GIFT OF THE SCIENTIFIC WORK OF MORRIS LOEB THE SCIENTIFIC WORK OF MORRIS LOEB THE SCIENTIFIC WORK OF MORRIS LOEB FORMERLY PROFESSOR OF CHEMISTRY AND DIRECTOR OF THE HAVEMEYER CHEMICAL LABORATORY AT NEW YORK UNIVERSITY EDITED BY THEODORE W. RICHARDS PROFESSOR OF CHEMISTRY AND DIRECTOR OF THE WOLCOTT GIBBS MEMORIAL LABORATORY AT HARVARD UNIVERSITY CAMBRIDGE HARVARD UNIVERSITY PRESS 1913 COPYRIGHT, 1913, BY HARVARD UNIVERSITY PRESS ALL RIGHTS RESERVED PREFACE THIS volume is published as a memorial to Morris Loeb, a man of rare gifts who was called in his prime from his many-sided activities. The book will serve to make more accessible the thoughtful and suggestive writings of one of the American pioneers of the new physical chemistry. All the publications of the late Professor Loeb bearing upon scientific topics have here been brought together, except a few brief reviews in Italian possessing only tran- sient interest; and there have been added such parts of several essays found in manuscript as he might have been willing to have printed. The collected papers have been divided into two groups; the first includes those of a gen- eral character (such as essays, lectures, and reviews), and the second those recording the results of his original experi- mental researches, which are more technical in their nature and less generally comprehensible. This division into two groups was made in order that essays having general interest should not be lost to the average reader by being hidden among scientific papers beyond his comprehension. In each group the papers have been arranged in chrono- logical order. Of those found in manuscript, parts of three discussions of the same subject have been welded together so as to make one consistent essay and placed at the beginning of the first group under the title "The Fundamental Ideas of Physical Chemistry." The first part of this essay was evidently given as the introductory lecture of a course on physical chemistry at Clark University in 1889. Each of the three papers was fragmentary; but fortunately the gaps 271811 vi PREFACE occurred in different places, so that it was possible to con- struct almost entirely in the author's own words a fairly consistent whole. Although these fragments were not deemed worthy of publication by their author, and although doubt- less he would have preferred to revise them before printing, it has seemed worth while to publish them because they formed one of the very first presentations of the new phys- ical chemistry on this side of the Atlantic. The popular address on "Atoms and Molecules " also was found in manuscript, and like the preceding essay, has had incorporated into it several scattered paragraphs upon the same subject from other incomplete notes. Thus it is hoped that all of his written work on this subject that is worthy of printing has been preserved in readable form. Another paper printed for the first time is that on Sir Isaac Newton, which is of interest in showing the author's appreciation of the value of abstract scientific research. The only other important paper found in manuscript (placed under the title " Chemistry and Civilization," at the end of the first group of papers) was intended by Professor Loeb to be the introduction to a proposed comprehensive book upon the usefulness of the science in its widest sense. Upon this book he was working at the time of his death ; and one cannot but poignantly regret, after reading the introductory chapter, that the completion of the project was denied him. Two of the researches included in the second group were published both in German and in English; in these cases both versions are reprinted, because the translations are evidently the author's work, and differ in several details from the originals. In each of the scientific articles included in the second part of the book, the page numbers of the original publica- tion are inserted in brackets at the proper places, to show PREFACE vii where each page begins and ends. This is done for the con- venience of commentators wishing to refer to the original articles. All the papers have been reprinted essentially in the form used by the author. The historical advantage of this practice is obvious; and although usage in nomenclature, notation, and spelling has somewhat changed during twenty- five years, the older forms cannot in any of the present instances give rise to misunderstanding. After the scientific contributions, Professor Loeb's labora- tory manual of experiments for the elementary course in inorganic chemistry at New York University is printed as an appendix, together with the description of a brief series of ex- periments upon the speed of reactions. These are included not only for the sake of completeness, but also because they may be suggestive to others confronted with the interesting but difficult task of giving elementary instruction. A complete chronological list of all the separate essays is given at the end of the volume, with the references to the original sources; and an index of names completes the book. Other manuscripts and notebooks found in his laboratories contained much that was almost ready for publication, but probably nothing more that he himself would have con- sidered as ready to appear in print. The preliminary search among these papers was conducted at the request of his family by Professor Charles Baskerville, of the College of the City of New York, and Mr. D. D. Berolzheimer, a former student of Professor Loeb's and the librarian of The Chemists' Club; thanks are due to both for their valuable assistance in making a preliminary selection and arrangement of the ma- terial, and to the latter, as well as to Professor G. S. Forbes, for their help in reading the proofs. To Professors Charles Loring Jackson, Elmer P. Kohler and Gregory P. Baxter also the editor is grateful for advice. T. W. R. CONTENTS INTRODUCTION: THE LIFE AND CHARACTER OF MORRIS LOEB . . xv PART I LECTURES, ADDRESSES, AND REVIEWS THE FUNDAMENTAL IDEAS OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY .... 3 OSMOTIC PRESSURE AND THE DETERMINATION OF MOLECULAR WEIGHTS 21 ELECTROLYTIC DISSOCIATION: A REVIEW OF THE HYPOTHESIS OF SVANTE ARRHENIUS 30 REVIEW OF OSTWALD'S GRUNDRISS DER ALLGEMEINEN CHEMIE . 45 THE PROVINCE OF A GREAT ENDOWMENT FOR RESEARCH ... 46 ATOMS AND MOLECULES 50 HYPOTHESIS OF RADIANT MATTER 64 REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE OF THE OVERSEERS TO VISIT THE CHEMICAL LABORATORY OF HARVARD COLLEGE .... 78 THE CONDITIONS AFFECTING CHEMISTRY IN NEW YORK ... 93 SIR ISAAC NEWTON 101 OLIVER WOLCOTT GIBBS 108 THE CHEMISTS' CLUB, NEW YORK 118 THE CHEMISTS' BUILDING 121 ADDRESS AS PRESIDENT OF THE CHEMISTS' BUILDING COMPANY . 128 THE COAL-TAR COLORS . . 132 x CONTENTS THE PERIODIC LAW 143 THE EIGHTH INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF APPLIED CHEMISTRY . 152 CHEMISTRY AND CIVILIZATION 156 PART II ORIGINAL EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATIONS UEBER DIE EINWIRKUNG VON PHOSGEN AUF AETHENDIPHENYL- DIAMIN 169 UEBER AMIDINDERIVATE 171 DAS PHOSGEN UNO SEINE ABKOMMLINGE NEBST EINIGEN BEITRAGEN zu DEREN KENNTNISS 177 DAS PHOSGEN: LITTERATUR-VERZEICHNISS 205 DAS PHOSGEN: EXPERIMENTELLER THEIL 209 THE MOLECULAR WEIGHT OF IODINE IN ITS SOLUTIONS . . .230 UEBER DEN MOLEKULARZUSTAND DBS GELOSTEN JODS . . . 239 THE USE OF ANILINE AS AN ABSORBENT OF CYANOGEN IN GAS ANALYSIS 248 ZUR KlNETIK DER IN LoSUNG BEFINDLICHEN KORPER . . .251 THE RATES OF TRANSFERENCE AND THE CONDUCTING POWER OF CERTAIN SILVER SALTS 273 THE USE OF THE GOOCH CRUCIBLE AS A SILVER VOLTAMETER . 293 Is CHEMICAL ACTION AFFECTED BY MAGNETISM? 295 APPARATUS FOR THE DELINEATION OF CURVED SURFACES, IN ILLUS- TRATION OF THE PROPERTIES OF GASES, ETC 306 NOTE ON THE CRYSTALLIZATION OF SODIUM IODIDE FROM ALCO- HOLS 308 THE VAPOR FRICTION OF ISOMERIC ETHERS 310 ANALYSIS OF SOME BOLIVIAN BRONZES 312 STUDIES IN THE SPEED OF REDUCTIONS .... 314 CONTENTS xi APPENDIX LABORATORY MANUAL PREPARED FOR STUDENTS IN ELEMENTARY INORGANIC CHEMISTRY AT NEW YORK UNIVERSITY .... 321 EXPERIMENTS ON SPEED OF REACTION 338 CHRONOLOGICAL BIBLIOGRAPHY 340 INDEX OF NAMES . . 345 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS MORRIS LOEB Frontispiece WOLCOTT GIBBS MEMORIAL LABORATORY, HARVARD UNIVERSITY opposite page 92 THE CHEMISTS' BUILDING, 52 EAST FORTY-FIRST STREET, NEW YORK opposite page 118 THE LIFE AND CHARACTER OF MORRIS LOEB IN the untimely death of Morris Loeb our country lost a man of rare quality. To serve mankind was the ideal of his life, and loyalty was his guide in the fulfillment of this service; few men in so short a span of years have been able to ex- press so largely their desire by deeds. His helpful acts and liberal benefactions were modestly carried out; they were perhaps hardly appreciated in their fullness during his life- time by any except those who came nearest to him. As an ameliorator of the lot of the poor of New York he was in the front rank; at the same time he was a farseeing enthusiast in the cause of science, and one of the most faithful and generous graduates of Harvard University. His devotion to his Alma Mater makes it especially appropriate that this volume of his writings should appear under her auspices. Among his various interests chemistry was foremost, al- though the responsibilities of a great fortune and its attendant demands prevented him from devoting as much time to re- search as he would have been glad to give. The study of his work as disclosed in the following pages will show a mental attitude unusually thoughtful and philosophic, alive to new ideas and yet wisely conservative. His conservatism was not of a reactionary type, because he was ever altruistic in his point of view. His constant aim was to support that which seemed to him likely to contribute, either through the ad- vance of science or in any other way, to the good of mankind. Morris Loeb was born fifty years ago at Cincinnati, Ohio, on May 23, 1863, the son of Solomon and Betty (Gallenberg) Loeb. His father was one of the founders of the great bank- xvi THE LIFE AND CHARACTER ing firm of Kuhn, Loeb and Company. While the boy was still young, his parents removed to New York, and his primary education took place at the school of Dr. Julius Sachs in that city. In the autumn of 1879 he entered Harvard Uni- versity and graduated there with the degree of Bachelor of Arts in 1883. He was an able and conscientious student in college. His interest centred at first in the older discipline of the classics, but it changed to the newer discipline of chemistry and phys- ics as his college life advanced. His experience under Charles Loring Jackson in "Chemistry 1 " during his Freshman year seems to have awakened that love of science which, fostered as it was by Wolcott Gibbs in his later years, determined his life work. As an undergraduate he received a "Detur" or prize for high scholarship, and at graduation he attained his degree "Magna cum Laude" on his general average, as well as with "Honorable Mention" in chemistry and English composition. His best chemical work in college was done in the field of organic chemistry under Henry Barker Hill, and this interest was continued in his studies immediately afterwards in Germany, as is evidenced in his first two scien- tific papers. During the period of his stay in Berlin, where he studied under August Wilhelm von Hofmann and received the de- gree of Ph.D. in 1887, the new interest in physical chemistry had risen above the intellectual horizon of Germany, and Loeb's farsighted intelligence at once grasped the significance of the coming science. The winter after he received his de- gree, he entered the University of Heidelberg for the study of physical chemistry, and during the following summer he attended the University of Leipzig, working under the bril- liant new leader, Wilhelm Ostwald, and in collaboration with his able assistant, Walther Nernst. OF MORRIS LOEB xvii In the autumn of 1888 Loeb returned to America; he was now so thoroughly imbued with a passionate love for science that the urgent appeal of the brilliant position in banking which was open to him was not heeded. Instead of turning towards finance he entered upon a voluntary private assistant- ship under Wolcott Gibbs, who had recently retired from his Rumford Professorship in Harvard University and as Pro- fessor Emeritus had established a private chemical laboratory near his house at Newport, Rhode Island. Their mutual affection, which had begun years before when both were at Harvard, was intensified by this close association; and it is typical of the characteristic faithfulness of Loeb's nature that nearly a quarter of a century afterward he should have suggested the naming of a new laboratory for research, founded at Harvard by him and his brother James Loeb (of the class of 1888), in honor of Gibbs. In 1889 the young physical chemist was appointed to a docentship in Clark University. His opening lecture there was probably the essay given first among the papers included in this volume; he never published it himself, but the man- uscript remains in his own handwriting. This lecture shows his intelligent appreciation of the main problems of the new physical chemistry and their great importance. He was in- deed one of the pioneers in America in this new field of science, and his influence was far-reaching. In 1891 he was elected to a professorship of chemistry in New York University, and four years afterwards became direc- tor of the chemical laboratory there, an office which he held for eleven years. His resignation in 1906 was due not to any weakening of his interest in chemistry, but rather to the pres- sure of countless other demands upon his time, which made the routine of such a position almost if not quite impossible. Much of his energy was given to a number of charitable xviii THE LIFE AND CHARACTER organizations; for his keen sympathy with human suffering caused him to be ever responsive to the needs of the un- fortunate. His charitable work, like his generous activity in other directions, was by no means restricted to his own race, although he was of course especially devoted to associations which had as their object the improvement of the lot of the great mass of Hebrew poor in New York. He was president of the United Jewish Charities Building, a member of the American Jewish Committee, a trustee of the Jewish Theologi- cal Seminary of America, and was at one time president of the Jewish Agricultural and Industrial Aid Society. He was, moreover, president and one of the founders of the Solomon and Betty Loeb Home for Convalescents, erected in mem- ory of his parents. Another enterprise demanding much of his time was The Chemists' Club of New York, the welfare of which he did much to promote. Here again he was characteristically earn- est in his effort to help in every possible way those for whom he felt himself especially responsible. Twice he was vice- president and twice president of the club, and it was during his first presidency in 1909 that the idea of housing the club and its admirable library in a dignified building first took shape. He not only gave outright many things to the unique building which rose under his direction, but also was one of the chief stockholders in the enterprise. His generous bequest of all his holdings of stock in the building to the Chemists' Building Company for cancelation cannot but do much to fortify the future of the Club and help towards its permanent existence. In 1908 he was appointed one of the committee of the Har- vard Overseers to visit the Chemical Laboratory. As usual he entered very faithfully into this new responsibility and, unless in foreign lands, attended every meeting of the committee, OF MORRIS LOEB xix although such attendance involved on each occasion a trip to Boston. Besides making this sacrifice of time and energy in behalf of his beloved University, he bore always in mind the difficulties of the struggling Division of Chemistry, and frequent letters, often written in his own hand from remote countries, brought valuable suggestions to the department and attested his constant interest in its welfare and in the growth of his chosen branch of science at Harvard. As al- ready stated, it was upon his initiative, through the generous gift of $50,000 from his brother James Loeb and himself, that the Wolcott Gibbs Memorial Laboratory for research in physical and inorganic chemistry was founded at Harvard. Largely through his interest and endeavor the Association of Harvard Chemists was formed, from among the alumni of the University; and his hospitality to this association during the Eighth International Congress of Applied Chemistry in 1912 will long be remembered by those who were fortunate enough to be his guests at that time. His devotion to the Congress was characteristically strong. Since delegates from all over the world had been invited to this continent, he felt that Americans should take especial pains to make the meeting a success. Although he had only just returned from a long trip to South America, undertaken with the hope of stimulating interest in the undertaking, he threw himself with self-sacrificing enthusiasm into the work of preparing for the reception of the foreign guests in Wash- ington and New York. Besides being a member of the Congress (and an unusually helpful one), Professor Loeb was a fellow of the New York Academy of Sciences and of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, and a member of the Amer- ican Chemical Society, the German Chemical Society, the American Electrochemical Society, and the New York Elec- xx THE LIFE AND CHARACTER trical Association. He received the honorary degree of Doc- tor of Science from Union College in 1911. During the twenty-nine years between his graduation and his death, Morris Loeb published thirty papers, reviews, and essays. Many of these depended upon experimental work carried out at the universities in Berlin, Heidelberg, Leipzig, Worcester, and New York, or in the private laboratories which he himself established, after his retirement from active teaching, in New York and on his beautiful country estate at Sea Bright, New Jersey. For the reasons already set forth, the extent and scope of his experimental researches were far less than he wished; but, even so, the work forms a sum total of which any one might be proud. His investigations dealt with a wide variety of topics and showed a steadily increasing desire to penetrate further into the fundamental mysteries of the nature and mechanism of chemical reaction. To those not conversant with the subject it would be impossible here to explain the purport of these investigations, and to those familiar with its details the papers speak for themselves. No one can turn the pages without the conviction that this work was carried out with the earnest desire, which marks the sincere man of science, to discover the truth and nothing but the truth. Morris Loeb's vivid interest in the advance of science did not preclude an intelligent appreciation of achievement in other fields of human activity. He was deeply interested in music and art, and was one of the founders and endowers of the Betty Loeb Musical Foundation. Himself a teacher for years, he was greatly interested in all educational causes. For several years he was a director of the Educational Alli- ance, and at the time of his death he was a member of the Board of Education of New York City and president of the Hebrew Technical Institute. OF MORRIS LOEB xxi On April 3, 1895, he was married at Cincinnati, his native city, to Miss Eda Kuhn, who survives him. After more than seventeen years of devoted married life, he died on October 8, 1912, falling a victim to typhoid fever and double pneu- monia. He was a martyr to his noble ideal of service; for one cannot but believe that the way for his fatal illness was paved by his over-exertion in welcoming at Washington the mem- bers of the International Congress. The interment in the family vault at Salem Fields, Cypress Hills, Long Island, took place in the presence of a sorrowing throng of men and women of many creeds and stations. The esteem in which he was held is manifest in the many deeply appreciative resolutions now spread upon the records of the societies of which he was a member. From among these, two are quoted below, as typical of the general recognition of his worth. , At the meeting of the Trustees of The Chemists' Club on the day of his death, the following preamble and resolution, drawn up by Ellwood Hendrick, Clifford Richardson, and Walter E. Rowley, were adopted: "WHEREAS, Morris Loeb, the President of the Club, has been taken from us by death; and "WHEREAS, he was the leading spirit in bringing to ful- fillment ambitions and plans that had long been ours; and "WHEREAS, he was always ready to shoulder burdens and to give help; and "WHEREAS, he was a man of order, and of integrity, in mind and heart, sincere in scholarship, living without malice or scorn, speaking no evil, and generous in judgment; and "WHEREAS, we were drawn to him by ties of deep and abiding affection; now, therefore, be it "Resolved, that we make this minute of our poignant grief xxii THE LIFE AND CHARACTER at his passing, and that we cherish his memory as another of his great gifts to science and to humanity." The following sentences, written by Marston T. Bogert, Charles F. Chandler, and William H. Nichols, and entered upon the minutes of the New York Section of the Society of Chemical Industry, express again the general appreciation of his life and character: "Morris Loeb, chemist, investigator, educator, upright and useful citizen, altruist, philanthropist, generous patron and benefactor of art, of sciences, and of all good works, ever ready to bear more than his share of the burdens of the com- munity and always to be found on the side of righteousness, justice, and truth, lived his life of quiet power without arro- gance or display. Always modest concerning his own dis- tinguished career and many accomplishments, with charity towards all and unkind criticism of none, he was ever a courteous, genial, and polished gentleman of high ideals, whose chief aim and purpose was to be of assistance to his fellow-men, and who realized to the full that the highest reward of service is the privilege of having been of service. "Now that the temporary scaffolding of life has fallen away, the true nobility of his character stands clearly revealed in all its commanding beauty and dignity, an imperishable monument of a life's work well done and a worthy inspiration to others. Such manhood is the real glory to any country. The world is the better for his having lived in it, and we are the better for having known him." Any statement of the good wrought by this ardent worker in the cause of science regarded as an agent for human ad- vancement would be incomplete without allusion to several of the provisions of his will. By it he assured, as has been already said, the permanence of The Chemists' Club as a OF MORRIS LOEB xxiii centre of chemical influence in the country; he provided for the establishment of a museum of rare and typical substances to be maintained by the American Chemical Society; and, most important of all, he bequeathed a fund of $500,000 to be used eventually by Harvard University for the fur- therance of the sciences of chemistry and physics. These provisions, like many of his earlier benefactions, will bear blessings far into the future; the fruit of his contribu- tions to the welfare of humanity will multiply. In Morris Loeb's life and character our country and Harvard University have a right to take deep pride. Up- right, unselfish, generous, loyal, sincere, wise, and modest, he set a noble example; his memory is treasured by all who had the privilege of knowing him. When those too have left this earthly life, he will be kept in remembrance by his great gifts to science and to charity, and be honored by many generations in the years to come. THEODORE W. RICHARDS. PART I LECTUBES, ADDRESSES, AND REVIEWS THE FUNDAMENTAL IDEAS OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY 1 IN commencing this course of lectures, whose subject- matter and title are avowedly new to the American student, I feel the need of giving some justification, of presenting some reason why I should seek to add one more round to the ladder of learning already so alarmingly long. To-day, the cry against specialization is increasingly raised; and we now and then hear voices wailing for the good old times, when an Admirable Crichton could boast of knowing something of all things knowable, and when a Pico della Miranqlola could publish his readiness to dispute against all comers, "de omnibus rebus." But wishing these times back will not recall them. Loosed from the leash of rhetoric and dogmatism, the pursuers of knowledge have spread in all directions over the field, each so eager on his own particular trail that he has no eye for the discoveries of his neighbor; he forgets, indeed, that there is need of keeping in touch to the right and left, lest important clues be passed unobserved. No wonder if the bewildered spectators should think that the whole pack has gone mad, and that the majority, at least, have been diverted, by their own self-sufficiency, from the noble quarry upon which they had been set. Nevertheless, we may already see a change in their methods: they are shaping their courses parallel to each other, they strive to keep abreast and neighbors in- stead of running apart; they carefully scan the ground between themselves, that nothing may lurk there unseen. 1 Introductory lecture of a course probably given at Clark University in 1889. MORRIS LOEB To speak in more sober language, while it is still necessary for the advancement of knowledge that investigators should concentrate their energies on their particular fields of science, these various branches are now approaching so close together that one will aid the other, if properly directed. While, there- fore, it would be preposterous to demand of the anatomist a full knowledge of astronomy, or to ask a geologist for his opinion of the various hypotheses concerning the structure of benzol, we may justly deride the man who confines him- self so closely to his own particular hobby that he remains ignorant of those subjects which are neighboring links in the chain of knowledge, merely because he does not expect aid from them. Such men may be most skillful in delving for new facts, they may light upon discoveries which will make their names famous, fill their pockets, cover their breasts with decorations, and stuff their cabinets with diplomas. But the actual merit of incorporating these facts into the world's knowledge will belong to him who, with a wider view, will connect them with other isolated facts to form a harmonious whole. Especially has our own science been unfortunate in pro- ducing hundreds of specialists of the narrowest order. The ever-increasing number of subjects which claim attention, the perplexing rapidity with which new views supersede older ones, the restriction which the work in the laboratory places upon our time, these have all had a share in per- suading chemists to confine their attention to a narrow field and to give scanty hearing to that which does not concern their own particular work. But, worse still, we have to con- tend with the opinion that chemistry is a practical science, that it is our chief glory to produce new compounds of un- heard-of intricacy, that our recompense is to be sought in some discovery which will have a commercial value. Far be it IDEAS OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY 5 from me to detract from the merits of a Liebig, a Hofmann, a Horsford, a Deville; the discoveries by which they have enriched mankind are among the brightest ornaments of our science. But the brilliancy of their achievements has so dazzled the eyes of the world as to lead men into the danger of forgetting that the true duty of a science is the investiga- tion of natural phenomena, and that the employment of known forces for the production of effects which, however novel and beautiful, depend merely on ingenious combina- tions, must soon bring chemistry to the level of an art. Too many chemists hurry in their studies toward the El Dorado of carbon synthesis, striving to obtain at the earliest mo- ment tangible results in the shape of new substances, be they dyes, drugs, or merely triumphs of synthetical art. In this eager chase they rush heedlessly over the rich fields of stoichiometry, of inorganic chemistry, of analysis, of electro- chemistry, of the problems of chemical affinity. Like to the miners of '49 the specialist in organic chemistry has but one thought. Arrived at his diggings, he delves as- siduously, and if favored by fortune and skill is rewarded with many a rich nugget. But if, resting awhile from his labors he decides to retrace his steps and revisit former scenes, he is astounded to find that lands passed by as cheerless and barren have been occupied by settlers, who with patience and care have cultivated and beautified them, and are now reaping wealth more lasting and productive than his own gold. Let us, then, who have not staked our claims, travel more leisurely, tarrying here and there, surveying our fair inherit- ance and considering whether it be not our duty to turn aside from the main road, 1 in order that we may render fruitful that which would else be a noisome desert. 1 In 1889 this "main road" was the study of synthetic organic chemistry. [Editor.] 6 MORRIS LOEB Chemistry, as I have intimated, owes its great prominence, in popular estimation, to those material successes of the branch called organic chemistry, which have rapidly suc- ceeded each other during the last thirty years. Their founda- tion was laid by that grand work of systematization, with which we find connected the most glorious names of modern chemistry, Liebig and Wohler, Laurent and Gerhardt, Dumas, Hofmann, Wurtz, Williamson, Couper, Kekule, and Cannizzaro. So extensive and intricate is this system, and yet so fruitful in all its ramifications, that it has well repaid the intense labor bestowed upon it by these men and the hosts of their pupils and successors. But we must not lose sight of the fact that, after the first successful generalizations, the work has been mainly deductive and not inductive. We have had an algebra devised for us with its own notation and its own processes of reasoning: it remains for us to combine these ingeniously, so that they may apply to the special problems with which we are confronted. Our success is so great, that it appears that the propositions upon which we started are axiomatic instead of hypothetical, and general instead of special; so that, when we have quoted one of them, we believe that we have stated the first principle to which any question can be referred. As a matter of fact, organic chemistry by it- self only clears up the questions of composition and consti- tution and of change within the molecule. The interesting problems as to the nature of what we call atoms, the prop- erties of the elements, the peculiar behavior of the molecules toward each other, and grandest problem of physical sci- ence the correlation of matter and energy, do not present themselves to the organic chemist. We shall have occasion to see how reluctant he is to accept other explanations than those given by his formulae for phenomena which these formulae seem incapable of explaining fully. IDEAS OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY 7 Turning now to inorganic chemistry, we find it completely overshadowed by its younger rival: its votaries are few and disheartened. I think that I do no injustice in asserting that, for most students, the mention of this study conveys no idea but that of laborious quantitative analysis for commercial and mineralogical purposes. That subdivision which corre- sponds more closely to organic chemistry, the description and natural history of the elements and their compounds, is generally taught chemical students at the very beginning of their course of study, and must naturally appear to be ele- mentary and of least importance and interest. They may indeed also recollect dimly some few introductory lectures, given as a necessary evil and listened to with imperfect com- prehension, about the atomic and molecular theories, the na- ture of reactions and the physical properties of compounds, but these also are for the most part hidden in the mists of the past. Do not understand me as saying that all these subjects have not had skillful investigators during the last thirty years. This is by no means the case; we shall come across many re- vered names in the course of our review. The trouble is that their work has not received that attention from the whole community of chemists, which would make it as commonly known as are the achievements of organic synthesis, and place it upon its proper pedestal for public admiration. Why should we know less about silicon, iron, and sulphur, than we know about carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen? Why should we care more about the color, melting-point, and boiling- point of a compound than we do about its behavior towards other manifestations of energy beside light and heat? Above all, why should we confine ourselves to the internal consti- tution of molecules, when we should also concern ourselves with their behavior toward each other, with those mysteries 8 MORRIS LOEB of affinity and reaction which cannot be explained by merely paraphrasing the phenomena? Not merely book-learning may be acquired by this knowledge; it continually furnishes us with new weapons for the further investigation of truth. Gentlemen, the interest in general and physical chemistry is reawakening, and we may soon hope to see these studies as prominent as they were in the times of Humphry Davy and Gay-Lussac, of Berthollet and Dalton, of Berzelius and of Michael Faraday. I am thankful that this new university has granted me an opportunity of calling attention to them in our country; and I shall be happy indeed if I can augment in you the love for this branch of speculative philosophy, by pointing out some recent achievements and showing how much still remains to be done. Confronted with the necessity of defining the scope of chemistry, I would say: Chemistry is that branch of Physics which treats of the differentiation of matter. Treading gin- gerly on the dangerous ground of metaphysics, we may re- cognize that there are four principles to which the educated mind refers natural phenomena, four first causes, four categories, four systematic axes, namely: energy, matter, space, and time. The practice of referring all outward im- pressions to these ultimate principles is undoubtedly a great advance over the assumption of the cruder "elements" of the Middle Ages, earth, air, fire, and water; but even energy, matter, space, and time are not by any means ideas to which we attach a definite, unalterable meaning. Their definition seems to vary in different minds and at different times in the same mind. Some prefer to consider time a mode of space, and others consider both time and space attributes of matter and energy, but not as independent essentials. All that we can say of energy and matter is that they exist, at least to our perceptions. We are apt to consider matter as some- IDEAS OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY 9 thing more tangible and material than energy, but this is be- cause we confound substance with matter. In fact, we are no more acquainted with matter than with energy. We know matter by its reaction with energy, and energy by its re- action with matter. Since one thus defines and differentiates the other, we are moving in a vicious circle, and must pretty well despair of reaching, upon physical grounds, a perfect view of the real essence of either. Matter must, however, be defined for our purposes, and let us therefore frankly regard it as Aristotle did, the v\r} 9 or stuff, from which the Universe is shaped as is the house from timber, or pottery from clay. Whether this ultimate matter is homogeneous or not, we have no means of knowing, but our instinctive love of sim- plification leads us to suppose that it is homogeneous and one. This, however, is a purely hypothetical assumption. When we make an impartial study of fact, we find that by com- bining certain portions of matter with certain portions of energy, we obtain what is known as substance, and this may appear in infinitely different forms. It will seem odd to you that I should define substance as a combination of matter and energy, but a little reflection will show you that this view is quite admissible. All substances show certain qualities which are referable to energy, and may be considered as a combined phenomenon of matter and energy. Thus we are almost unable to imagine substance without the energy of gravitation, of motion, of chemical affinity. Modern physics teaches us that energy is one, inasmuch as each form of energy is convertible into every other form, in certain definite quantitative ratios. The instinct of the al- chemists told them that all matter was one, and each form was convertible into every other form. If this were the modern aim of chemistry, we should be obliged to confess that very little has been accomplished as yet. We have 10 MORRIS LOEB reached a class of about sixty-five substances, which we have not yet been able to decompose or transform, and which we call the elements. True, many chemists believe that these elements are themselves composite, but whether this is so, and whether indeed the supposed substances of a more primi- tive order would be recognizable by chemical means, is a question which we are unable to answer. At present we shall assume that the chemist recognizes the existence of different substances arising from different relations between the hypo- thetical matter par excellence and the coordinate essence which we call energy. In all this attempt to formulate the essential conditions of material existence, the tendency of our mind is toward a sim- plification of our standards of reference, toward a lessen- ing of the number of pigeon-holes into which new ideas must be put. We love to believe that the higher we ascend on the scale of causation, the smaller becomes the number of co- ordinate causes. Our experience appears to justify us in this reasoning, and so, as I have said, we have arranged for our- selves at that point where our experience appears to stop, the fiction of these four principles, space, time, matter, and energy. Let us not flatter ourselves, however, that this is an achievement of modern physics. The speculations of philos- ophers long ago led them to the same physical conceptions, and if Aristotle's elements appear grosser to us, it is because we have stripped off, as unessential, some of the accessory qualities with which he had clothed the mathematical skele- ton. Struggle as we may, we cannot rid our own few prin- ciples of some quality in common and consequently ulterior: above all things we give them alike that vague, awesome at- tribute of existence: essences, let us call them, because they appear to us to be the ultimate things that exist, according to our mundane imagination. All that we tell ourselves is, IDEAS OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY 11 that we can ascribe all the phenomena which we see to the combination of these essential principles, of whose nature we know nothing, and which are, consequently, infinite to us. This does not preclude our singling out finite portions of these, so to speak, and defining them by each other. We have seen that we are not justified in calling substance a manifestation of matter free of energy: it is so intimately connected with certain forces (such as gravitation) which are convertible into so-called manifestations of pure energy, that we cannot conceive of it as existing deprived of these, and yet remaining recognizable. But we may neverthe- less class all substances together in one general class called matter. Thus also, the various modes of energy heat, motion, electricity, chemical affinity are phenomena which we dare not ascribe to energy alone, for we cannot conceive them as separated from matter. We can, therefore, speak of their differentiation also, although we may picture the tran- scendental energy as one and homogeneous. Indeed, con- sciously or unconsciously, this distinction is made in the science of thermodynamics, which proposes to treat energy in its abstractest form. . . . In view of these philosophical complications, I propose that we do not allow ourselves to be hampered by metaphys- ical notions as to the respective homogeneity of matter and energy, but that we accept frankly, at the outset, the appear- ance of substances and forces in various distinct forms. Physical research will show us that there exist between all these forms certain relations, about which it is our duty to procure definite ideas. If the advance of knowledge shall gratify our love of symmetry, by proving that the correla- tions of the various forms may be traced to the existence of a simpler set of relations, of a higher order, well and good ! But 12 MORRIS LOEB let us not allow our feelings to warp our judgment, or a priori reasoning to mislead our investigations. Of the various properties by which we recognize substance, there are some which are necessary concomitants of the very existence of matter, which appear to accompany matter so faithfully, that no particle can boast of holding much more than another. Among these we reckon extent, impermeability, mobility, gravitation, inertia. . . . Then there are other properties which we do not hesitate to term accidental; they are so loosely connected with the substances that we do not recognize the substances as dis- similar on that account. They might more properly be ap- plied to the differentiation of energy. Such properties are position, temperature, electrical or magnetic change. They, indeed, may appear on one body more than on the other; but exchange the proportionate quantities in the two bodies, as well as we may, and yet we shall not be likely to confound one body with the other. These are all transferable properties, the one body gaining what the other loses. There are, however, yet other properties, more or less concerned with the foregoing, which two bodies may not possess in like degree, and which it is impossible for one body to convey to the other. Substances differ in their behavior toward the same form of energy or toward each other, in the distribution of their mass in space (specific gravity), in their effect upon our senses, and upon the animate organism in general. These properties cannot be transferred from one body to another; but one substance may modify by its pres- ence the properties of another. Such are the properties which really distinguish the different forms of matter, and it is with these that chemistry has to do. The indivisible unit for the chemist is to be found in the homogeneous substance; beyond this he must confess that IDEAS OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY 13 he cannot go. As soon as he has found something in which he can detect nothing heterogeneous, which he is unable by any known means to divide, he stops at what he calls the elementary atom. You will notice that this is by no means a positive defi- nition by which we deny to our imagination the right of subdividing our atom or of dissociating our element. We merely ask for better proof than that of instinct, before we allow the inferences that are to be drawn from such a further subdivision to affect our treatment of the subject. The testi- mony which we present in favor of the homogeneity of our ultimate element is purely negative: we have found no hetero- geneity. For example, we take this piece of rock; to the geologist, it presents itself as a unit, granite. The lithologist sees in it a composite mass of quartz, feldspar, and mica, which again are individuals for his eye. But for the chemist, feldspar is highly complex: he can isolate from it, silicon, oxygen, potassium, aluminium, magnesium, iron, and possi- bly other elements. No means have yet been devised so subtle as to subdivide these elementary substances. Recognizing such as our simple substances, we find that each has certain properties of its own, which serve to dis- tinguish it from the rest, and which cannot be transferred from it to one of its fellows. The ancient and mediaeval alchemists regarded these elements as composites, contain- ing in different proportions those principles of Aristotle to which we have already referred. To them, therefore, it seemed perfectly logical, that by addition or subtraction of some quality-bearing principle, one metal could be converted into another. It is only because we have, by carefully con- ducted experiments, found the metals to be homogeneous, toward all the agencies which we know, that we have come to another conclusion, and ridicule the idea of their mutation. 14 MORRIS LOEB Their reasoning appeared to them to be as logical as ours is, when we propose transforming the sap of the pine into the essence of vanilla, or of converting clay into the true ruby. As I have said, we recognize upwards of sixty-five elements, but we rarely see any of these pure. Terrestrial objects must, then, be made up of combinations of these elements. In order to study them in the pure state, they must usually be separated from each other; and they are worthy of very care- ful study. 1 . . . You are aware of the Periodic Law of Newlands, Lothar Meyer, and Mendeleeff, which traces such remarkable re- lations between the various properties of the elementary substances and the relative masses of their imaginary atoms. Attempts to connect this law with the idea that the elements are compounds in a chemical sense are abortive. I believe that the law can be more readily traced to the relation of the quantities in which our fundamental ideas of matter, energy, and space are associated for each element. The atoms of the elements have undoubtedly different densities. That is to say, our knowledge of the sizes of the atoms, limited though it be, does not allow us to suppose that an oxygen atom occu- pies sixteen times the volume which a hydrogen atom requires, although this is the ratio of the masses of these two kinds of atoms. For the same amount of space there seems to be more matter in the oxygen atom than in the hydrogen atom; we may assume that similar relations exist in other cases with regard to energy and matter. For each element we should have to assume new quantities of matter, space, and energy; and the ratios of every one of the three with respect to each other would vary. We might suppose, however, that for a series of elements the ratio of two of the fundamental quantities 1 The lecture notes on physical chemistry here became fragmentary. The fol- lowing six pages were taken from two summaries evidently prepared for addresses on other occasions. [EDITOR.] IDEAS OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY 15 remained fixed, but their ratio toward the third varied; in such cases we might expect marked similarity in their proper- ties, as compared with those cases where all the ratios varied. Such reasoning, carried out more fully, might explain the peculiarities of the Periodic Law, even though this does not necessarily imply that no other explanation is possible. Even if we do not altogether understand the relations between the elements, our chemical theory concerning the nature of these elementary substances is very simple. Assum- ing the elements to exist, each element is represented by one set of extremely small indivisible atoms, the atoms of the same element being exactly alike in all respects. They are independent bodies exerting upon other atoms an attraction which varies according to their nature. . . . These atoms are supposed to unite into small clusters that we call molecules, and consider as the smallest independent bodies that have the properties of ordinary tangible sub- stances. They remind us strongly of planetary systems, like our solar systems, because they execute their own movements quite independently of the movements of their constituent atoms. The molecules present comparatively easy problems to the theorist; their own motions seem to be simple and their mutual attractions are at least in part those of gravitation. The so-called "kinetic theory of gases" explains all phenom- ena of the gaseous state very readily by assuming that molecules move in straight lines until they hit an obstacle and are then reflected. If molecules come very close to one an- other, their relative attraction becomes much greater than that which corresponds to gravitation. I think it fair to as- sume that then their more complex chemical attractions come into play. Thus our chemical philosophy becomes an attempt to inter- pret the actions of these imaginary atoms constituting matter 16 MORRIS LOEB under the play of the various forms of energy which pertain to them; and these actions must be supposed to take place in tridimensional space during perceptible time. Let us turn now to the consideration of energy. We talk of kinetic energy, or energy performing work, and of poten- tial energy, or energy which is capable of performing work, but not yet doing so. In the case of the mechanical energy of motion, the potential form involves change in time but not in other obvious ways. It keeps on existing in the shape of a tendency to move, attraction or the like, while the kinetic form involves both a change in respect to time and to the directions of space. We recognize this in the word speed, or velocity, which expresses the distance traversed in com- parison with the amount of time consumed. I think this energy of motion to be the easiest to conceive, and conse- quently the most natural to imagine as at the bottom of all phenomena of energy. Certain it is that physicists are finding more and more reason to believe that all the various forms of energy are really only manifestations of different sorts of direct motion. For example, we find that what we know as heat or light may be simply interpreted as a manifestation of the motions of the molecules. If we heat a substance, its molecules may be supposed to move more rapidly in straight lines and vi- brate or oscillate more rapidly. The oscillations they are able to impart to neighboring particles that may be incapacitated from directly taking up the rectilinear motions. If these mo- tions or oscillations are very rapid, they affect our sense of temperature. They may partly belong to the molecule as a whole, partly to its atoms. All sorts of molecules may be supposed to receive the straight motions in equal degree; but each molecule seems to respond only to certain kinds of oscillations. So we can throw a set IDEAS OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY 17 of bells an equal distance at the same speed; but each bell has its own rates of vibration, its tones and over-tones. You know that in light and heat vibrations, the colors of the spectro- scope are due to the preference which molecules exhibit for certain rates of vibration. . . . What now are the forms of energy concerned in causing chemical action? Until recently the chemist has dealt with static chemistry, that is, the science in which the proper- ties of quiescent substances are discussed, rather than with the branch of knowledge which discusses the mechanism of chemical change. Whenever affinity is treated as a specific inherent property of the atoms, we naturally adopt the old- fashioned views first enunciated by Bergmann more than a century ago, that elements unite according to their specific affinity for each other. If two substances are presented to a third which would combine with either of them, it was sup- posed to take up the one for which it had the greater affinity, leaving the other uncombined. This doctrine of elective affini- ties is a comfortable, but unfortunately an incomplete one. It represents only one side of the question. If we continue building upon the kinetic theory discussed above, a more complicated process is to be expected. As a matter of fact we find that substances act upon each other not only according to their mutual affinity, but are also influenced by such conditions as their relative quantities in a given space, their temperature, etc. To illustrate the former of these two circumstances, suppose a mixture of equal masses of A and B, which do not act upon each other, to be pre- sented to C, with which both can react, but A more readily than B. A and C will unite, but not to the exclusion of B; there will be a partition of C between A and B, in which A, the more active, gets the greater share of C. When, how- ever, the quantity of B originally present is increased, more of 18 MORRIS LOEB C will combine with B than would originally combine with it. This is due to the fact that chemical action is due to exchange of atoms when molecules meet. In spite of some reluctance to combine between B and C, the greater number of mole- cules of B present causes more frequent meetings between B and C atoms than between A and C atoms. Throughout chemical reactions it is found to be true that the ultimate result depends thus upon the relative concentrations of re- agents quite as much as upon their affinity. This then is a second aspect of the science of energetics which applies to chemical action. Formerly the chemist measured or weighed the substances which he put together; and then measured and weighed the ultimate results, wrote an equation and heaved a sigh of satisfaction at having mastered the mechanism of the reac- tion. Since the ideas above related have been introduced, we strive to follow the reaction while it is going on, to detect the molecules at work. We must often devise special methods for such a purpose and many difficulties have hitherto seemed unsurmountable. But when we do obtain such glimpses, we become more and more convinced of the fewness and sim- plicity of the fundamental ideas which we require for a basis of the science. In any simple reaction, there is a perceptible interval of time between the mixture of the ingredients and the com- pletion of the ultimate result. Why is this? Because a measurable interval elapses before all the molecular changes have taken place. This will depend, as pointed out above, first upon the readiness with which the exchange takes place (a question of affinity), secondly upon the frequency of meet- ing of the reacting molecules. Molecules will meet more freely if there are more of them in a given space, and if they move faster through added energy; and colliding molecules of IDEAS OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY 19 the two reacting substances will combine more frequently, the greater their mutual affinities. This relation of chemical change to time is one of the most important aspects of modern physical chemistry. 