant particles of matter; but only for this, that since the crystals of a sub- stance yield to mechanical division in particular directions, and cannot be made to yield to it with regularity in other direc- tions, these particles, whatsoever may be their form, must ne- cessarily resemble each other, and be arranged with the utmost regularity ; and also that this perfection of internal structure is the cause of regular external form. 53. The planes of the rhombic dodecahedron (p. xlvii) meet each other under an angle of 120, and those of the pen- tagonal dodecahedron, (same page) under different angles. In the determination of the value of these angles, calculation has been resorted to for the purpose of confirming the measure- ments obtained by the goniometer : and thus it has been de- 1 MECHANICAL CLEAVAGE, ETC. cided that the pyramid formed on each plane of the cube, in the instance of the rhombic dodecahedron (43) (being com- posed of planes which are equal and similar, and the measure- ment of any one upon the next being uniformly the same), that those pryamids must be composed of laminas superimposed in regular order on every side; namely, of owe molecule, in height, and one in breadth. But as the planes of the pyramid super- imposed on each face of the cube are dissimilar and unequal (or similar and equal only two and two) in the pentagonal dodecahedron (45), so they afford different results under the goniometer, which have been confirmed by calculation ; for by calculation it has been determined that the angles under which these planes meet, could only be in consequence of a su- perposition * of lamina? on each plane of the cube, of two mole- cules in height and one in breadth on the one side, and of one in height and two in breadth on the other (49.) And whether we assume these molecules to be cubes, or any other form, we must assume them to be equal to each other ; and if so, whatever may be their form, the same structure would ensue. 54. By means of calculation the Abbe Haiiy determined the angles under which the secondary planes meet, which re- sult from an increase of laminae on the cube and octahedron, and on other geometrical solids, considered as primary crys- tals : and thus, if we procure a portion of a crystal presenting only two planes of one of the varieties of those solids, we may * It is a conclusion necessarily arising from the structure of crystals, that those which are secondary result from a superposition on the primary nucleus, of laminae, which are composed of regularly arranged molecules. But the usual mode of describing the manner in which the secondary forms arise out of the primary, supposes the contrary to be the fact. The secondary crystal is described as arising out of the replacement of the edges or angles, or both, of the primary crystal. Thus, in the instance of Red Copper, it is said that the primary is an octahedron ; that fig. 6 arises from the replacement of its edges : but fig, 6 is in reality the consequence of a very opposite cause of an increase of laminx on the planes of the octahedron, the lamina diminishing progressively in width. Fig. 7 is described as the consequence of a deeper, fig. 8 of a complete, replacement of its edges, by which the octahedron is converted into the rhombic dodocohedron when, in fact, these crystals arise from an increase of laminae on the planes, progressively diminishing to a point. It may be inquired, why, in these descriptions, a mode is adopted which is diametrically opposed to fact. The reply is, that it is convenient. If the fact were adhered to, the descriptions would he long, and scarcely intelligible ; and, in effect, it matters not which method is adopted, for the same consequence is arrived at in either case. The beginner may convince himself of the truth of this assertion, by moulding or cut- ting a piece of wax or of soap, into the form of the octahedron ; then let each edge be cut away (teplaced} by a knife, and the ultimate consequence will be the rhombic dodecahe- dron. Let then those solid angles of the dodecahedron which are formed by the meeting of three planes, he in like manner replaced by a knife, and the consequence will be, that in lieu of each there will be a triangular plane ; if these triangular planes (eight in num- ber) be increased by deeper replacements parallel with each, the rhombic dodecahedron will ultimately be converted into the octahedron. Thus the assertion is proved, that whether we describe this secondary crystal as arising from the replacement of the edges of the primary, or from increase on its planes, the effect is the same. This practice is recommended to the beginner, not simply as regards the above fact, but also as a pleasing method of convincing himself of the transitions of crystalline forms. [P.] HEMITBOPE CRYSTALS. 11 decide which they are, the use of the common goniometer will approximate the truth sufficiently to enable us to decide by a reference to his measurements, which may doubtless be relied on in every instance wherein the primary crystal is a perfectly geometrical solid, as the cube, the regular octahe- dron, the tetrahedron, the rhombic dodecahedron, and the six- sided prism : for, the angles formed by the meeting of any two planes of these solids being accurately known, it follows that the angles of the secondary planes may be accurately calculated. 55. There are other primary forms, as has been observed, which are not regular geometrical solids; for instance, all those varieties of the octahedron of which the sides of the planes are not equal and similar; the primary octahedron of the oxide of tin is flatter than the regular octahedron, and that of sulphur is more acute. The varieties of the parallelepiped also are not regular geometrical solids, as the acute and obtuse rhomboids, and the varieties of prisms whose bounding planes are equal and similar two and two. Hemitrope Crystals. Crystals of certain minerals present us with singular appear- ances or changes, which we may suppose them to have under- gone, by which one half is described as having revolved or turned round on the other, in a certain line or imaginary axis, through the centre of, and perpendicular to, the plane of sec- tion, and in a quantity equal to one half of a circle, or 180. This imaginary axis has been termed the axis of revolution, and the section the plane of revolution. But it is obvious that such a revolution has never actually occurred, and the origin of these anomalies must be ascribed to certain laws which op- erated upon the molecules from the time they began to arrange themselves in the commencement of the crystal, until its final completion : a power analogous to that by which other second- ary forms are produced. To these forms Rome de Lisle ap- plied the term made; but as this term was soon assigned to a particular mineral species, they were afterwards denominated, by Haiiy, hemitrope crystals, an appropriate expression for the demi-revolution which they are supposed to have under- gone. They are also sometimes called twin crystals, implying that they are composed of pairs of single crystals, which have been united by particular planes. One or two examples, taken from Haiiy ( Traite de Mineral- ogie, torn. ii. edit. 2 de . p. 169), will be sufficient to convey a per- fect idea of these phenomena. Suppose an octahedron, (fig. 1) lii HEMITROPE CRYSTALS. to have a line passing through its centre, parallel to the two triangles b eg, pfd. Each half of the octahedron (for exam- ple, the superior half) will have for its base, in one part, a reg- Fig.l. Fig. 2. ,,& ft *Hw ular hexagon Jcnxcoh, which may be called the plane of junc- tion, and in the other an equilateral triangle beg, and for lat- eral faces three trapezia, c b c x, g c n k, gboh, and three equilateral triangles, ncx, cbo, kgh, which alternate with the trapezia. In fig. 2 the two halves of the octahedron are sepa- rated one from the other. Let us now imagine the superior half turned on the inferior for a sixth of its circumference, and we shall have the arrange- ment represented by fig. 3, in which h k n x c o indicate the po- sition of the hexagon which belongs to the superior half, fig. 1, and which has turned so that the point k, which answered to the point k', answers now to the point ', and so with the others. By a necessary consequence the three superior triangles make Fig. 3. re-entering angles with the three inferior ones, and the three superior trapezia make, on the contrary, salient angles with the three inferior trapezia. This supposition is the simplest possible, but the same arrangement will happen if we suppose that the superior half has turned a full half circumference. HEMITROPE CRYSTALS. liii These hemitropes are common in spinel, spinel ruby, and pleisto-magnetic iron. There is another kind which is frequently witnessed in the oxide of tin. It consists of a four-sided prism, (fig. 4), ter- minated at each extremity by a four-sided pyramid, which, by Fig. 4. Fig. 5. a transposition or demi-revolution of its superior portion, situ- ated above the plane ah ye, which passes obliquely from one solid angle to the opposite, and parallel with the edge om, has given rise to a form resembling fig. 5, excepting that the crys- tals are always more or less modified, or rather portions of the primary planes yet remain, as seen in the hemitrope crystal, under the species oxide of tin, in this volume. Similar com- binations exist in rutile, an ore of titanium, a common exam- ple of which may also be seen under its appropriate head. For many other examples of this class of phenomena, illus- trated by figures, consult Beudant (Traite etementaire de Min- eralogie, torn. i. edit. 2 de ) ; and also the Treatises by Dana and Shepard. Dana makes a distinction, among these forms, into Connatal and Postnatal Compound Crystals, the first implying the union of the two crystals from the commencement of the crystallogenic process, as in the hemitropes of spinel and tin, just referred to, and the latter the union of the individuals sometime subsequent to their formation, and even after they have attained considerable size. The groupings of quartz crystals, like those from Herkimer, New York, belong to the latter, the combinations of which seem at first very irregular, and almost to have been tumultuously thrown together ; but, on closer examination, it will be seen that the simple crystals amoncr them are united so as to have their similar faces liv GONIOMETER. parallel. The geniculated crystals are also included among the same class. The distinctions thus made are important when we have reference to the origin of these singular depart- ures from the ordinary crystallizations, and the student is referred to Dana's Treatise for the very ingenious method by which he attempts to explain them. Some of the minerals which offer the best examples of those compound forms, that may be consulted in this volume, besides those already mentioned, are Harmotome, Staurolite, Arragon- ite, Chrysoberyl, Carbonate of Lime, Carbonate of Barytes, Hornblende, Carbonate of Lead, Carbonate of Copper, and Bournonite. The term geniculated is applied to those twin crystals which are united lengthwise, and present jointed or knee-shaped appearances, as observed in Rutile. It may be ex- pressed as single or double, as we have one or more of the joints presented. Common Goniometer. Measurement of the Angles of Crystals. In determining the angles of crystals, two instruments are employed, called Goniometers, from ywL&v paiya, measurers of arrgles. The first and simplest is that invented by Caran- geau. It consists, as represented in the above figure, of a brass or silver semicircle a b c, graduated into 180 degrees, each degree being marked on the instrument by a short line extending from the outer rim to the circle, which is about one- twentieth of an inch within it; de zndfg are two steel arms, the horizontal one being fixed, the vertical movable; GONIOMETER. ly beneath the arm de, there is a plate of steel or of brass, which is attached to the semicircle near c, and extends somewhat more than half-way towards a, its termination being connected with the semicircle by the bar h for the sake of firmness : f is the head of a pin in the centre of motion, which is precisely midway between the two extremities of the semicircle a c, and at the same distance from b as from a to c. The pin passes through both arms and the brass plate ; and on this pin the arm f g is at pleasure moved by the finger. The upper part of the arm f g cuts the semicircle, in the above figure, pre- cisely at 90 degrees, expressed by 90 ; if then two faces of a cube were presented to the lower portions of the two arms g I and I e, it would be found to fit them accurately, since the planes of a cube always meet each other at the angle of 90. But if the solid be less or more than that angle, the instrument may be accommodated to the angle at which the two planes meet, by altering with the finger the movable arm f g, if ap- plied near its termination f; and the value of the angle will be indicated by the edge of the movable arm. As this goniometer is here figured, it is adapted to the planes of a crystal free from its gangue ; but if the crystal be small and surrounded by obstruction, the two arms may be drawn by the ends d and f (the cavities in the arms permitting them to slide), so that the points g 1 and e will be much nearer the pin which is the centre of motion. Sometimes, however, this go- niometer is made in two parts, the semicircle being one of them, and the two arms, connected by the pin, the other. In that case the arms are in some instances more conveniently applied to the planes of a crystal ; which being accurately done, the pin is dropped into a small hole, made to receive it, and the arm fg indicates the angle on the semicircle; care being taken that the relative position of the arms be not dis- turbed, after they have been adjusted to the planes of a crystal. The student, in his first attempts with this instrument, should select crystals whose primary and secondary planes are large, smooth, and perfect, admitting of its application over different parts of the same plane, in order to avoid any minute irregu- larities that may exist; and his object should be to distinguish one class of planes from the other by comparing his results with those given in the book. But let him in the first place take a crystal, the planes of which he can distinguish beforehand, for example, a crystal of pleisto-magnetic iron, which exhib- its portions of the planes of the octahedron and rhombic dode- cahedron. He will observe that p on p will measure 109, 28', Ivi GONIOMETER. p on e 144, 44', and e on e 120. (See large figure under this species.) Let him now pass to other more complicated forms, the planes of which he cannot distinguish beforehand, and endeavor to ascertain the two classes of planes by measure- ment, and by comparing his results with the figures given in the book. But he must remember that his skill in the use of the goniometer will depend on its precise adjustment to the planes of the crystal to be measured ; for unless the light be ex- cluded from between the instrument and the crystal, the adapta- tion will not be complete. If this cannot be accomplished, it may be concluded that the crystal, how perfect soever its planes appear, is not sufficiently regular to be relied on, if perfect ac- curacy be required. Even under the most favorable circum- stances, and by those most experienced in the use of the instru- ment, we can obtain only approximations to the real value of the angles of crystals ; and it was by relying solely on the re- sults thus afforded, that many of Haiiy's measurements have proved to be inaccurate.* The Reflecting Goniometer, as invented by Wollaston, and improved by Sang, is a very superior instrument. *This is shown in the case of the rhomboid of calcareous spar, the angles of which, as given by Hauy, instead of being correctly stated at 105, V, and 74", 55', are 104, W, GONIOMETER. Ivii A is a movable circle graduated on one edge to half de- grees, and divided for convenience into two parts of 180 degrees each (it is graduated only in part in the above sketch). C is an immovable brass plate screwed upon and supported by the pillar D, and graduated as a vernier. F is the axis of the circle A, and passes through the upper part of two brass pillars D E, the lower ends of which are in- serted into a wooden base M. B is an axis enclosed within F, and turned by means of the smallest circle G, which communicates a motion to all the ap- paratus to the left of A, without, however, moving that circle. H is a circle to which is attached the axis of the principal circle A. If, therefore, we would move the latter, it is done by turning H ; and as the axis of the principal circle includes that of the apparatus on the left of it, the whole instrument is necessarily put in motion by moving the circle H. L is a curved brass plate connected with the concealed axis B, and to which a motion is given by turning the small circle G ; to L another curved plate is attached, but so as to admit of movement ; and through the upper extremity of this last passes the pin p, which is so adjusted as to allow of being moved either up or down or circularly. By means of the several motions thus obtained, a crystal at- tached to the lower extremity of the pin p may be brought as nearly as possible on a line with the axis of the instrument. I is a small mirror made of some substance which does not give a very bright reflection : black glass or obsidian, for ex- ample. This is placed obliquely on a support N, at an angle towards the object of about 45, immediately under the crystal (which in the present instance we shall assume to be a rhom- boid of calcareous spar). The support is fixed to the wooden base M by a pin in the centre, which admits of its being turned for adjustment, and by a clamping screw o at the extremity of the arm Q o, which secures it in its proper position. The use of this instrument depends on the reflecting power 40", and 75, 31', 20" ; and, as measured by Comte de Bournon, 101, 32', and 75, 28'. It is added by Phillips, (Third Edition) that the common goniometer was perhaps never used by more skilful hands than by the authors named. Soon after the appearance of Mr. Phillips's celebrated paper on'the measurements of oxide of tin, Haiiy (Annales des Mines, 1818) candidly acknowledged the superiority of the reflecting goniometer, and admitted the inaccuracy of some of his former results ; but, aided by a resort to the- ory, he was enabled to correct, as he supposed, many of his former measurements, in the determination of primary forms, and thus had the satisfaction of finding them to accord with those taken by reflection, while, at the same time, he continued to use the common instrument, which, he observes, "besides the advantage of its being direct and expedi- tious, suffices, whether the object be to determine a new variety, or to discover to which of those already classed in the'method,a crystal presenting the form of either, and which we see for the "first time, belongs." It has been shown that his theory, also, has led hira into important errors. [AM. ED,] F Iviii GONIOMETER. of the polish on the natural planes or fractured surfaces of min- erals, which, in some cases, is very powerful. In adjusting it, the image of any object seen by reflection from the face of the crystal, is made to agree with the image of the same object seen by the help of the mirror i. In this way any object may be se- lected which has a well-defined outline : while the goniometer, like the common sextant, may be held in the hand. If a distant object, say the moon, be used, the coincidence of its two images will indicate that the face of the crystal is parallel to the mirror i, so that, if the two faces be brought successively into that position, the angular motion of the divided circle must measure the inclination of these faces. In this, it is essential that the plane of the mirror i be parallel to the axis of motion. Its adjustment is thus effected. Select, a thin plate of any mineral, say calcareous spar, of which the op- posite faces are parallel, and cement it to the lower extremity of the pin p; then bring the image of any distant object seen in one of its faces, to agree with that seen in i ; turn the in- strument half round, so as to bring up the opposite face. If the images agree now, the mirror is correctly placed; if not, one half of the apparent error must be corrected by releasing the clamp nut o, and turning the mirror on the pin at Q; the other half by the motions of P. A second, perhaps a third trial must be made, to ascertain the adjustment completely; but when this is once done, it need only be examined at long inter- vals, or after any accident. The mirror having been thus adjusted, and the reflections in both the surfaces whose inclinations are to be measured having been brought to agree with it, we have now to observe that the line at 180 or forms a line with that at on the vernier, at the same time that the double reflection of the distant object in the mirror, and in one of the faces of the crystal, appear exactly to agree. One movement more, and the measurement is completed. Turn the circle H, until the reflection of the same object, as seen on the adjoining plane of the crystal, ap- pears exactly to cover the image in the mirror, and it is done. We now observe what line of the principal circle touches that at in the vernier. Suppose that 105 on the former be now on a line with on the vernier ; it is the value of the angle. But suppose it to be a little more than 105, and less than 105^, it must then be observed which line of the vernier touches, or forms but one line with, another line on the prin- cipal circle ; suppose it to be 5 on the vernier ; the angle is then 105, 5', which is the true value of the obtuse angle of a rhomboid of calcareous spar. GONIOMETERS COMPARED. llX Mr. Sang's important improvement on Wollaston's goniom- eter consists principally in the apparently simple addition of the mirror i, which, however, renders it a vastly superior in- strument, not only as regards precision and rapidity of meas- urement, but from its being readily used as a sextant, or rather as a repeating reflector, and thus enabling the expert mineral- ogist both to determine the angles of minute crystals, and to delineate the geographical features of the district which he may be exploring. Of the comparative Value of the Common and Reflecting Goni- ometers. The use of the common goniometer depends on two circum- stances; one, the perfection of the crystalline planes; the other, the steadiness and accuracy of the hand and eye. We are but little acquainted with the works of nature in her more hidden processes, amongst which may be reckoned crys- tallization; but it can be demonstrated beyond dispute, that the surfaces of large crystals are not so uniformly even, how- ever brilliant they may appear, as the surfaces of small ones. Now the larger ones are best adapted for the use of the com- mon goniometer; hence, if the crystal to be measured be not selected with the utmost care, and if the hand and eye be not steady and accurate, we cannot hope for precision in the use of it ; we cannot expect that precision which ought to exist, since this mechanical operation is to form the foundation for calculation. That the planes of small crystals are more perfect than those of large ones, is proved by the use of the reflecting goni- ometer, which depends on the perfection of these planes, and on their brilliancy. Even minute crystals, which generally are the most perfect, rarely agree in the angles they afford; but this disagreement is commonly too small to be detected by the common goniometer ; a fact which clearly proves that its use cannot be relied on as a foundation for calculation. When, therefore, we would arrive at the greatest precision, we shall prefer the reflecting goniometer, and the reflections from the planes of minute crystals, in preference to those of large ones ; but, above all, from planes produced by cleavage, whenever they can be obtained. Now the surfaces produced by cleavage are sometimes very small, and therefore are not adapted to the common goniome- ter ; while, for the reflecting goniometer, it matters not if the surface be small, provided it be perfect and brilliant ; a surface x VARIETIES OF STRUCTURE. of the 100th part of an inch in length ahd breadth will suffice. In measuring the angles of crystals, it has been observed thai great precision is essential, because the mechanical operation is a foundation for calculation ; that is, for calculating the an- gles under which the secondary planes of a crystal meet each other ; which, when once the first operation has been well con- ducted, is perhaps the shortest and most certain mode of ar- riving at the truth. In this the labors of the Abbe Haiiy have shed over mineralogy a purely philosophical lustre, which in- deed has been one of the chief causes of raising the study to the rank of a science : this he has done by showing the con- sonance of the laws of crystallization with rigid calculation: he has proved that in crystallization there is a natural geometry. Varieties of Structure. 56. Hitherto we have been treating chiefly of that struc- ture which may be termed perfectly crystalline ; this exists in such minerals as admit, in various directions, of regular cleav- age. There are, however, other kinds of structure observable. In some minerals the natural joints are scarcely attainable, or, when attained, are only perceptible by the assistance of a mi- croscope; in these the structure is said to be imperfectly lamel- lar, and this effect may be supposed to arise either from the brittleness of the substance, or from the strong cohesion exist- ing between the laminaB. Such minerals may be said to be imperfectly crystalline, as may those also of which the planes obtained by cleavage are curved or undulating. It has already been observed, that some minerals are perfectly lamellar in one direction only, the topaz, for instance; others cleave readily in one direction, with difficulty in another, as the sap- phire. 57. The Jibrous structure which some minerals assume may in most cases be considered only as resulting from the close longitudinal adherence of small, or of extremely fine acicular crystals ; for the terminations of the crystals are often observable on the exterior of the mass. 58. Perhaps, also, under the head of Structure may be classed the variety of appearances assumed by the aggregation of small crystals. When merely collected, as it were, into a bundle, they are said to be fasiculated; when they are fasicu- lated, and diverge from a common centre, they are said to be scopiform; but when the divergence surrounds the centre, they are said to be radiated, or stellated sometimes producing a FRACTURE. Ixi starlike appearance. When, by radiating from a centre in all directions, a spherical or kidney-shaped form is produced, they are called globular, or rtniform. The masses are called Botryoidal when in round shining prominences, like grapes, as often seen in hematite or calcedony : Mammillary when the prominences are larger. 59. The term slaty, as it regards structure, is rarely applied to those minerals of which we have been treating, even when they are separable only in one, or at most two directions. This term is more commonly applied to such substances as consist of parallel layers which are thick and coarse. 60. The granular structure arises from an aggregation of small particles, frequently of laminae which separately are lamel- lar, intercepting each other in every direction. And in pro- portion to the fineness of these particles, a mineral is termed coarse-grained or Jine-grained. If the particles are only per- ceptible with the aid of the microscope, the mineral is said to be fine-grained; but if the parts of which a mineral is con- stituted be not thus apparent, it is termed compact. 61. The above modifications of structure, as has been hinted, arise principally from the form of the individual parti- cles of which they are composed. These are termed particles of composition, and are supposed to be true crystals, which, by close contact, have been prevented from assuming regular forms. They are distinguished, according to their length, breadth, and thickness, by the terms granular, columnar, and lamellar particles of composition. The first is seen in com- mon galena; the second in fibrous minerals, as asbestus; and the last in foliated minerals, as lepidolite. The difference be- tween what has been called a foliated and radiated fracture, consists in that the first refers to granular particles, while the second is confined to columnar particles of composition. Fracture. An important part of this subject has already been consid- ered under the head of structure; namely, that which treats of the geometrical forms into which some minerals may be cleaved ; and the means (p. xxix) of attaining this have been adverted to. But when such minerals as may be mechanically divided along their natural joints are broken in directions contrary to those joints, the surfaces so produced are not plane; they are said to be conchoidal when the surface more or less resembles the appearance of a shell ; thus we have the perfect, imperfect, F* Ixil FRANGIBILITY. large, small, and flat conchoidal. These varieties of fracture also exist in minerals which appear not to possess any regular internal structure. There are also other kinds of fracture; as the even, when the surface is nearly flat; the uneven, when it is not flat; the splintery, &,c. The faces thus separated are called faces of fracture, in contradistinction to the fares of crystallization, and to those faces produced by separation par- allel with the natural joints of the crystal, called faces of cleavage, both of which have already been described. When crystals closely united are separated from each other, the faces thus developed are termed faces of composition. They may readily be distinguished from the other faces by their dull, uneven surfaces, except in the cases of minerals composed of lamellar particles of composition, in which, by the juxtaposition of similar planes, the laminae happen to be disposed in the same direction, and separate smoothly. This is often the case in crystals of heulandite and apophyllite, in which, however, if a portion of either of the two faces which had been united is cleaved off, the distinction will be made manifest. Faces of fracture can hardly be mistaken for them under any circumstances. Frangibility. The frangibility of some minerals may in a measure be said to depend upon their structure ; in all, it is probably dependent on some peculiarity in the arrangement of the molecules or particles of which a mass or crystal is composed. From what- ever cause it proceeds, this quality varies greatly in different substances, ranging through all the intermediate degrees, from very brittle to very tough. It cannot in all cases depend on the chemical composition of a species ; for some substances which are very different in their frangibility, have very nearly the same chemical composition. This is seen particularly in the new mineral of Mr. Cornell, called Dysclasite, which is nearly allied to thomsonite or mesotype in its composition, but which has almost the toughness of a malleable metal when we attempt to break it. Some few minerals, as sulphur, are so brittle that a fragment is easily detached by the pressure of the nail on the edge of a broken surface; but as this may be produced in any direction, it cannot be said to depend on the structure of the substance. The laminaB of selenite are readily separable in one direc- tion; and, if very thin, are brittle in another direction; while in the same, if the specimen be a line or more in thickness, it HARDNESS. is tough ; heavy spar is easily frangible in every direction ; so also are calcareous spar and fluor. But frangibility, strictly speaking, ought not to be considered as connected with the ease or difficulty with which minerals yield in directions par- allel to their natural joints : it seems rather applicable to their property of yielding to mechanical force in other directions. If this quality depended on regular cleavage, we should say that corundum is very brittle, because it yields along its natural joints with ease; and we should characterize the diamond as moderately brittle, because it can be cleaved with but little force ; but in contrary directions these substances are far re- moved from either brittleness or toughness. Sulphur and the sulphate of lead are very brittle; carbonate of lead, red silver, grey copper, and others, are moderately brittle, and easily frangible in every direction. From these, fragments are readily detached by the pressure of the knife; other minerals yield only to a blow with the hammer; others, again, are said to be tough, because, instead of breaking, their particles only yield to the force, and, by sliding, as it were, over one another, suffer depression without producing fragments. Granular selenite is considerably tough; massive hornblende is very tough. In using the hammer, it will be found that a smart blow from a small one will produce more effect, and bet- ter surfaces, than a heavy blow with a large one. It may be observed that most of the porous minerals, and perhaps there are few which are not so, are much more frangi- ble when first taken from their native bed than after exposure. Of this, common flint, in which no regular structure has been observed, is a remarkable instance. This circumstance is doubtless owing to the water which fills its pores when in its native place, but which evaporates on exposure. Hardness. Hardness is a very useful property in determining minerals ; and we are indebted to Professor Mohs for a scale easily formed, and, at the same time, distinct and accurate.* The means of applying it also are within the reach of every miner- alogist. It consists of 1. Talc, of a white or greenish color. 2. Rock-salt, a pure cleavable variety ; or gypsum uncrys- tallized, and only semi-translucent. *The method here alluded to, of denoting hardness by numbers, is due to an earlier mineralogist, Kirwan, who constructed a scale somewhat similar to it, as may be seen in his Mineralogy, vol. i. p. 38. [An. ED.] IxiV HARDNESS. 3. Calcareous Spar, any cleavable variety. 4. Fluor Spar, presenting good cleavage. 5. Apatite, the Asparagus Stone from Saltzburg. 6. Adularia, any perfectly cleavable variety. 7. Rock-crystal, limpid and transparent. 8. Topaz, any simple variety. 9. Sapphire, which affords smooth cleavage planes. 10. The Diamond. As the degrees of hardness between 2 and 3, 5 and 6, are not proportionate to the other numbers, Breithaupt has im- proved the scale by introducing between these numbers two additional expressions, which Dana has employed so as not to increase the number of units of comparison. Thus, foliated mica, 2 - 5 ; scapolite. 5'5 ; Breithaupt's scale consists of whole numbers, or of tioelve individual minerals, whose degrees of hardness regularly increase. In employing the above scale, we endeavor to find the de- gree of hardness of a given mineral by trying which number of the series is scratched by it ; or, still better, by passing with the least possible force the specimens under comparison over a very fine file. Every person will observe a marked differ- ence on comparatively trying in this way any two consecutive numbers of the above scale, and by a little experience he will soon acquire the manual skill necessary for nice discrimina- tion. From the resistance these bodies afford to the file, from the noise occasioned by their passing over it, and from the quantity of powder left on its surface, their mutual relations in respect to hardness are deducible with great correctness. When, af- ter repeated trials, we are satisfied which member of the series our mineral is most closely allied to, we say its hardness (sup- pose it to be calc-spar) is equal to 3, and write after it H. =: 3'0. If the mineral do not exactly correspond with any mem- ber of the series, but is found to be between two of them, we say H. = 3'5, or 3-75, if it. approximate to the higher number. Care, however, must be taken to employ specimens of each which nearly agree in form and size, and correspond as much as possible in the shape of their angles. They must likewise possess perfect purity, as the degrees of hardness can no more be correctly ascertained than the specific gravity, if impure substances are made use of. The file required for this pur- pose should be cut fine, and, if possible, of the hardest steel. The latter property, however, is of less moment, as it is not the hardness of the tool with which we are to compare that of the mineral, but the relative degrees of hardness of minerals, LUSTRE. JXV which are to be ascertained through the medium of the file. (Introduction to Allan's Manual.) Transparency. This is not an essential physical character, inasmuch as the degree in which light is transmitted through a mineral often varies greatly in the same substance, and even in the same specimen. In description, however, a mineral is said to be transparent when objects can be distinctly and clearly per- ceived through it, semi-transparent when they are imperfectly seen, translucent when they are scarcely or not at all visible ; but when, from various causes, a mineral appears not to suffer the transmission of light, we may perceive, on holding it be- tween the eye and the light, that it is translucent on the edges ; when this does not exist, the substance is termed opake. Lustre. Lustre is a character of considerable importance. It is of several kinds; and the same lustre which a mineral presents internally is usually exhibited throughout the species, although in crystallized substances it often differs very much externally, even on the same specimen. That which is peculiar to the metals in their pure state is termed the metallic lustre; this belongs chiefly to opake minerals, such as plumbago, among amorphous substances; and specular iron and grey copper, among those which are crystallized ; but this kind of lustre is not equally intense in all those minerals which possess it, inasmuch as it varies from shining to dull. In some minerals, however, there is a species of metallic lustre which is perceptible only when the substance is held towards the light in some particular direction, as in bronzite; it is then termed pseudo-metallic. Adamantine lustre will be better understood by a reference to those substances to which it belongs, than by any descrip- tion. It exists in the diamond, some varieties of corundum, in sulphate of lead, &,c. It belongs only to such species as possess a greater or less degree of translucency, and, being dependent on their capabilities of reflecting and of refracting light, it is supposed in some degree to depend on their struc- ture. Pearly lustre, more or less distinct, is peculiar to several species, though sometimes only in a particular direction ; it rarely exists but in lamellar minerals. Ixvi COLOR. The silky lustre is particularly observable in satin spar, malachite, and in other species of which the structure is fibrous; and the changeable play of light sometimes visible on an alteration of position in the mineral, induces the conclusion that the fibres of which such substances are composed, are in reality regular crystals, from the surfaces of which a reflection may be supposed to arise. The chatoyement of the cat's-eye is believed to arise from fine fibres of asbestus or amianthus included in it. But no adequate cause has been assigned for that changeable play of light so beautifully displayed in moon- stone and chrysoberyl, or the still more beautiful colors of noble opal and labradorite.* The resinous lustre in minerals resembles that which is ob- servable on the fractured surfaces of resins ; the vitreous ex- hibits that of broken glass : these belong chiefly to the surfaces produced by fracture in directions contrary to those of the lamina?, if the mineral possess regular structure; some varie- ties of pitchstone are instances of resinous, quartz of vitreous lustre. Waxy lustre is observable in leelite, the newly broken surfaces of which possess that lustre which belongs to bees' wax : it is rarely, if ever, observable where regular structure exists. When no particular lustre is observable, except such as arises from the mere polish of the natural surfaces, or of those produced by fracture, a mineral is described according to the intensity, as being splendent, shining, glistening, or glimmer- ing; but a glistening or glimmering lustre only, often arises from the fractured surfaces of some minerals, merely because those surfaces are uneven, and consist of minute irregularly disposed planes, from which the light is unequally reflected. In the absence of lustre, a mineral is described as being dull. System of Colors. Color is also a character of considerable importance in the discrimination of minerals, and it was one of the four princi- pal characters on which Werner relied in establishing species. But it is impossible for the memory to retain, or the eye recog- nize, all the numerous subdivisions which have been made of * Dr. Brewster, to whom we are so largely indebted for our knowledge of the optical structure of minerals, has shown that the variable colors exhibited by Labradorite, arise from the existence of small crystalline open cavities in the mass, which are generally in the form of parallelograms, and arranged with their homologous sides towards each other, forming larger groups of the same general outline. He has given colored drawings of these, as they appeared when magnified and under strong illumination, in a most inter- esting paper, inserted in vol. xi. of the Trans, of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. I am not aware that it has appeared in any work more accessible to the American reader. [AM. ED.] COLOR. Ixvii it by various authors to express the ever-varying hues which we discover in mineral bodies. Not even in a single species, if we except the metals and metallic oxides, can it be said to possess any uniform shade, since the emerald itself, in which it is supposed to be characteristic, exhibits several varieties of the same color. And it would obviously be absurd to quote color in fluor spar as one of the most characteristic methods of making it known to the student, as scarcely two specimens can be found in which it agrees. The same is nearly true of amethyst, in which the oxides of iron and manganese are acci- dentally diffused through quartz, of which it is a variety. In other instances we have varieties of a mineral under names very different from that of the mineral itself, merely from the color, as in prase as a variety of quartz, chrysophrase of cal- cedony. The color of the former is by some supposed to arise from an intimate mixture of another substance in the mass; that of the latter is derived from a metallic oxide; and these oxides are the principal coloring matter of earthy minerals, the earths being all white and colorless when chemically produced in a pure state. When a crystallized mineral includes a metallic oxide, or any other substance which produces no alteration in the crys- talline forms assumed by the mineral in its pure state, such an ingredient, whether it be the coloring matter or not, is con- sidered to be only accidental, as in the instances just mentioned. In some of the metalliferous ores, however, where it depends on the nature of the mineral, and is therefore nearly uniform, color constitutes a very important characteristic. Werner described all minerals under eight colors which he called fundamental, and divided into two classes, Metallic and Non-metallic. The late Professor Mohs has given a systematic arrangement of them in his Treatise on Mineralogy, which, in an abridged form, selecting the most characteristic, will be here adopted. Taken as a whole, many of them would seem so nearly alike as to be of no essential practical use. The Metallic colors are : 1. Copper-red. 5. Silver-White. 2. Bronze-yellow. 6. Tin-white. 3. Brass-yellow. 7. Lead-grey. 4. Gold-yellow. 8. Steel-grey. The Non-metallic are the following : WHITE. 1. Snow-white. Ex. pure White Marble ; Carrara Marble. Ixviii COLOR. 2. ReddisJi-white. Ex. several varieties of Carbonate of Lime and Quartz. 3. Yellowish-white. Ex. several varieties of Quartz. 4. Greyish-white. Ex. Granular Limestone and Common Quartz. 5. Greenish-white. Ex. Common Talc. 6. Milk-white, white somewhat blue. Ex. Common White Opal and Calcedony. GREY. 1. Bluish-grey. Ex. Splintery Hornstone. 2. Pearl-grey, grey mixed with red and blue. Ex. Sul- phate of Barytes and Horn Silver. 3. Smoke-grey, grey mixed with brown, the color of thick smoke. It is seen in Flint. 4. Greenish-grey. Ex. several varieties of Quartz, Cat's- eye, &c. 5. Yellowish-grey; may also be seen in Flint. 6. Ash-grey, a mixture of black and white. Ex. Zoisite. BLACK. 1. Greyish-black. Ex. Basalt ; Lydian Stone. 2. Velvet-black, the purest black color. Ex. Obsidian, Tourmaline, or Schorl. 3. Greenish-black. Ex. varieties of Augite. 4. Brownish-black. Ex. Bituminous Coal. 5. Bluish-black. Ex. Earthy Cobalt. BLUE. 1. Blackish-blue. Blackish-blue. Ex. dark colored varie- ties of Carbonate of Copper, or Malachite. 2. Azure-blue, bright blue mixed with a little red. Ex. pale varieties of Malachite, and bright varieties of Lapis Lazuli. 3. Violet-blue, blue mixed with red. Ex. Amethyst and Fluor. 4. Lavender-blue, blue with a little red and much grey. Ex. Lithomarge and Porcelain Jasper. 5. Plum-blue; seen in some varieties of Sapphire or Corun- dum. 6. Prussian-blue, the purest blue color. Ex. brightest va- rieties of Sapphire and Disthene. 7. Smalt-blue. Ex. varieties of Gypsum. 8. Indigo-blue. Ex. Phosphate of Iron, or Vivianite. 9. Duck-blue. Ex. Ceylanite. 10. Sky-blue. Ex. Sulphate of Strontian. COLOR. Ixix GREEN. 1. Verdigris-green. Ex. Amazon Stone, or Green Felspar. 2. Cylandine-green, green mixed with blue and grey. Ex. Green Mica, and varieties of Talc and Beryl. 3. Mountain-green, green with a large portion of blue. Ex. Emerald, and varieties of Beryl. 4. Leek-green, green with a little brown. Ex. very dis- tinct in Prase. 5. Emerald-green, the purest green color, as seen in Precious Emerald. 6. Apple-green, light green with a trace of yellow. Ex. very distinct in Chrysoprase. 7. Grass-green. Ex. very distinct in Green Diallage and Phosphate of Uranium. 8. Pistachio-green. Ex. Chrysolite. 9. Asparagus-green. Ex. varieties of Fluor Spar and Phos- phate of Lime, or Apatite. 10. Blackish-green. Ex. varieties of Serpentine. 11. Olive-green. Ex. Olivine, Green Garnet, and Pitch- stone. YELLOW. 1. Sulphur-yellow. Ex. Pure Sulphur. 2. Straw-yellow. Ex. varieties of Topaz. 3. Wax-yellow. Ex. Molybdate of Lead and Common Opal. 4. Honey-yellow. Ex. Carbonate of Lime and Fluor Spar. 5. Lemon-yellow, purest yellow color. Ex. Sulphur and Oxide of Uranium. 6. Ochre-yelloio. Ex. variety of Jasper. 7. Wine-yelloio. Ex. Saxony Topaz. 8. Orange-yellow. Ex. Molybdate of Lead, from Hungary. RED. 1. Aurora-red, red with much of yellow. Ex. some kinds of Native Sulphur. 2. Hyacinth-red. Ex. Zircon and Hyacinth. 3. Blood-red. Ex. variety of Garnet called Pyrope. 4. Flesh-red. Ex. variety of Analcime. 5. Rose-red. Ex. Rose Quartz. 6. Peachblossom-red. Ex. Sulphuret of Cobalt and Lepido- lite. 7. Cherry-red. Ex. Purple Sulphuret of Zinc. 8. Brownish-red. Ex. Red Chalk or Reddle, and Jasper. BROWIT. 1. Reddish-brown, brown mixed with much red. Ex. Blende and Zircon. 1XX DOUBLE REFRACTION. 2. Clove-brown. Ex. very distinct in Axinite, and in varie- ties of Smoky Quartz. 3. Hair-brown, brown with a little yellow and grey. Ex. Wood Opal. 4. Chesnut-brown. Ex. Egyptian Jasper. 5. Yellowish-brown, brown with a great deal of yellow. Ex. Common Iron Jasper. 6. Wood-brown, brown with yellow and grey, the color of rotten wood. Ex. varieties of Augite. 7. Blackish-brown, brown with a great deal of black. Ex. Mineral Resin and varieties of Bituminous Coal. It is to be understood that the color of a mineral is deter- mined by observing the interior surface presented by a fresh fracture. The intensities of color are denoted by the terms dark or deep, light or pale. When a crystal is perfectly clear and transparent, it is said to be colorless. Flexibility and Elasticity. Flexibility serves as one among the distinctive characters of the few minerals which possess it. That substance is said to be flexible which, being bent, does not of itself resume its for- mer shape, but continues in the form forcibly given to it. Talc is flexible, as is the Cornish phosphate of iron ; while that of New Jersey is brittle. Those minerals, on the other hand, are termed elastic which, after being bent, spring back to their former position. Mica is very elastic, and may by this character alone be distinguished from talc, which is only flexible. Double Refraction. Recent discoveries have so widely extended our information on this subject, that any adequate explanation of its details would be quite unsuitable in this place. But the subject may be made to call forth the interest of the student by a few illus- trative examples of double refraction, as exhibited by transpa- rent carbonate of lime, or Iceland spar. Select a transparent rhomboid of this mineral, and place it, resting on its terminal plane, over a black line on white paper. On looking through it, in all directions excepting that which is parallel with its shorter diagonal, a double image will be observed : one by the usual refraction of the light, and the other by an extraor- dinary refraction. If the crystal be now turned around, the latter image will appear to revolve on the former. If placed DOUBLE REFRACTION. over a cross in the direction of its longer diagonal, the hori- zontal line of the cross will appear as in fig. 1. If turned 45, the image will appear as in fig. 2. If turned again 45, it will Fig. 1. Fig. 2. Fig. 3. Fig. 4. appear as in fig. 3. If again turned 45, we have the same figure as that produced by the first revolution (fig. 2). If now carried to the full half circle, we again produce the first figure of one perpendicular, and two horizontal lines; and if carried through the whole circle, all the same phenomena are repeated, the final view of the cross appearing like the first figure. In all doubly refracting bodies, there are one or more lines or planes, along which there is no double refraction, or, in other words, where the ordinary and extraordinary rays coincide, as in the direction of the shorter diagonal of calcareous spar, just referred to. This gives rise to the term axes of double refrac- tion, and calcareous spar is therefore said to have one axis of double refraction. As the ray of light which suffers extraor- dinary refraction, is refracted from the axis, Iceland spar is said to have a negative axis of double refraction. But in a crystal of quartz it is refracted towards the axis, and this is said to have a. positive axis of double refraction. The existence of this positive axis in quartz, was first noticed by M. Biot, and was called by him the attractive axis, to distinguish it from the other, which he called the repulsive axis. From the examination of a great number of crystallized minerals, Dr. Brewster has discovered that those which have one axis of double refraction belong to the rhomboid, the reg- ular hexahedral prism, the octahedron with a square base, and the right prism with a square base; while the great body of crystallized substances, mineral or chemical, have two axes of double refraction, and are comprised under these primary forms, viz : the right prism with its base a rectangle, a rhomb, or an oblique parallelogram ; the oblique prism, with its base a rectangle, a rhomb, or an oblique parallelogram ; or the rec- tangular and rhomboidal octahedron. These are comprised under the prismatic system of Mohs. The connection between double refraction of light, and the polarization of its rays, has opened a wide and most instructive branch of research, and is calculated to have a most important application to mineralogical science. It has engaged the at- tention of some of the most eminent philosophers of the age, TOUCH. TASTE. ODOR. as Biot, Herschel, Brewster, Fresnel, Malus, and Mitscherlich. But we are especially indebted to Brewster and Fresnel for the discovery of those more extraordinary phenomena which have an immediate mineralogical bearing, and particularly for those which characterize the crystals of analcime, apophyllite, glau- berite, and quartz. Nothing can be more beautiful than the single and double systems of colored polarized rings, attended by their central crosses, which the former has discovered in the single and biaxial crystals of various other minerals and artificial bodies, all of which have been so ably and fully illus- trated, arid the laws to which they are subject explained, in his numerous papers published in the Philosophical Transactions, the Edinburgh Transactions* the Edinburgh Journal of Sci- ence, the article OPTICS in his Encyclopedia, and that of POLAR- IZATION in the Supplement to the Encyclopedia Britannica. To these, and the two numbers of the Library of Useful Knowledge, in which the subject is very familiarly treated, the reader is referred. He may also consult with much advantage the introduction to Allan's Manual of Mineralogy, where the structure of minerals is described in reference to their double refraction. Touch. Taste. Odor. The touch, or feel, is very characteristic in a few minerals. Soapstone is unctuous to the touch. Chalk is said to be meagre, being dry and without absolute harshness. It is principally in these two respects that this character is used in description. Taste is employed as a discriminating property in most sa- line minerals, of which water is a solvent; in this case the palate may be resorted to as a test of their nature, and the fol- lowing expressions be employed : 1. Astringent for the taste of vitriol. 2. Sweetish for the taste of alum. 3. Saline for the taste of common salt. 4. Alkaline for the taste of carbonate of soda. 5. Cooling for the taste of saltpetre. 6. Bitter for the taste of Epsom salt. 7. Urinous for the taste of sal ammoniac. 8. Sour for the taste of sulphuric acid. The odor of a mineral is a character of very restricted use. When swinestone is struck forcibly, or rubbed against another and a harder substance, it emits a peculiarly foetid odor ; and * Philosophical Transactions from 1813 to 1818; Transactions of the fioyal Society of Edinburgh, vols. vii., viii., ix., and x. MAGNETISM. Ixxiii some argillaceous minerals give out a smell of clay when breathed upon. Iron pyrites emits a sulphurous odor when strongly rubbed, and arsenical pyrites, under the same circum- stances, emits the odor of garlic. Streak. This is a very important character. The color of a min- eral and that of its powder are frequently different ; and as the particular hue of the latter is most easily obtained by rub- bing or streaking the specimen under examination on a slab of porcelain biscuit, the color of the powder of a mineral is thence denominated its streak. The streak of white minerals is usu- ally white, that of colored ones paler than the mass ; but when it corresponds with the color of the mineral, it is said to be unchanged. This is a more constant property than color, and among the metals (the two species of magnetic ore, for in- stance) is perfectly characteristic. Adhesion to the Tongue. This character depends on the disposition of a mineral to imbibe moisture. Lithomarge adheres strongly to the tongue, as do some substances which are supposed to be in a state of decomposition, as several varieties of calcedony and opal. Magnetism. This character is confined, with little exception, to some of the ores of iron, amongst which there are very perceptible degrees of difference in their power of attracting the magnet; dependent on their several states of oxidation, or upon their being constituted of iron differently oxidized. Oxidulated iron is strongly magnetic, and possesses polarity ; the specular is magnetic in a less degree; and red hematite is sometimes feebly so. Carbonate of iron is considerably magnetic. Iron, cobalt, and nickel, are the only metals which possess magnet- ism ; and whenever other substances possess this property, it arises from the presence of iron. A common magnet has two poles, a north and a south. If the north poles of two magnets be brought in contact, they repel one another, and the same effect ensues if the south poles are presented together. But the north pole attracts the south pole, and the south the north ; and hence, when a mineral is presented to the magnet, which attracts the one and repels the other, it is said to possess polarity. ELECTRICITY. But in order to determine this point, it is advantageous to employ a needle of feeble power ; for if the magnetic power of the needle be greatly superior to that of the mineral, the latter will attract both poles of the magnet ; which has been explained in this manner : it is said that the superior power of the nee- dle produces in the mineral a polarity contrary to its own. Haiiy rendered very small degrees of magnetic attraction in minerals evident by the following method, or by what has been called double magnetism. When the magnetic needle is sus- pended on its point, and has taken its position in the magnetic meridian, a magnet is placed at a certain distance from it, its north pole, for instance, being opposed to the north pole of the needle. The magnet is now brought towards the needle, until, by the mutual repulsion of the similar poles, the needle has taken a direction perpendicular to that which it had at first. The repulsion of the magnet is now in equilibrium with the magnetism of the earth, and the least force acting on the nee- dle will overcome it. According to the observations of the late Col. Gibbs, it appears that light has great influence on the magnetic property of protoxide of iron, as it exists in the mine ; for he found the upper parts to be magnetic, and to possess polarity, while the lower parts showed no magnetism until after exposure to the atmosphere and light. Werner is said to have observed the same. Electricity. It will be recollected that there are two kinds of electricity, which are called positive and negative, or vitreous and resin- ous, according as they are produced by exciting smooth glass, or any resinous substance. It will also be recollected, that when two bodies possess the same kind of electricity, whether positive or negative, they repel each other ; but if one possess positive electricity and the other negative, they attract each other. A considerable number of minerals may be rendered elec- tric by friction with the hand or woollen cloth ; and when thus excited, they are capable of attracting light bodies, or of moving a delicate electrometer. Among the minerals which are capable of exhibiting electric properties, there are a few which acquire electricity by being heated, either by simple exposure to a fire, or by immersion in hot water. But those substances which are excited by heat, acquire at the same time both positive and negative electricity ; but so separated that, on whatever part of the mineral the pos- ELECTRICITY. itive may appear, the negative will be found on the part dia- metrically opposite. Thus, if positive electricity appear on one side, or at one extremity of a crystal, negative electricity will exist on the opposite side, or at the other extremity. And it. is very remarkable that, in crystallized minerals, excitable by heat, the opposite parts of the crystal on which the two electricities appear, are almost always different from each other in their configuration, or number of sides, although similarly situated in reference to the crystal itself. Thus, if it be a prismatic crystal of tourmaline, and if the two electricities ap- pear at the two extremities or summits of the prism, these two summits will differ from each other in the number or situation of their planes.* Most frequently that part of the crystal which possesses positive electricity presents the greater number of faces ; and, on the contrary, when a crystal does not become electric by heat, the opposite parts are usually similar. Some- times certain angles or faces possess positive electricity, while the opposite angles or faces exhibit negative. It may be stated as a general fact, with very few exceptions, that earthy minerals and salts, possessing a considerable de- gree of purity, and having their surfaces polished, acquire pos- itive electricity ; but if their surfaces are not smooth and pol- ished, they acquire negative electricity, as is the case with rough glass. Combustibles, the diamond excepted, become negatively electric by friction. The diamond, whether polished or un- polished, always becomes positive. The Metallic ores are usually conductors of electricity, with the exception of some metallic salts, which become positive by friction. The influence of electricity in producing crystals, and even entire veins of metallic bodies in their rocky reposi- tories, has not until recently been investigated ; but we are now presented with very convincing proofs of such an influence.! * The different configuration of the opposite parts of a crystal, exhibiting the two kinds of electricity, has been supposed to be a uniform fact. But more extensive observations seem to show that it is not always the case. Some tourmalines from Pegu and Ceylon, which possess both electricities, appear to have both summits perfectly regular and simi- lar. Another exception appears in the dodecahedral crystals of boracite. (Bournon, quoted by Cleaveland.) t For these we are indebted to the experiments of Fox, Becquerel, and others, by which it is made to appear that these veins, &c. owe their origin in many cases to the electrical or electro-chemical agency exerted while the metals were held in solution by the saline waters which percolate the rocks, depositing their contents according to the electro-positive or electro-negative relations subsisting between them and the rock. By an ingenious arti- ficial contrivance, imitating the conditions which are supposed to exist in nature, they have produced crystals of native copper, of red oxide of copper, and various oxides and sulphu- rets, exactly like those which are found deposited in the regular mineral veins. These results most happily explain several hitherto anomalous facts in the phenomena of mines, which are noticed by De la Beche, in his Geological Survey of Cornwall, Devon, &c. pp. 28Q,etseq. [AM. ED.] Ixxvi ELECTRICITY. For observing the electricity of minerals, the electrometer is the most convenient instrument. In this figure, a b is a needle of copper, terminated at each extremity by a small ball, and moving very easily on a pivot at the centre. At c the instrument has a metallic base. If a mineral which has been excited, either by friction or heat, be presented near to one of the balls, the needle turns, whether the electricity be positive or negative ; and the force of the electricity may be estimated by the distance at which the nee- dle begins to move. To determine which kind of electricity a mineral possesses, the needle must previously be electrified, either positively or negatively ; which may be done in the following manner. Let the instrument be insulated by placing it on d, a plate of glass or resin. Having excited a tube of glass, or a stick of sealing- wax, place one finger on the metallic base c of the electrome- ter, and then bring the excited glass or sealing-wax e within a small distance of one of the balls of the needle. When the needle is sufficiently electrified, first withdraw the finger, and then remove the glass or sealing-wax. If now an excited min- eral be presented to the needle, they will repel or attract each other, according as they possess the same or opposite kinds of electricity. But as the electricity of the needle is known, that of the mineral may be determined. To ascertain the electric poles, or those parts of a crystal which possess contrary electricities, let a thread of silk about one fourth of an inch in length be connected to one extremity of a rod of sealing-wax, which must then be excited. To this thread of silk, which of course is negative, let the sides, angles, or summits of the mineral under examination be successively presented ; and the attraction or repulsion observed will indi- cate those parts of the crystal where the two electricities reside. Sealing-wax, when rubbed by most minerals, becomes nega- tive. There are, however, a few minerals, of which sulphuret of molybdena is one, which, being rubbed on sealing-wax, SPECIFIC GRAVITY. communicate to it positive electricity. In these experiments both the wax and mineral should possess smooth surfaces of con- siderable extent. (C leav eland' s Mineralogy, second ed. p. 65.) Phosphorescence. This is a curious property rather than a useful character in the few minerals which possess it. A mineral which emits a light, either by heat or friction, or exposure to the sun, is said to be phosphorescent. Fluor, and particularly that variety of it termed chlorophane, is an instance of the first, and a variety of blende of the last; if two pieces of quartz, or of the calca- reous spar from Huel Goet in Brittany, be rubbed together, they emit sparks of light. This character is of the less importance, because it does not seem to be essential to all such minerals as possess it even in the greatest degree ; for, according to Bournon, some varieties of fluor are not phosphorescent. The light emitted by phosphorescent substances is extremely variable in respect of color. The best mode of exhibiting it in those which become so by heat, is by first pounding them, and then ejecting the powder on a shovel not quite red hot, in a dark room. Whatever color a phosphorescent mineral may possess, it is generally lost by repeatedly subjecting it to heat ; and the property of phosphorescing is also gradually diminished, and ultimately destroyed. This property, however, does not appear to be dependent on color, or even connected with it, since the most perfectly col- orless and transparent fluor, when powdered and thrown on live coal, emits a brilliant blue light. Specific Gravity. Two masses exactly corresponding in size, but consisting of different substances, are found in most cases to disagree in weight. If the weight of one of these be considered as unity, the proportional weight of the other is termed its specific grav- ity. For example, suppose a cube of water to weigh exactly a pound, a similar-sized cube of calc-spar will weigh two pounds and nearly seven tenths of a pound, a sum which is represented in decimals as equal to 2'7. This is one of those physical properties which are extremely useful in acquiring a knowledge of the inorganic productions of nature, as it can not only be easily ascertained to a consid- erable degree of accuracy, but is constant, or at least ranges within very narrow limits, in minerals of the same species. Ixxviii SPECIFIC GRAVITY. The instruments used for ascertaining the specific gravity of solid bodies, are the hydrostatic balance and the areometer. The former allows of very high degrees of accuracy, and is most conveniently used in the following manner : One of the scales of a very fine balance being elevated considerably above the other, a small hook is attached to its lower surface, from which a watch-glass is suspended by means of a hair or a fine fibre of silk. The mineral is then placed in the watch- glass, and along with it immersed in water. Thus the differ- ence indicated in the weight of the mass^ before and after its immersion in the fluid, amounts to the weight of the quantity of water displaced by the bulk. When an experiment is to be performed, this glass is immersed in water, and the weight of the specimen placed in the elevated scale first ascertained. For instance, a piece of metal is found to weigh in the ele- vated scale 2 - 645 grains; but when put into the watch-glass and immersed in water, its weight amounts only to 0*295 grains. Then, as 0'295 is to 2 - 645, so is unity to the specific gravity of the metal, which in this case will be found to amount to 8'966. The delicacy of the hydrostatic balance occasions it to be affected by the slightest current of air, and it therefore requires, when used, to be enclosed in a glass-case. For this reason, in performing common experiments, and in most cases for obtain- ing the required results with quite sufficient accuracy, the areo- meter will be found preferable. This instrument has also the advantage of cheapness and porta- bility. Its form resembles the ac- companying figure. The body con- sists of a hollow cylinder or tube, the lower portion of which termin- ates in a point. A certain quantity of lead is melted into the bottom of this at D, so as to give it, when placed in water, an upright position, and admit at the same time of a por- tion of the cylinder rising above the snrface, as may be supposed to the line F. Weights are then placed in the cup A, until the whole instru- ment is depressed in the water to the point B, marked upon the wire index which supports the cup. This gives the normal or standard weight. The mineral under examination is SPECIFIC GRAVITY. then placed in the cup A, and so much of the weight at the same time removed from it, as to raise the whole again to the index-point B, marked on the wire. By this means the actual weight of the specimen is obtained ; but when it is removed from the cup A, and placed on the top of the cylinder, which is a little hollowed at c, the instrument will be found to rise considerably in the water, and a certain weight will then be requisite to depress it to the above-mentioned point B. This last weight then is required to counterbalance the loss sus- tained by the mineral in water, and is equivalent to the weight of the volume of water displaced by the mineral. The second weight subtracted from the first or normal weight, leaves the absolute weight of the mineral ; the second weight deducted from the third, leaves the weight of an equal volume of water ; and from these results, as on the former occasion, the specific gravity of the mineral may be reckoned. The normal weight, for instance, is twenty grains; that is, it requires 20*000 to depress the instrument to the point B. Suppose the same piece of metal as in the former experiment to be used : it is placed in the cup A along with 17*355 grains, in order to bring the instrument to the same depth. When removed from the cup A to that at c, 17-650 grains are found requisite to produce the same effect. And now, to find the specific gravity, divide 20-000 17-355, or 2'645, by 17-650 17'355, or 0-295, from which, as in the foregoing case, the specific gravity of the mineral will be found to amount to 8*966. A considerable degree of attention is necessary, both in selecting the specimens, and in performing the operation of weighing. The minerals intended for examination require to be perfectly pure; and, previous to commencing, the greatest care must be taken to remove whatever foreign matter may adhere to the specimen. All the vacuities or empty spaces are to be carefully opened, or the mineral broken down, not into powder, but into fragments; and distilled water must be used, of a temperature not differing much from 60 Fahrenheit. When the mineral, during the process, is supposed to have absorbed water, the weight of what is imbibed may be ascer- tained by again weighing the mineral in air, and adding the amount to the first term of the proportion, or, what will gen- erally suffice, it may be varnished before being subjected to such examination.* (Introduction to Allan's Manual.) * Fluid minerals, and those lighter than water, are few in number, and rare. For meth- ods of obtaining their specific gravity, reference may be had to the Treatise on Chemical Manipulation, by Faraday. 1XXX PSEUDOMORPHISM. Pseudomorphism. When the crystals of one mineral assume regular imitative shapes of the crystals of another, and in consequence of the dis- appearance of the latter, the places of which they now occupy, they are said to be pseudomorphous. They may have been formed within cavities left after the occupants of them had been removed, or upon other crystals, which, being more liable to decomposition, have subsequently disappeared. The latter is probably by far the most common mode of their formation. But there is still another not unfrequent source of these pseudomorphs, founded on the gradual replacement of the particles of one mineral by those of another possessing some resemblance to it in chemical constitution. Thus Oligisto- magnetic Iron, the primary form of which is a rhomboid, has been observed in the regular octahedrons of Pleisto-magnetic Iron. Here the octahedron, without any change of external form, has assumed the character of a new species by the addi- tional oxidation of its iron, the whole becoming peroxide. The oxides or salts of one or two other metals, besides several earthy minerals, show similar changes, a large number of which have been described in a most interesting memoir on the subject, by M. Haidinger.* Crystals of blue carbonate and red oxide of copper are found changed into green carbonate, and the carbonate is again substituted for the oxide of this metal, the oxide for the sulphuret ; sulphuret of lead is substituted for phosphate, and the carbonate for the oxide, the original form in these cases not being changed. These changes are often but partially advanced, being confined to the surfaces of the crystals, while the central portions retain the character of the original species, as has been observed among the crystals of phosphate of lead which are passing into the sulphuret. Several non-metallic minerals also present the pseudomorphs of other species. The most common of these are the quartz imitations of carbonate of lime and fluor spar ; those of serpentine, steatite, prehnite and carbonate of barytes being less common. It is probable that many substances have been called pseudomorphous which are not so ; and the uncertainty which attends the recognition of those which are truly so, arises from the absence of any half-way stage in the formation of these crystals, or in the passing away of those whose places * On the Parasitic Formation of Mineral Species, depending upon Gradual Changes which take place in the Interior of Minerals, while their External Form remains the same. See Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, vol. xi., p. 73 j or Brewster'a Edin. Jour, of Science, vols. ix. and x. [AM, ED.] PSEUDOMORPHISM. they are to occupy. Mr. Brooke (Art. Mineralogy in the Encyclopedia Metropolitan) has, however, recorded a single instance, in which there was a mould in preparation for a pseudomorphous crystal, from which a part only of the model, a cube of fluate of lime, had been removed, leaving in the cavity only a small loose nodule with an irregular and smooth surface, like that of partially dissolved salts. We have also observed precisely the same appearance in the beautifully smooth and regular cavities once occupied by crystals of apophyllite, at a single locality, in the porous amygdaloid of Nova Scotia. Sometimes nothing more remains of the crystal than a little powder situated in one corner of a cavity, now and then accompanied by the deposition of a few silky fibres of mesotype. Carbonate of lime has been subsequently infiltrated into many of these cavities, but in none of them has it taken the complete pseudomorphous character, having only deposited over their interior surfaces small stellre of the dogtooth spar variety.* Remarkable instances of pseudomorphism have been noticed in Cornwall by De la Beche. Carbonate of iron had covered cubical crystals of fluor spar which had been formed in bisul- phuret of copper, and had disappeared, leaving cubical cavities produced by the crust of carbonate of iron. In these cavities quartz and bisulphuret of copper had crystallized. Here we have a curious series of events : first, the crystallization of the cubes of fluor spar ; second, carbonate of iron incrusting them ; third, their disappearance, leaving the carbonate of iron ; and fourth, the cubical moulds which remain have been filled up by quartz and bisulphuret of copper. Many of the cavities were but partially filled. f Pseudomorphs may be generally distinguished from true crystals by the want of regular internal structure, or suscepti- bility to cleavage, and by their imperfect exterior finish ; but there are cases in which this distinction is determined with difficulty, where the substance possesses all the characters of true crystals : for example, the cubes of quartz found at Rochette were so perfect as to be mistaken by Haiiy for the primary rhomboids of this mineral. It is not improbable that some of the supposed pseudomorphous crystals may prove to be the true forms of the mineral, and thus be classed among * We should probably have had regular pseudomorphs, if any other forms of calcareous spar than those of the scalene triangular-planed dodecahedrons, had occurred at the locality. We know that certain forms of the same substance are peculiar to certain dis- tricts of country, and even localities of the same district: and hence, perhaps, we are furnished with the explanation of the phenomenon here alluded to. The partiality, if we may so term it, which the forms of crystals thus display in reference to locality, offers one of the most singular facts in the science of Mineralogy. [AM. ED.] t Report on the Geology of Cornwall, &c., p. 391. H Ixxxii ISOMORPHISM. dimorphous bodies. Such, according to Dr. Tamnau, is the character of the serpentine, last named in the following table. Table exhibiting the principal pseudomorphous minerals mentioned by Prof. Johnston, with the addition of several others, American and foreign: JVame. Form. Replacinff. Localities and Authorities. Quartz Cubes and octahedrons Fluor Spar Cornwall, Devonshire, &c. Sulphuret of Copper Cubes Do. Do. (DelaBeche.) Oalc Soar Quartz (Haytorite) Ob. ? rhombic prism Sphene, Datholite ? Haytor, Devonshire. Galena Roche tte (Dumont.) Right rhombic prisms Sulphate of Baryta Do. ' Do. Oxide of Tin prisms Felspar and Quartz Cornwall. Oxide of Antimony Peroxide of Iron Right rhombic prism Octahedrons Sulphuret of Antimony Magnetic Iron Saxony, (Kobell.) Do. Do. Serpentine Regular Octahedrons Spinel Warwick, N. Y. (Jfuttall.) Hydrated Peroxide ol Cubes and do Iron Pyrites Do. Do. Do [Iron Pyrolusite Sulphuret of Lead Right rhombic prisms Right rhombic prism Hexagonal Prisms Carbonate of Iron Manganite Phosphate of Lead Styria, Carinthia. Saxony. Cornwall. (Fox.) Tungstate of Iron Regular Octahedron Tungstate of Lime Monroe,T'mbull,Ct.(S/t<7>- Galena (Blue Lead) Mixture of Carbonate Hexagonal prism Regular Octahedrons Chloro Phospate Galena Cornwall, Brittany, [ard. Do. and Phosphate Copper Pyrites Regular octahedrons Lenticular Carbonate Cornwall. and Specular Iron Green Car. of Copper Steatite Oblique rhombic prism Hexahedral prisms Blue Carbonate Hornblende Chessy, France. Warwick, JN. Y. (Beck.) Malachite Octa. and rh. dodeca. Red Oxide of Copper Do. Hornatone Octahedrons Octa. Fluor Spar Cornwall. (Fox.) Blue Carb. of Copper Do. Red Oxide of Copper Chessy. Gypsum Anhydrite Pesey. Quartz Cube Fluor Spar W'th'pt'n, Ms.(Hitchcock.) Sulphate of Baryta Rt. and ob. rh. prisms Carbonate and Baryto- Hexham, Alston. Calcite Wolfram Square prisms Tungstate of Lime Cornwall, Saxony. Prehnite Icositetrahedrons Analcime Dumbarton, (Allan.) Hornstone Rhomboids, &.c. Calc Spar Schneeberg, Saxony. Steatite Serpentine Do Right rhombic prisms Do. Quartz, Pearl Spar Olivine Goepfersgrlin Bayreuth. Snarum, Norway. Isomorphism. It was for a long time supposed that minerals which consist- ed of the same chemical elements, combined in the same pro- portions, would always exhibit the same crystalline forms. This was considered by Haiiy as an established law. But it has been shown by Mitscherlich, that some of these elements may be entirely absent, or be replaced by the same number of atoms of other elements, without producing any change in the form of the crystal. The law which he endeavors to estab- lish is thus stated: "The same number of atoms combined in the same way produces the same crystalline form, and the same crystalline form is independent of the chemical nature of the atoms, and is determined only by their number and relative position." To the bodies which are thus capable of replacing each other, he has given the name of isomorphous , distinguish- ISOMORPHISM. Ixxxiii ing the character of form by the name of isomorphism, from i'tfog, equal, and pogfpri, shape. By some writers, those ele- ments which take the place of others, have been called vicari- ous an expression which gives a perfect idea of their rela- tions to each other. As simply stated, the most important mineralogical bearing of this discovery is this : that however important crystalline form may be regarded by some, it is no indication of chemical identity in the character of species, and will not suffice to distinguish them from each other. As the hardness, specific gravity, comportment before the blow- pipe, &-G., of a mineral are also dependent on the nature of the substances of which it consists, it is obvious that specimens of the same species, from different localities, may appear under characters very considerably modified. Examples of this kind are well known among the garnets, and the minerals now in- cluded under the species pyroxene and amphibole. Among these, there has been a remarkable latitude given to the iso- morphic influence. In the former, consisting essentially of silicate of alumina and lime, the alumina is sometimes almost entirely replaced by an equivalent quantity of peroxide of iron, while the lime is exchanged for protoxide of iron, or for magne- sia, the crystalline form remaining unaltered. The same substi- tutions are also found among the zeolites, and, again, among several of the metallic ores. It has been supposed to be a necessary inference, that, in all cases of isomorphous replace- ment, the atoms of the acids, bases, and elementary substances, possess each the same ultimate form, and may therefore be substituted for each other without altering the form of the crystalline compound into which they enter as constituent parts. This inference seems confirmed by the more recent analytical researches of some of the ablest chemists, as Rose, Bonsdorf, Abich, and others, though it is still not admitted by all to its fullest extent. Another very important conclusion, to which chemistry leads us, is, that there is no limit to the proportions in which these bodies may be exchanged for each other in forming isomorphous mineral species, as well as various artificial salts. The following list comprises the isomorphous bodies which play the most important part in Mineralogy, arranged in their several groups, and to which we shall have occasion to refer when describing the species : * * For a more extended list of isomorphous bodies, see Second Report of the British Association for the Advancement of Science, second edition j p. 1J8, Art. by Prof. Miller ; p. 425, Art. by Prof. Johnston. Ixxxiv DIMORPHISM. 1. Lime. Protoxide of Manganese. Peroxide of Copper. Protoxide of Nickel. Protoxide of Lead, in Plumbo-calcite. 2 Potash, Soda. Ammonia. 4 5 Barytes, Lime. Arsenic. Strontian. Phosphorus. Protoxide of Lead. Antimony. 7 8 Chlorine. Sulphur. Bromine. Selenium. Iodine. Chromium. Fluorine. Manganese. 10 Alumina. Glucina. Peroxide of Iron. Deutoxide of Manganese. Protoxide of Chromium. Titaniate of Protoxide of Iron. Magnesia. Oxide of Zinc. Protoxide of Iron. Protoxide of Cobalt. Oxide of Cadmium. 3 Titanic Acid. Peroxide of Tin. 6 Arsenic Acid. Phosphoric Acid. Antirnonic Acid. 9 Sulphuric Acid. Selenic Acid. Chromic Acid. Manganic Acid. 11 Sodium. Gold. Silver.* Dimorphism. The peculiarity which some substances, of the same definite chemical composition, possess of crystallizing under forms in- compatible with each other, or belonging to different systems, was at first supposed to interfere with the general law of iso- morphism established by Mitscherlich, especially when coupled with another fact, that the corresponding angles of crystals of the same substance, were found to fluctuate in one or two instances nearly a degree in their measurements. But it has been shown by Mitscherlich and others, that these may all be explained without doing violence to the doctrine he has pro- mulgated.t Substances which thus assume two forms, may be simple or compound, as carbon and sulphur, or carbonate of *This group will probably be found to include several other electro-positive metals. | See article by Prof. Johnston, on Dimorphous Bodies, Seventh Report of the British Association, p. 165; Graham's Elements of Chemistry, p. 138 j Kane's do, p. 365. DIMORPHISM. 1XXXV lime and bisulphuret of iron ; they are said to be dimorphous, from dig, twice, and (togy-rj, shape. The most common is car- bonate of lime, which, when seen in common Iceland spar, is in the form of an obtuse rhomboid, and, when seen in arra- gonite, is in that of a right rhombic prism. One form of bisul- phuret of iron, or common iron pyrites, is a cube, while another, that of white iron pyrites, is a right rhombic prism. There are several other minerals, as well as artificial saline compounds, which present analogous phenomena. Thus, idocrase and one of the varieties of garnet have the same constituents united in the same atomic proportion, viz : one atom of silicate of alumina and one atom of silicate of lime; yet the former crystallizes in right square prisms, and the latter in rhombic dodecahedrons. Zoisite and meionite also agree in chemical composition, each consisting of two atoms silicate of alumina and one atom sili- cate of lime; but one has for its primary form an oblique rhombic prism, and the other a right square prism. Among the artificial salts, biphosphate of soda and sulphate of nickel may be named as assuming each two forms. It is to be observed that these changes in crystalline form are usually accompanied by a remarkable change in all the other physical properties of the substance, such as hardness, specific gravity, optical characters, &c. as is the case with the minerals above referred to. But this is most strikingly shown in carbon, which, in the form of the diamond, (regular octahedron) is the hardest known substance, and in the form of graphite or plum- bago (regular six-sided prism) is one of the softest. The cause of this singular property is by no means well understood ; but as indicated by the two forms assumed by sulphur, it would seem to depend much on temperature, and the time allowed for crystallization to take place; for Mitscherlich obtained by arti- ficial means, having regard to these two circumstances, crys- tals in the form of those occurring in nature, and of another form incompatible with them. Ingenious theoretical explana- tions have been given, and the student is referred to the article already named, by Prof. Johnston. This gentleman has added two new compounds to the list of dimorphous bodies, viz : car- bonate of lead and chromate of lead ; the former in the mineral called plumbo-calcite, occurs in rhomboids, and in white lead ore in the form of right rhombic prisms: the latter occurs na- tive in oblique rhombic and right square prisms. As it thus replaces carbonate of lime in plumbo-calcite, but without alter- ing its form, carbonate of lead possesses the double character of Isomorphism and Dimorphism, and has hence led to the term Isodimorphism. Mr. Brooke has added another sulphato-tri- Ixxxvi ACTION OF THE BLOWPIPE. carbonate of lead which, like carbonate of lead, presents the two distinct forms of a rhomboid and a right rhombic prism. The number of dimorphous mineral bodies now amounts to about twenty. It is probable that other bodies will be discovered, which will prove to be Trimorphous, and even Polymorphous; that is, possess the same composition, but assume three or more incompatible forms. Facts seem already to lead to such a result. The subject is one of very great interest in mineralogy, and will undoubtedly continue to be investigated by those who have already added so much to our knowledge respecting it. No branch of the science is more deserving of the student's attention. As the former editions of this work contained no reference to this, nor to the subjects presented under the two preceding heads, (an omission scarcely to have been expected so late as 1837) the American editor has endeavored to state the most important facts in relation to them, though their omission was not observed by him in season to be supplied in an earlier part of this intro- duction. CHEMICAL CHARACTERS. Although the chemical characters of a mineral are most fully and completely understood by its analysis, there are other means of arriving at some knowledge of its component princi- ples ; and, therefore, although the methods about to be described do not make us well acquainted with all that is to be known, they serve now and then to detect an important ingredient, and therefore add, by very simple processes, to the distinctive char- acters: the means are chemical, inasmuch as they produce a change, or partial decomposition. Action of the Blowpipe. To acquire the use of this instrument is at first somewhat difficult, but it is indispensable in the qualitative examination of minerals, and the student should persist in his trials with it, until he becomes familiar with its operations. Its effect de- pends on the power of producing a constant and pretty uniform stream of air, and as this current is not supplied at once from the lungs, but is forced from the mouth by means of the cheeks, the difficulty consists in inspiring and expiring through the nose, while at the same time a constant stream is kept up through the blowpipe. The mouth being filled, the communication between it and the lungs is to be closed by a peculiar action of the tongue, ACTION OF THE BLOWPIPE. Ixxxvii which is to be drawn back against the orifice, while the lungs are replenished through the nose; as the mouth becomes empty it is again to be filled from the lungs, and the communi- cation closed as before, while the lungs are filling through the nostrils. The best mode of attaining the use of the blowpipe is, perhaps, to sit down to it with no other object at first than that of producing from the flame of a common candle a steady stream of flame, directed towards one point ; taking care that the wick be of a moderate length, and the top of it bent in the direction of the blast. The best blowpipes are formed of silver : those made of brass are apt to get out of order, and glass does not stand the necessary heat. Several have been introduced, but the small pocket blowpipe, in three parts, contrived by Wollaston, will be found the most convenient for use. Those with bulbs in the middle, are awkward instruments, and are now but seldom used. Voigt's has an advantage from the cir- cumstance that its beak may be turned round, so as to give any degree of obliquity to the flame. Griffin's, made of japanned tin, is a very good instrument, and the cheapest that has been contrived. The annexed figures show Wollaston's blowpipe, with the three parts connected and ready for use, and with the two smaller parts inserted in the mouthpiece, for carrying in the pocket in the most portable form possible. The form of lamp recommended by Berzelius is that of which the figure is here given. It consists of a tin plate cyl- inder, one inch wide and four inches long. The wick-holder is three quarters of an inch across, intended for a flat wick. I 1H*^ A screw cap is made to fit over this opening, to prevent the ACTION OF THE BLOWPIPE. escape of oil in travelling ; and to the opposite end of the cylin- der a small ring is attached, which slides up and down the rod, affixed by a screw to a retort stand-bottom. If fusion be not in all cases produced by the use of the blow- pipe, we have at least the advantage of seeing the impression made by very powerful heat ; of noting the appearances and consequences which gradually take place, and which often are very characteristic. It will be observed that there are two cones of flame pro- jected from the pipe: the outer yellow, the inner blue more properly dssignated as the oxidating and reducing flames of the blowpipe. The heat of the outer cone is less than that of the inner, and the most intense heat of the blue flame is near its point. One is called the oxidating flame because at that point sub- stances are rapidly burned or oxidized, and the other the reducing flame because in consequence of the excess of com- bustible matter at this point, the oxide of a metal, if a metal be employed, is made to part with its oxygen, or in other words is reduced to the metallic state. A metal may thus be oxidized and deoxidized as it is alternately exposed to the action of the two flames. The reducing flame is often called the deoxidating flame. These effects are well shown on oxide of copper, which, if it be exposed to the reducing flame, loses its oxygen and is converted into metallic copper; whilst, if the metallic copper be heated at the point of the outer cone, it is again oxidated by the oxygen of the atmosphere. The substance to be acted on ought not to exceed the size of a grain of pepper; for if too large, a part of it will be with- out the focus of the heat, to which every part ought to be sub- jected alike. In most cases it will be advantageous to expose the mineral at first to the heat only of the outer flame. Various methods, depending on the nature of the mineral, must be employed for supporting the fragment before the flame. Very small forceps will be sufficient, when the mineral has but little fusibility. For substances easily fusible, a small platina or silver spoon may be employed. It is important that these metallic supports should be very small, that they may not ab- sorb too much heat. In using borax, a small platinum wire bent up at the end, for holding the substance to be examined, is usually employed. When metallic oxides are to be reduced, a piece of compact charcoal forms the best support. A small cavity is made in the charcoal, in which even minerals in a state of powder may be conveniently examined, especially if the cavity be partly covered by another piece of charcoal. ACTION OF THE BLOWPIPE. Minerals, while exposed to the action of the blowpipe, ex- hibit very different appearances, which, being directly before the eye, are easily observed, and should be minutely described. Sometimes their color is changed, or entirely disappears. Some minerals decrepitate, others divide or exfoliate, when exposed to the flame. Some indurate and contract their bulk ; others effervesce, or, rising in little blisters, melt with intumescence. On some minerals the blowpipe produces no effect whatever ; others are partially fused; and others again melt with facility. The results of fusion may depend in some degree on the intensity or continuance of heat, as well as on the nature of the substance. Some minerals by the action of the blowpipe are merely softened, and alter their shape; or, if in loose grains, they become agglutinated. Others are converted into a kind of porcelain, in which only a few points are vitrified. Some melt into a slag, which is a compact substance, contain- ing metallic matter; others yield a tumefied mass, or are re- duced into a scoria, which is light and porous; and others give an enamel, which has a vitreous aspect, but is not trans- parent; sometimes the enamel is only superficial. Many minerals, when melted, yield a globule of perfect glass, which, in different substances, has various colors, and possesses different degrees of transparency. Both enamels and glasses are sometimes porous or vesicular. These and all similar changes must be carefully noted, even the water and odor evolved during the experiment, the color which some minerals communicate to the flame, their phos- phorescence, and every other phenomenon which may lead to the detection of elements whose presence was not anticipated, or perhaps even suspected. Color of flame is a character of much importance. Those min- erals which communicate a yellow or greenish-yellow tinge, con- tain soda; those giving a purple or crimson, contain lithia; those giving a yellowish-green or apple-green, contain barytes ; while red is produced by the presence of strontian, and faint red or violet by that of potash. To observe these colors, it is neces- sary to produce a small and very clear blue flame, because a large ragged yellow flame overpowers or very much obscures them. The presence of water is determined by taking a small crys- tal, or a compact piece of the mineral, of the size of half a pea, and, heating it before the blowpipe, or over a spirit lamp, in a small glass tube closed at one end, or in a narrow glass tube, one fourth of an inch wide, open at both ends, and held in the flame horizontally. In the latter case the water gathers in drops in the cold part of the tube, on both sides of the assay. XC ACTION OF THE BLOWPIPE. After having observed the alteration which the substance undergoes by the mere action of heat, it will be necessary to examine what farther change takes place when it is melted with various fluxes, and how far it is capable of reduction to the metallic state. Of these fluxes, or re-agents, as they are termed, the most invaluable for their respective purposes are the three proposed (we may truly say) in the infancy of the science by Cronstedt. These are, 1. The Carbonate of Soda, which is used for ascertaining by its means whether bodies be fusible or not, and for assisting the reduction of metallic oxides. 2. Borax, which is employed in effecting the fusion of a great number of substances. 3. Salt of Phosphorous, or microcosmic salt, a compound of phosphoric acid, soda, and ammonia, which, as it exhibits the action of acids on the assays, is particularly applicable to the examination of metallic oxides. There are of course a variety of other uses to which each of these may be rendered subservient, and of which the skilful operator with the blowpipe will soon learn to avail himself; but as in some cases effects are required to be produced, which do not come within the reach of any of them, the test-box should also contain compartments for the following substances : 4. Oxide of Copper, to detect the presence of muriatic acid. 5. Iron, in the state of very thin wire, for ascertaining the presence of phosphorus. 6. Tin, in the form of foil, for promoting reduction in the fused vitreous compounds. 7. and 8. Gypsum and Fluor Spar, which, when well dried, are used mutually to detect each other. 9. Bisulphate of Potash and Fluor, mixed in the proportion of four and a half of the former to one of the latter, for ascer- taining the presence of boracic acid. 10. Another very useful re-agent is a solution of the Nitrate of Cobalt in water, which, when concentrated, is employed to ascertain the presence of alumina, magnesia, and oxide of zinc, affording with the first a fine azure blue, with the second a pale rose color, and with the last a bright green color. These effects are produced by simply igniting the substances. It is unnecessary, in a treatise like the present, to enter more at length on the subject of the blowpipe.* Suffice it to say, *The Compound Blowpipe, or Oxy-hydrogen Blowpipe, is not usually employed in the pyrognostic examination of minerals, as the calorific effect is too sudden and two power- ful to admit of careful and progressive observations ; but when it is desirable to melt a very refractory substance, the student may very properly resort to it. It was by means of this instrument, first invented by Dr. Hare, that Prof. Silliman was enabled to subject SCALE OF THE FUSIBILITY OF MINERALS. XCi that the above re-agents are of the highest importance in the examination of metallic minerals. The ores of the difficultly reducible metals, such as manganese, cobalt, chrome, and tita- nium, are characterized by the colors which their oxides give to glass. In all these cases, therefore, glassy fluxes must be largely employed, both to dissolve the earthy matter with which the oxides are generally combined, and to furnish a body with little or no color of its own, which may receive and sufficiently dilute the inherent color of the oxide. When the color thus produced is so intense as to appear opake, it is requisite to flatten the glass, before it becomes solid, between a pair of forceps, or to draw it out into a thread at the instant it begins to cool. A description of the comportment of each species, when exposed to the action of the blowpipe, is given in the body of the work, under their respective heads ; and for further instruc- tion, both as to the mode of performing experiments, the phe- nomena presented, and the results afforded by them, the reader is referred to the excellent work of Berzelius On the Use of the Blowpipe in Chemical Analysis, as translated by Mr. Children, or he may consult a small treatise by Griffin, on Chemical Man- ipulation and Analysis by the Blowpipe. Scale of the Fusibility of Minerals. It has long been desirable that we should have some general standards of comparison in the case of the fusibility of miner- als, in order to assist in their easy recognition before the blow- pipe. We are indebted to a late Treatise by Von Kobell * for a scale well drawn up, consisting of the following minerals, whose degrees of fusibility are in a decreasing order ; the fusi- bility being expressed by one of the six figures, and a decimal fraction which marks how much the mineral under examina- tion seems more difficult of fusion than the one opposite the figure, without equalling the next succeeding one on the scale. Thus, he expresses the fusibility of Apatite by 4'5, meaning that it is more difficult to fuse than Strahlstein, but less diffi- cult than Adularia. to fusion substances which had been considered as fixed and infusible : such, for exam- ple, as silex, barytes, lime, magnesia, glucina, 8=? . > g'S , r Nitrogen. ( P Bromine. ( If arbon - 2, Fluorine. ) 2, Boron. Selenium. Silicium. METALLIC. ORDER 1. Bases of the Alkalies and Earths. Potassium. \ > Strontium. Glucinium. Sodium. > |f Calcium. Yttrium. Lithium. J 2, Magnesium. Thorium. Barium. Aluminum. Zirconium. ORDER 2. Metals which decompose Water, and retain Oxy- gen, at a red heat. Manganese. Tin. Cobalt. Zinc. Cadmium. Nickel. Iron. *On this subject reference should be had to the Treatise on Analytic Chemistry, by H. Rose ; to Part Third of Thomson's Outlines of Mineralogy, Geology, &c. ; " On the Method of Analyzing Minerals ; " and also to a very recent and valuable Treatise on "Chemical Analysis, Inorganic and Organic," by Edward Andrew Farnell. London, 1842. [AM. ED.] ELEMENTARY SUBSTANCES. XCV ORDER 3. Metals which do not decompose Water at any tem- perature, and whose Oxides are not reducible by heat. Arsenic. Columbium. Titanium. Chromium. Antimony. Tellurium. Vanadium. Uranium. Copper. Molybdenum. Cerium. Lead. Tungsten. Bismuth. ORDER 4. Metals whose Oxides are reducible by a red heat. Mercury. Platinum. Osmium. Silver. Palladium. Indium.* Gold. Rhodium. It is not within the province of this work to give any thing more than a brief account of the history and general properties of the substances here enumerated. For further information of this kind, the student must consult the latest treatises on Chemistry. The object is rather to make known the atomic weights of their leading combinations with each other, as min- eral constituents, and to give the symbols by which their com- position will be expressed in the formulae employed for this purpose in the subsequent part of this treatise. The atomic weights are given, both according to the oxygen and hydrogen scale; in all cases, however, in accordance with the doctrine originally advanced by Prout, and which Dr. Thomson endeav- ored to establish experimentally, that they are all simple multi- ples of the atomic weight of hydrogen.^ For more convenient reference, a list of the various substances, with their equivalents and symbols, will be given after the conclusion of the following descriptions, containing also the weights as determined by Ber- zelius ; and the student will be shown in what way the several members of it are to be employed in calculating the atomic constitution of minerals from analysis. Oxygen, instead of hydrogen, being taken as unity, the atomic weights of bodies are represented by a number which is eight times less than it would be were we to adopt the latter; it is therefore the sim- plest and most convenient for practical purposes, and has hence been preferred. * To the above list of elementary bodies must now be added the new metal Lantha- nium, lately discovered by M. Mosamler, though at present little is known of its combi- nations in the mineral kingdom, nor has its exact place been assigned among the metals. It has only been found associated with, or concealed in, Cerite, or Oxide of Cerium ; whence its name from the Greek, to conceal, it forms two oxides, and seems closely allied to Yttrium and Zirconium. They are also combined with a third new element (Didymium) from which as yet they have not been entirely separated. [AM. ED.] t More recent experiments, by several distinguished chemists, may now be adduced in favor of Dr. Prout's idea, as those by Dumas, Marchand, and Erdmann, instituted on wa- ter, carbon, and several of the gases and metals. It is remarked by Kane, "that the XCV1 NON-METALLIC BODIES. I. NON-METALLIC BODIES. OXYGEN has never yet been obtained in a state of complete insulation. Its most simple form is that of an elastic fluid or gas, resembling, in mechanical properties, the air of our atmosphere, and not condensible into a liquid by any known degree of cold. Oxygen gas was first obtained by Priestly, in 1774, and may be separated by heat from black oxide of man- ganese, chlorate of potassa, &c. Its specific gravity, that of air being 1 at mean temperature and pressure, is mil ; hence 100 cubic inches weigh 34.60 grains. Oxygen unites with some bodies slowly and imperceptibly ; with others rapidly, and with the extrication of heat and light ; and the resulting compounds are sometimes gaseous, sometimes fluid, at others solid. In the compounds thus generated new prop- erties are apparent ; some being acid, others alkaline, others, which are neither acid nor alkaline, being called oxides. Among the non-metallic bodies, hydrogen, carbon, and silicon, are those, in union with which oxygen is most abundantly dif- fused through the mineral kingdom, under the forms of water, carbonic acid, and silica. Of its combinations with metals, the most universal are those with calcium, aluminum, and iron. Oxygen gas constitutes about four fifths in volume of the air of our atmosphere, to which it imparts the property of being respirable, and supporting combustion. Its combining propor- tion, or equivalent number, that of hydrogen being taken as unity, is 8 ; its symbol O. But oxygen is now usually made the standard to which all atomic weights refer, and is expressed as either 1 or 100, hydrogen being either 0-125 or 12-5. CHLORINE, discovered by Scheele in 1774, is a gas of a yel- lowish-green color, not capable of being permanent over water, which absorbs twice its volume. Its specific gravity is 2'5, which gives 75'67 as the weight of 100 cubic inches. It is condensible by a pressure of four atmospheres, into a yellow- ish liquid; is not respirable, and, if breathed unmixed, pro- duces suffocation. It unites with an equal volume of hydrogen gas, giving two volumes of hydro-chloric or muriatic acid, which acid is absorbed to a great extent by water. Chlorine com- bines also with most of the metals, with some exhibiting the appearance of a brilliant inflammation. In nature it exists most abundantly in common salt (chloride of sodium), which equivalent numbers of Berzelius must be looked upon as being, in a slight degree, still open to revision. Phillips has lately reopened the discussion in England, and Dumas ia inclined to consider the original views of Prout as being probably correct." Elements of Chemistry by Robert Kane, M. D., p. 333. (Dublin Edition, 1842.) [AM. ED.] NON-METALLIC BODIES. XCvii contains it in the proportion of about 60 per cent. Its equiv- alent number is 4'5, oxygen being reckoned as unity, or 36 by the hydrogen scale ; its symbol Chi. IODINE was discovered in 1812, by M. Courtois of Paris. It may be ranked among mineral products, inasmuch as it exists in sea-water, and in the water of several natural springs. The process for obtaining it is too complicated to be described here; and it may be purchased ready prepared. It occurs in shining scales, having the lustre and color of steel, or rather of micaceous iron ore, the specific gravity of which is 4'948. It is crystallizable; and the crystals have, for their primitive form, a rhombic octahedron. At 225 Fahrenheit it fuses, and at 347 forms a rich violet-colored vapor, of specific grav- ity 8'7012; hence 100 cubic inches must weigh 269*84 grains. Iodine possesses an exclusive range of combination, and forms acids both with oxygen, hydrogen, and chlorine ; but, compared with any of these elements, it is a very rare production of na- ture. Its equivalent, oxygen being unity, is 15'75, or 126 by the hydrogen scale. Its symbol is I. BROMINE, discovered by M. Balard of Montpellier in 1826, exists in sea-water in the state of bromide of sodium or bromide of magnesium, but in very minute quantity ; and sparingly also in several mineral springs. At common temperatures it is liquid ; dark red by reflected, hyacinth-red by transmitted light ; its odor is strong and unpleasant, its taste acrid. At 116 Fahrenheit it boils; between Fahrenheit and 4 it congeals. The density of its gas is 5'54. It acts powerfully on animal substances, and is extremely poisonous. It unites with all the simple bodies that have been enumerated, and with the metals, forming, with the latter a class of compounds called bromides. Its equivalent is 9'75 by the oxygen scale, or 78 by the hydrogen ; its symbol Br. FLUORINE has never yet been obtained insulated. From analogy it is believed to constitute, with hydrogen, hydro-fluoric acid, which was first described by Gay-Lussac and Thenard in 1810. The estimated proportion is 1 by weight of hydrogen to 18 - fluorine, which number therefore expresses its equiva- lent. The great repository of this element in nature is the mineral called fluor spar, from which hydro-fluoric acid is obtained by distillation with sulphuric acid in a leaden vessel. The acid is gaseous over mercury, but acts powerfully in glass vessels, which, to contain it, must be coated internally with XCV111 NON-METALLIC BODIES. bees' wax. The gas is copiously absorbed by water ; and the liquid may be kept in leaden vessels well stopped, at tempera- tures under 60 Fahrenheit. A strong solution corrodes and destroys animal substances; and, when applied to the human skin, produces deep ulcerations. The gas unites with silica, and forms fluo-silicic acid. The equivalent of fluoric, or hydro- fluoric acid, (oxygen being 1) is 2.375. Its symbol is Fl. NITROGEN, or AZOTE, is not known to us separately in a solid or liquid form. The great repository of it is the atmos- phere, of the whole volume of which it forms about four fifths. It was discovered by Professor Rutherford of Edinburgh, in 1772, and may be obtained by several processes, the object of most of which is to take away the oxygen gas from atmospheric air. It is a colorless gas, incapable of supporting respiration or combustion ; tasteless, and free from smell ; its specific gravity 0.972 ; sparingly absorbable by water ; and in its gaseous state not disposed to enter readily into combinations. It is the base of nitric acid, an acid which enters into the com- position of nitrate of potassa and nitrate of soda, both found in the mineral kingdom. The combining number of nitrogen is considered by some chemists to be 14-00, hydrogen being unity; or 1*75, oxygen being unity. Its symbol is N, that of nitric acid Nt. HYDROGEN, in its simplest form, is a gas. It is obtained by the action of iron or zinc on dilute sulphuric acid. It is per- manent over water, destitute of color, and, when pure, of smell; combustible, and the lightest of all known bodies, its specific gravity being to air as 0.0687 to 1. With half its volume of oxygen gas it combines and forms water ; with an equal volume of chlorine gas it forms hydrochloric acid ; and it composes analogous acids with iodine, bromine, and fluorine. Its presence in the mineral kingdom is therefore very exten- sive, perhaps more so than that of any other element except oxygen. Its equivalent, or atomic weight, (oxygen being 1) is 0'125, or 8 times less than unity, making the atomic weight of water 1'125. But by many chemists hydrogen is expressed as unity, and oxygen 8, the equivalent for water thus being 9. Its symbol is H. The symbol for water is HO, or Aq. BORON is an artificial product, obtained by the action of potassium on boracic acid, which acid is found in nature both separate and in union with soda. Boron is a dark olive-colored solid, possessing neither taste nor odor ; about twice the weight NON-METALLIC BODIES. of water; not fusible when intensely heated in a close vessel, but, when exposed at the temperature of 600 to the atmos- phere, taking fire, burning, and being converted into boracic acid. Chemists differ in stating the atomic weight of boron ; Dr. Thomson, from data furnished by himself and Davy, fixes it at 8, or the same as oxygen, according to which the atomic weight of boracic acid (1 eq. base, 2 eq. oxygen) is 24. Or oxygen being unity, the former is 1 and the latter 3. Sym- bols : boron B, boracic acid B. CARBON. In its ordinary form this substance is best repre- sented by pure anthracite coal, or by charcoal obtained from the most solid kinds of wood. But in the diamond it exists in perfect purity. It is highly combustible, and has exten- sive powers of combination. When burned in oxygen gas, it does not, under circumstances favorable to such a result, alter the volume of the gas, but gives precisely an equal bulk of car- bonic acid gas. This acid gas, if pure, has the specific gravity 1*5277; hence 100 cubic inches 47*262 grains, a specific weight which, in some subterraneous places, occasions it to occupy a situation nearest the ground. It is non-respirable, and is incapable of supporting combustion. Carbon is most extensively diffused through the mineral kingdom, especially, as will afterwards appear, in the compounds of carbonic acid with various bodies, and in the several varieties of coal. Its equivalent is 6 ; that of carbonic acid 22 ; or, by the oxygen scale, carbon, 0*75; carbonic acid (1 atom carbon -(-2 atoms oxygen) == 2*75. Its symbol is C ; that of carbonic acid C. SILICON, or SILICIUM, is also an artificial product, obtainable from the earth called silex, or silica, which enters into a very great number of mineral bodies, and in large proportions. It was discovered by Berzelius in 1824. At first it was consid- ered to be a metal, but it has since been thought to bear a more striking analogy to boron, carbon, &,c. It is of a dark nut-brown color, without any metallic lustre ; incombustible in air or in oxygen gas, but oxidizable by circuitous methods, which convert it into silica, now more properly called silicic acid, which is the only known oxide of silicon, and constitutes a number of minerals, as quartz, calcedony, amethyst, opal, &c. It performs the part of an acid, uniting with several bases, forming silicates, among which the zeolite minerals may be mentioned. Silicon resembles boron very closely in some of its properties, and it has the same atomic weight with that body. Its equivalent, by the hydrogen scale, is 8 ; that of C NON-METALLIC BODIES. silica or silicic acid, 16. The equivalent for silica is thus 2 by the oxygen scale, and, in stating the composition of miner- als, it will be denoted simply by the initial S. SULPHUR is an abundant product of the mineral kingdom, not only in a nearly pure state, but also in combination. As met with in commerce, it is chiefly the product of volcanos; and it is also obtained from pyrites, a compound of iron or copper, and sulphur. Its color is yellow ; its specific gravity 1'99 ; it begins to fuse at 216 F., and becomes more and more fluid up to 280. At 550 or 600 F., it is volatilized, and gives a vapor, the specific gravity of which is between 6'5 and 6'6. This vapor, when condensed, forms flowers of sulphur ; and the flowers, when melted and cooled, become roll or stick sulphur. By slow cooling, sulphur takes a regular crystalline form. When heated to 300, or a little more, in the open air, it takes fire and burns, with a blue flame of suffocating smell. Sulphur unites with oxygen in various proportions; but its most important compound with that basis is sulphuric acid, in which, in combination with various substances, it is very com- mon in the mineral kingdom. With hydrogen it forms sul- phuretted hydrogen gas, a natural product ; and with the met- als it constitutes the important class of mineral compounds called sulphurets. Its equivalent number by the hydrogen scale is 16; that of the acid is 40. Reckoning oxygen as unity, the equivalent of the former is 2, of the latter 5. Symbols : sulphur, SI ; the acid, SI. SELENIUM, first made known by Berzelius in 1818, is rather a rare substance. It was first obtained from some varieties of Swedish iron pyrites, and has since been found combined with lead, cobalt, silver, mercury, and copper. Its chemical habi- tudes approach most nearly to those of sulphur, from which, however, it is readily distinguishable. It has, when in mass, a metallic lustre and the aspect of lead ; and, when pulver- ized, exhibits a deep red color; its specific gravity is 4'3; at 212 F. it softens, and may be drawn into fine threads, which are red by transmitted light. It becomes fluid a little above 212, and at 650 is converted into a deep yellow vapor. It unites with oxygen in three portions, forming oxide of sele- nium, selenious acid, and selenic acid ; the latter, consisting of 1 equivalent base and 1 of oxygen, occur in combination with several metals. Its equivalent by the hydrogen scale is 40 ; by the oxygen scale, 5 ; that of selenic acid is 64 and 8. Sym- bols : selenium, Sel ; selenic acid, Sel. METALS. C i PHOSPHORUS is an artificial solid, obtained most abundantly, by a circuitous process, from bones, but also derivable from the mineral kingdom. It is fusible at 108 F. ; volatile at 550. It is highly combustible, both in air, in oxygen gas, and in chlorine. According to the proportion of oxygen, it forms different acids; and one of these, the phosphoric acid, in union with lime, exists in the mineral kingdom. It unites also with hydrogen. Its equivalent by the hydrogen scale is 16; by the oxygen, 2; that of the acid, 36, 3*5. The sym- bol for phosphorus is Ph ; that for the acid is Ph. II. METALS. POTASSIUM was discovered by Sir H. Davy in 1807. It does not exist in nature as a metal, but is obtained by artificial methods, all of which have in view the decomposition of pot- ash or potassa. It is soft and solid at common temperatures, and yields like wax to pressure; it begins to melt at 70, and is quite fluid at 150 F. It rises into vapor when heated in a vessel from which atmospheric air is excluded. In color and lustre it resembles quicksilver; is quite opake; conducts heat and electricity, and has the specific gravity 0'865, or it is con- siderably lighter than water. It is highly oxidable, and even takes oxygen from water, on the surface of which it burns with a bright flame by a succession of explosions. Its equiva- lent is 5, which, uniting with one equivalent of oxygen, forms protoxide of potassium, or potash, a substance which enters into the composition of a large number of minerals. The symbol is K, the first letter of Kalium, by which name it has been distinguished by foreign chemists. SODIUM, in its external properties, resembles potassium ; but it has greater specific gravity, viz : 0*972. It fuses at 200 F., and is not volatilized by a heat under redness. When united with oxygen in the proportion of 3 by weight to 1 oxy- gen, it constitutes soda, also an important ingredient of several mineral substances, such as the chloride and the carbonate, and in several of the varieties of zeolite. Its symbol is N, from Natrium, the name given to it by German chemists. LITHIUM. The oxide of this metal, litlda, was discovered by M. Arfvvedson in 1818, in the mineral called petalite ; and it has since been extracted from spodumene, lepidolite, and some kinds of mica, and also from the waters of Carlsbad, by Cll METALS. Berzelius. From lithia, the metal is obtained by deoxidizing processes; but if placed in contact with air, it returns to the state of lithia too rapidly to admit its accurate examination. In its obvious properties, lithia approaches to potassa and soda, but has a greater neutralizing power, and its salts tinge the flame of the blowpipe of a red color. It attacks platinum when fused upon it, leaving a yellowish trace. The equivalent of lithium, as given by Thomson, is O75; Lithia, 1*75. The symbol is L. BARIUM. Barytes, the source of barium, a metal which can only be got by chemical operations, was discovered by Scheele in 1774. Barium has a dark grey color, and a lustre resem- bling that of cast iron. It is much denser than water, and even than sulphuric acid. It attracts oxygen with avidity, and is reconverted into barytes, which is the protoxide, and the only oxide which concerns us as mineralogists ; the equivalent of which is 9-5, that of barium being 8'5. The symbol for the metal is Ba. ; that of barytes Br. Barytes is pretty extensively diffused through the mineral kingdom, chiefly in combination with the carbonic and sul- phuric acids, as witherite and heavy spar. STRONTIUM. The source of this metal, which does not exist as such in nature, is strontian. The carbonate of that earth was first accurately examined, and the peculiarities of its earthy base established, by Professor Hope of Edinburgh, in 1792. Little is known of the properties of strontium in its metallic form ; but it is white, solid, harder than potassium or sodium, according to Prof. Hare ; much heavier than water, and bears a close resemblance to boron. When exposed to air or water it absorbs oxygen and is converted into strontian, which consists of one atom metal, 55, and one atom oxygen, I, = (r5. The combining proportions are therefore 5'5, strontium; 6'5, strontian. The symbol of strontian, which alone concerns mineralogy, is Str. In nature, the carbonate and sulphate of strontia are not very uncommon productions. CALCIUM, the metallic base of the well-known earth lime, has been obtained only in very small quantities, and its prop- erties have not been accurately investigated.* It is of a whiter color than barium or strontium, and is rapidly converted back again into lime, or protoxide of calcium, composed of 1 atom *Prof. Hare, of Philadelphia, by an improved process, has been able to obtain this, and the two preceding metals, in quantities sufficient to show with much more distinctness their characteristic properties. See Am. Jour, of Science, vol. xxxvii, p. 67. [AM. ED.] METALS. c iii oxygen, 1 atom base. This oxide forms a very large propor- tion of the crust of our globe, chiefly in the shape of carbonate of lime, which constitutes whole mountains and extensive strata ; and also of sulphate of lime. Lime, it is well known, heats violently on the addition of water; is sparingly soluble in that fluid ; has an alkaline re-agency, and enters into ener- getic combination with a great variety of bodies. It forms an essential ingredient in a large number of simple crystallized minerals. The symbol for lime is Cal ; its equivalent 3'5. MAGNESIUM was discovered by Black, 1775. Its oxide, magnesia, is pretty extensively diffused as a constituent of min- eral bodies. * The chief natural compounds of magnesia are with sulphuric, muriatic, silicic, and carbonic acids ; arid with alumina and other earths. It forms an atomic combination with water, or a hydrate, which occurs in the native state. The equivalent of the metal is 1-5; that of its only oxide, magnesia, 2'5, of which the symbol is Mg. ALUMINUM, discovered by Magraff, 1754, is the metallic base of alumina, or pure argillaceous earth or clay, than which, few substances are more extensively diffused throughout the mineral kingdom. Aluminum was first artificially obtained by Wohler; it presents the appearance of a grey powder, very similar to that of platinum. It requires an intense heat for its fusion, and shows a feeble affinity for oxygen, so far as is indi- cated by direct combination. Alumina is viewed by Berzelius and others as a sesqui-oxide, consisting of two equivalents aluminum, and three of oxygen; but Dr. Thomson makes it to consist of one atom of each; its equivalent being 225. Its symbol is Al. In its purest crystallized form, alumina consti- tutes sapphire and ruby, two of the hardest gems. Like silex, though in but few instances, it acts the part of an acid in min- eral combinations, and forms aluminates. GLUCINIUM. Its source, glucina, was identified as a distinct earth by Vauquelin in the year 1798. At first it was found only in euclase, beryl, and emerald, and may still be consid- ered a very rare product of nature. Its name was derived from a Greek word signifying sweet, a property observed in all its salts. Glucina itself is white, insipid, and insoluble in water. By some it is regarded as a sesqui-oxide ; but by Thomson and Brande its equivalent is put down at 3-25, the metal being 2 25 ; or it consists of only one equivalent metal, and one of oxygen. Its symbol is G. CIV METALS. YTTRIUM is the base of the earth yttria, which was discov- ered by Professor Gadolin in 1794, in a mineral found at Ytterby in Sweden, since called gadolinite. Yttria bears a considerable resemblance in its properties to glucina. It is a protoxide, and exists in one or two other minerals besides gadolinite, which are mentioned in this volume. Its symbol is Y, its equivalent 5-5 ; yttrium 45. THORIUM. The earth thorina has only been obtained by Berzelius from a rare Swedish mineral now called thorite. The high specific gravity of this earth, 9'042, is its most remarkable characteristic. Its equivalent is not known, but is supposed to be about 68, hydrogen being unity, or 8*5, oxygen being unity. Its symbol is Th. ZIRCONIUM is the base of the earth zirconia, which was dis- covered in 1789 by Klaproth in the jargon or zircon of Ceylon, in the hyacinth of France, and more recently by Dr. Muir, in Sillimanite of the United States. The nearest approximation to its equivalent is probably, according to Berzelius, between 30 and 33 ; that of zirconia, which is concerned in mineralogy, oxygen being unity, is stated at 3'75 ; its symbol, Zr. ORDER II. MANGANESE, discovered by Scheele in 1774, was first reduced to the metallic form by Gahn, (same year) from the black oxide of manganese, a substance first investigated by Scheele. As a metal, it possesses so powerful an affinity for oxygen that it never occurs native. It is of a grey color; has a granular texture; a specific gravity of about 8; is hard and brittle; and is very difficult of fusion. Its oxides are, 1st, the protoxide, which is the base of all the salts of manganese. This is of a light green color, is composed of 28 parts by weight of metal, and 8 of oxygen; and has so strong an attraction for a further proportion of that basis, as to take fire and burn when heated to about 600 F. in the open air. %d, the sesqui-oxide, which may be obtained artificially, is also found in nature, combined only with water, and constituting prismatic crystals. It is the sesqui-oxide which remains after heating the next oxide to red- ness; it consists of two equivalents of manganese and three of oxygen. 3d, the bin-oxide, the well-known black ore (pyrolu- site) used in preparing chlorine, consists of 28 manganese and 16 oxygen, or of one equivalent of metal and two equiva- lents of oxygen, Besides these well-characterized oxides, METALS. CV there are three others, two of which occur native, and may, perhaps, more properly be regarded as compounded of two of those already described : these are the mineral called varvi- cite, and the red oxide, or oxidum manganeso-manganicum of Arfwedson. The other possesses acid properties, and is called manganesic acid, composed, according to Dr. Thomson, of one equivalent of the sesqui-oxide, and one equivalent oxygen, or, which is the same thing, of one equivalent manganese, and two and a half equivalents oxygen. Stated by the oxygen scale, the equivalent of the metal is 3-5 ; that of the protoxide (one atom manganese, one atom oxygen) is 4'5; that of the sesqui- oxide (one atom metal to one and a half atom oxygen) is 5 ; that of the bin-oxide (one atom metal to two atoms oxygen) is 55. The symbol of the metal is Mn. ; that of the protoxide, Mn; of the sesqui-oxide, Mn; of the bin-oxide, Mn. ZINC was first mentioned by Paracelsus, but its ores were known at a much earlier period. In commerce it is commonly known under the name of spelter, which is a very impure form of the substance, and is obtained from the native carbonate of zinc, called calamine, or from the sulphuret (blende) by distil- lation per descensum, it being a very volatile metal. It has a bluish white color, with a brilliant lustre ; its specific gravity is about 7. At common temperatures it is tough and intracti- ble under the hammer ; but when heated to above 500 it be- comes brittle, and fuses at 770. In this state it combines rapidly with oxygen, producing greyish white flocculi, which were called by the ancients pompholyx and philosopher's wool but are now known as flowers of zinc, or the white oxide of zinc. This is a protoxide, and the only known combination of oxygen and this rnetal, consisting of zinc 80'95, oxygen 19*04, or one equivalent of each. This oxide enters into the composition of several mineral species, as zinciferous spinel and franklinite. The equivalent of the metal is 4-25, that of its oxide 5 25. Its symbol is Z, that of the oxide Z IRON is a metal too well known to need description. Of all the metals, it is the one which is most abundant in the mineral kingdom. It is malleable and ductile ; its specific gravity, which varies according to the processes it has undergone, is about 7*7 ; it powerfully attracts oxygen, and in oxygen gas even burns with brilliant corruscations. There are two dis- tinctly characterized oxides of iron ; the one, which is black, but affords green salts with acids, is constituted of twenty-eight parts of iron and eight of oxygen, and is called the protoxide ; K CV1 METALS. the other, named peroxide, may be viewed as composed either of two equivalents (28 X 2) 56 of iron, and three equivalents of oxygen, or of one, and one and a half. The color of the peroxide is red, and it imparts that color to its saline combina- tions. Combined with water, it forms an important class of ores, the hydrated peroxides, or hematites. Besides these two oxides, there is a native black compound of iron and oxygen, composed of the protoxide and peroxide in atomic proportions, and called by Berzelius oxydum ferroso-ferricum. This is the common magnetic iron ore of mineralogists, described in this work under the title of pleisto-magnetic iron. There are also three other definite combinations of these two oxides. The magnetic ore is found in regular octahedral crystals, which not only affect the magnet, but are sometimes magnetic. Iron also enters very extensively into combinations with other simple and compound bodies. Its compounds with sulphur are, next to its oxides, the most important to the mineralogist. The proto- sulphuret, both artificially prepared and occurring native, con- sists of 28 iron and 16 sulphur ; the sesqui-sulphuret is an arti- ficial product, of 56 iron and 48 sulphur; and the bi-sulphuret (native iron pyrites) consists of 28 iron and 32 sulphur. Be- sides these, there are other sulphurets, formed by the union of the preceding ones in different proportions. With carbon, iron forms that useful mineral product plumbago, or graphite, which is also an artificial production. The symbol of iron is F; of the protoxide, F ; for the peroxide, F Oxygen being reck- oned as unity, the combining proportion of iron is 3'5; of protoxide, (I atom iron, I atom oxygen) 4'5; of peroxide, 1 atom iron 1 atom oxygen ) 5. TIN, in the form of pure grain tin, is of a white color, resembling silver, and has a similar lustre. It is malleable and ductile, the latter in a less degree than some other metals. Its specific gravity is about 7'9 ; it fuses at 442 F. ; and, when more strongly heated, takes fire and burns into protoxide, which consists of one equivalent (7*25) of metal, one of oxygen. This oxide is combustible, and, when touched by a red-hot body, burns in the air with peroxide, consisting of the same weight of metal and 2 atoms oxygen. The equivalent of the protoxide is therefore 8'25, of the peroxide 9-25. Besides these, an arti- ficial compound may be formed of two equivalents of tin and three of oxygen, called the sesqui-oxide. Analogous to these are the three sulphurets, the proto-sulphurct, bi-sulphuret, and sesqui-sulphuret. The symbol of tin is Sta., from its Latin name Stannum ; that of the peroxide is Sta. METALS. Cvii CADMIUM was discovered by Stromeyer in 1817, in an oxide of zinc. It may be obtained from the sublimate which rises from calamine. Cadmium is both ductile and malleable; re- sembles tin in appearance and fusibility ; is nearly as volatile as mercury, and its vapor, which is free from odor, condenses into shining drops. Its specific gravity is about 8'6. When heated in the open air it is readily oxidized. Its only oxide is of an orange-yellow, arid consists of 5'6 cadmium and 8 oxy- gen, or one equivalent cadmium and one of oxygen. In the oxygen scale of proportions, 7 will represent the metal, and 8 the oxide. Its symbol is Cd. It does not exist as a distinct mineral species. COBALT, discovered by Brandt in 1733, is principally ob- tained from an ore of arsenic, and is found in small proportion in meteoric iron. It is a brittle metal, of a reddish-grey color, and feeble lustre ; its specific gravity about 8'7; fusible at a heat rather below that at which iron melts ; attractible by the magnet, and readily oxidable. It constitutes with oxygen two distinct oxides, the protoxide and the sesqui-oxide, the first composed of 1 atom cobalt and 1 atom oxygen, the last com- posed of 1 atom cobalt and 1^ atom oxygen. According to Gmelin, there is also a third oxide, which possesses acid prop- erties, and is called by him cobaltic acid. This is the perox- ide, or a compound of I atom metal, 2 atoms oxygen. The distinguishing character of this metal is, that in solution it forms the basis of the best sympathetic inks. Sulphur also unites with cobalt in three proportions. Its symbol is Cb. ; its equivalent 30, hydrogen being unity, or 3-75 by the oxygen scale. Symbol for the native oxide, Cb NICKEL. This metal was discovered by Cronstedt in 1751. It has the specific gravity of about 8*5 to 9; is ductile and malleable, and is not only attracted by the magnet, but capable of being itself rendered magnetic. It is very infusible ; is not altered by the air at common temperatures, but absorbs oxygen at a red heat. The solutions of this metal in acids have, for the most part, a beautiful green color. Nickel occurs in the metallic state with meteoric iron. But the nickel of commerce is obtained from the ore of cobalt. When pure, it is of a color resembling silver. It combines with two proportions of oxygen, forming the protoxide and sesqui-oxide. Its equivalent is the same as that of cobalt, above mentioned. Symbols : Nk for the metal ; Nk for the native oxide. CV111 METALS. ORDER III. ARSENIC, in its metallic form, has a strong metallic lustre; is brittle, and reducible to powder; is volatilized, without fusing, at 365 F. ; and, in close vessels, condenses into a brilliant solid. The specific gravity of metallic arsenic is 5'88. Its vapor is characterized by a strong odor, resembling that of garlic. Arsenic readily combines with oxygen, and forms two compounds. The first, known as common arsenic, or white oxide of arsenic, but now more properly termed arsenious acid, is of a white color, sparingly soluble in water, and intensely poisonous. It consists of 38 arsenic and 12 oxygen =. 50. The second, arsenic acid, is the result of chemical operations, but is also found native in combination. It consists of 38 metal and 20 oxygen 58. Or if oxygen be unity, the equiv- alent of the former will be 6'25, of the latter 7'25, the metal being 4'75. Of the sulphurets there are three, constituted of one equivalent of arsenic, with one, three, and five equivalents of sulphur respectively. Symbols: arsenic, As; arsenious acid, As; arsenic acid, As. CHROMIUM was discovered by Vauquelin in 1797, in a beau- tiful red mineral, then called chromate, more properly dickro- mate, of lead. Chromium is a brittle infusible metal, of specific gravity about 5, capable of uniting with oxygen, and of form- ing two distinct compounds. The green sesqui-ozide consists of 56 chromium (two equivalents) and 24 oxygen (three equiv- alents). The chromic acid of 28 (one equivalent) of metal, and 24 (three equivalents) of oxygen. But Dr. Thomson has given evidence to prove that the equivalent of chromium, by the hydrogen scale, should be 32, and this has been adopted by Henry and others. Thus, by the oxygen scale, the metal is 4, that of the green oxide 5, that of the acid 6'5. (Inorganic Chemistry, vol. ii., p. 331.) All the compounds of chro- mium are distinguished by their brilliant colors, whence is derived the name of the metal. Symbols: chromium, Ch; oxide of chromium, Ch ; chromic acid, Ch. VANADIUM was discovered in 1830, by Sefstrom, and has since been found by Professor Johnston in vanadiate of lead. It is extracted by complicated processes, and is but indistinctly characterized as a metal. In color it resembles silver, or rather molybdenum ; it is extremely brittle, and unites with oxygen, according to Berzelius, in three proportions, forming the protoxide, the deutoxide, and the peroxide, or vanadic acid, METALS. C1X composed respectively of 1 atom of vanadium, and 1, 2, and 3 of oxygen. The equivalent of the metal is about 68-, or 85 of the oxygen scale. Its symbol is Vn ; that of the acid, Vn. MOLYBDENUM, discovered by Scheele in 1778, is a white, brittle, and very infusible metal ; its specific gravity about 8'6; it is easily oxidizable, and has three degrees of oxidation, one of which is acid. In the protoxide, peroxide, and molybdic acid, 48 molybdenum are respectively united with 8, 16, and 24 oxygen. It combines also in three proportions with sul- phur; and the bisulphate, composed of 2 atoms sulphur and 1 atom molybdenum, is the common ore of the metal. Molybdic acid is represented by the equivalent 72, or by 9, according to the oxygen scale. It forms a native combination with lead. The equivalent of the metal, by the oxygen scale, is 6; sym- bol, Ml; that of the acid, Ml. TUNGSTEN, discovered by Scheele in 1781, is a metal, not found pure in nature, but obtainable by chemical operations ; it is of a greyish-white color; has considerable lustre; is brit- tle, and infusible except at an intense heat. It has the high specific gravity of 17'5. With oxygen it forms two com- pounds, the dark brown oxide, consisting of 100 tungsten and 16 oxygen, and the yellow, or tungstic acid, constituted of the same proportion of metal and 24 oxygen ; or, according to the oxygen scale, the former consists of 1 proportion of metal (12 5) united with 2 proportions of oxygen, and the latter of the same proportion of metal with 3 of oxygen. This last forms a native combination with lime, and also with iron and manganese. Its equivalent is 15 5 ; its symbol Tn ; that of the metal Tn. COLUMBIUM, or TANTALUM, discovered by Hatchett in 1801, is a very rare metal, existing chiefly in tantalite and yttro-tan- talite. When extracted by chemical processes, it has the form of a grey powder, which, by pressure, acquires a metallic lus- tre, and then exhibits an iron-grey color. This metal takes fire when heated in contact with air, and burns into columbic acid, which is constituted of 182 metal and 24 oxygen. There is also an oxide, composed of the same proportion of columbium united with 16 oxygen. The equivalent of the metal, by the oxygen scale, is therefore 22*75. The symbol for the metal is Cl. ; for the acid, Cl. ANTIMONY has been known ever since the fifteenth century, when it was discovered by Basil Valentine. It is principally CX METALS. obtained from the native sulphuret called crude antimony. It is brittle, of a white color, with a shade of bluish grey. Its specific gravity is 6*7; it is fusible at 810 F., and, on cooling, sometimes forms crystals. If heated out of contact with atmos- pheric air, it is not volatile ; but when air is present, it inflames at a white heat, and forms an oxide, which condenses in white needles, formerly called flowers of antimony. It forms three oxides. The first, protoxide, consists of 64 metal -|- 12 oxy- gen. The other two, from combining with certain bases, have been called antimonious and antimonic acids, consisting respectively of 64 metal -j- 16 oxygen, and 64-J-20. By the oxygen scale the equivalent of the metal is 8; that of the oxide combinations, in the order above named, as follows : 1 atom metal -f- 1^ atom oxygen = 9'5 ; 1 atom metal -(- 2 atoms oxygen 10; 1 atom metal -j-2'5 atoms oxygen =. 10'5. The symbol of antimony is St (Stibium) ; that of the protoxide, St; that of the deutoxide, St. URANIUM. Klaproth in 1789 first pointed out this metal in a mineral found in Saxony, called pitchblende, from which it may be extracted by chemical processes. Its metallic proper- ties are faintly marked, but it has some lustre. It is not changed by air at common temperatures ; but, when heated in an open vessel, it absorbs oxygen, and is converted into pro- toxide. The equivalent number of the metal, arrived at by indirect processes, is not made the same by different chemists. The result obtained by Dr. Thomson is 208, or 26, if oxygen be unity, which, with one atom oxygen, forms the protoxide, equivalent 27, and with 2 atoms oxygen, the peroxide, equiva- lent 28. Symbols : for the metal, Ur ; for the protoxide, Ur ; for the peroxide, Ur. CERIUM was discovered in 1803, by Hisinger and Berzelius, in a rare mineral called cerite, and subsequently by Dr. Thom- son, in a mineral called allanite, in honor of the late Mr. Allan, who first showed it to be a distinct species. In a metallic state, the properties of cerium are very imperfectly known. Its equivalent number has been stated at 48, and it forms two oxides the protoxide, of a white color; the peroxide, of a fawn red. By the oxygen scale the equivalent of the metal is 6; that of the peroxide 7; that of the protoxide 65. The oxides enter into the composition of several mineral species.* * As the compounds of cerium, which have been hitherto examined, probably contained lanthanium and didymium, (the new elements alluded to on page xcv) it is doubtful whether its received atomic weight is the true one, and the former experiments now seem to re- quire revision. [AM. ED.] METALS cx i Symbols: for the metal, Cr; for the peroxide, Cr; for the protoxide, Cr. BISMUTH is a well-characterized metal, and can be obtained in considerable quantity. It is brittle when cold. Its color is reddish white, and it has considerable lustre ; its density about 10. It fuses at 476 F., and, when slowly cooled, crys- tallizes in octahedrons. In close vessels it sublimes, but not under a red heat. In open vessels it burns at that tempera- ture into a white volatile oxide, in which 72 of metal are united with 8 of oxygen. By circuitous processes, 2 equivalents of bismuth (=. 144) may be brought to unite with 3 equivalents of oxygen. The sulphuret is a compound of 1 equivalent of each of its elements, and is found native. The equivalent of bismuth, by the oxygen scale, is 9; symbol, Bs. TITANIUM was first found by Mr. Gregor of Cornwall, in 1791, in a mineral called menaccanite, and has since been detected in several other minerals. In 1822 Dr. Wollaston remarked it forming very small but perfect cubes in an iron slag, and it appears not to be uncommon in the refuse of iron furnaces. These small cubes have a specific gravity of 5'3 ; they are exceedingly hard and infusible, and of a copper-red color. They resist the action of solvents applied in the usual way, but, by particular management, the metal may be oxidized. The equivalent of the metal is 24. It appears to be suscepti- ble of uniting with 1 equivalent of oxygen, and also with 2, the latter constituting titanic acid, the equivalent of which, by the oxygen scale, (the metal being 3) is 5. Its symbol is Tt ; that of the metal, Tt. TELLURIUM was discovered by Klaproth, about the year 1798, in an ore of gold. When extracted by artificial meth- ods, and metallized, it is of a tin-white color, verging to lead- grey ; has considerable lustre, and a foliated or scaly fracture. It is very brittle ; fusible below ignition ; and, excepting osmium and mercury, is the most volatile of all metals. Its specific gravity does not exceed 6*1 85. It is susceptible of two degrees of oxidation, both of which exhibit acid properties. The one, consisting of 1 equivalent of tellurium and 1 of oxygen, (32 -f- 8) and the other, or peroxide, of 1 equivalent metal and ! of oxygen, (32 -(-12.) They are usually called tellurous and telluric acids. The symbol for the metal is Tl. The equivalent, by the oxygen scale, 4. The acids do not occur CX11 METALS native. The sulphurets of tellurium are analogous compounds in the proportions in which the metal and sulphur are united. COPPER has been known from the most ancient times, and, next to iron, constitutes one of the most valuable and abundant mineral treasures. In its metallic state it is of a fine red color. It is capable of considerable lustre; is both malleable and duc- tile, and has a specific gravity, varying with its purity and the processes it has undergone, from 8*434 to 9'0. At 27 of Wedgewood's pyrometer it melts, and emits fumes. It has a great affinity for oxygen, and may be converted into black or protoxide by long exposure to a sufficient heat with contact of air. This compound consists of 32, or 1 equivalent of metal with 8, or 1 equivalent of oxygen, and constitutes the bases of the salts of copper. There is also a native orange-red oxide of copper, in form of octahedral crystals, in Cornwall and else- where, and also obtainable artificially, which is regarded as a suboxide. This is permanent at ordinary temperatures, but at a red heat it is converted into the black oxide. There are also chlorides and sulphurets of copper, analogous in atomic proportions to the oxides. Copper glance (the equivalent of copper being taken at 32) is a disulphuret, consisting of two atoms of base and one atom of sulphur. The true sulphuret, consisting of one equivalent of each element, is one of the ingredients of copper pyrites, in which it exists along with protosulphuret of iron. The equivalent of copper, by the oxy- gen scale, is 4; that of its black oxide, composed of one equiv- alent of copper and one of oxygen, is 5 ; and that of the red oxide, consisting of two equivalents of copper with one of oxygen, is 9. Symbol for copper, Cp; red oxide, Cp; black oxide, Cp. LEAD. This well-known metal is of a bluish-grey color, of specific gravity 11*381, very malleable, and ductile in a small degree. It melts at 612 F., and, when slowly cooled, shoots into octahedral crystals, and sometimes into perfect cubes. It is readily oxidized when exposed at high temperatures to the air. Its protoxide, which is yellow, and known under the name of massicot, is constituted of 104 lead and 8 oxygen. The peroxide is of a puce color, and is constituted of the same proportion of metal with 16 oxygen. The beautiful red com- pound, called minium, or red lead, is not a true atomic com- pound ; but is variable as to the proportions of protoxide and peroxide which constitute it. The sulphuret, which is the most abundant source of the lead of commerce, consists of one METALS. Cxiii equivalent of lead and one of sulphur. The equivalent of lead by the oxygen scale is 13, which combines with 1 proportion of oxygen to form the protoxide, (eq. 14) and with 2 of oxygen to form the peroxide (eq. 1.5). The symbol of the metal is PI (plumbum) ; of the protoxide, PI ; and of the peroxide, PI. ORDER IV. MERCURY or QUICKSILVER, as is well known, is fluid at common temperatures. Its specific gravity at 47 F. is 13'545. At 39 or 40 below F. it becomes a solid, which may be flattened by the hammer or cut with a knife, and has the spe- cific gravity 15'612. At a temperature variously stated between 656 and 680 F. it boils, and is convertible into a vapor, the specific gravity of which exceeds, by very nearly seven times, that of atmospheric air. Mercury has two distinct oxides ; the protoxide, of a black color, consisting of 200 (1 equivalent) of mercury and 8 oxygen ; the second, or peroxide, of a fine red color, is obtained by long-continued calcination, and consists of 200 mercury and 16 oxygen. Dr. Thomson makes the equivalent of mercury one half less, or 12'5 (100 of the oxy- gen scale) ; so that the equivalent of the oxide is 13'5 for the protoxide, and 14*5 for the peroxide. Mercury also forms two definite compounds with sulphur, one of which, cinnabar, which is of a beautiful red color when powdered, and is then called vermilion, occurs native. It is a simple sulphuret, or a com- bination of 1 atom sulphur and 1 atom mercury. The symbol for mercury is H (Hydrargyrum). SILVER has a beautifully white color, and is inferior in lustre only to polished steel. Its specific gravity, after being ham- mered, is 10-51. In malleability and ductility it is superior to all the metals except gold. At 22 of Wedgewood's pyrome- ter it fuses, and by slow cooling forms crystals. It does not, like most other metals, enter in several proportions into union with oxygen, chlorine, or sulphur, but forms only one com- pound with each of those elements. In the proportion of 110 by weight to 8 oxygen, it constitutes the oxide of silver ; with 36 chlorine, the chloride; and with 16 sulphur, the sulphuret. The chloride and sulphuret are native productions, and are known familiarly as horn silver, and silver glance. Silver is represented in the formulae by the symbol Ag (Argentum). The equivalent of the metal is 13'75; of horn silver, 18*25; of the sulphuret, 1575, by the oxygen scale. The atomic weight of silver has been put down at 108 by Berzelius and others, but the experiments of Dr. Thomson led him to fix it at 110, or CX1V METALS. 13*75 of the oxygen scale : a result now confirmed by the experiments of other chemists, who have recently been investi- gating the atomic weight of this and several other metals.* GOLD is the only metal which has a yellow color. Its spe- cific gravity varies with the processes which it has undergone, but may be stated, on an average, at 19'3. It surpasses all metals in malleability and ductility. At a heat of about 32 Wedgewood it fuses, and, on cooling slowly, shoots into quad- rilateral pyramids. It is not volatile at any known tempera- ture. One of its most valuable properties is, that it may be exposed to the air for ages without change. It may, however, be oxidized by chemical processes, and unites in the proportion of 200 gold to 8 oxygen, forming protoxide; and of the same proportion of gold to 24 oxygen, constituting the peroxide of gold. The intermediate compound, or deutoxide, is supposed to be the purple substance which is formed when gold is burnt by intense heat or galvanic electricity. Only one sulpliuret is known, constituted of 200 gold and 48 (3 equivalents) of sul- phur. Dr. Thomson makes the equivalent of gold, by the oxygen scale, 12'5, or 100 by the hydrogen scale. (Inorganic Chemistry, vol. i., p. 643.) The symbol is Au (Aurum). PLATINUM. This metal was known to Wood, assay-master, as early as 1741, although its properties had not been investi- gated at a much later period. If it were more plentiful and cheap, it would be applicable, on account of its infusibility and property of resisting most chemical agents, to a variety of val- uable purposes; it is inferior in beauty and lustre to silver, but exceeds that metal and all others in specific gravity, which is between 21 and 22. Among the metals it is one of the slowest conductors of heat, and is less expansible than most of them by that agent. It is both highly malleable and ductile. It is not oxidizable, even by the long-continued action of heat and air, but may be brought to combine with oxygen by circuitous processes, which afford two well-characterized oxides. The protoxide consists of 96 (I equivalent) of platinum and 8 oxy- gen ; the peroxide, of the same weight of metal and 16 oxygen ; and there appears also to be an intermediate oxide, consisting of 2 equivalents of platinum and 3 equivalents of oxygen. There are also chlorides and sulphurets of platinum corres- ponding with the above as to equivalent proportions of their elements. By the oxygen scale, 12 is the equivalent of the *See London Chemical Gazette and Journal of Practical Chemiitry, (Part I, Decem- ber, 1842) conducted by Messrs. W. Francis and H. Croft, late students in the Universi- ties of Berlin and Giessen. METALS. CXV metal, 14 of the peroxide, and 13 of the protoxide. The sym- bol for platinum is Pit. PALLADIUM was discovered by Dr. Wollaston in 1803, form- ing distinct small fragments in the native ore of platinum. He extracted it also by complex chemical processes, which he has described in the Philosophical Transactions for 1804. In color it resembles platinum, but is of a duller white. It is malleable and ductile; its specific gravity varies from 10'972 to 11 '482. It is not fusible or oxidizable at a degree of heat sufficient to melt gold, but at a stronger heat melts, and, on cooling, affords a mass, of specific gravity 11*871. By indirect methods it combines with oxygen. Its protoxide is black, and consists of 54 (1 equivalent) of palladium, and 8 (1 equivalent) of oxy- gen ; its peroxide, also black, is constituted of 1 equivalent of metal and 2 equivalents of oxygen ; it combines with chlorine, and forms two chlorides. The equivalent of palladium, by the oxygen scale, is 6*75 ; its symbol is Pal. RHODIUM is also a discovery of Dr. Wollaston, made in 1804, and from the same source, as palladium. It has a white color, a metallic lustre, is brittle, extremely hard, and has a specific gravity of about 11. It attracts oxygen from the air when heated to redness, but it has the remarkable property of being insoluble in all acids, unless alloyed with other metals. Like palladium, it combines with two proportions of oxygen. The protoxide, which is black, and enters into the salts of rhodium, is constituted of 54 (1 equivalent) of metal, and 8 (1 equivalent) of oxygen; the peroxide, of 2 equivalents of metal and 3 equivalents of oxygen. By some chemists the equivalent of this metal is given as 52'2, and Prof. Brande, in the table of equivalents given in his valuable Dictionary of Science, records it as 45. But the experiments both of Berze- lius and Dr. Thomson seem to fix it at 54, or 6'75 of the oxy- gen scale. Its symbol is R. OSMIUM is another ingredient of the ore of platinum, in which it was discovered in 1803 by Mr. Smithson Tennant. It can only be extracted by complicated methods, which pre- sent it in the form of a black powder, susceptible of metallic lustre by friction ; of the specific gravity of about 7. It takes fire in the open air, and its oxide, which is volatile, has an acrid and suffocating odor. From the experiments of Berzelius, it seems to be capable of entering into combination with sev- eral proportions of oxygen. Its equivalent number is about CXV1 METALS. 1 00 of the hydrogen scale, or 12*50 of the oxygen. Its sym- bol is Os. IRIDIUM is another elementary metal (the fifth) which enters into the crude ore of platinum. It is evolved in the process by which osmium is separated from the same ore, and was dis- covered at about the same time in 1803, by Descotils in France, and Tennant in England. Its distinguishing property is the variety of colors which it exhibits (from iris, the rain- bow). It is a very brittle metal, susceptible, when carefully burnished, of considerable polish. It is very difficult of fusion ; but when fused in Mr. Children's experiments, with the aid of a powerful galvanic battery, it had the specific gravity of 18'68. It is oxidized by a red heat, but only when finely divided ; and it is not easily acted upon by acids. From the researches of Berzelius, the equivalent of iridium is 98, or 12*25 of the oxy- gen scale ; and it appears to have 3 degrees of oxidation. The rapid transition of these oxides into each other occasions the variable tints of iridium. Its symbol is Ir. SYSTEMATIC ARRANGEMENT ADOPTED IN THE DESCRIPTION OF SPECIES. IN the absence of that organization which so admirably serves as a guide to the generic differences in animals and plants, we must seek for some other basis on which to found an arrange- ment of minerals. No one has yet been, nor does it seem pos- sible that one should be, constructed, that is altogether satis- factory ; one in which there is not much that is arbitrary. The characters of minerals are of two kinds, Physical and Chemical : every system must be founded on one or other of these, or upon their combination. Of the Physical characters, the most valuable, because the most certain, when it exists, is Structure ; and since by it alone we may often recognise a mineral, it is highly deserving of the earliest attention of the student. There are, however, many minerals in which no regular structure is visible. If, therefore, we would depend on the physical characters, we must look for some other amongst them ; but there is none so invariable as structure. Therefore, any arrangement that is made to depend on the physical characters, can only be founded on a compari- son of a number of them ; but many, if not most, of these cha- racters, are subject to some, and often to a considerable degree of variation, even in the same substance. The physical characters, therefore, are not of that precise, invariable, and universal application which alone would justify their adoption as the basis of an arrangement. CXV111 SYSTEMATIC ARRANGEMENT ADOPTED One of the chief difficulties attendant on the plan of arrang- ing minerals according to their composition is, the uncertainty which exists in particular substances, as to what their absolutely essential constituents are. It may, however, be understood, that whatsoever enters into the composition of a mineral, that does not alter the external form and internal structure of that substance in its purer state, is not an essential element, but an accidental ingredient. Thus, among earthy minerals, the various coloring matters of quartz, and in the rhombic calca- reous spar of Fontainbleau, the sand it encloses, which is said to amount to one-fifth of the whole weight of the mineral, are only accidental ingredients. Among metalliferous minerals, grey copper or fahlerz may be cited as an instance of remark- able diversity of composition, without any alteration of external form ; for, besides copper, iron, and sulphur, it sometimes includes a proportion of arsenic, lead, silver, or antimony. Many other instances might be cited.* Another difficulty arises from the still progressive state of chemistry. Hence new analyses, whenever they offer new results, tend to a perplexity of choice, which can only be termi- nated by selecting those which have been obtained by the labors of the most eminent analysts, and are founded on the superior resources of modern analytic chemistry. But although these difficulties are attendant upon a reliance on the chemical characters as the basis of an arrangement, such an arrangement appears to be equally certain, more instructive, of more universal application, and therefore far more intelligible to the beginner, than one founded upon phy- sical characters. Assuming, then, a chemical basis for the arrangement, another point is still open for determination, namely, where to begin. Hence it becomes requisite to seek a sufficient reason for establishing (instead of beginning arbitrarily without any apparent motive) some precise order of description, founded upon an intelligible principle, and such a one as should begin with the most simple, and terminate with the most compound substances. And viewing the intimate connection existing between mineralogy and geology, it seemed that a sufficient motive might be found in this connection to determine a pre- ference. The localities of minerals tend to show that there does exist *The above remarks now require some qualification, in consequence of the new light shed upon those combinations, by isomorphism : a subject not understood when the author wrote. Thus, in grey copper, the antimony and arsenic, are as essential as the iron, and are united as isomorphous constituents. (AM. ED.) IN THE DESCRIPTION OF SPECIES. a more or less certain criterion for determining the relative ages of the earths and the metals. Some of the earths chiefly constitute those rocks which are esteemed to be of the oldest formation, while others do not enter into the composition of rocks, being found only in the veins which traverse them ; these therefore may be estimated as of later origin than the former. Of the alkalies and acids as mineral constituents, either com- bined with the earths or with each other, the former claim the precedence, as entering into the composition of the oldest rocks. Two or three of the metals occur in small quantity in the masses of some of the earlier rocks ; but in general the metals are found in veins; some in veins traversing the older rocks, and rarely or never in those of a more recent description ; others most abundantly or only in those of newer formation. As rocks are constituted chiefly of earths, and metals are principally found in veins, earthy minerals may be assumed to be of earlier origin than the metalliferous ; hence minerals appear to possess a claim to a somewhat natural order of suc- cession in our cabinets. Thus siliceous minerals are first described, because it is esti- mated that silica forms the largest proportion of the oldest arid most abundant primitive rocks, and all earthy minerals of which silica is the largest ingredient, are arranged under that head ; beginning, chemically, with silica in its purest form, and pro- ceeding to such as consist of this acid combined with some earth, as magnesia, alumina, or lime, formilfig a silicate ^f alumina, magnesia, or lime,- and afterwards to such minerals as are chiefly constituted of three or more earths, terminating with the most compound ; regarding the iron, manganese, &c. involved in many of these combinations, sometimes as acciden- tally present, and at others as essential, or combined as isomor- phous constituents, according as they are represented by the formulas. The other earthy minerals, are proceeded with in like manner ; arbitrarily selecting such as contain the rare earth glucina, and placing them under that head, except that the gadolinite, which also contains the still more rare earth yttria, is placed under the latter. Next after those minerals which consist only of one or more of the earths, succeed those in which one or other of the alka- lies is found ; to these, such of the acids as occur in the con- crete state ; then those minerals which are primarily constituted of one or more earths and an acid ; and after these those con- sisting of an alkali and an acid ; and, finally, the very few in which an earth, an alkali, and an acid, are combined together. CXX SYSTEMATIC ARRANGEMENT ADOPTED The native metals and metalliferous minerals succeed, ar- ranged according to the order of age and formation, subordi- nately beginning with the metal in its native state, when it so occurs; then its combination with other metals, when in the state of a natural alloy ; then combined with sulphur, with oxygen, and finally, as an oxide combined with an acid. The combustibles follow, beginning with sulphur, to which succeeds carbon in its purest form, and afterwards its several combinations with other bodies, as the base of the greater part of all the substances belonging to this class. The order of arrangement is therefore as follows : EARTHY MINERALS. ALKALINO-EARTHY MINERALS. ACIDS. ACIDIFEROUS EARTHY MINERALS. ACIDIFEROUS ALKALINE MINERALS. ACIDIFEROUS ALKALINO-EAUTHY MINERALS. NATIVE METALS AND METALLIFEROUS MINERALS. COMBUSTIBLES. ATOMIC CONSTITUTION OF MINERALS. WE have spoken of the atomic relations of those substances which enter into the composition of minerals, in a previous part of this Introduction. We shall now introduce the Table of Atomic Weights, &,c., and offer a few examples to exemplify to the student, the processes by which we arrive at the atomic Constitution of minerals from the results of analysis. One method of ascertaining this, is by determining the relative quantities of oxygen contained in the substances, and, by con- sequence, the relative quantities of the substances themselves, from the known proportions in which they contain it. Tables have been drawn up by Poggendorff, which render this a very simple process ; but these are not generally accessible to stu- dents.* The method adopted in the following pages, is simply to divide the quantities of the substances obtained, by their atomic weights, as given in the first column of figures in the sub- joined table. We will take, for an example, Wachtmeister's analysis of green garnet, mentioned at page 21. *See Analytical Chemistry, by Prof. H. Rose, vol. ii., French Translation. IN THE DESCRIPTION OF SPECIES. CXX1 Atoms. Ratio. 