1 In recent years it has become possible to produce an in- tense cold, and it has been observed in the laboratories of Pro- fessor Dewar and others, that as the temperature decreases, the speed of reaction also decreases. Furthermore, it has long been known that matter usually contracts, that is to say, occupies less space, as it grows colder. At a temperature minus 273 centigrade, all heat energy ceases, all chemical reactions become exceedingly slow, and all volume approaches as near as possible to nothing without the actual disappear- ance of substance. It is fair to assume that at such an abso- lute zero various other properties by means of which we dif- ferentiate substances would disappear, and this, too, is veri- fied by recent observations. Nevertheless, all substances by no means become identical at this point. Because heat is a form of energy, and cold is only the absence of that form of energy, we have here only another aspect of the ever-re- curring effect of the changing relation of matter to energy in producing the phenomena of our actual world. In summing up the outcome of our work in this lecture, it is clear that we have built a sort of platform, floating upon a sea of uncertainty, but of sufficient strength and stability to permit the erection of a more solid edifice of physico-chemi- cal theory. Let us cast another glance at the planks. We have the four fundamental ideas, matter, energy, space and time - which occur in everything superposed upon one another but not in a constant quantitative ratio; these abstract es- 1 An experiment demonstrating the effect of concentration and temperature upon the speed of reaction is given at the end of the Appendix to this volume. [Editor.] 20 MORRIS LOEB sences cooperate in the manifestation of chemical substances, of kinetic energy of motion, and of potential energy of posi- tion. I think that you will agree with me that although we may not be generally aware of it, these four fundamental conceptions work together in our minds and our senses in producing all our perceptions of the chemical phenomena of nature. OSMOTIC PRESSURE AND THE DETERMINA- TION OF MOLECULAR WEIGHTS 1 WITHIN recent years it has become more and more appar- ent that an intimate connection exists between the stoichio- metrical composition of a solution and its physical behavior. While earlier efforts towards proving this assumption were unsuccessful, chiefly because the experimental material was almost wholly confined to aqueous solutions of salts, which offer peculiar obstacles to such an investigation, F. Raoult's 2 patient researches upon organic substances in more varied solutions have enabled him to formulate accurately the long- expected laws, and to put the chemical world under lasting obligation for new methods for determining molecular weights under very favorable conditions. Raoult's law would read, in its most general form : In dilute solutions the depres- sions of the vapor tension and of the freezing-point of the solvent vary directly with the ratio between the numbers of molecules of solvent and of substance dissolved in the mix- ture. Provided there be no chemical action involved in the process of solution, this relation is entirely independent of the nature of the substances. Within the ordinary range of conditions, the freezing-point of a pure liquid is constant; according to Raoult's law, every molecule of foreign matter occasions the same constant de- pression. Every liquid, however, has its own constant coeffi- cient of depression, which may be found by determining the depression caused by the presence of one molecule of any substance in one hundred molecules of the liquid. 1 A brief review of preceding work published in the American Chemical Journal, 12, 130 (1890). 2 Campt. rend. 87, 167 (1878); 95, 1030 (1882). 22 MORRIS LOEB The vapor tension of a liquid is not constant within the range of ordinary experimentation, since it is a complex func- tion of the temperature and of the nature of the substance. But Raoult has shown that its depression shows a relation to percentage of foreign molecules which is independent of temperature, provided he expresses the depression, not in absolute measure, but as a fraction of the tension of the pure solvent at the same temperature. Then the molecular de- pression, i.e., the product of the molecular weight of the sub- stance dissolved into the relative depression of a one per cent solution, becomes a definite constant for any substances which that particular liquid may dissolve. It is noticeable that this constant's numerical value always approaches very nearly -j^ of the molecular weight of the solvent. The con- stant is therefore likewise independent of the nature of the solvent; one may generalize for all solutions, that the ten- sion of the pure solvent is to the actual depression as is the number of molecules of solvent to the number of molecules of substance dissolved. Laws as simple as these point to conditions, in solutions, very like those existing in the gaseous state. How great this analogy is has been shown in the well-matured papers of J. H. van 't Hoff 1 on osmotic pressure. Osmotic pressure is the name given by van 't Hoff to the force with which a liquid will enter into a cell containing the solution of some sub- stance in that liquid through walls which are pervious to the solvent alone. Pfeffer 2 has shown that when such a cell is put into a vessel containing the pure solvent, the latter will enter the cell, increasing the bulk of the solution within, until this tendency is counterbalanced by the difference of level in the two vessels or some other pressure. The pressure ' Z. physik. Chem. 1, 481 (1887). * Monograph, Osmotische Untersuchungen. Leipzig, 1877. OSMOTIC PRESSURE 23 required to counterbalance this tendency toward endosmose is always the same for the same concentration of the solu- tion, and for different concentrations is found to be propor- tionate to the number of molecules dissolved in the unit volume. Whether this osmotic pressure be due to the motions of the dissolved molecules or to the attraction of some other sort which they exert upon the solvent, it is evident that the effect must depend upon the number of molecules per unit volume only when the molecules of the dissolved body are free to act independently of each other, as do the mole- cules of a gas. What the real kinetic energy of the molecules in such a solution is, we do not decide by drawing this con- clusion. Even if it be as great as in a gas, the great resist- ance which a solvent opposes to diffusion shows that there is a force which greatly diminishes the external effect of this kinetic energy; it can never, therefore, have occurred to van 't Hoff to claim that osmotic pressure is to be measured externally in the same absolute unit as gaseous pressure. But this opinion seems to have gained a foothold, so that the kinetic treatment of the subject is combated by M. Pupin, 1 on the ground that the kinetic energy of the mole- cules in a solution ought to burst the containing vessel when it was concentrated to what would correspond, in the gaseous state, to a volume under the pressure of many atmospheres. For this reason he demands that osmotic pressure should be treated as a static phenomenon. To the writer, Dr. Pupin appears to confound molar and molecular kinetics. Because the mass as a whole is in equilibrium and at rest, it does not follow that the molecules must be; in fact very few physicists would care to call any force static in the sense that it was not occasioned by kinetic forces held in equilibrium for the moment. 1 Dissertation, Der osmotische Druck, etc., University of Berlin, 1889. 24 MORRIS LOEB That the vessel is not exploded by the pressure of the molecules, as Dr. Pupin demands, is due to the same force of solution which prevents their evaporating at the free sur- face. How great this force can become we may guess from the enormous condensation taking place in the absorption of gases by liquids; that the force is a kinetic one is shown by its being a function of temperature, a purely kinetic phenom- enon. Bredig 1 has recently endeavored to show how this force can be made to diminish the external effect of the kinetic energy of the molecules of dissolved substance in such a manner that there is still freedom of action within the mass; and upon this line of reasoning we must depend for a final explanation of the phenomena. For van 't Hoff it was, however, sufficient that an osmotic pressure does exist which is dependent upon the kinetic energy of the molecules. By simple application of the method of Carnot's cycle, he shows that the osmotic pressure must be proportional to the absolute temperature, and that, for solutions of gases, it corresponds precisely to the tension of the gas in the solution. A natural inference from all this is that Boyle's, Gay-Lussac's, Henry's, and Avogadro's laws find their counterparts in the laws governing osmotic pres- sure. Suppose now solutions of two different substances in the same solvent to possess the same tension for the vapor of the latter; it is necessary that they shall also have the same osmotic pressure. For suppose them separated by a wall which is permeable to the solvent alone, but with their free surfaces in communication through the atmosphere. The vapor tension of both being the same, a little of the solvent might distill from one solution to the other without the per- formance of any work; but if at the same time their osmotic 1 Z. phydk. Chem. 4, 444 (1889). OSMOTIC PRESSURE 25 pressure were different, work would be performed by the re- transfer of the same quantity of solvent through the mem- branous wall; this would mean a continuous process in an isolated system, attended by gain or loss of energy. As this is impossible, equal vapor tension means equal osmotic pres- sure, and vice versa. Consequently the same number of molecules always produce the same depression of vapor tension in a solvent. Exactly the same sort of reasoning would show that solutions having the same freezing-point have like osmotic pressures. Both of these laws are identical with those found empirically by Raoult. Thermodynamic reasoning further shows that the molecular depression of vapor tension is indeed one hundredth of the molecular weight of the solvent, while the depression of the freezing-point depends more directly upon the nature of the solvent, being TZ a function of its latent heat of liquefaction: =0.02 where T is the absolute temperature of congelation of the pure sol- vent, W is the latent heat per kilogram, and t is the molec- ular depression. These are the main results of van 't Hoff 's deductions, as far as molecular weight determinations are concerned. They enable us to employ for this purpose, with perfect confidence, observations upon the phenomena of evaporation, freezing, and osmose. The direct measurement of osmotic pressure, as was done by Pfeffer, is difficult and not universally feasible. On the other hand, de Vries has shown how to compare such pres- sures by means of plant cells. 1 It is found that the living pro- 1 Pringsheim's Jahrbucher fur Wissenschaftl. Botanik, 14, 4. See also Z. physik. Chem. 2,414 (1888). Bonders and Hamburger have shown that the same phenom- ena can be studied in the behavior of blood-corpuscles; Archiv. fiir Anatomic und Physiologic, Physiolog. Abth. 1886, 476, also Hamburger, Maanbl. Nat. Wetensch. 1889, 63. 26 MORRIS LOEB toplasm of such cells, placed in a solution whose solvent only can penetrate the membrane, will yield water to the solution if the latter be concentrated, while it will take it up again if the solution be diluted. The protoplasm will therefore re- cede from the walls of its cell, or again approach it, and this expansion or contraction can be observed with the micro- scope. By systematic dilution, a point may be determined for every substance where it is isotonic with another, i.e., will neither expand nor contract a protoplasm which had come to rest in the other. Interesting as this method is, and ca- pable of yielding good results in the hands of a skillful micro- scopist, it is hardly useful in the chemical laboratory, where, aside from lack of familiarity with microscopic work, the investigator would be hampered by the exclusion of all substances which will kill plant life. The freezing-point method has recently been reviewed in this magazine; it therefore only remains for the writer to express his view of its scope. While originally only those few liquids were used as solvents whose freezing-points approached that of water, recent investigators have successfully em- ployed substances like paraffine and the more fusible metals as the solvent; there are, therefore, few substances which are not amenable to the method. But the following errors should be avoided: the use of thermometers not sufficiently sensi- tive to admit of observations at high dilutions; contenting one's self with observations within too limited a range of con- centration to exclude a chance of overlooking abnormal be- havior at some point; allowing too great a change of concen- tration to occur through the separation of the solvent in the solid state; using solvents which have a chemical effect upon the substance under investigation. Substances dissociate in one liquid which remain in complexer molecules in another. Chemists, in applying Raoult's methods, must remember OSMOTIC PRESSURE 37 that all electrolytes behave abnormally in aqueous solutions* and that the presence of hydrates may affect the result. The method of determining the molecular weight from the vapor tension of the solution is not yet applied so generally; but its scope is even greater, because the range of solvents and of temperatures is so largely increased. Raoult and Planck 1 have shown independently of each other that the formula for the molecular weight of the dissolved substance is where M is the molecular weight of the solvent, p the per- centage of substance in 100 grams of solvent, / and /' the tensions of the pure solvent and the solution respectively. Raoult measures / and /' by the heights of the mercury in eudiometers containing the liquids. A knowledge of the true value of p depends upon the determination of /', as part of the solvent leaves the solution as vapor under that tension; therefore an error in determining /' affects the result three times in the same direction. The method is less exact and more inconvenient than that of determining the freezing- point. A dynamic way, applied under Ostwald's direction by Walker, 2 is very much easier: determine the amount of water which different solutions will yield to the same amount of air. The measurements are made on the balance, and the appa- ratus consists of one set of bulbs to contain the solution, another to hold an absorbent for water, and an aspirator. The method has been generalized by Will and Bredig 3 for other solvents. Lowering the tension means raising the point of ebullition 1 Z. physik. Chem. 2, 353 seq., 405 seq. (1888). 2 Z. physik. Chem. 2, 602 (1888). 8 Berichte, 21, 1084 (1889). 28 MORRIS LOEB for normal pressure, and the boiling-point is, of course, capable of most exact determination. The method has been elaborated by Beckmann, 1 while the reader will remember a recent paper by Wiley on this subject, which does not, how- ever, give sufficient details, as Beckmann's paper had al- ready been announced. The latter 's apparatus consists of a vessel of about 100 cc. capacity, having a rounded bottom and three necks. Of these, the central one connects with a Soxhlet condenser, the second carries a Beckmann thermometer, whose bulb is completely submerged, and the third neck serves for the introduction of the substance. Steady boiling is assured by filling the vessel to a certain height with beads or garnets, and by sealing platinum wires into the bottom to promote conduction. The pure solvent is first raised to the boiling-point, its temperature noted, and the weighed substance is thereupon introduced. As soon as the thermometer has become constant, the rise is noted; a fresh quantity of substance may then be introduced, and the observation repeated. The formula for the molecular elevation of the boiling-point is precisely like that found by van 't Hoff for the freezing-point, 0.02 T 2 t = > W with the exception that here T means the boiling-point of the pure liquid and W its heat of vaporization. The constant t being found by calculation or experiment, whenever we deter- mine that for p grams of substance to 100 grams of solvent there is an elevation e, the molecular weight of the sub- stance being M , M^ e 1 Z. physik. Chem. t, 532 (1880). OSMOTIC PRESSURE 29 The experimental data to show the value of this method have not been published as yet, but it appears to be des- tined to play as great a part as does the freezing-point method introduced in its most convenient form by the same chemist. ELECTROLYTIC DISSOCIATION: A REVIEW OP THE HYPOTHESIS OP SVANTE ARRHENIUS l IN 1857, almost simultaneously, Williamson and Clausius put forward the hypothesis that, in the fluid state at least, the molecules of compounds are not stable, in the sense that they are persisting aggregations of the identical molecules which originally united to form them; on the contrary, it was as- sumed that these molecules in so far resemble living organ- isms that, while the external appearance remains unchanged, the constituents are constantly being cast off and replaced by new ones of the same kind, so that there must always be a few molecules in a state of dissociation. This hypothesis has been favorably regarded as an explanation of the possibility of the coexistence of two opposing reactions, like those of etherification and saponification, where it is left to the chance encounter of molecules to occasion the existence of water and ether, or of alcohol and acid; it has likewise been regarded as a plausible explanation of the readiness with which an electrolyte will obey the influence of currents so feeble that their energy should not suffice to decompose a single mole- cule whose atoms were held together by their full chemical attraction. But when, six years ago, the attempt was made by Arrhenius to give a quantitative expression to the hypoth- esis and to apply it to the explanation of all the anomalies ob- served in the physical behavior of solutions, much latent hostility was called forth, and a general discussion was aroused, which has continued until the present time. It appears, how- ever, to the reviewer that a point has now been reached where the burden of proof should rest upon the opponents 1 Reprinted from Am. Chem. Journ. 12, 506 (1890). ELECTROLYTIC DISSOCIATION 31 rather than upon the supporters of the hypothesis. An analy- sis of this discussion, set forth in proper order, might prove both lengthy and confusing, and I therefore relegate a chrono- logical list of the original papers to the end of this review and confine myself to a brief exposition of the hypothesis as it stands at present, and of the chief objections which have been raised to it. The fundamental idea is this: In electrical conductors of the second class electricity can be transported only by elec- trically "active" molecules, i.e., those in which the electro- static charges are not neutralized within the molecule; the ions are able to receive and transport charges, positive and negative respectively, as long as they are separated, but not when they are firmly knit into a neutral molecule. It follows that there can be no conduction without a preexistent partial dissociation of the molecules, which may be occasioned either by heat or more generally by the presence of a foreign body, such as water. It is, for instance, a well-known fact that some of the best conductors, like the strong acids, become insula- tors when freed from the last traces of water, while water itself is classed among the poorest conductors when free from impurities. The mechanism by which water, par excellence, should produce electrolytic dissociation, while alcohol and other solvents do not, has yet to be explained; it does seem strange that such an effect should be produced without a cor- responding dissociation of the water, an idea which Arrhen- ius rejects or admits only to a minimal extent. However that may be, electrolytic dissociation is assumed to be a phe- nomenon closely corresponding to gaseous dissociation and obedient to laws expressed by the same thermodynamic for- mulae, with this difference, that "osmotic" pressure must replace gas pressure. Consequently, dissociation must be increased by dilution (increase of volume) and by heat; but 32 MORRIS LOEB for different substances the corresponding coefficients may differ. 1. The first application of this hypothesis affects Kohl- rausch's law of conduction; 1 the conducting power of an elec- trolyte is no longer the sum of the velocities of all the ions, but of that proportion which are free to move. Only for extreme dilutions do we find a rigorous adherence to the equation \=u+v, which becomes in less dilute solutions \ = a(u +v) (I), where a expresses the "coefficient of ac- tivity," or that proportion of the whole number of mole- cules which is dissociated. Experiments having given very reliable results for u and v in the case of quite a number of ions, and X being known for a large number of compounds at various degrees of concentration, the respective values of a are readily obtained. 2. The number of molecules in the solution is increased by the dissociation. If each molecule is dissociated into k con- stituent ions, and n\ molecules are thus broken up, while n remain associated, the osmotic pressure must correspond to the presence of n+krii molecules, instead of n+ni. We shall have for the relation of the true osmotic pressure to that calculated upon the assumption that the molecules remain intact, i The definition of the coefficient of activity has introduced the value a= > whence -l)a (II) This explains the fact, alluded to in a recent review, that the molecular weight of an electrolyte, as determined by any of the "osmotic" methods, must be found smaller than 1 Compare Am. Chem. Journ. 11, 116 (1889). ELECTROLYTIC DISSOCIATION 33 theory would require. The coefficient i has been determined for many electrolytes, both by the freezing-point method and de Vries's and Hamburger's isotonism methods, and has in almost every case been found to agree astonishingly well with the corresponding value obtained from equation II, after calculating a by equation I. The few exceptions are found for salts which behave anomalously in other respects, andfcan be explained by making further assumptions which need not be discussed here. 3. If k =2, that is if the electrolyte consists of but two ions, as in the case of monobasic acids and their salts with monovalent metals, the dissociation ought to obey the law which has been found to hold for gaseous dissociation where one molecule breaks up into two constituents, = const., Pi p now referring to the osmotic pressure of the integral mole- cules and pi to that of either set of ions of the dissociated ones. The osmotic pressure depends upon the number of molecules in the unit volume of solution. Therefore, if we call the volume of the solution V 9 p= , p\= l , and = V V n\ const. If the dissociation were complete, a result reached at in- finite dilution, the molecular conductivity would reach a maximum value /m>, but at the finite dilution F, it has a smaller value p v9 which is a measure of the number of dis- sociated molecules in the total. We can substitute in the last equation the value n\= and n=l-^- and obtain In this form the ratio has been examined by Ostwald, and has been found to remain practically constant for any 34 MORRIS LOEB one substance from one-fourth normal solution up to the very highest dilution amenable to experiment. For different acids, this constant assumes different values which have proved to be closely connected with the chemical activity of these acids. Putting m=^ and K=-, we can note for refer- fr C ence the equation to which Ostwald now reduces his results : ^ =K (III) (l-m)F 4. If the solution of an electrolyte really contains free ions, how is it that this does not at once become apparent, either by the decomposition of water, or by some physical heterogeneity of the system? The answer lies in the further definition that these free ions bear equal and opposite electro- static charges, which do not permit any local preponderance of one sort of ions over another, as this would mean a local accumulation of electricity in a system which is in equi- librium. Consequently although the ions travel with dif- ferent velocities if they are traveling in the same direction as in diffusion, the attraction of their electrostatic charges compels them to accommodate their rates one to another, so that the slower ion is accelerated while the faster is retarded; the rate of diffusion of the salt is therefore intermediate be- tween the velocities of the two ions. These conditions have received a rigorous mathematical formulation, and the close agreement between the theoretical and experimental results affords a beautiful confirmation of the fundamental hypoth- esis. (Nernst.) 5. Any cause, on the other hand, which produces a rela- tive dislocation of the positive and negative ions must occa- sion electrical heterogeneity, showing itself by differences of potential at different points. Upon this idea a plausible ELECTROLYTIC DISSOCIATION 35 "osmotic" theory of voltaic electricity has been based and substantiated by experiment. (Nernst.) 6. Conversely, any difference of electrical potential in the solution must produce a motion of the ions. Here we have the Clausius hypothesis of electrolysis. The introduction of electrodes disturbs the equilibrium of the solution, the posi- tive ion moves to the cathode, where it gives up its charge, while the negative ion does the same at the cathode. It is only when the ions are relieved of their charges that they are capable of attacking the metal of the electrodes, or of de- composing water, causing the well-known secondary effects; charged, and in the paralyzing presence of an opposite charge, they are supposed to be incapable of doing this. In this connection may be cited an experiment which appears in- comprehensible unless free ions are assumed to exist in the solution. Dilute sulphuric acid, contained in a flask whose exterior was coated with tin foil, was connected by a wick with aLippmann electrometer; upon giving a positive charge to the exterior of the flask the electrometer indicated the presence of positive electricity, and some bubbles of hydro- gen were evolved near it. Consequently, the flask, being a modified Leyden jar, negative ions (SO 4 ) had collected on the interior, while the corresponding hydrogen had been driven over toward the electrometer. 7. Properties like density, refractive power, capillarity and viscosity of saline solutions, whose numerical values ap- pear to depend upon the sum of two factors characteristic of the acid and of the metal, should show this additive nature best where the salts are most dissociated; this appears to be the case. 8. We have now to consider the chemical side of the hypothesis, and we are met by the startling assertion that those acids show the greatest degree of dissociation which we 36 MORRIS LOEB consider the strongest. Indeed, according to Arrhenius, chemical activity depends upon the degree of electrolytic dis- sociation, only the dissociated molecules being capable of entering into reaction. A fundamental difference is hereby inferred to exist between reactions among electrolytes and reactions introducing only non-electrolytes, or, to recall antiquated notions, between reactions which involve sub- stances of the water and hydrochloric acid types, and those involving merely the hydrogen and ammonia types. Valid objections raised to this distinction would upset the theory from the chemist's standpoint: examples in favor of the dis- tinction have been adduced, such as the fact that the char- acteristic halogen reaction with silver nitrate is only shown by such compounds in which the halogen can be supposed to exist as a free ion, while with those which contain the halo- gen within the radicle, like trichloracetic acid, the reaction fails. Considering by themselves the reactions between electrolytes, it is noticeable that the presence of water or another solvent appears to be necessary (cf . the passivity of absolutely dry gases). The law of Guldberg and Waage must be modified in so far that the speed of reaction is not a func- tion of the total masses of the electrolytes in solution, but of the masses of dissociated ions : van 't Hoff has introduced the coefficient i (isotonic coefficient) successfully enough into these considerations, and i has already been shown to be a function of a (II). In the acceleration or retardation of etherification and saponification, the acids and bases must act proportionately to their stages of dissociation, so that Ostwald's old affinity-coefficients must correspond with the values of k in equation III, which is also found to be true; for the same reason the effectiveness of weaker acids (non- dissociated) increases more rapidly for additional dilution than does that of stronger acids which are much nearer their ELECTROLYTIC DISSOCIATION 37 limit. The evidence to be obtained from the study of the kinetics of chemical reaction all appears to favor the theory. 9. New ideas are introduced with regard to chemical equi- librium. The laws of dissociation, where gases are concerned, lead to the well-established postulate that dissociation shall be greatest where the atmosphere contains no excess of either of the constituents into which the molecule will break up; dis- sociation is unaffected by the presence of any other indiffer- ent substances. By analogy, if a solution already contains a number of free ions of a particular sort, any substance con- sisting in part of this same sort of ions will not dissociate as fully as in pure water. Consequently an acid will be weak- ened by the presence of one of its neutral salts, but the effect will be much more perceptible for a weak acid than for a strong one. This has been verified by Arrhenius. Comparing on the other hand, acids which have the positive ion H in common, a mixture of the two must affect their respective degrees of dissociation, unless before mixing the H had the same osmotic partial pressure in both solutions. This means that there shall be the same degree of dissociation in the two solutions, that they shall be "isohydric." Under such conditions, if ra parts of one solution having the conductivity a be mixed with n parts of the other having the conductivity 6, the resulting solution will conduct as if each electrolyte were conducting independently and unchanged. Its conductiv- ity is - , no matter what the relative values of m and m+n n are. Furthermore, if two solutions are "isohydric" with a third, they must be isohydrous with each other. These two consequences have been substantiated by the examination of the conductivity of mixtures of "isohydric" solutions of acids with one another and with those of their respective neutral salts, of neutral salts with one another and with the 38 MORRIS LOEB solutions of their respective bases, and finally of the bases with one another. But if solutions are mixed together which are not "iso- hydric," the resultant conductivity will be greater than ma , if calculation shows that the stronger acid is thereby m+n partially reassociated and the weaker partially dissociated, while it will be less than the normal if the stronger acid is being dissociated and the weaker reassociated. This depends upon the fact that the dissociation of the same number of molecules produces a relatively greater effect when the acid is farther from the limit of dissociation which all approach asymptotically. In keeping with these facts is Nernst's ob- servation that the solubility of a salt is decreased by the pres- ence of compounds having a common ion with it; thus the solubility of silver acetate is equally affected by the pres- ence of silver nitrate and sodium acetate. 10. The theory of "isohydric" solutions leads up to the important point of the neutralization of acids by bases. In the first place, salts in dilute solutions are no longer con- sidered to be the product of a reaction like the following : KOH+HC1 =KC1+HOH. Where there is perfect dissociation, at extreme dilutions, the reaction is represented thus : K+OH+Cl+H=K-fCl+HOH. At greater concentrations this is accompanied by a certain reassociation of K-j-Cl and a dissociation K, OH and H, Cl, but K+C1 is supposed to be very small in all cases, as the dissociation of salts proves to be relatively very great. Neu- tralization would therefore practically mean a formation of water from H and OH, and salts as such would only exist in concentrated solutions or as a combination of a very weak acid with a very weak base. A result of this would be that ELECTROLYTIC DISSOCIATION 39 the heat of neutralization in dilute solutions should be the same for all sorts of strong acids and bases, and should, in fact, equal that produced by the reaction H+OH, a very familiar fact. Mixtures of such salts should not be accom- panied by a heat effect, which explains the phenomenon of thermo-neutrality. But a weak base or a weak acid introduces the positive or negative heat of dissociation pertaining to it; consequently the thermal effect of neutralization must vary from that of H+OH, but this variation must decrease with the increase of temperature. If a stronger and a weaker acid are together mixed with a base, it is only the weaker anion which really unites with the metal to a limited extent, while the stronger anion keeps the relatively greater amount of metal in electrolytic dissociation, their neutralization being charac- terized by the union of their former conjugates H+OH. It is noticeable that electrolytic dissociation is to be sharply separated from the hydrolysis of sugars and of very weak salts like ammonium acetate, in which the reaction belongs rather to the class of non-electrolytes, although electro- lytes are involved. A final point with regard to chemical equilibrium is this, that when equilibrium has been reached in a solution con- taining a number of electrolytes, each one of these is in a state of dissociation, which depends upon the equilibrium of osmotic pressure between the non-dissociated molecules and all the free ions of the kinds which compose it. A dis- tribution of metals and acids as it is usually assumed in older views is therefore rendered out of question, because a free ion belongs neither to one compound nor to another, it merely counterbalances that free ion of opposite charge near- est which it happens for the moment to be. Having sketched Arrhenius' hypothesis, with some of its logical consequences, the task of judging it must be left to 40 MORRIS LOEB those readers who will compare the mass of experimental material and will convince themselves of the simple relations which the various phenomena appear to bear toward each other. As far as this test is concerned, the hypothesis will be found to fulfill its purpose. Shall it therefore be accepted? The objections which have been raised are twofold, phys- ical and chemical. Oliver J. Lodge concedes the inge- nuity and physical "orthodoxy" of the treatment, and it might appear that his criticisms to the earlier papers have been largely obviated by the further development of the theory; indeed they apply chiefly to points which I have omitted as no longer seeming essential to the theory, such as relations between the viscosity and the friction which a solvent opposes to the motion of the ions. But he appears mainly to object to the neglect of conduction by the solvent, which he believes would explain the rate of transference of the ions, without the assumption of unequal velocities of negative and positive ions. It is doubtful whether such an explanation would also elucidate the troublesome diffu- sion phenomena as well as does "dissociation" in the hands of Nernst. E. Wiedemann thinks that hydrates are the cause of better conduction, and explains osmotic anomalies by the assumption of a polymerization of the solvent. Aside from Planck's proof, on thermodynamic grounds, that such poly- merization would not affect the vapor tension phenomenon in this way, in very dilute solutions, Ostwald pertinently asks why the electrolyte need cause a polymerization which no non-electrolyte does. The objections from a chemical standpoint have been chiefly raised by Henry E. Armstrong, and are not all co- gent. The following appear to be the most important at the present time: 1. Anhydrous hydrochloric acid and pure water do not ELECTROLYTIC DISSOCIATION 41 conduct, while fused silver iodide does, which is an anomaly. Arrhenius finds an explanation in the dissociation of silver iodide by heat. 2. Hydrochloric, hydrobromic and hydriodic acids differ markedly in stability, but they are all assigned the same dissociation ratio. This is evidently a case of misapprehen- sion, as the instability lies in the negative ion itself, and not in the compound. 3. Why does not alcohol dissociate electrolytes as well as water, and why does not water conduct? 4. According to Ostwald's measurements, phenylpropionic, cinnamic, and phenylpropiolic acids range in the order of their conducting power, C6H 5 .C.C.COOH>C ft H 5 .CH.CH.COOH>C fl H 5 .CH 2 .CH 2 .COOH. Therefore that acid is most dissociated which can least spare its hydrogen. This argument illustrates the necessity of keeping the types of reactions apart. Nothing appears to justify his as- sumption that the carboxyl group should be affected in this way by what happens in a neighboring group, where hydro- gen plays an entirely different role. The main opposition to the dissociation hypothesis is to be found in a rival hypothesis which has found advocates in Mendeleeff, Armstrong, Pickering, Crompton, Bonty and E. Wiedemann, the"hydration" hypothesis connected with the "residual affinity" idea. Bonty holds that electrolytes are of two classes, those in which both ions show equal rates of transference, and the "abnormal" ones, in which this is not the case. All abnormal salts are said to be capable of form- ing hydrates and do so. The law of equivalent ratio holds absolutely in so few cases that these considerations may be dismissed, in view of the more powerful ideas of Kohl- rausch. E. Wiedemann argues from the change of color of 42 MORRIS LOEB salts of nickel, copper, cobalt, etc., upon dilution and heating, effects which Arrhenius ascribes to a difference in color be- tween the free ion and the compound. Armstrong and Pickering present the "residual affinity" theory with much vigor. The atomic valences are not assumed to be whole numbers, so that it rarely happens that the positive and negative valences in a compound just balance. Consequently, a small residual affinity remains to each molecule, by virtue of which larger aggregations are formed, molecular com- pounds, either among the molecules of the same sort or with the molecules of the solvent. Armstrong's valences represent the old Berzelian negative and positive electricities, which cause their respective atoms to tend to opposite electrodes during the passage of the current, the atoms being set free by the complexes "straining" at each other as they pass each other. The idea of unequal electrical charges appears incompatible with Faraday's law that the current produces the same effect in all electrolytes. Pickering bases his opposi- tion upon more modern ideas, separating affinity from elec- tric charges, and sees in the phenomena of electrolysis and dilution effects of the dissociation and formation of various hydrates. The basis for this lies in the observations by Men- deleeff, Pickering, and Crompton, that various properties of acids and salts, such as conductivity, density, the heat of solution, when plotted as ordinates, with the percentage composition of the solution as abscissas, do not present reg- ular curves. A study of their first or second differentials would appear to reveal the presence of points of abrupt change, and these points are supposed to represent definite chemical compounds. It does not appear that Arrhenius has entirely invalidated the proofs of the existence of such com- pounds, and there is no doubt that they present a very awkward obstacle to his theory, which he has still to sur- ELECTROLYTIC DISSOCIATION 43 mount. On the other hand, Pickering's explanations of the phenomena of freezing are extremely complex, and I am not aware of any positive attempt to explain facts like diffusion upon them. The thermo-chemical phenomena might be fairly explained by Pickering's reasoning. LITERATURE 1883. S. Arrhenius, Sur la conductibilite galvanique des Electrolytes. Bihang til Kong. Vet. Ak. Vorh. 1884, Stockholm. 1884. Theorie chimique des Electrolytes. Van't Hoff, Etudes de dynamique chimique. Amsterdam. 1884. Bonty, Sur la conductibilite, etc., Journ. de Physique (2) 3, 325, 333. 1885. Report of the British Association Committee on Electrolysis, British Association Report, pp. 723-772. Pickering, Proc. Chem. Soc. 1, p. 122. 1886. H. E. Armstrong, President's Address, Section C of British Association of 1885, in Proc. Royal Soc. 40, 268. Report of Electrolysis Committee for 1886, British Association Re- port, pp. 308-389, containing criticisms and replies by Lodge, Kohlrausch, Arrhenius, Bonty, as well as abstracts of papers appearing elsewhere. 1887. Sv. Arrhenius, Einfluss der Neutralsalze auf Verseifungsgeschwind- igkeit, Zeit. physik. Chem. 1, 110. Innere Reibung verdiinnter wdssriger Losungen, ibid. 285. Theorie der isohydrischen Losungen, Wied. Ann. Phys. Chem. 30, 54. S. IT. Pickering, The Influence of Temperature on the Heat of Dissolution of Salts, Journ. Chem. Soc. 51, p. 290. Mendeleeff , Specifisches Gewicht der Schwefelsdurelosungen, Zeit.-physik. Chem. 1, 273. Bonty, Sur la conductibilite, etc., Journ. de Physique (2) 6, p. 6. Van 't Hoff, Ueber osmotischen Druck, Zeit. physik. Chem. 1, 500. 1888. British Association Report of Electrolysis Committee, by O. J. Lodge, p. 351. Answers, by H. E. Armstrong and S. Arrhenius. Ostwald, Zur Theorie der Elektrolyte, Zeit. physik. Chem. 2, 36, 270. Planck, Ueber Gleichgevrichtszustande, etc., Wied. Ann. Phys. Chem. 34, 149. E. Wiedemann, Ueber die Hypothese der Dissociation, etc., Zeit. physik. Chem. 2, 241. Ostwald, Reply, ibid. 243. Planck, Reply to Wiedemann, ibid. 343. Arrhenius, Theorie der isohydrischen Losungen, ibid. 284. Gefrierpunkte verdiinnter wdssriger Losungen, ibid. 491. de Vries, Osmotische Versuche, ibid. 415. Nernst, Zur Kinetik der Losungen, ibid. 613. 44 MORRIS LOEB Van H Hoff and Reicher, Ueber die Dissociationstheorie, etc., ibid. 781. Pickering, Thermochemical Investigations, etc., Journ. Chem. Soc. 63, 865. 1889. Pickering, Nature of Solutions, etc., Proc. Chem. Soc. 57, 92 (1888-89); Journ. Chem. Soc. Trans. 56, 323. Ostwald and Nernst, Ueber freie lonen, Zeit. physik. Chem. 3, 120. Ostwald, Affinitdtsgrossen organischer Sduren, ibid. 241, 369, 588. de Vries, Isotonische Coeffizienten, ibid. 103. Arrhenius, On Electrolyte Dissociation vs. Hydration, Phil. Mag. 28, 30. Arrhenius, Ueber die Dissociationswarme, etc., Zeit. physik. Chem. 4, 96. Nernst, Elektromotorische Wirksamkeit der lonen, ibid. 129. Arrhenius, Reaktionsgeschioindigkeit bei Inversion des Rohrzuckers, etc., ibid. 226. Nernst, Gegenseitige Beeinflussung der Loslichkeit von Salzen t ibid. 372. Arrhenius, Gleichgemchtsverhdltnisse zwischen Elektrolyten, ibid. 6, 1. 1890. Pickering, Nature of Solutions, Proc. Chem. Soc. 6, 86 and Phil. Mag. 29, 429. A BRIEF REVIEW OF WILHELM OSTWALD'S "GRUNDRISS DER ALLGEMEINEN CHEMIE " 1 A SINCERE admirer of Professor Ostwald's monumental "Lehrbuch" must regret that the present textbook should have been chosen to present the recent developments of physical chemistry, rather than a second edition of the earlier, larger work. While the present volume is intended, according to the preface, to interest in physical chemistry those as yet unacquainted with the subject, it seems question- able whether this object can best be obtained by cutting away much that renders the larger work such delightful reading; nor does it seem plausible that a non-mathematical mind should grasp a mathematical formula better because the strict proof is omitted as too abstruse, and that the reader who is conversant with calculus should therefore be debarred from this aid to the comprehension. There is no doubt, however, that this little volume gives all the subject-matter proper of the two older volumes, with some additions; condensation has been obtained by employing smaller type, omitting many tables and much purely historical matter, and, finally, by omitting all references to titles of papers, instead of which the year of publication has been inserted in the text. The chap- ters have been rearranged into a very logical sequence, and the new points of view introduced by the hypothesis of os- motic pressure receive a very full and withal very compre- hensible treatment. For such as desire a rather hurried glance over a large field, this book can be very well recommended; but it is to be hoped that its presence in the chemist's library will not be supposed to atone for the absence of the "Lehrbuch." 1 Reprinted from Am. Chem. Journ. 