40-55 Silica, divided by 2- give 20-27 2 20-10 Alumina, " 2-25 " 8-93 ) o m , 5-00 Peroxide of iron, 5- " 1-00 J ' y ' 3 -' L 34-86 Lime, " 3-5 9-95 in - , 0-48 Protoxide of manganese, " 4-5 " 0-10 \ 1U In calculating from the quantities of oxygen, we obtain the same result, as here shown : 40-55 Silica, contain of oxygen, 21-06 2 20-10 Alumina, " " 9-38) 1ftl71 , 5-00 Peroxide of iron, 1-33 1 10 ' 71 " 1 34-86 Lime, " " 9-79 { Oft , 0-48 Protoxide of manganese, " " 11 5 It has already been shown in the table of isomorphous bodies, page Ixxxiv, that peroxide of iron is isomorphous with alumina, and protoxide of manganese with lime. These substances are therefore united in the above calculations. The atoms of silica are very nearly twice those of all the bases, and the sums of these last are nearly equal to each other. The mineral, there- fore, consists of simple silicates, or one atom silicate of alumi- na, one atom silicate of lime. Formula : AlS+CalS. Some- times the atoms of silica, or other acids, amount to more than those of the bases, in which cases we have bisilicates and ter- silicates ; and sometimes they are less, in which cases we have disilicates, trisilicates, Sfc. Numerous examples of these will be shown in the body of the work ; but we will here refer to one or two. Wiegmann's analysis of axinite, page 47, gives of Atoms. Silica 22-50 Alumina 8-44 Lime 3-57 Protoxide of iron .' 2-72 Protoxide of manganese 2-00 Magnesia 0-1 Boracic acid 0-66 Here the atoms of silica and boracic acid, are 23'16, while those of the bases, are 16'83, showing that some of the latter must be in the state of bisilicates. If 8*44 atoms of silica are combined with the alumina to form a simple silicate, there will remain 14-72 atoms alumina, to be divided among the other bases. These amount to 8'39 atoms ; but the boracic acid is supposed to be united with the lime and magnesia, and thus we have only 7'73 atoms remaining. The atoms of silica are now so nearly twice those of these bases, that it is evident the latter exist as bisilicates. We have then, one atom simple silicate of alumina, one atom bisilicate of lime, iron and man- ganese. Formula : AlS+(Cal, , Mn)S 2 . Berthier's analysis of Adularia (page 193), divided by the atomic weights, gives these numbers : Atoms. Silica 32-1 11-3 Alumina 8-17 2-9 Potash 2-82 1- CXX11 Here the atoms of silica are almost exactly three times as numerous as those of the bases, while those of the potash, are to those of the alumina, nearly as 1 to 3. Pure felspar, there- fore, consists of three atoms tersilicate of alumina, one atom tersilicate of potash. Formula: 3A1S 3 +KS 3 . If we take Andalusite (page 118), we have very nearly two atoms of alumina to one atom of silica, or a disilicate of alumina. And if we take Arfvvedsori's analysis of sappare (page 10(5), we have 18*50 atoms of silica, 27*77 atoms alumina ; or silica 1 atom, alumina T5 atoms. This, according to Dr. Thomson, is a subsesquisilicatfi of alumina. Formulas: A1 2 S. Al^S. Among the metals, if we take the four analyses of sulphuret of copper (page 475), the mean atoms of the metal, are 19'66, while those of sulphur, are 9'52. The proportions here being nearly as two of the former to one of the latter, the mineral is a disulphurct. Formula: Cp 2 Sl. R. Phillips 7 analysis of Varvacite (page 391), divided by the atomic weights, gives 18 02 atoms protoxide of manganese, 13-48 atoms oxygen, 4*8 atoms water ; equivalent to 8*96 atoms binoxide of manganese, 9 08 atoms sesquioxide, 4 - 8 atoms water. Or, the mineral consists of two atoms binoxide, two atoms sesquioxide, one atom water. Formula : 2Mn2Mn-f Aq. These are some of the simplest examples. There are others which are rendered more difficult in apportioning the silica, or other acids, among the bases, when the latter are numerous, and from the uncertainty of knowing which are to betaken as essential, or rejected as accidental. This renders the subject of formulas somewhat arbitrary ; and hence, both in the chemi- cal and mineralogical, we find them to vary considerably as stated by different chemists. Yet it is certain, that every pure crystallized mineral, is a chemical compound of the same con- stituents, united in the same definite proportions ; and it is the province of analysis, guided and corrected by the laws of atomic combination, to determine what these constituents are, and how they are united. It will be observed, that if the weights in the first column be multiplied by 100, they will nearly agree with the equivalents obtained by the experimental researches of Berzelius, except- ing in those cases where he doubles or changes the equivalents, to avoid the expression of half atoms, as shown by the formulae added to his numbers. It is evident that these small differences can offer no serious objections to the use of either in calculat- ing the atomic constitution of minerals from analysis ; but the formulas given in this work, have generally been obtained by employing the simple numbers in the first column. A TABLE Comprising the Names of the Substances which enter into the Composition of Minerals ; with their Symbols and Atomic Weights, or Combining Equivalents. NAMES ATOMIC WEIGHTS.* OF SUBSTANCES. SYMBOLS. Thomson. Berzelius. 6xygen=l Oxygen 100. Gold (Aurum) Au 125 124301 Silver (Argentum) Ag 1375 1351-61 Arsenic As 475 470-04 Arsenious acid As 6-25 1240-08 As 2 O 3 or As Arsenic acid As 725 1 440-08 As 2 O 5 or As Ammonia Am 2-125 214-47 Alumina Al 225 642-33 A1 2 O 3 or Al Boron B 1 * 136-25 Boracic acid B 3 436-20 BO 3 or B Barytes Br or Ba 9-5 956-88 Bismuth Bs or Bi 9 886-92 Oxide of Bismuth Bs 10 986-92 Bromine Bro 45 . 48915 Cadmium Ca or Cd 7 696-77 Carbon C 0-75 76-44 Carbonic acid c 275 276-44 Chromium Ch or Cr 4 35182 Oxide of Chromium Ch 5 1003-63 Cr 2 O 3 or r Chromic acid Ch 6-5 651-81 Columbium (Tanta.) Cl or Ta 2275 230743 Columbic acid Cl 2575 2607-43 Lime (Calx) Cal 3-5 356-02 Cerium Cr or Ce 55 574-70 Protoxide of Cerium Cr 6-5 674-70 Peroxide of do. Cr 7 1449-49 Ce 2 O 3 or e * These atomic weights have been selected from Dr. Thomson's System of Inorganic Chemistry, vol. i. p. 713, seventh edition, 1831 ; and from Berzelius' Theorie des Propor- tions Chimiques, edition for 1835. They represent only those substances which most directly concern mineralogy. (AM. ED.) CXX1V SYMBOLS AND ATOMIC WEIGHTS. NAMES OF SUBSTANCES. SYMBOLS ATOMIC WEIGHTS. Thomson. Berzelius. Oxygen=l Oxysren=100. Cobalt Cb or Co 3-25 368-99 Oxide of Cobalt Cb 425 468-99 Copper Cp or Cu 4 395-70 Red or suboxide ) of Copper J CP 9 891-39 Black or protox- ) ide of Copper ) CP 5 495-70 Chlorine Chi or C 45 442-65 Iron (Ferrum) ForFe 35 33921 Protoxide of Iron F 4-5 43921 Peroxide of Iron F 5 978-41 Fe 2 O3 rJPe Fluoric acid Fl 2375 246-30 Glucina G 325 962-52 G 2 O 3 or " Mercury (Hydrar.) Hor Hg 125 1265-82 Iridium lorlr 1225 123350 Potash (Kali) K 6 589-92 Lithia L 1-75 18033 Mellitic acid Mel 6-5? Molybdenum Ml or Mo 6 598-52 Molybdic acid Ml 9 898-52 Magnesia Mg 2-5 25835 Manganese Mn 3-5 345-89 Protoxide of do. Mn 4-5 44589 Sesquioxide of do. Mn 5 991-77 Mn 2 O 3 orMn Binoxide of do. Mn 55 545-89 Muriatic acid M* 4-625 455-12 Soda (Natron) N 4 390-90 Nickel NkorNi 325 369-68 Oxide of Nickel Nk 425 469-68 Oxalic acid 6 45 452-87 Nitric acid Nt 6-75 677-04 Phosphorous Ph 2 196-14 * Phosphoric acid Ph 4-5 89228P 2 O 5 orfi Lead (Plumbum) PI or Pb 13 129450 Protoxide of do. PI 14 139450 Peroxide of do. PI 15 1494-50 Palladium Pal or Pd 6-75 665-90 Platinum Pit or Pt 12 123350 SYMBOLS AND ATOMIC WEIGHTS. cxxv NAMES OF SUBSTANCES. SYMBOLS. ATOMIC WEIGHTS. Thomson. Berzelius. Oxygen=l Oxygen=100. Rhodium R 675 651-39 Silica S or Si 2* 577-31 SiO 3 orSi Sulphur SI or S 2 201-17 Sulphuric acid SI 5 501-16 Selenium Sel or Se 5 494-58 Selenic acid Sel 8 794-58 Antimony (Stibium) St or Sb 8 806-45 Protoxide of do. St 9-5 1912-90 Sb 2 O 3 or Sb Deutoxide of do. St JO 2012-90 Sb 2 O orSb Tin (Stannum) StaorSn 725 735-29 Oxide of Tin Sta 8-25 835-29 Strontian Str 6-5 64729 Tellurium Tl or Te 8 801-76 Tungsten (Wolfm.) TuorW 12-5 1183-00 Tungstic acid tu 155 1483-00 Titanium Tt or Ti 325 303-66 Titanic acid tt 525 503-66 Thorina Th 8-5 844-90 Vanadium Vn 8-5 856-89 Vanadic acid Vn - 1156-89 VO 3 orV Uranium UrorU 26 2711-36 Protoxide of do. Ur 27 2811-36 Peroxide of do. Ur 28 5722-72 U 2 O 3 or F Water AqorH M25 112-48 Zinc Z or Zn 425 40323 Oxide of Zinc Z 525 50323 Zirconia Zr 3-75t 1 140-40 Zr 2 3 or Zr| Yttria. Y 5-5 502-51 *The atomic weight of silicium being regarded as 1, and silica as a protoxide, or con- sisting of single atoms of its elements. But Berzelius' numbers answer to one atom base and three atoms oxygen. In dividing, therefore, by his atomic weights, these differences, as noted by the formulae, must be observed. | Considered as a protoxide, the eq. of the metal being 2'75. J The equivalent for the metal, by this scale, being 420-20. The equivalent numbers answering to hydrogen as unity, may be obtained by multi- plying any of the numbers in the first column of weights by 8. CXXV1 FORMULAE, SPECIFIC GRAVITY AND HARDNESS. v s a . 1 $ Oi *G LO co I t^ LO I I CO 10 C^ C^ Ci OQ VI fel + DQ o> O o o >_^ _ .. v_^- * J 1 (N CO FORMULA, SPECIFIC GRAVITY AND HARDNESS. CXXvii 1 a * **f "*? no * % t* no J> no o no no n CO CO ib J-S CO CO o co 1 *^3 6 no no no d no W CO ^ CO j no J13 ^ no ^ 1 CO 9 CO ^ I t = (^ CO 49 CO ^ i t^ co no i s ^ ^~* , X CO s O no 4 s * CO O 1 CO no -H GO c? d d c? CO CO CO C? d CO d w d CM d c? d d d d d cr N 02 cr . cr 4 c nL "H <1 Si CO Atomic Constituti !S 3 +CalS 3 +6Aq lS 3 +CalS 3 +6Aq !S+CalS 2 -h2Aq IS 2 +Cal 2 +4Aq IS+CalS IS+3CalS+2FS H-(Cal, F, Mn)S 2 !S 2 +2FS 2 4-2CalS IS+CalS gS 2 +FS 2 IS+fHCal+jftMg+a lS+F 2 S+Aq lS(+fMg+F)S 2 +2. !S+2CalS+MgS !S 2 +MgS 2 +3Aq is+(AMg+A?+A] IS+MgS 2 lS+(fMg+F)S 2 Aq lS 3 +BS 3 +6Aq lS*+CalS 4 +llAq lS 3 +(|Br+|Str)S 3 + S 2 co no no CO S ^ < CO CO CO CO CO CO t^ 00 CO CO CO ^ no W I C 03 ^ sa Stilbite Heulandite Davyne Laumonite CJ 2 . o O3 "O 'S 'S. N W H ^^ '* o Indianite Anthophyll Amphodelit Zeuxite . Bonsdorfite Anorthite s ^ II 1 Hydrous lo Harmotome , Morvenite Brewsterite Tabular Sp d co "* no CO i^ 00 Oi i-H CM d d CO d d ** no d d d d IS d CO CO CO CO CXXVlll FORMULA, SPECIFIC GRAVITY AND HARDNESS. g 2 i-* T O CO 01 >^CO|*O CO )<* I s * s P *o I *o I ip o COCOCO*OCb 1> 00 QO O CO CO ip CO CO OiCMCOCOCOCOC^COC^COG^COCOCOCJ^^COCOCO CO CO CO < I *-" CO ^ g o I S I g fi I 4 I J oo I QQC^ *0 O O i^ -!f rf COCOr5^tOQOO < GO o r N N S' "^^ 05 N i "5 - cr 1 EcJ M ~^~ M ^ O "^ -f ] S} n ^ ' ^ +* 4- 2 CO M I- S CO ' <^ eo *73 N I- ^2 ipSl^nQ.^oQ'oS_-DQ ^co O & S ^ S -'-^ c Stefa- crti ^^ -r 1 '? o . 'c -2 . i I . s * a) *o ^ ' ' J3 ' -g 3 ^ 2 J *S - J* g Ho -2 1 p 1 L ? 'P ^ CO -N i^coTpco^oodcbco CO l* f d CO I o Tj< *O lO t>- 00 d CO d lO CO 00 d O5 CO i O CM O "^ 1^- VO M5 cb d Tio ^ xi d CO O Oi ^ d d d CO d d d CO CO CO CO CO d d CO d d ft} 02 1 + $25 1 '. 02 i<5 ^ iv2 1 & -5 d 1 ^ + 5, ^ 5 ."t i 2, ^ M u u 5FAl+2ZAl+MnA 2(MgF)S+(AlCh)S 5AlS+Aq l^AlS+Aq i? ! ;3S "*S M I W _L + SS , oj JfSl llilifl ? + o + ^ >, >-> J5 Q PM K PH "* 4) 2 - 2 o -S, 03 --J O S C3 'S ^S S^.S N^-O^ s 1 ^ g S.-3 S- 1 cj >>ep r ociH <1a2Q*5l>Htrii^a2 8 .S 1 1 1 .S 11 2 II = -5 fr/? CB fl g oT -a >^ >^ o J2 02 Q K W O S 1 S S3 &S- 5 CO 4 s * 00 O^ SooSocoSSo g S S' S ^ CXXX FORMULAS, SPECIFIC GRAVITY AND HARDNESS. 8 i 1 . 1 ^ f . o i 10 QO 10 o t" co t" i> do cb co I^iO w ^11^-^40^ S5 4O i"" w w -CO ! C^ CO S rn 00 1 wl d -r. 5 f s !58 CO l^ 10 ^ C5 *O ^ O J> CO CO O5 CO ^ l^* *T Oi CO " c* e* ^ - + + + r+ + =0^1 1 r4 g %| %g a ^ ejillliHs. 'o 9 o3 5 U ' J5 "^ r< O S Q 'li j iJii 0) ed ^ rt 'o ^ H S S * g> Ifj i c XJ ' -15 C2 Cd n O ^ ^5 o S BJ ~ w 3 g o .S 13 fr-'p*S S M W O O S ^ o S .*5 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 GO CiO-HdCOTfiOCO 00 00 O O Ci Ci O C5 O FORMULAS, SPECIFIC GRAVITY AND HARDNESS. CXXX1 to co I "II jlplppgl*p ip *p *p cixOTfTr wcocbdcocbcocococbib CO 00 lO^ODGOOCS I 00 <* T^< ) (JQ ^ J> J^ QQ gg VQ tO ^^ o ^O t^* Oi ^0 * CI CI CI IfAlrfi 00 00 CC f^ CI CO W CI CI CI CI CI (M CI CI CI CI O2 02 02 k> M I? O2 M ^se 2^ t i OT 5v f^s ?a-ia ^ + ^ ' oS oihl^H 02 TT * +++ M jy) N 02 S 02 02 -3 O2 13 52, S CI ft + 02^ 0^52 ajftia + + 1 02 02 02 M o" H^^ _4_ ^ i 4- rl 2 ^^ ky*< jy]|-^ HH ^ + M 02 S"^ 02 5 ^ r ci & cs 4- H^Q S + 5 M 02 02 I 3(KS S 00 CO CO -3 ^ O ^ Ci CO CO CD ."^ O C^ e CJ o C *2 & ^G Ili I O CD _S O-i t^. O J PH < ^ i-5 ci co -^ xo ' >, -2 " '33 e 2 ^ 2 8 >- to 8 .2 P-i O co *^ .5 1 .S ^ PH PQ 1 1 o T3 U fa O atrobi galma 2 CD " .tJ 'O S ^3 rt 00 O O ^^ CI CO J *p I I i I s* *P I I p * I S-^s cr cr fe 1^ s^m w^^QQCQ^^^SSSS ^22^55^2 rf E^O ; ? < -3 3 '3 ' ^ ^3 -S- ^ ' ^ ^ ' ^ - 'C^-^OiCOOOCOCOCOCOC^COCOCOW *ar$S?^S? ^M 50 OQ s ^ ^ ^ ^ lO CO CO r3 g J -a w ^' 10 cd r^ od oi o" ^ od CO o ^ co FORMULAS, SPECIFIC GRAVITY AND HARDNESS. CXXXlli i -, rs lO 10 10 xO .1*1 10 10 1O s J 10 10 ss LO I u H" 10 CO Tjt I I 10 10 ^ 4^ J^ J o* cb 10 | Tf ! j u 1 CO 10 1 ! o d c? 1 a S 88 O Ol s 8 S Ol OS 00 CO 01 c^? c< o? o? 0? 0? o< CO c* CO *- O? c cr t CO ^ rr< Atomic Constitution. ' co 1 rt 3AlS 2 +NS 2 +2Aq 2A1S+NS 2 2AlS+CalS 4CalS 2 +(K,N)S 3 +3Aq 3AlS 2 +(Cal, N, K,)S 2 +6Aq ^+ 0 s 10 5 28 1 GO O T* P T^H CO 102 : M o S , .02 . o cs a 'S o O 3 -< '2 ^ o a "Q, cd 0 CO 10 c? CO 1 1 * CO ! p 10 2 O5 I 1 00 b 1 CO 22 C< CO CO ^ 2 ^5 CO 00 GO c? c< 2953- CO CO CO 35 CO CO 2529 3-262- 2933 375 !, CO 00 (^ Cl g 1 CT* ^5 0" I H* o R, HM y cr "t CO H2 2 'i "^ CL, + (^ rM 1 AlSl+6Aq Al 2 Sl+9Aq 3Al 2 Ph+5Aq AlS+2FPh+5 4Al 2 Ph+Mg 2 Aiaph-HUAq o c3 MgC+CalC (CaI,PH-C 8CalC+5MgC GCal'lph+Cal CalFI cr + 02-02 13 rt CalNH-Aq 3CalS 3 +CalB- 3CalFl+BrS CalAs+2Aq CalAs-f-lJAq o &, 0) S o O C8 J-l S 13 S ^ * KJ . S J . a, I'o J on 's *s S *e3 13 .1 S ex 13 O . Sulphate o . Aluminite , Wavellite , Cacoxenite . Azurite , Turquoise. Carbonate Dolomite. Plumbo-cal , Ankerite c^ 02 B g Anhydrous Hydrous S *-. o il g J3 Q PQ Pharmacoli Haidingeril FH C* CO ^ 10 so 1* 00 O5 E 2 CO *?f 10 S i 00 oi FORMULAS, SPECIFIC GRAVITY AND HARDNESS. CXXXV iO 1O 1O C* 1O 1O lOiOO __ 'L. .\ I -ifc -A^ ^*^ I fiov I 5 ? 10? io?l I c* I ^ I <* I *p *p ^~ I *p Ip ^C*'^C*lOt^'-( 2. cS"? S? S O .02 i ~ X : .3 -PH Li o y l *-ww * W pa p S S S S * ^ 3 Upq^^pq^i^tCai ij -S H rt 1 1 H O 0) t4_ .ts o O 15 5j rS^ a pq cd 0) PQ O O ca Cu o >- o ^ ^ J 2o 1^.1 "S -2 SQ IT c?-s .S | 's 'I 2 o _O %H tl 'S 6 >-, SW ._^ pqoiaipqpqOPHPHfaK QD CO CO CO CO iS CXXXvi FORMULAS, SPECIFIC GRAVITY AND HARDNESS. CO IO Ctt I *r I 1 1 c* 1 co - r^ O > -iOi-rjt>'-i m 02 1-2 S Oil ^ o ^ o co ^i: ^ QO* oi o w -0 CO CO CO d to ip Ip Ip II 1C s s T . .5 1 .5 . 5 J 3 1 FORMULAS, SPECIFIC GRAVITY AND HARDNESS. CXXXvii 3 s to to to CO E ed ^ to ^ 9 1 to CO CO CO t tp t tp to tp CO to to to CO 6? c* to ^, 1 ? p ) *j g 1 I CJ CS o' OQ 2 ^ .T^ & PH B _o g . t 1 O v- . S3 ? % f . ^ . 1.1 *-. *j CO g i | ' B .2 'o 1 I I I "S -, >^ = ^^ 5>^ S3 PH 22 S3 HH HH 2 ^ .2 2 ^ -c 'u .2 >* s c S3 ^ 'S rsenical Sulphure Cobalt. Danait eisto-Magnetic Ii mon Magnetic Ii O CD OJ O fcfi g ^ S .2 3 bp O *5 c PS ydrous Peroxide < monite. Brown ronstedtite . deroschisolite isingerite ., , 'S O PH S ^ m S O fa a O 02 K KH * ^^ CO ^^ to CO ^ GO o: 14 ^-i CO* pH S CXXXVlii FORMULAS, SPECIFIC GRAVITY AND HARDNESS. <* CO c* 1 1 AP 2 I -> & a cr- cb CO CO CO CO CO T* 10 -* CO J^SS* 35*1 S"? colc^ ^^oxolco^o r^^ w * CO I CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO C* CO 5 rf Q I? 2 -a "fe.a + a c- c- 3 1 ? SI CO 0] 02 cr ct ^. ^2 i" s! I cT" fe|02 ^ 02 + fe'-f- 9 - + 3 + 02 02 <^ 1 T/^ rn r^ r-. | ^ . ^ O2 O2 2 ^ " ?3 .t3 '3 I 'o >> e r2 'S o 2 M 2 < : a >> bfl c g s s OT O 2 c C cc cd tj> bD c g g .S3 s 4-i O O "^ . 8 -8 1 a .1 iri|| 02 02 H pq F-5 a < CO CO CO o CO co r^ ^ ^ >-5 ci co . s (4-4 o 2 I T3 -C! 16 cxi FORMULAS. SPECIFIC GRAVITY AND HARDNESS. i tp to co ^ to 7 L to 1 tiS o CO | to to to tp ^ 1 T}< 10 1 ! ! c? w 1 CO r* J*. CO . to 3 3 T.I Ci O S -1 T T 0) CO i/J 9 ^ CO j i i Ci >O "t 1 t>. 1-^ co to CO ^ CO "* CO CO CO O "^t 1 CO CO CO r* CO CO CO S t 1 ^ '^ H ^ . i! t! f^J fa- J ^j ^ ^~ HM | 1 ^ ^. t < '"S 1 1 S H , 1 S ct cr u L 3 P+6(Fe 3 Mn 3 )S RF 2 +3(3Ro)P 2 O 5 . M1S1 2 Sta StaSl+Cp 2 Sl+FSl 2 CalS 3 +CalTt tt 12Tt 2 Fl+F 2 Fl. S t 5Zrtt+2Crft+Cal CrS+Aq 2AlS+CrS+FS+C; 7CalFl+CrFl+YFl 1 'O2 CO I CrFl+Cr2Fl CrHFl+^Aq 2UPh+Cal u -+Ph+l 2UPh+CpHph+12A Ch BsSl a /^^N /^^ o *0 1 s ce 3 s cd ed 53 ~> cd* ' -G -C OH C 1 - o 1 PQ 3 "2 52- x 's O 02 Sphene Anatase Warvvic 'S 1 | Allanite Yttrocel Orthite ^-i cr" rt tn g Si II .! 1 1 | I 13 t> .^ ^ 6 O 02 S3 oi o tO CO S S CO CO l^ CO CO S 8? r^ ^ J3 5 FORMULAS, SPECIFIC GRAVITY AND HARDNESS. cxli *P O j> CO CO 00 CO CO CO CO !* i> CO Icid 9 Ji 8 i'Tcl Scic^^^^4|clo ^o coT?ioi>cococb cb j^ cb cbcocbc* cbi^cb .r S> CM " uBi+2PbBi._ s. BsS 1 * BsSl+2BsTel2 3BsAs+FAs As 02 02 en N en fa As 2 Sl+Cb 2 Sl, c zelius, CbSl 6^CbAs 2 +FAs2 9CbAs 3 +4FAs a CbSPi Cb 2 +As+4Aq CbSl 3 +6Aq NkSl, or, Ni NkSt NkSl+NkSt "3 B /^/^\ i M ^^ S pSP i O -3 1 r CD S-l Bismuth . f Bismuth sf Bismuth )us Arseniet of Acid . u of Arsenic. ! phuret of Arser t . "H Silicate c Telluret Ferrugin< Arsenous S 1 3 02 >*1 C m g 11 i Arsenica] bD "C JH a i-C o *-' [>. OT 3 s >H n i 2 ^ .S, S' a HH 02 Cobalt-Bl Sulphate ill o ; "3 O2 c? q> CO 1C ( O GO CO ^ tb Oi ^ b b S -^ d C* CO O W3 CO 00 4-75555 8-58-9 r. v ft c* I-H co eo e* ^ 171 I Gx *-*' ll II ^ ip p w p I *p 1 p O CO C C' O O | xp W ip p I c? co co co co co co cb T}* co 10 N cb co Tf ^o ti CO 1 lei H 00 Tf CO ^H O CO CO CO w PH H T CO co r- QO o ^ CO CO CJ tliv FORMULAS, ^O CO ^^ ^f C* | CO to to 47 GO 1> CO 4 CO CO 4 C* CM -^ ^ (n to j 3 5L 53 H - ^co 0* a P^ r o i 3 00 ^n|rj to CJ v )s> S5 CO + ^ S C3 1 CO <3 CpAs+5Aq Cp 2 As-h3Aq cr o *o ll I 3 co I CO I CO 1 CO (N '> I S CO CO CO S || CO TP CO CO CO T* 1 & i ^ CO 771 xp ip ^ si qpqp 5 C3OCD Cx 1 J> CO ^ i- I cb 0) | J S Sol p 10 o i^ IO & FH CO CO CO *O j SO .1 3 ^ 1 1 1 1 If 1 02 i i S m 8 PH 2 . rt d cd *H 43 O I-J CD *s ll 'in -O O) eC O J <^ *-< a ^ ^^ e -l-l ^ 1 O CO c^ CO -yk 'G I i, O h- GO i 88 j I s5 CO *O CO ^ u i cb 1O O O 00 CO 4O b cb T*< ib ib CO ^ CO i ^ J V t/5 , ^ ^s,^ s ^ 1 1 JGC^ I 1 | 1 4 'N^.^V^* goof CO ^ 1 - "1 ^ a 2 a* ^ 1 + a , r%^V^\ g .d n g CO 13 -N r "^ .V.T S El % O f-di M PH| PH| CM ^Q '$ N ja PH bi pLnlP4 CM oj r n tn v v 02 10 1 ^ s 0} 8 T3 > w . Aiirichalcite B S S g S S g i c? 00 00 s 00 GO CO 5$ s o ^4 t FORMULAS, SPECIFIC GRAVITY AND HARDNESS. 10 1 3 *H C* -H Tl< C* C* CO 02 g fp _ ho 3 ^_ fa u a a a a a .a -* -5 -i CL, CL, *H d co >Po I I -H -H rt C* i-< O S.-s * ^^ + II I - - S S HH g |j< JjJ O O O O <1 O O ^ o S S3 fl ^"" o ,n o *j rt OJ Q3 ai la Is -3 .2 ,3 C J 0) 02 Q PH 00 Cxlviii FORMULAS, SPECIFIC GRAVITY AND HARDNESS. t 02 ,0 H I-H g O ,3 W OH "| 02 | fe I O w I ^ s s ng the Tji e? cb co " . '3 1 1 S pq s ID K - eu o o. a. ^ - T g aT of - - I i iiTi ^ S.I 1 IPl- S, fe = J ^2 -s S i 1 g, g, .0 FORMULAS, SPECIFIC GRAVITY AND HARDNESS. ^ 40 (M I 1 4 to I 7 T I 7 i> tp tO | I I tp I ^^ CO C^ C^ ^O C^ ^ o5 C 1 ^ CO ? f e* I a i CO o I W *? 00 O tO Oi Tt< FH CO CO OPHO^H^C? O ^H CO CO CO ^H Qp CO co GO i L- r^. oo i> r-i CO CO i-< CO CO s? ^ ^2 fal fa. fa I..JP si s + 2JS, - x, A 1 1 1 : =^ ^ I 7>jf-s rg I. ^ w + + _ 03 73 .^"u 'bfi-^-- : 4 :< ^ W M # m & V w ^ V-u" OH Oi S Ij .t) $? Q. -fa ' 02 S-fa CO CO r hington v a g o *j fl-> .1^ w . co a Sa"l CJ fl .t3 1 d, oT 8 . CO CD I, *J o - w .S -3 "i VL/ S p w CO CO d ^ . f a"S ^5 d, ^ ll^tl} | ||| || O2 02 O2 PH S M cl FORMULAS, SPECIFIC GRAVITY AND HARDNESS CO O I 1 s CO CO CO CO C* CO CO C* 0 manganese. Alumina 0-2.") Ox. of manganese 25 99-375 Buchok. 98 50 Rose. Sp. Gr. 26. H.=7-0. * It is to be understood that nearly all the minerals included under this clasp, are those In which silica performs the part of an acid, and is combined in atomic proportion! with several bases, as shown by the formulse. It would have been more in accordance with 1 a EARTHY MINERALS. Pure silica, which thus constitutes all but a minute portion of rock crystal and amethyst, is composed of silicium and oxy- gen in the proportion of 48'05 parts of the former, and 5 1 'Do of the latter. By some it is regarded as a protoxide, and by others as consisting of 1 atom silicium arid 3 atoms oxygen. (See the table of atomic weights.) Of quartz there are many varieties, most of which the older mineralogists described as distinct species. Some of these differ considerably in their external characters : others nearly agree: they are all sufficiently hard to scratch glass, and, when compact enough, they give fire with steel ; they do not yield to the knife, and alone are infusible B B, by exposure to which the colored varieties generally lose their color; with carbonate of soda they fuse with effervescence into a transpa- rent glass. Quartz occurs massive and crystallized; also stalactitic, pseudomorphous, spongiform, granular, compact, &,c. Its crystals possess double refraction with one positive axis, and have the property of polarizing the rays of light into a system of single rings, first observed by M. Arago. CRYSTALLIZED QUARTZ. Berg-crystal, Gemeiner Quarz, W. Quarz Haylin,* H. There is no specific difference between common quartz and rock crystal. The latter term was formerly confined to the large transparent crystals of Madagascar, the Alps, &/c. ; but the small and even minute transparent crystals occurring in almost all metalliferous veins do not differ from rock crystal, either in chemical or external characters. The common form of crystallized quartz is a six-sided prism terminated by six-sided pyramids (fig. 6); the two pyramids joined base to base (fig. 3) without an intervening prism are less frequent. The crystals may be cleaved, presenting bril- liant surfaces, parallel to all the planes of the six-sided pyramid (fig. 3), which might therefore be considered as the primary form of quartz, but the obtuse rhomboid has been adopted as more simple : the connection between this rhomboid and the six-sided pyramids will be perceived by consulting figs. 1,2, and 3. The angles of the primary rhomboid are 94 15' and 85 45', according to coinciding measurements by the reflect- ing goniometer, taken both on cleavages and natural planes. The cross fracture is often perfectly conchoidal. From two the purely chemical arrangement adopted in this work, had such combinations been placed under a distinct head ; hut, as this would occasion a radical change in the author's plan, and almost entirely abolish the present class, I have concluded, with this explana- tion, not to alter the arrangement in the present edition. [AM. ED.] * The meaning of the term Quartz is not known ; Hyalin, from its vitreous aspect. EARTHY MINERALS. 3 pieces rubbed together in the dark, a phosphorescent light is produced, and a faint empyreumatic odor is at the same time emitted. JO. 11. 12. Fig. 1, the primary rhomboid. Fig. 2, the lateral angles replaced by triangular planes, which are complete in fig. 3, having converted the rhomboid into a dodecahedron with tri- angular planes. Fig. 4 shows the small triangular plane con- nected with four-sided planes, which are parallel with the axis of the crystal. Fig. 5, the four-sided plane complete. Fig. 6, the four-sided plane elongated, being the common crystal of quartz. Fig. 7 shows a rhombic plane on each of the lateral angles of the dodecahedron ; this very rare form has been observed among the Bornholm diamonds. Fig. 8 exhibits an irregular four-sided plane on the upper left corner of each plane of the prism of a common crystal ; if the crystal were dr iwn complete, the same plane would be shown on the lower right corner. Fig. 9. presents the same plane on the upper right corner, which frequently occurs: these planes are mostly seen in combination with the rhombic planes of fig. 7. Fig. 10 shows the replacement of the edges between the lateral and terminal planes, by four planes: these mostly occur in combi- nations of figs. 8 and 9. Fig. 11 presents one of the four planes increased, tending to a very acute six-sided pyramid capped by the common pyramid. Fig. 12 shows the replace- ment of the apex of the common pyramid by six planes, forming a very obtuse pyramid. EARTHY MINERALS. P on P 94 15' g I 133 48 H. P on k 1 or g 1 on g 2 160 5 k 2 g 3 156 30 k 3 g 4 152 20 /c4 g5 J49 20 P or g I on e 141 40 H. e on e 120 P on i 1 or g 1 on hi 165 e.g. P or g 1 on i 2 .... 151 20 P on h 3 or g I on t 4 . 151 16 h4 t 5 . 148 50 ft 5 t 6 . 142 20 b on b 125 10 P on b or g 1 on t . . . 160 15 d 2 on d 2 179 15 d 2 on g 1 179 30 The planes b b tend to an obtuse rhomboid, or, in connection with c, to an obtuse six-sided prism. The planes k 1 to 4 to acute rhomboids, or, in connection with g 2 to 5, to six-sided pyramids more acute than the com- mon one. The planes A 1 to 5 and t 1 to 6 occasionally, though rarely, occur on the same crystal. The planes n and o are always convex : del are always minute and rough. The planes oo sometimes replace only the alternate edges of the prism. The finest specimens of crystallized quartz, or rock crystal, occur in Savoy, Dauphine, and elsewhere among the Alps, forming drusy cavi'ies in mica slate; gigantic crystals have been brought from Madagascar and the Brazils; while the smaller, but often most transparent and perfect, are of frequent occurrence in metalliferous veins. Beautifully limpid crystals occur imbedded in primitive marble at Carrara, and very brilliant speci- mens at Cape Diamond, near Quebec. The species quartz does not by any means abound in varieties of crystalline form, and yet, owing to the disproportionate size of the faces, its crystals offer considerable diversity of appearance. Rock crystals sometimes present beautiful iridescences, both superficially and internally; when external, it is supposed to arise from the deposit of some metallic oxide, probably of iron; when internal, it is the refraction of light in consequence of fissures in the crystal ; and it will often be found that these fissures are straight, and parallel with one or other of the planes of the pyramid. This appearance may be produced by plunging a heated crystal into cold water; the laminae then partially sep- arate parallel to the natural joints. Another interesting peculiarity of quartz is its frequent occurrence in pseudomorphous crystals; at Schnee- burg, in Saxony, it assumes the forms of various calc-spars ; at Beeralstone, in Devonshire, those of certain fluors; at Montmartre, near Paris, that of lenticular gypsum, &c. (See table, p. Ixxxii. of the Introduction.) In Cornwall rock crystals are abundant ; but the clearest as well as the largest specimens have hitherto been obtained from the slate quarries of Delabole and the vicinity of Tintagel. They were esteemed and used for personal ornaments in the time of Queen Elizabeth; and Carew, in his EARTHY MINERALS. Survey of Cornwall (1602), thus notices them: "In blacknesse and in hardnesse they come behind the true ones; yet I have knowne some of them set on so good a foile, as at first sight they might appose a not unskil- full lapidarie." (De la Beche, Report on Cornwall, Devon, &c., p. 497.) Jn the United States the localities of this species are numerous, but New York has furnished the most beautiful and interesting crystalline forms, particularly Herkimer County. These have been described with great particularity, and numerous figures of them given, in the elaborate report of Professor Beck on the Mineralogy of New York, recently published, to which the reader is referred. They occur in the cavities of calciferous sandstone, and not unfrequently contain cavities themselves, which are occupied by small concretions of anthracite, and also by a bituminous fluid and drops of limpid water. These are sometimes contained in the same cavity, and their presence is rendered the more obvious by small bubbles of air, which move to and fro, as in a spirit level, by alternately changing the position of the crystal. Crystals of quartz are occasionally found enclosing foreign crystallized substances as schorl, asbestus, actynolite, crystallized titanite, and spec- ular oxide of iron. The most remarkable specimen containing titanium which has hitherto been found in the United States, was discovered in New Hampshire, in a detached mass, and is now in the possession of Prof. Hubbard, of Dartmouth College. * Crystals scarcely less remarkable, but of a smoky color or topaz yellow (Caringorm), and enclosing long, slender, prismatic crystals of schorl, have been found in Nova Scotia. One of this character, in the collection of the American editor, weighs 90 pounds. The crystals from St. Lawrence County, N. Y., as well as some of those from Herkimer, present the common pyramids, without the intervention of the prism, forming the doddcaedra of Hau'y, the derivation of which from the primary, is shown in fig. 2. In a few instances, individuals from the former locality present the primary rhomboid almost perfect, or having its lateral angles replaced by tangent planes r, and also by the small triangular planes z resting on the upper edges of the rhomboid, as seen in fig. ]3, and also in small fig. 4. A remarkable specimen of this form, upwards of one inch in length, was in the collection of Mr. Lukins of Philadelphia. It came from Lake George. A form yet more rare from this locality, the unibibi- naire of Haiiy, was described several years since by Dr. Troost, in vol. ii. Jour. Jlcad. Nat. Sci., and is now figured by Prof. Beck as having the alternate solid angles of the prism replaced by rhomboidai faces, as in the Fig. 13. * Since discovered in place by Dr. C. T. Jackson in the lime quarries of Orford and Lyme, N. H. See his lleport on the Geological Survey of the State. G EARTHY MINERALS. rhombifere of Haiiy. But a single example of this combination has been observed by them. (See fig. 14.) P, and the adjoining planes z, incline upon o at an angle of 128 20', P or z on s, 151 7'. Shepard (Mineralogy, p. Fig 15. Fig. 16. 142) has cited American localities of one or two rare forms to which dis- tinctive names have been given by Haiiy, two of which are here repre- sented in figs. 15 and 16, the latter having the edges of the pyramids EARTHY MINERALS. 7 truncated (dmargind of Haiiy). P on o 160 15', o on o 125 1(X: cor- responding to P on b, or g I on c, and 6 on b of the large figure by Phillips. P on/or z on/ 141 40'. Fig. 17 is a rare example from Middleville, Herkimer County, N. Y., cited by Professors Beck and Shepard ; P on a 145 22', c on a 159 50", c on P 165 30', z" on a 111 15', z on a 137 61', z on c 145 30', a on c 175 30'.* Examples of the form of fig. 13 have been found at Chesterfield, Mass. ; they have also been brought from Nova Scotia and New Holland, in both instances attached to masses of trap rock. Perfectly transparent crystals of the dodecahedral form have also been found in Nova Scotia. Many of the specimens from Herkimer, N. Y., offer beautiful examples of the postnatal compositions mentioned in the Introduction, p. liii., and their appearance is sometimes most unique and fantastical. Interesting examples are presented in figs. 18 and 19, in which it will be observed that the small crystals are united to the larger ones by the contact of similar planes, and that the similar planes of both are parallel with each other. Rarely has a small crystal deeply penetrated the side of a larger one, and may be removed, leaving a perfect impression of its form. Fig. 20 represents a form but rarely found at Middleville, in which the planes P' and z' are unduly extended, thus nearly approximating to the prismi sphallolde as figured by Haiiy. t P on r 141 40', P on z 138 48', r on z 141 40', r on s 142, P or z on s 151 7'. The following sub-species have been distinguished: 1. AVANTURINE. Quarz hyalin avanturine, H. A variety of quartz rock, including small laminaB of mica, which, when polished, presents a shining spangle-like appearance. The most common color of the base is brown, or reddish brown, enclosing spangles of a gold color, as in the variety from Cape de Gatte in Spain; occasionally it exhibits a fine green tint. 2. PRASE. Quarz hyalin vert-obscur, H. This variety pos- sesses a dark leek-green color (whence its name from the Greek). It only occurs massive, with amphibole, principally in the iron mines of Breitenbrunn, in Saxony. In the U. S. it is abundant at Cumberland, R. I., and encloses acicular and asbestiform actyriolite, to which it appears to owe its fine color. 3. MILK QUARTZ. Quarz hyalin laiteux, H., and ROSE QUARTZ. Quarz hyalin Rose, H. Occur massive, and are only distinguished by their color; the former, as its name denotes, presents a milky aspect, while the latter has frequently a fine rose-red tint, which is supposed to be derived from a mi- nute admixture of manganese. It occurs in granite at Raben- stein in Bavaria, at Abo in Finland, and has numerous locali- ties in the United States. 4. VIOLET QUARTZ. AMETHYST. Quarz hyalin violet, H. Amethyst chiefly differs from common quartz in its color, which is purplish violet, supposed to be derived from a minute propor- * Several of the measurements by Haiiy do not exactly correspond with those of similar planes by Phillips, but the latter are to be regarded as the most accurate, having been obtained by means of the reflecting goniometer. [AM. ED.] t Fig. 18 is given on the authority of Prof. Beck. Figs. 19 and 20 are drawn from crys- tals in the possession of the editor. The former is about six inches in length. 8 EARTHY MINERALS. tion of iron and manganese, which it contains ; it becomes white and opalescent by long exposure to heat. The best amethysts are brought from Cambay in India, from Siberia, Ceylon, and Persia, where they are found both lining the cav- ities of geodes, and in rolled masses. Of inferior transparency and hue, they occur in Sweden, the Hartz, Bohemia, Transyl- vania, in agate balls at Oberstein in Germany, in large crystal- line groups near Cork, and in Brazil. Amethyst is a very common mineral in the trap rocks of Nova Scotia, as at Par- tridge Island and Cape Blomidon, where it frequently forms geodes of projecting crystals, over which are implanted very perfect crystals of heulandite and apophyllite. The finest purple variety is found on Digby Neck in rolled masses on the shore of St. Mary's Bay. In the United States, the trap rocks of Connecticut and Massachusetts also furnish specimens. At Bristol, R. I., pale colored crystals of amethyst are found in decomposing granite, and contain cavities partially filled with a fluid substance. Fine crystals have also been found in Delaware County, Pa. But amethyst, in crystals of large size and deep color, is comparatively rare in the United States. A crystal in the cabinet of Mr. Allen contained four cavities par- tially filled with a fluid resembling naphtha, which, on being heated to 83, would entirely fill the cavities, and, on cooling, reappear, accompanied by apparent ebullition. 5. YELLOW QUARTZ. Quarz hyalin jaune, H. Is of various shades of yellow, and nearly transparent. Splendid specimens have been found at Cairngorum, in Inverness-shire, whence the trivial name frequently applied by lapidaries to this variety. 6. BROWN QUARTZ. Quarz hyalin enfume, H. Closely allied to the last, but less transparent, and more common. 7. FERRUGINOUS QUARTZ. Eisenkiesel, W. Quarz hyalin rubiginex, H. Iron flint, J. This variety presents several shades of yellow and red, and occurs both massive and crystal- lized. It is opake, gives sparks with steel, and consists chiefly of silica, with about 5 per cent, of iron. Eisenkiesel is found in Bohemia, in iron-stone veins in the Hartz, and at Altenberg in Upper Saxony. 8. RADIATED QUARTZ occurs in crystals which are closely aggregated, and which radiate from a point. 9. FIBROUS QUARTZ is produced when the composition pre- sents thin columnar particles. The cat's-eye is a variety of this, interspersed with thin filaments of asbestus, which, when the stone is cut en caborhon, presents a peculiar opalescent, or (as the French term it) chatoyant streak of light. It is usually of a greyish or greenish color, but often brown and red ; it con- EARTHY MINERALS. 9 tains small portions of alumina and lime, derived from the as- bestus which traverses its mass; is generally translucent, and is frequently employed as an ornamental stone. Its principal localities are Ceylon arid the Malabar coast. 10. SPONGIFORM QUARTZ. Schwimmstein, W. Float-stone, J. The quartz ncctique of Haiiy is described as occurring in beds of flint in chalk, at St. Ouen near Paris. It presents a spongy or porous appearance; consists of numerous minute white or greyish-white crystals; scratches glass; and, as its name indicates, possesses the property of swimming on water, at least until the air contained in its numerous cavities is dis- placed. It has also been observed under different forms in some of the Cornish mines. It consists, according to Vauque- lin, of 98 silica, and 2 carbonate of lime. In the massive state, quartz is a most abundant mineral, forming extensive veins in primitive and transition rocks, and being consequently diffused over almost every quarter of the globe. White silica sandstone, or granular quartz, is almost pure silica, or contains only minute portions of foreign matter united with it as a mechanical admixture. Near Villa Ricca in Brazil, a variety of sandstone occurs in thin strata, which is remarkable for its flexibility, a property apparently arising from small scales of mica disposed throughout its mass. The minute particles of pure white sand are likewise quartz in a state of disintegration, resulting from the destruction of this species. Such are the sands of the coast of Norfolk, and of Alum Bay in the Isle of Wight, so largely used in the making of glass: a somewhat similar sand is found in the caverns of Reigate in Surrey. 11. FLINT consists of about 98 per cent, of silica, with minute proportions of oxide of iron, lirne, alumina, and water. Kla- proth. Specific gravity about 259. It is of various shades of grey, yellow, and black. It is somewhat harder than common quartz, which it scratches; is rarely laminated, and therefore may be broken with nearly equal ease in every direction : is brittle when first taken from the native bed, but becomes harder by exposure; has a flat conchoidal fracture, and feeble lustre: thin fragments of the black varieties are very translucent and sharp. It is infusible, but whitens and becomes opake when exposed to heat. In the chalk formation it occurs in regular beds, and con- sists either of nodules or flat tabular masses; the cliffs near Dover present fine examples of this. Flint is also abundant in alluvial deposits in the neighborhood of chalk, as in France and the north of Ireland. It is often found enclosing sponges, 10 EARTHY MINERALS. alcyonia, echinites, and other fossil remains. By exposure to the action of air and water it becomes yellow, and is then termed ferruginous flint ; such for the most part are the flints of our gravel beds, which have been rounded by attrition. 12. CALCEDONY * presents various shades of white, grey, yel- low, brown, green, and blue, the color for the most part being uniform. It occurs massive: forming veins; in nodules; and also botryoidal and stalactitic; but never crystallized. It is commonly semi-transparent; has an even or very flat con- choidal fracture ; is harder than flint, and is infusible ; con- sists of silica 84'0, alumina 10, by the analysis of Bergman. Specific Gravity 2'6. Splendid stalactitic specimens of this mineral were at one time found in Trevascus mine in Cornwall; Iceland and the Faroe Isles are now, however, its best known localities. It also occurs in Ceylon, in several parts of India, in Siberia, in Carinthia, Hungary, and many of the Hebrides. Pednandras mine in Cornwall has yielded it of a smalt-blue color; and a variety presenting the form of hexahedral crystals, which, how- ever, are certainly pseudomorphous, has been brought from Tresztyan in Transylvania. The most splendid masses of calcedony hitherto brought to the United States are those collected in great abundance on the shores of Desolation Island in the South Indian Ocean by the whale fishermen. They are hollow, consisting of thin crusts, which are oftentimes pure white and nearly transparent, and have their interior surfaces covered with botryoidal projections of the same color and appearance. The following are considered varieties of calcedony. 13. ONYX.! Consists of alternate layers of brown and opake white calcedony, and is that variety specially used in the formation of cameos. 14. PLASMA | is grass-green and semi-transparent, with a glistening lustre. It occurs principally in India and China, and is brought to this country in the shape of beads and other orna- ments; occasional specimens are found among the ruins of Rome. 15. HELIOTROPE or BLOODSTONE is usually deep green and translucent, with yellow or blood-red spots interspersed through * So named from the town of Calcedon in Upper Asia, where it was collected by the ancients. | According to Brongniart, " onyx veut-dire angle " (the nail) ; inferring that this stone received its name from the two colors sometimes observable on the human nail. Plasma, Greek, engraving j tho stone having been used by the ancients for that purpose. EARTHY MINERALS. 11 the mass. Its color is supposed to be derived from green earth. It is found in Siberia, Iceland, in the Isle of Rum, and else- where. Well-characterized heliotrope, consisting of a ground of green calcedony abundantly suffused with blood-red dots and delicate thread-like ramifications of jasper, has been obtained among the trap rocks of Nova Scotia. Among lapi- daries it is in considerable request. 16. CHRYSOPRASE is of an apple-green color; translucent; massive; internally somewhat glimmering, or not quite dull; and its fracture is even, rarely approaching the conchoidal ; B B it loses its color, becomes opake, but is infusible without addi- tion. According to Klaproth it consists of silica 96'16, oxide of nickel TO, and minute portions of lime, magnesia, alumina, and oxide of iron, its color being attributed to the nickel. It has been found extensively at Kosemutz in Silesia, in veins traversing serpentine, and accompanied by calcedony, opal, quartz, and pimelite. It is much prized by jewellers, and is usually- cut into a convex form. 17. CACHOLONG is opake, of a milk or yellowish-white color ; externally dull, but internally of a somewhat pearly lustre ; it sometimes disintegrates by exposure, when it adheres to the tongue ; and B B is infusible. Its specific gravity is about 2*2, and it appears to be closely allied to hydrophane. It occurs in loose masses on the borders of the river Cach,* in Bucharia ; also with calcedony in the trap rocks of Iceland ; in the Faroe Islands; in Nova Scotia, and in Greenland. 18. CARNELiAN.f Karneol, W. Quartz agathe cornaline, H. Carnelian and agate do not materially differ. The former is principally from Arabia, India, and Surinam, where it is found in nodules of a dark grey color. These are first exposed to the sun for some weeks, and then placed in earthen pots and subjected to heat, which gives them those hues which consti- tute their value in jewelry. 19. AGATR is an impure variety of calcedony, of frequent oc- currence in the vesicular cavities of amygdaloidal rocks. It presents the most brilliant and the most varied colors, and, from its hardness and compact structure, being capable of receiving a high polish, occupies a distinguished position in most collec- tions. The parallel lines which some agates exhibit, when cut and polished, much resemble those of a fortification. In oth- ers the colors alternate, as in certain ribbons. A variety from Saxony presents a brecciated structure; and so forth. When ,-. , -*- - * Hence its name of Oacholong. f From the resemblance of its color to that of flesh. 12 EARTHS' MINERALS. translucent, and containing appearances of aborization, or vegetable filaments, but which are ascribed to the infiltration of iron or manganese, it is termed Mocha-stone; this is princi- pally brought from Arabia. Moss agate is calcedony contain- ing delicate vegetable ramifications of different shades, and oc- casionally traversed by irregular veins of red jasper. The most beautiful agates are found in the trap rocks of Oberstein ; some are hollow, and are lined with crystals of amethyst; others also include harmotome. Agate is also found in Saxony, Bohemia, Silesia, Italy, Siberia, and India. The Hill of Kinnoull and the Isle of Skye are well-known Scotch localities. Specimens recently brought from Nova Scotia will vie in beauty with any from the most noted Euro- pean localities. A collection was also brought, a few years since, from New Holland, which comprised rare and beautiful forms of moss agate, with botryoidal green and white calcedony. Agate is used both as an ornamental stone, and for cups and mortars by the chemist. The facility with which certain of its lines imbibe moisture enables the lapidary, by boiling it first in oil and then in sulphuric acid, to give it much the resem- blance of the onyx. 20. COMMON JASPER, in a chemical point of view, only differs from agate in containing a larger portion of iron; mineralogi- cally, it is for the most part readily distinguished by its opacity. Its prevalent colors are yellow, brown, and red of various shades, and sometimes green; occasionally intermixed, or in spots and irregular veins. It has often a resinous lustre, but is sometimes dull; its fragments are rarely translucent on the edges; is hard, and frequently brittle, and does not fuse B B. It occurs in many parts of the Continent, in veins and beds both in primitive and secondary mountains; also in Cornwall, in the Pent! and and Moorfoot Hills, and in other parts of Scot- land; also in Nova Scotia. 21 STRIPED JASPER, or RIBBON JASPER, presents green, yel- low, and red colors, of various shades, the most beautiful variety being composed of equal and parallel layers of these colors. It occurs principally in the Ural Mountains of Siberia, in Sax- ony, and in Devonshire. Variously colored varieties are found in Nova Scotia. 22. EGYPTIAN JASPER, or EGYPTIAN PEBBLE, occurs in round- ish masses which are externally rough, and generally of a brown color. Internally it exhibits a lighter hue, which sometimes approaches to that of cream, around which are disposed irreg- ular zones or bands of brown, sometimes intermixed with nearly black spots, and also with dentritic appearances. It is EARTHY MINERALS. 13 found, according to Dr. Clarke, in abundance, together with masses and detached fragments of petrified wood, scattered over the surface of the sandy desert eastward of Grand Cairo, even to the borders of the Red Sea. 23. PORCELAIN JASPER, or PORCELLANITE, is also by some mineralogists considered a variety of this species; but it is merely clay indurated by heat. It is compact, massive, and opake; presents sometimes a slaty structure, with a vitreous, uneven, conchoidal fracture, and has either a bluish grey, or a light fawn color. It melts BB into a semi-transparent enamel, and is therefore quite distinct from any of the jaspers. It occurs principally in the neighborhood of coal searns which have been in a state of combustion, and is abundant around Carlsbad in Bohemia. 24. HORNSTONE. A green-colored soft hornstone, used for the setting of lancets, yielded to Faraday, silica 71*3, alumina 15'3, protoxide of iron 9'3, and a trace of lime. This substance occurs massive, in nodules, and pseudomor- phous. The massive has a splintery or somewhat conchoidal fracture, and is translucent or opake; is dull, or has a glim- mering lustre; is scarcely so hard as quartz, and is infusible. Its general color is grey, which is tinged blue, green, brown, red, or yellow. In appearance it closely resembles compact felspar: hornstone, however, is infusible; felspar is fusible. Hornstone is found in round masses in limestone in the Tyrol, forming veins in Hungary and Sweden, and presenting remark- able pseudomorphous crystallizations in Saxony and Bohemia. It is by most mineralogists classed with flint. The United States can scarcely be said to furnish their pro- portion of localities of the several varieties last described, prob- ably from the rare occurrence of trap rocks, in which they most abound. A beautiful green chrysoprase is found in ser- pentine at New Fane, Vt. ; prase penetrated by actynolite at Cumberland, R. I. ; rose quartz at Acworth, N. H , Paris and Topsham, Me., Southbury, Ct., Williamsburg arid Chesterfield, Mass. Carnelian and agate are rarely found in the trap rocks of Connecticut and Massachusetts, but a deep red jasper is abundant at Saugus, and a yellow variety, with calcedony, is found at Chester, Mass. ; hornstone, in rolled masses, is not un- common; calcedony, common and onyx agate, with red jasper, occur plentifully along the shores of St. Mary's River and Lake Superior, loose and imbedded in amygdaloid. Hollow globular masses of reddish brown and yellow botryoidal calcedony occur at Tampa Bay, Florida. A very beautiful ribbon and agate jasper has been discovered by Dr. Jackson, near Machias, Me., 2 14 EARTHY MINERALS. where it is obtained in huge sheets and is wrought for orna- mental purposes. The trap and basalitic rocks west of the Rocky Mountains, which have been recently explored by Dr. Parker, abound with most of the varieties above enumerated, particularly jasper, agate, and carnelian ; and they are asso- ciated with the various zeolite minerals so common to these rocks, but which, we regret to say, are but incidentally alluded to in his journal. 25. KILPATRICK QUARTZ. Dr. Thomson has given this name to a variety of this species which is found in the trap rocks of Kilpatrick Hills, in the vicinity of Glasgow. Its principal peculiarity is that it occurs in small globular masses, sometimes in perfect spheres, " consisting of an aggregation of crystals, the forms of which cannot be made out; but the exterior ter- mination of each, when examined under the microscope, ap- pears to be a four-sided pyramid. So that each of the spheres is studded with small microscopic four-sided pyramids. It contains 3 per cent, of water, with a trace of sulphuric acid, and is rather lighter than common quartz. It is white and translucent." (Outlines of Mineralogy, &,c., vol. i., p. 66.) In Nova Scotia the same variety is found in cavities of the amygdaloid, sometimes lying loose from the rock, and showing but a minute point by which the sphere was once attached to it, while in the process of forming. It consists of radiating prisms, proceeding from a common centre, and terminating in pyramids externally, but of the usual form. OPAL. Opal, W. duarz Resinite, H. Silex Opale, Bt. Uncleavable duartz, M, Hyalus Opalinus, D. Opal, like quartz, consists chiefly of silica and water; but analysis generally indicates a greater quantity of the latter than in quartz. Its occasional resinous lustre is probably the ori- gin of Hau'y's appellation. None of its varieties are sufficiently hard to give fire with steel. Specific gravity 2'09 to 2'35. 1. PRECIOUS OPAL. NOBLE OPAL. Edler Opal, W. Quarz resinite opalin, H. This beautiful mineral is of a white, bluish, or yellowish-white color, and, when viewed by trans- mitted light, is yellow. It exhibits brilliant and changeable reflections of green, blue, yellow, and red. This play of colors has not been satisfactorily accounted for; Sir D. Brewster sup- poses it to be owing to the refraction and reflection of light in certain openings in the interior of the mass, which are not fis- sures, but possess a uniform shape. It is translucent ; frac- ture conchoidal, with a vitreous or resinous lustre; easily EARTHY MINERALS. 15 broken, but scratches glass. B B it decrepitates, and loses its colors. The Hungarian consists, according to Klaproth, of 90 silica and 10 water : this water, however, is believed (in com- mon with the water found in some other silicious minerals) to be hygrometric, and therefore to vary with the state of the atmosphere. It occurs, accompanied by common opal, imbed- ded in porphyry, at Czervenitza in Hungary ; in trap rocks in the Faroe Islands; at Freyburg, in Saxony, and at Gracios a Dios, in the province of Honduras, in America, whence it has been brought in specimens of considerable size and of great splendor, the color being milk-white with a faint shade of blue. Small fragments of what appear to be trachite were attached to the specimens which have been brought from this place into the United States. 2. FIRE OPAL. Quarz resinite girasol, H. Silex girasol, Bt. Is found with the noble opal in Hungary, but is much scarcer. It differs from the precious in possessing only bright hyacinth-red and yellow tints when turned towards the light. It occurs principally at Zimapan in Mexico, in the Faroe Islands, and (accompanying the opal just described) from Gra- cios a Dios in Honduras. Also in Guatemala. " Humboldt first made known the rich repository of this mineral in Mex- ico, and one of the most magnificent specimens ever obtained was deposited by him in the Royal Mineralogical Cabinet at Berlin. It occurs in trachytic porphyry." (Feuchtwanger on Gems.) 3. COMMON OPAL. Gemeiner Opal, W. Quarz resinite commuri, H. Silex resinite, Bt. Presents various shades of white, green, yellow, and red, but is entirely devoid of the play of colors peculiar to noble opal. In hardness, translucency, fracture, and specific gravity, it corresponds; and its constitu- ents are, 92'0 silica, 7-75 water, and 0'25 oxide of iron. It occurs abundantly at Telkobanya and elsewhere in Hungary, forming short irregular beds which traverse porphyry ; in Farce occupying the cavities of amygdaloidal rocks; in Ireland, at the Giant's Causeway; and in many parts of the Hebrides. 4. SEMI-OPAL. Halb-Opal, W. duarz resinite hydro- phane, H. ? Differs from the last in being more opake : the translucency, however, of some varieties is increased by im- mersion in water, particularly when in thin fragments. It oc- curs of various shades of white, grey, yellow, brown, and green. When compact, the fracture is flat conchoidal. According to Klaproth, it consists of 85 silica, TO carbon, 1'75 oxide of iron, 8 ammoniacal water, and a small portion of bitumen. It 16 EARTHY MINERALS. is found in amygdaloid in the Faroe Isles, Iceland, &,c. asso- ciated with common opal ; also near Frankfort, in some of the metalliferous veins of Cornwall, and in the trap of Nova Scotia. 5. WOOD-OPAL. Holz-opal, W. duarz resinite xyloide, H. This variety is remarkable for its ligneous appearance. It presents several tints of white, grey, brown, and black ; and in fracture, translucency, and lustre, does not materially differ from semi-opal, although somewhat harder. It occurs occa- sionally, forming large trees, in the pumice conglomerates of Neusohl and Kremnitz in Hungary ; in trap rocks in Transyl- vania and the Faroe Islands; and in Van Diemen's Land. 6. FERRUGINOUS OPAL. Opal-jasper, W. Jaspe-opal, Br. Jasper-opal, J. The ferruginous is distinguished from com- mon opal by its colors, which are deep shades of red, yellow, and grey; and by being opake, or only feebly translucent on the edges. Its fracture is flat conchoidal. B B it does not be- come white. A variety from Telkobanya yielded to Klaproth silica 43'05, oxide of iron 47*0, water 7*5. It occurs in por- phyry near Telkobanya and Tokay in Hungary ; in the Saxon Erzebirge; at Dominica; and in St. Helena. 7. HYDROPHANE. duarz resinite hydrophane, H. A variety of opal devoid of transparency, but assuming it when immersed in water or any other transparent fluid (whence its name, from the Greek); emitting at the same time numerous globules of air, and becoming considerably heavier. It adheres to the tongue, and consists, according to Klaproth, of 93'1 silica, T6 alumina, 5'0 water and inflammable matter. It occurs in Hun- gary, in Bucharia, and at the Giant's Causeway, in small masses resembling mountain cork, which are quite opake until im- mersed in water, when they dilate and become translucent. 8. MENILITE. duarz resinite subluisant, brunatre, H. Menilite is a variety of semi-opal, occurring in compact reni- form masses of a brown color ; structure slaty, somewhat trans- lucent, and found in beds of adhesive slate at Menil-montant, near Paris. From the resemblance of its darker varieties to pitch, it is sometimes called the pitchstone of Menil montant. It consists, according to Klaproth, of 85'5 silica, 1 alumina, 11 water and inflammable matter, with small proportions of lime and oxide of iron. 9. HYALITE.* MULLER'S GLASS, duarz hyalin concre- tionne, H. It occurs in white and transparent botryoidal masses, or in stalactites; has a vitreous lustre, is brittle, but is * From the Greek, in allusion to its glassy appearance. EARTHY MINERALS. 17 as hard as quartz. Specific gravity about 2'4 ; B B it is infusi- ble by itself, and consists, according to Bucholz, of silica 92, water 6'3, with a trace of alumina, or nearly 8 atoms silica to 1 atom water. This singular mineral is chiefly found investing or lining the cavities of trap or basaltic rocks. It occurs in amygdaloid near Frankfort-on-the-Maine, at Schemnitz in Hungary, and imbedded in clinkstone at Waltsch and other places in Bohemia. In the United States a mineral which resembles hyalite, and is regarded by some as fused quartz, is found at several places in St. Lawrence County, N. Y. Many of the rounded masses which occur with phosphate of lime, &c., at Hammond, have the characteristic appearance of the Bohe- mian hyalite. In Putnam County, N. Y., hyalite of a light blue color is found in the coatings on granite at the Phillips ore bed, associated with green malachite. / 10. SILICIOUS SINTER. Kieselsinter, W. Quarz agathe con- cretionne thermogene, H. Consists of silica 98*0, alumina 1*5, iron 0'5 Klaproth. Specific gravity about 1*8. The com- mon colors of this mineral are white, greyish white, and yellow. It is light, brittle, dull, commonly porous, with a fibrous tex- ture, although sometimes sufficiently compact to admit of a conchoidal fracture; lustre pearly. Per se, infusible' B B. It occurs abundantly around, and is deposited by, the hot springs of Iceland, the Isles of Ischia, St. Michael, &/c. It is some- times in stalactitical shapes, the surfaces of which are studded with minute pyramids of quartz crystals. The variety from St. Michael, named Michaelite by Dr. J. W. Webster, is, according to his analysis, a pure hydrated silica. It is found with the other varieties, lining cavities, and in masses com- posed of long and delicate fibres, which cross and interlace each other, so as to form a beautiful network. Its color is snow-white, and sometimes of a beautiful amethystine tint. Specific gravity 1'88. (See Dr. Webster's interesting account of the Azores.) Specimens from the craters of Iceland and Teneriffe, analyzed by Dr. Kane (Elements of Chemistry, p. 52G), show that these light and spongy sinters are truly definite compounds of silica and water, answering to the formula 2 Si +Aq. A variety of this is the pearl sinter or Jiorite, which occurs in stalactitical, cylindrical, botryoidal, and globular masses, of a white, yellowish white, or greyish color; externally it is smooth and shining, internally glistening with a pearly lustre; fracture flat conchoidal ; translucent on the edges ; not so hard as quartz, and infusible B B without addition. It consists of 2* 18 EARTHV MINERALS. 96 silica, 2 alumina, and 2 lime. It occurs in volcanic tufa and pumice, in the Vicentine, the Florentine dominions, and in other volcanic districts of Italy. KARPHOLITE. Strohstein, W. Carpholite, N. Vulcanus Stramineus, D. Silica 36.15, alumina 28 67, protoxide of manganese 19'16, protoxide of iron 2'29, lime 0'27, fluoric acid I 47, water 10'78. Stromcycr. The lime and fluoric acid being regarded as accidental, its composition is thus stated by Dr. Thomson: 7 atoms silicate of alumina, 3 atoms sesquisilicate of manganese and iron, 6 atoms water; or, as expressed by the formula, 7 A1S+3 (U Mn+Tlr D S^+6 Aq. Sp. Gr. 2 935. H. = 5. The color of this mineral is generally wax or straw-yellow (hence its name from the Greek). It occurs in tufts of mi- nute, fibrous, imperfectly-formed crystals ; also massive, with a fibrous and frequently radiated structure, which is rather incoherent; and in an earthy state, probably from disintegra- tion; opake; with a silky lustre; and very brittle. B B on charcoal 'it intumesces, whitens, and fuses slowly into a brown opake glass; with borax it forms a transparent glass, which in the outer flame presents the amethystine tinge of manganese, and in the reducing flame becomes green. It is found disposed on granite, with fluor and quartz, in the tin mines of Schlackenwald, in Bohemia. ALUMOCALCITE. Leonhard. Silica 86-60, alumina 2'25, lime 6*25, water 4'0. Kersten. Specific Gravity 2 174. May be crushed between the fingers. Color milk-white, inclining to blue. Streak the same. Fracture conchoidal. Adheres strongly to the moistened lip. Yields water in the glass tube. Becomes opake and grey col- ored when exposed to heat in the platina forceps. With borax forms a colorless glass. In salt of phosphorus is soluble, with the exception of a silica skeleton. In concentrated muriatic acid it forms a transparent jelly. This substance occurs in the clefts of ironstone veins at Eybenstock in the Erzgebirge. Breithaupt separated it from opal, with which it had previously been confounded; and to him we are indebted for the above description. EARTHY MINERALS. 19 GARNET.* Dodecahedral Garnet, M. Jam. Carbunculus Dodecahedrus, D. Under this term are included several substances, consisting principally of the same elements, but united in variable propor- tions, as the silicates of alumina, lime, iron, and manganese, isomorphic bodies which have the property of replacing each other without changing the crystalline form, so that different formulas must be employed in expressing their atomic propor- tions. Sp. Gr. 3-5 to 4-3. H. = (r5 to 7'5. Dr. Thomson has attempted to show that the species garnet is a mixture, in various proportions, of the three different silicates which com- pose the varieties grossularite, common garnet, and colophonite, and are sometimes united with silicate of manganese; but to adopt this view we must exclude pyrope, of which chromic acid forms an essential constituent. More knowledge is needed in relation to this interesting class of minerals. It is sufficient to say that they all agree so far in their external characters as to present, under different modifications, the same primary form, a rhombic dodecahedron. As they are made into distinct spe- cies by some authors, the formulae have generally been added. 1. ALMANDINE. PRECIOUS GARNET. Edler Granat, W. Grenat, H. Grenat noble, Br. JBt. Combination of 1 atom of silicate of protoxide of iron, 1 atom of silicate of alumina. Formula: A1S+FS. Bohemia. New York. Engso. Silica 36-00 42-51 40-60 Alumina 22-00 19 15 19-95 Protoxide of iron 36-80 33-57 33-93 Protoxide of manganese 00 00 5-49 6-69 Lime 3-00 0-dO 00-00 97-80 Vauquelin. 101-83 Waoht'r. 101-J7 Wacht'r. Sp. Gr. 4-2. H. between 6-5 and 75. The principal color of this beautiful mineral is red of vari- ous shades, having sometimes a tinge of yellow or blue, or a smoky aspect : it is commonly translucent, often transparent. It occurs crystallized in the rhombic dodecahedron, and may sometimes be cleaved, though not without difficulty, parallel to the planes of that solid, this is therefore considered its primary form. Fracture conchoidal, with a shining, vitreous lustre. B B, per se, it fuses into a black globule, which acts upon the magnet, and with borax melts slowly into a dark glass tinged by iron. Insoluble in acid. The almandine is much esteemed as a precious stone. Its principal localities are Ceylon and Pegu, where it occurs in alluvial deposits, and Greenland, whence many fine stones * Grenat, Fr j of the color of pomegranate seeds. 20 EARTHY MINERALS. have been obtained for the purposes of the lapidary. In smaller but most beautiful crystals, it is found accompanying diopside and talc, at Ala in Piedmont; sometimes near Ely in Fifeshire; and in several parts of Bohemia. It is believed to be the common carbuncle of the ancients, though they also applied this term to the ruby, as well as to other gems.* In the United States highly perfect and polished dodecahe- drons of precious garnet are abundant in a compact hornblend- ish rock at Hanover, N. H. These rarely present any other modifications than the simple replacement of the edges by one plane (emargine of Haiiy), fig. 2 of the next variety; but at Franconia and Lisbon, in the same state, very brilliant crys- tals, with their edges replaced by three planes (tri emargine of Haiiy), as represented by the large figure under the same va- riety, accompany the beds of iron ore in the form of geodes, associated with calcareous spar, and sometimes with byssolite. In New York, on the Croton Aqueduct, near the village of Yonkers, according to Prof. Beck, it occurs abundantly in black mica and gneiss of a rose-red and dark red color, in crystals from a quarter to half an inch in diameter; and, when cut and polished, it forms a beautiful gem. A large irregular crystalline mass of this mineral, found in the same neighbor- hood, weighed about 60 pounds. 2. COMMON GARNET. Gemeiner granat, W. Grenat brun, &/c. H. Color reddish-, yellowish-, greenish-, or blackish- brown, and it differs from precious garnet in being commonly opake, or only translucent. It is found in granular masses, and crystallized in dodecahedrons, which are often considera- bly modified. Not quite so hard as almandine; fracture some- times uneven, sometimes lamellar. Fig. 1, primary rhombic dodecahedron. Fig. 2, the same, all the edges being replaced by six-sided planes, which, being further advanced in fig. 3, reduce those of the primary crystal to small rhombs ; and being complete in fig. 4, assume the form of trapeziums, forming the trapezoidal garnet, consisting of 24 similar and equal trapezoidal faces, in which no portion of the primitive planes is visible. Figs 2 and 3 have each 36 faces, of which 12 are rhombs and 24 are hexaedrons. * Moore's Ancient Mineralogy, p. 155. EARTHY MINERALS. 21 Fig. 5. P or P on P Poni. . . . P on k ... k or k on i . b or b on i . Haiiy. 120 150 160 53' 36" 169 6' 24" 155 54' 48" Common garnet is abundantly disseminated in some of the older rocks, as mica slate, serpentine, arid gneiss; and some- times in granite. It is met with in most countries in which those rocks occur, and is often so abundant as to form an im- portant ore to the iron smelter. Regular dodecahedrons of several pounds weight have been found at Fahlun in Sweden; also at. Arendal and Kongsberg in Norway ; and in the Ziller- thal, Tyrol. In the mica slates of Perthshire, Inverness-shire, Shetland, and the Isle of Mull, it is of frequent occurrence. At Schwartzenberg in Saxony, and in the Bannat, it presents peculiarly green-colored crystals ; and at Vesuvius occupies the cavities of ejected debris. In the United States common garnet is very generally dif- fused throughout the primitive rocks, and mineralogists are too familiar with its localities to require an enumeration of them. At some localities it enters into the composition of the rock to an extent almost equal to that of either of the regular ingredi- ents. For the numerous localities the student may consult Robinson's Catalogue of American Minerals. 3. PYRENEITE. Pyrenit, W. Pyrerieite, J. This variety of garnet is black, and occurs in minute but very symmetrical rhombic dodecahedrons, which glisten externally. The frac- ture is uneven. It is opake, hard, and B B loses its color, melting easily into a porous black slag. It occurs imbedded in primitive limestone, in the Pic Eres-Lids near Bareges in France, and in mica schiste in the Pyrenees. 4. GROSSULARETE, or GREEN GARNET. The following analyses will show it to be composed of simple silicates, the atoms of bases agreeing with those of silica. The iron being united to the alumina, and the manganese to the lime, their atoms become almost equal, as shown by calculation from the last analysis. The mineral is therefore a silicate of alumina and lime. Formula AlS-j-CalS. 22 EARTHY MINERALS. Norway. Wiloui. Silica 38 80 40-55 Alumina 20-40 20-10 Lime 3200 34-86 Protoxide of iron 8-35 5-00 Protoxide of manganese 00-00 0-48 99-55 Richardson. 100-99 Wilchtmeister. Sp. Gr. 3-372. H.=6-75. This rare mineral generally assumes the trapezoidal form of crystallization. It is light olive-green;* translucent or semi- transparent; hard, and brilliant externally. Its fracture is conchoidal, and its fragments possess a vitreous lustre. Its comportment B B is similar to that of almandine, only that the glass produced is of a brownish color. It occurs, with ido- crase, in a greenish grey argillaceous rock, near the river Wiloui in Siberia, and at Telmarken in Norway. 5. CYPRINE. The mineral from the last-named locality has been usually regarded as a variety of idocrase, and described under the name of cupreous idocrase, or cyprine ; but from the analysis by Mr. Richardson in Dr. Thomson's laboratory, it appears that it contains no copper, but gives the same results as were obtained by Wachtmeister, in his analysis of grossu- larite. There can be no doubt of the identity of the two min- erals.f It exhibits occasionally crystalline faces, and has a beautiful smalt-blue tinge. Its specific gravity is 3*2278. It fuses readily with effervescence into a globule which becomes black in the oxidating flame, and red in the reducing one. The analysis is above stated. 6. UWAROWITE. | CHROME GARNET. This is a rare variety of garnet, made known by one of the industrious mineralogists of Russia, and which probably should be classed here with green garnet, to which it bears a very close resemblance. In its lively green color it also resembles acherite, a variety of dioptase, but it contains no copper, and crystallizes in perfect rhombic dode- cahedrons, which are disposed on grounds of chromate of iron ; and from oxide of chrome its beautful emerald-green color is supposed to be derived. The crystals are nearly transparent. Hardness 7'5. It is rather more difficult of fusion than garnet, but it is proved to belong chemically to this class of minerals. When heated it does not give out water, nor decrepitate, nor change its color. With borax it fuses with difficulty into a *GrossuJaire, Fr. gooseberry, from its green color. f It has therefore been separated from idocrase, under which it had been classed in the previous edition of this work. No other analysis of the mineral has been published. See Outlines of Mineralogy, &c., vol. i., p. 262. [AM. ED.] J In honor of M. Uwarow, President of the Imperial Academy of Sciences, St. Peters- burg, and described by Von Hess, in vol. i. of the Trans, of the Imp. Min. Soc. of St. Petersburg, p. 131 : or PoggendorPs Annalen, xxiv. 388. EARTHY MINERALS. 23 clear chrome-green glass. It was found at Bissersk, in the Ural Mountains : also recently in one of the Russian mining dis- tricts, attached to masses of platinum. It has not been analysed. 7. APLOME. Aplome, H. Combination of 1 atom silicate of lime and 1 atom silicate of peroxide of iron. It should be observed, also, that it has the same constitution as idocrase, though in hardness and crystalline form the two minerals differ essentially from each other, a fact which we well know has other analogies in mineralogy. Formula CalS-hFS. Altenau. Silica 35 64 Lime 2922 Peroxide of iron 30-00 Protoxide of manganese 3-01 Potash 2-35 100-22 Wachtmeister. Sp. Gr. 3'44. Harder than quartz. It is usually considered a variety of garnet, with which it agrees in external form as well as in general aspect; but differs in this respect, that although it commonly occurs in rhombic dodecahedrons, its planes are striated parallel with their lesser diagonal, which, in Haiiy's opinion, indicates its primary not to be a rhombic dodecahedron, but a cube.* It is usually of a deep brown or orange-brown color ; is opake, and somewhat harder than quartz. It is fusible into a black glass. P on P 90 e on e .... 120 P on e . . 135 Aplome is found on the banks of the river Lena in Siberia, in the Bannat, and at Schwartzenberg in Saxony. 8. MANGANESIAN GARNET. Grenat manganesie, Bt. Spes- sartine, Beudant : of which the protoxide of manganese forms from 20 to 35 per cent. Spossart. Brodbo. Haddam. Silica ................. 35 00 ........... 39-00 ........... 35-83 Alumina .............. 14-25 ........... 1430 .......... 18-06 Peroxide of iron ....... 14 00 ........... 00-00 ........... 00-00 Protoxide of iron ....... 00-00 ........... 15-44 ........... 14-93 Protoxide of manganese 35-00 ........... 27-^0 .......... 30-96 98-25 Klaproth. 97-64 D'Ohson. 99-78 Seybert. * Whence Aplome, in allusion to the ready transition of the cube into the rhombic dodecahedron. 24 4 EARTHY MINERALS. Beudant (Traite, tome ii., p. 52) records five analyses of this variety including the three here given, and adds this for- mula : AlS+MnS. In the second and third, the protoxide of iron is included with the manganese, and the peroxide with alumina, in the first analysis. This mineral occurs massive, and in dodecahedral crystals variously modified; it is slightly translucent on the edges. It does not appear to possess any regular structure; fracture commonly vitreous and imperfectly conchoidal ; color deep hyacinth or brownish red. It is fusible B B, and, by the de- cided green color it exhibits with soda on platiria foil, marks distinctly the presence of manganese. It occurs in granite near Aschaffenberg, in Franconia ; at Finbo and Brodbo near Fahlun in Sweden: and elsewhere. In the United States, at Haddam, Ct., it occurs in crystals which are sometimes four inches in diameter, of a laminated structure, presenting broad faces of cleavage, and are extremely brittle. It there accompanies crysoberyl and smoky quartz. At Jones Eddy, near Bath, Me., it is in a massive form, and abundant. 9. BROWN MANGANESE GARNET. This is the name Dr. Thomson has given to the well-known mineral accompanying the franklinite, at Franklin, N. J., a specimen of which had been sent to him for analysis by Dr. Torrey. The results of his analysis and of one by Seybert,* which differ considerably from that of the last variety described, are here given : Silica 33-716 39-80 Lime 25-884 27-80 Alumina 7-972 3-05 Protoxide of iron 15-840 27-56 Protoxide of manganese. . . 16-704 6-32 Water 0-080 124 Magnesia 0-000 101 100-196 Thomson. 99-79 Seybert. Divided by the atomic weights, the first analysis gives an excess of atoms of bases over those of silica; while, by the second, throwing out the water and magnesia, the atoms of bases and of silica almost precisely agree; but nearly two thirds of the protoxide of manganese are replaced by protoxide of iron. This mineral differs from the common manganesian garnet by containing a large portion of lime, which does not exist at all in that variety ; and also in its physical characters, and crystalline form ; by which, when further examined, it will probably prove to be a distinct species. It is usually massive, *Cleaveland's Mineralogy, Second Edition, p. 797. EARTHY MINERALS. 25 and is associated with a peculiar brownish-yellow garnet, mas- sive and in dodecahedrse, which has not been analysed. Formula, as given by Dr. Thomson : CalS+AlS+FS+MnS. 10. MELANITE. Grenat noir, H. Grenat Melanite, Br. Bt. We have an analysis of black garnet by Klaproth, and another by Wachtmeister, the results of which are here given. The locality of the first is not stated, and it seems to have been a lime garnet, nearly agreeing in composition with aplome. Of the genuineness of the latter there can be no doubt. Arendal. Silica 35-50 42-45 Alumina 6-00 22-47 Magnesia 00-00 13-43 Lime 32-50 6-52 Protoxide ofiron 24-25 9-29 Protoxide of manganese 00-40 6-27 98-65 Klaproth. 100-43 Wach'r. Calculation from both of these analyses shows the mineral to consist of nearly equal atoms of silica and bases. Adopting the last, its constitution will be 1 atom silicate of alumina and 1 atom of the other bases, combined with 1 atom silica. For- mula: AlS+(Mg+F+Cal+Mn)S. Sp. Gr. 3-07. H. == 6*75. Melanite is usually quite black,* often with a resinous and velvet lustre, and completely opake. A beautiful black emar- ginated garnet has been found at Franklin, N. J., exactly re- sembling that from Norway. (See fig. 2, p. 20.) It also oc- curs in gneiss at Germantown, Penn. Melanite occurs in rhombic dodecahedrons, whose edges are replaced. B B, it fuses alone into a brilliant black globule ; with borax difficultly into an impure green glass colored by iron. It has been found in the neighborhood both of Naples and Rome, imbedded in ancient lava ; in Bohemia in basalt ; in the iron mines of Lapmark, and at Arendal in Norway. Very beautiful black dodecahedrons are found in the Pyrenees, near Bareges, and hence this variety has been named pyreneite. 11. COLOPHONITE. Grenat resinite, H. This mineral, com- posed of round particles, which may be separated with facility, is of a greenish, yellowish brown,t or orange-red color; and presents, both superficially and when fractured, a shining vit- reous lustre. Its specific gravity is 3*5. It consists, accord- ing to Simon, of 37 silica, 13*5 alumina, 29'0 lime, 6'5 mag- nesia, 7*5 oxide of iron, 4'75 oxide of manganese, 0*5 oxide of * Whence Melanite, from the Greek. j Colophonite, from the Greek, in allusion to its resin color. 3 "26 EARTHY MINERALS. titanium, and 1-0 water. Trolle Wachtmeister has published ten analyses of this mineral, the mean of which gives an equal number of atoms of bases and of silica, or shows the mineral to consist of simple silicates of lime and iron, or 1 atom of each. Formula: CalS-fFS. His last analysis differs not materially from the following, by Seybert. It is thus stated : Altenau. Silex 32-80 Silica 35 64 Lime 27-80 Protoxide of iron 30-00 Alumina 3-06 Protoxide of manganese 3-02 Magnesia 1-24 Magnesia 2-35 Protoxide of iron 27 5f> Lime 29-21 Protoxide of manganese 6-32 Water 00-00 Water 1-10 100-22 Wachtmeister. 100-43 Seybert. P on P or P" . . . 120. P, P' or P'' on t . . 150. It is found with magnetic iron ore at Arendal in Norway, in talc slate in Piedmont, also in Ceylon. In the United States it is found most abundantly at Willborough, N. Y., where it forms a vein consisting of coarse granular and lamellar con- cretions in gneiss, and possesses beautiful colors. Also at Rogers Rock, in a finer grained variety, of a yellow and red color. A rose-red, fine, granular variety, has been found by Shepard at North Madison, Ct. 12. ALLOCHROITE is of a greyish, dingy yellow, or reddish color,* and opake; its composition is impalpable, or the parti- cles so intimately connected that they cannot be distinguished; not so hard as quartz, but gives fire with steel ; fracture uneven. B B comports itself like rnelanite. Contains silica 35'0, alumina 8'0, lime 30'0, oxide of iron 17'0, oxide of manganese 3*5. Vauquelin. The allochroite is principally found in an iron mine near Drammen in Norway. 13. PYpvOPE.t Pyrop, W. Grenat, rouge de feu, granuli- forme, H. It differs from the other varieties in containing 7'68 per cent, of chromic acid, and by having a part of its iron re- * Whence probably its name, from two Greek words signifying of various colors. | From the Greek, signifying a fire-red color. EARTHY MINERALS. 27 placed by magnesia. The early analysis by Klaproth dis- covers no chromic acid, and the two last analyses give atom- ic proportions that cannot be stated by the same formula. Bohemia. Trziblitz. Meronitz. Silica 40-00 42-08 43-70 Alumina 'J8-50 20-00 22-40 Lime 3-.SO 1-99 6-72 Magnesia 10-00 20- ! 9 5-60 Protoxide of iron 16-5:> 10.60 11.48 Protoxide of manganese (1-25 0-32 3-68 Chromic acid 0-00 3-01 7-68 98-75 Klaproth. 98 19 Kobell. 100-26 Wacht. Sp. Gr. 3-8 H. = 7-5. It is found only in rounded or angular grains, of a red color, which is sometimes clouded with yellow : rarely crystallized. It is transparent, has a conchoidal fracture and vitreous lustre, and scratches glass; that of Ceylon, B B, fuses into a brilliant black globule, with borax into a chrome-green glass. Pyrope is found imbedded in serpentine at Zoeblitz in Sax- ony, and in traptuffwacke at Meronitz and Trziblitz in Bohe- mia, but is more common in the latter country; and in Cey- lon, in alluvial deposits, accompanied by hyacinths and sap- phires. This rich variety is rarely found in the United States. The most important locality is Green Creek, Delaware County, Pa., where rolled masses of more than an inch in diameter have been obtained, the finest of which are in the cabinet of J. A. Clay, Esq. of Philadelphia. According to Prof. Beck, it is found in Westchester County, N. Y., in gneiss, and is often transparent, varying in color from rose to blood-red, with a tint of blue. At Sturbridge, Mass., it has been found by Professor Hitchcock in gneiss, accompanying graphite. Specimens of this pyrope which have been cut and polished are equal in ap- pearance to any from abroad which have undergone similar treatment. Several of those obtained by Prof. Hitchcock may be seen in the Massachusetts State Collection. Pyrope, ac- cording to Dr. Jackson, also accompanies the plumbago at Jeffrey, N. H.. where it is included in granite veins on Monad- nock Mount. 14. TOPAZOLITE.* Topazolite. Bonvoism. This variety of garnet occurs in remarkably well-defined dodecahedrons, of a topaz-yellow color, either perfect, or more commonly exhib- iting a very low four-sided pyramid on each plane; occasion- ally also of an olive-green; translucent. It consists of silica *So named from its color being of a nearly topaz-yellow. 28 EARTHY MINERALS. 35-10, magnesia 2, lime 29, glucina 4, iron 25, manganese 2, Bonvoisin. konk' 179 10'. fconfc". . . 178 4(X. It is found at Mussa in Piedmont, sometimes upon mussite. The Succinite of Bonvoisin is considered to be an amorphous variety of topazolite. It is amber-yellow * and translucent, and occurs in small rounded masses : it is not hard enough to scratch glass, but easily pulverizes, and melts into a blackish globule B B. Its locality is a serpentine rock in the Vin valley, forming part of the great valley of Lans in Piedmont. 15. CINNAMON-STONE. t Kaneelstein, W. Essonite, H. The following analyses show the per centage composition of this interesting variety : Ceylon. Ceylon. Malsjo. Ceylon. Silica 38-80 40-0;) 41-87 39-82 Alumina 21-20 22-99 20-57 20-14 Lime 31-25 30-57 33-94 30-57 Protoxide of iron. 6-50 3-66 3-93 9-46 97-75 Klaproth. 97-12 Gmelin. 100-31 Arfwedson. 99-49 Lehunt. The protoxide of iron, which is in variable proportions, Beudant unites with the lime in the formula, which is thus stated by him : AlS+CalS. Dividing by the atomic weights, we find the atoms of bases to agree with those of silica, arid ob- tain the above atomic constitution of this mineral from either of the analyses. It thus has precisely the same formula with grossularite and idocrase, from the last of which it differs en- tirely in crystalline form. Sp. Gr. 3-5 3-6. H. = 6'5. This mineral commonly occurs in masses which are full of fissures. Its general color is red, with occasionally a brown or orange-yellow tinge; translucent, rarely transparent ; frac- ture flat conchoidal ; lustre vitreo-resinous ; scratches quartz with difficulty. B B, it is fusible with ebullition into a darkish * Succin, Fr., Amber ; whence Succinite. fits name is probably derived from the resemblance of its color to that of cinnamon. EARTHY MINERALS. 29 green glass, and with borax melts very readily into a transpa- rent glass, more or less feebly tinged by iron. It has been found in considerable masses in some of the primitive rocks of Ceylon, and imbedded in limestone at Malsjo iu Sweden ; but is most commonly met with in grains among the sand of certain rivers, both in Ceylon and in Brazil. The Romanzovite of Nordenskiold is considered a variety of cinnamon-stone. Its color is brown or brownish black, and it is described as occurring either compact or in crystalline plates which indicate the rhombic dodecahedron ; fracture res- inous, with a greasy lustre ; brittle, but hard enough to scratch felspar; streak light yellow. B B, it melts without ebullition. Contains silica 41 P 24, alumina 24-08, lime 24'76, oxide of iron 7 % 02, magnesia and oxide of manganese 0'92, volatile parts and loss T98. Nordenskiold. It occurs at Kimito in Finland. There are three remarkable localities of the cinnamon-stone variety of garnet in the United States, viz : Carlisle and Box- borough, Mass., and Phippsburg, Me. The crystals from the first-named locality (discovered by Professor Webster) are im- bedded in limestone, and accompanied by idocrase, sahlite, pargasite, and scapolite. The small ones of a perfect dodeca- hedral form are nearly transparent, and present highly polished surfaces; some were found quite clear on their surfaces, and more than an inch in diameter, with their angles and edges re- placed. The specimens from Boxborough and Phippsburg pre- sent nothing worthy of distinct description, as they resemble- in every respect those already mentioned; but the latter local- ity at the present day will probably furnish the mineralogist with the best specimens of these most beautiful gems. Crys- tals, sometimes four inches in diameter, have also recently been discovered in the limestone of Amherst, N. H. They are of a pale brown color, and but rarely possess highly polished surfaces. They are accom- panied by sahlite and pargasite, and are said to be very abundant. The crystals from Phippsburg in some cases present the prima- ry dodecahedron in which two of the opposite faces are so much enlarged or compressed as to give to it the appearance of a flattened table, as shown in the annexed figure. Rare- ly, also, by the extension of six faces of the pri- mary, they have assumed the appearance of six-sided prisms, terminated by trihedral pyramids, all the edges being replaced by tangent planes, as in the common emarginated crystals. 3* 30 EARTHY MINERALS. IDOCRASE.* Vesuvian, W. Idocrase, H. Pyramidal Garnet, M. Carbunculus Dimetricus, U. Composed, according to the careful analysis of Magnus, (Poggendorf s Annalen, xxi., 50), as follows : Vesuvius. Uralian Mountains. The Bannat. Egge. Silica 37-359 37-178 38-519 37-658 Alumina 23 530 18-107 20-063 17-695 Lime 29-681 35-791 32-411 31-896 Protoxide of iron 3-992 4-671 3420 4-537 Magnesia ) ,^ na 0-773 2-987 6-489 Protoxide of manganese \ D '^ 8 1-495 0-OJ8 0-499 99-770 98-015 97-418 98-774 Calculating the atomic constitution of this mineral from the mean of these four analyses, and rejecting the variable portions of magnesia and protoxide of manganese as accidental, the atoms of bases (including the iron with the alumina) agree with the atoms of silica. It is therefore composed of simple silicates, expressed by the formula, AlS+CalS.t Sp. Gr. 38 to 3-4. H. = 6'5. Idocrase occurs crystallized, either solitary or in groups; and massive. The general form of the crystals is a quadran- gular prism, which sometimes is terminated by planes, and the edges of the prism are often replaced; primary form a right prism with square bases; yielding readily to cleavage parallel to all its planes, with sufficient brilliancy to obtain incidences of 90 by the reflecting goniometer in every direction ; the prism is also divisible parallel to both its diagonals, though not easily : fracture small conchoidal, and shining. Idocrase is mostly brownish- or yellowish-green, sometimes orange, rarely black ; generally translucent, sometimes nearly transpa- rent; possesses double refraction; is fusible with ebullition into a yellowish translucent globule, and forms with borax a diaphanous glass tinged green by iron. Fig. 1, the primary ; a right prism with square bases. In fig. 2 the lat- eral edges of the prism are replaced by quadrangular planes, and a portion of the summit is replaced by four six-sided planes. In fig. 3 the quadran- gular planes replacing the edges of the prism are very much increased, so as greatly to reduce the lateral primary planes. * Idocrase, in allusion to its form ; a mixed figure, assuming that of other species. Vesuvian, from its having been first discovered on Vesuvius. fThe analysis of egeran by Borkowsky, gives the same formula. (See Beudant, Traite, t. ii., p. 67.) They thus agree with the formula for essonite and grossularite. EARTHY MINERALS. 31 M on M' or d on d . . . 90 0' P on M M' or d 90 M or M' on d 135 e 153 27 H. d on e 161 33 H. P on a 1 166 6 a 2 142 48 a 3 124 30 a 4 113 30 6 I 140 12 M on b I 128 5 62 138 30 63 145 5 64 152 3H. Monc 118 8H. Idocrase Is met with both in volcanic and primitive coun- tries. It occurs at Monte Somma, or in the ejected masses of Vesuvius, where its crystals line the cavities of volcanic rocks, accompanied by garnet, hornblende, melanite, mica, and icespar. Crystals, occasionally of large dimensions, are found at this lo- cality ; but their forms are complicated. The previous fig. 3 is the usual crystallization of the Siberian idocrase, which is met with in a greenish white serpentine, near the Lake Baikal, and on the banks of the Wiioui; but by far the finest speci- mens come from Ala in the Val di Brozzo, in Piedmont : these are in general semi-transparent, present fine olive-green, hair- brown, and, though rarely, perfect black colors: are deeply streaked longitudinally, and are as remarkable for lustre and brilliancy as for the symmetry and perfection of their crystal- line forms. Large, well-defined, opake crystals, often exceed- ing four or five inches in diameter, occur at Egge near Chris- tiansand in Norway. At Monzonia, in the Fassa valley, crys- tals of a sulphur-yellow color have been found. EGERAN. It occurs in diverging groups of deeply streak- ed translucent crystals, of a liver-brown color, whose form is that of a right rectangular prism, having its lateral edges replaced. B B, it melts with intumescence into a greenish blebby glass. It occurs at Haslau, near Eger,* in Bohemia, and is sometimes accompanied by quartz and tremolite. It here occurs in long, reddish brown, deeply striated forms, and in columnar masses : also, under similar circumstances, in Finland. Idocrase is very rare in the United States, and, at the time of the publication of the second edition of Cleaveland's Mineralogy, it would seem that not a single locality was pub- licly known. The locality which has since supplied the best specimens of the variety egeran is at Worcester, Mass., where * Whence Egeran. 32 EARTHY MINERALS. it was found in a quartzose rock, in veins, accompanied by py- roxene and garnet. The same variety has been found at Phipps- burg, Me., with cinnamon-stone and axinite : also in limestone at Washington, Ct. ; and in the same rock, in crystals some- times an inch in diameter, at Amity, Orange County, N. Y. XANTH1TE.* This mineral is composed, according to the analysis of Dr. Thomson, of Silica 35-092 Lime 33-080 Alumina 17-428 Peroxide of iron 6-368 Protoxide of manganese 2'8l)l Water...." 1-680 9S-430 Dr. Thomson made two analyses of this mineral ; but the one here given was instituted on the purest specimen. The iron and manganese he regards as accidental, and he records the following formula: 6CalS+5AlS. The claims of this mineral to the character of a distinct spe- cies are founded on the examinations of Dr. Thomson and Prof. Mather,t by which it is shown to differ in chemical, physical, and crystallographical characters from the preceding species, of which it has been supposed to be a variety. Its hardness does not exceed 2; specific gravity 3'221 ; translu- cent and even transparent, possessing double refraction. B B, per se, it does not fuse ; with borax melts into a glass which is yellow while hot, and becomes colorless in cooling. It readily yields to cleavage, giving a doubly oblique prism, measuring, according to Prof. Mather, P on M 97 30', P on T 94, M on T 107 30', as determined by the reflecting goniometer. The cleavage planes may be exhibited very plainly by holding the la- minated masses to the light. The color is light greyish or yellow. It occurs at Amity, N. Y., under similar circumstances with the species last described, in granular and foliated masses, which are very friable, and separate into grains and prisms about ^V of an inch in length. GEHLENITE.t Stylobite, Beudant. Spatum Gehlenianum, D. Combination of silica, alumina, Jime, and oxide of iron. * From its yellow color, named by Dr. Thomson. See Annals of the Lyceum of Natu- ral History of New York, for April 18, 1828. | American Journal of Science, vol. xviii., p. 359. JGehlcnite, in honor of the German chemist, M. Gehlen. EARTHY MINERALS. 33 Tyrol. Tyrol. Tyrol. Silici 29-64 29-132 39-80 Alumina 24-80 25-048 l-J-QO Li me 35-30 *7-380 37-64 Oxide of iron -56 4-350 2-31 Water 3-30 4-540 2-03 Magnesia 00-00 00-000 4-64 99-uO Futihs. 100-450 Thomson. 99-22 Kobell. The two first are the analyses of crystallized specimens; the latter of the compact variety. Dr. Clarke has published another analysis, so different in its results from either of these, that Beudant questions whether the mineral really was gehlen- ite. The two first conduct to the fomiuh, Al-S-fSCalS-f-Aq. as stated by Beudant, the. iron being united with the lime. Sp. Gr. 2-98 to 8-02. II. 5-5 to 6. According to Brooke, the prirmry form of this mineral is uncertain;* but it occurs in right square prisms, nearly ap- proaching, in their dimensions, the form of the cube; some- times isolated; generally invested by calcareous spar ; aggre- gated irregularly in groups : or massive, including pleonaste. Its usual color is grey, but frequently having a greenish or yellowish tinge; surface commonly rough and dull; when suf- ficiently brilliant for the use of the reflecting goniometer, the crystals afford angles of 9') in every direction. Fracture un- even, passing into splintery : opake, the fragments feebly trans- lucent on the edges. B B, gehlenite suffers little change when alone; with borax it melts with difficulty into a glass colored by iron. It gelatinizes in heated muriatic acid. Mount Monzoni, in the Valley of Fassa, Tyrol, is its only well authenticated locality, although Monticelli mentions it as occurring, indistinctly crystallized, among the productions of Vesuvius. At the former place it is encompassed by calca- reous spar, and the greenish and greyish substance which ac- companies the spinels and idocrase of the same region, has been regarded as compact gehlenite.f PREHNITE4 Prehnite, W. H. Axotomous Triphane Spar, M. Clasistylus Acrotomus, D. Combination of silica, alumina, lime, and water. * Encyclopedia Metropolitana, Article Mineralogy, p. 491. fFuchs, in speaking of this mineral in 1815, snys he considers the oxide of iron not as an essential part of it, hut only as a vicarious constituent replacing so much lime. This was probahly the first ushering in of the doctrine of isomorphism, since established by Mitscherlich, and now so important in enabling us to arrive at the true constitution of minerals. [AM. ED.] | In honor of Colonel Prehn, its discoverer, who first brought it from the Cape of Good Hope. 34 EARTHY MINERALS. Cape of Good Hope. Dumbarton. Reicherhach. Silica 43-80 43-60 42 50 Alumina 30-33 23-00 28-50 Lime 18-33 2*33 20-40 Oxide ofiron 5-66 2-00 3-00 Water 1-16 6-40 2-00 99-28 Klaproth. 97-33 Thomson. 96-40 Laugier. The first analysis was of a foliated specimen ; the other two were of fibrous varieties. From the mean of seven analyses, including these three, Dr. Thomson obtains the formula, SAlS-hCalS^-j-J-Aq. He unites the protoxide of iron with the alumina. Sp. Gr. 2-926. H. = 6-0 to 7'0. Generally of a pale greenish or yellowish color, with a vitre- ous or pearly lustre, and somewhat translucent ; becomes elec- tric by heat, and is slowly soluble in dilute muriatic acid. It occurs fibrous, massive, and in crystals, which are, for the most part, closely aggregated : their primary form is a right rhombic prism, M on M' 99 50' ; but the crystals are subject to modification by two planes on the summit, a\ a]', of the following figure. It presents several varieties of form. Cleav- age distinct parallel to P, less so parallel to M. Per se, it fuses with intumescence into a white or pale-yellowish frothy glass; and with borax forms a transparent bead. 17. KOUPHOLITE,* a variety in small transparent rhombic tables (fig. I) from Bareges in the Pyrenees; has a white or yellowish-white color, and a glistening pearly lustre. It con- sists, according to Vauquelin, of 48 silica, 24 alumina, 23 lime, and 4 oxide of iron ; and it is fusible into a white frothy glass. :. M on M' . . . 99 50' \ P or M on M' 90 00 M or M' on f 139 45 al on a I'. . . 177 20 . f j . . 92 00 M or M' 91 30 M on c . . . . 128 30 Crystallized prehnite in considerable quantity, and of a purer green than that of Europe, is found at the Cape of Good Hope ; it occurs in the Fassa valley, Tyrol, of a peculiar bluish green hue ; with axinite and epidote, at St. Christophe in Dau- phine ; in Carinthia, Sweden, and elsewhere. In England it has been noticed in Staffordshire, at Woodford in Gloucester- shire, and at Botallack, near the Land's End, Cornwall. In * From two Greek words signifying a light stone. EARTHY MINERALS. 35 Scotland it is abundant in veins traversing trap near Dumbar- ton ; at Hartfield Moss, near Paisley ; at Frisky Hall, near Glasgow; at the Castle Rock and Salisbury Crag, near Edin- burgh ; in the Isles of Mull and Skye, &,c. The Scotch varie- ties in general exhibit radiated, botryoidal, orbicular, or mam- millated masses of various colors, from apple-green to straw- yellow; the latter particularly at Salisbury Crag: sometimes translucent and colorless, as at the Castle Rock; and very often white and opake, as in Dumbartonshire. In the United States large, well-formed, pale green colored crystals have been found in trap rock at Scotch Plains and Pat- terson, N. J., and at Farmington and Middleton, Ct. ; also in very rich deep green crystals, associated with laumonite and chabasie in sienite, at Charlestown, and recently in the granite quarries at Medford, Mass. It is a singular fact thatnot a crystal of this species has ever been met with in the trap rocks of Nova Scotia. STILBITE.* Strahl Zeoilth, W. StilSite, H. Bt. Radiated Zeolite, J. Prismatoidal Kouphone Spar, M. Vulcanus Fascicularis, D. Iceland. Faroe. Nalsoe. Dumbarton. Silica 58-00 59-25 56 08 5-2-50 Alumina 16-10 15-00 17-22 17-31 Lime 9-20 5-35 695 11-52 Water 16-40 6-00 18-35 18 45 Potash 00-00 4-75 2-17 00-00 99 07 Hisinger. 99-50 Dumenil. 100-77 Retzius. 99-78 Thomson Formula, as given by Beudant from the three first analyses, and as also stated by Dr. Thomson from the mean of five analyses, including his own : 3AlS 3 +CalS :! +6Aq. The potash is to be regarded as an accidental and variable constituent, as in three out of five analyses which have been published, none was found. Sp. Gr. 2-0 2-2. H. = 35 to 4'0. Its colors are white, grey, red, and brown; translucent; lustre vitreous, except on the faces T, which exhibit a peculiar glistening or shining pearly appearance; primary form a right rectangular prism, in which it sometimes occurs; but it is more frequently found in prisms of which the edges are replaced, and which are terminated by tetrahedral summits; the planes forming the pyramids being placed on the angles of *From OTiljfoj, to shine, on account of its great lustre. It has been very properly suggested by Dr. Thomson that this term should rather apply to heulandite, the mineral in which the lustre is most remarkable, and to which it was probably first applied when it was separated from zeolite. Perhaps it would be well to call it simply zeolite, it being the most common of this class of minerals. [AM. ED.] 36 EARTHY MINERALS. the prism.* The crystals are usually aggregated or compressed into scopiform or fasciculated masses, which, when broken, pre- sent radiations from the centre. Cleavage parallel to the planes T and M, the latter only being perfect; fracture uneven ; sur- face P frequently curved, M and T vertically streaked. It intumesces B B, and runs into a blebby colorless glass. It does not gelatinize with acids. M on T .... 90 0' P on M or T . 90 M on a'. ... 120 30 a on a' .... 119 15 M on d . .136 30 Stilbite is met with occasionally in the fissures of primitive rocks, and in mineral veins ; but its principal repositories are the cavities of trap. The Faroe Islands and Iceland are the great localities of this beautiful mineral. Splendid specimens have also been brought from Indore in the Vendayah Moun- tains of Hindustan, and from Poonha, where it is accompanied by poonhalite and a beautiful gem-like green apophyllite. And very beautiful crystals, of a brick-red color, occur in porphy- ritic amygdaloid, near Kilpatrick in Dumbartonshire; and in the Fassa Valley, Tyrol. Dauphine, Andreasberg in the Hartz, Arendal in Norway, Gustafsberg near Fahlun in Sweden, and the island of Arran, are also well-known localities of stilbite ; at most of the latter it being found in granite and other prim- itive rocks. It has also been brought from New Holland. It occurs abundantly in the Kilpatrick Hills and other trap rocks in the neighborhood of Glasgow. It is the most com- mon mineral in the amygdaloid of Nova Scotia, often forming continuous veins of considerable thickness and various shades of color, associated with, and containing in its cavities, the va- rious other interesting minerals of that region, for the particu- lar localities of which the student may consult a Memoir on the Mineralogy and Geology of Nova Scotia, published in the * According to Levy, the primary form of stilbite is a right rhombic prism, M on M' y4 u . f As correctly stated by Dana, there being a difference of three degrees in the last measurement, as now given, compared with that approximated by Phillips, and recorded in the last edition of this work. [AM. ED.] EARTHY MINERALS. 37 American Journal of Science, vols. xiv. and xv., and, as en- larged, in the Transactions of the American Academy of Sci- ence (New Series,) vol. i., 1833. The stilbite from Nova Scotia rarely separates itself from the fasciculated forms in which it usually occurs, and in which sufficient freedom is not given for the production of perfect crystals; but perfect individuals are some- times implanted on quartz, presenting the primary prism compressed into low four-sided tables, with the replacements of the solid angles a a', elongated, forming regular beveled edges to the tables, as represented in the annexed figure. This is the common form in which the crystals of this mineral come to us from the Faroe Islands. In the United States, owing to the infrequent occurrence of extensive masses of the newest trap rocks, it rarely occurs under the striking forms in which it is presented to us from abroad. It is found sparingly in the trap range of Connecticut and Massachusetts ; but the coarse greenstone of Piermont, N. Y., and Bergen Hill, N. J., has as yet supplied much the finest speci- mens. The crystals are yellowish, but sometimes of a pure white color, nearly transparent, and with very brilliant faces ; they are implanted on carbonate of lime, or interspersed with analcime and apophyllite; rarely in fasciculated masses. It also forms narrow seams in some of the primitive rocks, as at Hadlyme, in Connecticut; opposite West Point; at the Har- lem Tunnel, and near West Farms, New York ; at Bellows Falls, Vermont. HEULANDITE. BKLtter Zeolith,W. Var de Stilbite, H. Foliated Zeolite, J. Heulandite, Brooke.* Hemi-prismatic Kouphone Spar, M. Vulcanus Rhomboideus, D. Combination of silica, alumina, lime, and water. Red, Carr.psie. Red, Edelfors. White, Faroe. Silica 59-95. 60-28 59-14 Alumina 16-87 1541 17-92 Lime 7-19 8-18 7-65 Water... 15-10 11-07 15-40 Oxide ofiron 0-00 4-16 00-00 99-11 Walmstedt 99-10 Retzius. 100-11 Thomson. It consists, according to the mean of the first and last analy- sis, of 4 atoms tersilicate of alumina, 1 atom tersilicate of lime, and 6 atoms water. Formula: 4AlS 3 +CalS 3 +6Aq. It thus differs in composition from stilbite, in containing an additional *Edin. Phil. Jour., vol. vi., p. 112. 38 EARTHT MINERALS. atom of tersilicate of alumina. The second analysis gives only 4 atoms water. Sp. Gr. 2 20. H. = 35 40. This mineral, which constituted a sub-species by Werner, under the name of foliated zeolite, was shown by Mr. Brooke to be distinct from stilbite, with which it had been confounded by Haiiy, and was established by him as a new species under the name of heulandite, in testimony to the liberality and zeal of Henry Heuland, Esq. of London. It commonly occurs crystal- lized in right oblique-angled prisms (two of its opposed lateral planes being longer than the other two), generally modified on the angles and one lateral edge.* Cleavage parallel only to the terminal plane P. of the following figures highly perfect. Lus- tre vitreous, except P, which possesses high degrees of pearly lustre, both as faces of cleavage and crystallization. Generally translucent, but the crystals are often nearly transparent when colorless ; from which it varies to white, yellow, brownish, and deep red. It also occurs massive ; frequently in a globular form ; and is easily frangible. B B, it melts with intumes- cence, emitting at the same time a phosphorescent light. With acids it does not gelatinize. Fig. 1. Fig. 2. Primary Form. P on M or T 90 0; 130 30 146 00 148 111 56 114 20 129 40 133 35 108 15 The varieties of heulandite are usually found accompanied by stilbite in the vesicular cavities of amygdaloidal rocks, and in certain metalliferous veins. The Faroe Isles and Iceland afford the finest crystals ; but splendid specimens have also been brought from the Vendayah Mountains in Hindustan, and recently from New Holland. At Cape Blomidon, and the Two Islands, in Nova Scotia, it occurs in crystals of a pure white color, and highly nacreous lustre, frequently an inch and a half in length, associated with apophyllite, chabasie, &c. Campsie, near Dumbarton, and the Fassa Valley, Tyrol, are the localities of the red variety. * The primary form of this species, according to the late crystallographer, M. Levy, is an oblique rhombic prism, P on M 108 1', M on M, 97 39'. See his " Description d'une Collection de Mineraux, formee par M. Henri Heuland," t. ii., p. 242. [AM. ED.] EARTHY MINERALS. 39 In the United States, at Chester, Mass, accompanying chabasie on mica slate, arid with stilbite and chabasie on gneiss, at Hadlyme, Conn. In New Jersey, in trap at Bound Brook and Patterson. On New York Island, in gneiss, and handsomely crystallized with yellow fasciculated stilbite, near Kipp's Bay ; but the crystals from these last localities are small. At Jones Falls, near Baltimore, it is found in modified crystals similar to fig. 4, associated with stilbite and Haijdenite. The form of the most beautiful and brilliant secondary crys- tals, from Nova Scotia, is that represented by fig. 3. It is in- variably the case that the replacements f are smaller on the Fig. 3. Fig. 4. large crystals in proportion to their other dimensions, than on the small ones, being sometimes barely perceptible to the eye. In the very smallest crystals the replacements f have become so extended as to reduce their length to nearly the same di- mensions with their breadth, thus giving rise to what might appear, at first sight, a square prism terminated by low, obtuse, four-sided pyramids, resting upon the two opposite lateral faces of the crystal, as shown in fig. 4. As a and a 1 usually meet, these pyramids are very perfect.* APPENDIX. (Lincolnite, Hitchcock. i~) This mineral has *Beaumontite. On comparing, with these last described crystals, those found by Dr. H. H. Hayden, at Jones Falls, near Baltimore, and which have been described by M. Levy under the name of beaumontite (a) [primary form a right square prism], I was struck with the remarkable resemblance they bore to each other, and vvas led to regard '-'them as identical. On further comparing their hardness, color, lustre, and pyrognostic characters, and failing also to obtain any other cleavage in the Baltimore specimens than that well known in heulandite, I could have but little doubt that beaumontite was nothing else than heulandite, as indicated by the similarly modified crystals from Nova Scotia. But to confirm this impression 1 requested Mr. Teschemacher to separate the best crystals from my specimens of the Baltimore mineral, and subject them to measurement by the reflecting goniometer, as I well knew the public would have full confidence in his use of that instrument. He informs me that P on M gives 90, M on T 130, M on a 143 J7',P on a 111 58', and adds that he has no doubt the mineral is heulandite. The variation in the third measurement was owing to the imperfections of the surface. The only differ- ence in the two minerals appears to be that in the Baltimore specimens we cannot so readily trace the gradual changes by which the ultimate figure is produced. I cannot, therefore, record beaumontite in this work as anew mineral, though I am unable to recon- cile the different results of M. Levy in any other way than by supposing him to have operated on different crystals, which may occur with the haydenite. 1 believe, however, that all the small pearly crystals on specimens in the cabinets of our mineralogists will only serve to make M. Levy's results more difficult to understand. [An. ED.] (a) Paper read before the French Academy of Sciences, an abstract of which may be seen in the Lond. and Edin. Phil. Mag., Feb., 1840, p. 56, or Jour, of the Franklin Insti- tute, Phil., vol. xxvi (new series), p. 155. f See Final Report on the Geological Survey of Massachusetts, vol. ii., p. 652. o< 7 >- 40 EARTHY MINERALS. not been analyzed, nor have its crystals been submitted to the measurement of the reflecting goniometer. It exhibits precisely the same character, B B, as heulandite, and pos- sesses all the physical characters of that mineral, of which it presents the same primary and secondary form a right ob- lique angled prism replaced on the acute lateral edges by sin- gle planes f, but never on the obtuse solid angles by the planes a one peculiarity which belongs to these crystals, though it may not be confined to specimens from this locality. But, according to Professor Hitchcock, it differs from heulandite in the proximate measurement of planes M on T about 10 (or 120), as determined by the measurement of three different crystals. It must be confessed, however, that the comparison of one set of characters alone, without some other corrobora- tive evidence, especially in the present instance, where the crystals are so small as scarcely to allow of full confidence in the use of the common goniometer, does not authorize the making of a new species. The mineral deserves further inves- tigation ere its claims as a distinct species can be satisfacto- rily established. Its locality is in the cavities of amygdaloid of Deerfield, Mass., where it is described as occurring very sparingly ; also on gneiss at Bellows Falls, Vermont.* DAVYNE. Davina, JWonticelli. Davytic Kouphone Spar, Haidinger. Var. Spatum Hexagonum, D. Contains silica 42'91, alumina 3323, lime 12'02, iron 1 25, water 7'43, loss 3-1 1. CoveMi. Formula, as given by Beu- dant: 5AlS+CalS 2 +2Aq. Sp. Gr. 24. H. = 50 5-5. Color white or yellowish ; transparent, translucent, or opake, the lustre inclining to opalescent in the first case, to pearly when opake ; and the color to grey when transparent, to whitish when opake. Cleavage perfect parallel to the planes of the hexagonal prism, its primary form ; fracture conchoidal. It occurs in attached regular hexahedral prismatic crystals, with the lateral and terminal edges replaced, as shown in the follow- ing figure. * Having placed a very perfect crystal of this mineral in the hands of Mr. J. E. Tesche- macher, for measurement by the reflecting goniometer, he informed me, just as this form was going to press, that the angle formed by the meeting of the planes in question, is 130 30', as stated by Phillips and consequently the mineral must be heulandite. As Mr. T.'s accuracy in the use of the reflecting goniometer is well known, there can be no longer any doubt as to the character of the mineral. [AM. ED.] EARTHY MINERALS. 41 r on r contiguous . . 154 46' r on M . .115 53 With nitric acid it effervesces and readily forms a jelly; and alone, B B, fuses \i ith effervescence into a white, opake, and somewhat porous globule. Laminae exposed to the flame of a candle do not lose their transparency. With boracic acid on platina wire, it affords a limpid colorless globule ; and with salt of phosphorus in proper proportions, yields a pearly bead, which appears milky and opake when hot, but becomes translucent on cooling. This mineral was described by Monticelli and Covelli, in their Prodromo delta Mincralogia Vesuviana, and named by these mineralogists in honor of our illustrious countryman, Sir Humphrey Davy. It occurs in the more ancient rocks of Ve- suvius, accompanying garnet, mica, wollastonite, &c. It may be distinguished from nepheline by the length of its crystals invariably exceeding their breadth, the reverse of which is the case in that mineral ; its specific gravity is also much lower ; and nepheline is not acted upon by acid as this is. (Allan's Manual.) It differs from nepheline also, in containing 12 per cent, of lime, and no trace of soda, of which Arfwedson found 20 per cent, in the former. It is classed with nepheline by some authors, but until the evidence of its identity with that species is undoubted, we shall not greatly err in allowing it to remain by itself, according to the determination of the authors above alluded to. The distinguishing characteristic of the two minerals is well shown by the formulae. LAUMONITE.* Lomonit, W. Laumonite, H. Diatomou-0 4O25 3D-03 Alumina 29-0 30-25 29-48 Lime 21-0 22-50 22-95 Protoxide of iron 3-0 4-50 6-48 Water 0-00... .. 2-00 1 3tj 98-00 KTaproth. 99-58 Bucholz. 99-58 Thomson. Protoxide of iron and water being regarded as accidental, the formula deduced from these three analyses, and as given by Beudant and Dr. Thomson, is 2AlS+CalS. Sp. Gr. 32 to 3-3. H. = 6-0 7'0. It occurs in oblique rhombic prisms, of a grey, greyish- yellow, or brown color, but which are rarely perfect, owing to deep longitudinal strise : P on M unknown; M on M' 116 30', according to Brooke. The obtuse lateral edges of the prism are often rounded, and the terminations incomplete. It also occurs massive, and cleaves parallel to the sides and both * Zoisite, after the Baron tie Zois. 44 EARTHY MINERALS. diagonals of the prism, but not with brilliant surfaces. It has a pearly lustre, and is translucent. Alone, B B, it fuses on the outer edges into a yellowish transparent glass, but finally into a vitreous scoria ; with borax intumesces, and forms a diaphanous glass. It is met with in the Bucher Mountain and the Sau Alp in Styria, in a rock composed of kyanite, garnet, and augite ; in granite in Bayreuth; also in Bavaria, Salzburg, the Tyrol, and the Vallais. It is mentioned by Jameson as occurring at Glen- elg in Inverness-shire and in Shetland. In the United States it is found at Wardsborough and Mont- pelier, Vt. ; Milford, Ct. ; Goshen and Williamsburg, Mass. This species is by Mohs and others united with epidote, from which it principally differs in color, in atomic constitu- tion, and, as it would appear, in crystalline form, but this latter has not, as yet, been fully determined. EPIDOTE.* Prismatoidal Augite Spar, M. Pistacit, W. Epidote, H. Thallite, Karsten. Del- phinite. Augitus Rhomboideus, D. Combination of silica, alumina, protoxide of iron, and lime. Pistazite. Crystallized Isere. Epidote. Isle St. John. United States. Silica 37-6 37-0 40-9 38-GO Alumina 27-0 21-0 28-9 26-J5 Lime 14-0 15-0 16-2 28-84 Oxide of iron . 17-0 24-0 14-0 10.56 Ox. of mangan 1-5 1-5 0-0 0-00 96-5 Descotlis. 98-5 Vauquelin 100-00 Beudant. 99-05 Thomson. In these analyses the proportion of silica varies but little, but there is a great variation in the other constituents. Beudant, adopting his own analysis and that of Descotlis, states the for- mula thus: 2A1S+FS. He thus includes the lime with the iron. But the formula which shows the lime as an essential constituent would seem to express more truly the composition of this species; and the purest crystals which have been ana- lyzed, give nearly an equal number of atoms of silica and bases thus stated by Dr. Thomson : 4AlS+3CalS+2FS. Sp. Gr. 3-42. H. =6-0 7'0. This mineral is found granular, massive, and in prismatic crystals, variously terminated and longitudinally striated. Color green of different shades, occasionally almost black, rarely brown or reddish. It has a shining lustre ; and is somewhat transpa- rent. The primary crystal is a right oblique-angled prism, of about 115 30' and 64 30'; and it cleaves with brilliant sur- faces, parallel to the sides and lesser diagonal of the prism. EARTHY MINERALS. 45 B B, it intumesces, but does not, even by a strong heat, com- pletely melt ; with borax it intumesces, and then fuses into a glass colored by iron unless manganese predominate, in which case it assumes in the oxidating flame an amethystine tinge. According to Von Kobell, this and the preceding species swell and froth, fusing 3 to 3, into a blistered, cauliflower- like mass, or slag, which is white or yellowish with the first, and black or dark brown with the latter. Fig. 1. The primary ; a right prism, of which the bases are oblique- angled parallelograms. Of this there are several modifications, which commonly do not appear to have much direct affinity with the primitive : Fig. 2 exhibits one of the most simple. M on T t m g 115 4l' P on M or T 90 M on e m 150 15 \ T on c 145 24 > f 145 39 ^-^^ 114 40 M on d t 125 2 P on d 145 6 M C I . 143 30 T on c 1 . 121 50 b 1 . 104 30 b 2 . 142 35 Epidote is not often found massive, but chiefly in crystals, varying in size from the acicular to near an inch in diameter, and several inches in length ; the acicular are met with in the department of Isere in France, at Bourg d'Oisans inDauphine, in the Alps, &c. (Thallite of Karsten.) The larger occur at Arendal in Norway, and Norrnark in Sweden (Acanticonite of Dandrada, or Arendalite] : the magnificent crystals from these localities consist of concentric coats, the exterior of which ad- mit of removal, arid thus, out of a large imperfect crystal, one of smaller size, but more completely formed, may be produced with facility. It belongs chiefly to primitive rocks, but is only found in veins and fissures, among which, in small qnantities, it occurs in many countries ; magnetic iron, garnet, felspar, adularia, axinite, and asbestus, are the minerals which chiefly accompany it. *From Ktldid&ftl, to increase ; signifying that the base of the primary form undergoes an increase in some of the secondary forms. 46 EARTHY MINERALS. In the United States crystals, resembling in size, color and form, those from Norway and Sweden, occur in the iron mine of Franconia, N. H. Also a variety precisely similar to that from Piedmont, at Haddam, Ct., Shepard. At Newbury and Nahant, Mass., finely crystallized; at the former in the fissures of anamorphous garnet. Webster. At Lebanon, N. H., huge crystals are associated with arid imbedded in Zoisite. C. T. Jackson. Granular epidote. Scorza, Br. Appears from its analysis to be epidote reduced to small grains by attrition. It occurs on the banks of the river Arangos, near Muska in Transylva- nia, and is called Scorza by the inhabitants of the country. Manganesian epidote. Manganese oxyde silicifere, H. Epi- dote violet, Bt. Occurs in small prismatic crystals of a violet or reddish-brown color, which are generally associated in groups, sometimes imbedded in asbestus. It is opake, and yields to the knife; contains, by the analyses of Hartwell, 14 per cent, of sesquioxide of manganese, which replaces protox- ide of iron. B B, it fuses easily into a black glass, with borax into a transparent one, exhibiting in the oxidizing flame the amethystine tinge of manganese.* This variety occurs at St. Marcel, in the valley of Aosta, in Piedmont, in gneiss accompanied by oxide of manganese, quartz, asbestus, &c. The following are its constituents : St. Marcel. St. Marcel. Silica 38-47 37-86 Alumina 17-65 16-30 Lime 21-65 13-49 Sesquioxide of manganese. 14-08 18-96 Protoxide of manganese... 00-00 4-82 Peroxide of iron 6-60 Protoxide 7-41 Magnesia 1-82 Oxide of tin and cop. 0-40 100-27 Hartwell.f 99-27 Sobrero-t AXINITE. Prismatic Axinite, M. Axinit, W. Axinite, H. Thumerstone, J. Thumite. Yano- lite. Hyalus Acutus, D. Combination of silica, alumina, lime, oxide of iron, and man- ganese. * M. Sohrero (a) has shown that this variety of epidote, as well as the oxide of manganese found at the same locality, contains tin. He has also been led to examine other epidotes, as those of Scandinavia and of Orrijarfoi in Finland, and finds that all of them contain it, though to an amount not exceeding one per cent. It will be interesting to examine the epidotes of other countries, in order to ascertain if this metal is usually contained in them. [AM. ED.] (a) Berzelius, Rapport Annuel, 1840, p. 129. t Kong. Vet. Acad. Handl. 1828, p. 171. J Berzelius, Rapport Annuel, 1840, p. 129. $ in sharpness like the edge of a hatchet, whence Axinite. EARTHY MINERALS. 47 Dauphine. Trueburg. Silica 50-50 44-0 45-80 Alumina 16.00 18 19-00 Lime 17-00 19-0 12-50 Protoxide of iron 9.50 14.0 12-25 Protoxide of manganese 5 25 4-0 9-00 Magnesia 0-00 0-0 0'25 Boracic acid 0-00 0-0 2-00 98-05 Klaproth. 99-00 Vauquelin. 100-00 Wiegmann. These analyses differ considerably from each other, and bo- racic acid was probably overlooked in the two first, though it is not regarded as an essential constituent. The last is much the latest, and has been adopted by Beudant and Dr. Thom- son. If we calculate the atomic proportions of the constitu- ents, we find the atoms of alumina nearly equal those of all the other bases; and hence supposing the boracic acid to be unit- ed with the lime and magnesia, the constitution of the mineral, as stated by Dr. Thomson, is 1 atom silicate of alumina and 1 atom bisilicates of the other bases. Formula : AlS+(Cal+ F4- Mn)S 2 . Beudant, who records the same formula, suggests that the boracic acid and silica may mutually replace each other. Sp. Gr. 3-27. H. = 6'5 7'0. This mineral rarely occurs massive, more frequently in flat oblique rhomboidal prisms, whose edges are remarkably sharp. It is harder than felspar, but is scratched by topaz. Common color violet or clove-brown, inclining to plum-blue and pearl- grey ; also yellow and green, from an admixture of chlorite; occasionally nearly colorless, and transparent. The crystals do not appear to possess regular cleavages; their primary, therefore, has not been determined; their general form is that of a doubly oblique prism, which is assumed as the primary in the following figure. Externally the crystals are very brilliant ; fracture small and conchoidal ; becomes electric by exposure to heat; B B, intumesces and fuses readily into a dark green glass, which changes to black in the oxidating flame; with borax into a glass, also colored by iron ; is not acted upon by acid. Fused with a mixture of fluor spar and bisulphate of potash, it communicates to the flame a transient green color.* Some varieties are differently electrified by heat, contiguous to opposite ends of the crystals, and in these also a difference has been observed by Haiiy. * See note to species Tourmaline. 48 EARTHY MINERALS. p OM M 134 40' M on c 11 2 25' p on T 115 17 f'2 135 12 \ M on T 135 10 / '3 90 18 M on \ 179 00 T on /.- ' 147 55 a 2 150 3 h 152 5 h 146 35 152 25 h 143 20 14. 142 28 , fire ,; signifying that its behaviour, B B, is similar to that of several other species. EARTHY MINERALS. 49 Occurs in compact masses of a velvet-black color, occasion- ally dotted with red, as in heliotrope. Opake, or faintly trans- lucent on its thinnest edges, with a dark liver-brown tint. Brittle. Lustre vitreous. Cleavage not perceptible. Frac- ture flat conchoidal, highly perfect when the mineral is pure. Acts slightly on the magnetic needle. It fuses, B B, without emitting any gaseous matter. Acids act upon it with difficulty, but it is easily and completely decomposed by alkaline carbon- ates. This mineral much resembles obsidian, but was distinguished by Haidinger* in consequence of its fainter and less vitreous lustre. It is perfectly black, and forms compact masses, occa- sionally two inches in diameter, in the granite of St. Just, near Penzance, where it occurs, associated with tin and tourmaline. Breithaupt's trachylite appears to be the same mineral ; its spe- cific gravity is stated somewhat lower, but in other respects it is identical ; it forms small masses in basalt and wacke, at Sasebiihl near Gottingen. INDIANITE. JBournon. (Phil. Trans., 1802, vol. ii.) Var. Spatura Vesuvianum, D. Rose-Red. White. Silica 42-5 42-0 43.0 Alumina 37-5 34-0 34-5 Lime 15-0 15-0 15-6 Oxide ofiron 3-0 3-2 1-0 Soda 0-0 3-3 2-6 98-0 Chenevix. 97-5 Laugier. 96-1 Laugier. Sp. Gr. 2*74. Scratches glass. In granular masses, of a white, greyish, and rarely rose-red color, with a shining lustre, sometimes tinged brown by a mix- ture of garnet. It is translucent. It cleaves, according to Brooke, into rhombic prisms of 95 15' and 84 45'; is infusi- ble B B, and, when digested in acids, becomes gelatinous. This substance was described by Bournon. It forms the gangue of corundum from the Carnatic ; t and occurs asso- ciated with garnet, felspar, fibrolite, and hornblende. The specific character of this mineral has not been well defined. Beudant supposes it to be a variety of labradorite. Laugier's analysis would seem to authorize its transfer from the earthy to the alkalino-earthy class. * Ed. New. Phil. Jour. 111. 263. f Whence Indianite. 50 EARTHY MINERALS. ANTHOPHYLLITE.* Strahliger-Authophyllite, H. J. Prismatic Schiller Spar, M. Strelite. Augitus Phyl- linus, D. Combination of bisilicate of magnesia and bisilicate of iron. Silica 56-74 56 57-12 Protoxide of iron 13-94 13 13-52 Magnesia 24-35 23 25-92 Protoxide of manganese 2-38 4 00-00 Lime 00-00 2 1-32 Alumina 00-00 3 trace Water 00-00 00 1-36 99-08 Vopelius. 101 Gmelin. 99-24 Thomson.! The mean of these analyses gives 2 atoms of silica to 1 of bases, showing that the mineral is composed of bisilicates. The formula, as given by Dr. Thomson is 3MgS 2 +FS 2 . Sp. Gr. 3-0 to 3-3. H. = 5'0 to 55. Anthophyllite has a grey or clove-brown color ; with an oc- casional blue tinge, and a glistening, pearly, pseudo-metallic lustre. It occurs massive, the mass consisting of crystals or crystalline fibres, often disposed in a radiating form : these may be cleaved parallel to the lateral planes of a rhombic prism of about 125 and 55 (73 44' and 106 16', according to Necker), and both its diagonals ; the latter are not brilliant. The prism is generally traversed by natural crevices nearly at right angles to its axis ; translucent on the edges. It is infu- sible B B, per se ; with borax it melts with difficulty into a glass colored by iron; and with salt of phosphorus decomposes slowly, and yields a skeleton of silica. It occurs atKonigsberg in Norway, with hornblende ; trans- lucent, and of a rich clove-brown color, at Ujordlersoak in Greenland ; in foliated masses with mica, at Snarum, near Modum in Norway ; in the United States associated with tour- malin, &,c. in mica slate, at Haddam, Ct. ; also in the same rock, at Chesterfield and Blanford, Mass. ; at Richmond, N. H. in large bladed crystals, associated with iolite. AMPHODELITE. Nordenskiold. Bcrzelius, Jahresbericht, 1833, p. 174. Contains silica 45*80, alumina 35*45, lime 10*15, magnesia 5*05, oxide of iron 1*70, water 1*85. The atoms of silica rather exceed those of the bases, but the mineral is described as consisting of simple silicates, expressed by this formula : Sp. Gr. 2*76. H. = 4*5. * From its resemblance in color to the flower Anthophyllum. f Localities of the two first specimens not known, and Dr. Thomson only tells us that his came from America. EARTHY MINERALS. 51 Crystalline form, resembling that of felspar. Color light red; similar to scapolite in its fracture, and possessing two cleavages which meet at an angle of 94 19'. Occurs in the limestone quarry of Lojo in Finland. ZEUXITE.* Dr. Thomson. (Outlines of Mineralogy, &c., vol. i., p. 321.) The composition of this mineral, which Dr. Thomson re gards as a new species, is, according to his analysis, as follows : Silica 33-480 Alumina 31-848 Protoxide of iron 26-010 Lime 2-456 Water 5-280 99-074 Dr. Thomson observes that if we admit the atom of lime to be united with 1J- atom of protoxide of iron, in the state of sesquiferrite of lime, and to be accidental, this mineral will be a compound of 3 atoms silicate of alumina, 1 atom disilicate of iron, and 1 atom water. Formula : 3A1S+F 2 S+1 Aq. Sp. Gr. 3-051. H. = 425. Color brown with a slight shade of green, when we view a considerable mass of it together, but not perceptible in a single crystal. Composed of very small flat rectangular prisms inter- woven in such a way as to leave cavities between them : from this structure the mineral may be called promiscuously fibrous. Lustre vitreous, glistening ; opake. The crystals adhere to each other so loosely that the mineral is easily crumbled be- tween the fingers. When heated in a glass tube it gives out water containing a trace of muriatic acid, and emits an odor which may be termed bituminous. By this treatment it loses rather more than 5 per cent, of its weight. B B, its color be- comes deeper, and the crystals lose their edges and assume a scoriaceous appearance, but Dr. Thomson did not succeed in fusing them into a glass globule. With carbonate of soda it fuses easily into an opake bottle-green glass. With borax it effervesces and is converted into a dark brown glass, so very deep in the color that it appears opake. It occurs in considerable quantity in the Huel Unity mine, Cornwall, and was first considered as a variety of actynolite. * So named because it occurs in the united mines, Cornwall. 52 EARTHY MINERALS. BONSDORFITE.* According to Bonsdorf s own analysis, this mineral is com- posed as follows ; Silica 45-05 Alumina 30-05 Magnesia, and a trace of oxide of manganese . . 9-00 Protoxide of iron 5-30 Water 10-tiO 100-00 The formula, as given by Dr. Thomson, is: 3AlS(+Mcr-h Sp. Gr. not given. H. = 3*5. Color greenish brown or dark olive green. When viewed by transmitted light, thin lamella? may be perceived, of a light greenish color. Occurs crystallized in regular six-sided prisms. In general the lateral edges are replaced by so many planes that the prism assumes nearly the appearance of a cylinder. Texture foliated ; folia perpendicular to the axis of the prism ; cross fracture conchoidal. Lustre of the faces like that of talc; of the cross fracture, waxy. Translucent when in thin plates; when in thick pieces, opake. It occurs in red granite at Biskopsokern, near Obo, in Fin- land, and is accompanied by a black grey dichlorite and a greenish colored mineral, which Bonsdorf considers as a soda spodumene. The mineral is rarely found in our cabinets. SMARAGDITE.t Smaragdit, Saussure. Diallage vert, H. Diallage, J. Var. Augitus Protteus, D. It contains silica 50, alumina 21, lime 13, magnesia 3, oxide of chrome and oxide of iron 13 Vauquelin. Sp. Gr. 8-0. Smaragdite has a brilliant or emerald-green color, and a silky or pearly lustre ; is transparent on the edges, or opake ; is scarcely so hard as glass, and yields to the knife ; has a laminated structure, with cleavage parallel to the sides and diagonals of a slightly rhombic prism. It fuses into a grey or greenish enamel. It is found massive, or disseminated in Saussurite, near Ge- neva, and on Monte Rosa in Switzerland ; also in Corsica imbedded in felspar. Haidinger considers it to be a compound * Named by Dr. Thomson, in honor of Von Bonsdorf. (See Outlines of Mineralogy, &c., vol. i., p. 324.) I From the Greek, signifying a green stone an emerald. EARTHY MINERALS. 53 of laminae of hornblende, alternating with lamina? of augite, both frequently of bright-green colors. (Vol. x. of Edinburgh Royal Society Transactions.) Anorthotomous Feldspar, M. ANORTHITE.* Christianite, Monticelli. Vesuvianum, D. Anorthite, Rose. Spatum Combination of silica, alumina, lime, magnesia, and oxide of iron. Silica 44'49, alumina 34-46, lime 15'68, magnesia 5'26, oxide of iron 0'74 Rose. By dividing these products by the atomic weights, we find that the number of atoms of silica nearly corresponds with those of the bases, showing that the mineral is composed of simple silicates, and approaches this formula : 7AlS+2CalS+MgS. Beudant, calculating from the quantities of oxygen, makes the first term 8, instead of 7 Sp. Gr. 2-65. H. = 6'0. Primary form a doubly oblique prism. Cleavage perfect parallel to P and M. Occurs in white, translucent or transpa- rent crystals, which present a vitreous lustre, inclining to pearly on the planes of cleavage ; fracture conchoidal ; streak white. Is entirely decomposed in concentrated muriatic acid. B B, on charcoal, it assumes first a vitreous and translucent aspect, and then fuses with difficulty on the edges into a blebby and semi-transparent glass ; with salt of phosphorus is decom- posed, with the exception of a silica skeleton, and yields a glass which becomes opaline on cooling. Mon P 94 12' M on T 117 28 P on T 110 57 M on I 117 25 T on I 120 30 P on e 137 32 P on n 133 13 P on t 138 46t This species was simultaneously described by Prof. G. Rose under the title of anorthite, and by Monticelli under the de- nomination of Christianite. J Its principal locality is Vesuvius, or rather Monte Somma, the ancient crater of that volcano ; it * From avo^og, oblique, because the interfacial angles of the crystals are oblique. fThe above figure and measurements have been taken from Shepard's Mineralogy [AM. ED.J J In compliment to Prince Christian of Denmark. 54 EARTHY MINERALS. generally occupies the cavities of chloritic masses, and is asso- ciated with ice-spar, augite, mica, and idocrase. Its difficult fusibility B B, serves to distinguish this mineral from any of the zeolites, as well as from nepheline and leucite. It was separated from felspar, with which it had been confounded, by Professor G. Rose. CLAYS. Thon, W. Argile, H. The substances comprehended in the term Clay admit of no general description, but most of them agree in possessing an earthy texture, and emit an argillaceous odor when breathed on. They consist chiefly of silica, with a variable proportion of alu- mina, and a small quantity of lime or magnesia, occasionally of alkali. They are of various degrees of hardness, sometimes quite compact, and even of a slaty structure. As they never occur crystallized, and are evidently mechanical mixtures, fre- quently derived from the decomposition of other materials, they cannot properly be regarded as formularic minerals of constant proportions of ingredients. 1. SLATE-CLAY. SHALE. Schieferthon, W. Argile schis- teuse, Br. Shale occurs only massive ; its general color is grey, which sometimes is bluish, yellowish, or blackish ; in one direc- tion its structure is slaty, in the other earthy ; it is easily broken ; it usually adheres to the tongue, and yields to the nail ; is opake, meagre to the touch, and dull, except from casually im- bedded mica, which sometimes imparts a glimmering lustre : its specific gravity is about 2'6. It is found resting upon, as well as interposed between, beds of coal, which it invariably accompanies. It often contains impressions of reeds and of ferns. Black Bituminous Shale has a slaty structure ; when put into the fire, it blazes, crackles, and emits a black smoke and bitu- minous odor, loses a considerable portion of its weight, and is converted into a whitish or reddish flaky ash. It is found in common coal, being generally more or less mixed with it. Brown Bituminous Shale is met with at Kimmeridge, in Hampshire ; and from its giving out a bituminous odor, when placed in the flame of a candle, or in the fire, is termed Kim- meridge-coal Its color is greyish brown ; it has a somewhat slaty texture, and occasionally a large flat conchoidal fracture : it yields easily to the knife, and acquires lustre by the pressure of the nail. On exposure to a considerable heat, the bitumi- nous part is consumed, and it is reduced to a grey earthy ash. EARTHY MINERALS. 55 Rottenstone. Its color is dirty grey, or reddish brown, pass- ing into black : it is dull, earthy, soft, meagre to the touch, and emits an unpleasant odor when rubbed. According to the analysis of R. Phillips, it consists of 86 alumina, 4 silica, and 10 carbon. Occurs at Bakewell in Derbyshire, and is believed to arise from the decomposition of the shale of that country. 2. ADHESIVE SLATE. Schiste a polir, Br. Adhesive slate, J. Contains silica 86-50, alumina 7'00, magnesia 1'50, lime 1*25, oxide of iron 2'50 Klaproth. Is found massive, and possesses a slaty texture, which becomes visible by exposure ; but if the mass be immersed in water, it resumes its former appearance. Has a yellowish or smoke-grey color ; is very soft, splits easily, adheres strongly to the tongue (whence Adhesive slate), and is opake. Its specific gravity is 2'OS ; and it is infusible B B. On exposure to a red heat, it becomes brownish, and loses weight. It absorbs water with avidity, but does not fall to pieces. It has hitherto been found only in the gypsum forma- tion around Paris, and is the imbedding substance of the Me- nilite. 3. POLISHING SLATE. Polier schiefer, W. Sp. Gr. 0'59 0'60. Is of a white, yellowish-white, or yellow color ; massive, with a slaty texture; is opake, brittle, and so light as to swim on water. One variety yielded to Bucholz, silica 83*50, alum- ina 4-0, lime 8*50, oxide of iron I '60, water 9'0. It imbibes water, and when burnt becomes red, but does riot fuse. It is found near Bilin in Bohemia, in a bed resting on marl; also at Zwickau in Saxony, and in Auvergne, and is supposed to be a volcanic production. It is used for polishing glass, mar- ble, and metals. 4. LITHOMARGE. Steinmark, W. Argile lithomarge, H. Sp. Gr. 2'43. Is yellowish or reddish-white; also grey or bluish, and is frequently spotted internally. It is massive; soft ; adheres strongly to the tongue ; has a greasy feel ; gives a shining streak, and is commonly opake, occasionally trans- lucent; texture earthy, but has a large conchoidal fracture. It is infusible BB; sometimes phosphoresces when heated, and hardens if exposed to a high temperature. It occurs at Ehrenfriedersdorf and Altenburg in Saxony; at Planitz, near Zwickau in Bohemia ; and has been noticed in small quantities in the tin and copper veins of Tin Croft and Cook's Kitchen mines near Redruth, which traverse both granite and schiste. In the United States it has been found in Maryland, at the Bare Hills, near Baltimore; also in Montgomery County, Pa. : in both instances in serpentine. Cleaveland. Friable Lithomarge, in scaly, glimmering particles, which 56 EARTHY MINERALS. are phosphorescent in the dark, occurs in the tin veins of Ehrenfriedersdorf in Saxony, and some other places. Klaproth found it to consist of silica 32, alumina 26'50, iron 21, water 17, and muriate of soda 1'50. 5. FULLER'S EARTH. Walkerde, W. Argile smectique, H. Sp. Gr. ]'82 to2'l9. Occurs massive, and is usually of a greenish-brown color, sometimes nearly that of slate; it is opake, soft, dull, possesses an earthy fracture and a greasy feel, and yields to and receives a polish from the nail, but scarcely adheres to the tongue; in water it becomes translu- cent, and falls into a pulpy impalpable powder. A variety from England yielded 53 silica, 10 alumina, 0*5 lime, 1'25 magnesia, 9'5 oxide of iron, 1 muriate of soda, and 24 water. It is fusible into a porous slag, and ultimately forms a white blebby glass. At Nutfield near Riegate, in Surrey, it occurs in regular beds near the summit of a hill of considerable elevation, be- tween beds of sand or sandstone containing fossil wood and impressions of the nautilus and other sea-shells. There are two distinct beds of fuller's earth ; the upper, of a greenish clay color and five feet in thickness, rests upon the other, which is of a light slate-blue, and eleven feet thick ; in these beds, but principally in the latter, are found considerable masses of sulphate of barytes, sometimes exhibiting regular crystallizations. Fuller's earth is also found at Deptling, near Maidstone in Kent; and at Apsley, near Woburn in Bedford- shire, under nearly the same circumstances as at Nutfield. Also at Old Down near Bath; near Nottingham; in Sussex; and at Rosswein in Saxony. It occurs among primitive rocks, and is supposed to originate from their decomposition. From its property of absorbing oil and greasy matter, this substance was formerly much used in the fulling of cloth (whence its name), and was forbidden to be exported under severe penal- ties : soap is now generally substituted. 6. TRIPOLI. Tripel, W. Quarz aluminifere Tripoleen, H. Sp. Gr. 1*86 2'2. This mineral has generally an argilla- ceous aspect. It occurs massive, with a coarse, dull, earthy fracture ; it is meagre and rough to the touch, does not adhere to the tongue, and yields easily to the nail. Presents various shades of grey, yellow, and red; and yielded to Haase 90 sili- ca, 7*0 alumina, and 3'0 iron. It imbibes water, which softens it ; when burnt, becomes white and is hardened ; but is very difficultly fusible. It was first brought from Tripoli in Africa, but has since been noticed in the Puy de Dome, in Tuscany, near Prague, at Arnberg in Bohemia, and many other places; EARTHY MINERALS. 57 and appears to be merely a fine arenaceous variety of quartz, accidentally mixed with clay. It is used in polishing metals, marble, glass, and other hard bodies. 7. BOLE. Bol, W. Bole, J. Sp. Gr. 1'60 1-97. Bole occurs in solid amorphous masses of a yellow, red, or brown- ish-black color. The yellow is translucent on the edges, the red is nearly translucent, and the brownish-black opake. It yields to the nail, exhibits a conchoidal fracture, gives a shining streak, adheres to the tongue, has a greasy feel, and fuses into a slag. Immersed in water, it emits a crackling noise, and breaks in pieces. This substance is found in irregular beds or disseminated masses in wacke and basalt, from the decomposition of which it is supposed to arise. It occurs at Striegau in Silesia, at the Habichtswald in Hessia, and near Sienna in Italy. 8. LEMNIAN EARTH is yellowish-grey, or white, frequently with ochreous spots on the surface. The fracture is earthy; dull; has a meagre feel; adheres slightly to the tongue; and, when immersed in water, falls to pieces, evolving numerous air-bubbles. Klaproth found it to consist of silica 66, alumina 14'50, oxide of iron 6, water 8*50, together with very minute portions of lime and magnesia, and 3'50 of soda. It is dug once a year with much ceremony in the Isle of Lemnos,* in the Mediterranean, where only it is found. It was formerly used in medicine. 9. CIMOLITE is of a light greyish-white, inclining to pearl- grey, but by exposure it acquires a reddish tint; it occurs massive, and exhibits a somewhat slaty texture; is opake, dull, and has an earthy fracture; yields to the nail, and adheres to the tongue. It often encloses small grains of quartz. It con- sists of 63 silica, 23 alumina, 1'25 oxide of iron, and 12 water. Sp. Gr. 2. It is infusible. It abounds in the island of Cimola,* now called Argenteria, situated near that of Milo. It was employed by the ancients, and still is by the inhabitants of the island, for some of the pur- poses to which fuller's earth is applied. 10. MOUNTAIN-MEAL. Bergmehl. Fabbroni. This sin- gular mineral was found in the form of a bed by Fabbroni, at Santa Fiora, between Tuscany and the Papal dominions ; it is manufactured into bricks so light as to swim on water. It con- sists of silica 79, alumina 5, oxide of iron 3, water 12. proth. * Whence Lemnian earth, t Whence Cimolite. 58 EARTHY MINERALS. 11. BLACK CHALK. Zeichenschiefer, W. Argile schisteuse graphique, H. Schiste a dessiner, Br. Amphelite graphique, Bt. This mineral is greyish or bluish-black ; has a slaty tex- ture; is meagre to the touch, and soils the fingers. Exposed to heat it becomes red. It is found in primitive mountains, accompanying argillaceous schiste, particularly the aluminous, to which it is nearly allied. It is met with in France, Spain, Italy, and in Bayreuth. It is used both in drawing and paint- ing ; its streak on paper is quite black. The variety from Bayreuth contains silica 64'50, alumina 11 25, oxide of iron 2-75, carbon ll'OO, water 7'50. Wieglcb. Sp. Gr. 2*11 218. 12. PIPE-CLAY. Has a greyish or yellowish-white color; an earthy fracture, and smooth greasy feel ; it adheres pretty strongly to the tongue, is very plastic and tenacious, and is infusible. It is manufactured into tobacco-pipes, and is the basis of the queen's-vvare pottery. An extensive stratum of pipe-clay lies in a horizontal position above the chalk, extend- ing from Handfast Point to beyond Corfe Castle in Dorsetshire. It may be traced in the hills near Poole, and is found in many parts of that extensive tract called the Trough of Poole. Pipe clay is found at various places in the United States, but very abundantly in the eocene tertiary formation of Mar- tha's Vineyard, Mass., where it is mixed with coarser varieties of various shades, and forms high cliffs upon the seashore. 13. POTTER'S CLAY is plastic, and disintegrates by exposure. It is generally of a reddish, bluish, or greenish color, and has a soft and often greasy feel. When mixed with sand, it is made into bricks and tiles. A variety found in the forest of Dreux in France (employed, on account of its infusibility, in the making of tiles for the porcelain furnaces) consists of 43 silica, 33 alumina, 3 lime, 1 iron, and 18 water. Most of the clay used in the Staffordshire potteries is brought from Devonshire. Potter's clay is found abundantly at South Amboy, N. J., and is employed in the manufacture of stone ware and fire bricks. PYROPHYLLITE.* Hermann of Moscow. (Poggendorfs Jlnnalcn, xv. p. 592.) Silica 59'79, alumina 29'46, magnesia 4*0, oxide of iron T8, water 5*62. Hermann. Formula, as given by Dr. Thomson : 8AlS2-{-MgSH-3Aq. *From TTVQ, fire, and cfvMov, a leaf. EARTHY MINERALS. 59 Sp. Gr. 28. H. = 1-5. Occurs in fibrous radiating masses, and small elongated prisms, sometimes with terminations, but whose form is never- theless not ascertained. Of a light green color ; lustre pearly ; in thin lamina?, transparent. This mineral used to be consid- ered a radiated variety of talc, but its comportment, B B, is peculiar. Heated per se, it exfoliates into white leaves, and increases to about twenty times its original size, but does not fuse. With borax it forms a green transparent glass, which on cooling loses its color ; with salt of phosphorus is decomposed into a colorless glass and a skeleton of silica ; with soda fuses with effervescence into a transparent yellow glass; and heated with a solution of cobalt, it assumes a blue tinge. It occurs near Beresof in the Ural Mountains of Siberia. FAHLUNITE. Triclasite, H. Peritomous Petaline-Spar, Skcpard. Stylus Acrotomus, D. Fahlunite, Hisinger, Combination of silica, alumina, and water, mixed with mag- nesia, potash, soda, oxide of iron, and manganese. Tricklasite. Green variety. Black variety. Grey variety. Silica 46-79 44-95 43-51 44-60 Alumina 26-73 30-70 25-81 30-10 Magnesia 2-97 6-04 6-35 6-75 Protoxide of iron.. 5-01 7-22 6-35 2-24 Oxide of manganese 0-43 1-90 0-00 0-00 Potash and soda. .. .0-00 1-38 5-39 1-98 Water 13-50 , . 8-65 11-66 9-35 95-43 Hisinger. 100-84 Wacht'r. 99-07 Wacht'r. 95-02 W'r. From the mean of the three last analyses by Wachtmeister, Dr. Thomson states the formula thus : 3AlS+( T 6 (jMg4- T 3 ^FH- T \5-Mn)S 2 +2Aq. The silicates of potash, soda, and lime are regarded as accidental. Sp. Gr. 2-6 2-7. H. 3-0. Primary form an oblique rhombic prism of 109 28' and 70 32'. Occurs massive and in six-sided prisms ; the crystals, however, from their highly perfect cleavage, almost invariably fracture in parallel position with the slate in which they occur, and thus present only sections of their form. Cleavage per- pendicular to the axis of the prism ; lustre resinous. B B, it becoms grey, and fuses on its thinnest edges ; but with borax melts slowly into a glass slightly colored by iron. Color dark reddish-brown ; occasionally green or black, and opake ; but when reduced to small fragments, translucent, and yellowish- brown by transmitted light. It occurs imbedded in chlorite 60 EARTHY MINERALS. slate in a Coppermine at Erie Matts, Fahlun, Sweden; whence its name by Hisinger, who first described it. IOLITE.* Dichroite, Cordicr. Cordierite, Leonhard. Prismatic Quartz, M. lolite, H. Hyalus Bicolor, D. Combination of silica, alumina, magnesia, oxide of iron, and manganese. Simitok. Bodenmais. Orijerfwi. Fahlun. Silica 49-17 48-35 49-95 50-24 Alumina 33-10 31-70 32-88 33 42 Magnesia 11-48 10-15 10-15 10-84 Protoxide of iron 4-33 8-31 5-00 4-00 Protoxide of mangane&e 0.00 0-33 0-03 068 Water 1-20 0-59 1-75 166 99-28 Strom. 99-43 Strom. 100-06 Bons. 100-84 Strom. Steinhillite. Haddam, Ct. Richmond, N.H. Unity, N.H. Silica 48-5-J5 48-35 48-00 48-15 Alumina 31-502 32-5D 35-00 32-50 Magnesia 00-000 10-00 10-00 10-14 Protoxide of iron 15-000 600 6-00 7-9-2 Protoxide of manganese Ivi 10 0-10 1-00 0.28 Water 0-243 3-10 0-00 0-50 98-305 Thomson 100-05 Jackson 100-00 Jackson 99-49 Jackson It will be observed that there is a remarkable agreement among these several analyses, both as regards the foreign and American specimens. In the analysis of the Haddam speci- men, by Dr. Jackson,f the water amounts to one atom. If this is considered as accidental, the atomic constitution calcu- lated from each of the analyses above recorded, will agree with the formula given by Beudant, in which the oxides of manga- nese and iron are included with the magnesia. 3AlS+MgS 2 . Dr. Thomson includes the manganese with the iron, which together make one atom silicate of iron, and this he adds to his formula. Sp. Gr. 2-56. H. z= 7-0 7-5. This mineral has a dark-blue color, sometimes with a tinge of black ; but when viewed by transmitted light at right angles to the axis of the prism, it appears brownish yellow. It occurs massive, and crystallized in six or twelve-sided prisms ; its pri- mary being the six-sided prism. Transparent or translucent; with a shining vitreous lustre, and an uneven and somewhat conchoidal fracture. Alone, B B, in a strong heat, fuses on the edges = 5 to 5, into a bluish glass; with borax it melts slowly into a diaphanous glass. Not affected by acid. * lolite, from its bluish violet color in one direction. f For the last analyses I am indebted to Dr. C. T. Jackson, who kindly furnished them to me from his private manuscript, before they had been published in any other work. [AM. ED.] EARTHY MINERALS. 61 P on M or M . . 90 00' M on M 120 00 M on M or d . . . 150 00 M on c 137 46 It is found at Cape de Gatte in Spain, imbedded in granite ; in very large individuals imbedded in quartz at Ujordlersoak and Simitok, in Greenland; and in distinct crystals, with magnetic pyrites, at Bodenmais, in Bavaria. It is more common mas- sive, being found in that state among the primitive rocks of Arendal in Norway, Orijerfwi in Finland, &c. In the United States it occurs in gneiss at Haddam, Ct., associated with gar- net and anthophyllite. It is transparent, of various shades of blue and green, and possessed of dichorism. Larger speci- mens have recently been discovered in opening for the rail- road near Shetucket River, in the same State, and where it is imbedded in quartz, and accompanied by blood-red garnet Shepard's Report, p. 139. lolite of a fine delicate sapphire-blue color, like that from Bodenmais, occurs at Richmond, N. H., near the Soapstone Quarry. It is in regular six-sided prisms, and also in broad laminated masses, occasionally as large as the palm of the hand. It is associated with large bladed crystals of anthophyl- lite, and occurs also in veins of white quartz, accompanied by phosphate of lirne and pinite. At this locality it does not pass into the hydrous iolite, or chlorophyllite, as is the case at Unity, N. H., where specimens of equal beauty have been obtained. For the discovery of these two very interesting localities we are indebted to Dr. Jackson. 1. PELIOM * is a name occasionally given to the Bodenmais variety, which, from its containing a larger portion of iron, is somewhat heavier. 2. DICHROITE. This mineral received its name from dig, double, and /{?oV Barytes 17-59 Lime 1-08 20-32 0-26 19-22 00-00 Soda or potash 0-00 Water 15-32 1-02 15-03 00-00 14-66 98-07 Wernekinck. 100-07 Kohler. 100-27 Rammelsberg. * From arifiog, a joint, and Tfpvo), I cut. Because it admits of cleavage at the joints. 6** 64 EARTHY MINERALS. Oberstein. Silica 46-65.. Oberstein. 47-5 19-5 Strontian. ..47-04.... 15.04 Strontian. 48-75 15-01 Barytes 19-12... Lime 1-10... ](j-() 00-0 0(1-0 ..20-85 .. 0-10.... 0-88 1427 3-18 2-55 Water 15-24... 13-5 ..1492.... 14-00 99-75 Koliler. 9G-5 Tassaert. 100-11 Council. 97-85 Thomson. The atomic constitution of harmotome, as given by Dr. Thomson, from the mean of the last three analyses, is 4 atoms tersilicate of alumina, 1 atom tersilicate of barytes, and 6 atoms of water. Formula : 4AlS 3 +BS 3 +GAq. Beudant gives a for- mula for each analysis in his Traite ele/ncntairc, and in his late work (Cours elemcntaire de Mineralogie), he states the con- stituents only, without giving their atomic proportions, evident- ly regarding its constitution as doubtful. But the formula given by Berzelius, accords with that above stated, with the slight difference only of BS 4 , instead of BS 3 .* Sp.Gr. 2-35 2-4. H. = 4%5. Harmotome sometimes occurs in flattish quadrangular prisms, terminated by rhombic planes, replacing the solid angles of the prism ; these crystals often cross each other lengthwise and at right angles, so that their axes coincide. The crystals yield to cleavage parallel to the planes and both diagonals of a right rectangular prism, which is the primary form. The usual color of this mineral is greyish white; it is translucent, and has a somewhat pearly lustre. B B, it fuses easily, without intumes- cence, into a diaphanous glass; and is scarcely affected by acids, unless they are heated. Gives water in the bulb-tube. Its partial solution in muriatic acid gives a precipitate of sul- phate of barytes with sulphuric acid. Fig. 1. The primary form, a right rectangular prism, of which certain of the angles are replaced in fig. 2, reducing it, when placed in another direction, to a six-sided prism, of which the edges are modified in fig. 3 by narrow planes, whicn are increased in fig. 4, and complete in fig. 6, and so increased in fig. 7 as greatly to reduce the primary planes, and to give a nearly octahedral form to the crystal. Fig. 5 represents two crys- tals of the same form as fig. 6, but flatter, crossing each other. * For Plrillipsite, or lime-harmotoroe, see page 184. EARTHY MINERALS. 65 M on b 125 5' b on b over summit 110 26 b on a 1 . . 171 4 b on a 2 151 b on a 3 149 a 4 on a 4' } or V . . . 177 a 4 ou a 4" S Strontian, in Argyleshire, produces the finest specimens of the simple crystal ; while the cruciform varieties are best known in metalliferous veins, traversing grauwacke, at Andre- asberg in the Hartz. It is also met with in the trap rocks of Kilpatrick Hills, Dumbartonshire, accompanying analcime; on gneiss at Kongsberg in Norway ; and in the cavities of siliceous geodes at Oberstein in Deuxponts. MORVENITE. Since the mineral from Aci Reale, in Sicily, once classed with harmotome, has been made into a new species by the late M. Levy (see Phillipsite, or lime-harrnotome), Dr. Thomson has analyzed some transparent crystals from Strontian, having precisely the same measurements with harmotome, but differ- ing from it in chemical constitution, and in other characters, which he also makes into a new species, under the name of MORVENITE. He states its composition thus : Silica 64-755 Alumina 13-425 Lime 4-160 Protoxide of iron 2-595 Water 14-470 99-405 Formula being 5AlS 4 -fCalS 4 +llAq. Of this mineral Dr. Thomson observes that the appearance of its crystals is quite different from that of any other crystal of harmotome hitherto examined ; and if to this be added its transparency, its greater specific gravity, and the very great difference in its composi- tion, we cannot hesitate to consider it entitled to rank as a distinct species. (Outlines of Mineralogy, i. 352.) 6* 66 EARTHY MINERALS. BREWSTERITE.* Brewsterite, Brooke. Brewsteritic Kouphonc Spar, Haidinger. Vulcanus Brcwsteria- nus, D. Combination of silica, alumina, strontia, baryta, lime, and water, with a little oxide of iron. Strontian. Silica 52-040 Alumina 15-918 Bary tcs 5-827 Strontian 7709 Lime 1-007 Peroxide of iron 0-208 Water 12.584... Strontian. 53-045 16-510 6-059 9-005 0-800 0-000 ...14-735 95-653 Council. 100-175 Thomson. The specimen analyzed by Connell was a portion of an amorphous and crystallized mass, while that selected by Dr. Thomson consisted of very perfect and pure crystals ; yet there is a remarkable agreement between them. Calculating the atomic proportions from his analysis, and admitting a little bisilicate of lime to be accidental, Dr. Thomson has thus stated the formula: 3AlS 3 +(^Br+fStr)S 3 +6^Aq. It thus differs from Heulandite in having tersilicate of barytes and Strontian in place of tersilicate of lime, and also in containing half an atom more of water. Sp. Gr. 212-4. H.=r5'0 55. g on T 93<> 40' d on d . .172 00 Primary form, an oblique rectangular prism. In small white or yellowish-colored crystals, whose cleavage is highly perfect parallel to P. Lustre vitreous, except on the faces of cleavage, which are pearly, transparent, or translucent; frac- ture uneven. It gelatinizes with acids; B B, loses its water, becomes opake, froths, swells up, and fuses = 3. It is easily distinguished from the minerals that most resemble it, by the property that its diluted solution in muriatic acid gives, with sulphuric acid, a white precipitate of sulphate of barytes, which is insoluble in acids. With salt of phosphorus it melts easily, leaving a skeleton of silica. * In honor of Sir David Brewster. EARTHY MINERALS. 67 Brewsterite was first observed at Strontian in Argyleshire, where it generally occurs associated with calcareous spar; but has latterly also been met with, coating the cavities of amygda- loidal rocks at the Giant's Causeway ; in the lead mines of St. Turpet, near Freiburg in the Brisgau ; in the department of Isere in France ; and in the Pyrenees. (Allan's Manual.) -We are indebted to a distinguished analyst, Arthur Connell, Esq., of Edinburgh, for the first correct analysis of this mine- ral, and the discovery of both barytes and strontian, as essen- tial constituents of it. TABULAR SPAR. Prismatic Augite Spar, M. Wollastonite, JVecfcer. H. Schaalstein, W. Spath en Tables, H. Bisilicate of Lime, Thomson. Table Spar. Grammite. Augitus tabularis, U. Combination of silica and lime. Cziklowa. Cziklowa. Pargas. Perbenieini. Silica 51-44 53-1 52-58 51-60 Lime 47-4 1 45-1 44-45 46-41 Magnesia 0-00 1-8 0-68 0-00 Protoxide of iron 0-40 0-0 1-13 traces 99-25 Strom. 100-0 Beudant. 98-84 Bonscl. 98-01 H. Rose. Willsborough, N. Y. Buck's county, Penn. Silica 51-71 51.67 51-00 51 -50 Lime 43-35 47-00 46-00 44-10 Protoxide of iron 1-9'J 1-35 1-30 1-00 Water 3-20 0-00 1-00 075 99-96 Thomson. 100.02 Vanuxem.* 99.30 Seybert.f 97.35 Prof. Morton. J Each of the above analyses gives very nearly two atoms of silica to one of lime. From the mean numbers of the last four, we obtain 25'74 atoms silica, and 12'88 atoms lime, or almost exactly two atoms of acid to one of base. The mine- ral is therefore a bisilicate, and is represented by this formula : CalS 2 . Sp. Gr. 2-86. H. = 45 50. Tabular spar generally occurs in fibrous masses of a greyish-, yellowish-, greenish-, or reddish-white color : with a shining and somewhat pearly lustre; translucent; often friable. Primary form, according to Brooke, an oblique rhombic prism. P on M 104 48'; M on M' 95 38'. Cleavages are easily obtained parallel to the planes M M, of the primary. It is phosphores- cent when scratched with the knife, as well as when heated. A fragment placed in nitric acid effervesces quickly at first, and then falls into powder. On charcoal it melts on the edge into a semi-transparent colorless glass, but requires a very strong heat for its perfect fusion ; with borax it melts easily into a colorless transparent glass. * Journal of the Academy of Natural Sciences, Phila., vol. ii. p 184. t American Journal of Science, iv. 320. J Ann. of Phil., 127. p. 46. 68 EARTHY MINERALS. M on M' 95 20' M on t 139 45 M' on i 135 30 M on h I 93 40 M'on h 1 126 00 h 1 on h 2 156 30 e on h 1 return ... 94 15 This mineral has been found in small, extremely fragile, tab- ular-shaped crystals, in the ejected stones of Vesuvius, at Capo di Bara, near Rome; in fibrous masses, with apophyllite, at Cziklovva and Dognatska in the Bannat of Temesvvar; in cin- namon-stone from Ceylon ; and in fibrous radiated masses in basalt at the castle rock of Edinburgh. The massive varieties are usually composed of small columnar crystals lying in all directions, or fibrous the fibres parallel or diverging. It ac- companies garnet, fluor, and native silver, at Pargas, Finland. In the United States it forms a large vein in gneiss at Wills- borough, N. Y. ; is both granular and massive, associated with garnet; also in Bucks county, Penn., in large masses with scapolite, pyroxene and sphene. At Greenville, Lower Canada, a very beautiful greenish-white variety of this species, mixed with green coccolite, occurs abundantly in limestone. It fre- quently bears considerable resemblance to some varieties of tremolite. By fusing lime and silica in the required propor- tions, cleavable masses resembling this mineral have been ob- tained ; and, according to Professor Hausmann, of Gottingen, (Edin. Phil. Jour., xxiv. 77), well characterized specimens of this species are among the artificial substances formed among the slags of furnaces. Chelmsfordite. The editor here introduces as a variety of the preceding species, a mineral discovered by Drs. J. F. and S. L. Dana, in Chelmsford, Mass., and described by them under the above title, in their Outlines of the Mineralogy and Geology of the Vicinity of Boston. It contains about 75 parts silica, united with about 25 of lime ; but no complete analysis has, as yet, been given. In color, hardness, pyrognostic char- acters, &/c., it agrees pretty nearly with the common form of tabular spar, and is found crystallized in rhombic prisms, the bases of which admit of an imperfect cleavage, but not suffi- ciently brilliant to allow the use of the reflecting goniometer. Drs. Dana have arranged it as a sub-species of tabular spar, and as such it is described in Cleaveland's Mineralogy. By some authors it is described under scapolite, but without sufficient reason, as all its characters plainly ally it with tabular spar. EARTHY MINERALS. 69 MELLILITE, H. Bt. Its analyses afforded of silica 38*0, lime 19'G, magnesia 194, alumina 2'9, oxide of iron 12*1, oxide of manganese 2-0, ox- ide of titanium 4'0. Carpi. Dr. Thomson regards' the titanic acid as accidental, arid gives the following as the most probable constitution of the mineral : 3MgS4-2CalS+FS 2 . Sp. Gr. 3-24 3-28. Gives sparks with steel." :M P on M or M' ... 90 00' M on M' 90 00 M or M' on d . . 135 00 This mineral occurs in the form of its primary, a right square prism, whose lateral edges are mostly replaced. Inter- nally the crystals are of a honey-yellow or orange color ; exter- nally they are usually coated by oxide of iron of a brown hue. B B, it melts without effervescence into a greenish glass; and, when reduced to powder, gelatinizes with nitric acid. It has only been found at Tivoli and Capi di Bove, near Rome, in the fissures of a compact black lava, with nepheline, pleonaste, and other volcanic minerals. WOLLASTONITE. Dr. Thomson.^ Dr. Thomson has separated the name of WoIIastonite from table spar, and applied it to a mineral very nearly resembling it in some of its characters, but which has a different composi- tion, being composed, according to his analysis, of Silica 52-744 Lime 31-684 Soda 9-600 Magnesia 1-520 Alumina 0-672 Water 2-000 99-200 By throwing out the iron and alumina as accidentally pres- ent, and uniting the magnesia with the lime, it is evident that the mineral is composed, as stated by Dr. Thomson, of 4 atoms bisilicate of lime, and 1 atom tersilicate of soda. Formula: 4CalS 2 +NS 3 . It thus seems to belong to the alkalino-earthy class of the present arrangement; but as the name of Wollas- * Mellilite, from its being of a honey-yellow. f Outlines of Mineralogy, &c , vol. i. p. 130. This mineral differs from the zeolites in containing lime in the place of other bases, and seems more nearly allied in its composi- tion to the stellite of Dr. Thomson. (AM. ED.) 70 EARTH V MINERALS. tonite, in honor of one to whom mineralogy is under very great obligations, has now become fixed in its application to table spar, or bisilicate of lime, the editor will merely introduce Dr. Thomson's description (that mineralogists may compare other specimens with it), and allow the mineral to remain in its pres- ent connection until its crystallographical characters have been determined, and it is decided whether its present name is to be retained, or another applied to it. Its color is white, with a slight shade of green; texture is fibrous, the fibres in tufts, diverging from a centre, showing it to be imperfectly crystal- lized; lustre inclining to silky; translucent on the edges; fracture splintery ; fragments sharp-edged ; hardness 2'5; spe- cific gravity variable from 2 - S5 to 2'876. B B, it fuses with some difficulty, and without frothing, into a white enamel. With borax it fuses into a bead, which is yellow while hot, but becomes colorless when cold. With biphosphate of soda, in considerable excess, it melts into a colorless bead, leaving a silica skeleton. With carbonate of soda it froths and forms an opake bead, having a shade of reddish-blue. It occurs in considerable quantities in veins in a greenstone rock, situated near Kilsyth, and not far from the banks of the Forth and Clyde Canal, Scotland; also in the neighborhood of Edinburgh, where it was discovered by Lord Greenock. TERSILICATE OF LIME.