12, 516 (1890). THE PROVINCE OF A GREAT ENDOWMENT FOR RESEARCH l IN response to the request for the views of American men of science on the mission of the Carnegie Institution, I would first of all express the hope that the trustees will reject those propositions which would most seriously menace the free de- velopment and untrammeled activity of our various scientific bodies and institutions of learning especially the establish- ment of a huge reserve fund, with the annual distribution of its income among the " deserving poor." It seems to me that, while there may be occasional demands for large sums to equip exploring parties on behalf of some of the descriptive sciences, the legitimate demands for assistance in research in the exact sciences ought not to be very large, in any one year; in fact, I venture the assertion that the existence of large sums to be devoted in this way might lead to wastefulness in methods, rather than to the development of that resourcefulness which has been the characteristic of the greatest investigators. Favored beneficiaries might choose a field of work from which others would be debarred by questions of cost, rather than strike out upon lines of greater originality and importance. Again, it cannot be denied that the establishment of a stand- ard of measurement with the utmost precision is work well worthy of national support: but if the Carnegie Institution were to encourage, by means of its stipends, all our most capa- ble physicists to devote themselves to this class of work, ad- vance in this department of knowledge would be seriously hampered. Is it a hardy prediction, however, that the votes of 1 Reprinted from Science, N. S., vol. 16, 1902, pp. 485-86. ENDOWMENT FOR RESEARCH 47 a committee on distribution would always favor such definite projects, as against a proposition to explore some vaguely de- fined problem of physics or chemistry? I think, therefore, that the proportion of the income to be devoted to the immediate subvention of research ought to be small at best; the aid would probably be more efficient, if administered through existing scientific societies, who would receive from time to time such additions to their research funds as would seem commensurate with their previous suc- cess in promoting investigation. The existence of a central reviewing body would act as a wholesome restraint upon these smaller scientific bodies, while the relative needs of investi- gators could be better judged by a jury of experts in their im- mediate field of work, than by such a heterogeneous committee as would be furnished by the trustees themselves. On the other hand, the suggestion that the institution should play the part of a private benefactor to our universi- ties, by adding to their endowment, building and equipping laboratories, augmenting professors' salaries or providing them with private assistants, seems to me to savor of paternal- ism and to open the way to serious abuses, while at the same time it might cause colleges to shape their course with the sole view of pleasing the guardians of the fund, for the time being. It seems doubtful whether any salary could be paid to a body of academicians, sufficient to enable them to devote their whole time to research; and it is a fair question whether it would really be desirable to set a body of men apart in a scientific academy, at the present day, without that contact with students which a university provides. It must be remem- bered that the Royal Institution of London is not an academy in the strictest sense; nor do the resident lecturers owe a duty to a foundation, but rather to the subscribers. With the enormous distances separating our educational centres, it 48 MORRIS LOEB would not be conceivable that a lecturer could assemble around him so national an audience as would listen to a Fara- day or a Rayleigh. All these plans remind one of the hot-house method of stim- ulating plant-growth; why not attempt the open-air method of cultivating the soil? The Carnegie Institution might facili- tate research for all, instead of offering incentives to a chosen few. For this reason, the satisfactory equipment of marine biological stations, open to all qualified observers, and of similar institutions that would render the natural phenomena more readily accessible to general study, would seem eminently proper; while one might doubt the propriety of establishing observatories simply for the intense study of single problems. The efficacy of special research laboratories in the physical sciences, such as England owes to the generosity of Mr. Mond, has yet to be proven in contrast with that of university labora- tories; to the writer, their establishment in this country would appear premature, since many of our well-equipped educa- tional laboratories are not so crowded that they would be obliged to refuse accommodation to an independent investi- gator who sought their hospitality. The same general argument would oppose the financial support of periodicals and publishing organizations, while it would strongly favor the equipment of a scientific printing office, for the prompt and cheap reproduction of the results of research, for the account of individuals as well as of associa- tions. However, if the trustees desired to obviate the most serious difficulties which beset the American scientist in his laboratory work, they would establish workshops for the con- struction of special apparatus and the preparation of the more recondite materials, such as rare chemicals, microscopic mounts, etc. What stipend, for instance, could put the Ameri- can chemist on a level with his German colleague, when the ENDOWMENT FOR RESEARCH 49 latter can obtain, within twenty-four hours, any preparation that is catalogued, while the former must allow six weeks for obtaining anything that is not so commonly known as to be literally a "drug on the market"? By enabling the private investigator to supply his needs quickly and at a reasonable cost, without the unjust discrimination of " duty-free" impor- tation, a stimulus would be given to private research, inside and outside the college laboratory. Who can estimate the amount of time frittered away in this country through the lack of ready access to the mechanical adjuncts to investiga- tion? Workshops to supply these would not only improve our immediate condition; but, if properly organized, they might serve to educate a body of mechanicians and preparators, whose help would be invaluable in the various scientific in- stitutions of the country. If these suggestions should illustrate the view that the Carnegie Institution can do measurable harm by seeking to supplant private initiative with artificial stimulus, but can do immeasurable good by clearing away the obstacles that now trammel the general growth of the scientific spirit in America, they will best express the opinion of MORRIS LOEB. ATOMS AND MOLECULES 1 IT is often a question with the scientific student as to whether his investigation can lead to any real advancement of knowledge, or whether the outcome will merely add to the scraps of information that are scattered here and there in the storehouse of human intelligence. How often, when walking or bicycling in an unfamiliar country, does one turn into a lane, wondering whether it is to lead one into a new highway or end blindly , forcing the traveler to retrace his path ! Fortu- nately, the many discoveries and inventions based on studies by previous generations made without any expectation of a practical outcome, have silenced those who scoff at anybody who looks for something that cannot at once be made into a scarf-pin or shoe-buttoner or patent medicine or the like. Among the matters that will necessarily escape practical application longest are the infinitely great and the infini- tesimally small. It is true enough that astronomy is a useful science to the navigator and to the geographical surveyor; but it would be hard to convince me that, for many genera- tions to come, the price of iron will be affected by our knowl- edge that huge quantities of that metal exist in the solar atmosphere. Nevertheless, it gives us a wonderfully encourag- ing realization of the power of the human intellect to con- template the steps by means of which this apparently useless bit of knowledge was secured. How grand is the thought that a Lilliputian man has been able to weigh heavenly bodies far bigger than the earth itself, and so far distant that our own distance from the sun becomes quite small by comparison! 1 A popular address evidently delivered in the spring of 1906; the place and exact time are unknown. This address was illustrated by experiments. [EDITOR.] ATOMS AND MOLECULES 51 Chemistry and physics, however, bring us to the opposite end of the scale, and we are led to the assumption of bodies that are so exceedingly small and so close together, that we cannot conceive of their dimensions any more clearly than we can conceive of our distance from the sun or from Neptune. The problem of estimating these distances must, therefore, appeal to us as similarly deprived of immediate usefulness. There is nevertheless this difference. We are all convinced of the existence of the stars : we follow HerschePs descrip- tion of their multitude with amazement, but we do not for a moment doubt the reality of his statements. The atom and the molecule are every now and then denied reality; that great thinker, Ostwald, who visited us this winter, has emphat- ically expressed the opinion that matter itself is non-existent and that the atom and molecule are conceptions which must sooner or later be abandoned. The permanence of the atom is assailed by the supporters of the new electron theory and is, in a measure, shaken by recent discoveries respecting radium and helium. How about the molecule? It is too small to be seen, too subtle to be handled and weighed as an individual. But we can nevertheless weigh and measure it by different means; and because results attained in various ways agree fairly well with one another, strong evidence is afforded of the reality of the molecule. It would be a very remarkable coinci- dence if three or four different processes gave us an identical measure for a certain thing and the thing itself did not exist. If, in traveling, we noticed a considerable number of rail- roads converging toward a common centre, we should expect to find something interesting and definite at that point. Similarly, I see evidence of the probable existence of the molecule in the fact that many lines of calculation converge upon the same order of magnitude. The ancient philosophers who first thought concerning the 52 MORRIS LOEB nature of substances as we see them around us, had many vague notions as to the causes from which the various proper- ties of the substances might arise. One might almost say that the various Greek philosophers devised every conceivable notion as to the origin of matter which a sensible man could happen upon. Among these there were two which must claim our attention, because they throw much light upon the differ- ing hypotheses about physical phenomena up to the present day. One notion was that every substance is made up of cer- tain ingredients whose presence caused it to have its own par- ticular properties, which were really the properties of the in- gredients. Aristotle called these ingredients elements, and he mentioned as such elements, fire, air, earth and water, of which he considered earth as that which was cold and dry, water that which was cold and moist, fire that which was hot and dry, and air that which was hot and moist. More elements were added during the Middle Ages, so that the ancient al- chemist spoke of six or seven different elements out of which all known substances were imagined to be composed. Now, since gold, silver and lead, for instance, are all composed of the same Aristotelian elements, it seemed natural that if one changed the proportion of these elements, lead, for instance, might be converted into silver or gold. To the present time we have retained the word element, but we have given to it a somewhat altered meaning, because we have recognized that some of the substances thought by the ancient and mediaeval philosophers to be simple are really com- pounds or mixtures; while many of the substances which they considered composite baffle the skill of the chemist when he attempts to disintegrate them. The simple metals are now all of them considered as chemical elements; and we were until very recently apt to look back with a good deal of scorn upon the alchemists who strove to change one metal into another. ATOMS AND MOLECULES 53 But they were right from their point of view, just as we are right from ours, for with the knowledge that coal tar contains the elements carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen and oxygen, which are also contained in indigo, in quinine and in oil of bitter almonds or in vanilla, we attempt to convert the coal tar into one of these. The difference is that the alchemists failed while we succeed, and our success is largely based upon the experi- ence obtained from the unsuccessful efforts of our predecessors. The other notion which originated in Greece was that of the atoms, out of which all matter was supposed to be composed. Democritus of Abdera is supposed to have invented the sug- gestion that all matter is made up of little particles which have their own separate existence and move about freely until they happen to attach themselves to one another. This idea occupied the attention of some other Greeks and Romans, but during the Middle Ages it was entirely lost to view; and in fact, its real importance was only recognized after the already mentioned change had occurred in our views concerning the elements. Now, under the lead of John Dai- ton, we believe that the finest particles of which matter is composed that we are able to recognize, are little bodies which cannot be decomposed further by ordinary chemical means, and which behave very much as if they were little round pellets possessed of independent motion, and only in- fluenced by those other little pellets that lie around them. These atoms must have very many properties of their own, and the different atoms do not necessarily have the same properties. When two atoms, therefore, are alike in their properties, we call them atoms of the same element; when the properties differ, they are atoms of different elements. Now, inasmuch as there are over seventy-five elements known to the chemist, there must be at least seventy-five different species of atoms. Whether these atoms are themselves made up of 54 MORRIS LOEB seventy-five different sorts of substances is a question with which we cannot concern ourselves. Some chemists choose to believe that they are made up of only one sort of substance, arranged in different fashion for each kind of atom, and others have ideas that are even more difficult to grasp than this one. But inasmuch as the chemist acknowledges that he, at least, cannot go further in his subdivision than the atom, it is safe for us to stop there in our study this evening. We can never expect to see an atom, or to distinguish it by one of our senses from its neighbor. What, therefore, the real, actual proper- ties of the atom may be, is just as hard for us to conceive, as it is to imagine how the inhabitants of some other planet would look. Nevertheless, if somebody tells us that there are inhabitants of Mars, we straightway fall to imagining that those Martians must look more or less like ourselves, or like something that we see on earth. In the same fashion we reason by analogy concerning the atoms, and readily reach conclu- sions concerning their general properties from the behavior of the substances which they compose. Nevertheless I would especially guard those of you who are interested in chemistry against imagining that we really know so very much about atoms, although we know a good deal about the elements after which they are named. Let us in the first place attempt to get some experimental idea of the size of *an atom. I take here a red substance (the well-known aniline dye called fuchsine) which is made up, as I happen to know, of several elements; and a very little of it gives, as you see, an intensely red coloration to a little water. If I pour this small amount of liquid into a measuring glass, and add to it one hundred times as much water, the color is still very distinct, and taking one-tenth of this and again diluting it with yet one hundred parts of water, you can still faintly perceive the red color. Now the original weight of the ATOMS AND MOLECULES 55 coloring matter, which covered only the point of a knife, was barely one grain; dispersed over the great bulk of water which you see here, it nevertheless retained its pink coloration, which must be a proof to you how finely its substance is capa- ble of subdivision without being decomposed. One faintly pink drop of the most dilute solution must contain at least one of the smallest particles of the red fuchsine; and each of these small particles or molecules must be made up of a number of smaller particles or atoms of four elements, one solid and black, the three others colorless gases with which you are undoubtedly familiar, and which make up the important parts of the atmosphere and of water. If these four elements had been merely mixed together, one would separate at once, as happens now when I mix a little carbon dust with air. Hence we conclude that in the red compound the carbon, oxygen, hy- drogen, and nitrogen exist not as we know them, but with the atoms joined intimately together to form a new chemical compound; and it is only when we split this compound into a condition bordering on the fineness of the atoms, that we can be said to decompose it into its constituent parts. The point to which we can reduce the compound before it breaks up is called the molecule, often defined as the smallest portion of the compound which can exist and still retain the properties of that substance. In the dilution just shown, the molecules were very widely separated and were surrounded by molecules of water. What, then, is the size of a molecule? This is one of the most interesting problems that has been put before the physi- cist, and it is a great triumph for science that four or five different methods have been discovered for determining this size, and that the results have been found to agree tolerably well with one another. We are accustomed to look with more awe on big things than on little ones; and so, when we are told 56 MORRIS LOEB of the distance between the earth and the sun, or of the great- ness of the sun's diameter, we exclaim at the magnitude of the figure, while we talk unconcernedly of molecules. Is it, how- ever, so easy to realize the exceeding smallness of the mole- cule? The measurement of the magnitude of molecules can be performed in the following fashion. As a soap bubble expands with its increasing inflation its film can be greatly stretched. The thin bubble becomes more and more brilliant in color as it grows thinner; and then a moment comes when the film suddenly loses its color and becomes black. This is because a certain thickness between the front and rear wall of a film is required in order that the film shall show colors by reflection. When it has become colorless, we know that we have stretched it so that it no longer possesses this requisite thickness; it is thinner than the length of a wave of light. In order that it should be a continuous film, it must consist of at least one row of molecules; therefore, a molecule is less thick than the wave length of light is long. Immediately after the film is stretched to this extreme thinness, it breaks, which is a proof to us that there is not so very much difference between the magnitude of the wave length of light and the molecule. Another interesting method of measuring the size of a mole- cule is to be derived from the behavior of gases as they rub upon one another, and while this involves much that could not be studied here, it suffices to say that the same results are obtained as by the previous method. Still other, but yet con- cordant results can be obtained from a study of the expansion of gases by heat, and their contraction under great pressure. From all these we reach the conclusion that the molecules have some real definite size, and likewise, that they consist of comparatively few atoms apiece. In order that we may understand better what the rela- ATOMS AND MOLECULES 57 tions of atoms and molecules are, I now take up some interest- ing experiments with substances that are elements; this is because we know that when we are dealing with a single ele- ment no change will occur which involves more than one kind of atom. I have here a jar of the substance originally known as oxygen, and the arrangement is such that I am able to pass this oxygen through various pieces of apparatus, illustrating properties of oxygen. By simply exposing the gas to a current of electricity I give to it entirely different properties, as you will see when I pass a little oxygen over this piece of paper, and then expose a strip of the same piece to the action of the electrified oxygen, or ozone, as it is called. You must not sup- pose that there is any electricity in this ozone which makes it different from the oxygen. I have here some ozone made by a totally different process, and it shows the same effect. The ozone can be converted back into the oxygen, as you will see when I pass it through this heated tube; it now has lost its power of affecting the impregnated paper; it has been con- verted back into original oxygen. In fact, all our study shows us that the sole difference between ozone and oxygen consists in the arrangement of the atoms; one molecule of oxygen must be assumed to contain two atoms, and one molecule of ozone three atoms. If this were a single instance standing entirely by itself, the opinion might be attacked; but we have many similar cases in chemistry, although it is not always so easy to prove the matter as in the case of the oxygen. I have here two specimens of phosphorus, which to all appearances are entirely different in their nature; the one is a coherent yellow mass, the other is a red powder; and many of the properties are different like- wise. This one is poisonous, that one not; this one catches fire with great ease, the other will catch fire only after consider- able heating. Once I have set the two a-burning, however, the 58 MORRIS LOEB result of their union with the oxygen of the air is precisely the same. The white, powdery oxide of phosphorus forms in each case, and if I take the same quantity of two kinds of phos- phorus, I shall have, in each case, the same quantity of oxide formed. These facts prove that the two substances are identi- cal in composition, although probably differing in the arrange- ment of their atoms. It fact, it is a common operation of the chemical manufacturer to convert yellow phosphorus into red, as it merely requires heating under pressure to effect the conversion. Here is another element, sulphur, which shows the same tendency to appear under different guises representing differ- ent arrangements of the atoms. If I melt sulphur, it becomes a thin liquid; but on heating further it thickens and cannot be poured, even upon the inversion of the test-tube. Yet more heating converts it yet again to a liquid; and if I now pour it into water so as to cool it suddenly, I obtain the sulphur in a very remarkable condition, appearing in many respects like a gum; but it is still sulphur. This might be proved by drying it and setting it aside in a vessel entirely free from all other chemical agencies, when it would in time go back into the condition of the yellow sulphur. By kneading it in my hands, I am able to effect this conversion much more speedily. These and various other cases of change happening to a simple substance, separated from other substances, force us to assume that the actual element has undergone no change, but that its atoms have rearranged themselves into new patterns. Such changes are best suited to make clear to you why we make the distinction between the molecules and the atoms. Every substance that we know of is supposed then to be made of molecules built up of one or more atoms. If the molecules are broken up, or their atoms rearranged, we ob- ATOMS AND MOLECULES 59 tain different kinds of molecules, therefore different kinds of substance; but the atoms are not changed in the operation, and we know no method of changing them. You may well ask, how can we get hold of molecules in order to study them? It is impossible to catch a single mole- cule and examine it, or even a hundred molecules; but we have every reason to believe that in gases the molecules behave more independently than they do in liquids or in solids. Hence when we wish to study molecules we begin by studying gases. Imagine a big globe filled with inconceivably small pellets that shoot to and fro in straight lines and never come to rest, and you have a notion of our conception of a vessel filled with a gas. Whenever one of these molecules hits the side of the vessel it pushes against it and tries to push it out- wards; the sum total of countless impulses of this kind is supposed to constitute the pressure of a gas upon its confining walls. If I stand on a street corner on a windy day, the mole- cules of air strike my face, and I feel this as a direct pressure which seems to me continuous because there are so many billions of molecules striking my face in succession. The more molecules there are in a given space of gas, the more frequently they must hit the walls, and the greater becomes the pressure. The hotter the gas is, the livelier the molecules become; they travel faster; thus we explain the fact that heating increases the pressure of the gas upon its confining walls. In the liquid or solid state, the molecules no longer travel around freely in all directions, but hang together, and occupy a limited portion of the vessel into which they are put, so that it is much harder to know what they are really doing. In the gas each molecule is supposed to be acting for itself, in the liquid or solid they must all act together. Interesting evidence of the fact that molecules are little 60 MORRIS LOEB independent bodies moving in a very definite way and having very definite size, is found in a well-known experiment known as osmose. Suppose that in this room there was a partition which was pierced by a number of narrow doors, and on the one side were a number of grown persons and on the other an equal number of children, and the order was given that they should distribute themselves equally over the total space. The children, moving more quickly, and having no difficulty in squeezing through the narrow doors, would soon get over to the other side, while the grown persons were still struggling to get through. The result would be that at first the actual number of people on that side of the room where the children had first been would be less than the number on the other side. Now, instead of persons, I take light and heavy mole- cules, the lightest molecules we know being hydrogen, and the molecules constituting the gases of the air being over fourteen times as heavy. In order to imitate the partition wall, I take this tube made of porous porcelain; the openings are so fine that we may well imagine the gas molecules having some trouble in getting through. If I fill the inside of this tube with air, and now fill this jar outside with hydrogen, the hydrogen will get in very much faster than the air can get out, and the result will be that we have a larger number of particles or molecules per cubic inch inside than there were originally; they have to find more room for these, and you see how they obtain it, by pressing this liquid out in a sort of fountain. If I reverse the experiment, I obtain the opposite effect. There is a rather ingenious practical application of this principle which is per- haps worth showing. Instead of holding water to be pressed out, this tube contains mercury; as the liquid metal is pressed down it will rise on the opposite side and make an electric contact, which causes this bell to ring. Instead of taking hydrogen I shall this time take illuminating gas, and here ATOMS AND MOLECULES 61 you see how soon an alarm is given. Such an arrangement might well be used where a dangerous or harmful gas is apt to appear; it was really invented for coal mines, in which there is a danger of the formation of explosive mixtures of lighter combustible gases with air. In this way it is possible to distinguish, as you see, between lighter and heavier molecules. This method may be of value to the investigator, as we shall see. I have here a substance whose molecules are fairly large; they are ordinarily in a solid state, and they represent a substance which is neutral, as we say in chemistry, a salt that has no effect upon vegetable colors. I throw a little of it upon these pieces of red and blue litmus paper, and you see that there is no change. Now a piece of this salt (which we call chloride of ammonium) is placed in this glass tube next to a porous partition wall; when I warm the salt it breaks up into two substances called am- monia and hydrochloric acid, which may be separated by the method of osmosis just used to ring an electric bell. The ammonia consists of molecules so light that it passes very readily through this partition wall, while the hydrochloric acid with heavier molecules passes less readily. You will be able to notice this when I pump air through both parts of the apparatus and let the two currents of air flow over these two pieces of colored paper. You see how the red paper is turning blue, and the blue paper is turning red; this is due to the fact that the hydrochloric turns blue paper red and more of it re- mains on the near side of the partition; the ammonia turns red paper blue, and more of it has gone through the partition. The experiment not only illustrates to you what I have shown before in a somewhat different form, but it also shows us that the big molecules of chloride of ammonia can be broken up into two sets of smaller molecules, which themselves differ from one another in size. We can even, although I am unable 62 MORRIS LOEB to show it here, break up this hydrochloric acid and this ammonia into still smaller molecules, and beyond these still are supposed to be the atoms. Every rearrangement of atoms into molecules produces a new substance, and it is the marvel- ous ability of the atoms to arrange themselves into hundreds of thousands of ways that enables the organic chemist to build up out of three or four elements the many compounds which nature is building up for us daily and hourly in plants and animals. Such then, is the idea entertained by the chemist of to-day concerning the nature of the mechanism carrying out the changes which it is his business to study. But we must re- member that this idea is hypothetical it is no more than a plausible guess. While the few master-minds of a century can grasp such theories as pure abstractions, uninfluenced by preconceived notions, the rest of us cannot free ourselves of the prejudices derived from the familiar phenomena upon which the theories are based. We are as little able to strip our imagined infinitesimal particles of Matter and Energy from the attributes of the grosser masses of our daily observation, as was the Greek to impart other than human qualities to his gods, whom he portrayed in human form. This is one of the reasons for the many more or less fantastic attempts to over- turn the atomic theory as it now exists. I do not believe that the theory is perfect or ultimately correct, but a study of most of the attacks upon it leads to the conclusion that the attack is made, not upon the pure theory, but upon that par- ticular image which has been set up to represent the theory in an iconoclast's intellectual neighborhood. Thus we some- times find persons who imagine they are attacking the atomic theory, when they contend only against the gratuitous idea that 'atoms are hard, round pellets, rather than vortices of an infinitely elastic fluid or the like. But we have no time ATOMS AND MOLECULES 63 to-night for these objections and criticisms, it is enough if I have succeeded in giving you some idea of what the chemist means by atoms and molecules, and how these conceptions help him to explain and understand the intricate and subtle processes of chemical reaction. HYPOTHESIS OF RADIANT MATTER 1 THE enormous literature which has developed from the discovery of radium and from the study of cognate pheno- mena has made it increasingly difficult to form a calm opinion upon the merits of all the claims which have been advanced, and upon the validity of the theories which have been based upon them. Undoubtedly, the great bulk of the experimental data is exact, although time may show that some of the results which were recorded before the technique was fully developed may require correction. Without ques- tioning in the slightest degree the experiments reported by some of the skillful observers of modern times, one is, nevertheless, permitted to hesitate in adopting hypotheses that not only subvert formerly accepted ideas, but also seem, in many cases, inconsistent with one another. The chemical world has been accused of accepting too dog- matically the theory of the conservation of matter, the in- divisibility of the atom, etc. Ought we not, then, to guard ourselves against a similar fault in adopting newer views? I propose to take up seriatim the methods of reasoning which have led to the present hypothesis of radiant matter as expressed by its chief exponents, and to indicate some points which seem to me to be inconsistent with older views, or in conflict with one another; and I shall begin with what may, from the present point of view, be called a static phenomenon, the behavior of the atom toward light. It is known that Lorentz modified Maxwell's electro-magnetic 1 Extracts from a review presented to the New York Section of the American Chemical Society at its meetings, November, 1907, and published in The Popular Science Monthly, 73, p. 52, July, 1908. Reprinted by permission. HYPOTHESIS OF RADIANT MATTER 65 theory of light, by assuming that the vibrations from which light-waves originate are not produced by the atom as a whole, but rather by the vibration of its positive or negative electric charge conceived as a special entity, which we may now personify, as it were, by the more recently coined name " electron." The electron vibrates in an elliptical path which is really the result of two circular oscillations in opposite directions, and of differing amplitudes, but of identical period. An alteration of the radii of these circles would merely alter the shape of the ellipse; but if the periods of the two circular motions were made to differ, no single resultant could appear, for the two vibrations would produce waves of different length, i.e., light rays of different refrangibility. Now, a magnetic strain ought to exert some influence on an electron; if it accelerated its dextrogyratory motion, it would retard its laevo-gy ration, or vice versa. This is precisely what Zeeman found when he examined the emission-spectra of vapors that were placed in an electromagnetic field; single lines are broken up into two or more finer lines, placed symmetrically with regard to the position of the original one. Righi has general- ized the reasoning so that it covers practically every relation between the vibrating electron and the external magnetic strain to which it is subjected, and reaches two conclusions: First, the vibrating electron is electro-negative; second, the ratio e/m, i.e., electric charge over mass, is about 1000 times as great as the ratio between the electric charge and mass of the hydrogen ion. Assuming, perhaps arbitrarily, that the electric charge is the same, the mass of the electron is about 1/1000 that of the hydrogen ion; it can be no mere coinci- dence that Thomson, Kaufmann, and others arrive at vir- tually the same figure for the mass of the corpuscles which carry the negative charges in ionized gases of whatever chemi- cal constitution; in fact, everybody recognizes their identity. 66 MORRIS LOEB To quote Righi, the neutral chemical atom (as distinguished from the ion) consists of a central mass of positive charge, around which revolve as satellites one or more electro- negative corpuscles, retained in their orbits by some centrip- etal force. In connection with this definition, the following points seem to require emphasis: the number of electrons per atom are few, practically corresponding to the valency; this seems to be corroborated by recent experiments of Becquerel on the phosphorescence of uranium minerals at low tempera- tures, which likewise point out that light-emission is not always confined to the negative corpuscle, as Righi would have it. The total mass of the free electrons in an atom is not sufficient to affect the ratio between specific heats for con- stant pressure and constant volume of monatomic vapors, like mercury and cadmium; their velocity in their orbits does not approach that of light, and they have no high momentum retained by comparatively powerful internal attractions. These electrons can not be identical with the X-particles which are projected with terrific force from the uranium, radium and other atoms, according to Rutherford and his followers. I need only touch briefly on the electric discharges in vac- uum tubes: it is generally accepted that we distinguish Lenard or cathode rays, which are negative, and positive Goldstein or canal rays within the tube. They can be de- flected by electric or magnetic fields, they produce mechani- cal and heating effects, cast visible shadows, etc., and they behave in general like streams of actual particles charged with electricity. When the cathode ray strikes an impene- trable obstacle, like glass, the X-rays are produced as a sec- ondary effect: these do not behave as if conveyed by neutral particles; have vast penetrating power; contain no electric HYPOTHESIS OF RADIANT MATTER 67 charge, as they are not influenced by magnetic or electric fields, and are neither refracted nor reflected. Ijwould em- phasize, however, their ability to discharge an electrometer, as well as to influence the photographic plate. Their peculiar- ities have been recently ascribed to the fact that they repre- sented aperiodic impulses given to the luminiferous ether which conveys no meaning to my mind, excepting that they can not be explained by the undulatory theory. The velocity of the canal rays has been determined, and the mass of their hypothetical particles measured by the amount of their de- flection in magnetic fields of varying strength; both values approximate those found for the ordinary chemical atoms or molecules; in the case of the negative cathode rays, how- ever, the velocities and mass correspond to those assumed for the electrons. I confess to a serious difficulty in harmon- izing the notion of a corpuscular structure of the atoms with the explanation given by the same school for the need of high vacua for the production of cathode rays. It is said that the electrons must have a considerable free path in order that they may travel with undiminished velocity toward the anode: but if the atoms, instead of being compact elastic bodies, be mere nebulae of electrons, the relation of whose sizes and interstices is comparable to that of the molecules in a normal gas, it follows that a free electron, hurled vehe- mently forward from the cathode, could pass quite through a number of atoms without collision with any of their con- stituent corpuscles; the free path of the electron is so enor- mous, on this hypothesis, that the order of its magnitude could not be materially affected by the degree of rarefaction of the gas customary in the Crookes tube. We must recollect, however, that the hypothesis, first elaborated by Larmor, that the electrons are the primordial constituents of the atoms, does not, like that of Prout, 68 MORRIS LOEB simply extend the limits of the divisibility of matter. The electron is not to be considered as a small speck of matter at all, but as a permanent manifestation of energy concentrated on a minute portion of the luminif erous ether. The view and the explanation of many phenomena on such a basis has been acclaimed as the triumph of energetics, the final elimination of the conception of matter. An unbiased reading of J. J. Thomson's Yale lectures, however, will impress anybody that he decidedly materializes both energy and ether. Per- haps much of this materialization is purely symbolic, to bring his mathematical reasoning within the comprehension of his audience; but to me it seems that an electric charge which has quantity, mass, inertia, elasticity, and expansibility, which obeys the laws of hydrostatics, and virtually has a surface beyond which it can only produce effects by the medium of mysterious lines of force, has a marvelous resemblance to the picture which the ordinary chemist's mind would form of material substance. His ether is not only that puzzling para- dox, at once impalpable and inconceivably dense, rigid and frictionless, which we have accepted as the whole means of explaining the transmission of motion through a vacuum; to extend its importance as the substratum of all phenomena it must become heterogeneous and capable of deformation; to form a neutral atom, some of it must become a spherical jelly in which other parts of itself are imbedded as rigid par- ticles. It has, consequently, different degrees of hardness, and is subject to internal attractions. Thomson even volun- teers the admission that, for the explanation of certain phenomena, his ether must have structure, or, at least, be stratified. This can, of course, be no insinuation against the work of some of the greatest living physicists and mathematicians: accepting their premises, I do not doubt that they have HYPOTHESIS OF RADIANT MATTER 69 drawn the consequences in the most rigid fashion. I do assert, however, that some of their fundamental terms are used in a different sense from that to which we are accustomed, and that we are, therefore, entitled to doubt whether the con- clusions which they reach really affect the phenomena with which the chemist deals: as if one were to discuss the crystal- lographic structure of Pentelian marble with reference to the architecture of the Parthenon. A few examples, pertinent to our inquiry, will more pre- cisely establish my meaning. One of the fundamental postu- lates of Professor Thomson's mathematical argument is the definition of momentum as the product of mass by velocity. Although this is not axiomatic, we accept it as such by reason of the many ballistic experiments which have proved its truth, so long as the projectile's mass was assumed to remain con- stant: we should hesitate if we were told that mass was to vary, i.e., that a bullet which weighs the same before and after the shot, was heavier during its flight. But the momentum of Thomson's electrons increases faster than their velocity, when the latter approaches that of light; hence, he says, the mass of the electrons increases with their swiftness. True, he calls it an electro-magnetic mass, but some of his followers have forgotten the distinction. At all events, his terms " mo- mentum " and " mass " must not be accepted by us in their usual meaning. It is perfectly true that Thomson's calculations are corrob- orated by Kaufmann's experiments on the velocity of radium rays in combined electric and magnetic fields, if the latter 's data are calculated according to Thomson's views; without even seeking a radically different basis which would not be difficult we can follow Thomson to a point where his departure from ordinary assumptions becomes evi- dent. He shows that the value elm diminishes at high veloc- 70 MORRIS LOEB ities and then he assumes that e> the electrostatic charge, is constant; therefore m, the mass, varies. Now, the value of e is derived from Faraday's law, which would never have been announced if Faraday had not dealt with the equivalent weights as fixed mathematical quantities. In fact, just so far as Thomson substantializes electricity by giving it atomic structure, with invariable mass, the chemical atom becomes wavy and matter evanesces into the ghost-like form which energy has assumed in the chemical mind. If our scientific terms are, as it were, to receive the reciprocals of their present significance progress may ultimately result, but we should enter into topsy-turvy dom with our eyes open. The electron theory possesses the merit of furnishing a working hypothesis upon which to coordinate the various electrical phenomena of vacuum tube and radio-active origin : chief among which is the increased conductivity of gases. Either direct current measurement or the more sensitive electrometer, determinative of the decrease of electrostatic potential, indicates that gases begin to conduct electricity when affected by ultra-violet light, by cathode and X-rays, by radium, thorium, etc. Ingenious experiments have proved that portions of the gas are positively, others negatively, charged; that they behave as if ionized; the numbers, masses and charges of the hypothetical ions have been measured and found to agree with the assumption that the negative ions have the magnitude of the electrons, the positive ions that of the regular molecules, i.e., the negative ions are always very small and mobile, with the same value for all gases; the posi- tive ions are, at least, 1000 times as large, and vary for dif- ferent gases. If the gas moves away from the locality of ion- izing influence, its conductivity disappears gradually at a rate to suggest reunion of the ions. Plausible, if not quite conclu- sive, reasoning connects the ionization hypothesis with the HYPOTHESIS OF RADIANT MATTER 71 novel phenomenon of the saturation constant; viz., the fact that the flow of electricity through a conducting gas increases proportionately to the voltage between the electrodes up to a maximum, when further increase of potential has practically no effect on the current. This saturation current, it may be remarked, is used to characterize radioactivity; it is admit- tedly a complex phenomenon, and I should be inclined to lay more stress upon the qualitative than the precise quantita- tive results obtained in a number of recent experiments. Those who, like Armstrong, oppose the electrolytic dis- sociation hypothesis of Arrhenius, naturally attack the ioni- zation hypothesis with still greater vehemence, and I believe that this will be the battleground of opposing theories for some time to come. As the phenomenon is distinctly a sec- ondary reaction, from our point of view, we need not discuss it in its various aspects, beyond noting that even without detectable radioactive agencies the atmospheric air conducts electricity to a slight extent, varying with location, as well as with the hours of the day. The radiations from the active chemical substances present a very complex aspect; besides light and heat, radium and its congeners send out a-, J3-, and 7-rays, respectively elec- tro-positive, electro-negative and neutral when tested in elec- tric and magnetic fields. From radium a-rays are sent out about four times as abun- dantly as /3-rays, the 7 variety being relatively few. a-rays are electro-positive, have a speed one tenth of the velocity of light, and a molecular mass of atomic magnitude. They penetrate a few centimeters into air, pass through thin aluminum foil but are stopped by denser metals. As they are but slightly deviable in a magnetic field, their momen- tum is calculated to be enormous; until, however, better evi- dence of the total positive charge which they carry has been 72 MORRIS LOEB obtained, we cannot consider the magnitude of the momen- tum as definitely established; especially since their speed does not appear to be uniform. From experiments wherein a particles are allowed to escape freely, and again restrained by a lead cylinder surrounding radium, much of the appar- ent heat of the latter body appears to be due to the impinging of the a-rays upon the surrounding surfaces. /3-rays are similar to cathode rays; they are less absorb- able than the a variety, and proceed at various speeds, many approaching the velocity of light; they are stopped by solids in proportion to their density. 7-rays are similar to X-rays, of great penetrating power, and they are thought by some to be secondary effects of a- and /3-rays, just as the X-rays originate from the impact of cathode rays on the glass wall of the Crookes tube. Besides, we have a multitude of conflicting accounts of secondary tertiary rays, resulting from these three varieties. The chief method of research is the study of ionization, with the interposition of screens and magnetic fields, to separate the different kinds of rays. On the other hand, the varieties of rays emitted, their relative strength, and their variations of intensity, are the characteristics upon which the identification of the various so-called transformation- products of radioactive material is based. I have, therefore, copied from Professor Rutherford's book 1 tabulations of these properties. With regard to these various transformations, we should realize that the majority of the names are titles of hypothet- ical substances whose existence within certain mixtures is assumed upon the evidence of their momentary radioactiv- ity. The only one really isolated is that emanation which has all the properties of a gas, including that of condensibility 1 Radioactivity, 1905. HYPOTHESIS OF RADIANT MATTER 73 at low temperatures with the exception that its liquid form shows no vapor pressure but has in addition remark- able energy effects, and has, undoubtedly, undergone trans- formation in Ramsay's hands. Bearing in mind the infinitesi- mal quantities of emanation which Ramsay and his associates could obtain, we are alike astounded by their marvelous manipulative dexterity and by the nature of their observa- tions. First we had the gradual appearance of helium, when the emanation was stored by itself; then came the appearance of neon, when the emanation came into contact with water, the latter being partially decomposed into oxygen and hydro- gen; lastly the partial reduction of copper nitrate solution, with the simultaneous appearance of lithium, while the ema- nation underwent a change into argon. The lithium, we are assured/ could not be found in the original materials; it repre- sents about .01 per cent of the sodium and calcium found in the same experiment; its actual amount, after correcting a slight oversight in Ramsay's estimate, would be 0.00000003 gram. For such a quantity the amount of copper transformed would be too minute for the detection of a loss from the 0.3 gram of copper which the original solution may be assumed to have contained: but, until a loss of copper be ascertained, to corre- spond with the gain in lithium, it appears to me that the as- sumption of transformation is premature. Ramsay found that this solution contained in all 1.67 mg. alkaline chlorides, chiefly sodium chloride; while 0.79 mg. was produced in a blank experiment, when the emanation was excluded. While this latter amount is admittedly derived from the glass bulb, the excess obtained in the presence of emanation is ascribed to the degradation of the copper, neglecting the fact that this second solution must have been fairly acid and would, there- fore, have attacked the glass more vigorously. Accepting his suggestion, however, the deficit of copper ought to approach 74 MORRIS LOEB TRANSFORMATION PRODUCTS OF THORIUM, ACTINIUM, AND RADIUM ACCORDING TO RUTHERFORD Product Time to be half transformed Radiations Thorium a-rays 1 Th.X 4 days a-rays I Emanation 54 seconds a-rays I Thorium A 11 hours ^ no rays 1 >*33 Thorium B 55 minutes J -. /3- 7-rays i Actinium p no rays Actinium X 10.2 days a (0 and 7) Emanation 3.9 seconds a-rays Actinium A 35.7 minutes no rays Actinium B 2.15 minutes a, /3, and y Radium 1,200 years a-rays I Emanation 3.8 days a-rays i Radium A J "o 3 minutes a-rays Radium B ? 3 21 minutes no rays'* Radium C J < 28 minutes o-, 6-, 7-rays i Radium D *s w> about 40 years no rays i 1-5 Radium E w ^ 6 days /3- (and "y-)rays 1 2 * '-53 Radium F J . g 143 days a-rays i HYPOTHESIS OF RADIANT MATTER 75 0.8 mg., an amount which ordinary analysis can detect. We may, therefore, hope that further experiments by Professor Ramsay will throw light upon this side of the subject. Of Ramsay's present conclusion, the following resume may be given: Emanation is a gas of about atomic weight 216.5, derived from radium, of atomic weight 225, simultaneously with a-particles which are not helium. When emanation and the a-particles are shut up together, the bombardment of the latter breaks up the emanation into helium; but if heavier molecules, like water, be present, they receive some of the bombardment, and the emanation is only degraded into neon; the pressure of copper nitrate still further protecting the emanation, so that it only breaks down to argon. This kinetic explanation is not impeccable; for, according to the principles of mass-action, the preponderance of water mole- cules in the copper nitrate solution, as well as the predomi- nance of hydrogen and oxygen in its decomposition products, would imply the presence of considerable amounts of neon to accompany the argon. As neon is said to be absent, we must either seek some other hypothesis or explain how the neon reverts to argon after it is once formed. Ramsay's views contradict those of Rutherford and others, who seek to identify helium with the a-rays, and the latter would thereby lose a good deal of their substantive character. Furthermore, it is to be noted that the a-particles bear posi- tive charges: if they were merely chemical atoms, such a charge might possibly be obtained as they tore themselves loose from the larger complex, during radiation; but if they be non-substantive masses of free energy, it will be difficult to reconcile the various assumed transformations with the electro-chemical properties, valencies, etc., of the elements in question. It must be recalled that Rutherford does assume that the 76 MORRIS LOEB successive transformations of radium, for instance, are ef- fected by the expulsions of the a-particles and that these have atomic mass: an atom of radium, therefore, contains a finite number of them. As the transformations are atomic and not molecular, Rutherford's application of the mathematics of mass-action can mean but one thing: that the various rates of transformation depend upon the chances of encounter and relative positions of the particles within the atom. These rates, however, as measured by the period of decay, vary from thousands of years to a few seconds for the different educts, and that irregularly in the order of transformation such great differences could only be explained by an infinite number of components, with large free paths, in other words, elec- trons. It would then remain to be shown what caused a certain great number of negative electrons to form an electro- positive a-particle, and become expelled with great violence from their surroundings. Naturally, the failure of an hypothesis to explain certain facts does not invalidate the latter. Rutherford's brilliant analysis of the curves of increasing and decreasing ionization and the agreement observed with calculated results prove that he is not dealing with mere fortuitous coincidences. Many of his conclusions seem incontrovertible upon his premises; but here again, the advocatus didboli must step in and ask whether the premises are axiomatic: two of them appear to me to be doubtful. (1) A curve of decay is based on electro- scopic measurements upon the tacit assumption that the rays sent out by that particular phase are always the same; but we are told that both a- and /3-rays vary greatly in speed and momentum, hence neither variety would show a uniform ion- izing power; assuming that a substance did send out a-rays for a long time, but that their velocities were gradually re- duced, would not the ionization indicate a more rapid decay HYPOTHESIS OF RADIANT MATTER 77 than was really the case? (2) It is practically assumed throughout that ionization is directly proportioned to the amount of radio-active material present: but this remains to be proved. Where layers of any density are involved, we know that it is not true, owing to internal absorption, etc.; for ideally thin layers, weighing and other measurement are out of the question. I do not think that this latter objection ought to be dis- missed lightly, when we find such a phenomenon as the al- most universal ionization of the atmosphere ascribed to the presence of radium or its educts. Thomson himself has shown a variety of ways for ionizing air, when any variation in the amount of radium present or, rather, absent is out of the question; some of these serve particularly well to explain the phenomena in the open air. Recently, indeed, quite a number of investigators have observed diurnal variations in this atmospheric ionization, sufficiently marked to require some other explanation than the production of emanations from the earth or surrounding materials. Gustave Le Bon, in his "Evolution de la Matiere," shows how the gold-leaf electroscope is discharged when connected with some very dry sulphate of quinine, which is taking up hygroscopic moisture. Are we ready, with him, to assume that the quinine is catalyzing some atoms into Nirvana, or that the electro- scope may indicate many changes that are not intra-atomic? REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE OF THE OVER- SEERS TO VISIT THE CHEMICAL LABORATORY OF HARVARD COLLEGE To THE BOARD OF OVERSEERS OF HARVARD COLLEGE: Your Committee beg leave to report that they visited the Chemical Laboratory on Tuesday, March 9th, 1909, and were received by Professors Jackson, Sanger, Richards, Torrey, and Baxter, and Dr. Henderson. At the opening of the meeting an expression of deep regret at the recent death of Dr. Wolcott Gibbs, Professor Emeritus and distinguished chemist, was recorded. After the reading of reports on the present condition of the building, and some discussion, the Committee were shown over the laboratories. The condition of the laboratories in Boylston Hall has been so fully set forth in previous reports that it seems now hardly worth while to repeat in full the criticisms as to their condi- tion, which have been so repeatedly made. It may be, how- ever, of advantage on this occasion to refer to one or two points of pressing importance. The needs of those desiring to study chemistry at this University may be divided into two classes: first, the needs of the undergraduates, and, second, the needs of those conducting research. So far as the undergraduates may be concerned, the most pressing necessity at the present time is for the better accom- modation of students in qualitative analysis. The space as- signed to this work has been so inadequate that additional accommodations have been found for the students in the west wing and basement of Dane Hall. For those who are working in what is now termed Chemistry 1, there is such REPORT ON CHEMICAL LABORATORY 79 imperfect accommodation that about half of the students have been forced to carry on work in the unsanitary cel- lar, now called Room A. There is no space anywhere for laboratory instruction in elementary organic or in technical chemistry. Turning now to the needs for research : For organic research the accommodation is fair, but not ample or comfortable. For inorganic and physico-chemical research the facilities are very bad, and for technical research there are no facilities at all, nor is agricultural, sanitary, or biological chemistry at all provided for in Cambridge. In precise investigation of atomic weights, Harvard prob- ably leads the world. Such work demands well-ventilated rooms, free from dust and noxious vapors of all kinds, for these may ruin the purity of the substance to which months of care have been devoted. Researches in physical chemistry need rooms of constant temperature, free from vibrations and changes in electrical field. This work is now so badly provided for that it is greatly hampered. The lecture-rooms, which for the most part were designed at the time of the first occupancy of Boylston Hall in 1857, are now not only inadequate for the number of students to be accommodated, but are lacking in ventilation, and are too few for the proper preparation of experimental lectures. One of the most important needs at the present time is a better provision for the administration of laboratory and storeroom, a very important feature in the economical carrying on of a well-conducted laboratory. When the present building was built, there were about one hundred students in the required lecture and recitation course, but few laboratory students. The number of the latter stead- ily increased from time to time, and the other departments of the University which also found room in Boylston Hall 80 MORRIS LOEB were gradually crowded out, until in 1900 every nook and corner in the building which could be utilized had been ex- hausted. The consequence was that when over six hundred men applied for desks that year there was a waiting list of forty men. This continued for several years, and the Univer- sity was in the position of not being able to make good its announcements concerning chemistry. With this overcrowd- ing, a steady deterioration has taken place in the equipment of the building, and the result is that many men are now de- terred from taking the elementary course in chemistry on account of the known conditions of the laboratory. It is also probable that many students do not go on with advanced work on account of the unfavorable conditions under which they have to work. It has been suggested that the present building should be entirely refitted internally, but its arrangement at the present time is so entirely unadapted to alterations of any kind that it would be necessary to tear out the whole interior of the build- ing, and even then it is not probable that a satisfactory ar- rangement of a new set of laboratories and lecture-rooms on a modern basis could be planned within its four walls, as careful measurements of Boylston Hall show that the avail- able space within the walls would not be adequate for the needs of the department if the building were to be remodeled. A further use of Dane Hall, aside from the obvious inconven- ience of two separated buildings, would not give sufficient room for expansion. In short, any remodeling or enlarging of present quarters would be but a makeshift. For this reason it was borne home strongly to the members of the Committee as it has been for a long time to the members of the teaching staff, that these needs can be met in an adequate way only by the construction of a number of new buildings, the separate buildings being devoted to different branches of REPORT ON CHEMICAL LABORATORY 81 chemistry, and placed not far apart, to be connected with each other by a central Administration Building. The latter might contain also the chief lecture-rooms, a chemical museum, as well as a library, and other facilities to be used in common by all; separate buildings, as has been stated, to be devoted to the different branches of chemistry. One could be devoted to organic and industrial chemistry; a second to inorganic chemistry; a third to physical chemistry, and a fourth to quantitative and qualitative analysis. Portions of one or more of these buildings could be set aside as research laboratories, of their respective kinds. In this way provision would advan- tageously be made for the adequate separation of work in- jurious to other parts, either because of noise, vibration, or noxious gases; on the other hand, connection with the cen- tral Administration Building would promote unity of interest. Preliminary sketches of several ways in which these build- ings might be arranged were shown to the Committee. Such a scheme of a group of buildings devoted to chemistry would necessarily demand considerable space of ground, but the Committee understand that land for this purpose is available in Cambridge in a situation which would not only be well adapted to the purposes of the buildings erected upon it, but would enable them to become an ornamental addition to the various groups of buildings now in the University grounds. Such a proposed radical departure of the administration of the Department of Chemistry would undoubtedly involve a large expenditure, but when we consider the importance of the subject and the character of the teachers and investiga- tors who are interested in this department of science, we do not hesitate to recommend most urgently that steps be taken in order that a beginning may be made to work out an entirely new foundation for this department. With the immense development of the various departments 82 MORRIS LOEB of science which has taken place since the chemical depart- ment was first established on its present basis, attention has been so acutely drawn to other fields of labor that the public has failed to grasp the important rdle which has been played by pure chemistry in almost all of the departments of indus- try and science which have contributed toward the advance- ment of the material prosperity of mankind. It seems proper, therefore, to call attention at this time to the r61e which chemistry has played in this great awakening of science in its application to humanity. In the first place, in this age of steel, much depends upon the chemical manufacture of the various kinds of hardened iron. As iron does not occur in commercial quantities in a native state, the preparation of all the enormous quantity which is used depends entirely upon making a sufficiently pure product by a method which avoids unnecessary waste. Both the elaboration of the method and the determination of the purity of the material can be accomplished only by trained chemists; moreover, the protection of the finished product from the chemical change of rusting lies also in the same hands. When one takes into consideration the fact that steel serves not only a chief role in the construction of ships, bridges, and buildings, but also is concerned in the manufacture of almost every article which we use, because of the need of steel tools of suitable quality, one can see how great an in- direct part chemistry plays in every act of our life. Indeed, all the building materials of the future, such as the composi- tion of concrete, and the manufacture of glass and of pottery, present at the present time chemical problems of enormous interest. Another great industry, the soda industry, is, of course, wholly chemical, and so is the soap industry, which depends upon it. Before chemists had shown the world how alkalies REPORT ON CHEMICAL LABORATORY 83 could be made on a large scale, these all important sub- stances were to be obtained only from the ashes of wood and of seaweed. The consequence was that both soap and glass were very expensive, and the result to the growth of civilization was lamentable. The cleanliness, and therefore the health, of the world is due to Leblanc, and since then to Solvay, two chemists who have made soap cheap enough to replace the mediaeval perfumes which were made to conceal the dirt. The two great departments of applied biological chemis- try are medicine and agriculture, and it is only now that sys- tematic and hopeful attempts are being made to apply chemi- cal knowledge broadly in these fields. Already there can be no doubt that progress in this direction in the next few decades will be enormous. It has been arrested during the last five or six decades because pure chemistry, after develop- ing for years in connection with medicine and agriculture, found itself at a point where it had to turn to a systematic development of its whole field. Now, however, this develop- ment has gone on so far that much can be done with our pres- ent knowledge of organic chemistry and physical chemistry, and much more will be possible in the future if this develop- ment of pure chemistry goes on with the same acceleration as in the past. For the welfare of the human race, it is essential that this acceleration should continue, and there is no loftier public service than advancing these activities. The advantageous results of dealing scientifically with such subjects are to be found everywhere in health and comfort, in relative freedom from pain, in increased immunity to disease, so far as medi- cine is concerned; in greatly lessened labor and enormously increased efficiency of labor, resulting in wonderful increase of productivity, and general economic amelioration for scien- tific agriculture. 84 MORRIS LOEB In the industries in which fermentation is a problem to be dealt with, individual chemical research plays an important role, and it was while pursuing such investigations that Pas- teur discovered the great r61e of bacteria, revolutionizing at the same time the whole domain of another department of science, medicine. In agriculture we find a striking example of the value of pure science, for here it was that the investigations and ex- periments of Liebig clarified and simplified the subject. The fertility of the earth depends upon the chemical man- ures, and it is calculated that in thirty years the present source of nitrogen (Chile saltpetre) will be exhausted. The loss of nitrogen in combustion, and otherwise in civilization, is a permanent one. Chemical means exist for getting it back from the air. With power from electricity producing a high temperature, we can get nitric acid from the air, so that the danger of giving up intensive agriculture from lack of nitrog- enous manure has been averted by chemistry. The chief product of farming is starch, which forms the bulk of all edible vegetables, for that is the chief food of man, and in a larger degree it is the chief food of the herb- ivorous domestic animals. The amount of starch which is consumed as food by man and the domestic animals in the United States alone cannot be far below fifty million tons per year. In addition to this enormous use of the sub- stance, great quantities of it are being converted into glu- cose and into alcohol, and the use of starch for these purposes as our scientific technology develops in this di- rection, promises to be far greater than at present. We may, indeed, expect that glucose will largely replace cane sugar, and we are now assured from our present improved devices that alcohol may be, at need, substituted for coal and the products of petroleum in the production of heat and REPORT ON CHEMICAL LABORATORY 85 power. The technology, then, of an inconspicuous substance, if we may use the term, such as starch, becomes at once one of the greatest problems in the whole field of economics, the proper treatment of which depends upon the past achieve- ments in the field of pure chemistry and progress to come in that field. The development of paper from wood pulp is now a source of great danger to our forests. The question of getting pulp from straw and cornstalks for this purpose becomes, therefore, an important one, in the solution of which the prosperity of the country is intimately involved. The improvements of our textile fabrics, such as the manu- facture of artificial silk, have great possibilities for advance- ment. All the new processes for reproducing photographic pic- tures are largely chemical problems, as are also coinage, chemical assaying, and the whole domain of metallurgy. Coming now to the medical side of the question, we see at once that the science of nutrition and the value of every dif- ferent kind of food in the maintenance of health, and its adaptation to disease, are all chemical problems, which are becoming topics of increasing interest to those who are assist- ing actively in the advance of practical medicine. The actual control of the food supply is largely chemical, and the pure food laws can be enforced only through chemistry. Of the many applications of chemistry to medicine, the problem of immunity in its broadest sense is perhaps one of the most important, and then we have also the problem re- garding those diseases which are in the largest sense sys- temic, like diabetes, gout, and some of the atrophies, and even senility itself. It is possible even that the question of the origin of cancer, one of the few diseases which has thus far baffled research, and which so far as we know is probably not 86 MORRIS LOEB of microbic origin, may turn out eventually to be a purely chemical problem. The whole domain of hygiene and preventive or state medicine is a field of investigation which only those well trained in chemical research can deal with intelligently. A chemical training is, therefore, an essential part of the educa- tion of the health officer, who plays so increasingly important a r61e in the economy of our modern civilization. It is hardly necessary to maintain at length here the boon to humanity which such chemical substances as ether, chloro- form, and cocaine have been, and the important role which many of the coal tar products have played in pharma- cology. The law against arsenic in wall-papers was the result of a movement which was started from the University Labora- tory, being put on a scientific basis by Professor Sanger's proof that arsenical wall-papers were injurious, by analyses of the urine of patients. The debt which surgery owes to this University for the part it played in the introduction of ether as an anesthetic in surgical operations should not be forgotten. The structure of many physiologically active substances has now been made out, and by making allied substances with similar structure, by an experimental transposition of molecules in the hands of trained workers, many new and equally valuable drugs may be obtained. This scientific search for medicine, which is still in its infancy, is sure of bringing great results in the future. Finally, from a purely business point of view, the encourage- ment of chemical research is of the highest importance. As competition increases, the successful man will more and more be the one who lets nothing go to waste, but adopts the most efficient processes and devises new ones still more efficient; REPORT ON CHEMICAL LABORATORY 87 who works up his by-products into some useful, and, there- fore, valuable substances, who economizes energy, whether k this energy comes from coal or water power, or human labor. The field is too large and chemical laws too complex to have the results come accidentally. They can be accomplished only by a systematic investigation of the whole field of chemistry. Only upon the study of pure chemistry and the laws which underlie it, can be built the practice of chemical technology, just as our whole modern technique of electricity was built upon the purely scientific experiments of Faraday, or the modern system of wireless telegraphy was built upon the cal- culations of Clerk Maxwell, and the scientific experiments of Hertz. An improvement of a chemical process which betters the yield by five per cent may mean $10,000,000 a year to a single large corporation in a time not far distant, if not even to-day. 1 Colossal fortunes have already been made in this way. It is slowly creeping into the minds of business men and manufacturers, that a trained chemist can improve an output or effect economies, and that something more than a mere analyst is necessary in a manufacturing concern. But how many persons understand that chemistry is essential in most plans for the social uplifting of the people? In Europe it is a truism that well-endowed and active laboratories of pure chemistry are a source of wealth to the community, and nothing is more striking than the close co- operation between the German chemical professors and the "works-chemists" of the great German chemical industries. This cooperation it is which has put the German chemical industry at the head, with no other country a respectable second. England is fast losing her supremacy in manufac- turing where chemistry plays a part, and the success of the 1 The gross income of the Steel Corporation in 1907 was $757,000,000; its net income available for sinking funds, interest, dividends, etc., was $160,000,000. 88 MORRIS LOEB Germans and the backwardness of the English is to be at- tributed to the difference of the educational systems of the two countries, in the large supply of highly educated chemists in Germany, and the smaller supply and want of their employ- ment in England. In a very large degree, the commercial prosperity of the German Empire is dependent upon this supremacy. The German Emperor himself has said this, and it is generally believed in German universities. The Badische Anilin und Soda Fabrik employs more than one hundred men on pure research, and other corporations in proportion, not only for purely chemical work, but for the manufacture of iron and steel, and in other kinds of industry. There are two chemical plants in Germany, each as big as the General Electric Company's plant, whose works are so correlated that the waste products of one serve as the valu- able products for the other. From one to two hundred doc- tors of philosophy in chemistry are employed in some of these great establishments. The importance of chemistry on the continent of Europe is attested in a remarkable manner by the expenditures of the several governments for the equipment and mainte- nance of the chemical laboratories of their universities and schools of technology. In Berlin, for example, the cost of a laboratory built about twelve years ago for Fischer, was 1,316,000 marks, with 64,000 marks more for a connected dwelling-house for the director. There are in Berlin, in ad- dition to this laboratory, laboratories of inorganic chemistry and of physical chemistry for the university, and a fine large chemical laboratory for the technical school. All these labora- tories together probably cost a good deal more than 3,000,000 marks. Strassburg is a university with about one third as many teachers and students of chemistry as Harvard. The Strass- REPORT ON CHEMICAL LABORATORY 89 burg laboratory is devoted to organic and inorganic chemistry exclusively. To build it to-day in Cambridge would cost about $300,000. Allowing for difference in cost of construc- tion, either of these cases indicates that the Prussian govern- ment would, in a case like Harvard's, devote about $1,000,- 000 to the construction of chemical laboratories. Not less significant are the yearly budgets of some of the European universities. In Berlin the chemical laboratory above mentioned has from the government 80,000 marks a year for running expenses, the physico-chemical laboratory 20,000 marks. These sums are in no part derived from tui- tion fees, but are direct subsidies. Together with the similar appropriations for the other chemical laboratories of the uni- versity and the technical school they certainly exceed 150,000 marks yearly. 1 In Berlin the physical laboratory receives 33,000 marks a year. The university library has 121,000 marks, which is not more than three fourths the sum devoted to all the chemical laboratories of the university and the technical school, and only fifty per cent more than the sum devoted to one of them. In Leipsic the three chemical laboratories have 80,000 marks a year for running expenses, the physical laboratory only about 27,000 marks. In Strassburg the chemical laboratory has 34,000 marks a year, the physical laboratory 14,000 marks; the library, which serves both university and province (Alsace-Lorraine), has about 72,000 marks. If one assigns one half of this library budget to the university and one half to the province, it ap- pears that a chemical laboratory which is dealing with only two of the important divisions of chemistry and has but one 1 The Harvard laboratory has from the Corporation approximately $900 yearly for running expenses. Other sources of income are similar in the two countries. 90 MORRIS LOEB professor ordinarius, and but one professor extraordinarius, receives nearly as much money as the university library for running expenses. In Zurich the university chemical laboratory is voted f .24,800 a year. This sum is approximately equal to the total yearly appropriations for the laboratories of physics, bot- any, zoology, anatomy, physiology, and pathology together (f. 25,600). These facts indicate that a German or Swiss government would, in a case like Harvard's, devote about $25,000 a year to the maintenance of chemical laboratories. These data, together with the confirmatory facts, also indicate that in Germany and Switzerland the chemical laboratories are re- garded as of equal importance with the university library, about three times as important as physical laboratories, and as equalling in importance the institutes of six other sciences taken together. Speakers at meetings in America which have any bearing on chemistry intimate that we are beginning to profit by this lesson, and are using trained scientific knowledge in ever increasing proportion, and that the results can be already seen. The General Electric Company employs from twenty to twenty-five physicists and chemists, and the Eastman Kodak Company, which is highly successful, employs three or four research chemists. The Pennsylvania Railroad has a large staff of chemists assisting their research chemist in studying the qualities of steel. If we admit as a principle that the funds should be distrib- uted to each department of the University in due proportion, then we think that the claims of the Department of Chemistry should stand very high. Harvard has always been a leader in university education in this country, and it is still aiming REPORT ON CHEMICAL LABORATORY 91 strenuously to maintain that position. Is it not wise, there- fore, in planning the education of her students, to give due encouragement to the distinguished staff which is now labor- ing under exceeding difficulties to maintain a well-earned supremacy in this department? Is it not advisable that Harvard should recognize the new movement of industrial chemistry? Should she not be a leader in this line of research, and come thus in close touch with the wants of the people by showing them how to make produc- tion more effective? By following the policy already adopted by some of the state universities and giving instruction in agricultural chemistry, it is not too wild a dream to hope that the abandoned farms of New England may be blossoming like gardens in the next fifty years. Your Committee do not, therefore, hesitate to indorse the plan already outlined by this department. It is estimated that buildings of the character contemplated can be built for $500,000; a further sum of $500,000 would be needed for the proper endowment of such a plan. This is in itself doubtless a large sum, but small in comparison with amounts expended on many industrial projects. Although it may not be possible to carry out this scheme at once on the scale contemplated, the establishment of a re- search laboratory as a beginning would be of great benefit, if the project could be carried out on a consistent plan, which should be adopted at the outset. The estimates for such a laboratory have been made, and in round numbers would amount to about $50,000 for building and installa- tion. A further sum of $50,000 would be needed for en- dowment. The Committee would, therefore, urge strongly that an attempt be made at once to obtain $100,000 for this pur- pose, and thus make a beginning of the development of this 92 MORRIS LOEB department on a scale suited to its needs at the present time. 1 The last century has been a century of mechanical power, made available by the perfection of machinery and the development of electricity. The coming century promises to be a chemical century. Should Harvard, if all this be true, be content until it has obtained the best chemical laboratory in the world? J. COLLINS WARREN, CLIFFORD RICHARDSON, JAMES M. CRAFTS, MORRIS LOEB. March 27, 1909. 1 Within a month from the date of this report Professor Loeb and his brother James Loeb generously carried out the Committee's recommendation by offering $50,000 for the proposed building, provided that other friends of the University should subscribe an equal sum. The project is now completed, and the research laboratory, named the Wolcott Gibbs Memorial Laboratory through the suggestion of Dr. Loeb, is now in full operation. [Editor, April, 1913.] THE CONDITIONS AFFECTING CHEMISTRY IN NEW YORK 1 IN assuming the chair, I am confident that the coming year will be one of great progress in our section's history, not through any merit of its officers, but through the ever- increasing spirit of cooperation among the members, and the rapid strides which research and industry are making in this country. You will hear reports, this evening, of two im- portant general meetings of interest to our membership, that of our own society at Detroit and that of the Interna- tional Congress of Applied Chemistry at London. In both, members of this section bore a worthy share, and it is a grati- fying tribute to American progress in science and industry, that the International Congress chose America for its next meeting-place. It is not only the foreigner who lands at Ellis Island that deems America synonymous with New York, and the members of this section must be prepared to do their full duty, during the next three years, in order that our foreign brethren may carry back from their visit a crys- talline rather than a colloidal vision of chemistry in America. And so, gentlemen, I have preferred to devote the minutes which custom permits your chairman to employ in airing his personal views, to a survey of the conditions affecting chem- istry in New York, rather than to the presentation of some debatable scientific ideas, as I had originally intended. The choice of the more subjective topic is rendered more appro- priate by the fact that this meeting is to be followed by a 1 Address of the chairman of the New York Section of the American Chemical Society, delivered October 8, 1909. Reprinted from Science, N. S., 30, No. 776, pp. 664-8, November 12, 1909. 94 MORRIS LOEB session of The Chemists' Club, called for the purpose of settling a question vitally affecting the interests of New York chemists. Eighteen years ago, when the men who had carried the American Chemical Society through so many vicissitudes organized this section, in order that the general society might become a truly national one, I had the honor, rather than the duty, of being the first local secretary. The meetings were so poorly attended, the original papers so scarce, and the general business so unimportant, that no heavy work devolved upon its officers. We met in the chapel of the old university building, where Professor Hall and I had our primi- tive laboratories, out of which we carved, with some difficulty, shelf -room for the fragmentary society library. When we felt in need of a little variety, we sat in Professor Chandler's lecture-room in 49th Street and listened to the passing trains; or in East 23d Street, peered at the chairman ensconced behind batteries of Professor Doremus's bell-jars and air- pumps. An attendance of forty members, I believe, was a record-breaking event. I need hardly expatiate upon the wonderful changes that have been wrought since 1891. Our three colleges have moved far uptown, and the splendid Havemeyer laboratories of Columbia and New York University, and the beautiful new chemistry building on St. Nicholas Terrace, make us glad to miss the dingy and crowded places where chemistry was taught an academic generation ago. Our own section and kindred societies have been meeting in this hall of The Chem- ists' Club for the past ten seasons, and no one can estimate what share a fixed and commodious meeting-place has borne in the marvelous increase in membership and attendance. The other important factor is, of course, the growth of chem- ical industry in this vicinity. CHEMISTRY IN NEW YORK 95 While we can, therefore, congratulate ourselves upon the great strides that have been made, during the past two dec- ades, it behooves us to inquire whether there are not still some drawbacks to our progress, not by way of carping criti- cism, but for the purpose of seeking such effective remedies that future progress may be made absolutely certain. For obvious reasons, we need not ask whether the internal conditions in the chemical factories are satisfactory; since there the managers must know that their success depends upon the scientific abilities of their chemists. It is doubtful whether the same can be said of the establishments which employ a chemist or two to apply specific tests; and it is cer- tain that there are still many factories which conduct, by rule of thumb, operations that should be continually con- trolled by scientific tests, if shameful waste is to be avoided. The American people are but slowly learning the importance of the educated banker and the expert accountant alongside the brilliant financier and the bold speculator; similarly, while they acclaim the clever inventor and the skillful engineer, they have yet to recognize the worth of that expert account- ant of material economy, the industrial chemist. Quite aside, therefore, from any wish for greater profits to our associates who are gaining their daily bread as commercial or analytical chemists, patriotic motives lead us to the earnest hope that closer watch upon the economy of production may bring about that conservation of natural resources of which the politicians prate, but for which the chemist works. How, then, can the status of the independent commercial chemist be raised in our city? By giving him a central rally-point; a home that proves to the layman that his is a skilled profes- sion, not a mere job-hunting trade; a place where the manu- facturer or merchant can find the man he wants without a rambling search through the city directory. Doubtless, some 96 MORRIS LOEB of our colleagues are so well known, that all the business comes to them which they can handle. But the many additional independent chemists, whom our commercial situation de- mands, can only establish themselves if they can secure proper laboratory facilities, without hiring attics in tumble-down rookeries. Every year scores of New Yorkers graduate in chemistry from our local institutions and return from years of protracted study in other American and European institutions. They are enthusiastic for research; in completing their theses they have laid aside definite ideas for subsequent experimentation; but they have no laboratory. While waiting to hear from the teachers' agency where they have registered, while carrying on desultory correspondence with manufacturers who may give them a chance, they do not venture upon expenditure of time and money to fit out a private laboratory, which they may be called upon to quit any minute upon the appearance of that desired appointment. Often necessity or tedium will cause them to accept temporary work of an entirely different character and indefinitely postpone the execution of the ex- periments which they had mapped out. Who will estimate the loss of scientific momentum, the economic and intellec- tual waste, which this lack of laboratory facilities for the graduate inflicts upon New York, as compared with Berlin, Vienna, Paris, and London? Either our universities and colleges, or private enterprise, should provide temporary desk-room for the independent research chemist. So much for the purely practical side of our question. How about the opportunities for presenting the results of investigation? We all appreciate the excellence of the three chemical journals published by our own society, as well as that of the Society of Chemical Industry, and we may say that these, together with the independently conducted peri- CHEMISTRY IN NEW YORK 97 odicals, enable everybody to obtain a hearing; but it does seem to me that the cost of subscribing to all of these journals is excessive, and that much unnecessary expense is incurred through duplication of administrative efforts, as well as through duplication of abstracts, etc. This, of course, is a problem with which we, as a local section, are not directly called upon to deal; nevertheless, it is proper to call the at- tention of those who are interested in the management of chemical societies in America to the fact that membership alone in the various chemical organizations of New York costs upwards of fifty dollars per year, and that it would be but fair to so arrange matters that the total cost would be re- duced by a sort of clubbing arrangement, proportionately to the number of societies to which a member belongs. It seems to me, however, that in one particular point we are at a distinct disadvantage as compared with the foreign chem- ists: the frequency of regular meetings at which papers can be presented for the purpose of securing priority of publica- tion. Would it not be possible for our various local sections, including the Chemical Section of the New York Academy of Sciences, to arrange the dates of their meetings conjointly in such a way that a meeting would occur once a week during nine months, and once a month during the summer, thus se- curing for the New York chemist the same opportunities for the early presentation of a scientific discovery that are pos- sessed by his brethren in European centres? There is, of course, another remedy which appeals to me, though I do not express it with any degree of urgency; namely, the consolida- tion of all local sections into a single organization which would affiliate its members automatically with all the national bodies now in existence, and would turn over the scientific material of its meetings to those journals for which it seemed most suited. As a matter of fact, glancing over the annual lists of 98 MORRIS LOEB our various local organizations, I find a remarkable inter- changeability of officers, and can hardly imagine that the interests of their memberships can be very far apart if the chairman of the New York Section of the American Chemical Society in one year is the next year expected to guide the for- tunes of the New York Section of the American Electro- chemical Society or of the Society of Chemical Industry. If this were done and we could then exert our influence upon the various general societies to avoid duplication of work, by issuing their chemical abstracts jointly, the strain on the purses as well as the shelves of American chemists would be greatly relieved. There is still another point, however, in which the Ameri- can chemist is at a great disadvantage as compared with the European: the ease of securing material for his research and of comparing his results with those of others. In Europe, especially in Germany, research is never seriously delayed by lack of a needed preparation, whereas none of our supply houses carry a full stock of chemicals. To obtain a single gram of some particular substance, needed for a few pre- liminary tests, frequently causes weeks of delay, as well as the disproportionate custom house and brokerage expenses involved in the importation of small quantities. Besides, owing to the better centralization of scientific laboratories in Europe, and the existence in each case of a fairly complete set of specimens accumulated in the researches of large num- bers of academic investigators, it is comparatively easy to obtain by correspondence research material or typical speci- mens for comparison. In this country, on the other hand, lab- oratories are scattered throughout the numerous colleges and universities, and there are no established rules by which specimens must be deposited with the laboratory. In smaller laboratories, especially, the chances of preservation after the CHEMISTRY IN NEW YORK 99 departure of the investigator are not very good. It would be, consequently, very much more difficult to obtain such speci- mens here. I would suggest, therefore, that a chemical mu- seum be established in New York, to perform for the Amer- ican chemists the functions that the Smithsonian Institution so admirably carries on for the benefit of American naturalists. This museum would not attempt to be a popular show-place, but would embody, in the first place, as complete a collec- tion as possible of chemically pure materials of the rarer kinds, so as to supplement, but not in any manner compete with, the stock of commercial supply-houses. Any scientific in- vestigator would be entitled to borrow or purchase mate- rial required for immediate experimentation, and all used articles would be replaced as quickly as possible. 1 In the second place, it would be the depository for speci- mens of new substances obtained in American research. Every chemist would be invited to send to the museum a small quantity of each substance newly prepared by him, not, indeed, as an evidence of the good faith of his investigation, but, rather, to enable future workers to obtain such material, either for comparison, or for further experimentation with the least possible delay. Many substances that are now car- ried away from universities by students who subsequently abandon chemical research, or which belong to the families of deceased chemists who do not know what to do with them, would thereby be rescued from oblivion, and might ultimately become of the greatest value for a special purpose. Thirdly, this museum would invite chemical manufacturers to send standard samples of their products, and thereby facili- tate the commercial relations between consumer and manu- facturer. To such a museum there could be attached a competent 1 A museum of this kind was provided for in Dr. Loeb's will. [EDITOR.] 100 MORRIS LOEB staff of workers for the preparation of samples not other- wise available. In the analysis of samples submitted as offi- cial standards, we should have the beginning of that Che- mische Reichsanstalt which is now the chief object to which German chemists are directing their attention. The past twenty years have seen the construction of in- numerable teaching laboratories in our vicinity. They have seen an undreamt-of development and growth of chemical industry, and, above all, they have seen the coming together of the scattered chemists into a large and powerful society. Now is the time when we should make every effort to direct these forces that we have marshaled toward the attainment of definite objects, and coordinate all our enterprises in those directions that will make for the improvement of the intel- lectual as well as the material conditions of our beloved city. SIR ISAAC NEWTON 1 WE celebrate so frequently the heroic deeds of warriors that it may be a welcome change to spend a short hour in the consideration of a great man whose renown depends entirely upon peaceful victories. Isaac Newton was a farmer's son, who lived a quiet life of eighty-five years almost entirely unaf- fected by the events of the world about him, but who left, nevertheless, monuments as important as those which com- memorate any victory on land or sea. He fought and con- quered ignorance and error; he established new laws of thought; he discovered for us new beauties in nature; and he opened before our eyes the harmonies of light that are as wonderful and as elevating as the harmonies of music. Un- selfish and regardless of worldly gain, he succeeded in add- ing untold wealth and comfort to our common store. Mathe- matics, astronomy, navigation and mechanics all owe a mighty debt to this quiet student; and in Westminster Abbey his monument is well placed among England's hereos of thought and action. Sir Isaac Newton's name means something to every one of us; but I doubt whether the majority of this audience would be able to indicate exactly his claims to fame, and you may be glad to have some of them pointed out. He was born at Woolsthorpe, in Lincolnshire, on Decem- ber 26, 1642, the year of Galileo's death. His father, Isaac, he never knew, and he was brought up by his mother, Han- nah Ayscough, and her brother. He was educated at Gran- 1 There is no clue on the manuscript as to where this lecture was delivered. It was evidently intended for a popular audience having little knowledge of science. Marginal notes show that it was illustrated by experiments and lantern slides. [EDITOR.] 102 MORRIS LOEB tham Grammar School, and in 1657 he returned to his mother's farm; but he cannot have been a very successful farmer, since he was described as a very dreamy boy, and al- ways prone to study. Four years afterwards, by his uncle's advice, he entered Trinity College, Cambridge, and very soon made his mark as a mathematician. It was just at this time that a great advance inaugurated by Descartes, the applica- tion of algebra to geometrical calculations, was arousing the interest of mathematicians. Stimulated by this, young New- ton developed a still grander advance by the discovery of the method of infinitesimals. His study at Trinity College was interrupted in 1665 by the appearance of the plague in Cambridge, and he took refuge at Woolsthorpe. A somewhat doubtful but well known legend reports that here, in the summer of 1666, while he was lying under an appletree and ruminating upon some mathe- matical question, a falling apple drew his attention to those phenomena which he later elucidated through his law of gravitation. In 1667 he returned to Cambridge as one of the governing board of his college, and two years later, at the age of twenty- six, he became Lucasian Professor of Mathematics, and lec- tured chiefly on optics, in which branch of physics he made some of his most remarkable discoveries. From that time on his life was a continuation of successes. In 1672 he was elected to the newly founded Royal Society, practically the oldest society for scientific research in the world, of which he became President in 1703. In 1687 he published his magnum opus, entitled " Philosophise Naturalis Principia Mathemat- ical He was elected to Parliament in 1689, and served for many years. In 1694 he was appointed Warden of the Mint, and in 1697 Master of the Mint; and since his time it has been the custom to entrust the British Mint to some master of SIR ISAAC NEWTON 103 physical science. As a result I believe that the London Mint has always been foremost in the application of scientific pro- cesses to the problem of securing permanent and stable coin for the realm. In 1705 Isaac Newton was knighted by Queen Anne, and in 1727, on March 20, laden with all the honors which his country could bestow upon him, he died peacefully, mourned by all, hated by none. He was buried with all honors in West- minster Abbey, and a fitting monument was erected over his grave. His character is said to have been of the kindliest, and all contemporaneous records speak of his amiability. A patient student, a keen observer of nature, and a brilliant inventor, he stands out through his work as one of the greatest scien- tific men of all time. His great services to mankind embraced discoveries in mathematics, astronomy, and physics. Perhaps his mathematical work ought to be considered the most im- portant, for it might be considered to be at the root of all our scientific knowledge, and yet I despair of explaining to you in what these mathematical discoveries consisted. Up to his time it was only possible to calculate with quantities that were not supposed to change during the calculations. He showed us how to work with quantities that varied. Before him it was necessary to imagine bodies to be at rest before their relations could be ascertained; he showed how to deal with moving bodies. His invention " Fluxions" (now called the " Differential Calculus") was for the mathematician what the Rontgen discovery is for the physician. The fact that Leibnitz almost at the same time independently made the same discovery, does not detract from Newton's merit. Having devised this great improvement in calculating he began to see clearly things that Copernicus, Kepler, and Galileo had vainly attempted to comprehend. Perhaps the 104 MORRIS LOEB earlier investigators had actually understood these things in part, but not clearly enough to explain them to others. For example, there were several ideas of Galileo's about mo- tion which Newton has made so clear to us that we now call them Newton's Laws, namely: First Law: If no force acts upon a body in motion it con- tinues to move uniformly in a straight line. Formerly men imagined that a body must be continuously pushed to keep it moving. Now we know that force is needed to stop it. Ordinarily the force applied is friction, but if a body moves with little friction over a smooth surface, as in skating, a single push causes it to travel a long distance. Second Law: If force acts on a body it produces a change of motion proportional to the force and in the same direction. Third Law: When a body exerts force upon another body it experiences an equivalent reaction from the latter. The results of these laws were long known, but the prin- ciple was not understood. When David killed Goliath, as we read in the Bible, he shot a little stone at him from a sling. He knew that if he swung the sling around, the pebble would be held back by the sling that only allowed it to go a certain distance from his hand, but as soon as it was released it did not fly in a circle, but in a straight line. Here we have New- ton's first law; and the sling represented the force which caused the pebble to apply the second law and change its direction. Again, the fact of gravitation was known long before New- ton studied it. Many an object must have fallen upon a philosopher's head before Newton was aroused by his mythical apple, and we have experiments by Galileo that showed a pretty clear notion of the law of gravitation as regards terres- trial objects. That all objects are attracted equally to the earth cannot be shown unless we remove obstructions from SIR ISAAC NEWTON 105 their path. The buoyancy of the air will affect light masses more than dense ones; if the air be removed all substances will fall to earth with equal rapidity. Newton's great step was the extension of the idea of gravitation to celestial objects; and he claimed that all masses attract each other at all times, but that distance influences the intensity of this attraction. By means of Newton's generalization astronomers have been able to calculate the mutual attraction of the various planets for each other and for the sun. The more closely celestial bodies approach one another, the more they affect each other's motions; with the help of Newton's law these irregu- larities in the orbits have been explained. The matter has been carried even further; from such perturbations of Saturn, Leverrier was able to predict the existence of the then un- known planet Neptune, and to tell owners of better tele- scopes than he possessed where to look for it. Again, Newton was the first to explain the tides, and to show how they were due to the action of the moon and the sun upon the ocean, although the larger body, the sun, is so much farther from the earth than is the moon that its attrac- tion is less apparent. The moon appears to revolve around the earth once in about twenty-four and one half hours, whereas the average interval between the successive appearances of the sun is twenty-four hours. The solar tide and lunar tide therefore pursue unequal rates. On the occasions when they come together we have the high or spring tides. When they oppose each other we have the low or neap tides. More practical still were Newton's discoveries in optics. Telescopes had been made by Galileo and others before him, but the lenses employed were imperfect owing to the difficulties in the manufacture of glass, and the light in pass- ing through them showed queer colorations. The images were blurred and surrounded by colored fringes. It is only 106 MORRIS LOEB in recent days that all these imperfections have been cor- rected, and we now have glass lenses of forty inches' diameter, as in the great Chicago telescope. But Newton invented a telescope which was quite independent of glasses, using the principle which you can discover for yourselves by looking into the bowl of an ordinary tablespoon. The reflecting telescope has been much used, and the highest point reached in its construction was Lord Rosse's instrument, which was fifty feet long, six feet in diameter, and possessed a mirror weighing six tons. Yet another practical device comes even more closely home to us. Navigators are indebted to Newton for the in- strument next in importance to the compass, the sextant. The chromatic errors of lenses led Newton to study the nature of light so profoundly that he not only avoided the errors of his predecessors but also profited by them. Allowing a beam of sunlight to pass through the round hole of a shutter and fall upon a prism, he found that it was broken up, and that in place of a single white dot it became a streak of various colors. From this he inferred that white light is not simple but consists of various rays that can be separated by a prism. He attempted to recompose the light out of the colors into which he had dissociated it, and found here again that he was suc- cessful. From this discovery of Newton's there have been distinct advances in later times. It is found better to re- place the round hole in the shutter by a slit. We then find that white light is decomposed to give a band of purer colors than that obtained through a round opening. It is called a spectrum, and is well known to most of you. This band can be shown to be made of little images of the slit placed side by side. Afterwards Fraunhofer showed that if the slit was made narrow enough, a large number of fine lines appeared across the spectrum. And later still, Bunsen and SIR ISAAC NEWTON 107 Kirchhoff showed, first, that each chemical element emits certain rays having fixed places in the spectrum, and sec- ondly, that many elements emit rays that coincide in their position with the lines discovered by Fraunhofer in the solar spectrum. From these coincidences we are enabled to assert positive knowledge as to the chemical constitution of the sun and other heavenly bodies far beyond the reach of any other known method of analysis. Thus Newton seems by his magic touch to have opened doors to mysterious chambers in nature's mansion, some destined to become workshops for man's practical needs, some treasuries of his mental wealth. Well did he deserve the eulogy of the poet Pope: " Nature and nature's laws lay hid in night, God said, ' Let Newton be,' and all was light!" OLIVER WOLCOTT GIBBS 1 WHEN Oliver Wolcott Gibbs died, on December 9th, 1908, American chemists were bereft of one of their leaders, to whom they could look, with affectionate respect, as a pioneer in research, and the true example of the tireless seeker after truth, withal an earnest patriot and a noble gentleman. He was never at the head of a great university laboratory, and the last twenty-five years of his life were spent in retire- ment from all academic duties; no great body of students is left to mourn the loss of their former teacher. He wrote comparatively few papers of general interest and no books; he shrank instinctively from appearing in the public eye, and the idea of making even an informal after-dinner speech was hateful to him. His austere demeanor and dignified re- serve must have always prevented his gaining popularity with the masses, even if his tastes had not led him to prefer scholarly seclusion. To what, then, shall we ascribe the influence which he wielded in the world of chemistry, so that foreign as well as American institutions of learning delighted in showering honors upon him, and considered themselves fortunate if they could obtain his cooperation and advice ? Was it not because we all realized that this was a true High- Priest of knowledge, a guardian of the sanctuary, rather than an exploiter of its mysteries; one who could read without an accusing pang, that beautiful distich in which Schiller says of Science : " Einem ist sie die hohe, die himmlische Gottin, dem Andern Eine tiichtige Kuh, die ihn mit Butter versorgt." 