* This mineral was first noticed by Hisinger in 1823, by whom it was analyzed. A purer specimen, analyzed by Dr. Thomson, gave the following results : Silica 55-200 Lime 34-284 Alumina 4-lfiO Protoxide of iron 2-896 Moisture 3-400 99-940 Omitting as accidental the alumina, protoxide of iron, and water, the atoms of silica are three times those of lime : hence the mineral is a tersilicate, the constitution of which is ex- pressed by the symbol CalS 3 . Sp. Gr. 2 205. H. = 3 05. Color snow-white ; according to Hisinger it becomes grey by exposure; the texture is finely radiated, which imparts to it the aspect of tremolite ; phosphoresces strongly when rubbed or struck, but only slightly when heated; does not effervesce in acids even when reduced to powder, when pure. It is * Outlines of Mineralogy, dec., vol. ii. p. 132. EARTHY MINERALS. 71 easily frangible; its behaviour, B B, is similar to that of table spar ; on the edges it fuses with difficulty into a semi-transpa- rent glass ; with borax it fuses easily, and forms an amethyst- colored glass. It occurs in transition limestone at Gjellebak, not far from Christiania in Norway. It had been mistaken for tremolite until Hisinger pointed out its true nature. GISMONDINE. Abrazite, Brecchi. Zeagonite, Oismondi. Gismondine, L. Abrazite Kouphone Spar, Shepard. Spatum Volcanicum, D. Silica 57-45 41-4 Alumina 7-36 2-5 Lime 25-30 48-6 Magnesia 2-56 1-5 Oxide of iron 3-00 2-5 Oxide of manganese 0-50 0-0 96-17 Viviani. 96-5 Carpi. From the last analysis Dr. Thomson observes that it may prove a sesquisilicate of lime, admitting the alumina, magne- sia, and iron as accidental ; but a more accurate analysis is necessary, in order to establish its chemical constitution in a satisfactory manner. Sp. Gr. 2-16 2-2. H.n= 7-0 7-5. Primary form, a right square prism ; secondary, the same, surmounted by four-sided pyramids. P on P' 122 58' F on P" . . 85 40 Occurs in white translucent crystals, having an adamantine lustre, and presenting an imperfect cleavage parallel to n. Fracture conchoidal. B B, it phosphoresces, and becomes friable, but does not melt. It gelatinizes in acids without effervescence. This species occurs at Capo di Bove, near Rome, coating the cavities of ancient lava, along with other volcanic minerals. AUGITE. PYROXENE.* Augit, W. Pyroxene, H. Paratomous Augite Spar, M. Augitus Diatomus, D. Combination of silica, lime, protoxide of iron, and sometimes manganese and alumina. * Augite, from the Greek, splendor, in allusion to the brilliancy of its crystals j Pyrox- ene, signifying a,guest in the domain of fire unaltered by heat. EARTHY MINERALS. Analyses of black and green varieties. Black. Green. Green. Taberg. New York. Dalecarlis Silica 53-36 52-66 54-08 Lime 22-19 23-33 23-47 Protoxide of iron 17 38 12 30 10-02 Magnesia 4-99 5-73 11-49 Alumina 0-00 6-ii6 00-00 Oxide of manganese.. 0-09 0-00 0-61 98-01 Rose. 100-68 Seybert. 99-67 Rose. Green. Slack. Dalecarlia. Piko, Azores.* Finland.t Silica 54-55 50-40 ...5099 Lime 20-2 1 21-10 . . .20-00 Protoxide of iron 8-14 .....22-00 ...21-00 Magnesia 15-25 2-40 ... 4-50 Alumina 0-14 2-90 ... 0-00 Oxide of manganese. . 0-73 00-30 ... 3-00 99-02 Rose. 99-18 Hochstetter. 98-50 Berzelius. Analyses of white augite. Finland. Wermeland. Finland.! Silica 54-64 55-32 54-83 Lime 24-94 23-01 24-76 Magnesia 18-00 16-99 18-55 Protoxide of manganese 2-00 1-59 0-00 Peroxide of iron 1-08 2-16 0-99 Alumina 0-00 0-00 0-28 100-66 Rose. 99-07 Rose. 99-73 Bonsdorf. These analyses, divided by the atomic weights, will show the mineral to consist of bisilicates of lime, magnesia, and iron. Formula: CalS 2 +(Mg+F)S 2 . Dr. Thomson has separated common white augite from the dark varieties, and described it as a distinct species, under which are included one or two of the varieties described in the present connection. Regarding the oxides of iron and man- ganese as accidental, they give a formula (CalS 2 +MgS 2 ) which slightly differs from that of the pyroxenes; but as all the other characters are common to both, it does not seem absolutely necessary that we should maintain the distinction. In all the analyses given, both of white augite and the dark varieties, there is a very close agreement in atomic constitution, the atoms of silica being almost exactly double those of the bases, showing the mineral to consist of bisilicates But the atoms of the bases vary among each other, owing to their well-known isomorphic nature, one replacing another without any alteration in the crystalline form of the mineral : whence the numerous * Part of a macled crystal, analyzed by Carl Hochstetter. Lond., Edin., and Dub. Phil. Jour, and Mag., 1843. Vol. xxii., p. 370. f Dark reddish-brown malacolite, from Degero, Finland. J The specimens from Finland were from different localities ; one from Orrijervi, the other from Tammare. They belonged to the variety called malacolite. EARTHY MINERALS. 73 varieties depending principally on color and the variable pro- portions of iron and manganese. Beudant ( Traite, t. ii., p. 225) regards the mineral as a simple bisilicate of lime and iron and makes hedenbergite (variety sixth), in which the mag- nesia is nearly replaced by protoxide of iron, and the iron and lime are present in nearly equal atoms the true type of the species. Calculating from the last two analyses here given, of the dark colored varieties, we shall have almost precisely the same result.* Augite ^occurs crystallized, also in grains, and amorphous; the crystals generally small, and often hemitrope or macled. Its color is white, green, brown, or brownish-black, sometimes black; with vitreous or resinous lustre, and opake; fracture conchoidal, uneven. It cleaves parallel to the sides of an ob- lique rhombic prism of 87 5', and 92 55', as determined by the reflecting goniometer, which therefore is its primary form. B B, it fuses, emits a few bubbles, and finally yields a glassy globule, more or less tinged by iron; it is readily soluble with borax. Several varieties of augite have been obtained artifi- cially by means of fusion ; and they are frequently met with among the iron slags of Sweden. All varieties of this mineral seem to owe their peculiarities to the isomorphous nature of iron and some of the other substances that enter into its com- position, and replace each other, without producing any change in the crystalline form of the species; and probably to no one variety is this remark more applicable than to Jef- fersonite, the variety next to be described. Primary form. * The formula given on the opposite page applies only to the dark colored varieties of his mineral, and should have preceded the analyses of white augite, of which another ornmla is given. 7 74 EARTHY MINERALS. M on M' . . . M or M' on P fo ' /i = #i g B e2 M' on k ... 87 5' 100 10 13333 13440 122 15 144 25 155 33 132 00 136 15 106 15 150 2 131 30 Pon /I e 1 on i 1 6 1 on h . . 146 15' . . 120 38 138 48 e 2 on e 3 /I on/1 g 1 on g 1 g 1 on c 1 f' 3 on g 3 on c 1 P on F e 2 on d 2 in . . 164 00 . . 131 30 . . 120 38 . . 150 18 . . 87 10 . . 105 20 acle 148 30 . . 159 50 P on h . . . 6 1 e2 . Augite is a common volcanic production ; but that it existed prior to its matrix being subjected to volcanic action, there is no doubt. The debris of the Monte Rossi on Etna is full of detached crystals of black augite ; and in the volcanic regions of Vesuvius, Stromboli, Auvergne, Teneriffe, and Bourbon, they are also of frequent occurrence. Augite is likewise met with, imbedded in basalt, at Aussig and Toplitz in Bohemia; in Hungary, Transylvania, Hessia, and elsewhere on the con- tinent; occasionally also in primitive rocks, as in Greenland, and in the iron mines of Arendal in Norway. The crystals met with in basalt are generally larger than those found in lava. Remarkably beautiful crystals of augite have been found at Bytown, Upper Canada, specimens of which have been very generally distributed by Professor Holmes of Montreal, to whom we are much indebted for our knowledge of the mineralogy of the Canadas. The crystals (sometimes an inch in diameter and two inches long) are disseminated through calcareous spar ; they present white striated faces, and are often semi- transparent. Crystals of the black variety occur abundantly in the trap of Montreal Mountain, and those of a green color at Grenville, Lower Canada, and Perth, Upper Canada: at the latter place finely crystallized in a reddish calc spar. The following are varieties of the preceding species: 1. JEFFERSONITE,* or Polystomous Augite Spar, Keating. Foliated Pyroxene of Troost. Var. Pyroxene. Dana and Shepard. This mineral was discovered by Messrs. Keating and Van- uxen in 1821, and has been described by these gentlemen at length in vol. ii. of the Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad. From its chemical composition and other characters, they came to the conclusion that it was a new species. In vol. iii. of the same journal, Dr. Troostt has instituted a careful comparison between this mineral and pyroxene, as to its crystalline forms, and shown that its primary crystal, as well as many of its secondary *In honor of the late Thomas Jefferson, President of the United States. t Journal of the Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia} vol. iii , p. 105. EARTHY MINERALS. 75 modifications, correspond precisely with those of the latter : and it is now usually classed as a variety of pyroxene in the systems. The editor has not therefore retained it in the pres- ent edition of this work as a distinct species. The following is the analysis of Prof. Keating : Silex 56-0 Lime 15-1 Protoxide of manganese 13-5 Peroxide of iron 10-0 Oxide of zinc 1-0 Alumina 2-0 Loss by calcination 1-0 98-6 The formula given by Keating, and which we obtain by dividing the products by the atomic weights leaving out the zinc and alumina is 4CalS 3 +3MnS 3 +2FS :) .* It will be ob- served that protoxide of iron is replaced by protoxide of man- ganese. Sp. Gr. 3-5. H. = 4'5. It is found in large foliated masses, sometimes a foot in length, and in groups of large and well-defined crystals, from two to six inches in diameter ; usually of a dark olive-green color, passing into brown ; translucent on the edges, and yield- ing to mechanical cleavage in three directions, parallel with all the planes of an oblique rhombic prism, the angles of which correspond with the measurements given by Haiiy of Pyroxene, which also presents the same secondary forms. The cleavage is easily obtained parallel to the base and two sides of the prism, but the third cleavage is obtained with difficulty. On the planes of cleavage the lustre is semi-metallic ; on the cross fracture resinous. B B, it fuses readily into a black globule, but does not act upon the magnet. In heated muriatic acid a portion is dissolved. It occurs with franklinite, garnet, &c., at Frank- lin, Sussex County, N. J. 2. DiopsiDE.t Diopsid,W. Var de Pyroxene, H. Mussite, Alalite. Union of silica, lime, magnesia, and a little protoxide of iron. The Piedmontese variety contains silica 57*5, lime, 16'5, magnesia 18'5, oxides of iron and manganese 6'0 Laugier. Sp. Gr. 3 - 31. Scarcely scratches glass. Diopside occurs in prismatic crystals, which are colorless, or green of various shades ; and translucent or transparent. Their primary is an oblique rhombic prism, of the same form and measurement as that of augite. The crystals are gene- rally striated longitudinally, have a shining lustre, and may be cleaved parallel with the planes of the primary prism. B B, it * Jour. Aoad. Nat. Sci., Philad., ii., p. 99. f Prom the Greek, signifying transparency, in allusion to the occasional transparency of its crystals. 76 EARTHY MINERALS. fuses alone into a colorless semi-transparent mass ; with borax into a diaphanous glass. M on M' 87 5' M or M' on P . 100 25 h . 133 35 /I . 13445 g 1 . 122 10 g 2 . 144 12 g3. 15535 i . . 152 35 M' on k 136 17 P on h 106 30 /I on /I , . . . 131 30 g2 on g2 . . . . 95 25 g3 on g3 .... 87 18 h on t 162 30 dl on h 165 00 e.g. d2 175 00 " d2 on d2 . . 170 00 " It was first discovered by Bonvoisin, in veins traversing ser- pentine, at Ala in Piedmont (hence Alalite), where it occurs in translucent crystals, accompanied by epidote, hyacinth, red garnet, and crystallized green talc ; and latterly has been ob- tained in large individuals and crystalline masses, sometimes of a fine pistachio-green color, at the Rothenkopf in the Ziller- thal, Tyrol. In the United States fine crystals of this variety have been found in the limestone quarries of Bolton, Mass. 3. PYRGOM. Fassaite.* Is generally of a dingy-green color : assumes nearly the same crystalline form, and readily yields to mechanical division parallel to the lateral planes of a prism of the same measurements as that of augite. M on M' 87 5' M or M' or P' 100 12 / 2 146 30 /3 169 5 c 2 125 30 g 3 155 20 M' on A; 136 10 /2 on/ 2 120 20 /3 on/ 3 95 38 g 3 on g 3 87 5 P on a 148 23 / 2 137 50 /3 114 40 /2ona 150 1 g- 3 on c 2 133 32 Fassaite, from its locality the valley of Fassa. EARTHY MINERALS. 77 It is found in the valley of Fassa in the Tyrol. 4. SAHLITE. Sahlit, W. Pyroxene laminaire gris-verdatre, H. Malacolithe, Bt. Baikalite. Finland. Siberia. Silica 50-0 54-83 44-0 .24-76 20-0 Magnesia 19-0 18-55 30-0 Oxide of iron and manganese 4-0 0-99 6-0 Alumina 3-0 0-28 0-0 96-0 Vauquelin. 100-41 Bonsdorf. 100-0 Lowitz. Sp. Gr. 3-256. Sahlite occurs in prismatic crystals of four or eight sides, and generally with inclined summits ; it is greenish-grey, fee- bly translucent, and scarcely hard enough to scratch glass. It also occurs massive. The structure is lamellar, with joints parallel to the planes of an oblique rhombic prism, of the same measurements by the reflecting goniometer as that of augite ; the primary form of the two substances is therefore the same, but sahlite readily allows of mechanical division parallel to the oblique terminal planes of the prism, which augite rarely does. B B, it melts per se, with slight effervescence, into a translu- cent glass; and is soluble in borax, salt of phosphorus, and soda, forming with them a clear glass. / M on M . 87 5' on P 100 40 on h 133 34 * M on k . . 136 35 P on h 106 12 . 90 00 1 h on k . . . . 90 00 Sahlite occurs principally in the silver mines of Sahla* in Sweden, and at Arendal in Norway ; the variety termed Bai- kalite is found in granite at the mouth of the Sljumanka River, which falls into Lake Baikal in Siberia. This variety has many localities in the United States : as at West Haven, Ct., Monroe, N. Y., and Bolton, Mass. 5. COCCOLITE. Kokkolith, W. Pyroxene granuliforme, H. Consists of 50 silica, 1*5 alumina, 24 lime, 10 magnesia, 7 oxide of iron, and 3 oxide of manganese. Vauquelin. A specimen of American coccolite, analyzed by Seybert, gave as follows : * Whence Sahlite. 78 EARTHY MINERALS. Ticonderoga. Silex 51-00 Lime 23-00 Magnesia 6-26 Alumina 3-00 Protoxide of iron 14-43 Water 0-66 98-55 Seybert. It presents various shades of green and bluish green, and occurs in small translucent masses or grains* of irregular shapes, which are very slightly coherent, but sufficiently hard to scratch glass; structure lamellar and lustre vitreous. It oc- curs principally in the iron mines of Arendal in Norway. In the United States, of a fine green color, with garnet and tabu- lar spar, at Williamsborough, N. Y. Also in large masses at Boonville, N. Y., and abundantly at Rogers Rock, Lake George, imbedded in felspar, and associated with sphene and plumbago. 6. HEDENBERGITE is a variety from Tunaberg in Sweden, the analysis of which, by Rose, gave silica 49.01, lime 20*87, protoxide of iron 26'08, magnesia and protoxide of manganese 2*98. It is named in honor of the chemist Hedenberg, and Beudant makes it the name of a distinct species, under which he includes several varieties. It is a lime-iron augite, and agrees in composition with the specimen from one of the Azores, the analysis of which is given on p. 72; and also with that analyzed by Berzelius, next recorded on the same page. 7. RENSsELAERiTE.t This name has been given by Prof. Emmons to a variety of pyroxene found in the northern part of New York. Hardness 35 to 4 ; specific gravity 2*874. The crystalline form under which it appears is an oblique rhombic prism of the same measurement as pyroxene. Cleavage, or natural joints, parallel to the terminal planes. The weathered surface is softer than the interior, and is easily cut with a knife. Color usually grey, with shades of red, green, yellow, but sometimes nearly black. Structure compact, slightly crystal- line, though the individuals are not perfectly developed. Dis- tinct crystals of a reddish hue occur singly in granular carbon- ate of lime. Fracture uneven ; individuals strongly coherent : B B, whitens and fuses with difficulty into a white enamel. It occurs in primitive limestone, in extensive masses, at Hermon, Gouverneur, and Canton. By some the mineral has been re- ferred to steatite and soapstone. It seems to have the charac- ter of a rock as well as a simple mineral. It has not been an- alyzed. * Whence Coccolite, from the Greek, signifying a granular stone, t In honor of the late Stephen Van Eensselaer. See Natural History of New York, Part iv., p. 74 ; by Prof. Emmons. EARTHY MINERALS. 79 BABINGTONITE.* Axotomous Augite Spar, M. Babingtonite, Levy. Augitus Acrotomus, D. Sp. Gr. 3-5. H. 55 6-0. j-Levy. . ' P on T . . . . 88 00 ") / p ' P on M . . 92 34' <- <; ^' a TV1 on h 137 5 1 M on g 132 15 J M on T 112 30 M % T on h . . 155 25 P on d . 150 25 / / h on g 89 20 Sometimes the faces marked M are wanting. Color dark- greenish-black ; the splinters faintly translucent, and appearing green perpendicular to P, brown parallel to it. Lustre vitre- ous. Surface brilliant. Cleavage perfect parallel to P, less so to T. Fracture imperfect conchoidal. Primary form as given by Brook, a doubly oblique prism. B B it fuses on the surface into a black enamel, and with borax gives a transparent amethystine colored globule, which in the reducing flame becomes bluish-green. Babingtonite resembles certain dark-colored varieties of augite, from which it was first distinguished by Levy. Acord- ing to Children, it is composed of silica, iron, manganese, and lime, with a trace of titanium; but it would seem that no one has had a sufficient quantity of the mineral for a thorough analysis. It occurs in very distinct crystals at Arendal in Norway, associated with epidote and massive garnet ; and in the Shetland Isles imbedded in white quartz. The only locality of this species in the United States, is at Charlestown, Mass., in the sienite containing prehnite, cha- basie, &>c., where it was first observed by Prof. Nuttall. CLINTONITE.t Seybertite of Clemson. Holmesite of Dr. Thomson. Bronzite, Shepard. Mohs. ertite, Dana. This mineral has been analyzed both by Mr. Clemson and Dr. Thomson, but with results so different that we shall not record its atomic constitution, until we have the analysis of a more purely crystallized specimen. It is possible, however, that the specimen sent to Dr. Thomson, was not so pure as the one taken immediately from the locality, and placed in Mr. Clemson's hands expressly for analysis. * Named in honor of Dr. Babington. Ann. Phil., 2nd series, vii. 275. f In honor of the late Governor De Witt Clinton. Named by Messrs. Horton, Finch and Mather, by whom it was discovered. 80 EARTHY MINERALS. Alumina Magnesia ...37.60.... ...24-30..., 10-70 , 44-75 9-05 11-45 Protoxide of Iron . . . ... 5-00..., 00-00 Per Oxide of Iron Zirconia ... 0-00 . . 0-00 4-80 2-05 Oxide of Manganese. Fluoric Acid ... 0-00.... .. 0-00... 1 35 .. 0-90 98-20 Clemson.* 98-25 Thomson.f Sp. gr. 3.07 to 3-10. H = 4-0 to 4.5 Color copper-red, reddish brown, yellowish brown, and reddish white. Streak yellowish grey. Occurs in masses which are imperfectly crystallized, or present a foliated struc- ture. Primary form an oblique rhombic prism, M or M' about 94. Cleavage, according to Breithaupt, parallel with planes tangent to the angles of the base, perfect; and very imperfect, parallel with the primary planes. Lustre metallic pearly, opake to translucent; its thin laminae sometimes transparent. Alone B B infusible, but with carbonate of soda and borax it melts into a transparent white pearl. Reduced to an impal- pable powder, Clemson observed, that it was attacked by acetic, nitric, muriatic and sulphuric acids. It bears some resemblance to bronzite as well as to some varieties of mica, but from the former it differs entirely in chemical composition, and it is distinguished from the latter by its difficult separation into laminae, and by its want of flexi- bility. Its hardness also exceeds that of mica. Its only local- ity is Orange county, N. Y., near the village of Amity, where it occurs both in serpentine and white limestone. It is asso- ciated with spinelle, and several other crystalline minerals. Dr. Horton remarks that it sometimes so completely and uni- formly invests the larger spinells as to lead at first sight to the impression that they are real octahedrons of Clintonite. Crys- tals have been observed by him modified both on the terminal and lateral edges of the primary, but their exact relations to these planes have not been ascertained. | BUCKLANDITE. Dystomic Augite Spar, Haid. Bucklandite, Levy. Augitus Dystomus, D. Sp. Gr. 3-94. Harder than augite. Primary form an oblique rhombic prism of 109 20' and 70 40'. * Am. Jour, of Sci., vol. xxiv., p. 171. flbid., vol. xxxi., p. 173. J See Mineralogy of New York, by Prof. Beck, p. 362, where two figures are repre- sented. It seems somewhat doubtful which of the names applied to this mineral, is ulti- mately to prevail. I concur in the opinion of Prof. Beck, that the name originally given to it by its discoverers should claim the preference, and have inserted it as Clintonite. [AM. ED.] In compliment to Professor Buckland of Oxford. EARTHY MINERALS. 81 P on M 103 56' ^ Mon M 70 40 | M on h 125 20 )> Levy. P on h 114 55 P on a 99 41 J Color dark brown, nearly black, or velvet black. Opake. Lustre vitreous. Cleavage not observable. Fracture uneven. According to Rose, it is completely soluble in muriatic acid. This very rare mineral bears much general resemblance to augite. It was distinguished and described by Levy, to whom we are indebted for the above measurements. It occurs at Arendal in Norway, with black hornblende, felspar, and apa- tite ; and in minute brilliant crystals in lava, at the lake of Laach on the Rhine, (Allan's Manual.) Also imbedded in the granite of Werchoturgi in the Urals. AMPHIBOLE.* HORNBLENDE. Hornblende, W. Var. de Amphibole, H. Henri-prismatic Augite Spar, M. Augitus TrotEeus, D. This mineral occurs crystallized, massive, and slaty. It is composed essentially of silica (partly replaced by alumina,) magnesia, and lime. Black, Pargas. Deep Green, Aker. Silica 45-69 47-21 Lime 13-85 12-73 Magnesia 18-79 21-86 J'rotox. of Iron 7-3-2 2-28 Protox.of Manganese 0-22 0-57 Alumina 12-18 13.94 Fluoric Acid 1-50 0-90 99-53 Bonsdorff. 99-49 Bonsdorff. Dr. Thomson is disposed to regard white tremolite (amphi- bole blanc of Haiiy) as exhibiting this species in its purest form ; and from the mean of several accurate analyses by Bonsdorf, rejecting a small portion of alumine, iron and man- ganese as accidental, he obtains this formula, CalS 3 -f3MgS 2 , which is the same as that given by Beudant.t Adopting this formula, we have only to suppose the dark colored varieties, * Named by Haiiy from CUU/H^U^O?, ambiguous, because it was confounded with tourmaline. Under the term amphibole Haiiy included several minerals which Werner had described as distinct species, but which possess the same crystalline form, differ- in" like the garnets in the proportions of their chemical constituents, as well as in color, hardness, and specific gravity. They are thus treated of in this work. [AM. ED.] | See the two first analyses by Bonsdorff under tremolite, p. 84, of this work. EARTHS MINERALS. as the two above-mentioned, to be composed of white tremo- lite mixed with variable proportions of foreign matter. Sp. Gr. 3-0 to 3-1. H = 50 6'0. Crystallized Horncblende is found in prismatic crystals, occasionally isolated, but more often confusedly aggregated, and frequently macled. The crystals cleave readily and with brilliant surfaces parallel to the sides of a rhombic prism of 124 30' and 55 30' by the reflecting goniometer, but not parallel to the terminal planes, which are assumed to be ob- lique to the axis of the prism; and hence the primary crystal is an oblique rhombic prism, the declination of the terminal planes being from one obtuse angle of the prism to the other. Color dark bottle-green or brownish-green, or brown approach- ing to black, but, when pulverized, of a greenish-grey : lustre vitreous; yields pretty easily to the knife ; opake, or present- ing on the thinnest edges a fine red color by transmitted light; when massive, tough, and difficultly frangible. The black varieties invariably contain more iron than those of a lighter color, as may be ascertained by bringing them in con- tact with the magnetic needle; some of them have been found to contain about nineteen per cent. Dark-green lamellar hornblende fuses alone B B, with effervescence and intumes- cence, into a black brilliant glass. It affords with borax a transparent globule, and with salt of phosphorus a glass which becomes opaline on cooling. The appellation of Basaltic has been given particularly to those cleavable and highly crystalline black hornblendes which occur in basaltic and amygdaloidal rocks. That of Carinthin applies to one of a green color from the Sau Alpe in Carinthia. M on M' ..... 124 80' M or M' on P . . 103 01 M' on k ..... 117 32 P on g or g' ... 145 43 M on g or g' . . . 68 42 g on g' ...... 148 22 P on k ....... 90 00' g f on k' ...... 106 00 g' on g" } or V ..... 148 42 g' on g'" ) The 3d fig. represents a hemitrope, in which one half of the crystal is turned round, and is thus attached to the other half. EARTHY MINERALS. 83 Massive Hornblende has a crystalline structure, consisting of minute and often of long crystals intersecting each other, sometimes confusedly radiating. Superficially it frequently assumes a ferruginous brown from decomposition ; is very tough, and difficult to break. Hornblende-slate, Hornblende Schiefer, W. Is commonly of a greenish-black color; and, except that it has a slaty or schistose structure, agrees in all its characters with the mas- sive. Hornblende is a very abundant mineral, being an essential ingredient of syenite and greenstone ; and occurring frequently in granite, gneiss, basalt, and lava. It is therefore found in almost every country, but more particularly in the repositories of magnetic iron at Arendal, and other mining districts of Norway and Sweden; in large, frequently hemitrope crystals, in amygdaloid, near Teising and Toplitz, in Bohemia; in crystals occupying the drusy cavities of Vesuvian minerals; and in Greenland of a peculiar asparagus-green color. Mas- sive hornblende is met with on the Sau Alpe in Carinthia, and in several parts of Saxony ; while hornblende-slate forms beds in gneiss, mica-schiste, and other primitive rocks. This mineral has numerous localities in the United States, a few only of the most important of which will be given. At Edenville, N. Y., highly brilliant crystals of a hair-brown color, occur in limestone; also at Amity, reddish-brown crystals ten inches in diameter ; and at Gouverneur, same state, beauti- fully perfect crystals of a dark green color, three inches in diameter, associated with crystallized felspar and phosphate of lime. At Franconia, N. H., the crystals in long slender prisms penetrating chlorite and magnetic iron ore, are of a brilliant black color, and truncated on their acute lateral edges. At Chester, Mass., with their obtuse edges truncated. The following are the varieties of the present species : 1. PARGASITE. Composed, according to the analysis of two able chemists, of Silica 46-26 51-75 Magnesia 19-03 18 97 Lime 13-96 1 0-04 Alumina 11-48 10-93 Protoxide of iron 3-48 3-97 Protoxide of manganese 0-36 Fluoric acid 1-60 ? ,03 Water 0-61 $ 97.21 Bonsdorf. 97-49 Gmelin. It occurs disseminated in somewhat round semi-crystalline masses, and in six-sided crystals with diedral summits. It yields to cleavage parallel to the lateral plane of a rhombic 84 EARTHY MINERALS. prism of the same measurements as the oblique rhombic prism of hornblende; but not parallel to the terminal planes. Color, however, is the principal difference between hornblende and pargasite, the latter being somewhat translucent, and of a lighter green, or more generally of a bottle-green hue. It is harder than fluor, but is scratched by quartz. Specific gravity 3-11, Its comportment, B B, is the same as black crystallized hornblende, except that the glass is less colored. M on M' 124 30' M'on k 118 10 M on g or M' on g' . . . 68 48 gonk 105 32 g on g 147 54 It is found at Pargas,* near Abo, in Finland, in calcareous spar. In the United States, at Antwerp, N. Y., and at Bolton Mass., in limestone. 2. TREMOLiTE.t Tremolith, W. Var. de Amphibole, H. Tremolite, Br. Grammatite, Bt. Common Tremolite, J. Combination of silica, magnesia, and lime. White Gulsjo. Yellowish Fahlnn. Aker. Cziklowa. Silica 60-31. '. 60-10 47-21 59-50 Magnesia 24-2:5 24-31 21-86 26-80 Lime 13-66 12-73 12-73 12-30 Alumina 0-26 00-42 13.94 1-40 Protoxide of iron 0-15 1-00 2.28 0-00 Fluoric Acid 0.94 0.83 0.90 0-00 Water 0.10 0.15 0.44 0-00 99-65 Bonsdorff. 100.01 BonsdorfT. 99-93 Bonsdorff. 100-00 Beucl. Specific gravity, 29 31. Its color is white, occasionally grey with a greenish, blue- ish, yellowish, or reddish tinge. It occurs in masses composed of delicate crystalline fibres, which sometimes radiate; and in flat deeply striated four, six, or eight-sided prisms, termi- nated, though rarely, by diedral summits. It cleaves with brilliant surfaces parallel to the sides of a rhombic prism of the same measurement as that of horneblende ; its crystals often exhibit the appearance of fissures which are oblique to the axis of the prism. Semi-transparent or translucent, and hard enough to scratch glass, but very brittle ; it be- comes phosphorescent both by heat and friction. B B, it fuses, in a very strong heat, into an almost opake greyish- white mass. With borax forms a transparent colorless globule. * Whence Pargasite. t Tremolite, from the valley of Tremola, where it was first discovered. EARTHY MINERALS. 85 Asbestiform Tremolite, occurs in masses consisting of fas- ciculated groups of minute diverging, occasionally radiating fibres; its fracture exposes a delicately fibrous texture, with a glistening pearly or silky lustre. It becomes phosphores- cent by friction, which is not the case with common asbes- tus, a mineral it otherwise much resembles. B B, fragments bubble and fuse with great difficulty into a vitreous mass. Tremolite occurs in dolomite, at St. Gothard in Switzer- land; at Sebes in Transylvania; in Corsica in talc; near Nantes in granite abounding in felspar; the fibrous variety occurs snow- white and translucent in a bed of limestone at Gulsjo in Sweden ; in Scotland, in primitive limestone in Aberdeenshire and lona, and in the marble of Glen Tilt. Asbestiform tremolite forms masses of thin capillary crystals in Switzerland, the Tyrol, the Bannat, and other places ; some beautiful specimens are met with at St. Gothard in dark-green groups. In the United States this variety is com- mon in all the dolomite and granular limestone of the coun- try, but the dolomite of Connecticut has furnished the most interesting specimens. At Canaan, in that State, they appear in flattened crystals, often above an inch long and three quar- ters of an inch wide. The limestone quarries of Bolton, Mass., afford it in fibrous masses of a brownish white color. It occurs in immense quantities at Warren, N. H., forming a large bed in mica slate. 3. NORWEGIAN TREMOLITE. This variety is found on the Isle of Tiotten, near Heligoland, Norway. It agrees in crys- talline structure with common tremolite, but it appears from the analysis of Retzius to contain more silica, and to have a large portion of its magnesia replaced by lime. Catamite* It occurs in rhombic prisms of a light aspar- agus-green color, translucent, striated longitudinally, and yielding to mechanical division readily, parallel to the sides of a rhombic prism of the same measurements as that of horn- biende. This mineral is soft ; in form it resembles tremolite. It occurs imbedded in serpentine with magnetic iron and calcareous spar, at Norrnark in Sweden. 4. ACTYNOLITE. Strahlstein, W. Var. de Amphibole, H. This mineral is green, of different hues, sometimes almost black, more or less translucent, and by reflected light yellow- ish or brownish. It maybe divided into three varieties, crystallized, asbestiform, and glassy. Combination of silica, magnesia, protoxide of iron, and lime. * Calamite ; calamus (Lat.), a reed ; from the appearance of its crystal. 8 86 EARTHY MINERALS. Taberg. Zillerthal. Zillerthal. Penn. Silica 59-75 53-1 53-1 56-33 Lime 14-25 11-4 10-6 10-66 Protox. of iron 3-95 25-6 21-8 4-20 Protox.of manganese 0-31 0-2 00-0 0-00 Magnesia 21-1 7-8 10-4 24-00 Alumina 000 1-7 4-1 1-66 Fluoric Acid 0-76 0-0 0-0 1-03 100-12 Bonsdorf. 99-8 Beudant. 100-0 Beudant. 97-93 Seybert.* Crystallized Actynolite generally occurs in acicular hexa- hedral prisms, which are not regularly terminated, but which yield by mechanical division a prism of the same measure- ments as that of common hornblende. It has a shining lustre, and is translucent or transparent. Occasionally it appears in fine fibres having a silky lustre, and sometimes disposed in a radiating form*. It is hard enough to scratch glass. Per se it fuses, after becoming white, into an opake yellowish or brownish colored glass. Asbestiform Actynolite presents a green, greenish-grey, or brownish-green color ; and occurs both massive, and in capil- lary crystals which are elastic. The crystals are sometimes disposed in wedge-shaped masses, or in radii promiscuously aggregated; they are opake or slightly translucent on the edges. It melts B B into a yellowish-brown opake glass. The Byssolite of Saussure appears, from its analysis and principal characters, to be the same mineral. Glassy Actynolite differs from the preceding in possessing an external lustre, which is vitreous inclining to pearly ; and in being translucent and brittle. Actynolite is chiefly found in primitive rocks: as gneiss, mica-slate, and limestone. It occurs in long six-sided prisms, imbedded in white talc, at Greiner in the Zillerthal, Tyrol; at St. Gothard ; near Salsburg; in Norway; and in Piedmont. In Britain, it has been noticed in the copper veins of the Maudlin mine, near Lostwithiel in Cornwall ; in Glen Elg, Inverness-shire ; in Skye, and elsewhere, in small quantities. In the United States very beautiful and abundant, of a leek green color, and nearly transparent in steatite and talc, at Windham, Vt. Crystals from this locality in the form of four-sided prisms were obtained by Prof. F. Hall, five inches in length usually replaced. A delicately acicular variety (Bys- solite) is occasionally found in the cavities of the magnetic iron ore of Franconia, N. H. A glassy variety has been found at Concord, Delaware county, Penn., the analysis of which by Seybert is given above. * Whence Actynolite, from the Greek, in allusion to the sun's rays. t Cleaveland's Mineralogy, (Second Edition,) p. 779. EARTHY MINERALS. 87 5. Of ASBESTUS there are several varieties, which generally present a fibrous texture, but vary in respect of flexibility. The fibres have not yet been seen in any very determinate form, but Haiiy regarded some which fell under his observa- tion as rhombic prisms. Asbestus* is extremely difficult of fusion in the mass. According to Dr. Thomson, its varieties contain the follow- ing proportions : the excess being owing probably to the for- mation of a double salt of magnesia during the analyses. White Mountain Mountain Amianthus, Rockwood, Leather, Cork, Sardinia. Tyrol. Strontian. Piedmont. Silica .55-91 54-92 57-65 57-75 Magnesia 27-07 26-08 2.06 10-85 Lime 14-63 0-00 10-00 14-05 Alumina 1-82 1-64 9-50 1-95 Protoxide of iron 6-52 12-60 5-80 18-90 Water 0-00 5-28 21-70 O'OO Protoxide of manganese... 0-00 0-00 0-00 1-85 105-95 100-52 106-71 105-35 Amianthus. Amianth, W. Asbeste flexible, H. Amianthus occurs in long and extremely slender fibres, longitudinally co- hering with each other, and easily separated ; these are more or less flexible and elastic, and of a whitish, greenish, or red- dish color. It is somewhat unctuous to the touch ; has a shin- ing or silky lustre; and is slightly translucent. In mass it fuses though with difficulty into a white enamel ; but when in single fibres it melts at the flame of a candle. It usually occurs in serpentine; and is found in the Taren- taise in Savoy, in the longest and most beautiful fibres : that of Corsica is so abundant that Dolomieu used it for packing his minerals. It occurs in Dauphine, and at St. Gothard in veins in mica-slate; in Saltzburg ; the Tyrol; St. Keverne, in Cornwall ; Portsoy, in Aberdeenshire ; arid in the Shetland Isles of Unst and Fetlar. Amianthus was woven by the ancients into a kind of cloth, in which, being incombustible, they wrapped the bodies of their dead, before being placed on the funeral pile, that their ashes might be collected free from admixture. Common Asbestus. Asbest. dur, H. Common asbestus is much heavier than the preceding variety, its specific gravity be- ing nearly 3'0. It occurs in masses consisting of fibres of a dull greenish color, with occasionally a somewhat pearly lustre ; and yields splintery fragments. It is scarcely or not at all flex- ible, and thereby is distinguishable from amianthus. It is somewhat unctuous to the touch ; and is easily fusible B B into a slightly greyish enamel. It is of more frequent occur- * Its name is derived from a Greek word signifying imperishable, or, according to some, unstained, unsoiled. EARTHY MINERALS. rence than amianthus; is usually found in veins in serpentine; and is met with in Sweden, Hungary, Dauphine, the Ural Mountains, &c. ; also in serpentine at Portsoy, in Anglesey, and at the Lizard in Cornwall. The various forms of asbestus have numerous localities in the United States, as in the serpentine of Nevvbury, and Westfield Mass., in the rocks containing an- thracite, Worcester, Mass. ; in the serpentine of Kellyvale, Vt., in masses which, in color and texture, resemble the finest cotton. At Bare Hill, in Maryland, it also occurs in serpentine. Mountain Leather. The principal difference between this and the foregoing variety appears to be the position of its fibres. In common asbestus, they are generally even and par- allel ; in mountain leather, they are interwoven or interlaced. It occurs in flexible flat pieces, having much the aspect of leather ; but when very thin has been termed mountain paper, It is commonly of a whitish or yellowish white color, and is meagre to the touch. It occurs at Strontian in Argyleshire, and at the Lead Hills in Lanarkshire. Mountain Cork. Berg Cork, W. Asbeste tressee, H. Rock Cork, J. Mountain cork has a fibrous texture, the fibres be- ing interlaced so intimately as not to be recognizable, or capa- ble of separation. It is opake, has a meagre feel, somewhat resembling that of common cork; about the same hardness; is sectile like that substance; rather elastic, and swims on water. It forms veins in serpentine, and is met with in Nor- way, Saxony, Spain, &c. ; and at Portsoy and the Lead Hills in Scotland. Mountain Wood. Berg-holz, W. Asbeste Ligniforme, H. Rock Wood, J. Is generally of a brownish color and massive, and has somewhat the aspect of wood, being occasionally so hard and compact as to resemble petrified wood. It breaks into long masses in the direction of the fibres, which are some- times curved, and separable with ease. It is opake ; the fibres rarely elastic. It is fusible into a black slag ; and is about twice the weight of water. It occurs at Schneeberg near Sterzing in the Tyrol, with asbestus and other minerals; in Dauphine; Styria; and at Portsoy in Scotland. PYRALLOLITE.* Tersilicate of Magnesia, Thomson. Prismatic Tabular Spar, Shepard. This mineral was first described and analyzed by Norden- skiold, who found it to consist of 56 62 silica, 23*38 mag- nesia, 5'58 lime, 0*99 peroxide of iron, 0'99 protoxide of man- ganese, 3 % 58 water. * From the Greek TCVQ, aMog, li&og, in allusion to the change of color it presents when exposed to the action of fire. EARTHY MINERALS. 89 Sp. Gr. 2-55. H. = 3.5. Color white, inclining to greenish; lustre dull, sometimes slightly resinous ; streak white ; opake in the mass, but when reduced to thin laminae, transparent. If thrown in the state of powder upon a red-hot iron, it gives out a bright-bluish phos- phorescence. B B it first becomes blackish, afterwards white, and the edges are reduced to a white enamel ; with borax it fuses with facility into a diaphanous glass. It occurs massive, and crystallized in prisms which are usually an inch in length. It offers distinct cleavages parallel to M and T, of a doubly oblique prism; M on T 94 36', P on T 80. One of the acute and the opposite obtuse ter- minal edges of the prism B F,* are almost always replaced by single planes, which frequently extend over the whole termi- nal plane P, forming a bihedral summit to the crystal, and in- clining upon T, at an angle of 140 49'. The opposite termi- nal edges, C D, are also replaced in the same manner, making an angle with M of about 138 30'. The face T is consider- ably larger than the face M. Sometimes only one of the obtuse terminal edges is replaced by a single plane. Pyrallolite was discovered by Count Steinheil, at Storgood, in the parish of Pargas, Finland, in calcareous spar, with augite, felspar, and scapolite. In the United States, accord- ing to Prof. Nuttall, this rare mineral occurs at Kingsbridge, N. Y., in granular limestone, and at Franklin, N. J , in sien- ite. In the former editions of this work, this substance was comprehended under the species hornblende, with which other systems had arranged it ; but it is obviously so distinct from that mineral in some of its characters, particularly in its chem- ical composition and crystalline form, that the editor has coincided with several others in designating it as a distinct species. It should be observed, however, that Beudant re- gards it as a variety of talc. CANAANITE. Canaanite, S. L. Dana. Massive Scapolite, or Scapolite Rock, of Prof. Hitchcock. This substance has been described under several names, as nephrite, saussurite, and pyroxene. Occurring in the massive form, and never crystallized, its character has necessarily been rather ambiguous, though Prof. Hitchcock has compared it with scapolite, and finds that it bears a close resemblance to that mineral in several of its properties,! and has hence very prop- * See fig. of double oblique prism, p. xi. of the Introduction. f Final Report on the Geology of Massachusetts, vol. ii., p. 569; and First Report (Second Edition), 1835, p. 315. 8* 90 EARTHY MINERALS. erly characterizes it as above. But it has since been analyzed by S. L. Dana, Esq., by whom its composition has been shown to differ so considerably from common scapolite as to author- ize its separation into a distinct species, for which he has pro- posed * the name derived from the place where it was first dis- covered. The results of two very careful analyses gave Mr. Dana, Silica 53-366 Protoxide of iron 4-499 Alumina 10-380 Lime 25-804 Magnesia 1-624 Carbonic acid 4-000 Loss 0-327 100-000 By deducting the equivalent of lime for the carbonic acid, and throwing out the magnesia with the carbonate of lime, which belongs to the dolomite in which the substance occurs, the constitution of this mineral, as atomically expressed by Mr. Dana, is 1 atom bisilicate of lime, 1 atom tersilicate of alumina, and 1 atom silicate of protoxide of iron. Formula: CalS 2 -hAlS 3 +FS. Its composition thus appears different from that of any other mineral with which we are acquainted. The silicate of iron Mr. Dana is rather disposed to regard as accidental. Sp. Gr. 3-07. H. about 65. As described by Prof. Hitchcock, its color is white, grey, or bluish-grey. B B, its behavior is exactly like that of crystal- lized scapolite, melting readily with intumescence into a shining enamel. It sometimes presents aggregations of imperfect prisms, the forms of which are too imperfect to be determined, though the foliated structure is quite obvious; no regular cleavages observed; sometimes exhibits a splintery fracture. Canaanite occurs very extensively in Canaan, Ct., where, according to the observations of Prof. Hitchcock, it seems to repose between dolomitic limestone and mica slate, forming lofty ridges of mountains. It is often intermixed with the dol- omite into which it seems to pass, and it contains both tremo- lite and augite. BARSOWITE.t This mineral bears some near resemblance to the preceding, according to the description we have of it. Both externally and in chemical composition it also resembles scapolite, but is * In a private communication to the editor, the mineral not having been before described wider that name, f Jameson's Edin. Jour, of Sci., vol. ix., p. 416. EARTHY MINERALS. 91 distinguished from it by its structure, and by its relations to the blowpipe and to acids. It is composed of Silica 49-08 Alumina 32-76 Lime J8-16 100-00 Calculation from these results shows the mineral to consist of 1 atom bisilicate of lirne, I atom silicate of alumina ; or it dif- fers from Canaanite in containing 3 times its quantity of alu- mina, without the addition of any iron. It may thus be re- garded as a mixture of table spar (CalS 2 ) and bucholzite ( A1S). Sp. Gr. 2-740. H. = 5'5. Color snow-white; occurs massive, and in granular distinct concretions. Lustre of the granular varieties feebly pearly; the compact dull. Fracture splintery or imperfectly foliated. Translucent on the edges. B B, it melts (but only on the edges) with difficulty ; with borax it melts slowly and calmly into a transparent glass. Pounded and heated with muriatic acid, it is easily decomposed, and forms a thick jelly. It has been found only in loose blocks, sometimes several cubic feet in size, in the gold sand of Barsowskoj, in the Ural Mountains. Blue crystals of corundum, and white folia of mica, are imbedded in it. It is named Barsowite from its fre- quent occurrence at Barsowskoj. ARFWEDSONITE. (Brooke, AnnaU of Phil, May, 1823. Peritomous Augite-Spar, M. Augitus Peritomus, D. This mineral has been separated from hornblende (of which it was commonly assumed to be a ferriferous variety), owing chiefly to the measurements which its cleavages afford, and on account of its inferior hardness. It yields to cleavage only parallel to the lateral planes of an (oblique?) rhombic prism, M on M 123 55', the measurements of those of hornblende, as usually given, being 124 30'.* Its color is black without a shade of green ; and it is opake and has a resinous lustre. It has not been observed regularly crystallized, but its cleavage planes are very brilliant, much more so than those of hornblende, from which they also serve to distinguish it. B B, according to Children, in the platinum forceps, it fuses readily into a black globule. With borax it affords a glass colored by iron. With salt of phosphorus, a similar but paler globule is obtained ; it becomes colorless on cooling, and leaves a skeleton of silica. According to Dr. Thomson it contains in 100 parts, * [n statins, in the pressnt edition, that the primary form of this mineral is an oblique rhombic, prism, it should b9 observed that no cleavage has been obtained parallel to the base of the prism, and, therefore, its oblique character ia assumed rather than proved. [AM. ED.J 92 EARTHY MINERALS. Silica 50-508 Peroxide of iron 35-144 Sesquioxide of manganese 8-920 Alumina 2-488 Lime ] -560 Water 0-960 99-560 Omitting the alumina and lime as accidental, it is composed of 4 atoms tersilicate of iron, and 1 atom tersilicate of manga- nese. Formula: 4FS 3 +MnS 3 . Sp. Gr. 34 35. H. = 6-0. This mineral was brought from Kargardluarduk in Green- land, by Sir Charles Giesecke, and was for a time known as ferruginous hornblende, until Mr. Brooke examined it, and, from the difference in the measurements of its angles, com- pared with hornblende, separated it from that species under the name which it now bears, in honor of Professor Arfwedson. It has also been brought from Norway. According to Professor Shepard, the mineral usually taken for a variety of hornblende, and found in trap porphyry at Plymouth, Vt., agrees with this species. NEUROLITE.* Dr. Thomson. (Outlines of Mineralogy, #c., vol. i., p. 354. This mineral, which Dr. Thomson has analyzed and de- scribed as a new species, occurs at Stamstead in Lower Can- ada, and was sent to him by Prof. Holmes of Montreal. Its analysis gave the following results : Silica 73-00 Alumina 17-35 Lime 3-25 Magnesia 1-50 Peroxide of iron 0-40 Water 4-30 99-80 Leaving out the peroxide of iron, and uniting the lime and magnesia, Dr. Thomson thus states its constitution : 5 atoms quartersilicate of alumina, 1 atom quatersilicate of lime and magnesia, and 2 atoms water. Formula: 5AlS 4 +(fCal-f^ Mg)S 4 +2Aq. Sp. Gr. 2 476. H. = 4 25. Color greenish-yellow; texture imperfectly foliated, being composed of thin fibres of some breadth ; fracture uneven ; opake, or only translucent on the edges; brittle; has no ap- pearance of crystallization ; B B, it gives out water and be- * From VSVQOV, a tendon, or string. Named from its fibrous texture. EARTHY MINERALS. 93 comes snow-white and friable, but does not melt; with car- bonate of soda fuses slowly into a transparent glass, slightly yellow, which cracks in various directions on cooling ; in bo- rax does not dissolve, but a snow-white opake matter remains in the centre of the colorless globule. WITHAMITE.* Augitus Withami, D. This mineral occurs in minute, translucent, brilliant, car- mine-red crystals, which in form bear considerable resemblance to epidote, of which it is considered by Haidinger to be a new and remarkable variety. Lustre vitreous; streak white. The crystals are in spherical radiated groups, which terminate at the circumference in separate individuals, which, by reflected light, have a dark red color, like that of arterial blood. Very fine groups of transparent crystals also penetrate the quartz which occasionally accompanies the mineral. Its constituents, as determined by Dr. Coverdale, are as fol- lows : Silica 55-28 Alumina 16-74 Peroxide of iron 21-13 Lime 8-13 Water 3-25 104-53 The formula deduced from these numbers is thus stated by Dr. Thomson : 3AIS 2 +2FS 2 +CalS 2 +l Aq. Sp. Gr. 3-137. H. = 6-0 of the pyramid 5133 42 . ) the adjacent angles > 96 00 of the prism < 84 00 This mineral bears considerable resemblance to zircon, both in form and appearance; its angle however differs. Its color is clove-brown; lustre vitreous; streak inclining to pale grey; very brittle. It does not fuse B B, but its color becomes paler ; with borax it melts, though with difficulty, into a transparent glass. Insoluble in nitric acid. It has not been analyzed. It is found in Norway, and is supposed to belong to the zir- con sienite of Frederickswarn. It is a very rare mineral. EUCLASE. Euklas, W. Prismatic Emerald, J. M. Euclase, H. Beryllus rhomboideus, D. Combination of glucina, silica, and alumina. Glucina 21-78, silica 43-22, alumina 30-56, oxide of iron 2'22, oxide of tin 0-70. Bcrzelius. Iron and tin being accidental, the formula is 2A1S+GS. Sp. Gr. 3-06. H.=i75. * Ostranite, named by Breithaupt, from the goddess Ostra. EARTHY MINERALS. 161 It occurs in crystals which, when held in one direction, may be termed prismatic; the prism sometimes appearing rectan- gular, sometimes rhombic, and variously modified and termin- ated. The principal cleavage is highly perfect, and easily ob- tained,* parallel to the plane P of the following figures : it cleaves also parallel to M and T ; which, together with the measurements, and the nature of the modifying planes, prove the primary form to be a right oblique-angled prism. The planes P and T, and the intermediate planes (which at first sight appear only as striae), are those of the apparent prisms of the crystals, which usually are attached to the matrix at M, or the opposite plane. It is either colorless and nearly transpa- rent, light green of various shades, or bluish-green ; fracture conchoidal, with a splendent vitreous lustre. Very fragile; possesses double refraction, and becomes electric by friction or pressure, a property which it retains for many hours. B B, it becomes opake, and then melts on the edges into a white enamel : with borax it fuses slowly into a transparent colorless glass. It is not affected by acids. Pon M 01 Ton P on M or T . . i T . . . . . 90 . 130 oo' 52 50 10 30 24 28 30 10 05 50 50 40 46 20 22 14 Pon c!2 . . . . . 103 3& 50 10 24 10 50 18 18 32 20 45 20 20 00 10 20 - c!3 , . . ]00 61 .... 98 6 1 . 123 62 . . . . 100 b 108 cl . . 124 b 1 130 d . 124 b 112 c 1 122 b3 139 c 2 .... . 121 6 1 on 6 2 ... 6 2 on 6 2' . . . b 1 on b 2 ... b 2 on b 3 . . , b2 on 61 . . . . 165 . 143 . 162 . 169 . 143 105 c 3 .... 120 c 4 . . . 116 c 5 . , 112 c 6 111 c 7 109 cS . . . . . 108 . 140 c9 107 b 1 . 148 . 115 c 10 ... c 11 ... . 106 . 105 h 1 *Euclase, from the Greek, signifying easily broken; in allusion to this circumstance. 162 EARTHY MINERALS. The above figure represents the planes of some crystals in the possession of H. J. Brooke, from which Mr. Phillips ob- tained the accompanying measurements by the reflecting goni- ometer. Euclase was first found in Peru, in small quantity ; and has since been brought from Capao, in the mining district of Villa Ricca in the Brazils. Its matrix is described as chloritic slate, but it is principally known in isolated crystals, which have now become exceedingly rare and costly. It was found in its gangue (for the first time ever observed) at the topaz and fluor vein of Mr. Lane at Trumbull, Ct. It occurs in thin, transparent, yellowish-white tabular crystals, lining cavities in a silvery-white mica, and sometimes imbed- ded in a dark purple fluor.* BERYL.t EMERALD. Eldler Beryl, W. Emcraude, H. Beril Aiue-marine, Bt. Aquamarine. Rhombolie- dral Emerald, J. M. Beryllus hexagonus, D. Combination of glucina, silica, and alumina. Beryl, Emerald, Peru. Siberia. Glucina 12-50 13-00 15-50 Silica 68-50 64-50 6(5-45 Alumina 1575 Hi-03 1(5-75 Oxide of chrome (XW 3-25 0-00 Oxide ofiron 1-00 0-00 0-60 Lime 0-25 and water 3-60 98-03 Klaproth. 100-35 Vauquelin. 99 80 Kh Beryl, Beryl, Broddbo. Siberia. Aqua marine. Glucina 13-13 ....12-53 4-50 Silica 68-35 ....66-85 67-00 Alumina 17-60 18-40 16-50 Oxide of chrome. 0-00 O-liO 1-00 Oxide ofiron 0-73 .... 2-00 0-50 99-80 Berzelius. 99-78 Thomson. 99-50 Dumenil. Dr. Thomson from the mean of the above analyses, gives the composition, 2 atoms tersilicate of alumina, 1 atom tersili- cate of glucina: 2AISH-GS 3 which is the same as that giv- en by Beudant. The only important difference between emerald and beryl is in their colors ; which, since they present an uninterrupted series, is altogether insufficient for a division of the present species. The emerald is emerald-green, which it derives from a small proportion of chrome; all the varieties of other colors, tinged more or less yellow and blue, or altogether color- less, are beryl. The common form is a hexahedral prism, * Prof. Shepard. American Journal of Science, vol. xliii, p. 366. t Called Beryllos by the Greeks. Aqua Marine from the Latin, sea-water, in relation to it* color. EARTHY MINERALS. 163 which sometimes is deeply striated longitudinally, and termi- nated by a six-sided pyramid, whose summit is replaced; or the terminal edges and angles of the prisms are replaced by small planes. Readily yields to cleavage parallel to all the planes of its primary form, the hexahedral prism. Transpa- rent, translucent, or opake. Lustre vitreous. Fracture con- choidal and uneven. Transparent varieties become clouded B B, and on increasing the heat, assume the appearance of mother-of-pearl. With borax, according to Von Worth,* emerald gives a transparent greenish vitreous enamel, but beryl, with the same salt, gives a colorless transparent enamel. With salt of phosphorous the former gives the same result as with borax, but beryl gives a milk-white opal-like semitrans- parent enamel. With fluor spar, emerald from various local- ities easily- fuses into an opake, turquoise-like pearly globule, while beryl of a green, blue and yellow color, gives a milk white opake pearly globule. f M P on MM or M . . 90 00' M on M 120 00 P on a 135 14 c. 2 150 10 c 1 on cf 1 179 40 M on d . . . .150 00 This species occurs principally in veins traversing granite, in implanted crystals, associated with felspar, topaz, tin-ore, &c. ; likewise in fractured crystals and rolled masses in sec- ondary depositories. The most splendid crystals of emerald occur in a vein of magnesian limestone, which traverses a hornblende rock at Muso, near Santa Fe de Bogota in Grana- da ; some of these have been found exceeding two inches in length and breadth. One, a perfect hexahedral prism from this locality in the cabinet of the Duke of Devonshire, is three inches long and about one inch in diameter. It is valued at one hundred and fifty guineas. Another in possession of Mr. Hope of London, from the same place, cost <500. Less dis- tinct varieties occur at Mount Zalora in Upper Egypt, the * Trans. Imp. Min. Soc. St. Petersburg, vol. i. p. 58. t Von Worth concludes from his experiments that the fused products of emerald and beryl witli fluor spar, must owe their color to different ingredients ; the former to oxide of chrome, and the latter to oxide of iron. The ehief distinction between the two, there- fore, seems to depend on the presence or absence of these two substances. [AM. ED.] 164 EARTHY MINERALS. only locality of emerald with which the ar.cients are believed to have been acquainted; at Cangarjum, in the district of Co- imbetoor, in Hindustan ; and imbedded in mica slate in the Heubach valley, Pinzgau district, Saltzburg. Recently sev- eral very magnificent emeralds have been found in Siberia, in the Wald district, eighty-five wersts from Jekatherinburg, im- bedded in mica slate. A twin crystal in the Imperial cabinet at St. Petersburg, is seven inches long, four broad, and weighs, with the accompanying mica slate which may be about a pound itself, five and a half pounds. Another specimen of mica slate resembling a table with rounded corners, fourteen inches long, twelve broad and five thick, shows twenty partly imbedded crystals from half an inch to five inches long, and from one to two inches broad. Crystals of so large a size and possessing equal transparency and richness of color, have never before been found. Von Worth has instituted a com- parison between this emerald and that from other countries, in order to ascertain if it contained chrome, as it had been said to contain none, while the mineral from other places owed its fine color to the presence of this rnetal. The result showed the presence of this substance, though in too small quantity to be obtained by analysis, whence it was prob- ably overlooked by Klaproth. Figures of several crystals of this mineral may be seen in vol. i. of the Transactions of the Imperial Mineralogical So- ciety of St. Petersburg ; they are of the natural size and color, and present a most beautiful and unique appearance the rock itself being imitated by an ingenious artifice. Such varieties of beryl as are clear, transparent, and exhibit very brilliant shades of sky-blue, or mountain-green, are denomi- nated by lapidaries aqua-marine, or precious beryl. They are principally from the Brazils, and frequently occur in considerable masses. Of the common beryl, large hexago- nal pale-green colored translucent prisms are met with in the granitic district of Nertschinsk, and in the Uralian and Altai ranges of Siberia ; they have been found exceeding a foot in length, and, when divested of their matrix, appear deeply striated longitudinally. A coarse nearly opake variety occurs, both crystallized and in large masses, near Limoges in France; and imbedded in granite at Finbo and Broddbo, near Fahlun in Sweden; and others at Bodenmais and Ra- benstein in Bavaria. Beautiful crystals, occasionally two or three inches in length, and having a peculiar pale blue color, occur in granite, associated with topaz, felspar, black quartz, and mica, at the Mourne Mountains, County Down. EARTHY MINERALS. 165 In the United States, beryl of the most remarkable dimen- sions have been discovered in Acworth, N. H., imbedded in a vein of coarse granite traversing gneiss. They are regular hexahedral prisms, varying in length from three to four feet, and though usually of a pale greenish or yellow color, and scarcely penetrable by the light, sometimes they present faces, which, to a considerable depth, have all the brilliant transpa- rency of aqua marine, and as such could be used to advantage in jewelry. A few years ago these gigantic crystals could be readily obtained ; they have now become scarce. Crystals of a fine blue color have been found in the granite of Parker's Island, on the Kennebec river, Maine, sometimes with six sided pyramidal terminations ; and exceeding fifteen inches in length and six in thickness. Smaller specimens of supe- rior color have been obtained from veins of quartz in the towns of Bowdoinham and Topsham, of the same State. At the former place they are so very abundant in the decomposed rock, or loose in the soil, that bushels of them may be obtained without much trouble, but they are of inferior color and mostly stained by oxide of iron. Crystals of highly polished faces and possessing considerable transparency, have been brought from Haddam and Monroe, Conn. But the locality most no- ted for the beautifully transparent and various colored varieties of this mineral, some of them almost attaining the ultimate perfection of the species, or emerald, is at South Royalston, Mass. Their form is the usual six-sided prism, which com- monly shows only a single plane termination, or the primary face P, but is sometimes replaced on its terminal edges, by single planes which meet in a perfect pyramid, or in one hav- ing its apex more or less deeply truncated. Some of the prisms have three of the opposite lateral edges replaced by two planes, which are distinguished from the primary faces by their roughness or inferior polish. Their color varies from a light green, pale bluish-green, or yellowish-green, to a deep grass or emerald green. Prof. Hitchcock first brought this remarkable locality to the notice of mineralogists. Interest- ing localities of beryl have been cited by Dr. Jackson in Graf- ton, Danbury, and Wilmot, N. H., generally in massive quartz, and sometimes associated with trapozoidal garnet. Fine large crystals of good green color have been found in the quarries on the banks of Ridley Creek, two miles from Chester, Dela- ware County, Penn., by J. A. Clay. The beautiful beryls from the " Beryl Mine of Paddioor," Southern India, are imbedded in, or line the cavities of, broad foliated cleavelandite. Jameson's Edin. Jour., xxix., 243. 166 EARTHY MINERALS. CHRYSOBERYL.* Krisoberil, VV. Cymophane, H. Bt. Prismatic Corundum, J. M. Chrysoberil, Br. Sap- phirus rectangula, D. Composition according to the analyses of the following chemists. Brazil . Brazil. Ural. Alumina Klaproth. 71-05 Arfwedson. ....81-43 Awdejew. 78-10 Awdejew. 78-92 Lime 6-00 0-UO 00-00 00-00 Silica 18.00 ....18-73 00-00 00-00 Glucina 0-00 .... 0-00 17-94 18-0-i Protoxide of iron. 0-00 0-00 477 3-12 Oxide of chrome . 1-05 0-00 0-00 0-65 97-00 100-16 100-51 100-71 f Brazil. Hadd, im. Thomson. Seybert. Seybert. Damour. Alumina 76-75 ....68-66 73-60 75-26 Glucina 17-79 16-00 15-80 18-46 Silica 0-00 .... 5-09 4-00 1-45 Protoxide of iron. 4-49 .... 4-73 3-38 4-03 Oxide of titanium 0-00 2-66... .. 1-00 0-00 Moisture 0-00 0-66 0-40 ... 0-00 99-51 { 98-70$ 98-18|| 99-20** Dr. Thomson, taking his own analysis, which was three times repeated with the same results, gives this formula : 5GA1 6 +FA1. This result almost exactly accords with the very recent analysis of the same chrysoberyl by Awdejew. Sp. Gr. 3 65 to 3-8. H. = 8'5. This substance occurs crystallized, and in rolled fragments in the alluvial deposits of rivers; its color is green, sometimes with a yellow or brownish tinge, and occasionally presenting internally an opalescent bluish-white light. The primary form of its crystal is a right rectangular prism. The crystals yield to mechanical division readily, and with brilliant surfaces, par- allel to the plane M of the following figures, and with diffi- culty also parallel to the plane T, and to the longer diagonal of the prism ; the fracture is perfect conchoidal, with a splen- dent resino-vitreous lustre. It becomes electric by friction, but is not affected by heat. B B it suffers no change alone ; but with borax fuses slowly into a transparent glass. The Ural chrysoberyl (Alexandrite] according to Von Worth, melts with borax into a pure, bright green transparent glass; and with salt of phosphorus after long continued action, into a transparent pale greenish enamel, showing the presence of oxide of chrome. * Chrysoberyl, from the Greek, denoting a superior kind of beryl, or a golden beryl. Cymophane, from the same, signifying a floating light, in allusion to its opalesence. f Poggendorfs Annalen, Ivi., p. 101. J Outlines of Mineralogy, i., 401. Amer. Jour, of Sci., viii., 109. || Ann. de Chimie et de Phys., Feb., 1843. ** Ibid, viii., 109. EARTHY MINERALS. 167 \ M on T . dl d 1 * 90 00' 154 51 136 20 1 /\ d3 d4 rtl a'2 125 18 120 55 137 6 128 43 H. T It al on c . T on al a 133 19 " 110 3 126 8 " al on a'2 163 53 At Haddam in Connecticut it occurs in granite, in six-sided tables and prisms, with garnet, beryl, automalite, and colura- bite. Also in the same rock with tourmaline, garnet and apa- tite, at Greenfield, near Saratoga, N. Y. At this locality the crystals are often united in hemitropes, consisting of several individuals whose terminal faces are obliterated by deep re- placements of the shorter terminal edges of the primary. A very common form of this mineral from Greenfield, is that of three prisms crossing each other, each projecting at oppo- site ends beyond the faces of composition, as in fig. 3; or more rarely only at one end, as is represented by the upper half of the same figure. Sometimes crystals are found in which the composing prisms project at neither extremity, thus producing regular hexagonal tables in which the hemitropic composition is indicated only by striae. Fig. 2 represents two individuals the faces of which project at one extremity, and, in some instances, have their lateral edges replaced. Rarely the sides (6, &,) are so deeply replaced as to convert this figure into a triangular prism, the re-entering angle (a) being then no longer visible. This is the rarest form of the made, now to be obtained at this locality. Fig. 1, shows the. primary with its terminal plane obliterated by the extension of the planes which replace the shorter terminal edges, having also its lateral edges replaced by single planes.* The crystals * See a paper by Dr. Troost, (Joar. Acad. Nat. Sci., Philad., vol. iii., p. 293.) Also Mineralogy of New York, by Prof. Beck, in which many of the forms of this mineral are figured and described. [AM. ED.] 168 EARTHY MINERALS. are usually small, but the late Dr. Steele procured several from this locality which were of good color, and more than an inch in diameter. The finest specimens for lapidaries' purposes, have been brought from Brazil, where, as in Ceylon, it occurs in the alluvial deposits of rivers, and consequently in rolled, and generally much rubbed, masses. When transparent and free from flaws, it forms a handsome gem. If opalescent, it is usu- ally cut 'en cabochon* ALEXANDRITE. Chrysoberyls of great value have recently been discovered in the Ural mountains. They have been care- fully described by Von Worth in the fint volume of the Trans- actions of the Imperial Mineralogical Society of St. Peters- burg ; and the description is accompanied by figures of the natural size and color, with the matrix of mica slate on which they are implanted, so perfectly imitated, that we seem almost to have the real gems before us. These gems possess a pe- culiar dichroism which is not changed by exposure, per sc, to the action of the blow pipe, appearing when the light falls upon them of a beautiful leek or emerald green color, and when it passes through them of a deep raspberry red or violet. This peculiarity is so remarkable that those who witness it in the evening, when the crystal is brought in the dark to a flame, will doubt by day-light the identity of the speci- men, when it shows the rich green color. Von Worth's exper- iments show that oxide of chrome is the coloring substance to which the phenomena above referred to, and observed so strikingly in no other stone, are owing. The crystals, sometimes single, are also in regular groups or macles, con- sisting of three individuals crossing each other in the same manner as those already described. They are sometimes more than three inches in length. The name Alexandrite was given to distinguish this variety from the common chrysoberyl * It is to the sagacity of an able American annalist, Henry Seybert, that we owe our knowledge of the true nature of this mineral. In 1822, he analyzed the Haddam and Brazilian chrysoberyl, and detected in both the presence of gluc'ina, though the latter had been previously analyzed by Klaproth and Arfwedson, both of whom had overlooked that substance. Dr. Thomson has more recently fully verified the result obtained by Seybert, which is the more important, as Beudant has adopted the analysis of Arfwedson, though aware of what Seybert had done ; and others seemed undetermined as to the true nature of the mineral. I have thought it proper to record each of the several analyses which have been made, and it appears from them not a little extraordinary that while the analysis of Dr. Thomson showed that this mineral contained no silica whatever, Arfwedson should obtain nearly nineteen per cent. It is evident that the latter, not thinkin? to look for glucina, confounded this earth with alumina ; but it seems scarcely possible that he could have mistaken glucina or alumina for silica. The mineral has not been analyzed by Berzelius, but H. Rose has confirmed Dr. Thomson's result in proving the absence of silica. We are thus equally indebted to Seybert and Dr. Thom- son for our most accurate knowledge of the chemical constitution of this species. [AM. ED.] EARTHY MINERALS. 169 of Ceylon, and because of its discovery on the day of the Em- peror's majority. Besides, it has the two principal military colors of the Russian empire green and red. PHENAKITE. Nordenskiold. (Fogg. Jinn. xxxi. 57.) Bisilicate of Glucina, Berryllusrhombohedrus,D. Contains silica 55'14, glucina 44*47, alumina and magnesia 0.39. Hartwall Formula : GS 2 . Sp. Gr. 2.969. H. above 6'0. Primary form a rhomboid of 115 25', the edges and an- gles of which are usually replaced. P on b ... 147 42> P on n . .122 17 Cleavage parallel to n. Color bright wine-yellow, inclining to red or white. Varying from transparent to opake. Lustre vitreous. Not affected by acids, and with difficulty fusible B B. Occurs associated with beryl in the Perm district of Sibe- ria. At first sight it is described as being readily mistaken for quartz ; and is hence named from <*', the deceiver. It has also been found near Freiberg and near Framont, specimens of which have been examined by Bischof, and found to have the same composition with the Siberian. GADOLINITE. Gadolinit, W. Gadolinite, H. Prismatic Gadolinite, J. M. Melanopliaeus obliquus, D. Combination of yttria, silica, glucina, and the oxides of ceri- um and iron. The oxide of cerium was first noticed in it by Berzelius, though it had been previously analyzed by Godolin, Klaproth and Vauquelin; but Berzelius overlooked glucina, which was first detected in the mineral by Ekeberg. Karafvet. Ytterby. Ytterby? Broddbo. Silica 25-80 23-0 24-33 27-10 Yttria 45-00 55-5 45-33 36-54 Glucina 0-00 4-5 11-60 5-90 Protoxide of cerium. 17-92 0-0 4-33 14-31 Protoxide of iron . . .11-43 16-5 13-59 14-41 Lime 0-00 00-0 0-00 045 Moisture 0-00 00-0 0-98 0-00 98-35 Berzelius. 99-5 Ekeberg. 99-16 Thomson. 98-71 Connel 1. It is essentially a silicate of yttria united with variable pro- portions of oxides of cerium and iron. 15 170 EARTHY MINERALS. Sp. Gr. 4-2 to 4-3. H. = 6'5 7-0. In imperfect oblique rhombic prisms. Color iron-black, and dull externally, internally black and shining; its primary form appears to be an oblique rhombic prism. Translucent on the edges, or opake. Cleavage imperfect. Fracture conchoidal. B B, the Karafvet variety decrepitates, and fuses, when strong- ly heated, into an opake pearl-grey or reddish glass ; that from Ytterby incandesces and loses its color, but does not fuse. With borax they all melt readily into a globule, more or less tinged with iron, and which in the reducing flame becomes dark bottle green. In heated nitric acid it loses its color and gelatinizes. M on M' P on h , . . M on e, or M'on e' M on b, or M' on b' b on b' . . e on e' ... b on e or 6' on e' . . 115 0' 98 100 153 120 120 130 The above figure represents a crystal in the possession of Mr. Brooke. Its principal localities are the quarries of Karafvet and Fin- bo, near Fahlun in Sweden. Both there, and at Ytterby near Stockholm, it occurs indistinctly crystallized, and in amor- phous masses, which are often encircled with a yellow crust, and are imbedded in coarse-grained granite. It has likewise been noticed at Disko in Greenland, and imbedded in granite in Ceylon. It received its name from Prof. Gadolin, its discoverer. THORITE. Serzelius. (Kong. Vet. Acad. Handl., 1829, p. 1.) Melanophrcus Thoriferus, D. Thorina 57-91, lime 2-58, oxide of iron 3'40, oxide of man- ganese 2'39, oxide of uranium T58, oxide of lead O80, silica 18'98, water 9'50, with minute proportions of magnesia, potash, soda, and alumina. Bcrzelius. Sp. Gr. 4'63. Not scratched by the knife. Formula : 3ThS+(Cal, F, M, &,c.)S-H^Aq. Massive and compact. Color black. Streak dark-brown. Fracture vitreous, like that of gadolinite. B B it gives off water, and becomes yellow, but does not fuse; in a glass tube it exhibits traces of fluoric acid ; with borax it forms a glass colored by iron ; and in salt of phosphorus fuses, with the ex- ception of its silica. EARTHY MINERALS. 171 This species was discovered by M. Esmark, in syenite, near Brevig in Norway. The metal Thorium was first discovered in this mineral by Berzelius. TAUTOLITE. Breithaupt. (Phil. Mag., new series, Hi., 398.) Sp. Gr. 3-865. H. = 6-5 7'0. Opake, and of a velvet-black color, with a vitreous lustre, and grey streak. Cleavage only in traces, and interrupted. Fracture conchoidal, uneven. Very brittle. B B it melts into a black scoria, which acts on the magnet; and with borax forms a clear green glass : with solution of cobalt it presents a blue color ; and, on the whole, appears to be a silicate of the protoxide of iron, combined with a silicate of magnesia. It occurs in volcanic felspar at the lake of Laach, near Bonn on the Rhine. It is related to chrysolite, but we have no anal- ysis of it. POONAHLITE. Brooke. (Annals of Philosophy, vol. x., 1831.) This mineral has been analyzed by Gmelin,* and found to consist as follows : Silica 45-120 Alumina 30-446 Lime 10-197 Soda with a trace of potash 00-657 Water 13-386 99-806 Chemical formula given by Gmelin : 3CaSi+5AJSi+H. H. = 5'0 5-5. It resembles needlestone in most of its physical characters, and is supposed to have the same primary form a right rhombic prism but differing in the measurement of the angle formed by the planes M M', as determined by Brooke. No natural terminal planes have been observed among the crystals, which, usually in long slender prisms, traverse the sur- face of the matrix, instead of forming groups in its cavities, and thus have neither of their extremities free. It occurs with the beautiful green apophyllites near Poonah, in Hindus- tan, and is accompanied also by pure white stilbite. Its matrix is an amygdaloid filled with nodules of zeolite and much stained by green earth. The specimens of this mineral in the possession of Mr. Heuland, of London, are of unsurpassed mag nificence, and by this gentleman the mineralogists of other countries have been supplied. * PoggendorPs Annalen, B. xlix. 172 EARTHY MINERALS. DANBURITE. Shepard. (Am. Jour, of Science, vol. xxxiii., p. 137.) This mineral which has been described as a new species, occurs disseminated in small quantities through a fetid felspar at Danbury, Ct. It occupies small cavities which have appa- rently the shape of oblique prisms. A chemical examination by Prof. Shepard gave the follow- ing results. Silica 56-00 Lime 28-33 Alumina 1-70 rttria 0-85 Potash, and perhaps with soda and loss. . . 5-12 Water 8-00 100-00 It is not certain in what manner the alkali enters into the composition of this mineral, and the principal combination may probably be correctly stated thus : CalSH-Aq. Sp. Gr. 2-83. H. = 7'5. Its color in fresh specimens is honey-yellow, but the decom- posing variety is nearly white, translucent and very fissile. Streak white ; transparent. Lustre vitreous, in a high de- gree. Primary form an oblique rhombic prism, with cleavage parallel with P, obscurely indicated by fissures. Character B B, not given. It deserves further examination. PIKROPHYLLE. A. J. Svanberg. (Trans. Swedish Roy. Sci. dead., 1839, p. 95.) This mineral, found by M. Seven of Sahla, Sweden, occurs in the mine of that place at the depth of about forty fathoms, associated with other substances. It resembles most in ap- pearance the so called infusible salaite. Its color, however, is darker, and at the same time its hardness and specific grav- ity differ materially from the salaites, which led to the chemi- cal examination of the mineral by Svanberg, according to whom it consists of the following ingredients. Silica 49-80 Alumina 1-11 Lime 0-78 Magnesia 30-10 Protoxide of iron 6-86 Water 9-83 98-48 Regarding the magnesia as the only essential base, the atoms of silica are 24 90, while those of magnesia are 12*40, showing the mineral to consist essentially of bisilicate of magnesia. But Svanberg includes the alumina with the sil- ica, and regards also as essential the lime and oxide of iron, EARTHY MINERALS. 173 which he includes with the magnesia; whence he deduces the formula 3MgS 2 -t-2Aq. Sp. Gr. 2'73. H. between mica and calc-spar. Color very dark green ; lustre glistening, somewhat like that of diallage. It is amorphous, but has an internal crystal- line structure, the faces of the crystals being the natural cleav- age planes of the laminae. It does not fuse B B, even in the thinnest splinters, but at a red heat becomes nearly white, with the preservation of its lustre. With the solution of cobalt, it gives the reaction of magnesia. Heated in a glass tube, it gives out pure water. It contains no alkali. The mineral has obtained its name from TUKQOS, bitter, and . . . 146 26 33. c'on e"'S The manner in which this crystal is derived from the cube will be ap- parent on consulting the crystalline forms of Analcime. In the vicinity of Rome, at Borghetto some miles to the * Leucite signifies a white substance ; Amphigene, of a double origin, in allusion to its being found both in the earlier rocks and in volcanic matter. 184 ALKALINO-EARTHY MINERALS. north, and at Albano and Frescati to the south, some of the older lavas are so thickly studded with this mineral as to ap- pear almost entirely composed of it. Around Vesuvius it oc- curs in large well-pronounced crystals of the above form; and near Andernach on the Rhine it is equally abundant, though in less remarkable individuals. This mineral is peculiar in the history of chemical discove- ry, from being the first in which Klaproth observed the pres- ence of potash. Lime-Harmotome, ConnelL PHILLIPSITE. Staurotypous Kouphone Spar, M. Vulcanus Phillipsia- nus, D. The analysis of four specimens of this mineral, has given the following results : Annerode. Marburg. Marburg. Cassel. Silica 53-07 48-51 48-02 48-22 Alumina 21-31 21-76 23-60 23-33 Barytes 0-39 0-00 0-00 0-00 Lime 6-67 6-26 6-56 7-22 Potash 0-00 6-33 7-50 3-89 Protoxide of iron 0-56 0-29 0-18 0-00 Water 17-09 17-23 16-75 17-55 ? Gmelin and ) Gmelin and 99-09 Wernekinck. 100-38 j Hessel. 100-16 ij Hesscl. 100-21* The mean of the three first analyses gives the following for- mula, which conforms to the more recent results of Kohler :t 4AlS 2 +(fCal+^K)S 2 +6Aq. Sp. Gr. 2-0 H. = 4-5. It has been observed only in macles resembling the follow- ing figure. The primary form is supposed to be a Right rec- tangular prism, thus agreeing with Barytes harmotome. c on c .... 177 28' In white translucent or opake crystals, having much the as- pect of Harmotome ; cleavage imperfect. It occurs with gmel- inite in the island Magee, county Antrim, in minute flesh-red colored crystals, coating cavities of amygdaloid ; in large trans- * Kohler in PoggendorfPs Annalen, xxxvi., p. 562. f Ibid. ALKALINO-EARTHY MINERALS, 185 lucent crystals in the same description of rock, at the Giant's Causeway in Ireland ; forming groups or sheaf-shaped aggre- gations at Capo di Bove near Rome; at Aci Reale on the eastern coast of Sicily; at Marburg in Hessia; at Lo wen- stein in Silesia ; and among the lavas of Vesuvius. Allan's Manual. This species was formerly united with Harmo- tome, but is now made distinct on the authority of Levy, who gave it the name it bears in compliment to the author of this work. It differs chemically from Harmotome in containing lime and potash, instead of barytes, and also in some of its other characters. The same name, in honor of R. Phillips, Esq., has been given to a very different mineral under the metalliferous class, which see. APOPHYLLITE.* Fishaugenstein, Albin, W. Apophyllite. H. Ichthyophthalmite. Pyramidal Zeolite, J. Pyramidal Kouphone Spar, M. Tesselite, and Oxahverite, Brewster. Vulcanus quadratus, D. Combination of potash, silica, lime, and water. Faroe. Karasrat in Uton. Tesselite. Fassn. Greenland. Uton. Potash 5-26 5-31 5-13 5-31 5-88 Silica 52-90 51-76 51-86 51-86 51-00 Lime 25-20 22-73 25-20 25-20 26-23 Water... 16-00 1G-20 16-04 16-90 16-50 F1 of nme^ 6 ! ' 00 3 ' 53 ' 00 ' 00 ' 00 99-36 Berz. 99-53 Berz. 98-43 Strom. 99-^7 Strom. 99-11 Thorn. The analyses very nearly agree with each other proving the purity of the specimens, and from the mean composition re- sults the following formula, as given by Thomson, 7CalS 3 +K S 3 +15Aq. Sp. Gr. 2-3 25. H. = 4-5 5'0. Apophyllite occurs in the form of its primary crystal, a Right square prism, whose solid angles are sometimes re- placed by triangular planes, which, by a deeper replace- ment, assume the form of rhombic planes. The structure is lamellar; cleavage highly perfect parallel to all the planes of its primary form, but most readily perpendicular to its axis ; fracture uneven ; color white or greyish, sometimes with a green or reddish tinge; transparent, translucent, or opake; the lateral planes of the prism have a shining lustre; the terminal are pearly. It becomes feebly electric by fric- tion ; B B, exfoliates, intumesces, and ultimately fuses into a white blebby glass; with borax it melts readily into a transpa- rent globule ; in nitric acid it separates into flakes, and when reduced to powder becomes gelatinous and translucent. * Apophyllite, probably from its exfoliating B B. 16* 186 ALKALINO-EARTHY MINERALS. Primary. 1(11 I/I / P on M or M' . M on M x .... .... 90 00' .... 90 00 WE ... 120 5 M on a} or > . . ... 128 20 M 7 on a' ) a on a' . . 104 18 The most splendid crystallized varieties of apophyllite occur coating the cavities of amygdaloid, associated with calcedony, stilbite, chabasie, &,c., in Greenland, Iceland, the Faroe Islands, and at Poonah in Hindustan. The peculiar pearly lustre of the crystals is one of the most decided characters of the species, and has obtained for it the denomination of Ich- thyophthalmite, or Jis/i-eye stone, from the Greek. At An- dreasberg it is found in silver veins traversing grauwacke- slate; in the Bannat associated with wollastonite ; and at Oberstein occupying the cavities of agate balls. Foliated apophyllite occurs in the iron mine of Uton in Sweden, and with analcime in trap at the Seisser Alp, Tyrol ; at the former almost transparent, at the latter white and opake. Fine crys- tals of the common form (mesotype epointe of Haiiy) have re- cently been brought from New Holland, attached to masses of amygdaloid. The edges of the prisms, as well as the angles of the summits, are often deeply replaced by two or more planes, imparting a cylindrical form to the crystals, as shown by the figures 2 and 3. ALKALINOEARTHY MINERALS. 187 Apophyllite is a rare mineral in the United States. Four localities are given in Robinson's catalogue, but the specimens possess scarcely any interest. It was found at Point Mar- moase, on Lake Superior, Canada, by Dr. Bigsby, in amygda- loid, and under a secondary form not before noticed ; having the appearance of an elongated octahedron with the terminal edges emarginated, and the angles of the base truncated. ( Troost, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., vol. v., p. 52.) In Nova Sco- tia it accompanies the other minerals of this class, and is pre- sented under its most interesting forms in the amygdaloidal cliffs between Capes Split and Blomidon. The commonest form is that of the perfect Right square prism, with no replacements. Very frequently all the solid angles are replaced by single planes, and rarely by three planes. Occasional examples of low tabu- lar crystals, similar to the form represented on the opposite page, are implanted upon the surfaces of yellow stilbite. These are perfectly transparent, and of extreme brilliancy, occasion- ally presenting a delicate tinge of green or red. The variety termed oxahverite by Brewster, from the Oxahver Springs in Iceland, is of a pale-green color, indistinctly crys- tallized, somewhat translucent, and disposed on fossilized wood. Werner's albin rarely presents the terminal faces P ; it is white and opake, and occurs associated with natrolite, near Aussig in Bohemia. The Tesselite of Brewster is that variety particularly accom- ?anying chabasie and mesole, from Nalsoe in the Faroe slands, which exhibits, upon optical examination, a mosaic- like or tesselated structure. HERSCHELLITE.* Spatum HerscheJIianum, D. The constituents of this mineral, according to the trials of Dr. Wollaston, are silica, alumina, and potash; but a com- plete analysis is yet required. It occurs crystallized in trian- gular dodecahedrons, the summits of which are deeply replaced ; and in regular six-sided prisms, whose lateral faces are streaked horizontally. Levy considers the hexahedral prism to be its primary form. Color white. Translucent or opake. Frac- ture conchoidal. Cleavage easily obtained parallel to the base of the prism. Herschellite occurs associated with Phillipsite in the cavities of trap, at Aci Reale, near Catania in Sicily. The individuals * Levy, Annals of Philosophy (Second Series), x.,361. 188 ALKALINO-EARTHY MINERALS. are sometimes isolated, but generally very closely aggregated, in a manner analogous to that which prehnite frequently pre- sents. WEISSITE.* Count Wachtmeister. (Poggendorfs Annalen, xiv., 190.) Contains potash 4' 10, soda 0*68, silica 53'69, alumina 21*78, magnesia 8'99, protoxide of iron l - 43, protoxide of manganese 0'63, oxide of zinc 0'30, water with traces of am- monia 3-20. Wachtmeister. Formula: 2AlS 2 -H( T 3 T Mg-J- T 2 T K+ T 1 T F)S 2 +iAq. By Beudant the water is riot regarded as a chemical constituent. Sp. Gr. 2'SO. In oblique rhombic prisms, of an ash-grey or brownish color ; translucent, and presenting only feeble traces of cleav- age; lustre pearly or waxy; fracture even or coarse granular; scratches glass, but is scratched by steel ; B B, in the matrass, it becomes brown, and yields water slightly acidulous; on charcoal it whitens, fuses on the edges, and becomes sur- rounded with an areola of zinc fumes; with borax it is slowly soluble into a colorless glass; also with salt of phosphorus, leaving a silica skeleton ; with soda it melts into an opake sco- ria, and on platina foil exhibits the green color indicative of manganese. Its locality is the copper mine of Eric Matts at Fahlun in Sweden, where it occurs in chloritic talc. PEARLSTONE. Perlstein, W. Lave Vitreuse Perle, W. Contains, by the analysis of Thomson, silica 70-44, alumina 11-6, peroxide of iron 4'38, lime 3'00, potash 5'20, water 4'28. Formula: 6AlS 5 +SF 4 +CalS 4 +KS 4 +4Aq. Sp. Gr. 234. Pearlstone occurs in large, coarse angular masses composed of smaller round concretions, which consist of very thin lamellae. Surface smooth and shining, with a lustre resembling that of pearl. t Color grey, brown, red, or blackish ; is fragile ; translucent on the edges, and scarcely hard enough to scratch glass. It almost always gives out an argillaceous odor when breathed on ; and B B, melts into a whitish frothy glass. At Tokay and elsewhere in Hungary, it is found enclosing round masses of black vitreous obsidian, and is intermixed with the debris of granite, gneiss, and porphyry, and alternating in beds with the latter. It also occurs at Cap de Gat in Spain, of a green or bluish color ; in Iceland, &/c. * Named by Trolle Wachtmeister, in compliment to Professor Weiss of Berlin, f Whence Pearlstone. ALKALINO-EARTH1T MINERALS. 189 GIESECKITE.* Gieseckite. (Prof. Jameson's Manual, p. 323.) Giseckite, Stromeyer. Combination of potash, silica, and alumina, with admixtures of maornesia and the oxides of iron and manganese. Sp. Gr. 2-78 2-85. Analysis by Stromeyer : potash 6'2, silica 46*27, alumina 33'82, magnesia T2, oxide of iron 3'35, oxide of manganese 1*15, water 4*8. This mineral occurs in regular six-sided prisms, externally of a brownish tinge, internally greenish and blackish-green intermixed. It possesses no regular structure, but on the contrary, being granular, with a waxy lustre, it has rather the appearance of a pseudomorphous steatitic mineral than of a crystalline substance. The crystal is opake, but small fragments are translucent; it yields to the knife, afford- ing a white powder, but scratches common glass, on which the white powder of the mineral is left. B B, it is extremely re- fractory, fusing only on the edges after a long-continued ex- posure ; and becoming at the same time magnetic. It effer- vesces slightly with nitric acid. It was brought by Sir C. Giesecke from Akulliarasiarsuk in Greenland, where it occurs imbedded in compact felspar. As there are some doubts in regard to the specific nature of this mineral, the formula is not given. There is reason to suppose that it may be an altered variety of pinite. FINITE. Pinit, W. Pinite, H. Micarelle, Kirwan. Stylus hexagonus, D. Combination of potash, silica, and alumina, with admixture of soda, magnesia, and the oxides of iron and manganese. Auvergne. Potash 7-89 Soda O59 Silica 5596 Alumina 25-48 Oxide of iron 5-51 Manganese 3-76 99-19 Gmelin. Formula : 8^-AlS 2 +KS 2 +2(^ J F+^Mg)S+Aq. Thomson. Sp. Gr. 2-78 2-8. H."= 2-0 2-5. The pinite occurs in six-sided or twelve-sided prisms, of which the lateral, and more rarely the terminal edges, are sometimes replaced, as in the following figure ; but it does not appear generally to possess any regular structure ; one crystal from the Puy de Dome yielded to mechanical division parallel to the terminal planes of the six-sided prism, which is consid- * In honor of the late Sir C. Giesecke. 190 ALKALINO-EARTHY MINERALS. ered to be the primary crystal. It has a brown, blackish- brown, or grey color ; is opake, and almost devoid of lustre, being often somewhat ochreous externally. It yields to the knife easily, and is not affected by acids. B B, on charcoal, it whitens, and fuses on the edges into a white blebby glass, but does not melt ; the most ferruginous varieties fuse more readily into a black glass. With borax it yields, after a con- tinued blast, a transparent globule. M on M 120 P on M or M' ... 90 cl 150 . 2 131 a 120 M or M' on d . . . 150 It was first discovered in granite, near Schneeberg in Sax- ony, in the mine called Pini, whence it was named by Werner. It has since been found in the Puy de Dome in France, in a decomposed porphyritic felspar; at Arendal in Norway, in mica; imbedded in the granite of St. Michael's Mount, Corn- wall ; and in Aberdeenshire. In the United States, at Haddam, Ct, crystals several inches long, and considerably regular in form, are found in micaceous rock, and in rolled masses of granite. Crystals of a greenish color have been found imbedded in granite on George Hill, Lancaster, Mass. PYRARGILLITE. Nordcnskiold. (Berzelius* Jahr-Bericht, 1834, p. 174.) Hydrolus pyrosmicus, D. Contains Potash 1-05 Soda 1-83 Silica 43-93 Alumina 28-93 Oxide of iron 5-30 Magnesia.... 2-90 Water 15-47 97-41 Sp. Gr. 2-50. H. = 3-5. Occurs massive ; assuming, though rarely, a form analogous to the four-sided prism with bevelled edges ; frequently trav- ersed by chlorite. Color partly black, and in that case shining; partly bluish, and then devoid of lustre. Is entirely soluble in nitric or muriatic acid. Emits an argillaceous odor when heated.* It occurs in granite near Helsingfors in Finland. : Named Pyrargillite by Nordenskibld, in allusion to this property. ALKALINO-EARTHY MINERALS. 191 BYTOWNITE.* Dr. Thomson. (Outlines, &c., p. 372.) The mineral to which Dr. Thomson has given this name, occurs in the neighborhood of Bytown, Upper Canada. It is composed, according to his analysis, as follows : Silica 47-40 Alumina 29-60 Lime 9-3Q Peroxide of iron 3-04 Magnesia 0-40 Soda 7-60 Water 1-96 99-68 The atomic quantities indicated by these results are very nearly 15 atoms silicate of alumina, 3 atoms bisilicate of lime and magnesia, 2 atoms bisilicate of soda, 1 atom bisilicate of iron. The formula, admitting the bisilicates of soda and iron to have been previously united, is SAlS+^Cal+^MgJS^H- (|N+4F)S 2 . Sp. Gr. 2801. H. = 6. Color light greenish-blue ; massive ; texture granular ; frac- ture splintery, with some foliated portions like little crystals ; translucent; lustre vitreous, shining : B B, it becomes friable and white, but does not fuse ; with carbonate of soda effer- vesces, but dissolves very slowly into an opake white globule ; with borax fuses into a transparent colorless glass, leaving a silica skeleton. COUZERANITE. Dufrdnoy. (Ann. de Clumie et de Phys., xxxviii., 280.) This mineral was first noticed by the celebrated geologist, M. Charpentier, in his valuable work on the geological consti- tution of the Pyrenees. As he met with it principally in that part of the chain formerly known as Couzeran, he has called it couzeranite ; but he did little more than mention its existence ; and we are now indebted to M. Dufrenoy for a full description of its characters and its chemical analysis. It contains, accord- ing to the mean of two analyses, Silica 52-37 Alumina 24-02 Lime 11-85 Magnesia 1-40 Potash 5-52 Soda 3-96 99-12 The silica may be associated with its bases in different * Named from Bytown, in Upper Canada, where it has been found. 192 ALKALINO-EARTHY MINERALS. ways ; but it is the simplest view of the case, as Dufrenoy ob- serves, to suppose that this substance forms a silicate with alumina, a bisilicate with the alkalies, and a trisilicate with the alkaline earths, and thus conducts to this formula : 6A1S+ (K,N)S 2 +2(Cal,Mg)S 3 . Sp. Gr. 2 69. H. about 6'5. Color usually perfectly black; sometimes deep indigo-blue; rarely light grey; opake ; the lustre rather brilliant, and both vitreous and resinous. Fracture conchoidal ; structure slightly lamellar, parallel with the shorter diagonal, in which direction it is cleavable. B B, it fuses into a white enamel, pretty much like felspar; with biphosphate of soda it fuses into a milky bead; is not affected by acids; primary form an oblique rhombic prism, the faces of which, M on M, incline to each other at an angle of about 96, the inclination of P on M being 92 to 93. The crystals are frequently replaced on their ob- tuse edges by planes which incline equally on the two faces of the prism, making with each an angle of about 130, but are rarely terminated ; faces striated longitudinally. This mineral bears considerable resemblance to pyroxene, but its fracture is very different, as is also its behaviour B B, and its chemical composition, which together must prevent it from being confounded with that mineral, or with felspar. The specimens analyzed were black, and it will be observed that the analysis gives no evidence of what the coloring matter con- sists. M. Dufrenoy supposes it to be owing to the presence of a small portion of carbon, which imparts the same color to the transition limestone in which the mineral is found. It exists in the greatest quantities in the valleys of the Seix, which bor- der upon Saint Girons.* FELSPAR.t Feldspath, W. H. Prismatic Feld-spar, M. J. Spatum orthotomum, D. Combination of potash, soda, silica, and alumina. Carlsbad. Mularia. Murchisonite. Opake, white. Potash 14-0 14-8 11-50 Silica 64-0 68-6 64-50 Alumina 20-0 16-6 19-75 Lime 2-0 0-0 a trace. Oxide ofiron 0-0 0-0 1-75 100-0 Vauq. 100-0 R. Phillips. 97-50 Klaproth. * The very brief description of this mineral in the last edition of this work, scarcely did justice to a distinguished mineralogist ; a fuller account has now been drawn from his original paper. [AM. ED.] tFrom the German Feldspath, field-spar; in allusion perhaps to its being found loose on the surface of some parts of the country. ALKALINOEARTHY MINERALS. 193 Iridescent. Green. Flesh-colored, Adularia. Potash... Silica... Alumina. Fredericks warn. 12-2 63-0 20-0 Siberia. ...13-0 , ...62-8 ...17-0 .. 3-0... Lomnitz. ,...12-00.... , . . .66-75. . . . ...17-50.... .. 1-25.... St. Gothard. 16-95 64-20 18-40 0-00 Oxide of iron... 1-3 1-0 0-75 0-00 96-5 Klaproth. 96-8 Vauq. 98-25 Rose. 99-55 Berthier. These analyses differ considerably in their quantitative re- sults, but if we take the last, which was performed on a very pure adularia the ultimate perfection of the species we ob- tain for the constitution of the mineral, three atoms tersilicate of alumina, one atom tersilicate of potash. Formula: 3A1S 3 +KS 3 .* Sp. Gr. 25 2-6. H. = 6'0. Few minerals vary so much in appearance, or present more numerous and complicated crystalline forms, than felspar. It has hence been distinguished into several varieties, the transi- tion from the one to the other of which, is however so gradual, that in describing them these distinctions are not very easily made. 1. ADULARIA. Moon-stone. t Adular, W. Feldspath na- cre, H. Orthoklas, Breithaupt. This variety of felspar is semi-transparent, or translucent ; it is greyish, greenish-white, or milk-white, and is frequently iridescent. It occurs both massive and crystallized; the forms of the crystals of Adula- ria, which consist of two, three, or four individuals, placed either parallel or obliquely to one another, being extremely complicated. Cleavage highly perfect, and easily obtained parallel to P of the following figure. Lustre vitreous, inclining to pearly on the perfect faces of cleavage. When splendent, with a pearly lustre, and exhibiting, especially if cut and pol- ished, a bluish- or greenish-white chatoyant reflection of light, it is termed Moon-stone. The Sun-stone is the same, having exceedingly minute scales of mica interspersed throughout its mass, which being disposed in parallel position, reflect a pinch- beck-brown tint. In these, as well as in the Norwegian Lab- rador (as it is called), from Frederickswarn, this opalescent appearance is only in one direction, namely, in that which bevels the edge between T and T somewhat obliquely. The variety from this locality is a grey felspar, distinct from the species labradorite which follows, but presenting, like it, some very beautiful hues. B B, upon charcoal, it becomes glassy, * From the recent examination of M. Abich, confirmed by Prof. G. Rose, it appears that the potash in all felspars is accompanied by more or less soda ; adularia containing the least. (Poggendorf's Annalen, L. 125, 341, and L 11, 465.) [AM. ED.] f Adularia, from Mount Adula, on which it is supposed first to have been found, Moon-stone, from the brilliant light reflected by it. 17 194 ALKALINO-EARTHY MINERALS. semi-transparent, and white, but fuses only on the edges ; with borax it dissolves slowly into a clear globule, and is not acted upon by acids. It occurs in veins and cavities in granite, gneiss, clay-slate, and limestone, with quartz, amianthus, &,c. at St. Gothard, where crystals, sometimes even a foot in thickness, have oc- curred; in Britain in the granite of Arran; in veins passing through schiste at Tintagell on the northern coast of Cornwall, &c. The finest specimens of moon-stone occur imbedded in granite in Ceylon. Considerable veins of sun-stone have re- cently been found on the Selenga in Siberia, and masses taken from them have been fashioned into vases two feet high. Great value is attached to these specimens, as even small ring- stones are very highly esteemed. 2. COMMON FELSPAR is mostly opake, or translucent only on the edges: the lustre on the lamellar fragments is vitreous or pearly ; the cross fracture uneven and glimmering. It presents white, yellow, blue, green, or red colors; and is either granu- lar or massive, disseminated or crystallized. The crystals yield to cleavage parallel to the planes P M and T of the fol- lowing figures, affording as primary form a Doubly oblique prism, which presents in one direction four angles of 90 ; in another, four alternately of 59 25' and 120 35'; in another, four alternately of 67 15' and 112 45'; the latter are obtained with great difficulty, the former with more ease, and the natural joints are generally visible in a direction parallel to the plane P. On charcoal it is fusible with borax into a semi-transparent glass. Primary Form. M on T 120 35 '00' 1 P on M 90 00 00 T 67 15 00 cl 145 20 00 c2 129 30 00 c3 99 41 8 H. k\ 112 5 00 Mon c 1 90 00 00 i . 150 00 00 kl 120 30 00 k2 150 00 00 H. ^ 116 35 00 T on c2 111 00 00 i . 150 00 00 H. ^ 60 50 00 c 1 on c 2 164 42 00 c 2 on c 3 150 45 28 H. c 1 on h . 149 10 00 c 2 on h . 152 30 00 klonk2 150 00 00 H. Common felspar is a very generally diffused mineral ; it is ALKALINO-EARTHY MINERALS. 195 an essential constituent of granite and gneiss, and also fre- quently occurs in these rocks in veins, and in micaceous and argillaceous schiste. It abounds in primitive and secondary traps, and in most lavas.* The coarser kinds of felspar are also frequently macled, presenting some of the most remarkable hemitrope forms that occur in the mineral kingdom. At Carlsbad and Elbogen in Bohemia, twin crystals occur, exhibiting the union of two in- dividuals which have been turned round to the extent of 180, and attached to each other laterally. According to their points of junction, these are denominated rights and lefts; for in whatever position one of them is placed, its faces are never parallel or homologous to those of the other. At Carlsbad they occur from two to four inches in length, the rapid decom- position of the surrounding granite strewing the fields with them in vast quantities. They, as well as the varieties from Ekatherineburg in Siberia, and Warmbrunn in Silesia, are opake, have an earthy-brown color, and are extremely coarse and rough externally. The Land's End granite is also studded with similarly formed crystals, though on a smaller scale; and, what is remarkable, pseudo-crystals of tin have been found in Cornwall assuming precisely similar macles. Large well-defined opake crystals are brought from Elba, and Aren- dal in Norway. The twins from Baveno in Piedmont, and La Clayette in Auvergne, are well-known ; as are the beautiful varieties accompanying beryl and topaz in the Mourne Moun- tains of Ireland. An occasionally crystallized variety of a beautiful apple-green color (Amazon-stone) is met with at the eastern base of the Ural Mountains, near the fortress of Troitzk; and the yellowish-grey and somewhat transparent kind, termed Murchisonite by Levy, is found near Dawlish in Devonshire, and in Arran; also in Cornwall, between Hollo- way Hill and Watcornbe, and in the conglomerate of Heautree, near Exeter. Kersten has described crystals formed in a cop- per furnace, which in composition and form agree with felspar. 3. ICE-SPAR. t Eis-spath, W. It occurs in white transpa- rent or translucent flattish crystals, of which the primary form is a right oblique-angled prism, differing but little in its pro- portions from a right rhombic prism. It yields to cleavage parallel to all the primary planes with difficulty parallel to * From its decomposition the potash of soil is mainly derived. Supposing the soil to have been derived from granite, consisting of two fifths quartz, two fifths felspar, and one fifth mica, it may be shown that every acre of it, six inches deep, contains thirty-six tons of potash. (Dr. S. L. Dana's Muck Manual.') f Ice -spar, from its possessing a considerable resemblance to ice, both externally and in brittleness. 196 ALKALINO-EARTHY MINERALS. T, more easily to P and M of the following figures. It pos- sesses a shining lustre, and is very brittle. According to Ber- zelius, B B, on charcoal, it becomes vitreous, semi-transparent, and white, and fuses with difficulty on the edge into a blebby semi-transparent glass : with borax into a diaphanous glass. P on M or T . M on T . . . . 90 00' . . 129 40 P on 6 2 .... 120 3(/ 134 38 fit ... . . 127 45 dl .... 116 35 T on a . . 128 15 M on/. . . . 150 00 P on CL . , . . 318 5 T on 6 2 . 112 20 P on b I . . 125 25 M on b 2 over/ . 110 49 It occurs at Mont Somma, near Naples, with nepheline, mica, meionite, and hornblende. 4. DECOMPOSED FELSPAR, PORCELAIN-CLAY. Porcellan- erde, W. Feldspath decompose, H. Porcelain-Clay, Kirwan. Sp. Gr. 2*216. It is commonly yellowish-, sometimes reddish- white; occurs massive, and disseminated in certain rocks; and is composed of small particles which possess but slight coherence. It adheres to the tongue, and is soft and meagre to the touch. It often includes crystals of felspar, of quartz, and of mica, and is evidently derived from the decomposition of granitic rocks : is infusible. A variety from Aue in Saxony yielded silica 52 0, alumina 37'0, and iron 6'33. The Saxon porcelain is made of clay from a bed in granite near Meissen ; the Austrian from clay dug near Passau ; that of Copenhagen from the produce of Bornholm, an island in the Baltic. The porcelain-clay of China is called Kaolin. In Britain, a large tract of this clay, which includes crystals of felspar, quartz, and mica, exists near St. Austle in Cornwall, on the south side of the granite range; it supplies the porcelain manufacto- ries of Worcester. In the United States, kaolin is found at Monkton, Vt, in an extensive bed beneath fragments of quartz, felspar, and graphic granite, from the decomposition of which it has been produced.* *The composition of kaolin is quite different from felspar, consisting of 55 per cent, of silica and 45 of alumina, rarely uniting either potash or soda, which seem to have been ALKALINO-EARTHY MINERALS. 197 It is white, and retains its color in the fire. According to Prof. Shepard, kaolin, either pure or mingled with decomposed albite, abounds in New Milford, Kent, and Cornwall, Ct. GLASSY FELSPAR. Ryacolite. Glassiger Feldspar, W. Composed of silica, alumina, potash, and soda. Vesuvius. Mount D'Or. Drakenfels. Silica 65-52 Silica 66-1 Silica 66-6 Alumina... 19'65 Alumina. ..19-8 Alumina... 18-5 Potash I , A 7Q Magnesia.. 2-0 Magnesia.. 1-0 Soda j-- 14 "' 8 Potash 6-9 Potash 8-0 Lime 0-69 Soda 3-7 Soda 4-0 100-64 Rose. 98-5 Berthier. 98-1 Berthier. The atoms of silica in this, as in the preceding species, are thrice as numerous as those of the bases ; but in this we have both potash and soda, and the proportion of alkali to alumina is less. The formula, as deduced by Thomson from the mean of the three analyses, is : 4AlS 3 +(f K+fN)S 3 . Sp. Gr. 2-58. H. = 6-0. Ryacolite, which has usually been described as a variety of common felspar, was first distinguished as a peculiar species by Rose. It is always crystallized in Doubly oblique rhombic prisms, the angles of which differ, however, from those of the individuals of adularia or common felspar, the inclination of M on T being nearly a degree greater. It appears also to dif- fer from adularia (by the experiments of Mitscherlich) in its optical properties. The crystals are grey, greyish-white, or yellowish-white, and semi-transparent ; they usually have the appearance of being cracked in various directions. Fracture imperfect conchoidal; lustre internally splendent and highly vitreous. It occurs imbedded in trachyte in Bohemia; at Drackenfels, near Bonn, on the Rhine ; in the lava of Vesuvius and of the Laucher Sea; in the trachytes of Hungary, and, imbedded in pitchstone, in the islands of Arran and Rum. PETALITE.' c Petalite, J. Pi rhombicus, D. Combination of silica, alumina, and lithia. Petalite, Br. Berzelite. Prismatic Petalite, J. Prismatic Petaline Spar, M. Petalusr rhombicus, D. washed away in the disintegration of the rock. Indeed, Fuchs seems to regard it as de- rived from a peculiar mineral, resembling felspar physically, but of a different composi- tion But Bron"niart has lately published (Berzelius's Jahres-Bericht) an essay on the formation of kaolin, in which he'has given the results of thirteen analyses of this mineral, from various localities. He infers that it is the product of the decomposition of the felspar, effected by what he calls a hydro-electrical influence on the rock [AM. ED.] * Petalite from the Greek, signifying of perfectly lamellar structure (in we direction). 17* 198 ALKALINO-EARTHY MINERALS. Bolton, Mass, Silica 79-21 74-17 52-00 Alumina 17-22 17-41 19-60 Lithia 5-76 5-16 Lithia & Soda 1-92 Lime 0-00 0-32 22-24 Carbonic acid 0-00 0-90 3-60 Water 0-00... .. 2-17... 3-60 100-19 Arfwedson. 99-23 Gmelin. 100-00 Formula deduced from the second analysis : 2A1S 4 +LS 4 . Sp. Gr. 2-44. H. = 6-0. Color white, with frequently a reddish tinge; its structure is perfectly lamellar in one direction, and it admits of mechan- ical division with some difficulty parallel to the sides and both diagonals of a rectangular but not square prism, apparently with oblique summits. It is translucent, and has a glistening lustre, approaching to pearly on the perfect faces of cleavage; but is not affected by acids. When gently heated, it emits a blue phosphorescent light. Alone on charcoal, B B, it fuses on the edges with difficulty into a blebby semi-transparent glass; with borax into a diaphanous glass. Petalite has hitherto been met with in Europe only at the iron mine of Uton, an island about thirty-five miles south-east of Stockholm, where it was first noticed by D'Andrada, ac- companying lepidolite, tourmaline, spodumene, and quartz. The pink tinge which it occasionally presents, denotes a mi- nute admixture of oxide of manganese. In Upper Canada, on Lake Ontario, near York, this mineral was found by Dr. Bigsby. In the United States at Bolton, Mass., it occurs in limestone, with scapolite, sphene, asbestus, &c. It was in this mineral, from Uton, that Arfwedson discovered lithia, the new alkali. SPODUMENE.t Prismatic Spodumene, J. Prismatic Triphane Spar, M. Spodumene, D'Andrada. Tri- phane, H. Augitus rhombicus, D. Combination of silica, alumina, and lithia. Uton. Uton. Killiney. Sterling, Mass. Silica 66-40 63-29 63-31 80.80 Alumina 35-30 28 78 28-51 13-28 Lithia 8-85 5-63 5-66 3-00 Protoxide of iron 1-45 0-79 083 0-00 Lime 0-00 0-00 0-72 0-92 Protoxide of manganese. 0-00 0-20 0-00 0-00 Soda 0-00 0-00 0-00 2-00 Moisture 0-45 0-77 0-36 0-00 102-45 Arfw. 99-46 Strom. 99-73 Lehunt. 100-00 * This was probably a mixed mineral, consisting of petalite, table spar and a portion of carbonate of lime. The specimen, however, was carefully selected. t From onofios, ashes ; meaning that it assumes a form like ashes, B B. t This, and the last analysis of petalite, above stated, were made in Dr. C. T. Jack- son's Laboratory, and under his direction, by Mr. J. Chandler, Jr. ALKALINO-EARTHY MINERALS. 199 Formula from the second and third analyses, as given by Beudant and Thomson, 4A1S 2 +LS 2 . Sp. Gr. 30 32. H. == 65 7'0. This mineral occurs massive; its structure is lamellar ; lus- tre shining and slightly pearly ; cross fracture fine-grained and uneven, with a glimmering lustre ; color greyish or light-green ; it is translucent, scratches glass, and is brittle. According to Brooke it cleaves parallel to the planes and both diagonals of a rhombic prism of 93 and 87, and less perfect cleavage faces have been obtained, indicating an oblique base to the prism, and forming, with its obtuse edge, an angle of about 135. Its primary is therefore an Oblique rhombic prism. It becomes colorless and opake when exposed to a red heat; B B, on char- coal, it intumesces, and fuses into an almost transparent glass. It occurs in the iron mine of Uton, in Sweden, in a gangue of red felspar, quartz, and tourmaline; also in the Tyrol, near Sterzing; and, having a pale-green or yellowish tinge, in gran- ite, with killinite, at Killiney near Dublin. In the United States it is abundant at Goshen, Mass., in granite, and is associated with tourmaline and beryl : is also found at Chesterfield and Sterling, Mass. At the latter place, it occurs in large masses having a foliated structure, and is readily cleavable into rhomboidal prisms. LATROBITE. Latrobite, Brooke and Omelin. Diploite, Breithaupt. Spatum roseum, D. Occurs in crystalline masses, and in Oblique rhombic prisms of about 93 & 30' and 86 30'. Color pale rose-red, or pink, re- sembling the color of lepidolite ; and opake. Lustre vitreous. Cleavage in three directions, intersecting each other at angles of 98 30', 91, and 93 30'. Two analyses by Gmelin yielded Potash 6-58 6-57 Silica 44-65 41-78 Alumina 36-81 32-83 Lime 8-29.... 9-79 Oxide of manganese 3-16 5-76 100-49 9G-73 Formula, as given by Thomson, from the first analysis, oxide of manganese not being essential : 5Al.S+(CaH-K)S. B B, in the platina forceps, it fuses, intumesces into a white enamel, and with borax yields a globule which is pale ame- thyst-red in the oxidating flame, and colorless in the reducing one. With salt of phosphorus it fuses into a clear glass, con- taining a skeleton of silica. Its only known locality is Amitok Island, near the coast of 200 ALKALINO-EARTHY MINERALS. Labrador, whence it was brought by the Rev. C. J. Latrobe, who found it associated with felspar, mica, and calcareous spar. It was first named and described by Brooke. Annals of Phil. (2d series), v., 383. AGALMATOLITE. Bildstein, W. Figurestone or Agalmatolite, J. Talc Graphique, H. Steatite Pago- dite, Bt. Ophitis figularis, D. China. Contains Potash 7-0 6-25 Silica 50-0 54-50 Alumina 29-0 34-00 Lime 2-0 0-00 Oxide ofiron 1-0 0-75 Water 5-0 4-00 JOO-0 Vauquelin. 99-50 Klaproth. From the mean of six analyses which nearly correspond with the last by Klaproth, Dr. Thomson states the constitution of the mineral thus : 13AlS+KS-HAq. Sp. Gr. 2-8 2-85. Soft. It occurs massive, and sometimes presents an imperfectly slaty structure; general color greenish, or yellowish-green, with veins of blue or brown; rarely also pink or mottled; translucent on the edges, unctuous to the touch, and generally yields to the pressure of the nail. B B on charcoal it whitens, and presents some slight marks of fusion ; and with borax af- fords a colorless glass. It is partly soluble in sulphuric acid, leaving a siliceous residue. Brongniart has given it the name of steatite pagodite, from its being always brought from China in the form of little gro- tesque figures* and chimney ornaments, but its different anal- yses distinguish it sufficiently from steatite, which always con- tains magnesia, but no potash. The agalmatolite is also found at Nagyag in Transylvania; in Norway; and at Glyder Bach, Caernarvonshire. LEELITE.t Dr. Clarke. (JJnnals of Philosophy, xu, 367.) Leelite, the Jielleflinta of the Swedes, is found compact and massive, of a deep flesh-red color, at Gryphytta in Westmania, in Sweden. It possesses a peculiarly wax-like texture, and about the same lustre and translucency as horn. The fracture resembles that of flint. * Whence also the name Agalmatolite, from the Greek. f In honor of J.. F. Lee, LL^ D., of St. John's College, Cambridge. ALKALINO-EARTHY MINERALS. 201 Silica 75-00 Silica 81-90 Alumina 22-00 Alumina 6-55 Manganese 250 Protoxide of iron 6-42 Water 0.50 Potash 8-88 100-00 Clarke. 100-76 Thomson. Sp. Gr. 271. H. = 6-25. The mineral was first noticed by Dr. Clarke of Cambridge, by whom it was analyzed. It has since been analyzed by Dr. Thomson. The results, as stated, are so discordant that it seems hardly possible that the same mineral could have been employed by both ; yet both have given the same description of its general characters. It is regarded by some as a variety of felspar. It has not been found crystallized. KILLINITE. Contains Potash 6-06 6-72 Silica 47 92. 49-08 Alumina 31-04 30-60 Oxide of iron 2-32 2-27 Oxide of manganese 1-25 1-08 Lime 0-72 0-68 Water 10 00 10-00 99-97 Ely the. 100-43 Lehunt. The formula from the mean of these two analyses, as given by Dr. Thomson, is : OAlS^+Q-K+f F)S 2 +4Aq. Sp Gr. 265 275. H. = 40. This mineral is of a light green, sometimes tinged brown or yellow, the progress of decomposition resulting from exposure. It occurs massive, with the occasional appearance of prisms, rifted across, and irregularly disposed ; one prism afforded, by the common goniometer, angles of 135 and 45. The struc- ture is lamellar, yielding to mechanical division parallel to the lateral planes of a rhombic prism of 135 and 45, and its lesser diagonal, but not parallel to its terminal planes; its lustre is glimmering; the cross fracture is fine grained. It is translu- cent, yields to the knife, and is easily frangible. The coating arising from exposure, yields an argillaceous odor when breathed on. B B, it loses its color and becomes white, intu- mesces, and fuses into a white enamel. This mineral was discovered by Dr. Taylor in granite veins, near the junction of mica-slate with granite, at Killiney* near Dublin. It is accompanied by spodumene, quartz, fel- spar, and garnet, to the first of which it bears considerable resemblance. * Whence Killinite. 202 ALKAL1NO-EARTHY MINERALS. GLAUCOLITE. Contains Potash ]-27 4-57 Soda 2-96 0-00 Silica 50-58 54-58 Alumina -27-60 2977 Lime ] 0-27 1 1 -08 Magnesia 3-73 0-00 97-41 Bergmann. 100-00 Bergmann. The formula, as given by Beudant from the last analysis, is, 3AlS 2 +(Cal,K)S a . Sp. Gr. 2-72 29. H.=z5'0. Occurs massive, presenting traces of cleavage parallel to the faces of a rhombic prism of 143 30' nearly (according to Brooke). Color lavender-blue, occasionally passing into green. Translucent on the edges; fracture splintery; lustre vitreous. B B, it whitens, and fuses only on the edges; but is soluble with effervescence in borax, or salt of phosphorus. This mineral was first noticed near Lake Baikal in Siberia, imbedded in compact felspar and granular limestone; it has also been found with elaolite at Laurvig in Norway. MESOTYPE. Zeolith, W. Var. of Zeolite, J. Peritomous Kouphone Spar, M. Natrolite. Meso- type, II. Crockalite. Edelite. Vulcanus peritomus, D. Combination of silica, soda, and water. JVatrolite. Faroe. Auvorgne. Hohentwiel. Antrim. Soda 17-0 lfi-76 16-02 14-93 Silica 49-0 48-04 48-00 47-56 Alumina 27-0 '25-03 Qli-Oo 26-42 Water 9-5 965 9-03 10-44 Oxide of iron... 0-0 0-Oi) 0-00... .. 0-58 102-5 Smithson. 99-48 Thomson. 100-00 Geblen. 101-33 Thomson. Adopting these analyses, the composition of this mineral is thus expressed : 3AlS+NS+2Aq. Sp. Gr. 2 24 25. H. = 5'0 55. This mineral occurs crystallized, fibrous, and pulverulent. The primary form is a Right rhombic prism, parallel to the lat- eral faces of which it is readily susceptible of cleavage; but no cleavage has been obtained parallel with the terminal planes, which are almost always obliterated by a pyramid. The faces M on M' 91 10', by the measurement of Brooke, and also by Gehlen and Fuchs. Color white, yellow, or grey- ish, and transparent or translucent, with a vitreous lustre. It yields to the knife, but scratches calcareous spar. It becomes electric by heat, the heated fragments exhibiting a dull blue phosphoric light. B B, on charcoal, it becomes opake, and then vitrifies without intumescence ; with borax, ALKALINO-EARTHY MINERALS. 203 fuses with difficulty into a transparent colorless glass ; and is soluble in, and forms a thick jelly with, acids, even after ex- posure to heat of redness. M on M' 91 20' M on e! 1 ) or V .... 116 56 M' on e" 1 S Mone'2 117 24 e' I on e 1 2 179 32 e' 1 on e?' I 143 33 el on e'l 142 33 b' on b" 146 23 e / 2on e /x 2 . ... 142 38 The fibrous variety consists of minute crystals aggregated in a radiating or stellular form; the centre being often com- pact enough to yield a splintery fracture, while the surrounding part is soft and apparently decomposing : these masses are sometimes globular. They frequently lose almost all traces of a fibrous structure, and break with the appearance of ivory. The earthy or pulverulent variety (Mealy Zeolite, J.) occurs in soft, dull, friable masses, having an earthy fracture, and rough meagre feel. It is of a white, greyish, or reddish color. The crystalline varieties of this beautiful mineral are princi- pally found forming diverging groups, in the vesicular cavities of amygdaloid in the Faroe Islands. In the trap rocks of the Giant's Causeway, and some of the Hebrides, it likewise occurs in delicate acicular crystals; associated with analcime at Mon- tecchio Maggiore in the Vicentine; in small silky-like diver- ging tufts coating cavities of lava in the more ancient portions of Vesuvius; radiated and mammillated at Hauensteiri in Bo- hemia, and elsewhere on the continent. In the United States extremely beautiful and delicate forms of stellated or radiated mesotype, have been discovered in the deep rail road excavation made through a portion of the trap ridge of Bergen County, N. J. Crystals radiating from a com- mon centre form perfect spheres, the entire surfaces of which are studded over with brilliantly reflecting pyramids, usually colorless, and possessing a highly vitreous lustre. In Nova Scotia, the same delicate forms are also observed, but the indi- viduals are usually of much greater magnitude. They often assume a radiated and interwoven structure, presenting, when broken, a centre which is pure white, compact, and has the appearance of ivory. Instead of the low pyramid, sometimes one replacement on a terminal edge covers the whole face of the prism, or obliterates the other three planes. The usually 204 ALKALINO-EARTHY MINERALS. accompanying mineral is analcime, crystals of which are im- bedded in the compact mesotype, and may be removed, leaving perfect impressions of their form. NATROLITE.* Natrolit, W. H. Vulcanus rhombicus, D. Prismatic Kouphone Spar, M. It occurs in mammillary masses, which, when broken, present a fibrous structure ; the fibres are diverging, exhibit a pearly lustre, and are white, or of yellowish or reddish-brown colors, disposed in alternate zones around the centre; in the cavities or on the surface of these may sometimes be observed minute crystals of the same form and measurements as those of mesotype. Its specific gravity is 2-2. B B, it affords the same results as mesotype. M on M' 91 35' or M'on/ 135 35 on e'-) or V 116 58 M' on e"S 35 18 e 1 on e" 143 ef or e!' on / 109 Its principal locality is Hohentwiel in Suabia. Natrolite has been by some classed as a distinct species, but is now more generally included under the present species, with which it agrees in composition, and offers the same crystallo- graphical measurements, according to Brooke. The stellite of Dr. Thomson is evidently quite a different mineral from natro- lite, and has been already described in the previous class. THOMSONITE.t Orthotomous Kouphone Spar,M. Thomsonite, Brooke. (Annals of Philosophy, xvi., 194.) Thomson. (Ibid., p. 408.) Needle Zeolite (in part), W. Mesotype (in part), H. Vul- canus Thomsonianus, D. Combination of silica, alumina, lime, soda, and water. Kilpatrick. Dumbarton. Soda 4-53 3-70 Silica 38-30 37-08 Alumina 30-20 33-02 Lime 13-54 10-75 "Water 13-10 13-00 99-67 Berzelius. 97-55 Thomson. Formula, deduced from the last analysis: 3AlS-j-CalS-f- 2^Aq. Trie alkali is not a constant ingredient, for in ten specimens examined by Dr. Thomson, none was found. * Natrolite, from its containing natron. t Thomsonite, in honor of Dr. Thomson, of Glasgow. ALKALINO-EARTHY MINERALS. 205 Sp. Gr. 2-35. H. about 5'0. This mineral has much resemblance to mesotype or needle- stone, from which, however, it differs materially in respect of cleavage and form. It occurs generally in masses having a columnar or radiated structure, in the occasional cavities of which indistinct crystals may be observed. Colorless and translucent, but small fragments are transparent. It possesses considerable lustre, approaching to pearly; and is brittle. Primary form, according to Brooke, a Right square prism : cleavage readily obtained parallel to its sides, affording, by the reflecting goniometer, 90 of one plane on the next; but it does not cleave parallel to the terminal planes of the prism. B B, it intumesces, or swells up like borax, and becomes snow- white and opake, but does not melt. When exposed to a red heat, it gives off water, becomes opake, white, and shining like enamel ; the edges are rounded, but it does not altogether lose its shape. It usually communicates to the blowpipe flame the yellow color which indicates the presence of soda. M on M 90 0' P on M or M . . . . 90 M on d 135 d on d 90 18 P on a 134 36 c . . . . 125 CM cl It occurs, imbedded in trap with analcime and prehnite, at Lochwinnoch, and near Kilpatrick, a few miles from Glasgow, Scotland. In the United States, the trap rocks of Bergen, N. J., have furnished many very beautiful specimens of what has been sup- posed to be a radiated and compact thomsonite, associated with several other minerals of the same class. But according to a very careful analysis of this mineral by A. A. Hayes, it has but little affinity with thomsonite in its chemical composition, as it is anhydrous and contains no alumina, but thirty-five per cent, of lime.t * Mr. Brooke now gives this angle at 90 4(X, and consequently regards the primary form as a Right rhombic prism. f This most remarkable result has just been communicated to me by Mr. Hayes, to whom I gave a specimen of the mineral obtained by myself at the locality, for his exam- ination. It is thus shown to be distinct from the stellite of Dr. Thomson, as well as from the mineral analyzed by Dr. Beck. It remains to be determined whether it is crystallo- graphically distinct from Thomsonite. The analysis is thus stated : silica 55-96, lime 35-12, soda 6-75, potash 0-60, protoxide of manganese 0-61, alumina 0-08, bygrometric water 0-16. [AM. ED.] 18 206 ALKALINO-EARTHY MINERALS. In Nova Scotia it is one of the common minerals of the trap rocks bordering the Bay of Fundy, occurring in globular masses of radiated interwoven crystals, interspersed with stilbite, apophyllite, and analcime. These masses are hollow, present- ing internally very distinct colorless and transparent prisms in the primary form, and more than an inch in length, replaced at their free extremities by low four-sided pyramids. PERISTERITE.* Dr. Thomson. (Land., Edin., and Dub. Phil. Mag., 1843, xxii., 189.) This mineral was found at Perth, Upper Canada, and was sent to Dr. Thomson under the name of iridescent felspar ; but he observes that neither its characters nor its composition cor- respond with that appellation. His analysis gave, silica 7*2'35, alumina 7 - 60, potash 15'06, lime 1*35, magnesia TOO, oxides of iron and manganese 1*25, moisture 0'50. The silica is much greater than in felspar, and the alumina much less, while the proportion of potash is nearly the same. If we were to consider the lime and magnesia and the oxides of iron and manganese as accidental bodies united to silica in the same ratio as the alumina and the potash, the constitution of the mineral might be represented by 4(A1S 5 )+3(KS 5 ). If the lime and magnesia be essential constituents, the formula will be AlS 5 +(|K+iCal+|Mg)S 5 . The specimens were amorphous masses, and had the ap- pearance of having constituted part of a rock blasted by gun- powder. It is light brownish-red, and exhibits a play of colors, chiefly blue, on the surface. It is translucent on the edges ; the lustre is vitreous and the texture imperfectly foliated : its specific gravity is 2'56S ; its hardness is only 3-75, which is a good deal less than that of felspar. B B, it becomes white but does not melt. With carbonate of soda it melts into a green colored bead, and on adding nitre the color becomes red : with borax it fuses into a colorless bead. GIGANTHOLITE. M. Nordenskiold and Count Trolle Waclrtmeister.} This mineral, discovered and first described by M. Norden- skiold, has also been described and analyzed by the latter. It occurs in considerable masses in quartz, at two localities near Temmela in Finland. It is composed of * From TisQiOTtQa, a pigeon, the colors resembling a pigeon's neck, t Trans. Swedish Roy. Sci. Acad., 1837, p. 136. Also Berzolius's Rapport Annuel for 1839, p. 296 j and for 1842, p. 118. ALKALINO-EARTHY MINERALS. 207 Silica 46-27 Alumina 25-10 Protoxide of iron 15-60 Magnesia 3-80 Protoxide of manganese. . . . 0-89 Soda 1-20 Potash 2-70 Water 6-00 101-56 It has also been analyzed by M. Komonen, and both analy- ses accord with the following formula, as given by Trolle Wachtmeister : (F, M, Mg, K, N)S 3 +3AlS+Aq. Sp. Gr. 2-862 2-878. H. between calc spar and fluor spar. Color externally steel-grey, but the fresh cleavage surfaces have a metallic brightness, with a color which plays between grey and yellow into a brown. The crystals, some of which are 2 inches in diameter, are twelve-sided, and appear to be composed of laminas half a line to three lines in thickness, be- tween which thin layers of chlorite are interposed. These laminae project out along the sides of the crystals, as if it were made up of thicker and thinner twelve-sided plates glued to- gether. They present terminal faces, but never complete, and entire isolated crystals have not been found. The primary form, as indicated by cleavage, is a rhombohedron, into which, however, it does not appear to have been reduced. It resem- bles, in its physical characters, fahlunite and the harder varie- ties of talc. In a red heat it gives off water which contains a little ammonia. It decomposes gradually in damp air, but is reduced to a white powder with great difficulty by mechanical means. Brooke supposes this mineral and the Phyllite * of Dr. Thom- son to be identical. The latter is in thin plates, without any regularity of form; color brownish; having a semi-metallic lustre, with the hardness and specific gravity of the former, and agreeing with it nearly in chemical composition. FAUJASITE. M. Damour. (Annales des Mines, 1842, t. i., p. 395.) The substance which has been described and analyzed by M. Damour, and has received its name in honor of M. Faujas de Saint Fond, well known by his labors on extinct volcanos, was first noticed by the Marquis de Dree in the amygdaloidal rocks of Kaisersthul. The analysis gave * Named from A^ov, a leaf; found in mica slate at Sterling, Mass., by Prof. Nuttall, and analyzed by Dr. Thomson. 208 ALKALINO-EARTHY MINERALS. Silica 49-36 Alumina 16-77 Lime 5-00 Soda 4-34 Water 22-49 97-96 These numbers lead to the formula, as given by M. Da- mour: 3AlS 2 +(Cal, N)S 4 +8Aq. Sp. Gr. 1-923. H. little harder than glass. It occurs in crystals which are for the most part colorless and limpid, some being tarnished on the surface, and others of a brown color, appearing of a brilliant reflection, like that of zircon or diamond. They are fragile : fracture vitreous and uneven. These crystals present the form of an octahedron with a square base, of which the height is to the side of the base, almost as four to three. The crystals recently obtained offer no modifications on the angles or edges; and in only a single instance have they been observed with secondary mod- ifications, or in hemitropes, presenting the usual figure of an octahedron, in which one portion of it is supposed to have turned half round, as shown by fig. 2, under spinel. The an- gles have been thus determined with the reflecting goniometer by M. de Dree and M. Descloizeaux P on P, over the sum- mit, 74 30' (see fig. on p. xxxii. of the Introduction to this volume), P on P adjacent, 111 30', P on P 105 30'. When heated in a tube the crystals give out water, but preserve their transparency. B B, they swell up and melt into a white enamel ; with salt of phosphorus, on platinum wire, they entirely disappear, the globule becoming milky white on cooling. With a small quantity of carbonate of soda the mineral intumesces, and gives a colorless and transparent glass. Treated with chloride of platinum, it shows the presence of potash. The amygdaloid, in the cavities of which this mineral oc- curs, is penetrated on all sides by crystals of black pyroxene, and by a brownish substance, resembling hydrate of iron. The rock has a great resemblance in other respects to that which contains hyalosiderite. M. Damour observes that the very small quantity of thismineral operated upon renders a new analysis desirable ; but the great quantity of water it contains, its position, and, above all, its crys- talline form, authorize the belief that it constitutes a new species. ROSITE. ii., p. 474, :xxii., p. 150.; This is the name given by Svanberg to a new mineral from M Svanberg (Ann. des Mines, 1842, t. ii., p. 474, and Jameson's Edin. Phil Jour., vol. xxxii., p. 150.) ALKALINO-EARTHY MINERALS. 209 Aker, long taken for amphodelite, which it closely resembles in external characters. Its analyses gave Silica 44-901 Alumina 34-506 Peroxide of iron 0-688 Oxide of manganese. 0-191 Potash 6-6^8 Soda trace Lime 3-592 Magnesia 2-498 Water 6-333 99-337 Formula: (K,C,Mag,)S 2 +6AS+2Aq. Sp. Gr. 2'72. H. between calc-spar and gypsum. It is found disseminated in calc-spar in grains about the size of hemp seed. It is not regularly crystallized, but has a crystalline fracture, with natural cleavage planes. When heated B B, it gives off water and loses color. It melts with great difficulty into a white slag; with borax and microcosmic salt, it fuses with great difficulty ; with soda it melts easily, and an additional quantity does not render it less fusible. The distinctions between it and amphodelite are these : that amphodelite scratches fluor spar, but rosite is scratched by it; amphodelite is more difficultly fusible alone, and easily so with a little soda, but with a larger quantity is infusible. LEUCOPHANE. Jl/. Erdmann. (Ann. des Mines, 1842, t. ii., p. 448 ; and Jameson's Edin. Phil. Jour., vol. xxxii., p. 149.) This mineral was discovered by Esmark, near the mouth of the Langesundfjord, in Norway ; and it has been analyzed by Erdmann. These are his results : Silica 47-82 Glucina 11-51 Lime 25-00 Protoxide of manganese 1-01 Potassium 0-26 Sodium 7-59 Fluorine 6-17 99-36 Formula: 2NFl+3(GS-f2CalS 3 .) Sp. Gr. 2-974. H. about that of fluor spar. Leucophane is seldom regularly crystallized, but has three distinct cleavages. When cleaved it gives four-sided prisms, with angles of 53 24' 7, and 36 26' 3, which appear to belong to the triclinometric system. Color varies from pale impure green to dark wine-yellow; in thin plates it is colorless; it gives a bluish phosphorescent light, and becomes slightly elec- tric when heated ; melts, B B, into a clear, somewhat violet enamel ; with borax gives a clear amethyst glass ; with a little 18* 210 ALKALINO-EARTHY MINERALS. soda it gives an opake globule ; with more it melts into the charcoal ; with microcosmic salt in a tube it gives fluosilicic acid gas. It occurs in sienite, along with albite, elaolite, yttrotantalite, and another new mineral named Mosandrite. MESOLE. Flabelliform Kouphone Spar, Haidhiger. (Brewster' l s Jour., vii. 18.) Vulcanus flabelli- formis, D. Sweden. Annaklef. Faroe. Antrim. Silica 42-17 41-51 42-00 44-84 Soda 10-19 10-80 5-63 5-56 Alumina 27-00 26-84 28-00 28-48 Lime 9-09 8-07 11-43 10-68 Water 1 1-77 11-79 12-70 10-28 100-J5 Hisinger. 99-01 Hisinger. 100-36 Berzelius. 99-84 Thom'n. Sp. Gr. 2-35 2-4. H. = 35. In implanted globules, which have a flat columnar or lamel- lar structure radiating from the centre ; color greyish-white, sometimes yellow; translucent, with a silky or pearly lustre; cleavage perfect parallel to the broad face of the individual ; laminae slightly elastic. It occurs at Nalsoe in the Faroe Islands, coating the cavi- ties of basalt and amygdaloid, and associated with chabasie, apophyllite, stilbite, and others of the zeolite family ; also in Disco Island, Greenland, in large individuals, which have a silvery lustre, a distinctly lamellar composition, and which bear much resemblance to crystallized spermaceti. Ska- gastrand in the north of Iceland, and Rostanga in Scania, Sweden, are likewise localities of mesole. It is distinguished from mesotype by its perfect single cleavage and pearly lus- tre; from stilbite or heulandite by its superior specific gravity ; and from apophyllite by its crest or fanlike aggregations, which never occur in that mineral. When associated with apophyllite or stilbite, it always forms the lowest stratum, im- mediately adjoining the basalt or amygdaloid, in the cavities of which it is deposited. Allan's Manual. A mineral in globu- lar masses, very nearly resembling this, has lately been found on New York Island in gneiss, accompanied by stilbite. And Dr. Thomson has analyzed a mineral called by him Harring- tonite, which in composition agrees with mesole ; of which it is probably a compact variety. Its analysis is given above. NEEDLESTONE. MESOLITE.* Fuchs and Qehlen. (Schweigger's Jour., xviii., 11.) Combination of silica, alumina, lime, soda, and water. v *"From usaog, middle, and AiQog, a stone: it being intermediate between mesotype utd scolezite. ALKALINO-EARTHY MINERALS. 211 Iceland. . 47-00 , Pargas, 46-80... Faroe. , 47-50 5.47 5-40.., 4-57 Alumina ..26-13 .. 9-35 , 26-50. . , , 9-87.., 26-10 9-15 Water ..12-25 , 12-30... 12-80 100-20 Gehlen. 100-87 Berzelius. 100-12 M. Durocher. Sp. Gr. 226. H. = 50 5-5. It occurs massive, and also in long slender prisms termina- ted by quadrilateral pyramids. It cleaves parallel to the sides of a Right rhombic prism, corresponding in measurement with that of mesotype ; there is also a remarkable agreement in some of its secondary planes with those of that mineral, of which it would thence appear to be merely a variety. The prisms are translucent, or transparent and colorless, or of a greyish color, externally shining with a somewhat pearly lus- tre. B B, it becomes opake and curls up, and finally melts with the extrication of air-bubbles, into a porous and almost opake bead.* M on M 91 22' e'l or M' on e/'l . . 117 10 e'2 or M' on e"2 . . 146 38 g 162 30 e'l on e"l 144 e'l on el 142 e'l or e"l on a' 162 e'l on e'2 - . . ... 150 15 10 15 42 The finest specimens of this mineral are found in the Beru- fiord, Iceland. In those the crystals often exceed two inches in length, and diverge or interlace in the most beautiful man- ner. It occurs in colorless transparent radiated masses, also compact and opake in the trap district of the Vendayah Moun- tains, Hindostan; in Greenland; in Bohemia; at Pargas in Finland, and the Faroe Islands, where it forms white fibres of a silky lustre, grouped in radii. BREVICITE. Berzelius. (Poggendorfs Annalen, xxxiii., 112.,) This name has been given by Berzelius to a mineral sent * The variety which has been called scolezite (from its curling up like a worm, B B,) agrees in crystalline form, and in its essential physical characters, so nearly with this species, that we do not seem authorized to separate them. The difference in composi- tion is no more than that which we often see in the analysis of two specimens of the same mineral by different ch,emists.. It must be confessed that there is not a little con- fusion attending the classification of several of these minerals, which approach each other so nearly that further examinations will probably unite them into a fewer number of species. [AM. ED.] 212 ALKALINO-EARTHY MINERALS. to him by M. Strom. By the analysis of M. Sonden it con- tains soda 10-32, silica 43'88, alumina 28-39, lime 6*88, mag- nesia 0-21, and water 9.63. In transparent prismatic crystals and white foliated or radi- ating masses, occupying the cavities of a trachytic rock at Brevig in Norway, the strise occasionally of a dark-red hue. Its crystallographical characters have not been mentioned. GMELINITE.* Hexahedral Kouphone Spar, Haid. Sarcolite, Vauqudm, Hydrolite, DeDrce. Gmelin- ite, Erewster. (Edin. Jour, of Sci., ii., 262.) Vulcanus exfolians,D. Combination of silica, alumina, lime, soda, and water. Montecchio Maggiore. Castel. Antrim. Silica 50-0 50-00 39-89 Soda 4-5 4-25 0-00 Alumina 20-0 20-00 12-96 Potash 0-00 0-00 9-00 Protoxide of iron 0-00 0-00 8-27 Lime 4-5 4-2.5 0-00 Water 21-0 20-00 29-86 99-50 Vauquelin. 98-50 Vauquelin. 99-92 Thomson.t A very pure specimen of Irish Gmelinite, in colorless and nearly transparent crystals, has recently been analyzed by Connell,! with a result differing very considerably from the above, and which will probably be taken as the true composition of the species. It is as follows : Antrim. Silica 48-56 .Alumina 18-05 Lime 6-13 Soda 3-85 Potash 0-39 Oxide of iron 0-11 Water 21-66 98-75 Formula as indicated by this analysis, and stated by Con- nell : (Cal, N, K)S 3 +3AlS 2 +7Aq. It differs from chabasie, with which it has been supposed to be allied crystallographically, in containing one atom more of silica and water ; and from Levyne in containing two atoms more both of silica and water. Sp. Gr. 20 2-1. H.r=4-5. Primary form an obtuse rhomboid. Secondary form a flat six-sided prism, terminated at both extremities by truncated six-sided pyramids. Crystals sometimes united in groups. * Gmelinite, in compliment to Professor Gmelin of Tubingen, f Only 5-3 grains were employed in the analysis. J Edin. Phil. Jour, xxiv., 362. ALKALINO-EARTHY MINERALS. 213 y on y' over u .83 36' Color white, passing into flesh-red; translucent; lustre vi- treous; streak white; cleavage distinct parallel to the faces of the primary, fracture uneven; surface of the prism striated horizontally. It is soluble in acids. Its behaviour B B is thus described by Sir David Brewster. " Small portions grad- ually raise themselves, and after standing on their ends, as if they were under the influence of electricity, they are pro- pelled with violence from the fragment." (Variety from An- trim.) In the blow-pipe flame, per se, it increases in bulk, assumes the appearance of an enamel, but does not melt into a glass ; in the matrass it gives off its water, and is reduced to powder. " The low degree of hardness remarked by Vau- quelin, (Mohs, Min., vol. iii., p. 105,) and the forms present- ed by this mineral from the Vicentine, prove incontestibly that this mineral nearly agrees with rhombohedral kouphone spar, or chabasie." Gmelinite occurs coating the cavities of amyg- daloid rocks at Montecchio Maggiore, and Castel in the Vicen- tine ; of a white color in the Deer Park of Glenarm, County Antrim ; and presenting a flesh-red tinge at the Island Magee, near Lr.rne. It has recently been brought from Owhyhee, one of the Sandwich Islands, where it occupies small cavities in the lava. COMPTONITE.* Comptonite, Brewster. (Edinb. Phil. Jour., iv., 139.) Brooke. (Ibid, vi., 112.) Comp- tonitic Kouphone Spar, Haidinger. Vulcanus Comptonianus, D. Contains according to Dr. Thomson, (Outlines, fyc. t \Q\. i., p. 356.) Silica 36-80 Alumina 24-52 Lime 10-89 Peroxide of iron 3-66 Soda 5-58 Water 13-69 95-14 Formula : 8AlS+2CalS 2 +NS+9Aq. Sp. Gr. 2.35 2'4. H. - 5-0 5*5. * Named by Dr. Brewster, in honor of Lord Compton the present Earl of Northamp- ton by whom it was first distinguished. 214 ALEALINO-EARTHY MINERALS. It is found in translucent white crystals, which yield to cleav- age parallel to the planes, M and T of the following figure ; the primary form, according to Brooke, is a Right rectangular prism, of which the bases are not square. Frequently the edges of the prism are replaced by planes, converting it into an eight-sided prism, and the base is also replaced by two very low planes meeting at an angle of 177 5', as shown below. Lustre vitre- ous; streak white; fracture small conchoidal, and uneven; scratches stilbite, but not mesotype. By exposure in powder to the action of nitric acid, it is convertible into a jelly. B B, it gives off water, intumesces slightly, becomes opake, and then fuses imperfectly into a vesicular glass; the globule ob- tained with borax is transparent ; that with salt of phosphorus contains a skeleton of silica and becomes opake on cooling. c' J\ ^^ M on T .... 90 00' T on c' 93 00 a T c on c' .... M on d' .... 177 5 135 35 This mineral occurs among the vesicular lava of Vesuvius, associated with mesotype and other species. It has also been noticed in basalt at the Pflaster Kaute, near Eisenach in Hes- sia ; forming a thin coating on the surface of mesotype, and occupying the cavities of graustcin at Hauenstein in Bohe- mia: and associated with analcime and Phillipsite at the Cy- clopean Isles, Sicily. LEDERERITE.* C. T. Jackson. (Jim. Jour. o/Sct., xxv., 78.) This mineral is composed, according to the analysis of A. A. Hayes, (Am. Jour, of Sci., xxv., 84,) of silica 49'47, alumina 21-48, lime 11 48, soda 394, phosphoric acid 3'48, oxide of iron 014, water 8'58. Sp. Gr. 2-10. H.=rf>. It occurs in crystals which are sometimes colorless and transparent, but usually white and opake, or only translucent on the edges, some of them being of a pale salmon color. The crystals are in the form of hexahedral prisms, deeply replaced * Named in compliment to the Austrian minister to the United States, the late Baron Von Lederer, a well known friend of American mineralogy. ALKALINO-EARTHY MINERALS. 215 on their terminal edges, or terminated at both extremities by hexahedral pyramids, having at their summits a small plane termination, perpendicular to the axis of the prism; indica- ting a regular hexahedral prism for the primary form. This form is further indicated by the separation of faces of cleav- age made visible by exposure to heat. B B, according to Hayes, it becomes white, and divides at the natural joints; at a higher temperature it fuses into a white enamel, which can be rendered more vitreous by continuing the blast; a few bubbles are disengaged when it is thus treated. In the ma- trass, a slight empyreumatic odor is perceptible. Its inferior hardness and specific gravity, but more especially its pyrog- nostic characters and chemical composition, clearly separate it from the species hydrolite, or gmelenite, to which it has been referred : one consisting of bisilicates of alumina and lime, silicate of soda, with six per cent, phosphate of lime, and only 8'58 water ; the other, by Mr. Connell's analysis, of bisilicate of alumina, tersilicate of lime, soda and potash, no phosphoric acid, and 21*66 per cent, water. Some of the crystals are elongated, and measure one third of an inch in the direction of the prismatic axis, but most of them possess nearly equal dimensions in the opposite direction, or they are sometimes even in low flattened prisms. The sec- ondary planes on the edges incline on M, at an angle of 130 5', and towards each other, at 142 10', as determined by the re- flective goniometer, by M. Dufrenoy, of the School of Mines in Paris. Ledererite was discovered by Dr. Jackson and the editor, between Cape Split and Cape Blomidon, Nova Scotia, in the cavities of amygdaloid, accompanied by calcareous spar, mesotype, analcime and stilbite. It has become a very rare mineral, and is no longer found at the locality.* HYPOSTILBITE. Beudant. ( Traite, t. ii., p. 119.) Composition as follows : Faroe. Faroe. Silica 52-43 52-25 Alumina 18-32 18-75 Lime 8-10 7-36 Soda 2-41 2-39 Water 18-70 18-75 99-96 Beudant. 99-50 Dumeril. Formula as given by Beudant : 3AlS 3 +CalS+6Aq. Sp. Gr. 2'14. Does not scratch glass. * The same name has since been applied to a variety of sphene from Grenville, Upper Canada, by Prof. Shepard. 216 ALKAL1NO-EARTHY MINERALS. Either in white dull globules, consisting of delicate fibres, or compact; fracture devoid of lustre. Soluble in acid with- out forming a jelly. B B, fuses with difficulty on the edges only, intumesces slightly, and becomes externally rough. Locality, the Faroe Islands, where it occurs associated with stilbite and epistilbite in amygdaloid rocks. EPISTILBITE. Diplogenic Kouphone Spar, M. Epistilbite, Prof. O. Rose. (Brewstcr's Jour., iv., 283.) Vulcanus acutus, D. Combination of silica, alumina, lime, soda, and water. Iceland. Faroe. Silica 58-59 58-61 Soda 1-78 1-20 Alumina 17-5-2 17-03 l,ime 7-56 8-21 Water 14-98 13-80 99-93 Rose. 98 85 Beudant. Formula according to Beudant: 3AlS 3 +CalS 3 +5Aq. Sp. Gr. 2-2 2 25. H. = 4'0 45. Primary form a Right rhombic prism of 135 10/ and 44 50', s on s 147 40' M on M 135 10 t on t . . . 109 46 Commonly in macled crystals. Color white or yellowish ; varying from transparent, to translucent only on the edges ; lustre vitreous, except on the faces of cleavage, and the cor- responding crystalline planes, which are pearly. Cleavage highly perfect parallel to T. Alone, B B, it melts, becomes white, intumesces, and forms a blebby enamel : and with soda fuses into a transparent glass. In concentrated muriatic acid it is dissolved, with the exception of a fine granular residue of silica. Epistilbite occurs in large distinct crystals, along with others of the zeolite family, in the trap-rocks of Iceland and the Fa- roe Islands. It was distinguished from stilbite by Prof. G. Rose, of Berlin. Dr. Brewster also examined it optically, and ascertained that it exhibited but one system of polarized rings. ALKALINO-EARTHY MINERALS. 217 SPHEROSTILBITE, Beudant. ( Traite, t. ii., p. 170.) Composition according to three analyses : Faroe. Iceland. Vagoe. Silica 55-25 55-61 56-50 Alumina 17-25 16-68 16-50 Lime 7-30 8-17 8-48 Soda 1-85 1-53 1-50 Water 19-25 19-30 18-50 100-90 Beudant. 101-29 Gehlen. 101-48 Dumeril. Formula by Beudant, 3AIS 3 +CaIS 2 +6Aq. Sp. Gr. 2-31. H. above 30. In globular masses, which present a radiated structure, a pearly lustre, and a brilliant fracture. The fibres are flexible, and the surfaces of the globules may be scratched by the nail. It forms a jelly with acids ; and fuses B B, with exfoliation and intumescence. It occurs both in the Faroe Islands and in Iceland. ERLANITE. Sreithaupt. (Schweigger's Jour, of Chem., vol. vii., page 76.) Silica 5316 Soda 2-61 Alumina 14-03 Lime 14-39 Magnesia 5-42 Oxide of Iron 7-14 Oxide of manganese . . . 0-64 Water 0-60 98-99 Gmelin. Formula : 3AlS 2 +2CalS 2 +MgS 2 +(N, F)S. Sp. Gr. 3-0 3-1. H. = 6 25 7. Occurs massive, occasionally compact, generally in small and fine granular concretions, of a light greenish-grey color. Lustre feebly shining, or dull. Streak shining, with a resi- nous lustre, and white ; structure distinctly crystalline, but no regular cleavage has been observed ; fracture in some speci- mens foliated, in others splintery. B B, it fuses readily into a slightly colored transparent compact globule ; and with bo- rax' forms a clear greenish glass. Erlamite is described as possessing the aspect of gehlenite. It was discovered by Breithaupt in the Saxon Erzgebirge, form- ing a part of the oldest gneiss formation. It appears to be a mere mechanical mixture. Allan's Manual. This last re- mark may prove true only of the erlan-rock. This has been used for two hundred years as a flux by the iron smelters, and mistaken for limestone, until Breithaupt pointed out its true character. 19 218 ALKALINO-EARTHY MINERALS. HUMBOLDTILITE.* JttontiGelli and Covelli. Somervillite of Brooke, (p. 514 Ency. Brit., Art. Min,~) Contains according to the following analyses, Silica 43-96 49-36 Lime 31 b7 31-96 Magnesia 8-83 6-10 Alumina 0-50 11-20 Protoxide of iron 2-00 2-32 Soda 0-00 4-28 Potash 0-00 0-38 ) Monticelli 86-96 1 and Covelli. 105-60 Kobell. f These last results are so unlike the first, as to render it probable that the specimen analyzed by Kobell, was not a pure one ; and it gives an excess of over five per cent. Adopting the first analysis by the discoverer of the mineral, the atoms of silica are about twice as many as those of the bases. Primary form a Right square prism, the lateral edges of which are frequently replaced by one or more planes. Cleava- ble parallel to the base. Color greyish-yellow or grey ; lustre vitreous, passing into resinous ; fracture conchoidal or un- even; between transparent and feebly translucent. B B, per se it fuses readily, with a slight intumescence, into a dia- phanous glass, which is blebby, and in color resembles the mineral, only that it has a more grey or greenish hue. With borax it melts slowly into a colorless glass. Reduced to pow- der after being calcined, it is quickly soluble in acid, forming a very characteristic jelly. Humboldtilite occurs in the cavities of matter ejected from Vesuvius. LAPIS-LAZULU Lazurstein, W. Lazulite, H. La Pierre d'Azur, Br. Azure-stone, J. Combination of silica, alumina, lime, oxide of iron, mag- nesia, soda, and sulphuric acid. Silica 49-0, alumina H'OO, lime 16'0, soda and potash 8'0, oxide of iron 4'0, magnesia 2'0, sulphuric acid 2'0. Gmelin. Sp. Gr. 2-95. This mineral is found massive ; also, though rarely, in rhom- bic dodecahedrons, of an azure blue color ; the texture of the massive is fine grained or compact with a glimmering lustre, and it is hard enough to scratch glass, though it scarcely gives sparks with steel ; it is nearly opake ; and its blue color is not uniform, as it frequently encloses iron pyrites, compact fel- spar, and quartz. On charcoal it fuses with difficulty into a * Named by the Italian mineralogists in honor of Baron Humboldt. t Jahresbericht by Berzelius, for 1832, p. 169. J Lapis-lazuli, azure-stone, from its blue color ALKALINO-EARTHY MINERALS. 219 white glass when pure : with salt of phosphorus is soluble with effervescence, the portion melted burning with great brillian- cy : with soda is partly soluble into an opake greenish-grey glass, which assumes a red appearance on cooling; and if pre- viously calcined and reduced to powder, loses its color in acid. The finest specimens are brought from China, Persia, Lake Baikal in Siberia, and Bucharia. Beautiful specimens have been obtained in Bolivia, near Atacama, and in the Province of Copiapo, in Chili, by J. L. Blake. Lapis-lazuli is prized by the lapidary, but is chiefly important as affording that beautiful pigment called ultra-marine, so highly valued by painters. NEPHELINE. Nephelin, W. H. Sommit, Karsten. Rhomboidal Felspar, J. Rhombohedral Felspar, M. Sornmite. Spatura hexagonurn, D. Combination of soda, silica, and alumina. Katzenbuchel. Vesuvius. Silica ........................ 43.36 ...................... 44-] 1 Soda ........................ 13-36 ...................... 20-46 Alumina ..................... 33-49 ...................... 33-73 Potash ....................... 7-13 ...................... 0-00 Lime ....................... 1-90 ...................... 0-00 Oxide of iron and manganese . . 1-50 ...................... 0-00 Water ................. 1-39... ..0-62 101-13 Gmelin. 98-92 Arfwedson. Formula from the last analysis : 3A1S+NS. Sp. Gr. 25 26 H. = 6-0. Occurs in regular six-sided prisms (the form of the primary crystal,) of which the terminal edges are sometimes replaced. It may be cleaved, though imperfectly, parallel to all the planes of that solid ; fracture conchoidal ; colorless or greyish- white, with a shining vitreous lustre ; transparent or translu- cent. B B it is fusible into a blebby colorless glass. With salt of phosphorus is soluble, without effervescence, and leaving a silica skeleton, into a glass which becomes opaline on cool- ing ; and with borax fuses slowly into a transparent colorless globule. A translucent fragment, when immersed in nitric acid, assumes a nebulous appearance (whence the name neph- eline, from v(ps^ ) a cloud) ; and is finally converted into a jelly. When reduced to powder it gelatinizes in heated mu- riatic acid. M Mon M/ 120 00' P on M or M' 96 00 cl 151 53 H. c2 135 40 Moncl 118 7H. c2 . . 134 20 220 ALKALINOEARTHY MINERALS. The fine white crystals of this species are as yet almost pe- culiar to that part of Vesuvius called Monte Somma, where they occur in cavities accompanied by garnet, hornblende, mica, and idocrase; it has been met with in the lava of Capo di Bove, near Rome; and, indistinctly crystallized, engaged in clinkstone at Katzenbuchel near Heidelberg. ITTNERITE." Qmelin. Leonhard. (Schweigger's Jahrbuch, vi., 74.) Silica 30-016 Soda 11-288 Alumina 28-400 Lime 5-235 Potash 1-565 Water 10-', 59 Oxide of irom 0-616 Sulphate of lime 4-891 Muriate of soda 1-618 98-388 Gmelin. The composition of this mineral, throwing out the gypsum and common salt, which are doubtless accidental, is thus ex- pressed by Beudant and Dr. Thomson 3AlS+(N,Cal, K)S +2Aq. Sp. Gr. 2-3. H. = 5-0 6-0. Primary form the rhomboidal dodecahedron. Fracture im- perfect conchoidal, passing into uneven. Color bluish grey or ash-grey ; lustre resinous, inclining to vitreous. B B, on chare al it fuses per se with strong effervescence, and the dis- engagement of sulphurous acid, into an opake blebby glass, which the solution of cobalt colors blue; is imperfectly solu- ble in salt of phosphorus ; with borax melts easily into a trans- parent colorless globule; and with soda is changed into an opake glass. It dissolves quickly in acids, forming with them a jelly. This mineral, which bears much analogy with hauyne and sodalite, is found in basalt at Kaiserstuhl in the Brisgau near Freyburg. Beudant considers it a hydrous variety of nephe- line. NUTTALITE. Nuttalite, Brooke. (Annals of Philosophy, xli., p. 366.) Nuttalit. L. Contains, according to the analysis by Muir,f * In honor of M. Von Ittner, its discoverer. f Dr. Thomson's Outlines of Mineralogy, &c., i., p. 383. ALKALINO-EARTHY MINERALS, 221 Silica, ............... 37-81 Alumina .............. 25-10 Lime .................. 18-33 Protoxide of iron ...... 7-89 Potash ............... 7-30 Water ................ 1.50 97-93 Formula: 3AlS+2(|Cal-f^F+^K)S. It is thus shown to differ essentially from scapolite in chemical composition. Its primary form is a Right square prism, in which it occurs of the same dimensions, under the same modifications with scapolite, but is more rarely surmounted by pyramids. Cleav- age parallel to the lateral planes. Fracture uneven. It bears generally considerable resemblance to scapolite, but it is softer and more vitreous in the fracture ; it also possesses a beautiful chatoyant reflection of light on the faces of the prism. Color white, in some parts yellowish, in others bluish, green and grey; the yellow portions transparent, the blue nearly opake. Streak white ; lustre vitreous. B B, it melts into a colorless glass, and with borax forms one which is blebby and pale white. The locality of this mineral is Bolton, Mass., where it oc- curs in coarse granular limestone, with epidote and titanium ore. It was named by Brooke in honor of Prof. Nuttall, to whom American mineralogy has been much indebted. ELJEOLITE.* Fettstein, W. Pierre Grasse, Levy. Lythodes. Spatum oleaceum, D. Contains Silica ................ 44-00 .................. 44-190 Alumina. ............. 34-00 .................. 34-424 Lime ................. 0-12 ............ , ..... 0-529 Potash ............... 0-00 .................. 4-733 Hoda ................ 16-50 ............ . ..... 16-874 Peroxide of iron ....... 4-00 .................. 0-651 Water ................ 0-00 .................. 0-687 9862 Vauquelin. These numbers give very nearly three atoms silicate of alu* mina, and one atom silicate of soda and potash. Formula : 3AlS+(iK+fN)S. Sp. Gr. 2-54 2-62. H. - 55 6*0. Primary form a Right rhombic prism of about 112 and 68. It occurs massive, of a dark green, bluish-grey, or brick^ red color; translucent; lustre resinous ; frequently opalescent when cut; cleavage both parallel and perpendicular to the axis of a four-sided prism ; fracture conchoidal. It gelatin- izes freely with acids when reduced to powder ; and B B it * From the Greek e/.cuov? oil, and Atdo, a stone, in allusion to its peculiar resinous or oilv-like lustre. 19* 222 ALKALINO-EARTHY MINERALS. fuses into a white enamel. It is found in Norway, imbedded in the zirconsyenite of Laurvig, Stavern, and Frederickswarn. The pale blue has a slight opalescence like cats-eye, whence it is occasionally employed for ornamental purposes. This mineral is included under the species nepheline by Beudant. HAUYNE.* Hauyn, Karsten. Latialite, H. Combination of potash or soda, silica, alumina, lime, and sulphuric acid. Spinellane. Marino. Lake of Laach. Lake of Laach, Silica 35-48 43-0 38-50 Potash 15-45 00-0 0-00 Soda 0-00 13-0 16-56 Alumina 18-87 29-5 29-25 Lime 12-00 1-5 1-14 Oxide of iron 1-16 2-0 1-50 , Lake of Laach. 37-00 0-00 12-24 27-50 8-14 1-15 Sulphuric acid 12-39 1-0 8-16 Oxide of manganese. 0-00 6-0 1-00 11-5H 0-00 Water 1-20 2-5 3-00 1-50 96-55 Gmelin. 98-5 Klaproth. 99-11 Bergemann. 99-09 Bergemann. Owing to the different results of these several analyses, the formula is omitted. Sp. Gr. 2'68 3'0. The Haiiyne is usually found in grains and massive ; but it has been observed in extremely brilliant crystals, in the form of the rhombic dodecahedron. When this mineral is opake, it is of an indigo-blue color; when translucent, blue or bluish- green ; is somewhat harder than quartz, and very brittle ; frac- ture conchoidal, and considerably splendent. B B, on char- coal, it loses its color, and fuses slowly into an opake mass ; with borax it forms a diaphanous glass, which becomes yellow on cooling ; with salt of phosphorus is decomposed with efferves- cence, leaves a silica skeleton, and becomes opaline on cool- ing ; is reducible into a white transparent jelly in heated acid. P on P' or P on P" ) , or P' on P" ] U a on a 90 00 a on any adjoining plane P 135 00 * Haiiyne, in honor of the late celebrated French mineralogist, Haiiy. ALKALINO-EARTHY MINERALS. 223 It occurs either disposed in the cavities of volcanic debris, as at Vesuvius, and in the neighborhood of Rome ; or imbed- ded in lava or pumice, as near Andernach, on the Rhine. Haiiyne is distinguished from lazulite by its vitreous lustre, a character which the latter does not possess, and also by its different chemical composition. By some authors it has been classed with sodalite; but the analysis of this mineral by Gme- lin and Bergemann, would seern to show too great a discord- ance, both qualitively and quantitively, for uniting it with that species. SPINELLANE. Spinellane, J. H. Nozin, Leonliard. This mineral was described as a distinct species in the last edition of this work, but it is obviously only a variety of the present species, and as such it is now classed in the latest works. Its crystalline form is the rhomboidal dodecahedron, sometimes elongated (as in several of the garnets) into six-sided prisms with trihedral terminations, as shown in the above figure. Its color is ash-grey, the crystals being generally small, though distinctly formed, and translucent. It cleaves with brilliant surfaces, parallel to the faces of the dodecahedron ; scratches glass, but is brittle; specific gravity 2'28. B B, it whitens, but does not melt, either alone, or with additions. It occurs in the drusy cavities of glassy felspar on the borders of the Lake of Laach, near Andernach on the Rhine, with quartz, black mica, and magnetic iron. Its above analyses, by Kla- proth and Bergmann, differ so considerably that it is not im- probable that these chemists may have operated on different minerals. The analysis by the former would make the mineral to consist of a sesquisilicate of alumina and soda. HYDROUS ANTHOPHYLLITE. Dr. Thomson. ( Outlines, $c., vol. ii., p. 209.) Composed of silica 54'98, magnesia 13 37, peroxide of iron 9'83, protoxide of manganese 1*20, potash 6'80, alumina T56, water 11*44. Dr. Thomson rejects the alumina and protoxide of mancranese as accidental, and records the following formula : Sp. Gr. 2-91. H. = 2-5. Color greenish-yellow ; texture diverging fibrous ; specimens consisting of irregular crystals, diverging from various centres and sometimes much interwoven with each other; fibres sepa- rable from each other, but less perfectly than those of asbestus. They are fine, easily broken, and destitute of elasticity : lustre silky ; opake ; sectile ; feel soft. This mineral was formerly known to American mineralo- gists as radiated asbestus. It occurs in place, and in boulders, 224 ALKALINO-EARTHY MINERALS. on the west side of New York Island, where it forms a bed between granite and gneiss. It was sent to Dr. Thomson, for analysis, by Prof. Torrey, of New York. ANTRIMOLITE. Dr. Thomson. (Outlines, Src., vol. i., p. 326.) This mineral was discovered on the north coast of the county of Antrim, in the vicinity of the Giant's Causeway. Its con- stituents, by Dr. Thomson's analysis, are the following : silica 43-470, alumina 30-260, lime 7'500, potash 4'100, protoxide of iron (H90, chlorine 0-88, water 15-320. Formula : 5AlS+(} Cal+K)S 3 +5Aq. Sp. Gr. 2-0964. H. = 3'75. Its color is chalk-white ; texture fine silky fibrous, the fibres diverging from the central nucleus like radii from a common centre. It is opake, and dull. It has not been found in dis- tinct crystals, but composes long stalactitical masses, which adhere to the summits of cavities in amygdaloid. The centre of these masses encloses a foliated variety of calcareous spar, upon which the antrimolite has implanted itself. When heated it gives out water, which reddens vegetable blues, and contains muriatic acid. The quantity driven off amounts to 15'42 per cent. B B, it does not froth, but softens into an enamel. With biphosphate of soda it dissolves very slowly into a transparent colorless glass. It dissolves readily, and gelatinizes in muriatic acid. PERICLINE. Heterotomous Feldspar, M. Periklin, Breithaupt. Spatum gemellum, D. Contains soda 9 99, potash 2'41, silica 69 91, alumina IS'93, lime 0'15, oxide of iron 0'48 from Zoblitz, by Gmelin. Sp. Gr. 2-54 2'56. H. = 6-0. It occurs in twin crystals, closely resembling in its measure- ments those of albite, with which, also, it almost precisely agrees in chemical composition. ' ': i ^\ \ P on M .... 