1 Reprinted from Proceedings, Am. Chem. Soc. (1910), p. 69. OLIVER WOLCOTT GIBBS 109 Gibbs, a man of modest wants, was probably always pos- sessed of such means that he could restrict himself to the aca- demic side of his profession, and his family traditions and early training would hardly have fitted him for business. I remember conversations with him about the successful ca- reers of his friends, A. W. Hofmann and Joseph Wharton, which made it clear that he would not have attacked a tech- nical problem with any degree of confidence. Perhaps, there- fore, a knowledge of his own limitations may have assisted his natural predilections in determining the direction of his work toward pure, one may almost say abstruse, science. But his contemporaries saw a man seeking truth for truth's sake, and they put their trust in his disinterestedness, as well as in his scientific acumen and experimental skill. Justly conscious of his own worth, he was quick to recognize what was meritorious in the work of others, and to applaud, without reserve, the advances along lines quite foreign to his own point of view, while maintaining an almost pathetic veneration for his own great masters, between whom and the present generation he remained one of the last links. Cant, religious, moral or scientific, was abhorrent to him, and he could be cruelly caustic in his denunciation of what he deemed charla- tanry or insincerity. On the other hand, where he once placed his trust, he left it implicitly, and, when his advice and help were sought, in good faith, he gave of his best. In appearance, and in some respect manners, he resembled James Russell Lowell, to whom I believe he was distantly related. It would have taken considerable boldness to be flippant in his presence, and his students, at all periods of his life, seem to have stood in great awe of him. But he was dearly beloved by friends in and out of academic circles, and he seemed to have the power of impressing his own enthusiasm upon those with whom he collaborated for the public good, as well as for the 110 MORRIS LOEB advancement of science. The Union League and Century Clubs, of New York City, owe their foundation largely to his efforts, just as did the National Academy of Science in Wash- ington; his effectiveness as a member of theU. S. Sanitary Commission, during the Civil War, seemed to have exacted the lifelong respect of all his associates. While, therefore, it was an inestimable gain to the Law- rence Scientific School to secure this master of research, one cannot help wondering whether the narrowness which kept him out of his own alma mater, and forced him to leave the city of his birth, did not curtail some of his most useful powers. Furthermore, the policy which subsequent events have proved thoroughly mistaken, of reducing the Lawrence Scientific School in 1871 from its status as virtually a graduate faculty of natural and exact science, to a shadowy existence as an appendage of Harvard College, deprived Professor Gibbs of his teaching laboratory, and barred American students of chemistry from working under the direction of a guide who remained for another quarter of a century the master of in- organic research. In fact, during less than eight years of his entire career was he in a position to assign topics for independent research to students in his laboratory, and thus carry out those parallel tests which are the great resource of the modern university professor. Thus it is that the figure of Wolcott Gibbs, even though so recently faded from our eyes, towers in our memory like that of one of the early frontiersmen blazing out new paths in a primeval forest; like the heroes of James Fenimore Cooper, who seek the wilderness from love of nature, not from hatred of man, and who are solitary, not from a saturnine disposition, but from lack of followers willing to forsake easy harvest for the chances of a laborious chase. But to those who were his immediate contemporaries, OLIVER WOLCOTT GIBBS 111 Gibbs could not have appeared as a recluse. In the "Ameri- can Journal of Science," he was for twenty-two years the eloquent interpreter of the trend of chemistry to workers in other fields of science, and, similarly, the early volumes of the "Berichte der deutschen chemischen Gesellschaft" con- tain his concise but adequate reports of the achievements of American chemistry. His understanding and sympathy for other branches of exact sciences was great, and, in fact, thermodynamics and optics received much of his attention: he it was who first appreciated the work of his namesake, J. Willard Gibbs, and insisted on the award of the Rumford Medal for that treatise on "Equilibrium in Heterogeneous Systems," which became famous twenty years later, when Le Chatelier rediscovered it for the benefit of modern chem- ists. I could instance, from personal observation, other judgments rendered by him on scientific matters of less mo- ment, in which the clearness of his vision and the thoroughness of his examination proved that no accidental circumstances led him thus to anticipate the trend of physical thought. His contemporaries were stimulated both by the ideas which he freely placed at their disposal, and by the appreciative discrimination which he exercised toward their own scientific efforts. Born in New York City, on February 21, 1821, as the second son of Colonel George and of Laura Gibbs, he was named after his maternal grandfather, Oliver Wolcott, Secretary of the Treasury under Washington and Adams. His boyhood was chiefly spent on his father's farm at Newtown (near what is now Astoria), Long Island, and he was educated at the Columbia Grammar School and Columbia College, from which he received the degrees of A.B. in 1841 and A.M. in 1844. He also graduated in medicine from the College of Physicians and Surgeons in 1845, though he never practiced MORRIS LOEB as a physician. His taste for physics and chemistry developed early; he published one or two papers as an undergraduate, worked with Dr. Robert Hare in Philadelphia in 1842, and went abroad in 1845 to specialize in chemistry, under Ram- melsberg and Heinrich Rose in Berlin, and under Laurent, Dumas, and Regnault in Paris. Returning in 1848, he lec- tured at Delaware College and the College of Physicians and Surgeons, and was appointed Professor of Physics and Chem- istry at the Free Academy of New York City, now the Col- lege of the City of New York, but then practically of high school grade. Here he taught, chiefly by lectures and reci- tations, until 1863, when he was called to Harvard to fill the Rumford Professorship on the Application of Science to the Useful Arts, then recently vacated by Eben Horsford. Attached to this professorship was the Chemical Laboratory of the Lawrence Scientific School, but this was consolidated with the College Laboratory in 1871, under Professor J. P. Cooke, and Professor Gibbs thereafter limited himself to courses in Physical Chemistry, continuing his chemical in- vestigations with the aid of paid assistants. In 1887, he was made Professor Emeritus, and retired to Newport, Rhode Island, where he had always spent his sum- mers on property long in the possession of his family. Here he built a small laboratory, overlooking the beach, in which he continued to work for another decade, until his waning strength warned him to desist. He had lost his dearly loved wife, Josephine Mauran, shortly before his retirement from Cambridge, and he lived very quietly at Newport, attended by a devoted niece, interesting himself chiefly in horticulture as a pastime. He had little taste for the fine arts, but was passionately fond of nature and a friend of all living things. I vividly remember his indignation, one day, when, in the course of a walk, we came across a contractor who was pre- OLIVER WOLCOTT GIBBS 113 paring to lop off from a beautiful old tree a great branch that extended into a street through which he wished to move the villa of a summer resident. When the man refused to listen to remonstrances, I was left to guard the tree, while the Doc- tor set off to find a policeman and finally routed out the Mayor of Newport, with the result that the house had a quarter mile more to travel and the tree was saved. I have already stated that Gibbs's opportunity to teach advanced chemistry to students was limited to eight years: Professor F. W. Clarke has given an authoritative account of his teaching at this period, in his beautiful lecture before the Chemical Society of London. 1 My own experience came later, when I fortunately joined the very small class which attended the course in Chemical Physics to which he confined himself after 1871. The formal part of the lesson was fre- quently dismissed in a few minutes, in which he handed out his full lecture notes, to be copied at home: the remainder of the hour was devoted to experimentation or to purely in- formal discussion of problems arising out of the general topic. I do not think that the subject was ever treated exhaustively, but we all felt enriched and stimulated when the hour was over. Unfortunately, the course was not correlated to any other work in the University, and I doubt whether, at any one time, more than a dozen undergraduates knew Professor Gibbs by sight. Privileged, half a dozen years later, to assist him at his pri- vate research laboratory, in Newport, I was able to observe more closely his methods of thought and work. He belonged emphatically to what might be termed the Berzelius type of chemist, basing his views upon an intimate knowledge of the reactions of a selected number of elements, and preferring direct deduction from qualitative or quantitative evidence 1 Journ. Chem. Soc. Trans. 95, 1299 (1909). 114 MORRIS LOEB to the experimental substantiation of a hypothesis reached by inductive speculation. His synthetic researches were chiefly carried out in test tubes, without overexact measurements of reacting quantities, of temperature or other conditions. The elaborate search for an optimum production of a given compound, so familiar in recent inorganic work, did not ap- peal to him, and he frequently emphasized his desire to point out the directions in which complex compounds should be sought, leaving their careful study to others. Working with the simplest apparatus, almost exclusively in aqueous solu- tions, he certainly produced an astonishing number of new compounds, whose correlations he was able to point out with considerable verisimilitude. Perhaps he missed a reaction here and there; but few of his critics have been able to state that they failed to find what he did, when they followed his directions closely. As an analyst, he enriched us with some elegant methods, which are not sufficiently emphasized in textbooks: the determination of manganese as pyrophos- phate; the use of mercuric oxide instead of a fixed alkali in precipitating various acids with mercuric nitrate; improve- ments in the estimation of bases as sulphates and oxalates; the detection of cerium by means of bismuth tetroxide or lead peroxide; the use of luteocobalt salts to characterize various acids. The determination of metals by electrolysis, the operation of difficult fusions downward instead of upward, the use of a comparison tube in eudiometric measurements, were all methods first published by him, and many methods developed by others were due to his suggestions. In physics, he early remedied defects in some types of galvanic cell, now obsolete, and he devised improvements of considerable value in the prism spectroscope. A curious departure from his customary work was his reversion, late in life, to physiological chemistry, when he OLIVER WOLCOTT GIBBS 115 undertook in 1889 with H. A. Hare and later with E. T. Reichert the systematic study of the action of definitely re- lated organic compounds upon animals. His ideal was the establishment of principles whereby the physiological effect of drugs might be enhanced or modified step by step, so as to produce gradations of physiological effect comparable to the shading of the spectral colors. The experimental work was done by his associates, and did not progress far enough to lead to definite conclusions upon this idea. The name of Gibbs will, however, be chiefly associated with his three great researches on the cobalt-ammines, the platinum metals and the complex acids. The oxidation of cobalt in ammoniacal solutions had been observed by Gmelin as early as 1822; but F. A. Genth first produced well-defined salts of an ammonia-cobalt base in 1847, publishing his results in 1851, in which latter year papers were published in France by Claudet and by Fremy, who defined four distinct series. Gibbs discovered xanthocobalt in 1852, and thereupon asso- ciated himself with Professor Genth, then at the University of Pennsylvania, in a thoroughly systematic study, to which Gibbs seems to have contributed the greater portion of the experimental detail. The results were published by the Smithsonian Institution in December, 1856; but the second series of the work was presented by Gibbs alone to the Ameri- can Academy of Arts and Sciences in 1874 and 1875. These papers are noteworthy for the thoroughness with which each of the many series was studied, analytically as well as synthetically; he not only showed that the same type of cobalt-ammine could persist through various combinations with different acids, but also proved that certain acid groups, like NO2, must be frequently considered an integral part of the base, and that this was notably true of the water, con- sidered by others mere crystal- water, which distinguished the 116 MORRIS LOEB composition of the roseo- from the purpureo-cobalts. His re- searches were the natural foundation of Werner's theory, which has gained general recognition during the past fifteen years. Analogy to cobalt-ammines appeared to exist in a com- pound obtained by Fremy in 1844, by the action of ammoni- um chloride upon potassium osmiate, and Gibbs proved this, in a brief note published with Genth in 1857, by showing that chlorine could be replaced by other negative radicals without altering the Os : NHs ratio. In his final paper, in 1881, he named these compounds the osmyl-tetrammine series. But he was deflected from the continued study of the ammines of the platinum group, which he had evidently pro- posed to himself in 1858, by the interest which the separa- tion and complete characterization of these metals them- selves had excited. Working chiefly with refractory California ores, he found it necessary to develop new methods of attack, and his work may well be placed by the side of that of Claus and St. Clair-Deville. Meanwhile, the platino-ammines were fully studied by other observers, and Gibbs rather devoted his attention to the behavior of the platinum group to acids. In 1877 he found that the oxides of these metals would unite with the tungstates, to form the salts of complex acids, analogous to the silico-tung- states of Marignac, and this was the starting-point for his great researches on the complex acids, which virtually mo- nopolized the remainder of his experimental activity. Begin- ning with attempts at systematizing the straggling data on silico-tungstates, phospho-tungstates, etc., recorded by other observers, through the preparation of parallel compounds, he was led to draw one element after another into the compli- cated molecules that gather around the tungstic or molybdic nucleus. With a large corps of assistants at his disposal, the OLIVER WOLCOTT GIBBS 117 work would have assumed gigantic dimensions; but, with a single assistant to carry out the most subtile quantitative sep- arations, his theories must, perforce, await mathematical con- firmation, and his cabinet must contain scores of unanalyzed compounds. I believe that he regarded the tungstic acids more or less as the inorganic analogues of hydrocarbons, with certain typical arrangements, into which other groups could enter by direct substitution, largely merging their own iden- tity. Probably, the majority of modern investigators ascribe a more important r61e to these elements of lesser atomic mass; but viewed from the standpoint which I have indicated, the work of Gibbs will show a remarkable consistency, just as his experimental data will, undoubtedly, be confirmed in all essentials by the work of his successors. And thus the American Chemical Society may well inscribe among its immortals the name of an honorary member, with the words of one of his favorite authors: "Wer es den Besten seiner Zeit hat gleich gethan Der hat gelebt fur alle Zeiten." THE CHEMISTS' CLUB, NEW YORK 1 THE Club occupies the lower portion of the new Chemists' Building, at 50-54 East 41st Street, completed in March, 1911. This building occupies a lot 56 feet by 100 feet, in the immediate vicinity of the Public Library and the Grand Central Station. It is owned by a stock company whose shareholders are chemists, manufacturers and companies em- ploying chemical processes, and it is to be conducted for the furtherance of chemical industry and research: in certain eventualities, The Chemists' Club can acquire ownership of the building. 2 The five uppermost stories not controlled by the Club are constructed for chemical laboratories. The Club's quarters may be described as follows: The ves- tibule opens into a large oak-paneled entrance-hall, one side of which serves as an office, the other as a lounging-room; a wide corridor leads thence to the main stairway and to the auditorium, which occupies the entire rear half of the lot. This auditorium seats 300 persons and has a lecture plat- form completely equipped for scientific demonstrations : it is decorated in classic style, and is a very lofty and well-pro- portioned room. The upper floors of the Club House are reached by a very beautiful stairway, quite independent of the public stairway and elevators. The first landing leads to the auditorium bal- cony and also to the lavatories. Then comes the first, or social, floor, the front half of which, a mahogany room 52 by 23 feet, is furnished for general social purposes; in the rear is the 1 Reprinted from the Year Book of the Club for 1910-11. 2 Dr. Loeb himself was the largest shareholder, and in his will left his holdings to the Chemists' Building Company for cancellation, thus very materially reducing the amount of stock to be acquired by the Club. [EDITOR.] THE CHEMISTS' BUILDING, 52 EAST FORTY-FIRST STREET, NEW YORK THE CHEMISTS' CLUB, NEW YORK 119 restaurant, with a roof -garden for summer use. The adja- cent spacious pantry is connected by dumb-waiters with the kitchen and supply-rooms that are situated in the basement. For Club banquets the entire floor-space is available. The second story is known as the Scientific Floor : it is exception- ally lofty, to accommodate a gallery in the Library, which has the same dimensions as the social room, immediately below, and whose shelves can hold upwards of 16,000 volumes, with additional space in reserve. This room is named Chand- ler Hall, after the first president of the Club, and it will prove an ideal work-room for the scientific student. The rear half of this floor is to be used as a scientific museum, according to a plan devised by a committee of the American Chemical Society, but not yet fully developed. Out of it there opens the board-room, which, in conformity to the character of the museum, has been designed in imitation of an alchemist's laboratory and adapted to the preservation of specimens of old chemical apparatus. A small photographic dark-room and storage for unbound pamphlets are likewise to be found on this floor. The fourth and fifth stories are residential, and provided with rooms for either transient or permanent occupancy. There are two suites, consisting of sitting-room, bedroom and bath-room, with a private corridor, and eighteen other bed- rooms, a number of which are provided with private bath- rooms. Each suite or room is named after a college or uni- versity, whose alumni have furnished it, and this serves to accentuate the academic spirit of the Club membership. The institutions thus commemorated are : Harvard, Yale, Prince- ton, Columbia, Pennsylvania, New York University, Massa- chusetts Institute of Technology, German Universities, Cornell, British Schools and Universities, Johns Hopkins, University of Virginia, University of Michigan, The College 120 MORRIS LOEB of the City of New York, Imperial University of Japan, Swiss Universities, Western Universities. All the floors are connected by telephone with the central switch-board on the entrance floor, and the same board serves the tenants of the laboratories in the upper stories. It is also interesting to note that the Club controls three small laboratories, named in memory of Wolcott Gibbs, Robert Bunsen and August W. v. Hofmann, which are equipped for the transient use of Club members. 1 Applica- tions for their use must be made at the Club office. 1 To these the Chemists' Club has added a fourth memorial, consisting of the two rooms which constituted Dr. Loeb's laboratory. This is known as the Morris Loeb Laboratory. [EDITOR.] THE CHEMISTS' BUILDING 1 THE opening of the new Chemists' Building in New York City is an event of national, rather than merely local signi- ficance, and the committee in charge has done its duty by seeking to express this fact in the programme of the opening exercises. The social comforts of The Chemists' Club are but an incident in the general scheme, and, in fact, the physical transfer of that organization from its present quarters to the splendid home now provided for it must, necessarily, await the completion of its furnishings, after the building itself was declared ready for occupancy. Hence, the Club's festivities were subordinated to the dedication ceremonies of the build- ing, when due emphasis could be laid upon the serious aims of the enterprise, and to the scientific meetings, under the auspices of the local sections of our Society, the American Electrochemical Society and the Society of Chemical Indus- try. It will not be the fault of the speakers at these meetings, if the general public fails to grasp the importance of chemis- try in our industrial development, and also as a branch of pure science. We ourselves, and, especially, those of us who do not dwell in New York itself, or its immediate vicinity, might well take this occasion to reflect upon the practical significance of this undertaking. Nobody can review the history of American progress dur- ing the past twenty-five years without recognizing how much more intimately chemistry is enmeshed in the general econo- mic and sociological texture than a quarter century ago. Then, the American student who went beyond the general chemical courses prescribed for all freshmen and sopho- 1 Editorial, reprinted from Journ. Ind. and Eng. Chem., 3, 205 (1911). MORRIS LOEB mores did so as a preparation for medicine or some other recognized profession, or with the definite purpose of entering an academic career. The possibility of establishing himself as an independent chemical analyst or expert was certainly never placed before the student; and the works-chemist, in the eyes of the industrial world, was held in the sort of regard which may be likened to Lincoln's estimate of the value of brigadier-generals, when he remarked, on hearing that a Confederate raider had cut out a baggage train and captured three generals, "I can make a brigadier any day, but mules cost money." Under such conditions, chemistry as a profes- sion could have slight standing, and the gregarious needs of its votaries were amply met by the annual " meetings " of Section C of the American Association for the Advance- ment of Science, and by occasional local gatherings. The reorganization of the American Chemical Society on a na- tional basis, in June, 1890, presaged the change which seems to have followed the World's Fair at Chicago. We need not inquire too closely whether the lean years following the finan- cial crisis of 1893 caused manufacturers to appreciate more fully the value of chemical control of their processes, or whether the exhibits of German and other foreign manufac- turers, coupled with the demonstration of the World's Chem- ical Congress, attracted the attention of the American public to the possibilities of the development of a true chemical industry. Whatever share these or other influences may have borne, the result may be strikingly shown in a circumstance connected with the opening ceremonies of the Chemists' Building. In the preface to Volume xn of the "Journal of the American Chemical Society," the editor estimated the number of chemists available for the newly-formed New York Section at two hundred; twenty-one years later, with dupli- cates eliminated, thirteen hundred invitations were sent out THE CHEMISTS' BUILDING to the enrolled members of the New York local sections of the three large chemical societies. Of course, in this phenomenal development of the chemical profession, America is merely catching up with European progress, not leading it. The enormous attendance at the recent Triennial Congress of Applied Chemistry was well calculated to astonish the non-chemical world; and if the ini- tiative taken at Chicago in 1893 toward convening these con- gresses is to our credit, the contrast between the two hundred and fifty men then in attendance and the chemists who will crowd New York in October, 1912, will convince America not only that progress has been made, but also that still greater advances must be accomplished here, to keep pace with chem- ical industry abroad. The American Chemical Society would not fulfil its duty toward its membership by holding occasional meetings and publishing the proceedings thereof; it must af- ford them a means for the prompt publication of their re- searches, as well as for their information upon the world's progress in pure as well as applied science; its journals must be the link which binds the isolated worker to his profession. But there are still other needs; the relations of the profes- sional chemist toward the industries must be established on a sounder basis; the elimination of wasteful methods of manu- facture through chemical control must be advocated more forcibly and pervasively; chemical industry must cooperate more closely toward the furthering of mutual interests, toward the establishment of more satisfactory manufacturing con- ditions, from the legal, as well as from the hygienic and eco- nomic aspect; aids must be devised for the furtherance of research, along'industrial as well as purely scientific lines. All of these ideas have been expressed atone time or another by the promoters of the American Chemical Society, and they were also in the minds of the founders of The Chemists' Club 124 MORRIS LOEB of New York, which for the past twelve years has maintained, at considerable pecuniary sacrifice on the part of its mem- bers, an organization in which the social features were in- finitesimal as compared with the furtherance of the above- named objects. The new Chemists' Building represents the concrete embodiment of these ideals, and the participants in the Eighth International Congress will find established in New York City the first building devoted to the furtherance of chemical science and industry by all those means which are not distinctly pedagogical. This is a somewhat bold assertion, but it will bear analysis. It is needless to descant upon the advantages to be derived from a well-equipped social club, which affords an attrac- tive gathering-point for the local chemist, as well as housing accommodations for the non-resident member. But it might be well to bear in mind that the industrial chemist usually visits New York for professional consultation, or for the dis- cussion of important business propositions; the technical library is an indispensable tool which he can now employ without quitting his shelter. Indeed, if a problem arises suddenly that requires experimental test, the laboratory in which to try it can be obtained with no more formality than that needed for engaging a bedroom. For quite a number of years, The Chemists' Club has made it an object to promote the interests of young chemists, as well as those of the manu- facturer, by maintaining a professional employment bureau, which was chiefly hampered by the lack of a permanent office. Could this not be established in the new Club-house in such a manner as greatly to facilitate the establishment of communication between the dispenser and seeker of employ- ment? The existence of a complete building, devoted solely to the interests of the chemists, will probably be the best demon- THE CHEMISTS' BUILDING 125 stration to the American public of the importance which this profession has now assumed from the technical standpoint. The consulting chemist, housed in laboratories for his own use, can well expect greater consideration than the man who is obliged to conduct his work in a ramshackle rookery, or, at best, in an out-of-the-way corner of a general commercial building. But, apart from any mere question of ostentation, the business man or manufacturer frequently fails to seek chemical advice, on questions of real importance, from igno- rance of the manner of setting about it and sheer indolence in ascertaining it. Many do not even seem to know that there is such a man as a consulting chemist. May not some eyes be opened and some extravagant waste of natural resources be avoided, by persistent efforts of the manager of this central home of chemistry, and the rule of thumb be replaced by the rule of scales? The American Chemical Society has gradually accumu- lated a library of considerable magnitude, which has been deposited of recent years with The Chemists' Club, which or- ganization has acquired, by gift and purchase, many vol- umes of its own. But the shelf -space has been so limited, that but few of the books were accessible and even then could only be consulted under unfavorable conditions. In the mag- nificent " Chandler Hall" the entire library will be available for consultation at all reasonable hours. It is also planned to establish a collection of duplicates, to be loaned freely to reputable chemists throughout the country. Here again, the provision of a suitable working-place will serve not merely the local interests, but, perhaps even more effectively, the scattered outposts of chemical endeavor. One of the chief disadvantages under which the American investigator labors is the difficulty of obtaining research ma- terial. The German or French experimenter can obtain, 126 MORRIS LOEB within twenty-four hours, a specimen of virtually every chem- ical substance that is in the market: the American depends upon the stock of two or three importers, which must neces- sarily be limited in regard to the rarer preparations, or he must import directly, with inevitable delays in transit and especially at the custom-house. The Chemical Museum is planned to obviate this, by keeping as complete a collection of substances as possible, in relatively small quantities, it is true, which will be loaned to investigators who require mate- rial for preliminary investigation. Such a preliminary test may go far towards determining the course of a research and deciding whether it is worth the chemist's while to procure larger quantities. But, the projectors also hope to induce the American chemists to deposit with the Museum samples of all new substances prepared in their researches, to serve a similar purpose as do type specimens in a museum of natural history as standards of comparison for future investigators. Here we should have the first chance of facilitating chemical research in America by cooperation, instead of by subsi- dizing individual investigations. It will take some time to perfect the plans; but if it can be accomplished, the student in a Rocky Mountain college will be within as easy reach of his materials as his fellow in a large city of the East. We have detailed some of the more striking advantages which the new building is expected to confer upon the chemi- cal profession as a whole, as well as upon its individual vo- taries; is it an exaggeration to characterize the constitution of the Chemists' Building Company itself as a new era in the chemical industry of our country? In scanning the list of shareholders, we find representatives of nearly every impor- tant concern, or even the larger companies themselves; but that this is not a "trust," in the sense so obnoxious to the yellow journalist, is demonstrated by the conditions of the THE CHEMISTS' BUILDING 127 partnership. No shareholder can receive more than 3 per cent dividends, and the surplus cannot, under any circum- stances, accrue to his benefit within the next fifty years. This association, therefore, is not for individual profit, but for the raising of the standards of chemical industry and re- search in the United States. If we recognize what the Verein zur Hebung der chemischen Industrie, founded by Hof mann and Werner Siemens, has done for Germany, we may well hope for further fruits of this initiative here. Perhaps this building will house joint laboratories for the solution of questions affecting all manufactures alike; or experimental stations for the study of natural products not yet utilized; or a cooperative bureau of standardization for analytical methods; or a national welfare bureau for employees in chem- ical factories. This building does not owe its erection to some benevolent demigod, extending his protecting wing over people unable to care for themselves; it is a building by the chemists, of the chemists, and for the chemists. May it ever serve as an exemplar of unselfish patriotic cooperation! ADDRESS AS PRESIDENT .OP, THE CHEMISTS' BUILDING COMPANY ON THE OCCASION OF THE OPENING OF THE CHEM- ISTS' BUILDING, MARCH 17, 1911 I RISE to welcome you on behalf of the directors and stock- holders of the Chemists' Building Company, and to thank you for the interest which your presence indicates in the formal opening of a building which we believe to be the first of its kind, not only in this country, but on earth. It is true that Berlin possesses in the Hofmann-Haus a home for the German Chemical Society and that London owes to the mu- nificence of the late Ludwig Mond its Davy-Faraday Labo- ratories for Chemical and Physical Research. But this new building in which you find yourselves is planned to serve under one roof the social, intellectual and practical needs of the chemical profession not of New York alone, but of our whole beloved country. The means for its construction have been furnished by men, many of whom can expect to share to but a slight degree in the benefits of The Chemists' Club, which occupies so much of its floor space. These shareholders see in it the in- carnation of some of the ideals that led them to the pursuit of chemistry, pure or applied, as their lifework. For, strange as it may seem to the layman, who has seen the ugliest blots on a landscape designated as chemical fac- tories, who has sniffed with disgust a chemical odor, has been urged to believe that the chemist's shadow contaminates pure foods, and has been taught in school that alchemy spelled fraud and sorcery, our science is one calculated to 1 Reprinted from Met. and Chem. Engineering, 9, 177 (1911). OPENING OF CHEMISTS' BUILDING 129 develop the ideal side of human nature, and the chemist, more perhaps than the votary of natural science or the de- votee of the so-called humanities, is led to an intense interest in human development. Our science aspires not only to know, but also to do. On the one hand, it leads us to delve into the secrets of nature, in the minute atom as well as in the far distant stars, in the living cell as well as in the crystallized relics of the convul- sions from which this earth was born; on the other, it leads us to apply this knowledge to the immediate needs of man, be it in safeguarding his health, in ministering to his material or esthetic wants, or in regulating his commerce and in facil- itating his utilization of the earth's resources. These many points of contact with nature and with human interest will be the theme of the eminent men whom I shall have the privi- lege of introducing this afternoon and will be illustrated at greater length in the scientific meetings which are to follow; it is enough that we recognize at this moment that this ver- satility of method and of purpose must necessarily enlarge the viewpoint of the chemist, and that we seek therein the mo- tives for the ready cooperation in the present enterprise. Our shareholders content themselves with a moderate re- turn for their money and have agreed that any surplus profits shall accrue to the benefit of chemical science. They hope that the facilities afforded within these walls will redound to the benefit of mankind and the prosperity of the country. May I emphasize the word "facilities"? There are two ways of aiding a man or a cause : by addition to the income or reduction of the expense. The pecuniary result to the bene- ficiary may be the same, but the moral one is far different; it is not only the beggar who is pauperized by the cash gift and uplifted by the aid which enables him to earn his own live- lihood. Arts and sciences may be stimulated by prizes and 130 MORRIS LOEB scholarships beyond a doubt, but the relation between donor and recipient is not free from restraint, and the probability of human error in the selection of the right incumbent makes the method a wasteful one at best. Far better is it to remove those obstacles which hamper all work equally and are felt more severely by those whose means are restricted and who have not yet earned the recognition of the world at large. The laboratory*student is encumbered by certain restrictions in America more than elsewhere. The higher price of commodities affects him in many ways besides the higher cost of living, rent of laboratory, installation of equipment, purchase of supplies, salary of assistant, acquisition of books. The advanced cost of labor militates against the construction of certain grades of apparatus and the prepara- tion of the rarer chemicals in this country; and a curiously unscientific tariff law, while pretending to lift the duty from articles required for educational purposes, practically forces the colleges to make their purchases abroad and prevents American dealers from carrying an adequate selection of im- ported material. It is no exaggeration to state that this duty-free importation clause, as interpreted by the United States Treasury Department, forces the American chemist to wait from two to three months before making an experiment for which he could obtain his material in two or three days if he were working abroad. To remove these disadvantages in time and cost, to provide easy access to books and apparatus, to make room for the independent scientific worker, are the ideals which hovered before the eyes of those who planned this present enterprise. Time will show whether they can all be realized, but what- ever is done in this beautiful building, which we are about to dedicate, must open free opportunities to all and show favor- itism toward none, if the trust imposed upon its management OPENING OF CHEMISTS' BUILDING 131 be administered in the spirit of those who have contributed toward its erection. A library of the highest scientific importance and a mu- seum of chemical substances will be available for every rep- utable chemist; laboratories for temporary as well as for per- manent use will be at the disposal of the earnest student; help and advice will be extended to the struggling beginner; good comradeship and hearty cooperation will characterize The Chemists' Club, and this auditorium, soon to be named after the first great chemist of American birth, will ever minister to his ideal of the application of science to the use- ful arts. THE COAIr-TAR COLORS 1 THE term "coal-tar colors" is applied to coloring matters artificially prepared from coal-tar, chiefly from the hydro- carbons extracted from it. The first observation of a colored compound of this class was made by Runge in 1834; but the real beginning of the great modern color industry dates from 1856, when W. H. Perkin obtained a violet dyestuff by oxidizing impure ani- line with chromic acid, took out a patent for it, and com- menced manufacturing it in England. Many other dyes were subsequently obtained from aniline and the substances related to it, by A. W. Hofmann, Griess, Girard, Lauth, and many others. But the most sensational step was the preparation by Graebe and Liebermann (1868) of a natural dyestuff viz., the coloring principle of madder-root from the anthra- cene of coal-tar. In 1880 indigo was first prepared, not from coal-tar products, but by a purely synthetic method, and other natural colors have since been prepared in a similar manner; so that natural dyestuffs reproduced by artificial means need not necessarily originate from coal-tar. The artificial indigo and alizarin are not mere substitutes for the natural indigo and madder; they are chemically identical with them, and surpass them in purity, and their adaptability to special methods in dyeing and printing often makes them even more desirable. But as the cost of manufacture is high, they com- pete with the natural products on about equal terms. The color industry was first developed in England and France, but the more thorough technical instruction at the 1 Reprinted from the New International Encyclopaedia (Dodd. Mead & Co., New York, 1912, 6, 74-77), by permission of the Publishers. THE COAL-TAR COLORS 133 German universities produced a body of skilled manufacturers and investigators who soon took the lead. At present, in addition to the great factories near Berlin, Frankfurt, Elber- feld, and Mannheim, and a host of smaller ones in various parts of Germany, German capital controls many of the establishments in France, Russia, and other countries. The United States possess few independent factories, and the list of their products is rather limited; indeed, American dyers ap- pear to call for a smaller range of dyestuffs than those of other countries. A peculiar development of the last fifteen years is the extension of the methods of the dye industry to the production of artificial drugs, such as antipyrin, antifebrin, etc., many of which are manufactured in the same establish- ments which control the dye patents. CLASSIFICATION. Artificial colors were formerly classified merely according to the sources from which they were ob- tained. Thus, many of them, including magenta, "aniline blue," "aniline green," "aniline yellow," etc., were grouped together as aniline colors. At present somewhat different systems of classification are used by different authors, but all systems are based exclusively on the chemical constitution of the dyes. Many attempts have been made to find a general answer to the question : What must be the chemical nature of a car- bon compound in order that it may be a dye? An all-embrac- ing answer to this question has not yet been found. But ex- perience has shown that the true dyestuffs exhibit peculiar groupings of the constituent atoms. Such "chromophore" groupings produce, however, only a tendency toward color, but not necessarily colors; indeed, many compounds con- taining them are perfectly colorless, and the majority of true dyes become colorless if deprived of the small amount of oxygen they contain, although their chromophore groups 134 MORRIS LOEB may not be in the least affected. If, however, a chromo- phore group is combined with certain other atomic groups, the result is a dye. For example, the so-called azo-group ( N=N ) is chromophoric; the compound called azoben- zene, CeH 6 N=N C 6 H 5 , although colored red and evidently containing the azo-group, is not a dye; but it becomes one when the so-called amido-group (NH 2 ) also is introduced into its molecule, the compound C 6 H 5 N=N C 6 H 4 NH 2 , called amido-azobenzene, being a true dye. If, instead of the amido- group, a hydroxyl group (OH) is introduced, the result is again a dye (an orange one). Further, the tints of dyes are produced by variation in the "substituting" groups which replace hydrogen in the primitive molecule. Thus, the in- troduction of the methyl group (CH 3 ) generally increases the violet tendency; the phenyl group (C 6 H 5 ) produces bluish tints; the naphthyl group (CioH 7 ) a tendency toward brown- red, etc. The relative position of the groups likewise plays a large part in the determination of color. But, as we have already observed, a definite and all-embracing rule does not exist. Frequently compounds must enter into combination with a base or an acid before they will fix themselves upon the fibre, and then the tints are frequently affected by the different bases or acids to a varying degree. For example, alizarin dyes red with the hydroxide of aluminum, and black with the hydroxide of iron. For the purposes of the present sketch, the coal-tar colors may be grouped in five classes: viz., the azo-colors; triphenyl- carbinol derivatives; quinone derivatives; diphenyl-amine derivatives; and indigo dyes. Azo-CoLORS. The characteristic compound of this class is azo-benzene, C6H5N=NCeH5, already mentioned above. We have seen that the introduction of either NH 2 or OH in place of a hydrogen atom produces a coloring matter yellow THE COAL-TAR COLORS 135 in the former, orange in the latter instance. Replacing either or both of the phenyl groups (C 6 H 5 ) by more complex hydro- carbon groups deepens the tone (with a tendency toward the redder tints), increases the affinity for fibres, and dimin- ishes the liability to fade. The earlier dyes of this class, such as "aniline yellow," "Bismarck brown," chrysoidin, etc., were singularly brilliant, but were not fast; whereas the browns and the many reds, ranging from scarlet to purple, which are now produced under the names of ponceaux or bordeaux, congos, quinoline red, etc., are exceedingly per- manent. In manufacturing this class of dyes, nitrous acid is allowed to act upon an ice-cold solution of the salt of any primary base (like aniline), and the "diazo-salt" formed is allowed to act on another base or a phenol; an endless variety of combinations is thus possible. TRIPHENYL-CARBINOL