93 l^ P on T .... 114 45 Mon T .... 120 18 Cleavage perfect parallel to P and T ; more so to T than to M, the reverse of which is the case in albite. Lustre pearly; color white, yellowish or reddish. ALKALINO-EARTHY MINERALS. 225 It occurs in large distinct crystals at St. Gothard in Swit- zerland ; in the Pfundersthal and Schmiernerthal in the Tyrol ; upon the Sau-alpe in Carinthia, at Zoblitz in Bohemia, and other places. It is more generally opake than albite or felspar, and its specific gravity is lower. LABRADORITE. Labradorstein, W. Feldspath Opalin, H. Polychromatic Feldspar, M. Labradore Fel- spar. Spatum opalescens, D. Combination of silica, alumina, lime, soda, and oxide of iron. Labrador. Labrador. Ingermania. Silica 55-75 55-41 55-06 Alumina 26-50 26-92 24-00 Lime 11-00 10-89 10-25 Soda 4-00 4-39 3-50 Protoxide of iron 1-25 5-25 5-25 Water 0-50 0-64 0-50 99-00 Klaproth. 103-50 Thomson. 98-56 Klaproth. From the mean of these analyses, Dr. Thomson has given the formula 3AS'+(JCal+N)S. Sp. Gr. 2-7. H. = 6'0. Its primary form is an Oblique rhombic prism of 1 19 and 61. The cleavage parallel to the base is most perfect ; lustre internally vitreous, pearly upon the perfect faces of cleavage ; translucent when in thin fragments; color grey, with opaline reflections of a blue, yellow, or brilliant red hue. B B, on charcoal, it fuses quietly 3, into a pretty dense clear glass, whose fracture is brilliant; is scarcely affected by salt of phos- phorus, unless reduced to powder, when it is decomposed into a skeleton of silica, and a glass which becomes opaline on cooling; and with borax fuses slowly without effervescence into a diaphanous glass. When in powder it is entirely dis- solved, and forms a jelly with heated muriatic acid. Rough indistinctly formed crystals of considerable size were brought by Giesecke from Greenland ; but the beautiful irides- cent slabs to which the name of their locality is applied, are found at the island of St. Paul on the coast of Labrador, asso- ciated with hornblende, hyperstene, and magnetic iron ore. Magnificent labradorite has been found in the neighborhood of St. Petersburg in Russia, in Finland, and in the Ural mountains. A specimen from the former place was sold to the Duke of Devonshire for one thousand rubles. In the time of Catha- rine II., she valued the stone so highly, that snuff boxes of several small stones sold for fifteen hundred rubles. It occurs for the most part in boulders, but in Finland it forms consid- erable veins, accompanied by hornblende, magnetic iron and garnet. The colors of these specimens play between dark 226 ALKALINO-EARTHY MINERALS. sapphire-blue, emerald-green, violet, gold-yellow, pinchback, brown and brass-yellow; the shades being weaker in the Mountain Labrador of Finland. Labradorite is found also on the Island of Sedlowatoi, in the White Sea, of a pale red color, with a weak azure change, like adular. Labradorite forms one of the constituents of a greenstone at Campsie Glen, and near Paisley in Scotland, according to Dr. Thomson. This mineral has several localities in the United States, but the finest iridescent specimens have been found in New York, as in Essex and Lewis Counties, generally in rolled masses ; and at Hammond, St. Lawrence County, in fine large crystals, associated with phosphate of lime, zircon and sphene. They receive a fine polish, but are much inferior to the specimens from Labrador. ALBITE. CLEAVELANDITE.* Tetarto-prismatic Feldspar, M. J. Cleavelandite, Brooke and Levy. Tetartin, Breithaupt. Spatum triclinatum, D. Combination of silica, alumina, and soda. Finbo. Arendal. Chesterfield, Mass. Silica 70-48 68-46 70-68 70-94 Alumina 18-45 19-30 19-80 18-70 Soda 10-50 9-27 9-06 8-83 Lime 0-55 0-68 0-23 0-68 99-98 Eggertz. 96-71 Rose. 99-77 Stromeyer. 99-15 Thomson. There is a very close agreement among these four analyses. The mean gives silica 70*139, alumina 19'063, soda 9'414 which, divided by the atomic weights, give of atoms of silica 35*07, of alumina 8-47, and of soda 2'35. The atoms of silica thus exceed three times the atoms of bases by 2 4 61 , but if, as Dr. Thomson supposes, this excess is accidental, we obtain for the constitution of this mineral, three atoms tersilicate of alu- mina and one atom tersilicate of soda. Formula : 3A1S 3 +NS 3 . Sp. Gr. 2-6 2-68. H. = 6-0. Mon P 93 30' P on T 115 05 Mon T 117 53 P on P the re-entering angle . . 186 40 P on a? 127 28 T on a: 110 29 Edge H often replaced by a plane which forms with M an angle of 1 19 52 and with P an angle of 119 51 * From albus, white, in allusion to its color. Cleavelandite, in honor of Prof. Cleave- land of Bowdoin College. The name was at first applied to the laminated variety from Chesterfield, by Brooke, but it has now an equally extended application with albite. ALKALINO-EARTHY MINERALS. 227 Primary form, a Doubly oblique prism (see fig. 13, p. xl., of the Introduction). Generally in flat twin crystals, of which the face M is greatly enlarged. Color commonly white, some- times grey, green, or brown, varying from transparent to opake. Lustre pearly upon cleavage planes, vitreous in other direc- tions. Cleavage perfect parallel to M and P, less so to T. Its comportment, B B, resembles that of felspar, fusing quietly = 4. Albite occurs in large transparent colorless crystals, with pearlspar, in the Tyrol ; and at St. Gothard in white translucent twins, having a brilliant lustre; at Arendal with epidote and gar- net; with eudyalite and hornblende in Greenland; also in Si- beria, Norway, Sweden, Bohemia, Oisans in Dauphine, and elsewhere on the continent. In the granite on the Mourne Mountains it is associated with felspar, from which, however, it may be distinguished by its superior whiteness and translucen- cy. Felspar and albite indeed frequently occur in the same gran- ite, as in that of Pompey's Pillar, and the block on which the statue of Peter the Great in St. Petersburg is placed, the albite presenting a greenish-white color, while the felspar is flesh- red. The crystals from Baveno are often extremely curious in this respect, the albite being disposed in parallel position upon the faces of the felspar, from which its greater whiteness distinguishes it. Albite, more frequently than felspar, is one of the constituents of syenite and greenstone, as in the rocks around Edinburgh. It is also a frequent constituent of the granite of England. Rome de 1'Isle first distinguished it as a particular species under the name of white schorl ; but it is to Dr. G. Rose that mineralogists are indebted for their more accurate knowledge of its properties. Allan's Manual. In the United States, it forms very considerable masses of a foliated structure, and is sometimes in crystals, at Chester- field, Mass., where it is penetrated by crystals of rubellite and green tourmaline. It occurs also at Williamstown and Go- shen in the same State, and at Paris, Maine, where the associa- ted minerals are the same as at Chesterfield. It accompanies the chrysoberyl at Haddam, Ct., and is found in a granular form containing beryl at Munroe, Ct. It occurs in granite at Governeur, St. Lawrence County, N. Y., and in beautiful white, nearly transparent crystals at Granville, Washington County, N. Y., discovered by Prof. Emmons. ANALCIME. ihedral Kouphone ! ulcanus cubicus, D Combination of silica, alumina, soda, and water. Kubizit, W. Analcime, H. Hexahedral Kouphone Spar, M. Hexahedral Zeolite, J. Vulcanus cubicus, D. 228 ALKAL1NO-EARTHY MINERALS. Fassa. Kilpatrick. Giant's Causeway. Contains Silica 55-12 55-07 55-60 Alumina 22-99 22-22 23-00 Soda 13-53 13-7 1 14-65 Water 8-27 8-22 7-90 99-91 Hose. 99-22 Connell. 101-15 Thomson. These analyses very nearly coincide, and they give for the constitution of this mineral, three atoms bisilicate of alumina, one atom bisilicate of soda, and two atoms water. Formula : 3AJS 2 +NS 2 +2Aq. Sp.Gr. 2-2 2-53. H. = 5'5. Analcime generally occurs in distinct crystals, either color- less and transparent ; or white, grey, red, and opake. The cube is the primary form, there being occasional appearances of cleavage parallel to the planes of that solid; fracture im- perfect conchoidal ; lustre shining, and between pearly and vitreous. It becomes weakly electric* by friction. Alone on charcoal, B B, it becomes white and opake, and fuses, with- out intumescence, into a diaphanous glass ; with borax is very difficultly soluble. It dissolves in acids, and when reduced to powder, forms a jelly with heated muriatic acid. The solu- tion after separation of the silica gives an abundant precipitate with ammonia. Fig. 1, the primary; a cube. Fig. 2, the same, of which each solid angle is replaced by three planes, thereby adding twenty-four planes to it. Fig. 3. represents the icositetrahedron a crystal on which these twenty-four planes are increased to their utmost extent, so that no part of the primary planes is visible, and forming a solid bounded by twenty- four equal and similar trapeziums. Haiiy. P on P' or P" ) or P' on P" 5 P P' or P" on b 144 44 b on b 146 26 * Whence Analcime, from the Greek, in allusion to the feebleness of this property. ALKALINO-EARTHY MINERALS. 229 The most perfectly pelucid crystals of this mineral are brought from the Cyclopean Islands, near Catania; they, as well as most of those from the Tyrol, present the above form (the tri-epointe of Haiiy) ; while the only crystallization met with in Dunbartonshire, Glen Farg, and other Scottish locali- ties, is that of fig. 3. These in general are more or less white and opake, occurring in crystals three or four inches in diameter. At the Seisser Alp in the Tyrol, large individu- als, extremely similar in appearance, are met with ; and in the Faroe Islands, Iceland, several of the Hebrides, the Vicentine, and elsewhere, among the cavities of amygdaloidal, basaltic, and trap rocks, it is of frequent occurrence, associated with prehnite, chabasie, apophyllite, &c. Small crystals have been found in the lava of the Sandwich Islands associated with Gmelinite, according to Dana. In Nova Scotia, trapezohedral analcime abounds in the cavities of the trap rocks which skirt the shores of the Bay of Fundy, and the crystals are sometimes nearly transparent and an inch in diameter; their color varying from pure white to flesh red. They never present any portion of the primary faces; are usually associated with mesotype. In the United States it is a rarely occurring mineral. It has been found near Yonkers, Westchester County, N. Y., by Prof. Beck, but the only important locality is in the trap rock of Bergen, N. J., where it assumes only the perfect trapezo- hedral form ; as is the case also at Patterson, N. J., where it was discovered a number of years since by Pierce and Torrey. Near East Haven, Ct., it has been found in trap rock, and also very sparingly at Deerfield, Mass., with chabasie and quartz. CUPREOUS ANALCIME. This was discovered by Dr. Jack- son and the editor in Nova Scotia, in the cavities of amygda- loid. The crystals have the common form of fig. 3, are of a verdigris-green color externally, but paler towards the centre, and softer than the common variety, consisting of granular particles of composition. They owe their color to the pre- sence of from two to three per cent, of carbonate of copper, pretty uniformly diffused through some of them. In one or two instances, these crystals were found attached to minute filaments of native copper, by which they were thus connected with the rock, or suspended in its cavities. SODALITE.* Dodecahedral Zeolite, J. Dodecahedral Kouphone Spar, M. Sodalitc, Ilamj. Vulca- nus dodecahedius, D. Combination of soda, silica, and alumina, with a small quantity of muriatic acid. *Sodalite, from its containing soda. 20 230 ALKALINO-EARTHY MINERALS. Greenland. Vesuvius. Soda 25-00 26-55. . . Silica 36-00 35-99. . . Alumina 32-00 32-59. . . Lime 0-00 0-00... Muriatic acid 6-75 5-30. . . Protoxide of Iron. 0-25 0-00... Volatile matter... 0-00 0-00.., Greenland. ....25-50... . . . .38-52. . . ....27-48... .... 2-70... 3-06... .... 1-00... Vesuvius. 20-96 . . . .50-98 . . . .27-64 0-00 .... 1-29 .. 0-00 2-10 0-00 } Wachtmeist'r 100-00 Eckeberg. 100-43 Arfwed. 100-30 Thorn. 100.87 \ and Berzelius. Berzelius and Beudant, adopting the last analysis, have given the formula thus: 2A1S+NS 2 . But Dr. Thomson, from the mean of his own analysis and Eckeberg's, deduces two atoms silicate of alumina, and one atom simple silicate of soda; both rejecting muriatic acid. Its color is white, light green, or bluish-green. It occurs massive, but more often crystallized in rhombic dodecahe- drons, parallel to the planes of which it yields to mechanical division : the cross fracture is commonly conchoidal, with a vitreous lustre. It is translucent; and yields with difficulty to the knife. The varieties of this mineral comport themselves differently B B on charcoal ; that from Vesuvius, per se, suffers no change, except that its edges become rounded ; while the Greenland variety melts, with intumescence and a rapid ebul- lition, into a colorless globule ; with borax both varieties afford a diaphanous glass, fusing however in small quantity and with extreme difficulty. P on F or P on P'' or P' on P" 120 00' This mineral occurs in white, translucent dodecahedral crys- tals of considerable magnitude, imbedded in or coating the cavities of certain volcanic rocks, with pyroxene, ice-spar, &,c., at Vesuvius; in the Kangerdluarsukfiord, West Green- land, of a green color, both massive and crystallized, associa- ted with eudyalite, augite, and Arfwedsonite ; and massive of a grey color, imbedded in trap at the Kaiserstuhl in the Brisgau. The Cancrinite of Hoffman, containing soda 24'47, silica 38-40, alumina 32'04, lime 32, loss 4'77, is evidently the same mineral. It is fusible in masses of an azure blue- color, presenting six pretty distinct cleavages, which form together angles of 120. It occurs in the zircon rocks of Miask, near Ilmensee in Siberia. ALKALINO-EARTHY MINERALS. 231 SARCOLITE. Octahedral Kouphone Spar, Haidinger. Sarcolithe de Thomson, H. H. about 5-0. Color pale flesh-red, or brownish-white ; semi-transparent ; lustre and fracture vitreous; very brittle. P on n . ... 115 This mineral, from its hardness and vitreous aspect, was classed by Haiiy with analcime ; but the combination of the octahedron and cube, under which form it occurs, never hav- ing been observed in the latter substance, rendered their sepa- ration unavoidable. It is found among the anciently ejected debris of Vesuvius, associated with wollastonite, hornblende, and others of the zeolite family ; being extremely brittle and full of flaws, it splits and falls to pieces unless carefully han- dled. It was discovered and named by the late Dr. Thomp- son of Naples, and is designated by Monticelli, analcime car- nea; the analysis, however, given both by him and Haiiy, re- fers to Gmelinite. Allan's Manual. Until an analysis of this mineral decides to the contrary, there can be no sufficient reason for separating this mineral from analcime on the ground of a mere difference in the secondary form of its crystals. It is highly important that a genuine specimen of it be subjected to analysis. The name sarcolite has also been given by Vau- quelin to the same mineral which is now known as hydrolite or Gmelinite. OBSIDIAN.* Obsidian, W. Lave Vitreuse Obsidienne, H. Empyrodox duartz, M. Fusible Quartz, J. Hyalus Vulcani, D. Pitchstone. Pumice. New Spain. Hecla. JMarekanite. Iceland. Soda ? -1-6J 7 . OQ .. 3-552 Potash 5 Silica ....72-0... .. 6-0 \ ' uu ..78-0 77-50 , 0-000 . .84-000 Alumina ....12-5 ..10-0 11-75 .. 4-640 Oxide of iron... .... 2-0 .. 1-0 1-25 .. 5-012 Lime .... 0-0 .. 1-0 0-50 .. 2-392 96-5 Descotils. 97-6 Vauquelin. 98-00 Klaproth. 99-596 Thomor * From Obiidius, the name of the first person who brought it from Ethiopia. 232 ALKALINO-EARTHY MINERALS. Pitchstone. Pitchstono. Meissen. Newry. Arran. Saxony. Soda 1-75 2-85 6-2:20 6-320 Silica 73-00 72-80 03-500 73-100 Alumina 14-50 1 1-50 12-730 13-560 Lime 1-00 1-20 4-4tiO J-484 Protoxide of iron.. 1-00 3-03 3-790 0-864 Water 8-50 8-50 8-000 4-724 99-75 Klaproth. 99-88 Knox. 98-712 Thomson. 100-042 Thomson. As might be supposed in a non-crystallized mineral, these analyses show no very near approach to a uniform chemical constitution ; and the formula, therefore, will not be given. Sp. Gr. about 2-35. H.=6-0. Obsidian occurs in beds, in large masses, and in small grains ; color greenish-, or brownish-black, or smoke-brown ; possesses internally a shining vitreous lustre; fracture large conchoidal ; some varieties are transparent, others nearly opake, or only translucent on the edges ; is very brittle. It occasionally much resembles common glass. Iceland and the Lipari Islands are the most celebrated localities of obsidian ; though some remarkable varieties are likewise found in Ascen- sion, Teneriffe, and many of the South Sea Islands, Siberia, and Mexico. The specimens from Iceland are almost opake, exhibiting a brownish tinge only on the thinnest edges, while those from Lipari are more transparent, and of a greyish color. In Lipari the large continuous tracts of obsidian form the lower strata, while those varieties of a more pumaceous aspect occur invariably at a higher level. The purest, blackest, and most beautiful specimens, however, form imbedded nodules in the pumice at a great height, in masses from two inches to as many feet in diameter. Obsidian is frequently interspersed with small white opake globules, which, being formed in par- allel lines, give it a stratified appearance ; and some of the Li- pari specimens closely resemble certain glass-house slags. A variety presenting a silky and chatoyant lustre is found in New Spain; and another of a transparent bottle-green hue, in detached masses, at Moldantheim in Bohemia, It fre- quently contains imbedded crystals and grains of felspar and mica; and certain varieties also include specks of olivine, and traces of other volcanic minerals. 1. MAREKANITE occurs in the form of grains, of a pearly white, and consisting of thin concentric layers; it is found at Marekan* in the Gulf of Kamschatka, and it possesses the general characters of obsidian. 2. PITCHSTONE. t Pechstein, W. Petrosilex Resinite, H. * Whence Marekanite. f From the resemblance of some its varieties to pitch. ALKALINO-EARTHY MINERALS. 2-33 The colors of this variety are various shades of grey, blue, green, yellow, brown, and black, but they are not lively. Devoid of regular form or cleavage ; it occurs massive, the structure sometimes slaty, occasionally curved; has a glistening resino- vitreous lustre, and an imperfectly conchoidal fracture, which is frequently the chief characteristic distinction between pitch- stone and obsidian ; almost always opake, or only translucent on the edges. Pitchstone is found extensively in the hills around the valley of Tribisch near Meissen in Saxony ; also in the Isle of Arran, where it forms veins traversing granite ; and in Ireland, near Newry, County Down, in smooth lamel- lar concretions of a mountain- or leek-green color. When composed of roundish masses, imbedded in a vesicular matrix, pearl-stone is formed : these consist of concentric coats, and not unfrequently include a grain of obsidian. They form ex- tensive beds in Hungary ; also in Iceland, Spain, Mexico, and elsewhere. 3. PUMICE. Bimstein, W. Contains soda and potash 3'0, silica 77 '5, alumina 17'5, oxide of iron 1'75. Pumice is extremely porous, of a fibrous texture, and is harsh to the touch ; its color is grey, tinged with brown or yellow ; it has a shining pearly lustre, is translucent on the edges, and very light. It fuses into a dirty-green blebby glass. Pumice is frequently interstratified with the compact obsi- dian at the Lipari Isles. Its usual lightness and freedom from humidity render it a peculiarly suitable building material ; sometimes it is fibrous, its filaments having a peculiarly silky aspect; and frequently it presents the most delicate glassy texture, breaking into a million of atoms on the smallest stroke with the hammer. At the northern extremity of the Island of Lipari, it forms a hill eight hundred or one thousand feet in height, which from its peculiar whiteness and scanty herbage is termed II Campo Bianco. This, and the isles of Ponza, are the great deposits of the pumice known in commerce, and from these localities it is quarried and exported in large quan- tities ; for though by no means an uncommon mineral in other volcanic countries, as in Hungary, the neighborhood of Andernach on the Rhine, Teneriffe, Vesuvius, and Ischia, it occurs at these localities in small cinder-like masses, and is neither so massive nor so pure as at Lipari. 4. SPHJERULITE. Sphserulite, J. Spha3rulith, L. Contains potash and soda 3*58, silica 79'12, alumina 12'0, oxide of iron 2-45, mao-nesia I'lO, water 1*7(5. Fucinus. Sp. Gr. 2-4 2 54. H. = 6-5 7-0. Occurs in roundish or spheroidal imbedded masses, whose 20* 234 ALKAL1NO-EARTHY MINERALS. surface is sometimes rough, sometimes quite smooth; color brown, yellow, or grey; opake ; no regular cleavage. It is almost infusible B B, the edges only becoming covered with a sort of enamel. This variety is met with in round nodules imbedded in pitchstone at Spechtshausen, in Saxony; in radiated orbicular masses in ash-grey pearlstone at Glashutte, near Schemnitz in Hungary; in round balls which have a radiated fibrous structure, disposed in soft friable clay, which is evidently a decomposed rock, in the Shetland Islands; and in botryoidal masses of a bright yellow color in Brittany. It was first dis- tinguished by Breithaupt. SAUSSURITE. Prismatic Nephrite Spar, Haid. Jade Tenace, H. Nephrus peritomus, D. Soda 5-50 6-0 Silica 49-00 44-0 Alumina 24-00 30-0 l.ime 10-00 4-0 Magnesia 3-75 0-0 Oxide of iron 6-50 12-5 99-55 Klaproth. 100-5 Saussure. Sp. Gr. 32 34. H. =55. In masses of a greenish-white, mountain-green, or ash-grey color ; lustre pearly, inclining to vitreous on the faces of cleav- age; resinous in compound varieties; cleavage in two direc- tions, parallel to faces which meet at an angle of 120 nearly ; is translucent on the edges, unctuous to the touch, and ex- tremely tough. B B it fuses with difficulty into a white glass. It was first discovered by Saussure,* in rounded masses, on the edge of the lake of Geneva; it is pecular to primitive mountains, as in Corsica, in Greenland, at Madras, arid else- where, constituting, with augite and hornblende, the rocks called gabbro and euphotide. SCAPOLITE.t MEIONITE.t Scftpolith, W. Prysmato-pyramidal Felspar, J. Dipyre. Meionite, VV. H. Paranthine, Wernerite, H. Pyramidal Felspar, M. "Spatum quadratum, D. Combination of silica, alumina, lime and soda. * In honor of whom it is named. \ From the prismatic form of its crystals. J From [isttav, less, so named from the lowness of the pyramid with which the crystal is usually terminated. ALKALINO-EARTHY MINERALS. 235 Scapolite. ScapoUte. Peranthine. Pargas. Finland. Bolton, Mais. Silica 43-83 41-^5 4(>-30 Alumina 35-43 33-58 26-48 Lime 18-96 20-36 18-6 J Soda and Lithia 0-00 1-50 3-64 Water 1-03 332 5-04 99-28 Nordenskibld. 99-05 Nordenskibld. lOu-08 Thomson. Meionite, Meionite. Meionite. Vesuvius. Monte Soma. Tyrol. Silica 40-8 40-53 39-92 Alumina 30-6 32-72 31-97 Lime 22-1 24-24. . . .' 2;i-86 Soda and Lithia 2-4 0-00 0-00 Potash and Soda 0-0 1-81 0-89 Peroxide of iron 1-0 0-18 2-24 Protoxide of manganese... 0-0 0-00 0-17 Water.., 0-0 0-00 0-95 100-0 Gmelin. 99 48 Stromeyer. 100-00 Stromeyer. Beudant, who has not united scapolite and meionite as one species, gives for the formula of the first 3AlS+CalS ; and for the last 2AlS+CalS. But the identity of these minerals is now fully established, physically and crystallographically, and taking the mean of several of the most accurate analyses which have. hitherto been made, and which are above stated, the atoms of bases will be found equal to those of silica, and the atoms of alumina to be twice those of lime. Hence the con- stitution of both minerals is expressed by the same formula which Beudant has given for meionite, viz., 2AlS-fCalS. It is obvious that the other constituents are not essentially combined. gp.Gr. 25 27. H = 5-0 55.* Scapolite occurs in prisms of four or eight sides, sometimes terminated by tetrahedral pyramids ; they are often aggregated laterally. It also occurs massive. The primary form is a Right square prism, and it yields to cleavage parallel to the planes M M 7 , and interruptedly parallel with d, of the follow- ing figures. Its colors are white, grey or yellowish; some- times deep red and opake; or various shades of green. It has a shining or somewhat pearly lustre; is translucent, or nearly transparent; and generally presents a greenish color, either pale and somewhat translucent, or dark, and then the crystals are nearly opake. B B, on charcoal, with a strong heat, it fuses, with violent intumescence, into a colorless semi-trans- parent mass ; with borax it dissolves with effervescence, into a transparent glass. * Dana found the hardness of a nearly transparent variety from Gouverneur, N. Y., to be 5-5, nearly 6, and its specific gravity 2-612 2-749. 236 ALKALINO-EARTHY MINERALS. M on M } or >. . . 90 0' P on M or M ) M on d 135 2 . e 153 24 d on e 161 35 a on d 122 5 Mona ....... 112 5 a on a 136 22 H. Mon& 140 18 a on 6 151 31 Scapolite occurs in primitive mountains, being met with in the iron mines of Arendal, in gneiss; in the mining district of Wermeland in Sweden ; presenting large and beautiful crys- tals in the parish of Pargas in Finland ; at Akudlek in Green- land, &,c. Meionite is found principally at Vesuvius, in dis- tinct crystals imbedded with other volcanic minerals in the d'ebris of ancient eruptions. The pure white and nearly trans- parent varieties, wherever they occur, are properly included under the name meionite. Scapolite is an abundant mineral in the United States. The white crystalline limestone of Essex, Orange, Lewis, and St. Lawrence Counties, N. Y., have afforded the finest crystals.* The prisms are from three to five inches in length, but these are generally imperfect, while the smaller ones are often pure white, translucent to semi-transparent, and possess a high de- gree of perfection and finish. At Edenville, Orange county, the form nearly approaches the primary, the only replacements being on two lateral edges of the prism by tangent planes, fig. 3. Near Gouverneur, St. Lawrence County, very short prisms resembling the dioctaedre of Hauy, fig. 4, have been * Numerous secondary forms, from these localities, have been figured by Prof. Beck and Dr. Horton. See Mineralogy of New York, page 330, et seq. ALKALINO-EARTHY MINERALS. 237 met with. They are associated with apatite, sphene, and pyroxene. At Bolton and Boxborough, Mass., large crystals, but usually without regular terminations, occur in veins of quartz which traverse the white limestone. A beautiful pink and lilac colored variety of a laminated crystalline structure, and forming considerable masses, may be also obtained at the last named locality; but more abundantly in the neighboring town of Littleton. A compact variety occurs at Westfield, Mass., and a fibrous one at Monroe, Conn. In Bucks County, Penn.,' in the lime stone quarries, it is found both crystallized and massive, associated with table-spar, zircon and phosphate of lime. 1. WERNERITE. The variety termed Wernerite occurs principally at Arendal, in short thick crystals which have a granular composition, and present for the most part darker shades of color ; beautiful specimens are also brought from Greenland. Paranthine, including the most compact varie- ties, possess pure white and pale-blue colors, and is met with in the limestone quarries of Gulsjoo and Malsjo in Wermeland. 2. BERGMANNITE of Schumacher, from Stavern in Norway. It occurs massive, and of a greyish-white or brick-red color. It is supposed to be a variety of scapolite. 3. DIPYRE* of Haiiy, Schmelztein of Werner. It occurs in slender indistinctly formed prisms, of a greyish, or reddish- white color, fasciculated into masses ; and has also been ob- served in the form of a hexahedral prism terminated by a low pyramid. Lustre vitreous; translucent; hard enough to scratch glass ; and becomes slightly phosphorescent by the application of heat. B B it fuses with effervescence into a blebby colorless glass. It is found in the torrent of Mauleon, in the Western Pyrenees, imbedded in a kind of soft slate 4. EKEBERGITE, Berzelius. Sodaite, Ekebrrg. The fol- lowing description of this mineral is given by Necker. It is not found crystallized, but occurs in compact or finely fibrous masses, of a green, greyish, or brownish color ; occasionally in thin laminae. Transparent: lustre vitreous or resinous; with difficulty acted upon by acids. B B, in the matrass, it yields a little water, without altering its appearance; on char- coal it whitens, loses its transparency, intumesces slightly, and melts into a blebby colorless glass. In borax or salt of phos- phorus it fuses with effervescence; and in soda forms, with considerable difficulty, a greenish glass. * Dipyre, from the Greek, signifying the double effects of fire, in allusion to its phos- phorescence and fusibility by heat. 238 ALKALINO-EARTHY MINERALS. Its analysis gave Ekeberg, silica 46, alumina 28-75, lime 13-50, soda 525, oxide of iron 75, water 2 25. PEKTOLITE. Von KobdL (Kastner^s Archiv., xiii., 385.) Silica 51 <3 Lime 33-77 Soda 8-26 Potash 1'57 Water 3-89 Alumina and oxide of iron 0-90 9y-;y Kobell. Formula, as given by Beudant : 4CalS 2 +(K, N)S 3 +3Aq. Sp. Gr. 2-69. H. = 4'0 5'0. Occurs in spheroidal masses, which have a columnar com- position, and consist of delicate divergent fibres radiating from a centre; color greyish; surface generally dull ; opake; lus- tre pearly on the fracture; small fragments placed in muriatic acid, after several days are converted into a jelly ; yields easily a white translucent glass when exposed to the action of the blowpipe. It bears considerable resemblance to certain fibrous radiated varieties of mesotype. It forms large masses on Monte Baldo in the Souther^Tyrol, and at Monzoni in the Fassa-thal. CHABASIE.* Schabasit, W. Chabasie, H. Rhombohedral Zeolite, J. Rhombohedral Kouphone Spar, M. Vulcanus rhombohedrus, D Combination of silica, alumina, lime, and water, with a little soda and potash. Gustafsberg. Faroe. Kilmalcolm. Antrim. Silica 50-65 48-38 50-14 48-99 Alumina 17-90 19-28 17-48 1 9-77 Lime 9-73 8-70 8-47 4-01 Soda 0-00 0-00 0-00 6-06 Potash and soda .. 1-70 2-50 2-58 0-00 Water 19-50 21-40 20-83 20-70 99-48 Be rzelius.t 100-20 Arfwedson. 99-50 Connell. 99-53 Lehunt. Colorless crystals. Biebendbifel. Kilmalcolm. B< ihemia. Tyrol. Faroe. Silica 48-75... .48-18 ..48-63 ..47-25 Alumina .. 17-44... .19-27 ..19-5-2 ..20-85 Lime 10-47... . 9-65 ..10-22 .. 5-74 Potash ... 1-55... . 0-21 .. 0-28 .. 1-65 Soda 0-00... . 1-54 .. 0-56 .. 2-34 Water. . . . 21-72... '.!!'. ". '. '. ! .21-10 ..20-70 . .21-30 M. Du- 99-93 Thomson. 99-95 Hoffman. 99-91 Hoffman. 9JHJ3J rocher.J * From the Greek, signifying a particular species of stone. It was first named and de- scribed by Box d' Antic, in a memoir read to the Nat. Hist. Soc. of Paris, about the year, 1780, t The excess of silica in this analysis, is attributed by Berzelius to the quartz on which the crystals rested. Edinb. Phil. Jour, vii., p. 2. 1 Ann. des Mines, 1841, t. xix., p. 457. This result differa considerably from all the iers, even from the specimen analyzed by Arfwedson from the same place, and it comes mch nearer to the composition of Levyne, ALKALINO-EARTHY MINERALS. 239 ............ ............ - 19-66 ............ 21-60 ............ 20-52 99-60 A. A. Hayes. 99-79 Hoffman. 100-40 Thomson. 99-C9 A. A. Hayes. The formula which has been given by Arfvvedson and Con- nell to express the constitution of chabasie, and which we ob- tain from the first seven analyses before stated, is, 3AlS 2 +(Cal, N, K,)S 2 +6Aq. In the second analysis of the chabasie from Nova Scotia, by Hoffman, there was found an excess of silica, which excluded it from the common formula, while in other respects it conformed to it. This induced Hoffman to regard it as distinct from chabasie. || Subsequent examinations have proved this excess to be constant, and instead of bisilicate of lime and alkalies, as associated in common chabasie, we now have a tersilicate of these bases. In the specimens of Acadia- lite from different localities in Nova Scotia, the potash and soda replace variable proportions of the lime ; but in the speci- men analyzed by Dr. Thomson, there is neither potash nor soda, and a notable deficiency in alumina, which, however, is partly made up by the oxide of iron. The formula for Aca- dialite, is, therefore, thus stated : 3AlS 2 +(Cal, N, K,)S 3 +6Aq. Sp. Gr. 20 21. H. = 40 4-5. This mineral is found crystallized in the form of an Obtuse rhomboid of 94 46' and 85 14', by measurements on the planes of cleavage with the reflective goniometer; it yields to cleavage parallel to the planes of the rhomboid, occasionally with brilliant surfaces. Color white or greyish, sometimes pale-red, brick-red, and yellow; transparent or translucent; scarcely hard enough to scratch glass. Fracture uneven ; brittle. Lustre highly vitreous. Alone it melts easily B B, into a spongy-like white enamel. Is easily soluble in muriatic acid. * Colorless, and nearly transparent crystals from Swan's Creek, Basin of Mines, Nova Scotia. t Brick-red hemitrope crystals, (Sp. Gr. 2-075,) Parsboro', Nova Scotia. Selected bjr Charles Cramer, Esq., of St. Petersburg. See Poggendorf's Annalen 1832, No. 7. t Yellowish crystals, (Sp. Gr. 2-020), Partridge Island, Nova Scotia. See Lond. Edinb. and Dub. Phil. Mag., 1843, vol. xxii., p. 192. Reddish brown crystals, opposite Two Islands, Nova Scotia. The specimens anal- yzed by Dr. Thomson and Mr. Hayes, were selected for these gentlemen by the editor, and the results of the latter were not made public until they appeared in this work. || See his paper in vol. xxx., p. 366, of the American Journal of Science, copied from Poggendorf's Annalen. 240 ALKALINO-EARTHY MINERALS. P on P' 94 46' P or P' on P" 85 14 P on gt, P" on g, or P' on g" . 120 5 P on i or i ) P' on t' or i' > 175 30 P" on i" or t'' ^ i on i, i' on i', or i" on i" .... 173 32 g on m 143 59 H. Chabasie is met with in the fissures or cavities of some ba- saltic rocks, or within geodes of quartz or agate, which are dis- seminated in those rocks. It is thus found in large and very beautiful crystals in the amygdaloids of Faroe, Iceland, and Greenland, often associated with stilbite and green earth. Splendid specimens occur in a kind of greenstone rock (the graustcin of Werner) at Aussig in Bohemia. Smaller but more transparent varieties are met with in the basalt of the Giant's Causeway ; disposed on trap and accompanying stil- bite atKilmalcolm in Renfrewshire, where they are sometimes of a reddish color ; in the Isle of Skye, and elsewhere in the west of Scotland ; also at Gustafsberg in Sweden ; in the agate balls of Oberstein in Deuxponts; and at Husavic in Iceland, in small transparent crystals filling the cavities of the fossil Venus Islandica. It does not occur massive. The trap rocks of the United States have furnished several localities of this mineral, as at Deerfield, Mass., Farmington and Cheshire, Conn., where it is accompanied by prehnite. But the crystals are inferior in beauty and size to those from foreign localities, and they rarely present any modifications. The finest have been obtained at Bergen, N. J., where they are associated with apophyllite, stilbite and calc-spar. At Chester, Mass., and Hadlym, Conn., it occurs in mica slate. At West Farms, West Chester County, N. Y., and at Harlem, ALKALINO-EARTHY MINERALS. 241 near New York city, it is associated with stilbite and Heu landite. At the latter place its color is yellow or brownish- red. Crystals having the same color have also been found at Stonington, and others of a yellowish-white color at North Killingworth, Conn., in primitive rock, by Prof. Shepard. The sienite of Charlestown, Mass., has also furnished many very good specimens of the colorless variety. ACADIALITE. This variety of chabasie, if such it is to be considered, is found in the trap rocks of Nova Scotia. The principal locality is on the northern shore of the Basin of Mines. The crystals are of variable color, but usually wine- yellow, or flesh red, and present highly polished faces some- times more than an inch in length. They are more or less modified on their superior edges, and lateral solid angles, by single planes, and not unfrequently united in hemitropes. Fig. 2 is one of the commonest secondary forms of this mine- ral from Nova Scotia. Sometimes the solid angles alone are replaced, as are also very rarely the terminal edges, as in fig. 3.* Faces of the primary planes much curved and striated, so as to prevent the accurate use of the goniometer. But accord- ing to Prof. G. Rose, the acadialite offers no variation in its angles compared with common chabasie. Tamnau had sup- posed it probable that the variations in the angles of chabasie, as given by different authors, were owing to changes in the chemical composition of the mineral. The result by Prof. G. Rose, seems to show that this is not the case to any apprecia- ble extent, even where there is the greatest difference in com- position.! CAPORCIANITE. This substance was first observed by Dr. Paolo Savi at Ca- porciani, in the valley of the Caecino, where it occurs in a copper mine, and has been described by him in his Memorie per servire allo studio della costituzione Jisica della Toscana. It evidently belongs to the class of zeolites, and it conducts itself perfectly similar to the other zeolites in so far as its fria- bility and relation to fluxes are concerned; but, according to Dr. Anderson, who has examined and analyzed this mineral, it differs from them in this much, that, previous to melting, it * I give this figure on the authority of Dr. Tamnau, of Berlin, for I have never seen a crystal from Nova Scotia, which exactly represents this modification. [AM. ED.] f See the valuable " Monograph on Chabasie," by Dr. Tamnau of Berlin, in which he has given figures of all the occurring forms of this mineral, and stated its most im- portant localities. [AM. ED.] J Trans, of the Roy. Soc. of Edinb., vol. xv., part 2, p. 332. 21 242 ALKALINO-EARTHY MINERALS. swells out only to a very inconsiderable degree; for it melts almost at the same instant that the swelling manifests itself. Its analysis yielded the following results : Silica 52-8 Alumina 21-7 Peroxide of iron 0-1 Boda 0-2) Lime 11-3 f r Magnesia 0-4 Potash 1-1 ) Water 13-1 == 100-7, The monatomic bases being expressed by r, Dr Anderson, from the contained oxygen, determined the formula thus, (r, Al, S, and Aq, being to each other as 1:3:8:3) rS 2 +3A!S-+3Aq. Rammelsberg has given a somewhat dif- ferent formula. Caporcianite thus stands chemically in near relation with an- alcime, chabasie, and Levyne, from which it is separated merely by the difference in the quantity of water which it contains. They all consist of a bisilicate of the first as well as of the sec- ond term ; and the quantity of oxygen in the alumina is in all of them three times that contained in the monatomic basis. It occurs in masses composed of crooked fibres of a greyish red color, but the crystallographical, as well as the ordinary physical characters of this mineral, have not been given in the single notice which the editor has seen of it, and he has not been able to obtain the work here referred to, in which, it is presumed, they are stated at length. PHAKOLITE. This mineral occurs in small crystals in the Bohemian Mit- telgebirge, and has been usually supposed to be nearly allied to chabasie, having for its primary form a Rhomboid differing but a few minutes in its angles compared with that of chaba- sie; one being 94, and the other 94 24', according to Brei- thaupt, who supposes the phakolite to be a distinct species. Tamnau has referred us to three figures in his Monograph on chabasie, which perfectly represent the forms of phakolite, and he seems to have no hesitation in classing it with chabasie. In its characters, B B, and its physical relations generally, there is also a close resemblance between the two minerals. But in opposition to this view, we are now presented with an anal- ysis of the mineral by Dr. Anderson of Edinburgh, and also by M. Rammelsberg,* showing a very marked disagreement in their chemical constitution. They have given the follow- ing results : * Trans, of the Roy. Soc. of Edinb., vol. xv., part 2, p. 333. Rammelsberg's Handwor- terbuch des chemischer Theils der Mineralogie, (First Supplement), p. 112. ALKALINO-EARTHY MINERALS. 243 Sili ca 45-628 46-46 Alumina 19-480 ? 91 >4 r Peroxide of iron 0-431 5 S-!oda 1-684 ) 0-95 Lime 13-304 ( 10-45 Maenesia 0-143 f r * 0-00 Potash 1-314) 1-29 Water 17-976 = 99-960. Anderson. 19-40 = 100-00. Rammelsberg. The mineralogical formula obtained from these numbers by calculating the quantities of oxygen, is thus stated by Dr. Anderson, (r expressing the monatomic bases, Cal, Mg, K, N), rS 3 +2A!S+3Aq. It appears then, that, unlike chabasie, phakolite belongs to that class of hydrous trappeari minerals, which consist of a ter- silicate in the first term, as here expressed, and in the second of a simple silicate of the base along with water. It thus bears a much nearer resemblance to mesotype and mesolite, though none in crystalline form. This mineral, according to Dr. Thomson, has lately been found in Ireland. Rammelsberg, from his own analysis, is disposed to regard this mineral as a mixture of Acadialite and scolezite with an additional atom of water. (See First Supplement to his Handworterbuch, p. 112. LEVYNE. Macrotypous Kouphone Spar, M. Levyne, Brewster, (Edirib. Jour, of ScL, h., 332.) Connell, (Ibid, v. 332.; Vulcanus Levy anus, D. Combination of silica, alumina, lime, and water, with a little soda and potash. Antrim. Faroe. Antrim. Silica 44-75 48-00 46-30 Alumina 20-33 20-00 22-47 Lime 8-83 8-35 9-72 Soda 3-33 2-75 1-55 Pota=h 000 0-41 1-26 Oxide of iron 0-00 0-00 0-77 Magnesia 0-77 0-40 0-00 Oxide of manganese.. 0-00 0-00 0-19 Water 20-00 19-30 19-51 98-04 Thomson. 99-21 Berzelius. 101-77 Connell. The formula indicating the composition of this from the last analysis, as stated by Connell is, S(Cal,N,K)+3AlS 2 -f 5Aq. It thus differs from chabasie in containing one atom less of silica, and one atom less of water ; and from Acadialite in containing two atoms less of silica. 3 Sp. Gr. 2-198 22. H. 4-0. Primary form a Rhomboid of 79 29'. The color of this species is white, or milk white. Semi-transparent; lustre vi- treous; streak white; cleavage indistinct, parallel to the faces jof the primary ; fracture imperfect conchoidal ; brittle. 244 ALKALINO-EARTHY MINERALS. Compound crystal from Faroe. P on F 125 12' o on g 136 1 o on P 117 24 Upon charcoal it intumesces, and with salt of phosphorus yields a transparent globule, which contains a skeleton of sil- ica, and becomes opake on cooling. In the glass tube it gives off a considerable quantity of water, whitens, and becomes opake; but it is not soluble in acids, nor does it gelatinize with them. Sir David Brewster subjected this mineral to optical exami- nation, and named it in compliment to Mr. Levy, who had previously examined its crystallographic properties. He has shown its character in this respect to be different from chaba- sie, thus affording with the crystallographical differences ob- served by Haidinger, evidence of its distinct nature compared with chabasie. This evidence is now confirmed by the analy- sis of Connell.* It occurs disposed in cavities of trap, asso- ciated with acicular arid radiated mesotype, at the Little Deer- park of Glenarm, county Antrim ; also at Skagastrand in Iceland; at Dalsnypen in Faroe; Godhaven in Disco Island, Greenland; in the Vicentine; and, though rarely, in large reddish colored opake crystals at Hartfield Moss in Renfrew- shire. Mr. Connell has also found it in the Isle of Skye. TOURMALINE. Tourmalin, W. Schorl, Br. RhomboidalTourmaline, J. Rhomboherlral Tourmaline, M. Aphrizite. Rubellitc. Indicolite. Tunnalus rhomhohedrus, D. Combination of silica, alumina, oxide of iron, and lime, with small proportions of magnesia, potash, soda and boracic acid. Black. Black. Brown. Karinbricka. Greenland. Orford. N.H 2-53 4-90 Black.] Brown. Rabenstein. St. Gothard. Soda 1-75? lon Potash 0-485 L ' M * w 0-22 Silica 35-48 37-81 37-65 38-79.' 33-70 Alumina 34-75 31-61 33-46 37-1 9 33-00 Protoxide of iron 17-44 17-77 9-38 5-81 11-80 Protoxide of manganese.. 1-89 1-11 O-oO 000 3-00 Boracic acid 4-02 4-18 3-83 3-63 3-10 Magnesia 4-68 5-99 10-98 5-86 6-40 Lime 0-00 0-98 0-25.. loss.. 1-86 2-90 100-49 100-65 95-11 96-51 99-00 * Berzelius was led by his own analysis, as above stated, to regard this mineral as cha- basie ; but it has been since ascertained that the specimen sent to him was a mixture of both minerals, and it is inferred that crystals of both were employed in his analysis. [AM. ED.] f The first four of the above analyses are by Gmelin. Ann. dea Mines, s. s., iii., p. 218. The fifth analysis is by Dr. Jackson. ALKALINO-EARTHY MINERALS. 245 The composition of this mineral, as comprising the black, green, brown, red, and blue varieties, differs so much, that chemists have not attempted to express it by a formula. Bo- racic acid is contained in all these varieties, and lithia in rubellite. Sp. Gr. 3-0 32. H. = 7'0 75. It occurs both in semi-crystalline prisms of irregular form and deeply striated on the surface, and in prisms of six or more sides, variously terminated, the two terminations being generally dissimilar. Sometimes these prisms are extremely short and thick, and at others are acicular or even capillary. Its color is usually black, dark-green, or brown ; the latter be- ing generally translucent in one direction and opake in the other, the black altogether opake; externally the crystals are splendent. The primary form is considered to be an Obtuse rhomboid of 133 50', and 46 10'. Cleavage and fracture uneven and imperfect. It is not so hard as quartz. One of its remarkable characters is, that it becomes electric when heated ; the termination which presented the greatest number of planes, was supposed by Haiiy to exhibit in all cases the positive or vitreous electricity, while that which consisted of the smaller number, indicated the negative or resinous an infer- ence, however, which more recent experiments have proved not to be uniformly true.* B B, the black tourmaline of Bovey intumesces, and becomes a black scoriaceous mass ; with borax it fuses into a transparent glass. Fused with a mixture of fluor spar and bisulphate of potash, it communicates to the flame a transient green color.t Fig;. 1 represents the primary rhomboid, of which the summit is re- placed by a triangular plane in fig. 2, as well as each lateral solid angle, by planes which form the ordinary six-sided prism of this mineral ; the edges of the prism are modified in fig. 3. * The phenomena of the pyro-electricity of minerals, have lately been investigated hy Prof. Forbes of Edinburgh, and many important results have been obtained by him, ex- tending to several other minerals the remarkable law of Becquerel, that the intensity of electricity rises to a maximum, when the speed of cooling has become comparatively low. He has noticed the singular fact, that a crystal of tourmaline presented on cooling a vitreous pole at, both extremities, while the central portions of it were resinously elec- trified. Trans. Roy. Soc., Eclinb. vol. xiii. [AM. ED.] t The color is most distinctly seen when the mixed flux of fluorspnr and bisulphate of potash is fused on the platinum wire, and a little of the mineral in the state of fino 21* 246 ALKALINO-EARTHY. MINERALS. P on P 7 P or P' on m - on g or P' on i 133 156 141 138 117 120 149 Pon P or P on e e on e' or e" e on/1 . . /I on/2 155 e on i or i' 147 e on g 136 a on e 90 mon e . . 103 50' 50 10 7 25 00 30 25 32 15 00 c. g. 30 c. s. Tourmaline is confined to primitive rocks, such as gneiss, granite, mica-schiste, &,c., and to the veins which traverse these rocks. The largest and most striking black crystals oc- cur in Greenland; at Horlberg near Bodenmais in Bavaria ; at Karinbricka in Sweden ; and near Bovey in Devonshire, coating the cavities of red granite and associated with apatite; small brilliant black crystals, having much the aspect of tin ore, are met with imbedded in white quartz in Norway, at St. Just in Cornwall, and in decomposed felspar at Andreasberg in the Hartz ; these are known as Aphrizite. Large curved crystal- line prisms occur in granite at Portsoy in Banffshire ; also in Norway, Saltzburg, the Tyrol, and Saxony, the name Schorl, which is applied to this 'variety, being derived from the village of Schorlan in the latter country. Tourmaline is also met with in pale yellowish-brown crys- tals imbedded in talc at Windisch Kappel in Carinthia ; in pale-green translucent crystals in dolomite at St. Gothard ; of a dark pistachio-green color in Brazil ; and nearly pure white powder is then strewed on the surface of the melted flux. A good and clear flame is necessary. The color is observed at the moment when the mineral begins to fuse with the flux. Von Kobell. ALKALINO-EARTHY MINERALS. 247 in Siberia and Switzerland. In Elba the crystals, when trans- parent, frequently exhibit parallel zones of distinctly different colors, being red at the two extremes, and dark-blue in the centre, or partly grass-green and partly azure-blue, &,c. Tour- maline possesses the singular property of exhibiting different colors according as it is viewed parallel or perpendicular to the axis of its crystals, and almost invariably is less transpa- rent in the first of these directions than in the last. In the United States, a rare clove-brown tourmaline occurs in talcose slate at Orford, N. H., crystallized specimens of which are more than two inches in diameter and six inches in length, sometimes with perfect terminations. Also a radiated variety of the same color is abundant at this locality. Its analysis by Dr. Jackson is given at the beginning of this arti- cle. The common black variety has numerous localities, a few only of which will be named, as at Richmond and Lyme, N. H., in white quartz and talcose slate, the crystals being regularly terminated; at Paris and Brunswick, Me., Monroe and Haddam, Conn., Greenfield, N. Y., and Chester, Dela- ware County, Penn., where the crystals possess highly pol- ished surfaces, and are of considerable magnitude. Two of these crystals are shown on the opposite page ; for others consult the treatises by Dana, Shepard and Beck. The red and green varieties have been found at Paris, Me., and Chesterfield and Goshen, Mass. Specimens from the former place are celebrated for their gem-like purity the outer portion often consisting of a deep green tourmaline enclos- ing a transparent rubellite, some of the crystals being two inches in length, and an inch in diameter. Specimens from Chesterfield are similarly united, but they are small and ex- ceedingly brittle. They penetrate a smoky quartz, and are accompanied by Cleavelandite, in a vein of granite traversing gneiss. The blue variety (indicolite) occurs in the greatest perfection at Goshen ; less beautiful at Paris. A cinnamon- brown variety occurs at Gouverneur, N. Y., in crystals which are highly modified ; also at Newton, N. J., and Carlisle, Mass. 1. INDICOLITE. Tourmaline d'Uto, Blue tourmaline con- taining more oxide of iron than oxide of manganese. Silica 40-30, alumina 4050, boracic acid T10, oxide of iron 4'85, oxide of manganese 1*50, Lithia 4 - 30, water 3'60. Arfwed- son. In crystals of an indeterminate form and presenting an indigo-blue color (hence its name). Alone B B it whitens, intumesces slightly, and becomes scoriaceous on the surface, but does not melt. With borax it fuses with effervescence, but more difficultly than rubellite. 248 ALKALINO-EARTHY MINERALS. Its principal locality is the iron mine of the island of Uton near Stockholm, where it occurs disseminated in a gangue of quartz, steatite, and felspar. 2. GREEN TOURMALINE. This variety from Brazil, and a specimen from Chesterfield, Mass., yielded the following : Brazil. Chesterfield. Silica 40-30 38-80 Alumina 39-16. 39-61 Lithia and Potash 3-59 0-00 Soda 0-00 4-95 Protoxide of iron 5-93 7-43 Protoxide of manganese. 2-14 2-88 Boracic acid 4-59 3-88 Volatile matter 1-58 1-02 97-02 Gmelin. 93-57 Gmelin. 3. RUBELLITE. Siberite. Tourmaline Apyre, H. Apyrite. Tourmaline rouge. Tourmaline containing more oxide of manganese than oxide of iron. Sp. Gr. 3 059. Moravia. Siberia. Silica 42-13 39-37 Alumina 36-43 44-00 Boracic acid 5-74 4-18 Oxide of manganese 6-32 5-02 Lime 1-20 0-00 Potash 2-41 1-29 Lithia 2-04 2-52 96-27 Gmelin. 97-96 Gmelin. The rube'llite presents various shades of red, from a slight tinge to a fine pink, and sometimes a violet color. Its crys- tals are rarely distinct, being commonly closely aggregated. Alone on charcoal, B B, it turns milk-white, intumesces, splits, vitrifies on the edges, but does not fuse ; with borax it forms a transparent glass; on platina, with soda, it exhibits to an intense degree the green color indicative of manganese. It occurs imbedded in lithomarge near Ekatherineburg in Sibe- ria: and accompanying lepidolite at Rozena in Moravia. Some of the Siberian specimens exhibit internally a brown or blue color, surrounded with carmine-red or some other lighter tinge, or internally a red hue bordered with pistachio-green. EDINGTONITE. Hemi-pyramidal Feldspar, Haidinger.* Vulcanus hemiquadratus, D. According to Turner, it contains silica 35'09, alumina 27*69, lime 12-68, water 13-32, and, as he supposes, about 10 or 12 per cent, of alkali. Sp. Gr. 2-7 2-75. H. = 40 4-5. * firewater's Edin. Jour, of Sci., vol. iii., p. 376. ALKALINO-EARTHY MINERALS. 249 n on n over the summit . . 129 8' P on P over n and n . . 92 41 Occurs in small extremely distinct greyish-white translucent crystals, whose primary form, according to Hadinger, is a Right square prism. The secondary form under which it oc- curs is a hernihedral crystal, the upper and lower basal edges of the same lateral face being differently modified. Lustre vitreous; streak white; brittle. Cleavage perfect parallel to the lateral planes. B B it fuses into a colorless mass, though a pretty strong heat is necessary for that purpose. It yields water when exposed to high temperatures, and becomes at the same time opake and white. Edingtonite was remarked by Haidinger on a specimen of Thomsonite from Dunbartonshire, in the collection of Mr. Edington of Glasgow. Its peculiar crystalline form, specific gravity, and hardness, are sufficiently characteristic, although from its extreme scarcity a satisfactory analysis has not yet been made. KROKYDOLITE.* Krokydolite, Haussman. Blau Eisenstein, Klaproth. Siderus fibrosus, D. Of this there are two varieties; one like asbestus, the other fibrous ; neither being in distinct crystals. Fibrous. Coatains Soda ................... 7'03 ................ 7-11 Silica .................. 50-81 ................ 51-64 Protoxide of iron ....... 33-88 ................ 34-38 Oxid-fi of manganese ..... (M7 ................ 0-02 Magnesia ............... 2-39 ................ 2-62 Water ................ 5-58 ................ 4-01 Lime .................. 0-02 ................ 0-05 99 81 Stromeyer. 99-85 Stromeyer. Sp. Gr. 32 3-39. H. above 40. Color lavender- or indigo-blue ; streak lavender-blue or leek- green. Occurs in fibrous masses which are flexible and elastic like asbestus, and compact; opake; lustre silky; not magnetic ; not affected by water or acids. It resembles asbes- tus; but is distinguished from it by the melting of its fibres * From xnoxvg, like wool, on account of its divisibility into minute threads. 250 ALKALINO-EARTH7. MINERALS. when held in the flame of a spirit lamp. The mineral itself melts before a strong red heat into a black opake magnetic globule. With borax it forms easily a transparent green- colored glass. Its locality is the Orange River in Southern Africa. It was first described by Haussman and Strorneyer in 1830. ACHMITE.* Acmite, Akmit, Haidinger. Achmit, Stromeycr. (Edinb. Phil. Jour.,ix., 55.) Augitus cuslidatus, I). Combination of soda, silica, and peroxide of iron. Silica 55-25 Soda 10-40 Oxide of iron 3J-25 Oxide of manganese .. 1-08 Lime 0-72 98-70 Berzelius. Formula : 3FS 9 +NS 3 . The analysis by Lehunt, gives only two atoms bisilicate of iron. Sp. Gr. 35. H. =6-0 65. Primary form an Oblique rhombic prism of 86 57', and 93 3'. Opake ; when in thin fragments translucent, and ex- hibiting a yellowish-brown tint; lustre vitreous; streak pale yellowish-grey; cleavage distinct parallel to M, less so paral- lel to r, ?, and s; fracture imperfect conchoidal ; surface of r irregularly striated longitudinally. M on M over r 86 56> s on s 119 SO edge between s and s to ) 1A ,, A the face r \ 106 the angle a b c 28 19 Frequently macled parallel to r. Alone, B B, achmite fuses readily into a brilliant black globule ; with borax forms a glass colored by iron; and when reduced to powder is acted upon by the sulphuric and muriatic acids. This is a rare mineral, its only known locality being Run- * From axiiy, a point, from the form of its crystals. ALKALINO-EARTHY MINERALS. 251 demyr, near Kongsberg, in Norway. It there occurs in crys- tals sometimes a foot long, imbedded in granite, which, how- ever, from their frangibility, are not easily disengaged entire. It was described by Stromeyer and analyzed by Berzelius in 1821. CUMMINGTONITE, Dr. Thomson. (Outlines, $c., i., p. 492.) Augitus scopiformis, D. Contains Soda 8-44 Silica 56-54 Protoxide of Iron 21-67 Protoxide of manganese.. 7-80 Loss from heat 3-18 97-63 Muir. Formula by Dr. Thomson : 3FS +NS 3 +MnS 3 +UAq. Sp. Gr. 320. H. i=2-?5. This mineral occurs in fine needles, forming tufts of crys- tals, which diverge slightly from one another. According to Shepard it offers a cleavage parallel to an oblique rhombic prism. Color greyish-white. Lustre silky. Opake or trans- lucent only on the edges. Alone it does not melt BB; with soda it effervesces and fuses into a dark colored globule; and with borax forms a black glass, indicating the presence of much iron and manganese. It is found at Cummington and Plainfield, in Massachusetts, in mica slate associated with gar- nets. By most mineralogists it is united with epidote. CHLOROPHJEITE.* Dr. MacCulloch. ( Western Isles of Scotland, i., p. 504.) This mineral, when newly broken, is of a green color, varying from the fine transparent yellow-green of olivin, which it sometimes resembles, to the dull muddy green of steatite, to which it then bears an equal similitude. After a few hours' exposure it turns darker, and shortly becomes black. The fracture is generally conchoidal. It is so soft as to be scratched by a quill, and is brittle. Specific gravity 2'020. B B it remains unchanged, neither cracking nor sensibly alter- ing its color nor translucency. Consists principally of silica and iron, with a little alumina, and probably an alkali. It is found imbedded in the amygdaloid of Scuirmore in the Isle of Rum, the base being either a basalt or a black indura- ted clay-stone. It also occurs in Fifeshire, in Iceland, and in the United States, at Gill, Mass., and at Southbury, Conn. * Chlorophaeite, from the Greek, in allusion to its appearing of a green color (when newly broken.) 252 ALKALI NO-EARTHY MINERALS. The nodules are generally round, and vary from the size of a radish seed to that of a pea and upwards; sometimes they are hollow. LEHUNTITE.* Compact zeolite, Thomson. (Outlines, Sfc., i., p. 338.) Dr. Thomson has given this name to a species of zeolite which occurs at Glen Arm, a precipice on the east coast of the county of Antrim, in an amygdaloidal rock. Its constitu- ents, by the analysis of Dr. R. D. Thomson, are: Silica 47-33 Alumina 24-00 Soda 13-23 Lime 1-52 Water 13-60 99-65 If we allow for a small deficiency of silica, the constitution of Lehuntite is three atoms bisilicate of alumina, one atom bisilicate of soda and lime, and three atoms water. Formula: 3AlS 2 +(fN+iCal)SH-3Aq. Sp. Gr. 1-953. H. = 3-75. Color flesh-red. Appears to the naked eye like a lump of sugar. Under the microscope it appears to be composed of minute scales. The mass, when broken in two exhibits the appearance of five distinct layers, three of them flesh-red, and two of them white lines separating the flesh-red portion into three portions. Or it may be described as a flesh-red mass, with two parallel white lines near the centre. Translucent on the edges. B B fuses into a white enamel. With carbonate of soda it melts easily into a white enamel. With borax or biphosphate of soda it forms a transparent bead with a silica skeleton, which becomes opake on cooling. EUDYALITE.t Eudilyt, Stromeyer. Eudialyte. ( Jameson's Man., p. 322.) Carbunculus rhomboliedrus, D. Composed of silica, soda, zirconia, lime, the oxides of iron and manganese, muriatic acid, and water. Silica 7 52-47 53-32 Soda 13-92 13-82 Zirconia 10-89 11-10 Lime 10-14 9-79 Ox-ideofiron 6-85 6-75 Oxide of manganese .... 2-57 2-06 Muriatic acid 1-03 1-03 Water 1-80 1-80 99-71 Stromeyer. 99-67 Stromeyer. * In honor of Captain Lehunt. I Eudalite, from the Greek, in allusion to its ready solubility in acids. ALKALINO-EARTHY MINERALS, 253 Taking the last analysis, Beudant gives this formula: ZS3+3(N, Cal, F)S 3 . Sp. Gr. 2-89. H. =r 50 55. Eudyalite occurs both massive and crystallized, but the crys- tals are generally small and irregular. The following figure, however, is taken from a very perfect crystal nearly an inch in diameter, which was brought from Greenland by Giesecke. And the remarkably fine crystal in the possession of Mr. Brooke of London, having numerous secondary planes, has been measured by Levy,* who ascertained its primary form to be an Acute rhomboid of 73 40', and 106 20'. Pon P overt* .... 106 20' P on z 126 13 P on u 143 10 P on o . .112 33 Its color is red or brownish-red, and generally somewhat translucent; lustre vitreous, cleavage parallel to o very per- fect, less so parallel to z; fracture conchoidal or uneven. BB, it fuses into a leek-green scoria; and when reduced to powder loses its color, and gelatinizes with acids. This min- eral was distinguished by Stromeyer ; its locality is Kangerdlu- arsk in West Greenland, where it occurs either accompanying sodalite and hornblende, or imbedded in compact white felspar. * Edinburgh Journal, xii., 81. 22 CLASS III ACIDS. OP the acids only three have been found in the uncombined state, viz., sulphuric, boracic, and arsenous acids. NATIVE SULPHURIC ACID. Liquid sulphuric acid, Jameson. Acide Sulphurique Hydrate, Beudanl. Hydrous sulphu- ric acid. Aqua Sulphurica, D. This acid has been found in its natural state in the caverns of the volcanic mountain Zaccolino, near Sienna. The con- cretions are in the form of cauliflowers, depending from the roofs of the grottoes, and adhering to sulphate of lime. Prof. Pictet mentions a cavern near Aix in Savoy, from the roof of which this acid, mixed with water and a little sulphate of lime, is observed to drop. It was also noticed by Dolomieu in the caverns of Etna. In the United States a remarkable locality of this acid ex- ists in the town of Byron, Gennesee county, N. Y. It is a spring from which the dilute acid flows in quantity sufficient to carry a light grist mill ; the water at all times, being sufficiently acid to give the common test with violets, and to coagulate milk. It destroys and chars the vegetable matter with which it comes in contact.* NATIVE BORACIC ACID. Sassoline, J. Prismatic Boracic Acid, M. Acidum Boracicum, D. The pure varieties consist of boron 33*68, and oxygen 66'32; or I atom boron+*2 atoms oxygen. But they are usu- * See a particular description of this spring by the late Prof. Eaton, iu the Amer. Jour, of Science, xv., 238. ACIDS. 255 ally mixed mechanically with several other substances. Klap- roth found a specimen of sassolite to consist as follows. Sassolite. Tuscany. Hydrous boracic acid 81-33 Boracic acid 76-50 Sulphate of magnesia 10-50 Sulphate of ammonia 8-50 lime 2-83 magnesia 2-63 lime 1-01 soda 091 potash 0-37 peroxide of iron 0-36 Silica 2-66 ' Carbonate of lime 1-66 ( Alumina 0-66 " Peroxide of iron 0.33 " Alumina ... 1 0-32 99-97 Chloride of ammonium 0-29 Water 6-56 Sulphuric acid 1-32 Silica 1-02 99-79 Wittstein.* Sp. Gr. 1-48. In loose scaly particles, or crystalline grains (probably six- sided tables), sometimes aggregated in the form of crusts. Color greyish or yellowish-white. The latter arising from ad- mixture with sulphur. Lustre pearly ; taste acidulous, and slightly bitter. It fuses readily at the flame of a candle, and yields a transparent glassy globule, which becomes opake on cooling if there be any gypsum in union. When dissolved in alcohol it communicates to the flame a fine green tint. It occurs in a state of perfect purity, or mechanically mixed with a little sulphur, at the island of Volcano, one of the Lipari group ; sometimes massive and in incrustations which present a fibrous structure; and frequently pulverulent, and disposed as a loose covering on the surface of the sulphur. It is like- wise deposited by some of the lagoni of Tuscany, whence is brought the principal part of the boracic acid of commerce. It is collected in water, and then obtained in a solid state. During favorable seasons from seven to eight thousand pounds are thus obtained in one day.t The hot springs of Sasso af- ford the variety called Sassoline, which is sometimes in stalac- tites of a white color, and sometimes spotted with yellow. In the Andes of Acatana, South America, near the volcano Puta- na, boracic acid was found by Mr. Blake, both free and in combination with soda. NATIVE ARSENOUS ACID. Arsenious Acid. Acidum Arsenosum, D. Composed, according to Berzelius, of arsenic 75'82, oxy- gen 24-18. It has been found accompanying ores of silver, lead, and * London Chemical Gazette, Dec., 1842. f Dr. Bowring on the statistics of Tuscany. 256 ACIDS. arsenic, at Andreasberg in the Hartz, also in Bohemia and Hungary. It occurs in minute capillary crystals, or stellae, implanted upon other ores; also in botryoidal and stalactitio masses. Sp. Gr. 3-69. H. := 1 5. It has a vitreous or silky lustre, its color being white or with a reddish or yellow tinge. Transparent and opake. Taste astringent and sweetish. B B, it entirely escapes in white fumes. It is soluble in hot water. It is probable that its origin must be ascribed to the decomposition of some of the arsenical ores. CLASS IV. ACIDIFEROUS EARTHY MINERALS UNDER this head are comprehended those minerals which chiefly consist of an earth combined with an acid ; some of them include variable proportions of oxides of iron, manganese, &c., which may be considered only as incidental ingredients. SUBSULPHATE OF ALUMINA. Aluminite, J. Websterite, Levy. Alumine Sous-sulfatee. Hallite. Trisulphate of Alumina, Thomson. Combination of sulphuric acid, alumina, and water. Halle. New Haven. Auteuil. Sulphuric acid 23-36 23-27 23-0 Water 46-33 46-76 47-0 Alumina 30-26 29-87 30-0 99-95 Stromeyer. 99-90 100-0 Dumas Its constitution is one atom sulphuric acid, three atoms alu- mina, and nine atoms water. Sp. Gr. 1 -6C9. H. 2'0. In reniform masses and botryoidal concretions, of a white or yellowish-white color, occasionally translucent, but more frequently dull and opake, with an earthy fracture ; it yields to the nail, is meagre to the touch, and adheres to the tongue. It fuses with difficulty B B, but dissolves readily in acids, without effervescence. It imbibes water, but does not in con- sequence fall to pieces. It occurs imbedded in ferruginous clay, which rests on the chalk strata on the coast near New Haven in Sussex ; also at Epernay in France, and in plastic clay at Halle on the Saale in Prussia. 22* 258 ACIDIFEROUS EARTHY MINERALS. SULPHATE OF ALUMINA. Sulphate of Alumina, Boussingault. Alunogene, Beudant. Contains Sulphuric acid 36-4 35-87 Alumina 16-0 14-64 Water 46-6 46-37 Peroxide of iron 0-4 0-50 Soda 0-0 2-26 99-91 Boussin. 99-64 Thomson. The mineral consists of one atom sulphate of alumina, and six atoms of water. Formula: AlSl+GAq. Sp. Gr. 1-66. Very soft. In crystalline masses and efflorescences. Color white, oc- casionally tinged yellow when impure; translucent; lustre silky; taste, and comportment B B, similar to alum. Humboldt observed this mineral in clay-slate at Araya near Cumana; also at Socono, and elsewhere in South America. It is found in large quantities in Bolivia, and between Huasco arid Coquimbo in Chili. Near Calama in Bolivia, it forms a bed from two to four feet deep. Blake. WAVELLITE.* Wavellite, J. Alumine Hydro -phosphatee, H. Lasionite, Devonite, Fuchs. Wavellit, Klaproth. Hydrargillite, Davy. Hydrous cliphosphatc of alumina, Thomson. Astra- lus rhomhicus, D. Combination of phosphoric acid, water, and alumina, with a little lime, the oxides of manganese and iron, and fluoric acid. Phosphoric acid Alumina Water Lime Oxide of iron & Devonshire. 33-40 35-35 26-80 0-50 mang.. 1-25 Amberg 1 . 34-72.. 36-5H.. 28-00.. 0-00.. 0-00.. Ireland. Freil 34-65 34-06.... 34-00 36-60.... 28-75 27-40.... 0-99 0-00.... 2-15 Ox. of iron 1-00 }erg. . . . .33-28 ....36-39 ....27-09 0-00 . 2-69 Fluoric acid 2-06 0-00.. 0-00 0-00. 0-00 1 Rich- 99-36 Berz. 99-38 Fuchs. 99-55 \ ardson. 99-06 99-45J- Formula as given by Dr. Thomson : 3Al' 2 Ph+5Aq. Sp. Gr. 2-337. H. = 3 5 4-0. Primary a Right rhombic prism of 122 15', and 57 45'. It occurs in minute crystals, which usually adhere together and radiate, forming hemispherical or globular concretions from a very small size to that of an inch in diameter. The gene- ral form of the crystals is that of a rhombic prism with diedral terminations, but the lateral edges of the prism are sometimes replaced ; and they are rarely sufficiently distinct to admit of measurement. It cleaves parallel to M and h t with brilliant * Wavellite, in honor of Dr. Wave], its discoverer. t Analysis of two varieties from Freiberg, by Erdmann, as given in Rammelsberg'a Haodwcerterbuch des chenuschen Tbeils der Mineralogie, ii., 265. ACIDIFEROUS EARTHY MINERALS. 259 surfaces ; commonly translucent, sometimes opake, and pos- sessing a silky or vitreous lustre ; color yellowish-white, yel- low, greyish, green, or bluish ; occasionally of a dingy brown, owino- to the progress of decomposition ; brittle. It is infusi- ble, but under the blowpipe becomes white, opake, and loses its crystalline form, giving a slight greenish tinge to the flame. It is soluble in heated acid, without effervescence, emitting a vapor which sometimes, (fluoric acid not always being present), slightly corrodes the glass. M on M' .... 122 15'* a on a 107 26 a on g2 122 24 gl on #2 .... 174 45? gl onh 112 30? 2oah 112 25 It was first discovered by Dr. Wavel in small veins and cavi- ties in argillaceous schiste, near Barnstable, in Devonshire ; it has been since found at Stenna Gwyn, near St. Austle in Cornwall, on a decomposing granite; in very highly colored pistachio-green masses at Clonmel, and near Cork ; in white stellated groups on red sandstone at Zbirow and Benaun in Bohemia ; on brown iron ore at Amberg, in Bavaria (a varie- ty named by Fuchs Lasionite) ; in the Shaint Isles of Scot- land ; in Greenland in small globular masses on resinite quartz and anagonite, of a yellowish-grey and brownish-red color. Levy's Catalogue. In South America, it has been found near Villa Ricca in Brazil, by Mawe, and in the mines of Hualgayoe by the celebrated Humboldt. The Striegisan of Breithaupt, from Striegis in Frankenberg, is evidently a vari- ety of wavellite. This is an exceedingly rare mineral in the United States. In the Reports of Prof. H. D. Rogers on the geology of Penn- sylvania, it is mentioned as occurring in the slate quarries of York county; and Prof. F. Hall, cites a locality in the vicinity of Nashville, Tenn. ; but specimens from these places are as yet rarely seen in American cabinets. * In giving the form of this mineral, Levy remarks that as the above measurements by Phillips do not agree perfectly with each other, and lead to very complicated crystallo- graphical signs, they should only be regarded as approximations which require to be cor- rected by new observations. See his Catalogue, vol. i., p. 296. f AM. Eo.J 260 ACIDIFEROUS EARTHY MINERALS. CACOXENITE* Kakoxene, Steinmann, (in Brewster's Journal, vol. 163.) Arealus radiatus, D. Combination of phosphoric acid, water, fluoric acid, alumi- na, peroxide of iron, silica, and a small quantity of lime. Phosphoric acid 17'86, alumina 10'Oi, silica 8'90, peroxide of iron 36'82, lime 0'15, water and fluoric acid 25'95. Steinmann. Beudant remarks that it is difficult to arrange these constituents so as to deduce a formula for this mineral; but throwing out the lime and fluoric acid, he gives it thus : AlS+-2FPh+5Aq. Sp. Gr. 3-38. In extremely minute fibrous crystals, which appear to be irregular six-sided prisms terminated by pyramids of six faces, generally disposed in diverging groups radiating from a point. Color brownish-yellow of different hues ; lustre silky, some- times adamantine; adheres to the tongue; has an argillaceous odor, and probably from an accidental admixture with some saline substance has an astringent taste. In water it partly loses its lustre and becomes brown ; and when placed on a red coal it emits a green phosphoric light. B B, on charcoal, it decrepitates powerfully; with borax is [incompletely soluble into a dark bottle-green colored glass; and with soda fuses with difficulty into a blackish mass. Cacoxenite occurs disposed on brown iron ore in the iron mines of Hrbeck near Zbirow in Bohemia; and, but for its deeper tint, might be readily mistaken for karpholite, which is found under similar circumstances. AMBLYGONITE.t Amblygonite, Leonhard. Amblygonic Au^ite i?par, Haid'm^er. Augitus Lithicus, D. Combination of phosphoric acid, alumina, and lithia. Phosphoric acid 54*12, alumina 3896, lithia 692. Ber~ zclius. This mineral occurs massive, and in Rhombic prisms of 106 10' and 73 50', which are rough externally, and present a greenish-white, a mountain- or sea-green color. It cleaves parallel to the sides of the prism with brilliant surfaces; and when reduced to thin laminaB, it varies from translucent to transparent. On charcoal it fuses readily into a clear glass, which becomes opake on cooling; with borax it melts into a transparent colorless glass. * From xuxoc, bad, and *>oj, a guest, in allusion to the bad influence of its phos- phoric acid on the iron extracted from the ore with which it occurs, f From the Greek, in allusion to the obtuse angles of its prism. ACIDIFEEOUS EARTHY MINERALS. 261 It is found, with tourmaline and topaz, in granite, at Churs- dorf near Penig in Saxony; and at Arendal in Norway. It was first recognized as a peculiar species by Breithaupt. CHILDRENITE. Brooke. (Brande's Quarterly Journal, vol. xvi,, p. 274.) Fluellus Childrcnii, D. A compound of phosphoric acid, alumina and iron, accord- ing to Wollaston. Its complete analysis has not been given. H. = 45 5-0. e on e 130 20' e on e over the edge x 102 30 e on e! 97 50 a on a . . I'M 54 In very minute yellow or brownish-yellow crystals, disposed either singly or in crystalline coats on carbonate of iron or quartz. Cleavage in planes parallel to the axis; lustre vitre- ous, inclining to resinous; translucent; streak white; frac- ture uneven. The only known locality of this mineral is the vicinity of Tavistock in Devonshire; it was distinguished by Levy, who named it in compliment to Mr. Children of the British Museum. Allan's Manual. CALAITE. Calaite, Fischer. Odontalite. Turquoise. Uncleavable Azure Spar, M. Callais, proba- bly, of Pliny. Lazulus amorphus, D. Consists, according to Berzelius, of phosphate of alumina and phosphate of lime, silica, the oxides of iron and copper, and a little water; while John noticed only Alumina 44-59 Phosphoric acid 33-90 Oxide of copper 3-75 Oxide of iron 1-80 Water 19-00 99-95 Adopting this analysis, and rejecting the small quantity of oxides of iron and copper, its composition as stated by Dr. Thomson, is one atom phosphoric acid, three atoms silica, and two and a half atoms water. Or it is a hydrous triphosphate of alumina. 262 ACIDIFEROUS EARTHY MINERALS. Sp. Gr. 2 8 30. H. = 5*0 6-0. It occurs in reniform masses, which are either botryoidal or mammillated ; has a peculiar greenish-blue color, but of va- rious shades, passing on the one hand into sky-blue, and on the other into apple-green ; and is dull internally; but occa- sionally the lustre is waxy, rarely splendent; fracture conchoi- dal; rough and uneven, frequently scaly. It is commonly opake; rarely translucent on the edges; streak white. The decomposed specimens resemble porcelain-clay. In the re- ducing flame of the blowpipe it becomes brown, and colors it green, but does not fuse; with borax it melts readily into a limpid glass. The oriental calaite occurs in alluvial clay in the neigh- borhood of Nishapuri and Firuzkuh in the Persian Korassan ; and is found on sale in most of the cities of Persia, being val- ued for ornamental purposes, and when highly colored, very much esteemed as a gem. The Persian king, retains for him- self all of the most richly colored varieties. Malachite, with which turquoise may sometimes be con- founded, yields a green streak, while that of calaite is white. The occidental turquoise found near the town of Simor, in Lower Languedoc, is merely tooth or bone, colored with phos- phate of iron. Analysis by La Grange: phosphate of lime 80, carbonate of lime 8, phosphate of iron 2, phosphate of magne- sia 2, alumina 1*5, water 1/6. FLUELLITE. Levy. Wollaston. (Ann. of Phil. 1824, p. 241.) Fluate of Alumina. Fluellus pyram- ialis, D. Combination of alumina and fluoric acid. In small acute rhombic octahedrons, whose angles are 109 82', and 144; the acute solid angles generally replaced. White and transparent; lustre vitreous. Occurs with Wavel- lite and chalkolite on quartz at Stenna-gvvin in Cornwall, but is an extremely rare mineral. It was discovered by Levy, but examined and named by Dr. Wollaston, who could discover nothing in it but fluoric acid and alumina. AZURITE. Lazulit, W. H. Azurite, J. Prismntic Azure Spar, M. Klaprotbine, Beudant. Feld- spath blue, H. Blue Spar. Lazulus rhombicus, D. This mineral is a hydrous diphosphate of alumina and magnesia. ACIDIFEROUS-EARTHY MINERALS. 263 Blue Ppar. Krieglach. Radel-graben. Phosphoric acid 4H-32 41-81 Alumina 34-53 35-73 Magnesia 13-56 9-34 Lime.. 0-48 0-00 Oxide of iron 0*0 2-64 Silica 6-50 2-10 Water 0-50 6-06 99-66 Brandes.* 97-68 Fuchs. Taking the analysis by Fuchs, the atoms of acid, including the silica, amount to half the atoms of the bases, showing the mineral to consist of disalts. The oxide of iron and alumina which are united with the silica, as disilicates, Dr. Thomson supposes to be accidental, whence he gives the formula Sp. Gr. 30 3- 1 . H. = 5 6-0. Primary form a Right rhombic prism of 121 30', according to Brooke. Lazulite rarely occurs crystallized, being more often granu- lar, or in small fragments, exhibiting various shades of azure blue. It is slightly translucent, brittle, yet nearly as hard as quartz; the fracture is lamellar, and its cleavage is parallel with the planes of the prism, though indistinct. B B, it intu- mesces a little, and assumes a glassy appearance where the heat has been highest, but does not melt. With borax it yields a clear colorless globule. The second of the above figures represents a superb crystal in the pos- session of H. J. Brooke, Esq. M on M' 121 30' e or M' on ef .... 138 45 M on d 140 30 M or M' on/ 150 45 a on a' 91 30 cl or cl' . 129 10 a on core' or a' on e" or e'" 158 10' cl on cl' 120 40 cl on c2' or cl' on c2' . . 150 00 e on d or e' on d' 162 36 cl on e or cl' on e' .... 139 25 cl on d 141 20 It occurs in a gangue of quartz, near Vorau in Styria; and in narrow veins traversing clay-slate in the torrent beds of Schlamming and Radel-graben near Werfen in Saltzburg. * This mineral, analyzed by Brandes, has by some been separated into another species called blue spar, but there does not seem sufficient ground for the distinction. [AM. D.] 264 ACIDIFEROUS EARTHY MINERALS. RHOMBOHEDRAL CARBONATE OF LIME. CALCAREOUS SPAR. Kalkspath, W. Chaux carbonatee, K. Ppath calcaire, Br. Calc Spar, J. Calcius rhombohedrus, D. Culcite, Brooke. Carbonate of lime, as a pure anhydrous salt, exists in two in- compatible crystalline forms, viz., the rhombohedral as calca- reous spar, and in the right rhombic prism as arragonite ; the lat- ter being isomorphous with carbonate of strontian, from which, however it is readily distinguished. It consists of one atom (2'75) carbonic acid, and one atom (3*5) lime 6 25 ; or in 100 parts, of lirne 56, carbonic acid 44. Formula: CalC. These numbers are nearly approached by the following analyses. Lime 56-15 55-50 56-33 C'uibonic acid 43-70 44-00 43-50 99-85 Stromeycr. 99'50 R. Phillips. 99-83 Biol. Sp. Gr. 2719. H. = 3-0. Its most prevalent color is white ; it is frequently transpa- rent, and is then strongly doubly refractive. Occurs crystal- lized in upwards of eight hundred varieties of form, all origi- nating from an Obtuse rhomboid of 105 5', and 74 55'; this rhomboid may readily be obtained by cleavage, and may itself occasionally be cleaved parallel to a plain passing through the greater diagonals in one direction; the brilliant surfaces of the primary are well adapted to the use of the reflective goniometer. Cross fracture occasionally conchoidal, but not easily obtained. It effervesces violently with acids. The Iceland variety, which is considered to be the purest form of carbonate of lime, is transparent, and doubly refractive in a high degree, hence its familiar appellation Iceland spar, or doubly refracting spar. Some varieties of calcareous spar give a yellow phosphorescent light when laid on a hot coal or struck in the dark; as that accompanying garnet in Werme- land ; laumonite in Britanny, &.c. Alone, on charcoal, B B, it becomes caustic by heat, and shines with peculiar bright- ness as soon as all the carbonic acid is expelled. Does not yield water in the matrass, but with the fluxes comports itself like arragonite. i. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Fig. 1, the primary, an obtuse rhomboid. Fig. 2, tbe same, of which the lateral edges and terminal solid angles are replaced by planes. Fig. ACIDIFEROUS EARTHY MINERALS. 265 8, in this both the lateral and terminal and solid angles are replaced. Both this and the former figure tend, by the extension of the modifying planes, to the production of the six-sided prism (fig. 4), on which no portion of the primary planes is visible. Fig. 5, an acute rhomboid. Fig. 6, a rhom- boid more obtuse than the primary. Bournon described fifty-six modifications of the rhomboid of carbonate of lime, and other mineralogists have greatly increased the number. It would be perhaps impossible to represent the whole of these with any tolerable accuracy on one figure ; the above figure (2) therefore is intended only to point out the fact, that the several modifications are referrable to three great classes, viz., prisms, acute rhomboids, and obtuse rhomboids. Thus the planes a and e e e, replacing the solid angles, tend, by their ex- tension, to produce a six-sided prism represented by the small fig. 4 ; the plane a with the planes ooo replacing the lateral edges, likewise tend to produce a regular six-sided prism, while a in conjunction with the planes I II III, tend to a twelve-sided prism. Thus also of rhomboids, the plane b situated on the primary plane, and c on the edge, tend to two rhomboids much more obtuse than the primary, or than that which would be consequent on the extension of the planes m, while g and k would pro- duce very acute rhomboids. The planes dl dl, of which six are visible on the figure, would produce very obtuse dodecahedrons; the planes d'2 d2, less obtuse ; while the consequence of the extension of the planes h h would be acute dodecahedrons, and of the planes i i still more acute. But of rhomboids, both acute and obtuse, there is an almost endless vari- ety, all actually differing by admeasurement. Nova Scotia. Rossie, N. Y. 266 ACIDIFEROUS EARTHY MINERALS. It occurs in veins in almost every kind of rock, from the oldest to the newest alluvial strata, and accompanies or con- stitutes the gangue of a great variety of minerals. It is so generally distributed, that any enumeration of its localities would be impossible. Among those most distinguished may be mentioned Andreasberg in the Hartz, where the six-sided prisms have been found in great beauty ; Alston Moor in Cumberland, which affords the flat rhombic crystals ; and Der- byshire, whence the pale-yellow transparent pyramids, some- times of very large dimensions, are obtained. The transpa- rent variety from Iceland is not found in distinct crystals, although the surfaces of the masses indicate crystallization, and are often implanted with stilbite and heulandite. The crystallized sandstone of Fontainebleau, in France, (chaux car- bonatee quartzifere, of Hau'y,) is a variety of this species me- chanically mixed with sand. In Upper Canada, at Perth, Dr. Holmes has discovered a very beautiful pale rose-colored Iceland spar, from which doubly refracting cleavage rhomboids of several inches have been obtained. Near Montreal, Lower Canada, low lenticular crystals, a modification of the equiaxe of Haiiy, abound in the dark colored limestone. In Nova Scotia this mineral is of very frequent occurrence in the trap rocks, appearing sometimes in the form of scalene triangular planed dodecahedrons, but usu- ally in very acute rhomboids, and rarely in those more obtuse than the primary. They here accompany the various zeolite minerals, but are more generally found scattered over, or inter- spersed with, crystals of stilbite and Laurnonite, which occupy the geodes and cavities of the amygdaloid. They are deeply striated parallel to the natural joints of the primary crystal, and are frequently in hemitropes. Though usually colorless and transparent, they are in some instances of a straw-yellow, or even honey-yellow appearance. A very common modifica- tion of the insulated rhomboids of this mineral from Nova Sco- tia, is that shown by the fourth figure on the last page, in which the terminal solid angles are replaced by tangent planes, a, and by three small planes, 6, resting on the primary faces of the crystal. These tend to the production of a more obtuse rhomboid than the primary. There is sometimes an addi- tional replacement c, resting on the edges of the crystal, but none of these replacements are carried to an extent which much obscures the ordinary rhomboidal form of the crystal. We shall mention a few only of the numerous localities of this mineral in the United States. The finest crystals for size and transparency have been found at Oxbow, and at the lead mines of Rossie, St. Lawrence county, N. Y., in primitive ACIDIFEROUS EARTHY MINERALS. 267 limestone. They appear in the form both of rhomboids and scalene dodecahedrons, and are grouped with crystals of galena and pyrites in the most beautiful manner. Compound or twin crystals are very common at this locality, and the last figure on page 265, represents one of them in the editor's collection more than a foot in length. Cleavage rhomboids, perfectly co- lorless and transparent, may be obtained from these masses, mea- suring from four to six inches across their planes. Perfect hex- ahedral prisms (prismatique of Haiiy, fig. 4, p. 264) occur in the narrow veins of the limestone, and are sometimes attached to a pink colored variety of this mineral. Crystals in the same form, but terminating in trihedral pyramids, the terminal solid angles of the rhomboid being replaced by planes resting on its primary faces, (dodecahedre of Haiiy, fig. 3, p. 265) have also been dis- covered at Martensburg, Lewis county, N. Y. In the newer limestone at Lockport, Lewiston and Niagara Falls, the dog tooth spar variety (scalene triangular planed dodecahedrons, metastatique of Haiiy, fig. 1, p. 265) abounds, and is associated with magnesian carbonate of lime, and transparent selenite ; more rarely with sulphate of strontian, fluor spar, and anhydrite. At Schroon, Essex county, N. Y M masses possessing a fine green tinge, have been found by Prof. Beck. Beautiful crystalliza- tions of this mineral accompany the datholite and apophyllite at Bergen, N. J., the green fluor spar, at Lowville, Lewis county, N. Y., the Prehnite of Charlestown, Mass., the pearl spar and quartz near Phcenixville, Chester county, Penn. The following are several varieties of this species, some of which assume the character of rocks. 1. SCHIEFER SPAR.* Schiefer-spath, W. Chaux carbonatee nacree, H. Slate-spar, J. Argentine, Kirwan. This variety occurs massive, and in extremely thin tabular plates intersecting each other in various directions, but without any determinate crystalline form. Its color is usu- ally white, with a shining and more or less pearly lustre ; it is translucent, yields easily to the knife, and often possesses a greasy feel. Specific gravity about 2.5. It is infusible ; but is soluble with effervescence in acids. It is an almost pure carbonate of lime. It occurs in metalliferous beds in Norway ; in Glen Tilt, Perthshire ; in Assynt, Sutherlandshire ; and in the county of Wicklow, in Ireland. la the United States extensive masses of it exist in the mica slate at North- ampton, and smaller quantities have been obtained at Monroe, Conn 2. AGARIC MINERAL. t ROCK MILK. Berg milch, W. Chaux carbonatee spongieuse, H. Is of a white color, or yellowish or grey- ish white; and is soft, dull, meagre to the touch, soils the fingers, is very tender, opake, and so light as to float for a short time on water. It is nearly pure carbonate of lime. It is found in beds and crevices of calcareous rocks in Switzerland, * Schiefer or slate-spar, in allusion to its slaty structure. f Described by Pliny under the name of Agaricon ; resembling fungus. 268 ACIDIFEROUS EARTHY MINERALS. where it is employed for white-washing the houses; also near Ratisbon ; at Sunderland in Durham ; and in Oxfordshire. 3. APHRITE.* EARTH-FOAM. Schaumerde, W. Chaux carbona- tee nacree lamellaire, H. Ecume de Terre, Br. This variety is found sometimes solid, more often in a friable state; it consists of white scales of a shining pearly or pseudo-metallic lustre. It is opake,very soft to the touch, and nearly pure carbonate of lime. It is usually found in calcare- ous rocks in veins or cavities ; and differs from schiefer-spar principally in being less coherent. It occurs in Hessia, and abundantly at Eisleben in Thuringia, in mountains consisting of stratified limestone. 4. STALACTITIC CARBONATE OF LIME. Kalk-sinter, W. Chaux cabonatee concretionnee, H. Calc sinter, J. Occurs mammillated, or in long straight pendulous masses or tubes, coating the interior of caves and fissures. The fracture is either lamellar or fibrous, the fibres diverging from the centre ; the cleavage always that of the perfect rhomb ; with a pearly or silky lustre ; prevalent color yellowish-white. Stalactites are sometimes of prodigious dimensions, of which the grotto of Antiparos in the Archipelago, the extensive caves of Adelsberg in Car- niola, and that of Auxelle in France, are striking instances. The most remarkable in Britain are to be found in the cavern of Castleton, and other caves in Derbyshire, and Macallister Cave in the Isle of Skye. They abound also in the celebrated caves in Virginia, as well as in the caver- nous limestone elsewhere in the United States. Stalactites are now continually forming. They are deposited from wa- ter loaded with particles of carbonated lime, in the hollows and caverns of mountains ; the water, finding its way into_ these through crevices in the roof, becomes exposed to the air, evaporation ensues, and thus the calcareous particles are caused to precipitate. Some caverns have been entirely filled with calcareous stalactite, so that it is occasionally obtained in large masses ; in this state it is called Alabaster, and is used in statuary and in the formation of vases ; its name being derived from Alabastron, an Egyptian village between the Nile and the Red Sea, which was the prin- cipal locality known in ancient times. 5. GRANULAR LIMESTONE. Kalkstein, W. Chaux carbonatee saccharofde, H. Granular limestone is massive, and consists of small grains or minute crystals, presenting a lamellar structure and brilliant lus- tre : but as these grains intersect each other in every direction, the lustre of the mass is only glimmering. It is of various colors ; white, grey, yel- low, bluish, reddish, greenish, &c., and is sometimes veined or spotted ; fracture splintery, occasionally slaty, in consequence of containing paral- lel layers of mica ; somewhat translucent, and brittle. Granular limestone is found in many, if not in most primitive countries ; it sometimes forms entire mountains, but more often occurs in beds. It is considered to be of contemporaneous formation with gneiss, porphyry, argillaceous and micaceous schiste, with which it frequently alternates. In the Alps and the Pyrenees examples of this are of frequent occurrence. The whitest and more esteemed primitive limestone was termed by the French mineralogists, Chaux carbonatee saccharoKde, from its likeness to sugar when in small masses. From its important uses in the arts, it is commonly called Statuary marble. The most celebrated statuary mar- bles of ancient times were found in the islands of Paros, Naxus, and Te- nos, in the Archipelago. Parian marble is white, large grained, and considerably translucent. The Pentelicon, taken from quarries on a mountain called Pentelicus, near Athens, is traversed by greenish or greyish veins, which are commonly micaceous. The marble of Carrara * Aphrite, from the Greek ; a foam-like substance. ACIDIFEROUS EARTHY MINERALS. 269 has a finer grain and closer texture, and is that now usually employed by statuaries ; the quarries of this marble are on the eastern coast of the Gulf of Genoa, and are worked on the face of a mountain to the height of about eight hundred feet. The name Lucullite, as applied to black marble, arose from the quan- tity of that color which Lucullus imported into Rome, from an island in the Nile. That from Kilkenny in Ireland encloses shells of a whitish color, which, when the marble is cut and polished, present segments of circles ; this is much used for chimney-pieces and ornaments. The Verd antique consists of carbonate of lime imbedded in green ser- pentine ; its geological situation is not known. The Lumachelli marble exhibits beautiful iridescent colors, which are sometimes prismatic internally, but more commonly of various shades of red or orange, whence it has also obtained the name of Fire marble. It occurs at Bleyberg in Carinthia, in beds forming the roof of a lead mine. Its colors are attributed to the shells of a variety of nautilus. The Gotham, Ruin, or Landscape marble, found near Bristol, exhibits, when cut and polished, the appearance of a landscape or ruins ; it is of common occurrence in the Val d'Arno near Florence. 6. ANTHRACONITE, Swinestone, Stinkstone* which emits a strong fetid odor when scraped, owing, it is believed, to the presence of sulphu- retted hydrogen, is found columnar, granular, and compact, and of various shades of grey, brown and black. The harder and more compact varie- ties, which receive a good polish, are used in ornamental architecture. In Dalmatia a variety of limestone occurs so bituminous that it may be cut like soap, and is employed in the construction of houses ; when fin- ished, the walls are set fire to ; the bitumen burns out, and the stone be- comes white ; the roof is then put on, and the house afterwards completed. 7. OOLITE! is always found massive, and in beds. The globular par- ticles are sometimes composed of concentric lamellae, and usually adhere by means of a calcareous cement; it is soft when first quarried, but har- dens by exposure to the air. Its color is whitish, yellowish-white, or ash-grey, depending, as is believed, on the quantity and quality of the argillaceous matter with which it is usually combined. It is an impure carbonate of lime, and will not burn into quicklime. The Portland and Bath stones are varieties of this, and in many parts of the south of England its properties are well known as a building material. 8. PISOLITE or Pea~stone,\ differs considerably from oolite. It is generally white, brown, or reddish, and is composed of round or spheroi- dal masses, from the size of a pea to that of a hazle-nut, imbedded in a calcareous cement. These masses always consist of concentric lamella?, in the midst of which is commonly found a grain of sand. It is opake, soft, and brittle. At Klagenfurt in Carinthia, and at Carlsbad in Bohe- mia, it occurs in great quantities, the mineral waters in the vicinity of the latter rising from beds of pisolite. 9. CHALK. Kreide, W. Craie, H. Is a massive opake carbonate of lime, of a white, greyish, or yellow color, having an earthy fracture and a low specific gravity. It varies much in hardness, but is generally soft to the touch, and adheres to the tongue. It composes a large portion of the newest secondary rocks in the south of England, and contains abun- dance of marine as well a* terrestrial organic remains. Its uses are well * From the strongly fetid odor it gives out when rubhed. f Oolite, or Roe-stone ; so denominated from the resemblance between the little round lasses of which it is composed, and the roe of a fish. \ Pisolite or Pea-stone, from the similarity of its spherical masses to the pea. 23* 270 ACIDIFEROUS EARTHY MINERALS. known, in furnishing lime for manure and cement, in polishing metals and glass, as a marking material, and in painting and white-washing. 10. MARL is a mixture of limestone and clay, possessing an earthy frac- ture, a greater or less degree of compactness, and a yellow or reddish-grey color. It falls to pieces on exposure to the air, arid is then plastic in wa- ter ; it is partially soluble in acids, with violent effervescence. It occurs in considerable quantity in Thuringia, and is produced by the decomposi- tion of shells in bogs and standing water. 11. TUFA, Kalk-Tuff, W , is the most impure, the most irregular, and the most porous of all the varieties of carbonate of lime, being an alluvial deposit from calcareous springs. Immense formations of this substance have taken place near Terni, Tivoli, and other places in Italy ; also in some parts of Germany From its generally occurring in a soft state, and its possessing the property of hardening on exposure to air and moisture, tufa makes a useful building material in the construction of bridges and docks. It varies in respect to hardness, is opake, rough, light, cellular, and often incrusts other substances, as vegetable stems, leaves, &c. PRISMATIC CARBONATE OF LIME. ARRAGONITE.* Arragon, W. Arragonite, H. Prismatic Limestone, J. Prismatic Lime Haloide, M. Calcius rhornbicus, D. Consists of carbonate of lime, united with accidental por- tions of carbonate of strontian and water. t Arragon. Waltsch. Bohemia. Carbonate of lime 94-82 99-29 97-98 Carbonate of strontian .. 4-08 0-51 J-09 Water 0-98 0-15 0-26 99-88 Stromeyer. 100-05 Stromeyer. 99-33 Stromeyer. Sp. Gr. 26 3-0. H.z=35 4'0. This mineral occurs massive, the texture being generally fibrous, with a silky lustre ; in the form of small branches con- sisting of fibrous crystals which diverge from a centre, a variety known under the denomination of Flos ferri; also in crystals which at first sight appear to be regular six-sided prisms, but on close inspection present a longitudinal crevice down each lateral face, and somewhat similar appearances con- verging in the centre of the terminal planes; these, in fact, are macles consisting of three simple crystals which cross each other at particular angles. It cleaves parallel to the late- ral planes of a Right rhombic prism of 116 5', and 63 55', the primary form. Most prevalent color white, though some- times tinged yellow, green, and blue. The crystals are inter- nally shining or vitreous; they are translucent the small * Arragonite, from its having been first found in the province of Arragon in Spain. fThe results of chemical analysis have shown that the crystalline form of arragonite is in no way attributable to the presence of carbonate of strontian, and that this mineral has the same composition with common calcareous spar, though from circumstances not well understood, one has taken the shape of a Rhomboid, and the other that of a Right rhombic prism. See k ' Dimorphism," p. Ixxxiv. of the Introduction to this volume. Also a very valuable article, by Prof. G. Rose, on the artificial production of arragonite, in the Lon. and Edinb. Phil. Mag., third series, vol. xii., p. 465. [AM. ED.] ACIDIFEROUS EARTHY MINERALS. 271 ones sometimes colorless and transparent ; yield to the knife and are brittle, but scratch calcareous spar easily. They re- fract doubly in particular directions. Thin fragments of trans- parent crystals decrepitate in the flame of a candle; other varieties lose their translucency and become friable. With borax it dissolves and forms a transparent glass, which crys- tallizes on cooling; but in soda it is insoluble. It presents a yellowish-red phosphorescent light upon hot iron; and is solu- ble in the nitric and muriatic acids, during which process carbonic acid is disengaged ; paper dipped into a mixture of this solution and alcohol burns with a purple flame. Fig. 1, the primary form, a Right rhombic prism, which in fig. 2 is modified by planes replacing the four acute angles, so as to cause the plane P of fig. 1 to disappear. In fig. 3, two crystals of the same form as fig. 2 cross each other. Fig. 4 represents two crystals crossing each other, of which the planes M M and P of fig 1 appear, but the acute edges of that figure are replaced by planes parallel to the axis of the prism. In fig. 5, three similar crystals cross each other; these do not often occur so distinct, but usually as represented by fig. 6, in which they are more closely united in the general form of a six-sided prism. The dotted lines represent the cracks observable down each face, aris- ing from the contact of the planes forming the diedral terminations of the several crystals of which fig. 5 is composed ; and from the same, cause the six lateral planes of this apparently six-sided crystal are not flat, but each presents a slightly re-entering angle. M on M' 116 30' M' on h 121 38 M on cl' or M' on cl . 108 18 b or M' on b . . 144 00 cl on cl' 1 08 18 c2 150 30 c3 141 00 h 125 55 b 136 30 129 33 This mineral is named from its locality, the province of Ar- ragon, in Spain, where it was first found in large detached twin crystals, disseminated in a ferruginous clay, accompanied by sulphate of lime. The most transparent and best-defined prisms however, occur near Bilin in Bohemia, in a vein traversing basalt ; while the branching or coralloidal varieties, to which the name of Flos-ferri has been given, occur in beds of iron 272 ACIDIFEROUS EARTHY MINERALS. ore, and are particularly beautiful in the Styrian mines of Eisenerz, where they appear stalactitically disposed on the roofs and sides of considerable cavities. The coralloidal arra- gonites of Arzberg, in Styria, are by far the most beautiful that have been found. Radiated and acicular minute white crystals have been found in the recent lavas of Vesuvius. The massive, silky, aud fibrous variety, termed satin spar, occurs at Dufton, in thin veins, traversing shale, generally accompanied by iron pyrites; it is susceptible of a fine polish, and is employed in the manufacture of ornaments. Stalactitic specimens of a snowy whiteness have been met with at Lead- hills ; also in Buckinghamshire ; in Devonshire ; and in Dirk Hatterick's Cave on the coast of Galloway. The Bermuda Islands have furnished many beautiful varieties of this mineral, said to occur in the caverns of limestone. This is an uncommon mineral in the United States. Ac- cording to Prof. Beck, the specimens from Scoharie and from Rossie, N. Y., which have passed for arragonite, belong to the preceding species. But he gives one locality in the town of Monroe, N. Y., where it occurs in imperfect crystals, and in mammillary, botryoidal and fibrous forms. The variety Jlos feri occurs at Lockport, according to Shepard. The caverns in the limestone of Alabama, particularly at Franklin, have presented specimens of crystallized arragonite of surpassing splendor. The crystals are colorless and transparent, and in form like fig. 2, having their acute angles replaced, and fre- quently crossing each other, as shown in fig. 3. They are not however remarkable for size. They sometimes assume a flesh color. Arragonite may with facility be distinguished from calca- reous spar by exposing it to heat, before which it at once flies into powder, while the calcareous spar placed along side of it remains unchanged, and even retains its transparency. Its cleavage in a longitudinal direction should also be a sufficient characteristic the faces of cleavage in calc spar, however small the individuals, being always inclined. Allan's Manual. DOLOMITE. BITTER SPAR. Chaux Carbonatee Magnesifere Primitive, H. Bitterspath, W. Rhomb or Dolomite Spar, J. Macrotypous Lime Haloido, M. in part. Pearl Spar. Calcius Dolomai, D. This mineral, from its chemical composition, may very prop- erly be designated as a calcareous carbonate of magnesia. Dr. Thomson has analyzed several specimens of it both crys- tallized and granular, and finds its constitution to be one atom ACIDIFEROUS EARTHY MINERALS. 273 carbonate of lime (6'25), and one atom carbonate of magne- sia (5-25). Formula : MgC+CalC. The following analyses by Berthier, Laugier and Suckow, lead to the same result. Namar. Bourbonne. Appenines. Jena. Lime 29-1 29-2 Carbonate of lime 55-2 55-36 Magnesia 21-0 21-2 Carbonate of magnesia. 44-7 41'30 Protoxide of iron 1-2 00-0 Oxide of iron 0-0 2-00 Carbonic acid and water. 46-7 44-6 Silica 0-0 0-50 Foreign matter 2-0 5-0 99-9 L. 99-16 S- 100-0 B. 100-0 B. Sp. Gr. 2-85 29. H. = 3'5 40. Bitter spar is usually found in the form of its primary crys- tal, an Obtuse rhomboid, so nearly allied to that of carbonate of lime that it was considered the same until Wollaston dis- covered the difference by means of the reflective goniometer. Its angles are 106 15' and 73 45'. Color greyish or yellow, with a somewhat pearly lustre; harder than calcareous spar, semi-transparent, and very brittle. It cleaves readily into rhomboids of the same form as the crystals. B B, bitter spar is not distinguishable from calcareous spar : it however is more slowly soluble in acids, and produces only a very slight effervescence. PonP' 106 15' PorP'onP" . . 73 45 The finest and most transparent crystals occur at Traver- salla in Piedmont, at St. Gothard, and near Gap in France; it is also found in the Tyrol and Salzburg ; and at Taberg in Sweden, with asbestus, talc, and chlorite. In the United States it is abundant at Smithfield, R. I., in very large crystals associated with talc. It also occurs in talc at Roxbury, Vt., in yellowish and nearly transparent crystals. Crystals in the primary form occur in a massive variety at Ridgefield, Conn. In New York there are several localities of the varieties, as pearl spar at Little Falls and Herkimer, accompanying the quartz crystals; at Lockport and Niagara, forming many of the geodes in the limestone; in small curved crystals on Diamond Island on Lake George ; and in imperfect and variously aggregated crystals, of a bluish white color, in Richmond county, near the Quarantine. At Hoboken, N. J., in the veins of compact carbonate of magnesia traversing ser- pentine, beautiful, nearly transparent crystals of dolomite have 274 ACIDIFEROUS EARTHY MINERALS. recently been discovered. The massive variety is abundant in Maine, Vermont, Massachusetts, New York, and Connecticut. The hydraulic limestones, occurring so extensively in New York, are of this character, and their indurating property, after calcination, is supposed to be owing principally to the presence of magnesia. The following substances are considered varieties of bitter spar. 1. MIEMITE occurs crystallized, but more often massive. Internally it is splendent and pearly ; its fracture is foliated and curved ; color green- ish-white or green; translucent; and brittle. Sp. Gr. 2-8. It is found imbedded in gypsum at Miemo* in Tuscany. 2. PEARL SPAR.! Chaux carbonatee ferro-manganesifere, H. This is the most common variety of bitter spar. It occurs in obtuse rhombs, with curvilinear faces ; generally presents a shining pearly lustre ; is translucent, yields to the knife, but is harder than calcareous spar ; color white, grey, or yellowish. Specific gravity about 2-5. It occurs abundantly in the lead mines of the north of England ; in those of Derbyshire ; in that of Beeralston in Devonshire ; in several mines in Cornwall; at Schemnitz in Hungary; at Kapnik in Transylvania; at Clausthal in the Hartz ; at Freyberg in Saxony ; and in many other places on the continent. 3. MASSIVE DOLOMITE.! Magnesian limestone. It consists of fine crystalline grains, which are lamellar ; is generally white, occasionally with a tinge of yellow or grey ; is translucent on the edges, and, when struck, frequently emits a phosphorescent light, which is visible in the dark. It greatly resembles primitive limestone, but is readily distin- guished by its feeble effervescence in acid. It occurs in the Pyrenees, Saxony, France, Sweden, in lona one of the Hebrides, and, though in a more impure state, in many counties of Eng- land Somersetshire, Yorkshire, Notinghamshire, &c. At Building Hill near Sunderland it forms globular earthy-like concretions ; and in the same vicinity is found in slaty masses, which, when split into thin pieces, are very flexible, a quality supposed to depend on the water it contains, as it is nearly lost when the mineral dries. Gurhofian is of a snow-white color, and very compact ; the fragments, which are sharp, are translucent on the edges; fracture flat conchoidal. In many respects it may be mistaken for semi-opal. It occurs in veins traversing serpentine between Gurhoff and Aggsbach in Lower Austria. The mortar obtained from this species is esteemed for cement, being less subject to decay, owing to its absorbing less carbonic acid from the atmosphere than that of common limestone. But for agricultural purposes it is of inferior value ; for when laid on particular soils it tends rather to injure than to improve vegetation, which is wholly destroyed when the quantity is large ; this effect is owing to the magnesia it contains. The cathedral of Milan, and the Minster and city walls of York, are built of magnesian limestone ; the white marble of Paros, and that of lona in the Hebrides, belong to this species ; it therefore often admits, as well as limestone, of being cut and polished, and is described as being particu- larly durable. * Whence Miemite. f From its pearly lustre. J Dolomite, in honor of the geologist Dolomieu. $ Whence Gurhofian. ACIDIFEROUS EARTHY MINERALS. 275 ANKER1TE. Paratomoua Lime Haloide, M. Wandstein of Styrian Miners. Calciua clccolorans, D. Analysis by Berthier : carbonate of lime 5T1, carbonate of magnesia 25'7, carb. of iron 20*0, carb. of manganese 3'0. Formula : 8CalC+5MgC+3FC. Sp. Gr. 295 3-1. H. = 3-5 4'0. Primary form a Rhomboid of 106 12'. In crystalline masses of a white color, though sometimes tinged yellow and brown, from an admixture of iron. Cleavage perfect parallel to the faces of the rhomboid; lustre vitreous; slightly translucent ; streak white ; fracture uneven ; and the surface generally stri- ated. B B, per se, it becomes black, and acts on the magnet, but does not fuse; with borax it melts into a pearl. In nitric acid it is soluble with a brisk effervescence; and on exposure to the atmosphere its surface becomes darker. The species occurs at the Rathhausberg in the Gastein valley, Saltzburg; and in considerable quantity at the Styrian mines of Eisenerz, where it is prized both as an iron ore, and as a flux in the pro- cess of smelting. It was distinguished by Mohs, who named it in compliment to Prof. Anker of the Johannasum in Gratz. Allan's Manual. PLUMBO-CALCITE. Prof. J. F. W. Johnston. (Edlnb. Jour, of Sci., new series, vi. 79.) Consists of carbonate of lime 92*2, carbonate of lead 7*8. Johnstone. These proportions are supposed to vary in differ- ent specimens. Sp. Gr. 2'829. H. = 32. Form and cleavage the same as the primary rhomboid of calcareous spar ; massive. When heated the carbonic acid is driven off, and the specimen assumes a reddish color. B B, it yields with soda a white enamel, but no reduced lead appears. But a small fragment dissolved in muriatic acid gives a white precipitate with caustic ammonia, becoming black by the addi- tion of hydrosulphuret of ammonia, and gives, B B, a globule of metallic lead. It occcurs among the old workings at Wan- lockhead in Dumfries-shire. In this mineral the salts of lead and lime mutually replace each other, without altering the form of the crystal, and are therefore said to be isomorphous with each other. It has been lately shown that certain arragonites also con tain carbonated oxide of lead, instead of strontian, which is readily detected B B. In one specimen Bottger found 3'85 per cent., and Kersten only 2*19 per cent, in another. Carbo- nate of lead is thus shown to be dimorphous, occurring both as a rhomboid and as a right rhombic prism ; as is the case also with carbonate of lime. 276 ACIDIFEROUS EARTHY MINERALS. APATITE.* Phosphate of Lime. Apatit, W. Rhombohedral Apatite, J. Rhombohedral Fluor Ha- loide, M. Asparagus Stone. Chaux Phosphatee, H. Moroxite. Phosphorite. Subses- quiphosphate of Lime, Thomson. Fluellus hexagonus, D. Combination of phosphoric acid and lime, with fluoric acid and chlorine, or mixtures of them both. Snarum. Cap de Gates. Greiner. Asparagus Stone. Phosphoric acid, j 42 . 90 ............ 44 . 27 ............ 44 . 35 ............ 44.33 Fluoric acid ---- \ Lime ............ 54-75 ............ 55-30 ............ 55-57 ............ 55-67 Chlorine ......... 2-10 ............ 0-43 ............ 0-07 ............ 0-00 Oxide of iron.... 0-25 ............ 0-00 ............ 0-00 ............ 0-00 100-00 G. Rose. 100-00 G. Rose. 99-99 G. Rose. 100.00 Seybert.f These analyses give very nearly one atom (4'5) of phos- phoric acid, to one and a half atom (5'25) of lime, show- ing the mineral to be a subsesquiphosphate of lime. There is an excess of lime, which is in combination with fluoric acid and chlorine, substances shown by Prof. G. Rose to be always present in this mineral as chloride and fluoride of cal- cium. By uniting these, the constitution of the mineral, as stated by Dr. Thomson, is one atom chloride and fluoride of calcium, six atoms subsesquiphosphate of lime. Formula : GCal^Ph+CalChljl Sp. Gr. 31 3-3. H.r=5'0. Phosphate of lime is found massive (Phosphorite); and crystallized in six-sided prisms, terminated by one or more planes (Apatite) ; or the prism is terminated by a six-sided pyramid, and the lateral edges are sometimes replaced. It yields, though with some difficulty, to mechanical division parallel to all the planes of the Regular hexahedral prism, which therefore is considered the primary form ; fracture more or less conchoidal, with a vitreous lustre; translucent, rarely transparent ; white, yellowish-white, wine-yellow, green, blue or bluish-green, and red, these colors sometimes intermixed in the same crystal. In a very high temperature, the edges and angles are rounded off, fusing difficultly = 4 without addition ; with borax it forms a clear globule, and in salt of phosphorus dissolves in great quantity, affording a transparent glass, which, when nearly saturated, becomes opake on cooling, and pre- sents crystalline faces. Soluble without effervescence in nitric * Named by Werner, from anataw, to deceive ; in allusion to its being readily mis- taken for certain other minerals. t This specimen was from London Grove, Chester County, Penn. [Jour. Acad. Nat. Sciences, vol. ii. p. 139.] ACIDIFEROUS EARTHY MINERALS. 277 and muriatic acids; and when thrown in powder on live coal, emits a yellow phosphorescent light.* i. 2. 3. 4. Fig. 1, the primary a six-sided prism. Fig. 2, the same, of which the terminal edges are replaced ; tending to a six-sided pyramid, which is perfect in fig. 3, the lateral edges of the prism being replaced. Fig. 4, in this the lateral and terminal edges of the prism are all replaced by planes, and its solid angles by small six-sided faces. M M on M' or M' on M" . . 120 0' P on MM' or M" 90 M or M' on d 150 M on e or M' on e! . . . . 169 2 P on cl 157 c2 134 43 c3 120 38 a 124 16 M on cl 112 48 c2 130 30 c3 139 48 M' on b or b' 149 40 6 on a 162 18 It is somewhat remarkable that the planes 6 b' are rarely seen to- gether on the same crystal. Ehrenfriedersdorf in Saxony, and Schlackenwald in Bohe- mia, are well-known continental localities of this mineral. The crystals from St. Gothard in Switzerland are remarkable for their whiteness and transparency, and the regularity of their complex forms ; those from Arendal in Norway (Morox- ite) are opake, and of a greenish-blue color ; while the aspar- agus-stone or spargelstein, from the Zillerthal in the Tyrol, is translucent, of a wine-yellow hue, and imbedded in green talc. In the British Museum there is one very remarkable crystal, which is said to be from the vicinity of St. Petersburg, and beautiful crystals have been discovered at Caldbeck-fell in Cumberland ; in Cornwall in tin veins in the granite of St. Michael's Mount, with topaz, &/c. ; with axinite on the cliffs of Botallack near the Land's End ; and near Bovey Tracey in * The presence of fluoric acid in this mineral as evinced by its action on glass, mar be shown by placing a powdered crystal in a platinum crucible, pouring upon it a small quantity of sulphuric acid, and proceeding an is usual in the experiment with fluor spar. | AM. ED.] 24 278 ACIDIFEROUS EARTHY MINERALS. Devonshire, in large greyish-white translucent prisms, with crystallized tourmaline, in a quarry of red granite. The massive variety of apatite is usually distinguished un- der the appellation of phosphorite. It presents a granular tex- ture, and a yellowish or reddish-white color: is nearly opake; and becomes phosphorescent on the application of heat. It is found at Schlackenwald in Bohemia, and abundantly near La- grofan in Estremadura in Spain, in beds alternating with lime- stone and quartz. In Nova Scotia, at Partridge Island, small but extremely brilliant crystals of a pale-yellow color were found by Dr. Jackson and the editor, in veins of foliated silicious sinter traversing the trap. Near Copiapo, in Chili, it is found massive and of a bluish-green color. Beads formed of it have also been discovered in some of the most ancient cemeteries in the same region. Blake. In the United States, apatite occurs abundantly in the white limestone of St. Lawrence, Jefferson, Lewis and Orange coun- ties, N. Y., where the crystals are associated with felspar, scapolite, zircon, sphene and pargasite. They possess a great variety of colors, (as bluish-green, sea-green, mountain-green, yellowish-green, and sky-blue,) have highly lustrous planes, and those from Hammond, St. Lawrence county, where the smaller crystals are not inferior to those from any known lo- cality, are most deserving of notice on account of their huge dimensions, many of them being from six to eight inches in length, while in a few instances they have been met with a foot or more in length. The more slender prismatic crystals are frequently bent in the middle, obviously whilst in a soft state, either when first formed, or by subsequent fusion (see the fig. p. 277). As the terminations are rounded, the sharp angles as it were melted away, and they assume otherwise a fused ca- vernous appearance, Prof. Emmons has, with good reason, ad- adduced them as additional evidence of the igneous origin of the primitive limestone in which they are imbedded. (See his Report on the Geological Survey of the State.} These crys- tals rarely present any other modifications than those of the replacement of the terminal edges of the prism, pyramidee of Haiiy ; but Prof. Beck has given the figure of a crystal from this locality in which the edges both of the prism and the pyr- amid are replaced by tangent planes. Mineralogy of New York, page 241. Low compressed prisms, of which the ter- minal edges are replaced by a single row of molecules, uni- annulaire of Haiiy, have been found at St. Anthony's nose, near New York, accompanied by magnetic pyrites. They are sometimes so flattened, as to put on the appearance of an AC1DIFEROUS EARTHY MINERALS. 279 eight-sided table with bevelled edges.* The vicinity of Gou- verneur, N. Y., has also furnished the same form fig. 2 M on c 129 13', P on c 140 47', c on c 143 7'. Hauy. In Lancaster, Billerica and Stowe, Mass., good crystals of apatite have been found; and at the former place, connected with spodumene. At Franklin, N. J., greenish-white hexahedral prisms are found with Jeffersonite. It also occurs near Balti- more, Md., and near Wilmington, Del. In Maine, at Bruns- wick, on the banks of the Androskoggin, disseminated in gneiss, with garnets. At Suckasunny, N. J., in small prisms, associ- ated with actynolite, (byssolite), and more rarely with pearly heulandite. APPENDIX. Fibrous Phosphate of Lime or Eupyrchroite, of Prof. Emmons.t This is a very singular mineral and the first example of phosphate of lime occurring under a fibrous form. Indeed, it is supposed by Prof. Emmons to be a new species, but according to the analysis made by Prof. Beck, it contains ninety-three per cent, of phosphate of lime, the re- mainder being oxide of iron, alumina, silica and water, which are most probably mere accidental impurities. With this chemical composition, and in the absence of any well marked crystalline structure, it seems more proper to consider it as a variety of the present species. The following description of its characters has been drawn up by Prof. Emmons. Color pale malachite-green, passing also into greenish-white, and sometimes brownish. Structure indistinctly fibrous in the thin mammillated layers, which are arranged like those of green malachite. Colors of the separate layers various. Dull and opake. Hardness = 4. Specific gravity 3'03. It is fusible, B B, with difficulty, after a long continuance of the blast, and on the surface only, into a glassy glaze. De- crepitates ; with borax and salt of phosphorus it fuses into a pale bottle-green glass when hot or warm, but transparent when cold. Heated to a point just below redness it phos- phoresces with an emerald-green light. Heated in a glass tube it gives off a little vapor. In muriatic acid it dissolves easily and perfectly with a slight ebullition ; from this solution oxa- late of ammonia throws down a white precipitate ; also the carbonates of ammonia and soda an abundant white flocculent precipitate. The muriatic solution evaporated to dryness is perfectly redissolved by acidulated water. This remarkable mineral occurs a mile south of Hammonds- ville, at Crown Point, not far from the landing. It has a re- * Dr. Troost, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., (Philadelphia), vol. ii. p. 56. f See his Second Annual Report on the Geological Survey of New York, p. 5252. 280 ACIDIFEROUS EARTHY MINERALS. semblance to malachite, somewhat in color and structure, but evidently contains no copper. It has, in fact, in its external or natural historical characters, as well as chemical, quite a striking resemblance to Wavellite and Gibbsite. It occurs abundantly in tuberose and mammillated masses in gneiss and limestone. Its name, eupyrchroite, has an allusion to its beautiful phos- phorescence when exposed to heat. HERDERITE* Prismatic Fluor Haloide, Haidinger. Fluellus rhombicus, D. Primary form a Right rhombic prism of 115 9 y and 64 51'. Sp. Gr. 29 31. H.i=50. p on p over M . . . . 77 2J? p on p contiguous . . 144 16 t on t contiguous . . 64 51 Cleavage interrupted parallel to M. Fracture small con- choidal. Color several shades of yellowish- and greenish- white; very translucent; with a vitreous or somewhat resinous lustre. Streak white; surface of M smooth, and delicately striated parallel to its edges of combination withjo. Herderite much resembles asparagus-stone, but was distin- guished by Haidinger. Brewster's Journal, ix. 360. It oc- curs imbedded in fluor, in the tin mines of Ehrenfriedersdorf in Saxony ; and is a very rare species. FLUOR SPAR.t Fluorine, Bcudant. Fluateof Lime. Fluss,W. Chaux fluatee, II. Octahedral Fluor, J. Octahedral Fluor Haloide, M. Fluellus octahedrus, D. Combination of one atom fluoric acid, and one atom lime. Formula: CalFl. Derbyshire. Lime 72-68 Fluoric acid 27-32 Gersdorf. 67-75 32-25 Cumberland. 72-14 27-86 100-00 Davy. 100-00 Klaproth. 100-00 Berzelius. * In compliment to Baron von Herder, the director of the Saxon mines at Freyberg. t From the Latin fiuo, to flow in allusion to its important use as a flux to the metal- lic ores. ACID1FEROUS EARTHY MINERALS. 281 Sp. Gr. 3-0 to 3-3. H. = 4-0. Fluor occurs crystallized, nodular, compact, and earthy; the first has a perfectly lamellar structure, and may be cleaved with facility into the tetrahedron, acute rhomboid, and Regular octahedron, the latter of which has been adopted as its primary form; occasionally however the edges of a cube of fluor may be displaced mechanically, affording an apparent cleavage par- allel to the planes of the rhombic dodecahedron ; but this is only deceptive, for the planes so produced are irregular, and therefore unlike those parallel to the planes of the octahedron, and may be termed planes of composition. It occurs in the form of the octahedron and its varieties; as the cube, dodeca- hedron with rhombic planes, &c. Fluor is found perfectly limpid and transparent; also white, grey, and exhibiting vari- ous shades of blue, green, red, yellow, and purple : when pounded and placed on live coal it emits a phosphorescent light, blue, green, purple, or yellow ; when thrown in mass into the fire, it decrepitates and flies. Is acted upon by acids, and particularly by heated sulphuric acid, which decomposes it, and disengages fluoric acid in vapors. Alone on charcoal it fuses by much heat into an opuke white globule; with bo- rax, and salt of phosphorus it forms a transparent glass, which when saturated to a certain extent becomes opake. 10. 11. 12. Fig. 1, primary ; the regular octahedron. Fig. 2, the same, having all its solid angles replaced by square planes, which are enlarged and com- plete in fig. 3, the cube. Fig. 4, the cube, of which the edges and angles 24* 282 ACIDIFEROUS EARTHY MINERALS. are replaced. Fig. 5, the octahedron, with its edges replaced by six-sided planes ; which in fig. 6 are complete and of a rhombic shape, forming the rhombic dodecahedron. Fig. 7 the cube with its edges bevelled, or re- placed by two planes; these planes are complete in fig. 8, forming a solid bounded by twenty-four triangular planes. Fig. 9, the cube, having each solid angle replaced by three planes, which in rig. 10 are seen in com- bination with planes replacing the edges of the cube. Fig. 11, the cube, of which each solid angle is replaced by six planes; these are enlarged and nearly complete in fig. 12 ; representing a crystal bounded by fifty- four planes. One crystal (from Devonshire) in Mr. Phillips's possession exhibited all the faces represented on the annexed figure except bl 3 and 4, and c3. P on P',or P on P" . . 109 28' H. Pon a a 7 or a!' .... 125 15 ee' or e" 144 44 a on a 1 or a" 90 00 e on tf OP e" 120 a or a' on e', a or a" on e, or a' on a!' on e" 62 on a '.154 45 -63 on a 156 50 135 00 00 64 on 64' 92 50 7 cl on a 147 00 c2 on a 174 40 c3 on a 179 40 dl on dl' 166 50 d2 on d2' 160 12 dl or dl 7 on a 153 10 d2 or d2 on a . , . 155 44 No part of the world has hitherto produced finer specimens of this species than the counties of Cumberland, Derby, and Cornwall. Those varieties from the lead mines of Alston Moor and Derbyshire, usually assume the form of the cube, and present the finest shades of blue and green, varying in ACIDIFEROUS EARTHY MINERALS. 283 color as the light by which they are examined is reflected or transmitted ; some beautiful octahedral forms occur at Beer- alston in Devonshire, while the neighboring county of Corn- wall has afforded an endless variety of crystallizations. Dark- blue cubical crystals have been noticed in porphyritic green- stone near Gourock in Renfrewshire, also though sparingly in Aberdeenshire; but fluor is on the whole a rare production either of Scotland or Ireland. Crystallized fluor is found at Mont Blanc and St. Gothard on the latter in octahedrons of a rose-red color; in Saxony, the Bannat, and other countries, it occurs in veins in primi- tive mountains, exhibiting various modifications and great va- rieties of color ; and at Zinnwald in Bohemia, accompanies oxide of tin, mica, apatite, and quartz. In the United States a beautiful pale green fluor spar in octahedral crystals, occurs on the White mountains, N. H., in the ruins of a slide east of Saco, as described by Prof. Hub- bard. It is imbedded in masses of radiated quartz, and the crystals are sometimes an inch and a fourth in diameter. At Eaton and Westmoreland, N. H., it occurs in considerable abundance, accompanying copper and iron pyrites; also at Putney, Vt., of an emerald-green color. The lead mine at Southampton, Mass., has also furnished a beautiful green and purple variety. At Trumbull, Conn., it is associated with topaz, mica and quartz, and is sometimes crystallized. Ex- posed to heat it has the character of chlorophane. Crystals of large dimensions, sometimes a foot in diameter, have been found on the southern bank of Muscolunge Lake, Jefferson county, N. Y. They are usually of a greenish color. At Lowville, Lewis county, both cubical and octahedral crystals are found in narrow veins in limestone with iron pyrites and galena; they are of a green color and nearly transparent. Very rarely, insulated crystals of this mineral of a yellow color are met with in the geodes of pearl-spar and celestine, at Lockport and Niagara, N. Y. According to Prof. Beck, crystals of a purple color, and exhibiting the form of the cubo-octaedre of Haiiy, have been obtained at Rossie, as also large and very perfect dodecahedral crystals in the town of De Kalb, St. Lawrence county, N. Y. In New Jersey it is disseminated in the limestone at Franklin. Fine deep purple colored cubes have been brought from Smith county, Tenn. ; and other varieties from Shenandona county, Vir., and from Shawne Town, 111. Near Castleton in Derbyshire, fluor is found in detached masses, whose structure is divergent, and their colors, as grey, yellow, blue, brown, are 284 ACIDIFEROUS EARTHY MINERALS. generally disposed in concentric bands ; of this variety, called blue John by the miner, beautiful vases, obelisks, and other ornaments, are made. Compact fluor is harder than common fluor, and has sometimes a gran- ular texture ; in general it is translucent only on the edges; when placed on live coal, it mostly gives out a green light, but some specimens exhibit various shades of green, blue, violet, and red. It occurs at Stolberg in the Hart/, where, when first raised, it presents a fine sky-blue color, but shortly, on exposure, becomes perfectly white ; also in Norway, Sweden, and Cornwall. Earthy fluor exhibits a friable texture. It is found in Saxony and Nor-way ; in Durham, with partially decomposed galena ; and in a granu- lar pulverulent state, in the Beeralstone lead mine, Devonshire. The name Chlorophane has been applied to these varieties which, when exposed to heat, exhibit (he phenomenon of phosphorescence in peculiarly bright-green colors. One presenting an imperfectly lamellar structure, and of a pale-violet color, from Nertcschinsk in Siberia, possesses this property to a remarkable degree ; and in some of the Cornish specimens it is also easily detected. It does not fly in the fire, but gives out a phos- phorescent light of a most beautiful emerald-green,* which, if not exposed to too high a temperature, it will exhibit repeatedly. The circumstance of its fluoric acid being disengaged when treated with sulphuric acid, renders fluor spar a useful medium for executing etchings on glass, which are readily obtained by exposing a plate partially coated with wax to the action of this acid as it is evolved in a gaseous state ; that portion of the glass covered by the wax of course remains entire, while whatever has been laid bare will shortly be found to have been acted upon to a considerable depth, and thus figures of any description may be pro- duced on glass without much difficulty. ANHYDROUS SULPHATE OF LIME. ANHYDRITE. Muriacite, Wurfelspath, W. Chaux Sulphatee Anliydre, H. Anhydrite, J. Prismatic Gypsum Haloiile, M. Gypsalus rectangulus, D. When pure it consists of one atom (5) sulphuric acid and one atom (3'5) of lime. Formula: CalS. Sulz. Eisleben. Vulpino. Bohemia. Sulphuric acid. . . .57-0 56-J8 58-00 5(rO Lime 42-0 41-48 41-70 39-0 Water 0-0 0-75 0-07 0-0 Barytes 0-0 0-00 0-00 3-0 Silica 0-2 0-00 0-09 0-2 99-2 Klaproth. 98 51 Rose. 99-87 Stromeyer. 97-2 Beudant. Sp. Gr. 25 2-9. H. = 3-0 35. Anhydrite occurs crystallized in the form of a Right rec- tangular prism, of which the lateral edges are sometimes, though rarely, replaced. It readily yields to cleavage parallel with the planes of the prism, but with more difficulty in one direction than in the other two. It is white, violet, bluish, or reddish; is translucent, sometimes transparent; with a splen- * Whence Chlorophane, signifying brilliant green. ACIDIFEROUS EARTHY MINERALS. 285 dent, pearly lustre. It possesses double refraction. In the matrass it yields no water, and it does not exfoliate like gyp- sum B B, but becomes glazed over with a white friable en- amel ; with borax it fuses with effervescence into a transpa- rent glass, which on cooling is yellowish-brown, and which, ii the proportion of the assay be considerable, becomes brown and opake; with fluor spar it forms a transparent globule while hot, which alters into an opake-white enamel when cold. P on M or T 90 0' H. M on T 90 M on d 140 4 T on d 129 56 It is found in the salt mines of Hall in the Tyrol, and Bex in Switzerland; also in cleavable masses of a brick-red color imbedded with gypsum and polyhalite, in beds of rock salt at Aussee in Upper Austria. In the United States, at Lock- port, Niagara county, N. Y., this mineral occurs in foliated nearly transparent masses of a sky-blue color, in the geodes of the limestone. Compact Anhydrite or Vulpinite occurs massive, contorted, and reniform. It is found in the salt mines of Upper Austria and Salzsburg; at Sulz on the Neckar in Wirtemberg, and at Bleiberg in Carinthia. The contorted variety termed pierre des trippes (from its resemblance to the convolutions of the intestines) occurs in clay, in the salt mines of Wielitzka and Bochnia in Poland ; while the variety which takes a fine pol- ish, and is known by artists as the marmo bardiglio di Ber- gamo, occurs with limestone at Vulpino in Italy. HYDROUS SULPHATE OF LIME. GYPSUM." Sulphate of Lime. Solenite. Gyps, W. Chux Sulphate, H. Axifrangihle Gypsum, J. Prismatoidal Gypsum Haloide, M. Gypsalus Rhomboideus, U. This is a hydrous sulphate of lime, consisting of one atom sulphuric acid, one atom lime, and two atoms water. Formula, CalSl-)-2Aq. Analysis by Bucholz : Sulphuric acid 46'0, lime 33-0, water 2M). * Gypse is said to have been the term given by the ancients to calcined sulphate of lime j that mineral in its natural state is now termed gypsum j it contains water. 286 ACIDIFEROUS EARTHY MINERALS. Sp. Gr. 326 to 24. H. = 15 2'0. Of gypsum there are several varieties. It occurs crystallized ; fibrous; having a granular texture ; compact; and earthy. Selenite* occurs generally in flattish crystals. The primary form is a Right oblique-angled prism, of which the bases are oblique-angled parallelograms of 113 S 1 and 66 52'; it cleaves with ease and brilliancy, parallel only with the terminal planes P of the following figures, but cleavages parallel to the lateral planes may be attained from the finely divided laminae ; lustre shining, sometimes pearly ; more or less transparent, and so soft as to yield to the nail. The preceding figures are given only with a view to elucidate the manner in which the modifying planes abed of the following figure are situated on the angles or edges of the primary. P on M or T (primary) 90 00' ditto M on T P on 61 b2 cl c2 c3 a d e 61 on 61' 143 b2 on b2' . 108 c3 on c3' Ill a on a' 138 a on c3 118 d on a 149 62 on c3 . , , 126 113 108 144 153 143 124 112 110 90 08 00 40 55 42 20 14 51 00 48 05 20 42 18 20 It presents various shades of white, yellow, grey, brown, red, and violet. Reduced to thin laminae, it is flexible but not elastic. Gives off water in the matrass; and, B B, in the platina forceps, exfoliates and fuses with difficulty into a white enamel. With fluor spar it readily fuses. Selenite is most commonly met with disseminated in argilla- ceous deposits; not often in veins. The finest and most trans- parent crystals occur in the salt mines of Bex in Switzerland, at Hall in the Tyrol, in the sulphur mines of Sicily, near Ocana in Spain, and in detached and very symmetrical individ- uals in clay at Shotover Hill in Oxfordshire. Large lenticu- ' Selenite, from the Greek , in allusion to the brilliancy with which it reflects the moon. ACIDIFEROUS EARTHY MINERALS. 287 lar crystals, and the scaly varieties, are found at Montmartre near Paris. Broad foliated masses are common in the gypsum of Nova Scotia, and recently fine large groups of crystals of a brown color have been found at Sussex Vale, in the Prov- ince of New Brunswick. A remarkable specimen of the lat- ter is in the possession of Dr. Martin Gay of Boston. The tertiary formations of Virginia and Maryland, abound in large and very beautiful groups of crystallized selenite, particularly St. Mary and Calvert counties, which have been carefully explored by Messrs. T. A. Conrad and F. Markoe, Jr. Crystallized and massive gypsum occurs in New York; the former having the primary figure replaced on its longer termi- nal edges, is finely exhibited in some of the specimens from Lockport; the fibrous variety, possessing considerable lustre, is found in Onondaga county, and in most of the extensive plaster beds in the western part of the State. Remarkably beautiful transparent crystals having both the longer and shorter terminal edges replaced, (figs. 3 and 4) are imbedded in a snowy-white gypsum at Poland, Trumbull county, Ohio. The pure transparent folia from Lockport, contain small cavities enclosing a colorless fluid, which, from the sluggish movement to and fro of the small globule of air contained in it, resembles oil of vitriol. These specimens penetrated by dog tooth spar, and celestine, frequently possess great beau- ty, and form some of the most ornamental treasures of our cabinets. COMPACT GYPSUM occurs only massive; its fracture is compact, or slightly splintery , it is dull, or possesses a glimmering lustre ; is soft and translucent on the edges. Its colors are much the same as those of selen- ite, but it is often party-colored ; either spotted or veined. It occurs in England, at Ferrybridge in Yorkshire, in Nottinghamshire, and in Derbyshire. Near Sienna in Tuscany it is obtained extremely pure and compact; and is employed by the architect for columns and other ornaments, being more easily worked than marble ; it also admits of being turned on the lathe into cups, basons, vases, and other similar arti- cles. In South America in the Cordillera of Chili, the Valle del Yeso, takes its name from a great bed of pure white gypsum, which is at least two thousand feet thick, and where it is used in the manufacture of wine. - Darwin's Journal of Researches, p. 389. The most extensive deposits of gypsum in North America, are found in the new red sandstone formation of Nova Scotia, whence the greater part of all that is employed in agriculture in the United States, is obtained Gypsum is sometimes found even among the scorias of volcanoes, as at the Sandwich Islands. In the United States extensive beds of compact gypsum occur in Ohio, Illinois, Virginia, Ten- nessee and Arkansas; frequently associated with salt springs. FIBROUS GYPSUM occurs in extremely delicate and easily separated fibres ; also massive, of which the fibres are either straight or curved. It has a glistening or pearly lustre, and presents various shades of white, grey, yellow, and red; it is generally translucent. It occurs in Derby- 288 ACIDIFEROUS EARTHY MINERALS. shire in long slender fibres, and particularly at Matlock, where it is found in mas es of great brilliancy and remarkable lustre. GR./ NULAR GYPSUM generally occurs massive, being composed of an ag: regation of small crystalline laminae. It has a shining pearly lus- tre ; i translucent; and very soft Its colors resemble those of selenite. It occurs in beds in primitive and secondary rocks. At Luneburg it is the matrix of the boracite. Large quarries of a pure white variety exist near Cavalese in the Southern Tyrol ; also at Vizille, near Grenoble in France. In Cheshire and Derbyshire it forms beds in marl. EARTHY GYPSUM occurs in loose earthy particles or scales, which are dull, or possess a glimmering lustre, in beds, enclosed within the strata of secondary formations of gypsum, in Saxony, Salzburg, and Norway. The most decided characteristic of crystallized gypsum is the flexibility of its laminae, into which it may be separated to almost any degree of thinness; the massive varieties are at once distinguished from limestone by their inferior hardness, being readily scratched by the nail, and yield- ing a white powder. NITRATE OF LIME. Kalk Salpeter, L. Chaux Nitratee, H. Nitrate de Chaux, Beudant. Nitrocalcite. Picralum tenellum, D. Consists of nitric acid 57*44, lime 32, water 1056; answer- ing very nearly to the formula: CalNt+Aq. Primary form a Rhomboid, or a regular six-sided prism. It occurs in fibrous efflorescences often united in the form of silken tufts, or pulverulent; is very deliquescent, and solu- ble in water. On burning coals it melts slowly, with slight detonation, and, as it dries, loses its acid; the residue does not afterwards attract moisture from the air, and is phosphor- escent; taste bitter and disagreeable. It is found in silky efflorescences on old walls, in caverns, or on calcareous rocks, in the neighborhood of decayed vege- table matter; and in some mineral waters. It is said to form silky efflorescences in some of the limestone caverns of Kentucky ; whence it is obtained for the making of saltpetre. DATHOLITE.* Borosilicate of Lime. Borate of Lime. Datholit, W. Chaux Boratee Siliceuse, H. Chaux Datolit. Bt. Prismatic Datolite, J. Prismatic Dystorne Spar, M. Esmarkite, Hausmann. Uumboldtite, Levy. Vuicanus dystomus, D. Combination of silica, boracic acid, lime, and water. Arendal. Andreasberg. Andreasberg. Boracic acid 21 -67 21-26 21 -:M Silica 36-66 37-36 38-51 Lime 34-00 35-67 35-59 Water 5-53 5-71 4-60 97-83 Vauquelin. 100-03 Stromeyer. 100-04 Du Menil. * Datholite, from the Greek, signifying turbid .- in allusion to the want of transparency in the mineral. ACIDIFEROUS EARTHY MINERALS. Boracic acid.... Silica Lime Water Andreasberg. 20-315 38-477 35-640 .. 5-568 Arendal. , 21-377 , 37-5-20 35-398 5-703 100-00 Rammelsberg.* 100-00 Rammebberg. These last analyses by Rammelsberg and Dumenil nearly agree with the results obtained by Stromeyer, according to which Dr. Thomson has expressed the constitution of the min- eral thus: SCalSH-CalBH-S^Aq. Sp. Gr. 2-9 to 3-3. H. = 5'0 55. Datholite occurs massive, and crystallized in rhombic prisms of which the lateral edges and the solid angles are commonly replaced by planes; color greyish, or greenish-white; translu- cent ; fracture imperfectly conchoidal, with a somewhat vitre- ous lustre. The primary form is a Right rhombic prism of about 103 40' and 76 20', from the measurement of its natu- ral planes by the reflective goniometer. When exposed to the flame of a candle it becomes opake, and crumbles down be- tween the fingers; B B, it intumesces into a white mass, and then melts into a transparent or pale rose-colored globule. It dissolves readily in, and gelatinizes with, nitric acid. P on M or M' 90 0(X M M on M 7 103 40 M or M' on/ .... 141 48 on e, or M 7 on e' . 129 5 M' on i 160 45 Ponal 112 25 cl 147 45 c2 128 15 d 140 00 e or e' 140 55 h or i 147 50 dor cl 157 00 /or a2 141 00 e.g. It occurs at Arendal in Norway ; at Andreasberg in the Hartz; in the island of Uton in Sweden ; and in the valley of Glen Farg in Perthshire. In the United States the trap rocks of Connecticut and New Jersey, have furnished very beautiful crystallizations of this mineral. It is found at Hartford, Middlefield, Cheshire, and at one or two other places in the former state ; sometimes in a massive fibrous form, (botryolite). At Patterson and Ber- gen, N. J., the crystals, though usually highly modified, have f Berzelius' Rapport Annuel, 1840, p. 136. Rammelsberg's Handworterbuch, 1st part, page 183. 25 290 ACIDIFEROUS EARTHY MINERALS. exhibited the primary planes almost entire. It is here asso- ciated with calc spar, apophyllite, analcime and stilbite. Ac- cording to Prof. Beck, small crystals presenting the primary form only slightly modified, occur in gneiss near Yonkers, West Chester county, N. Y. BOTRYOLITE occurs in mamillary concretions formed of con- centric layers, having a splintery or fibrous texture ; it is brit- tle, translucent on the edges, and externally of a pearl- or yellowish-grey color ; internally white, greyish, and red in concentric circles. It also occurs in small botryoidai* masses, which are white and have an earthy texture. B B, it melts into a white glass. Its locality is Arendal in Norway, where it forms in a bed in gneiss, accompanied by schorl, magnetic iron ore, and iron pyrites. According to M. Rammelsberg, (Ber- zelius' Rapport Annual, p. 130, 1840,) it is generally mixed with carbonate of .lime, and when this is removed, the analysis of the mineral gives silica 36'90, boracic acid 1S'34, lime 34 27, water 10 - 22. It differs from crystallized datholite in contain- ing one atom more of water. HUMBOLDITE. The small, brilliant transparent crystals of this mineral from the Seisen Alps in the Tyrol, have been examined by M. Levy, and supposed not to be derived from a Right rhombic prism, but from an Oblique rhombic prism. He has hence considered it as a new species under the name of Humboldite. But no analysis has been made of these crys- tals, and the specific distinction supposed to exist by M. Levy is not generally admitted.! BARYTO-FLUATE OF LIME. Dr. Thomson, (Outlines, Sfc., i. p. 142.) This mineral occurs in Derbyshire, constituting a bed an inch thick in a slaty limestone. In appearance it is very simi- lar to grey compact limestone. Its specific gravity is 3 75. It was analyzed by Srnithson, who found it composed of sul- phate of lime 51*5, fluoride of calcium 48 ! 5; corresponding with one atom sulphate of barytes and three atoms fluoride of calcium.! Formula: 3CalFl+BrS. * Whence botryolite, from the Greek ; in allusion to the resemblance in form to grapes. f Mr. Brooke (Ency. Metrop , Art. Min. p. 502.) thinks that Levy was deceived by the imperfection of the crystals examined by him, and that both minerals agree in form and measurement. J Schweigger's Jahrbuch, i. 362. ACIDIFEROUS EARTHY MINERALS. 291 PHARMACOLITE.* Arseniate of Lime. Arsenikbluthe, VV. Chaux Arseniatee, II. Pharmacolite, J. Hemi- prismatic Gypsum Haloide, Haidinger. Gypsalus stellalus, D. Combination of arsenic acid, lime, and water. Wittichen. Andreasberg. Arsenic acid 50-40 45-fi8 Lime 25-00 27-28 Water 24-46 23-86 100-00 Klaproth. 96-82 John. The pure crystals of this mineral analyzed by the late Dr. Turner, were composed of arseniate of lime ?9'01, water 20-99, or of one atom of the former, and two and a half atoms of the latter. Formula : CalAs+2Aq. Sp. Gr. 2 64 2'8. H. = 2'0 2-5. The pharmacolite is found in minute fibrous or acicular crystals, which commonly are aggregated into botryoidal or globular masses, having a glimmering or silky lustre; more rarely in modified crystals, the primary form of which is sup- posed to be a Right rhombic prism. Cleavage parallel to P, highly perfect and easily obtained. Its color is white or grey- ish-white ; but the surface is often tinged of a red or violet color by arseniate of cobalt. B B, it is almost entirely volatil- ized, with a dense white arsenical vapor. In nitric acid it dissolves readily without effervescence. /on/ 117 24' o to the edge between ) go ,, Pharmacolite occurs at Andreasberg in the Hartz ; at Rie- gelsdorf, and Glucksbrunn in Thuringia ; at St. Marie-aux- Mines in the Vosges, in minute silky white crystals; and at Wittichen, near Furstenberg in Germany, disseminated on granite, in a vein containing cobalt, barytes, and sulphate of lime. Clear transparent crystals of pharmacolite, very dis- tinctly pronounced, and fully a line in diameter, were at one period found in the Grand Duchy of Baden, probably at Ba- denweiler, and of these some fine specimens are preserved in the palace at Carlsrhue. * Pharmacolite, from the Greek ; in allusion to its containing poison. 292 ACIDIFEROUS EARTHY MINERALS. The Picro-pharmacolite of Stromeyer, from Riegelsdorf in Hessia, contains about three per cent, of magnesia, but in other respects corresponds with this mineral. HAIDINGERITE.* Diatomous Gypsum Haloide, Haidinger. Gypsalus rhombicus, D. It is composed by the analysis of Turner, of arseniate of lime S5'68, water 14'32 ; or it is a sesquihydrous arseniate of lime, containing one atom less of water than the last de- scribed species. Formula: CalAs+l^-Aq. Sp. Gr. 2-84. H. = 2'0 25. Primary, a Right rhombic prism ; color white and transpa- rent, with a vitreous lustre, and white streak. Cleavage highly perfect and easily obtained parallel to d. Readily soluble in acid. Thin laminae slightly flexible. M on M 100 0' a on a over the terminal edge . . 126 58 This very rare mineral was distinguished by Haidinger from the pharmacolite of Baden, which it accompanies, and with which it used to be confounded. Its form and lustre are dis- tinct, and it occurs in crystals aggregated in botryoidal form. OXALATE OF LIME. H. J. Brooke. (Land, and Edinb. Phil. Mag. xvi. p. 449, 1840.) Mr. Brooke on examining some specimens of carbonate of lime supposed to be from Hungary, detected a few small crys- tals from one tenth to one fourth of an inch long, which, on examination by Mr. Landall, proved to be oxalate of lime with one proportional of water. Sp. Gr. 1-833. H. = rather than less calc-spar. It possesses a high metallic lustre, similar to that of sulphate of lead. Is very brittle; fracture being conchoidal. Is color- less, and transparent to opake. Its primary form is an Ob- lique rhombic prism (see fig. 12, p. xi. of the Introduction to this volume,) the secondary modifications of which are shown * In honor of its discoverer, Wm. Haidinger, Esq. Brewster's Journal, iii. 303 ; and PoggendorPs Annalen, v. 189. ACJDIFEROUS EARTHY MINERALS. 293 on the subjoined figure as given by Brooke. Cleavage par- allel to P, M and to c. P on M 103 14' P on a 127 25 P on c . . 90 00 P on b 109 28 P on s 136 48 P on/ 143 4 a on s 154 19 a on/ 143 18 a on c 142 36 a on b 101 41 M on IVr 100 36 M on u 160 45 M on c 129 42 M on a Ill 37 M on b' 128 4 Mons 136 48 Mon/ 142 15* Most of the crystals are twins, and remarkably symmetrical in their forms. All the planes are bright and perfect except M, which is striated by its alternations with u\ and/", which is also striated parallel to the edge bet ween f and f. Mr. Brooke observes that their crystals appear to have been formed contemporaneously with those of the calc-spar, in which some of them are imbedded ; a circumstance which excludes the sup- position of their being of vegetable origin. As only one other oxalate, that of iron, is known to exist in the mineral state, and as it occurs in a bed of wood coal, and the oxalic acid contained in it may be presumed to have been derived from vegetable matter, this oxalate of lime affords the first instance of the occurrence of oxalic acid as a distinct mineral product. TUNGSTATE OF LIME. Pyramidal Scheelium Baryte, M. Tungsten f Schwerslein, W. Scheelin Calcaire, H. Pyramidal Tungsten, J. Scheelite,J Jfecker. Scheelius pyramidalis, D. Combination of tungstic acid and lime. Sweden. Huntington, Con n. Schlackenwald. Zinwald. Tungatic acid 80-4-2 76-05 78-00 76-50 Lime 19-40 19-36 19-06 16-50 Oxide of iron. 0-00 1-03 0-00 1-47 Silica .. 0-00 2-54 2-00 2-94 Alumina 0-00 0-00 0-00 1-09 99-82 Berzelius. 99 98 Bowen .$ 99-86 98-5011 * For these measurements Mr. Brooke acknowledges himself indebted to Prof. Miller, of Cambridge. f Tungsten, German ; a heavy stone. J In honor of Scheele, who first accurately investigated this mineral, and discovered tungstic acid. $ Amer. Jour, of Science, v. p. 118. U These last two analyses are by Bucholz and Brandos. Schweigger's Journal, xx. 285. 25* 294 ACIDIFEROUS EARTHY MINERALS. The results of these several analyses approach very nearly one atom tungstic acid and one atom lime. The constitution of this mineral is therefore thus expressed : CalTn.* Sp. Gr. 6-0 6-1. H.:=4-0 45. Tungsten has a greyish and yellowish-white color, and oc- curs both crystallized and amorphous ; the crystals present the form of a four-sided pyramid, approaching nearly to the octa- hedron. Two of the lateral angles are often replaced by the faces of another pyramid considerably more acute (fig. 1.); the angles formed by the meeting of a plane of the upper with the adjoining plane of the lower pyramid, being, according to the measurements annexed to the following figure, 128 40'. It yields to cleavage parallel to the faces of both pyramids (figs. 1 and 3), with a somewhat shining lustre; it is translu- cent generally only on the edges. B B, it crackles and be- comes opake, but does not melt, except that the thinnest edges are converted, at a high temperature, into a semi- transparent vitrified mass: with borax it yields a white glass; and with salt of phosphorus melts in the oxidating flame into a transparent colorless globule, and in the reducing flame, into a green globule, which becomes of a fine blue color on cooling. When pulverized and thrown into heated nitric acid, it as- sumes a yellow color, but does not dissolve. Fragments dropped upon live coal exhibit a phosphorescent light. This mineral, when massive, considerably resembles carbon- ate and sulphate of lead, and also barytes. It may be distin- guished from the two first by its not effervescing in acids ; from the last by the yellow color which it assumes when placed in nitric acid. Fig. 1, the primary ; an acute four-sided pyramid. Fig. 2 represents the usual form in which this substance occurs ; its larger faces arise from the deep replacement of the pyramidal edges of fig. 1, by planes which are parallel therewith ; those of the primary crystal being thus reduced to small triangles. The replacing planes of fig. 2 are complete in fig. 3, forming a pyramid which is less acute than the primary. * CalTn, or CaW, according to the chemical formula of Berzelius, require 19-36 of lime, and 80-64 of tungstic acid, numbers which are almost exactly supplied by Berze- luu' own analysis of a very pure specimen, as given in the first column. [AM. ED.] ACIDIFEROUS EARTHY MINERALS. 295 P on P' 128 40' P on P 100 40 b 137 30 B. 62 150 34 c2 or c2' 136 28 or F' on/' ... 140 20 P on k or P on k ... 152 10 cl on cl over a .... 95 00 B. c2 on c2' 129 40 c2 or c2' on 62' . . . . 153 30 c2 on/ 160 50 /on k or k' 152 55 The above figure (with the exception of the upper planes, which are given on the authority of Bournon) was taken from a crystal in the pos- session of Mr. Sovverby. This mineral occurs both crystalline and amorphous, par- ticularly in the repositories of tin ore at Schlackenwald and Zinnwald in Bohemia ; the crystals from these localities are occasionally of large dimensions; the most symmetrical, how- ever, are found associated with apatite, molybdena, and wol- fram, in quartz, at Caldbeckfell in Cumberland. Sweden, Dauphine, and Cornwall, are other localities of this species. The only localities of this species in the United States, are Munroe, Conn., where it occurs massive and in irregular crys- tals in quartz associated with wolfram and native bismuth; and Trumbull, in the same State, near the topaz locality. CARBONATE OF MAGNESIA Magnesite, Jameson. Bandisserite. Ra/ounmffskin. Magnesialus fibrosus, D. Styria. Salem. India. India. Magnesia 48 47-88 46-00 48-03 Carbonic acid 49.0 51-82 51-00 51-35 Water 3.0 0-00 0-50 0-00 Insoluble matter... 0.0 0-00 1-50 0-00 100-0 Klaproth. 99-70 Stromeyer. 99-10 Henry. 99-38 Thomson. It is composed of one atom carbonic acid and one atom magnesia, or by weight of 5238 acid, 47*62 base; numbers which nearly accord with the mean of the above analyses of the mineral, there being a slight deficiency of the acid. But the late analysis of a specimen by Rammelsberg, gives these proportions almost exactly, viz. carbonic acid 52 21, magne- sia 47-79.* Specific gravity 2'8. Magnesite occurs massive, amorphous, and reniform; one variety, from Salem in the Carnatic, presents occasionally slight indications of crystallization. The fracture is splintery * Handwbrterbuch des chemischen Theils der Mineralogie, ii. p. 397. 296 ACIDIFEROUS EARTHY MINERALS. or flat conchoidal ; it is nearly opake, dull, and yields to the nail externally, but internally is slightly harder than calcare- ous spar ; is somewhat meagre to the touch, and adheres to the tongue. It is of a grey or yellowish color, with spots and dendritic delineations of blackish-brown. It occurs in serpentine, with bronzite, at Gulsen in Upper Styria; at Hrubschitz in Moravia; at Baldissero and Castel- lamonte in Italy; at Vallecas in Spain; at Baumgarten in Silesia. It occurs also in Scotland, in the Shetland Islands, and near Madras. In the United States specimens of great purity are obtained in large quantities in the serpentine at the Bare Hills, near Baltimore, and in the same rock at Hobo- ken, N.J. Earthy Carbonate of Magnesia. Meerschaum, W. Ecume de Mer, Br. Meerschaum is of a white or yellowish color; opake and dull ; it has an earthy fracture, yields easily to the nail, and adheres to the tongue; sometimes is so light as to swim on water, and occasionally is very porous. It consists of 45*42 magnesia, 47 carbonic acid, 4'5 silica, 2 water, 0'5 alumina, with traces of manganese and lime. Tromsdorff. It occurs in the isles of Samos and Negropont in the Archi- pelago, in mass, or disseminated, or in beds ; and at Kiltschik in Natolia. It is soft when first dug, and in that state is made into pipes, but hardens on exposure to the air. It is also met with in Carinthia, Moravia, and Spain ; and is mentioned as occurring in veins in the serpentine of Cornwall. In the Turkish dominions Meerschaum is employed as ful- ler's earth ; and it is well known as the material used in the manufacture of Turkish pipes. BREUNNERITE * Breunnerite, A. Carbonate of Magnesia and Iron. Brachytypous Lime flaloide, M. Spath Magnesian, Necker. Magnesialus rhombohedrus, D. Giobertite, Beudant. Consists of carbonate of magnesia, with carbonate of iron and manganese. Tyrol. Zillerthal. Fassathal. PfkschthaL. Carb. of magnesia. 80-05 84-79 82-99 82-99 Carb. of iron 13-15 13-8-2 16-97 15-59 Carb.ofmangan.. 0-00 0-69 0-78 1-19 99-20 Brooke. 99-30 Strom. 100-64 Strom. 99-69 Magnus. By Necker and Beudant this species is united with the last, but the iron seems to be an essential ingredient, and entitles it to the character of a distinct species. * In honor of Count Breunner of Austria. ACIDIFEROUS EARTHY MINERALS. 297 Sp. Gr. 30 3-2. H. = 4-0 4-5. Primary form an Obtuse rhomboid of 107 30', according to Brooke. Occurs in single, yellowish or brown, translu- cent crystals; lustre vitreous, sometimes inclining to pearly ; cleavage perfect parallel to the faces of the rhomb; fracture flat conchoidal. Soluble without effervescence in nitric acid. The best known localities of this mineral are the Rothen- Kopf and Greiner Mountains in the Zillerthal, Tyrol, where it occurs imbedded in chlorite slate, and associated with bit- ter spar, from which, however, it may be distinguished by its color, the breunnerite being brown or yellow, whilst the other is white and translucent. Under similar circumstances it is met with imbedded in green foliated talc on the island of Unst in Shetland. Allan's Manual. The rhombohedral crystals imbedded in the steatite at Marlboro', Vt, at Middlefield, Mass, and Smithfield, R. I., appear to belong to this species. It occurs also similarly asso- ciated in other parts of the country. CONITE. Conite, Friesleben, J. Sp. Gr. 3'0. Scratches glass. Amorphous, massive, and in crusts. Color flesh-red, exter- nally coated with iron ochre. Devoid of lustre. Opake. Brit- tle. Fracture sometimes fine grained or imperfectly conchoi- dal. Consists of Carbonate of magnesia 67'5, carbonate of lime 28*0, oxide of iron 3'5, water rO. John. It occurs in Iceland, on the Meissner in Hessia, and in Saxony. It has been usually described as a variety of dolo- mite, but as it possesses a greater degree of hardness, and dif- fers considerably in its composition from that mineral, it may prove to be a new species. SULPHATE OF MAGNESIA. Epaomile,Beudant, Naturlicher Bittersalz, W. Majrnesie Su1phat6e, H. Pel d'Epsom Natif, Br. Prismatic Epsom Salt, M. J. Picralum rhombicum, D. Combination of sulphuric acid, magnesia, arid water. Catalonia. Sulphuric acid 32-57 32-53 Water 51-43 51-43 Magnesia 16-00 16-04 100-00 Berzelius. 100-00 Gay-Lussac. Formula: MgSl+7Aq. Sp. Gr. 1-66 to 1-75. Primary form a Rhombic prism of 90 30' and 89 30'. It 298 ACIDIFEROUS EARTH5T MINERALS. occurs in crystalline fibres, rarely pulverulent; color white or grey, transparent or opake ; very brittle ; its taste bitter and saline. Soluble in less than double its weight of cold water. This salt forms the principal ingredient of several mineral waters, and is a product of the decomposition of certain rocks, upon the surface of which it appears in efflorescences. In the former state it is obtained at Epsom in Surrey, hence its name ; and in the latter it occurs in the old coal wastes or alum mines of Hurlet near Paisley; in the quicksilver mines of Idria ; on gypsum in the quarries of Montmartre near Paris ; and on the surface of the soil in many parts of Spain, and in Peru ; where according to Mr. Blake, it forms a large bed near Arequipa, and is often in crystals and in silky fibres, possessing great beauty. Also in Chili it exists in the waters of several springs particularly near Santiago. It occasionally exhibits a fine fibrous texture. In Sevier county, Tenn., according to Dr. Troost, this salt occurs as an efflorescence, or in fibrous crystalline masses in the cavities of slate rocks. In Oregon, Mr. Parker observed immense quantities of this salt in the neighborhood of the Rocky Mountains, where it forms an efflorescence to such an extent that the fields appear white like snow. NITRATE OF MAGNESIA. Nitro-Magnesite, Sheperd. Magnesie Nitratee, Necker. Picralum deliquescens, D. Contains nitric acid 72'0, magnesia 28*0. Wenzel. Color white ; is usually met with in a deliquescent state, mixed with nitre and nitrate of lime, on old walls and in lime- stone caves. WAGNERITE. Hemi-prismatic Fluor Haloide, Haiding-er. Magnesie Phosphatee of the French. Wnj- nerit, Fuchs. Pleuroklas, Breithaupt* Phosphorsaurer Talk, Leonhard. Fluellus ohliquus, D. It is composed, according to the analysis by Fuchs, as fol- lows. It is not certain which are to be regarded as the essen- tial constituents. Supposing only the phosphoric acid and magnesia to be essential, its constitution is one atom of the former, to two atoms of the latter. Phosphoric acid 41-73 Magnesia 4R-6B Oxide of iron 5-00 Oxide of manganese 0-50 Fluoric acid 6-50 100-39 Fucha. Sp. Gr. 311. H. 50 5-5. Primary form an Oblique rhombic prism 95 25' and 84 C ACIDIFEROUS EARTHY MINERALS. 299 35', whose base is inclined to its planes at an angle of 109 20'. In crystals extremely complicated. Color yellow of dif- ferent shades, often inclining to grey. Translucent. Streak white. Lustre vitreous. Most of the planes of the prism are deeply striated. Fracture uneven and splintery. B B, per se, it fuses with difficulty into a dark greenish-grey glass; with borax and salt of phosphorus, however, it is readily and en- tirely dissolved. From its powder digested in the nitric or sulphuric acids, fluoric acid fumes are given off. It occurs in the valley of Holgraben, near Werfen in Saltz- burg, in irregular veins of quartz, traversing clay-slate; but it is an extremely rare mineral. BORACITE. Borate of Magnesia. Boracit, W. Magnesie Boratee, H. Tetrahedral Boracite, M. Hexahedral Boracite, J. Biborate of Magnesia, Thomson. Boracius hemihedrus, D. Combination of boracic acid and magnesia, occasionally mixed with lime and a little silica. Luneburg. Segeberg. Schildstein. Boracic acid 69-70 63-07 64-14 Magnesia 30-30 36-03 31-11 Silica 0-00 0-00 0-50 Oxide ofiron 0-00 0-00 1-50 100-00 Arfwedson. 99-10 Pfaff. 67-25 Dumenil. Transparent crystals. Opake crystals. Boracic acid 69-252 68-876 Magnesia 30-748 31-124 100-000 Rammelsberg.* 100-000 Rammelsberg. The numbers furnished by the analyses of Arfwedson and Rammelsberg approach very nearly to those required by the for- mula MgB 2 , or 70'588 of boracic acid, and 29*412 of magne- sia. It is therefore a biborate, or consists of two atoms (6) acid, and one atom (2 - 5) of base, as above expressed. Sp. Gr. 2-56 30. H. = 7'0. It occurs only crystallized in the general form of the cube, of which the edges are replaced, and the diagonally opposed solid angles dissimilarly modified ; the cube is considered by Haiiy its primary form, but it exhibits an imperfect cleavage parallel to the faces of the octahedron ; fracture uneven, or imperfectly conchoidal, with a glistening lustre; more or less translucent; is hard enough to give sparks with the steel, and is of a yellowish-, greyish-, or greenish-white. The opake white crystals are not so hard, and contain a proportion of carbonate of lime. B B, on charcoal, it fuses and intumesces. It is difficult to obtain the globule transparent. On cooling, * Poggendorf's Annalen, xlix. 45 j or Rammelsberg's Handwb'rterbuch, i. 119. 300 ACIDIFEROUS EARTHY MINERALS. it is bristled over with needle crystals. With borax it fuses into a transparent glass tinged with iron. With biphosphate of soda it fuses into a transparent glass, capable of becoming opake by flaming. With carbonate of soda it fuses. If only the quantity necessary to procure a transparent glass be used, the assay on cooling forms crystals with broad facets as per- fect as those of phosphate of lead.* It is remarkable that the diagonally opposed solid angles, on the application of heat, become, the one positive electric, the other negative. P on P . . . 90 00' H. g ... 125 15 P or P on e . 135 00 b . , . 144 44 Until recently it has been found only in gypsum at the Kalkberg near Luneburg, and at Segeberg near Kiel in Hoi- stein, in small but very perfect isolated crystals. In the south- ern part of Peru, near Tarapaca, it is crystallized, imbedded in gypsum, and in rolled masses scattered through the plain. Blake. It has not been met with in the United States. HYDRO-BORACITE. Gypsalus fusilis, D. Hess, (Poggendorfs Annalen, xxx. 49.) Composition according to two analyses by Von Hess, as follows : Boracic acid Lime Magnesia Water 49-922. 13-298. 10-430. . . .26-330. 100-000 49-22 , 13-74 , 10-71 , 26-33 100-00 Dr. Thomson makes it a hydrous calcareo-biborate of mag- nesia, thus atomically expressed : CalB 2 +MgB 2 +5^Aq. Occurs in small needle crystals which seem to be flat six-sided prisms, which are elongated or consist in part of tangled fibres; contains spots on cavities filled with ferruginous alumina. Color snow-white ; translucent ; in spots red and brown with oxide of iron. In platina tongs swells up, becomes white and * Berzelius on the Blowpipe, p. 236. ACIDIFEROUS EARTHY MINERALS. 301 fuses to a clear yellowish-white vitreous globule, the flame be- ing colored green. In the alembic it decrepitates, becomes snow-white and opake, gives much water, by which litmus paper is reddened a little. On charcoal, becomes snow-white, and fuses with intumescence into a yellowish glass, which, as long as it is hot, is of a wine-yellow color, but on cooling, be- comes light. With borax or salt of phosphorus it dissolves, and gives a colorless vitreous globule. With a little soda it fuses immediately, with strong intumescence, into a transpa- rent yellowish globule; with excess of soda becomes opake and milk-white; with more soda spreads on the charcoal, and becomes, on cooling, white and crystalline. Hydro-boracite was named by V. Hess, on account of the large quantity of water united with the other constituents. It was taken by Gebhard for gypsum. It is slightly soluble in water, and readily in acids, the saturated solution yielding crystallized boracic acid on cooling. It was first noticed by Von Worth in a collection of Caucasian minerals. CARBONATE OF BARYTES.* Witherite,f W. Baryte Carbonatee, H. Diprismatic Hal Baryte, M. Rhomboidal Ba- ryte, J. Barolite. Baralus fusilis, D. Composed as follows : Alston Moor. Enaland. Styria. Carbonic acid 21-4 22.5 22-0 Baryta 78-6 .77-1 78-0 100-0 Withering. 99-6 Beudant. 100-0 Klaporth. It is thus shown to be a pure carbonate of barytes, consist- ing of one atom acid, and one atom barytes. Formula; BrC. Sp. Gr. 43. H.r=30 35. It occurs massive, stalactitic and crystallized ; the struc- ture of the massive is fibrous; the crystals in their general form resemble the common variety of quartz, namely, a six- sided prism terminated by six-sided pyramids ; but by the assis- tance of the reflective goniometer, it is found that the meas- urements are not those of a regular six-sided prism ; being on the lateral planes (M on M') only 118 30'; hence these crys- tals may be considered as macles, analogous to the artificial * Barytes, from the Greek, signifying heavy in allusion to the great specific gravity of the earth. t Witherite, after Dr. Withering, its discoverer. 26 302 ACIDIFEROUS EARTHY MINERALS. crystals of sulphate of potash, their primary form being a Right rhombic prism. Occasionally a re-entering angle is observa- ble on the alternate planes of the prism, as in the following figure, in which case the crystal is a made in a double sense. Internally translucent, with a glistening lustre; externally the small crystals are shining, the larger opake ; generally white, sometimes greyish or greenish. Exposed in the platina for- ceps to the blowpipe, it melts readily and with a brilliant light into a white enamel : it is soluble slowly and with feeble effer- vescence in dilute muriatic or nitric acid. M The first figure represents the primary form, a right rhombic prism of which, in the second figure, the lateral edges are replaced (the plane M r , totally disappearing) by the planes dl, 2, and 3, and the dotted lines in- clude one, of several similar portions, contributing to form the macled crystal on the right of it. Mon M' 118 30' dl or dl' 145 30 d2 or d2' 126 16 d3or dS' 110 30 M' on M" (re-entering angle) 175 30 It was first noticed by Dr. Withering, at Anglesark in Lan- cashire, in a vein, with sulphuret of lead and some of the ores of zinc, in globular concretions having a radiated structure. It occurs abundantly in the lead veins of the north of England, generally in botryoidal and reniform concretions, but of late years also in large transparent crystals. It has likewise been found in Styria, in Salzburg, Sicily, and the Altai Mountains in Siberia, but nowhere so abundantly as in England. This mineral is said to have been found many years since near Lex- ington, Ken., but at present we have no knowledge of its ex- istence in the United States. BARYTO-CALCITE. Baryto-calcite, Brooke. (Ann. of Phil., xliv. 1140 Hemi-prismatic Hal-baryte, M. Calcareo-carbonate of Barytes, Dr. Thomson. Baralus obliquus, D. Composition, according to the analyses of Children and ACIDIFEROUS EARTHY MINERALS. 303 Alston Moor. Carb. of barytes 65-9 62-20 Carb. of lime 33-6 31-65 Sulph. ofbarytes 00-0 0-30 Peroxide of iron 00-0 0-85 Water 00 3-45 99-5 Children. 98-45 Richardson. Reduced to the atomic constitution, the mean of these num- bers affords 5*23 atoms carbonate of barytes, 5-J9 atoms car- bonate of lime ; or the mineral is a compound of one atom of each of these constituents. Formula : CalC+BrC. Sp. Gr. 3-6 3-7. H. = 4'0. Primary form an Oblique rhombic prism, M on M 106 54', P on M 102 54'. M on M over the face h 106 54' Brooke. b on & 95 15 h on the edge between b and b 119 00 P on the same edge 135 00 Cleavage perfect and easily obtained parallel to the faces M and P. Occurs both crystallized and massive ; and of a white, yellow, or greyish color. Transparent or translucent, with a vitreous or resinous lustre, and white streak. B B,per se, it does not fuse ; but with borax, in the oxidating flame, affords a diaphanous globule of a light amethystine tinge, which be- comes colorless in the reducing flame, to which it communi- cates a yellowish-green color. It effervesces briskly in nitric or muriatic acid. Alston Moor, in Cumberland, is the only known locality of baryto-calcite. In the lead mines there, it occurs in consider- able quantity, and occasionally in crystals which exceed an inch in length ; but the larger crystals often suffer decomposi- tion, and are converted into a white mealy-like mass resem- bling barytes. 304 ACIDIFEROUS EARTHY MINERALS. BROMLITE. Bromlite. Dr. Thomson. (Land, and Edinb. Phil. Mag., xi. 48, 1837.) Bicalcareo-car- bonate of Barytes, of the second analysis. New Baryto-calcite of Prof. Johnston. We have three analyses of this mineral, one by Prof. J. F. W. Johnston, and two by Dr. Thomson, but they give very different results, as here shown : Fallowfield. Bromley Hill. Carbonate of barytes 62-156 49-31 60-63 Carbonate of lime 30-290 50-69 30-19 Carbonate of strontian 6-641 01)0 0-00 Carbonate of manganese .... 0-000 0-00 9-18 99-078 Johnston. 100-00 Thomson. 100-00 Thomson. According to the first analysis, the mineral seems to agree nearly in composition with baryto-calcite, and Prof. Johnston, in an ingenious article founded on his own analysis,* supposes the baryto-calcite to be a dimorphous mineral, while the carbo- nate of strontian exists in it as an isomorphous constituent. Dr. Thomson's first analysis gives exactly two atoms carbonate of lime to one atom of carbonate of barytes, whence its name bicalcareo-carbonate of barytes. But by a subsequent and more careful analysis, he has obtained the results above stated, and he supposes the manganese to have been previously over- looked both by Prof. Johnston and himself.f It thus appears to be a triple salt. Formula : 4BrC+4CalC+MnC. Sp. Gr. 3-718. H. = 2-25. Color snow-white ; translucent, lustre vitreous, fracture in general granular and uneven ; in one instance it presented the appearance of a foliated structure, and gave a rhomboidal cleavage. Thomson. Some specimens are of a pale-cream color and pearly lustre, others of a beautiful pink tinge ; they are harder than the baryto-calcite of Brooke, with specific gravity 3'76. Johnston. Characters B B, not given. Pri- mary form, as determined by Profs. Johnston and Miller, a Right rhombic prism. But it is usually found in dodecahe- drons, or six-sided pyramids, applied base to base. It occurs at Fallowfield, near Hexham, in Northumberland, where it was distinguished by Prof. Johnston : also in the lead mines near Alston Moor, and at Bromley Hill, near Alston. SULPHATE OF BARYTES. Heavy Spar. Schwerspath, W. Baryte Sulphatee Crystallisee, H. Lamellar Heavy Spar, J. Prismatic Hal Baryte, M. Barytine, Beudant. Baralus ponderosus, D. Consists, when pure, of one atom sulphuric acid and one atom of barytes, but it is usually mixed with impurities. * Lond. and Edinb. Phil. Mag., vi. 1., 1835] Ibid., 3d series, x. 373, 1837. t Ibid , 3d series, xi. 48, 1837. ACIDIFEROUS EARTHY MINERALS. 305 Frieberg. Stienmark. Klausthal. Schoharie, N. Y. Sulphate of barytes . . .97-50 90-00 86-00 90-37 Sulphate of strontian.. 0-80 0-00 6-75 O'OO Silica 0-00 10-00 5-75 9-63 Water 0-70 0-00 0-37 0-00 99-00 Klaproth. 100-00 Klaproth. 98-87 Jordan. 100-00 Macneven. A very pure specimen analysed by Stronmeyer, gave sul- phate of barytes 99'37, with a small portion of water and oxide of iron. Formula: Br.S. Sp. Gr. 4-41 to 4 67. H. 3'0 3-5. It occurs both massive and crystallized, with a lamellar structure, which in the massive is sometimes curved ; the crystals are divisible into the form of a Right rhombic prism, which therefore is the primary crystal ; its angles by the reflec- tive goniometer, from fractured surfaces, being 101 42' and 78 18': the lustre of the fragments is shining. It occurs transparent and opake; white, yellow, red, grey and blue ; it possesses double refraction when held in a particular direction. It decrepitates briskly, and is difficultly fusible, but eventually melts into a hard white enamel, which is not affected by acid. B B, communicates to the flame a pale yellowish green color. 1. 2. 3. 6. 7. Primary. 4. 5. the primary a right prism with rhombic bases. Fig. 2, the of which the obtuse edges are replaced by planes parallel with Fig. 1, same ; o those edges. Fig. 3, the same : of which each obtuse solid angle is re- placed by a triangular plane. In fig. 4, each acute edge of the prism is replaced by a quadrangular plane. In fig. 5, all the acute solid angles are replaced by triangular planes, which, in fig. 6, are so greatly increased as to give the crystal a prismatic form : in this figure the triangular planes of fig. 3 are also visible. In fig. 7, the triangular planes of fig. 5 are so greatly increased as entirely to replace the primary terminal plane, and to reduce the primary lateral planes to small triangles. Hauy has given figures of upwards of 70 different modifications of the primary form of this mineral. 26* 306 ACIDIFEROUS EARTHY MINERALS. Cl 127 12 d2 or d2' . . d3 or d3f . . . . 124 00 c. . . 110 30 . . 143 00 el or el' . . . . . 125 00 . . 115 30 --{: . 90 00 . 90 00 P on ctl 17300'e.g. M or M' on i 16000' a2 161 00 e.g. on h 128 55 a3 . 141 10 on d3 141 00 on d2 154 00 on tZ4 126 00 on/ 140 50 on g 166 00 /on g or g > 153 00 e.g. a4 148 10 a3 . 128 50 Tioni 153 00 e.g. cl on d2 155 00 c. g. Barytes is a very widely diffused species, and is also one which presents great variety of crystalline form. In the size and beauty of its specimens, the most noted locality is Dufton in Cumberland, where perfect crystals exceeding half a cwt. have occasionally been met with. Many elegant forms, though on a smaller scale, occur at Przibram and Mies in Bohemia. Crystals of large dimensions, and exhibiting splendid colors, are met with at Felsobanya and Cremnitz in Hungary ; while at Roya and Raure in Auvergne the form represented by fig. 7 is of general occurrence. The deposits of this species in Ame- rica, particularly the uncrystallized varieties, are very numerous. In the United States there are several localities which have furnished interesting crystallized specimens of this mineral, comprising many of the forms figured and described under dis- tinctive names by Haiiy. These are principally in New York in the same limestone which contains the strontianite, with which it is intimately associated, and has sometimes been confounded, owing to the similarity in the form of the crystals. For figures and description of these, the student is referred to the Mineral- ogy of New York, by Prof. Beck. The same forms occur also at Cheshire, Conn., in sandstone associated with carbo- nate and sulphuret of copper. At Hatfield, Mass., according to Prof. Hitchcock, it forms a vein from one to four feet thick, traversing sienite, and contains galena, blende and cop- per pyrites. A delicate fibrous variety of this mineral occurs abundantly at Pillar's Point, Jefferson county, N. Y., of a reddisji-brown and yellowish color. The compact, foliated and earthy varieties accompany the lead ores at Southampton, Mass., Perkiomen, Penn., and throughout the extensive lead mines of the Southern and Western States. Calstronbaryte.* Prof. Shepardf has given this name to a mineral found with heavy spar and strontianite in Schoharie county, N. Y., and from which he obtained 65 55 sulphate of * Signifjing the three bases which enter into the composition of the mineral. t Amer. Jour, of Science, xxxv. 161. ACIDIFEROUS EARTHY MINERALS. 307 barytes, or 22*30 carbonate of strontian, 12'15 carbonate of lime. These numbers give very nearly two atoms of sulphate of barytes, one atom carbonate of strontian, and one atom carbonate of lime, thus apparently forming a new definite combination of these constituents. It is thus described by Prof. Shepard: Sp. Gr. 4'20 to 4'22. H. = 335. Color white inclining to grey, rarely exhibiting a tinge of reddish- brown. Lustre vitreous to resinous ; translucent ; streak white ; brittle. Occurs massive, in broad, straight, lamellar masses. Primary form a Right rhombic prism. M on M = 102 30' to 103, thus differing from heavy spar. Cleavage, M on T perfect, the latter more easily obtained than the for- mer. Its secondary crystals have not been described. From the partial examination of another specimen from this locality by Prof. Beck, in which he found the proportions of the salts which compose it to vary considerably from those above stated, he is disposed to regard the substance as a mechanical mixture, not entitled to a specific distinction. The following have been described as sub-species of heavy spar : Columnar Heavy Spar, J. Stangenspath, W. Which occurs in rhom- bic prisms, generally ill defined, and aggregated laterally into columns. It is white or greenish, with a shining pearly lustre, and translucent ; structure lamellar. It occurs near Freyberg in Saxony. Bolognian Stone. Radiated Barytes. Baryte sulfatee radiee, H. Occurs in roundish masses, composed apparently of minute fibrous crys- tals radiating from the centre. Internally it is shining or glistening, and of a grey or yellowish-grey color ; it is translucent on the edges, and the fragments are wedge-shaped and soft. It is remarkably phosphorescent when heated, and retains that property for some time even after cooling. It occurs imbedded in marl at Monte Paterno, near Bologna.* Cawk.\ Occurs massive, with a coarse earthy fracture, and is opake, rarely translucent on the edges. It is white, grey, yellow, or reddish, and is glimmering or dull, soft, and brittle. Specific gravity 4-81. It occurs in Bohemia, Saxony, the Hartz, and particularly in Staffordshire, and the lead mines of Derbyshire. HEPATITE.! Baryte sulfatee fetide, H. Applies to such varieties as on being rubbed or heated emit a fetid, sulphurous, or hepetic odor, and are generally of a yellow or brown color. It consists of 85 2 sulphate of baryta, 6 sulphate of lime, 1 alumina, 5 oxide of iron, and 0-5 carbon. Klaproth. It occurs at Andrarum, and Kongsberg in Norway ; at Lub- lin in Galicia. Barytes is one of the most common accompaniments of metallic mine- rals in veins, and, when associated with ores of iron, possesses a deleteri- ous influence on the process of smelting. The pure white varieties are ground and used as a pigment, either alone or mixed with white lead ; but is otherwise of no great value. * Whence Bolognian Stone. f The name of Gawk is said to have been given to this substance from its resemblance to chalk. JFrom the Greek, signifying of a liver color. 308 ACIDIFEROUS EARTHY MINERALS. STRONTIANITE. Carbonate of Strontian. Strontianite.* Strontian, W. Strontian Carbonatee, H. Peri- tomous Hal Baryte, M. Peritomous Baryte, J. Barytes rubefaciens, D. Combination of one atom carbonic acid and one atom Strontian. Braunsdorf. Strontian. Carbonic acid 29-94 30-31 Strontia 67-51 65-60 Lime 1-28 3-47 Manganese 0-09 0-06 Water 0-07 0-07 98-89 Stromeyer. 99-41 Stromeyer. The purest specimens from Strontian, according to Dr. Thomson, contain one atom carbonate of lime ; which he re- gards as essential, and thus gives this formula : lOStrC+CalC. Sp. Gr. 36 to 38. H. = 3-5. It occurs massive, fibrous, stellated, and regularly crystallized in the form of a hexahedral prism modified on the edges, or terminated by a pyramid. The primary crystal is a Right rhombic prism of 117 32' and 62 28', by measurements on planes produced by cleavage, to which the crystals readily yield parallel to the lateral faces of the prism. The structure of the massive is fibrous, sometimes divergent, with a shining pearly lustre ; it is translucent, yields easily to the knife, and is brittle. Color grey, green, or brown. It is infusible B B, except on the surface, but becomes white and opake, and tinges the flame of a dark purplish-red. It is soluble with effervescence in mu- riatic or nitric acid ; and paper dipped into the solution, and then dried, burns with a red flame. M on M' . 117 32' h . . 121 30 ef on el' . . 108 12 el on e2 or \ , . . el'oneV $ 144 20 h on cl . . 126 5 c2 . . 143 20 cl on c2 . . 160 35 This mineral was described and its properties first deter- mined by Dr. Hope ; it was discovered at Strontian in Argyle- shire, in veins traversing gneiss, and accompanied by galena, barytes, calc-spar, and pyrites, in massive, stellated, fibrous, and diverging groups, but rarely presenting more than mere traces of crystallization. The finest asparagus-green as well *From ita having been first found at Strontian in Scotland. ACIDIFEROUS EARTHY MINERALS. 309 as dark-brown fibrous varieties, are from this locality. In Yorkshire, it occurs in acute snow-white pyramids; and at Braunsdorf, in Saxony, in brilliant white and brown hexagonal prisms. The most splendid crystals of strontiariite, however, have been found at Leogang in Saltzburg; but they are very rare. Very lately considerable veins of this interesting, but comparatively rare mineral, have been found near to Hamne in Westphalia, traversing rocks of the chalk series. It occurs in masses composed of granular distinct concretions, and in crystallized varieties. Color white. It yielded Prof. Becks 94-70 carbonate of strontian, 5 '22 carbonate of lime.* In the United States, it has been found at one or two places in New York, as at Muscalonge Lake, and Chaumont Bay; but the locality which has claimed especial attention, is in Schoharie county, the crystals from which, under their simple and compound forms, have been fully described by Prof. Shepard, in the Amcr. Jour, of Science, xxvii. 3b'9. It oc- curs also at this place in a massive form, of a pure snow-white color, and compact enough to receive a high polish. It was formerly mistaken for white marble. EMMONSITE. Dr. Thomson has given this name, in honor of Prof. EmmoiiSjf to a substance from the last named locality, and which he found to consist of carbonate of strontian, 82 69, carbonate of lime 12'50, peroxide of iron I'OO, zeolite 3*79 ; or of nine atoms carbonate of strontian, and two atoms carbo- nate of lime. Specific gravity 2 946. H. = 275. Color snow-white; structure foliated, with an imperfect cleavage parallel to the face of a Right rhombic prism. It re- sembles gypsum, is translucent on the edges and easily reduced to powder. It is somewhat doubtful whether the carbonate of lime is any thing more than a mechanical constituent of this mineral, which is here introduced only as a variety of the present species. Other analyses will show whether the propor- tions above noted are constant. BARYSTRONTIANITE. Stromnite. ( Traill, Edinb. Phil. Trans., ix. 81.) Contains carbonate of strontian 68'6, sulphate of barytes 27-5, carbonate of lime 26, oxide of iron (H, loss 1'2. Traill. Formula : 4StrC+BrSl+iCalC. * Jameson's Edin. Jour, of Science, xxix. 417. t Am. Jour, of Science, xxi. 171. 310 ACIDIEFROUS EAKTHY MINERALS. Sp. Gr. 3-7. H. 35. Occurs massive, of a greyish-white color externally, but ap- proaching to yellowish-white internally on the fresh fracture," lustre weakly shining and pearly ; translucent on the edges; brittle and soft. It effervesces with acids, but does not melt BB. The mineral was distinguished and described by Dr. Traill, who found it in veins with galena and barytes in a kind of clay slate at Stromness* in Orkney. It appears to be very rare. According to Profs. Beck and Emmons, a mineral agreeing with it occurs in Oneidaand Schoharie counties, N. Y. BARYTO-SULPHATE OF STRONTIAN. Radiated celestine, (Dr. Thomson, Outlines, S[c.,i. 111. Consists, according to Dr. Thomson's analysis, of Sulphate of barytes 35-195 Sulphate of strontian 63-204 Sulphate of iron 1-241 Water 0-720 100-360 Regarding the sulphate of iron as accidental, the mineral is composed of three atoms sulphate of barytes, and seven atoms sulphate of strontian. Formula: 7StrS-f 3BrSl. Sp. Gr. 3921. H.= 275. The color is white, with a very slight shade of blue. The texture is laminated, and the laminae, which are obviously im- perfect crystals, diverge as if from a central point, so as to form a kind of pencil. Brittle; very friable. B B, in the pla- tinum forceps, becomes of a dazzling white ; but does not easily fuse. Melts readily with carbonate of soda into a transparent colorless bead, which becomes white and opake on cooling. With borax it fuses very readily into a white- opake globule. This species is found in considerable quantity in Drum- mond island, in Lake Erie, and also at Kingston, in Upper Canada. CELESTINE. Sulphate of Strontian. Zolestine. Celestin, W. Prismatoidal Hal Baryte, M. Pris- matoidal Barytes, J. Strontiane Sulphatee, H. Baralus prismaticus, D. Combination of one atom sulphuric acid and one atom strontian. But even the purest varieties are sometimes mixed * Whence Stromnite ; Barystrontianite, from its containing both baryta and strontia. ACIDIFEROUS EARTHY MINERALS. with small portions of foreign matter ; as shown in the follow- ing analyses. Formula : StrSl. Lake Erie. Lake Erie. Sulphuric acid... . 64 44-00 Strontian 56-36 54-25 Alumina 0-00 0-75 Silica 0-00 0-50 Oxide of iron 0-09 0-53 Bristol. Fulphate of strontian. .98-35 Sulphate of lime 1 07 .Moisture 0-20 Foreign matter 0-37 99-99 Thomson. 100-00 Beudant. 103-00 Bowen. Sp. Gr. 3-6 4-0. H. =3-0 35. This mineral is white, grey, yellow, or reddish ; also of a delicate blue color;* it occurs massive, fibrous, stellated, and crystallized; the primary form is a Right rhombic prism of 104 and 76, by measurements with the reflective goniome- ter, from the planes produced by cleavage; the transparent crystals are pretty readily divisible into that form. It possesses a shining lustre; is translucent, transpnrent, or opake; and is brittle. B B, it decrepitates, arid melts into a white-opake friable enamel. If a fragment of this mineral be held for some time in the reducing flame, and then moistened with a drop of muriatic acid, and held to the blue part of a candle flame, it will color the flame beautifully purple. Kobell. Mon M' P on M o P on cl c2 h r" M 104 90 174 128 90 00' 00 32 14 00 al a2 a3 M on b / c2 on c2' 157 140 127 90 154 142 105 54 32 48 00 2 5 20 - -. :--..' Sometimes approaching to sky blue, whence Celestine. 312 ACIDIFEROUS EARTHY MINERALS. The sulphur mines of Sicily have long been celebrated for their magnificent groups of this substance; it there occurs in prismatic crystals, often beautifully transparent, aggregated, and either disposed on, or accompanied by, sulphur and gyp- sum; while numerous interesting forms on a smaller scale, occur at Bex in Switzerland, at Conil in Spain, and in the Vicentine. It is met with in straight fibrous concretions of a blue color, imbedded in clay, at Dornberg, near Jena, and in radiated scopiform groups, opake and of a bluish tinge, in red clay, at Aust Ferry, near Bristol ; crystalline and massive in magnesian-limestone, near Knaresborough in Yorkshire; radiated and fibrous at Norton, in Hanover (a variety which, according to Turner, contains twenty per cent, of sulphate of baryta) ; fibrous arid of a sky-blue color at Tornberg, Saxony ; and in earthy nodules, cracked and hollow, at Monte Martre near Paris. In the United States, a very celebrated locality of sulphate of strontian, originally brought into notice by Prof. Douglas and Maj. Del afield, is at Strontian island, on the south-western shore of Lake Erie. It forms a vein in secondary limestone, and is both massive, and in crystals of great size and perfec- tion, varying in color, as described by Major Delafield, from snow-white to dark-blue and greenish-blue, in lustre, from dull to resplendent, and in transparency, from the perfectly trans- parent to opake. The crystals present the Right rhombic prism truncated on its obtuse solid angles, and on its terminal edges by single planes, and they are usually very much com- pressed, as shown in fig. 13. These replacements are usually carried to an extent which has entirely obliterated the lateral primary planes, thus forming the trapeziune of Haiiy, fig. 4. At Rossie, St. Lawrence county, N. Y., accompanying galena and calcareous spar, they are in the form of low hexahedral tables, (fig. 5), or compressed in the opposite direction from those represented by figs. 3 and 4. These are of a very beautiful sky-blue color, but their surfaces are rounded and roughened by striae. The crystals from this locality sometimes exhibit the primary form entire, or but very slightly replaced on the obtuse lateral edges, and solid angles by single planes. In the vicinity of Lockport, N. Y., this mineral is found in considerable masses, composed of radiating prismatic crystals, sometimes crossing in cavities where they possess distinct forms, analogous, excepting that they are much more elonga- ted, to fig. 4. A fibrous variety exactly resembling that from Tornberg, Saxony, is associated with gypsum, in Herkimer county, N. Y. The same variety occurs at Franktown, Hunt- ington county, Penn. This mineral occurs also in great abun- ACIDIFEROUS EARTHY MINERALS. 313 dance near the Frankstone Gap of the Alleghany Mountains, in Huntingdon county, Penn. It resembles precisely the vari- ety from Dornberg, near Jena in Saxony. The locality extends, it is said, for fourteen miles. It is sometimes crystal- lized. J. A- Clay. Fine crystallized celestine, according to Dr. Troost, occurs in the limestone along the Cumberland river, Tenn. PHOSPHATE OF YTTRIA. Bendius, (K. Vet. Jlcad. Handl, 1824.) Phosphorsaure Yttererde, L. Xenotime, Bcu- dant. Phospbyttria, Berzdius. Tankelite. Yttna Phosphatee, Neckcr. Spanialus peritomus, D. Composed, according to Berzelius, of phosphoric acid and a little fluoric acid 33'49, yttria 62*58, diphosphate of iron 3 93. It is a subsesquiphosphate of yttria. Formula : Y^P. Sp. Gr. 4-14 4-55. H. = 4-5 5-0. Primary form, a Right square prism. Secondary form like the adjoining fig- ure in which it usually occurs. M on the faces of the pyramids about 135. Color yellowish-brown; with a res- inous lustre ; and pale brown streak. Cleavage perfect parallel to M ; frac- ture uneven and splintery; nearly opake. B B, it does not in the ma- trass yield water. On charcoal per me, it is infusible ; with borax it affords a colorless bead, which becomes milky on cooling; with salt of phosphorus it is diffi- cultly soluble into a colorless glass ; and with boracic acid and iron wire, yields phosphuret of iron. Insoluble in acids. This mineral occurs in crystalline masses imbedded in granite at Lindenaes in Norway, where it was first noticed by Mr. Tank of Friederickshall. CARBONATE OF YTTRIA. Berzelius' Jahres-Bericht, 1838, p. 207. MM. Svanberg and Tenger have communicated to the Academy of Sciences in Sweden, an account of a new mineral found by them at Ytterby, and which proved to be Carbonate of Yttria. It occurs in very minute quantities in the cracks of the gadolinite, and occasionally also attached to another gangue in fragments scarcely large enough for convenient examination. Its color is white, and it presents an appearance of radiated crystallization. No further description of it has been given up to the date of Rammelsberg' s Handworterbuch (Sup.) 1843. 27 314 ACIDIFEROUS EARTHY MINERALS. PYROCHLORE.* Wohler, (Brewster's Journal, vi. 358.) Microlite, Shepard. Eutilus dystomus, D. Combination of columbic acid and lime essentially, with va- rious metallic oxides. Frederickswarn, Norway. Miask, Siberia. Brevig, Norway. Titanic acid 62-75 Columbic acid 67-376 67-021 Lime 12-85 Oxides of thorium ) and cerium \ Lime Yttria Oxide of uranium.., Oxide of manganese 2-75 Oxide of iron 2-16 Oxide of uranium ... 5-18 Oxide of cerium 6-80 Oxide of tin 0-61 Water 4-20 5-159 .10-984 9-871 , 0-808 4-601 0-000 4-681 Protoxide of iron.... 1-285 1-3-29 Oxide of manganese. 0-146 1-G8 Sodium 3-930 trace 97-30 Wbhler. Fluorine 3-233 trace Water 1-116 7-059 Chesterfield, Frederickswarn, Mass. Norway. Columbic acid 75-70 53-10 Lime 14-84 19-45 Tungstic acid, yttria) 7 - 3 0-00 & protox.of uranium \ ' 0-00 Titanic acid 0-00 20-20 Peroxide of iron 0-00 2-35 Ox. of uranium, man- ? 0-00 ) 1-VCl ganese and tin 5 0-00 \ Moisture 2-04 0-80 102-030 Wbhler. 97-792 Wbhler. f Chesterfield, Mass. Columbic acid 79-60 Lime 10-87 Oxide of iron 0-99 Oxide of uranium and ) 2 .oi manganese \ Oxide of lead 1-60 Oxide of tin fl-70 Moisture 0-40 96-37 Hayes. 100-00 Shepard.J 97-10 Hayes. The results of these analyses show this mineral to be ex- tremely complex in its chemical constitution, and point out a great variation in the proportion of the constituents which are supposed to be essential. It is essentially a columbate of lime. Berzelius has given a formula answering to the second anal- ysis by Wohler, but the third differs from it in containing, be- sides oxide of uranium, a much greater quantity of water, as well as by the absence of fluoride of sodium, which he had regarded as an essential constituent of the mineral. For this he was unable to calculate a convenient formula adapted to the results obtained. The American mineral as now analyzed by Mr. Hayes, differs still more in the proportions of its acid and lime, and besides it contains oxide of lead. But it approaches very nearly to one atom columbie acid, and one atom lime or Cal Cl which may ultimately prove to be the true composition of the purest crystals of this mineral. Sp. Gr. 4'25. H.z=5'0.|| * Named by Berzelius from its property of becoming yellowish-green, BB; from r.vo, fire, and /Aopo?, green. as orgn ay stae y er, oug awre a acid containing titanic acid, as Wbhler himself afterwards ascertained, and as the analy- sis of the same mineral by Mr. Hayes has now confirmed. [AM. ED.] J Amer. Jour, of Science, xxxii. p. 341. Rapport Annuel, 1840, p. 137. II Shepard gives the hardness of the Chesterfield variety at 5-25, and its specific grav- ty 5-562. Mr. Hayes makes the latter 5-405. AC1DIFEROUS EARTHY MINERALS. 315 Color deep red-brown to black. The American specimens pale honey-yellow, or straw-yellow, and brick-red. Lustre re- sinous to vitreous. Translucent to opake, some crystals semi- transparent. Cleavage imperfect in the European specimens ; more distinct in the American, parallel with the planes of the Regular octahedron, which is therefore the primary form. This form is also indicated by minute strise on some of the Ameri- can specimens. Fracture conchoidal. It occurs in the primary form either perfect, or modified on the edges by single planes, or on the solid angles by four planes resting on the faces of the crystals. B B, variety from Frederickswan, yields water in the matrass, and becomes greenish-yellow ; per se, on charcoal, it fuses with great difficulty into a blackish-brown scoria ; with borax it effervesces and completely dissolves into a transparent globule, which appears reddish-yellow in the oxidating flame, but becomes opake on flaming, while in the reducing flame it is deep red, but changes into a bluish-grey enamel on flaming ; with salt of phosphorus it entirely dissolves, the globule being yellow in the oxidating flame, and on cooling usually green ; while in the reducing flame it darkens into violet; with soda gives the reac- tion of manganese. It gives also, as does the variety from Bre- vig, the reaction of uranium. The American specimens exhibit very nearly the same distinctive characters differing slightly, as might be supposed, from the presence of different or lesser accidental bodies. Pyrochlore was first discovered by Otto Von Tank, im- bedded in syenite at Frederickswan and Brevig in Norway. It has since been brought from Miask in Siberia, and from Greenland, but it is to be regarded as a very rare mineral. In the United States it was first discovered by Prof. Shep- ard at Chesterfield, Mass., imbedded in the albite which con- tains the rubellite and green tourmaline, and was described by him as a new species under the name of microlite.* Its identity with pyrochlore was first indicated by Mr. Teschema- cher, and has now been fully established by a very careful analysis, and a comparison of its pyrognostic characters, in- stituted by Mr. A. A. Hayes. YTTROTANTALLITE.t Yttrotantal, Karsten. Tantale Oxyee Yttrifere, H. Yttrotantalite, J. Columbus Berzelh,D, Of the yttrotantalite, Berzelius has described three varie- * Amer. Jour, of Science, xxviii. p. 361. Mineralogy, ii. p. 46. ( From its consisting chiefly of yttria and tantalum; but its more appropriate name would now be yttro-columbite. 316 ACIDIFEROUS EARTHY MINERALS. ties, all differing considerably in composition. Dr. Thom- son describes them as sub-species; the first as a tetracolum- bate; the second as a discolumbate; and the third as a tris- columbate of yttria. But it seems to be an impure mineral, and never having been observed crystallized, Berzelius has regarded it as a mechanical mixture of tantalum, yttria, ura- nium, lime, and occasionally, of tungstic acid. They all con- sist essentially of columbate of yttria. Dark. Black. Yellow. Columbia acid . . .31-815 57-00 59-50 60-124 Yttria 38-515 20-25 24-9!) 29-780 Lime 3-260 C-25 3-29 0-500 Tungstic acid 2-592 8--5 I -25 1-044 Oxide of iron .... 0-555 3-50 2-75 1-155 Oxide of uranium. 1-J11 0-50 3-23 6-622 97-848 Berzelius. 95-75 Berzelius. 99-89 Berzelius. 99-225 The dark yttrotantalite occurs in amorphous masses, has a lustre intermediate between vitreous and resinous, and when in thin fragments, appears translucent and slightly yellow. Specific gravity not exceeding 5'0. The yellow yttrotantalite forms laminaB in the fissures of felspar. Its color is yellowish-brown, it has a white streak, and is opake. Specific gravity 5'8 to 5'9. In the black variety, extremely indistinct traces of crystal- lization have been observed. It is black and opake, with an imperfect metallic lustre, and grey streak. Specific gravity 5-3 to 5-5. None of these varieties are acted upon by acids, nor are fu- sible, per sc, B B, although they decrepitate and acquire a lighter color; but they exhibit very different results when fused with re-agents. They are all found in Sweden at Ytterby, in red felspar ; and at Broddbo and Finbo near Fahlun, imbedded in quartz and albite, and associated with garnet, mica, and pyrophysa- lite. They are among the numerous rare substances which have been brought to the notice of mineralogists, by the sagac- ity and careful researches of Berzelius. FERGUSONITE.* Haidinger, (Edinb. Roy. Soc. Trans., x. part ii. p. 271.) Columbus hemiquadratus, D. Combination of columbic acid, yttria, zirconia, and the oxides of cerium, tin, uranium, and iron. * In compliment to Robert Ferguson, Esq., of Raith M. P. ACIDIFEROUS EARTHY MINERALS. 317 Columbic acid 47-75 Yttria 41-91 Zirconia 3-03 Protoxide of cerium 4-68 Oxide of tin 1-00 Oxide of uranium 0-95 Peroxide of iron 34 99-65 Hartwall. The atoms of bases are about five times as numerous as those of the columbic acid, but it is probable that some of these constituents are only accidental. Formula, by Dr. Thomson, 4Y 5 Cl+(Cr, Zr, Ur, F) 5 C1. Sp. Gr. 58 5-9. H. 5-5 60. In pyramidal crystals of a brownish-black color, which are opake except when in thin splinters, and are externally dull. Primary form a Right square prism, of which the following figure represents the actually occurring crystals. s on s z on z' 100 28' 128 27 159 02 Fracture perfect conchoidal, with a brilliant vitreous lustre ; streak very pale brown ; traces of cleavage parallel to the faces s. B B, per se, it is infusible, but loses its color and be- comes pale greenish-yellow ; is difficultly soluble with borax into a yellow glass ; with soda is decomposed without melting, and leaves a reddish scoria. It may be entirely dissolved in salt of phosphorus, but some particles remain a long time un- altered. The pale-greenish globule becomes opake by flaming, or on cooling, when very much saturated. Previous to com- plete solution in the latter, the glass assumes in the reducing flame a slightly rose-red tinge. This rare species was found by Sir Charles Giesecke, dis- seminated in quartz, at Kikertaursak, near Cape Farewell, in Greenland. It was first distinguished as a new species, and described by Mr. Haidinger. 27* 318 ACIDIFBROUS EARTHY MINERALS. HAYESINE.* ' Borocalcite.t Hydro boratc of Lime. For our accurate knowledge of this new mineral, we are in- debted to A. A. Hayes, who ascertained that the pure speci- mens consisted wholly of borate of lime, united with water; and we are indebted to him for the following description of its characters, as well as for determining its composition. Dried at 150 F., it contains in 100 parts : Boracicacid 46-111 15-370 3 Lime 18-889 5-394 1 Water 35-000 31-lil 6 lOO'OO If we regard the atomic weight of boracic acid as 3, the mineral evidently consists of three atoms boracic acid to one atom of lime; or it is a hydrated ter-borate of lime. Formu- la : CalB 3 +6Aq. But taking Berzelius' atomic numbers, the formula, as given by Mr. Hayes, is CaB 2 +6H. It occurs in globular masses of a fibrous structure, having externally a brown color ; when broken these masses appear to be formed of snow-white delicate fibres, interwoven, curved and knotted ; the lustre being satin-like, and the fibres so soft as to crush readily between the fingers. Placed in warm water it expands, and forms a consistent paste, and exhibits numerous tufts of radiating fibres. It dissolves in dilute ni- tric acid, and the solution poured into a large quantity of am- monia, produces a precipitate which soon re-dissolves in the alkaline fluid. In moist air it attracts moisture and exhales a peculiar odor. B B, it intumesces and gives off water; con- tracting, it becomes white and opake. More highly heated, it melts, and with continued bubbling, gives a clear white glass. With its bulk of soda, it-gives a glass which is clear and col- orless while hot, but becomes opake and crystalline on cool- ing. It encloses fragments of argillaceous slate with brilliant and perfect crystals of Glauberite, which are sometimes pene- trated by the fibres of the borate. This is the first known occurrence of this rare salt in the mineral kingdom. It is found associated with various other saline substances, in the Province of Tarapaca, Peru, and was brought to the United States by Mr. J. H. Blake, to whom we are indebted for much new and valuable information in rela- tion to the rich mineral districts of Chili and Peru. * Named in honor of the analyst. | Borocalcite, alluding to the composition of the mineral. CLASS V. ACIDIFEROUS ALKALINE MINERALS UNDER this head are included such minerals as consist chiefly of an alkali united with an acid; but several of them are very impure in their native state. NITRATE OF POTASH. Nitre, Naturlischer Salpeter, W. Potasse Nitratee, H. Prismatic Nitre, J. Prismatic Nitre Suit, M. Nitrum rhombicum, D. Consists of potash 46'46, nitric acid 53-54 ; or one atom of potash, and one of acid. Formula : KNt. Sp. Gr. l-9 2'O. Primary form a Right rhombic prism of about 60 and 120. Occurs in crusts, and in capillary crystals, of which the forms are not discernible ; it is whitish or yellow ; is trans- lucent or transparent ; brittle ; saline, and cooling to the taste ; it deflagrates when placed on a hot coal, and detonates with combustible substances. It occurs on or near the surface of the earth, on old walls, &c. In Hungary, Persia, Arabia, Egypt, and in many of the plains of Spain, it is found in considerable quantities. It is also common in India, especially on a large plain near Agra in Bengal. The mountainous regions of Kentucky, which are calcareous and full of caverns, afford it to the inhabitants of North America. In South America, the plains bordering the sea, near Lima, are covered with it. It is not however pro- duced naturally to an extent sufficient for its multiplied uses ; and is therefore principally procured artificially from the de- composition of animal and vegetable substances. Nitre is employed in medicine, the arts, and in metallurgy for assisting the processes of oxidating and smelting ; but its 320 ACIDIFEROUS ALKALINE MINERALS. principal, if not its chief use, is in the manufacture of gunpow- der, for which that imported from Egypt is most esteemed, as it contains the least calcareous matter. Gunpowder consists of seventy-six parts of nitre, nine of sulphur, and fifteen of light charcoal. This salt has been found in several of the large caves which occur in the limestone in the Southern and West- ern States, particularly in Madison county, Kentucky. SULPHATE OF POTASH. Prismatoidal Glauber Salt, M. Aphthitalite, Shep. Potasse Sulphate, H. Sp. Gr. 1731. H. = 25 3-0. Massive ; mammillary, apparently formed in successive layers. Color white or yellow, with certain bluish or greenish stains. Lustre vitreous ; translucent; taste saline and bitter ; cleavage and fracture indistinct. Consists of sulphate of potash, with a trace of sulphate and muriate of copper. The artificial crystals present Right rhombic prisms, having their acute angles replaced, so as to form dihedral summits; they consist of sulphuric acids 45 93, and potash 54*07 ; they decrepitate when heated, and fuse at an increased temperature. edge x on that opposite 120 29' P on P 132 32 don d . . 112 8 The natural salt has been met with in a state of sublima- tion surrounding the fumaroles of volcanoes, and particularly at Vesuvius. CARBONATE OF SODA. Natron,* Beudant. Naturlisches Mineralalkali, W. Soude Carbonatee, H. Prismatic Natron, J. Prismatic Natron Salt, M. Natron efflorescens, D. Combination of the following substances, according to the analyses by Beudant here recorded. Hungary. Egypt. Vesuvius. Soda 50-2 13-8 ...46-7 Carbonic acid 35-1 30-9 32-3 Water 14-7 13-5 14-0 Sulphate of soda 0-0 7-3 0-0 Chloride of sodium 0-0 31 " 2-7 Earthy matter 0-0 1-4 \\\\ 5. 100-0 100-0 ~l(JH) * Natron ; from the desert of Natron, where it is said to have been anciently collected. ACID1FEROUS ALKALINE MINERALS. 321 Formula by Beudant : NC 2 +Aq. Sp. Gr. 1-5. H. = 1-0 1-5. It is found crystallized, massive, fibrous, and sometimes ra- diated, in crusts, and efflorescent. Primary form, according to Haiiy and Beudant, an octahedron with a rhombic base ; but the form produced by dissolving and re-crystallizing arti- ficially, is an Oblique rhombic prism ; P on M or M' 108 43', M on M 76 12'. When fresh, the massive is compact or granular, of a glistening lustre, and translucent, but on expo- sure it becomes opake. Color grey or yellowish-white ; taste urinous and saline. It effervesces with acids, is very soluble in water, and melts readily B B. It communicates a yellow tint to the flame of alcohol, by which it can be distinguished from carbonate of potash. It effloresces in the air. The natural crystals of this species are rarely found distinct. Being a salt which loses its water on exposure to a dry atmos- phere, it occurs most frequently in the state of efflorescent pow- der on the surface of the earth, at the sides of lake, or in natu- ral caverns. In the plain of Debretzin in Hungary, it appears during the heat of summer in saline efflorescences like heaps of snow ; also in Bohemia, and Italy. It is likewise met with either dissolved in the water of certain hot springs, as those of Carlsbad in Bohemia and Rykum in Iceland, or in some lakes, as the soda lakes of Egypt. In South America, according to Mr. Blake, it is found near Pica in Peru, and at several places on the eastern border of that portion of the Desert of Atacama which lies in Bolivar. The natron both of Egypt and Hungary is imported in pul- verulent masses of a dirty-grey color. Its chief employment is in the manufacture of soap, but it enters also into the com- position of glass, and is used in dyeing, bleaching, &,c. TRONA. Urao, Beudant. Trona, Haidinger. (Edinburgh Jour, of Science, ii. 325.) Prismatic Natron, J. Hemi-prismatic Natron Salt, M. Natron permanens, D. Combination of soda, carbonic acid, and water. Crystallized. p^ous. Columbia. Barbary. Soda 37-43 38-62 41-22 Carbonic acid.... 39-27 40-13 39-00 Water 23-28 21-24 18-20 Foreign matter .. 0-00 0-00 0-! 99-93 Beudant. 99-99 Boussingault. 109-00 Rivero. The above numbers correspond with the formula, NC^+SAq. Sp. Gr. 2-112. H.z=25 275. Primary an Oblique rhombic prism of 132 30' and 47 30'. 322 ACIDIFEROUS ALKALINE MINERALS. n on n 132 30' M on T 103 15 TionT 103 45 Cleavage perfect and easily obtained parallel to M. Surface of n and M smooth, of T generally striated horizontally. Sel- dom in distinct crystals. Color white, inclining to yellowish- grey when impure. Transparent when in minute crystals, translucent in large masses; streak white ; taste pungent and alkaline; fracture uneven; rather brittle. Soluble in water, though less so than natron. This substance is distinguished from the preceding not only in crystalline form, but in superior specific gravity and hardness ; in being more difficultly soluble in water, and in its taste being less intensely alkaline; neither does it deliquesce as natron does, and it may be preserved for any length of time unchanged in a dry atmosphere. It occurs in the province of Sukena in Egypt, forming a thin stratum in muriate of soda ; also in Barbary, and in Maracaibo and Columbia in South America. Trona is its African, Urao its American name. In the valleys of the Bolivian Andes, it was found by Mr. Blake in the waters of the small lakes, and encrusting the soil. At Payta, in the southern part of Peru, it forms beds of con- siderable extent, as also in the Province of Buenos Ayres at Caracal, and resembles that from Africa. In Peru it is known by the Indian name of Colpa. SULPHATE OF SODA. Glauber Salt. Naturlfeches Gkubersalz, W. Soude Sulphatee, H. Prismatic Glauber bait, M. J. Exantholose, Beudant. Picralum Glauberium, D. Vesuvius. Hildesheim. Contains Soda 35-0 3:5-4 Sulphuric acid. . ..44-8 42-5 Water 20-2 18-8 Earthy matter.... 0-0 5-3 100-0 Beudant 100-0 Beudant. Formula by Beudant : NSl 3 +2Aq. Sp. Gr. 1-47. Primary form an Oblique rhombic prism of 99 36' and 80 24'. Sulphate of soda is found in efflorescences of a yellow or greyish-white color, or in an earthy form, but is more com- monly dissolved in certain mineral waters; translucent or ACIDIFEROUS ALKALINE MINERALS. 323 opake; lustre vitreous on the fresh fracture, dull on the sur- face ; extremely efflorescent, and falling spontaneously into powder. It is cooling, bitter and saline to the taste, and is usually met with in the neighborhood of rock-salt or brine springs. B B, in the matrass it melts in its water of compo- sition. Sulphate of soda is found in the salt mines of Upper Austria, Hungary, and Switzerland; near Madrid in efflorescences at the bottom of a ravine ; at Grenoble in France ; in the work- ings of old mines, and sometimes on old walls, in the same manner as nitre. It is an ingredient of the hot springs of Carlsbad, Eger, and Sedlitz in, Bohemia. Mixed with com- mon salt, sand, and gypsum, sulphate of soda forms a consider- able part of the desert of Atacama in the western part of Boli- var ; and in the northern part of Peru, with nitrate of soda and common salt, it forms beds several feet in thickness, which cover a surface of several hundred square miles. Blake. When purified of the iron with which it is usually tinged in the native state, or when prepared artificially, it is used in medicine under the name of Glauber's Salt. THENARDITE. Jfecker. Picralum Thenardianum, D. Anhydrous sulphate of soda, mixed with a minute proportion of the sub-carbonate of soda. Sulphate of soda 99'78, sub-car- bonate of soda 0'22. Casaseca. Specific gravity 2'73. Pri- mary form a Right rhombic prism of about 125 and 55. Oc- curs in rhombic octahedrons, simple, or modified on the summit, which are grouped one upon another. Cleavage parallel to the faces of the prism ; most distinct parallel to its base. Color white or reddish ; transparent or translucent. Superficially efflorescent. B B, in the matrass, yields no water. Soluble in water. This substance occurs in crystalline coatings at the bottom of certain lakes, at a place called Les Salines Espartines, five leagues from Madrid, and two and a half from Aranjuez ; where it is collected for the fabrication of artificial sub-carbo- nate of soda. This mineral has also been discovered by Mr. Blake in Peru, near Tarapaca, and in Bolivar, forming veins in the sandstone and gypsum, and often crystallized in small rhombic prisms. NITRATE OF SODA. Zootinsalz, Breithaupt. Soude Nitratee, Meeker. Nitrum rhombohedron, D. It usually occurs mixed with other salts, as shown by the analyses of the specimens from Peru, as given on the next page. 324 AC1DIFEROUS ALKALINE MINERALS. Consists of Soda 45-03 37-2 Nitric acid 54-97 62-8 100-00 100-0 Gmelin. The last analysis gives almost exactly one atom acid and one atom borax. Formula: NNt. Sp. Gr. 2-1. H. = 1'5 2-0. Primary form an Obtuse rhomboid of about 106 and 74 ; cleavage parallel to the faces of the primary. This salt appears occasionally as an efflorescence, sometimes crystallized, more often intermixed with clay and sand ; to the taste it is cool and bitter; it is deliquescent; and when exposed on heated char- coal it melts and deflagrates. It is described by Mr. Blake as occurring in extensive beds resting on marl containing frag- ments of shells, on the western border of the Pampa of Tame- rugal, province of Tarapaca, in Peru. The average depth of the beds is four feet. The mass is not a pure nitrate of soda, but consists of variable proportions of sulphate of soda and common salt, with iodate of soda and chloro-iodate of soda, as appears by the analyses of Messrs. Hayes and Blake. The mixed salt is termed caliche. It possesses a granular struc- ture, some specimens resembling pure refined sugar, while others are reddish-brown, common yellow, and grey. These mixed salts gave the following results : Peru. Peru. Peru. Peru. Nitrate of soda 64-98 64-00 70-20 94-291 Sulphate of soda 3-00 225 5-65 Sulphate of potash 0-239 Sulphate of magnesia.. 0-00 2-75 0-00 Nitrate of potash 0-426 Chloride of sodium 28-69 29-31) 20 70 1 -990 lodic salts 0-63 0-00 2-20 Nitrate of magnesia... . 0-858 Sheila and Marl 2-60 0-50 1-05 Water 1-993 Sand 0-203 99-90* 98-80f 99-80}; 100-000$ In 1837, 150,000 quintals of refined nitrate of soda were shipped from the port of Yquique. Large cavities in the beds are often met with which contain large and regular crystals of nearly pure nitrate of soda. BORATE OF SODA. Boraxsaures Natron, L. Soude Dora tee, H. Prismatic Borax Salt. M. Biborate of Soda. Borax. Tincai. Borax obliquns, D. Contains, by Klaproth's analysis, soda 14-5, boracic acid 37-0, water 47'0. Formula: NB 2 Sp. Gr. 1-74. H.r=2-0 2-5. * By M " a y es ' average specimen taken from numerous beds.- Amer. Jour, of Science, XXMX. p. O/O. + % M u B w ke iJ , P ? rtiOI L ofa . white compact mass from Almonte. j Also by Mr. Blake. Specimen of a brown yellow color from Molina. $ Analysis by Horstetter. Rammelsberg's Handwbrterbuch. Supplement p 103. ACIDIFEROUS ALKALINE MINERALS. 325 Tincal occurs in prismatic crystals, variously terminated, and yielding to mechanical division parallel to the lateral planes of the primary form an Oblique rhombic prism of 86 30' and 93 30' and both its diagonals. The crystals are whitish, oc- casionally possess a tinge of blue or green, and vary from translucent or nearly transparent, to opake. Taste feebly al- kaline ; soft and brittle. B B, it intumesces violently and then fuses into a transparent globule. TJL M on M . P on M or M or M' 01 M' on k . ]V i I' h 86 101 133 136 138 30' 30 20 45 12 Ponh . gl --*2 e . e on g2 . 106 139 115 114 141 30 15 30 28 52 Tincal is chiefly brought from Thibet, where it is found on the surface of the soil in the vicinity and at the bottom of cer- tain lakes. It is mentioned likewise from the province of Po- tosi in Peru. The borax in its crude state is called tincal, and is brought to Europe in the form of a brownish-grey impure salt, or in detached crystals resembling the above figure. It is employed as a flux in several metallurgical processes, and in the manufacture of solder. CHLORIDE OF SODIUM. Hexahedral Rock Salt, M. J. Steinsalz, Leonhard. Sal Alare> Beudant, Sel Gemme, JVecker. Chloride of Sodium. Sal cubicum, D. Rock-salt is anhydrous, or contains no water of crystalliza- tion, and when pure, consists of chlorine 59'5, and sodium 40-5, or one atom of each element. It was formerly regarded as a compound of muriatic acid and soda. The Cheshire rock-salt contains, by Henry's analyses, nearly two per ct. of impurities ; viz. sulphate of lime, chloride of calcium, and chloride of magnesium, Sp. Gr. 2'3. H. =2-0. It occurs in beds or masses; sometimes crystallized in the form of the cube, which , is that of its primary crystal, and into which, when pure, it may readily be cleaved ; lustre vitreous ; translucent or transparent ; when pure, colorless or white; but when with any foreign admixture, reddish-brown, brick-red, violet-blue, and green. 28 326 AC1DEFEROUS ALKALINE MINERALS. It yields with facility to the knife ; and when scratched with the nail receives an impression, but yields no powder. It at- tracts moisture, but remains unaltered in a dry atmosphere. It has sometimes, though rarely, a fibrous texture. P on P' or P" 90 00' II. P, P', or P", on a .... 125 15 a on a 109 28- Chloride of sodium is one of the most abundant substances in nature. Not only is it found in large beds and masses, but also in the waters of certain springs and lakes, and in those of every sea. It forms about one-thirtieth part of the waters of the ocean. Rock-salt is commonly disposed in thick beds, either super- ficially, as in Africa, or at a very great depth, as in Poland ; sometimes also at a high level, as in the Cordilleras of America, and in Savoy, where it occurs at an elevation equal to that of perpetual snow. Its principal European deposits are the salt-mines of Wie- liczka in Poland, where perfect cubes are frequently met with ; the Saltzkammergut in Upper Austria, Hallein in Saltzburg, and Hall in the Tyrol, in which it is accompanied with, and imbedded in clay, gypsum, and other extraneous matter ; and Northwich in Cheshire, where it occasionally presents pure, transparent, and highly cleavable specimens. All these depo- sits afford extensive supplies for culinary and other economic purposes, though generally in a state so far from pure as to render the process of solution and subsequent evaporation in- dispensable. In Peru, Bolivar and Chili, this salt often appears in thin crusts on the surface mixed with other salts, and also in exten- sive beds. On the Pampa of Tamarugal in the southern part of Peru, round masses of rock-salt, five or six feet in diameter, lie piled one above another to the depth of several feet, present- ing a rough, white and dazzling surface extending for several leagues. They are used by the inhabitants in constructing their houses. In some places it is of a deep red colour, but in the vicinity of Pisco it is sufficiently pure for the ordinary pur- poses to which it is applied. Fine crystallized specimens, re- markable for transparency, were found in the Bolivian Andes. Blake. According to Dana very beautiful crystals of cubic salt are found at the Ewa Salt Lake, Oahu. In the United ACIDIFEROUS ALKALINE MINERALS. 327 States the numerous salt springs are supposed to have their origin from the solution of rock-salt, but we have had no well authenticated account of its occurrence in any other form until very recently. In the American Journal of Science, vol. xli, the Editors have announced the discovery of this valuable sub- stance in Washington county, Virginia, where it is found in the midst of salt springs, and is accompanied by gypsum. " It is highly crystalline in its structure, and excepting its red colour, derived from iron, and occasionally fragments of rock mixed with it, appears to be very pure. Some of the specimens are perfectly white." In the Journal of the Exploring Tour of the Rev. Samuel Parker beyond the Rocky Mountains, we are assured of its occurrence in the saliferous sandstone bor- dering on Salmon River, and in the vicinity of the Great Salt Lake, whose waters are so strongly saturated that crystals form upon the shore.* NATIVE DECREPITATING ROCK-SALT. t It is well known that ordinary rock-salt does not decrepitate by exposure to heat, which seems to indicate that it was not deposited from an aque- ous solution, because all the marine salt obtained in this way possesses the property of decrepitating. There exists however in the mines of Wieliczka, a rock-salt which decrepitates, and which has been examined by Dumas, H. Rose, and by Berzelius, and proved to contain cavities filled with compressed gases. When the salt is dissolved in water, as the covering over these vesicles become thinner and thinner, they at last burst, and the gasses escape with violence. This fact was first ob- served by M. Dumas. M. Rose ascertained that the quantity of these gases disengaged, varied in different specimens, and on analysis, he found in 100 volumes, 24 volumes of pure hydro- gen, 17 of carbonic acid gas, and 59 of carburetted hydrogen. Berzelius supposes that it contains besides, carbonic acid which remains dissolved in the water. This salt is not describ- ed as differing in any other respect from common mineral salt. M. Rose is inclined to refer the decrepitation of several other minerals to the same cause. SULPHATE OF AMMONIA. Mascagnin, Karsten. Ammoniaque Sulphate, H. Picralum volcanicum, D. Contains ammonia22'80, sulphuric acid 53*29, water 23-91. Gmelin. Chemical formula by Berzelius, NH 6 +S+2Aq. Sulphate of ammonia has an acrid, bitter taste. Its color is * Journal, second edition, p. 114. t Berzelius' Rapport Annuel, 1840, p. 139. 328 ACIDIFEROUS ALKALINE MINERALS. greyish or yellow, and it generally occurs stalactitic, pulveru- lent, or in mealy efflorescences ; translucent or opake; attracts moisture from the atmosphere, and is entirely volatile at a high temperature. It is found in the fissures of the earth, and among the lavas of Etna and Vesuvius ; in the Solfatara ; and in the lagune near Sienna in Tuscany. MURIATE OF AMMONIA. Sal Ammoniac. Naturlicher Salmiak, W. Ammoniaque Muriatce, H. Octahedral Ammoniac Salt, M. J. Picralum octahedrum, D. When pure, it consists of ammonia 32-06, muriatic acid 51*16, water 16'78; or by the Formula as given by Berzelius, NH 6 M 2 +Aq. Two varieties yielded to Klaproth, Vesuvius. Bucharia. Muriate of ammonia 99-5 97-5 Sulphate of ammonia - 5 2'5 1000 100-0 Sp. Gr. 1-45 to 1-5. H. = 1'5 2 0. Primary form the Regular octahedron. It occurs massive; with a fibrous texture ; plumose; in crusts ; and in octahedral crystals of a minute size. Color, when pure, white, grey, or yellow ; generally pungent and saline to the taste ; transparent or opake; externally dull or glistening; internally shining and vitreous. This salt is readily soluble in water, but does not attract moisture on exposure to the air. It is completely vola- tile at a high temperature, rising in white fumes ; and emits, when triturated with lime, a pungent ammoniacal odor. It is principally found in the neighborhood of volcanoes, sublimed among other volatile substances, in the cracks and fissures of lava. It thus occurs at Etna and Vesuvius, in the island of Volcano, and at the Solfatara near Naples. Small quantities have been noticed in the vicinity of ignited coal seams, as at St. Etienne in France, in Scotland, and Newcastle. A variety presenting a greyish-white color, and conchoid al fracture, is mentioned as occurring with sulphur, in rocks of indurated clay or clay-slate in Bucharia. Though extensively employed in dyeing and in medicine, this salt is of trifling im- portance as found in nature, from its scarcity. CLASS VI. ACIDIFEROUS ALK ALINO-E ARTHY MINERALS. THE mineral substances included under this head are few in number. POTASH-ALUM. Naturlischer Alaun, W. Alumine Sulfatee Alkaline, H. Octahedral Alum, J. Octahe- dral Alum Salt, M. Alaun, L. Alumen officinale, D. Combination of sulphate of alumina, sulphate of potash, and water ; and contains alumina 10*82, potash 9'94, sulphuric acid 33-77, water 45'47 Gmelin. Formula : 3AlSJ+KSl+25Aq. Sp. Gr. 1 75. H. = l-5. Primary form the octahedron, though it chiefly occurs in fibrous masses, or as an efflorescence on argillaceous minerals, as alum-slate, alum-stone, &c. Color white or greyish ; lustre vitreous, transparent or translucent; to the taste sweetish, styptic, and acidulous. When artificially prepared, it crystal- lizes in the octahedron, and in some of its varieties. It is soluble in about twenty times its weight of cold, and little more than its own weight of boiling water. On exposure to heat it melts in its water of crystallization, froths up in a remarkable manner, and is converted into a spongiform mass of anhydrous alum. It is found on the alum-slate rocks near Christiana in Nor- way : in strata of brown coal in Bohemia ; on the lavas of Stromboli, Nevis, and other volcanoes ; in bituminous shale and slate-clay at Hurlet near Paisley : and near Whitby in Yorkshire. Alum in white nearly pulverulent masses, and also crystal- 28* 330 ACIDIFEROUS ALKALINO-EARTHY MINERALS. lized sometimes with sulphur, occurs at Lua Pele, Hawaii. In the United States it has numerous localities as efflorescences, on the surfaces of rocks. It is used in dyeing, in medicine, in the manufacture of paper and leather, and for the prevention of putrefaction. ALUM-STONE. Alunite, JVec&er. Alaunstein, W. Rhombohedral Alum Haloide, M. Rhomboidal Alumstone, J. Aluminus rhombohedrus, D. Combination of sulphuric acid, alumina, potash, and water. Crystallized, Tolfa. Montione. Sulphuric acid 35-49 35-6 Alumina 39-05 40-0 Potash 10-00 13-8 Water 14-83 10-6 99-97 Cordier. 100-0 Descotils. Formula as stated by Dr. Thomson from the first analysis : 3Al 3 Sl+KSl+8Aq. Sp. Gr. 27 275. H. 5'0. The color of this mineral is usually greyish-white, occasion- ally red; and it occurs both massive and crystallized, the crystals generally occupying the cavities of the mass ; they are minute, shining, and sometimes brownish externally ; their form is an Obtuse rhomboid of 92 50' and 87 ID 7 ; but the rhomboid is variously modified, one or more of the solid angles being generally replaced. Cleavage distinct perpendicular to the axis. The massive is translucent and easily frangible, being frequently mixed mechanically with silica, and appearing cellular and porous. It decrepitates under the blowpipe, but does not fuse per se. With borax it forms a transparent color- less globule, but is not affected by soda ; when pounded it is soluble in sulphuric acid. P on P' 92 50' P or P' on P" . . 87 10 It occurs well crystallized in a secondary rock at Tolfa, near Civita Vecchia, in the Roman States ; decomposed and friable at the Isle of Nevis, and in the crater of Volcano; and so compact and hard at Beregh in Hungary, as to be there em- ployed in the formation of millstones. AC1DIFEROUS ALKALINO-EARTHY MINERALS. 331 POLYHALLITE.* Stromeyer, (Untersuchungen, i. 144.) Bloedite, John. Gzealum columnare, D. Sulphate of lime 44-74 Sulphate of magnesia 20-03 Sulphate of potash 27-70 Chloride of sodium 0-19 Oxide of iron 0-33 Water 5-95 98-44 Stromeyer. Formula : 2CalSl+MgSl+KSH-2Aq. Sp. Gr. 2-77. H.=:2-5 3-0. In masses, which are either compact, or present a fibrous texture, the fibres being parallel and mostly curved. Of a brick- or flesh-red color, and somewhat translucent ; brittle ; has a resinous or pearly lustre; taste bitter and astringent, but very faint. It is slightly acted upon by exposure to a moist atmosphere, but its solubility in water is very inconsider- able. In the flame of a candle it immediately forms an opake brownish-colored mass; and melts instantaneously under the blowpipe. The adjacent faces ) , , - o too about ) l It is found at Ischel and Aussee, in Upper Austria, in beds of rock-salt, and at Hall in the Tyrol. The mineral noticed by Leonhard under the name of Bloedit (after the Dresden mineralogist Bloede) as occurring at Ischel with the polyhallite, and described as being soft, of a close fibrous texture, of a color between flesh- and brick-red, as transparent and brilliant, but losing both these characters by exposure, is probably only an impure variety of this species. Allan's Manual. CRYOLITE.t Kryolith W. Alumine Fluatee Alkaline, H. Prismatic Cryone Haloide, M. Prismatic Cryolite, J. Soda Fluate of Alumina. Cryalus fusilis, D. Combination of fluoric acid, soda, and alumina. *From the Greek no/lag, cd$, signifying a stone of many salts ; in allusion to its composition. | Cryolite, from the Greek, in allusion to its fusibility, to its melting, B B, like ice. 332 ACIDIFEROUS ALKALINO-EARTHY MINERALS. Alumina 24-0 24-40 Soda 36-0 31-35 Fluoric acid. ..40-0 44-25 100-00 Vauquclin. 100-00 Bcrzclius. Composition, as given by Beudant, conforming to the chemi- cal formula of Berzelius: 2A1F1 3 +3NF1 2 . Sp. Gr. 2-96. H. = 25 3-0. It occurs massive ; white, but, when associated with iron, yellow or brown ; structure perfectly lamellar, parallel to all the planes of a Right rectangular prism ; translucent, but by immersion in water it becomes transparent, and admits more readily of cleavage when retained in that fluid for some time. It is very fusible, dissolving even in the flame of a taper. B B, on charcoal, it melts into a transparent globule while hot, but which becomes opake on cooling. The only known locality of this mineral is Arksut-fiord in West Greenland, where it occurs in veins in gneiss, accompa- nied with carbonate of iron, pyrites, galena, quartz, and felspar. GLAUBERITE.* Glauberite, Bt. H. J. Hemi-Prismatic Brythino Salt, M. Brogniartin, L. Ga-alum obliquum, D. Combination of sulphuric acid, lime, and soda, without water. Villa Rubia. Sulphate of lime 49-0 Sulphate of soda ,51-0 100-0 Brogniart Formula: CalSl+NSl. Sp. Gr. 2 75 2 85. H. = 25 3*0. It occurs massive ; also crystallized in the form of oblique and extremely flat rhombic prisms, the crystals being for the most part constituted only of the planes P, e, and e' of the fol- lowing figure ; but they yield readily to mechanical division, parallel to the faces P, M, and M', the primary form being an Oblique rhombic prism, whose terminal planes incline from one acute edge of the prism to the other, and whose lateral angles are alternately 83 20' and 96 40'. Color pale yellow or grey ; translucent, rarely transparent; taste slightly saline ; lustre vitreous; fracture conchoidal : when immersed in water, it becomes opake and is partly soluble. B B, it decrepitates, and then melts into a white enamel. *From its containing a very large proportion of Glauber's salt, or sulphate of soda. ACIDIFEROUS ALKALINO-EARTHY MINERALS. 333 M on M' 83 20' P on M or M' 104 15 e or e' 137 09 / 112 20 M or M' on/ . . 131 35 M on e or M' on e' 147 40 e on e' 116 20 e or e' on/ 132 37 It is found at Villa Rubia, ten leagues south of Madrid, in Spain, imbedded in rock-salt ; also at Aussee in Upper Austria. It has recently been found by Mr. Blake in the desert of Ata- cam in South America, in minute rhombic prisms, associated with chloride of sodium. Its optical properties, according to Sir David Brewster, are very peculiar having one axis of double refraction for violet, arid two axes for red light. REUSSITE. Soda Sulphate of Magnesia. Thomson. Sulphate of soda 66'04, sulphate of magnesia 31 '35, muriate of magnesia 2*19, sulphate of lime - 42 Reuss. Occurs in mealy efflorescences, flat six-sided prisms, and acicular crystals. Color white, shining ; fracture conchoidal. Taste saline and bitter ; soluble in water. This substance forms superficial efflorescences in the. vicinity of Sedlitz and Seidschutz in Bohemia. SODA-ALUM, Thomson. (Outlines, &c., p. 306.) Contains, by Dr. Thomson's analyses, sulphuric acid 38'5, alumina 12'0, soda 7'5, water 42'0, with a little silica, lime, iron, and manganese. Formula : 3A1S1+NS1+ 20Aq. Sp. Gr. 1-88. H. about 3-0. Occurs in white fibrous masses, the outer fibres opake from decomposition, internally transparent, and exhibiting a glossy or silky aspect. Resembles alum in taste, but is more soluble in water. Exposed to heat it exhibits the same phenomena as common alum. It bears some resemblance to fibrous gypsum, but is harder, not being scratched by the nail. Is found in irregular nodules resembling fibrous gypsum, im- bedded in soft blue slate, at St. Juan in South America ; and Beudant mentions it as also occurring in the solfataras of Milo in the Archipelago. 334 ACIDIFEROUS ALKALINO-EARTHY MINERALS. GAYLUSSITE.* Cordier. Boussingaull. (Ann. de Chim. et de Phys. xxxi. 270.) Combination of carbonic acid, soda, lime, and water. Carbonate of soda ......... 33-9G Carbonate of lime ......... 31-39 Water ................... 32-20 Alumina ................. 1-00 Carbonicacid ............. 1-45 100-OOf These products divided by the atomic weights, give one atom carbonate of soda, one atom carbonate of lime, six atoms water. Formula: CalC+CalN+GAq. Sp. Gr. 1-92195. H. 2-0 3-0. Occurs in detached lengthened prisms, and aggregated crys- tals disseminated in clay; the less perfect of them might be mistaken for selenite, the more perfect and smooth have rather the aspect of calcareous spar. Primary, an Oblique rhombic prism of 109 30' and 70 30', according to Beudant ; of 111 10' and 68 50', according to Leonhard. Surfaces striated ; limpid and colorless, or of a dirty white; transparent, with marked double refraction ; or translucent ; fracture conchoi- dal, with a vitreous lustre ; very brittle; easily reduced to a grey powder, and soluble with brisk effervescence in nitric acid. When reduced to powder, is, to a trifling extent, soluble in water. In the matrass it decrepitates slightly, gives off water, and becomes opake, decrepitation continuing until it has ac- quired a red heat. B B, it fuses rapidly into an opake globule, which has a distinctly alkaline taste. This mineral is found abundantly at Lagunilla near Merida, in Maracaibo, disseminated at the bottom of a lake in a bed of clay, covering trona, which the natives term urao, in contradis- tinction to the gaylussite, the latter, from its generally elongated form, being denominated clavos or nails. Allan's Manual NATIVE CARBONATE OF LIME AND SODA. Barruel. (Ann. of Phil. May, 1830.) Contains Carbonate of lime ............ 70-0 Carbonate of soda ....... 14-0 Water....- .................. 9.7 Peroxide of iron .............. i-o Matrix ...................... 5.9 99-7 Sp. Gr. 2-92. H. = 3'0 3-5. *In honor of the celebrated French chemist Gay-Lussac. fFor another analyses of Gaylussite, see Ann. de Chi et de Phys. Avril, 1843. ACIDIFEROUS ALKALINO-EARTHY MINERALS. 335 Primary form a rhomb, not differing materially from that of calc-spar. Cleavage in three directions parallel to the faces of the primary. Lustre vitreous ; structure laminated ; fragments perfectly transparent ; possesses double refraction. B B, it de- crepitates a little, becomes brown, and eventually is reduced to lime. Entirely soluble, and with effervescence, in nitric acid. Locality unknown. AMMONIA-ALUM. Ammonalum, Necker and Beudant. Contains, by the analyses of Gruner, sulphuric acid 33*682, alumina 10-750, ammonia 3-619, water 51-000. Another specimen from Selenginsh, in the government of Irkutsk, analyzed by M. Komonen,* sulphuric acid 30-335, Iime4'793, alumina 7'451, oxide of iron 1-114, ammonia 2'893, water and insoluble matter 53-414. Consists principally of sulphate of alumina and ammonia, but the proportions vary considerably in the specimens that have been analyzed. Sp. Gr. 1-56. H. = 12. Lustre resinous and shining ; structure fibrous ; cross frac- ture conchoidal ; translucent to transparent ; has the appear- ance of alum, is soluble in water. Its color is greyish-white. It occurs in fibrous masses, but by solution and evaporation yields regular octahedral crystals. White ; taste bitter. B B, in the matrass it yields water, intumesces, and forms a sublimation of the sulphate of ammo- nia, which is soluble in water. The dried mass becomes blue with solution of cobalt. Occurs in the lignite of Tschermig in Bohemia. * Trans. Imp. Min. Society of St. Petersburg, 1842, p. 58. CLASS VII. NATIVE METALS AND METALLIF- EROUS MINERALS. THIS class includes such metals as are found nearly pure in the native state ; or variously combined with other substances, forming metalliferous ores ; as, with other metals, with sul- phur, with oxygen ; also in the state of oxides, minerallized by acids. We begin with the oldest and most universally dif- fused of the metals iron. NATIVE IRON. Gediegen Eisen, W. Fer Natif, H. Octahedral Iron, M. Ferrum octahedrum, D. Agram. Siberia. Mexico. Atacama. 1 ron 96-5 98-5 96-75 93-40 Nickel 3-5 1-5 3-25 6-62 Cobalt 0-0 0-0 0-00 0-53 100-0 Klaproth. 100-0 100-00 100-55 Turner. Meteoric. Meteoric. Coke County, Tenn. Red River. Iron 93-80 90-02 Nickel 4-66 9-67 Silica, Carbon and Phosphorus . 0-10 0-00 Oxygen, Sulphur, &c 1-44 0-00 lOO'OO Shepard. 99-69 Shepard. Meteoric. Meteoric. Claidborne. Coke County, Tenn. Iron 66-560 87-0 Nickel 24-708 12-0 Chrome and Manganese 3-240 Carbon 0-5 Sulphur 4-000 0-5 Chlorine 1-480 0-0 100-008 Jackson. 100-0 Troost. In these specimens, while the iron seems to maintain nearly the same per centage, the nickel and all the other constituents are very inconstant in their proportions. NATIVE METALS, &C. 337 Cramer describes a mass found in the mines of Hackenburgh weighing four pounds. In the United States, there are two or three well authenticated instances of the occurrence of native iron, of terrestrial origin ; at Canaan, Conn., where it formed a vein about two inches thick, attached to a mass of mica-slate ; and in Guilford county, N. C., where a mass of twenty-eight pounds weight was obtained, from which an octahedral crystal weighing seven ounces was detached. This crystal is now in the Yale College cabinet. Sp. Gr. 7-44 7-8. H. = 4-5. Primary form the Regular octahedron. Color pale steel-grey ; lustre metallic ; acts powerfully on the magnet ; is soluble in all the acids. Native iron has been noticed under three different forms. 1. At Kamsdorf in Saxony, disseminated through a mass of brown oxide of iron mingled with spathose iron and sulphate of barytes; in this Klaproth found about 6 per cent, of lead, and 1'5 of copper. It is not however considered a natural production ; but, like the native steel from La Bouiche in France, appears to be of secondary formation. 2. Native volcanic iron. Fer natif volcanique, H. Was discovered in a ravine formed by torrents across the lava and scoriaB of the mountain of Graveneire, in Auvergne. 3. Native meteoric iron. Fer natif meteorique, H. This occurs in irregular isolated masses, sometimes of very consid- erable size, in different parts of the globe : but the only piece described as having been seen to fall from the atmosphere is that of Hraschina, near Agram in Croatia. The mass found in Siberia, by Professor Pallas, exhibited a vesicular structure, and contained crystals and grains of chrysolite ; that discovered by Don Rubin de Celis, in the district of Chaco-Gualamba in South America, weighed about fifteen tons. Specimens also occur in Africa, as in the Senegal river, and near the Cape of Good Hope. The mass lately noticed in the Atacama desert of Peru, has a vesicular appearance, and contains straw-yellow colored olivine. The Pallas meteoric iron is a mass weighing twelve hundred and seventy Russian pounds. It is now in the Imperial Cabinet. In the United States, an extraordinary mass of meteoric iron was discovered many years since on the Red River, Louisiana. It was removed at great expense, and was purchased by the late Col. George Gibbs, by the liberality of whose family it has passed into the cabinet of Yale College. Its weight is upwards of sixteen hundred pounds. A portion of it presents sections of octahedral crystals. In 1833, a mass of native iron was dis- 29 338 NATIVE METALS AND covered at Claiborne, Ala., which has been regarded with great interest, inasmuch as its analysis by Dr. C. T. Jackson, first led to the discovery of chlorine as a constituent of meteorites combined with the iron and nickel.* Since this discovery, chlorine has also been detected in several other meteorites. The original weight of the mass of meteoric iron found in Coke courTty, Tenn., of which we have given the analysis by Dr. Troost and Prof. Shepard, was about two thousand pounds. It differs in its mechanical combination from any meteoric mass, as it contains fragments of carbonate of iron, sulphuret of iron and hydrous oxide of iron.t CUBIC IRON PYRITES.t YELLOW IRON PYRITES. Schwefelkies, W. Fer Sulphure, II. Bt. Hexahedral Iron Pyrites, M. J. Pyrite Mar- tiale, Br. Mundic. Marcesite. Eisenkies, L. Bisulphuret oflron, Thomson. Py- rites cubicus, D. Sulphuret of iron, like carbonate of lime, occurs under two incompatible crystalline forms, each presenting the same atomic constitution, as determined by accurate chemical anal- yses. It therefore belongs to the class of dimorphous sub- stances. The two species were supposed to be chemically distinct, until their composition was shown to be identical by Berzelius. It is a combination of iron and sulphur in the fol- lowing proportions. Iron 47-85 46-08 Sulphur 52 15 5H.92 100-00 Hatchett. 100-00 Berzelius. These analyses give almost exactly two atoms of sulphur to one of iron; the mineral is therefore a bisulphuret, and its composition is thus expressed by the formula : FS1 2 . Sp. Gr. 4-75 5'0. H. = 6'0 6*5. Color brass-yellow, sometimes approaching to bronze-yellow, occasionally to steel-grey ; often brown, owing to decomposi- tion ; lustre metallic; streak brownish- or greenish-black. It occurs disseminated in rocks, veins, and beds, investing other minerals, and sometimes enclosed in them ; also amorphous, mammillated, globular, cellular, stalactitical, pseudomorphous, * Amer. Jour, of Science, xxxiv. p. 332. We have thus another substance added to the eighteen elementary bodies, which, according to Berzelius, have hitherto been de- tected in meteorites. t Dr. Troost's Fifth Report on the Geological Survey of Tennessee, p. 23. Shepard. Amer. Jour, of Science, xliii. p. 357. J Pyrites from the Greek, in allusion to its giving sparks when struck. The term is also supposed to have been applied by the ancients to substances which had the property of resisting the action of fire, as well as of giving sparks. Moore's Ancient Mineralogy. METALLIFEROUS MINERALS. 339 capillary, and crystallized in the Cube and octahedron, and in forms common to them both as primary crystals. But the cube is usually considered to be the primary form. It yields to cleavage parallel to all the planes of the cube and reg- ular octahedron, affording surfaces sufficiently brilliant for the use of the reflective goniometer, but with the greatest ease and brilliancy parallel to those of the cube; its fracture is granular or uneven, sometimes approaching to conchoidal ; it is brittle, but does not yield to the knife, which serves at once to distinguish it from copper pyrites, which it readily scratch- es. In the flame of a candle it becomes red; the sulphur be- ing driven off, and an oxide of iron, which is magnetic, re- maining. After a lengthened exposure to the reducing flame of the blowpipe, it forms an uneven and crystalline black mass. Fig. 1, the primary ; fig. 2, the same having its solid angles replaced by equilateral triangular planes, passing into the octahedron; fig. 3, more deeply replaced ; fig. 4, regular octahedron; fig. 5, the octahedron with each solid angle replaced by two planes ; these are increased in fig. 6, and complete in fig. 7, forming the pentagonal dodecahedron, and con- nected with the planes of the cube in fig. 8.* II. * For numerous modifications of this species, the student is referred to Hauy, TraitS, seconde edLtom. iv. p. 38), and particularly to Levy's Deicrmtion d'une collection de Mineraux, formee par Henri Heuland," torn. iii. p. 127, in which he has given the locality of each specimen, and described the various other crystallized substances that happen to be associated with it. [AM. ED.] 340 NATIVE METALS AND 12. The above figure and the following; measurements are given on the authority of Hauy. P on P' or P" 90 00' 00" P P' or P" on a, P or P' on a', or P' or P" on a" 125 15 52 P or P' on e, P' or P" on e< or P or P" on e" 135 00 00 P on tl, P' on il',or P" on tl" 150 47 40 P on t'4, P' on i4', or P" on t'4" 143 18 03 P on kl', P' on kl' t or P" on kl" 146 18 38 P' on k2 or &2', P" on k2" or kV", or P on k2"" 153 26 5 a on a' or a" 109 28 16 a on e, e', or e" 144 44 8 t5, i5', or t'5" 157 47 33 t3, t3', or t3" 164 12 24 k2, k2', or k2" 140 46 7 t5 on i5', t5' on t'5", t5" on t'5'" 146 26 33 t4 on i4', t'4' on i4", t'4" on i4 141 47 12 t4 on tl, t'4' on tl', or t'4" on il" 139 18 13 t4 on k2, i4 on k2"", or t'4" on k2 162 48 34 k2 on c', k2" on c", or k2"" on c 169 19 46 k on k2', k2, or k2" 126 52 11 Iron pyrites is universally diffused, and is found in most description of rock. Cubes of gigantic dimensions have oc- curred in some of the Cornish mines ; very perfect octahe- drons, also of large size, are found at Persberg in Sweden ; and crystals, forming pentagonal dodecahedrons (fig. 7) of three or four inches in diameter, in Elba. Various other mod- ified crystals are found at Schnuberg in Saxony in the valley of METALLIFEROUS MINERALS. 341 Planen, near Dresden, and on the island of Corsica. In Nova Scotia, at Cape St. Mary's, small, but very brilliant octahe- drons occur in clay-slate. At Bay Chaleur, on the Gulf of St. Lawrence, cubic crystals are presented with their edges re- placed by tangent planes, (e figs. 10 and 12), thus tending to rhombic dodecahedrons. They are accompanied by a botry- oidal variety of the same mineral, presenting the appearance of having been fused. Beautiful octahedral crystals, as well as the triglyphe of Haiiy, have been brought from Peru and Brazil. Alston Moor, Derbyshire, and the mining districts of Cornwall, afford it in great profusion, and under various forms, sometimes crystallized, frequently coating fluor spar, galena, and other minerals; and very brilliant crystals, re- markable for the variety of their facets, occur at Traversella in Piedmont. In the United States iron pyrites is common to the rocks of all epochs, and of the common form, simple cubes, the localities are well known to every student. We shall mention only the principal localities of the modified crystals. At Ros- sie, St. Lawrence county, N. Y., examples of fig. 8, in which the edges of the cube are replaced by single planes, inclin- ing at unequal angles on the primary planes, are not uncom- mon at the lead mines. These form the cubo-dodecaedre of Haiiy. Others exhibit portions of the planes (a) which have replaced the solid angles of the cube, as well as those shown by t, which incline on the edges (see fig. 9). Others again have simply all the solid angles of the cube replaced by tangent planes (fig. 3) forming the cubo-octaedre of Haiiy, or the edges replaced by exceedingly narrow tangent planes (e of the large fig.) or cor- responding with fig. 10. The triglyphe of Haiiy, according to Prof. Beck, also occurs at this locality, and exhibits very distinct- ly the striae which indicate the threefold cleavage, and which are shown on fig. 1 1 . Nearly all of the crystals from this locality pre- sent exceedingly brilliant mirror-like planes, and do not seem liable to tarnish. Regular octahedrons were observed by Prof. Beck at Champion, in Jefferson county, and with galena at Martinsburgh, Lewis county; also examples of figures6 and 7, at Johnsburgh and Chester, in Warren county, accompanied by tourmaline and rutile, and possessing equal brilliancy of those from Rossie. Very handsome crystals have been found in the limestone at Shoreham, Vt., in amygdaloid at Eastport, Me., and in argillite, at Charlestown, Mass. Hepatic Pyrites. Fer sulfure epicene. It occurs in most of the forms assumed by common iron pyrites. Externally it presents a liver-brown 29* 342 NATIVE METALS AND color (hence its name) ; internally is steel-grey, with more or less lustre. Its colors appear to arise from the progress of decomposition, which often proceeds so far as to divest the substance of internal metallic lustre, with- out altering its form. It occurs in veins in primitive rocks. Arsenical Iron Pyrites. Fer sulfure arsenicale, H. Is of a paler yellow color than common iron pyrites, passing, according to the proportion of arsenic it contains, into steel-grey. When struck with the hammer, and also BB, it yields arsenical as well as sulphurous vapors. Some- times it is magnetic. It occurs with common pyrites, and arsenical cobalt, in Sweden and in Cornwall. Auriferous Iron Pyrites. Fer sulphure aurifere, H. Occurs in grains of a deep yellow color; also crystallized in cubes, of which all the planes are deeply striated, and sometimes partially decomposed on the surface. The gold it contains is but small, and exists, according to Bergmann, en- closed in the pyrites in small angular grains, and therefore in a state of simple mixture. It is found abundantly in the gold mines of Beresoff in Siberia, and in Brazil in detached crystals. It has also recently been discovered by Dr. Jackson, at Canaan and Grafton, N. H. It is occasionally found at several of the gold mines in the Southern State?. " Iron pyrites, though never employed to furnish iron, is still a valuable ore. Its sulphur is sometimes extracted by sublimation. But it is chiefly valued for the sulphate of iron, (copperas), which it affords by decompo- sition ; a change, which some varieties undergo much more readily than others. In this process, the sulphur receives oxygen from the air, or from moisture, and is converted into sulphuric acid. This acid com- bines with the oxide of iron, thus forming sulphate of iron, which is ex- tracted by lixivation, evaporation, and crystallization. Sometimes this decomposition is spontaneous, or effected by merely exposing the pyrites to air and moisture ; but some varieties must be previously roasted. The sulphate of iron often appears on the surface of the pyrites, or the mineral, which contains it, in yellowish or white silky efflorescences, sometimes mixed with sulphate of alumina. Clcavcland." PRISMATIC IRON PYRITES. WHITE IRON PYRITES. Cockscomb Pyrites, A. Sparkies, Kamkies, Strahlkies, W. Fer Sulfure Blanc, H. Prismatic Iron Pyrites, M. J. Sperkise, Beudant. Pyrites rhombicus, D. Atomic constitution same as that of the preceding, or it con- sists by weight of the following proportions. Iron 45-07 45 56 Sulphur 53-35 54-34 93-42 Berzelius. 99-90 Hatchett. Sp. Gr. 4 69 4 84. H. = 6-0. Color nearly tin-white, hence its name, occasionally tar- nished with a tinge of yellow or grey. It occurs stalactitical, reniform, botryoidal; and in crystals which assume the form of modified rhombic prisms. The variety termed spear-pyrites is found only in very flat crystals, having at first sight the ap- pearance of dodecahedrons, with triangular planes, but which are macles, consisting of similar portions of five crystals, con- METALLIFEROUS MINERALS. 343 nected as in the last of the three following figures. Cocks- comb pyrites, or kamkies, is of the same description, the indi- viduals being aggregated in such a manner as frequently to represent the crest or comb of a cock. Primary form a Right rhombic prism of about 106 and 74 ; parallel to the planes of which it yields to cleavage. Mon M 106 2' P on M or M 90 00 cl 161 24 c2 160 48 c3 130 00 M on & 158 42 c2 oil c3 .... . 141 30 It occurs detached and imbedded in plastic clay at Littmitz and Altsattel, near Carlsbad in Bohemia; in Derbyshire ac- companying galena and fluor spar; and in the western part of Cornwall in extremely delicate stalactitic concretions, and crystals similar to fig. 3. The radiated and hepatic variety occurs in various parts of Saxony, also at Schemnitz in Hun- gary arid Almerode in Hessia. The crystallized variety of this mineral is rarely met with in the United States. Macled crystals similar to the figure have been found at Warwick, Orange county, N. Y., in fel- spar with zircon and tourmaline. Individuals having their acute solid angles replaced by a single plane parallel with the shorter diagonal of the terminal planes, or corresponding with c2 of fig. 2, have been found in magnesian limestone in Phil- lipstovvn, N. Y. The common massive varieties occur in Mas- sachusetts, Connecticut and New York. MAGNETIC IRON PYRITES. Magnetkies, W. Fer Sulfure, Ferrifere, Per Sulfure Magnetique, H. Rhombohedral Iron Pyrites, M. J. Liberkies, Beudant. Pyrites hexagonus, D. Cornwall. Uton. Pyrenees. Iron 63.5 S9-&5 56-37 Sulphur 36-5 40-15 43-t>3 100-0 Hatchett. 100-OU Stromeyer. 100-00 Stromeyer. 344 NATIVE METALS AND Bodenmais. Iron 60-52 Sulphur 38-78 99-30 Rose. Fahlun. 59-723. 40-221. Brazil. , 59-636 . . .40-428 99-914 Plattner. 100-064 Plattner. This differs from the last described species in the proportion of its constituents, and it seems to be a mixture of simple sulphu- ret, or of one atom of iron and one of sulphur, with portions of bisulphuret. Haiiy supposed it to be a sulphuret mixed with a little metallic iron. The formula, as given by Beudant, is FSP+6FS1. This requires 59'60 iron and 40'40 sulphur numbers which almost exactly agree with the third and last two analyses by Stromeyer and Plattner. Sp. Gr. 44 4-7. H. = 35 45. Color bronze-yellow, reddish, or brownish; subject to speedy tarnish on exposure to the air; lustre metallic. Bournon de- scribes it as occurring in irregular six-sided prisms variously modified; the cleavage being parallel to the terminal planes of the prism, but it is rarely found crystallized. The massive varieties frequently exhibit a lamellar structure, yielding to cleavage parallel to all the planes of a Regular six-sided prism ; fracture uneven passing into imperfect conchoidal. Acts on the magnet, and is said even to possess polarity. B B, it affords similar results to the preceding species ; and is solu- ble in dilute sulphuric acid. M on M' 120 00' Bournon. P on M or M' .... 90 00 Mor M'ond 150 00 P on a 135 00 c . . . 102 13 The crystalline varieties of this species have been noticed at Kongsberg in Norway, at Andreasberg in the Hartz, and in Brazil. The cleavable varieties are principally from Boden- mais in Bavaria, where they are associated with iolite; and the granular, compact, and massive, from Cornwall, Appin in Argylshire, Saxony, and Silesia. It has been detected in the lavas of Vesuvius, and in meteoric masses. The locality of the large and distinct crystals preserved in some of the Vienna collections is not known. In the United States the massive variety of this species is common in connexion with magnetic iron ore and other ores, as in Essex county, N. Y., at Stafford, Vt., and Litchfield, Conn.; but perfectly developed crystals have not been met with. The cleavable variety occurs at Trumbull, Conn. METALLIFEROUS MINERALS. 345 ARSENICAL IRON. Mispickel. Fer Arsenical, H. Bt. Prismatic Arsenical Pyrites, M. J. Arsenik kies, of the Germans. Argyrites peritomus, D. Combination of sulphuret of iron and arseniuret of iron. Freyberg. Freyberg. Freyberg. Iron 34-94 36-04 33-96 Arsenic 43-4 -' 42-88 45-74 Sulphur 20-13 21-08 19-01) 98-49 Chevreul. 100-00 Stromeyer. 99-32 Thomson. The analysis by Dr. Thomson comes nearest to the formula (FSl 2 +FAs Q ) which Berzelius has given for this species, and which requires 45 53 arsenic, 33 57 iron, and 19DO sulphur. Sp. Gr. 57 62. H. 55 60. It is nearly of a tin-white color, sometimes with a tinge of yellow. It occurs massive, acicular, and crystallized in the form of a Right rhombic prism, parallel to whose planes it may be cleaved (to the lateral planes most readily), affording, by the planes so produced, angles of 111 12' and 68 48'; this prism is considered the primary form of mispickel ; fracture uneven, with a metallic lustre. It gives fire with steel, and the sparks are attended with a little train of white smoke, having an alliaceous odor. B B, on charcoal it gives out copi- ous arsenical vapors, and forms a globule of nearly pure sul- phuret of iron, which attracts the magnetic needle. Fig. 1, the primary; a right rhombic prism. Fig. 2, the same, of which each terminal plane is in part replaced by two faces slightly inclining on the acute angles of the prism. Fig. 3 exhibits the primary prism modi- fied by tri.mgular planes replacing each obtuse solid angle ; these planes are further advanced in fig. 4, and still further in fig. 5 ; having totally replaced the terminal faces, and reduced the lateral planes to triangles, meeting two and two at the acute edges of the prism. MonM 111 1% P on M or M . . . 90 00 M on a 136 20 c3 117 2 C 4 116 10 a on a' 121 52 cl on el' over P . . 154 56 H. c2 on cl' 142 00 c. g. c3on c8' 118 5 c4 on c4 79 30 c4 on c4' 100 30 346 NATIVE METALS AND It chiefly occurs in the veins and beds of primitive moun- tains, accompanying ores of silver, lead, and tin. It is found abundantly at Freyberg, Munzig, and other mining districts of Saxony ; at Andreasberg in the Hartz ; at Joachimsthal in Bohemia; and at Wheal Maudlin and many others of the Cor- nish mines; and Tunaberg in Sweden. Argentiferous Arsenical Iron. Weisserz, W. Fer Ar- senical argentifere, H. It is whiter than pure arsenical iron, being of a somewhat silvery-white; but agrees with it in all other characters, except that it contains from 1 to 15 per cent, of silver. That of Andreasberg consists of 44 iron, 35 ar- senic, 13 silver, and 4 antimony. Klaproth. At Freyberg and Braunsdorf in Saxony, it is worked for the silver it contains. ARSENICAL SULPHURET OF IRON AND COBALT. Danaite of Hayes.* It has been found that cobalt sometimes takes the place of a portion of the iron in this species, without producing any marked changes in its chemical characters, or in its gene- ral physical characters. It would seem, however, that a slight difference exists in the measurement of the angles, which is probably to be attributed to the presence of the cobalt. This difference was first observed by Scheerer in the specimen ex- amined by him from Mod urn in Nor way ,t and it seems also to exist in the crystals from Franconia, as measured by Mr. Teschemacher, and which contained nearly the same propor- tion of cobalt. Scheerer states the fact, but does not record the measurements. The following are the analyses of four specimens of arsenical iron containing cobalt. Alodum. Modum. Modum. Franconia, N. H. Arsenic 47-55 46-76 47-45 41-44 J n : 26-54 26-36 30-91 32-94 gf a ; 1 8-31 9-01 4-75 6-45 bulphur 17-57 17-34 17-48 17-84 99-97 Scheerer. 100-47 Scheerer. 100-57 Wbhler. 98-57 Hayes.J Rammelsberg (Handworterbuch, i. 47) has thus stated the atomic constitution of this mineral (F,Cb)-fSl 2 +(F,Cb)As 2 4 The subjoined figure was drawn by Mr. Teschemacher, and represents the crystals of this mineral from Franconia, N. H., * In honor of the late Prof. J. F. Dana, who first discovered cobalt in this mineral. fcee Amer. Jour, of Science, via. 1824. p. 302. t Berzelius' Rapport Annuel, 1833, p. 2 II. Scheerer found that the proportion of cobalt was not constant, and that the largest crystals contained the least of ft. $ Amer. Jour, of Science, xxiv. 388. In transcribing the formulas from different writers, the symbols, excepting in the cases of some of the chemical formula, have always been changed to those given in the ^ V0lume ' This seemed 7 * order METALLIFEROUS MINERALS. 347 The values of the angles were determined by him by means of the reflecting goniometer. i i M on M 68 00' M on M over summit ... 112 00 a on a' 121 30 c on c 100 15 This rare and interesting mineral, was discovered by Prof. J. F. Dana in gneiss, accompanying copper pyrites, at Fran- conia, N. H. The most highly polished crystals are imbedded in layers of brownish quartz, interspersed with copper pyrites. But specimens are no longer found at this locality. PLEISTO*-MAGNETIC IRON. COMMON MAGNETIC IRON ORE. Magneteisenstein, W. Fer Oxyclule, H. Bt. Octahedral Iron Ore, M. Magnetic Iron Ore, J. A. Oxydulated fron, Phillips. Siderite Aimant, JVecker. Ferroso-ferric ox- ide. Magnetic Oxide of Iron, Cleavdand. Siderus octahedrus, D. The pure crystallized specimens of this species, consist en- tirely of iron and oxygen, united, according to Berzelius, in the proportion of two atoms peroxide to one of protoxide. For- mula, as given by Dr. Thomson, FF 2 . The whole content of oxygen is 2822, of iron 71-78; or it contains, in 100 parts 69-02 peroxide, and 30-98 protoxide of iron. Formula, accord- ing to Berzelius : FeE . Mohs thus states it : Fe+2Fe. It occurs earthy, compact, lamelliform, and crystallized in the Regular octahedron, which is considered to be its primary form ; structure imperfectly lamellar parallel to the planes of the octahedron; fracture uneven, or conchoidal with a splendent lustre; color iron black, with a shining or glimmering metallic lustre; streak black. It is highly magnetic, with polarity, especially the massive (native loadstone , and attracts iron filings. B B, it becomes brown, and loses its influence on the magnet, but does not fuse. Colors glass of borax in the oxy- dating flame deep red, which becomes dingy yellow and im- pure on cooling; and in the reducing flame bottle-green. Soluble in heated muriatic, but not in nitric acid. * From the Greek 7t).ttriTog t alluding to its hi?h degree of magnetism, from its con- taining a large portion of iron. The term oxydulated iron, by which this species has been distinguished in the former editions of this work, has been changed to one which conveys an accurate idea of its character, as regards one of its essential physical proper- ties, while it necessarily supposes a greater proportion of iron than is contained in the next species. (AM. ED.) 348 NATIVE METALS AND 1 2. 3. 4. Fig. 1, the primary; (he regular octahedron. Fig. 2, the same, of which all the edges are replaced by planes : this replacement has pro- ceeded further, and the planes are complete in fig. 3, the rhombic dod- ecahedron ; fig. 4, the primary, having each of its solid angels replaced by single planes, which by their complete extension, have changed the fig- ure into a cube, fig. 5.* PonP 109 28' H. P on e or P on e 144 44 e on e 120 00 This species is most common in primitive countries, gene- rally forming beds and large irregular masses ; and accompanied by hornblende, granular limestone, and garnet; occasionally also by blende, pyrites, fluor, tin, and galena. The extensive beds of Arendal in Norway, and almost all the celebrated iron mines of Sweden, consist of massive magnetic iron. Danne- mora, Gellivara, and the Taberg (a mountain of considerable dimensions), are entirely formed of it, and immense quantities of iron are annually obtained from these localities. It is plen- tifully found also in Corsica, Savoy, Saxony, Bohemia, Silesia, Russia, and the East Indies. In Scotland, it occurs in serpentine in Unst, one of the Shetland Isles. In England, in the parishes of St. Roach and St. Stephens, and at Treliswell, near Penryn, in Cornwall. The most interesting crystallized varieties occur imbedded in chlorite-slate at Fahlun in Sweden, atNormark in Wermeland, at Traversella in Piedmont, and among the ejected masses of Mount Vesuvius. Siberia, Elba, Sweden and the Hartz, yield the most pow- erful natural magnets; these usually form either compactor earthy amorphous masses, and are unknown crystallized. In * This last figure has been very rarely met with, and 1 am not aware of any instance of its occurrence in the United States, excepting that recorded by Prof. Beck, in his Re- port on the Mineralogy of New York, p. 384. (AM. ED.) METALLIFEROUS MINERALS. 349 Nova Scotia, at Digby Neck, detached crystals of magnetic oxide of iron are found in the water courses connected with the trap rocks, and also lining the cavities of large masses of this ore which are imbedded in the trap. They are frequently united with purple amethyst. In the United States, localities of this species are very nu- merous, and extend with very little interruption from Canada to New Jersey. It will suffice to name a few only of those which have afforded the finest crystals, or have been longest cele- brated for their application to the manufacture of iron, partic- ularly of bar iron. The'se are those of Orange, Clinton and Essex counties, N. Y., of Franconia, N. H., of Troy, Vt., and of Sussex and of Morris counties, N. J., in each of which the ore appears in immense beds, or irregular deposits, included in granite, gneiss or hornblende rock, and associated with various crystallized minerals. The Sterling mine in Orange county, N. Y., is supposed to cover a surface of about thirty acres. The mine at Sucasunny, Morris county, N. J., has been wrought to a greater depth than any other in the United States, and in many respects it bears a remarkable resemblance to the noted Danemora mine in Sweden. It is a singular fact, however, that this deposit rarely affords any examples of the crystalliza- tion of this species, while the other localities mentioned supply them abundantly and in great perfection. According to Prof. Beck, the O'Niel mine, Orange county, N. Y., sometimes affords octahedral crystals in which one solid angle only is replaced, and rarely, those in which no portions of the primary planes are visible or perfect cubes a form in which it has been rarely if ever before discovered. The chlorite slate of Marlboro' and Bridgewater, Vt., and the epidote of Franconia and Lisbon, N. H., have hitherto presented the largest imbedded individual crystals, in octahedrae and dodahedrae. Dr. Jackson also cites several other localities in the same State, as at Am- herst and Manchester in granite. The pleisto-magnetic iron ores of the United States are for the most part, better adapted for the manufacture of malleable, than of cast iron. They do not so readily unite with carbon to produce that grey, soft condition which is found in the superior cast iron made from the hematitic and clay iron ores ; and they require much greater heat for their reduction, and perfect me- tallization. They probably supply about one half of all the pig iron annually manufactured in the United States, and nearly all of the malleable iron obtained directly from the ore, is derived from this species, either with anthracite or charcoal. It frequently contains small portions of oxide of titanium, which in the pro- 30 350 NATIVE METALS AND cess of smelting, is reduced and crystallized in minute brilliant cubes at the sides and bottom of the furnace. These seem to have been first observed by Dr. Wollaston, but they are now common in all countries. It sometimes also contains oxide of chrome and manganese; and the latter is carried through the same reduction as the iron, and exists afterwards in com- bination with the metallic iron, to which, in the opinion of some, it communicates additional strength. NATIVE MAGNET. Masses of this ore, which are tolerably free from earthy impurities, and of a crystalline or granular structure, possess the power not only of moving the magnetic needle, but also a sensible inhe- rent polarity, by which, if two extremities of a small fragment be alter- nately presented to the same pole of a magnetic needle, one extremity will attract, and the other repel the needle. The magnetism of this vari- ety is also shown by its power of attracting iron filings. IRON SAND OF JAMESON. This is the common black sand used at merchants' desks. It occurs in small octahedral crystals more or less broken and rounded by attrition, and owes its origin to the disentegration of the matrix in which it had originally crystallized. Thus, according to Prof. Silliman, the chlorite slate near New Haven, Conn., abounds with minute octahedral crystals, which, by the action of the waves, have been liberated, and form the black magnetic sand of the beach. EARTHY PLEISTO-MAGNETIC IRON. This variety is less readily attracted by the magnet. It is more or less mixed with lime or alumina, is granular, of a grey and bluish-black color, and of an uneven earthy fracture. It usually soils the fingers. OLIGISTO*-MAGNETIC IRON. SPECULAR! IRON. Eisenglanz, W. Fer Oligiste, H. Per Speculate, Br. Iron Glance, J, Fer Oxyde, Berzetius. Eiaenoxyd, L. Rhombohedral Iron Ore, M. Specular Oxide of Iron, Cleaveland. Siderus rhombohedrus, D. The pure crystals of this species consist entirely of perox- ide of iron, in the proportion of iron 69 34, to oxygen 30'66. Symbol F Sp. Gr. 5-0 3. H. = 5'5 < > 5. It is considerably magnetic, especially the highly crystalline, but does not, like the preceding species, attract iron filings. It occurs lamellar, and crystallized in many forms, which are derived from a slightly Acute rhomboid of 86 10' and 93 50', the structure of the crystallized being lamellar, and reducible into the form of its primary crystal ; fracture uneven ; passing into conchoidal; color deep steel-grey, with a brilliant and often iridescent tarnish externally ; internally it possesses a shining lustre ; opake in large fragments, but the edges of thin * From the Greek, oliyioro?, in allusion [to its slight magnetic property, compared with the preceding species, f Specular, from its brilliancy. METALLIFEROUS MINERALS. 351 laminae present a blood-red color by transmitted light. Streak cherry-red, or reddish-brown ; is infusible without addition, but with borax forms a green or yellow glass, like pure oxide of iron. Fig. 1, the primary; a slightly acute rhomboid. Fig. 2, an octahedron, arising from the replacement of the upper and lower acute angles of the primary. Fig. 3, an acute rhomboid, of which only the upper plane, and that parallel with it, correspond with the planes of the primary. The upper and lower lateral faces of fig. 4 belong alternately to the primary. In fig. 5 none of the primary planes are visible. Of fig. 6 all the larger planes belong to the primary, and the small triangular faces result from the replacement of its lateral and lower angles by two planes, and the upper acute angle by three planes. Sometimes the edges and angles are so rounded that the crystals assume a lenticular form. The crystals of this substance, however, and especially those from Elba, most commonly occur in the general form of the second of the two following figures. Primary. P on h2 or h2' 154 k' or P" on A: .... 147 168 128 a on c h2 on h2 or h2> on h2> h2 on i or h2' on i 161 i on i 159 h2 on g or h2> on g' . . , . 144 20' 20 30 32 40 12 20 P on P' 86 10' P on P" 93 50 P or P' on a 122 40 61 178 50 , 62 ....... 159 35 P on g' or P' on g .... 140 00 P on Al or hi 1 179 30 It occurs in transition and primitive rocks, both in beds and veins, and is accompanied by pleisto-magnetic iron, &c. The mines of this substance in the Isle of Elba are of great extent, and are said to have been worked upwards of 3000 years; the surfaces of the splendid crystals from this locality frequently present the most magnificent tarnish-colors. It is also met with in Saxony ; in Bohemia in beds of mica-slate ; in specimens consisting of large crystalline plates, grouped together in the form of rosettes, accompanying adularia at St. 352 NATIVE METALS AND Gothard ; at Arendal in Norway ; at Langbanshyttan in Swe- den ; in South America; and in Siberia. In England, it occurs finely crystallized in one or two of the Cornish mines. Very resplendent crystalline plates, sometimes of considerable dimensions, and intersecting each other at various angles, are formed by sublimation in the fissures of lava at Stromboli and Lipari ; likewise, though in smaller individuals, at Etna, Vesu- vius, and in Auvergne. A micaceous variety, consisting of minute shining scales, either loose or slightly cohering, which appears by reflected light of an iron-black, sometimes tinged red, and by transmitted light, blood-red occurs at Tavistock in Devonshire, and near Dunkeld in Perthshire. In Nova Scotia, specular iron ore forms veins in the trap rocks at seve- ral places along the shores of the Bay of Fundy, and is some- times in crystals, which present portions of the planes of the primary rhomboid. The most beautiful specimens are from Sandy Cove, where it is associated with siliceous sinter and Laumonite, and sometimes with agate and jasper. Of this species, unless we include under the same head, as some writers have done, all the hematite ores, the earthy-red oxide of iron, and the clay ores, the United States offers but few deposits of economical value, though frequently presenting it in small seams or veins. The only mines which are extensively explored for manufacturing purposes, are those of Edwards and Governeur, St. Lawrence county, New York, where, according to Prof. Emmons, its geological associates are gneiss and pri- mary limestone. It smelts easily, and as the process is now conducted at the Parish Iron Works, Rossie, it affords a valua- ble cast iron, superior to much that is made from the pleisto- magnetic ore. Low tabular and lenticular shaped crystals, bearing a striking resemblance to many of the specimens from Elba, are occasionally found in the cavities of this ore, and they possess an almost equal degree of brilliancy and iridescence, compared with those from that celebrated locality. The ore obtained from the celebrated "Iron Mountain" in Missouri, is of this species, and unless the accounts be greatly exaggerated, it is unprecedented as to quantity, so far^as any thing is known of mines in America. At Hawley and Montague, Mass., the micaceous variety, in small shining scales, feebly cohering, forms veins in mica-slate ; and at Lubec, Maine, it is attached to masses of siliceous slate. At Piermont, N. H., it forms considerable beds in gneiss. Specular iron ore is rarely met with to a sufficient extent to be wrought in Europe, though the Elba mine was formerly explored to a great extent, and for a long period of time by the METALLIFEROUS MINERALS. 353 Romans ; and is yet explored, the ore being removed to the continent where wood is more abundant for supplying the char- coal used in smelting. FRANKLINITE.* Franklinite, Berthier. Dodecahedral Iron Ore, M. Zinc Oxyd6 Ferrifere, H. Siderite Zincifere, Necker. Siderus Zinciferus, D. Combination of the peroxide of iron, with the oxide of zinc, and red oxide of manganese. Franklin, New Jersey. Peroxide of iron 66-0 66-10 68-88 Oxide of zinc 17-0 17-43 10-81 Sesquioxide of manganese .... 16-0 14-96 18-17 Silica 0-0 2-00 0-40 Alumina 0-0 0-00 0-73 100-0 Berthier. 98-69 Thomson. 98-99 Abich. Taking the two first analyses which nearly agree, and divid- ing by the atomic weights, we obtain numbers approaching nearly to four atoms peroxide of iron, one atom sesquioxide of manganese, one atom oxide of zinc. Dr. Thomson supposes the iron to act the part of an acid, and expresses the constitu- tion of the mineral thus : MnF 2 -fZF 2 . Sp. Gr. 5-0 5-i. H. = 6'0 6-5. This mineral occurs in grains or in granular masses com- posed of imperfect crystals, frequently exhibiting the planes of the Regular octahedron, its primary form. These crystals are often replaced on their edges, but more frequently bounded by irregular faces produced by contact ; the structure is lamellar, parallel to the planes of the regular octahedron ; brittle ; frac- ture conchoidal ; streak deep reddish-brown distinguishing it from pleisto-magnetic iron, the streak of which is black. Acts slightly on the magnet ; soluble without effervescence in heated muriatic acid. At a high temperature the zinc is driven off; and a hard compound of iron and manganese remains. B B, with borax it forms a green glass, which when completely satu- rated becomes red, and on cooling assumes a greenish-brown color, and remains transparent ; with salt of phosphorus it yields a yellowish-grey glass, and with soda is insoluble. P on P 109 25' P on e 144 40 * Franklinite, in honor of the celebrated Franklin. 30* 354 NATIVE METALS AND The measurements by the reflective goniometer prove the regular octa- hedron to be its primary form. It occurs at Franklin, Sterling and Sparta in Sussex county, N. J., accompanying the red oxide of zinc, and is fre- quently imbedded in calcareous spar, and associated with quartz, yellowish-green garnet, and other substances. The locality which has afforded the finest specimens is the Sterling zinc mine, where perfect crystals, or groups of crystals, simi- lar to the above figure, are often found from six to eight inches in circumference with highly polished faces. The most magnificent crystal ever found is now in the possession of Dr. Fowler, and measures sixteen inches round the base ! As this substance has the same primary form with pleisto-magnetic iron ore, and presents precisely the same secondary modifications, it would be difficult to distinguish the crystals of one from the other, were there not discernible a superior blackness in the lustre of the faces of the Franklinite, and greater inequalities of surface. It is also mentioned as accompanying ores of zinc, in amorphous masses, at the mines of Altenberg near Aix-la- Chapelle. HYDROUS PEROXIDE OF IRON. LIMONITE. Prismatic Iron Ore, M. J. (in part). Brown Iron Ore. Onegite. Pyrrhosiderite, Limonite, Beudant. Fer Hydro-oxide, Bournon. Siderus haematicus, D. Peroxide of iron combined with water. Peroxide of iron 80-50. . .79-0. . .82-0. . .84-0. . .81-0. ..78-0. ..73-0. .76-0. .94-0. .76-8 Sesquiox. of mangan., trace... 2-0... 9'0.., 10... 0-0. .trace... 1-0.. 2-0. .trace. 8-2 Water 16-00. . .15-0. . .14-0. . .11-0. . . 12-0. . . 13-0. ..14-0. .14-0. . 3-0. .10-0 Silica 2-25... 3<0... 1-0... 2-0... 4-0... 6-0... 9-0.. 5-0.. 2-0.. 4-3 Alumina ,.., 0-00... 0-0. .. trace .. 0-0... 0-0... 1-0... 0-0.. 0-0.. 0-0.. 0-0 98-75* 99 0| 99-Of 98-Of 97-Of 99-Of 97-Of 97-0| 99-0| 99-8J The first three specimens analyzed belong to the purest form of this mineral, and they seem to indicate an approach to a uniformity in the composition of this mineral. From the mean of these, if we suppose the silica to be united with peroxide of iron, as a tersilicate, and to be accidental, we obtain one atom water, and one of peroxide of iron. Formula, FAq. This gives about 60 parts of metallic iron in 100 parts of the ore. Sp. Gr. 350. H. = 5-0 55. This mineral presents considerable diversity of external ap- pearance. It is found both crystallized and massive. The crystals are small ; externally black, and very brilliant; inter- *Ulmann, Hoffman's Miner., iv. 188. The specimen was stilpnosiderite. t D'Auhuisson, Ann. de Chim., Ixxv. 237. The first two specimens brown hematites. The third and fourth compact brown hematites. The fifth and seventh elites. The sixth lenticular iron ore. The eighth red haematite. J C. T. Jackson. Compact red haematite, from Aroostook River, Maine. METALLIFEROUS MINERALS. 355 nalJy blackish-brown. Streak yellowish-brown; brittle- and opake. It also occurs in extremely tender stalactites, of which the fibres radiate from the centre ; and compact. The primary form appears to be a Right rectangular prism, the only cleav- age being parallel to the plane M. The crystals which have been observed in cubes and octahedrons, are obviously pseudo- morphous, taking the place of iron pyrites. B B, in the rnalrass it gives off water, the remainder being red oxide of iron; with borax it forms a yellowish-green glass. Occasionally it acts on the magnet, and does so always after exposure to heat. When rubbed upon paper some varieties leave a black mark like manganese, for which they may occasionally be mistaken. P on M or T . .90 00' Primary. T on M . 90 00 M on a2' . 135 5 b . 121 45 dl . 117 50 al aV . 125 30 a2 a2' . 149 24 b b' . 117 30 c dl . 120 42 . 135 20 b a2 or b f or a2' . . 121 25 al dl . 129 30 a2 dl . 153 25 dl dl over T . . . . 130 40 . 147 00 The second figure represents the crystals from the vicinity of Bristol. It occurs at Clifton near Bristol in quartzose geodes, in the form of mamillary masses, and often enclosed in quartz crys- tals ; on compact hard iron-stone at Botallack, and in highly brilliant crystals near Lostwithiel, in Cornwall; also disposed in groups at Lake Onega in Siberia ; acicular and capillary in quartz from Oberstein, and amethyst from Petrosbotzky, Russia. Also in the same form penetrating amethyst in Nova Scotia. GOETHITE.* Rubin-Glimmer, Haussman. Goethite, Lenz. Lepido- krokite, Ullmann. Color brownish-red, by reflection yellowish, and of a brilliant red when transparent and viewed in strong light. Streak orange- red ; lustre metallic adamantine. Primary form, either aright rhomboidal or rectangular prism. Occurs in minute laminae or tables modified on their edges by oblique facets. The principal locality of this species is the Hol- lerterzug, in the Westerwald, Germany. It is not a common variety. RED HjEMATiTE.t Red Iron Ore. Red Iron-stone, J. Rother Eisen- stein, W. The more compact haematites sometimes slightly affect the magnet, rendering it probable that they contain a small portion of the pro- * In honor of the celebrated German poet Goethe. t Hmmatite, from the Greek, in allusion to its blood-red color. Now, however, the original meaning of the term is so far lost sight of, that we have brown and even black haematite. This variety has sometimes been classed with specular iron, but it presents forma never assumed by that ore, contains water, and passes, by imperceptible shades, into the common brown hffimatites. 1 have therefore included it, with the brown haema- tites, among the varieties of the present species. [Aw. ED.] 356 NATIVE METALS AND toxide of iron. None of them are blood-red by transmitted light; and they never assume a crystalline form. The fibrous variety (Rother Glaskopf, W. Fer oligiste concretionn^, H.) has externally a bluish or iron-grey color, and presents either a metal- lic lustre, or is red and without lustre ; internally it is red or brownish-red. It occurs in botryoidal masses, or in stalactites, formed of concentric coats, and having a fibrous or radiated structure. It occurs abundantly in Saxony, Bohemia, the Palatinate, Silesia, and the Hartz ; also near Ulverstone in Lancashire, and in smaller quantities in many parts of England and Scotland. In New Brunswick, at Woodstock, compact red haematite form immense beds in shale. Red haematite affords excellent iron both cast and malleable. When ground to fine powder it is employed in the polishing of metals. The scaly variety (Rother Eisenrahm, W r .) occurs in slightly cohering scales or particles of a red color with a tinge of brown, and opake ; the lustre is somewhat metallic. It is unctuous to the touch, and stains the fingers. It accompanies the preceding, but is principally known from Cattas Altas in the Brazils. BROWN HAEMATITE. Fibrous Brown Iron Ore. Brauner Glaskopf, W. Fer Oxide Haematite, H. Specific gravity 3-7 4-0. Is of a clove or blackish- brown color ; externally is often steel-grey and splendent. It is more finely fibrous than the red haematite, sometimes with a silky lustre, and often radiated ; in the other direction it is generally concentric lamel- lar, the colors being disposed in bands of brown of various shades. It occurs in mamillary and botryoidal masses, in stalactites and tubes. It is brittle. It forms beds in limestone and other secondary rocks in most European countries ; affording materials for extensive iron works in Bohemia, Styria, &c. Sweden and Lapland, which abound in magnetic iron, contain but small quantities of the brown or red haematites. But, according to Berthier, it supplies more than three-fourths of all the iron furnaces in France. In Scotland it forms veins in sandstone at Cumberhead in Lanarkshire ; at Sandloge in the Shetland Isles; and in Hoy, one of the Orkneys. In Cornwall it occurs at Botallack near the Land's End, and in Tin Croft mine near Redruth. It affords a very tough, compact cast iron, and is convert- ible also into malleable iron of superior quality. In the United States the best iron, both malleable and cast, is obtained from the brown haematite ore . Scaly and Ochrey Brown Iron are varieties of the same species more or less decomposed, presenting either slightly cohering scales and particles, or having an earthy consistence which is meagre to the touch, and soils the fingers. Bog iron ore, the morasterz, sumpferz, wiesenerz of the Ger- mans, is of recent formation ; it arises from the decomposition of certain rocks over which water passes, and is deposited by it in low and marshy situations. It frequently contains traces of phosphoric acid, and forms con- siderable repositories in Germany, Poland, and Russia. The variety termed bohnenerz or pea-ore, consists of concentric globuliform concre- tions, imbedded either in friable or compact brown haematite ; at St. Ste- phens in Styria this kind of ore yields about 33 per cent, of iron. Brown iron ore not unfrequently assumes the form of other minerals; at Hutten- berg in Carinthia, for instance, it has evidently taken the place of sparry iron ; and at Beresof in Siberia occupies large cubical pseudo-crystals of iron pyrites. Allan's Manual. The most valuable varieties of this species, brown and red haematite, are plentifully distributed throughout the United States, as at Bennington, Vt., on the Aroostook river, Me., at Salisbury and Kent, Conn., Richmond, Lenox and West Stockbridge, Mass., Cumberland, R. I., Franklin and Hamburg, Sussex county, N. J., and near Fishkill and Ameniaville, Dutchess coun- ty, N. Y. It occurs also in extensive beds in several of the Western States. The beautiful imitative forms which these ores are known to assume, are found at all of these localities, but the dependent stalactitico-botryoidal METALLIFEROUS MINERALS. 357 masses, of a brilliant glossy black color, which are sometimes met with in the cavities at Salisbury, are by far the most interesting. Those from Dutchess county, are sometimes covered by a layer of grey oxide of man- ganese, of a radiated structure. Most of these hasmatite ores also contain oxide of zinc, which condenses on the sides of the chimneys where they have been smelted. United with proper fluxes, all these varieties are readily reduced in the smelting furnaces, and afford a metal of superior strength and softness. The bog-iron ores are also very abundant throughout the United States, but they are apt to yield what is termed cold short iron, which cannot be safely used in the manufacture of wire, or seldom even of sheet or plate iron, though it is well adapted for casting. CLAY IRON STONE, OR ARGILLACEOUS IRON ORE. This is com- posed of peroxide of iron united with variable proportions of lime, magne- sia, alumina, silica, and frequently with carbonate of iron. It more pro- perly comes under the species carbonate of iron, which see. STILPNOSIDERITE.* Ullmann. Specific gravity 3-6 365. Hard- ness = 4-5. In botryoidal groups, massive, and dendritic; of a black or brownish-black color, with a splendent lustre both externally and internally ; fracture conchoidal ; opake ; brittle. Streak yellowish-brown. It be- comes black B B, but does not fuse ; and tinges borax dark olive-green, though it is not melted itself. It occurs at Rashau and Schiebenberg in Saxony, in Thuringia, Nassau, and the Hartz, frequently associated with brown hematite, to which it appears to be nearly allied. CRONSTEDTITE.t Rhorabohedral Melane Mica, M. Cronstedit, L. Sideroschislite. Arealus foliaceus. D. Contains oxide of iron 58*85, silica 22*45, oxide of manga- nese 2*89, magnesia 5*08, water 10*70. Steinmann, It is a hydrous silicate of iron. Formula: FS+Aq. Sp. Gr. 3*3 3*35. H. = 2*5. Massive and crystallized ; the massive consisting of black and opake fibres, having a brilliant lustre ; the crystallized occasionally in separate six-sided prisms, more often however the prisms adhere laterally. In thin laminae, somewhat elastic ; streak dark leek-green ; cleavage distinct perpendicular to the axis. B B, it intumesces slightly, but does not melt. With borax it affords with difficulty a hard, black, and opake enamel. When reduced to powder it gelatinizes in concentrated muri- atic acid. It is found near Przibram in Bohemia with carbo- nate of iron ; in diverging groups at Wheal Maudlin in Corn- wall ; and associated with quartz and magnetic pyrites at the mines of Conghonas do Campo in Brazil. Dr. Thomson has described an anhydrous silicate of iron ( Outlines, fyc., i. p. 461,) from one of the Mourne Mountains in Ireland, which agrees with this in containing one atom of protoxide of iron and one of silica, but has its hardness in- creased to 4, and its specific gravity to 3'884, apparently sim- * From the Greek, signifying a shining ore of iron. f In honor of Cronstedt, the Swedish mineralogist ; named by Prof. Steinmann. 358 NATIVE METALS AND ply by its containing no water. It gave protoxide of iron 68'60, silica 29'60, protoxide of manganese L ! 85. PINGUITE. Breithaupt. (Schiceiffger's Jahrbuch, Iv. 303.) Contains per and protoxide of iron 35 'GO, silica 36 90, alu- mina 1 -80, magnesia 0-45, oxide of manganese 0.14, water 25-10. Kersten. Sp. Gr. 2 315. H. under 2-0. Pinguite occurs in masses of a siskin or oil-green color ; with a slightly resinous lustre ; and conchoidal or uneven frac- ture; feels greasy; does not adhere to the tongue, and emits a feeble argillaceous odor when struck. Streak lighter than the mineral. Extremely soft, resembling newly made soup. In the matrass it yields much water. B B, per sc, it becomes black, but only fuses on the edges. With borax it melts easily, exhibiting the presence of iron ; as also with salt of phospho- rus, in which a skeleton of silica remains. Occurs in a vein of barytes at Wolkenstem in the Erzebirge, and has been seve- rally described by Breithaupt, Freisleben, and Beckmann. CHLOROPAL. Bernhardi and Brandes, (Schweigger's Jahrbuch, v. 29.) Sp. Gr. 1 -7 20. H. = 3'0 4'0. Of this there are two varieties; the one massive and com- pact, the other earthy. Color pistachio-green ; opake, or feebly translucent on the edges; fracture conchoidal and splintery ; it does not phosphoresce. Infusible, per se, B B, but with soda melts into a clear glass, showing some red spots. The massive consists, according to Brandes, of oxide of iron 33'3, silica 46-0, magnesia 2'0, alumina 1-0, water 18'0, manganese a trace.* These numbers correspond with three atoms silica, one atom protoxide of iron, and two atoms water. The Ceylon va- riety, analyzed by Dr. Thomson, gave a different result, and will probably be distinguished by a new name. It occurs associated with opal at Unghwar in Hungary, and appears to be closely allied to green iron-earth. It has been brought also from Ceylon. CHAMOIS1TE. Kobell. Berthier, (Ann. des Mines, v. 393.) Contains oxide of iron 50'5, silica 14-5, alumina 6'6, water * Analysis by Bernhardi and Brandes. METALLIFEROUS MINERALS. 359 14'7, carbonate of lime 14'4, carbonate of magnesia 1*2. It is not certain how many of these constituents are essential. Sp. Gr. 3-0 3-4. Pretty hard. Occurs massive, of a greenish-grey or black color, and has a granular earthy fracture; magnetic. Is soluble in acids, with the exception of its silica, and gives off water when heated in the matrass. It is found in the calcareous deposit of Mount Charnoison in the Valais; whence it is advantageously extracted as an ore of iron. SIDEROSCHISOLITE. Wernekinck. (Pogg. Ann., i. 387.) Hydrous disilicate of Iron ofTTiomson. Contains protoxide of iron 75*16, silica 16*30, alumina 4*10, water 7*30 Wernekinck, The above numbers, supposing the alumina to be acciden- tal, give very nearly one atom each of silica and water to two atoms of protoxide of iron, thus showing it to be a hydrous disilicate of iron. Formula: F 2 S+Aq. Sp. Gr. 3*0. H:= 20 3*0. Primary form a Rhomboid, presenting only a single cleavage, which is perpendicular to the axis. This mineral occurs in small sided prisms of a black color. Its streak is green ; its lustre brilliant; it becomes magnetic and black from exposure to heat. BB, is readily fusible into a black magnetic glass; and is soluble in acids. It occurs at Conghonas do Campo in the Brazils. HISINGERITE. Hisin0... 1-59... 1-587 .......... 0-28 .......... l'50 Alumina ........... 0-6... 0-61... 0-614 .......... 0-12 .......... 0-00 Water... .......... 0-0... 1-27... 1-268 .......... 1-00 .......... 0-00 98^6t 9 9 <07 t 101-426 Kobell. 100-00 Wehrle. 101-42 Rammelsberg. The formula which has been given from the two first analy- ses is no longer tenable, as the later analyses by Kobell and Rammelsberg have shown the presence also of peroxide of iron. Rammelsberg has given the following formula : This requires 28'9S silica, 24'56 peroxide of iron, 33'06 protoxide of iron, lime 13*40; answering very nearly to the third and last analyses. Sp. Gr. 3-08 4-06. H. = 5'05 6'0. Its color is brown, or brownish-black ; sometimes dull ex- ternally, but the crystals have often a metallic, and sometimes a velvety lustre ; they are opake. Primary form a Right rhom- bic prism of 111 30'. It occurs amorphous, acicular, and also crystallized, generally in the form of a rhombic prism termi- nated by a pyramid with several modifications; cleavage not very distinct, parallel to a plane passing through its longer diagonal. Streak black, inclining to green or brown ; fracture uneven ; the faces of the prism deeply striated longitudinally. On charcoal it fuses into a black 'globule, which attracts the magnet if not heated to redness ; and with borax melts readily into a dark green and almost opake glass. It is soluble in, and forms a jelly with, heated muriatic acid. * Lievrite, in honor of Le Lievre, its discoverer j Yenite, in commemoration of the battle of Jena. | By Descotils. J By Stromeyer. METALLIFEROUS MINERALS. 361 M on M' 111 30' P on M or M' 90 00 M on g or M' on g . . . 164 35 M on i 160 48 fon g 151 42 1 on e or M' on e' . . . 128 50 P on c or e' 141 48 e on e' 139 30 a on e' or e 160 30 P on a 146 30 P on c 137 45 c on e' 144 25 b on e or b> on e' .... 161 20 It is principally found in Elba, at Rio la Marina, and Cape Calmite, where it occurs both in solitary crystals of consider- able dimension, and in groups which are also large and splendid. It was formerly quite abundant, but at present good crystals are rarely met with, and the prices demanded for them are very extravagant. One specimen at Porto Ferrajo is valued at three hundred dollars. It has also been noticed in Siberia; Silesia; and at Fossum in Norway. In Hungary, near the village of Szurnasko, Zemesker, it occurs in com- pact easily divisible masses of a black and greenish color, and when exposed to the weather, brownish.* In the United States it was formerly obtained in Cumberland, R. I., in long, slender slightly rhomboidal prisms, longitudi- nally striated, and sometimes presenting the terminal faces. These prisms are implanted on granular quartz with minute octahedral crystals of magnetic iron ore. But of late years no specimens have been found at this locality. PITCHY IRON-ORE, t Eisensinter. Eisenpecherz, W. Fer Oxyde Resinite, H. Pittizite, Levy. Sideritine, Beudant. Saxony. Freyberg. Peroxide of iron 33-46 40-45 35-0 Arsenic acid 26-06 30-25 20-0 Sulphuric acid 10-75 0-00 14-0 Protoxide of manganese ... 0-57 0-00 0-0 Water 28-48 28-50 3'>>-0 99-31 Stromeyer. 99-20 Kersten. 99-0 Laugier. There is a great variation in these analyses, and the result obtained by Kersten, would seem to show that sulphuric acid is not essential to its composition. Future analyses must de- termine its true formula. Sp. Gr. 2-2 24. H. = 2-5. * Berzelius' Jahres-Bericht, 1835, p. 223. f From its more or less perfect resemblance to pitch. 31 362 NATIVE METALS AND Color blackish-brown, or reddish-black. It occurs in small masses, reniform, and stalactitic, having much the aspect of resin; fracture flat conchoidal, with a vitreous lustre; trans- lucent on the edges, and yields to the knife; streak olive- green or lemon-yellow. B B, per se, it instantly becomes opake and cracks, some varieties emitting a strong arsenical odor, during which they are partly volatilized; at an increased temperature it fuses into a black enamel, and on charcoal becomes magnetic ; in the matrass it gives off water profusely. It occurs in several old mines near Freyberg and Schnee- berg in Saxony, in the district of Pless in Upper Silesia, in Brittany, and in Chili. It is supposed to be produced from the decomposition of iron pyrites. PYROSMALITE.* Pyrosmalyth, Karsten. Fer Muriate, H. Pyrosmalite, or Native Muriate of Iron, J. Pyroxene Ferro-Manganesien, Beudant. Arealus rhombohedrus, D. Contains Silica 35-850 Chlorine 3-7GO Peroxide of iron 35-480 Sesquioxide of manganese. . .23-44-1 Lime 1-210 Water 3- on g" (fig. 2) 67 20 P or P' on a (fig. 3) 140 00' c. g. g on a (fig. 3) ... 155 00 a on g or g on e > (fig. 4) ... 5 ' It occurs abundantly in some countries, and particularly in Styria and Carinthia, where it forms coherent tracts, which extend along the chain of the Alps into Austria and Saltzburg. On these the great iron manufactories of Eisenerz and Vor- dernberg are situated, so celebrated for the fine steel they produce. Magnificent crystals of spathose-iron occur at Harz- gerode in the Hartz, in veins traversing grauwacke ; at Frey- berg in silver veins; and presenting many interesting varieties in the mining districts of Alston-Moor, Cornwall, and Devon- shire. In the United States carbonate of iron sometimes crystal- lized, or in readily cleavable masses of a reddish-brown color, and of a brilliant lustre, forms a considerable bed in mica slate at Sterling, Mass. It occurs also very abundantly in gneiss at Roxbury, Conn., where it is of a yellowish-grey color, and is associated with iron and copper pyrites. Very beautiful specimens have been brought from Plymouth, Vt. Junkerite. M. Dufrenoy* has discovered at Poullaouen in Brittany, a carbonate of protoxide of iron which crystallizes in right rhombic prisms and rectangular octahedrons, thus showing carbonate of iron to be dimorphous like several other minerals. It agrees very nearly in composition with the analy- * Ann. de Chim. et de Phys. Ivi. 198. METALLIFEROUS MINERALS. 365 ses just given, and its general physical characters identify it with common spathose iron. Its name is in honor of Mr. Junker, the sub-director of the mine where it was discovered. A FIBROUS CARBONATE OF IRON occurs in the veins of Tin Croft mine in Cornwall, in tabular masses of half an inch or less in thickness, striated in a direction perpendicular to the surfaces of the mass, and of a brown color. Sphcerosiderite is the name applied to a spheroidal and ra- diated variety from Hanau, where it is met with occupying hollows in greenstone without any indication of crystalline form. COLUMNAR CLAY IRON-STONE. Its colors are the same as the amorphous. It occurs in angular pieces composed of columnar concre- tions like starch, often closely aggregated, and cohering slightly ; or the interior is found to be columnar, the interstices being in some cases filled either with bitumen or calcareous spar. It is dull, soft, brittle, and when of a reddish -brown color is magnetic. It occurs in Bohemia, the Upper Palatinate, and Saarbruck : in Scotland in the Isle of Arran; in England in the Wednesbury coal deposit in Staffordshire, where the columns are coated with pyrites, and their interstices partially filled with carbonate of lime, sometimes with blende and galena. LENTICULAR CLAY IRON-STONE. Fer oxyde brun granuleux, Bt. It occurs in small granular or lenticular concretions, which are separate or aggregated into masses. Its color is reddish, or yellowish-brown, or greyish-black, with a pseudo-metallic lustre. Is brittle, and easily broken. It occurs in Franconia, Bavaria, Salzburg, Switzerland, France, and the Netherlands. CLAY IRON STONE, OR ARGILLACEOUS CARBONATE OF IRON. This is the variety which occurs so extensively in the coal formations of Great Britain, and supplies nearly all of the iron which is made there. Dr. H. Col- quhoun published in the seventh volume of Brewster's Journal his anal- yses of about twenty specimens of the Scotch clay iron stones, in which he finds from fifty-five to sixty per cent, of carbonate of iron, the rest being carbonate of lime and magnesia, with clay. The " black band" of Mushet contains eighty-five per cent, of carbonate of iron, or forty per cent, of metallic iron, and is the richest of the ores accompanying the coal for- mations in Great Britain. The ores which are found in the anthracite and bituminous coal measures of Pennsylvania, and those which occur so plentifully in the neighborhood of Baltimore, Md,, have very nearly the same composition with the above, and yield from twenty to forty-five per cent, when reduced in the smelting furnaces. PHOSPHATE OF IRON. Vivianite, W. Fer Phosphate, H. Blue Iron Ore, J. Prismatic Iron Mica, M. Dicro- matic Euclas lialoide, Haidinger. Arealus rhomboideus, D. Combination of phosphoric acid, protoxide of iron, and water. Cornwall, Bodenmais. Earthy Phosphate. New Jersey. Protoxide of iron... 41 -23 ............ 41-0 ....... .....32-0 ......... ...44-51 Phosphoric acid.... 3M8 ............ 96-4 ............ 47-5 ....... ..... 25-85 Water ..... . ...... 27-49. ... ........ 31-0.. .......... 20-0 ............ 28-08 99-90 Stromeyer. 98-4 Vogel. 99-5 Klaproth. 98-62 Vanuxem. These results differ widely from each other. Dr, Thomson has thus given a formula from the h'rst analysis by Stromeyer : 31* 386 NATIVE METALS AND Sp.Gr. 2-66. H.=2'0. Vivianite occurs crystallized in the form of a Right oblique- angled prism, which is that of its primary crystal. It cleaves readily, and only parallel to the plane P of the following figures ; the crystals are prismatic, and of considerable length, being attached to the matrix at the face M or the opposite plane, in which case the faces P T and c form the prismatic planes of the crystal. Color varying from pale green to indigo- blue ; by transmitted light green at right angles to the axis, and of a pale blue color parallel to it. Transparent or trans- lucent, with a partly metallic, partly vitreous lustre ; streak almost white, but on exposure to the air soon changes into indigo-blue. The powder produced by crushing the mineral in a dry state, is liver-brown. The crystals are often very small, aggregated, and divergent; those of Cornwall are flexi- ble, but not elastic, while the crystallized variety of New Jer- sey is extremely brittle. B B, on charcoal it intumesces, red- dens, and fuses into a steel-grey colored globule with metallic lustre. Soluble without effervescence in dilute sulphuric and nitric acids. P on M or T .... 90 00' M on T . 125 18 P on cl 125 56 d 135 35 T on cl 143 40 c2 165 25 b or 6 125 25 M on cl H7 4Q M on d or d' 150 30' b on b 148 5 cl on a 340 35 d 134 5 b 125 40 cl 108 30 c2 157 45 dond f 120 45 It occurs with iron- and magnetic-pyrites in gneiss at Bo- denmais in Bavaria; in the gold mines of Voroospatak in Transylvania; in the Isle of France ; and in Brazil. In England it is met with finely crystallized near St. Agnes in Cornwall, accompanied by magnetic iron-pyrites and spa- those iron : in Derbyshire in crystals of the same form and color, in the decomposed shale of that country. In the United States it occurs crystallized and in nodules, imbedded in bog iron ore at Allentown, Monmouth county, N. J., and occupying the interior of belemnites and gryphites, METALLIFEROUS MINERALS. 367 in the ferruginous sand formation in the same region. It has been found here in masses weighing thirty pounds. DELVAUXINE. M. Dumont (Ulnstitut, 1839, No. 282,) has given this name, in honor of M. Delvaux, to a phosphate of iron which he had discovered in a lead mine, and a chalk quarry at Bernean near Vise, in France. It forms kidney shaped masses, which easily separate with a conchoidal fracture and resinous lustre. It is a little harder than gypsum, and falls to pieces when moistened with water. Specific gravity 1-35. Its analysis gave M. Dumont, phosphoric acid 13-6, protoxide of iron 29-0, water 40-20, besides 11-0 carbonate of lime and 3-5 silica, which are acci- dental. Berzelius observes that this is the same basic phosphate as that from the Isle of France, with the difference that it contains twice the amount of water. ANGLARITE of Kobell. This is a fibrous and compact variety of phos- phate of iron. Its color is grey, inclining to blue ; and it is translucent. B B, it melts into a black globule, and in the matrass yields water. It occurs at Anglar, in the Haute Vienne, France. MULLICITE of Dr. Thomson. This is from Mullica Hill, Gloucester county, N. J., and has been made into a new species by Dr. Thomson. Its analysis gave phosphoric acid 24, protoxide of iron 42-65, water 25, sand 7'90. It forms very brilliant radiating needle-form crystals, attached to casts of several of the fossils of the green sand formation. YELLOW PHOSPHATE OF IRON, containing CHLORINE. C. T. Jackson. This variety occurs in compact, botryoidal masses, in the pri- mary rocks of Newfield, Me. Color brownish or greenish-yellow ; lus- tre on fractured surfaces resinous. Streak and powder nearly white. Hardness 5. B B, on charcoal turns black the moment the flame acts upon it, and becomes magnetic ; fuses slightly on the edges into a black glass ; with soda into a yellow bead. In a glass tube, with charcoal, yellow scales sublime which are chloride of iron. The presence of chlorine is also shown by the usual acid tests. Dr. Jackson obtained protoxide of iron 64-394, phosphoric and chlorohydric acids 56'606. EARTHY PHOSPHATE OF IRON. Blaue Eisenerde, W. Fer phos- phate terreux, H. Blue Iron Earth, J. The color of this variety on its first exposure is grey, yellow, or greenish-white, or with a very slight tinge of blue ; afterwards it becomes blue of different degrees of intensity. It occurs massive, disseminated in or coating other substances ; and is some- times loose, occasionally cohering, and with an earthy fracture. It is dull, meagre to the touch, soils the fingers slightly, and is light. B B, it becomes reddish-brown, and then melts into a brownish-black slag, attractable by the magnet. It occurs in clay, and mud, more or less intermingled with animal matter, from which the phosphoric acid is conjectured to have pro- ceeded. Also in argillaceous deposits in many places where it seems to have had its origin from the decomposition of animal substances. It has been brought from Styria, Carinthia, and Greenland. The friable varie- ties have been met with in forming excavations in the river mud of the Isle of Dogs ; in the same deposit at Toxteth near Liverpool. On the sur- face of peat-mosses in several of the Shetland Isles; at Ballagh in the Isle ot Man, accompanying animal matter, as the bones of the elk and deer. Bog iron ores are frequently more or less contaminated with phosphate of iron, and the cold short quality oi the cast iron obtained from them, has been supposed to be owing either to the direct combination of phosphoric acid with the metal, in the process of smelting, or to its not leaving the iron with which it was already united in the ore. It is evident, however, that phosphoric acid could not escape decomposition in the intense heat of the smelting furnace. 308 NATIVE METALS AND HETEPOSITE. KobeU. (Ann. dc CJtim. xxx. 294.) Heterositc, B. Marantalus Frcna i, D. Consists of phosphoric acid 41'77, protoxide of iron :34'69, protoxide of manganese 17'57, silica 022, water 4'40. - Dufremoy. Formula: 2FPh 2 +MnPh 2 +Aq. Massive ; having a lamellar structure, and a greenish-grey or blue color; lustre resinous, like that of apatite. Primary form an Oblique rhombic prism of 100 and 80, and 101 and 79, obtained by cleavage. After long exposure to the atmos- phere its color becomes violet, and its lustre is changed into semi-metallic. Is soluble in acids, with the exception of its silica; and B B, fuses into a brown enamel, which has a semi- metallic lustre. It occurs at Hureaux, in the Haute Vienne, and was noticed and described by M. Dufresnoy. KARPHOS1DERITE. Breithaupt. (Brewstcr's Journal, viii. 181.) Consists of phosphoric acid, oxide of iron, and water. Sp. Gr. 25. II. = 4-0 4-5. Occurs in reniform masses of a straw-yellow color ; lustre resinous ; fracture uneven ; feels greasy. B B, in the open tube, it gives off water, accompanied by fumes which redden turmeric paper : alone on charcoal it becomes black ; and at a high temperature melts into a globule, which is powerfully magnetic. Is soluble with facility in borax, and with salt of phosphorus forms a black scoria. This mineral was distinguished by Breithaupt, who named it in allusion to its straw-yellow color. Its locality is Labrador. SULPHATE OF IRON. Green Vitriol. Melanterie, Bcudunt. Bison-Vitriol, W. Fcr Fulphnte, II. Hcmi- Prismutic Vitriol, J. Hemi-1'rismatic Vitriol Suit, M. Vitriolum Martiale, D. Composed, by the analysis of Berzelius, of sulphuric acid 28-8, protoxide of iron 25'7, water 45'4. Formula : FSl-H3Aq. Sp. Gr. 184 19. H. = 2*0. Primary form an Oblique rhombic prism. M on M / r=82 20', P on M or M' 99 20'. It is usually modified by replace- ments on the acute and obtuse solid angles, as well as on the acute and obtuse terminal edges; sometimes also on the late- ral edges. (See fig. 12, p. xi. of the Introduction.} It presents various shades of green, sometimes emerald- green ; but more frequently, owing to exposure, is externally of a yellow or yellowish-brown color. It occurs in crystals, also massive, pulverulent, and in stalactites; cleavage perfect par- METALLIFEROUS MINERALS. 369 allel to P, less so to M ; translucent; lustre vitreous; taste extremely astringent ; fracture conchoidal. It is readily solu- ble in double its weight of water, and the solution turns black on the addition of tincture of galls. B B, on charcoal it be- comes magnetic, and colors glass of borax green. Exposed to the air, it soon appears covered with a yellow powder, which is the persulphate of iron. It occurs in the Rammelsberg mine near Goslar in the Hartz, at Schwartzenberg in Saxony, and at Schemnitz in Hungary ; also in aluminous shale, at Hurlet near Paisley ; and in New England, where it forms crusts upon the surfaces of such mica- slate rocks as happen to abound in iron pyrites. This species in its natural state is rare ; in most cases it is produced by the decomposition of other minerals, particularly iron pyrites, when it is freely exposed to the action of air and moisture, by which the sulphur is changed in sulphuric acid, the iron into an oxide, and a combination thus takes place be- tween them with the addition of water. It is sometimes found dissolved in the waters of certain mines. This natural cop- peras is used in dyeing, in making ink, Prussian blue, and sulphuric acid. WHITE COPPERAS. COQUIMBITE. Bisulphated Peroxide of Iron, Thomson. (Outlines, &c.,i. 450.) Vitriolumhexagonum,D. The results of three analyses of this mineral are as follow : Sulphuric acid 43-55 43-55 41-369 Peroxide of iron 24-1 1 25-21 26-789 Alu.ninti 0-92 0-78 1-050 Lime 0-73 0-14 0-000 Magnesia 0-32 0-21 0-300 Silica 0-31 0-37 0-825 Water 30-10 29-98 29-:397 100-04 H. Rose. 100-24 H. Rose. 99-680 J. H. Blake. Dr. Thomson has deduced the atomic composition of this mineral from the first analysis. By supposing the alumina, lime, and magnesia, to be united with sulphuric acid, he ob- tains very nearly two atoms of sulphuric acid to one of peroxide of iron, combined with five atoms water of crystallization. Formula : FSP+oAq. But Rammelsberg has described this salt as a ter sulphate, and even shown by the method of deter- mining the ratios of the constituents from the quantities of oxygen contained in them, that there is a small quantity of free sulpliuric acid present in this mineral. In the analysis by Mr. Blake there is a deficiency of acid, while the iron and water answer more nearly the demands of the formula, as given by Rammelsberg, than either of the other two. 370 NATIVE METALS AND The salt is white, also of various shades of brown, yellow, red, and sometimes even of a deep blue violet color. It is in masses of a granular texture, some parts of which are crystal- lized. The crystals are in regular hexahedral prisms, termi- nated at both extremities by six-sided pyramids. The faces of the pyramids c c 1 meet each other at an angle of 128 8', and incline upon the faces M M' at an angle of 119. P on c or c' 151. Cleav- age imperfect parallel with M. The crystals are entirely soluble in water, and if the solu- tion be heated, a copious precipitate of per- oxide of iron falls. When dissolved in water containing muriatic acid, a portion of silica remains undissolved. According to Prof. G. Rose, the solution after long standing in the air yields crystals which do not seem to have the form of the natural salt. It would seem probable that this is a dimorphous salt, as the specimens obtained by Mr. Blake, who has carefully explored the region in which it is found, present regular octahedral crystals of considerable size, as well as perfect hexahedral prisms, the only form observed by Rose. These octahedrons are obtained more beautiful and perfect by re-dissolving the salt in pure water and subsequent crystallization. It was one of the natural octahedral crystals which Mr. Blake analyzed. This salt is found in great abundance in the extreme south- ern part of Peru the western part of Bolivia, near Calama, and in the northern part of Chili, near Copiapo, forming beds arid veins in feldspar porphyry or trachyte in the outer and western range of the Andes. About five leagues east of the town of Copiapo there is an extensive bed five or six yards in depth, and in Bolivia it occurs in extensive veins traversing feldspar porphyry. Near Calama it constitutes the greater part of a large hill. SULPHATED PEROXIDE OF IRON. Dr. Thomson. (Outlines, &c., i. 451.) This salt is found encrusting the preceding, in small grains or six-sided tables, and accompanying masses of a dirty yellow- ish-green matter which is not crystallized. When separated from this, its analysis, by H. Rose, gave the following results : sulphuric acid 31'73, peroxide of iron 28*11, lime 1 : 91, mag- nesia 0-59, water 36*56, silica 1'43. METALLIFEROUS MINERALS. 371 The sulphuric acid amounts to 6'33 atoms, and the peroxide of iron to 5'62; but the lime and magnesia amount together to 0'75 atom, which supposing them to be united with sulphu- ric acid, leave 5'58 atoms of sulphuric acid to combine with 5'62 atoms peroxide of iron numbers so nearly equal that it is evident the salt is a neutral sulphated peroxide. The water amounts to nearly 6 atoms. Formula : FSl+6Aq. The color of this salt is yellow; it is translucent ; and possesses a pearly lustre. It is mixed with a good deal of silicious matter which is not easily separated. Cleaves readily parallel to P of the tables. BOTRYOGENE. Native Red Iron Vitriol of Fahlun, Haidinger. RotherEisen-VitrioJ, Leonhard. Neoplase, Beudant. Vitriolum bicolor, D. Consists of sulphuric acid 32'55, peroxide of iron 23'S6, protoxide of iron 10*71, water 32'85. Formula, by Beudant, FSl 2 +3FSl-hl2Aq. Sp. Gr. 2-039. H. = 2 25 2%5. Primary form an Oblique rhombic prism of 1 19 66' and 60 4'. M on M' 119 56' / on / 81 44 q on q 141 M M Occurs in small crystals which are usually aggregated in reniform and botryoidal masses, consisting of globules with a crystalline surface ; sometimes like a bunch of grapes, hence its name, from $OTgvs. Faces of /and M striated parallel to the axis,' and less perfectly formed than the inclined planes; cleavage parallel to M. Color deep hyacinth-red, passing, when massive, into ochre-yellow, the color of its streak ; translucent ; lustre vitreous; taste slightly astringent. When exposed to a moist atmosphere it becomes covered with a dirty yellow pow- der, but remains unchanged when dry. B B, it intumesces and gives off water, leaving a reddish-yellow earth ; with salt of phosphorus yields a red glass, which becomes colorless on cooling. Boiling water dissolves only a part of it. It occurs 372 NATIVE METALS AND in the great copper mine of Fahlun in Sweden, in the level called Mellanrumsort, forming a coating on gypsum or pyrites, along with Epsom salt, green vitriol, &c. Allan's Manual The MISY of Hausmann occurs with, and is nearly related to this species. As no analysis is given of it by Rammelsberg its composition is not accurately known. The name Misy was first given by Pliny to some artificial compound obtained in the process of making vitriol in the Island of Cyprus. ARSENIATE OF IRON. Wurfelerz. W. Fer Arscniate, H. rube-Ore, J. Pharmakosiderit, Hans. Hexaheclral Lirocone Malachite, M. Arcalus cubicus, U. Combination of arsenic acid, protoxide and peroxide of iron, and water, mixed with phosphoric acid and oxide of copper in very minute proportions. Peroxide of iron 39-20 40-Sfi 45-5 Arsenic acid 37-82 38-00 31-0 Phosphoric acid 2-ftf 0-71) 0-0 Oxide of copper IH5 7 10-5 Insoluble matter 1-76 0-35 4-0 100-57 Berzelius. 99-7b Berzelius. 100-0 Chenevix. The two analyses by Berzelius give very nearly one atom arsenic acid, one atom peroxide of iron, and three and a half atoms water, so that the mineral appears to be a hydrous sub- sesquiarseniate of iron. Formula: F^As-hS^Aq. Sp. Gr. 29 3-0. H. = 25. Various shades between light- and bottle-green, and yellow- ish- and brownish-green ; it rarely occurs massive, mostly crystallized in its primary form, a Cube, either perfect or having the alternate angles replaced by one or by three planes, very rarely with all the edges and angles replaced. The small planes b, b, on the largest of the following figures, appear at first only as striae, apparently indicating the tetrahedron as the primary form ; but the crystals yield to cleavage parallel to the planes of the cube, though not with sufficient brilliancy for the use of the reflective goniometer. The cross fracture is uneven or imperfectly conchoidal, with a shining vitreous lustre. It varies from transparent to opake ; sometimes ochreous exter- nally, from partial decomposition ; and is brittle. Streak pale olive-green. B B, on charcoal it emits arsenical vapors, and fuses into a grey scoria which exhibits metallic brilliancy and is attractable by the magnet. With the fluxes, after the disen- gagement of arsenical fumes, -it forms bottle-green colored glo- bules. On exposure to heat it becomes electric, and is soluble in concentrated acid. METALLIFEROUS MINERALS. 2. 3. 373 Fig. 1, the cube. Fig. 2, the same, of which the alternate solid angles are replaced by triangular planes. Fig. 3, in which they are replaced by four planes; these are sometimes rounded, and appear but as one plane. Fig. 4, the cube, of which both the edges and angles are replaced. b on b or b 93 40' b on b' 176 30 6 (upper) on b' 86 30 the other planes are dull, or some- what convex. Its principal localities are the mines of Huel Gorland, Huel Unity, and Carharack in Cornwall, where it occurs associated with various ores of copper. On the continent it has been found at St. Leonard in France, and at Schneeberg and Schvvartzenberg in Saxony, but it is a rare mineral out of England. DIARSENIATE OF IRON. Dr. Thomson. (Outlines, &,c., i. 456.) This mineral is composed, by the analysis of Kersten, of arsenic acid 30*25, peroxide of iron 40-45, water and a trace of sulphuric acid 28'50. The numbers correspond with one atom arsenic acid, two atoms peroxide of iron, and six atoms water. It is therefore a hydrous arseniate of iron, as thus ex- pressed by the formula F 2 As+6Aq. It occurs in yellowish-grey kidney-shaped pieces, soft, ap- proaching to friable, with a coarse earthy fracture, and adher- ing strongly to the tongue. Without lustre, and rough to the feel. It was first noticed by Freiesleben, in the neighborhood of Freiberg, but it does not appear to have been observed under any crystalline form. ARSENIATE OF IRON. This mineral has been analyzed by Berzelius and Boussin- gault, giving the following results : 32 374 NATIVE METALS AND Arsenic acid 50-78 49*6 Peroxide of iron 34-85 34-3 Oxide oflead 0-UO 0-4 Arseniate of alumina 0-07 0-0 Water 15-55 1(3-9 101-65 Berzelius. 1U1-2 Boussingault. Dividing the mean numbers which these two analyses give, by the atomic weights, we obtain one atom arsenic acid, one atom peroxide of iron, and two atoms water. But one third of the iron is supposed to be in the state of protoxide, whence Dr. Thomson has given this formula; FAs+SFAs+GAq. It occurs massive ; usually in small porous masses, present- ing imperfect crystallizations, among which Berzelius observed Right square prisms terminated by four-sided pyramids. Color pale; streak white. Heated in a glass tube it gives out water with the evolution of arsenious acid. B B, it becomes yel- low, but without changing its form. This mineral occurs at Antonio Pareiza, Villa Rica, in Brazil, and at Loaysa, near Marmato, in Popayan. OXALATE OF IRON. Fer Oxalate, Levy. Oxalate do Fer. Humboldtine, Rivcro. Humboldtite, Nccker and Beudant. Astasialus phytogeneus, D. Combination of oxalic acid, protoxide of iron, and water. Oxalio acid 46-14 42-40 Protoxide of iron. . . .53-66 41-31 Water 0-UO llj-47 100-00 Rivero. 100-00 Rammelsberg. Since the oxygen of the oxalic acid, of the protoxide of iron, and of the water, is as 3:1 : 1, 5, humboldite is a neutral oxalate of the protoxide of iron, with one and a half atom of water. It thus differs from the artificial combination by con- taining one half atom less of water.* Formula: FO+l^Aq. or, as stated by Rarnmelsberg, 2Fe3H. Rivero's number gave very nearly one atom acid to one atom base, but it ap- pears that he overlooked the water. Sp. Gr. 2-13 (Leonhard), 1-3 (Beudant). H. about 2'0. It occurs in small flattish masses of a bright yellow color, and crystalline, but the crystals are not determinate ; opake, devoid of lustre, and having an uneven earthy fracture. It acquires resinous electricity by friction: it decomposes easily on live coal, giving out a vegetable odor, the residue passing by degrees from yellow to black, and finally to red. It is in- * Rammelsberg's Ilandwbrterbuch, part 1st, p. 315. METALLIFEROUS MINERALS. 375 soluble in boiling water and alcohol, but dissolves without effervescence in nitric acid, imparting to it a yellowish tint. It is found at Koloseruk, near Bilin in Bohemia, imbedded in moor-coal or friable lignite, and is supposed by its analyst to result from the decomposition of succulent plants. Dr. Thomson, from an examination of this mineral, has been led to question whether oxalic acid is really contained in it, but Rammelsberg's result renders it probable that he did not receive a genuine specimen of the substance. TUNGSTATE OF IRON. Wolfram, W. ScheelinFerru^ine, H. Bt. Prismatic Wolfram, J. Prismatic Scheelium Ore, M. Wolframius rectangulus, D. Combination of the oxides of tungsten, iron, and manganese. Cumberland. Haute-Vienne. Bohemia. Cumberland. Tungstic acid 74-666 73-511 73-60 78-77 Protoxide of iron 17-594 20-745 11-20 18-32 Prot. of manganese.. 5-640 5744 15-75 6-22 Silica 2-100 0-000 0-00 1-25 100-000 Berzelius. 100-000 Vauquelin. 100-55 Richardson 104-56 Berz. We obtain from the two analyses by Berzelius, numbers which approach very nearly to three atoms tungstate of iron, and one atom tungstate of manganese, or 3FTn+MnTn. Sp. Gr. 7-1 1 7-33. H. = 5'0 55. Color brownish-black ; is found both mas- sive and crystallized in rectangular prisms. Structure lamellar ; cleavage perfect parallel to a plane which bevels the lateral edge be- tween r and r ; streak dark reddish-brown ; lustre brilliant, often metallic ; opake ; and is brittle ; t on t over the apex, 125 20' ; r on r over M, 101 5'. B B, it decrepitates, and fuses under a strong heat into a black and somewhat scoriaceous globule ; it is readily soluble in borax, and does not act on the magnet. Wolfram is peculiar to primitive rocks; and is a common associate of tin ore, particularly in the mines of Saxony, Bohe- mia, and Cornwall. In the former countries it is found in large well-defined crystals; in the latter in such abundance as frequently to impede the working of the tin ore. At Wheal Maudlin in Cornwall it has occurred in pseudomorphous crys- tals, assuming the precise form of tungsten. Greenland, Sibe- ria, Limoges in France, and the island of Rona in the Hebrides, are other localities of this species. In the United States, this mineral is found in considerable 376 NATIVE METALS AND quantity at Lanes mine, Monroe, Conn., in an extensive bed of quartz, accompanied by tungsten, blende, galena, and native bismuth. It occurs under similar circumstances in quartz at Trumbull in the same State. In Maine, at Bluehill, with sul- phuret of molybdena, and at Jackson, N. H., accompanying the veins of oxide of tin, discovered by Dr. Jackson. This mine- ral is frequently pseudomorphic, or takes the form of other substances, as of carbonate of lime, felspar, and tungstate of lime. (See the table of pseudomorphous bodies, p. Ixxxii. of the Introduction.) RUTILE. Prismatico-Pyramidal Titanium-Ore, J. Peritomous Titanium Ore, M. Rutil, W. Titane Oxyde, H. Futile, Br. Red Oxide of Titanium, Cleaveland. Titane Kutile,Bt. Titanic acid, Thomson. Rutilus quadratus, D. This species consists of titanic acid united with various pro- portions of oxide of iron. Formula: Tt.* Sp. Gr. 4 24 44. H. == G'O 6'5. Usual color reddish-brown, in which case it is opake ; also in prismatic crystals terminated by pyramids, of a blood-red color, and then translucent or transparent. It occurs in four- or eight-sided prisms, either single or geniculated, and com- monly striated longitudinally ; also in minute reticulated crys- tals. The structure is lamellar. The primary form is a Right square prism ; cleavage perfect parallel to M, interrupted paral- lel to d ; the fragments possess metallic adamantine lustre; cross fracture imperfectly conchoidal or uneven ; streak very pale brown ; brittle ; acquires resinous electricity by friction. B B, it is infusible per se, but with borax it forms a transparent reddish-yellow glass, which, when long in the reducing flame, assumes an amethystine color. Geniculated crystal. * In the crystals of this mineral from St. Yrieix, Prof. G. Rose found only 1-53 per cent, peroxide of iron ; whence we may suppose the above formula to represent the true com- position of this species. METALLIFEROUS MINERALS. 377 P on M or M' .... 90 00' M on M' 90 00 on d or M' on d' . 135 5 M on e or e 1 161 40 M on c or M on c' . . 122 45 a on a' 123 15 a or a' on c' 151 42' a on d or a' on d' ....... 132 20 d on e 153 33 M on M" or M' on M" (made) 134 52 a on a over summit .... 114 30' ) c on cover summit .... 123 08 )* Rutile is most frequently met with in lengthened prismatic crystals imbedded in quartz, as at Crianlarich in Perthshire, Rosenau in Hungary, Karingbricka in Sweden, Arendal, St. Gothard, and in Brazil. When the quartz is limpid, and is cut and polished to show the rutile, its slender needle-shaped, or hair-like crystals, appear of a blood-red hue by transmitted light. The reticulated variety occurs at St. Gothard, disposed in red, translucent flat prisms, on crystals of fer-oligiste. At St. Yrieix in France, Horcaejulo in Spain, and in Castile, it forms remarkable geniculated twin crystals, which are often of large size. Nigrin,t W. Titane oxyde ferrifere, H. Titan nigrin, Bt. Oxide of titanium containing about 14 per cent, of iron. Of a brownish-black color, and generally in loose, angular, or rounded masses; structure lamellar; cross fracture flat and imperfectly conchoidal ; lustre shining; streak pale-brown, and in most of its characters precisely similar to rutile. It is found in alluvium in Ceylon with iron sand, hyacinth, &,c. ; and at Ohlapian in Transylvania with gold, almandine, and rutile. In the United States, the most delicately acicular, or hair- shaped crystallizations, have been found in loose masses of quartz, in the vicinity of Hanover, N. H. A specimen in the cabinet of Dartmouth College, will vie in beauty with any brought from Brazil. According to Dr. Jackson, it occurs massive, and forms considerable veins in the gneiss rocks of the Souhegan River, and Merrimack Mountain, N. H. ; also crys- tallized, and sometimes in macled forms, in mica-slate, at Cor- nish, N. H. Very fine single crystals, with highly polished planes, occur in the chlorite slate of Windsor, Mass., and im- bedded in the felspar which occupies the seams of the slate. Prof. Hitchcock has also found in the gneiss at Barre, large and perfectly formed prisms along with crystallized mica and sulphuret of iron. Large compound crystals, of a dark color, * The measurements of these angles were incorrectly given in the former editions of this treatise. The first (a on a' aver summit =90 a ), was so obvious that we are surprised to find it copied into other works unobserved. Mr. Brook and Prof. Miller, have referred to them, as one or two mistakes made by the author, probably in transcribing ; and the last named aentleman, has now given the values of these angles, in an article on the forms of rutile, in the Lond. and Edinb. Phil. Mag., xvii. 268. Mr. Teschemacher at my request, had previously obtained the values of a a, as above stated, but the planes c, c, were not sufficiently perfect for measurement. 