DERIVATIVES. These represent the first discoveries in the aniline dyes, and some of them are still produced on the largest possible scale. The fundamental compound of the class is triphenyl-carbinol (CeH^sCOH, and its derivatives are properly subdivided into rosanilines, rosolic acids, and phthalems. In the rosaniline group, two or three amido-groups (NH 2 ) are introduced in place of hydrogen atoms of the phenyls (C 6 H 5 ). The di-amido-compounds are green; the fri-amido- compounds are red, violet, or blue. Strictly speaking, the compounds thus obtained are not themselves dyes, but are bases which must first be combined with suitable acids, and thus brought into a soluble form. Their salts in the solid condition are beautifully crystalline bodies, showing colors quite different from those of the solutions, and having pecu- liar lustres like those of beetles' wings. The solutions have very intense colorations and stain animal fibres readily and permanently, although they do not fix themselves easily 136 MORRIS LOEB upon cotton or linen. They are the most brilliant and lively dyes, but are strongly affected by sunlight, and are conse- quently less useful than some dyes of other classes. They are generally manufactured by oxidizing processes at a com- paratively high temperature, whereby two or three simpler compounds are welded, as it were, into compounds of com- plex molecular structure. Thus, in the manufacture of the well-known magenta dye (a tri-amido-compound) approxi- mately equal quantities of aniline, ortho-toluidine, and para- toluidine are heated from 8 to 10 hours with arsenic oxide to 190 C., in large iron kettles. A very thick mass results, which can be extracted with hot water, and the compound thus obtained is found to be made up of molecular quantities of aniline, ortho-toluidine, and para-toluidine chemically combined. Rosolic acid and its derivatives are made by the condensa- tion of various phenols, three phenols being condensed into one compound of the rosolic acid group, just as the bases are condensed into one compound of the rosaniline group. The comparatively few dyes of this group give various shades of red. The hydroxyl groups, and hence the acid character of the phenols, remain unchanged in the products of conden- sation; the latter therefore combine with bases, and then they readily go into solution. The phthaleins differ from the rosolic acids in so far as one of the three phenyls of the triphenyl-carbinol is connected in them with a carboxyl group (COOH), the other two phenyls having one or more hydroxyls apiece, as in the rosolic acids. The phthaleins were discovered by Adolph von Baeyer, and are chiefly remarkable for the fluorescence of their alkali salts in solution. They are prepared by heating phenols with phthalic anhydride and a little sulphuric acid; when resorcin is taken as the phenol, a very well-known compound is obtained, THE COAL-TAR COLORS 137 which has been called fluorescein, while its sodium salt is known as uranin. Solutions of the latter are yellow by trans- mitted light, but bright green by reflected light. This fluo- rescence is so intense that it is distinctly noticeable in ex- tremely dilute solutions; so that this salt has been used to trace subterranean watercourses supposed to connect two neighboring bodies of water, the dye being thrown into one of these and fluorescence being subsequently noticed in the other. The potassium salt of a brominated fluorescei'n is eosin, C2oH 6 O5Br4K2, with a magnificent red and yellow fluo- rescence. These fluorescences disappear on the fibre, but eosin and analogous substances impart very brilliant flesh- tints to silk and wool. THE QUINONE DERIVATIVES. These contain the charac- teristic nucleus and are almost invariably colored, although they become suitable for dyes only when they also contain several hy- droxyl groups. By far the most important substance of this class is alizarin, which was already mentioned as identical with the active principle of madder. Anthracene, a coal- tar hydrocarbon, is converted into anthraquinone by heat- ing with potassium bichromate and sulphuric acid; the an- thraquinone is acted upon by fuming sulphuric acid, and 138 MORRIS LOEB the resulting compound is melted with caustic soda, yielding a sodium salt of alizarin. This is soluble in water with a fine red color, but does not fasten upon any kind of fibre. If, how- ever, cotton is previously impregnated with salts of alumi- num, iron, or chromium, the alizarin will form insoluble salts ("lakes") with these metals; and as the precipitation occurs within the pores of the fibre, subsequent washing cannot re- move it. Colors of this class of dyes are not suitable for silk and wool, but are very intense and permanent when properly applied to cotton. THE DIPHENYLAMINE DERIVATIVES. These include many varieties of dyes, such as the indulins, indophenols, thiazins, etc. Their chemistry is too involved to be disposed of in a few words. It may, however, be mentioned that their char- acteristic groups are similar to anthraquinone, excepting that the oxygen of the latter is replaced by sulphur, imido-groups, etc. The more important dyes of this class include methy- lene blue and aniline black. INDIGO DYES. By far the most important of these is indigo itself, a vegetable dye obtained from a tropical plant cul- tivated in India since the earliest times. The sap of this plant, when fermented under conditions excluding oxygen, yields indigo white, a soluble material having the formula Ci 6 Hi2N 2 O2; if the fermentation proceeds in the open air, in- digo blue, Ci6HioN 2 O 2 , is produced. This substance is a deriv- ative of the base called indol, C 8 H 7 N, which occurs ready- formed, in small quantities, in many animal and vegetable secretions. It can be prepared artificially from aniline and chloraldehyde. When indigo was found to consist of two indol molecules joined together and oxidized, the clue for the pro- duction of artificial indigo was at hand. It has since been found that any benzene derivative having a nitrogenous group and a two-carbon group in the "ortho" position may give rise THE COAL-TAR COLORS 139 to the formation of indigo. The first practical method, devised by Baeyer in 1880, involved the action of potassium hydroxide on ortho-nitropropiolic acid; but many other methods have been devised since then, such as the action of melted potas- sium hydroxide on bromacetanilid, the action of halogenated acetone on aniline, etc. Indigo is one of the most reliable dye- stuffs, both as to brilliancy and permanency, and there is little difference in these respects between the natural and artificial products. The finished compound can, however, only be used after reduction to the soluble indigo-white, and this makes its use in dyeing and printing somewhat cumber- some. In some of the methods for preparing artificial indigo, the fibre can be impregnated with one ingredient and the other applied either in the dye- vat or from the printing-rolls; con- sequently, indigo can be and is often directly prepared in the quantities and in the places in which it is needed. LIST OF COLORS. The following are some of the best known commercial coal-tar colors, their molecular formulas, and the principal methods employed in their manufacture. Aldehyde Green. See Aniline Green below. Aniline Black, C3oH 25 N 3 , made by the oxidation of aniline with mineral salts. Aniline Blue (triphenyl-rosaniline hydrochloride), CssHssNaCl, made by heating rosaniline, benzoic acid, and aniline, and subsequently adding hydrochloric acid. Aniline Brown, Bismarck Brown, or Phenylene Brown (triamidoazo- benzene), C^HisNs, made by the action of nitrous acid on metaphenylene- diamine. Aniline Green, or Aldehyde Green, 221127^820, made by the action of ordinary aldehyde on an acid solution of rosaniline sulphate and the sub- sequent addition of sodium hyposulphite. Aniline Orange. This name is applied to various compounds made by the action of amidosulphonic acids on phenols. The name is often applied to the so-called Victoria Orange, CrHeN^Os. Aniline Red. See Fuchsin below. Aniline Scarlet, Ci8Hi S N 2 O4SNa, made by the action of diazoxylene on naphthol-sulphonic acid. Aniline Violet. See Mauveih below. 140 MORRIS LOEB Aniline Yellow (hydrochloride), CizHjzNsCl, made by the action of nitrous acid on an excess of aniline. Alizarin, Ci 4 H 8 O 4 , made artificially by successive treatments of anthra- cene with chromic acid and fuming sulphuric acid, and melting the product with potassium hydroxide. Among the dyes allied to alizarin are: Alizarin Black, CioH 6 O4.NaHSO 3 ; Alizarin Blue, Ci 7 H 9 NO 4 ; Alizarin Orange, C 14 H 7 NO 6 ; and Alizarin Violet, or Gallein, C 2 oH 10 O 7 . Auramin (hydrochloride), CnH^NsOCl, made by the successive action of phosgene gas (carbon oxychloride) and ammonia upon dimethyl-aniline. Aurantia (ammonium salt of hexanitro-diphenylamine), C^HsNyO^. NH 4 , made by the action of nitric acid on methyl-diphenylamine. Aurin, CigH^Os, made by the action of oxalic and sulphuric acids on phenol. Benzaldehyde Green. See Malachite Green below. Benzidine Red. See Congo Red below. Benzopurpurins, dyes of various red shades. They are chemically al- lied to Congo Red (which see below), and are made by treating salts of toluidine (which is made from nitrotoluene, and is analogous to benzidine) with nitrous acid, and combining the resulting salts with a- and /2-naph- thylamine-sulphonic acids. Bismarck Brown. See Aniline Brown above. Blackley Blue. See Indulin below. Bordeaux. See Ponceaux below. Chryso'idin (hydrochloride), C^HisN^l, made by the action of diazo- benzene chloride on metaphenylene-diamine in aqueous solution. Congo Red, or Benzidine Red, C 3 2H22N6S2O 6 Na2, made by the action of nitrous acid and then of sodium naphthionate on benzidine hydro- chloride. Eosin, C2oH605Br 4 K 2 , or C2oHeO5Br 4 Na2, made by the action of bromine on fluorescem. Erythrosin, C 20 H 6 O5l 4 Na 2 , made by the action of iodine on fluorescem. Fluoresce'in, C2oHi 2 O5, made by the action of phthalic acid anhydride on resorcin. Fwcfo^Rosaniline Hydrochloride, Magenta or Aniline Red, C 2 oH 2 oN 3 Cl, made by the oxidation of toluidine and aniline in the presence of acids. Gallem. See Alizarin above. Helianthin. See Methyl Orange below. Indigo. See text of the article above. Indulin, or Blackley Blue, CisHisNs, made by heating aniline salts with amidoazobenzene. Magenta. See Fuchsin above. Malachite Green, Benzaldehyde Green, or Victoria Green, 3C23H 2 5N 2 C1. 2ZnCl 2 + H 2 0, made by the condensation of benzaldehyde with dimethyl- aniline, and the subsequent addition of hydrochloric acid and zinc chloride. Martius' Yellow, CioH 5 N 2 Q 5 SNa, made by the action of nitric acid on a-naphthol-monosulphonic acid. THE COAL-TAR COLORS 141 Mauvein (hydrochloride), or Aniline Violet, CarHgsNiCl, made by the action of chromic acid on aniline containing some toluidine. Methyl Orange, CwHiaNsSOsNa, made by the successive action of nitrous acid and methylaniline upon para-amidobenzene-sulphonic acid; it is the sodium salt of helianthin. Methyl Violet, C 2 4H 2 8N 3 C1, made by oxidizing dimethyl-aniline with metallic salts. Methylene Blue, CieHisNsSCl, made by heating amido-dimethylaniline with sulphide of iron. Naphthol Yellow, CioH 5 N 2 08SK, made by the action of nitric acid on a-naphthol-trisulphonic acid. Nigrosin, CigH^Ns, made by heating aniline salts with nitrobenzene. Night Blue, C 3 8H 34 N 3 O (the hydrochloride of this is the commercial dye), made by heating pararosaniline with aniline and benzoic acid. Pararosaniline (chloride), CigHigNsCl, made by oxidizing a mixture of para-toluidine and aniline with arsenic acid, or nitrobenzene. Phenylene Brown. See Aniline Brown above. Ponceaux, or Bordeaux. Various derivatives of azonaphthalene. "Ponceau 3R," Ci9Hi6N 2 O7S 2 Na2, is made by combining diazocymene hydrochloride with /2-naphthol-disulphonic acid. Primulin, CnHi^^ (?), made by the action of sulphuric acid on thiotoluidine. Resorcin Yellow, or Tropseolin O, C^HieNjjOsS, made by the action of diazobenzene-sulphonic acid on resorcin. Rhodamine (hydrochloride), C 2 8H 3 iN 2 3 Cl, made by the action of phosphorous trichloride on fluorescein, and treatment of the product with diethylamine. Roccellin, C 20 Hi 3 N 2 O 4 SNa, made by the action of /?-naphthol on the diazo-compound of naphthionic acid. Rosaniline. See Fuchsin above. Rose Bengale, C 2 oH 4 Cl2l 2 O 5 K 2 , made by the successive action of chlor- ine and iodine upon fluorescei'n. Rosolic Acid, C 20 Hi 6 O 3 , closely allied to aurin; neither aurin nor rosolic acid is specially valuable. Safranin, C 2 iH 2 iN 4 Cl, made by the oxidation of a mixture of tolulene- diamine and aniline or toluidine. Tropoeolin. This name is applied to various compounds made by the successive action of nitrous acid and phenols upon amidobenzene sul- phonic acids. See Resorcin Yellow above. Uranin, C 2 oGi O5Na 2 , the sodium salt of fluorescein (which also see above). Victoria Green. See Malachite Green above. Victoria Orange. See Aniline Orange above. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Schultz, Die Chemie des Steinkohlenteers (Brunswick, 1890); Villon, Traite pratique des matieres color antes artificielles (Paris, 1890) ; Cazeneuve, Repertoire analytique des matieres colorantes artificielles 142 MORRIS LOEB (Lyons, 1893) ; Schultz and Julius, Systematic Survey of the Organic Coloring Matters, translated by Green (New York, 1894) ; Hurst, Dictionary of the Coal-Tar Colors (London, 1896); Lefevre, Traiti des matieres color antes organiques artificelles (2 vols., Paris, 1896) ; Seyewetz and Sisley, Chimie des matieres colorantes artificielks (Paris, 1897); Benedikt, Chemistry of the Coal-Tar Colors, translated by Knecht (London, 1900) ; Nietzki, Chemistry of the Organic Dyestiiffs, translated by Collin and Richardson (London, 1892; newer German edition, Berlin, 1901). An annual devoted to the progress of the coal-tar industry has, since 1877, been published in Berlin by Friedlander, under the title, Fortschritte der Theerfarben-Industrie und verwandter Industriezweige. THE PERIODIC LAW 1 THE name "Periodic Law" is given to the generally ac- cepted embodiment of the relations existing between the various properties of the chemical elements, so far as they can be compared with one another. It may be stated as fol- lows : // the elements are arranged in the order of their atomic weights, each of their properties varies as a periodic function of the atomic weight. Ever since the work of Richter, Proust, and Dalton had established the idea of fixed numerical values attaching to the ingredients of compounds (an idea which was deduced by Dalton from the hypothetical existence of individual atoms, identical in size, mass and other properties for any one ele- ment), chemists sought to deduce a closer relationship be- tween the various elements from a comparison of the masses of their respective atoms. The first attempt was that made by Dr. Prout in 1815 to prove that all the atomic weights were even multiples of the atomic weight of hydrogen, and that the latter was the only primitive element, from which the others were derived by processes of condensation. It was soon found that very few elements possessed atomic weights that could be expressed by integers, when the atomic weight of hydrogen was set at unity, and Prout's law was gradu- ally modified to state that one half the atomic weight of hy- drogen, then that one-quarter, should be taken as the real standard. Refinements of investigation have since es- tablished the relative atomic weights to the second place of decimals, and it can now be asserted that the number 1 Reprinted from the New International Encyclopaedia (Dodd, Mead & Co., New York, 1912, 15, 593-597), by permission of the Publishers. 144 MORRIS LOEB of exact coincidences with Prout's law, as compared with that of deviations from it, is not much greater than what would be expected by the theory of chances. Prout's law, has, therefore, been practically abandoned. On the other hand, interesting relations were found to exist between the atomic weights of similar elements. Thus Doebereiner established, in 1829, his so-called triads, sets of three closely related elements whose atomic weights were approximately in arithmetical progression, as lithium (7), sodium (23), and potassium (39); calcium (40), strontium (88), and barium (136) ; sulphur (32), selenium (79), and tellurium (127) ; chlo- rine (35.5), bromine (80), and iodine (127); iron (56), nickel (57), and cobalt (58). These triads were later extended to include longer sets, and it was also pointed out that the con- stant differences were in many cases multiples of 16, the atomic weight of oxygen, whence it was assumed that the heav- ier elements of a group might be oxides of the lightest, thus reducing the number of primordial elements considerably. The idea of connecting all the atomic weights in a single progression wherein similar elements recurred at regular intervals seems to have first struck de Chaucourtois, and shortly afterwards Newlands; but the law in its complete form is due to Mendeleeff and Lothar Meyer, who reached the same conclusion independently in 1869. As Mendeleeff's exposition was by far the more convincing, he has been given the greatest share of the credit. A good idea of the fundamental principle can be obtained from the accompanying figure, in which the maximum va- lencies in the elements and their melting-points are shown to be periodically related to the atomic weights. The latter are laid off as abscissas, and the valencies and melting-points as ordinates, on perfectly arbitrary scales. It will be seen that the two curves connecting the respective points are un- THE PERIODIC LAW 145 dulatory, with well-defined maxima and minima, which occur at regular intervals. The curves for most of the other prop- erties which are capable of precise measurement are found to have a similar character; the maxima and minima, of course, do not always coincide with the same elements in one curve as in another, but the elements which occupy similar positions on one curve are also found to be similarly located on another. It is especially noticeable, moreover, that such curves indi- cate a relationship between the groups of elements, as well as between the individual elements of each single group. Thus the properties of the alkaline-earth metals are always found to be intermediate between those of the alkalies and those of the aluminum group. Breaks in the continuity of the curves indicate lack of sufficient experimental data. - t .... Centigrade 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 "180 190 200 21Q- ATOMIC WBIAHTS The arrangement of the elements, as shown in the accom- panying table (p. 148), is the one generally adopted at pre- sent, and includes all the well-known elements. An asterisk marks the elements discovered since 1869. Hydrogen occupies a unique position, and is generally omitted from the classifi- cation. Argon, helium, neon, and krypton cannot be properly included as yet, because their chemical behavior is still un- known. The vertical columns include the elements most closely associated with one another, and are known as Groups I, II, etc. ; horizontally, we have the Series 1,2,3, etc., in which the similarities are not great, excepting that a parallelism exists between the elements of one series as compared with those of another. The elements in odd-numbered series bear a closer resemblance to one another than they do to the 146 MORRIS LOEB elements of the intervening even-numbered series, and vice versa, so that it has been found expedient to make two divi- sions of each group, as will be seen in the table, the odd- numbered series being set upon one side, the even-numbered upon the other. In the eighth group occur triplets of closely analogous elements to be discussed below. Arrangements into fifteen or more individual groups, in place of the twin and triple groups here shown, have been suggested, but not gen- erally adopted. Mention should also be made of the fact that this table can be constructed by writing the elements in the order of their atomic weights along a screw-line of slight pitch upon the surface of a cylinder, and then, as it were, unrolling the cylinder. Various efforts have been made to connect all the atomic weights by a graphic equation, which would pro- vide for an arrangement on some other kind of a spiral curve, either on a plane or in space, but they have been only moder- ately successful. Before proceeding with a discussion of the details of the table, it may be well to inquire what significance can be at- tached to this periodic variability of properties as functions of the atomic weight. The many attempts to connect the atomic masses themselves in arithmetical relations would indicate a widespread opinion that the substances now called elements are really compounds of simpler substances, whose particles have a finite mass and represent individuals of dis- tinct chemical properties, so that the chemical elements in each of the periodic groups might be likened to one of the "homologous series" of organic compounds. This view really antedates the periodic law, but fails in large measure to ac- count for the resemblance existing between adjacent members of different groups. Many, especially Sir William Crookes, have held that the atoms are really fortuitous agglomerates of an indifferent primordial element, and that atoms of ap- THE PERIODIC LAW 147 proximately the same mass behave similarly because they vi- brate similarly, while atoms of greater mass might vibrate harmoniously with the smaller ones. It is difficult to explain, according to this hypothesis of the "genesis of the elements," why their number should be as limited as it is. But some facts are known, vaguely pointing to the idea that the atoms of elements within the same periodic group are capable of vibrating at harmonically related rates, and that the great majority of chemical and physical properties depend upon atomic vibrations. It may, however, be argued that just as violin-strings may be composed of different materials and yet vibrate together according to common laws, so may the elements be composed of as many individual materials and still exhibit a periodic recurrence of properties, if the latter depend upon the harmonic vibrations of the atoms. Until much additional proof has been brought, the periodic law, while furnishing a vague indication, cannot be taken as posi- tive evidence of the qualitative unity of matter. In the table it will be found that the first group contains the univalent elements, the second group those which are divalent, and so on up to the seventh, where the maximum valency is seven. The maximum valency of the elements of the eighth group may be set at eight, but their compounds rarely ex- hibit so high a valency, and in many other respects this eighth group is rather anomalous and is taken as a transition group between the seventh and the first. Thus the three elements, copper, silver, and gold belong, with respect to many of their properties, especially when uncombined, in the eighth group; but their valency is usually low, and many of their salts are so similar to those of sodium that it is often found expedient to place them in the first group, in the positions occupied in the table by their names inclosed in parentheses. The va- lencies refer especially to the stable oxides. Stable compounds 3 " nga 65. Vanadium 51.4 Columbi 93.7 Uranium 239.6 ndium' 44.1 !* 38 o Yttrium* 8.9 Erbium 166.3 Lithi 7. Rubidi 85.4 Is CO+2HC1. CO-NH 2 CO-NH X Wahrend Phosgen auf Harnstoff erst bei betrachtlicher Warme einwirkt, geschieht dies nach Will 2 bei den Thio- harnstoffen sofort, obwohl mit anderen Resultaten. Es deuten [26] dieselben sogar auf eine abweichende Konstitu- tion der geschwefelten Harnstoff e von den sauerstoffhaltigen. Verschiedene Umstande uberzeugten Will, dass die Reaktion beim Sulf ocarbanilid den Verlauf c< =s \ I >CO HC1| X nicht haben kann, sondern, dass das Endprodukt derart ist, dass man als einfache Erklarung folgende Gleichung anneh- men mochte C^NC 6 H 5 H+COC1 2 =C NC 6 H 6 +2 HC1 \SH \ \ Sulfocarbanilid V- CO Als vornehmster Grund diente das Verhalten der Sub- stanz beim Erhitzen C< +COS *NC 6 H 6 S CO 1 Basarow, Berichte, 6, 477 (1872). 2 W. Will, Berichte, 14, 1486 (1881). 204 MORRIS LOEB Ware die Formel symmetrisch, so miissten als Spaltungs- produkte erwartet werden =s>CO = C 6 H 5 NCS+C 6 H 5 NCO Man wird sich erinnern, dass auch andere Forscher zur Annahme derselben Formel fiir die Thioharnstoffe geleitet worden sind, wie Will. 1 Die Untersuchungen des Letzteren erstreckten sich nur auf die substituirten Korper dieser Gruppe. Indem ich versuchte, zur Vervollstandigung auch das einfache [27] Thiocarbamid zu ahnlicher Reaction zu bringen, fand ich, dass es selbst bei den hochsten Temperaturen die es ertragt, vom Phosgen nicht beeinflusst wird. Es existiren noch eine Anzahl amidahnliche Substanzen, in denen der Sauerstoff des Saureradikals durch eine Imid- gruppe ersetzt ist, die Amidine und Guanidine. Von diesen war bisher nur das Triphenylguanidin auf sein Verhalten mit Chlorkohlenoxyd gepriift worden. 2 Auf Veranlassung des Herrn Professors A. W. Hofmann habe ich mich bemiiht, auch aus Amidinen Phosgenderivate darzustellen, und werde ich im "Experimentellen Theil" iiber diese und andere da von herriihrende Versuche weitlaufiger reden. Meinen Bericht iiber die Phosgenderivate wiirde ich jedoch, bei der grossen Anzahl derselben die im vorausgehenden keine Ermahnung finden konnten, nicht fiir vollstandig erachten, ohne ein Ver- zeichniss der mir bekannten einschlagigen Litteratur. 1 So Liebermann, Berichte, 12, 1588 (1879). * Michler und Keller, Berichte, 14, 2181 (1881). DAS PHOSGEN 205 [28] LITTERATUR-VERZEICHNISS DARSTELLUNG DBS PHOSGENS Aus Kohlenoxyd und Chlor. Davy, Phil. Trans. Royal Society, 1812, 144. Willm und Wischin, Zeitschr.f. Chem. 1868, 5. Paternd, Gaaa. Chim. Ital. 8, 233 (1878). Goebel, Berzelius Jahresberickt, 16, 162. Hofmann, Annalen, 70, 139 (1849). Aus Schwefelkohlenstoff und Unterchlorigsaureanhydrid. Schiitzenber- ger, Berichte, 2, 219 (1869). Aus Schwefelkohlenstoff, Chlor und Schwefelsaure. Berzelius, Lehrbuch der Chemie, Bd. 2. Kolbe, Annalen, 54, 148 (1845). Aus Tetrachlorkohlenstoff. Schiitzenberger, Comptes Rendus, 66, 747; (1868). 69, 352 (1869). Armstrong, Berichte, 3, 730 (1870). Gustavson, Zeitschr.f. Chem., 1871, 615. Aus Chloroform. Dewar und Cranston, Chem. News, 20, 174 (1869). Emmerling und Lengyel, Berichte, 2, 547 (1869). Aus Perchlorameisensauremethylester. Cahours, Ann. chim. et phys. [3], 19, 352 (1847). Aus Trichloressigsaurem Natrium. Kolbe, Annalen, 64, 150 (1845). Henry, Berichte, 12, 1845 (1879). ElGENSCHAFTEN Berthelot, Compt. Rend. 87, 571 (1878). Thomsen, Berichte, 16, 2619 (1883). Berthelot, Annalen, 166, 228 (1870). [29] REAKTIONEN MIT KOHLENWASSERSTOFFEN Darstellung von Sdurechloriden und Ketonen Mit Kohlenwasserstoffen der Fettreihen. Harnitz-Harnitzky, Compt. Rend. 60, 923 (1865). Berthelot, Bull. Soc. Chim. n. s. 13, 9 (1870). De Clermont et Fontaine, ibid. seq. Mit Zinkmethyl. Butlerow, Berichte, 3, 426 (1870). Siehe auch Butlerow, Organische Chemie, S. 297. Mit Benzol. Harnitz-Harnitzky, Compt. Rend. 68, 748 (1864). Berthelot, Bull. Soc. Chim. n. s. 13, 9 (1870). Friedel, Crafts und Ador, Berichte, 10, 1854 (1877). Mit Toluol. Ador und Crafts, Berichte, 10, 2173 (1877). Xylol. Ador und Rilliet, Berichte, 11, 399 (1878). Elbs und Olberg, Berichte, 19, 408 (188C). 206 MORRIS LOEB Mit Anthracen. Graebe und Liebermann, Berichte, 2, 678 (1869). Behla. Berichte, 18, 3169 (1885). Mit Phenanthren. Ibid. Brombenzol. Wurtz, C. R. 68, 1298 (1869). Thiophen. Gattermann, Berichte, 18, 3013 (1885). Pyrrol. Ciamician und Magnaghi, Berichte, 18, 414 (1885). REAKTIONEN MIT AI^KOHOLEN UND PHENOLEN Darstettung von Chlorameisensaure- und Kohlensaure-Estern Mit Methylalkohol. Dumas und Peligot, Ann. chim. et phys. 68, 52 (1835). Hentschel, Berichte, 18, 1177 (1885). Mit Aethylalkohol. Dumas, Ann. chim. et phys. 64, 226 (1833). Propylalkohol. Roemer, Berichte, 6, 1101 (1873). Isopropylalkohol. E. Mylius, Berichte, 6, 972 (1872). Isoamylalkohol. Medlock, Quart. Journ. Ckem. Society, 1, 368 (1849). Glycol. Nemirowsky, Journ. prakt. Chem. 28, 439 (1843). Glycolchlorhydrin. Nemirowsky, Journ. prakt. Chem. 31, 173 (1844). Glycolsaureester. Heintz, Annalen, 154, 257 (1870). Milchsaure. Kempf, Journ. prakt. Chem. [2], 1, 412 ff. (1870). Epichlorhydrin. Kempf, ibid. Phenol. Kempf, Patent des Deutschen Reiches, 30172. Berichte, 18, Ref . 40. 17 (1885). Mit Kresol. Kempf. Thymol. Kempf. Nitrophenol. Kempf. [30] Mit Eugenol. Salicylaldehyd. Lowenberg, Inaug.-Diss. Berlin, 1885. Resorcin. Birnbaum und Lurie, Berichte, 14, 1754 (1881). Merkaptanen. Salomon, Journ. prakt. Chem. [2], 6, 433 8. (1872). 7, 254 (1873). Schone, Journ. prakt. Chem. [2], 30, 416 (1884). Mit Thiophenol. Lowenberg. Naphtol, a, p. Lowenberg. REAKTIONEN MIT ALDEHTDEN UND SAUREN Chlorirung derselben Mit Acetaldehyd. Harnitz-Harnitzky, Annalen, 111, 192 (1859). Friedel, Compt. Rend. 60, 930 (1865) und Ann. chim. et phys. [4], 16, 403 (1869). Kraut, Annalen, 147, 107 (1868). Stacewitz, Zeitschr. f. Chem. 1869, 321. Kekule und Zincke, Annalen 162, 125 (1872). Eckenroth, Berichte, 18, 518 (1885). DAS PHOSGEN 207 Mit Benzaldehyd. Kempf. Aceton. Wroblewski, Zeitschr.f. Chem. [2], 4, 565. Essigsaure. Kempf. V. Meyer, Annalen, 156, 271 (1871). REAKTIONEN MIT PRIMAREN AMINEN Darstellung symmetrischer Harnstoffe Mit Ammoniak. J. Davy, Phil. Trans. 1812. 144. Regnault, Ann. chim. et phys. 69, 180 (1809). Natanson, Annalen, 98, 287 (1856). Bouchardat, Compt. Rend. 69, 94 (1869). Fenton, Journ. Chem. Soc. 35, 793 (1879). Mit Anilin. Hofmann, Berichte, 57, 267 (1846). Orthotoluidin. Girard, Berichte, 6, 444 (1873). Amidopropylbenzol. Francksen, Berichte, 17, 1224 (1884). Amidoisobutylbenzol. Pahl, Berichte, 17, 1240 (1884). Benzidin. Michler und Zimmermann, Berichte, 14, 2174 ff. (1881). m-Phenylendiamin. Michler und Zimmermann. p-Amidodimethylanilin. Michler und Zimmermann. Anisidin. Miihlhauser, Berichte, 13, 922 (1880). Amidoazobenzol. Berju, Berichte, 17, 1400 (1884). [31] REAKTIONEN MIT SEKUNDAREN AMINEN Darstellung von Carbaminsa'urechloriden und Harnstqffen Mit Dimethylanin. Michler und Escherich, Berichte, 12, 1162 (1879). Diathylamin. Michler, Berichte, 8, 1665 (1875). Methylamilin. Michler und Zimmermann, Berichte, 12, 1165 (1879). Aethylendiphenyldiamin. Michler und Keller, Berichte, 14, 2181 (1881). Diazoamidbenzol ) , , n o /-.oo-f\ Diazobenzolparatoluid \ Sarauw ' Benchte ' U > **** ( 1881) ' Diphenylamin. Michler, Berichte, 9, 396 (1876). Willm und Girard, Berichte, 9, 449 (1876). REAKTIONEN MIT TERTIAREN AMINEN Bildung amidirter Saurechloride und Benzophenone Mit Dimethylanilin. Michler, Berichte, 9, 4500, 716 (1876). Michler und Dupertius, Berichte, 9, 1899 (1876). .Patente, Berichte, 17 (1884). Ref. 40,339, 60. 18(1885). Ref.7. Hofmann, Berichte, 18, 770 (1885). Mit Diathylanilin. Michler, Berichte, 8, 1665 (1875). Michler und Gradmann, Berichte, 9, 1912 (1876). 208 MORRIS LOEB REAKTIONEN MIT AMMONIUMSALZEN Bildung von Isocyanaten Mit salzs. Anilin. Hentschel, Berichte, 18, 1178 (1885). Methylamin. Gattermann und Schmidt, Berichte, 20, 118 (1887). Aethylamin. Dieselben. m-Phenylendiamin. Gattermann und Wrampelmeyer, Berichte, 18, 2604 (1885). Mit Benzidin. Snape, Journ. Chem. Soc. 49, 255 (1886). m-Toluylendiamin. Snape. Phenylhydrazin. Snape. REAKTIONEN MIT AMIDEN Bildung von Ureiden Mit Acetamid. Schmidt, Journ. prakt. Chem. [2], 6, 39 ff. (1872). Oxamid. Schmidt. Basarow, Berichte, 5, 477 (1872). Mit Benzamid. Schmidt. [32J Mit Dimethylbenzamid. Hallmann, Berichte, 9, 846 (1876). Harnstoff. Schmidt. Biuret. Schmidt. Diphenylharnstoff. Hentschel, Berichte, 18, 1284 (1885). Diphenylthioharnstoff. Will, Berichte, 14, 1486 (1881). Ditolythioharnstoff. Will. REAKTIONEN MIT ANDEREN KORPERN Mit Benzenylamidoxim. Falck, Berichte, 18, 2471 (1885). Aethenyldiphenylamidoxim. Gross, ibid. 2483. Acetessigester. Conrad und Guthzeit, Berichte, 19, 19 (1886). Buchka, Ber. 18, 2090 (1885). Mit Propionitril. Hencke, Annalen, 106, 285 (1858). Phenylphosphin. Michaelis und Dittler, Berichte, 12, 339 (1879). Silicomethan. Wilm und Winschin, Annalen, 147, 150 (1868). [33] EXPERIMENTELLER THEIL DIE Versuche von Michler und Keller 1 iiber die Ein- wirkung des Phosgens auf das symmetrische Triphenylguani- din haben zu keinem erheblichen Resultate gefiihrt, da die entstehenden Substanzen die Kriterien der Reinheit nicht besassen. Man muss sogar bezweifeln, dass der von ihnen erhaltenen bei 134 schmelzenden Substanz wirklich die Formel /NC 6 H 5N C<=NC 6 H 5 >CO zukomme, da dieselbe von Stojentin 2 fiir seinen wohldefin- irten, bei 190 schmelzenden Korper in Anspruch genommen wird, welchen er aus dem Guanidin mittels des Aethoxalyl- chlorids erhalten hat. Der Versuch sollte nun zeigen, ob ein Amidin, vermoge seiner einfacheren Bauart, sich der Reaktion williger herge- ben wollte. Naturgemass fiel meine Aufmerksamkeit zuerst dem Aethenyldiphenyldiamin zu, welches durch die Eigenschaften der leichten Darstellung und ziemlichen Bestandigkeit vor den meisten Korpern dieser Klasse hervorstach. Im'Laufe dieser Arbeit habe ich die verschiedenen Dar- stellungsweisen, die man flir das Aethenyldiphenyldiamin vorgeschlagen hat, priifen konnen, und bin zu der Ueberzeu- 1 Berichte, 14, 2181 (1881). a Journ. prakt. Chem. 32, 29 (1844). 210 MORRIS LOEB gung [34] gelangt, dass diejenige, welche A. W. Hof mann 1 bei der ersten Beschreibung dieser Substanz empfohlen hat, am raschesten und sichersten zum Ziele fuhrt, wenn auch die Reaktion einen ziemlichen Aufwand an Ausgangsmaterial erfordert 14C 6 H 5 NH 2 +3CH 3 COOH+2PC1 3 = +6C 6 H 5 NH 2 HCH- 2C 6 H5NH 2 H 3 PO 3 Ich verfuhr gewohnlich so, dass ich 35 Gramm Anilin und 13 Gramm Eisessig in einem Kolben vermischte und zu der erkalteten Losung nach und nach 25 Gramm Phosphor- trichlorid gab. Die Anfangs heftige Reaktion wurde durch Abkiihlen gedampft. Alsdann wurde der Kolben, mit einem Riickflussktihler versehen, in einem Oelbade erwarmt, dessen Temperatur langsam auf 165 erhoht wurde. Hier verblieb derselbe, bis das Aufhoren der Salzsaureentwickelung das Ende der Reaktion anzeigte. Die Schmelze loste sich fast vollkommen in kochendem Wasser; beim Erkalten krystalli- sirten oft geringe Mengen Acetanilid aus. Das aus der fil- trirten Losung mittelst Ammoniak gef allte Amidin brauchte zur Reinigung nur noch einmal aus Alkohol umkrystallisirt zu werden. Die Ausbeute betrug die Halfte des Gewichts des angewandten Anilins und war folglich nach obiger Gleichung fast theoretisch. ElNWIRKUNG DES PHOSGENS IM UEBERSCHUSS AUF AETHENYLDIPHENYLDIAMIN Zehn Gramm der wohlgetrockneten und feingepulverten Base wurden mit einem Ueberschuss verflussigten oder auch in Benzol gelosten Phosgens in einem Glasrohre eingeschlossen und 4-5 Stundenlang im Wasserbade erwarmt; die Tempera- 1 A. W. Hofmann, Monataberichte der Berliner Akod. 1865, 249. PHOSGEN EXPERIMENTELLER THEIL 211 tur durfte 60 nicht ubersteigen. Der Rohreninhalt hatte hierauf eine tiefgelbe Farbe angenommen und bestand zu zwei Dritteln aus salzsaurem Amidin; mit warmem Benzol oder Aether Hess [35] sich eine Substanz ausziehen, welche beim Verdunsten des Losungsmittels gewohnlich als ein kle- briges, gelbes Harz zuriick blieb. Auf Zusatz einiger Tropfen kalten, absoluten Alkohols verwandelte sie sich jedoch in einen Krystallbrei, aus welchem das Oel durch Abpressen entfernt wurde. Nunmehr wurden die Krystalle, unter sorgfaltiger Vermeidung des Siedens, aus verdtinntem Alkohol umkry- stallisirt, bis sie den gelben Stich verloren und bei 110 kon- stant schmolzen. Die Substanz bildete alsdann kleine farb- lose Nadeln und erwies sich als chlorhaltig. Zur Analyse wurde sie noch mit Aether gewaschen und bei 110 getrock- net. I. 0.3013 Gramm Substanz gaben 0.6335 Gramm CO 2 und 0.0979 Gramm H 2 O; II. 0.2746 Gramm Substanz gaben 20.75 ccm N, t = 24.25, B =755 mm, 7 = 16.6 mm; III. 0.3107 Gramm Substanz gaben 0.2705 Gramm AgCl nach Carius. 1 Diese Analysen wiesen unzweideutig auf eine Formel Verlangt ftir: Gefunden: CieHi2N2Cl2O2 I II III C 192 57.31 57.34 H 12 3.58 3.61 N 28 8.36 8.46 Cl 71 21.19 21.54 O 32 9.56 335 10.000 1 Die Chlorsilber-NiederschlSge wurden auf einem tarirten Gooch'schen Platin- trichter gesammelt, bei 120 getrocknet, und gewogen. MORRIS LOEB Es hatte also f olgende Reaktion stattgef unden : - Aus 10 Gramm Amidin liessen sich 3 Gramm des neuen Korpers, also 60 Procent der theoretischen Menge gewinnen. Der gute Ausfall des Verf ahrens hangt aber wesentlich davon ab, dass der Korper in Losungsmitteln keiner hohen Tem- peratur [36] ausgesetzt werde, da seine Bestandigkeit nur sehr gering ist. Seine Zersetzbarkeit trat auch storend zu Tage, als ich seine Konstitution durch Darstellung von Deri- vaten erforschen wollte. Von kochendem Wasser wird er nicht angegriffen, von Sauren und Alkalien hingegen in das Amidin zuriickver- wandelt. Beim Kochen mit Alkohol treten sofort Essigester und Chlorathyl auf; beim Erkalten scheiden sich kleine Nadeln in Menge aus, welche chlorfrei sind, bei 234 schmel- zen und sich hierdurch, sowie durch den beim Erhitzen auftretenden Carbanilgeruch, als Carbanilid charakterisiren. Die Zersetzung hat hier den Amidinrest selber ergriffen : Ci 6 Hi 2 N 2 Cl 2 O 2 +3C 2 H 5 OH = CO(NHC 6 H5) 2 +CH 3 COOC 2 H5+2C 2 H 5 C1+C02 Es wurden Versuche gemacht, die Chloratome durch Aminogruppen zu ersetzen. Da sich weder wasseriges noch alkoholisches Ammoniak bewahrten, wurde der Korper in Benzol gelost und trockenes Ammoniakgas hindurchgeleitet. Es schied sich unter Erwarmung eine der Chlormenge genau entsprechende Quantitat reinen Salmiaks aus. Die Losung enthielt aber bloss Aethenyldiphenyldiamin, was sich nur durch die f olgende Gleichung erklaren lasst: Analog entstehen mit heissem Anilin das Amidin, salz- saures Anilin und Carbanilid. PHOSGEN EXPERIMENTELLER THEIL 213 Fur sich liber ihren Schmelzpunkt erhitzt, zersetzt sich die Substanz bei 150 unter reichlicher Entwickelung von Phosgengas und von Phenylisocyanat. Diese Thatsache 1st eine wesentliche Stiitze zur Annahme einer Konstitution welche sonst noch durch das von Michler entdeckte Verhalten der sekundaren und tertiaren Aniline gegen Phosgen geboten erscheint N-COC1 [37] Erfreulicherweise habe ich diese Annahme auch ferner bestatigen konnen, durch Darstellung eines Esters. Es muss hierbei naturlich jede Erwarmung ver- mieden werden. Eine 2 Atomen entsprechende Menge Na- trium wurde in Aethylalkohol gelost und nach dem Erkalten die alkoholisehe Losung des Chlorids [1 Molekiil] allmahlig unter Abklihlung hinzugesetzt. Von dem sich sofort ab- scheidendem Kochsalz abfiltrirt und iiber Schwefelsaure im luftleeren Raume verdunstet, hinterliess die Pliissigkeit eine chlorfreie Substanz, welche nach zweimaligem Umkrystalli- siren aus Aether harte, glanzende, rhombische Krystalle bildet, die bei 90.5 schmelzen. Der Analyse der in vacua getrockneten Substanz zufolge, ist in der That der Ester entstanden. C 6 H 5 /NCOOC 2 H 5 CH 3 C< : ^NC 6 H 4 COOC 2 H 5 I. 0.2965 gr Substanz gaben 0.7363 gr CO 2 und 0.1730 gr H 2 0. 214 MORRIS LOEB II. 0.1775 gr Substanz gaben 12.7 ccm N. t = 10, B = 755.8 mm, T = 7.1 mm. III. 0.2020 gr Substanz gaben 14.4 ccm N. t = 12.5, B = 772.8 mm, r = 8.4 mm. Verlangt fur: Gefunden: C 2 oH22N 2 O4 I II III C 240 67.79 67.74 H 22 6.21 6.48 N 28 7.91 8.51 8.60 O J54 18.08 354 99.99 Selbst in der Kalte ist der Ester in alkoholischer Losung unbestandig. Von wasserigem Ammoniak wird er, ebenso wie das Chlorid, in das Amidin zuruckverwandelt. Da ich nun auf diesem Wege keine Amidoverbindungen zu [38] gewinnen vermochte, bemtihte ich mich eine directe Anlager- ung von Cyansaure resp. Rhodanwasserstoffsaure an das Amidin, welche zu dem gesuchten ahnlichen Korpern ge- f iihrt hatte, zu bewerkstelligen. Auch diese Versuche schlugen fehl, da das Cyanat des Amidins schon in kalter, wassriger Losung Kohlensaure und Ammoniak abspaltet; das Rhod- anat, welches ein Harz darstellt, ist zwar bestandiger, lagert sich jedoch nicht in den Thioharnstoff um, sondern verwan- delt sich oberhalb 100 in ein Ubelriechendes Oel. Uebrigens lasst sich auch der Ester nicht direct aus dem Amidin, durch die sie sonst so bequeme Anwendung des Chlorameisensaureesters, gewinnen. Eine Einwirkung des- selben findet erst bei 60 statt; nach Verdunsten der vom salzsauren Amidin befreiten Fliissigkeit verbleibt eine halb- feste Masse, welche an Aether kleine Mengen eines nicht krystallisirenden Oeles abgiebt und im Uebrigen aus Carb- anilid besteht. PHOSGEN EXPERIMENTELLER THEIL 215 EINWIRKUNG VON PHOSGEN AUF UBERSCHUSSIGES AETHENYLDIPHENYLDIAMIN Aethenylimidobenzanilid Wenn man, statt auf oben angegebener Weise zu verf ahren, Phosgengas in eine siedende Chloroformlosung des Amidins einleitet, so andert sich auch das Resultat. Es entsteht eine chlorfreie Verbindung, welche ihre Existenz dem Zusammen- treten von einem Molekiil Phosgen und einem Molektil Amidin verdankt. Dieselbe entsteht daher auch, und zwar in glatterer Reaktion, wenn Phosgen in Benzol gelost bei 80 auf einen Ueberschuss von Aethenyldiphenyldiamin einwirkt. Nach einstiindiger Erhitzung wird das Einschlussrohr geoffnet, die Fliissigkeit vom salzsauren Amidin befreit und das Benzol verdunstet. Der krystallinische Riickstand wird mit kalter, starkverdiinnter Salzsaure von unveranderter Base befreit und [39] umkrystallisirt. Er ist in Aether, Alkohol, Chloro- form und Benzol loslich und krystallisirt besonders aus letzt- genanntem Losungsmittel in grossen, glanzenden Tafeln vom Schmelzpunkt 118. Er ist viel bestandiger als das chlorhaltige Derivat. Die Analyse der bei 100 getrockneten Substanz ergab Zahlen aus welchen die Formel Ci5Hi 2 N 2 O berechnet wurde. I. 0.1874 gr Substanz gaben 0.5314 gr CO 2 und 0.0948 gr H 2 O. II. 0.2031 gr Substanz gaben 0.5706 gr CO 2 und 0.1024 gr H 2 O. III. 0.1720 gr Substanz gaben 17.9 ccm N, t=23.3, Bo =758 mm, r = 16.7 mm. 16 MORRIS LOEB IV. 0.2263 gr Substanz gaben 24 ccm N, t =21, B =757 mm, r = 14.5 mm. Verlangt fiir: Gefunden: C 15 H 12 N 2 I II III IV 77.33 76.61 5.62 5.60 11.73 12.07 Es lasst diese Zusammensetzung nur eine Auffassung zu /NC 6 H 5 CH 3 C<' Dieser Korper, den ich Aethenylimidobenzanilid benennen will, diirfte auch bei der schon erwahnten Phosgenabspaltung entstehen, welche das Chlorid beim Erhitzen erleidet /NC 6 H 4 CO Cl CH 3 C< \N - |CO Cl C 6 H 5 Die stets zugleich auftretende Carbanilentwickelung ver- eitelt jedoch seine Isolirung. Wird das reine Aethenylimido- benzanilid [40] Uber seinen Schmelzpunkt erhitzt, so braunt es sich bald, und entwickelt etwas Isonitril. Mit verdiinnter Salzsaure gekocht spaltet es sich vollkommen, wobei Anilin und Phenylcyanat als Produkte auftreten. Diese Reaktionen des Phosgens sind die ersten die mit einer Substanz ausgefiihrt worden sind, welche je einen sekun- daren und einen tertiaren Anilinrest enthalt. Sie zeigen die PHOSGEN EXPERIMENTELLER THEIL 217 Gleichwerthigkeit der beiden Michler'schen Reaktionen an, insofern als bei einer niedrigen Temperatur der Eintritt der Carbonylgruppe in den Phenylkern ebenso rasch erfolgt wie in den Imidorest. Andernf alls musste auch ein Korper COC1 aufgetreten sein, der sich jedoch nicht beobachten liess. Ich wollte nunmehr diese Reaktion auch auf andere Amidine von analoger Constitution ausdehnen, und stellte zu diesem Zwecke das Benzenyldiphenyldiamin dar. Wieder- um bewahrte sich Hofmann's Darstellungsweise am besten, mit der Modification, das man fertiges Benzanilid und Anilin derEinwirkung des Phosphortrichlorids aussetzt; dieSchmelze konnte nur mit kochender concentrirter Salzsaure ausgezogen werden. Die Einwirkung des Chlorkohlenoxyds auf dieses Amidin liess sich aber nicht verfolgen, da die Reaktions- produkte allzu geringe Krystallisationsfahigkeit zeigten. Das Methenyldiphenyldiamin, welches ebenfalls von Hofmann dargestellt worden ist, ist wenig bestandig. Es erschien daher angemessen, das Propionamidin, behufs Prii- fung dieser Reaktion, darzustellen : da dieser Korper noch nicht bekannt ist, habe ich ihn und, zur Vervollstandigung der Reihe, auch die homologen Butenyl- und Isobutenyl- Amidine analysiert und ihre Eigenschaften beobachtet. [41] PROPENYLDIPHENYLDIAMIN Zur Darstellung wird genau wie beim Aethenylderivat verfahren und zwar werden wiederum 3 Theile Anilin, 1 218 MORRIS LOEB Theil Propionsaure und 3 Theile Phosphortrichlorid ange- wandt. Die salzsaure Losung lasst auf Alkalizusatz die Base als belles Oel fallen, welches nur langsam fest wird. Dieselbe 1st in Alkohol und Aether noch loslicher als das Aethenyl- amidin, und krystallisirt in langen weissen Nadeln, die bei 105 schmelzen. Behufs Gewinnung des Platindoppelsalzes wurde die Base in starkverdiinnter Salzsaure aufgelost und mit Platinchlorid- losung versetzt. Der alsbald erfolgende gelbe Niederschlag ist in Wasser und Weingeist wenig, in absolutem Alkohol gar nicht, in starker Salzsaure dagegen sehr leicht loslich. Er wurde aus salzsaurehaltigem Alkohol umkrystallisirt, mit absolutem Alkohol gewaschen und bei 100 getrocknet. Das Salz wurde so in prachtvollen, scharlachrothen Prismen von einiger Grosse erhalten. 0.6119 Gramm Substanz, im Tiegel verbrannt, hinterliessen 0.1395 Gramm Asche. Verlangt fur: Gef linden: (Ci 5 Hi 6 N2)2.2HClPtCl 4 Pt 22.64 22.79 Procent BUTENYLDIPHENYLDIAMIN Dasselbe entstand aus 1 Theil Buttersaure, 5 Theilen Anilin und 3 Theilen PCls. Die Ausbeute war, auf die Saure berechnet, theoretisch. Schmelzpunkt der in Nadeln krystal- lisirenden Base 106.5. Das Platindoppelsalz fallt auf Zusatz von Platinchlorid zur salzsauren Losung nach einiger Zeit nieder, und hat als- dann eine schwachgelbe Farbe. Es ist in Alkohol und heissem Wasser leicht loslich. Aus ersterem krystallisirt es in gelb- rothen, aus letzterem in braunrothen Nadeln, welche [42] bei durchscheinendem Lichte fast farblos erscheinen. Es wurde bei 100 getrocknet und analysirt. PHOSGEN EXPERIMENTELLER THEIL 219 0.5869 Gramm Substanz, im Tiegel verbrannt, hinter- liessen 0.1298 Gramm Asche. Verlangt fiir: Gef undent C 32 H 38 N4PtCl 6 Pt 21.92 22.12 Procent ISOBUTENYLDIPHENYLDIAMIN Die auf ebendieselbe Weise dargestellte Base fallt als Oel aus, welches nur nach langerem Kochen mit Wasser fest wird. Sie 1st in heissem und kaltem Wasser unloslich und lasst sich mit Dampf destilliren. Die Krystalle schmelzen bei 79. Von kalter konzentrirter oder heisser verdiinnter Salzsaure wird dieses Amidin leicht zersetzt, unter Bildung des Isobutenylanilids. Platindoppelsalz. Dasselbe wird aus einer massig ver- diinnten Losung als gelbes Krystallpulver erhalten. Es ist in heissem und kaltem Wasser und in heissem Alkohol loslich. 0.5052 gr bei 100 getrockneter Substanz hinterliessen 0.1109 gr Pt. Verlangt fiir: Gef linden: Pt 21.92 21.95 Procent Die Einwirkung des Phosgens auf das Propenyldiphenyl- diamin habe ich zwar versucht und einen krystallisirbaren Korper erhalten. Derselbe ist jedoch nur in kleinen Quanti- taten erhaltlich und sehr zersetzlich. Er wurde aus Aether umkrystallisirt, war jedoch nicht frei von Chlor zu erhalten, obwohl eine Chlorbestimmung zeigte dass dasselbe nur Ver- unreinigung sei. Eine bei 76 schmelzende Portion wurde analysirt, ohne jedoch Zahlen zu geben aus welchen sich etwas deuten liesse. Indem nun die Einwirkung des Phosgens auf Amidine, 220 MORRIS LOEB welche sich von Aethenyldiphenylamidin durch die zu ihrer [43] Bildung angewandten Sauren unterscheiden, keine greifbare Resultate geliefert hatte, war es mogiich dass sich em besserer Erfolg bei einem Aethenylarnidin erzielen Hesse, in welchem an Stelle des Anilins eine homologe Base getreten ist. Ich beschloss daher, Versuche mit Derivaten des Para- resp. Orthotoluidins anzustellen. EINWIRKUNG DES PHOSGENS AUF AETHENYLDI-P-TOLUYL- DIAMIN Dieses Amidin ist zuerst von Hofmann dargestellt, jedoch von Bernthsen * genauer beschrieben worden. Ich befolgte die Vorschrift des Ersteren, und erhielt so leicht ein Produkt dessen Schmelzpunkt 188 mit Bernthsen's Angabe im Ein- klang stand. Je 10 g des trocknen Amidins wurden mit 2.8 g Carbonylchlorid in Benzollosung 3-4 Stunden lang im Ein- schlussrohr auf 60 erhitzt. Es hatten sich salzsaures Amidin und eine im Benzol losliche Substanz gebildet, welche nach freiwilligen Verdampfen des Losungsmittels als gelbes Oel zuriickblieb. Zum krystallisiren war dieselbe nur dadurch zu bringen, dass man sie mit einigen Tropfen eiskaltes ab- soluten Alkohols Ubergoss, worauf sie zu einem Krystall- brei erstarrte. Sofort zwischen Filtrirpapier abgepresst und mit warmem absoluten Aether behandelt, erwiesen sich jedoch die Krystalle zum grossen Theil als in Aether unlos- liches, bei 254 schmelzendes Carbotoluid, wahrend ein kleiner Theil in Losung ging. Durch Vereinigung der Produkte mehrerer Operationen, und sorgfaltiges Umkrystallisiren aus Aether, gelang es mir, eine kleine Menge einer konstant bei 108 schmelzenden Substanz zu isoliren, welche chlor- haltig war und in gut ausgebildeten kurzen Prismen kry- stallisirte. Die Ausbeute war jedoch so schlecht, dass es 1 Hofmann, Annalen, 184, 364 (1877). PHOSGEN EXPERIMENTELLER THEIL 221 mir nur mb'glich war, eine einzige Chlorbestimmung auszu- f iihren, deren Resultat allerdings gut auf einen Korper .;NC 7 H 6 COC1 CH 3 Cf stimmt. X NHC 7 H 6 COC1 [44] 0.2756 gr Substanz gaben nach der Carius'schen Methode 0.2241 gr AgCl. Verlangt fiir: Ci 8 H 16 N 2 Cl 2 O2 Gefunden: Cl 19.56 20.11 Procent Die Absicht, auch mil dem Orthoditoluylamidin Versuche anzustellen, musste ich aufgeben, da ich nicht erwarten durfte eine krystallisirbare Substanz aus diesem Ausgangs- produkte zu erhalten, welches selber einen sehr niedrigen Schmelzpunkt besitzt. Da dieses Amidin jedoch bisher noch nicht beschrieben worden ist, gebe ich an dieser Stelle meine Beobachtungen wieder. AETHENYLDI-OTOLUYLDIAMIN Zur Darstellung verwandelte ich 40 gr Orthotoluidin, 12 gr Eisessig und 25 gr Phosphortrichlorid. Nachdem die Schmelze mit kochendem Wasser ausgezogen war, fiel aus der Losung, auf Alkalizusatz, ein nichtkrystallisirendes, farb- loses Oel aus. Wasserdampf trieb unverandertes Toluidin aus demselben aus; der Ruckstand erstarrte jedoch erst nach einigen Tagen, und zwar ohne Spuren einer krystallinischen Struktur. Aus Alkohol und sonstigen Losungsmitteln seined sich immer ein Oel aus, das alsdann amorph erstarrte. Auch salpetersaure, schwefelsaure, essigsaure und oxalsaure Salze liessen sich auf keine Weise krystallinisch erhalten. Dagegen entstanden schone Nadeln des salzsauren Salzes beim Ein- leiten von Chlorwasserstoffgas in eine trockene atherische Losung der Base. 222 MORRIS LOEB Zur Charakterisirung der Substanz stellte ich das Platin- doppelsalz dar. Es ist dasselbe ein gelbes, in Wasser schwer- losliches, Krystallpulver, welches sich beim Erhitzen mit Wasser oder Alkohol leicht zersetzt. Ueber Schwefelsaure und dann bei 100 getrocknet und im Porzellantiegel ver- brannt, lieferte es die der Theorie entsprechende Menge Platin. 0.5818 gr Substanz hinterliessen 0.1273 gr Asche. Verlangt fur: C32H 38 N4PtCl 6 Gefunden: Pt 21.92 21.88 Procent [45] Den Schmelzpunkt der Base fand ich bei 45-47. Ehe ich das Feld der Amidine verliess, lag der Wunsch nahe, den Versuch anzustellen, ob nicht noch eine andere Reaktion, die der Cyananlagerung, sich bei denselben anwen- den liesse. Hofmann hatte dieselbe zuerst beim Anilin beob- achtet und dann auch auf Guanidine ausgedehnt. 