1 have therefore added, as above, Prof. Miller's determination of their values. His observed values of a a, almost exactly coin- cided with Mr. Teschemacher's. [Aw. ED.] t F* m its black color 32* 378 NATIVE METALS AND are found at Munroe and Huntington, Ct. The white limestone of Essex and Warren counties, N. Y., as at Amity and War- wick, and of Kingsbridge, New York county, according to Drs. Beck and Horton, furnishes several forms of crystallized rutile ; often in acicular four-sided semi-transparent prisms, of a dark blood-red color these prisms being united at their bases, so as to form the genicule-ternaire of Haiiy. It occurs at Edenville and Amity, N. Y., and is associated with pargasite at the former place, and with spinel, mica, &c. at the latter. It is contained also in the same limestone rock at Newton and Sparta, N. J., and accompanied by the various interesting minerals of this region. The white and grey quartz, which abounds in the vicinity of Georgetown, D. C., has lately added many beautiful crystals to the cabinets of American mineralogists, and the specimens are no less re- markable for their perfection, than for the magnitude of their crystals, many of them having their terminal planes complete, and measuring three inches in length. Crystals of equal di- mensions, with highly lustrous planes, have been found at Sadsbury, Lancaster and Chester counties, Penn., about 40 miles west of Philadelphia. According to J. A. Clay, the finest geniculated crystals are found loose in the soil, and these sometimes measure five inches in length. TITANIATE OF IRON. Menakan. Menaccanite. Iserine. Gregorite. Compound of titanic acid and oxide of iron. Menaccanite. Iserine. Brazil. Titanic acid 57-187 5(H2 41-0 Protoxide of iron ....39-780 49-88 Peroxide.... 56-2 Protoxide of manganese 2.175 0-00. ..Quartz... . 2-5 99-142 Colquhoun.* 100-00 H. Rose. 99-7 Berthier. Sp. Gr. 4-55. H. = 55-5. It occurs in small black granular masses, which slightly affect the magnetic needle, and were first noticed in the bed of a rivulet near Menaccan, in Cornwall ; and near the rise of the stream Iser t in the Riesengebirge of Silesia. Also from Botany Bay, in New South Wales, and on the shores of Siecles in Brittany. These ferro-titaniferous minerals vary considerably in their proportions of titanic acid and iron, and probably include more than one species. Regarding the mineral a compound of one atom titanic acid, and one atom protoxide of iron, the first analysis gives an excess of acid, and the second a de- ficiency. The third comes very near to a subsesquititanite of iron. But we shall omit the formula. * Thomson's Outlines, &c., i. p. 465. | Whence Menaccanite and Iserine. METALLIFEROUS MINERALS. 379 The Hystatite, or hystatisches eisenerz of Breithaupt, should probably come under this head, though in crystalline form it approaches nearer to Ilmenite. According to Von Kobell, it consists of titanic acid 43*24, protoxide of iron 27 '91, peroxide of iron 28-66. Von KobelPs Basanomelan, and Breithaupt's trappisches eisenerz, seem to follow in the same class. The latter occurs in cubes and octahedrons. BROOKITE.* Prismatic Titanium Ore, Headinger. Brookite, Levy. (Ann. of PAiZ., second series. ix. 140.) Jurinite of Soret. Contains titanic acid, with some traces of iron and manga- nese, but it has not been analyzed. H. 55 6-0. Primary form a right rhombic prism of 100 and 80'. The measurements are, e on e 101 37', e on ef (opposite side) 135 46', m on m over h 140. In crystals of a hair-brown color, passing into deep orange-yellow, more or less trans- lucent ; streak yellowish-white ; lustre bril- liant, metallic-adamantine. Insoluble and indecomposible in boiling muriatic acid, even when reduced to powder. Alone on charcoal it is infusible, but it is entirely soluble and forms a brownish-yellow glass with salt of phosphorus. This species occurs in extremely beautiful crystals with anatase and Crichtonite at Bourg d'Oisans in Dauphine, and was first noticed by M. Soret. It occurs also on the Tete-noire in Savoy, and in large distinct crystals, sometimes half an inch in diameter, at Tremadoc in Wales. It is, however, a rare mineral, and the locality is sup- posed to be exhausted. According to Joseph A. Clay, a single, but very perfect crystal, not distinguishable from Brookite, has been found at Phenixville, on the Reading rail-road, Penn., associated with pearl spar. CRICHTONITE.t Fer Oxydule Titane, H. Crichtonite, Sournon. Siderus acrotomus, D. Sp. Gr. 4-0. H. = 4-5. It occurs in small crystals in the form of acute rhomboids, having the summits replaced, and being otherwise variously modified by secondary planes ; the only cleavage is at right * In honor of H. J. Brooke, Esq., well known for his valuable contributions both to Mineralogy and Crystallography. f In honor of Dr. Crichton. 380 NATIVE METALS AND angles to the axis of the rhomboid, *. e. parallel to the plane a. Color bluish-black, opake, and of a brilliant metallic lustre ; the cross fracture conchoidal and shining; streak deep black. Infusible B B, but with salt of phosphorus affords a glass which becomes red on cooling. It does not affect the magnet. Crichtonite is classed by Berzelius with menaccanite. P on P' .... P or P' on P" . on a . . 61 20' 118 45 97 12 P" on a 83 20 It occurs accompanying anatase, and on rock crystal, at St. Christophe, near Oisans, in Dauphine. It has not been anal- yzed, but it is supposed to contain titanic acid and iron. By some it is included with the next species. At Amity and Monroe, Orange county, N. Y., a mineral supposed to be Chrichtonite, but which has not been analyzed, occurs in black shining crystals imbedded in serpentine and white limestone, accompanied by Brucite, spinel and rutile. The mineral in broad laminated masses, found at Washington, Conn., formerly referred to this species, and now described as a new mineral by Prof. Shepard, under the name of Washingtonite, seems to belong to the next species. ILMEN1TE.* Axotomous Iron Ore, M. Ilmenit, L. Kibdelophan, Beudant. Siderua acrotomus, D. Combination of titanic acid and oxide of iron. Miask. Titanic acid 46-67 Peroxide of iron 11-71 Protoxide of iron a5-87 Protoxide of manganese . . 2-39 Magnesia 0-60 Lime 0-25 Oxide of chrome 38 Silica 2-80.... Miask. .46-92 .10-74 .37-86 . 2-73 . 1-14 . 000 . 0-00 . 0-00... Cast. in. 59-00 , 4-25 , 36-00 , 1-65 , 0-00 0-00 0-00 0-00 100-17 Mosander. 99-39 Mosander. 100-90 Kobell. Formula from the mean of the two first analyses : FT+F 2 T. Sp. Gr. 44 4-8. H. 50 52. Occurs, though rarely, in irregular opake crystals of a dark iron-black color; generally massive. Primary form an acute rhomboid of 85 59' and 94 1'. Cleavage perfect parallel to o ; lustre imperfect metallic; streak black; fracture conchoidal; * From its locality, the lake llmen in Siberia. METALLIFEROUS MINERALS. 381 slightly affects the magnet. B B, on charcoal it is infusible, but with fluxes comports itself like oxide of iron. This species occurs imbedded in serpentine, and associated with apatite and sparry iron, at Inglisberg near Hoff, in the Gastein Valley, Saltzburg. It is also met with massive and compact at Eggersund in Norway, and imperfectly crystal- lized at Ilmensee and Ekatherineburg in Siberia. It was first described by Prof. G. Rose. WASHINGTONITE, Shcpard. The earliest notice we have of the mineral now known by this name, is in Shepard's Mineralogy, vol. i. p. 150, where it is described under the species Crichtonite. The discovery of other localities of the mineral having since afforded some better defined crystals which are plainly distinct from those of Crichtonite, Prof. Shepard has supposed them to belong to a new species. But they seem to agree very nearly with Ilmenite or Axo- tomous iron, and they have therefore been here introduced as a variety of that mineral, appearing under a different secondary modification. Fig. 2 has been copied from an article by Prof. Shepard in the Am. Jour, of Science, vol. xlviii, p. 364. The faces are not sufficiently perfect for measurement with the reflecting goniometer, but planes P P, which had been varnished, afforded an approximate angle of 86. The replacing planes are the most brilliant, and they sometimes convert the crystals into regular hexahedral tables. Cleavage very perfect parallel with P, affording planes more brilliant than the natural ones. Fracture uneven ; lustre im- perfectly metallic; color iron-black or greyish-black; slightly magnetic. According to Prof. Shepard, in specific gravity and hardness, this mineral rather exceeds axotomous iron; but in isomorphous minerals, in which the constituents re- place each other in various proportions, we may well conceive that these characters are liable to vary, no less than the blow- pipe characters.* This variety occurs at Washington, Litchfield, and South Britain, Conn., at Westerby, R. I., and, according to Prof. Shepard, at Goshen, Mass. * For the chemical composition of Washingtonite, aee the Appendix to this volume. 382 NATIVE METALS AND MOHSITE.* Mohsite, Levy. (Phil. Mag., new scries, ii. 286.) Uncleavable Iron Ore, Shepard. Scratches glass easily. Primary form a Rhomboid of 73 45'. Occurs in twin crys- tals, flattened in a direction perpendicular to the axis, present- ing the aspect of small flat tables, nearly circular, with alter- nate re-entering and salient angles on their edges. Cleavage not observable; color iron-black ; opake ; with a perfect me- tallic lustre; brittle; does not act on the magnet. This species was noticed by Levy on a specimen which was understood to be from Dauphine. It has not been anal- yzed, but it seems to stand in very near relation to Crichtonite. COLUMBITE.t Columbite, Hatchett. Tantalit, Karstcn. Tantale Oxide Ferro-mangan6sifere, H. Tan- talite, J. A. Prismatic Tantalum Ore, M. Columbus rectangulus, U. Combination of columbic acid with the protoxides of iron and manganese. Kimito. Broddbo. Zamela. Columbic acid 83-2 68-22 83-44 Protoxide of iron 7-2 9-58 13-75 Protoxide of manganese. 7-4 7-15 1*12 Oxide of tin 0-0 8-26 0-00 Tungstic acid 0-0 6-19 0-00 Lime , ...trace... ..1-.19 0-00 98-4 Berzelius. 100-59 Berzelius. 98-31 Nordenskibld. Bodenmais. Bodenmais. New London, Conn. Bodenmais. Columbic acid 75-0 75-0 80-0 79-65 Protoxide of iron 20-0 17-0 15-0 14-00 Protox. of manganese. 4-0 5-0 0-0 7-55 Oxide of tin 0-5 1-0 0-0 0-50 Lime 0-0 0-0 5-0 0-00 Moisture 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-05 99-5 Borkowsky. 98-0 Vogel. 100-0 Wollaston. 100-75 Thomson. The first specimen from Kimito analyzed by Berzelius, the third from Tamela by Nordenskiold, and the sixth from Con- necticut by Wollaston, give almost exactly one atom of colum- bic acid to one of the bases protoxides of iron and man- ganese. It is evident that the iron is substituted for the manganese partly in the third specimen, and wholly in the sixth. In the first analysis the atoms of Cl are 3'27, of F 1'60, of Mn 1 -64. In the sixth, Cl 351 , F 3*33 with this, includ- ing the manganese with the iron, the third very nearly agrees. Whence we obtain the formula, FCl+MnCl, or simply FC1. Sp. Gr. 6-3 6-8. H. = 60. * Named by Levy in compliment of Professor Mobs. t Columbite, from its having been first discovered in America; whence Columblum, the designation of the pure metal, so named by Hatchett. METALLIFEROUS MINERALS. 383 Color greyish or brownish-black; it occurs in single crys- tals, and in small crystalline masses; the crystals are mostly incomplete, but possess the general form of quadrangular prisms, striated longitudinally, shining externally and vari- ously modified. The primary form as determined by Brooke is a Right rectangular prism. Cleavage parallel to M and T, rather distinct; streak brownish-black. It is opake, scratches glass, and gives sparks with the steel. Alone B B, none of the varieties of tantalite suffer any change ; with borax, how- ever, those of Kimito and Finbo, which contain large propor- tions of columbium, dissolve slowly but perfectly, communi- cating to it a faint green color ; those, on the contrary, which contain less columbium, fuse readily into a black or extremely dark-green and almost opake glass. In heated sulphuric acid it is partly soluble, but it is wholly decomposed by fusion with sulphate of potash. Bodenmais. Middletown. 3, d 2. Tj 3 1 P on M or T . M on T .... P on al or al ; e . . . . T on dl 156 d'2 114 c 150 P on 6 160 90 00' Brooke. 90 00 136 30 120 00 30 SO 00 34 Dana. The lateral Fig. 1 represents a crystal in the possession of Mr. Brooke, positron of the two last figures is reversed. The most crystalline foreign varieties of this species have occurred at Bodenmais in Bavaria, associated with beryl and uranite. It is obtained in granite at Kimito in Finland, at 334 NATIVE METALS AND Finbo near Fahlun with topaz, and at Rabenstein near Zvviesel in Bohemia. In the United States this mineral occurs at Haddam and Middletown, Conn., accompanying the chrysoberyl, &c., at the former place, and imbedded in felspar with uranite and rutile, at the latter. The crystals present very regular and highly finished planes, and though usually small, have sometimes been met with several inches in length, and in one instance, of fourteen pounds in weight. Prof. Johnston, of the Wesleyan University, possesses one of these gigantic crystals, and has pub- lished a description of it in the Amer. Jour, of Science, xxx. p. 387. Fig. 3 is given on the authority of Dr. Torrey, and fig. 4, has been copied from a paper by J. D. Dana*. At Chesterfield, Mass., very distinct crystals have been found in granite with beryl and tourmaline. According to Shepard, large and per- fect crystals were formerly found at Ackworth, N. H., but the locality appears to be exhausted. Columbite was first discov- ered near New London, Conn., and the specimen now in the British Museum, originally examined by Hatchett, and subsequently by Wollaston, came from this place, and was sent by Gov. Winthrop to Sir Hans Sloane. Torrellite of Dr. Thomson. In the fourth volume of the Records of General Science, Dr. Thomson has given the description and analysis of a mineral sent to him by Dr. Tor- rey as Columbite, and which he has named Torrellite, as a new species, in honor of that gentleman. It came from Middletown, the well known locality of Columbite. In hard- ness and specfic gravity, it is much inferior to the Bohemian Columbite, but is similar in its characters B B. From the measurement of an imperfect crystal, Dr. Thomson deter- mined the primary form to be a Right oblique prism, thus differing from Columbite, the primary form of which is a Right rectangular prism. M on T (mean of several trials) 84 20', (see fig. 11, p. xxix. of the Introduction to this vol.) T on a plane replacing the acute lateral edge G, 152, M on the same plane 110 20'. The opposite acute solid angle B, is replaced by a triangular plane inclining on the ad- jacent edge, at an angle of about 143 45'. Proportions be- tween the length and breadth of the crystal, apparently the same as in columbite. Color black, or much darker than columbite ; surface irridescent, with a play of blue and green colors; lustre imperfectly metallic, almost resinous, being * Annals of the Lyceum of Nat. His. New York, i. p. 89. Amer. Jour, of Science, xxxii. p. 149. METALLIFEROUS MINERALS. 385 very similar to that of cherry coal. Structure foliated paral- lel with M. Cross fracture granular. Opake. Its analysis afforded these products : Columbic acid .......... 73-90 Protoxide of iron ........ 15-65 Protoxide of manganese. 8-00 Water ................. 0-35 97-90 These numbers correspond with two atoms dicolumbate of iron, and one atom dicolumbate of manganese. Formula, as given by Dr. Thomson: 2F 2 Cl+Mn 2 Cl. CHROMATED IRON. Siderite Chromifere, N. Eisenchrom, L. Prismatic Chrome Ore, J. Octahedral Chrome Ore, M. Chromeisenstein, W. Fer Chromate, H. Bt. Siderus Chromicus, D. Combination of oxide of chromium with peroxide of iron and alumina. Siberia. Bare Hills, Md. Chester, Penn. Oxide of chromium . . .53-0 ................ 52-95 ................ 51-36 Peroxide of iron ...... 34-0 ................ 29-24 ................ 35.14 Alumina ............. 11-0 ................ 12-22 ................ 9-72 Silica ............... 2-0 ................ 3-09* ............... 2-90 100-0 Laugier. 97-50 Thomson. 99-32 Seybert. Bare Hills, Md. Bare Hills, Md. Oxide of chromium ____ 51-6 ................ 39-51 Peroxide of iron ....... 35-0 ................ 36-00 Alumina .............. 10-0 ................ 13-00 Silica ................ 3-0 ................ 10-60 99-6 Berthier. 99-11 Seybert. Vauquelin, who first discovered chrome in this mineral, con- sidered it a combination of chromic acid with oxide of iron, but Laugier has shown that the chromic acid was formed in the process by igniting the mineral with potash. Dr. Thom- son supposes the silica shown in these analyses, to have been mechanically mixed with the specimens, in consequence of suf- ficient care not having been used in selecting pure crystals. His analysis was obtained from perfect octahedral crystals, and it gave only a trace of silica, approaching very nearly to two atoms oxide of chrome, one atom peroxide of iron, and one atom alumi- na. As the oxide of chrome is supposed to act the part of an acid } the formula is thus stated: FCh+AlCh. If we suppose with Rammelsberg and others, that this mineral in its purest state is only oxide of chrome and protoxide of iron, or FCh, it cor- responds with pleisto-magnetic iron ore, the form of which it assumes, the peroxide of iron being replaced by oxide of chromium. * White matter. 386 NATIVE METALS AND Sp. Gr. 4-3 4-6. H. = 5'5. Occurs massive, disseminated in grains, and crystallized in the Regular octahedron, which is its primary form ; cleavage parallel to all the planes of that figure ; color iron-black or brownish-black; the massive has sometimes, though rarely, a perfectly lamellar structure, the fracture being commonly im- perfect conchoidal and uneven, with a shining and somewhat metallic lustre; occasionally magnetic ; has a brown streak, and is opake. Insoluble in nitric acid, and infusible B B, without addition, becoming magnetic when exposed to the inner flame; but with borax, or salt of phosphorus, it melts slowly, though completely, and on cooling exhibits the fine green of the oxide of chrome, which becomes still more in- tense on the addition of tin. When fused in powder with soda, it gives a yellowish dross, colored by oxide of chrome. P on P' or P" . . 109 28' Chromated iron forms irregular veins in serpentine at Gassin in the Department du Var, near Nantes ; in the Gulsen mountains near Kraubat in Styria: in the Uralian mountains of Siberia; in the Shetland isles of Unst and Fetlar; near Portsoy in Banffshire ; and in St. Domingo, it is found in oc- tahedral crystals. In the United States, very perfect and brilliant octahedral crystals, with their edges replaced, are found in the serpentine of Bare Hills near Baltimore, Md., and also at Hoboken, N. J., imbedded in serpentine and dolomite. It occurs also at Mil- ford and New Haven, Conn., arid at New Fane, Vt. Its large proportion of chrome renders this a highly valuable ore. It is employed as a pigment, yielding, in combination with the oxides of other metals, green, yellow, and red colors, which are used in oil-painting, and coloring porcelain. HAUSMANNITE. H o3 n H it< l' ? al u 1 L y 1 rai d u 1 Manganese Ore, M. Black Manganese. Manganese Oxide Hydrate, H. Blattncher Schwarz Braunsteinerz, Hauvnann. Foliated Black Manganese Ore, J. Manganus acrotomus, D. Anhydrous red oxide of manganese, mixed with a small pro- portion of the peroxide. The analysis by Dr. Turner, gave METALLIFEROUS MINERALS. 387 red oxide of manganese 98-098, oxygen 0*215, water 0-435, barytes O'lll, silica 0'337. The red oxide of manganese (oxidunimanganeso-mangamcum of Arfvvedson) consists of one atom protoxide, and two atoms sesquioxide of manganese. As the other ingredients are doubtless accidental, the formula for this mineral is therefore, MnMn 2 . Sp. Gr. 4-72 4-8. H. = 5'0 5-5. It occurs massive arid crystallized. Its primary form is an octahedron with a square base. Cleavage indistinct parallel with the octahedral faces, but readily obtained parallel with the base. Color iron-black, opake ; very hard, and affords a dark-reddish or chesnut-brown powder. Lustre imperfect me- tallic. On charcoal in a strong heat it fuses on the edges ; with borax readily forms a deep violet-blue or almost black globule ; and with soda produces a green colored scoria. Is insoluble in muriatic acid, but is decomposed by heated sul- phuric acid. P on P" or P' on P'" 117 30' P on P' or P" on P'" . . 105 45 Hausmannite is found in veins of porphyry, along with other ores of manganese, at CEhrenstock near Ilmenau inThuringia; at Ihlefeld in the Hartz ; and at Lebanon in Pennsylvania, United States. The most distinctly crystallized specimens are met with at Framont in Alsatia; but it is on the whole not a common species. The summits of the pyramids are sometimes replaced by low four-sided pyramids. BRAUNITE.* Brachytypous Manganese Ore, M. Brachytypous Manganerz, L. Manganus peritomus, D. It ic an anhydrous sesquioxide of manganese. The variety from Elgersburg yielded to Turner, protoxide of manganese 86'94, oxygen 9 85, water 0'95, and baryta 2'26. Divided by the atomic weights, the atoms of oxygen are very nearly half those of the protoxide of manganese ; it is therefore a sesqui- oxide. Formula : Mn. Sp. Gr. 4-8 49. H. 6-0 6-5. * Named by Turner and Haidinger, in compliment to their mutual friend Mr. Braun of Gotha. A valuable paper by these gentlemen, on the Manganesian Minerals, has been published in the Edinb. Trans, xii. 119 and 143. 388 NATIVE METALS AND Primary form, an Octahedron with a square base whose faces, according to Haidinger, are inclined at angles of 109 58 7 , and 108 39'. Secondary form the same, occasionally truncated. Occurs both crystalline and massive, frequently fibrous and divergent, of a dark brownish-black color, with an imperfect metallic lustre ; streak black or slightly brownish; cleavage distinct parallel to the faces of the primary ; fracture uneven ; brittle. It is soluble in muriatic acid, leaving a trace of siliceous matter. B B, on charcoal it is, per sc, infusi- ble, but assumes in the reducing flame a reddish color. With borax it melts with a slight effervescence. This species of manganese forms veins in porphyry at (Ehrenstock near Ilmenau, at Elgersburg, Friedrichsroda, and elsewhere in Thuringia ; also with red epidote at St. Marcel in Peidmont. Besides its superior hardness to other ores of manganese, the direction of its cleavage parallel to the faces of the pyramid, sufficiently distinguishes this species from Hausmannite, in which the cleavage always takes place par- allel to the base. PYROLUS1TE.* Prismatic Manganese Ore, M. Manganus prismaticus, D. Grey ore of Manganese. It is an anhydrous binoxide of manganese, united with seve- ral accidental substances. Binoxide of manganese.. 98-14 97-835 99-242 Water l-8) ].]2ij 0-000 Barytes 0-00 0-53-2 0-000 Silica 0-00 0-513 0-840 Peroxide of iron 0-00 0-000 0-130 100-00 Arfwedson. 100-000 Dr. Turner. 100-212 Dr. Thomson. Formula: Mn. Sp. Gr. 4-6 4-9. H. = 2*0 25. Primary form a Right rhombic prism. Color iron-black, sometimes bluish; opake; lustre metallic; streak black; cleavage parallel to M, v, and w. M on M over v . .93 40' * Pyrolusite, from TVQ, fire, and Aovw, / wash, in allusion to it3 valuable property of discharging the brown and green tints in glass. METALLIFEROUS MINERALS. B B, at a powerful heat, in the reducing flame, it becomes brownish-red, but does not fuse ; is soluble with brisk effer- vescence in borax, coloring the globule of an amethystine tinge, but yields no water when heated in the matrass. In an economical point of view, pyrolusite is the ore of man- ganese properly so called, and is extensively worked in many countries, particularly atllrnenau, Friedrichsroda, Elgersburg, and other places in Thuringia. The mines of Ehrensdorf, near Maehrisch-Triebau in Moravia, afford annually many hundred tons of this ore ; and in Cornwall, Devonshire, Saxony, France, Hungary, and other countries, it is of more or less fre- quent occurrence. In all these localities it is associated with psilomelane, from which, however, it is easily distinguished by its greatly inferior hardness; indeed it is generally so soft as, even in crystalline specimens, to soil the finger when handled. At first sight it may be confounded with certain crystallized varieties of antimony ; but its dark steel-grey color is sufficient- ly characteristic ; and if not, the blowpipe will distinguish it, pyrolusite being perfectly infusible, while antimony yields even to the flame of a candle. A Man's Manual The annual con- sumption of this ore in Great Britain is about 30,000 tons, nearly a third of which is consumed in Glasgow. Thomson. In Nova Scotia and New Brunswick, it is frequently met with in scattered masses through the new red sandstone, but it does not. occur in regular beds. In the United States this mineral frequently accompanies the deposits of brown haematite iron, and is both massive and in crystals. Bennington, Vt., has supplied the largest quanti- ties of the massive variety. Salisbury and Kent, in Conn., Richmond and Lennox, Mass., have afforded many distinctly crystallized specimens. GREY OXIDE OF MANGANESE. MANGANITE. Grau Braunsteinerz, W. Mansanese Oxide Motalloide, H. Prismatoidal Manganese Ore M IMananite, Haidinger. Prismatic Manganese Ore, J. Hydrated Deutoxide of Manganese, Tamer. AcerdUe, Beudant. Manganus rhombicus, D. Ihlefeld. Undenaes. Protoxide of manganese ..... 86-85 ............ 87-1 ............ 86-41 100-00 Turner. 100-0 Gmelin. 99-95 Arfwedson. According to Dr. Thomson this mineral is a hydrated ses- quioxide, and differs from Braunite only in containing one atom of water. Formula : Mn 2 Aq. Sp. Gr. 4-31 44. H. = 4'0 4 2. 33* 390 NATIVE METALS AND Color steel-grey, passing into iron-black ; occurs in prisma- tic crystals, which are occasionally modified ; cleaves readily and with brilliant surfaces parallel to the lateral planes of a Right rhombic prism of 100 and 80* (the primary form), and both its diagonals. It occurs also in acicular crystals longitu- dinally striated, either diverging, or confusedly intersecting each other ; also massive, with a fibrous structure, or having a granular or earthy texture ; lustre imperfect metallic; opake, except in the thinnest fragments, which exhibit a feeble trans- lucence ; brittle; marks strongly when rubbed, giving a dark reddish-brown, and in the massive varieties a black, streak. Primary. y__ T r N/ h 4 Jjl i M: r > - P on M or M' 90 00' M on %2 168 00 M on M' 100 00 ..... . 0-3 1 ^2 ^T P on a 115 02 f 1 30 on M on & or M' on 6' ... 121 35 il . . . . 174 30 dl dl' . . 138 00 i2 . . . 168 52 d2 d2' . . 125 00 i3 . 161 00 el iV 130 20 z'4 ...... . . 155 12 . g2 e2' 149 30 162 00 M on gl 171 30 el on b . 168 12 B B, it yields water in the matrass. Per se, it is infusible, but assumes a reddish tinge in the oxidating flame. With borax it affords a violet-blue colored globule. It is insoluble in nitric acid, but in muriatic it gives off chlorine, and dissolves without residue ; when exposed to a powerful heat, oxygen is disengaged. This is the purest and most beautifully crystallized ore of manganese. It occurs both in primitive and secondary forma- tions, in veins, beds, and irregular masses. Its principal locality is Ihlefeld in the Hartz, where it is associated with calcareous spar and barytes, in veins traversino- porphyry It occurs also, though less abundantly, in Bohemia, Alsatia, Saxony, Aberdeenshire, Cornwall, and at Undenaes in West * According to Necker, 99 41' and 80 19*. METALLIFEROUS MINERALS. 391 Gothland. It is distinguished from pyrolusite by its superior hardness and characteristic brown streak, which sometimes appears black until a portion has been abraded. PSILOMELANE.* Uncleavable Manganese Ore, M. Compact and Fibrous Manganese Ore, or Black Hema- tite, J. Black lion Ore. Schwartz Eisenstein. Schwartzer Glaskopf, W. Dichtes Schwartz Manganerz, L. Manganese Oxide Hydrate Concretionne. Manganese Oxide Non-Barytifere, H. Manganus informis, D. Though this ore has been placed by mineralogists among the oxides of iron, under the names of black haematite and black iron ore, pure fragments of it do not contain a trace of that metal. England. Romaneche. Red oxide of manganese. . .69-795 70-3 Oxygen 7-464 7-2 Bary tes 16-365 16-5 Water. 6-216 4-0 Silica 0-260 2'0 100-000 Turner. 100-0 Berthier. Formula, by Dr. Thomson : 2Mn 6 Br+5MnAq. Sp. Gr. 4-0 4-15. H. = 5'0 6-0. Crystalline form unknown ; massive and botryoidal ; color black, passing into dark steel-grey; lustre imperfect metallic; opake ; streak brownish-black, and shining: cleavage and frac- ture not observable. B B, it colors glass of borax violet-blue, like other ores of manganese; and is completely soluble in muriatic acid, with the exception of a small quantity of silica. This species is frequently associated with pyrolusite, some- times even alternating with it in layers of different thickness; and occurs in botryoidal and stalactitic-shaped masses in Devonshire and Cornwall ; at Ihlefeld in the Hartz ; in the district of Siegen in Hessia; and at several places in Saxony, Silesia, and Bayreuth. The Romaneche variety possesses a somewhat higher specific gravity. VARVACITE.t Richard Phillips. (Phil. Mag. 2nd series, v. 209.) This mineral, first named and described by R. Phillips, is composed, according to his own analysis, as follows : Protoxide of manganese 81-12 Oxygen, 13-48 Water,. 5-40 100-00 * Psilomelane, from \Lt\oc, smooth or naked, and pela?, black, in allusion to its smooth or botryoidal form, and black color, f From its occurring in the county of Warwick. 392 NATIVE METALS AND These numbers give two atoms binoxide and two atoms ses- quioxide of manganese, united with one atom water. Formu- la: 2Mri2Mn-hAq. Sp. Gr. 4-28 4-53. Color grey, not differing much from that of pure binoxide. It is composed of thin plates and fibres, without any regular crystalline shape, often radiating. Lustre metallic; opake. According to Dr. Turner (Chemistry, p. 420, seventh edition,) this is found in the manganese ore of Ihlefeld in pseudomor- phous crystals in the form of the six-sided prisms of calcareous spar. HYDROUS BINOXIDE OF MANGANESE. This mineral was first described and analyzed by Berthier.* It is contained in, or forms the principal part of an ore of manganese from three different localities. The analyses are thus given : Groroi. Vecdessoss. Caustern. Protoxide of manganese. . .62-4 68-9 46-5 13-86 ^ Oxygen 12-8 11-7 7-1 12-8 | Water 15-8 12-4 8-8 14-04 \ f Peroxide of iron 6-0 0-0 3-6 1-2 Clay 3-0 7-0 . .Quartz... 33-6 0-OOJ 100-0 Berthier. 100-0 Berthier. 99-6 Berthier. Of the first analysis Dr. Thomson observes, that the whole protoxide of manganese to be converted into the deutoxide, would require 13'S atoms of oxygen; but only 12'8 atoms were obtained. Hence the mineral must have been a mixture or compound of ll - 8 atoms binoxide, two atoms sesquioxide, fourteen atoms water. It is obvious that every atom of the oxides of manganese in the mineral, was combined with an atom of water. We have then a compound of six atoms bin- oxide of manganese, one atom sesquioxide of manganese, seven atoms water. But as there is a great variation in the quantity of sesquioxide in the three specimens, Berthier has regarded it as accidental ; and the mineral may thus consist, of one atom binoxide of manganese, one atom water. P^or- mula: MnAq; or 6Mn-h2Mn-H4Aq, if we adopt the first analysis. This mineral occurs in rolled masses, in a bed of sand and clay. Color brownish black ; dull; here and there metallic. Its powder has a slight chocolate color. By ignition it loses 24 per cent, of its weight in water and oxygen, without * Memoirs by Berthier, ii. p. 230. j Atoms answering to the first analysis. METALLIFEROUS MINERALS. 393 changing its form, but acquiring a reddish color. It dissolves slowly in concentrated sulphuric acid, to which it communi- cates a fine violet-red color. Oxalic acid attacks it readily, even without heat, and two and a half times its weight of this acid are required to disoxidise it completely. Sulphurous acid dissolves it almost instantly. An ore of manganese somewhat resembling that above de- scribed, but differing slightly in its composition the Hy- drous Sesquibinoxide of Manganese of Dr. Thomson, is found in the neighborhood of Cork. Its analysis gave Dr. Thom- son, silica 22'90, sesquioxide of manganese 23 48, binoxide of manganese 17'22, peroxide of iron 28'64, water 8-05. To suppose this mineral to be a hydrous sesquibinoxide of manga- nese, requires that we throw out the silica and oxide of iron as accidental. WAD. Earthy Manganese. Black Wad. Manganus terrenus, D. Contains, according to Klaproth, oxide of manganese 68'0, oxide of iron 6'5, water 17 - 5, carbon 1*0, baryta and silica 9'0. Specific Gravity 3'7, though apparently very light when taken in the hand. It occurs of various shades of brown, blackish-brown, and grey, sometimes approaching to steel-grey. It is commonly dull, but the grey possesses a glimmering lustre. Occurs mas- sive, botryoidal and amorphous, sometimes pulverulent; or in froth-like coatings on other minerals. The massive commonly yields to the nail and soils the fingers. From its giving off water abundantly on exposure to heat in the matrass, it is con- sidered by Berzelius as a hydrate of manganese. It occurs principally at the manganese pits of Upton Pyne, Devonshire ; in Cornwall, the Hartz, and in Piedmont. CUPREOUS MANGANESE. Kunfer Mangan of the Germans. Manganese Hydrate Cuprifere, JYccker. Cupreous Manganese, J. Manganus Cupriferus, L). Hydrate of the oxide of manganese, mixed with oxide of copper and gypsum. Oxide of manganese 74-10 Oxide of copper 4-80 Water 21-10 Gypsum 1*05 Silica 0-30 100-45 Kersten. Rammelsberg has thus given the chemical formula for this mineral CuMnH 9 +3Mn 2 H 3 . Sp. Gr. 3-15 325. H. about 1-5. 394 NATIVE METALS AND Is found massive, in small reniform and botryoidal opake groups of a bluish-black color ; lustre resinous; streak corres- ponding to the color ; not brittle. B B, it becomes brown, but is infusible ; to borax or salt of phosphorous it communicates the amethystine and green colors characteristic of manganese ; with a mixture of soda and borax, grains of reduced copper are obtained. This very rare mineral occurs in the tin mines of Schlaggenwald in Bohemia, and was first distinguished by Breithaupt and Lampadius. HELVINE.* Helvine, W. and H. Tetrahedral Garnet, M. J. Carbunculus hemihedrus, D. Combination of silica, glucina, alumina, and the protoxides of iron and manganese. Schwartzenberg. Silica 3.5-37 33-258 Alumina l-4~> ( Glucina 8-0:2 j 12-099 Protoxide of manganese 29-35 31-817 Protoxide of iron 7-9!) 5-564 Sulphuret of manganese 14-00 14-000 97-8^3 Gmelin. 97-231 Vogel. There is some uncertainty as to the atomic composition of this mineral, owing to the presence of sulphuret of manga- nese. Regarding this as accidental, Dr. Thomson has given the formula thus: FS 2 +CS 2 +OMnS. Sp. Gr. 3133. H.r=GO 6'5. Primary form the Regular tetrahedron. Occurs in small tetrahedrons, whose solid angles are replaced ; of a pale wax- yellow color, inclining to brown or siskin-green; translucent on the edges ; lustre vitreous, inclining to resinous ; and streak white. B B, on charcoal, in the reducing flame, it fuses into an opake globule of nearly the same color as the mineral ; with borax it melts slowly into a diaphanous glass, which remains yellow when cold, if the dissolution be not complete; and which, when it is complete, becomes colorless in the reducing, and of a deep amethystine tinge in the oxidating flame. P on P' or P" . ... 109 30' * From the Greek, signifying sun-yellow 3 in allusion to its color. METALLIFEROUS MINERALS. 395 Schwartzenberg in Saxony, where it occurs in beds of gneiss, accompanied with garnet, quartz, fluor, and calc spar, and Hortekulle, near Modum in Norway, are the best known lo- calities of helvine. SILICATE OF MANGANESE. Dr. Thomson. (Outlines, &c., i. 514.) This mineral accompanies the Franklinite and red oxide of zinc at Franklin, N. J. It was analyzed by Dr. Thomson in 1825, and with the following results : Silica 2964 Protoxide of manganese 66*60 Peroxide of iron 0-92 Moisture 2-70 99-86 The atoms of silica are 14-82, and the atoms of protoxide of manganese 14*80, showing the mineral to be a simple sili- cate. Formula : MnS. Sp. Gr. 4-078. H. 6'25. Color light brownish-red. Massive ; structure foliated. Two cleavages are very distinct at right angles, or nearly so, to each other. There is a third cleavage perpendicular to the two others, but it is very imperfect. Hence the primary form seems to be a right oblique prism, which differs only by 3 or 4 from aright angle. Lustre shining and vitreous; opake. Powder light red, becomes brown by ignition and loses 2'7 per cent, of its weight. It dissolves, by digestion, in dilute muriatic acid without effervescence. SESQUISILICATE OF MANGANESE. Dr. Thomson. (Outlines, &.C., i. 514.) This mineral occurs under precisely the same circumstances with the last described, both at Franklin furnace and at the principal zinc mine. Dr. Thomson found it to consist of silica 42-40, protoxide of manganese 50-72, protoxide of iron C'76. These numbers correspond with eight atoms sesquisili- cate of manganese, and one atom tersilicate of iron. Formula : 8MnS 1 H-FS 3 . But Dr. Thomson supposes the tersilicate of iron to be accidental, and the mineral to be a pure sesquisilicate of manganese. Sp. Gr. 3-586. H. = 6-25. Color brown, with a very slight shade of red. Texture foli- ated. Crystallized in six or eight-sided prisms, which are said to be several inches in length, and an inch in diameter. Tex- 396 NATIVE METALS AND ture foliated with a threefold cleavage, indicating for the pri- mary form of its crystal a doubly oblique prism. M on T, as measured by Dr. Thomson, 56 30' ; the inclination of P to the axis, about 108. Lustre vitreous; shining. Opake. This species has been named Fo vvlerite in compliment to Prof. Fowler. TROOSTITE.* Ferruginous Silicate of Manganese, of Dr. Thomson. Spatinius rhombohedrus, D. This is another of the manganesian salts found with the Franklinite and other analogous substances at Franklin, in New Jersey. It is unlike the other silicates of this metal in being in large and perfectly defined crystals. We are in- debted to Dr. Thomson for its analysis, as follows: Silica 30-650 Protoxide of manganese. . .46-215 Peroxide of iron 15-450 Carbonic acid and water .. 7-300 99-615 Dr. Thomson has given this formula SMnS+FS^+SAq. Sp. Gr. 4-0 = 4-1. H. = 5-5. Color greenish, yellow, grey, and reddish-brown ; with vi- treous lustre inclining to resinous; transparent to translucent. Primary form an obtuse rhomboid, P on P 115, as measured with the common goniometer. It cleaves parallel with the lateral planes of the annexed figure, which represents the com- mon secondary form of this mineral. These lateral planes are comparatively smooth, and shining, while P and m are dull. Fracture conchoidal. Brittle. Streak white. P on m 147 30' P on o 122 00 raon o 109 00 o on o . 120 00 * In honor of Professor Gerard Troost, of Nashville, Tenn. METALLIFEROUS MINERALS. 397 B B, it becomes transparent and melts on the edges. With borax, it dissolves giving the violet tinge of oxide of manga- nese. It dissolves with effervescence in muriatic acid, some carbonic acid gas being evolved, and silica remaining. NEWKIRKITE. Dr. Thomson. (Outlines, &c., ii. 509.) Dr. Thomson has separated this from the grey ore of man- ganese, with which it had long been confounded, and has given us the following account of it. Composed of binoxide of manganese 56-30, peroxide of iron 40'35, water 6'70. For- mula: 3MnAq-h2MnF 2 . Sp.' Gr'. 3-824. H. = 3 3-5. Color brilliant black; lustre metallic; splendent. Occurs in small needles which, when viewed through a powerful mi- croscope, assume the appearance of a Right rectangular prism. But they are not susceptible of measurement. They form a coaling on red hematite. Opake, rather rectile. Lo- cality at Newkirchen in Alsace. BISILICATE OF MANGANESE. Manganese Oxide Silicifere, H. Silicate of Manganese, A. Manganese Spar, J. Man- ganspath, W. Spatinius decolorans, D. Langbanshyttan. New Jersey. Silica 48-00 48-58 48-00 Protoxide of manganese 48-98 38-92 49-04 Protoxide of iron traces 13-50 0-00 Lime 3-12 0-00 3-34 Magnesia 0-22 0-00 0-00 Water 0-00 3-00 0-00 Carbonic acid .. ..0-00... ..3-23 0-00 100-32 Berzelius. 99-23 Thomson. 100-38 Rose. Taking the analyses by Berzelius and Rose, which were of the purest specimens, we obtain for the constitution of this mineral, two atoms silica, and one atom protoxide of manga- nese. Formula: MnS 2 . Sp. Gr. 3-5 37. H. = 5'0 55. It occurs massive ; of a pale rose-red color. The fracture is even or flat conchoidal ; it is translucent on the edges, and is very hard; lustre inter- mediate between pearly and resinous ; cleav- age apparent in two directions perpendic- ular to each other, exhibiting as the primary form a Doubly oblique prism ; that parallel to P highly perfect. M on T 121; M on P93 to 94; T on P 112 30'. Alone B B, on charcoal it becomes dark brown, and fuses 34 398 NATIVE METALS AND into a reddish-brown or black globule. With borax it forms a violet-colored glass. Reduced to powder and treated with muriatic acid, it is partly dissolved ; the insoluble remainder assuming a white color. It occurs at Langbanshyttan in Wermeland, Sweden, in beds of iron ore; at Ekatherineburg in Siberia; at Elbingerode in the Hartz ; in Devonshire on Black Down, near Tavistock, associated with grey oxide of manganese ; and in Cornwall, near Calington, in a manganese quarry. In the United States it occurs at Cummington, Mass., in rolled masses scattered through the soil. Specimens recently obtained are sometimes of a beautiful pink color. It is found also at Franklin, N. J., with the other siliceous compounds of this metal. It is cut and polished by the lapidary, and employed for in- laid work. The substances described by Leonhard and Jasche under the names of dialogite, tomositc, manganese pyrope, allagitc, photizite, rhodonite, and corneous manganese, all from the vicinity of Rubeland in the Hartz, are evidently compact vari- eties of this species under different states of oxidation, and in more or less perfect conditions of purity.* Corneous Allagite. Rhodonite. Photizite. Manganese. Oxide of manganese .75-0 49-87 46-13 54-58 Silica 16-0 39-00 39-00 34-00 Carbonic acid 7-5 4-00 1 1-00 8-00 Alumina 0-0 0-12 0-25 0-00 Water 0-0 6-00 3-00 2-00 Oxide ofiron 0-0 0-25 0-50 0-50 98-5 Du Menil. 99-24 Du Menil. 99-88 Brandes. 99-08 Brandos. The rhodonite has frequently a fibrous texture, and, as well as the photizite and corneous manganese, presents various red, green, and grey colors, which become darker on expo- sure to the air. The allagite is analogous in composition with disilicate of manganese. HYDROSILICATE OF MANGANESE. Opsimose, Beudant. Schwarzer Mangan-Kiesel. Consists, by the analysis of Klaproth, of silica 25, protoxide of manganese 60, water 13. Formula: MnS+Aq, or it is a simple hydrosilicate of manganese. Occurs compact, of a black color and metallic appearance ; * These names were introduced by C. F. Jasche, who has described these manganeiian salts at length m the Trans, of the Russian Imp. Min. Hoc., vol. i. part 2d. 1842. METALLIFEROUS MINERALS. 399 streak brownish-yellow. Gives off water in the matrass, and becomes grey. Is fusible into a green glass in the reducing flame, and forms a black one in the oxidating. Upon platina foil it communicates a green color to soda. Is acted upon by acids. Locality, Claperude in Dalecarlia, Sweden. KNEBELITE.* Lem and Dobereiner. It contains according to the analysis of Dobereiner, Atoms. Silica 32-5 16-25 Protoxide of iron 32-0 7-11 Protoxide of manganese . . . .35-0 7-77 99-5 The constitution of this mineral thus approaches very nearly to one atom silicate of iron, and one atom silicate of manga- nese. Formula: FS+MnS. Sp. Gr. 3-714. Color grey, spotted with dirty white, brownish-red, brown, and green; it is massive, but the surface is cellular and uneven ; and both internally and externally it is glistening ; fracture imperfectly conchoidal ; is opake, hard, brittle, and difficultly frangible. No locality is given. BUSTAMITE. Brogniart. (Ann. des Mines, 2d series, i. 272.) It is composed, according to the analysis of Dumas, of Atoms. Silica 48-90 24-45 Protoxide of manganese . . .36-06 8-01 Lime 14-57 4-16 Protoxide of iron 0-81 0-18 100-34 The numbers show it to consist of two atoms bisilicate of manganese, and one atom bisilicate of lime. Formula: 2MnS 2 +CalS 2 . Sp. Gr. 3-13-3. H. about 7'0. Occurs in irregularly disposed prismatic crystals, having a somewhat fibrous structure, and a pale grey, greenish, or red- dish color; almost opake. It occurs, associated with iron py- rites, at Real de Minas in Mexico, and was first noticed as new by M. Bustamente, in compliment to whom it has been named. * After Major Von Knebel who presented the mineral to Dobereiner. 400 NATIVE METALS AND SULPHURET OF MANGANESE. Mangan Blende, Breithaupt. Hexahedral Glance Blende, M. Prismatic Manganese Blende, J. Schvvartzerz, Hausmann. Manganese Sulfure, II. Manganglanz,~Le0n- hard. Alabandine, Beudant. Acarpia cubica, I), Combination of one atom sulphur and one atom manganese, or in parts, of manganese 66-95, sulphur 53'65. Formula : MnSl. Sp. Gr. 3 95 4-05. H. = 3-5 4-0. Primary form the Cube. Secondary form the regular octa- hedron. Cleavage parallel to the primary faces distinct; traces parallel to its edges. Color brownish-black, but, when fresh fractured, of a dark steel-grey; it occurs massive, sometimes botryoidal, with an imperfect metallic lustre; fracture commonly fine grained; streak dark-green ; opake. B B it fuses with difficulty, and only on the thinnest edges, forming a brownish scoria; re- duced to powder it is dissolved when thrown into acid, emit- ting at the same time fumes of sulphuretted hydrogen. It occurs in the gold mines of Nagyag in Transylvania, with tellurium, blende, copper pyrites, and other ores of man- ganese; also in Mexico, and in Cornwall. ARSENIURET OF MANGANESE. Arseniet of Manganese, Thomson. Argyritea Manganicus, D. For the discovery of this rare substance we are indebted to Mr. Robert J. Kane of Dublin,* who detected it in a mass of galena from Saxony. Its analysis gave him manganese 45'5, arsenic 5T8, and a trace of iron = 97*03. It probably consists of one atom man- ganese and one atom arsenic, or MnAs. This formula is ob- tained, if we suppose the loss to have been chiefly arsenic, otherwise there is a deficiency in this metal, the atoms being 1.3 to 10-9. Sp. Gr. 5*55. H. not stated. Its color is greyish white ; texture foliated, fracture in one direction uneven, fine, granular and shining; in the opposite direction it is dull and earthy. B B, it burns with a blue flame, and falls to powder. In a stronger heat, an arsenical fume rises and coats the charcoal with a white dust. It dissolves in aqua regia without leaving any residue. * Quarterly Journal of Science, new series, vi. 381. METALLIFEROUS MINERALS. 401 CARBONATE OF MANGANESE. Manganese Oxyde Carbonatee, H. Rhomboidal Red Manganese, J. Macrotypous Para- chrose Baryte, M. Red Manganese, A. Rothbraunsteinerz, Haidinger. Kohlensaures Mangan,L. Rother Braunstein, W. Diullogite, Seudant. Marantalus decrepitans, D. Carbonate of manganese, more or less mixed with the car- bonates of iron and lime. Buchenberg. Freyberg. Nagyag. Protox. of manganese.. 54-60 52-6 5B-0 Carbonic acid 33-75 38-7 38-6 Oxide ofiron 1-87 4-5 0-0 Silica 4-37 0-0 0-0 Lime 2-60 5-0 5-4 97-09 Du Menil. 100-8 Berthier. 100-0 Berthier. These analyses vary considerably. We obtain from the first 12*27 atoms carbonic acid, 12'13 atoms protoxide of manga- nese, or a simple carbonate of manganese. Formula: MnC. Sp. Gr. 33 3-6. H. = 35. P on P 106 51' Primary form an Obtuse rhomboid of 106 51'.* Cleav- age parallel to the faces of the rhomb. Surface of o deeply streaked parallel to its edges of combination with P ; this pro- duces lenticular crystals, and when the surface of P is curved, those peculiar saddle-shaped lenses so common in this species are formed. It also occurs massive. Color rose-red, and translucent; possesses a lamellar structure ; scarcely scratches glass, and yields to the knife; fracture splintery; lustre vitre- ous, inclining to pearly. B B, its color is changed into brown or black, and it decrepitates strongly, but is infusible without addition. It is readily soluble in, and colors borax or salt of phosphorus violet-blue in the oxidating flame, becoming, however, color- less in the reducing flame ; it effervesces rather briskly in nitric acid. On exposure to the air, it becomes browner in color ; and the bright rose-red varieties lose their hue from the action of light. This species generally occurs in metalliferous veins accom- panyincr various ores of silver and lead, both massive, and in botryoidal concretions coating cavities. The mines of Frey- *103 and 77, according to Beudant. 34* 402 NATIVE METALS AND berg in Saxony, and those of Kapnik, Offenbanya, and Nag- yag in Transylvania, are its principal localities. It is apt to be confounded with manganese spar, though its very inferior degree of hardness is sufficiently characteristic. Allan's Manual. PELOKONITE. Richter. (Poggendorf's rfnnalen, xxi. 590.) A mixture of hydrous oxide of manganese, hydrous oxide of iron, oxide of copper, and silica. Kcrsten. Sp. Gr. 2-5 2-57. Uncrystallized ; color blackish blue; streak liver-brown, with a low degree of lustre, and conchoidal fracture. It occurs at Remolinos in Chili, associated with malachite and chrysocolla, and derives its name from TieXos broicn, and xovis, powder, in allusion to the color of its streak, from which last property it may be distinguished from cupreous manganese. HURAULITE. Vauquelin. (Ann. de Chim. et de Ph., xxx. 30:2.) Dufresnoy. (Ibid, xli. 338.) Combination of phosphoric acid, oxide of iron, oxide of manganese, and water. Phosphoric acid 38-00 32-8 Protoxide of iron 1 1 -52 / Protoxide of manganese... 33-21 \ 47v * Water 18-00 20-0 100-73 Dufresnoy. 100-0 Vauquelin. M. Dufresnoy's analysis gives very nearly six atoms phos- phate of manganese, two atoms diphosphate of iron, thirteen atoms water. Formula : GMnPlvf 2F 2 Ph+l3Aq. Sp. Gr. 2-2"?. II. above 3'0. Primary form an oblique rhombic prism of 117 30'; in minute translucent crystals of a reddish-yellow color ; fracture conchoidal, with a vitreous lustre ; heated in the matrass, it yields water. Alone it fuses readily B B, affording a black button, which has a metallic lustre. Described by Dufresnoy, who named it from its locality, the Commune des Bureaux in the Haute Vienne. PHOSPHATE OF MANGANESE. c y oTfc W >. M M a aSn:: e Ph P Z^J e ^ f JJ" *>* Diphosphate of Iron, Thor^on. Marantalus quadratus, D ' H *****"' Manganese- Combination of phosphoric acid with 'the protoxides of iron and manganese. METALLIFEROUS MINERALS. 403 Phosphoric acid 32-8 7-28 * Protoxide of iron 31-9 7-08 Protoxide of manganese 32-<> 7-24 Phosphate of Jime 3-2 0-00 100-5 It is thus constituted of one atom acid, and one atom each of the bases, (leaving out the phosphate of lime as accidental) ; or of one atom diphosphate of iron, one atom diphosphate of manganese. Formula: Mn 2 Ph+F 2 Ph. Sp. Gr. 34 38. H. = 54. Occurs in compact cleavable masses of a brownish-black color; structure lamellar, with a brilliant and somewhat ada- mantine lustre ; cleavage in three directions perpendicular to each other, one of them less distinct than the others, the pri- mary form (thus indicated) being a Rectangular prism; frac- ture flat conchoidal ; opake in the mass, but thin fragments are semi-transparent; streak yellowish-grey. Alone on char- coal, it fuses very easily with brisk intumescence into a black metallic-like globule, which is magnetic; with borax is readily soluble into a glass, which appears of an amethystine color in the oxidating flame, bottle-green in the reducing; with soda it is insoluble on charcoal, but on platina leaf exhibits a green color ; and with boracic acid melts and forms, with iron wire, phosphuret of iron. Is slowly soluble, with effervescence, in nitric or muriatic acid. It occurs in large-grained granite, near Limoges in France, associated with the beryl of that locality; also at Washington in Connecticut, with pulverulent Diallogite; and at Sterling in Massachusetts, with spodumene. The Dufrenite of Brogniart, or phosphate defer mangane- sien vert of Beudant, contains phosphoric acid 24 - 8, protoxide of iron 5TO, water 15 - 0, peroxide of manganese 9*0. Specific gravity 3*227. Is of an olive or dull-green color; in small radiated masses; slightly translucent; and extremely fusible, melting even on exposure to the candle. Occurs at Anglar near Limoges. TRIPHYLINE. Fuchs. (Beridius* Rapport Jlnnud, 1835, p. 212.) This mineral is analogous in some of its physical characters with the last species, but it occurs under a different crystal- line form, and differs somewhat in its composition. Its con- stituents, according to Fuchs, are as follow : 404 NATIVE METALS AND Phosphoric acid 41-47 Protoxide of iron 48-57 Protoxide of manganese... 4 '70 Lithium 3-40 Silica 0-53 Water 0-68 9^35 Answering to these numbers, Berzelius has given this for- mula: L 3 'S+6(Fe 3 Mn 3 )1>. Sp. Gr. 3-6. H. = 5. Its color is greenish-grey, in some spots bluish ; the powder greyish-white. Translucent in thin pieces. Fuses easily B B, loses by ignition 0'68 per cent, of water. Dissolves easily in borax into a greenish glass. Is soluble in acids. It occurs generally in a massive form, but presents a coarsely lamellar or crystalline structure, with cleavages parallel with the planes of a Right rhombic prism, M on M about 132. The cleav- age parallel with P, more perfect than with M. This mineral occurs so abundantly in the neighborhood of Bodenmais, that it has been suggested whether it could not be employed in the arts. Tetrapliyline or Peroicskinite of Nordenskiold. This mine- ral, obviously very similar to the above, has not been fully in- vestigated. It was analyzed by Berzelius and Nordenskiold, (Rapport Annud, 1835, p. 212), but the great excess caused them to reject the analysis. They obtained phosphoric acid 42'6, protoxide of iron 38'6, protoxide of manganese 12'1, magnesia 1-7, lithia 82 = 1032. Its color is yellow on the fresh surface, but exposed to the air, it becomes gradually black. It gives, B B, a strong manganese reaction. It oc- curs at Keiti in Tammela, Finland. Fuchs* has also examined another phosphate of manganese and iron, from Zwizel in Bavaria, in which he found 3'18 per cent, of fluorine with 35'60 phosphoric acid, 35'44 protoxide of iron, and 20'34 protoxide of manganese. The protoxide of iron enters into its composition in a proportion nearly ap- proaching to two atoms against one of oxide of manganese. In designating these two oxides by R, Berzelius gives the fol- lowing formula: RF 2 +3(3Ro)P 2 O 5 . The physical characters of this mineral have not been fully given. It is said to occur in a crystalline mass penetrated by considerable but imperfect faces of cleavage. But they do not furnish evidence sufficiently marked by which to deter- mine the crystalline form. Its color is olive-brown; lustre * Journ. fur pr. Chemie, xvii. 171, or Berzelius' Rapport Annuel, for 1840, p. 138. METALLIFEROUS MINERALS. 405 greasy; gives a greyish-white streak; fracture irregular, in partconchoidal; hardness that of apatite; specific gravity 3'97. B B, it decrepitates, and then melts with ebulition into a blu- ish-black glass which is attracted by the magnet. It presents the reactions of phosphoric acid, of iron, of manganese and of fluorine. It will probably be admitted as a new species, but as yet no name has been given to it. BISULPHURET OF MOLYBDENUM.* Wasserblei, W. Molybdene Pulfure, H. Bt. Molybdena,!. Rhombohedral Molybdena Glance, M. Molybdenite, Beudant. Molybd' , ._ Sesquioxide of manganese.. 0-00 ................ 0'8$ .............. J ' ja5 Oxide of columbium ....... 0-00 ................ 2-4 ................ 0-000 Silica ..................... 0-75 ................ 0-0 ................ 6-750 100-00 Klaproth. 98-2 Berzelius. 100-410 Thomson. There can be no doubt that the purest crystals of this mineral consist entirely of peroxide of tin. Formula: Sta. Sp. Gr. 6-4 6-9. H. = 6-0 7'0. Common form a quadrangular prism terminated by four- sided pyramids (fig. 4). The primary is an Obtuse octahedron with a square base; the angle over the apex being 112 10'; and of a plane of one pyramid on the adjoining plane of the other, 67 50'. It occurs almost transparent, and either color- less or of a yellowish tint ; hair-brown or reddish-brown, and translucent ; most commonly deep-brown passing into black, and opake ; bright-yellow and red colors are produced artifi- cially by exposure to heat. Rarely occurs massive, mostly in crystals coating cavities in veins, or disseminated ; also fibrous and granular, reniform and botryoidal (Wood tin). Cleavage with some difficulty parallel to the planes of the primary octa- hedron, viz. with the narrow planes, which appear to replace the pyramidal edges of fig. 3.* Externally the crystals are splendent ; fracture uneven or imperfectly conchoidal, with a more or less shining resinous lustre ; structure lamellar ; streak greyish-white. It gives sparks with the steel, and is brittle. When heated it decrepitates strongly ; but is reducible when exposed on charcoal to the continued action of the blowpipe. It is insoluble in acids. Fig. 1, the primary, an obtuse octahedron ; hut no crystal has been found of this form ; the nearest approach to it is fig. 2, which is prismatic, the planes of the prism arising from the replacement of the lateral solid angles of the primary octahedron by six-sided planes (see Zircon, fig. 1, 2, 3). In fig. 3, the angles formed by the meeting of the terminal (pri- mary) planes with the lateral planes, are each replaced by triangular faces; which are complete in fig. 4 (the form of the common crystal), on which no part of the primary is visible. In fig. 5, each solid angle formed * The primary form of this species is now more usually regarded as a Right square prism to which it yields cleavage parallel with its lateral faces and both diagonals. The evidence from cleavage, renders the selection a matter somewhat arbitrary. [An. ED.] 408 NATIVE METALS AND by the meeting of the lateral and terminal planes of a crystal similar to fig. 4, is replaced by two triangular planes ; which in fig. 6 are considerably enlarged, and assume another form. Macles. The large figure on the left exhibits a combined view of all the planes hitherto observed on the crystals of oxide of tin ; /I and J \' are those of the common pyramid; e and e' those of the commonly observed prism. The uppermost of the figures on the right represents the most com- mon made of the oxide of tin, consisting of equal portions of two simi- lar crystals, the lower of which is turned and attached to the upper ; the common plane of their attachment being parallel to the plane P' of the upper half. The lines down the planes e of both halves represent the striae always observable on the prismatic planes of the crystals, and are here represented in order to show the connection between this and the lower of the two macles, which for the sake of illustration is placed in a different point of view ; it will be observed that the lower made consists only of portions of the prisms of crystals attached together, if we except the small planes, which are parts of P' and /I: only three, or at most four, of these sections are usually to be seen thus attached. P on P' 133 30' 10 2 20 45 30 20 55 30 00 00 38 45 5 30 56 32 /I on /I or/l'on/1') over the summit S fit 92 121 144 142 161 154 136 119 159 118 155 153 146 90 135 112 55' 40 10 24 25 15 20 8 5 10 25 25 20 00 00 10 P on P over the summit P or P on a . 112 . 146 . 113 fo . f-^ . 150 /3 P on i . 169 P on kl or k'l . 137 kl P on n . 123 A o . 140 90 kl on kl klonkl' kl on e or kl 1 one' ... n on gl _ ,. , o-O or e' on n 135 161 ff2 . 168 | 2 .:::::::: . 171 / 1 on fl . . . 136 e on e' (lower macle) . . e or e' on n' ditto .... n' on n 1 ditto ..... , 165 e or/1' or e' ... . 133 METALLIFEROUS MINERALS. 409 Tin belongs almost exclusively to primitive mountains, and is found in veins traversing granite, gneiss, and mica-slate. On the European continent it is met with abundantly, on both the Bohemian and Saxon sides of the Erzebirge, particu- larly at Zinnwald and Schlackenwald, where it frequently oc- curs in macled crystals of considerable magnitude, weighing several pounds. It is also found in Gallicia in Spain; in the granite hill of Puy les Vignes, Haut Vienne, in France; in Greenland; in Sweden; in Brittany, near Roc St. Andre ; in Asia on the east coast of Sumatra, in the island of Banca, and on the peninsula of Malacca; in Mexico; among alluvial deposits in Chili, &,c. The granite range which divides Tennasserim from Siam, contains large deposits of tin, and has been explored by an English scientific traveller, Mr. Royle, who has obtained the mineral in fine crystals. The chief repository, however, of this ore is in Cornwall, where it occurs in veins traversing granite and slate rocks,* accompanied by chlorite, apatite, fluor, topaz, schorl, arsen- ical pyrites, wolfram, and blende; also disseminated in gran- ite, as in that of St. Michael's Mount. Generally speaking, the Cornish varieties are not of large size, though extremely perfect in form and symmetry, nor do they so often occur macled as those of Bohemia. The tin mines of this country are well known to have been worked at a period anterior even to the Romans. According to De la Beche, the Cornish tin ores sold in 1837, and obtained from about seventy mines, amounted to rising .360,000. The quantity of pure tin made into blocks, was five thousand one hundred and thirty tons. The average annual value has been about c300,000. In the United States, the first discovery of tin was by Prof. Hitchcock at Goshen, Mass. Prof. Shepard afterwards found a few crystals at Beverly. But this metal was not known to occur in situ, until Dr. Jackson discovered it in veins travers- ing granite and mica slate at Jackson, N. H., where it is asso- ciated with wolfram, and various other substances that occur in the tin mines of Cornwall and Saxony. Prof. Wm. B. Ro- gers, has also discovered this metal, in minute quantities, asso- ciated with auriferous quartz, and several other minerals, at some of the gold mines in Virginia. A few very perfect crystals were detected by Mohs in the albite from the tourmaline locali- * These slates do not possess the high antiquity which has been imputed to them, since, both in Cornwall and Devon, they are known to contain numerous fossils ; and Ue la Beche informs us that one of the richest tin mines now worked in Cornwall, is in a fossiliferous rock containing encrinites and corals. Phil. Mag., united serifs, xvii. p. 510. We are thus led to suppose that this metal may be discovered more frequently than it has been, by searching for it among the newer rocks. [AM. ED.] 35 410 NATIVE METALS AND ty, Chesterfield, Mass. ; and more recently by Mr. Teschema- cher in very brilliant obtuse octahedrons, formed by the replace- ments/on the primary, with their lateral solid angles replaced by minute planes n, the measurements corresponding with the two first and last, in the second column on page 408. FIBROUS OXIDE OF TIN. WOOD TIN. Etain oxyde concretionne, H. Contains from 5 to 9 per cent, of iron. This occurs in reniform, globular, and botryoidal masses, or in wedge-shaped pieces, which have arisen from their partial destruction ; the surfaces are generally water-worn. It exhibits various shades of brown, which sometimes appear in concentric bands, giving it a ligneous appearance ; structure divergingly fibrous in one di- rection, concentric lamellar in the other ; lustre glimmering or silky. It occurs in some of the principal stream works of Cornwall, frequently in masses weighing several pounds. The variety which has received the name of toad's eye wood tin consists of minute spherical masses, of a silky lustre, and of alternate hair-brown and yellowish-white colors disposed concentrically ; the fibres radiating 1'rom a centre. It abounds in the neighborhood of Tregurthy Moor in Cornwall. STREAM TIN, in quartz rock, as its name indicates, is the alluvial debris of tin veins separated from the deposit of gravel by washing; it consists of detached fragments which occur in many of the low grounds or marshy places of Cornwall ; it is sometimes accompanied by grains of native gold ; and frequently associated with animal and vegetable remains, such as deer- horns, hazel-nuts, &c. It is a valuable ore of tin. Staniferous gravels, according to Sir Stamford Raffles, now furnish the tin from Banca and the other parts of the Malayan peninsula and islands; and the amount which they supply is supposed to be about three thousand tons per annum. TANTALIFEROUS OXIDE OF TIN, from Finbo in Sweden, occurs in small grains, imbedded in quartz. It is black, with a shade of red or reddish-grey ; lustre metallic ; fracture uneven ; opake,and hard enough to scratch glass. Specific gravity 6-55. Does not alter B B. One variety afforded Berzelius upwards of 12 per cent, oxide of tantalum. SPHENE.* Hemi-Prismatic Titanium Ore, M. Prismatic Titanium-ore, J. Sphen, Karsten. Titane Siliceo-Calcaire, H. Rutilus obliquus, D. Combination of titanic acid, silica, and lime. Passau. Felberthal. St. Gothard. Titanic acid ........ 33-0 .................. 46-0 .................. 33-3 Sil ica ............... 35.0 .................. 26-0 .................. '28-0 Lime .............. 33-0 .................. 16-0 .................. 32-2 Water ............. 0-0 .................. 1-0 .................. 0-0 100-0 Klaproth. 99 Klaproth. 93-5 Cordier. The most probable composition of this mineral, as indicated by these analyses, is one atom tersilicate of lime, and one atom titaniate of lime. Formula: CalS 3 +CalTt Sp. Gr. 3 49 36. H. 50 55. Color grey, yellow, hyacinth-red, and brown, also various shades of green; streak greyish-white; occurs amorphous, sha ed eek ' probably in allusi n to its crystals being somewhat wedge- METALLIFEROUS MINERALS. 411 and in crystals differing greatly in form ; the primary is an Oblique rhombic prism, of which the lateral angles are alter- nately about 133 30' and 46 30'; cleavage parallel to the faces of this prisrn, but not easily observed; fracture imper- fect conchoid al ; translucent on the edges ; lustre adamantine, sometimes inclining to resinous. BB, the yellow varieties do not change their color ; all the rest become yellow ; they slightly intumesce, and fuse on the edges into a dark-colored enamel, and with borax afford a yellowish-green diaphanous glass. With salt of phosphorus it fuses slowly into a globule, which, after a long blast, becomes opaline on cooling; in the reducing flame this globule assumes the amethystine tinge characteristic of titanium. Is soluble in heated muriatic or nitric acid, leaving a siliceous residue ; the fragments, when exposed to heat, exhibit a brilliant white phosphorescence. 2. 3. Primary. MonM' .......... 133 P on M or M' ....... 121 - a ........... 159 - c ........... 140 - e2 or e2 ....... 158 - e3 or e3' ....... 154 - e4 or e4 ....... 146 - e5 or e5' ....... 120 M or M' on a ....... 139 on 6 or M' on 6' .. or M' on c on e2 or M' on e2> . 124 86 119 116 138 30' 50 44 52 18 20 30 2 30 35 20 35 42 42 M on I or M' on /'.... 151 20' c 120 2 b on b' 167 00 b or 6 on c 139 30 c on dl or dV 146 44 e2 145 18 Primary form of this mineral to the oblique rhom- mould hTv' e SiSTk ? he ori ? inal 'y bestowed upon it, in honor of its discovers, should have claimed the preference, Imt Breithaupt's has generally been adopted. [AM. METALLIFEROUS MINERALS. 423 The secondary dominant form of monazite, according to Descloizeaux, is a square prism flattened on one of its faces, and terminated at each extremity by an irregular tetrahedral summit. The planes M, are always very small, and in some crystals entirely wanting. The faces of the crystals are not equally brilliant, those lettered e, especially, having a greasy look, which prevented a rigid measuring with the reflective goniometer ; and for this reason the incidences of some of the faces measured, with those calculated, did not exactly agree. Color hyacinth or brick-red ; translucent on the edges ; lustre vitreous ; streak white. Heated to redness in a glass tube, it suffers no change. In the strongest heat of the blow- pipe, it only melts upon the edges, when it becomes greenish- yellow. Treated with soda or borax in the reducing flame, it dissolves with effervescence into a light yellowish opake mass. Dissolved in salt of phosphorus, the globule is yellow while warm, but on cooling, becomes yellowish-green and opake. The American variety exhibits very nearly the same character, B B, but differs in its behaviour with acids, being slightly effect- ed by Aqua Regia, while the monazite, according to Kersten, is decomposed by chlorhydric acid with the evolution of chlorine. The crystals of Edwardsite were first described by Prof. Shep- ard, as oblique rhombic prisms (M on M 95, P on M 100) replaced on their acute lateral edges by single planes inclining to the adjacent lateral faces under 137 30'* ; and the very minute crystals have their summits surmounted by four-sided pyramids, whose faces correspond to the lateral edges of the prism ; in others, the replacements of the acute lateral edges is so deep as to cause them to assume a flattened shape. Cleav- age, generally indistinct parallel to the oblique terminal plane, but very perfect parallel to the longer diagonal. They closely agree with monazite in the measurement of their angles, as since determined with the reflective goniometer by Prof. Shepard, and calculated by Dana. M on h in Edwardsite gave 136 30', a on /* 140 10', c on h 126 25', e on k 131 22'. In their ordinary occurring forms, and in all their external characters, there is also a very close resemblance to monazite. Monazite is found in the mountains about Ilmensee in Sibe- ria, associated with flesh-red felspar in granite ; it was first described by Brooke under the name of Mengite, in honor of M. Menge, by whom it was discovered. Edwardsite occurs at Norwich, Conn., at the Falls of the * These were only approximate measurements obtained on an imperfect crystal with the common goniometer, and have since been corrected by Prof. Shepard. 424 NATIVE METALS AND Yantic, in small brownish or hyacinthine-red crystals, in a red felspathic granite accompanied by Sillimanite. The crystals are rarely above a quarter of an inch in length, and one-sixth of an inch in thickness. A single crystal was also noticed by Prof. Shepard at the locality of Sillimanite in Chester, Conn.* Edwardsite was supposed to be a new species by Prof. Shepard; but Prof. G. Rose, from a careful examination of this mineral, having been led to regard it as identical with monazite,t Prof. Shepard has instituted a new examination of its characters, and has fully satisfied himself of the identity of the two minerals. He finds the oxide of cerium to be accom- panied by oxide of lanthaniurn, (a substance unknown to him when he made his first analysis,) as well as by thorina and oxide of tin, which at first escaped his notice. As the tin, from its minuteness, is evidently accidental, it is not a little remark- able that Rose should also find it in the American mineral. EREMITE. This mineral, the name of which is derived from o) ( j*/u, solitude, in allusion to its rare occurrence, was first noticed by Prof. Shep- hard, in his Report on the Geological Survey of Connecticut, and after- wards in a paper in the Amer. Jour, of Science, \xxii.341, where he has described its crystallographical and general physical characters, under the designation of a new species. In vol. xxxiii. of the Amer. Journal of Science, J. D. Dana has given the drawings of three crystals of this mineral, and recorded their angular measurements. His results at first led him to coincide in the opinion of Prof. Shepard ; but from a subsequent examination and comparison of the eremite with monazite, as to its hard- ness, color, lustre and cleavage, as well as from its agreement with the angles of monazite, as stated by Descloizeaux, he now regards these two minerals as identical. The incidences, as determined by Dana, are M on h 136 35', a on h 140 40', c on h 126 8', e on k 131 52'4 Amer Jour, of Science, xlv. 402. As described by Prof. Shepard, the primary form is supposed to be a Right oblique-angled prism, M on T 140 30' the sur- faces of these planes being smooth and brilliant. Fracture conchoidal to uneven ; lustre resinous to vitreous ; color between clove and yellowish- brown ; semi-transparent; streak paler than the color. B B, it instantly becomes transparent and colorless, but does not suffer the slightest fusion, even in very thin fragments. Heated with carbonate of soda, on a platina support, an opake white mass was obtained, stained in a single spot of cinnamon brown color. With borax, fuses slowly, attended by a slight effervescence, and yields a transparent amber-yellow globule, which, by flaming, becomes paler and milky in its clearness. In a glass tube, heated with sulphuric acid, it shows the presence of fluoric acid. This mineral was discovered by Mr. T. R. Dutton, imbedded in albitic granite, and accompanied by apatite, at Watertown, Conn The crystals are small, the largest not over one-fifth of an inch long; the others varying from one-sixteenth to one-twentieth of an inch. ~ . _ Ixi* 254 P rt " the Geological Surve y of Connecticut, p. 123. Amer. Jour, of Science, t Pogg. Ann., No. 1, 1840. J Compare these with the corresponding inclinations of Mengite and Edwardsite. METALLIFEROUS MINERALS. 425 NEUTRAL FLUATE OF CERIUM. Deuto-fluate of Cerium. Flucerine, Beudant. Spanialus hexagonus, D. Consists, according to Berzelius, of per and protoxide of cerium 82'24, yttria M2, fluoric acid 16 24. The per and protoxides of cerium, according to Berzelius, exist in this mineral in the proportions of two atoms of the former to one of the latter ; whence, as it is a simple fluate of cerium, it consists of one atom fluated protoxide, and two atoms fluated peroxide of cerium. Formula : CrFl+Cr2Fl. Sp. Gr. 4-7. H. about 40. Occurs in six-sided prisms, in plates, and in amorphous masses, of a reddish or wax-yellow color. Dull ; translucent in extremely thin fragments ; and having an uneven fracture. B B, on charcoal it does not fuse, but merely becomes slightly brown ; with borax and salt of phosphorus, it gives in the oxidating flame, a red or orange colored globule, which becomes pale on cooling ; in the reducing flame it loses its color entirely. Heated in a tube it corrodes the glass. This mineral has hitherto only been found at Finbo and Broddbo near Fahlun in Sweden, in very small quantities ; it occurs imbedded in granite, and associated with pyrophysalite, orthite, &c. DOUBLE FLUATE OF CERIUM AND YTTRIA. This is an earthy mineral found at Finbo in Sweden ; it is much more common than the preceding, but its size seldom exceeds that of a pea. It is usually of a pale-red color, but occurs deep-red, yellow, and even white. It is very soft, and may easily be scratched by the nail. According to Berzelius, it is a mechanical mixture of the fluate of yttria, with rluate of cerium, and silica. It presents nearly the same re-actions as the Neutral Fluate. SUBSESQUIFLUATE OF CERIUM. Basi-cerine, Beudant. Spanialua dodecahedrus, D. This is the sub-fluate of cerium, or fluate of cerium with excess of base, of Berzelius, and is composed, according to his analysis, of peroxide of cerium 84 ! 20, fluoric acid 10-85, water 4-95. These numbers give very nearly one and a half atom peroxide of iron, to every atom of fluoric acid, united with a half atom of water. It is therefore a hydrous subsesquifluated peroxide of cerium, as described by Dr. Thomson. Formula : This mineral differs from the above in containing rather a larger proportion of the oxide of cerium in the absence of yttria and in the presence of a variable quantity of water. It possesses considerable resemblance to porcelain-jasper. Color yellow ; with occasional slight traces of crystallization, 36* 426 NATIVE METALS AND approaching to rhombic dodecahedrons. B B, on charcoal it is infusible, becomes black at an incipient redness, but on cool- ing, assumes successively dark-brown, red, and orange tints. It occurs in minute quantities, accompanying Allanite, at Bastnaes near Riddarhyttan in Sweden. Dr. Jackson has recently discovered this substance encrust- ing the pink scapolite from Boxboro', Mass., and also contained in the small cavities of the scapoiite rock. He regards it as a Hydrated Basic-fluoride of Cerium. It is of a fine sulphur- yellow color, and pulverulent, or in minute yellow scales. B B, it is infusible, and turns dark brown at a red heat. With borax, it forms a glass which is orange colored while hot, and nearly colorless, or of a delicate green tinge when cold. It forms a lemon-yellow solution in chlorohydric acid, from which crystals of sulphate of potash, precipitate a white powder, which is sulphate of cerium and potash. PITCH-BLENDE. Peche-blende, Pecherz, W. Urano Oxydule, H. Uranpocberz, L. Uncleavable Uranium Ore, J. M. Uranius amorphous, D. Protoxide of uranium 86-5 84-52 Protoxide of iron 2-5 8-24 Silica 5-0 2-1)2 Sulplmret of lead (i-0 4-20 Oxide of cobalt 0-0... .. 1-42 100-0 Klaproth. 100-46 Pfaff. The several analyses which have been made of this mineral rather indicate it to be a mechanical mixture, than a chemical compound. It has been regarded by some as a silicate of uranium ; but the ratio of the silica to the oxide of uranium, differs so much as to render this view of it very improbable. Sp. Gr. 6-05 7-05. H. 55. Color greyish-black, brownish-black, and iron-black ; and occurs globular, reniform, massive, disseminated, and pulveru- lent ; form and crystalline structure unknown ; fracture uneven, or small conchoidal ; lustre dull or imperfect metallic ; in the former case frequently presenting iridescent colors superficial- ly ; itisopake; very brittle, but sometimes scratches glass. Per se t it is infusible B B ; but with borax it yields a deep yellow colored glass, which becomes of a dirty green in the reducing flame, and when saturated to a certain point, turns black on flaming. If reduced to powder it is slowly soluble in nitric acid, with effervescence and a disengagement of nitrous gas. Does not act on the magnet. It occurs in botryoidal masses, accompanying various ores of silver and lead, at Marienberg, Schneeberg, and Johann- METALLIFEROUS MINERALS. 427 georgenstadt in Saxony ; at Joachimsthal and Przibram in Bohemia; at Rezbanya in Hungary; and with uranite in several of the Cornish mines. It is a valuable ore to the por- celain painter, yielding a fine orange color in the enamelling fire, and a black one in that in which the porcelain itself is baked. Allan's Manual. URANITE. CALCAREO-PHOSPHATE OF URANIUM. Phosphate of Uranium. Uran Glimmer, W. Urane Oxide, H. Urane Micace, Br. Uran-Mica, J. Pyramidal Euchlore Mica, Al. Calcareo-phosphate of Uranium. Thomson* Uranalus quadratus, 1). Combination of phosphoric acid, lime, oxide of uranium, and water, with other accidental mixtures. Autun. Autun. Peroxide of uranium ............... 59-37 .............. 55-0 Phosphoric acid ......... . ......... 14-63 .............. 14-5 Lime ............................ 5-b'6 .............. 4-6 Magnesia and oxide of manganese.. 0-19 .............. 0-0 Silica and oxide of iron ............ 2*5 .............. 3-0 Barytes ........................... 1-51 .............. 0-0 Water ............................ 14-90 .............. 21-0 Fluoric acid and ammonia ......... traces .............. 0-0 09-17 Berzeli us. 98-1 Laugier. The constitution of this species, as deduced from the first analysis, is one and a half atom lime, two atoms peroxide of uranium, three atoms phosphoric acid, and twelve atoms water. Consequently, the phosphoric acid is combined with peroxide of uranium as a simple phosphate, and with the lime as a sub- sesquiphosphate, as thus expressed by the formula : 2UPh+ Sp. Gr. 3-12. H. = 2 25. Color lemon-yellow, the same crystal being sometimes yellow at one end, green at the other ; it becomes brownish and dull by decomposition. It is found crystallized in quadrangular prisms, in four-, six-, and eight-sided tables, rarely in acute and obtuse octahedrons ; the structure is lamellar, and it is mechanically divisible parallel to all, and with remarkable ease to the terminal planes (P) of a Right square prism the form of the primary crystal. Transparent, translucent, or opake ; the lustre shining, pearly upon the face P j it yields easily to the knife, and is brittle. It decrepitates violently on charcoal B B, and loses about 33 per cent, by ignition; with borax and salt of phosphorus, the glass obtained in the reducing flame remains green after cooling; with soda the assay yields no metallic particles. Its solution in nitric acid is yellow, and in ammonia white. 428 NATIVE METALS AND 2. 4. 5. Fig. 1, the primary ; a right square prism. Fig. 2, a tabular crystal of a quadrangular form; these occur of various lengths. Fig. 3; in this the solid angles of the preceding are replaced, producing a six-sided tabular crystal ; these are commonly very long. Fig. 4 ; in this all the terminal edges of the quadrangular prism are replaced, tending to produce an octa- hedron, which sometimes occurs. Jn fig. 5, the solid angles of the prism (fig. 1) are replaced by triangular planes. In fig. 6, all the edges and solid angles of the quadrangular prism are replaced. P on M or M' . M on M' .... . . . 9000'c.. . . . 90 00 P on cl or el' . . c2 or c2' . . c3 or c3' . . c4 or c4' . . a2 . . 145 32 . . 140 40 . . 137 10 . . Ill 50 . . 134 00 c4 on c4' . , 97 32 It occurs in veins in granite at St. Symphorien near Autun, at St. Yrieux near Limoges in France, and in several places in Saxony. Two localities of this rare mineral have been found in the United States, occurring under very similar circumstances, one at Chesterfield, Mass., the other at Paris, Me., in minute laminae in granite with Cleavelandite, rubellite, and green tourmaline. Mr. Teschemacher, who first discovered the for- mer, obtained several perfect crystals from two to three lines in diameter, and of a straw-yellow color. They sometimes occupy minute cavities in the crystals of tourmaline.* The mineral also forms thin laminae in the seams of the albite. CHALCOLITE.! CUPREO-PHOSPIIATE OF URANIUM. Uran Glimmer (in part), W. Pyramidal Euchlore Mica (in part}, J. M. Chalkolite, Beudant. Gruner Uranerz. Uranalus quadratus, D. Combination of phosphoric acid, the oxides of uranium and copper, and of water. * Journal of the Boston Society of Natural History, iv. 36. j From x^ xo ?) copper, and Aifioc, a stone. METALLIFEROUS MINERALS. 429 Cornwall. Cornwall. Peroxide of uranium 00-25 60-0 Phosphoric acid 15-56 l(j-l) Oxide of copper 8-44 9-0 Water 15-05 14-5 Stony matter 0-70 0-5 100-00 Berzelius. 100-0 R. Phillips. These results lead to the same atomic composition with the last, described species, excepting that oxide of copper is substituted for lime. The formula is, therefore, thus stated; SUPh+Cp'iPh+lSAq. Sp. Gr. 333. H. = 20 2'5. This species corresponds with the preceding in crystalline form, and in all other points except in the following. Its color is emerald-green or grass-green; its solution in ammo- nia is blue ; B B, with borax and salt of phosphorus, the glass obtained in the reducing flame becomes, on cooling, red and opake. With soda the chalcolite of Cornwall is reduced into white metallic grains. Beautiful varieties of this species have been found in Corn- wall, particularly in the veins of Tin Croft Mine, and Huel Buller near Redruth, with red copper and arseniate of iron in Huel Gorland and Huel Unity, at the Tolcarn mine, and in Gunnislake mine near Callington. This species might some- times be confounded with green mica, but the laminae of mica are flexible and elastic, while those of uranium are brittle, and do not bend ; mica, moreover, is not soluble in nitric acid.* CARBONATE OF URANIUM. Uran-BIoom, Uran-Bliithe, Zippe. Uraconiso, Beudant. Uranalus ochraceus, D. In crystalline flakes of a small size, devoid of distinct form. Color bright yellow, between lemon- and sulphur-yel- low ; opake, with little lustre. When slightly heated B B, its color becomes orange-yellow. It is soluble with efferves- cence in acid, yielding a yellow solution, which affords a brown precipitate with prussiate of potash, thus demonstrating it to be a carbonate of uranium. Professor Zippe of Prague, distinguished this substance from uran-ochre, and the yellow oxide of uranium, chiefly from its want of lustre and more brilliant color. It occurs in silver veins at Joachimsthal in Bohemia, with pitch-blende, uran- ochre, and pharmacolite ; and apparently is derived from the decomposition of the pitch-blende, on which it commonly forms a coating. * The crystals of this species lose their transparency, and assume a yellowish-green color, at the temperature even of 80 : a change probably owing to the loss of a portion of their essentially combined water. [Am. ED.] 430 NATIVE METALS AND JOHANNITE.t UraneSulfate, Neckcr. Johannite, Haiiliitycr. Uran Vitriol, John Sulfate Vcrtd'Urane, Beudunt. Vitriolum Uranicum, I). Hydrous sulphate of uranium, mixed with sulphate of copper. Sp. Gr. 3 19. II. = 2-0 25. Primary form an Oblique rhombic prism. Secondary, ac- cording to Haidinger, a on a' ... Ill 00' a on b ... 118 00 a' on c ... 87 28 b on c . . . 123 32 In very minute crystals. Color deep grass-green ; translu- cent; lustre vitreous ; streak pale siskin-green ; taste slightly bitter; cleavage traces parallel to a, and to a face which bev- els the edge between b and c. Fracture imperfect conchoidal. Partially soluble in water. Heated in the matrass it yields much moisture, leaving a dark blackish-brown mass. Fused upon charcoal with soda, and then laid on a piece of silver and moistened, it blackens the metallic surface. In the re- ducing flame with soda, a bead of copper is obtained. With borax it forms a fine green glass, as well in the oxidating as in the reducing flame; in the latter it becomes red and opake on cooling, exhibiting the presence of oxide of copper. With salt of phosphorus, only green colors are produced, that of the oxidating flame having rather the appearance of copper, the reducing more of uranium. It therefore contains water, sul- phuric acid, and the oxides of copper and uranium, but in what proportion has not been determined. The sulphate of uranium occurs in extremely small crys- tals at Joachimsthal in Bohemia. It is a species as beautiful as it is rare, having only been observed in one mine, and that in the year 1809. Allan's Manual SULPHURET OF TIN. Zinnkies, W. Etaine Sulfure, H. Tin Pyrites, J. Hexahedral Copper Glance, M. Cyprites cubicus, D. Combination of sulphuret of tin and sulphuret of copper. 34-0 .................. 26-5 36-0 .............. 30-0 J ro . n . .................. 2-0 .................. 12-0 Sulphur ............... 25-0 .................. 30-5 97-0 Klaproth. 99-0 Klaproth. Haiding r in conj Plnent to his Imperial Highness the Archduke John of METALLIFEROUS MINERALS. 431 These results are very discordant, and it is not improbable that the mineral is a mechanical mixture of sulphuret of tin, with iron and copper pyrites. Berzelius and Beudant from the last analysis, have stated the formula thus: StaSl+Cp 2 Sl +FS1 2 . Sp. Gr. 4-35 4-76. H. = 4-0. Massive ; of a steel-grey color when pure, often yellowish from an admixture of copper pyrites; and these colors are sometimes intermingled in the same specimen, imparting to the mass, somewhat the aspect of bell-metal, whence bdl-metal ore; fracture granular and uneven, passing into flat conchoi- dal, with a shining metallic lustre; opake and brittle. B B, sulphur is driven off, after which it fuses readily into a black scoria. It is soluble in nitro-muriatic acid, with the excep- tion of the sulphur, which is precipitated. It occurs only in Cornwall, and that principally at Huel Rock in the parish of St. Agnes, accompanying blende, py- rites, and other minerals. Crystals have been noticed appa- rently in the form of regular hexahedrons, and traces of cleav- age seemed to be parallel with this form, and at the same time parallel to the dodecahedron. OXIDE OF TUNGSTEN. Native Yellow Oxide of Tungsten, Silliman. Tungstic Ochre, Shepard. Soft. Sp. Gr. 6-0. This mineral varies in color from orange- or chrome-yellow to yellowish-grey. It occurs massive; composition impalpa- ble; earthy and pulverulent; is inodorous ; tasteless; assumes a greenish hue under the blowpipe; is insoluble in acids, but by digestion in nitric acid, the powder, which is greyish, assumes a brilliant yellow color, and would probably afford a fine pigment. It is readily soluble in warm liquid ammonia; and is precipitated white by acids, the precipitate by standing, re-acquiring a yellow color. For our earliest knowledge of this mineral we are indebted to Prof. Silliman, by whom it was discovered about the year 1820.* It has not been analyzed, but its analogy to the yel- low oxide as artificially prepared, leads us to suppose it to be pure tungstic acid, consisting according to Berzelius, of oxy- gen 20-23, tungsten 79'77. It occurs in quartz, associated with wolfram and tungsten, in minute veins or thin coatings, at Lane's mine, Monroe county, Conn. * Amor. Journ. of Science, iv. 52. 432 NATIVE METALS AND ANATASE.* Pyramidal Titanium Ore, M. Oktaedrite, W. Titane Anatase, II. Bt. Octahedritc, J. Rutilus pyramidulis, D. It is supposed to consist of nearly pure titanic acid Tt. Sp. Gr. 385. H. = 55 G'O. This mineral represents various shades of brown, indigo- blue, or steel-grey; by transmitted light it is greenish-yellow. It occurs in small crystals, having the general form of an Acute octahedron with equal and similar isosceles triangular faces, which is the form of the primary crystal ; the crystals exhibit the planes of several modifications ; structure lamellar ; cleavage both parallel to the faces of the octahedron, and per- pendicular to the axis; lustre of the fragments splendent and adamantine; varies from semi-transparent to opake; streak white; arid is brittle. When heated, it exhibits a reddish- yellow phosphorescent light; and acquires resinous electricity by friction. B B, it is infusible without addition ; with soda it forms a dull yellow globule, which becomes white on cooling. P on P, or P' on P' . 136 47' P on P' or P on P' . 98 5 For P' on a .... Ill 17 P' on &1 131 22 d or d .... 132 5 6 on a 160 24 d . .166 30 The principal locality of anatase is Oisans in Dauphine, where it occurs in veins in granite and mica-slate, accompa- nying felspar, axinite, rock-crystal, chlorite, &c. Is also found disposed in mica-slate, in the Grisons ; at Tavatsch in the Tyrol ; and in Brazil, where the crystals are so brilliant that they frequently pass for diamonds. OXIDE OF CHROME.t Chrome-Ochre. Chrome Oxyde. It is pure oxide of chromium, consisting of chromium 70'11, oxy gen 29-89 Ch. * Anatase, from the Greek, signifying elevated, in allusion to the height of the pyramids of the octahedral crystals ; Octahedrite, from its occurring in octahedrons, t Meaning a coloring substance ; probably in allusion to its preparation as a pigment. METALLIFEROUS MINERALS. 433 Occurs in a pulverulent state, and of a green color more or less intense, at Ecouchets in Burgundy. B B, it is infusi- ble, but changes to a lighter green. With borax it forms a fine green -colored globule. It is mentioned as occurring in the Isle of Unst in Shetland, and in serpentine rocks in Savoy and Piedmont. NATIVE BISMUTH. Octahedral Bismuth, J. M. Gediegen Bismuth, W. Bismuth Natif, H. Bismutum octahedrum, D. This is the pure metal, Bs, occasionally mixed with small quantities of arsenic and sulphur. Sp. Gr. 96 98. H. = 2-0 2-0. Its color is silver-white tinged with red, presenting gene- rally an external tarnish; it occurs feathery, reticulated, amorphous, and crystallized in the form of the Regular octa- hedron, which is its primary form ; structure lamellar, with joints parallel to the planes of the octahedron, and probably also in other directions; lustre metallic; soft, sectile, and not very frangible. When cold, brittle; but, on being heated, may be hammered into plates. Fuses readily at the compara- tively low temperature of 476. It is soluble in nitric acid, but the solution yields a white precipitate if diluted. After fusion it crystallizes, on slow cooling, in regular cubes. On friction it presents resinous electricity. When placed on live coal, or exposed to the candle, it melts; B B, it is volatilized in the form of white vapor, which forms a yellow coating on the charcoal, emitting at the same time an arsenical odor, from an accidental admixture of arsenic. Bismuth chiefly occurs in the veins of primitive mountains, accompanying various ores of silver, cobalt, lead, and zinc. Its principal localities are Johanngeorgenstadt and Schnee- berg in Saxony, Joachimsthal in Bohemia; Modum in Nor- way ; Transylvania, Suabia, France, and Sweden. In Cornwall it occurs in feathery masses, with arsenical cobalt, at Huel Sparnon, near Bedruth ; and in Herland mine near St. Ives. At Schneeberg it forms arborescent delinea- tions disseminated in brown jasper, which appear very dis- tinctly when the mass is cut into slabs and polished. Its great fusibility renders bismuth a useful compound in the formation of several metallic alloys, as in the fabrication of printers' types, pewter, and solder. The only locality of this metal at present known in the 37 434 NATIVE METALS AND United States, is Munroe, Conn., where it occurs dissemina- ted in quartz with iron pyrites, wolfram, and galena. Prof. Emmons found a single specimen in Essex county, N. Y. SULPHURET OF BISMUTH. Wisniuthglan/, W. Bismuth Sulfuree, H. Bt. Bismuth Glance, J. Prismatic Bismuth Glance, M. Bismuthine, Beudant. Bismites rectangulus, D. Combination of sulphur and bismuth in the following pro- portions : Bismuth. Sulphur. Ridderhyttan. 80-98 ...18-72 99-70 II. Rose. It is a simple sulphuret of bismuth. Formula: BsSl. Sp. Gr. 65. H. =2-0 2-5. Color between tin-white and lead-grey, but is sometimes yellowish-white, with a metallic lustre; it occurs in acicular prisms, and in minute crystals deeply striated longitudinally, in cavities; also massive, in which case it presents sometimes a foliated structure like galena, sometimes a fibrous one like antimony; cleavage parallel to the planes P and/of the fol- lowing figure, and at right angles to the latter; the principal one parallel to/! The artificial crystals of sulphuret of bis- muth, according to W. Phillips, are rhombic prisms of 91 and 89. It is soft and brittle. It melts in the flame of a candle; and, B B, is for the most part volatilized with a sulphureous odor, emitting numerous small drops in an incandescent state, covering the charcoal with a yellow areola, and leaving a residue which is reducible with difficulty to the metallic state. In nitric acid it is readily soluble, the solution yield- ing a white precipitate when farther diluted. The lines parallel to the plane / represent the striae constantly ob- served on. the crystals, hut which in reality are a series of planes. Pon/ 910 30>_Necker. Its localities are pretty much the same as those of native bismuth, but it occurs in small quantities. At Caldbeckfell in Cumberland it accompanies molybdena and apatite, in fo- liated masses; in Cornwall it is found in small brilliant tin- white crystals in Huel Sparnon near Redruth, and of a yellow- METALLIFEROUS MINERALS. 435 ish-white color disseminated in jasper, at Botallack near the Land's End ; massive, imbedded in limestone, at Johanngeor- genstadt; foliated and granular at Magurka in Hungary; with cerite at Bastnaes in Sweden ; and elsewhere. Accord- ing to Prof. Shepard, sulphuret of bismuth in very small quan- tity, has been detected in the granite vein which contains chrysoberyl at Haddam, Conn. CUPREOUS BISMUTH. Cupriferious Sulphuret of Bismuth. Kupferwismutherz, W. Bismuth Sulfure Cuprifere, JVccfccr. Uuivre Sulfure Bismutifere, Benelius. Combination of sulphuret of copper and sulphuret of bis- muth. Sulphur 12-58, bismuth 47'24, copper 34 66. Klap- roth. It does not appear that these constituents are united in atomic proportions. It is of a lead-grey, steel-grey, or tin-white color, speedily acquiring a yellowish or reddish tarnish from exposure; and occurs very indistinctly crystallized, massive, disseminated, and acicular; fracture small grained and uneven; sectile ; lustre metallic : streak white. Partly soluble in nitric acid, the sulphur being left. It occurs in certain mines near Wittichen in Furstenberg, in veins traversing granite, with barytes, native bismuth, and copper pyrites. NEEDLE ORE. Acicular Bismuth Glance, J. Plumbo Cupriferous Sulphuret of Bismuth. Nadelerz, W. Bismuth Sulfure Plumbo Cuprifere, H. Bismites acicularis, D. Composed essentially of sulphurets of bismuth, lead and copper. Ekatherineburg. Ekatherineburg. Bismuth ................... 43-20 .................... 36-45 Sulphur ................... 11-58 .................... 16-61 Lead ...................... 24 32 .................... 36-05 Copper., ................... 12-10 .................... 10-59 Nickel .................... 1-58 .................... 0-00 Tellurium ................ 1-32 .................... 0-00 94-10 John. 99-77 Frick. The loss of about 6 per cent, in the first analysis, must destroy all confidence in the formula which has been founded upon it. Rammelsberg thus gives the formula answering to the last. Sp. Gr. 6-1 6-15. H. = 2-0 2-5. Occurs in imbedded acicular four- or six-sided prisms, in- distinctly terminated, and striated longitudinally ; structure 436 NATIVE METALS AND lamellar; cleavage parallel to the axis of the prism; the cross fracture small grained and uneven, with a shining metallic lustre. Color, when first broken, steel-grey or blackish lead- grey, soon acquiring a yellowish tarnish. B B, it partly vola- tilizes and deposits^ on the charcoal a yellow powder, after which there remains a red globule, enclosing a grain of metal- lic lead. Soluble with brisk effervescence, and the disen- gagement of red fumes in nitric acid, which it colors green; ammonia precipitates the copper of this solution. It has only been found near Ekatherineburg in Siberia, im- bedded in quartz, and accompanying galena and gold. OXIDE OF BISMUTH. Bismuth Ochre. Wismuthocher, VV. Bismuth Oxydc, II. Bt. Bismutalus ochraceus, D. This mineral was supposed to be pure oxide of bismuth, but an analysis by Lampadius shows it to contain besides oxide of iron, carbonic acid and water. But these are not in atomic combination, so that the mineral, when pure, is Bs, consisting of one atom oxygen, and one atom bismuth. Sp. Gr. 4-36. Color straw-yellow or yellowish-grey; occurs massive and disseminated ; the structure sometimes lamellar, with a shining lustre ; sometimes fine-grained or earthy, and dull ; it is opake, soft, and often friable. On charcoal, B B, it is easily reduced to the metallic state. In nitric acid it is soluble, the solution throwing down a white precipitate on the addition of water. It has been found in small quantities, upon the ores of bis- muth, cobalt, and nickel, at Schneeberg and Johanngeorgen- stadt in Saxony, at Joachimstal in Bohemia, and with plumbo- cupriferous sulphuret of bismuth and native gold at Beresof in Siberia. Prof. Wm. B. Rogers has discovered small portions of oxide of bismuth at the gold mines in Virginia. CARBONATE OF BISMUTH. This substance was mentioned in the third edition of this work, but was omitted by Allan, probably from its existence being doubtful. We have no perfect analysis of it, but Mr. Gregor found it to consist principally of carbonic acid and bismuth, mixed with oxide of iron and earthy matter. It has the appearance of an earthy substance, and somewhat resem- bles steatite. It was first noticed in Sowcrby's English Min- eralogy. It may prove to be bismuth ochre. It was found at St. Agnes in Cornwall. Breithaupt has more recently (Pogg. METALLIFEROUS MINERALS. 437 Ann. liii. 627) described a carbonated bismuth from the iron mine of Arme Hiilfe near Hirschberg in Reusse, where it is found with compact hydrate of iron, and is accompanied by native bismuth, sulphuret of bismuth, copper pyrites, &c. It is massive and sometimes forms small acicular crystals. It is yellow or greenish ; is opake, excepting on the edges ; has a feeble vitreous lustre; its fracture is conchoidal and earthy ; very brittle; hardness between 5 to 5^. Sp. Gr. about 7. SILICATE OF BISMUTH. Bismuth-Blende, Breithaupt. Arsenical Bismuth. Arsenik-Wismuth, W. Kiesel-Wis- inutli, L. Hismutalus dodecahedrus, D. This mineral was first described and named by Breithaupt.* It was afterwards analyzed by Kersten, with the following results : Schneeberg. Oxide of bismuth <>9-38 Silica 2-2-23 Oxide of iron 2-40 Oxide of manganese 0-30 Phosphoric acid 3*31 Water 1-01 98-63 The atoms of oxide of bismuth are to those of silica, very nearly as 1 to T5, whence the formula is, BsS 1 *. It is there- fore a sesquisilicate of bismuth. This supposes the phospho- ric acid and oxide of iron to be accidental. Sp. Gr. 5-9 60. H. = 3'5 4'0. In minute dodecahedral crystals, presenting according to Breithaupt, cleavages parallel to the faces of the Rhombic do- decahedron, its primary form. It occurs also in tetrahedrons, and in implanted globular masses. Color dark hair-brown or wax-yellow ; streak yellowish-grey ; semi-transparent or opake; lustre resinous or adamantine; fracture uneven; cleavage parallel to the faces of the dodecahedron, imperfect ; rather brittle. Decrepitates briskly B B, emits an arsenical odor, and is ultimately converted into a glass which effervesces with borax. This species accompanies cobalt and native bismuth, at Schneeberg in Saxony ; its general appearance is that of im- planted globules, which rarely exceed the size of a pin-head, and are of a dark-brown color. * PoggendorPs Annalen, ix. 275 37* 438 NATIVE METALS AND TELLURET OF BISMUTH. Molybdena Silver, J. and A. Molybdan Silber, Werner. Tellur-Wismuth, Leonhard. Bornine, Beudant. Rhomboheclral Bismuth Glance, M. Bismitea rhombohedrus, D. Composed of tellurium, bismuth, and selenium, according to the following analyses : Bismuth . r ,9-84 58.30 Tellurium 35-24 3tH)5 Sulphur 4-9Q 4-32 Earthy matter . . 0-00 0-75 100-00 Wehrle. 99-4:2 Berzelius. Its composition appears to be one atom sulphuret of bismuth, and two atoms bitelluret of bismuth. Formula: BsSl-f-2BsTel 2 . Sp. Gr. 7*2 8-0. Soft. Of a light steel-grey inclining to lead-grey, with a metallic lustre ; occurs in crystalline masses, or six-sided prisms, which are divisible into thin laminae parallel to the terminal planes, but not so easily as mica ; elastic, and when reduced to powder, is of an iron-black. B B, on charcoal, it melts on the first im- pression of the point of the flame, into small globules, which become of a yellow color, and somewhat tarnished, disengaging at the same time vapors of selenium. When pulverized, it is soluble in nitric acid, with the exception of the sulphur. It occurs with brown spar and iron-flint at Pilsen, and near Schernowitz on the Gran in Hungary; but it is an extremely rare mineral. Von Kobell has detected this rare mineral in specimens of the ores from San Jose in Brazil, attached to granular lime- stone. Berzelius has also recognised it in a specimen from Riddarhyttan. FERRUGINOUS ARSENIET OF BISMUTH. Dr. Thomson. (Outlines, &.C., i. 590.) This mineral occurs at Schneeberg in Saxony. Its consti- tuents, according to Dr. Thomson, are arsenic 38-092, bismuth 55 913, iron G'321. These numbers give four atoms arsenic, three atoms bismuth, one atom iron. The mineral, therefore, consists of three atoms arseniet of bismuth, one atom arseniet of iron. Formula: 3BsAs+FAs. Sp. Gr. 3-694. ' H. = 5'5. Color externally, dark hair-brown; internally, brownish- yellow. Massive, composed of thin plates or columns applied to each other. Lustre resinous; brittle. It decrepitates briskly B B, emits an arsenical odor, and burns with a blue METALLIFEROUS MINERALS. 439 flame, being either dissipated or fused into a metallic globule, according to circumstances. Soluble in nitric or muriatic acids. NATIVE ARSENIC. Gediegen Arsenic, W. Arsenic Natif, H. Native Arsenic, J. Rhombohedral Arsenic, M. Arsenium rbombohedrum, D. It consists of pure metallic arsenic, As, usually mixed with a small portion of other metals. Two specimens from Joa- chimsthal, yielded the following : Arsenic 96 97.0 Antimony 3-0 2-0 Irou and water 1-0 1-0 100-0 John. 100-0 John. Sp. Gr. 5-75. H. = 3-5. When fresh broken, it presents a lead-grey color, inclining to tin-white, but is generally greyish-black, becoming dull on exposure ; it occurs reniform, botryoidal, arid in flat mammil- lary masses: is not found crystallized, although indications of a rhomb of 114 26' and 65 34' have been noticed ; cleavage occasionally observable perpendicular to the axis of this rhomb ; fracture fine-grained and uneven, occasionally with a slight appearance of fibrous structure ; it yields to the knife, and is easily frangible. B B, it fuses readily : burns with a bluish flame and a dense white arsenical vapor ; and is, when pure, entirely volatilized. Acquires resinous electricity from friction. Arsenic occurs chiefly in the veins of primitive rocks, accompanying ores of silver, cobalt, and copper. It is com- mon in the Saxon silver mines of Freyberg, Annaberg, and Schneeberg ; also at Joachimsthal in Bohemia, at Andreasberg in the Hartz, at Kapnick in Transylvania, at Orawitza in the Bannat, at Zmeoff in Siberia in large masses, at Wittichen in Suabia, and at St. Marie aux Mines in Alsace. It is at once distinguished by the facility with which it volatilizes, as well as by the odor and copious white fumes it emits when exposed to the blowpipe, or thrown upon ignited charcoal. This odor is also distinctly perceptible when the specimen is struck with a hammer. The effects of arsenic as a violent poison are well known; it is notwithstanding made use of in several pharma- ceutical preparations, and is variously employed in metallurgi- cal processes. Allan's Manual. Native arsenic, according to Dr. Jackson, occurs in argilla- ceous slate at Haverhill, N. H. 440 NATIVE METALS AND ARSENOUS ACID. Oxide of Arsenic, J. Octahedral Arsenic Acid, M. Arsenikbliithe, Karsten. Arsenic Oxide, II. Acide Arsenieux, BcudanL. Aciduin Arsenosum, D. Composed, according to Berzelius, of arsenic 75'82, oxygen 24-18. Formula: As. Sp. Gr. 36 371. H.= l-5. Color snow-white, sometimes tinged accidentally reddish, yellowish, or greenish. It occurs earthy, capillary, investing other substances, in stalactites, and also in tabular and pris- matic crystals. Cleavage octahedral ; semi-transparent or opake ; lustre vitreous ; fracture conchoidal ; taste astringent. Soluble in hot water. Exposed to a high temperature it is volatilized without any odor, but when heated on charcoal, B B, the acid is decomposed, and the strong garlic smell which cha- racterizes metallic arsenic is emitted. It occurs at Andreasberg in the Hartz, with the ores of silver, arsenic, and lead, from the decomposition of some of which it probably arises; also at Joachimsthal in Bohemia; and at Bieber in Hanau. It resembles the pharmacolite, and is often confounded with it : but that substance is not soluble in water, which the oxide of arsenic is. In some of the Hartz furnaces it has been obtained by sub- limation, and in that case it presents large distinct octahedral crystals. SULPHURET OF ARSENIC. REALGAR. Hemi-prismatic Sulphur, M. Red Orpiment, or Ruby Fulphur, J. Rother Rauschgelb, W. Realgar Rouge, Brochant. Arsenic Sulfure Rouge, H. Euchroa rubella, D. Arsenic 69-57 fi9-0 Sulphur 30-43 31.0 100-00 Laugier. 100-0 Klaproth. The numbers give one atom arsenic, and one atom sulphur. Symbols: AsSl. Sp. Gr. 33 36. Of a brilliant red color, passing into scarlet, sometimes with a tinge of orange ; translucent, rarely transparent. It occurs massive, disseminated, investing, acicular, and crystallized; the crystals usually assume the prismatic form, and are exter- nally very brilliant. It cleaves indistinctly parallel to all the planes of an Oblique rhombic prism, whose lateral planes are 74 15' and 105 45' by the reflective goniometer, the terminal on a lateral plane being about 104 6' ; the declination of the terminal plane is from one acute angle of the prism to its oppo- METALLIFEROUS MINERALS. 441 site. Fracture conchoidal, with a splendent vitreous lustre ; streak orange-yellow or aurora-red ; yields to the pressure of the nail. It becomes electric by friction, acquiring the resi- nous or negative electricity ; B B, alone, on charcoal, it burns with a pale yellow flame. Loses its color in nitric acid. Primary. M on M' .......... 74 15' P on M or M' ....... 104 6 - & or 6 ......... 149 12 - c2 ........... 80 - el or el' ....... 156 30 - e2 or e2' ....... 138 22 - c3 or e& ....... 126 50 - k ........... 90 M on 6 or M' on b> .... 133 M or M' on cl ....... 99 -- c2 ....... 115 M' on dl .......... 119 - d'2 .......... 131 - e'l .......... 122 2 30 52 30 34 50 M' on e'2 135 2' e'B 141 20 tl 172 6 i2 160 42 k 142 42 / 163 85 cl on c2 150 38 dl 155 10 d'2 137 20 f>3-32 4M)(i 45-37 5',)-5ti 10-64 fulplmr 12-117 14-40 19-29 19-34 ] li-42 8-21 Nickel 28-17 27-00 ;jn*0 WJ-94 28 <> 8-91 Iron 3-G3 5-2!) 2-99 4-11 4-00 1-14 Copper with colnilt. . 0-00 0-00 0-00 0-'J2 Silica 0-61 OU 1-00 0-90 10U-53 10JM1 102-14 100-58 The mean numbers of these analyses lead to one atom each of the three first constituents, if we suppose, with Dr. Thom- son, that the excess of arsenic is in combination in the mine- ral with the iron, and is accidental. By doubling these atoms, and supposing the sulphur to be united with each of the bases, he obtains one atom disulphide of arsenic, and one atom disul- phuret of nickel. Formula: As 2 Sl+Nk 2 Sl. Il.'ttipisfn. Atoms. Nickel 31-819 9.79 A rsenic 48-022 10-11 Sulphur 2 .). 159 lu-07 100-00 Rammelaberg.* The numbers thus obtained by Rammelsberg, who seems to have operated on a very pure specimen, conduct almost ex- actly to one atom each of the constituents. Doubling the atoms, he views the mineral, with Berzelius, as composed of one atom bisulphuret of nickel, and one atom biarseniet of nickel ; or NkSP+NkAs 2 . Sp. Gr. about 5. H. = 6'129. Color tin-white; streak similar. Massive; texture granu- lar. In one variety the grains are rounder, in another they are less equal. Lustre shining, metallic; opake. When heated it decrepitates with great violence. When ignited in a glass tube, it leaves a matter similar to copper nickel, while sulphide of arsenic sublimes. Another variety, when heated in the same way, leaves a silver-white mass, and gives out also sulphide of arsenic. It occurs at Loos in Sweden, at Hamsdorf and Haueisen. * Handwbi terbuch, ii. 14. METALLIFEROUS MINERALS. 455 NICKEL OCHRE. Nickel Bliithe, Nickel Ocher, W. Nickel Oxide, H. Bt. Nickel Arseniate, Berthier. Niccalus prasinus, D. Combination of arsenic acid, oxide of nickel, and water. Arsenic acid 26 97 36-8 Protoxide of nickel 37-35 36-2 Water 24-3-2 24-5 Protoxide of cobalt 0-OU 2-5 98-04 Stromeyer. 100-0 Berthier. Dr. Thomson unites the oxides of nickel and cobalt, which together make two atoms against one atom arsenic acid. The water amounts to four atoms. The mineral is therefore a hy- drous diarseniate of nickel. Formula: Nk 2 As+4Aq. This substance is found adhering to or coating arsenical nickel, and is considered to be derived from its decomposi- tion. It is sometimes compact, of a fine apple-green color; and generally filamentous or friable. By calcination it as- sumes a yellowish hue, and loses somewhat less than a fourth part of its weight of water, without emitting any odor. It dissolves readily and completely in acids, without efferves- cence, the solution becoming violet on the addition of am- monia; and B B, on charcoal exhales a strong arsenical smell ; fusing in the interior flame into a globule of arseriiferous nickel. It is found adhering to arsenical nickel at Allernont, and other places. PI M ELITE. Pimelit, W. Br. Nickel Oxyde, Bt. Pimelitc, J. Oxide of nickel 15'G2, silica 35*00, alumina 5*10, water 37'91, magnesia 2*25, lime 0*40. Klaproth. Rammelsberg has given no formula for this mineral. Of an apple-green or yellowish-green color; occurs invest- ing other minerals, and massive; is earthy and dull; opake, and devoid of lustre; soft, and greasy to the feel. It is infusi- ble B B, but loses part of its weight, and assumes a dark-grey hue. With borax it forms a violet-colored globule, in which the nickel is reduced. It occurs at Kosemiitz, and Glassendorf in Silesia, in veins traversing serpentine, and associated with chrysoprase, of which nickel is supposed to be the coloring matter. NATIVE SILVER. Gndiegan Silber, W. Argent Natif, H. Br. Hexahedral Silver, M. and J. Argentum octahedium, D. Pure silver, with occasional minute admixture of copper, arsenic, antimony, and iron, which renders it less malleable 456 NATIVE METALS AND than the fused metal. That from Curey, analyzed by Berthier, was composed of silver 90, copper 10, or two and a half atoms silver to one atom copper. Formula: Ag 2 >Cp. Sp. Gr. 10-47. H. = 2'5. Color pure white, with a shining metallic lustre, but gene- rally tarnished externally of a greyish-black, probably owing to the presence of sulphur. Occurs crystallized in the Cube and Regular octahedron ; but as it does not possess a lamellar structure, either of these solids may be considered as the pri- mary form; in the following figure the cube is assumed, as being the most simple. It also occurs capillary, ramose, and reticulated, but a close inspection will discover, by the assist- ance of a microscope, that these varieties consist of a congeries of elongated crystals, or of minute cubes or octahedrons closely aggregated, and disposed perpendicularly in straight rows. Flexible, ductile, and malleable ; acquires vitreous electricity when isolated and rubbed. It is fusible, B B, into a globule, which is not altered by continuing the heat, although, on cool- ing, it presents a crystalline form, in which the faces of the octahedron, cube, and dodecahedron may be distinguished. It is soluble in cold nitric, and in heated sulphuric acid. P on P or P 90 00' H. P on a or a' 125 15 a' on a or a . . 109 28 Virgin or native silver generally occurs in veins of calcare- ous spar or quartz, traversing gneiss, slate, and other primitive rocks; occasionally also in selenite and clay. Magnificent specimens, presenting crystals half an inch in diameter, used to be found in the mines of Kongsberg in Norway; Freyberg, Schneeberg, and Johanngeorgenstadt are its principal Saxon localities; Przibram, Joachimsthal, and Ratiborzitz, its chief Bohemian ones. It is also met with in smaller quantities at Andreasberg in the Hartz, in Svvabia, Hungary, at Allemont in Dauphine, and in some of the Cornish mines, as at Wheal Duchey, near Callington, in grauwacke. The most celebra- ted localities, however, of native silver, are those of South America, and particularly the mines of Peru. The largest mass of pure native silver ever discovered was met with in the mines of Kongsberg, in 1834.* It weighed eight hundred and * Berzelius' Jahres-Bericht, 1835, p. 215. METALLIFEROUS MINERALS. 457 forty pounds. Specimens brought from the celebrated Pasco mine, in Peru, as described by Prof. Sillirnan, are of the most perfect whiteness without tarnish, and with the lustre of the highly polished metal ; their numerous crystals adhering in rich groups of many hundreds, and being also interspersed through brilliant white calc-spar, make a very splendid ap- pearance. The figures are between the cube and the octa- hedron usually the cubo-octahedron. Specimens of native silver have been sent to the United States, by the American missionaries from Western Asia, concerning the mineralogy of which but little is known. At Madden, south-east of Trebizond, a valuable mine of native silver is wrought by the Greeks.* In the United States, native silver was found by Dr. Hough- ton, in the trap rocks of Michigan, associated with native copper. It is found also at King's lead mine, Davidson county, North Carolina. The employment of silver in coinage, and in the manufac- ture of plate and articles of luxury, is well known ; but it is not from this ore alone that the fused metal is obtained. AURIFEROUS NATIVE SILVER. Guldisches gediegen silber, W. Argent natif aurifere, Br. Gold 64-0 74-0 76-41 28-0 Silver 34-0 26-0 22-12 72-0 98-0 Klaproth. 100-0 Boussingault. 98-53 Rose. 100-0 Fordyce. The gold is thus united in very variable proportions, and in some speci- mens should rather be regarded as native gold. Specific gravity 14-0 - - 17-0. Of a color between silver-white and brass-yellow; disseminated, capil- lary, and crystallized in cubes. It occurs in veins at Kongsberg in Norway, at Rauris in Salzburg, and at Schlangenberg in Siberia. ANTIMONIAL SILVER. Prismatic Antimony, M. Octahedral Antimony, J. Antimon-silber, Leonhard. Spies- glassilber, W. Argent Antimonial, H. Br. Stibium rhombicum, D. A specimen from Wolfach, yielded to Klaproth, silver 76, antimony 24. Another by Vauquelin, from Andreasberg, gave silver 78'0, antimony 22'0. The mineral appears, from these analyses, to be a diantimoniet of silver. Formula : Ag 2 St. Sp. Gr. 9 44 98. H. = 3 5. Color between silver-white and tin-white, often externally tarnished yellow or reddish. Generally occurs massive or in grains, but has been observed also indistinctly crystallized. * Prof. Hitchcock on the Geology of Western India, vol. i. p. 398, of the Reports of the Association of American Geologists. 39 458 NATIVE METALS AND Primary form an obtuse rhomboid of 109 28' and 70 32'. - Ncckcr. The faces somewhat convex, and deeply striated longitudinally. Structure lamellar, with a shining metallic lustre, and the cross fracture flat conchoidal ; easily frangible ; soft; and possessing a slight degree of malleability. B B, on charcoal it melts into a grey metallic globule, which is not malleable, the antimony being at the same time driven off in white vapor; on continuing the blast a bead of pure silver is produced. In nitric acid it becomes soon covered with a bluish coating, which is the oxide of antimony. It occurs with native arsenic and other ores of silver, in granite, at Wittichen and Altwolfach in Baden; in clay-slate at Andreasberg in the Hartz ; also at Casalla near Guadal- canal in Spain; in Salzburg; and at Allemont in France. It is a rare mineral. ARSENICAL ANTIMONIAL SILVER. Arsenical Silver, A. Argent antimonial ferro-arsenifere, H. Argent arsenical, Br. Antimonial silver, mixed with arsenic and iron. A specimen from Andreasberg yielded to Klaproth, silver 12-75, antimony 4-00, iron 44-25, arsenic 35-00. Another specimen gave very different results, tending to show that the mineral is a mechanical mixture of its constituents. Specific gravity 94 ; hardness 40. Nearly of the same color as native silver, but commonly tarnished yel- low or blackish ; it occurs mammillated, or in small globular and reniform masses, sometimes investing other substances ; structure lamellar, with a shining or glimmering metallic lustre. It is harder than antimonial sil- ver, but is sectile, brittle, easily frangible, and heavy. B B, the arsenic and antimony are volatilized, emitting at same time a powerful alliaceous odor, and leaving a globule of impure silver. Its localities and associations are nearly the same as those of antimonial silver ; it is best known at Andreasberg in the Hartz, where it accompa- nies native arsenic. TELLURIC SILVER. Tellur-silber, Rose. Argent Tellure, JVec&er. Lunites Telluricus, D. Contains Silver 62-42 62-32 Tellurium 36-96 36-89 Iron 0-24 0-50 99-62 G. Rose 99-71 G. Rose. The atoms of tellurium deduced from these numbers, are twice those of the silver, showing it to be a bitelluret of silver. Formula: AgTl 2 . Sp. Gr. 8-4 1 8-56. H. = 2 25. Uncrystallized; in coarse grained masses; color between steel-grey and lead-grey; lustre metallic; soft, and partially malleable. B B, on charcoal it fuses into a black mass, which on cooling appears covered with numerous minute specks of metallic silver ; in the matrass it fuses, and colors the glass METALLIFEROUS MINERALS. 459 yellow; and is soluble in nitric acid, especially if heated. From the silver mines of Savodinski in the Altai mountains, Siberia. SULPHURET OF SILVER. Vitreous Silver. Glaserz, W. Argent Sulfure, H. Bt. Argent Vitreuse, Br. Hexahe- dral Silver Glance, M. Silver Glance, J. Lunites dodecahedrus, D. Combination of silver and sulphur. Freyberg. Atoms. Silver 85-0 fH8 Sulphur 15-0 7-5 100-0 Klaproth. The only published analysis of this mineral appears to be that by Klaproth. Beitrage, i. 158. Rammelsberg gives no other. The numbers do not exactly correspond with one atom silver and one of sulphur ; though such is undoubtedly the true / constitution of the mineral. Formula: Ag or AgSl. Sp. Gr. 6 9 7-2. H. = 2^ 2-5. Of a dark lead-grey color, with occasionally a superficial iridescent tarnish. Primary form the Cube ; also found in oc- tahedrons and rhombic dodecahedrons, parallel to the faces of which, traces of cleavage are sometimes observable ; fracture, fine grained and uneven, sometimes small and flat conchoidal, with a more or less shining metallic lustre; malleable and sectile, yielding readily to the knife. In the flame of a taper, or B B, it intumesces, the sulphur flies off, and on continuing the blast a bead of pure silver remains. Soluble in dilute nitric acid ; and, when isolated and rubbed, acquires a resinous electricity. P P on P' or P" 90 00' H. PP' or P" on a 125 15 P or P' on e 135 00 a on a' or a" 109 28 a or a' on e, or ) -\A\A\ a or a" one" $ 144 44 e on e> or e" 120 00 This species occurs both crystallized and massive, assum- ing also various reticulated, filiform, arborescent, and capil- lary shapes. It is subject to tarnish from exposure, loses its lustre, and becomes covered with a black earthy-like coating. It occurs in gneiss at Freyberg in Saxony, accompanying other ores of silver ; in mica-slate at Joachimsthal in Bohe- mia ; in grey wacke in the Hartz ; occasionally in Devon and 460 NATIVE METALS AND Cornwall in grauvvacke with native silver and arsenical silver ; but in great abundance only in Mexico, most of the silver ob- tained at the celebrated mines of Guanaxuato in that country being extracted from this ore. It occurs also in Peru. BLACK SULPHTJRET OF SILVER. Silberschwartze, W. Earthy sil- ver glance, J. Is a decomposed and almost triable variety of the preced- ing. It is dark lead-grey, inclining to black, and without lustre, or only feebly glimmering ; it occurs massive and pulverulent, sometimes invest- ing other ores of silver, and filling up cavities in them ; fracture uneven , is more or less sectile; and gives a shining metallic streak. B B, it is converted into a slaggy mass, containing globules of impure silver. It occurs in the veins of primitive mountains with other ores, as at Cremnitz and Schemnitz in Hungary ; at Chalanches near Allcmont in Dauphine ; at Kongsberg in Norway ,* and at Schlangenberg in Siberia. FLEXIBLE SULPHURET OF SILVER. Argent Sulfure Flexible, Bournon. Biegsamer Silberglanz, L. Ferro-sulphuret of Silver, Thomson. Consists, according to Wollaston, of silver, sulphur, and a little iron ; but no complete analysis has been given. Externally of a dark color, approaching to black ; occurs both massive and in small tabular crystals, which appear to be Right oblique-angled prisms, whose lateral planes are alter- nately 125 and 55. Flexible when in thin laminae, and readily separable into them. Cleavage parallel with the ter- minal planes; very soft, yielding readily to the knife; lustre metallic, but less brilliant than that of sulphuret of silver. M on T . . . . 125 00' P on M or T . . . 90 00 cl . 134 45 c2 . Ill 30 d2 . 138 15 d3 . 119 15 M on rfl or dl' . . 114 00 d2 or d2> . . . 131 45 d3 or d3 . . . 150 30 e 146 10 T on cl or cl' . . . 135 00 c2 , 153 20 e , 159 00 This rare mineral has hitherto been met with only in Hun- gary, and at Freyberg in Saxony, and even at these localities in very small quantity. The crystal figured is from the Him- melsfurst mine at Freyberg. METALLIFEROUS MINERALS. 461 STERNBERGITE.* Haidingcr. (Edinb. Phil. Traits., xi. 1.) Elasmites rhombicus, D. Contains, according to Zippe : Atoms. Silver 33-2 2-41 ...1-00 Iron 36-0 10-28. . . .4-26 Sulphur 30-0 15-00. . . .6-22 99^2 The composition, as indicated by these numbers, is four and a half atoms sulphuret of iron, one atom bisulphuret of silver. Formula : 4FSl+AgSl 2 . Sp. Gr. 42 4-25. H. = 1-0 15. Primary form a Rhombic octahedron of 118, 84 28', and 128 49'. The annexed figure exhibits one of the common secondary forms. It occurs also in compressed, but regular hexahedral tables, with two angles of 119, and four of 120, and these are sometimes united in twins. /on/ .... 118 00'. Haidinger. Occurs generally in implanted crystals, attached to the ma- trix laterally so as to form rose-like aggregations ; sometimes they are macled. Cleavage perfect parallel to a. Color pinch- beck-brown, with an occasional superficial violet-blue tarnish on the faces/; high degrees of metallic lustre on the broad faces , not so bright on the others ; streak black; flexible in thin lamina? ; and, after being bent, may be smoothed down again with the nail, like tinfoil. B B, it burns, per se, with a blue flame, emits powerful sulphurous vapors, and fuses into a globule, which is generally hollow, has a crystalline surface, and is covered with metallic silver. This globule acts pow- erfully on the magnet, and communicates to fluxes the ordi- nary colors produced by iron. Borax readily removes the iron, and leaves a button of metallic silver. In the matrass it loses its lustre, and becomes dark-grey, and friable. It leaves traces on paper like graphite, which may be removed by caoutchouc. Sternbergite occurs with ores of silver, particularly the red and brittle silvers, at Joachimsthal in Bohemia; but it is a very rare species. * In honor of Count Caspar Sternberg of Prague. 39* 462 NATIVE METALS AND BRITTLE SULPHURET OF SILVER. Sprod-Glassrz, W. Argent Antimonie Sulfure Noir, II. Prismatic Melnne Glance, M. Brittle Silver Glance, J. Schwarz Giiltigerz, L. Lunites rhombicus, D. Freyberg. Freyberg. It contains Silver 60-5 (W-54 Sulphur 12-0 16-42 Antimony 10-0 14-68 Iron 5-0 0-00 Copper 0-5 0-64 94-0 Klaproth. 100-28 H. Rose. This mineral according to Dr. Thomson, is a trisulplwanti- moniate of silver, thus expressed by the formula : StSl 2 -f3AgSl. It is singular that an analysis of the same mineral by Brandes, gave not a trace of antimony.* Sp. Gr. 59 6-4. H. = 2-0 3-0. Color dark lead or bluish-grey, passing into iron-black ; when pulverized, dark-grey or brownish. Primary form a Right rhom- bic prism of 107 47' and 72 13'. The measurements are as follow : P on P over o 104 19', o on adjoining o 115 39', d on d over P 107 47'. Crystals most frequently macled ; cleavage in the directions of o and P ; the structure sometimes distinctly lamellar, but the fracture commonly con- choidal, with a shining metallic lustre; soft, and brittle. B B, it melts, the sulphur, antimony, and arsenic fly off, and there remains a dark-colored metallic globule, which may be reduced on continuing the blast, or adding soda. Soluble in dilute nitric acid. It occurs principally in veins traversing primitive rocks, and associated with other ores of silver, as at Schneeberg and Freyberg in Saxony ; Przibram and Ratieborzitz in Bohe- mia; Cremnitz and Schemnitz in Hungary; in Siberia; and in Mexico. It is the compact and massive variety of this spe- cies to which the name of Schwarz-gultigerz particularly ap- plies; that termed Weiss-giiltigerz, on the other hand, is merely a mechanical mixture of this species, galena, and grey antimony. The richer it is in silver, the nearer it approaches the brittle sulphuret, while, in the contrary case, it resembles compact galena or antimony ; evidently therefore it cannot be considered a distinct species. * See Rammelsberg's Handwbrterbuch, ii. 172. METALLIFEROUS MINERALS. 463 SULPHURET OF SILVER AND ANTIMONY. Peritomous ^Antimony Glance, M. Schwefel-Silber und Antimon, L. Argent Sulfur6 QilLVlUWWl CBUfcUUUUJ VlttllVOj AM. * kJUU \V C J C l-OHUt? T UI1U /lUlIIIlOn. J_J. Antimonifere et Cuprifere, Levy. Schwefel Schilfglazerz, Freisleben. tomus, D. Lunites peri- No complete analysis has hitherto been given of this mineral ; but its elements are supposed to be sulphur, silver and anti- mony, united with accidental portions of copper. Sp. Gr. 5-5 5-6. H. = 2'0 25. It occurs in small crystals, sometimes irregularly associated, more often separate ; externally they are shining and splendent, of a color approaching to silver-white ; and deeply striated lon- gitudinally ; the striae however are for the most part only a series of planes modifying the obtuse edges of the prism, as in the following figure. Cleavage perfect parallel to M ; extremely brittle, yielding readily to mechanical division parallel to the planes of a Right rhombic prism of 100 and 80, and probably also in other directions. B B, it emits copious white vapors, accompanied by a slight sulphurous odor, a small white bead, apparently of silver, remaining. M on M' 100 00' 2} 2 ^ 3 / r 3 -A 2 \ M or M' on a or a' . . 135 15 y M on cl or M' on cl' .110 00 \ gl or g\< . 70 10 \ #2 or #2 . 60 30 /, 3 or gB' . 146 30 a or cl or cl' 120 12 cl on cl' 130 8 c2 . . . . . 145 24 c3 143 25 , c3 on c3 122 15 X - ^ S- x [/ It occurs in the Himmelsfurst mine at Freyberg in Saxony, accompanying sulphuret of silver, blende, carbonate of iron, and galena; occasionally also at Kapnik in Transylvania. SlTLPHITRET OF SlLVER, LEAD AND ANTIMONY. M. Wohler has analyzed, and M. Hausmann has given a mineralogical description of a mineral of this composition, consisting of silver 22-93, lead 30-27, antimony 27-38, sulphur 18-74. Eerzelius' Rapport Annudfor 1840, p. 122. It crystallizes in six-sided prisms terminated by a six-sided plane, or by two planes; also in quadrangular oblique prisms, the inclination of the sides of which is 91 89', and of which two of the opposite edges are replaced by faces which make with the faces of the inclined plane an angle of 146. It is of a lead or steel-grey color ; opake, and has a metallic lustre. The faces of cleavage are indistinct ; its fracture imperfectly conchoidal. Spe- cific gravity, 6-194 ; hardness, by Mohs' scale, between 2 and 25. B B, it gives the reaction of sulphur, of antimony, and of lead and silver. We could probably regard this mineral as only a variety of the preced- ing, in which lead had replaced a part of the silver, were there not a wide 464 NATIVE METALS AND difference in the crystalline forms of the two, giving to each a specific cha- racter. According to the observation of Zinker, the Schilfglazerz from Ratiborschitz, in Bohemia, contains bismuth. POLY13ASITE.* Kobell. H. Rose. (Poggendorf's rfnnalen, xv. 575.) Lunites rhombohedrus, D. Mexico. Freyberg. Silver 6-1-^J 65-50 Sulphur 17-04 19-40 Antimony 5-09 0-00 Arsenic 3-74 3-30 Copper 9-9M 3-75 Iron 0-OC 5-46 100-15 H. Rose. 97-41 Brandes. Formula given by Dr. Thomson from the first analysis : Sp. Gr. 62 14. H. = 2'0 30. Primary form a Rhomboid. t Occurs in tabular-shaped six- sided prisms. The planes of the prism are striated parallel to its base, and the terminal faces parallel to the sides of an inscribed equilateral triangle, indicative of the rhomboid being its primary form. Color iron-black; opake ; lustre metallic: streak black ; cleavage not observable ; fracture uneven ; sus- ceptible of being cut with a knife. From Guanaxuato in Mexico. It occurs also at Guansamez in Durango, with calc- spar and copper pyrites. RED SILVER. Ruby Silver. Rhombohedral Ruby Blende, M. Rhomboidal Ruby Blende, J. Aerosite. Braardite. Rotbgultigerz, W. Argent Antimonie Sulfure, H. Argent Rouge, Br. Bt. Silber-blende, Brcithaupt. Argentum Rubrum, Linn. Rubella rhombohedra, D. This species is subdivided into, 1. The sulphuret of silver and antimony (Argyrythrose, Beu- dant. Antimon silber-blende, Breit. Argent rouge antimonie, NecJcer.) Subsesquisulpho-antimoniate of Silver, Thomson. 2. The sulphuret of silver and arsenic (Proustite, Beudant. Arsen silber-blende, Breit haupt. Argent rouge arsenic, Necker.) Subsesqui-sulphoarseniate of Silver, Thomson. Ru- bella florida, D. The former refers to the dark-red variety, which contains Andreasberg. Mexico. Silver 58-94 60-2 Antimony 22-84 21-8 Sulphur 16-61 18-0 98-49 Bonsdorff. 100-0 Wohler. The latter refers to the light red variety, of which the follow- ing analyses have been made. * From TTO\V$, many, and Jt, a base. t According to Haidinger, the primary form is a Right rhombic prism M on Bl' 111 &. METALLIFEROUS MINERALS. 465 Joachimsthal. Silver 6467 Arsenic 15-09 Sulphur.... 19-51 Antimony... 0-69 Sulphuret of silver 74-35 Sulphuret of arsenic 25-00 99-35 Proust. 99-96 H. Rose. These two varieties also differ considerably in specific gravi- ty, the light-red seldom exceeding 5'4 5*6, while that of the dark-red amounts to 5-8 5'9. They however correspond so entirely in their crystalline form, and, with the above excep- tion, so perfect an analogy exists in all their physical charac- ters, that mineralogists do not generally concur in separating them into distinct species. They have not been separated by Mohs or Brooke. The chemical formula given by Bonsdorff, answering to his own analysis, is 3AgSl 2 +2StSl 3 . Rammels- berg includes the analysis by Rose under the same species, and, supposing the isomorphic replacement of the antimony by the arsenic, gives a formula which includes both varieties. It occurs crystallized in a great variety of forms, also den- dritic, massive, and micaceous ; structure lamellar ; mechani- cally divisible into an obtuse rhomboid of 108 30' and 71 30', the primary form, but its extreme brittleness renders this difficult. Primary. The above figure represents a crystal in the possession of H. J. Brooke, Esq. This crystal, perhaps one of the most complex that has been observed, d'2on d5 on do on b . . dl or d2 or i4 or /3or /4 or o or d2 . d2> . r?5 P' on dl' d2' 74' . 13' . /4' . o i . 172 . 164 . 167 . 141 . 163 . 158 . 126 . 164 132 Oc. 15 43 50 22 10 50 55 Oc. j ?3 on i'4 on !/l on i/2on /2on /3 on /4on 15 on g. o on ( i g ?3 . 168 . lol /4 , . . 134 /2 , , . 178 /3 . 179 12 , . 148 /3 . 153 . 141 /4 /5 . 173 . 155 . 125 9 or o 1 . . 120 do', 466 NATIVE METALS AND tends to confirm the observation already annexed to the rhomboid al figure accompanying the notice of calcareous spar, viz. that the modifications to which the rhomboid is liable, are almost endless. The planes b of the above figure tend, by their extension, to produce a rhomboid more obtuse than the primary, the planes g to acute rhomboids: the planes dl, 2, 3, 4, and 5, to the production of obtuse dodecahedrons ; all the planes i and / to acute dodecahedrons : o o and ff to regular six-sided prisms. 157 20' 10 15 40 50 32 17 20 30 It varies by reflected light from lead-grey to iron-black, by transmitted light from brilliant to dark red ; semi-transparent or opake ; lustre imperfect-metallic in dark-colored varieties, adamantine in such as are light; streak different shades of cochirieal-red, according to the color; cross fracture conchoi- dal, with a shining lustre; sectile, yielding readily to the knife. B B on charcoal it first decrepitates, fuses, emits fumes of sul- phur and antimony, and ultimately leaves a globule of silver. Soluble without effervescence in nitric acid. This very beautiful mineral is confined to a small number of localities, though in some of them it is of pretty frequent occur- rence. The light-red varieties, which exhibit by transmitted light the most splendid cochineal hues, are met with principally in the Saxon and Bohemian mining districts of the Erzgebirge, particularly at Marienberg, Annaberg, and Johanngeorgenstadt, in Saxony, and at Joachimsthal in Bohemia, usually associated with other ores of silver, galena, blende, pyrites, and arsenic ; while the dark-red ones occur chiefly with calcareous spar, native arsenic, and galena, at Andreasberg in the Hartz. Freyberg in Saxony, Schemnitz and Nagybanya in Hungary, Guadalcanal in Spain, Kongsberg in Norway, and St. Marie aux Mines in France, are also well-known localities of this species. It was formerly found at Huel Duchy in Cornwall ; and from the produce of some of the Mexican mines, vast quanti- ties of the precious metal have been obtained. Red silver, from its color, may sometimes be mistaken for red orpiment. ; but the yellow streak of the latter is sufficiently characteristic, and its specific gravity is also lower. Cinnabar volatilizes B B, whilst red silver forms a metallic globule. As an ore, it has METALLIFEROUS MINERALS. 467 been observed that the dark yield a larger proportion of silver than the light varieties, but both of them are highly valuable to the smelter. MIARGYRITE.* Hemi Prismatic Ruby-Blende, M. Miargyrite, Prof. H. Rose. Bisulpho-antimoniate of Silver, Thomson. Rubella obliqua, D. Combination of silver, antimony, and sulphur, in proportions different from those of the preceding species. Braunsdorff. Silver 36-40 Antimony 39-14 Sulphur 21-95 Copper 1-06 Iron 0-62 99-17 H. Rose. The formula from this analysis, as given by Rammelsberg, is AgSb. This requires 35'66 Ag, 42 79 St, 21-35 SI. Sp. Gr. 52 54. H. = 2 - 2 5. Primary form an Oblique rhombic prism of 93 56', and 86 4', and whose base is inclined to its axis at an angle of 101 6'. Imperfectly cleavable in the direction of the larger diagonal of the base. Color iron-black; opake, except when viewed by transmitted light, in which case thin fragments present a deep blood-red hue ; lustre intermediate between metallic and ada- mantine; streak dark cherry-red; fracture imperfect conchoi- dal ; surfaces of the crystals deeply striated ; very sectile. B B, alone on charcoal it fuses with abundant white vapors, which have occasionally a slight alliaceous odor, leaving a globule of silver. It is soluble in nitric acid, with an immediate white antimonial precipitate. This very rare mineral used to be comprised among the varieties of dark-red silver, until distinguished by reason of its form, and described by Mohs. It occurs with argentiferous arsenical pyrites, in one of the mines of Braunsdorff, near Frey- berg in Saxony. STROMEYERITE. Sulphuret of Silver and Copper. Argent etCuivre Sulfure, Bournon. Silberkupferglanz, Stromeyer. Stromeyeiine, Beudant. Argentiferous Copper Glance, J. Argentiferous Sulphuret of Copper, A. Cuivre Sulfure Argentifere, Levy. Sulpho-cuprite of Silver, Thomson. Lunites Cupricus, D. This mineral consists of copper, silver and sulphur, in the following proportions : * From instwv, less, and aoyrQog y silver, because it contains less silver than some of the analogous ores. 468 NATIVE METALS AND Schlangenberg. Atoms. Copper 30-473 7-62 Silver .52-272 3-80 Sulphur 15-782 7-84 Iron 0-333 0-00 98-8G5 Stromeyer. The atoms of copper are twice as numerous as those of sil- ver, and it is thus obvious that the mineral is composed of one atom sulphuret of silver, two atoms disulphuret of copper. Formula: AgSl+2Cp 2 Sl. Sp. Gr. 6-25. H. = 30 4'0. Crystalline form unknown. Occurs compact ; color steel- grey, with a metallic lustre ; the surface produced by fracture being brilliant, granular, and partially conchoidal ; very brittle, and readily fusible B B, emitting sulphuric acid fumes, and forming a grey globule with a metallic lustre. With the fluxes it exhibits the re-action of copper, and on the cupola yields a large globule of silver. It occurs associated with copper pyrites, calcareous spar, and hornblende, at Schlangenberg near Colivan in Siberia. It is a very rare mineral, and was first examined and recognised as a peculiar species, by Stromeyer, from specimens in the museum of Gottingen. BISMUTHIC SILVER. Wismuth Silbererz, Selb. Bismuthic Silver, J. A. Bismuth SulfurePlumbo-Argentifcre. Levy. Bismutum Argenticum, D. Consists of bismuth 27'0, lead 33'0, silver 15'0, iron 4'3, copper 0'9, sulphur 16'3 Klaproth. No formula given by Rammelsberg, and the mineral seems to have been but once analyzed. The specimen analyzed was probably a mere mixture. Of a light lead-grey color, but subject to tarnish on exposure. It occurs disseminated or in amorphous masses, rarely acicu- lar ; fracture fine-grained and uneven, with a glistening metallic lustre ; it is soft, sectile, and somewhat brittle ; opake. B B, it fuses readily into a silver button, at same time covering the charcoal with an areola of the oxides of lead and bismuth. It accompanies pyrites and galena at Schapbach in the val- ley of Kinzig, Baden. SELENIURET OF SILVER. Selen-sillier. Seleniure d' Argent, Bcudant. Seleniet of Silver, Thomson. This mineral was first described and analyzed by Prof. G. Rose.* Its constituents are: silver 65'56, lead* 4*91, sele- nium 29'53. *Poggendorf's Annalen, xiv. 471. METALLIFEROUS MINERALS. 469 The constitution, as given by Rammelsberg, is one atom silver, and one atom selenium, or AgSel. Sp. Gr. 8-0. H. = 2-5. Occurs in very thin veins traversing seleniuret of lead, at Tilkerode in the Hartz, from which mineral it is distinguished by its being of a darker hue. Possesses three cleavages per- pendicular to one another. Color iron-black ; streak unaltered ; lustre metallic, splen- dent ; opake. Structure foliated. It exhibits three cleavages perpendicular to each other, so that its primary form is the Cube. The thin-plates are covered with a brass-yellow metallic substance, which seems to be copper pyrites. Malleable, but not so much so as sulphuret of silver. When heated in a glass tube it melts, and gives off a small sublimate, consisting partly of selenium and partly of selenic acid. It gives out a strong smell of selenium. B B, on charcoal, it melts silently in the exterior flame, with frothing in the interior flame. It glows, on cooling, almost as distinctly as magnetic pyrites. With carbonate of soda on charcoal it is reduced. The globule is shining as long as it is hot, but on cooling becomes covered with a black coating; if borax be added, it retains the metallic lustre after cooling. It is silver-white, very malleable, and behaves like pure silver. Very soluble in smoking nitric acid, but it dissolves with difficulty in dilute nitric acid. EUKAIRITE/ Seleniuret of Silver and Copper. Selen Kupfersilber, L. Cuivre Seleni6 Argental, H. Pelenio-cuprate of Silver, Thomson. Lunites Selenicus, D. It is a compound of seleniuret of silver arid copper : Atoms. Selenium 26-00 5-2 . . . .1-84 Copper 23-05 5-61. . . .1-98 Silver 38 93 2-83. . . . 1-00 Earthy matter 8-90 96-88 Berzelius. These numbers give very nearly two atoms selenium, two atoms copper, one atom silver ; or one atom disileniuret of copper, one atom seleniuret of silver. Formula, according to Berzelius: Cp 2 Sel-hAgSel. Color shining lead-grey, texture granular ; massive ; dis- posed in thin superficial- black metallic films, staining the cal- careous spar in which it is contained. B B, it exhales a strong odor of selenium, and on charcoal fuses readily into a grey * Eukairite, from the Greek, signifying opportune ; in allusion to its discovery just as Berzelius had completed his examination of selenium. 40 470 NATIVE METALS AND metallic globule, which is not malleable. To borax or salt of phosphorus, it imparts a green color in the oxidating flame, becomes colorless in the reducing one, and on hardening ap- pears opake and of a cinnabar-red hue. Is soluble in heated nitric acid, and when cold water is added to the solution it forms a white precipitate. This extremely rare mineral was discovered and analyzed by Berzelius. It occurs in a copper mine at Skrickerum in Smaland, Sweden, with carbonate of lime, serpentine, seleni- uret of copper, and copper pyrites. IODIDE OF SILVER. lodic Silver. lodure d'Argent, Necker. lod-Silber, Leonhard. Ccratus foliatus, D. It contains silver, lead, iron, iodine, and sulphur; but the proportions do not appear to have been accurately determined. H. about 1-0. Occurs massive, in thin plates of a greyish-white or silver- white color, which change to lavender-blue on exposure to the air. Transparent or translucent; lustre resinous, passing into adamantine ; malleable and flexible in thin lamina? ; streak semi-metallic. Soluble in heated muriatic acid, which it colors reddish-brown, disengaging, after a short time, violet-colored vapors. B B, on charcoal, it instantly melts, and produces a smoke which tinges the flame of a beautiful violet-hue, globules of silver at the same time appearing on the charcoal. It is found at Albarradon near Mazapil in Mexico, and forms thin veins in steatite. It was first discovered by Vauquelin. BROMIDE OF SILVER. M. Bcrthier. (Ann. de Chim. et de Phys. 1841.) (Jinn, des Mine.*, xix. 734, 1841.) This mineral, supposed to be chloride of silver, was sent to Berthier, by M. Duport, from Mexico. The specimens de- scribed were from San Onofe, in the district of Plateros, where it forms small olive-green or yellowish crystals mixed with the common silver ore, and is also frequently in fine cubic and octahedral crystals, occupying the cavities of the ore. They are brilliant and have the appearance of chloride of silver. Contain silver 57'56, bromine 42 44 ; or one atom of each element. Formula: AgBm. The same mineral has also been found by Berthier among the silver ores from Huelgoet in Brittany, where it presents precisely the same external characters with the Mexican variety, and is also accompanied by chloride of silver, as at that locality. The two substances are not intimately blended. It is compara- METALLIFEROUS MINERALS. 471 lively rare at Huelgoeth. More recently it has been brought from the department of Copiapo, province of Coquimbo, in Chili, and in a fibrous form, consisting apparently of elongated prismatic crystals not very firmly cohering. We are yet with- out a full description of this rare mineral. CARBONATE OF SILVER. Argent Carbonate, H. Grey Silver Ore, J. Consists of silver 72*5, carbonic acid 12, oxide of antimony and a trace of copper 15'5 Sdb. It is doubtful whether the carbonic acid is really combined with oxide of silver. It is of a greyish color, passing into iron-black ; it occurs massive and disseminated ; the fracture is fine-grained and somewhat uneven, with a glistening metallic lustre ; it is soft, brittle, and heavy. It is almost instantaneously reduced B B ; and effervesces with nitrous acid. This species was observed many years ago by M. Selb, in veins traversing granite in a mine at Altwolfach, in the Black Forest, accompanying native silver, sulphuret of silver, and barytes ; but not having again occurred, its properties are in- distinctly defined. It has since been found at Real de Catorce in Mexico. CHLORIDE OF SILVER. Muriate of Silver. Horn Silver. Hornerz, W. Argent Muriate, H. Bt. La Mine Corne, Br. Corneous Silver, J. Hexahedral Pearl Kerate, M. Chlorsilber, Berzelius. Chloride of Silver, A. Ceratus cubicus, D. Combination of chlorine and silver. Saxony. Peru. Silver 67-75 76-0 Chlorine 21-50 24-0 Oxide of iron 6-00 0-0 Alumina 1-75 0-0 Sulphuric acid 0-25 0-0 103-25 Klaproth. 100-0 Klaproth. The first was an impure specimen ; but the second answers almost exactly to one atom chlorine, and ono atom silver. Formula : AgChl. Sp. Gr. 4-75555. Primary form the Cube, occurring with edges and solid angles replaced ; sometimes in perfect octahedrons. Of a pearl-grey, greenish, or reddish-blue, but commonly tarnished externally of a brown color ; it occurs massive, also investing other substances, and crystallized in small cubes and acicular prisms ; feebly translucent or opake, with a glistening or waxy lustre; yields to the pressure of the nail, and is malleable and sectile ; cleavage none ; fracture conchoidal. It is fusible in 472 NATIVE METALS AND the flame of a candle. B B, on charcoal, it is reducible to a metallic globule, emitting at the same time vapors of muriatic acid ; when rubbed with a piece of moistened zinc, the surface becomes covered with a thin film of metallic silver. Insoluble in nitric acid. It occurs in veins chiefly in primitive rocks, with some of the other ores of silver. The largest masses, and particularly those of a green color, are brought from Peru and Mexico. It used to be found in considerable quantities in the Saxon min- ing districts of Freyberg and Johanngeorgenstadt, but it is now very scarce. It also occurs in Siberia, in Cornwall, and at Huelgoet in Brittany. Fine masses were noticed by Mr. Blake, at the mines of Chinasilla in Chili, and at those of Guantayja and Santa Rosa in Peru. BUTTERMILK SILVER. Buttermilch silber, W. Earthy corneous silver, J. Silver 24-64, muriatic acid 8-28, alumina 67-08. Klaproth. This is considered an earthy variety of the above species. It is commonly found massive, and investing other substances ; is opake,and dull, with an earthy fracture, and is soft, sectile, and heavy. It occurs only at An- dreasberg in the Hartz, in veins traversing transition rocks. GANSEKOTHIG-ERZ.* Chcnocopsolite. Arealus Argentiferus, D. An arseniate of silver and iron. H. = 20 30. In irregularly mammillated translucent masses of a yellow or pale-green color. Shining, with white streak, resinous lustre, and conchoidal fracture ; sometimes earthy, and mixed with cobalt. B B, it emits copious arsenical fumes, and fuses into a blackish scoria ; when the heat is continued, on charcoal, it melts, diminishes in bulk, and yields a button of silver, but the slag contains metallic iron, which strongly affects the magnet. It occurs principally at the mines of Clausthal in the Hartz, where, when obtained in sufficient quantity, it is highly prized as an ore of silver. It is also met with in Cornwall, and at Allemont in Dauphine. Allan's Manual. NATIVE COPPER. Octahedral Copper, M. and J. Gediegen Kupfer, W. Cuivre Natif, H. Cuprum octahedrum,D. Consists of 99'8 pure copper, with a trace of gold and iron John. Symbol : Cp. Sp. Gr. 8-5 8-9. II. =2-5 3-0. Color reddish-yellow, frequently with a tinge of brown ; often tarnished externally blackish. Occurs crystallized in the Cube and octahedron, the former of which is adopted as its primary * So named, in allusion to its resembling in color the exciements of geese METALLIFEROUS MINERALS 473 form ; often in macles; also capillary, dendritic, in thin plates filling crevices, and massive; no regular structure ; tough, malleable, flexible, and sectile. B B, it fuses into a bead of apparently pure copper. Soluble in nitric acid, which it colors green ; and in ammonia, to which it gives a fine blue tinge. Isolated and rubbed, it acquires vitreous electricity. Fusible at 27 Wedgewood. Fig. 1, a cube. Fig. 2, the same, of which the solid angles are replaced by triangular planes, which in fig. 3 are so greatly enlarged as to have become six-sided, reducing the planes of the cube to small quadrangles. The triangular planes of fig. 2 are complete in fig. 4; the regular octa- hedron. Fig. 5, an octahedron of which the edges are replaced, forming a passage of that solid into the rhombic dodecahedron, fig. 6, in which the planes replacing the edges of fig. 5 are complete. P on P or P 90 0' H. P P or P on a' or a . . 125 15 -IOK /) . . 109 28 .120 \a The most splendid crystalline varieties of native copper are those of Siberia, and the island of Nalsoe in Faroe, where it accompanies fibrous mesotype in amygdaloidal trap. Some very singular crystallizations, produced by the elongation of the simple individual, occur at Moldawa in the Bannat, at Chessy in France, Herrengrund in Hungary, and elsewhere. Cornwall, however, is certainly the greatest depository of na- tive copper; and many of the mines near Redruth, the Con- 40* 474 NATIVE METALS AND solidated Mines, Wheal Buller, and some others, afford it in considerable quantities. Its crystals are rarely regular, their faces being disproportionately enlarged, and they are generally grouped in branches formed by the union of these crystals in rows, in a manner analogous to the crystalline structure of native silver. Allan's Manual. Native copper is common to the mines of South America, as in the Cordilleras of Atacama and in Chili, where masses weighing several hundred pounds have been obtained. Large and very beautiful crystals of native copper have been brought from some of these mines, particularly from Coquimbo. Ex- tensive mines of copper are now explored in the island of Cuba, the ores of which are exported to Great Britain and the United States. At Gibara, and between Neuvitas and Principe, these mines are found principally in serpentine. In Nova Scotia, native copper occurs in thin seams and mi- nute filaments in the trap rocks, generally with quartz, but sometimes with zeolites. Cape D'Or is the principal locality, where detached masses have been obtained of twenty pounds in weight. As the sandstone on which these trap rocks rest, contains beds of vitreous copper, it seems probable that the igneous rock, when forced up, carried with it portions of the ore, which were thus reduced to the metallic state. According to Prof. Silliman, a mass of native copper, weigh- ing about ninety pounds, was found many years since, on the Hamden Hills, near New Haven. It adhered to the surface of the rock on which it rested, and even penetrated its fissures ; and more recently a mass weighing about six pounds, was found in the same neighborhood. This exhibits rudiments of large octahedral crystals of copper on its surface, which is partly encrusted by green carbonate of copper ; its cavities containing the red oxide. They are both supposed to have been derived from the trap rocks. Native copper occurs also in detached masses in Michigan, Illinois, Missouri, and the territory of Iowa. One or two fragments have been no- ticed by Prof. Hitchcock in Massachusetts. The sandstone and trap formation in Massachusetts and New Jersey, as well as in Connecticut, present it in irregular veins, and sometimes in finely crystallized masses. Very recently, it has been found by Dr. Jackson, in small quantities, accom- panying tin, in New Hampshire. According to Dr. Beck, nearly pure native copper is frequently observed in the sand- stone of New Jersey in the form of thin sheets, which closely resemble the copper of cementation ; but it would appear from the observations of Prof. Rogers, that copper and its ores METALLIFEROUS MINERALS. 475 do not occur in any instance in the shape of true veins in New Jersey. The mining has therefore been very precarious, and has never proved a source of profit.* More success is promised from the exploration of the mines of Michigan, which, accord- ing to Dr. Houghton, extend over a district of a hundred and thirty miles in length, and closely resemble, in the character and contents of the veins, the noted mines of Cornwall. t They occur in slate, conglomerate, and trap rocks. The mass of native copper, recently brought from the Ontonagon River, near Lake Superior, by order of the Secretary of War of the United States, weighs between three and four thousand pounds, is four and a half feet in length, and about two feet thick. It seems to have been a bowlder long since detached from its native bed, and the fragments of rock now adhering to it, seem to show that it was once connected with serpentine. This is the most extraordinary mass of copper of which we have any knowledge ; and according to Mr. Schoolcraft it has been a subject of historical notoriety for upwards of one hun- dred and eighty years. It is now deposited in the museum of the National Institute, Washington. The native copper from Keween Point, on Lake Superior, is found exclusively in the amygdaloid and greenstone of the trap formation. SULPHURET OF COPPER. Vitreous Copper. Kupfer Glanz, W. Cuivre Sulfure, H. Bt, Cuivre Vitreux, Br. Copper Glance, J. Prismatic Copper Glance, M. Cyprites rhombicus, D. Combination of copper and sulphur. Siberia. Cornwall. Siegensehen. Nova Scotia. Copper 78-50 77-16 79-50 79-5 Sulphur 18-50 20-62 19-00 18-0 Iron 2-25 1-45 0-75 2-5 Silica 0-75 0-00 1-00 0-0 >C. T. Jack- 100-00 Klaproth. 99-23 Thomson. 100-25 Ullman. 100-0 j son.J Each of these analyses approaches very nearly to one atom sulphur, and two atoms copper. The mean of the whole is 19'66 At. copper, 9'52 At. sulphur. It is therefore a disulphu- ret, its formula being Cp 2 Sl. Sp. Or. 5-69 5-8. H. = 2'5 3-0. Color lead- or iron-grey, often tarnished black, and occasion- ally iridescent. According to Haiiy and Levy, the primary form is a Regular hexagonal prism, in which, either perfect or modified on its lateral and terminal edges, it usually occurs. The prisms are of various length, and the replacements on the * Report on the Geology of New Jersey, p. 159, by Henry D. Rogers, f Fourth Annual Report on the Geology of Michigan, p. 77, by Douglass Houghton. J Mineralogy and Geology of Nova Scotia, by Messrs. Jackson and Alger, p. 76. Also Am, Journ. of Science, xv. 154. 476 NATIVE METALS AND terminal planes, give rise to acute and obtuse double six-sided pyramids, which also occur complete. All the solid angles of the prism may be removed by a knife, so as to produce a double six-sided pyramid with brilliant planes, the incidence of an upper on the adjacent plane of the lower pyramid, being about 147 30'. But, according to Brooke, the primary form of this species is a Rhomboid, P P" 71 30' very nearly ; the cleavage being parallel to the hexagonal pyramids corresponding to the primary plane.* It is occasionally in pseudomorphous crystals. Structure perfectly lamellar; fracture often conchoidal, with a vitreous lustre; the massive varies greatly in respect of hard- ness and color ; it is sometimes sectile and soft. B B, on char- coal, it disengages the odor of sulphurous acid ; in the oxida- ting flame it fuses readily; in the reducing it emits sparks; and when the sulphur is wholly driven off, it yields a bead of copper. In ammonia it forms a blue solution. In heated nitric acid the copper is dissolved, and the solution assumes a green color, but the sulphur remains. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Fig 1, the most simple of its forms; a six-sided prism. Fig. 2, the same, of which the terminal edges are replaced by planes tending to obtuse six-sid^d pyramids; \vhich are complete in fig. 3, a flat six-sided pyramid. Fig. 4, a six-sided pi ism of which the terminal edges are replaced by planes tending to acute six-sided pyramids ; which are complete in fig. 5. Fig. 6 represents a crystal consisting of portions of the planes of the acute pyramid, fig. 5, terminated by the obtuse pyramidal planes of fig. 3. a on bl or cl 146 30' J2 or e2 137 40 63 or c3 135 30 &4or g 116 40 e, e> or e" 90 00 p or p' 130 00 e. e on e' or e" 120 00 c or e f on o< 150 00 e on I or e' on /' . . 168 34 The sulphuret is met with in veins and beds accompanying other ores of copper, and is highly prized by the miner. The crystallized varieties occur abundantly, and almost exclusively, in the mines of Cornwall, and particularly in those near Red- ruth; while the more compact and massive are found also in * Article Mineralogy, Encyclopaedia Metropolitan, p. 488. METALLIFEROUS MINERALS. 477 Siberia, Hessia, Saxony, and the Bannat. In Nova Scotia, it forms beds in red sandstone, interstratified with bituminous coal and lignite, at Carriboo river, near Pictou. In the United States, it occurs in red sandstone at the Schuyler mine, N. J., and at Simsbury and Cheshire, Conn. It is found in small quantities in Columbia and Dutchess counties, N. Y. ; also in Orange county, Va. Specimens from Bellamy's mine, Cheshire, Conn., according to Shepard, are finely crystallized. At the lead mines of Wisconsin and Mis- souri, it forms an article of commercial value, and is smelted to a considerable extent. The argent en epis, or cuivre spiciforme of Haiiy, from Frankenberg in Hessia, is supposed to be vegetable matter impregnated with black sulphuret of copper. Vitreous copper is readily distinguished from either bour- nonite or fahlerz by its comportment B B, and the green solu- tion it produces with nitric acid ; and from red silver ore by the color of its streak, which resembles that of the mineral, while red silver presents a fine cochineal red. Allan's Man. VARIEGATED VITREOUS COPPER. Cuivre sulfure hepatique, H. Color that of tempered steel, violet-blue, greenish, and yellow. It seems to arise from an intimate mixture of the vitreous and yellow copper ; both of which generally appear distinctly in the same specimen. It occurs in most of the mines of Cornwall in which vitreous copper is found. INDIGO COPPER. Kupferindig. Blue Copper. Covelline. This mineral contains by the analysis of Walchner, copper 64-77, sulphur 32*64, iron 0'46, lead 1'04. The atoms of copper are 16'19, and the atoms of sulphur 16 32, showing the mineral to be a simple sulphuret. Formula : CpSl. Sp. Gr. 3-8 3-82. H. about 2'0. Occurs in spheroidal masses, presenting superficial indica- tions of crystallization. Color indigo-blue or darker ; opake, with a faintly resinous lustre, and a lead-grey shining streak. Sectile. B B, it burns, prior to becoming red hot, with a blue flame, and melts into a globule, which is strongly agita- ted, and emits sparks; finally, it yields a button of copper. It occurs at Sangerhausen in Thuringia, imbedded in grau- wacke, and is a rare mineral. It has also been discovered by Covelli* in the volcanic rocks of Vesuvius, in black or green- ish-blue incrustations having the appearance of spiders' webs, deposited around the fumaroles of the crater Vesuvius, and * Whence it has been named Covelline by Beudant, in honor of the late Sig. Covelli of Naples. 478 NATIVE METALS AND supposed to be derived from the action of sulphuretted hydro- gen on the sulphate and muriate of copper. Is soluble in ni- tric acid, with the disengagement of nitrous gas. PURPLE COPPER ORE. Purple Copper. Buntkupfererz, YV. Cuivre Pyriteux llcpatique, H. Variegated Cop- per, J. Octahedral Copper Pyrites, M. Pyrites crubcscens, L). Killarnoy. Weatmanl-ind. Cornwall. S?t. Pftnerasse. Sulphur ........ 23-75 ............. 24-09 ............ 2S-24 ............ a>-d Copper ........ 61-07 ............. (i'2-33 ............ 515-715 ............ 59-2 Iron ........... 14-00 ............. J 1 -80 ............ 14-84 ............ 13-0 Silica ......... 0-5'J ............. 0-1(5 ............ 0-00 ............ 0-0 Matrix ......... 0-00 ............. 0-00 ............ 0-00 ............ 5-0 99-32 R.Phillips.* 99-98 Hisinger. 99-34 Plattner. 100-0 Berthier. / / The formula given by Berzelius, is Fe-f-Ou 2 , which corres- ponds with the analyses by Phillips and Hisinger, requiring 62'68 copper, 23*69 sulphur, 13*43 iron. Sp. Gr. 5-0. H. = 3-0. It occurs both massive and crystallized ; color of the mas- sive between copper-red and tombac-brown ; in the crystal- lized, the latter color prevails, with an iridescent tarnish, generally of blue, sometimes yellow. The general form of the crystals is that of the cube, of which the solid angles are re- placed, and the faces are mostly curvilinear; lustre metallic; streak pale-greyish black, and slightly shining; not perfectly lamellar, but manifestly yields to mechanical division parallel to the planes of the Regular octahedron; in other directions the fracture is imperfect conchoidal ; it is soft, easily frangi- ble, and slightly sectile. B B, it black- ens and becomes red on cooling, but at an increased temperature it is fusible in- to a globule, which acts powerfully on the magnet; and with soda is reduced, / forming a copper bead. Soluble in ni- JL / trie acid. The measurements are, P on P 109 30', P on a, a 125 16', a on 90 OO 7 . Crystalline varieties of buntkupfererz are almost pe- culiar to Cornwall, and that principally to the mines of Cook's Kitchen, Tin Croft, and Dolcoath near Redruth, where it is as- sociated with vitreous copper and yellow copper ore. It occurs massive and compact, however, with green carbonate of cop- per, at Arendal in Norway, in Siberia, Hessia, Silesia, and the Bannat ; also at Ross Island in Killarney, Ireland ; and in cupriferous shale in Thuringia. On Ross Island it forms in- * To this mineral from Killarney, Beudant (Traite de Mineralogie, ii. 411) has applied the name of Phillipsite, in honor of the distinguished analyst. But it appears to agree in its composition, as well as in physical characters and crystalline form, with purple cop- per ore ; for the formula of which its analysis furnishes the true numbers. [AM. ED.] METALLIFEROUS MINERALS. 479 crustations upon common pyrites copper, and is in kidney- shaped masses attached to bituminous shale. In the United States, it is found near Wilkesbarre, Penn., at Chesterfield, Mass., Walcottville and Litchfield, Conn. GREY COPPER. Tetrahedral Copper Pyrites, J. Tetrahedral Copper Glance, M. Fahlerz, VV. Br. Cui- vre Gris, H. Fanabase, Beudant. Trisulpho-antimoniate of Copper, Thomson. Cypri- tes tetrahedrus, D. Prof. H. Rose has analyzed seven very carefully selected specimens of this mineral, from different localities, and the results of five of these analyses are given below. -Pogg. Ann. xv. 576. The first is by Klaproth. Clausthal. Dillenburg. Alasce. Freyberg. Furstenberg. Clausthal. Copper 37-50 38-42 40-00 14-81 25-03 34-48 Arsenic 0-00 2-26 10- 19 0-00 0-00 0-00 Antimony . .29-00 25-27 12-46 24 63 2H-63 S8-24 Iron 6-50 1-52 4-G6 5-98 3-7-2 2-27 Sulphur 21-50 25-03 2R-83 2 1 -17 83-52 24-73 Silver 3-00 0-83 0-00 31-29 17-71 4-97 Zinc 0-00 G-85 3-69 0-99 3-10 5-55 Silica 0-00 0-00 0-41 0-00 0-00 0-00 97-50 100-18 99-44 98-87 99-91 100-24 In each of the above analyses the atoms of sulphur and me- tallic bases are nearly balanced, indicating a simple combina- tion of atoms among these constituents. As viewed by Dr. Thomson, this mineral consists essentially of one atom sul- phide of arsenic and antimony, and three atoms sulphuret of cop- per. Formula: (StAs)Sl+3CpSl.* But in the last specimen, which consisted of pure tetrahedral crystals, the atoms of cop- per approach very nearly to thrice those of the antimony alone, so that the mineral appears to resolve itself into the simple constitution of one At. sulphuret of antimony, three At. sulphu- ret of copper. It will be observed that arsenic is contained in only two of the specimens analyzed. Formula: StSl+3CpSl. Sp. Gr. 44 5/2. H. 30 40. The marked diversity in their chemical composition, would seem to demand a separation of some of the varieties of the present species. Many of them, indeed, are readily distin- guishable at first sight; but there are others which present such intermediate stages, as to render all attempts at reducing the differences to fixed limits impossible. Of a steel-grey or iron- black color; it occurs crystallized in the Tetrahedron, which is considered its primary form ; also massive and dissemina- ted ; cleavage octahedral, imperfect; streak same color as the mineral, sometimes inclining to brown; fracture uneven or *In some of the analyses, there is a deficiency in the atoms of copper, which, to am >unt to thrice the atoms of antimony, is supplied by the iron, zinc and silver. 480 NATIVE METALS AND imperfect conchoidal, with a shining or glistening metallic lustre; brittle. BB.it disengages vapors of an arsenical or antimonial odor. With soda, after considerable roasting, it yields a grain of metallic copper ; and with borax presents the deep-green tinge characteristic of iron. It colors nitric acid green ; and its powder, placed in that acid, soon becomes grey. i. P on P' 70 31' H. b or 6 on c 150 00' H. P or P' on a 109 28 c or c on c . 146 26 1 it 44 1 44 44 125 15 f on f 109 28 160 31 fon f 146 26 CL on b 144 44 150 00 b on b or b . . 120 00 The above figures and measurements are given on the authority of Haiiy . The largest known crystals of Fahlerz occur in some of the Cornish mines near St. Austle, generally in tetrahedrons, with dull rough surfaces. At Andreasberg in the Hartz, Crem- nitz in Hungary, Freyberg in Saxony, Kapnik in Transylva- nia, and Dillenburg in Nassau, it not only presents more complicated crystallizations, but a greatly brighter and more brilliant aspect. ANTIMONIAL GREY COPPER. Schwartzerz, W. Cuivre gris anti- monie, Bt. This mineral rarely occurs crystallized; its color is dark lead- grey, approaching to iron-black, both externally and internally; no ap- pearance of regular structure ; fracture conchoidal, and surface glistening ; not very brittle. Fig. 2, represents a crystal from Schwatz in the Tyrol, the principal locality of this variety ; it, however, is also met with at Kap- nik in Transylvania, at Clausthal in the Hartz, and in Siberia; frequently imbedded in red manganese. ARSENICAL AND ANTIMONIAL, GREY COPPER. Occurs in iron- grey colored crystals, having a very brilliant metallic lustre, principally af St. Marie aux Mines. Its essential characters correspond with those of the following variety. B B, it gives off an arsenical odor, and in nitric acid is soluble, with the exception of a precipitate of antimony. ARSENICAL. COPPER PYRITES, WHITE COPPER. Weiss kupfer- gerz, W. Color between silver-white and pale brass-yellow, with a glis- tening metallic lustre, but soon tarnishes by exposure. It occurs massive METALLIFEROUS MINERALS. 481 and disseminated ; the fracture fine-grained, uneven ; yields easily to the knife, and is brittle Specific gravity 4-5. It contains 40 per cent, cop- per, the remainder iron, arsenic, and sulphur Henckel. B B, it yields a white arsenical vapor, and melts into a greyish-black slag. It accompanies other ores of copper at Huel Gorland, and elsewhere in Cornwall. PLATINIFEROTJS GREY COPPER. A grey-colored variety, agreeing generally with fahlerz in external character, consisting, according to Vauquelin, of copper, lead, antimony, iron, silver, platina, and sulphur; was formerly found at Guadalcanal in Estremadura in Spain, where it occurs with ores of silver and arsenic. TENNANTITE.* Tennantite. (Quarterly Journal of Science, vii. 95.) Cyprites dodecahedrus, D. This mineral has been analyzed by R.Phillips, and by Mr. Hemming, who obtained the following constituents : Sulphur 28-74 23-00 Arsenic 11-84 12-10 Copper 45-32 50-00 Iron 9-26 15-00 Silica .. .. 5-00... 0-00 100-16 Phillips. 100-10 Hemming. Beudant has thus given the formula founded on the analysis by Phillips: 9CpSl+(FSl 2 +FAs 2 ). Dr. Thomson supposes the sulphur to be in combination with the arsenic and copper, and the iron in a state of silicate, and accidental. If it be thus considered, the mineral consists of one atom sulphuret of arsenic, and four and a half atoms sulphuret of copper. For- mula : AsSl+4CpSl. Sp. Gr. 4 375. H. = 3. Tennantite is usually found crystallized in the form of the rhombic dodecahedron, either perfect or variously modified ; also in the cube and regular octahedron, of which the edges and angles are replaced; often very splendent; sometimes lead-grey, with but little lustre ; occasionally approaching to iron-black and dull ; fracture imperfectly lamellar and uneven ; cleavage parallel to the planes of the dodecahedron; primary form the Octahedron, as is indicated by occasional stria? on the planes of the dodecahedral crystals parallel with their longer diagonal. Somewhat harder than the preceding: and is brit- tle. Its powder is reddish-grey. B B, on charcoal, it first burns with a blue flame and slight decrepitation, emits copious arsenical vapors, and ultimately fuses, leaving a greyish-black scoria, which affects the magnetic needle. After fusion it yields with soda a bead of copper. Soluble in nitric acid. * In honor of the late excellent chemist, Tennant. 41 482 NATIVE METALS AND 2. 3. 4. Fig. 1, the regular octahedron, of which the solid angles are replaced. Fig. 2 ; in this the edges also are replaced : the same planes appear on fig. 3 Fig. 4, the rhombic dodecahedron. Fig. 5, the same, having its edges replaced. P on P' or P" . bl . . . 109 30' ... 168 56 &2 . . . . 161 30 . . . 90 00 62 144 50 a on e or e . . ... 135 4 e on e or e . . 120 00 Tennantite is a variety exclusively Cornish. It usually oc- curs in small but very splendent crystals, investing other ores of copper, in veins which traverse granite and clay-slate, in several of the copper mines, as Dolcoath, Cook's Kitchen, and Tin Croft near Redruth ; and in Huel Virgin, Huel Jewel, and Huel Unity, near St. Day. The rhombic dodecahedron (fig. 4), the cube with its edges replaced (fig. 3), and the octa- hedron and dodecahedron in various combinations, are its most frequent forms ; but it has not been met with massive. Allan's Manual.* COPPER PYRITES. Pyramidal Copper Pyrites, M. Kupferkies, W. Cuivre Pyriteux, H. Octahedral Cop- per Pyrites, J. Chalkopyrite, Beiidant. Pyrite Cuivreuse, Br. Pyritous Copper. Yel- low Copper Ore. Yellow Copper Pyrites. Pyrites pyramidalis, D. Combination of the sulphurets of copper and iron, as shown in the following analyses : Baygory. Ramberg. Copper 30-2 30-5 34-40 Iron 32-3 33-0 30-47 Sulphur 37-0 35-0 35-87 Silica 0-5 1-5 0-27 100-0 Guenyveau. 100-0 Guenyveau. 101-01 H. Rose. * In the last edition of this treatise, Tennantite was comprised under the preceding species. It is now admitted to be a distinct species. (AM. ED.) METALLIFEROUS MINERALS. 483 Furstenberg. Cornwall. Copper 33-12 30-00 Iron 30-00 3-2-20 Sulphur 36-52 35-16 Silica 0-39 2-64 100-03 II. Rose. 100-00 R. Phillips. Lozere. Lozere. Lozere. Sulphur 32-0 36-3 33-6 Copper 32-6 32-1 31-2 Iron 29-2 31-5 32-2 Earthy matter... 3-2 0-0 1-6 97-0 Berthier. 99-9 Berthier. 98-6 Berthier. Anglesea. Cornwall. Sulphur 35-0 1 34-65 Copper 32-95 33-64 Iron 32-04 3 1 -53 Earthy matter . . . 0-00 0-55 100-00 Thomson. 100-37 Thomson. The analyses differ but little from each other, and the con- stitution plainly deducible from them, is two atoms sulphur, one atom copper, one atom iron. Formula: FSl+CpSl. Sp. Gr. 4-16 4-3. H. = 35 4-0. Color brass-yellow, but externally subject to tarnish, and often iridescent ; the crystals present the general form of the tetrahedron, having the solid angles always replaced ; the structure is perfectly lamellar, affording brilliant surfaces par- allel to the planes of a somewhat Acute octahedron with a square base; so that the tetrahedron, as is shown in the fol- lowing figures, is in fact only the remarkable consequence of an alternate enlargement of the planes /, modifying the edges of the primary octahedron ; fracture conchoidal and splend- ent; lustre metallic; streak greenish-black, and somewhat shining; brittle. It also occurs stalactitic, botryoidal, mam- millated, and amorphous, the latter being often variegated ; the structure of the botryoidal is granular; these are harder than the crystallized varieties; brittle. Copper pyrites yields to the knife, and may hence be distinguished from iron pyrites, which it often greatly resembles ; its color is generally also of a deeper yellow than that of iron pyrites. It fuses on char- coal B B, emits a sulphurous vapor, and melts into a brittle black globule, which finally attracts the magnet ; with borax, in small proportion, it yields a copper bead; and with soda, after the sulphur is entirely roasted off, separate globules of iron and copper may be obtained. In dilute nitric acid it forms a green solution, a portion of sulphur remaining undis- solved. 484 NATIVE METALS AND Primary. PonP 30' ; dl on dl' 133 50' P on d\ or P' on dl' . d3 or d3' . Z, /', or I", or > P' on 1', I", or I'" 5 ' . . 150 50 . . 169 32 . . 141 15 126 dl on d3, or dl' on d3' . . 160 54 P on P" or P' on P>" ... 125 30 ! dl on / 143 24 d3 on Z 144 10 d3 on d3' Ill 40 k on k' 149 2 I on I' or 1" 110 e or I'" on e' 144 25 /' on I" 71 10 This is the most abundant variety of copper; nearly one third of the ore obtained by metallurgical processes being ex- tracted from it, and in Great Britain yielding more metallic copper than all the other ores of copper together. In Corn- wall it occurs associated with tin, forming veins in killas, and accompanying buntkupferez, galena, grey copper, and blende. The great repository of copper at Fahlun in Sweden, consists of extensive masses of this species, which are surrounded by a coating of serpentine, and imbedded in gneiss. At Ram- melsberg near Goslar in the Hartz, it forms a bed in grau- wacke-slate, along with iron pyrites, galena, blende, and minute portions of silver and gold. Well defined crystals are found in the Kurprinz mine at Freyberg in Saxony, and many others in different continental districts, the Bannat, Hungary, Thuringia, &c. ; also in Siberia, Japan, and America. Allan's Manual. In the mining districts of Russia, Germany, and Hungary, ores that yield two per cent, of metal are deemed worth working, and many ores which yield only from five to eight per cent, are considered quite rich in metal. The ores of Mansfield never produce over three per cent. The amount of copper obtained from the Demidon works in Nis- chne-Tagilsk, averages seventy-five thousand pounds yearly. According to De la Beche, the value of the copper annually raised in Cornwall and Devon, amounts to < 1, 200, 000, and this comprises nine-tenths of the whole supply of the metal METALLIFEROUS MINERALS. 485 furnished by the British Islands, and all the countries of the continent of Europe. Report on Cornwall, Devon, fyc., p. 264. In Western Asia, according to the American missiona- ries, valuable copper mines are found in the mountain ridge west of Erzeroum, and are wrought by the Greeks. In the United States there are several important localities of copper pyrites which have afforded fine Crystals. These are principally in New York, as at the Rossie lead mines in St. Lawrence county, in tetrahedral and macled crystals, and Wurtzborough, Sullivan county, in nearly perfect octahedrons. In New Hampshire, it is abundantly disseminated through the great tremolite bed of Warren, in nodules and veins. It yielded Dr. Jackson, by assaying, thirty-one per cent, of pure copper. It also occurs in veins with plejsto-magnetic iron, at Franco- nia, in the same State. At Strafford, Vt., it is found in suffi- cient quantity for exploration and smelting, and very pure copper has for many years been obtained from it. SELENIURET OF COPPER. Seleniure de Cuivre, Berzelius. Cuivre Selenie, H. Berzeline, Beudant. Selen Cu- prite, Sliepard. An analysis of this mineral by Berzelius gave, Atoms. Copper 64 16 Selenium 40 8 104 It thus consists of two atoms copper and one atom selenium, or it is a diseleniuret of copper. Formula : Cp 2 Sel. In masses, having an impalpable composition, and of a silver- white color ; streak shining; lustre metallic; soft, and admits of being smoothed down and polished, assuming then the color of tin. Isolated and rubbed, it acquires resinous electricity, B B, it fuses into a grey globule, which is slightly malleable, emitting, at the same time, powerful fumes of selenium ; in the open tube yields selenium, which sublimes in the form of a red powder. With soda, after a lengthened roasting, it affords a a grain of copper. Is decomposed by nitric acid, and the solution deposits metallic copper on a plate of iron. The de- composition which this substance undergoes from exposure to the air, gives it a black color ; and is therefore generally found in the form of black dendritic delineations, or in minute seams, traversing calcareous spar, at the copper mine of Skrickerum in Smaland, Sweden. 41* 486 NATIVE METALS AND RED OXIDE OF COPPER. Oxydulatcd Copper. Rothkupfererz, W. Cuivrc Oxydule, H. Cuivre Oxide Rouge, lir. Octahedral Copper Ore, M. and J. Zigucline, Beiulant. Rutilus octalicdrus, D. It is composed as follows : Cornwall. Copper 88-5 Oxygen 11-5... Siboria. 91-0 .. 9-0 100-0 Chenevix. 100-0 Klaproth. The analysis by Chenevix, gives nearly the exact numbers required to constitute suboxide of copper, (two atoms metal, one atom oxygen), viz., copper 88*78, oxygen 1T22, accord- ing to Berzelius. Symbol : Cp or u. Sp. Gr. 56 6-1. H. = 35 4'0. The color of this mineral is red of various shades, by trans- mitted light sometimes crimson-red. It occurs crystallized in the form of the octahedron and its modifications, which are very numerous. The crystals are externally splendent, oc- casionally iridescent; or superficially of a lead-grey color, with a metallic lustre; and sometimes nearly black and dull. Structure lamellar; cleavage much interrupted, and not easily obtained, parallel to the faces of the Regular octahedron, which therefore is considered its primary form ; fracture un- even, more often conchoidal, with a splendent and somewhat adamantine lustre; transparent or translucent; yields easily to the knife ; and is brittle. Streak several shades of brown- ish-red, and shining. B B, it is reducible on charcoal to the metallic state, and with borax fuses readily into a fine-green glass. Soluble with effervescence in nitric acid, disengaging nitrous gas, and coloring the solution green ; it may thus be distinguished from red silver ore, which does not effervesce in nitric acid, and from cinnabar which does not dissolve in it. Fig. 1, the primary; the regular octahedron. Fig. 2, an acute rhom- boid, arising, as will be perceived by the dotted lines, from an increase of crystalline laminae on two opposite and parallel planes of the octahedron, METALLIFEROUS MINERALS. 487 the laminae progressively diminishing to a point. Fig. 3, an octahedron of which the solid angles are replaced by quadrangular planes ; these' planes meet and are complete in fig. 4, forming the cube. Fio-. 5, the cube, having its edges and solid angles replaced. Fig. 6, an octahedron whose edges are replaced by six-sided planes ; which, in fig. 7, are in- creased ; and in tig. 8 complete, forming the rhombic dodecahedron. Fig. 9, an octahedron, of which each edge is bevelled by two planes. Fig. 10, an octahedron, of which each solid angle is replaced by four tri- angular planes, forming an obtuse pyramid on each. The varieties arising from combination of the planes exhibited in the above figures, are very numerous. The author has enumerated over one hundred. P on P' or P" 109 30' PP'or P"on a 125 10 b 160 42 a on b 144 38 e on e or e' 120 00 Particularly translucent varieties of this species, presenting numerous modifications of the octahedron, occur with native copper and quartz in Huel Gorland, and other mines in Corn- wall. Isolated crystals, sometimes an inch in diameter, are met with imbedded in lithomarge, at Chessy, near Lyons, gene- rally coated or intimately mixed with the green and blue car- bonates; and many splendid specimens are brought from Moldawa in the Bannat, arid Ekatherineburg in Siberia. Allan's Manual According to De Ja Beche, red oxide of copper is rarely found in Cornwall or Devon, in sufficient quan- tities to form a mineral of much mining importance, and the same may be said of the carbonates and of native copper, the great product being from the sulphuret. In the United States, at the Sommerville mine, N. J., both cubic and octahedral crystals of this mineral, were noticed by Prof. Nuttall. It is found also at the Schuyler, Flemington and New Brunswick mines, massive and imperfectly crystal- lized, associated with native copper and the carbonates. At the Perkiomen lead mine, Penn., in small translucent capillary and octahedral crystals, in red sandstone. This mineral was observed by Dr. Houghton, in considerable quantities, mixed with various other copper ores, in the mineral region of Michi- gan, recently explored by him. But he did not meet with it in a crystallized form. 488 NATIVE METALS AND CAPILLARY RKD OXIDE OF COPPER. This differs from the pre- ceding only in consisting of extremely slender transparent or translucent crystals; they are chiefly quadrangular prisms or elongated octahedrons, which appear reticulated or variously aggregated, and sometimes fibrous. It is found in most of the mines of Cornwall in which the crystallized variety occurs ; and at Rheinhreitbach on the Rhine, where it presents bright scarlet colors and a silky lustre. FERRUGINOUS RED OXIDE OF COPPER, ZIEGLERZ, OR TILE ORE, applies to the earthy varieties. Externally it is of a brick-red or reddish- brown color ; internally sometimes of a dark metallic grey, and then nearly compact and hard ; more commonly the fracture is earthy. Yields to the knife, sometimes to the nail, and is opake. B B, it blackens, but does not fuse. A specimen from Lebanon, Penn., afforded to Seybert, suboxide of copper 43-88, protoxide of iron 42-16, water 6 98, alumina 3 80.* It is found, but not plentifully, with the red oxide, in some of the Cor- nish mines ; also in the Bannat, at Camsdorf and Saalfeld in Thuringia, and elsewhere. It is a valuable ore of copper. BLUE CARBONATE OF COPPER. AZURITE. Kupferlazur, W. Cuivre Carbonate Bleu, II. Azure Copper Ore, J. Prismatic Azure Malachite, M. Azurite, Beudant. Hydro-carbonate of Copper, Thomson. Cypralus cccruleus, D. Combination of carbonic acid, oxide of copper, and water. Chessy. Bannat. Siberia. Oxide of copper 09-08 68-08 70-0 Carbonic acid 25-46 25-00 24-0 Water 5-46 6-05 6-0 100-00 R. Phillips. 100-03 Vauquelin. 100-0 Klaproth. The first analysis by Phillips, affords an extraordinary ap- proximation to the exact numbers required by the formula 2CuC+CuH, as stated by Berzelius; or oxide of copper (three atoms) 69'09, carbonic acid (two atoms) 25 69, water (one atom) 5 22. The mineralogical formula, according to the symbols adopted in this work, is: 2CpC-hCpAq. Sp. Gr. 35 3 77. H. = 3-0 40. Color azure- or Berlin-blue, sometimes with a tinge of black. It occurs crystallized in a great variety of forms; structure lamellar; cleavage perfect parallel to the planes MM, and both diagonals of an Oblique rhombic prism of 98 50', and 81 10', which is the primary form; the plane P is usually striated in the direction indicated by the lines on the largest of the following figures; fracture conchoidal, with a vitreous lustre; translucent or opake, the most complex crys- tals possessing the greatest degree of translucency ; yields easily to the knife. * Jour, of the Acad. of Nat. Sci. Phila. ii. 144. METALLIFEROUS MINERALS. 489 P on M or M' . M on M' .... . . 91 . . 98 30' 50 15 20 12 30 30 15 15 40 5 55 5 5 30 50 . 135 el or e'l . . 149 c2 or e'2 138 e3 or e'3 119 'l or e'l 115 for/' 112 v: : . . . . 92 M or M' on a . . . 123 M on el or M' on e'l e2 or e'2 e4 or e'4 e5 or e'5 C 6 or e'6 / or /' 111 116 149 156 138 159 M on gl or M' on ^'1 ... 142 56' #2 or g'2 . . . 131 4 h or h .... 139 15 Z or Z .... 179 26 a on/or/' 139 30 h 136 45 clone2 169 2 e4 141 6 / 129 e3one'3 over P 120 30 e5 157 5 glong2 168 15 e6 164 24 h on cl 154 4 c2 134 55 c3 115 BB, it blackens, decrepitates, and ultimately fuses; with borax on charcoal it effervesces, and colors the flux green. It is soluble with effervescence in nitric acid. It occurs in the veins of primitive and secondary mountains, chiefly with the green carbonate and red oxide of copper. Chessy, near Lyons, is the principal locality of this beautiful mineral ; it is there met with in considerable abundance, and under a great variety of crystalline form. Very fine crystals occur in Siberia ; while those from Moldawa in the Bannat, though of smaller size, are often extremely distinct. Huel Buller, near Redruth in Cornwall, has also afforded some fine crystallized varieties ; and at Alston-Moor and Wanlockhead small quantities are occasionally met with. It is found mas- sive, and of a smalt-blue color, in Cornwall ; compact and earthy in Siberia and Thuringia; and in amorphous rounded concretions, sometimes of considerable dimensions, at Chessy. When obtained in sufficient quantity it is a valuable ore of copper. In the island of Cuba, fine blue and green carbonates of copper accompany both the red oxide and the native 490 NATIVE METALS AND metal, as at Gibara and Neuvitas. In Nova Scotia, they occur in red sandstone, with vitreous copper, on the Cariboo River, conjointly with beds of lignite. In the great copper district of Michigan, so well described by Dr. Houghton, green and blue carbonates of copper, asso- ciated with pyritous copper and the native metal, form veins in trap rock and conglomerate. In Wisconsin and Missouri it is found in the same limestone which contains the lead. It occurs in most of the copper mines in New Jersey imperfectly crystallized ; also at the Perkiomen lead mines, Penn., in small but perfect crystals. It has other localities, as in Connecticut and Massachusetts, but is a rare mineral in the United States. GREEN CARBONATE OF COPPER. MALACHITE.* Hemi-Prismatic Habroneme Malachite, M. Green Carbonated Copper. Malachite, J. Atlaserz. Mountain Green. Malachit, W. B. Cnivre Carbonate Vert, II. Hydrous Bicarbonate of Copper, Thomson. Cypralus vulgaris, D. Combination of carbonic acid, oxide of copper and water. Siberia. Siberia. Chessy. Oxide of copper. .70-5 70-10 7-2-2 72-69 Carbonic acid 18-5 21-25 18.5 19-98 Water 11-0... .. 8-75... .. 9-3... .... 7-31 100-00 Klaproth. 100-00 Vauquelin. 100-0 R. Phillips. 99-98 Thomson. V, These analyses, the last two most nearly, approach to two atoms oxide of copper, one atom carbonic acid, one atom water. It is therefore a hydrous dicarbonate of copper, as thus expressed by the formula: Cp 2 C+Aq. Sp. Gr. 35 40. H. = 35 4-0. Color various shades of green. Occurs in slender fibres, which sometimes are fasciculated, sometimes stellated; in the cavities, however, extremely minute and transparent crystals may occasionally be observed, which in reality are macles, as shown by the following figures; of these, the primary is a Right oblique-angled prism, yielding to cleavage readily parallel to the planes P and M, with difficulty parallel to T ; transparent or translucent, sometimes only on the edges ; lustre adamantine, inclining to vitreous ; streak green, rather paler than the color; brittle. B B, it decrepitates, and fuses in part into a black scoria; with borax it readily affords a bead of copper, and colors the flux green. In the matrass it yields water ; and is entirely soluble in nitric acid. * Malachite, from the Greek ; Marsh Mallow j the color of both being green. METALLIFEROUS MINERALS. 491 P on M, M', or T M'onM . 90 00' M on c or c' 112 33' 123 35 c on c' 107 16 The Jibrous and massive, into which this species has been divided, is riot a distinction of any consequence, as they run so insensibly into one another, that it is frequently difficult to ascertain to which of them a specimen should be referred. The crystallized variety is extremely rare, having been observed only in minute transparent twins, coating the cavities of the more fibrous kinds. Exteriorly it assumes globular, reniform, botryoidal, and stalactitic shapes, and occurs in the same re- positories as the last species. Splendid specimens of the fibrous variety are found in Siberia, at Chessy in France, in the old mine at Sandlodge in Shetland, and disseminated in iron ore at Moldawa, in the Baunat. Compact malachite is chiefly known from Schwatz in the Tyrol ; though in small quantities, it also occurs accompanying the blue carbonate in Cornwall, Wales, Ireland, and many other places. The green carbonate is a valuable ore of copper, and, from its variegated appearance, and the brilliant polish of which it is susceptible, is prized by the lapidary for ornamental purposes. Such varieties as are sufficiently compact, are cut into vases, snuff-boxes, &c. ; and in St. Petersburg it is formed into tables, and other magnifi- cent articles of luxury ; for this purpose, as the malachite rarely occurs in slabs exceeding a foot square, the pieces are united so as to render the concentric lines of the stone continuous, and thus massive tablets of six or seven feet in length are formed of apparently one piece of this beautiful substance. Some varieties are used as pigments, arid in the preparation of the sulphate of copper. Allan's Manual. On the estate of Von Demidoff, not far from the Nadesh- nish shaft, Siberia, was found a considerable mass of mala- chite, reposing on brown iron-stone, and to the west, resting on a soft diorite-slate. As it was proved that the malachite bed must extend forty fathoms (280 English feet), the site of its 492 NATIVE METALS AND principal mass was aimed at, and found W^Iay, 1835. The malachite no\v lies uncovered for thirty-six fathoms, and pre- sents, in one place, an immense solid mass of about forty-nine feet long, twenty-one feet broad and seventeen feet thick. It stretched out continuously in several directions, but has cracked in clefts on the uncovering of it. This effect has been attributed to the damp air of the mines, but it may, on the contrary, be in consequence of the evaporation of moisture contained in the mass under the action of the air. A second malachite mass, which is a substratum to the first, exceeds it in extent and texture. Its structure is more varie- gated, or variously figured, than the first ; and to obtain the pure mineral, the surface, consisting of loose spongy malachite, must be separated. It is in spots strovved with black and olive-green copper ore.* In South America, according to Mr. Blake, green malachite occurs on the western coast of Bolivia, near Cobija, and at several places among the mountains to the southward of that place ; also near Tanna, in Peru, and in the provinces of Co- piapo and Coquimbo, in Chili. Green carbonate of copper occurs beautifully crystallized at several of the copper mines of New Jersey, with massive red oxide of copper and the pure metal. At Greenfield, Mass., it forms a vein in trap rock on the west bank of the Connecticut river. It is associated with pyritous copper and sulphate of barytes. At Hamden and Cheshire, in Conn., it forms con- siderable veins in trap and sandstone, and at Bristol, Conn., in granite with variegated copper ore. It accompanies the pre- ceding species, at the Perkiomen lead mine, is found also in the Blue Ridge, near Nicholson's Gap, and in very beautiful specimens, recently discovered, near Morgantown, Berks county, Penn. In Maryland, Virginia, and among the lead mines of Missouri, it is occasionally met with. ANHYDROUS BICARBONATE OF COPPER. Dr. Thomson, (Outlines, ftc., ii. 601.) Mysorite, SeudanL Dr. Thomson obtained oxide of copper 60*75, peroxide of iron 19'50, carbonic acid 16 70, silica 2'10. The peroxide of iron and silica traverse the mineral in small veins, showing them to be mere mixtures. Throwing these out, the atoms of oxide of copper, are just twice those of car- bonic acid. The mineral is therefore a dicarbonate of copper without water. Formula : Cp 2 C. * Transactions of the Russian Imperial Mineralogical Society, 1842, p. 131. METALLIFEROUS MINERALS. 493 Sp. Gr. 2 62. H. = 4 25. Occurs massive, having an impalpable composition. When pure its color is brownisL-black, but it is frequently tinged green and red from admixture with carbonate of copper and oxide of iron. Fracture small conchoidal. Is soluble in acids when pure, but if mixed with foreign matter the solution de- posits a red precipitate. This rare substance was noticed by Dr. Heyne, near the eastern frontier of Mysore in Hindustan, where it is mentioned as forming beds in the older rocks. CHRYSOCOLLA.* Uncleavable Staphyline Malachite, M. Eisenschussig Kupfergrun, W. Cuivre Carbo- nate Terreux, li. Chrysocolle, Br. Copper Green, J. Kieskupher. Kieselmalachite. Silico-Carbonate of Copper, Thomson. Cypralus amorphus, D. Siberia. Siberia. Bogoslowsk. Oxide of copper 50-0 49-63 40-00 Silica 26-0 28-37 36-54 Water 17-0 17-50 20-20 Carbonic acid 7-0 3-00 0-00 Sulphate of lime 0-0 1-50 00 Iron 0-0 0-00 1-00 100-0 Klaproth. 100-00 John. 98-84 Kobell. Somerville, N. J. Bogoslowsk. Silica 35-4 f5-31 35-0 Oxide of copper 35-1 54- 16 39-9 Water 28-5 5-25 21-0 Carbonic acid 1-0 14-98 1-1 Oxide ofiron 0-0 0-00 3-0 100.0 Berthier. 100-00 Thomson. 100-0 Berthier. It is not improbable from the great variations in these results, that the carbonate and silicate of copper are only mechanically mixed in this mineral. Dr. Thomson, from his own analysis, supposes its constitution to be thus : CpC+CpS 2 Aq. Sp. Gr. 2-0 2-2. H. = 3. Color emerald- and pistachio-green, passing into sky-blue ; and inclining to brown when impure. It occurs botryoidal, stalactitic, reniform, massive, and investing other ores of cop- per ; fracture earthy or conchoidal ; translucent or opake ; is shining or dull ; it varies in hardness from almost friable to that of quartz. B B, on charcoal, it blackens in the exterior flame, and reddens in the reducing, but does not fuse ; with borax it forms a green glassy globule, and is partly reduced. If pure, it is soluble with effervescence in nitric acid, and leaves a residue of silica. This substance differs much in appearance; in the same * This word was applied by the ancients to several varieties of copper ore, and even to factitious substances. According to Pliny it was a substance used in soldering gold. Moore's Ancient Mineralogy. 42 494 NATIVE METALS AND specimen it sometimes bears at one end the character of an earthy decomposed felspar, passing by insensible degrees tow- ards the other, into brittle translucent green chrysocolla. It is found in veins in primitive and secondary mountains, with other ores of copper, as in Cornwall ; very plentifully on the island of Cuba; at Jersey; at Falkenstein and Schwatz in the Tyrol in limestone; in the Bannat, Hungary, Siberia, and Mexico. It has been rarely found in the United States. BISILICATE OF COPPER, of Bowen. This is a variety of chrysocolla from the Somerville copper mine in New Jersey, analyzed by Mr. G. T. Bowen, and first described in vol. iii. of the Journal of the Academy of Natu- ral Sciences, Philadelphia. Its color is bluish-green; color of its powder light blue. Jt is massive and opake ; its fracture is conchoidal and dull. It is brittle and is easily scratched by the knife. Its specific gravity is 2-159. Alone, B B, it becomes black, but is infusible ; with borax it fuses into a glass of a bright green color, and when heated with subcarbonate of soda, yields globules of metallic copper. When treated with nitric acid, it is partly dissolved without effervescence, and affords a solution of a blue color. It yielded silica 37-250, peroxide of copper 45-075, water 17-000. This mineral forms an incrustation on the ferruginous copper of the mine, and is accompanied by native copper, malachite, red oxide of copper, and native silver. Berthier has more recently analyzed what appears to be the same mineral, the results of which are given on the preceding page. SILICATE OF COPPER. DIOPTASE*. Rhombohedral Emerald Malachite, M. Emerald Copper. Achirite.f Kupferschmnragd, W. Cuivre Dioptase, H. lit. Rhomboidal Emerald Malachite, J. Hydrous tfesqusili- cate of Copper, Thomnun. Cypralus rhombohedrus, D. Combination of oxide of copper, silica, and water. Oxide of copper 55-0 45-45 48-89 Silica 33-0 43- ] 8 36-fJO Water 12-0 1 1 -36 12-29 Protoxide of iron 0-0 0-00 2-00 100-0 Lowitz. 100-00 Vkuquelin. 99-78 Hess. The formula for this mineral, as given by Rammelsberg, is Cp 3 Si 2 +3H. This requires 38'76 silica, oxide of copper 49-92, water 11-32 thus nearly agreeing with the results by Von Hess. Sp. Gr. 32 34. H. 5-0. Color fine emerald-green ; it occurs in crystals, having the general form of elongated rhombic dodecahedrons ; structure lamellar ; cleavage perfect parallel to the planes of its primary crystal, an Obtuse rhomboid of 126 17' and 53 43' : fracture flat conchoidal ; translucent ; with a shining lustre ; scratches * From the Greek, in allusion to the possibility of seeing by transmitted light the natural joints. t Achirite from Achir Maimed, the name of the merchant by whom it was first intro- duced into Europe. METALLIFEROUS MINERALS. 495 glass feebly ; and is brittle. B B, in the matrass, yields water and blackens ; on charcoal becomes black in the oxidating flame, and red in the reducing, but does not melt; it fuses however, with glass of borax, imparting to the globule a green tinge, and 'is ultimately reduced. Insoluble in nitric acid, even when heated, but is dissolved without effervescence in muriatic. Primary. ,*- s P y P on P' or P" > primary i ' * ' * K on & . . 53 43' 95 33 i 120 4 / g on o, or g' on o' ... . 133 It occurs in the Kirghese Steppes of Siberia, disposed on quartz or limestone, and always crystallized in well-defined elongated dodecahedrons, or in modifications thereof. As the Achirite, above all minerals, resembles emerald in its rich green color, it has been known in France as the eme- rald of Siberia, and was called by Werner, copper emerald. The present Emperor of Russia, has presented a costly group of crystals of this rare variety, to the Imperial Mineralogical Society of St. Petersburg, consisting of uncommonly large and perfectly formed crystals surrounded by crystals of calc-spar.* SULPHATE OF COPPER. Blue Vitriol. Cyanose, Beudant. Tetarto-Prismatic Vitriol Salt, M. Prismatic Vitriol, J. Vitriol Bleu. Cuivre Sulfate, H. Kupfer Vitriol, W. Vitriolum Cyprium, D. It is a hydrous sulphate of copper of the same composition with the artificial salt, consisting of one atom sulphuric acid, one atom oxide of copper, five atoms water = oxide of copper 31-72, sulphuric acid 32-14, water 36-14. Formula : CpSl-f 5Aq. Sp. Gr. 2-213. H. = 2'5. Color deep sky-blue, sometimes passing into bluish-green. Occurs massive, stalactitic, and pulverulent ; lustre vitreous ; translucent ; cleavage imperfect ; fracture conchoidal ; taste nauseous, and metallic. When artificially prepared, it crystal- lizes. It is readily soluble in water, and affords a blue solu- tion, a polished surface of iron dipped into which becomes * Transactions of the Imperial Mineralogical Society of St. Petersburg, vol. i. part i. p. 130. 496 NATIVE METALS AND coated with a film of metallic copper. Primary form an Ob- lique rhombic prism; but as it seldom occurs in nature in dis- tinct crystals, the following figure and measurements refer to the artificial crystals. P on M 109 32' T on P 128 27 M on T . . 149 2 It owes its existence principally to the decomposition of copper pyrites, and is found dissolved in water issuing from mines, from which it deposits itself spontaneously. Its prin- cipal localities are the Ramrnelsberg mine near Goslar in the Ilartz, Fahlun in Sweden, Neusohl in Hungary, Pary's mine in Anglesea, Cornwall, and Wicklow. Before being used in the arts it requires purification, and is then employed in print- ing cotton and linen, dyeing, &/c. TETRASULPHATE OF COPPER. A salt of this composition occurs in Mexico, and has been analyzed by Berthier, (Memoirs, ii. 191.) It con- tained oxide of copper 45-9, sulphuric acid 11-5, water 12-1, gangue 30-5. These numbers correspond with one atom sulphuric acid, four atoms oxide of copper, four and a half atoms water. Only a very imperfect description has been given of this mineral. Its gangue is granular quartz rock, which is penetrated with red oxide of copper in a lamellar state. It is of a ver- digris green color, has no lustre, and an earthy aspect. Occurs in grains and small masses. Its precise locality is not known. BROCHANTITE.* Levy. (Ann. of Phil., second series, viii. 241.) Combination of sulphuric acid, oxide of copper, and water. Oxide of copper 62-63 66-93 Sulphuric acid 17-13 17-43 Water 11-89 11-91 Oxide of lead 8-18 1-04 Oxide of tin 0-03 3-14 99-86 Magnus. 100-45 Magnus. The formula, as given by Rammelsberg, is Cp 3 SJ+3H 63 94 oxide of copper, 21*55 sulphuric acid, 14'51 water. Sp. Gr. 3-78 3-87. H. = 35 4-0. Primary form a Right rhombic prism M on M' = 114 20'. *ln honor of Mons. Brochant, the well-known French mineralogist. METALLIFEROUS MINERALS. 497 " o on o contiguous .... . . . 150 30' 5 M on M over the terminal edge between o and o | . . 114 20 . . . 117 Traces of cleavage parallel to M. Brochantite occurs in small well-defined transparent crystals of an emerald-green color, and having a vitreous lustre. The crystals from the last named locality, according to G. Rose, have a pearly lus- tre. Is soluble in acids, but does not dissolve in water. B B, in the matrass it yields water, exhaling the odor of sulphu- rous acid ; on charcoal per se it is reduced into a non-mallea- ble grain of copper ; and with soda fuses into a metallic glo- bule. This mineral occurs associated with malachite and native copper at Ekatherineburg, and also near the Gumeschewstoika copper mine, in Siberia. It was described by Levy. The Kftnigine of Levy, (Jinn, of Phil., second series, xi. 194), or Kceni- gite of Beudant, (Traite,i\. 487), is generally supposed to be nearly allied to Brochantite. Its primary form is a rhomboidal prism of about 105 and 75. It cleaves with facility parallel to the base of the prism. Hardness between 2-0 and 3-0 ; color emerald- or blackish-green ; transparent. It occurs at Werchoturi in Siberia. Specimens were found in the collec- tion of the Dowager Countess of Aylesford. BEAUMONTITE.* Crenated Hydro-Silicate of Copper. C. T. Jackson. This mineral was obtained from the old carbonate of cop- per mine of Chessy, France, in 1832. It was regarded as a hydrated silicate of copper, but subsequent analysis proved it to be a crenated hydro-silicate of copper. The analysis of a specimen which had effloresced by exposure to the air yielded to Dr. Jackson : * In honor of M. Elie ds Beaumont; named and described by Dr. Jackson, anterior to M. Levy's description of Beaumontite (Heulandite). See Amer. Jour, of Science, for 1839, xxxvii. 398. 42* 498 NATIVE METALS AND Silica.. 21-0 Deutoxide of copper 46'8 Crenic acid 15-8* Water 10-0 Alumina and iron 4*4 Carbonic acid and loss 2-0 100-0 It has the following characters. Forms stalactitical ; color blue-green, when fresh, but greenish-white when dry. Specific gravity 1*88. Soft pulverulent when dry. In the close tube gives off an abundance of water, when heated ; the recent specimens giving the largest proportion. Heated to redness a portion of the copper is reduced, and the mineral in the tube is found to be a mixture of portions of copper with yellow and white powder. B B, on charcoal, it first decrepitates a little, then shrinks, leaving numerous cracks in it, and at last partially fuses and becomes yellow and white. On being levigated, yields particles of metallic copper. With soda, fuses giving a button of copper. With acids, it gelatin- izes, and the solution is green and turns blue by excess of ammonia. When mixed with water, and sulphydric acid gas is passed through it, the copper separates as a sulphuret, and crenic acid and silica may be obtained by evaporating the solution to dryness. The crenic acid may be separated from the silica by a solution of carbonate of ammonia. It occurs in stalactites on the roof of the mine, and is con- tinually forming by infiltration through the porous sandstone rock. When recently obtained, it contains a much larger proportion of water, which it loses by exposure to dry air. VELVET COPPER ORE. Velvet Blue Copper, J. Kupfersammterz. Cuivre Veloute, Levy. A compound of oxide of copper, sulphuric acid, silica, and zinc. Brooke. It consists of short delicate fibres of a smalt-blue color, fre- quently grouped in spherical globules, which are produced by the divergement of the capillary crystals from a centre. Translucent; lustre pearly. When dissolved in nitric acid, a skeleton remains, which is not soluble in any acid. It occurs principally at Moldawa in the Bannat, coating the cavities of an earthy oxide of iron ; but, from its extreme rarity, its characters have not been satisfactorily ascertained. * With a small portion of phosphoric acid. METALLIFEROUS MINERALS. 499 CHLORIDE OF COPPER. ATACAMITE. Prismatoidal Habromene Malachite, M. Prismatic Atacamite, J. Salzkupfererz, W. Salzsaures Kupfer, L. Cuivre Muriate, H. Bt. Muriate of Copper. Cypralus ex- halans, D. Peru. Chili. Chili. Crystals. Oxide of copper. . .70-5 76-5 72-0 73-0 Muriatic acid 11-5 10-5 16-3 16-2 Water 18-0 12-5 11-7 10-8 100-0 Proust. 99-5 Proust. 100-0 Klaproth. 100-0 J. Davy. Formula, as given by Rammelsberg, from the two last anal- yses : CuGl+3Cu+3H. Sp. Gr. 4-0 4-3. H. 30 3-5. Color various shades of green; by transmitted light, some- times of an emerald-green. It occurs in minute crystals, of which the primary form is a Right rhombic prism of about 100 and 80 by the common goniometer, on the planes MM 7 produced by cleavage,* which however have never been ob- served, although represented in the following figure, to show their position. In some of the crystals the planes 2, a2 y , and c, c', of the following figure, prevail to the exclusion of the rest, converting them into the octahedron with a rectangular base. The faces produced by cleavage parallel to the plane P, are very brilliant and easily obtained ; those parallel to M and M 7 are less so. It is translucent or nearly transparent, soft, and brittle. Streak apple-green ; lustre vitreous. It tinges the flame of the blowpipe bright green and blue, muriatic acid arises in vapors, and a bead of copper remains on the. char- coal. Is soluble without effervescence in nitric acid, and com- municates instantaneously to ammonia a fine blue color. MonM 100 P on al 142 2 123 25 c 127 12 e .116 20 a2 on a'2 112 0(K ? ct2 on c . \ . . , . . 110 30' 40 . . 143 25 25 c on c' . . . . . 107 10 12 d .... . . . 159 00 20 - g i . . . 137 40 45 e on e . . 127 7 It is found at Remolinos in Chili on brown iron-stone, some- times with ruby copper and carbonate of copper ; in Peru with * According to Mobs and Beudant, the angles of this prism are 112 45' and 67 15'. 500 NATIVE METALS AND some of the ores of silver; and in the form of green sand in the river Lipas, in the Atacama desert (whence Atacamite), which separates Chili from Peru. Also, as noticed by Mr. Blake, in masses and small grains at Conchi, near the Andes, and at a point on the coast a few leagues south of Paposa in Bolivia. It also occurs in the iron mines of Schwartzenberg in Saxony; and on the lavas of Vesuvius, where it is proba- bly formed by the union of muriatic acid and carbonate of cop- per, both of which are well known to be deposited by sublima- tion at that volcano. HYDROUS DIPHOSPHATE OF COPPER. LIBETHENITE. Phosphorkupfererz, W. Cuivre Phosphate, IT. Br. Bt. Prismatic Olivinite, in part, J. Diprisrnatic Olive Malachite, M. Octaedrisches Phosphorsaurer Kupfer, Leonhard. Phosphorkupfer von Libethen, Haidinger. Libetheaite, N. Apherese, Beudant. Cypralus dystomus, D. Composed, according to Berthier, of Atoms. Phosphoric acid 28-7 6-37 Oxide of copper 63-9 12-78 Water 7-4 6-57 100-0 Its constitution is obviously one atom phosphoric acid, two atoms oxide of copper, and one atom water ; or it is a hydrous diphosphate of copper. Formula: Cp 2 -}-Ph-r-Aq. Sp. Gr. 3-6 38. H. = 4. It occurs crystallized, and in radiated masses; externally the crystals are greenish or blackish-green, approaching nearly to black, and are considerably splendent, but their surfaces are uneven, and not adapted to the use of the reflective goni- ometer; translucent on the edges, or opake; by transmitted light their fragments are olive-green, occasionally with a tinge of yellow; lustre resinous; streak dark olive-green. When radiated, the color is bluish-green and black intermixed, the exterior being often nearly black. The crystals are frequently prismatic, but occasionally the prism is so short as to reduce them to the general figure of an octahedron. They possess a distinct cleavage parallel to the plane P of the following fig- ure ; less perfect cleavages may also be obtained parallel to the edges x x, thus reducing the crystals to a Right rhombic prism of about 110 and 70, which may be considered as the primary form. On charcoal it fuses into a brownish globule, which by the continued action of the blowpipe acquires a red- dish-grey metallic lustre ; in the centre is a small bead of metallic copper. With borax and salt of phosphorus it pre- sents in the oxidating flame a green glass, which becomes in METALLIFEROUS MINERALS. 501 the reducing, colorless while hot, and of a cinnabar- or ruby- red when cold. Soluble without effervescence in nitric acid, to which, as well as ammonia, it imparts a sky-blue color. c on c . . 121 15' M on M or x on x . . 109 30' c.g P on c 126 10 a on a 95 15 It is found in quartzose cavities associated with copper py- rites at Libethen, near Neusohl, in Hungary; also in small quantity in Cornwall, both crystallized and fibrous, in Gunnis Lake mine, on the banks of the Tamar. It was formerly discovered at the Sommerville mine, in New Jersey, but is a very rare mineral in the United States. HYDROUS PHOSPHATE OF COPPER. RHENITE. Prismatic Habroneme* Malachite, M. Pseudomalachit, Hausmann. Phosphorkupfer von Rheinbreitbach, Haidlnger. Hydrous Phosphate of Copper, A. Ypoleime, Beu- dant. Prismatic Olivenite, or Phosphate of Copper, J. Rhenite. Hydrous Sub- bisesquiphosphate of Copper, Thomson. Cypralus hemihedrus, D. Analyses by Arfvedson and the Rev. F. Lunn. Phosphoric acid 24-70 21 -687 Oxide of copper 6H-20 62-847 Water 5-97 15-454 98-87 Arfvedson. 99-988 Lunn. The formula given by Beudant, from the relative quantities of oxygen in the constituents, is CpPh-f-Aqz=Cu 5 3P-H>Aq. This is founded on the last analysis, and is the formula adopted by Rammelsberg to express the constitution of this species. Sp. Gr. 4-2 4-3. H. = 5 0. It occurs both massive and crystallized. The color of the massive approaches to emerald-green, striated with black or blackish-green ; and it appears to consist of minute crystals often diverging or radiated. The more determinate crystals are generally dull and of a blackish-green color externally, sometimes black and splendent ; by transmitted light they are emerald-green ; translucent generally on the edges only, and * From ct^Qog, delicate, and vijiia } the thready fibre. 502 NATIVE METALS AND possessing a vitreous or adamantine lustre. Streak a little paler than the color. By exposure to red heat in a close cru- cible, it becomes dark olive-green, and the powder increases considerably in bulk. B B, on charcoal, it fuses into a reddish- black slag, and by the addition of carbonate of soda is reduced to a bead of pure copper. Soluble without effervescence in nitric acid, particularly if heated. Primary form an Oblique rhombic prism of 141 5' and 38 56'. P on P 117 49' /on/ 141 4 The hydrous phosphate of copper is found at Rheinbreit- bach, near Bonn, on the Rhine, in veins traversing grauwacke- slate, and accompanied by quartz and ores of copper. It generally presents itself either aggregated in extremely minute individuals, or mammillated and compact its crystalline form therefore is not easily determined. The THROMBOLITIIE, from Retabanya in Hungary, analyzed by Plattner, (J. f. pr. Ch. xv. 321), consists of oxide of cop- per 39'2, phosphoric acid 4 TO, water I(r8. These numbers correspond very nearly with one atom oxide of copper, three atoms phosphoric acid, two atoms water. It is therefore a hydrous terphosphate of copper. Formula: CpPh 3 +2Aq. OCTAHEDRAL ARSENIATE. LIROCONITE.* Prismatic Lirocone Malachite, M. Liroconitc, Beudant. Linsenerz, W. Cuivre Arsen- iate Primitif. H. Linsen Kupfer, Haussmann. Lenticular Copper Ore, J. Lenticular Arseniate of Copper, A. Cypralus rectangulus, D. Combination of arsenic acid, oxide of copper, and water. Cornwall. Cornwall. Cornwall. Oxide of copper 49-0 35-19 30-10 Arsenic acid 14-0 20-79 43-39 Water 35-0 22-24 26*69 Alumina 0-0 8-03 0-00 Oxide of iron 0-0 3-41 0-00 Phosphoric acid 0-0 3-61 0-00 Silica and gangue 0-0 6-99 0-00 98-0 Chenevix. 100-26 Wachtmeister. 100-18 Thomson. * The combinations of arsenic acid and oxide of copper, though not materially differing in their physical and blowpipe characters, form several distinct species, by peculiarities in their atomic constitution and crystalline forms. They have been named by Phillips according to the latter, and the same arrangement has been followed in this edition ; prominence, however, being given to the most significant trivial title. [AM. ED.] METALLIFEROUS MINERALS. 503 These results are so discordant as to lead to the supposition that different minerals must have been employed. The second was obviously an impure specimen. Brooke, from his own analysis, has determined its constituents to be one atom arsenic acid, one atom oxide of copper, five atoms water ; and excepting in a deficiency of water, Dr. Thomson's analysis gives the same result. Formula: CpAs+5Aq. Sp. Gr. 2-88 2 92. H. = 2'0 25. Color sky-blue, smalt-blue, and occasionally deep grass- or verdigris-green ; translucent ; cleavage imperfect parallel to all the planes of a flat octahedron ; streak corresponding to the color, but paler ; in the matrass it yields much water. B B, on charcoal, fuses imperfectly, emits arsenical fumes, and is converted into a black friable scoria; and by subsequent fu- sion with borax affords a bead of copper. Soluble without effervescence in nitric acid. The primary form is supposed to be an Obtuse octahedron, in which the common base of the two pyramids is rectangular ; the octahedron being usually elongated as shown by the figures.* P on P' ...... 60 40' M on M' 72 22 P on V 179 22 M on P or > , QQ QA M'onP j 13S 3 I on I 178 10 It occurs in veins passing through the adjoining mines of Huel Muttrell, Huel Gorland, and Huel Unity in Cornwall, associated with the following varieties ; also with red oxide of copper, copper-pyrites, arseniate of iron, and the martial arseniate of copper. It is likewise met with at Herrengrund in Hungary in minute crystals. RHOMBOIDAL ARSENIATE. COPPER MICA. Rhombr.hedral Euclore Mica, M. Hexahedral Arseniate, Bournon. Cuivre Arseniat6 Larrselliforme, H. Prismatic Copper Mica, J. Kupferglimmer, W. and L. Cypro- mica, JVec&er. Cypralus foliaceus, D. Combination of arsenic acid, oxide of copper, and water. Oxide of Copper 39-0 58-0 Arsenicacid 43-0 21-0 Water 17-0=99-0 Vauquelin 21-0=100-0 Chenevix. * It cleaves parallel to the planes of a Right rhombic prism, which is the primary form according to Brooke. 504 NATIVE METALS AND The analysis by Chenevix, gives one atom arsenic acid, two atoms oxide of copper, three atoms water. It is there- fore a terhydrous diarseriiate of copper, and does not differ much from Euchroite in its atomic constitution, though quite distinct from it in other respects. Formula: Cp 2 As+3Aq. Sp. Gr. 2-5 2-6. H.:=2-0.' Color emerald- or grass-green. In six-sided tabular crys- tals, of which the lateral planes are trapeziums, inclining alternately in contrary directions, being sections of an Acute rhomboid of about 110 30' and 69 30'; and it yields to cleavage parallel to all the planes of the rhomboid, but with perfect ease and brilliancy only at right angles to its axis, i. c. parallel to the tabular planes ; these tables are often applied to each other laterally, forming rosettes, which may be sepa- rated into laminae like mica. Streak rather paler than the color. Lustre pearly parallel to , vitreous parallel to P. Transparent or translucent. B B, it decrepitates, emits arsen- ical fumes, and passes first into a spongy scoria, after which it melts into a black slightly vitreous globule ; with borax it affords a green glass, which includes grains of metallic copper. Soluble in nitric acid. The dotted lines in the first of the following figures exhibit the portion of the tabular crystal in the primary rhomboid. P on P' or P" P' on P" P on a . . . . P' or P" on a . a on m or m' . b on b' or b" . 110 30' 69 12 108 40 128 18 124 42 179 35 This species is as yet peculiar to the mining districts ofi Cornwall : it occurs accompanying the preceding in the mines near Redruth; also at Gunnis Lake on the banks of the Tamar. METALLIFEROUS MINERALS. 505 OBLIQUE PRISMATIC ARSENIATE. Diatomous Hahroneme Malachite. M. Axotomous Habroneme Malachite, Haidingcr. Radiated Acicular Olivenite, J. Strahlerz, A. Cuivre Arseniate en Prisme Rhom- boidal Oblique, Levy. Aphanese, JVec&er. Cypralus acrotomus, D. Combination of arsenic acid, oxide of copper, and water. Cornwall. Atoms. Oxide of copper 54-0 56-65 2-06 Arsenic acid 30-0 39-80 1-00 Water 16-0 3-55 0-57 100-0 Chenevix. 100-00 Richardson. The constitution of this species, if we adopt the last analy- sis, is one atom arsenic acid, two atoms oxide of copper, one half atom water. If the water be viewed as accidental, it is nearly allied in composition with the next species, or an anhy- drous diarseniate of copper Cp 2 As. S P . Gr. 4-14 2a H. = 2-5 3-0. Externally bluish-black passing into deep black, with a shin- ing lustre ; internally greenish-blue. Occurs, though rarely, in extremely minute Oblique rhombic prisms, whose lateral planes meet alternately at angles of about 56 and 124, and of which the oblique terminal plane declines from one acute angle to the other; they are frequently fasciculated in a some- what radiating position, so that only the terminal planes of the following figures are distinctly visible ; it also occurs in curved lamellar concretions. The minute crystals are often transpa- rent and of a beautiful blue or greenish-blue color by trans- mitted light ; the larger crystals are sometimes black and opake, but, on being scratched by the knife, appear internally of a blue color. Streak verdigris-green. B B, in the matrass yields water ; on charcoal emits arsenical vapors, and fuses into a bead, which on cooling crystallizes in small rhombic plates of a brown color. Primary. M on M' 56 0' P on M or M' al. 95 125 cl 80 30 c2 99 30 /on/ 62 30 The dotted lines on the primary show that from the replacement of its acute angles arise the planes cl of the second figure. This species is only known in Cornwall, where it accompa- nies the preceding and other ores of malachite. The crystals 43 506 NATIVE METALS AND present a very dark-blue color and brilliant lustre, but are rarely recognisable, being aggregated in diverging groups, or disposed in extremely minute individuals in the cavities of quartz. RIGHT PRISMATIC ARSENIATE. OLIVENITE, Prismalic Olive Malachite, M. Cuivre Arseniate Octaedre Aijru, II. Acicular Olivcnitc, J. Acicular Arscniate of Copper, A. Olivenerz, W. Olivenkupfer, Jlaussinann. Olivenit, L. Bcudant. Cypralus acicularis, D. Combination of arsenic acid, and oxide of copper. Oxide of copper 50-03 50-2 Arsenic acid 30-71 39-9 Water 3-f>0 3-9 Phosphoric acid 3-36 U-U 100-20 Kobell. 100-00 Richardson. It is constituted of one atom arsenic acid, two atoms oxide of copper, and does not appear to be distinct from the last species. Formula: Cp 2 As. Sp. Gr. 42 46. H. = 30 35. Color olive-green, pistachio-green, and blackish-green, pass- ing into liver-brown and wood-brown ; the fibrous variety sisTun-green. Occurs in prismatic crystals, which are divisible parallel to the planes of a Right rhombic prism of about 1 10 50' and 69 10' (MM'). Streak olive-green or brown. Lustre between vitreous and resinous. Fracture conchoidal and un- even. Sometimes however the planes c c prevail to the exclu- sion of P, and the prism is then so short as to give it the gene- ral form of an octahedron with a rectangular base : the face a is extremely rare ; the crystals are usually attached to the matrix at MM'. It also occurs capillary. B B, yields no water in the matrass; on charcoal emits an arsenical odor, fuses with a kind of deflagration, and is reduced, forming a white metallic globule, which during cooling becomes covered with a red coating. Is soluble in nitric acid, and colors am- monia blue. /^ v M on M' .... 110 50' P on M or M . 90 00 M or M on a . . 132 7 ... 9230 This species occurs in Huel Gorland, and Huel Unity near St. Day ; also in Tin Croft mine near Redruth, and elsewhere in Cornwall. It has also been observed at Alston Moor in Cumberland, but not in such splendid specimens as in Cornwall. METALLIFEROUS MINERALS. 507 CAPILLARY OR AMIANTIFORM ARSENIATE. This variety presents the same colors, and occurs in minute crystals, occasionally exhibiting the planes c, c of the preceding figure ; generally they are indeterminate, the capillary prisms being distinct for a part of their length, and terminated by extremely minute fibres of a greenish-white color and silky lustre. HJEMATITIC OR WOOD A.RSENIATE. Cuivre arseniatc mamelonne fibreux, H. It occurs of various shades of brown, green, and yellow, often whitish or yellowish ; and is found investing some of the preceding varie- ties, also mammillated; the structure is finely and divergingly fibrous, generally with a silky lustre. It sometimes possesses considerable hard- ness; frequently adheres to the fingers. B B, it yields a hard black cel- lular scoria. These varieties accompany the preceding species. EUCHROITE.* Haidinger. (Edinb. Jour, of Science, ii. 133.) Prismatic Emerald Malachite, M. Eu- chroite, Breithaupt. Combination of arsenic acid, oxide of copper, and water. Libethen. Atoms. Contains Oxide of copper 47-85 9-57 1-00 Arsenic acid 33-02 4-55. . . .2-10 Water 18-80 16-71. . . .3-67 99-67 Turner. It is a hydrous diarseniate of copper, differing but slightly in its constitution from copper mica. Formula : Cp 2 As+3f Aq. Sp. Gr. 3-38 341. H. 35 40. Primary form a right Rhombic prisrn of 117 20' ; cleavage indistinct ; fracture uneven ; color, bright emerald-green ; transparent or translucent, with vitreous lustre, and consider- able double refraction. Streak pale apple-green. In the matrass it yields water, changes its color, and becomes friable. When heated upon charcoal to a certain point, it is reduced in an instant with a kind of deflagration, leaving a globule of malleable copper, with white metallic particles disposed through it, which are crystallized on continuing the blast. It dissolves readily in nitric acid without effervescence. n on n over P 87 52' M on M . .117 20 This beautiful mineral occurs in crystals of considerable dimensions at Libethen in Hungary in quartzose mica-slate. It is very rare. *From TZvxQoia (pulcher color). 508 NATIVE METALS AND CONDURRITE. TV. Phillips. Faraday. (Phil. Mag., new scries, ii. 286.) This name has been given by W. Phillips to an arsenical copper ore found at the Cordorrow mine, in the county of Cornwall. Composition, according to Faraday, copper GO 50, sulphur 3*06, arsenic T51, arsenious acid '2594, water 8'99. Dr. Thomson observes that there can be but little doubt that the arsenious acid originally existed in this ore in the state of metallic arsenic, and that it consisted of one atom sulphuret of copper, three atoms arseniet of copper. Sp. Gr. 5-2045. H. not stated. Color brownish-black ; brittle; yields to the knife, which leaves a polished metallic looking surface, nearly of a lead-grey color. Occurs massive. When ignited it gives out a copious white vapor, leaving on the charcoal a metallic substance in a semi-fluid state of a yellow color. KUPFERSCHAUM. Prismatic Euclore Mica, M. Zinc Hydrate Cuprifere, Levy. Kupferschaum, W. Borodigliune. Kupaphrite. Cyprulus decrcpitans, D. According to the analyses of Von Kobell, it is composed as follows : Arsenic acid 25-01 25-366 Oxide of copper 43-88 43-660 Water 17-46 19^24 Carbonate of lime 13-65 11-150 100-00 100-000 These numbers correspond with one atom arsenic acid, two and a half atoms oxide of copper, four and a half atoms water, forming the hydrous sub-bisesquiarscniate of copper, of Dr. Thomson. Formula: Cp 2 *As+4^Aq. Sp. Gr. 3-0 3-2. H.= l0 1-5, Primary form a Right rhombic prism. Occurs in rhomboidal plates, which present perfect cleavage parallel to the faces of the rhomb ; generally in small aggregated and diverging fibrous groups of a pale apple-green or verdigris-green color, inclining to sky-blue, and translucent; lustre pearly on the faces of the rhomb; streak same as the color, but paler; thin laminaB are flexible. Entirely soluble in heated acids. B B, it decrepi- tates and fuses readily in the platina forceps into a blebby copper-red colored scoria ; upon charcoal, it intumesces, dis- engages an alliaceous odor, and melts into a green scoria, containing numerous grains of metallic copper ; with borax it readily forms a green limpid glass, and with soda is reduced. METALLIFEROUS MINERALS. 509 Is found disposed in the cavities of calamine, associated with barytes, calc-spar, or quartz, in the Bannat, at Libethen in Hungary, Nerzschinsk in Siberia, Schwatz in the Tyrol, Saalfeld in Thuringia, and at Matlock in Derbyshire. ERINITE.* Dystomic Habroneme Malachite, M. Cypralus concentricus, D. Oxide of copper 59.44, arsenic acid 33*78, alumina 1*77, water 5'01. Turner. It differs from the preceding only in containing but one atom of water. Sp. Gr. 40 4-1. H. =r4-5 5-0. Form unknown ; cleavage indistinct. In mammillated crys- talline groups, consisting of concentric coats with rough sur- faces, and exhibiting a fibrous structure. Color brilliant emerald-green, slightly inclining to grass-green; streak the same, but a little paler ; lustre none ; faintly translucent on the edges ; fracture uneven, or imperfect conchoidal. This species was distinguished by Haidinger ; it occurs, though not abundantly, with arseniate of copper, in the county of Limerick. VOLBORTHITE.t Vanadiate of Copper. This is a very rare mineral, and has been found only in Siberia, associated with other copper ores. The only account we have of it is a short one, which may be found in the Trans- actions of the Imperial Mineralogical Society of St. Petersburg, vol. i. 1842, p. 75. The exact locality is not stated ; nor has the mineral been fully analyzed. It is described as occurring in small clusters of olive colored crystals, sometimes united into globular masses, but too imperfect to be determined crystal- lographically. Single splinters are transparent and reflect a glassy lustre. Scratches calcareous spar ; specific gravity 3*55 ; streak bright green, almost yellow. The mineral was discovered accidentally in examining some Siberian copper ores, and Von Volborth observes, that he was surprised to find vanadic acid instead of phosphoric or arsenic acid, for which he was search- ing. The discovery is a very interesting one, as hitherto this acid has been found in nature only in combination with oxide of lead, in Mexico, Scotland, and East Russia. * Erinite, in reference to its locality, as well as to its characteristic emerald-green color, f In honor of its discoverer, Von Volborth of Russia, named by Von Hess. 43* 510 NATIVE METALS AND BLACK OXIDE OF COPPER. Kupferschwarze,W. Copper Black, J. and A. Melaconise, Bcudant. Cuivre Oxide Noir. This mineral is supposed to be a mixture of oxides of cop- per and iron, and is not therefore an atomic combination. Color brownish-black, or black. Never occurs crystallized, rarely massive, mostly disseminated in or investing other ores of copper; commonly friable, soils the fingers, and is heavy. It is fusible B B, into a black slag, yielding globules of cop- per in the reducing flame; and is acted upon by nitric acid, without the disengagement of gas. It occurs in most of the Cornish mines, on the surface of and. associated with the botryoidal varieties of copper pyrites, with crystallized and massive red oxide of copper and vitreous copper, and may not improperly be considered as resulting from the decomposition of these ores, which are frequently found passing into black copper. It has likewise been ob- served at Chessy near Lyons, in Siberia, Peru, and many other places, but only in small quantities. It has been found by Dr. Houghton among the copper ores in the mineral district of Michigan ; and it occurs also among other copper ores, at the lead mines of Missouri. NATIVE GOLD. Hexahedral Gold, M. and J. Gediegcn Gold, W. Or Natif, II Br. Bt. Electrum, Haus. Rex metallorum. Aurum cubicmn, D. Gold is sometimes alloyed with copper and iron, but the purest specimens contain only silver. Prof. G. Rose, examined a large number of specimens from various localities, and ac- cording to his results, the proportion of silver varies from 6 to 23 per cent. Ten of his analyses, gave almost exactly eight atoms gold to one atom silver. This is the most common atomic composition of this mineral. Formula : Au 8 Ag. Sp. Gr. 1719. H.r=2-5 30. Native gold is bright yellow of various shades. It occurs crystallized in the Cube and regular octahedron and several of their varieties, but does not possess a lamellar structure ; the cube has been adopted as the primary form, as being the most simple. It is also found capillary, ramified, and in grains; occasionally in masses weighing several pounds. Soft, inelas- tic, flexible, and malleable. Fusible at 32 Wedgewood ; but is soluble only in nitro-muriatic acid. By friction it acquires resinous electricity. METALLIFEROUS MINERALS. 2. 3. 4. 5. 511 Fig. 1, the cube. Fig. 2, the same, of which the solid angles are re- placed by planes ; which are complete in fig. 3, forming the regular octa- hedron. Fig. 4, an octahedron, with its edges replaced by six-sided planes ; which are. complete in fig. 5, the rhombic dodecahedron. Fig. 6, an octahedron, whose solid angles are replaced by four triangular planes, forming on each an obtuse quadrangular pyramid. P on P' or P" 90 00' H. P, P', or P" on a 125 15 e 135 00 109 28 26 00 a on a 1 or a" 6 on b . 146 e on e' or e" . .1 20 It is found in veins or beds in primitive mountains, in nodules, plates, and small crystals, coating the cavities or interspersed through the mass. One crystal in the possession of W. Phillips, exhibited twenty-one varieties of form. It occurs in granite in Salzburg, and at La Gardette in France ; in gneiss and mica-slate in Mexico and the Tyrol ; in hornblende rock at Edelfors in Sweden ; and at Schlangenberg in Siberia. In Siberia it occurs in alluvium or sand, in the country eastward of the Ural Mountains, where masses of eight, ten, or sixteen pounds have occasionally been discovered. In Transylvania a considerable quantity of gold is obtained from stream works, as at Ohlapian near Hermanstadt. In the Wicklow mountains of Ireland, and at Leadhills in Scotland, it occurs in alluvial soil ; and in many districts of Germany it appears under similar circumstances. The mines of Hungary and Transylvania, Cremnitz, Schemnitz, Posing, Botza, Ma- gurka, Nagyag, Offenbanya, and Boitza, are all worked for this metal, and occasionally afford the most splendid speci- mens j and in Saltzburg, and thence along the chain of the Alps as far as La Gardette near Allemont in France, there are numerous other establishments of a similar description. Allan's Manual. 512 NATIVE METALS AND In England, native gold has recently been obtained, in one instance, in veins, near North Tavvton, Devon., and there is evidence in the rolled pieces found in tin stream-works in Cornwall, that it has occurred in strings, branches or lodes, in the rocks of this district. Some of the largest pieces of native gold have been obtained from the Cavnon stream-works. Report on Cornwall and Devon, by Dclabechc. Humboldt has made known to the French Academy of Sciences, the discovery of a mass of native gold on the eastern side of the Ural mountains, weighing about eighty English pounds (thirty-six kilogrammes). The total product of the Russian mines in 1842, amounted to about sixteen thousand kilogrammes, of which seven thousand eight hundred were from the Siberian mines. The largest mass of gold before found, was from the same country, and weighed twenty-two English pounds; of this there is a model in the museum of Natural History in Paris, the mass itself, of course, being con- sumed in the arts.* It is abundantly disseminated in Peru, Bolivia and Chili, among the Andes ; and in all of these countries gold mines have been extensively worked. A large portion of the precipi- tous and broken ground of Chili affords it, and in that part of the country where it rains, a large number of the inhabitants find employment in searching for it in the sand washed down from the mountains, and along the various water courses. The most important mines in Chili, according to Mr. Blake, are those of Copiapo, Huasco, Coquimbo, Putaendo, Caen, Alhue, Chibato and Quillota. At Petorca, in the province of Quillota, the mines are very extensive and rich. In Bolivia, at Potosi ; in the districts of Chichay Tarija, Oruzo, Chayantas, and Ca- ranjas. At Couchi it occurs associated with iron pyrites, in veins of quartz in feldspar porphyry. In Peru, in the district of Caxamarca, in the towns of Caxamarquilla and Huamachu- co, a large quantity of gold has been obtained from washing the sand. In the province of Laricaxes, north of La Paz, in the mountain of San Chuli, is one of the richest veins which have been discovered It was worked for about fifty years, when the miners struck a spring of water so powerful as to oblige them to abandon the mines. Native gold has been found in several of the United States, as in North and South Carolina, Virginia, Tennessee, Geor- gia, and Alabama, but there are but few mines systematically explored. The metal is usually found in small masses loose in * Jameson's Edin. Phil. Journ., 1843, xxxiv. 387. METALLIFEROUS MINERALS^, 513 the soil, or in the washed gravel of rivers. Lumps weighing several ounces are not uncommon, while those weighing several pounds have been met with ; and one splendid mass has been discovered in Cabarras county, N. C., which weighed in its crude state twenty-eight pounds. When found, in place, the matrix is usually a white cavernous quartz, or a hydrated oxide of iron, in which the gold is frequently disseminated in particles too minute to be observed by the naked eye. Very recently, Dr. Jackson has discovered a brown auriferous py- rites at Grafton and Canaan, N. IT., containing minute parti- cles and laminae of this metal, which possess great brilliancy. This hydrated peroxide of iron appears to have been derived from the decomposition of auriferous pyrites. " At the Whitehall mine, in North Carolina, gold of the value of $10,000 was found in the course of five days, in a space of about twenty square feet ; and $7,000 value of gold was found at Tinder's mine, in Louisa county, in the course of one week."* Gold is frequently combined with other metalliferous minerals, in vari- ous proportions ; particularly native tellurium, and occasionally iron pyrites, which thence are termed auriferous. The specular micaceous iron ore from Cocois, Brazil, contains compressed laminae of native gold, which at first sight might be mistaken for mica or iron pyrites. The gold of Brazil is frequently associated with palladium, particularly that from Congo Socco. ARGENTIFEROUS GOLD. ELECTRUM. Is distinguished by its silver- white color, although, as all gold contains a proportion of silver, no definite separation can be made between this variety and the above. The elec- trum which Klaproth analyzed, consisted of gold 64, silver 36. Another specimen, by G. Rose, gave of gold 74-41, silver 23-12. Specific gravity 14-0 17-0. B B, it fuses into a more or less pale-yellow globule. It occurs at Schlangenberg in Siberia in tabular crystals and imperfect cubes ; also at Kongsberg in Norway ; in Transylvania; and in other mining dis- tricts. Beudant considers that not less than 88,100 marks of gold are annually produced from the different quarters of the globe, of which South America alone supplies 70,000, Africa 7000, Siberia 3000, Hungary and Transyl- vania 5100, &c. Its uses are well known ; it is the most ductile and flexible of all metals, and is at the same time very soft. The electric shock converts it into a purple oxide. Its color when melted is bluish- green, the same as is exhibited by light transmitted through gold leaf. NATIVE PLATINUM. t Gediegen Platine, W. Platine Natif Fcrrifere, H. Hexahedral Platina, M. and J. Platinum cubicum, D. Is never met with pure, being alloyed with about 20 per *See an interesting paper, by Prof. Silliman, on the gold mines of Virginia, Am. Jour, of Science, xxxii. 98; and another by Prof. Olmsted, on those of North Carolina, Ibid., f From a Spanish word signifying silver ; in allusion doubtless to the color of platina. 514 NATIVE METALS AND cent, of other substances, particularly iron ; also rhodium, iridium, osmium, and palladium, four metals which were unknown till discovered in platinum. Berzelius has carefully examined native platinum, and three of his analyses are here given. It appears from these, that native platinum, like native gold, varies much in the proportions of its alloy, and is proba- bly never entirely free from admixture with other metals. The various specimens contain from 74 to 87 per cent, of platinum, and from 6 to 13 per cent, of iron. Ural. Columbia. Ural. Large nrains. Small rrrains. Platinum 73-94 8-1-30 73-f>8 Rhodium 0-80 3-4(> 1-15 Palladium 0-28 1-OG 0-30 Iridium 4-97 1-46 2-35 Osmium l-9l> 1-03 0-00 Jron 11-04 5-31 12-98 Copper 0-70 0-74 2-30* 98-75 Berzelius. 98-08 Berzelius. 97-86 Berzelius. Sp. Gr. 160 20 O.t H. = 40 4-5. Color perfect steel-grey. Primary form the Cube. Occurs in irregular masses or grains, rarely exhibiting traces of crys- tallization ; cleavage none; lustre metallic ; streak unchanged and shining; ductile, and malleable. It requires a much higher degree of heat than can be produced by the common blowpipe, to cause fusion ; but at the oxy-hydrogen flame it melts like lead. It slightly affects the magnet, in proportion to the amount of iron which it contains ; and is soluble only in nitro-muriatic acid. The original repositories of native platina are not generally known, it having been met with mostly in pebbles mixed with sand and other alluvial depositions, and sometimes with zircon arid other gems. But M. Boussingault has discovered it in a sienite rock in South America, where it occurs in veins asso- ciated with native gold. It has principally been obtained from the provinces of Choco and Barbacoas in South America; also from Matto-Grosso in Brazil; St. Domingo, and Siberia. Is. found in Peru, in the province of Quito ; and in the districts of Novita and Citaza in the province of Choco, mixed with gold, titanium and magnetic iron sand. Latterly platina has occurred in such abundance at Joetsk, in the Perm government of Siberia, that the Russians have converted it into a medium of exchange, by coining it into ducats of ten roubles. In 1827, a remarkable specimen was found in the Ural, not far from the Demidoff mines, which weighed nine and a half * Undissolved matter. The second specimen also contained 0-72 per cent, of earthy matters. |The specific gravity of absolutely pure platinum is 21-5. METALLIFEROUS MINERALS. 515 pounds, avoirdupois ; and at about the same time another was met with which weighed twenty-seven pounds. This is in the cabinet of the mining corps of St. Petersburg ; and it much exceeds any mass hitherto found in South America.* Von Demidoffhas sent several other large masses to St. Petersburg, weighing from ten to twenty pounds. From the discovery of this metal in J825 to 1840, fifty-three thousand three hundred and thirty-six pounds twelve solotnic, were obtained from the Demidoff deposits. It is mostly obtained by washings from sand. Very rarely, it has been found in small grains dissemi- nated through serpentine, and intermixed with octahedral crys- tals of chromateof iron. As a large portion of the sand through which the platinum is scattered is green, and has the appearance of disintegrated serpentine, it is supposed that this rock may have been the original repository of the metal. Serpentine is one of the principal rocks in the region of the rich deposits of Nische-Tagilsk, and gold has also been found in it. There occurs at the same place a conglomerate, consisting of serpen- tine and amphibole, united by an argilo-calcareous cement, in which both metals have been found in imbedded masses.f There is deposited in the Madrid museum a mass measuring two inches and four lines in diameter, and weighing eleven thou- sand six hundred and forty-one grains. The refractory pro- perties of this metal, its freedom from rust or tarnish, and its not being acted upon by most chemical re-agents, render it ex- tremely valuable in the construction of philosophical and che- mical apparatus. It is used also for covering other metals, for painting on porcelain, &,c. The common occurrence of gold as an inseparable concomitant of platinum, both in South America and in Siberia, leads us to hope that the latter metal may be discovered in the United States. In fact, Mr. Feather- stonaugh states, in his Geological report, that he has in his possession a specimen from North Carolina. NATIVE PALLADIUM.* Wollaston. (Phil. Trans. 1809, p. 189.} Palladium,!. Octahedral Palladium, Haidlnger. Palladium octahedrum, D. It consists of palladium, alloyed by minute portions of pla- tina and iridium. Symbol, Pal. Sp. Gr. 11-5 12-5. H. above 4'5. Primary form the Octahedron. Occurs in grains apparently *Dickson, on the gold, silver, and platina of Russia. Featherstonaugh's Journal, No. 3, September, 1831. 4 Transactions of the Russian Imperial Mineralogical Society, 1842, pp. 133, et seq. I Palladium ; from the planet Pallas. 516 NATIVE METALS AND composed of diverging fibres; in other respects these grains differ little in external character from those of platina, amongst which they are found. Cleavage none; lustre metallic; color steel-grey ; ductile, and very malleable. Yields a red solution with nitric acid ; and is soluble in muriatic, but not in sul- phuric acid, unless heated. B B, per sc, it is infusible, but on the addition of sulphur it melts with ease ; and when the heat is continued the sulphur is deposited, and a globule of malle- able palladium remains. Isolated and rubbed, it acquires resinous electricity. It is found intermixed with native platina in Brazil and Si- beria ; and, except that its texture appears more fibrous, it bears much resemblance to that substance. At the mine Congo Soco, in Brazil, it is mixed with gold, and contained in an ochrey variety of hydrated peroxide of iron. SELENIET OF PALLADIUM. Zinken. (Ann. de Chim. et de Phys. Ixiv. 206.) This mineral was found with seleniet of lead at Tilkerode, in the Duchy of Anhalt-Bernborg, in the Hartz. M. Zinken obtained it while examining the seleniet of lead, in order to obtain the gold and silver with which it was mixed. He found that it existed mixed with native gold in the form of small platinum white plates, crystallized in six-sided tables. These plates have a foliated structure, and cleave in a direc- tion parallel to the axis of a six-sided prism. When heated strongly it becomes colored, and it is more brittle than any noble metal in a state of purity. When heated in a tube it gives out selenium. With borax it forms a transparent glass, and gives a brittle metallic globule which, when cupellated with lead, does not change its nature. By examining it by solution in acids, M. Zinken showed that it is a compound of selenium, palladium, silver and lead. Hence it is probably a triple seleniet of palladium, silver and lead, in proportions not yet determined. PURE NATIVE IRIDIUM. Brdthanpt. Sp. Or. 23*55. In minute grains, occasionally accompany- ing platinum, at Nische-Tagilsk in Siberia. Native iridium with specific gravity, 23*646, as given by Breithaupt, was found by Rose to be 22*65. It is therefore heavier than platinum, and the heaviest of all knoicn bodies. METALLIFEROUS MINERALS. 517 ALLOY OF IRIDIUM* AND OSMIUM. Wollaston, Iridium, J. Iridosmine, Necker. Rhombohedral Iridium, M. Iridium Osmie, H. Iridium hexagonum, D. Berzelius maintains that there are three different combina- tions of indium and osmium, in which one atom of the former is united with one, three, and four atoms of the latter. Iridium 79-9 46-77 Osmium 24-5 49-34 Rhodium 0-0 3-15 Iron 2-6 0-74 100-0 Thomson. 100-00 Berzelius. Sp. Gr. 18-25 19'5. H. above 45. Primary form a Hexagonal prism. This natural alloy is rarely found crystallized ; generally in small, irregular, and flattened grains, which have a shining metallic lustre, but are of a somewhat paler steel-grey color than native platina, and are harder and heavier ; they possess a lamellar structure parallel to the terminal planes of the crystals, and are brittle. Is not soluble in nitro-muriatic or any other acid ; and is infu- sible B B, both alone and with fluxes. Fused with nitre, it emits a peculiar chlorine-like odor, and becomes black ; but recovers its original color and lustre by heating on charcoal. P on M or M' . . . . 90 0' Bournon. M on M' 120 P on el 124 42 e2 . .114 57 It occurs along with platina, in the province of Choco in South America, and in the Ural Mountains of Siberia. NATIVE TELLURIUM.t Hexahedral Tellurium, J. Gedie^on Sylvan, W. Gediegen Tellur, Hausmann. Tellurc Natif Auro Ferrifere, H. Tellurium hexugonum, D. Consists, according to Klaproth, of tellurium 92'55, iron 7'20, gold 0-25 ; or eleven atoms tellurium, one atom iron. But it is probable that the iron is only mechanically mixed, so that native tellurium may really be regarded as the pure metal. Symbol: Tl. Sp. Gr. 6-1 02. H. = 20 2*5. Color tin-white, passing into lead-grey ; with a shining me- tallic lustre. Primary form, a Rhomboid ; secondary, an * Iridium ; Iris, a rainbow ; its solutions are variegated, f From the Latin, Tellus, the earth. 44 518 NATIVE METALS AND hexagonal prism, with the terminal edges replaced by single planes ; cleavage parallel to the faces of the primary, but, from the minuteness of the crystal, indistinct. Easily frangible. It also occurs in crystalline grains, either aggregated, soli- tary, or disseminated; yields to the knife, and is brittle. Ex- posed to the blowpipe, it melts readily, burns with a greenish flame, and is almost entirely volatilized in a dense white va- por ; it at the same time emits a pungent odor like that of horse-radish, which, however, is derived from a minute pro- portion of selenium in combination. Is soluble in muriatic acid. a on a' . . . a' on c' or c" 120 00' 147 36 It has only been found in the mine of Maria Loretto, at Facebay near Zalathna in Transylvania, where it occurs in veins, in sandstone, with iron pyrites and quartz. It is a scarce mineral. GRAPHIC TELLURIUM. Graphic Gold. Fch rifle rz, W. Aurum graphicum. Tellure Natif Auro-Argentifere, H. Silvanite, Jfecker. Sylvane Graphique, Brochant, Prismatic Antimony Glance, M. and J. Lunites Auricus, L). Union of tellurium, gold, and silver. Tellurium 60-0 5'2-0 Gold 30-0 24-0 Silver 10-0 11-3 Lead 0-0 1-5 100-0 Klaproth. 88-3 Berzelius.* The formula given by Berzelius, and founded on the first analysis, is AgTl+3AuTl 3 . Sp. Gr. 5-7. H. = 1-5 20. Of a steel-grey color, approaching to tin-white, and is gene- rally splendent, but sometimes slightly tarnished externally. Primary a Right rhombic prism ; the crystals are commonly modified on the edges and angles, are extremely indistinct, and generally minute. Cleavage perfect parallel to M ; frac- ture uneven; yields easily to the knife, and is brittle. BB, * The deficiency to make up the 100 parts being iron, copper, antimony, sulphur and arsenic ; hut owing to the small quantity of the mineral employed, Berzelius con- siders his analysis imperfect. METALLIFEROUS MINERALS. 519 it fuses into a dark-grey metallic globule, covers the char- coal with white fumes, which at the reducing flame disappear, and, after a continued blast, is converted into a brilliant and malleable bead. Soluble in nitric acid. P on M or/ . 90 00' M on M' . . . 107 44 P on al . . . 141 30 a2 . . . 129 12 cl or cl' 151 40 c2 c2' 136 42 c3 c3' 132 45 M on h .... 126 8 fonh . 90 The German name of shrifterz was applied to this species by Werner, in allusion to the peculiar disposition of its crys- tals, which are frequently arranged in rows more or less re- sembling graphic delineations. Several different crystalline forms have been noticed, but the individuals being small, and in this manner disseminated and engaged, they have not yet been satisfactorily described. It occurs accompanying gold in narrow veins, which traverse porphyry, at Oifenbanya in Transylvania ; also at Nagyag in the same country. Its large proportion of gold renders this a highly valuable ore. Allan's Manual. HERRERITE. Herrerite, Del Rio. Shepard. Niccalus Herreri, D. Contains, according to Herrera, carbonic acid 31 '86, tellu- rium 55'58, peroxide of nickel 12'32; but is probably a mix- ture, rather than an atomic combination. Sp. Gr. 4-3. H. = 4-0 4-5. Occurs in reniform masses. Cleavage in three directions, affording rhomboidal fragments, whose angles are incapable of measurement on account of the curvatures of the faces. Lus- tre vitreous to pearly, and shining on fresh surfaces. Color pistachio-, emerald-, and grass-green. Streak yellowish-grey. Translucent. Brittle. B B, on charcoal it at first becomes grey, and afterwards emits a white smoke, which adheres to the charcoal ; in the reducing flame it becomes of a beautiful grass-green. Heated in an open tube, it gives off abundant white fumes, which adhere to the glass ; and on examining these with a microscope they appear to consist of numerous white transparent globules. It occurs at Albarradon in Mexico, traversing transition limestone in a metallic vein, consisting chiefly of ores of 520 NATIVE METALS AND lead, silver, muriate of silver, and iodic silver. When de- composed it appears earthy and dull, with a somewhat fibrous structure.* YELLOW TELLURIUM. Weiss Sylvanerz, W. Weiss Tullur. Gelberz, L. Mullerine, Nccktr. Yellow Gold Glance, or Yellow Tellurium, J. Tellure Aurifere and Plombifere, II. White Ore of Tellurium. Aurum rhombicum, D. Union of tellurium, gold, and lead. Tellurium 44-75 Gold 2(1-75 Lead l'J-50 Silver 8-50 Sulphur 0-50 100-00 Klaproth. Formula by Berzelius: AgTl-f-2PbTl+3Au 2 Tl 3 . Sp. Gr. 89 10-67. Soft. Silver-white, passing into brass yellow. Primary a Right rhombic prism of 105 30', and 74 30'. Occurs in small but well-defined crystals; possesses a bright metallic lustre; and is somewhat sectile. B B, it covers the charcoal with oxide of lead, melts into a white metallic globule, and emits a pun- gent odor. Soluble in nitric acid, leaving a yellow metallic residue. Primary. M on M 105 3(X P on M or/ ... 90 00 Mon/ 142 30 h 127 30 a on / 161 30 c on h 126 55 a 123 30 The above measurements are by Brooke. This very rare mineral occurs at Nagyag in Transylvania, in irregular veins in porphyry with gold, native arsenic, sul- phuret of manganese, and black tellurium ; also in the Altai Mountains, Siberia. BLACK TELLURIUM. Nagyagererz, W. Blattererz. Tellure Natif Auro-Plombifere, H. Prismatic Blank Tel- lurium, J. Bitelluret of Lead, Thomson. Pyramidal Tellurium Glance, M. Blatter- tellur, Hausmann. Foliated Tellurium, A. Telluro Galene, Neckcr. Elasmose, Beu- dant. Elasmites quadratus, D. Combination of tellurium, lead, gold, and sulphur. * Shepard's Mineralogy, i. 257. METALLIFEROUS MINERALS. 521 Nagyag. Nagyag. Nagyag. Altai. Tellurium 32-2 31-96 13-0. 38-37 Lead 54-0 55-49 63-1 60-85 Gold 9-0 8-44 6-7 0-00 Silver 0-5 0-00 0-0 .". 1-28 Copper 1-3 1-04 1-0 0-00 Sulphur 3-5 3-07 11-7 0-00 Antimony 0-0 0-00 4-5 0-00 100-0 Klaproth. 100-00 Brandes. 100-0 Berthier. 100-50 G. Rose. The atomic constitution from Berthier's analysis, as given by Rammelsberg, is SbSl 3 +2AuTl 3 -f ISPbSl Sp. Gr. 7-0 7-2. H. = 1-0 1-5. Color between iron-black and dark lead-grey; is found crystallized in small and nearly tabular crystals, of which the primary form is a Right square prism ; cleavage perfect par- allel with P; lustre metallic; yields easily to the knife, is sectile, and in thin laminae highly flexible, though not elastic. On paper it leaves slightly black traces ; and, when isolated and rubbed, acquires resinous electricity. B B, it melts emit- ting a dense vapor, which partly concretes on the charcoal in the form of reddish-brown powder; and yields a malleable metallic globule. With borax it affords a bead of gold con- taining a little silver ; and in nitromuriatic acid is soluble without much difficulty, leaving a white residue. M on M or x on x . 90 00' e.g. x' oux or x .... 135 00 P on a 118 35 P on c or c' .... 110 00 e.g. Occurs in foliated masses and crystalline plates, associated with gold, blende, and red manganese, at Nagyag in Transyl- vania, and accompanying antimony ores at Offenbanya in the same country. Also at Altai. The mineral analyzed as above by Berthier, Dr. Thomson regards as a distinct species, and has so described it, under the name of Nagyag tellurium ore. The common black tel- lurium he regards as a bitelluret of lead, the constituents be- sides tellurium and lead, being accidental. This view of its composition is rendered more probable, by the analysis of a purer specimen by Prof. G. Rose, from Altai, which gave al- most exactly two At. tellurium to one At. lead. Dr. Thomson has therefore very properly placed black tellurium among the species of lead. (See BITELLURET OF LEAD,) 44* 522 NATIVE METALS AND NATIVE ANTIMONY. Gediegen Spiesglas, W. Antimoine Natif, H. Br. Rt. Dodecahedral Antimony, J. Rhombohedral Antimony, M. Stibium rhombohedrum, D. Contains about ninety-eight per cent, of antimony, with mi- nute proportions of silver, iron, arsenic, &,c., which are acci- dental. Symbol : St, or Sb. Sp. Gr. 65 68. H. = 30 3-5. Of a tin-white color, but by exposure becomes tarnished yellow. In nature it occurs reniform and amorphous, and in distinctly lamellar concretions, but has not been observed crys- tallized. The crystals, however, produced by fusion are read- ily recognised, and, being the identical substance, may be assumed as the same. The primary form of these is an Ob- tuse rhomboid of 1 17 15' and 62 45'. It possesses a highly perfect cleavage, with a splendent metallic lustre, parallel to 0, and another, though with a minor degree of lustre, parallel to P. P on P . . . 117 15' Isolated and rubbed, it acquires resinous electricity. It yields to the knife, is somewhat sectile, and easily frangible. B B, it fuses readily, and, by continuing the heat, may be en- tirely volatilized in the form of a grey vapor; but if the fused mass be allowed to cool slowly, it becomes covered with bril- liant white acicular crystals. When alloyed with a small pro- portion of arsenic, the vapor has the odor of garlic. Is solu- ble in nitric acid, leaving a whitish deposit. It occurs in veins traversing gneiss, in Dauphine, with the ores of antimony and cobalt; at Andreasberg in the Hartz; at Allernontnear Grenoble in France; at Sahlberg in Sweden, in reniform masses disseminated in calcareous spar; also in Mex- ico. An arsenical variety is found at Allemont. It is fre- quently associated with antimonial silver, from which it may be distinguished by its comportment B B ; and is generally accompanied by antimonial-ochre, which appears to be pro- duced by its decomposition. From its property of hardening the softer metals, antimony is employed as an alloy, particu- larly with lead and tin ; and in several pharmaceutical prepa- rations. METALLIFEROUS MINERALS. 523 BERTHIERITE* Berthierite, Haidinger. Haidingerite, Berthier. Lycites Bcrthieri, D. Braunsdorf. Auvcrgne. Contains Antimony 54-700 52-0 Sulphur 31-3-26 30-3 Iron 1 1-432 16-0 Zinc 0-987 0-3 Manganese 2-5 14 0-0 100-739 Berthier. 98-6 Berthier. ^Formula by Rammelsberg answering to the first analysis: 2Sb+3Fe. Does not occur crystallized, but is found in masses con- fusedly lamellar, or composed of indistinct elongated prisms; cleavage parallel to the axis of the prism ; color dark steel- grey, inclining to pinchbeck-brown ; lustre metallic. It fuses readily B B, emits vapors of antimony, and forms a black slag which acts on the magnet. With fluxes it presents the indica tions of iron. It is soluble quickly in muriatic acid, with dis- engagement of sulphuretted hydrogen. This species is found at Chazelles in Auvergne, associated with quartz, calcareous spar, and iron pyrites : when fused it yields antimony of such inferior quality that it is useless as an ore. It occurs also in the department of Creuse, and at Braunsdorf, near Freyberg, in Saxony. SULPHURET OF ANTIMONY. Prismatoidftl Antimony Glance, M. Grey Antimony, J. Antimoine Gris, Brochant, Stilbine, Beudant. Grau Spiesglaserz, W. Antimoine Sulfure, H. Sesquisulphid of Antimony, Thomson. Lycites diatomus, D. Combination of sulphur and antimony. Antimony 73-77 75-0 74-0 Sulphur 26-23 25 2fi-0 100-00 Thomson. 100-0 Proust. 100-0 Bergmann. These numbers correspond very nearly with one atom anti- mony, and one and a half atom sulphur. Formula: StSl 1 *. Sp. Gr. 4-3 4-6. H. = 20. The massive presents a long columnar composition; and the fibrous variety occasionally exhibits a plumose, woolly, or felt-like appearance : this last is the federerz of German min- eralogists the antimoine sulfure capillaire of Haiiy. Color light lead-grey, sometimes dull externally, often iridescent. Primary form a Right rhombic prism, of about 88 30' and 91 30'. It occurs massive, disseminated, and crystallized in * Named by Haidinger in compliment to its discoverer, Professor Berthier of Paris. 524 NATIVE METALS AND rhombic prisms, variously modified and terminated ; the crys- tals are sometimes closely aggregated laterally ; it yields read- ily to cleavage at right angles to the plane h of the following figure, with brilliant surfaces. Brittle; yielding to the pres- sure of the nail; soils paper black when rubbed on it; and emits on friction a sulphurous odor. In the flame of a candle it melts, even when in considerable masses ; B B, it is absorbed by the charcoal, and gives off at the same time a sulphurous odor and white fumes. M' on M 88 40' M' on e'2 or M on e2 . . 145 30 M' or M on A 134 20 M' on i' or M on i . . . . 171 40 M'ong 173 M M 00 e'2 on y nitric acid. This mineral, StUniure cuivre-plombique, has been found by M. Kers- ten, at the Fredericksgliick mine near Hildbourghausen, with seleniet of lead. * Rammelsberg (Handwb'rterbuch, ii. 140) credits this analysis to Stromeyer, and refers to Poggendorf 's Annalen, ii. 403. 538 NATIVE METALS AND 2. SELENIURET OF LEAD AND COBALT. Lead 63-92, cobalt 3 14, selenium 31-42, iron 0-45. H. Rose. Specific gravity 7-697. Has much the aspect of seleniuret of lead. Gives off in the closed tube a sublimation of selenium, and exhibits with the fluxes the re-action of cobalt, by color- ing them blue. 3. SELENIURET OF LEAD AND MERCURY. Lead 55-84, mercury 16-94, selenium 24-97. H. Rose. Specific gravity 7-8 7-87. Exhibits a very distinct cubical cleavage. In the matrass yields a crystalline subli- mation of the seleniuret of mercury. The first variety, according to Dr. Thomson, consists of one At. seleniet of lead, eight At. seleniet of copper ; the second of five At. seleniet of lead, one At. seleniet of cobalt ; the third of three At. seleniet of lead, one At, sesquiseleniet of mercury. See table of formulas. PLOMBGOMME. Bleigummi. Hydrous Aluminate of Lead, Smithson. Plomb Hydro-Alumineux, H. Sexaluminate of lead, Thomson. Cronalus resiniformis, D. Combination of the oxide of lead, alumina, and water. Huelgoet. Atoms. Protoxide of lead 40-14 2.87 1 Alumina 37-00 16-44. . . .5-72 Water 18-80 16-71. . . .5-82 Sulphuious acid 0-20 Lime, oxides of iron and manganese 1-80 Silica 0-60 98-54 Berzelius. Supposing the alumina to act the part of an acid, it is an aluminate of lead, as thus atomically expressed by Dr. Thom- son : PlAl 6 +6Aq. Sp. Gr. 6-425. H. 4-0 5-0. This mineral is of a yellow color, sometimes tinged with brown. It occurs in small reniform masses, composed of many concentric spherical layers, which are externally splendent, often resembling mammillated chalcedony, sometimes possess- ing a degree of pearly lustre on their inner surfaces, and occa- sionally irisated. The concentric layers, when broken across, are without splendor, and rarely present slight appearances of a radiated texture, but are without any regular crystalline structure. Fracture conchoidal ; translucent. When suddenly heated it decrepitates violently ; but when approached with caution it becomes white and opake, although it does not fuse. With borax it forms a colorless transparent glass, but without reducing the lead, which, however, is effected on the addition of soda. It acquires negative electricity by friction. It was supposed to occur only at Huelgoet near Poullaouen in Brittany, associated in clay-slate with galena, blende, and iron pyrites. But more recently it has been brought from Nussiene in the neighborhood of Beaujeu, in France. There are certain varieties of mammillated blende to which it bears much resem- blance. METALLIFEROUS MINERALS. 539 BITELLURET OF LEAD. Dr. Thomson. (Outlines, &c., i. 555.) This is the mineral from Altai, first described and analyzed by Prof. G. Rose, and hitherto classed with black tellurium. Its constituents were found by him to be as follows : Atoms. Tellurium 38-37 9-<5 Le:id 60-85 4-69 Silver 1-28 0-09 100-50* If we include the silver with the lead, the atoms of tellurium are almost exactly twice those of the lead. Formula : P1T1 2 . Sp. Gr. 8-159. H. not stated. Color tin white, very similar in appearance to that of native antimony, sectile, easily reducible to a fine powder. B B, on charcoal, gives a blue tinge to the flame. In the reducing flame melts into a bead, which becomes smaller and smaller, and at last leaves nothing but a minute globule of silver. Round the assay is formed a metallic shining ring of telluret of lead; at a little further distance a brownish yellow matter, which tinges the flame blue, and is totally dissipated by heat. CARBONATE OF LEAD. Diprismatic Lend Baryte, M. Weiss Bleierz, W. Plombe Carbonate, H. Ceruse, Beudant. Kohlensaures Blei, L. White Lead Ore, J. Cronalus rhombicus, D. Combination of carbonic acid, and protoxide of lead. Leadhills. Zellerfeld. Nertschinsk. Atoms. Carbonic acid 18-0 16-0 15-5 16-418 5-966 Protoxide of lead . .82-0 81-2 84-5 83-534 5-966 Lime 0-0 0-9 0-0 Water.. 0-060 Oxide ofiron 0-0 0-3 0-0 0-000 98-0 Klaproth. 98-4 Westrumb. 100-0 John. 100-000 Thomson. The last analysis gives exactly, and the others very nearly, one atom of each constituent, and the mineral is therefore a simple carbonate of lead. Formula: PIC. Sp. Gr. 6-3 66. H. = 3'0 3-5. Primary form a Right rhombic prism. Either colorless or white, passing into grey and greyish-black ; tinged also green and blue by admixture with ores of copper. It occurs in tabu- lar crystals, in six-sided prisms variously terminated, and in other rnacled crystals of different forms. It cleaves parallel to the planes P, M, and M' of the following figures, but not dis- tinctly, being frequently interrupted by conchoidal fracture ; *Poggendorf's Annalen, xviii. 68. 540 NATIVE METALS AND the lustre of the planes produced by cleavage is somewhat ada- mantine ; the fracture small conchoidal, with a resinous lustre ; transparent or translucent ; when transparent it is doubly refractive in a high degree ; very brittle. It also occurs mas- sive. Its powder thrown upon live coal emits phosphorescent light. B B, it decrepitates, becomes yellow, then red, and is immediately reduced to the metallic state, the charcoal being covered with the yellow fumes of lead ; with the fluxes it forms a diaphanous glass. It effervesces in dilute muriatic acid, especially if warm. Made s. M on M' 117 00' P on M or M' 90 a 149 / 90 h 90 M or M on a or a' 115 M or M' on/ 148 M on 61 or M' on 61' ... 144 62 62 ... 146 63 63 ... 124 cl 100 M on h 121 i 150 There are few substances whose crystallizations are more complex than the carbonate of lead. The circumstance, too, of its crystals being usually macled, in general small, and the number of their facets very numerous, accounts for its having long puzzled mineralogists. Leadhills and Wanlockhead are well known as the Scotch localities of this mineral ; it there occurs with other ores of lead, particularly the phosphate, sulphate, sulphato-tri-carbo- 00' 00 14 00 00 30 32 15 12 42 24 26 00 a on ot' . . . . . 67 12' 00 00 6 32 20 00 00 ]6 43 16 21 30 a on 61 or 61 149 61 on 61 130 62 162 63 . 160 cl on cl . 140 .,61 134 63 151 . 109 C 2 . 125 c3 145 ^ 151 M on M" (macles) . . . 125 METALLIFEROUS MINERALS. 541 nate, and cupreous-sulphate, accompanying galena in transition- slate. Very beautiful crystals are found in the mining districts of Saxony, particularly at Johanngeorgenstadt ; at Nertschinsk and Beresof in Siberia, near Bonn on the Rhine, at Clausthal in the Hartz, at Tarnovvitz in Silesia, at Bieiberg in Carinthia, and at Mies and Przibram in Bohemia. In England it has also been met with at Alston Moor, at Kesvvick, and in Corn- wall, where, particularly at the mine of St. Minvers, it occurs in snow-white and easily frangible acicular crystals, so delicate as almost to preclude the possibility of transport. Allan's Manual. Within the last five years a remarkable locality of this mineral has been discovered in Davidson county, N. C., speci- mens of which, from their pure, white silky lustre, and their beautifully delicate crystallizations, are rarely surpassed by the finest from Saxony. Interesting specimens of this mineral were formerly found at the Perkiomen lead mine, Penn., and a choice selection of them, comprising various crystalline modi- fications, may be seen in the rich collection of minerals belong- ing to J. P. Wetherell, Esq., of Philadelphia. The mine is now abandoned. The lead mines in Weythe county, Virginia, yield, in some instances, quite a large proportion of carbonate, of which beautifully pure crystalline specimens are quite com- mon. It was found by Mr. Hodge, at the Mine La Motte Mis- souri, in beautiful white crystals, with carbonate of copper. It occurs sparingly with the galena at Lubec, Maine. EARTHY CARBONATE OF LEAD. Bleierde, W. Plomb carbonate terreux, H. Indurated and friable eartby lead-ore, J. Color grey, occa- sionally tinged green, yellow, or red, also reddish-brown ; massive, dis- seminated and pulverulent ; commonly dull and opake, sometimes friable, soft, and heavy. It occurs in several European countries, commonly asso- ciated with the preceding. SULPHATO-CARBONATE OF LEAD. LANARKITE. Prismatoidal Lead Baryte, Haidinger. Schwefel und Kohlensaures Blei of the Qermans. Lanarkile, Eeudant. Dyoxylite, Shepard. Cronalus flexilis, D. Composed, according to the analyses of Brooke and Dr. Thomson, of Carbonate oflead 46-9 46-04 Sulphate oflead 53-1 53-96 100-0 Brooke.* 100-00 Thomson. These numbers give exactly one atom carbonate of lead, one atom sulphate of lead. Formula: P1C+P1S1. * See Edin. Phil. Jour., iii. 117, in which Mr. Brooke has described several new salts of lead, from Leadhills, Scotland. 46 542 NATIVE METALS AND Sp. Gr. 68 7-0. H. 25. Color greenish-white, pale-yellow, or grey. Primary form a Right rhombic prism of 59 15' and 120 45'. The crystals are seldom distinct, always minute and aggregated lengthwise, presenting a character approaching to fibrous : and owing to their minuteness, the relations of the planes of the following figure, to those of the primary crystal, have not been ascer- tained. Cleavage perfect and easily obtained, parallel to a plane which replaces the acute lateral edges of the primary; the laminae resulting from cleavage are flexible, like gypsum; lustre adamantine; streak white ; translucent. a on & 111 00' b on b over summit . . a on c . . . . 130 5 106 45 d 73 45 e 123 20 conf . . 133 d on e . . 136 54 It is soluble in nitric acid without perceptibly effervescing, leaving a residue of the sulphate of lead ; and B B, on charcoal fuses into a globule which is white when cold, and is nearly reduced to metallic lead. Until Mr. Brooke analyzed and published a description of it in 1821), this mineral was supposed to be a variety of carbonate of lead. It occurs among other species of lead ore at Lead- hills in Scotland. A massive variety has also been brought from Siberia. SULPHATO-TRI-CARBONATE OF LEAD. SUSANNITE. Axotomous Lead Baryte, M. Rhombohedrischer Schwefel Kohlensaures Blei, Leowhard. Leadhillite, Beudant. Susan nite, Brooke. Rhomboidal Carbonate of Lead. Cronalns acrotomus, D. It is composed of Carbonate of lead 72-5 72-7 71-1 Sulphate of lead 27-5 27-3 30-0 100-0 Brookp. 100-0 Stromeyer. 101-1 Berzelius. Carbonate of lead 68-0 72-57 Sulphate of lead 29-0 27-43 97-0 Irwing. 100-00 Thomson. Its constitution is three atoms carbonate of lead, one atom sulphate of lead, and hence the propriety of the name given by Brooke. Formula: 3PIC+P1S1. Sp. Gr. 62 6-4. H.=r25. METALLIFEROUS MINERALS. 543 Color white, passing into pale-yellow, green, or grey. This species occurs, as carbonate of lime does, under two different crystalline forms. According to Brooke, the primary form is an Acute rhomboid of 72 30' and 107 30'. As determined by the optical investigations of Sir David Brewster, and the crystallographical researches of Haidinger, the primary form is an Oblique rhombic prism of 120 20' and 59 40'.* The crystals seldom exceed an inch in diameter, generally they are much smaller, and when macled, as is not unfrequently the case, they present forms which are with difficulty determinable. Cleavage perfect and easily obtained parallel to a, of each of the following figures, or perpendicular to the axis of the acute rhomboid, and Right rhombic prism, according to Brooke. It is translucent ; streak white ; lustre resinous, inclining to adamantine ; pearly on the face a, which is one of the most distinguishing characteristics of the species. B B, it intu- mesces and becomes yellow, but re-assumes its white color on cooling. It effervesces briskly in nitric acid, leaving a white residue of sulphate of lead. P on P' or P" . . . 107 30' B. P' on P" 72 30 Pon a Ill 30 a on o- in 30 dl 131 58 a on 6 90 29' H. c on a 90 14 P on a Ill 42 P' on a HI 18 g on a 128 23 g'on a 128 5 e on c 120 20 6 on c . .119 50 * Brooke regards this as a Right rhombic prism, M on M' = ]20. (Art. Mineralogy, Encyclopaedia Metropolitana, p. 501.) I have here inserted Brooke's original figure, which has been omitted by Mr. Allan, and which represents the most commonly occurring secondary form of this mineral. [AM. ED. ] 544 NATIVE METALS AND This substance also occurs with other ores of lead at Lead- hills, Scotland; and under similar circumstances it has been found in Spain. CUPREOUS SULPHATO-CARBONATE OF LEAD. CALEDONITE. Paratomous Lead Baryte, Haidinger. Bchvvefel und Kohlensaures Blei und Kupfer of the Germans, Calcedonite Cronalus diatomous, D. Germans. Calcedonite, Beiulant. Cupreous Sulphate-Carbonate of Lead, Brooke. Its constituents, as determined by Brooke's analysis, are car- bonate of lead 32'8, carbonate of copper 11-4, sulphate of lead 55*8; corresponding very nearly with 7.4-PlSH-5PlC-h4CpC. Sp. Gr. 6-4. H. = 25 3-0. Color bright verdigris-green, or bluish. Primary form a Right rhombic prism of 95 and 85, parallel to the planes of which it cleaves indistinctly. It also cleaves in a direction parallel to the shorter diagonal of the prism, i. e. to plane h of the following figure; the planes M and M' often appear as a dihedral termination to prismatic crystals. Sometimes its crystals are large and well defined, at others it appears in small tufts radiating from their common point of attachment. Translucent; streak greenish-white; lustre resinous; rather brittle. It is not so hard as carbonate of lead, but is harder than the sulphato-tri-carbonate. B B, on charcoal it is re- duced. Soluble with feeble effervescence in nitric acid, leav- ing a residue of sulphate of lead. MonM' 95 00' P on M or M' 90 00 a2 108 00 c 126 00 el or el' 126 00 c2 or e2' 115 30 M on el 144 00' h 132 42 a2 on a2' 143 42 -- on e2 140 40 c on h 144 30 el on el' 108 00 144 44 08 a on e, e f , or e" .... 125 15 52 e on ' or e" 109 28 16 e' on e" over a 70 31 44 g on g over a 129 31 18 Blende (the black-jack of English miners) is a mineral of very frequent occurrence, being met with in beds and veins METALLIFEROUS MINERALS. 563 accompanying most of the ores of silver and lead. It is found not only crystallized as above, and in macles, but massive, fibrous, and botryoidal. The dark-colored crystalline varieties are principally from Derbyshire, Cumberland, and Cornwall, though many splendid specimens are also brought from Tran- sylvania, Hungary, and the Hartz. A transparent bright- yellow variety accompanies Bournonite and fahlerz at Kapnik ; a still more brilliant one of an oil-green color occurs at Schem- nitz ; while Sahla in Sweden, Ratieborzitz in Bohemia, and several of the Saxon localities, are celebrated for the splendid brown and black crystals which they afford. Allan's Manual. Very large and beautiful crystals have been brought from the Silver mines of Peru and Chili. A specimen of remarkable richness, in transparent dodecahedrons, of an oil-green color, is in the cabinet of Dr. Martin Gay. This ore is abundant at several places in the United States, and usually accompanying galena, as at Perkiomen, Penn., Eaton, N. H., St. Lawrence county, N. Y., Lubec, Me., South- ampton, Mass., Middletown, Conn., and among the lead mines of Missouri and Wisconsin. It rarely occurs in distinct crystals at these localities, but remarkably brilliant and perfect crystals, of a fine honey or wax-yellow color, and nearly transparent, are frequently met with in the limestone at Lockport, and on Goat Island, near Niagara Falls. They are in the form of figs. 1 and 4, and also present various modifications of these forms. Prof. Beck found very perfect tetrahedrons (fig. 6) sometimes having their solid angles replaced by tangent planes, as shown in fig. 5 ; these are from Sullivan county, N. Y. The black blende of Shelburne and Warren, N. H., according to Dr. Jackson, sometimes occurs in tetrahedra and octahedra, but it usually presents large foliated masses of a crystalline structure, readily cleaving into rhombic dodecahedrons. At the former place, it is associated with argentiferous galena, iron and copper pyrites ; at the latter, it forms veins in tremo- lite, and is supposed to be abundant. Dr. Jackson found in it three per cent, of cadmium. Though this ore is frequently found in large quantities, the difficulty of reducing it, and the limited extent to which it can consequently be applied, render it a production of little impor- tance ; it is however, in some instances, employed as an ore of zinc. According to De la Beche, it was not considered worth raising in Cornwall, in 1839, though it is one of the most abun- dant ores that occur there. It is abundantly associated with the ores of copper and with lead, but more rarely with oxide of tin. Ordnance Survey of Cornwall, Devon, fyc. 564 NATIVE METALS AND CADMIFEROUS BLENDE. The splendent fibrous blende of Przibram possesses a lustre very nearly metallic, especially after fresh fracture ; its structure is radiated, the fibres are shining, and of a brown color, and it contains a small proportion of cadmium. It has been examined by Lowe, who found it to contain two per cent, sulphuret of cadmium, three and two- thirds per cent, sulphuret of iron, and ninety-four and one-third per cent, of sulphuret of zinc.* A white fibrous variety in botryoidal concretions also occurs in Fowey consolidated mines; the massive in many other Cornish localities, and in the United States. VOLTZITE. M. Fournet. (Poggendorf's dnnalcn, xxxi. 62.) Oxysulphuret of Zinc. This mineral occurs at Hosiers, near Point Gibaud, Dept. Puy de Dome, and is thus constituted, according to the analy- sis of M. Fournet : Sulphuret of zinc 82-92 Oxide of zinc 15-31 Oxide of iron 1-84 100-10 These numbers approach very nearly five atoms sulphuret of zinc, to one atom oxide of zinc. Formula: 5ZS1+Z. Sp. Gr. 4-5. H. = 3 66. Its color is yellowish-red, interspersed with brown streaks ; lustre pearly, in some directions vitreous or resinous: opake or feebly translucent. It is not crystallized, but presents the form of hemispherical masses, which are divisible in very thin layers, and have a conchoidal or irregular fracture. Soluble in hydrochloric acid, with the disengagement of sulphydric acid gas. It has been named in honor of M. Voltz, engineer in chief of mines. RIOLITE. Seleniet of Zinc. Seleniet of Zinc and Mercury. Riolite, Brooke. Rionite, Shepard. Zincites flammans, D. Its constituents, according to the analysis of Del Rio, are as follows : Selenium 49- Zinc 24-0 Mercury 19-0 Sulphur 1-5 Lime 6-0 9JK5 The sulphur is supposed to be accidental, and, according to Berzelius, the formula may be thus stated: 2Z 2 Sel 3 +HSel. Sp. Gr. 5-56. H. not stated. It has a lead-grey color ; lustre metallic ; opake. Occurs massive, and has a granular structure. B B, it burns with a * Berzelius' Rapport Annuel, 1837, p. 192. METALLIFEROUS MINERALS. 565 fine violet-colored flame, and exhales selenium with the strong odor of horse-radish. When heated in a retort, selenium, mercury, and a little sulphur sublime, and there remains oxide of zinc easily soluble in acids. This mineral was found by Del Rio, at Calebras, in the mining district of El Doctor Mexico, and has been named in honor of its discoverer. RED OXIDE OF ZINC. STERLINGITE. Mangancsian Oxide of Zinc, Thomson. Prismatic Zinc Ore, M. Zink Oxyd, L. Zinc Oxyde Manganesifere, B. Red Zinc, or Red Oxide of Zinc, J. Rutilus Brucii, D. Combination of oxide of zinc and oxide of manganese. Dr. Bruce discovered iron, but he does not state the proportion, and it was probably owing to the impurity of the specimen. The analysis by Berthier, shows it to consist of seven atoms oxide of zinc, and one atom sesquioxide of manganese. New Jersey. New Jersey. Atoms. Oxide of zinc 92-0 88-0 16-58. . . .6-9 Oxide of iron and manganese .. 8-0 Sesqui-oxide of manganese. .12-0 2-4 ....1 100-0 Bruce. 100-0 Berthier. The constitution of the mineral is thus shown to be seven atoms oxide of zinc, one atom sesquioxide of manganese. For- mula: Z 7 Mn. ' Sp. Gr. 5-4 5-5. H. = 40 45. Color aurora- or vermilion-red, inclining to yellow. Pri- mary form a Right rhombic prism of about 125 and 55. It occurs massive, disseminated, and micaceous, but never in dis- tinct crystals ; the structure is lamellar ; principal cleavage parallel to the terminal plane of the prism ; translucent when reduced to thin lamina, or opake ; with an adamantine or shining lustre ; but on exposure it becomes dull and covered by a pearly crust ; streak orange-yellow ; fracture conchoidal ; brittle, and easily scratched by the knife. It is infusible B B, without addition, covering the charcoal with zinc fumes when exposed to the reducing flame; but with borax melts into a transparent yellow bead, and with salt of phosphorous forms a colorless one. It is soluble without effervescence in nitric acid, and is supposed to derive its red color from the manganese it contains. In crucibles at a white heat in contact with charcoal, the oxygen is taken up, and the zinc volatilizes, and may be collected in the ordinary way, much purer than that usually obtained from the sulphuret by distillation. This mineral is known to occur only in Sussex county, N. J., where it forms an extensive bed in limestone, accompanied 48 566 NATIVE METALS AND by Franklinite, Troostite, &,c. It is scattered in small quan- tities through various parts of the valley of Sparta, but at Franklin and Sterling, particularly the latter, the greatest workable quantities exist to invite the attention of capitalists. It is probably the richest deposit of zinc ore of which we have any knowledge. Mitscherlich has described some minute six-sided prisms, formed artificially in the iron furnaces of Konigshiitte in Silesia, which he believes to belong to this species. SILICEOUS OXIDE OF ZINC. Electric Calamine. Prismatic Zinc Baryte, M. Prismatic Calamine, J. Galmei (in pnrt\ W. Zinc Oxyde Silicifere, H. Hydrous Silicate of Zinc, Dr. Thomson. Zincalus peritomus, D. Combination of oxide of zinc, silica, and water. Limbourg. Altenberg. Brisgau. Leadhills. Oxide of zinc 66-83 66-37 64-5 66-8 Silica 24-89 26-23 25-5 2:i-2 Water 7-46 7-40 10-0 10-8 99-19 Berzelius. 100-00 Berzelius. 100-0 Berthier. 100-8 Thomson. It consists, according to these analyses, of one At. silica, one At. oxide of zinc, one At. water. The water is rather less than one atom, but Dr. Thomson supposes that the de- ficiency is in consequence of the mineral having undergone a kind of efflorescence.* Formula: ZS+Aq. Sp. Gr. 3-3 3-6. H. = 5'0. Most prevalent color white, occasionally blue, green, yellow, or brown. Primary form a Right rhombic prism. It occurs crystallized, stalactitic, mammillated, botryoidal, and massive. The crystalline forms are numerous; the crystals are mostly disposed in radiated groups ; cleavage perfect parallel to M ; fracture uneven ; streak white ; lustre vitreous ; varies from transparent to opake ; yields to the knife, but is much harder than the carbonate of zinc. When gently heated it is strongly electric ; some varieties become so by friction. B B, it slightly decrepitates, loses its transparency, intumesces, and emits a green phosphorescent light ; it is infusible without addition, but is soluble with borax into a clear glassy globule, which becomes opake on cooling. Reduced to powder it dissolves in heated sulphuric and muriatic acid, and the solution gelatinizes on cooling. *See a paper by Dr. Thomson on the minerals found in the neighborhood of Glasgow. Lond. Edinb. and Dub. Phil. Mag. xvii. 406, 1840. METALLIFEROUS MINERALS. 567 M on M' 108 40' M or M' on a 132 35 M on h 128 40 a on c ore' 115 00 c on c' . . 126 36 This species and the following, are frequently found asso- ciated in veins, with blende, iron and lead. Considerable quantities occur at Bleiberg and Raibel in Carinthia, often in extremely delicate crystals. Several beautiful varieties are met with near Freiburg in the Brisgau, at Retzbanya in Hungary, Tarnowitz in Silesia, and Altenberg near Aix-la-Chapelle. Concentric botryoidal groups occur in the Mendip Hills, and at Warilockhead in Dumfries-shire ; and numerous pseudomor- phic crystals, assuming different forms of the carbonate of lime, are found in Derbyshire, and at Schemnitz in Hungary. According to Prof. Wm. B. Rogers, electric calamine is very abundant in the lead mines of Weythe county, Virginia, both massive and in groups of small radiating crystals. CARBONATE OF ZINC. Galmei (in part), VV. Zinc Carbonate, H. Calamine.* Rhombohedral Zinc Baryte, M. Zinc Spath, L. Rhombohedral Calamine, J. Smithsonite, Beudant. Anhydrous Car- bonate of Zinc, Thomson. Zincalus rhombohedrus, D. Its constituents are carbonic acid and oxide of zinc, as here shown : Somerset. Derby. Altai. Oxide of zinc 64-8 65-2 62-5 Carbonic acid 35-2 34-8 36-0 100-0 Smithson. 100-0 Smithson. 98-5 John. There is a considerable loss in the last specimen, but there is a near agreement in the atoms deduced from the two first analyses: in the second, oxide of zinc 12'44 At, carbonic acid 12-29 At. It is evident, therefore, that the mineral is a simple carbonate of zinc. Formula: ZC. Sp. Gr. 4-2 4-5. H.' = 5-0. Calamine is found crystallized, compact, pseudomorphic^ * From the Latin, calamus, a reed ; when in fusion, it adheres to the base of the fur- nace, in the form of reeds. 568 NATIVE METALS AND earthy, and cupriferous. Color commonly greyish or yellow- ish, but also occurs of various shades of green and brown. Primary form an Obtuse rhomboid of 107 40'. It is found in obtuse and acute rhombs, and in long quadrilateral tables which sometimes are modified ; structure perfectly lamellar, yielding to cleavage parallel to all the primary planes ; the external lustre of the crystals is between vitreous and pearly ; translucent or opake, and yields easily to the knife. It dis- solves with effervescence in nitric or muriatic acid, but it does not, like the silicate of zinc, form a jelly with them. B B, it is infusible, but loses its transparency, the carbonic acid is driven off, and the residue acts like pure oxide of zinc. With salt of phosphorus it fuses into a transparent glass, which be- comes, in the reducing jet, clouded on flaming, and forms a white enamel when cold. It is negatively electrified by friction. Most of the localities of the foregoing species are also com- mon to this. A dark-brown colored variety, and another of a beautiful bright green, are found in Siberia. Dognatzka and the Bannat in Hungary; Reibel and Bleiberg in Carinthia ; Tarnowitz in Silesia; Aix-la-Chapelle ; Mendip in Somerset- shire: Matlock in Derbyshire; Wanlockhead and the Lead Hills in Scotland ; all produce it in considerable abundance. It is a very rare ore in the mining districts of Cornwall and Devon, but one or two mines of it are still in work. A com- pact, fibrous, semi-transparent variety, of a pale-yellow color, disposed in concentric laminae, also occurs at Alston Moor in Cumberland. In a paper by J. P. Witherell, Esq., (Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad., v. 314,) this mineral is described as occurring at the Perkiomen lead mine in globular and reni form masses, of a pale-blue or brown color, and possessing a radiated structure. At Brookfield, Conn., it occurs in limestone, in the form of an impalpable powder, accompanying blende and galena. Dr. Houghton has also detected it in the copper region of Michi- gan. At, the zinc mines, both at Franklin and Sterling, N. J., carbonate of zinc forms thin incrustations upon the laminae of the red oxide, as well as upon Franklinite. It seems to form constantly by the decomposition of the ore, and the absorbtion of carbonic acid from the atmosphere. This species, however, does not so often occur crystallized as the siliceous oxide, being more generally stalactitic, reniform, mammillated, cellular, and amorphous; sometimes imperfectly fibrous; and frequently assuming the aspect of calcedony. METALLIFEROUS MINERALS. 569 HYDROUS BICARBONATE OF ZINC. The difference between this mineral and the preceding, was pointed out by Smithson, in Nicholson's Journal, vi. 76. It accompanies the anhydrous carbonate, but has never been found in crystals. Mr. Smithson obtained the following con- stituents, from a specimen from Bleyberg : Carbonic acid 13-52 Oxide of zinc 69-36 Water 15-10 97-98 These numbers, as viewed by Dr. Thomson, give very nearly one atom carbonic acid, two atoms oxide of zinc, two atoms water ; and therefore constitute a hydrous dicarbonate of zinc. Formula: Z 2 C+2Aq. Sp. Or. 3 584 3'598. H. = 2 25. Does not phosphoresce when scraped. When plunged into water it absorbs about one-third of its weight of that liquid. B B, it becomes yellow, but recovers its color on cooling. Before the reducing flame it is entirely dissipated, abundance of flowers of zinc being deposited on the charcoal. With borax and biphosphate of soda it fuses with effervescence into a clear colorless glass, which becomes opake on cooling, if over saturated. Carbonate of soda has no action on it. AURICHALCITE* M. Bottger. (Poggendorf's rfnnalen, xxxviii. 495.) This mineral, from Loktewsk in Altai, analyzed by the above named chemist, gave the following constituents : Oxide of copper 28-19 Oxide of zinc 45-84 Carbonic acid 16-06 Water 9-93 100-02 Cu 2 " Formula : 2 - Zn 2 3 Zn It occurs amorphous, sometimes granular, and at other times in radiating masses of a green color, slightly transparent and of little hardness. In the alembic it gives out water, and be- comes black ; on charcoal, exposed to the inner flame, it is reduced to a zinc slag, and with fluxes shows the reaction of copper. With soda and borax it is reduced to a globule of copper. * Thus named, because it contains the elements of Jaiton aurichalcum. 48* 570 NATIVE METALS AND Berzelius observes that this mineral differs not essentially from the green cupreous calamine of M. Patrin, which occurs near Kleopinski, in drusses, in a carbonate of zinc, very rich in cadmium. He supposes it to contain more carbonate of cop- per; and the green calamine of M. Patrin is crystallized, and has a pearly lustre.* WILLELMINE. Willelmine, Levy and Beudant. Willemit, Lconhard. Zincalus acrotomus, D. A specimen analyzed by Dr. Thomson gave the following constituents : Atoms. Oxide of zinc (58-77 M 09 Silica Sli-97 13-48 Peroxide of iron 1-48 Alumina, zinc and iron ! 14 Water 1-25 A specimen, which seems to have been purer, was analyzed by M. Levy, who obtained results that approach nearer to one atom oxide of zinc, and one atom silica, viz. of Z 72*38, of S 27-67, in 100 parts : equal to 13*79 At. of the former, and 13-83 At. of the latter. It is evident, therefore, that the mineral is a simple anhydrous silicate of zinc. Formula : ZS. Sp. Gr. 4-18. H. 5 5-5. Crystallized in regular six-sided prisms, terminated by rhom- bic faces inclined to one another at an angle of about 128. Primary form an Obtuse rhomboid of 128. Color white, yel- low, red, or reddish-brown. The crystals vary from transparent to translucent. Cleavable in one direction, perpendicular to the axis. B B, it decrepitates, coloring the flame green, but does not fuse. Forms a jelly in nitric or muriatic acid. It occurs in the calamine deposits of the Vielle Montagne, near Aix-la-Chapelle. A silicate of zinc from Franklin, N. J., analyzed by Van- uxem and Keating, agrees very nearly in composition with the species above described. They obtained oxide of zinc 71*33, silica 25*00, oxide of manganese 2'66, peroxide of iron 0*67. SULPHATE OF ZINC. Prismatic Vitriol Salt, M. Pyramidal Vitriol, J. Gallizinite, Beudant. Zink Vitriol, Karsten. Zinc Sulphate, H. White Vitriol, A. Vitriolum Zincicuai, D. It is a hydrous sulphate of zinc. * Rapport Annuel for 1840, p. 135. METALLIFEROUS MINERALS. 571 Schemnitz. Rammelsberg. Oxide of zinc 26-5 27-5 Sulphuric acid 29-8 22-7 Oxide of manganese 0-7 0-5 Oxide of iron 0-4 0-0 Water 40-8 49-3 100-2 Beudant. 100-0 Klaproth. Beudant's formula, deduced from his own analyses, is: ZSl 3 +6Aq. Sp. Gr. 2-036. H. =: 20 25. Greyish-, yellowish, reddish-, or greenish-white. Primary form a Right rhombic prism of 90 42'.* It seldom occurs distinctly crystallized, generally massive, stalactitic, botryoidal, reniform, and investing ; cleavage perfect parallel to the face o; fracture conchoidal ; lustre vitreous; streak white; trans- parent or translucent ; with a nauseous metallic taste. B B. it is fusible with ebullition, giving off its sulphuric acid, and covering the charcoal with a white coating. It is readily solu- ble in water. M M M on I 129 2' M on M 90 42 It occurs principally in the deserted galleries of old mines, frequently with blende, and is supposed to arise from the decom- position of that mineral. It is found at Rammelsberg near Goslar, in the Hartz, in Austria, Hungary, at Fahlun in Swe- den, and at Holy well in Flintshire ; but it is a rare species. HOPEITE.t ( Trans. Royal Soc. Edin., x. 107.) " A compound of some of the stronger acids, as phosphoric or boracic zinc, an earthy base, a little cadmium, and a great deal of water." But no complete analysis has been published. Sp. Gr. 2-46 276. H. = 2-5 - 3-0. * 91 7' and 88 53' according to Beudant. Traite, ii. 480. fin honor of Dr. Hope, Regius Professor of Chemistry in the University of Edinburgh. 572 NATIVE METALS AND Primary a Right rhombic prism M on M' = 101 24'. Cleavage perfect parallel to /. Color greyish-white ; transpa- rent or translucent; lustre vitreous, inclining to pearly on the face e ; streak white. Surface of p deeply striated longitudi- nally ; rest of the faces smooth. Entirely soluble without effervescence in the muriatic and nitric acids, but is acted upon very slowly by sulphuric. Neither phosphorescent nor electric by heat. Yields water in the matrass, and melts, B B, into a clear colorless globule, which tinges the flame green. With carbonate of soda it gives a scoria, which, when hot, is of a yellowish color. The oxide of zinc condenses round it in great quantity on the charcoal, and next the scoria is a red- dish-yellow tint, which does not vanish on cooling, and indi- cates the presence of cadmium. A solution of cobalt commu- nicates a fine bluish tint to the melted assay. From the cha- racters above stated, Hopeite is probably a phosphate of zinc, containing cadmium ; but it has not yet been subjected to an analysis. M on M over g 101 24' M on g 140 42 M on / 129 18 I on s 130 47 P on s . 139 13 M This is a very rare substance ; it was noticed by Sir David Brewster ; and has hitherto been found only in the calamine mines of Altenberg, near Aix-la-Chapelle. MARMATITE. M. Boussingault. (Jinn, de Chim. et dc Phys., xliii. 312.) This mineral is composed of sulphuret of zinc and sulphuret of iron, and the analyses of two specimens by the above-named chemist, gave the proportions as follow : Atoms. Sulphuret of zinc 77-5 76-8 12-48 Sulphuret of iron 22-5 23-2 4-22 100-0 100-0 The atoms of the former are to those of the latter constitu- METALLIFEROUS MINERALS. 573 ent, nearly as three to one; consequently, the formula for this mineral is thus expressed : FS1+3ZS1; or Fe+3Zn. It occurs in black foliated masses, and very much resembles blende in many of its characters, whence it has been called the " blende of Marmato." It probably offers an example, more common than is generally supposed, of sulphuret of zinc and sulphuret of iron chemically combined. According to Von Kobell, it is readily soluble in muriatic acid, giving out sulphy- dric acid gas. No sulphur is set free. With excess of ammo- nia, an abundant precipitate of protoxide of iron is thrown down. Pure zinc blende gives a precipitate with ammonia, which is either entirely soluble in excess, or leaves behind only a few red flocks of oxide of iron; Marmatite is also more easily decomposed by muriatic acid. It occurs at Marmato in the province of Popayan, Columbia. SULPHURET OF CADMIUM. Greenockite of Prof, Jameson. This rare mineral, formerly supposed to be simple sulphuret of zinc, was shown by Lord Greenock to be a different sub- stance, and on analysis by Mr. Connell of Edinburgh, it was found to consist of 22 56 sulphur, 77 30 cadmium, and there- fore, to constitute a new species. Nearly the same results have been obtained by Dr. Thomson, viz. sulphur 22*4, cadmium 77'6.* It evidently consists of one atom of each of its elements. Sp. Gr. 4 842. H. = 2 75. Translucent to transparent. Lustre vitreous, sometimes almost adamantine. It is always crystallized in six-sided py- ramids, the summits being sometimes replaced by a more acute pyramid. Some of the crystals are regular six-sided prisms. It occurs with prehnite in an amygdaloidal rock at Bishop- town, in Renfrewshire, and also, according to Dr. Thomson, on the Cochno burn, on the north side of the Clyde. It was named by Prof. Jameson in honor of Lord Greenock, whose examination of it ultimately led to a true knowledge of its character. NATIVE QUICKSILVER. Mercury. Gediegen Quecksilber, W. Mercure Natif, H. Bt. Liquid Mercury, M. and J. Hydrar^yum. Argentum Vivurn. Spuma argenti. .Liquor ^Eternalis, Pliny. Hydrar- gyrum fluidum, D. Fluid mercury is the pure metal as produced by nature; it *Lond. Edin. and Dub. Phil. Mag., xvii. 418, 1840. 574 NATIVE METALS AND presents no determinate form, but occurs in small globules dis- seminated through its matrix. It is of a silver-white color, with a splendent metallic lustre. Specific gravity 13-6. It volatilizes entirely B B, at less than a red heat; becomes solid at a temperature of 40 ; and is easily soluble in nitric acid. It occurs in most of the mines producing the ores of quick- silver, particularly those of Idria in Carniola, Almaden in Spain, and the Palatinate. At Idria it is found in a kind of slate-clay, which forms the upper portion of the mines; and from this source is obtained by means of washing. Near Li- mach, and at Guancavella, in Peru, it is found with the sul- phuret. Mercury is used in various chemical and pharmaceu- tical preparations ; in the amalgamation of gold and silver ores, for which purpose vast quantities are annually exported from Europe to the South American continent ; in the formation of artificial cinnabar, and fulminating powder for percussion guns ; in silvering mirrors ; making thermometers and barome- ters ; and for many other purposes. The quantity of native quicksilver annually obtained from the Almaden mines, is about twenty-two thousand quintals, two-thirds of which is consumed at the Mexican mines in amal- gamation. In consequence of the high price demanded for it, many of the Mexican silver mines have been abandoned, and great hopes are entertained that some other material or process may be found as a substitute. Since 1828, the price has raised from $60 to $130 per quintal. NATIVE AMALGAM. Naturlisches Amalgam, W. Mercure Argental, H. Bt. Dodecahedral Mercury. M. and J. Amalgaine, JVec/cer. Amalgam, Haus. and L. Hydrargirum dodecahedrum, D. Union of mercury and silver. Mercury 64-0 72-5 Silver 36-0 27-5 1UOO Klaproth. 100-0 Cordier. The specimen analyzed by Klaproth, consists of two atoms mercury to one atom silver ; while Cordier's numbers give three of the former to one of the latter. It would seem, there- fore, supposing both analyses correct, that they constitute two distinct species. Formula : H 2 Ag or H 3 Ag. Sp. Gr. 100 14 1. H.= l-0 35. Silver-white, or greyish. Primary form, a Rhombic dodeca- hedron. It occurs in a semi-fluid state ; also massive ; and occasionally forms large and very perfect crystals, with nume- rous modifications of the rhombic dodecahedron ; but no dis- METALLIFEROUS MINERALS. 575 tinct cleavage has been observed ; has a flat conchoidal frac- ture; is soft, cracks when cut, and acquires vitreous electricity from friction when isolated. B B, the mercury is volatilized, and a bead of silver remains. It whitens the surface of cop- per when rubbed warm upon it. Soluble in nitric acid. P or P on P 120 2' P on a 135 00 6 154 00 i 150 00 k 160 40 a on & 161 2 i on k . . . 169 5 It is found principally at Rosenau in Hungary, and at Mos- chellandsberg in Deux Fonts, accompanied by quicksilver and cinnabar, in ferruginous and argillaceous veins, and is de- scribed as occurring at those points where veins of silver and mercury traverse one another. SULPHURET OF MERCURY. Peritomous Ruhy Blende, M. Prismato rhomboidal Ruby-blende, J. (Juecksilber-Le- bererz. Zinnober, W. Mercure Sulfure, H. Bt. Cinnabar, A.* Minium. Rubella peritoma, D. Combination of mercury and sulphur. Japan. Idria. Mercury 84-50 85-00 Sulphur 14-75 14-25 99-25 Klaproth. 99-25 Klaproth. Klaproth appears to be the only chemist who has analyzed this mineral. His results, divided by the atomic weights, indicate one atom of each of the elements, or a simple sul- phuret of mercury. Formula : H SI. Sp. Gr. 6-7 8-2. H. = 2-0 2-5. It varies in color from carmine, through cochineal-red, to lead-grey; in this last case it is opake, and has a metallic lus- tre; when it is red it is more or less translucent, and exhibits an adamantine lustre. Primary form an Acute rhomboid of 71 48' and 108 12', in which it also occurs crystallized; but the crystals are mostly modified by secondary planes ; also * From the Greek, signifying a red-colored grain. \ .-.%! \ 576 NATIVE METALS AND massive, fibrous, and pulverulent. Structure lamellar, in the massive sometimes curved, with a shining lustre; cleavage highly perfect parallel to P, the primary rhomboid ; streak bright scarlet. B B, it melts, and is volatilized with a blue flame and sulphurous odor. On being sublimated it crystal- lizes in columnar masses. It is soluble in nitro-muriatic acid. P on P' 71 48' P on bl 157 20 Figure and measurements on the authority of Haiiy. The Lcbc.rerz or Hepatic Cinnabar is dark-red, sometimes nearly iron-grey ; it occurs both compact and slaty ; and, be- ing generally mixed with impurities, such as bituminous mat- ter or clay, affords a brownish streak, and is always opake. The best-defined crystals of cinnabar are found in the coal formation of Moschellandsberg and Wolfstein, in the Palati- nate, though it also occurs in beds traversing gneiss at Reich- enau, in Upper Carinthia, in grauwacke at Dumbrawa in Transylvania, and in limestone at Neurnarktel in Carniola. Well-crystallized specimens are mentioned also from Japan, Mexico, and Brazil. The principal repositories of this ore, however, are Almaden in Spain, and Idria in Carniola, where it occurs almost exclusively massive, and whence it is obtained in large quantities as an ore of mercury. The variety termed coralincrz, from the latter locality, consists of curved lamellar concretions, which present the form and apparent structure of fossilized shells. Cinnabar is the most abundant and most important ore of mercury, which is obtained from it in a metallic state by sub- limation. Vermilion is, in fact, pure cinnabar, being a com- pound of mercury and sulphur, in nearly the same proportions as in this species. Allan's Manual. In Peru sulphuret of mercury was observed by Mr. Blake in connection with mag- netic iron, iron pyrites and galena, at Guancavellica the only place in South America where it has been obtained in large quantity. In Chili it is found at several places near the town of Copiapo and Coquimbo. Near Limach it is found with native mercury. METALLIFEROUS MINERALS. 577 BICHLORIDE OF MERCURY. Horn Quicksilver. Qupcksilber Hornerz, W. Mercure Muriate, H. Chlorquecksilber, Bcrr.el.ius. Pyramidal Pearl Kerate, M. Pyramidal Corneous Mercury, J. Muriate of Mercury. Calomel, Beudant. Ceratus quadratus, D. It does not appear that the mineral has been accurately analyzed, but its composition is supposed to be the same with the artificial calomel, which consists of chlorine 15'26 of mer- cury 84'74 ; or one atom chlorine to two atoms mercury. Formula; IPChl. Sp. Gr. 6-48. H. = 1 -5 2'0. Color greyish-white, grey, yellowish and greenish-grey ; sometimes occurs crystallized in distinct quadrangular prisms terminated by pyramids. Primary form a Right square prism. It is also in tubercular crusts; sometimes fibrous ; rarely com- pact ; is occasionally translucent, with an adamantine or vitre- ous lustre ; and is sectile ; fracture conchoidal or uneven. B B, on charcoal, it is totally volatilized if pure ; in the ma- trass it affords a white sublimation, and mixed with soda forms numerous globules of mercury. M on M 90 00' M or M on cl or cl 129 30 ? c2 or c2 158 00 d 135 00 aond 119 30? M The preceding figure and measurements are on the authority of Brooke. The principal locality of this rare mineral is Moschellands- berg in Deux Fonts, where the crystals are often large and well defined, coating the cavities of a ferruginous gangue, and associated with cinnabar; but it is also met with in the quick- silver mines of Idria in Carniola, at Almaden in Spain, and at Horzowitz in Bohemia. CHLORIDE OF MERCURY, or NATIVE CORROSIVE SUBLIMATE. The existence of this species, though affirmed by some mineralogists, is very doubtful; and we have no accurate or even partial descriptions of it. IODIC MERCURY. lodore de Mercure, or Mercure lodure, Necker. Iod-Q,uecksilber, Del Rio and Leonhard. In spots of a fine lemon-yellow color, in the variegated sand- stone of Casas Viegas, Mexico. Exposed to the air, as well as in ammonia, it changes to black. It resembles the artificial protiodide of mercury. Shepard. 49 CLASS VIII. COMBUSTIBLE MINERALS THIS class, with one exception, consists of those minerals of which the base is sulphur or carbon. It includes substances of the most opposite external characters ; both the hardest and the softest in nature. Selenium, also, which is a non-metallic substance, and most nearly allied to sulphur, may very properly be comprised under the same head. SULPHUR. Naturlicher Schwefel, W. Soufre, H. Prismatic Sulphur, M. and J. Sulphur pyra- midalis, D. Sp. Gr. 19 2-1. H. 1-5 2-5. Color when pure, citron-yellow ; from accidental admixture sometimes red, brown, yellowish-grey, and even green. Pri- mary form an Octahedron with a rhombic base, P on P 106 39' according to Phillips.* It occurs massive, disseminated, investing other minerals, and crystallized in the form of an acute four-sided pyramid, either perfect or variously modified ; cleavage imperfect and interrupted ; fracture conchoidal, un- even in the impure varieties ; lustre shining and resinous, varying from transparent to translucent on the edges; very brittle. It burns readily with a lambent blue, or white flame, according to the low or high degree of temperature, emitting at the same time a pungent smell of sulphurous acid, and fuses into a brown liquid. It acquires resinous electricity by friction. * The primary form, according to Haidinger, is a Right rhombic prism M on M' 101 59/; and this seems to be adopted by Brooke. COMBUSTIBLE MINERALS. 3. 4. 5. 579 Fig. 1, the primary octahedron. Fig. 2, the same elongated. Fig. 3, the same, having its summits replaced. Fig. 4 : in this two opposite solid angles of the octahedron are replaced by rhombic planes. Fig. 5 : in this the edges of the base of the pyramid are deeply replaced by quadran- gular planes. In fig. 6, the summits of the primary are replaced by four triangular planes, forming a low pyramid on each. These replacements are also shown by the succeeding figures, the last of which Jias the acute pyramidal edges replaced by tangent planes. 8* P on P 106 30' P on P over v 85 5 P on P' 143 25 d on d v on v y on y d on a . 179 45 * Sulphur occurs principally in two kinds of repositories, either in gypsum and salt rocks, as in the valleys of Noto and Mazara in Sicily, at Conil near Cadiz in Spain, and at Cracow in Poland ; or in the vicinity of active and extinct volcanoes. In the latter case it is the result of sublimation, forming either crystals in the clefts and cavities of the rock, or crusts, stalactites, and loose efflorescent coatings. In small quantities it is likewise met with in certain metalliferous veins, as in Savoy, Switzerland, Hanover, &,c. In Iceland it is de- posited by hot springs, and many of the natural medicinal wa- * Only the three first measurements are by Phillips. The others, with fig. 8, have been copied from Haiiy. 580 COMBUSTIBLE MINERALS. ters both of this and other countries hold it largely in solution. In Sicily, crystals of sulphur two or three inches in diameter are occasionally met with; and by much the larger proportion of what is used for commercial purposes is obtained from that island ; at Radoboy, near Crapina in Croatia, it occurs in im- bedded spheroidal masses, of a brown tinge, which is owing to bitumen; and in the dark-reddish colored sulphur of the Lipari Islands, Stromeyer detected selenium. Allan's Man- ual. Fine specimens of native sulphur have been brought from the Sandwich Islands. According to Dana, the crystal- lized variety is particularly beautiful at the sulphur bank, Lua Pele, Hawaii. In various parts of the Andes, throughout the whole range of this extensive chain of mountains, sulphur is found in great abundance, occurring in craters of extinct volcanoes ; in beds in gypsum, and forming veins in porphyry, trachyte and mica slate. In the northern part of Chili, it forms large beds in gypsum, and on the high ridge of the Cor- dillera, about one hundred and twenty miles from Copiapo in a south-eastern direction, are extensive mines, the sulphur of which is remarkably pure, much of it not requiring to be re- fined before it is used. In the province of Quito, in Peru, in mountains of porphyry and of mica slate, there are large veins of sulphur. In the southern part of Peru, on the western side of the main range of the Andes, it is found in spheroidal masses scattered over the plain. It is abundant also in the neighbor- hood of the volcanoes of Putana and Soras, in the western part of Bolivia. These latter places afford fine crystals. Blake. In the United States native sulphur has been found in very small quantity associated with gypsum, as in Cayuga and Onondaga counties, N. Y., and in thin layers of efflorescences covering leaves, twigs, &,c., in the vicinity of sulphur springs, which are charged with sulphydric acid gas. According to Prof. Beck, it occurs in a pure form in granite near West Point. But usually the small quantities of sulphur that have been met with arise from the decomposition of iron pyrites. NATIVE SELENIUM. This is a very rarely occurring substance, and forms usually a thin red coating on sulphur, or sometimes small globular or botryoidal masses, with smooth and bright surfaces. Fracture conchoidal. Lustre vitreous. Translucent. Color pale dull red. It is found in an uncombined state only in the Lipari Islands. It exists in combination with sulphur at Fahlun in Sweden, and was originally discovered by Berzelitis. Its com- bination with sulphur (sulpho-selenite) gives rise to a brownish colored mineral, massive, occurring with salamoniac in the COMBUSTIBLE MINERALS. 581 same islands. Its combinations with silver, lead, copper, and one or two other metals, have been described under their ap- propriate heads in this treatise ; as has also its single occur- rence as an acid combined with oxide of lead. DIAMOND.* Octahedral Diamond, M. J. Diamond, W. and H. Adamant. Adamas octahedrus, D. Pure carbon. Symbol, C. Sp. Gr. 3 55. H. = 10-0. Diamonds are either colorless, or of a yellowish, bluish, yellowish-green, clove-brown, or rose-red tinge. Primary form the Regular octahedron ; always found in detached crystals, the varieties of form in which are numerous ; the faces often convex, giving its crystals a spherical appearance ; frequently macled ; structure perfectly lamellar, yielding readily to cleav- age parallel to the planes of the octahedron ; lustre brilliant adamantine ; fracture conchoidal ; varies from transparent to nearly opake. At a heat less than the melting point of silver (viz. at 14 Wedgewood) it gradually dissipates, burns, and, combining with nearly the same quantity of oxygen, forms the same volume of carbonic acid as charcoal, whence it appears to consist of pure carbon. It is not acted upon by acids or alkalies ; possesses vitreous electricity when rubbed ; and, af- ter exposure to the solar rays, presents in the dark a distinct phosphorescence. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. For transitions of figs. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, see Red Oxide of Copper, p. 486. The crystal represented by the annex- ed figure was selected, as exhibiting, with more than usual beauty and precision, the planes of the primary octahedron P, P', P", and P'", and those of the cube a, a', and a", which are generally flat and brilliant. The numerous faces dl and d2 are uniformly convex ; each of these faces is in reality a series of planes, as is manifest on other crystals, but in no instance sufficiently perfect for the use of the reflective goniometer. In tbe last of the small preceding figures, these faces are shown to the exclusion of the planes The true angles of these solids are : of the octahedron and cube. * Perhaps from adamas of Pliny, signifying unconquerable. It is probable that Pliny, when speaking of the gem called adamas, had in view, among other things, the diamond; 49* 582 COMBUSTIBLE MINERALS. P on P' or P" 109 28' 16" P on a, a', or a" 125 15 52 a on a' or a" 90 00 00 The rocks hitherto considered as the matrix of the diamond are secondary ones, as several kinds of sandstone, consisting of aggregated quartz pebbles; it is also found in strata of iron-shot sand and clay, and in the alluvium of plains and rivers. Hindostan and Brazil are the principal localities of the dia- mond, and in both these countries it is confined to the tropics. In India, where it has for ages been an article of commerce, it is met with in the district between Golconda and Masulipa- tam, near Parma in Bundelcund, where some of the most mag- nificent specimens have been found; and extensively on the Mahanuddy, and in the vicinity of Ellore. Up to the com- mencement of the last century, diamonds where wholly derived from India and Borneo. In 1829, they were first discovered in the Ural Mountains by the expedition under Baron Hum- boldt ; they are found in the same alluvial deposits with the gold. In Brazil, the district of Minas Gesaes comprehends, so far as is known, the whole diamond grounds of the Ameri- can continent. Diamonds occur among the gold sands in the river Gumil, province of Constantine, in North Africa. They have been sold by the natives to the Sardinian Consul, Peluzo, who sent them to France. Two of these were pur- chased for the Garden of Plants. Bronginart reminds us, that long ago, the Carthaginians traded with diamonds they brought from the interior of Africa. M. Parrat has examined a dia- mond found in the Ural mountains, and now in the collection of the Countess Porlier, in which is enclosed a black mass re- sembling coal. He concludes that this diamond was formed by volcanic heat, and that the black mass is coal, which did not become crystallized into the transparent gem.* Colored diamonds of large size are comparatively few in number. -The ; x Maximilian or Austrian diamond, is of a yellow color, and rose cut. It passed from the hands of the Grand Duke of Tuscany into the imperial family, and is valued at } 55,000. George IV. diamond, is of a rich and splendid blue color. It was purchased from Mr. Eliason of London for <22,000. Its weight is twenty-nine and a half carats. Probably one of the but it is plain from the fables he relates of it, that this substance " of the highest value among all human things, and for a long time known to kings only, and to very few -of them," was unknown to him. It is evident from his description that he mistook fine crystals of quartz for diamonds, or rather called them adamas. See Moore's Ancient Mineralogy. * Berzelius' Rapport Annuel, 1839, p. 297. COMBUSTIBLE MINERALS. 583 largest and most beautiful colored diamonds, is a rich sky-blue brilliant belonging to the crown jewels of France. It weighs sixty-seven carats, and its value is estimated at three millions of livres. The late Duke of York possessed a diamond which approached very nearly to jet black, and possessed peculiar beauty and brilliancy. The largest and most magnificent spec- imens have hitherto been brought from the East. The Pitt or Regent Diamond, for instance, the prime ornament of the crown jewels of France, weighing one hundred and thirty-six carats, was found in the Golconda district; its value is estima- ted at twelve millions of livres. Though not the largest, it is supposed to be the finest in the world. The kings of France wore it in their hats, and Bonaparte had it fixed to the pommel of his sword. That of the ernperor of Russia, the weight of which is one hundred and ninety-three carats, is said to have once formed the eye of an Indian idol, and is doubt- less from the same vicinity. Russia has several large dia- monds besides those which adorn the imperial sceptre. One of them is valued at .369,800. There is also a large table diamond belonging to the imperial treasury. Holland has one of thirty-six carats, valued at .10,368. Persia has several, four of them large ones of a rose cut, besides brilliants; the two principal are called the "Sea of Glory," and the "Moun- tain of Splendor. 3 ' The Rajah of Mattan possesses one of three hundred and sixty-seven carats, which was found in Borneo ; and that of the Great Mogul is said, in its rough state, to have weighed not less than eight hundred carats. In Brazil, although of fine water, they rarely exceed twenty carats. It is stated that the number of known diamonds of the weight of thirty-six carats and above, does not amount to more than nineteen or twenty. According to Mawe, the number in Europe of large size does not exceed half a dozen.* PLUMBAGO.t Rhomboidal Graphite,!. Graphit, W. Fer Carbure, H. Rbombohedral Graphite Mica, M. Black Lead. Carburet of Iron. Plumbago Scriptoria, D. Combination of a considerable quantity of carbon, with a small proportion of iron. Cornwall. Bustletown, Penn. Carbon 91-9 96-0 94-4 Iron 9-1 4-0 4-6 100-0 Bertholet. 100-0 Saussure. 99-0 Vanuxem. Sp. Gr. 2-08 2-45. H. = 1-0 20. * See Mawe on Diamonds and Precious Stones ; also his Travels in Brazil : and a Me moir on the Diamond, by John Murray, F. G. S., &c. London, 1831. t Plumbago, from its drawing like lead (its streak being of the same color). Graphite , from the Greek, to draw ; in allusion to its use. 584 COMBUSTIBLE MINERALS. Color iron or steel-grey. Primary form a regular Six-sided prism. It occurs in kidney-shaped masses, or disseminated in rocks; also, though rarely, crystallized in regular six-sided prisms, of which the summits are striated parallel to three of their edges; cleavage perfect perpendicular to the axis. It has a glistening metallic lustre, a granular and uneven frac- ture ; is unctuous to the touch; sectile, and the thin Iamina3 very flexible ; not very brittle ; streak lead-colored and shining. B B, it becomes yellow or brown after long-continued heat, but is infusible ; and is not affected by the addition of any re-agent. It belongs chiefly to primitive rocks, and to the coal forma- tion. The purest and most esteemed plumbago is found at Borrowdale in Cumberland, where it occurs in rocks con- sisting chiefly of grauwacke, and whence it is obtained in con- siderable quantity for the manufacture of pencils. It occurs crystallized at Pargas in Finland, in Greenland, and in the United States; in scales like mica at Arendal in Norway; forming irregular masses imbedded with particles of garnet in gneiss, at Strathferran near Beauly in Aberdeenshire; pass- ing into a kind of columnar coal at Craigman in Ayrshire; at Passau in Austria ; in Ceylon ; and many other places. Graphite is frequently disseminated through the primitive rocks of the United States, associated with various other min- erals ; as with the Brucite, spinelle and garnet, in Sussex county, N. J,, and Orange county, N. Y. ; the apatite and zir- con, St. Lawrence county, N. Y. ; in Bucks county, Penn., with tabular spar, pyroxene and scapolite. At some of these localities, it is pretty uniformly diffused through a beautiful white limestone in small brilliant compressed laminae, ex- tremely soft. The massive variety occurs at Ashford and Cornwall, Conn.; Sturbridge, Mass. ; Thorn aston, Me. ; With- ingham, Vt. ; Goshen, Antrim, and Bristol, N. H. At most of these last named localities it forms veins in gneiss which are of sufficient extent to admit of profitable mining. In Bucks county, Penn., a workable deposit of it exists in sienite. According to Dr. Jackson, the plumbago from Antrim, N. H., is soft and suitable for pencils. The handsomest crystallized specimens of plumbago, are said to have been found near Ticonderoga, on Lake George. Besides being extensively used in the fabrication of pencils, graphite is employed in the manufacture of crucibles, particu- larly those required for the purposes of the mint, as they sustain intense heat, and are esteemed for their tenacity and expansi- bility. It is also used to diminish friction, to protect iron from oxidation, and to impart a polish to ornamental iron work. COMBUSTIBLE MINERALS. 585 ANTHRACITE/ Glanzkohle, W. Blind Coal. Anthracite, H. Bt. Blende Charbonneuse, Br. Non- bituminous Mhieral Coal, M. Kilkenny Coal. Glance Coal, J. Kohlenblende, L. Anthrax lapideus, D. Combination of carbon, with a small proportion of silica and earthy matter and water. Tarantaise. Swansea, Wales. Lehigh. Penn. Rhode Island. Carbon 72-05 92-56 90-1 90-03 Silica 13-19 2-53 1-2 2-14 Oxide of iron . 347 1-58 0-2 2-50 Alumina 3-29 009 1-1 0-00 Water 000 3-33 66 4-90 92-00 Dolomieu. 100 00 Regnault. 99 2 Vanuxem. 99-57 Vanuxem.f Mayenne. Portsmouth, R. I. Mansfield, Mass. Carbon 91-98 Carbon 85-84 92 Silica 3 16 Water 10-50 6 Oxide of iron.. 0-94 Oxide of iron, silex and alumina. .. 3-66 00 Water 3-92 Oxide of iron and alumina 0-00 2 100-00 Regnault. 100-00 Jackson. 100 Jackson. It appears from these analyses, that the American and foreign anthracites present about the same composition. The mean of twenty analyses of anthracite from different mines in Pennsyl- vania, by Prof. Rogers, gives about eighty-seven per cent, of carbon, eight of water, and five of earthy matter. Sp. Gr. 1-4 18. H. 2-0 25. Of this substance there are three varieties. Massive An- thracite is of an iron-black color, often superficially tarnished and iridescent, and occasionally with a splendent metallic lus- tre; fracture conchoidal and shining; is light and brittle. It burns without flame or odor, leaving a whitish ash, when con- taminated with only a small portion of oxide of iron. It oc- curs at Meissner in Hesse. Slaty Anthracite has a brownish-black color. The struc- ture is imperfectly slaty in one direction, with a somewhat metallic lustre; fracture flat conchoidal; easily frangible, somewhat sectile, and brittle. The deposits of anthracite in the State of Pennsylvania, are probably more extensive than those of any other country. The States of Massachusetts and Rhode Island, afford beds of moderate extent and thickness, which, however, have been but partially explored. It is estimated by Prof. Rogers that the anthracite mines of Pennsylvania furnished, during the year 1838, upwards of nine hundred thousand tons of this valuable combustible. The quantity now supplied is much greater. " The southern anthracite coal basin of * Anthracite, from the Greek ; consisting of carbon, t Journ. of the Acad. of Nat. Scien., Philad., v. 17. 586 COMBUSTIBLE MINERALS. Pennsylvania, where the most extensive mining operations are carried on, occupies an area of sixty miles in length, and two in average breadth, having in the middle, an aggregate thickness of coal, exceeding one hundred feet. This is all above the water level, below which hundreds, nay thousands of feet of coal lie still untouched." Prof. Rogers 1 Second Annual Report on the Geology of Pennsylvania* In England it is found in the coal-formation near Walsal in Staffordshire (Stone Coal) ; in Wales, in the southern parts of Brecknockshire, Carmarthenshire, and Pembrokeshire ( Welsh Culm) ; in the same situation near Cumnock and Kilmarnock in Ayrshire, and many other parts of Scotland (Blind Coal) ; and at Kilkenny in Ireland (Kilkenny Coal). Columnar Anthracite occurs in short prismatic concretions, either straight or curved; of an iron-black color, with a shin- ing metallic lustre, and occasionally tarnished externally. It is opake, soft, light and brittle. It burns without flame or smoke. It is principally found at the Meissner, in Hessia, forming the upper portion of a bed of brown coal, which is covered by basalt; at Craigman in Ayrshire, also, and in some of the Newcastle pits, it occurs in contact with dykes of green- stone, at the former frequently passing into plumbago. These varieties being more difficultly inflammable than bitu- minous coal, are principally used in lime-kilns, malt-kilns, iron foundries, and such like ; for when ignited in considera- ble quantity they burn with a strong and durable heat ; and indeed much of the difficulty of kindling may be overcome by the addition of some charcoal, and the judicious application of a current of air. In the United States, particularly in New England, where bituminous coal is not found, this forms the principal fuel of the maratime cities, and is applied to nearly every purpose, for the production of heat in the domestic use, in the arts and manufactures. Recently it has been applied to the smelting of iron ores with hot air-blast, in Great Britain and the United States. See Notes on the Use of Anthracite in the Manufacture of Iron, by W. R. Johnson. Closely allied to the present species is the Mineral Carbon or Mineral Charcoal, which occurs in thin layers, and fibrous distinct concretions of a delicate silky black color, in most of the coal fields of Great Britain; at Voitsberg in Styria; Disko Island, Greenland, Pennsylvania, and elsewhere. * For an interesting account of the vast coal deposits of Pennsylvania, see articles by Prof. Silliman, in the Araer. Jour, of Science, vols. xviii. and xix. COMBUSTIBLE MINERALS. 587 MINERAL OIL. Under this term is comprehended two substances, Naphtha and Petroleum ; both of which are liquid, highly inflammable, and lighter than water. I. NAPHTHA.* Bitume Liquide Blanchatre, H. Le Naphte, Br. Bitume Napthe, Bt. Carbon 89-2 87-60 Hydrogen 14-8 12-78 97-0 Thomson. 100-38 Saussure. It is nearly colorless, sometimes yellow, and transparent ; it burns with a white flame, much smoke, gives out a penetrating odor, and leaves no residuum. It dissolves resins, but is not itself soluble either in alcohol or ether. It is found in large quantity in Persia, and in the Birman empire. At Rangoon there are said to be upwards of five hundred naphtha wells, which yield annually about four hundred and twelve thousand hogsheads. It is of essential use in the manufacture of varnish, and is preferred to oil in the formation of oil paint, from its property of drying with great rapidity. Like alcohol, it is employed for removing spots of grease from woollen and other stuffs, but it is difficult to de- stroy the disagreeable odor which it emits. Near the Caspian, and elsewhere in Persia, it is used instead of oil for lamps. II. PETROLEUM. t Bitume Liquide Noiratre, H. Petrol, Br. Bitume Petrole, BU Petroleum, at the usual temperature, is rather thicker than common tar, has a strong disagreeable bituminous odor, and is of a blackish or reddish-brown color. It is very combusti- ble, emitting during ignition a thick black smoke, and leaving a little residue in the form of black coal. It is found in many countries, principally in those producing coal. At several places in France. In England, at Ormskirk in Lancashire, and at Coal Port, near Coalbrookdale. In Scotland, at St. Catherine's Well near Edinburgh, and in the Isle of Pomona, one of the Hebrides. It occurs also in Bava- ria, Switzerland, and in Italy, near Parma. At the latter place the petroleum gives out so powerful an odor that the workmen cannot long endure it at the bottom of the petroleum wells without danger of fainting. It is found in many other parts of Europe, and in America. In the United States, this variety is met with in Virginia, * From the Greek, signifying to take fire. f From two Greek words, signifying rock or mineral oil. 588 COMBUSTIBLE MINERALS. Kentucky, Ohio, New York, and elsewhere. It is seen float- ing on the surface of Seneca Lake, N. Y., and has hence been called Seneca oil. When naphtha is exposed to the air and light, it becomes brown, thickens, and seems to pass into petroleum ; and when petroleum is distilled, an oil is obtained similar to naphtha. When petroleum is exposed to the air, it thickens and passes into a kind of bitumen. Considerable alliance is thus proved to exist between mineral oil and bitumen. BITUMEN. Of bitumen there are three varieties. I. EARTHY BITUMEN. Erdigcs Erdpech, W. Bitume Glutineux, H. La Poix Minerale Tcrreuse, Br. Earthy Mineral Pitch, J. Malthe, Bcudant. It is blackish-brown, and dull ; fracture earthy and uneven ; soft enough to take an impression of the nail; sectile, and pos- sesses a strong bituminous odor. It burns with a clear brisk flame, emits a powerful smell, and deposits much soot. It consists of inflammable matter, mingled with a considerable proportion of earthy substances. It is found in Persia, between Schiraz and Bender-congo ; at the coal mines of Hurlet near Paisley, enclosing crystals of calcareous spar; in East Lothian, and other places. It is oc- casionally used as a pitch, and in the fabrication of certain varnishes. II. ELASTIC BITUMEN. Elastiches Erdpech, VV. Bitume Elastique, H. La Poix Minerale Elastiquc, H. Elas- tic Mineral Pitch, J. Elaterite, Beudunt. Bitumen flexile, D. Elastic bitumen is of various shades of brown; it is soft, yields easily to pressure, is flexible, elastic, possesses a strongly bituminous odor, and is about the weight of water. It burns readily with large flame and much smoke, but melts by gentle heat, and is thereby converted into a substance resembling petroleum, or asphalt, according to its previous consistence. It takes up the traces of a pencil, in the same manner as caoutchouc or India rubber, whence its name of Mineral Caoutchouc. It consists, according to Henry, of, England. France. Carbon 52-250 58-260 Hydrogen 7-496 4-^90 Oxygen 40-100 36-746 Nitrogen 0-154 0-104 100-000 10U-000 It occurs principally in the Odin mine, near Castleton in Derbyshire, in a secondary limestone. COMBUSTIBLE MINERALS. 