1 In der That ist sie auch auf das Aethenyldiphenyldiamin anwendbar. EINWIRKUNG DES CYANS AUF DAS AETHENYLAMIDIN Eine gesattigte atherische Losung des Amidins, mit 2-3 Tropfen Wassers versetzt, farbt sich beim Durchleiten von Cyangas allmahlig dunkel. Unterbricht man das Einleiten sob aid die Fliissigkeit weinroth geworden, und lasst sie unge- fahr 16 Stunden verschlossen stehen, so ist sie noch bedeutend nachgedunkelt und der Geruch des Cyans demjenigen der Blausaure gewichen. Zuweilen haben setzen sich auch schwarze Krusten an den Wanden des Gef asses ab. Von diesen wird abfiltrirt, der Aether bei moglichst niedriger Tempera- tur verdunstet und der klebrige, braune Riickstand mit kaltem, verdiinnten Alkohol vom farbenden Harze befreit. Das verbleibende, weisse, krystallinische Pulver, welches zwischen Filtrirpapier moglichst abgepresst und iiber 1 Hofmann, Annalen, 66, 129 (1848). PHOSGEN EXPERIMENTELLER THEIL 223 Schwefelsaure getrocknet wird, lost sich sehr schwer in kaltem Aether und Benzol. Es lasst sich nicht umkrystallisiren, da es beim Erhitzen in Losungsmitteln rasch verharzt; mit Alkohol benetzt, zersetzt es sich sogar schon an der Luft. In reinem Zustande schmilzt es unter Zersetzung^bei 165, wird jedoch schon gegen 120 violett und dann braun. Aus 5 gr des Amidins lassen sich 3 gr des Produktes erhalten. Aus der Elementaranalyse ergiebt sich fiir den Korper eine Zusammensetzung Ci 6 Hi 6 N 4 O. I. 0.2169 gr Substanz gaben 0.5409 gr CO 2 und 0.1023 gr H 2 O. II. 0.2625 gr Substanz gaben 0.6596 gr CO 2 und 0.1380 gr H 2 O. [46] III. 0.2060 gr Substanz gaben 0.5184 gr CO 2 und 0.1152 gr H 2 O. IV. 0.3659 gr Substanz gaben 63.75 ccm N, t=25, B =760.5 mm, r = 18.4 mm. V. 0.1498 gr Substanz gaben 27.2 ccm N, t=24, B =765.5 mm, r = 17.34. Berechnet fflr: Gefunden: Ci 6 H 16 N 4 I II III IV V Mittel C 192 68.57 68.00 68.52 68.60 68.37 H 16 5.71 5.24 5.84 6.21 5.76 N 56 20.00 19.55 20.32 19.94 O 16 5.71 , 5.93 280 99.99 Da der Sauerstoffgehalt wahrscheinlich, analog mehreren ahnlichen Cyanderivaten, vom Kry stall wasser herriihrt, lasst sich diese Bruttoformel auflosen: C 16 H 16 N 4 0=Ci 4 H 14 N 2 .C2N 2 +H 2 0. Es hat somit die Reaktion nicht den Verlauf genommen welchen Hof mann beobachtet hat, die Anlagerung eines Cyan- 224 MORRIS LOEB molekiils an je zwei primare oder sekundare Amingruppen. Viel eher f olgt das Amidin hierin der Amidobenzoesaure, dass sich ein ganzes Cyanmolekiil an eine einzelne ersetzbaren Wasserstoff enthaltende Stickstoffgruppe anlagert. Da nach Griess * aus der Amidobenzoesaure die Cyancarbimidoamido- benzoesaure entsteht C 6 H 4 COOH NH-C=NH CN so liesse sich der neue Korper nach demselben Schema CH 3 C-NC 6 H 5 +H 2 O C=NH CN [47] schreiben und kann ich diese als die wahrscheinlichste Konstitutionsformel aufstellen. Der Korper erleidet beim Erhitzen mit Wasser unter Druck eine Umwandlung in einen rothen Farbstoff, welcher in Chloroform loslich, aber nicht krystallisirbar ist und daher nicht weiter untersucht wurde. Zugleich tritt ein starker Isonitrilgeruch auf. Mineralsauren zersetzen die Substanz vollkommen, so dass Anilin und Essigsaure die hauptsachlichsten Produkte sind. Wenn man dagegen das Ci6Hi 6 N 4 O in ganz kleinen Portionen in siedende starke Kalilauge eintragt, so lost es sich darin auf, unter Abscheidung von viel Anilin. Nachdem letzteres durch andauerndes Kochen entfernt ist, setzen sich beim 1 Griess, Berichte, 11, 1985 (1878). PHOSGEN EXPERIMENTELLER THEIL 225 Erkalten flimmernde Krystallblattchen ab. Die abfiltrirte Fliissigkeit enthalt Essigsaure, Kohlensaure, Oxalsaure und Blausaure; die ausgeschiedenen Krystalle sind in Benzol und Aether nicht, in heissem Alkohol nur sehr sparsam loslich, leicht dagegen in heisser und verdiinnter Salzsaure. Auf Alkalizusatz fallt ein flockiger weisser Niederschlag aus, der zur Reinigung einmal aus Alkohol umkrystallisirt wird. Weisse, silberglanzende Blattchen, die bei 214 schmelzen und sich beim vorsichtigen Erhitzen zwischen Uhrglasern zum Theil sublimiren lassen. Dies Alles gab dem Zersetzungs- produkt den Anschein als ware es das Hofmann'sche Cyan- anilin 1 C 6 H 6 NH C=NH C 6 H 5 NH C=NH und eine Analyse hat die Vermuthung in der That besta'- tigt: 0.2076 gr der getrockneten Substanz gaben 42 ccm N, t=17.5, B =764.7, r = 11.6. Verlangt fiir: Gefunden: Ci 4 H 14 N 4 N 23.53 23.63 Procent. [48] 5 Gramm Ci6Hi 6 N 4 O haben 1.5 Gramm Cyananilin gelief ert, welches Gewicht der Half te der in ersterem enthalt- enen Anilinreste entspricht. Es kann also nicht bezweifelt werden dass der Einfluss der Kalilauge f olgender war 2Ci 6 H 16 N 4 O+2H 2 O = Wenn diese glatte Spaltung auch nicht als strenger Beweis fiir die oben aufgestellte Konstitution des Korpers Ci6HieN4O gelten kann, so betrachte ich sie dennoch als wesentliche 1 Hofmann, Annalen, 66, 129 (1848). 226 MORRIS LOEB Sttitze derselben, da sie aus derselben ungezwungen hervor- geht. CCH 3 // ; 0#I#NC 6 H 5 I \ / INH=C C=NH| ) I 1 CN - CN Andere Umwandlungen mit dem Korper Ci6Hi 6 N 4 O aus- zufiihren 1st mir nicht gelungen. Ich habe nun noch einige andere Substanzen der Ein- wirkung des Phosgengases unterworfen und glaube, dass es einigen Werth hat iiber diese Versuche zu berichten, wenn dieselben auch nicht zur Auffindung noch unbekannter Deri- vate gefiihrt haben. EINWIRKUNG DES PHOSGENS AUF URETHAN In der Hoffnung zu einem Carbonyldiurethan CO(NHCOOC 2 H 5 ) 2 zu gelangen, habe ich wiederholt 7 Teile Aethylurethans mit 1 Theil Phosgen, entweder verfliissigt oder in Benzol gelost, im Rohr auf 75 erhitzt. Beim Oeffnen der Rohren entwichen jedesmal unter starkem Drucke Salzsaure und Chlorathyl, und es verblieb als Reaktionsprodukt eine [49] chlorfreie, in kaltem Wasser unlosliche Substanz. Dieselbe musste wiederholt aus Alkohol oder Chloroform umkrystalli- sirt werden, bis sie bei 194 einen konstanten Schmelzpunkt erreichte. Sie wurde bei 120 getrocknet und analysirt, wobei es sich herausstellte, dass die Formel nicht die erwar- tete sondern C4HsN2O3 sei. PHOSGEN EXPERIMENTELLER THEIL 227 I. 0.2749 gr Substanz gaben 0.3703 gr CO 2 und 0.1549 gr H 2 O. II. 0.2986 gr Substanz gaben 55 ccm N, t=24, B =759.4 mm, r = 17.34 mm. III. 0.2105 gr Substanz gaben 38 ccm N, t = 19, B =764.45 mm, r= 12.72 mm. Berechnet filr: Gefunden C 4 H 8 N 2 3 I II c 48 36.36 36.12 H 8 6.06 6.12 N 28 21.21 20.73 48 36.36 III 20.94 132 99.99 Es hatte sich somit Allophansaureester gebildet, der sich auch noch dadurch nachweisen Hess, dass er sich durch Er- hitzen mit Ammoniaklosung in das Biuret verwandelte. Ob sich nun dieser Ester direkt gebildet hat, nach der Gleichung 4NH 2 COOC 2 H 5 +COC1 2 = 2NH 2 CO-NH-COOC 2 H 5 +2C 2 H 6 C1+CO 2 +H 2 O oder ob das zuerst entstandene Carbonyldiurethan beim Um- krystallisiren zerfallt, vermag ich nicht zu entscheiden. Ich neige jedoch zu ersterer Ansicht. Versuche mit dem homologen Alanin fiihrten zu keinem Resultat. Ferner ergab sich aus wiederholten Versuchen die Un- fahigkeit des Phosgen sich mit Carbazol, Succinimid oder Phthalimid, oder deren Kaliumderivaten zu verbinden. Auf Hydrazobenzol wirkt Phosgen wie eine Saure: das- selbe verwandelt sich in Benzidin, welch* letzteres, wie schon [50] bekannt, erst bei hohen Temperaturen von Chlorkohlen- oxyd angegriffen wird. MORRIS LOEB Auch mit Thioharnstoff wollte das Phosgen nicht in Wechselwirkung treten, obwohl die Versuche bei verschiede- nen Temperaturen angestellt wurden. Selbst nach wochen- langem Zusammenstehen liess sich keine Veranderung er- kennen. Orthoamidophenylmerkaptan, welches ich der Giite des Herrn Professor Hofmann verdankte, reagirt sehr leicht mit Phosgen. Es wurde mit Benzol vermischt und tropfen- weise mit Phosgenlosung versetzt, bis kein salzsaures Salz mehr ausfiel. Hierbei wurde viel Hitze frei. Das Benzol enthielt einen chlorfreien, sofort bei 136 konstant schmelzen- den Korper, welcher unschwer als Hofmanns Oxymethenyl- verbindung zu erkennen war. CeH/' X )C(OH) Schon Gronvik 1 hatte aus dem Orthoamidophenol mittels Chlorameisensaureesters den analogen Korper erhalten C 6 H 4 <; / X )C(OH) Versuche, das Phosgen auch auf das Benzenylamidomer- kaptan einwirken zu lassen, blieben erfolglos. [51] Die im vorstehenden beschriebenen Versuche habe ich im Juli 1885 im I. Chemischen Laboratorium der Universi- tat Berlin begonnen und im Januar 1887 beschlossen. Es ist mir eine grosse Freude an dieser Stelle bezeugen zu konnen wie viel ich meinen verehrten Lehrer, Herrn Geheimrath Professor Hofmann, fiir seine lebhafte Anregung, Belehrung und UnterstUtzung schulde und mit welcher Dankbarkeit 1 Bull. Soc. Chim. n. s. 25, 177 (1876). PHOSGEN-EXPERIMENTELLERJTHEIL 229 ich mich immer des Wohlwollens erinnern werde, das er mir stets gezeigt. Auch Herrn Professor Gabriel sage ich fiir viele freund- liche Rathschlage meinen herzlichsten Dank. OPPONENTEN: 1 Die Herren: W. Bowman, Cand. phil. K. Auwers, Dr. phil. A. Reissert, Dr. phil. THESEN. I. Die vier Bindungseinheiten des Kohlenstoffs sind unter einander gleichwerthig. n. Die einfach-substituirten Thioharnstoffe sind Derivate des Thiohara- stoffes. III. Die Clausius'sche Theorie ist die beste Erklarung der elektrolytische Vorgange. 1 In the public examination for the Doctor's degree, Morris Loeb defended the accompanying theses against the three opponents here named. [EDITOR.] THE MOLECULAR WEIGHT OF IODINE IN ITS SOLUTIONS x IT is a matter of everyday observation that iodine has the property of dissolving with different colors in different liquids; in some it shows the reddish-brown hues of its solid and liquid states; in others it acquires the violet color so charac- teristic of its vapor. The inference seems very natural that this diversity of color must depend on a different form of aggregation of the iodine atoms within the solvent. Since the molecules of solids and liquids appear to be more com- plex than those of gases, we might suppose that the red solu- tions contain more complex molecules of iodine than do the violet ones. This is, in fact, the usual assumption; but apart from certain qualitative indications, there has been no proof of its truth; quantitative evidence has not yet been forthcom- ing in support of the hypothesis. That I have been fortunate in obtaining such, I owe to those new [806] means of investi- gating the state of dissolved matter with which the happy generalizations of Raoult, and the skillful mathematical de- ductions of van't Hoff, have furnished us. I refer to the phenomena of "osmotic pressure," which can be measured by the depression of freezing-point and vapor tension which liquids experience when mingled with a foreign substance. By the advice of Professor Ostwald, I undertook to attack the problem of the molecular weight of iodine in its solutions by the vapor-tension method, and I now give the results of the experiments carried out under his direction at the Chem- ico-Physical Laboratory of Leipzig University. 1 Reprinted from the Journal of the Chemical Society, 63, 805 (October, 1888). MOLECULAR WEIGHT OF IODINE 231 Two liquids at once presented themselves as the appropriate solvents, ether and carbon bisulphide; they both have a con- siderable vapor tension, and they may be considered as typi- cal of the two kinds of solvents for iodine. For, whereas many iodine solutions show impure tints, that in ether is of a deep reddish-brown, and that in carbon bisulphide of a pure violet. It was not so easy to find a proper apparatus, as Raoult's is quite inap- plicable. He operates in the Torricellian vacuum, and has merely to note the com- parative heights of the mercury when the solution and the pure solvent are introduced above it. In the case of iodine, all contact with mercury must obviously be avoided. After various attempts, the following apparatus was devised, which is an adaptation of Regnault's manometer to the [807] pres- ent purpose. It consists of two bottles of nearly equal capacity, provided with care- fully ground, hollow glass stoppers. To these stoppers, glass tubes are adapted, 60 cm. long, and of about 6 mm. bore, which are bent twice at right angles, so that there is an ascending limb and a hori- zontal piece of 10 cm. length each, and a descending limb, 40 cm. long, for each half of the apparatus. The lower ends of these two tubes are connected with each other by means of a T-tube, to which they are joined by short pieces of very stout rubber tubing; the third end of the T-tube serves as a communication with the exterior when needed, and carries a rubber tube with pinchcock. The communication between the two halves of the apparatus can also be interrupted by means of a pinch-cock on one of the rubber joints. In one MORRIS LOEB of the bottles, the iodine solution is placed, whilst the pure solvent is put into the other. These liquids are contained in glass tubes, drawn out at both ends into capillaries that make an obtuse angle with the wider part. The tubes are first weighed, then filled, closed before the blowpipe, and again weighed. They contain about 3 cc. of liquid, pass readily through the narrow necks of the bottles, and can be broken by moderately shaking the bottles. Before this is done, however, the bottles are closed with their stoppers smeared with deliquesced phosphoric acid to insure a perfect joint and are placed in a water-bath of constant temperature. The T-tube is now con- nected with a two-necked Woulff's bottle, filled with colored distilled water, and communicating by its second neck with an air-pump. Air is exhausted, until the pressure within the appa- ratus is diminished to an extent equivalent to the amount of tension to be expected from the vapors of the liquids, and the pinch-cock is then closed, so as to interrupt communica- tion with the Woulff s bottle. The air-pump being discon- nected, atmospheric pressure is restored in the WoulfFs bottle, and on carefully opening the pinch-cock the water is allowed to ascend halfway up the long tubes; the pinch-cock is then closed, and the WoulfFs bottle removed. The appa- ratus is thus converted into a very delicate differential mano- meter, affording direct readings of the difference of pressure in the two bottles in terms of water centimetres; for con- venience, the two tubes are brought closely together (see figure) and a scale is placed behind them. The apparatus is quite independent of changes in the at- mospheric pressure; the change in capacity, caused on either side by an alteration in the level of the water in the tubes, is, moreover, so slight in proportion to the volume of air in the bottles, that it can safely be neglected; the effect of capillarity in the two tubes is equal and opposite, so that this too may MOLECULAR WEIGHT OF IODINE 233 be left out of account. There remains only the effect of the air left in the apparatus by the air-pump. It [808] is obvious that equilibrium being once established, and the tempera- ture in all parts remaining the same, the pressure of the air in the one half will always counterbalance that in the other. In fact, partial exhaustion was only resorted to as a means of preventing too great an outward pressure during the course of the experiment, since it was difficult to prevent leakage where there was any outward pressure upon the stoppers. Partial exhaustion, besides obviating this difficulty, proved directly advantageous by promoting a more rapid diffusion of the vapors, and thereby shortening the duration of the observations. The apparatus having been made ready, communication between the two halves was temporarily interrupted, and the tubes containing the liquids broken by shaking the two bottles simultaneously. After ten to fifteen minutes communi- cation was restored, and now the level of the water in the two manometer tubes, equal before, was seen to differ consider- ably, indicating a higher pressure in the bottle containing the pure solvent. Readings being made from time to time, this difference of level sometimes appeared virtually constant for hours, whilst in other cases it would exhibit considerable variations, which I ascribe to slight inequalities of tempera- ture and to the unequal concentration of the solution in dif- ferent parts of its bottle. After standing twenty-four hours, the aqueous vapor from the manometer tubes generally began to diffuse into the bottles, and by moistening the ether or carbon bisulphide rendered further observations useless. The readings give the difference between the vapor tension of the pure solvent and that of the solution; that is, the de- pression of tension which corresponds with the proportion of iodine to solvent in the solution. To calculate the con- 234 MORRIS LOEB centration of the solution at the moment of observation, I re- quired two data: the amount of iodine and of solvent intro- duced into the bottle (which I obtained from the weighings of the sealed tubes and from the known strength of the solu- tion with which they were filled) ; and secondly, the amount of solvent which had assumed the gaseous state, and must therefore be deducted from the original quantity in solution. This was easily calculated by the regular gasometric formula, the volume of gas being 270 cc., the temperature being known, and the pressure being that of the vapor of the pure solvent, less the depression formed by the direct observation. I found that I could employ the vapor tensions of pure ether and car- bon bisulphide from tables calculated from Regnault's meas- urements, as a few direct comparisons proved that they agreed with those given by my apparatus, within the limits of ex- perimental error. The expression for the amount of solvent remaining in the solution at the moment of observation is therefore [809] g70.M(/-g) 760(l+aO where a = grams of solvent originally present ;/= the tension at the temperature t of the pure solvent, expressed in milli- metres of mercury; 0=the depression of tension, also in terms of millimetres of mercury; w= weight in grams of 1 cc. of the vapor under standard conditions. Now if b = the weight of io- dine in the solution, and p - the ratio of solvent to iodine b I. p- 270 . w . (f-e) 760 . (1+ctf) The concentration being thus ascertained, the calculation of the molecular weight of iodine was made according to the formula MOLECULAR WEIGHT OF IODINE 235 n. MI and Mo being the molecular weights of iodine and solvent respectively. This is a working formula derived by Raoult from an expression for the relation between the ratio of mole- cules of solvent and substance dissolved on the one hand, and the ratio between the tension of the pure solvent and the depressed tension on the other, where the dissolved substance itself has a comparatively insignificant tension. It is interest- ing to note that the latter expression was reached independ- ently and almost simultaneously by Planck. 1 In the following tabulated statement of my observations, the first two columns show the weights of the ingredients of the solution originally introduced; the third gives the tem- perature; the fourth, the depression of tension; the fifth, the true tension of the solution; the sixth, the concentration as calculated by formula I; finally, we have the molecular weight as calculated by formula II. Before giving the results ob- tained for iodine, I think it useful to give a summary of a few test experiments made on the molecular weight of naph- thalene, which not only proved the trustworthiness of the method, but also showed that there is no specific difference between ether and carbon bisulphide which could invalidate the effect of the great difference of the molecular weights found for iodine. 1 Compare Raoult, Zeilschr. physik. Chem. 2, 372 (1889), and Planck, ibid. 2, 408 (1888). , [EDITOR.] 236 MORRIS LOEB [810] NAPHTHALENE IN CARBON BISULPHIDE a b t e f-6 P M 1 Average 5-4082 2586 27-5 27-5 9-47 10-93 377-09 375-65 5-18 5-18 129 135 |l32 NAPHTHALENE IN ETHYL ETHER a b t e f-e P M t Average 2-8359 0-1462 27-5 21-12 557-27 6-53 127 1 I I 27-5 27 5 21-08 21-14 557-31 557-25 6-53 6-53 128 127 I 127-5 27 5 21-17 557-22 6 53 128 J Average in CS 2 MI = 132 Average in C 4 Hi O MI = 127-5 Theory for Ci H 8 MI = 128. IODINE IN CARBON BISULPHIDE a b t e f-e P M, Average 5-6528 0-4388 27-3 9-72 373-92 8-37 239 1 27 3 8-59 375-05 8-37 278 I 0, 27 3 8-81 374-83 8-37 271 f 264 - 27 3 9-08 374 56 8-37 268 J 5-1862 0-4026 27-5 8-10 378-48 8-46 300-5 } 27-5 8-10 378-48 8'46 300-5 J- 300'5 5-4579 2594 27-5 4-60 381-98 5-15 324 1 27-5 4-51 382-07 5-15 332 _ _ 27-5 4-66 381-92 5-15 320 [ 320 27-5 4-76 381-82 5-15 314 f 27-55 4-80 382-52 5-15 310 J 4-9030 0-2330 27-5 4-67 381-91 5-20 326 1 39ft f\ 27-5 4-60 381-98 5-20 327 s Oiov O Total average MI = 303-25 5-10 Theory for I 2 MI = 254 Theory for I 3 MI = 381. MOLECULAR WEIGHT OF IODINE 237 [811] IODINE IN ETHYL ETHER a b t e f~e P M, Average. 3-2578 2546 27-2 8-20 563-69 9-59 488 27-2 7-50 564-39 9-59 534 _ 27-2 7-81 564-08 9-59 512 504-7 _ 27-35 8-09 567-05 9-60 497 27 3 8-16 565-90 9-60 492-5 3-2864 0-2058 27 3 7-46 566-60 7-68 443 1 27 3 27 3 4-84 5-04 569-22 569-02 7-68 7-68 653 642 I 577-2 27 3 5-66 568-40 7-68 571 J 3-6809 0-2305 27-4 6-51 569-72 7-50 486-5 1 27-4 27-45 6-48 6 77 569-75 570-54 7-50 7-51 487 468-5 I 480-7 3 4343 0-3151 27-5 6 99 571-40 7-62 461 ] I I 27 5 27 5 7-14 6 43 571-25 571-96 7 62 7-62 451 501-5 I 466-1 27-5 7-14 571 25 7-62 451 J Total average MI = 507*2 10'5 Theory for I 4 MI = 508. It seems very probable, therefore, that iodine in its red so- lutions has a molecular weight corresponding to 1^ whilst in the violet solution in carbon bisulphide there is a less complex aggregation, giving a value between 12 and Is. I may as well remark that the values for p in the ether solutions correspond approximately with the ratio of one iodine molecule in 100 molecules of the solutions; in the carbon bisulphide solutions, this ratio varies between 1 : 100 and 1 : 200. Whilst greater dilution might appear more advisable from a theoretical point of view, it offers an apparently insurmountable difficulty in practice. A glance at the formulae used in the calculation shows that the value of e enters three times in such a manner that any error attached to it would be tripled. As e decreases with the concentration, it is evident that a greater dilution than that employed by me will soon bring e to a point where 238 MORRIS LOEB the chance errors of observation become proportionately very great. Hence I agree with Raoult when he says that the method of determining molecular weights by the depression of the freezing-point is preferable to the method by vapor tensions. But for the problem which immediately interested me I lacked a liquid which would solidify, and also dissolve iodine with a pure violet color, benzene, for instance, giving a very [812] impure bluish-brown. Nevertheless I endea- vored to obtain what corroborative evidence I could by experi- menting on the freezing points of iodine in acetic acid and in benzene, but was forced to give up the attempt by the very slight solubility of iodine in these menstrua at low tempera- tures; the molecular weight of iodine as calculated from vari- ous series of observations seemed to increase continuously with the concentration, so that there was no point in the nar- row limits between extreme dilution and saturation at which the molecular weight would appear constant, and could be accepted as trustworthy. A paper published since then by Paterno and Nasini 1 on this subject contains a few figures for the molecular weight of iodine in acetic acid and benzene solutions, but I am unable to draw any other inference from them than from my own. 1 Berichte, 21, 2155 (1888). [606] UEBER DEN MOLEKULARZUSTAND DES GELOESTEN JOBS 1 DAS Jod lost sich bekanntlich in Schwefelkohlenstoff und Kohlenwasserstoffen mil violetter Farbe, in Alkohol, Aether und andern Alkoholderivaten dagegen rotbraun auf, einer- seits seiner Dampfform, andererseits seinem festen Zustande entsprechend. Man folgert gewohnlich daraus, dass das Jod diese Zustande in den Losungen behielte, oder, genauer ge- sprochen, dass die rote Farbe komplexere Molekel 2 andeute als die violette. Eine quantitative Stiitze dieser Annahme hat sich meines Wissens bisher nicht erforschen lassen; qualitativ allerdings sprechen Analogieen in den Absorptions- spektren dafiir, sowie eine Beobachtung E. Wiedemanns, 3 wonach eine Losung von Jod in Schwefelkohlenstoff bei starker Abkiihlung aus violett in rotbraun ubergeht. In der That wird die erste versprechende Aussicht auf Beantwortung derartiger Fragen liber die Elemente durch jene Beziehungen eroffnet, welche neuerdings Raoult zwischen den Molekular- zustanden einerseits und Aenderungen in der Dampftension und dem Gefrierpunkte des Losungsmittels andererseits her- vorgehoben, und van 't Hoff mathematisch hergeleitet hat. Auf Veranlassung Herrn Professor Ostwalds habe ich nun Versuche angestellt, um zu erfahren, ob sich wirklich eine Verschiedenheit des Molekulargewichts des Jods in seinen Losungen aus den Dampfdruckserniedrigungen derselben ergiebt: ich glaube dies jetzt entschieden bejahen zu konnen. Die Wahl des Losungsmittels war nicht schwer, da Aether 1 Reprinted from Zeitschrift fur physikalische Chemie, 2, 606 (1888). 2 This now almost obsolete spelling was generally used in 1888. [EDITOR.] 8 Phys.-Med. Gesell. Erlangen (1887). 240 MORRIS LOEB und Schwefelkohlenstoff, welch e beide sehr hohe Dampf- spanmmg besitzen, den Farbenunterschied in besonders schoner Weise zeigen und daher fur typisch gel ten konnen, wahrend viele andere Losungsmittel, wie Benzol, die unrei- nen Nuancen eines Uebergangszustandeshervorbringen. Da- gegen liess sich die Raoultsche Methode, die Losungen in die Barometerleere einzufiihren und den Quecksilberstand direkt zu messen, deshalb nicht anwenden, weil [607] eine Be- riihrung zwischen Jod und Quecksilber nicht statthaft war. Es hat sich indeiSsen eine Modification eines Regnaultschen Apparates als niitzlich erwiesen, welche eine bequemere Handhabung und raschere Ausfiihrung gestattet, genaue Messinstrumente unnotig macht und, trotz einiger neuen Fehlerquellen, hinreichende Genauigkeit besitzt, Fragen wie die vorliegende zu entscheiden. Zwei Reagensflaschen von annahernd gleichem Gehalt erhalten guteingeschliffene, hohle Glasstopsel, welche beider- seits offen sich nach oben in Glasrohren aus starkem Glase, von etwa 6 mm. lichter Weite, fortsetzen. Diese Rohren wer- den zweimal rechtwinklig gebogen, so dass der unten offene Schenkel 50 cm. lang ist, wahrend der andere Schenkel und der wagrechte Teil nur je etwa 105 cm. lang sind. Diese beiden Rohren werden untereinander durch Stiicke dicken Gummischlauchs, deren eines einen Quetschhahn fiihrt, unter Vermittelung eines T-Rohres verbunden. Das dritte Ende dieses T-Rohres, zweckmassig nach oben gekehrt, statt wie der Uebersichtlichkeit halber gezeichnet, dient zur Verbindung nach aussen und ist deshalb mit Schlauch und Quetschhahn versehen. Es werden nun die Flaschen mit den die Flussigkeiten enthaltenden Rohrchen beschickt, welche aus oben und unten stumpfwinklig ausgezogenen diinnwandigen Glasrohren gefertigt sind, 2 bis 3 cc. fassen und nach dem Fiillen vor der Stichflamme geschlossen wer- DAS GELOESTE JOD 241 den. In die eine Flasche kommt die Losung, in die andere das reine Losungsmittel : die Flaschen werden geschlossen, nachdem noch zu besserer Dichtung die Stopsel mit syrupsdicker Phosphorsaure- losung bestrichen worden. Das offene Ende der T-Rohre wird mit einem Rohre verbunden, das auf den Boden einer WoulfTschen Flasche reicht, welche mit gef arbtem Wasser gefiillt ist und mittels ihrer anderen Miindung mit einer Luft- pumpe kommuniziert. Die Luft im Ap- parate wird so lange verdiinnt, bis der Unterdruck den zu erwartenden hb'ch- sten Druck um weniges ubertrifft, der Quetschhahn alsdann geschlossen und die WoulfTsche Flasche mit der Aussen- luft in Verbindung gesetzt. Durch vor- sichtiges Oeffnen des Hahnes lasst man nun so viel Wasser in die Rohren treten, dass dasselbe die Half te der langen Schenkel erfiillt. Man entfernt die Woulffsche Flasche und hat nun ein empfindliches [608] Differentialmano- meter, welches Druckunterschiede in Wasserhohe direkt an- giebt, vom ausseren Druck ganz unabhangig ist und wegen der verschwindenden Verschiebung der Volume in beiden Halften (die grosste beobachtete Differenz bedingte kaum einen hal- ben cc., wahrend die Flaschen 270 cc. fassen) hierfiir eine Kor- rektion unnotig machte. Der Kapillaritatseinfluss hebt sich gegenseitig auf und die im Apparate verbleibende Luft ubt auf beiden Seiten gleichen Druck aus, so dass ein Verdiinnen der- selben bloss zum Vermeiden eines grossen Druckunterschiedes zwischen dem Innern des Apparates und der Atmosphare, wodurch bei langerem Stehen ein Austreiben der Stopsel und folgliche Undichtigkeit haufig vorkam, notig war. Es 242 MORRIS LOEB ergab sich aber auch der weitere Vorteil, dass eine schnelle Verbreitung des Dampfes ermoglicht ward, wodurch die Dauer der Versuche eine kiirzere wurde. Der Versuch wurde folgendermassen fortgefiihrt: die Flaschen wurden dicht zu- sammen in einen Wasserthermostaten bis an den oberen Rand des Halses gesteckt, wahrend die beiden Manometer- rohren ausserhalb desselben ebenfalls dicht beisammen her- abhingen. Nachdem an einer lotrecht daneben hangenden Skala mit Millimeterteilung die kleine Niveaudifferenz fest- gestellt, wurde die Verbindung der beiden Halften mittels des hierzu angebrachten Quetschhahns aufgehoben und die Rohrchen durch Schiitteln der Flaschen geoffnet. Es dauerte eine Viertelstunde ehe man die Verbindung wieder herstel- len durfte, ohne ein Ueberspritzen der Sperrfliissigkeit in die eine oder die andere Flasche befiirchten zu miissen; dann aber stellte sich rasch ein Gleichgewichtszustand her, der manchmal viele Stunden lang unverandert blieb, manchmal aber um Centimeter Wasserdruck schwankte. Die Ursache des Schwankens lag wohl in ungleichmassiger Verteilung der Losung in der Flasche und an kleinen Temperatur- schwankungen, welche die Witterung der letzten Wochen sehr begtinstigte. Nach eintagigem Stehen war kein Ver- trauen mehr in die Werte zu setzen, da alsdann die Diffu- sion des Wasserdampfes bis zur Flasche vorgeschritten war, die Fliissigkeiten nicht mehr trocken waren. Die nun mit Riicksicht auf die urspriingliche Differenz korrigierten Unterschiede des Wasserstandes ergaben also den Unterschied zwischen der Spannung des reinen Losungs- mittels und der jeweiligen Losung; d. i. die Erniedrigung, welche die gerade in der Losung bestehende Konzentration des Jods bewirkte. Zur Berechnung dieser Konzentration brauchte ich zweierlei Daten: die Mengen des thatsachlich vorhandenen Jods und Losungsmittels, und die Menge des DAS GELOESTE JOD 243 letzteren, welches in Gasform der Losung sich entzogen hatte. Die Rohrchen enthielten deshalb gewogene Mengen der einer frisch bereiteten Mischung der abgewogenen Bestandteile entnommenen [609] Losung. Andererseits liess sich die ver- dampfte Menge des Losungsmittels nach bekanntem gaso- metrischen Gesetze berechnen, wenn man nur den Druck, unter welchem dasselbe stand, kannte : derselbe ist gleich dem der reinen Fltissigkeit, vermindert um die abgelesene Er- niedrigung. Wie ich mich durch direkte Versuche uberzeugte, genligen die durch Interpolation aus den Regnaultschen Zahlen erhaltenen Werte fur die reinen Fliissigkeiten voll- kommen den Anspriichen meiner Versuche. Es sei nun p das Verhaltnis des in der Fliissigkeit augenblicklich vorhandenen Losungsmittels zu dem darin aufgelosten Jod; a die einge- wogene Menge des Losungsmittels in Gramm ausgedriickt, b die des Jods;/ der berechnete Quecksilberdruck des Gases Uber der reinen Fliissigkeit, e die gefundene Erniedrigung gleichfalls in Millimeter Quecksilberhohe ausgedriickt; g das Gewicht eines Kubikcentimeters des Dampfes bei und 760 mm. Dann haben wir, das Volum der Flasche gleich 270 cc. gesetzt, fur das Gewicht des in dem fliissigen Teil ver- bliebenen Losungsmittels den Ausdruck 760 . (l+o0 und daher i I. p=- 760(1+00 Der weiteren Berechnung lege ich eine Formel zu Grunde, welche Raoult 1 jiingst aufgestellt hat, die ihrerseits auf dem 1 Zetochr. 2, 372 (1888). 244 MORRIS LOEB von ihm und Planck 1 ubereinstimmend gefundenen Gesetz fur die Losungen wenigfliichtiger Substanzen beruht. Diese Formel lautet II. wobei MQ das Molekulargewicht des Losungsmittels, MI dasjenige des gelosten Korpers bedeutet. In den tabellari- schen Zusammenstellungen meiner Versuche gebe ich, be- hufs besserer Uebersicht, in den beiden ersten Kolumnen die Gewichte der Ingredienzen der eingefiihrten Losung, in der dritten die Temperaturen, in der vierten die gefundene Er- niedrigung in Millimeter Quecksilber, in der fiinften den berechneten Dampfdruck der Losung, in der sechsten die Werte fur p und endlich das sich ergebende Molekulargewicht des Jods. Zur Beurteilung der Methode mogen die Mes- sungen dienen, welche ich an einem Korper von zweifellos konstantem [610] Molekulargewicht, dem Naphthalin, aus- gefiihrt: ich schicke dieselben deshalb voraus. NAPHTHALIN IN SCHWEFELKOHLENSTOFF a b t e f-e P Ml 5-4082 0-2586 27-5 9-47 377-09 5-18 129 27-5 10-93 375 65 5-18 135 Mittel der gefundenen "Werte 132. Berechnet fur C i0 H 8 128. 1 Zeitschr. 2, 408 (1888). DAS GELOESTE JOD 245 NAPHTHALIN IN AETHER a b t 6 /- P Jf, Mittelwert 2-5990 2511 27-5 32-84 535 55 12-47 150i 2-8359 0-1462 27-5 21-12 557-27 6-53 127 27-5 21-08 557-31 6 53 128 27-5 21-14 557-25 6-53 127 127-5 27-5 21-17 557 22 6 53 128 ber. 128 JOD IN SCHWEFELKOHLENSTOFF a b t e f-e P J/i Mittel 5-6528 0-4388 27-3 9 72 373-92 8-37 239 27 3 8-59 375-05 8-37 278 264 27 3 8.81 374-83 8-37 271 27 3 9-08 374-56 8-37 268 5-1862 0-4026 27-5 8-10 378-48 8-46 300-5 300-5 27-5 8-10 378-48 8-46 300-5 5-4579 0-2594 27-5 4-60 381 98 5-15 324 27-5 4-51 382-07 5-15 332 27-5 4-66 381-92 5-15 320 320 27-5 4-76 381-82 5-15 314 27-55 4-80 382-52 5-15 310 4-9030 0-2330 27-5 4-67 381-91 5-20 326 326-5 ~~ 27-5 4-60 381-98 5-20 327 Mittelwert aller Versuche J/i = 303 -25 5' 10 2 Berechnet ftlr J 2 , M t = 254. " / M l = 381. 1 Dieser Versuch war mit zu konzentrierter Losung angestellt, um in Be- tracht zu kommen. 2 Der wahrscheinliche Fehler 1st nach der Form el F= f berechnet. Der mittlere wahrscheinliche Versuchsfehler betragt 19. +/' 246 MORRIS LOEB [611] JOB IN AETHER a c t e f-e P M, Mittel 3-2578 0-2546 27-2 8-20 563 69 9-59 488 27-2 7-50 564-39 9-59 534 27-2 7-81 564-08 9-59 512 504-7 27-35 8-09 567-05 9-60 497 27-3 8-16 565-90 9-60 492-5 3-2864 0-2058 27-3 7-46 566-60 7-68 443 27-3 4-84 569-22 7-68 653 577-2 27-3 5-04 569-02 7-68 642 27 3 5-66 568-40 7-68 571 3-6809 2305 27-4 6-51 569-72 7-50 486-5 27-4 6-48 569-75 7-50 487 480-7 27-45 6-77 570-54 7-51 468-5 3 4343 0-3151 27-5 6 99 571-40 7-62 461 27-5 7-14 571-25 7-62 451 466-1 27-5 6-43 571-96 7-62 501-5 27-5 7-14 571-25 7-62 451 Mittel aller Versuche M l = 507'210'5. Wahrscheinlicher Fehler ernes Versuchs = 42. Berechnet fur J 4 , M^ = 508. Aus diesem Material ergiebt sich mil grosser Wahrschein- lichkeit, dass das Jod in roter Losung ein der Formel 7 4 ent- sprechendes Molekulargewicht besitzt, wahrend sich aus der Schwefelkohlenstofflosung ein halbwegs zwischen 7 2 und 7 3 stehender Wert berechnet. Um den Vergleich mit andern Berechmmgsweisen zu erleichtern, mache ich noch darauf auf merksam, dass meine Werte fur p bei Aetherlosungen un- gefahr einer Molekel 7 4 auf hundert Molekel des Gemenges entsprechen, wahrend in den Schwefelkohlenstofflosungen das Verbal tnis zwischen 1 : 100 und 2 : 100 schwankte. Dass sich grossere Verdiinnungen bei dieser, sowie der Raoultschen Versuchsordnung verbieten, wird klar, wenn man bedenkt, dass der Wert e in der Berechnung dreimal auftritt und man denselben daher nicht sich so verkleinern lassen darf , dass die DAS GELOESTE JOD 247 Beobachtungsfehler verhaltnissmassig bedeutend werden. Es ware daher, wie schon Raoult beiuerkt, iiberhaupt die Gefrierpunktsmethode der Dampfspannungsmethode immer vorzuziehen. Um das mir vorgesteckte Ziel zu erreichen, fehlte es mir aber vor allem an einem gefrierbaren Losungs- mittel, welches das Jod mit reinvioletter Farbe loste; Benzol giebt, wie schon erwahnt, eine Mischfarbe. Trotzdem habe ich im Verlaufe der Untersuchung Versuche iiber die Gefrier- punkte der Losungen von Jod in Benzol sowohl, [612] wie in Eisessig angestellt. Ich gab dieselben aber auf, als ich mich Uberzeugt, dass bei der sehr geringen Loslichkeit des Jods in den erwahnten Fllissigkeiten ein geniigender Spielraum nicht vorhanden ist: das berechnete Molekulargewicht nahm von der aussersten Verdiinnung bis zur Sattigung stetig mit der Konzentration zu, so dass sich kein Punkt zeigte, bei welchem man einen Vorzug iiber die andern erkennen konnte. Die jiingst von den Herren Paterno und Nasini 1 veroffentlichten Zahlen scheinen mir Aehnliches zu ergeben. Herrn Professor Ostwald freue ich mich fur das liebens- wiirdige Interesse, welches er mir wahrend dieser unter seiner Leitung ausgefiihrten Arbeit gezeigt, hier offentlich danken zu diirfen. 1 Berichte, 21, 2155 (1888). [812] THE USE OF ANILINE AS AN ABSORB- ENT OF CYANOGEN IN GAS ANALYSIS 1 IN a paper published in the "Comptes Rendus," 100, 1005, some time ago, Jaquemin proposed the use of aniline as an absorbent for cyanogen in quantitative gas analysis, without, however, giving details of any experiments as to the trustworthiness of the method. The proposal is a surprising one, considering that hydrogen cyanide is always formed in the preparation of cyananiline; this fact is distinctly stated by Hofmann, 2 who accounted for its production by certain secondary reactions which he studied. It is also to be noted that Jaquemin, in the same paper, describes a very satisfac- tory method of preparing cyanogen gas in the wet way, and that he probably employed the moist cyanogen in his experi- ments with aniline. As the presence of water seems to favor most of the reactions of cyanogen, there did not seem to be any conclusive evidence that dry cyanogen would be totally absorbed by aniline. At all events, it seemed worth while to make the experiment with cyanogen prepared in the old way, and at the same time to ascertain to what extent the develop- ment of hydrocyanic acid would interfere with Jaquemin's proposed method for gas analysis. For this purpose, cyano- gen prepared from dry mercuric cyanide was brought into contact with recently distilled aniline. The gas was, indeed, absorbed rapidly and completely, nor did a bubble of gas appear after twenty-four hours' standing. But as soon as car- bon dioxide was passed in, the presence [813] of hydrocyanic 1 Reprinted from Journal of the Chemical Society, 63, 812 (October, 1888). 2 Hofmann, Annalen, 66, 129 (1848). ANILINE AS ABSORBENT OF CYANOGEN 249 acid became apparent. It was expelled from the aniline by the carbon dioxide, and could now be recognized both by its odor and by the Prussian blue reaction. At the same time a considerable quantity of carbon dioxide is absorbed by the ani- line and must be held in solution, as chemical union is impos- sible under the circumstances. As the same is said to be the case with carbon monoxide, and these two gases are those which generally accompany cyanogen, I fail to see how aniline can be generally useful in determining the amount of cyano- gen in a mixture, apart from the fact that hydrogen cyanide is produced in the reaction, and is itself very loosely attracted by aniline. The experiments by which I satisfied myself of this were made last April, in the laboratory of the Physical Association of Frankfort-on-Main, to the director of which, Dr. B. Lep- sius, I am very much indebted. The details of a few of the most important tests are given below. I. 32*88 cc. of cyanogen gas (under standard conditions) were absorbed immediately by 12*5 cc. aniline; after twenty- five hours no trace of gas had been evolved. II. A mixture of cyanogen and dry air was introduced into a T-shaped eudiometer, provided with stopcocks and filled with mercury. Aniline was first added and allowed to absorb the cyanogen, and dry carbon dioxide was then passed in; when no further change took place, the unabsorbed gas was transferred to a test-tube over mercury, and brought in con- tact with a few drops of sodic hydrate; the alkaline solution gave an appreciable test for hydrocyanic acid with ferrous and ferric salts. In the table [on the following page] the measurements and the results are given: 250 MORRIS LOEB t B cc Corrected Volume of cyanogen and air . . Volume 22 hours after introduc- ing aniline 19-0 19-5 752-1 752-1 60 7-7 55-34 7-09 - Volume of cyanogen absorbed . After addition of carbon dioxide Volume carbon dioxide 19~5 752-1 36-75 33~84 48-25 26-75 After 23 '5 hours . ... 19-5 752-0 21-00 19 33 Volume carbon dioxide absorbed 14-51 III. A similar experiment, performed in a somewhat dif- ferent order, and with the use of a straight eudiometer, gave an analogous result. H =the height of the column of mercury, h = the height of the column of aniline reduced to mercury. [814] t B H n cc Corrected Volume of carbon dioxide .... Volume of carbon dioxide and cyanogen ... 19-5 19-5 752-1 752-1 - - 56-5 108-5 52-03 99-91 Volume of cyanogen .... 47'88 Vol. 22 hours after introduction of aniline .... 19-5 752-0 227 5-3 43-0 27-32 Volume of gas absorbed 72-59 47*88 cc. cyanogen gas and 24*71 cc. carbon dioxide have, therefore, been absorbed. In this case, too, the residual gas had a decided odor of prussic acid. [948] ZUR KINETIK DER IN LOSUNG BEFIND- LICHEN RORPER 1 1. ElNLEITUNG BEKANNTLICH hat Herr Fr. Rohlrausch, 2 ausgehend von der Hittorfschen Hypothese, wonach die Ueberfiihrungszahl einer Losung das Verhaltnis der Geschwindigkeiten der beiden Jonen, in welche das in Losung befindliche Salz zerfallt, berechnen lasst, zwischen dieser Grosse und dem elektrischen Leitungsvermogen eine einfache Beziehung aufgestellt. Hier- nach ist das Leitungsvermogen X eine additive Eigenschaft, namlich gleich der Summe der Beweglichkeiten des Anions v und des Rations u. Die Ueberfiihrungszahl eines Jons ist das Verhaltnis der Beweglichkeit dieses Jons zu der Summe der Beweglichkeiten der beiden Jonen. Es ist somit, wenn n die Ueberfiihrungszahl des Anions, und somit ln dieselbe Grosse fur das Ration bedeutet: ~ u l-n=- u+v u+v Diese Beziehungen fand Herr Rohlrausch an einer Anzahl Verbindungen einbasischer Sauren sowie an einigen ein- wertigen Basen in Losungen geringer Ronzentrationen gut bestatigt; schwache Basen (z. B. Ammoniak) und Sauren (z. B. Essigsaure) fiigten sich selbst bei betrachtlichen Ver- diinnungen auch nicht naherungsweise unter obige Gesetze. Diesen Widerspruch zwischen Theorie und Erfahrung hat kiirzlich Herr Arrhenius 3 durch Einfiihrung des Aktivitats- begriffes gehoben. Das Leitungsvermogen kann nur in dem 1 In collaboration with W. Nernst. Reprinted from Zeitschr. 2, 948 (1888). 2 Fr. Kohlrausch, Wied. Annalen, 6, 1 (1879). Ibid., 26, 213 (1885). 1 Arrhenius, Sur la conductibilite, etc. Stockholm, 1884. Zeitschr. 1, 631 (1887). 252 MORRIS LOEB Falle eine additive Eigenschaft sein, wenn in alien Verbin- dungen die Jonen sich samtlich oder mit einem [949] kon- stanten Bruchteil an der Leitung beteiligen. Nach der Theo- rie von Arrhenius ist dieses nicht der Fall. Die Elektrizitats- leitung wird nur von den aktiven Molekeln iibernommen; der Aktivitatskoeffizient, d. h. das Verhaltnis der leitenden zu den insgesamt vorhandenen Molekeln variiert nicht nur bei den verschiedenen Verbindungen, sondern er ist auch bei derselben Verbindung von der Konzentration abhangig, dergestalt, dass er mit der Verdunnung wachst und bei grosser Verdunnung dem Grenzwerte 1 zustrebt. Kohl- rauschs Gesetz erlangt daher hiernach im allgemeinen erst bei sehr kleinen Konzentrationen strenge Giiltigkeit. Die gute Uebereinstimmung, welche man 1. c. S. 215 : findet, riihrt daher, dass die daselbst aufgefiihrten Verbindungen bei, der Konzentration f normal, auf welche sich die Leitungs- vermogen und Ueberfiihrungszahlen beziehen, einen nahe gleichen Aktivitatskoeffizienten, etwa 0.88, besitzen. Uebri- gens sei darauf hinge wiesen, dass auch Herr Kohlrausch selber 2 seinem Gesetze eine naherungsweise Giiltigkeit zuschrieb und eine Untersuchung zur Prlifung desselben bei grossen Verdlinnungen fur wiinschenswert hielt. Eine neuere Untersuchung von Herrn Ostwald, 3 in der die Leitvermogen einer grossen Anzahl Elektrolyte bis zu sehr bedeutenden Verdtinnungen untersucht wurden, hat bereits ein diesen Anschauungen gunstiges Resultat geliefert. Den physikalischen Unterschiede zwischen den aktiven und inaktiven Molekeln hat Herr Arrhenius bekanntlich in Weiterfiihrung der Clausius-Williamsonschen Hypothese darin gefunden, dass jene in ihre mit gleich grosser aber ent- gegengesetzter Elektrizitat geladene Jonen dissociiert sind, 1 Kohlrausch, Wied. Annalen, 26, 215 (1885). J Loc. cit. S. 216 (1885). 8 Ostwald, Zeitschr. 1, 61 und 97 (1887). KINETIK DER GELOSTEN KORPER 253 wahrend bei letzteren der elektropositive und negative Be- standteil in ihrem Bewegungszustande nicht von einander unabhangig sind. Urn nun Kohlrauschs Gesetz von diesen veranderten Ge- sichtspunkten aus zu prlifen, fehlt es vor allem an geniigen- den Untersuchungen der Ueberf iihrung, woriiber in anbetracht der Wichtigkeit, welche die genaue Kenntnis dieses Phano- mens f lir die Mechanik der Elektrolyse und die Konstitution der Losungen besitzt, Uberraschend wenige Arbeiten vorlie- gen. Seit den klassischen Untersuchungen von Herrn Hit- torf 1 haben nur vereinzelt Forscher 2 Messungen hieriiber angestellt. In der Absicht, zur Ausf tillung dieser Liicke in der Wissenschaft beizutragen und eine Priifung obigen Gesetzes an sehr verdiinnten Losungen zu ermoglichen, haben wir an einer Anzahl Saureradikale, hauptsachlich organischer Na- tur [950], durch, gleichzeitige Messungen der Ueberf iihrung und der Leitfahigkeit von Silbersalzen die Jonenbeweglich- keiten zu ermitteln gesucht, deren Kenntniss, wie einer von uns zu zeigen gesucht hat, auch fur andere Phanomene von Wichtigkeit zu sein scheint. 3 Auch haben wir einige Bestim- mungen ausgefiihrt, welche liber die Frage nach dem Einfluss der Temperatur 4 auf die Wanderungsgeschwindigkeiten orientieren soil ten. Fur die Wahl des Silbers als positives Jon sprachen eine Anzahl Griinde; zur Bestimmung des Grenzwertes desmole- kularen Leitvermogens empfahl sich im Interesse der gros- seren Sicherheit ein einwertiges Jon, und Silber ist das ein- zige einwertige Metall, welches sich ein grosser Vorteil bei 1 Hittorf, Pogg. Annalen, 89, 177. 98, 1. 103, 1. 106, 337. 1 G. Wiedemann, Pogg. Annalen, 99, 177. Kirmis, Wied. 'Annalen, 4, 503. Weiske, Pogg. Annalen, 103, 466. Kuschel, Wied. Annalen, 13, 289. Lenz, Mem. de St. Petersb. 30, 1882. Nernst, Zeitschr. 2, 613 (1888). 4 Nernst, Ibid. 623 (1888). 254 MORRIS LOEB derartigen Messungen bequem als Elektrode verwenden lasst. Seine Salze sind leicht in geniigender Reinheit zu beschaffen. Sodann bot sich uns in der eleganten Titrier- methode auf Silber von Herrn Volhard 1 die Moglichkeit, die notigen Analysen mit grosser Leichtigkeit und durchaus geniigender Sicherheit auszufuhren. 2. APPARAT ZUR BESTIMMUNG DER UEBERFUHRUNGS- ZAHL Bei der Wahl desselben suchten wir die Anwendung von Membranen zu umgehen, um storende Nebenwirkungen vollig zu vermeiden, und waren darauf bedacht, seinen innern Widerstand moglichst gering zu machen, damit bei den sehr verdiinnten Losungen, mit denen wir arbeiteten, die Zeit- dauer eines Versuchs nicht iibermassig sich ausdehne. Wir sind schliesslich nach mehreren Versuchenbei einemApparate stehen geblieben, welcher bei seiner Einf achheit sich in vielen Fallen als brauchbar erweisen diirfte. Er besitzt im wesent- lichen die Form einer Gay-Lussacschen Burette und ist in nebenstehender Zeichnung dargestellt. Um das lastige Her- abfallen des an der Kathode sich niederschlagenden Silbers zu vermeiden, ist ein seitliches Ansatzrohr von derselben Weite wie das Hauptrohr angeschmolzen, welches in einer Kugel endigt, die zur Aufnahme der Kathode dient [951], Eingefiihrt wird dieselbe durch das engere Rohr B; sie besteht aus einem an einem Silberdraht befestigten und cylindrisch gerollten Silberblech. Die Anode, ein an seinem untern Ende spiralformig gewickelter Silberdraht, wird durch A eingefiihrt und reicht bis auf den Boden des Gefasses. Um den Eintritt des Stromes in die Losung nur am unteren Ende zu ermoglichen, ist der gerade Teil des Drahtes mit einer diinnwandigen Glaskapillare iiberzogen, die sich trotz des 1 J. Volhard, Annalen, 190, 1 (1878). , KINETIK DER GELOSTEN KORPER 255 verschiedenen Ausdehnungskoeffizienten von Silber und Glas gut an den Draht anschmelzen liess. Die Oeffnungen A und B tragen durchbohrte, von kurzen Glasrohrchen durchsetzte Korke. Das Rohrchen bei A lasst den Elek- trodendraht einfach hindurch- gehen, wahrend dasjenige bei B einen seitlich eingeschmolzenen Platindraht besitzt, an welchem die Elektrode aufgehangt wird. Es kann so A durch ein iiber Draht und Rohrchen gezogenes Endchen Gummischlauch mittelst Quetschhahn verschlossen, bei B mittelst eines Gummischlauchs gesaugt oder geblasen werden, ohne die Elektroden zu erschiittern. Bei Ausfiihrung eines Versuchs wurde nun ein solcher Apparat samt Elektroden und Korken, aber ohne die Gum- miverbindungen, gewogen; A alsdann in erwahnter Weise geschlossen und bei B gesaugt, wahrend die Miindung von C unter die Oberflache der betreffenden Losung tauchte. Der Apparat fiillte sich so bis zur Hohe der oberen Wand des An- satzrohrs und enthielt, je nach Grosse, 40 oder 60 cc. Losung. Nunmehr wurde das Ausflussrohr ebenfalls durch ein Gum- mikappchen verschlossen, der Apparat aufrecht in einen Wasserthermostaten nach Herrn Ostwald 1 gehangt und, nachdem die Temperatur sich ausgeglichen hatte, die Strom- leitung angelegt. Sofort nach Beendigung der Elektrolyse wurde das Ausflussrohr geoffnet und durch Anblasen bei B beliebige Teile der Losung in tarierte Gef asse gefiillt, gewogen und analysiert. Die Menge der im Apparate verbleibenden 1 Ostwald, Zeitschr. 2, 565 (1888). 56 MORRIS LOEB Losung wurde durch die Gewichtszunahme desselben be- stimmt. Wenn nun wahrend des Versuchs keine Mischung durch Diffusions- oder Konvektionsstrome stattgefunden hat, so wird bei passender Einteilung die zuerst auslaufende Schicht die konzentriertere Losung an der Anode, sowie gentigende Menge unveranderte Losung enthalten, um voll- standig nachzuspiilen. Die folgenden Schichten miissen eine unveranderte Konzentration zeigen, wahrend der im Apparat zuriickbleibende Anteil die verdiinnte Losung um die Kathode enthalt. Die Probe dafiir, dass der Versuch brauchbar war, lag also sowohl in dem Unverandertsein der mittleren Schich- ten, wie darin, dass die Losung um die Kathode ebensoviel [952] Silber verloren hatte, als diejenige um die Anode mehr enthielt. Nachdem wir die erste Bedingung stets erfiillt gefunden hatten, verzichteten wir schliesslich imlnteresse der schnelleren Ausflihrung der Versuche auf die Entnahme der mittleren Schichten und begnligten uns, die Losung in zwei etwa gleiche Portionen zu teilen. Wenn, wie es haufig vorkam, ein Wachsen des niedergeschlagenen Silbers von der Kugel aus das Ansatzrohr entlang stattfand, so wurde der Versuch unterbrochen, ehe das Hauptrohr erreicht war. Die Analysen wurden, wie oben erwahnt, mittels Titra- tion durch Rhodanammoniumlosung ausgefiihrt, deren Ge- halt (etwa ^ normal) durch of tmaligen Vergleich mit einer Silbernitratlosung ermittelt wurde. Der Titer der letzteren wurde im Laufe der Untersuchungen mehrmals gewichts- analytisch bestimmt und stets unverandert gefunden. Die Titrationen konnen eine Genauigkeit bis auf gut 5 cc.