589 III. COMPACT BITUMEN. ASPHALT. Schlackiges Erdpech, W. Bitume Solide, H. La Poix Minerale Scoriacee, Br. Bitume Asphalte, Bt. Slaggy Mineral Pitch, J. Varies from brownish-black to black ; occurs massive, with a conchoidal fracture, and shining resinous lustre ; is opake, and very brittle. Specific gravity 1 1*6. When rubbed, it gives out a bituminous odor. By combustion, it leaves a small quantity of ashes. It consists chiefly of bituminous oil, hydro- gen gas, and charcoal, but the latter is in greater proportion than in elastic bitumen. Like the elastic variety, it is often soft when found, but soon hardens. This is much the most common variety of bitumen. It is found in the Palatinate; in France ; at Neuchatel in Switzer- land ; in large strata in Avlona in Albania; and in masses on the shores or floating on the surface of the Asphaltic lake in Judea, called the Dead Sea. It abounds in the Island of Bar- badoes and Trinidad; in the latter it forms with sand a lake three miles in circumference, called the Pitch Lake, the thickness of which is unknown. A gentle heat renders it ductile, and when mixed with grease or common pitch it is used for paying the bottoms of common ships. The ancients employed bitumen in the construction of their buildings, and the Egyptians used it for embalming. It appears from the intelligent American missionaries who have visited Western Asia, that this mineral is now but seldom found on the shores of the Dead Sea, even in small masses, however plentiful it may have been in former times. Accord- ing to Mr. Smith, it has been known to make its appearance in considerable masses only after an earthquake. That of 1834, caused a large quantity to rise, of which the Arabs brought about six hundred pounds to market. See an interesting paper on the Geology of Western Asia, compiled from notes of American missionaries, by Prof. Hitchcock, in the Reports of the Association of American Geologists, i. 371. Bitumen is found in small quantity in several parts of the Andes of Chili. In the Island of Cuba, solid bitumen (called Chapapote) is found near the towns of Havana, Trinidad and Villa Clara. Its color varies from reddish brown to jet black. Fracture conchoidal. See analysis of Chapapote and some account of the extensive coal mine near Havana, by J. H. Blake, in the Amer. Jour, of Science, xlii. 388. 50 590 COMBUSTIBLE MINERALS. BITUMINOUS COAL. Schiefferkolile, Blatterkohle, Grobkohle, W. Houille, H. Slate-Coal, Foliated Coal, Coarse Coal, J. Bituminous Mineral Coal, Al. Anthrax bituminosus, D. Sp. Gr. 12 1-5. H. = l-0 2-3. It is of a black color, frequently with an irridescent tarnish. It occurs massive ; the structure in one direction is slaty, sometimes it is so in two directions; the fragments vary in shape from nearly the proportions of the cube, to those of a rhombic prism greatly resembling that of mica; it sometimes contains thin parallel layers of mineral carbon; fracture small and imperfectly conchoidal, frequently with a brilliant semi- metallic lustre. It burns with a bright flame and much smoke ; but this coal commonly contains some proportion of earthy in- gredients. The composition of the principal foreign varieties of bitu- minous coal is shown by the following table, compiled from different sources. Carbon. Volatile Matter. Cinders. Best Cannel Coal. Klrwan 75-2 21-7 3-1 Newcastle Coal 64-28 32-52 3-20 Common Lancashire Cannel Coal G?-22 35-28 2-50 " Derbyshire " " 48-36 47-01 4-63 Scotch " " 39-43 56-57 4-00 Whitehaven Coal. Kirwan 57-0 41-3 1-7 Wi T. O. Cleinson.. 75-4 16-4 8-2 Willis' Pit, Richmond, \ 66-6 28-8 4-6 Anderson's Pit, " / 64-2 16-0 9-8 Cannclton Coal, Indiana, ) , R , , 61-93 35-96 2-11 Mid Lothian Coal, Virginia, \ J " " ....60-03 30-94 8-95 Frost's M ine, Maryland. Prof. Ducatel 70- 20-50 9-50 Mid Lothian, Va. Profs. Silliman and Hubbard. 61- 31-6 7-1 Dr. Thomson inclines to the opinion that coal is a direct combination of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and azote, and not a compound of bitumen, &c., as has been supposed ; and he has COMBUSTIBLE MINERALS. 591 stated the composition of several varieties, giving the propor- tions of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and azote. Thus : Newcas- tle, or coking coal, carbon 75*28, hydrogen 4'18, azote 15*96, oxygen 4*58. Splint, or light-burn hard coal, from Glasgow, used for making coke and smelting iron, carbon 75, hydrogen 6 25, azote 6'25, oxygen 12 5. It occurs in many countries of the European continent, and is the common coal of the most extensive British collieries. In Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and Cape Breton, bituminous coal abounds in the New red sandstone and shale. The Pic- tou and Sydney mines have been the most extensively explored. The coal from the former is peculiar on account of the abun- dance of mineral charcoal it contains ; and, for domestic pur- poses, this is thought to give it an advantage over the Sydney, and most other bituminous coal, by preventing it from cement- ing together while consuming. In the United States, extensive beds of bituminous coal ex- ist in Virginia, Maryland, and several of the Western States. The mines in the neighborhood of Richmond, Va., have been the longest explored, and they continue to supply various parts of the country with a valuable combustible. According to Prof. Rogers, the coal measures at the Mid Lothian mines, where the coal beds are very thick and pure, rest immediately upon granite. The Cumberland coal mines of Maryland, from their central position, and the unsurpassed excellence of the coal they have furnished, promise to become of very great value. This coal is even purer than the imported cannel coal, as it contains, according to the analysis of Dr. T. P. Jones, carbon 78, bitumen 19, alumina and oxide of iron only 3. Bi- tuminous coal occurs plentifully in Ohio and Indiana, and one of the most extensive and valuable deposits is at Cannelton, Perry county, in the last named State. 1. CANNEL COAL. Kennel Kohle, W. Houille, H. Of a greyish-black color, and occurs massive; fracture large and flat conchoidal, with a glimmering resinous lustre; brittle. Specific gravity 1*2. It burns with a bright flame, but at the same time decrepitates and flies into angular fragments. It is common in the upper beds of our coal deposits, as near Wigan in Lancashire, at Clee Hill in Shropshire, and Newcastle ; and in Scotland, at Gilmerton near Edinburgh, and Muirkirk iri Clydesdale. The name Cannel is supposed to be derived from the word candle, because in some places it is used as a substitute. In Scotland it is termed Parrot coal. As it re- ceives a polish, it is occasionally made into snuff-boxes, ink- stands, &>c. 592 COMBUSTIBLE MINERALS. 2. Jet. Pechkohle, W. Jayet, II. Pitch Coal, J. Jet is generally of a velvet-black; it occurs in elongated reniform masses, and sometimes in the shape of branches, with a regu- lar woody structure; this structure is visible internally only by transmitted light and in specimens cut extremely thin ; it has then a brown translucent appearance. It presents a brilliant resinous lustre, and a perfect conchoidal fracture; is soft and brittle, and little heavier than water ; burns with a greenish flame and strong bituminous smell, leaving a yellowish ash. Jet occurs principally in marly, schistose, or sandy beds, in several places in France, where it is sometimes found enclosing amber ; near Wittemberg in Prussia ; and in detached frag- ments, in the amber mines on the coasts of the Baltic. In England it occurs in aluminous shale, at Whitby in Yorkshire. It is worked into various trinkets, chiefly worn as part of the mourning habit ; but when not sufficiently fine and hard for that purpose, it is used as fuel. 3. Brown Coal. Braunkohle, Lignite, W. This substance is perhaps principally characterized by its odor when in a state of combustion, which resembles that of peat; the flame is weak ; it appears to have but little analogy with common coal. It occurs massive, and brown, of various shades, and brownish- black (Moor coal) ; the fracture is earthy, or fibrous, and in the latter case it generally possesses more or less of the struc- ture of wood (Wood coal) ; but it is frequently sufficiently compact to afford a more or less perfect conchoidal fracture, with a somewhat resinous lustre, and is nearly black. It yields to the knife, occasionally to the pressure of the nail ; 200 grains of the Bovey brown coal afforded on distillation 60 grains of water, acidulous and bituminous; 21 grains of thick brown oily bitumen; 90 of charcoal ; and 29 of mixed gases, hydro- gen, carburetted hydrogen, and carbonic acid. The earthy and fibrous varieties occur together in Thurin- gia, in the circles of Saale and Leipsic, and at the Meissner in Hessia, forming beds 20 to 40 feet thick, and several square miles in extent : also in France, Silesia, Bavaria, and other European countries. In England, the fibrous and compact kinds (Bovey coal) are found near Bovey Tracey in Devon- shire, forming beds of various thickness, interposed between brownish clay ; small veins of coal are found in the clay, together with retinasphalt. The fibrous variety also occurs at the mouth of the Ouse in Sussex ; abundantly in the Faroe Isles, particularly Suderoe; and in the county of Antrim im- bedded in trap. COMBUSTIBLE MINERALS. 593 DYSODILE. Dysodile, Cordier. Houille Papyracee, Lucas. Merda di Diavolo des Siciliens. It occurs in masses of a greenish-grey or yellow color, and either compact or laminated, sometimes both. It is extremely fragile, emits an argillaceous odor when breathed on, and is of the specific gravity of 1-146. It burns with a considerable flame and smoke, and an almost insupportably fetid odor, with a crackling noise, leaving a residue of nearly half its weight, unaltered in form. Macerated in water, it becomes translu- cent, and its lamina acquire flexibility. It occurs at Melili, near Syracuse, in a bed in secondary limestone. AMBER. Bernstein, W. Succin, H. Yellow Mineral Resin, M. and J. Succinuum electrum, D. Contains Carbon 80-59 70-68 Hydrogen 7-31 11-62 Oxygen 6-73 7-77 94-63 Drapier. 90-07 Ure. Sp. Gr. 1-01-1. H. i=2-0 2-5. In irregular nodules, masses, or grains, generally of a yellow or yellowish-white color ; sometimes reddish-brown. It is brittle, and yields easily to the knife ; is occasionally trans- parent, always translucent; fracture more or less perfectly conchoidal, with a vitreous or resinous lustre. Resinous elec- tricity easily produced by friction ; this property gave rise to the science of electricity, which was so called from HAf xTpoi/, the Greek name for amber. It yields by distillation an acid called the succinic acid, and leaves an extremely black, shining residue, which is employed as the basis of the finest black varnishes. It burns with a yel- low flame, emits an agreeable odor, and leaves a light, shining, black coal. Is soluble in alcohol. The experiments of Sir David Brewster on the optical properties of amber, leave no doubt of the origin of this substance being derived from the vegetable kingdom, as the traces of regular structure indicated by its action on polarized light are not the effect of the ordi- nary laws of crystallization by which mellite has been formed, but are produced by the same causes which influence the me- chanical condition of gum arabic and other gums, which are known to be formed by the successive deposition and indura- tion of vegetable fluids. The largest specimens of amber occur on the Prussian coast, where it is disengaged by the action of the waves, and cast 50* 594 COMBUSTIBLE MINERALS. ashore. It also occurs occasionally, presenting very peculiar tinges of blue, on the Sicilian coast near Catania; imbedded in brown coal at Hasen Island in Greenland ; in Poland, France, Italy, and many other countries; and occasionally in the beds of gravel in the neighborhood of London, and on the coasts of Norfolk and Suffolk. In the United States it has been found in the alluvial deposits of sand and gravel at Cape Sable, Maryland. Of those insects which have been originally enclosed in amber, some have evidently struggled hard for their liberty, and even left their limbs behind them in the at- tempt; it being no unusual thing to find in a mass of amber which contains a stout beetle, the animal wanting one or per- haps two of its legs, and those limbs left in different places nearer that part of the mass from which it set out. This also may account for the common accident of finding legs or wings of flies without the rest of their bodies in pieces of amber; the insects having, when entangled in the yet soft and viscid matter, escaped at the expense of leaving those limbs behind them. Most if not all of these insects are unknown at the present day. Allan's Manual. Amber is used in the fabrication of ornaments by the Turks, as mouth-pieces for their pipes, &c. ; and considerable value is attached to large transparent specimens. The common varieties are used for making varnish. HATCHETINE.* Mountain Tallow, Mineral Adipocerc, Conybeare. (Jinn, of Phil., i. 13G.) A specimen analyzed by Prof. J. F. W. Johnston, (Land. and Edinb. Phil. Journ., xii. 338,) yielded carbon 7(r437, hydrogen 12-479, or one atom of each element. This singular mineral varies in color from yellowish-white to wax and greenish-yellow. It occurs either flaky, like sper- maceti, or sub-granular, like bees' wax. When flaky it has a slightly glistening and pearly lustre, and a considerable degree of translucency ; when sub-granular it is dull and opake. It is of about the hardness of soft tallow, and possesses neither odor nor elasticity ; but is so fusible as to melt in water heated be- low 170; and is very light. Specific gravity 0-916. Like elastic bitumen, it is readily soluble in ether ; and both solu- tions, by spontaneous evaporation, leave a viscid oily matter in separate drops, but that from Hatchetine is still inodorous, while the one from elastic bitumen retains strongly the pecu- liar odor of that substance. Hatchetine distilled over the * So named in honor of the eminent chemist Chas. Hatchett, Esq., F. R. S. COMBUSTIBLE MINERALS. 595 naked flame of a spirit-lamp assumes the bituminous smell, and yields a butyraceous substance of a greenish-yellow color, a coaly matter remaining in the retort; at a lower heat it affords a light oil. It occurs among the coal measures of Glamorganshire, and in some of the Midland counties of England. Also, with cal- careous spar and small quartz crystals, in iron-stone at Methyr Tydvil in South Wales. SCHERERITE. Schererit, Stromeyer. Naturliche Naphthaline, Scherer. Steatus acicularis, D. Consists, according to Macaire, of carbon 73'0, hydrogen 24-0. Exists in loosely aggregated, whitish, feebly shining, pearly, crystalline grains, and folise, which generally occur in nests. It is rather heavier than water, does not feel greasy, is very friable, and has no taste. It melts readily into a colorless liquid at a temperature of 112, and in that state resembles a fatty oil, and penetrates paper in the same manner; the spots, how- ever, thus produced, disappear when the paper is heated. On cooling, the melted mineral crystallizes in four-sided acicular crystals. When exposed to fire, it inflames and burns com- pletely away, with a feeble aromatic srnell. Is insoluble in water, but melts easily in alcohol, ether, and concentrated sul- phuric acid. Occurs in beds of lignite at Ussnack near St. Gall, and at Bagh in the Westerwald, Switzerland ; and was named after its discoverer, Captain Scherer. OZOKERITE.* Glocker. Sp. Gr. 0-955. Soft. Color yellowish-brown; translucent; has a slight odor of bitumen, and softens by the heat of the hand, so that it may be kneaded like wax. Fuses readily, and emits a stronger bitu- minous odor whilst doing so; burns with a clear bright flame, and leaves no residue. Not affected by acids or water, and only slightly by heated alcohol. Is soluble in ether or oil of turpentine, with a yellow color. It contains carbon 85'204, hydrogen 13 787. Occurs in considerable masses at Slanik in the Buchau dis- trict of Moldavia, where it has been long used by the peasants for fuel. * From OjStv, smelling, and yeQog, wax. 596 COMBUSTIBLE MINERALS. MELLITE. Pyramidal Mellicbrone Res in, M. Honeystone, J. Honigstein, W. Mellitc, H. Mellate of Alumina. "Mellis pyramidalis, D. Combination of mellitic acid, alumina, and water ; or a hydrous mellate of alumina : Mellitic acid 46-0 41-4 Alumina 1G-0 14-5 Water 38-0 44-1 100-0 Klaproth. 100-0 Wohler. Formula, given by Dr. Thomson, from the first analysis : AlMel+4Aq. But Wohler's comes nearer to one At. acid and one of alumina, if we take Dr. Thomson's atomic weights. Sp. Gr. 1-58 1-66. Color honey-yellow, reddish, or brown. Primary form the Octahedron with square base, in which it also occurs with the summits of the octahedron truncated. Cleavage parallel to the planes of the primary, but difficultly obtained; fracture con- choidal ; transparent or translucent ; lustre resinous, inclining to vitreous. It is slightly resino-electric by friction; B B, it becomes of an opake-white with black spots, and is at length reduced to ashes; when burnt in the open air, neither smoke nor flame is observable, and it eventually acquires the color and consistence of chalk. Soluble in nitric acid. P on P' 118 8' P' on P" 93 The mellite is a rare mineral, having hitherto only been found at Astern in Thuringia. It occurs in bituminous wood, and earthy coal, and is generally accompanied by sulphur. RETINASPHALT. Retinite, J. Retinasphalt, Hatchett. Bitumen fragrans, D. Contains, according to the researches of Hatchett, and Dr. Troost (Am. Phil. Trans., ii. 110, 1825J : Cape Sable, Md. Resin soluble in alcohol 55 Resin 42-5 Insoluble bituminous matter 41 Bitumen 55-5 Earthy substances 5 Alumina and iron J-5 Loss 1-5 100 Hatchett. 100-0 Dr. Troost. Sp. Gr. 1-1 1-2. H. = l-0 2-0. COMBUSTIBLE MINERALS. 597 It occurs in irregular opake masses of a pale brownish-yellow color, having a glistening lustre and imperfect conchoidal frac- ture. It is brittle and soft ; when placed on hot iron it melts, smokes, and burns with a bright flame, emitting a fragrant odor. Partly soluble in alcohol, with an unctuous residue. Though this species exhibits characters somewhat different from those of bitumen, it yet appears to be more nearly allied to that than to any other substance. The variety from Bovey Tracey in Devonshire, where it is found accompanying brown coal, has a dry earthy texture ; while that from Wolchow in Moravia is hard and resinous. It was discovered in connection with amber by Dr. Troost, at Magothy river, Cape Sable, Maryland. FOSSIL COPAL. Fossil Copal, Highgate Resin. Fossil copal or Highgate resin was found in considerable quantity in the bed of blue clay of which Highgate Hill, near London, in great measure consists. It is in irregular pieces of a light-yellowish and dirty-brown color, somewhat translucent, and with a resinous lustre : it is brittle, yields easily to the knife, and is but little heavier than water, its specific gravity being only 1-046. It gives out a resinous aromatic odor when heated, and melts into a limpid fluid; when applied to the candle it takes fire and burns with a clear yellow flame and abundance of smoke, as is the case with other resins ; B B, it burns away without leaving any perceptible ash. It has been found in considerable abundance at Wolchow in Moravia. Specimens have also been brought to the United States from the falls of the Wilhamet, a tributary of the Colum- bian river, Oregon ; and from the shores of the Pacific, north of the mouth of the Columbia river. SUPPLEMENT: Containing further notices of several substances treated of in the body of this work, with an account of one or two others, not until now fully described as distinct mineral species. It includes also, a part of those in the Appendix to the last edition of this Treatise, several of them now having their analyses and formulas given, but respect- ing most of which we are yet in need of fuller information before we can admit them into the systematic arrangement of species. SCORODITE.* Cuprous Arseniate of Iron, Sournon. Cuivre Arseniate Ferrif ere, H. Martial Arseniate of Copper, J. and A. Prismatic Fluor Haloide, M. Arealus trimetricus, D. Combination of arsenic acid, per and protoxide of iron, and water. Saxony. Brazil. Popayan. Peroxide of iron 0-0 34-85 34-3 Protoxide of iron 47-5 0-00 0-0 Arsenic acid 31-4 50-78 49-6 Sulphuric acid 15 0-00 0-0 Water 18-0 15-55 16-9 Phosphoric acid 0-0 0-67 Oxide of lead.. 0-4 98-4 Ficinus. 101-85 Berzelius. 101-2 Boussingault. Berzelius gives the following formula, according to which the arsenic acid is in combination with both oxides of iron : Sp. Gr. 313-2. H. = 3-5 4-0. Color pale leek-green or liver-brown. Occurs in transparent or translucent prismatic crystals, terminated by four-sided pyramids; primary form a Right rhombic prism of 120 10' and 59 50', by measurements taken with the reflective goni- * From the Greek, in allusion to its emitting an alliaceous odor under the blowpipe. This mineral, as above analyzed, is found to contain no copper. I did not observe that its proper connection, among the iron ores, had been overlooked in the last edition of this work, until too late to make the correction, and have therefore brought it into the Supplement. (AM. ED.) 600 SUPPLEMENT. ometer from natural planes; cleavage imperfect parallel to the planes M, M of the prism, and to its lesser diagonal; they are not often single, and usually are small, and grouped in a globu- lar form; lustre of the crystal adamantine ; streak pale green- ish-grey or white. B B, on charcoal, it emits abundant fumes of arsenic, and fuses in the reducing flame into a reddish- brown magnetic scoria. With the fluxes it exhibits the bottle- green color characteristic of iron ; and is soluble in nitric and muriatic acid. M on M 120 10' M on dl 141 5 M or M on/ 149 55 dlondl' 103 5 The brown-colored variety of this species occurs at Schwartz- enberg in Saxony ; while the fine leek-green crystals are found in certain of the Cornish mines, coating cavities of ferruginous quartz. Beautiful specimens have been brought from Brazil, and Popayan, South America, and occasionally also from Loling, near Huttenberg in Carinthia. The NEOCTESE of Beudant, is the variety from St. Antonio Perreira, near Villa Ricca, in Brazil, of which the analvsis has just been given by Berzelius. The above figure shows the form of the crystals of this mineral from Saxony, and the measurements are those given by Phillips, in the third edition of his Mineralogy. At that time the mineral had not been analyzed, but it is very evident from Berzelius' experiments, B B, that it contained no copper. Breithaupt first described it as a distinct species. An analysis of some crystals from Cornwall, by Chenevix, and which were supposed to be the same mineral, led to its being regarded as a cupreous arseniate. His analysis is here omitted. URANIC OCHRE. Uranium Lucine-ore, Shepard. This substance has not been analyzed, and it seems proba- ble that both the oxide of uranium and the carbonate have been indiscriminately described under the same title. The variety from Joachimsthal, was found by Zippe to contain carbonic acid, while that from Cornwall is supposed to be pure SUPPLEMENT. 601 oxide, or perhaps, as suggested by Allan, the common uranite in a friable state. It presents a brilliant orange-yellow color, is extremely soft and adheres to the fingers ; frequently in flocculent masses coating pitch blende; affords moisture on being heated in a glass tube; turns green in the reducing flame of the blowpipe without melting. Dr. C. T. Jackson has recently discovered oxide of uranium at Westmoreland, N. H. It forms about two per cent, of the yellow pulverulent mineral, which encrusts the crystals of sul- phuret of molybdena from that locality. This powder appears to be a mixture principally of uranic oxide, and of molybdic oxide, and the yellow color which it assumes (foreign to the latter substance) is attributed by Dr. Jackson to the presence of the former. Is it not probable that the yellow powder which accompanies the molybdena from other localities, may owe its color to the presence of the same substance? SILLIMANITE. The editor is indebted to Mr. Hayes for a new analysis of this mineral, which was not furnished in season to be inserted in its proper place in this treatise. It is very important, as showing that zirconia is not a constituent of the mineral, and confirming the result obtained by Bowen and Connell (see page 159). His results are as follow : Silica 42-00 91-30 Alumina 54-90 24-40 Oxide of iron and manganese. .. 1-10 Magnesia 0-40 Lime 0-31=99-31 The formula appears to be A1S, but there is a considerable excess of alumina in each of the analyses of this mineral. Mr. Hayes observes, " that some doubts having existed in relation to the composition of this mineral, since the analysis of a specimen was published by Muir, I have carefully tested different specimens without discovering the slightest traces of zirconia." The question asked by Dr. Thomson is it not possible that Bowen may have analyzed Bucholzite instead of Sillimanite ? seems now to be answered in the negative. Is it not probable that minute crystals of zircon were mixed in the specimen analyzed by Muir? SULPHATE OF ALUMINA AND MANGANESE. An important locality of this mineral, which had not come to the knowledge of the editor in season for earlier insertion, has been discovered on Black mountain, North Carolina, where it is abundant in the overhanging cliffs. It is a very 51 602 SUPPLEMENT. beautiful mineral, in large irregular masses, reddish externally, the interior consisting of closely compacted silky translucent fibrous crystals. Taste like alum, but slightly metallic. B B, on platinum wire, treated with soda, it gives a deep green bead. With borax, gives a clear amethystine glass, which before the reducing flame becomes colorless. Its analyses by Mr. J. H. Blake, gave the following results : Alumina 12-87 Protoxide of manganese 6-20 Protoxide of iron 1-38 Sulphuric acid 33-33 Water 46-20 99-93 Dr. Torrey had previously ascertained that it contained no alkali, and that, by the addition of sulphate of potash, it made a very pure alum. It promises to become an object of com- mercial interest. UWAROWITE, OR CHROME GARNET. This rare and beautiful mineral, described under the species garnet, page 22 of this volume, has recently been analyzed and further examined by M. Komonen. ( Transactions of the Imperial Mineralogical Society of St. Petersburg, 1842, p. 55.) His account is as follows: external characters; beautiful green color ; lustre vitreous ; crystallized in the form of rhom- bic dodecahedrons. These crystals are implanted on chro- mated iron. Chemical characters ; in the alembic it gives out water ; alone on charcoal, it is infusible. With phosphoric salt, and with borax, it is partially soluble, and gives with both a chrome-green colored glass. Is insoluble in acids. It is not perfectly decomposed by soda in the strongest heat, but soda and nitre mixed together decompose it easily, if the mineral is sufficiently cleansed. Specific gravity 3*41. Composition : Oxygen. Silica 37-11 19-28. 2 Alumina 5-88 2-74 > Q . dH Oxide of chromium 22-54 6-74 J L Protoxide of iron 2-44 0-55 ) Lime 30-34 8-52 } 9-49 1 Magnesia MO 0-42 > Water 1-01 100-42 Formula: (Ch, Al)S+(Cal, Mg, F)S. Or chemically, as stated by the analyst : (rAl)Si+(Ca 3 , Mg 3 ,Fe 3 )Si. It may properly be regarded as a chrome garnet, in which the oxide of chromium has replaced a large portion of the alumina. SUPPLEMENT. 603 WASHINGTONITE. (ILMENITE.) In page 381, this mineral, so named by Prof. Shepard, has been described as a variety of Ilmenite, from a near agreement in its physical and crystallographical characters. It has now been analyzed under the direction of Dr. C. T. Jackson, by Mr. J. S. Kendall. Its composition is quite different from that of the Ilmenite, as given under the species Ilmenite in this vol- ume ; but Mosander* has analyzed two titaniferous iron ores from Arendal, the crystalline form of which is similar to that from Ilmen, and has obtained a result which almost exactly ac- cords with that of the Washingtonite. It seems to be shown that the essential constituents of this mineral titanic acid and the two oxides of iron so interchange with each other as to pro- duce these several varieties, while the crystalline form remains the same in each. The analyses are as follow : Atoms. Titanic acid 24-19 25-28 4-82. . . .1 Peroxide of iron 53-01 51-84 10-36. . . .2 Protoxide of iron 19-91 22-86 5-08. . . .1 Magnesia and lime 1-01 0-00 Silica 1-17 0-00 99-29 Mosander. 99-98 J. S. Kendall. We thus obtain from the results of the last analysis very near- ly one atom titanic acid, two atoms peroxide of iron, one atom protoxide of iron; or a trititaniate of iron, consisting of two At. trititaniated peroxide, and one At. trititaniated protoxide. Formula : 2F 3 Tt+F 3 Tt. If we unite the magnesia and lime with the protoxide of iron, Mosander's numbers give the same formula. KUPFERBLUTHE. This is a variety of red oxide of copper appearing in the form of capillary crystals, and found near Rheinbreitbach and Moldava.f They have been examined by Suckow, who found them to be pure suboxide of copper, in the form of regular six- sided prisms. Having thus the composition of common red oxide of copper, but belonging to a different system of crys- tallization, Suckow supposes them to constitute a peculiar species. Red oxide of copper is thus shown to be a dimorphous substance. There is also sometimes produced in the process of reducing copper ores, prismatic crystals, but of less definite form, which are manifestly composed of the same oxide. * Kong. Vet. Acad. Hand., 1829, p. 227. f Berzelius' Rapport Annuel, 1836, p. 165. 604 SUPPLEMENT. LEUCHTENBERGITE. M. Komonen. ( Trans. Imp. Min. Soc. of St. Petersburg, 1842. p. 64.) This mineral was given for examination by Major Jevvreinoff. It occurs in large conglomerated, but not perfectly developed crystals, in the form of the rhombohedron. It is in masses and of a yellowish color, but in thin layers, white. Has a lamellar texture and pearly lustre. The smaller crystals are transparent. Specific gravity 2'71. Feels greasy, is cut with the knife, and receives impressions from the nail. Hardness between calc- spar and selenite. Fuses with phosphate of soda and ammonia into a bead, which, while hot, is of a weak bottle-green, but after cooling, colorless. In this bead, while cooling, an opalescence may be observed. With borax, it gives a trans- parent glass, which is colorless after cooling. With soda it imperfectly fuses into a cinder, but gives no transparent glass. Occurs in the Schischminsk mines in the district of Slatonst. Its analysis afforded M. Komonen the following results : Silica 34-23 Alumina 16-31 Peroxide of iron 3-33 Lime 1-75 Magnesia 35-36 Water 8-68 9JM56 Formula by the Analyst : 6MgA+7M 3 Si 2 +9MgH 2 . Major Jewreinoff proposed to name it Leuchtenbergite, in honor of his Imperial Highness, the Duke Maximilian of Leuchtenberg, a distinguished friend of the natural sciences. NITRATE OF MERCURY. A mineral which has been mistaken for white lead ore, but which appears to be nearly pure nitrate of mercury from Johann- Georgenstadt, has been examined by M. John. It is partly soluble in water, leaving a residuum of a substance which is first yellow, then green, and which is easily dissolved in nitrous acid. When heated in a glass tube red vapors of nitrous acid appear, while a bright yellow and red sublimate was exhibited, a very little red oxide remaining. Rammelsberg observes that repeated experiments must decide whether this mineral, which, at any rate, seems to be a secondary production, is pure nitrate of protoxide of mercury, as John has concluded from his experiments. HandworterbucJi t ii. 88. SUPPLEMENT. 605 SODA-ALUM. FROM BOLIVIA. It was obtained by Mr. Blake in the desert of Atacama, thirty miles north-east of the Indian village of Atacama, in small veins in feldspathic rock of volcanic origin, and in con- siderable quantity encrusting the surface of the soil. It is crystallyzed in minute plates; color white; lustre pearly; solution reddens litmus; dissolves readily in water, being more soluble than common alum, which in part it resembles. Its constituents, according to Mr. Blake, are as follow : Alumina 18-000 Sulphuric acid 35-266 Soda 1-606 Chlorhydric acid 0-346 Water 42-666 97-884 This salt agrees with the soda-alum from St. Juan, analyzed by Dr. Thomson, (see page 333), excepting in the smaller amount of its soda. SULPHATE OF SODA AND MAGNESIA. It was found by Mr. Blake in the northern part of Chili, in a ravine called Laventura, encrusting its bottom and sides. It is derived from a magnesian rock of volcanic origin, which yields it abundantly when digested with water, in which it is very soluble. Crystals in the form of right square prisms. Color white. Its solution reddens litmus. About sixteen parts in one hundred, consist of sulphates of cobalt, manganese and alumina. B B, on platina wire with borax in O. F. it affords a bead, one portion of which is opake, and the other clear and of an amethyst color. In R. F. becomes semi-opake and assumes a blue tint. With phosphate of soda and ammonia in O. F. it affords a glass of an amethyst color. In R. F. becomes opake and deep blue. With soda, in O. F., affords an opake bead of a bright green color, which, in R. F., becomes pale flesh color. JEFFERSONITE. Dr. Thomson has analyzed the mineral called Jeffersonite, and obtained results so different from Keating, that he has assigned a new place to it in the system. It is a quadruple salt, and its constitution is thus expressed : 4CalS+4AlS+2F S 2 +MgS 2 , proving it to differ essentially both from pyroxene and amphibole. Land. JEdinb. and Dub. Phil. Jour. y xxii. 194, 1843. 51* 606 SUPPLEMENT. ARSENICAL ANTIMONY. Arsenik-Spiesglanz, L. Its analysis gave these proportions of its elements : Arsenic 62-15 Antimony 37-85 100-00 It is constituted of three atoms arsenic, one atom antimony. Formula: StAs 3 . Sp. Gr. 6-2. H. = 2'0 4-0. In kidney-shaped masses. Color tin-white. Occasionally splendent, sometimes dull. B B, it melts, and at the same time emits considerable fumes of arsenic and antimony. This species was noticed by Zippe at Przibram in Bohemia, where it occurs in metallic veins, associated with blende, anti- mony, sparry iron, &c. It occurs also at Allemont. ATELESTITE. Shepard. Heavy. H. about 3'0. Crystalline, in structure resembling sphene. Color pure sulphur-yellow. Lustre between resinous and adamantine ; transparent or translucent. B B, affords indications of bismuth. Locality, Schneeberg in Saxony. BATRACHITE. Breithaupt. Its constituents (Rammelsberg's Handwortcrbucli, ii. 30,) are as follow : Silica 37-69 Lime 35-45 Magnesia 21-79 Protoxide of iron 2-99 Water 1-27 99-19 Formula by Rammelsberg : . ... Mg 3 ) ... Ca'Si+j,*, } Si. Sp. Gr. 3-038. H. = 5-0. Massive, exhibiting traces of a Rhombic prism of 115. Composition impalpable. Cleavage parallel to the sides and shorter diagonal of the prism, but mostly indistinct. Fracture small conchoidal. Color light greenish-grey, to almost white. Streak white. Lustre resinous or vitreous, more inclined to SUPPLEMENT. 607 the latter. B B, per se, it is infusible, without any perceptible change of color to the flame. Heated in the matrass it affords a little moisture. It is slowly soluble in salt of phosphorus, leaving a silica residue ; with soda it fuses with difficulty into a dark-colored pearl. Is found at Rizoni, a mountain in Southern Tyrol. BERZELINE. Necker. (Leonhar&s Jahrbuch der JMineralogie, ii. 441.) H. about 5-0. In extremely minute white octahedral crystals, whose sur- face is dull. Slightly translucent ; arid having a vitreous lustre on the fracture. Very brittle; but devoid of distinct cleavage. B B, in the forceps it is fusible, though with difficulty, into a pale glass. Forms with heated muriatic acid a greenish colored jelly. From Galloro, near La Riccia, in the Roman States, where it accompanies crystals of black garnet and pinchbeck-brown mica, in the drusy cavities of an augitic rock. BEUDANTITE. Levy. (Annals of Phil., new series, xi. 195.) H. = 40 45. Occurs in small closely aggregated crystals, being slightly obtuse rhombs (viz. 92 30') with the summits truncated. Color black. Translucent in thin fragments, and of a deep- brown color by transmitted light. Lustre resinous. Streak greenish-grey. Cleavage easily effected perpendicular to the axis of the rhomb. The only substances Dr. Wollaston could detect in it were the oxides of lead and iron. Beudantite is found associated with brown iron ore at Hor- hausen, in the district of Nassau, on the Rhine.* BIOTINE. Biotina, Monticelli. (JWineralogia Vesuviana, p. 438.) Biotin, Leonhard. Sp. Gr. 3' 11. Scratches glass. Color white or yellowish. Transparent and limpid. Lustre brilliant. Fracture vitreous, inclining to conchoidal. Pre- sents double refraction. Is not affected by the blowpipe, and ig only partly soluble in nitric acid. Sig. Monticelli noticed * The Beudantite of Monticelli and Cove Hi, is now identified with Nepheline. 608 SUPPLEMENT. this mineral among the volcanic debris of Vesuvius, and named it in honor of M. Biot. It is easily distinguished from other species with which it is associated, by the superior brilliancy of its lustre. BREISLAKITE. Occurs in delicate capillary prismatic crystals of a reddish or chesnut-brown color, coating the cavities of certain lavas. Its fibres are flexible, its lustre semi-metallic. It contains silica, alumina, iron, and a considerable proportion of copper. B B, per se, it fuses readily into a brilliant and magnetic black scoria; with borax forms a green glass, which becomes colorless in cooling; and with salt of phosphorus a green globule, which reddens in the reducing flame. It accompa- nies nepheline, pyroxene, and other Vesuvian minerals ; and is met with both at that locality, and at Capo di Bove near Rome. Allan's Manual. CHONIKRITE. yon Kobell. ( J. f. pr. Ctiem., ii. 51. ) Hydro-silicate of alumina, magnesia, and lime. Constitu- ents, according to Von Kobell : Silica 35-69 Alumina 17 12 Magnesia 23-50 Lime 12-00 Protoxide of iron 1-46 Water 9-00 97-77 Formula by Rammelsberg. (Handworterbuch, ii. 311) : 3(Mg, Ca) 3 Si+Al 2 Si+6H. H. between 2-0 and 4'0. Occurs massive. Composition impalpable. Fracture un- even and imperfectly conchoidal. Lustre glimmering or dull. Color white, with shades of yellow and grey. Translucent often only on the edges. Is not cleavable. B B, it fuses = 3 to 4, with evolution of air bubbles, into a greyish-glass, and with borax fuses slowly into a globule colored by iron. It is easily decomposed by concentrated muriatic acid. Occurs in rounded masses at Elba. SELENIURET OF PALLADIUM. This mineral, described at page 516 as a new species, js now acknowledged by M. Zinken to be only Native Palladium. Rammelsberg' s Handworterbuch, ii. 135. SUPPLEMENT. DERMATINE. BreithaupL Its analysis, by Ficinus, gave the following constituents Silica 35-800 Magnesia 23-700 Protoxide of iron 11-333 Ptotoxide of manganese 2-250 Alumina 0-416 Lime 0-833 Water and carbonic acid 25-200 609 100-033 Formula, deduced from these numbers by Von Kobell : Mg 2 Si+4ri. Sp. Gr. 2-136. H. about 2-0. In reniform masses, rarely globular, and in thin coatings or crusts. Color dark olive-green or liver-brown ; with low re- sinous lustre. Translucent on the edges. Fracture conchoi- dal. Feels greasy, and does not attach itself to the moist lip. Streak yellow, inclining to grey. Emits an argillaceous odor when breathed upon. Splits and becomes somewhat friable B B, assuming at the same time a darker hue. From the serpentine quarry near Waldheim in Saxony. GREEN IRON EARTH. Grune Eisenerde, W. Hypochlorite, Schiller. Contains oxide of bismuth 13-03, silica 50-24, alumina 14-65, oxide of iron 10'54, phosphoric acid, with traces of manganese, 9-62. Schuler. Occurs in reniform, botryoidal, and globular masses ; struc- ture impalpable ; color siskin-green, passing into black and yellow; lustre resinous and dull ; streak yellowish-grey ; brit- tle; becomes brown and black, B B, but does not melt; nor is it soluble in nitric acid. Is found at Schneeberg in Saxony, and in the county of Sayn in Germany. MARCELINE. Seudant. Silicate of Manganese from Piedmont. Berzelius. Sp. Gr. 3'8. Scarcely scratches glass. A silicate of deutoxide of manganese, without water. Silica 15-17 26-00 Oxide of manganese 75-80 67-23 Oxide of iron 414 1-23 Alumina 2-30 3-00 Lime 0-00 1-40 Magnesia 0-00 1-40 97-91 Berzelius. 100-26 Berthier. 610 SUPPLEMENT. Occurs crystallized in octahedrons, with a square base. Color greyish-black, with a slightly metallic or vitreous lus- tre ; yields no water when calcined ; is fusible B B, without alteration of color, imparting to soda a distinct re-action of the oxide of manganese. Is acted upon by muriatic acid, with disengagement of chlorine, leaving a gelatinous residue. Marceline forms considerable repositories in mica-schist, in the valley of Saint Marcel in Piedmont. MONTICELLITE. Brooke. (Annals of Philosophy, Oct. 1831.) H.=5-0 6-0. In small imbedded crystals, having the general aspect of quartz. Color yellowish; sometimes nearly transparent, and colorless. Occurs at Vesuvius imbedded in a crystalline carbonate of lime, along with particles of black mica and minute crystals of pyroxene. Its name was proposed by Brooke, in honor of the celebrated Neapolitan mineralogist Monticelli. NONTRONITE. Serthier. (Jinn, de Chim. et de Phys., xxxv. 92.) Contains silica 44'0, peroxide of iron 29'0, alumina 3'6, magnesia 2*1, water 18*7, clay 1*2. Berthier. This substance resembles clay. It is of a pale straw, or ca- nary-yellow color, with a greenish tinge. Opake. Unctuous to the touch ; and exhaling an odor when breathed upon. Acquires a fine polish and resinous lustre from the friction of softer bodies. Is not reduced to powder, but becomes lumpy under the pestle; and does not affect the magnet. When im- mersed in water it disengages numerous air bubbles, becomes translucent on the edges, and increases in weight. When slightly heated, it gives off water, and assumes the color of red oxide of iron ; and when calcined becomes sensibly mag- netic. Nontronite was noticed by Berthier in small kidney-shaped masses among manganese in the arrondissement of Nontron in France. PROTHEITE. Ure. Heavy. Scratches glass. In rectangular prisms, the faces being striated longitudinal- SUPPLEMENT. 611 ly. Color olive-green or white. Nearly opake in large spec- imens, translucent in smaller Lustre vitreous, inclining to adamantine. Is infusible B B, and becomes electric by fric- tion. Has lately been discovered in the Zillerthal in the Tyrol. STEINMANNITE. Zippe. Sp. Gr. 6-833. H. 2-5. Primary form the Cube. Secondary form the regular octa- hedron. Cleavage parallel to the cube, imperfect and scarcely visible. Fracture uneven. Surface of the crystals smooth. Lustre metallic. Color pure lead grey. Botryoidal ; massive. Com- position fine granular; in some varieties a curved lamellar composition is visible. Composition also compact, sometimes porous. When heated B B, on charcoal, it decrepitates with violence. Its powder, heated, emits the odor of sulphurous acid, and a metallic globule remains, as in the case of galena, but which finally yields a distinct button of silver. It appears to consist of lead, antimony, silver, and sulphur. It is found at Przibram with quartz, blende, and iron pyrites. STILPNOMELAN. (Glocker. Minertdoffie, p. 391.) It has been analyzed by Rammelsberg, (Handworterbuch, ii. 186,) who obtained the following results. Silica 46-500 Protoxide of iron 33-892 Alumina 7-100 Lime 0-197 Magnesia 1-888 Water 7-900 97-477 The formula, by Rammelsberg: 2Fe 3 S"i 2 +AlS'i 2 +6H. Sp. Gr. 3 27 3-4. H. 30 4'0. In crystalline, lamellar, and fibrous masses, of a black or greenish color; lustre vitreous; cleavage in one direction; streak olive-green to liver-brown. Insoluble in acids ; fusible B B, into a bluish-black scoria which shows the presence of iron. Localities, Obergrund and Zinkmantel in Silesia. 612 SUPPLEMENT. SYLVYNE. Beudant. (Traite, t. ii. 511.) Muriate of Potash. Chlorure de Potassium. Consists of chlorine 47'46, potassium 52 54. Formula: KChl 2 . Soluble, with the taste of common salt. Crystallizes in the form of the Cube, and cleaves parallel to the faces of that solid. When in solution the addition of muriate of platina produces a yellow precipitate. Treated with sulphuric acid, it leaves, after evaporation, acicular crystals, which do not effloresce in the air. It is found in small quantity, mixed with salt, in the mines of Hallein and Berchtesgaden, in Saltzburg, where it was first noticed by M. Vogel. TEPHROITE. Sreithaupt. Sp. Gr. 4-116. H. =5-0 6-0. Massive and compact. Color ash-grey, tarnishing black. Lustre adamantine. Streak somewhat paler than the mineral. Cleavage perfect in several directions ; two of them forming together a right angle. Fracture imperfect conchoidal, or un- even. Forms a black slag B B. Occurs with Franklinite and red oxide of zinc, at Sparta, Sussex county, New Jersey. The distinctive characters of this mineral are so imperfectly made out that American mineralogists have not been able to identify it. Shepard sup- poses it to be a variety of Troostite. ZURLITE.* Monticelli. Sp. Gr. 3 27. H. about 6'0. Occurs in rectangular four-sided prisms, lengthened in the direction of their axes, and having occasionally their lateral edges replaced. Color asparagus-green, inclining to grey. Opake. Lustre resinous. Cleavage indistinct. Fracture con- choidal. Surface of the crystals rough, frequently covered with a white coating. It is infusible B B, but yields with bo- rax a black glass. Nitric acid dissolves it, partly with efferves- cence, and the solution becomes yellow. Zurlite is a Vesu- vian mineral ; it is generally found in large distinct crystals, associated with calc spar and other species. * In compliment to the Neapolitan minister, Sig. Zurlo. SUPPLEMENT. 613 VARGASITE. A mineral of a pale-greenish color, found in Finland, usually in amorphous masses of a columnar structure, and named in honor of Count Vargas de Bedemar, in justice to whom some more particular description of the mineral should be drawn up and published, or the name be applied to some species of a less doubtful character. HAYDENITE. We are indebted to Mr. B. Silliman, Jr., (communication to the editor) for an analysis of this mineral, which, in its physi- cal and crystallographical characters, has been described at page 123. His results exclude it entirely from the formula for chabasie, with which some had supposed it to be identical, as it contains only one-third of the quantity of water, and a much larger proportion of silicic acid, which forms a tersilicate with the alumina; the latter, if we include with it the isomor- phous peroxide of iron, nearly agreeing with Al. in chabasie. Joined with M. Levy's investigations, they fully establish its claims as a distinct species. The following are his results the excess probably being water : Silica Alumina Peroxide of iron. Potash Lime Magnesia 56831. 12-345. 8-035. 2-388. 8-419. 3-960. Atoms. 28-41.. 5-48 > ]-60( 040) 2-40 1-13) ....7 ....2 ....1 Water 8-905 7-91 2 100-883 The formula answering to these numbers (admitting a slight deficiency in the Al. and F) may be thus stated : 2(Al,F)S 3 -h (K,Cal,Mg,)S+(2Aq?)' GREENOVITE. TITANIATE OF MANGANESE. M. Dufrenoy* has given this name, in honor of G. B. Greenough, Esq., to a mineral from St. Marcel in Piedmom, which had been supposed to be a silicate of manganese, but is, in fact, a titaniate of manganese, and, except Crichtonite, which is a titaniate of iron, it is the only titaniate hitherto de- scribed. The proportions of its constituents, as determined by M. Cacarrie, are : titanic acid 74 - 5, oxide of manganese 24 f 8, limet 0-0 = 99'3. * Annales des Mines, t. xvii. p. 529. Lond. Edinb. and Dub. Phil. Mag., xxi. 246, 1842. f An accident prevented the quantity of lime from being determined, but it could not have amounted to one per cent. 52 614 SUPPLEMENT. These numbers correspond very nearly with three atoms titanic acid, and one atom oxide of manganese. Formula : Mntt 3 . As described by M. Dufrenoy, it occurs in small, amorphous, crystalline masses, is of a deep rose color, and has the specific gravity 3'44. Hardness greater than that of fluor spar, or phosphate of lime, but it does not scratch glass. It is not acted upon by acids, nor is it fusible, per se, by the blowpipe. With microcosmic salt, it shows the reaction of titanium ; and with soda that of manganese. The crystals are brilliant, es- pecially on the faces M and T ; the terminal faces being often dull and tarnished. The primary form is a Doubly oblique prism, which presents the modifications shown by the following figure. The angles were determined by actual observation, and partly by calculation. PonM PonT MonT a on M a onT a on P c on M 87 10' 85 50 110 35 119 20 118 10 140 06 107 50 83 56' 153 25 106 30 146 20 110 13 155 37 112? This mineral was discovered by M. Bertrand-de-Lom with other ores of manganese, in irregular rose-colored veins, ac- companied by quartz, epidote and manganese. LEONHARDITE. This mineral very much resembles Laumonite in its exter- nal characters, and its property of decomposing by loss of its water, under the ordinary temperature of the atmosphere. But in its analysis, it is shown to be distinct from true Laumonite. Dr. Delff found it composed as follows : Silica 56-128 Alumina 22-980 Lime 9251 Water and loss 11-641 100-000 Sp. Gr. 2-25. H.r=3 35. Color white, passing into yellow, and more rarely, into brown- ish. Frequently coated with brownish or black powder. Streak white. Translucent on the edges. Lustre pearly, especially on perfect cleavage planes ; on the fractured surface vitreous. Primary form, an Oblique rhombic prism ; M on M 96 30' and 83^ 30', p on M 114 and 64. This is the only form observed. SUPPLEMENT. 615 The prismatic crystals are frequently aggregated together, so that a large individual is composed of several smaller ones. The lateral planes are streaked in a direction parallel to the principal axis ; two of them are often larger than the others. Sometimes crystalline columnar, and granular masses occur. Cleavage very perfect, parallel to the lateral planes, imperfect in the directions of P. Fracture uneven. Pyrognostic charac- ters not given. This mineral occurs near Wolfstein, in Rhen- ish Bavaria, also in the neighborhood of Heidelriberg. It has been examined both by Dr. Delff and Prof. Blum, and named by them in honor of Von Leonhard. WOHLERITE.* Under this name, given in honor of Professor Wohler, Scheerer of Christiania, has described a substance found on one of the islands of the Largesund-Fjord, near Brevig, in Norway. It occurs also in the island of Lovoe, in Zircon- sienite, accompanied by eaolite, zircon and pyrochlore. Its analysis by Scheerer, gave the following results : Silica 30-62 Tantalic acid 14-47 Zirconia 15-17 Oxide of iron 2-12 Protoxide of manganese 1-55 Lime 26-19 Soda 7-78 Magnesia 0-40 Water 0-24 93-54 Formula : Zr 3 Ta+5(Na, S'!+Ca 3 Si). Sp. Gr. 3'41. H. = between felspar and apatite. It occurs in angular grains, arid rarely in broad, prismatic or tabular crystals; of which, however, no exact crystallograph- ical description has been given, as their faces are imperfectly developed, and it is difficult to separate them from the sur- rounding mass. Indications of cleavage observed in one di- rection. The color is yellow, of various shades, passing into brownish, viz : light-yellow, wine-yellow, honey-yellow, brown- ish-yellow. Color of the powder, yellowish-white. Its trans- parency varies as much as in zircon. The crystalline faces exhibit a vitreous lustre. Fracture more or less conchoidal, sometimes passing into splintery and granular. Characters B B, not stated. *This, and the preceding article, have been abridged from Prof. Jameson's Phil. Jour, for Oct , 1843, into which they had been copied from Poggendorf 's Annalen, lix. 1843. 616 SUPPLEMENT. GLAUBERITE. This, mineral was among the specimens brought by Mr. Blake, from the Province of Tarapaca, in Peru. From a qualatitive examination, Mr. Hayes ascertained that it contained sulphuric acid, soda and lime. He afterwards submitted it to analysis, and found it to be identical with Glauberite. It gave him the following results : Ratio. Sulphuric acid 57-22f) 11-44 2 Soda 21-324 5-33 1 Lime 20-680 5-90 1 Protoxide of iron -444 "99^668 There is a slight deficiency in the quantity of soda, but this salt evidently consists of one atom sulphate of soda, one atom sulphate of lime. This is the composition of the variety from Villa Rubia, in Spain, originally analyzed by Brongniart. Formula: NSl+CalSl, or as stated by Mr. Hayes: (NaO,S O 3 -hCaO, SO 3 .)=NaS+CaS. It occurs in extremely brilliant, colorless and transparent crystals, imbedded in hydrated borate of lime, or Hayesine. They are in the form of elongated oblique rhombic prisms, simply replaced on their obtuse terminal edges, by single planes. Mr. Teschemacher, who has given the annexed figure of one of these crystals, has also measured their angles with the reflecting goniometer, and determined their exact agreement with the angles of Glauberite, as given at page 333. As in the European crystals, the planes M M' are sometimes wholly wanting, so these sometimes present no portions of the primary planes P. Very rarely their acute solid angles are replaced. When examined by a powerful microscope, we discover in them, minute vesicles which are probably filled with air or gas, caus- ing them to decrepitate violently on exposure to heat. They dissolve slowly in a large quantity of hot water. B B, they melt into a colorless glass. According to Mr. Hayes, they lose about ^j of their weight by being heated. PICKERINGITE.* This is an extremely beautiful mineral, occurring in masses composed of long parallel fibres of a silky or satin lustre ; color pure white, or viewed in the direction of the fibres, pale * In honor of John Pickering, Esq., President of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. SUPPLEMENT. 617 rose-red or light-green. Compact, but easily divided parallel with the fibres; brittle. Specific Gravity I '78 to 1/80. It swells when heated, and the white mass which remains tastes like alum. Its analysis afforded Mr. A. A. Hayes, the follow- ing results : Water of crystallization 45-450 Sulphuric acid 36-322 Alumina 12-130 Magnesia 4-682 Protoxides of manganese and iron 0-430 Lime 0-126 Muriatic acid 0-604 99-744 This mineral appears to be a very pure native magnesian alum, and very nearly answers to the composition of a mag- nesian alum from South Africa, analyzed by Stromeyer, whose results are thus stated (Ramm. Handworterbuch y \. 9) : sul- phuric acid 36'770, alumina 11*515, magnesia 3-690, peroxide of manganese 2'617, water 45-739, chloride of potassium 0-205 = 100-086. The formula, as determined by Mr. Hayes, is : MgS-|-AiS 3 +22H, which differs only slightly in the last term from the formula given by Ramrnelsberg. A specimen of the same mineral which had been sent by the editor to Dr. Thomson, of Glasgow, has afforded, in the hands of this chemist, very different results, as thus stated (Land. Edinb. and Dub. Phil Mag., xxii. 192, 1843J : sulphuric acid 32'95, alumina 22*55, sulphate of soda 6-50, water 39-20 mlOl 02. As viewed by Dr. Thomson, it is a subsesquisul- phate of alumina, consisting of 1 At. SI, 1 At. Al, 1 At. NS1, 5 At. Aq. It is evident that the soda must exist in this mine- ral, without producing any change in its physical characters, because these characters are alike stated both by Dr. Thomson and Mr. Hayes, and the specimen sent to Dr. Thomson could not be distinguished from the other masses brought to us by Mr. Blake. It occurs abundantly in the Province of Tarapaca in Peru, associated with Glauberite, hydro-borate of lime, and iodate of soda, hydriodate of soda, sulphate and biborate of soda, chlo- ride of sodium, and organic matter. IODATE OF SODA. This remarkable mineral forms a considerable proportion of the saline mixtures, associated with borate of lime, and was first detected by Mr. Hayes, in his examinations of the last named substance. He has also found it with the native nitrate of soda, from Peru, intermixed with various other saline sub- stances. 52* 618 SUPPLEMENT MONRADITE.* A. Erdmann has described anew mineral from the diocess of Bergen, which he calls Monradite, after the late apothecary Monrad. It is yellow, of a pale color, somewhat inclining to reddish, compact and sprinkled with mica, but has a determi- nate crystalline structure, with cleavage planes inclining to each other at 130; strong vitreous lustre; surface here and there striated; cross-fracture fine grained and close. Specific grav- ity 3-2673. H. nearly that of felspar. B B, it does not fuse, but gives water and darkens a little. Dissolves in borax into an iron-colored glass, which, with much addition, becomes tur- bid in cooling. Dissolves by phosphoric salts, leaving a skel- eton of silica. With little soda it melts into a turbid green- ish-pearl ; with more it forms an infusible slag. It is com- posed of silica 56*17, magnesia 31 '63, protoxide of iron 8 56, water 4-04. Formula: 4(Mg,F)S 2 +Aq. This adds another species to the several native combinations of bisilicate of mag- nesia previously known. RODOCHROM.t This mineral was first brought from Siberia, by Fiedler. It is a dark-green serpentine-like mineral, containing chromium, and he called it Rodochrom. It has lately been described by G. Rose. It occurs partly in loose stones, partly imbedded in serpentine, between Kyschtimsk and Syssersh, in Ural. It is compact, sometimes in fine scales, and of a dark-green. The fine splinters are of a peach-bloom color. It gives a whitish powder ; on fracture it has a pearly lustre ; is transparent on the edges; scratched by calc-spar. Specific gravity 2'668. Heated much it becomes gray-white and gives water ; fuses slowly on thin edges into a yellow enamel ; is dissolved in borax and phos- phoric salts into chrome-green glass ; gives with the latter no silica skeleton. With soda fuses into a yellowish-opake mass. Heated with cobalt solution, the powder becomes white. Rose compared it with serpentine, from which it differs chiefly in the chrome. The blue color with cobalt seems, however, to betoken more clay than would be consistent with a serpentine nature ; and its fusibility with soda is different from what would happen with a serpentine. * Berzelins ; ArsberAttelse, for 1843, p. 195. | Berzelius ; Arab., p. 212. SUPPLEMENT. KAMMERERITE. Berzelius, in his Annual Report for 1843, (Arsb. p. 193,) has noticed this mineral, (already described at page 115 of this volume,) and has given us its mineralogical formula from Hart- wall's analysis ; 2MgS-f (AlCr)S+2Aq. He observes that it much resembles the Hydrargillite from Achmatowsk, describ- ed by G. Rose ; but acts differently B B. At the same time, its composition agrees with Von Kobell's Pyrosclerite, though it differs from it in several external particulars. VANADATE OF LIME.* Ficinus has discovered this rare mineral in the form of tile- red lamenated masses of a brilliant lustre, associated with pitch- blende ; locality not stated. It dissolves in nitric acid, and leaves no residuum. Carbonate of soda precipitates from it car- bonate of lime, and salamoniac dissolved in the remaining solu- tion, precipitates flocculi of vanadate of ammonia. Berzelius supposes that, from the intermixture of this mineral, may pro- ceed the vanadium contained in vanadic pitch-blende. BROWN MAGNESIAN MICA. The brown mica from Jefferson county, New York, has re- cently been analyzed by Meitzendorff, whose average results are thus stated by Berzelius, (Arsb., 1843, p. 211,) silica41'30, alumina 15*35, pertoxide of iron 1'77, magnesia 28'79, potash 9-70, soda 0'65, fluoric acid 3'30, loss by ignition 0-28. It thus agrees very nearly with Prof. H. Rose's analysis of a Siberian magnesia mica, mentioned at p. 179. The formula added is : KEl+9MgS+6AlS. HYDROFITE. Jlf. Svanberg. (Trans. Swedish Roy. Acad. 1839, p. 186.) The slags obtained from the cast iron, made from the ores which are found at Taberg in Smaland, Sweden, having been examined by Sefstrom, and found to contain vanadium, it became important to ascertain the nature of the mineral con- tained in those ores from which this metal was derived. We are now indebted to M. Svanberg for this information. It oc- curs with pikrolite, in compact or fibrous masses, with an un- even fracture, and of a mountain-green color. Streak lighter ; * Berzelius ; Arsb., 1843, p. 196. 620 SUPPLEMENT. hardness between calc-spar and fluor-spar; specific gravity 2'65. B B, it gives off water, and seems perfectly infusible even in the thinnest splinters. Its analysis afforded very near- ly the same results as serpentine, from which it differs in having a considerable portion of protoxide of iron in the place of magnesia; in containing a little more water, and having in combination with it a very small quantity of vanadic acid. FELSPAR. The American localities of this species having been omitted in the body of the work, are here introduced. The finest crystallized forms accompany zircon and phosphate of lime in white limestone, at Hammond, St. Lawrence county, N. Y. They are in thin tabular crystals, both single and inacled, and occasionally from three to four inches in diameter. Externally in color and appearance, they resemble horn, but on fracture and cleavage, they are nearly pure white, of a vitreous lustre, and slightly opalescent. More rarely they are iridescent, and susceptible of much beauty by polishing. One of the modifi- cations is a figure very similar to that given under the species felspar in this volume, (the synoptiqne of Haiiy) produced by the replacement of the lateral solid angles E, of the obtuse terminal edges D and F, (see fig. 13, of the Introduction, p. xi,) and of the oblique and lateral edges of the prism by sin- gle planes. The annexed figure, drawn from a very perfect smooth planed crystal in the editor's possession, represents one of the sim- plest of the twin forms from this lo- cality. Interesting crystals are found with the chrysoberyls, at Greenfield, Saratoga county, N. Y., also in Orange, Essex, and Lewis counties. Very sin- gular twin crystals were found by Dr. Horton, at Harlem, near New York city, in fissures of gneiss; and Prof. Beck has given figures of several inter- esting forms, in his Report on the Mineralogy of New York. In Bucks and Chester counties, Penn., it occurs crystallized, and in cleavable masses, some- times passing into transparent Adularia. At Jones Falls, Maryland, both green felspar, and Adularia, the latter pure white and reflecting a blue light, occur in granite. In Connecticut, the china-stone quarries at Middleton, have furnished very large crystals, sometimes a foot in length in the direction of the edges iT SUPPLEMENT. formed by the meeting of the planes P and M, while very perfect crystals of inferior size, mentioned by Prof. Shepard, are found at Litchfield, as also the sun-stone at Lynn, Adularia at the Falls of the Yantic, in Norwich, and a green variety at Bolton, in the same State. At Royalston and Barre, Mass., a beautiful pure white massive variety, and sometimes crystallized, is found with beryls and mica. It occurs under similar circumstances, at Acworth, N. H., and at Paris, Me. Small crystals, accord- ing to Prof. Cleaveland, are found in the granite at Freeport and Brunswick, Me., as well as the green variety at Topsham, Me. But the deep rich green felspar, from Beverly, Mass., discovered and analyzed by Prof. J. W. Webster, far surpasses any other variety of this mineral hitherto observed in the United States. Prof. Webster found ite composition as here stated: silica 72, alumina 101, lime 1'2, magnesia 3'2, per- oxide of iron 2, potash 111, with a trace of chrome.* It con- tains more silica, and less alumina, than the Siberian green felspar, analyzed by Vauquelin, but about the same proportion of potash. If we unite the peroxide of iron and alumina, it comes nearer to the analysis of a specimen by Klaproth, which gave silica 70, alumina 16'50, potash 11*50. GREENOCKITE. The papers of Prof. Jameson, and Arthur Connell, Esq.,t have enabled me to supply one or two important facts relating to this rare and interesting substance, mentioned at page 573. It is readily distinguished from zinc-blende by its reactions. Owing to its decrepitating property, it is difficult'to act on it per se on charcoal; but when this can be accomplished, the usual yellowish-red ring, arising from the oxidation of subli- mated cadmium, is formed around the fragment. When mixed with soda and acted on, on charcoal, this ring continues to be formed to the last, without any of the white sublimate which zinc-blende affords. With borax it yields a transparent yellow glass. Heated in a glass tube, it decrepitates and acquires a fine carmine-red color, but on cooling recovers its yellow tint. At a red heat, it does not fuse nor volatilize. In powder, it is readily soluble in heated hydrochloric acid, with strong odor of sulphydric acid gas. Carbonate of soda causes a white pre- cipitate, soluble in ammonia. The muriatic solution, by evap- * Boston Journal of Philosophy and the Arts, i. 390. f Edinburgh Philosophical Journal, xxviii. 391. 622 SUPPLEMENT. oration, afforded a white prismatic crystallization, not deli- quescing in an ordinary atmosphere. This character distin- guishes this mineral from zinc-blende. The crystals are short six-sided prisms, as already described ; the faces of the acute pyramids, by which they are terminated, are transversely streaked. The measurements and figure, have been supplied by Brooke : a on b 1;3<3 40' ; a on c 118 ; a on d 90 ; 6 on e about 176. He obtained an apparent cleavage parallel with the lateral planes d, but was unable to determine satisfactorily the primary form, or to decide whether they were any more than planes of com- position of other intersecting crystals. He says, " the form appears to be a regular six-sided prism, but I suspect that it is derived, like sulphate of potash, from the intersection of three rhombic prisms." More recently, Prof. Jameson observes, that " the examination of some additional specimens leaves little doubt that the mineral belongs to the rhombohedral sys- tem of crystallization." Journ., xxix. 175. RHODIZITE. It was mentioned at page 318, that the mineral there named borocalcite, was the only native borate of lime known. It was not then known to the editor, that Prof. G. Rose had made a qualitative examination of some crystals found on the red Siberian tourmaline, which proved to be borate of lime, though evidently a more basic compound than the borocalcite. On account of its rarity, it has not been quantitatively examin- ed. Its behavior B B, is thus stated by Rose. (Rammels- berg's Handworterbuch, ii. 102.) Slowly fusible on the edges in- to a white-opake glass, which throws out excrescences, that shine very strongly with a yellowish-red light. It colors the flame first green on one part, then red on another, and finally red throughout. On charcoal it rounds off only on the edges, and becomes snow-white and opake. In alembic gives no water. With borax and phosphoric salt, it dissolves into a clear glass; fuses with fluor spar into a clear glass ; with little soda into a white enamel ; and with addition of soda into a colorless glass. This glass, triturated and decomposed by hydrochloric acid, communicates a green color to alcohol, with which the resi- duum is washed after the solution is evaporated to dryness. SUPPLEMENT. 623 SULPHURET OF LEAD FROM ROSSIE, N. Y. The crystals of galena from Rossie, which present all the usual modifications of this substance, are sometimes most sin- gularly constituted. The annexed figure, represents one of the natural size, in the editor's possession. It is a flattened cube. The lateral planes P P', as well as the replace- ments of the lower solid angles a a', are extremely brilliant and regular ; but the upper solid angles, and the ter- minal edges, are replaced by planes which successively rise, in a step-like manner, to the apex, forming a very low pyramid. These replacements are eleven in number, on each face of the pyramid, and the lines which connect them with each other, meet exactly at the same point ; thus dividing them into a regular series of parallel faces, hav- ing nearly the same relative dimensions throughout. It is not easy to give a satisfactory explanation of the origin of this crystal, and others like it, but the faces bear marks of having undergone fusion, (as is the case also with many of the ordi- nary crystals of galena, as well as of the phosphate of lime, quartz and felspar, from the same vicinity,) since their original deposition ; and it is not improbable, that the phenomenon may have had a connection with this circumstance. It would appear that the pyramidal face was downward, and that the molecules, having their cohesion gradually overcome, but not sufficiently so to separate themselves entirely from the mass, and while yet subject to the law of crystallization, subsided in the manner in which we now see them. An appearance some- what similar to this, has been observed among artificial crys- tals produced by heat, particularly in crystals of lead, obtained in the manner of crystallizing bismuth. The similar appearances on the crystals of quartz, from Grafton, N. H., first noticed and described by Mr. Tesche- macher, appear to be owing to the intersection of laminae of mica, with which they occur, as they correspond with the angles of mica, and are supposed to have no connection with the crystalline form of quartz. MELLILITE, IDENTICAL WITH HUMBOLDILITE. M. Damour (Ann. de C/iim. et de Phys. 3d Ser., Jan., 1844,) has established the identity of these two minerals by a comparison of their general physical characters, and the insti- tution of new analyses. His results are as here stated ; the two first being of Mellilite, and the last of Humboldilite. 624 SUPPLEMENT. Pale yellow crystals. Brown crystals. Humboldilite. Silica 39-22 38-34 40-69 Lime 32-47 32-15 31-81 ) Magnesia 644 0-71 5-75 f Potash 1-46 1-51 36 ( Sodu 1-95 212 4-43) Peroxide of iron. .10 07 10-02 10-88 Alumina 6-42 8-61 4-43 98 18 99-36 98-35 The analysis of the two first differs widely from that by Carpi, given at page 09, while the latter agrees almost precisely with Von Kobell's analysis of Hurnboldilite, stated at page 218. Owing to the discrepancy between the two analyses there given, the formula was omitted. The rnineralogical formula now de- ducible from these results, is : 2(Cal, Mg, K, N,)S+(A1, F)S. BEUDANDITE. According to MM. Darnour and Descloizeaux, (Ann. de Chim. ct de P/iys. 3d Ser., Jan., 1844, pp. 72, 77,) the Beudandite of Levy proves to be identical with pharmakosi- derite from Cornwall. The oxide of lead, which Dr. Wollas- ton detected in it, is shown to be an accidental mixture. Another substance should therefore be dedicated to that dis- tinguished author. One may ask, how many of Levy's new min- erals are destined to stand the scrutiny of later observers? STELLITE, OR ANHYDROUS LIME-MESOLITE. Stellite and Anhydrous Zeolite, from Bergen, N. J. Prof. Beck, in his Report on the Mineralogy of New York, page 343, has given the analysis of a radiated, trappean mineral from Bergen, N. J., which he supposes may be identical with the stellite of Dr. Thomson. He obtained of silica 54-60, lime 33*65, magnesia 6-80, oxide of iron and alumina 0'50, water and carbonic acid 3-20 It thus differs from Dr. Thomson's mineral, principally in the smaller amount of its alumina and water ; but it consists of four atoms bisilicate of lime, and one atom bisilicate of magnesia. The physical characters, also, so far as they have been examined, favor Dr. Beck's views of their identity, At the editor's request, Mr. Hayes has analyzed the same stel- lular substance, which consisted of tufts of sharp needle-form crystals, proceeding from a compact centre, and terminating at their free extremities, by regular four-sided pyramids. His re- sults, as given in a note to page 205, are here repeated ; silica 59-96, lime 39 72, soda 6-75, potash 0-60, protoxide of manga- SUPPLEMENT. 625 nese 0'64, alumina 0'08, hygrometric water 0*16 Divided by the atomic weights, and reckoning together the potash and soda, the constitution of this mineral appears to be very nearly 6 atoms bisilicate of lime, and one atom quatersilicate of potash and soda. Formula : 6CalS 2 +(K, N,)S 4 . This result is very remarkable, as it proves the mineral to be an anhydrous silicate, and, therefore, unlike any of the zeolite species which have hitherto been met with in the trap rocks of the United States. Specific gravity, according to Beck, 2'836. Its hardness is equal to that of glass. Mr. Hayes has thus given its charac- ters, B B. In the outer flame, it whitens and becomes opake; at a higher temperature, it fuses with slight bubbling into a white enamel. In the reducing flame, the globule shines bril- liantly and becomes almost transparent on cooling. The yel- low color of the flame shows the presence of soda. With its bulk of soda, the mineral gives a slag, which, in the outer flame, has a green color ; in the reducing flame, a flesh-red color takes its place. It will be observed that there is a very close resemblance in composition and general physical characters, between this mineral and three others, the Wollastonite and Stellite of Dr. Thomson, and the Pektolite of "Von Kobell, (See pp. 69. 121. 238,) excepting in its entire freedom from water, and its more perfect crystallization ; the alumina in the stellite being accidental, while the magnesia takes the place of the alkalies,, the water in all of them, probably varying as an accidental mixture. They undoubtedly all constitute but one species, and while they may be most appropriately designated under the name of Stellite, the chemical title of anhydrous limc-mesolite is naturally suggested by their crystallographical identity with mesolite, as established by Mr. Teschemacher, who received from the editor a few of the most perfect crystals, presenting precisely the same modifications with mesolite, with the request that he would measure and compare them with mesolite. These crystals were from the Bergen locality, and from the same specimen with those analyzed. But mesolite consists of three atoms silicate of alumina, one atom tersilicate of lime and soda, while the foreign anhydrous mineral, consists of four atoms bisilicate of lime, and one atom tersilicate of soda, and potash. PYRRHITE. This exceedingly rare and beautiful mineral, hitherto found only in Siberia, and of which but a single specimen comprising eight crystals, is known to mineralogists, has been recognised 53 626 SUPPLEMENT. among the interesting substances recently brought from the Azores, by Prof. J. W. Webster. The specimen was placed in Mr. Teschemacher's hands for examination by Prof. Webster, and was supposed, by both of these gentlemen, to be a new substance. On comparing it with pyrrhite, as described at page 176, Mr. Teschemacher was at once convinced of its identity with that substance. He has furnished the following description. Form, beautifully perfect regular octahedrons ; color, deep orange-yellow ; transparent on the edges, with a brilliant vitreous lustre. Hardness equal to that of felspar. The crystals are from one-half to two lines in length, and they are super-imposed on a white felspar, or albite. The minutest crystals are quite transparent. One of these exposed to the oxidating flarne of the blowpipe, became opake, retaining its orange color, but duller. Changed to the reducing flame, it melted without frothing, and assumed a deep, dull indigo-blue color, which could only be distinguished from black in a bright light, and on the minute edges of the fused crystal. With bo- rax, it melts into a dark brown glass, apparently colored by iron. It is probable that the mineral contains some titaniate, and that the blue color almost instantly assumed by the assay, is owing, as Kersten has shown, in the case of some of the titaniferous silicates, to the formation of blue oxide by the loss of oxygen in titanic acid.* Prof. Webster has the subject in hand for a chemical analysis, and he has taken measures to procure a larger supply from the locality. PEROVSKITE. This mineral has been named in honor of Von Perovski, of St. Petersburg, and according to M. G. Rose, (Pogg. Ann., xlviii. 558,) it consists principally of titanic acid and lime. It occurs in very small crystals, the primary form of which appears to be a cube. Specific gravity 4*071 ; Hardness 5'5. Color gray or iron-black; opake; has a metallic lustre. B B, it is infusible. With salt of phosphorous it shows the reaction of titanium, producing in the inner flame a grayish-green globule while hot, but which becomes of a violet-blue on cooling. In the outer flame, it is greenish-white while hot, but colorless when cold. It is found with magnetic iron ore in chlorite slate, at Achmatoosk, near Slatoust, in the Ural, and appears to be a very scarce mineral. Its near resemblance in crystal- line form, hardness, and some of its pyrognostic characters, with the last described mineral, is interesting, and it is not im- probable that both may prove to be essentially titaniate of lime. * See Lon. Edin. and Dub. Phil. Mag., xvii. 542, 1840. ..... ' ..... ' : t V > ;. v - ^ ;..:'' SUPPLEMENT. 627 BEAUMONITE OF M. LEVY. This mineral recently identified with Heulandite, (see p. 39,) but which appears to be yet regarded as a new species in France, has now been analyzed by M. A. Delesse, (Ann. de Chim. et de Phys., t. ix. p. 385, 1843.) The crystals selected for analysis, were of a honey-yellow color ; their hardness was about that of apatite; specific gravity 2.24. They yielded as follows : silica 64-2, alumina 14 f l, lime 4-8, magnesia T7, protoxide of iron 1-2, water 13-4, soda and loss 6=100. It appears to contain more silica than any of the zeolite species, and to the unusual proportion of this constituent, must be ascribed its superior hardness, and its capability of resisting the action of those acids, which readily decompose the ordinary zeolites. This mineral, as a variety of Heulandite, presents an ex- ample analogous to that of the variety of chabasie, called Aca- dialite, in which the silica forms a larger atomic proportion, without causing any appreciable variation in the angles of the crystals. It otherwise comes very near to the analysis of a Heu- landite by Retzitis, (page 37,) if we unite the isomorphous bases which replace each other ; and besides, both are characterized by the absence of the alkalies. SISMONDINE. This is a new mineral found by M. Bertrand de Lorn, at St. Marcel, and named in honor of M. Sismonda, of Turin. It is of a deep green color, possessing great brilliancy ; cleaves readily, affording highly lustrous laminae; is brittle, and easily powdered, the color of the powder being bright greyish-green. Scratches glass ; specific gravity 3-565. Its crystalline char- acters are not given. It does not affect the magnet either be- fore or after calcination. It occurs in chlorite slate, and is accompanied by dodecahedral garnet and titaniferous iron, Its analysis by M. Delesse, afforded these constituents ; ( Ann. de Chim. et de Phys., t. ix. p. 388, 1843) : Silica ......................... 24-1 Alumina ..................... 43-2 Protoxide of iron .............. 23 8 Water ....................... 7-6 Trace of oxide of titanium. . . . B B, it does not fuse, but becomes of a variable brown col- or. With salt of phosphorous it dissolves with difficulty, but when in powder, with great readiness. The globule is colored when hot, but becomes colorless on cooling. With borax the reaction of the iron is evident; with soda it melts with effer- vescence. 628 SUPPLEMENT. XANTHOPHYLLITE. This mineral was first described by Prof. G. Rose, (Pog- gendorfs Annalen, i. 654.) It has since been analyzed by Meitzendorf, whose results, as given in Pogg. Ann., No. 1, 1843, are as follow : Silica 17-05 16-55 16-41 16-20 Alumina 44 0(1. , 43-73 43.17 44-96 Lime 1J-37 13 12 14-50 12-15 Magnesia 21-24 19-04 19-47 19-43 Protoxide of iron 1-91 2-62 2-23 2-73 Soda 061 0-67 0-62 0-55 Loss by ignition 4-21 4-33 4-45 4-33 100-06 100-73 100-35 100-37 The formula supposes the bases to exist partly as silicates, and partly as aluminates, and is thus stated: 2RSH-6R A1+ RH 3 . Rammelsberg, (Handivortcrbuch, jSupp. 158,) has changed it to this expression, according to which it is a combi- nation of Seybertite, or Clinlinite, and Gibbsite: [3RSi+R 3 A1 2 )+H]+A1H 3 . He seems, however, not to place full con- fidence in these formulas, while Rose, from its near resem- blance in physical properties and in composition to Clinton- ite, as analyzed by Clemson, (see page 79,) is disposed to re- gard it as identical with that mineral. Clemson's analysis gives 6 per cent, less alumina. Xanthrophyllite occurs near Slatoust, in the Ural, in globular and columnar masses, of a foliated structure, readily cleavable, and possessing a pearly lustre. The internal structure sometimes develops tabular hexahedral prisms. It is of a lighter color than Clintonite, owing probably to its containing less iron, and its hardness is also a little inferior. The broad faces of the laminae are readily scratched by apatite, while their edges plainly impress this min- eral. B B, it does not melt, but becomes turbid and opake ; with fluxes gives a greenish glass. It is decomposed by heated hydrochloric acid with great difficulty. PUSCHKINITE. This mineral from the western declivity of the Ural, was first examined and named by Wagner, (Bulletin of the Imp. Society of Naturalists, Moscow, 1841.) It occurs penetrating quartz, in long prismatic hexahedral and trihedral prisms, of a greenish color, resembling green tourmaline, for which it was at first mistaken ; but it is distinguished from that mineral by its crystalline forms and several peculiarities, particularly by its dichroism, when viewed in different directions. Its specific gravity is 3*066, hardness 67. B B, it melts, per se, with / . SUPPLEMENT. 629 difficulty and intumesces ; is soluble in acids after it has been exposed to ignition. Its analysis afforded the following con- stituents : silica 38*385, alumina 18*850, peroxide of iron 16-340, oxide of manganese 0*260, lime 16*000, magnesia 6*190, soda 1*670, lithia 0*460 := 99*685. M. Wagner has given the following formula : 3(Ca, Mg) M. Osersky * has endeavored to prove the identity of this mineral with epidote, or pistazite, (dichromatic epidote of Breithaupt,) and according to his observations, it agrees in hardness, and most of its external characters, and appears to belong to the same system of crystallization with that species. But he has not completed his examinations of it. BAULITE.t At the Scandinavian Society of Natural Philosophers in Stockholm, July, 1842, Forchhammer presented several new Icelandic minerals examined by him. Baulite is one of these, and occurs as a volcanic production in the mountain Baula. It was formerly brought from the volcano Viti, which belongs to the Krabla system, and was found to be of a white granular composition, and mixed with crystals of quartz, and a black mineral crystallized in long needles. It easily dissolves in hydrochloric acid. Specific gravity 2*623. Composed of sil- ica 76*65, alumina 11*57, lime 0*05, magnesia 0*20, potash 3*26, soda 3*73, protoxide of iron 0*63. Formula : (K, N)S 6 +3A1S 6 . It is thus, as Berzelius observes, a kind of potash and soda-felspar, in which the bases are saturated with double as much silicic acid as in the common. It occurs frequently in the Iceland volcanic formations, and sometimes consists of a multitude of globular masses, outwardly somewhat reddish, but within white, with a concentric radiated structure. It is intermixed with, and held together by a mass of quartz. PERICLASE. M. Scacchi, Professor of Mineralogy at Naples, has given a description of a new mineral found in the ancient lava of Ve- suvius, (Ann. des Mines, fourth series, vol. iii. 1843.) It is of a vitreous appearance, has an obscure green color, and confused crystallization, and is imbedded in a calcareous gangue like the Gehlenite of Fassa. It cleaves readily in * Transactions of the Imperial Russian MineralogicaLSociety, 1842, p. 66. t Berzelius : Arsberattehe, for 1843, p. 189. 53* 630 SUPPLEMENT. three directions parallel to the faces of the cube, whence it derives its name, Periclase. It crystallizes in regular octahe- drons, is infusible, B B. The powder is entirely soluble in acids. Hardness equal to felspar. Specific gravity 3'75. It is composed of magnesia and a little oxide of iron ; 100 parts yielding, by the analysis of M. Damour, magnesia 92'57, oxide of iron 6-91, insoluble matter 86=100-34.* Rammels- berg supposes this mineral to be substantially pure magnesia, of which a portion is replaced by protoxide of iron. It is thus very interesting, as showing the crystalline form of pure mag- nesia. LEDERERITE. A new examination of this mineral, described at page 214, is necessary, so far as to determine whether the phosphoric acid discovered in it by Mr. Hayes, is an essential and inva- riable constituent. A third visit to the locality having fur- nished no additional supply of crystals to enable the analyst to determine this point, we may be compelled to sacrifice the two or three very beautiful crystals that yet remain of it. Meanwhile, it is proper to add, that Berzelius has given a for- mula, founded on Mr. Hayes' analysis, according to which the mineral appears to consist of three atoms lime-analcime, united with one atom phosphate of lime, as thus expressed :f To suppose the mineral a variety of chabasieor Gmelenite, requires three times the quantity of water above stated. May not this mineral be viewed as a fixed combination of three atoms lime-analcime, one atom phosphate of lime, and the change in crystalline form to a hexahedral prism, be attributed to the influence of the phosphate of lime which always occurs in this form ? The cleavage parallel to the faces of this prism, opposes its union with chabasie. SODA SPODUMENE. Natron Spodumen. Oligoclas. This mineral occurs in granite, at Danvikszoll, near Stock- holm, and at Arendal and Arriege, in Sweden ; also in the Ural. It is accompanied by calc-spar, quartz, mica and fels- * From the Am. Jour, of Sci., xlvi. 213. f Jahres-Bericht, xiv. 175. J A writer in theLon. and Edinb. Phil. Journ., (iv. 394) has supposed it to be identical with Gmelenite, and Dana has arranged it under the same species. SUPPLEMENT. 631 par ; and at Clausthal it is found in serpentine. According to Breithaupt, its primary form is an Oblique rhombic prism, P on M, 93 45', P on T, 115 30'. Its cleavage is very distinct parallel with P. Color white, yellowish, and greenish-white. Lustre of planes P, between vitreous and pearly ; the other faces greasy. Translucent to transparent. Fracture cqnchoid- al. Specific gravity 2-642-67. Hardness 6. B B, "it fuses with difficulty ; and it is not acted upon by acids. Its analysis by Berzelius,* Hagen,f and Laurent,! gave the following results : Danvikszoll. Arriege. Atoms. Silica 63-70 63-51 62-6 31-85 Alumina 23-95 23-09 24-6 10-64 Peroxide of iron.. 0-50 0-00 0-1 10 Lime 2-05 2-44 3-0 58 Magnesia 0-65... \... .. 0-77 0-2 8-11 9-37 8-9. O.HO/-...3-03 Potash 1-20 2-19 0-0 58) 22 f 2-03 (' 90) 100-16 Berzelius. 101-37 Hagen. 99-4 Laurent. It is evident that the constitution of this mineral, as shown by the atomic numbers in the last column from Berzelius' analysis, is three atoms bisilicate of alumina, one atom tersili- cate of the other bases. Formula : 3AlS 2 +(Cal, Mg, N, K)S 3 . ERINITE. This mineral occurs in the amygdaloid rocks near the Giant's Causeway. It has been examined and analyzed by Dr. Thom- son, who named it from Erin, the name 'by which Ireland is known in the native language of the country. Its color is yel- lowish-red. It is compact, very fine grained ; opake ; with a resinous lustre, and a soapy feel. Fracture conchoidal. Hard- ness l - 75. Specific gravity 2'04. When heated it gives out about one-fourth its weight of water. B B, it whitens, but does not fuse ; with carbonate of soda fuses with effervescence into a blebby glass ; with borax into a transparent colorless glass ; with biphosphate of soda into an opake white frit. Its constituents were found to be as follow : silica 47'036, alumina 18*464, lime I'OOO, protoxide of iron 6*360, magnesia a trace, water 25*280, common salt 0*900 = 99*040. The salt was accidental and derived from the sea. By unit- ing the lime to the alumina, Dr. Thomson makes the constitu- tion of this mineral (admitting a slight excess of silica) as thus stated: 6AlS 2 +FS*-f 16Aq. Erinite resembles in composition one or two varieties of bole, * Jahres-Bericht, iv. 147. f Ann - de Chim. et de Phys., lix. 108. i t Pogg. Ann., xliv. 329. Dr. Thomson's Outlines, &c., i. 341. 632 SUPPLEMENT. particularly those from Striegau in Silesia, and Stolpen the first consisting of 42-00 S., 20-12 Al., 8-53 F., 2-81 Cal., 2-01 Mg., 24 Aq. = 99-47 : the last of 45-922 S.j 22-145 Al., 3 902 Cal., 25-860 Aq. = 97'829.* WICHTYNE. This mineral from Wichty, in Finland, first recognised by M. Nordenskiold, afforded by the analysis of M. Laurent (Ann. de Chim. et de Phys., lix. 11 1,) the following results: silica 56-3, alumina 13 3, peroxide of iron 4-0, protoxide of iron 13-0, lime 6-0, magnesia 3-0, soda 3'5 = 99'1. It consists of one atom bisilicate of alumina and peroxide of iron, with one atom bisilicate of the other bases. Formula : (AlFe)S 2 +(N, Ca, Mg, F)S 2 . Its color is black, fracture flat conchoidal. It possesses cleavages which are obtained with difficulty, indicating a rec- tangular rhomboidal prism for its primary. It scratches glass ; is fusible B B, into a black enamel. With borax into a green- ish pearl. It is attracted by the magnet. Specific gravity 3*03. It gives out water before calcination, and is not acted upon by acids. SAPONITE. M. Svariberg. (Royal Swedish Academy's Transactions, 1840, p. 153.) This is a mineral which has much resemblance in its exter- nal characteristics to'soapstone. It occurs in Svaerdsjoe parish in the Dales, among the deserted mines of Brucksved, and also in those of Svartvik. In the latter it is found in clefts of not more than two inches thickness, and when taken out in a wet state, is so soft that it may be spread like butter ; so that some of the miners tried to eat it as a substitute for butter at first, but found it something very different. In the air it har- dens gradually, but falls to pieces in drying, and the pieces become a soft powder. After drying and hardening in the air, it has about the hardness of talc, so that it may be easily scratched with the nails. In water it falls to pieces quickly. It is dissolved by muriatic acid when heated, and decomposed by sulphuric acid when cold, though very slowly. The mineral is partly colorless, and partly inclining to yellow and red. It is altogether without cleavage, and compact. Fracture slightly lustrous, streak lustrous. To the feel greasy ; does not adhere to the tongue ; is slightly translucent. *Rammelsberg's Handwbrterbuch, i. 145. SUPPLEMENT. 633 It gives out abundant water, with a portion of bitumen. It melts by itself in thin splinters to a white blistery enamel. It is dissolved by borax; but leaves, with salt of phosphorous, a skeleton of silicic acid undissolved. It fuses with soda to an opake glass. Compared with soapstone from Cornwall, B B, the latter fuses more easily by itself, as well as with soda. M. Svanberg found the composition of a specimen from Brusksveden, as follows : silica 50-8, alumina 26-5, lime 0*7, magnesia 94, peroxide of iron 2'0, water 10'5 := 99*9. The mineralogical formula deduced from this analysis is : 2MgS 2 -j-AlS+2Aq. Or changed to the chemical it becomes, 2Mg 3 S 2 +AlS+6H. The water actually contained in the mineral was 24 per cent., but 14 percent, was mechanical and escaped in drying. This composition can in no way be deduced from either of the analyses obtained from Cornwall soapstone ; and Svanberg has examined anew the English soapstone, and found its composition very different. He has named it saponite from the Latin for soap. The mineral with which the saponite, in chemical respects, most nearly agrees, is that analyzed and described by Pfaff, under the name of Kero- lith, and which originates from Toblez, in Saxony. DREELITE. This mineral, named in honor of M. de Dree, occurs in a lead mine at Nuisiere, in the environs of Beaujeu, in France. The following description of it has been drawn up by M. Du- frenoy (Ann. de Cldm. et de Phys., Ix. 102.,) It occurs in small rhomboidal crystals, of a pearly lustre, and without any modifications. It presents three cleavages parallel with the faces of its primary, an Obtuse rhomboid, P on P' 93 or 94. These cleavages are also indicated by the fractured surfaces which are parallel with them. In its external characters it re- sembles chabasie. Streak and color white. Specific gravity 3-23-4 ; hardness 3-25. B B, it fuses into a white blebby glass, which is colored blue by nitrate of potash. The following are the results of its analysis by M. Dufrenoy : sulphate of barytes 61-731, sulphate of lime 14*274, lime in excess 1*521, carbonate of lime 8-050, silica 9'712, alumina 2-404, water 2-308 =100. The only essential constituents are supposed to be the two first named ; and it is thus a baryto-calcite, consisting of two atoms sulphate of barytes, one atom sulphate of lime. Formu- la : 2BrS+CalS. It differs essentially from the baryto-calcite 634 SUPPLEMENT. of Dr. Thomson, which consists of four and a half atoms sul- phate of lime, one atom sulphate of barytes : or 71 '9 sulphate of lime, 28-1 sulphate of barytes. POLYSPH^ERITE, HEDYPHAN, AND NUSSIERITE. Frankenheim (System der Krystalle, p. 523, ) has united the two first minerals named by Breithaupt, and the last by Danhauser, and comprises them under this formula : 3(Pb, Ca) 3 ('i,is)+Pb,Ca)E,l). COMPTONITE. Rammelsberg has analyzed this mineral, and shown that it is identical in composition with Thomsonite. Its near agree- ment in crystalline characters, and in other respects, is in con- firmation of his result. His analysis was not observed in sea- son to be given under the description of Comptonite, p. 213. It is as follows, the specimen being from Seeberg, in Bohemia: silica 38-735, alumina 30-843, lime 13-428, soda 3-852, potash 0-542, water 13-097. The chemical formula, according to Rammelsberg, is : (Ca, Na, K) 3 Si+3AlSi+ 7H. The speci- men analyzed by Dr. Thomson, came from Vesuvius, and as he was unable to employ but 7*25 grains of it, he supposes his analysis imperfect. PHILLIPSITE, OR LIME HARMOTOME. Arthur Connell, Esq., has analyzed this mineral from the Giant's Causeway, (Jameson's Edinb. Phil. Journ., 1843, p. 376,) and obtained results which give a somewhat different formula from that deduced from former analyses of crystals elsewhere selected. He obtained silica 47-35, alumina 21 -30, lime 4-85, potash 5-55, soda 3 7, water 16'96 = 100'2l. For- mula: 2(Cal J K,N(S 2 +6AlS 2 +9Aq. EXPLANATION OF TERMS USED IN MINER ALOGICAL DESCRIPTIONS Acicular. Long, slender, and straight prisms, or crystals, are termed acicular, from the Latin, acicula, a little needle. -Aggregated. A mineral or rock is said to be aggregated when the several component parts only adhere together, and may he separated by mechan- ical means : the felspar, quartz, and mica, constituting granite, may be separated mechanically. Granite is an aggregated rock. Alliaceous. The o:)or given out by arsenical minerals, when exposed to the blowpipe or struck by the hammer, resembled that of garlic, in Latin, allium; whence alliaceous. Alloy. A natural combination of two or more metals in the metallic state. Amalgam. A natural combination of two metals, of which mercury is one. Amorphous. Without form ; of undefinable shape ; from the Greek, aiioQfpoe having that signification. Amorphous minerals are sometimes described as being of indeterminate or indefinite forms. Anhydrous, from the Givek avrdoog, signifying without water. Arborescent, from the Latin arboresco, to grow like a tree. See Dendritic. Arseniate. A term applied to a mineral consisting of arsenic acid united with a base. Base. A term denoting the substance to which an acid is united. In the arseniate of copper, the copper is the base. Borate. A mineral in which boracic acid is combined with a base. Botryoidal. From the Greek puTQvwSt]?, signifying hung with clusters of grapes or berries. So a mineral presenting an aggregation of large sec- tions of numerous small globes is termed botryoidal ; but when the globes are larger, and the portions are less and separate, the appearance is ex- pressed by the term mammillated. These forms may be observed in certain ores of cobalt, copper, and manganese, and often in calcedony. Brittle. This character of mineral bodies does not depend upon their hardness; those of which the particles cohere in the highest degree, and are immovable one among another, are the most brittle. The dia- mond, quartz, sulphate of barytes, and sulphur, vary greatly as to hard- ness; they are all brittle, the first only in particular directions. Capillary, derived from the Latin capillus, a hair, is chiefly used to ex- press the long, tortuous, hair-like appearances observable in native gold, 636 EXPLANATION OF TERMS. silver, and some other minerals. Crystals are sometimes termed capillary when long and slender ; but when also straight, they are more properly designated acicular. Carbonate. A mineral in which carbonic acid is combined with a base. Cellular. This term was used by Werner in the description of such minerals as exhibit cells formed by the crossing and intersecting of the lamellae of which they are constituted; commonly, any mineral present- ing numerous small cells or cavities is termed cellular. See vesicular. Chatoyant has been adopted from the French, who use it to express the changeable light resembling that observable in the eye of a cat, exhib- ited by certain minerals Chromate, a mineral in which chromic acid is united with a base. Cleavage. This term is most commonly used in relation to the fracture of those minerals which, having natural joints, possess a regular structure, and may be cleaved into more or less geometrical fragments : as, into varieties of the parallelepiped, the rhomboid, &c. Coherent. In minerals that are brittle, the particles are strongly cohe- rent ; in such as are friable they are slightly coherent. Columnar distinct concretions; a term used to express the great and small columns in which certain iron ores and other minerals are found. Compact. A mineral is compact when no particular or distinct parts are discernible ; a compact mineral cannot be cleaved or divided into regu- lar or parallel portions. It is too often confounded with the term massive. Concentric lamellar. This relates to structure, and is used in the descrip- tion of such minerals as, being of a spherical form, have received suc- cessive coatings or depositions An onion cut in two exhibits the con- centric-lamellar appearance in perfection. Conchoidal relates only to fracture, and is derived from the Latin con- choides, signifying like a shell. Many of the brittle minerals exhibit this appearance, and occasionally in great perfection, as quartz, sul- phur, anthracite, &c. Concretion generally signifies a small and distinct mass. Coralloidal, resembling branches of coral. Cuneiform, wedge-shaped; cuneus, in Latin, signifies a wedge. Decomposed. This term, when used strictly in a mineralogical sense, imports the consequence of the chemical action which takes place natu- rally in some minerals. Certain ores of iron, &c. in which sulphur pre- dominates in an unusual degree, decompose by exposure to air. Decrement. This term relates to structure. See p. xlix. Decrepitate. A mineral is said to decrepitate on exposure to heat when it flies with a crackling noise similar to that made by salt when thrown into the fire. Dendritic, derived from the Greek derdQtn?, signifying, like the growth of a tree. The terms arborescent and dendritic are used synonymously : they are alike applied to the tree-like appearance in which native silver and native copper are sometimes lound; to the delineations seen on the* surfaces of certain minerals; to the appearance in the mocha-stone, &,c. Dentiform, in the shape of teeth ; dens being the Latin for a tooth. Dimorphous. See p. Ixxxiv. Disseminated. When a mineral, whether crystallized or otherwise, is found here and there imbedded in a mass of another substance, it is said to be disseminated in the mass. Disintegrated is generally used to express the falling to pieces of any mineral, without any perceptible chemical action. Diverging, or Divergent. When the structure is fibrous, and the fibres are not parallel, they usually diverge in part, but not wholly, around a EXPLANATION OF TERMS. 637 common centre ; as is in certain zeolites, and haematitic irons. The crys- tals of some substances assume a diverging position. Drusy has been adopted from the German term drusen, for which we have no English word. The surface of a mineral is said to be drusy when composed of small prominent crystals, nearly equal in size ; it is often seen in iron pyrites. Efflorescence is the consequence of chemical action ; it is applied to such minerals as are found in extremely minute fibres on old walls, &c. Elastic. A mineral which, after being bent, springs back to its original form, is elastic. Mica is elastic ; talc, which greatly resembles mica, is only flexible. Earthy. This term relates to fracture and to texture. Chalk, and certain of the ores of iron and lead, are notable instances of the earthy fracture or texture. Emarginated. Crystals are said to be ernarginated when the edges of their primary forms are each truncated by one face. Fasciculated. When a number of minute fibres or acicular crystals occur in small aggregations or bundles, they are said to be fasciculated ; from the Latin fasciculus, a little bundle. Fibrous. This term relates both to form and structure. Certain mine- rals, as amianthus, gypsum, &c., occur in distinct fibres. Asbestus, red haematite, &c., are found massive, and present a parallel fibrous struc- ture ; others are of a radiating fibrous structure, when the fibres diverge from a common centre. Filament. A mineral is said to occur in filaments when it is found in slender thread-like or hair-like portions. It is therefore nearly synony- mous with the term capillary. Filiform is used in the same sense as the preceding, but Werner employed it to express the appearance of certain metals which occur in the form of wire, as native silver and native copper. Filum, in Latin, signifies thread ; filum metalli, wire. Flexible. Talc is flexible ; it readily bends, but does not return of itself to its original form. Mica is both flexible and elastic. Fluate. This term designates a mineral in which fluoric acid is combined with a base. Foliated. This term, from the Latin foliatus, having or consisting of leaves, is used by Werner to express the structure of all minerals that may be divided or cleaved regularly, and are therefore by him said to consist of folia or leaves. The structure of such minerals is more com- monly and better expressed by the term lamellar; and they are said to consist of laminae. Fracture is a term chiefly employed in designating the appearance of minerals which have no regular structure when they are broken ; such minerals present an earthy, even, uneven, or conchoidal fracture, &c Frangible. This term relates to the susceptibility of minerals to separate into fragments by force ; it is a quality not dependent on hardness ; the structure of some, and the brittleness of other minerals, render them easily frangible ; while many, from their softness, and the ease with which their particles or molecules yield or slide over one another, are much more difficultly frangible ; these possess the character of tough- ness ; Quartz is easily broken ; asbestus is tough. Friable. A mineral whose portions or particles slightly cohere, and which is therefore easily crumbled or broken down, is said to be friable. Fungiform. Certain substances, as, for instance, calcareous stalactites, are occasionally met with, having terminations similar tq the head of a fungus ; whence the term. 54 638 EXPLANATION OF TERMS. Gangue, from the German. The gangue or matrix is the substance in or upon which a mineral is found. Geode. This also is derived from the German ; a geode is a hollow ball, generally lined with crystals. Glance is a German word, meaning shining ; thus, glance-coal, copper- glance, &c. Globular distinct concretion is used to designate the form of any mineral which occurs in small round or roundish masses : pea-stone and roe- stone are examples of it. Granular. The structure of a mineral is said to be granular when it appears to consist of small grains, or concretions, which sometimes are, sometimes are not, discernible ; we have therefore the fine granular and the coarse granular structure. Greasy is used in relation to lustre. Hackly. This term relates to a fracture which is peculiar to the mallea- ble metals ; which, when broken, present sharp protruding points. Haematite is derived from the Greek uifianns, signifying blood-red. It was first applied to the variety of iron ore which is called red haematite, but has since been extended to other iron ores of the same structure, but differing in color. Hepatic, from the Latin hepar, the liver : it is applied either to color or form. Hydrate is derived from the Greek V$(OQ, water ; and is applied to those minerals of which water forms an ingredient in large proportion. Imbedded. A mineral found in a mass of another substance is said to be imbedded in it. Incrusted. Any substance covered by a mineral is said to be incrusted by it. Interlacing. When fibres or crystals of a mineral are found intermingling with each other in various directions, they are said to be interlacing. Investing. A mineral coating or covering another is sometimes described as investing it. Iridescent. This term relates only to the color with which the surfaces of some metallic species are naturally tarnished. Irisated. A mineral is described as irisated which exhibits the prismatic colors either externally or internally : the latter is generally the conse- quence of some injury sustained by the mineral. Isomorphism. See p. Ixxxii. Lamella, Lamellar, relate to structure. When a mineral can be fractured or cleaved into regular and parallel plates, its structure is said to be lamellar ; and the portions thus obtained are termed laminae or lamellae. These terms have been adopted from the Latin, in which they were almost synonymously used to express thin plates of any substance. Lamellar distinct concretions. This is used to denote the form of certain minerals consisting of separate tabular crj'stals. Lamelliform. A mineral consisting of lamellae is said to be lamelliform. Lenticular is employed to express the forms of certain crystals which are nearly flat, and convex above and beneath ; and which consequently resemble a common lens. Malleability. Some of the metals suffer extension when beaten with a hammer, and are therefore termed malleable metals. Native gold and native silver are very malleable metals. Mammillated. See Botryoidal. EXPLANATION OF TERMS. 639 Massive. This term is sometimes used in describing a substance of inde- terminate form, whatever may be its internal structure; but is more commonly applied to those minerals which possess regular internal structure, without any particular external form. Matrix. See Gangue. Meagre. This term relates to the touch or feel of a mineral. It belongs chiefly to some of those species which possess an earthy texture. Chalk is remarkably meagre to the touch. Natural joints. Such minerals as can be broken into regular forms, as the cube, rhomboid, &c. are cleavable into those forms only in the direc- tion, of or along their natural joints. In some species these natural joints are perceptible by the assistance of a strong light. Nacreous relates to lustre, and is employed to express the lustre of some minerals which greatly resembles that of pearl. Nodular. A mineral which presents irregularly globular elevations ia termed nodular. Opake. Those minerals are opake which do not transmit a perceptible ray of light even through the thinnest and smallest pieces. Pass into. One mineral is said too pass into another, when both are found so blended in the same specimen that it is impossible to decide where the one terminates and the other begins. Flint is found passing into calcedony. Plumose. Resembling a feather. Porous. A mineral is said to be porus when it is traversed in different directions with communicating holes which pass through the substance. Pseudomorphous. Minerals exhibiting impressions of the forms peculiar to the crystals of other substances are said to be pseudomorphous. Wtvdog, in Greek, signifies false ; ,uoyi;, form or figure. See p. Ixxx. Pulverulent. When the particles of a mineral are jpiinute, and cohere very slightly, or not at all, it is said to be pulverulebt, or in the pulve- rulent state. Radiated. Radiatus, in Latin, signifies beset with rays. When the crystals of a mineral are so disposed as to diverge from the centre, they are said to be radiated. Ramose. Ramus, in Latin, signifies the branch of a tree. A mineral having that appearance is described as being ramose. Refractoriness. This term is used both chemically and mechanically in relation to minerals. It is sometimes applied to those which strongly resist the application of heat, and occasionally to some whose toughness enables them to resist repeated blows. Reniform, kidney-shaped. Ren, in Latin, signifies kidney. Reticulated. Minerals occurring in parallel fibres, crossed at right angles by other fibres which also are parallel, exhibit squares like the meshes of a net. Retis, in Latin, signifies a net. Schistose or slaty structure. Minerals which split only in one direction, and present fragments which are parallel, but of unequal thickness, which also are not smooth and even, and are without lustre, are said to possess a schistose structure. Scopiform. If a number of minute crystals or fibres be closely aggregated into a little bundle, with the appearance of diverging slightly from a common centre, they are said to be scopiform. Scopa, in Latin, signi- fies a broom or besom. Sectile. The term sectile is derived from the Latin seco, to cut. Those 640 EXPLANATION OF TERMS. minerals are termed sectile which are midway between the brittle and the malleable. A slice or portion cut from a sectile mineral is fragile, and the new surface on the mass is smooth and shining. Semi-transparent. A mineral is said to be semi-transparent when an object is not distinctly seen through it. Specular Minerals are those which present a smooth and brilliant surface which reflects light. Speculum, in Latin, signifies a looking-glass. Splintery fracture belongs to imperfectly crystalline minerals. Stalactitiform. 2ral.ayi.Kx. signifies a drop, an icicle, which stalactitiform minerals greatly resemble in shape. Stalagmite. A stalagmite is the deposition afforded by the water dropping from a stalactite, as on the floor of a cavern. Stellated. When the crystals or fibres of a mineral diverge all round a common centre, it is said to be stellated. Stella, in Latin, signifies a star. Strice, Striated. The slight channels occasionally observable on the planes of crystallized minerals are termed striae, and the crystals which exhibit them are said to be striated. The Striae are commonly parallel, and generally indicate the direction in which crystals may be cleaved. Stria, in Latin, signifies a groove or channel. Sulphur et. A metallic mineral in which the metal is combined with sul- phur. In these minerals the metal is not in the state of an oxide, but in the metallic state. Supernatant. Such minerals as are lighter than water, and consequently swim upon it, are said to be supernatant ; from the Latin. Tabular. When this term is used in relation to structure, it is nearly allied to the schistose or slaty. It is used more generally to express the external form of such crystals as are nearly flat ; these are termed tab- ular crystals ; from the Latin tabula, a table. Toughness relates to internal texture. Those minerals which are bruised, or suffer depression by repeated blows in the attempt to fracture them, are esteemed to be tough. Translucent. A mineral through which an object cannot be seen, but which transmits some light, is termed translucent. Many minerals are translucent only on the edges. Transparent. Those minerals are transparent through which an object may be clearly seen. Tubercular. A mineral whose unevenness of surface arises from small and somewhat round elevations, is said to be tubercular. Unctuous. This term relates to the touch. Plumbago and soapstone are very unctuous. Vesicular. A mineral is said to be vesicular when it has small and some- what round cavities, both internally and externally. Lava, pumice, limestone, &c., are sometimes vesicular. From the Latin, vesicula, a little bladder. Vitreous. Minerals having the lustre of glass are said to possess the vitreous lustre. INDEX. ABRAZITE, 71 Acadialite, 239 241, Acanticonite, 45 Acarpia cubica, 400 dodecahedra, 561 Acerdise, 389 Achates, 11 Achirite, 494 Achmite. 250 ACIDIFEROUS ALKALINE MINERALS, 319 ALKALINO-EARTHT MINERALS, 329 EARTHY MINERALS, 257 ACIDS, 254 Acidum boracicum, 254 arsenosum, 440 Acmite, 250 Actynolite, 85 asbestiform, 86 crystallized, 86 glassy, 86 Adamant, 581 Adamantine spar, 100 Adamas octahedrus, 581 Adipocire, mineral, 594 Adular, 193 Adularia, 193, 620 Aerosite, 464 Aeachenite, 414 Aeschynite, 4J4 Agalmatolite, 200 Agaric Mineral, 267 Agate, 11 Akmite, 250 Alabandine, 400 Alalite, 75 Alaun, 329 naturlischer, 329 Alaunstein, 330 Albin, 185, 187 Albite, 226 Alexandrite, 166, 168 Allagite, 308 Allanite,416 ALKALINO-EARTHT MINERALS, 178 Allochroite, 26 Allophane, 105 Almandine, 19 Almandine ruby, 138 Alum, ammonia, 335 magnesia, 617 octahedral, 329 potash, 329 54* Alum, soda, 333 stone, 330 salt, 329 Allumen officinale, 329 Alumina, dihydrate of, 102 disilicate of, 118 fluate of, 262 fluosilicate of, 127 hydrate of, 103 hydrous, diphosphate of, 258 hydrous, trisilicate of, 104 mellate of, 596 pure, 97 soda fluate of, 331 subsulphate of, 257 sulphate of, 258 trisulphate of, 257 and manganese, sulphate of, 601 Alumine, fluatee alkaline, 331 hydrate silicifere, 104 hydro-phosphatee, 258 sous-sulfatee, 257 sulfatee alkaline, 329 Aluminite, 257 Aluminus rhombohedrua, 330 Alumocalcite, 18 Alum-stone, 330 Alunite, 330 Alunogene, 258 Amalgam, 574 native, 574 naturlisches, 574 Amazon-stone, 195 Amber, 593 Amblygonite, 260 Amethyst, 7 oriental, 98 Amianth, 87 Amianthus, 87 Ammonalum, 335 Ammonia, muriate of, 328 sulphate of, 327 Ammonia-alum, 335 Ammoniac, sal, 328 Ammoniaque muriat^e, 328 sulphate, 327 Amphibole, 81. Var. d' 81, 84, 85 Amphigen*, 183 Amphodelite, 50 Analcime, 227 carnea, 231 Anatase, 432 642 INDEX. Andalusite, 118 prismatic, 118 Andalusius prismaticus, 118 Andreolite, 63 Ang larite, 367 Anglesite, 550 Anhydrite, 284 Anhydrite compact, 285 Anhydrous-lime mesolite, 625 Ankerite, 275 Anorthite, 53 Anorthomoua feldspar, 53 Anthophyllite, 50 hydrous, 223 strahliger, 50 Anthracite, 585 columnar, 586 massive, 585 slaty, 585 Anthraconite, 269 Anthrax bituminosus, 590 lapideus, 585 Antimoine blanc, 528 gris, 523 natif, 522 oxyde, 528 sulfure, 527 terreux, 528 rouge, 527 sulfure, 523 nickeliftre, 452 Antimon blende, 527 Antimonbluthe, 528 Antimoniul ochre, 528 Antimonoker, 528 Anlimonial ore, plumose, 525 Antimon-nickel, 452 Antimonphyllite, 529 Antimon-silber, 457 -blende, 464 Antimony, arsenical, 606 baryte, prismatic, 528 -blende, prismatic, 527 bloom, 528 dodecahedral, 522 glance, axifrangible, 534 axotomous, 525 peritomous, 463 prismatic, 518, 536 prismatoidal, 523 grey, 523 native, 522 nickeliferous grey, 452 octahedral, 457 oxide of, 5-28 prismatic, 457 prismatic white, 528 red, 527 rhombohedral, 522 sesquisulphid of, 523 sulphuret of, 523 white, 528 Antrimolite, 224 Apatite, 276 rhombohedral, 276 Aphanese, 505 Apherese, 500 Aphrite, 268 * Aphrizite, 244, 246 Aphthhalite, 320 Aplome, 23 Apophyllite, 185 Aquamarine, 162, 164 Aquamarine, oriental, 98 Arealus argentiferus, 472 cubicus, 372 foliaceus, 357 radiatus, 260 rhombohedrus, 362 rhomboidous, 365 trimetricus, 599 Arendalite, 45 Arfwedsonite, 91 Argent, iodure d', 470 seleniure d', 468 Argent, antimonial, 457 ferro-arsenifere, 458 antimonie, sulfure, 464 noir, 462 arsenical, 458 carbonate, 471 en epis, 477 et cuivre sulfure, 4G7 muriate, 471 natif, 455 natif aurifere, 457 rouge, 464 rouge antimonie, 464 arsenie, 464 sulfure, 459 antimonifere and cuprifere, 4G3 flexible, 460 tellure, 458 vitreuse, 459 Argentine, 267 Argenti spuma, 573 Argentum rubrum, 464 octahedrum, 455 vivum, 573 Argile, 54 lithomarge, 55 schisteuse, 54 smectique, 56 Argyrites acrotomus, 442 cubicus, 447 cupricolor, 452 decrepitans,-454 eutomus, 452 hemi-cubicus, 443 hexagonus, 451 Hoffmanni, 453 Kersteni, 446 manganicus, 400 octahedrus. 445 peritomus, 345 Argyrytbrose, 464 Arragon, 270 Arragonite, 270, 275 Arseniate, amiantiform, 507 capillary, 507 hrematitic, 507 hexahedral, 503 oblique prismatic, 505 octahedral, 502 right prismatic, 506 rhomboidal, 503 Arsenic, gediegen, 439, wood, 507 native, 439 oxide of, 440 rhombohedral, 439 sesquisulphuret of, 441 sulphuret of, 440 acid, octahedral, 440 natif, 439 oxyde, 440 sulfure jaune, 441 INDEX. 643 Arsenic sulfure rouge, 440 Arsenical pyrites, 442 axotomous, 442 prismatic, 345, 442 Arsenieux, acide, 440 Arsenikbliithe, 291, 440 Arsenik eisen, 442 -kies, 345 spiesglawz, 606 Arsenosum acidum, 255, 440 Arsenious acid, 255 Arsenium rhombohedrum, 439 Arsenous acid, 440 acid, native, 255 Arsen silber-blende, 464 Asbestc dur, 87 flexible, 87 lignilbrm, 88 tressee, 88 Asbestus, 87 common, 87 radiated, 223 Arparagus stone, 276, 277 Asphalt, 589 Astasialus phytogeneus, 374 Astoria, 97, 98 Astralus rliombicus, 258 Atacamite, 499 prismatic, 499 Atelestile, 606 Augitf, 71 Augite spar, amblygonic, 260 axotomous, 79 dystomic, 80 hemi-prismatic, 81 paratomous, 71 peritomous, 91 polystomous, 74 prismatic, 67 prismatoidal, 44 Augitus acrotomus, 79 cuspidatus, 250 diatomus, 71 dystomus, 79 lithicus, 260 peritomus, 91 phyllinus, 50 protoeus, 52, 81 rhombicus, 198 rhomboideus, Var. 43, 44 scopiformis, 251 tabularis, 67 withami,93 Aurichalcite, 569 Aurum cubicum, 510 graphicum, 518 rhombicum, 520 Automolite, 113 Avanturine, 7 Axe stone, 151 Axinite, 46 prismatic, 46 Azure spar, prismatic, 262 uncleavable, 261 stone, 218 Azurite, 262, 488 Babingtonite, 79 Baikalite, 77 Balas ruby, 138 Baltircorite, 176 Bandisserite, 295 Baralus fusilis, 301 obliquus, 302 ponderosus, 304 rubefaciens, 308 prismaticus, 310 Barolite, 301 Barsowite, 90 Barystrontianite, 309 Baryte, brachytypous parachrose, 363 macrotypous parachrose, 401 peritomous, 308 pyramidal Scheelium, 293 rhomboidal, 301 carbonatee, 301 sulphatee crystallised, 304 Barytes, bicalcareo-carbonate of, 304 calcareo-carbonate of, 302 carbonate of, 300 prismatoidal, 310 radiated, 307 sulphate of, 304 Barytine, 304 Baryto-calcite, 302 Basi-cerine, 425 Basanomelan, 370 Batrachite, 606 Baulite, 629 Beaumontite, 39, 497, 626 Berg-cork, 88 -crystal, 2 -holz, 88 Bergmannite, 237 Bergmehl, 57 Berg milch, 267 Beril aique-marine, 162 Bernstein, 593 Berthierite, 523 Beryl, 162 edler, 162 Beryllus hexagonus, 162 rhombohedrus, 169 rhomboideus, 160 Berzeline, 485, 607 Berzelite, 545 Beudantine, 607, 624 Bildstein, 200 Bimstein, 233 Biotine, 607 Bismites acicularis, 435 rectangulus, 434 rhombohedrus, 438 Bismutalus dodecahedrus, 437 ochraceus, 436 Bismuth, arsenical, 437 carbonate of, 436 cupreous, 435 cuprifprm, sulphuret of, 435 ferruginous arseniet of, 438 gediegen, 433 native, 433 octahedral, 433 oxide of, 436 plumbo cuprif., sulphuret of. 435 silicate of, 437 sulphuret of, 434 telluret of, 438 -blende, 437 glance, 434 acicular, 435 prismatic, 434 rhombohedral, 438 Bismuthine, 434 644 INDEX. Bismuth natif, 433 ochre, 436 oxyde, 436 sulfure, 434 cuprifere, 435 plumbo-argentifere, 468 cuprifere, 435 Bismutum argenticum, 468 octahedrum, 433 Bitter spar, 272 Bittersalz, naturlicher, 297 Bitterspath, 297 Bitume asphalte, 589 elastique, 588 glutineux, 588 noiratre, 587 napthe, 587 petrole, 587 solide, 589 liquide blanchatre, 587 Bitumen, 588 compact, 589 earthy, 588 elastic, 588 flexile, 588 fragrans, 596 Black band, 365 jack, 561 Bl'attererz, 520 Blatterkohle, 590 Blattertellur, 520 Blei, arseniksaurcs, 549 chromsaures, 554 kohlensaures, 539 phosphorsaures, 547 rhombohedrischer schwefel kohlen saures, 542 saltsaures, von Mendip, 545 Scheelsaures, 557 schwefel and kohlensaures, 541 Vanadinsaures, 557 Bleierz, blau, 533 griin, 547 woiss, 539 Bleifahlerz, 534 Bleigelb, 553 Bleiglanz, 529 Bleigummi, 538 Blei-hornerz, 546 Bleisheweif, 529 Blei vitriol, 550 kupfer, schwefelsaures, 552 Blende, 561 cadmiferous, 564 dodecahedral garnet, 561 dodecahedral zinc, 561 prismatic purple, 527 charbonneuse, 585 Bloedite, 331 Bloodstone, 10 Blue spar, 262 Bohnenerz, 356 Bog iron ore, 357 Bole, 57 Bolognian stone, 307 Boltonite, 154 Bonsdorfite, 52 Boracalcite, 318 Boracic acid, native, 254 prismatic, 254 Boracicum, acidum, 254 Boracite, 299 hexahedral, 299 Boracite, hydro, 300 tetrahedral, 299 Boracius hemihedrus, 299 Borax, 324 obliquus, 324 Bornine, 438 Borodiglione, 508 Botryogene, 371 Botryolite, 290 Boulangerite, 560 Bournonite, 534 Braardite, 464 Braunite, 387 Braunkolile, 592 Braunstein, rother, 401 Braunsteinerz, blattricher schwarz, Breislakite, 608 Breunnerite, 296 Brevicite, 211 Brewsterite, 66 Brochantite, 496 Brogniartin, 332 Bromlite, 302, 634 Bronzite, 79, 96 Brookite, 379 Brown spar, 363 Brucite, 144 Brythine salt, hemi-prismatic, 332 Bucholzite, hydrous, 116 Bucklandite, 80 Buntkupfererz, 478 Bustamite,399 Byssolite, 86 Bytownite, 191 Cacholong, 11 Cacoxenite, 260 Cadmium, sulphuret of, 573 Calaite, 261 oriental, 262 Calamine, 567 electric, 566 prismatic, 566 rhombohedral, 707 Calamite, 85 Calcaire, spath, 264 Calcareous spar, 264 Calcedonite, 544 Calcedony, 10 Calcite, 264 Calcius decolorans, 275 Dolomaei, 272 rhombicus, 270 rhombohedrus, 264 Calc sinter, 268 Calc spar, 264 Caliche, 324 Callais, 261 Calomel, 577 Calstronbaryte, 306 Canaanite, 89 Cancrinite, 230 Candite, 135, 138 Caoutchouc, mineral, 588 Caporcianite,241 Carbo-cerine, 420 Carbon, mineral, 586 Carbuncle, 20 Carbunculus acrotomus, 146 Carbunculus decussatus, 110 dimetricus, 30 INDEX. 645 Carbunculus dodecahedrus, 19 hemihedrus, 394 obliquus, 144 quadratus, 157 rhombohedrug, 252 Carinthin, 82 Carinthite, 553 Carnelian, 11 Carpholite. 18 Cassiterite',406 Catlinite, 133 Cawk, 307 Celestin, 310 Celestine, 310 radiated, 310 Cerasia rhomboidea, 527 Cerasite, 545 Ceratus cubicus, 471 Ceratus foliatus, 470 quadratus, 577 Cererit, 415 Cerine, 416, 418 Cerinstein, 415 Cerite, 415 titaniferous, 416 Ceritus rhombicus, 131 rhombohedrus, 415 Cerium, carbonate of, 420 deuto-fluate of, 425 neutral fluate of, 425 hydrated basic fluoride of, 426 silicate of, 416 subsesquifluate of, 425 and yttria, double fluate of, 425 Cerium ore, prismatic, 416 rhombohedral, 415 uncleavable, 415 oxyde siliceux noir, 416 silicifere, 415 yttrifere, 420 Ceruse, 539 Ceylonite, 135 Chabasie, 238 Chabasin, 238 Chabasite, 238 Chalcolite, 428 ' Chalk, 269 black, 58 Chalkolite, 428 Chalkopyrite, 482 Chaux arseniatee, 291 boratee silicieuse, 288 carbonatee, 264 concretionnee, 268 ferro-manganesifere, 274 magnes., primitive, 272 nacree, 267 lamellaire, 268 Chaux carbpnatde quartzifere, 266 saccharoide,268 spongieuse, 267 datolit, 288 fluatee, 280 nitratee, 288 phosphatee, 276 sulphatee, 285 anhydre, 284 Chamoisite, 358 Chapapote, 589 Charcoal, mineral, 586 Chelmsfordite, 68 Chenocopsolite, 472 Chiastolite, 118, 119 Childrenite, 261 Chlorite, 155 crystallized, 155, 156 Chloropal, 358 ChlorophaBite, 251 Chlorophane, 283, 284 Chlorophyllite 62 Chlorsilber, 471 Christianite, 53 Chrome, oxide of, 432 Chrome garnet, 22, 602 Chromeisenstein, 385 Chrome-ochre, 432 Chrome-ore, prismatic, 385 octahedral, 385 oxyde, 432 Chronikrite, 608 Chrysobery], 166 Chrysocolla, 493 Chrysocolle, 493 Chrysolite, 140 hemi-prismatic, 144 prismatic, 140 Chrysolithus rectangulus, 140 Chrysophan, 79 Chrysophrase, 11 Chusite, 142 Cimolite, 57 Cinnabar, 575 Cinnabar, hepatic, 576 Cinnamon-stone, 28 Clasistylus acrotomus, 33 Clausthalite, 537 Clay, 54 pipe, 58 potters, 58 slate, 58 Cleavelandite,226 Clintonite, 79, 628 Coal, anthracite, 585 bituminous, 590 blind, 585 bovey, 592 brown, 592 cannel,591 coarse, 590 coking, 591 foliated, 590 glance, 585 Kilkenny, 585 light-burn, hard, 591 moor, 592 Newcastle, 591 pitch, 592 splint, 591 wood, 592 Cobalt, arseniate of, 448 binarseniet of, 445 bright white, 443 earthy, 448 grey, 445 oxide of, 448 sulphate of, 450 sulpho-arsenide of, 443 sulphuret of, 447 terarseniet of, 446 white, 443 tin-white, 445 Cobaltalus rubellus, 443 Cobalt arseniate, 448 Cobalt arsenical, 445 646 INDEX. Cobalt bleierz, 534 Cobalt bloom, 448 Cobalt eclatant, 443 gris, 443 Cobalticum vitriolum, 450 Cobalticus gypsalus, 449 Cobaltine, 443 Cobalt kies, 447 mica, prismatic, 448 ochre, 448 black, 448 red, 448 ore, bismuth, 446 pyritieux, 447 oxyde noir, 448 sulfure, 447 pyrites eutomous, 452 pyrites hexahedral, 443 isometric, 447 octahedral, 443, 445 Coccolite, 77 Cog-wheel ore, 536 Colophonite, 25 Colpa, 322 Columbite, 382 Columbus Berzelii, 315 hemiquadratus, 316 rectangulus, 382 Combustible minerals, 578 Comptonite, 213, 634 Condrodite, 144 Condurrite, 508 Conite, 297 Copal, fossil, 597 Copper, acicular arseniate of, 506 anhydrous dicarbonate of, 492 antimonial grey, 480 argentiferous sulphuret of, 467 arsenical and antimonial grey, 480 biailicate of, 494 black, 510 oxide of, 510 blue, 477 carbonate of, 488 capillary, red oxide of, 488 chloride of, 499 crenated hydro-silicate of, 497 emerald, 494 ferruginous red oxide of, 488 green, 493 green carbonated, 490 carbonate of, 490 grey, 479 hydro-carbonate of, 488 hydrous dicarbonate of, 490 diphosphate of, 500 phosphate of, 501 sesquisilicate, 494 sub-bisesquiphosphate of, 501 indigo, 477 lenticular arseniate of, 502 martial arseniate of, 599 muriate of, 499 native, 472 octahedral, 472 oxydulated, 4S6 phosphate of, 501 platiniferous grey, 481 purple, 478 pyritous, 482 red oxide of, 486 Copper, seleniuret of, 485 silicate of, 494 silico-carbonate of, 493 sub-bisesquiarseniate of, 508 sulphate of, 495 sulphuret of, 475 tetrasulphate of, 496 trisulpho-antimoniate of, 479 vanadiate of, 509 variegated, 478 vitreous, 477 velvet blue, 498 vitreous, 475 white, 480 Copperas, white, 369 Cppper glance, 475 argentiferous, 467 diprismatic, 534 hexahedral, 430 prismatic, 475 prismatoidal, 536 tetrahedral, 479 nickel, 452 ore, azure, 488 lenticular, 502 octahedral, 486 purple, 478 velvet, 498 yellow, 482 pyrites, 482 arsenical, 480 octahedral, 478, 482 pyramidal, 482 yellow, 482 Coquimbite, 369 Coralinerz, 576 Cordierite, 60 Corne, la mine, 471 Corindon granulaire, 101 hyalin, 97 Corrosive sublimate, native, 577 Corundum, 97 common, 100, 101 compact, 100 dodecahedral, 135 granular, 100 imperfect, 100 octahedral, 113 perfect, 97 prismatic, 166 rhombohedral, 97 stone, 100 Cotunnia, 546 Cotunnite, 546 Couzeranite, 191 Covelline, 477 Craie, 269 Crichtonite,379 Crocoise, 554 Crockalite, 202 Cronalus acrotomus, 542 angleseanus, 550 diatomus, 544 flexilis, 541 hexagonus, 547, 549. hyacinthus, 554 peri torn us, 545 pondercsus, 557 pyramidalis, 553 quadratus, 546 resiniformis, 538 rhomboideus, 552 INDEX. 647 Cronalus rhombicus, 539 rubeus, 555 vanadicus, 557 Vauquelini, 556 Vesuvianus, 546 Cronstedtite, 357 Cross-stone, 63 Cruciforme, pierre, 63 Crusite, 118 Cryalus fuailis, 331 Cryolite, 331 Cube-ore, 372 Cubizit, 227 Cuivre, seleniure de, 485 arseniate en prisme rhomboidal oblique, 505 arseniate lamelliforme, 503 mamelonne fibrcux, 507 octaedre aigu, 506 primitif, 502 arseniate forrifere, 599 carbonate bleu, 448 terreux, 493 vert, 490 dioptase, 494 gris, 479 antimonie, 480 muriate, 499 natif, 472 oxyde noir, 510 oxyde rouge, 486 oxydule, 486 phosphate, 500 pyriteux, 482 hepatique, 478 selenie, 485 argental, 469 spiciforme, 477 sulfate, 495 sulfure, 475 argentifere, 467 sulfure bismutifere, 435 hepatique, 477 prismatoide, 536 Cuivreuse, pyrite, 482 Cuivre veloute, 498 vitreux, 475 Cummingtonite, 251 Cuprum octahedrum, 472 Cyanose, 495 Cymophane, 166 Cypralas acicularis, 506 acrotomus, 505 amorphus, 493 coeruleus, 488 concentricus, 509 decrepitans, 508 dystomus, 500 exhalans, 499 foliaceus, 503 hemihedrus, 501 rectangulus, 502 rhombohedrus, 494 vulgaris, 490 Cyprine, 22 Cyprites cubicus, 430 dodecahedrus, 481 rectangulus, 534 rhombicus, 475 tetrahedrus, 479 Cypromica, 503 Danaite, 346 Danburite, 172 Datholite, 288 Datholite, prismatic, 288 Davidsonite, 121 Davina, 40 Davyne, 40 Delphinite, 44 Delvauxine, 367 Dermatine,609 Desmine, 35 Devonite, 258 Deweylite of Emmons, 148 Diallage, 52 Diallage chatoyante, 95 motalloide, var. de, 94, 95, 96 Diallogite, 401 Dialogue, 398 Diamond, 581 Diaspore, 102 Dichroite, 60,61 Diopside, 75 Dioptase, 494 Diploite, 199 Dipyre, 234, 237 Disthene, 106 spar, euklastic, 102 Dog tooth spar, 264 Dolomite, 272 Doubly -refracting spar, 264 Dreelite, 633 Dufrenite, 403 Dyoxylite, 541 Dysclasite, 122 Dysluite, 114 Dysodile, 593 Dystome spar, prismatic, 288 Earth-foam, 268 EARTHY MINERALS, 1 Ecume de mer, 296 de terre, 268 Edelite, 202 Edingtonite, 248 Edwardsite, 422 Egeran, 31 Egyptian pebble, 12 Eisen, gediegen, 324 Eisenchrom, 385 Eisenerde, blau, 367 Eisenerde, griine, 609 Eisenerz trappisches, 379 hystatisch.es, 379 Eisenglanz, 350 Eisen kies, 338 Eisenkiesel, 8 Eisenoxyd, 350 Eisenpecherz, 361 Eisensinter, 361 Eisenstein, blau, 249 rother, 355 schwartz, 391 Eisen vitriol, 368 rother, 371 eis-spath, 195 Ekebergite, 237 Elasmites hexagonus, 405 quadratus, 520 rhombicus, 461 648 INDEX. Elasmose, 520 Elaterite, 588 Elaeolite, 221 Electrum, 510, 513 Emerald, 162 oriental, 98 prismatic, 160 rhombohedral, 162 Emeraude, 162 Emeril, 101 Emery, 101 Emmonsite, 308 Endellione, 534 Epidote, 44 dichromatic, 629 var. d', 43 granular, 46 rnanganesian, 46 violet, 46 Epimecius Bucholzianus, cyaneus, 106 dissiliens, 102 Sillimanianus, 159 Epistilbite, 216 Epsom salt, native, 297 prismatic, 297 Epsomite, 297 Ercinite, 63 Erdkobold, 448 rother, 448 Erdpecb, elastiches,588 erdiges, 588 schlagiges, 589 Eremite, 424 Erinite, 509 Erinite of Dr. Thomson, 631 Erlanite, 217 Erythrine, 448 Eschenite, 414 Esmarkite, 176, 288 Essonite, 28 Etain oxyde, 406 sulfure, 430 Euchroa aurea, 441 rubella, 440 Euchroite, 507 Euclase, 160 Eudilyt, 252 Eudyalite, 252 Eukairite, 469 Euklas, 160 Eupyrchroite, 279 Exanthalose, 322 Fahlerz, 479 Fahlunite, 59 hard, 61 Fassaite, 76 Faujasite, 207 Fayalite, 231 Federerz, 525 Felspar, 192, 620 anorthomous, 53 common, 194 decomposed, 196 glassy, 197 hemi-pyramidal, 248 heterotomous, 224 Labradore, 225 polychromatic, 225 prismatic, 192 Felspar, prysmato-pyramidal, 234 pyramidal, 234 rhombohedral, 219 rhomboidal,219 tetarto-prismatic, 226 Feldspath, 192 glassiger, 197 apyre, 118 bleu, 262 nacree, 193 opalin, 225 Fer arseniate, 373 arsenical, 345 calcareo-siliceux, 360 carbure, 583 chromate, 385 Fergusonite, 316, 417 Fer hydro-oxyde, 354 muriate, 362 natif, 324 meteorique, 337 volcanique, 337 oligiste, 350 oligiste concretionn6, 356 oxalate, 374 oxyde, 350 brun granuleux, 365 carbonate, 363 haematite, 356 resinite, 361 oxydule, 347 titane, 379 Ferrifere, 343 Ferrum octahedrum, 324 Fer phosphate, 365 terreux, 367 spathique, 363 speculaire, 350 sulphate, 368 sulphure, 338, 343 arsenical, 342 aurifere, 342 blanc, 342 epigene, 341 magnetique, 343 Fettstein, 221 Fibrolite, 106, 108 Figure-stone, 200 Fiorite, 17 Fishaugenstein, 185 Fish-eye-stone, 186 Flint, 9 Floatstone, 9 Flos ferri, 270, 271, 272 Flucerine, 425 Fluellite, 262 Fluellus Childrenii, 261 hexagonus, 276 obliquus, 298 octahedrus, 280 pyramidalis, 262 rhombicus, 280 Fluor, compact, 284 earthy, 284 octahedral, 280 haloide, prismatic, 599 Fluorine, 280 Fluor spar, 280 Fluss, 280 Forsterite, 143 Frankliniie, 353 Fuller's earth, 56 INDEX. 649 Gadolinite, 169 prismatic, 169 Goealum columnare, 331 obliquum, 332 Gahnite, 113 , ^ - Galena, 529 Galena, argentiferous, 534 cobaltic, 534 specular, 533 Galmei, 566, 567 Gallizinite, 570 Gansekothig-erz, 472 Garnet, 19 black, 21 brown manganese, 24 chrome, 22, 602 common, 20 dodecahedral, 19 manganesian, 23 green, 21 precious, 19 prismatoidal, 110 pyramidal, 30 tetrahedral, 394 Gaylussite, 334 Gehlenite, 32 Gelb-bleierz, 553 erz, 520 Geokronite, 559 Gibbsite, 103 Gieseckite, 189 Gigantholite, 206 Giobertite, 296 Giseckite, 189 Gismondine, 71 Glance blende, hexahedral, 400 Glanzkohle, 585 Glaserz, 459 A Glaskoph, brauner, 356 rother, 356 schwartzer, 391 Glauberite, 332, 616 Glauber salt, 322 prismatic, 322 prismatoidal, 320 Glaubersalz, naturlisches, 322 Glaucolite, 202 Glimmer, 179 Glucina, bisilicate of, 169 Gmelinite, 212 i Goethite, 355 i Gold, argentiferous, 513 gediegen, 510 graphic, 518 hexahedral, 510 native, 510 -glance, yellow, 520 i Gorlandite, 549 ; Goutte d'eau, 129 i Grammatite, 84 I Grammite, 67 i Granat, edler, 19 gemeiner, 20 i Graphit, 583 Graphite, rhomboidal, 583 mica, rhombohedral, 583 , Grasse pierre, 221 i Graustein, 240 Green earth, 156 Greenockite, 573, 621 Greenovite, 613 Gregorite, 378 Grenat. 19 brun, 20 granulifonne, 26 Grenatit, 110 Grenat manganesie, 23 melanite, 25 noble, 19 noir, 25 resinite, 25 rouge de feu, 26 Grobkohle, 590 Grossularite, 21 Grunerde, 156 Gultigerz, schwartz, 462 weiss,462 Gurhofian, 274 Gyps, 285 Gypsalus cobalticus, 449 rectangulus, 284 rhombicus, 292 rhomboideus, 285 stellatus, 291 Gypsum, 285 axifrangible, 285 compact, 287 earthy, 288 fibrous, 287 granular, 288 Haarkies, 451 Haematite, brown, 356 fibrous, 356 red, 355 scaly, 356 Haidingerite, 292, 523 Hal-baryte, diprismatic, 301 he mi-prismatic, 302 peritomous, 308 prismatic, 304 prismatoidal, 310 Halb-opal, 15 Hallite, 257 Halloysite, 106 Haloide, brachytypous lime, 296 diatomous euclas, 448 dicromatic euclas, 365 gypsum, 292 hemi-prismatic fluor, 298 gypsum, 291 macrotypoua lime, 272 octahedral fluor, 280 paratomous lime, 275 prismatic cryone, 331 fluor, 331 gypsum, 284 lime, 270 prismatoidal gypsum, 285 rhombohedral alum, 330 rhombohedral fluor, 276 Harmotome, 63 lime, 627 Hatchetine, 594 Hausmannite, 386 Hauyne,222 Hayesine, 318 Haydenite, 123, 613 Heavy spar, 304 columnar, 307 lamellar, 304 Hedenbergite, 78 650 INDEX. Hedyphan, 550 Heliotrope, 10 Helleflinta, 200 Helvine, 394 Hematite, varieties of, 391 Hepatite, 307 Herderite, 280 Herrerite, 519 Herschellite, 187 Hetecoklin, 609 Heteposite, 368 Heterosite, 368 Heulandite, 37, 626 Hisingerite, 359 Houille, 590, 591 papyracee, 593 Holmesite, 79, 628 Honeystone, 596 Honigstein, 596 Hope! le, 571 Ht.rnblei, 546 Hornblende, 81 crystallized, 82 ferruginous, 92 Labradorische, 94 massive, 83 -schiefer, 83 Hornerz, 471 Hornstone, 13 Hudsonite, 127 Humboldtilite, 177, 218, 623 Humboidtine, 374 Humboldtite, 288, 290, 374 Humite, 146 Huraulite, 402 Hyacinth, 158 Hyait, 360 Hyalite, 16 Hyalosiderite, 142 Hyalus acutus, 46 bicolor, 60 ferriferus, 48 opalinus, 14 rhombohedrus, 1 vulcani, 231 Hydrargillite, 103, 258 Hydrargyrum, 573 dodecahedron!. 574 fluidum, 573 Hydro-borate of lime, 318 Hydro-boracite, 300 Hydrolite, 212 Hydrolua argilliformis, 104 Gibbsianus, 103 pyrosmicus, 190 Hydromngnesite, 139 Hydrophite, 149, 619 Hydrotalcite, 134 Hypersthene,94 Hypochlorite, 609 Hypostilbite, 215 Iceland spar, 264 Ice spar, 195 Ichthyophthalmite, 185 Idocrase, 30 Ilmenite, 380, 603 Ilvaite, 360 Indianite, 49 Indian pipe-stone, 132 Indicolite 244, 247 lod-quecksilber, 577 lod-silber, 470 lolite, 60 hydrous, 62 Iridium, 517 pure native, 516 rhornbohednil, 517 and osmium, alloy of, 517 hexagonum, 517 osmie, 517 Iridpsmine, 517 Iserine, 378 Isopyre, 48 Ittnerite, 220 Iron, anhydrous silicate of, 357 argentiferous arsenical, 346 argillaceous carbonate of, 365 arseniate of, 372, 373 arsenical, 345 bisulphated peroxide of, 369 carbonate of, 363 chloride of, 367 chromated, 385 cold short, 357 cuprous arseniate of 599 diarseniate of 373 earthy phosphate of, 367 pleisto-magnetic, 350 fibrous carbonate of, 365 hydrous disilicate of, 359 peroxido of, 354 magnetic oxide of, 347 manganeso-diphosphate of, 402 native, 324 meteoric, 337 muriate of, 362 volcanic, 337 ochrey brown, 356 octahedral, 324 oligisto-maAketic, 350 oxalate of, 374 phosphate of, 365 pleisto-magnetic, 347 scaly, 356 sparry, 363 spa^hose, 363 specular, 350 oxide of, 350 sulphate of, 368 sulphated peroxide of, 370 titaniate of, 378 tungstate of, 375 yellow phosphate of, containing chlorine, 367 and cobalt, arsenical sulphuret of, 346 -earth, blue, 367 green, 609 -flint, 8 -glance, 550 -mica, prismatic, 365 -ore, argillaceous, 357, 363 axotomous, 380 black, 391 blue, 365 bog, 356 brown, 354 common magnetic, 347 diprismatic, 360 dodecahedral, 353 fibrous brown, 356 magnetic, 347 INDEX. 651 Iron-ore, octahedral, 347 pitchy, 361, 402 prismatic, 354 red, 355 rhombohedral, 350 uncleavable, 382 pyrites, arsenical, 342 auriferous, 342 cubic, 338 hexahedral, 338 magnetic, 343 prismatic, 342 rhombohedral, 343 white, 342 yellow, 338 Iron sand of Jameson, 350 Iron stone, clay, 357, 363, 365 columnar clay, 365 lenticular clay, 365 red, 355 vitriol, native red, of Fahlun, 371 Jade, common, 151 nephritique, 151 Jamesonite, 525 Jargoon, 158 Jaspe-opal, 16 Jasper, common, 12 Egyptian, 12 porcelain, 13 ribbon, 12 striped, 12 -opal, 16 Jayet, 592 Jeffersonite, 74, 605 Jet, 592 Johannite, 430 Johnstonite, 557 Jovius quadratus, 406 Junkerite, 364 Jurinite of Soret, 379 K Kakoxene, 260 Kalk salpeter, 288 -sinter, 268 -spath, 264 -stein, 268 -tuff, 270 Kallochrom, 554 Kamkies, 342 Kammererite, 115, 619 Kaneefstein, 28 Kaolin, 196 Karneol, 11 Karpholite, 18 Karphosiderite, 368 Kerasine, 546 Kerasite, 545 Kerate, hexahedral pearl, 471 Kerate, pyramidal pearl, 577 Kerolite, 149 Kibdelophan, 380 Kieselmalachite, 493 Kieselsinter. 17 Kieskupfer, 493 Killinite, 201 Kimmeridge-coal, 54 Klaprothine, 262 Knebelite, 399. Kobalt, glanz, 443 Kobalt, schwefel, 447 -bluthe, 448 -kies, 447 -vitriol, 450 Kobellite, 560 Koboldine, 447 Koenigine, 497 Kohle, kennel, 591 Kohlenblende, 585 Kokholith,77 Kollyrite, 1 4 Koupholite, 34 Kouphone spar, abrazite, 71 Brewsteritic, 66 Comptonitic, 213 Davy tic, 40 dialomous, 1 diplogenic, 216 dodecahedral, 229 flabelliform, 210 hemi-prismatic, 37 hexahedral, 212 macrotypous, 243 octahedral, 231 orthotomous, 204 paratomous, 63 peritomous, 202 prismatic, 204 prismatoidal, 35 pyramidal, 185 rhombohedral, 238 staurotypous, 184 trapezoidal, 183 Kreide, 269 Keuzstein, 63 Krisoberil, 166 Krokydolite, 249 Kryolith, 331 Krysolith, 140 ^. Kubizit, 227 Kupaphrite, 508 Kupfer, gediegen, 472 linsen, 502 octaedrisches phosphorsaurea, 500 salzsaures, 499 -bluthe, 603 erz, weiss, 480 glanz, 475 glimmer, 503 griin, eisenschussig, 493 kies, 482 lazur, 488 mangan, 393 nickel, 452 sammterz, 498 schaum, 508 smaragd, 494 schwarz, 510 vitriol, 495 wismutherz, 435 Kyanite, 106 Labradorite, 225 Labradoratein, 225 Lanarkite, 541 Langstaffite, 144 Lapis-lazuli, 218 Laumonite, 41 652 INDEX. Lasionite, 258, 259 Latrobite, ]99 Lave vitreuse perle, 188 Lazulit, 262 Lazulite, 218 Lazulus amorphus, 261 rhombicus, 262 Lazurstein, 218 Lead, arseniate of, 549 bisulpho antimonite of, 526 bitelluret of, 520, 539 black, 583 blue, 533 carbonate of, 539 chloride of, 546 chloro-carbonate of, 546 chromate of, 554 chromo-phosphate of, 548 cupreo-chromate of, 556 cupreous sulphate of, 552 cupreous sulphate-carbonate of, 544 dichloride of, 545 earthy carbonate of, 541 feather ore, 525 hydrous aluminate of, 538 raolybdate of, 553 muriate of, 545 murio-carbonate of, 546 native, 529 oxido-chloride of, 545 phosphate of, 547 pure chromate of, in form of the molybdate, 554 rhomboidal carbonate of, 542 Scheelate of, 557 seleniet of, 537 selenite of, 558 seleniuret of, 537 sexaluminate of, 538 subsesquichromate of, 553 sulphate of, 550 sulphato-tri-carbonatc of, 542 sulphuret of, 523 sulphuretted sulphate of, 534 supersulphuret of, 534 singular crystal of, 623 trismolybdatc of, 554 tungstate of, 557 vanadate of, 557 and antimony, sulphuret of, 533, 560 cobalt, seleniuret of, 538 copper, chromate of, 556 seleniuret of, 537 mercury, seleniuret of, 538 antimony and silver, sulphuret of, 533 baryte, axotomous, 542 brachytypous, 546 diplogenic, 552 diprismatic, 539 hemi-prismatic, 554 paratomous, 544 peritomous, 545 prismatic, 550 prismaloidal, 541 pyramidal, 553 rhombohedral, 547, 549 -glance, 529 cobaltic, 534 hexahedral. 529 Leadhillite, 542 Lead ore, brown, 547 corneous, 546 Lead ore, looking-glass, 533 white, 539 Lead, ore, yellow, 553 spar, prismatic, 554 pyramidal, 553 red, 554 rhombohedral. 549 tri-prismatic, 550 Lebererz, 576 Ledererite, 214, 630 Ledente, 412 Leelite, 200 Lehuntite, 252 Lemnian earth, 57 Lenzinite, 105 Leonhardite, 614 Lepidokrokite, 355 Lepidolite, 179, 180, 181 Leuchtenbergite, 604 Leucite, 183 Leucophane, 209 Leucopyrite, 442 Leuzit, 183 Levyne, 243 Liberkies, 343 Libethenite, 500 Lievrite, 360 Lignite, 502 Ligurito, 143 Limbelite, 142 Lime, anhydrous sulphate of, 284 Lime, arseniate of, 291 baryto-fluate of, 290 bisilicate of, 67 borate of, 288, 318 borosilicate of, 288 carbonate of, 264 fibrous phosphate of, 279 fluate of, 280 hydrous sulphate of, 285 nitrate of, 288 oxalate of, 292 phosphate of 276 prismatic carbonate of, 270 stalactite carbonate of, 268 subsesquiphosphate of, 276 sulphate of, 235 tersilicate of, 70 tungstate of, 293 vanadate of, 619 and soda, native carbonate of, 334 harmotome, 184 -stone, altered blue, 146 granular, 268 uiagnesian, 274 prismatic, 270 Limonite, 354 Linarite, 552 Lincolnite, 39 Linsenerz, 502 Liquor seiernalis, 573 Liroconite, 573 Lithomarge, 55 friable, 55 Loadstone, native, 347 Lomonit, 41 Lucu Ilite, 269 Lunites Auricus, 518 Cupricus, 467 dodecahedrus, 458 peritomus, 463 rhombicus, 462 INDEX. 653 Lunites rhombohedrus, 464 Selenicua, 469 Telluricus, 458 Lycites acrotomus, 525 Berthieri, 523 diatomus, 523 Zinkeni, 526 Lythodes, 221 M Made, 118, 119 Macluerite, 144 Magnesia, anhydrous silicate of, 140 biborate of, 299 borate of, 299 carbonate of, 295 di hydro us bisilicate of, 153 earthy carbonate of, 296 hydrate of, 139 hydrous sesquisilicate of, 147 native, 139 hydrate of, 139 nitrate of, 298 silicious hydrate of, 152 soda sulphate of, 333 sulphate of, 297 tersilicate of, 88 Magnesialus fibrosus, 295 rhombohedrus, 296 Magnesia and iron, carbonate of, 296 Magnesian spath, 296 Magnesie boratee, 299 hydratee, 139 silicieuse, 153, nitrated, 298 phosphatee, 298 sulphatee, 297 Magnesite, 295 Magnet, native, 350 Magneteisenstein, 347 Magnetkies, 343 Malachite, 490 axotomous habroneme, 505 diatomous habroneme, 505 diprismatic olive, 500 dystomic habroneme, 509 fibrous, 491 hemi-prismatic habroneme, 490 olive, 556 hexahedral lirocone, 372 massive, 491 prismatic azure, 488 emerald, 507 habroneme, 501 lirocone, 502 olive, 506 prismatoidal habroneme, 499 ihombohedral emerald, 494 rhomboidal emerald, 494 uncleavable staphyline, 493 Malacolithe, 77 Malthe, 588 Mangan, kohlensaures, 400 kupfer, 393 -blende, 400 Manganerz, brachytypous, 387 dichtes schwartz, 391 Manganese, arseniet of, 400 arseniuret of, 400 bisilicate of, 397 black, 386 55* Manganese, caroonate or, 401 corneous, 398 cupreous, 393 earthy, 393 ferruginous silicate of, 396 grey ore of, 388 oxide of, 389 hydrated deutoxide of, 389 hydrosilicate of, 398 hydrous binoxide of, 392 sesquibinoxide of, 393 phosphate of, 402 red, 401 oxide of, 387 rhomboidal red, 401 sesquisilicate of, 395 ailicate of, 395, 397, 609 sulphuret of, 400 titaniate of, 613 blende, prismatic, 400 ore, brachytypous, 387 ore, compact and fibrous, 391 prismatoidal, 389 foliated black, 386 prismatic, 388, 389 prismatoidal, 389 pyramidal, 386 uncleavable, 391 hydrate cuprifere, 393 oxidee carbonate, 401 oxidee hydratee, 386 concretionnee, 391 metalloide, 389 non-barytefere, 391 silicifere, 46, 397 -spar, 397 sulfuree, 400 Manganite, 389 Mangan kiesel, schwartzer, 398 Manganspath, 397 Manganus acrotomus, 389 cobaltiferus, 443 Cupriferus, 393 informis, 391 peritomus, 387 prismaticus, 388 rhombicus, 389 terrenus, 393 Matantalus decrepitans, 401 Frenaei, 368 quadratus, 402 rhombohedrus, 363, Marble, cotham, 269 landscape, 269 lumachelli, 269 ruin, 269 statuary, 268 Matceline, 609 Marcesite, 338 Marekanite, 232 Margarite, 182 Margaritus magnesicus, 139 saponaceus, 155 Marl, 270 Marmatite, 572 Marmo bardiglio di Bergamo, 285. Marmolite, 153 Mascagnin, 327 Masonite, 132 Meerschaum, 296 Meionite, 234 Melacorxise, 510 654 INDEX. Melane glance, prismatic, 462 ore, anorthitic, 416 Melanite, 25 Melanochroite, 555 Melanophseus acicularis, 419 flammans, 420 Mengianus, 414 obliquus, 169 rectangulus, 415 thoriferous, 170 triclinatus, 416 Melanterie, 368 Melinose, 553 Mellichrone leain, pyramidal. 596, 623 Mellilite, 69 Mellis pyramidalis, 596 Me I lite, 596 Menaccanite, 378 Mendiffite, 545 Menilite, 16 Mongite, 422 Mercure iodurede, 577 argental, 574 ioiiure, 577 muriate, 577 natif, 573 sulfure, 575 Mercury, 573 chloride of, 577 diciiliiride of, 577 dodecahedral, 574 iodic, 577 liquid, 573 muriate of, 577 nitrate of, 604 pyramidal corneous, 577 sulphuret of, 575 Merda di Diavolo, 593 Mesole, 210 Mesolite, 210 Mesotype, 202, 204 crystallized, 203 fibrous, 2l)3 pulverulent, 203 METALS AND METALLIFEROUS MINERALS, NATIVE, 324 Metaxite of Breithaupt, 149 Miargyrite, 467 Mica, 178 brown, 619 common, 179 magnesian, 178 prismatic copper, 503 euclore, 503 pyramidal euclore, 427, 428 rhombohedral, 178 euchlore, 503: melane,357 di- axial, 179 filamenteux, 182 hexugona, 178 mangarina, 182 mono-axial, 178 obliqua, 179 prismatique, 179 rhombohedrique, 178 Micaphyelite, 118 Micarelle, 189 Michaelite, 17 Microlite, 314 Miemito, vi74 Mimetese, 549 Mineralalkali, naturlischos, 320 Minium, 575 native, 536 Mispickel, 345 Misy. 37-2 Mohsite, 382 Molybdanglanz, 405 Molybdan silber, 438 Molybdena, 405 -glance, rhombohedral, 405 -ocker, 406 -silver, 438 Molybdene sult'ure, 405 Molybdenite, 405 Molybdenum, bisulphide of, 405 bisulphuret of, 405 oxide of, 406 Molybdic ochre, 406 Monazite, 422 Monradite, 618 Monticellite, 610 Moonstone, 193 Morasterz, 356 Moroxite, 276 Morvenite, 65 Mountain cork, 88 green, 490 leather, 88 meal, 57 paper, 88 tallow, 594 wood, 88 Mullerine, 520 Muller* glass, 16 Mullicite, 367 Mundic, 338 Murchisonite, 195 Muriacite, 284 Mussite, 75 Mysorite, 492 N Nacrite, 155, 156 Nadelerz, 435 Nagyagererz, 520 Naphtha, 587 Napthaline, naturlische, 595 Natrolite, 202, 204 Natron, 320 boraxsaures, 324 prismatic, 3-20, 321 permanens, 321 salt, hcmiprismatic, 331 prismatic, 320 Natron efflorescens, 320 Gay-Lussianum, 334 Needle ore, 435 Needlestone, 210 Numalite, 152 Nematus gracilis, 152 rectangulus, 153 Neoctese, 600 Neoplase, 371 Nepheline, 219 Nephrite, 151 spar, prismatic, 234 uncleavable, 151 Nephrus amorphus, 151 peritomus,234 Neurolite, 92 Newkirkite, 397 INDEX. 655 NiccalusHerreri,519 prasinus, 455 Nickel, antimonial, 451 antimoniel of, 451 arsenical, 452 binarseniet of, 453 copper, 452 native, 451 sulpho-antimonial, 452 -arsenide of, 454 sulphuret of, 451 white, 453 arsnniate, 455 arsenical antimonifere, 452 -blutho, 455 -glance, 454 -glanz, 454 -oclier, 455 -oxyde, 455 -pyrites, prismatic, 452 spiesjjlaserz, 452 ulfure, 451 Nigrin, 377 Nitrate de cliaux, 288 Nitre, 319 prismatic, 319 salt, prismatic, 319 Nitrocalcite, 288 Nitro-magnusite, 293 Nitrum rhombicum, 319 rhombohedrum, 323 Nontronite, 610 Nozin, 223 Nosean, -223 Nuttalite, 220 Obsidian, 231 Obsidienne, lave vitreuse, 231 Octahedrite, 432 Odontalito, 261 Oil, mineral, 587 Okenite, 123 Oktcedrite, 432 Olivenerz, 506 Olivenite, 598 acicular,506 Olivenkupfer, 506 Olivin, 141 Olivine, meteoric, 142 Olivinite, prismatic, 500, 501 radiated acicular, 505 Ollaire, pierre, 151 Onegite, 354 Onkonsite, 125 Onyx, 10 Oolite, 269 Opal, 14 common, 15 edlcr, 14 ferruginous, 16 fire, 15 gemeiner, 15 Lalb, 15 holz, 16 noble, 14 precious, 14 semi, 15 wood, 16 -jasuer, 16 Ophite, 147 Ophitis, 147 communis, 147 var., 153 figularis, 200 Opsimose, 398 Or natif, 510 Orpiment, red, 440 yellow, 441 Orthite, 419 Orthoklas, 193 Osmelite, 155 Ostranite, 160 Ottrelite, 173 Oxalate de for, 374 Oxidum manganeso-manganicum, 387 Ozokerite, 595 Palladium, 515 native, 515 octahedral, 515 selenietof, 516 seleniuret of, 608 Palladium octahedrum, 515 Panabase, 479 Paranthine, 234, 237 Pargasite, 83 Paulite, 94 Peach, 156 Pea ore, 356 Pearl mica, rhomboidal, 182 rhombohedral, 182 sinter, 17 spar, 272, 274 Pearlstonp, 188, 233 Pea-stone, 269 Peche-blende, 426 Pecherz, 426 Pcchkohle, 592 Pechstoin, 232 Pektolite, 238, 624 Peliom, 61 Pelokonite, 402 Peiiclase, 629 Pericline, 224 Peridot, 140 a Here, 142 granuliforme, 141 Periklin, 224 Peristerite, 206 Perle, lave vitrense, 188 Perl glimmer, 182 Perlstein, 188 Perovskiie, 626 Perowskinite, 404 Petnline spar, pcritomous, 59 Petalitc, 197 prismatic, 197 -spar, 197 Petalus rhombicus, 197 Petrol, 587 Petroleum, 587 Phakolite, 242 Pharmacolite, 291 Pharmakosideritj 372 Phenakite, 1H9 Phillipsite, 184, 627 Phillipsite of Beaudant, 478 Pholerite, 117 Phosphate le fer manganesien vert, 402 Phosphorite, 276, 278 656 INDEX. Phosphorkupfererz, 500 Phosphorkupfer von libethen, 500 rheinbreitbacb, 501 Phosphor mangan, 402 Phosphyttria, 313 Photizite, 398 Phyllinius aereus, 96 metallinus, 94 Schilleri, 95 Phyllite, 207 Physajite, 130 Pickeringite, 616 Picralum deliquescens, 298 Glauberium, 322 octahedrum, 328 rhorabicum, 297 tenellum, 288 Thenardianum, 323 volcanicum, 327 Picrolite of Hausmann, 149 Picro-pharmacolite, 292 Picrosmine, 153, 154 Pictite, 138 Pierophylle, 149 Pierre d' azur, 218 Pikrophylle, 172 Pikrosm'in, J53 Pimelite, 455 Pinguite, 358 Finite, 189 Pisolite, 269 Pistacit, 44 Pistasite, 44 Pitch, earthy mineral, 588 elastic mineral, 588 slaggy mineral, 589 blende, 426 stone ,231, 232 of menil-montant, 16 Pittizite, 361 Plagionite, 525 Plasma, 10 Platina, hexahedral, 513 Platine, gediegen, 513 natif ferifere, 513 Platinum, native, 513 cubicum, 513 Pleonaste, 135 Pleuroklas, 298 Plomb arseniate, 549 bleu, 533 carbonate, 539 chromate rouge, 554 come, 546 cuivreux, sulfate de. 552 Plombgommo, 538 hydro-alnmineux,538 jaune, 553 molybdate, 553 muriate, 546 murio-cirbonate, 546 natif, vitriol de, 550 noir, 533 oxyde rouge, 536 phosphate, 547 seleniure, 537 sulfate, 550 sulfure, 529 antimonifere, 534 prismatique epigene, 533 speculr '"" tungstate, 557 Plumbago, 583 scriptoria, 583 Plumbites Cobalticus, 534 cubicus, 529 Selenicua, 537 Plumbo-calcite, 275 Plumbum galena, 529 Poix minarale elastique, 588 scoriacee, 589 terreuse, 588 Polier schiefer, 55 Polyadelphite, 135 Polybasite, 464 Polyhallite, 331 Polylite, 1-27 Polymignite, 415 Polysphaerite,549 Poonahlite, 171 Porcelain-clay, 196 Porcellanerde, 196 Porcellanite, 13 Potash, muriate of, 612 nitrate of, 319 sulphate of, 320 -alum, 329 Potassc nitratee, 319 . sulphatee, 320 Potassium, chlorure de, 612 Potstone, 151 Prase, 7 Prehnite, 33 Prismatoidal kouphone spar, 35 Protheite, 610 Proustite, 464 Psilomelane, 391 Pseudolite, 138 Pseudomalachit, 501 Pumice, 231,233 Puschkinite, 626 Pycniie, 133 Pyrallolite, 88 Pyrargillite, 190 Pyreneite, 21, 25 Pyrenit, 21 Pyrgom, 76 Pyrite rnartiale, 338 Pyrites, arsenical, 442 auriferous, 342 capillary, 451 cockscomb, 342 copper, 482 hepatic, 341 magnetic, 343 tin, 430 white iron, 342 spear, 342 Pyrites capillaris, 451 cubicus, 338 erubescens, 478 hexagonus, 343 pyramidalis, 482 rhombicus, 342 Pyrochlore, 314 Pyroluaite, 388 Pyromorphite, Pyrope, 26 Pyrophyllite, 58 Pyrophysalite, 130 Pyrorthite, 420 Pyrosklerite, 116 Pyrosmalite, 362 Pyrosmali th, INDEX. 657 Pyroxene, 71, var. 74, 75 foliated, 74 ferro-manganesien, 362 granulifnrme, 77 laminaire gris verdatre, 77 Pyrrhite, 176, 625 auartz, 1 brown, 8 crystallized, 2 emphyrodox, 331 ferruginous, 8 fibrous, 8 fusible, 231 gemoiner, 2 isopyric, 48 Kilpatrick, 14 milk, 7 prismatic, 60 radiated, 8 rhombohedral, 1 rose, 7 gpongiform, 9 uncleavable, 14 violot, 7 yellow, 8 Quartz agathe concrctionnethermogene, 17 cornaline, 11 aluminifere tripoleen, 56 brunatre, 16 hyalin, 2 avanturine, 7 concretioune, 16 enfunie, 8 iaune, 8 Jaiteux, 7 rubigineux, 8 vert-obscur, 7 resinite, 14 cpmmun, 15 giarasol, 15 * hydropbanc, 15 opnlin, 14 subluisaut, 16 xyloide, 16 nectiquc, 9 Quecksilber, cblor, 577 gediegen, 573 horneiz, 577 -lebererz, 575 Quicksilver, horn, 577 native, 573 R Radelerz, 536 Rauschgelb, gelbes, 441 rother, 441 Razoumuffskin, 295 Realgar, 440 rouge, 440 Rensselaerito, 78 Resin, hifligate, 597 yellow mineral, 593 Resinite, petrosilex, 232 Retinite, 596 Retinasphalt,596 lleussite, 333 Rex metallorum, 510 Rhsetizite, 106, 108 Rhenite, 501 Rhodhalose, 450 Rhodizite, 62-2 Rhodonite, 398 Rhomb spur, 272 Riolite, 564 Rionite, 564 Rock cork, 88 milk, 267 salt, hexahedral, 325 native decrepitating, 327 wood, 88 Rodisite, Rodochrom, 618 Romanzovite, 29 Roselite, 449 Rosite, 238 Rothbleierz, 554 Rothbraunsteinerz, 401 Rothgultigfrz, 464 Rothkupfererz, 486 Rothspiesglnstrz, 527 Rottenstone, 55 Rubella floiida, 464 Rubellane, 181 Rubella obliqua, 467 peritoma, 575 rhombohedra, 464 Rubellite, 244, 248 Ruhellon aster-mica, 181 Rubicelle, 138 Rubin-glimmer, 355 Ruby, oriental , 98 -blende, hemi-prismatic, 467 peritomous, 575 prismato-rhomboidal, 575 ihombohedral, 464 rhomboidal, 464 Rutile, 376 Rutilua Brucii, 565 dystomus, 314 obliquus, 410 octahedru*, 486 pyramidalis, 432 quadratus, 376 Ryacolite, 197 S Sahlite, 77 Sal cubicum,325 msire, 325 Salmiak, naturlicher, 398 Salpeter, naturlicher, 319 Salzkuplererz, 499 Saphir, 97 Saponite, 633 Sappare, 106 Sapphire, 97 chatoyant, 98 girasol, 98 opalescent, 98 oriental, 98 white, 98 Sapphire d'eau, 62 Sapphirine, 138 Sapphirus eutoma, 113 infusilis, 114 oclahcdra, 135 rectangula, 166 rhombohedra, 97 Sarcolite, 212, 231 Sarcolithe, 231 Sassoline, 254 658 INDEX. Saussurite, 234 Satin spar, 272 Scapolite, 234 massive, 89 rock, 89 Scarbroite, 106 Schabasit, 238 Schaumerdo, 268 Scheelin calcaire, 293 ferrugine, 375 Scheelite,293 Scheelitine, 557 Scheelium ore, prismatic, 375 Scheelius pyiamidalis, 293 Schererite, 595 Schieferkohle, 590 spar, 267 spath, 267 Schieferthon, 54 Schilleri phyllmius, 95 Schiller spar, 95 diatomous, 95 hemi-prismatic, 96 prismatoidal, 94 prismatic, 50 spath, 95 stein, 95 Schiste a polier, 55 Schmelzstein,237 Schmiergel, 101 Schorl, 244, 246 Schrifterz, 518 Schwartzerz, 400, 480 Schwefel, natmlicher, 578 -kies, 333 -nickel, 451 schilfglazerz, 463 Schwerspath, 304 Schwerstein, 293 Schwimmstein, 9 Scolezite,211 anhydrous, 125 Scorodite, 599 Scorza, 46 Scoulerite, 132 Selenblei, 537 Selen cuprite, 485 Selenite, 285, 286 Selen kupfersilber, 469 Selenium, native, 580 Seleniure cuivre-plombique, 537 Selen-silber, 468 Sel-d'epsom natif,297 Sel gemme, 325 .Semi-opal, 15 Serpentine, 147 ollaire, 151 Severite, 104 Seybertite, 79 Shale, 54 black bituminous, 54 brown, 54 Siberite, 248 Siderite airnant, 347 chromifere, 385 zincifere. 353 Sideritine, 361 Sideroschislite, 357 Sideroschisolite, 359 Siderus acrotomus, 379, 380 chromicus, 385 fibrosus, 249 Siderus haematicus, 354 Hisingeri, 359 octahedrus, 347 rhombicus, 360 rhombohedrus, 350 zinciferus, 353 Silber, buttermilch, 472 gediegen, 455 guldisches gediegen, 457 -blende, 464 -glanz, biegsamer. 460 -kupferglanz, 467 -schwartze, 460 Silex girasul, 15 Silex opale, 14 resinite, 15 Silice fluatee alumineuse, 127 Silicite, 175 Sillimanite, 159, 601 Silvanite, 518 Silver, antimonial, 457 arsenical, 458 antimonial, 458 auriferous, native, 457 bismuthic, 468 bisulpho antimoniate of, 467 black sulphuret of, 460 brittle sulphuret of, 462 bromide of, 470 buttermilk, 472 carbonate of, 471 chloride of, 471 corneous, 471 earthy-corneous, 472 ferro-sulphuret of, 460 flexible sulphuret of, 460 hexahedral, 455 horn, 471 iodic, 470 iodide of, 470 muriate of, 471 native, 455 red, 464 ruby, 464 seleniet of, 468 selenio-cuprate of, 469 seleniuret of, 468 eubsesquisulpho-antimoniate of, 464 -arseniate of, 464 sulpho-cuprite of, 467 sulphuret of, 459 telluric, 458 vitreous, 459 and antimony, sulphuret of, 463, 464 and arsenic, sulphuret of, 464 and copper, seleniuret of, 469 sulphuret of, 467 and lead and antimony, sulphuret of, 463 glance, 459 brittle, 462 earthy, 460- hexahedral, 459 ore, grey, 471 Sinter, silicious, 17 Sismondine, 627 Slate, adhesive, 55 -clay, 54 polishing, 55 spar, 267 SHckenside, 533 Smaltine, 445 INDEX. 659 Smaragdite, 52 Smithsonite, 567 Soapstone, 150 Soda, biborate of, 324 borate of, 324 carbonate of, 320 iodate of, 617 nitrate of, 323 sulphate of, 322 -alum, 333 Bolivian, 605 and manganese, sulphate of, 605 Sodaite, 237 ' Sodalite, 229 Sodium, chloride of, 325 Somervillite, 177, 218 Sommite, 219 Sordawalite, 63 Soude boratee, 324 carbonatee, 320 nitratee, 323 sulphatee, 322 Soufre, 578 Spanialus dodecahedrus, 425 hexagonus, 425 peritomus, 313 quadratus, 420 rhombicus, 420 Spar, tabular, 67 Spargelstein, 277 Spar-kies, 342 Spath-eisenstein, 363 Spatinius decolorans, 397 reniforms, 399 rhombohedrus, 396 Spatum Gehlenianum, 32 gemellum, 224 Herschellianum, 187 hexagonum, 219, var. 40 oleaceum, 231 opalescens, 225 orthotomum, 192 quadratum, 234 roseum, 199 triclinatum, 226 Vesuvianum, 53, var. 49 volcanicum, 71 Speckstein, 150 Speissglaserz, Schwartz. 534 Sperkise, 312 Spessartine, 23 Sphoerosiderite, 365 Sphoerulite, 233 Sphen, 410 Sphene, 410 Spherostilbite, 217 Spiosglanzbleierz, 534 Spiesglas, gediegen, 522 Spiesglaserz, grau, 523 weiss, 528 Spiesglassilber, 457 Spieskobold, Grauer, 445 Spiessglanz ochre, 528 weiss, 523 Spinel, 135 ruby, 138 Spinellane, 223 Spinelle, 135 zincifere, 113 Spinthere, 413 Spodumene, 198 prismatic, 198 Sprbd-glaserz, 462 Stangenspath, 307 Stannolite, 406 Stanzaite, 118 Staurolite, 110 macle, 112 Steatite, 150 pagodite, 200 Steatus acicularis, 595 Steinmannite, 611 Steinheilite, til Steinmark, 55 Steinsalz, 352 Stellite, 121, 624 Sterlingite, 365 Sternbergite, 461 Stibiconise, 528 Stibium rhombicum, 457 rhombohedrum, 522 Stilbine, 523 Stilbite, 35 Stilpnomelan, 611 Stilpnosiderite, 357 Stimmius rhombicus, 528 Stinkstone, 269 Strahlerz, 505 Strahlkies, 342 Strahlstein, 85 Strahlzeolith, 35 Strelite, 50 Striegisun, 259 Strohstein, 18 Stromeyerine, 467 Stromeyerite, 467 Stromnite, 309 Strontian, 308 baryto-sulphate of, 310 carbonate of, sulphate of, 310 Strontian carbonatee, 308 sulphatee, 310 Strontianite, 308 Stylobite, 32 Stylus acrotomus, 59 hexagonus, 189 Succin, 593 Succinite, 28 Succinuum electrum, 593 Sulphur, 578 hemi prismatic, 440 prismatic, 578 prismatoidal, 441 ruby, 440 Sulphur pyramidalis, 578 Sulphuret, triple, 534 Sulphurica, aqua, 254 Sulphuric acid, hydrous, 254 liquid, 254 native, 254 Sulphurique hydrate, acide, 254 Sumpferz, 356 Sun-stone, 193 Susannite, 542 Swinestone, 269 Sylvan, gediegen, 517 Sylvane graphique, 518 Sylvanerz, \veiss, 520 Sylvine, 612 660 INDEX. Table Spar, 67 Tables, spath en, 67 Tabular spar, 67 prismatic, 88 Talc, 155 Venetian, 155 Talc graphique, 200 granuleux, 156 mica, hemi-prismatic, 179 prismatic, 155 ollaire, 151 steatite, 150 zographique, 156 Talcum serpentinum, 147 Talk, phosphorsaurer, 298 Tankelite,3l3 Tantale oxide ferro-manganesifere, 3i yttrifere, 315 Tantalit, 382 Tantalum ore, prismatic, 382 Tautolite, 171 Tellum, gediegen, 517 weiss, 520 Tellure aurifere and plomhifere, 520 natif auro-argentifere, 518 -ferrifere, 517 -plombifere, 520 Tellurium, black, 520 foliated, 520 graphic, 518 hexabedral, 517 native, 517 prismatic black, 520 white ore of, 520 yellow, 520 glance, pyramidal, 520 Tellurium hexagonum, 517 ore, Nagyag, 521 Telluro Galene, 520 Tellur-silber, 458 Tennantite, 481 Tephroite, 612 Tesselite, 185, 187 Tetartin, 226 Tetraphyline, 404 Thallite,45 Thenardite, 323 Thomsonite, 204 Thon, 54 Thorite, 170 Thraulite, 359 Thrombolithe, 502 Thulite, 131 Thumite, 46 Thumer-stono, 46 Tile ore, 4b8 Tin, fibrous oxide of, 410 oxide of, 406 stream, 406, 410 sulphuret of, 430 tantaliferous oxide of, 410 toad's-eye wood, 410 wood, 406, 407, 410 ore, pyramidal, 406 stone, 406 pyrites, 430 Tincal, 324 Tinder ore, 527 Titan nigrin, 377 Titane anatase, 432 oxyde, 376 ferrifere, 377 rutile, 376 silico-calcaire, 410 Titanic acid, 376 Titanium ore, hemi-prismatic, 410 peritomous, 376 prismatic, 379, 410 prismatico-pyramidal, 376 pyramidal, 432 red oxide of, 376 Tomosif, 398 Topaz, 127 oriental, 98 prismaticj 127 -rock, 129 Topazius rhomhicus, 127 Vesufianus, 143 Topazolite, 27 Tophstein, 151 Torrellite, 384, 418 Tourmaline, 244 green, 248 rhombohedral, 244 rhomboidal, 244 Tourmaline apyre, 248 d'Uto, 247 rouge, 248 Tremolite, 84 asbestiform, 85 common, 84 Norwegian, 85 Triclasite, 59 Tripel, 56 Triphane spar, 198 axotornous, 33 prismatic, 198 Triphyline, 403 Tripoli, 56 Trippes, pierre des, 285 Trona. 321 Troostite, 396 Tufa, 270 Tungsten, native yellow oxide of, 431 oxide of, 431 pyramidal, 293 Tungsten schwerstein, 293 Tungstic ochre, 431 Turmalus rhombohedrus, 244 Turmerite, 138 Turquoise, 261 occidental, 262 Uraconise, 429 Uran-bloom, 429 -bluthe, 429 glimmer, 427, 428 mica, 427 vitriol, 430 Uranalus ochraceus, 429 qundratus, 427, 428 Urane sulfate vert d', 430 micac6, 427 oxide, 427 oxydule, 426 sulfate, 430 Uranerz, gru'ner, 428 Uranic ochre, 600 INDEX. 661 Uranite, 407 Uranium, calcareo-phosphate of, 427 carbonate of, 429 cupreo-phosphate of, 428 phosphate of, 427 uncleavable, 426 lucine-ore, 600 Uranius amorphous, 426 Uranpecherz, 426 Urao, 321 Uwarowite, 22, 602 Vanadate of lead, 557 Vanadinbleierz, 557 Vanadinite, 557 Vargasite, 613 Variegated copper ore, 478 Varvacite, 391 Vauquelinito, 556 Velvet copper ore, 498 Vermiculite, 125 Verd antique, 269 Vesuvian, 30 Villarsite, 174 Vitreous copper ore, 475 silver ore, 459 Vitriol, blue, 495 green, 368 hemi prismatic, 368 prismatic, 495 pyramidal, 570 red, 450 white, 570 bleu, 495 salt, hemi-prismatic, 3 salt, prismatic, 570 Vitriolum bicolor, 371 cobalticum, 450 cyprium, 495 hexagonum, 369 martiale, 368 uranicum, 430 zincicum, 570 Vivianite. 365 Volborthite, 509 Voltzite, 564 Vulcanus acutus, 216 Brewsterianus, 66 Comptonianus, 213 cubicus, 227 dodecahedrus, 229 dystomus, 288 efflorescens,41 exfolians, 212 fascicularis, 35 flabelliformis, 210 gemellus, 63 nemiquadratus, 248 Levyanus, 243 peritomus, 202 Phillipsianus, 184 quadratus, 185 rhombicus, 204 rhombohedrus, 238 rhomboideus, 37 stramineus, 18 Thomsonianus, 204 trapezohedrus. 183 Vulpinite,285 56 w Wad, 393 black, 393 Wagnerite, 298 Walkerde, 56 Wandstein, 275 Warwickite, 413 Washingtonite, 381, 603 Wavellite, 258 Websterite, 257 Weissite, 188 Wernerite, 234, 237 Wiesenerz, 356 Willelmine, 570 Willemit, 570. Wismuth, arsenik, 437 kiesel, 437 tellur, 438 -ocher, 436 silbererz, 468 Withamite, 93 Witherite, 301 Wohlerite, 615 Wolfram, 375 prismatic, 375 Wolframius rectangulus, 375 Wollastonite, 67, 69 Worth ite, 108 Wurfelerz, 372 Wurfelspath, 284 Xanthophyllite, 628 Xanthite, 32 Xenolite, 109 Xenotine, 313 Yanolite, 46 Yenite, 360 Ypoleime, 501 Yttererde, phosphorsaure, 313 Yttria, carbonate of, 313 phosphate of, 313 and cerium, fluate of, 4! phosphatee, 313 Yttrocerite, 420 Yttro-columbite, 315 Yttrotantal, 315 Yttrotantallite, 315 Zeagonite, 71 Zeilanite, 135 Zeolite, var. of, 202 blatter, 37 compact, 252 crystalline, 203 dodecahedral. 229 efflorescing, 41 fibrous, 203 foliated, 37 hexahedral, 227 mealy, 203 needle, 204 pulverulent, 203 pyramidal, 185 662 INDEX. Zeolite, radiated, 35 rhombohedral, 328 trapezoidal, 183 Zeuxite, 51 Zieglerz,488 Zigueline, 486 Zinc, anhydrous carbonate of, 567 carbonate of, 567 hydrous dicarbonate of, 569 silicate of, 566 manganesian oxide of, 565 red, 565 red oxide of, 565 seleniet of, 564 silicious oxide of, 566 sulphate of, 570 sulphuret of, 561 Zincalus acrotomous, 570 diatomus, 571 ochraceus, 569 peritomous, 566 rhombohedrus, 567 Zinc and Mercury, seleniet of, 564 baryte, prismatic, 566 rhombohedral, 567 blende, dodecahedral, 561 Zinc carbon at6, 567 hydrate cuprifere, 508 Zincites flammans, 564 Zinc ore, prismatic, 565 oxyd, 565 oxyde ferrifere, 353 manganesifere, 565 silicifere, 566 spath, 567 sulfure, 561 sulphate, 570 vitriol, 570 Zincum sterile, 561 Zinkbluthe, 569 Zinkenite, 526 Zinnkies, 430 Zinnober, 575 Zinnstein, 406 Zircon, 157 pyramidal, 157 Zirconite, 158 Zoisite, 43 Zblestin, 310 Zootinsalz, 323 Z undererz, 527 Zurlite, 612 ERRATA. Preface, p. ii, line 13, for " multiplied by ten " read "multiplied by 100." Page xliv, note, for " calcareons" read " calcareous." " cxxxv, Sp. 29, substitute this formula : " CalC+BrC." " cix, second line, substitute " 8-5" for " 85." " cxxix, Sp. 61, substitute " 4Cal 2 S+MgS 2 " for " 4CS 3 +MS 3 ." " cxxxiii, for the formula for Haydenite, substitute this ; "2(A1, F)S 3 -j-(K, Cal, Mg,)S+2Aq. Page 73, note, for " analyses" read analysis." " 90, line 1, for " characterizes " read " characterized." " 122, line 1, for " 4CS*+MS 3 " read " 4CalS a +MgS 3 ." 136, line 2, for " Pleonate" read " Pleonaste." " 165, line 7 from bottom, for " trapezoidal" read " trapezoidal.*' " 171, for " H " in the formula for Poonahlite substitute " 12H." " 207, in theformula for Gigantholite, for " P, M," read " P, Mn." " 242, line 7, above article Phakolite, for " basis" read " bases." " 293, line 5 from the figure, for " their" read " these." " 324, line 2, for " borax" read " soda." " 333, line 1, in art. Soda-Alum, for " analyses" read " analysis." " 344, make the same correction as above in the note to this page. " 484, line 4 from bottom, for " pounds" read " puds." " 553, fourth analysis, place the figures " 40-293" against molybdic acid, and " 61-903 " against protoxide of lead. " 605, formula, line 3 from bottom substitute " F" for " P." " 617, formula for Pickeringite, place a dot over the " ift." " 619, ine 12, for " lamenated " read laminated." " 619, line 18, for " Salamoniac" read " Salammoniac." " 628, line 19, for " Clinlinite" read " Clintonite." " 642, add " Anhydrous Silicate of Alumina, p. 109." " 644, add " Bucholzite, p. 109." " 648, add page 109 to " Epimecius Bucholzianus." 14 DAY USE RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED LOAN DEPT. This book is due on the last date stamped below, or on the date to which renewed. Renewed books are subject to immediate recall. 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