[ =0-038 mg Ag] beanspruchen, besonders da zur Kontrolle der Farben- umschlag stets doppelt beobachtet wurde; es wurde namlich nach Eintreten der ersten Farbung noch aus einer Pipette 1 cc. i^o AgNO 3 Losung zugeftigt und wiederum der Farben- umschlag beobachtet. KINETIK DER GELOSTEN KORPER 257 In die TJeberfiihrungszahl geht ausser der Menge des iiber- fiihrten noch die des gleichzeitig ausgeschiedenen Silbers ein, zu deren Bestimmung man sich bekanntlich am einfach- sten eines in den Stromkreis eingeschalteten Silbervolt- ameters bedient. Da dieselbe aber haufig bei der Unter- suchung verdiinnter Losungen weniger als 20 mg betrug, eine so geringe Quantitat bei dem schwer vollig zu vermei- denden Verlust kleiner Silberflitterchen sich nicht mit einer geniigenden Genauigkeit bestimmen lasst, so haben wir die Elektrizitatsmenge, welche wahrend der Elektrolyse den Apparat durchfloss, durch galvanometrische Messung ermit- telt. In den Stromkreis (s. Fig.) wurde ein Stopselrheostat eingeschaltet, an dessen Enden sich ein Nebenkreis an- schloss, welcher ein Galvanometer mit direkter Ablesung und ein Clark-Element enthielt. Durch richtige Wahl des aus dem Rheostaten eingeschalteten Widerstandes W, sowie passende Schaltung des Elements, kann bekanntlich stets das Galvanometer stromlos gemacht werden; dann ist die ri Intensitat im Hauptkreis i=yy> wo E die elektromotorische Kraft des Normalelementes bedeutet. Da wahrend der Dauer der Elektrolyse, gewohnlich 4 bis 5 Stunden, die Stromintensitat sich wenig und zwar ausserordentlich stetig sich anderte, so geniigte es, eine derartige Strommessung, welche sich in wenigen Sekunden ausfiihren Hess, alle zehn Minuten vorzunehmen, um das Stromintegral mit weitaus geniigender Sicherheit in der bekannten Weise zu berechnen. [953] Durch besondere Versuche ergab sich, dass, wenn Widerstandskasten und Element eine Temperatur von 18 besassen, die ausgeschiedene Silbermenge/ sich aus der Formel /= 96-29- w 258 MORRIS LOEB berechnen lasst; hier bedeutet z die Zeitdauer der Elektrolyse in Minuten, und w den berechneten Widerstand, der, wenn wahrend dieser Zeit die gleiche Elektrizitatsmenge in kon- stantem Strome den Apparat durchflossen hatte, eingeschaltet werden miisste, um das Galvanometer stromlos zu machen. Betrug die Temperatur von Element und Kasten t, so war obige Zahlmit 1-0.0012 (218) zu multiplizieren, wobei sich der Temperaturkoeffizient 0.0012 aus dem des Elements, 0.0008, und dem des Kastens, +0.0004, zusammensetzt. Aus der Thatsache, dass nach Herrn Kohlrausch l ein Amper per Sekunde 1.118 mg Ag zersetzt, und der Angabe, dass die Einheit unseres Kastens das legale Ohm war, ergiebt sich (die absolute Widerstandseinheit = 1.063 SE gesetzt) die elektromotorische Kraft unseres Clark-Elementes bei 18 zu 1.431 Volt. Die Zahl stimmt gut mit den Angaben der Herren Lord Rayleigh (1.434 bei 15) und v. Ettings- hausen 2 (1.433 bei 13.5). Auf 18 umgerechnet, geben letz- tere Werte 1.431 und 1.428, und beweist die Uebereinstim- mung unserer Zahl mit diesen, dass wir in der That im Clark- Element einen Etalon fiir eine elektromotorische Kraft be- sitzen, bei dessen Anwendung man Fehler iiber 2 pro mille kaum wird begehen konnen. Als Stromquelle dienten uns 38 Leclanche-Elemente, deren elektromotorische Kraft zusammen etwa 40 Volt betrug und welche einen innern Widerstand von etwa 120 Ohm besassen. Um das Auswachsen des Salmiaks zu ver- meiden, waren die oberen Rander der Batterieglaser und der Kohlenstabe mit Paraffin iiberstrichen. In einen Widerstand von 5 bis 10000 Ohm geschlossen, liefert die Batterie Stunden lang einen durchaus konstanten Strom und bietet dieselbe ausserdem den Vorteil, stets zum Gebrauch bereit zu sein. 1 F. Kohlrausch, Leitf. d. prakt. Physik, 327 (1887). 2 Wiedemann, Elektrizitat, 4, 985 (1885). j KINETIK DER GELOSTEN KORPER 259 3. DABSTELLUNG DER LOSUNGEN l Die Losung von Silbernitrat (AgNO 3 ) wurde durch Auf- losung des krystallisierten Salzes erhalten. Die Silbersalze der Chlorsaure (AgClO 3 ), [954] Ueberchlorsaure (AgClO 4 ), Aethylschwefelsaure (AgO 4 SC 2 H 5 ), Naphthalinsulfonsaure (AgO 3 SCioH 7 ), Benzolsulfonsaure (AgO 3 SC 6 H 5 ), Pseudo- kumolsulfonsaure (AgOsSCgHn), Essigsaure (AgO 2 C 2 H 3 ) wurden durch Abstumpfung der freien Sauren mit feuchtem Silberoxyd und nachheriges Filtriern durch Asbest darge- stellt. Dithionsaures Silber (Ag 2 S 2 O 6 ) wurde durch Wech- selzersetzung aquivalenter Mengen Baryumdithionat und Silbersulfat gewonnen. Um Kieselfluorsilber (Ag 2 SiFl 6 ) zu erhalten, wurde in eine Losung von Fluorkieselsaure so viel Silberoxyd eingetragen, als dieselbe aufnehmen wollte; darauf wurde so lange Baryumhydratlosung zugetropfelt, bis sich zu dem niederfallenden Baryumfluorsilikat etwas braunes Silberoxyd gesellte. Die neutrale Losung wurde filtriert und auf die gewiinschte Verdlinnung gebracht. 4. AUSFUHRLICHE MlTTEILUNG EINES VERSUCHS ALS BEISPIEL Derselbe wurde bei einer Temperatur von 26 mit etwa i^o normaler Silbernitratlosung ausgefiihrt, welche nach Be- endigung der Elektrolyse in vier Schichten geteilt wurde. In der folgenden Tabelle befindet sich unter I die Gewichts- menge der Schichten, unter II die darin gefundene Menge Silber, unter III die Silbermenge, welche darin ohne Elek- trolyse enthalten gewesen ware und sich aus der Angabe berechnet, dass 1 g Losung 1.139 mg Ag enthielt. 1 Dieselbe 1st von M. Loeb ausgefiihrt. 260 MORRIS LOEB TAB. 1. Nr. I II III Diff. 1 2 20-09 g 5-27 39 66 mg 5-96 22-88mg 6-00 +16.78 -0-04 3 5-38 6-04 6-07 -0-03 4 27-12 14-14 30-89 -16-75 57-81 65-80 Wie man sieht, 1st der Gehalt der beiden mittleren Schichten 2 und 3 innerhalb der Analysenf ehler unverandert geblieben; auch das zweite Kriterium fiir die Brauchbarkeit des Ver- suchs,'dass namlich der aus dem Versuche berechnete von dem direkt gefundenen Gehalt nicht differiert, sehen wir sehr ftfr Of\ nahe erfullt, indem aus - - =1.138 ein demob igen direkt 57.81 bestimmten 1.139 nahe kommender Wert sich ergiebt. Aus der Strommessung in der angegebenen Weise berechnete sich die der durch den Apparat geflossenen Elektricitats- menge aquivalente Silbermenge zu 32.10 mg, wahrend in einem zur Kontrolle gleichzeitig eingeschalteten [955] Silber- voltameter 32.2 mg sich vorfanden; der erstere Wert, als der zuverlassigere, wurde angenommen. Die Ueberf iihrungszahl ist aus obigen Daten nach Hittorf x folgendermassen zu berechnen. In die Losung um die Anode (1) sind 32.1 mg Ag ein, aus der um die Kathode (4) ebenso- viel ausgetreten. Vor der Elektrolyse fiihrten(l -0.0011390) g Wasser 1.139 mg Ag, wo v das Vernal tnis des Molekular- gewichts des Silbernitrats zu dem Atomgewicht des Silbers, 170 = 1.57, bedeutet. Nach der Elektrolyse waren an der 108 Anode (20.09-0.03966 v) g Wasser mit 39.66 mg Ag, an der Kathode (27.12-0.01414 v) g Wasser mit 14.14 mg Ag ver- * Pogg. Annalen, 98, 19 (1856). KINETIK DER GELOSTEN KORPER 261 bunden. Die Lfisung um die Anode ist somit um 39.66- (20.09-0 03966 .) ^07 i o_o mg Ag reicher, diejenige um die Kathode un 1-0.001139 v 1.139-16.82 = (27.12Xll.39-16.82) (1+0.001139 v) mg Ag armer geworden, indem das kleine Defizit der mittleren Schichten zu dem Mindergehalt von Nr. 4 hinzugefiigt ist. Wie man sieht, geben die in Tabelle 1 angefiihrten Differen- zen, welche den ersten Faktoren der beiden obigen Produkte entsprechen, nicht genau die Menge der Zu- resp. Abnahme von Ag an, sondern sind mit einem Korrektionsglied be- haftet, welches jedoch fiir Losungen so geringer Konzentra- tion sehr klein ist. Die Ueberfiihrungszahl, bezogen auf das Anion NO 3 , folgt also zu 1.0017, resp. ^^ 1.0017, im Mittel 0.524. 32.10 32.10 Nachdem wir wiederholt ein ahnlich giinstiges Resultat betreffs des Unverandertseins der mittleren Schichten ge- funden batten, wurde, wie schon erwahnt, schliesslich die Losung aus dem Apparate meistens in nur zwei Portionen geteilt untersucht. Da bei dem eben mitgeteilten Versuch in den Stromkreis gleichzeitig noch ein zweiter Apparat eingeschaltet war, so betrug die mittlere Stromintensitat nur etwa 0.0012 Amper, die Versuchsdauer 7 Stunden. Im Interesse des sehnelleren Arbeitens und um die Batterie mehr auszunutzen, zogen wir es in den meisten Fallen vor, zwei Apparate neben einander zu schalten, wo dann natiirlich jeder der beiden Hauptkreise behufs Strommessung einen eigenen Rheostaten enthielt; durch eine geeignete Schaltung wurde dann der Nebenkreis bald an den einen, bald an den anderen [956] Widerstands- kasten angelegt, und so in jedem Kreise der Strom gemessen; MORRIS LOEB bei der so erzielten doppelten Intensitat sank die Versuchs- dauer auf 3 bis 4 Stunden. Es sei noch erwahnt, dass wir, um ganz sicher zu gehen, das benutzte Clark-Element haufig mit einem zweiten verglichen; die absolute Gleichheit der elektro- motorischen Krafte beider lehrte, dass sich das benutzte Element nicht wahrend der Versuche anderte. 5. MESSUNGEN DER UEBERFUHRUNGSZAHL Im folgenden bedeutet t die Versuchstemperatur; m den Molekulargehalt der Losung (Grammaquivalente pro Liter) ; /i die aus der Strommessung berechnete Silbermenge in Milli- grammen, welche sich im Apparat wahrend des Versuchs ausschied;/ 2 dieselbe Grosse, wiesie sich im Silbervoltameter, welches oft gleichzeitig eingeschaltet, vorfand; n die Ueber- fiihrungszahl, bezogen auf das Anion. Dem Werte von n ist stets derjenige fur f\ zu Grunde gelegt. Salpetersaures Silber 1)2 = 20. m = 0-1043. / = 83'5. /. = 83'6. n = 0'528. 2)* = 26. m = 0-0521. /! = 76-7. 7i = 0'524. 3)2 = 26 m = 0-025. / t = 48'0. n = 0'5223. 4)^ = 0. 7/1 = 0-025. / t = 48-0. n = 0-5383. 5)2 = 26. m = 0-0105. / 1 = 32'10. /, = 32-2. n = 0-524. 6)2 = 26. m = 0-0105. / t = 32'10. /, = 322. n = 0'521. Bei 3) und 4), sowie bei 5) und 6) waren die Apparate in denselben Stromkreis gleichzeitig eingeschaltet. Chlorsaures Silber 1) 2 = 24-8. w = 0-0245. /.=39-88. / 2 =39'5. ?i = 0-503. 2) t = 24-8. m = 0-0245. /j = 51'72. n = 0'499. Ueherchlorsaures Silber 1)^ = 24-8. w = 0-0247. /. = 89-88. / 2 = 39'5. n = 0'515. 2) t = 24-8. m = 0-0247. f, = 51'72. n = 0-512. Bei der Untersuchung dieser beiden Losungen befand sich 1) mit 1) und 2) mit 2) je im gleichen Stromkreis. AetJiylschwefelsaures Silber 1) t = 24-8. m = 0-0243. /, = 53-30. n = 0-385. 2) t = 24-8. m = 0-0243. f, = 48'47. / 2 = 48'34. n = 0-389. 3)2 = 25-0. m = 0-00606. / t = 18- 10. n = 0-384. KINETIK DER GELOSTEN KORPER 263 NapJithalinsulfonsauret Silber 1) t = 29-2. m = 0-01292. /. = 33'95. n = 0-390. 2)* = 25-0. m = 0-0250. ^ = 39-75. / 2 = 39'5. n = 0'386. [957] Benzolsulfonsaures Silber 1) t = 24-8. m = 0-0250. /, = 48-47. /, = 48'34. n = 0-343. 2) = 24'7. m = 0-0250. / x = 17'85. 71 = 0-351. Pseudokumolsulfonsaures Silber 1) t = 24-2. m = 0-0238. /. = 61-62. n = 0'293. 2) t = 29-2. m = 0-02216. / t = 38'24. n = 0'2947. 3) t = 0. m = 0-02216. / t = 38'24. n = 0'2732. 4) *= 0. m = 0-02216. /; = 42-79. n = 0-2731. Bei 2) und 3) befanden sich die Apparate im gleichen Strom- kreis. Essigsaures Silber Bei der Untersuchung dieses Salzes zeigten sich Schwierig- keiten, indem nach Schluss des Versuches die mittelste Schicht nicht unverandert blieb, und der aus dem Versuch sich ergebende Titer der Losung nicht gut mit dem direkt gefundenen iibereinstimmte. Es ist nicht unwahrscheinlich, dass diese Unregelmassigkeiten mit der geringen Loslichkeit des Salzes zusammenhangen, indem sich leicht an der Anode die Losung so konzentrieren kann, dass festes Salz ausfallt und sich im Laufe des Versuchs zersetzt. Schliesslich gelang es, mit sehr verdlinnter Losung anscheinend brauchbare Resultate zu erhalten. 1) * = 25. m = 0-00972. f, = 20'80. n = 0'375. 2) t = 24. m = 0-00972. / t = 23'99. n = 0'377. Von Salzen zweibasischer Sauren wurden untersucht: Dithionsaures Silber 1)^ = 24-8. m 0-0246. / t = 33'40. n = 0*604. 2) t = 29-2. m = 0-0246. /, = 46'70. n = 0'604. 8)*= 0. m = 0-0246. / 1 = 46'70. n = 0'605. 4)^ = 24-2. m = 0-0246. / t =48-85. n = 0'606. 5) t = 0. m = 0-0246. /j = 45'80. n = 0'603. Bei 2) und 3) waren die Apparate im gleichen Stromkreis hintereinander geschaltet. 264 MORRIS LOEB Kieselfluorsilber 1) = 22 2. 771 = 0-02815. / x = 60'28. n = 0'467. 2) = 22-2. w = 0-02815. / x = 37'44. n = 0'464. In Tabelle 2 sind die gewonnenen Resultate der Ueber- fiihrungszahlen n nebst den dazugehorigen Temperaturen und Konzentrationen zusammengestellt : [958] TAB. 2. n t m Salpetersaures Silber 0-523 25 n1 n n1 0-539 Chlorsaures " 0'505 25 0*0245 Ueberchlorsaures 0'514 25 0'0247 Aethylschwefelsaures " 0-385 25 0243 0061 Naphthalinsulfonsaures " 0'390 30 0-386 25 Pseudokumolsulfonsaures " 0-293 25 A.AOQ 0-273 Benzolsulfonsaures " 0-347 25 0-025 Essigsaures " 0-376 25 0"0097 Dithionsaures 0'604 25 0-604 0-0246 Kieselfluorwasserstoffsaures 0'466 22 0*0282 Salpetersaures Silber ist eingehend bereits von Herrn Hittorf 1 untersucht worden, welcher etwa vom Gehalte 0.3 ab warts bis 0.024 die Ueberfiihrungszahl ungeandert, im Mittel 0.526 bei 19 fand. Wir finden das gleiche Ergebnis bei Varia- tion des Titers von 0.1-0.01 und einen dem Hittorfschen sehr nahen Wert, namlich 0.527 auf die gleiche Temperatur umgerechnet. Audi obiger Wert fiir Silberacetat stimmt gut mit dem Hittorfschen (0.373 bei 2 = 15 und m=0.05). 6. LEITVERMOGEN DER SILBERSALZE 2 Dasselbe wurde bei 25 nach der Kohlrauschschen Methode mittelst Telephon und Messbriicke bestimmt. Die Losungen vom Gehalte m= 0.025 -0.01 wurden in einem vom Wasser- bade eines Thermostaten umgebenen Widerstandsgefass 1 Pogg. Annden, 89, 199 (1853). 2 Diese Messungen sind von W. Nernst ausgefiilirt. KINETIK DER GELOSTEN KORPER 265 nach Herrn Arrhenius l untersucht und durch wiederholtes Verdiinnen auf die Halfte, wie von Herrn Ostwald beschrie- ben, bis auf etwa 0.0008 gebracht. Die unten mitgeteilten Zahlen beziehen sich auf das Leitungsvermogen von Queck- silber = l, indem die von Herrn Kohlrausch bei 18 fur Silber- nitrat beobachteten Leitvermogen 2 der Berechnung zu Grunde liegen. Zur grosseren Sicherheit der Umrechnung wurde zwischen 18 und 25 der Temperaturkoeffizient bei den Gehalten m=0.1, 0.02, 0.005 bestimmt und zu 0.0213, 0.0217, 0.0222 gefunden. Der Wert von Herrn Kohlrausch, 3 0.0221 bei m=0.01, schliesst sich gut an. In der folgenden Tabelle befinden sich [959] die mittelst dieser resp. inter- polierter Temperaturkoeffizienten auf 25 nach den Zahlen von Herrn Kohlrausch 4 umgerechneten und die von uns bei dieser Tempera tur durch fortgesetztes Verdiinnen gefun- denen Werte fur das Leitungsvermogen von Silbernitrat. TAB. 3 XX 108 XX 108 m K. L. u. N. m K. L. u. N. o-i 1018 1022 0-007 1178 1188 0-05 1071 1086 0-003 1211 1206 0-025 1128 1126 0-0015 1226 1221 0-015 1158 1153 0-0008 1234 1232 Der Parallelismus zwischen beiden Zahlenreihen ist befriedi- gend. Fur die iibrigen Salze fanden wir folgende Werte, wobei der Molekulargehalt m (g-Aequivalente pro Liter) durch Bestimmung der (von eins wenig verschiedenen) spezifischen Gewichte bei 18 aus der analytischen Bestim- mung des Gehaltes in Gewichtsprozenten auf diese Tempera- 1 Zeitschr. 2, 563 (1888). 2 Unter "Leitvermogen" schlechthin sei hier "molekulares LeitungsvermSgen" verstanden. 1 Wied. Annalen. 26, 223 (1885). * Ibid. 195 (1885). 266 MORRIS LOEB tur umgerechnet 1st. Die Korrektion wegen des Leitungs- vermogens des zum Verdiinnen benutzten Wassers, welches 2.5X10" 10 betrug, 1st in bekannter Weise angebracht worden. Die -wegen Kontraktion der Losungen beim Verdiinnen anzubringenden Korrekturen sind verschwindend. TAB. 4 XX 10 8 771 AgC10 3 AgC10 4 Ag0 4 SC 2 H 5 Ag0 3 SC 10 H 7 Ag0 3 SC 8 H 5 0-025 1045 1109 _ 0-015 1103 1139 882 846 0-007 1123 1160 905 893 874 0-003 1151 1182 930 926 897 0-0015 1160 1194 943 941 900 0-0008 1163 1200 949 951 906 TAB. 4 (FOKTSETZUNG) m AgO,SC,H n XX 108 Ag0 2 C 2 H 3 iAg 2 S 2 6 iAg 2 SiFl fl 0-025 734 _ 1253 995 0-015 762 1343 1020 0-007 791 897 1383 1054 0-003 813 926 1442 1081 0-0015 826 944 1474 1096 0-0008 836 949 1505 1100 [960] Die von Herrn Ostwald l an zahlreichen einbasischen Natriumsalzen beobachtete Regelmassigkeit eines sehr nahe gleichen Aktivitatskoeffizienten lasst sich auch leicht an dem hier vorliegenden Material wiederfinden; die Quotienten des Leitungsvermogens eines Salzes bei verschiedenem Gehalte variieren bei den Silberverbindungen einbasischer Sauren nur innerhalb der Grenzen, welche die Beobachtungsfehler kaum iiberschreiten. Von dieser Thatsache soil Gebrauch gemacht werden, um den Grenzwert des Leitungsvermogens 1 Ostwald, Zeitschr. 2, 847 (1888). ' KINETIK DER GELOSTEN KORPER 267 bei sehr grosser Verdiinnung zu erhalten, well bei der gering- sten von uns untersuchten Konzentration 0.0008 die voll- standige Dissoziation zwar sehr nahe, aber doch noch nicht vollig erreicht 1st. Beachten wir namlich, dass Silbernitrat nach den Messungen von Herrn Kohlrausch beim Gehalte m = 0.0008 im Verhaltnis \jjSj in seine Jonen dissoziiert 1st, so werden wir mit ziemlicher Genauigkeit die Grenzwerte von X auch bei den ubrigen einbasischen Silbersalzen erhalten, wenn wir die von uns bei m= 0.0008 gefundenen Werte um 0.75% erhohen. In Tabelle 5 sind die Messungen verzeichnet, welche wir iiber den Einfluss der Temperatur auf das Leitvermogen ausgefiihrt haben; hier wurden an Stelle der platinierten Platinplatten solche aus Silber als Elektroden im Wider- standsgefass angewendet, wodurch ein sehr deutliches Ton- minimum im Telephon erzielt wurde. X , \i 8 , X 28 bedeuten die (direkt gemessenen) Leitvermogen bei den Temperaturen \B 0, 18 und28; zieht man, von T , 1 ab und dividiert durch 10, A 18 so erhalt man die Temperaturkoeffizienten zwischen 18 und 28, welche mit den von Herrn Kohlrausch 1 mitgeteilten X direkt vergleichbar sind. Ausserdem ist noch T durch In- terpolation berechnet. TAB. 5 m x l8 i m \L fc x 25 AgN0 3 o-i 0-02 0-005 638 0-638 0-632 1-213 1-217 1-222 0-555 0-554 0-548 Ag0 3 SC 6 H 5 Ag0 2 C 2 H 3 AgO,SC,H u 0-005 0-005 0-025 0-607 0-611 0-609 1-241 1-237 1-242 0-519 0-524 0-521 AgCIO, 0-005 0-626 1-222 0-542 0-006 0-606 1-246 0-517 AgC10 4 Ag0 3 SC 10 H 7 0-005 0-005 0-632 615 1-224 1-242 0-547 0-526 |Ag 2 S 2 6 0-025 0-006 0-631 0-631 1-222 1-226 0-547 0-544 1 Kohlrausch, Wied. Annalen, 26, 223 (1885). 268 MORRIS LOEB 7. PRUFUNG DEE THEORETISCHEN BEZIEHUNG ZWISCHEN LEITVERMOGEN UND UEBERFUHRUNGSZAHL Hierzu bedarf man ausser der Kenntnis des Grenzwertes des Leitungsvermb'gens bei unendlicher Verdiinnung, welche wir uns soeben zu [961] verschaffen gesucht haben, noch der Ueberfiihrungszahlen fiir ebenfalls sehr geringe Konzent- rationen. Nun hat, wie schon erwahnt, Herr Hittorf bei AgNO 3 unter ra=0-3 n von dem Gehalte unabhangig, und wir haben auch an anderen einbasischen Silbersalzen dies Resultat bestatigt gefunden, so dass die von uns bei ra = 0-025-0-01 gefundenen Zahlen mit dem gesuchten Grenzwert identisch sein diirften. Dieses Resultat leuchtet ohne weiteres ein, wenn man, wie wir es auf Grund unserer Anschauungen annehmen mlissen, eine Wanderung der inaktiven Molekeln fiir aus- geschlossen halt, und bedenkt, dass bei einer Verdiinnung von 0-01 auf 5550 Molekeln H 2 O erst ein Silberion kommt. Dann wird sicherlich die Reibung, welche das Jon bei seiner Fortbewegung erfahrt, von der im reinen Wasser nicht ver- schieden sein. Dass dies selbst bei einer Konzentration von m = 3 beim Silbernitrat noch der Fall ist, kann leicht daher riihren, dass bei zunehmendem Salzgehalt die Reibung der beiden Jonen in gleicher Weise (vermutlich verlangsamend) beeinflusst wird. Die Priifung des Gesetzes von Herrn Kohlrausch fiir den Fall sehr grosser Verdiinnung lasst sich am einfachsten in der Weise bewerkstelligen, dass man die Grenzwerte des Leitvermogens mit (1-n), der Ueberfiihrungszahl des Rat- ions, multipliziert; das Produkt, die molekulare Beweglich- keit des Silberions, muss konstant sein. KINETIK DER GELOSTEN KORPER 269 TAB. 6 XX10 8 (l-) \.(l-7l)10 8 XX 108 (1-n) X. (1-71)108 AgN0 3 AgC10 3 AgC10 4 Ag0 4 SC 2 H 5 1242 1172 1208 956 0-477 0-499 0-486 0-615 592 585 587 588 Ag0 3 SC 10 H 7 Ag0 3 SC 8 H 5 AgO I SC,H 11 Ag0 2 C 2 H 3 958 913 842 956 0-614 0-653 0-707 0-624 588 596 595 597 Die Beweglichkeit des Ag ergiebt sich aus den verschiedenen Salzen nahezu gleich; die Schwankungen um den Mittelwert, 591X10" 8 , bleiben innerhalb der Grenzen, welche durch ungtinstige Haufung der Beobachtungsfehler gegeben sind. Hierdurch erhalten die neuen Anschauungen iiber die Elek- trolyse eine wiederholte Bestatigung. Durch obigen Mittelwert, welcher fiir 25 giiltig ist, diirfte die Beweglichkeit des Silberions, falls der den Messungen von Herrn Kohlrausch entnommene Wert fur den Grenzwert des Leitvermogens von Silbernitrat keinen in Betracht kommen- den Fehler enthalt, bis auf wenige Tausendstel sicher gestellt sein. Indem wir aus den bei am salpetersauren und pseudo- kumolsulfonsauren Silber ausgefiihrten Bestimmungen [962] \> von n (Tab. 2) und dem mittelst v~ aus Tab. 4 auf umge- A 26 rechneten X das entsprechende Produkt bilden, 1242X0.461X0.548=314 842X0.727X0.517= 317 Mittel 315.5, finden wir die Beweglichkeit des Silberions bei und konnen so durch Subtraktion dieser Zahl von den auf umgerech- neten Leitvermogen der ubrigen untersuchten Salze auch zu den Geschwindigkeiten der ubrigen Jonen bei gelangen. Uebrigens liegt in der Uebereinstimmung der beiden obigen Werte ein neuer Beweis fiir die Richtigkeit des zu priifenden Gesetzes. 270 MORRIS LOEB In der f olgenden Tabelle sind unter I die Jonengeschwind- igkeiten bei 25, unter II diese Grossen bei 0, unter III die Temperaturkoeffizienten a zwischen 25 und nach der Formel v=v^ (l+a(J 25)) berechnet. TAB. 7 8 SC 8 H n 3 SC 6 H 5 2 C 2 H 3 4 S0 2 H 5 3 SC 10 H 7 C10 3 Ag C10 4 N0 3 I 248 318 361 368 369 587 591 621 640 XlO-a II 118 156 183 180 322 316 347 364 III 210 203 197 *~ 198 181 186 177 175 XIO-* Wie nahe die unter I aufgefiihrten Beweglichkeiten sich den beobachteten Zahlen anschliessen, lehrt Tab. 8. TAB. 8 X beob. Xber. Diff. n beob. n ber. Diff. AgO,SC,H 11 842 839 - 3 0-293 0-295 +0-02 Ag0 3 SC 6 H 5 913 909 -4 0-347 0-350 +0-03 Ag0 2 C 2 H 3 Ag0 4 SC 2 H 5 956 956 952 959 -4 + 3 376 0-385 0-379 0-384 +0-03 -o-oi Ag0 3 SC 10 H 7 AgOlO, 958 1172 960 1178 + 2 + 6 0-386 0-501 0-384 499 -0-02 -0-02 AgC10 4 1208 1212 + 4 0-514 0-512 -0-02 AgNOg 1242 1240 -2 0-523 0-524 +0-01 Ein Blick auf Tabelle 7, in welcher die Beweglichkeiten nach ihrer Grosse geordnet sind, lasst eine auffallende Be- ziehung des Temperaturkoeffizienten hierzu erkennen. Mit zunehmender Beweglichkeit nimmt der Tem- peraturkoeffizient ab. Es sei noch hinzugefiigt, dass die entsprechenden Temperaturkoeffizienten der einwertigen Jonen OH und H, 1 welche durch besonders grosse Beweg- lichkeit ausgezeichnet sind, sich an obige Reihenfolge eben- falls anschliessen. 1 Nernst, Zeitschr. 2, 626. KINETIK DER GELOSTEN KORPER 271 [963] OH H I 187 350 xio- 8 III 159 137 Xl(T 4 Eine Folge dieser Gesetzmassigkeit ware, dass mit steigen- der Temperatur die Ueberfiihrungszahlen dem Werte 0*5 zustreben, die Leitvermogen \ m der verschiedenen Salze sich einander nahern. 1 Suchen wir auch aus den beiden untersuchten Salzen zweibasischer Sauren die Beweglichkeit des Silbers zu be- rechnen, indem wir aus Tabelle 4, Ao, extrapolieren, so er- geben sich ausAg 2 S 2 O 6 : 1540X0.394=0.607, " Ag 2 SiFl 6 : 1120X0.534=0.598, somit etwas grossere Zahlen, als bei den einwertigen Salzen. Um nicht mit unseren Anschauungen, wonach dem Silberion, gleichviel ob es durch Dissoziation aus einem ein- oder mehrbasischen Salze entstanden ist, dieselbe Beweglichkeit zuzuschreiben ist, in Widerspruch zu geraten, miissen wir annehmen, dass die von uns bei dem Gehalte 0.025 resp. 0.028 gemessene Ueberfiihrungszahl sich noch mit abneh- mender Konzentration andern muss. Leider war es in dieser Arbeit, welche infolge der Abreise von Einem von uns zum Abschluss gebracht werden musste, nicht moglich, diese Forderung der Theorie zu priifen; doch sei noch kurz darauf hingewiesen, dass nach der Dissociationshypothese eine Aen- derung von n mit dem Gehalte bei so grossen Verdiinnungen, bei denen die binaren Elektrolyte bereits eine konstante Ueberfiihrungszahl aufweisen, fur die Verbindungen zwei- basischer Sauren wahrscheinlich ist. Die Dissociationspro- dukte von Ag 2 S 2 O 6 z. B. sind Ag, AgS 2 O 6 und S 2 6 ; es geht 1 Vergl. auch Arrhenius, loc. cit. 45 (1884). 272 MORRIS LOEB daraus hervor, dass selbst bei obigen Verdunnungen neben den Jonen 4-Ag, +Ag, -S 2 O 6 , auf welche wir soeben Kohl- rauschs Gesetz anzuwenden gesucht haben, noch solche in nicht unbetrachtlicher Zahl von der Beschaffenheit +Ag, -AgS 2 O 6 existieren; mil einer fortschreitenden Dissoziation dieser in jene ist dann natiirlich eine Aenderung der Ueber- fiihrungszahl verkniipft. Es sind hier somit ahnliche Erwa- gungen anzustellen wie die, durch welche Herr Hittorf bereits vor 29 Jahren 1 gelegentlich der Beobachtung anomaler Ueberfiihrungszahlen bei Jodkadmium die Schwierigkeiten, welche hierdurch seiner Theorie erwuchsen, so gliicklich beseitigt hat. 1 Hittorf, Pogg. Annalen, 106, 546 (1859). [106] THE RATES OF TRANSFERENCE AND THE CONDUCTING POWER OF CERTAIN SILVER SALTS 1 1. INTRODUCTION WHENEVER a current of electricity is passed through a conductor of the second class, under such conditions that the composition of the solution is not changed, as when a current passes between electrodes of the same metal in a solution of a salt of that metal, curious changes of concentration appear. This was noticed by many scientists, but it was reserved for Hittorf to investigate these changes quantitatively and to advance a plausible and exhaustive hypothesis of their causes. His work constitutes one of the classics in physics; but as it is not, perhaps, so generally known to chemists, a short ex- planation of his hypothesis may be a not inappropriate in- troduction to our paper. Taking the example already cited, it is, of course, a familiar principle, that in a given interval the same amount of metal is dissolved from the positive elec- trode as is deposited upon the negative electrode. If we were to assume that the ions of the electrolyte were incapable of moving independently of each other, the changes in concen- tration at the two electrodes could only be counterbalanced by the slow process of diffusion, and we should find a deficit in the liquid around the negative electrode corresponding to the amount of metal deposited upon the latter, while all the metal yielded up by the positive electrode would be found 1 In collaboration with Walther Nernst. Reprinted from American Chemical Journal, 11, 106 (1889). This paper is an abbreviated translation of the fore- going monograph, made by Dr. Loeb. [EDITOR.] , 274 MORRIS LOEB in its immediate surroundings. This is, of course, an unten- able assumption. Supposing, on the other hand, that only the negative ions were immovable, while the positive ones could travel across the liquid as fast as required to supply the places of those disappearing upon the negative electrode : the liquid would be homogeneous at all moments, and there would be no concentration nor dilution around the electrodes. We can- not, however, assume that the negative ions are immovable, everything showing that they move toward the cathode just as well as the positive ones do toward the anode. If both move [107] with equal rapidity, as was tacitly assumed be- fore Hittorf , a little reflection will show that the liquid about the cathode will lose just half as much metal as is deposited upon the electrode, while half the metal given up by the anode to the surrounding liquid will have been transferred toward the cathode. Hittorf 's laborious analyses proved that none of these three possibilities was fulfilled. The relation between the changes in concentration and the amount of metal transferred from one electrode to the other proved conclusively that the two classes of ions did not move with equal rapidity; and he showed how this ratio provided a measurement of the share of each class in the total movement. For any salt, [the reciprocal of] the ratio of the weight of the metal deposited to the amount of metal lost by the fluid around the cathode (or its equivalent, the amount gained by that around the anode) represents the share of the nega- tive ion, the anion, in the total movement. Hittorf has had few followers in these investigations, 1 as the difficulties of experiment were discouraging. Analytical accuracy demanded the use of concentrated solutions, or of 1 The following list includes all the literature; Hittorf, Pogg. Annalen, 89, 177, 98, 1, 103, 1, 106, 337; G. Wiedemann, Ibid. 99, 177; Weiske, Ibid. 103, 466; Kuschel, Wied. Annalen, 13, 289; Kirmis, Ibid. 48, 503; Lenz, M6m.Ac. St. Ptters- bourg, 30, 1882. KINETICS OF CERTAIN SILVER SALTS 275 bulky and cumbrous apparatus, while it was especially de- sirable to study dilute solutions, and to use apparatus which was not subject to such disturbances as variations of tempera- ture, osmose, and the jars unavoidable during mechanical handling produce. Considerations which will be explained later led us to attempt the acquisition of fresh material, es- pecially with reference to highly dilute solutions. We found that we could do this by studying certain silver salts, mainly organic; and we were led to this choice firstly because silver is the only monovalent metal which furnishes a satisfactory electrode a matter of some moment for our subsequent work; secondly, because its salts are readily obtained in the needful state of purity; finally, because Volhard's beautiful method of titration l enabled us to perform the necessary analyses with great ease and extreme nicety. We also availed ourselves of the opportunity for studying the effects of temperature and concentration upon the velocity of the ions of these salts, because one of us 2 has recently shown how important a part is played by these factors in the kinetics of solutions. [108] 2. APPARATUS FOR THE DETERMINATION OF THE RATE OF TRANSFERENCE In this apparatus we wished to avoid the use of membra- nous diaphragms, and to minimize the internal resistance, necessarily large by reason of our very dilute solutions, so as to keep the necessary duration of an experiment within reasonable limits. After various failures we finally hit upon a form whose simplicity is likely to recommend it in similar cases. As shown in the accompanying drawing, it is seen to resemble the Gay-Lussac burette, but with the addition of a short side-tube of the same bore as the main tube. This side- 1 Volhard, Annalen, 190, 1. 2 Nernst, Zeitschr. 2, 613. 276 MORRIS LOEB tube ends in a bulb, and upon this is set a narrower vertical tube, through which the negative electrode a cylindrical roll of silver foil fastened to a sil- ver wire can be let down into the bulb. This works as a sort of pocket, by which masses of the spongy precipitated silver that may become detached from the electrode are prevented from stir- ring up the body of the solution. The anode consists of a silver wire rolled into a spiral at the lower end. It is introduced through A, and reaches to the bottom of the main tube. In order that the cur- rent may enter the liquid only at the spiral, the straight part of the wire is covered with a capillary of very thin glass, which can be closed around the wire by fusion, in spite of the difference in their coefficients of expansion. The openings A and B are closed with corks that are traversed by short glass tubes. Of these, the tube at A allows free passage to the wire of the electrode. The wall of the tube at B is pierced by a platinum wire, which serves to suspend the cathode and to connect it with the conductor of the battery. Thus A can be closed by the compression of a bit of rubber tubing drawn over the wire and glass tube, or air can be sucked or blown through a rubber tube connected with B, without disturb- ing the electrodes. [109] In experimenting, such an apparatus would first be weighed with its electrodes and stoppers, but without the rubber tubing. The latter was hereupon put in position, A was closed with a pinch-cock as just indicated, and air was KINETICS OF CERTAIN SILVER SALTS 277 drawn out at B while the nozzle C was dipping under the sur- face of the solution to be used. By this process, the main- and side-tubes were filled up to the level of the top of the latter; the sizes of apparatus we employed contained 40 and 60 cc. respectively. The nozzle was now likewise closed with a rubber cap, and the whole apparatus suspended in one of Profes- sor Ostwald's thermostatic water-baths, 1 in such a fashion that the nozzle protruded over the rim, while the liquid was entirely within the water-bath. After it had acquired the temperature of the bath, the circuit was closed. As soon as the electrolysis was concluded, the nozzle was opened and suitable portions of the liquid were filled into tared vessels, by blowing steadily through B. These portions were weighed and analyzed. The portion remaining in the apparatus was estimated by the latter's gain in weight, and likewise analyzed. Provided there has been no mixing through diffusion and con- vection during the electrolysis, the first portion taken from the apparatus, if the liquid is properly divided, will consist of the stratum around the anode, which has become more concentrated, and of a sufficient quantity of the unaltered middle layers to insure a rinsing of the adhering parts of the lowest stratum. The succeeding portions, being composed wholly of the middle layers, must show an unaltered compo- sition, while what is left in the apparatus includes the diluter strata about the cathode. To prove the reliability of our ex- periment, we must find in the first place that the middle layers had remained unchanged, and secondly, that the gain of the lowest layer exactly counterbalanced the loss of the highest, for the mean composition of the whole liquid undergoes no change. After finding that the first condition was invariably fulfilled, we saved time by giving up the sep- arate examination of the middle layers, and divided the whole 1 As described recently by Professor Ostwald, Zeitschr. 2, 565. 278 MORRIS LOEB liquid into two nearly equal portions. It frequently happened that, during the electrolysis, the electrolyzed silver would grow out from the bulb along the wall of the horizontal tube. In such cases the circuit was broken before the silver had reached the main tube; otherwise, [110] we dis- connected whenever we estimated that a sufficient change of concentration had taken place to give the most reliable results. The analyses were performed, as already intimated, by titration with a solution of ammonic sulphocyanate, the standard of which (about j^ normal) was ascertained by fre- quent comparison with an argentic nitrate solution of known strength, occasional gravimetric determinations of which gave absolutely constant results. We claim for the titrations an error well within ^ cc. (= 0.038 milligrams Ag), each end-reaction being observed twice, as 1 cc. of a ^ normal solution of argentic nitrate was added from a pipette, after the first appearance of the characteristic tint, and the titra- tion repeated. The ratio we are seeking to determine requires, besides the data of the change in concentration, the weight of the silver which has been actually deposited upon the cathode, in the same interval of time. This would most naturally be deter- mined by a silver voltameter placed in the same circuit with the apparatus. But as the examination of dilute solutions often necessitated the deposit of less than 20 milligrams in all, and the silver is deposited in such a form upon the vol- tameter that it is difficult to weigh it without a slight loss, we found it to be more advantageous to determine the quantity of electricity which traversed the apparatus by galvanometric measurement. A resistance-box was introduced into the cir- cuit for this purpose (see figure), to the extremities of which a second circuit was connected, containing a Clark's cell and KINETICS OF CERTAIN SILVER SALTS 279 a galvanometer with direct reading. The Clark's cell being introduced in the proper direction, it is well known that a suitable resistance R may be introduced by means of the box, which will put the galvanometer at rest at the point; when this is effected, we have for the electrical intensity of the main E current i = >E denoting the electromotive force of the stand- R ard Clark's cell. As the intensity of the current changed but little and very gradually during the four or five hours which were usually occupied by an electrolysis, we were satisfied with making this measurement, which required but a few seconds' attention, every ten minutes. The total amount of electricity could then be integrated with sufficient cer- tainty. Special experiments showed that, when resistance-box and [111] Clark's cell were at a temperature of 18 C., the quan- tity / of precipitated silver could be found by the formula, / =^92.69, where T represents the duration of the electrolysis in minutes, while r denotes the resistance which would have been neces- sary to keep the galvanometer at 0, provided that amount of electricity which actually passed through the apparatus had done so in a current which remained constant throughout this interval. Whenever the resistance-box and the cell were at any other temperature, t, the above expression must be multiplied with the factor 1-0.0012 (Z-18). This coefficient of temperature, 0.0012, is derived from that of the cell, -0.0008, and that of the box, +0.0004. Our battery consisted of 38 Leclanche cells, with a com- bined electromotive force of about 40 volts and an internal resistance of about 120 ohms. It furnished a current which 280 MORRIS LOEB remained practically constant for many hours, when enclosed in a circuit of 5000-10,000 ohms resistance. It also had the advantage of being always ready for use. 3. PREPARATION OF THE SILVER SOLUTIONS The solutions of argentic nitrate were prepared from the crystallized salt. Those of the chlorate, perchlorate, ethyl- sulphonate, naphthalene-sulphonate, benzene-sulphonate, pseudo-cumene-sulphonate and acetate, were made by neu- tralizing known amounts of these acids with moist argentic oxide, passing the solution through an asbestos filter, and diluting to a suitable volume. Argentic dithionate (Ag 2 S 2 O 6 ) was obtained by the reaction of exactly equivalent quantities of baric dithionate and argentic sulphate. To make ar- gentic fluosilicate, a solution of hydrofluosilicic acid was saturated with argentic oxide; dilute baric hydrate solution was then added cautiously, until the brown color of argentic oxide commenced to appear in the precipitate of baric fluo- silicate. The neutral solution was then filtered and diluted. 4. DESCRIPTION OF A DETERMINATION IN DETAIL The description of this determination, made with a solution of argentic nitrate which was about ^ normal, will best illustrate our method of experiment and calculation. The electrolysis was [112] conducted at a temperature of 26, and the solution thereupon divided into four portions, which are numbered in the following table in the order in which they were taken out; consequently, No. 1 represents the lowest stratum in the apparatus. Column I contains the weights of these portions; II, the amount of silver found in each; III, the amount each portion would have contained if no change had occurred, estimated from the fact that 1 gram of the solution originally contained 1.139 milligram of silver. KINETICS OF CERTAIN SILVER SALTS 281 TABLE I Portion 1 2 3 4 I 20-09 grams 5-27 5-33 27-12 II 39-66millig. 5-96 6 04 14-14 III 22-88millig. 6-00 6-07 30-89 Diff. +16-78millig. - 0-04 - 0-03 -16-75 57-81 65-80 It will be seen that the strength of two middle portions has remained constant, within the errors of determination; we also find a close agreement in the second test, which demands that the mean concentration shall remain unchanged; the value 65.80/57.81 = 1.138, scarcely different from the original strength 1.139. The measurement of the electrical current as described above informed us that a quantity of electricity equivalent to the precipitation of 32.10 mg. of silver had passed through the apparatus; while a silver- voltameter, placed in the circuit for our better assurance, contained 32.2 mg.; the former value was accepted as the more trustworthy. Following Hittorf, 1 we based these calculations upon our data: The solution at the anode (1) received from the latter 32.1 mg. Ag, and the uppermost layer (4) gave up the same amount to the cathode. Owing to the changes in concentra- tion, the values in the above table are not absolutely correct, since 1 gram of solution does not always contain the same weight of water, as had been provisionally assumed. But the necessary correction is small and readily made. Let v be the ratio of the molecular weights of silver and the salt in question; in this special case v = ^ = 1.57. Let a represent the amount of silver contained in 1 gram of [113] unaltered solution, being consequently dissolved in (Iav) grams of water. If, after electrolysis, q grams of the solution about one electrode are found to contain b grams of silver, the 1 Hittorf, Pogg. Annalen, 98, 19. 282 MORRIS LOEB a(q-bv) b-aq gain or loss will be represented by 6 = . l-av I-av As b-aq is the value given in the column of differences, the factor represents the necessary correction. Conse- 1 av quently, after completing the deficit of portion 4 by the addition of the small deficits in 2 and 3, we have for the rate of transference of the negative ion, 16.78 , 16.82 1.0017 and - -1.0017, or a mean value of 0.524. 32.10 32.10 As already stated, the determination was usually simplified by dividing the liquid into two portions instead of four. In this experiment there was a second apparatus placed in series in the circuit; hence the mean intensity of the current was only 0.0012 ampere, and the electrolysis lasted seven hours. We frequently saved time and used our battery to better advantage by performing two simultaneous elec- trolyses in parallel circuits, each of which must, of course, contain its own resistance-box; by means of a properly constructed switch, we could apply the measuring circuit to either box at will, thus securing the measurement of both electrolyses with the same galvanometer and element. We may also state here that the last was frequently compared with another cell of the same construction and was always found to be exactly equivalent to it in electro-motive force, a proof that it did not vary during the course of our experiments. 5. RATES OF TRANSFERENCE OF THE NEGATIVE ION Hereafter t implies the temperature during electrolysis; m the molecular concentration (gram-molecules per liter); /i the milligrams of silver precipitated on the cathode accord- KINETICS OF CERTAIN SILVER SALTS 283 ing to galvanometric measurement ;/ 2 the same value accord- ing to the voltameter whenever it was used; n the rate of transference. Argentic Nitrate 1) = 20 m = 0-1043 .ft = 83-5 / 2 = 83'6 7i = 0'528 2) = 26 m = 0-0521 / t = 76'7 w = 0'524 3) = 26 ra = 0-0250 / 1= =48'0 71 = 0.5223 4)*= m = 0-0250 / 1= =48-0 7i = 0'5383 5) = 26 771 = 0-0105 ^ = 32-10 / 2 = 32'2 ft, = 0'524 6)2 = 26 ra = 0'0105 ^ = 32-10 / 2 = 32'2 7i = 0'524 [114] In 3) and 4) and in 5) and 6) both pieces of apparatus were in the same cir- cuit. Argentic Chlorate 1)^ = 24-8 771 = 0-0245 /.= 39-88 / 2 =39'5 7i = 0'503 2) = 24-8 w = 0-0245 ^ = 51-72 7i = 0'499 Argentic Perchlorate 1) = 24-8 m = 0-0247 .ft = 39- 88 / 2 = 39"5 7i = 0'515 2)^ = 24-8 m = 0-0247 ^ = 51-72 7i = 0'512 In studying these two solutions, 1) and 1) and 2) and 2) were in the same cir- cuits. Argentic Ethyl-sulphonate 1)^ = 24-8 m = 0-0243 ,ft = 58-30 7i = 0'385 2)^ = 24-8 rri = 0-0243 ^ = 48-47 / 2 =48'34 n = 0'389 3) = 25 m = 0-00606 ^ = 18-10 7i = 0'384 Argentic Benzene-sulphonate 2)^ = 24-7 m=0-0250 /J = 17-85 7i = 0'351 2) of the former and 1) of the latter solution were electrolyzed in series. Argentic Pseudocumene-sulphonate 1)^ = 24-2 771 = 00235 /,=61'62 n = 0'293 2)^ = 29-2 m = 0-02216 /,=38'24 7i = 0'2947 3)^ = 771 = 0-02216 .ft = 38-24 n = 0'2732 4)^ = 771 = 0-02216 .ft = 42'79 7i = 0'2731 2) and 3) were electrolyzed in series. Argentic Naphthalene-sulphonate 1) = 29-2 771 = 0-01292 / t = 33'95 n-0'390 2)^ = 25-0 m = 0-0250 / 1 = 39'75 / 2 = 39'5 n = 0'386 284 MORRIS LOEB Argentic Acetate In examining this salt, we were surprised to find that the middle layers of the solution did not remain unchanged, and that the mean concentration after electrolysis did not agree with the [115] original standard. This irregularity is probably due to the slight solubility of the salt, since it can easily happen that the solution about the anode becoming over-con- centrated, some of the salt crystallizes out and vitiates the result. In fact, we did succeed in obtaining reliable values when we had recourse to a highly dilute solution. 1) * = 25 77i = 0-00972 / t = 20-80 7i = 0'375 2) * = 24 m = 0-00972 / 1 = 23'99 tt = 0'377 Argentic Dithionate 1) f = 24-8 771 = 0-0246 ^ = 33-40 n = 0'604 2) * = 29'2 w = 0-0246 / x = 46-70 n = 0'604 8) t= m = 0-0246 /! = 46-70 7i = 0'605 4) = 24 2 m = 0-0246 / 1 = 48-85 ft = 0'606 5) t= 771 = 0-0246 ^ = 45-80 n = 0-603 2) and 3) were electrolyzed in series. Argentic Fluosilicate 1) = 22 -2 m = 0-02815 ^ = 60-28 n = 0'647 2) * = 22-2 m = 0-02815 ^ = 37-44 n = 0'647 In Table II we summarize these values of n, with the corresponding temperatures and concentrations. TABLE II Argentic n t m Nitrate 0'523 25 ) ft-1 O . ft1 0-539 ] Chlorate 0'505 25 0-0245 Perchlorate 0"514 25 0247 Ethyl-sulphonate . . . . 0'385 25 0-0243-0-0061 Naphthalene-sulphonate . .0-390 30 In- no A.AIQ 0-386 25 / Ux}5U Pseudocumene-sulphonate . 0'293 25 \o-09q 0-273 / 023 Benzene-sulphonate . . . 0'347 25 0'025 Acetate 0"376 25 0-097 Dithionate 0-604 25 0-604 Fluosilicate . .0'466 22 0'0282 0-604 Oo } 0346 KINETICS OF CERTAIN SILVER SALTS 285 Argentic nitrate has been carefully studied by Hittorf, 1 who found that between the concentrations 0.3 and 0.024 the rate of transference does not vary, the mean value being 0.526 at 19. We came to the same conclusions for variations of concentration [116] from 0.1 to 0.01, and we found a value which, when reduced to the same temperature, very nearly agreed with his, 0.527 at 19. The acetate result given above also agrees well with Hittorf 's (0.373 where 2 = 15 and m= 0.05). 6. CONDUCTING POWER OF THE SILVER SALTS AND ITS RELA- TION TO THE RATE OF TRANSFERENCE It will be noted that the rate of transference is a value varying with the compound, since it merely expresses the share of the one ion in the total movement. If u is the ac- tual velocity of the positive ion and v that of the anion, n= - ; and the rate of the positive ion, l-n= -- . Kohl- u+v u+v rausch, 2 as is well known, has propounded the simple hy- pothesis that the conducting power of a molecule of an electrolyte is represented by the sum of the velocities of itsions > His experiments, however, did not seem to give the re- quisite support to this theory, some salts giving approximate results, but those of weak bases and acids giving utterly dis- cordant figures. The difficulty is removed if we assume that the conduction is not performed by all the molecules of the electrolyte, but only by those whose ions are actually in independent motion. This is Arrhenius's principle of conduc- tive activity. 3 Kohlrausch's values for molecular conduc- 1 Pogg. Annalen, 89, 199. * FT. Kohlrausch, Wied. Annalen, 6, 1. 1 S. 'Arrhenius, Sur la conductibttiti, etc., Stockholm, 1884. 286 MORRIS LOEB tivity are a function of the total number of molecules of the electrolyte between the electrodes; according to Arrhenius, the coefficient of activity, i.e., the proportion of molecules actually engaged in conduction, not only varies for different compounds, but also increases for any one compound with its dilution, and approaches unity for extreme dilutions. It is only in this limiting case that Kohlrausch's equation becomes absolutely true; this is the view that Kohlrausch himself had expressed with regard to his law, whose accuracy, he said, could only be tested by experiments with highly dilute solu- tions. Ostwald's examination of the conducting power of highly attenuated solutions of a very large number of electro- lytes l has afforded very valuable support to these recent views. Since, however, the quantities u and v are so closely con- nected [117] with the rate of transference of the ions, a study of the latter in dilute solutions must afford powerful means of testing the truth of Kohlrausch's law with Arrhenius's emendations. This was the chief motive of our work, and we must now, therefore, proceed to compare the values which we have given in section 5 with the conducting power of the same salts. Accordingly, the necessary measurements of conduc- tion were made by one of us (W. N.), by Kohlrausch's method which with various valuable modifications has been described by Professor Ostwald. 2 The values which we present are scaled upon the conducting power of mercury as unity, and the calculations are based upon Kohlrausch's determination of the molecular conductivity of argentic nitrate. 3 The following table gives the conducting power of the dif- 1 Zeitschr. 1, 61 and 97. * Ibid. 2, 563. 3 As Kohlrausch worked at 18, while the present determinations were made at 25, the coefficients of temperature were determined by special experiments for va- rious dilutions of AgNOa. For the details of these results we must refer to the Ger- man version of our paper. TABLE III 771 X X 108 at 25' AgN0 3 AgC10 3 AgC10 4 0-025 1126 1045 1109 0-015 1153 1103 1139 0-007 1188 1123 1160 003 1206 1151 1182 0-0015 1221 1160 1194 0-0008 1233 1163 1200 KINETICS OF CERTAIN SILVER SALTS 287 ferent silver salts. The molecular concentration (gram-mole- cules in the liter) m, was calculated from the percentage com- position as found by analysis, and the specific gravity de- termined at 18, although this barely differed from that of water. There was no appreciable contraction when additional water was added for dilution; but a proper correction was made for the conduction by the water itself, which was found to be 2.5 X10" 10 . Ag(C 2 H 5 S0 4 ) Ag(C 8 H 6 SO s ) 846 905 874 930 897 943 900 949 906 m X X 108 at 25 Ag(C 8 H n S0 3 ) Ag(C 10 H 7 S0 3 ) AgC 2 H 3 O 3 Ag 2 S 2 O fl Ag 2 SiFl, 0-025 734 ... ... 1253 995 0-015 762 882 ... 1343 1020 007 791 893 897 1383 1054 0-003 813 926 926 1442 1081 0-0015 826 941 944 1474 1096 0-0008 836 951 949 1505 1100 [118] Ostwald has found 1 that the sodium salts of numerous monobasic acids have almost identically progressing coeffi- cients of activity; the same regularity may be observed in the present series. The ratios of the conductivity of a salt in va- rious states of dilution agree, for the silver salts of the mono- basic acids, within limits that scarcely transcend the probable errors of observation. We shall utilize this fact in finding the limit of the conductivity for extreme dilution; for, at the concentration 0.0008, the dissociation of the molecules is not yet complete, although very nearly so. If we re- member that, according to Kohlrausch's measurements, when 1 Ostwald, Zeitschr. 2, 847. 288 MORRIS LOEB m = 0.0008, ^ of the molecules of argentic nitrate are disso- ciated, we can fairly assume that the limiting values of X for the other silver salts may be obtained by raising by 0.75 per cent the values found for m= 0.0008. Table IV summarizes the measurements made to deter- mine the effect of temperature upon conducting power; in these the platinum electrodes usually employed were replaced by silver ones, which gave very sharp readings. The mea- sured conductivities at 0, 18, and 28 are denoted by XQ, X 18 and X 28 respectively; to obtain the coefficient of temperature Y^ must be diminished by 1 and divided by 10; ^- was A 18 A 25 calculated from such an interpolated value of X 2 5- TABLE IV AgNO s ....... 0-1 0-638 1-213 0-555 0-02 0-638 1-217 0'554 0-005 0-632 1-222 0'548 AgClOg ....... 0-005 0-626 1-222 0-542 'AgClO 4 ....... 0-005 0-632 1*224 0-547 AgC IO H 7 SO 3 ...... 0-005 0-615 1'242 0-526 AgC,H 5 SO 3 ...... 0-005 0-607 1-241 0'519 AgC 2 H 3 2 ...... 0-005 0-611 1-237 0-524 AgC 9 H u SO 3 ...... 0-025 0-609 1-242 0'521 0-006 0-606 1-246 0'517 Ag 2 S 2 O e ....... 0-025 0-631 1-222 0'547 0-006 0-631 1-226 0'544 [119] 7. TEST OF THE LAW OF KOHLRAUSCH FOR EXTREME DILUTIONS For this purpose we need, besides the limiting values for conduction, which we have just shown to be attainable, the limiting values for the rate of transference, likewise for ex- treme dilution. At the close of section 5 we noted that Hittorf found the value of n to be independent of the state of dilution where KINETICS OF CERTAIN SILVER SALTS 289 m